®l|p i. in. Ml IGibrarg Nnrtl) (HaroUna #talF lirtitjpraitg folio li4 cop. This book was presented by -Irs. Elizabeth von Voigtlander in memory of Frederick von Voigtlander THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. THE DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS [lUlulllj|ii i iijjinHij iii i i i | i i i i i|| i ni i| |i i i nT]nTmT HkQrawOJill Book (h. Im PUBLISHERS OF EOOK.S F O R_/ Eectrical World *'■ Engineering News-Record Power V Engineering and Mining Journal-Press Qiemical and Metallurgical Engineering Electric Railway Journal v Coal Age American Machinist ^ Ingenieria Intemacional Electrical Merchandising "^ BusTransponation Journal of Electricity and Western Industry Industrial Engineer THE DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS AND THE THEORY OF NOMOGRAPHY BY LAURENCE I. HE WES, B. Sc, Ph. D, MemhcT of the American Society of Civil Engineers Deputy Chief Engineer V. S. Bureau of Public Roads AND HERBERT L. SEWARD, Ph. B., M. E. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers A ssociate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Sheffield Scientific School Yale University FiKST Edition McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. NEW YORK: 370 SEVENTH AVENUE LONDON: 6 & 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 4 1923 Copyright, 1923, by the McGbaw-hill Book Company, Inc. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Ya^9f ^Or^ /^^'^L.^c^.^^^^^--- PREFACE It is intended in this volume to present in a prac- tical way the principles of the design of diagrams or nomograms for the solution of engineering and other formulas. The usefulness of a diagrammatic solution of a formula is becoming increasingly recognized and it is generally in proportion to the resistance of the formula to calculation and to the frequency of the application of the result sought. The aim of the present writing has been, therefore, not merely to give elementary methods of drawing simple diagrams but also to develop the grasp of the reader so that he will be able to analyze the more complex formulas of engi- neering practice. The entire subject would only be handicapped by attempting to avoid the use of the third order deter- minants and consequently that notation is introduced in the third chapter and continued throughout the book. A sufficient treatment of determinants is given in Appendix A and is indispensable to those who are not familiar with that branch of college The use of the projective transformation is men- tioned, but the reader may proceed independently of that notion In Appendix B, however, is given a simple treatment of that subject sufficient to enable anyone who is interested to understand its applica- tion to the present theory. By the determinant notation the identification of given formulas with known types is much helped although it is not completely furnished in all cases. It is hoped, however, that the necessary identification for these cases has been made much more complete by the introduction of an entire new class of diagrams or nomograms which it is proposed to call "Diagrams of Adjustment." These diagrams are new and are treated in the last chapter. All other diagrams of alignment are special cases of these more general types for they may naturally be regarded as diagrams of adjustment in which the adjustment reduces to zero. The list of fifty-four illustrative examples is selected to avoid trivial instances. It is hoped that the careful presentation of the general theory of the introduction of scale factors and units of length into the diagram will enable the reader to produce designs that are practical. For this reason several difficult examples have been worked out in consid- erable detail. The geometric theory governing the position of component elements such as curves, lines or points which constitute the permanent diagram must always be modified by the application of certain limits of accuracy and by a choice of the range of values of the variables for which the formula is to be used. The construction of a permanent diagram does not consist in the plotting of an indefinite number of results computed directly from the formula, but rather in a neat segregation of the several functions in the formula so that when certain corresponding scales are plotted and suitable simple geometrical constructions applied, a useful diagram results. The labor thus involved is usually slight compared to the resulting economy in the use of the formula for direct computa- tion. Diagrammatic representation of a formula per- mits the immediate determination of the value of any variable and usually also permits the determina- tion of the rate of variation of any variable with respect to another variable when such variations are not readily determined or observed by direct inspec- tion of the formula. The teaching of this subject of diagrammatic repre- sentation of formulas, or Nomography, at the Sheffield Scientific School for the past nineteen years has furnished opportunity to the authors to test its value as a supplementary course in applied mathematics and refined drafting, as well as in practice, and con- sequently all unnecessary theory has been sacrificed. A comprehensive set of problems is given at the close of each chapter and many of them may easily be varied by the choice of method or of scale factors. Acknowledgement is assuredly due to Professor M. d'Ocagne whose fundamental Traite de Nomog- raphic doubtless awakened the present great interest in this fascinating subject and whose own sympathetic interest in an English exposition was expressed promptly. Laurence I. Hewes. Herbert L. Seward. Washington, D. C, New Ha%-en, Conn., May, 1923 CONTENTS Page Preface v Chapter I. — Function Scales 1 1. The function scale 1 2. Derivation of new scales 1 3. Equations in two variables 5 4. Choice of scale factor 7 Problems 8 Chapter II. — Elementary Diagrams. . . 9 5. Simple or elementary diagrams. ... 9 6. Scale factors 9 7. Simple straight line diagrams 13 8. Anamorphosis 13 9. Special form of equation 21 10. Hexagonal diagrams 28 Problems 30 Chapter III. — Alignment Diagrams or CoLLiNEAR Nomograms 35 11. General equation tj^je and method of treatment 35 12. Diagrams with three parallel straight scales 36 13. Diagrams with straight scales and two only parallel 43 14. Diagrams of alignment with curved scales 49 15. Diagrams of alignment with one fixed point 57 Problems 62 Chapter IV. — Alignment Diagrams for Formulas in More than Three Variables 65 16. Binary function scales and curve nets. 65 17. Collinear diagrams with two parallel scales and one curve net 66 18. Collinear diagrams with three curve nets 74 Problems 75 Chapter V. — Alignment Diagrams with Two or More Indices 76 19. Diagram of double alignment 76 20. Diagrams with parallel or perpendicular indices 80 21. Diagrams for the equation /i +/2 + /3+/4+ . . . +A = 83 Problems 87 Chapter VI. — Alignment Diagrams with Adjustment 88 22. Equations in three variables 88 23. Special forms of equations 89 24. General form of the equation in three variables 93 25. Equations in more than three variables 94 Problems 99 Appenddc a. — Determinants of the Third Order 103 Appenddc B. — The Projective Transfor- mation 105 Index 109 FIGURES Figure Subject 1. Figures for function scale yjz 2. Figure for function scale log z 3. Figure for the ordinary scale 4. Figure for change from scale factor Ml to M2 5. Figure for change from scale factor Ml to M2 6. Figure for function scale for a/f{z) 7. Figure for the general projective scale . . . 8. Figure for the general projective scale . . . 9. Figure for F{z) = g^ _^ ^ 10. Figure illustrating the measuring scale, log tan s 11. Figure illustrating /(z) = z + sin 2 12. Figure illustrating scales converting inches into hundredths of feet 13. Figure illustrating scales converting gal- lons into cubic feet of water 14. Figure illustrating relation between pres- sure and volume of dry steam 15. Figure illustrating ordinary Cartesian graph 16. Diagram for the proportion of strength in a riveted plate 17. Diagram for Francis' Formula for stream flow over a weir 17a. Same enlarged near origin 18. Diagram for the solution of the general quadratic equation 19. Figure to illustrate the process of ana- morphosis 20. Diagram for the "External" of a High- way Curve 21. Diagram for the mean pressure of expand- ing steam 22. A second form of diagram for the strength of a riveted plate 23. Diagram for plotting curves in thermo- dynamics by Brauer's method 24. Diagram for the diameter of a shaft transmitting given horsepower 25. Diagram for the approximate areas of the segment of a circle AND DIAGRAMS Page Figure Subject Page 1 26. Diagram for the special equation 1 /l+/2+/3 = 21 1 27. Supplementary figure to Fig. 26 21 28. A second form of diagram for Francis' 2 weir formula 22 29. Diagram for friction head in pipe 23 2 30. Diagram for discharge of water under 2 above condition 24 3 31. Diagram for velocity of steam from a 3 turbine nozzle 25 . 32. Diagram for wind resistance of an auto- mobile 26 33. Diagram for inductive voltage in a parallel 5 circuit 27 6 34. Figure for demonstrating the hexagonal principle 28 7 35. Figure for demonstrating the hexagonal principle 28 7 36. Hexagonal diagram for the formula of Fig. 29 29 7 37. Hexagonal figure for the formula /i -f /2+/3+ . . . +/'. = 30 8 37a. Diagram for d = 10 \ j^ •■ "^^ 1 1 37b. Diagram for 5 = -7^ — 32 11 ^ + 3,000 i' 37c. Diagram for horsepower in air com- 12 pression 33 37d. Diagram for Richardson's equation for 13 thermionic current from heated metals in vacua 34 15 38. Figure for illustrating the diagram of alignment 35 16 39. Diagram for the volume of excavation by the method of end areas 37 17 40. Diagram for the volume of a torus 40 41. Diagram for the exact area of a circular 18 segment 41 42. Diagram for Taylor's formula for tool 19 pressure 42 43. Diagram for temperature correction of 20 barometer readings 44 FIGURES AND DIAGRAMS 50 51 52 44. Diagram for the flow of steam through a nozzle, modified Napier's rule 45 45. Diagram for the English automobile power formula 46 46. A third diagram for Francis' weir formula 48 47. Diagram for natural draft in a chimney of height // feet 48. Diagram for solving the quadratic equa- tion z"^ -\-pz +q = 49. Diagram for solving the cubic s' + pz + q = Q _ 50. Diagram for reducing stadia measure- ments 54 51. Diagram for the hydraulic radius of trapezoidal sections 56 52. A fourth diagram for Francis' weir formula 58 53. Diagram for the equation of thermo- dynamics PiFi" = P2F2" 59 53a. Same enlarged 60 54. Diagram of four straight scales for the combined formulas of Fig. 30 61 55. Diagram for the flow through rectangular orifice 62 56. Diagram for mean temperature difference 63 57. Figure for demonstrating the "binary scale" 66 58. Figure for curved net and parallel scales . . 68 59. Diagram for the complete cubic equation 68 60. Diagram for Flynn's modification of Kutter'.s formula 70 61. Diagram for Bazin's formula for the flow of water 71 62. Diagram for the bond valuation formula 73 63. Figure for three curve nets 74 63a. Figure for the diagram of double align- ment 76 64. A second form of diagram for the hy- draulic radius of trapezoidal sections . . 77 65. Diagram for Unwin's formula for the flow of steam 79 66. Figure illustrating the theory of parallel indices 80 67. Diagram for Lame's formula for thick cylinders (parallel alignment) 81 68. Diagram for Lame's formula for thick cylinders (perpendicular alignment) ... 82 69. Figure for the formula /i +/, =/3 +/,. 84 70. Figure for a modified form of Fig. 69. . . . 84 71. Figure for the formula f\-\- f2+ fz + . . . +/" = 84 72. Diagram for the formula for the time of turning a piece of work in a lathe 85 73. Diagram for Lewis' formula for the strength of gear teeth 86 74. Figure for three curve nets with curve sets repeated 88 75. Diagram for the quadratic equation with adjustment of index 90 76. Diagram for the equation ZiZi — Z3 + Vl + 22^ \1 + Zi^ = 91 77. Diagram for the quadratic equation with use of binary scale 92 78. Diagram for the curved binary scale 93 79. Diagram for the complete cubic with straight scales 95 80. Diagram for the formula for the length of an open belt 96 81. Diagram for Greene's heat flow formula . . 98 82. Diagram for the complete equation of the fourth degree 100 83. Figure for projective transformation 104 LIST OF GENERAL TYPE EQUATIONS TREATED Type Page No. a+m 1 _^ 2 21. m Type Xi = bniX {H2 - /ii)x + Ml bf{z) + C 22. ^^ ':/(s) + 2(.Vy) = Z2 /l /2 /3. 1 /3. g2 +/34(gl X = 5 a; = g2) - g3 4 Migi M2g2. 53,55 ^M2/3 M2/34 ■ -1 gl 1 g2 /34 g3 M.(/. 1 1 1 /34(g. -5 ?2) - (gl + g2) = 0. = 5 _ ( mi + M2)/34 + (mi — M2) "'' (mi - M2)/34 + (M1 + M2)' yi = Migi y, = 2MlM2 g34 M2)/34 + (mi + 55 55 LIST OF GENERAL TYPE EQUATIONS TREATED No. 37. Type /l2 gl2 1 /34 g3 4 1 /56 g56 1 = = 0.. • ... Pace 74 38. Ao = A. 76,83 39. ^ = ?: 78 f 6" 40. 1 h -a" 1 p' 1 = 1 h -! + /(s) 36 21. F = 2.4674M= 39 H V2RH - F- 33. P A(6 + k cot <|)) Pace . 51 . 53 . 53 . 55 6 + 2AV1 + cot2 ,j> 34. q = 3.335E''^ 57 35. PF» = C 57 36. z' + aiz^ + ajz + as = 67 4i.e 37. F 1.81132 0. 00281 + n ^5 1 + [41.6603 + 87 0.00281 -[ w 5 WR Vrs. Vrs- 0.552 + '1 - 40. cos lz = .h ^ , ^ \ cos L cos h 41. R = H / cos 5 cos (5 cos Z, CO 1 + A cot 4^ Z. 1 + 3.61 43. F 44. D = (f Vrs.... S - P 'S + P 23. CF''D^'' 24. // = /!i[l - 0.000101(/i - /)] po.97 j^^ W^ £)W5 12 27. Q = 3.335Zr'= 47 1 25. F = 26. HP Parallel indices Perpendicular indices. 43 49. Z1Z2 - Z3 + vT+Z2=- V 1 + 2i' = 50. 2* + fliz + 02 = 51. z' + aiz* + floz + as = 52. L = RU + 29) + r( 28. D = (.52) (14.7) W 49 -461 4- 60 461 + n ■ ■ • 29. Rules for writing determinants 51 53. T = 54. z' + ais^ + a: «(r, - r2)-|- - 29) 4-2Ccose 94 97 + (J4 = 99 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS CHAPTER FUNCTION SCALES 1. The Function Scale. — In the construction of permanent diagrams for the numerical solution of formulas or equations it is constantly necessary to use a scale on which lengths are proportional to the values of a function of a single variable. The value of the variable is the important item so it is written beside the point determined by the corresponding value of the function. Thus, let it be required to construct the scale for the function y/z for values of z ranging from to 5, then if unity is represented by 2 inches, the length of the scale will be L = 2X\/5=2X 2.236 = 4.472 inches and its end will be marked 5. The number 4 will be written at the end of the segment 04 = 2\/4 = 4 inches, 3 at the end of the segment 03 = 2V3 = 3.464 inches and so on. See Fig. 1. VT a scale of the function /(s) . If it should happen that for necessary values of s the lengths OM are incon- veniently large or small, these lengths may be modified by the introduction of a scale factor /x and laid off as OM = m/(2) Thus in the example worked out above where the linear unit is one inch, ;u = 2. The linear unit adopted on a drawing may also be called a modulus. Diagrams for engineering formulas involve more than one function scale in a figure and in such a diagram the modulus {i.e. unit of length) is usually adopted and suitable scale factors selected, as explained in Article 4. (See also Article 6, Chapter II.) If /(s) reduces to s itself, the resulting scale (Fig. 3) is the ordinary scale of the draftsman. This scale will be called the ordinary scale. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I II llllll I I I I I I I I II ll I I I I I 2 hiiA Fig. A very familiar example of a function scale is found in the common slide rule where the function is log s, and the lengths are laid off proportional to the logarithms of the numbers z, as in Fig. 2. I I I I I I I I I I I M lllllllllllllillllllillllll I I I I I I I I 2. Derivation of New Scales. — As there is often considerable computation necessary in the construc- tion of a function scale it is desirable to make use of several graphical methods which help to establish the scales of new functions from scales already made. (a) To establish the scale of Fig. 2. The notation /(:), and more often simply/, will be used to denote any function of a single variable. Starting from an initial point 0, if the successive lengths OM = f{z) are laid off and the points M inscribed with the successive values of s, there results a+Iiz) from that of/(s), where a is any constant, it is merely necessary to move the inscribed values of z forward or backward the distance a according as a is positive or negative. (6) The next simple case is the change of the scale DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS factor of the function scale. Suppose the scale of /(c) is established on the line MN (sometimes called the support of the scale), Fig. 4, with the scale factor M H M' N' /A' Ml. The scale factor may be changed to /i2 by simply drawing a hne M'N' parallel to MN and projecting the division points of the scale on MN to the line M'N' from a point such that OH _Mi OH' M2 Naturally this construction will also serve to set up with the same modulus, the scale of af{z) from that of /(z). A common case occurs when the scale log 2 is given and it is desired to obtain the scale of log 2" or a log z. In hydraulic formulas this oppor- tunity is often presented. (&') Other methods of handling the same problem are available especially where the supports for the two scales are not parallel. Suppose as before that the scale iox f{z) has been set up on the hne MN, and the scale for af{z) is desired on a Hne MN' with the same modulus. In Fig. 5 the two supports are shown Q N meeting at an angle 0. If QQ' is drawn at any con- venient location such that MQ 1 MQ' ~ a it is simply necessary to project the points from the line MN to the Hne MN' by Hues paraUel to QQ' . In certain cases it may be desirable to project the points on MA'' parallel to PP' which is perpendicular to MN. In this case (assuming a > 1) 1 cos = ~ a Cases (a) and {b) combined furnish a method of constructing a scale for the function a + bf{z). The order of carrying out the work is immaterial. (f) To set up the scale of ttt from the scale of /(z) given on the line MN, Fig. 6, the procedure may be as follows: Draw a circle with the center at M and with radius Va, and let MP = f{z). Now if PT is tangent to the circle, and TP' is drawn perpendicular to MN, then MP' MP = a. Hence when the points P' have been marked with the same values of z as are found at the corresponding points P, the new scale is complete. If P is within the circle, thenP' is without and is found by drawing TP perpendicular to MN and then drawing the tangent TP' to locate P' . By making use of (a), {b) and (c) combined, the scale of a bfiz) + c can also be obtained from that of/(z). {d) The functions in the preceding three cases are special cases of the more general case, af{z) + b cfiz) + d where ad — be is not equal to zero. To establish the scale -for this function of z from that of /(z) it is suffi- cient to project the division points of the scale of /(z) from a point P, called a ray center, to a line M'N' making an angle ((> with the support MN, Fig. 7. The most practical method of establishing the scale for F{z) from that of /(z) in this case is to compute the location of two points, Zi and Z2, on the scale for F{z) Fiz) FUNCTION SCALES by substituting in the given function F{z) two conven- ient values of s and plotting the resulting values of F{z) . Then the scale for/(s) can be placed at an angle to the scale of F{z) and corresponding values of ^1 and Zi on /(s) and F{z) can be joined by rays the intersection of which determines the ray center P. The angle 4> should be so chosen that the intersections of all rays with both scales are, as far as possible, not too oblique, and also so that the ray center P will not be located at too great a distance from the scales. Sometimes the ray center P may be located between the two scales. It is always well to check the position of P by a third ray through another pair of correspond- ing points on the two scales. Due to the above par- ticular properties the scale for F{z) = — j- / -. , is known as a projective scale. {d^) It is possible to compute the coordinates, m and n, of the ray center P from the values of a, b, c, and d in F(z) . The graphical method of the preceding paragraph is more direct but occasionally it may be desirable to check the location of the ray center P. If the supports of the two scales are used as coordinate axes (Fig. 8), the expressions for the oblique coordinates of P may be found. These will be ad - be cf(zo) + d c{cf (zo) +d) c Fic. 8. It is assumed that the scales intersect at corresponding points designated as so on /(z) and so on F{z) . af(z) + h ^, ^ dFiz) - b Consider the projections obtained when a ray from Zi on/(s) parallel to the scale of F{z) is drawn and another ray from ^2 on F{z) parallel to the scale of /(s) is drawn. In Fig. 8, Si must make F{z^ = oo . .