m^mn i AUTIKON BOTANIKON 1 OR ^BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, OF 2500 New, rare or beautiful Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Vines, Lilies, Grasses, Ferns &c, of all region**, but chiefly North America, with descriptions ^c and '2500 self figures or specimens. BY PROF. C. S, RAFINESaUE PHILADELPHIA, 1815-1840. ICibraro •Nnrtlj (EaroUna ^tatp CUoUpgp Q.k'Qi 109313 109313 This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below: 50M— 043— Form Arnold Arboretum Itervard University MtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiM I AUTIKON BOTANIKON I OR ^BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, ¥ OF 2500 m New, rare or beautiful Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Vines, Lilies, Grasses, Ferns &c,of all regions, but chiefly North America, with descriptions ^c and 2500 self figures or specimens. BY PROF. C. S, RAFINESaUE. m FIRST PART-CENTURIES I to V. 1? TEXT OF 500 OBJECTS ^ARTICLES. PHILADELPHIA. 1815-1840. ^ Text of each part of 500 objects, 50 cents. ^ 500 Figures belonging thereto ; 50 dollars. IpiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiiifiiiff^ m This was published in 1840, the author attaining only 1500 of his proposed 2500 species. No actual illustrations were prepared, Rafinesque intending actual botanical specimens to "illustrate" his species. The original work closes with p. 200. AUTIKON BOTANIKON. Icones Plantarum Select. Nov. vel Rariorum, plerumque Americana, interdum African. Europ. Asiat. Oceanic. &.c. CENTUR. XXV. BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATIONS by Select Specimens or Self-figures in 25 Centuries of 2500 Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Lilies, Grasses, Ferns &.c, chiefly new or rare, doubtful or in- teresting, from North America and some other regions; with accounts of the undescribed,notes, synonyms, localities A/s. am. — Alsograpliia Americana or a grove of new Trees and Shrubs, 330 articles, 1838. Pom. Am. — Pomona of native fruit trees of North America — Pterikon the Ferns of N, Am. &c — Erikon or the Andromedas, Heaths, and Ericoid Shrubs — Agrostikon or Figures of 800 Grasses and Cyperoides — -will form parts or supplements to this great work, being similarly illustrated by self figures. N. B. — The names of Authors will be abre- viated as usual, L. for Linneus, W. Wildenow, Dec. Decandole Slc. . . . but O. will imply Om- nes or all the aiitJiors. t This mark will indicate that having but few Specimens left, they will belong to the first, 2d or 3d complete sets to be disposed of. CENTURIA 1. Viburnum L. Subg. Lentago Raf. als. 219. Autikon l^Membranaceum R. als. 223 Florida. 2, Laurifolium R. als. 225 — New Jersey, 3, Ferrugineum R. als. 226 — New Jersey. 4, Heterophylum R. als. 227— Oquago Mts. 5, Retusum R. als. 228 — Alabama. 6, Squamatum W en. — als. 229. once my V. punctatum — Atlantic marshes. In my Also- graphia 30 sp. of Viburnum of N. America, are describefl and contrasted, whereof 16 are nevy, all in my herbal, I now give 6 as samples. RiDDELMA Raf. new fl. 856, sylva tel.701. new genus of tribe Cleomides, 7, Antlphyla Raf n. fl. 757, S. tel. 702. Louisi- ana undershrub. 8, Arbutus andrachne O — Grecia. D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College G AUT. BOT. 1), DiLLENiA scandens W — Australia, t PsYCHANTHus Raf. Spec. Sc* 1814. 10, Myrtifotia Raf. ut supra — Polygala do L. &LC. Africa Austr. 11, Phyllis nobla L. 4*c — Canarialns. 12, Qorrea alba O. — Australia. 13, RiPsocTis egyptiaca Raf. als. 52 — Salix octandra, Sieber — Egypt. Nestronia Raf. n. fl. 503, N. G. of tribe Daph- nides, 14, Vmbellula R. 504, shrub of Georgia &c, JUNIA Raf. Dioica, fl. masc . . , fem. cal. 5part. persist, cor. 5part. lobis spatulatig truB- catis,glandulis 5 oppos. (an stain, abort?) ovar. ovat. glabr. stylo 1 stig. 2fidum. capsula 2lo- eul. sem. paucis planis ellipticis. Frutex^foL oppos. fl. axilL — N, G. near to Cletbra and Cyrilla; but habit unlike, and perhaps of tribe Myrsinides if there are 5 stamens op- posed to segments of Corolla. I restore for it the name of Junia given to Clethra by Adanson. 15, Jwnia triflora Raf. ramulis teretis rugosifi fuscatis, foK petiol. glabris, ovatobl. serratib acutis reticulatis, pedunculis axil, trifloris — pretty shrub, flowers small white, found name- less in a parcel of plants received from Flor- ida, but whether Floridan, Antillan or Afri- can I am not sure. 16, Clethra acuminata Mx. Carolina. 17, CI. tomentosa Lam. — South New Jersey, 18, C/. angustijolia Raf. ramulis apice hispi- dis, fol brevi petiol. angustis cuneatis acutis, apice mucronato-serratis, subtus pallidis gla- bris,nervis hispidis: rac. gracilis lax. angul. pu- beris, bracteis linearib, pedic. eq, calieib. vix- acutis, furfuraceis, glauco-fulvis, — Florida CEWT. I. 7 fihf ob, apparently very distinct from CL alni- folia^ leaves quite narrow although as long. 19, C/. hradeata Raf. ramulis teretib* fulvo to- mentosis) fbl. petiol. latoblongis, basi neutis^ apice acum. ineq. serrulatis, subtus fulvescens granulatis, nervis tomentosis : raceinis laxis> bracteis lanceolatis fl. longior, calicib. fulvis, toment acutis — very peculiar sp. of Florida, leaves about 2 inches long and one wide, some bracts one inch long, t 20, C^. pumila Raf. repens, caulib. erectis bre- vis slmpl. apice angul. pubens, fol. petiolis hirsutis. obovatis utrinque acutis, mucronato- serrulatis, glabris, nervis subtus hirsutis : ra- ceme brevis basi laxo, bracteis linear, ped. eq. calicib. obtusis furfuraceis — ^m South New Jersey, stem only 4 to 10 inches high with a singlri raceme and few small uncial leaves. If it is a var. of CI. alnifolm, it is a singular de- viatiait; 21^ CI. oomdatn Raf. ramulis juigul. villosis, fol. ovatis, basi oordatis, apice. obtuse acum. sub- integris vix erosis glabris, subtus reticul. ner- vis puberis : racemis laxis ebracteatis, cano villosis, calicib. obtusis Canis furfuraceis — sent me as the CL arborea, but totally un- like, by cordate leaves 3 or 4 inches long, 2 broad, not serrate nor oblong, racemes not spiked with rather long pedicels. Probably African, t 23, DicoNANGiA heterophyla Raf. Itea Virgin- ica L. &c. from New Jersey to Louisiana. I restore the excellent generic name of Mit- chell and Adanson, the bad one of Linneus being too short and meaning a Willow ! I give it a new specific name quite appropriate,since the same shrub has leaves ovate and obovate, 8 AUT. BOT. oblong and elliptic, acute acnminate or ob- tuse; there is nothing permanent but the short petiols, margin serrulate, and pale or glaucous lower surface. Capsules conical villose in all. Cyrilla L. &c, the racem4flora of Mx. dis- tinguished from the antillana is as Variable in leaves as the last G. tne only permanent characters are the entire leaves with reticu- late nerves on both sides ; but I have foond in the fruit characters for 3 distinct blended species. 24, Cyr. polystachia Ksl(. fol. reticul. psllidis mediocris petiolatis, infimis obov. obtusis, imis cuneatis acutis ; racemis fascicuK elon- gatis, bracteis subul. brevis, capsulis subglo- bosis — Louisiana and Florida near wat^s^ leaves 2 or 3 inches long, of a yellowish green, racemes 6 to 8 inches. 25, Cyr, parvifolia Raf. fol. retic. subsdssilib. virens parvis, oblongis vel cuneatis obtj vel acutis vel acum. racemis iasoic. abbreviatis, bract, subul. ped. subeq. capsirlis ovatiB— Florida and Alabama, leaves small mostly uncial, racemes 3 to 5 inches long. 26, Cyr* fuscata Raf. fol, reticul. brevipetiol. fuscatis amplis, sepe ellipt. obtusis, nonnulis oW. cuneatis ; racemis geminis ternisque ab- breviatis, bracteis subul. pedic. eq. capsulis oblongis — Alabama and Georgia, leaves most ly 3 to 4 inches long of a dark fuscate color above, paler beneath, racemes 4 or 5 inches long — all these shrubs have evergreen coria- ceous leaves; but their shapes and color, with bracts and capsules are permanent dis- tinctions. 27, Florkea tdiginosa W, &c — Pennsylv. to CENT. I. J) Louisiana, but rare every vvliero. Complete- ly described by myself in 1818 in Silliman Journal, and referred to tribe of Galenides, which has since been wrongly called Lim- nanthacea. 28,Odacmis Raf, new fl, 828. N. G. of same family Galenides — Od. fascicular is Raf. 829 — Florida, t 29, FoRSKALiA angustijolia Mur — Tenerif 30, Stylipus vernus Raf Med. fl. new fl. ^^c — N. G. near Geum Ohio to Missouri. 31, Cressa cretica L. O — Egypt, Syria,Creta. 32, Cornelia verticillata Am. Ammania do Lam. O. t — Egypt. The Ammanias with 4 dentate calix from the G. Cornelia. RONCONIA Raf. cal. camp. 4dent. adherens, cor. o. stam. 4, styl. filif stig. capit. capsula membranosa uniloc. apice ineq. erumpens, placenta centralis. Herha^fol. oppos.Jl.axil, pedic — another G. blended in Ajiimania,ded- icated to Ronconi, it differs chiefly from Corrtelia by uniloc. capsule. 33, RoNCONiA triflora Raf (Ammania auricu- lata nonulis) glabra erecta ramosa, ramis virgatis 4gonis, fol. linearib. obtusis basi di- latato cordatis, pedunc. sepe 3(loris fol /bre- vier, bract, subulatis — Egypt. 34, BoYKiNiA liumilis Raf rev. 1817. Awma- nia do L. A — North America. This G. has also the capsule uniloc. but the calix 8 den- tate as in Ammania and 4 petals. 35, Glinus lotoides L. O— ^ispania ^c. 36, RuTA tuberculata Forsk — Egypt. 37, Eplidium hiimifusum Uaf Peplidium (ad Peplis) do Del.— Egypt. 38, DiDiPLis linearis Raf herb, et new fl. 10 AUT. BOT. 737-8. Peplis diandra Nut. Dec. — Louisiana, Arkanzas. 89, Sempervivum arachnoideum W. A — Alps Tyrol, t 40, Thesium alpinum L. O — Alpis. 41, Thes. humifusum L. O.— Hifep. 42, Papaver alpinum L. O — Alpis. 43, Pap. camhricum L. O — Cambria, t 44, MoNTiA fontana L. O — Europa. 45, Atirsita pumila Raf. n. fl. 820-1. N. G. near Veronica, of Arkanzas. t 46, Veronica sparsiflora Raf. n. fl. 825. Mis- souri. 47, Ver. mollis Raf, n. ft. 826. Origon. *48, Littorella fiexuosa Raf. n. fl. 748 — Alabama and Arkanzas. t 49, Littor, lacustris L. A — Europa. 50, Lathyrus auriculatus Bert. — Sicilia. 51, ViciA leptophyla Raf. Dec. — Sicilia, 52, Samolus paniculatus R. herb — Florida to Texas. 53, Sam. acaulig R. herb — Mts. Origon. t 54, Sam. multicaulis R. herb — Cieta. 55, Sam. valerandi L, Europa &c. Under that name have been blended 10 or 12 sp. distin- guished in my Monograph, of which I now give 4, 56, Ononis reclinata O— Sicilia Mts. 57, BiscuTELA raphanifolia Poir — Sicilia. 58, Bisc. pilosa, R. fol. cuneatis acutis sessilib. remote dentatis, siliculis dilatatis obrenifor- mis glabris, margine dense ciliolatis. — In Ar- kanzas, small annual plant, half pedal, leaves 1 or 2 inches long, lower almost petiolate, up- per oblong or lanceol. racemes short, flowers CENT. I. 11 small yellowish, style persistent, stigma ca- pitate, t 59, Farsetia incana Raf. Cheiranthus farsetia Desf. &c, Lunaria scabra Forsk— Egypt; Arabia. There is a 2d sp. F. linearis. The G. made a shbg. by Persoon is quite peculiar by elliptic silicles. lONDRA Raf. diff. Thlaspi—Siliculis ovatis compressis margine alatis, latere nervo me- dio in stylo anceps decurrens. The name was an ancient one of Thlaspi. 60, loNDRA arahiea Raf. Thlaspi do L. A.— Arabia, Palest. Egypt, t 61, BuFFOxMA tenuifolia L. O.— Italia. 62, Dessenia scoparia Raf. Struthiola erecta L. O.— Africa austr. Adanson's name of Dessenia is far preferable to Struthiola de- rived from Struthium, the Ostrich, without even any preceptible allusion. CARGILA Raf. diff. Melampodium, Perianth. 4-5phyI. ineq. rad. fem 4-5, flosculis 4-8, sem. 4-4gona, apice nuda truncata— Cargila was Adanson's name for Melampodium. 63, Cargila dichotoma Ji. oaule dichot. sulca- to, fol. subconnatis obovatis acutis scabris, la- tere subangulatis subtus glaucis, pedic. erec- tis ad dichot. lac. per. ovatobl. Sent me un- der the false name of Melampodium longi- folium, neither applying nor found in authors. South America, erect pedal, leaves 1 or 2 inches,, flowers very small, t 64, KuHNiA elliptica Raf. new fl.— falls of R, Cumberland in East Kentucky. 65, K, cinerea R.— Kentucky. 66, K. media R.— Alleghany Mts. 67, K. eupatoroides L— Philadelphia at a sin- gle spot. See my monograph of the genus, 12 AUT. BOT. and supplement thereto, where over a dozen N. Amer. sp. are distinguished. 68, Othake tenuifolium Raf. n. fl. 923 .Stevia callosa Nut. — Arkanzas. 69 Oth. longifolium R. n. fl. 924 — Arkanzasf 70, Xetoligus brevifolius R. n. fl, 925 — Louis- iana, another N. G. near Stevia. 71, Flaveria contrayerba Juss. MiUeria do Cav — Peru, t 72, BcEBEHA glandulosa W. O— Carol, ad Mex. 73, Alcina perfoliata Cav. Wed^ia do W. — Mexico. + 74, Brickellia cordifolia El. — Carol, t 75, DiPLOSTELMA pumila Raf. n. fl. 317 — Ar- kanzas. N. G. miscalled Chetanthera and Actinocarpus by some. 76, Dipl, radians R. n. ft. 318 — Texas. 77, DipL fiUformis R. n. fl. 319— Texas. 78, Grindelia squarrosa W. Donia do Pursh —Missouri. 79, SiBBALDiA procumbens L. O— Alpis. 80, DucHESNiA fragaroides Dec. Fragaria in- dica — Asia. 81, DiCTAMNus albus L. O — Italia. 82, Rhinantiius maximus W. — Cretat 83, Didymocarpus crenulatus Lind.— Austra- lia N. G, near Rueliia with uniflore sccTpes^ leaves oblong obtuse crenate villose. 84, Maurandia berkleyana Lind, — Antilles. TRIMISTA Raf, diff". Nyctago, cal. 3fid. ineq. cor. infundib. limbo piano trilobo, lobis ineq. emarg. stem. 5 ineq. hypog. non epipet. 3 major exerta filif. antheris glob, stylo exerto filif. strg. capit. granul. fol. opp. fl. axil, et term. 85, Trimista lemgata Raf. fol. petiol. glabris ovatis subcord. acutis integris, cal. ovati^ a- CENT. I. 13 cutis — Central America, flowers large incar- nate. One of the plants blended in Nyctago jalapa stated to grow in both Indies, t 86, LoPEZiA hracteata Raf. ramis virgatis, fol. sparsis petiol. ovaio lanceol. acum. dentatis ciliolatis, racemis foliosis, bracteis siniilis. pe- dic. equante — New Mexico, bipedal, leaves ujicial, peduncles filiform nodding, t 87, Endopogon pumilum Jiaf. fl. tel. 196 — Wasioto hills of Kentucky, N. G. near He- djotis and the 2 next G. t PLETHYRSIS Raf, diff. Hedyotis, caL camp. 4part. ineq. foliaceus, cor. infundib. limbo 4part. lac. linear, revolutis, tubo intus villoso, stam. 4 eq. filif, basi viilosis exertis, stylo fi- lif. stig. 2 linear, capsula coronata 21oc. dis- perma. fl. term, thyrsoideis, herba. — The name implies multiplied thyrsus, very dis- tinct inflorescence. 88, PusTHYRsis glauea Raf. caule 4gono sea- bro, fol. subsessil. ovatis acutis scabris inte- gris, subtus glaucis, thyrsis ovatis basi com- positis foliosis, fl. subsessil. bracteis parvis lanceol. — Unaka or Iron Mts, of Carolina, flowers handsome incarnate, leaves similar to Cunila mariana. Perhaps Spermacoce in- volucrata belongs to same G, but dift'ers by narrow hirsute leaves, and capitate flowers* t 89,Stelmanis glomerata Raf. Oldenlandia et Hedyotis do L. A — New Jersey ad Louisiana my G. proposed since 1818 means unequal crown, the generic characters is found in the unequal calix as in Plethyrsis, but the sta- mens are inclosed, stigma sessile capitate, capsule polysperm, seeds trigone &c. 90, Omonoia calijornica Raf. fl. i^L 351 (in 1836) Elshotzia do Chamis. non W. Chryseis 14 AUT. BOT. do Lind. non Chrysis L.— Calif, et Origon. 91, GYfi a^hpsis flexuosa Raf. herb. Clintonia Lind. 1830 non Raf 1818— Origon. 92,CA]ffPANtJLA altfina L. 0~Alp. Sibir. Ann^r. bor. 93, Veronica prostrata Hoffm— Gernn. Sibir. Atn. bc«*, 94, CoBEA scandens O. — Texas, Mex. 95, Glaux maritima L. O. — Europa. MARZARtA Raf. (bot) diff. Bocconia, cal. nullus vel evanescens, stam. 12-15 filif. anth. longis linear, ovar. obi. stipit. stig. unicum oblongnm obt. Herha €icaulis, Jl. racem, compos. — Totally unlike Bocconia which is frutescent, with 6-8 stamens, style bifid &.C. This has habit of Heuchera. 96, Marzaria cordata Raf. Bocconia do W. O — China^ fol. longe petiol. cord, repandis, bracteis subul. t 97, Epiiwedium alpinum L. O — Alpis &-c. TROXIRUM Raf. Sylv. tel. 494. diff. Piper fol, opp. vel vertic. stigma obliq. &c. 98, Troxirum mllosum Raf. toto villos. fol. subpetiol. opposit ovatobl. apice atten. ob- tusis uninervis, spicis fiiif.glabris axii.et term. — ^Central America, sent me as Piper blan- dum,but very distinct,herbaceous erect,6to 10 inches high, leaves uncial, spikes biuncial. 99, Trox. varians Raf. Piper verticillatum L, O. — Antilles. Small plant 3 to 6 inches high, leaves variable obovate or oblong, opposite or 3-5nate, always sessile obtuse trinervate. 100, Zalitea linearis Raf. new fl. 990 — Ar- kanzas, fine N. G. of Euphorbides. Thus this Century contains 28 N. G. of mine, whereof 7 now first described, with many new and very rare species. CENT. 1I« 15 CENTURIA II. 101. VESTIA vel LEV ANA Raf. cal. ur- ceol. tubul. 5dent. dentib. subineq. brevis. cor. tubulosa elongata subclavata basi angustiora, limbo Sfido vix patens, lac. acutis, stam, 5 ex- ertis ineq. filif. antheris subrot. 2Joc. stylo simi- lis, stigma truncatum. Fruct .... Frutejc, foL alt fl, term,— Very distinct G. sent me under 2 names Vestia lycioides and Blairia pentandra, I find neither in my Authors, it is certainly not a Blairia ! I dont know who ^- tablished Vestia, 1 give Levana (a nymph) as a synonym, in case it is also a blunder. The G, appears akin to the many blended in Ly^ci- um if the fruit is a berry, the unequal stamens are a character of this group, omitted by over- sight in my reform fl. tel. 261 to 278, thus form- ing a family Lycioides distinct from Ilexides ; the Convolvulides differ by capsule and oppo-* site stamens. Vestia lycioides vel Levana uniflora Raf. glaberrima, fol. sessilib. oblongis obtusis integris uninervis glaucis. basi cuneatis acutis, ramulig apice nudis unifloris— fine African shrub, leaves uncial, some smaller ones obovate In the axils flower large biuncial, white or incarnate, nod- ding in anthesis. t 102, Therofon napelloides Raf. n. fl. 902. Boykinia aconitif. Nut. non Boykinia Raf pre- vious— Mts. Unaka of Carolina, t 103, Calymenia granulata Raf glaberrima, fol, angusto lanceol. basi acutis, apice obtusis, utrinque granulatis, margine flexuoso, fl. axil, soht. lac. perianth, ovatis acutis membranosis 10 AUT. Bor. glabrig — Florida and Alabama, pedal, leaves biuncial. 104, Adoxa moscatellina L. O -Eur. Origon. 105, Decumaria harbara O. — Florida. 106, BuiNALis jloridana Raf. n. fl. 830, Anychia do Baldw. Herniaria Americ. Collins Florida. 107, Plagidia rufa Raf. n. fl. 834, 840. Anychia hernaroides ? Mx. Florida. 108, Argyrocoma imbricata Raf. n. fl. 839 Paronychia argyroc. Nut — Carol. 109, Argyroc. dichotoma Raf. Achyran- thes et Illecebrum do O. — Virginia. 110, Blutaparon hremforum Raf. n. fl. 845, Illecebrum vermiculatum Mx. non L. — Florida. 111, DiscoPLis serrata Raf. n. fl. 740 — Florida et Cuba, N, G. near Tragia. 112, Cartrema or/ora/a Raf. Olea Americ. L. A — Carol. 4*0 called Pausia in sylv. tel, 10, by mistake having a previous Vausia fl. tel. 1139. rectified in appendix, t 113, Foi.YGO^VM Jimbriatiim El. — Alabama.! 114, Polyg. articul. L, O — Nov. Ces. ad Carol. 115, Arkezostis quinqueloba Raf. n. fl. 996. Boykinia trispora Nut. — Alabama : thus a 3d Boykinia, see 34 and 102. N. G. Cucurbitacea. 116, Triodanis scabra Raf. n, fl. 905 — Mts. Alleghany. 117, Triod. rupestris Raf. n. fl. 906.— Maryland. 118, Erigenia bidbosa Nut. — Pensylv. ad Kentucky. 119, Peltaria alliacea O. — Hungaria. 120, SHORTIA Raf. dilf. Arabis et Draba stylo elongato porsislcnsj stigma obt. siliculip CENT. 11. 17 obfk>ngi$ planis acutis se^ dimidiatis — G. estab* lished 1834, dedicated to Dr Short. Short! A. deutata Raf. Arajbis do Nut. Diaba do Hooker, Sisytiibr, do Tor. et Arabis !— -Ken- tucky, Missouri. 131, SEMETUM Raf. diff. Lepidium, st%. ma sessile bilob. silic. ovatobl. nervosa ad dis- sep. contrario angusta, valvis compressis carina obiusa, locuHs 1-2 sp. — all my specimens «re in fruit, thus dowers unknown, akin to IHieptiutn if stamens 2, butsilicle not emarginaite. Sem- et was an oldname of Lfepidium. ^JEMETUM ramosum Raf. ramosa subdichot. fol. lin. cuneatis acutis glaucis integris, racemis ramosis, pedic. comosis filif. elongatis proximis — Florida, erect smooth, leaves uncial, flowers and silicles very small but profuse, t 122, DiaeoviuM ohieme Raf. N. G. 1619. Dec. (fee. — Ohio. This G. although shown to Torrey in 1826, has not been admitted by him, and merely noticed as doubtful. It is near the last G. but the silicle is shorter not nervose, stigma entire, petals yellow, t 123, PoLYPREMUM squarrosutit Raf. P. pro- cumbens L. O— perennis, caulib. erectis vel procumb, bisulcatis scabris fol. linearib. mar- gine scabris, internodis longior, florib. sepe term, congestis, bracteis squarosis quaternis — Carol. Florida. I have revised this sp. to contrast It with the next. This curiuos G, does not bebng to Scrofularides ; but is very near Veronica, differing by habit li4(e Scleranthus, corolla equal and 4 stamens, are they opposited ? when it would be of family Primulides. 124, Polypr, laxum Raf annuum, decum- bens, caulib. laxis glabris bisulcatis, fol. lin. lan- ceol. margine glabris, internodis brevior, fl. so- 3 18 AtT. BOT, lii. lid rfichot. bract^is sepe bims— A^kansittF, Texas. Larger pkint» leaves broader and lon- ger, flowers quite seesile »nd never terminal. 