fi0m^^^f//, f/f/jvj wm m^/.^ '0^ f J J^^* THE BISHOP OF VICTORIA'S WORK ON JAPAN. One Volume, 8vo. with a Map and 8 Illustrations in Chromoxylography, price 14s, TEN WEEKS IN JAl>AN. By GEOEaE SMITH, D.D. Bishop of Victoria (Hong Kong). " T OOKINa at the book as a work of art, there is a brilliancy of colour about it that would charm a pre-Raphaelite. The Bishop has an eye to the picturesque and a dash of ro- mance in his composition, rarely dis- played by an ecclesiastical dignitary. His book is pregnant with ideas as well as facts, and the style so attractive that it cannot fail to allure general readers as well as those who take a special interest in Japan." Liter arp Gazette. " THE work has the charm of abounding in pictures of the habits, manners, and customs which prevail amongst this peculiar and long- isolated people, drawn by the hand of a keen but benevolent observer, and traced in lines of singular grace and beauty. A more interesting volume can hardly be opened.*' Observer. «' "HE. SMITH'S book is, in most respects, an excellent one. It is in part compiled, no doubt, — for Japan is not yet the country in which a flying visit will supply original ma- terials for a considerable volume ; but so much of narrative as there is is vivid and natural, marked by strong common sense, and written in a tone balanced between sympathy and enthu- siasm. The Bishop sympathises with the Japanese, but he is not thrown into raptures by their paper pocket- handkerchiefs and public baths. He saw them, we suspect, as they were, and not as they have appeared to young oflEicers of the Eoyal "Naxj who, when writing home from Naga- saki, mistook nudity for innocence, and fancied that because people bathed in the streets they must necessarily be angels of Paradise The Bishop's sketches are more than ordinarily bright in colour and animated in de- tail. His description of the Nagasaki market is admirable. Respecting the new relations o! Japan with foreign merchants, he has an illustration of an interesting character The Bishop's commentary is distressing in its real- istic cruelty. The Japanese, he re- marks, are praised for their frugality, but they are the most drunken people in the world. They are reputed to tolerate no mendicancy, yet the most loathsome beggars infest the public highways. They have been eulogised for cultivating no toliacco, but " in no part of the world is tobacco more uni- versally consumed." As to gambling, they will bet upon the feats of a tame mouse We have not met with many books on Japan so readable a8_ this. The author, considering the ni rowness of his opportunities, wasj surprising sight-seer; and whatever ! did see, he at once sketched in gofi faith, good taste and good feeling. Tl volume is really an insight into tl domestic life and manners of Japal because Dr. Smith made his trip in tl spirit of a genuine traveller, a man the world, and a missionary really dj serving the title, in the highest sen^ in which it can be enjoyed." AthenteumA London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row. 1 i LIBRARY OF 1885- IQ56 ^ ^i/^"" J i THE NATUEAL HISTORY OF CEYLO>( LONDON PHINTED BT SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STKEET SQUAEE SKETCHES OF THE MTUEAL HISTOET OF CEYLON NAEEATIYES AND ANECDOTES Illustrative of the Habits and Instincts of the MAMMALIA, BIEDS, EEPTILES, FISHES, INSECTS, &c. INCLUDING A MONOGRAPH OF THE ELEPHANT AND A DESCEIPTIOir OF THE MODES OF CAPTUEING AlfD TEAINING IT WITH ENGRAVINGS FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY SIE J. EMEESON TENNENT, K.C.S. LL.D. &c. Author of ' Ceylon, an Account of the Island, Physical, Historical, and Topographical " &c. &c. LONDON LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, AND ROBERTS 1861 mTKODUCTION. A CONSIDEEABLE poi'tion of the contents of the present volume formed the zoological section of a much more comprehensive work recently published, on the history and present condition of Ceylon.^ But its inclusion there was a matter of difficulty ; for to have altogether omitted the chapters on Natural History would have impaired the completeness of the plan on which I had attempted to describe the island ; whilst to insert them as they here appear, without curtailment, would have encroached unduly on the space required for other essential topics. In this dilemma, I was obliged to adopt the alternative of so condensing the matter as to bring the whole within the prescribed proportions. But this operation necessarily diminished the general interest of the subjects treated, as well by the omission of incidents which would otherwise have been retained, as by the exclusion of anecdotes calculated to illustrate the habits and instincts of the animals described. ^ Ceylon: An Account of the son Tennent, K.C.S., LL.D., &c. Island, Physical, Historical, and Illustrated by Maps, Plans, and Topographical ; with Notices of its Drawings. 2 vols. 8vo. Longman Natural History, Antiquities, and and Co., 1859. Productions. By Sir James Emek- A 8 vi INTRODUCTION. A suggestion to re-publish these sections in an inde- pendent form has afforded an opportunity for repairing some of these defects by revising the entire, restoring omitted passages, and introducing fresh materials col- lected in Ceylon; the additional matter occupying a very large portion of the present volume. I have been enabled, at the same time, to avail my- self of the corrections and communications of scientific friends; and thus to compensate, in some degree for what is still incomplete, by increased accuracy in minute particulars. In the Introduction to the First Edition of the original work I alluded, in the following terms, to that portion of it which is now reproduced in an extended form : — *^ Eegarding the fauna of Ceylon, little has been published in any collective form, with the exception of a volume by Dr. Kelaaet entitled Prodromus Faunae Zeilanicoe ; several valuable papers by Mr. Edgar L. Layard in the Annals and Magazine of Natural His- tory for 1852 and 1853 ; and some very imperfect lists appended to Pridham's compiled account of the island.^ ICnox, in the charming narrative of his captivity, pub- lished in the reign of Charles II., has devoted a chapter to the animals of Ceylon, and Dr. Davy has described some of the reptiles : but with these exceptions the subject is almost untouched in works relating to the colony. Yet a more than ordinary interest attaches to ^ An Historical, Political, and its Dependencies, by C. Peidham, Statistical Account of Ceylon and Esq. 2to1s. 8vo. London, 1849. INTRODUCTIOX. Vll the inquiry, since Ceylon, instead of presenting, as is generally assumed, an identity between its fauna and that of Southern India, exhibits a remarkable diversity, taken in connection with the limited area over which the animals included in it are distributed. The island, in fact, may be regarded as the centre of a geographical circle, possessing within itself forms, whose allied species radiate far into the temperate regions of the north, as well as into Africa, Australia, and the isles of the Eastern Archipelago. " In the chapters that I have devoted to its eluci- dation, I have endeavoured to interest others in the subject, by describing my own observations and impres- sions, with fidelity, and with as much accuracy as may be expected from a person possessing, as I do, no greater knowledge of zoology and the other physical sciences than is ordinarily possessed by any educated gentleman. It was my good fortune, however, in my journeys to have the companionship of friends familiar with many branches of natural science : the late Dr. GtAEDner, Mr. Edgar L. Layard, an accomplished zoologist. Dr. Templeton, and others; and I was thus enabled to collect on the spot many interesting facts relative to the structure and habits of the numerous tribes. These, chastened by the corrections of my fellow-tra- vellers, and established by the examination of collec- tions made in the colony, and by subsequent comparison with specimens contained in museums at home, I have ventured to submit as faithful outlines of the fauna of Ceylon. A 4 vm IXTEODUCTIOX. '^ The sections descriptive of the several classes are accompanied by lists, prepared with the assistance of scientific friends, showing the extent to which each par- ticular branch had been investigated by naturalists, up to the period of my departure from Ceylon at the close of 1849. These, besides their inherent interest, will, I trast, stimulate others to engage in the same pursuit, by exhibiting chasms, which it remains for future in- dustry and research to fill up ; — and the study of the zoology of Ceylon may thus serve as a preparative for that of Continental India, embracing, as the former does, much that is common to both, as well as possess- ing a fauna peculiar to the island, that in itself will amply repay more extended scrutiny. " From these lists have been excluded all species regarding the authenticity of which reasonable doubts could be entertained ^, and of some of them, a very few have been printed in italics^ in order to denote the desirability of more minute comparison with well-de- termined specimens in the great national depositories before finally incorporating them with the Singhalese catalogues. '' In the labour of collecting and verifying the facts embodied in these sections, I cannot too warmly ex- press my thanks for the aid I have received from gentlemen interested in similar studies in Ceylon : from ^ An exception occurs in the list lities are doubtful hare been ad- of shells, prepared by Mr.. SYLVAxrs mitted for reasons adduced. (See Hanley, in which some whose loca- p. 387.) INTRODUCTION. IX Dr. Kelaaet* and Mr. Edgar L. Latard, as well as from officers of the Ceylon Civil Service; the Hon. Gerald C. Talbot, Mr. C. E. Buller, Mr. Mercer, Mr. Morris, Mr. Whiting, Major Skinner, and Mr. MiTFORD. " Before venturing to commit these chapters of my work to the press, I have had the advantage of having portions of them read by Professor Huxley, Mr. Moore, of the East India House Museum ; Mr. E. Patterson, F.E.S., author of the Introduction to Zoology ; and by Mr. Adam White, of the British Museum ; to each of whom I am exceedingly indebted for the care they have bestowed. In an especial degree I have to acknowledge the kindness of Dr. J. E. Gtrat, F.E.S., for valuable additions and corrections in the list of the Ceylon Eep- tilia ; and to Professor Faraday for some i^otes on the nature and qualities of the " Serpent Stone," ^ submitted to him. " The extent to which my observations on the Ele- phant have been carried, requires some explanation. The existing notices of this noble creature are chiefly devoted to its habits and capabilities in captivity ; and very few works, with which I am acquainted, contain illustrations of its instincts and functions when wild in its native woods. Opportunities for observing the latter, and for collecting facts in connection with them, are abundant in Ceylon ; and from the moment of my ^ It is with deep regret that I accomplished gentleman, which oc- have to record the death of this curred in 1860. - See p. 312. X INTRODUCTIOX. arrival, I profited by every occasion afforded to me for observing the elephant in a state of nature, and obtain- ing from hunters and natives correct information as to its ceconomy and disposition. Anecdotes in connection with this subject, I received from some of the most experienced residents in the island ; amongst others, from Major Skinner, -Captain Philip Payne G-allwet, Mr. Faieholme, Mr. Ceipps, and Mr. Moeeis. Nor can I omit to express my acknowledgments to Professor Owen, of the British Museum, to whom this portion of my manuscript was submitted previous to its committal to the press." To the foregoing observations I have little to add beyond my acknowledgment to Dr. Albeet GtUNTHer, of the British Museum, for the communication of im- portant facts in illustration of the ichthyology of Ceylon, as well as of the reptiles of the island. Mr. Bltth, of the Calcutta Museum, has carefully revised the Catalogue of Birds, and supplied me with much useful information in regard to their geographical distribution. To his experienced scrutiny is due the perfected state in which the list is now presented. It will be seen, however, from the italicised names still retained, that inquiry is far from being exhausted. Mr. Thwaites, the able Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Peradenia, near Kandy, has forwarded to me many valuable observations, not only in connection with the botany, but the zoology of the mountain region. The latter I have here embodied in their appropriate INTRODUCTION. XI places, and those relating to plants and vegetation will appear in a future edition of my large work. To M. NiETNEE, of Colombo, I am likewise indebted for many particulars regarding Singhalese Entomology, a department to which his attention has been given, with equal earnestness and success. Through the Hon. Eichaed Morgan, acting Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court at Colombo, I have received from his Interpreter, M. D. de Silva GoONERATNE MoDLiAR, a Singhalese gentleman of learn- ing and observation, many important notes, of which I have largely availed myself, in relation to the wild animals, and the folk-lore and superstitions of the natives in connection with them. Of the latter I have inserted numerous examples ; in the conviction that, notwithstanding their obvious errors in many instances, these popular legends and traditions occasionally embody traces of actual observation, and may contain hints and materials deserving of minuter inquiry. I wish distinctly to disclaim offering the present volume as a compendium of the Natural History of Ceylon. I present it merely as a *' memoir e pour servir," materials to assist some future inquirer in the formation of a more detailed and systematic account of the fauna of the island. My design has been to point out to others the extreme richness and variety of the field, the facility of exploring it, and the charms and attractions of the undertaking. I am eager to show Xll IXTEODUCTIOK how much remains to do by exhibiting the little that has as yet been done^ The departments of Mammalia and Birds are the only two which can be said to have as yet under- gone tolerably close investigation; although even in these it is probable that large additions still remain to be made to the ascertained species. But, independently of forms and specific characteristics, the more interesting inquiry into habits and instincts is still open for obser- vation and remark ; and for the investigation of these no country can possibly afford more inviting oppor- tunities than Ceylon. Concerning the Beptilia a considerable amount of information has been amassed. The Batrachians and smaller Lizards have, I apprehend, been imperfectly in- vestigated ; but the Tortoises are well known, and the Serpents, from the fearful interest attaching to the race, and stimulating their destruction, have been so vigilantly pursued, that there is reason to believe that few, if any, varieties exist which have not been carefully examined. In a very large collection, made by Mr. Charles Reginald Buller during many years' residence in Kandy, and recently submitted by him to Dr. Griinther, only one single specimen proved to be new or previously unknown to belong to the island. Of the IcJdhyology of Ceylon I am obliged to speak in very different terms ; for although the mate- rials are abundant almost to profusion, little has yet been done to bring them under thoroughly scientific scrutiny. In the following pages I have alluded to the IJs^TRODUCTION. XUl large collection of examples of Fishes sent home by officers of the Medical Staff, and which still remain unopened, in the Fort Pitt Museum at Chatham ; but I am not without hope that these may shortly undergo comparison with the drawings which exist of each, and that this branch of the island fauna may at last attract the attention to which its richness so eminently en- titles it. In the department of Entomology much has already been achieved ; but an extended area still invites future explorers ; and one which the Notes of Mr. Walker prefixed to the List of Insects in this volume, show to be of extraordinary interest, from the unexpected con- vergence in Ceylon of characteristics heretofore sup- posed to have been kept distinct by the broad lines of geographical distribution. Eelative to the inferior classes of Tnvertebrata very little has as yet been ascertained. The Mollusca, espe- cially the lacustrine and fluviatile, have been most imperfectly investigated ; and of the land-shells, a large proportion have yet to be submitted to scientific examination. The same may be said of the Arachnida and Crus^ tacea. The jungle is frequented by sipidexs, phalangia^, and acarids, of which nothing is known with certainty ; and the sea-shore and sands have been equally over- looked, so far as concerns the infinite variety of lobsters, crayfish, crabs, and all their minor congeners. The > Commonly called *' harvest-men." XIV IXTRODUCTIOK polypif echini, asterias, and other radiata of the coast, as well as the acalephce of the deeper waters, have shared the same neglect ; and literally nothing has been done to collect and classify the infusorise and minuter zoophytes, the labours of Dr. Kelaart amongst the Dia- tomacese being the solitary exception. Nothing is so likely to act as a stimulant to future research as an accurate conception of what has already been achieved. With equal terseness and truth Dr. Johnson has observed that the traveller who would bring back knowledge from any country must carry know- ledge with him at setting out ; and I am not mthout hope that the demonstration I now venture to offer, oT the little that has already been done for zoology in Ceylon, may serve to inspire others with a desire to resume and complete the inquiry. J. EMEKSON TENNENT. London: November 1st, 1861, CONTEOTS. CHAPTER I. MAMMALIA. Neglect of zoology in Ceylon Labours of Dr. Davy Followed by Dr. Templeton and others . . . . . Dr. Kelaart and Mr. E. L. Layard Monkeys • . . . . The Eilawa, Macacus pileatus Wanderoos . . . . Knox's account of them . Error regarding the Silenvs Veter . . (iiote) Presbytes Cephalopterus Fond of eating flowers . A white monkey . ^lethod of the flight of monkeys P. Ursinus in the Hills . P. Thersites in the Wanny P. Priam us, Jaffna and Trinco malie No dead monkey ever found Loris .... Bats .... Flying Fox, Pteropus Ed- wardsii Their numbers at Peradenia Singularity of their attitudes Food and mode of eating Horse-shoe bat, Rhinolophus Faculty of smell in bat . A tiny bat, Scotophilvs foro- mandelicus Extraordinary parasite of th bat, the Nycteribia . Camivora. — Bears . Their ferocity Singhalese belief in the efficacy of charms . . {note) Page 3 ih. 4 ih. 5 I ih ih ih. ih. 8 9 ih 10 ih. 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 ih. 20 ih. 22 23 24 Page Leopards . . . . .25 Erroneously confounded with the Indian cheetah . . ih. Curicus belief . , .26 Anecdotes of leopards . . 27 Their attraction by the small- pox 28 Native superstition . . ih. Encounter with a leopard . 29 Monkeys killed by leopards . 31 Alleged peculiarity of the claws 32 Palm-cat .... ih. Civet . . . . . ih. Dogs 33 Ciuel mode of destroying dogs ih. Their republican instincts . 34 Jackal . . . . . ih. Cunning, anecdotes of . .35 The horn of the jackal . . 36 Mungoos . . . .37 Its fights with serpents . . 38 Theory of its antidote . . 40 Squirrels . . . . .41 Flying squirrel . . . ib. Tree-rat . . . . .42 Story of a rat and a snake . 43 Cofiee-rat .... ih. Bandicoot . . . .44 Porcupine . . . .45 Pengolin 46 Its habits and gentleness . 47 Its skeleton . . . .48 Ruminantia. — The Gaur . . 49 Oxen 50 Humped cattle . . .51 Encounter of a cow and a leo- pard .... ih. Draft oxen . . . .52 Their treatment . . .53 A Tavalam .... ib. XVI COXTEXTS. Page Attempt to introduce the camel (note) 53 Buffaloes . . . .54 Sporting buffaloes . . .55 Peculiar structure of the foot . 56 Deer ... . . 57 Meminna . . . . . ib. Elk 59 Wild-boar . . . . ib. Elephants . . . .60 Recent discovery of a new species ib. Geological speculations as to the island of Ceylon . .61 Ancient tradition . . . ib. Opinion of Professor Ansted . ib. Peculiarities in Ceylon mam- malia . . . .63 The same in Ceylon birds and insects .... ib. Temminck's discovery of a new species of elephant in Suma- tra ..... Points of distinction between it and the elephant of India . Professor Schlegel's description Cetacea ..... Whales .... The Dugong Origin of the fable of the mer- maid .... Credulity of the Portuguese . Belief of the Dutch Testimony of Valentyn List of Ceylon mammalia . CHAP. II. THE ELEPHANT. Its Structure. Vast numbers in Ceylon Derivation of the word "elephant" (^note) Antiquity of the trade in elephants Numbers now diminishing . Iklischief done by them to crops Ivory scarce in Ceylon Conjectures as to the absence of tusks .... Elephant a harmless animal Alleged antipathies to other ani mals .... Fights with each other 64 65 66 68 ib. 69 70 ib. ib. 71 73 76 77 ib. ib. 79 81 82 86 The foot its chief weapon . Use of the tusks in a wild state doubtful . . . . Anecdote of sagacity in an ele- phant at Kandy Difference between African and Indian species Native ideas of perfection in an elephant . . . . Blotches on the skin . White elephants not unknown in Ceylon . . . . CHAP. III. THE ELEPHANT. Pajie 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Its Habits. Water, but not heat, essential to elephants Sight limited . Smell acute Caution . Hearing, good . Cries of the elephant Trumpeting Booming noise . Height, exaggerated . Facility of stealthy motion Ancient delusion as to the joints of the leg Its exposure by Sir Thos. Browne Its perpetuation by poets and others . . . . . Position of the elephant in sleep . An elephant killed on its feet Mode of lying down . Its gait a shuiEe Power of climbing mountains I'acilitated by the joint of the knee Mode of descending declivities . A " herd " is a family Attachment to their young Suckled indifferently by the fe- males . A '' rogue " elephant . Their cunning and vice Injuries done by them The leader of a herd a tusker Bathing and nocturnal gambols, description of a scene by ^lajor Skinner . . . . 94 95 96 ib. ib. 97 ib. 98 99 100 ib. ib. 102 105 107 ib. 108 109 110 111 112 113 ib. 114 115 ib. 117 118 CONTENTS. XVU Method of swimming . Internal anatomy imperfectly known . . . . Faculty of storing water . Peculiarity of the stomach . The food of the elephant Sagacity in search of it . Unexplained dread of fences Its spirit of inquisitiveness Anecdotes illustrative of its curi- osity . . . . . Estimate of sagacity Singular conduct of a herd during thunder . . . . An elephant feigning death Appendix. — Narratives of natives, as to encounters with rogue elephants .... CHAP. IV. THE ELEPHANT. Elephant Shooting. Vast numbers shot in Ceylon Revolting details of elephant kill- ing in Africa . (note) Fatal spots at which to aim Structure of the bones of the head Wounds which are certain to kill Attitudes when surprised . Peculiar movements when reposing Habits when attacked Sagacity of native trackers . Courage and agility of the ele- phants in escape . Worthlessness of the carcass Singular recovery from a wound . (woie) CHAP, V. THE ELEPHANT. Page 121 ]22 124 125 129 130 131 132 ih. 133 134 135 136 An Elephant Corral. Early method of catching ele- phants ..... Capture in pit-falls . (jiote) By means of decoys . Panickeas — their courage and address .... Their sagacity in following the elephant .... 142 ib. 143 144 145 148 ib. 150 ib. 151 153 154 156 ib. 157 158 159 Mode of capture by the noose Mode of taming Method of leading the elephants to the coast . . . . Process of embarking them at Jla- naar . . . . . Method of capturing a whole herd The " keddah " in Bengal de- scribed. . . . . Process of enclosing a herd Pi'ocess of capture in Ceylon An elephant corral and its con- struction . . . . An elephant hunt in Ceylon, 1847 The town and district of Korne- galle . . . . . The rock of Aetagalla Forced labour of the corral in former times. Now given voluntarily Form of the enclosure Method of securing a wild herd . Scene when driving them into the corral A failure ..... An elephant drove by night Singular scene in the corral Excitement of the tame elephants (iiote') CHAP. VI. THE ELEPHANT. Page IGO 161 162 ih. 163 164 165 ib. 166 167 ih. 168 170 171 172 173 174 176 177 178 ih. The Captives. A night scene . . . .180 Morning in the corral . .181 Preparations for securing the cap- tives ih. The " cooroowe," or noosers . ih. The tame decoys . . .182 First captive tied up . . .183 Singular conduct of the wild ele- phants . . . . .184 Furious attempts of the herd to escape 186 Courageous conduct of the natives IS 7 Variety of disposition exhibited by the herd . . . - . 189 Extraordinary contortions of the captives . . . .190 a XVlll CONTENTS. Page Page Water withdrawn from the sto- Working elephants, delicate 225 mach . . . . . 191 Deaths in government stud 226 Instinct of the decoys ih. Diseases . . . 227 Conduct of the noosers 194 Subject to tooth-ache ih. The young ones and their actions lb. Question of the value of labour of Noosinc a " roorue," and his death 196 an elephant . . . . 229 Instinct of flies in searcii of car- Food in captivity, and cost . 230 rion . . . (note) ih. Breed in captivity . . . 231 Strange scene .... 197 Age 232 A second herd captured 199 Theory of M. Fleurens ih. Their treatment of a sohtary ele- No dead elephants found 234 phant 200 Sindbad's story . . . . 236 A magnificent female elephant . 201 Passage from ^Elian . 237 Her extraordinary attitudes ih. Wonderful contortions 203 CHAP. VIII. Taking the captives out of the O i corral . . . . . 204 BIRDS. Their subsequent treatment and Their numbers 241 training . . . . 205 Songsters . . . . ih. Grandeur of the scene ih. Hornbills, the " bird with two Story of young pet elephant 206 heads" . . . . 242 Pea fowl 244 CHAP. VII. Sea birds, their number 245 \. Accipitres. — Eagles ih. THE ELEPHANT. Falcons and hawks . Owls — the devil bird 246 247 Conduct in Captivity. II. Passeres. — Swallows . 248 Alleged superiority of the Indian Kingfishers — sunbirds 249 to the African elephant — not The cotton-thief 250 true . . . . . 207 Bul-bul — tailor bird — and Ditto of Ceylon elephant to Indian 209 weaver . . . . 251 Process of training in Ceylon 211 The mountain jay 253 Allowed to batl.e 213 Crows, anecdotes of . ih. Difference of disposition 214 III. Scansores. — Parroquets . 256 Sudden death of " broken heart " 216 IV. Columhidoe. — Pigeons 257 First employment treading clay . 217 V. Gallince. — Jungle- fowl 259 Drawing a wairgon . ih. VI. Grallce. — Ibis, stork, &c. . 260 Dragging timber 218 VII. Anseres. — Flamingoes 261 Sagacity in labour ih. Pelicans . . . . 262 Mode of raising stones ih. Strange scene . .262, 263 Strength in throwing down trees Game — Partridges, &c. 265 exaggerated . . . . 219 List of Ceylon birds . ih. Piling timber . . . . ih. List of birds peculiar to Ceylon . 269 Not uniform in habits of work . 220 Lazy if not watched . ih. CHAP. IX. Obedience to keeper from affection, not fear .... 221 REPTILES. Change of keeper — story of child 222 Lizards. — Iguana . 271 Ear for sounds and music . 223 Kabara-goya,barbarous custom Hurra! . . . (note) ih. in preparing the kabara-tel Endurance of pain . 224 poison . . . 272- -274 Docility 225 Blood-suckers 275 COXTEJS^TS. XIX The green calotes The lyre-headed lizard . Chameleon . . . . Ceratophora . . . . Geckoes, — their power of re- producing limbs Crocodiles . . . . Their sensitiveness to tickling Anecdotes of crocodiles . Their power of burying them- selves in the mud Tortoises. — Curious parasite . Terrapins . . . . Edible turtle Cruel mode of cutting it up alive . . . . Huge Indian tortoises (note) Hawk's-bill turtle, barbarous mode of stripping it of the tortoise-shell Serpents. — Venomous species rare Tic polonga and carawala Cobra de capello . Tame snakes . {note') Anecdotes of the cobra de ca- pello . . . 298, Legends concerning it . Instance of land snakes found at sea .... Singular tradition regarding the cobra de capello . Uropeltidse. — Xew species dis- covered in Ceylon Buddhist veneration for the cobra de capello The Python Tree snakes "Water snakes Sea snakes . Snake stones Analysis of one Csecilia Frogs . Tree frogs . List of Ceylon reptiles CHAP. X. FISHES. Ichthyology of Ceylon, little known .... Fish for table, seir fish Page 276 277 278 279 281 282 285 286 ib. 289 290 291 ih. 293 ib. 294 296 297 298 305 299 300 ih. 302 303 ih. 305 306 ih. 312 315 317 ib. 320 321 323 324 Sardines, poisonous ? Sharks Saw-fish . . . . . Fish of brilliant colours The ray . . . . . The sword-fish Curious fish described by ^lian Salarias alticus Beautifully coloured fishes . Fresh-water fish, little known, — not much eaten Fresh -water fish in Colombo Lake Perches Eels Immense profusion of fish in the rivers and lakes Their re- appearance after rain . Mode of fishing in the ponds Showers of fish Conjecture that the ova are pre- served, not tenable Fish moving on dry land . Ancient authorities, Greek and Eoman . . . . Aristotle and Theophrastus Athenseus ai)d Pulybins . Livy, Poniponms, Mela, and Juvenal . . . . Seneca and Pliny . Georgius Agricola, Gesner, &c. Instances in Guiana (note) Perca Scandtns, ascends trees Doubts as to the story of Daldorf . . . . Fishes burying themselves during the dry season . The protopterus of the Gambia Instances in the fish of the Nile .... Instances in the fish of South America .... Living fish dug out of the ground in the dry tanks in Ceylon .... Molluscs that bury themselves The animals tliat so bury them- selves in India . Analogous case of Theory of aestivation and hybernation Fish in hot water in Ceylon List of Ceylon fishes Page 324 325 ib. 326 ib. 328 330 332 ib. 335 336 ib. 337 339 340 ib. 341 342 344 345 346 ib. ib. ib. 347 ib. 348 350 351 352 ib. 353 354 355 357 358 ib. ib. 359 a2 XX CONTENTS. Page Instances of fishes falling from the clouds . . . .362 Note on Ceylon fishes by Pro- fessor Huxley . . . 364 Comparative note by Dr. Gray, Brit. Mus 366 Note on the Bora-chung . . 367 CHAP. XI. VOLI.USCA, RADIATA, AND ACA- LEPH^. I. II. Ill 369 ih. 370 372 Conchology. — General cha- racter of Ceylon shells Confusion regarding them in scientific works and col- lections Ancient export of shells from Ceylon . Special forms confined to particular localities The pearl fishery of Aripo. 373 Frequent suspensions of . 374 Experiment to create beds of the pearl oyster . .375 Process of diving for pearls 377 Danger from sharks . . 379 The transparent pearl oyster (^Placuna placenta) The " musical fish " at Bal- licaloa A similar phenomenon at other places . (note) 383 Faculty of uttering sounds in fishes Instance in the Tritonia arborescens . Difficulty in forming a fist of Ceylon shells List of Ceylon shells Radiata. — Star fish Sea slugs Parasitic worms Plaiiaria . Acalephoe, abundant The Portuguese man-of-war 400 Eed infusoria . . . ib. Note on the Tritonia arho- rescem . . .401 380 381 384 385 . 386 388—395 . 395 . 396 . ib. . 398 . ib. CHAP. XII. INSECTS. Page 403 404 405 ib. 407 408 Profusion of insects in Ceylon Imperfect knowledge of . I. Culeoptera. — Beetles . Scavenger beetles Coco-nut beetles Tortoise beetles . II. Orthoptera. — Mantis and leaf- insects .... ib. Stick-insects . . .410 III. Neuroptera. — Dragon flies 411 Ant-lion .... ib. White ants . . . ib. Anecdotes of their instinct and ravages . .412 — 416 IV. Hymenoptera. — Mason wasps 416 Wasps . . . .417 Bees . . . .418 Carpenter Bee . . . ib. Ants .... 420 Burrowing ants . . . 424 V. Lepidoptera. — Butterflies . ib. The spectre . . .426 Lycaenidse .... ib. Moths .... 427 Silk worms . . . 428 Stinging caterpillars . . 429 Wood- carrying moths. . 430 Pterophorus . . 432 VI. Homoptera . . . ib. Cicada .... ib. VII. Hemiptera . . . 433 Bugs .... ib. VIII. Aphaniptera . . . ib. IX. Diptera. — Mosquitoes . 434 Mosquitoes the "plague of flies" . . (iiote) ib. The coffee bug . .436—441 General character of Ceylon in- sects 442 List of insects in Ceylon 442 — 46 CHAP. XIIL ARACHNIDJE, MYRIOPODA, CRUSTACEA, ETC. Spiders 464 Strange nets of the wood spi- ders ib. The mygale .... 465 CONTENTS. XXI Page Page Birds killed by it . . 467 Crtistacea . 477 Olios Taprobaniiis . 469 Calling crabs . ib. The galeodes 470 Sand crabs . . 478 Gregarious spiders 471 Painted crabs . ib. Ticks .... ih. Paddling crabs . ib. Mites. — Trombldlum tinctorun I 472 Amielidre, Leeches. — The land Myriapods. — Centipedes . . ib. leech . 479 Cermatiu . 473 Medicinal leech . 483 Scolopendra crassa. 474 Cattle leech . . 484 S. pollipes ib. List of Articulata, &c. . 485 The fish insect ib. Note. — On the revivi fication of MilUpeds. — Julus . 476 the Rotiiera and Paste-eels . 486 LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS. Page View of an Elephant Corral ....... Frontispiece Groupof Ceylon Monkeys ....... to face 5 Hhe hovh (^Loris gracilis) . . . . . . . . .12 Gvovi'p of F\y'mgFox&s (^Pteropus Edwardsii) . . . to face 14 Head of the Horse-shoe Bat (i?%«o/op/iM5) . . . . . .19 Nycteribia. ........... 21 Indian Bear (Proc%?MS Za&zaf2is). ....... 23 Ceylon Leopard and Indian Cheetah ....... 26 Jackal's Skull and " Horn " 36 Mongoos of Neura-ellia {Herpesles vitticoUis) . . . . .38 Flying Squirrel (^Pteromys oral) ........ 41 Coflfee Rat (Goiunda Elliotli) ........ 44 Bandicoot Rat (J7«s bandicota) ........ 45 Pengolin (^Alanis pentadactylus) . . . . . . . .47 Skeleton of the Pengolin ......... 48 Moose -deer {Moschus meminna) . . . . , . . .58 The Dugong (Balicore dugung) ........ 69 The Mermaid, from Valentyn 72 Brain of the Elephant ......... 95 Bones of the Foie- leg. . . . . , . . . .108 Elephant descending a Hill . . . . . . . . .111 Elephant's Well 122 Elephant's Stomach, showing the Water-cells . . . . .125 Elephant's Trachea 126 Water-cells in the Stomach of the Camel . . . . . .128 Section of the Elephant's Skull ........ 145 Fence and Ground-plan of a Corral . . . . . . .172 Mode of tying an Elephant . . . . . . . . .184 His Struggles for Freedom ......... 185 Impotent Fury . . . . . . . . . . .188 Obstinate Resistance . . . . . . . . . .189 Attitude for Defence .......... 203 Singular Contortions of an Elephant 204 Figures of the African and Indian Elephants on Greek and Roman Coins . 208 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxni Page Medal of Numidia 212 Modern " Hendoo" .......... ib. The Horn-bill (^Bticeros pica) ........ 243 The "■ DevW-hivd'' (Syrnium Indi^anee) . ...... 247 The " Cotton-thief" (Tchitrea paradisi) 250 Layard Mountain Jay (Cissa/>?/e//a) ....... 252 The "Double-spur" (GaWo-jjerti/a: 6«co/caraiMs) ..... 260 The Flamingo (^Phcenicopterus roseus) . . . . . . .261 The Kabara-goya Lizard (Hydrosaurus salvator) ..... 273 The Green Calotes {Calotes opkiomachiis) . . . . . .276 Tongue of the Chameleon ......... 278 Ceatophora ....... . . to face 280 Skulls of tlie Crocodile and Alligator 283 Terrapin {Emys trijugd) ......... 290 Shield-tailed Serpent ( Uropeltis grandis) ...... 302 Tree Snake (Passerita Jusca) ...... to face 307 Sea. Sn-dke {Hydrophis siiblcevis) . ..... to face 311 Saw of the Saw-fish (^Pristis antiquomm) .... to face 326 Ray (^Aetobaies nariaari) . . . . . . . .327 Sword-fish (^Histiophorus immaculatus) ...... 330 Cheironectes ....... ... 331 Pterois volitans .......... 334 Scartis harid ........... 335 Perch (Therapon quadriUneatus ........ 337 Eel (^Mastacembelus armatus) ........ 338 Mode of Fisliina, after Rain 340 rian of a Fish Decoy 342 The Anabas of the dry Tanks ........ 354 The Violet lanthina and its Shell 370 Bullia vittata ........... ib. Pearl Oysters, in various Stages of Growth .... to face 380 Pearl Oyster, full grown ....... „ 381 Cerithium palustre .......... ib. The Portuguese JNIan-of-war (Physahs urticulus) ..... 399 Longicorn Beetle (^Batocera rubus) ....... 406 Leaf Insects, &c. .......... 409 Eggs of the Leaf Insect (P^^&MWi stccyb&m) . . . . .410 The Carpenter Bee (^Xylocapa tenniscapd) . . . . . .419 Wood-carrying I\Ioths . . . . . . . . .431 The " Knife-grinder" {Cicada) 432 Flata {Elidiptera Eviersoniana and Pceciloptera Tennentii) . . . 433 The ^'Coffee-hug" (Lecanium caffece) ..... to face 436 Spider {Mygale fasciata) ....... „ 465 Cermatia ............ 473 The Calling Crab {Gelasimus) ........ 477 Eyes and Teeth of the Leech ........ 480 Land Leeches preparing to attack . . . . . . . .481 Medicinal Leech of Ceylon ......... 483 ERRATUM. Page 104. for " Theoraldos" read " Theobaldus.' Errata. In List of Illustrations, p. xxiii. line 12, for Ceatophora read CeratopJwra. P. 433, note, /or Foeciloptera read Pceciloptera. ^^■i.*..X. \J AVa.J THE NATURAL HISTORY OF CEYLON CHAPTEE I. MAMMALIA. With the exception of the Mammalia and Birds, the fauna of Ceylon has, up to the present, failed to receive that systematic attention to which its richness and va- riety most amply entitle it. The Singhalese themselves, habitually indolent, and singularly unobservant of nature and her operations, are at the same time restrained from the study of natural history by the tenet of their religion which forbids the taking of life under any cir- cumstances. From the nature of their avocations, the majority of the European residents, engaged in plant- ing and commerce, are discouraged by want of leisure from cultivating the taste ; and it is to be regretted that, with few exceptions, the civil servants of the government, whose position and duties would have afforded them influence and extended opportunities for successful investigation, have never seen the importance of encouraging such studies. The first effective impulse to the cultivation of natural science in Ceylon, was communicated by Dr. Davy when connected with the medical staffs of the army from 1816 to 1820, and his example stimulated some of the assistant-surgeons of Her Majesty's forces to make col- ^ Dr. Davy, brother to the il- tants, which contains the earliest Instrious Sir Humphry Davy, pub- notice of the Natural History of lished, in 1821, hiii Account of the the island, and especially of its Interior of Ceylon and its Inhabi- ophidian reptiles. B 2 4 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. lections in illustration of the productions of the colony. Of these the late Dr. Kinnis was one of the most ener- getic and successful. He was seconded by Dr. Tem- pleton of the Eoyal Artillery, who engaged assiduously in the investigation of various orders, and commenced an interchange of specimens with Mr. Bl3rth ^, the dis- tinguished naturalist and curator of the Calcutta Museum. The birds and rarer vertebrata of the island were thus compared with their peninsular congeners, and a tolerable knowledge of those belonging to the island, so far as regards the higher classes of animals, has been the result. The example so set was perse- veringly followed by Mr. E. L. Layard and the late Dr. Kelaart, and infinite credit is due to Mr. Blyth for the zealous and untiring energy with which he has devoted his attention and leisure to the identification of the specimens forwarded from Ceylon, and to their descrip- tion in the Calcutta Journal. To him, and to the gen- tlemen I have named, we are mainly indebted for what- ever accurate knowledge we now possess of the zoology of the colony. The mammalia, birds, and reptiles received their first scientific description in an able work published in 1852 by Dr. Kelaart of the army medical staff 2, which is by far the most valuable that has yet appeared on the Singhalese fauna. Co-operating with him, Mr. Layard has supplied a fund of information especially in ornitho- logy and conchology. The zoophytes and Crustacea have I believe been partially investigated by Professor Harvey, who visited Ceylon in 1852, and more re- ' Joxi.rn. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. of Ceylon, by F. Kelaart, Esq., • XV. p. 280, 314. M.D., F.L. S., &c. &c. 2 vols. * Frodromvs Faunce Zeylaniccs ; Colombo and London, 1852. being Contributions to the Zoology CEYl.uN MOiNKl-VS, 1. Prcsbytcs cepkaluplaus. -'. /■. Tlursiles. 7,. r. /•,/,(»( MS. 1. .V'lrncu.-i j/ilcUuf Chap. I.] MOXKEYS. 5 cently by Professor Sctimarda, of the University of Prague. From the united labours of these gentlemen and others interested in the same pursuits, we may hope at an early day to obtain such a knowledge of the zoology of Ceylon as will to some extent compensate for the long indifference of the government officers. I. QuADKUMANA. 1. Moukeys. — To a stranger in the tropics, among the most attractive creatures in the forests are the troops of monkeys that career in cease- less chase among the loftiest trees. In Ceylon there are five species, four of which belong to one group, the Wanderoos, and the other is the little graceful grimacing rilawa ^ which is the universal pet and favourite of both natives and Europeans. The Tamil conjurors teach it to dance, and in their wanderings carry it from village to village, clad in a grotesque dress, to exhibit its lively performances. It does not object to smoke tobacco. The Wanderoo is too grave and melancholy to be trained to these drolleries. Knox, in his captivating account of the island, gives an accurate description of both ; the Rilawas, with " no beards, white faces, and long hair on the top of their heads, which parteth and hangeth down like a man's, and which do a deal of mischief to the corn, and are so impudent that they will come into their gardens and eat such fruit as grows there. And the Wanderoos, some ^ Macacus pileatus, Shaw and radiating from the cro-mi of the Desmarest. The " bonneted Ma- head. A spectacled monkey is caque " is common in the south and said to inhabit the low country west ; it is replaced on the neigh- near to Bintenne ; but I have never bouring coast of the Peninsula of seen one brought thence. A paper India by the Toque, M. radiatus, by Dr. Templeton, in the Mag. which closely resembles it in size, Isat. Hist. n. s. xiv. p. 361, contains habit, and form, and in the peculiar some interesting facts relative to appearance occasioned by the hairs the Rilawa of Ceylon. B 3 6 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. as large as our English spaniel dogs, of a darkish grey colour, and black faces with great white beards round from ear to ear, which makes them show just like old men. This sort does but little mischief, keeping in the woods, eating only leaves and buds of trees, but when they are catched they will eat anything."^ Knox, whose experience during his long captivity was confined almost exclusively to the hill country around Kandy, spoke in all probability of one large and com- paratively pow^erful species, Presbytes ursinus, which inhabits the lofty forests, and which, as well as another of the same group, P. Thersites, was, till recently, un- known to European naturalists. The Singhalese word Ouandura has a generic sense, and being in every respect the equivalent for our own term of '' monkey," it necessarily comprehends the low country species, as well as those which inhabit other parts of the island. In point of fact, there are no less than four animals in the island, each of w^hich is entitled to the name of " wanderoo." ^ Each separate species has appropriated ' EJNOX, Historical Relation of Europe ; but in the absence of in- Ccylon, an Island in the East In- formation in this country as to dies. — P. i. ch. vi. p, 25. Fol. their actual habitat, they were de- Lond. 1681. See an account of his scribed, first by Zimmerman, on captivity in Sm J. Emerson Ten- the continent, under the name of nent's Ceylon, etc., Vol. II. p. Leiicoprymnus ce])halopterus, and 66 n. subsequently by Mr. E. Bennett, 2 Down to a very late period, a under that of Scmnopithecus Nestor large and somewhat repulsive-look- (Proc. Zool. Soc. pt. i. p. 67 : 1833) ; ing monkey, common to the Mala- the generic and specific characters bar coast, the Silenus veter, Linn., being on this occasion most care- was, from the circumstance of his fully pointed out by that eminent possessing a " great white beard," naturalist. Eleven years later Dr. incorrectly assiimed to be the Templeton forwarded to the Zoo- " wanderoo " of Ceylon, described logical Society a description, ac- by Knox ; and under that usurped companied by drawings, of the "name it has figured in every author wanderoo of the western maritime from BufFon to the present time, districts of Ceylon, and noticed Specimens of the true Singhalese the fact that the wanderoo of au- species were, however, received in thors {S. veter) was not to be found Chap. I.] MOXKEYS. 7 to itself a different district of the wooded country, and seldom encroaches on the domain of its neighbours. 1. Of the four species found in Ceylon, the most numerous in the island, and the one best known in Europe, is the Wanderoo of the low country, the P. cephalopterus of Zimmerman.^ Although common in the southern and western provinces, it is never found at a higher elevation than 1300 feet. It is an active and intelligent creature, little larger than the common bonneted Macaque, and far from being so mischievous as others of the monkeys in the island. In captivity it is remarkable for the gravity of its demeanour and for an air of melancholy in its expression and movements which are completely in character with its snowy beard and venerable aspect. In disposition it is gentle and confiding, sensible in the highest degree of kindness, and eager for endearing attention, uttering a low plain- tive cry when its sympathies are excited. It is particu- larly cleanly in its habits when domesticated, and spends much of its time in trimming its fur, and carefully divesting its hair of particles of dust. Those which I kept at my house near Colombo were chiefly fed upon plantains and bananas, but for no- thing did they evince a greater partiality than the rose-coloured flowers of the red hibiscus (H. rosa- in the island except as an intro- was believed to truly represent the duced species in the custody of the wanderoo of Knox. The later dis- Arab horse-dealers, who visit the covery, however, of the P. ur sinus port of Colombo at stated periods, by Dr. Kelaart, in the mountains Mr. Waterhoiise, at the meeting amongst which we are assured that {Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 1: 1844) at Knox spent so many years of cap- which this communication was tivity, reopens the question, but read, recognised the identity of the at the same time appears to me subject of Dr. Templeton's descrip- clearly to demonstrate that in this tion ^vith that already laid before latter we have in reality the animal them by Mr. Bennett ; and from to which his narrative refers. this period the species in question ^ Leucoprymnus Nestor, Bennett. B 4 8 MAAIMALIA. [Chap. I. sinensis). These they devoured with unequivocal gusto ; they likewise relished the leaves of many other trees, and even the bark of a few of the more succulent ones. A hint might possibly be taken from this circumstance for improving the regimen of monkeys in menageries, by the occasional admixtm-e of a few fresh leaves and flowers with their solid and substantial dietary. A white monkey, taken between Ambepusse and Kor- negalle, where they are said to be numerous, was brought to me to Colombo. Except in colour, it had all the characteristics of Preshytes cephalopterus. So striking was its whiteness that it might have been con- jectured to be an albino, but for the circumstance that its eyes and face were black. I have heard that white monkeys have been seen near the Eidi-galle Wihara in Seven Korles and also at Tangalle ; but I never saw another specimen. The natives say they are not un- common, and Knox that they are " milk-white both in body and face ; but of this sort there is not such plenty." ^ The Kev. E. Spence Hardy mentions, in his learned work on Eastern Monachism, that on the oc- casion of his visit to the great temple of Dambool, he encountered a troop of white monkeys on the rock in which it is situated — which were, doubtless, a variety of the Wanderoo.^ Pliny was aware of the fact that white monkeys are occasionally found in India.^ When observed in their native wilds, a party of twenty or thirty of these creatures is generally busily engaged in the search for berries and buds. They are seldom to be seen on the ground, except when * Knox, pt. i. c. vi. p. 25. 2 Eastern Monachis7n, c. xix. p. 204. * Pliny, Nat. Hist. 1. viii. c. xxxii. Chap. I.] MONKEYS. 9 they may have descended to recover seeds or fruit which have fallen at the foot of their favourite trees. "WTien disturbed, their leaps are prodigious : but, ge- nerally speaking, their progi'ess is made not so much by leaping as by swinging from branch to branch, using their powerful arms alternately ; and when baffled by distance, flinging themselves obliquely so as to catch the lower boughs of an opposite tree, the mo- mentum acquired by their descent being sufficient to cause a rebound of the branch, that carries them up- wards again, till they can grasp a higher and more distant one, and thus continue their headlong flight. In these perilous achievements, wonder is excited less by the surpassing agility of these little creatures, frequently encumbered as they are by their young, which cling to them in their career, than by the quickness of their eye and the unerring accuracy with which they seem almost to calculate the angle at which a descent will enable them to cover a given distance, and the recoil to attain a higher altitude. 2. The low country Wanderoo is replaced in the hills by the larger species, P. ursinus, which inhabits the mountain zone. The natives, who designate the latter the Maha or Grreat Wanderoo, to distinguish it from the KaloOf or black one, with which they are familiar, describe it as much wilder and more powerful than its congener of the lowland forests. It is rarely seen by Europeans, this portion of the country having till very recently been but partially opened ; and even now it is difficult to observe its habits, as it seldom approaches the few roads which wind through these deep solitudes. At early morning, ere the day begins to dawn, its loud and peculiar howl, which consists of a quick repetition 10 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. of the sounds hoiu hoiv I may be frequently heard in the mountain jungles, and forms one of the characteristic noises of these lofty situations. It was first captured by Dr. Kelaart in the woods near Nuera-ellia, and from its peculiar appearance it has been named P. ursinus by Mr. Blyth.^ 3. The P. Ther sites, which is chiefly distinguished from the others by wanting the head tuft, is so rare that it was for some time doubtful whether the single specimen procured by Dr. Templeton from the Nuera- kalawa, west of Trincomalie, and on which Mr. Blyth conferred this new name, was in reality native ; but the occurrence of a second, since identified by Dr. Kelaart, has established its existence as a separate species. Like the common wanderoo, the one obtained by Dr. Temple- ton was partial to fresh vegetables, plantains, and fruit ; but he ate freely boiled rice, beans, and gram. He was fond of being noticed and petted, stretching out his limbs in succession to be scratched, drawing himself up so that his ribs might be reached by the finger, closing his eyes during the operation, and evincing his satis- faction by grimaces irresistibly ludicrous. 4. The P. Priamus inhabits the northern and eastern provinces, and the wooded hills which occur in these portions of the island. In appearance it differs both in size and in colour from the common wanderoo, being larger and more inclined to grey ; and in habits it is much less reserved. At Jaffna, and in other parts of the island where the population is comparatively nu- ' Mr, Blyth quotes as authority — " A species of very large monkey, for this triyial name a passage that passed some distance before from Major Forbes' Eleven Years me, when resting on all fours, looked in Ceylon ; and I can vouch for so like a Ceylon bear, that I nearly the graphic accuracy of the remark, took him for one." Chap. T.] MONKEYS. 11 merous, these monke3"s become so familiarised with the presence of man as to exhibit the utmost daring and indifference. A flock of them will take possession of a Palmyra palm; and so effectually can they crouch and conceal themselves among the leaves that, on the slightest alarm, the whole party becomes invisible in an instant. The presence of a dog, however, excites such an irrepressible curiosity that, in order to watch his movements, they never fail to betray themselves. They may be frequently seen congregated on the roof of a native hut : and, some years ago, the child of a Euro- pean clergyman stationed near Jaffna having been left on the ground by the nurse, was so teased and bitten by them as to cause its death. The Singhalese have the impression that the remains of a monkey are never to be found in the forest ; a belief which they have embodied in the proverb that "he who has seen a white crow, the nest of a paddi bird, a straight coco-nut tree, or a dead monkey, is certain to live for ever." This piece of folk-lore has evidently reached Ceylon from India, where it is be- lieved that persons dwelling on the spot where a hanu- man monkey, Semnopithecus entellus, has been killed, will die, that even its bones are unlucky, and that no house erected where they are hid under ground can prosper. Hence when a dwelling is to be built, it is one of the employments of the Jyotish philosophers to ascertain by their science that none such are concealed ; and Buchanan observes that ^' it is, perhaps, owing to this fear of ill-luck that no native will acknowledsfe his having seen a dead hanuman." ^ * Buchanan's Survey/ ofBkagid- monTccy has never been found on foor, p. 142. At GilDraltar it is the rock, believed that the body of a dead , 12 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. The only other quadrumanous animal found in Cey- lon is the little loris ^, which, from its sluggish move- ments, nocturnal habits, and consequent inaction during the day, has acquired the name of the " Ceylon Sloth." THE LORIS. There are two varieties in the island ; one of the ordi- nary fulvous brown, and another larger, whose fur is entirely black, A specimen of the former was sent to me from Chilaw, on the western coast, and lived for some time at Colombo, feeding on rice, fruit, and vege- tables. It was partial to ants and other insects, and was always eager for milk or the bone of a fowl. The naturally slow motion of its limbs enables the loris to * Loris gracilis, Geof. Chap. L] BATS. 13 approach its prey so stealthil}^ that it seizes birds before they can be alarmed by its presence. The natives assert that it has been known to strangle the pea-fowl at night, to feast on the brain. During the day the one which I kept was usually asleep in the strange position repre- sented on the last page ; its perch firmly grasped with both hands, its back curved into a ball of soft fur, and its head hidden deep between its legs. The singularly- large and intense eyes of the loris have attracted the at- tention of the Singhalese, who capture the creature for the purpose of extracting them as charms and love- potions, and this they are said to effect by holding the little animal to the fire till its eyeballs burst. Its Tamil name is thavangu, or " thin-bodied ; " and hence a deformed child or an emaciated person has acquired in the Tamil districts the same epithet. The light- coloured variety of the loris in Ceylon has a spot on its forehead, somewhat resembling the naniami, or mark worn by the worshippers of Vishnu; and, from this peculiarity, it is distinguished as the Nama-tha- vangu} II. Cheiroptera. Bats. — The multitude of hats is one of the features of the evening landscape ; they abound in every cave and subterranean passage, in the tunnels on the highways, in the galleries of the fortifications, in the roofs of the bungalows, and the ruins of every temple and building. At sunset they are seen issuing from their diurnal retreats to roam throuofh the twilio-ht in search of crepuscular insects, and as night approaches and the lights in the rooms attract the night-flying lepidoptera, the bats sweep round the dinner-table and * There is an interesting notice pletox, in the Mag. Nat. Hist. of the Loris of Ceylon by Dr. Tem- 1844, ch. xiv. p. 362. 14 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. carry off their tiny prey within the glitter of the lamps. Including the frugivorous section about sixteen species have been identified in Ceylon; and remarkable va- rieties of two of these are peculiar to the island. The colours of some of them are as brilliant as the plumage of a bird, bright yellow, deep orange, and a rich ferru- ginous brown inclining to red.^ But of all the bats, the most conspicuous from its size and numbers, and the most interesting from its habits, is the rousette of Ceylon ^ ; — the " flying fox," as it is called by Europeans, from the similarity to that animal in its head and ears, its bright eyes, and intel- ligent little face. In its aspect it has nothing of the disagreeable and repulsive look so common amongst the ordinary vespertilionidse ; it likewise differs from them in the want of the nose-leaf, as well as of the tail. In the absence of the latter, its flight is directed by means of a membrane attached to the inner side of each of the hind legs, and kept distended at the lower extremity by a projecting bone, just as a fore-and-aft sail is dis- tended by a " gaff." In size the body measures from ten to twelve inches in length, but the arms are prolonged, and especially the metacarpal bones and phalanges of the four fingers over which the leathery wings are distended, till the alar expanse measures between four and five feet, ^^^lilst the function of these metamorphosed limbs in sustain- ing flight entitles them to the designation of "wings," they are endowed with another faculty, the existence of ^ Rhinolophus affinis ? var. ru- Hipposideros speoris, var. aureus, bidus, Kelaart. Kclaart. _.. . , . „ , Kerivoula picta, Pallas. Hipposideros murinus, Mr. M- Scotopliilus Heathii, Horsf. Tus, Kelaart. 2 pteropus Edwardsii, Geoff. FLYING FOXES. Pteropus Edwardsii. Chap. I.] BATS. 15 which essentially distinguishes them from the feathery wings of a bird, and vindicates the appropriateness of the term Cheiro-ptera ^, or " mnged hands," by which the bats are designated. Over the entire surface of the thin membrane of which they are formed, sentient nerves of the utmost delicacy are distributed, by means of which the animal is enabled during the darkness to direct its motions with security, avoiding objects against contact with which at such times its eyes and other senses would be insufficient to protect it.^ Spallanzani ascer- tained the perfection of this faculty by a series of cruel experiments, by which he demonstrated that bats, even after their eyes had been destroyed, and their external organs of smell and hearing obliterated, were still enabled to direct their flight with unhesitating con- fidence, avoiding even threads suspended to intercept them. But after ascertaining the fact, Spallanzani was slow to arrive at its origin ; and ascribed the surprising power to the existence of some sixth supplementary sense, the enjoyment of which was withheld from other animals. Cuvier, however, dissipated the obscurity by showing the seat of this extraordinary endowment to be in the wings, the superficies of which retains the exquisite sensitiveness to touch that is inherent in the palms of the human hand and the extremities of the fingers, as well as in the feet of some of the mammalia.^ The face and head of the Pteropus are covered with brownish-grey hairs, the neck and chest are dark ferru- ginous grey_, and the rest of the body brown, inclining to black. ' X^lp, the '"hand," and xrepbi/, * See article on Cheirojptera, in a "wing." Todd's Cyclopcedia of Anatomy ^ See Bell On the Hand, ch. iii. and Physiology, vol. i. p. 599. p. 70. 16 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. These active and energetic creatures, though chiefly frugivorous, are to some extent insectivorous also, as at- tested by their teeth ^, as well as by their habits. They feed, amongst other things, on the guava, the plantain, the rose-apple, and the fruit of the various fig-trees. Flying foxes are abundant in all the maritime districts, especially at the season when the pulum-imhul^, one of the silk-cotton trees, is putting forth its flower-buds, of which they are singularly fond. By day they sus- pend themselves from the highest branches, hanging by the claws of the hind legs, with the head turned up- wards, and pressing the chin against the breast. At sunset taking wing, they hover, with a murmuring sound occasioned by the beating of their broad membranous wings, around the fruit trees, on which they feed till morning, when they resume their pensile attitude as before. A favourite resort of these bats is to the lofty india-rubber trees, which on one side overhang the Botanic Grardens of Paradenia in the vicinity of Kandy. Thither for some years past, they have congregated, chiefly in the autumn, taking their departure when the figs of the jiens elastica are consumed. Here they hang in such prodigious numbers, that frequently, large branches give way beneath their accumulated weight. Every forenoon, generally between the hours of 9 and 11a. m., they take to wing, apparently for exercise, and possibly to sun their wings and fur, and dry them after the dews of the early morning. On these occasions, their numbers are quite surprising, flying in clouds as thick as * Those which I have examined the upper jaw and ten in the lower, • have four minute incisors in each longitudinally grooved, and with a jaw, with two canines and a very cutting edge directed backwards, minute pointed tooth behind each ^ Eriodendron Orientale, Stead. canine. They have six molars in Chap. I.] BATS. 17 bees or midges. After these recreations, they hurry back to their favourite trees, chattering and screaming like monkeys, and always wrangling and contending angrily for the most shady and comfortable places in which to hang for the rest of the day protected from the sun. The branches they resort to soon become almost di- vested of leaves, these being stripped off by the action of the bats, attaching and detaching themselves by means of their hooked feet. At sunset, they fly off to their feeding-grounds, probably at a considerable dis- tance, as it requires a large area to furnish sufficient food for such multitudes. In all its movements and attitudes, the action of the Pteropus is highly interesting. If placed upon the ground, it is almost helpless, none of its limbs being calculated for progressive motion ; it drags itself along by means of the hook attached to each of its extended thumbs, pushing at the same time with those of its hind feet. Its natural position is exclusively pensile ; it moves laterally from branch to branch with great ease, by using each foot alternately, and climbs, when necessary, by means of its claws. When at rest, or asleep, the disposition of the limbs is most curious. At such times it suspends itself by one foot only, bringing the other close to its side, and thus it is enabled to wrap itself in the ample folds of its wings, which envelop it like a mantle, leaving only its up- turned head uncovered. Its fur is thus protected from damp and rain, and to some extent its body is sheltered from the sun. As it collects its food by means of its mouth, either when on the wing, or when suspended within reach of it, the flying-fox is always more or less liable to c 18 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. have the spoil wrested from it by its intrusive com- jDanions, before it can make good its way to some secure retreat in which to devour it unmolested. In such conflicts they bite viciously, tear each other with their hooks, and scream incessantly, till, taking to flight, the persecuted one reaches some place of safety, where he hangs b}^ one foot, and grasping the fruit he has secured in the claws and opposable thumb of the other, he hastily reduces it to lumps, with which he stuffs his cheek pouches till they become distended like those of a monkey; then suspended in safety, he commences to chew and suck the pieces, rejecting the refuse with his tongue. To drink, which it does by lapping, the Pteropus suspends itself head downwards from a branch above the water. Insects, caterpillars, birds' eggs, and young birds are devoured by them ; and the Singhalese say that the flying-fox will even attack a tree snake. It is killed by the natives for the sake of its flesh, which, I have been told by a gentleman who has eaten of it, resembles that of the hare.^ It is strongly attracted to the coco- nut trees during the period when toddy is drawn for distillation, and exhibits, it is said, at such times, symp- toms resembling intoxication. Neither the flying-fox, nor any other bat that I know of in Ceylon, ever hybernates. There are several varieties (one of them peculiar to the island) of the horse-shoe-headed Rhinolophus, with the strange leaf-like appendage erected on the extremity of the nose. * In "Western India the native pronounce it delicate, and far fron* Portuguese eat the flying-fox, and disagreeable in flavour. Chap. I.] BATS. 19 It has been suggested that the insectivorous bats, thousfh nocturnal, are deficient in that keen vision cha- racteristic of animals which take their prey by night. EHINOLOPflUb. I doubt whether this conjecture be well founded ; it certainly does not apply to the Pteropus and the other frugivorous species, in which the faculty of sight is sin- gularly clear. As regards the others, it is possible that in their peculiar oeconomy some additional power may be required to act in concert with that of vision, as in in- sects, touch is superadded, in its most sensitive develop- ment, to that of sight. It is probable that the nose- leaf, which forms an extended screen stretched behind the nostrils in some of the bats, may be intended by nature to facilitate the collection and conduction of odours, just as the vast expansion of the shell of the ear in the same family is designed to assist in the collection of sounds — and thus to supplement their vision when in pursuit of prey in the dusk by the superior sensi- tiveness of the organs of hearing and smell. One tiny little bat, not much larger than the humble C 2 20 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. bee S and of a glossy black colour, is sometimes to be seen about Colombo. It is so familiar and gentle that it will alight on the cloth during dinner, and manifests so little alarm that it seldom makes any effort to escape before a wine glass can be inverted to secure it. Although not strictly in order, this seems not an in- appropriate place to notice one of the most curious pe- culiarities connected with the bats — their singular parasite, the Nycteribia.^ On cursory observation this creature appears to have neither head, antennae, eyes, nor mouth ; and the earlier observers of its structure satisfied themselves that the place of the latter was supplied by a cylmdrical sucker, which, being placed between the shoulders, the insect had no option but to turn on its back to feed. Another anomaly was thought to com- pensate for this apparent inconvenience ; — its three pairs of legs, armed with claws, are so arranged that they seem to be equally distributed over its upper and under sides, the creature being thus enabled to use them like hands, and to grasp the strong hairs above it while extracting its nourishment. It moves, in fact, by rolling itself rapidly along, ro- tating like a wheel on the extremities of its spokes, or like the clown in a pantomime, hurling himself forward on hands and feet alternately. Its celerity is so great that Colonel Montague, who was one of the first to describe it minutely ^, says its speed exceeds that of any 1 It is a very small Singhalese of the same family. Dr. Temple- variety of Scotophilus Coromande- ton observed them in Ceylon in licus, F. Cuv. great abundance on the fur of the 2 This extraordinary creature Scotophilus Coromandclicus, and had formerly been discovered only they will, no doubt, be found on on a few European bats. Joinville many others. figured one which he found on the ^ Celeripes vespertilionis, Mont. large roussette (the€ying-fox), and Lin. Trails, xi. p. 11. says he had seen another on a bat Chap. I.] NYCTERIBIA. 21 nycterib;a. known insect, and as its joints are so flexible as to yield in every direction (like what mechanics call a " ball and socket "), its motions are ex- ceedingly grotesque as it tum- bles through the fur of the bat. To enable it to attain its marvellous velocity, each foot is armed with two sharp hooks, with elastic opposable pads, so that the hair can not only be rapidly seized and firmly held, but as quickly disengaged, as the creature whirls away in its headlong career. The insects to which it bears the nearest affinity, are the Hippohoscidce, or " spider flies," that infest birds and horses ; but, unlike them, the Nycteribia is unable to fl}^ Its strangest peculiarity, and that which gave rise to the belief that it was headless, is its faculty when at rest of throwing back its head and pressing it close between its shoulders till the under side becomes uppermost, not a vestige of head beino: discernible where we would naturally look for it, and the whole seeming but a casual inequality on its back. On closer examination this apparent tubercle is found to have a leathery attachment like a flexible neck, and by a sudden jerk the little creature is enabled to project it forward into its normal position, when it is discovered to be furnished with a mouth, antennge, and four eyes, two on each side. The ororanisation of such an insect is a marvellous adaptation of physical form to special circumstances. As the nycteribia has to make its way through fur and c 3 22 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. hairs, its feet are furnished with prehensile hooks that almost convert them into hands ; and being obliged to conform to the sudden flights of its patron, and ac- commodate itself to inverted positions, all attitudes are rendered alike to it by the arrangement of its limbs, which enables it, after every possible gyration, to find itself always on its feet. III. Carnivora. — Bears. — Of the carnivora, the one most dreaded by the natives of Ceylon, and the only one of the larger animals that makes the depths of the forest its habitual retreat, is the bear ^, attracted chiefly by the honey which is found in the hollow trees and clefts of the rocks. Occasionally spots of fresh earth are observed which have been turned up by the bears in search of some favourite root. They feed also on the termites and ants. A friend of mine traversing the forest, near Jaffna, at early dawn, had his attention at- tracted by the growling of a bear, that was seated upon a lofty branch, thrusting portions of a red-ants' nest into his mouth with one paw, whilst with the other he endeavoured to clear his eyebrows and lips of the angry inmates, which bit and tortured him in their rage. The Ceylon bear is found in the low and dry districts of the northern and south-eastern coast, and is seldom met with on the mountains or the moist and damp plains of the west. It is furnished with a bushy tuft of hair on the back, between the shoulders, by which the young are accustomed to cling till sufficiently strong to provide for their own safety. During a severe drought that prevailed in the northern province in 1850, the district of Caretchy was so infested by bears that the * Prochilus labiatus, Blainville. Chap. J.] BEARS. 23 Oriental custom of the women resorting to the wells was altogether suspended, as it was a common occurrence to find one of these animals in the water, unable to climb up the yielding and slippery soil, down which its thirst had impelled it to slide during the night. Although the structure of the bear shows him to be natui'ally omnivorous, he rarely preys upon flesh in INDIAN BEAR. Ceylon, and his solitary habits whilst in search of honey and fruits render him timid and retirinor. Hence he evinces alarm on the approach of man or other animals, and, unable to make a rapid retreat, his panic, rather than any vicious disposition, leads him to become an assailant in self-defence. But so furious are his assaults under such circumstances that the Singhalese have a terror of his attack greater than that created by any c 4 24 MAMMALIA. [Chap. Tj other beast of the forest. If not armed with a gun, a native, in the places where bears abound, usually carries a light axe, called " kodelly," with which to strike them on the head. The bear, on the other hand, always aims at the face, and, if successful in prostrating his victim, usually commences by assailing the eyes. I have met numerous individuals on our journeys who exhibited frightful scars from such encounters, the white seams of their wounds contrasting hideously with the dark colour of the rest of their bodies. The Veddahs in Bintenne, whose principal stores con- sist of honey, live in dread of the bears, because, at- tracted by the perfume, they will not hesitate to attack their rude dwellings, when allured by this irresistible temptation. The Post-office runners, who always travel by night, are frequently exposed to danger from these animals, especially along the coast from Putlam to Aripo, where they are found in considerable numbers ; and, to guard against surprise, they are accustomed to carry flambeaux, to give warning to the bears, and en- able them to shuffle out of the path.^ ' Amongst the Singhalese there ceeding, we saw him suddenly turn is a belief that certain charms are from an old tree and run back with efficacious in protecting them from aR speed, his hair becoming un- the violence of bears, and those fastened and like his clothes stream- whose avocations expose them to ing in the wind. It soon became encounters of this kind are accus- evident that he was flying from tomed to carry a talisman either some terrific object, for he had attached to their neck or enveloped thrown down his gun, and, in his in the folds of their luxuriant hair, panic, he was taking the shortest A friend of mine, writing of an ad- line towards us, which lay across a venture which occurred at Anara- swamp covered with sedge and japoora, thus describes an occasion rushes that greatly impeded his on which a Moor, who attended progress, and prevented us ap- him, was somewhat rudely dis- proaching him, or seeing what was abused of his belief in the efficacy the cause of his flight. Missing of charms upon bears: — "Desiring his steps from one hard spot to to change the position of a herd of another he repeatedly fell into the deer, the Moorman (with his charm) water, but he rose and resumed was sent across some swampy land his flight. I advanced as far as to disturb them. As he was pro- the sods would bear my weight, Chap. I.j BEARS. 25 Leopards ^ are the only formidable members of the tiger race in Ceylon ^, and they are neither very nume- rous nor very dangerous, as they seldom attack man. By the Europeans, the Ceylon leopard is erroneously called a cheetah, hnt the true "cheetah" { fells juhata), the hunting leopard of India, does not exist in the island.^ There is a rare variety of the leopard which has been found in various parts of the island, in which the skin, instead of being spotted, is of a uniform black.'* Leo- pards frequent the vicinity of pasture lands in quest of the deer and other peaceful animals which resort to them ; and the villagers often complain of the destruc- but to go further was impracticable. Just within ball-range there was an open space, and, as the man gained it, I saw that he was pursued by a bear and two cubs. As the person of the fugitive covered the bear, it was impossible to fire without risk. At last he fell exhausted, and the bear being close upon him, I dis- charged both barrels. The first broke the bear's shoulder, but this only made her more savage, and rising on her hind legs she ad- vanced with ferocious growls, when the second barrel, though I do not think it took effect, served to frigh- ten her, for turning round she re- treated, followed by the cubs. Some natives then waded through the mud to the Moorman, who was just exhausted, and would have been di'owned but that he fell with his head upon a tuft of grass : the poor man was unable to speak, and for several weeks his intellect seemed confused. The adventure sufficed to satisfy him that he could not again depend upon a charm to protect him from bears, though he always insisted that but for its having fallen from his hair where he had fastened it under his tur- ban, the bear would not have ven- tured to attack him." ' Felis pardus, Linn. What is called a leopard, or a cheetah, in Ceylon, is in reality the true pan- ther, - A belief is prevalent at Trin- comalie that a Bengal tiger inhabits the jungle in its vicinity ; and the story runs that it escaped from the wreck of a vessel on which it had been embarked for England. Offi- cers of the Government state posi- tively that they have more than once come on it whilst hunting ; and one gentleman of the Eoyal Engineers, who had seen it, assured me that he could not be mistaken as to its being a tiger of India, and one of the largest description. ^ Mr. Bakek, in his Eight Years in Ceylon, has stated that there are two species of leopard in the island, one of which he implies is the Indian cheetah. But although he specifies discrepancies in size, weight, and marking between the varieties which he has examined, his data are not sufficient to iden- tify any of them with the true felis Juhata. * F. melas, Peron and Leseur. ' 26 MAMMALIA. [Chap. T. tion of their cattle by these formidable marauders. In relation to them, the natives have a curious but firm LEOPARD AKD CHEETAE. conviction that when a bullock is killed by a leopard, and, in expiring, falls so that its right side is under- most, the leopard will not return to devour it. I have been told by English sportsmen (some of whom share in the popular belief), that sometimes, when they have proposed to watch by the carcase of a bullock recently killed by a leopard, in the hope of shooting the spoiler on his return in search of his prey, the native owner of the slaughtered animal, though earnestly desiring to be a-venged, has assured them that it would be in vain, as, the beast having fallen on its right side, the leopard would not return. Chap. I.] LEOPAEDS. 27 The Singhalese hunt them for the sake of their ex- tremely beautiful skins, but prefer taking them in traps and pitfalls, and occasionally in spring cages formed of poles driven firmly into the ground, within which a kid is generally fastened as a bait ; the door being held open by a sapling bent down by the united force of several men, and so arranged as to act as a spring, to which a noose is ingeniously attached, formed of plaited deer's hide. The cries of the kid attract the leopard, which being tempted to enter, is enclosed by the liberation of the spring, and grasped firmly round the body by the noose. Like the other carnivora, leopards are timid and cowardly in the presence of man, never intruding on him voluntarily, and making a hasty retreat w^hen ap- proached. Instances have, however, occurred of indi- viduals having been slain by them ; and it is believed, that, having once tasted human blood, they, like the tiger, acquire an habitual relish for it. A peon, on duty by night at the court-house of Anarajapoora, was some years ago carried off by a leopard from a table in the verandah on which he had laid down his head to sleep. At Batticaloa a '^ cheetah " in two instances in succession was known to carry off men placed on a stage erected in a tree to drive away elephants from rice-land : but such cases are rare, and, as compared with their dread of the bear, the natives of Ceylon entertain but slight apprehensions of the " cheetah." It is, however, the dread of sportsmen, whose dogs when beating in the jungle are especially exposed to its attacks ; and I am aware of an instance in which a party having tied their dogs to the tent-pole for security, and fallen asleep round them, a leopard sprang into the tent and carried 28 MAMMALIA. IChap. t off a dog from the midst of its slumbering masters. On one occasion being in the mountains near Kandy, a messenger despatched to me through the jungle ex- cused his delay by stating that a " cheetah " had seated itself in the only practicable path, and remained quietly licking its fore paws and rubbing them over its face, till he was forced to drive it, with stones, into the forest. Leopards are strongly attracted by the peculiar odour which accompanies small-pox. The reluctance of the natives to submit themselves or their children to vac- cination exposes the island to frightful visitations of this disease ; and in the villages in the interior it is usual on such occasions to erect huts in the jungle to serve as temporary hospitals. Towards these the leo- pards are certain to be allured ; and the medical officers are obliged to resort to increased precautions in con- sequence. This fact is connected with a curious native superstition. Amongst the avenging scourges sent direct from the gods, the Singhalese regard both the ravages of the leopard, and the visitation of the small-pox. The latter they call pai' excellence " maha ledda,^'' the great "sickness;" they look upon it as a special manifes- tation of devidosay, " the displeasure of the gods ; " and the attraction of the cheetahs to the bed of the sufferer they attribute to the same indignant agency. A few years ago, the capua, or demon-priest of a " dewale," at Oggalbodda, a village near, Caltura, when suffering under small-pox, was devoured by a cheetah, and his fate was regarded by those of an opposite faith as a special judgment from heaven. Such is the awe inspired by this belief in connection with the small-pox, that a person afflicted with it is Chap. I.] LEOPAEDS; 29. always approached as one in immediate communication with the deity ; his attendants address him as " my lord," and "your lordship," and exhaust on him the whole series of honorific epithets in which their language abounds for approaching personages of the most exalted rank. At evening and morning, a lamp is lighted before him, and invoked with prayers to protect his family from the dire calamity which has befallen himself. And after his recovery, his former associates refrain from commu- nication with him until a ceremony shall have been performed by the capua, called aivasara-pandema, or *^ the offering of lights for permission," the object of which is to entreat permission of the deity to regard him as freed from the divine displeasure, with liberty to his friends to renew their intercourse as before. Major Skinnee, who for upwards of forty years has had occasionally to live for long periods in the interior, occupied in the prosecution of surveys and the con- struction of roads, is strongly of opinion that the dis- position of the leopard towards man is essentially pacific, and that, when discovered, its natural impulse is to effect its escape. In illustration of this I insert an extract from one of his letters, which describes an ad- venture highly characteristic of this instinctive timi- dity : — " On the occasion of one of my visits to Adam's Peak, in the prosecution of my military reconnoissances of the mountain zone, I fixed on a pretty little patena {i, e., meadow) in the midst of an extensive and dense forest in the southern segment of the Peak Eange, as a favourable spot for operations. It would have been difficult, after descending from the cone of the peak, to have found one's way to this point, in the midst of so 30 MA^iMALIA. [Chap. I. vast a wilderness of trees, had not long experience as- sured me that good game tracks would be found lead- ing to it, and by one of them I reached it. It was in the afternoon, just after one of those tropical sun- showers that decorate every branch and blade with pendant brilliants, and the little patena was covered with game, either driven to the open space by the drip- pings from the leaves or tempted by the freshness of the pasture : there were several pairs of elk, the bearded antlered male contrasting finely with his mate ; and other varieties of game in a profusion not to be found in any place frequented by man. It was some time before I would allow them to be disturbed by the rude fall of the axe, in our necessity to establish our bivouac for the night, and they were so unaccustomed to danger that it was long before they took alarm at our noises. " The following morning, anxious to gain a height for my observations in time to avail myself of the clear atmosphere of sunrise, I started off by myself through the jungle, leaving orders for my men, with my sur- veying instruments, to follow my track by the notches which I cut in the bark of the trees. On leavinof the plain, I availed myself of a fine wide game track which lay in my direction, and had gone, perhaps, half a mile from the camp, when I was startled by a slight rustling in the nilloo ^ to my right, and in another instant, by the spring of a magnificent leopard, which, in a bound of full eight feet in height over the lower brushwood, lighted at my feet within eighteen inches of the spot whereon I stood, and lay in a crouching position, his fiery gleaming eyes fixed on me. * A species of one of the suffni- which grows abundantly in the ticose Acanthacece (Strobilanthes), mountain ranges of Ceylon. Chap. I.] LEOPAEDS. 31 " The predicament was not a pleasant one. I had no weapon of defence, and with one spring or blow of his paw the beast could have annihilated me. To move I knew would only encourage his attack. It occurred to me at the moment that I had heard of the power of man's eye over wild animals, and accordingly I fixed my gaze as intently as the agitation of such a moment enabled me on his eyes : we stared at each other for some seconds, when, to my inexpressible joy, the beast turned and bounded down the straight open path before me. This scene occurred just at that period of the morning when the grazing animals retired from the open patena to the cool shade of the forest: doubtless, the leopard had taken my approach for that of a deer, or some such animal. And if his spring had been at a quadruped instead of a biped, his distance was so well measured, that it must have landed him on the neck of a deer, an elk, or a buffalo ; as it was, one pace more would have done for me. A bear would not have let his victim off so easily." Notwithstanding the unequalled agility of the mon- key, it falls a prey, and not unfrequently, to the leo- pard. The latter, on approaching a tree on which a troojD of monkeys have taken shelter, causes an instant and fearful excitement, which they manifest by loud and continued screams, and incessant restless leaps from branch to branch. The leopard meanwhile walks round and round the tree, with his eyes firmly fixed upon his victims, till at last exhausted by terror, and prostrated by vain exertions to escape, one or more falls a prey to his voracity. So rivetted is the attention of both during the struggle, that a sportsman, on one occasion, attracted by the noise, was enabled to approach within an un- 32. MAMMALIA. [Chap. L comfortable distance oS the leopard, before he dis- covered the cause of the unusual dismay amongst the monke3^s overhead. It is said, but I have never been able personally to verify the fact, that the leopard of Ceylon exhibits a peculiarity in being unable entirely to retract its claws within their sheaths. ■ There is another piece of curious folk lore, in con- nexion with the leopard. The natives assert that it devours the kaolin clay called by them kiri-mattie ' in a very peculiar way. They say that the cheetah places it in lumps beside him, and then gazes intently on the sun, till on turning his eyes on the clay, every piece appears of a red colour like flesh, when he in- stantly devours it. They likewise allege that the female cheetah never produces more than one litter of whelps. Of the lesser feline species, the number and variety in Ceylon is inferior to those of India. The Palm-cat ^ lurks by day among the fronds of the coco-nut palms, and by night makes destructive forays on the fowls of the villagers ; and, in order to suck the blood of its victim, inflicts a wound so small as to be almost imper- ceptible. The glossy genette ^, the " Civet " of Euro- peans, is common in the northern province, where the Tamils confine it in cages for the sake of its musk, which they collect from the w^ooden bars on which it rubs it- self. Edrisi, the Moorish geographer, writing in the twelfth century, enumerates musk as one of the pro- ductions then exported from Ceylon.'* * See Sir J. E. Tennent's Cei/- * Edrisi, Geogr. sec, rii. Jau- . Zo7?, voL i. p. 31. terts's translation, t. ii, p. 72. In 2 Paradoxurus typus, F. Cuv. connexion with cats, a Singhalese ' Viverra Indica, Geoffr., Hodgs, gentleman has described to me a Chap. I.] DOGS. 33 Dogs. — There is no native wild dog in Ceylon, but every village and towoi is haunted by mongrels of Eu- ropean descent, that are known by the generic descrip- tion of Pariahs. They are a miserable race, lean, wretched, and mangy, acknowledged by no owners, livinof on the orarbasre of the streets and sewers, and if spoken to unexpectedly, they shrink with an almost in- voluntary cry. Yet in these persecuted outcasts there survives that germ of instinctive affection which binds the dog to the human race, and a gentle word, even a look of compassionate kindness, is sufficient foundation for a lasting attachment. The Singhalese, from their religious aversion to taking away life in any form, permit the increase of these desolate creatures till in the hot season they become so numerous as to be a nuisance ; and the only expedient hitherto devised by the civil government to reduce their numbers, is once in each year to offer a reward for their destruction, when the Tamils and Malays pursue them in the streets with clubs (guns being forbidden by the police for fear of accidents), and the unresisting dogs are beaten to death on the side-paths and door-steps where they had been taught to resort for food. Lord Torrington, during his government of Ceylon, at- tempted the more civilised experiment of putting some check on their numbers, by imposing a dog-tax, the effect of which would have been to lead to the drownincr of puppies ; whereas there is reason to believe that dogs plant in Ceylon, called Cupjpa-may- it into the air, watching it till it niya by the natives ; by which he falls, and crouching to see if it says cats are so enchanted, that will move. It would be worth in- they play with it as they would quiring into the truth of this ; and with a captured mouse ; throwing the explanation of the attraction. 34 MAMMALIA. [Chap. L are at present bred by the horse-keepers to be killed for sake of the reward. The Pariahs of Colombo exhibit something of the same instinct, by which the dogs in other eastern cities partition the towns into districts, each apportioned to a separate pack, by whom it is jealously guarded from the encroachments of all intruders. Travellers at Cairo and Constantinople are often startled at night by the racket occasioned by the demonstrations made by the rightful possessors of a locality in repelling its invasion by some straggling wanderer. At Alexandria, in 1844, the dogs had multiplied to such an inconvenient extent, that Mehemet Ali, to abate the nuisance, caused them to be shipped in boats and conveyed to one of the is- lands at the mouth of the Mle. But the streets, thus deprived of their habitual patroles, were speedily in- fested by dogs from the suburbs, in such numbers that the evil became greater than before, and in the following year, the legitimate denizens were recalled from their exile in the Delta, and speedily drove back the intruders within their original boundary. May not this disposition of the dog be referable to the impulse by which, in a state of nature, each pack ap- propriates its own hunting-fields within a particular area? and may not the impulse which, even in a state of domestication, they still manifest to attack a passing dog upon the road, be a remnant of this localised instinct, and a concomitant dislike of in- trusion ? Jackal. — The Jackal ^ in the low country of Ceylon hunts thus in packs, headed by a leader, and these audacious prowlers have been seen to assault and pull ' Canis Aureus, Linn. Chap. I.] JACKALS. 35 down a deer. The small number of hares in the dis- tricts they infest is ascribed to their depredations. In the legends of the natives, and in the literature of the Buddhists, the jackal in Ceylon is as essentially the type of cunning as the fox is the emblem of craft and ad- roitness in the traditions of Europe. In fact, it is more than doubtful whether the jackal of the East be not the creature alluded to, in the various passages of the Sacred Writings which make allusion to the artfulness and subtlety of the " fox." These faculties they display in a high degree in their hunting expeditions, especially in the northern portions of the island, where they are found in the greatest num- bers. In these districts, where the wide sandy plains are thinly covered with brushwood, the face of the country is diversified by patches of thick jungle and detached groups of trees, that form insulated groves and topes. At dusk, or after nightfall, a pack of jackals, having watched a hare or a small deer take refuge in one of these retreats, immediately surround it on all sides ; and having stationed a few to watch the path by which the game entered, the leader commences the attack by raising the unearthly cry peculiar to their race, and which resembles the sound okkay ! loudly and rapidly repeated. The whole party then rush into the jungle, and drive out the victim, which generally falls into the ambush previously laid to entrap it. A native gentleman ^, who had favourable opportunities of observing the movements of these animals, informed me, that when a jackal has brought down his game and killed it, his first impulse is to hide it in the nearest jungle, whence he issues with an air of easy indifference ' Mr. D, de Silva Gooneratne. D 2 36 MA^IMALIA. [Chap. I. to observe whether an}i:hing more powerful than him- self may be at hand, from which he might encounter the risk of being despoiled of his capture. If the coast be clear, he returns to the concealed carcase, and carries it away, followed by his companions. But if a man be in sight, or any other animal to be avoided, my informant has seen the jackal seize a coco-nut husk in his mouth, or any similar substance, and fly at full speed, as if eager to carry off his pretended prize, returning for the real booty at some more convenient season. They are subject to hydrophobia, and instances are frequent in Ceylon of cattle being bitten by them and dying in consequence. An excrescence is sometimes found on the head of the jackal, consisting of a small horny cone about half an inch in length, and concealed by a tuft of hair. This the natives call Qiarric-coonhoo ; and they aver that this " Jackal's Horn " only grows on the head of the JACSAL'S SKULL AND HORN. leader of the pack.^ Both the Singhalese and the Tamils regard it as a talisman, and believe that its for- 1 In the Museum of the College of Surgeons, London (No. 4362 a), there is a cranium of a jackal ■which exhibits this strange os- seous process on the super-occi- pital; and I hare placed along \vdth it a specimen of the horny sheath, which was presented to me by Mr. Lavalliere, the late dis- trict judge of Kandy. Chap. I.] JACKL\LS. 37 tunate possessor can command by its instrumentality the realisation of every wish, and that if stolen or lost by him, it will invariably return of its own accord. Those who have jewels to conceal rest in perfect se- curity if along with them they can deposit a narri- comboo, fully convinced that its presence is an effectual safeguard against robbers. One fabulous virtue ascribed to the narric-comboo by the Singhalese is absurdly characteristic of their passion for litigation, as well as of their perceptions of the " glorious imcertainty of the law." It is the po- pular belief that the fortunate discoverer of a jackal's horn becomes thereby invincible in every lawsuit, and must irresistibly triumph over every opponent. A gentleman connected with the Supreme Court of Colombo has repeated to me a circumstance, within his own knowledge, of a plaintiff who, after numerous de- feats, eventually succeeded against his opponent by the timely acquisition of this invaluable charm. Before the final hearing of the cause, the mysterious horn was duly exhibited to his friends ; and the consequence was, that the adverse witnesses, appalled by the belief that no one could possibly give judgment against a person so endowed, suddenly modified their previous evidence, and secured an unforeseen victory for the happy owner of the narric-comboo ! The Mongoos. — Of the Mongoos or Ichneumon four species have been described ; and one, that frequents the hills near Neuera-ellia ^, is so remarkable from its bushy * Herpestes vitticollis. Mr. "W. the Gliat forests in 1829, and is now Elliott, in his Catalogue of Mam- deposited in the British Muse\im ; malia found in the Southern Mah- it is very rare, inhabiting only the arata Country, Madras, 1840, says, thickest woods, and its habits are that " One specimen of this Her- very little known," p. 9. In Ceylon pestes was prociired by accident in it is comparatively common. D 3 39, MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. fur, that the invalid soldiers in the sanatarium there, to whom it is familiar, have given it the name of the « Ceylon Badger." I have found universally that the natives of Ceylon attach no credit to the European story of the Mongoos {H, griseus) resorting to some plant, which no one has yet succeeded in identifying, as an antidote against the HERPESTES VITTICOLLIS. bite of the venomous serpents on which it preys. There is no doubt that, in its conflicts with the cobra de capello and other poisonous snakes, which it attacks with as little hesitation as the harmless ones, it may be seen occasionally to retreat, and even to retire into the jun- gle, and, it is added, to eat some vegetable; but a gen- tleman, who has been a frequent observer of its exploits, assures me that most usually the herb it resorted to was Chap. I.] MOXGOOS. 