■./(=,) = -^ Again Now But Hence Also F{z, 22 must make/(s2) I = F(z2) - F(z,) = ^ g/(2o) + b ^ cfizo) + d _ ad — be ' - eiefizo) + d) , = f{z,) - f{zo) = (a - eF(zo)) cf(zo) + d The coordinates m and n are thus determined by the value z = zo and this leaves the choice of the angle so that P can always be placed in the acute angle between the supports of the scales. For example let If it is desired to plot the scale for this function by trial rays as described in section (d) above compute values of F{z) for given values of z: z F{z) Points 7 A Yi 3.6 B 1 2.75 C 3 1.9 D _2 0.2 E Using a sheet of coordinate paper (Fig. 9) the scale for F{z) is partially plotted along the horizontal axis from the origin in points A, B, C, D and E. If at any point, say A, a scale for/(z) which in this case is z itself (or the ordinary scale) is constructed, the rays to B, C, D and E through correspondingly numbered points on the two scales all intersect at P, the ray center. Then the remaining points on F{z) could be graphically determined as fully as desired by pro- jecting points from f{z) to the support for F{z). Here 4> has been taken as 90°. To illustrate the use of the method in section (rf') it is noted that b = 7 Since F{z) = cm + d /(=) -cF{z) + a In choosing a value for zo we are simply selecting a common point on the two scales /(s) and F{z). If DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS — q. :4 E ^ ^ _ 3 :3 "_ o 1 / /- ^ r" ^('»^ / 9 /. / - 1 / /; -^ 1 -2 F( z) 3/ i^A c:^ r^ ■ A = " " -£:r ^=^ H f^ re- B - m — ____ - r ^^ = p-l \ \ \ ^^ ^ - .? ^1 + 7 izfl \ \ " _7 \ " -4. ~ -5 1 1 \ \ --& FUNCTION SCALES 2o is chosen as zero, it means that at the point on ^■(2) which is inscribed zero there is constructed a scale for /(c) having its zero in coincidence with the zero of F{z). Substituting in the expressions for m and n, noting that /(co) = 20 = there are obtained the values m = -5.667 n = -0.333 Using the point of coincidence of the two scales as an origin (point A of Fig. 9) the ray center F may be located by measuring the values of m and n, as indi- cated in the figure. The scale for ^(2) can then be determined as fully as desired by projection from f{z) as before. If /(20) had been chosen as unity in the preceding paragraph, the values of m and n would be m = -1.417 n = -1.333 and the scale for 7(2) would have been erected at point C with its unity at C. The ray center would then be (/) The graph of a function may be used to advan- tage in setting up the scale of that function whenever the graph may be drawn mechanically either wholly or in part. Thus for example if /(=) 2 + sin 2 the graph OP A may be drawn, Fig. 11. If OM repre- sents 2, ON is of length 2 -f sin 2 and if N is marked 2, there is secured the desired function scale on OY. In the figure the curve OP A was drawn by adding the ordinates of the two curves B and C; B represents J'{z) = 2 and C represents f"(z) = sin 2. Since the curve C may be obtained by the construction indicated in dotted lines on the right, the entire work of con- structing the scale of J{z) = 2 -f- sin z can be done graphically. The graphical method becomes espe- cially important when the analytical expression for a function is not known. This is usually the case when the graph of a function is obtained from experimental observations. 0.3 0.4 1 .1 1 1 II l.l 1,11.1 1 log z 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2,0 25 30 log tan z Fic. 10. located at P' as shown and a new set of rays would determine the same points on ^(2) as before, (f) The scale of Fiz)=f[^iz)] may be obtained by using the scale of 7(2) as a measur- ing scale as follows. The quantity (t>{z) plays the same part in the new scale as did 2 in the original scale of f{z). Given 2, the value of {z) can be computed, and regarding it as 2 the corresponding length can be picked out on the scale of f(z) . This length is the corresponding length on the new scale and is inscribed with the original value of 2. Thus, for example, from the scale of log 2 there can be determined at once the scale of log tan 2. There are in the trigonometric tables values of tan 2 for the values of 2 desired; then the points on the logarithmic scale are selected which are marked with these values of tan 2. These lengths are then laid off on a new line as support and their end points are marked with the values of 2 (not tan 2). (See Fig. 10 and Example 11.) 3. Equations in Two Variables. — Consider now a formula involving two variables, =2=/(20 If on one side of a line there is constructed the scale for the function /(zi) and on the other side the ordin- ary scale for 22 with the same modulus and starting with corresponding values at the same point, then any pair of values which satisfy the above equation are found opposite each other on the two scales. Thus is realized by a diagram a numerical solution of the equation. To illustrate, if /(2) = 5, 2 is found on the function scale opposite 5 on the ordinary scale, and so on. An obvious modification of this principle will per- mit the construction of a diagram yielding all solutions of an equation or formula of the form F(s2)=/(20 (1) Construct the scale for ^(22) on one side of a line as support and the scale for f{zi) on the other side and DESIGX OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS read the value of 22 opposite the value of 21 correspond- ing. The scales must, of course, start at correspond- ing values a and b such that F{a) = f{h) , and have the same modulus. This case is useful when the formula is awkward to solve for either variable. The follow- ing simple examples will serve as illustrations : Example 2. — The number of gallons z-i in Z\ cubic feet may be written 22 = 7.48121 or log 22 = log 7.481 + log 2, After laying out the logarithmic scale for 22 on the ii.n . 348° I /I 33&°- 324°- / / / 317°- / / 300- 288°- 1G4- 252"- 140°^ / ^ / / y / 84- / / TZ"- IL r / / / lff^ \\^ \^ \ \^ ' K ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ 1 8 Inches Fig. 12. An equation of the form where K, a and b are constants, may be represented readily by the use of logarithmic scales. The expo- nents a and b really become the scale factors and one scale is translated a distance log K. Another method of treating an equation in two variables 22 = /(2i) is to make use of the ordinary cartesian graph. In Fig. 15 let C be the graph of the above equation referred to the axes OX and OY. For a given Zi say OM, draw MP perpendicular to OX and from P drop a perpendicular PN to OY. Then ON is the desired value of 22. Coordinate or cross-section paper would ordinarily be used for this type of diagram. Diagrams representing equations in two variables are used more to supplement the usefulness of more complicated diagrams than to afford in themselves a means of solving equations in two variables. In later examples it will be found that many of the scales are graduated for two quantities, such as cubic feet per second and gallons per minute, on the same line. While only one of these quantities may appear in the formula for which the diagram is drawn, the addition of the other often increases the usefulness of the diagram. 4. Choice of Scale Factor.— The construction of the scale of a function with a suitable scale factor /x is an essential operation in the design of any perma- nent diagram for numerical solutions. The length L of the desired scale is limited by the size of the paper and must satisfy the equation L = 4Ab) - f{a)] — § 8 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS where a and b are the limiting values of the variable and n is the scale factor to be selected. There is usually some choice of these limiting values a and b, and as more than one function scale is involved the relation of the various scales in the diagram must be carefully studied in advance. The use of the scale must be kept in view and the graduations arranged so that interpolations by eye will, when possible, yield one figure beyond the required accuracy. When some portion of a non-uniform scale is to be most frequently used that portion should be given the advantage of the larger graduations by the methods y developed in Chapter III, as for example in the stadia formula It is always desirable to check various points on a new scale by double calculations and by various known characteristics of the function such as the magnitude and uniformity of the rate of increase within a given interval of the variable. The accuracy of the finished diagram should also be checked by characteristics of the given formula and by various numerical examples. Problem 1. — Construct a diagram showing the relation between kilowatts and horsepower. Problem 2. — Construct a diagram showing the relation between circular pitch and diametral pitch of gear teeth. Problem 3. — Construct the projective scale of the function 1.7 log s + 6.5 2.4 - 0.84 log z from a logarithmic scale. Problem 4. — Construct a scale for values of

^ >^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I — n ^^ ^ ^ fe ^=^ "^ 0.1 Q3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I.I Head H in feet Fiu. 17. 1.3 1.4 1.5 .8 1.9 2.0 on both axes. It is necessary to introduce such scale factors when one of the independent variables, say 2i, varies through a greater range than the other z^. Example 6. — In Fig. 17 there is shown a diagram for Francis' formula for the discharge of water over a weir without end contractions, q = Z.ZWH^"- head H is usually less than two feet while with B = 10 the discharge q runs up to 94.2 if H = 2. So the values of q run through a range of numbers about 50 times as great as the corresponding values of H. Accordingly it will be desirable to plot the scale for H with a scale factor which is about 50 times that used for the scale of q. 12 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Diagram for the quadratic z^ + pz + q = Fio. 18. ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 13 Let then Mii? and - = 3.3351 ©" is the equation of the system of curves for B. In Fig. 17 Ml was taken as 5 and m as 0.1 so that y = 0.2978a;'^5 is the equation of the curve system referred to natural scales on the coordinate axes. Since each value of 0.2978.T** is multiplied by B it is necessary to plot only the curve for 5 = 10 and divide each of its ordinates into 10 equal parts to obtain the entire system of curves for B. In Fig. 17a the curves near the origin are shown drawn to a larger scale. 7. Simple Straight Line Diagrams. — The labor of constructing diagrams such as were given above is considerable unless the family of curves is easily plotted. The curves can be made straight lines when- ever Equation (2) has the form z,f{z,)+z,giz,) + h{z,) = or more briefly S1/3 + S2g3 + /^3 = (3) where /a, gz and h^ are any functions of S3, may or may not be alike and frequently reduce to constants includ- ing zero. The use of the same letter to denote func- tions of different variables in what follows will not necessarily mean that the functions are the same although such may sometimes be the case. In general, for example, /(si) or /i will not denote the same functions as/(z3), etc. Whenever Equation (2) has a form which may be reduced to the above form (3) by suitable transforma- tions, set X = ix\Z\ and y = mZi and Equation (3) becomes Xti-ifs + 3'Mlg3 + MlM2/?3 = which determines a family of straight lines marked with corresponding values of S3. Equations in three variables such as Equation (2) occur very frequently in engineering practice and are of particular interest here. Example 7. — The general quadratic equation z'- + pz^q = Q if .r = p and y = q becomes s= -f xs -I- y = This is a straight line system and the original Equation is of the type (3) where When as many lines of the system have been drawn as the diagram will comfortably admit at suitable intervals of z it is seen that for moderate values of the coefficients p and q it is possible to solve any quad- ratic by reading the roots written on the lines passing through the corresponding intersection point of the lines X = p and y = q. It will be necessary to interpolate for all the quantities p, q and z. See Fig. 18. 8. Anamorphosis. — It is possible in a large class of equations which do not fall under the type of Equation (3) to reduce the needed family of curves to straight lines. It will first be shown how this may be done graphically with a single curve and then the method will be extended to apply to a family of curves. and = 1, Suppose there is given in Fig. 19 a single curve C corresponding to some particular value of the quantity S3 in the equation /(S,S2S3) = This curve may be changed to a straight line L which will serve equally well to determine either of the corresponding quantities Si and 22 as foUows. Draw any oblique line AB and let every point P of the curve C be projected horizontally into a corresponding point Q upon the line L. Now inscribe N, the foot of the ordinate of Q, with the value of 21 which is found at M on the X axis. After a sufficient number of points have been treated in this way the curve C may be erased, also the old scale of Si and then the diagram serves to determine the corresponding values of Si and so for the value of S3 originally used. This process was called by Lalanne "Anamorphosis."' What has been done changes the scale on OX from the ordinary scale for Si to a certain function scale. To see this it is only necessary to notice that the length ON is always a function of the length OM. A logical extension of the above principle to all the curves S3 of a given family is desirable. For this purpose it will be necessary from the given equation /(s,s.S3) = to select a function x of Si such that when y = ^222 the entire family of curves corresponding to values ' L. Lalanne, Annales des Ponis el Chaussies, 1846. 14 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERIXG FORMULAS of 23 shall be straight lines. That is, it is necessary to change the original equation /(212223) = by virtue of the relations, X = Mi/(si) y = H1.Z2 into a linear equation in x and y. A necessary and suflScient condition is that the original equation f{z,z.z,) = may be reduced to the form /(Sl)/3 + S2g3 +h = (4) For in this Equation (4) if Zi and zj are eliminated there results Xpifi + Vyuigs + MiM2/'3 = which is the equation of a family of straight lines to be inscribed with values of 23- Equation (4) is of the form that will yield straight lines when a function scale is used on the A' axis only. If. however, the ordinates also are made to depend not simply on 22 but on a function of 22, as 7(22), there results a method of treating equations of greater gener- ality. Set therefore X = /ii/i and y = ti-ifi then when the Equation (2),/i23 = 0, has the form /(Sl)/3+/(22)g3+//3 = (5) it will yield a system of straight lines for the values of 23, by virtue of these relations. This is the principle underlying the use of "logarith- mic cross-section paper" for plotting an equation in two variables. This paper is a cross-section paper ruled with logarithmic scales on the axes instead of with the ordinary scales. Any equation in two vari- ables which has the form 21-S2' = A-, for example, where a, h and K are constants, may immediately be given the form a log zi + & log Z2 — log A' = by taking the logarithm of both sides. The resulting equation has the form (5). When therefore X = log zi y = log Z2 the above equation reduces immediately to ax -{- by — log K = which is a straight line equation for the ordinary cross- section paper. Or in other words, if corresponding values of Z\ and Z2 determined from the original equa- tion are plotted directly on the logarithmic cross-sec- tion paper, the resulting coordinates are proportional to the corresponding logarithms and the graph is a straight line. The exponents a and h determine the slope of the resulting straight Une; i.e. — v- This principle when used inversely is of great value in determining the unknown exponents for an empiri- cal formula when a sufficient number of points are plotted on the logarithmic cross-section paper from actual observation and are found to determine closely a straight line. Equation (5) is a very general type equation and includes a large number of formulas of engineering. Such formulas will frequently require algebraic and sometimes logarithmic transformations in their form before they can be identified with the type by inspec- tion. It will be seen that the corresponding diagrams consist essentially of three systems of straight lines and that two of these systems are parallel to the axes, determined by function scales on the axes. The foregoing Equation (5) is not the most general equation in three variables whose diagram can be constructed by three straight line systems provided no restriction is placed on the nature of the systems. Such an equation is best expressed in determinant form but can, however, be treated by much more elegant methods than those of the present chapter. Example 8. — The "external" or distance from the intersection of two tangents to the curved line, in high- way or railroad surveying is given by the formula Z) = r tan 7 4 where T is the length of the tangent and / the acute angle of intersection. In the field it is often desired, before finally determining either T ox h for a given angle, to try several pairs of values, and the diagram given in Fig. 20 is convenient. The formula is in the form of Equation (4) where tan^=/(2,), 6 22, T =Ug3= - 1, //3 so that if M26 there results the radial line system V X „ limit of b is taken as 18 feet the diagram of Fig. 20 can be drawn with in = 0.3 and M2 = 60. Example Q. — The mean pressure Pm of steam expanded from an initial pressure Pi according to the law PV = constant, is given by the formula ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS q nvfcaaxxa 15 q iVNHaxxa 16 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS if measured above a back pressure of absolute zero. R is the ratio of expansion. 1 + log. R " R is taken as/i and Pm as/2 then/3 = P\, gz Mean Pressure of fxpanded Sfeam according fo the law pv^p, V/ Pm - Absolute Mean Pressure P,= ^, Injfial '> /p- Ralio of Expansion =}L •1 and Since all the lines Pi pass through the origin it is necessary to locate but one point on each line to draw the system. Such points are very simply determined by the intersections of the radial lines with the line a; = 1 parallel to the Y axis. In general when a system of radial Unes y = mx is to be plotted, set 4O0- 0^^ Ratio of Expansion Fig. 21. ^3 = showing that the above equation is in the form of (5) /2-/3/l = Accordingly let 1 + log. R x = ,. ^ and y = ti.iPm. so that there results a family of radial straight lines (See Fig. 21.) a; = 1 so that y = w. In the present case the scale determined on the line a; = 1 is an ordinary scale whose scale factor is — • Of course beyond the limits of the paper the radial lines cannot intersect the line a; = 1 and if it is necessary to draw additional lines they may be determined by their intersections with a line parallel to the Y axis at any convenient distance. P — D Example 10. — The formula 5 = — „ — of Example 5 may be written Z) = P(l - 5). ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 17 If /i = (1 - 5), /o = Z?, /a = P, g3 = -1, /ra = it it becomes is in the form of Equation (5) hh-h = o Accordingly let x = ^{1 — S) y = i^iD y ny — X = Q Z.S shown in Fig. 23. givmg i^ " ■^ as shown in Fig. 22. The scales on the axes are readily plotted by the method of Article 2 (e); i.e., for a given a or /3 look up the value of the natural tangent, add one, and find the resulting quantity on a logarithmic scale, inscribing the point with the value of a or /3 used. Pihh of holes in inches 100 % % 85 80 75 70 65 Efficiency in percent It will be noticed that the graduations of the 5 scale on the X axis increase toward the origin, since the function is (1 — S). Example 11. — The expression (tana + 1)" = (tan /3 + 1) is useful in plotting exponential curves of the typePF" = constant, in thermodynamics by Brauer's method. If written n log (tan a + 1) - log (tan /3 + 1) = with X = log (tan /3 + 1) y = log (tan a + 1) 2 Example 12. — The formula for the diameter {d) of a shaft to transmit a given horsepower (h.p.) at a given speed (r.p.m.) is of the form 'i, h.p. .p.m. If the allowable stress for a steel shaft is taken 13,500, the constant c has the value 2.87; hence 1 d^ = (2.87) 'h.p. r.p. If a reciprocal scale is used on the A' axis and a cubic 18 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS scale is used on the Y axis a family of straight lines Example 13. — The approximate formula for the area for values of h.p. results. A of the segment whose height is H of a circle of radius Ris Let and y = uid^ A = "- l2R 4b - 7 // ^6$ /////\ Af) / '//y/. / yy/// /// '/ Z./Zi //// /. 5222 / ''z ////-/ <^3S - // /://// /. /Zzu t - ///> c;///. ^/ y/////, ^ /////. ^^^./; ^ 5^5^ ZvZ-t'. ///// ^/ r^^-'/r^ y /. 5222^ ^^i^C^ // 2222 o /// 22^^' ^//y//. ^ 2^11 :3 / '/// ^2??^ '/////. ;^ ^%^^ ^ /// '/^ tz&% y///y/ ^ ^^ / ^Z''/ //4 tz^t-t'^ y^///A ;^ y /./ '//^/ 'yy/ SSSS^ V/'/y, / Or ////. ^^/// //^ 2122^ y/// ////// /y V y/A iSil^ V // v/////, ^^ ^^ t^W //^/ 4%Vi ^;^:;^ ^^ Pi " ^ ^'^ '^//////^ y//^A ''//^. :Z ^ ^ ^/^ '^'^'f ^//y//. 'y.y ^ ^ ^^ yyyyy. '//// 3 ^ V///. ^^^^ r/ Vy ^ m. %v'%' ' iram for ^^ ^ ^ m ^^ IS «^=^ i '/f, ^ m ^ /r-4^ (Tanfi+I) ^^ p ^ ^ ''/ ^CTanoa-O ¥'k' V /■ ''^ 10 -_ 20 ZS 50 35 40 Volues of (3 J decrees Fig. 23. 45 SO that (2.87)'h.p.ci; or 9^2 - 32/2^?' + 9.728Z/^ = This equation is in the form (5) with/i = A"^ and/2 = as shown in Fig. 24. A second set of underscored R so that '\{ x = A''- and >> = /? a family of straight graduations for d and h.p. have been added, covering lines for E a larger range of numbers. %x - ZIR^y + 9.728^^ = ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 19 % jsModapjof-i ^^ "%\ %\ o\ s\ ^\ 'g\ ^\ ^\ ^ ti- % "§> O O CO V- ^ o o\ \ \\ ^ \ 1 9s. ^. \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ "-^ \ \ w w \ \ w % \ k \ , \; \\\ \ \ , 1 ---< \ \ \^ \ w \ \ ^ \ 1 \ ^ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 h \ \ \ w \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ ^ s \, N. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \\\ \\ \ \_ \ \ ' \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ s \\ \ \ \ \\ ^ ^ C^^ -.^ \^ \ \ \ \^ n\\ ,\ \ \ \ \ ^ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ W X-X \ \ \ \ \\\ w \ TX \ ^ \ \ \\ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \H \ \ I .\\ -V_^ A^ \ ^ \ <5 ^\ ^\ \ ^ SW^ S x:: \ " ^ ^ W^WT 1 \\^ \\ \\\ w — x^ N\ ^m; ^ XV \ \ M 1 X ^$^^ $^^ OSI OOJ 002 c^ 0017 005 0001 O i-O o u-> C-" o •^ c?|o saLjOui_ ui |J-DL|5 J.0 J3|aaiDi(] 20 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS ^. oi o -^ ^=1= -si-- ssLioui ui snipD^ J.0 sanpy^ ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 21 would result. This equation is difficult to plot and the lines are poorly located for accurate reading. If the ratio -^ = A' is used the equation becomes _ 4 V2A-- 0.608 Then with x = iufi results a radial system /ii/1- and y = -■"Ji = i^2R* there 2K - 0.608 shown in Fig. 25. 9. Special Form of Equation. — The case where Equation (5) has the simple form /1+/.