125, Arenaria heteropfijfla Raf. glabra caule paucifloro, stricto simplex, apice fuscato strbnudo, fol. planis obtusfs, inferis subpetioL cuneatis, medialis longe linearib. cuptris suba* tatis; axilis nudis, pedie. ek>ngati8, calicib. acu^ tisdn^vis, petalig" spatirialis elo*igatis— A rkan* Mrt, near A^ teneUa of Nuttal but ieaT«£ f «ry different AoC acute ; fiowers white leather largd, petals over twice tb6 calix, leaves oftien uneiaL 126, Aren. pitcheri Nut. T.^ — Arkansas. 127, Aren.squarrosa Mx. — Nova Ces. CaroL 128, Aren. lateriflora O.— Niagara et Alleg. 129^ Aren. glal^ra Mx. — summits of Allegh, Mts. I have it from Tor rey himself found on top of Shawagunk Mt«. of New York, a locality he has forgotten (like many others) in his fiora. 130, Aren. incurta AlKonri — Helvetia. 131, Aren. trinervia L. G — Gallia. 132, Aren. terna L. O. — Alpis. 133, Aren. muralis ^ieb — Creta. 134, Aren. setacea (quid ?) Gallia. 135, Honckenya peploides Erh. non W. Aden^rium do Raf. n. fl. I. Dec. &c — Eur. marit. 136, Honck. maritima Raf. Aden, do R. rv, il. I. Holosteum succnlentum L. — Am, bor. maritimrs. 137, DiANTHLs tripunctatus Smith — Creta. 188, 1>. ncipkylus Sieber — Creta. 139, D. deltoides L. O.— Alpis, 140, SiLENE rotundifolia Nut. — Chio, &-C. 141, (Si/, virginica L. O. miniata Raf. an nat.-— West Pennsylv. and Virginia, Kentucky. 112, SiL scahra Raf. caule simplex scabro CF.fiT. II. 19 apioe gland ul.pubescens, l-3flaro,fi>kovatolan- ceol. obtiisisscaJbrisiininervis, fl. brevi perfimc. cai, teretis ep» uroeol. lion iiiflatus 5dent. pctalifl einarg. subnudis, ops. sicca, fol. cespit, ped. Ifl.fl. di^icid^-very dis- tinct by habit &c, the name means dicarf pi»k» Xamilenis unifl4^ra Raf. Silene aeaulis L. O — Labrador. 208, PLECONAX Raf. dift Silene, caU c^ ram.brachiatis 4cost.4sulc. fol. petiol. ovat. acu- integris basi obt. fl. panic, sessilib. cal. ext. bracteoso 2valv. ineq. obov. acutis — this and next belong to my Gr. Adeloda fl, Tel. 972, with many sp. once blended in Just. bivalvis,the dou- ble calix external bivalve and corolla with 2 en- tire lips, are very peculiar, Florida. 254, Adeloda verticillata Raf. ram is erectis bisulcatis, fol. petiol. ovatobl. acutis repandis, basi acutis, fi, axill. vertic. pedunc. cal. ext. bracteoso 2valv. ineq. obov. obt. repandis. — Ar- kanzas and Texas, very distinct from, last, bi-- pedal, leaves very thin 2 or 3 inches long. The internal calix in both appears short subulate, often multifid or pectinate, corolla incarnate, lobes unequal obov. obt. stigma obt. anthers ex- ert bilobe, 21ocular, but one cell abortive, fila- ments subul. flat. 255, RuELLiA strepons L. O — Pens, ad Louis, subgenus Hemelosia. 256, Ruel. tuhiflora Lee. — Florida. 257, RueU ciliosa Pursh &-c — Florida, Car. Alab. 258, Hygrophila ohlongifolia Raf. Ruellia do O. — This G. was formed by R. Rrown upon unequal corolla, see fl. Tel. 993 259, Hygroplu pilosa Raf. pilosa hispida caulib. simpl. 4gonis, fol. subpct. lane, vcl obi. CUNT. ill. 33 acutis, fl. axil. eal. tilitl hispidis, corollis tubi- floris reticulatis — Kentucky and Alabama, dis^ tinct from last although often blended, flowers as large as in R. Strepens, leaves 1 or 2 inches, 260, Hygroph. hypericifolia Baf. caulib. strictis pubens 4cost. 4sulc. fol. sessil. ellipt, obtusis subcrenato repandis glabriusc, axilis bi- foliosis unifl. cal. filif. cor. brevis venosis pro- funde lobatis — Florida to Alabama, habit of Hypericum and Ascyrum, leaves uncial, root perennial creeping, Howers small half size of the others, tube short, lobes ob|ong, tlae as in all akin. 261, Sarazina gibbosa Raf. (vel grandiflora) purpurea L. non omnis — several sp. or v,ar. are blended in this remarkable plant, difficult to characterize, and none are realy purple — fol. cOnformis subsessilib. obovato gibbosis, lutes- cens, ala ampla gibbosa, appendice renif. seti« retrorsis, scapis flexuosis, cal. obt. vel retusis, petalis spatulatis — Canada to Virginia,swamps, 262, Saraz, heterophyla Eaton, appears to differ by leaves diforme longer petiolate, nar- row wing, streight scape, flowers smaller, calix and petals undulate 4'C, — Novanglia, very rare.t 263, Saraz. venosa Raf. difters from gib- bosa, by leaves short, with small wings, venose reticulate of red chiefly in the lid, scape streight flowers smaller— Virg. ad Florida. 264, Saraz. parviflora Raf. foK sessilib, tu- bulosis, ala angusta, appendice concavo forni- cato, scapis flexuosis, cal. latovatis acutis — very distinct sp. of Florida, yet akin to th^B last, leaves 3 to 6 inches long, nervose, flowers very small, purplish. 26,'», ISaraz, rubra Walt, «Slc — Carol. Flori 34 Atn, BOT. da, leaves pedal, narrow lid ovate obt« flmver red as in the preceding, rather large. 266, Saraz, acuta Raf. fo!. tubui. longbs. nervosis ala angustissima, append, erecto rentf. acuto— Alabama, I have not the flowers, leaves pedal with paralel nerves, base acute, mouth ^mall, lid smooth, t 267, Sara^. ndunca Raf. fpl. tubul. longis ner- vosis infundib. ala angust. append, ovato actun- CO glabro— Florida leaves pedah, lid wkh a liooked point. 268, Saraz, fiava L. O— Carol 269, Sarav, variolaris Mx — Carol. This fine G. requires yet an amending hand, notwith- ^anding the Monographs and labors of Nnttal, Croom, Eaton, Torrey who has only 6 sp. in- cluding & drumandi and psiti€tcina. 270, Hydrola atatifoUa Raf n. fl. 898 — Arkanzas. 271, Hgdr. pameuiata R, n. ft, 897— Ar- kanzas. 272, Hydr. caroUniana Mx. 4valvis W.— Cttrolina. capsule bivalve, peduncled axils, 2-4flore, bracteate. stem and calix hirsute. 273, Hydr, uniflora Raf. caule flexuoso inerme glabro, fol. alt. lanceol. acutis subsessil. pedunc. axil, unifl. bract. 2 obi. ineq. cal. lin. glabris — Louisiana on Red River, sent me by Torrey as Hydr. Ataltis, but unlike the last, smooth, not spinofee, leaves smaller biuncial, flowers bluish white, anthers Wue shaped like x, caps, bivalve, t 274, Ebbrlea glomerata Riddell Mpi.— Louisiana in water, singular G. sent me by Rid- dell in fruit without flowers, and thus I cannot be sure of the tribe ; the habit and fruit is of the Justicoidcs — caule herbaceo atropuip. sim- CENT. HI. S^ plex, fol. opp, decuss. scss. lanceoK obtusis mar« gine scabris integris, fl. vertic. glomeratis (albis estivalis est Kid.) cai. 5part. lac. lane. acum. capsulis obi. bivalvis biloc. valvis septiferis par- tibilis dorso sulcato^ sem. ad sept, remotis re- nif, t — The Justicia chelionida of (!» ludov, 115 appears a 2d sp. of this G. diflfering merely by loaves acute, fl. geminate- pedunculate^ ; if so tke corolla is campadi< bilab. upper lip narrow reflected bidentate, lower very broad 31obe, It may be called Eb, geminaia* *i75.DIPLANDRA Raf. diff. Jussieva et Ludwjgia, pctalis 4, glanduiW 4 lunuldtis villosis ad petalis uppos. stam, 8 brevis, stylo bseve»stig. glob, capit, caps. 4gona coronata latere dehis^ cens, intus subuniloc. placentas. 8. FoU aU,^,. axU. — the Arner* Sp. of Liidwigia, Jussievajs- nardia and Ammama have been so blended, as to perplex all botanists : yet excellent charac- ters can be found in the calix. stamens, glands and capsules, requiring yet some N. &. this is very distinct, the fruit is very peculiar almost clavate semi 4valv, nearly uniioc. with 8 fili- form persistent placentas forming the 4 angles and nerves of surface, united at top in a kind of radiant arch, seeds minute. DiPLANDRA decttrretis R-af. Ludw. do "WAlt. Lud. justicoides Mx. Jussieva erecta Abbot t. 40, Pursh Slc. caule ramoso tereto alatO) fol. lancepK decurrcns scutisi fl. axil. sess. petalis subrot caps, glabris alatis^CaroK ad Missouri £^, 2 or 3 feet higli, leaves 3 to 6 inches, petals yellow, small. 27(J, DipUindra hetfirophyla Raf. caule hu- mile basi ramoso vix alato, fol. infer, obi. obtu- sis vix decurrens, superis lin. lane. obt. sessilib. — Louisiana, a deviation of last, pedal, leaves 3S Al^T. BOT. small uncial or less, flowers and fruits simiiar. 277, DiPLANDRA compressa Raf. eaule an- ceps vixalato^ mmis fastigiatis filif. spicatis, fol. lanceol, sessil. acutis, ad ramis linearib. petalis obovatis, capsulis non alatis Snervis scabro- gitinukitis — FloFida, sent to Collins by Leconte a? Jfissieea trachisperma, bipedal, leaves bi- uncial, on twigs uncial, flowers pretty large. 278, Dipl. montana Raf. glabra, caule tere- te sinnplex, fol. inf. parvis petiol. obi. obt. cete- ris sessil. lanceol. obt. acum. fl. axil, solit. peta- lis obi, obt. cal. vix longior, capsulis clavatis Snervis — Unaka Mts. of Cherokis, annual, pe- dal, lower leaves uncial, others large triuncial, petals white, called J. erecta in Collins Herb; as weil as next, altho so unlike, t 279, Dipl. pumila Raf, nana glabra caulc compr. simpl. fol. sess. lin. lanceol. obt. fl, sess. axil, parris cal. ovat. acum. serrulatis, caps, ciavatis — Florida, annual, 3 to 4 inches high, leaves few 1 or 2 inches, fl. snaall, petals yellow oblong, 280, Dipl. ovata Raf. Jus. do? nonnulis auct. J. grandiflora fl. ludov 317 non Mx. — caule compr. non alato vix ramoso, fol. sessilib. ovatobl. obtusis, superis obi. fl. siibsess. cal. ovat. acum. pctaHs ovatobl. obt. cal. eq. capsulis cla- vatis Snervis — Florida to Louisiana, pedal, leaves imcial, fl. smftll, petals yellowish. 381, ADENOLA Raf. diff*. Jussieva Diplan- dra, ctil. 5-6part. interdum deciduus, petals 5-6, stam. 10-12, ah. brevioribus, glandulis 10-12 ad stam. alt. stylo clavato, stigma turbin. capitato Umbili<;.capsulis(©retiu8Culis,nervosis,subuniloc. septis evanescens, sem. numerosa 5-6serialis^ ad placentis 5-6erectis liberis. caps, maturis co- rona carens npiee trunrata orumpens vix de- iiv.^T. itf. . 37 hisrerls. Fohdlt. fl. axil. — this will inchido the reitiain«ler of the N. American Sp. of Jtissieva, the real Ludvvigias beinij; distinguished by cap- sides short angular cubical opening by a ter- minal pore Adenola grandi0,ord Raf. Jussieva do Mx. &.C — Florida &c fol. lanceol. acutis, fl. decan- dris, seldom producing seeds. 282, Adenola glau<;a Raf Jussieva lepto- cappa Ntit. &c, erecta caule angulato bispido, iG\, sessil. obK et cuneatis acutis glaucis, A. brevi pedie. sepe 12andris, cal. hisp. lam;, acum. tri- nervis, petalis eq. capsul. glabriusc. multinervis — Louisiana to Alabama, ultra pedal, leaves 1 or 2 inches, flowers small petals short, capsuie Very singular, when quite ripe uncrowned but still indehiscent, seeds peculiar cordote fiat with truncate margin around. 283, Adenola lengipes Raf Ludw. peduncul. iionnulis non Mx. Estonia amphibia Rid. Mpt. repens, glabra, caule assurgens flexuoso, fol, longe petiol. ellipticis vel latobl. utrinque acutis, ft. longe pedunc. fol. eq. sepe decandrih, cal. lane, acutis, petalis obov. venosis ad cal. longior — ^Florida a«d Louisiana in water, pedal, leaves large 2 to 4 inches long, 3 to 6 with petiolsjuow- ers yellow lai^ger than in last, 5 short alt. sta- mens often 3.^ortive or changed into glands,cap- sule as in If t, but evidently 51ocular when im- mature a^^ ^eeds peculiar triquetrous oblong tr«ncate at both ends, perhaps a subg. Teres- petfHa Raf as there is a previoas Eatonia. Quite distinct frCwn Ludw. pedunoulosa with oppos. linear leaves. 284, LuDwiGiA mollis Mx. O — Car. Florida, Alab. 28.'>. Ludw, pilosa Wait. Virg. Car. caule 38 ATT. BOT. angul. ramosa, fol. obi. obt. petalis cal. longior. 286, Ludw, hirt^lla Raf. n. sp. 2 (1^08) Air- suta Pursh 1814 ? hirsuta, caule ang. virgato simpl. fol. snbamplex. laiKxeol. acutis vel obt. glaucis, petalis cal. eq. — Maryland and New Jersey, disc, by myself 1804 publisl>ed 1808, l-2pedal, leaves uncial base rounded, capsules 4gone on short peduncles. 287, l,udw. pruinosa Raf. pruimosa scabri- usc. caule simplex subtereto colorato, fol. sessi- lib. nervo decurens lanceol. subacutis trinervis, fl. pedunc. cal, ovat. reflexis, petalis cal. duplo longiorib — Allegh. Mts. and Kentucky, pedal, stem red or fuscate, leaves uncial, flowers large pale yellow, akin to the 2 last and also to L. macrocarpa. 288, Ludw. virgata Mx. &c, non Elliot — Alabama, caule tereto, fol. lin, obt. petalis ochroleucis cal. duplo longior. 289, hudw.juncea Raf. caule virgato angul. simplex, fol, remotis gjabris linear, obt. superis minimis cuneatis, fl. racemosis, cal. ovatis acu- tis ad pet subrot. subeq — Alabama, near the last, but still more slender, leaves narrower, stem angular, flowers small yellow^, petals round, stamens with 4 alt. glands or abortive stamens opp. to petals, style long, stigma v^ry large sha- ped like an Agaricus. 290, Ludw. lanceolata Elliot- "^orida, Car. stem angular, capsules sessile short ^ejcne. 291, IsNARDiA angustifolia D. R. Ludw. do Mx. linearis Walt.— Carol. Floe. Alab. I unite to Isnardia with Decand. all the Ludwigias without a cubical 4gone capsule, flowers often apetalous. 292, Isn, glandiUosa D. R. Ludw, do Walt. CENT. Hi 39 — Carol. Florida, mv specimens have the glands; OR stem, branched angular, leaves small petio- late obi. acute. 293, Isn, cylindrica D. R. Ludw. do Elliot — Carol, to Louisiana stem, ang, no glands, leaves sess. lanceol. acute 1-2 inches long, sub- repand. 294, Ammania linearifoUa Raf. ramosa O. ramis 4gonis virgatis, fol. linearib. obt. nonnulis basi dilatatis, fi. sepe verticil. — one of 4 sp, or var. blended in A. ramosa, this the largest bi- pedal. This G. only ditfers from Isnardia by calix Sdentate. 295, Am. multicauUs Raf. caulib. angul. vir- gatis simpl. fol. linearib. acutis, fl. sepe vertic — Virginia, pedal, leaves uncial, 296, Am. teres Raf. caule teres vix ramoso fol. obi. obt. carnosis, caulinis basi qord. ad me- dio, angctstatis, rameis cuneatis brevis, fl, sepe solit — Virg. ad Carol, pedal, leaves twice as broad as in last, broader at both ends. 297, Am. longifolia Raf. caule teres vix ra- moso, fol. elongatis gramineis acutis flacidis, basi cord, amplex. subtus glaucis, fl. sepe solit. — Arkanzas and Louisiana, leaves 2 or 3 inches long strap shaped not narrower in the middle, thin and flacid, not rigid as in the*»others, pe- tals white. 298, Am. diffusa (quid ?) caule teres ramoso diffuso fol. spatulatis oblongis obtusis repando crenatis, basi angustatis vel dilatatis, pedunc. axil. 2-5floris — sent under that name (not in my books) without locality, probably Antilliau, leaves uncial, fl. very small. Is it of G. Ron- conia ? see 33. 299, Campanula divaricata Mx. — Wasioto or Cumberland Mts. of East Kentucky. '10 AUT. Bor. 300, Camp, erinoides Mg. flexuosa, spinu- losa, aparinoides of others Pennsylv. New Jersey. This Century includes 22 N. G. whereof 12 now first described and some restored, with over 40 N. Sp. CENTURIA IV, 301, BoERHAviA atomaria liaf. erecta non- nulis non L. glabriusc. caule erecto basi tereto apice obt. 4gono, fol. opp. petiol. ovatis acnitis repandis erosis planis basi subtrunc. subtus pal* lidis atroglandulosis, panicula nuda 2-3chotoma, fl. subternis pedic. — Florida, pedal, leaves un- cial, flowers minute, fruit Sgone obverse pyra- midal Ssulcate subSdentate, mistaken for the Antillaa B. erecia by bU the Northern Botan- ists, which differs by stem viscose pilose, leaved undulate rough on margin not glanduiose. 302, Boerh. squamata Raf. diffusa Baldw, Mpt. non L, caulib. diffusis vel adscendens teres furfuraceis, fol, opp. ternisque ineq. petiol. ova- tis vel subrot, basis subcordatis, apice vix acu- tis, marg. subrepando scabris, subtus fulvescens squamatis glandulosis panic, paucifl.. dichot. bract, lanceol, tl. subternis sessilib. involucris subulatis — Florida, found by Baldwin, not in .authors, smaller than last, semipedal perennial, leaves small semiuncial quite unequal, quite scaly beneath with black dots besides, fl. small few. The B. diffusa of India differs by stem & leaves smooth, not cordate nor scaly. — ^The G. Boerhavia must form many subg. 1 Taludama stam. 1 or 2, such as this and Br. diffusa,repens, hirsuta, erecta, atomaria, &c — 2 Saliunca R. stam. 3 or 4, such as B, scandens, excelsa, re- CENT. IT. 41 panda, 4andra — 3 Fleterina R. stam. sepe 10. B. arborescens. 303, Rhexia glabella Mx.— Florida. i 304, Rh, lulea Walt.— Car. Flor. 305, Rh, lanceolata Wait, angustif. E. — Car. Florida. 306, Rh. linearifolia Lam — Florida, t 307, Rh, ciliosa Mx.— Car. Alab. 308, Rh. serrulata Nut— Alab. Flor. 309, Parnassia palustris L — Canada. 310, Parn. palustris \Sir. parvifolia R. diff. foi. parvis subtus punct. scapis angul. brevis 19. minor, cal. lane — Mts. Allegh. t 311, Parn. nudata Raf. fol. cord. obt. subt. squamoso punct. scapis plurimis angul. nudis, vel bract, ellipt, obt. cal. ovat. obt. enervis, pe- lalis obi, spatul. neci. multisetis — Mts. Unaka of Carol, leaves semiuncial, frutescent, scapes 3 to 5 inches long. 312, Farn. rotundifolia Raf. amer. et carol, nonulis — Fol. subrot. vel ovatis obt. integris. subtus punct. petiolis apice dilat. scapis teretis, folia parva sess. ovata, cal. ellipt. obt. enervis, petalis ovatis, nect. 5setis? — Mts. Saranac of New York, leaves uncial on long petiols, scape 4 to 6 inches, flower size of P. palustris^ petals multinerve as in most sp. This and the 3 fol* lowing sp. appear blended in P. Caroliniana of Bosc and Mx. or Americana of Muhl. un- meaning names. 313, Varn. g andiflora Raf. fol. longe petiol. grandis, orbiculato cordatis obtusis integris sub- tus glaucis glabris, scapis alatis teretis, fol am- plex. similis, cal. brevis ovatis obt. 5nervis. pe- talis ellipt. obt. multinervis, nect. trisetis elon- gatis — Fine sp. of the Unaka or Cheroki Mts. 6 42 aut. bot. petiols 6 inches, leaves 2 inches long and broatd scape pedal, flowers double size of P. palustris. 314, Parn. glauca Raf. fol. longe pet. ovatis obt. undulatis subtus glaucis glabrisj scapis teretis anceps, folia sess. similis, cal. ovat. obt. enervis, petalis obov. multinef vis, nect. sepe tri- setis — Lake Ontario, Genessee R. and New Jersey, leaves uncial almost whitie beneath, scape 6 to 10 inches, flowers larger than in P. palustris. 315, Tarn, repanda Raf. fol. longe petiol. ovatoblongis vel ellipt. obt. repandis, basi in pe- tiole decurrens, vel interdum subcordatis, sub- tus glaucis glabris, scapis compr. folia obi. par- va, cal. ovat. obt. 3nervis, petalis obov. multin. nect. tnsetis — Tacoriick Mts. of New England, large, leaves biuncial quite elongate, scape often pedal, flowers as in last, t 316, Gpatiola pilosa Mx. Carol. Alab. 317, (jtrat. identataMx. E. non omnis Caule repens f urfuraceo tereio bisulcato, fol. subulatis acutis 4dent. ad nervo carinatis, ped. fol. cq. cal. filif. caliculatus caps ovatis — Carol. Bald- win first noticed that 3 sp. were blended in Gr. 4dent. I therefore describe this in full to con- trast with the 2 next. Flowers bicolor says Elliot, yellow streaked of purple and border white, capsule short in this and akin. 318, Grat, ramosa Walt, caule 4gono gla- bro erecto ramoso flexuoso, fol. lin. subul. acutis integris vel bident. enervis subtus convexis, ped fol, eq. cal. lin. ineq. ebract. caps ovatis — Carol. Alab. semipedal, leaves semiuncial, flowers yel- low. 319, Grat. rnllosa Raf. caule teres furfura- ceo erecto ram. fol. obt. callosis 4-6dent. planis nervosis, inferis obi. vel lane, subtrinervis, ccte- CENT. VI, 43 ris linearib. ped. fol. eq. cal. lin. callosis ineq. bract, caps, globosis — Florida tbund by Bald- win, 4 to 6 inches high, leaves short, fl. yellov^^. This and last of Subg. Fsidiola by calix rot calicolate. 320, GraL odorata Raf. virginica L. O. — easily known by its fine smell like Jessanaine, all over N. Amer. 331, Grat, viscosa Schw. Eat. virginica, EI. Carol. Louis. 322, GraL oarolinensis Pursh — Carol, to Louisiana, to this Leconte and Eaton refer G. spherocarpa Elliot, and many other synonyms, that evince the previous conftision of this G. 323, Grat. heterophyla Raf. glabra diffusa flaccida, caule teres ramoso, fol, ovatis et obov, vel obi. integi*is vel subdent. obtusis vel reiusis, ped, fol. longior, cal. lin. meq. calic. cor, tube elongate, caps, ovatis cal. eq. — New Jersey to Florida, 3 to 4 inches high, leaves uncial thin, peduncles filiform very long, corolla white and yellow. 324, Grat, aurea Mg. — New Jersey to Lou- isiaiict. It varies with leaves linear and lan- ceol. stem virgate erect or decumbent ramose. 325, Ambdlia rigida Raf. fl. Tel. 966 Gr. anagallidea, Mx. Carol, to Kent, and Texas, All the Gratiolas with 4 fertile stamens belong to this G, of Adanson, Subg. Aotalix calix not caliculate, it varies with leaves cuneate, rhom- boidal, oblong or obovate, always drying black and stiff. 326, Var. obovata, fol. sepe obovatis crena- tis ped. longis arcuatis— Mts. Unaka, t 327, Var. microphylc^ fol. obov. parvis ere- natis, ped. brevior rectis — Florida, t 44 AUT. BOT. 328, Var. cuneata fol. cuneat. vel obi. ped, longis rectis — Carol. Alab. 329, Var. angustf. fol. linear, oblong, ped. longis arcuatis — Florida. 330, Ambulia micrantha Raf. Grat, do Baldw. glabra caule 4gono, fol. angustobl. basi cuneatis, apice serratis obt. pedunc. sepe gemi- natis fol. brevior. cal. brevis, ovatis obt. bract, capsulis subrot. semiivalvis — Florida, disc, by Baldwin, leaves nearly like the last, but neither black nor rigid,small, calix not lanceolate, caps, not obi. bivalve. Perhaps a subg. Impula Raf. by this and capsule unilocular, style filif. short, stig. obtuse, 331, Amhulial psilosa Raf. Grat. 4gona EI. his own specimens yet not answering to his dis- cription — glabra caule pumilo 4gono, fol. tenuis obov. vel obi. integris yel subdent. obtuse tri- nervis, ped fol. brevior. cal. ebract. subul. caps, subeq. ovatis compr. acutis — style and stigma as in last, stem 3 to 4 inches, leaves thin semi- uncial, flowers small, 332, Macuillamia rotundif, Raf. Monniera, and Herpestis do auct. glabra repens flexuosa, fol. petiol. ovatis vel subrot. pedic. fol. eq. caps, ovatis — Illinois, small plant. This G. was est- abl. by me in Neogen. 