39 grass ; and if this were not at hand, almost any other plant that grew near seemed equally acceptable. Hence has probably arisen the long list of plants, such as the Ophioxylon serpentinum and Ophiorhiza niungos, the Aristolochia Indicaf the Mimosa octandria, and others, each of which has been asserted to be the ichneumon's specific; whilst their multiplicity is demonstrative of the non-existence of any one in particular on which the animal relies as an antidote. Were there any truth in the tale as regards the mongoos, it would be difficult to understand why creatures, such as the secretary bird and the falcon, and others, which equally destroy serpents, should be left defenceless, and the ichneumon alone provided with a prophylactic. Besides, were the ich- neumon inspired by that courage which would result from the consciousness of security, it would be so in- different to the bite of the serpent that we might con- clude that, both in its approaches and its assault, it would be utterly careless as to the precise mode of its attack. Such, however, is far from being the case ; and next to its audacity, nothing can be more surprising than the adroitness with which it escapes the spring of the snake under a due sense of danger, and the cunning with which it makes its arrangements to leap upon the back and fasten its teeth in the head of the cobra. It is this display of instinctive ingenuity that Lucan^ celebrates where he paints the ichneumon diverting the attention of the asp, by the motion of his bushy tail, and then seizing it in the midst of its confusion : — " Aspidas ut Pharias eauda, solertior hostis Ludit, et iratas incerta provocat umbra : * The passage in Lucan is aver- lated by Pliny, lib, viii. ch. o3 ; sification of the same narrative re- and iEUan, lib. iii. ch. 22. D 4 40 MAIIMALIA. [Chap. I. Obliquusque caput vanas serpentis in auras EiFusae toto comprendit guttura morsu Letiferam citra saniem ; tunc irrita pestis Exprimitur, faucesque fluunt pereunte veneno." Pharsalia, lib. iv. t. 729. The mystery of the mongoos and its antidote has been referred to the supposition that there may be some peculiarity in its organisation which renders it proof against the poison of the serpent. It remains for fu- ture investigation to determine how far this conjecture is founded in truth ; and whether in the blood of the mongoos there exists any element or quality which acts as a prophylactic. Such exceptional provisions are not without precedent in the animal oeconomy : the hornbill feeds with impunity on the deadly fruit of the strych- nos; the milky juice of some species of euphorbia, which is harmless to oxen, is invariably fatal to the zebra; and the tsetse fly, the pest of South Africa, whose bite is mortal to the ox, the dog, and the horse, is harmless to man and the untamed creatures of the forest.^ The Singhalese distinguish one species of mongoos, which they designate " Hotantbeya,'^ and which they assert never preys upon serpents. A writer in the Ceylon Miscellany mentions, that they are often to be seen " crossing rivers and frequently mud-brooks near Chilaw ; the adjacent thickets affording them shelter, and their food consisting of aquatic reptiles, crabs, and mollusca." ^ ^ Dr. LiviNGSTONi:, Tour in 8. or mouse-cat of Behar, which preys Africa, p. 80. Is it a fact that, in upon birds and fish. Can it be the America, pigs extirpate the rattle- Urva of the Nepalese (Urva can- snakes with impunity ? crivora, Hodgson), which Mr. Hodg- ' This is possibly the "musbilai" son describes as dwelling in bur- Chap. I.] SQUIRRELS. 41 IV. EoDENTiA. Squirrels. — Smaller animals in great numbers enliven the forests and lowland plains with FLYING SQUIREEL, their graceful movements. Squirrels ^, of which there are a great variety, make their shrill metallic call heard rows, and being carnivorous and ^ Of two kinds which frequent ranivorous ? — Vide Journ. As. Soc. the mountains, one which is pe- Beng. vol. vi. p. 56. culiar to Ceylon was discovered 42 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. at early morning in the woods ; and when sounding their note of warning on the approach of a civet or a tree- snake, the ears tingle with the loud trill of defiance, which rings as clear and rapid as the running down of an alarum, and is instantly caught up and re-echoed from every side by their terrified playmates. One of the largest, belonging to a closely allied sub- genus, is known as the " Flying Squirrel," * from its being assisted, in its prodigious leaps from tree to tree, by a parachute formed by the skin of the flanks, which, on the extension of the limbs front and rear, is laterally expanded from foot to foot. Thus buoyed up in its descent, the spring which it is enabled to make from one lofty tree to another resembles the flight of a bird rather than the bound of a quadruped. Of these pretty creatures there are two species, one common to Ceylon and India, the other {Sciuropterus Layardii, Kelaart) is peculiar to the island, and by far the most beautiful of the family. Rats. — Among the multifarious inhabitants to which the forest affords at once a home and provender is the tree rat ■^, which forms its nest on the branches, and by turns makes its visits to the dwellings of the natives, frequenting the ceilings in preference to the lower parts of houses. Here it is incessantly followed by the rat- snake ^, whose domestication is encouraged by the ser- by Mr. Edgar L. Layard, who lias at the base of the ears. done me the honour to call it the * Pteromys oral., Tickel. P. pe- Sciurus Tenncntii. Its dimensions taurista, Pallas. are large, measuring upwards of ^ There are two species of the two feet from head to tail. It is tree rat in Ceylon : M. rufescens, distinguished from the S. macrurus Gray ; (M. flavescens, Elliot ;) and by the predominant black colour of Mus nemoralis, Blyth. the upper surface of the body, ^ Coryphodon Blumenbachii, with the exception of a rusty spot Merr. Chap. I.] EATS. 43 vants, in consideration of its services in destroying vermin. I had one day an opportunity of surprising a snake that had just seized on a rat of this description, and of covering it suddenly with a glass shade, before it had time to swallow its prey. The serpent, appeared stunned by its own capture, and allowed the rat to escape from its jaws, which cowered at one side of the glass in the most pitiable state of trembling terror. The two were left alone for some moments, and on my re- turn to them the snake was as before in the same atti- tude of sullen stupor. On setting them at liberty, the rat bounded towards the nearest fence ; but quick as lightning it was followed by its pursuer, which seized it before it could gain the hedge, through which I saw the snake glide with its victim in its jaws. In parts of the central province, at Oovah and Bintenne, the house-rat is eaten as a common article of food. The Singhalese believe it and the mouse to be liable to hydrophobia. Another indigenous variety of the rat is that which made its appearance for the first time in the coffee plan- tations on the Kandyan hills in the year 1847 ; and in such swarms does it continue to infest them, at intervals, that as many as a thousand have been killed in a single day on one estate. In order to reach the buds and blossoms of the coffee, it cuts such of the slender branches as would not sustain its weight, and feeds on them when fallen to the ground ; and so delicate and sharp are its incisors, that the twigs thus destroyed are detached by as clean a cut as if severed with a knife. The coffee-rat ^ is an insular variety of the Mus hir~ sutus of W, Elliot, found in Southern India. They in- * Golunda EUioti, Grat/. 44 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. habit the forests, making their nests among the roots of the trees, and feeding, in the season, on the ripe seeds of the nilloo. Like the lemmings of Norway and Lapland, COFFEE EAT. they migrate in vast numbers on the occurrence of a scarcity of their ordinary food. The Malabar coolies are so fond of their flesh, that they evince a preference for those districts in which the coffee plantations are subject to their incursions, where they fry the rats in coco-nut oil, or convert them into curry. Bandicoot. — Another favourite article of food with the coolies is the pig-rat or Bandicoot \ which attains on those hills the weight of two or three pounds, and grows to nearly the length of two feet. As it feeds on grain and roots, its flesh is said to be delicate, and much re- sembling young pork. ' Mus bandicota, Beckst. The ruption of the Telinga name pan- English term bandicoot is a cor- dikoku, literally ^?^-rfl^. Chap. I.] THE PORCUPIXE. 45 Its nests, when rifled, are frequently found to contain considerable quantities of rice, stored up against the dry season. BAKDICOOT Porcupine. — The Porcupine ^ is another of the ro- dentia which has drawn down upon itself the hostility of the planters, from its destruction of the young coco- nut palms, to which it is a pernicious and persevering, but withal so crafty, a visitor, that it is with difficulty any trap can be so disguised, or any bait made so allur- ing, as to lead to its capture. The usual expedient in Ceylon is to place some of its favourite food at the ex- tremity of a trench, so narrow as to prevent the porcu- pine turning, whilst the direction of his quills etfectually bars his retreat backwards. On a newly planted coco- nut tope, at Hang-welle, within a few miles of Colombo, ' Hystrix leucunis, Si//ces. 46 MAMMALIA. [Chap. T. I have heard of as many as twenty-seven being thus captured in a single night ; but such success is rare. The more ordinary expedient is to smoke them out by burning straw at the apertures of their burrows. At Ootacamund, on the continent of the Dekkan, spring- guns have been used with great success by the Super- intendent of the Horticultural Grardens ; placing them so as to sweep the runs of the porcupines. The flesh is esteemed a delicacy in Ceylon, and in consistenc}'', colour, and flavour it very much resembles young pork. V. Edentata. Pengolin. — Of the Edentata the only example in Ceylon is the scaly ant-eater, called by the Singhalese, Caballaya, but usually known by its Malay name of Pengolin ^, a word indicative of its faculty, when alarmed, of " rolling itself up " into a compact ball, by bending its head towards its stomach, arching its back into a circle, and securing all by a powerful fold of its mail-covered tail. The feet of the pengolin are armed with powerful claws, which in walking they double in, like the ant-eater of Brazil. These they use in extracting their favourite food from ant-hills and de- caying wood. When at liberty, they burrow in the dry ground to a depth of seven or eight feet, where they re- side in pairs, and produce annually one or two young. ^ Of two specimens which I kept alive at different times, one, about two feet in length, from the vicinity of Kandy, was a gentle and affectionate creature, which, ' Manis pentadactyla, Linn. me, in connexion with the state- ^ I am assured that there is a ment, that its favourite dwelling is hedge-hog in Ceylon ; but as I in the same biu-row with the pen- have never seen it, I cannot tell golin. The popular belief in this whether it belongs to either of the is attested by a Singhalese proverb, two species known in India (Eri- in relation to an intrusive person- naceusmentalis and E.collaris) — nor age; the import of which is that can I vouch for its existence there he is like " a hedge-hog in the den at all. But the fact was told to of a pengolinj* CHAr. I.] THE PENGOLIN. 47 after wandering over the house in search of ants, would attract attention to its wants by climbing up my knee, laying hold of my leg with its prehensile tail. The other, more than double that length, was caught in the jungle near Chilaw, and brought to me in Colombo. I had always understood that the pengolin was unable to climb trees ; but the one last mentioned frequently as- THE PENGOLIN, cended a tree in my garden, in search of ants ; and this it effected by means of its hooked feet, aided by an oblique grasp of the tail. The ants it seized by ex- tending its round and glutinous tongue along their tracks ; and in the stomach of one which was opened after death, I found a quantity of small stones and gravel, which had been taken to facilitate digestion. In both specimens in my possession the scales of the back 48 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. were a cream-coloured white, with a tinge of red in that which came from Chilaw, probably acquired by the insinuation of the Cabook dust which abounds along the western coast of the island. Of the habits of the pengolin I found that very little was known by the natives, who regard it with aversion, one name given to it being the "Negombo Devil." Those kept by me were, generally speaking, quiet during the day, and grew restless and active as evening and night approached. Both had been taken near rocks, in the hol- lows of which they had their dwelling, but owing to their slow power of motion, they were unable to reach their hiding place when overtaken. When frightened, they rolled themselves instantly into a rounded ball ; and such was the powerful force of muscle, that the strength of a man was insufficient to uncoil it. In reconnoitring they made important use of the tail, rest- ing upon it and their hind legs, and holding themselves nearly erect, to command a view of their object. The strength of this powerful limb will be perceived from the accompanying drawing of SKELETON OF PKNGOLIN. Chap. I.] THE GAUR. 49 the skeleton of the Manis ; in which it will be seen that the tail is equal in length to all the rest of the body, whilst the vertebrae which compose it are stronger by far than those of the back. From the size and position of the bones of the leg, the pengolin is endued with prodigious power; and its faculty of exerting this vertically, was displayed in overturning heavy cases, by insinuating itself under them, between the supports, by which it is customary in Ceylon to raise trunks a few inches above the floor, in order to prevent the attacks of white ants. VI. EuMiNANTiA. The Gaur. — Besides the deer, and some varieties of the humped ox, that have been intro- duced from the opposite continent of India, Ceylon has probably but one other indigenous bovine ruminantf the buffalo.^ There is a tradition that the gaur, found in the extremity of the Indian peninsula, was at one period . a native of the Kandyan Mountains ; but as Knox speaks of one which in his time " was kept among the king's creatures " at Kandy ^ and his account of it tallies with that of the Bos Gaurus of Hindustan, it would appear even then to have been a rarity. A place between Neuera-ellia and Adam's Peak bears the name of " Grow- ra-ellia," and it is not impossible that the animal may yet be discovered in some of the imperfectly explored regions of the island.^ I have heard of an instance in which a very old Kandyan, residing in the mountains near the Horton Plains, asserted that when young he had seen what he believed to have been a gaur, and he described it as between an elk and a buffalo in size. ' Bubalus buflfelus, Gray. Cei/lon, ^^c, A..Ti. 1681. Booki. c. 6. ^ Knox, Historical Belation of ' Kelaamt:, Fau7iaZe^lan.,Tp.87 . E 50 MAMMALIA. [Chap. T. dark brown in colour, and very scantily provided with hair. Oxen. — Oxen are used by the peasantry both in ploughing and in tempering the mud in the wet paddi fields before sowing the rice ; and when the harvest is reaped they "tread out the corn," after the imme- morial custom of the East. The wealth of the native chiefs and landed proprietors frequently consists in their herds of bullocks, which they hire out to their depend- ents during the seasons for agricultural labour ; and as they already supply them with land to be tilled, and lend the seed which is to crop it, the further contribu- tion of this portion of the labour serves to render the dependence of the peasantry on the chiefs and head- men complete. The cows are often worked as well as the oxen ; and as the calves are always permitted to suck them, milk is an article which the traveller can rarely hope to pro- cure in a Kandyan village. From their constant ex- posure at all seasons, the cattle in Ceylon, both those employed in agriculture and those on the roads, are subject to devastating murrains, that sweep them away by thousands. So frequent is the recurrence of these calamities, and so extended their ravages, that they exercise a serious influence upon the commercial in- terests of the colony, by reducing the facilities of agri- culture, and augmenting the cost of carriage during the most critical periods of the coffee harvest. A similar disorder, probably peripneumonia, fre- quently carries off the cattle in Assam and other hill countries on the continent of India ; and there, as in Ceylon, the inflammatory symptoms in the lungs and throat, and the internal derangement and external Chap. L] OXE^nT. 51 eruptive appearances, seem to indicate that the disease is a feverish influenza, attributable to neglect and ex- posure in a moist and variable climate ; and that its prevention might be hoped for, and the cattle pre- served, by the simple expedient of more humane and considerate treatment, especially by affording them cover at night. During my residence in Ceylon an incident occurred at Neuera-ellia, which invested one of these pretty animals with an heroic interest. A little cow, belong- ing to an English gentleman, was housed, together with her calf, near the dwelling of her owner, and being aroused during the night by her furious bellowing, the servants, on hastening to the stall, found her goring a leopard, which had stolen in to attack the calf. She had got it into a corner, and whilst lowing incessantly to call for help, she continued to pound it Avith her horns. The wild animal, apparently stupified by her unexpected violence, was detained by her till despatched by a bullet. The number of bullock-carts encountered between Colombo and Kandy, laden with coffee from the interior, or carrying up rice and stores for the supply of the plantations in the hill-country, is quite surprising. The oxen thus employed on this single road, about seventy miles long, are estimated at upwards of twenty thou- sand. The bandy to which they are yoked is a barbar- ous two-wheeled waggon, with a covering of plaited coco-nut leaves, in which a pair of strong bullocks will draw from five to ten hundred weight, according to the nature of the country ; and with this load on a level they will perform a journey of twenty miles a day. A few of the large humped cattle of India are an- E 2 52 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. nually imported for draught ; but the vast majority of those in use are small and dark-coloured, with a grace- ful head and neck, and elevated hump, a deep silky dewlap, and limbs as slender as a deer. They appear to have neither the strength nor weight requisite for this service ; and yet the entire coffee crop of Ceylon, amounting annually to upwards of half a million hun- dred weight, is year after year brought down from the mountains to the coast by these indefatigable little creatures, which, on returning, carry up proportionally heavy loads of rice and implements for the estates.^ There are two varieties of the native bullock ; one a somewhat coarser animal, of a deep red colour ; the other, the high-bred black one I have just described. So rare was a white one of this species, under the native kings, that the Kandyans were compelled to set them apart for the royal herd.^ Although bullocks may be said to be the only animals of draught and burden in Ceylon (horses being rarely used except in spring carriages), no attempt has been made to improve the breed, or even to better the con- dition and treatment of those in use. Their food is in- different, pasture in all parts of the island being rare, and cattle are seldom housed under any vicissitudes of weather. The labour for which they are best adapted, and in which, before the opening of roads, these cattle were formerly employed, is in traversing the jungle paths of * A pair of these little bullocks 1763, he saw in Ceylon two white carry up about twenty bushels of oxen, each of which measured up- rice to the hills, and bring down wards of eight feet high. They from fifty to sixty bushels of coffee were sent as a present from the to Colombo. King of Atchin. — Life and Ad- 2 Wolf says that, in the year ventures, p. 172. Chap. I.] OXEN. 53 the interior, carrying light loads as pack-oxen in what is called a '' tavalam,'" — a term which, substituting bul- locks for camels, is equivalent to a " caravan." ^ The class of persons engaged in this traffic in Ceylon resem- ble in their occupations the " Banjarees " of Hindustan, who bring down to the coast corn, cotton, and oil, and take back to the interior cloths and iron and copper utensils. In the unopened parts of the island, and especially in the eastern provinces, this primitive prac- tice still continues. WTien travelling in these districts I have often encountered long files of pack-bullocks toiling along the mountain paths, their bells tinkling musically as they moved ; or halting during the noonday heat beside some stream in the forests, their burdens piled in heaps near the drivers, who had lighted their cooking fires, whilst the bullocks were permitted to bathe and browse. The persons engaged in this wandering trade are chiefly Moors, and the business carried on by them consists in bringing up salt from the government depots on the coast to be bartered with the Kandyans in the hills for " native coffee," which is grown in small quan- tities round every house, but without systematic culti- vation. This they carry down to the maritime towns, and the proceeds are invested in cotton cloths and brass utensils, dried fish, and other commodities, with which the tavalams supply the secluded villages of the in- terior. ' Attempts hare been made to nection with the fact of the camel domesticate the camel in Ceylon ; living in perfect health in climates but, I am told, they died of ulcers equally, if not more, exposed to in the feet, attributed to the too rain. I apprehend that sufficient great moisture of the roads at justice has not been done to the certain seasons. This explanation experiment, seems insufficient if taken in con- £ 3 54 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. The Buffalo. — Buffaloes abound in all parts of Cey- lon, but they are only to be seen in their native wild- ness in the vast solitudes of the northern and eastern provinces, where rivers, lagoons, and dilapidated tanks abound. In these they delight to immerse themselves, till only their heads appear above the surface ; or, en- veloped in mud to protect themselves from the assaults of insects, they luxuriate in the long sedges by the water margins. When the buffalo is browsing, a crow will frequently be seen stationed on its back, engaged in freeing it from the ticks and other pests which attach themselves to its leathery hide, the smooth bro^vn sur- face of which, unprotected by hair, shines with an un- pleasant polish in the sunlight. When in motion a buffalo throws back its clumsy head till the huge horns rest on its shoulders, and the nose is presented in a line with the eyes. The temper of the wild buffalo is morose and uncer- tain, and such is its strengfth and courao-e that in the Hindu epic of the Eamayana its onslaught is comj)ared to that of the tiger. ^ It is never quite safe to approach them, if disturbed in their pasture or alarmed from their repose in the shallow lakes. On such occasions they hurry into line, draw up in defensive array, with a few of the oldest bulls in advance ; and, wheeling in circles, their horns clashing with a loud sound as they clank them together in their rapid evolutions, they prepare for attack ; but generally, after a menacing dis- play the herd betake themselves to flight ; then forming again at a safer distance, they halt as before, elevating their nostrils, and throwing back their heads to take a defiant survey of the intruders. The true sportsman ' Carey and Maesjiman's Transl. vol. i. p. 430, 447. Chap. I.] THE BUFFALO. 55 rarely molests them, so huge a creature affording no worthy mark for his skill, and their wanton slaughter adds nothing to the supply of food for their assailant. In the Hambangtotte country, where the Singhalese domesticate buffaloes, and use them to assist in the labour of the rice lands, the villagers are much annoyed by the Avild ones, that mingle with the tame when sent out to the woods to pasture ; and it constantly happens that a savage stranger, placing himself at the head of the tame herd, resists the attempts of the owners to drive them homewards at sunset. In the districts of Putlam and the Seven Corles, buffaloes are generally used for draught ; and in carrying heavy loads of salt from the coast towards the interior, they drag a cart over roads which would defy the weaker strength of bullocks. In one place between Batticaloa and Trincomalie I found the natives makino: an inofenious use of them when engaged in shooting water-fowl in the vast salt marshes and muddy lakes. Being an object to which the birds are accustomed, the Singhalese train the buffalo to the sport, and, concealed behind, the animal browsing listlessly along, they guide it by ropes attached to its horns, and thus creep undiscovered within shot of the flock. The same practice prevails, I believe, in some of the northern parts of India, where they are similarly trained to assist the sportsman in approaching deer. One of these " sporting buffaloes " sells for a considerable sum. In the thick forests which cover the Passdun Corle, to the east and south of Caltura, the natives use the sporting buffalo in another way, to assist in hunting deer and wild hogs. A bell is attached to its neck, and £ 4 56 MAMMALIA. [Chap. T. a box or basket with one side open is securely strapped on its back. This at nightfall is lighted by flambeaux of wax, and the buffalo bearing it, is driven slowly into the jungle. The huntsmen, with their fowling pieces, keep close under the darkened side, and as it moves slowly onwards, the wild animals, startled by the sound, and bewildered by the light, steal cautiously towards it in stupified fascination. Even the snakes, I am as- sured, will be attracted by this extraordinary object ; and the leopard too falls a victim to curiosity. There is a peculiarity in the formation of the buffalo's foot, which, though it must have attracted attention, I have never seen mentioned by naturalists. It is equivalent to the arrangement which distinguishes the foot of the reindeer from that of the stag and the ante- lope. In the latter, the hoofs, being constructed for lightness and flight, are compact and vertical ; but, in the reindeer, the joints of the tarsal bones admit of lateral expansion, and the front hoofs curve upwards, while the two secondary ones behind (which are but slightly developed in the fallow deer and others of the same family) are prolonged vertically till, in certain positions, they are capable of being applied to the ground, thus adding to the circumference and sustain- ing power of the foot. It has been usually suggested as the probable design of this structure, that it is to enable the reindeer to shovel away the snow in order to reach the lichens beneath it ; but I apprehend that another use of it has been overlooked, that of facilitating its movements in search of food by increasing the diflfi- culty of its sinking in the snow. A formation precisely analogous in the buffalo seems to point to a corresponding design. The ox, whose life^ Chap. I.] DEER. 57 is spent on firm ground, has the bones of the foot so constructed as to afford the most solid support to an animal of its great weight ; but in the buffalo, which delights in the morasses on the margins of pools and rivers, the construction of the foot resembles that of the reindeer. The tarsi in front extend almost horizontally from the upright bones of the leg, and spread apart widely on touching the ground ; the hoofs are flattened and broad, mth the extremities turned upwards ; and the false hoofs behind descend till they make a clattering sound as the animal walks. In traversing the marshes, this combination of abnormal incidents serves to erive extraordinary breadth to the foot, and not only prevents the buffalo from sinking inconveniently in soft ground ^, but at the same time presents no obstacle to the with- drawal of its foot from the mud. The buffalo, like the elk, is sometimes found in Ceylon as an albino, with purely white hair and a pink iris. Deer. — " Deer," says the truthful old chronicler, Eobert Knox, " are in great abundance in the woods, from the largeness of a cow to the smallness of a hare, for here is a creature in this land no bigger than the latter, though every part rightly resembleth a deer : it is called meminna, of a grey colour, with white spots and good meat."^ The little creature which thus dwelt in the recollection of the old man, as one of the memo- ^ Professor Owex has noticed a in the camel and dromedary, that similar fact regarding the rudi- traverse arid deserts. — O'na'ex on ments of the second and fifth digits Limbs, p. 3-i ; see also Bell on the in the instance of the elk and bison, Hand, ch. iii. which have them largely expanded Knox's Relation, ^'c, hook i. where they inhabit swampy ground; c. 6. whilst they are nearly oljliterated 58 MMIMALIA. [Chap. T. rials of his long captivity, is the small " musk deer " ^ so called in India, although neither sex is provided with a musk-bag. The Europeans in Ceylon know it by the name of the " moose deer ; " and in all probability the terms musk and moose are both corruptions of the Dutch word " m/ais,^^ or " mouse " deer, a name par- ticularly applicable to the timid and crouching attitudes "MOOSE" DEER MOSCHUS MEMINNA). and aspect of this beautiful little creature. Its extreme length never reaches two feet ; and of those which were domesticated about my house, few exceeded ten inches in height, their graceful limbs being of proportionate delicacy. It possesses long and extremely large tusks, with which it can inflict a severe bite. The interpreter moodliar of Negombo had a milk luhite meminna in 1847, which he designed to send home as an acceptable ' Moschus meminna. CiiAr. l.J CEYLON ELK. 50 present to Her Majesty, but it was unfortunately killed by an accident.^ Ceylon Elk. — In the mountains, the Ceylon elk 2, which reminds one of the red deer of Scotland, attains the height of four or five feet ; it abounds in all shady places that are intersected by rivers ; where, though its chase affords an endless resource to the sportsman, its venison scarcely equals in quality the inferior beef of the lowland ox. In the glades and park-like openings that diversify the great forests of the interior, the spotted Axis troops in herds as numerous as the fallow deer in England ; but, in journeys through the jungle, when often dependent on the guns of our party for the pre- carious supply of the table, we found the flesh of the Axis^ and the Muntjac"* a sorry substitute for that of the pea-fowl, the jungle-cock, and flamingo. The occurrence of albinos is very frequent in troops of the axis. Deer's horns are an article of export from Ceylon, and consider- able quantities are annually sent to the United Kingdom. VII. Pachydermata. — The JElephant. — The elephant and the wild boar, the Singhalese '^ waloora," ^ are the only representatives of the jpachydermnatous order. The latter, which differs somewhat from the wild boar of ' When the English took posses- stance occurred during my resi- sion of Kan dy, in 1803, they found dence in Ceylon, in which two " five beautiful milk-white deer in natives, whose mimicry had mu- the palace, which was noted as a tually deceived them, crept so close very extraordinary thing." — Let- together in the jungle that one shot ter in Appendix to's the other, supposing the cry to Ceylon, p. 428. The wi'iter does proceed from the game, not say of what species they were. ^ Axis maculata, H. Smith. 2 Eusa Aristotelis. Dr. Gtrat * Stylocerus muntjac, Horsf. has lately shown that this is the * Mr. Blyth of Calcutta has great axis of Cuvier. — Oss. Foss. distinguished, from the hog, eom- 502, t. 39, f. 10. The Singhalese, mon in India, a specimen sent to on following the elk, frequently him from Ceylon, the skull of which effect their approaches by so imi- approaches in form, that of a spe- tating the call of the animal as to cies from Borneo, the sics bar batus of induce them to respond. An in- S. Mialler. 60 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. India, is found in droves in all parts of the island where vegetation and water are abundant. The elephant, the lord paramount of the Ceylon forests, is to be met with in every district, on the confines of the woods, in the depths of which he finds concealment and shade during the hours when the sun is high, and from which he emerges only at twi- light to wend his way towards the rivers and tanks, where he luxuriates till dawn, when he again seeks the retirement of the deep forests. This noble animal fills so dignified a place both in the zoology and oeconomy of Ceylon, and his habits in a state of nature have been so much misunderstood, that I shall devote a separate section to his defence from misrepresentation, and to an exposition of what, from observation and experience, I believe to be his genuine character when free in his native domains. But this seems the proper place to allude to a recent discovery in connexion with the elephant, which strikingly confirms a conjecture which I ventured to make elsewhere ^, relative to the isolation of Ceylon, and its distinctness, in many re- markable particulars, from the great continent of India. Every writer who previously treated of the island, includ- ing the accomplished Dr. Davy and the erudite Lassen, was contented, by a glance at its outline and a reference to its position on the map, to assume that Ceylon was a fragment, which in a very remote age had been torn from the adjacent mainland, by some convulsion of nature. Hence it was taken for granted that the vegetation which covers and the races of animals which inhabit it, must be identical with those of Hindustan ; to which ' Ceylon, ^r., by Sir J. E.meeson Tennent, vol. i. pp. 7, 13, 85, 160, 183, n., 205, 270, &c. Chap. I.] ZOOLOGY OF CEYLON AND INDL\. 61 Ceylon was alleged to bear the same relation as Sicily presents to the peninsula of Italy. Malte Bkun * and the geographers generally, declared the larger animals of either to be common to both. I was led to question the soundness of this dictum ; — and from a closer ex- amination of its geological conformation and of its bo- tanical and zoological characteristics I came to the con- clusion that not only is there an absence of sameness between the formations of the two localities ; but that plants and animals, mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects exist in Ceylon, which are not to be found in the flora and fauna of the Dekkan ; but which present a striking afi&nity, and occasionally an actual identity, with those of the Malayan countries and some of the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. Startling as this conclusion ap- peared to be, it was strangely in unison with the legends of the Singhalese themselves, that at an infinitely remote period Ceylon formed an integral portion of a vast con- tinent, known in the mythical epics of the Brahmans by the designation of " Lanka ;^^ so immense that its south- ern extremity fell below the equator, whilst in breadth it was prolonged till its western and eastern boundaries touch at once upon the shores of Africa and China. Dim as is this ancient tradition, it is in consistency with the conclusions of modern geology, that at the com- mencement of the tertiary period northern Asia and a considerable part of India were in all probability covered by the sea — but that south of India land extended eastward and westward connecting Malacca with Arabia. Professor Ansted has propounded this view. His opinion is, that the Himalayas then existed only as a chain of islands, and did not till a much later age be- * Malte Beun, Geogr. Univ., 1. xlix. 62 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. come elevated into mountain ranges, — a change which took place during the same revolution that raised the great plains of Siberia and Tartary and many parts of north-western Europe. At the same time the great continent whose position between the tropics has been alluded to, and whose previous existence is still in- dicated by the Coral islands, the Laccadives, the Mal- dives, and the Chagos group, underwent simultaneous depression by a counteracting movement.^ But divested of oriental mystery and geologic con- jecture, and brought to the test of " geographical dis- tribution," this once prodigious continent would appear to have connected the distant Islands of Ceylon and Sumatra and possibly to have united both to the Malay peninsula, from which the latter is now severed by the Straits of Malacca. The proofs of physical affinity be- tween these scattered localities are exceedingly curious. A striking dissimilarity presents itself between some of the Mammalia of Ceylon and those of the continent of India. In its general outline and feature, this branch of the island fauna, no doubt, exhibits a general resem- blance to that of the mainland, although many of the larger animals of the latter are unknown in Ceylon ; but, on the other hand, some species discovered there are peculiar to the island. A deer^ as large as the Axis, but differing from it in the number and arrange- ment of its spots, has been described by Dr. Kela- art, to whose vigilance the natural history of Ceylon is indebted, amongst others, for the identification of two new species of monkeys^, a number of curious shrews'*, " * The Ancient World, by D. T. ^ Presbytes ursinus, Blyth, and Ansted, M.A., &c.. pp. 322—324, P. Thersites, Elliot. 2 Cerviis oriziis, Kexaaht, Prod. * Sorex montanus, S. fermgineus, F. Zeyl., p, 83. and Ferocnlus macropus. Chap. I.] ZOOLOGY OF CEYLON AXD INDIA. 63 and an orange-coloured ichneumon ^, before unknown. There are also two squirrels^ that have not as yet been discovered elsewhere, (one of them belonging to those equipped with a parachute^,) as well as some local varieties of the palm squirrel (Sciurus penicillatus, Leadi).^ But the Ceylon Mammalia, besides wanting a number of minor animals found in the Indian peninsula, cannot boast such a ruminant as the majestic Graur^, which inhabits the great forests from Cape Comorin to the Himalaya ; and, providentially, the island is equally free of the formidable tiger and the ferocious wolf of Hin- dustan. The Hyena and Cheetah^', common in Southern India, are unknown in Ceylon ; and though abundant in deer, the island possesses no example of the Antelope or the Gazelle. Amongst the Birds of Ceylon, the same abnormity is apparent. About thirty-eight species will be presently particularised^ which, although some of them may here- after be discovered to have a wider geographical range, are at present believed to be unknown in continental India. I might further extend this enumeration, by in- cluding the Cheela eagle of Ceylon, which, although I have placed it in my list as identical with the Hematornis cheela of the Dekkan, is, I have since been assured, a different bird, and is most probably the Faleo bido of ^ Herpestes fulvescens, Kela- Ceylon. Dr. Templetox has no- Aur, Prod. Faun. Ze^Ian., A]^^.ip.4:2. ticed a little shrew (Corsira pur- 2 Sciunis Tennentii, Layard. purascens, Mag. Nat. Hist. 1855, 3 Sciuropterus Layardi, Kelaart. p. 238) at Neuera-ellia, not as yet * There is a rat found only in the observed elsewhere. Cinnamon Gardens at Colombo, * Bos cavifrons, Hodgs. ; B. fi-on- Mus Ceylonus, Kelaart; and a talis. Lamb. mouse which Dr. Kelaart disco- ^ Felis jubata, Schrch. vered at Trineomalie, M. falridi- '' See Chapter on the Birds of ventris, Blyth, both pecidiar to Ceylon. 64 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. Horsfield, known to us by specimens obtained from Java and Sumatra. As to the Fishes of Ceylon, they are of course less dis- tinct ; and besides they have hitherto been very imper- fectly compared. But the Insects afford a remarkable con- firmation of the view I have ventured to propound ; so much so that Mr. Walker, by whom the elaborate lists appended to this work have been prepared, asserts that some of the families have a less affinity to the en- tomology of India than to that of Australia.^ But more conclusive than all, is the discovery to which I have alluded, in relation to the elephant of Ceylon. Do^vn to a very recent period it was univer- sally believed that only two species of the elephant are now in existence, the African and the Asiatic; distin- guished by certain peculiarities in the shape of the cra- nium, the size of the ears, the ridges of the teeth, the number of vertebrae, and, according to Cuvier, in the number of nails on the hind feet. The elej)hant of Ceylon was believed to be identical with the elephant of India. But some few years back, Temminck, in his survey of the Dutch possessions in the Indian Ar- chipelago^, announced the fact that the elephant which abounds in Sumatra (although unknown in the adjacent island of Java), and which had theretofore been regarded as the same species with the Indian one, has been recently found to possess peculiarities, in which it differs as much from the elephant of India, as the latter from its African congener. On this new species of elephant, to which the natives give the name of gadjah, Temminck has conferred the scientific designation of the Elephas Sumatranus. ^ See Chapter on the Insects of Possessions Necrlandaises dans Ceylon. Vlnde Archijpelagique. 2 Coup d'CEil General sur les Chap. I.] ZOOLOGY OF CEYLON AXD INDIA. 65 The points which entitle it to this distinction he enume- rated minutely in the work ^ before alluded to, but they have been summarized as follows by Prince Lucien Bona- parte. "This species is perfectly intermediate between the Indian and African, especially in the shape of the skull, and will certainly put an end to the distinction between Elephas and Loxodon, with those who admit that ana- tomical genus ; since although the crowns of the teeth of E. Sur}iatranus are more like the Asiatic animal, still the less numerous undulated ribbons of enamel are nearly quite as wide as those forming the lozenges of the African. The number of pairs of false ribs (which alone vary, the true ones being always six) is foiu'teen, one less than in the Africanus, one more than in the Indicus ; and so it is with the dorsal vertebrae, which are twenty in the Sumatranus {twenty -one and nineteen, in the others), whilst the new species agrees with Afmcanus in the number of sacral vertebrae (four), and with Indicus in that of the caudal ones, which are thirty-four.''' ^ ^ Temminck, Coiip-d'oeil, ^'c, t. plutot de I'espece Asiatique que de i. c. iv. p. 328.; t. ii. c. iii. p. 91. ceUe qui est propre a I'Afrique; 2 Proceed. Zool. Soc. London, e'est-a-dire que leur eouronne oSre 1849, p. 144, note. The original la forme de rubans ondoyes et non description of Temminck: is as fol- pas en losange; mais ees rubans lows : sont de lalargeur de ceux qu'on voit " Elephas Suniatranus, Nob. res- a la eouronne des dents de 1' elephant semble, par la forme generale du d'Afrique; ils sont consequem- craue a 1' elephant du continent de ment moins nombreux que dans I'Asie ; mais la partie libre des celui du continent de I'Asie. Les intermaxiH aires est beaucoup plus dimensions de ces rubans, dans la courte et plus etroite; les cavites direction d'avant en arriere, com- nasales sont beaucoup moins larges ; parees a celle prises dans la direc- I'espace entre les orbites des yeux tion trans versale et laterale, sont est plus etroit ; la partie poste- en raison de 3 ou 4 a 1 ; tandis rieur du crane au contraire est plus que dans 1' elephant du continent large que dans I'espece du conti- eUes sont comme 4 ou 6 a 1. La nent. longueur totale de six de ces ru- "Lesmachelieresserapprochent, bans, dans I'espece nouvelle de par la forme de leur eouronne, Sumatra, ainsi que dans celle F 66 MAMMALIA. [Chap. I. Professor Schlegel of Leyden, in a paper lately sub- mitted by him to the Eoyal Academy of Sciences of Holland, (the substance of which he has obligingly communicated to me, through Baron Bentinck the Ne- therlands Minister at this Court), has confirmed the identity of the Ceylon elephant with that found in the Lampongs of Sumatra. The osteological comparison of which Temminck has given the results was, he says, con- ducted by himself with access to four skeletons of the latter. And the more recent opportunity of comparing a living Sumatran elephant with one from Bengal, has served to establish other though minor points of diver- gence. The Indian species is more robust and powerful ; the proboscis longer and more slender ; and the extre- mity, (a point, in which the elephant of Sumatra resem- bles that of Africa,) is more flattened and provided with coarser and longer hair than that of India. Professor Schlegel, adverting to the large export of elephants from Ceylon to the Indian continent, which has been carried on from time immemorial, suggests the caution with which naturalists, in investigating this question, should first satisfy themselves whether the ele- phants they examine are really natives of the mainland, d'Afrique, est d'environ 12 cen- et 15 fausses. Velephas Indicus timetres, tandis que cette longueur a 7 vertebres du cou, 19 dorsales, n'est que de 8 a 10 centimetres 3 lombaires, 5 sacrees, et 34 eau- dans I'espece du continent de 1' dales, 19 paires de cotes, dont 6 Asie. vraies, et 3 fausses. Vele'phas Su- " Les autres formes osteologiques matramcs a 7 vertebres du cou, 20 sont a peu pres les memes dans les dorsales, 3 lombaires, 4 sacrees, et trois especes ; mais il y a difference 34 caudales ; 20 paires du cotes, dans le nombre des os dont le dont 6 vraies, et 14 fausses, squelette se compose, ainsi que " Ces caracteres ont 6te constates le tableau comparatif ei-joint I'e- sur trois squelettes de I'espece nou- ' prouve. veUe, mi male et une femelle adultes " Belephas Africanus a 7 verte- et un jeune male. Nous n'avons bres du cou, 21 vert, dorsales, 3 pas encore ete a meme de nous lombaires, 4 sacrees, et 26 caudales; procurer la depouiUe de cette 21 paires de cotes, dont 6 vraies, esp^ce. " Chap. I.] ZOOLOGY OF CEYLOX AXD INDIA. 67 or whether they have been brought to it from the islands.^ " The extraordinary fact," he observes in his letter to me, " of the identity thus established between the ele- phants of Ceylon and Sumatra; and the points in which they are found to differ from that of Bengal, leads to the c[uestion whether all the elephants of the Asiatic con- tinent belong to one single species ; or whether these vast regions may not produce in some quarter as yet unex- plored the one hitherto found only in the two islands referred to ? It is highly desirable that naturalists who have the means and opportunity, should exert them- selves to discover, whether any traces are to be found of the Ceylon elephant in the Dekkan ; or of that of Sumatra in Cochin China or Siam." To me the establishment of a fact so conclusively confirmatory of the theory I had ventured to broach, is productive of great satisfaction. But it is not a little re- markable that the distinction should not lonof before have been discovered between the elephant of India and that of Ceylon. Nor can it be regarded otherwise than as a singular illustration of " geographical distribution " that two remote islands should be thus shown to possess in common a species unknown in any other quarter of the globe. As bearing on the ancient myth which represents both countries as forming parts of a submerged continent, the discovery is curious — and it is equally interesting in connection with the circumstance alluded to by G-ibbon, that amongst the early geographers and even down to a comparatively modern date, Sumatra and Ceylon were confounded; and grave doubts were entertained as to ' A further inquiry suggests it- case of elephants bred on the con- self, how far the intermixture of tinentof India, from stock partially the breed may have served to con- imported from Ceylon? found specific differences, in the F 2 68 MAMMALIA. [Chap. T. which of the two was the " Taprobane " of antiquity. GrEMMA Frisius, Sebastian Munster, Julius Scaliger, Ortelius and Mercator contended for the former ; Salmasius, Bochart, Cluverius, and Vossius for Ceylon : and the controversy did not cease till it was terminated by Delisle about the beginning of the last centur}^ VIII. Cetacea. — Whales are so frequently seen that they have been captured within sight of Colombo, and more than once their carcases, after having been flinched by the whalers, have floated on shore near the light- house, tainting the atmosphere within the fort by their rapid decomposition. Of this family, one of the most remarkable animals on the coast is the dugong ', a phytophagous cetacean, numbers of which are attracted to the inlets, from the bay of Calpentyn to Adam's Bridge, by the still water and the abundance of marine algae in these parts of the gulf. One which was killed at Manaar and sent to me to Colombo^ in 1847, measured upwards of seven feet in length ; but specimens considerably larger have been taken at Calpentyn, and their flesh is represented as closely resembling veal. The rude approach to the human outline, observed in the shape of the head of this creature, and the attitude of the mother when suckling her young, clasping it to her breast with one flipper, while swimming with the other, holding the heads of both above water ; and when disturbed, suddenly diving and displaying her fish-like tail, — these, together with her habitual demonstrations of strong maternal affection, probably gave rise to the . fable of the " mermaid ;" and thus that earliest invention ' Halicore dugung, F. Cuv. Museum of the Natural History 2 The skeleton is now in the Society of Belfast. Chap. L] THE DUGOIS'G. 69 THE DUGOKa of mythical physiology may be traced to the Arab sea- men and the Greeks, who had watched the movements of the dugong in the waters of Manaar. Megasthenes records the existence of a creature in the ocean, near Taprobane, mth the aspect of a woman ^ ; and JElian, adopting and enlarging on his information, peoples the seas of Ceylon with fishes having the heads of lions, panthers, and rams, and, stranger still, cetaceans in the form of satyrs. Statements such as these must have had their origin in the hairs, which are set round the mouth of the dugong, somewhat resembling a beard, which ^lian and Megasthenes both particularise, from their resemblance to the hair of a woman ; " koL a5 might be compounded of the Arabic al, and ibha, a Sanskrit name for the ele- phant, is exposed to still greater etymological exception. Pictet' s solution is, that in the Sanskrit epics "the King of Elephants," who has the distinction of carrying the god Indra, is called airavata or airavana, a modification of aira- vanta, "son of the ocean," which again comes from iravat, "abound- ing in water." " Nous aurions done ainsi, comme correlatif du grec 4\e(pavTo, une aneienne forme. diravanta ou dilavanta, affaiblie plus tard en airavata ou dirdvana. .... On connait la predilection de r elephant pour le voisinage des fleuves, et son amour pour I'eau, dont I'abondanee est necessaire a son bien-etre." This Sanskrit name, Pictet supposes, may have been carried to the West by the Phcenieians, who were the pur- veyors of ivory from India ; and, from the Greek, the Latins derived elephas, which passed into the modern languages of Italy, Ger- many, and France. But it is curi- ous that the Spaniards acquired from the Moors their Arabic term for ivory, mar jil, and the Portu- guese marfim ; and that the Scan- dinavians, probably from their early expeditions to the Mediterra- nean, adopted J?// as their name for the elephant itself, and fil-bein for ivory; in Danish, fils-ben. (See Journ. Asiat. 1843, t. xliii. p. 133.) The Spaniards of South America call the palm which produces the vegetable ivory {Phytelephas nia- crocarpa) Talma de mar jil, and the nut itself, mar jil vegetal. Since the above was written Gooneratn6 Modliar, the Singhalese Interpreter to the Supreme Court at Colombo, has supplied me with Chap. II.] THE ELEPHANT. 77 them, alike on the summits of the loftiest mountains, and on the borders of the tanks and lowland streams. From time immemorial the natives have been taught to capture and tame them, and the export of elephants from Ceylon to India has been going on without inter- ruption from the period of the first Punic War.^ In later times all elephants were the property of the Kandyan cro^vn ; and their capture or slaughter without the royal permission was classed amongst the gi'avest offences in the criminal code. In recent years there is reason to believe that their numbers have become considerably reduced. They have entirely disappeared from localities in which they were formerly numerous^ ; smaller herds have been taken in the periodical captures for the government service, and hunters returning from the chase report them to be growing scarce. In consequence of this diminution the peasantry in some parts of the island have even suspended the ancient practice of keeping watchers and fires by night to drive away the elephants from their growing crops.^ The opening of roads and the clearing of the mountain forests of Kandy for the cultivation of coffee, another conjecture, that the word ^'c, torn. ii. ch. Ixiii. p. 331.) elephant may possibly be traced to ^ In some parts of Bengal, where the Singhalese name of the animal, elephants were formerly trouble- alia, which means literally, " the some (especially near the wilds of huge one." Alia, he adds, is not a Eamgur), the natives got rid of derivation from Sanskrit or Pali, them by mixing a preparation of but belongs to a dialect more ancient the poisonous Nepal root caUed than either. dakra in balls of grain, and other ' ^LiAN, de Nat. Anirn. lib. xvi. materials, of which the animal is c. 18 ; CosMAS IxDicoPL. p. 128. fond. In Cuttack, above fifty - Le Beun, who visited Ceylon years ago, mineral poison was laid A. D. 1705, says that in the district for them in the same way, and the round Colombo, where elephants carcases of eighty were found which are now never seen, they were then had been killed by it. (Asiat. Res., so abundant, that 160 had been xv. 183.) taken in a single corral. ( Voyage, 78 MAMMALIA. [Chap. II. have forced the animals to retire to the low country, where again they have been followed by large parties of European sportsmen ; and the Singhalese themselves, be- ing more freely provided with arms than in former times, have assisted in swelling the annual slaughter.^ Had the motive that incites to the destruction of the elephant in Africa and India prevailed in Ceylon, that is, had the elephants there been provided with tusks, they would lono* since have been annihilated for the sake of their ivory.^ But it is a curious fact that, whilst in Africa and India both sexes have tusks^, with some slight disproportion in the size of those of the females ; not one elephant in a hundred is found with tusks in Ceylon, and the few that possess them are exclusively males. Nearly all, however, have those stunted pro- cesses called tushes, about ten or twelve inches in length and one or two in diameter. These I have ob- served them to use in loosening earth, stripping off bark, and snapping asunder small branches and climbing * The number of elephants has its way to China and to other been similarly reduced throughout places, but because the chiefs and the south of India, Buddhist priests have a passion for 2 The annual importation of collecting tusks, and the finest and ivory into Great Britain alone, for largest are to be found ornament- the last few years, has been about ing their temples and private one million pounds ; which, taking dwellings. The Chinese profess the average weight of a tusk at that for their exquisite carvings the sixty pounds, would require the ivory of Ceylon excels all other, slaughter of 8,333 male elephants. both in density of texture and in But of this quantity the impor- delicacy of tint ; but in the Eu- tation from Ceylon has generally ropeau market, the ivory of Africa, averaged only five or six hundred from its more distinct graining weight ; which, making allowance and other causes, obtains a higher for the lightness of the tusks, would price. not involve the destruction of more ^ A writer in the India Sporting than seven or eight in each year. Beview for October 1857 says, " In At the same time, this does not Malabar a tuskless male elephant fairly represent the annual number is rare ; I have seen but two." — p. of tuskers shot in Ceylon, not only 157. because a portion of the ivory finds Chap. II.] THE ELEPH.\]S"T. 79 plants; and hence tushes are seldom seen without a groove worn into them near their extremities.^ Amongst other surmises more ingenious than sound, the general absence of tusks in the elephant of Ceylon has been associated with the profusion of rivers and streams in the island ; whilst it has been thrown out as a possibility that in Africa, where water is comparatively scarce, the animal is equipped with these implements in order to assist it in digging wells in the sand and in raising the juicy roots of the mimosas and succulent plants for the sake of their moisture. In support of this hypothesis, it has been observed, that whilst the tusks of the Ceylon species, which are never required for such uses, are slender^ graceful and curved, seldom ex- ceeding fifty or sixty pounds' weight, those of the African elephant are straight and thick, weighing occa- sionally one hundred and fifty, and even three hundred pounds.^ ^ The old fallacy is still renewed, and become the "permanent tusks," that the elephant sheds his tusks, which are never shed. ^LiAN says he drops them once in ^ Notwithstanding the inferiority ten years (lib. xiv. c. 5); and Pliny in weight of the Ceylon tusks, as repeats the story, adding that, compared with those of the ele- when dropped, the elephants hide phaut of India, it would, I think, them under ground (lib. viii.) be precipitate to draw the inference whence Shaw says, in his Zoology, that the size of the former was " they are frequently found in the tmifonnly and naturally less than woods," and exported from Africa that of the latter. The truth, I (vol. i. p. 213); and Sir W. Jab- believe to be, that if permitted to DEsnE in the Naturalisf s Library grow to maturity, the tusks of the (vol, ix. p, 110), says, "the tusks one would, in all probability, equal are shed about the twelfth or thir- those of the other ; but, so eager teenth year." This is erroneous : is the search for ivory in Ceylon, after losing the first pair, or, as that a tusker, when once observed they are called, the " milk tusks," in a herd, is followed up with such which drop in consequence of the vigilant impatience, that he is al- absorption of their roots, when the most invariably shot before attain- animal is extremely young, the ing his full growth. Greneral De second pair acquire'their fuU size, Lima, when returning from the 80 MAMMALIA. [Chap. II. But it is manifestly inconsistent with the idea that tusks were given to the elephant to assist him in digging for his food, to find that the females are less bountifully supplied with them than the males, whilst the necessity for their use extends equally to both sexes. The same argument serves to demonstrate the fallacy of the con- jecture, that the tusks of the elephant were given to him as weapons of offence, for if such were the case the vast majority in Ceylon, males as well as females, would be left helpless in presence of an assailant. But although in their conflicts with one another, those which are pro- vided with tusks may occasionally push with them clumsily at their opponents ; it is a misapprehension to imagine that tusks are designed specially to serve " in warding off the attacks of the wily tiger and the furious rhinoceros, often securing the victory by one blow which transfixes the assailant to the earth." ^ goyernorship of the Portuguese set- logical Becreations, p. 255, says a tlements at Mozambique, told me, tusk of 350 pounds' weight was in 1848, that he had been requested sold at Amsterdam, but he does to procure two tusks of the largest not quote his authority, size, and straightest possible shape, * Menageries, ^r., published by which were to be formed into a the Society for the Diffusion of cross to surmount the high altar of Useful Knowledge, vol. i. p. 68 : the cathedral at Groa : he succeeded "The Elephant," eh. iii. It will in his commission, and sent two, be seen that I have quoted re- one of which was 180 pounds, and peatedly from this volume, because the other 170 pounds' weight, with it is the most compendious and the slightest possible curve. In a careful compilation with which I periodical, entitled The Friend, am acquainted of the information published in Ceylon, it is stated in previously existing regarding the the volume for 1837 that the officers elephant. The author incorporates belonging to the ships Quorrah and no speculations of his own, but has Alburhak, engaged in the Niger most diligently and agreeably ar- Expedition, were shown by a na- ranged aU the facts collected by tive king two tusks, each two feet his predecessors. The story of and a half in circumference at the antipathy between the elephant base, eight feet long, and weighing and rhinoceros is probably borrowed upwards of 200 pounds. (Vol. i. from .^lian de Nat, lib. xvii. c. p. 225.) Beodebip, in his Zoo- 44. . Z. p. iviL^ \ CALF Chap. H.] THE ELEPHAXT. 81 So harmless and peaceful is the life of the elephant, that nature appears to have left it unprovided with any weapon of offence : its trunk is too delicate an organ to be rudely employed in a conflict with other animals, and although on an emergency it may push or gore with its tusks (to which the French have hastily given the term " defenses "), their almost vertical position, added to the difficulty of raising its head above the level of the shoulder, is inconsistent with the idea of their being designed for attack, since it is impossible for the elephant to strike an effectual blow, or to " wield " its tusks as the deer and the buffalo can direct their horns. Nor is it easy to conceive under what circumstances an elephant could have a hostile encounter with either a rhinoceros or a tiger, with whose pursuits in a state of nature its own can in no way conflict. Towards man elephants evince shyness, arising from their love of solitude and dislike of intrusion; any alarm they exhibit at his appearance may be reasonably traced to the slaughter which has reduced their num- bers ; and as some evidence of this, it has always been observed that an elephant exhibits greater impatience of the presence of a white man than of a native. Were its instincts to carry it further, or were it influenced by any feeling of animosity or cruelty, it must be apparent that, as against the prodigious numbers that inhabit the forests of Ceylon, man would wage an unequal con- test, and that of the two one or other must long since have been reduced to a helpless minority. Official testimony is not wanting in confirmation of this view ; — in the returns of 108 coroners' inquests in Ceylon, during five years, from 1849 to 1855 inclusive, held in cases of death occasioned by wild animals; 16 a 82 MAM:MALIA. [Chap. II. are recorded as having been caused by elephants, 15 by buffaloes, 6 by crocodiles, 2 by boars, 1 by a bear, and 68 by serpents (the great majority of the last class of sufferers being women and children, who had been bitten during the night). Little more than three fatal accidents occurring annually on the average of five years, is certainly a very small proportion in a population estimated at a million and a half, in an island abounding with elephants, with which, independently of casual encounters, voluntary conflicts are daily stimulated by the love of sport or the hope of gain. Were the ele- phants instinctively vicious or even highly irritable in their temperament, the destruction of human life under the circumstances must have been infinitely greater. It must also be taken into account, that some of the accidents recorded may have occurred in the rutting season, when elephants are subject to fits of temporary fury, known in India by the term rnust, in Ceylon TYiudda, — a paroxysm which speedily passes away, but during the fury of which it is dangerous even for the mahout to approach those ordinarily the gentlest and most familiar. But, then, the elephant is said to "entertain an extraordinary dislike to all quadrupeds; that dogs running near him produce annoyance ; that he is alarmed if a hare start from her form;" and from Pliny to Buffon every naturalist has recorded its supposed aversion to swine. ^ These alleged antipathies are in a great degree, if not entirely, imaginary. The habits of the elephant are essentially harmless, its wants lead to no rivalry with other animals, and the food to which it is * Menageries, ^r., " The Elepliant," ch. iii. Chap, n.] THE ELEPHANT. 83 most attached flourishes in such abundance that it is obtained without an efifort. In the quiet solitudes of Ceylon, elephants may constantly be seen browsing peacefully in the immediate vicinity of other animals, and in close contact with them. I have seen groups of deer and wild buffaloes reclining in the sandy bed of a river in the dry season, and elephants plucking the branches close beside them. They show no impatience in the company of the elk, the bear, and the mid hog ; and on the other hand, I have never discovered an instance in which these animals have evinced any apprehension of elephants. The elephant's natural timidity, however, is such that it becomes alarmed on the appearance in the jungle of any animal with which it is not familiar. It is said to be afraid of the horse ; but from my own experience, I should say it is the horse that is alarmed at the aspect of the elephant. In the same way, from some unaccountable impulse, the horse has an antipathy to the camel, and evinces extreme impatience, both of the sight and the smell of that animal.* WTien enraged, an elephant will not hesitate to charge a rider on horseback ; but it is against the man, not against the horse, that his fury is directed; and no instance has been ever known of his wantonly assail- ing a horse. A horse, belonging to the late Major ' This peculiarity was noticed by it is necessary to train and accustom the ancients, and is recorded by to their presence in order to avoid Herodotus: ^^ KdfiriXov 'l-mros (po§4- accidents. ]Mr. Begderip mentions, €Tat, /col ovK dpex^Tai ovre t)]v I5er]u that, "when the precaution of such avTTJs opeuu ovt€ tV od/xr^u ocrrppai- training has not been adopted, the v6fj.€vos " (Herod, ch. 80). Camels sudden and dangerous terror with have long been bred by the Grand which a horse is seized in coming Duke of Tuscany, at his establish- unexpectedly upon one of them is ment near Pisa, and even there excessive." — Note-hook of a Nattc- the same instinctive dislike to them ralist, ch. iv. p. 113. is manifested by the horse, which G 2 84 MAMMALIA. [Chap. II. Kogers^, had run away from his groom, and was found some considerable time afterwards grazing quietly with a herd of elephants. In De Bry's splendid collection of travels, however, there is included " The voyage of a Certain Englishman to Gambay ; " in which the author asserts that at Agra, in the year 1607, he was present at a spectacle given by the Viceregent of the great Mogul, in the course of which he saw an elephant destroy two horses, by seizing them in its trunk,_ and crushing them under foot.^ But the display was avowedly an artificial one, and the creature must have been cruelly tutored for the occasion. Pigs are constantly to be seen feeding about the stables of the tame elephants, which manifest no re- pugnance to them. As to the smaller animals, the elephant undoubtedly evinces uneasiness at the presence of a dog, but this is referable to the same cause as its impatience of a horse, namely, that neither is habitually seen by it in the forest ; but it would be idle to suppose that this feeling could amount to hostility against a creature incapable of inflicting on it the slightest injury.^ The truth I apprehend to be that, when they meet, the impudence and impertinences of the dog are offensive to * Major EoGERS was many years Navigatio. De Bry, Coll., ^c, vol. the chief civil officer of Grovernment iii. ch. xvi. p. 31. in the district of Oovah, where he ^ To account for the impatience was killed by lightning, 1845. manifested by the elephant at the 2 " Quidam etiam cum eqiiis sil- presence of a dog, it has been sng- vestribus pugnant. Saepe unus ele- gested that he is alarmed lest the phas cum sex equis committitur ; latter should attack his feet, a por- atque ipse adeo interfui cum unus tion of his body of which the ele- elephas duos equos cum primo phant is peculiarly careful. A impetu protinus prosternerit ; — tame elephant has been observed injecta enim jugulis ipsorum longa to regard with indifference a spear proboscide, ad se protractos, denti- directed towards his head, but to bus porro comminuit ac protrivit." shrink timidly from the same wea- Aiigli Cujusdam in Camhayam pon when pointed at his foot. Chap. II.] THE ELEPHANT. 85 the gravity of the elephant, and incompatible with his love of solitude and ease. Or may it be assumed as an evidence of the sagacity of the elephant, that the only two animals to which it manifests an antipathy, are the two which it has seen only in the company of its enemy, man ? One instance has certainly been attested to me by an eye-witness, in which the trunk of an elephant was seized in the teeth of a Scotch terrier, and such was the alarm of the huge creature that it came at once to its knees. The dog repeated the attack, and on every renewal of it the elephant retreated in terror, holding its trunk above its head, and kicking at the terrier with its fore feet. It would have turned to flight, but for the interference of its keeper. Major Skinner, formerly commissioner of roads in Ceylon, whose official duties in constructing highways involved the necessity of his being in the jungle for months together, always found that, by night or by day, the barking of a dog which accompanied him, was suffi- cient to put a herd to flight. On the whole, therefore, I am of opinion that the elephant lives on terms of amity with every quadruped in the forest, that it neither regards them as its foes, nor provokes their hostility by its acts ; and that, with the exception of man, its greatest enemy is a fly ! The current statements as to the supposed animosity of the elephant to minor animals originated with ^lian and Pliny, who had probably an opportunity of seeing, what may at any time be observed, that when a captive elephant is picketed beside a post, the domestic animals, goats, sheep, and cattle, will annoy and irritate him by their audacity in making free with his provender; but this is an evidence in itself of the little instinctive dread G 3 86 MAMMALIA. [Chap. II. which such comparatively puny creatures entertain of one so powerful and yet so gentle. Amongst elephants themselves, jealousy and other causes of irritation frequently occasion contentions between individuals of the same herd ; but on such oc- casions it is their habit to strike with their trunks, and to bear down their opponents with their heads. It is doubtless correct that an elephant, when prostrated by the force and fury of an antagonist of its own species, is often woimded by the downward pressure of the tusks, which in any other position it would be almost impos- sible to use offensively.^ Mr. Mercer, who in 1846 was the principal civil officer of Grovernment at Badulla, sent me a jagged fragment of an elephant's tusk, about five inches in diameter, and weighing between twenty and thirty pounds, which had been brought to him by some natives, who, being attracted by a noise in the jungle, witnessed a combat between a tusker and one without tusks, and saw the latter with his trunk seize one of the tusks of his antagonist and wrench from it the portion in ques- tion, which measured two feet in length. Here the trunk was shown to be the more powerful offensive weapon of the two ; but I apprehend that the chief reliance of the elephant for defence is on its pon- derous weight, the pressure of its foot being sufficient to crush any minor assailant after being prostrated by means of its trunk. Besides, in using its feet for this purpose, it derives a wonderful facility from the peculiar formation of the knee-joint in the hind leg, which, en- ^ A writer in the India S])orting there was a large hole in the side, Beview for October 1857 says a and the abdomen was ripped open, male elephant was killed by two The latter wound was given pro- others close to his camp: "the bably after it had fallen." — P. bead waa completely smashed in; 175. Chap. II.] THE ELEPHANT. ' s7 abling it to swing the hind feet forward close to the ground, assists it to toss the body alternately from foot to foot, till deprived of life.^ A sportsman who had partially undergone this opera- tion, having been seized by a wounded elephant but rescued from its fury, described to me his sufferings as he was thus flung back and forward between the hind and fore feet of the animal, which ineffectually at- tempted to trample him at each concussion, and aban- doned him without inflicting serious injury. Knox, in describing the execution of criminals by the state elephants of the former kings of Kandy, says, "they will rim their teeth (tusks) through the body, and then tear it in pieces and throw it limb from limb ; " but a Kandyan chief, who was mtness to such scenes, has assured me that the elephant never once applied its tusks, but, placing its foot on the prostrate victim, plucked off his limbs in succession by a sudden movement of the trunk. If the tusks were designed to be employed offensively, some alertness would naturally be exhibited in using them ; but in numerous instances where sports- men have fallen into the power of a wounded elephant, they have escaped through the failure of the enraged animal to strike them with its tusks, even when stretched upon the ground.^ * In the Third Book of Macca- (irifi^peiv 6is adrju eV yovaai Kot iroal bees, which is not printed in our ^-npiwu T]Ki(Tfx.evovs. 3 Mac. v. 42). Apocrypha, but appears in the se- JElian makes the remark, that ries in the Greek Septuagint, the elej^hants on such occasions use author, in describing the persecu- their knees as well as their feet to tion of the Jews by Ptolemy Phi- crush their victims. — Hist Anim. lopater, b.c. 210, states that the yiii. 10. king swore vehemently that he ^ ^he Hastisilpe, a Singhalese woiild send them into the other work which treats of the " Science world, "foully trampled to death of Elephants," enumerates amongst by the knees and feet of elephants " those which it is not desirable to G 4 88 MAMMALIA. [Chap. II. Placed as tlie elephant is in Ceylon, in the midst of the most luxuriant profusion of its favourite food, in close proximity at all times to abundant supplies of water, and vdth. no enemies against whom to protect itself, it is difficult to conjecture any probable utility which it could derive from such appendages. Their absence is unaccompanied by any inconvenience to the individuals in whom they are wanting ; and as regards the few who possess them, the only operations in which I am aware of their tusks being employed in relation to the oeconomy of the animal, is to assist in ripping open the stem of the jaggery palms and young palmyras to extract the farinaceous core ; and in splitting the juicy shaft of the plantain. WTiilst the tuskless elephant crushes the lat- ter under foot, thereby soiling it and wasting its mois- ture ; the other, by opening it with the point of his tusk, performs the operation with delicacy and apparent ease. These, however, are trivial and almost accidental ad- vantages : on the other hand, owing to irregularities in their growth, the tusks are sometimes an impediment in feeding^ ; and in more than one instance in the Grovem- ment studs, tusks which had so grown as to approach and cross one another at the extremities, have had to be removed by the saw ; the contraction of space between them so impeding the free action of the trunk as to pre- vent the animal from conveying branches to its mouth.^ possess, "fhe elephant which will as before. In the Museum of the fight with a stone or a stick in his College of Surgeons, London, there trunk." is a specimen, No. 2757, of a spira ' Among other eccentric forms, an tusk, elephant was seen in 1844, in the ^ Since the foregoing remarks district of Bintenne, near Friar's- were written relative to the unde- Hood Mountain, one of whose tusks fined use of tusks to the elephant, was so bent that it took what I have seen a speculation on thf sailors term a "round turn," and same subject in Dr. Holland's then resumed its curved direction " Constitution of the Animal Crea- Chap. II.] THE ELEPHANT. 89 It is true that in captivity, and after a due course of training, the elephant discovers a new use for its tusks when employed in moving stones and piling timber ; so much so that a powerful one will raise and carry on them a log of half a ton weight or more. One evening, whilst riding in the vicinity of Kandy, towards the scene of the massacre of Major Davie's party in 1803, my horse evinced some excitement at a noise which approached us in the thick jungle, and which consisted of a repeti- tion of the ejaculation unnph! urviph! in a hoarse and dissatisfied tone. A turn in the forest explained the mystery, by bringing me face to face with a tame elephant, unaccompanied by any attendant. He was labouring painfully to carry a heavy beam of timber, which he balanced across his tusks, but the pathway being narrow, he was forced to bend his head to one side to permit it to pass endways ; and the exertion and this inconvenience combined led him to utter the dissatisfied sounds which distm-bed the composure of my horse. On seeing us halt, the elephant raised his head, reconnoitred us for a moment, then flung down the timber, and volun- tarily forced himself backwards among the brushwood so as to leave a passage, of which he expected us to avail Hon, as expressed in structural marvellous motive powers inherent Appendages;'^ but the conjecture to it ; his conjecture is, that they of the author leaves the problem are " a species of safety valve scarcely less obscure than before, of the animal oeconomy," — and that Struck with the mere supplemental " they owe their development to presence of the tusks, the absence the predominance of the senses of of aU apparent use serving to dis- touch and smell, conjointly with tinguish them from the essential the muscular motions of which the organs of the creature, Dr. Hol- exercise of these is accompanied." LAND concludes that their produc- " Had there been no proboscis," he tion is a process incident, but not thinks, " there would have been no ancillary, to other important ends, supplementary appendages, — the especially connected with the vital former creates the latter." — Pp. functions of the trunk and the 246, 271. ^0 MAMMALIA. [Chap. U. ourselves. My horse hesitated: the elephant observed it, and impatiently thrust himself deeper into the jungle, repeating his cry of urmph ! but in a voice evidently meant to encourage us to advance. Still the horse trem- . bled; and anxious to observe the instinct of the two sagacious animals, I forbore any interference : again the elephant of his own accord wedged himself further in amongst the trees, and manifested some impatience that we did not pass him. At length the horse moved forward ; and when we were fairly past, I saw the wise creature stoop and take up its heavy burthen, trim and balance it on its tusks, and resume its route as before, hoarsely snorting its discontented remonstrance. Between the African elephant and that of Ceylon, with the exception of the striking peculiarity of the infrequency of tusks in the latter, the distinctions are less apparent to a casual observer than to a scientific naturalist. In the Ceylon species the forehead is higher and more hollow, the ears are smaller, and, in a section of the teeth, the grinding ridges, instead of being lozenge-shaped, are transverse bars of uniform breadth. The Indian elephant is stated by Cuvier to have four nails on the hind foot, the African variety having only three : but amongst the perfections of a high-bred elephant of Ceylon, is always enumerated the possession of twenty nails, whilst those of a secondary class have but eighteen in all.^ So conversant are the natives with the structure and " points " of the elephant, that they divide them readily into castes, and describe with particularity their dis- tinctive excellences and defects. In the Hastisilpe, a * See Chapter on Mammalia, p. 60. Chap. II.] THE ELEPHANT. 91 Singhalese work which treats of their management, the marks of inferior breeding are said to be " eyes restless like those of a crow, the hair of the head of mixed shades ; the face wrinkled ; the tongne curved and black ; the nails short and green ; the ears small ; the neck thin, the skin freckled; the tail without a tuft, and the fore-quarter lean and low: " whilst the perfec- tion of form and beauty is supposed to consist in the '* softness of the skin, the red colour of the mouth and tongue, the forehead expanded and hollow, the ears broad and rectangular, the trunk broad at the root and blotched with pink in front ; the eyes bright and kindly, the cheeks large, the neck full, the back level, the chest square, the fore legs short and convex in front, the hiud quarter plump, and five nails on each foot, all smooth, polished, and round. ^ An elephant with these perfec- tions," says the author of the Hastisilpe, " will impart glory and magnificence to the king ; but he cannot be discovered amongst thousands, yea, there shall never be found an elephant clothed at once with all the excel- lences herein described." The " points " of an elephant are to be studied with the greatest advantage in those attached to the temples, which are always of the highest caste, and exhibit the most perfect breeding. The colour of the animal's skin in a state of natiu*e is generally of a lighter brown than that of those in cap- tivity ; a distinction which arises, in all probability, not so much from the wild animal's propensity to cover itself with mud and dust, as from the superior care which is taken in repeatedly bathing the tame ones, and in rub- ' A native of rank informed me, pliant will sometimes touch the that " the tail of a high-caste ele- ground, but such are very rare." 92 MAMMALIA. [Chap. II. bing their skins with a soft stone, a lump of burnt clay, or the coarse husk of a coco-nut. This kind of at- tention, together with the occasional application of oil, gives rise to the deeper black which the hides of the latter present. Amongst the native Singhalese, however, a singular preference is evinced for elephants that exhibit those flesh-coloured blotches which occasionally mottle the skin of an elephant, chiefly about the head and extremities. The front of the trunk, the tips of the ears, the forehead, and occasionally the legs, are thus diversified with stains of a yellowish tint, inclining to piuk. These are not natural; nor are they hereditary, for they are seldom exhibited by the younger individuals in a herd, but ap- pear to be the result of some eruptive affection, the irri- tation of which has induced the animal in its uneasiness to rub itself against the rough bark of trees, and thus to destroy the outer cuticle.^ To a European these spots appear blemishes, and the taste that leads the natives to admire them is probably akin to the feeling that has at all times rendered a white elephant an object of wonder to Asiatics. The rarity of the latter is accounted for by regarding this peculiar appearance as the result of albinism ; and notwithstand- ing the exaggeration of Oriental historians, who compare the fairness of such creatures to the whiteness of snow, even in its utmost perfection, I apprehend that the tint of a white elephant is little else than a flesh-colour, rendered somewhat more conspicuous by the blanching of the skin, and the lightness of the colourless hairs by ^ This is confirmed by the fact of those which have been captured that the scar of the ancle wound, by noosing, presents precisely the occasioned by the rope on the legs same tint in the healed parts. Chap. H.] THE ELEPHANT. 93 which it is sparsely covered. A white elephant is men- tioned in the Mahawanso as forming part of the retinue attached to the "Temple of the Tooth" at Anarajapoora, in the fifth century after Christ ^ ; but it commanded no religious veneration, and like those in the stud of the kings of Siam, it was tended merely as an emblem of royalty ^ ; the sovereign of Ceylon being addressed as the "Lord of Elephants."^ In 1633 a white elephant was exhibited in Holland ^ ; but as this was some years before the Dutch had established themselves firmly in Ceylon, it was probably brought from some other of their eastern possessions. * Mahawanso, eh. xxxviii. p. phants." — Asiat. Ses. xv. 253. 254, A.D. 433. * Aemandi, Hist. MiUt. cles Ele- * Paxlegoes, Siam, ^~c., toI. i. p. phants, lib. ii. c. x. p. 380. Hoeace 152. mentions a white elephant as hav- ' Mahatvanso, ch. xviii. p. 111. ing been exhibited at Eome :" Siva The Hindu sovereigns of Orissa, elephas albns Tulgi converteret in the middle ages, bore the style era." — Hoe. Ep, n. 196. of Gaja-pati, "powerful in ele- 94 MA^IMALIA. [Chap. III. CHAP. III. THE ELEPHANT. Habits when Wild. Although found generally in warm and sunny climates, it is a mistake to suppose that tlie elephant is partial either to heat or to light. In Ceylon, the mountain tops, and not the sultry valleys, are its favourite resort. In Oovah, where the elevated plains are often crisp with the morning frost, and on Pedura-talla-galla, at the height of upwards of eight thousand feet, they are found in herds, whilst the hunter may search for them without success in the hot jungles of the low country. No altitude, in fact, seems too lofty or too chill for the elephant, provided it affords the luxury of water in abundance ; and, contrary to the general opinion that the elephant delights in sunshine, it seems at all times impatient of glare, and spends the day in the thickest depth of the forests, devoting the night to excursions, and to the luxury of the bath, in which it also indulges occasionally by day. This partiality for shade is doubt- less ascribable to the animal's love of coolness and soli- tude ; but it is not altogether unconnected with the position of the eye, and the circumscribed use which its peculiar mode of life permits it to make of the faculty of sight. Chap, ni.] THE ELEPHA]S"T. 95 All the elephant hunters and natives to whom I have spoken on the subject, concur in opinion that its rano-e of vision is circumscribed, and that it relies more on its ear and sense of smell than on its sight, which is liable to be obstructed by dense foliage ; besides which, from the formation of its short neck, the elephant is incapable of directing the range of the eye much above the level of the head.^ The elephant's small range of vision is sufficient to account for its excessive caution, its alarm at unusual noises, and the timidity and panic exhibited at trivial * After writing the above, I was permitted by the late Dr. Haeei- SON, of Dublin, to see some accurate drawings of the brain of an ele- phant, which he had the opportu- nity of dissecting in 1847 ; and on looking to that of the base, I have found a remarkable verification of the information which I collected in Ceylon, The small figure A is the gan- glion of the fifth nerve, showing the small motor and large sensitive portion. Olfactory lobes — large. Optic nerve — email. '^I^i'l?^ Third pair — email. ■^^ "'ij Fourth pair — small. — The two portions of the fifth pair, the sensi- tive portion very large, for the proboscis. Sixth pair — small. Seventh pair — portio dura, or motor, very large for proboscis. The olfactory lobes, from which the olfactory nerves proceed, are large, whilst the oiptic and muscular nerves of the orbit are singularly small for so vast an animal ; and one is immediately struck by the prodigious size of the fifth nerve, which supplies the proboscis with its exquisite sensibility, as well as by the great size of the motor por- tion of the seventh, which supplies the same organ with its power of movement and action. 96 MA^iIMALIA. [Chap. HI. objects and incidents which, imperfectly discerned, excite suspicions for its safety.^ In 1841 an officer ^ was chased by an elephant that he had slightly wounded. Seizing him near the dry bed of a river, the animal had its fore- foot already raised to crush him ; but its forehead being caught at the instant by the tendrils of a climbing plant which had suspended itself from the branches above, it suddenly turned and fled ; leaving him badly hurt, but with no limb broken. I have heard similar instances, equally well attested, of this peculiarity in the ele- phant. On the other hand, the power of smell is so remark- able as almost to compensate for the deficiency of sight. A herd is not only apprised of the approach of dan- ger by this means, but when scattered in the forest, and dispersed out of range of sight, they are enabled by it to reassemble with rapidity and adopt precautions for their common safety. The same necessity is met by a delicate sense of hearing, and the use of a variety of noises or calls, by means ot which elephants succeed in communicating with each other upon all emergencies. " The sounds which they utter have been described by the African hunters as of three kinds : the first, which is very shrill, produced by blowing through the trunk, is indicative of pleasure ; the second, produced by the mouth, is expressive of want ; and the third, proceeding from the throat, is a terrific roar of anger or revenge."^ These words convey but an imperfect idea of the variety of noises made by the elephant in Ceylon; and the shrill cry produced by blowing through his trunk, so far ^ Menageries^ ^~c., " The Ele- found in the Ceylon Miscellany for phant," p. 27. 1842, vol. i. p. 221. 2 Major EoGEES. An account of • Menageries, ^'c, " The Ele- this singular adventure mil be phant," ch. iii. p. 68. Chap, ni.] THE ELEPHANT. 97 from being regarded as an indication of *^ pleasure," is the well-known cry of rage with which he rushes to en- counter an assailant. Aristotle describes it as resem- bling the hoarse sound of a " trumpet." ^ The French still designate the proboscis of an elephant by the same expression "trompe," (which we have unmeaningly corrupted into trunk,) and hence the scream of the elephant is known as " trumpeting " by the hunters in Ceylon. Their cry when in pain, or when subjected to compulsion, is a grunt or a deep groan from the throat, with the proboscis curled upwards and the lips wide apart. Should the attention of an individual in the herd be attracted by any unusual appearance in the forest, the intelligence is rapidly communicated by a low suppressed sound made by the lips, somewhat resembling the twit- tering of a bird, and described by the hunters by the word "pru^." A very remarkable noise has been described to me by more than one individual, who has come unex- pectedly upon a herd during the night, when the alarm of the elephants was apparently too great to be satis- fied with the stealthy note of warning just described. On these occasions the sound produced resembled the hollow booming of an empty tun when struck with a wooden mallet or a muffled sledge. Major Macready, Military Secretary in Ceylon in 1836, who heard it by night amongst the wild elephants in the great forest of Bintenne, describes it as " a sort of banging noise like a ^ Aristotle, Be Anim., lib. iv. with drawings illustratiye of the c. 9. " bfiolot/ adxiriyyi." See also strange animals of the East. Pliny, lib. x. eh. exiii. A manu- Amongst them are two elephants, script in the Bi'itish Museum, con- whose trunks are literally in the taining the romance of '^ Alex- form of trumpets with expanded ander," which is probably of the mouths. See Wright's Archceolo- fifteenth centurj^ is interspersed gical Album, p. 176. H 98 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. cooper hammering a cask;" and Major Skinner is of opinion that it must be produced by the elephant strik- ing his sides rapidly and forcibly with his trunk. Mr. Cripps informs me that he has more than once seen an elephant, when surprised or alarmed, produce this sound by striking the ground forcibly with the flat side of the trunk ; and this movement was instantly succeeded by raising it again, and pointing it in the direction whence the alarm proceeded, as if to ascertain by the sense of smell the nature of the threatened danger. As this strange sound is generally mingled with the bel- lowing and ordinary trumpeting of the herd, it is in all probability a device resorted to, not alone for warning their companions of some approaching peril, but also for the additional purpose of terrifying unseen in- truders.^ Elephants are subject to deafness ; and the Singhalese regard as the most formidable of all wild animals, a "rogue "2 afflicted with this infirmity. Extravagant estimates are recorded of the height of the elephant. In an age when popular fallacies in re- lation to him were as yet uncorrected in Europe by the actual inspection of the living animal, he was supposed to grow to the height of twelve or fifteen feet. Even within the last century in popular works on natural his- tory, the elephant, when full grown, was said to measure from seventeen to twenty feet from the ground to the shoulder.^ At a still later period, so imperfectly had • Pallegoix, in his Description a celui du cor." — Tom. i. p. 151. du Royaume Thai ou Slam, adverts - For an explanation of the term to a sound produced by the ele- "rogue" as applied to an elephant, phant when weary: "quand il est see p. 115. fatigue, il frappe la terre avec sa ^ Natural History of Ayiimals. trompe, et en tire un son semblable By Sir John Hill, M.D. London, i Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 99 the facts been collated, that the elephant of Ceylon was believed " to excel that of Africa in size and strength." ^ But so far from equalling the size of the African species, that of Ceylon seldom exceeds the height of nine feet; even in the Hambangtotte country, where the hunters agree that the largest specimens are to be found, the tallest of ordinary herds do not average more than eight feet. Wolf, in his account of the Ce3don elephant^, says he saw one taken near Jaffna, which measured twelve feet and one inch high. But the truth is, that the general bulk of the elephant so far exceeds that of the ani- mals which we are accustomed to see daily, that the ima- gination magnifies its unusual dimensions; and I have seldom or ever met with an inexperienced spectator who did not unconsciously over-estimate the size of an ele- phant shown to him, whether in captivity or in a state of nature. Major Denham would have guessed some which he saw in Africa to be sixteen feet in height, but 1748-52, p. 565. A probable source 4t., p. 164. Wolf was a native of of these false estimates is men- Mecklenburg, who arrived in Ceylon tioned by a writer in the Indian about 1750, as chaplain in one of Sporting Review for Oct. 1857. the Dutch East Indiamen, and hav- " Elephants were measured for- ing been taken into the government merly, and even now, by natives, employment, he served for twenty as to their height, by throwing a years at Jaffna, first as Secretary rope over them, the ends brought to the Governor, and afterwards in to the ground on each side, and an ofl&ce the duties of which he half the length taken as the true describes to be the examination height. Hence the origin of ele- and signature of the "writings phants fifteen and sixteen feet which sei-ved to commence a suit high. A rod held at right angles in any of the Courts of justice." to the measuring rod, and parallel His book embodies a truthful and to the ground, will rarely give generally accurate account of the more than ten feet, the majority northern portion of the island, being under nine." — P. 159. with which alone he was conver- ' i^uAVf's Zoology. Lond. 1806. sant, and his narrative gives a vol. i. p. 216; Arm.yndi, Hist, curious insight into the policy of Milit. des Elephans, liv. i. ch. i. the Dutch Government, and of the p. 2. condition of the natives under their ^ Wolf's Life and Adventures, dominion. H 2 ]00 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. the largest when killed was found to measure nine feet six, from the foot to the hip-bone.^ For a creature of such extraordinary weight it is asto- nishing how noiselessly and stealthily the elephant can escape from a pursuer. \\Tien suddenly disturbed in the jungle, it will burst away with a rush that seems to bear down all before it; but the noise sinks into absolute stillness so suddenly, that a novice might well be led to suppose that the fugitive had only halted within a few yards of him, when further search will disclose that it has 'stolen silently away, making scarcely a sound in its escape ; and, stranger still, leaving the foliage almost undisturbed by its passage. The most venerable delusion respecting the elephant, and that which held its ground with unequalled tenacity, is the ancient fallacy which is explained by Sir Thomas Browne in his Pseudodoxia Epidemica, that "it hath no joynts ; and this absurdity is seconded by another, that being unable to lye downe it sleepeth against a tree, which the hunters observing doe saw almost asunder, whereon the beast relying, by the fall of the tree falls also downe it-selfe and is able to rise no more."^ Sir Thomas is disposed to think that " the hint and "ground of this opinion might be the grosse and somewhat cylindricall composure of the legs of the elephant, and the equality and lesse perceptible disposure of the joynts, especially in the forelegs of this animal, they ' Denham's Travels, ^r., 4to Falconer "that out of eleven hun- p. 220. The fossil remains of the dred elephants from which the tall- Indian elephant have been dis- est were selected and measured covered at Jabalpur, showing a with care, on one occasion in India, height of fifteen feet.—Journ. there was not one whose height Asiat. Soc. Beng. vi. Professor equalled eleven feet." Ansted in his Ancient World, p. ^ Vulgar Errors, \)o6km..chdi^.\. 197, says he was informed by Dr. Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 101 appearing, when he standeth, like pillars of flesh ; " but he overlooks the fact that Pliny has ascribed the same peculiarity to the Scandinavian beast somewhat resem- bling a horse, which he calls a " machlis," ^ and that C^SAR in describing the wild animals in the Hercynian forests, enumerates the alee, " in colour and configura- tion approaching the goat, but surpassing it in size, its head destitute of horns and its limbs of joints, whence it can neither lie down to rest, nor rise if by any acci- dent it should fall, but using the trees for a resting-place, the hunters by loosening their roots bring the alee to the ground, so soon as it is tempted to lean on them." ^ This fallacy, as Sir Thomas Browne says, is " not the daughter of latter times, but an old and grey-headed errour, even in the days of Aristotle," who deals with the story as he received it from Ctesias, by whom it ' Machlis (said to be derived from a, priv., and kKivoo, cubo, quod non cubat). " Moreover in the island of Scandinavia there is a beast called Machlis, that hath neither ioynt in the hough, nor pasternes in his hind legs, and there- fore he never lieth do"mi, but sleep- eth leaning to a tree, wherefore the hunters that lie in wait for these beasts cut downe the trees while they are asleepe, and so take them; otherwise they should never be taken, they are so swift of foot that it is wonderful." — Pliny, Natur. Hist. Transl. Philemon Holland, book viii. eh. xv. p, 200. * "Sunt item quae appellantur Alces. Harum est consimilis cap- reis figura, et varietas pellium ; sed magnitudine paulo anteeedunt, mutdseque sunt cornibus, et crura sine nodis articulisque habent ; neque quietis causa procumbunt; Deque, si quo afflictse casu con- siderunt. erigere sese aut subleva- re possunt. His sunt arbores pro cubilibus; ad eas sese applicant, atque ita, paulum modo reclinatte, quietem capiunt, quarum ex vesti- giis cum est animadversum a vena- toribus, quo se recipere consueve- rint, omnes eo loco, aut a radicibus subruunt aut aecidunt arbores tan- tum, ut sunima species earum stan- tium relinquatur. Hue cum se cousuetudine reclinaverint. infirmas arbores pondere af&igunt, atque una ipspe concidunt." — C^sab, De Bello Gall. lib. vi. ch. xxvii. The same fiction was extended by the early Arabian travellers to the rhinoceros, and in the MS, of the voyages of the " Two Mahometans,'^ it is stated that the rhinoceros of Sumatra "n'a point d" articulation au genou ni a la main." — Relations des Voyages, §-c., Paris, 1845, vol. i p. 29. H 3 ]02 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. appears to have been embodied in his lost work on India. But although Aristotle generally receives the credit of having exposed and demolished the fallacy of Ctesias, it will be seen by a reference to his treatise On the Pro- gressive Motions of Animals, that in reality he ap- proached the question with some hesitation, and has not only left it doubtful in one passage whether the ele- phant has joints in his knee, although he demonstrates that it has joints in the shoulders ^ ; but in another he distinctly affirms that on account of his weight the elephant cannot bend his forelegs together, but only one at a time, and reclines to sleep on that particular side. ^ So great was the authority of Aristotle, that ^lian, who wrote two centuries later and borrowed many of his statements from the works of his predecessor, perpetuates, this error ; and, after describing the exploits of the trained elephants exhibited at Rome, adds the expres- sion of his surprise, that an animal without joints (avapOpov) should yet be able to dance.