+/3 (6) is of special importance. It gives rise to a system of parallel straight lines, since if a; = mi/i and y = M2/2, the equation becomes IX2X + idiy + ixiix-ifa = This system of lines may be dispensed with if their common normal through is drawn and on it the function scale for =3 established. The function scales for Zi and S2 must be constructed on the X and Y axes respectively as before. The diagram then consists essentially of three function scales whose supports intersect at 0. It is read by finding the unknown value of 2 where a line through the intersec- tion of the two perpendiculars at the given values of s on their respective axes meets perpendicularly the scale of the unknown 2. See Fig. 26. Fig. 26. Since the three lines necessarily perpendicular to the respective scales meet at constant angles they maybe scratched on a transparent sheet which when properly oriented on the drawing will enable the unknown values to be read rapidly. For ordinary work, how- ever, a diagram having the cardinal values of all three straight line systems drawn in is found to be the best arrangement. Example 14. — The formula for the weir discharge used in Example 6 may be brought into the form (6) by taking the logarithm of both sides. There results log q — log 3.33 — log B — ^2 log H = Here if log q = Ji and log H = fi'it is seen that /3= -log 3.33 - log 5 Set X = 111 log H and y = /is log q. Then the equation of the parallel Unes for B is ^ - ^ - - log 3.33 - log 5 = /*2 2 All * These lines may best be drawn if the common normal to the system is first drawn and numbered with the values of B at the points of intersection with the parallel lines. To do this it is necessary to determine the angle a of Fig. 27 (above) and the correspond- ing function scale on the normal. The angle in the present example is 126° 52' 12" and the lines B inter- sect the normal at distances from the origin determined by the function |M.[log3.33 + log5] The completed diagram is shown in Fig. 28. In general when an equation is of the form (6) and the resulting system of lines for 23 is given by the Equation HlX -\- jui V + M1M2/3 = this last equation may be put into the normal form X cos a -h y sin a — p = where and sin a Vmi" + M2" "VViM-mT" and where the scale on the normal is determined by the function fi with the scale factor Vyur + 112' TM.86 Example 15.— The formula H = 0.38 ^y;^ gives the friction head H in feet per 1,000 feet of water flow- ing in a pipe of diameter d with a velocity of V feet per second. In logarithmic form the equation is log H + 1.25 log d - log 0.38 - 1.86 log F = 22 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS X ■ s ^ ^ — \ — \- 3 H4 '^ s \ \ \\ \ \ \ . \ , V \ \^ ^ _\ \ \' ■ \ S \ \ N. \ ^ \ \ \ S \ \ \ \ s NN N \ \ \ \. V ^ \ >v \ ^ ^ S\ \ \ \ V V \ \ ^ \ \ N OJ \, ,\ \ \ W \ ^XX-Tx" \ s \ s ^ W \ \ s -V3-\ ^ \ \ \ \ V \ \\>v ^v \ ^ \ \\ ^ ^^5\^- \ \ \ \ ^ A \\ \\\' ^ \ \ \\\ -v^-'x- \^^ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ ^ s\\ \ X \ \ \ \ \ s, \ \ \ ^N \\ \ \\^ •-. ■\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \N > W \ \\^ A\ , ^ w"^ "^ \ \ \ \ iv \\ \\ \ \\^ ->>^^-^ "s\\\ \ \ ' \ ^ K \^ \ \ \\^ x\\\'^ -^ 'v" \ \ \ \ \ll\ J ij ^ \ N ^ ^ -\^^^- \ \ \ \ 1- \ ^ S\ ^ v-S N \ s \ \ \ \ 1 \ \^N .\K-^^v \ ^ s: \ \ ~x \ \ \ \ w \ N v^r!. \^ ^\^!S \ \ \ \ ^^^«- c \ \ '\ "\\ \"^ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ■ N V \ s\^\"^" 'v'xW \ nX \ \ \ \ \ < \^, :\vx!:: "^^x \ N\\ \ \ \ ^ A N \ ''^ c ^ \\\^ ^^^> \ \ \\\ \^ \ l^ \ \ \. \ s^ w^ \\^ \ y\ \ \\ \\ [\ N^^ \ \ \ . \\ \^ >;\\ \ \\\ ,^\\\l-^tx \ ^ \ A„' \ \\^ \\\\ \ \xi ~S Co .s h \ \ \ \ \ ^■^> vXi > \ \\ ^ ^ ^ \ V V^ \ -V \ K ^ ^- vv A g ^ \^ S g ^ — \ — ^ ^^ ^eS — ^^^ x-^-' V-c —t; — ' A \-A; ^v- \ ^^ — N \^ . s. \ \ \ v. \ \ \ \, ^33; \ \ S \ \ \ V, \ \ \ V \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ V \ \ k^ \ \ ^. \ ^ N.^ ^ \ \ s \ ' \ \ . \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ . \ \ ^ \ \ , s^ . \ \ ^ \ V \ \ . \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ I S iSS? S S 5 S S OO. CO r- ^ \ c \ \ ,\ \\' \\ \\r' > ^ - - ,v> 5|^ \ N ^\ \ \ w \ \ \ \" \ \ \ ^ \ \ ^"^ \ \ \ \^ -"^"i \ \ \ \ V '^ \ \ \ N ^ ,\\ \ \.„ . ^\ ^ s \ \ \ \ \ ^ \\ s\> \ \ s ^ \^' A \ ' \\- V S\ \ \ \ \ k\ \^ A \\^ - \ \^ \ \ \ \\ \\ iv : \ \ \ \^ \ \. \^ ^> \"^ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^V Va \\ \ \, \ \^ v\ ^ ^ \\ \ \ \ n\ \\\x ^ c> \ N\x W \ s \ l, ^ ^ ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS — 1 r — — — / yy, '^ //\ w / // / A / 'S """ ^/, //// y y y / / ''^ 1 / .. /. /. ^ / ^/ /// / / / / / Y / -o ■ / ^/ / , '//// / / / / / / ~ " ~ •^ '/ / '/ A y/// V/ ' / / / '§ / /, ^ / / / /. VT}(/Y/y Y A / //A '/ / / / / / / / y z y/y V / / / // V/ / / / / // / ' / / / / / y y .y. y/. ^/y / / / / / / / / V ' / / / / A^ ii i 1 % 1 / ' / '/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / y / ' y / / / / — V/ // //, / / " / / / y / / — ^ > ~ , V/ / / / / / / , / / / / •^ 5 s"^ ' // // // /^ / / / / / / / / / — S \ _ /. A V // // // / / '' , / / / / / --• ^ . "/ ^ '/ / // // ■// V / / / z / y / / - ^ < //y ^ y. / ^/ Y^ // // / / / / / y / ■/ fi ~=S •" f V/y 7^ / / / '. ^/ 'A // / / / / / / / y , y / / ^ ^ 1 /It / / / / / / / y / / / '/ / / / / / / / / / / ./ /A / It / ^ / / X / / < / / > / / 1/ / / / / / / / / / / / / y /y / y / / / * / t.-l '^' z /::: / Y^ y/ / y , / ^ // y / / ' / •rg--i :^"; / / >c / / / / / / ' / / it § ■ 7' / z / ^ ,^' / / / . / / / / / / s -^ ■ z ' / / '\ / / , / / / / / / / . ' / ^ "^ / / / / / / x' / / y // / / / / / i s -^7- / / / / \ / / / // V / / / / / / / / < , / / / A / / < / / < / / / / y / / / c> ^ / / / / / / \ ^ / r~ / / / , \ / / / / / . ' / / / \ / / 'B - / / / V / / / / N / / / / /, w / / / / \ 0^ / /_ / / /, '/ / / > y / / / / / A V / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ / / / / / / / '' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \ v£ ^ rO ja(auiDiQ DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 25 li X = ixi log H and y= ti^ log d, there results a system of parallel lines for V + 1.25^ log 0.38- 1.86 log V = Q Figure 29 shows the completed diagram with /U2 = 1.25 and mi = 1-0. The normal bisects the angle between the axes and the scale on it is P = -^ (log 0.38 + 1.86 log V) If the line system for V is to be drawn, it is of course not necessary to draw the normal since the lines of the system cross the X axis in points determined by the scale p = log 0.38+ 1.86 log V upon eliminating log V between the two logarithmic equations there results 1.86 log Q = 1.86 log ^^^11^ + 4.97 log J + log H and since x = log H, y = 1.25 log d, the system of parallel straight lines for Q is ^ + iS ^ = 1-86 log Q - 1.86 log ^^ The necessary lines are added to Fig. 29 in Fig. 30. The angle for the system Q is 75° 53'. Example 16. — The velocity V with which a jet of steam issues from a turbine nozzle having a friction factor Y is V = 223.8 V(l - Y)(H, - H~i) where {Hi — Ho) is the "Heat drop" or number of V=J(2t Veloci+L) in f+.pcrsec wn O G> O o '^ O s s 5 ^ ^ S:S 5 s ^=^ ^ ^: 100 no no 130 140 ISO 160 ITO 180 190 200 210 220 230 140 2S0 260 TO 280 Z90 300 320 M 3M 330 400 H,-H2= Heat Drop, B.+.U. Diagram for Steam Jet Velocities, V = 223.8^(1 -Y) {Hi- Hi) Fig. 31. The discharge Q is equal to the velocity of flow multiplied by the cross-section of the stream. For a circular pipe of diameter d the discharge is id'-V It is possible to supplement the diagram of Fig. 29 by new lines which will give the discharge. The example illustrates a general method available for use when four variables occur in this way in two equations. Since log Q = log 0.7854 + 2 log J + log V and log H + 1.25 log d - log 0.38 - 1.86 log V = British thermal units of energy available. Figure 31 shows a diagram for this formula with the following analysis : log (ffi - Hi) + log (1 - F) h 2 log 223.8 - 2 log F = If « = Ml log (^1 - ^2) y = fj.2 log (1 - F) the parallel lines for V have as their equation HiX + Miv - MiM-2[2 log F - 2 log 223.8] = The normal is located from T, and sin V Ml" + M2" 26 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR E\GI\EERL\G FORMULAS 12 23, 24 25 2& 21 28 29 50 31 52 35 54 35 36 57 38 59 40 Fig. 32. ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 27 §2^S^S ^ ;:^ ^ S g--^- ' ^ oo ^s> ^ \ \ N^ ^ \ \^ n\ ^ .N \ \^ A^ ^ \ \ ,N \ \^ A\ \ ^1^ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ w \ \ \ \' n\ \\ w \ \ \ \ \" A \\ \\^ ,\ — ^ s \ \^ n\ \- n\' n\\ A^ k «N4 \ ^ \^ A \^ n\^ n\\ \^A ci \ s\ \ \ \^ A^ A\ AN ^ "^I \ \ \ \^ A^ \V^n\ \> \ ..^ \ \ ' n\ \\ ^- \\ \\ \- \ ^ g. \ N^ A \^ ^%^ x\ W \^ S \^ \ \' l\ \ \'^j n\^ A \\ \\ \ ^ N' \ N^ A \^ ;::^N nW \^ s\^ n\ \ \ \ N^ \ s^ \ \<-\^ A\ \^ A^ A \ \ \ \ ^ \ \ s\ \ >- ^ \> \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \^ _ \. >A ^s\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \^ \ \ \ N^ \ _ P3^: s\ W W^ n\ W \^ \ \^ x\ \^ \ "^c s\ W \\^ A W \^ \ \ \ \ A \^ Oa - \j A \\ x\^ A \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ ^ " \' x\- n\\ \^ s\^ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \^ \ U^ s\\ \^ s\^ A \ \ \ ' n\ w "^ -=1- •\^ A\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \' A \-^ \\^ \ s> \\ \\ \\ \^ \ \ \ v^\ ,\' x<>; n\\ \ - s '^^W x\ \\ \^ "^ \ V ^ \ \^ >y ^ s\\ \\ >^ !o i\^ n\ \\ \^ \ \ \ \.^ P^A A\ \\\ ^^ V^ .\ \\ n\ \ \ \ \ X^\^ \ \ \\\N - c^ -s ^X^ s\^ s\ \ \ \ \^ sAW \\ \\\\ p- .V s\ \ k \ \^ .^A\ W^ x\\\ A^ A \ \ \ \^ V N^o \\N AW vii k -^A ,\ \ \, \ s> ^^ s\^ n\^ \\\ i-n e A^ s s \ s A" <^^ A^ A\ \\\ - 1 — 1 <. P N \ \ \ \<^ \\ \\ \\\^ \ \ \ ^^\ W \\ WW H^ \ \ ^c;^n\ w W^ n\W -Si '^"^ s\ \\ \\^ AW ^ t. k^ A \\ n\\ \W ^^^ a: A^ xW W\^ ^ ^ \^ s\^ A\ \\\> -- ^ \ A^ \\ \w^ t \\ W WW "^ r \ \\ \\W - ^ 45 w^ v\W \^ s\\\ \ w\^ C^ \w^ ^ ^ w^ _0O ;^ \^ ° ^ \ - :i cO c DC Ov s>^ i- c- -4 C ^ - o ^ o c ^ - \ ^ > o Ov. S;^ t c; « c >. o: 3 ^ > -c h^ saLjOUi's3-ii/^ j-O 6uipDd(^ DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS and the scale on it is M1M2 + Al2 ^ [2 log F - 2 log 223.8] The origin is not shown on the diagram. Example 17. — An empirical formula giving the number of pounds of wind resistance R in an automo- bile offering a square feet of wind resisting area at 5 miles per hour is R = 0.003a52 Passing to logarithms log a + 2 log S + log 0.003 - log i? = If X = til log a y = y-i log R then Ml M2 the scale on the normal is + 2 log 5 + log 0.003 = P = , V — :, [2 log S + log 0.003] V Ml" + M2" The diagram is shown in Fig. 32. Example 18. — In Fig. 33 is shown a diagram includ- ing parallel straight lines, for the Equation £ = 0.232 log ^^ which gives the inductive voltage E per ampere per mile of double wire for alternating currents, where r is the radius of the wire and d is the spacing, both in inches. As the size of the wire is usually expressed by the gauge the latter was used in constructing the diagram. To correct E for various frequencies the constant must be varied; the present diagram is drawn for both 25 and 60 cycles. It is not necessary to pass to logarithms in order to bring this equation into a form similar to type Equation (6) 0;|2 = logJ-log0.78r = " "^ = '^'0232 y = U2 log d and ^ + log 0.78 r = the third system is /*1 A*2 10. Hexagonal Diagrams. — For Equation (6) above, the resulting equation for the lines of the variable 23 may be given a special form by setting mi = M2 when the range of the values of Zi and z^ permits. The scale factor for the Z3 scale on the normal reduces 1 1 then to ~~7^. The factor ~7^ may be dispensed with by choosing the axes for the Zi and 22 scales at an angle of 120° and establishing the Zg scale on the bisector of this angle. It can be proved from Fig. 34 that if from any point P perpendiculars are drawn to three scales there shown the following geometric relation holds OMi + OMi = OM3 This relation is easily seen by observing that in Fig. 35, AMi = M^B so that 20M^ = OA-\-OB, but OA = 2OM1 and OB = 20Mi, whence the relation above Fig. 35. If now OMi = m/i OM2 = m/2 OM3 = m/3 it follows always that /l+/2=/3 for the values of 2 found at the corresponding points Ml, M2, M3. This form of diagram is called the hexagonal form from the fact that the lines involved are the diagonals of a hexagon. Example 19. — The formula of Example 15 71.86 H may be readily represented by a hexagonal diagram if written (log H - log 0.38) + 1.25 log d= 1.86 log V Figure 36 shows the completed diagram. While the scale factors of all three scales must be the same, the coefficients 1.00, 1.25, and 1.86 determine the unit length of the scales. The constant log 0.38 in the H ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 29 30 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS function shows that the logarithmic scale for H must be moved to the left until 0.38 is at the origin. The hexagonal diagram may be supplied with a suflScient number of scales to solve equations of the form /1+/2+/3+ . . . +f„ = (7) Write the equivalent system //0+/3 = //I /r„-3+/„- /n On a suitably inscribed diagram enter with 21 and 22 and obtain a temporary point M on a blank scale. Then from the point where the z^ perpendicular cuts fitf^-,f^*f^*fs'0 the perpendicular from M drop a perpendicular to locate N and proceed in this way until s„ is reached. The arrangement of scales for n = 5 is shown in Fig. 37. Another treatment of Equation (7) will be found in Article 21 of Chapter V. Problem 1. — The illustrative examples of this chapter (5 to 18 inclusive) may in most cases be represented by diagrams of types other than those used. Investigate all feasible tjqjes for each formula given. Problem 2. — The volume V of the frustrum of a cone of height h is V = j^h[D' + Dd + d'] where D and d are the diameters of the bases. Using D and d as si and 33 show how the system of curves V for S3 = -, may become a family of concentric circles and construct the diagram. Problem 3. — Boussinesq's appro.ximate formula for the perimeter of an ellipse L with semi-axes a and b is L = ^[%(a + 6)- y/^b\ Show that with a and b as 21 and =2 the curves for zz = L may become circles tangent to both coordinate axes if a suitable angle is chosen for YOX. Problem 4. — Draw all feasible diagrams for ^ = e'^ Ti the ratio of belt or rope tensions Ti and T^ for a coefficient of friction / and an angle of wrap d. Problem 5. — Determine the corresponding formula when a set of observations of two variables result in a parabola symmetrical to the Y axis when plotted on logarithmic cross-section paper. Problem 6. — Construct a diagram for the cubic equation z' + pz -\- q = similar to that of Example 7, page 13, with regular scales for p and q on the axes. Problem 7. — The capacity of a silo is given by K. J. T. Eckblaw as d' /h^- \20 C = 2M 256 V20 where C is the capacity in tons, h the height in feet and d the diameter in feet. (a) Construct a diagram using parallel straight line systems. (b) Construct a diagram using a radial straight line system. Problem 8. — F. W. Taylor gives the expression for the pressure upon a cutting tool when cutting cast iron p = cd'^'' F^' where P is in pounds, D is the depth of cut in inches and F is the feed in inches. The quantity C is taken as 45,000 for soft cast iron up to 69,000 for hard cast iron. Con- struct a convenient diagram. Problem 9.— The expression P„ = 3.463Pi(i?-" - 1) is used in determining the mean effective pressure P„, when air is compressed from an initial absolute pressure Pi pounds per square inch and R is the ratio of the final to the initial pressure. Devise a diagram with parallel straight lines. Problem 10. — In problems involving compound interest the expression i? = (1 + >■)" is the basis of all such com- putations. Devise a useful diagram for this expression. Problem 11. — Devise and construct a convenient diagram which may be used to determine the correct revolutions per minute for pieces of work of various diameters (in inches) when certain cutting speeds (in feet per minute) are desired in various rotary machines. Problem 12. — Look up the formula by Grashof for the flow of air through orifices and construct a diagram for use only within the limits for which the formula is applicable. Problem 13. — Construct a diagram for the two formulas of Example 15 using ordinary logarithmic cross-section paper with equal scale factors on the axes. Plot H on OX and Q on OY. ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 31 d- DIamc+er o-f Sha-f-f in inches T 6 5 20 ^0 40 SO inches /L - Overhangs Disiance befweencenierofbearinc^ and cenfer of crank pin. -10 t-30 Diagram for equaiibn c(= iJs.f F(L -i-yL^+R ^) ^^ Diameter of Shaff for Combined Bending and Tw/siihg Place poinh of dividers on values of L and R. Wifti L as center swing arc to fioHzonta I axis j project verticallg to value ofFj horiiontallu to value off^) verficallg to "d" ttie required diameter of shaft. FiQ. 37a. 32 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Diagram giving safe unif stress ibr PLATE GIRDER WEBS WITHOUT STIFFEMERS From Coopers formula S= — ^?- 3000f ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS 33 34 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Problem 15. — Construct a diagram for the expression H = 0.0274F2 + 0.0141Z,Fi" Problem 14. — Construct a diagram for the formula X = 2^/(80 + 741. Hog 7)10-"^ which gives the inductive reactance x in ohms of a trans- for the friction loss H in condenser tubes L feet long when mission line when D is the spacing of the wires in feet, r is the water velocity is V feet per second through the tubes, the radius of the wire in inches and / the frequency. L is in feet of water head. Take / as 60 cycles or some desired frequency and include Problem 16. — Analyze the methods of construction a scale for wire sizes in connection with the r scale. used in Figs. 37a, d7b, 37c and 37d. 500 1 , B q ?000 -i ^ciluesofT 1 1.1 53. ' + 7,600° KkIO^ *\ ■^ 1 M M M ^ \^ ^ Diaaram frrequalion "i-AT^'e^T RicharJsons Equation for Thirm ionic Current from Heated Metals in Vacua 1 = Current,amperes cm'? T= Absolute Temperature For pure tvio, b^S:36*IO''- .. .. W, b^-SSS.IO* " " Mo. ^=1.1*10^ ... „ W. h = 22>cio-' — ^-s \j b-'^i^ ^ ^ '"■v^ "^ ^'^ -^ \ ^ ^ ^-v. ^ /- ^ V:^ "^ ^ ^ ^ ^"^ > > ^ ^ > foo;: l§> A-J ^ \ >^ > >^ >< y > > r ^ ^ \. >> ^ V-, xr ^ ^ y \ 1-ff>" ^ \ > ^\ ^ y ^ ^ > \ \ \ \ ^ < y :> K < X y >< ^ \ \ ^ \ \ ^ n/ y >< ■>^ / > ^ ■\ "^ ^^ -^ ^ i / >^ ^ y y c -^ \ ^ •^ \ -^ A^- / / '/ / / V- -^ ^ ■\ ■\ ^ ^ >, ~ ^ ^ \ i ^ y / 7^ -y y ^ ^ •^ \ ^ r^ ~ ?^-~^ / / 7^ / \ "\ \ \ ^y C^ k ^--^ ^ -^ / / \ ^ ^ \ " ^-^ / "-^cv f^ / / -r- From value of T project donn fo value ofb, ihenhorizonfallj/ io value of A, then down ^ ^ \ ^ '} \ 'Os "^-e r-" ^ / / "- ^ ^ \ /; ^ ^ / ^ ■^-■ ^ ^. ^ / 1 1 '2 Amperes per cm r -^ — liiijiifiilii J 1 — 'tttt T*r+- r+n- -mT T+T+ U-J TTTT Ur+ 't+T AH 1 p^%iii,i,i, ^T-TT- i> L T+T+ w 1^ A'tZ'lo' A'lUlO^ iOlO . 1.00 » 05 0.? 0.2 +0.S Values of I Fig. yrii. CHAPTER III ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLINEAR NOMOGRAMS* 11. General Tjrpe of Eqixation and Method of Treat- ment.^ — There will be considered in this chapter a great class of formulas which may be written in the determinant form h Si 1 h g2 1 /a g3 1 (8) in which /i and gi are functions of Zi, f2 and g2 func- tions of 22, etc. Such knowledge of the elementary properties of determinants of the third order as may be gained from the reading of Appendix A will be assumed. A distinguishing characteristic of the determinant of Equation (8) is the presence of the same variable in the elements of each row. There are many prac- tical formulas which may be reduced to this form and their diagrammatic representation is of much value. Such formulas lead to a new form of diagram which will be called the alignment diagram because its key is the alignment of three points. It is proved in analytic geometry that if three points Pi, Pi, Ps with the coordinates (xiyi), (xiyi), (xzys), respectively, lie on a straight line (are collinear) the coordinates satisfy the relation yi 1 yi 1 ya 1 Xiy2 + Xiys + xzyi — Xzyi — Xtyx — ^iV3 = which expresses the fact that the point P^ixiy-^ lies on the line joining the points P\{x\y^ and P-iixiy-^ and whose equation is ^ yt - yi Xi - Xx The problem is then to establish a relation between the variables Zi, z-i, Zz of Equation (8) and the position of three corresponding and inscribed variable points in the plane such that whenever three values of z are solutions of Equation (8) there shall correspond three such points in a straight line. When this relation is established, a straight edge applied through two points ' Appendix A should be read before this chapter. marked with known values of z.- Zj must pass through one or more points marked with the value of z* which satisfies Equation (8). This problem is most easily solved by using the parametric form of the equations of plane curves where z is the parameter. The equations X = /(z) g(2) are the parametric equations of a plane curve C. For every value of the parameter z they determine a point P on that curve. Three such sets of equations will likewise determine three curves and the forms of the curves will depend on the nature of the functions / and g. Three sets of such parametric functions may always be determined directly from Equation (8). If the three pairs of equations Xl =/l X2 = fi Xs = Ji yi = gi 3'2 = g2 yz = g3 are formed, using the elements of the determinant of Equation (8) in the order shown, they may be con- sidered as the parametric equations of three plane curves Ci, C2, C3. These equations will be called the defining equations. When the curves are plotted, points are inscribed with corresponding values of z and thus three curved function scales are obtained. There is then established a direct correspondence be- tween values of z and points P on the plane curves C. 36 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR EXGIXEERIXG FORMULAS (See Fig. 38.) It is seen therefore that if Xiyi{i = 1, 2, 3) in the equation a:i yi 1 X^ y-i 1 Xi 3-3 1 are the coordinates of the points of the curves defined by the three pairs of equations above, then Equation (8) is always satisfied by values of Z\, Zi, 23, which determine coUinear points. When an engineering formula or equation in three variables is given for which a diagram is desired, the first step is to write it in the determinant form. Equation (8) is the general type equation in three variables for which corresponds a collinear nomogram. Usually, however, an equation or formula does not present itself in a determinant form nor especially in this rather simple determinant form. Since it is always necessary to establish the defining equations before constructing a diagram it is very desirable to become familiar with the necessary determinant nota- tion at once. Equation (8) with all the elements of the last column unity is called the reduced determinant form. It is almost always necessary to establish a first determinant form for any given equation and then transform it by the laws of determinants into the desired form above. There is no general method by which any equation of the form /(21Z223) = may be given a first determinant form and in fact not all equations in three variables may be written in that determinant form. Special cases of Equation (8) have been studied and the necessary and sufi&cient conditions developed for identifying a given equation with them. The work involves partial differentiation and is not usually needed in practice.' 