16, year 1825. 333, MacuilL obovata Raf. glabr, vel hirsu- ta prostrata non flex. fol. obov. vel. ellipt. sessi- lib. obt. ped. fol. brevior,caps. globosa — Virginia in the River Potomac, and in Louisiana, larger plant, leaves semiuncial. 334, MacuilL amplexicaulis Raf Mon. et Hesp. do auct — Carol, ad Florida. 335, Habershamia cuneifolia Raf. neog. 15. Mon. et Hesp. do auct. — Carol. Florida. 336, BAZINA Raf. (bot.) diff. Gratiola &c CEST. VI. 45 cal. Spart. lac. angiistis, subeq. cor. tubulosa in- fund. limbo obliquato ineq. lobis 5 ineq. stam. 4 didyn. 2 sterilis furcatis uniloc, styl. filif. sli^. ^cut. caps. obi. semi 21oc. foL suhalt. Jl. axil, alt. — G. medial between Ambulia and Ilysan- thes Bazina nudiflora Raf. Lindemia grandifl. Nut. glabra repens, fbl. sess. imbricatis subrot. obov. vel dilat. enervis integris crassis undula- tis obt. pedunc. solit, elongatis nudis, cal. lin. acutis — Florida, stem dwarf, 2 to 4 inches long, leaves small crowded, peduncles erect, flowers blue size of Ilysanthes, habit of MacuiK rotun- difolia. 337, Ilysanthes riparia Raf an. nat. 9G. Lindernia attenuata Mg. this G. differs from Lindernia by stamens 2 fertile and simple, from Bazina by corolla bilabiate, stamens stigma capsule &C, established by myself 1820 — seve- ral var. alba, cerulea, incarnata, repens, erecta, angustifolia &/C, capsule obi. acute, leaves den- tate, lower obovate. 338, Ilys. brevipes Raf. glabra, diffusa pros- trata, ramis anceps, fol. sess. obi. acutis integris conformis. pedic. brevis. fol. brevior, cal. subul. ad cor. subeq. capsulis ovatis obt. cal. eq — Al- legh. Mts, of New Jersey and Pennsylv. smaJI plant, leaves semi uncial, fi. small white. 339, Ilys. geniculata Raf. glabra prostrata, ramis ^gonis genicul. fol. ovatis acutis integris undul. ped fol. eq. cal. filif cor, subeq. capsul. obi. acutis cal. brevior — Long Island & South New Jersey, large trailing stems 6 to 10 inches long, leaves semiuncial, flowers small incarnate. 340, Ilys. monticola R. (Mg. — Mts, Allegh. \'ery rare. 46 AUT. BOT. 341, llys. refracta R. (El^Florida Carol, very rare. 342, Jlys. dilatata R. (Mg. Pens. Carol. 243, Ilys, finagaUidea Raf. (Mx. — Alabama Kent. It differs from last by — ^fol. ovatis acu« tis serratis superis angustis, ped, fol. subeq. caL subuK caps. obi. acntis ad cal. duplo longior. 344, Hemianthus micranthus Nut^-Philad, 845, CuYPTiNA minima Raf. (Crypta N.) Peplis americana Pursh — Banks of Hudson & Delaware Rivers. 346, DicHONDUA caroliniana Mx-^Florida and Ziouisiana. 347, SoHKUHRiA ahrotanoides Roth^ Pectis pinnata Lam .-^Mexico. 348, XmiENBsiA enceioides Cav. &,e — Mex- ico, t 349, Pk^ueria trinervia Cav. &c,— Cuba, Mexico. 350, GosMEA MpinnaUi Cay. &c — Mexico. 351, PsiADiA glutinosa Jaq. W. ^c, Gonyza do Lam. — Ins. Mauritius 4'C. 352, RoTHiA integrifolia vel andryaloides W. &c^—An ad pe- tiol, subeq. — Antilles and perhaps Florida»stem W(jody furcate l)elow, branches erect elongate, leaves uncial, lower smaller. 379, Variet. virgata Raf. annua, caule erec- I CM. IV. Chi to siiiiplex virgato basi aphyllo, vel fol. panels linearib. fol. superis peliol. lineari-lanccoi. acii- tis; fl. glomeratis. invol. subiil. fl. cquante — singular sp. only fosind once in the Apalachian Mts. of Virginia, pedal, leaves uncial or longer, flowers \evy small, t 380, Pariet. rotiindifolla Raf. caule erecto simplex, f )t loilge petiol. ovatis subrot. acumi- natis; fl. glomer. invol. obi. fl eq. — Florida^ ppdal, annual, pubescent as all are more or less, leaves uncial broad not obtuse. 381, Pariet. falcaia Raf, caule erecto elato simplex, fol. brevi petiol. ovatis falcato-acum. basi acutis? fl. glomeratis, invol. obi. fl. eq.— ■ Sibiria and Origon, large plant, leaves biun- cial, &c. t 'SSi, Variet. officinalis J^. O. — Europa. I add this to contrast with all the above, leaves obi. or lanceol. acum. acute, fl. densely glome- rate, bracts obi. equal to fl. and petiols, 383, Parift. judaicu L. O. — Palestine. 384, Fariet. crcticn L. O.— Creta. 385, FarieL rufa Raf. rufo pilosa, fol. sessi- lib. linearib. obtusis, axillis foliosis ; ft. glomer. Innatis, involucris fl. brevior, scariosis imbric. ovatis acutis stam. exertis. — Upper Missouri disc, by Bradbury, stem simple flexuose, leaves Hncial, flowers so involved in hairs as to be diffi- cult to analyze, and I am not positive if of this G. habit rather unlike the others, f 386, Ti^AtTTVL'TERiA pnlmata F. M. Tor. Ac- tea et Cimicifuga do Auctoris — Apalachian and Cumberland Mts. 387, Cimicifuga americana Mx. &-c, podo- carpa El, Actea do Dec. — Apalachian and Unaka Mts. The real type of G. with petals and 2-6stipitRte capsules* «>1 AUJ. BOT. 388, DIPLKINA Raf. diff. Actea 4«c, cal. colorato 4sepalo, petalis 4 ineq. unguJC'obU stam. p!ura filit. antheris obov. pistilis 1-3. ova- tobl. sessilib. stig. sess. inagno piano, fol. bf" tern.Jl. umbdlatis.—\ evy strikini; G, by um- bellate habit, probably blended with Actea and Blondia (see i\, tel. 279) by authors. I cannot tell if the fruits are berries or capsules. The name implies that the single pistil is often dou- bled in the same umbel. DiPLKiNA umhellata Raf. glabra, fol. 2-3fur- catis biternatis, foliolis 6-9ineq. sess, vel petiol. obliq. ovatis incisis acutis, terminalis triiidig; umbel is term. 3-5floris, bract. 2-3subulatis — Sj- biria, sent me as an Actea ! same habit, long petiols, folioles very unequal 1 or 2 uncial, flow- ers rather large white, calix rounded, t 389, Helenium discovatum Raf. new fl. 942 Florida. 390, Hd. anceps. Raf. n, fl. 943-^Florida. 391, Hd. Hexuosum R. n. fl. 944-Wabash. 492, HeL dichotamum R. n« fl. 945— West Kentucky, t 3^3, lid. traxilum R. n. fl. 946— Illinois. 3^4, 1 iel. cu ueifo dum Raf. ca al e sg ha 1 ato <;orymboso, fol. cuneatis obtusis integris angus- fl^s supra scabrts, pedunc. filif. disco globose—- tJn»ka Mts, annual? ultra pedal, leaves small uncial, r^dicil often oblong flowers rather small, calix obi, linear obtuse, t 395, Y^ii tenuifoliam R}ddel| J^Ipt. cfigU an- gulato .ramoso- subumhellato, ramis 1^(5^1; ^l. tenuiter linearib,obtusis integris imbricatis, ax- illis fplio3is fa^cicul pedunc. filif^ perianthis se- pal U Ijne^r. disco, glob.^ — Louisiana at Lake Pontchartrain, very distinct sp. disc, by Rid- dell, stem 10 to 20 inchesf high, leaves uncial CENT. IV. 55 very slender and crowded, flowers very small but similar, seed^ minute oboval compr. black, edges white, crowo of 4 or 5 scariose scales ovate ari;»tate. 396, He/. 4r7cw/af2/7» J^am— Louisiana, the real kind sent me by Riddell with lower leaves pinnatifid, disk ovate, 397, BiLAMisTA grandijlora Raf. n. fl. f)76 — Louisiana, Arkanzas^nd Texas, beautiful plant very near the Lisiaf^thus russelianus of Hook- er, if rjot the s^me ; but hi^ figure and des,crip- tion^o not agree, find do not express the char- acter of the N. G. nor the fine opposition of sta- mens as in all Gentianides. t 398, Sabbatia nervosa or Neurala.arkan- zica Raf. n. fl. 975 — fine subg. perhaps^ a Ge* nus, Arkanzas. 399, Plrienta 5nerma Raf. n. fl. 973— Lou- isiana. 400, ^l.UifcaMha R, n. fl. 974. Sabatia gracilis nonnqlis non omnes— mar-itimis Nova- ces. ad Florida. This Century includes 17 New Gen, whereof 8 now first described, with 24 new spefciea. OENTURIA V. EKD06KN0US OR MONOCOTYLES, 401, REGGERIA Raf. (hot) perig. 6-8part. persistens, sepalis 3ne^visobl. obt. alt. angustior, sepe omnis ineq. stam. 6-8fllani. ineq. fllif.anth. sabrot. ovar. apice 31obo, stylo trigono clavato^ stigm. obt. Slobo. Bulbosa^ scapis 1-Sfloris bracteis foliosis — Genus mediate hetween Ga- ^ca andv Skilla, singular by'often 7 or 8 stamens, Regqeki \ bohemiea (vtL rupestris) Raf. Ornithogalum do W. — Bohemia on rocks,quite peculiar habit, radical leaves filiform^ stem or 56 ALT. BOT. scape dwarf, with 2 or 3 leaves or bracts ian- ceol. acuin. fl. pedunc. large yellowish. 402, Sv.xcoDiuM nutaiii Raf. fl. Tel. 52, 9r- nithog. do L. O. — Europa. 403, L'oNcoMEi c5s pyramidalis Raf. fl. T. 59, Ornithog. do L. O. — ^Lusitania-. 401, Lone, narhonense Raf. Orn, do O — His- pania. 405, Gagea fascicularis ^al. Raf. fl. T. 55. Ornithog. luteum Sm. iion L. — Europa. nearly all the yellow sp. or Orn. belong to this G. 406, Gag, spalhacea Sal. Ornith, do W. — Germania. 107, Gag^ minima Sal. — Europa. 408, Gag. fistulosa Raf. Ornith. do Dec— Gallia australis. f 409, Skill A amena L. O. — Russia, Grecia. ThisG. is distinguished by fiiifonn stamens, see 13 ft. tel. 410, Sk. mixta Raf. autumnalis Nut. Mpt. non L. fol. scapo eq^ 1-2 angustissimis planis, racemo brevis subcorymb. 5-8floris, bract, su- bul. membr. albis pedic. eq. sepalislanceol. obt. Island of Anglesey, quite unlike the Sk. autum- nalis without bracts see 413, scape and leaf Suncial, flowers small blue, t 4ili Sk^ Jiliformis Raf. Ornithog. rupes/re iwnnulis non omnis. fol, filiformis scapo longior, scapaflexuoso, racemo 10-12 floro, bract, filif; pedic, eq. fl. erec/tis sepalis 3 ovatisacutis, 3 obi. obt — Africa australig. Leaves pedal carnose, flowers purple. Certainly no Ornithog. nor any akin G, not even O. rupestre with reflexed flowr crs. Probably forming with it and Cjuncifo- lium. a peculiar subgenus, Anthyron Raf. by perigone camp. 3 alt. larger^ all uninerve, sta^ mens short filif. equal, style long, stigma subca- pitatc. t €KNT. V» 57 413, GENLIS A Raf. diff. Skilla, perig. subeq. camp, persist, sepalis obl.uninemSjStam.brevis eq. subul. planis acutis, stylo fiiif. stig. ubtdsum, Jl. racemosis nudis non bracteatis — Perhaps only a siibg. like Anthryon but lack of bracts very striking, stamens almost as in LoncofMS' los. Dedicated to Genlts the celebrated fe- male writer for her botanical works. Charac- ters near to Aglitheis, but habit unlike. GenlisA bifolia Raf, Skilla do L. 0.~- akin to the 2 last and also to G. suleatumy but different from all, very slender 6 to 9 iztches highf sometimes only 2 fl* as in geminatunh bat unequal in length, white : deemed a N. sp. by Baldwin. All our narrow leaved and few flow- ed sp. have been mingled by our botanists with African sp. as AUium striatum, fragrans, ino^ dorum, and all perhaps included in A. ornitho- gaUndes of Walter, see 443 and 444. ^0, Geh, proliferum Raf. scaposum, fol. lin. angustissimis planis nervosis obt. scapo tereto longior ; umbella pauciflora sepe bulbo magno ferens in spatha centralis bivalvis, spatha ext. reflexa bivalvis, ovata pedic. ineq. ftexuosis, se- palis obi. obt, stam. equante— Missouri, deemed CEUT, V. 61 AUmm mutabile by Collins, totaily unlike, leaves 6 to 8 inches loug one line broad* scape sesquipedal, flowers only 3 fertile in my speci- men large white, bulb central large ovate with a separate spatha. t 441, Geb. rwftrMwRaf.scap.foL brevis linear, plAnis nervosis, scapo tereto ; umbella globosa, spatha bivalvis reflex* ovatis, pedicelis brevis, sepalis connivens ofel. acnm. ad stam. Iqngior-^ Sibiria, sent me as AL rubrum (not in hook&^ and Schenoprasum, which has fihform fistulose leaves ! pedal and more, leaves semipeda^^ow- ers rather large incarnate or red forming a glo- bular head. 442, Geb. acetabulum Raf. scapos. fol. lon^ gis linearib. plaucis vix striatis, scapo longior tereto umbella sub Sflora pedic. equalis, spatha campanulata alba dilatata bidentata, sepalis ovafis acutis, stam. subeq. — ArkaiMSas and Texr as, semipedal, very singular invxjlucre shorter than pedicels, flowers white, t 443, Geb, anisantkum KsS^ scapos. fol. lon- gis linear, planis vix striatis, scapo fUif. subeq. umbella 3-4ilora, pedic. ineq. nonnulis brevissi- mis, spatha monoph^ amplexicaul. sepalis obt. linear, obt. ad stam. longior— Florida, semipe- dal, leaves broader than in last, fl. white. 444, Ge^. sulcatum Raf* scapos, fol. longis- simis linearifilif. obt. scapo eq. tereto sulcato. umbella pauciftora, pedic, longis equalib. spatha eq. diphyla ovatolanc. acum. sepalis lanceol. aeutis ad ^am. longior— Florida, Baldwin mis- took it for Al. inodorum, semipedal, umbol often of 5 flowers^ pedicels filiform very long, fl. white. 446, Geb. carneum Raf. scapos, fol. longissi- mii linearifilif. striati!^ scapo eq. tereto fuscato, 62 AUT, BOT. umbella glomerate niultifl. pedic. ff. hreviof, ineq. spatha eq. diphyla ovatis subrot. retusis cdloratis, sepalis ovatolanceol. acum. ad stam. longior — Origon Mts. 10 inches high, flowers incarnate and even the spathas or involucres, flv larger than in the others. 446, Gynodon rupestre Raf. ft, TeK 34— Rocks of Kentucky and West Alleghanies, blended with next in Allium Cemuum of Am, botanists, not of Caucasus, 447, Gyn, elioti Raf. ut. supra. A. cern, Mg^ Elliot — AUegh. and Apalachian Mts. leaves broader carinate. 448, Stelmesus stellatus Raf. fl. ie\. 35. Al- lium do Sims, Nat. — Alab. Louisiana, 449, Alisma suhcordata Raf (1808) trivia- lis Pursh (1814) fol, ovatis ellipt. acum« basi subcordatis, braeteis membranosis dilat. ovatis acum. seminib* dorso sulcatis. — N. America, long mistaken for A. plantago with lanceol. leaves, or A. cordifoUa of Sw. with obtuse deep cordate leaves. One or 2 feet high, leaves 2-4 inches long. 450, Alisma parviflora Raf var. preced. Eat. Tor. fol. ellipt. subacum. basi acutis vel rotundatis, bract, lanceol. striatis, sem. dorso non exaratrs — Pensylv. Kent. Alab. only 6 to 8 inches high, leaves uncial, flowers and fruits one fourth of last. 451, Alisma montana Raf. fol. minimis obi. utrinque acutis, paniculis paucifloris, bract, di- lat. ovatis acum. sem. exaratis ? — -Mts. AUegh. and Taconick, only, 3 to 6 inches high, leaves only half inch long, flowers nearly as small as in last. 452, Alisma suhulata L. O. — Delaware River, rare, dwarf, habit of Isoetes, leaves CENT. V. 63 linear okU with 2 rows of cells, longer than scapes* 453, Alisma tanunculoides L. O — Germa' nia 4*<}, habit of Ranunculus fiamula. 454, LURONIUM Raf. diff. Alisma, caK de- ciduus, disco globeso, pistilis paucis definitis 6-9 ohl. ^tylo brevis term. sem. obi. scabris non cym- bifo«'mis. CkiulescenSy fol. fascic* ped, unifl, — oertainly a G. by habit and characters^ the name was an ancient one of Alisma. LtiRo^iuM natans Raf. Alisma do L, O* — Canada,. Europa. fol. ellipt. vel subrot. obt. hf^bit of Potamogeton. 455, Damasonium stellatum Juss. Pers. Alis- ma damasonium L. — Europa borealis. 456, BuTOMus Mmbellatus L. O. — Europa, one of the finest European plants. 457, Methonica gloriosa Juss. Gloriosa su- perba L. — Malabar, one of the most splendid Lilies, t 458, Sanscivbria (Salmia) carnea Raf. fol. anguste lanceol. acum. ineq. nervosis glabris, scapo fol. brevier, fl. spicatis ebract, cor. tubo brevis teres, stam. exertis stylo eq.— AfricaiT? s«nt me under that name (notin books) of subg. Saimia by the corolla not filiform, bracts lack- ing &c. Leaves 2 to 6 inches long, scape 3 or 4, fl. 8 to 10 incarnate, anthers white, t 459, FiTNKiA cordata Raf — Japan. 460, Funkia angustifolia Raf, Japan, these 2 plains and some others once blended in He- fnerocaXis cerulea, 461, Hypoxis pilasa Raf. erecta L, carolin. Mx, — N. Amer. many var. parviflora, graminif. anguBtif. latif. decumbens, striata, multiflora (5 to 9 fl.) uniflora &c. 462, Hypoxis filifolia Elliot — Carol, t 64 AUT. BOT. 463, AMBLOSTIM A Raf. fl. tel. 66. characL emend. (afF. Skilla) cal. persist, colorato, sepalis 6 cq. uninervis, stam. 6 eq. ad basis, filam. filif. subulatis acutis basi incrassatis, antheris oW. ovar. basi subconcreto, stylo teres vel subconi- co, stigma integrum obt. caps. 31oc« oligosp. sem. subglobosis nitidis. Bulbosa^ scaposa, fol. striatis racemo bract. — This G. will pro- bably include the American Skillas except those with a triple stigma, see Oxytria fl. tel. 65. Amblost. albifiora Raf. ut supra, Ornithog. croceum EUiot. fol. gramineis longissimis an- gustis striato nervosis, scapo longior tereto lo- teo, racemo oblongo 20-30fl. bract, brevisovatis obt. sepalis ovatobl. obt. stam. subeq. — I have reformed the character out of a specimen from Elliot himself, the Fhalangium croceum of Mx doubtful refered to it. is a different sp. and the plant of same name of Nuttal is of a drfferent G. my Oxytria 65. This has leaves sesquipedal 2 Hnes broad, scape bipedal yellow, fl. sm^ll whitish Georgia. 464, Amblost. latifolia Raf fol. elong. lato linearib. obt. striatis scapo subeq. fuscato tereto, racemo ovato 20-40fl. bract, lanceol, acutis ped. subeq. sepalis lato lanceol. acutis ad stam. lon- gior — Florida, Alab. fine plant, leaves pedal, half inch wide, fl. larger of a dirty yellowish or fulvous color. Still more remote from Michaux's plant. 465, Nemostylis celestina Nut. Ixia do Bartr. Alab. ad Arkanzas, lovely and rare plant. 466, Tripterella cerulea Mx. Burnrnimia biflora L — Florida. 467, Tript€r. capitatn Mx. Burm. do L. — Florida. 468, Nemitis setacea Raf. fl. tel, 893. Apte- ria do Nut.— Alab. Florida. CENT. V. 65 469, Crinum americanum L. O — Louisiana. 470) ZiGABE^vs glaberrimus Mx — Alabama. 471, Ennearina pleiana Raf. Pleea tenuif. Mx. 6,— Carol, singular Genus by 9 stamens whence my name, Pleea like Leea are bad, Plee was no botanist, very rare, 472, Narthecium americanum Ker. — Nova Cesarea, G. very distinct by wooly stamens as Anthericum. 473, Narth, ossifragum O— Eur. borealis, 474, Abama scabra Raf. new fl. p. 35. Tofi- clda pubens El. &c— Carol, Alab. G. of Adan- son. 475, Abama pubens Raf» ut supra. Tofielda do Nut — Virginia. 476, Tofielda capitataRsiL scaposa, fol. lin- earib. acutis, brevis nervosis glabris, scapo tere- to nudo vel unifoliato, fl. capitatis minutis sub- sess. petalis obi. obt. — Labrador, annual, leaves uncial, scape 3 to 4 inches, flowers white very smaH about 6, hardly any bract, capsules gib- bose with a minute reffexed style, t 477, ScHOLLERA gvaminif. Schr.W. Lep- tanthus scho'ilera Mx. &c— Pensylv. Ohio. 478, Abbotia filiformis Raf. n. fl. 36, Tri- glochin triandrum Mx. 4«c Ohio to Florida, 479, Abb, palustris R. n, fl. 37, Trigl. do L, O — Lake Erie. 480, Abb, pumila R. n. fl. 37. Trigl. barre- licri Loiseleur — Canada, Gallia. 48 L SisYRiNCHiuM flexuosum Raf. caule dichot. flexuoso anceps, fol. brevis ensatis acu- tis vix nervosis, spathis lane, diphylis ineq. fl. subeq. 3-4fl. capsulis ovoideis truncatis torulo- sis — Arkanzas and Texas, semipedal, leaves 1 or 2 inches, specimens in fruit only. 482, Sisyr, tenuif olium Raf. caulib. cespito* 9 Ob AUT. BOT. sis genicul. filif. 2ang. fol. tenuis angustissimis elonsr. lin. filif. acutis, spathis 2valvis subeq. lanceol. fl. brevior *2-5fl. petalis obt. cuspid, cap- sulis glob'»sis — Arkanzas and Texas, annual^ semipedal, leaves 2-4 inches long very slender, fl. blue, larger than in S. anceps. 483, Sisyr, florldamim Raf. Scaposiim, fol. lin. lane, acutis vix nervosis, scapis fol. subeq. late bialatis, spathis ineq. bivalvis lane. *2-4floris equante. petalis retusis cuspidatis, caps, obova- tis — Florida, found by Baldwin, 4 to 6 inches high, annual leaves 2-4inches, one line broad, flowers large white, 484, Sisyr. niveum Raf. scaposum, fol. lin. angustis striatis nervosis acutis, scapis fol. lon>- gior bialatis, alis striatis, spathis sepe coloratis Svalvis, 2int. brevis subeq. 1 ext. longissima lane, plicata, 6-8floris. petalis retusis cuspid, capsulis globosis — Alab. Kentucky &c, 6 to 8 inches high, leaves 3 to 5, half line wide, flowers size of S. anceps, snowy white, spathas more or less colored of red. 485, OoNVALLARiA parviflora Raf. fol. blnis sessilib. angustis obi. acutis, scapo filif. fol. bre* vior racemis 3-5floris, bracteis scariosis brevis, fl. vix secundis parvis — Apalachian and Wasi- oto Mts. leaves and fl. half size of C. majalis, 8 to H inches high, ^c, 486, ConvaL rnontana Raf. (pseudlo-majalis Bartr. in Rees cycl. Am. ed.) fol. binis sessilib. ovatobl. acum. scapo angul. fol, subeq. raceme 10-12floris, bract, lane, ad ped. eq, fl. secundis — Unaka and Cherokis Mts. large plant, leaves 6 f o 8 inches long, 2 wide, fl. size of C. majalis, Bartram says the berries are blue and ovate, C. majalis has leaves petiolate elliptic acute at CENT. T. 67 both ends, raceme of 7-8 fl. bracts half length of pedicels, t ^ , .-i These 3 plants are the types of the true Cx. Convallaria,ih\s protean linnean G. was emen- ded by me in 1815, also in medical fl. and in fl. Telur. divided in 8 Genera, Va^nera, Shjran- dra, Flugea, Sigillnria, Gloheris, Ctintonia, Siphyalis, to which I now add 2 others. 487, CODOMALE Raf. (bell axil.) diff*. fl. artic. ad pedunc. campanulata profunde Gfida, lac. obi. 3 internis latiorib, stam. brevis ad basis insertis, antheris ovatis subsess. fol. alt, secun- dk, fl^ axil, secundis— very distinct G. with habit of Sigillaria and flowers nearly as in last, but not so open, base acute. C6DOMALE purpurascens Raf, Conval. gran- difl. Hort. caule angul, contortus, fol. secundis sessil. obi. ellipt. obtusis, pedunc. unifl. nutans — Sibiria, beautiful plant, pedal, leaves 3 inches, flowers large nearly uncial purpHsh. 