^ The fiction was too agreeable to be readily abandoned by the poets 1 "When an animal moves pro- Be Ingrcssu Anim., ch. ix. Taylor's gressively an hypothenuse is pro- Transl. duced, which is equal in power to " Aristotle, Be Animal., lib. ii. the magnitude that is quiescent, ch. i. It is curious that Taylor, in and to that which is intermediate, his translation of this passage, was But since the members are equal, so strongly imbued with the "grey- it is necessary that the member headed errour," that in order to which is quiescent should be in- elucidate the somewhat obscure fleeted either in the knee or in the meaningof Aristotle, he has actually incurvation, if the animal that interpolated the text with the ex- walks is without knees. It is pos- ploded fallacy of Ctesias, and after sible, however, for the leg to be the word reclining to sleep, has in- moved, when not inflected, in the serted the words ^^ leaning against same manner as infants creep; and some wall or tree" which are not to there is an ancient report of this be found in the original, kind about elephants, which is not ' "Z^oj/ Se dvap6pov avvi^vai koX true, for such animals as these, pvdfxov koI ij.4\ovs, koI (bvkdTTeiv are moved in conseq2itnce of an in- (tx^m" (pvaews Swpa ravra a/ma kuI .flection taking jjlace either in their 15i6tt]s Kad' 'iKacrrov e/cTrArj/cTtJc^," — shoulders or hi^sJ' — Aeistotle, iEnANjDeAa^.^nm.jlib. ii.cap. xi. 9 Chap, m.] THE ELEPHANT. 103 of the Lower Empire and the Eomancers of the middle ages; and Phile, a contemporary of Petrarch and Dante, who in the early part of the fourteenth century, addressed his didactic poem on the elephant to the Em- peror Andronicus II., untaught by the exposition of Aristotle, still clung to the old delusion, " nJSes 5e TouTOJ Qavfxa koX aacpes r^pas, Ovs, ov Kaddnep raAAa ratv ^wwv "yivi], Elfcofle Kiv€iv e| avapSpuv KAaaixdrcav Kai yap ariSapois auvTedevres 6(Tt4ois, Kal T^ 7r\a5apa twv (T(pvpu>v KaTaaToicrei, Kal Trj irphs &pdpa tu>v (TK^Auv inroKpi(T€i, Nw els t6vovs dyouai, vvv eis vcfteaeis, Tas travToSaTras iK^pofxas tov dr^plov. ****** Bpaxvrepovs ovras 5^ twu diTLcrOicov ' Avaix(pi\4KTws ol5a tovs e^irpoadiovs' TovTois i\e(pas ivradels Ssairep (ttvKois 'OpQo(jTa5i]v &,KafMTrTos vizvwttosv /xeVet." V. 106, &c. SoLiNUS introduced the same fable into his Polyhistor ; and DicuiL, the Irish commentator of the ninth century, who had an opportunity of seeing the elephant sent by Haroun Alraschid as a present to Charlemagne ^ in the year 802, corrects the error, and attributes its per- petuation to the circumstance that the joints in the elephant's leg are not very apparent, except when he lies down.^ It is a strong illustration of the vitality of error, that the delusion thus exposed by Dicuil in the ninth century, was revived by Matthew Paris in the thir- teenth; and stranger still, that Matthew not only saw ' EoiXHAJtD, Vita Karoli, c. xvi. Imperatoris Karoli videnint. Sed, and Aornales Francorurn, a.d. 810. forsitan, ideo hoc de elephante ficte 2 "Sed idem Julius, unum de sestimando scriptum est, eo quod elephantibus mentiens, falso loqui- genua et suffragines sui nisi quando tur; dicens elephantem nunquam jacet, non palam apparent." — Di- jacere; dumille sicut bos cert issime cinxrs, De Mensura Orbis Ttrroe, jacet, ut populi communiter regni c. vii. Francorurn elephantem, in tempore H 4 104 MAMMALIA. [Chap. IH. but made a drawing of the elephant presented to King Henry III. by the King of France in 1255, in which he nevertheless represents the legs as wdthout joints.^ In the numerous mediaeval treatises on natural his- tory, knowTi under the title of Bestiaries, this delusion regarding the elephant is often repeated ; and it is given at length in a metrical version of the Physiologiis of Theoraldus, amongst the Arundel Manuscripts in the British Museum. ^ With the Provencal song writers, the helplessness of the fallen elephant was a favourite simile, and amongst others Kichard de Baebezteux, in the latter half of the twelfth century, sung^. 1 Cotton MSS. Nero. D. 1. fol. 168, b. 2 Arundel MSS. No 292, fol. 4, &c. It has been printed in the ReliquicB Antiquce, vol. i. p. 208, by Mr. Wright, to whom I am in- debted for the following rendering of the passage referred to : — in water ge sal stonden in water to mid side ^at wanne hire harde tide iat ge ne falle ni?er nogt ^at it most in hire <5ogt for he ne hayen no liS <5at he mugen risen wicS, etc. •' They will stand in the water, in water up to the middle of the side, that when it comes to them hard, they may not fall down : that is most in their thought, for they have no joint to enable them to rise again. How he restPth him this animal, when he walketh abroad, hearken how it is here told. For he is all unwieldy, forsooth he seeks out a tree, that is strong and stedfast, and leans confidently agamst it, when he is weary of walking. The hunter has observed this, who seeks to ensnare him, where his usual dwelling is, to do his will; saws this tree and props it in the manner that he best may, covers it well that he (the elephant) may not be on his guard. Then he makes thereby a seat, himself sits alone and watches whether his trap takes effect. Then cometh this unwieldy elephant, and leans him on his side, rests against the tree in the shadow, and so both fall together, if nobody be by when he falls, he roars ruefully and calls for help, roars ruefully in his manner, hopes he shall through help rise. Then cometh there one (elephant) in haste, hopes he shall cause him to stand up; labours and tries all his might, but he cannot succeed a bit. He knows then no other remedy, but roars with his brother, majiy and large (elephants) come there in search, thinking to make him get up, but for the help of them all he may not get up. Then they all roar one roar, like the blast of a horn or the sound of bell ; for their great roaring a young one cometh running, stoops immediately to him, puts his snout under him, and asks the help of them all ; this elephant they raise on his legs ; and thus fails this hunter's trick, in the manner that 1 have told you." ' One of the most venerable au- thorities by whom the fallacy was transmitted to modern times was Philip de Thaun, who wrote, about Chap, m.] THE ELEPHAJS'T. 105 " Atressi cimi 1' olifans Que quan chai no s' pot levar." As elephants were but rarely seen in Europe prior to the seventeenth century, there were but few opportuni- ties of correcting the popular fallacy by ocular demon- stration. Hence Shakspeare still believed that, " The elephant hath joints ; but none for courtesy : His legs are for necessity, not flexure :" • and Donne sang of " Nature's great masterpiece, an Elephant ; The only harmless great thing : Yet Nature hath given him no knee to bend : Himself he up-props, on himself relies ; Still sleeping stands." ^ Sir Thomas Beowne, while he argues against the delusion, does not fail to record his suspicion, that "although the opinion at present be reasonably well suppressed, yet from the strings of tradition and fruit- ful recurrence of errour, it was not improbable it might revive in the next generation ;"^ — an anticipation which has proved singularly correct ; for the heralds still con- tinued to explain that the elephant is the emblem of watchfulness, " nee jacet in sonino,'^'^ and poets almost of our own times paint the scene when the year 1121, A.D., his lAvre des E le gentdelaterre, ki ll volpnt conquere, CrpnfyrP9 flpfliVflfpf! tn ^(\pW^c\p nf ^ mur enfunderunt, u le arbre enciserunt; f^reatures, oecucatea to Aaeiaiae oi q^^..^ jj gigj-g,,^ vendrat, ki s'i apuierat, Louvame, Queen of Henry I. of La arbre u le mur carrat, e il tribucherat ; England. In the copy of it printed ^^^^ faiterement le parnent cele gent." by the Historical Society of Science i m -7 7^ ., '.. ' in 1841, and edited by i. Wright, , ^T.^^f. «^^ Cressida, act 11. sc. ^.v, ^ 11 • •' '3. A.D. 1609. the toilo wing passage occurs: — „„ r^-, c^ , ^ ^ ^ 2 Progress of the Sold, a.d. 1633. " Et Ysidres nus dit ki le elefant descrit, ^ Sir T. Beo^T^, Vulgar Errors, k^ T\ "y CI A a. Es jambes par nature nen ad que une join- * *" -r> ' -rr . ture, * Kandal Home s Academy of 11 ne pot pas gesir quant il se volt dormir, Armory, A.D. 1671. Home only Ke 81 cachet estait par sei nen leverait; ^^,^^^„„+ a 4.\. jy r^ Pur <;eo li slot apuier, el lui del cucher, perpetuated the error of Guililim, U a arbre u a mur, idunc dort aseur. who wrote his Display of Heraldry 106 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. "Peaceful, beneath primeval trees, that cast Their ample shade on Niger's yellow stream, Or where the Granges rolls his sacred waves, Leans the huge Elephant." • It is not difficult to see whence this antiquated dehi- sion took its origin ; nor is it, as Sir Thomas Browne imagined, to be traced exclusively " to the grosse and cylindrical 1 structure " of the animal's legs. The fact is, that the elephant, returning in the early morning from his nocturnal revels in the reservoirs and water- courses, is accustomed to rub his muddy sides against a tree, and sometimes against a rock if more convenient. In my rides through the northern forests, the natives of Ceylon have often pointed out that the elephants which had preceded me must have been of considerable size, from the heisfht at which their marks had been left on the trees against which they had been rubbing. Not unfrequently the animals themselves, overcome with drowsiness from the night's gambolling, are found dosing and resting against the trees they had so visited, and in the same manner they have been discovered by sportsmen asleep, and leaning against a rock. It is scarcely necessary to explain that the position is accidental, and that it is taken by the elephant not from any difficulty in lying at length on the ground, but rather from the coincidence that the structure of his legs affords such support in a standing position, that reclining scarcely adds to his enjoyment of repose ; and elephants in a state of captivity have been known for in A.D. 1610; wherein he explains he), and when he is once down he that the elephant is " so proud of cannot rise up again." — Sec. m. ch. his strength that he never bows xii. p. 147. himself to any {neither indeed can * Thomson's Seasons, a.d. 1728. Chaf. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 107 months together to sleep without lying down.^ So distinctive is this formation, and so self-sustaining the configuration of the limbs, that an elephant shot in the brain, by Major Eogers in 1836, was killed so instan- taneously that it died literally on its knees, and remained resting on them. About the year 1826, Captain Daw- son, the engineer of the great road to Kandy, over the Kaduganava pass, shot an elephant at Hangwelle on the banks of the Kalany Granga ; it reiniained on its feet, but so motionless, that after discharging a few more balls, he was induced to go close to it, and found it dead. The real peculiarity in the elephant in lying down is, that he extends his hind legs backwards as a man does when he kneels, instead of bringing them under him like the horse or any other quadruped. The wise pur- pose of this arrangement must be obvious to any one who observes the struggle with which the horse gets up from the ground, and the violent efforts which he makes to raise himself erect. Such an exertion in the case of the elephant, and the force requisite to apply a similar movement to raise his weight (equal to four or five tons) would be attended with a dangerous strain upon the muscles, and hence the simple arrange- ment, which by enabling him to draw the hind feet gradually under him, assists him to rise without a per- ceptible effort. The same construction renders his gait not a "gallop," * So little is the elephant inclined phant to sleep on his legs, to the to lie dowai in captivity, and even difficulty he experiences in rising after hard labour, that the keepers to his feet : are generally disposed to suspect illness when he betakes himself to ^OpdoardS-qv Se koI KaOevSei Travvvx<^s this posture. Phile, in his poem "Ot ovKauaarriaai iJ,ev€uxepu>s'rr4Xu, De Animalium Proprietate, attri- butes the propensity of the ele- But this is a misapprehension. 108 MAMMALIA. [Chap. IH. as it has been somewhat loosely described^, which would be too violent a motion for so vast a body; but a shuffle, that he can increase at pleasure to a pace as rapid as that of a man at full speed, but which he cannot main- tain for any considerable distance. It is to the structure of the knee-joint that the ele- phant is indebted for his singular facility in ascending and descending steep aclivities, climbing rocks and tra- versing precipitous ledges, where even a mule dare not * Menageries, ^c. "The elephant," ch. i. Sir Charles Bell, in his essay on The Hand and its Mechanism, which forms one of the "Bridge- water Treatises," has exhibited the reasons dedueible from organisation, which show the incapacity of the elephant to spring or leap like the horse and other animals whose structure is designed to facilitate agility and speed. In them the various bones of the shoulder and fore limbs, especially the clavicle and humerus, are set at such an angle, that the shock in descending is modified, and the joints and sockets protected from the injury occasioned by concussion. But in the elephant, where the weight of the body is immense, the bones of the leg, in order to present solidity and strength to sustain it, are built in one firm and perpendicular column ; instead of being placed somewhat obliquely at their points of contact. Thus whilst the force of the weight in descending is broken and distributed by this arrangement in the case of the horse ; it would be so concentrated in the elephant as to endanger every joint from the toe to the shoidder. Chap, ni.] THE ELEPHANT. 109 venture ; and this again leads to the correction of an- other generaUy received error, that his legs are " formed more for strength than flexibility, and fitted to bear an enormous weight upon a level surface, without the ne- cessity of ascending or descending great acclivities." ^ The same authority assumes that, although the elephant is found in the neighbourhood of mountainous ranges, and will even ascend rocky passes, such a service is a violation of its natural habits. Of the elephant of Africa I am not qualified to speak, nor of the nature of the ground which it most frequents; but certainly the facts in connection with the elephant of India are all irreconcilable with the theory mentioned above. In Bengal, in the Nilgherries, in Nepal, in Burmah, in Siam, Sumatra, and Ceylon, the districts in which the elephants most abound, are all hilly and mountainous. In the latter, especially, there is not a ranofe so elevated as to be inaccessible to them. On the very summit of Adam's Peak, at an altitude of 7,420 feet, and on a pinnacle which the pilgrims climb with difiiculty, by means of steps hewn in the rock. Major Skinner, in 1840, found the spoor of an elephant. Prior to 1840, and before coffee-plantations had been extensively opened in the Kandyan ranges, there was not a mountain or a lofty feature of land of Ceylon which they had not traversed, in their periodical migrations in search of water ; and the sagacity which they display in " laying out roads " is almost incredible. They gene- rally keep along the backbone of a chain of hills, avoid- ing steep gradients : and one curious observation was not lost upon the government surveyors, that in crossing * Menageries, ^r., " The Elephant," ch. ii. 110 MMIMALIA. [Chap. III. the valleys from ridge to ridge, through forests so dense as altogether to obstruct a distant view, the elephants invariably select the line of march which communicates most judiciously with the opposite point, by means of the safest forcU So sure-footed are they, that there are few places where man can go that an elephant can- not follow, provided there be space to admit his bulk, and solidity to sustain his weight. This faculty is almost entirely derived from the unusual position, as compared with other quadrupeds, of the knee joint of the hind leg ; arising from the superior length of the thigh-bone, and the shortness of the metatarsus : the heel being almost where it pro- jects in man, instead of being lifted up as a "hock." It is this which enables him, in descending declivities, to depress and adjust the weight of his hinder por- tions, which would otherwise overbalance and force him headlong.^ It is by the same arrangement that he is ' Dr. Hooker, in describing the ascent of the Himalayas, says, the natives in making their paths de- spise all zigzags, and run in straight lines up the steepest hill faces ; whilst "the elephant's path is an ex- cellent specimen of engineering — the opposite of the native track, — for it winds judiciously." — Hbna- layan Journal^ vol. i. ch. iv. 2 Since the above passage was written, I have seen in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. xiii. pt. ii. p. 916, a paper upon this subject, illustrated by the subjoined diagram. The writer says, " an elephant descending a bank of too acute an angle to admit of his walking down it direct, (which, were he to at- tempt, his huge body, soon disar- ranging the centre of gravity, would certainly topple over,) proceeds thus. His first manoeuvre is to kneel down close to the edge of the declivity, placing his chest to the ground : one fore-leg is then cau- tiously passed a short way down the slope ; and if there is no natu- ral protection to afford a firm foot- ing, he speedily forms one by stamping into the soil if moist, or kicking out a footing if dry. This point gained, the other fore-leg is Ijrought down in the same way ; and performs the same work, a little in advance of the first ; which is thus at liberty to move lower still. Then, first one and then the second of the hind legs is carefully drawn over the side, and the hind- feet in turn occupy the resting- places previously used and left by the fore ones. The course, how- Chap. IH.] THE ELEPH.\JfT. Ill enabled, on uneven ground, to lift his feet, which are tender and sensitive, with delicacy, and plant them with such precision as to ensure his own safety as well as that of objects which it is expedient to avoid touching. A herd of elephants is a family, not a group whom accident or attachment may have induced to associate together. Similarity of features and caste attest that, among the various individuals which compose it, there is a common lineage and relationship. In a herd of ever, in such precipitous ground is but slopes along the face of the not straight from top to bottom, bank, descending till the animal ¥^ ""Q^^w- gains the level below. This an operation." I hare observed that elephant has done, at an angle of an elephant in descending a de- 45 degrees, carrying a howdah, its cli^dty uses his knees, on the side occupant, his attendant, and sport- next the bank ; and his feet on the ing apparatus ; and in a much less lower side only, time than it takes to describe the 112 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. twenty-one elephants, captured in 1844, the trunks of each individual presented the same peculiar formation, — long, and almost of one uniform breadth throughout, instead of tapering gradually from the root to the nostril. In another instance, the eyes of thirty-five taken in one corral were of the same colour in each. The same slope of the back, the same form of the forehead, is to be de- tected in the majority of the same group. In the forest several herds will browse in close con- tiguity, and in their expeditions in search of water they may form a body of possibly one or two hundred ; but on the slightest disturbance each distinct herd hastens to re-form within its own particular circle, and to take measures on its own behalf for retreat or defence. The natives of any place which may chance to be fre- quented by elephants, observe that the numbers of the same herd fluctuate very slightly ; and hunters in pur- suit of them, who may chance to have shot one or more, always reckon with certainty the precise number of those remaining, although a considerable interval may intervene before they again encounter them. The pro- portion of males is generally small, and some herds have been seen composed exclusively of females ; possibly in consequence of the males having been shot. A herd usually consists of from ten to twenty individuals, though occasionally they exceed the latter number ; and in their frequent migrations and nightly resort to tanks and water-courses, alliances are formed between mem- bers of associated herds, which serve to introduce new blood into the family. In illustration of the attachment of the elephant to its young, the authority of Knox has been quoted, that " the shees are alike tender of any one's young ones as Chap. III.] THE ELEPHAXT. 113 of their own." ^ Their affection in this particular is undoubted, but I question whether it exceeds that of other animals ; and the trait thus adduced of their indiscriminate kindness to all the young of the herd, — of which I have myself been an eye-witness, — so far from being an evidence of the strengih of parental attachment individually, is, perhaps, somewhat incon- sistent with the existence of such a passion to any extraordinary degree.^ In fact, some individuals, who have had extensive facilities for observation, doubt whether the fondness of the female elephants for their offspring is so great as that of many other animals ; as ' A correspondent of BufFon, M. Majrcellus Bles, Seigneur de Moergestal, who resided eleven years in Ceylon in the time of the Dutch, says in one of his commu- nications, that in herds of forty or fifty, enclosed in a single corral, there were frequently yeiy young calves ; and that "on ne pouroit pas reconnaitre quelles etoient les meres de chacun de ces petits ele- phans, car tons ces jeunes animaux paroissent faire manse commime ; ils tetent indistinctement celles des femelles de toute la troupe qui ont du lait, soit qu'elles aient elles- memes un petit en propre, soit qu' elles n' en aient point." — Buffox, Suppl. a V Hist, des Anim., roL yi. p. 25. - White, in his Natural History of Selborne, philosophising on the fact which had fallen under his owti notice of this indiscriminate suck- ling of the young of one animal by the parent of another, is dis- posed to ascribe it to a selfish feel- ing ; the pleasure and relief of haying its distended teats drawn by this intervention. He notices the circumstance of a leveret having been thus nursed by a cat, whose kittens had been recently drowned : and observes, that "this strange affection was probably occasioned by that desiderium, those tender maternal feelings, which the loss of her kittens had awakened in her breast ; and by the complacency and ease she derived to herself from procuring her teats to be drawn, which were too much dis- tended with milk ; till from habit she became as much delighted with this foundling as if it had been her real offspring. This incident is no bad solution of that strange circumstance which grave historians, as well as the poets, assert of ex- posed children being sometimes nurtured by female wild beasts that probably had lost their young. For it is not one whit more mar- vellous that Romulus and Eemus in their infant state should be nursed by a she wolf than that a poor little suckling leveret should be fostered and cherished by a bloody Grimalkin." — White's '^Sel- borne, lett. XX. 114 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. instances are not wanting in Ceylon, in which, when pursued by the hunters, the herd has abandoned the young ones in their flight, notwithstanding the cries of the latter for help. In an interesting paper on the habits of the Indian elephant, published in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1793, Mr. Corse says: "If a wild elephant happens to be separated from its young for only two days, though giving suck, she never after recognises or acknowledges it," although the young one evidently knows its dam, and by its plaintive cries and submissive approaches solicits her assistance. If by any accident an elephant becomes hopelessly separated from his own herd, he is not permitted to attach himself to any other. He may browse in the vicinity, or frequent the same place to drink and to bathe ; but the intercourse is only on a distant and con- ventional footing, and no familiarity or intimate asso- ciation is under any circumstances permitted. To such a height is this exclusiveness carried, that even amidst the terror and stupefaction of an elephant corral, when an individual, detached from his own party in the melee and confusion, has been driven into the enclosure mth an unbroken herd, I have seen him repulsed in every attempt to take refuge among them, and driven off by heavy blows with their trunks as often as he attempted to insinuate himself mthin the circle which they had formed for common security. There can be no rea- sonable doubt that this jealous and exclusive policy not only contributes to produce, but mainly serves to perpetuate, the class of solitary elephants which are known by the term goondahs, in India, and which from Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 115 their vicious propensities and predatory habits are called Hora, or Rogues, in Ceylon.^ It is believed by the Singhalese that these are either individuals, who by accident have lost their former associates and become morose and savage from rage and solitude; or else that being naturally vicious they have become daring from the yielding habits of their milder companions, and eventually separated themselves from the rest of the herd which had refused to associate with them. Another conjecture is, that being almost uni- versally males, the death or cajoture of particular females may have detached them from their former companions in search of fresh alliances.^ It is also believed that a tame elephant escaping from captivity, unable to rejoin its former herd, and excluded from any other, becomes a '^rogue^^ from necessity. In Ceylon it is generally believed that the rogues are all males (but of this I am not certain), and so sullen is their disposition that ^ The term " rogue " is scarcely term peciiliar to that section of the sufficiently accounted for by sup- island; but both there and else- posing it to be the English equiva- where, it is obsolete at the present lent for the Singhalese word Hora. day, unless it be open to conjecture In that very curious book, the that the modern term "rogue" is a Life and Adventures of Johx modification of ronquedue. Christopher Wolf, late 'princi- ^ Buch.vxax, in his Survey of fal Secretary at Jaffnapatam in Bhagidjpore, p. 503, says that soli- Ceylon, the author says, when a tary males of the wild buiFalo, male elephant in a quarrel about "when driven from the herd by the females "is beat out of the stronger competitors for female field and obliged to go without a society, are reckoned very dangerous consort, he becomes furious and to meet with ; for they are apt to mad, killing every living creature, wreak their vengeance on what- be it man or beast: and in this ever they meet, and are said to state is called ronkcdor, an object kill annually three or four people." of greater terror to a traveller than Livin-gstoxe relates the same of a hundred wild ones." — P. 142. the solitary hippopotamus, which In another passage, p. 164, he is becomes soured in temper, and called runkedor, and I have seen it wantonly attacks the passing ca- spelt elsewhere roTZ^Mff/w^. Wolf noes. — Travels in South Africa, does not give .^^ ronkedor^' as a p. 231. I 2 116 MAMMALIA. [Chap. HI. although two may be in the same vicinity, there is no known instance of their associating, or of a rogue being seen in company with another elephant. They spend their nights in marauding, often about the dwellings of men, destroying their plantations, trampling down their gardens, and committing serious ravages in rice grounds and young coco-nut plantations. Hence from their closer contact with man and his dwell- ings, these outcasts become disabused of many of the terrors which render the ordinary elephant timid and needlessly cautious ; they break through fences without fear ; and even in the daylight a rogue has been known near Ambogammoa to watch a field of labourers at work in reaping rice, and boldly to walk in amongst them, seize a sheaf from the heap, and retire leisurely to the jungle. By day they generally seek concealment, but are fre- quently to be met with prowling about the by-roads and jungle paths, where travellers are exposed to the utmost risk from their savage assaults. It is probable that this hostility to man is the result of the enmity engendered by those measures which the natives, who have a con- stant dread of their visits, adopt for the protection of their growing crops. In some districts, especially in the low country of Badulla, the villagers occasionally enclose their cottages with rude walls of earth and branches to protect them from nightly assaults. In places infested by them^ the visits of European sportsmen to the vicinity of their haunts are eagerly encouraged by the natives, who think themselves happy in lending their services to track the ordinary herds in consideration of the benefit conferred on the village communities by the destruction of a rogue. In 1847 one of these formidable creatures frequented for some months the Rangbodde Pass on the Chap. III.] THE ELEPHAXT. Il7 great moimtain road leading to the sanatarium, at Neuera-ellia; and amongst other excesses, killed a Caffre belonging to the corps of Caffre pioneers, by seizing him with its trunk and beating him to death against the bank. To return to the herd: one member of it, usually the largest and most powerful, is by common consent implicitly followed as leader. A tusker, if there be one in the party, is generally observed to be the commander; but a female, if of superior energy, is as readily obeyed as a male. In fact, in this promotion there is no reason to doubt that supremacy is almost unconsciously assumed by those endowed with superior vigour and courage rather than from the accidental possession of greater bodily strength; and the devotion and loyalty which the herd evince to their leader are very re- markable. This is more readily seen in the case of a tusker than any other, because in a herd he is generally the object of the keenest pursuit by the hunters. On such occasions the others do their utmost to protect him from danger: when driven to extremity they place their leader in the centre and crowd so eagerly in front of him that the sportsmen have to shoot a number which they might otherwise have spared. In one instance a tusker, which was badly wounded by Major Eogees, was promptly surrounded by his companions, who supported him be- tween their shoulders, and actually succeeded in covering his retreat to the forest. Those who have lived much in the jungle in Ceylon, and who have had constant opportunities of watching the habits of wild elephants, have witnessed instances of the submission of herds to their leaders, that suggest an inquiry of singular interest as to the means adopted by I 3 118 MAMMALIA. [Chap. m. the latter to communicate with distinctness, orders which are observed with the most implicit obedience by their followers. The following narrative of an adven- ture in the great central forest toward the north of the island, communicated to me by Major Skinnek, who was engaged for some time in surveying and opening roads through the thickly- wooded districts there, will serve better than any abstract description to convey an idea of the conduct of a herd on such occasions : — "The case you refer to struck me as exhibiting something more than ordinary brute instinct, and ap- proached nearer to reasoning powers than any other instance I can now remember. I cannot do justice to the scene, although it appeared to me at the time to be so remarkable that it left a deep impression in my mind. " In the height of the dry season in Neuera-Kalawa, you know the streams are all dried up, and the- tanks nearly so. All animals are then sorely pressed for water, and they congregate in the vicinity of those tanks in which there may remain ever so little of the precious element. " During one of those seasons I was encamped on the bund or embankment of a very small tank, the water in which was so dried that its surface could not have exceeded an area of 500 square yards. It was the only pond within many miles, and I knew that of necessity a very large herd of elephants, which had been in the neighbourhood all day, must resort to it at night. " On the lower side of the tank, and in a line with the embankment, was a thick forest, in which the elephants sheltered themselves during the day. On the upper side and all around the tank there was a considerable Chap. HI.] THE ELEPHAXT. 119 margin of open ground. It was one of those beautiful bright, clear, moonlight nights, when objects could be seen almost as distinctly as by day, and I determined to avail myself of the " opportunity to observe the move- ments of the herd, which had already manifested some uneasiness at our presence. The locality was very favourable for my purpose, and an enormous tree pro- jecting over the tank afforded me a secure lodgement in its branches. Having ordered the fires of my camp to be extinguished at an early hour, and all my followers to retire to rest, I took up my post of observation on the overhanging bough ; but I had to remain for upwards of two hours before anything was to be seen or heard of the elephants, although I knew they were within 500 yards of me. At length, about the distance of 300 yards from the water, an unusually large elephant issued from the dense cover, and advanced cautiously across the open ground to mthin 1 00 yards of the tank, where he stood perfectly motionless. So quiet had the elephants become (although they had been roaring and breaking the jungle throughout the day and evening), that not a movement was now to be heard. The huge vidette remained in his position, still as a rock, for a few minutes, and then made three successive stealthy advances of several yards (halting for some minutes between each, with ears bent forward to catch the slightest sound), and in this way he moved slowly up to the water's edge. Still he did not venture to quench his thirst, for though his fore-feet were partially in the tank and his vast body was reflected clear in the water, he remained for some minutes listening in perfect stillness. Not a motion could be perceived in himself or his shadow. He returned cautiously and slowly to I 4 120 MAMMALIA. [Chap. lit the position he had at first taken up on emerging from the forest. Here in a little while he was joined by five others, with which he again proceeded as cautiously, but less slowly than before, to within a few yards of the tank, and then posted his patrols. He then re-entered the forest and collected around him the whole herd, which must have amounted to between 80 and 100 individuals, — led them across the open ground with the most extraordinary composure and quietness, till he joined the advanced guard, when he left them for a moment and repeated his former reconnoissance at the edge of the tank. After which, having apparently satisfied himself that all was safe, he returned and obviously gave the order to advance, for in a moment the whole herd rushed into the water with a degree of unreserved confidence, so opposite to the caution and timidity which had marked their previous movements, that nothing will ever persuade me that there was not rational and preconcerted co-operation throughout the whole party, and a degree of responsible authority exer- cised by the patriarch leader. " WTien the poor animals had gained possession of the tank (the leader being the last to enter), they seemed to abandon themselves to enjoyment without restraint or apprehension of danger. Such a mass of animal life I had never before seen huddled together in so narrow a space. It seemed to me as though they would have nearly drunk the tank dry. I watched them with great interest until they had satisfied themselves as well in bathing as in drinking, when I tried how small a noise would apprise them of the proximity of unwelcome neighbours. I had but to break a little twig, and the solid mass instantly took to flight like a herd of fright- Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 121 ened deer, each of the smaller calves being apparently shouldered and carried along between two of the older ones." ^ In drinking, the elephant, like the camel, although preferring water pure, shows no decided aversion to it when discoloured with mud ^ ; and the eagerness with which he precipitates himself into the tanks and streams attests his exquisite enjoyment of the fresh coolness, which to him is the chief attraction. In crossing deep rivers, although his rotundity and buoyancy enable him to swim with a less immersion than other quadrupeds, he generally prefers to sink till no part of his huge body is visible except the tip of his trunk, through which he breathes, moving beneath the surface, and only now and then raising his head to look that he is keeping the proper direction.^ In the dry season the scanty streams which, during the rains, are sufficient to convert the rivers of the low country into torrents, often entirely disappear, leaving only broad expanses of dry sand, which they have swept down with them from the hills. In this the elephants contrive to sink wells for their own use by scooping out the sand to the depth of four or five feet, and leaving a hollow for the percolation of the spring. But as the weight of the elephant would force in the side if left perpendicular, one approach is always formed with such a gradient that he can reach ^ Letter from Major Skuojer. ^ A tame elephant, when taken 2 This peculiarity was known in by his keepers to be bathed, and the middle ages, and Phdle, writing to have his skin washed and rubbed, in the fourteenth century, says, that lies down on his side, pressing his such is his preference for muddy head to the bottom imder water, water that the elephant stirs it be- with only the top of his trunk fore he drinks. protruded, to breathe. ""TSwo 5^ TTij/etO'iryxwfleJ'Trplv Uvirivoi . lh yap 5iei54s oiKpi^cos SiairTvei." — Phile de Eleph., i. 144. 122 MAMMALIA. [Chap. in. the water with his trunk without disturbing the sur- rounding sand. ^.vy;,',-.'.,-.y-;,'-;i;VJi,';; I have reason to believe, although the fact has not been authoritatively stated by naturalists, that the stomach of the elephant mil be found to include a section analogous to that possessed by some of the ruminants, calculated to contain a supply of water as a provision against emergencies. The fact of his being, enabled to retain a quantity of water and discharge it at pleasure has been long known to every observer of the habits of the animal; but the proboscis has always been supposed to be " his water-reservoir," ^ and the theory of an internal receptacle has not been discussed. The truth is that the anatomy of the elephant is even yet but imperfectly understood ^, and, although some peculiarities of his ' Brodeeip's Zoological 'Recrea- tions, p. 259, t ^ For observing the osteology of the elephant, materials are of course abundant in the indestructible re- mains of the animal : but tlie study of the intestines, and the dissection of the softer parts by comparative anatomists in Europe, have been up to the present time beset by difficul» ties. These arise not alone from the rarity of subjects, but even in cases where elephants have died in these countries, decomposition inter- poses, and before the thorough ex- amination of so vast a body can be satisfactorily completed, the great mass falls into putrefaction. The principal EngKsh authorities are An Anatomical Account of the Elephant accidentally burnt in Dublin, by A. Molyneux, a.d. 1696 ; which is probably a reprint of a letter on the same subject in the library of Trinity College, Dub- lin, addressed by A. Moulin, to Sir William Petty, Lond. 1682. There are also some papers communicated to Sir Hans Sloane, and afterwards published in the Philosophical Transactions of the year 1710, by Dr. P. Blaib, who had an opportu- nity of dissecting an elephant which died at Dundee in 1708. The latter writer observes that, " notwithstanding the vast interest Chaf. ni.] THE ELEPHANT. 123 stomach were observed at an early period, and even their configuration described, the function of the abnormal portion remained undetermined, and has been only re- cently conjectured. An elephant which belonged to Louis XIV. died at Versailles in 1681 at the age of seventeen, and an account of its dissection was published in the Memoires pour servir a VHistoire Naturelle, under the authority of the Academy of Sciences, in which the unusual appendages of the stomach are pointed out with sufficient particularity, but no suggestion is made as to their probable uses." ^ attaching to the elephant in all ages, yet has its body been hitherto very little subjected to anatomical inquiries;" and he laments that the rapid decomposition of the carcase, and other causes, had interposed obstacles to the scrutiny of the sub- ject he "was so fortunate as to find access to. In 1723 Dr. "Wm. Stuckley pub- lished So7ne Anatomical Observa- tions made upon the Dissection of an Elephant; but each of the above essays is necessarily unsatisfactory, and little has since been done to supply their defects. One of the latest and most valuable contribu- tions to the subjects, is a paper read before the Royal Irish Academy, on the 18th of Feb,, 1847, by Profes- sor Haeeison, who had the oppor- tunity of dissecting an Indian elephant which died of acute fever; but the examination, so far as he has made it public, extends only to the cranium, the brain, and the probos- cis, the larynx, trachea, and oeso- phagus. An essential service would be rendered to science if some sportsman in Ceylon, or some of the officers connected with the elephant establishment there, would take the trouble to forward the carcase of a young one to England in a state fit for dissection. Postscriptum. — I am happy to say that a young elephant, carefully preserved in spirits, has recently been obtained in Ceylon, andfons^ardedto Prof. Owen, of the British Museum, by the joint exertions of M. Diard and Major Skinner. An oppor- tunity has thus been afforded from which science will reap advantage, of devoting a patient attention to the internal structure of this in- teresting animal. ^ The passage as quoted by Bur- Fox from the Memoires is as follows : — "L'estomac avoit peu de dia- metre ; il en avoit moins que le colon, car son diametre n'etoit que de quatorze pouces dans la partie la plus large ; il avoit trois pieds et demi de longueur : 1' orifice superi- eur etoit a-peu-pres aussi eloigne du pylore que du fond du grand cul-de-sac qui se terminoit en une pointe composee de tuniques beau- coup plus epaisses que cellesdu reste de l'estomac; il y avoit au fond du grand cid-de-sac plusieurs feuillets epais d'une ligne, larges d'un pouce et demi, et disposes irregulierement; le reste de parois interieures etoit perce de plusieurs petits trous et 124 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. A writer in the Quarterly Revieiv for December 1850, says that " Camper and other comparative anatomists have shown that the left, or cardiac end of the stomach in the elephant is adapted, by several wide folds of lining membrane, to serve as a receiver for water ; " but this is scarcely correct, for although Camper has accurately figured the external form of the stomach, he disposes of the question of the interior functions with the simple remark that its folds " semblent en faire une espece de division paxticuliere." ^ In like manner Sir Everard Home, in his Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, has not only carefully described the form of the elephant's stomach, and furnished a drawing of it even more accurate than Camper ; but he has equally omitted to assign any purpose to so strange a formation, contenting himself with observing that the structure is a peculiarity, and that one of the remarkable folds nearest the orifice of the diaphragm appears to act as a valve, so that the portion beyond may be considered as an appendage similar to that of the hog and the 'peccary ?• par de plus grands qui correspon- at the extremity, the lining is thick doient a des grains glanduleux." — and glandular, and is thrown into BuFFON, Hist. Nat., vol. xi. p. 109. transverse folds, of which five are ' "L'extremiteToisine du cardia broad and nine narrow. That se termine par une poche tres-con- nearest the orifice of the oesophagus siderable et doublee a I'interieure is the broadest, and appears to act du quatorze valvules orbiculaires occasionally as a valve, so that the que semblent en faire une espece part beyond may be considered as de division particuli ere." — Camper, an appendage similar to that of Description Anatomique d^un Ele- the peccary and the hog. The phant Male, p. 37, tabl. ix. membrane of the cardiac portion is 2 " The elephant has another uniformly smooth ; that of the peculiarity in the internal structure pyloric is thicker and more vascu- of the stomach. It is longer and lar." — Lectures on Comparative narrower than that of most animals. Anatomy, \y^ Sir Everaed Home The cutieular membrane of the Bart. '4to. Lond. vol. i. p. loo! oesophagus terminates at the orifice The figure of the elephant's stomach of the stomach. At the cardiac end, is given in his Lectures vol. ii. which is very narrow and pointed plate xviii. Chap, mj THE ELEPHAXT. 125 The appendage thus alluded to by Sir Everard Home is the grand " cul-de-sac," noticed by the Academie des Sciences, and the " division particuliere/' figured by Camper. It is of sufficient dimensions to contain ten gallons of water, and by means of the valve above alluded to, it can be shut off from the chamber devoted to the ELEPHANT'S STOMACH. process of digestion. Professor Owen is probably the first who, not from an autopsy, but from the mere in- spection of the drawings of Camper and Home, ventured to assert (in lectures hitherto unpublished), that the uses of this section of the elephant's stomach may be analogous to those ascertained to belong to a somewhat similar arrangement in the stomach of the camel, one cavity of which is exclusively employed as a reservoir for water, and performs no function in the preparation of food.^ * A similar arrangement, with the Cordilleras of Chili and Peru ; some modifications, has more re- but both these and the camel are cently been found in the llama of ruminants, whilst the elephants the Andes, which, like the camel, belongs to the Pachydermata. is used as a beast of burden in 126 MAMMALIA. [Chap. ni. Whilst Professor Owen was advancing this conjecture, another comparative anatomist, from the examination of another portion of the structure of the elephant, was led to a somewhat similar conclusion. Dr. Harrison of Dublin had, in 1847, an opportunity of dissecting the body of an elephant which had suddenly died ; and in the com'se of his examination of the thoracic viscera, he observed that an unusually close connection existed between the trachea and oesophagus, which he found to depend on a muscle unnoticed by any previous anatomist, connecting the back of the former with the forepart of the latter, along which the iibres descend and can be dis- tinctly traced to the cardiac orifice of the stomach. The Trachea drawn over, bringing into view its posterior surface at tlie bi- furcation Pneumogastric Nerves (Esophagus. -The Trachea- (Esophageal IMuscle. Elastic Tissue connecting Tra- chea Bronchi, G^sophagus.and Tracliea - (Eso- phageal Muscle to the Dia- phragm. Diaphragm Imperfectly acquainted -^^th the habits and functions of the elephant in a state of nature, Dr. Harrison found it difficult to pronounce as to the use of this very peculiar Chap. IH.] THE ELEPH.IXT. 127 structure; but looking to the intimate connection between the mechanism concerned in the functions of respiration and deglutition, and seeing that the proboscis served in a double capacity as an instrument of voice and an organ for the prehension of food, he ventured (apparently without adverting to the abnormal form of the stomach) to express the opinion that this muscle, viemng its attachment to the trachea, might either have some influence in raising the diaphragm, and thereby assisting in expiration, " or that it might raise the cardiac orifice of the stomach, and so aid this organ to regurgitate a portion of its contents into the oesophagus.'^ ^ Dr. Harrison, on the reflection that " we have no sa- tisfactory evidence that the animal ever ruminates," thought it useless to speculate on the latter supposition as to the action of the newly discovered muscle, and rather inclined to the surmise that it was designed to assist the elephant in producing the remarkable sound through his proboscis known as " trumpeting ; " but there is little room to doubt that of the two the rejected hy- pothesis was the more correct one. I have elsewhere described the occurrence to which I was myself a witness^, of elephants inserting their proboscis in their mouths, and withdrawing gallons of water, which could only have been contained in the receptacle figured by Camper and Home, and of which the true uses were discerned by the clear intellect of Professor Owen. I was not, till very recently, aware that a similar observation as to the re- markable habit of the elephant, had been made by the author of the Ayeen Akhery, in his account of the Feel ' Proceed. Boy. Irish Acad., vol. iv. p. 133. - In the account of an elephant corral, chap. vi. 128 MMfMALIA. [Chap. III. Kaneh, or elephant stables of the Emperor Akbar, in which he says, " an elephant frequently with his trunk takes water out of his stomach and sprinkles himself mth it, and it is not in the least offensive.^ Foebes, in his Oriental Memoirs, quotes this passage of the Ayeen Akbery, but without a remark ; nor does any European writer with whose works 1 am acquainted appear to have been cognisant of the peculiarity in question. It is to be hoped that Professor Owen's dissection of WATER-CELLS IN THE STOMACH OP THE CAMEL. the young elephant, recently arrived, may serve to de- cide this highly interesting point.'^ Should scientific in- vestigation hereafter more clearly establish the fact that, in this particular, the structure of the elephant is as- similated to that of the llama and the camel, it will be • Ayeen Akhery, transl. by Glad- win, vol. i. pt. i. p. 147. 2 One of the Indian names for the elephant is duipa, which signi- fies " to drink twice " (Amandi, p. 513). Can this have reference to the peculiarity of the stomach for retaining a supply of water? Or has it merely reference to the habit of the animal to fill his trunk be- fore transferring the water to his mouth. Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 129 regarded as more than a common coincidence, that an apparatus, so unique in its purpose and action, should thus have been conferred by the Creator on the three animals which in sultry climates are, by this arrangement, enabled to traverse arid regions in the service of man.^ To show this peculiar organization where it attains its fullest development, I have given a sketch of the water- cells in the stomach of the camel on the preceding page. The food of the elephant is so abundant, that in feeding he never appears to be impatient or voracious, but rather to play with the leaves and branches on which he leisurely feeds. In riding by places where a herd has recently halted, I have sometimes seen the bark peeled curiously off the twigs, as though it had been done in mere dalliance. In the same way in eating grass the elephant selects a tussac which he draws fropi the ground by a dexterous twist of his trunk, and nothing can be more graceful than the ease with which, before conveying it to his mouth, he beats the earth from its roots by striking it gently upon his fore-leg. A coco-nut he first rolls under foot, to detach the strong outer bark, then stripping off with his trunk the thick layer of fibre within, he places the shell in his mouth, and swallows with evident relish the fresh liquid which flows as he crushes it between his grinders. The natives of the peninsula of Jaffna always look for the periodical appearance of the elephants, at the precise ^ The buffalo and the humped water, somewhat more conspicuous cattle of India, which are used for than in the rest of their congeners ; draught and burden, have, I be- but nothing that approaches in liere, a development of the organi- singularity of character to the sation of the reticulum which distinct cavities in the stomach enables the ruminants generally to exhibited by the three animals endure thirst, and abstain from above alluded to. 330 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. time when the fruit of the palmyra palm begins to fall to the ground from ripeness. In like manner in the eastern provinces where the custom prevails of culti- vating what is called chena land (by clearing a patch of forest for the purpose of raising a single crop, after which the ground is abandoned, and reverts to jungle again), although a single elephant may not have been seen in the neighbourhood during the early stages of the process, the Moormen, who are the principal cultivators of this class, will predict their appearance with almost un- erring confidence so soon as the grains shall have begun to ripen ; and although the crop comes to maturity at different periods in different districts, herds are certain to be seen at each in succession, as soon as it is ready to be cut. In these well-timed excursions, they resemble the bison of North America, which, by a similarly mys- terious instinct, finds its way to portions of the distant prairies, where accidental fires have been followed by a growth of tender grass. Although the fences around these chenas are little more than lines of reeds loosely fastened together, they are sufficient, with the presence of a single watcher, to prevent the entrance of the ele- phants, who wait patiently till the rice and covacan have been removed, and the watcher withdrawn ; and, then finding gaps in the fence, they may be seen gleaning among the leavings and the stubble ; and they take their departure when these are exhausted, apparently in the direction of some other chena, which they have ascer- tained to be about to be cut. There is something still unexplained in the dread which an elephant always exhibits on approaching a fence, and the reluctance which he displays to face the slightest artificial obstruction to his passage. In the Chap. III.] THE ELEPHAKT. 131 fine old tank of Tissa-weva, close by Anarajapoora, the natives cultivate grain, during the dry season, around the margin where the ground has been left bare by the subsidence of the water. These little patches of rice they enclose with small sticks an inch in diameter and five or six feet in height, such as would scarcely serve to keep out a wild hog if he attempted to force his way through. Passages of from ten to twenty feet wide are left between each field, to permit the wild elephants, which abound in the vicinity to make their nocturnal visits to the water still remainingr in the tank. Mg^ht after night these open pathways are frequented by im- mense herds, but the tempting corn is never touched, nor is a single fence disturbed, although the merest movement of a trunk would be sufficient to demolish the fragile structure. Yet the same spots, the fences being left open as soon as the grain has been cut and carried home, are eagerly entered by the elephants to glean amongst the stubble. Sportsmen observe that an elephant, even when en- raged by a wound, will hesitate to charge an assailant across an intervening hedge, but will hurry along it to seek for an opening. It is possible that, on the part of the elephant, there may be some instinctive conscious- ness, that o^ving to his superior bulk, he is exposed to danger from sources that might be perfectly harmless in the case of lighter animals, and hence his suspicion that every fence may conceal a snare or pitfall. Some simi- lar apprehension is apparent in the deer, which shrinks from attempting a fence of wire, although it will clear without hesitation a solid wall of s^reater heio^ht. At the same time, the caution with which the elephant is supposed to approach insecure ground and places of K 2 132 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. doubtfuP solidity, appears to me, so far as my own ob- servation and experience extend, to be exaggerated, and the number of temporary bridges which are annually broken down by elephants in all parts of Ceylon, is sufficient to show that, although in captivity, and when familiar with such structures, the tame ones may, and doubtless do, exhilnt all the weariness attributed to them; yet, in a state of liberty, and whilst unaccustomed to such artificial appliances, their instincts are not suffi- cient to ensure their safety. Besides, the fact is adverted to elsewhere^, that the chiefs of the Wanny, during the sovereignty of the Dutch, were accustomed to take in pitfalls the elephants which they rendered as tribute to government. A fact illustrative at once of the caution and the spirit of curiosity with which an elephant regards an unaccustomed object has been frequently mentioned to me by the officers engaged in opening roads through the forest. On such occasions the wooden " tracing pegs " which they are obliged to drive into the ground to mark the levels taken during the day, will often be withdrawn by the elephants during the night, to such an extent as frequently to render it necessary to go over the work a second time, in order to replace them.-^ Colonel Haedy, formerly Deputy Quarter-Master- Greneral in Ceylon, when proceeding, about the 3^ear 1820, to a military out-post in the south-east of the island, imprudently landed in an uninhabited part of * " One of the strongest instincts rol. i. pp. 17, 19, 66. which the elephant possesses, is this - Wolf's Life and Adventures, which impels him to experiment p. 151. See p. 115, note. upon the solidity of every siu-face ^ Private Letter from Dr. Davy, which he is required to cross." — 2l\\X\\ov oi An Account of the Interior Menageries, ^c. " The Elephant," of Ceylon. Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 133 the coast, intending to take a short cut through the forest, to his destination. He not only miscalculated the distance, but, on the approach of nightfall, he was chased by a vicious rogue elephant. The pursuer was nearly upon him, when, to gain time, he flung down a small dressing-case, which he happened to be carrjdng. The device was successful ; the elephant halted and minutely examined its contents, and thus gave the colonel time to effect his escape.^ As regards the general sagacity of the elephant, al- though it has not been over-rated in the instances of those Avhose powers have been largely developed in captivity, an undue estimate has been formed in rela- tion to them whilst still untamed. The difference of instincts and habits renders it difficult to institute a just comparison between them and other animals. Cuvier^ is disposed to ascribe the exalted idea that prevails of their intellect to the feats which an elephant performs with that unique instrument, its trunk, combined with an imposing expression of countenance : but he records his own conviction that in sagacity it in no way excels the dog, and some other species of Carnivora. If there be a superiority, I am disposed to award it to the dog, not from any excess of natural capacity, but from the * The Colombo Observer for the estate, whence it was its cus- March 1858, contains an offer of a torn to sally forth at night for the reward of twenty-fiye guineas for pleasure of pulling down buildings the destruction of an elephant which and trees, " and it seemed to have infested the Rajawalle coffee plan- taken a spite at the pipes of the tation, in the vicinity of Kandy. water-works, the pillars of which Its object seemed to be less the it several times broke down — its search for food, than the satisfying latest fancy being to wrench off the of its curiosity and the gratifica- taps," This elephant has since tion of its passion for mischief, been shot. IVIr. Tytleb, the proprietor, states ^ Cuvier, Eegne Animal. " Les that it frequented the jungle near jMammiferes," p. 280. K 3 134 MAMMALIA. [Chap. HI. higher degree of development consequent on his more intimate domestication and association with man. One remarkable fact was called to my attention by a gentleman who resided on a coffee plantation at Eassawe, one of the loftiest mountains of the Ambogammoa range. More than once during the terrific thunder-bursts that precede the rains at the change of each monsoon, he ob- served that the elephants in the adjoining forest hastened from under cover of the trees and took up their station in the open ground, where I saw them on one of these occasions collected into a group ; and here, he said, it was their custom to remain till the lightning had ceased, when they retired again into the jungle.^ It must be observed, however, that showers, and especially light drizzling rain, are believed to bring the elephants from the jungle towards pathways or other openings in the forest; — and hence, in places infested by them, timid persons are afraid to travel in the afternoon during uncertain weather. When free in its native woods the elephant evinces rather simplicity than sagacity, and its intelligence seldom exhibits itself in cunning. The rich profusion in which nature has supplied its food, and anticipated its every want, has made it independent of those devices by which carnivorous animals provide for their sub- sistence; and, from the absence of all rivalry between it and the other denizens of the plains, it is never required to resort to artifice for self-protection. For these reasons, in its tranquil and harmless life, it may appear to casual observers to exhibit even less than ' The elephant is believed by the of rain; and the Tamils have a Singhalese to express his uneasi- proverb. — '•'•Listen to the elephant , ness by his voice, on the approach rain is coming" Chap. III.] THE ELEPHAXT. I35 ordinary ability ; but when danger and apprehension call for the exertion of its powers, those who have witnessed their display are seldom inclined to undervalue its sa- gacity. Mr. Ceipps has related to me an instance in which a recently captured elephant was either rendered senseless from fear, or, as the native attendants asserted, feigned death in order to regain its freedom. It was led from the corral as usual between two tame ones, and had al- ready proceeded far towards its destination; when night closing in, and the torches being lighted, it re- fused to go on, and finally sank to the ground, appar- ently lifeless. Mr. Cripps ordered the fastenings to be removed from its legs, and when all attempts to raise it had failed, so convinced was he that it was dead, that he ordered the ropes to be taken off and the carcase aband- oned. While this was being done he and a gentleman by whom he was accompanied leaned against the body to rest. They had scarcely taken their departure and proceeded a few yards, when, to their astonishment, the elephant rose with the utmost alacrity, and fled towards the jungle, screaming at the top of its voice, its cries being audible long after it had disappeared in the shades of the forest. K 4 136 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER III. NARRATIVES OF THE NATIVES OF CEYLON RELATIVE TO ENCOLTJTERS WITH ROGUE ELEPHANTS. The following narratives have been taken down by a Singhalese gentleman, from the statements of the natives by whom they are recounted; — and they are here inserted, in order to show the opinion prevalent amongst the people of Ceylon as to the habits and propensities of the rogue elephant. The stories are given in words of my correspondent, who writes in English, as follows : — 1. " We," said my informant, who w^as a native trader of Caltura, " were on our way to Badulla, by way of Ratnapoora and Balangodde, to barter our merchandize for coffee. There were six in our party, myself, my brother-in-law, and four coolies, who carried on pingoesi our merchandize, which con- sisted of cloth and brass articles. About 4 o'clock, p. m., we were close to Idalgasinna, and our coolies were rather unwilling to go further for fear of elephants, which they said were sure to be met with at that noted place, especially as there had been a slight drizzling of rain during the whole afternoon, I was as much afraid of elephants as the coolies themselves; but I was anxious to proceed, and so, after a few words of encourage- ment addressed to them, and a prayer or two offered up to Saman dewhjo^y we resumed our journey. I also took the * Yokes borne on the shoulder, ^ The tutelary spirit of the sa- with a package at each end. cred mountain, Adam's Peak. Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 137 ilirther precaution of hanging up a few leaves.^ As the rain was coming down fast and thick, and I was anxious to get to our halting-place before night, we moved on at a rapid pace. My brother-in-law was in the van of the party, I myself Avas in the rear, and the four coolies between us, all moving along on a rugged, rocky, and difficult path ; as the road to Badulla till lately was on the sloping side of a hill, covered with jungle, pieces of projecting rock, and brushwood. It was about five o'clock in the evening, or a little later, and we had hardly cleared the foot of the hill and got to the plain below, Avhen a rustling of leaves and a crackling of dry brush- wood were heard on our right, followed immediately by the trumpeting of a hora allia^^ which was making towards us. We all fled, followed by the elephant. I, who was in the rear of the party, was the first to take to flight; the coolies threw away their pingoes, and my brother-in-law his umbrella, and all ran in different directions. I hid myself behind a large boulder of granite nearly covered by jungle : but as my place of conceal- ment was on high ground, I could see all that was going on below. The first thing I observed was the elephant returning to the place where one of the pingoes was lying : he was carrying one of the coolies in a coil of his trunk. The body of the man was dangling with the head downward. I cannot say whether he was then alive or not ; I could not perceive any marks of blood or bruises on his person : but he appeared to be lifeless. The elephant placed him do^vn on the groimd, put the pingo on his (the man's) shoulder, steadying both the man and the pingo with his trunk and fore-legs. But the man of course did not move or stand up with his pingo. Seeing this, the elephant again raised the cooly and dashed him against the ground, and then trampled ^ The Singhalese hold the be- pecially of elephants. Can it be lief, that twigs taken from one that the latter avoid the path, on bush and placed on another grow- discovering this evidence of the ing close to a pathway, ensure proximity of recent passengers ? protection to travellers from the ^ A rogue elephant, attacks of wild animals, and es- 138 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. the body to a very jelly. This done, he took up the pingo and moved away from the spot ; but at the distance of about a fathom or two, laid it down again, and ripping open one of the bundles, took out of it all the contents, somans^, cambdyas^j handkerchiefs, and several pieces of white cambrick cloth, all which he tore to small pieces, and flung them wildly here and there. He did the same with all the other pingoes. When this was over the elephant quietly walked away into the jungle, trumpeting all the way as far as I could hear. When danger was past I came out of my concealment, and retui^ned to the place where we had halted that morning. Here the rest of my companions joined me soon after. The next morning we set out again on our joui'ney, our party being now increased by some seven or eight traders from Salpity Corle : but this time we did not meet with the elephant. We found the mangled corpse of our cooly on the same spot where I had seen it the day before, together with the torn pieces of my cloths, of which we collected as fast as we could the few which were serviceable, and all the brass utensils Avhich were quite unin- jured. That elephant was a noted rogue. He had before this killed many people on that road, especially those carrying pingoes of coco-nut oil and ghee. He was afterwards lulled by an Englishman. The incidents I have mentioned above, took place about twenty years ago." The following also relates to the same locality. It was narrated to me by an old Moorman of Barberyn, who, during his earlier years, led the life of a pedlar. 2. " I and another," said he, " were on our way to Badulla, one day some twenty-five or thii'ty years ago. We were ({uietly moving along a path which wound round a hill, when all of a sudden, and without the slightest previous intimation either by the rustling of leaves or by any other sign, a huge elephant with short tusks rushed to the path. Wliere he had been before I can't say ; I believe he must have been lying in * Woman's robe. ^ The figured cloth worn by men. Chap. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 139 wait for travellers. In a moment lie rushed forward to the road, trumpeting dreadfully, and seized my companion. I, who happened to be in the rear, took to flight, pursued by the elephant, which had already killed my companion by strikinfT him against the grround. I had not moved more than seven or eight fathoms, when the elephant seized me, and threw me up with such force, that I was carried high into the air towards a Caliata tree, whose branches caught me and pre- vented my falling to the groimd. By this I received no other injury than the dislocation of one of my wrists. I do not know whether the elephant saw me after he had hurled me away through the air; but certainly he did not come to the tree to which I was then clinging : even if he had come, he couldn't have done me any more harm, as the branch on which I was was far beyond the reach of his trunk, and the tree itself too large for him to pull down. The next thing I saw was the elephant retm-ning to the corpse of my com- panion, which he again threw on the ground, and placing one of his fore feet on it, he tore it with his trunk limb after limb ; and dabbled in the blood that flowed from the shapeless mass of flesh which he was still holding under his foot." 3. "In 1847 or '46," said another informant, "I was a superintendent of a coco-nut estate belonging to Mr. Armitage, situated about twelve miles from Negombo. A rogue elephant did considerable injury to the estate at that time; and one day, hearing that it was then on the plantation, a Mr. Lindsay, an Englishman, who Avas proprietor of the adjoining property, and myself, accomjDanied by some seven or eight people of the neighbouring village, went out, carrying with us six rifles loaded and primed. We continued to walk along a path which, near one of its turns, had some bushes on one side. We had calculated to come up with the brute where it had been seen half an hour before ; but no sooner had one of our men, who was walking foremost, seen the animal at the distance of some fifteen or twenty fathoms, than he exclaimed, ' There ! there!' and immediately took to his heels, and we all 140 MAMMALIA. [Chap. III. followed his example. The elephant did not see us until we had run some fifteen or twenty paces from the spot w^here we turned, when he gave us chase, screaming frightfully as he came on. The Englishman managed to climb a tree, and the rest of my companions did the same ; as for myself I could not, although I made one or two superhuman efforts. But there was no time to be lost. The elephant was running at me with his trunk bent down in a curve towards the ground. At this critical moment Mr. Lindsay held out his foot to me, with the help of which and then of the branches of the tree, which were three or four feet above my head, I managed to scramble up to a branch. The elephant came directly to the tree and attempted to force it down, Avhich he could not. He first coiled his trunk round the stem, and pulled it with all his might, but with no effect. He then applied his head to the tree, and pushed for several minutes, but with no better success. He then trampled with his feet all the projecting roots, moving, as he did so, several times round and round the tree. Lastly, failing in all this, and seeing a pile of timber, which I had lately cut, at a short distance from us, he removed it all (thirty-six pieces) one at a time to the root of the tree, and piled them \vp in a regular business-like manner ; then placing his hind feet on this pile, he raised the fore part of his body, and reached out his trunk, but still he could not touch us, as we were too far above him. The Englishman then fired, and the ball took effect somewhere on the elephant's head, but did not kill him. It made him only the more furious. The next shot, however, levelled him to the ground. I afterwards brought the skull of the animal to Colombo, and it is still to be seen at the house of Mr. Armitage." 4. " One night a herd of elephants entered a village in the Four Corles. After doing considerable injury to plaintain bushes and young coco-nut trees, they retired, the villagers being unable to do anything to protect their fruit trees from destruction. But one elephant was left behind, who continued to scream the whole night through at the same spot. It was CnAr. III.] THE ELEPHANT. 141 then discovered that the elephant, on seeing a jak fruit on a tree somewhat beyond the reach of his trunk, had raised himself on his hind legs, placing his fore feet against the stem, in order to lay hold of the fruit, but unluckily for him there happened to be another tree standing so close to it that the vacant space between the two stems was only a few inches. During his attempts to take hold of the fruit one of his legs happened to get in between the two trees, where, on account of his weight and his clumsy attempts to extricate himself, it got so firmly wedged that he could not remove it, and in this awkward position he remained for some days, till he died on the spot." 142 MAMMALIA. [Chap. IV. CHAP. IV. THE ELEPHANT. Elephant Shooting. As the shooting of an elephant, whatever endurance and adroitness the sport may display in other respects, requires the smallest possible skill as a marksman, the numbers which are annually slain in this wa}^ may be regarded as evidence of the multitudes abounding in those parts of Ceylon to which they resort. One officer, Major Eogees, killed upwards of 1400 ; another. Captain GtALLWEY, has the credit of slaying more than half that number; Major Skinner, the Commissioner of Roads, almost as many ; and less persevering aspirants follow at humbler distances.^ * To persons like myself, who that although man is naturally are not addicted to what is called bloodthirsty, and a beast of prey " sport," the statement of these by instinct, yet that the true wholesale slaughters is calculated sportsman is distinguished from to excite surprise and curiosity as the rest of the human race by his to the natm'e of a passion tliat " love of nature and of noble sce- impels men to self-exposure and neryT In support of this preten- privation, in a pursuit which pre- sion to a gentler nature than the sents nothing but the monotonous rest of mankind, the author pro- recurrence of scenes of blood and ceeds to attest his own abliorrence suffering. Mr. Baker, who has of cruelty by narrating the suf- recently published, under the title ferings of an old hound, which, of " The Rifle and the Hound in although " toothless," he cheered Ceylon,'' an account of his exploits on to assail a boar at bay, but the in the forest, gives us the assur' poor dog recoiled " covered with ance that '■'all real sportsmen are blood, cut nearly in half, with a tender-hearted men, who shun cru- wound fourteen inches in hmgth, city to an animal, and are easily from the lower part of the belly, 'moved by a tale of distress;" smid. passing up the flank, completely Chap. IV.] THE ELEPHANT. 143 But notwithstanding this prodigious destruction, a re- ward of a few shillings per head offered by the Grovern- ment for taking elephants was claimed for 3500 destroyed in part of the northern province alone, in less than three years prior to 1848: and between 1851 and 1856, a similar reward was paid for 2000 in the southern pro- vince, between Gralle and Hambangtotte. Although there is little opportunity for the display of marksmanship in an elephant battue, there is one feature in the sport, as conducted in Ceylon, which contrasts favourably mth the slaughterhouse details chronicled with revolting minuteness in some recent accounts of severing the muscles of the hind leg, and extending up the spine ; his hind leg having tlie appearance of being nearly off." In this state, forgetful of the character he had so lately given of the true sports- man, as a lover of nature and a hater of cruelty, he encouraged "the poor old dog," as he calls him, to resume the fight with the boar, which lasted for an hour, when he managed to call the dogs off; and perfectly exhausted, the mangled hound crawled out of the jungle with several additional wounds, including a severe gash in his throat. " He fell from exhaustion, and we made a litter with two poles and a horsecloth to carry him home." — P. 314. If such were the habitual enjoyments of this class of sportsmen, their motiveless massacres would admit of no manly justification. In com- parison with them one is disposed to regard almost with favour the exploits of a hunter like Major EoGERS, who is said to have applied the value of the ivory obtained from his encounters towards the purchase of his successive regi- mental commissions, and had, therefore, an object, however dis- proportionate, in his slaughter of 1400 elephants. One gentleman in Ceylon, not less distinguished for his genuine kindness of heart, than for his marvellous success in shooting ele- phants, avowed to me that the eagerness with which he found himself impelled to pursue them had often excited surprise in his own mind ; and although he had never read the theory of Lord Kames, or the specidations of Vi- cesimus Knox, he had come to the conclusion that the passion thus excited within him was a remnant of the hunter's instinct, with which man was originally endowed to enable him, by the chase, to sup- port existence in a state of nature, and which, though rendered dor- mant by civilisation, had not been utterly eradicated. This theory is at least more consistent and intelligible than the "love of nature and scenery," sentimentally propounded by the author quoted above. 144 MMIMALIA. [Chap. IV. elephant shooting in South Africa. The practice in Ceylon is to aim invariably at the head, and the sportsman finds his safety to consist in boldly facing the animal, advancing to within fifteen paces, and lodging a bullet, either in the temple or in the hollow over the eye, or in a well-known spot immediately above the trunk, where the weaker structure of the skull affords an easy access to the brain.^ The region of the ear is also a fatal spot, and often resorted to, — the places I have mentioned in the front of the head being only accessible when the animal is "charging." Professor Harrison, in his communication to the Eoyal Irish Academy on the Anatomy of the Elephant, has rendered an intelligible explanation of this in the following passage descriptive of the cranium : — "it exhibits two remarkable facts : first, the small space occupied by the brain ; and, secondly, the beautiful and curious structure of the bones of the head. The two tables of all these bones, except the occipital, are separated by rows of large cells, some from four to five inches in length, others only small, irregular, and honey-comb-like: — these all commu- nicate with each other, and, through the frontal sinuses, with the cavity of the nose, and also with the tympanum or drum of each ear; consequently, as in some birds, these cells are filled with air, and thus while the skull attains a great size in order to afford an extensive surface ' The vulnerability of the ele- standing the comparative facility phant in this region of the head of access to the brain afforded at was knowTi to the ancients, and this spot, an ordinary leaden bnl- Pliny, describing a combat of ele- let is not certain to penetrate, and phants in the amphitheatre at frequently becomes flattened. The Eome, says, that one was slain by hunters, to counteract this, are a single blow, "pilum sub oculo accustomed to harden the ball, by adactum, in vitalia capitis vene- the introduction of a small portion rat." (Lib. viii. c. 7.) Notwith- of type-metal along with the lead. Chap. IV.] THE ELEPHANT. 145 for the attachment of muscles, and a mechanical support for the tusks, it is at the same time very light and buoyant in proportion to its bulk ; a property the more valuable as the animal is fond of water and bathes in deep rivers." SECTION OF ELEPHANT'S HEAD. G-enerally speaking, a single ball, planted in the forehead, ends the existence of the noble creature instantaneously : and expert sportsmen have been known to kill right and left, one with each barrel ; but occa- sionally an elephant will not fall before several shots have been lodged in his head.^ * " There is a wide difference of I tMnk the temple the most certain, opinion as to the most deadly shot, but authority in Ceylon says the L 146 MA^IMALIA. [Chap. IV. Contrasted with this, one reads with a shudder the sickening details of the African huntsman approaching hekind the retiring animal, and of the torture inflicted by the shower of bullets which tear up its flesh and lacerate its flank and shoulders.^ ' fronter,' that is, above the trunk. Behind the ear is said to be deadly, but that is a shot which I never fired or saw fired that I remember. If the ball go true to its mark, all shots (in the head) are certain ; but the bones on either side of the honey-comb passage to the brain are so thick that there is in all a 'glorious uncertainty' which keeps a man on the qui vive till he sees the elephant down." — From a paper on Elephant Shooting in Ceylon, by Major Maceeady, late Military Secretary at Colombo. ^ In Mi\ Gordon Ciimming's ac- count of a Hunter's Life in South Africa, there is a narrative of his pursuit of a wounded elephant which he had lamed by lodging a ball in its shoulder-blade. It limped slowly towards a tree, against which it leaned itself in helpless agony, whilst its pursuer seated himself in front of it, in safety, to hoil his coffee, and observe its suffer- ings. The story is continued as follows: — "Having admired him for a considerable time, I resolved to make eccperiments on vulnerable points ; and approaching very near I fired several bullets at different parts of his enormous skull. He only acknowledged the shots by a salaam-like movement of his trunk, with the point of which he gently touched the wounds with a strik- ing and peculiar action. Surprised and shocked at finding that I was only prolonging the sufferings of the noble beast, which bore its trials with such dignified composure, I resolved to finish the proceeding with all possible despatch, and ac- cordingly opened fire upon him from the left side, aiming at the shoulder. I first fired six shots with the two-grooved rifle, which must have eventually proved mortal. After which I fired six shots at the same part with the Dutch six- pounder. Large tears novj tricMed from his eyes, which he slowly shut and opened, his colossal frame shivered convulsively, and falling on his side, he expired." (Vol. ii. p. 10.) _ In another place, after detamng the manner in which he assailed a poor animal — he says, "I was loading and fii'ing as fast as could be, sometimes at the head, some- times behind the shoulder, until my elephant's fore-quarter was a mass of gore ; notwithstanding which he continued to hold on, leaving the grass and branches of the forest scarlet in his wake. * * * S.-dYmg&cedthi7'ty-Jiveroimds with my two-grooved rifle, I opened upon him with the Dutch six- pounder, and when forty bullets had perforated his hide, he began for the first time, to evince signs of a dilapidated constitution." The disgusting description is closed thus : " Throughout the charge he repeatedly cooled his person with large quantities of water, which he ejected from his trunk over his sides and back, and just as the pangs of death came over him, he stood trembling violently beside a thorn tree, and kept pouring waters Chap. IV.] THE ELEPHANT. 147 The shooting of elephants in Ceylon has been de- scribed with tiresome iteration in the successive journals of sporting gentlemen, but one who turns to their pages for traits of the animal and his instincts is disappointed to find little beyond graphic sketches of the daring and exploits of his pursuers, most of whom, having had no further opportunity of observation than is derived from a casual encounter with the outraged animal, have ap- parently tried to exalt their own prowess, by misrepre- senting the ordinary character of the elephant, describing him as " savage, wary, and revengeful." ^ These epithets may undoubtedly apply to the outcasts from the herd, the " Eogues " or hora allia, but so small is the proportion of these that there is not probably one rogue to be found for every five hundred of those in herds ; and it is a manifest error, arising from imperfect information, to extend this censure to them generally, or to suppose the elephant to be an animal " thirsting for blood, lying in wait in the jungle to rush on the unwary passer-by, and knowing no greater pleasure than the act of crushing his victim to a shapeless mass beneath his feet." ^ The cruelties practised by the hunters have no doubt taught these sagacious creatures to be cautious and alert, but their precautions are simply defensive; and beyond the alarm and apprehension which they into Ms bloody moutli until he died, ^ The Piifle and the Hound in when he pitched heavily forward Ceylon ; by S. W. Baxeb, Esq., pp. with the whole weight of his fore- 8, 9. "Next to a rogue," says Mr. quarters resting on the points of his Bakee, "in ferocity, and even more tusks. The strain was fair, and persevering in the pursuit of her the tusks did not yield ; but the victim, is a female elephant." But portion of his head in which the he appends the significant qualifi- tusks were embedded, extending a cation, " when her young one has long way above the eye, yielded and been killed r-^Ibid., p. 13. burst with a nniffled crash." — {lb., 2 j^^'c^^ vol. ii. pp. 4, o.) L 2 148 MAMMALIA. [Chap. TV. evince on the approach of man, they exhibit no indication of hostility or thirst for blood. An ordinary traveller seldom comes upon elephants unless after sunset or towards daybreak, as they go to or return from their nightly visits to the tanks : but when by accident a herd is disturbed by day, they evince, if unattacked, no disposition to become assailants ; and if the attitude of defence which they instinctively assume prove sufficent to check the approach of the intruder, no further demonstration is to be apprehended. Even the hunters who go in search of them find them in positions and occupations altogether inconsistent with the idea of their being savage, wary, or revengeful. Their demeanour when undisturbed is indicative of gentleness and timidity, and their actions bespeak las- situde and indolence, induced not alone by heat, but probably ascribable in some degree to the fact that the night has been spent in watchfulness and amuse- ment. A few are generally browsing listlessly on the trees and plants within reach, others fanning themselves with leafy branches, and a few are asleep ; whilst the young run playfully among the herd, the emblems of innocence, as the older ones are of peacefulness and gravity. Almost every elephant may be observed to exhibit some peculiar action of the limbs when standing at rest ; some move the head monotonously in a circle, or from right to left ; some swing their feet back and forward ; others flap their ears or sway themselves from side to side, or rise and sink by alternately bending and straightening the fore knees. As the opportunities of observing this custom have been almost confined to elephants in cap- tivity, it has been conjectured to arise from some morbid Chap. IV.] THE ELEPHANT. 149 habit contracted during the length of a voyage by sea ^, or from an instinctive impulse to substitute a motion of this kind in lieu of their wonted exercise ; but this sup- position is erroneous ; the propensity being equally displayed by those at liberty and those in captivity. When surprised by sportsmen in the depths of the jungle, individuals of a herd are always occupied in swinging their limbs in this manner; and in the several corrals which I have seen, where whole herds have been captured, the elephants in the midst of the utmost excitement, and even after the most vigorous charges, if they halted for a moment in stupor and exhaustion, manifested their wonted habit, and swung their limbs or swayed their bodies to and fro incessantly. So far from its being a substitute for exercise, those in the government employ- ment in Ceylon are observed to practise their acquired motion, whatever it may be, with increased vigour when thoroughly fatigued after excessive work. Even the favourite practice of fanning themselves with a leafy branch seems less an enjoyment in itself than a resource when listless and at rest. The term " fidgetty " seems to describe appropriately the temperament of the ele- phant. They evince the strongest love of retirement and a corresponding disUke to intrusion. The approach of a stranger is perceived less by the eye, the quickness of which is not remarkable (besides which its range is obscured by the foliage), than by sensitive smell and singular acuteness of hearing ; and the whole herd is put in instant but noiseless motion towards some deeper and more secure retreat. The effectual manner in * Menageries, §-c., " The Elephant," ch. i p. 21. L 3 150 MA^IMALIA. [Chap. IV. which an animal of the prodigious size of the elephant can conceal himself, and the motionless silence which he preserves, is quite surprising ; whilst beaters pass and repass within a few yards of his hiding place, he will maintain his ground till the hunter, creeping almost close to his legs, sees his little eye peering out through the leaves, when, finding himself discovered, the elephant breaks away -with a crash, levelling the brushwood in his headlong career. If surprised in open ground, where stealthy retreat is impracticable, a herd will hesitate in indecision, and, after a few meaningless movements, stand huddled toge- ther in a group, whilst one or two, more adventurous than the rest, advance a few steps to reconnoitre. Ele- phants are generally observed to be bolder in open ground than in cover, but, if bold at all, far more dangerous in cover than in open ground. In searching for them, sportsmen often avail them- selves of the expertness of the native trackers; and notwithstanding the demonstration of Combe that the brain of the timid Singhalese is deficient in the organ of destructiveness^, he shows an instinct for hunting, and exhibits in the pursuit of the elephant a courage and adroitness far surpassing in interest the mere hand- ling of the rifle, which is the principal share of the proceeding that falls to his Eiuropean companions. The beater on these occasions has the double task of finding the game and carrying the guns; and, in an animated communication to me, an experienced sports- man describes " this light and active creature, with his long glossy hair hanging down his shoulders, every * System of Phrenology, by Geo. Cosebe, toI. i. p. 256. Chap. IY.] THE ELEPHANT. 151 muscle quivering with excitement ; and his countenance lighting up with intense animation, leaping from rock to rock, as nimble as a deer, tracking the gigantic game like a blood-hound, falling behind as he comes up with it, and as the elephants, baffled and irritated, make the first stand, passing one rifle into your eager hand and holding the other ready whilst right and left each barrel performs its mission, and if fortune does not flag, and the second gun is as successful as the first, three or four huge carcases are piled one on another within a space equal to the area of a dining room."^ It is curious that in these encounters the herd never rush forward in a body, as buffaloes or bisons do, but only one elephant at a time moves in advance of the rest to confront, or, as it is called, to *^ charge," the assailants. I have heard of but one instance in which two so advanced as champions of their companions. Sometimes, indeed, the whole herd will follow a leader, and manoeuvre in his rear like a body of cavalry ; but so large a party are necessarily liable to panic ; and, one of them having turned in alarm, the entire body retreat with terrified precipitation. As regards boldness and courage, a strange variety of temperament is observable amongst elephants, but it may be affirmed that they are much more generally timid than courageous. One herd may be as difficult to approach as deer, gliding away through the jungle so gently and quickly that scarcely a trace marks their passage ; another, in apparent stupor, will huddle them- selves together like swine, and allow their assailant to come within a few yards before they break away in * Private letter from Capt. Philip Payne Gtall-wet. L 4 152 MAMMALIA. [Chap. IV. terror; and a third will await his approach without motion, and then advance with fury to the " charge." In individuals the same differences are discernible; one flies on the first appearance of danger, whilst another, alone and unsupported, will face a whole host of enemies. When wounded and infuriated with pain, many of them become literally savage ^ ; but, so unac- customed are they to act as assailants, and so awkward and inexpert in using their strength, that they rarely or ever exceed in killing a pursuer who falls into their power. Although the pressure of a foot, a blow with the trunk, or a thrust with the tusk, could scarcely fail to prove fatal, three-fourths of those who have fallen into their power have escaped without serious injury. So great is this chance of impunity, that the sportsman prefers to approach within about fifteen paces of the ad- vancing elephant, a space which gives time for a second fire should the first shot prove ineffectual, and should both fail there is still opportunity for flight. Amongst full-grown timber, a skilful runner can escape from an elephant by " dodging " round the trees, but in cleared land, and low brushwood, the difficulty is much increased, as the small growth of underwood which obstructs the movements of man presents no obstacle to those of an elephant. On the other hand, on level and open ground the chances are rather in favour of the ele- phant, as his pace in full flight exceeds that of man, although as a general rule, it is unequal to that of a horse, as has been sometimes asserted.^ * Some years ago an elephant succeeded in making good its re- whieli had been wounded by a treat to the jungle, native, near Hambangtotte, pursued ^ Shaw, in his Zoology, asserts the man into the town, followed that an elephant can run as swiftly him along the street, trampled him as a horse can gallop. London, to death in the bazaar before a 1800-6, vol, i. p. 216. crowd of terrified spectators, and Chap. IV.] THE ELEPHANT. I53 The incessant slaughter of elephants by sportsmen in Ceylon, appears to be merely in subordination to the in- fluence of the organ of destructiveness, since the carcase is never applied to any useful purpose, but left to de- compose and to defile the air of the forest. The flesh is occasionally tasted as a matter of curiosity : as a steak it is coarse and tough ; but the tongue is as delicate as that of an ox ; and the foot is said to make palatable soup. The Caflres attached to the pioneer corps in the Kandyan province are in the habit of securing the heart of any elephant shot in their vicinity, and say it is their custom to eat it in Africa. The hide it has been found impracticable to tan in Ceylon, or to con- vert to any useful purpose, but the bones of those shot have of late years been collected and used for manuring coffee estates. The hair of the tail, which is extremely strong and horny, is mounted by the native goldsmith, and made into bracelets ; and the teeth are sawn by the Moormen at Gralle (as they used to be by the Romans during a scarcity of ivory) into plates, out of which they fashion numerous articles of ornament, knife-handles, card racks, and " presse-papiers." 