12. Diagrams with Three Parallel Straight Scales. In the expanded form of Equation (8) which is fig2 + figs + figi ~ figi - fzgi - flg3 = (9) should ane or more of the functions / or g reduce to a constant and especially to zero the equation becomes much simplified. For example, the equation /l+/2+/3 = (6) previously discussed in Chapter II, Article 9, results if gi = -1, g2 = 1, gs = 0, and /a = - g > Clark, J., TWorie Gfn^rale des Abaques d'Alignment de toute Ordre, Rivue de Micanique, 1907, No. 39. Also d'Ocagne, Nos. 152- 153, Traits de Nomographie. A correspond (6) is ng first determinant form of Equation /: -1 1 1 h 1 1 1 = Although this is a reduced form of the equation, in the sense defined above, it is usual to write this equa- tion in the form resulting from an interchange of the first two columns thus -1 /l 1 1 fi 1 0-§ . = (10) The defining equations^ of the three corresponding scales are ^=-1 y=f. x= \ y=fi x= y=-^i and the scales are consequently graduated -on three equidistant parallel lines. This is perhaps the sim- plest form of collinear nomogram or diagram of alignment. Example 20. — By the method of "end areas" the volume of earthwork per station on railway and high- way construction is given by the formula KV = {p, + Pi) where V = volume in cubic yards, A' = a constant depending on the length of sec- tion and scale, pi and p2 are average planimeter readings in square inches from the cross-section drawings. Comparing this formula with Equations (6) and (10) it is seen that the necessary defining equations are -1 y = pi 1 y = pi KV The diagram (for the scale of cross-sections 4 feet = 1 inch) may be constructed with the vertical unit one- tenth of an inch and the horizontal unit 5 inches. If desired the scales may be broken and repeated to avoid unduly enlarging the diagram. See Fig. 39. It usually happens that for the range of values of the variables involved in the Equation (6) it is neces- ' Henceforth it will be sufficiently clear that three curves are under consideration without using subscripts to distinguish the coordinates of their respective points. ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLI NEAR NOMOGRAMS IT- 1000 950 8 — 7.11 -100 E-iso -II ^ 37 Fig. 39.-Diagram for KV = [p, + p.) V = Volume of Earthwork, cu. yds. p, and p, = Average Planimeter Readings, sq. in 38 DESIGX OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS sary to introduce scale factors and sometimes it is desirable to establish the scales at unequal distances. Suppose that it is desired to introduce the scale factors ixi and Hi on the parallel scales for Si and s-> and to estabUsh these scales at distances 5i and 5.. from the Y axis. It is then necessary to determine how the third scale shall be graduated. The new defining equations for the first two scales would necessarily be written X = -&i y = Hifi X = Si y = fi-f- and it may be assumed temporarily that the third scale equations will have the form X = F3 y = G3 where 7^3 and G3 are to be functions of /s and involve the new constants. To determine F3 and G3 so that points originally corresponding to any set of solutions of Equation (6) shall remain collinear in the changed diagram it is necessary that the equation - 5 f^ifi 1 62 M=/2 1 F3 G3 1 shall be satisfied by virtue of Equation (6). Upon expanding this equation and substituting the value of /i from equation (6) there results {t^i52 - Mi^3)(/2 +/3) - {F3 + 5OM2/2 + (6i + 52)G3 = Since this equation must hold for any values of the independent variables S2 and S3, then the coefficient of /2 and the term not involving /« must vanish identi- cally, that is ;il52 — Ml^3 "~ M2^1 ~ ^2^3 = and G3(5i + §2) + (mi52 - miFs)^ = _ 5i/X2 — S-y/Xi r, — — ^'^'--^^ Ml + V-1 whence G3 + M2 and the defining equations of the third scale are _ hiy.\ — Sifi2 _ _ ft 11^2 f 3 Ml + AI2 All + M2 It is seen that when (§2^1 — Si/i2) = 0, the new scale will remain on the Y axis and the constants may usually be so chosen that this is true. It is to be observed also that the scale factor of the third scale is independent of 61 and 52- Frequently 5i and &2 may be chosen equal in which case /xi and fj.2 must also be equal if the third scale is to remain on the Y axis; that is to say if the three scales are to be at equal /UlM2 distances. The quantity - + M2 may be called the As a check on the work the values of F3 and G3 above determined may be substituted in the last determinant equation with the result -Si /Xl/l 1 62 /.2^2 1 52M1 — S1JX2 —1x1112/3 J MlMi C ^l + ^2) Ml + M2 [/. + /2+/3]=0 Ml + ^2 Ml + M2 It is well to point out here that the effect of the introduction of the above scale factors and the change of moduli is to apply a projective transformation^ (see Appendix B) to the original geometric configuration. A projective transformation when applied to all the variable elements of the first two columns of such a third order (reduced) determinant has the effect of manipulating the elements of the determinant by the laws of determinants and the net 'result is always merely to multiply it by a constant. In the present case the constant is _ MlM2(5i + S2) Ml + M2 To understand how the above theory of the scale factors is applied, the formula for volume by "end areas" of Example 20 may be resumed. The use of a horizontal unit of 5 inches and a vertical unit of one- tenth of an inch was equivalent to the introduction of the values 5i = So = 5, Ml = M2 = ^io in order to change the defining equations for the dia- gram to -5 x = 5 x = Pi y=ro P2 KV y=^ It is to be observed strictly that in all the equations above /s is the value appearing in Equation (6). By using a logarithmic transformation any equation of the form Z{' = KZ2W (11) (a, /3 and y = constants) maybe written in the form of equation (6) thus a log zi - fi log S2 - 7 log S3 - log A' = The corresponding diagram has three parallel loga- rithmic scales defined by the equations X = —I y = a log Si X = 1 y = /3 log S2 x= y = -J^(7logs3 -H log A') ' The projective transformation has the equations (miSz 4- M2ii)» -I- {f^i&2 .«.) scale factor /is of the third parallel scale. (in - tit)x + (mi -t- 2MiM2y - /X2)X + U, -I- M2) ■M2) ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLINEAR NOMOGRAMS 39 The following equation z'z-z^Zi'' = constant (12) may be similarly treated. The logarithm of the con- stant can of course be associated with any one of the variables desired for convenience in constructing and using the diagram. Example 21. — An illustration of Equation (11) is afforded by the formula for the volume of a torus or ring of circular cross-section V = 2AQ74:Dd^ Taking logarithms of both sides of this equation it may be written 2\ogd + log D - log F -I- log 2.4674 = A corresponding reduced determinant form is therefore -1 • 2 1og^ 1 1 log Z? 1 log 2.4674 - log V 2 1 so that the three scales, when no scale factors are used, are defined as follows: x= -1 y = 2\ogd x= 1 x= Iog2.4674-logF If the same limiting values are chosen for d and D it is seen that the scale for d will be twice as long as that for D. In order to have these scales of the same length and covering the same range of values and so arranged that both may be read with equal accuracy, choose Ml = 1 ^2 = 2 For convenience let {tnh — fii^i) = so that 82 = 2S1 and the scale factor for the V scale will be MlA'2 2 M3 = X ^ ■? Ml + W o The constant term log 2.4674 in the V function simply determines the initial point of the logarithmic scale for V, (see Fig. 40) , for which the equations are x = 0, y = M[log V - log 2.4674] It frequently happens that two parallel scales will extend in opposite directions from the X axis and whenever this is so a displacement of the scales along their supports is desirable in order to dispose them to better advantage on the sheet. In the following example the K and R scales are started from a line making an angle of 45° with the X axis at the initial point of the A scale while the original distance between the scales is preserved. Geometrically this is the effect of carrying out upon the original diagram a projective transformation whose equations are xi = X yi = X + y + 1 and consequently alignment is preserved. Example 22. — The area of a segment of a circle of radius R and height H is given by the exact formula H H- A = RH arc vers =- - — (R - E) Since H appears always divided by R, write -^ = then A = R'[aTc vers A" - V2K - K-{1 - K)] and passing to logarithms log yl = 2 log R + log [arc vers A' - V2K - h so that the reduced determinant form is -1 log^ ■2 log 7? (1 - A)] Yi log[arc vers A -^2K - ^=(1 - K)] Figure -41 shows the diagram for this formula con- structed with unit scale factors. When A' = 1 and when A = 2 the corresponding areas are respectively semi-circles and circles. In most practical examples the displacement of a scale whose graduations increase in a downward direction from the X axis is best effected as in this example by simply starting it from a point above the X axis on a 45° line through the origin. Example 23. — Figure 42 shows a diagram for the formula P = CF^D'^' which is given by F. W. Taylor' for the pressure on a tool when cutting cast iron, where F = feed in inches, P = pressure in pounds, C = 45,000 for soft cast iron, C = 69,000 for hard cast iron, D = depth of cut in inches. Passing to logarithms, the formula becomes H log F + ms log D = logP- log C and the scales are defined by the equations X = 1 >' = ^•^ log F a; = — 1 y = ^Hs log D x= y = Viilog P - log C] The constant C is associated with the P scale in order that its extreme values given above may be used in placing the graduations on the P scale. The diagram thus gives the maximum and minimum values of P for any D and F. Example 24. — In correcting a barometer reading at a temperature /i to a temperature / for which the barometer is calibrated the correct reading in English units would be h = //,[1 - 0.000101(/i - t)] » Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. 28. 40 10- 9-1 8 7- 64 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS r3000 2000 1000 E-900 800 100 hWO 500 -400 -300 200 150 2- O 100 •90 80 •TO GO 50 •40 [-10 r20 1-10 9 8 7 ■G ■5 ■4 E-5 Diagram for fhe Volume of a Torus V-2.4G74d^D ' rlO 9 8 -T ^5 -2 !-• 100 ■ ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLI NEAR NOMOGRAMS 41 D/'agram for fhe ExacfArea of a Ci'rcu/ar Sepmenf A = fi^[arc vers^~ IIMB(R.ff)] r-I.O 1-1 G 4^ nor o -2.0 • 1.5 ■ 1.25 -1.0 ■0.9 •0.8 hoi ■CG ■0.5 ■0.4 1-O.J -0.2 -I.S -2.0 D -3.0 1.0-1 0.9- 0.8- 0.7- 0.&- 0.5- 0.4- • 0.1 F-4.0 -5.0 -&.0 t-7.0 -8.0 9.0 42 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS l.(W-1.0 .90 54 -V« .35- -»/.. 05 5 ^ -"/„ ■S -v„ S-: -"/„ o _ 5 - -Vm p. o — Q J -"/„ JB^ -4 I -'Vm T -V,» .20- -"/„ .19- -v.. 10.000- 9000- 8000- 7000- -§-10.000 9000 7000 6000 p ; r n o a u s 2000- - 3000 1 5 1 1 "S 1500- M w - J3 :S 1 2000 '% & . 1 ; • h i 1000- - 1500 a g 90O- - o 1 800- - \ Fig. 42.— Diagram for P= CF^ T^K ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLI NEAR NOMOGRAMS 43 where hi is the observed height. The correction there- fore is E = h\ O.OOOIOIA/] or, passing to logarithms, log E - log 0.000101 = log hi + log M If X = -bi y = ixi\og hi X — h y = fi-i log A/ it would be desirable to apply the methods of Article 4 to determine the scale factors /Ji and ;ii2 in order to extend the scale resulting from the short range of numbers for hi. If the hi and At scales are each to be 10 inches long and the following limits chosen: hi from 26 to 31 inches of Mercury A^ from 1 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, then Ml = 130 and ^2 = 5.42 Taking (/ii52 — fi2&i) = as before, there results 6, _ Ml _ 130 24 6o ~ M2 ~ 5.42 ~ 1 and for m3 5.19 Ml + M2 The defining equations then are x= -24 y = 130 log /fi X = 1 y = 5.42 log At x= y = 5.19 [log £- log 0.000101] and the diagram appears in Fig. 43. Example 25. — A modification by Grashof of Napier's Rule for the flow of steam through an orifice is some- times used for steam nozzles in the following form „ P'-"Ao ^ ~ 60 where F = flow of steam in pounds per second, P = absolute initial pressure in pounds per square inch, A = area at throat in square inches. If T/ritten in the logarithmic form, then log F + log 60 = 0.97 log P + log ^0 In order to use the same units for the F and the ^o scales let ^'"~ = nn7 Ml = 1 0.97 then if ^2 _ M2 _ _1_ 6i " Ml ~ 0.9 the three scales are X = 0.97 x= -I x= See Fig. 44. 1 1.97 0.508 y = logylo y = log P y = 0.508[log F + log 60] Example 26. — The Royal Automobile Club (Eng- land) automobile engine rating gives the rated horse- power, HP, of N cylinders of bore D inches and stroke 5 inches as D'-NS 12 HP or m + log 12 = 2 log Z) + In order to read the D and 5 scales on a diagram with equal ease, let X = —di y = Ml 2 log Z> X = &2 y = M2 log 5 HP log N log 12 if Ml = K, M2 = 1 then ms = M- See Fig. 45. It is to be observed that when it is desirable to displace one or more of the parallel scales in a diagram it is not necessary to start the downward scales from a Une making 45° with the X axis but any angle a whatever may be used. The equivalent projective transformation in the case of a diagram with scales originally at distances Si, 5o from the Y axis would have the equations Xi = X yi — {x -\- 5i) tan a -\- y Equations of four variables of the form /l+/2+/3+/4 = (13) may be represented by parallel scale diagrams and will be discussed in Chapter IV together with the more general type /1+/2+/3+/4+ . . . +/„ = 13. Diagrams with Straight Scales and Two Only Parallel. — It is easily seen that the equations x = y = gi x=\ y= go x=fz y = where gi, gi, fs are functions of Zi, Zi, Zi respectively, would define a diagram in which there would be two parallel scales and a third straight scale perpendicular to them. What is the corresponding equation in three variables for which such a diagram would be useful? Before deciding this question it is well to state that all equations or formulas are subject to a great variety of algebraic and other transformations: clearing of fractions, factoring, removal of radicals, separation or combination of constants, etc., which all tend to change the appearance of any given equation. An equation corresponding to the particular type ■ of coUinear nomogram or diagram of alignment to be discussed is not diflacult to establish for it is only DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS 31.0- 0.2190-1 ^10 0.?000— I I ,^ 50 ^40 30.0 — ^ ?9.0 2S.0- 27.0 2G.0— 1 Diagram for Correcfing Readings of Mercury Baromehsrs from formula h=h,[l- 0. 000 1 01 (i, - ffj h- Correcied heighi of column h, = Observed heic/hf of column fj = Observed iemperafure "f - Calihrafion iemperalure - - ' -OTiobo 0.0800- 0.0600^ ? 0.0400- 0.0200- 0.0100- 50— 0.0060— 0.0040-5 0.0050-^ 0.002G— —30 ■20 -10[| •9 1/5 ■5 —4 —3 -7 ^ 6- L, 50- 4-0 4 30 20- 10- 7 — 5-= 0.5- ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLI NEAR NOMOGRAMS 500- 200- 150- 100; GO- 50- 40- 50 20- 10^ I 7 there result the 2.5 sin 2a 54 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS R ..H V \ fi>= 70O5«L --?7''30_ \ \ \ \. Fig. 50.— Diagram for the Stadia Formulas F = /?-/? sin' a + cos a and K ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLINEAR NOMOGRAMS 55 The values of a are graduated on a quartic curve. The diagram is combined with the diagram for the horizontal distance worked out above as the two quantities H and V are always computed together. The reader will readily see that the same transforma- tion was necessarily applied to both parts of the diagram to improve the arrangement of the values of the vertical angle. Figure 50 shows the combined diagram. It is not of course necessary that the two straight scales be parallel when there is but one curved scale. Below is given an example where the two straight scales are graduated on the axes of coordinates. Example 33. — The formula for the mean hydrauhc radius of trapezoidal sections of canals may be written li(b + h cot 4>) ^ = b + 2//V1 + cot- Where R = mean hydraulic radius h = depth of water b — width of canal bottom = angle which the side slope makes with the horizontal. Write ^ = equation is and li and a final determinant K 1 1 tan y = — tan The values of the angle are graduated on an equilateral hyperbola crossing the X axis at a; = — H ■ The diagram is shown in Fig. 51. When h is given there is of course not much disadvan- tage in computing R from the value of -r • If it were required to use scale factors to establish a diagram for this equation above which has actually the form g, 1 /o 1=0 (22) h g3 1 or expanded, the form gl/3+/2g3-/2gl = (23) then the projective transformations developed in treating Equation (18) are available. The equations were (m2 — lil)x -\- Ml >'l (21) (mi — Ml)^+ Ml Then the new defining equations corresponding to Equation (22) would be (M2 5M2/2 - Atl)/2 + 5M2/3 (M2 l)/3 + MlM2g3 0/3 + Ml Another simple reduced determinant equation for which there are two parallel straight scales and a curved scale is -1 «i 1 I 1 g2 1 1=0 (24) I /a g3 1 I The expanded form of this equation is (gi + g2) - hig. - g.) - 2g3 = (25) The defining equations for the curved scale will undergo a change should scale factors be introduced in the equations of the straight scales. Suppose that it is desired to have the two parallel scales at equal distances 8 from the Y axis and to use the scale factors Ml and m2 respectively. The first defining equations as before have the form X = -8 y = Migi X = 8 y = H2g2 and the third defining equations must be assumed to have the form X = F3 y = Gi where Fz and d are to be functions of /s and gz alone and will involve the constants 5, mi and m2. The reduced determinant form of the equation will then become I -5 • Migi 1 ! I 5 M2g2 11 = \ Fz Gz 1 I and upon expanding there results 5(Migi + M2g2) - Fzijiigi - H2g'i) - 26G3 = But from Equation (25) g2 - 2gz + fzg2 which substituted in the equation above yields g2 5m2+5m I+/3 I+/3 8lJ.lg3 — Fzfllgz fz-l ^=J = ^ and this equation must be true for every value of ga. 56 DESIGX OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Diagram for the 'ean Ht/draulic Radius of Trapezoidal Canals ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLI NEAR NOMOGRAMS 57 Therefore the coefficient of gi and the term not involving gi must vanish identically, that is b (mi + M2)/3 + (mi - M2) (m: - M2)/3 + (mi + M2) 2miM2^3 (mi — M2)/3 + (mi + M2) and the changed form of the equations of the curved scale of the diagram become (ah + ix-2)fi + (mi — M2) M2)/; 2MiM2g; + (mi + M2) (26) (mi — M2)/3 + iP\ + M2) The above equations are very important for the construction of diagrams discussed in the succeeding sections of this book. They are the result of the appli- cation of the projective transformation ^ (mi + tii)x + (mi — M2) M2)-V + 2miM2}' (m, + M2) (27) '' (mi - M2)X + (mi + M2) to the points of the figure as originally defined. It is seldom that the functions in an engineering formula similar to Equation (8) are of such general form that more than one curved scale results in the diagram and indeed no rule can be given for the introduction of scale factors when the defining equa- tions are of the most general form. It is impossible for example to introduce different pairs of values of 8 and m in the first two defining equations for if no restriction were placed on the nature of the functions /ii /a, ^1, §2, the first two curves originally defined might intersect in one or more points and to use the scale factors 5i and mi; and §2 and m2 would generally demand that the same points of intersection of the curves supporting the two original scales must move in different directions at the same time and take new positions. It is necessary, consequently, to leave to the reader the introduction of desirable scale factors in those cases of Equation (8) not already treated. It will be necessary to take advantage of the particular form of the individual equation in hand and to use the general methods here developed. A thorough under- standing of the use of the projective transformation which is developed in Appendi.x B is very helpful. 