488, TROXILANTHES Raf. (wheel leav, fl ) difl*. fl. urceolatis Gdentatis deinde lagenifor- nJis, dentib, barbatis, stam. ad apice tubo, stylo brevis. fol. et fl. verticillatis—hahit so peculiar as to indicate a G. fl. also difierent from Sigil- laria Troxilanthes angustif. Raf. caule simplex sulcato, fol. rotatis 3-7 lin. lanceol. obt. fl. axil, vert, pedic. sepe bifloris nutans-— Belgia &c. There appears to be 2 other sp. in North Eu- rope blended in Convallaria vertieillata—2 Tr. lanceotata with broader lane, acute leaves 3 Tr. ramosa with branches 4*0. 489, Sigillaria hirta Raf. Conv. do Rose, Lam. Sm. 4-c pubescens W.— Mts. Alleghames, If the fossil Sigillaria is not changed to Si^tlh^ 68 AUT. BOT. tes this G. must then become Axillaria Raf. see fl. T. 831. 490, Sigil. canaliculata Raf. Conv. do W. &c — Mts. AUegh. 491, ^igil. biflora Raf. caule flexuoso com- press© contorto, fol. distichis lanceol. obt. semi- amplex. glabris, pedunc. bifloris nutans — Pennsylv. Kentucky, pedal, leaves biuncial, fl. white small. 492, SigiL angustif^ Raf, caule flexuoso an- gul. sulcato, fol. sessilib. elongatis angustis lin. lanceol, obt. glabris, distichis, pedunc. unifl, — Alabama, pedal, leaves 3 inches long, only 3 lines broad, t 493, ^igiL elliptica Raf. caule basi teres, apice angul. flexuoso, fol. distichis sessil. ellipt. vel ovatobl. obtuse acum. subtus nervis scabris, pedunc. sepe unifl. — Allegh. Mts. pedal, leaves biuncial, fl. small white. 494, VAGNERA Ad. Smilacina Desf. bad and posterior name, Vagnera angustif. Raf. caule angul. recto, fol. sessilib. lanceol. obt. racemo simplex 3-lOflo- ris — Novanglia ad Canada. Smaller than V. steUata^ semidedal, leaves longer and narrower, 2 or 3 inches long, found at Niagara. 495, Yagnera retusa Raf. caule flexuoso an- gul. fol. sessilib. ellipt. obt. retusis glabriusculis, racemo paucifl. fasciculis alt. 3-5floris, ped. bre- vis — Allegh. Mts. found only once and in fruit, semipedal, leaves 2 inches long, one broad, 3 nerves stronger, berries dark purple, t 496, Styrandra petiolaris Raf, Conv, bifo- lia L. O. — caule bifolio, fol. petiolatis, cordatis acutis, basi dilat. renif. fl, racemosis fasciculatis — Europa et Sibiria. 497, Styrandra amplexicaulis Raf, Conv. CENT. V. ejl bifolia amer. O. fol. radic. cordatis, caule bifolio, fol. sess. amplex. ovatobl. acutis, basi subcord. fl. racemosis sepe gemifiatis — Canada and Mts. Allegh. smaller than last, blended with it, altho' very distinct, 498, Peltandra undulcita Raf. new fl. I p. 87 — Allegh. Mts. &c. In my monograph I have shown that this and the 2 next sp. were mingled in Arum virginicum^ and given a monograph of 8 sp. my G. of 1819 is the Lecontea of Tor- rey 1821 and Renselaeria of Beck. 1833. 499, Velt, latifolia Raf. ut supra — Nova Cesarea. 500, VelL heterophyla Raf. p. 88 — Pensylv, Nov. Cesarea &c. This Century includes 20 N. G. whereof 7 now first described, with 36 N. sp, now descri- bed. Therefore this first part or series of the Au- TiKON includes in 5 Centuries, the illustrations of 112 New Genera of mine, with the descrip- tions of 38 hitherto undescribed. Also the des- criptions and figures of 132 New species, with the illustrations of twice as many described elsewhere. It is likewise replete with new facts, remarks, observations, notes, criticisms, local- ties &c, forming a vast mass of novelties and improvements. Corrections. I had a previous Stelmanis in ft, tel. 166, therefore read A nistelma instead of it at article 89. Even if Macuillamia 332 should be the real type o^Herpestis this name is identic with Her- pestes in Zoology previous I believe ; but Mon- niera and JHLabershamia are distinct. I have them alL 70 INDEX OF NEW OR RESTORED GENERA. Abama 474 Abbotia 478 Actartife 167 Adeloda 253 Adenola 281 Aglitheis 430 Aimora 172 Aldinia 367 Allosandra 372 Alifiola 209 Amblostrma 463 Ambulia 325 Anistelma instead of Stelmanis 89 Anthryon411 Argyrocoma 108 Arkezostis 115 Arrostia 221 Atirsita 45 Atocion 239 Banalia368. Bazinia 336 Bilamista 366 Bindera 173 Blutaparon 110 Boykinia 34 Buinalis 106 Cargila63 Cartrema 112 Clintonia 425 Codomale 487 Cornelia 32 Cymbalaria 152 Darluca 178 Pecarimum 363 Dessenia 162 Diconangia 23 Did i pi is 38 Diplandra 275 Dipleina 388 Diplostelma 75 Discoplis 111 Discovium 122 Eberlea 274 Ebraxis 241 Endopogon 87 Eplidiurn 37 Evactoma 201 Exemix 233 Farsetia 59 Geboscon 433 Genlisa 412 Gynampsis 91 Gynodon 446 Habershamia 335 Heptallon 357 Idanthisa 259 Ilysanthes 337 londra 60 Ixoca2il iunia 15 Lemotris 417 Leptemon 353 Levana 101 Lomaxeta 169 Loncomelos 403 Luroniuin 454 M acuillamia 33^ Marzaria 96 Merleta 365 INBEX^ 71 Myctanthes 157 Neactelis 171 Nestronia 14 Neurelmis 174 Oberna 203 Odacmis 28 Oligoron 196 Omonoia 90 Opicrina 177 Otanema 198 Othake 68 Otitis 212 Peltandra 198 Physocarpon 235 Plagidia 107 Pleconax 208 Pleienta 398 Pleisolirion 415 Pleopadlum 369 Plesilia 182 Plethyrsis 88 Psycbanthus 10 Reggeria 401 Riddelia 7 Ripsoctis 13 Rodatia 251 Ronconia 33 Senrietum 121 Sigillaria 489 Shortia 12i) Stelmesus 448 Steris234 Stylypus 30 Stylisma 179 Sty rand ra 496 Syncodium 402 Therofon 102 Trimista 85 Triodanis 116 Troxilanthes 48 TraxiFum 98 Tunica 223 Vagnera 494 Vandera 366 Vestia 101 Xamilenis 207 Xet ligus 70 Zaiitea 108 OLD GENERA ILLUSTRATED. Synonyms in Italics. In First Century. — Viburnum, ArbutuSt Dillenia, Phyllis, Correa^ Clethra, //ca,Cyrilla, Florkea, Forskaliaj Cressa, Ammania, Glinus, Ruta, Sempervivum, Thesium, Papaver, Mon- tia, Veronica, Littdrella, Lathyrus, Vicia, Sa- molus, Ononis, Biscutella, Buffonia, Kuhnia, Flaveria, Boebera, Alcfna, Brickellia, Grinde- lia, Sibbaldia, Duchesnia, Dictamnus, Rbinan- thus, Didymocfirpus, Maurandia, Lopezia,Cam- panula, Cobea, Glaax, Epimedium. 72 INDEX. In Cent, ii.— -Calymenia^ Adoxa, Decuma- rla. Polygonum, Erigenia, Peltaria, Polypre- muni, Arenaria, Honkenya, Dianthus, Silene, Chlonanthes^ Hemitomus, Litinria^ Peloria, Clavtonia, Hottonia, Mikania, Margyrocarpus, Balduina, Marshallia, Panax, Ansonia, Lyonsia, Anantherix. In Cent. hi. — Gacubalus, Silene, Gypsophila, Saponaria^ Agrostema, Lychnis, Dianthera, Ely- traria, Justica, Ruellia, Hygrophila, Sarazina, Hydrolaf jussieva, Ludwigia^ Isnardia, Amma nia, Campanula. In Cent, iv.— Boerhavia, Rhexia, Parnassia, Gratiola, HerpestiSf lAndemia, Hemianthus, Cryptina, Dichondfa, Schkuria, Ximenesia, Pi- quefia, Cosmea, Psiadia, Rothia, Crotim^Tra* gittj Parietaria, Trautveteria, Cimicifuga, He- lenium, Sabbatia, Houstonia. In Cent. v. — Ornithogalum, Gagea, Skilla, Bulbine, AntheHcum, Iris, Allium, Alisma, Butomus, M^thonica, Sanseveria, Funkia, Hy- poxis, Nemostyli?, Tripterella, Nemitis, Crinum, Zigadenus, Pleea, Narthecium, Tofielda, Tri- glochin, Sisyrinchium, Convallaria, Arum* END OF EIRST PART. FOR SALE BV THE AUTHOR. 100 Herbariums of North America for the use of Schools, Students, Colleges &c, contain- ing each from 100 to 300 species with generic labels, at $4 to 10 each, in bound books. Loose botanical specimens without labels .at $3 per hundred, or $25 for 1000. Autikon formosum, or a single superb herbal of very large plants, in very large white paper, containing 400 rare american and garden plants, for S 100. 5000 Specimens of Natural History, Minerals, Fossils, Shells &c, chiefly American, at 25 cents to one dollar each. 150 very rare or new Genera of Trilobites, Fossil Shells, Adelostomes, Radiarites, Spun- gites, Fucites &c at $ 5 to 50 each, according to rarity, many quite unic, in no other cabinet nor collection. Many Historical, and Geological Illustrations, consisting of Maps, Plans, Views, Sections, Vo- cabularies, Tables &c, in several books — $ 500 2000 unpublished illustrations or figures of new Animals, Plants and Fossils, Fishes, Rep- tiles, Shells, Fossil Plants and Corals and Gaertner, not of Decandole, has naked seeds like the last, but corolla infundibuliform. 603, Fedia ligulata R. n. fl. 908 — Louisiana* 604, Fedia ciliolata R. n. fl 909 — Kentuky^ 605, Var. ternifolia ditto — Kentucky. 606, Fedia radiata O. — North America. 607, Odontocarpa Necker, Valerianella Dec. differs from Fedia by toothed fruit wrong- ly blended with last by many Od. olitoria Raf. Fedia do auct. vel Valeriana locusta L. — Eu- ropa. 608, Od. coronata R. Fedia et Val. do O — LusitaniaA. t 609, Od. dentcda R. Fedia, Val. do O— An- glia. t 610, FUISA, Raf. (Phu eq.)diff'. Fedia, co- rolla equalis 4fida, stam. 4 equalis, semina pa- leatis. FuisA rwpesfrts Raf. Val. do Pallas, sibirica Gm. W. I^'edia do &c— Sibiria. V. ruthenica and villosa.also belong to this G. this last has stigma cyathiform. 611, MiTROPHORA Necker (Fedia Dec.) diff. Fedia, corolla bilabiata> stam. 2, sem. bidenta- ta &c — M, cornucopia R. Valer. do L. Sicilia, Armenia. 612, Kentranthus Necker, Dec. distin- guished by spur to corolla and one stamen— K. ruber Dec. Val, rubra L — ^Asia, Africa, Europa. 613, RITTER4 Raf. (hot) diff. Valeriana, stamen unicum, fl. panic, trichot. — JR. calci" trapa Raf. Val. do O. Eufopa. If Ritter has a Genus substitute Monastes Raf. 614, Valeriana pauciflora Mx — Ohio ad Liouisiana. 615, Vfl/. officinalis L. — Europa sylvis. CENT, viii 89 616, \al. dioiva L. — Eur. paludosis, Subg» Traxula. 617, \al. monlana L. — Alpis. 618, \al. elongata Jaq. — Carinthia^ f 619, Wal. celtica L — Alpib. summis. f 620, YaL gracilis Raf. caule fistuloso teres ramoso gracilis, fol. pinnatis, foliolis linearib. obtusis, cymis trifidis, bracteis longis subul. membranosis, ftorib. fastigiatis — Sibiria> found as V. alpina (no such name) in Collins herb, branches slender naked flowers red. There are other G. included in this fine fam* ily once a Genus ! Mouffetia of Necker is has- ed on Val. supina, my G. Oncosina on VaL vesicaria with fruit globose inflate 6aristate, my G. Oncolon on \al. echinata with cor. regulai* infund. 3 stigmas, fruit linear unequaly 3den- tate. Other G. exist in the Peruvian sp. be- sides Phylactis of Persoon, and my Amplo^ phus based on V. scandens with corol tubular Edentate. 621, ScABiosA Necker non L. Raf. fl. tel. 1084. This large Linnean G. has been rec* tified by myself in flora tel. and divided in 16 Genera, perfectly distinct, Scabiosa^ Astroce- phalus, Pterocephalus, Succisa, Cephalaria, Euptilia, Plesiopsora, Tereiphas, Xetola, Lo- melosia, Leucopsora, Sixalix, Gonokeros, Pen- tena, Tremastelma and Thlasidia— Type Sc^ columbaria L. Europa. 622, Scab, graminifolia L.— Alpis. 623, Scab, cretica L — Sicilia ^J-c. 624, Scab, atropurpurea L — Asia. 625, Succisa vulgaris Raf fl. tel. 1037, Scab, succisa O — Europa. 626, Succisa intcgrifolia Raf. Scab, do O — Helvetia, Bavaria &c. 3 90 AUT. BOT. 6%7, Sucdsa arvensis R. Scab, do O — Eu-» i'opa. 628, Sucdsa hidentata Raf. scabra, caule subnudo apice angulato paucifloro, fol. subradi- calib, glaucis latoblongis acutis integris vel basi bidentatis, caulinis 2 lanceol. pedunculis brevis^ fl. globosis; perianthis S^lOpart. ovatobl. acutis — -Hispania, peretmial, pedal, leaves uncial,flow- ers small, f 629, Sucdsa landfolia Raf. Scab, australis Wulfen. fol. lanceolatis acutis integris scabris, sessilib. flor* ovatis depressis, periantfajs lanceol. subdent. — ^Styria, Istria, leaves 4 inches long> flowers pde incarnate^ 630, AsTROCEPHALUs pw^wiiZtts Raf. pumilus uniflorus glaber. fol. petiol. oblongis crenatis basi attenuatis, superis pinnatifidis. pinnolis in^ fimis angustis integris, ftoribus planis radiatis, perianthis 12part. linearib. ineq. — Sicilia ad Montes Mt. Etna. Small annual plant 4 to 6 inches high, leaves proximate in middle of stem, biuncial, peduncle naked, flowers white, corols quite radiate unequal, seeds aristate. 631, Pentena ochroleuca Raf. fl. teL 1097 Scab, do O — Germania. 632, Pentena banatica Raf. Scab, do Waldst* W. P.-^Hungaria.t EUPHORBIA of Linneus, a group of 200 species revised and divided (in my flora tellur. and new flora) into 25 geod Genera, Euphorbia, Athymalus, Forfasadis, Dactylanthes, Tiruca- lia, Lacanthis, Adenoriqia, Pleuradena, Des- moriema, Lepadena, Kanopikon, Aklema, Tu- malis, Vallaris, Xamesike, Aplarina, Zalitea, TithymaHs, Keraselma, Murtekias, Nisomcnes^ Lophobios, Agaloma, Pedilanthus, Cyatho- phora, besides some subgenera, and I shall add CENT. VII. 91 2 others here Kobiosis and Dematra. As far as 698 the species will be all Euphorbias of au- thors, 65 sp. in 12 G. 633, TiTHYMALis cinerea Raf. pilosa cinerea fol. sparsis sessil, ellipt. retusis integris ; um- bellis 5fidis, invol. 5 fol. similis, involuc. 2 simi- lis, caps, papillosis — Styria, Bavaria : pedal simple,of subg. Xarakias, like the next 3,sent me both as Euph. epithymoides and ciparissias, but quite unlike either. fi34, Tithym. epithymoides Jaq. &c — Aus- tria, Bavaria, differs by color green, leaves lan- ceol. or oblong, obtuse and acute, involucres ovate not entire &c. 635, TUhym, dulcis Raf. Euph. 0.-.-Ger. mania. 636, Tithym, characias R. Euph* O — Sici- lia ad Angl'a. 637, tithym. mucronata R. pubescens, fol. sparsis oblongis elongatis pendulis mucronatis integris ; umbell^ 6fida trifida, amplissima, in- volucelis Ovatobl. capsuhs pubescens — Sicilia, Creta, large plant 3pedal, leaves triuncial nar- row, flowers red few concealed in the ample umbel : near T. pubescens and platiphylos. 638, Tithym, platiphylos R, Euph, O — Europa. t 639, Tithym. amygdaloides R. Euph. O — Hispania, Italia 4*c. 640, Tithym. verrucosa R. var. glabra^ diff. caule erecto angulato fol. glabris integris — Ba- varia^ansp? Tith. bavaricus. 641, Tithym. floridana Raf glabra, caule fistuloso, fol. remotis sessil. obi. ligulatis apiiJe serrulatis obtusis, umbella trifida dichotoma, invol, 3 similis, involucelis 2 ovatis, capsulis sca- bris— Florida and Georgia, found by Dr. Bald- 92 AUT. BOT. win, mistaken for E. hellioScopia by Muhlen- berg and Elliot, but quite unlike. Pedall, eaves uncial narrow, flowers very small 4lobe. 643, Tithym. heliosqopia R. Euph. O — Eu- ropa, it has leaves cuneaie acute serrulate, um- bel 5fid, capsules smooth. 643, Tithym. palitstris R. Euph. O— Europa. 644, Tithym. obovata Raf. (E. helioscopia norinulis non L.) fol. obovatis serratis obtusis glabris, inferis petiolatis, nmbella 5fida 3fida, invol. 5-3 conform is, capsuUs glabris — Novan- glia ad Kentuky, Anglia ad Sicilia'&c annual pedal, leaves exactly like E. peplus, but larger and serrate, umbel not trifid. It appears to be deemed E. helioscopia both in America and Europe, altho' quite distinct from it by leaves neither narrow nor acute. 645, Tithym. paralias R. — Eutopa mariti^ mis. 646, Tithym. saxatilis R. — Styria, Illyria. 647, Tithym. apios R. — Greta, tuberosa pi- losa fol. oblongis, rara. f. 648, Tithym. eristata Raf. Euph. cornuta Lr. — Egypt invol. cristato dentatis non cornutis, 649, Tithym. calendula R. Euph. do Delile -Egypt. 650, Tithym. connata Raf. pumila pubes- cens, fol. sess. obK vel ciineatis acutis integris; umbellis dichotomis, invol. subrot. obt. sepe con- natis — Syria, sent me as E. aleppica, which has setaceous leaves^ apparently new, but the spe- cimen is imperfept j 651, Keraselma exigua R. Euph. O. — Eu- ropa, fol. lin. lane, acutis cuspidatis. For this G. of Necker see d. tel. 1184. 652, Keras^ retusa R. Euph. O. — Hisp. Gal^ lia, fol. cuneat. linearib, retusis. Sent me by 2 botanists as Exigua, CENT. VII. Oil 653, Keras, esula R. var. paucijlora Raf. difFerens urab. 4-5fida paucifl. involuc. flabdla- tis — Bavaria. 654, Keras. virgata R. Euph. do Waldstein — Hungaria, near to R. esula, larger, flowers thyrsoidai below the multifid umbel, flowers bi- corne. 655, Keras. cyparisias R. Euph. O — Eu- ropa. 656. Keras.. echinocarpa R. Euph. Sieber — Creta &c fol. ovaiobl. acutis serrulatis, umb. 5fidis caps, echinatis— perhaps a Tithymalis subg. Pythiusa, lobes of perianthe lunulate. 657, Keras. pungens Raf. fruticosa levis, fol. lin. cuneatis acum. pungens integris ; um- bellis Sfidis bifidis, invol. conformis, invokicelis ovatis rigidis pungens, caps, glabris — Palestina Arabia, leaves imbricate, ombel large, flowers small, 4 bicorne lobes, t 658, Keras. lathyris R. Euph. O. — Europa et America. 659. Keras. peplus R. Euph. O — Europa Canada, 660. Keras. reniformis Raf. (Euph. peploi- des R. 1804. E. peplus Am* bot.) fol. sepe sessi^ lib, obovatis vel ellipt. acutis obt. et retusis inte- gris, umb. 3fidis, involucelis reniformis, caps, glabris non angulatis — Pensylv. ad JVIissouri, annual, pedal or less, leaves thin pellucid. 661. Var. retusa R. fol, sess. ellipt. retusis — Ohio ^-c- 662. Keras. spatulata Raf. an Euph. obtu- sata ? Pursh ^c pumila glabra, fol. arete sessi- lib. obov. spatul.obt. integris, umb. 3fida, invol. ovat. obovatisque — Arkanzas, Texas, annual 3 to 6 inches high, leaves small, not serrate as says Pursh, capsules not seen. 1)4 AUT. BOX. CG3, Keras. ciliata Raf. Euph. pijosa Am. auct. non W. fol. sessilib. cuneatis apice serru- latis acutis, margine ciliatis, subtus pilosis ; unib. 5fida invol. 5 ovatis, involucelis 2deltoideis acutis, capsulis glabris — Missouri, annual, semi pedal. The E. pilosa of Sibiria is a Tithyma- iis with lanceol. leaves, capsules verrucose &c.t 664, KOBIOSIS Raf. (non grec) periantho cupularis lobis ext. 5 crassis rotund. 5 inl. alt. scariosis serratis, disco mellifluo, fl. masc. pau- cis brevis, antheris bilobis, fem. subsess. stylo 3fido, stigm. 6 obt. fruticosa, fol. spar sis, fl. thyrsoideis non involucratis, bract, scariosis — Thus another N. G. near Tirucalia, Tumalis, Vallaris &.c, habit peculiar. KoBiosis mellifera Raf. Euph. do O. fol. lan- ceol. cuspidatis integris, thyrso apice umbella nuda 5fida, bract, obi. obt. brevis subfloribus — Madera, fine shrub, leaves 4 to 6 inches long, flowers rather large dark purple. 665, Agaloma (Raf. fl. tel. 1188) purpurea Raf. glabra caule elato angul. striato fistuloso, fol. lanceol. acutis basi attenuatis subtus glaucis; fl. ad apice axil, pedunc. unifl. invol. 2 delt. sub- flos, caps, glabris — very remarkable sp. of this G. linking with last, 3 feet high, leaves 4 inches long one broad, flowers not white as in most sp. but purple rather small: Glades of Pennsylvania, Allegh. Mts. very rare, t 666, Agal. ciliata Raf. caule piloso tereto striato, fol. subsess. ovatobl. vel. ellipt. obtusis margin et nervis ciliatis ; umb. 2-4fidis paucifl. invol. similis — Alabama to Kentucky pedal, leaves uncial, flowers white and small. 667, Var. floridana R. elata fol, oblongis angustior, umbella multifida ramosa foliosa, fi.^ paucis ad dichot. — Florida, bipedal, leaves lar^ CENT. VII. 95 ger but narrower. Probably the Euph. pani- culata Elliot. 668, \ Sir monanthesR glabriuseula, fol. obi. flos solit. longepedunc. in umbella 4fid. inv. an- gustis — Alabama. 669, Agal. corollata R. Euph. do O — Type of the G. with many varieties, cuneifolia^ an- gustifolia^ nudiflora, paucijlora, uniflora, flowers large white, from Canada to Louisiana. 670, Agal. retusa Raf. humilis, fol. sessilib. ovatis obovatisque vel obi. retusis emarg. supra scabris, subtus hirsutis ; umbelis axil, et term, sepe trifidis, invol. parvis — Mts. AUegh, pedal, apparently distinct, with large flowers, 2 var. paucijlora, multiflora. 671, Agal. longifolia R. an E. graminif. Mx 1 cauie ramoso pubens, fol. lineari lanceof. glabris obtusis, petiolis hirsutis, umbel. 3-5fidi», invol. conformis — Kentucky ad Carol. l-2pe- dal, leaves 2 to 4 inches long very narrow, but always broader at base, flowers few white small, 2 var, major, linearis. 672, Agal, polyscadia Raf. glabra elata, fol. sessilib. oblongis adpressis obt. umbela multifida Sfidis dichot. amplis multifl. invol. 8-5-2 similis brevior — Mts. AUegh. 3 to 4 feet high, leaves biuncial, umbel enormous of 8 rays, next 3fid and bifid several times fl. profuse white, 673, Agal. linearis Raf. glabra virgata, fol. petiol. linearib. obtusis, umb. 4-5fida, 2-3chot. invol. oblongis acutis parvis — Alabama and Tennessee, semipedal, leaves uncial, flowers white large. 674, Agal. tenuifolia Raf. glabra ramosa, ramis filif. fol. angustis linearib. acutis, sessilib, umb. 3fida dichot. pauciflora, invol. conformis D6 AUT, BOT. pedic. equante — Florida (Baldwin) very slen- der, flowers small white., t 675, Cy AT HOFuoR A picta Raf. ft. tef. 1190 — ■ Florida. 676, Pleuradena coccinea Raf. fi. tel. 1174 ^Mexico, t I published this (t*_ 1833, it is the Poinsetia of Graham 1836. 677, Desmonema hirta Raf. fl. tel. 1175-- Kentucky, t 678, Lepaoena leucoloma Raf. fl. tel. 1176i Euph. marginata Pursh'nonKunth — Arkanzas* 679, Vallaris (Raf. fl. 1. 1180) ipecacuana Raf. Euph. do O. — Novaces. ad Carol. It has many varieties, unijlora, linearifolia leaves linear obtuse, lieterophyla some oblong others parabolic ligulate narrow^ &c. 680, Var. portulacoides R. Euph. do Lin. &0, apparently only a var. with broader leaved often retuse, New Jersey. 