154 MMIMALIA. CChaf. IY. NOTE. Amongst extraordinary recoveries from desperate wounds, I venture to record here an instance which occurred in Ceylon to a gentleman while engaged in the chase of elephants, and which, I apprehend, has few parallels in pathological experience. Lieutenant Gerard Fretz, of the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, whilst firing at an elephant in the vicinity of Fort MacDonald, in Oovah, was wounded in the face by the bursting of his fowling- piece, on the 22nd January, 1828. He was then about thirty- two years of age. On raising him, it was found that part of the breech of the gun and about two inches of the barrel had been driven tlirough the frontal sinus, at the junction of the nose and forehead. It had sunk almost perpendicularly till the iron-plate called " the tail-pin," by which the barrel is made fast to the stock by a screw, had descended through the palate, carrying with it the screw, one extremity of which had forced itself into the right nostril, where it was discernible externally, whilst the headed end lay in contact with his tongue. To extract the jagged mass of iron thus sunk in the ethmoidal and sphenoidal cells was found hopelessly impracti- cable ; but, strange to tell, after the inflammation subsided, Mr. Fretz recovered rapidly; his general health was unim- paired, and he returned to his regiment with this singular ap- pendage firmly embedded behind the bones of his face. He took his turn of duty as usual, attained the command of his company, participated in all the enjoyments of the mess-room, and died eight years afterwards^ on the 1st of April, 1836, not from any consequences of this fearful wound, but from fever and inflammation brought on by other causes. Chap. IV.] THE ELEPHATs^T. 155 So little was he apparently inconvenienced by the presence of the strange body in his palate that he was accustomed with his finger partially to undo the screw, which but for its extreme length he might altogether have withdrawn. To enable this to be done, and possibly to assist by this means the extraction of the breech itself through the original orifice (which never entirely closed), an attempt was made in 1835 to take off a portion of the screw with a file ; but, after having cut it three parts through the operation was interrupted, chiefly owing to the carelessness and indifference of Capt. Fretz, whose death occurred before the attempt could be resumed. The piece of iron, on being removed after his decease, was found to measure 2|- inches in length, and weighed two scruples more than two ounces and three quarters. A cast of the breech and screw now forms No. 2790 amongst the deposits in the Medical Museum of Chatham. 156 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. CHAP. V. THE ELEPHANT. An Elephant Corral. So long as the elephants of Ceylon were merely required in small numbers for the pageantry of the native prin- ces, or the sacred processions of the Buddhist temples, their capture was effected either by the instrumentality of female decoys, or by the artifices and agility of the individuals and castes who devoted themselves to their pursuit and training. But after the arrival of the European conquerors of the island, and when it had be- come expedient to take advantage of the strength and intelligence of these creatures in clearing forests and making rOads and other works, establishments were or- ganised on a great scale by the Portuguese and Dutch, and the supply of elephants kept up by periodical battues conducted at the cost of the government, on a plan similar to that adopted on the continent of India, when herds varying in number from twenty to one hundred and upwards are driven into concealed en- closures and secured. In both these processes, success is entirely dependent on the skill with which the captors turn to advantage the terror and inexperience of the wild elephant, since all attempts would be futile to subdue or confine by ordinary force an animal of such strength and sagacity.^ ^ The device of taking them by India: but in addition to the diffi- means of pitfalls still prevails in culty of providing against that Chap. V.] THE ELEPHAJS^T. 157 B^NOX describes with circumstantiality the mode adopted, two centuries ago, by the servants of the King of Kandy to catch elephants for the royal stud. He says, "After discovering the retreat of such as have tusks, unto these they drive some she elephants, which they bring with them for the purpose, which, when once the males have got a sight of, they will never leave, but follow them wheresoever they go ; and the females are so used to it that they will do whatsoever, either by word or a beck, their keepers bid them. And so they delude them along through towns and coun- tries, and through the streets of the city, even to the very gates of the king's palace, where sometimes they seize upon them by snares, and sometimes by driving them into a kind of pound, they catch them." ^ In Nepaul and Burmah, and throughout the Chin- Indian Peninsula, when in pursuit of single elephants, either rogues detached from the herd, or individuals caution with which the elephant earth, which he placed underfoot is supposed to reconnoitre suspi- as they were thrown down to him, cious ground, it has the further till he was enabled to step out on disadvantage of exposing him to soM ground, when the noosers and injury from bruises and disloca- decoys were in readiness to tie him tionsinhis fall. Still it was the up to the nearest tree." — See mode of capture employed by the Wolf's Life and Adveritures, p. Singhalese, and so late as 1750 152. Shakspeare appears to have Wolf relates that the native chiefs been acquainted with the plan of of the Wanny, when capturing ele- taking elephants in pitfalls : Decius, phants for the Dutch, made " pits encouraging the conspirators, re- some fathoms deep in those places minds them of Caesar's taste for whither the elephant is wont to anecdotes of animals, by which he go in search of food, across which would undertake to lure him to his were laid poles covered with fate : branches and baited with the food " For he loves to hear of which he is fondest, making to- That unicorns may be betrayed with trees, wards which he finds himself taken ""tlesT ' '' ' '^^''"'' ""'* unawares. Thereafter being sub- Julius C^sar, Act ii. Scene I. dued by fright and exhaustion, he ^ Ejg-Qx's Historical delation of was assisted to raise himself to the Ceylon, a.d. 1681, part i. ch. vi< surface by means of hurdles and p. 21. 158 MAJVIMALU. [Chap. V. who have been marked for the beauty of their ivory, the natives avail themselves of the aid of females in order to effect their approaches and secure an oppor- tunity of casting a noose over the foot of the destined captive. All accounts concur in expressing high admi- ration of their courage and address ; but from what has fallen under my own observation, added to the descriptions I have heard from other eye-witnesses, I am inclined to believe that in such exploits the Moormen of Ceylon evince a daring and adroitness, surpassing all others. These professional elephant catchers, or, as they are called, Panickeas, inhabit the Moorish villages in the north and north-east of the island, and from time im- memorial have been engaged in taking elephants, which are afterwards trained by Arabs, chiefly for the use of the rajahs and native princes in the south of India, whose vakeels are periodically despatched to make pur- chases in Ceylon. The ability evinced by these men in tracing elephants through the woods has almost the certainty of instinct ; and hence their services are eagerly sought by the European sportsmen who go down into their country in search of game. So keen is their glance, that like hounds running " breast high " they will follow the course of an elephant, almost at the top of their speed, over glades covered with stunted grass, where the eye of a stranger would fail to discover a trace of its passage, and on through forests strewn with dry leaves, where it seems impossible to perceive a footstep. Here they are guided by a bent or broken twig, or by a leaf dropped from the animal's mouth, on which the pres- sure of a tooth may be detected. If at fault, they fetch a circuit like a setter, till lighting on some fresh marks. Chap. V.] THE ELEPHAls^T. 159 they go a-head again with renewed vigour. So delicate is the sense of smell in the elephant, and so indispen- sable is it to go against the wind in approaching him, that on those occasions when the wind is so still that its direction cannot be otherwise discerned, the Panickeas will suspend the film of a gossamer to determine it and shape their course accordingly. They are enabled by the inspection of the footmarks, when impressed in soft clay, to describe the size as well as the number of a herd before it is seen ; the height of an elephant at the shoulder being as nearly as possible twice the circumference of his fore foot.^ On overtaking the game their courage is as conspicuous as their sagacity. If they have confidence in the sports- man for whom they are finding, they will advance to the very heel of the elephant, slap him on the quarter, and convert his timidity into anger, till he turns upon his tormentor and exposes his front to receive the bullet which is awaiting him.^ * Previous to the death of the bivouacking on the bank of a river, female elephant in the Zoological and had been kept out so late that Gardens, in the Eegent's Park, in I did not get to my tent until be- 1851, !Mr. Mitchell, the Secre- t^vreen 9 and 10 at night. On our tary, caused measurements to be return towards it we passed several accurately made, and found the single elephants making their way statement of the Singhalese hunters to the nearest water, but at length to be strictly correct, the height at we came upon a large herd that had the shoulders being precisely twice taken possession of the only road the circumference of the fore foot, by which we could pass, and which - Major Sktxxer, the Chief Offi- no intimidation would induce to cer at the head of the Commission move off. I had some Panickeas of Roads, in Ceylon, in writing to with me ; they knew the herd, and me, mentions an anecdote illus- counselled extreme caution. After trative of the daring of the Panic- trpng every device we coidd think keas. " I once saw," he says, " a of for a length of time, a little old very beautiful example of the con- Moorman of the party came to me fidence with which these fellows, and requested we should all retire from their knowledge of the ele- to a distance. He then took a phants, meet their worst defiance, couple of chules (flambeaux of dried It was in Neuera-Kalawa ; I was wood, or coco-nut leaves), one in 160 MAMMALIA. [Chap. Y. So fearless and confident are they that two men, without aid or attendants, will boldly attempt to cap- ture the largest-sized elephant. Their only weapon is a flexible rope made of elk's or buffalo's hide, with which it is their object to secure one of the hind legs. This they effect either by following in its footsteps when in motion or by stealing close up to it when at rest, and availing themselves of its well-known propensity at such moments to swing the feet backwards and forwards, they contrive to slip a noose over the hind leg. At other times this is achieved by spreading the noose on the ground partially concealed by roots and leaves beneath a tree on which one of the party is sta- tioned, whose business it is to lift it suddenly by means of a cord, raising it on the elephant's leg at the moment when his companion has succeeded in provoking him to place his foot within the circle, the other end having been previously made fast to -the stem of the tree. Should the noosing be effected in open ground, and no tree of sufficient strength at hand round which to wind the rope, one of the Moors, allowing himself to be pur- sued by the enraged elephant, entices him towards the nearest grove ; where his companion, dexterously laying hold of the rope as it trails along the ground, suddenly coils it round a suitable stem, and brings the fugitive to a stand still. On finding himself thus arrested, the natural impulse of the captive is to turn on the man each hand, and waving them ahoye face. The effect was instantaneous ; his head till they flamed out fiercely, the whole herd dashed away in a he advanced at a deliberate pace to panic, bellowing, screaming, and within a few yards of the elephant crushing through the underwood, who was acting as leader of the whilst we availed ourselves of the party, and who was growling and open path to make our way to our trumpeting in his rage, and flour- tents." ished the flaming torches in his Chap. V.] THE ELEPHANT. 161 who is engaged in making fast the rope, a movement which it is the duty of his colleague to prevent by run- ning up close to the elephant's head and provoking the animal to confront him by irritating gesticulations and taunting shouts of cZa/i/ dah! a monosyllable, the sound of which the elephant peculiarly dislikes. Meanwhile the first assailant, having secured one noose, comes up from behind -svith another, with which, amidst the vain rage and struggles of the victim, he entraps a fore leg, the rope being, as before, secured to another tree in front, and the whole four feet having been thus entangled, the capture is completed. A shelter is then run up with branches, to protect their prisoner from the sun, and the hunters proceed to build a wig^vam for themselves in front of him, kindling their fires for cooking, and making all the necessary ar- rangements for remaining day and night on the spot to await the process of sui)duing and taming his rage. In my journeys through the forest I have come unexpec- tedly on the halting place of adventurous hunters when thus engaged ; and on one occasion, about sunrise, in ascending the steep ridge from the bed of the Malwatte river, the foremost rider of our party was suddenly driven back by a furious elephant, which we found picketed by two Panickeas on the crest of the bank. In such a position, the elephant soon ceases to struggle ; and what with the exhaustion of rage and resistance, the terror of fire which he dreads, and the constant an- noyance of smoke which he detests, in a very short time, a few weeks at the most, his spirit becomes sub- dued ; and being plentifully supplied mth plantains and fresh food, and indulged with water, in which he luxuriates, he grows so far reconciled to his keepers M 162 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. that they at length venture to remove him to their own village, or to the sea-side for shipment to India. No part of the hunter's performances exhibits greater skill and audacity than this first forced march of the recently captured elephant from the great central forests to the sea-coast. As he is still too morose to submit to be ridden, and as it would be equally impossible to lead or to drive him by force, the ingenuity of the captors is displayed in alternately irritating and eluding him, but always so attracting his attention as to allure him along in the direction in which they want him to go. Some assistance is derived from the rope by which the original capture was effected, and which, as it serves to make him safe at night, is never removed from the leg till his taming is sufficiently advanced to permit of his being entrusted with partial liberty. In Ceylon the principal place for exporting these animals to India is Manaar, on the western coast, to which the Arabs from the continent resort, bringing with them horses to be bartered for elephants. In order to reach the sea, open plains must be traversed, across which it requires the utmost courage, agility, and pa- tience of the Moors to coax their reluctant charge. At Manaar the elephants are usually detained till any wound on the leg caused by the rope has been healed, when the shipment is effected in the most primitive manner. It being next to impossible to induce the still untamed creature to walk on board, and no mechanical contrivances being provided to ship him ; a dhoney, or native boat, of about forty tons' burthen, and about three parts filled with the strong ribbed leaves of the Palmyra palm, is brought alongside the quay in front of the Old Dutch Fort, and lashed so that the gunwale Chap. V.] THE ELEPKiXT. 163 may be as nearly as possible on a line with the level of the wharf. The elephant being placed with his back to the water is forced by goads to retreat till his hind legs go over the side of the quay, but the main contest com- mences when it is attempted to disengage his fore feet from the shore, and force him to entrust himself on board. The scene becomes exciting from the screams and trumpeting of the elephants, the shouts of the Arabs, the calls of the Moors, and the rushing of the crowd. Meanwhile the huge creature strains every nerve to regain the land ; and the day is often consumed before his efforts are overcome, and he finds himself fairly afloat. The same dhoney will take from four to five elephants, who place themselves athwart it, and exhibit amusing adroitness in accommodating their movements to the rolling of the little vessel ; and in this way they are ferried across the narrow strait which separates the continent of India from Ceylon.^ But the feat of ensnaring and subduing a sino-le elephant, courageous as it is, and demonstrative of the supremacy with which man wields his " dominion over every beast of the earth," falls far short of the daring ^ In tlie Fhilosophical Tr ansae- land, and he swam after the boat tions for 1701, there is "An to the ship, w^here tackle was reeved Account of the taking of Elephants to the sail-cloth, and he was hoisted in Ceylon, by ]VIr. Steachax, a on board. Physician who lived seventeen years "But a better way has been in-? there," in which the author de- vented lately," says 3Ir. Strachau ; scribes the manner in which they "a large flat-bottomed vessel is were shipped by the Dutch, at prepared, covered Tvith planks like Matura, Galle, and Negombo. A a floor ; so that this floor is almost piece of strong sail-cloth having of a height with the key. Then been wrapped round the elephant's the sides of the key and the vessel chest and stomach, he was forced are adorned with green branches, into the sea between two tame so that the elephant sees no water ones, and there made fast to a boat, till he is in the ship." — ^hil. Trans., The tame ones then returned to vol. xxiii. No. 227, p. 1051. M 2 164 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. exploit of capturing a whole herd : when from thirty to one hundred wild elephants are entrapped in one vast decoy. The mode of effecting this, as it is practised in Ceylon, is no doubt imitated, but with considerable modifications, from the methods prevalent in various parts of India. It was introduced by the Portuguese, and continued by the Dutch, the latter of whom had two elephant hunts in each year, and conducted their operations on so large a scale, that the annual export, after supplying the government establishments, was from one hundred to one hundred and fifty elephants, taken principally in the vicinity of Matura, in the southern province, and marched for shipment to Manaar.^ The custom in Bengal is to construct a strong en- closure (called a heddali), in the heart of the forest, formed of the trunks of trees firmly secured by trans- verse beams and buttresses, and leaving the gate for the entrance of the elephants. A second enclosure, open- ing from the first, contains water (if possible a rivulet) ; this, again, communicates with a third, which termin- ates in a funnel-shaped passage, too narrow to admit of an elephant turning, and within this the captives being driven in line, are secured with ropes introduced from the outside, and led away in custody of tame ones trained for the purpose. The keddah being prepared, the first operation is to drive the elephants towards it, for which purpose vast bodies of men fetch a compass in the forest around the haunts of the herds, contracting it by degrees, till they complete the enclosure of a certain area, round ' Valentyn, Oud en ISieuw Oost-Indien, ch. xv. p. 272. Chaf. v.] the ELEPHAIS^T. 165 which they kindle fires, and cut footpaths through the jungle, to enable the watchers to communicate and combine. All this is performed in cautious silence and by slow approaches, to avoid alarming the herd. A fresh circle nearer to the keddah is then formed in the same way, and into this the elephants are admitted from the first one, the hunters following from behind, and lighting new fires around the newly inclosed space. Day after day the process is repeated ; till the drove having been brought sufficiently close to make the final rush, the whole party close in from all sides, and with drums, guns, shouts, and flambeaux^ force the terrified animals to enter the fatal enclosure, when the passage is barred behind them, and retreat rendered im- possible. Their efforts to escape are repressed by the crowd, who drive them back from the stockade with spears and flaming torches ; and at last compel them to pass on into the second enclosure. Here they are detained for a short time, and their feverish exhaustion relieved by free access to water ; — until at last, being tempted by food, or otherwise induced to trust themselves in the narrow outlet, they are one after another made fast by ropes, passed in through the palisade ; and picketed in the adjoining woods to enter on their course of syste- matic training. These arrangements vary in different districts of Bengal ; and the method adopted in Ceylon differs in many essential particulars from them all ; the Keddah, or, as it is here called, the corral or korahl ^ (from the ^ It is thus spelled by Wolf, in household word in South America, his if/e and Adventures, p. 144. and especially in La Plata, to Corral is at the present day a designate an enclosure for cattle. M 3 166 MA]\IMALIA. [Chap. V. Portuguese curral, a " cattle-pen "), consists of but one enclosure instead of three. A stream or watering-place is not uniformly enclosed within it, because, although water is indispensable after the long thirst and ex- haustion of the captives, it has been found that a pond or rivulet within the corral itself adds to the difficulty of leadinof them out, and increases their reluctance to leave it ; besides which, the smaller ones are often smo- thered by the others in their eagerness to crowd into the water. The funnel-shaped outlet is also dis- pensed with, as the animals are liable to bruise and injure themselves within the narrow stockade; and should one of them die in it, as is too often the case in the midst of the struggle, the difficulty of removing so great a carcase is extreme. The noosing and securing them, therefore, takes place in Ce3don within the area of the first enclosure into which they enter, and the dexterity and daring displayed in this portion of the work far surpasses that of merely attaching the rope through the openings of the paling, as in an Indian keddah. One result of this change in the system is manifested in the increased proportion of healthy elephants which are eventually secured and trained out of the number originally enclosed. The reason of this is obvious : under the old arrangements, months were consumed in the preparatory steps of surrounding and driving in the herds, which at last arrived so wasted by excitement and exhausted by privation that numbers died within the corral itself, and still more died during the process of training. But in later jesirs the labour of months is reduced to weeks, and the elephants are driven in fresh and full of vigour, so that comparatively few are lost Chap. V.] THE ELEPH.\NT. 167 either in the enclosure or the stables. A conception of the whole operation from commencement to end will be best conveyed by describing the progress of an elephant corral as I witnessed it in 1847 in the great forest on the banks of the Alligator Kiver, the Kimbul-oya, in the district of Kornegalle, about thirty miles north-west of Kandy. Kornegalle, or Kurunai-galle, was one of the ancient capitals of the island, and the residence of its kings from A.D. 1319 to 1347.^ The dwelling-house of the principal civil officer in charge of the district now oc- cupies the site of the former palace, and the ground is strewn with fragments of columns and carved stones, the remnants of the royal buildings. The modern town consists of the bungalows of the European officials, each surrounded with its own garden ; two or three streets inhabited by Dutch descendants and by Moors ; and a native bazaar, with the ordinary array of rice and curry stuffs and cooking chattees of brass or burnt clay. The charm of the village is the unusual beauty of its position. It rests within the shade of an enormous rock of gneiss upwards of 600 feet in height, nearly denuded of verdure, and so rounded and' worn by time that it has acquired the form of a couchant elephant, from which it derives its name of Aetagalla, the Eock of the Tusker.2 But Aetagalla is only the last eminence in a range of similarly-formed rocky mountains, which here terminate abruptly ; and, which from the fantastic shapes into which their gigantic outlines have been ^ See Sm J. Emeesox Ten>t:nt's resemblance in shape to the back Cfy/o??,Yol.I. Pt. m. ch, xii. p, 415. of that insect, and hence is said 2 Another enormous mass of to haxe been derived the name of gneiss is called the Kuruminia- the town, Kuruna-galle or Korne- galla, or the Beetle-rock, from its galle. M 4 168 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. wrought by the action of the atmosphere, are called by the names of the Tortoise Rock, the Eel Eock, and the Rock of the Tusked Elephant. So impressed are the Singhalese by the aspect of these stupendous masses that in ancient grants lands are conveyed in perpetuity, or " so long as the sun and the moon, so long as Aetao:alla and Andaofalla shall endure." * Kornegalle is the resort of Buddhists from the re- motest parts of the island, who come to visit an ancient temple on the summit of the great rock, to which access is had from the valley below by means of steep paths and steps hewn out of the solid stone. Here the chief object of veneration is a copy of the sacred footstep hollowed in the granite, similar to that which confers sanctity on Adam's Peak, the towering apex of which, about forty miles distant, the pilgrims can discern from Aetagalla. At times the heat at Kornegalle is intense, in con- sequence of the perpetual glow diffused from these granite cliffs. The warmth they acquire during the blaze of noon becomes almost intolerable towards evening, and the sultry night is too short to permit them to cool between the setting and the rising of the sun. The district is also liable to occasional droughts when the watercourses fail, and the tanks are dried up. One of these calamities occurred about the period of my visit, and such was the suffering of the wild animals that numbers of crocodiles and bears made their way * Forbes quotes a Tamil con- chap. ii. It will not fail to be veyance of land, the purchaser of obseryed, that the same figure was which is to " possess and enjoy it employed in Hebrew literature as as long as the sun and the moon, a type of duration — " They shall the earth and its vegetables, the fear thee, so loyig as the su7i and mountains and the River Cauvery moon endure ; throughout all gene- exist." — Oriental Memoirs, vol. ii. rations." — Psalm Lsxii. 5, 17. Chap. V.] THE ELEPHANT. 169 into tlie town to drink at the wells. The soil is pro- lific in the extreme ; rice, cotton, and dry grain are cultivated largely in the valley. Every cottage is sur- rounded by gardens of coco-nuts, arecas, jak- fruit and coffee ; the slopes, under tillage, are covered with luxuriant vegetation, and, as far as the eye can reach on every side, there are dense forests intersected by streams, in the shade of which the deer and the elephant abound. In 1847 arrangements were made for one of the great elephant hunts for the supply of the Civil Engineer's Department, and the spot fixed on by Mr. Morris, the Grovernment officer who conducted the corral, was on the banks of the Kimbul river, about fifteen miles from Kornegalle. The country over which we rode to the scene of the approaching capture showed traces of the recent drought, the fields lay to a great extent un- tilled, owing to the want of water, and the tanks, almost reduced to dryness, were covered with the leaves of the rose-coloured lotus. Our cavalcade was as oriental as the scenery through which it moved ; the Grovernor and the officers of his staff and household formed a long cortege, escorted by the native attendants, horse-keepers, and foot-runners. The ladies were borne in palankins, and the younger individuals of the party carried in chairs raised on poles, and covered with cool green awnings made of the fresh leaves of the talipat palm. After traversing the cultivated lands, the path led across open glades of park-like verdure and beauty, and at last entered the great forest under the shade of ancient trees wreathed to their crowns with climbing plants and festooned by natural garlands of convolvulus and orchids. Here silence reigned, disturbed only by 170 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. the murmuring hum of glittering insects, or the shrill clamour of the plum-headed parroquet and the flute- like calls of the golden oriole. We crossed the broad sandy beds of two rivers over- arched by tall trees, the most conspicuous of which is the Kombook ^, from the calcined bark of which the natives extract a species of lime to be used with their betel. And from the branches hung suspended over the water the gigantic pods of the huge puswael bean ^, the sheath of which measures six feet long by five or six inches broad. On ascending the steep bank of the second stream, we found ourselves in front of the residences which had been extemporised for our party in the immediate vicinity of the corral. These cool and enjoyable struc- tures were formed of branches and thatched with palm leaves and fragrant lemon grass ; and in addition to a dining-room and suites of bedrooms fitted with tent furniture, they included kitchens, stables, and store- rooms, all run up by the natives in the course of a few days. In former times, the work connected with these elephant hunts was performed by the " forced labour " of the natives, as part of that feudal service which under the name of Eaja-kariya was extorted from the Sin- ghalese during the rule of their native sovereigns. This system was continued by the Portuguese and Dutch, and prevailed under the British Government till its abolition by the Earl of Ripon in 1832. Under it from fifteen hundred to two thousand men superintended by their headmen, used to be occupied, in constructing the * Pentaptera 'paniculata. ^ Entada jpurscetha. Chap. V.] THE ELEPHAiS^T. 171 corral, collecting the elephants, maintaining the cordon of watch-fires and watchers, and conducting all the laborious operations of the capture. Since the abolition of Raja-kariya, howev^er, no diflficulty has been found in obtaining the voluntary co-operation of the natives on these exciting occasions. The government defrays the expense of that portion of the preparations which in- volves actual cost, — for the skilled labour expended in the erection of the corral and its appurtenances, and the providing of spears, ropes, arms, flutes, drums, gun- powder, and other necessaries for the occasion. The period of the year selected is that which least interferes ^svith the cultivation of the rice-lands (in the interval between seed time and harvest), and the people themselves, in addition to the excitement and enjoyment of the sport, have a personal interest in reducing the number of elephants, which inflict serious injury on their gardens and growing crops. For a similar reason the priests encourage the practice, because the elephants destroy their sacred Bo-trees, of the leaves of which they are passionately fond ; besides which it promotes the facility for obtaining elephants for the processions of the temples : and the Rata-mahat-mayas and headmen have a pride in exhibiting the number of retainers who follow them to the field, and the performances of the tame elephants which they lend for the business of the corral. Thus vast numbers of the peasantry are voluntarily oc- cupied for many weeks in putting up the stockades, cut- ting paths through the jungle, and relieving the beaters who are engaged in surrounding and driving in the elephants. In selecting the scene for the hunt a position is chosen which lies on some old and frequented route of the ani- 172 MA^IMALIA. [Chap. V. mals, in their periodical migrations in search of forage and water ; and the vicinity of a stream is indispensable, not only for the supply of the elephants dm^ing the time spent in inducing them to approach the enclosure, but to enable them to bathe and cool themselves throughout the process of training after capture. In constructing the corral itself, care is taken to avoid disturbing the trees or the brushwood within the included space, and especially on the side by which the elephants are to approach, where it is essential to con- ceal the stockade as much as possible by the density of the foliaofe. The trees used in the structure are from ten to twelve inches in diameter ; and are sunk about three feet in the earth, so as to leave a length of from twelve to fifteen feet above ground ; with spaces between each stanchion sufiiciently wide to permit a man to glide through. The uprights are made fast by transverse beams, to which they are lashed securely by ratans and 0«OooOOO00 09OgQO0OOO0 GROUND PL&.N OP A CORRAL, AND METHOD OF FENCING IT. flexible climbing plants, or as they are called "jungle ropes," and the whole is steadied by means of forked CuAP. v.] THE ELEPHAXT. I73 supports, which grasp the tie beams, and prevent the work from being driven outward by the rush of the wild elephants. On the occasion I am now attempting to describe, the space thus enclosed was about 500 feet in lenotli by 250 wide. At one end an entrance was left open, fitted with sliding bars, so prepared as to be capable of being instantly shut; — and from each angle of the end by which the elephants were to approach, two lines of the same strong fencing were continued, and cautiously concealed by the trees ; so that if, in- stead of entering by the open passage, the herd should swerve to right, or left, they would find themselves suddenly stopped and forced to retrace their course to the gate. The preparations were completed by placing a stage for the G-overnor's party on a group of the nearest trees looking down into the enclosure, so that a view could be had of the entire proceeding, from the entrance of the herd, to the leading out of the captive elephants. It is hardly necessary to observe that the structure here described, massive as it is, would be entirely ineffectual to resist the shock, if assaulted by the full force of an enraged elephant ; and accidents have sometimes hap- pened by the breaking through of the herd; but reliance is placed not so much on the resistance of the stockade as on the timidity of the captives and their unconsciousness of their own strength, coupled with the daring of their captors and their devices for ensuring submission. The corral being prepared, the beaters address them- selves to drive in the elephants. For this purpose it is often necessary to fetch a circuit of many miles in 174 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. order to surround a sufficient number, and the caution to be observed involves patience and delay ; as it is essential to avoid alarming the elephants, which might otherwise escape. Their disposition being essentially peaceful, and their only impulse to browse in solitude and security, they withdraw instinctively before the slightest intrusion, and advantage is taken of this timidity and love of seclusion to cause only just such an amount of disturbance as will induce them to re- turn slowly in the direction which it is desired they should take. Several herds are by this means concen- trated within such an area as will admit of their being completely surrounded by the watchers ; and day after day, by degrees, they are moved gradually onwards to the immediate confines of the corral. When their suspicions become awakened and they exhibit restlessness and alarm, bolder measures are adopted for preventing their escape. Fires are kept burning at ten paces apart, night and day, along the circumference of the area within which they are detained ; a corps of from two to three thousand beaters is completed, and pathways are carefully cleared through the jungle so as to keep open a communication along the entire circuit. The head- men keep up a constant patrol, to see that their followers are alert at their posts, since neglect at any one spot might permit the escape of the herd, and undo in a moment the vigilance of weeks. By this means any attempt of the elephants to break away is generally checked, and on any point threatened a sufficient force can be promptly assembled to drive them back. At last the elephants are forced onwards so close to the enclosure, that the investing cordon is united at either end with the winofs of the corral, the whole forminof a Chap. V.] THE ELEPHANT. 175 circle of about two miles, within the area of which the herd is detained to await the signal for the final drive. Two months had been spent in these preliminaries, and the preparations had been thus far completed, on the day when we arrived and took our places on the stage erected for us, overlooking the entrance to the corral. Close beneath us a group of tame elephants sent by the temples and the chiefs to assist in securing the wild ones, were picketed in the shade, and lazily fanning themselves with leaves. Three distinct herds, whose united numbers were variously represented at from forty to fifty elephants, were enclosed, and were at that moment concealed in the jungle within a short distance of the stockade. Not a sound was permitted to be made, each person spoke to his neighbour in whispers, and such was the silence observed by the mul- titude of the watchers at their posts, that occasionally we could hear the rustling of the branches as some of the elephants stripped off a leaf. Suddenly the signal was made, and the stillness of the forest was broken by the shouts of the guard, the rolling of the drums and tom-toms, and the discharge of muskets ; and beginning at the most distant side of the area, the elephants were urged forward at a rapid pace towards the entrance into the corral. The watcher? along the line kept silence only till the herd had passed them, and then joining the cry in their rear they drove them onward with redoubled shouts and noises. The tumult increased as the terrified rout drew near, swelling now on one side now on the other, as the herd in their panic dashed from point to point in their endeavours to force the line, but they were instantly driven back by screams, muskets, and drums. 176 MAMMALIA. [Chap. Y. At length the breaking of the branches and the crackling of the brushwood announced their close ap- proach, and the leader bursting from the jungle rushed wildly forward to within twenty yards of the entrance followed by the rest of the herd. x\nother moment and they would have plunged into the open gate, when suddenly they wheeled round, re-entered the forest, and in spite of the hunters resumed their original position. The chief headman came forward and accounted for the freak by saying that a wild pig^, an animal which the elephants are said to dislike, had started out of the cover and run across the leader, who would otherwise have held on direct for the corral ; and intimated that as the herd was now in the highest pitch of excitement ; and it was at all times much more difficult to effect a successful capture by daylight than by night when the fires and flambeaux act with double effect, it was the wish of the hunters to defer their final effort till the evening, when the darkness would greatly aid their exertions. After sunset the scene exhibited was of extraordinary interest ; the low fires, which had apparently only smoul- dered in the sunlight, assumed their ruddy glow amidst the darkness, and threw their tinge over the groups collected round them ; while the smoke rose in eddies through the rich foliage of the trees. The crowds of spectators maintained a profound silence, and not a sound was per- ceptible beyond the hum of an insect. On a sudden the stillness was broken by the distant roll of a drum, fol- ^ Fire, the sound of a horn, and Uvp Se TTToetToi koI Kpihu Kepa(T fior]u rr]v adpoav. things which the Greeks, in the _Phile, Expositio de Elephante, middle ages, beheved the elephant i. 177. specially to dislike : Chap. V.] THE ELEPHAXT. 177 lowed by a discbarge of musketry. Tbis was tbe signal for tbe renewed assault, and tbe bunters entered tbe circle witb sbouts and clamour ; dry leaves and sticks were flung upon tbe watcb-fires till tbey blazed aloft, and formed a line of flame on every side, except in tbe direction of tbe corral, wbicb was studiously kept dark ; and tbitber tbe terrified elepbants betook tbem- selves, followed by tbe yells and racket of tbeir pur- suers. Tbe elepbants approacbed at a rapid pace, trampling down tbe brusbwood and crusbing tbe dry brancbes ; tbe leader emerged in front of tbe corral, paused for an instant, stared wildly round, and tben rusbed beadlong tbrougb tbe open gate, followed by tbe rest of tbe berd. Instantly, as if by magic, tbe entire circuit of tbe corral, wbicb up to tbis moment bad been kept in profound darkness, blazed witb tbousands of ligbts, every bunter on tbe instant tbat tbe elepbants entered, rusbing for- ward to tbe stockade witb a torcb kindled at tbe nearest watcb-fire. Tbe elepbants first dasbed to tbe very extremity of tbe enclosure, and being brougbt up by tbe fence, re- treated to regain tbe gate, but found it closed. Tbeir terror was sublime : tbey burried round tbe corral at a rapid pace, but saw it now girt by fire on every side ; they attempted to force tbe stockade, but were driven back by tbe guards witb spears and flambeaux ; and on wbicbever side tbey approacbed tbey were repulsed witb sbouts and volleys of musketry. Collecting into one group, tbey would pause for a moment in apparent be- wilderment, tben burst off in anotber direction, as if it bad suddenly occurred to tbem to try some point wbicb tbey bad before overlooked ; but again baffled, tbey N 178 MAMMALIA. [Chap. V. slowly returned to their forlorn resting-place in the centre of the corral. The attraction of this strange scene was not confined to the spectators ; it extended to the tame elephants which were stationed outside. At the first approach of the flying herd they evinced the utmost interest. Two in particular which were picketed near the front were intensely excited, and continued tossing their heads, pawing the ground, and starting as the noise drew near. At length, when the grand rush into the corral took place, one of them fairly burst from her fastenings and rushed towards the herd, levelling a tree of considerable size which obstructed her passage.^ For upwards of an hour the elephants continued to traverse the corral and assail the palisade with unabated energy, trumpeting and screaming with rage after each disappointment. Again and again they attempted to force the gate, as if aware, by experience, that it ought to afford an exit as it had already served as an entrance, but they shrank back stimned and bewildered. By de- grees their efforts became less and less frequent. Single ones rushed excitedly here and there, returning sullenly to their companions after each effort ; and at last the whole herd, stupified and exhausted, formed themselves into a single group, drawn up in a circle with the young ' The other elephant, a fine after the Aratchy went in search of tusker, which belonged to Dehigam it with a female decoy, and watch- Ratamahatmeya, continued in ex- ing its approach, sprang fairly on treme excitement throughout all the infuriated beast, with a pair of the subsequent operations of the sharp hooks in his hands, which he capture, and at last, after attempt- pressed into tender parts in front ing to break its way into the corral, of the shoulder, and thus held the shaking the bars with its forehead elephant firmly till chains were and tusks, it went off in a state of passed over its legs, and it per- frenzy into the jungle. A few days mitted itself to be led quietly away. Chap. V.] THE ELEPHANT. 179 in the centre, and stood motionless under the dark shade of the trees in the middle of the corral. Preparations were now made to keep watch during the night, the guard was reinforced around the enclosure, and wood heaped on the fires to keep up a high flame till sunrise. Three herds had been originally entrapped by the beaters outside ; but with characteristic instinct they had each kept clear of the other, taking up different stations in the space invested by the watchers. When the final drive took place one herd only had entered the enclosure, the other two keeping behind; and as the gate had to be instantly shut on the first division, the last were unavoidably excluded and remained concealed in the jungle. To prevent their escape, the watchers were ordered to their former stations, the fires were replenished; and all precautions having been taken, we returned to pass the night in our bungalows by the river. K 2 1 80 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. CHAP. VI. THE ELEPHANT. The Captives. As our sleeping-place was not above two hundred yards from the corral, we were frequently awakened by the din of the multitude who were bivouacking in the forest, by the merriment round the watch-fires, and now and then by the shouts with which the guards repulsed some sudden charge of the elephants in attempts to force the stockade. But at daybreak, on going down to the corral, we found all still and vigilant. The fires were allowed to die out as the sun rose, and the watchers who had been relieved were sleeping near the great fence, the enclosure on all sides being surrounded by crowds of men and boys with spears or white peeled wands about ten feet long, whilst the elephants within were huddled together in a compact group, np longer turbulent and restless, but exhausted and calm, and utterly subdued by apprehension and amazement at all that had been passing around them. Nine only had been as yet entrapped ^, of which ' In some of the elephant hunts hood of them, and thns protect conducted in the southern provinces the crops from destruction. In the of Ceylon by the earlier British present instance, the object being Governors, as many as 170 and to secure only as many as were 200 elephants were secured in a required for the Government stud, single corral, of which a portion it was not sought to entrap more only were taken out for the public than could conveniently be attended service, and the rest shot, the to and trained after capture. motive being to rid the neighbour- Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 181 three were very large, and two were little creatures but a few months old. One of the large ones was a ^' rogue," and being unassociated with the rest of the herd, he was not admitted to their circle, although permitted to stand near them. Meanwhile, preparations were making outside to con- duct the tame elephants into the corral, in order to secure the captives. Noosed ropes were in readiness ; and far apart from all stood a party of the out-caste Eodiyas, the only tribe Avho will touch a dead carcase, to whom, therefore, the duty is assigned of preparing the fine flexible rope for noosing, which is made from the fresh hides of the deer and the buffalo. At length, the bars which secured the entrance to the corral were cautiously withdrawn, and two trained elephants passed stealthily in, each ridden by its mahout (or poniiekella, as the keeper is termed in Ceylon), and one attendant; and, carrying a strong collar, formed by coils of rope made from coco-nut fibre, from which hung on either side cords of elk's hide, prepared with a ready noose. Along with these, and concealed behind them, the headman of the " coorootve,^^ or noosers, crept in, eager to secure the honour of taking the first elephant, a distinction which this class jealously contests with the mahouts of the chiefs and temples. He was a wiry little man, nearly seventy years old, who had served in the same capacity under the Kandyan king, and wore two silver bangles, which had been conferred on him in testimony of his prowess. He was accom- panied by his son, named Eanghanie, equally renowned for his com'age and dexterity. On this occasion ten tame elephants were in attend- ance; two were the property of an adjoining temple N 3 182 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. (one of which had been caught but the year before, yet it was now ready to assist in capturing others), four belonged to the neighbouring chiefs, and the rest, in- cluding the two which first entered the corral, were part of the Government stud. Of the latter, one was of prodigious age, having been in the service of the Dutch and English Grovernments in succession for upwards of a century.^ The other, called by her keeper " Siri- beddi," was about fifty years old, and distinguished for gentleness and docility. She was a most accomplished decoy, and evinced the utmost relish for the sport. Having entered the corral noiselessly, carrying a mahout on her shoulders with the headman of the noosers seated behind him, she moved slowly along with a sly composure and an assumed air of easy indifference; sauntering leisurely in the direction of the captives, and halting now and then to pluck a bunch of grass or a few leaves as she passed. As she approached the herd, they put themselves in motion to meet her, and the leader, hav- ing advanced in front and passed his trunk gently over her head, turned and paced slowly back to his dejected companions. Siribeddi followed with the same listless step, and drew herself up close behind him, thus afford- ing the nooser an opportunity to stoop under her and slip the noose over the hind foot of the wild one. The latter instantly perceived his danger, shook off the rope, and turned to attack the man. He would have suffered for his temerity had not Siribeddi protected him by raising her trunk and driving the assailant into the midst of the herd, when the old man, being slightly * This elephant is since dead ; skeleton is now in the Museum of she grew infirm and diseased, and the Natural History Society at died at Colombo in 1848. Her Belfast. Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 183 wounded, was helped out of the corral, and his son, Eanghanie, took his place. The herd again collected in a circle, with their heads towards the centre. The largest male was singled out, and two tame ones pushed boldly in, one on either side of him, till the three stood nearly abreast. He made no resistance, but betrayed his uneasiness by shifting restlessly from foot to foot. Eanghanie now crept up, and, holding the rope open with both hands (its other extremity being made fast to Siribeddi's collar), and watching the instant when the wild elephant lifted its hind-foot, succeeded in passing the noose over its leg, drew it close, and fled to the rear. The two tame elephants instantly fell back, Siribeddi stretched the rope • to its full length, and, whilst she dragged out the captive, her companion placed himself between her and the herd to prevent any interference. In order to tie him to a tree he had to be drawn backwards some twenty or thirty yards, making furious resistance, bellowing in terror, plunging on all sides, and crushing the smaller timber, which bent like reeds be- neath his clumsy struggles. Siribeddi drew him steadily after her, and wound the rope round the proper tree, holding it all the time at its full tension, and stepping cautiously across it when, in order to give it a second turn, it was necessary to pass between the tree and the elephant. With a coil round the stem, however, it was beyond her strength to haul the prisoner close up, which was, nevertheless, necessary in order to make him perfectly fast ; but the second tame one, perceiving the difficulty, returned from the herd, confronted the struggling prisoner, pushed him shoulder to shoulder, and head to head, forcing him backwards, whilst at s 4 184 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. every step Siribeddi hauled in the slackened rope till she brought him fairly up to the foot of the tree, where he was made fast by the cooroowe people. A second noose was then passed over the other hind-leg, and secured like the first, both legs being afterwards hobbled to- gether by ropes made from the fibre of the kitool or jaggery palm, which, being more flexible than that of the coco-nut, occasions less formidable ulcerations. The two decoys then ranged themselves, as before, abreast of the prisoner on either side, thus enabling Ranghanie to stoop under them and noose the two fore-feet as he had already done the hind ; and these ropes being made fast to a tree in front, the capture was complete, and the tame elephants and keepers withdrew to repeat the operation on another of the herd. Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 185 As long as the tame ones stood beside him the poor animal remained comparatively calm and almost passive under his distress, but the moment they moved off, and he was left utterly alone, he made the most sur- prising efforts to set himself free and rejoin his com- panions. He felt the ropes with his trunk and tried to untie the numerous knots; he drew backwards to liberate his fore-legs, then leaned forward to extricate the hind ones, till every branch of the tall tree vibrated with his struggles. He screamed in anguish, with his proboscis raised high in the air, then falling on his side he laid his head to the ground, first his cheek and then his brow, and pressed down his doubled-in trunk as though he would force it into the earth ; then suddenly rising he balanced himself on his forehead and fore- legs, holding his hind-feet fairly off the ground. This scene of distress continued some hours, with occasional pauses of apparent stupor, after which the struggle was from time to time renewed convulsively, and as if by 186 MMIMALIA. [Chap. VI. some sudden impulse ; but at last the vain strife sub- sided, and the poor animal remained perfectly motion- less, the image of exhaustion and despair. Meanwhile Eanghanie presented himself in front of the governor's stage to claim the accustomed largesse for tying the first elephant. He was rewarded by a shower of rupees, and retired to resume his perilous duties in the corral. The rest of the herd were now in a state of pitiable dejection, and pressed closely together as if under a sense of common misfortune. For the most part they stood at rest in a compact body, fretful and uneasy. At intervals one more impatient than the rest would move out a few steps to reconnoitre ; the others would follow at first slowly, then at a quicker pace, and at last the whole herd would rush off furiously to renew the often-baffled attempt to storm the stockade. There was a strange combination of the sublime and the ridiculous in these abortive onsets ; the appearance of prodigious power in their ponderous limbs, coupled with the almost ludicrous shuffle of their clumsy gait, and the fury of their apparently resistless charge, con- verted in an instant into timid retreat. They rushed madly down the enclosure, their backs arched, their tails extended, their ears spread, and their trunks raised high above their heads, trumpeting and uttering shrill screams, yet when one step further would have dashed the opposing fence into fragments, they stopped short on a few white rods being pointed at them through the paling^; and, on catching the derisive shouts of the ^ ' The fact of the elephant ex- relates, that in order to inculcate hibiting timidity, on having a long contempt for want of courage in rod pointed towards him, was the elephant, they were introduced known to the Romans ; and Pliny, into the circus during the triumph quoting from the annals of Piso, of Metellus, after the conquest of Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 187 crowd, they turned in utter discomfiture, and after an objectless circle or two through the corral, they paced slowly back to their melancholy halting place in the shade. The crowd, chiefly comprised of young men and boys, exhibited astonishing nerve and composure at such moments, rushing up to the point towards which the elephants charged, pointing their wands at their trunks, and keeping up the continual cry of tuhoop ! luhoop ! which invariably turned them to flight. The second victim singled out from the herd was secured in the same manner as the first. It was a female. The tame ones forced themselves in on either side as before, cutting her off from her companions, whilst Eanghanie stooped under them and attached the fatal noose, and Siribeddi dragged her out amidst un- availing struggles, when she was made fast by each leg to the nearest group of strong trees. When the noose was placed upon her fore-foot, she seized it with her trunk, and succeeded in carrying it to her mouth, where she would speedily have severed it had not a tame ele- phant interfered, and placing his foot on the rope pressed it downwards out of her jaws. The individuals who acted as leaders in the successive charges on the palisades were always those selected by the noosers, and the operation of tying each, from the first approaches of the decoys, till the captive was left alone by the tree, occupied on an average somewhat less than three- quarters of an hour. It is strange that in these encounters the wild ele- the Carthaginians in Sicily, and operariis hastas prgepilatas haben- driven round the area by workmen tibns, per circum totam actos." — holding blunted spears, — " Ab Lib. viii. c. 6. ]88 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. phants made no attempt to attack or dislodge the mahouts or the cooroowes, who rode on the tame ones. They moved in the very midst of the herd, any individual in which could in a moment have pulled the riders from their seats : but no effort was made to molest them.^ As one after another their leaders were entrapped and forced away from them, the remainder of the group ' "In a corral, to be on a tame elephant, seems to insure perfect immiinitj^ from the attacks of the wild ones. I once saw the old chief MoUegodde ride in amongst a herd of wdld elephants, on a small elephant ; so small that the Adigar's head was on a level with the back of the wild animals : I felt very nervous, but he rode right in among them, and received not the slightest molestation." — Letter from Major SKrN]ST;R, Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 189 evinced increased emotion and excitement ; but what- ever may have been their sympathy for their lost com- panions, their alarm seemed to prevent them at first from following them to the trees to which they had been tied. In passing them afterwards they sometimes stopped, mutually entwined their trunks, lapped them round each other's limbs and neck, and exhibited the most touching distress at their detention, but made no attempt to disturb the cords that bound them. The variety of disposition in the herd as evidenced by difference of demeanour was very remarkable : some submitted with comparatively little resistance; whilst others in their fury dashed themselves on the ground with a force sufficient to destroy any weaker 190 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. animal. They vented their rage upon every tree and plant within reach ; if small enough to be torn down, they levelled them with their trunks, and stripping them of their leaves and branches, they tossed them wildly over their heads on all sides. Some in their struggles made no sound, whilst others bellowed and trumpeted furiously, then uttered short convulsive screams, and at last, exhausted and hopeless, gave vent to their anguish in low and piteous moanings. Some, after a few violent efforts of this kind, lay motionless on the ground, with no other indication of suffering than the tears which suffused their eyes and flowed incessantly. Others in all the vigour of their rage exhibited the most surprising contortions ; and to us who had been accustomed to associate with the unwieldy bulk of the elephant the idea that he must of necessity be stiff and inflexible, the attitudes into which they forced themselves were almost incredible. I saw one lie with the cheek pressed to the earth, and the fore-legs stretched in front, whilst the body was twisted round till the hind-legs extended in the opposite direction. It was astonishing that their trunks were not wounded by the violence with which they flung them on all sides. One twisted his proboscis into such fantastic shapes, that it resembled the writhings of a gigantic worm ; he coiled it and uncoiled it with restless rapidity, curling it up like a watch-spring, and suddenly unfolding it again to its full length. Another, which lay otherwise motion- less in all the stupor of hopeless anguish, slowly beat the ground with the extremity of his trunk, as a man in despair beats his knee with the palm of his hand. They displayed an amount of sensitiveness and de- licacy of touch in the foot, which was very remarkable Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 191 in a limb of such clumsy dimensions and protected by so thick a covering. The noosers could always force them to lift it from the ground by the gentlest touch of a leaf or twig, apparently applied so as to tickle ; but the im- position of the rope was instantaneously perceived, and if it could not be reached by the trunk the other foot was applied to feel its position, and if possible remove it before the noose could be drawn tight. One practice was incessant with almost the entire herd : in the interval between their struggles they beat the ground with their fore feet, and taking up the dry earth in a coil of the trunk, they flung it dexterously over every part of their body. Even when lying down, the sand within reach was thus collected and scattered over their limbs : then inserting the extremity of the trunk in their mouths, they withdrew a quantity of water, which they discharged over their backs, repeat- ing the operation again and again, till the dust was thoroughly saturated. I was astonished at the quantity of water thus applied, which was sufficient when the elephant, as was generally the case, had worked the spot where he lay into a hollow, to convert its surface into a coating of mud. Seeing that the herd had been now twenty-four hours without access to water of any kind, surrounded by watch-fires, and exhausted by struggling and terror, the supply of moisture an ele- phant is capable of containing in the receptacle attached to his stomach must be very consider- able. The conduct of the tame ones during all these pro- ceedings was truly wonderful. They displayed the most perfect conception of every movement, both of the object to be attained, and of the means to accomplish it. 192 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. They manifested the utmost enjoyment in what was going on. There was no ill-humour, no malignity in the spirit displayed, in what was otherwise a heartless proceeding, but they set about it in a way that showed a thorough relish for it, as an agreeable pastime. Their caution was as remarkable as their sagacity ; there was no hurrying, no confusion, they never ran foul of the ropes, were never in the way of the animals already noosed ; and amidst the most violent struggles, when the tame ones had frequently to step across the captives, they in no instance trampled on them, or occasioned the slightest accident or annoyance. So far from this, they saw intuitively a difficulty or a danger, and ad- dressed themselves unbidden to remove it. In tying up one of the larger elephants, he contrived before he could be hauled close up to the tree, to walk once or twice round it, carrying the rope with him ; the decoy, perceiving the advantage he had thus gained over the nooser, walked up of her own accord, and pushed him backwards with her head, till she made him unwind him- self again ; upon which the rope was hauled tight and made fast. More than once, when a wild one was ex- tending his trunk, and would have intercepted the rope about to be placed over his leg, Siribeddi, by a sudden motion of her own trunk, pushed his aside, and pre- vented him ; and on one occasion, when successive efforts had failed to put the noose over the fore-leg of an elephant which was already secured by one foot, but which wisely put the other to the ground as often as it was attempted to pass the noose under it, I saw the decoy watch her opportunity, and when his foot was again raised, suddenly push in her own leg beneath it, and hold it up till the noose was attached and dra\\Ti tight. Chap. VI.] THE ELEPH.iXT. 193 One could almost fancy there was a display of dry humour in the manner in which the decoys thus played with the fears of the wild herd, and made light of their efforts at resistance. When reluctant they shoved them forward, when violent they drove them back ; when the vnld ones threw themselves down, the tame ones butted them with head and shoulders, and forced them up again. And when it was necessary to keep them down, they knelt upon them, and prevented them from rising, till the ropes were secm'ed. At every moment of leisure they fanned themselves with a bunch of leaves, and the graceful ease with which an elephant uses his trunk on such occasions is very striking. It is doubtless owing to the combination of a circular with a horizontal movement in that flexible limb ; but it is impossible to see an elephant fanning himself without being struck by the singular elegance of motion which he displays. The tame ones, too, in- dulged in the luxury of dusting themselves with sand, by flinging it from their trunks ; but it was a ciurious illustration of their delicate sagacity, that so long as the mahout was on their necks, they confined themselves to flinging the dust along their sides and stomach, as if aware, that to throw it over their heads and back would cause annoyance to their riders. One of the decoys which rendered good service, and was obviously held in special awe by the wild herd, was a tusker belonging to Dehigame Kata-mahatmeya. It was not that he used his tusks for purposes of offence, but he was enabled to insinuate himself between two elephants by wedging them in where he could not force his head ; besides which they assisted him in raising up the fallen and refractory with greater ease. In some o 194 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. instances where the intervention of the other decoys failed to reduce a wild one to order, the mere presence and approach of the tusker seemed to inspire fear, and insure submission, without more active intervention. I do not know whether it was the surprising qualities exhibited by the tame elephants that cast the courage and dexterity of the men into the shade, but even when supported by the presence, the sagacity, and co-operation of these wonderful creatures, the part sustained by the noosers can bear no comparison with the address and daring displayed by the picador and matador in a Spanish bull-fight. They certainly possessed great quickness of eye in watching the slightest movement of the elephant, and great expertness in flinging the noose over its foot and attaching it firmly before the animal could tear it off with its trunk ; but in all this they had the cover of the decoys to conceal them ; and their shelter behind which to retreat. Apart from the services which, from their prodigious strength, the tame elephants are alone capable of rendering, in dragging out and securing the captives, it is perfectly obvious that without their co-operation the utmost prowess and dexterity of the hunters would not avail them, unsupported, to enter the corral and ensnare and lead out a single captive. Of the two tiny elephants which were entrapped, one was about ten months old, the other somewhat more. The smaller one had a little bolt head covered with woolly brown hair, and was the most amusing and interesting miniature imaginable. Both kept constantly with the herd, trotting after them in every charge ; when the others stood at rest they ran in and out between the legs of the older ones ; and not their own mothers alone, but every female in the group caressed them in turn. Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 195 The dam of the youngest was the second elephant singled out by the noosers, and as she was dragged along by the decoys, the little creature kept by her side till she was drawn close to the fatal tree. The men at first were rather amused than otherwise by its anger ; but they found that it would not permit them to place the second noose upon its mother ; it ran between her and them, it tried to seize the rope, it pushed them and struck them with its little trunk, till they were forced to drive it back to the herd. It retreated slowly, shouting all the way, and pausing at every step to look back. It then attached itself to the laro^est female remaininof in the group, and placed itself across her forelegs, whilst she hung down her trunk over its side and soothed and caressed it. Here it continued moaning and lamenting, till the noosers had left off securing its mother, when it instantly returned to her side ; but as it became trouble- some again, attacking every one who passed, it was at last tied up by a rope to an adjoining tree, to which the other young one was also tied. The second little one, equally with its playmate, exhibited great affection for its dam ; it went willingly with its captor as far as the tree to which she was fastened, and in passing her stretched out its trunk and tried to rejoin her ; but finding itself forced along, it caught at every twig and branch mthin its reach, and screamed with grief and disappointment. These two little creatures were the most vociferous of the whole herd, their shouts were incessant, they struggled to attack every one within reach ; and as their bodies were more lithe and pliant than those of gi-eater growth, their contortions were quite wonderful. The most amusing thing was, that in the midst of all their o 2 196 MMIMALIA. [Chap. VI. agony and affliction, the little fellows seized on every article of food that was thrown to them, and ate and roared simultaneously. Amongst the last of the elephants noosed was the rogue. Though far more savage than the others, he joined in none of their charges and assaults on the fences, as they uniformly drove him off and would not permit him to enter their circle. When dragged past another of his companions in misfortune, who was lying exhausted on the groimd, he flew upon him and attempted to fasten his teeth in his head ; this was the only instance of viciousness which occurred during the progress of the corral. When tied up and overpowered, he was at first noisy and violent, but soon lay down peacefully, a sign, according to the hunters, that his death was at hand. Their prognostication was correct ; he continued for about twelve hours to cover himself with dust like the others, and to moisten it with water from his trunk ; but at length he lay exhausted, and died so calmly, that having been moving but a few moment before, his death was only perceived by the myriads of black flies by which his body was almost instantly covered, although not one was visible a moment before.^ The Eodiyas were called * The surprising faculty of vul- sively by the sense of smell ; but tures for discovering carrion, has that which excites astonishment is been a subject of much speculation, the small degree of odour which as to whether it be dependent on seems to suffice for the purpose ; their power of sight or of scent, the subtlety and rapidity with It is not, however, more mysterious which it traverses and impregnates than the unerring certainty and the air; and the keen and quick rapidity with which some of the perception with which it is taken minor animals, and more especially up by the organs of those creatures, insects, in warm climates congre- The instance of the scavenger gate around the oifal on which beetles has been already alluded they feed. Circumstanced as they to ; the promptitude with which are, they must be guided towards they discern the existence of matter their object mainly if not exclu- suited to their purposes, and the Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHAJs'T. 197 in to loose the ropes that bound him, from the tree, and two tame elephants being harnessed to the dead body, it was dragged to a distance without the corral. When every wild elephant had been noosed and tied up, the scene presented was truly oriental. From one to two thousand natives, many of them in gaudy dresses and armed with spears, crowded about the enclosures. Their speed with which they hurry to it from all directions ; often from dis- tances as extraordinary, proportion- ably, as those traversed by the eye of the Tulture. In the instance of the dying elephant referred to above, life was barely extinct when the flies, of which not one was visible but a moment before, arrived in clouds and blackened the body by their multitude ; scarcely an instant was allowed to elapse for the commencement of decompo- sition; no odour of putrefaction could be discerned by us who stood close by ; yet some peculiar smell of mortality, simultaneously with parting breath, must have sum- moned them to the feast. Ants exhibit an instinct equally sur- prising. I have sometimes covered up a particle of refined sugar with paper on the centre of a polished table ; and counted the number of minutes which would elapse before it was fastened on by the small black ants of Ceylon, and a line formed to lower it safely to the floor. Here was a substance which, to our apprehension at least, is altogether inodorous, and yet the quick sense of smell must have been the only conductor of the ants. It has been observed of those fishes which travel overland on the evaporation of the ponds in which they live, that they invari- ably march in the direction of the nearest water, and even when cap- tured, and placed on the floor of a room, their efforts to escape are always made towards the same point. Is the sense of smell suffi- cient to account for this display of instinct in them ? or is it aided by special organs in the case of the others ? Dr. Mc Gee, formerly of the Royal Navy, writing to me on the subject of the instant appear- ance of flies in the vicinity of dead bodies, says : "In warm climates they do not wait for death to in- vite them to the banquet. In Jamaica I have again and again seen them settle on a patient, and hardly to be driven away by the nurse, the patient himself sa}'ing, ' Here are these flies coming to eat me ere I am dead.' At times they have enabled the doctor, when other^Aise he would have been in doubt as to his prognosis, to deter- mine whether the strange apyretic interval occasionally present in the last stage of yellow fever was the fatal lull or the lull of recover)'; and ' What say the flies ?' has been the settHng question. Among many, many cases during a long period I have seen but one recovery after the assembling of the flies. I con- sider the foregoing as a confir- mation of smeU being the guide even to the attendants, a cada- verous smell has been perceived to arise from the body of a patient twenty-four hours before death," o 3 198 MA:MMALIA. [Chap. VI. families had collected to see the spectacle; women, whose children clung like little bronzed Cupids by their sides ; and girls, many of them in the graceful costume of that part of the country, — a scarf, which, after having been brought round the waist, is thrown over the left shoulder, leaving the right arm and side free and unco- vered. At the foot of each tree was its captive elephant ; some still struggling and writhing in feverish excitement, whilst others, in exhaustion and despair, lay motionless, except that, from time to time, they heaped fresh dust upon their heads. The mellow notes of a Kandyan flute, which was played at a distance, had a striking effect upon one or more of them ; they turned their heads in the direction from which the music came, expanded their broad ears, and were evidently soothed with the plaintive sound. The two young ones alone still roared for freedom ; they stamped their feet, and blew clouds of dust over their shoulders, brandishing their little trunks aloft, and attacking every one who came within their reach. At first the older ones, when secured, spurned every offer of food, trampled it under foot, and turned haugh- tily away. A few, however, as they became more com- posed, could not resist the temptation of the juicy stems of the plantain, but rolling them under foot, till they detached the layers, they raised them in their trunks, and commenced chewing listlessly. On the whole, whilst the sagacity, the composure, and docility of the decoys were such as to excite lively astonishment, it was not possible to withhold the highest admiration from the calm and dignified demeanour of the captives. Their entire bearing was at variance with Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHAXT. 199 the representation made by some of the " sportsmen " who harass them, that they are treacherous, savage, and revengeful ; when tormented by the guns of their per- secutors, they, no doubt, display their powers and sagacity in efforts to retaliate or escape ; but here their every movement was indicative of innocence and timidity. After a struggle, in which they evinced no disposition to violence or revenge, they submitted with the calmness of despair. Their attitudes were pitiable, their grief was most touching, and their low moaning went to the heart. We could not have borne to witness their dis- tress had their capture been effected by the needless infliction of pain, or had they been destined to ill-treat- ment afterwards. It was now about two hours after noon, and the first elephants that had entered the corral having been dis- posed of, preparations were made to reopen the gate, and drive in the other two herds, over which the watchers were still keeping guard. The area of the enclosm^e was cleared ; and silence was again imposed on the crowds who surrounded the corral. The bars that secured the entrance were withdrawn, and every precaution repeated as before ; but as the space inside was now somewhat trodden down, especially near the entrance, by the fre- quent charges of the last herd, and as it was to be appre- hended that the others might be earlier alarmed and retrace their steps, before the barricades could be re- placed, two tame ones were stationed inside to protect the men to whom that duty was assigned. All preliminaries being at length completed, the signal was given ; the beaters on the side most distant from the corral closed in mth tom-toms and discordant noises ; a hedge-fire of musketry was kept up in the o 4 200 MMIMALIA. [Chap. VI. rear of the terrified elephants ; thousands of voices urged them forward ; we heard the jungle crashing as they came on, and at last they advanced through an opening amongst the trees, bearing down all before them like a charge of locomotives. They were led by a huge female, nearly nine feet high, after whom one half of the herd dashed precipitately through the narrow entrance, but the rest turning suddenly towards the left, succeeded in forcing the cordon of guards and making good their escape to the forest. No sooner had the others passed the gate, than the two tame elephants stepped forward from either side, and before the herd could return from the further end of the enclosure, the bars were drawn, the entrance closed, and the men in charge glided outside the stockade. The elephants which had previously been made prisoners within exhibited intense excitement as the fresh din arose around them ; they started to their feet, and stretched their trunks in the direction whence they winded the scent of the herd in its headlong flight ; and as the latter rushed past, they renewed their struggles to get free and follow. It is not possible to imagine anything more exciting than the spectacle which the wild ones presented careering round the corral, uttering piercing screams, their heads erect and trunks aloft, the very emblems of rage and perplexity, of power and help- lessness. Along with those which entered at the second drive was one that evidently belonged to another herd, and had been separated from them in the melee when the latter effected their escape, and, as usual, his new com- panions in misfortune drove him off indignantly as often as he attempted to approach them. Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 201 The demeanour of those taken in the second drive differed materially from that of the preceding captives, who, having entered the corral in darkness, to find themselves girt with fire and smoke, and beset by hideous sounds and sights on every side, were speedily reduced by fear to stupor and submission — whereas, the second herd having passed into the enclosure by daylight, and its area being trodden down in many places, could clearly discover the fences, and were consequently more alarmed and enraged at their confinement. They were thus as restless as the others had been calm, and so much more vigorous in their assaults that, on one occa- sion, their courageous leader, undaunted by the multi- tude of white wands thrust towards her, was only driven back from the stockade by a hunter hurling a blazing flambeau at her head. Her attitude as she stood repulsed, but still irresolute, was a study for a painter. Her eye dilated, her ears expanded, her back arched like a tiger, and her fore-foot in air, whilst she uttered those hideous screams that are imperfectly described by the term '' trumpeting.^^ Although repeatedly passing by the unfortunates from the former drove, the new herd seemed to take no friendly notice of them ; they halted inquiringly for a minute, and then resumed their career round the corral, and once or twice in their headlong flight they rushed madly over the bodies of the prostrate captives as they lay in their misery on the ground. It was evening before the new captives had grown wearied with their furious and repeated charges, and stood still in the centre of the corral collected into a terrified and motionless group. The fires were then relighted, the guard redoubled by the addition of the watchers. 202 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VI. who were now relieved from duty in the forest, and the spectators retired to their bungalows for the night. The business of the third clay began by noosing and tying up the new captives, and the first sought out was their magnificent leader. Siribeddi and the tame tusker having forced themselves on either side of her, a boy in the service of the Eata-Mahatmeya succeeded in attach- ing a rope to her hind-foot. Siribeddi moved off, but feeling her strength insufficient to drag the reluctant prize, she went down on her fore-knees, so as to add the full weight of her body to the pull. The tusker, seeing her difficulty, placed himself in front of the prisoner, and forced her backwards, step by step, till his companion brought her fairly up to the tree, and wound the rope round the stem. Though overpowered by fear, she showed the fullest sense of the nature of the danger she had to apprehend. She kept her head turned towards the noosers, and tried to step in advance of the de- coys ; in spite of all their efforts, she tore off the first noose from her fore-leg, and placing it under her foot, snapped it into fathom lengths. WTien finally secured, her Avrithings were extraordinary. She doubled in her head under her chest, till she lay as round as a hedge- hog, and rising again, stood on her fore-feet, and lifting her hind-feet off the ground, she wrung them from side to side, till the great tree above her quivered in every branch. Before proceeding to catch the others, we requested that the smaller trees and jungle, which partially ob- structed our view, might be broken away, being no longer essential to screen the entrance to the corral ; and five of the tame elephants were brought up for the purpose. They felt the strength of each tree with their trunks, Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 203 then swaying it backwards and forwards, by pushing it with their foreheads, they watched the opportunity when it was in full swing to raise their fore-feet against the stem, and bear it down to the ground. Then tearing off the festoons of climbing plants, and trampling down the smaller branches and brushwood, they pitched them with their tusks, piling them into heaps along the side of the fence. Amongst the last that was secured was the solitary individual belonging to the fugitive herd. WTien they attempted to drag him backwards from the tree near which he was noosed, he laid hold of it with his trunk and lay down on his side immoveable. The temple tusker and another were ordered up to assist, and it re- quired the combined efforts of the three elephants to 204 MMIMALIA. [Chap. VI. force him along. WTien dragged to the place at which he was to be tied up, he continued the contest with desperation, and to prevent the second noose being placed on his foot, he sat down on his haunches, almost in the attitude of the " Florentine Boar," keeping his hind-feet beneath him, and defending his fore-feet with his trunk, with which he flung back the rope as often as it was attempted to attach it. AMien overpowered and made fast, his grief was most affecting ; his violence sunk to utter prostration, and he lay on the ground, uttering choking cries, with tears trickling down his cheeks. The final operation was that of slackening the ropes, and marching each captive down to the river between two tame ones. This was effected very simply. A decoy, with a strong collar round its neck, stood on either side of the wild one, on which a similar collar was formed, by successive coils of coco-nut rope ; and Chap. VI.] THE ELEPHANT. 205 then, connecting the three collars together, the pri- soner was effectually made safe between his two guards. Dui'ing this operation, it was curious to see how the tame elephant, from time to time, used its trunk to shield the arm of its rider, and ward off the trunk of the prisoner, who resisted the placing the rope round his neck. This done, the nooses were removed from his feet, and he was marched off to the river, in which he and his companions were allowed to bathe ; a privi- lege of which all availed themselves eagerly. Each was then made fast to a tree in the forest, and keepers beinof assicjned to him, mth a retinue of leaf-cutters, he was plentifully supplied with his favourite food, and left to the care and tuition of his new masters. Returning from a spectacle such as I have attempted to describe, one cannot help feeling how immeasurably it exceeds in interest those royal battues where timid deer are driven in crowds to unresisting slaughter; or those vaunted " wild sports " the amusement of which appears to be in proportion to the effusion of blood. Here the only display of power was the imposition of restraint ; and though considerable mortality often occurs amongst the animals caught, the infliction of pain, so far from being an incident of the operation, is most cau- tiously avoided from its tendency to enrage, the policy of the captor being to conciliate and soothe. The whole scene exhibits the most marvellous example of the volun- tary alliance of animal sagacity and instinct in active co-operation with human intelligence and courage ; and nothing else in nature, not even the chase of the whale, can afford so vivid an illustration of the sovereignty of man over brute creation even when confronted with force in its most stupendous embodiment. 20G MAIklMALIA. [Chap. VI. Of the two young elephants which were taken in the corral, the smallest was sent down to my house at Colombo, where he became a general favourite with the servants. He attached himself especially to the coachman, who had a little shed erected for him near his own quarters at the stables. But his favourite resort was the kitchen, where he received a daily allowance of milk and plan- tains, and picked up several other delicacies besides. He was innocent and playful in the extreme, and when walking in the grounds he would trot up to me, twine his little trunk round my arm, and coax me to take him to the fruit-trees. In the evening the grass-cutters now and then indulged him by permitting him to carry home a load of fodder for the horses, on which occasions he assumed an ?oir of gravity that was highly amusing, show- ing that he was deeply impressed with the importance and responsibility of the service entrusted to him. Being sometimes permitted to enter the dining-room, and helped to fruit at desert, he at last learned his way to the side-board ; and on more than one occasion having stolen in, during the absence of the servants, he made a clear sweep of the wine-glasses and china in his endeavours to reach a basket of oranges. For these and similar pranks we were at last forced to put him away. He was sent to the Grovernment stud, where he was affectionately re- ceived and adopted by Siribeddi, and he now takes his turn of public duty in the department of the Commis- sioner of Roads. 207 CHAP. VIL THE ELEPHANT. Conduct in Captivity, The idea prevailed in ancient times, and obtains even at the present day, that the Indian elephant surpasses that of Africa in sagacity and tractability, and consequently in capacity for training, so as to render its services more available to man. There does not appear to me to be sufficient ground for this conclusion. It originated, in all probability, in the first impressions created by the accounts of the elephant brought back by the Grreeks after the Indian expedition of Alexander, and above all by the descriptions of Aristotle, whose knowledge of the animal was derived exclusively from the East. A long interval elapsed before the elephant of Africa, and its capabilities, became known in Europe. The first ele- phants brought to Grreece by Antipater, were from India, as were also those introduced by Pyrrhus into Italy. Taught by this example, the Carthaginians undertook to employ African elephants in war. Jugurtha led them against Metellus, and Juba against Caesar ; but from in- experienced and deficient training, they proved less effective than the elephants of India ^, and the historians 1 Aemajtdi, Hist Milit. des Ele- on the coins of Alexander, and the phants, liv. i. ch. i, p. 2. It is an Seleueidae invariably exhibit the interesting fact, noticed by An- characteristics of the Indian type, MANDi, that the elephants figured whilst those on Roman medals 208 MA^klMALIA. [Chap. VII. of these times ascribed to inferiority of race, that which was but the result of insufficient education. It must, however, be remembered that the elephants which, at a later period, astonished the Eomans by their sagacity, and whose performances in the amphitheatre have been described by ^lian and Pliny, were brought from Africa, and acquired their accomplishments from European instructors^ ; a sufficient proof that under equally favourable auspices the African species are capable of developing similar docility and powers with those of India. It is one of the facts from which the inferiority of the Negro race has been inferred, that they alone, of all the nations amongst whom the elephant is found, have never manifested ability to domesticate it ; and even as regards the more highly developed races who inhabited the valley of the Nile, it is observable that the elephant is nowhere to be found amongst the animals figured on the monuments of ancient Egypt, whilst the camel opard, the lion, and even the hippopotamus are re- presented. And although in later times the knowledge of the art of training appears to have existed under the Ptolemies, and on the southern shore of the Mediterra- nean, it admits of no doubt that it was communicated by the more accomplished natives of India who had settled there.^ can at once be pronounced African, from the peculiarities of the con- vex forehead and expansive ears. — Ibid. liv. i. cap. i. p. 3. AuMAXDi has, with infinite in- dustry, collected from original sources a mass of curious inform- ations relative to the employment of elephants in ancient warfare, which he has published under the title of Histoire MiUtaire dcs Ele- jphants deipuis les temps les plus recuUs jusqxC a V introduction des armcs a feu. Paris. 1843. ' JElian, lib. ii. cap. ii. 2 See Scklegel's Essay on the Chap. YII.] THE ELEPHANT. 209 Another favourite doctrine of the earlier visitors to the East seems to me to be equally fallacious ; Pteard, Bernier, Phillipe, Theyenot, and other travellers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, proclaimed the superiority of the elephant of Ceylon, in size, strength, and sagacity, above those of all other parts of India' ; and Tavernier in particular is supposed to have stated that if a Ceylon elephant be introduced amongst those bred in any other place, by an instinct of nature they do him homage by laying their trunks to the ground, and raising them reverentially. This passage has been so repeatedly quoted in works on Ceylon that it has passed into an aphorism, and is always adduced as a testimony to the surpassing intelligence of the elephants of that island : althouo^h a reference to the original shows that Tavernier's observations are not only fanciful in themselves, but are restricted to the supposed excellence Elephant and the Sphynx, Classical elephant figured in the sculptures Journal, No. Ix. Although the of Xineyeh is universally as wild, trained elephant nowhere appears not domesticated, upon the monuments of the Egyp- ' This is merely a reiteration of tians, the animal was not unknown the statement of ^liax, who as- to them, and ivor}- and elephants cribes to the elephants of Taprobane are figured on the walls of Thebes a xast superiority in size, strength, and Karnac amongst the spoils of and intelligence, aboTe those of Thothmes III., and the tribute continental India, — KaX olBe ye paid to Rameses I. The Island of vr}(nuTai i?\4(pavT6S twu riTTdpuTuv Elephantine, in the Nile, near oA/ci/tiwrepoi re r^u pw/xriv koI jj-ei^ovs Assouan (Syene) is styled in hiero- ISeiu elal, Koi ^v/xoaocpwTepoL 8e Trdura gl}'phical writing " The Land of iravrri KpiuoivTo au.'' — ^llvx, De the Elephant ; " but as it is a mere Nat. Anim., lib. xvi. cap. xxiii. rock, it probably owes its designa- -Sh:iAN also, in the same chap- tion to its form. See Sir Gaed- ter, states the fact of the ship- NEE "Wllkcvson's Ancitnt Egyp- ment of elephants in large boats tians, vol. i. pi. iy.; vol. v. p. 176. from Ceylon to the opposite couti- Above the first cataract of the Nile nent of India, for sale to the king are two small islands, each bearing of Kalinga ; so that the export the name of Phylse; — quaere, is from Manaar, described in a former the derivation of this word at all passage, has been going on appa- connected with the Arabic term rently without interruption since fill See ante, p. 76, note. The the time of the Eomans. 210 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VII. of the Ceylon animal in war.^ This estimate of the superiority of the elephant of Ceylon, if it ever prevailed in India, was not current there at a very early period ; for in the Ramayana, which is probably the oldest epic in the world, the stud of Dasartha, the king of Ayodhya, was supplied with elephants from the Himalaya and the Vindhya Mountains.- I have had no opportunity of test- ing by personal observation the justice of the assumption ; but from all that I have heard of the elephants of the continent, and seen of those of Ceylon, I have reason to conclude that the difference, if nob imaginary, is except- ional, and must have arisen in particular and individual instances, from more judicious or elaborate instruction. The earliest knowledge of the elephant in Europe and the West, was derived from the conspicuous position assigned to it in the wars of the East : in India, from the remotest antiquity, it formed one of the most picturesque, if not the most effective, features in the armies of the native princes.^ It is more than * The expression of Tavernieb is relevant. II est vrai que les ele- to the eiFect that as compared with all phants que les grands seignem*s others, the elephants of Ceylon are entretiennent, quand on les amene "plus courageux a la guerre." The devant eux, pour voir s'ils sont en rest of the passage is a curiosity; — bon point, font trois fois une espece " II faut remarquer ici une chose de reverence avec leur trompe, cr qu'on aura peut-etre de la peine a qite fai vu souvent; mais ils sont croire mais qui est toutefois tres- styles a cela, et leurs maitres le veritable : c'est que lorsque quelque leur enseignent de bonne heure." — roi ou quelque seigneur a quelqu'un Les Six Vo7/agcsdeJ.3.TATEUNiER, de ces elephants de Ceylan, et qu'on lib. iii. ch. 20. en amene quelqu' autre des lieux ^ Eamayana, sec. vi. ; Caeey ou les marchands vont les prendre, and Marshman, i. 105 ; Fauche, commed'Achen, de Siam, d'Arakan, t. i. p. 66. de Pegu, du royaume de Boutan, ^ The only mention of the ele- d' Assam, des terres de Cochin et phant in Sacred History is in the de la coste du Melinde, des que les account given in Maccabees of the elephants en voient un de Ceylan, invasion of Egypt by Antiochus, par un instinct de nature, ils lui who entered it 170 B.C., "with font la reverence, portant le bout chariots and elephants, and horse- de leur trompe a la terre et la men, and a great navy." — 1 Mace. Chaf. VII.J THE ELEPHAXT. 211 probable that the earliest attempts to take and train the elephant, were with a view to railitary uses, and that the art was perpetuated in later times to gratify the pride of the eastern kings, and sustain the pomp of their processions. An impression prevails even to the present day, that the process of training is tedious and difficult, and the reduction of a full-grown elephant to obedience, slow and troublesome in the extreme.^ In both particulars, however, the contrary is the truth. The training as it prevails in Ceylon is simple, and the conformity and obedience of the animal are developed with singular i. 17. Frequent allusions to the use of elephants in war occur in both books ; and in chap. vi. 34, it is stated that "to provoke the ele- phants to fight they shoTved them the blood o^ grapes and of mulber- ries." The term showed, '"eSei^av," might be thought to imply that the animals were enraged by the sight of the wine and its colour, but in the Third Book of Maccabees, in the Greek Septuagint, various other passages show that wine, on such occasions, was administered to the elephants to render them furious. — Mace. v. 2, 10, 45. Phile mentions the same fact, De Elepkante, i. 145. There is a very curious account of the mode in which the Arab conquerors of Scinde, in the 9th and 10th centuries, equipped the elephant for war ; which being written with all the particularity of an eye-witness, bears the impress of truth and accuracy, Massoudi, who was born in Bagdad at the close of the 9th century, travelled in India in the year a.d. 913, and visited the Gulf of Cambay, the coast of Malabar, and the Island of Ceylon : — fi-om a larger account of his journeys he compiled a sum- mary under the title of " Moroudj al-dzeheh^' or the " Golden Mea- doivs" the MS. of which is now in the Bibliotheque Rationale. M. Eeixaud, in describing this manu- script says, on its authority, '• The Prince of Mensura, whose do- minions lay south of the Indus, maintained eighty elephants train- ed for war, each of which bore in his trunk a bent cymeter (car- thel), with which he was taught to cut and thrust at all confronting him. The trunk itself was effect- ually protected by a coat of mail, and the rest of the body enveloped in a covering composed jointly of iron and horn. Other elephants were employed in drawing chariots, carrying baggage, and grinding forage, and the peformance of all bespoke the utmost intelligence and docility." — Eeixaud, Memoire stir rinde, anterienrement cm milieu du XI^ siecle, d'apres les ecrivains arabcs, persans et chinois. Paris, M.D.ccc. XLix. p. 215. See Speen- ger's English Translation of Massoudi, vol. i. p. 383. * Broderip, Zoological Eccrca- tions, p. 226. p 2 212 MAMMALIA. [Chap. Vn. rapidity. For the first three days, or till they will eat freely, which they seldom do in a less time, the newly- captured elephants are allowed to stand quiet ; and, if practicable, a tame elephant is tied near to give the wild ones confidence. Where many elephants are being trained at once, it is customary to put every new captive between the stalls of half-tamed ones, when it soon takes to its food. This stage being attained, training commences by placing tame elephants on either side. The " cooroowe vidahn," or the head of the stables, stands in front of the wild elephants hold- ing a long stick with a sharp iron point. Two men are then stationed one on either side, assisted by the tame elephants, and each holding a hendoo or crook ^ towards the wild one's trunk, whilst one or two others rub their hands over his back, keeping up all the while a sooth- ing and plaintive chaunt, interlarded with endearing epithets, such as " ho ! my son," or " ho I my father," or " my mother," as may be applicable to the age and sex of the captive. The elephant is at first furious, and strikes in all directions with his trunk : but the ^ The iron goad with which the It is figured in the medals of keeper directs the moyements of Caracalla in the identical form in the elephants, called a hendoo in which it is in use at the present Ceylon and hawJcus in Bengal, day in India, appears to hare retained the present The Greeks called it apTTTj, and shape from the remotest antiquity, the Eomans cuspis. r Modern Hendoo. ^ Medal of Xumidia. Chaf. VII.] THE ELEPHAXT. 