15. Diagrams of Alignment with One FixedPoint. — Equation (16) of Article 13 may be written J\ - M'2 = (28) and given the determinant form /l g'2 1 I /3 1 1=0 (29) 1 Then the three pairs of equations = 1 = define respectively: All the points of the plane, all the points of the line y = 1 (a straight function scale), and the origin. A diagram may be designed on suitable cross-section paper with abscissas as values of /i and ordinates as values of g^ and inscribed with corresponding values of the variables Si and 22, and with a scale of the function /s on the line y = 1 . Then the values of 2 which constitute a solution of Equation (29) are collinear. Since the index always passes through the origin it may be scratched on a piece of celluloid pivoted at that point. Example 34. — The formula of Francis q = 3.33S^^ yields a diagram of the above type and the defining equations are conveniently: 10 3.335* See Fig. 52. Whenever the functions/i and g^ are linear functions of the variables 21 and 22 respectively ordinary cross- section paper may be used quickly to establish the desired diagram. It is of course optional which function /s or go is used in the first row of the determinant. By using logarithmic cross-section paper, equations of the form /. - g^' = may readily be solved for a limited range of the vari- ables involved to almost any desired degree of accuracy. Passing to logarithms log/, - 23 logg2 = and with the defining equations from the determinant of Equation (29) there results log/i 23 y = log g2 y= 1 v= There is an ordinary scale on the line y = 1 and the logarithmic cross-section paper is inscribed with values of Z\ and 22. Example 35. — Frequently in thermodynamics the equation PV" = C 58 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS - . :,_ _r 1 ' _ n ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |g 1 1 ^ 1 1 T 1 — ; 1 1 : j ' o 1 ! ! ' ! 1 i !' ' 1 o'«- .Ml ' ' ^ -L . ' " ± ' \ i o \ 1 ' j 1 \ i 1 ' 1 ^- : 1 ~r !£ i 1 M -t-^ ^ ' ' ■ T 1 1 ! ' \ ! 1 ' I ! \ i ' ' ! S-i I 1 : . 1 , I S ' 1 \ f 1 1 1 4- -u _L -V ! 1 JL _T^ I •, 1 s 1 \: _1_ 1 ^| 1 ^ =t" - - ' _ 1 X i + T~ " V " ' I ^ i i o X it o 1 X: "^ o V " "h - ^ - s-i- Jl 1 \ ! X \ 1 a \ \ X" ° T 0'1~ ^ _ - t so 3^ - "X 0- — ±___:: :±: : :: :" :: ':: :::: :::x:: liSo ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLINEAR NOMOGRAMS 59 ^S*."?'.H( :>l^ SS «? r- vs IT) O o a c. ^ ; P>^7-/l, ^ // ///. 1/1/ t»S 05 // //^/u t" OO //A /// / / '//// 77 / / / // {//\ 1 "* _ . // /7// / / -- /// /VV. /y// ^.///. ^ / ///^/^ <^/// 1 '///// z/;^ f//// / M//// '/// I/M//// y my / 7 o 4 c./ 12 . §-- 7 5 -- / / v*. -- ^P IT) /^ Ym o ///^ /, f/f/i ■* -- //////> ri <=>• /////// '/l c/> / /////^ //. -^^ //^^ c-J / / '///■ <^ w S / / //A ' / / ^ //> '/ -- / / // ///, // /// V/// i^ // /// //// c> M-^ /// vZZ ■" o^Z- / / //// ''TuL -^^^'^ / / / ' / / '/i -^s/. -// / / ' // u^/ '// //// / - F-7- / / fo/sZ^ / / /// - /y- //, // ^/^iz //, V "-/6 '/A / -.^'6 '// "? ?7- / ;:/Z'^ JL •^ /v ./'/ ~ ;# go OK >OC5C> c> <=> /o'oiodH vi> u-J ^ >-|>^ 60 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS arises, and with a given set of values of C and w it is The defining equations of a suitable diagram of the desired to find an indefinite number of closely deter- type under discussion are then mined points on the curve plotted with P as ordinates and 1' as abscissas. It is usually desired to find addi- tional pairs of values Pi and Vo to satisfy the equation PiFi" = PiVi" and the diagram is shown in Fig. 53. = log AP y = log AV = —n y= 1 = ^ = S5 6.0 t.5 70 IS 8. 65 90 9.5 10 .10 .11 .IZ .13 .14- .15 .16 .0 .16 .19 where Pi and Fi have been determined. This equa- tion may be written [log P, - log P,] + «[log Vi - log V2] =0 logAP+ wlogAF= While the diagram consists essentially of the loga- rithmic cross-section paper with the scale for n and the origin clearly marked upon it, in this figure the various positions of the index have been drawn in as straight lines for n. This is allowable since the equation log AP-t- «log AF = ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS OR COLLINEAR NOMOGRAMS 61 10.0-1 9.0- 8.0- 7.0- G.O- 5.0- 4.0- 5.CM l_?.o- C5 ^1.0- ^0.9- 1 0.8- .E 0.7- 1 0.6- n 0,5- o 0.4- 0.3- 0.7- Diagram for yL8G JUS H= 0.38 and o 20-1 15.0- 10.0- 9.0 8.0H TO G.O 5.0- 4.0 3.0- 7.0- 1.0- 0.9- 0.8- 0.1- 0.&- 0.5^ 0.4- o.s- plO -9 8 1-7 500-- 400 300 tiooo 700- 4-500 400 300 -1-200 150 50- 40 -f 30- 70- ^ 10- I00-i|=:8O -60 -40 -30 .70 o 1/5 gO.5 =E 0.4 :^ 0.3 0.7 O.I l?-[-G GG- Go4-5 54 48- 42 3^-3 30- 24- 77- 70- 18- -f- ■z lP >„)] when Xi represents distances from a center line, and y, cuts and fills at the corresponding points; construct a diagram with a sliding index to compute A for values of Xi and yi varying by tenths up to 20 feet. Problem 13. — Devise a combined diagram to handle the following relation in thermodynamics Ti ^ \pj " " \YJ Problem 14. — Construct a diagram of three parallel straight scales for the expression of Problem 14 of Chapter II. Problem 15. — The tractive resistance R in pounds of an automobile of weight W pounds when moving at a speed of V miles per hour is given by Prof. E. H. Lockwood as i? = 15 + mbW + .075F2 Construct a diagram for this formula. Problem 16. — Construct a diagram consisting of four parallel straight line scales upon which the collineation of four points will serve to solve the two equations P. = iixy) = 2i 2ixy) = 22 (N) as shown in Fig. 57. Through every point P of the plane will pass a curve of each system inscribed with its corresponding value of z. This configuration of curves will be called the curve net Nu for Si and Zo. A line perpendicular to OX is seen to cut out an indefinite number of pairs of values of Zi and Zi. Every point M of OX may thus be regarded as supplied with all the pairs of values of Zi and Z2 which correspond to the curves intersect- ing on the line PM. These value pairs cannot all be written at the point M but are nevertheless definitely attached to it. Furthermore, given the value of Zi there is but one' corresponding value of S2 to be found upon PM. If now every point M on OX is regarded as supplied in this way with its values of Zi and zo, the line OX becomes a certain kind of scale. Each length OM deter- mines uniquely a line MP on which lies a certain set of values Z1Z2. Let OM = xi and consider the line Xi = Xi and the curves 4>iixy) = zi 'i{xy) = Z2 Eliminating x and y from these three equations yields an equation in Zi, 02 and x which may be written /(Z,Z2) = X, All the values of Z1Z2 which satisfy the above equations belong to the point M. Conversely, given a value of Zi (or Z2) and the point M (which is equivalent to assuming the value of Xi), there is in general but one value of Z2 (or Zi) which will satisfy the last equation. It is thus convenient to define the configuration of Fig. 57 as a binary function ' If the line PM intersects the curve corresponding to Zi in n points there will of course correspond n values of Zj, etc. scale for the function fu on OX which is called the support. Similarly eliminating x from the equations (N) leads to the result g(ziZ2) = y The curve net of Fig. 57 thus completely determines also a binary function scale for gio on OY. Frequently a pair of functions /12 and gn occur in an equation of four variables for which a diagram is to be constructed, and when the equation is put into Fig. 57. the determinant form analogous to Equation (8) it is necessary to interpret the defining equations X = /i2 y = gn It is evident from the foregoing that these two equa- tions define a curve net. It is merely necessary to eliminate Z2 and Zi successively and there is obtained again iixy) = zi n{xy) = Z2 65 66 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Since the only necessary equations for a binary scale on the A' axis are X = /i2 and y = they are called the defining equations for the binary scale. In constructing a curve net Nu for this scale it is seen that either of the functions (fi or (pi may be arbitrarily chosen. When, however, one function, say 01, is chosen the other function 02 is determined by eliminating Si from the equations i cannot be a function of x alone. Exam- ples below will show, however, that a suitable choice of the arbitrary function aids in the solution. The binary scale is really then a special case of a curve net resulting when either of the functions fn or gi2 defining a curve net reduces to zero or any constant. When either Zi or Zi only is absent from/12 or from gi2 one set of curves in the corresponding net will be a system of parallel straight lines. (For another special case see Article 23 of Chapter VI.) When a binary scale has been established on either axis or upon a line parallel to either axis it is obvious that the necessary curve net may be moved by trans- lation parallel to the other axis provided that the straight line support remains fixed. Obviously then a new origin of the axes of coordinates may thus be chosen for plotting the necessary curve net and this method is sometimes of much advantage in improving the plan of the diagram. 17. Collinear Diagrams with Two Parallel Scales and One Curve Net. — Consider now the equation in four variables Zi(i = 1, 2, 3, 4), which may be given the determinant form /i ^1 1 /2 g2 1 =0 (30) /34 ^34 1 A simple case arises when this reduced determinant equation may be written analogous to Equation (18) of Chapter III: 1 gi 1 I g, 1=0 (31) /34 gZi 1 I When this equation is expanded there results g2+/34(gl-§2)-g34 = (32) Assume temporarily that the scale factors are unity and there results a set of defining equa- tions from Equation (31): X = 1 y = gi X = y = gi X = fsi y = g34 and the last two equations define a curve net. It is thus necessary to study a collinear nomo- gram or diagram of alignment consisting of two parallel straight scales and a set of points defined by an inscribed curve net. To each point of the curve net corresponds a pair of values 2122 attached to the two curves passing through that point. The equations of the curve net are readily written by eliminating z^ and 23 successively from the last two equations and they become <^3(^>') = 23 i{xy) = 24 The resulting configuration is shown schematically in Fig. 58. Given three values of Zj, the diagram of Fig. 58 con- stitutes a complete graphic solution for the unknown value of z. Suppose that Z4 is unknown: The line P1P2 cuts then the curve Z3 in the point P through which passes a curve marked 24. The proof that this value of 24 is the value sought is left to the reader. For certain equations in four variables there is thus realized an important type of colUnear diagram. To be solvable by such a diagram an equation must be reducible to the form (31). Obviously the parallel scales may be placed at a distance 5 and the scale factors Ml and 1x2 employed if the equations of the curve net are determined from the third pair of defining equations as modified by the Equations (21) ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS FOR FORMULAS IN MORE THAN THREE VARIABLES 67 of Chapter III. equations There results then for the defining = S = y = Migi y = fi2g2 (33) ^^2/3 4 A^lM2g34 M2/34 — Ml(/34 — 1) ' /J2/34 — A'l(/34 — 1) The choice of the constants S, m and ^2 should of course be made not only with the first two scales in view but also with the resultant changes in the curve net fully in mind. No plotting should be undertaken until a thorough study of the equations has been made in order to obtain the desired range of values of the variables involved and at the same time to reduce as far as possible the required computation for plotting the curve net. Example 36. — A very good illustrative example is afforded by the complete cubic equation s' + aiz^ + a.z + as = which may be given the determinant form 2- + 2 Whence if 6 = 10, , X = 10 2- + 2 10^ ;- + = = ' + (73 are the defining equations for the diagram which is shown in Fig. 59. In plotting the curve net for the variables s and a^ the 2 lines parallel to the Y axis are plotted first and then it is observed that the successive as curves determine regular scales on each 2 line with a new scale factor for each. It is only necessary to plot the curves for the values of a^ equal to —10, 0, and 10 successively to determine com- pletely the system of curves. The scale factor on each z line is seen to be , • In the diagram the 2" -f- 2 dotted line shows the position of a straight edge set to solve the equation 2' + 42^ - 4s + 0.5 = 0. The straight edge is set from ai = +4 to ai = —4 and gives the value of s = 0.69 at its intersection with the curve 03 = 0.5. Another simple case of Equation (30) which results in the same form of diagram is -1 g: 1 1 ^2 1 =0 (34) /34 ^34 1 The expanded equation has the form 2g34 + /34(gl - g2) - (g. + g2) = (35) and the defining equations with the scale factors determined by the aid of Equations (25) and (26) for the analogous case of three variables, are (mi + M2)/34 + (mi Mlgl M2g2 (36) M2)/34 + (mi + M2) y 2MlM2g34 (mi — M2)/34 + (mi + M2) The presence of the constants 5 and m in the third pair of equations allows control to some extent of the dis- position of the resulting curve net. Whenever the scales for the first two variables extend in opposite directions in the diagram it is desirable to apply a transformation as in Section 12 of Chapter III. This is done in the following illustrative examples. From the last pair of defining equations in (33) and (36) it is seen that whenever Z3 or Z4 is absent from 734 there results a system of straight lines parallel to the Y axis and they are determined by a scale on the X axis most conveniently. Whenever /34 or ^34 is zero (or when 734 is constant) there result the defining equations of a binary scale on the Y axis or on the X axis (or on the line x = constant) respectively. Another special case occurs which leads to a curved binary scale and is discussed in Chapter VI. Example 37. — As an illustrative example of Equa- tion (34) consider Kutter's formula for the flow of water in open channels, 1.81132 , 0.00281 41.6603 V = 1+ 41.6603 + 0.00281 ] n S \VR Vrs Where V = velocity in feet per second S = tangent of inclination of surface R = mean hydraulic radius n = Kutter's coefficient of channel bottom. The above formula may be modified by setting 1,000 outside the radical.' There results 1.81132 44.4703 + V = 1 + 44.4703 w -VRS hich, if 44.4703 -1 VR a, and 1.81132 = b, reduces to V I -VS 1 -niVR + an) {an + b)R \ This substitution is known as Flynn's modification of Kutter's DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS FOR FORMULAS IN MORE THAN THREE VARIABLES as a first determinant form. The reduced determi nant form is then found to be -1 V 1 [an + b)R 1 -VS -n(VR+an) ^ ian + b}R + n{VR+an) The defining equations written from Equations (36) above are X = -S X = 5 2VS X = 5- b)R - uiu(VR + an) i{an + b)R + fjLMVR + an) ' For convenience then in plotting there may be chosen S = 10, Ml = 0.8 M2 = 80.0 whence the scale equations: a; = -10 y = 0.8F _ a; = 10 y = -gOVs (an + b)R - lOOniVR + an) {an + b)R + 100n{VR + an) ■' " Since ^34 is here zero there is a binary scale on the X axis. One system of curves in the net defining the binary scale may well be chosen as the parallel lines y = 2VR and there follows upon eliminating R the cubic curves for n _ (an + ^>)v^ - 20(yn(y + 2 an) "" ~ ^^{an + b)y' + 200n(y + 2an) All these cubics pass through the point x = — 10, y = and are asymptotic to the vertical linex =10. (See Fig. 60.) The V and 5 scales would naturally lie in opposite directions from the A' axis but to secure a better disposition of these scales and thus reduce the size of the sheet, they have been moved by using the projective transformation Xi = X yi = X + y + 10 which moves all points along their ordinates a distance equal to the abscissa plus 10. Thus the line y = becomes the line y = x -\- 10 which is the line MN in the diagram. From the nature of the binary scale, however, there is no need of transforming the curve net for the variables n and R and this has not been done in the figure. The points on the binary scale are simply transferred by the parallel vertical straight lines from the X axis to the diagonal which thus becomes the new support. Example 38. — Another example of Equation (34) is afforded by Bazin's formula for the flow of water in open channels which is 87 -Vrs 0.552 + VR where V, R, and 5 have the same meaning as above and m is Bazin's coefficient of bottom condition. The first determinant form of the equation may be written 1 V -V5 1 = (0.552i? + m) S7R and the reduced form of the equation is then 1 S7R - 0.552^yR - m V -VS 87 R + 0.552VR + m The corresponding scale equations are x= -b M.F -M-2V5 ^ Mi87jg - M-2 (0.552 Vjg + m) Mi87i? + M2(0.552\/^ + m) ^ " ^ There is again a binary scale on the X axis which is determined by setting S = 10, Ml = 0.8 M2 = 80 as above and also y = 2-\/R whence x= 10, 87y= - 200(0.552y + m) 87y= + 200(0.552y + m) The m curves of the corresponding net are six cubics for Bazin's six values of m. These cubics have a singular point at x = — 10, y = and are asymptotic to the line x = 10. Figure 61 shows the finished diagram originally plotted with a modulus of one inch. The 5 scale and the binary scale have been transformed as in the preceding example. Equation (31) is no simpler than the essentially equivalent form fa gzi 1 /i 1 1=0 h 1 which has the expanded form : /34+g34(/2-/l)-/2 = and for which the corresponding diagram will consist of two horizontal (instead of vertical) parallel scales and a curve net. To introduce scale factors into the corresponding defining equations there are avail- able Equations (21) of Chapter III. With the obvious changes in the role of the respective coordinates x and y there results from these equations IJ-\IJ-iX 5/J2V A'l)^ (m2 i)y + 70 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS FOR FORMULAS IN MORE THAN THREE VARIABLES 71 Fig. 61. — Diagram for 72 DESIGX OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Example 39. — One form of the fundamental formula for bond calculations is A C the quantity tV -K4^) where A --= g = C = « = purchase price nominal interest rate effective or yield rate of interest redemption price term of bond in years •^ - 1 + i This bond formula has the reduced determinant form R 1 g' 1 1 = 1-^;;] 1-^^ in which for convenience the symbol A~\ is used for \ — V" , S —A — -. — and in which g = ^ and R = j;- This is an excellent example of the form of Equation (31) above. By letting /i2 = 1 and tx\ = ft. and substituting successively in the modified Equations (21) above the respective pairs of elements from the determinant there result the defining equations x = R y = X = ixg' y = 5 ixv" 8 A ^1 X = 7- 1 y = 7- 1^ - An -' 1^ - A-i The curve net for i and n defined by the last pair of equations may best be plotted as follows: The ratio from which Sx d.i-v" 5x — ifiy and when this value of v" is substituted in the second equation bA-, -5(1-1'") //i - 1 + v" there results hix - 1) which defines a pencil of lines through x = 1, y = as the i-lines. The equation of the w-curves may be shown to be ' y / x + 2y - 1 Y_ 1- \ y ) X if both n and 8 are taken unity but it is not necessary to attempt to plot from this equation. Instead resume the equation X /./f" is tabulated in standard works and on bonds, life insurance, etc. and is designated 5 rewritten 5- = (1 + 0" - 1 "' i From these double entry tables when / is constant the values of Sn[ vary for n only, thus the equation X M ' will determine a pencil of lines through the origin varying for values of n. These lines intersect the corresponding j-line in points necessarily on the respective w-curves. Thus the n-curves may easily be plotted. The useful range of values of the ratio ^ is from say "^^oo to ^^^loo and to be effective in actual bond calculations this ratio must be readable to the nearest thousandth or tenth of a per cent, conse- quently if the scale should show one per cent as one- half inch the effective portion would be 22 ^ inches long and unity would be represented by 50 inches. The choice of a» and 5 must then be made and it is obvious that if d is greater than unity the line y = S on which is to be shown the g' scale will be not only off any drawing of dimension less than 50 inches verti- cally but also (since g' will never be much greater than Ho) unless n is large g' will be too close to the Y axis to appear on any reasonably sized drawing where unity is 50 inches. The remedy for both these troubles is to choose oblique axes with a very acute angle. When this is done and with 8 = %o and n =2 there results the completed drawing shown in Fig. 62. It is observed that the nominal interest scale is inscribed g and not g'. This is because the normal case is redemption at par and then g' reduces to g the nor- mal rate. With ;tt = 2, one per cent on the g scale is represented by one inch. The auxiliary net of lines for the segregation from the binary scale of the ratio pr into the purchase price A and the redemption price C is effected by the equations A The choice of m = 2 is dictated by the behavior of the n curves for a reasonable range of useful terms n and was determined only after several trials. The examples here worked out are special cases of Equations (31) and (34) which are both special cases of the more general Equation (30) which equation would in general require two curved scales and a curve mA m = constant ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS FOR FORMULAS IN MORE THAN THREE VARIABLES 73 LEGEND A = Purchase Price or Present Value. C = Redemption Price. § = Ratio of Ditiidend to Redemption. or Diiiidend Rate with Redemption at Par. i = Effective Interest Rate. n • Term of Years. Purchase Price A ift o >5 o DIAGRAM FOR THE FUNDAMENTAL BOND FORMULA 1 c " (i+ir i FOR AiNY VARIABLE IN THE FORMULA 74 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS net for its diagram. Examples encountered in prac- tice seldom require such a type of diagram but treat- ment of the scales by some projective transformation would doubtless be needed for any such example. It is to be observed that whenever one set of curves in a curve net becomes a system of straight lines, then the plotting of the second set of curves can often be simplified by finding indirectly their intersections with this plotted line system. Such was essentially the method used in Examples 36 and 39. More generally, when one set of curves of a curve net has been plotted, the second set can be plotted by determining indirectly points of intersection with individual curves of the plotted first set. To do this hold constant in either of the defining equations the value of the variable parameter corresponding to given curve, while the second variable corresponding to the desired set is allowed to vary and draw the resulting lines parallel to one of the axes. There will thus be determined on the plotted curve a series of points of intersection corresponding to successive values of the second variable. These points for constant values of the second variable on successive curves will lie on a curve of the second set. In particular if, as above explained, the first set of curves is a system of straight lines, then the curves of the second system can always be found by plotting corresponding points of intersection of this first system of lines with the system of lines parallel to either one of the axes. In Example 39 an auxiliary set of lines through the origin was used to advantage instead of the parallel lines determined by a defining equation. 