681, DEMATRA Raf. Cbot) periantho camp, villoso pluridens, fl. masc. pluris, fem. stip. vil- loso, stig. 3 sess. acutis, Capsulis duplex, externa villosa ineq. dehiscens, interna glabra Crustacea^ 3valvis Ssperma. Frutex dichotomus foL op~ pos. fl. axil, — certainly a peculiar G. with habit of Xamesike and Croton, friiit very sin^ gular, the outer coat is perhaps a calix. Dematra sericea Raf. (Euph. villosa Siebei' non Waldstein) caule dichot. angul. lutescens pubens, fol. petiol. ovatis obt. integris villosis, subtus cano sericeis, fl. axil, solit. sessilib. caps, globosis cano tomentosis — Palestina, sent me by Sieber as E. villosa, but the previous sp. of Hungary is a Tithymalis. A shrub bipedal, leaves hardly uncial, flowers small, capsules lar^e. XAMESIKE Raf. fl. tel. 1181, This nat- ci:nt. VII. 9t «ral group includes many small plants often blended, habit similar in all, but the minute J^ovvers are difficult to analyze and must be studied aiive,I have some with only one male fl. in the perianthe that form my G. Aplarina new iflora 892, many will be found to possess this character : meantime I now make 3 s«bg. in it Xamesike, Xamohala lobes entire, and Apla- rina fl. raonandrous. 682, X supina Raf. dec. 15— Novebor. ad Ohio, well described by me with the 2 next as Euphorbia in 1817 : this has leaves ovatoblong •obt. serrat. fl. fasciculate, pro^rate, deemed E, maculata by Torrev« 683, X.Uttoralis Raf. dec. 16— Novebor. leaves ovate rounded subcord. uninerve serrate, fl. solitary, prostrate, 684, X vermiculata H, dec. 21. Noveb. ad Kentucky, erect, leaves oblong acute serrate trinerve, fl. solitary. These 3 belong to Xa- mobala, have hairy stems, leaves obliqual. 685, X glauca Raf. caulib. prostr. ramosis pilosis fol. glaucis glabris ovatobl. obliq. sub- serr. acutis 3 nervis, axilis paucifl. foliosis, caps, glabris — Kentucky, Virg, easily known by its glaucous appearance, not spotted. 686, X depressa Raf. Euph. do Torrey, thymic Am. hot. not of India, leaves elliptic obt. subserrate hairy beneath, axils multiflore. New York to Louisiana. 687, X maculata R. Euph. do O. differs from X. vermiculata by leaves smooth with a fuscate spot, obtuse uninerve opaque not vermi- culate. 688, X. palestina Raf. Euph. canescens Sie- ber non L, caulib. prostratis pubens, fol, glabris ellipt. obt. obliq, crenatis, axilis multifl. foliosis, 4 98 AI:T. BOl. caps, glabris— Palestine, certainly neither X. canescens nor vulgaris, long stems, small leaves thicker above. 689, X. alsinoides Raf. glabra dichot. diffu- sa,, fol. sessil. ovatis acutis integris, fl. axil, solit, sessilib. caps, granulatis — Sibirid, small plants flowers very minute, leaves not obliqual, found in Collins herb, as E. Gangularis ! 690, X. (leltifoUa Raf, glabra dichot. erecta, fol. sessil. lato deltoideis aeiitis integris, fl. axil, solit. scss. caps, granulatis — Florida pedal, leaves not obliqual, lobes of flowers entire, akin to last and to jE. cordifolia of Elliot ; but not at all like E. Uterata of another G. altho' so labelled in Collins herb. 691, X polygonifolia R. Euph. O — Noees. ad Car. niaritimis. 692, A", gracilis R. Euph, do Elliot.— Flo- rida, near last, leaves longer, fl, larger white, lobes entire, tlius also a Xamobala like naost of the above. 693, X A. hypericifolia R. Euph. O of subg. or G. Aplarina like all the next. Canada ad Carol, several var. 694, Var. sanguinolent/i, simplex, fol. ma- cula rubra notata. Pensylv. 695, Var. parvijlora R, ramosa elata, fol. angustis obi. fl. parvis — Alabama. 696, X. A. niicranthes Raf. glabra proetrata diffusa, fol. petiol. ellipt. obt^ integris vix obliq. axilis sepe unifl. vel foliosis, fl. subsess, caps, glabris — Louisiana ad Alabama, very branched, leaves very small, fl. very minute. 697, X A. microphyla Raf. n. fl 994— Texas and Louisiana, near last, leaves still smaller cordate obliqual. CENT. VJT. 99 698, X A. prostrata Raf. n. fl. 993-?enn- sylv. habit of the first kinds of this G. 699, X A. rotundifolia Raf. Euph. -hum- boldti? nonulis— caule srecto simplex glaber,fol. petiol. ovato subrotundis acutis nervo piloso, integris, fl. longe pedunc soht. capsulis glabris —Central America, pedal, leaves thin uncia) flowers small on long peduncles, perianthe 4deii- tate, my specimen female.t 700, Sesuvium verrucosum Raf. new fl, 758 — Arkanzas. This 7th Century includes 20 new Genera, whereof 5 now first described, besides 40 new species of mine, whereof *25 are now described, all Endogenous plants with a few shrubs. CENTURTA VIII. 701, Galax, erythrorhizn Raf. aphyla L. Fj-ythr. rotund if. Mx. Pyrola urceolata Poiret Uad — Unaka Mts. very rare.t 702, pTEROSPouA andrortiedea Nut, Raf med. fl. t. 78. Monotropa procera Torrey— near Albany^ very rare and curious. PYROLA of L. divided into 4 subg. in my Medical Flora 1830, wbich may be deemed Genera and others must be added. Radius had only 14 sp. in his monograph, and altho' I lack 3 I will now illustrate 32, see till 734. 703, Pyrola elliptka Nut. not in Radius unless blended, easily known by the thin elliptic leaves; this and all the akin with declinate flexuose style, and flowers racemose nodding belong to my StrepHlia real type of Pyrola, subg. of 1830 — North America. 704, Pyrola petiolaris Raf. fol. 4-5 longe petiol ovatis ve! ellipt. utrinque acutis integris, supra subreticul. scapo angul. squama ad basis lt)0 AITT. BOT, obL acuta, raccmo 8-I5fl. |>ract. oW. ac. pedic. eq.- -Bohemia, sent me as P. rotundif. unmean- ing name applied to 6 sp. not tliat of Radius: petiols biuncial, leaves uncial rather thin, flow- ers middle size, caudex scaly, scape pedal. 705, Pyr. hifolia Raf. fol. 2 petiol. eq, ellipt- subrot. obt. vel acutis integris, supra maculati^ vix reticulatis, scapo angul. squamis 2 obi. ac. racemo 10-12fl. bract, ped eq. — Germany, sent me also as P. rotundif. only 2 unequal leaves; smaller spotted, flowers rather large, bracts similar to scales. 706, Pyr» reticulata Raf (rc'tundif. Am» bot.) fol. 3-4 pet. subeq. subrotundis vel obov. subintegris obt. supra reticul. nervosis, inter- dum liiacuhs reticul. scapo angul. sq. 2-3 lan- ceol. acutis, racemo 12-20fl. bract, lane, ac, ped eq. — Allegh. Mts. leaves firm 1 or 2 inches long and broad, strongly netted, scape pedak flowers large. 707, Pyrola unifolia Raf. fol. sepe unica longe petiol. ellipt. obt. crenata. supra reticuL scapo angul, sq. 3 lane, acutis, racemo subl2ff. bract, lane. ped. eq. — New Jersey, petiol. 3un- cial, leaf 2uncial, scape pedal, aiin to last but flowers smaller, leaf well crenate, sometimes 2 but one soon decays. 708, Pyr, ohovata Raf. folia unica obov. subsess. vel petiole marginato, integra subre- panda supra reticul. scapo angul, tortilis pau- cifl. squamis 2 lane. acut. bract, similis — sum- mits of AUeghanies, semipedal, leaf and flowers small, only 6 to 8. t 709, Pt/r, orhiculata Raf. var. umfoMa vel P. moHophyla. folia unica longe petiol. ovato su- brot. vix cord. obt. integra supra reticul. scapo- vixangul. paucifl. sq. 3 obi. obt. mucronatis,. CENT. VIII. 101 bract, lane, acutis ped. eq.— Germany &c, semi- pedal, leaf uncial, petiol % flowers fi-8 rather small, nearer to P. rotundif. of Radius than P. petiol aris. 710, Pyr. grandiflora Rad. — Labrador, leaves 3 small i)etiols longer, scape Suncial, flowers 2-5 as large as in P. reticulata, scale elliptic acute, bracts lane, ac, longer than pe- dicels. It form 1 with next a subg Toxilis by style arched not flexuose, stamens not ascend- ing, stigma .Globed , bremcaulis ib. 785. Pensylv. 742, D. nudicaulis ib. 786. Pensylv. 743, D. levis ib. 787. Novaces. ad Kentuky. 744, D. pusillus Mx. E. Raf. n. fl. 788. subg. Lophioplis, Florida. 745, D. br^vifolius Raf. n. ^. 789. Mts. Allegh. 746, D. heterophylus R. n. fl. 790, D. ca- rotta of Am. hot. like all the above. Canada to Louisiana, several var. fumaroidts, asper^ laxifolius. 747, D. strigosus Raf. new fl^ 791. Anglia — blended with next in D. carotta. 748, D. agrestis Raf. n. fl. 792 D. carotta L. O. the wild European type, several sp. were blended in D, caiotta,now called D^ maritimus, carotta, polygamus, exiguus and these two. 749, SoLANUM carolinianum L — Pensylv. ad Louisiana. 750, Sol. obliquatum Raf. s>cabra herb. CENT. VIII. 107 iuerme fol. brevipet. obliquis ovatolanc. elonga- tis integris acum. pedunc. racemosis 3-5floris — Florida near last, but l&aves narrower entire 4 to 5 inches long, flowers similar size white, inerme but roughly puberulent, herbaceous. 751, SoL floridanum Raf. toto pilosum hir- tum, caule herb, flexuoso ramoso inermis, fol. subsess. obovatis obtusis repandosinuatis, nervo medio aculeato, pedunc. sepe trifloris — Florida near to S. mammosum but more inerme, leaves not cordate 2 or 3 inches, flowers size of the H last. 752, SoL verhascifolium Florida akin to !^. ohliq. but fruticose tomentose, leaves not obli- qual, peduncles multifl. t 753, Sol. dimidiatum Raf. herb, subinerme scabrosum tomentosum. fol. petiol. amplisovatis lobato pinnatif. lobis acutis subdent. basi ad pe- tiolis dimidiatis, racemis furcatis multifl. — Tex- as, New Mexico, Arkanzas, very striking sp, leaves Semipedal, base decurrent or longer on one side so as to be dimidiate, flowers large blu- ish, calix campanulate with 5 distant teeth su- bulate, lobes of corolla ovate reflexed acute ner- Tose, anthers linear subsessile distinct alike, and thus not an Androcera. 754, SoL chenopodium Raf. (nigrum var. un- datum) inerme caule angul. glabro, fol. ovatis obtuse sinuatis acutis, umbellis sepe 5fl. — Eu- ropa. 755, SoL exaratum Raf. nigrum var. O. diff*. caule scabro exafato, fol. longe petiol. ovatis ob- tuse dentatis, umbellis sepe trifloris — Europa. 756, Sol. emulans Raf, Virginic. am. auct. non L. caule angul. glabro, fol. pet. ovatobl. «trinque acum. inequaliter acute dent, umbellis cernuis 3-5fl. baccis nigris globosis — Novanglia 108 ATT. BOT, ad Kentucky — usualy mistaken for S. Virg, but smooth smaller, fl. white small, berries pisiform. 757, Sol. virginicum L. usually blended with S. Carolinian, by our botanists, nearer to i*. obli- quatum, leaves obliqual angular pubescent,stem leaves and calix subspinose, flowers racemose. 758, Sol. hidentatum Raf. caule herb, teres inermis, fol. ovatis vel subcord. acutis integris vel basi bidentatis tenuis levigatis, nmbelissepe Sfloris — Sicilia, Italia, and near to S. patulum of India. 759, Sol. honariense L very near S. virg, obliq. and carol, leaves obliqual, but a shrub. Paraguay. 760, Sol. coagulans Vahl. Arabia, Egypt, t 761, Sol.pseudocapsicum L. Azores,Maderd, forming a subg. Minoti by calix and corolla Sparted anthers distinct, 762, Sol. pilosum Raf. acul. albo piloso hir- suto, fol. obliquis ovatobl. glaucis acutis, sinuato pinnatif. lobis dentatis acutis, cymis peduncula- tis paucifl. — South America, sent me as Sol. de- currens (no such name,) near my S. dimidia^ tqm, but very hairy, leaves small uncial, flowers 5 or 6 very large, calix 5fid, lobes of corolla uni- nerve patent acute, stamens as in 753, hardly porose. 763, PARMENTIERA Raf. diff. Solanum, cal. 5fid. corolla 51oba, stam. 5 antheris ellipt. 2Ioc. intus dehiscens non porosis, stylo elongato, stig. capit. bacca 2Ioc. tuberosa, foL pirmatis^ fl. corymbosis — this G. for the Potato was pro- posed 100 years ago in France, it has since been blended with Lycopersicon differing by 6 to 9 stamens, berry multilocular. Parmentiera edulis Raf. Sol. tuberosum O, fol. interrupte pinnatis, foliolis ovatis acum, in- CENT. VIII. 109 tegris glabris, corymbis multifl. — such is the common Potato native of Peru, compare with next. 764, Parmentiera halduini Raf. fol. pinnatis. foliolis ovatobl. obtusis ciiiatis, terminaUs major rotundata integra, corymbis pubescens 3-6fl — ' Uraguay, found by Baldwin at Mt. Video, deem- ed the wild type of our Patato, but leaves dif- ferent, small tubers mixt with fibrose roots,stem 6 to 10 inches, flowers not so large, &-c. 765, ANTIMION Raf. (n. grec) diff. Par. mentiera, caLgloboso 5-7fid. lac. ineq. subfolio- sis, cor. campanul. 5fida, stylo brevis, fan tube- rosa ?) — Solanum includes yet 20 fine distinct Genera, I can only add here those I possess. Antimion tomentosum Raf. Sol, peruv? fol. interrupte pinnatis, foliolis ovatis obovatisque repandis acutis supra pubescens, subtus tomen- tosis, cymis pedunc. compos, multifl. subfoliosis, calicib. tomentosis — Peru, sent me as S. peruv with next altho' of different Genera ! corollas hardly longer than calix with enclosed stamens.t 766, SCUBULON Raf. (n. antiq) cal, 5part. eq. cor, 5part. antheris 5 connatis in tubo obi. 5dent. intus dehisc. stylo filif. stigma bidentatum. fol. pinnat, fl, racem. — thus stamens united as in Solanum, but opening as in Lycopersicon. ScuBULON incanum Raf. fruticos. inerme, fol. pinnatis cano pulverulentis, foliolis obi. obt, inte- gris vel repandis undulatis, ultima ovata, race- mis laxis multifl. cal, linearib. baccis globosis glabris — Peru, how different from last, and yet labelled alike by orthodox botanists, flowers ochroleucous, folioles small. 767, Scubulon humboldti Raf. Sol. do?" caule herbaceo sulcato, fol. interrupte pinnatis, foliolis petiol. cordatis sinuatis acutis glabris. 110 AUT. BOT. racemis paucifl. cal. subul. — South America, probably the Sol. humboldti of Kunth and gar- dens, t 768, Androcera lohata Nut. Ceranthera Raf, 1817, Sol. heterandrum Pursh ic— Mis- souri, rare plant ; my good and previous name has been employed for a labiate. My specimen is semipedal annual, very prickly, calix very much so around the fruit. 769, Capsicum purpureum (quid) herbac. fol. longe petiol. ovat. acum. pedunc* axil, oolit. — Antilles, one of thesp. blended in C. annuum, fruit purple. 770, Atropa belladona L — Europa. 771, Mandragora acaulis Dec. Atropa man- dragora L. — Sicilia, Grecia ^c, the Mandrake of the Bible. 772, Ramonda pyrenaica Pers. Dec. Raf. ft. tel. 1068. Verbascum myconi L. — Pyrenees Mts. rare, t 773, Verbascum thapsus L- — Eur. Amer, type of Subg. Thapsus, see fl. tel. 1066. 774, Verb, claytoni ? Mx. this rare plant of Carolina omitted by many, chiefly differs from V, blattaria, by leaves larger lanceol. not cor- date, often duplicate serrate and flowers spicate not racemose, lower leaves cuneate 6 to 8 inches long, t 775, \erb. undulatum Lam. — Creta, 776, Verb, flocosum L. — Germania. 777, Verb, austriacum Jaq. — Germania. 778, Yerb. pulverulentum L. — Europa. 779, Yerb. pheniceum L.-^Germania. 780, \erb. nigrum L. — Europa. 781, Verb, spicatum Raf glabrum, fol^ am- plex, cordatis ovatobl. acum. argute dentatis, fl. spicutis remotis solitaris, bracteis lane, acum. CENT. Vltt. Ill cal. eq. — sent me from Europe as V. virgatum, but fl. not agregate, nearer V. nigrum, t 783, \erb. collinsi Raf. glabriusc. fol. cor- datis. radicalis petiol. caulinis amplexic. denta- tis undulatis acutis, florib. spicatis ramosis pul- verulentis, bract subul. — Europa australis, cul- tivated by Collins and deemed medial between V. nigrum and virgatum, leaves ample, lower 6 inches, spike paniculate, flowers small. 784, \erh. pyramidale (quid ?) • vel macro- phylum Raf. fol. amplis glabris ellipt. obt. sub- cord, sinuato repandis, florib. panic, pyram. ra- mulis racemosis virgatis elongatis puberis, bract, obi. acum. ped. eq. — Asia ? leaves pedal very large yet thin, flowers incarnate. 785, Verb, phlomoides L.— Italia, type of subg. Flomosia, see fl. tellur. 786, Hyosciamus aureus L. — Creta, Syria. 787, Hyosc. rnuticus L. betafolia Lam. da- tura Forsk — Egypt, Arabia. 787, Hyosc. albus L — Europa austr. sent me also under the false name of H. mutabilis. 789, Hyosc. niger L — Europa, Amer. bor. 790, Hyosc. pfiysalodes L — Sibiria, some leaves repand in my specimen misnamed H. orientalis. t 791, ScopoLiA carniolica Jaq, Hyosc. scopo- lia L. &c^Carniolia, Illyria. I restore this G. improperly abolished because the capsule was like Hyosciamus ; but the corolla is totally dif- ferent, as in Atropa, campanulate entire, calix camp. 5fid. stamens 5 equal at base corolla, an- thers linear, very rare, t 792, Blenocoes glutinosa Raf. fl. tel. 716, Nicotiana do O — Peru. 793, Nicotiana paniculata R. P. fl. per — Peru. 112 XVT. BOT. 794, Nicot, tabacum L — America. 795, Nicot, rustica L — Arri erica, 796, Petunia nyctaginea Juss. Pers — Para- guay. 797, Vetunia longiflora Raf. glabra, fol. amplex. oblongis acutis, corolla tubo iongissimo, limbo acuto — [Jraguay, M. Video, tall plant, leaves 3 to 6 inches flowers quite aSi long white* 798, Petunia odorata Raf. glabra, fol. obi. repandis acutis sessilib. florib. racemosis, cor. limbo obtuso — Brazil, leaves large, flowers small uncial incarnate fragrant. 799, DiPHYLEiA cymosa Mx. Raf. new fl- 736 — Unaka Mts. very rare, t 800, Cryptina minima Raf. review,Crypta! Nut. Peplis americana Pursh — Hudson, Dela- ware flum. ad ripas, singular and rare plant, hear Peplis. This 8th Century includes 12 New Genera of mine, whereof 8 are now described, besides 50 new species, whereof 40 are now first described, chiefly akin to Pyrolides and Solanides. CENTURIA IX. 801, Mentha capitala Raf. glabra fol, re- tnotis petiol. ovatis serratis acutis, fl. capitatis, subsess. term. stam. et stvlis vix exsertis — Ori- gon, very fragrant, stem bisulcate, leaves uncial, flowers incarnate in a short elliptic head sessile between 2 leaves, or rounded a little apart. 802, Mentha cinerea Raf. new fl. 978— Welsh Mts. of Pennsylv. quite local there. 803, Mentha citrata W. odorata Sm — An- glia, near to my capitata, differs by leaves ellip- tic, subcordate, head of fl. small, stamens inclos- ed. 804, M. piperita L — Europ. Amer. eENT. IX. HZ 805, M, pectinata Raf. canescens, fol. ses- silib. ovato lanceol. pectinate incisis, spicis obi. stam. inclusis, stalls exertis — Carpathian Mts. Bohemia &c, sent me as M. sylvestris, but unlike, nearer M. crispa,l)ranched, leaves small grey, flowers white, 806, M, gentilis Sm. — Anglia. 807, M, gracilis Sm. — Europa. 808, M. viridis L — Europa. 809, M. rotundifolia L — Sicilia. 810, M. hirsuta L— Anglia, blended witb next by Sm. but leaves subsess. ovaie cordate, stem retrose hispid, spike oblong. 811, M. aquatica L.— Europa leaves petiol. ovatoblong, fl. capitate. 812, M. acutifolia Sm. verticillata Hoffm. — Europa^ 813, M. gratissima W — Germ. Helv. 814, M. crispa L — Europa. 815, M. obliqua Raf. glabra, fol. subsess. obliquatis glaucis ovatis serratis acutis, fl. xer-' tic. et term, fascioulis oppos. pedic. stam. inclu- sis — Sibiria, sent me as M. hirsuta altho' to- taly smooth, stem branched, leaves thin, flowers incarnate in small opposite umbels pedicellate. 816, M. artensis L, vel ciliata — Europa. 817, M. agrestis Raf. — Europa, deemed a var. of last by some, but stem erect retuse pi- lose, leaves larger broadly ovate. 818, M. alopecuroides Sole — Hangaria, near M. crispa, but hirsute, leaves sessile round ovate serrate, spikes oblong, stamens inclosed. 810, M. tenuis Mx. O— Am. bor. 8*^0, M. canadensis L — Canada and Alle- ghanies, but less distinguished by short stamens, than hairy lanceolate leaves. 821, M. horealis Mx. — Am. bor. not var. of 6 11.4 Al I , BOT. M. acutifolia as deemed by Persoon, nearer the last, more common, humble or procumbent, leaves punctate pubescent. 822, M. hjcopoides Raf. glat>ra,fol. pet. lan- ceol. acum. ineq. inciso serratis rugosis, fl. ver- tic. pedic. stam. exertis — Ohio, Kentucky &c, erect ramose, leaves uncial or less narrow,flow- ers whitisH, aspect of Lycopus. 823, M. traxigond Kaf, glabra, eaule angulls scabris, fol. petiol. margine scabris, oblongis ser- ratis, basi integris, subtus glaueis punctatis, flo- rib. vertic. pedic. hirsutis stam. exertis^Lake Erie to Illinois, variable, leaves large or small, always rough stem. 824, M. glauca Raf, gtabriusc. fol. pet. lato lanceol. utrinque acumin. remote serratis, bast integris, tenuis, subtus glaueis cilrolatis, fl. ver- tic. pedic. pubescens, stam. exertis — Mts. Aile- ghanies, erect, leaves large biuncial very thin, calix canescent, corolla pale incarnate. 825, Var. parvifolia Raf. diff. glabra, fol. parvis ovatobl. non acum. — Pensylv, this was labelled by Muhlenberg M, gracilis in Collins herb, altho' mixt with last, leaves semiuncial, 827, Lycopus vulgaris Pers. eiiropeus L — Europa : it has stem and leaves above with nerves below pubescent, leaves petiolate ovate sinuate serrate. 828, Lycopus exaltatns O — Bohemia, Hun- garia, sent me as L. europeus, stem rough, but leaves smooth sessile pinnatifid at base, acumi- nate at end. 829, Lye. pinnatifidus Raf. heterophylus Raf. med. fl.-exaltatus Pursh El. sinuatus ! El. — glaber, foJ. pinnatifidis, inferis peliolatis, pin- nulis angustis subdentatis, superis lanceol. ses- sili.b. sinuato laciniatis, axilis barbatis pauciflo- f.rNT, IX. 115 ris — Carol. Virg. Kent, very disftirrct sp. smne lowefr leaves triunciai almost pinnate, gradualy smaller and less divided above ; nodes bearded around or hairy ring around the axils. Several va r. Heterophiflus, trajcigonus, dissectus &lc. 830, Lye, pauciflorus Raf. (Pensylv. Mg. europeus Am. bot.) glaber, fol. sessilib. lanceol. ntrinque acum. medio sinuato serraiis, axilis paucifl. vix ciliatis — Novanglia ad Louisiana, leaves uncial narrow. oJlen ramose. 832, Lye. angustifoUa El. glaber caule vir- gato erecto, fol. sessil. lin. lanceol. utrinque acum. subserratis vel integris, axilis nudis mul- tifl. — Carol, ad Illinois, stems slender pedal, eaves very narrow and long, biuncial. s^r.lon- gif alius, linearis Slc. 833, Lye. integrifolins Ilaf. glaber caule procuuibeirs, fol. sessilib. lanceol. utrinque acum. integHs vel subdent. subtus glaucis, axilis nudis paucifl — Carol, ad Florida, stem flexuose pros- trate, leaves large biuncial. broad in the middle.t 834, Lye, ampleetens Raf. glaber, caulib. virgatis simpl. angulis olH. fol. arete sessil, sub- amplex. basi dilatalis oblongis acum. remote «erratis, axilis nudjs paucifl. — Alabama, pedal sesquipedal leaves uncial pale beneath, this sp. differs from all by obtuse angles and leaves not attenuate at base. EUHEMUS RaC diff. Lycopus, cal. brevis muticus 4fidus, sem. exertis crcnulatis — I made it a subg. 1830 in my medical flora 2 p. 27, but it must be a G. at last, Lycopus having 5fid. spinose calix : such characters are generic, the calix making the best Genera of Labiate. 