213 men in front receiving all these blows on the points of their weapons, the extremity of the trunk becomes so sore that the animal curls it up close, and seldom afterwards attempts to use it offensively. The first dread of man's power being thus established, the pro- cess of taking him to bathe between two tame elephants is greatly facilitated, and by lengthening the neck rope, and drawing the feet together as close as possible, the process of laying him down in the water is finally accomplished by the keepers pressing the sharp point of their hendoos over the backbone. For many days the roaring and resistance which attend the operation are considerable, and it often re- quires the sagacious interference of the tame elephants to control the refractory wild ones. It soon, however, becomes practicable to leave the latter alone, only taking them to and from the stall by the aid of a decoy. This step lasts, under ordinary treatment, for about three weeks, when an elephant may be taken alone with his legs hobbled, and a man walking backwards in front with the point of the hendoo always presented to the elephant's head, and a keeper with an iron crook at each ear. On getting into the water, the fear of being pricked on his tender back induces him to lie down directly on the crook being only held over him in terrorem. Once this point has been achieved, the further process of taming is dependent upon the dis- position of the creature. The greatest care is requisite, and daily medicines are applied to heal the fearful wounds on the legs which even the softest ropes occasion. This is the great difficulty of training; for the wounds fester grievously, and months and sometimes years will p 3 214 MAJIMALIA. [Chap. VII. elapse before an elephant will allow his feet to be touched without indications of alarm and anger. The observation has been frequently made that the elephants most vicious and troublesome to tame, and the most worthless when tamed, are those distinguished by a thin trunk and flabby pendulous ears. The period of tuition does not appear to be influenced by the size or strength of the animals : some of the smallest give the greatest amount of trouble; whereas, in the in- stance of the two largest that have been taken in Ceylon within the last thirty years, both were docile in a remarkable degree. One in particular, which was caught and trained by Mr. Cripps, when Grovernment agent, in the Seven Korles, fed from the hand the first night it was secured, and in a very few days evinced pleasure on being patted on the head.^ There is none so obstinate, not even a rogue, that may not, when kindly and patiently treated, be conciliated and reconciled. The males are generally more unmaneagable than the females, and in both an inclination to lie down to rest is regarded as a favourable symptom of approaching tractability, some of the most resolute having been known to stand for months together, even during sleep. Those which are the most obstinate and violent at first ^ This was the largest elephant attendant decoys. He, on one oc- that had been tamed in Ceylon ; casion, escaped, but was recaptured he measured upwards of nine feet in the forest ; and he afterwards at the shoulders and belonged to became so docile as to perform a the caste so highly prized for the variety of tricks. He was at length temples. He was gentle affer his ordered to be removed to Colombo ; first capture, but his removal from but such was his terror on ap- the corral to the stables, though only proaching the fort, that on coaxing a distance of six miles, was a matter him to enter the gate, he became of the extremest difficulty ; his paralysed in the extraordinary way extraordinary strength rendering elsewhere aUuded to, and died on him more than a match for the the spot. Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHANT. 215 are the soonest and most effectually subdued, and generally prove permanently docile and submissive. But those which are sullen or morose, although they may provoke no chastisement by their viciousness, are always slower in being taught, and are rarely to be trusted in after life.^ But whatever may be its natural gentleness and docility, the temper of an elephant is seldom to be im- plicitly relied on in a state of captivity and coercion. The most amenable are subject to occasional fits of stubbornness ; and even after years of submission, irri- tability and resentment will unaccountably manifest themselves. It may be that the restraints and severer discipline of training have not been entirely forgotten ; or that incidents which in ordinary health would be pro- ' The natives profess that the high caste elephants, such as are allotted to the temples, are of all others 'the most difficult to tame, and M. Bles, the Dutch corre- spondent of BuFFON, mentions a caste of elephants which he had heard of, as being peculiar to the Kandyan kingdom, that were not higher than a heifer (genisse), covered with hair, and insuscep- tible of being tamed. (Buffon-, Supp. vol. vi. p. 29.) Bishop He- BER, in the account of his journey from Bareilly towards the Hima- layas, describes the Raja Goiu*- man Sing, "mounted on a little female elephant, hardly bigger than a Durham ox, and almost as shaggy as a poodle." — Journ., ch. xvii. It will be remembered that the mammoth discovered in 1803 embedded in icy soil in Siberia, was covered mth a coat of long hair, with a sort of wool at the roots. Hence there arose the ques- tion whether that northern region had been formerly inhabited by a race of elephants, so fortified by na- ture against cold; or whether the in- dividual discovered had been borne thither by currents from some more temperate latitudes. To the latter theory the presence of hair seemed a fatal objection ; but so far as my own observation goes, I believe the elephants are more or less provided with hair. In some it is more developed than in others, and it is particularly observable intheyoung, which when captm'ed are frequently covered with a woolly fleece, es- pecially about the head and shoulders. In the older individu- als in Ceylon, this is less apparent : and in captivity the hair appears to be altogether removed by the custom of the mahouts to rub their skin daily with oil and a rough lump of burned clay. See a paper on the subject, Asiat. Journ. N. S. vol. xiv. p. 182, by Mr. G-. Ymr- HOLME. P 4 216 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VII. ductive of no demonstration whatever, may lead, in mo- ments of temporary illness, to fretfulness and anger. The knowledge of this infirmity led to the popular belief recorded by Phile, that the elephant had hvo hearts, under the respective influences of which it evinced ferocity or gentleness ; subdued by the one to habitual tractability and obedience, but occasionally roused by the other to displays of rage and resist- ance.^ In the process of taming, the presence of the tame ones can generally be dispensed with after two months, and the captive may then be ridden by the driver alone ; and after three or four months he may be entrusted with labour, so far as regards docility; — but it is un- desirable, and even involves the risk of life, to work an elephant too soon ; it has frequently happened that a valuable animal has lain down and died the first time it was tried in harness, from what the natives believe to be " broken heart," — certainly without any cause inferable from injury or previous disease.^ It is observable, that • " AittAtjs 5e (pdffLv eujropTjo-ot Kap- hibitecl to the British Envoy, "made bias' vigorous resistance to the placing Kal tt) fxeu eluai bv/jLiKhu rh br]piov of a collar on its neck, and the Els aKparri Kivrjaiu T]p€Qi(Tfxivov, people were proceeding to tighten T_^ 5e ■Kpo(Tr\i'ks koL ^paavT-rjTos ^€vov. it, when the elephant, which had Kal TTTj ixku avruv aKpoaaOai tuu lain down as if quite exhausted, Adywu reared suddenly on the hind quar- Ots &v ris 'IvShs eu Ti6az(^., p. 310. forests ; almost every tree had half Mr. Gordon Gumming does not its branches broken short by them name the trees which he saw thus and at every hundred yards I came " uprooted " and " broken across," upon entire trees, and these, the nor has he given any idea of their largest in the forest, n-prooted clean size and weight; but Major Den- out of the ground, and broken short ham, who observed like traces of across their sterns.'' — A Himter's the elephant in Africa, saw only Life in South Africa. ByR. Gor- small trees overthrown by them; DON Gumming, vol, ii. p. 305. — and Mr. Pringle, who had an " Spreading out from one another, opportunity of observing similar they smash and destroy all the practices of the animals in the finest trees in the forest which neutral territory of the Eastern happen to be in their course, . . . frontier of the Cape of Good Hope, I have rode through forests where describes their ravages as being Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHAXT. 219 Of course much must depend on the nature of the timber and the moisture of the soil ; thus a strong tree on the verge of a swamp may be overthrown with greater ease than a small and low one in parched and solid ground. I have seen no " tree " deserving the name, nothing but jungle and brushwood, thrown down by the mere move- ment of an elephant without some special exertion of force. But he is by no means fond of gratuitously tasking his strength ; and food being so abundant that he obtains it without an effort, it is not altogether apparent, even were he able to do so, why he should assail "the largest trees in the forest, " and encumber his own haunts with their broken stems ; especially as there is scarcely any- thing which an elephant dislikes more than venturing amongst fallen timber. A tree of twelve inches in diameter resisted successfully the most strenuous struggles of the largest elephant I ever saw led to it ; and when directed by their keepers to clear away jungle, the removal of even a small tree, or a healthy young coco-nut palm, is a matter both of time and exertion. Hence the services of an elephant are of much less value in clearing a forest than in dragging and piling felled timber. But in the latter occupation he manifests an intelligence and dexterity which is sur- prising to a stranger, because the sameness of the oper- ation enables the animal to go on for hours disposing of log after log, almost without a hint or direction from his attendant. For example, two elephants employed confined to the mimosas, " immense of their food. Many of the /^r^cr nxunbers of which had been torn mimosas had resisted all tJieir out of the ground, and placed in efforts ; and indeed it is only after an inyerted position, in order to heavy rain, when the soil is soft and enable the animals to browse at loose, that they ever successfully their ease on the soft and juicy attempt this operation.^' — Prin- roots, which form a favourite part gle's Sketches of South Africa, 220 MA:yiMALIA. [Chap. VII. in piling ebony and satinwood in the yards attached to the commissariat stores at Colombo, were so accustomed to their work, that they were able to accomplish it mth equal precision and with greater rapidity than if it had been done by dock-labourers. When the pile attained a certain height, and they were no longer able by their conjoint efforts to raise one of the heavy logs of ebony to the summit, they had been taught to lean two pieces against the heap, up the iaclined plane of which they gently rolled the remaining logs, and placed them trimly on the top. It has been asserted that in their occupations " ele- phants are to a surprising extent the creatures of habit," ^ that their movements are altogether mechanical, and that "they are annoyed by any de^dation from their accustomed practice, and resent any constrained depar- ture from the regularity of their course." So far as my own observation goes, this is incorrect; and I am assured by officers of experience, that in regard to changing his treatment, his hours, or his occupation, an elephant evinces no more consideration than a horse, but exhibits the same pliancy and facility. At one poiat, however, the utility of the elephant stops short. Such is the intelligence and earnestness he displays in work, which he seems to conduct almost without supervision, that it has been assumed^ that he would continue his labour, and accomplish his given task, as well in the absence of his keeper as during his presence. But here his innate love of ease displays itself, and if the eye of his attendant be withdrawn, the moment he has finished the thing immediately in hand, ' Menageries, ^'c, " The Elephant," toI. ii. p. 23. 2 Jbid., eh. xi. p. 138. Chap. Yll.] THE ELEPHAIs'T. 221 he will stroll away lazily, to browse or enjoy the luxury of fanning himself and blowing dust over his back. The means of punishing so powerful an animal is a question of difficulty to his attendants. Force being almost inapplicable, they try to work on his passions and feelings, by such expedients as altering the na- ture of his food or withholding it altogether for a time. On such occasions the demeanour of the creature will sometimes evince a sense of humiliation as well as of discontent. In some parts of India it is customary, in dealing mth offenders, to stop their allowance of sugar canes or of jaggery ; or to restrain them from eatinof their own share of fodder and leaves till their companions shall have finished ; and in such cases the consciousness of degradation betrayed by the looks and attitudes of the culprit is quite sufficient to identify him, and to excite a feeling of sympathy and pity. The elephant's obedience to his keeper is the result of affection, as well as of fear ; and although his attach- ment becomes so strong that an elephant in Ceylon has been kno^vn to remain out all night, without food, rather than abandon his mahout, lying intoxicated in the jungle, yet he manifests little difficulty in yielding the same submission to a new driver in the event of a change of attendants. This is opposed to the popular belief that " the elephant cherishes such an enduring remembrance of his old mahout, that he cannot easily be brought to obey a stranger."^ In the extensive establishments of the Ceylon Grovernment, the keepers are changed without hesitation, and the animals, when equally kindly treated, are usually found to be as tract- 1 Menageries, ^c, "The Elepliant," vol. i. p. 19. 222 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VIF. able and obedient to their new driver as to the old, in fact so soon as they have become familiarised with his voice. This is not, however, invariably the case ; and Mr. Cripps, who had remarkable opportunities for observing the habits of the elephant in Ceylon, mentioned to me an instance in which one of a singularly stubborn disposition occasioned some inconvenience after the death of its keeper, by refusing to obey any other, till its attendants bethought them of a child about twelve years old, in a distant village, where the animal had been formerly picketed, and to whom it had displayed much attachment. The child was sent for ; and on its arrival the elephant, as anticipated, manifested extreme satisfaction, and was managed with ease, till by degrees it became reconciled to the presence of a new superin- tendent. It has been said that the mahouts die young, owing to some supposed injury to the spinal column from the peculiar motion of the elephant; but this remark does not apply to those in Ceylon, who are healthy, and as long lived as other men. If the motion of the elephant be thus injurious, that of the camel must be still more so; yet we never hear of early death ascribed to this cause by the Arabs, The voice of the keeper, with a very limited vocabulary of articulate sounds, serves almost alone to guide the elephant in his domestic occupations.^ Sir Everaed ' The principal sound by which the sound is so expressive of the the mahouts in Ceylon direct the sense that persons in charge of motions of the elephants is a repe- animals of almost every descrip- tition, with various modulations, of tion throughout the world appear the words ur-re ! tir-re ! This is to have adopted it with a concur- one of those interjections in which rence that is very curious. The Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHANT. 223 Home, from an examination of the muscular fibres in the drum of an elephant's ear, came to the conclusion, that notwithstanding the distinctness and power of his perception of sounds at a greater distance than other animals, he was insensible to their harmonious modula- tion and destitute of a musical ear.^ But Professor Harrison, in a paper read before the Eoyal Irish Academy in 1847, has stated that on a careful examina- tion of the head of an elephant which he had dissected, he could " see no evidence of the muscular structure of the nieiinbrana tympani so accurately described by Sir E. Home." Sir Eyerard's deduction, I may observe, is clearly inconsistent with the fact that the power of two elephants may be combined by singing to them a measured chant, somewhat resembling a sailor's capstan song ; and in labour of a particular kind, such as hauling a stone with ropes, they will thus move conjointly a weight to which their divided strength would be un- equal.^ drivers of camels in Turkey, Pales- shouts of hurrish ! a sound closely tine, and Egypt encourage them to resembling that used by the ma- speed by shouting ar-re ! ar-re ! houts in Ceylon. The Arabs in Algeria ciy eirich ! ^ On the Difference between the to their mules. The Moors seem Human Membrana Tym-pani and to have carried the custom with that of the Elephant. By Sir Eve- them into Spain, where mules are eard Home, Bart., Philos. Trans., still driven with cries of arre 1823. Paper by Prof. Haeeison-, (whence the muleteers derive their Proc. Eoyal Irish Academy, vol. iii. Spanish appellation of " arrieros "). p. 386. lu France the Sportsman excites ^ j j^g^yg already noticed the the hound by shouts of ^«rf/ Aare.' striking effect produced on the and the waggoner there turns his captive elephants in the corral, by horses by his voice, and the use of the harmonious notes of an ivory the word hurhaut ! In the North, flute ; and on looking to the graphic " Huts was a word used by the old description which is given by Germans in urging theii- horses to -SElian of the exploits which he speed ; " and to the present day, witnessed as performed by the the herdsmen in Ireland, and parts elephants exhibited at Eome, it is of Scotland, drive their pigs with remarkable how very large a share 224 MA^IMALIA. [Chap. VII. Nothing can more strongly exhibit the impulse to obedience in the elephant, than the patience with which, at the order of his keeper, he swallows the nauseous medicines of the native elephant-doctors ; and it is im- possible to witness the fortitude with which (without shrinking) he submits to excruciating surgical operations for the removal of tumours and ulcers to which he is sub- ject, without conceiving a vivid impression of his gentle- ness and intelligence. Dr. Davy when in Ceylon was consulted about an elephant in the government Stud, which was suffering from a deep, burrowing sore in the back, just over the back-bone, which had long resisted the treatment ordinarily employed. He recommended the use of the knife, that issue might be given to the accumulated matter, but no one of the attendants was competent to undertake the operation. " Being assured," he continues, " that the creature would behave well, I undertook it myself. The elephant was not bound, but was made to kneel down at his keeper's command — and with an amputating knife, using all my force, I made the incision required through the tough integuments. The elephant did not flinch, but rather inclined towards me when using the knife ; and merely uttered a low, and as it were suppressed, groan. In short, he behaved as like a human being as possible, as if conscious (as I of their training appears to have mouy : the whole ^^ suprising in a been ascribed to the employment creature whose limbs are without of music. joints! Phele, in the account which he ^ v i _- ■>>■ ■> > a has given of the eiephant s fondness ydpwv" for music would almost seem to p^' ^ ^^^ , j_ 216. have versified the prose narrative -^ ^ of ^LiAN, as he describes its excite- For an account of the training ment at the more animated por- and performances of the elephants tions, its step being regulated to the at Eome, as narrated by -SIlian, time and movements of the har- see the appendix to this chapter. Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHANT. 225 believe lie was), that the operation was for his good, and the pain unavoidable "^ Obedience to the orders of his keepers is not, however, to be assumed as the result of a uniform perception of the object to be attained by compliance; and we cannot but remember the touching incident which took place during the slaughter of the elephant at Exeter Change in 1846, when, after receiving ineffectually upwards of 120 balls in various parts of his body, he turned his face to his assailants on hearing the voice of his keeper, and knelt down at the accustomed word of command, so as to bring his forehead within view of the rifles.^ The working elephant is always a delicate animal, and requires watchfulness and care. As a beast of burden he is unsatisfactory; for although in point of mere strength there is scarcely any weight which could be conveniently placed on him that he could not carry, it is difficult to pack his load without causing abrasions that afterwards ulcerate. His skin is easily chafed by harness, especially in wet weather. During either long droughts or too much moisture, his feet become liable to sores, that render him non-effective for months. Many attempts have been made to provide him with some pro- tection for the sole of the foot, but from his extreme weight and peculiar mode of planting the foot, they have all been unsuccessful. His eyes are also liable to frequent inflammations, and the skill of the native ele- phant-doctors, which has been renowned since the time of ^lian, is nowhere more strikingly displayed than in the successful treatment of such attacks.^ In Ceylon, * The Angler in the Lake Bis- in Hone's Every-Day Book, March, tnct, p. 23. ^ 1830, p. 337, "^ A shocking account of the * -^iIllin, lib. xiii. c. 7. death of tliis poor animal is given Q 226 MAMMALIA. [Chap. YII. tlie murrain among cattle is of frequent occurrence, and carries off great numbers of animals, wild as well as tame. In such visitations the elephants suffer severely, not only those at liberty in the forest, but those care- fully tended in the government stables. Out of a stud of about 40 attached to the department of the Com- mission of Eoads, the deaths between 1841 and 1849 were on an average fouT in each year, and this was nearly doubled in those years when murrain prevailed. Of 240 elephants, employed in the public departments of the Ceylon Grovernment, which died in twenty-five years, from 1831 to 1856, the length of time that each lived in captivity has only been recorded in the instances of 138. Of these there died : — Duration of Captivity. No. Male. Female Under 1 year 72 29 43 From 1 to 2 years 14 5 9 „ 2 „ 3 „ 8 5 3 „ 3 „ 4 „ 8 3 5 „ 4 „ 5 „ 3 2 1 „ 5 „ 6 „ 2 2 . „ 6 „ 7 „ 3 1 2 „ 7 „ 8 „ 5 2 3 „ 8 „ 9 „ 5 5 . » 9 „ 10 „ 2 2 . M 10 „ 11 „ 2 2 » 11 „ 12 „ 3 1 2 „ 12 „ 13 „ 3 , 3 „ 13 „ 14 „ . . , „ 14 „ 15 „ 3 1 2 „ 15 „ 16 „ 1 1 , „ 16 „ 17 „ 1 , 1 „ 17 „ 18 „ , , „ 18 „ 19 „ 2 1 1 „ 19 „ 20 „ 1 • 1 Total . • 138 62 76 Chap. YII.] THE ELEPHAIS'T. 227 Of the 72 who died in one year's servitude, 35 ex- pired within the first six months of their captivity. During training, many elephants die in the unaccount- able manner already referred to, of what the natives designate a broken heart On being first subjected to work, the elephant is liable to severe and often fatal swellings of the jaws and abdomen.^ From these causes there died, betTveen 1841 and 1849 . 9 Of cattle murrain . . , . . . . .10 Sore feet ........... 1 Colds and inflammation . ^ . . . . . .6 Diarrhoea .... '*^.~ .... . AVorms .......... Of diseased liver ........ Injuries from a fall ........ General debility ........ Unknown causes ........ 3 Of the entire, twenty-three were females and eleven males. The ages of those that died could not be accurately stated, owing to the circumstance of their having been captured in corral. Two only were tuskers. Towards keeping the stud in health, nothing has been found so conducive as regularly bathing the elephants, and giving them the opportunity to stand with their feet in water, or in moistened earth. Elephants are said to be afflicted with tooth-ache; their tushes have likewise been found with sjnmptoms of internal perforation by some parasite, and the natives assert that, in their agony, the animals have been known * The elephant which was dis- letter, was " very like scarlatina, at sected by Dr. Harrison of Dublin, that time a prevailing disease ; its in 1847, died of a febrile attack, skin in some places became almost after four or five days' illness, scarlet." which, as Dr. H, tells me in a private Q 2 228 MAMMALIA. [€hap. YII. to break them off sliort.^ I have never heard of the teeth themselves being so affected, and it is just pos- sible that the operation of shedding the subsequent decay of the milk-tushes, may have in some instances been accompanied by incidents that gave rise to this story. At the same time the probabilities are in favour of its being true. Cuvier committed himself to the statement that the tusks of the elephant have no attachments to connect them with the pulp lodged in the cavity at their base, from which the peculiar modification of dentine, known as " ivory, " is secreted^ ; and hence, by inference, that they would be devoid of sensation. But independently of the fact that ivory is permeated by tubes so fine that at their origin from the pulpy cavity they do not exceed ^g ooo ^^ P^^'^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ diameter, Owen had the tusk and pulp of the great elephant which died at the Zoological Grardens in London in 1847 longitudinally divided, and found that, «^ although the pulp could be easily detached from the inner surface of the cavity, it was not without a certain resistance ; and when the edges of the co-adapted pulp and tusk were examined by a strong lens, the filamen- tary processes from the outer surface of the former could be seen stretching, as they were drawn from the dentinal tubes, before they broke. These filaments are so minute, he adds, that to the naked eye the detached surface of the pulp seems to be entire ; and hence Cuvier was deceived into supposing that there was no organic * See a paper entitled " TiecoUec- 1805. p. 94, and Ossemens Fossiles, tions of Ceylon,'' in Frascr's Maga- quoted by Owtin, in the article on zine for December, 1860. " Teeth," in Todd's Cyclop, of * Annales du Museum F. viii. Anatomy, ^-c, vol. iv. p. 929. Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHAXT. 229 connexion between the pulp and the ivory.- But if, as there seems no reason to doubt, these delicate nervous processes traverse the tusk by means of the numerous tubes already described, if attacked by caries the pain occasioned to the elephant would be excruciating. As to maintaining a stud of elephants for the purposes to which they are now assigned in Ceylon, there may be a question on the score of prudence and economy. In the rude and unopened parts of the country, where rivers are to be forded, and forests are only traversed by jungle paths, their labour is of value, in certain contingencies, in the conveyance of stores, and in the earlier operations for the construction of fords and rough bridges of timber. But in more highly civilised districts, and wherever macadamised roads admit of the employment of horses and oxen for draught, I appre- hend that the services of elephants might, with advan- tage, be gradually reduced, if not altogether dispensed with. The love of the elephant for coolness and shade renders him at all times more or less impatient of work in the sun, and every moment of leisure he can snatch is employed in covering his back with dust, or fanning himself to diminish the annoyance of the insects and heat. From the tenderness of his skin and its liability to sores, the labour in which he can most advantageously be employed is that of draught ; but the reluctance of horses to meet or pass elephants renders it difficult to work the latter with safety on frequented roads. Be- sides, were the full load which an elephant is capable of drawing, in proportion to his muscular strength, to be placed upon waggons of corresponding dimension, the injury to the roads would be such that the wear and Q3 230 MMIMALIA. [Chap. VII. tear of the highways and bridges would prove too costly to be borne. On the other hand, by restricting it to a somewhat more manageable quantity, and by limiting the weight, as at present, to about one ton and a half, it is doubtful whether an elephant performs so much more work than could be done by a horse or by bullocks, as to compensate for the greater cost of his feeding and attendance. Add to this, that from accidents and other causes, from ulcerations of the skin, and illnesses of many kinds, the elephant is so often invalided, that the actual cost of his labour, when at work, is very considerably en- hanced. Exclusive of the salaries of higher officers attached to the government establishments, and other permanent charges, the expenses of an elephant, looking only to the wages of his attendants and the cost of his food and medicines, varies from three shillings to four shillings and sixpence per diem, according to his size and class. ^ Taking the average at three shillings and ^ An ordinary-sized elephant en- that would be likely to disagree grosses the undivided attention of with him he unerringly rejects. three men. One, as his mahout or His faA'ourites are the palms, espe- superintendent, and two as leaf- cially the cluster of rich, unopened cutters, who bring him branches leaves, known as the " cabbage," of and grass for his daily supplies, the coco-nut, and areca ; and he de- An animal of larger growth would lights to tear open the young trunks probably require a third leaf-cutter, of the palmyra and jaggery ( Caryofa The daily consumption is two cwt. urcns) in search of the farinaceous of green food with about half a matter contained in the spongy bushel of grain. When in the pith. Next to these come the vicinity of towns and villages, the varieties of fig-trees, particularly attendants have no difficult}^ in pro- the sacred Bo (F. rcUgiosa) which curing an abundant supply of the is found near every temple, and branches of the trees to which ele- the na gaha {Messua f erred), with phants are partial ; and in journeys thick dark leaves and a scarlet through the forests and unopened flower. Tlie leaves of the Jak-tree country, the leaf-cutters are suffi- and bread-fruit {Artocarpus intc- ciently expert in the knowledge of grifolia, and A. incisd), the Wood those particular plants with which apple (yMgle Marmelos), Palu {Mi- the elephant is satisfied. Those muso])s Indica), and a number of Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHANT. 231 nine-pence, and calculating that hardly any individual works more than four days out of seven, the charge for each day so employed would amount to six shillings and sixpence. The keep per day of a powerful dray-horse, working five days in the week, would not exceed half-a- crown, and two such would unquestionably do more work than any elephant under the present system. I do not know whether it be from a comparative calcula- tion of this kind that the strength of the elephant establishments in Ceylon has been gradually diminished of late years, but in the department of the Commis- sioner of Eoads, the stud, which formerly numbered upwards of sixty elephants, was reduced, some years ago, to thirty-six, and is at present less than half that number. The fallacy of the supposed reluctance of the elephant to breed in captivity has been demonstrated by many recent authorities ; but with the exception of the birth of young elephants at Eome, as mentioned by tElian, the only instances that I am aware of their actually pro- ducing young under such circumstances, took place in Ceylon. Both parents had been for several years attached others well known to their attend- The grasses are not found in suf- ants, are all consumed in turn, ficient quantity to be an item of The stems of the plaintain, the daily fodder; the Mauritius or stalks of the sugar-cane, and the the Guinea grass is seized with feathery tops of the bamboos, are avidity ; lemon grass is rejected irresistible luxuries. Pine-apples, from its overpowering perfume, but water-melons, and fruits of every rice in the straw, and every de- description, are voraciously de- scription of grain, whether growing voured, and a coco-nut when found or diy; gi'am (Cicer arietinum), is first rolled under foot to detach Indian Corn, and millet are his it from the husk and fibre, and then natural food. Of such of these as raised in his trunk and crushed, can be found, it is the duty of the almost without an effort, by his leaf-cutters, when in the jungle and ponderous jaws. on march, to provide a daily supply. (i4 S32 MMIMALIA. [Chap. VH. to the stud of the Commissioner of Roads, and in 1844 the female, whilst engaged in dragging a waggon, gave birth to a still-born calf. Some years before, an ele- phant that had been captured by Mr. Cripps, dropped a female calf, which he succeeded in rearing. As usual, the little one became the pet of the keepers ; but as it increased in growth, it exhibited the utmost violence when thwarted ; striking out with its hind-feet, throwing itself headlong on the ground, and pressing its trunk against any opposing object. The duration of life in the elephant has been from the remotest times a matter of uncertainty and speculation, Aristotle says it was reputed to live from two to three hundred years^, and modern zoologists have assigned to it an age very little less; Cuvier^ allots two hundred and De Blainville one hundred and twenty. The only attempt which I know of to establish a period histori- cally or physiologically is that of Fleurens, who has advanced an ingenious theory on the subject in his treatise " De la Longevite Huwaine.^^ He assumes the sum total of life in all animals to be equivalent to five times the number of years requisite to perfect their growth and development; — and he adopts as evidence of the period at which growth ceases, the final consoli- dation of the bones with their epiphyses ; which in the young consist of cartilages; but in the adult become uniformly osseous and solid. So long as the epiphyses are distinct from the bones, the growth of the animal is proceeding, but it ceases so soon as the consolidation is complete. In man, according to Fleurens, this con- summation takes place at 20 years of age, in the horse at ' Aeistotixes de Anim. I. viii. c. 9. ^ Menag. deMus. Nat. p. 107. X. P. Mb i O/ Chap. VH.] THE ELEPHANT. 233 5, in the dog at 2 ; so that conformably to this theory the respective normal age for each would be 100 years for man, 25 for the horse, and 10 for a dog. As a datum for his conclusion, Fleurens cites the instance of one young elephant in which, at 26 years old, the epiphyses were still distinct, whereas in another, which died at 31, they were firm and adherent. Hence he draws the inference that the period of completed solidification is thirty years, and consequently that the normal age of the elephant is one hundred and fifty. ^ Amongst the Singhalese the ancient fable of the elephant attaining to the age of two or three hundred years still prevails ; but the Europeans, and those in im- mediate charge of tame ones, entertain the opinion that the duration of life for about seventy years is common both to man and the elephant ; and that before the ar- rival of the latter period, symptoms of debility and decay ordinarily begin to manifest themselves. Still instances are not wanting in Ceylon of trained decoys that have lived for more than double the reputed period in actual servitude. One employed by Mr. Cripps in the Seven Korles was represented by the Cooroowe people to have served the king of Kandy in the same capacity sixty years before ; and amongst the papers left by Colonel Eobertson (son to the historian of " Charles V."), who held a command in Ceylon in 1799, shortly after the capture of the island by the British, I have found a memorandum showing that a decoy was then attached to the elephant establishment at Matura, which the records proved to have served under the Dutch during the entire period of their occupation (extending to upwards of one hundred and forty years) ; and it was ' Fleueens, De la LongeviU Humaine, pp. 82, 89. 234 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VII. said to have been found in tlie stables by the Dutch on the expulsion of the Portugese in 1656. It is perhaps from this popular belief in their almost illimitable age, that the natives generally assert that the body of a dead elephant is seldom or never to be dis- covered in the woods. And certain it is that frequenters of the forest with whom I have conversed, whether European or Singhalese, are consistent in their assur- ances that they have never found the remains of an elephant that had died a natural death. One chief, the Wannyah of the Trincomalie district, told a friend of mine, that once after a severe murrain, which had swept the province, he found the carcases of elephants that had died of the disease. On the other hand, a Euro- pean gentleman, who for thirty-six years without intermission has been living in the jungle, ascending to the summits of mountains in the prosecution of the trigonometrical survey, and peneti-ating valleys in trac- ing roads and opening means of communication, — one, too, who has made the habits of the wild elephant a subject of constant observation and study, — has often expressed to me his astonishment that after seeing many thousands of living elephants ia all possible situations, he had never yet found a single skeleton of a dead one, except of those which had fallen by the rifle. ^ It has been suggested that the bones of the elephant may be so porous and spongy as to disappear in conse- quence of an early decomposition; but this remark would * This remark regarding the ele- woods are frequently found." — phant of Ceylon does not appear to African Memoranda relative to an extend to that of Africa, as I observe attempt to establish British Settle- that Beaver, in his African Me- mcnts at the Island of Bulama. nnoranda, says that "the skeletons Loud. 1815, p. 353. of old ones that have died in the Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHAXT. 235 not apply to the grinders or to the tusks ; besides which, the inference is at variance wdth the fact, that not only the horns and teeth, but entire skeletons of deer, are frequently found in the districts inhabited by the ele- phant. The natives, to account for this popular belief, declare that the survivors of the herd bury such of their com- panions as die a natural death. ^ It is curious that this belief was current also amongst the Grreeks of the Lower Empire ; and Phile, writing early in the fourteenth century, not only describes the younger elephants as tending the wounded, but as burying the dead : KotvoO Tskovs a^vvav o ^svos cjjspsL^^^ The Singhalese have a further superstition in relation to the close of life in the elephant : they believe that, on feeling the approach of dissolution, he repairs to a solitary valley, and there resigns himself to death. A native who accompanied Mr. Cripps, when hunting, in the forests of Anarajapoora, intimated to him that he was then in the immediate vicinity of the spot " to ivliich the elephants come to die,^^ but that it was so mysteriously concealed, that although every one believed in its exist-' ' A corral -was organised near was complete. The M-ild elephants Putlam in 1846, by Mr. Morris, resumed their path through it, and the chief officer of the district. It a few days afterwaitls the headman was constructed across one of the reported to Mr. Morris that the paths which the elephants frequent bodies had been removed and in their frequent marches, and carried outside the corral to a spot during the course of the proceedings to which nothing biit the elephants two of the captured elephants died, could have borne them. Their carcases were left of course - Phile, Expositio de Eleph. 1^ within the enclosure, which was 243. abandoned as soon as the capture 236 MAMMALIA. [Chap. Vn. ence, no one had ever succeeded in penetrating to it. At the corral which I have described at Kornegalle, in 1 847, Dehigame, one of the Kandyan chiefs, assured me it was the universal belief of his countrymen, that the elephants, when about to die, resorted to a valley in Saffragam, among the mountains to the east of Adam's Peak, which was reached by a narrow pass with walls of rock on either side, and that there, by the side of a lake of clear water, they took their last repose.^ It was not without interest that I afterwards recognised this tradition in the story of Sinbad of the Sea, who in his Seventh Voyage, after conveying the presents of Haroun al Raschid to the king of Serendib, is wrecked on his re- turn from Ceylon, and sold as a slave to a master who employs him in shooting elephants for the sake of their ivory ; till one day the tree on which he was stationed having been uprooted by one of the herd, he fell sense- less to the ground, and the great elephant approaching wound his trunk around him and carried him away, ceasing not to proceed, until he had taken him to a place where, his terror having subsided, ?ie found himself amongst the bones of elephants, and knew that this was their burial place.^ It is curious to find this legend of Ceylon in what has, not inaptly, been described as the ^' Arabian Odyssey " of Sinbad ; the original of which ' * The selection by animals of a and twenty heads," — Nat. Voy. 'place to die, is not confined to the ch, viii. The same has been re- elephant, Dajrwin says, that in marked in the Rio Gallegos ; and South Amei'ica "the guanacos (11a- at St, Jago in the Cape de Verde mas) appear to have favourite spots Islands, Pabwin saw a retired for lying down to die ; on the comer similarly covered with the banks of the Santa Cmz river, in bones of the goat, as if it were " the certain circumscribed spaces which burial-ground of aU the goats in the were generally bushy and aU near island." the water, the ground was actually "^ Arabian Nights' Entertain- white with their bones ; on one Tnent^ Lake's edition, vol, iJi, p. BXLch spot I counted between ten IT, Chap. VII.] THE ELEPHANT. 237 evidently embodies the romantic recitals of the sailors returning from the navigation of the Indian Seas, in the middle ages^, which were current amongst the Mussul- mans, and are reproduced in various forms throughout the tales of the Arahian Nights. 1 See a disquisition on the origin to his translation of the Arabian of the story of Sinbad, by M. Rei- Geography of Aboulfeda, vol. i. p. NAUD, in the introduction prefixed Ixxvi. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER VH. As ^^han's work on the Nature of Animals has never, I beheve, been republished in any English version, and the passage in relation to the training and performance of elephants is so per- tinent to the present inquiry, I venture to subjoin a translation of the 11th Chapter of his 2nd Book. " Of the cleverness of the elephant I have spoken elsewhere, and likewise of the manner of hunting. I have mentioned these things, a few out of the many which others have stated ; but for the present I purpose to speak of their musical feehng, their tractability, and facility in learning what it is difficult for even a human being to acquire, much less a beast, hitherto so wild : — such as to dance, as is done on the stage ; to wallv with a measured gait ; to hsten to the melody of the flute and to perceive the difference of sounds, that, being pitched low lead to a slow movement, or high to a quick one : all this the the elephant learns and understands, and is accurate withal. 238 MAMMALIA. [Chap. VII. and makes no mistake. Thus lias Nature formed him not only the greatest in size, but the most gentle and the most easily tauo-ht. Now if I were going to write about the tractability and aptitude to learn amongst those of India, Ethiopia, and Libya, I should probably appear to be concocting a tale and acting the braggart, or to be telling a falsehood respecting the natui-e of the animal founded on a mere report, all which it behoves a philosopher, and most of all one who is an ardent lover of truth, not to do. But what I have seen myself, and what others have described as havuig occurred at Rome, this I have chosen to relate, selecting a few facts out of many, to show the particular nature of those creatures. The elephant when tamed is an animal most gentle and most easily led to do whatever he is directed. And by way of showing honour to time, I will first narrate events of the oldest date. C^sar Germanicus, the nephew of Tiberius, exhibited once a pubhc show, wherein there were many full-grown elephants, male and female, and some of their breed born in this country. When their limbs were beginning to become firm, a person familiar with such animals instructed them by a strange and surpassing method of teaching ; using only gentleness and kind- ness, and adding to his mild lessons the bait of pleasant and varied food. By this means he led them by degrees to throw off all wildness, and, as it were, to desert to a state of civilisa- tion, conducting themselves in a manner almost human. He taught them neither to be excited on hearing the pipe, nor to be disturbed by the beat of drum, but to be soothed by the sounds of the reed, and to endure unmusical noises and the clatter of feet from persons while marching ; and they were trained to feel no fear of a mass of men, nor to be enraged at the infliction of blows, not even when compelled to twist their limbs and to bend them like a stage-dancer, and this too althoun-h endowed with strength and might. And there is in this a very noble addition to nature, not to conduct themselves in a disorderly manner and disobediently towards the instructions of man ; for after the dancing-master had made them expert. Chap. YII.] THE ELEPHANT. 239 and they had learnt their lessons accurately, they did not belie the labour of his instruction whenever a necessity and opportunity called upon them to exhibit what they had been taught. For the whole troop came forward from this and that side of the theatre, and divided themselves into parties! they advanced walldng Avith a mincing ^ait and exhibiting in their whole body and persons the manners of a beau, clothed in the flowery dresses of dancers ; and on the ballet-master giving a signal with his voice, they fell into Hne and went round in a circle, and if it were requisite to deploy they did so. They ornamented the Hoor of the stage by throwing flowers upon it, and this they did in moderation and sparingly, and straight- way they beat a measure with their feet and kept time to- gether. "Now that Damon and Spintharus and Aristoxenus and Xenophilus and Philoxenus and others should know music excellently well, and for their cleverness be ranked amongst the few, is indeed a thing of wonder, but not incredible nor contrary at all to reason. For this reason that a man is a rational animal, and the recipient of mind and intelligence. But that a jointless animal (dvapdpov) should miderstand rhythm and melody, and preserve a gesture, and not deviate from a measiu'ed movement, and fulfil the requirements of those who laid down instructions, these are gifts of nature, I think, and a peculiarity in eveiy way astounding. Added to these there were things enough to drive the spectator out of his senses ; when the stre^vn rushes and other materials for beds on the gi'oimd were placed on the sand of the theatre, and they received stuffed mattrasses such as belonged to rich houses and variegated bed coverings, and goblets were placed there very expensive, and bowls of gold and silver, and in them a great quantity of water ; and tables- were placed there of sweet-smelling wood and ivory very superb : and upon them flesh meats and loaves enough to fill the stomachs of animals the most voracious. When the preparations were completed and abimdant, the banqueters came forward, six male and an 240 MAMMAUA. [Chap. VH. equal number of female elephants ; the former had on a male dress, and the latter a female ; and on a signal being given they stretched forward their trunks in a subdued manner, and took their food in great moderation, and not one of them ap- peared to be gluttonous greedy, or to snatch at a greater por- tion, as did the Persian mentioned by Xenophon. And when it was requisite to drink, a bowl was placed by the side of each ; and inhaling with their trunks they took a draught very orderly ; and then they scattered the drink about in fun ; but not as in insult. Many other acts of a similar kind, both clever and astonishing, have persons described, relating to the peculiarities of these animals, and I saw them writing letters on Eoman tablets with their trunks, neither looking awry nor turn- ing aside. The hand, however, of the teacher was placed so as to be a guide in the formation of the letters ; and while it was writing the animal kept its eye fixed down in an accom- plished and scholarlike manner." 241 CHAP. VIII. BIRDS. Op the Birds of the island, upwards of three hundred and twenty species have been indicated, for which we are indebted to the persevering labours of Dr. Temple- ton, Dr. Kelaart, and Mr. Layard ; but many 3^et remain to be identified. In fact, to the eye of a stranger, their prodigious numbers, and especially the myriads of waterfowl which, notwithstanding the pre- sence of the crocodiles, people the lakes and marshes in the eastern provinces, form one of the marvels of Ceylon. In the glory of their plumage, the birds of the inte- rior are surpassed by those of South America and Northern India; and the melody of their song bears no comparison with that of the warblers of Europe, but the want of brilliancy is compensated by their singular grace of form, and the absence of prolonged and modu- lated harmony by the rich and melodious tones of their clear and musical calls. In the elevations of the Kan- dyan country there are a few, such as the robin of Neuera-ellia ^ and the long-tailed thrush^, whose sono- rivals that of their European namesakes ; but, far be- yond the attraction of their notes, the traveller rejoices in the flute-like voices of the Oriole, the Dayal-bird^, ^ Vratmcola atrata, Kelaart. " Magpie Robin." This is not to be 2 Kittacincla macrura, Gm. confounded with the other popular 3 Copsychussaularis,imw. Call- favourite the "Indian Eobin" ed by the Europeans in Ceylon the (Thamnobia fiilicata, Linn.), which H 242 BIRDS. [Chap. VIII. and some others equally charming ; when at the first dawn of day, they wake the forest with their clear reveil. It is only on emerging from the dense woods and coming into the vicinity of the lakes and pasture of the low country, that birds become visible in great quanti- ties. In the close jungle one occasionally hears the call of the copper-smith ^ or the strokes of the great orange- coloured woodpecker ^ as it beats the decaying trees in search of insects, whilst clinging to the bark with its finely-pointed claws, and leaning for support upon the short stiff feathers of its tail. And on the lofty branches of the higher trees, the hornbilF (the toucan of the East), with its enormous double casque, sits to watch the motions of the tiny reptiles and smaller birds on which it preys, tossing them into the air when seized, and catching them in its gigantic mandibles as they fall.'* The remarkable excrescence on the beak of this is " never seen in the unfrequented jungle, but, like the coco-nut palm, which the Singhalese assert will only fiom'ish within the sound of the human voice, it is always found near the habitations of men." — E. L. Layaed. * The greater red-headed Barbet (Megalaima indica, Lath. ; M. Phi- lippensis, var. A. Lath.), the inces- sant din of which resembles the blows of a smith hammering a cauldron. 2 Brachypternus aurantius, Linn. ' Buceros pica. Scop. ; B. Mala- baricus, Jerd. The natives assert that B. pica builds in holes in the trees, and that when incubation has fairly commenced, the female takes her seat on the eggs, and the male closes up the orifice by which she entered, leaving only a small aperture through which he feeds his partner, whilst she successfully guards their treasures from the monkey tribes ; her formidable bill nearly filling the entire entrance. See a paper by Edgar L. Layard, Esq. Mag. Nat. Hist. March, 1853. Dr. Horsfield had previously ob- served the same habit in a species of Buceros in Java. (See Hoes- field and Mooee's Catal. BirdF, E. I. Comp. Mus. vol. ii.) It is curious that a similar trait, though necessarily from very different in- stincts, is exhibited by the ter- mites, who literally build a cell round the great progenitrix of the community, and feed her through apertures. * The hornbill is also frugivor- ous, and the natives assert that when endeavouring to detach a fruit, if the stem is too tough to be severed by his mandibles, he flings himself off the branch so as to add the weight of his body to the pres- Chap. VIH.] THE HORNBILL. 243 extraordinary bird may serve to explain the statement of the Minorite friar Odoric, of Portenau in Friuli, who travelled in Ceylon in the fourteenth century, and THE HORNBILL. brought suspicion on the veracity of his narrative by asserting that he had there seen " birds with two heads.''^ ^ The Singhalese have a belief that the hornbill never resorts to the water to drink ; but that it subsists exclu- sively by what it catches in its prodigious bill while sure of his beak. The hornbill flesh as a sovereign specific for abounds in Cuttack, and bears there rheumatic affections. — Asiat. Ees. the name of " Kuchila-Kai," or ch. xv. p. 3 84. Kuchila-eater, from its partiality * Ithterarius Frateis Odoeici, for the fruit of the Strychnus nux- de Foro Julii de Portu-yahonis, vomica. The natives regard its &c. — Hakxutt, vol. ii. p. 39. B 2 244 BIRDS. [Chap. YIII. rain is falling. This they allege is associated with the incessant screaming which it keeps up during showers. As we emerge from the dark shade, and approach park-like openings on the verge of the low country, quantities of pea-fowl are to be found either feeding on the seeds among the long grass or sunning them- selves on the branches of the surrounding trees. No- thing to be met with in English demesnes can give an adequate idea of the size and magnificence of this matchless bird when seen in his native solitudes. Here he generally selects some projecting branch, from which his plumage may hang free of the foliage, and, if there be a dead and leafless bough, he is certain to choose it for his resting-place, whence he droops his wings and suspends his gorgeous train, or spreads it in the morning sun to drive off the damps and dews of the night. In some of the unfrequented portions of the eastern province, to which Europeans rarely resort, and where the pea-fowl are unmolested by the natives, their num- ber is so extraordinary that, regarded as game, it ceases to be "sport" to destroy them; and their cries at early dawn are so tumultuous and incessant as to banish sleep, and amount to an actual inconvenience. Their flesh is excellent in flavour when served up hot, though it is said to be indigestible ; but, when cold, it contracts a reddish and disagreeable tinge. The European fable of the jackdaw borrowing the plumage of the peacock, has its counterpart in Ceylon, where the popular legend rims that the pea-fowl stole the plumage of a bird called by the natives avitchia. I have not been able to identify the species which bears Chap. VIII.] EAGLES. 245 this name ; but it utters a cry resembling the word raaU kiang ! which in Singhalese means, "I ivill complain!" This they believe is addressed by the bird to the rising sun, imploring redress for its wrongs. The avitchia is described as somewhat less than a crow, the colours of its plumage being green, mingled with red. But of all, the most astonishing in point of multi- tude, as well as the most interesting from their endless variety, are the myriads of aquatic birds and waders which frequent the lakes and watercourses ; especially those along the coast near Batticaloa, between the mainland and the sand formations of the shore, and the innumerable salt marshes and lagoons to the south of Trincomalie. These, and the profusion of perching birds, fly-catchers, finches, and thrushes, that appear in the open country, afford sufficient quarry for the raptorial and predatory species — eagles, hawks, and falcons — whose daring sweeps and effortless undulations are striking objects in the cloudless sky. I. AcciPiTRES. Eagles. — The Eagles, however, are small, and as compared with other countries rare; except, perhaps, the crested eagle ^, which haunts the mountain provinces and the lower hills, disquieting the peasantry by its ravages amongst their poultry ; and the gloomy serpent eagle ^, which, descending from its ejn'ie in the lofty jungle, and uttering a loud and plaintive cry, sweeps cautiously around the lonely tanks and marshes, to feed upon the reptiles on their margin. The largest eagle is the great sea Erne^, seen on the ' Spizaetuslimnaetus, ZTors/. The ^ -wiiicli Goxild believes to be the race of these birds in theDeccanand Hcematorms Bacha, Daud. Ceylon are rather more crested, ori- ^ Pontoaetus leucogaster, GtmI. ginating the Sp. Cristatellus, Auct. R 3 246 BIRDS. [Chap. VHI. northern coasts and the salt lakes of the eastern pro- vinces, particularly when the receding tide leaves bare an expanse of beach, over which it hunts, in company with the fishing eagle ^, sacred to Siva. Unlike its companions, however, the sea eagle rejects garbage for living prey, and especially for the sea snakes which abound on the northern coasts. These it seizes by descending with its wings half closed, and, suddenly darting down its talons, it soars aloft again with its writhing victim.^ Hawks. — The beautiful Peregrine Falcon^ is rare, but the Kestrel'* is found almost universally ; and the bold and daring Groshawk^ wherever wild crags and pre- cipices afford safe breeding places. In the district of Anarajapoora, where it is trained for hawking, it is usual, in lieu of a hood, to darken its eyes by means of a silken thread passed through holes in the eyelids. The ignoble birds of prey, the Kites ^, keep close by the shore, and hover round the returning boats of the fisher- men to feast on the fry rejected from their nets. Owls, — Of the nocturnal accipitres the most remark- able is the brown owl, which, from its hideous yell, has acquired the name of the " Devil-Bird." ^ The Singha- ' Haliastur Indus, Bodd. Hamilton Buclianan remarks that ^ E. L. Layard. Europeans have when gorged this bird delights to given this bird the name of the sit on the entablature of buildings, "Brahminy Kite," probably from exposing its back to the hottest observing the superstitious feeling rays of the sun, placing its breast of the natives regarding it, who against the wall, and stretching believe that when two armies are out its wings exactly as the Egyptian about to engage, its appearance Hawk is represented on the monu- prognosticates victory to the party ments. over whom it hovers. ^ Syrnium Indranee, Sykes. Mr. ' Falco peregrinus, lAnn. Blyth writes to me from Calcutta '' Tinnunculus alaudarius, Briss. that there are some doubts about * Astur trivirgatus, Temm. this bird. There would appear to ® Milvus govinda, Sykes. Dr. be three or four distinguishable Chap. VIII.] OWLS. 247 lese regard it literally with horror, and its scream by night in the vicinity of a village is bewailed as the THE " DEVIL BIRD." harbinger of impending calamity. ^ There is a popular legend in connection with it, to the effect that a morose races, tlie Ceylon bird approximat- ing most nearly to that of the Malayan Peninsula. ' The horror of this nocturnal scream was equally prevalent in the West as in the East. Ovid intro- duces it in his Fasti, L. vi. 1. 139 ; and TibuUus in his Elegies, L. i. El. 5. Statins says — Noctumoeque gemunt striges, et feralia bubo Damna canent. 'X'beb. iii. 1. 511. But Pliny, 1. xi. e. 93, doubts as to what bird produced the sound ; — and the details of Ovid's descrip- tion do not apply to an owl. Mr. Mitford, of the Ceylon Civil Service, to whom I am indebted for many valuable notes relative to the birds of the island, regards the identification of the Singhalese Devil-Bird as open to similar & 4 Si4S BIRDS. [Chap. VIII. and savage husband, who suspected the fidelity of his wife, availed himself of her absence to kill her child, of whose paternity he was doubtful, and on her return placed before her a curry prepared from its flesh. Of this the unhappy woman partook, till discovering the crime by finding the finger of her infant, she fled in frenzy to the forest, and there destroyed herself. On her death she was metamorphosed, according to the Buddhist belief, into an ulama, or Devil-bird, which still at nightfall horrifies the villagers by repeating the frantic screams of the bereaved mother in her agony. II. Passeres. Sivallou's. — Within thirty-five miles of Caltura, on the western coast, are inland caves, to which the Esculent Swift ^ resorts, and there builds the " edible bird's nest," so highly prized in China. Near the spot a few Chinese immigrants have established themselves, who rent the nests as a royalty from the government, and make an annual export of the produce. But the Swifts are not confined to this district, and caves con- doubt: he says — " The Devil-Bird compare it to a boy in torture, is not an owl. I never heard it whose screams are being stopped until I came to Kornegalle, where by being strangled. I have offered it haunts the rocky hill at the back rewards for a specimen, but with- of Grovernment-house. Its ordinary out success. The only European note is a magnificent clear shout who had seen and fired at one like that of a human being, and agreed with the natives that it is which can be heard at a great dis- of the size of a pigeon, with a long tance, and has a fine effect in the tail. 1 believe it is a Podargus or silence of the closing night. It has Night Hawk." In a subsequent another cry like that of a hen just note he further says — "I have caught, but the sounds which have since seen two birds by moonlight, earned for it its bad name, and one of the size and shape of a which I have heard but once to cuckoo, the other a large black perfection, are indescribable, the bird, which I imagine to be the most appalling that can be ima- one which gives these calls." gined, and scarcely to be heard ' Collocaliabrevirostris,3fn. atricapillus, Vieitl. Hemipiis picatus, Sykes. Hypsipetes Nilgherrieusis, Jerd. Cyornis rubeculoides, Vig. Myiagra azurea, Bodd. Cryptolopha cinereocapilla, Vieill. Leucocerca compressirostris, Blyth. Tchitrea paradisi, Linn. Butaiis latirostris, Raffles. Muttui, Layard. Stoparola melanops, Vig. Pericrocotus flammeus, Forst. peregriiius, Linn. Campephaga Miicei, Less. Sykesii, Strickl. Artamus fuscus, Vieill. Edolius paradiseus, Gm. Dicrurus niarrocercus, Vieill. edoliformis, Blyth. longicaudatus, A. Hay leucopygialis, Blyth. coerulescens, Linn. Irena puella, Lath. Lanius superciliosus, Lath, erythronotus, Vig. Teplirodornis affinis, Blyth Cissa puella, Blyth ^- Layard. Corvus splendens, Vieill. culminatus, Sykes. Eulabes religiosa, Linn. ptilogenys, Blyth, Pastor roseus, Linn. Hetaerornis pagodarum, Gm. albifrontata^ Layard. Acridotheres tristis, Linn. Ploceus manyar, Horsf. bay a. Blyth. Munia undulata, Latr. Malabarica. Linn. Malacca, Linn. rubronigra, Hodgs. striata, Linn. Kelaarti, Blyih. Passer Indicus, Jard. ^ Selb. Alauda gulgula, Frank. Malabarica, Scop. Pyrrhulauda grisea, Scop. Mirafra affinis, Jerd. Buceros gingalensis, Shato. Malabaricus, Jerd. SCANSOEES. Loriculus Asiaticus, Lath. Palaeornis Alexandri, Linn. torquatus, Briss. cyanocephalus, Linn. Calthropae, Layard. Megalaima Indica, Latr. Zeylanica, Gmel. flavifrons, Cuv. rubicapilla, G7n. Pious' gymnophthalmus, Blth. Mahrattensis, Lath. Macei, Vieill. Gecinus chlorophanes, Vieill. Brachypternus aurantius, Linn. Ceylonus, Forst. rubescens, Vieill. Strickland!, Layard. Micropternus gularis, Jerd. Centropus rutipennis, llliger. chlororhynclios, Blyth. Oxylophus melanoleucos, Gm. Coromandus, Linn. Eudynaniys orientalis, Linn. Cuculus Poliocephalus, Lath. striatus, Drapiez. canorus, Linn. Polyphasia tenuirostris. Gray. Sonneratii, Lath. Hierococcyx varius, Vahl. Surniculus dicruroides, Hodgs. Phcenicophaus pyrrhocephalus, Forst. Zanclostomus viridirostris, Jerd. COLUMB.E. Treron bicincta, Jerd. flavogularis, Blyth. Pompadoura, Gm. chlorogaster, Blyth. Carpophaga pus ilia, Blyth. Torringtoniae, Kelaart. Alsocomus puniceus, Ticket. Columba intermedia, Strickl. Turtur risorius, Linn. Suratensis, Lath. humilis, Temm. orientalis. Lath. Chalcophaps Indicus^Linn. GMSLVSM. Pavo cristatus, Linn, Gallus Lafayetti, Lesson. Galloperdix bicalcaratus, Linn. Fran col in us Poiiticerianus, Gm. Perdicula agoondab, Sykes. 268 BIRDS. [Chap. VIII. Coturnix Chinensis, Linn. Turnix ocellatus, uar.Bengalensis, Blyih. var. taigoor, Sykes. GEALLJE. Esacus recurvirostris, Cuv. CEdiciiemus crepitans, Tetnm. Cursorius Coromandelicus, Gm. Lobivanellus bilobus, Gyn. Goensis, Gtn. Charadrius virginicus, Bechs. Hiaticula Philippensis, Scop. Cantiana, Lath. Leschenaultii, Less. Strepsilas Inieipres, Linn. Ardea purpurea, Linn. cinerea, Linn, asha, Sykes. intermedia, IVagler. garzetta, Linn. alba, Linn. bubulcus, Savig. Ardeola leucoptera, Bodd. Ardetta cinnamomea, Gm. flavicoUis, Lath. Sinensis, Gtn. Butoroides Javanica, Horsf. Platalea leucorodia, Linn. Nycticorax griseus, Linn. Tigrisoma melanolopha, Baffl. Mycteria auitralis, Shaw, Leptophilus Javanica, Horsf. Ciconia leucocephala, Gm. Anastomus oscitans, Bodd. Tantalus leucocephalus, Gm. Geronticus melanocephalus. Lath. Falcinellus igneus, Gm. Numenius arquatus, Linn. phaeopus, Linn. Totanus fuscus, Linn. calidris, Linn. glottis, Linn. stagnalis, Bechst. Actitis glareola, Grn. ochropus, Linn. hypoleucos, Linn. Tringa minuta, Leist. subarquata, Gm, Limicola platyrhyncha, Temm. Limosa aegocephala, Linn. Himantopus candidus, Bon. Recurvirostra avocetta, Linn. Haematopus ostralegus, Linn. Rhynchcea Bengalensis, Linn, Scolopax rusticola, Linn. Gallinago stenura, Temm. scolopncina , Bon. gallinuld, Linn. Hydrophasianus Sinensis, Gm. Ortygometra rubiginosa, Temm. Corethura Zeylanica, Gm. Rail us stri;itus, Linn. Iiidicus, Blyth. Porphyrio poliocephalus. Lath. Porzana pygm^a, San. Gallinula phoenicura, Penn. chloropus, Linn. cristata, Lath. A>'SERES. Phcenicopterus ruber, Linn. Sarkidiornis melanonotos, Penn. Nettapus Coromandelianus, Gm. Anas poecilorhyncha, Penn. Dendrocygnus arcuatus, Cuv. Dafila acuta, Linn. Querquedula crecca, Linn. circia, Linn. Fuligula riifina^ Pall. Spatula clypeata, Linn. Podiceps Philippensis, Gm. Larus brunnicephalus, Jerd. ichihyaetus, Pall. Sylochelidon Caspius, Lath. Hydrochelidon Indicus, Steph. Gelochelidon Anglicus, Mont. Onychoprion anasthaetus. Scop. Sterna Javanica. Horsf. melanogaster, Temm. minuta, Linn. Seena aurantia, Gray. Tha'asseus Bengalensis, Less. cristata, Steph. Dromas ardeola, Payk. Atagen ariel, Gould. Thalassidroma melanogaster, Gould. Plotus melanogaster, Gm. Pelicanus Philippensis, Gm. Graculus Sinensis, Shaxr, pygmasus, Pallas. Chap. VIII.] LIST OF CEYLOX BIRDS. 2G9 NOTE. The follo-vving is a list of the birds which are, as far as is at present known, peculiar to the island ; it will probably be determined at some future day that some included in it have a wider geogi-aphical range. Haematornis spilogaster. The *' Ceylon eagle; " was discovered by Mr. Layard ill tlie Wanny, and by Dr. Kelaart at Trincomalie. Athene castonotus. The chestnut-winged hawk owl. This pretty little owl was added to the list of Ceylon birds by Dr. Templeton. Mr. BIytli is at present of opinion that this bird is identical with Ath. Castanopteriis, Homf. of Java as figured by Temminck : P. Col. Batrachostbrnus moniliger. The oil bird; was discovered amongst the precipitous rocks of the Adam's Peak range by Mr. Layard. Another specimen was sent about the same time to Sir James Emer- son Tennent from Avisavelle. Mr. Mit- ford has met with it at Katnapoora. Caprimulgus Kelaarti. Kelaart's night- jar ; swarms on the marshy plains of Neuera-ellia at dusk. Hirundo hyperythra. The red-bellied swallow; was discovered in 1849, by Mr. Layard at Ambepusse. They build a globular nest, with a round hole at top A pair built in the ring for a hanging lamp in Dr. Gardner's study at Pera- denia. and hatched their young, un- disturbed by the daily trimming and lighting of the lamp. Cisticola omalura. Layard's mountain grass warbler ; is found in abimdance on Horton Plain and Neuera-ellia, among the long Patena grass. Drymoica valida. Liyard's wren-war- bler ; frequents tufts of grass and low bushes, feeding on injects. Pratincola atrata. Tlie Neuera-ellia robin ; a melodious songster ; added to our catalogue by Dr. Kelaart. Brachypteryx Palliseri. Ant thrush. A rare bird, added by Dr. Kelaart from Dimboola and Neuera-ellia. Pellorneum fiiscocapillum. Mr. Layard found two specimens of this rare thrush creeping about shrubs and bushes, feeding on insects. Alcippenigrifrons. This thrush frequents low impenetrable thickets, and seems to be widely distributed. Oreocincla spiloptera. The spotted thrush is only found in the mountain zone about lofty trees. Meruia Kinnisii. The Neuera-ellia black- bird ; was added by Dr. Kelaart. Garrulax cinereifrons. The ashv-headed babbler ; was found by Mr. Layard near Ratnapoora. Pomatorhinus melanurus. Mr. Layard states that the mountain babbler "fre- quents low, scraggy, impenetrable brush, along the margins of deserted cheena land. This may turn out to be little more than a local yet striking variety of P. Horsfieldii of the Indian Peninsula. Malacocercus rufescens. The red dung thrush added by Dr. Templeton to the Singhalese Fauna, is found in thick jungle in the southern and midland districts. Pycnonotus penicillatus. The yellow- eared bulhul ; was found by Dr. kelaart at Neuera-ellia. Butalis Muttui. This very handsome flycatcher was procured at Point Pedro, by Mr. Layard. Dicrurus ecioliformis. Dr. Templeton found this kingcrow at the Bibloo Oya. Mr. Layard has since got it at Ambo- gammoa. Dicrurus leucopygialis. The Ceylon kingcrow was sent to Mr. Blvth from the vicinity of Colombo, by Dr. Tem- pleton. A species very closely allied to D.ccerulescens of the Indian continent. Tephrodnrnis afBnis. The Ceylon butcher-bird. A migatory species found in the wooded grass lands in October. Cissapuella. Layard's mountain jay. A most lovely bird, found along mountain streams at Neuera-ellia and elsewhere. Eulabes ptilogenys. Templeton's mynah. The largest and most beautiful of the species. It is found in flocks perching on the highest trees, feeding on berries. Munia Kelaarti. This Grosbeak previ- ously assumed to be M. pectoralis of Jerdon; is most probably peculiar to Ceylon. Loriculus asiaticus. The small parroquet, abundant in various districts. Palffiornis Calthropae. Layard's purple- headed parroquet, found at Kandy, is a very handsome bird, flying in flocks, and resting on the summits of the very highest trees. Dr. Kelaart states that it is the only parroquet of the Neuera- ellia range. Megalaima flavifrons. The yellow-headed ^a^bet, is not uncommon. Meiialaima rubricapilla, is found in most parts of the island. 270 BIRDS. [Chap. Tin. Picus gymnophthalmus. Layard's wood- pecker. The smallest of the species, was discovered near Colombo, amongst jak-trees. Brachypternus Ceylonus. The Ceylon woodpecker, is lound in abundance near Neuera-ellia. Brachypternus rubescens. The red wood- pecker. Centropus chlororhynchus. The yellow- billed cuckoo, was detected by Mr. Layard in dense jungle near Colombo and Avisavelle. Phcenicophaus pyrrhocephalus. The mal- koha, is confined to the southern high- lands. Treron Pompadoura. The Pompadour pigeon. " The Prince of C^niiio has show n that this is a totally distinct bird from Tr. flavogularis, with which it was confounded: it is much smaller, with the quantity of maroon colour on the mantle greatly'reduced." — Paper by Mr. Blyth, Mag. Xat. Hist. p. 514 : 1857. Carpophaga Torringtoniae. Lady Tor- rington's pigeon ; a very handsome pigeon discovered in the highlands by Dr. Kelaart. It flies high in long sweeps, and makes its nest on the loft- iest trees. Mr. Blyth is of opinion that it is no more than a local race, barely separable from C. Elphinstonii of the Nilgiris and Malabar coast. Carpophaga pusilla. The little-hill dove, a migratory species found by Mr. Layard in the mountain zone, only appearing with the ripened fruit of the teak, ban- yan, &c., on which they feed. Callus Lafayetti. The Ceylon jungle fowl. The female of this handsome bird was figured by Mr. Gray (///. Ind. Zool.) under the name of G. Stanleyi. The cock bird had long been lost to naturalists, until a specimen was for- warded by Dr. Templeton to Mr. Blyth, who at once recognised it as the long- looked-for male of Mr. Gray's recently described female. It is abundant in all the uncultivated portions of Ceylon; coming out into the open spaces to feed in the mornings and evenings. Mr. Blyth states that there can be no doubt that Hardwicke's published figure refers to the hen of this species, long after, wards termed G. Lafayetti. Galloperdix bicalcaratus. Not uncom- mon in suitable situations. Chap. IX.] THE TALLA-GOYA. 271 CHAP. IX. EEPTILES. Lizards. Iguana. — One of the earliest, if not the first remarkable animal to startle a strano^er on arrivinof in Ceylon, whilst wending his way from Point-de- Gralle to Colombo, is a huge lizard of from four to five feet in length, the Talla-goyd of the Singhalese, and Iguana ^ of the Europeans. It may be seen at noon- day searching for ants and insects in the middle of the highway and along the fences ; when disturbed, but by no means alarmed, by the approach of man, it moves off to a safe distance ; and, the intrusion being at an end, it retm-ns again to the occupation in which it had been interrupted. Eepulsive as it is in appearance, it is perfectly harmless, and is hunted down by doo-s in the maritime provinces, and its delicate flesh, which is believed to be a specific in dysentery, is con- verted into curry, and its skin into shoes. WTien seized, it has the power of inflicting a smart blow with its tail. The Talla-goya lives in almost any convenient hollow, such as a hole in the ground, or a deserted nest of the termites ; and some small ones, which fre- quented my garden at Colombo, made their retreat in the heart of a decayed tree. ' Monitor drac8ena,Zz?2w. Among iguana, ^rhicli they regard as a spe- the barbarous nostrums of the un- cific for consumption, if phicked educated natives, both Singhalese from the living animal and swal- and Tamil, is the tongue of the lowed whole. 272 REPTILES. [Chap. IX. A still larger species, the Kabaragoyd ^ is partial to marshy ground, and when disturbed upon land, will take refuge in the nearest water. From the somewhat eruptive appearance of the yellow blotches on its scales, a closely allied species, similarly spotted, formerly ob- tained amongst naturalists the name of Monitor exan- thematicus, and it is curious that the native appellation of this one, kabara ^, is suggestive of the same idea. The Singhalese, on a strictly homoeopathic principle, believe that its fat, externally applied, is a cure for cutaneous disorders, but that taken inwardly it is poisonous. The skilfulness of the Singhalese in their preparation of poisons, and their addiction to using them, are unfor- tunately notorious traits in the character of the rural population. Amongst these preparations, the one which above all others excites the utmost dread, from the number of murders attributed to its agency, is the potent kabara-tel — a term which Europeans some- times corrupt into cobra-tel, implying that the venom is obtained from the hooded-snake ; whereas it professes to be extracted from the " kabara-goya." Such is the bad renown of this formidable poison, that an indi- vidual suspected of having it in his possession, is cautiously shunned by his neighbours. Those especi- ally who are on doubtful terms with him, suspect their own servants lest they should be suborned to mix kabara-tel in the curry. So subtle is the virus sup- ' Hydrosaurus salvator, Laur. ' In the Mahawanso the hero, Tail compressed ; fingers long ; Tissa, is said to have been nostrils near the extremity of the " afflicted with a cutaneous com- snout. A black band on each plaint which made his skin scaly temple ; round yellow spots dis- like that of the godho." — Ch. xxiv. posed in transverse series on the p. 148. " Godho " is the Pali back. Teeth with the crowTi com- name for the Kabara-goya. pressed and notched. Chap. IX.] THE KABARA-TEL. 273 posed to be, that one method of adimnistering it, is to introduce it within the midrib of a leaf of betel, and close THE KABAEA-GOYA. the orifice with chiinam ; and, as it is an habitual act of courtesy for one Singhalese on meeting another to offer T 274 REPTILES. [Chap. IX. the compliment of a betel-leaf, which it would be rude- ness to refuse, facilities are thus afforded for present- ing the concealed drug. It is curious that to this latent suspicion has been traced the origin of a custom universal amongst the natives, of nipping off with the thumb nail the thick end of the stem before chewing the betel. In the preparation of this mysterious compound, the unfortunate Kabara-goya is forced to take a painfully prominent part. The receipt, as written down by a Kandyan, was sent to me from Kornegalle, by Mr. Morris, the civil officer of that district ; and in dramatic arrangement it far outdoes the cauldron of Macheth's witches. The ingredients are extracted from venomous snakes, the cobra de capello, the Carawilla, and the Tic-polonga, by making incisions in the head of these reptiles and suspending them over a chattie to collect the poison as it flows. To this, arsenic and other drugs are added, and the whole is " boiled in a human skull, with the aid of the three Kabara-goyas, which are tied on three sides of the fire, with their heads directed towards it, and tormented by whips to make them hiss, so that the fire may blaze. The froth from their lips is then added to the boiling mixture, and so soon as an oily scum rises to the surface, the hahara-tel is complete." It is obvious that arsenic is the main ingredient in the poison, and Mr. Morris reported to me that the mode of preparing it, described above, was actually practised in his district. This account was transmitted by him apropos to the murder of a Mohatal ^ and his wife, which had been committed with the hahara-tel, and ' A native head-man of low rank. Chap. IX.] THE GREEN CALOTES. 275 was then under investigation. Before commencing the operation of preparing the poison, a cock has to be sacrificed to the yaklios or demons. This ugly lizard is itself regarded with such aversion by the Singhalese, that if a kahara enter a house or walk over the roof, it is regarded as an omen of ill fortune, sickness, or death ; and in order to avert the evil, a priest is employed to go through a rhythmical incantation ; one portion of which consists in the repetition of the words Kabara goyin ■wan dosey Ada palayan e dosey. " These are the inflictions caused by the Kabara-goya — let them now be averted ! " It is one of the incidents that serve to indicate that Ceylon may belong to a separate circle of physical geo- graphy, that this lizard, though found to the eastward in Burmah^, has not hitherto been discovered in the- Dekkan or Hindustan, Blood-suckers. — The lizards already mentioned, how- ever, are but the stranger's introduction to innumerable varieties of others, all most attractive in their sudden movements, and some unsurpassed in the brilliancy of their colouring, which bask on banks, dart over rocks, and peer curiously out of the chinks of every ruined wall. In all their motions there is that vivid and brief energy, the rapid but restrained action associated with their • In coiToboration of the view eluding, not only indiyidual species, propounded elsewhere (see pp. 7, but whole genera pecidiar to the 84, «fce.), and opposed to the island, and not to be found on the popular belief that Ceylon, at some mainland. See a paper by Dr. A. remote period, was detached from Gunthee on The Geog. Distribution the continent of India by the in- of Eeptilcs, Magaz, Nat. Hist, for terposition of the sea, a list of March, 1859, p. 230. reptiles will be found at p. 319, in- T 2 276 REPTILES. [Chap. IX. 5"^ limited poAver of respiration^ which justifies the ac- curate picture of — " The green lizard, rustling thro' the grass, And up the fluted shaft, with short, quick, spiring To vanish in the^ chinks which time has made." ' The most beautiful of the race is the green ccdotes^, in length about twelve inches, which, with the exception of a few dark streaks about the head, is as brilliant as the purest emerald or malachite. Unlike its congeners of the same family, it never alters this dazzling hue ; whilst many of them possess, but ' Rogers' Pcestum. ^ Calotes sp. CALOTES OPHTOMACHOS Chap. IX.] CALOTES VEESICOLOE, ETC. 277 in a less degree, the power, like the chameleon, of exchanging their ordinary colours for others less con- spicuous. One of the most remarkable features in the physiognomy of those lizards is the prominence of their cheeks. This results from the great development of the muscles of the jaws ; the strength of which is such that they can crush the hardest integuments of the beetles on which they feed. The calotes will permit its teeth to be broken, rather than quit its hold of a stick into which it may have struck them. It is not provided, like so many other tropical lizards, wdth a gular sac or throat-pouch, capable of inflation when in a state of high excitement. The tail, too, is rounded, not com- pressed, thus clearly indicating that its habits are those of a land-animal. The Calotes versicolor, and another, the Calotes ophio- machus, of which a figure is attached, possess in a remarkable degree the faculty, above alluded to, of changing their hue. The head and neck, when the animal is irritated or hastily swallowing its food, be- come of a brilliant red (whence the latter species has acquired the name of the " blood-sucker "), whilst the usual tint of the rest of the body is converted into pale yellow.^ The sitana'^, and a number of others, exhibit similar phenomena. The lyre-headed lizard^, w^hich is not uncommon in the woods about Kandy, is more bulky than any of the species of Calotes, and not nearly so active in its move- ' The characteristics by which specimens are uniform, others the Calotes ojjhiomackus may be banded transversely with white, readily recognised, are a small crest and others again have a ])lack formed by long spines running band on each side of the neck. on each side of the neck to above - Sitana Ponticereana,. Ciiv. the ear, coupled with a green ^ Lyriocephalus sciitatus, Linn, ground-colour of the scales. Many T 3 278 KEPTILES. [Chap. IX. ments. As usually observed it is of a dull greenish brown, but when excited its back becomes a rich olive green, leaving the head yellowish : the underside of the body is of a very pale blue, almost approaching white. The open mouth exhibits the fauces of an intense ver- milion tint; so that, although extremely handsome, this lizard presents, from its extraordinarily shaped head and threatening gestures, a most malignant aspect. It is, however, perfectly harmless. Chameleon. — The true chameleon^ is found, but not in great numbers, in the dry districts to the north of Ceylon, where it frequents the trees, in slow pursuit of its insect prey; but compensated for the sluggishness of its other movements, by the electric rapidity of its extensible tongue. Apparently sluggish in its general habits, the chameleon rests motionless on a branch, from which its varied hues render it scarcely distin- guishable in colour ; and there patiently awaits the ap- proach of the insects on which it feeds. Instantly on their appearance its wonderful tongue comes into play. TONGUE OF CHAMELEON. Though ordinarily concealed, it is capable of protrusion till it exceeds in length the whole body of the creature. No sooner does an incautious fly venture within reach ' Cliameleo vult:." Chap. IX.] SXAKE-STO>s"ES. 315 of any secondary appliance. In other words, the confi- dence inspired by the supposed talisman enables its possessor to address himself fearlessly to his task, and thus to effect, by determination and will, what is popu- larly believed to be the result of charms and stupefac- tion. Still it is curious that, amongst the natives of Northern Africa, who lay hold of the Cerastes without fear or hesitation, impunity is ascribed to the use of a plant with the juice of which they anoint themselves before touching the reptile ^ ; and Bruce says of the people of Sennar, that they acquire exemption from the fatal consequences of the bite by chewing a particular root, and washing themselves with an infusion of cer- tain plants. He adds that a portion of this root was given him, with a view to test its efficacy in his own person, but that he had not sufficient resolution to make the experiment. As to the snake-stone itself, I submitted one, the application of which I have been describing, to Mr. Faraday, who has communicated to me, as the result of his analysis, his belief that it is " a piece of charred bone which has been filled with blood perhaps several times, and then carefully charred again. Evidence of this is affi3rded, as well by the apertures of cells or tubes on its surface as by the fact that it yields and breaks under pressure, and exhibits an organic structm-e within. When heated slightly, water rises from it, and also a little ammonia ; and, if heated still more highly in the air, carbon burns away, and a bulky white ash is left, retaining the shape and size of the stone." This ash, as is evident from inspection, cannot have belonged to ^ Hasselquist. 316 EEPTILES. [Chap. IX. any vegetable substance, for it is almost entirely com- posed of phosphate of lime. Mr. Faraday adds that " if the piece of matter has ever been employed as a spongy absorbent, it seems hardly fit for that purpose in its present state : but who can say to what treatment it has been subjected since it was fit for use, or to what treat- ment the natives may submit it when expecting to have occasion to use it ? " The probability is, that the animal charcoal, when instantaneously applied, may be sufficiently porous and absorbent to extract the venom from the recent wound, together with a portion of the blood, before it has had time to be carried into the system ; and that the blood which Mr. Faraday detected in the specimen sub- mitted to him was that of the Indian on whose person the effect was exhibited on the occasion to which my informant was an eye-witness. The snake-charmers from the coast who visit Ceylon profess to prepare the snake-stones for themselves, and to preserve the com- position a secret. Dr. Davy^, on the authority of Sir Alexander Johnston, says the manufacture of them is a lucrative trade, carried on by the monks of Manilla, who supply the merchants of India — and his analysis con- firms that of Mr. Faraday. Of the three different kinds which he examined — one being of partially burnt bone, and another of chalk, the third, consisting chiefly of vegetable matter, resembled bezoar, — all of them (ex- cept the fijrst, which possessed a slight absorbent power) were quite inert, and incapable of having any eff'ect except on the imagination of the patient. Thunberg was shown the snake-stone used by the boers at the ' Account of the Interior of Ceylon, cK. iii. p. 101. Chap. IX.] CECILIA GLUTINOSA. 317 Cape in 1772, which was imported for them " from the Indies, especially from Malabar," at so high a price that few of the farmers could afford to possess them- selves of it ; he describes it as convex on one side, black, and so porous that '' when thrown into water, it caused bubbles to rise ;" and hence, by its absorbent qualities, it served, if speedily applied, to extract the poison from the wound. ^ Ccecilia. — The rocky jungle, bordering the higher coffee estates, provides a safe retreat for a very singular animal, first introduced to the notice of European naturalists about a century ago by Linnaeus, who gave it the name Ccecilia glutinosa, to indicate two peculiarities manifest to the ordinary observer — an apparent defect of vision, from the eyes being so small and embedded as to be scarcely distinguishable ; and a power of secreting from minute pores in the skin a ^ T^unberg, \ol.i. -p. 155. Since "Use. — Thewoundbeingslightly the foregoing account was pub- punctured, apply the bone to the lished, I have received a note from opening, to which it will adhere Mr. Haedy, relative to the p/'edra firmly for the space of two minutes ; ponsona, the snake-stone of Mexico, and when it falls, it should be re- in which he gives the following ceived into a basin of water. It account of the method of pre- should then be dried in a cloth, paring and applying it : " Take a and again applied to the wound, piece of hart's horn of any con- But it will not adhere longer than venient size and shape ; cover it about one minute. In like manner well round with grass or hay, it may be apphed a third time; enclose both in a thin piece of but now it will fall almost imme- sheet copper well wrapped round diately, and nothing will cause it them, and place the parcel in a to adhere any more, charcoal fire till the bone is suffi- " These effects I witnessed in the ciently charred. case of a bite of a rattle-snake at "When cold, remove the calcined Oposura, a town in the province of horn from its envelope, when it Sonora, in Mexico, from whence I will be ready for immediate use. obtained my recipe; and I have In this state it will resemble a given other particulars respecting solid black fibrous substance, of it in my Travels in the Interior of the same shape and size as before Mexico, published in 1830. K. it was subjected to this treat- W. H. Hardy. Bath, 30th Janic- ment. ar^, 1860." 318 KEPTILES. [Chap. IX. viscous fluid, resembling that of snails, eels, and some salamanders. Specimens are rare in Europe owing to the readiness with which it decomposes, breaking down into a flaky mass in the spirits in which it is attempted to preserve it. The creature is about the length and thickness of an ordinary round desk ruler, a little flattened before and rounded behind. It is brownish, with a pale stripe along either side. The skin is furrowed into 350 circu- lar folds, in which are imbedded minute scales. The head is tolerably distinct, with a double row of fine curved teeth for seizing the insects and worms on which it is supposed to live. Naturalists are most desirous that the habits and me- tamorphoses of this creature should be carefully ascer- tained, for great doubts have been entertained as to the position it is entitled to occupy in the chain of creation. Batrachians. — In the numerous marshes formed by the overflowing of the rivers in the plains of the low country, there are many varieties of frogs, which, both by their colours and by their extraordinary size, are cal- culated to excite the surprise of a stranger. In the lakes around Colombo and the still water near Trin- comalie, there are huge creatures of this family, from six to eight inches in length ^, of an olive hue, deepen- ing into brown on the back and yellow on the under side. A Kandyan species, recently described, is of much smaller dimensions, but distinguished by its brilliant colouring, a beautiful grass green above and deep orange underneath.^ * A Singhalese variety of the busta, proves to be a Ceylon spe- Rana cutipora ? and the Malabar cimen of the B. cutipora. bull-frog, Hylarana Malaharica. A ^ j^ Kandiana, Kelaart. frog named by Blyth Eana to- Chap. IX.] BATRACHIAXS. 319 In the shrubberies around my house at Colombo the graceful little tree-frogs ^ were to be found in gTeat numbers, sheltered under broad leaves to protect them from the scorching sun ; — some of them utter a sharp metallic sound at night, similar to that produced by smacking the lips. In the gardens and grounds toads ^ crouch in the shade, and pursue the flies and minute coleoptera. In Ceylon, as in Europe, these creatures suffer from the bad renown of injecting a poison into the wound inflicted by their bite.^ The main calumny is confuted by the fact that no toad has yet been discovered furnished with any teeth whatsoever; but the obnoxious repute still attaches to the milky exudation sometimes perceptible from glands situated on either side behind the head; nevertheless experiments have shown, that though acrid, the secretions of the toad are incapable of exciting more than a slight erythema on the most delicate skins. The smell is, however, fetid and offensive, and hence toads are less exposed to the attacks of carnivorous animals and of birds than frogs, in which such glands do not exist. In the class of Eeptiles, those only are included in the order of Batrachians which undergo a metamor- phosis before attaining maturity ; and as they offer the only example amongst Vertebrate animals of this mar- vellous transformation, they are justly considered as the lowest in the scale, with the exception of fishes, which remain during life in that stage of development which is only the commencement of existence to a frog. * Tolypedates maculatus, Gray, of " King Asoka attempted to de- 2 Biifo mdanostictus, Schneid. stroy the great bo-tree (at Ma- ^ In Ceylon this error is as old as gadha) with the poisoned fang of the third century, b. c, when, as a toadr — Ch. xx. p. 122. the Mahawanso tells us, the wife 320 EEPTILES. [Chap. IX. In undergoing this change, it is chiefly the organs of respiration that manifest alteration. In its earliest form the young batrachian, living in the water, breathes as a fish does by gills, either free and projecting as in the water-newt, or partially covered by integument as in the tadpole. But the gills disappear as the lungs gradually become developed : the duration of the pro- cess being on an average one hundred days from the time the eggs were first deposited. After this important change, the true batrachian is incapable any longer of living continuously in water, and either betakes itself altogether to the land, or seeks the surface from time to time to replenish its exhausted lungs. ^ The change in the digestive functions during meta- morphosis is scarcely less extraordinary ; frogs, for example, which feed on animal substances at maturity, subsist entirely upon vegetable when in the condition of larvae, and the subsidiary organs undergo remarkable development, the intestinal canal in the earlier stage being five times its length in the later one. Of the family of tailed batrachians, Ceylon does not furnish a single example ; but of those without this appendage, the island, as above remarked, affords many varieties ; seven distinguishable species pertaining to the genus rana, or true frogs with webs to the hind feet ; two to the genus bufo, or true toads, and five to the Polypedates, or East Indian " tree-frogs ;" besides a few others in allied genera. The " tree-frog," whose ^ A fe^r Batrachians, such as the with hmgs in mature age, they are Siren of Carolina, the Proteus of not capable of living out of the Illyria, the Axolotl of Mexico, and water. Such batrachians form an the MenoJ)ranchus of the North intermediate link between reptiles American Lakes, retain their giUs and fishes, during life ; but although provided Chap. IX.] LIST OP REPTILES. 321 toes are terminated by rounded discs which assist it in climbing, possesses, in a high degree, the faculty of changing its hues ; and one as green as a leaf to-day, will be found grey and spotted like the bark to-morrow. One of these beautiful little creatures, which had seated itself on the gilt pillar of a lamp on my dinner-table, became in a few minutes scarcely distinguishable in colour from the or-molu ornament to which it clung. List of Ceylon Reptiles. I am indebted to Dr. Grray and Dr. Griinther, of the British Museum, for a list of the reptiles of Ceylon ; but many of those new to Europeans have been carefully described by the late Dr. Kelaart in his Prodromus Faunce Zeylanicce and its appendices, as well as in the 13th vol. 3fagaz. Nat. Hist (1854). SAUEA. Hydrosaurus salvator, Wagler. Monitor dracaena, Linn. Riopa punctata. Linn. Hardwickii, Gray. Brachymeles Bonitse, Hum. 8( Bib. Tiliqua rufescens, Shaw. Eumeces Taprobanius, Kel. Nessia Buitoni, Gray. Acontias Layardi, Kelaart, Argyrophis braraicus, Baud. Lygosoma fallax, Peters. Rhinophis oxyrhynchus, Sc/m. punctatus, J. Miill. philippinus, J. Miill, homolepis, Hempr. planiceps, Peters Blythii, Kelaart. melanogaster, Gray. Uropeltis grandis, Kelaart. saffragamus, Kelaart. Silybura Ceylonica, Cuv. Hemidactylus frenatus, Schleg. Leschenaultii, Dum. & Bib. trihedrus, Baud. maculatus, Lum.Sf Bib, Piresli, Kelaart. _ Coctcei, Dum. &; Bib. pustulatus, Dum. sublffivis, Cantor. Peripia Peronii, Dum. 4' Bib. Gymnodactylus Kandianus, Kelaart. Sitana Pontioereana, Cuv. Lyriocephalus scutatus, Linn. Ceratophora Stoddartii, Gray, Tennentii, Giinther. Otocryptis bivittata, Wiegm. Salea Jerdoni, Gray. Calotes ophiomachus, Merr. nigrilabris, Peters. versicolor, Daud. Rouxii, Dum. 8( Bib. mystaceus, Dm Raja narinari, Bl. Schn. p. 361. Henle,, Plagiost. p. 179. Aetobates narinari, Mtill, uud Y 4 328 FISHES. [Chap. X. less, as the ray has no gland for secreting any venomous fluid. The apprehension ma}^, however, have originated in the fact that a lacerated wound such as would be produced by a serrated spine, is not unlikely to assume a serious character, under the influence of a tropical climate. The species figured on the last page is brownish- olive on the upper surface, with numerous greenish- white round spots, darkening towards the edges. The anterior annulations of the tail are black and white, the posterior entirely black. Its mouth is transverse and paved with a band of flattened teeth calculated to crush the hard shells of the animals on which it feeds. It moves slowly along the bottom in search of its food, which consists of Crustacea and mollusca, and seems to be unable to catch fishes or other quickly moving animals. Specimens have been taken near Ceylon, of six feet in width. Like most deep-sea fishes, the ray has a wide geographical range, and occurs not only in all the Indian Ocean, but also in the tropical tracts of the Atlantic. Another armed fish, renowned since the times of ^lian and Pliny for its courage in attacking the whale, and even a ship, is the sword-fish (Xiphias gladius),^ Like the thunny and bonito, it is an inhabitant of the deeper seas, and, though known in the Mediterranean, is chiefly confined to the tropics. The dangerous weapon with which nature has equipped it is formed by the pro- longation and intertexture of the bones of the upper jaw into an exceedingly compact cylindrical protuberance, * -/Elian tells a story of a ship similar accident on the coast of in the Black Sea, the bottom of Mauritania. In the British Mu- which was penetrated by the sword seum there is a specimen of a plank of a Xiphias (L. xiv. c. 23); and of oak, pierced by a sword-fish, and Plest (L. xxsii. c. 8) speaks of a still retaining the broken weapon. Chap. X.] SWOKD-FISHES. 