18. Collinear Diagrams with Three Curve Nets.— These diagrams and indeed diagrams with two curve nets are largely of theoretic interest but there are special cases of practical value. Consider first an equation of six variables in the determinant form M gl2 1 /34 ^34 1 Aa g66 1 (37) By setting /./ 1,3,5 2,4,6 there are obtained three curve nets constituting a collinear diagram for this equation. The key to the solution of the diagram is obvious from the schematic Fig. 63. Should the active range of the variables involved determine curve nets which unduly overlap or confuse the diagram, some device such as different colors will be needed to make the drawing of practical value. In most cases that occur in practice the curve nets reduce to binary scales and seldom are there more than two. Example 40. — As an illustrative example consider the equation for the angular distance 2 of a celestial body east or west of the meridian from the north point. where L = the latitude of observer p = the polar distance of the object // = the altitude of the object 5 = H(h +L + p) This equation may be solved by a diagram with two binary scales, but since z must usually be determined cos /cos 5 cos (S — p) cos L cos // Fiu. 63. at least to the nearest 30 seconds no diagram of any practical value can be drawn small enough to repro- duce here successfully. The variables are z, S, (S — p), L, and h. After squaring both sides of the equation it may be written in the reduced determinant form cos 5 cos {S - p) ] = cos L cos // 1 -|- cos L cos h There may be written in a manner analogous to Equa- tion (14) of Chapter III, the defining equations .V- = y = Ml cos 5 cos (5 - p} cos L cos // fin cos L cos // + n-i ' The first two equations define a binary scale on the Y axis and the variables 5 and (S — p) may be separated with the curve net X = cos S y = fiix cos (5 — p) which gives two systems of straight lines. The second equation pair defines the scale of length M2 measured downward on the line x = b. The third equation ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS FOR FORMULAS IN MORE THAN THREE VARIABLES 75 pair determines a binary scale on the X axis and is constructed with the simple curve net — All cos Ly Ly ■ cos h The L curves are then equilateral hyperbolas passing through the origin and with asymptotes parallel to the coordinate axes. Problem 1. — Consider the cubic equation s^ + a,c2 + consisting respectively of lines parallel to the Y axis and hyperbolas passing through the origin and tangent to the X axis at that point. Problem 5. — Professor C. H. Forsyth has given' a formula for the premium or discount per unit on a bond if the "amortization factor" accumulates at a rate of interest r which is different from the effective or yield rate of the bond i. If k denotes this premium or discount then with the notation of Example 39 and redemption at face value or par the formula is 9 - i where the changed symbol — denotes that this tabulated ^Bulletin, km. Math. Soc, vol. XXVII, p. 451. quantity ^ is to be here taken at the rate r. Show that this formula is a special case of Equation (37) with five variables and with a corresponding diagram which consists of a straight line (cross-section) net for g and k, an ordinary scale for ; on the Y axis and a binary scale on the line -T = — 1 for — and that the segregation of the n and r Hues in the binary scale net can be obtained by setting X = r — \ and plotting the n curves by determining points on the r line corresponding to changes in n for constant r. Problem 6. — In the above problem show that the equations for the curve net for g and k can also have the equations -bu^k (*12 - Ml)^ y = (M2 .)fe+A if scale factors 6, y.i, ^2 are introduced by Equation (21) of Chapter III and that consequently an ordinary cross- section net for g and k results when jui = ix^. Problem 7. — The so-called premium formula for bond valuation is with the usual notation k=(g- i) /l'„-i where A % indicates that ^ ^ is to be evaluated at the rate i. When the bond is bought at a discount k is negative. Compare this equation with that of Example 39 and discuss the advantages, Lf any, for design of the correspond- ing diagram. Problem 8. — Show that the equation for the «-curves in the curve net of the diagram of the above equation are _i+_y_ . y / I -\- y - X given by the equation (^)" Problem 9. — If all interests" are payable m times a year and the amortization factor accumulates at a nominal rate r then the premium formula of Professor Forsyth becomes where 5;;^ is to be evaluated for mn periods at rate — and where ; is the nominal rate to be realized. Show how this equation in the five variables k, g, j, r, n, can also be diagrammatically represented for values of m from w = 1 to m = 4. Problem 10. — Show in Example 36 how the cubic curves for as could have been plotted by first plotting a system of lines parallel to the X axis which would intersect a given 2-line parallel to the Y axis in points corresponding to values of 03. CIL\PTER V DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES 19. Diagrams of Double Alignment. — Sometimes a formula or an equation may be given the form /l2 = /34 (38) and may be replaced by a pair of equivalent equations /l2 = /2 34 = fi where h is an auxiliary variable. Assume now that each of these equations can be represented by a diagram of alignment. By determining the value of h from one diagram the value of either one of the remaining variables, say Zz or Z4, could be found from the second diagram. If, however, both equations can be represented with the same scale for h, a single Fig. 63a. figure with four z scales and one h scale would consti- tute a complete diagram for the original equation. Such a diagram is called a diagram of double align- ment or a diagram of double collinealion. The scale for // is called the hinge or pivot scale and need not be graduated unless this is desirable for convenience in locating the temporary point about which the index 4 sin }i cos ^ A- 1 is turned for its second position. The type of diagram and the way to the solution is shown in the schematic figure. Fig. 63a. The diagram is often more conveniently arranged when the part including the Zi and z^ scales is super- imposed in the other part of the figure, but in many cases where the scales are on parallel supports greater accuracy and ease of use will result when the pivot scale is chosen between the scales for each part of the diagram and the indices are placed in the form of a letter X as shown in Fig. 69, page 8. Some thought should be given to the way in which the variables are grouped on either side of the equality sign in Equation (38) so that those variables which are perhaps more closely related or those which have about the same range of numbers may be used in the same half of the diagram. It is usually necessary to use different schemes of scale factors for each auxiliary equation and the only restriction on the equations is that they be of type (8) of Chapter III. It is always required, however, that the hinge scale have the same defining equations in every respect in order that the same value of h shall be determined in both diagrams by corresponding values of the variables. Example 41. — The formula of Example 33 for the mean hydraulic radius of trapezoidal sections of canals will be arranged as an example of the diagram of double coUineation. The formula is 1 + K cot 1 +2K cosec 4> b where R is the mean hydraulic radius, H the depth of water, b the breadth of canal bottom, and (t> the angle of slope with the horizontal. The formula should first be r&written in the form of Equation 38. R _ J _ sin -f Jv" cos H~ ^ ~ sm4> + 2K and then in the reduced determinant equation forms h 1 = = 1 -R ih ' Since K will never be greater than unity it is evident that the unit of the drawing for the first determinant must be fairly large and it may be chosen as 4 inches. The scale for the angle will then be a circle with a radius of one-half unit or two inches, which is ample, as the angles need not be measured closer than degrees. No scale factors are needed. DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES 77 In the second equation it is seen that the R scale may be inconveniently long with the unit of the drawing as 4 inches and yet since the value of the H function is never greater than unity the horizontal scale must not be contracted. What is needed then is to extend the horizontal scale and contract the vertical scale and at the same time leave the // scale unchanged. choosing 5 = 2.5. defining equations rt = 2.5 x= 5 There results for the second set of H 1.0 it 0.5- Diagram for R.-H'-ihtl- Jcosec^ The result is accomplished with a little study by first writing the second equation in the form 1 1_ l + H This equation is of the type (17) of Chapter III and Equations (21) are applicable to the defining equations. Sufficient contraction \^^ll result if ni is taken }4, then M2 must be unity in order to preserve the h scale intact. The scale for H may be extended and at the same time the position of the R scale improved by The completed diagram is shown in Fig. 64 which has been rotated 90° to improve its position on the sheet. The limiting values of the variables chosen here are general and the graduations could be greatly refined for special work, for small drainage ditches for example. Example 42. — Unwin's formula for the flow of steam in pipes II' = 87.5 ■I- Ppd" 11 + 3.6 where W = number of pounds flowing per minute D = density in pounds per cubic foot p = loss of pressure due to friction, in pounds per square inch 78 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS d = nominal inside diameter of pipe in inches L = length of pipe in feet, may be written 11' 8'Wf = // VD ^ 3.6 If L is taken as 100 feet and p expressed as the loss in pressure per 100 feet of length, the formula is similar to Equation (38) Tl' ^ = /, = ^/D S.75VP or log ir — log 8.75 3.6 \/l+ _ ■4 log p = \ogh MlogD + Mlog j^3J5 log // Both of these auxiliary equations are similar in form to Equation (10) and yield three parallel straight scales. The diagram is shown in Fig. 65 with the defining equations = PI log ir = -M2[log 8.75 + H log/'] X = -8i X = bi x= N.+^^ 64 The proportion «i was used log \'D ^ = — =l = ^=ii2 &2 Hi 4 54 m to give a sjonmetrical diagram with convenient scale lengths. Since D, the density, depends upon the steam pressure the corresponding pressures were plotted in place of the various densities. To the scale for W was added a scale for the approximate boiler horsepower. The indices show the setting to deter- mine the flow in a 6-inch pipe carrying steam at 140 pounds gauge pressure allowing a drop of 3 pounds for each 100 feet. Any equation or formula of the form (m, », r, s, = constants) may be replaced by the equivalent system of equations p' 6" and two corresponding first determinant equations are 1 // -a"" 1 />' 1 1 h -q' 1 b- 1 (40) The choice of the reduced determinant forms of these equations may be made by first adding either the first or the second columns to the third to form a new third column in each determinant. The choice will of course be made with a view to the economy of calculation for the resulting scales on the A' or Y axis. Equa- tions (40) are of the type (14) of Chapter III. The above equation (39) may be written m log a — r log p = log h = s log q — n log b and the two auxiliary equations will be similar to Equa- tion (10) and require simply four logarithmic scales on as many parallel straight lines. The determinant equations are - 1 m log a 1 1 -rlogp 1=0 logh 1 I 1—1 s log q 1 ! 1 -n]ogb 1 { = 1 logh 1 and the defining equations of Section 12 including 8 and M apply to each. It is to be observed that no plotting on the // scale is necessary but the same value of h must determine the same point on the h scale so that the reduced deter- minant forms of the equations must both result in the same defining equations for the // scale even though that scale is not graduated. It must therefore be borne in mind that the choice of the scale factor for the h scale must be the same for both equations. Example 43. — As an illustrative example of the above Equation (39) Chezy's formula for the flow of water in open channels may be studied. The formula is V = fv'^ where V, R, and S have the designations of Example 37 and c is Chezy's coefiicient. The form for the reduced determinant equations may be taken 1 h 1 -V c c + 1 1 h _rH 5-w 1+s-^ It will be necessary to graduate the scales for R and V and for S and c on the same axes, and this will always be necessary for equations of the tj-pe (40). Since the c and S scales will not extend beyond unit distance from the origin it will be well to make 6 as DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES 79 -0.1 20,000 Diagram for -the FLOW OF STEAM IN PIPES Un win's Formula w-87.sy£EiL W= Flow - lb. per mjn. D = Densi'iy - lb. per cu. FF. p - Pressure Drop - lb. per sq. in. d - Inside Diamefer Pipe - in. L^LengihoFPipe-FI: -250 -2Z5 -200 -180 ^ -m -- -140 -120 -100 -90 D -80 O -TO .C -60 d- Kf) -50 ty -40 -30 oT" u 3 -20 1?, -15 d: -10 E -^ -5 ^ To -2 -0 ■£ IG.GOO-- 6,000 12,000 8,000 6,000 G.OOO 4.000 3,000 4,ooa|- 1,000 3.,000-- 1,500 2,000- -1,000 I.GOO- 1,200- 1,000- 800 GOO- GO c^30 o "20 ^ 1.2 0.8 0.& 10,000 800 -MO 50(K^ 400 ^ 300 ^ 50O::2'5a' ^4^-200 300- -150 200-1-100 IGO- % 100 80-H-o 30 -1-10 15 "18 --9 ^ 4-2 3-1-1.5 1.0 l.G-fo.8 0.& 04 0.3 0.4-L0.2 Fig. 65. -12 ■10 -8 -T -& -5 ~^4 -5 u 2 -E^ \% J I -0.15 -0.2 -0.S -0.4 -0.5 -O.G -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.8 -2.0 -2.25 -2.5 -2.15 -3.0 ■3.5 ■4.0 -4.5 -5.0 1-6.0 -7.0 -8.0 -9.0 -10.0 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS large as the sheet will permit. Also since the // scale and the V and R scales are in opposite directions the X axis may well be chosen at an acute angle with the Y axis at the outset. If the formula is written log F - log c log R + M log 5 the two determinant equations are ■ 1 log F 1 1 -logc 1 log It 1 -1 ^2\ogR 1 1 i2log5 1 =0 log h 1 and the general arrangement of the figure would be similar to Fig. 65 of E.xample 42. This latter form of similar formulas usually results in simpler and easier plotting. Some formulas in four or more variables can best be handled by combinations of simple diagrams composed of straight line systems as described in Chapter II. The use of such diagrams is very common and obvi- ously all that has been said regarding the use of a hinge scale h for combinations of collinear diagrams applies equally well in such cases. (See Problem 16 of Chapter III.) Often a simple diagram may be combined with a collinear diagram so that the scale on one of the axes of the simple diagram serves also as the h scale of the collinear diagram. When two simple diagrams are placed "back to back" or super- imposed, of course no hinge scale is used. 20. Diagrams with Parallel or Perpendicular Indices. — Such diagrams consist of four scales arranged in pairs corresponding to the four variables of an equation or formula. The scales are so disposed that a straight line drawn through a known point on a third scale parallel or perpendicular to a line joining two known points on two other scales will cut the fourth scale in the point inscribed with the value of the unknown variable. The geometric theory involved is as follows: The equation yo - y. _ b Xi — .Vi a expresses the equaUty of the slopes of the two lines PiPi and OP respectively as shown in Fig. 66. This equation above may be written in the determi- nant form and another equation a b Xi ?'i 1 Xi }'- 1 a b Xs >'3 1 Xi A'4 1 = regarded as a simultaneous equation would then express the fact that the lines PiPo and P^Pi were parallel. If a and b are eliminated from the above two determinant equations there results ^2 — yi yu — ys Xi — Xi Xi — Xs Consider now an equation in four variables which has the form ^2 ^4 - ^3 (41) /2 - /, fi- U This equation may be regarded as the result of elim- inating h from the two determinant equations 1 A I .A g. 1 h g2 1 0(42) \i Consequently the straight line index of a diagram with the defining equations = /2 will be parallel to the index of a diagram plotted with the same coordinate axes and with the defining equations X = fi y = g3 x = h y = gi since both indices will have the same slope whenever Equation (41) or the equivalent system (42) is satis- fied by a set of values of the variables Zi- . . .Zi. Example 44. — Lame's formula for thick cylinders may be arranged to afford an example of the use of diagrams with parallel indices. As usually given the formula is = .J S + P IS - P where the letters have the meanings given on the dia- DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES 81 gram for the formula shown in Fig. 67. The formula may be written S + P _ D'- S - P ~ 0+ d"" Diagram for Lame 's Formula for Thick Ojlihders D= External Diamef-er d- Internal " 5- Stress in Inner Surface P^ Infernal Pressure Dand d m I he iame uni'fs Sand Pin f he same iinlhs A line from dlo D Ji parallel lo ahne from PfaS Values of d may at once be written without reference to the first rows involving the auxiliary variable h but usually scale factors will be needed and since the parallelism of all lines must be preserved the scale factors for \0 and may be regarded as the result of eliminating // from the two simultaneous equations 1 1 1 h p -p 1 s s 1 1 h d- 1 Z>2 1 = A set of defining equations for both these equations defining equations of the second set must be propor- tional to those of the first set thus where The method used in this example is general. The underlying principle is the use of a projective trans- formation that preserves parallelism. (See Appendix B.) hp y = -y^p .r = -M^ y=0 8,S y = t^xS Ml X = M-2 y = i^iD- DESIGiX OF DIAGRAMS FOR EXGIX BERING FORMULAS Diagram for Lams' ^6 Formula for Thick Qj finders D= Exhrnal Dia meter ct= Infernal Diamefer S'Sfress In Inner Surface P' Internal Pre&sure D and d in the same anih Sand Pin the same unlls A line fromdlo D is perpendicular toa line from PfoS DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES In the present example the scales are all straight and readily plotted. The same units must be used for 5 and P such as tons or thousands of pounds: also in using the D and d scales the same units must be employed, as inches or centimeters. The indices are shown set for P = 4,000, 5 = 10,000, d^ Q required D. Reading of the diagram may sometimes be made more convenient by providing a transparent piece of celluloid on which parallel lines are scratched. It is now quite evident that Equation (39) of Article 18 may be represented also by a diagram with parallel indices. In fact Equations (40) constitute the necessary reduced determinant equations. This Equation (39) serves also to show that where the scales of Equation (42) reduce to straight scales supported respectively in pairs on the same straight lines, the necessary theory of the parallel alignment of the indices is merely the geometry of similar triangles. In case the supports of the scales are parallel the segments intercepted by the two indices are proportional. Those who are familiar with the use of homogeneous coordinates in geometry will recognize that the presence of zero in place of unity in the third element position of the determinants of Equations (42) merely indicates that the resulting diagram with parallel indices is a special case of the diagrams of double collineation in which the hinge scale has been removed to infinity. It is possible to give equations of the form (42), which includes Equation (40) as a special case, another simple diagrammatic representation. In this repre- sentation the key to the solution is by perpendicular indices instead of by parallel indices and it has some advantage because of the fact that two perpendicular lines scratched on a piece of transparent celluloid wUl serve as the two perpendicular indices and both pairs of scales may be read at one setting. Bearing in mind that It in both determinants of Equation (42) represents the variable slope of the two indices it is only necessary to replace unity in the first element position of the second (or first) determinant by —h, and h in the second element position of the first row by unity in order that the slopes of the two indices shall be no longer equal but one the negative reciprocal of the other whenever they are to determine cor- responding values of the four variables Zi . . . Z4. The corresponding change in Equation (41) requires that equation to be written gi h-h gi- gi (41a) but the defining equations are selected from this equation exactly as they were for Equation (41). In other words the original Equation (41) may be repre- sented by a diagram with perpendicular indices by writing first the two determinant equations = 1 h gl g-i 1 1 1 1 h gi -h gi -u (42a) as a check and constructing the diagram from the defining equations /l y = gi x = gz y = -/s 72 y = g2 X= gi y = -U Example 45. — From the formula of the preceding example another set of defining equations may be written which will yield a diagram with perpendicular indices as follows byP biS biD^ y = y = md^ and the diagram is shown in Fig. 68. 21. Diagrams for the Equation /i -f /o . • . + /„ = 0. — Sometimes the Equation (38) in Article 19 has the simple form />+/.