835, EuHEMUs officinalis vel surculosus R. Lycopus Virginicus L. O. — caulib. basi surcu- losis,pulverulentis angulis obt. fol. sessil.ovatobl. 116 ACT. BOT. utrinquc acum. serratis, scabriuscuHs subtus punctatis, axilis multifl. et paucifl — see my long account in med. flora, several var. gracilis, mi- crophylus, ruber, latijolius Slc, fbufld from Canada to Louisiana. S36, Euhtmus syhaticus Raf, caulib. elatis glabriusc. fol. subpetiol. ovatis vcl obovat. acum. grosse serratis, subtus glaucis, axilis paucifl. — Kentuky Ohio. In woods, bipedal leaves large triuncial thin. I made it a var. in 1830, but it deserves to be deemed a sp. altho' probably a sylvatic deviation, removed from waters. 837, Euhemus uniflorus Raf. Lye. do ^lt\. glaber pusillus, angulis obt. fol. sess. inferis o<'a- tis obt. 3ubcrenatis, superis lanceol. obtuse ser- ratis, axilis l-2floris — Mts, Alleghany 4 to 6 inches high, deemed a var of Lye. virg. by Torrey, but no such thing, leaves semiuncial ob- tuse. 838, Gai^eopsi^s ochroleuca Pers. grandifl. W. villosa Sm. — Europa, pectoral like Euhe- mus. 839, Gal. versicolor Curt. Pers. cannabina Rpth — Germania 4*c. 840, Gal. ladanutn O — Europa. 841, Gal. angustifolia Pers. Europa. 842, Gal. tetrahit O — Eur. America. 843, Gal. montana Raf. new fl. 226 — sum- mits of Alleghanies. 844, Galeobdolon luteum Sm. vulgare Pers. Sylvis Europa. 845, Galeobd. montanum Hofm. — Mont. Europa. 846, Leonurus multifidus Raf. fol. petiolatis cordatis ovatisque palmatis 5fidis inCtsis acutb, subtus pubescens, superis lanceol. trifldis,coroUis lanatis cal. longior — Noracesarea ad Kentucky, CKNT. IX. W bipedal, leaves large and broad, flowers «niall, neither L. cardiaca nor crispus. 847, Leonurus reticulntus Raf. pumilus, fol. petiol. 3-5fldis lobis serratis acum. superis cun- eatis, omnis subtus rugosis reticulars glabri.s cor. lanatis cal. longior — Mts. Alleghanies,sewi- pedal, annual, leaves small, flowers as large, t 848, Leonurus cuneifolius Raf. fol. subsess. cuneatis oblique trilobis, lobis ineq. angustis elongatis integris vcl sinuatis, fol. superis linea- rib integris subtus glaucis glabris ; cor. pubes- cens cal. longior — Sibiria, et Amer. ad ripas flumine Delaware, Susqueh. Ohio, Finb plant, bipedal, with long narrow leaves, 2-4inches, flowers larger than in the 2 others. Is it a Pan- zeria ? It had 3 wrong names in Collins herb. Leonurus marubiastrum, Phlomis condensata ! Hyssopus trilobus ! of Kin. PANZERIA Moench (non Wild, est Eperua Aublet) diffl Leonurus, cor. galea forriicata, la- bium 3part. medium cordatum. 849, Panzeria villosa Raf. Leon, tataricus? L— caule vjUoso, fol. pet. trifidis acutjs vix den- tatis supra rugosis, subtus glaucis villosis, cal. coroUisque villosis — Sibiria, sent me as L. Si- biricus, more like L. lanatus or Panz. multiflda M. leaves uncial, flowers ochroleucous. 850, Yanzeria angustifolia Raf. Leon, Si- biricus ? L—glabra,fol. petiol. tripart. lobis ineq. jinearib. integris vel lacin. cal. corolisque pu- bescens — China, sent me as L. tataricus, Uit nearer to L. sibiricus, leave? slender, flowers red and small. 851, ATIRBESIA Raf. (n. anliq.) diff: Marrubium, cal. 5dent. ^qualib— the G. Marru- bium must be divided in many G, like Phlomis by the multiform ralix. 118 AUT. ROT. Alirhfsia hracirntaliiif. Marub. peregnnufft h, O — Silesia, Himgaria, Grecia, Cfeta, Sici- lia &c. 852, BERINGERIA Necker Raf. Pseudo- dictamnus Ad. cliff. Marrubium, cal. infundib. limbo campaniilato lOlobato, lobis alt. niinorib. ilentiformis. — Type B. dictamnoides Raf. Mar. pseiidodict. L. O. — Creta. 85B, Beringeria plicata Raf. Marub. do Forsk. Vitm. undulatum Sieber. — Palestina, Egypt, singular plant, stem simple with crow- ded whorls of flowers, leaves sessile round cre- nate rugose tomentose, calix large, limb scariose reticulate undulate, t 854, PiiT.OMis salmfolia Jaq. — Syria, Sicilia t&.c, often blended with P. fruticosa. 855, Fhlomis sanicala Sieber. — Palestina, tomentosa, fol. sess. obi. crenat. brant. subuK pungens, ut calicibus. t 856, Phlomis reticulata Raf. (pungens! Dec. aon Wild.) caule scabro brachiato, fol. sessil. ovatobl. aqutis glabris crenatis subtus 5nerv)s reticulatis, bract. sJubul. ciliatis, calicib. pungens — Podolia, large plant, leaves 2 or 3 inches, flowers short yellow. Sent me by Decandole with a wrong name like many other plants, blen- ded with P. pungens of Pel-sia having leaves petiolatc lanceolate tomentose. 867, Trambis tuberosa Raf. tl. tel. "yTO. Phlomis do L. O. — Sibiria. 8*^8, Hemisodon leonurus Raf. fl. tel. 776. Phi. do L. Leonotis do Br. — Africa austr.t 859, Blephiloma amplifolia Raf. fl. tel. 2 a|>x — Arkaiizas. t 860, Origanum vulgare L. var. humile — Si> biria. t 861, Var. nmericanum^ fol. ovatobl. ifttegris — Canatla ad Pensylv. 862, Var. rotundifolium, fol. brevis ovato subrot. inlegris — Germania. 863, Majouana fragrans Raf. il. tel. 760. Orig» majorana L. var. obovata, fol. sepe obov. obt. — Palestina. 864, Majorana sijriaca Raf, Orig. do L. — Syria, Palestina. 865, Amaracus (Moench) dictammis Raf. fl. tel. 765, Orig. do. L.— Creta. 866, Lavandula multifida L, — Hisp. Maroco. Canaria. 867, Lav. dentata L. — Hispania. 868, Nepeta crispa W. P* — Persia, t 869, Nep. pannonica L. — Sibiria. 870, Nep> lecigata Raf. glabra,foi. sessil. lan- ceol. serratis acutis, fl. racemosis vettic. bract, siibul. pedunc. 3-5fl. — Illyria. senUme as N. ne- petella (v^kh tomentos4; cordate leaves) and also as N. tuberosai pedal, leaves uncial, flow- ers white in compound racemes. 871, Nep, heliotropa Lam. — Persia. Sent me as N. graveolens ! humble branched, leaves enth-e, flowers secund adscendent on axilary racemes longer *than leaves. 872, Nep. melissefolia Marsh. Pers. — Tau- ria. 873, Nep. longiflora Vent. Pers— Persia, t 873, Nep. teucribides Lam. incana L. — Sy- ria ^c, leaves subsess. ovate lanceol. not cor- date, sinuate serrate white. 875, Nep. origanifolia Raf.. incana Sieber. cinerea pubens, fol. petiol. ovato subrot. subin. tegris obtusis, fl. paniculatis racemosis, calicib- glabris — Creta, pedal, leaves small, flowers white. 120 AUT. BOT. 87(5, Nep. tomentosa Sieber, scordiotis I L. albo tomentosa, fol. petiol. latovatis rel subcord, integris, margine revolutis acutis, racemis pan- iculatis, calicib. subincanis — Creta, pedal slen- der, leaves remote small, flowers small white in verticillate racemes, peduncles multiflore. 877, ]\ep. lupulina Raf. tuberosa ? nonnulis — pubescens^ fol. sessilib. oblongis acutis serra- tis, basi truncatis, spica term, oblonga, bract, inibric. ovatis acum. scariosis nervosis — Lusi- tania. Leaves neither cordate nor tomentose as in N. tuberosa, pedal, leaves biuncial thin, flowers white, bracts whitish. 878, Nep, violacea L. colorata Hortis — His- pania, smooth, leaves subsess. ovate cordate serrate acute. 879, Vleckia nepetoides Raf. 1808, Hysso* pus do L — Novanglia ad Missouri — My G, Vleckia was ascertained in 180*2 published 1808, it is Lophantlies of jlenth. much later and name preocupied, see fl. tel. 786. 880, Yleckia cordifolia Raf. Hyssopus scro- phularif. W. 4*c — Pensylv. Kentucky. 881, Vleckia hracteosa Raf. glabra, caulc ftcutangulo atropurp. fol. petiol. ovatis subcord. acutis remote serratis, bracteis foliosis sess. ovatis acutis integris fl. longior. — Florida,leaves uncial, spike short oblong. It is subg. Psalioii^ see new fl. 979. 882, Vleckia incarnata Raf. caule angulis acutis puberis, fol. omnis ovatis lanceol. saperis sessilib. argute serratis acum. subtus puberulis, spica basi interrupta, bract, lanceol. coloratis fl. brevior — Pennsylv. a beautiful sp. discovered 1804, found again lately, 3 to 4 feet high, leaves remote 2 to 4 inches long, bracts and calix in- carnate, corols ochroleucous. CENT. IX. 1^1 883, Vteckia albescens Raf. caule acutan- gulo apice piloso, fol. petiol. ovatis vtl oblongis gJabriusc, ae short thorns. My specimens not in bloom. 934, Sm. O, pandurata Raf. (an tamnifol. nonnulis ?) ramis Sgonis muric. aculeis curvis, petiolis dilat. amplex. fol. perennis parabolicis panduratis, basi truncatis vel subcord. apice ob- tusis deinde acum. 3nervis vix reticul. margine glabris — remarkable sp. found by Collins in South New Jersey, stem virgate very prickly 128 AUT, BOT. below, axils with tendrils, leaves biuncial : the real tamnifolia has terete stem, t 935, Sm. ih lomoplis Raf. hastata W. P. N. E. non Jaq. aspera variabilis Lam. Pers. — ramis 4gonis, aculeis rectis compressis, fol. pe- rennis petiolis nervisque et margine spinosis, lanceol. vel obi. acutis mucronatis, basi acutis vel truncatis dilat. auric, vel bilobatis, Snervis reticul. — Carol, ad Florida, leaves biuncial. Mistaken by Lamark for a var. of aspera, and blended by the N. Amer. Botanists with the previous Sm. fiivntata of Jaq. Am. having stem inerme terete, leaves cordate hastate, long ra- cemes 4*c. 936, jS'/w. O. dilatata Raf. ramis angul, sul- catis inermis, petiolis contortis, fol. perennis basi dilatatis Iruncatis, drinde oblongatis acutis, margine undulatis remote spinulosis, 5nervis re- ticul. nervo medio sj)inoso, subtus glaucis luci- dis — Alabama, one of the sp. blended in Stm bonanox, some warts on the stem instead of prickles, leaves somewhat as iii last, broader still, not cordate nor auriculate. t 937, Sm. L. compres^a Raf. inermis, ra- mis compressis sub4go!ns, petiolis rectis, fol. ovatis deltoideis tenuis, acutis levis conoolor, marg. glabris, 3nervis reticul. pedunc. pet. lon- gior subSftoris — Alabama, v{ i'y distinct, leaves thin not perennial uncial or over, stein realy compressed altho' angular "Z slides broader, 938, Sm. X, heterophnla Raf. inermis, ra- mis sabangul. contortis, p;'tiolis contortis fol. perennis coriaceis, cuneatid obovatisque vel el- lipt. panduratisque, perennis coriaceis, apicc obtusiffcuspidatis, nonulis retusis vel obcordatis 3nervis reticul. marg. glabris undulatis ; pednnc. pet. subeq. apice capitalis, umbcla 5-8fl. ferens GENT. X. 1119 —Florida, found by Baldwin, who states it was wrongly blended with Sm. hastata, leaves un- cial, flowers in a small ombel arising out of a small globular ball ending the peduncle as in Parillax and Aniketon, is it of that Genus? but flowers on long pedicels, sepals linear. 939, 8m. L. membranacea Raf. inermis, ra- mis 4gonis, fol. ovatis acumin. cuspidatii basi rotundatis tenuis sive membranaceis Snervis non reticul. concolor, levissimis ; pedunc. pet,, subeq. 5-6fl. fl. longe pedic. nutans — Alabama, leaves large 3 to 4 inches vei-y thin, flowers rather large campanulate as in most Amer. Sp. petals lanceolate. 940, Sm. L. rkombifolia Raf. inermis, caule subangul. foU ovatis rhombeis vel sublanceol. vel subauricul. acutis perennis, trinervis reticul. glabris marg. levis — sent me as Stri, chinas quite unlike it, more akin to Sm. lanceolata L. Sibiria? leaves uncial, t 941, Sm. L. cynanchifolia Raf. inermis, ra- mis gracilis subang. sulcatis, fol. cordatis acu- tis cuspidatis levigatis tenuis trinervis, axilis cirrhiferis,pedunc. geminatis Sfloris, ad pet. lon- gior — Sibiria ? sent me also as Swi. China, yet quite different, almost herbaceous, leaves un- cial. 942, Sm. L. farinosa Raf pseudochina L. (bad name) Car. to Florida, very useful cereal plant. 943, Sm. L. lanceolcuta L. Elliot — Carol. Florida, leaves realy lanceol. base acute, end obtusely acum. ombels multifl. on very short pe- duncles, berries red globose. The Sm. cicindifolia, walteri, ovata, and alba, are doubtful Sp. not yet procured by me. 944, Parilax laurifolia Raf. neog. 36. Smi- 8 130 AUT. BOT. lax do L. Virg. to Louisiana, stem terete rugose leaves obi. thick coriaceous reticul. Snerve, smooth acute at both ends, ombels muitifl. sub- sess. on a capitate peduncle, formed of abortive fi. This G. differs fr. Smilax by berry mono- sperm, one stigma, fem. fl. with 3 abortive sta- mens &c. liofty vine, 945, Parilax piimila Raf. neog. 36 Sm. pu- mila Walt. Elliot, pubera Mx. humble prostrate Vine, leaves obi. cordate acute hairy beneath, ombels as. in last, berries ovate acute red, El- liot calls them white — I suspect that ^m. lanceo- lata and heterophyla belong to this G. the om- bels are similar. ANIKETON Raf, diff. Smilax. fl, capUatis calix parvus tripartitus, masc. stam. 3 ? fem. ea- lix brevissimis, baccis monosp. capitatis — near Parillax, habit similar but fl. not umbellate, the name is grecian for Smilax, 946, Aniketon coriaceum Raf. inermis, ra- mis angulatis flexuosis, petiolis amplex. fol. perennis coriaceis ellipt. obtusis vel retusis un- datis glaucescens, glabris, 5 nervis, rugoso-re- ticulatis, capitulis petiolis subeq. brevissime pe- duncul. baccis globosis rnbris — Cuba, found by Jalambic, leaves uncial, flowers and berries mi- nute. NEMEXIS Raf. neog, 37, distinct habit,her- baceous, some leaves opposite or vertic, flowers in multiflore ombels on long peduncles, sepals re- flexed, stamens filiform, 6 sterile in fem. fl. 31o- bate stigmas, berry 31oc. 6sp. by abortion 3-4sp. — The name means 6 threads, I had only 2 types in 1825, I now have 4 species if not 5. 947, Nemexis nigra Raf. neog. Smilax her- bacea L. O, known by cordate leaves, pubes- cent beneath, acum. 5-7n«rved, peduncles com- CENT. IX. 131 pressed, berries black, ombels globose, often 100 flowers. N. Amer. 948, Nemexis cerulea R. neog. Sm. pedun- cularis Mg. O.— It differs by leaves smooth ovate acute cuspidate glaucous beneath, berries blue, stem angular, fewer flowers. N. Amer. 949, Var. oblongata, differs by stem slender terete, leaves ovatoblong concolor— is it a sp ? fl. not seen. Alleghanies. 950, Nemexis elliptica Raf. humilis angulosa, fol. apice quaternis, omnis ellipt. utrmque acutis concolor, onervis erosis ; t>e-i'^nc. compressis contortis fol. brevier, umbeliis non globosis— Alabama, 6 to 12 inches hi-h, leaves uncial, pe- tiols as long, pedicels of fl. flexuose, petals lan- ceol. acute, berries not seen. 951, Nemexis glauca Raf. humilis, caule te- rete .gracilis, fol. alt. longe pet. deltoideis oblon- gis acutis trinervis utrinque levigatis glaucis, bast truncatis — Florida, neither fl, nor fruits, but evidently distinct, leaves half size of others narrow uncial, glaucous on both sides, petiols filiform. DILAX Raf. diff. Smilax, 6 sepals lanceol, reflexed, stam. 6 erect equal, fl. fem. stig. 2 li- gulatis simplex, baccis ovalis compr. 2loc. 2sp. fraticosus erectus, fol alt. pedunc. longissi- mis umbellatis—nesir N( mexis by peduncles, but differing as Clintonia does from Vagnera. 952, Dilax muricata Raf: (an Sm, tamnifol. nonulis ?) caule basi fruticoso angulato, angulis muricatis, fol. brevi pet. ovatis, basi subcord. acum, Snervis retic. margine scabris, glauces- cens ; pedunc. compressis longissimis, umbeliis 10-15floris, baccis ovalis— Florida, quite differ- ent from Sm. muricata, perhaps one of the ob- 132 AUT, BOT. scure Sm. tamnif. flowers green on filiform pedi- cels, t TRILLIUM L. of this fine American G. I gave a monograph in my Medical Flora 183Q, with 34 sp. in 3 subg. Sessiliumy Anthopium and Delostylis, I have since increased them still ; but I lack a few of the Apalachian Mts. yet I shall illustrate here nearly 40 sp. and var. the numbers shall refer to my Monograph. 953^ Trillium S. rotundifolium Raf. mon 2 — Lake Erie to Tennessee, many varieties, 954, Var. orbiculatum R, Kentucky. 955, Tril, S. longiflorum R. m. I.Lake On- tario to Alabama. 956, Tril. 8, maculatum R. m. 34. Florida to Illinois. 957, Tril. S^ memhranaceum R. m. 8. Ohio, Kentucky &c. 958, Tril. S. isanthum R. m. 3. Ohio to Arkanzas. 959, Var. parviflorum Raf. Kentucky. 960, Tril. 8. unguiculatum Raf. 9, an recur- vatum Beck? Kentucky, Missouri. 961, TriL 8. angustifoUum Raf. m. 7, Ken- tudky. 962, Tril. 8. lancifolium Raf. caule elato, fot. sess. lanceol. acutis trinervis patulis planis sepe maculatis, calioib. patulis vel reflexis, pe- talis erectis longior rubris unguic. lanceol. — Florida to Alabama and Apalachian Mts. stem often pedal leaves 3 inches, flowers uncial. 963, Tril. 8. stenanthes Raf. caule maculato, fol. sessilib. ellipt. acum. planis patulis 5nervis concolor, petalis cal. vix longior utrinque erectis Knearib. lanceol. elongatis acutis — striking sp, leaves 4 inches long, not spotted, flowers 2 in- ches, petals hardly different from calix green- CKHT. X. 133 iihrcd. yet very distinct from Tr. riride of Beck. Arkanz^s. 964, Tril S. cuneatum Raf. caule elate, fol. sessilib. ovatobl. acutis trinervis planis concolor, calicib. erectis obi. petal is cuneatis duplo longior acutis purpurascens— Urtaka Mts. of Cherokis, pedal, leaves 3 inches, flowers large akin to those of Tr. maculatum, but leaves very differ- ent. 965, TriL A. flavum Raf. njon. 16. Allegh. Mts. very rare, add to descr. stem striate pur- plish, leaves biuncial nearly as broad, calix obi. acum. petals nearly twice as long obi. acute yel- low, t 966, Tril A, undulatum R. 18. Allegh. Mts. 967, TriZ. A. nutans Raf. 15. erectunj and rhomboideum of many botanists, like all the akin. Kiskatom Mts- of New York and Ohio, st^m pedal, leaves 3 or 4 inches long and broad glaucous beneath, peduncle long strait, fl. large rosate. 968, Tril. A, flexipes Raf. caule sulcato, fol. sessil. obovatis acuminatis undul. Snervis, pe- dunc. equante inclinato flexuoso, calix lanceol. acum. petalis albis eq. obi. acut. undul.— West Kentucky and Tennessee, rare, pedal, leaves 3 inches long, 2 broad, flowers middle size, t 869, Tril. A. pictum Pursh R. 12. I^iska- tom Mts. Allegh. Mts. 970, Tril. A. amblopsis R. 13, Mts. Allegh. near to last, but very long obtuse acumen to leaves, calix and petals very narrow obtuse. 971, Tril. A. acuminatum. R. 11. leaves bi- uncial quite sessile and undulate, peduncle in- clined, petals pale red — Apalachian Mts. Ala- bama &c. described by me since 1808, 972, Tril. A. rhombifolium Raf. caul* levis, 134 AUT. BOT. fol. sessilib. rhombeis subobovatis \onge acum, basi acutis. planis Snervis, ped. inclin. elong. cal. lane. acum. petaiis brevior lane, undul, obt. — Wasioto Mts. akin to many, but distinct from all, leaves thin^ realy rhomboid, sides rounded, fl. medial, petals pale, red veined. 973, Tril. A. brempetalum R. 19. Lake Eric, near Tr. flexipes, peduncle flexuose, but petals short ovate, leaves broadly rhomboid. 974, Tril. A. atropurpurenm Raf. caule bre- vis crasso su'c. purpurascens, fol. sessil. ovatis subrhombeis acum. planis 3nervis,pedunc. elong. erecto curvalo, cal. et pet. subeq. ovato lane, acutis planis — Mts. Allegh. often mistaken for var. of nutans even by myself, but perfectly dis- tinct, 4 to 6 inches high, leaves biuncial, pedun- cle long, flower large, petals of a very dark pur- ple. 975, Tril. A. brevipes Raf. caule striato, fol. sessil. ovatis ellipt. utrinq. acutis, undul. 3nervis ; ped. brevissimo erecto, cal. et pet. subeq. ellipt. obtusis undul — Alabama, stem 3 inches, leaves biuncial, not so thin as usual, fl. large, petals white. ^ 976, Tn. A. pusilltim Mx. R. 14. West Ken- tucky, near last, but smaller, 3 inches, petals in- carnate. 977, Tril, A. obovatumP iirshK. 21, Canada, Ohio, near Tr. grandifl. but leaves more rhom- boidal nearly obovate, petals quite obovate, some fl. 3 inches wide. 978, Tril. \. grandiflorum Sal. R. 22. Mts. Allegh. Ohio, Illinois ^c, many varieties. 979, Var. roseurn, peduncle curved, flowers smaller rosate, Kentucky. 980, Tril. A. lirioides R. 23. Mts. Wasioto, West Pennsylv. and Virg. chiefly diflferent from CENT. X. 135 Tril. grandifiorum by leaves petiolate. 921, TriL A. ohcordatum R. 24, Mts, Alle- ghany, rare, t 982, Tril, A. declinaturn Raf. caule gracilis jcvis atropurp. fol. subsessil. oblongis vel ellipt, utrinque acutis, pedunc. brevis declin. cernuus, cal. lanceol. acut, recurvis, petalis obi. acutis pa- tulis recurvatis — Alabama and Florida, it differs from Tr. catesbei by narrow leaves, and pedun- cles not drooping but nearly horizontal. Leaves biuncial, flowers white. 983, Tril A> catesbei El. R. 28. Carol, leaves ovate and obov. peduncle curved drooping, pe- tals rostrate. 984, TrU. A, latifolium Raf. 25, fig. 91 med. fl. Kentucky, fl. dark purple. 985, Tril. A. balduinianum Raf. caule fili- formis, fol. petiol. oblongis acum. undul. pedunc. curvo nutans, cal. petalisque subeq. oblongis re- curvatis undulatis — Florida, Georgia, discovered by Baldwin, by a note of his, Muhlenberg deem- ed it the real Tr. cernuum of L. near to Tr. de- clinaturn but smaller slender, leaves small uncial fl. rather large incarnate ; perhaps a var. of Tr. nervosum Elliot. 986, Tril. A, medium Raf. 30, Novanglia ad Virg. the Tr. cernuum of many of our botanists. 987, Tril. A. glaucum R. 31. Pensylv. to Alab. another Tr. cernuum ! 