329 somewhat flattened at the base, but tapering to a sharp point. In strange inconsistence with its possession of so formidable an armature, the general disposition of the sword-fish is represented to be gentle and inoffensive ; and although the fact of its assaults upon the whale has been incontestably established, yet the motive for such conflicts, and the causes of its enmity, are beyond con- jecture. Competition for food is out of the question, as the Xiphias can find its own supplies without rivalry on the part of its gigantic antagonist ; and as to converting the whale itself into food, the sword-fish, from the con- struction of its mouth and the small size of its teeth, is quite incapable of feeding on animals of such dimen- sions. In the seas around Ceylon sword-fishes sometimes attain to the length of twenty feet, and are distin- guished by the unusual height of the dorsal fin. Those both of the Atlantic and Mediterranean possess this fin in its full proportions, only during the earlier stages of their growth. Its dimensions even then are much smaller than in the Indian species ; and it is a curious fact that it gradually decreases as the fish ap- proaches to maturity ; whereas in the seas around Ceylon, it retains its full size throughout the entire period of life. They raise it above the water, whilst dashing along the surface in their rapid course ; and there is no reason to doubt that it occasionally acts as a sail. The Indian species (which are provided with two long and filamentous ventral fins) have been formed into the genus Histiojjlioriis ; to which belongs the individual figured on the next page. It is distinguished from others most closely allied to it, by having the immense dorsal fin of one uniform dark violet colour ; whilst in its con- 330 FISHES. [Chap. X. geners, it is spotted with blue. The fish from which the engraving has been made, was procured by Dr. Tem- THE SWORD-FISH (HISTIOPHOEUS IMMACULATUS). pleton, near Colombo. The species was previously known only by a single specimen captured in the Eed Sea, by Kiippell, who conferred upon it the specific designation of " immaculatus.^^ ^ ^LiAN, in his graphic account of the strange forms presented by the fishes inhabiting the seas around Ceylon, says that one in particular is so grotesque in its configuration, that no painter would venture to depict it ; its main peculiarity being that it has feet or claws rather than fins.^ The annexed drawing^ may 15. Trans. Zool. Soc. ii. p. 71. PL ^ n({5os ye /xriv xv^^s ^ irTepvyia. — Lib. xvi. c. 18. ^ The fish from which this draw- ing of the Chcironcctes was made, was taken near Colombo, and from the pecnliai'ities which it presents it is in all probability a new and nnde- sciibed species. Dr. Ctunther has remarked, that in it, whilst the first and second dorsal spines are situated as usual over the eye (and form, one the angling bait of the fish, the other the crest above the nose), the third is at an unusual distance from the second, and is not separated, as in the otlier species, from the soft fin by a notch. Chap. X.] THE CHEIRONECTES. 331 probably represent the creature to which the informants of ^lian referred. It is a cheironectes ; one of a group in which the bones of the carpus form arms that support the pectoral fins, and enable these fishes to walk along the moist ground, almost like quadrupeds. They belong to the family of Lophiads or " anglers,*' not unfrequent on the English coast; which conceal CHEIRONECTES. themselves in the mud, displaying only the erectile ray, situated on the head, which bears an excrescence on its extremity resembling a worm ; by agitating which, they attract the smaller fishes, that thus become an easy prey. On the rocks in Ceylon Avhich are washed by the surf 332 FISHES. [Chap. X. there are quantities of the curious little fish, Salarias alticus^, which possesses the faculty of darting along the surface of the water, and running up the wet stones, with the utmost ease and rapidity. By aid of the pectoral and ventral fins and gill-cases, they move across the damp sand, ascend the roots of the mangroves, and climb up the smooth face of the rocks in search of flies ; ad- hering so securely as not to be detached by repeated assaults of the waves. These little creatures are so nimble, that it is almost impossible to lay hold of them, as they scramble to the edge, and plunge into the sea on the slightest attempt to molest them. They are from three to four inches in length, and of a dark brown colour, almost undistinguishable from the rocks they frequent. But the most striking to the eye of a stranger are those fishes whose brilliancy of colouring has won for them the wonder even of the listless Singhalese. Some, like the Eed Sea Perch (ffolocentrum ruhvimi, Forsk) and the Grreat Fire Fish^, are of the deepest scarlet and flame colour ; in others purple predominates, as in the Serranus flavo-cceruleus ; in others yellow, as in the Choetodon Brownriggii ^, and Acanthurus vittatus, of * Cuv. and Valkn., Hist. Nat. des riggii, Bennett. A reiy small Poissons, torn. xi. p. 249. It is fish about two inches long, called identical with 8. tridactylus, Schn. Kaha hartikyha by the natives. 2 Fterois onuricata, Cut. and It is distinct from Choetodon, in Val. iv. 363. Scorpcsna miles, which Bennett placed it. Nume- Bennett ; named, by the Singha- rous species of this genus are scat- lese, " Maharata-gini,^^ the Grreat tered throughout the Indian Ocean. Eed Fire, a very brilliant red species It derives its name from the fine spotted with black. It is very hair-like character of its teeth, voracious, and is regarded on some They are found chiefly among coral parts of the coast as edible, while reefs, and, though eaten, are not on others it is rejected. much esteemed. In the French ^ Glyphisodon Brownriggii, Cuv. colonies they are called " ChauiFe- and Val. v. 484 ; Choetodon Brown- soleil." One species is found on Chap. X.] THE PTEKOIDS. 333 Bennett^, and numbers, from the lustrous green of their scales, have obtained from the natives the appropriate name of Giraway, or parrots, of which one, the Sparus Hardwickii of Bennett, is called the " Flower Parrot," from its exquisite colouring, being barred with irregu- lar bands of blue, crimson, and purple, green, yellow, and grey, and crossed by perpendicular stripes of black. Of these richly coloured fishes the most familiar in the Indian seas are the Pteroids, They are well known on the coast of Africa, and thence eastward to Polynesia ; but they do not extend to the west coast of America, and are utterly absent from the Atlantic. The rays of the dorsal and pectoral fins are so elongated, that when specimens were first brought to Europe it was con- jectured that these fishes have the faculty of flight, and hence the specific name of " volitans.''^ But this is an error, for, owing to the deep incisions between the pec- toral rays, the pteroids are wholly unable to sustain them- selves in the air. They are not even bold swimmers, living close to the shore and never venturing into the deep sea. Their head is ornamented mth a number of filaments and cutaneous appendages, of which one over the shores of the New World ( G. stripes on the back and sides ; the saxatalis), and it is curious that belly is white, the tail and fins Messrs. Quoy and G-aimaed found brownish green, edged with blue, this fish at the Cape de Verde It is found in rocky places ; and Islands in 1827. according to Bennett, who has • This fish has a sharp round figured it in his second plate, it is spine on the side of the body near named Seweya. It has been known, the tail; a formidable weapon, however, to all the old ichthyolo- which is generally partially con- gists, Valentyn, Eenard, Seba, cealed within^ a scabbard-Kke in- Artedi, and has been named Chce- cision. It raises or depresses this todon Uneatus, by Linne, It is spine at pleasure. The fish is yellow, scarce on the southern coast of with several nearly parallel blue Ceylon. 334 FISHES. [Chap. X. each eye and another at the angles of the mouth are the most conspicuous. Sharp spines project on the crown and on the side of the gill-apparatus, as in the other sea- perches, Scorpcena, Serranus, &c., of which these are PTEROIS VOLITANS. only a modified and ornate form. The extraordinary ex- pansion of their fins is not, however, accompanied by a similar development of the bones to which they are attached, simply because they appear to have no peculiar function, as in flying fishes, or in those where the spines of the fins are weapons of offence. They attain to the length of twelve inches, and to a weight of about two pounds ; they live on small marine animals, and by the Singhalese the flesh (of some at least) is considered good for table. Nine or ten species are known to occur in Chap. X.] THE SCAEUS HARID. 335 the East Indian Seas, and of these the one figured above is, perhaps, the most common. Another species known to occur on the coasts of Cey- lon, is the Scorpcena miles, Bennett, or Pterois miles, Griinther^, of which Bennett has given a figure^, but it is not altogether correct in some particulars. In the fishes of Ceylon, however, beauty is not con- fined to the brilliancy of their tints. In some, as in the Scarus harid, Forsk^, the arrangement of the scales is so graceful, and the effect is so heightened by modi- fications of colour, as to present the appearance of tes- sellation, or mosaic work. SCAEUS HAEID, After Bennett, Fresh-water Fishes, — Of the fresh-water fish, which inhabit the rivers and tanks, so very little has hitherto been known to naturalists'*, that of nineteen drawings ' The fish from the Sea of Pi- nang, described by Dr. Cantor with this name (Catal. Mai. Fish, p. 42), is again different, and be- longs to a third species. ^ Fishes of Ceylon, PI. ix. * This is the fish figured by Bennett as Sparus pepo. Fishes of Ceylon, Plate xxviii. * In extenuation of the little that is knowai of the fresh-water fishes of Ceylon, it may be ob- served that very few oi them are used at table by Europeans, and there is therefore no stimulus on the part of the natives to catch 336 FISHES. [Chap. X. sent home by Major Skinner in 1852, although speci- mens of well-known genera. Colonel Hamilton Smith pronounced nearly the whole to be new and undescribed species. Of eio-ht of these, which were from the Mahawelli- ganga, and caught in the vicinity of Kandy, five were carps ; two were Leucisci, and one a Mastacetnbelus (M, annatus, Lacep) ; one was an Ophiocephalus, and one a Poly acanthus, wdth no serrae on the gills. Six were from the Kalanyganga, close to Colombo, of which two were Helostoma, in shape approaching the Chaeto- don; two Ophiocephali, one a Silurus, and one an Anahas, but the gills were without denticulation. From the still water of the lake, close to the walls of Colombo, there were two species of Eleotris, one Silurus with barbels, and two Malacopterygians, which appear to be BagrL The fresh-water Perches of Europe and of the North of America are represented in Ceylon and India by se- veral genera, which bear to them a great external simi- larity {Lates, Therapon). They have the same habits as their European allies, and their flesh is considered equally wholesome, but they appear to enter salt-water, or at least brackish water, more freely. It is, however. them. The biu-bot and grey mullet esteemed as a fish for table. As it are occasionally eaten, but they belongs to a family which possesses taste of mud, and are not in re- the faculty, hereafter alluded to, of quest. surviving in the damp soil after Some years ago the experiment the subsidence of the water in the was made, with success, of intro- tanks and rivers, it might with ducing into Mauritius the Ospkro- equal advantage be acclimated in menus olfax of Java, which has Ceylon. It grows to 20 lbs. weight also been taken to French Gruiana. and upwards. In both places it is now highly Chap. X.] THE THERAPON. 337 in their internal organisation that they differ most from the perches of Europe ; their skeletons are composed of THERAPON QUADRILINSATUS. fewer vertebrae, and the air bladder of the Therapon is divided into two portions, as in the carps. Four species at least of this genus inhabit the lakes and rivers of Ceylon, and one of them, of which a figure is given above, has been but imperfectly described in any ichthyo- logical work^ ; it attains to the length of seven inches. In addition to marine eels, in which the Indian coasts abound, Ceylon has some true fresh-water eels, which never enter the sea. These are known to the natives under the name of Theliya, and to naturalists by that of Mastacembelus. They have sometimes in ichthyological systems been referred to the Scombridse and other ma- rine families, from the circumstance that the dorsal fin anteriorly is composed of spines. But, in addition to the * Holocentrus quadrilineatus, Block. It is allied to Helotes jpolytcenia, Bleek., from Halma- heira, from which it can be readily distinguished by having only fire or six blackish longitu- dinal bands, the black humeral spot being between the fii'st and second ; another blackish blotch is in the spinous dorsal fin. There are two specimens in the British Museum collection, one of which has recently arrived from Amoy ; of the other the locality is im- known. See Guxther, Acanthopt. Fishes, vol. i. p. 282, where mention of the black humeral spot has been omitted. 338 FISHES. [Chap. X. general shape of the body, their affinity to the eel is at- tested, by their confluent fins, by the absence of ventral fins, by the structure of the mouth and its dentition, by the apparatus of the gills, Avhich opens with an inferior slit, and above all by the formation of the skeleton itself.^ Their skin is covered with minute scales, coated by a slimy exudation, and the upper jaw is produced into a soft tripartite tentacle, with which they are enabled to feel for their prey in the mud. They are very tenacious of life, and belong, without doubt, to those fishes which in Ceylon descend during the drought into the muddy soil.^ Their flesh very much resembles that of the eel, and is highly esteemed.^ They were first made kno^vn to European naturalists by Russell'*, who brought to Europe from the rivers round Aleppo specimens, some of which are still preserved in the collection of the British Mu- seum. Aleppo is the most western point of their geo- graphical range, the group being mainly confined to the East-Indian continent and its islands. MASTACElIBZLrs ARLIATUS. In Ceylon only one species appears to occur, the ^ See Guntheb's AcantTwpt. ^ Cuv. and Yal., Hist. Poiss. vol. Pishes, vol. iii. (Family Mastacem- iii. p. 459. belidae). * Nat. Hist. Aleppo, 2nd edit. • 2 See post, p. 351. Lond. 1794, vol. ii. p. 208, pL vi. Chap. X.] MASTACEMBELUS AKMATUS. 339 Mastacemhelus aimatus.^ The back is armed with from thirty-five to thirty-nine short, stout spines ; there being three others before the anal fin. The ground colour of the fish is brown, and the head has two rather irregular longitudinal black bands ; deep-brown spots run along the back as well as along the dorsal and anal fins ; and the sides are ornamented "with irreo'ular and reticulated brown lines. This eel attains to the leno-th of two feet. The old females do not show any markings, being of a uniform brown colour. In the collection of Major Skinner, before alluded to, brought together without premeditation, the naturalist will be struck by the preponderance of those genera which are adapted by nature to endure a temporary privation of moisture; and this, taken in connection with the vicissitudes affecting the waters they inhabit, exhibits a surprising illustration of the wisdom of the Creator in adapting the organisation of his creatures to the peculiar circumstances under which they are destined to exist. So abundant are fish in all parts of the island, that Knox says, not the running streams alone, but the reser- voirs and ponds, " nay, every ditch and little plash of water but ankle deep hath fish in it."^ But many of these reservoirs and tanks are, twice in each year, liable ^ Macrognathus armatus, Lacep. ; sunk in line in the dii-ection in Mastacembelus armatus, Cuv., Fed. which it is desired to lead a supply - Ivxox's Historical Belation of of water, and these are connected Ceylon, Part i. ch. rii. The oc- by channels, which are carefully currence of fish in the most un- arched over to protect them fi-om looked-for situations, is one of the eyaporation. These kanats, as mysteries of other eastern countries they are called, are full offish, as well as Ce^-lon and India. In although neither they nor the weUs Persia in-igation is carried on to a they unite hare any connection great extent by means of wells with streams or lakes. z 2 340 FISHES. [Chap. X. to be evaporated to dryness till the mud of the bottom is converted into dust, and the clay cleft by the heat into gaping apertures ; yet within a very few days after the change of the monsoon, the natives are busily en- gaged in fishing in those very spots and in the hollows contiguous to them, although the latter are entirely unconnected with any pool or running streams. Here they fish in the same way which Knox described nearly 200 years ago, with a funnel-shaped basket, open at bottom and top, " which," as he says, " they jibb down, and the end sticks in the mud, which often happens upon a fish ; which, when they feel beating itself against the sides, they put in their hands and take it out, and reive a ratan through their gills, and so let them drag- after them."^ FROM KNOX'S CEYLON, a. d. 1631 This operation may be seen in the lowlands, traversed * Knox, Historical Belation of Ceylon, Part l ch. vi. Cqap. X.] FALL OF FISHES FROM CLOUDS. 341 by the high road leading from Colombo to Kandy. Before the change of the monsoon, the hollows on either side of the highway are covered with dust or stunted grass ; but when flooded by the rains, they are imme- diately resorted to by the peasants with baskets, con- structed precisely as Knox has stated, in which the fish are entrapped and taken out by the hand.^ So singular a phenomenon as the sudden re-appear- ance of full-grown fishes in places that a few days before had been encrusted with hardened clay, has not failed to attract attention ; but the European residents have been content to explain it by hazarding conjectures, either that the spawn must have lain imbedded in the dried earth till released by the rains, or that the fish, so unexpectedly discovered, fall from the clouds during the deluge of the monsoon. As to the latter conjecture ; the fall of fish during show^ers, even v?ere it not so problematical in theory, is too rare an event to account for the punctual appear- ance of those found in the rice-fields, at stated periods of the year. Both at Gralle and Colombo in the south- west monsoon, fish are popularly believed to have fallen from the clouds during violent showers, but those found on the occasions that give rise to this belief, consist of the smallest fry, such as could be caught up by water- spouts, and vortices analogous to them, or otherwise blown on shore from the surf; whereas those which * As anglers, the natiye Singha- conducted into a series of enclo- lese exhibit little expertness ; but sures from which retreat is im- for fishing the rivers, they con- practicalile. Mr. Layard, in the struct with singular ingenuity Magazine of Natural History for fences formed of strong stakes. May, 1853, has given a diagram of protected by screens of ratan, that one of these fish " corrals," as they stretch diagonally across the cur- are called, of which a copy is shown rent ; and along these the fish are on the next page. z 3 342 FISHES. [Chap. X. suddenly appear in the replenished tanks and in the hollows which they overflow, are mature and well-grown fish.^ Besides, the latter are found, under the circumstances I have described, in all parts of the interior, whilst the prodigy of a supposed fall of fish from the sky has been noticed, I apprehend, only in the vi- cinity of the sea, or of some inland water. The surmise of the buried spawn is one sanctioned by the very highest authority. Mr. Yarrell in his '' History of British FisheSf^ adverting to the fact that ponds (in \ India) which had been previously converted into hardened mud, are replenished with small fish in a very few days after the com- mencement of each rainy season, ofiers this ^solution of the prolDlem as probably the true one : " The impregnated ova of the fish of one rainy season are left unhatched in the mud through the dry season, and from their ' low state of organisation as ova, the vitality is preserved till the recurrence, and contact FISH COEEAi. ' I had an opportunity, on one nected with any ■watercourse or occasion only, of witnessing the pool, phenomenon which gives rise to Mi*. Whitixg, who was many thLs popular belief. I was driving years resident in Trincomalie, in the cinnamon gardens near the wTites me that he " had often been fort of Colombo, and saw a violent told by the natives on that side of but partial shower descend at no the island that it sometimes rained great distance before me. On fishes; and on one occasion" (he coming to the spot I found a multi- adds) "I was taken by them, in 1849, tude of small silver}- fish from one to a field at the village of Karran- and a half to two inches in length, cotta-tivo, near Eatticaloa, which leaping on the gravel of the high was dry when I passed over it in road, numbers of which I collected the morning, but had been covered and brought away in my palankin. in two hours by sudden rain to the The spot was about half a mile depth of three inches, in which from the sea, and entirely uncon- there was then a quantity of small Chap. X.] BUEIED SPAWX. 343 of the rain and oxygen in the next wet season, when vivification takes place from their joint influence."^ This hypothesis, however, appears to have been advanced upon imperfect data ; for although some fish, like the salmon, scrape grooves in the sand and place their spawn in inequalities and fissures ; yet as a general rule spa^vn is deposited not beneath but on the surface of the ground or sand over which the water flows, the adhesive nature of each egg supplying the means of attachment. But in the Ceylon tanks not only is the surface of the soil dried to dust after the evaporation of the water, but earth itself, twelve or eighteen inches deep, is converted into sun-barnt clay, in which, although the eggs of mollusca, in their calcareous covering, are in some instances preserved, it would appear to be as impossible for the ova of fish to be kept from decom- position as for the fish themselves to sustain life. Be- sides, moisture in such situations is only to be found at a depth to which spawn could not be conveyed by the parent fish, by any means with which we are yet acquainted. fish. The water had no connect- Bengal, found a fish in the ptdvio- ion with any pond or stream what- meter at Calcutta, in 1838. — Journ. soever." ^\x. Cripps, in like Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. vi. p. 465. manner, in speaking of Gralle, says : A series of instances in which " I have seen in the vicinity of the fishes have been found on the con- fort, fish taken from rain-water tinent of India under circum- that had accumulated in the hoUow stances which lead to the con- parts of land that in the hot season elusion that they must have fallen are perfectly dry and parched, from the clouds, have been col- The place is accessible to no run- lected by the late Dr. Buist of ning stream or tank ; and either the Bombay, and wiU be found in the fish, or the spawn from which they appendix to this chapter, were produced, must of necessity ' Yaerell, History of British have fallen with the rain." Fishes, introd. vol, i. p. xxvi. This Mr. J. Peixsep, the eminent too was the opinion of Aristotle, secretary to the Asiatic Society of Be Fusinratione, c. ix. £ 4 344 FISHES. [Chap. X. But supposing it possible to carry the spawn suffi- ciently deep, and to deposit it safely in the mud below, which is still damp, whence it could be liberated on the return of the rains, a considerable interval would still be necessary after the replenishing of the ponds with water to admit of vivification and growth. Yet so far from this interval being allowed to elapse, the rains have no sooner fallen than the taking of the fish com- mences, and those captured by the natives in wicker cages are mature and full grown instead of being *' small fish " or fry, as supposed by Mr. Yarrell. Even admitting the soundness of his theory, and the probability that, under favourable circumstances, the spawn in the tanks might be preserved during the dry season so as to contribute to the perpetuation of their breed, the fact is no longer doubtful, that adult fish in Ceylon, like some of those that inhabit similar waters both in the New and Old World, have been endowed by the Creator with the singular faculty of providing against the periodical droughts either by journeying overland in search of still unexhausted water, or, on its utter disap- pearance, by burying themselves in the mud to await the return of the rains. It is an illustration of the eagerness with which, after the expedition of Alexander the G-reat, particulars con- nected with the natural history of India were sought for and arranged by the Greeks, that in the works both of Akistotle and Theophrastus facts are recorded of the fishes in the Indian rivers migrating in search of water, of their burying themselves in the mud on its failure, of their being dug out thence alive during the dry season, and of their spontaneous reappearance on the return of the rains. The earliest notice is Chap. X.] OPINIONS OF THEOPHRASTUS. 345 in Aristotle's treatise De Respiratione^ , where he mentions the strange discovery of living fish found be- neath the surface of the soil, "rwz^ l')(6vwv ol iroWol t/MCTiv sv rfi yfj, aKivr]TL^ovTSS /jLsvroLf fcal svplaKovrai opvr- TOfievoL ;" and in his History of Animals he conjectures that in ponds periodically dried the ova of the fish so buried become vivified at the change of the season.^ Herodotus had previously hazarded a similar theory to account for the sudden appearance of fry in the Egyptian marshes on the rising of the Nile ; but the cases are not parallel. Theophrastus, the friend and pupil of Aris- totle, gave importance to the subject by devoting to it his essay Yispl rrjs rcov l')(6v(ov sv ^ijpo) BLa/jLovr]9f De Plscibus in sicco degentibus. In this, after adverting to the fish called exoccetus, from its habit of going on shore to sleep, " diro ttjs kolttjs,^'' he instances the small fish {IxOvSia), that leave the rivers of India to wander like frogs on the land ; and likewise a species found near Babylon, which, when the Euphrates runs low, leave the dry channels in search of food, "moving themselves along by means of their fins and tail." He proceeds to state that at Heraclea Pontica there are places in which fish are dug out of the earth, " opvKTol Twv l')(6vcov^^ and he accounts for their being found under such circumstances by the subsidence of the rivers, "when the water being evaporated the fish gradually descend beneath the soil in search of mois- ture ; and the surface becoming hard they are preserved in the damp clay below it, in a state of torpor, but are capable of vigorous movements when disturbed." " In this manner, too," adds Theophrastus, " the buried fish J Chap. is. 2 Lib. yi. eh. 15, 16, 17. 346 FISHES. [Chap. X, propagate, leaving behind them their spawn, which be- comes vivified on the return of the waters to their ac- customed bed." This work of Theophrastus became the great authority for all subsequent writers on this ques- tion. Athen^us quotes it ^, and adds the further testimony of Polybius, that in Gallia Narbonensis fish are similarly dug out of the ground.^ Strabo repeats the story ^, and the Grreek naturalists one and all re- ceived the statement as founded on reliable authority. Not so the Eomans. Livr mentions it as one of the prodigies which were to be " expiated " on the approach of a rupture with Macedon, that " in Grallico agro qua induceretur aratrum sub giebis pisces emersisse," '^ thus taking it out of the category of natural occurrences. PoMPONius Mela, obliged to notice the matter in his account of Narbon Graul, accompanies it with the inti- mation that although asserted by both Grreek and Koman authorities, the story was either a delusion or a fraud. Juvenal has a sneer for the rustic — " miranti sub aratro Piscibus inyentis." — Sat. xiii. 63. And Seneca, whilst he quotes Theophrastus, adds iron- ically, that now we must go to fish with a hatchet in- stead of a hook ; " non cum hamis, sed cum dolabra ire piscatum." Pliny, who devotes the 35th chapter of his 9th book to this subject, uses the narrative of Theophrastus, but with obvious caution, and universally the Latin writers treated the story as a fable. In later times the subject received more enlightened attention, and Beckman, who in 1736 published his * Lib. viii. ch. 2. ^ Lib, iv. and xii. 2 3. ch. 4. * Lib. xlii. ch. 2. Chap. X.] FISHES ON DRY LAXD. 347 commentary on the collection TIspl SavfMoo-tcov clkov- (T/jLaTcov, ascribed to Aristotle, has given a list of the authorities about his own times, — Gteorgius Agricola, GrESNER, EoNDELET, DaLECHAMP, BoMARE, and GrRONO- Yius, who not only gave credence to the assertions of Theophrastus, but adduced modern instances in corro- boration of his Indian authorities. As regards the fresh-water fishes of India and Ceylon, the fact is now established that certain of them possess the power of leaving the rivers and returning to them again after long migrations on dry land, and modern observation has full}^ confirmed their statements. They leave the pools and nullahs in the dry season, and led by an instinct as yet unexplained, shape their course through the grass towards the nearest pool of water. A similar phenomenon is observable in countries similarly circumstanced. The Doras of Gruiana ^ have been seen travelling over land dm'ing the dry season in search of their natural element ^, in such droves that the negroes fill baskets wdth them, during these terrestrial excursions. Pallegoix in his account of Siam, enumerates three species of fishes which leave the tanks and channels ^ D. Hancockii, Cuv. et Vax. pines. — 'Kis.wz, Bridgewater Trea- 2 Sir R. Schombm'gk's Fishes of Use, vol. i. p. 143. Guiana, vol. i. pp. 113, 151, 160. Eels kept in a garden, when Another migratory fish was found August arrived (the period at by Bose very numerous in the which instinct impels them to go fresh waters of Carolina and in to the sea to spa^wTi) were in the ponds liable to become dry in habit of leaving the pond, and summer. "When captured and were invariably found moving east- placed on the ground, "they always ward in the direction of the sea. — directed themselves towards the Yaerell, vol. ii. p, 384, Anglers nearest water, which they could not observe that fish newly caught, possibly see, and which they must when placed out of sight of water, have discovered by some internal always struggle towards it to index. They belong to the genus escape. Hydrargyra, and are called Swam- 348 FISHES. [Chap. X. and traverse the damp grass ' ; and Sir John Bowring, in his account of his embassy to the Siamese kings in 1855, states, that in ascending and descending the river Meinam to Bankok, he was amused with the novel sight of fish leaving the river, gliding over the wet banks, and losing themselves amongst the trees of the jungle.^ The class of fishes endowed with this power are chiefly those with labyrinthiform pharyngeal bones, so disposed in plates and cells as to retain a supply of moisture, which, whilst theyare crawling on land, gradually exudes so as to keep the gills damp.^ The individual most frequently seen in these excur- sions in Ceylon is a perch called by the Singhalese Kavaya or Kawhy-ya, and by the Tamils Pannei-eri, or Sennal. It is closely allied to the Anahas scandens of Cuvier, the Perca scandens of Daldorf. It grows to about six inches in length, the head round and covered with scales, and the edges of the gill-covers strongly denticulated. Aided by the apparatus already adverted to in its head, this little creature issues boldly from its native pools and addresses itself to its toilsome march generally at night or in the early morning, whilst the grass is still damp with the dew ; but in its distress it is sometimes compelled to move by day, and Mr. E. L. Layard on one occasion encountered a number of them travelling along a hot and dusty road under the midday sun.'' ' Paxlegoix, vol. i. p. 144, the gOTernment-agent of Trinco- 2 Sir J. Bowring's Siain, ^v., malie, writing to me on this sub- vol, 1. p. 10. ject in 1856, saj^s — "I was lately •' Cuvier and Vaxenciexnes, on duty inspecting the bund of a Hist. Nat. des Poissons, torn. vii. large tank at Nade-cadua, which, p. 246. being out of repair, the remaining * Annals and Maff. of Nat. Hist., water was confined in a small May, 1853, p. 390. Mr. Morris, hollow in the otherwise dry bed. Chap. X.] CLIMBING FISH. 349 Referring to the Anabas scandens, Dk. Hamilton Buchanan says, that of all the fish with which he was acquainted it is the most tenacious of life ; and he has known boatmen on the Ganges to keep them for five or six days in an earthen pot without water, and daily to use what they wanted, finding them as lively and fresh as when caught.^ Two Danish naturalists residing at Whilst there heavy rain came on, and, as we stood on the high ground, we observed a peHcan on the margin of the shallow pool gorging himself; our people went towards him and raised a cry of fish ! fish ! We hui-ried down, and found numbers of fish strugghng upwards through the grass in the rills formed by the trickling of the rain. There was scarcely water enough to cover them, but never- theless they made rapid progress up the bank, on which our fol- lowers collected aboTit two bushels of them at a distance of forty yards from the tank. They were forcing their way up the knoU, and, had they not been intercepted first by the pelican and afterwards by ourselves, they wordd in a few minutes have gained the highest point and descended on the other side into a pool which formed another portion of the tank. They were chub, the same as are found in the mud after the tanks dry up." In a subsequent communication in July, 1857, the same gentleman says — "As the tanks diy up the fish congregate in the little pools till at last you find them in thou- sands in the moistest parts of the beds, roUing in the blue mud which is at that time about the consistence of thick gruel." " As the moisture further evapo- rates the surface fish are left un- covered, and they crawl away in search of fresh pools. In one place I saw hu.ndreds diverging in every direction, from the tank they had just abandoned to a distance of fifty or sixty yards, and still travel- ling onwards. In going this dis- tance, however, they must have used muscular exertion sufficient to have taken them half a mile on level ground, for at these places all the cattle and wild animals of the neighbourhood had latterly come to drink; so that the sm'face M'as everywhere indented with, foot- marks in addition to the cracks in the surrounding baked mud, into which the fish tumbled in their progress. In those holes which were deep and the sides perpen- diciilar they remained to die, and were carried off by kites andcrows." " My impression is that this mi- gration takes place at night or before sunrise, for it was only early in the morning that I have seen them progressing, and I found that those I brought away "with me in chatties appeared quiet by day, but a large proportion managed to get out of the chatties at night — some escaped altogether, others were trodden on and killed." " One peculiarity is the large size of the vertebral column, quite disproportioned to the bulk of the fish. I particularly noticed that all in the act of migrating had their gills expanded." ^ Fishes of the Ganges, 4to. 1822. 350 FISHES. [Chap. X. Tranquebar, have contributed their authority to the fact of this fish ascending trees on the coast of Coromandel, an exploit from which it acquired its epithet of Perca scandens, Daldorf, who was a Heutenant in the Danish East India Company's service, communicated to Sir Joseph Banks, that in the year 1791 he had taken this fish from a moist cavity in the stem of a Palmyra palm, that o-rew near a lake. He saw it when already five feet above the ground struggling to ascend still higher ; « suspending itself by its gill-covers, and bending its tail to the left, it fixed its anal fin in the cavity of the bark, and sought by expanding its body to urge its way upwards, and its march was only arrested by the hand Avith which he seized it." ^ There is considerable obscurity about the story of this ascent, although corroborated by ]M. John. Its motive for climbing is not apparent, since water being close at hand it could not have gone for sake of the moisture contained in the fissures of the palm ; nor could it be in search of food, as it lives not on fruit but on aquatic insects.^ The descent, too, is a question of difficulty. 1 Transactions Linn. Soc. toI. the sea. " On parle d'lm poisson iii, p. 63. It is remarkable, how- de merqiii, sortant de Teau, monte ever, that this discovery of Dal- sur la cocotier et boit le sue de la dorf, which excited so great an plante ; ensuite il retourne a la interest in 1791, had been antici- mer." See REiNArD, Belations pated by an Arabian voyager a des Voyages faits jyar les Arahes et thousand years before. Abou-zeyd, Persa^is dans le neuvieme siecle, the compiler of the remarkable torn. i. p. 21, torn. ii. p. 93. MS. known since Renaudot's trans- ^ Xirby says that it is "in pur- lation by the title of the TVo i'c75 o/ suit of certain crustaceans that the Two Mahometans, states that form its food" {Bridgnoater Trca- Suleyman, one of his informants, tise, vol i. p. 144) ; but I am not who*^ visited India at the close of aware of any crustaceans in the the ninth century, was told there island which ascend the palmyra or of a fish which, issuing from the feed upon its fruit. The Birgus waters, ascended the coco-nut palms latro, which inhabits Mauritius, to drink their sap, and returned to and is said to climb the coco-nut Chap. X.] BURTIXG FISHES. 351 The position of its fins, and the spines on its gill-covers, might assist its journey upwards, but the saroe apparatus would prove anything but a facility in steadying its journey down. The probability is, as suggested by Bu- chanan, that the ascent which was witnessed by Daldorf was accidental, and ought not to be regarded as the habit of the animal. In Ceylon I heard of no instance of the perch ascending trees^, but the fact is well esta- blished that both it, the j^ullata (a species oi jpoly acan- thus), and others, are capable of long journeys on the level ground.^ Burying Fishes. — But a still more remarkable power possessed by some of the Ceylon fishes, is that already alluded to, of secreting themselves in the earth in the dry season, at the bottom of the exhausted ponds, and there awaitino: the renewal of the water at the chansfe of the monsoon. The instinct of the crocodile to resort to the same expedient has been already referred to^, and in like manner the fish, when distressed by the evaporation of the tanks, seek rehef by immersing first their heads, ior this purpose, has not been baskets nor pockets in which to observed in Ceylon. place what they catch, will seize a * This assertion must be quali- fish in their teeth whilst putting fied by a fact stated by Mr. E. A. fresh bait on their hook. In Layard, who mentions that on August, 1853, a man was carried visiting one of the fishing stations into the Pettah hospital at Colombo, on a Singhalese river, where the having a climbing perch, which he fish are caught in staked enclo- thus attempted to hold, firmly im- sures, as described at p. 342, and bedded in his throat. The spines observing that the chambers were of its dorsal fin prevented its de- covered with netting, he asked the scent, whilst those of the giU- reason, and was told '' that some of covers equally forbade its return. the Jiskcli/nbed Hj) the sticks and got It was eventually extracted by over.'' — Maff. Nat. Hist, for May the forceps through an incision in 1823, p. 390-1. the oesophagus, and the patient re- 2 Strange accidents have more covered. Other similar cases have than once occurred at Ceylon proved fatal, arising from the habit of the ^ See a7ite, p. 285. native anglers; who, having neither 352 FISHES. [Chap. X. and by degrees their whole bodies, in the mud ; sinking to a depth at which they find sufficient moisture to pre- serve life in a state of lethargy long after the bed of the tank has been consolidated by the intense heat of the sun. It is possible, too, that the cracks which reticulate the surface may admit air to some extent to sustain their faint respiration. The same thing takes place in other tropical regions, subject to vicissitudes of drought and moisture. The Protopterus^, which inhabits the Grambia (and which though demonstrated by Professor Owen to possess all the essential organisation of fishes, is nevertheless pro- vided with true lungs), is accustomed in the dry season, when the river retires into its channel, to bury itself to the depth of twelve or sixteen inches in the indurated mud of the banks, and to remain in a state of torpor till the rising of the stream after the rains enables it to re- sume its active habits. At this period the natives of the Grambia, like those of Ceylon, resort to the river, and secure the fish in considerable numbers as they flounder in the still shallow water. A parallel instance occurs in Abyssinia in relation to the fish of the Mareb, one of the sources of the Nile, the waters of which are partially absorbed in traversing the plains of Taka. During the summer its bed is dry, and in the slime at the depth of more than six feet is found a species of fish without scales, different from any known to inhabit the Nile.^ ^ Lepidosiren anncctans, Owen, ritier presomptif du royaume See Linn. Travis. 1839. d'Alouah, m'a assure que Ton 2 This statement will be found trouYe, dans la vase qui couvre le in Quateemeee's Memoires sur fond de cette riviere, un grand VEgyptp, torn. i. p. 17, on the poisson sans ecaiUes, qui ne res- authority of Abdullah ben Ahmed semble en rien aux poissons du ben Solaim Assouany, in his Nil, et que, pour 1' avoir, il faut History of Nubia, " Simon, he- creuser a une toise et plus de pro- Chap. X.] BUEYIXG FISH. 353 In South America the "round-headed hassar " of Gruiana, Callicthys littoralis, and the " yarrow," a species of the family Esocidae, although they possess no specially modified respiratory organs, are accustomed to bury themselves in the mud on the subsidence of water in the pools during the dry season.^ The Loricavia of Suiinam, another Siluridan, exhibits a similar instinct, and resorts to the same expedient. Sir E. Schomburgk, in his account of the fishes of Gruiana, confirms this account of the Callicthys, and says " they can exist in muddy lakes without any water whatever, and great numbers of them are sometimes dug up from such situations."^ In those portions of Ceylon where the country is flat, and small tanks are extremely numerous, the natives are accustomed in the hot season to die: in the mud for fondeur." To this passage there is appended this note: — " Le pa- triarche Mendes, cite par Legrand {Belatio7i Hist. cC Ahyssinie, du P. LoBO, p. 212-3) rapporte que le fleuve Mareb, apr^s avoir arrose une etendue de pays considerable, se perd sous terre ; et que quand les Portugais faisaient la guerre dans ce pays, ils fouilloient dans le sable, et y trouvoient de la bonne eau et du bon poisson. Au rap- port de I'auteur de V Ayin Akbery (torn. ii. p. 146, ed. 1800), dans le Soubah de Caschmir, pres du lieu nomme Tilahmoidah, est une grande pi^ce de terre qui est inondee pen- dant la saison des pluies. Lorsque les eaux se sont evapor^es, et que la vase est presque seche, les habi- tans prennent des batons d' environ une aune de long, qu'ils enfoncent dans la vase, et ils y trouvent quantite de grands et petits pois- sons." In the Library of the British Museum there is an unique MS. of MaKOEL de AiMEIDA, written in the sixteenth century, from which Balthasar Tellec com- piled his Historia General de Ethiopia alia, printed at Coimbra in 1660, and in it the above state- ment of Mendes is corroborated by Almeida, who says that he was told by Joao Gabriel, a Creole Portuguese, born in Abyssinia, who had visited the Mareb, and who said that the "fish were to be foimd everywhere eight or ten palms down, and that he had eaten of them." ' See Paper " on some Species of Fishes and Beptiles in Demerara,'^ by J. HA?a)cocK, Esq., M.D., Zoo- logical Journal, vol. iv. p. 243. * A curious account of the bora- chung or "ground fish" of Bhoo- tan, will be found in Note (C.) ap- pended to this chapter. A A 3.54 FISHES. [Chap. X. fish. Mr. Whitinor, the chief civil officer of the eastern province, informs me that, on two occasions, he was pre- sent accidentally when the villagers were so engaged, once at the tank of Malliativoe, within a few miles of Kottiar, near the bay of Trincomalie, and again at a tank between Ellendetorre and Arnitivoe, on the bank of the Vergel river. The clay was firm, but moist, and as the men flung out lumps of it with a spade, it fell to pieces, disclosing fish from nine to twelve inches long, which were full grown and healthy, and jumped on the bank when exposed to the sun light. Being desirous of obtaining a specimen of fish so ex- humed, I received from the Moodliar of Matura, A.B. Wickremeratne, a fish taken along with others of the same kind from a tank in which the water had dried up ; it was found at a depth of a foot and a half where the mud was still moist, whilst the surface was dry and hard. The fish which the moodliar sent to me is an Anabas, closely resembling the Perca scandens of Dal- dorf ; but on minute examination it proves to be a THE ANABAS OF THE DRY TANKS. species unknown in India, and hitherto found only in Borneo and China. It is the A. oligolepis of Bleek. Chap. X.] BURYING FISH. 355 But the faculty of becoming torpid at such periods is not confined in Ce3don to the crocodile sand fishes ; — it is also possessed by some of the fresh-water mol- lusca and aquatic coleoptera. One of the former, the Ampullaria glauca, is found in still water in all parts of the island, not alone in the tanks, but in rice-fields and the watercourses by which they are irrigated. When, during the dry season, the water is about to evaporate, it burrows and conceals itself^ till the re- turning rains restore it to activity, and reproduce its accustomed food. There, at a considerable depth in the soft mud, it deposits a bundle of eggs with a white calcareous shell, to the number of one hundred or more in each group. The Melania Paludina in the same w^ay retires during the droughts into the muddy soil of the rice lands ; and it can only be by such an instinct that this and other mollusca are preserved when the tanks evaporate, to re-appear in full growth and vigour imme- diately on the return of the rains.^ ' A knowledge of this fact was ^ For a similar fact relative to turned to prompt account by Mr. the shells and water beetles in the Edgar S. Layard, when holding pools near Eio Janeiro, see Dar- a judicial office at Point Pedro in w-m's Nat. Journal, ch. v. p. 99. 1849. A native who had been de- Benson, in the first toI. of Glean- frauded of his land complained ings of Scie7ice, published at Cal- before him of his neighbour, who, cutta in 1829, describes a species during his absence, had removed of Paludina found in pools, which their common landmark, divert- are periodically dried up in the ing the original watercourse and hot season but reappear with the obliterating its traces by filling it rains, p. 363. And in the Journal up to a level with the rest of the of the Asiatic Society of Bengal field. JMr. Layard directed a for Sept. 1832, Lieut Huttox, in trench to be sunk at the contested a singularly interesting paper, has spot, and discovering numbers of followed up the same subject by a the Ampullaria, the remains of the narrative of his own observations eggs, and the li^^ng animal which at Mirzapore, wherein June, 1832, had been buried for months, the after a few heavy showers of rain, evidence was so resistless as to that formed pools on the siu'face confound the wrong-doer, and ter- of the ground near a mango grove, minate the suit. he saw the .Paludina issxiiug from A A 2 316 FISHES. [Chap. X. Dr. John Hunter^ has advanced an opinion that hy- bernation, although a result of cold, is not its immediate consequence, but is attributable to that deprivation of food and other essentials which extreme cold occasions, and against the recurrence of which nature makes a timely provision by a suspension of her functions. Ex- cessive heat in the tropics produces an effect upon ani- mals and vegetables analogous to that of excessive cold in northern regions, and hence it is reasonable to suppose that the torpor induced by the one may be but the coun- terpart of the hybernation which results from the other. The frost that imprisons the alligator in the Mississippi as effectually cuts it off from food and action as the drouo-ht which incarcerates the crocodile in the sun-burnt clay of a Ceylon tank. The hedgehog of Europe enters on a period of absolute torpidity as soon as the incle- mency of winter deprives it of its ordinary supply of slugs and insects ; and the tenrec ^ of Madagascar, its tropical representative, exhibits the same tendency during the period when excessive heat produces in that climate a like result. the ground, "pusHng aside the nograph in the Camb. Phil. Trans. moistened earth and coming forth vol. iv.). The fact is elsewhere from their retreats ; but on the alluded to in the present work of disappearance of the water not one the power possessed by the land of them was to be seen above leech of Ceylon of retaining vitality ground. "Wishing to ascertain what even after being parched to hard- had become of them he turned up ness during the heat of the rainless the earth at the base of several season. Lyell mentions the in- trees, and invariably found the stance of some snails in Italy which, shells buried from an inch to two when they hybernate, descend to inches below the surface." Lieut, the depth of five feet and more Hutton adds that the Ampullarice below the surface. Prhicip. of and Planorbes, as well as the Palu- Geology, ^t. p. 373. dinS^. ferrugineus of Kelaart), like * Annals of Natural History, in the Entomological Trans, the 1850. See Dr. Bated's Account of operations of an ant in India whicli Helix desertorum ; Excelsior, Sfc, lays up a store of hay against the ch. i. p. 345. rainy season. '^ Colonel Sktes has described A A 3 358 FISHES. [Chap. X. those at home, subsist upon insects, but as they inhabit a region where the equable temperature admits of the pursuit of their prey at all seasons of the year, unlike those of Europe, they never hybernate. A similar ob- servation applies to bats, which are dormant during a northern winter when insects are rare, but never become torpid in any part of the tropics. The bear, in like manner, is nowhere deprived of its activity except when the rigour of severe frost cuts off its access to its accus- tomed food. On the other hand, the tortoise, which in Venezuela immerses itself in indurated mud during the hot months shows no tendency to torpor in Ceylon, where its food is permanent; and yet it is subject to hy- bernation when carried to the colder regions of Europe. To the fish in the detached tanks and pools when the heat, by exhausting the water, deprives them at once of motion and sustenance, the practical effect must be the same as when the frost of a northern winter encases them in ice. Nor is it difficult to believe that they can successfully undergo the one crisis when we know beyond question that they may survive the other. ^ Hot-water Fishes. — Another incident is striking in connection with the fresh- water fishes of Ceylon. I have described elsewhere the hot springs of Kannea^, in the ' Yaeeell, vol. i. p, 364, quotes into one solid lump of ice, yet, ou tlie authority of Dr. J. Hunter in the water being thawed, the fish his Animal (Economy, that fish, became as liyely as usual. Dr. "after being frozen still retain so Eichardson, in the third vol. of much of life as when thawed to his Fauna Borealis Americana, resume their vital actions ;" and says the grey sucking carp, found in the same volume {Introd. vol. i. in the fur countries of North p. xyii.) he relates from Jesse's America, may be frozen and thawed Gleanings in I\atural History, the again without being killed in the story of a gold fish {Cyprinus process. auratus), which, together with the ^ See Sib J. Emerson Tennent's water m a marble basin, was frozen Ceylon, &c., vol. ii. p. 496. Chap. X ] LIST OF CEYLOX FISHES. 359 vicinity of Trincomalie, the water in which flows at a temperature varying at different seasons from 85'^ to 115°. In the stream formed by these wells M. Eeynaud found and forwarded to Cuvier two fishes which he took from the water at a time when his thermometer indicated a temperature of 37° Eeaumur, equal to 115° of Fahren- heit. The one was an Apogon, the other an Ambassis, and to each, from the heat of its habitat, he assigned the specific name of " thermalis." ^ List of Ceylon Fishes. In the following list, the Acanthopterj^gian fishes of Ceylon has been prepared for me by Dr. GtUNTHee, and will be found the most complete which has appeared of this order. I am also indebted to him for the correction of the list of ]Malacopterygians, which I hope ere long to render still more extended, as well as that of the Cartilao-inous fishes. ^ Cuv, and Val., vol. iii. p. 363. perature. — Journ. Asiatic Soc. of In addition to the two fishes above Beng. vol. vi. p. 465. Fishes have named, a loehe Cobitis thermalis, been observed in a hot spring at and a carp, Nuria thermoicos, were ManiLa which raises the ther- found in the hot-springs of Kan- mometer to 187°, and in another nea, at a heat 40° Cent., 114° in Barbaiy, the xisual temperature Fahr., and a roach, Leucisciis thcr- of which is 172° ; and Humboldt malis, when the thermometer in- and Bonpland, when travelling in dicated 50° Cent., 122° Fahr. — lb. South America, saw fishes thrown xviii. p. 59, xvi. p. 182, xvii. p. up alive from a volcano, in water 94. Fish have been taken from a that raised the temperature to hot spring at Pooree when the 210°, being two degrees below the thermometer stood at 112° Fahr., boiling point. Pattersox's Zoo- and as they belonged to a carnivo- logi/, Pt. ii. p. 211 ; Yajkeell's rous genus, they must have found History of British Fishes, vol. i. prey living in the same high tern- In. p. xvi. A A 4 360 FISHES. [Chap. X. I. OSSEOUS. ACAXTHOPTEEYGIL BERYClDiE, Lowe. Myripristis murdjan, Forsk. Holocentrum rubrum, Forsk. spiniferuni, Forsk. diadema, Lacep. Percid^, Gunther. * Lates calcarifer, Bl. Serranus louti, Forsk. pachycentrum, C. Sf V. guttatus, Bl. Sonneratii, C. 8; V. angularis, C. Sf V. marginalis, Bl. hexagonatus, Forsk. flavocoeruleus, Lacep. biguttatus, C. 8s V. lemniscatus, C. Sf V. Ainboinensis, Bleek. bcenak, C. S^ V. Gramtnistes orientalis, Bl, Genyoroge Sebae, C. Sf V. Benaalensis, C. Sf V. marginata, C- Sf V. rivuldta. C. ^ V. gibba, Forsk. spilura, Benn. Mesoprion aurolineatus, C. % V. rangus, C. Sf V. quinquelineatus, Riipp. Johnii, Bl. annularis. C. Sf V. ? Priacanthus Blochii, Bleek. Ambassis n. sp., Giinth. Commersonii, C. S; V. thermalis, C. Sf V. Apogon Ceylonicus, C. & V. thermalis, C. 8^ y. annularis, Riipp. var. rosei- pinnis. Chilodipterus quinquelineatus, CSfJ'. PkistipomatidjK, Gunther. Dales Bennettii, Bleek. * Therapon servus, Block. * trivittatus, Buck. Ham, quadrilineatus, Bl. * Helotes polytaenia, Bleek. Pristipoma hasta. Block. maculatum, Bl. Diagramma punctatum, Ehrenb. orientale, Bl. poecilopterum, C. Sf V. Blochii, C. ^ V. lineatum, Gm, Radja, Bleek. Lobotes auctorum, Gilntk. Gerres oblongus, C Sf J'. Scolopsis Japonicus. Bl. bimaculatus, Riipp. monogramma, A-. ^ v. H. Synagris lurcosus, C. ^- V. Pentapus aurolineatus, Lacip. Smaris balteatus, C. 4' V- CaEsio ccerulaureus, Lacep, MuLLiD.E, Gray. Upeneus tEeniopterus, C. 8^ V. Indicus, Shaw. cyclostoma Lacip, Upe. trifasciatus, Lacep. cinnabarinus, C, 8( V. Upeneoides vittatus, forsk, tragula. sulphureus, C. Sf V. Mulloides flavoiineatus, Lacep. Ceylonicus, C ^ V. SPARin^, Giinther. Lethrinus frenatus, C. <§• V. cinereus, C. 8s V. fasciatus, C. 8s V, ? ramak, Forsk. opercularjs, C. Sf V. erythrurus, C. Sf V. Pagrus spinifer, Forsk. Crysophrys hasta, Bl. ? Pimelepterus Ternatensis, Bleek. Squamipinnes, Giinther. Chaetodon Layardi, Blyth. oligacanthus, Bleek. setifer, BL vagabundus, L. guttatissimus, Benn. pictus, Forsk. xanthocephalus, Benn. Sebae, C. S; V. Heniochus macrolepidotus, Artedi. Holacanthus annularis, Bl. xanthurus, Benn. imperator, Bl. Scatophagus argus, Gm. Ephippus orbis, Bl. Drepane punctata, Gm. ClRRHiTiD^, Gray. Cirrhites Forsteri, Schn. Cataphracti, Cuv. Scorpaena polyprion, Bleek. Pterois volitans, L. miles, Benn. Tetraroge longispinis, C. Sf V. Platycephalus insidiator, Forsk, puuctatus, C. 4" V. serratus, C. Sf V. tuberculatus, C. 8f V. ' suppositus, Trosch, Dactylopterus orientalis, C. Sf V. TRACHiNiDiE, Giinther. ? Uranoscopus guttatus, C. 8s V, Percis raillepunctata, Giinth. Sillago siliama, Forsk. SciiENiD^, Giinther. Sciaena diacantha, Lacep. maculata, Schn. Dussumieri, C Sf V. Corvina miles, C. Sf V. Otolithus argenteus, k. Sf v. H. PoLYNEMiD^, Giinther. Polynemus heptadactylus, C. ^ V, hexanemus, C. ^ V. Indicus, Shaw. plebeius, Gm. tetradactylus, Shaw, Sphyr^nid.e, Agass. Sphyraena jello, C. Sf V. obtusata, C. Sf V, Trichiurid^, Giinther. Trichiurus savala, Cuv. Chap. X.] LIST OF CEYLON FISHES. 361 ScoMBRiDiE, GUnther. .? Thynnus affinis, Cant. Cybium Commersonii, Lacip. gutlatuin, Schn. Naucrates doctor, L. Elacate nigra, Bl. ? n. sp. Echeneis remora, L. scutata, Giinth. naucrates, L. Stromateus cinereus, Bl. niger, Bl. Coryphaena hippurus, L. Mene maculata, Schn. Carangid-e, GUnther. Caranx Heberi, Benn. Rottleri, Bl. calla, C. ^ V. xanthurus, K. 8( v. H. talamparoides, Bleek,,^ Malabaricus, Schn. speciosus, Forsk. , carangus, Bh hippos, L. armatus, Forsk. ciliaris, Bl. gallus, L. Micropteryx chrysurus, L. Seriola nigro-fasciata, Riipp. Chorinemus Ivsan, Forsk. Sancti Petri, C. ^ V. Trachynotus oblongus, C. S( V. ovatus, L. Psettus argenteus, L. Platax vesper tilio, Bl. Raynaldi, C. 8( V. Zanclus sp. n. Lactarius dclicatulus, C. 8[ V. Equula fasciata, Lacep. edentula, Bl. daura, Cuv. interrupta. Gazza minuta, Bl. equulaeformis, EUpp. Pempheris sp. XiPHiiD^, Agass. Histiophorus immaculatus, Rilpp. Theutyid^, GUnther. Theutys Javus, L. stellata, Forsk. nebulosa, A. ^ G. AcRONORiD^, GUnther. Acanthurus tviostegus, L. nigrofuscus, Forsk. lineatus, L. Tennentii, Gthr. leucosternon, Bennett, ctenodon, C. 4r V- rhombeus, Kittl. xanthurus, Blyth.* Acronurus melas, C. ^ V. melanurus, C. S; V. Naseus unicornis, Forsk. brevirostris, C. ^ V. tuberosus, Lacep. lituratus, Forster. ACLOSTOMATA, Ctivier. Fistularia serrata, Bl. BlenmidjE, MUU. Salarias fasciatus, Bl. Sal. marmoratus, Benn.' tridactylus, Schn. quadricornis, C. S[ V. GOBIID.^, Mull. Gobius ornatus, RUpp. giuris. Buck. Ham. albopunctatus, C. 8( V. graramepomus, Bleek. Apocryptes lanceolatus, Bl. Periophthalmus Koelreuteri, Pall. Eleotris ophiocephalus, K. S[ v. U. fusca, Bl. sexguttata, C. Sc V. muralis, A. Sf G. Mastacembelidb, GUnther. Mastacembelus armatus, Lacep. Pediculati, Cuv. Antennarius marmoratus, GUntfi. hispidus, Schn. pinniceps, Commers. Commersonii, Lacep. multiocellatus. GUnth, bigibbus, Lacep. AxHERiNiDi;, GUnther. Alherina Forskalii, RUpp. duodecimalis, C. i^ V. McGiLiD^, GUnther. Mugil planiceps, C. 8; V. Waigiensis, A. G. Ceylonensis, GUnth. Ophtocephalid^, GUnther. Ophiocephalus punctatus, Bl. Kelaartii, GUnth. striatus, Bl. marulius. Ham. Buck. Channa orientalis, Schn. Labyrinthici, Cuv. Anabas oligolepis, Bleek. Polyacanthus signatus, GUnth. PHAEYNGOGNATHL Amphiprion Clarkii, J. Benn, Dascyllus aruanus, C. S( V, trimaculatus, RUpp. Glyphisodon septem-fasciatus, C. S; V. Brownrigii, Benn. ccelestinus, Sol. Etroplus Suratensis, Bl. Julis lunaris Linn. decussatus, W Benn. formosus, C. 8f V. quadricolor. Lesson. dorsalis, Quoy Ss Gaim. aureomaculatus, W. Benn. Ceilanicus, E. Benn. Finlaysoni, C. §• V. purpureo-lineatus, C. 8[. F, cingulum, C. Sf V. Gomphosus fuscus, C. ^ V, coeruleus, Comm. viridis, W. Benn. Scarus pepo, TV. Benn. harid, Forsk. Tautoga fasciata, Thunb. Hemirhamphus Reynaldi, C. Sf V. Georgii C. Sg V. Exoccetus evolans, Linn. Belone annulata, C. S( V. 362 FISHES. [Chap. X. MALACOPTERYGII (ABDOMINAXES). Bagrus gulio, Buck. albilabris, C S; V. Plotosus lineatus, C. Sf V. Barbus tor, C. ^ V. Niiria thermoicos, C. . 22 cottidze , . . 13 siluridae . 31 . - 24 triglidae 11 . . 37 cvprinidas . 19 . . 52 polynemidae . 12 . . 3 scopelinidae . . 2 . . 7 muUidse 1 . . 7 salmonidae . . . 1 percJdse 2t; . . 12 ckipeids . 43 . . 22 berycidae . 5 gadidje . . . . . 2 sillaginidae . 3 . . 1 macruridae . . 1 . . sciaenidae l[t . . 13 Apodes. lisemulinida2 G . . 12 anguillida? 8 . 12 serranidae 31 . . 38 muraenidse 8 . 6 therapoiiidae 8 . . '20 sphagebranchida? 8 . 10 NOTE (C). ON THE BORA-CHUNG, OR " GROUND-FISH " OF BHOOTAN. See P. 353. In Bhootan, at the south-eastern extremity of the Himalayas, a fish is found, the scientific name of which is unknown to me, biit it is called by the natives the Bora-chung, and by European residents the " ground-fish of Bhootan." Tt is described in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal for 1839, by a writer (who had seen it alive), as being about two feet in length, and 368 FISHES. [Chap. X. cylindrical, witli a thick body, somewhat shaped like a pike, but rounder, the nose curved upwards, the colour olive-green, ^vith orange stripes, and the head speckled with crimson. ^ This fish, according to the native story, is caught not in the rivers in whose vicinity it is found, but " in perfectly dry places in the middle of grassy jungle, sometimes as far as two miles from the banks." Here, on finding a hole four or five inches in diameter, they commence to dig, and continue tiU they come to water ; and presently the hora-chung rises to the surface, sometimes fi-om a depth of nineteen feet. In these extemporised wells these fishes are found always in pairs, and when brought to the surface they glide rapidly over the ground with a serpentine motion. This account appeared in 1839 ; but some years later, Mr. Campbell, the Superintendent of Darjeeling, in a communication to the same journal^, divested the story of much of its exaggeration, by stating, as the result of personal inquiry in Bhootan, that the hora-chung inhabits the jheels and slow-running streams near the hills, but lives principally on the banks, into which it penetrates from one to five or six feet. The entrance to these retreats leading from the river into the bank is generally a few inches below the surface, so that the fish can return to the water at pleasure. The mode of catching them is by introducing the hand into these holes ; and the bora-chungs are found generally two in each chamber, coiled concentrically like snakes. It is not believed that they bore their own burrows, but that they take possession of those made by land-crabs. Mr. Campbell denies that they are more capable than other fish of moving on dry ground. From the, particulars given, the hora-chung would appear to be an Ophwcephalus, probably the 0. harka described by Buchanan, as inhabiting holes in the banks of rivers tri- • butary to the Ganges. ^ Paper by Mr. J. T. Peaeson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., vol. viii. p. 551. 2 Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., vol. xi. p. 963: 369 CHAP. XI. SHELLS. Mollusca. — Radiata, &c, Ceylon has long been renowned for the beauty and variety of the shells which abound in its seas and inland waters, and in which an active trade has been organised by the industrious Moors, who clean them with great expertness, arrange them in satin-wood boxes, and send them to Colombo and all parts of the island for sale. In general, however, these specimens are more prized for their beauty than valued for their rarit}^, though some of the " Argus " cowries ^ have been sold as high as foiLT guineas a pair. One of the principal sources whence their supplies are derived is the beautiful Bay of Venloos, to the north of Batticaloa, formed by the embouchure of the Natoor river. The scenery at this spot is enchanting. The sea is overhung by gentle acclivities wooded to the summit ; and in an opening between two of these eminences the river flows through a cluster of little islands covered with mangroves and acacias. A bar of rocks projects across it, at a short distance from the shore ; and these are frequented all day long by pelicans, that come at * CyprcBa Argus. B £ 370 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. sunrise to fish, and at evening return to their solitary breeding-places remote from the beach. The strand is literally covered with beautiful shells in rich profusion, and the dealers from Trincomalie know the proper season to visit the bay for each particular description. The en- tire coast, however, as far north as the Elephant Pass, is indented by little rocky inlets, where shells of endless variety may be collected in great abundance.^ Dur- ing the north-east monsoon a formidable surf bursts upon the shore, which is here piled high with mounds of yellow sand; and the remains of shells upon the water mark show how rich the sea is in mollusca. Amongst them are prodigious numbers of the ubiquitous violet-coloured Ian- thina^f which rises when the ocean is calm, and by means of its inflated vesicles floats lightly on the surface. The trade in shells is one of extreme antiquity in Ceylon. The Grulf of Manaar has been fished from the earliest times for the large chank shell, Turbinella lANTHIN^. ' In one of these beautiful little "bays near Catchavelly, between Trincomalie and Batticaloa, I found the sand "within the wash of the sea literally covered with mollusca and shells, and amongst others a species of Bullia (B. vittata, I think), the inhabitant of which has the faculty of mooring itself firmly by sending down its mem- branous foot into the wet sand, "where, imbibing the water, this organ expands horizontally into a broad fleshy disc, by which the animal anchors itself, and tlius secured, collects its food in the ripple of the waves. On the slightest alarm, the water is dis- charged, the disc collapses into its original dimensions, and the shell and its inhabitant disappear to- gether beneath the sand. BDLLIA VITTATA, ^ lantliina communis^ Kraiiss, and /. 2)rolo7igata, Blainv. Chap. XI.] TUEBINELLA RAPA. 371 rap a, to be exported to India, where it is still sawn into rings and worn as anklets and bracelets by the women of Hindustan. Another use for these shells is their conversion into wind instruments, which are sounded in the temples on all occasions of ceremony. A chank, in which the whorls, instead of running from left to right, as in the ordinary shell, are reversed, and run from right to left, is regarded with such reverence that a specimen formerly sold for its weight in gold, but one may now be had for four or five pounds. Cosmas Indico- PLEUSTES, writing in the fifth century, describes a place on the west coast of Ceylon, which he calls Marallo, and says it produced " KO')(kLovs,^^ which Thevenot translates "oysters;" in which case Marallo might be conjectured to be Bentotte, near Colombo, which yields the best edible " oysters " in Ceylon. ^ But the shell in question was most probably the chank, and Marallo was Mantotte, off which it is found in great numbers.^ In fact, two centuries later Abouzeyd, an Arab, who wrote an account of the trade and productions of India, speaks of these shells by the name they still bear, which he states to be schenek ^ ; but " schenek " is not an Arabic word, and is merely an attempt to spell the local term, chank, in Arabic characters. ^ Cosmas Indico-pleustes, in dia they had found oysters a foot Thevenot' s ed. t. i. p. 21. long. PLixTsays: " In Indieo mari ^ At Kottiar, near Trincomalie, Alexandri rerum auctores pedalia I was struck with the prodigious inreniri prodidere." — Nat. Hist. size of the edible oysters, which Lib. xxxii. ch, 31, Dak win says, were brought to us at the rest- that amongst the fossils of Pata- house. The shell of one of these gonia, he found "a massive gigantic measured a little more than eleven oyster, sometimes even a foot in inches in length, by half as many diameter." — Nat. Voy., ch. viii. broad : thus unexpectedly attest- ^ Abouzeyd, Voyages Arabes, ing the correctness of one of the £,0., t. i. p. 6 ; Eeixaud, Memoire stories related by the historians of sur VInde, ^t. p. 222. Alexander's expedition, that in In- B B 2 372 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. Bertolacci mentions a curious local peculiarity^ observed by the fishermen in the natural history of the chank. " All shells," he says, " found to the northward of a line drawn from a point about midway from Ma- naar to the opposite coast (of India) are of the kind called patty, and are distinguished by a short flat head ; and all those found to the southward of that line are of the kind called pajel, and are known from having a longer and more pointed head than the former. Nor is there ever an instance of deviation from this singular law of nature. The Wallampory, or * right-hand chanks,' are found of both kinds." This tendency of particular localities to re -produce certain specialities of form and colour is not confined to the sea or to the instance of the chank shell. In the gardens which line the suburbs of Gralle in the direction of Matura the stems of the coco-nut and jak trees are profusely covered with the shells of the beau- tiful striped Helix hceviastoma. Stopping frequently to collect them, I was led to observe that each separate garden seemed to possess a variety almost peculiar to itself; in one the mouth of every individual shell was red ; in another, separated from the first only by a wall, black ; and in others (but less frequently) 'pure white ; whilst the varieties of external colouring were equally local. In one enclosure they were nearly all red, and in an adjoining one brown. ^ ' See also the Asiatic Journal borne about half of some of the for 1827, p. 469. herds were mouse-coloxired, a tint ^ Dar"s\tn, in his Naturalist'' s not common anywhere else, — near Voyage, mentions a parallel in- Mount Pleasant dark-broAvn pre- stance of the localised propagation vailed ; whereas south of Choiseul of coloiu'S amongst the cattle which Sound white beasts with black range the pasturage of East Falk- heads and feet were common." — land Island : " Bound Mount Os- Ch. ix. p. 192. Chap. XI.] PEAKL FISHERIES. 373 A trade more ancient by far than that carried on in chanks, and infinitely more renowned, is the fishery of pearls on the west coast of Ceylon, bordering the Gulf of Manaar. No scene in Ceylon presents so dreary an aspect as the long sweep of desolate shore to which, from time immemorial, adventurers have resorted from the uttermost ends of the earth in search of the precious pearls for which this gulf is renowned. On approaching it from sea the only perceptible landmark is a building erected by Lord Gruildford, as a temporary residence for the Grovernor, and known by the name of the " Doric," from the style of its architecture. A few coco-nut palms appear next above the low sandy beach, and pre- sently are discovered the scattered houses which form the villages of Aripo and Condatchy. Between these two places, or rather between the Kalaar and Arrive river, the shore is raised to a height of many feet, by enormous mounds of shells, the accu- mulations of ages, the millions of oysters ^, robbed of their pearls, having been year after year flung into heaps, that extend for a distance of many miles. During the progress of a pearl-fishery, this singular and dreary expanse becomes suddenly enlivened by the crowds who congregate from distant parts of India ; a town is improvised by the construction of temporary dwellings, huts of timber and cajans"^, with tents of palm leaves or canvas ; and bazaars spring up, to feed the multitude on land, as well as the seamen and divers in the fleets of boats that cover the bay. ' It is almost unnecessary to say grina. It is the Meleagrina Mar- tliat the sheU fish which produces garitifcra of Lamarck, the true Oriental pearls is not an ^ Cajan is the local term for the oyster, but belongs to the genus plaited fronds of a coco-nut. Avicula, or more correctly, Melea- B B 3 374 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. I visited the pearl banks officially in 1848 in com- pany with Capt. Steuart, the official inspector. My immediate object was to inquire into the causes of the suspension of the fisheries, and to ascertain the proba- biKty of reviving a source of revenue, the gross receipts from which had failed for several years to defray the cost of conservancy. In fact, between 1837 and 1854, the pearl banks were an annual charge, instead of pro- ducing an annual income, to the colony. The conjecture, hastily adopted, to account for the disappearance of ma- ture shells, had reference to mechanical causes; the received hypothesis being that the young broods had been swept off their accustomed feeding grounds, by the establishment of unusual currents, occasioned by deepen- ing the narrow passage between Ceylon and India at Paumbam. It was also suggested, that a previous Gover- nor, in his eagerness to replenish the colonial treasury, had so " scraped " and impoverished the beds as to exterminate the oysters. To me, neither of these suppo- sitions appeared worthy of acceptance; for, in the frequent disruptions of Adam's Bridge, there was ample evidence that the currents in the G-ulf of Manaar had been changed at former times mthout destroying the pearl beds : and moreover the oysters had disappeared on many former occasions, without any imputation of improper management on the part of the conser- vators ; and returned after much longer intervals of absence than that which fell under my own notice, and which was then creating serious apprehension in the colony. A similar interruption had been experienced between 1820 and 1828 : the Dutch had had no fishing for Chap. XI.] PEARL FISHERIES. 375 twenty-seven years, from 1768 till 1796 ^ ; and they had been equally unsuccessful from 1732 till 1746. The Arabs were well acquainted with similar vicissitudes, and x\lbyrouni (a contemporary of Avicenna), who served under Mahmoud of Grhuznee, and wrote in the eleventh century, says that the pearl fishery, which formerly existed in the Grulf of Serendib, had become exhausted in his time, simultaneously Avith the appearance of a fishery at Sofala, in the country of the Zends, where pearls were unknown before ; and hence, he says, arose the conjecture that the pearl oyster of Serendib had migrated to Sofala.^ It appeared to me that the explanation of the pheno- menon was to be sought, not merely in external causes, but also in the instincts and faculties of the animals themselves, and, on my return to Colombo, I ventured to renew a recommendation, which had been made years before, that a scientific inspector should be ap- pointed to study the habits and the natural history of the pearl-oyster, and that his investigations.should be facili- tated by the means at the disposal of the Government. Dr. Kelaart was appointed to this office, by Sir H. Gr. Ward, in 1857, and his researches speedily developed results of great interest. In opposition to the received opinion that the pearl-oyster is incapable of voluntary 1 This suspension was in some temps. D'lm autre cote il s'est degree attributable to disputes with forme uue peeherie a Sofala dans le the Nabob of Arcot and other pays des Zends, la ou il n'en exis- chiefs, and the proprietors of temples tait pas auparavant — on dit que on the opposite coast of India, who c'est la peeherie de Serendyb qui claimed a right to participate in s'est transportee a Sofiila." — the fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. Albyeouxi, in Eeikaud's Frag- 2 "II y ayait autrefois dans le mens Arabes, ^'C, p. 125; see also Golfe de Serendyb, une peeherie de Eeinaud's Memoire sur VIncle, p. perles qui s'est epuisee de notre 228. B B 4 376 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. movement, and unable of itself to quit the place to which it is originally attached', he demonstrated, not only that it possesses locomotive powers, but also that their exercise is indispensable to its ceconomy when obliged to search for food, or compelled to escape from local impurities. He showed that, for this purpose, it can sever its byssus, and re-form it at pleasure, so as to miofrate and moor itself in favourable situations.^ The establishment of this important fact may tend to solve the mystery of the occasional disappearances of the oyster ; and if coupled with the further discovery that it is susceptible of translation from place to place, and even from salt to brackish water, it seems reasonable to expect that beds may be formed with advantage in positions suitable for its growth and protection. Thus, like the edible oyster of our own shores, the pearl-oyster may be brought within the domain of pisciculture, and banks may be created in suitable places, just as the southern shores of France are now being colonised with oysters, under the direction of M. Coste.^ The operation of sowing the sea with pearl, should the experiment succeed, would be as gorgeous in reality, as it is grand in conception ; and the wealth of Ceylon, in her " trea- sures of the deep," might eclipse the renown of her gems when she merited the title of the " Island of Eubies." On my arrival at Aripo, the pearl-divers, under the orders of their Adapanaar, put to sea, and commenced ^ Steu art's Pearl Fisheries of Calendar for 1858. — Appendix, Ceylon, p. 27 ; Coediner's Ceylon, p. 14. cfc, vol. ii. p. 45. 3 Bapport de M. Coste, Pro- ^ See Dr. Kelaart's Eeport on fesseiir d'Embryogenie, &c., Paris, the Pearl Oyster in the Ceylon 1858, Chap. XI.] PEARL-DIVERS. 377 the examination of the banks. ^ The persons engaged in this calling are chiefly Tamils and Moors, who are trained for the service by diving for chanks. The pieces of apparatus emplo3^ed to assist the diver in his opera- tions are exceedingly simple in their character: they consist merely of a stone, about thirty pounds' weight, (to accelerate the rapidity of his descent,) which is sus- pended over the side of the boat, with a loop attached to it for receiving the foot ; and of a net-work basket, which he takes do^vn to the bottom and fills with the oysters as he collects them. Massoudi, one of the earliest Arabian geographers, describing, in the ninth century, the habits of the pearl-divers in the Persian Grulf, says that, before descending, each filled his ears with cotton steeped in oil, and compressed his nostrils by a piece of tortoise-shell.^ This practice continues there to the present day^ ; but the diver of Ceylon rejects all such expedients ; he inserts his foot in the " sinking stone" and inhales a full breath ; presses his nostrils with his left hand ; raises his body as high ^ Detailed accounts of the pearl se fendaient la racine de Voreille fishery of Ceylon and the conduct 'pour respirer ; en effet, ils ne of the divers, will be found in peurent se servir pour cet objet des Peecivax's Ceylon, eh. iii. ; and in narines, vu qu'ils se les bouchent Cordixer's Ceylon, vol. ii. ch. xvi. avec des morceaux; d'ecailles de There is also a valuable paper on tortue marine ou bien avec des the same subject by INIr. Le Beck, morceaux de corne ay ant la forme in the Asiatic Researches, vol. v. p. d'un far de lance. En meme temps 993 ; but by far the most able and ils se mettent dans I'oreille du intelligent description is contained coton trempe dans de I'huile." — in the Account of the Pearl Moroudj-al-Dzeheb, ^-c, Eeixaud, Fisheries of Ceylon, by James Memoire sur VInde, p. 228. Steuart, Esq., Inspector of the ^ Colonel Wilson says they com- Pearl Banks, 4to. Colombo, 1843. press the nose with horn, and close - Massoxjdi says that the Persian the ears with beeswax. See Memo- divers, as they could not breathe randum on the Pearl Fisheries in through their nostrils, cleft the root Persian Gulf. — Journ. Geogr. Soc. of the ear for that purpose: ^' lis 1833, vol. iii. p. 283. 378 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. as possible above water, to give force to his descent ; and, liberating the stone from its fastenings, he sinks rapidly below the surface. As soon as he has reached the bottom, the stone is drawn up, and the diver, throwing himself on his face, commences with alacrity to fill his basket with oysters. This, on a concerted signal, is hauled rapidly to the surface ; the diver assisting his own ascent by springing on the rope as it rises. Improbable tales have been told of the capacity which these men acquire of remaining for prolonged periods under water. The divers who attended on this occasion were amongst the most expert on the coast, yet not one of them was able to complete a full minute below. Captain Steuart, who filled for many years the ofiice of Inspector of the Pearl Banks, assured me that he had never known a diver to continue at the bottom longer than eighty-seven seconds, nor to attain a greater depth than thirteen fathoms ; and on ordinary occasions they seldom exceeded fifty-five seconds in nine fathom water. ^ The only precaution to which the Ceylon diver de- votedly resorts, is the mystic ceremony of the shark- charmer, whose exorcism is an indispensable preliminary to every fishery. His power is believed to be hereditary ; nor is it supposed that the value of his incantations is at all dependent upon the religious faith professed by the operator, for the present head of the family happens to * Rtbeybo says that a diver that some divers stayed four or could remain below whilst two jive, and one six minutes. — Ceylon, credos were being repeated: "II p. 91 ; Le Beck says that in 1797 s'y tient I'espacede deuxcrffZo." — he saw a Cafire boy from Karical, Lib. i, eh. xxii. p. 169. Percfval remain dowii for the space of seven says the usual time for them to be minutes. — Asiat. Bes. vol. v. p. under water was two minutes, but 402. Chap. XI.] SHARK-CHAKMER. 379 be a Eomaii Catholic. At the time of our visit this mysterious functionary was ill and unable to attend ; but he sent an accredited substitute, who assured me that although he himself was ignorant of the grand and mystic secret, the mere fact of his presence, as a repre- sentative of the higher authority, would be recognised and respected by the sharks. Strange to say, though the Grulf of Manaar abounds with these hideous creatures, not more than one well authenticated accident ^ is known to have occurred from this source during any pearl fishery since the British have had possession of Ceylon. In all probability the reason is that the sharks are alarmed by the unusual number of boats, the multitude of divers, the noise of the crews, the incessant plunging of the sinking stones, and the descent and ascent of the baskets filled with shells. The dark colour of the divers themselves may also be a protection ; whiter skins might not experience an equal impunity. Massoudi relates that the divers of the Persian Grulf were so conscious of this advantao-e of colour, that they were accustomed to blacken their limbs, in order to baffle the sea monsters.^ The result of our examination of the pearl banks, on this occasion, was such as to discourage the hope of an early fishery. The oysters in point of number were abundant, but in size they were little more than " spat," the largest being barely a fourth of an inch in diameter. As at least seven years are required to furnish the growth at which pearls may be sought with advantage^ ^ Cohdineb's Ceylon, vol ii. p. marins, que, sans cela, seraient 52. tentes de les devorer." — Muroudj- 2 "lis s'enduisaient les pieds et al-Dzeheb, Reixaud, Mem. sur les jambes d'une substance noiratre, VInde, p. 228. afin de faire peur aux monstres ' Along -with this two plates are 380 SHELLS. [Chap. XL the inspection served only to suggest the prospect (which has since been realised) that in time the income from this source might be expected to revive; — and, forced to content ourselves with this anticipation, we weighed anchor from Condatchy, on the 30th March, and arrived on the following day at Colombo. The banks of Aripo are not the only localities, nor is the avicula the only mollusc, by which pearls are fur- nished. The Bay of Tamblegam, connected wdth the magnificent harbour of Trincomalie, is the seat of another pearl fishery, and the shell which produces them is the thin transparent oyster {Placuna ^placenta), whose clear white shells are used, in China and elsewhere, as a substitute for window glass. They are also collected annually for the sake of the diminutive pearls contained in them. These are exported to the coast of India, to be calcined for lime, which the luxurious affect to chew with their betel. These pearls are also burned in the mouths of the dead. So prolific are the mollusca of the Placuna, that the quantity of shells taken by the licensed renter in the three years prior to 1858, could not have been less than eighteen millions.^ They de- light in brackish water, and on more than one recent occasion, an excess of either salt water or fresh has proved fatal to great nrunbers of them. On the occasion of a visit which I made to Batticaloa, in September, 1848, I made some inquiries relative to a story which had reached me of musical sounds, said to be giren from drawings made for the at four months old, No. 3. No. 4, Official Inspector, and exhibiting six months. No. 5, one year. No. the ascertained size of the pearl 6, two years. The second plate oyster at every period of its growth, exhibits the shell at its full growth. from the "spat" to the mature ^ Report of Vv. Kelaart, Oct. shell. The young "brood" are 1857. shown at Nos. 1 and 2. The shell f/o Jcd'Oly PEAKL UYSTI-.U. 1. 2. The j"ouiip hrooil or tpal. .1. rl-itz, Conch. Cab. Chentj, Ulus. Conch. Des- HATES, Encyc. Meth. Vers. ; Mag. Zool. 1831; Voy. Belanger ; Edit. Lam. An. s. Vert. ; Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1853, 54, 55. Dillwyn, Descr. Cat. Shells. Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1857, 58; Malak. Blatter; Land and Fhiviatde Shells of Ceylon. Duclos, Monog of Oliva. Fabricius, in Pfeiffer Monog. Helic. ; in Dohr^i's MSS. Ferussac, Hist. Mollusques. Fors- KAL, Anim. Orient. Gmelin, Si^st. Nat. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1834, 52 ; Lndex Testaceologicus Suppl. ; Spicilegia Zool. ; Zool. Journ. i. ; Zool. Beechey Voy. Gratelolp, Act. Linn. Bordeaux, xi. Guerin, Eev. Zool. 1847. Hanlet, Thesaur. Conch, i. ; Recent Bivalves ; Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. Hinds, Zool. Voy. Sulphur; Proc. Zool. Soc. Huttox, Journ. As. Soc. Karstex, Mu^. Lesk. KiEXER, CoquiUes Vivantes. Krauss, Sud-Afrik Mollusk. La- marck, An. sans Verteh. Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854, Lea, Pro- ceed. Zool. Soc. 1850. LiNx^us, Syst. Nat. IMartixi, Conch. Cab. ^Iawe, hitrod. Linn. Conch.; Lidex Test. Suppl. ]Mexjschex, in Gronov. Zoophylac. Mexke, Synop. Mollus. MuLLER, Hist. Verm. Terrest. Petit, Pro. Zool. Soc. 1842. Pfeiffer, Monog. Helic. ; Monog. Pneumon. ; Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1852, 53, 54, 55, 5Q; Zeitschr. Malacoz. 1853. Philippi, Zeitsch. Mai. 1846, 47 ; Abbild. Ncuer Conch. PoTiEz et Micilyud, Galerie Bouai. Raxg, Mag. Zool. ser. i. p. 100. Eecluz, Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1845; Bevue Zool. Cuv. 1841; Mag. Conch. Eeeve, Conch. Icon.; Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, 52. Schumacher, Syst. Shuttle- worth. SoLAXT)ER, in Billwyn's Besc. Cat. Shells; Sowerby, Genera Shells ; Species Co7ich. ; Conch. Misc. ; Thesaur. Conch. ; Conch, lllus. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. ; App. to Tankerville Cat. Spexgler, Skrivt. Nat. Selsk. Kiobenhav. 1792. Stvatnsox, Zool. Illust. ser. ii. Templetox, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1858. Troschel, in Pfeiffer, Mon. Pneum; Zeitschr. Mcdak. 1847; Wiegm. Arch. Nat. 1837. Wood, General Conch. C C 3 390 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. lunulata, Desk. P. Z. Soc. 1854. amethystus, t'Vood, Gen. Conch.^ rugosa. Lam. Anim. s. Vert.'^ Tellina virgata, Linn. Syst. Nat.3 rugosa, Born, Test. Mus. Caes. Vind. ostracea, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. ala, Hartley. Thesaur. Conch, i, inaequalis, Hanley, Thesaur, Conch, i. Layardi, Deshayes, P. Z. Soc. 1854. caliosa, Deshayes. P. Z. Soc. 1854. rubra, Deshayes, P. Z. Soc. 1854. abbreviaia, Deiihayes, P Z. Soc. 1854. foliacea, Linn. Systema Nature. lingua-felis, Linn. Systema Naturae. vulsella, Chemn. Conch. Cab."* Lucina interrupta. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. 5 Layardi, Da-hayts, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1855. Donax scortum, Linn, Syst. Nat. cuneata, Linn. Syst. Nat. faba, Chem. Conch. Cab. spinnsa, Gtn. Syst. Nat. paxillus, Rerve, Conch. Icon. Cyrena Ceylanica, Chemn. Conch. Cab. Tennentii, Hanley, P. Z. Soc. 1858, Cytherea Erycina, Linn. Syst. Nat.^ meretrix, Linn. Syst. Nat." castanea. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. castrensls, Linn. Sy^t. Nat. casta, Gm. Syst. Nat. costata, Chemn. Conch. Cab. l*ta, Gm, Syst. Nat. trimaculata, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Hebraea, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. rugifera. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. scripta, Linn, Syst. Nat. gibbia. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Meroe, Linn. Syst. Nat. testudinalis. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. seminuda, Jfwtow.Wiepm. A.Nat. 1837.^ Venus reticulata, Linn. Syst. Nat.^ pinguis, Chemn. ('onch. Cab. recens, Philippi. Abbild. Neuer Conch. thiara, DUlw. Descriptive Cat. Shells. Malabarica, Chemn. Conch. Cab. Brnguieri, Hanley, Recent Bivalves. papilionacea, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Indica, Sowrrby, Thesa\ir. Conch, ii. inflata, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853.10 Ceylonensis. Sowerby, Thes. Conch, ii. literata, Linn. Systema Naturas. textrix, Chetnn. Conch. Cab." Cardium unedo, Linn. Syst. Nat. maculosum. Wood, Gen. Con. leucostomura, Born, Tt. M. Cjes. Vind. rugosum, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. biradiatum, Bruguiere, En. Meth. Vers. attenuatiim, Sowerby, Conch. lUust. enode, Soiverby, Conch. Illust. papyraceum, Chemn. Conch. Cab. ringiculum, Sowerby, Conch. Illust. subrugo^um, S<)V>erby, Conch. Illust. latum, Born, Test. Mus. Caes. Vind. Asiaticum, Chemn Conch. Cab. Cardita variejiata, Brug. Enc. Meth. Vers. bicolor, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Area rhomb^a. Born, Test. Mus. vellicata, Reeve, Conch. Icon. cruciata, Phihppi, Ab. Neur Conch. decussat.i. Reeve (as of Sowerby), C. I.'^ scapha, Meuschen, in Gronov. Zoo. Pectunculus nodnsus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. pertiniformis. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Nucula mitralis, Hinds, Zool. voy. Sul. Layardi, Adams, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856. Mauritii {Hanley as of Hinds), Rec. Biv. Unio corrugatus, Mii/ler, Hist. Verm. Ter.l^ marginalis, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Lithodomus cinnamoneus. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Mytiius viridis, Linn. Syst. Nat.^^ bilocularis, Linn. Syst. Nat. Pinna inflata, Chamn. Conch. Cab. cancellata, Mawe, Intr. Lin. Conch. Malleus vulgaris. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. albus, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Meleagrina margaritifera, Lmn. Syst. Nat. vexiilum, Reeve, Conch. Icon.'^ Avicula macroptera. Reeve, Conch. Icon. Lima squamosa, I^am, Anim. s. Vert. Pecten plica, Linn. -S^-st. Nat. radula, Linn. Syst. Nat. pleuronec es. Linn. Syst. Nat. pallium, Linn. Syst. Nat. senator, O'tw. Syst. Nat. histrionicus, Gm. Syst. Nat. Indlcus, Deshayes, Voyage Belanger. Layardi, Reeve, Conch, Icon. Spondylus Layardi, Reeve, Conch. Icon. candidus. Reeve {as of Lam.) C. Icon. Ostrea hyotis, Linn. Syst. Nat. glauciiia. Lam Anim. s. Vert. Mytiloides, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. cucullata? \ar. Born Test. M. Vind.'^ Vulsella Pholadiformis, Reeve, C. Ion. (immat.) Placuna placenta, Linn. Syst. Nat. Lingula anatina, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. * P. caerulescens, Lam. 2 Sanguinolaria rugosa. Lam. 3 T. striatula of Lamarck is also sup- posed to be indigenous to Ceylon. 4 T. rostrata, La?>i. 5 L. divaricata is found, also, in mixed Ceylon collections. 6 C. dispar of Chemnitz is occasionally found in Ceylon collections. 7 C. impudica. Lam. 8 As Donax. 9 V. corbis, Lam. >o As Tapes. '1 V. textile, Lam, 12 ? Area Helblingii, Chemn. 13 Mr. Cuming informs me that he has forwarded no less than six distinct Uni- ones from Ceylon to Isaac Lea, of Phila- delphia, tor determination or description. '4 M. smaragdinus, Chemn, 1'' As Avicula. 16 1 he specimens are not in a fitting state for positive determination. They are strong, extremely narrow, with the beak of the lower valve much produced, and the inner edge of the upper valve den- ticulated throughout. The muscular im- pressions are dusky brown. Chap. XI.] LIST OF CEYLON SHELLS. 391 Hyalaea tridentata. For. Anim. Orient.' Chiton, 2 species {Lnyard). Patella Reynaudii, Deshat/es, Voy. Be. testudinaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. Emarginula fissurata, C/i. C. Cab.2 Lam. Calypiraea (Crucibulum) violascens, Car- penter, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1856. Dentalium octogonum, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. aprinum, Linn. Syst. Nat. Bulla soliita, Chemn. Conch. Cab. 3 vex ilium, Chemn. Conch. Cab. Bruguieri, Adams, Thes. Conch. elongata, Adams, Thes. Conch. ampulla, Linn. Syst. Nat. Lamellaria (as Marsenia Indica, Leach. in Brit. Mus.) allied to L. Mauri- tiana, if not it. Vaginula maculata, Tempi. An. Nat. Limax, 2 sp. Parmacella Tennentii, Tempi.'* Vitrina irradians, Pjeiffer, Mon. Helic. Edgariana, Ben. Ann. N. H. 1853 (xii.) membranacea, Ben. A. N. H. 1853 (xii.) Helix haemastoma, Linn. Syst. Nat. vittata, MUller, Vermium Terrestrium. bistrialis. Beck, in Pfeiff. Symb. Helic. Tranquebarica, Fabricius, in Pfeiff". Monog. Helic. Juliana, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1834. Waltoni, Heeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842. Skinneri, Eeeve. Conch. Icon. vii. corylus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. vii. \xmby\wBL{Reeve, as oi Pfeiff-), C. Ic. vii. fallaciosa, Ferussai , Hist. IVIollus. Rivolii, Deshayes. Enc. Meth. Vers. ii. Charpentieri, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. erronea, Alters. Zeitschr. Mai. 1853. carneola, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. convexiuscula, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. gnoma, Pfeiff". Monog. Helic. Chenui, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic semidecussata, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. phoenix, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. superba, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. Ceylanica, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. Gardnerii, I'Jeiff Monog. Helic. coridria, Pfeiff'. Monog. Helic. Layardi, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. concavospira, Pfeiff: Monog. Helic. novella, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. verrucula, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. hyphasma, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. Emiliana, Pfeijff. Monog. Helic. Woodiana, Pteiff. Monog. Helic. partita, PJeiff. Monog. Helic. biciliata, Pfeff. Monog. Helic. I.-abellina, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. trifilosa, Pfeff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854. politissiraa, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Sc. 1854. Thwaitesii, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854. nepos, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1855. subopaca. Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853. subconoidea, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. S. 18.54. ceraria, Benson, An. Nat. H. 185'^ (xii.) vilipensa, Benson, An. N. H. 18.53 (xii.) pertucata, Benson, A. N. H. 1853 (xii.) puteolus, Berisoti, An. N. H. 18-53 (xii.) mononema, Benson, A. N. H. 1853 (xii.) marcida, Benson, An. N. H. 1853 (xii.) galerus, Benson, A. N. H. 18.56 (xviii.) albizonata, Dohrn, Proc. Zoo. Soc. 1858. Ni.tneri, Dohrn, MS.^ Grevillei, Pfeiff.Vroc. Zool. Soc. 1856. Streptaxis Layardi, Pfeiff. Mon. Helic. Cingalensis, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. Pupa iruscerda, Benson, A. N. H. 1853 (xii.) mimula, Benson, A. N. H. 18.56 (xviii.) Ceylanica, PJeiff. Monog. Helic. Bulimus trifasciatus, Brug. Encycl. Meth. Vers. pullus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1834. gracilis, Hutton, Journ. Asiat. Soc.iii. punctatus. Anion, Verzeichn. Conch. Ceylanicus, Pfeiff. (?Blaevis, Gray, in Index Testaceologicus.) adumbratus, Pfeiff, Monog. Helic. intermedius, Pfiff. Monog. Helic. proletarius, Pfeiff'. Monog. Helic. albizonatus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. Mavortius, Reeve, Conch. Icon. luscoventris, Ben. A. N. H. 1856 (xviii.) rufopictus, Ben. A. N H. 1856 (xviii.) panos, Benson, Ann. Nat. H. 1853 (xii.) Achatina nitens, Gray, Spicilegia Zool. inornata, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. capillacea, Pfeff. Monog. Helic. Ceylanica, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. Punctogallana, Pfeiff. Monog. Helic. pachycheila, Benson. veruina, Bens, A. Nat. Hist. 1853 (xii.) parabilis Bens. A. N. Hist. 1856 (xviii.) Succinea Ceylanica, P/e/^ Monog. Helic. Auricula Ceylanica, Adams, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1854.6 Ceylanica, Petit, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842.7 Layardi, Adams, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854.8 pellucens, Menke, Synopsis Moll. Pythia Ceylanica, Pfeiff. Zeits. Malacoz. 