= /a +/4 (43) and a diagram of double collineation with parallel straight scales may be constructed by using as before the auxiliary variable h and the two equivalent equations h^h-h h + U The corresponding determining equations with suitable scale factors will then be (Article 12, Chapter III) x= -5i y = Mi/i X = - 63 y = /is/a X= b2 y = M2/2 X = «4 .V = M4/4 X = y - - , ■ ■ m -f- iJi X = Ma + /i4 where it is necessary in addition to the conditions imposed upon the constants m and b in Article 12 to require a so that MiM2 M. + M2 M3M4 Ala + M4 (44) in order that the same value of the auxiliary variable h shall always determine the same point on the hinge scale. The scheme of the resulting diagram is shown in Fig. 69 and Example 42 illustrated its application. 84 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS If it is found more convenient the determinant equations used for the Equation (43) may be written 2 -/i /2 h 2 /4 Fig. 69. The h V = -M.A X = -82 y = -M-./3 Si >' = M./2 x = &2 y = /X2/. and a diagram with parallel indices designed, defining equations with scale factors are where If 5i = 62 then of necessity mi = ^2, and the supports of the scales coincide in pairs and the resulting diagram is shown in Fig. 70. f,\ /3 JL^'-""". 5 '"'" ■ - ~- New types of diagrams may now be constructed for the equation (7) of n variables Introduce the auxiliary variables h\, hi, . . and write the equivalent system of equations /l+/2-/^l = hx + /3 - //2 = hi + /4 - //3 = ^„-3 +/„-!+/„= In each of these equations except the first one and the last one two auxiliary variables h enter and one value of h must always have a support for each application of the index in the diagram. For example h-i may be determined from the first two equations written in the form 1 h, 2 1 -h 1 1 h 1 1 h, 2 1 u 1 1 hi 1 and represented by a corresponding diagram with parallel indices in which no support appears for h\ but in which one does appear for hi. Figure 71 shows the scheme of such a diagram. f, f h '■- / ; 5- / i h h -V fe - ~ 7''"' /1 + /2+/3 + +/» (7) It is not necessary of course to use the principle of parallel indices to construct the diagram for Equation (7) as hinge scales can be used throughout, but is frequently convenient to do so. The spacing of the scales and the use of the scale factors are controlled at each step by principles already laid down in this chap- ter and in Chapter III. Example 46. — The formula JFD for determining the actual time for turning a piece of work in a lathe is shown in Fig. 72 and the symbols of the formula are described on the figure. If written log r + log 5 - log 0.2618 - log /^ - log L - log Z? = DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES the formula is in a form similar to Equation (7). If between the scales for D and L. Rearranging it in P, the product LD is introduced as an auxiliary variable the form the equations are log P — log Z, = log D log r + log 5 = log k = \og F + log P + log 0.2618 results in placing the D scale between the other two log P = log L -\- log D scales thus permitting the auxiliary diagram for DL = I- W 60- 3 3 - - g UiS The first equation yields the following defining equations X = —26 y = fjilogF x= 25 >> = M log P + M log 0.2618 C 50^ <7} ;§ Is T -8 E'5 — 6 S -53 Fig. 72.— Diagram for T = 0.2618 ^ t!. P to be joined conveniently at the side of the diagram for the first equation instead of superimposing it upon the latter. The defining equations for the second equation referred to an origin on the Z> scale are log 5 logr The equation P = LD if plotted from its form as given above, would require that the scale for P be located x= -Si x= X = 5i y = fi log P >- = glogZ? y = i^logL DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS Zl\ "m^ W. lYtl /// a.o- -i>» 1.8^ -IK ■g ^ -s So.sL -2 ■5 r 15 ^ ■■ a 5- ^ VulbMofFactorfl/) y y llih L>».lul. C."il ^ ■'To"" ^:e IJ 078 0.007 052 37 111 100 OOOl 0.058 30 0102 oes u IS 0.076 38 0.122 067 <3 >' 0.080 0.130 110 070 10 0.050 0.103 0.000 100 0.1«2 0.113 IS 0.108 0.087 0.003 ~' 1 0.'5« 0.12. .,.W6 The Lewis formula for the strength of gear teeth is ty^SPby; or, if h =KP; W=SPtKy. A line from S \o ^V crosses the center line at the point as a line from A" to P. EXAMPLE. Given: Cast Iron gear, velocity of teeth =150 ft. per W = 3SOO lbs. "load carried by teeth. ^=0.11. A- =4. RequiredJ P As shown by dotted lines, P >-l.(Me DIAGRAMS OF ALIGNMENT WITH TWO OR MORE INDICES 87 Example 47. — In the Lewis formula for the strength of gear teeth W = SPb{y) it is often desired to solve for P if & is taken as KP, where W = load in pounds carried by the teeth S = stress in pounds per square inch, chosen with reference to the velocity and material of the teeth P = circular pitch in inches b = width of face in inches K = a, constant, usually 2 to 6 (y) = a factor depending upon the number and shape of the teeth. In logarithmic form the formtila becomes log IF - log 5-2 log P - log K- log (y) = but if the auxiliary variable hi is chosen so that it becomes log hy - log 5 = log /? = 2 log P + log K Figure 73 was then plotted from the defining equations W X = -2h y = li log hi = n log- x= 23 y = -^logS ■iy) -5 8 'logh y= 2i, log P y = filogK The first two equations define a binary scale on the line X = —25. The curve net drawn for this scale may consist of the lines X = -iy), y = Mlog|^3^J plotted with the line x = —28 as a new Y axis. (See Article 16, Chapter IV.) From a table given by Mr. Lewis the values of the velocity were added in proper correspondence with the scale for S. Since the product of the diametral pitch and the circular pitch is always t a scale for the diametral pitch was added to the P scale. The equation hi could naturally be written in the logarithmic form and two auxiliary (collinear) logarithmic scales for IF and (y) added to the present figure just as was done for L and D in Fig. 72 for the preceding example. The range of numbers for (y) , how- ever, is very small and it was found more convenient to use the system of curves and establish a binary scale on the line x = —25 as shown in the figure. Problem 1. — Discuss the equation of Example 47 as an equation of type (7) and construct the diagram resulting when the binary scale is replaced by the required parallel scales for IF and (y)- Problem 2. — Reduce Bazin's equation for the velocity of water to type (7) and construct a corresponding diagram. Problem 3. — Construct a practical diagram for the formula of E.xample 12 of Chapter II. Write useful values of c and use four parallel lines. Problem 4. — Gordon's formula for columns is 1 + 5a 600^2 where W = safe unit load, 2,725 to 14,450 a = coefficient, 2,000 to 3,200 I = unsupported length in inches d = least dimension in inches I d If the determinant equation for I and d is 1 h 1 - 600d^ 8 to 40. 600 d^ 1 + P - 1 P P find the corresponding determinant equations for a and PF and design a diagram of parallel alignment with suit- able scale factors for practical use in steel design. Problem 5. — In Section 15 of Chapter III were described diagrams of alignment with a fixed point; show that Equation (41) can be represented by a diagram with the fixed point x = I, y = and two binary scales on the Y axis. Problem 6. — A reduction formula used in automobile radiation tests is 62.4^1 H2 1 + 0.24^ where A Di Hi OASAJ), W "^ H\ (6,000 to 15,000) air, pounds per hour. (80° to 115°F) mean temperature difference (40,000 to 90,000) heat transfer observed, B.t.u. IF = (1,000 to 3,500) water, pounds per hour. Show how to design a diagram of double alignment with parallel scales for this formula and with the quantities grouped in the pairs H,A, and W, K where K = ^' CHAPTER VI ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS WITH ADJUSTMENT Introduction. — There is introduced in this chapter a new class of diagrams based upon fundamental principles already developed. These diagrams enlarge the number of types of equations to which the principle of collineation is immediately applicable and furnish also a general alternative method espe- cially for those equations which cannot readily be iden- tified with preceding types. It will moreover be found that the types of equations already treated may be regarded as special cases of the more general types now to be discussed. 22. Equations in Three Variables. — It was shown in Chapter III that an equation in three variables /i may be represented by a collinear diagram with three scales when and only when it can be written in the reduced determinant form /3 g. 1 = (8) Since there is no immediate and satisfactory test for this desired property of an equation or formula it is usually necessary to resort to the principle of compari- son with certain type forms and to the tentative rule of Article 14. It is therefore desirable to free the determinant form from restrictions as far as possible and at the same time to preserve the principle of collineation, or the use of the straight line index in designing the diagram. The fundamental property of Equation (8) is the segregation of the variables /i, /o, /a, into rows of the determinant. Consider now the determinant equation of the type /l2 gl2 1 /•23 g-23 1 fu ^31 1 = (45) in which the elements of each row are allowed to con- tain at most two variables, which variables may appear in more than one row. Then the equations analogous to the previously defined and much used defining equations will be of the type x=fi2 y = gi2 X =f23 y = g23 (46) X = fii y = g3i and each pair of equations will determine a curve net, except in the case explained below in Article 23. The three curve nets are shown schematically in Fig. 74 and it is seen that there appear two families of curves for each variable z. Call any set of three values of z which simultane- ously satisfy Equation (45) corresponding values of z. Such values of z necessarily determine values of the functions / and g and hence by Equations (46) there result three pairs of coordinates x and y which must satisfy Equation (45) when substituted for/ and g. But Equation (45) would then express the geometric fact that three points in the three respective curve nets are collinear. In general, however, it would not be true that any three points taken at random in the three plotted curve nets and on the same straight line would yield corresponding values of z attached to the curves intersecting in pairs at the respective points. It is here that the present theory departs from the theory previously developed. What happens in general is that there appear six values of z consisting of three pairs of dissimilar values. When corresponding values of z are used to select three points in the three curve nets it is seen at once that the same value of z is used to select a curve from two different nets. If now one variable Zo is unknown ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS WITH ADJUSTMENT = (47) it is evident that the index must be rotated about the point always determined in one net by the known values ZiZz until the same value of the unknown z-i appears in the two remaining nets at the points of intersection of the index with the known curves in each net. In the iigure the line PR is rotated about R until the points of intersection P and Q determine the same value of the variable z^ when it is assumed that Zi and Zs are known. This then is the principle of collinear diagrams with adjustment. There are many special cases and in not a few no adjustment of the index is required because the unknown variable appears but once. The method is of great practical advantage especially if a given equation is not adapted to the preceding treatment. 23. Special Forms of Equations.— Equation (45) is a general form and is less frequent than the simpler special cases. For example /31 and gzi may often reduce to fz and gz respectively by skillful choice of the elements of the determinant. The corresponding determinant equation is then /12 gl2 1 fiZ g2Z 1 A simpler form of diagram results from this equation. Without scale factors the defining equations are X = fi2 y = gi2 X= fiZ y = g23 x=Jz y = g3 The first pair of equations lead to the curve net, F,{xy) = Zi Fiixy) = Zi Similarly from the second pair is obtained the curve net Giixy) = Z2 Gz{xy) = Zz and the third pair of equations determine a curved scale for z with the support S(xy) = Still more simple is the equation /2 g2 1 /23 g23 1 In the resulting diagram there wil a curve net defined as follows x=f, x = f, X = hz Frequently a redundancy of variables in an equa- tion may be reduced by the introduction of a param- eter which is a simple function of two or more of the variables whose values are always given, as was done in Chapter III in the case of Example 33 for the mean = (48) ill be two scales and y = gi y = g-2 y = g2 3 hydraulic radius of trapezoids. This device will be of advantage in several of the examples which follow. Example 48.- — As a first illustrative example of the Equation (48) the quadratic equation z^ + aiZ -{- a-i = Q may be written in the reduced determinant form -a, 1 2 1=0 z k 1 where k = is a parameter. The three variables are ai, 2, and k. The defining equations are x = —ai y = X = y = z X = Z y = k To solve a quadratic equation by this diagram the figure is entered on the X axis with the value of ai at P and the index is then turned about this point until the value of 2 read on the Y axis is the same as the value read on the vertical line intersecting the index aj ai is set for the two roots of the equation z^ - 6.2z - 18.6 = Another simple case of equation (45) is /12 gu 1 fz gz 1 =0 fi' gi 1 Example 49. — As an illustration of this form of an equation, the equation 21Z2 - 23 + Vl + Z2-VI + sr = which can not by algebraic transformation be given the form of Equation (8), may now be considered. It may at once be written in the first determinant form 1 where it is crossed by y In Fig. 75 the index (49) = 1 Vl+Zi Zi Vl + 22- Z3 from which by adding columns one and two for a new second column and then interchanging columns two and three and dividing by the elements of column three there results the reduced determinant equation 1 Zy 1 Vl+Zl Z3 =:-=„ 1 S2 + Vl + Z2- Z2 -1- VI + 22 = For a good arrangement of the drawing the vertical 90 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS unit may be taken one-tenth of the horizontal unit and equations leads to the equation of a family of parabolas there follow the defining equations 2 _ ^^ n _ ^ 2j for segregating the values of Z3. The finished diagram y ~ u\ is shown in Fig. 76. In constructing diagrams of adjustment it is desir- able if possible to avoid binary scales as the use of the 10 diagram is complicated by their presence. 10 10 ' 8 . 2 14^56 -i:.: 3: - |I|M||||H]|I|| Jl I : ^ r -1^1-7 q+ , qq::;:::: ::::::: it::::::::::::::::::: 1 III "F::t:::x:::: -r +rTT — r--i . \m ::::::::::!j:3::::::::::::±:::: 1 1 I'M -^'r4^--p^---L- :.c .1 _^ - -- - 4 i ' 1 J h^-t T 4-i - ' ''i^' i±:::::: , 1 i:i=|::::::::i:::g::ii::::: ij --4?- ::::::::::ii^^^:: HiS::::::-:T;:-:::::::::x:::::: 1^4:;;- : 2 fEMMttm™ ::^r:::::::::: : ' ■;;;;|-Sife;a.. H--%f:^ = = -5s44^--i^M a :::::l::ii;p.::::l.; ::::::::::lSS:::::::l-it::: -t-i- -4.1 - . . i 'i '" ! ■, r-; ''" ' ■ I ": ; : 3;;^x;::I&:::S::::;!|H "1 — =;r^^"^"~^^7rT T^^^^'^sM:^^ ^t 0, :::::: --^Xi^px ' ' ' ''MI- |f:|:::::::,,^_:::±^:^:::::::: |^;:::;:::::!::;::|::ili ::::X:-i:':^:::: 1 1 1 -j-.- i' m rt'::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: tt :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: is : :::i mm - - +f 44+h +f++ +rf+ 4-W- -l-l-i- - -1- rflifiMfflfflMIIIIIIIIIIIII : 9 8 1 6 5^ 2 J ^ 1 8 S Example 50. — The quadratic equation z'^ -f aiZ -f a2 = 22 + VI + z^ 10 (z2 + Vl + 22') The two scales for Zi are easily drawn. For the may be written in the form curve net for Z2, Z3, since the right side of the first equation involves only Zi, there result straight lines parallel to the Y axis for the curves of that variable. The elimination of the variable Zi between the last two -1 aiZ 1 -z' 2 1 1 02 1 ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS WITH ADJUSTMENT 91 which is another special case of Equation (45) . With a horizontal unit twice the vertical the defining equa- tions become X = —2 y = Ci2 — 2^ a;= 3'= ^ x = 2 y = ai appear at Q and R and the operation is somewhat difficult to manage. In the figure the index is set twice for the roots of the equation z^ - 0.8z - 6.6 = It will be seen that whenever any variable z appears in but one row of the determinant equation of the 2.-S Z^.J0S_Z^6_ A binary scale is required on the line x = — 2 and the variables ai and z may be segregated by setting y = zx X = ai the resulting diagram is shown in Fig. 77. The roots are determined by turning the index about the point P on the aj scale until the same values of z form (45) , no adjustment of the index is necessary in determining its value from the corresponding diagram. It is to be noticed that the successive elimination of two variables Zi and Z2 from two equations X =/i2, y = gu, will fail if the two functions fu and gu are not DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR EXGIXEERIXG FORMULAS independent functions; that is to say in case one is a function of the other. Sometimes this con- dition plainly arises because both functions are functions of the same combination of the two vari- ables z. results always the equation of a curve which is the curve support for a binary scale. In the above example it is seen that to every point of the parabola there corresponds an indefinite number of pairs of values z^z-i and to segregate them either For example, suppose that /i2 = ZiZo and gn = VziZq then it is evident that both variables are elimi- nated simultaneously from /12 and gn and that there results the parabola y^ = x. Whenever both variables are eliminated simultaneously in this way there one of the defining equations may be used. Choosing X = ZxZi, any simple family of cur^'es, except the lines parallel to the Y axis, may be selected to define one of the variables, say y = Zi ; substituting this value of Zx in the last equation yields X = yzi ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS WITH ADJUSTMENT and all lines of the two systems which intersect on the same ordinate {x = ZiZ->^ determine pairs of values of Z\ and z g^i 1 I fki gk, 1 I = (51) An g^n 1 where the subscripts are allowed to take on any two different values in pairs from the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, exhausts all possible cases of the equation in five variables. Problem 1.- Discuss the equation 2^ 1 1 z a I -02 1 100 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS T7m wm^^^mw^^^^¥mi I 'Kli ^^ ^ >'At m ^^ ^ ^ ^ ALIGNMENT DIAGRAMS WITH ADJUSTMENT 101 Problem 2. — Criticise the diagram for the quadratic equation which results from the determinant form 2+Ci2 -1 1 a., 1 1 1 Problem 3. — Discuss the case of equation (51) where Zi is unknown and when the curves for Zi are the same in two curve nets. Problem 4. — Discuss the possible diagram for the cubic equation written in the form z^ 1 1 -a^z z 1 fl3 -ai Problem 5. — The law of cosines in trigonometry may be written in the form — a- b^+c^ :(1 - 2b) -cos A Construct a diagram. Problem 6. — Construct a diagram for a formula of trigonometry which falls under the special form (Problem 3) of Equation (51). Problem 7. — The formula r, - r. M log. of Fig. 56 is written T,-T, log. for use in connection with exhaust steam feed water heaters, where Ti = temperature of the exhaust steam T2 = temperature of the water leaving the heater To = temperature of the water entering the heater At = average temperature difference. Show that it can be written in the reduced determinant form T,) 1 At log. (T, (Ti - Ti) log . {T, - To) {Ti - To) {Ti - T,) (T, - To) and design a diagram with one curved binary scale which has two systems of segregating curves that serve for the three variables Ti, T2, To. Problem 8. — If the formula of the preceding problem is written At 1 (r, - T2) loge (7-: 1 Ts) log. (Ti-Ti) (r, - To) log. (Ti - To) log. (T, - To) design the corresponding diagram. Problem 9. — The annual sinking fund which will accrue to 1 at the end of n years is given by the formula 1 = ' 5^-(l + 0"-l This equation may be given the determinant form 1 s-„\ i 1 i 1 1 (1 + i)" a + 0" 1 Identify this with the last special form discussed in this chapter and construct a diagram with suitable scales for practical use for values of n between from 5 to 20 intervals. Problem 10. — The accumulation of an annuity of 1 per annum at the end of n years is given as the formula 5-;| = ; This equation has a determinant form similar to the one of Problem 9. Construct a useful diagram for va ues of i from 3 to 12 per cent. APPENDIX A DETERMINANTS OF THE THIRD ORDER Definition. — The square array of nine numbers with two vertical bars rtl bi Cl aa b2 C2 03 63 Ci is a convenient symbol for the expression, a\bnCi + bic^az + C\a-ibz — C1M3 — aiCobz — biaiCz (1) and is called a determinant of the third order. The separate letters are called elements. The elements in a vertical line form a column and those in a hori- zontal line a row. The expression (1) is called the expansion of the determinant. The elements aibic^ form the principal diagonal of the determinant and the elements Cib-ia^ the secondary diagonal. Expansion or Development of Determinants. — When the determinant A is given, the expansion (1) may be obtained as follows: Rewrite the first and second columns to the right of the determinant. The diagonals running down from left to right give the positive terms. The diagonals running down from right to left give the negative terms. Whenever negative elements are present care must be taken in determining the sign of each term in the expansion. SIMPLE PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS I. When all the elements of one row or of one column are zero the value of the determinant is zero. This is proved by observing that each term in the expansion contains as factors one and only one element from each row and each column. II. // all the terms in a row or in a column are multi- plied {or divided) by the same number K, the value of the determinant is multiplied {or divided) by K. The reasoning is the same as for I. In particular if A" = — 1 the sign of the determinant is changed. III. // the rows of a determinant are changed into corresponding columns the determinant is unchanged. Thus IV. // two rows or columns of a determinant are interchanged the sign of the determinant is changed. This property may be proved for adjacent rows by determining the change in the expansion due to inter- change of corresponding subscripts. Repetition of this process will extend the result to any two rows. By virtue of III the result is true for columns. V. If a determinant has two rows or columns identical, its value is zero. If we interchange two rows we obtain by IV —A, but since the interchange of identical rows does not alter the determinant we have ai 61 Cl ai ao as ai 62 Cl = bi b. 63 az ^-3 C3 Cl C2 cz that is A = 2a = VI. // one row or column of a determinant A has as elements the sums of two or more numbers, A can be written as the sum of two or more determinants. Thus 1 ai + a/ + a/ bi Cl Ol bi Cl Oi bi 02 + a-2 + ai' b2 C2 a. 62 C2 + a/ b2 \ 03 + 03 + Os" b3 C3 03 ^-3 C3 10. 