988, Tril A. hamosum R, 29. Pocono Mt. and Tuscorora Mts, 989, Tril. A. nervosum El. R. 27. Carol. Flor. stem pedal, leaves Siincial, fl. large rosate very rare, t 990, Tril. A. nivale Riddell. Ohio, very dis- tinct sp, 3 or 4 inches, leaves petiolate ovate 136 AVT. BOT. ellipt. obt. uncial, peduncle recurved, fl. white, similar to Tr. grandifl. quite pendulous, t 991, Paris qunflrifolia L. Europa, singular G. akin to the Trilliums, but with 4 leaves, ses- sile obov. acum. fl. erect, peduncled, 4 petals, 8 stamens. 99*2, Stratiodes aloides L. Europa, remark- able aquatic Genus. 993, Aletris aurea Mx. Carol. Alab. rare. 994, Aletris lucida Raf. fol. elong. lin. lan- ceol. acutissimis basi curieatis, nervosis lucidis scapo angiil. fl. confertis subsess. bract, filif. co- rollis fulvescens tubul. rugosis — Wasioto hills of Kentucky, leaves 4 to 8 inches long, stem bipe- dal, fl. nearly as in A. farinosa. 995, Aloes variegata O — Africa, the sp. with terete strait flowers must alone remain in this G.t ATEVALA Raf. diff*. Aloes perigonis incur- vis sepe basi inflatis — this includes A. maculata, cBrinata, disticha, linguiformis, ^Jc, with th6 2 next. The name is oriental. 990, Atevala imbricata Rafi fol. ensatis margine uncinato spinosis, apice obtusis, scape simpl. crasso, racemo obi. imbricato, bract, im- b: ic. obi. obt. pedic. subeq. perigonis sepe medio contractis — African fine sp. lt;aves 6 inches thick glaucous,' flowers quite large in a short thick raceme nodding. Sent me as A/, perfo- liata name applied to 20 sp. t 997, Atevala remotifiora Raf fol. ensatis inermis integris acutis, margine et carina mem- branaceis, scapo simplex gracilis, racemo remo- tifl. bract, reflexislanoeol. acutis brevis, perigonis horizontalis basi inflatis — Africa, sent me as A/. Jistieha i\\nie unlike, leaves-4 to 6 inches, scape sesquipedal, raceme of 12 to 15 flowers far apart^ smaller than in last, more curved and swelled. CENT. X. 137 998, KUMARIA Raf, (n. or) diff. Aloes, pe- rigonis ovatis oblongis bilabiatis, Onervis veL 6gonis, lab. inf. reflexo, fl, spicatis — very dis^ tinct G. by habit and labiate flowers — type R, spicata Raf. Aloes retusa Auct (non spic. L.) Africa, leaves trigone acute not retuse, spike of few remote fl. quite sessile, bracts ovate acum. rtienfibranose. 999, Kumaria cymhtformis Raf fol. ovatis brevis cymbif. acutis nriucronatis, fl. subspicatis, bract, brevis ovat. acum. pedic. eq. perigonis breviis — Africa, leaves not trigone rather gib^ bose short,scape slender, fl. remote on very short pedicels, white with G strong nerves, when in full bloom ovate campanulate* 1000, TULISTA Raf dift'. Aloes, perig. tu- bul. 6gonisdentib. Gineq. vix labiatis fol. verru- cis vel macidis alhis J'erens — another G. the flowers are racenTose, the lype is T. mnrgariti- feta Raf Aloes do Auct. African, leaves which pearly warts, fl. small in a slender spjcate ra- ceme — a "id sp. of this G. is AZ. variegata of aufehoivs. t All these Aloes are very rare in Herbals be- ing so difficult to dessicate — there are 2 others G. yet blended in Aloes, — My Papilista with clavate fl. type A, verrucosa — and my Strccosa- ria with campanulate fl. type A. spicata &c. This Century includes 12 N. G. whereof 6 now first described,and 53 N. Sp. whereof 33 are now described. Therefore this second part or series of the Au- TiKON contains the illustrations of as many as 91 New Genera, of which 31 are now first described and nearly 220 new species, whereof 156 are herein described for the first time. I'.HS AUT. BOT. Addition — I omitted im st%te at Article of Eu- phorbia in 7th Century, that 1 had added 3 other Genera to the long account of the G. mingled in Euphorbia ; they are in my Sylva Telluriana of 1838, articles 708 to 715, G. Endoi$ila, Peccana and Ditritra, all of Antilles, this last G. with 3 sp. is akin to Aplarina and Xamesuke. Correction to 935, for previous Sm, dentata Jaq. read previous Smilax liastata of Jaquin. Add 763. if the generic name of Parmcwiicra has been employed already for some other Genus, of which I have a faint idea, then this cluster of Solanums,that include the Patato, must be cal- led Artorhiza meaning Bread-root, Raf. END OF SECOND PART. lai) INDEX OF SECOND PART. NEW OR RESTORED Agaloma 665 to 674 Amaracus 865 Amerina 516 Amplophus 620 Aniketon 946 Anthopium 965 Antimion 765 Aplarina 693 Atevala 996 Atirbesia 851 Astrocephalus 630 Babiron 735 Beringeria 852 Blenocoes 792 Blephiloma 859 Braxilia 718-22 Camphora 575 Cladrastis 536 Cotinus 563 Crolocos 895 Cryptina 800 Cyathophora 675 Danae 924 DecatelesSll Dematra 681 Desmonema 677 Dilax 952 Enipea 894 Eubotrys 910 Euhemus 835 Evelyna 577 Fenixanthes 900 Festania 571 Fuisa 610 Cjrliitinaria 89() Heiniodon 858 GENERA AKD SUBGENERA. iHemistegia 888 JKeraselma 651 to 663 Kiosmina 893 Kobiosis 664 Konxikas 538 Kumaria 998 Lagocodes 914 Larnastyra 890-9 Lasemia 889 Lepadena 678 Lidste 936 Lobadium 572 Lomake ;iOl Lomilus 508 Majorana 8G3 Monosenieion 562 Nemexis 947 Odostima 526-31 Oisodix 518 Oncolon U^^^ Uncosina ) Oplax 935 Orthylia 523-5 Ozantlies 583 Panzeria 849 iPapilista 1000 jParilax 944 iPamientiera 763 (Pelotris 916 Pentena 631 Perxo 887 Philostemon 568 Piaradena 892 Pipseva 733 jPloiiradena 676 Rittera 6i:{ 140 INDEX. Saliunca 60l Sclarea 898 Sclerozus 502 Scubulon 766 Sessilium 953 Streblina 507 Succisa 625 Succosaria 1000 Sumacus 566 Tarnala 580 TatinaSlO Tiricta 735 Tythymalis 633 to 650 Trambis 857 Tulista 1000 Usionis 522 Vallaris 679 Vetrix 520 Vleckia679to884 Xamesike 682 to 699 Zanthyrsis 537 INDEX OF OLD GENKRA ILLUSTRATED, Synonyms in Italies. In Clnturia VI — Biimelia, Forrestiera, Str- lix, Popukis, Asimina, Magnolia, Robinia, Cara- ganri, Coliitea, ^nthylis, Emerus, Coronilla, Amorpha, Laurus^ Sassafras, Rhus, Illicium, liliododcndron, Kalmia &c. In- Ci:\t. VII — Fedia, Valeriana, Odonto- carpa, Mitropliora, Ceutrantluis, Scabiosa, Eu- phorbia, Sc'suvvLim &c. I\ Cent. VIII — Galax, Ptcrospora, Pyrola, Daiicus, Solaniiiii, Androcera, Capsicum, Man- dragora, Ramonda, Verbascum, Ilyosciamus, Scopolia, Nicotiana, Petunia, Dipliyleia, ^.c. In Cr:NT. IX — Mentha, Lycopus, Galeopsis, Galeobdolen, Leonurus, Phloniis, Origanuni*, Lavandula, Nepcta, Elshotzia, Amethystea, Sal- via Sac. In Cent. X.— Argolasia, Lacnanthes, Crocus, Hyacinth'iis, Gyromia, Rayania, Ruscus, Smilax, Trillium, Paris, Aletris, 8tratiodos, Aloes &.c. AUTIKON BOTANIKON OR BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, by self figures of 2500 trees and plants chiefly American, THIRD PART.— CENTURIES XI to XV. BY C. S, RAFINESQUE, Prof. Philadelphia 1815 to 1840. CENTURIA XL ARB, ET FRUT. TREES AND SHRUBS. Autihow 1001, ICMANE Raf. perigono 4part. segm. ineq. linearib. involutis, apice dilat. cochleatis subrot. ferens antheris 4 sessilib. pisti- lum brevi pedic. ovat. stylus declinatus incurvus elongat. stigma capit. obliquatum. friict. iit Pro- tea vel Hakea. frut. fol. alt. simpl, integris fl. cCxiL fascicul. umbellatis, involucratiSy squamis persistens scariosis — fine G. of Pro- teides family, near to Hakea, sent me under 2 erroneo\js names, my name was an ancient one of Nerium, the leaves being similar, 2 types. Icmane nerifolia Raf. ramulis verrucosis fuscatis, fol. subsess. angustis lanceol. utrinque acutis glaucis integris coriaceis rigidis, umbel- lis sessilib, squamis obt. — Australia, leaves bi- uncial firm scattered crowded hardly nervose, flowers small fuscate like the twigs. Sent me by German Botanists as Erica ! incana and Banksia gibbosa ! 142 ALT. BOT. 1002, Icmane ? keterophyla Raf. Banksia do Hortis. RamuHs rugosis apice pubens, fol. sessil obi. lanceol. vel cuneatis cuspidatis, inte- gris glaucis coriaceis — Australia, not in bloom, but habit quite like the last, some leaves exactly similar, but all cuspidate.! 1003, Hakea pugioniformis Cav, Pers. glabra of others, leaves alt. cylindr. cuspid, fl. axillary. Australia. 1004, Banksia serr/ita L. var. latifolia. Aus- tralia, leaves broadly cuneate, grossly serrate. 1005, Banksia grandis Hortis, fol. obi. pin- natifidis apice truncatis, pinnulis alternis deltoi- deis incurvo acuminatis, subtus rubiginosis, Snervis reticulatis — Australia, singular large leaves 6 — 10 inches long, similar to some ferns.f 1006, Embothritjm linearifolium Cav. ra- mulis angul. fol. sessil. linearib: elongatis cus- pidatis glabris margine revol. florib. term, co- rymbosis — Australia, nearest to jE. lanceola- turn of Chili, leaves slender biuncial, wrongly united to next by some. 1007, Embothrium sericeum Sm. W. cyti- soides Cav. fol, ternis et simpl. alt. petiol. cun- eatis cuspidatis integris, utrinque adpresso se- riceis, fl.term. racemosis coarctatis — Australia, my specimen has all the leaves simple alterne.t 1008, Protea rtigosa Raf. pallens Thunb. non L.) glabra, ramulis subangul. fol. alt. sess. cuneatis acutis callosis integris, utrinque rugo- sis glaucis, involucris elongatis similis vel lan- ceol. capitulis globosis — South Africa, leaves 1 or 2 inches rigid. 1009, Protea pilosa Raf. tomentosa Hortis non Thunb. dense pilosa, fol. imbric. obi. spa- tulatis obtusis callosis rugosis, involucris brevis similis, capitulis hemisphericis — South Africa, CENT. IX. 143 leaves small one third of inch thick, the upper almost cuneate. f 1010, HuRA crepitans L, O. South Florida, AntiJes &c, leaves subcord. acum. dentate, spike oval, f 1011, TiLiA crenata Raf. als. 190. Origon Mts. 1012, T. longifolia R. als. 191. Arkanzas. 1013, T. glauca R. als. 192. Mts. Alleghany. 1914, T. fuha R. als. 193, Ohio ^c. 1015, T. fuscata R. als. 194, Virg. 1016, T. riparia R. americ. glabra, canad. of authors! Canada to Virg. banks of rivers. 1017, T. cinerea R. als. 195. Kentucky to Alabama. 1018, T. umhellata R. als. 196. pubescens of some, Allegh. Mts. 1019, QtutiRcus repanda R. als. 66. Penns. Carolina. 1020, a. fusca R. als. 67. N. Amer. 1821, Q. versicolor R. als. 68. Carol. Florid. 1022, Q,. Jerruginea R. als. 69. Florida, Georgia. 1023, Q. nitida R. als. 70. Carol. Flor. 1024, Q. aurea R. als. 71. Arkanzas,Texas. 1025, (X. granulata R. als. 72. Ark- Texas,| 1026, a. longifolia R. als. 73. Allegh. Mts.f 1027, Q. pandurata R. als. 74, Alabama. 1028, Q. carpinifolia R. als. 75. Virginia. 1029, Q, acuta K. als. 76. Unaka Mts. 1030, Q. angulitans R. als. 77. Alab. 1031, a. mollis R. als. 78. Allegh. Mts. 1032, Q. retusa R. als. 79. Alabama. 1033, Qt.prinoides R. als. 80. Nev^^ Jersey to Virginia. 1034, Q. chincapin Mx. als. 81. New Jers. ta Carol. 144 AUT. BOT. 1035, Q. pagoda R. als. 82, falcata var. E* Carolina. 1036, Q. saberoides R. 1808, als. 83. Flor. 1037, Q. ilexoides R. als. 84. Florida. 1038, Q. heterophyla Pursh O. Florida, see als. 87. 1039, a. dilatata R.als. 88. Apalachian Mts, 1040, Q. heteroloba R. als. 89. W. Kentuky. 1041, Q. gonoloba R- als. 90. Kentucky. All these are true Oaks, the following belong to subg. Dryopsila with double styles. 1042, Dryopsila aprica R. als. 92, blended in Q,. imbricaria. Kent. Tennes. Illinois. 1012, Dr. verrucosa R. als. 93, imbricaria Mx- Carol. Louisiana. 1043, Var. obliqua R. als. 94, Florida. 1014, Dr. Laurina R. als. 95. laurif. var, auct. Carol. Florida. 1045, Dr. maritima R. als. 96. not of all authors, Florida. 1046, Dr. cuneifolia R. als. 97. incana Bartr. Florida. 1047, Dr. cinerea^'R.. als. 98, cinerea et vi* rensofsome. Flor. Carol. 1048, Dr. virens R. als. 99. Flor. Louis. 1049, Dr. oligodes R. als. 100. Louisiana. 1050, El^agrus orientalis O. Arabia,Persia 1051, EL angustifolius O. Hisp. ad Grecia. 1052, NEMELAIA Raf. Cal. 5part.eq.de- ciduus, petalis 5 connivens basi subcoalitis cun- eatis obt. stam. 5 hypogynis ad petalis oppositis et eq. filam. lanceol. antheris Linearib. pistil obi. villoso, stylo tereto, stig. capitato emarg. capsu- la obov. 21oc. polysp. Erutex fol. sparsis lauriniSf fl. corymbosis term. — curioi/s G, near to my Junia see 15, but both of family Myrsinides probably, by opposite stamens, the CENT. IX. 145 name means nat a daphne^ having been pent me as one, although so unlike. Type. Nemelaia laurina Raf. ramulis flexuosig,fol. p6tiol. lato lanceol. coriaoeis acuminatis, mar- gine revolutis erosis, corymbis term, sessilib. paucifldris, capsulis obovatis gj-anulatis — sent me by a good botanist as Bapkne alpina ! of Pyrenees Mts. locality probably as much mis- taken as the name, unlike any European shrub by flowers, but habit of I>apkne /rtMrco/a,leaves biuncial, flowers white rather large, capsule very large, t 1053, DxPutiE lateriflora Raf. ramis cinereis obtusangulis punctatis, fol. fascicul. sess. obov. vel cuneatis subobt. integris levigatis, florib. ra- mis lateralis sparsis sessilib. pnbescens — Alps of Carinthia, one of sp. blended in D. alpina which has. leaves tomentose and flowers among the leaves : fl. white, leaves uncial, t 1054, D. altaica Pall. W. Altaic Mts. of Si- biria, this was also blended once in D. alpina^ but quite smooth even the flowers, leaves scat- tered not opposite as wrongly stated by some. 1055, D. laureola L. South Europe. 1056, D. cneorum O. Mts. ot Europe. 1057, D. odora O. China. 1058, D. coUina Duh. Sm. Pers. sericea VaM. 4*c. Creta, Syria. 1059, D. mezereon O. Europe. 1060, D.oleoides 0. Mts. of Creta. 1061, D. gnidium O. Italy &c. 1062^ Daphne 1 undulata Raf. ramulis an- gulatis fuscatis, fol. alt- et opp. ot)ov. vel subrot. undulatis retusis reticulatis glabris subsess — Sibiria ? sent me as D. laureola^ although quite- unlike, perhaps not even a Daphne, flowers lacking, t 14(» AUT. BOT. 10G3, TARTONIA Raf. perigon. vix colora- to urceolato 4fido, tomentoso sepe caliculatus, antheris 8 sess. duplice ordine perigynis, stylus subnullus, sli^. capit. fruct. bacca sicca monosp. nuculacea. Friict. fol. imbric. sempervirens sessil. integris^ fl. sessiU mixtis. — In my flora telluriana 1135 to 1147 I reformed the Genera blended in Daphne^ Passerina, Gnidia &c, yet omitted this, which differs from Sanamun- da and Pausia by flowers and fruit, the name derives from Tartonraira, 3 types Tartonia ovatifolia Raf. Passerina hirsuta (of some, perhaps not all) ramis tomentosis, fol, ovatis carnosis obt. extus glabris rugosis, intus tomentosis, florib. subterm — Greta, undershrub, leaves minute erect densely crowded, flowers whitish outside, yellowish inside. 1064, Tartonia obovata Rnf Daphne tar- tonraira L. Passerina do Lam. Ramis basi nu- dis scrobiculatis, apice rufo tomentosis, fol. obov. obt. canis pubens crassis nervosis patulis, fl. axil, adgregatis — South of France, Spain &.c, branches knobby by large tubercles when leaves fall, these semiuncial crowded but spreading, fl. small pale canescent. 1065, Tartonia cuneifolia Raf. ramis ver- rucosis glabris, fol. cuneatis obt. patulis crassiu- sculis glaucis supra glabris, subtus subtoment. fl. axil, et term, adgreg. — Italy and Greece, blended with last and sent me as such, but lar- ger leaves almost uncial narrow and thinner, flowers larger, twigs smooth &c. 1066, Sanawunda ^rawat my G. Dessenia sylv. tel. 1145, is formed 148 ALT. BOT. by the decandrous Gnidias, and 62 must be tStrusiola scoparia. Griselinia of Forster must be restored instead of Scopolia 1146li.tel. since the original Scopolia is a good genus, as I have shown at 791. 1073, Melaleuca linearifolia Sm, Australia. 1074, OZANDRA Raf, (branched stamens) diff. ad Melaleuca, stam. phalangis 5 ad petalis oppositis planis intus ramosis fol. oppoS\ — sin- guFar N. G. and character, indicatinj; a transi- tion to the opposition of isomeral stamens; 3 types, the O. or MeL thymifolta and the two next. Ozandra hyssopifolia Raf. Melaleuca do Sm. Australia.t 1075, Ozandra granulata Raf. Mel. thy- mifolia nonnulis non Sm. ramulis gracilis virga- tis biangulatis, fol. adpressis linearib. acutis ex- tus convexis enervrs granulatis, intus concavis glabris, spicis 4fl. lateralis, calicib. granulatis obt. — Australia, leaves minute one fourth of inch, flovi'ers red small, the glandular granula- tions of leaves and calix very striking, protube- rant like minute tubercles. Sent me as M, thymif. that differs by many characters, t 1076, Leptospermum scoparium O. Australia. 1077, Lept. thea O. the Australian Tea. 1078, Lept. juniperinum^m. AwsXroM^*^ 1079, Lept. ambiguum Sm. Australia, t 1080, Myrsine africana L. South Afr. 1081, Myrs. retusa L. Azores, t 1082, ScHizANDRA cocciuea Mx. Florida, Carol, very rare, t 1083, Philadelphus grandiflorus Wild, Apalachian Mts. twigs patent sub4gone l-2flore often blended with JPh. inodorus. 1084, Phil.villosus Mg. hirsutus Nut. West CENT, XI. 149 Pensylv. and New York, branches virgate pu- bescent 4gone, fl. rather small subaxillary, 1085, Phil, discolor Raf. r^mulis teretisgra- bris palens, fol. latovatis vel subcord. acum. sub- serratis supra glabris, subtus canescens pilosis fl. terra, subracemosis, stylis coalitis — Apala- chian Mts. Carol, &c, very different from last by twigs, leaves and flowers larger, 1086, Phil, coronarius L. Europe, near the last, but twigs striate leaves acute at base. 4 styles &c. 1087, Myrtus hiflora L. Cuba, Jamica. 1088, Myrtus iiatica Raf. sylv. tel. 637, one of the sp. blended in M. comunis, Italy, Sicily, Spain 4*c. 1089, FusTicus glabra Raf. new fl. 580. Morus et Broussonetia tinctoria of some, .but different from Fusticus vera 581. I have in my new flora shown that this Genus is peculiar and indicated 4 types. This is from Cuba and South Florida. 1090, Broussonetia papyrijera Duh. Morus do L, see my new fl. 584, and rt\y monograph of Mulberries — Japan and Polynesia. 1091, ToxYLON maclura Raf. new fl. 578, pomifel-um Raf. 1817, Maclura aurantiaca Nut. 1818, Brousson. tinct. of Kunth and Torrey ! described and well named by me one year be- fore Nuttal, and Maclura has another Genus — Texas, Arkanzas &c. 1092, Morus rubra L. Raf. monogr. 17, North America. 1093, M, reticulata Raf. mon. 18, Ohio to Tennessee. 1094, M. riparia R. M. 22. Susquehannah R . 1095, M. pnrvifolia R. m, 23, Apalachian Mts. 150 AUT, BOT. 1096, M, vitifotia Raf. scabra R. m, 20, but not of Wildenow, which is the M. canadensis, here the leaves are deeply trilobe, with inter- jected large teeth, ample cordate thin roughish^ lobes ovate acuin. equally serrate — Louisiana. 1097, M. petiolaris R. m. 10. laciniata? Miller. Polynesia ? 1098, M. multicaulis Perotet, Raf. mon. 9. China ^c, it has a var. with crisp concave leaves. 1099, M. italica Lam. R. m. 2. Italy. 1000, M. cretica Raf, m. 4, Creta, sent me as M. byzantina, but very different by granular leaves &c. t In my complete monograph of this G- 1 have ascertained 25 sp. whereof 7 of North America, and 16 of the old continent. This Century contains 8 New Genera where- of 4 are now first described, and 55 new species whereof 12 now described, all trees and shrubs* CENTURIA XII. 1101, Aerua tomentosa Forsk. deserts of Arabia and Nubia. 1102, NEVROLIS Raf. cal. duplex scarioso fuscato persistens, ext. 2-3 sq, ineq. brevis, in- ternus 5part. segm. ineq. lanceol. acut. carina- tis 3-5nervosis. Stam. 3 subul. erectis, liberis, antheris utrinque emarg. Pistilum ovato coni- CO, stylo brevis, stig. obt, simplex, capsula unilo- cul. monosp. oblonga, Herba, fol. alt, pet. sti- pulis o, fl. glorner. axil, et term — I must add this G. to the numerous G. that I established in my flora tellur. ont of the Celosides and Achy- ranthides tribes, very peculiar by stamens, nef- vose calix, whence the name, monotype. JSevrola fnscckta Raf (Celosia virgata Hor- tis.) glabra caule simplex angul. fol. longe pe- tiol. ovatis acum. integris, basi acutis decurrens CENT. XII. 151 in pet. glomerulis axil, etterm. subsessiU pauci- floris— Borneo or Moluccas? not virgate, upper leaves gradually smaller and snbsessile, re- markable shining brownish flowers,! 1 103, Rlutaparon bremfiorum Raf. new fl. 845, Illecebruni vermicuL Mx. non L. Florida.! 1104, Bvm \Lis Jloridana Raf. new fl. 830, Herniaria Americ. Collins. Florida. 1105, Herniaria hesseri Hortis, prostrata hirsuta, fol. obi. linearib, acutis ciliatis, glome- rulis sessihb. 3-5floris, fl. hirsutis canescens — Carpathian Mts. one of the sp. blended in H, hirsuta, leaves patent or reflexed, one third of inch long, t 1106, Herniaria laxa Raf prostrata di- chot, pubens, caule basi glabro, fol, lineari cun- eatis obtusis ciliolatis, glomerulis laxis 2-5fl. fl. subsess. hirsutis canescens — Podolia, another blended sp. in H. hirsuta, that has leaves ova- toblong, nearer the last, leaves longer often un- cial. 1107, Herniaria glabra L. Europe. 1108, Amorgine albescens Raf new fl. 842, Florida, t 1109, Oplotheca floridana Nut, O. Florida. 1110, CKLosiA/?Mme/a Raf humiUs glabra, fol. petiol. ovato lanceol. acum. integris, stipulis nullis, spicis term, ovatis conicis acutis albis — Florida, only 3 to 4 inches high, simple or bran- ched, each branch with a pretty white spike. 1111, Ce/ ^exMOsa Raf. glabra erecta caule flexuoso simplex sulcato,fol. petiol. ovatis acum. basi decurrens, stipulis nullis, spicis term. obi. conicis obt. albo carneis, interdum spiculis mi- nimis similis axilaris — Asiatic, semipedal, leaves large. 