1853. ovata, Pfeiff: Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854. Truncatella Ceylanica, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 18.'i6. Cyclostoma ( Cyclophorus) Ceylanicum, Sowerby, Thes. Conch. involvulum, Miil/er, Verm. Terrest. Menkeanum, Philippi, Zeit. Mai. 1847. punctatum, Gratel. A.L. Bordeaux (xi.) loxostoma, Pfeiff. Monog. Pneumon. 1 As Anomia. 2 The fissurata of Humphreys and Da- costa, pi. 4 — E. rubra, Lamarck, 3 B. Ceylanica, Brug. * P. Tennentii. " Greyish brown, with longitudinal rows of rufous spots, forming interrupted bands along the sides. A singularly handsome species, having simi- lar habits to Limax. Found in the vallevs of the Kalany Ganga, near Ruanwelle." — TempletonMS^. ^ Not far from bistriali.'* and Ceylanica. The manuscript species of Mr. Dohrn will shortly appear in his intended work upon the "land and fluviatile shells of Ceylon. 6 As EUobiura. 7 As Melampus. 8 As Ophicardelis. C C 4 392 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. alabastrum, Tfeiff, Monogr. Pneumon. Bairdii. Fjeiff. Moni g. Pneumon. Thwaitesii. Pfeiff. Monog. Pneumon. annulatum.7;t).lemani, Pfeff. Mon. Pneu. eurytrema, Pfeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 18.52. margin^tus, Pfoff- Proc. Zool. .Soc. 1853. duplicatus, P/c/^.Proc. Zool. Soc. H54. aureus, Ffeiff. Proc. Zool. Soc. 18='5. Lavardi, Gray. Proc. Zool Soc. 1852. Austenianrs. Bens. A. N. H. 1853 (xii.) Thwaitesii. Pfeiff.Vroc Zo. Soc. 18.52. Cumingii. Pfeiff. Proc Zool. Soc. 1856. decorus, Bens. Ann. Nat. Hist. 18.53. haemastoma, Pfeiff. Proc. Zo. Soc. 18.56. Planorbis Coromandelianus, ^ab. in Dorhn's MS. Stelzeneri. Oohrn. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. elegantulus, Dohrn, Proc. Z. Soc. 1858. Limnaea tigrina, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. pinguis, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. Jlelania tuberculata, M'uller, Verm. Ter.' spinulosa. Lam, Anim. s. Vert. corrugata, Lam .Anim. s. Vert. rudis. La, Proc. Zool. Soc 1«50. acanthica. Lea, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850. Zeylanica, Lea. Proc. Z.«ol. Soc. 18-50. corrfusa, Dohrn. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. datura, Duhrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. Lavardi, Duhrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. Paludoraus abbreviatus. Reeve, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1852. clavatus, Beeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. 18-52. dilatatus, Beeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852. globulosus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. decussatus, Reeve. Proc Zool. Soc. 1852. nigricans. Reeve. Conch. Icon. constrictus. Reeve. Proc Zo. Soc. 1852. bicinctus. Reeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852. phasianinus, Beeve, Proc.Zo Soc. 1852. Isevls, Loyard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854, palustris, Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 18-54. lulguratus, Dohrn, Proc. Zo. Soc. 1857. nasutiis, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1857. sphHpricus, Dohrn, Proc. Zo. Soc. 18.57. solidus, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1857. distinnuendus, Dohrn, Proc. Z. S. 18-57. Cumingianus, Dohrn, Proc. Z. S. 1857. dromedarius. Dohrn, Proc. Z. S. 1857. Skinneri, Dohrn, Proc Zool. Soc. 1857. Swamsoni, Dohrn, Proc. Zo. Soc. 18-57. nodulo>us, Dohrn. Proc. Zo. Soc. 1857. Paludomus (Tunalia). loricatus. Reeve, Conch. Icon. erinaceus. Reeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852. aereus. Reeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852. Lnyardi, Reeve, Proc. Zool. Soc. J 852. undatus, Beeve, Conch. Icon. Gardner!, Reeve, Conch. Icon. Tennentii, Reeve, Conch. Icon. Reevei, Layard. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854. violaceus, Layard, Proc. Zool. S c. 1854. similis, Layard. Proc. Z"ol. Soc. 1854. fmrculatus, Layard. Pr. Z. Soc. 1854. Paludomus ( Philopotamis^. sulcatus. Reeve, Conch. Icon. regalis, Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 18.54. Thwaitesii. Layard, P. Zool. Soc. 1854. Pirena aira, Linn. Systema Naturae. Paludma melanostoma, Bens. Ceylanica, Dohrn. Pr. Zool. Soc. 1857. Bythinia i^tenoihyroides, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1''57. mode.'ta, Dohrn. MS. inconspicua, Dohrn, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1857. Ampullaria La\ardi, Reeve, Conch. Icon. moesta, Reeve, Conch. Icon. cinerea, Beeve. Conch. Icon. Woodward!, Dohrn, Pr. Zool. Soc. 18-58. Tischbeini, Duhrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. cariiiata, Swainson. Zool. lUus. ser. 2. paliidinnides, Cat. Cristofori 8$ Jan.- Malabarica, I hitippi, monog. Ampul.2 Lnzonica, Reeve, Conch. Icon.^ Sumatrensis, Philippi, monog. AmpuL* Navicella eximia. Reeve, Conch. Icon. reticulata, Reeve, < onch. Icon. Livesayi, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. squamata, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858. depresia, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Neritina crepidularia. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. melanostoma, Trosch. W. A. Nat. 1837. triserialis, Sowerby, Conch. lUustr. Colornbaria, Recluz, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1845. Perottetiana, Reclux,^c^. Z. Cuv. 1841. Ceylanensis, Recluz. Mag. Conch. 1851. Lavardi, Reeve, Conch. Icon. rostrata. Reeve, Conch. Icon. reticulata, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. Nerita plicata, Linn. Systema Natures. costata, Chemn. Conch. Cab. plexa, Chemn. Conch. Cab.^ Natica aurantia. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. mammilla, Linn. Systema Naturae. picta. Reeve (as ot Reclux), C. Icon. arachnoidea, Gm. Systema Naturae. lineata, Lam. Anim'. s. Vert, > M. fasciolata, Olivier. authority of Mr. Dohrn. 8 These four species are included on the ^ N. exuvia, Lain, not Linn. Chap. XI.] LIST OF CEYLON SHELLS. 393 adusta, Ch. C. C. f. 192R-7, & Karsten.^ pellis-tigrina, Karsten, Mus. Lesk.'^ did \ ma, Bolten, Mus.^ lanthina prolongara, Blainv. D. S. N.xxiv. communis, Kr. (as oi L. in part) S.A. M. Sigaretus, sp.^ Stomateila calliostoma, Adams, Thesaur. Conch. Haliotis varia, Linn. Systema Naturse. striata. Martini (as of Linn.), C. Cao. i. semistriata. Reeve, Concii. Icon. Tornatella solidula, Linn. Systema Nat. Pyramidella maculosa. Lam. Anira. s. Vert. Eulima Martini, Adams, Thes. Conch, ii. Siliquaria muricata, Born. Test. Mus. Cses. Vind. Scalaria raricostata, Lain. Anim. s. Vert. Dc^lphinula laciniata. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. distorta, Linn. Syst. Nat.^ Solarium perdix, Hinds. Proc. Zool. Soc. Layardi, Adams. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854.6 Rotelia vestiaria, Linn, Syst. Nat. Phorus pallidulus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. i. Trochus elegantulus, Gray, Index Tes. Suppl. Niloticus, Linn. Syst. Nat. Monodoiita laOio, Linn. Syst. Nat. canaliculata, Latn. Anim. s. Vert. Turbo versicolor, Gm. Syst. Nat. princeps. Philippi.^ Planaxis undtilauis, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. '^ Littorina angulit'era. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. melanostoma, Gray, Zool., Beech. Voy.^ Cliemiutzia trilineata, Adams, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853. lirata, Ada?ns, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853. Phasianella lineolata, Gray, Index Test. Suppl. Turritella bacillum, ^/ewe;-, Coquilles Vivantes, coluninaris, Kiener, Coquilles Vivantes. duplicata, Linn. Syst. Nat. attenuata. Reeve, Syst. Nat. Cerithium fluviatile, Potiez 4" Michaud, Galerie Duuai. Layardi (Curithidea), Adams, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854. palustre, Linn. Syst. Nat. aluco, Linn. Syst. Nat. asperu II, Linn, ^yst. Nat. telescopium, Linn. Syst. Nat. palustre obeliscus, Linn. Syst. Nat. fasciatum, Brag. Em yd. Meth. Vers. rubus, Sower, (as ot'J/ar/.;,Thes. C, ii. Sowerbyi, Kiener, Coquilles Vivantes (teste Sir E. Tennent). Pleurotoma Indica, Deshayes, Voyage Belanger. virgo. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Turbinella pyrum, Linn. Syst. Nat. rapa, La?« Anim.s Vert.,(the Chank.) cornigera, I. am. Anim. s. Vert. spirilius, Linn. Syst. Nat. Cancellaria triyonostoma. Lam. .^nim. s. Vert.'" scalata, Soverby, Thesaur. Conch. articularis, Sowerby, Thesaur. Conch. Littoriniformis, Soirerby, Thes. Conch. contabulaia, Sowerby, 1 hes. Conch. Fasciolaria fiiamentosa, Latn. Anim. s. Vert. trapezium, Lmn. Syst. Nat. Fusus longissimus, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. colus, Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulricas. toreomA,Deshayes (AS, Mur. i.Martyii).^^ laticostntus, Deshayes, Mag. Zool. 1831. Blosvillei, Deshayes. E. Meth. Vers., ii. Pyrula rapa, Linn. Syst. Nat.l2 citrina. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. pugilina, Born, Test. Mus. Vind.'^ ficus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ficoides, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Ranella crumena, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. spin )sa. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. rana. Linn. Syst. Nat.'^ margaritula, Deshayes, Voy. Belanger. Murex haustellum, Linn. Syst. Nat. adustus, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. micropbyllus, Lam. .Aiiim. s. Vert. angulilerus, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. palinarosae. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. ternispina, Kiener (as of Lam.), Co- quilles Vivantes. tenuispina. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. ferrugo, Mawe, Index. Test. Suppl. i^\ e.anui, Shuttleii'urth (teste Cuming) Tricon anus, Linn. Syst. Nat '^ mukis, Dilluyn. Descript. Cat. Shells. retusus, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. pyrum, Linn. Syst. Nat. clavator, Chemn. Conch. Cab. Ceylonensis, Sowerby, Proc. Zool. Soc. lotoriuni, Lam. (not Linn.) An. s. Vert. lampas, Linn. Syst. Nat. Pterocera lambis, Linn. Syst. Nat. millepeda, Linn. Syst. Nat. Strombus canarium, Linn. Syst. Nat.''' succiiutus, Linn. Syst. Nat. fasciatus, Born, Test. Mus. Caes. Vind. 1 Conch. Cab. f. 1926-7, and N, raelan- ostoma, Lam. in part. 2 Chemn. Conch. Cab. 1892-3. 3 N. glaucina, Lam. not Linn. ■1 A species (possibly Javanicus) is known to have been collected. 1 have not seen it. 5 Not of Lamarck. D. atrata, Reeve. 6 Philippia L. 7 Zeit. Mai. 1846 for T. argyrostoma, Lam not Linn. 8 Buccinum pyramidatum, Gm. in part : B. sulcatum, var. C. oi Urug. 9 Teste Cuming. 10 As Delphinulat. 1' Ed. Lam. .Anim. s. Vert. " " i'-^ F. papyracea, Lam. In mixed collec- tions I have seen the Chinese P. bezoar of Lamarck as from Ceylon. 13 P. vespertilio, Gm, 11 R. albivaricosa. Reeve. 15 M. anguliferus var. Latn. 16 T. cymcephalus of Lamarck is also met with in Ceylon collections. 17 S. incisus of the Index Testaceologi- cus (urceus, var. Soi/k Thesaur.) is found in mixed Ceylon collections. 394 SHELLS. [Chap. XI. Sibbaldii, Somerby, Thesaur. Conch, t. lentiginosus, Linn. Syst. Nat. marginatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. Lamarckii, Sowerby, Thesaur. Conch. Cassis glauca, Linn. Syst. Nat.' canaliculata, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Zeylariica, Lam. Aniin. s. Vert. areola, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ricinula albo'.abris, Blainv. Nouv. Ann. Mus. H. N.i.2 horrida. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. morus, Lam. Anim. s. Vi-rt. Purpura fiscella, Chemn. Conch. Cab. Persica, Linn. Syst. Nat. hystrix. Lam. (not Linn.) An. s. Vert. granatina, Deshayes, Voy Belanger. mancineUa, Lam. {a.^ o^ Linn.) An. s.V. bufo, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. carinifera, Lnm. Anim. s. Vert. Harpa conoidalis, Lam. Anim, s. Vert. minor, Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Dolium pomum, Linn. Syst. Nat. olearium, Linn. Syst. Nat. perdix, Linn. Syst. Nat. maculatum, I. am. Anim. s. Vert. iJassa ornata, Kiener, Coq. Vivantes.3 verrucosa, Brug. Encycl. Meth. Vers. crenulata, Brug. Encycl. Meth. Vers. olivacea, Brug. Encycl. Meth. Vers. glans, Linn. Syst. Nat. arcularia, Linn. Syst Nat, papillosa, Linn. Syst. Nat. Phos virgatus, Hinds, Zool. Sul. Moll. retecosus. Hinds, Zool. Sulphur, Moll. senticosus, Linn. Syst. Nat. Buccinum melanostoma, Sowerby, App. to Tankerv. Cat. erythrosttma, Beeve, Conch. Icon. Proteus, Beeve, Conch. Icon. rubiginosum, Beeve, Conch. Icon. Eburna spirata, Linn. Syst. Nat.'* canaliculata, Schumacher, S. A. s. V.5 Ceylanica, Bmguiere, En. Meth. Vers. BuUia vittata, Linn. Syst. Nat. lineolata, Sowerby, Tankerv. Cat.6 Melanoides, Deshayes, Voy. Belan. Terebra chlorata, Lam. Anim, s. Vert. muscaria, Lam. Anim. s. Vert, laevigata. Gray, Proc, Zool. Soc. 1834, maculata, Linn. Syst. Nat. subulata, Linn. Syst. Nat. concinna, Deshayes, ed. Lam. A. S.V. myurus, La7n. Anim. s. Vert. tigrina, Gm. Syst, Nat. cerithina. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. Columbella flavida. Lam. Anim.s. Vert. fulgurans. Lam. Amm. s. Vert. mendicaria, Linn. Syst. Nat, scripta, Lam. Anim. 8.Vert.( Teste Jay}. Mitra episcopalis, Dilhnyn, Des. Cat. Shells. cardinalis. Lam. Anim. s. Vert. crebrilirata, Beeve, Conch. Icon. punctostriata,y4 D 4 408 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. in the shape of a beetle is sent to the house of some person or family whose destruction it is intended to compass, and who presently falls sick and dies. The only means of averting this catastrophe is, that some one, himself an adept in necromancy, should perform a counter-charm, the effect of which is to send back the disguised beetle to destroy his original employer ; for in such a conjuncture the death of one or the other is essential to appease the demon whose intervention has been invoked. Hence the discomfort of a Singhalese on finding a beetle in his house after sunset, and his anxiety to expel but not to kill it. Tortoise Beetles.— There is one family of insects, the members of which cannot fail to strike the traveller by their singular beauty, the Cassididce or tortoise beetles, in which the outer shell overlaps the body, and the limbs are susceptible of being drawn entirely within it. The rim is frequently of a different tint from the centre, and one species which I have seen is quite startling from the brilliancy of its colouring, which gives it the appearance of a ruby enclosed in a frame of pearl ; but this wonderful effect disappears immediately on the death of the insect. Orthoptera. Leaf -insects. — But in relation to the insects of Ceylon the admiration of their colours is still less exciting than the astonishment created by the forms in which some of the families present themselves ; especially the " soothsayers " (^Mantidce) and " walking leaves." The latter ^, exhibiting the most cunning of all nature's devices for the preservation of her creatures, are found in the jungle in all varieties of hues, from the pale yellow of an opening bud to the rich green of ^ Fhyllium siccifolium. Chap. XII.] LEAF-IXSECTS. 409 the full - blown leaf, and the withered tint of decay. So per- fect is the imita- tion of a leaf in structure and ar- ticulation, that this amazing in- sect when at rest is almost un- distinguishable from the foliage around; not only are the wings modelled to re- semble ribbed and fibrous fol- licles, but every joint of the legs is expanded into a broad plait like a half-opened leaflet. STICK INSECT AND MAXTI3 410 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. It rests on its abdomen, the legs serving to drag it slowly along, and thus the flatness of its attitude serves still further to add to the appearance of a leaf. One of the most marvellous incidents connected with its organi- sation was exhibited by one which I kept under a glass shade on my table ; it laid a quantity of eggs, that, in colour and shape, were not to be distinguished from seeds. They were brown and pentangular, with a short stem, and slightly punctured at the intersections. EGGS OF THE LEAF-IN SEQT, The ^^ soothsayer," on the other hand {Mantis super- stitiosa, Fab.^), little justifies by its propensities the appearance of gentleness, and the attitudes of sanctity, which have obtained for it the title of the " prapng mantis." Its habits are carnivorous, and degenerate into cannibalism, as it preys on the weaker individuals of its own species. Two which I enclosed in a box were both found dead a few hours after, literally severed limb from limb in their encounter. The formation of the foreleg enables the tibia to be so closed on the sharp edge of the thigh as to amputate any slender substance grasped within it. The Stick-insect. — The Phasmiclce or spectres, another class of orthoptera, present as close a resemblance to small branches or leafless twigs as their congeners do to green leaves. The wing-covers, where they exist, instead of being expanded, are applied so closely to the body as to detract nothing from its rounded form, and ^ M. aridifolia and M. extensi- like head, and dilatations on the collis, as well as Empusa gongy- posterior thighs, are common in lodes, remarkable for the long leaf- the island. Chap. XH.] DRAGON-FLIES. — THE WHITE AXT. 411 hence the name which they have acquired of " tualking- sticks,^'' Like the Phyllium, the Phasma lives exclu- sively on vegetables, and some attain the length of several inches. Of all the other tribes of the Orthoptera Ceylon pos- sesses many representatives ; in swarms of cockroaches, grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. Neuroptera. Dragon-flies. — Of the Neuroptera, some of the dragon-flies are pre-eminently beautiful ; one species, mth rich brown-coloured spots upon its gauzy wings, is to be seen near every pool.^ Another^, which dances above the mountain streams in Oovah, and amongst the hills descending towards Kandy, gleams in the sun as if each of its green enamelled wings had been sliced from an emerald. The Ant-lion. — Of the ant-lion, whose larvae have earned a bad renowTi from their predaceous ingenuity, Ceylon has, at least, four species, which seem peculiar to the island.^ This singular creature, preparatory to its pupal transformation, contrives to excavate a conical pitfall in the dust to the depth of about an inch, in the bottom of which it conceals itself, exposing only its open mandibles above the surface ; and here every ant and soft-bodied insect which curiosity tempts to descend, or accident may precipitate into the trap, is ruthlessly seized and devoured by its ambushed inhabitant. The WJiite Ant. — But of the insects of this order the most noted are the ivhite ants or termites (which are ants only by a misnomer). They are, unfortunately, at once ubiquitous and innumerable in every spot where ' Lihelhda pulcheUa, Myrmeleon gravis, WaUcer; M. * Euphcea sphndens. dirus, "Walker; M. barbarus, ' Falpares contrarius, Walker; Walker. 412 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. the climate is not too chilly, or the soil too sandy, for them to construct their domed edifices. These they raise from a considerable depth under ground, excavating the clay with their mandibles, and moistening it with tenacious saliva ^ until it assume the appearance, and almost the consistency, of sandstone. So delicate is the trituration to which they subject this material, that the goldsmiths of Ceylon employ the powdered clay of the ant hills in preference to all other substances in the preparation of crucibles and moulds for their finer castings ; and Knox says, " the people use this finer clay to make their earthen gods of, it is so pure and fine."^ These structures the termites erect with such perseverance and durability that they fre- quently rise to the height of ten or twelve feet from ^ It becomes an interesting question whence the termites derive the large supplies of moisture with which they not only temper the clay for the construction of their long covered-ways above ground, but for keeping their passages uni- formly damp and cool below the surface. Yet their habits in this particular are unvarying, in the seasons of droughts as well as after rain ; in the driest and least promising positions, in situations inaccessible to drainage from above, and cut off by rocks and imper- vious strata from springs from below. Dr. Livingstone, struck with this phenomenon in Southern Africa, asks : " Can the white ants possess the power of combining the oxygen and hydrogen of their vegetable food by vital force so as to form water?" — Travels, p. 22. And he describes at Angola, an insect^ resembling the Aphrophora sj)umaria ; seven or eight indi- viduals of which distil several pints of water every night. — P. 414. It is highly probable that the ter- mites are endowed with some such faculty : nor is it more remarkable that an insect should combine the gases of its food to produce water, than that a fish thonld decompose water in order to provide itself with gas. FouRCROix fovmd the contents of the air-bladder in a carp to be pure nitrogen. — Yarrell, vol. i. p. 42. And the aquatic larva of the dragon-fly extracts air for its respiration from the water in which it is submerged, A similar mystery pervades the inquiry whence plants under peculiar circumstances derive the water essential to vegetation. - Knox's Ceylon, Parti, eh. vi. p. 24. * A. goudottif Bennett. Chap. XH.] THE WHITE ANT. 413 the ground, with a corresponding diameter. They are so firm in their texture that the weight of a horse makes no apparent indentation on their solidity ; and even the intense rains of the monsoon, which no cement or mortar can long resist, fail to penetrate the surface or substance of an ant hill.^ In their earlier stasres the termites proceed with such energetic rapidity, that I have seen a pinnacle of moist clay, six inches in height and twice as large in diameter, constructed underneath a table between sitting down to dinner and the removal of the cloth. As these lofty mounds of earth have all been carried up from beneath the surface, a cave of correspondino- dimensions is necessarily scooped out below, and here, under the multitude of miniature cupolas and pinnacles which canopy it above, the termites hollow out the royal chamber for their queen, with spacious nurseries sur- rounding it on all sides ; and all are connected by arched galleries, long passages, and doorways of the most in- tricate and elaborate construction. In the centre and underneath the spacious dome is the recess for the queen — a hideous creature, with the head and thorax of an ordinary termite, but a body swollen to a hundred * Dr. HooKEB, in his Himalayan on the closely cemented clay of the Journal (vol. i. p. 20) is of opinion white ants' nest, they may be daily that the nests of the termites are seen constructing their edifices in not independent structures, but the very form of a cone, which that their nucleus is " the debris they ever after retain. Besides of clumps of bamboos or the trunks which, they appear in the midst of of large trees which these insects terraces and fields where no trees have destroyed." He supposes are to be seen; and Dr. Hooker that the dead tree falls leaving the seems to overlook the fact that the stump coated with sand, which the termites rarely attack a living tree; action of the weather soon fashions and although their nests may be ijito a cone. But independently of built against one, it continues to the fact that the " action of the flourish not the less for their pre- weather" produces little or no effect sence. 414 IXSECTS. CChap. XH. times its usual and proportionate bulk, and presenting the appearance of a mass of shapeless pulp. From this great progenitrix proceed the myriads that people the subterranean hive, consisting, like the communities of the genuine ants, of labourers and soldiers, which are destined never to acquire a fuller development than that of larvae, and the perfect insects which in due time become invested with wings and take their departing flight from the cave. But their new equipment seems only destined to facilitate their dispersion from the parent nest, which takes place at dusk ; and almost as quickly as they leave it they divest themselves of their ineffectual wings, waving them impatiently and twisting them in every direction till they become detached and drop off, and the swarm, within a few hours of their emancipation, become a prey to the night-jars and bats, which are instantly attracted to them as they issue in a cloud from the ground. I am not prepared to say that the other insectivorous birds would not gladly make a meal of the termites, but, seeing that in Ceylon their numbers are chiefly kept in check by the crepuscular birds, it is observable, at least as a coincidence, that the dispersion of the swarm generally takes place at twilight. Those that escape the caprimulgi fall a prey to the crows, on the morning succeeding their flight. The strange peculiarity of the omnivorous ravages of the white ants is that they shrink from the light ; in all their expeditions for providing food they construct a covered pathway of moistened clay, and their galleries above ground extend to an incredible distance from the central nest. No timber, except ebony and iron wood, which are too hard, and those which are strongly im- Chap. Xn.] THE WHITE AXT. 415 pregnated with camphor or aromatic oils, which they dislike, presents any obstacle to their ingress. I have had a case of wine filled, in the course of two days, with almost solid clay, and only discovered the pre- sence of the white ants by the escape from the corks. I have had a portmanteau in my tent so peopled with them in the course of a single night that the contents were found worthless in the morning. In an incredibly short time a detachment of these pests will destroy a press full of records, reducing the paper to fragments ; and a shelf of books will be tunnelled into a gallery if it happen to be in their line of march. The timbers of a house when fairly attacked are eaten from within till the beams are reduced to an absolute shell, so thin that it may be punched through with the point of the finger : and even kyanized wood, unless impregnated with an extra quantity of corrosive sublimate, appears to occasion them no inconvenience. The only effectual precaution for the protection of furniture is incessant vigilance — the constant watching of every article, and its daily removal from place to place, in order to baffle their assaults. They do not appear in the hills above the elevation of 4000 or 5000 feet. One species of white ant, the Termes Taprobanes, was at one time believed by Mr. Walker to be peculiar to the island, but it has recently been found in Sumatra and Borneo, and in some parts of Hindustan. There is a species of Termes in Ceylon (T. monoceros), which always builds its nest in the hollow of an old tree ; and, unlike the others, carries on its labours without the secrecy and protection of a covered way. A march- ing column of these creatures may be observed at early 416 INSECTS. [Chap. Xll. morning in the vicinity of their nest, returning laden with the spoils collected during their foraging excursions. These consist of comminuted vegetable matter, derived, it may be, from a thatched roof, if one happens to be within reach, or from the decaying leaves of a coco-nut. Each little worker in the column carries its tiny load in its jaws ; and the number of individuals in one of these lines of march must be immense, for the column is generally about two inches' in width, and very densely crowded. One was measured which had most likely been in motion for hours, moving in the direction of the nest, and was found to be upwards of sixty paces in length. If attention be directed to the mass in motion, it will be observed that flanking it on each side through- out its whole length are stationed a number of horned soldier termites, whose duty it is to protect the labourers, and to give notice of any danger threatening them. This latter duty they perform by a peculiar quiver- ing motion of the whole body, which is rapidly commu- nicated from one to the other for a considerable distance ; a portion of the column is then thrown into confusion for a short time, but confidence soon returns, and the progress of the little creatures goes on with steadiness and order as before. The nest is of a black colour, and resembles a mass of scoriae ; the insects themselves are of a pitchy brown. ^ Htmenopteka. Mason Wasp. — In Ceylon as in all other countries, the order of hjnnenopterous insects arrests us less by the beauty of their forms than the marvels of their sagacity and the achievements of their ^ For these particulars of the Mr. Thwaites, of the Eot. Botanic iermes mo7ioceros, I am indebted to Garden at Kandy. Chap. XII.] THE MASON WASP. 417 instinct. A fossorial wasp of the family of Sphegidce ^, which is distinguished by its metallic lustre, enters by the open windows, and converts irritation at its move- ments into admiration of the graceful industry with which it stops up the keyholes and similar apertures with clay in order to build in them a cell. Into this it thrusts the pupa of some other insect, within whose body it has previously introduced its own eggs. The whole is surrounded with moistened earth, through which the young parasite, after undergoing its trans- formations, gnaws its way into light, to emerge as a four- winged fly.^ A formidable species (Sphex ferruginea of St. Far- geau), which is common to India and most of the eastern islands, is regarded with the utmost dread by the unclad natives, who fly precipitately on finding them- ' It belongs to the genus Peio- pcsus, P. Sjnnolcs, of St. Fargeau. The Ampulex compressa, which drags about the larvae of cock- roaches into which it has implanted its eggs, belongs to the same family. ^ Mr. E. L. Layard has given an interesting account of this Mason wasp in the Annals and Magazme of Nat. History for May, 1853. " I have frequently," he says, " selected one of these flies for observation, and have seen their labours extend over a period of a fortnight or twenty days ; some- times only half a cell was com- pleted in a day, at others as much as two. I never saw more than twenty cells in one nest, seldom indeed that number, and whence the caterpillars were procured was always to me a mystery. I have seen thirty or forty brought in of a species which I knew to be very rare in the perfect state, and which I had sought for in vain, although I knew on what plant they fed. " Then again how are they dis- abled by the wasp, and yet not in- jured so as to cause their imme- diate death ? Die they all do, at least all that I have ever tried to rear, after taking them from the nest. " The perfected fly never effects its egress from the closed aperture, through which the caterpillars were inserted, and when cells are placed end to end, as they are in many in- stances, the outward end of each is always selected. I cannot de- tect any difference in the thickness in the crust of the ceU. to cause this uniformity of practice. It is often as much as half an inch through, of great hardness, and as far as I can see impervious to air and light. How then does the en- closed fly always select the right end, and with what secretion is it sup- plied to decompose this mortar?" E 418 INSECTS. [CHAr. XII. selves in the vicinity ^ of its nests. These are of such ample dimensions, that when suspended from a branch, they often measure upwards of six feet in length.^ Bees, — Bees of several species and genera, some un- provided with stings, and some in size scarcely exceed- ing a house-fly, deposit their honey in hollow trees, or suspend their combs from a branch. The spoils of their industry form one of the chief resources of the uncivi- lised Veddahs, who collect the wax in the upland forests, to be bartered for arrow points and clothes in the low- lands.^ I have never heard of an instance of persons being attacked by the bees of Ceylon, and hence the natives assert, that those most productive of honey are destitute of stings. The Carpenter Bee. — The operations of one of the most interesting of the tribe, the Carpenter bee '*, I have watched with admiration from the window of the Colo- * It ought to be remembered in the bases of several together, travelling in the forests of Ceylon whereby they assume the hexagonal that sal volatile applied imme- shape, whereas, if constructed diately is a specific for the sting of separately, he thought each single a wasp. cell would be circular. See Proc. 2 At the January (1839) meet- Ent Soc. vol. iii. p. 16. ing of the Entomological Society, ^ A gentleman connected with Mr. Whitehouse exhibited portions the department of the Surveyor- of a wasps' nest from Ceylon, be- Greneral writes to me that he tween seven and eight teet long measured a honey-comb which he andtwofeetin diameter, and showed found fastened to the overhanging that the construction of the cells branch of a small tree in the forest was perfectly analogous to those of near Adam's Peak, and found it the hive bee, and that when con- nine links of his chain or about nected each has a tendency to six feet in length and a foot in assume a circular outline. In one breadth where it was attached to specimen where there were three the branch, but tapering towards cells united the outer part was cir- the other extremity. " It was a cidar, whilst the portions common single comb with a layer of cells to the three formed straight walls, on either side, but so weighty that From this Singhalese nest Mr. the branch broke by the strain." Whitehouse demonstrated that the * Xylocofa tinuiscapa, Westw. ; wasps at the commencement of Another species found in Ceylon is their comb proceed slowly, forming the X. latipes, Drury. Chap. XII.] THE CARPENTER BEE. 419 nial Secretary's official residence at Kandy. So soon as the day grew warm, these active creatures were at work perforating the wooden columns which supported the verandah. They poised themselves on their shining purple wings, as they made the first lodgment in the THE CARPENTER B3E. wood, enlivening the work with an uninterrupted hum of delight, which was audible to a considerable distance. When the excavation had proceeded so far that the insect could descend into it, the music was suspended, but renewed from time to time, as the little creature came to the orifice to throw out the chips, to rest, or to enjoy the fresh air. By degrees, a mound of saw-dust was formed at the base of the pillar, consisting of par- ticles abraded by the mandibles of the bee. These, when the hollow was completed to the depth of several inches, were partially replaced in the excavation after being agglutinated to form partitions between the eggs, as they were deposited within. The mandibles ^ of these bees are admirably formed for the purpose of work- ing out the tunnels required, being short, stout, and usually furnished at the tip with two teeth which are rounded somewhat into the form of cheese-cutters. * See figure above. E E 2 420 IXSECTS. [Chap. XH. These when brought into operation cut out the wood in the same way as a carpenter's double gouge, the teeth being more or less hollowed out within. The female alone is furnished with these powerful instruments. In the males the mandibles are slender as compared with those of the females. The bores of some of these bees are de- scribed as being from twelve to fourteen inches in length. Ants. — As to ants, I apprehend that, notwithstand- ing their numbers and familiarity, information is very imperfect relative to the varieties and habits of these marvellous insects in Ceylon.^ In point of multitude it is scarcely an exaggeration to apply to them the figure of " the sands of the sea." They are every- where ; in the earth, in the houses, and on the trees ; they are to be seen in every room and cupboard, and almost on every plant in the jungle. To some of the latter they are, perhaps, attracted by the sweet juices secreted by the aphides and coccidsB.^ Such is the pas- * Mr. Jerdan, in a series of by the mill — be exposed to tlie air, papers in the thirteenth volume of it gradually evaporates, jdelding a the Annals of Natural History, light-brown residue, like the ordi- has described forty-seven species of nary muscovado sugar of the best ants in Southern India. But M. quality. If not protected, it is Nietner has recently forwarded to presently attacked by ants, and in the Berlin Museum upwards of a short time is, as it were, con- seventy species taken by him in verted into white crystalline sugar, Ceylon, chiefly in the western pro- the ants having refined it by re- vince and the vicinity of Colombo, moving the darker portion, pro- Of these many are identical with bably preferring that part from its those noted by Mr. Jerdan as be- containing azotized matter. The longing to the Indian continent, negroes, I may remark, prefer One (probably Dn^Mnognathus sal- brown sugar to white ; they say tator of Jerdan) is described byM. its sweetening power is greater ; Nietner as occasionally "moving by no doubt its nourishing quality is jumps of several inches at a spring." gi'eater, and therefore as an article 2 Dr. Davy, in a paper on Tro- of diet deserving of preference, pical Plants, has introduced the In refining sugar as in refining salt following passage relative to the (coarse bay salt containing a little purification of sugar by ants : iodine), an error may be committed " If the juice of the sugar-cane in abstracting matter designed by — the common syrup as expressed nature for a useftd purpose." Chap. XII.] AJS^TS. 421 sion of the ants for sugar, and their wonderful faculty of discovering it, that the smallest particle of a sub- stance containing it is quickly covered with them, though placed in the least conspicuous position, where not a single one may have been visible a moment before. But it is not sweet substances alone that they attack ; no animal or vegetable matter comes amiss to them ; no aperture appears too small to admit them ; it is necessary to place everything which it may be de- sirable to keep free from their invasion, under the closest cover, or on tables with cups of water under every foot. As scavengers, they are invaluable ; and as ants never sleep, but work without cessation during the night as well as by day, every particle of decaying vegetable or putrid animal matter is removed with in- conceiveable speed and certainty. In collecting shells, I have been able to turn this propensity to good account ; by placing them within their reach, the ants in a few days removed every vestige of the mollusc from the innermost and otherwise inaccessible whorls ; thus avoiding all risk of injuring the enamel by any mechanical process. But the assaults of the ants are not confined to dead animals alone, they attack equally such small insects as they can overcome, or find disabled by accidents or wounds ; and it is not unusual to see some hundreds of them surrounding a maimed beetle, or a bruised cock- roach, and hurrying it along in spite of its struggles. I have, on more than one occasion, seen a contest between them and one of the viscous ophidians, Coecilia gluti- nosa^, a reptile resembling an enormous earthworm, common in the Kandyan hills, of an inch in diameter, * See ajite, p. 317. E E 3 422 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. and nearly two feet in length. On these occasions it would seem as if the whole community had been sum- moned and turned out for such a prodigious effort ; they surround their victim literally in tens of thousands, inflicting wounds on all parts, and forcing it along to- wai'ds their nest in spite of resistance. In one instance to which I was a witness, the conflict lasted for the latter part of a day, but towards evening the Coecilia was com- pletely exhausted, and in the morning it had totally disappeared, having been carried away either whole or piecemeal by its assailants. The species I here allude to is a very small ant, which the Singhalese call by the generic name of Koombiya. There is a species still more minute, and evidently dis- tinct, which frequents the caraffes and toilet vessels. A third, probably the Formica nidificans of Jerdan, is black, of the same size as that last mentioned, and, from its colour, called the Kalu koombiya by the natives. In the houses its propensities and habits are the same as those of the others ; but I have observed that it fre- quents the trees more profusely, forming small paper cells for its young, like miniature wasps' nests, in which it deposits its eggs, suspending them from a twig. The most formidable of all is the great red ant or Dimiya.^ It is particularly abundant in gardens, and on fruit trees ; it constructs its dwellings by glueing the leaves of such species as are suitable from their shape and pliancy into hollow balls, and these it lines with a kind of transparent paper, like that manufactured by the wasp. I have watched them at the interesting oper- ation of forming these dwellings ; — a line of ants stand- ing on the edge of one leaf bring another into contact * Formica smaragdina^ Fab. Chap. Xn.] AXIS. 423 with it, and hold both together with their mandibles till their companions within attach them firmly by means of their adhesive paper, the assistants outside moving along as the work proceeds. If it be necessary to draw closer a leaf too distant to be laid hold of by the imme- diate workers, they form a chain by depending one from the other till the object is reached, when it is at length brought into contact, and made fast by cement. Like all their race, these ants are in perpetual motion, formincf lines on the OTound alonor which thev pass, in continual procession to and from the trees on which they reside. They are the most irritable of the whole order in Ceylon, biting with such intense ferocity as to render it difficult for the unclad natives to collect the fruit from the mango trees, which the red ants especially frequent. They drop from the branches upon travellers in the jungle, attacking them with venom and fury, and inflicting intolerable pain both upon animals and man. On examining the structure of the head through a microscope, I found that the mandibles, in- stead of merely meeting in contact, are so hooked as to cross each other at the points, whilst the inner line is sharply serrated throughout its entire length ; thus occa- sioning the intense pain of their bite, as compared with that of the ordinary ant. To check the ravages of the coffee bug ^ (Lecanium coffece, Walker), which for some years past has devast- ated some of the plantations in Ceylon, the experiment was made of introducing the red ants, who feed greedily on the Coccus. But the remedy threatened to be at- tended with some inconvenience, for the Malabar Coolies, with bare and oiled skins, were so frequently ^ For an account of this pest, see p. 437- E E 4 424 Ds'SECTS. [Chap. XII. and fiercely assaulted by the ants as to endanger their stay on the estates. The ants which burrow in the ground in Ceylon are generally, but not invariably, black, and some of them are of considerable size. One species, about the third of an inch in length, is abundant in the hills, and espe- cially about the roots of trees, where they pile up the earth in circular heaps round the entrance to their nests, and in doing this I have observed a singular illustration of their instinct. To carry up each particle of sand by itself would be an endless waste of labour, and to carry two or more loose ones securely would be to them embarrassing, if not impossible. To overcome the difficulty they glue together with their saliva so much earth or sand as is sufficient for a burden, and each ant may be seen hurrying up from below with his load, carrying it to the top of the circular heap outside, and throwing it over, the mass being so strongly attached as to roll to the bottom without breaking asunder. The ants I have been here describing are inoffensive, differing in this particular from the Dimiya and another of similar size and ferocity, which is called by the Sing- halese Kaddiya, The}^ have a legend illustrative of their alarm for the bites of the latter, to the effect that the cobra de capello invested the Kaddiya with her o^vn venom in admiration of the singular courage displayed by these little creatures.^ Lepidopteea. Butterflies. — In the interior of the island butterflies are comparatively rare, and, contrary to the ordinary belief, they are seldom to be seen in the sunshine. They frequent the neighbourhood of the jungle, and especially the vicinity of the rivers and ' Knox's Historical Relation of Ceylon, pt. i. ch. vi, p. 23. Chap. XII.] BUTTERFLIES. 425 waterfalls, living mainly in the shade of the moist foliage, and returning to it in haste after the shortest flights, as if their slender bodies were speedily dried up and exhausted by exposure to the intense heat. Among the largest and most gaudy of the Ceylon Lepidoptera is the great black and yellow butterfly {Omithoptera darskis, G-ray) ; the upper wings of which measure six inches across, and are of deep velvet black, the lower ornamented by large particles of satiny yellow, through which the sunlight passes. Few insects can compare with it in beauty, as it hovers over the flowers of the heliotrope, which furnish the favourite food of the perfect fly, although the caterpillar feeds on the aristolochia and the betel leaf, and suspends its chrysalis from its drooping tendrils. Next in size as to expanse of wing, though often exceeding it in breadth, is the black and blue Papilio Polyinnestor, which darts rapidly through the air, alighting on the ruddy flowers of the hibiscus, or the dark green foliage of the citrus, on which it deposits its eggs. The larvae of this species are green with white bands, and have a hump on the fourth or fifth segment. From this hump the caterpillar, on being irritated, protrudes a singular horn of an orange colour, bifurcate at the extremity, and covered with a pungent mucilaginous secretion. This is evidently intended as a weapon of defence against the attack of the ichneumon flies, that deposit their eggs in its soft body, for when the grub is pricked, either by the ovipositor of the ichneumon, or by any other sharp instrument, the horn is at once protruded, and struck upon the offending object with unerring aim. Amongst the more common of the larger butterflies 426 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. is the P. Hector, with gorgeous crimson spots set in the black velvet of the inferior Avings ; these, when fresh, are shot with a purple blush, equalling in splendour the azure of the European " Emperor.^^ The Spectre Butterfly. — Another butterfly, but be- longing to a widely different group, is the " sylph " {^Hestia Jasonia), called by the Europeans by the various names of Floater, Spectre, and Silver-pciper- fly, as indicative of its graceful flight. It is found only in the deep shade of the damp forest, usually frequenting the vicinity of pools of water and cas- cades, about which it sails heedless of the spray, the moisture of which may even be beneficial in preserving the elasticity of its thin and delicate wings, that bend and undulate in the act of flight. The LyccenidcB^, a particularly attractive group, abound near the enclosures of cultivated grounds, and amongst the low shrubs edging the patenas, flitting from flower to flower, inspecting each in turn, as if attracted by their beauty, in the full blaze of sun-light ; and shunning exposure less sedulously than the other diurnals. Some of the more robust kinds ^ are magnifi- cent in the bright light, from the splendour of their metallic blues and glowing purples, but they yield in elegance of form and variety to their tinier and more delicately-coloured congeners. Short as is the eastern twilight, it has its own peculiar forms, and the naturalist marks with interest the small, but strong, Hesperidce^, hurrying, by abrupt and jerk- ing flights, to the scented blossoms of the champac or ^ Jjycmna polyommatus, ^c. ' Pamphila hesperia, ^c. ^ Amblypodia pseudocentauruSy Chap. XII.] MOTHS. 427 the sweet night-blowing moon-flower ; and, when dark- ness gathers around, we can hear, though hardly distin- guish amid the gloom, the humming of the powerful wings of innumerable hawk moths, which hover with their loDg proboscides inserted into the starry petals of the periwinkle. Conspicuous amidst these nocturnal moths is the richly-coloured Acherontia Satanas, one of the Singha- lese representatives of our Death's-head moth, which utters a sharp and stridulous cry when seized. This sound has been conjectured to be produced by the friction of its thorax against the abdomen ; — Eeaumur believed it to be caused by the rubbing of the palpi against the tongue. I have never been able to observe either mo- tion, and Mr. E. L. Layard is of opinion that the sound is emitted from two apertures concealed by tufts of wiry bristles thrown out from each side of the inferior portion of the thorax.^ Moths. — Among the strictly nocturnal Lepidoptera are some gigantic species. Of these the cinnamon- eating Atlas, often attains the dimensions of nearly a foot in the stretch of its superior wings. It is very com- mon in the gardens about Colombo, and its size, and the transparent talc-like spots in its wings, cannot fail to strike even the most careless saunterer. But little inferior to it in size is the famed Tusseh silk moth 2, which feeds on the country almond {Teiminalia catappa) and the palma Christi or Castor-oil plant ; it ' There is another rariety of the night, attracted by the lights ; but same moth in Ceylon which closely I haye not found its laryfe, although resembles it in its markings, but in that of the other species is com- which I have never detected the ut- mon on several widely different termg of this curious cry. It is plants. smaller than the A. Satanas, and, 2 jinthercea mylitta, Drviry. like it, often enters dwellings at 428 INSECTS. [Chap. XH. is easily distinguishable from the Atlas, which has a triangular wing, whilst its is falcated, and the transpa- rent spots are covered with a curious thread-like division drawn across them. Towards the northern portions of the island this valu- able species entirely displaces the other, owing to the fact that the almond and pahna Christi abound there. The latter plant springs up spontaneously on every manure-heap or neglected spot of ground ; and might be cultivated, as in India, with great advantage, the leaf to be used as food for the caterpillar, the stalk as fodder for cattle, and the seed for the expression of castor-oil. The Dutch took advantage of this facility, and gave every encouragement to the cultivation of silk at Jaffna 1, but it never attained such a development as to become an article of commercial importance. Ceylon now cultivates no silkworms whatever, notwithstanding this abundance of the favourite food of one species ; and the rich silken robes sometimes worn by the Buddhist priesthood are imported from China and the continent of India. In addition to the Atlas moth and the Mylitta, there are many other Bomhycidce in Ceylon ; and, though the ^ The Portuguese had made the Palace a trial has been undertaken attempt previous to the arrival of to feed sillcworms, and to ascertain the Dutch, and a strip of land on whether silk may be reared at that the banks of the Kalany river near station. I have planted a quantity Colombo, still bears the name of of mulberry trees, which grow Orta Seda, the silk garden. The well there, and they ought to be attempt of the Dutch to introduce planted in other directions." — Va- the true silkworm, the Borahyx lextyn, chap. xiii. The growth of nnori, took place under the gover- the mulberry trees is noticed the norship of Ryklof Van Goens, year after in a report to the who, on handing over the adminis- governor-general of India, but the tration to his successor in A.D. 1663, subject afterwards ceased to be thus apprises him of the initiation attended to. of the experiment: — "At Jafliia Chap. XH.] STIIS^GING CATERPILLARS. 429 silk of some of them, were it susceptible of being un- wound from the cocoon, would not bear a comparison with that of the Bomhyx miori, or even of the Tusseh moth, it might still prove to be valuable when carded and spun. If the European residents in the colony would rear the larvae of these Lepidoptera, and make drawings of their various changes, they would render a possible service to commerce, and a certain one to ento- mological knowledge. Stinging Caterpillars. — The Dutch carried to their Eastern settlements two of their home propensities, which distinguish and embellish the towns of the Low Countries ; they indulged in the excavation of canals, and they planted long lines of trees to diffuse shade over the sultry passages in their Indian fortresses. For the latter purpose they employed the Suriya {Hibiscus populneus), whose broad umbrageous leaves and deli- cate yellow flowers impart a delicious coolness, and give to the streets of Gralle and Colombo the fresh and enli- vening aspect of walks in a garden. In the towns, however, the suri^-a trees are produc- tive of one serious inconvenience. They are the resort of a hairy greenish caterpillar i, longitudinally striped, great numbers of which frequent them, and at a certain stage of growth descend by a silken thread to the ground and hurry away, probably in search of a suitable spot in which to pass through their metamorphoses. Should they happen to alight, as they often do, upon some lounger below, and find their way to his unpro- tected skin, they inflict, if molested, a sting as pungent, but far more lasting, than that of a nettle or a star-fish. » The species of moth vdth. which longs to a section of BoisduYal's it is identified has not yet been de- genus Bomhyx allied to Onethocam- termined, but it most probably be- ^a, Stephens. 430 IJs^SECTS. [Chap. XII. Attention being thus directed to the quarter whence an assailant has lowered himself down, the caterpillars above will be found in clusters, sometimes amounting to hundreds, clinging to the branches and the bark, with a few straggling over the leaves or suspended from them by lines. These pests are so annoying to children as well as destructive to the foliage, that it is often neces- sary to singe them off the trees by a flambeau fixed on the extremity of a pole ; and as they fall to the ground they are eagerly devoured by the crows and domestic fowls.^ The Wood-carrying Moth. — There is another family of insects, the singular habits of which will not fail to attract the traveller in the cultivated tracts of Ceylon — these are moths of the genus Oiketicus^, of which the females are devoid of wings, and some possess no articulated feet. Their larvae construct for themselves cases, which they suspend to a branch frequently of the pomegranate^, surrounding them with the stems of leaves, and thorns or pieces of twigs bound together by threads, till the whole presents the appearance of a bundle of rods about an inch and a half long; and, from the resemblance of this to a Roman fasces, one ^ Another caterpillar whicli feeds traversed by a broad green band, on the jasmine flowering Carissa, It is common in the western side of stings with such fury that I have Ceylon. The larvae of the genus knowTi a gentleman to shed tears Adolia are also hairy, and sting while the pain was at its height, with virulence. It is short and broad, of a pale - Eumeta, AVlk. green, with fleshy spines on the ^ The singular instincts of a upper surface, each of which seems species of Thecla, Dipsas Isocratcs, to be charged with the venom that Fab., in connection "with the fruit occasions this acute suffering. The of the pomegranate, were fully de- moth which this catei'pillar pro- scribed by Mr. Westwood, in a duces, Necera lepida, Cramer; paper read before the Entomo- Limacodes graciosa, "Westw., has logical Society of London in 1835. dark brown wings, the primary Chap. XIL] THE WOOD- CARRYING MOTH. 431 African species has ob- tained the name of " Lie- tor." The Grerman en- tomologists denominated the group Sacktrdger, the Singhalese call them Da- ra-kattea or "billets of firewood," and regard the inmates as human beings, who, as a punishment for stealing wood in some former state of existence, have been condemned to undergo a metempsychosis under the form of these insects. The male, at the close of the pupal rest, escapes from one end of this sin- gular covering, but the female makes it her dwel- ling for life; moving about with it at pleasure, and entrenching herself within it, when alarmed, by drawing together the purse-like aperture at the open end. Of these re- markable creatures there are five ascertained spe- cies in Ceylon : Psyche Douhledaii, Westw. ; Me- tisa plana. Walker ; Eu^ THE WOOD-CAKRYING MOTH. 432 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. meta Cramei^ii, Westw. ; E. Templetonii, Westw. ; and Cryptothelea consorta, Temp. All the other tribes of minute Lepitoptera have abun- dant representatives in Ceylon ; some of them most attractive from the great beauty of their markings and colouring. The curious little split-winged moth {Ptero- phorus) is frequently seen in the cinnamon gardens and in the vicinity of the fort, hid from the noon-day heat among the cool grass shaded by the coco-nut topes. Three species have been captured, all characterised by the same singular feature of having the wings fan-like, separated nearly their entire length into detached sec- tions, resembling feathers in the pinions of a bird expanded for flight. HoMOPTERA. Cicada. — Of the Homoptera, the one which will most frequently arrest attention is the cicada, which, resting high up on the bark of a tree, makes the forest re-echo with a long-sustained noise so curiously resembling that of a cutler's wheel that the creature producing it has acquired the highly-appropriate name of the "knife-grinder." CICADA—" THE KNIFE GKINDEE." In the jungle which adjoined the grounds attached to my official residence at Kandy, the shrubs were fre- quented by an insect covered profusely with a snow-white powder, arranged in delicate filaments that curl like Chap. XII.] BUGS. — FLEAS. 433 v/o a head of dressed celery. These it moves without dis- persing the powder : but when dead they fall rapidly to dust. I regret that I did not preserve specimens, but I have reason to think that they are the larvae of the Flata Iwibata, or of some other closely allied species ^, though I have not seen in Ceylon any of the wax pro- duced by th.^ flata. Hemiptera. Bugs. — On the shrubs in his compound the newly-arrived traveller will be attracted by an insect of a pale green hue and delicately-thin configuration, which, resting from its recent flight, composes its scanty wings, and moves languidly along the leaf. But ex- perience will teach him to limit his examination to a respectful view of its attitudes ; it is one of a numerous family of bugs, (some of them most attractive^ in their colouring,) which are inoffensive if unmolested, but if touched or irritated, exhale an odour that, once endured, is never afterwards forgotten. Aphanipteea. Fleas. — Fleas are equally numerous, and may be seen in myriads in the dust of the streets or skipping in the sunbeams which fall on the clay floors of the cottages. The dogs, to escape them, select for their sleeping places spots where a wood fire has been pre- viously kindled; and here prone on the white ashes, * Amongst the specimens of this order which I brought from Ceylon, two proved to be new and undescribed, andiJiave been named by Mr. A-.^wiTpElidiptera Emersoniana and Poeciloptera Ten- ^ a nentina. ^ Such as Cantuo ocellatus, Lejp- toscelis Marginalis, Callidca Stoc- kerius, &c. &c. Of the aquatic species, the gigantic JBehstoma In- dicum cannot escape notice, attain- ing a size of nearly tliree inches. ELIDIPTEKA EMERdONIANA. FCECILOPIEHA lENNENTINA. 434 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. their stomachs close to the earth, and their hind legs extended behind, they repose in comparative coolness, and bid defiance to their persecutors. DiPTERA. Mosquitoes. — But of all the insect pests that beset an unseasoned European the most provoking by far is the truculent mosquito.^ Next to the torture which it inflicts, its most annoying peculiarities are the booming hum of its approach, its cunning, its audacity, and the perseverance with which it renews its attacks however frequently repulsed. These characteristics are so remarkable as fully to justify the conjecture that the mosquito, and not the ordinary fly, constituted the plague inflicted upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians.^ ^ CidexIamgerJWied. InKandy ]\Ir. Thwaites finds C. fuscanus, C. circiimvolens, &c., and one with a most formidable hooked proboscis, to which he has assigned the ap- propriate name C. Regius. 2 The precise species of insect by means of which the Almighty signalised the plague of flies, re- mains uncertain, as the Hebrew term arob or orov, which has been rendered in one place, " Divers sorts of flies," Ps. cy. 31 ; and in another, "swarms of flies," Exod. yiii. 21, &c., means merely " an assemblage," a " mixture," or a " swarm," and the expletive " of flies " is an interpolation of the translators. This, however, serves to show that the fly implied was one easily recognisable by its habit of swarming ; and the further fact that it bites, or rather stings, is elicited from the expression of the Psalmist, Ps. Ixxviii. 45, that the insects by which the Egj-ptians were tormented " devoured them," so that here are two peculiarities inapplicable to the domestic fly, but strongly characteristic of gnats and mosquitoes. Bruce thought that the fly of the fourth plague was the " zimb" of Abyssinia which he so graphi- cally describes ; and Westwood, in an ingenious passage in his Ento- mologisfs Text-hook, p. 17, combats the strange idea of one of the bishops, that it was a cockroach ! and argues in favour of the mos- quito. This view he sustains by a reference to the habits of the crea- ture, the swarms in which it invades a locality, and the audacity with which it enters the houses ; and he accounts for the exemption of " the land of Goshen in which the Israe- lites dwelt," by the fact of its being sandy pasture above the level of the river ; whilst the mosquitoes were produced freely in the rest of Egj-pt, the soil of which was submerged by the rising of the Nile. In all the passages in the Old Testament in which flies are alluded to, otherwise than in connection with the Egj-jDtian infliction, the word used in the Hebrew is zcvov, which the Septuagint renders by the ordinary generic term for flies in general, fivla, '^musca" (Eccles. X. 1, Isaiah vii. 10) ; but in every PROPERTY OF Chap. XIL] ^' MOSQUITOES. 435 Even in the midst of endurance from their onslaughts one cannot but be amused by the ingenuity of their movements ; as if aware of the risk incident to an open assault, a favourite mode of attack is, when concealed by a table, to assail the ankles through the meshes of the stocking, or the knees which are ineffectually pro- tected by a fold of Eussian duck. When you are reading, a mosquito will rarely settle on that portion of your hand which is within range of your eyes, but cunningly stealing by the underside of the book fastens on the wrist or little finger, and noiselessly inserts his proboscis there. I have tested the classical expedient recorded by Herodotus, who states that the fishermen inhabiting the fens of Egjrpt, cover their beds with their nets, knowing that the mosquitoes, although they bite through linen robes, will not venture through a net.* But, notwithstanding the opinion of Spence ^, that nets with meshes an inch square will effectually exclude them, I have been satisfied by painful experience that (if the theory be not altogether fallacious) at least the modern mosquitoes of Ceylon are uninfluenced by the instance in which mention is made mals, the fly and the dog, exhi- of the miracle of Moses, the Sep- biting the courage and the cunning tuagint saj's that the fly produced of both, and fastening on its victim was the kvpo/xvIu, the " dog-fl}'." with the noise and rapidity of What insect was meant by this an arrow " — fiera poi^ou Kaddnep name it is not now easy to determine, jSeAos. This seems to identify the but ^LiAjx intimates that the dog- dog-fly of the Septuagint with the fly both inflicts a wound and emits description of the Psalmist, Ps. a booming sound, in both of which Lsxviii. 45, and to vindicate the particulars it accords with the conjecture that the tormenting mosquito (lib. iv. 51) ; and Philo- mosquito, and not the house-fly, JuD^rs, in his Vita Mosis, lib. i. was commissioned by the Lord to ch. xxiii., descanting on the plague humble the obstinacy of the of flies, and using the term of the Egyptian tjTant. Septuagint, Kwofj-vla, describes it ^ Herodotus, Euterpe, xcv. as combining the characteristic of ^ Xirby and Spence's Etiio- " the most impudent of all ani- raology^ letter iv. F F 2 436 INSECTS. [Chap. XII, same considerations which restrained those of the Nile under the successors of Cambyses. The Coffee-Bug. — Allusion has been made in a previous passage to the coccus known in Ceylon as the " Coffee- Bug (Lecanium Gaffeoe, Wlk.), which of late years has made such destructive ravages in the plantations in the Mountain Zone.^ The first thing that attracts attention on looking at a coffee tree infested by it, is the number of brownish wart-like bodies that stud the young shoots and occasionally the margins on the underside of the leaves,^ Each of these warts or scales is a transformed female, containing a large number of eggs which are hatched within it. When the young ones come out from their nest, they run about over the plant like diminutive wood-lice, and at this period there is no apparent distinction be- tween male and female. Shortly after being hatched the males seek the underside of the leaves, while the females prefer the young shoots as a place of abode. If the under surface of a leaf be examined, it will be found to be studded, particularly on its basil half, with minute yellowish-white specks of an oblong form.^ These are the larvae of the males undergoing transformation into pupae, beneath their own skins ; some of these specks are always in a more advanced state than the others, the full-grown ones being whitish and scarcely a line ' The following notice of the coffee districts, until it had estab- " coffee-bug," and of the singularly lished itself more or less perma- destructive effects produced by it nently in all the estates in fidl on the plants, has been prepared cultivation throughout the island, chiefly from a memoir presented to '^ See the annexed drawing. Fig. 1. the Ceylon Government by the ^ Figs. 2, and 3 and 5 in the late Dr. Gardner, in which he engraving, where these and all the traces the history of the insect other figures are considerably en- from its first appearance in the larged. Chap. XII.] THE COFFEE-BUG. 437 long. Some of this size are translucent, the insect having escaped ; the darker ones still retain it within, of an oblong form, with the rudiment of a wing on each side attached to the lower part of the thorax and closely applied to the sides ; the legs are six in number, the four hind ones being directed backwards, the anterior forwards (a peculiarity not common in other insects) ; the two antennae are also inclined backwards, and from the tail protrude three short bristles, the middle one thinner and longer than the rest. When the transformation is complete, the mature insect makes its way from beneath the pellucid case ', all its organs having then attained their full size : the head is sub-globular, with two rather prominent black eyes, and two antennae, each with eleven joints, hairy throughout, and a tuft of rather longer hairs at the apices ; the legs are also covered with hairs, the wino-s are horizontal, of an obovate oblong shape,, membranous, and extending a little farther than the bristles of the tail. They have only two nerves, neither of which reaches so far as the tips ; one of them runs close to the costal margin, and is much thicker than the other, which branches off from its base and skirts alono- the inner margin ; behind the wings is attached a pair of minute halteres of peculiar form. The possession of wings would appear to be the cause why the full-grown male is more rarely seen on the coffee bushes than the female. The female, like the male, attaches herself to the surface of the plant, the place selected being usually ' Fig. 4. INIr. Westwood, who backwards, the wings being ex- observed the operation in one tended flatly oyer the head. Hpeeies, states that they escape !• F 3 438 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. the young shoots ; but she is also to be met with on the margins of the undersides of the leaves (on the upper surface neither the male nor female ever attach them- selves) ; but, unlike the male, which derives no nourish- ment from the juices of the tree (the mouth being obsolete in the perfect state), she punctures the cuticle with a proboscis (a very short three-jointed ^romi^scis), sprino-ing as it were from the breast, but capable of being greatly porrected, and inserted in the cuticle of the plant, and through this she abstracts her nutriment. In the early pupa state the female is easily distinguish- able from the male, by being more elliptical and much more convex. As she increases in size her skin distends and she becomes smooth and dry; the rings of the body become effaced ; and losing entirely the form of an insect, she presents, for some time, a yellowish pustular shape, but ultimately assumes a roundish conical form, of a dark brown colour.^ Until she has nearly reached her full size, she still possesses the power of locomotion, and her six legs are easily distinguishable in the under surface of her cor- pulent body ; but at no period of her existence has she wings. It is about the time of her obtaining full size that impregnation takes place ^ ; after which the scale becomes somewhat more conical, assumes a darker * Figs. 6 and 7. There are many and others with milky juices : other species of the Coccus tribe another subgenus (Ceroplastes ?), in Ceylon, some (Pseudococcus ?) the female of which produces a never appearing as a scale, the protecting waxy material, infests female wrapping herself up in a the Gendurassa Vulgaris, the Furr- white cottony exudation ; many csea Gigantea, the Jak tree, Mango, species nearly allied to the true and other common trees. Coccus infest common plants about ^ Keaumur has described the gardens, such as the Nerium singular manner in which this Oleander, Plumeria Acuminata, occurs. Mem. tom. iv. WR^ 10 THE COFFEE BUG. Lccanium Caffeoe. Chap. XII.] THE COFFEE-BUG. 439 colour, and at length is permanently fixed to the surface of the plant, by means of a cottony substance interposed between it and the vegetable cuticle to which it adheres. The scale, when full grown, exactly resembles in minia- ture the hat of a Cornish miner ^, there being a narrow rim at the base, which gives increased surface of attach- ment. It is about ^ inch in diameter, by about ^V deep, and it appears perfectly smooth to the naked eye ; but it is in reality studded over with a multitude of very minute warts, giving it a dotted appearance. Except the margin, which is ciliated, it is entirely des- titute of hairs. The number of eggs contained in one of the scales is enormous, amounting in a single one to 691. The eggs are of an oblong shape, of a pale flesh colour, and perfectly smooth.^ In some of the scales, the eggs when laid on the field of the microscope re- semble those masses of life sometimes seen in decayed cheese.^ A few small yellowish maggots are sometimes found with them, and these are the larvae "^ of insects, the eggs of which have been deposited in the female while the scale was soft. They escape when mature by cuttincr a small round hole in the dorsum of the scale. o It is not till after this pest has been on an estate for two or three years that it shows itself to an alarming- extent. During the first year a few only of the ripe scales are seen scattered over the bushes, generally on the younger shoots ; but that year's crop does not suffer much, and the appearance of the tree is little altered. * Fig. 8. soft Coccus, viz. : Encystus, Cocco- * Fig. 9. phagus, Pteromalus, Mesosela, ' Figs. 10, 11. Agonioneurus ; besides Aphidius, a * Of the parasitic Chalcididise, minutely sized genus of Ickneu- many genera of which are well monidse. Most, if not aU, of these known to deposit their eggs in the genera are Singhalese. F F 4 4->0 INSECTS. [Chap. Xn. The second year, however, brings a change for the worse ; if the young shoots and the underside of the leaves be now examined, the scales will be found to have become much more numerous, and with them appear a multitude of white specks, which are the young scales in a more or less forward state. The clusters of berries now assume a black sooty look, and a great number of them fall off before coming to maturity ; the general health of the tree also begins to fail, and it acquires a blighted ap- pearance. A loss of crop is this year sustained, but to no great extent. The third year brings about a more serious change, the whole plant acquires a black hue, appearing as if soot had been thrown over it in great quantities ; this is caused by the growth of a parasitic fungus ' over the shoots and the upper surface of the leaves, forming a fibrous coating, somewhat resembling velvet or felt. This never makes its appearance till the insect has been a considerable time on the bush, and probably owes its existence there to an unhealthy condition of the juices of the leaf, consequent on the irritation produced by the coccus, since it never visits the upper surface of the leaf until the latter has fully established itself on the lower. At this period the young shoots have an ex- ceedingly disgusting look from the dense mass of yellow pustular bodies forming on them, the leaves get shrivel- led, and the infected trees become conspicuous in the row. The black ants are assiduous in their visits to * Racodium'i Species of this dense interlaced mesh of fibres, genus are not confined to the coffee each made up of a single series of plant alone in Ceylon, but follow minute oblong vesicles applied end the " bugs " in their attacks on to end. other bushes. It appears like a Chap. XIL] THE COFFEE-BUG. 441 them. Two-thirds of the crop is lost, and on many trees not a single berry forms. This Lecanium, or a very closely allied species, has been observed in the Botanic Grarden at Peradenia, on the Citrus acida, Psidium joomiferum, MyrtiLs Zey- lanica, Rosa Indica, Careya arborea, Viiex Negundo, and other plants. The coffee coccus has generally been first observed in moist, hollow places sheltered from the wind ; and thence it has spread itself even over the driest and most exposed parts of the island. On some estates, after attaining a maximum, it has generally declined, but has shown a liability to reappear, espe- cially in low sheltered situations, and it is believed to prevail most extensively in wet seasons. MTiile in its earlier stages, it is easily transmitted from one estate to another, on the clothes of human beings, and in various other ways, which will readily suggest them- selves. Dr. Gardner, after a careful consideration and minute examination of estates, arrived at the conclusion, that all remedies suggested up to that time had utterly failed, and that none at once cheap and effectual was likely to be discovered. He seems also to have been of opinion that the insect was not under human control ; and that even if it should disappear, it would only be when it should have worn itself out as other blio-hts have been known to do in some mysterious way. Whe- ther this may prove to be the case or not, is still very uncertain, but every thing observed by Dr. Gardner tends to indicate the permanency of the pest. 442 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. List of Ceylon Insects. For the following list of the insects of the island, and the remarks prefixed to it, I am indebted to Mr. F. Walker, by whom it has been prepared after a careful inspection of the collections made by Dr. Templeton, Mr. E. L. Layard, and others: as well as of those in the British Museum and in the Museum of the East India Company.* " A short notice of the aspect of the island will afford the best means of accounting, in some degree, for its entomological Fauna : first, as it is an island, and has a mountainous central region, the tropical character of its productions, as in most other cases, rather diminishes, and somewhat approaches that of higher latitudes. " The coast-region of Ceylon, and fiilly one-third of its northern part, have a much drier atmosphere than that of the rest of its surface ; and their climate and vegetation are nearly similar to those of the Carnatic, with which this island may have been connected at no very remote period.^ But if, on the contrary, the land in Ceylon is gradually rising, the dif- ference of its Fauna from that of Central Hindustan is less remarkable. The peninsula of the Dekkan might then be conjectured to have been nearly or wholly separated fi-om the central part of Hindustan, and confined to the range of mountains along the eastern coast ; the insect-fauna of which is as yet almost unknoAvn, but will probably be found to have more resemblance to that of Ceylon than to the insects of * The entire of the new species scriptions have been taken, have contained in this list have been been at his desire transferred to described in a series of papers by the British Museum for future re- Mr. Walker in successive numbers ferenee and comparison, of the Annals of Natural History ^ On the subject of this conjec- (1858 — 61) : those from Dr. Tem- ture see ante, p. 60. pleton's collection of which de- Chap. XI I.] LIST OF CEYLOX INSECTS. 443 nortliern and western India — just as tiie insect-fauna of Malaya appears more to resemble the similar productions of Australasia than those of the more northern continent. " Mr. Layard's collection was partly formed in the dry northern province of Ceylon ; and among them more Hin- dustan insects are to be observed than among those collected by Dr. Templeton, and found wholly in the district between Colombo and Kandy. According to this view the faunas of the Xilgherry Mountains, of Central Ceylon, of the peninsula of Malacca, and of Australasia would be found to form one group; — while those of Northern Ceylon, of the western Dekkan, and of the level parts of Central Hindustan would form another of more recent origin. The insect-fauna of the Carnatic is also probably similar to that of the lowlands of Ceylon ; but it is still unexplored. The regions of Hindustan in which species have been chiefly collected, such as Bengal, Silliet, and the Punjaub, are at the distance of from 1300 to 1600 miles from Ceylon, and therefore the insects of the latter are fully as different from those of the above regions as they are from those of Australasia, to which Ceylon is as near in point of distance, and agrees more with regard to latitude, " Dr.Hagen has remarked that he believes the fauna of the mountains of Ceylon to be quite different from that of the plains and of the shores. The south and west districts have a very moist climate, and as their vegetation is like that of Malabar, their insect-fauna will probably also resemble that of the latter region. " The insects mentioned in the following list are thus dis- tributed : — i '' Order Coleoptera. " The recorded species of Cicindelidce inhabit the plains or the coast country of Ceylon, and several of them are also found in Hindustan. " Many of the species of Carahidce and of Staphylinidce, especially those collected by Mr. Thwaites, near Kandy, and by M. Nietner at Colombo, have much resemblance to the 444 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. insects of these two families in North Europe ; in the Scyd- mcenidce, Ptiliadce, Phalacridce, Nitidulidce, Coh/diadcB, and Lathridiadce the northern form is still more striking, and strongly contrasts with the tropical forms of the gigantic CopridcB^ Bupreftatus, Niet. *siibme allicus, Niet. rufopiceus, Niet. *ceneus, Niet. *Dejeani, Niet. Drimostoma, Dej. *Ceylanicum, Niet. 448 I^S-SECTS. [Chaf. XII. *margina1e, Wlk. Cyclosonius, Latr. flexuo^us, Fnbr, Ochthepliilus, Niet. *Ceylaiiicus, Hiet, Spathinus, Siet. •nigriceps, AVrf. Acupa pus, J^air. derosiatiis, fVlk. extremiis, Wlk. Bembidiiim, Lntr. finitimnm. Wlk. *opulentum, Niet. *trimcatiiin, Niet. *tropicum, Niet. *tri;m-.'ulare, Niet. *Ceylaniciim, Niet. Kliieii. Niet. *ebeniuum, Niet. *orieniHle, Niet, *einarginatuin, Niet, *oniatiim, Niet. *sc}dm3enoides, Niet. Fam, PaussidjE, Westw. Cerapterus, Swed. )aripes, Stred. Pleuroptt-Mis, West. Westprm mni, West. Paussus, Linn. pacificus, West. Fam. Dytiscid^, Mad. Cybister, Curt. liiiibatiis, Fabr. Dytisciis, Linn. extei'uans, Wlk. Eunecies, Erich. giiseus. Fibr. Hydaticus, Leach. fpstiviis, ///. vittat- s. Fnbr. disloc;in<, Wlk. fra.-tifer, Wlk. Colymbetfs, Clairv. interclusus, Wlk, Hydroporus, Clairv. interpnlsus, Wlk. intermixtus. Wlk. )8et:-bilis, Wlh. *inrfficiens, Wlk. Fam. Gyrinid^, Leach. Dineutes. Mad. spinosus, Fabr. Porrorhyiichus, Lap. indicans, Wlk. Gyn-tes Bndle. dscife'. Wlk. Gyrinns, L^inn. nitidnhis, Fnbr. obi quus, Wlk. Orectochilus, Eich. *lenocinium, Dohrn. Fam. STAPHILINIDiB, Lench. Ocypus, Kirby. longipeniiis, Wlk. congruus, Wlk. punctilinea, Wlk. *iineatus Wlk. Philontl'us, Lea^h. *pedestris. Wlk. Xantlioliims i)a/il. cinrtus, Wlk. *imlman«, Wlk. Sunius, LjCach. *iibliquus, Wlk. Q2dict. *internnediiis, Niet. *pseUiphoides. Niet. *advolans, Niet. *pubes('ens. Niet. *pyguifeiis, A7('^. *gl;in(luliferus, Niet. *graminicnla, Niet. *pyrirormis:, Niet. *angiisticpi>s, Niet. *ovatus, Niet. Fam. Ptiliad^, Wo . Trichopteryx, Kirby. *ciirsitans, Nitt. *iinm;riira, Nift, *invi.iracnlata. Hlk. *glabricula, Dohrn. Nitidiilopsis. M Ik. sequaiis. Wlk. Meligpthes, Kirby. *oripi)talis, Niet. *rpspondpns, Wlk. Rhizophagiis, He^bst. paralielus, Wlk. F^m COLYDIADJE, Woll. Lyctus. Fabr rptractus, Wlk. disputans, H Ik. Ditoma, Illig. rugiccjUis, Wlk. Fam. Tkogositid^, Kirby. Trogosita, Oliv. insinuans. Wlk. *Th) zophagoides, Wlk. Fam. CucuJiD^, Steph. Loemophlopus, Dej. fprniginens, Wlk. Cucujus ? Fabr. *incom modus, Wlk. Silvaniis, Latr rptraheiv, Wlk *sciiticollls, Wlk, *norreftus, Wlk. Brontes Fnbr. *orientalis, Dej. Fam. LATHRIDIANiE, Woll. Lathridius. Herbst. pprpusillns, Wlk. Corticaria. Mirsh. reserta, Wlk Monotoma, Herbst. concinnula, Wlk. Fam. DERMESTiDi;, L.each. Dermestps, Linn. viilpinus. Fnbr, Attagemis. Lair. delectus. Wlk. riifipes, Wlk. Trinode-i, Meg. hirtellus, Wlk. Fam. BYRRHiDiE, L.each. Inc ica. Wilt. solida, Wlk. Fam. HisTERiDiE, Leach. Hister, Linn. Bengalensis, Weid. Chap. XII.] LIST OF CEYLOX INSECTS. 449 encaustus, Mars. orieiitalis, Pai/k. bipustulatus, Fabr. *mundissimus, IVlk. Saprinus, Erich. semipunctatus, Fabr. Platysoma, Leach. atratum ? Erichs. desinens, Wlk. restorntuin, Wlk. Dendrophilus, Leach. finitimus, Wlk. Fam. Aphodiad^, MacL Aphodins, IlUf[. robustus, Wlk. dynastoides, Wlk. pallidicornis, Wlk, mutans, Wik. sequens, Wlk. Psammodius, Gyll. inscitus, Wlk. Fam. Trogid^, Mad. Trox, Fabr. inclusus, Wlk. cornutus, Fabr. Fam. C0PRID.E, Leach. Ateuchus, Weber. sacer, Linn. Gymnopleurus, LlUg. smaragdiier, Wlk. Koenlgii, Fabr. Sisyphus, Lair. setosulus, Wlk. subsidens, Wlk.. prominens, Wlk. Orepanocenis, Kirby. Taprobanae, West. Copris, Geoffr. Pirmal, Fabr. sagax. Quens. capucinus, Fabr. cribricoUis. Wlk. repertus, Wlk. sodalis, Wlk. signatus, Wlk. diminiitivus, Wlk. Onthophagiis, Lntr. Bonassus, Fahr. cervicornis, Fabr. prolixus, Wlk. gravis. Wlk. difficilis, Wlk. lucens, Wlk. negligens, Wlk. mcerens, Wlk. turbatus, Wlk. Onitis, Fabr. Philemon, Fabr. Fam. Dynastid^, Mad. Oryctes, Lllig. rhinoceros, Linn. Xylotrupes, Hope. Gideon, Linn. reductus, Wlk. solidipes, Wlk. Phileurus, Latr. detractus, Wlk. Orphnus, Mad. detegeiis, Wlk. scitissimus, Wlk. Fam. Gectrupidje, Leach. Bolboceras, Kirby. lineatus, Wentw. Fam. MELOLONTHIDJi, Mad. Melolontha, Fabr. nummiciidens, Newm. rubiginosa, Wlk. ferruginosa. Wlk. seriata, Hope. pinguis. Wlk. setosa, Wlk. Rhizotrogus, Lafr. hirtipectns, Wlk. squalls, Tf'lk. costatus, Wlk. inductus, Wlk. exactus, Ji'lk. suicifer, If'lk. Phyllopertha, Kirby. transversa. Burin. Silphodes, Westio. Indica, WestuK Trigonostoma, Dej. assimile, Hope. compressum ? Weid. nanum, Wlk, Serica, Mad, pruinosa. Hope. Popilia, Leach. marginicotlis, Newm, cyanella, Hope. discalis, Wlk. Sericesthis, Dej. rotundata, Wlk. subsignata, Wlk. mollis, Wlk. coiifirmata, Wlk. Plectris, Lep. S; Serv. solida, Wlk. punctiiiera, Wlk. glabrilinea, Wlk, Isonychus, Mann, ventraiis, Wlk. pectoralis, Wlk. Omaloplia, Meg. fracta, Wlk. interrupta, Wlk. semicincta, Wlk. *hamit'era, Wlk. *picta, Dohrn, *nana, Dohrn. Apogonia, Kirby. nigricans, Hope. Phy talus, Erich. eurystomus, Burm, Ancylon\cha, Dej. Reynauiiii, Blanch. Leuc -pholis, Drj. Mellei, Guer, pinguis, Burm. Anomala, Meg. data, Fabr. humeralis, IVlk, discalis, Wlk. G a varicolor, Sch. conformis, Wlk. similis, Hope. punctatissima, Wlk. infixa. Wlk. Mimela, Kirhy. varieg'aia. Wlk. mundi>sima, Wlk. Parastasia, Westw. rufopica, Westw. Euchlora, Mad, viridis, Fabr, perplexa, Hope. Fam. CETONIAD.E, Kirbi/. Glycyphana, Bu)m, versicolor, Fiibr. luctuosa. Gory. variegata, Fabr, marginicollis. Gory. Clinteria, Burm. imperalis, Schaum. incerta. Parry. chloroiiota, Blanch. Tfeniodera, Burm. Malabariensis, Gory. quadrivittata, White. alboguttata, I'igors. Protaetia, Burm. maculata, Fabr. Whitehousii, Parry. Agestrata, Erich. uigrita, Fabr. orichalcea, Linn. Coryphocera, Burm. elegans, Fabr. Nacronota, Hoffm. quadrivittata, Sch. Fam. TRICHIAD.E, Leach. Valgus, Scriba. addendus, Wlk. Fam. LucANiDzE, Leach. Odontolabis, Burm, Bt ngalensis, Parry, emarginatus, Dej. iEgus, Mad. acuminatus, Fabr. lunatus, Fabr. Singhala. Blanch. tenella, Blanch. Fam. Passalid^, Mad. Passalus, Fabr, transversus Dohrn. inteistitialis, Perch. punctiger ? Lefeb. bicolor, Fabr, Fam. Sph.eridiad^, Leach Sphferidiiim, Fabr. tricolor, Wlk. Cercyon, Leach. *vicinale, Wlk. • Fam. HYDROPHILID.E, Leach, Hydrous, Leach. *rufiventris, Niet. 450 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. *inconspicuus, Niet. Hydrobius, I. each. stultus Wlk. Philydrus, Solier. esurieiis, JVlh. Berosiis, Leach. *decrescens, Wlk. Hydroclius. Gem. *lacustris, Niet. Georvjsus, Latr. *Kemma. ]<^iet. *iti5ularis, BJirn. Dastarciis, IVlk. porosus, " Ik. Fam, Bdprestid^, Steph. Sternocera, Esch. chrysis, Linn. sternicorni<, Linn. Chrysochroa, Solier. io;nita, Linn. Chinensis, Ijop. Rajah, Lap. *cyaneocev)hala, Fabr. Chrysodpma, Lap. sulcata, Thunb. Belionota, Esch. sciit'-llari*. Fabr. *Peti'i, Gory. Chrvsobothris, Esch. siituralis, Wlk. Agriliis, Meg. sulcicollis, IVlk. *cupreiceps, Wlk. *cupreic(>ilis, Wlk. *armatus, Fabr. Fam. Elatfrid^, Leach. Campsosteriifis, Latr. Tt-mpletonii, Westw. aureolus, Hope. Bohemannii, Ca>id. veniismlus, Cand. pall dipes, Cand. Agrypnus, Esch. fuscipes, Fabr. Alaus, Esch. speciosiis, Linn. sordidus, Westw. Cardioiihoriis, Esch. hnmerifer, Wlk, Corymbites, Latr. dividtns, Wlk. divi-a, Wlk. ♦bivitlava, Wlk. Lacon, Lap. *obesus, Cand. Atbous, Esch. piin(tosu>, Wlk. inapertus, Wlk. d-'cretus, Wlk. inpfficiens, Wlk. Ampedus, Meg.m *acutifer, Wlk. *discicollis, Wlk, Legna, Wlk. idonea, Wlk. Fam. Lampyridje, Leach. Lycus, Fabr. triangularis. Hope. geminus, Wlk astiitns. Wlk. fall IX, Wlk. planicornis, IMk. melanopteriis. Wlk. pubicornis, Wlk. duplex, Wlk. costifer, Wlk. revocans, Wlk. dispellens, Wlk. *piibipeniiis, Wlk. *iumierifer, Wlk. exnansicnrnis, Wlk. divisus, Wlk. Dicty pteriis, Latr. internexus. Wlk, Lampyris. Geoff. tenebro-a, iMk. diffiiiis, Wlk. liite^rens, Wlk. *vitrifera. Wlk. Colophotia, Dej. humpraiis, Wlk. [vespertina, Fabr. perplexa, Wlk. ?] intritata, Wlk. extricans, l\ Ik, promelas. Wlk. Harm HI el ia, Wlk, discalis, Wlk, biliuea, Wlk. Fam. TELEPHORiDia, Leach, Telephorns, Schaff. ditu'diacus, Fabr. mailhinoides, Wlk. Eugeusis, Wesliv. palpator, Westw. grvphus, Hope. olivaceus, Hope. Fam. CEBRIONID.E, S/qoA. Callirhipis, Latr, Teinpletonii, Westw. Championii, Westw, Fam. Melyrii)*, Leach. Malachius, Fabr. plagiatus. Wlk, Malthinus, Latr. *foiticornis, Wlk. *retractus, Wlk. fragili<. Dohrn. Enic"pus, Stepli. proficiens, Wlk. Honosca, Wlk. necrobioides, Wlk. Fam. Cler'd^, Kirby. Cylidrus, Lap. sobriniis, Dnhrn. Stigmatium, Gray. elaphroides, Westw. Necrohia, Lair. rufipes. Fabr. aspera, Wlk. Fam. PriNiD^ffi, Leach. Ptinus, Linn. *nigerrimus, Boield. Fam. DiAPERiD^, Leach. Diaperis, Geoff velutina, Wlk. fragilis, Dohrn, Fam. TenebrionidjE, Leach. Zophobas, Dej. errans ? Dej. clavipes, Wlk. ? solidus, Wlk. Pseudoblaps, Giier, nigrita, Fabr. Tenebrio, Linn. ruhrip"s, Hope, retenta. Wlk. Trachyscelis, Latr. bruniiea, Dohrn. Fam. OPATRID.E, Shuck. Opatrum, Fabr. contrahens, Wlk. bilineatum, Wlk. planatum, Wlk. serricolle, Wlk. Asida, Latr. horrida, Wlk. Crypticus, Latr. detersus, Wlk. longipeniiis, Wlk. Phaleria, Latr, rufipes. Wlk. Toxiciim, Latr. oppugnaiis, Wlk. biliina. Wlk. Boletophagiis, ///. *inorosus, Dohrn, *exasperaius, Dohrn. Uloma, Meg. scita. jyik. Alphitophagus. Steph. subfascia, Wlk, Fam. HELOPiDiE, Steph, Osdara, Wlk. picipes. Wlk. Cholipus. Dej. brevicornis, Dej. paral)olicus, Wlk. laeviuscnlus, Wlk. Hel. ps, Fabr. ebeninus, THk. Carnaria, Lep. S( Serv. amethystina. L. ^ S. Amarygmus, Dalin, chrysomeloides, Dej. Fam. MELOiDi;, Wall. Epicauta, Dej. nijirifinis, Wlk. Cissites, Latr, testaceuv, Fabr. Mylabris, Fabr. humeralis, Wlk. alterna. Wlk. *recognita, Wlk. Atractocerus, Pal., Bv. debilis, Wlk. reversus, Wlk, Chap. XII.] LIST OF CEYLOX IXSECTS. 451 Fam. (Edemerid;e, Steph. Ci stela, Fabr. congrna, Wlk. *ialjifica, Wlk. AUecula, Fabr. fusit'oimis, Wlk. elegans, Wlk. *fl;.viiemur, Wlk. Sora, Wlk. *marginata, Wlk. Thaccona, Wlk. dimelas, Wlk. Fam. MoRDELLiDJE, Sleph. Acosmus, Dej. languidus, Wlk. Rhipiphoru*, Fabr. *iropii"us, Kiel. Mordella, Linn. composita, Wlk. *deiectiva, Wlk. Myrinecolax, Westw. *Nietneri, WeUw. Fam. Anthicid£, Wlk. Anthicus, Payk. *quisqiiUarius, 'Siet. *iiisiil irius, A>W. *sticticollis, Wlk. Fam. CissiDJE, LeacA. Cis, Latr. contendens, Wlk. Fam. ToMiciDi, Shuck. Apate, Fabr. subnipdia, Wlk. Bostrichus, Geaff- mutilatus. Wlk. *verten>. Wlk. *moderatus, Wlk. *testaceus, Wlk. *exiguns, Wlk. Platypus, Herhst. min .X, Wlk. solidus, Wlk. *latifinis, Wlk. Hylurgus. Latr- determinans, Wlk. *concinimlus, Wlk. Hylesinus, Fabr. curvitVr, Wlk. despectus, Wlk. irresolutus, Wlk. Fam. CuRcuLioNiD^, Leach. Bruchus, Linn. scutellaris, Fabr. Spermophagus, Steven. convolviili, Thunb. figuratus, Wlk. Cisti, Fabr. incertus, W!k. decretu^, Wlk. Dendropemon, Schon. *melancholicus, Dohrn. Dendrotrogus. Jek. Di)hrnii, Jek. discrepans, Dohrn. Eucorynus, Schon. colligendus. Wlk. colligen^. Wlk. Basirropis. Jek. *disconotatus, Jek. Litocerus, Schon. punctulatus, Dohrn. Tropiileres, Sch. punotniifer. Dohrn. Iragilis. W/k. Cedus, Walerh. ♦cancellatiis, Dohrn. Xylinades. Latr- sobrinulus, Dohrn. indignus, Wlk. Xenocenis, Germ. angiilii'erus, Wlk. revocans, Wlk. *anchoiali5, Dohrn. Callist"cenis, Dohrn. *Xiptneri, Dohrn. Anthribus, Genff. longicornis, Fabr. apical's. Wlk. facilis, Wlk. Araecerus, Schon. coffeae, Fabr. *insidiosiis, Fabr. *mu';ciilus, Dohrn. *intangens, Wlk. *bifovea, Wlk. Dipieza, Fuse. *insignis, Dohrn. Apolecta, Pasc. *Niftneri, Dohrn. *musciilus, Dohrn. Arrhenodes, Steven. miles, Sch. pil:cornis, Sch. dentirosiris, Jek. approximans. Wlk. Veneris, Dohrn. Cerobates, Schon. thrasc<\ Dohrn. aciculatus, Wlk. Ceocepiialus. Schon. cavus, Wlk. *reticulatus, Fabr. Nemocephalus, Latr. siilcirostri-;, l)e Haan. planicollis, Wlk. spinirostris, Wlk. Apofierus, Oliv. longicollis ? Fabr. Tranquebaricus, Fabr cygneus, Fabr. ? scitulus, Wlk. *triangularis, Fabr. *echinatu-, Sch. Rhynchites, Herbst. suff'indens, Wlk. *restituens, Wlk. Apion, Herbst. *Cingaieiise. Wlk. Stroph<)Somu>, Bilbug. *sutnralis. M Ik. Piazomias, Schon. aequalis. Wlk. Astycus, Schon. lateralis, Fabr. ? ebeninus, Wlk. *immrinis, Wlk. Cleonus, Schon. induceiis, Wlk. Myllocerus, Schon. transinariiiiis, Hc7bst.? spiircatus, W/k. *retrahens, Wlk. ^posticus, Wlk. Phyllobiiis, Schon. *mimicus, Wlk. Episomus, Schon. pauppratus, Fabr. Lixiis, Fabr. nebulifa«cia, Wlk. Aclees, Schon. cribratiis, Dej. Alcides, Dalm. signatus. Boh. obliquus, Wlk. transversiis. jyik. *clausus. Wlk. Acicn^'mis, Fairm. Ceyloiiicus, Jek. Apotomorhinus. Schon, signatus, W'k. alboater, Wlk. Cryptorbynchus, Illig. ineffectus, Wlk. asfimilans, Wlk. declaratus, Wlk. notabilis, JVlk. vexatus, Wlk. Camptorhinu-. Schon. ? revt-rsus, JVlk *indijcietus, Wlk. De^midophorus, Chevr. hebes, Fabr. communican«, Wlk. stremiiis, Wlk. *discriminans, Wlk. inexpertus, IMk. fasciculicoUis, Wlk. Sipalus, Schon. granulatus, Fabr. porosus, U'lk. tinctus, mk. Mecopus, Dalm. *\Vaterhousei, Dohrn. Rhynchophorus, Herbst. ferrugineus, Fabr. introducens. Wlk. Protocerus, Schon. molossiis ? Oliv. Sphaenophorus, Schon, glabriniscus, Wlk. exquisitiis, Wlk. Dehaani ? Jek. cribricoUis. Wlk. ? panops, Wlk. Cossonus. Clairv. *qiiadrjmacula, Wlk. ? hebes, Wlk. ambiguus, Sch. ? Scitophilus. Schon. orizae, Linn. disciferiis, Wlk. Mecinus. Germ. * ? relictus, Wlk. Fam. Prionid^e, Leach. Trictenotoma, G. R. Gray. G G 2 452 INSECTS. [Chap. XH. Templetoni, Westw. Prionomma, White. orientals, Oliv. Acanthophorus, Serv. serraticornis, Oliv. Cnemoplites, Newm. Rhesus, blotch. ^gosoma, Serv. Cingalense, White. Fam. Cerambycidje, Ktrhy. Cerambyx, Linn. indutus, Newm. vernicosiis. Pasc. consocius, Pasc. versutus, Pasc. nitidus, Pasc. macilentus, Pasc. venustus, Pasc. torticollis, Dohrn. Sebasmia, Pasc. Templetoni, Pasc. Calljchroma, Latr. trogoiiiniim, Pasc. telephoroides, Westw, Homalomelas, White. gracilipes. Parry. zonatiis', Pa-sc. Colobus, Serv. Cingalensis, White. Thranius, Pasc. gibbosDs, Pasc. Deuteromma, Pasc. mutica, Pasc. Obrium, Meg laterale, Pasc, mcestiun, Pasc, Psilomerus, Blanch. ■macilentus, Pasc. Clytus, Fabr. vicinus, Hope. . ascendens, Pasc. Walkeri, Pasc. annularis, Fabr. *aurilinea. Dohrn. Khaphum^, Pasc. leucoscutellata, Hope. Ceresium, Newm. cretatuin. White. Zeylanicum, White. Stromatium, Serv. barbatum, Fabr. maculatum, White. Hespherophanes. Muls. simplex, Gyll, Fam. Lamiid^, Kirby. Nyphona, Muls. cylindrarea, White. Mesosa, Se7-v. columba, Pasc, Coptops, Serv. bidens, Fabr, Xylorhizii, Dej. adusta, Wied. Cacia, Newm. triloba, Pasc. ' Batocera, Blanch. rubus, Fabr. ferruginea, Blanch. Monohammus, Meg. fistulator. Germ. crucifer, Fabr. nivosus, White. commixtus, Pasc. Cereopsius, Dup. patronus, Pasc. Pelargoderns, Serv. tigrinus, Chevr. Olenocamptus, Chevr, bilobus, Fabr. Praonetha, Dej. annulfita, Chevr. posticalis, Pasc. Apomecyna, Serv. histrio, Fabr. var. ? Ropica, Pasc. praeusta, Pasc. Hathlin, Serv. procera, Pasc. lolea, Pasc. proxima, Pasc, histrio, Pasc. Glenea, Newm. sulphurella, White. commissa, Pasc. scapifera, Pasc. vexator, Pasc. Stibara. Hope. nigricornis, Fabr. Fam. HispiDiE, Kirby. Oncocephala, Dohrn. deltoides, Dohrn. Leptispa, Baly. pygmaea, Haly. Ampiisba, Baly. Dohrnii, Baly. Estigmena, Hope. Chinensis, Hope. Hispa, Linn. hystrix, Fabr. erinacea, Fabr. nigrina, Dohrn. *Walkeri, Baly. Platypria, Guer. echidna, GuSr. Fam. Cassidtd^, Westw. Epistictia, Boh. matronula. Boh. Hoplionota, Hope. tetiaspilota, Baly. rubromarginata, Boh. horririca, Boh. Aspidomorpha, Hope. St crucis, Fabr. miliaris. Fahr. pallidimarginata, Baly, dorsata, Fahr. calligera, Buh. mi cans, Fabr. Cassid;i, Linn, clathrata, Fabr. timefacta, Boh. farinnsa, Bih. Lacroplera, Boh. 1-1-notata, Boh. Coptcycla. Chevr. sex-notata, Fabr. 13-siguata, Boh. 13-notata, Boh. ornata, Fabr. Cevlonica, Boh, Baiyi. Boh. trivittata, Fabr. lo.punctuata. Boh. catenata, Dej. Fam. SAGRiDiE, Kirby. Sagra, Fabr. nigrita, Oliv. Fam. DoNACiDiE, Lacord, Donacia, Fabr. Delesserti, Guer. Coptocephala, Chev. Templetoni, Baly. Fam. EuMOLPiD^E, Baly. Corynodes, Hope. cyaneus, Hope. asneus, JSaly. Glyptoscelis, Chevr. Templetoni, Baly. pyrospilotus, Baly. micans, Baly. cupreus, Baly. Eumolpus, Fabr. lemoides, Wlk. Fam. Cr'vptocephaiid^, Kirby. Cryptocephalus, Geoff". spx-punctatus, Fabr. Walkeri, Baly. Diapromorpha, Lac. Turcica, Fabr. Fam, CHRYSOMELlDiE, Leach. Chalcolampa, Bait/. Templetoni, Baly. Lin a, Meg. convexa, Baly. Chrysoniela, Linn. Templetoni, Baly, Fam. Galerucid^, Steph. Galeruca, Geoff. *pectinata, Dohrn. Graptodera, Chevr. cyanea, Fabr. Monolepta, Chevr. pulchella, Baly. • Thyamis, Steph. Ceylonicus, Baly. Fam. CocciNELLiD^, Latr. Epilachna, Chevr. 28-1 unctata, Fabr. Delessortii, Guer. pubescens, Hope. innuba, Oliv. Coccinella, Linn. tricincta, Fabr. *repanda, Muls. tenuilinea, Wlk. rejiciens, Wlk. interrumpens, Wlk. Chap. XII.] LIST OF CEYLOX INSECTS. 4!; 3 quiiiqueplaea, Wlk. simplex, IV/k. antica, U'/U. flaviceps, lUk. Neda, Muls. tricolor, Fnbr. t oel iphora, Muls. 9-matulata, Fabr. ? Chilocorus, Leach. opponens, IVlk. Scymnus, Kug. variabilis, JVlk. Fam. Erotylid.e, Leach. Fatua, DeJ. Nepalensis, Hope. Trip! ax, Pat/k. decorus, IVlk. Tritoma, Fabr. *bilacies, Wlk. *preposita, W2k. Ischyrus, Cherz. grandis, Fabr. Fam. ENDOMYCHIDiE, Leach. Eugonius, Gerst. annularis, Gerst. lunulatus, Gerst. Eumorphus, IVeber. pulchripes, Gerst. *tener, Dohrn. Stenotarsus, Perly. Nietneri, Gerst. *castaneus, Gerst. *comentosus, Gerst. *vallatus, Gerst. Lycoperdina, Latr. glabrata, IVlk. Ancylopiis, Gerst. melanocephalus, Oliv. Saula, Gerst. *nigripes, Gerst. *ferruginea, Gerst, Myceiina, Gerst. castanea, Gerst. Order Orthopteba, Linn. Fam. FoRFicuLiD^, Steph. Forficula, Linn. Fam. Blattid.e, Steph. Panesthia, Serv. Javanica, Serv. pJagiata, Wlk. Polyzosteria, Burm. larva. Corydia, Serv. Fetiveriana, Linn. Fara. Mantid.e, Leach. Empiisa, Illig. gongylodes, Linn. Ilarpax, Serv. signifer, Wlk. Schizocephala, Serv. bicornis, Linn. Mantis, Linn. superstitiosa, Fabr. aridifolia. Stall. extensicollis ? Serv. Fam. Phasmioje, Serv, Acropliylla, Gray. systropedon, Westiv. Phasm;i, Ltchl. sordidum, De Haan. Phyllium, Illig. siccil'olium, Linn. Fam. Gryllii)^, Steph. Acheta, Linn. bimaeulata, Deg. supplicans, Wlk. seqjialis, ]Vlk. confirmata, Wlk. Platydactyliis, Brull. crassipes, Jf7/t. Steirodon, Serv. lanceohitum, Wlk. Phyllophora, Thunb. falsi folia, Wlk. Acaiithodis, Serv. rugosa, Wlk. Phaneroptera, Serv. atteniiata, Wlk. Phymatens, Thunb. miliaris, Linn. Truxalis, Linn. exaltata, Wlk. porrecta, Wlk. Acridium, Geoffr. extensum, Wlk. deponens, Wlk. rutiti'ola. Wlk. cinctifemur, Wlk. respondens, Wlk. nigrifascia, Wlk. Order Phtsapoda, Bum. Thrips, Linn. steaonieias,. Wlk, Order NErROPTEEA, Linn.. Fam. SERicosTOMin^, Steph. Mormon la. Curt. *ursina, Hagen, Fam. LeptoceriDvE, Leach. Macronema, Pict. multifarium, Wlk. *splendidum, Hagen. *nebiilosum, Hagen. *obliquum, Hagen. *Ceylanicum, }iiet. *annulicorne, isiet. G G 3 Molanna, Curt. mixta, Hagen, Setodes, Ramb. *Iris, Hagen. *Ino, Hagen. Fam. PsYCHOMiD.E, Curt, Chimarra, Leach *auriceps, Hagen. *luiiesta, Hagtu. *sepulcralis, Hagen. Fam. Hydropsychid^, Curt. Hydropsyche, Pict. * I'aprobanes, Hagen, *mitis, Hagen. Fam. Rhyacophilid^, Steph. Rhyacophila, Pict. *castanea, Hagen. Fam. Perlid/E, Leach.. Perla, Geoffr. angulata, Wlk. *testacea, Hagen. *limosa, Hagen. I Fam. SiLiADiE, Westw. Dilar, Ramb. *Nietneri, Hagen. Fam. HemerobidjE, Leach, Mantispa, Illig. *Indica, Westw. mutata, Wlk. Chrysopa, Leach. invaria, Wlk, *tropica, Hagen, aurilera, Wlk. *punctata, Hagen. Micromerus, Ramb. •linearis, Hagen. *australis, Hagen. Hemerobius, Lmn. *frontalis, Hagen. Coniopteryx, Hal. *cerata, Hagen. Fam. MYRMELEONIDiE, Leach. Palpares, Ramb. contrarius, Wlk. Acanthoclisis. Ramb. * — n. s. Hagen. *molestus. Wlk. Myrmeleon, Linn. gravis, Wlk. aims, Wlk. barbariis, Wlk. Ascalaphus, Fabr. nugax, Wlk. incusans, Wlk. *cervinus, Niet. Fam. PsociD.i:, Leach. Psocus, Latr. 454 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. *Taprobanes, Hagen. *oblitus, Hasa, Smith. Meramiplus, Smith. *diinicins, Wlk. Catavilacus, Smith. Tajirobaiiae, Smith. Fam. MuTiLLiD^, Leach. Mutilla, Linn, «Sibvlla, Smith. Tiphia, Fabr. *decre»cens, Wlk. Fam. EuMENiD^, Westw. Odynerus. Latr. *tiiictipenuis, Wlk. *intendens, Wlk. *intendens, Wlk. Scolia, Fabr. auricollis, St. Farg, Fam. CRABRONiDiE, Leach. Philanthus, Fabr. basalis. Smith. Stigmus, Jur. *jongruus, Wilk. Fam. Sphegid^, Steph. Ammopbila, Kirby. atiipes. Smith. Pelopajus. Latr. Spinolae, St. Farg. Sphex, Fabr. ferruginea, St, Farg. Ampulex, Jur. compressa, Fabr. Fam. Larrid^, Steph. Larrada, Smith. *exteusa, Wlk. Fam. PoMPiLiD^, Leach. Pompilns, Fabr. analis, Fabr. Fam. Apid^, Leach. Andrena, Fabr. *exagens, lllk. Nomia, Latr. rustica, Westw. *vincta. nik. AHodaps. Smith. *margiriata. Smith. Ceratina. Latr. viiidis, Guer. picta. Smith. *similliina, Smith. Ccelioxys, Latr. capitata. Smith. Croeisa, Jur. *ramosa, St. Farg. Stelis, Panz. carboiiaria. Smith. Anthophora, Latr. zonata. Smith, Xylocopa, Latr. tenuiscapa, Westw. latipes. Drury. Apis, Linn. Indica, Smith. Trigona. Jur. iridipennis. Smith. *praBterita, Wlk. Fam. Chrysid^, Wlk. Stilbum, Spin. splendidiim, Dahl. Fam. DoRYLiDiE, Shuck. Enictus, Shuck. porizonoides, IVlk. Chap. XIT.] LIST OF CEYLON INSECTS. 