5 03 b3 104 DESIGN DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS VII. The value of any determinant A ^5 not changed if each element of any row or column multiplied by any given number K be added to the corresponding element of any other row or column. By II and VI b, + A'63 ^'2 c\ + Kci Co Special Properties. from II that 02 fls 62 ^-3 + Ci Ci Oi as 62 b, = Ci C3 0-2 03 bo is Co C3 + -It results, by V immediately b, fi I bo Co =0 bz C3 = provided that Ci, C2, C3 are all different from zero. A column of unit elements may then always be intro- duced into the equation A = 0. For even should a zero appear in every column, by using VII a column of elements all different from zero may be obtained and by using IV, this column may be given the third position. Finally the determinant may be divided by the elements of the third column. In the construction of engineering diagrams one of the fundamental operations is to write certain given formulas of three variables in the determinant equation form. C3 MxUtiplication of Determinants of the Third Order. The product of the two determinants of the third order A and Ai, is a determinant of the third order as follows : OiWi + bini + Cil a^mi + btHi + f2l flsWi + 63M1 + C3I 61 fl nil Wi 1 62 Co W2 «2 2 63 Ci mz «3 3 O1W2 + bini + Ci2 atnio + bojto -\- co2 a^mo -\- bsno -f C32 aiW3 + bins + Ci3 02^3 + boHs + CoS a^mi + 63M3 + CsS To prove this result it will be sufficient to actually carry out the expansions and multiplications. A further proof is given by L. G. Weld "Theory of Determinants," Chapter VI and in any work on determinants. A working rule for multiplication may then be stated thus : Connect by plus signs the elements of each row in both determinants. Place the first row of the first determinant upon each row of the second in turn allowing each two elements as they touch to become products. This is the first row of the product. Perform the same operation on the second determinant with the second row of the first to form the second row of the product, and again with the third row of the first determinant to obtain the third row of the product. Note that the product (by virtue of III) may also be obtained by using columns instead of rows. APPENDIX B THE PROJECTIVE TRANSFORMATION Definition. — A geometric transformation in the plane is an operation which replaces one geometric configuration by another. A one to one point trans- formation replaces a given point by another uniquely determined point. Under the operation of such a transformation the locus of a given variable point P{xy) is transformed into, or replaced by, another definite locus traced by the corresponding point Equations of a Transfonnation. — Usually a relation may be written between the coordinates of a given point {xy) and those of the transformed point (xiyi). Such equations are called the equations of transforma- tion. Thus for example, if every point P of the plane is pushed outward by an impulse from the origin so that the distance OP is doubled, there results obviously ^1 = 2x y, = 2y for the relations connecting the coordinates of the old and the new points. Such a transformation is called a dilatation. By it, circles about the origin are transformed into circles with radii twice as great. Straight lines remain straight, etc. A more general dilatation is given by the equations xi = nx yi = ixy where ;u is any constant whatever. Kinds of Point Transformations.— Obviously if a pair of equations xi = ixy) yx = rPixy) (1) are written at will, they may in general be regarded as establishing geometrically a relation between the points (xy) and the (transformed) points (xiVi) which may be computed whenever values are assigned to X and y; i.e., whenever any point P is selected. Now the properties of the resulting geometric transforma- tion will depend upon the nature of the functions {xy) and 4/ {xy) of Equations (1) are Hnear fractional functions with the same denominators. the relation The constant coefficients must satisfy oi bi Ci I a, b, c. I ^ Qi (6) 03 ^3 C3 otherwise the coefficients are not restricted. The determinant of the inequality (6) is called the determi- nant of the transformation. It is to be observed that the transformation Equations (2) above result from Equations (5) if 03 and bs are chosen equal to zero and C3 equal to unity Properties of the Projective Transformation.— There are two principal properties enjoyed by this transformation which are important for the work needed in this book. First, the transformation pre- serves straight Hnes. Solving Equations (5) for x and y it is found that _ ^1^1 + Biyi + Ci ^ A2X1 + Bjyi + Ci ^ ~ Azx^ + B3yi + C3 ^ A3X1 + B3yi + C3 where A, B, C, are expressions involving a, b, c, only and consequently a straight line ax+by + c = becomes a{AiX, + B,y, + d) + b{A.x, + B.yx + C2) + c{A3X, + B3y + C3) = and collecting terms this equation has the final form o'x + b'y + c = ^ where c' = aAx + bAi. + CA3, etc., and is consequently the equation of a new or transformed straight line. Second, the transformation may always be so selected that any four points (no three of which are coUinear) may be made to take any four (similarly restricted) positions. This result is accomplished by ' Read 9^ "is different from." selecting the suitable coefficients for the equations of the transformation (5). To prove this property of the projective transformation whose equations are written in the form (5) above, assume that the four points given are Pi, Pi, P3, Pi, with the coordinates (wi«i), (nhni), (OT3W3), (w4«4), or more briefly, P,- with coordinates WiH,, where i = 1 . . .4. Let it be assumed now that these four points are to be tiansformed into the four new positions whose coor- dinates are respectively /),g, (j = 1 . . . 4) . There will result immediately from Equations (5) eight necessary relations of the form _ fliWi + biUi + ci _ ajnii + b^nj + Ci . . ^' ~ flaw. + bini + C3 ^' " OsWi -f is".- + Cs which the nine coefficients a, 6, c of Equations (5) must satisfy. All these equations will be homogeneous in the quantities a, b, c which are to be found. There is required one more relation or equation to completely determine the nine constants and that relation may be selected at will and of course will be so chosen as to reduce the labor of solving the equations as much as possible. Example. — Suppose that the four given points are those with the coordinates (0 0), (0 -1), (-1 0), (—1 1) and that it is desired to develop a projective transformation which will transform those four pointsinto the four points (0 0), (0 1), (1 0), (1 1), respectively. Choosing for convenience C3 = 1 the eight equations resulting from Equations (7) upon substitution of these coordinate sets are : 0=0 = 1 = 1 = C2=0 -b, + c, -b3+ 1 -b..+ci ^- -b3 + l -ai + ci -03+ 1 ^- -03+1 — oi — bi -03 — b3 + + Ci 1 -02 - bi + C2 ^- -a3-b3+ \ This set of equations reduces at once to the set of four linear equations — fll + 03 = I -b, + 63 = 1 -Oi + 03 + bz = 1 -b2 + a3 + b3= 1 The solutions are Oi = 1, 03 = 0, b-i = — 1, 63 = 0. Consequently the equations of the transformation (5) become x = -X y = -y The important application of the above principle in the present volume arises in connection with the selection of scale factors in the design of the necessary diagrams. Suppose in connection with a nomogram for an equation of three variables Zi, Z2, Z3 it is desirable to APPENDIX B 107 move the 2i and the Zn scales from the two parallel straight lines x = —I and x = \ to the two lines X = — 5i and x = &2 respectively and at the same time to introduce the scale factors mi and ix-i so that the two parallel scales will then have the defining equations X = -by. y = Migi X =^ bn y = //2g2 respectively. In order to determine once for all what will be the nature of the change in the defining equa- tions for the third scale it is only necessary to observe that the change determined by the choice of the two transformed scales above is sufficient to determine a projective transformation. The four points (1 0), (1 1), (—1 0), (—1 1), have been transformed respec- tively into the four points {bi^) Xhni) ,{— 5iO),(— ^-ly-i)- Following the procedure above there result the eight equations ai + ci ' az + f3 a. + c. az + cz ai-\-hi-\-Ci ' az + hs + c 02 + &2 + C2 "' 03 + 63 + Cz -ai + ci -az + Cz -ai + bi + ci '' ~ -az + bz + cz -at -\- bi + Ci "' ' -az + bz + cz Selecting for convenience the arbitrarily chosen relation az + bz + cz= 1 the solution of the nine equations yields fiibi + M25i j^ ^1^2 — M25l U Cl = „ 2ai2 02 = b,= M2 C2 = Ml ~ M2 , az- 2^^ bz- (. Ml + M2 and by substituting these values in the Equations (5) above there results for the necessary projective transformation (mi52 + ti2bi)x + (/ii62 — ^l■ibl) y = - fii)X + (mi + M2) 2MlM2y (mi — M2)a; + im + M2) There is a convenient modification of these equations if (nibn — Ilibi) = and also another convenient simplification if 5i = 62 = 5 and (/xi^i — m-jSo) 5^ from which results _ ( mi + Ma)^ + (mi — M2) (mi — M2):«; + (mi + M2) _ 2miM2>' (mi - M2):*; + (mi + M2) These are the equations of Chapter III numbered (26)-. The equations developed for the introduction of scale factors into the equations numbered (10) and (13) in Chapter III may be obtained by the method here used. In the text of the present volume the supplementary transformations that have been introduced to better the design of diagrams are all very simple and similar transformations can usually be selected by inspection ; it is desirable to point out, however, that in the design of important nomograms for permanent service the use of the four point method here described may be the only way that the necessary transformation can be determined. It is obvious from Equations (5) that if a point P with the coordinates {m n) is to be transformed to infinity it is only necessary to choose azbzCz so that aztn + bznix + Cz = 0, since then the values of both Xi and yi will be infinite. The equations of trans- formation numbered (2) above are the most general equations for the projective transformation which preserves parallelism of straight lines. Such projective transformations are called affine transformations. The Projective Transformation and Determinants. The condition that three points {x'y'), {x"y"), {x"'y"') shall lie on a straight line is conveniently expressed in the form :' V 1 ■" y" 1 :'" y'" 1 If a general projective transformation is applied to all the points in the plane the three points in question go over into three new points which are collinear also. Substituting for x' and y' , etc., in the above determi- nant the corresponding values obtained above from Equations (5) in terms of x\ and y'l, etc., there results A 3X1' + Bzyi' + Cz AzXi + Bzji + Cz AxXx' ■\- Bxyx' ■\- Cx A2X1" + B2yx" + C2 Axx' + Bxv' + Cx Aox' + B.y' Axx" + Bxy" -f- Cl A2X" + B-iy" Axx'" -{■ Biy'" -f Cl Aix'" -\- B^y" AzXi" + Bzyi" + C3 AzXx" + Bzyi" + C3 ^1X1'" + Bxyx"'+ Cx A2Xx"' + B^yi'" + C2 AzXxx"'+ Bzyx'" + Cz AzXx" + Bzyx" + C3 and multiplying this equation by the three denomi- nators of the elements of the first column, there results -f C2 Azx' + Bzy' + C: -t- Co Azx" + Bzy" + C: '+C2 Az^'" ^- Bzy"' + C. 108 DESIGN OF DIAGRAMS FOR ENGINEERING FORMULAS which by the multiplication law of determinants is 1 Bi Ci Xi' y\ 1 Bi c. X Xi" y" 1 3 B^ C^ Xi'" y\" 1 Since now the first determinant factor does not vanish^ the second must and hence the condition that the transformed points lie also upon a straight line appears at once as a result of their original coUinear position. If now it is desired to write the above equa- tion in terms of the original coordinates there follows: Xx y\ 1 Cl &1 Cl X\" yi" 1 = ^2 ^2 Cl Xx" y'i 1 ^3 bz cz Which may be proved by the laws of multiplication of determinants and Equations (5). There results then the Working Rule: To apply a projective transformation to the variable elements of a determinant multiply the determinant by the determinant of the transformation. This rule may be used as a check in the practice involved in this voLume. The important principle, however, which the above rule brings out is in connection with the manip- ulation of first determinant equations to reduce them : Every manipulation of a determinant equation by the laws of determinants is equivalent to applying to its elements a projective transformation. In other words every change in the first determinant form has corresponding to it a geometric change in the plane. y' 1 y" 1 =0 y'" 1 I be shown to be true from the condition VI. INDEX Accuracy, choice of units for, 72 of a scale, 8 Adjustment diagrams, alignment, 88 AfBne transformations, 107 Air compression, intercooler pressures, 64 horsepower, 33 Alignment diagrams, definition, 35 Amortization factor, bonds, 75 Anamorphosis, 13 Angular distance of celestial body from meridian, 74 Annuity formula, 101 Automobile engine rating, 43 radiation reduction formula, 87 tractive resistance, 64 Auxiliary variable, 76 variables, hexagonal diagrams, 30 parallel indices, 84 Barometer readings, corrected, 39 Bazin's formula, 69 Belt tensions, 30 Binary scale, curve support for, 92 defining equations for, 66 definition of, 65 methods of plotting curve nets, 74 Binary scales, segregation of variables, examples of, 97, 99 use of in diagrams with adjustment, 90 Biquadratic equation, 99 Bond formula, 72, 75 Boussinesq's formula, 30 Brauer's method, 17 Canals, mean hydraulic radius of trapezoidal sections, 55, 64, 75, 76 Celluloid, use of transparent with indices, 21, 83 Change of scale factor, 2 Chezy's formula for flow of water in open channels, 78 Chimney formula, 49 Choice of Scale Factor, 7 Circles and straight lines, diagrams of, 30 Circular segment, approximate area, 18, 64 exact area, 39 mean hydraulic radius of, 64 Coefficients as scale factors, 28 Collinear nomogram definition, 35 points, 36 CoUineation of three points, 35 Colors used to simplify diagrams, 74 Column formula, Gordon's, 87 in a determinant, 103 Combinations of simple and collinear diagrams, 80 of simple diagrams for four variables, 80 Common normal, system of parallel lines, 21 Complete cubic equation, 67', 75 Compound interest, 30, 64 Compressed air, mean effective pressure, 30 horsepower, 33 Condenser tubes, 34 Cone pulleys, open belt, 97 Cooper's formula, 32 Coordinates of ray center, 3 Corresponding values of the variable, in diagrams of adjustment, 88 Cosines, law of, trigonometry, 101 Cubic equation, 51 complete equation, 67, 75 general equation, 94 Curve nets, 65 method of plotting one set of curves by intersections, 74 when one set of curves become straight lines, 74, 75 with adjustment, 88 Curve support for a binary scale, 92 Curved binary scale, 67 scales, 49 Curves of translation, 97 transformed to straight lines, 13 Defining equations, definition, 35 for the binary scale, 66 Derivation of new scales, 1 Deriving a scale factor, method of, 47 Development of determinants, 103 Determinant of the transformation, 106 Determinants, effect of manipulating, 38 example of how to set up, 49 of the third order, 103 properties of, 103 Determining unknown exponents from empirical formula, 14 Diagonals, of determinants, 103 110 INDEX Diagrams, alignment, with two or more indices, 76 collinear, with two parallel scales and one curve net, 66 of adjustment, when no adjustment is necessary, 91 of ahgnment with one fixed point, 57 with adjustment, 88 with three parallel straight scales, 36 Dilatation, projective transformation, 105 Displacement of parallel scales, 43 Double alignment diagrams, 76 coUineation, 76 graduation, points of, 65 Hexagonal diagrams, 28 for n variables, 30 Hinge scale, 76, 83 Horizontal formula, stadia distance, 53 Inductive reactance, 34 voltage, 28 Intercooler pressures, in air compression, 64 Earthwork computations, 36, 64 Eckblaw's silo formula, 30 Elementary diagrams, 9 Elements, of a determinant, 103 Ellipse, perimeter of, 30 End areas in earthwork, 36, 64 Expansion of determinants, 103 External of two tangents, 14 Equal ordinary scales on both axes, 11 Equation in three variables, eight general forms, 94 Equations in more than three variables, diagrams with adjustment, 94 in two variables, 5 Equilateral hyperbolas, 75 First determinant form, definition, 36 rule for obtaining, 51 Five variables, equations in, 99 Flow of water {see also Francis, reclamation service), 25 Bazin's formula, 69 Chezy's formula, 78 Kutter's formula, 67 Flynn's modification of Kutter's formula, 67 Four parallel straight scales for four variables, 61, 64 Four-point method in projective transformations, 106 systems of parallel straight lines, 25 variables, diagrams for, with parallel or perpendicular indices, 80 with two parallel scales and a net, 66 Francis' weir formula, 11, 21, 47, 57, 62 Friction head, flow of water, 21 factor for steam turbine nozzles, 25 Function scale, 1 Kutter's formula, 67 Lame's formula for thick cylinders, 80 Law of cosines, trigonometry, 101 Length of a scale between limits, 7 Length of open belt, stepped pulleys, 94 Lewis formula for gear teeth, 87 Limiting values of the variable, 8 Locus, of transformed points, 104 Logarithmic cross-section paper, 14, 57, 60 transformation, 38 Log tan z from log z scale, 5 M Machining time, 84 Manipulating determinants, 103 Manipulation of determinants equivalent to projective transformation, 108 Mean efifective pressure of expanding steam, 14 hydraulic radius, circular segment, 64 trapezoidal section, 55, 64, 75, 76 temperature difference by Greene's formula, 97 log formula, 63, 101 Modulus, 1 Multiplication diagram, 62 of determinants, 104 N New scales, methods of deriving from given scales, 1 Nomogram, 9 Non-parallel scales, 49 Normal form, 21 Gear teeth, Lewis formula for, 87 Gordon's column formula, 87 Grashof formula, 30, 43 Greene's formula, mean temperature difference, 97 H Heat drop, adiabatic, 25 transfer apparatus, mean temperature difference, Oblique axes, use of, 39 scales, 49 One fixed point in diagrams of alignment, 57 Open belt formula, 94 Ordinary scale, 1 Orifice, flow of steam through, 43 rectangular, flow of water under low head, 62 INDEX 111 Parallel indices, 80 straight lines, 21 Parameter, 9 Parametric equations, 35 Partial differentiation, 36 Perpendicular indices, 80 Pitch, gear teeth, circular and diametral, 87 Pivot scale, use of, 76 Plotting curves by dividing ordinates, 9, 13 function scale from graph of curve, 5 Point transformations, 105 Points of double graduation, 65 Principal diagonal of a determinant, 103 Projective scale, 2 transformation, 104 effect of, 38 Properties of determinants, 103 the projective transformation, 106 Purchase price of bonds, 72 P7" = constant, 17, 60, 64 Segment of circle, approximate area, 18 exact area, 39 Selection of curves in net of binary scale, 69, 74 Shaft diameter, to transmit given h.p. and r.p.m., 17 for combined bending and twisting, 31 Simple Cartesian diagrams, 9 diagrams, combined for four variables, 80 straight line diagrams, 13 Singular point, 69 Sinking fund formula, 101 Special forms of equations, for diagrams of adjustment, properties of determinants, 104 Stadia formulas, 53 Steam, Unwin's formula for flow of in pipes, 77 Stepped pulleys, open belt, 94 Straight lines and circles, diagrams of, 30 scales, three parallel, diagrams for, 36 two parallel one oblique, diagrams for, 43 Superimposed diagram, 76 Supplementary transformations, 106 Support, of binary function scale, 65 Quadratic equation, 12, 49 diagram with adjustment Quartic curve, 55 90 Radial lines, how to plot, 16 line systems, 14 Ratio of expansion, 16 Ray center, 3 Reciprocal scales, methods of avoiding use of, 50, 97 Reclamation service formula for flow of water, 21, 28, 61, 62 Rectangular orifice, flow of water, low head, 62, Redemption price of bonds, 72, 75 Reduced determinant form, 36 Richardson's equation, 34 Riveted joints, 10 Row, in a determinant, 103 Rules concerning determinants, 103 Taylor's formula for tool pressure, 30, 39 Thermionic current, 34 Thermodynamics equations, 64 Thick cylinders, Lame's formula for, 80 Third order determinants, 103 scale, scale factor, 38 Three curve nets, collinear diagrams for, 74 parallel straight scales, 36 at unequal distances, 38 straight scales, no two parallel, 49 variables, most general form of equation, 93 Tool pressure, Taylor's formula, 30, 39 Torus, volume of, 39 Transformation, projective, 105 Transformations, affine, 107 Trapezoidal canals, m.h.r., 55, 64, 75, 76 Turbine nozzle, 25 Two variable equations, 5 U Unwin's formula, flow of steam in pipes, 77 Scale factor, definition, 1 choice of, 7 development of, for three parallel scales at unequal distances, 38 for two straight scales at right angles and one curve scale, 55 for Cartesian diagrams, 9 Scale of log z, 1 of Vz, 1 Scales determined by curves on parallel straight lines, 67 Secondary diagonal of a determinant, 103 Vertical distance, stadia, formula 53, Volume of frustum of cone, 30 W Water, flow of, Kutter's formula {see also Francis, reclama- tion service), 67 Bazin's formula, 69 Wind resistance of automobiles, 28