455 Fam. IcHNEO monid^, Leach. Cryptus, Fabr. *oniistus, IVlk. Hemiteles? Grav. *va ius, IVlk. Porizon, Fall. *dominans, Wlk. Pimpla, Fabr. albopicta, Wlk. Fam. Braconid^, Hal. Microgaster, Latr. *recuim>lis, Linn. Pontia, Fabr. Nina, Fabr. Pieris, Schr. Eucliaris, Drtiry. Coronis, Cram, Epicharis, Godt. Mama, Doubl. Reiiiba, Muore. Mesentiiia, Godt. Severina, Cram. Namouna, Doubl, Phryne, Fabr. Paulina, Goit. Tiiestylis, Doubl. Callosune, Duubl. Eucharis, Fabr. Daiiae, Fabr. Etrida, Boisd. Idmais, Boisd. Calais, Cram. Thestias, Boisd. JVIariamiie, Cram, Pirene, Li tin. Heboinoia, Hiibn. Gli'icippe, Linn, Eronia, Hiibn, Valeria, Cram, Callidryas, Boisd. Pliilippiiia, Boisd, Pyrautlie, Linn. Hilai la. Cram. Alcmeone, Cram. 'Ihi orelia. Boisd. Terias, Swain. Drona, Horsf. Hecabe, Linn. Fam. Nymphalid^, Swain. Euploea, Fabr. Proihoe, Godt. Core, Cram. Alcathue, Godt. Danais, Latr. Chrysippus, Linn. Piexippus, Linn. Aglae, Cram. Melijsa. Cram. LimiiiaiEe, Cram, Juveiita. Cram. Hestia, Hiibn. Jasonia, JVestw. Telchuiia. Hiibn. violffi, Fabr, Cethosia, Fabr. I yaue, Fabr, Messarus, Doubl. Ery man this, Drury. MeW-A, Doubl. Piialaiita, Drury. Argy nis, tabr. Niphe, Linn. Clagia, Godt. Ergolis, Buisd. Taprobana, West. Vanessa, F\tbr. G G 4 Charonia, Drury, Libvthea, Fabr- 'Medhavina, Wlk. Pushcara. Wlk. Pyramfis, Hilbti. Charonia, Drury, Cardui, Liyin. Callirhoe, Hiibn, Junonia, Hiibn. Limonuis, Linn. CEnnne, Linn. Oiithyia, Linn. Laomedia, Linn. ] Asterie, Linn. Precis, Hiibn. Iphita, Cram, Cynthia, Fabr. Arsinoe, Cram. Paithenos, Hiibn. Gamurisius, Fabr. Limenitis, Fabr. Calidusa, Moore. Neptis, Fabr, Heliodore, Fabr. Columella. Cram, aceris, Fabr. J u Hi bah, Moore. Hordonia, Sloll, Diadema, boisd. Auge, Cram. Bolina, Linn. Symphaedra. Hiibn. Thyelia, Fabr. Adolias, Boisd. Evelina, Stoll. Lubentina, Fabr. Vasauta, Moore. Garuda, Moore. Nymphalis, Latr. Fsaphon, Westw. Bernardus, Fabr. Aihauias, Cram. Fabiui, Fabr. Kalliina, Doubl. Pnilarchus Westw. Melaiiitis, Fabr. Banksia, Fabr. Leda, Linn. Casiphoue, G. R.Gray. undularis. Boisd. Ypththima, Hiibn. Lvsauora, Cram, Pdrthaiis, Wlk. Cyllo, Boisd. Gorya, Wlk. Cathana, Wlk. Embolima, Wlk. Neilghernensis, Guer. Purunata, H Ik. Pusiipatnitra, Wlk. Mycalesis, Hiibn. Patnia, Moore. Ganialiba, Wlk. Do>aron, Ulk. Samba, Moore. Caenon)mpha, Hiibn, Euaspla, Wlk. Emesis, J abr. Echerius, Stoll. Fam. LYCiFNiD^, Leach, An ops, Boisd. 456 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. Bulls. Boisd. Thetys, Drury. Loxura, Horsf. Atymnus, Cram. Myrina, Godt. Selimnus, Doubled. Triopas, Cram. Amblypoiiia, Horsf. Longinus, Fabr. Narada, Horsf. pseudocentaurus, Do. quercetorum, Boisd. Aphnaeus, Hiibn. Pindarus, Fabr. Etolus, Cra?n. Hepliaestos, Doubled. Crotus, Doubled. Dipsas, Doubled. chrysiimallus, Hiibn. Isocrates, Fabr. Lycaena, Fabr. Alexis, Stall. Boetica, Linn. Cnejus, Horsf. Rosimon, Fabr. Theophrastus, Fabr. Pluto, Fabr. Parana, Horsf. Nyseus, Guer. Ethion, Boisd. Celeno, Cram. Kandarpa, Horsf. Elpis, Godt. Chimonas, Wlk. Gandara, Wlk. Chorienis, Wlk. Geria, Wlk. Doanas. Wlk. Sunva, Wlk. Audhra, Wlk. Polyommatus, Latr, Akasa, Horsf. Puspa, Horsf. Laius, Cram. Ethion, Boisd. Cattigara, Wlk. Gorpippia, Wlk. Lucia, Westw. Epius, Westw. Pithecops, Horsf. Hylax, Fabr. Fam. Hesperid^, Steph. Goniloba, Westw. lapetus. Cram. Pjrgus, Hdbn. Superna, Moore. Danna, Moore. Genta, Wlk. Sydrus, Wlk. Nisoniades, Hdbn. Diodes, Boisd. Salsala, Moore. Toides, Wlk. Pamphila, Fabr. Aiigias, Linn. Achylodes, Hiibn.] Teinala, f^f'lk! Hesperia, Fabr. Indrani, Moore. Chaya, Moore. Cinnara, Moore. gremius, Latr. Ceiidochates, Wlk. Tiagara, Wlk. Cotiaris, Wlk. Sigala, Wlk. Fam. SPHING1DJ2, Leach. Sesia, Fabr. Hylas, Linn. Macroglossa, Oclis. Stellatarum, Linn. gyrans, Boisd. Corytlius, Boisd. divergens, Wlk. Calymnia, Boisd. Panopus, Cram. Choerocampa, Dup. Tiiyelia, Linn. Nyssus, Drury. Clotho, Drury. Oldenlandiae, Fabr. Lycetus, Cram. Silhetensis, Boisd, Pergesa, Wlk. Acteus, Cram. Panacra, Wlk. vigil, Guer. Daplinis, hdbn. Nerii, Linn. Zonilia, Boisd. Morplieus, Cram. Macrosila, Boisd. obliqua, Wlk. discistriga, Wlk. Sphinx, Linn. convolvuli, Linn. Acherontia, Ochs. Satanas, Boisd. Smeriiitlius, Latr. Dry as, Boisd. Fam. Castniid^, Wlk. Eusemia, Dalm. bellatrix, Westw, ^Egocera, Latr. Veiiuiia, Cram, bimacuia, H Ik. Fam. Zyg^nid^, Leach. Syntomis, Ochs. Sci cenherri, Boisd, Creusa, Linn, Imaon, Cram, Glaucopis, Fabr. subaurata, Wlk. Enchrnmia, HUhn. Polymelia. Cram. diminuta, Wlk. Fam. LiTHOsiiDiE, Steph. Scaptesyle, Wlk. bicoli.r, Wlk. NycteiTiera, Hiibn. lacticinia, Cra?n. latistriga, Wlk. Coleta, Cra7n. Euschema, Hiibn. subrepleta, Wlk. transversa, Wlk. vilis, Wlk. Chalrosia, Hiibn. Tiberina, Cram. venosa. Anon. Eterusia, Hope. JEdea, Linn. Trypanophora, KoU. Taprobanes, Wlk. Hcteropan, Wlk. scintillans, Wlk. Hypsa, Hiibn. plana, If^'lk. caricae, Fabr. ficus, Fabr. Vitessa, Moor. Zemire, Cram. Lithosia, Fabr. antica, Wlk. brevipenuis, Wlk. Setina, Schr. semilascia, Wlk. solita. If lie. Doliche, Wlk. hilaris tVlk. Pitane, Wlk.] conserta, Wlk. iEmene, Wlk. Taprobanes, Wlk. Dirade-, Wlk. attacoidi'S, Wlk. Cyllene, Wlk. transversa, Wlk. *spoliata, Wlk. Bizone, Wlk. subornata, Wlk. peregrina, Wlk. Deiopeia, Steph. piilcella, Linn. Astrea, Drury. Argus, Kollar. Fam. Arctiidje, Leach. Alope, Wlk. ocelli fera, Wlk, Sangaiida, Cram, Tinolius, Wlk. eburneigutta, Wlk. Creatonotos, Hiibn. interrupta, Linn. emittens, Wlk. Acmonia, Wlk. lithosioides, Wlk. Spilosoma, Steph, subfascia, Wlk, Cycnia, Hiibn. rubida, Wlk. sparsigutta, Wlk, Antlieua, Wlk, diicalis, Wlk, Aloa, Wlk, lactinea, Cram, candidula, M'lk. erosa, Wlk. Amerila, Wlk. Melmthus, Cram. Ammatho, Wlh. cunionotatus, Wlk, Fam. LiPARiD^, Wlk Artaxa, Wlk, guttata, JF/A. Chap. XII.] LIST OF CEYLON mSECTS. 457 *varians, Wlk. atomaria, Wlk. Acyphas, JV/k. viridescens, JVlk. Lacida, H'/k. rotundata, Wlk. antica, Wlk. subnotata, Wlk. complens, Wlk. promittens, Wlk. strigulit'era, Wlk. Amsacta ? Wlk. tenebrosa, Wlk. Antipha. Wlk. costal is. Wlk. Anaxila, Wlk. notata, Wlk. Procodera, Jl'lk. angulifera, Wlk. Redoa, nik. submarginata, Wlk. Euproctis Hiibn. virguncula, Wlk. bimaculata. Wlk. lunata, Wlk. tinctifera, Wlk. Cispia, Wlk. plagiata. Wlk. Dasychira, Hiibn. pudibunda, Linn. Lymantria, Hiibn. grandis, IVlk. marginata, Wlk. Enome, H'lk. ampla, Wlk. Dreala, Wlk. plumipes, Wlk. geminata. Wlk. mutans, Wlk. mollifera, Wlk. Pandala, Wlk. dolosa, Wlk. Charnidas, Wlk. junctifera, Wlk. Fam. PsYCHiD^, B)-u. Psyche, Schr. Doubledaii, Westw. Metisa, Wlk. plana, Wlk. Eumeta, Wlk. Cramerii, Westw. Templetonii, Westw. Cryptothelea, Tempi. consorta, Tempi. Fam. NoTODONTIDvE, St. Cerura, Schr. liturata, Wlk. Stauropus, Germ. alternans, Wlk. Nioda, Wlk. fusiformis, Til.k, transversa, Wlk. Rilia, Wlk. lanceolata, Wlk. basivitta, Wlk. Ptilomacra, Wlk. juvenis, Wlk. Elavja, Wlk. metapheea, Wlk. Notodonta, Ochs. ejecta, Wlk. Ichthyma, Hiibn. restituens, Wlk. Fam. LiMACODiDiE, Dup. Scopelodes, Westia. unicolor, Westw. Messata, Wlk. rubiginosa, Wlk. Miresa, Wlk. argeiitifera, Wlk. aperiens, Wlk. Nyssia, Hcrr. Sch. l£eta, Westw. Neaera, Herr. Sch. graciosa, Westw. Narosa, Wlk. coiispersa, Wlk. Naprepa, Wlk. varians, Wlk. Fam. Drepanulid^, Wlk. Oreta, Wlk. suflfusa, Wlk. extensa, Wlk. Arna, Wlk. apical is, Wlk. Ganisa, Wlk. postica, Wlk. Fam. Saturinid.e, Wlk. Attaciis, Linn. Atlas, Linn. lunula, Anon. Antheraga, Hiibn. Mylitta, Drvry. Assama, Westw. Tropaea, Hiibn. Selene, Hiibn. Fam. BoMBYCiD^, Steph. Trabala, Wlk. basal is, Wlk. prasina, Wlk. Lasiocampa, Schr. tri fascia. Wlk. Megasoma, Boisd. venustnm, Wlk. Lebeda, Wlk. repanda, JVlk. plagiata, Wlk. bimaculata, Wlk. scriptiplaga, Wlk. Fam. CossiD^, Newm. Cossus, Fabr. quadrinotatus, Wlk. Zeuzera, Latr. leuconota, Steph. pusilla, Wlk. Fam. Hepialid^, Steph. Phassus, Steph. signifer, Wlk. Fam. Cymatophorid^, Herr. Sch. Thyatira, Ochs. repugnans, Wlk. Fam. BRY0PHILIDJ2, Guen. Bryophila, Treit. semipars, Wlk. Fam. BoMBYcoiu.E, Guen. Diphtera, Ochs. deceptura, Wlk. Fam. Leucanid.e, Guen. Leucania, Ochs. confusa, Wlk. exempts, Wlk. inferens, Wlk. collecta, Wlk. Brada, Wlk. truncata, Wlk. Crambopsis, Wlk. excludens, Wlk, Fam. G1.0TTLLID.E, Guen. Poly tela. Guen. gioriosa, Fabr. Glottula, Guen. Dominica, Cram. Chasm ina, Wlk. pavo, Wlk. cygnus, Wlk. Fam. Apamid,e, Guen. Laphygma, Guen. obstans, Wlk. trajiciens, Wlk. Prodenia, Guen. retina, Friv. glaucistriga, Wlk. apertura, Wlk. Calograuima, Wlk. festiva, Don. Heliophobus, Boisd. discrepans, Wlk. Hydraecia, Guen. lampadifera, Wlk. Apamea, Ochs. undecilia, Wlk, Celasna, Steph. serva, Wlk. Fam. Caradrinid^, Guen. Amj-na, Guen. selenampha, Guen. Fam. NocTuiD^, Guen. Agrotis, Ochs. aristifera, Guer. congrua, Wlk. punctipes, Wlk. mundata, Wlk. transducta, Wlk. plagiata, Wlk. plagifera, Wlk. Fam. Hadenid^, Guen. Eurois, Hiibn. auriplena, Wlk. inclusa. Wlk. Epiceia, Wlk, subsignata, Wlk. Hadena, Treit. subcurva, Wlk. , postica, Wlk. 458 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. retrahens, Wlk.~ confnndeiis, Wlk. congressa, Wlk. ruptistriga, Wik. Ansa, fVli. filipalpis, Wlk. Fam. Xylinid^^e, Guen, Ragada, IVlk. pyrorchroma, Wlk. Cryassa, Wlk bifacips Wlk. Egelista, Wlk. rudivitta, Wlk. Xylina. Ochs. deflexa, Wlk. inchoans, Wlk. Fatn. Heliothid^, Guen. Heliothis, Ochs. armigera, Hiibn. Fam. H,EMEROsiDJE, Gtcdn. Ariol^, W/k. ccelisigna, Wlk. dilectissima, Wlk. saturata, W/k. Fam. AcoNTiD^E, Guen. Xanthodes, Guen. intersepta, GueUt AcontJa, Ov/is. tropica, Guen. olivacea, Wlk. fasciculosa, Wlk. signilera. Wlk. turpis, Wlk. mianciides, Wlk. approxiinans, Wlk. divulsa, Wlk. *egpn6, H'lk. plenii'dsta, Wlk. determinata, Wlk. hvpaetroides, Wlk. Chluiiietia, Wlk. multilinea, Wlk. Fam. Anthophilid^, Guen. Micra, Gnen. destituta, Wlk. derogata, Wlk. simplex, Wlk. Fam. Eriopid^, Guen. Callopistiia, H'dbn. exotica, Guen. rlvularis, l\ Ik. duplicans, Wlk. Fam. EuRHiPioaE, Guen. Penicillaria, GuSn. nugatrix, Guen. resoluta, Wlk. solida, W/k. ludatrix, Wlk. Rhesala, Wlk. impaiata, Wlk, Eutelia, Hiibn. favillalrix, Wlk. thermesiides, Wlk. Fam. Plus;id^, Boisd. Abrostola, Ochs. transfixa, Wlk. Plusi.i, Ochs. aurifera, Hiibn. verticillata, Guen. agramma, Guen. obtiisisigna, Wlk. nigriluna. Wlk, signata, Wlk. disppllens, Wlk. propulsa, Wlk. Fam. Calpid^, Guen. Calpe, Treit. rrinuticornis, Guen. Orcesia, Guen. emarginaia, Fabr. Deva, Wlk. conducens, Wlk. Fam. Hemicerid*, Guen. Westermannia, Hiibn. superba, Hiibn. Fam. Hybl^id^, Guen. Hyblaea, Guen. Puera, Cram. con&telb\a, Guen. Nolasena, Wlk. ferrifervens, W/k. Fam. GoNOPTERiDiE, Guen. Cosmiphila, Boisd. Indica, Guen. xanthindyma, Boisd. Anomis, Hiibn. fulvida, Guen. iconica, Wlk. Gonitis, Guen. combinans, Wlk. alhitibia, Wlk. mesogona, W/k. gnttanivls, Wlk. involuta, Wlk. basalts, Wlk. Eporeda, Pf'lk. damni' ennis, Wlk. Rusicada, W/k. nigritarsis, Wlk. Pasipeda, Wlk. rufipalpis, Wlk. Fam. ToxocAMPiD^, Guen. Toxocampa, Guen. metaspila, Wlk. sexlinea, Wlk. qiiinquplina, Wlk. Albonica, Wlk. reversa, W/k. Fam. POLYDESMID.E,G«^W. Polydesma, Boisd. boarmoides, Wlk. erubescens, (ilk. Fam. HoMOPTERiD^, Bois. Alamis, Guen. spoliata, Wlk. Homoptera, Boisd. basipallens, Wlk. retrahens, Wlk. costifera, Wlk. divisistriga, Wlk. procumhpns, Wlk. Diacuista, Wlk. homontproides, Wlk. Daxata, Wlk. bijungeiis, Wlk. Fam. Hypogrammid*, Guen. Briarda, Wlk. precedens, Wlk. Brana, Wlk. calopasa, Wlk. Corsa, Wlk. lignicolor, Wlk. Avatha, Wlk. iiK-ludpns, Wlk. Gadirtha, W/k. decrescens, Wlk. impiiigens, Wlk. spiircata, Wlk. recti fera, Wlk. duplicans, If'lk. intrusa, Wlk. Erchtia, W/k. diversippnnis, Wlk. Plotheia, Wlk. frontalis, Wlk. Diomea, Wlk. rotundata, Wlk. chloromela, Wlk. orbicularis, Ulk. mu-icosa. Wlk. Dinumma, W/k. placens, Wlk. Lusia, Wlk. geometroides, Wlk. perficita, Wlk. repulsa, Wlk. Abunis, Wlk. trimesa, Wlk. Fam. Catephid^, Guen. Cocytodes, Guen. coerula, Guen. modesta, Wlk, Catephia, Ochs. linteola, Guin. Anophia, Guen. acionyctoides, Guen. Steiria, Wlk. sut'obliqua, Wlk. trajiciens, Wlk. Aucha, Wlk. velaiis, Wlk. ^gilia, W/k. descnb'^ns, Wlk. Maceda, Wlk. mansueta, Wlk. Fam. HvpocALiDiE, Guen. H\pocala, Guen. efBorescens. Guin. subsatura, Guen. Fam. Catocalid^. Boisd. Blenina, Wlk. Chap. XII.] LIST OF CEYLOIS' INSECTS. 459 donans, Wllr. accipiens, lyik. Fam. Ophiderid^, Guen. Ophideres, Boisd. Materna, Linn. fuUonica, Linn, Cajeta, Cram. Aiicilla, Cram. Salaminia, Cram. Hypermnestra, Crafn. muitiscripia, tVlk. bilineosa, H'lk. Potamophera, Guen. Manila, Ctam. Lygniocies, Guen. rediicens, If'lk. disparans, W/k. hypoleuca, Guen. Fam. Frebid*, Guen. Oxyodes, Guen. Clytia, Cram. Fam. Ommatophorid*, Guen. Speiredonia, Hilbn. retraheiis, H'lk. Sericia, Guen.. anops, Guen. parvipeniiis, Wlk. Patula, Guen. macrops, Linn. Argiva, Hiibn. hleroglyphica, Drury. Beregra, Wlk. replenens, Wlk. Fam. HYPOPYRID.E, Guen. Spiramia, Guen. Hel conia, Hiibn. triloba, Guen. Hypopyra, Guen. vesfiertil o, Fabr. Ortospana, Wlk. connectens. Wlk. Entomogramm I, Guen. fautrix, Guen. Fam. Bendid^, Guen. Homffia, Guen. clathrum, Guen. Hulodt-s, Guen. caranea, Cram. palumba, Guen. Fam. OpHiusiDiE, Guen. Sphingomorpha, Guen. Chlorea, Cram. Lagopteia, Guen. honesta. Hiibn. magica, Hiibn. dotata, Fabr. Ophiodes, Guen. discriminans, Wlk. basi-tigma, IVlk. Cerbi<, Wlk fugitiva, JVlk. Ophisma, Guen. lEBtabilis, Gven. deficiens, Wlk. gravata, Wlk. circiimierens, Wlk. terminans, Wlk. Achaea, Hiibn. Melicerra. Drury. Mezentia, Cram. Cyllota, Guen. Cyllaria, Cram. fusiiera, Wlk. signivitta, IVlk. reversa, Wlk. combinaiis, IVlk. expectans, Wlk. Serrodes, Guen. canipana, Guen. Naxia, Guen. abseutiiiiaciila, Guen. Ouelia. Guen. caiefariens, If'lk. caiorifica, Wlk. Calt'sia, Guen. hcemorrlioda, Guen, Hypjetra, Guen. trig nil'era, Wlk. curvilera, Wlk. condita, Wik. complacens, Wlk. divisa, Wlk. Ophiusa, Ochs. myops, Guen. albivitta, Guen. Achaiina, Sulz. fulvotaeiiia, Guen. similiima, Guen. festinata, Wlk. pallidilinea, Wlk. liiteipaipis, Wlk. Fedina, Guen. stola, Guen. Grainmodes, Guen. Ammonia, Cram. Mygdon, Cram. stolida, Fabr. mundicolor, Wlk. Fam. EucLiDin.?:, Guen. Trigonodes, Gtcen. Hippasia, Cram. Fam. Remigid^, Guen, Remigia, Guen. Archesia, Cram. frugal is, Fabr. pertendeiis, Wlk. cungregata. Wlk. opturata, Wlk. Fam. FociLLiDiE, Guen. Foci I la, Guen. submemorans, Wlk. Fam. Amphiganid^, Guen. Lacera, Guen. capella, Guen. Amphigonia, Guen. hepatizans, Guen. Fam. THERMISID.E, Guen. Sympis, Guen. rulibajis, Guen. Thermesia. Hiibn. finipalpis, Wlk. soluta, Wlk. Azazia, W/k. rubricans, Boisd. Selenis, Guen. nivisapex, Wlk. muki^'iutata, Wlk. semilux, Wlk. Ephyroeies, Guen. excipiens, Jf'lk. cristi>rera, Wlk. lineilera, Wlk. Capnodes, Guen. *maculiC')Sta, Wlk, Ballatha, IVlk. atrotumens, Wlk. Daraiiissa, Wlk. digramma, Wlk. Darsa, Wlk. defectisslma, Wlk. Fam. URAPTERYD.E, Guen. Lagyra, H Ik. Talaca, Wlk. Fam. ENNOMiDi;, Guen. Hyperythra, Guen. limbolaria. Gain. Orson oba, Wlk. Rajaca, Wlk. Fasceliina, Wlk. chromataria, Wlk. Laginia, Wlk. bractiaria, Wlk. Fam. BoARMiDiE, Guen. Amblychia, Guen. angeronia, Guen, poststrigaria, Wlk. Boarmia, Treit. suiilavaria, Guen. admissaria, Guen, raptana, Wlk. Medasina, 'I Ik. Bhurniitra, Wlk. Suiasasa. Wlk. diffluaria, Wlk. caritari^, M Ik. exclusaria, Wlk. Hypochroma, Guen. minimaria, Guen, Gnophos, Treit. Piilinda, Wlk. Culataria, Wlk. HemeroptiUa, Steph. vidhisara, Wlk. Agaihia, Guen. blandiaria, Wlk. Bulonga, Wik. Ajaia, Wlk. Chacoraca, Wlk. Chandubija, Wlk, Fam. Geometrid^, Guen. Georaetra, Linn. 460 IXSECTS. [Chap. Xn. specularia. Guin, Nanda, Wik. Nemoria, HiiOn. caudularia, Guen. solidaria, Guen. Thalassodes, Guen. quadraria, Guen. catenaria, Wlk. immissaria, Wlk. Sisunaga, JV/k. adornataria, JVlk. meritaria, fV/k. ccelataria, W/k. gratularia, H'lk, chlorozonaria, Wlk. laesaria, If^'lk. simpliciaria, Wlk. immissaria, Wlk. Comibjena, JHk. Divapala, J\'lk. impulsaria, Wik. Celeniia, W/k saturaturia, JVlk. Pseudoterpna, Wlk. Vivilaca, Wlk. Amaurinia, Guen. rubrolimbaria, Wlk. Fam. Palyad^, Guen. Eumelea, Dune. ludovicata, Guin. aureliata, Guen. carnearia, Wlk. Fam. Ephyrid^, Guen. EphjTa, Di'p. obrinaria, W/k. decursaria, Wlk. Cacavena, JVlk. abhadraca, Wlk. Vasudeva, W/k. Siisarmana, Wlk. Vutumana, JVlk. inaequata, Wlk. Fam. AcidaudjE, Guen. Drapetodes, Guen. mitaria. Guen. Pomasia, Gudn. Psylaria, Guen. Sunandaria, Wlk. Acidalia, Trtit. Dbliviaria, Wlk. adeptaria, Wlk. nexiaria, Wlk. addictaria, Wlk. actiosaria. Wlk. defamataria. Wlk. negataria, Wlk. actuaiia, Wlk. caBsaria, Wlk. Cabera, S/>ph. faharia, Wlk. decussaria, Wlk. famularia, Wlk. nigrarenaria, Wlk. Hyria, Sleph. elataria, Wlk. marcidaria, Wlk. oblataria, Wlk. grataria, Wlk. rhodinaria, Wlk. Timandra, Dup. Ajuia, H'lk. Vijuia, Wlk. Agyris, Guen. deliar^a, Guen. Zanclopteryx, Herr. Sch. saponaria, Herr. Sch. Fam. MicRONiD^, Guen. Micronia, Guen. ca'idata, Fabr. aculeata, Guen Fam. Macarid.e, Guen. Macaria, Curt. Eleonora, Cram. Varisara, Wlk. Rhai^ivata. Wlk. Palaca, Wlk. honestaria, Wlk. Sangata, Wlk. honoraria, Wlk. cessaria, U'lk. subcaudaria, Wlk. Doava, Wlk. adjutaria, Wlk. figiiraria. Wlk. Fam. Larentid-e, Guen. Sauris, Gteen. hinidinata, Guen. Camptogramma, Sleph. baccata, Guen. Blemvia, Wlk. Bataca, IVlk. blitiaria, Wlk. Coremia, Guen. (iomatina, Wlk. Lobophora, Curt. Salisuca, Wlk. Ghoslia, IVlk. contributaria, Wlk. Mesogramma, Steph. lactularia, Wlk. scitaria, Wlk. Eupithecia, Curt. recensitaria, Wlk. admixtaria, Wlk. immixtaria, Wlk. Gathynia, Wlk. miraria, Wlk. Fam. PLATYDiD.ffi, Guen. Trigonia, Guen. Cydonialis, Cram. Fam. Hypenid^ He7-r. Dichromia, Guen. Orosialis, Cram. Hypeiia, Schr. rhombatis, Guen. jocosalis, Wlk. mandatalis, Wlk. qusesitalis, Wlk. laceratalis, Wlk. iconicalis, Wlk. labatalis, Wlk. obacer talis, Wlk. pactalis, Wlk. raralis, Wlk. paritalis, Wlk. surreptalis, Wlk. dftersalis, Wlk. ineffectalis, Wlk. ■ incoiigrualis, Wlk. rubripunctum, Wlk. Gesonia, Wlk. *obeditalis, Wlk. duplex, Wlk. Fam. Herminid^, Bup. Herminia, I^alr. Tinioiialis, Wlk. diff^isalis, Wlk. interstans, Wlk. Adrapsa, Wlk. ablualis, Wlk. Bertula, Wlk. abjudicalis, Wlk. raptatalis, Wlk. contigens, Wlk. Bocana, Wlk. jutalis, Wlk. manifestalis, Wlk. ophiiisalis, Wlk. vagalis, Wlk. turpatalis, Wlk. hypernalis,. Wlk. grayaralis, Wlk. tumidalis, Wlk. Orthaga, Wlk. Euadrusalis, Wlk. Hipoepa, Wlk. lapsalis, Wlk. Lamura, Wlk. oberratalis, JVlk. Echana, Wlk. abavalis, JMk. Dragana, Wlk. pansalis. Wlk. Pingrasa, Wlk. accural is, Wlk. Egnas.a, Wlk. ephvradalis. WV:. accingalis, Wlk. participalis, Wlk. usLirpatalis, Wlk. Berresa, Wlk. natalis, Wlk. Imma, Wlk. rugosalis, Wlk. Chusaris, Wlk. retalalis, Wlk. Corgatha, Wlk. \ zonal is, Wlk. Catada, Wlk. glomeralis, Wlk. captiosalis, Wlk. Fam. PYRALiDiE, Guen. Pyralis, Linn. igniflualis, Wlk. Palesali^, Wlk. reconditalis, Wlk. Idaliaiis, Wlk. Janassalis, Wlk. Aglossa, Lair. Gnidusalis, Wlk. Chap. XII.] LIST OF CEYLON INSECTS. 4G1 Labanda, JVlk. herbealis, JFlk. Fam. Ennychid^, Dup. Pyrausta, Sckr. *absistalis, W7A-. Fam. AsopiD^, Guen. Desmia, JVesiw. afflictalis, Guen. coucisalis. Jl'l/c. .SIdiodes, Guen. flavibasalis. Guen, effertalis, JVlk. Samea, Guen. pratiosalis, TVlk. Asopia, Guen. vulgalis, Guen. falsidicalis. JVlk. abruptali>, Jl'lk. latimarginalis. JVlk. prasteritalis, IVlk. Ervxalis, !Hk. roridalis. JVlk. Agathndes, Guen. osteiitalis, Geyer. Leucinades, Guen. orbonalis. Guen. Hymeiiia, Uiibn. recurvalis, Pabr. Agrotera, Schj-. suffusalis, JVlk. decessalis, JVlk. Isopteryx, Guen. *m"elaleuialis, JJlk. *impulsalis, JVlk *spilomelalis. JVlk. acclaralis, JVlk. abnegatalis, JVlk. Fam. Hydrocampid^, Guen. Oligostigma, Guen. obi talis, JVlk. votalis, JVlk. Cataclysia, Hen: Srh. diliicidalis, Guer. bisectalis, JVlk. blaiidialis. JVlk. el u talis, JVlk. Fam. Spilomelid.^, Guen. Lepyrodes, Guen. geomet rails, Guen. lepidalis, JVlk. peritalis, JVlk. Phalangiodes, Guen. Neptisalis, Cram. Spilomela, Guen. meritalis, JVlk. abdicalis, JVlk. deciissalis, JVlk. aurolinealis, Wlk. Nistra, JVlk. ccelatalis, JVlk. Pagyda. lllk. salvalis, JVlk. Massepha, JJ'lk. absolutalis, JVlk. Fam. MARGARODiD^jGwew. Glyphodes, Guen. diurnalis, Guen. decretalis, Guen. coesalis, JVlk. univocalts, JVlk. Phakellura, L. Guild. gazoiialis, Guen. Margarodes, Guen. psittacalis, Hilhn. pomnnalis. Guen. bilaralis, JJ'lk. Pygospila, Guen. Tyresalis, Cram. Neurina, Guen. Prncop'alis, C^am. ignibasalis, Wlk. llurgia, JVlk. delamalis, JVlk. Maruca, JJ'lk. riiptaiis, JJ'lk. caritalis, IVlk. Fam. BoTYDi, Guen. Botys, Latr. marginalis. Cram. s^llalis, Guen. multilinealis, Guen. admeiisalis, JVlk. abjiingalis, JJ'lk. rutilalis, JJ'lk. admixtalis. JJ'lk. c^latalis, JJlh. dediutalis. JVlk. celsalis, JJ'lk. vulsalis JVlk. ultimalis, IJ'lk. tropicalis, JJ'lk. abstriisalis, JVlk. ruralis, JJ'lk. adhcesalis, JJ'lk. illisalis, JVlk. stultalis, JVlk. adductalis, JJ'lk. histricalis, JJ'lk. illectalis, JJ'lk. suspicalis, JJ'lk. Janassalis, JJ'lk. Nepheaiis, JJ'lk. Cvnaralis. JVlk. Dial is, JJlk. Thaisalis, JJ'lk. Dryopealis, JVlk. Myrinalis, JVlk. phycidalis, JVlk. annulalis, JJ'lk. brevilinealis. JVlk. plagiatalis, JVlk. Ebulea, Guen. aberratalis, JJ'lk. Camillalis, JVlk. Pionea. Guen. actiialis, JJ'lk Optiletalis, JVlk. Jubesalis, JJ'lk. brevialis, JVlk. suff.isalis, JVlk. Scopula, Schr. revocatalis, JJ'lk. turgidalis, JJ'lk. volutatalis, IVlk. Godara, JJlk. pervasalis, Wlk. Herculia, JJ'lk. bractialis, JVlk. Mecyna, Guen. deprivalis, JJ'lk. Fam. ScoPARiD^E, Guen. Scoparia, Haw. murificalis, JJ'lk. congestalis, JJlk. Alconalis, JVlk. Davana, JJ'lk. Phaiantalis, Wlk. Darsania, JJ'lk. Niobfsalis, JJ'lk. Dosara, JJ'lk. ccelatella. JJ'lk. lapsalis, JVlk. immeritalis, TVlk. Fam. CHOREUTID.E, St a int. Niaccaba. JJ'lk. sumptialis, JJlk. Simaethis, Leach Clatella, JVlk. Dimonella, JJ'lk. Bathusella, JVlk. Fam. Phycid-e, Staint. Myelois, Hilbn. actiosella, JJ'lk. bractlatella, JVlk. caiitella, JVlk. adaptella, JJ'lk. illusella. JVlk. basifuscella, JJ'lk. Ligeralis, JVlk. Marsyasalis, JJ'lk. Dasctisa, "/fYA". Valensalis, JJ'lk. Daroraa, JJlk. Zeiixoalis, JVlk. Epulusalis, JJ'lk. Timeusalis. JJ'lk. Homcesoma, Curt. gratella, JJ'lk. Getiisella, JVlk. Nephopte-yx, H'uhn. Etolusalis, JJ'lk. Cvllusalis, JVlk. Hylasalis. JVlk. Acisalis, JVlk. Harpaxalis. IJ'lk. ^olusali>, JJ'lk. Argiadesalis, JJ'lk. Philia.-alis, JVlk. Pempelia, Hdbn. laiidatella, JJ'lk. Prionapteryx, Steph. Lincusalis, JVlk. Pindicitora, JJlk. Acreonalis. Wlk. Aniiiisrtlis, JJ'lk. Tliysbesalis, JVlk, Linceu-alis, JJ'lk. Lacipea, JJ'lk. muscosella, JJ'lk. Araxes, Steph. 462 INSECTS. [Chap. XII. admotella, Wlk. decusella, Wlk. celsella. It Ik. admigratella, H'lk. ccBsella, Wlk. candidatella, Wlk. Catagfla, nik. adjurella, Wlk. acricuella, H'lk. lunulella, Wlk. Tarn. Crambid^, Dup. Crambus Fubr. concinellns. Wlk. Darbhaca, JTlk. inceptella. Wlk. Jartheza, Wlk. hono'elia, Wlk. Bulina, Wlk. solitellii. Wlk. Bembina, Wlk. Cya usalis, Wlk. Chilo, Zinck. dodalell=i. Wlk. gratiosells, Wlk. aditella, Wlk. blirella, fflk. Dariausa, Wlk. Eubusalis, Wlk. Arrhade, IVlk. Ematheonalis, Wlk. Darnensis, Wlk. Strephonella, Wlk. Fam. Chlcephorid^, Stai'nt. Thagora, Wlk. figurans, Wlk. Earias, HUlm. chromatana, Wlk. Fam. TiiRTRiciD^, Steph. Lozotsenia, Steph. retractana, Wlk. Peronea, Curt. divisana, Wlk. LUhoi;rainma, Sttph. flt'xilineana, Wlk. Dictyopte'-yx. Steph. punctana. Wlk. HoinonH, Wlk fasciculaiia, Wlk. Hemonia, IVlk obiferana, Wlk. Achroia. HUhn. tricingulana, Wlk. Fam. Yponomeutid^, Steph. Atteva, Wlk. niveigutta, Wlk. Fam. GELICHID.E, Staint, Depressaria, Hatr. obligatella, Wlk. fimliriella, Wlk. Decuaria, Wlk. mendicella, Wlk. Gelechia, Hiibn. nugatella, Wlk. calatella, Wlk. deductella, Wlk. Perionella, Wlk. Gizama, Wlk. blanciiella, Wlk. Enisipia, Wlk. fal sella. Ulk. Gapharia, Wlk. recita ella, Wlk. Goesa, WVc decusella, Wlk. Cimitra, Wlk. secJusella, Wlk. Ficulea, Wlk. blandulella, Wlk. Fresilia, Wlk. nesciatella, Wlk. Gesontlia. Wlk. captinsella, Wlk. Aginis, Wlk. hilariella, Wlk. Cadra, Wlk. defectella, JVlk. Fam.GLYPHYPTiDJJ, Staint. Glyphyteryx, HUhn. scitulella, Wlk. Hybele, Wlk. mansuetella, Wlk. Fam. TiNEiDiE, Leach. Tinea, Linn. tapetzella, Linn. receptella, Wlk. pelionella, L)nn. plagiferella, Wlk. Fam. Lyonetidje, Staint. Cachura, Wlk. objectella, Wlk. Fam. PTEROPH0RID.E, Zell. Pterophoriis, Geoffr. leucadactylus, Wlk. oxydactylus, Wlk. anisodactylus, Wlk. Order DrPTERA, Linn. Fam. Mycetophilid^, Hal. Sciara, Meig. *valida, Wlk. Fam. Cecidomyzid^, Hal. Cecidomyia, Latr. *primaria, Wlk. Fam. SiMULiDiE, Hal. Simiiliiim, Lair. *destmalum, Wlk. Fam, Chironomid^, Hal. Ceratopogon, Meig. *albocinctus, Wlk. Fam. CULICID.E, Steph. Culex, Linn. regius, Thwaites. fuscanus, Wied. circumvolans. Wlk. coutrahens, Wlk. Fam. T1PULID.E, Hal. Ctenopiiora, Fnbr. Taprobanes, Wlk. Gymnoplistia ? Westw, hebes, Wlk. Fam. Stratiomid^, Latr. Ptilocera, Wied. qiiadiidentata, Fabr. fastuosa, Gtist. PachygHster, Meig. rufitarsis, Macq. Acanthina, Wird. ■ azurea, Geist. Fam. Tabanidjs, Leach. Paiigonia, Latr. Taprobanes, Wlk. Fam. AsiLiD^, Leach. Trupanea, Macq. Ceylanica, Macq. Asilus, Linn. flavicornis, Macq. Barium, Wlk. Fam. DoLiCHOPiD^.ieac^. Psilopus, Meig. *procuratus, Wlk. Fam. MusciD^, Latr. Tachina ? Fain: *tenebrosa, Wlk. Musca, Linn. domestica, Linn. Dacus, Fabr. *int^■rclusus, Wlk. *nigroaneus. Wlk. *detentus, Wlk. Ortalis, Fall. *confundens, Wlk. Sciomyza, Fall. ♦lencoielns. WUc. Drosophila, Fall. *restituens, Wlk. Fam. Nycteribids, Leach. Nycteribia, Latr. ? a species parasitic onScatophi- liis Coromandelicus, Bligh. Order Hejiipteea, Linn. Fam. Pachycorid^, HalL Cantuo, Amyot Sf Serv. ocellatiis, Thunb. Callidea, Lap. superba, Dull. Stockerus, Linn. Chap. XU.] LIST OF CEYLOIN" INSECTS. 463 Fam. EURYGASTERID^, Dall. Trigonosom;!, Lap, Desfontainii, Fabr. Fam. Plataspid^, Dall- Coptosoma, Lap. laiiceps, Dall. Fam. Halydid^, Dall. Halys, Fabr. dentata, Fabr. Fam. PENTATOMIDiE, Stepk, Pentatoma, Oliv. Timorensis, Hope. Taprobanensis, Dall. Catacanthus, Spin. incarnatus, Drury. . Rhaptiigaster, 1 ap. congrua, Wlk. Fam. EDESS1D.E, Dall. Aspongopiis, Lap. anus, Fabr. Tesseratoina, Lep. ^ Serv. papulosa, Drury. Cyclopelta, Am. 8f Serv. sictilolid, Hope. Fam. PhyllocephalidjE, Dall. Phyllocephala, Lap. iEgyptiaca, Lefeb. Fam. Miction, Dall. Mictis, Leach. Castanet, Dall. valida, Dall. punctum, Hope. Crinocerus, BurTn. ponderosus, Wlk. Fam. Anisoscelid^, Dall. Leptoscelis, Lap. ventralis, Dall. turpis, JVlk. marfjinalis, TVlk, Serinetha, Spin. Tapi ob inensis, Dall. abdominalis, Fabr. Fam. ALYDiDiE, Dall. Alydus, Fabr. linearis, Fabr. Fam. Stenocephalid^, Dall. Leptocorisa, Latr. Chinensis, Dall. Fam.CoREiD^, Steph. Rhopalus, Schill. interruptus, Wlk. Fam. Lyg^id^, Westw. Lygaeus, Fabr. lutescens. Wlk. figuratns, Wlk. discifer, Wlk. Rhyparochromus, Curt. testaceipe.i, Wlk. Fam. ARADiDiE, JVlk. Piestosoma, Lap. picipes, Wlk. Fam. TiNGiD^, Wlk. Calloniana, Wlk. *elegans, Wlk. Fam. C1MICID.E, Wlk. Cimex, Linn. lectularius, Linn.? Fam. Reduviid^, Steph. Pirates, Burm. marginatus, Wlk. Acanthaspis, Am. ^ Serv. sanguiiiipes, Wik. fulvispina, Wlk. Fam. Hydkometrid^, Leach. Ptilomera, Am. <§• Serv. laticauda, Hardw. Fam. Nepid^, Leach. Belostoma, Lair. Indicum, St. Farg. Nepa, Linn. minor, Wlk. Fam. NoTONECTii)^, Steph. Notonecta, Linn. abbreviata, Wlk. simplex, Wlk. Corixa, Geoff. *subjacens, Wlk. Order Homoptera, Latr. Fam. CiCADiD^, Westw. Dundubia, Aiii. Sf Serv. stipata, Wlk. Clonia, Wlk. Larus. Wlk. Cicada, Linn. limitaris, Wlk. nubifurca, Wlk. Fam. FuLGORiD^, Schaum. Hotinus, Am. Sf Serv. macnlatus, Oliv. fulvirostris, Wlk. coccineus, Wlk. Pyrops, Spin. ))unctata, Oliv. Aph^na, Guer. sangiiinalis, Westw. Elidiptera, Spin. EmersoQiana, White. Fam. CixiiD*, Wlk. Eurybrachys, Guer. tomentosa, Fabr. dilatata, Wlk. crudelis, If-'esiw. Cixius, La/r. *uubilus, Wlk. Fam. Issioa;, Wlk. HemisphEBiius, Schaum. *Schaumi, Sial. *bipustulatns, Wlk. Fam. Derbid^, Schaum. Tliracia, Westw. pterophorides, Westw. Derbe, Fabr. *furcato-vittata, Stal. Fam. Flattid^, Schaum. Flatoides. Guer. hyalinus, Fabr. tenebrosus, Wlk. Ricaiiia, Germ. Hemerobii. Wlk. Pceciloptera, Latr. pulverulenta. Guer. stellaris, Wlk. Tennentina, White. Fam. MEMBRAciOiE, Wlk. Oxyrhachis, Geim. *iiidicans, Wlk. Centrotus, Fabr. *re])onens, Wlk. *malleiis, Wlk. substitutus, Wlk. *decipiens, Wlk. *reliiiquens, Wlk. *imitator, Wlk. *repressus, Wlk. *teiminalis, Wlk. Fam. CERCopiDiE, Leach. Cercopis, Fabr. iiiclusa, IMk. Ptyelus. Lep. 4- Serv. costalis, Wlk. Fam. Tettigoniidje, Wlk. Tettigonia, Lntr. paulula, Wlk. Fam. ScARiDiE, Wlk. Ledra. Fabr. rugosa, Wlk. coiiica, Wlk. Gypona, Gertn. prasina, Wlk. Fam. lAssiDiE, Wlk. \ Acocephalus, Germ. porrectus, Wlk. Fam. PsYLLiD.E, Latr. Psylla, Gaff. *marginalis, Wlk. Fam. CocciD^, Leach. Lecanium, Illig. Coffeae, Wlk. 464 AUTICULATA. [Chap. XIII. CHAP. XIII. AETICULATA. Arachnida — Myriopoda — Crustacea, etc. With a few striking exceptions, the true spiders of Ceylon resemble in oeconomy and appearance those we are accustomed to see at home; — they frequent the houses, the gardens, the rocks and the stems of trees, and along the sunny paths, where the forest meets the open country, the Epeira and her congeners, the true net-weaving spiders, extend their lacework, the gi'ace of the designs being even less attractive than the beauty of the creatures that elaborate them. Such of them as live in the woods select with sin- gular sagacity the bridle-paths and narrow passages for expanding their nets ; perceiving no doubt that the larger insects frequent these openings for facility of movement through the jungle; and that the smaller ones are carried towards them by currents of air. Their nets are stretched across the path from four to eight feet above the ground, suspended from projecting shoots, and attached, if possible, to thorny shrubs ; and they sometimes exhibit the most remarkable scenes of carnage and destruction. I have taken down a ball as large as a man's head consisting of successive layers rolled together, in the heart of which was the original den of the family, ,.j.jlip!::y*. Chap. Xin.] SPIDEES. 465 whilst the envelope was formed, sheet after sheet, by coils of the old web filled with the wings and limbs of ..insects of all descriptions, from large moths and butter- flies to mosquitoes and minute coleoptera. Each layer appeared to have been originally hung across the passage to intercept the expected prey ; and, when it had be- come surcharged with carcases, to have been loosened, tossed over by the wind or its own weight, and wrapped round the nucleus in the centre, the spider replacing it by a fresh sheet, to be in turn detached and added to the mass within. Separated by marked peculiarities both of structure and instinct, from the spiders which live in the open air, and busy themselves in providing food during the day, the Mygale fasciata is not only sluggish in its habits, but disgusting in its form and dimensions. Its colour is a gloomy brown, interrupted by irregular blotches and faint bands (whence its trivial name) ; it is sparingly sprinkled with hairs, and its limbs, when ex- panded, stretch over an area of six to eight inches in diameter. It is familiar to Europeans in Ceylon, who have given it the name, and ascribed to it the fabulous propensities, of the Tarentula.^ The Mygale is found abundantly in the northern and eastern parts of the island, and occasionally in dark unfrequented apartments in the western province ; but its inclinations are solitary, and it shuns the busy traffic of towns. The largest specimens I have seen were at Grampola, in the viciuity of Kandy, and one taken in the store- ' Species of the true Tarentula are all of very small size, and per- are not uncommon in Ceylon ; tliey fectly harmless. H H 466 ARTICULATA. [Chap. XIII. room of the rest-house there, nearly covered with its legs an ordinary-sized breakfast plate. ^ This hideous creature does not weave a broad web or spin a net like other spiders, but nevertheless it forms a comfortable mansion in the wall of a neglected building, the hollow of a tree, or under the eave of an overhang- ing stone. This it lines throughout with a tapestry of silk of a tubular form ; and of a texture so exquisitely fine and closely woven, that no moisture can penetrate it. The extremity of the tube is carried out to the entrance, where it expands into a little platform, stayed by braces to the nearest objects that afford a firm hold. In particular situations, where the entrance is exposed to the wind, the mygale, on the approach of the mon- soon, extends the strong tissue above it so as to serve as an awning to prevent the access of rain. The construction of this silken dwelling is exclusively designed for the domestic luxury of the spider ; it serves no purpose in trapping or securing prey, and no external disturbance of the web tempts the creature to sally out to surprise an intruder, as the epeira and its congeners would. By day it remains concealed in its den, whence it issues at night to feed on larvae and worms, devouring cockroaches and their pupse, and attacking the millepeds;, gryllotalpae, and other fleshy insects. Mr. Edgar L. Layard has described^ an encounter between a Mygale and a cockroach, which he witnessed in the madua of a temple at Alittane, between Anaraja- poora and Dambool. When about a yard apart, each ^ See Plate opposite, ^ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist May, 1853. Chap. XILI.] SPIDEES. 467 discerned the other and stood still, the spider with his legs slightly bent and his body raised, the cockroach confronting him and directing his antennae with a rest- less undulation towards his enenay. The spider, by stealthy movements, approached to within a few inches and paused, both parties eyeing each other intently ; then suddenly a rush, a scujffle, and both fell to the ground, when the blatta's wings closed, the spider seized it under the throat with his claws, and dragged it into a corner, when the action of his jaws was distinctly audible. Next morning Mr. Layard found that the soft parts of the body had been eaten, nothing but the head, thorax, and elytra remaining. But, in addition to minor and ignoble prey, the Mygale rests under the imputation of seizing small birds and feasting on their blood. The author who first gave popular currency to this story was ]Madame Merian, a zoological artist of the last century, many of whose drawings are still preserved in the Museums of St. Pe- tersburg, Holland, and England. In a work on the Insects of Surinam, published in 1705^, she figured the Mygale avicularia, in the act of devouring a humming bird. The accuracy of her statement has since been impugned^ by a correspondent of the Zoological Society of London, on the ground that the mygale makes no net, but lives in recesses, to which no humming-bird would resort ; and hence, the ^vriter somewhat illogically declares, that he " disbelieves the existence of any bird- catching spider." * Bissertatio de Generatione et communicated to the Zoological Metatnorphosibus Insectorum Suri- Society of Loudon, Proc. 1834, p. namensiurn, Amst. 1701, Fol. 12. 2 By Mr. jMacLeay in a paper H H 2 468 ARTICULATA. [Chap. Xni. Some years later, however, the same writer felt it incumbent on him to qualify this hasty conclusion ^, in consequence of having seen at Sydney an enormous spider, the E'peira diadema, in the act of sucking the juices of a bird (the Zosterops dorsalis of Vigors and Horsfield), which it had caught in the meshes of its geometrical net. This circumstance, however, did not in his opinion affect the case of the Mygcde ; and even as regards the Epeira, Mr. MacLeay, who witnessed the occurrence, was inclined to believe the instance to be accidental and exceptional; " an exception indeed so rare, that no other person had ever witnessed the fact." Subsequent observation has, however, served to sustain the story of Madame Merian.^ Baron Walckenaer and Latreille both corroborated it by other authorities ; and M. Moreau da Jonnes, who studied the habits of the Mygale in Martinique, says it hunts far and wide in search of its prey, conceals itself beneath leaves for the purpose of surprising them, and climbs the branches of trees to devour the young of the humming bird, and of the Certhia flaveola. As to its mode of attack, M. Jonnes says that when it throws itself on its victim it clings to it by the double hooks of its tarsi, and strives to reach the back of the head, to insert its jaws between the skull and the vertebrse.^ ^ See Ann. and Mag. of Nat. "by a ciirious movement of the Hist, for 1842, vol. viii. p. 324. large grayish brown Mygale on the ^ See authorities quoted by Mr. trunk of a vast tree : it was close Shuck A RD in the Ann. and Mag. beneath a deep crevice or chink in of Nat. Hist. 1842, voL viii. p. the tree, across which this species 436, &c. weaves a dense web, at one end ^ At a meeting of the Entomo- open for its exit and entrance. In logical Society, July 20, 1855, a the present instance the lower part paper was read by Mr. H. W. of the web was broken, and two Bates, who stated that in 1849 at small finches were entangled in Cameta in Brazil, he "was attracted its folds. The finch was about Chap. Xin.] SPIDEES. 4G9 For my owti part, no instance came to my knowledge in Ceylon of a mygale attacking a bird ; but Perciyal, who wrote his account of the island in 1805, describes an enormous spider (possibly an Epeirid) thinly covered with hair which " makes webs strong enough to entangle and hold even small birds that form its usual food." ^ The fact of its living on millepeds, blattae, and crickets, is universally known ; and a lady who lived at Marandahn, near Colombo, told me that she had, on one occasion, seen a little house-lizard {gecko) seized and devoured by one of these ugly spiders. Walckenaer has described a spider of large size, under the name of Olios Taprobanius, which is very common in Ceylon, and conspicuous from the fiery hue of the tinder surface, the remainder being covered with gray hair so short and fine that the body seems almost denuded. It spins a moderate-sized web, hung verti- cally between two sets of strong lines, stretched one above the other athwart the pathways. Some of the threads thus carried horizontally from tree to tree at a considerable height from the ground are so strong as to cause a painful check across the face when moving quickly against them ; and more than once in riding I have had my hat lifted off my head by one of these cords.^ tte size of the common Siskin of gray brown colour, and clothed ETirope, and he judged the two to ^vith coarse pile." " If the My- he male and female ; one of them gales," he adds, " did not prey was quite dead, but secured in the upon vertebrated animals, I do not broken web ; the other was under see how they coidd find sufficient the body of the spider, not quite subsistence." — The Zoologist, toL dead, and was covered in parts xiii. p. 480. with a filthy liquor or saliva * Percival's Ceylon, p. 313. exuded by the monster. " The ^ Over the country generally are •species of spider," Mr. Bates says, scattered species of GasUracantha^ " I cannot name ; it is wholly of a remarkable for their firm shell- H H 3 470 AKTICULATA. [Chap. Xni. An officer in the East India Company's Service ^, in a communication to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, describes the gigantic web of a black and red spider six inches in diameter, (his description of which, both in colour and size, seems to point to some species closely allied to the Olios Tajprohanins,^ which he saw near Monghyr on the Granges ; in this web " a bird was entangled, and the young spiders, eight in number, and entirely of a brick red colour, were feeding on the carcase.^ The voracious Galeodes has not yet been noticed in Ceylon ; but its carnivorous propensities are well known in those parts of Hindustan, where it is found, and where it lives upon crickets, coleoptera, and other insects, as well as small lizards and birds. This " tiger of the insect world," as it has aptly been designated by a gentleman who was a mtness to its ferocity ^, was seen to attack a young sparrow half grown, and seize it by the thigh, which it saived through. The " savage then caught the bird by the throat, and put an end to its sufferings by cutting off its head." " On another occa- sion," says the same authority, " Dr. Baddeley confined one of these spiders under a glass wall-shade with two young musk-rats (Sorex Indicus), both of which it destroyed." It must be added, however, that neither in the instance of the bird, of the lizard, or the rats, did the galeodes devour its prey after killing it. covered bodies, witli projecting spines, arcliing obliquely backwards. knobs arranged in pairs. In habit These abnormal kinds are not so these anomalous-looking EpeiridcB handsomely colom'ed as the smaller appear to differ in no respect from species of typical form. the rest of the family, -o-aylaying ' Capt. Sherwill. their prey in similar situations and ^ Jour. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1850,. in the same manner. vol. xix. p. 475. Another very singular subgenus, ^ Capt. Hutton. See a paper met with in Ceylon, is distinguished on the Galeodes vorax in the by the abdomen being dilated be- Journal of the Asiatic Society of hind, and armed with two long Bengal, vol. xi. Part n. p. 860. Chap. Xni.] TICKS. 471 In the hills around Pusilawa, I have seen the haunts of a curious species of long-legged spiders^, popularly called " harvest-men," which congregate in hollow trees and in holes in the banks by the roadside, in groups of from fifty to a hundred, that to a casual observer look like bunches of horse-hair. This appearance is produced by the long and slender legs of these creatures, which are of a shining black, whilst their bodies, so small as to be mere specks, are concealed beneath them. The same spider is found in the low country near Gralle, but there it shows no tendency to become gregarious. Can it be that they thus assemble in groups in the hills for the sake of accumulated warmth at the cool altitude of 4000 feet ? Ticks. — Ticks are to be classed among the intolerable nuisances to the Ceylon traveller. They live in immense numbers in the jungle ^, and attaching themselves to the ^ Phalangium hisignatum. responding instinct I have always - Dr. Hooker, in his Himalayan observed in the gambols of the Journal, vol. i. p. 279, in speaking Pariah dogs, that they invariably of the multitude of these ereatiu-es commence their attentions by in the mountains of Nepal, won- mutually gnawing each other's ears ders what they find to feed on, as and necks, as if in pursuit of ticks in these humid forests in which from places from which each is un- they literally swarmed, there was able to expel them for himself, neither pathway nor animal life. Horses have a similar instinct ; In Ceylon they abound everywhere and when they meet, they apply- in the plains on the low brush- their teeth to the roots of the ears wood; and in the very driest of their companions, to the neck seasons they are quite as numerous and the crown of the head. The as at other times. In the mountain buffaloes and oxen are relieved of zone, which is more humid, they ticks by the crows which rest on are less prevalent. Dogs are tor- their backs as they browse, and meuted by them : and they display free them from these pests. In the something closely allied to cunning low country the same acceptable in always fastening on an animal office is performed by the ''cattle- in those parts where they cannot keeper heron" {Arclea hubulcus), be torn off by his paws ; on his which is " sure to be found in eye-brows, the tips of his ears, and attendance on them while grazing ; the back of his neck. With a cor- and the animals seem to know their H H 4 472 AETICULATA. [Chap. XIII. plants by tlie two forelegs, lie in wait to catch at unwary animals as they pass. A shower of these diminutive vermin will sometimes drop from a branch, if unluckily shaken, and disperse themselves over the body, each fastening on the neck, the ears, and eyelids, and insert- ing a barbed proboscis. They burrow, with their heads pressed as far as practicable under the skin, causing a sensation of smarting, as if particles of red hot sand had been scattered over the flesh. If torn from their hold, the suckers remain behind and form an ulcer. The only safe expedient is to tolerate the agony of their penetration till a drop of coco-nut oil or the juice of a lime can be applied, when these little furies drop off without further ill consequences. One very large species, dappled Avith grey, attaches itself to the buffaloes. Mites. — The Trombidium tinctoriun of Hermann is found about Aripo, and generally over the northern pro- vinces, — where after a shower of rain or heavy night's dew, they appear in countless myriads. It is about half an inch long, like a tuft of crimson velvet, and imparts its colouring matter readily to any fluid in which it may be immersed. It feeds on vegetable juices, and is per- fectly innocuous. Its European representative, similarly tinted, and found in garden mould, is commonly called the "Little red pillion." Myriapods. — The certainty with which an accidental pressure or unguarded touch is resented and retorted by a bite, makes the centipede, when it has taken up its temporary abode within a sleeve or the fold of a dress, by far the most unwelcome of all the Singhalese assail- ants. The great size, too (little short of a foot in length), benefactors, and stand quietly, mentors from their flanks. " — Magf. while the birds peck their tor- Nat. Hist. p. Ill, 1844. Chap. XIII.] CEEMATIA. 473 to which it sometimes attains, renders it formidable, and, apart from the apprehension of unpleasant consequences from a wound, one shudders at the bare idea of such a hideous creature crawling over the skin, beneath the innermost folds of one's garments. At the head of the Myriapods, and pre-eminent from a superiorly-developed organisation, stands the genus Cermatia: singular-looking objects; mounted upon slender legs, of gradually increasing length from front to rear, the hind ones in some species being amazingly prolonged, and all handsomely marked with brown annuli in concentric arches. These myrlapods are harmless, excepting to woodlice, spiders, and young cockroaches, which form their ordinary prey. They are rarely to be seen ; but occasionally at daybreak, after a more than usually abundant repast, they may be observed motion- less, and resting with their regularly extended limbs nearly flat against the walls. On being disturbed they dart away with a surprising velocity, to conceal them- selves in chinks until the return of night. But the species to be really dreaded are the true ScolopenclrcB, which are active and carnivorous, living in holes in old walls and other gloomy dens. One 474 ARTICULATA. [Chap. Xni. species * attains to nearly the length of a foot, with cor- responding breadth ; it is of a dark purple colour, ap- proaching black, with yellowish legs and antennae, and in its whole aspect rej)ulsive and frightful. It is strong and active, and evinces an eager disposition to fight when molested. The Scolopendrce are gifted by nature with a rigid coriaceous armour, which does not yield to common pressure, or even to a moderate blow ; so that they often escape the most well-deserved and well- directed attempts to destroy them, seeking refuge in retreats which effectually conceal them from sight. There is a smaller species^, that frequents dwelling- houses ; it is about one quarter the size of the preceding, and of a dirty olive colour, with pale ferruginous legs. It is this species that generally inflicts the wound, when persons complain of being bitten by a scorpion ; and it has a mischievous propensity for insinuating itself into the folds of dress. The bite at first does not occasion more suffering than would arise from the penetration of two coarsely-pointed needles ; but after a little time the wound swells, becomes acutely painful, and if it be over a bone or any other resisting part, the sensation is so intolerable as to produce fever. The agony subsides after a few hours' duration. In some cases the bite is unattended by any particular degree of annoyance, and in these instances it is to be supposed that the contents of the poison gland had become exhausted by previous efforts, since, if much tasked, the organ requires rest to enable it to resume its accustomed functions and to secrete a supply of venom. The Fish-insect — The chief inconvenience of a ' Scolo^endra crassa, Temp. - Scolopendra pallipes. Chap. XIII.] THE FISH-IXSECT. 475 residence in Ceylon, both on the coast and in the mountains, is the prevalence of damp, and the difficulty of protecting articles liable to injury from this cause. Books, papers, and manuscripts rapidly decay ; especially diuing the south-west monsoon, when the atmosphere is saturated with moisture. Unless great precautions are taken, the binding fades and yields, the leaves grow mouldy and stained, and letter-paper, in an incredibly short time, becomes so spotted and spongy as to be unfit for use. After a very few seasons of neglect, a book falls to pieces, and its decomposition attracts hordes of minute insects, that swarm to assist in the work of destruction. The concealment of these tiny creatures during daylight renders it difficult to watch their proceedings, or to discriminate the precise species most actively engaged; but there is every reason to believe that the larvae of the death-watch and numerous acari are amongst the most active. As nature seldom peoples a region supplied with abundance of suitable food, without, at the same time, taking measures of precaution against the disproportionate increase of in- dividuals; so have these vegetable depredators been provided with foes who pursue and feed greedily upon them. These are of widely different genera ; but in- stead of their services being gratefully recognised, they are popularly branded as accomplices in the work of destruction. One of these ill-used creatures is a tiny, tail-less scorpion {Chelifer^), and another is the pretty ^ Of the first of these, three claw. They are species have been noticed in Ceylon, Chelifer Librorum, Temp all with the common characteristics „ oblong vs Temp of being nocturnal, ver^^ active, very „ acaroidel, Hermann, minute, of a pale chesnut colour, Dr. Templeton appears to have and each armed with a crab-like been puzzled to account for the 476 ARTICULATA. [Chap. Xin. little silvery creature (^Lepisvia), called by Europeans the " fish-insect." ^ The latter, which is a familiar genus, comprises several species, of which only two have as yet been described ; one is of a large size, most graceful in its movements, and singularly beautiful in appearance, owing to the whiteness of the pearly scales from which its name is derived. These, contrasted with the dark hue of the other parts, and its tri-partite tail, attract the eye as the insect darts rapidly along. Like the chelifer, it shuns the light, hiding in chinks till sunset, but is actively engaged throughout the night feasting on the acari and soft-bodied insects which assail books and papers. ' Millejpeds. — In the hot dry season, and more especially in the northern portions of the island, the eye is attracted along the edges of the sandy roads by fragments of the dislocated rings of a huge species of millepede^, lying in short curved tubes, the cavity ad- mitting the tip of the little finger. When perfect the creature is two-thirds of a foot long, of a brilliant jet black, and with above a hundred yellow legs, which, when moving onward, present the appearance of a series of undulations from rear to front, bearing the appearance of the latter species in central one, LrsTsr^us states that Ceylon, so far from its native the European species, with which country, but it has most certamly book collectors are familiar, was been introduced from Europe, in first brought in sugar ships from Dutch or Portuguese books. America. Hence, possibly, these ^ Lepisma niveo-fasciata, Tern- are more common in seaport towns pleton, and L. oiiger, Temp. It in the South of England and else- was called "Lepisma" by Fabri- where, and it is almost certain that, cius, from its fish-like scales. It like the chelifer, one of the species has six legs, filiform antennae, and found on book-shelves in Ceylon, the al)domen terminated by three has been brought thither ^from elongated setse, two of which are Europe, placed nearly at right angles to the * Julus ater. Chap. XIII.] THE CALLING CRAB. 477 animal gently forwards. This Jidus is harmless, and may be handled with perfect impunity. Its food con- sists chiefly of fruits and the roots and stems of suc- culent vegetables, its jaws not being framed for any more formidable purpose. Another and a very pretty species ^, quite as black, but with a bright crimson band down the back, and the legs similarly tinted, is common in the gardens about Colombo and throughout the western province. Crustacea. — The seas around Ceylon abound with marine articulata ; but a knowledge of the Crustacea of the island is at present a desideratum; and with the exception of the few commoner species that frequent the shores, or are offered in the markets, we are literally without information, excepting the little that can be gleaned from already published systematic works. In the bazaars several species of edible crabs are ex- posed for sale ; and amongst the deKcacies at the tables of Europeans, curries made from prawns and lobsters are the triumphs of the Ceylon cuisine. Of these latter the fishermen sometimes exhibit specimens ^ of extra- ordinary dimensions and of a beautiful purple hue, variegated with white. Along the level shore north and south of Colombo, and in no less profusion else- CALLING CKAB OF CEYLON, i ,■, • ii ti,i where, the nimble little Calling Crabs ^ scamper over the moist sands, carrying aloft the enormous hand (sometimes larger than the ' Jidics carnifex, Fab. ^ Gelasimus tetragonon ? Edw. ; - Palmicrus ornatus, Fab. G. annuUpes ? Edw. ; G. Dussu- P — n, s. mieri ? Edw. 478 ARTICULATA. [Chap. XIII. rest of the body), which is their peculiar characteristic, and which, from its beckoning gesture has suggested their popular name. They hurry to conceal themselves in the deep retreats which they hollow out in the banks that border the sea. Sand Grabs. — In the same localities, or a little farther inland, the Ocypode ^ burrows in the dry soil, making deep excavations, bringing up literally armfulls of sand ; which with a spring in the air, and employing its other limbs, it jerks far from its burrows, distributing it in a circle to the distance of several feet.^ So inconve- nient are the operations of these industrious pests that men are kept regularly employed at Colombo in filling up the holes formed by them on the surface of the Gralle face. This, the only equestrian promenade of the capital, is so infested by these active little creatures that accidents often occur through horses stumbling in their troublesome excavations. Painted Crabs. — On the reef of rocks which lies to the south of the harbour at Colombo, the beautiful little painted crabs ^, distinguished by dark red markings on a yellowgroiind, may be seen all day long running nimbly in the spray, and ascending and descending in securit}^ the almost perpendicular sides of the rocks which are washed by the waves. Paddling Crabs'^, with the hind pair of legs terminated by flattened plates to assist them in swimming, are brought up in the fishermen's nets. Hermit Crabs take possession of the deserted shells of the univalves, and crawl in pursuit of garbage along the moist beach. Prawns and shrimps furnish deli- ^ Ocypode ceratopJitkahmcs, Pall. ^ Grapsus strigosus, Herbst. "^ Ann. Nat. Hist. April, 1852. Nep>tunus pelagicus, JAnn. ; N. Paper by ]\Ir. Edgae L. Layard. sanguinolentus, Herbst, &c. &c. Chap. XHI.] AJs^ELIDES. — LEECHES. 479 cacies for the breakfast table; and the delicate little pea crab, Pontonia inflata^, recalls its Mediterranean congener'^, which attracted the attention of Aristotle, from taking up its habitation in the shell of the living pinna. A]S'NELID^. - — The marine Annelides of the island have not as yet been investigated; a cursory glance, however, amongst the stones, on the beach at Trinco- malie and in the pools that afford convenient basins for examining them, would lead to the belief that the marine species are not numerous ; tubicole genera, as well as some nereids, are found, but there seems to be little diversity, though it is not impossible that a closer scrutiny might be repaid by the discovery of some interesting forms. Leeches. — Of all the plagues which beset the traveller in the rising grounds of Ceylon, the most detested are the land leeches.^ They are not frequent in the plains. * Mllne Ed-w., Hist. Nat. Crust, It is very doubtful, ho^rerer, vol. ii. p. 360, whettier all these are to be referred ^ Pinnotheres veterum. to one species. M. De Blaixvtlle, ^ Hcemadipsa Ceylanica, Bosc. under H. Ceylanica, in the Diet. Blainv. These pests are not, how- de Scie7i. Kat. vol. xlvii. p. 271, ever, confined to Ceylon; they quotes M. Bosc as authority for infest the lower ranges of the the kind which that naturalist de- Himalaya. — HooKEE, vol. i. p. scribes being "rouges ettachetees;" 107 ; vol. ii. p. 54. Thlts^beeg, which is scarcely applicable to the who records (Travels, voi. iv. p. Singhalese species. It is more 232) having seen them in Ceylon, than probable therefore, consider- likewise met with them in the ing the period at which M. Bosc forests and slopes of Batavia. wrote, that he obtained his infor- Marsden (^/szf. p. 311) complains mationfromtravellersto the further of them dropping on travellers in east, and has connected with the Sumatra. Knorr found them at habitat universally ascribed to Japan ; and it is affirmed that them from old Kxox's work (Part they abound in islands farther to i. chap, vi.) a meagre description, the eastward. M. Gay encoun- more properly belonging to the tered them in Chili. — (Moquin'- land leech of Batavia or Japan. Tandon, Hirudinees, p. 211, 346). In all likelihood, therefore, there 480 ARTICULATA. [Chap. Xin. which are too hot and dry for them ; but amongst the rank vegetation in the lower ranges of the hill country. may be a H. Boscii, distinct from the H. Ceylanica. That which is found in Ceylon is round, ETES AND TEETH OF THE LAND LEECH OF CEYLON. a little flattened on the inferior surface, largest at the anal ex- tremity, thence gradually tapering forward, and with the anal sucker composed of four rings, and wider in proportion than in other species. It is of a clear brown colour, with a yellow stripe the entire length of each side, and a greenish dorsal one. The body is formed of 100 rings ; the eyes, of which there are fire pairs, are placed in an arch on the dorsal siirface ; the first four pairs occupying contiguous rings (thus differing from the water- leeches, which have an unoccupied ring betwixt the third and fourth) ; the fifth pair are located on the seventh ring, two vacant rings in- tervening. To Mr. Thwaites, Di- rector of the Botanic Garden at Peradenia, who at my request ex- amined their structure minutely, I am indebted for the following most interesting particulars respecting them. " I have been giving a little time to the examination of the land leech. I find it to have five pairs of oceUi, the first four seated on corresponding segments, and the posterior pair on the seventh segment or ring, the fifth and sixth rings being eyeless {fig. A). The mouth is very retractile, and the aperture is shaped as in ordinary leeches. The serratures of the teeth, or rather the teeth themselves, are very beautiful. Each of the three 'teeth,' or cut- ting instruments, is principally muscidar, the muscular body being very clearly seen. The rounded edge in which the teeth are set ap- pears to be cartilaginous in struc- ture ; the teeth are very numerous, {fig. B); but some near the base have a curious appendage, appa- rently (I have not yet made this out quite satisfactorily) set upon one side. I have not yet been able to detect the anal or sexual pores. The anal sucker seems to be formed of four rings, and on each side above is a sort of crenated flesh-Kke appendage. The tint of the common species is yellowish- brown or snuiF-coloured, streaked with black, with a yellow-greenish dorsal, and another lateral line along its whole length. There is a larger species to be found in this garden with a broad green dorsal fascia; but I have not been able to procure one although I have offered a small reward to any coolie who will bring me one." In a subsequent communication Mr. Thwaites remarks " that the dorsal longitudinal fascia is of the same width as the lateral ones, and differs only in being perhaps slightly more green ; the colour of the three fasciae varies from brownish-yellow to bright green," He likewise states " that the rings which compose the body are just 100, and the teeth 70 to 80 in each set, in a single row, except to one end, where they are in a double row," Chap. XIH.] LEECHES. 481 which is kept damp by frequent showers, they are found in tormenting profusion. They are terrestrial, never visiting ponds or streams. In size they are about an inch in length, and as fine as a common knitting needle ; but they are capable of distension till they equal a quill in thickness, and attain a length of nearly two inches. Their structure is so flexible that they can insinuate themselves through the meshes of the finest stocking, not only seizing on the feet and ankles, but ascending to the back and throat and fastening on the tenderest parts of the body. In order to exclude them, the coffee planters, who live amongst these pests, are obliged to -A^"D LEECHES IX envelope their legs in " leech gaiters " made of closely woven cloth. The natives smear their bodies with oil, tobacco ashes, or lemon juice ^: the latter serving not only to stop the flow of blood, but to expedite the healing of the wounds. In moving, the land leeches have the power of planting one extremity on the earth and raising the other perpendicularly to watch for their victim. Such is their vigilance and instinct, that on * The Minorite friar, Odoeic of peel, Huointing themselves with Portenau. -writing in a.d. 1320, the juice thereof, so that the says that the gem-finders who leeches may not be able to hurt sought the jewels around Adam's them." — Haxluyt, Vo^/. vol. ii. Peak, " take lemons which they p. 58. I I 482 ARTICULATA. [CnAr. XIII. the approach of a passer-by to a spot which they infest, they may be seen amongst the grass and fallen leaves on the edge of a native path, poised erect, and preparing for their attack on man and horse. On descrying their prey they advance rapidly by semi-circular strides, fixing one end firmly and arching the other forwards, till by successive advances they can lay hold of the traveller's foot, when they disengage themselves from the ground and ascend his dress in search of an aperture to enter. In these encounters the individuals in the rear of a party of travellers in the jungle invariably fare worst, as the leeches, once warned of their approach, cono-recrate with sing-ular celerity. Their size is so in- significant, and the wound they make is so skilfully punctured, that both are generally imperceptible, and the first intimation of their onslaught is the trickling of the blood or a chill feeling of the leech when it begins to hang heavily on the skin from being distended by its repast. Horses are driven wild by them, and stamp the ground in fury to shake them from their fetlocks, to which they hang in bloody tassels. The bare legs of the palankin bearers and coolies are a favourite re- sort ; and, as their hands are too much engaged to be spared to pull them off, the leeches hang like bunches of grapes round their ankles ; and I have seen the blood literally flowing over the edge of a European's shoe from their innumerable bites. In healthy constitutions the wounds, if not irritated, generally heal, occasioning no other inconvenience than a slight inflammation and itching; but in those with a bad state of body, the punctures, if rubbed, are liable to degenerate into ulcers, which may lead to the loss of limb or even of life. Both Marshall and Davy mention, that during Chap. XIH.] LEECHES. 483 the march of troojDs in the mountains, when the Kan- djans were in rebellion, in 1818, the soldiers, and especially the Madras sepoys, with the pioneers and coolies, suffered so severely from this cause that numbers perished.^ One circumstance regarding these land leeches is re- markable and unexplained ; they are helpless without moisture, and in the hills where they abound at all other times, they entirely disappear during long droughts ; yet re-appear instantaneously on the very first fall of rain ; and in spots previously parched, where not one was visible an hour before, a single shower is sufficient to reproduce them in thousands, lurking beneath the decaying leaves, or striding with rapid movements across the gravel. Whence do they re-appear? Do they, too, take a " summer sleep," like the reptiles, molluscs, and tank fishes ? or may they, like the Roti- fera, be dried up and preserved for an indefinite period, resuming their vital activity on the mere recurrence of moisture ? ^ Besides a species of the medicinal leech, which ^ is * Davy's Ceylon, p. 104 ; Mae- shall' s Ceylon^ p. 15. ■^ See an account of the Motif tra and their faculty of repeated vivi- faction, in the note appended to this chapter. ^ Hirudo sanguisorba. The paddi-field leech of Cejdon, used for surgical purposes, has the dorsal surface of blackish oHye, ■w-ith several Iongitudinalstripe,more or less defined: the crenated margin yellow. The ventral sur- face is fulvous, bordered laterally with olive ; the extreme margin yellow. The eyes are ranged as in. the common medicinal leech of Europe ; the four anterior ones rather larger than the others. The teet]i are 140 in each series, ap- pearing as a single row; in size i diminishing gradually from one end, very close set. and about half She width of a tooth apart. A\Tien liill grown, these leeches are about I I 2 484 AKTICULATA. [Chap. XIH. found in Ceylon, nearly double the size of the European one, and with a prodigious faculty of engorging blood, there is another pest in the low country, which is a source of considerable annoyance, and often of loss, to the husbandman. This is the cattle leech ^, which infests the stagnant pools, chiefly in the alluvial lands around the base of the mountain zone, whither the cattle resort by day, and the wild animals by night, to quench their thirst and to bathe. Lurking amongst the rank vegetation that fringes these deep pools, and hid by the broad leaves, or concealed among the stems and roots covered by the water, there are quantities of these pests in wait to attack the animals on their ap- proach to drink. Their natural food consists of the juices of lumbrici and other invertebrata ; but they two inches long, but reaching to six inches when extended. Mr. Thwaites, to whom I am indebted for tliese particidars, adds that he saw in a tank at Kolona Korle leeches which appeared to him flatter and of a darker colour than those described above, but that he had not an opportunity of ex- amining them partieuhirly. Mr. Thwaites states that there is a smaller tank leech of an olive- green coloin-, with some indistinct longitudinal strise on the upper surface ; the crenated margin of a pale yellowish-green ; ocelli as in the paddi-field leech ; lengtli, one inch at rest, three inches when ex- tended. Mr. E. L. Layard informs us, Mag. Nat. Hist. p. 225, 1853, that a bubbling spring at the village of Tonniotoo, three miles S. W. of Moeletivoe, supplies most of the leeches used in the island. _ Those in use at Colombo are obtained in the immediate vicinity. • HcBmopsis paludum. In size the cattle leech of Ceylon is some- what larger than the medicinal leech of Europe ; in colour it is of a uniform brown without bands, un- less a rufous margin may be so con- sidered. It has dark stride. The body is somewhat rounded, flat when swimming, and composed of rather more than ninety rings. The greatest dimension is a little in advance of the anal sucker ; the body thence tapers to the other extremity, which ends in an upper lip projecting considerably beyond the mouth. The eyes, ten in number, are disposed as in the common leech. The mouth is oval, the biting apparatus with difficulty seen, and the teeth not very numerous. The bite is so little acute that the moment of attach- ment, and the incision of the mem- brane is scarcely perceived by the sufferer from its attack. Chap. XUI.] LEECHES. 485 generally avail themselves of the opportunity afforded by the dipping of the muzzles of the animals in the water to fasten on their nostrils, and by degrees to make their way to the deeper recesses of the nasal pas- saofes, and the mucous membranes of the throat and gullet. As many as a dozen have been found attached to the epiglottis and pharynx of a bullock, producing such irritation and submucous effusion that death has eventually ensued ; and so tenacious are the leeches that even after death they retain their hold for some hours. ^ Articulata. APTEBA. THYSANUKA. Podura alhicollis. atricollis. viduata. pilot, a. ArchoreiitPS coccinea. Lepisma nigrofasciata, Temp. nigra, ARACHNID A. Buthus afer, Linn. Ceylonicus, Koch. Scnrpio linearis. Chelifer libroriim. ohlongus. Obi slum craasifemttr. Phrynus lunatus, Pall. Thelyphontis caudatas, Linn. Phalangium bisignatuni. Mygale fasciata, IValck. Olios taprobanius, Walck. Nephila ? Trombidium tinctorum, Herm. Oribata ? Ixodes ? MYRIAPODA. Cermatia dt'xpar. Litbobius ujnbratilis. Scolopf^ndra crassa. spiiiosa, Newp. pnUiprs. Grayii? Neirp. tuberculideiis, Netvp. Ceyi.jnensis, Newp. flnva, Newp. oUvacea, abdotninalis. Cryptops soriiidus. assimilix. Geophilus tegularius. speciosus. Julus a'er. earn ilex, Fabr. pallipes. Jiaviceps. pallidus. ^ Even men, when stooping to drink at a pool, are not safe from the assault of the cattle leeches. They cannot penetrate the human skin, but the delicate membrane of the mucous passages is easily rup- tured by their serrated jaws. In- stances have come to my knowledge of Europeans into whose nostrils they had gained admission and caused serious disturbance. 113 486 AETICULATA. [Chap. XIII. Craspedosoma juloides. prceusta. Polydesmus granulatus. Caiiibala cntenulata. Zephronia conspicua. CRUSTACEA. DECAPODA BRACHYUEA. Polybius. Neplunus pelagicus, Linn. sa iguinoJentus, Herbst. Thalamita ? Tlielphnsa Indica, Lair. Cardisoma ? Ocypoda cpratophrhalmus, Pall. macrocera. Ediu. Gelasimtis tetranonon, Edw. annulipes, Ediv. Macrophtlialmus carinimanus. Lair. Grapsus messor, Forsk. strigosus. Herbal. Plagusia iiepressa, Fahr. Calappa philargug, Linn. tuberculala, labr. Matuta victor, Fahr. Leucosia fugax, Fabr. Dorijjpe. DECAPODA ANOMUEA. Droniia . . . . ? Hippa Asiatica, Edw. Pagnrns affinis, Edw. punctulatus, Oliv. Porcellana . . . . f DECAPODA MACRURA. Scyllarus orientalis, Fubr. Palinurus ornatus, Fabr. affinis, N.S. Crnning-place of llamas and goats, 236 n. on the coleoptera of Brazil, 405. Davy, Dr. John, describes the reptiles of Ceylon, 3. stimulates study of natural history, 3. operation on a diseased elephant, 224. Dawson, Captain, story of an elephant, 107. Deafness frequent in elephants, 98. Death's-head moth, 427. Decoy elephants, 157. Decapoda brachyura, 486. anomura, 486. macrura, 486. Deer, 57. meminna, 58. Ceylon elk, 59. milk-white, 59 n. Demon-worship, anecdote of, 408. Denham, error as to height of elephants, 99. Devil-bird, 246. See Owls. Mr. Mitford's account of, 247 n. Diard, M., sends home an elephant for dis- section, 123 n. Dicuil on the elephant, 103. Diptera, 434. Dogs, 33. device of, to escape fleas, 433, 434. dog- tax, SS. republican instincts, 34. disliked by elephants, 82, 84. 492 INDEX. Donne, on the elephant, 105. Doras, fish of Guiana, 347. Dragon-flies, 411. See Insects. Dugong, 68, 69. abunciant at Manaar, 69. ' origin of Ihe fable of the mermaid, 69. Dutch belief in the mermaid, 70. Eagles, 245. See Birds. Edentata, 46, 74. Edrisi, the Arabian geographer, his account of musk, 32 n. Eels, 337, 347 n. Eginhard, life of Charlemagne, 103. Elephant, 64, 75 ~— Sumatran species, 64. points of distinction, 65. those of Ceylon extolled, 209. — — elephants on Adam's Peak, 109. numbers in Ceylon, 76. — EKi(pct;, derivation of the word, 76 n. —^ antiquity of the trade in, 77. — ^ numbers diminishing, 77. — — mode of poisoning, 77 n. tusks and their uses, 78. — disposition gentle, 81. accidents from, 81. . antipathy to other animals, 82 ; to the horse, 83. jealousy of each other, 86. mode of attacking man, 87. anecdote of a tame elephant, 89. — — African elephant differs from that of Ceylon, 64. . skin, 91. white elephant, 92. love of shade. 94. — water, not heat, essential to them, 94. sight limited — smell acute, 95. —— anatomy of the brain, 95. i power of smell, 96. sounds uttered by, 96. — subject to deafness, 98. exaggeration as to size, 98. — source of this mistake, 98 n. — stealthy motions, 100. — error as to the elephant's want of joints, 100. — probable origin of this mistake, 106. mode of lying down. 107. ability to climb acclivities, 108. mode of descnding a mountain, 110. a herd is a family. 111. attachment to young. 112. young suckled by all the females in a herd, 113. theory of this, according to White, 113w. a rogue, what, 114. — savage attacks of rogues, 116. Elephants, character of the rogues, 116, 147. habits of the herd, 117. anecdote of, 118. elephant's mode of drinking, 120. their method of swimming, 121. wells sunk by, 122. receptacle in the stomach, 122. stomach, anatomy of, 124. food of the elephant, 129. — instinct in search of food, 130. dread of fences, 131. their caution exaggerated, 132. spirit of curiosity in elephant.«, 132. anecdote of Col. Hardy, 132, 133. sagacity in freedom over-estimated, 134. leave the forests during thunder, 134. — cunning, fe:gn death, 135. stories of encounters with wild ele- phants, 136. sporting, numbers shot, 142. butchery by expert shots, 142 n. fatal spots in the head, 144, 145. peculiar actions of elephants, 148. love of retirement, 149. elephant-trackers, 150. herd charging, 151. carcase useless 153. remarkable recovery from a wound, 154. See Lieut. Fretz. mode of taking in India, 157-162. height measured by the circumference of the foot, 159. mode of shipping elephants at Manaar, 162. mode of shipping elephants at Galle, in 1701, 163 re. keddah for taking elephants in Bengal, 164. a corral (kraal) described, 165, 166. derivation of the word corral, 165 n. corral, its construction, 167, 172. corral, driving in the elephants, 173. the capture, 177. mode of securing, 181. the " cooroowe," or noosers, 181. tame elephants, their conduct, 182, 191. captives, their resistance and demea- nour, 184. dread of white rods, 186. their contortions, 190 —— a young one, 206. conduct in captivity, 207. mode of training, 211. — their employment in ancient warfare, 207. superiority of Ceylon, a fallacy, 209. elephant driver's crook (hendoo), 212. hairy elephants in Ceylon, 215 n. IXDEX. 493 Elephants, capricious disposition of, 215. first labour intrusted to them, 217. — — his comprehension of his duties, 218. exaggeration of his strength in uproot- ing trees, 218 n. Mahouts and their duties, 221. — — tl eir cry of urre! 222 n. elephant's sense of musical notes, 223. — its endurance of pain, 'J24. diseases in captivity. 225. subject to tooth -ache, 227. — questionable economy of keeping trained elephants for labour, 229. their cost, 2o0. — - their food, 230 n. fallacy of their alleged reluctance to breed in captivity, 131. — - duration of life in the elephant, 232. — theory of M. Fleurens, 232. instances of very old elephants in Ceylon, 233. — dead elephant never found, 234. Sinbad's story, 236. ^— passage from .Slian regarding the, 237. Elk, 59. See Deer ; Mammalia. Emydosauri, 321. Emys trijuga, 290. Englishman, anonymous, his story of a fight between elephants and horses, 84. Falconer, Dr., height of Indian elephant, 99 w. Falkland Islands, peculiarity in the cattle there, 372 ». Fauna of Ceylon, not common to India, Jntrod. 62. peculiar and independent, Introd. 62. '— have received insutficieni attention, 3. first studv due to Ur. Davy, 3. — subsequent, due to Templeton, Layard, and Kelaart, 3, 4. Fishes of Ceylon, little known, 323. seir fish, and others for table, 324. abinidance of perch, soles, and sar- dines, 324. .— ^ explanation of Odoric's statement, 324 n. • sardines, said to be poisonous, 324. shark, and sawfish, 325. sawtish, 325. —^ ray, 326. swordfish, 328. cheironectes of .S^lian, 331. fishes of rare forms, and of beautiful colours, 332- — — fresh- water fishes, their peculiarities, 335. . fresh.water, little known, tb. ; reason, 335 ra. — eels, 337. — reappearance of fishes after the dry season, 340. Fishes, similar mysterious re-appearances elsewhere, 342 n method of taking them by hand, 340. a fish decoy, 342. fish filling from clouds, 342 n., 362. buried alive in mud, 347. Mr. Yarrell's theory controverted, 344. travelling overland, 545. the fact was known to the Greeks and Romans, 345. instances in Guiana and Siam, 347. faculty of all migratory fish for disco- vering water, 347 n. on dry land in Ceylon, 348. fish ascendmg trees, 349. — excer()t from letter by Mr. Morris, 348 ?i. Anabas tcandens, 349, 3.50. Daldorf's statement, anticipated by Abou-zeyd. 350 n. ■ accidents when fishing, 351 n burying fishes and travelling fish, 351. occurrence of similar fish in Abys- sinia and elsewhere, 352. statement of the patriarch Mendes, 553 n. knowledge of habits of Melania era- ployed judicially by E. L. Layard, S55 n. — illustrations of asstivating fish and animals, 356. a;stivating shell-fish and water-beetles, 351. fish in hot water, 358. list of Ceylon fishes, 359. • Professor Huxley's memorandum on the fishes of Ceylon, 364. Dr. Gray's memorandum, 366. Note on the Bora-chung,S67. Fishing, native mode of, 340. Fish insect, 47.5. Flamingoes, 261. See Birds. Fleas, '\S3. See Insects. Fleurens, on the duration of life in the ele- phant, 232. Flies, their instinct in discovering carrion, 196 n. mosquitoes, the plague of, 434. Flowers, fondness of monkeys for, 7. Flying Fox. Pleropus Edwardsii, 14. See Mammalia. its sizes, 14. skeleton of, 15. food, 16. habits, 16. numbers, 16. strange attitudes, 17. • food and habits, 18. drinking toddy, 18. Fly'ng squirrels, 41. Fresh-water fishes, 33-5. Fretz, Lieut., his singular wound, 154. 494 IXDEX. Frogs, 318. -= — tree frogs, 319, 320. Galle, elephants shipped In 1701, 163 n, Gallinse, 259. Galloperdix bicalcaratu?, 259. Gallwey, Capt. P. P., great number of elephants shot by him, 142. Game birds, 265. Gardner, Dr., his account of the coffee bug, 436-441. Gaur, 49 See Mammalia. — — Knox's account of the gaur, 49. Geckoes, 281. Gemma Frisius, 68. Genette, 32. Geology of Ceylon, errors as to, 60. • previous accounts, 61. traditions of ancient submprsion,61, 67. Ceylon has a fauna distinct from India, 62. *' Golden Meadows" 211 n. See Massoude. Golunda rat, 43. Goonda/i, 114. See Rogue. Gooneratne, Mr., Introd. his story of the jackal, So. Gordon Gumming, his butchery of ele- phants in Africa, 146 n. Gowra-ellia, 49. Grallse, 260. Gray, Dr. J. E., Brit. Mus., Introd. notice of Ceylon fishes, 366. Great fire-fish, 332. Guinea worm, 397. Giinther, Dr. A., on Ceylon reptiles, 275 n., 304. Gwillim's Heraldry, error as to elephants, 105 ». Hambangtotte, elephants of, 99. Hardy, Col , anecdote of, when chased by an elephant, 133. Hardy, Rev. Spence, describes a white monkey, 8. Haroun Alraschid, sends an elephant to Charlemagne, 103. Harrison, Dr., 95. —^ his anatomy of the elephant, 123 n., 126. ■ his account of elephant's head, 142. of the elephant's ear, 2J3. Hastisilpe, a work on elephants, 87 n., 91. Hawking. 246. Hawks. 5^6- Birds, 246. Hedge-hog, 46. Helix haemastoma, its colouring, 372. Hemiptera, 433, 462. Hendoo, crook for driving elephants, 212. Herd, a, of elephants, is a faiiiiiy, 111. its mode of electing a leader, 117. Herodotus, on mosquitoes, 435. Herodotus, antipathy of the elephant to the camel, 83 n. Herpestes, 38. Herport, Albrecht, his work on India, 71 n. Hesperidce, 426. Hill, Sir John, error as to elephants, 98. Hippopotamus rogues, 115 n. Histiophorus, 330. See Sword-fi.'-h. Holland, Dr., his theory as to the forma- tion of tusks, 89 n. Holothuria, sea-slug and Trepang, 396. Home, Sir Everard, on the elephant's stomach, 124. error as to the elephant's ear, 223. Home, Randal, error as to elephant, 105 n. Homojjtera, 4 32, 463 . Honey-comb, great size of, 418. Hooker, Dr. J. D.. on the elephants of the Himalaya, 110 n. error as to white ants' nests, 413. on ticks in Nepal, 471 w., 472. Hora, 115. See Rogue. Horace, alludes to a white elephant, 92 n, Hornl)ill, Buceros, 242, 243. Horse, alleged antipathy to the elephant, 83. to the camel, 83 n. story of, and an elephant, 89, horses taught to fight with elephants, 84. Hotambeya, 40. See Mongoos. Hot-water fishes, 358. Hunt, mode of conducting an elephant- hunt, 1.57. Hunter, Dr. John, his theory of aestivation, 556. Hurra! 223 «. Huxley, Prof., Introd. his memorandum on the fishes of Ceylon, 364. Hydrophobia in jackals, 36. Hymenoptera, 416. lantlnna, 370. Ichneumon, 39. iS(?^ Mongoos. Iguana, 271. See Reptiles. Infusoria, Red, in the Ceylon seas, 400. Insects of Ceylon, 403. their prolusion and beauty, 403. hitherto imperfectly described, 404. coleoptera, "105. Beetles, scavengers, 405. coco-nut beetle, tortoise beetle, 407. tortoise beetle, 408. Orthoptera, 408. the soothsayer, leaf-insect, 410. Neurnptera, 411. dragon-flies, 411. ant-lion, 411. white ant, termites, 411. INDEX. 495 Insects, Ht/menoptera, mason-wasp, 416. — — wasps, bees, wasps' nest, 418. ^— carpenter bee, 418. ants, 420. value of scavenger ants toconchologists, 421. — dimiya or red ant, 422, introduced to destroy cofFee-bug, 423. Lepif/opWrn, buiterflies, 424. . lyc(Enida\ hesperida:, 426. acherontia sathnnas, 427. moths, silk-worm, 427. stinging caterpillars, 429. oiketicus, 430. Homoptera, cicada, the" knife-grinder," 4.32. Plata, 433. Aphaniptera — fleas, 433. Diptera — mosquitoes, 434. Coffee bug, 436-441. Mr. Walker's memorandum on Ceylon insects, 442. . list, 447. Ivory, annual consumption, 78 n. superiority of Chinese, ib. Jackal, o5. its cunning, S5. probably the " fox " of Scripture, 55. —— its sagacity in liunting, o(y. subject to hydrophobia, SQ. jackal's horn, the narriccornboo, 37. — — superstitions connected with, 37. Jackdaw, fab'e of, 244. See Avitchia. Jardine, .Sir W., error as to elephants shed- ding their tusks, 79 n. Jay, the mountain, 252. See Cissa. Joinville, on the parasite of the bat, 20. Jnlus, 477. Jungle fowl, 259 See Birds. Juvenal's allusion to fishes on land, 346. Kabragoya, 272, 273. See Iguana. Kabara-tel, poison, 274. Kanats in Persia, 339 n. Keddah, for taking elephants, 164. Kelaart, Dr., work on the Zoology of Cey- lon, 4. '— examination of the Radiata, o95. discoveries as to the pearl oyster, 375. Kingfisher, 249- See Birds. Kinnis, Dr., cultivates zoology. 4. Kite, on Egyptian sculpture, £46 n. Knife-grinder, 432. See Cicada Knox, R.. arconnt of Ceylon fauna, Introd. his description of the VVanderoo, 5. of elephants executing criminals, 87. — — of the mode of catching elephants, 157. Knox, his description of natives fishing, 340. Kox^">'j?^ 371. Kombook tree, its bark, 170. Korahl, 165. See Kraal and Corral. derivation of the word, 165 n. Kornegalle, beauty of the place, 167. Kottiar, immense oysters, 371 n. See Cottiar. Kraal, 165. See Corral and Korahl. Krank-bezoeker, 71 h. Layard, E. A., his knowledge of Ceylon zoology, 4. his collections of Ceylon birds, 241. story of fish on dry land, 348. anecdote of burying molluscs, 355. Leaf inset-t, 408-410. See Insects. Leaping fish, 33-2. See Salarias alticus. Lecanimn Caffece, 436. Leeches, 479. See Annelida. land leech, 479. medicinal leech, 483. cattle leech, 844. Leopard, 25. in Ceylon confounded with the cheetah, 26. superstitions regarding, 26. anecdotes of their ferocity, 27. attracted by the small-pox, 28. - story of ^lajor Skinner, 29. monkeys killed by leopards, 31. Lepidoptera, 424. Lepisni'r, the fish insect, 474. Lima, General de, his account of the weight of elephants' tusks at Mozambique, 79 m. Livingstone's account of the " rogue " hip- popotamus, 115 n. Llama of the Anders, its stomach, 128 n. Livy, account of fishes on dry land, 346. Lizards, 271. See Reptiles. Lophobranchi, 3o2 Loris, 12. See Mammalia. two varieties in Ceylon, 12. torture indicted on it, 13. Lucan, description of the ichneumon, 39. Lyccenidce, 426. Lyre-headed lizard, 277. Macabbees iii. Book, allusion to elephants, 87 n., 211 Ti. Macacus monkey, 5. Machlis described by Csesar, 101. Macready, Major, account of a noise made by elephants, 97. his opinion as to the vulnerable point in the elephant's head. l4o «. Mahawanso, mentions a white elephant, 93. Mahout, an elephant driver, 181. See Pon- nekella. 496 INDEX. Mahout, alleged short life, 222. Malacopterygii abdominales, 362. sub-brunchiatif 362. apod a, o62. Mammalia, 3. - Monkeys, 5. — — Rilawa, 5. Wanderoo, 6. error as to the Ceylon Wanderoo, 6. n. Wanderoo, mode of flight among trees, 9 — ^ monkeys never (ound dead, 11. — • Lor is, I'i. tortures inflicted on it, 13. - Bat, flying fox, 11. ske'eton of, 14. attracted by toddy to the coco-nut pahns, 18. • horse-shoe bat, 18. - parasite of the bat, Nyctcribia, 20, 21. ~— bears, 22. .— bears dreaded in Ceylon, 24. leopards, 25. attracted by the odour of small pox, 28. - anecdote of a leopard, 29. lesser felines, 32. dogs. Pariah, 34. jackal, 34. the jackal's horn, 36. — — Moiigoos, 37. assaults of Mongoos on the serpent, 38. squirrels, 41. the flying squirrel, 41. - rats, the rat snake, 42. .^— coffee rat, 43, 44. - bandicoot, 44, 45. — — porcupine, 4o. pengnlin, 46-48. - the gaur, 49. — — the ox, .W. —— anecdote of, 51. draft oxen, 61-53. the buffalo, .54. ■^— sporting buffaloes, 55. peculiarity of the buffalo's foot, 56. .— deer, .57. . meminna, 51, 58. Ceylon elk. 59. wild boar, 59. _ elephant, -59, 75. whale and dugong, 68, 69. peculiarities of Ceylon mammalia, 73. list of, 73. Manaar, mermaid taken at, 69. ,— elephants shipped at, 162. ^— pearl fishery, 373. Manis. See Pengolin, 46. Mantis, 410. Massoudi, on the use of elephants in war, 211 n. his account of pearl-diving, 377 ». Mastacembeltis, 338. See Eels, Megasthenes' account of the mermaid, 69. Mehemet Ali, story of, 34. Melania Paludina, its habit of burying itself, 355. its hybernation, 355. Melania. story of a law suit decided by, 355 ». Meleagrina, 373 n. See Pearl fishery. Meminna deer, 58. M creator, 68. Mercer, Mr., his story of an elephant fight,86« Mermaid, 68. See Dugong. Mermaids, at Manaar, 69. at Amhoina, 70. at Booro, 71. .^— at Edam, 72. Millipeds, Juliis, ilT. Mites, 472. Mollusca. See Shells. Molyneux, on the anatomy of the elephant, 122 n. Mongoos, 38. See Ichneumon. species at Neuera-ellia, Herpestes Vitti- colUs, 38. '— story of its antidote against the bite of serpents, 39. its mode of killing snakes, 39. Monkeys, ,'>. never found dead, 11. a white monkey, 8. Moors of Galle. make ornaments of the ele- phant's teeth, 153. Moors, as caravan drivers, 53. Moose deer, 58. S^e Mem nna. Morris, '^'r., account of fishes on land, 348. Mosquitoes, their cunning, 434. Herodotus, account of, 436. probably the plague of flies, 434 n. Moths, 427. See Insects. Munster, Sebastian, 68. Musical fishes, 380. account of, at Batticaloa, 380. .^^ similar phenomena at other places, 383 n. fishes known to utter sounds, 384. Tntonia arborescens, 385. Musk. 32. Mygale, spider, 465. Myriapods, 472. Narric-comboo, 37. See Jackal's Horn. Natural history neglected in Ceylon, 3. Neela-cobeya, pigeon, 258. Neuroptera, 41 i. Nietner, on Ceylon insects, Introd. Nt/cteribia, parasite of the bat, 20, 21. its extraordinary structure, 22. Odoric of Portenau, his cure for leech bites, 481. his account of birds with two heads, 243. his account of fishes in Ceylon, 324 n. INDEX. 497 Oiketicus, 430. Oil-bird, 269. Ophidia, 321. Ortelius, 68. Orthoptera, 408. Ouaiideroo. See Wanderoo. Owen, Professor, on the structure of the elephant's tusk, 228. on the Protopterus of the Gambia, 352. Owls. See Birds. Oxen, their uses and diseases, .'50. anecdote of a cow and a leopard, 51. white, eight feet high, seen by Wolf, 52 n. Oysters at Bentotte, 371. immense, at Kottiar, 371 n. Pachydermata, 59, 74. Padivil, the great tank, 262. Pallegoix, on the elephants of Siam, 98 n. on the fishes of Siam, 347. Palm-cat, 32. Panickeas, elephant catchers, 150, 158. their skill, 159. Pariah dogs, 33. Paris, Matthew, on the elephant, 103. Paroquets, their habits ; anecdote of, 256. Passeres, i:48. Patterson, R., Esq., Introd. Pea-fowl. 244. See Birds. fable of the jackdaw, 244. Pearl fishery of Ceylon, its antiquity, 373. — .— dreary scenery of Aripo, 373. — disappearances of the pearl-oyster, 374. — — capable of transplantation, 376. operation of diving, 377- endurance of the divers under water, 377. ^— growth of the pearl-oyster, 379. pearls of Tamblegam, 380. Pelicans, 262. •^— strange scene at their breeding place, 263. Pengolin, 46. its habits and food, 47. skeleton of, 48. Phile, his account of the elephant, 103. —— error as to its joints, 1U7. describes its drinking, 121 n. its dispositions, 216 n. on the elephant's ear, 224. on elephants burying their dead, 235. Phillipe, on the elephant of Ceylon, 209. Phyllium, 410. See Leaf Insect. Physalus urticulus, 400. See Portuguese Man-of-war. Pictet, Mon., his derivation of the word " elephant," 76 n. Pigeons, 257. See Birds. Pigeons, Lady Torrington's pigeon, 258. Placuna placenta, pearls of, 380. Planaria, 398. See Radiata. Pliny's nereids, 72 n. error as to elephants shedding their tusks, 79 n. error as to their antipathy to other animals, 85. error as to elephant's joints, 100. account of the 7nach/is, 101 n. his knowledge of the vulnerability of the elephant's head, 144 n. of fishes on dry land, 346. Ponnekella. See Mahout. Polybius' account of fishes on dry land, 346. Pomponius, Mela, account of fishes on land, 346. Porcupine, 45. Portuguese belief in the mermaid, 69. Man-of-war, 400. Pott, his derivation of the word elephant, 76 n. Presbytes cephalopterus, 7. ursinus, 6, 9. Thersites, 6. 10. its fondness of attention, 10. Prianius, 10. its curiosity, 11. Protopterus of the Gambia, 352. P.seudophidia, 322. Pterois volitans, 333. Pteruphorus, 430. See Insects. Pteropus, 14. See Flying Fox. Pyrard de Laval, on the Ceylon elephant, 2C9. Python, its great size, 303. Quadrumana, 5, 74. Quatrefdge on the Rotifera, 487. Radiata, star-fish, 395. sea-slugs, holothuria, 396. parasitic worms, 396. Guinea worm, 397. planaria, 398. acalephie, 398. Portuguese Man-of-war, 400. Red itifusoria, 400. Raja-kariya, forced labour, in elephant hunts, 170. Raja-welle estate, story of an elephant at, 133 w. Ramavana, Ceylon elephants mentioned in, 210. Rat«, 42. eaten as food in Oovah and Bintenne, 43. liable to hydrophobia, 43. ccfFee rat, 43. bandicoot, 44. Rat-snake, anecdote of^ 43. K K 498 INDEX. Rat-snake, domesticated, 299 n. Ray, 3J6, 327. Reinaudj on the ancient use of the ele- phant in Indian wars, 205 m. Reptiles of Ceylon described by Dr. Davy, Jntrod. .— lizards, iguana, 271. kabara-tel, poison, 272. blood-suckers, 275. ^— calotes, the green, 276. lyre-headed lizard, 277. chameleon, 27S. — - ceratophora, 279. gecko, anecdotes of, 281, 282. crocoilile, anecdotes of, 282,283. crocodile and alligator, skulls of, 283. tortoises, 289. parasites of the tortoise, 289. Terrapins, '290. cruel mode of cutting up turtle, 291. .— — turtle, said to be poisonous, 292. hawk's-bill turtle, 293. cruel mode of takuig tortoise-shell, 293. snakes, few poisonous, 294. — tic-polonga, 296. cobra de capello, 297. legends of the cobra, 297—298 «. uropeltis, 301. the pyihon, ,'303. haplocercus, 304. tree-snakes, 305. water snakes, 308. sea snakes, 308. the snake-stone and its composition, 312-317. ccecilia, 317. frogs, 318. tree frogs, 319. — -list of Ceylon reptiles, 321. — ^ snakes peculiar to Ceylon, 322. Rhinolophus, 19. See Horse-shoe Bat. Ribeyro's account of pearl-diving, 378. Rilawa monkey, 5. Rodentia, il, 74:. Rogers, Major, story of his horse, SI. his death by lightning, 84 n. — — anecdote of an elephant killed by him, 107. great numbers of elephants shot by him, 142. " A Rogue " elephant. See Elephant, 114. — — derivation of the term " Rogue," 114. Hon kedor, 114 . See " Rogue " Ronquedue, 114. See " liogue." dangerous encounters with, 136. Rotifera, marvellous fact Ity in, 486. Rousette. See Flying-fox and Pteropus, 14. Ruminantia, 49, 74. Salarias Alticus, 332. almas ius, 68. Sardines, said to be poisonous, 324. Saw fish, 325. See Fishes. Scaliger, Julius, 68. Scansores, 256. Scnrus knri'd, 335. Schenek, 371. See Chank. Schlegel's essay on the elephant, 208 n. Schlegel, Prof., of Leyden, his account of the Sumatran elephant, 66. Schmarda, Prof, 5. Schoml)urgk, Sir R., on the tishes of Guiana, 347. Sciurus Tetinentii, 41 re. Scolopendrce, centipede, 474. Scorpions. 474. Sea slugs, holofhuria, 397. Sea snakes, 508. Seir-fish, 324. Seneca, account of fishes on dry land, 346. Septuagint, allusion to elephants in, 87, 210 M. Serpents, 294. See Reptiles. Shakspeare, on the elephant, 105. describes its capture in pit-falls, 157 n. Sharks, 3^5. Shark charmer, 378. Shaw, error as to elephants shedding their tusks, 79 n. Shells of Ceylon, 369. lanlhina, 370. Bullia viiiata, 370. chanks, 371. oysters, immense, 371 n. Helix haemaNtoma, 372. Pearl fishery, 373. Musical shells, 381. Mr. Henley's memorandum, 386. .— uncertainty as to SDecies, 387. list of Ceylon shells. 388. Siam, fishes on dry land, 347. Silk, cultivated by the Dutch, 429. Silkworm. See Insects- Sindbad's story of the elephants' burying- place, 236. Skinner, Major, knowledge of Ceylon. In- trod. n. adventure with a leopard, 30. great number of elephants killed by him, 142. description of the Panickeas or ele- phant catchers, 15S, 159 ». - — anecdotes of elephants, 118. collection of Ceylon fish, 339. Small-pox attracts the leopard, 28. native supeistition, 29. Snakes, 294. See Reptiles, lew venomous, 296. tic-polonga, 296. cobra de capello, 297. legends of, "297 n. stories of, 298. INDEX. 499 Snakes, tamed snakes, 299 n. snakes crossing the sea, 300. curious tradition of the cobra-de- capello, 300. uropeltis, and explanation of the popu- lar belief, 302. - reluctance of Buddhists to kill snakes, 303. python or " boa," 303. tree snakes, 305. the Passeritafusca, 306. water snakes, 308. sea snakes, 308. their geographical distribution, 309. their habits, 310. — ^ caecilia, 317- Snake-stone, its alleged virtue, 312. anecdotes of its use, 31'2. —— analysis of, by Professor Faraday, 315. ' Sofala, pearls at, 375 n. Solinus, on the elephant, 103. . Soothsayer insect, 410. Spectre butterfly, 426. Spiders. See Arachnida, 464. '. at Gampola, 465. . at Pusilawa, 471. Squirrel, 41. the flying squirrel, 41. Star- fish, 396. See Radiata. Stick insect, 410. See Insects. Stinging caterpillars, 429. Strabo, his account of fishes on dry land, 346. Strachan, Mr., account of the elephants shipped at Ceylon, 163 n, 210 n. Stucklev, on the anatomy of the elephant, 123 n. Sumatra confounded with Ceylon, 67. ele|)hant of, 64. points in which it differs from that of India, 65. Sun bird, 249. See Birds. Superstitions : — Singhalese folk-lore regard- ing bears, 24 n. —— leopards, 27, 29. . mongoos, 38. kabra-goya, 273. —^ cubra-de-capello, 300. use of snake-stones, 315. — — • elephants' burial-place, 236. Suriya trees, caterpillars on, 429. Syrnum ludranee, 246. See Devil-bird. Swallows, 248. See Birds. Sword-fish, 328. Tailor-bird, 251. S^-e Birds. Tamblegam, lake of, 380 . pearls, 380. Tarentula, Mygalejasciata, 465. Tarentula, fight with a cockroach, 467. numerous at Gampola, 465. Tavalam, a caravan of bullocks, 53. Tavernier, error as to Ceylon elephants, 203, 214. Taylor, the translator of Aristotle, his error as to elephants' joints, 102. Tchitrea paradisi, 250. Temminck, his discovery of the Sumatran elephant, 64. his account of it, 65. Templeton, Dr. R. A., his knowledge of Ceylon, Introd. his valuable aid in the present work, U). his cultivation of zoology, 4. — — notice of Ceylon monkeys, 6. Termites, white ants, their ravages, 412. whence comes their moisture, 412 n. Terrapins, 290. Terrier, attacks an elephant, 85. Testudinata, 289. Thaun, Philip de, on the elephant, 104. Theobaldus' Physiologus, 104. Theophrastus' account of fishes on dry land, 344, 345. Thevenot, on the Ceylon elephant, 203. Thomson's " Seasons,"" error as to the ele- phant, 106. Thunberg, account of the snake-stone, 317. Tkysanura, 484. Ticks, 475. Tic-polonga, 296. See Reptiles. Tiger at Trincomalie, 25 n. Toad, 319. Torrington, Viscount, his tax on dogs, 33. Tortoises, 289, 291. See Turtla parasite of, 289. • fresh-water tortoises, 290. See Terra- pins. Tortoise-shell, cruel mode of taking, 293. Tree frogs, 320. Tree snakes, 304. Trepang, 396. See Sea-slug. Tritonin arboresceits, 385. See Musical Fish. letter on, 401. Trombidium tinctorum. See Mites. Trumpeting of elephants, 97, 201. Trunk, elephant's, origin of the name, 97 re. Tsetse fly of Africa, 40. Turbinelia rapa, 571. See Chank. Turtle, 291. See Reptiles. barbarous treatment of, 291. Tushes, 79. Tusks, 79. See Elephant ; Ivory. fallacy that they are shed, 79. — weight of, 80. — — their uses, 80. singular shapes of, 88 ». 500 INDEX. Tusks, Dr. Holland's theory of their forma- tion, 88 n. Tytler, Mr., story of an elephant, 133 n. Uropeliis, 301. Urre ! cry of the elephant drivers, 222. Valentyn's account of the mermaid, 70. Dutch mode of taking elephants. 164. Venloos Bay, its profusion of shells, 369. Vossius, Isaac, 68. Waloora. See Wild-boar, 59. dreaded by the Singhalese, 59. Wanderoo monkey, 5. Wasps, wasps' nest, 418. mason-wasp, 416. Water-fowl, 260,262. Water snakes, 308. Weaver-bird, 251. Whales, 68. See Cetacea. White, Adam, £8q., Brit Mus., Introd. White, of Selboume, his theory of animals suckled by strange mothers, 113 n. White ants, 411. Se? Termites. Whiting, Mr., account of buried fishes, 342 n., 354. Wild-boar, 59. Wolf, Jo. Christian, travels in Ceylon, 99 n.. 115 w. his account of elephants there, 99. describes pitfalls for elephants, 157 n. Wood-carrying moth, 430. See Insects. Worms, parasite, 396. See Radiata. Wound when elephant shooting, 1.54. Wright, Thomas, Esq., F.S.A., 104. Yarrell's theory of buried fish, 342. Yule's embassy to Ava, 216 n. Zimb fly,434. Zoology neglected in Ceylon, 3. See Natural History. partial extent to which it has been cultivated, Introd. THE END. LONDON PEINTBD BY 8POTTISWOODB AND CO. KBW-SXBEET SQUABB ^ c PICTURES OF LIFE AND NATURE IN THE ALPS. Nearly ready, va. One Volume 8vo. with Seventeen Illustrations from Original Designs by E. Rittmeyer, THE ALPS; OK, SKETCHES OP LIFE ATSTD NATURE IN THE MOUNTAINS. : By H. BERLEPSCH. Translated by the Rev. 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