1112, Cel. cor data Raf, glabra, caule erecto 153 AUT. EOT. fascato teres, fol. longe petiol. ovatis cordatid' que acum. basi sepe obliquatis, stipulis nulliSf axilis foliosls, spicis ovatobl. axil, et term, acu- tis carneis — East Indies, larg-e plant bipedal^ leaves ample, spikes small, t 1113, CeL rosea Raf. glabra, caule stricto angul. fol. brevi petiol. ovatobl. acum. basi acu- tis,' stipulis nullis ; spicis axil, subpedic. petioKs longior, ovatis acum. spicis term, major oblon- gis rQseis — Ceylon, fine sp. pedal, annual as all, flowers of a pretty rose color. All these are blended in our gardens with CeL cristata a very different luxuriant sp. 1114, GoMPHRENA ciliata Raf. (globoea non- ulis non L.) eaule sub4gono pubescens, fol. sub- petiol. ellipticis acutis furfureis ciliatis, capitulis globosis longe pedunc. involucris diphylis ovatis acum. — East Indies, blended in gardens with 6r, globoea f leaves 3 to 4 inches long, flowers of a pale flesh color almost fulvous. 1115, Gomphr. lanceolata Raf. ramisstria- tis hirsutis, fol. petiol. angustis lanceol. acutissi- nris glabriusc. ciliolatis, capitulis sepe tferm. glo* bosis depressis, involucris nullis — Brazil, sent me as Gr. brasiliensis^ but very different, small plant much branched, leaves uncial, some al* most linear, heads white very small. 1116, Plagidia rufa Raf. new fl. 840. Any- chia hernarioides ? Mx. Florida. 1117, Arsyrocoma imbricata Raf. new fl. 839, Paronychia argyrocoma Nut. Anychia do Mx. Mts. of Virginia. 1118, Anychia divaricata R, n. fl. 835. A1- legh. Mts. 1119, Anychia lateralis R. ri. fl. 836. Ken- tucky hills. 1120, A. fastigiata R. n. fl. 837. ditto. CENT. Xll. 153 1121» A. nudiflora R. n. fl. 838. Florida. 1122, A. capillaris Nut. New England to Kentucky, all these were blended in Qaeria or A. canadensis, 1123, Paronychia nitida Gaertn. Illece- bruna paronychia L* South of Europe, Sicily. 1124, Par. polygonifolia Dec. lllec. doVill. Mediterranean, as far as Palestine. 1125, Par, cuspidata Raf. glabra, caule prostr. dichot. filif. fol. linearib. cuneatis cuspi- datis margine scabris, axilis paucifl* fl. ar^en- teis fol. brevior argenteis cuspid atis — Portugal ? sent me as lllecehrum paronychia^ quite unlike^ slende? not capitate. 1126, Par. hispanica Dec. Illecebrum nar- bonense Vill. Per^. Spain to Hungary. 1127, Illecebru» verticiUatum Lv Europe. 1128, Ljiliformis Raf. glabrum pro^trat. caulib. filif. ramosis. fol, remotis obov. obtusis, verticillis paticifl. fbl. brevior calicib. cuspidatis — West Europe blendfed with last which has crowded leaves ovate and rounded, flowers as long &c, fl. white in both, 1129, J. spinosum Raf. caulib. prostratis geni/M7/ca Raf. Polycarpea do Delille. Egypt, banks of Nile. This G. wag miscalled Hagea by Ventenat, being dedicated to Lahaye. Polycarpea is inadmissible being posterior and identic to Polycarpon ! this is hairy with leaves oboval, flowers congested. 1135, Lahayea fragilis Raf. Polyc. do Del. Egypt at the pyramids, leaves minute obi. very short, fl. lax. 1136, Steiremis ciliata Raf. new fl. 843, Ille- cebrum polygonoides Mx. Florida to Louisiana. 1137, Steiremis? heterophyla Raf. Achy- ranthes axillaris Sieber. glabra, caulib. sub4go- nis decumbens, fol. sessilib. oblongis vel rhom- beis, lanceol. vel cuneatis acutis, glomerulis axil, paucifloris parvis — Egypt, leaves often uncial, fl. white very small. Certainly not an Achy- ranthes, habit quite like the last, 1138, ANTHIRINUM L. Pers. Linaria of nearly all others, bad name derived from Li- num ; the Linnean G. was absurd, this was re- CENT. XII. J 55 stricted to the sp. with spur and valvate cap- sule; but has yet several anomaUes. Nemesia^ Anarhinum, Peloria, and Asarina have been divided by some botanists, I must further pro- pose the G. Termontis, Bucranion^ Tursitis, Antrizorif Prohatea^ Misopates Slc, and indi- cate besides 4 doubtful G. not seen by me — 1 Vcnopsolon cordatum Raf. Antir. hexandrum Pers. Linaria hexandra Wild! probably not even of this tribe, 6 stamens never occur among didynamous plants, is it a.pelorian G. near to Tursitis ? — 2 Forjfuris pinnatiflda Raf. Antir. pinnatum L. habit quite unlike — 3 Ditulium pinnatum Raf. Antir. unilabiatum L. differing from Termontis by cor. with 2 warts for upper lip, habit peculiar — 4 "FAtornotus (cordate back) diff. ad Termontis cal. inequaliss. lac. bup. cor- data magna, ceteris lanceol. cor. lab. stfp. bifi- do, inf. trifido, fol. carnosis alt, fl. axil^ type E. persicus Raf. Antir. papilionaceum L. Antirhinum canadense L. P. Ijinaria do W. &c — Canada to Carolina, several var. sim- plex, ramosum, surculosum, gracile <^c. 1139, Var. assurgens Raf, fol, imbric. crassis elongatis, fl. majusculis atropurp. South New Jersey, Virg. 1140, Ant. genistifolium L. P. Sibiria ad Helv. 1141, Ant, simplex Pers. excl. syn. Europa, stem, simple, base surculose, raceme paacifl. capitate, t 1142, ^wf. alpinum L. P. — Alpis. 1 143, Ant. triste L. P. Hisp. Maroco. 1144, Ant. parviflorum Jaq. non Oesf. stem branched virgate, ft. racemose small, capsule 6valve. South of Europe, would A. junceum he a better name ? 150 Atr. BOT. 1145, Awi. minor h. P. Europa. 1140, AnL linaria L. P. Linaria vulgaris &c. Europa et Amer. bor. several \^x.ramosa^sim' plejpj latifalia &lc, 1147, A7it, linifolium Lt. P. — Italia. 1148, Ant. bipnnctatum L. P; Hisp. It, 1149, Ant. Sparteum L. P. Hisp, 1150, Ant. mofispesulannm L. P. — Gallia Austr. 1151, Ant. reflexum L. P. — Barbaria, Si- cilia. 1152, Ant. purpureum L,P.-- Vesuvius,Etna,t 1153, Aw^ reticulatum tim. Pers. pinifolium Desf. Lam. — Portugal, Sicilia, Barbaria. \l54y Ant. pelis&erianum L. P. Italia, t 1155, Ant. triphylum L. P. — Sicilia, Grecia 1150, PELORIA linaria L. — Europa, won- derful generic deviation, supposed to be produ- ced by Ant. linaria, and refered to it as a var. by most botanists, although deemed a peculiar G, by Lin. which I restore as type of the Velo- rian Genera, of which I have observed several. This has a regular corolla with 3-5 spurs and 3-5stamens, very rare, t 1157, Feloria genistifolia Raf, Europa, pro- duced hyAnt. genistij, still have rare, f 1158, TURSITIS Raf, Elatine Mench noii L. subg, Cymbalaria Pers. (prox. Cymbaria!) cjifF. Antirrhinum, capsulis subunilocularis 2-4- valvis,valv. integris,sem. centralis, caulib, pro- cumbens^foL alt. dilatatis, fl. axil. — deserv- ing to be a G, by striking habit and capsule. Tursitis cymhalaria Raf. Aw^ do L. P. — Europa Austi . In this the capsule has 4 valves: perhaps a Genus ! Cymbalina rupestris Raf. 1159, fhirsitis elatine Raf. Ant. do L. P. — Europa : the capsille is bivalve and leas unilo- cular, as in all the next sp. CENT. XII. 157 1 160, Tursitis fllifera Raf. pubesceiis, cau- lib. panctatis prostr. petiolis brevis, foil ovatis sagittatis aciitis, pediinculis filif. flexuosis ramo- sis bracteis ovatis, calicib. ovatobl. subeq. caps, bivalvis — Louisiana, Alab. blended with last by our botanists, differing by smaller leaves, pedun- cles long slender branched bracteate, as in the next. 1161, Tursitis egilptiaca Raf. Antir. do L. P. — South Europe, North Africa, differs from last by being smooth suberect, leaves narrow hastate, fl. minute, f 1162, Tursitis rotundifolia Raf. Antir. spurium L. P. non omnis ? pilosa, caulib. assur- gens, fol. subsessilib. ovatis subrotundis obtusis integris vel subdent. pedicelis breviusc. calicib. ovatpbl. calcar obt. caps, bivalvis— Europe,stem 3 to 6 inches, leaves uncial, the name of spU' rium is absurd and has been applied to the 2 ncxt'also. 1163, Tursitis flexuosa Raf. pilosa, caulib. prostr. flexuosis, fol. subsess. cordatis acuti&in- tegris, pedic. fol. longior, calicib. ovatis, calcar acuto, cal. bivalvis — Europa, stem elongate snakelike, leaves small, 3 to 5 lines long, thus quite unlike the last. 1164, Tursitis reniformis Raf. pilosa, cau- iicib. prostr. re<5tis, fol. brevi petiol. reniformis integris obt. mucronulatis, superis acutis hasta- tis, pedic. fol. brevior, cal. ovatobl. subeq. — Si- cily, long stiff stem, densely pilose, leaves often one inch broad, shorter than broad. 1165, PJIORATEA Raf. Asarina Moench (ad asarum)diff. Antirhinum, coyoX\^ basisac- cata, ventricosa clausa, caps. 2valvis, valvis in^ tegris, sem. centralis muricatis — Prostrata^ fol. oppos. pet, fl. axil. — very distinci G. habit 3 158 A^T. EOT. ©f Cyrabalaria, flowers of Ternionlis, several blended sp. Probatea grandiflora Raf. Antir. asarina L. Orontium do Pers.Asarina cordifolia Moench — villosa, fol. renif, vel. cord, crenatis, pedune. pet. brevior, calicib. lanceol. — Helvetia, very rare, flowers very large white, lips purple, some 2 inches long, t 1166, Probatea lobata Raf. pubescens, fol, subrot. vel dilat. basi subrenif. lobatis, lobis den^ tatis acutis ciliatis, pedune. pet. eq. calicib. linearib — Sibiria, leaves large ultra uncialjAoW" ers small, less than one inch, incarnate or pur- plish, t 1167, MISOPATES Raf. diff. Antirh. cal. digitatus lateralis, cor. basi gibbosa, apice hians, caps, obliq. ovata gibbosa, apice biporosa, poris semivalvatis vel 3dent. fol. alt. sessil. fl axiL — blended by authors with Termonlis, altho' unlike in habit &c. Misopates orontium Raf. Antirh. do L. Orontium arvense Pers. — Europe and boreal America? leaves linear lanceol. fl. subspicate subsess. calix very unequal linear, capsule hir- sute &c. 1168, TERMONTIS Raf. Orontium Pers. non L. Antirhinum W. Dec. Those who adopt the Linaria of old, commonly retain the Antir- hinum for this, Persoon unfortunately employed the name of Orontium ! belonging to another G. Termontis is an old Grecian name of the very plant, and all my N. G. of this group have similar classical names. Termontis racemosa Raf. Antirh. majus L. Dec. Orontium do Pers, Europe,leaves lanceol. obt. fl. racemose, pedicels longer than bracts, fiowers purple. llt59, Tetmontis tricolor Uaf. fol. petiol, ^vatis knceol. acutis fl. sobspicatis, ped. bract, •eq. calicib. ovatobl, obt. pubens, capsults ovatis pubens €al. longior — Apenines of Italy, often -blended with last, but leaves broader, fl. stiH larger white wifh red and yellow mouths, very ■handsome, t 1170, Termontis sicula Raf Antirh. do Wild. &c, Sicily leaves linear, fl. subspic. ped. shorter than linear bracts, fl. yellow.i 1171, BUCRANION Raf. diff. Termontis €t Antirhinum, cal. urceolatns semi Sfidus ineq. cor. tubulosa hians, semi Sloba, lobis subdentic. stylus exsertus, stig. capit. caps. 2valvi^? Aphy- lum, ramis floHsq. oppos. — very distinct G. the Antirh. aphylum L. probably belongs to it, but has a capillary scape : it mp-f be called B. capense Rafl Bucr anion spicatum Raf. canle ramoso te'- resscabt-iusculo, fl. spicatis oppos. sessilib. brac- teis caducis obi. obt. brevis- Africa ? sent me mixt with akin plants, annual triuncial. fl. pur- ple, tube of corolla thick exceeding the calix. 1172, ANTRIZON Raf diff. Antir. corolla sacata calcaratti, calcar conico obt. faux hians, lab. sup.bifidum, inferum trifidum, stylus exser- tus, stigma capit. caps, compr. emarg. 2valvis fol. sess. opp. et alt. fl. racemosis alt. vi:t bract — another G. blended, medial to many> habit of Antirhinum. Monotype .'* is A. mi- cranthes a sp. of it? Antrizon tenuifoliicm Raf. glabrum, ramis sepe oppos. Virgatis fol. opp. atternisque lin€a>- tib. acutis racemis gracilis, bracteis brevissimis, calicib. obi. capsulis brevier- -sent me as Av ^rontiiim ! leaves uncial or less very nairow. iowers purple small. Sibiria? 560 AUT. BOt. 1173, Melampyrum lineare Lam- america- num Mx. Pensylv. ad Carol, leaves sessile lin- ear acute, fl. axil, secund. 1174, Mel. lanceolatum Raf. caule ramosis- simo brachiato, fol- petiol. lanceol. obtusis inte- ^ris, bractesllis sessil. dilatatis eristatis acutis — Mts« Alleghany, New Jersey to Kentucky. Of- ten mixt with the last as a var. but apparently distinct, although fl. similar white with yellow tips, stem l-2pedal, leaves 1 or 2 inches long. 1175, Mel. radiatum Raf. caule stricto sim- plex sulcatopubens, fol- sessilib» scabris, ovato- ianc. acum. rcpandis^ superis cordatis acum* ]?asi cristato radiatis, fl. axil, secundis — Sibiria, sent me as M. sylvaticum^ see next, leaves un^- cial, longer and narrower below, fl. purplish, t 1176, Mel. nemorosum L. Europe, it diff*ers from last by stem smooth terete, leaves lanceol* upper entire or subdentate. 1177, Mel. alpestra Pers. sylvat. L. Alps, leaves lanceol. lower cuneate, upper linear. 1178, Mel. pratense L. Europa* 1179, Mel. cristatum L. Europa borealis. 1180, ScROPHULARiA pectiTiata Raf. caule obtiisangulo atropurp. fol. petiol. ovatolanc. u- trinque acutis pectinato serratis vel sinuato l^fci- niatis superis alt. paniculis corymbosis^ bracts linearib. integris — New Jersey and Long Island 2 or 3 feet high, stem thick dark purple, flow- ers purplish. 1181, Scroph. lanceolata Pursh &c. New York to Virg. diflTers from last by acute angles^ leaves lanceol. inequaly or doubly serrate. 1182, Scr. marilandica L. (or glauca R.) Canada to Carol, diflfers from pectinata by leaves ovate or ^ubcordate glaucous beneath, simply serrate petiols ciliolate, fl* papiculate (EXT. \I. 101 purplish, bracts oblong. Several \nr. pifmila, tatif. ohliquata, lortgi folia ^^c. AH jout Anier. sp. were once blended in this! 1183, Ser. diversifoUa Raf. caule rainosQ obtusang. ramis acutang. fol. petiolis levis, (\n- plicato serratis subacum. inlimis cordatis, nit^- dialis ovatis obliquatis,superis' lanceol. equaliter serrati:^^ panicula laxa, bracteis linearib — Dela- ware to Virg. in woods, stem 4-6pedal, fl; ^reen, leaves ample, some semipedal. 1184, Scr> adenopa Raf. caule simplex acu- tanff- fol. ovatobl, acum. inequaliter serratis basi acutis vel subsagittatis, panicula laxa^brac- teis subul. brevis, pedic. pilis glanduliferis nigris obsitis — Kentucky, Ohio &c, stem 2-5pe'dal, fl. dark purple. 1185, Scr. serrulata Raf. caule obtusang. ramoso, fol. brevi petiol. lanceol. elongaiis u- trinque acutis equaliter serrulatis, paniculislax- is, Jbracteis brevissimis subulatis — Mts. Allegh. it has more lanceolate leaves than the sp.Nof Pursh,they are narrower loTiger,slightly serrate, stem and bracts also different, 1186, Scr. dimidiata Raf. caule simplex ob- tusang. fol. brevipetiol. ovatobl. acute obliquatis dimidiatis, inciso serratis^, subtus^laucis, pani- cula remote racemosa, bracteis subulatis — Ca- rpL Florida, pedal, leaves remote biuncial, fl. pale. It differs from S. maril. by leaver bracts.&c. 1187, Scr^ nodosa L. 3 or 4 european plants have been sent me under that name, even ;S^ peregrina, the real answers well to the linnean character. 1188, Scr. triflora Raf pubens^caule simpl. obtusang. fol. pet. ovatis acutis laciniatis, lac. extus serratis, pedunc. axil. 3floris, fol. longior IGt AUr. BOT. erectis, caps, ovatis — Sibiria,very distinct, hear- as. reptans R. (O) Europe from England to Sicily. 1238, ToRMENTiLLA erscta L. Europe, it has stem erect dichotome, leaves sessile, upper op- posite, all ternate, folioles obovate cristate,flow- ers lax medial <^c. This G. essentialy differs from Potentilla not only by often 4 petals, but by a small dry gynophore, seeds smooth, nei- ther rugose nor villose. 1239, Torm. reptans L. Europe, creeping, leaves petiolate, flowers large, 1240, Torm. parmflora Raf. humilis diffusa procumbens, fol. subsessil. tornatis, superis op- pos. simplicih. subintegris, foliolis oblongis vel cuneatis cristatis, fl. term, pedunc. filif. — Eu- rope, often blended with the last, sent me as T, repens, officinalis^ perhaps the alpina of some. CENT. XIII. WO Small 3-4inches high, leaves and flowers very small yellow. 1241, Torm, fragaroides Raf. Fra^aria sterilis L. Potentilla fragariastrum Ehr. Pers. Comarum do Roth — Europe, paradoxical plant, inoi-e akin to this G. by habit and gynophore than to Comarum ; but very different from Fra- garia and Potentilla, leaves and flowers as in Fragaria, 5 white petals. 1242, BooTiA sylvestHs Big. Eaton, Geum agrimonoides Pursh, Potentilla confertiiiora Tor. P. arguta Pursh,Beck, Hooker,"New Eng- land, New York ^e, fine plant shuffled about, a real G. gynophore as in last, call x with 5 nec- tariferous pits, 5 entire petals, stamens mona- delphous at the base, gynophore pubescent,seeds awnless, lower leaves pinnate 4«c. 1243, JBootia cymosa Raf. Geum rupestris vel viscosum R. mpt. 1817. pubescens subvisco- sa, fol. inferis petiol. pinnatis 5fol, superis sub- sess. ternatis simplicisque, foliolis obov. ovatis oblongis argute serratis, cymis 2-3chot. multifl. — Taconik Mts. and rocks of New York, blen- ded with the last by all, but larger, leaves not with 7-9 round folioles as iu last, fi. not in a crowded' head. 1244, Bootia ? sericea Raf. Pot. arguta Lehm. non Pursh, pensylv. Beck — villosa seri- cea, caule simplex, fol. subsess. pinnatis foliolis 5-7 obi. sess. pectinate pinnatifidis acutis fl. term, congestis subcorymb. bracteis stipujisque cristate pectinatis, petalis cal. vix longiorib. — Upper Missouri, Origon &c, quite silky white even calix, is it a Potentilla akin to 1204 ? but which is neither silky nor pinnate : my speci- men is of Bradbury, t 1245, Comarum paJustre L. Raf. fl. tel. 198 170 ADT. BO T. Potenlilla comarum Dec^ Europe and Sibiria. This G. differs froin Potentilla by a large spon- giose gynophore andpetals acuminate. Pancovia of Heister and Adanson would be the best nante unless Aram becomes again Arisarwrtt us in Tournefort ; but W. has a Pancovia. 1246, Com. tomentosa Raf. var. villosum Pers. more robust than last,with broader >eaves obi. ellipt. tomentose beneath — North Europe 1247, Com, digitutum Raf. fl. tel. 199— bo- real America tb New York, blended with last by our botanists, very distinct by leaves obi or lanceol. smooth, large flowers Slc. 1248, Com. angustifolium K. fl. tel. 200, Origon and Boreal America, Ohio: very pecu- liar, leaves narrow smooth, fl. small &c. 1249, Yar.parvifoUum Raf folioles .5-7small smooth cuneate or elliptic, peliol? membrdnose, flowers very small, branches imiflore ; Labra- dor, 3 to 10 inches high, folioles less than un- cial. 1250, Dryas intcgrifolia Vahl. tenella Pursh — Canada, Labrador, Norway. Loaves ovatobl. acut€, base cordate, margin revolute. 1251, Dryas crenala Raf. Spetala O. — Alps, Canada^ leaves subcordate elliptic obt, crenate lohate or crenate serrate : both sp. have 8 pe- tals. 12^2, AtcHEMiLLA alpina O — AIps> Canada, Mts. of New England. 1253, Alch. vulgaris O — LabradQr,Europe. 1254, Alch.puhescensl'Adim. hybrida of others Europe. 1255, Aphanes arvensis L.^lchem. Apha- nes Lam. Europe. 1256, PoTERiuAi angustifolium Raf. caule sulcato folioso, stipulis cristatis, foliolis 5^9 lin- CENT. xiir. 171 eari lanceol. argute serratis, superis subintegris capitulis ovalibus — Sicily and Greece, pedal fo- liojes uncial narrow, heads purplish brown. 1257, Poterium Tnicrophylum Raf. caule angulato subnudo, fol. radicalib. petiolis pilosis, foHolis 11-17 minutis subsess. ovatisobovatisque cristatis, capitulis obovatis — Scotland, Norway &o, mixt with the next, but quite distinct, stem naked or only one leaf at base, folioles one fourth of inch only, beads brownish. 1258, Vot. heterophylum Raf. caule angul. folioso, fol, radic. petiolis pubescens, foliolis 9-15 sessil. subrot. cristatis, caulinis foliolis 7-11 pe- tiol. parvis angustis oblongis serratis, stipulis subintegris, capitulis subrot. — Alps of Bavaria, Austria &c, also sent me as P. sanguisorba, smaller semipedal, folioles hardly semiuncial, flowers dark purple. 1259, Vot. sanguisorba O. Europe, I add the common Burnet for contrast with my 3 new sp. it is 1 or 2 feet high, folioles ovatoblong grossly serrate petiolate quite smooth often un- cial, heads oval &.c. 1260j JSanguisorba stipulata Raf herb. 47, S. offic^ var. auriculata ? Origon, Sibiria large plan/, folioles triuncial cordate ovate dentate stipulate, heads oblong red. 1261, Sang, palustris Raf. atl. j. 153. swamps of Alleghany Mts. near S. canadensis, differs chiefly by folioles obliqual elliptic cordate pec- tinate serrate, bracts subulate, stipules cristate, flowers similar. 1262, Sang, canadensis O. Canada to Pen*^ sylv, folioles oblong serrate often truncate,heads cylindrical, bracts lanceol. stamens clavate flow- ers white. 172 AUT. BOT» 1263, Sang, media L. Allegh. Mts, New Jersey, hardly different from last, folioles very obliqual subcord. serrate,spikes stamens shorten 1264, Sang» officinalis O. Europe, leaves oblong obliqual, heads short elliptic red. A lingular var, deserves to be a sp. iS. nudicaulis Raf. caule angul. nudo simplex, petiolis sulca- tis, foliolis ovatis cord. obt. capitulis globosis — Carpathian Mts. leaves all radical, folioles 9-15 small not obliqual, 2 or 3 rudiments of leaves on stem, fl. red. t 1265, Geum L. O. Caryophilata Tourn. Ad. this G. must be divided in 4 including Bernul- Uaof Necker and Sieversia with ray Stylipus with calix camp. 5fid (see 30): Geum is rather too short a name, would not Geuncus be better? expressing the uncinate character of the seeds in the real G. neither twisted nor plumose. Geum pecki Pursh, rare sp. of the Wapani Mts of New England, fruit undescribed, my spe- cimen not in fruit : is it a Bernullia ? very near B. acaulisl274.t 1266, Geum, renifolium Raf, fol. radic. Ion* gissime petiol. reniformis lobatis ineq. serratis, subtus villosis, fol. caulinis sepe 2 breviss. petiol. trifidis incisis, stipulis lanceol. integris, cyma* bifida paucifl. petalis obov. cal. subeq. — Origon or Sibiria, stem, semipedal nearly naked, lower petiols as long, leaves nearly as in Alchermla^ flowers 8 to 6 white on short peduncles^ calix lanceolate. 1267, Geum latifolium Raf. fol. brevipetioL dilatatts trifidis incisis, adpresso hirsutis, stipu- lis ovatis laciniatis, fiorib. congestis, petalis obov, emarg. calix acnm. subeq.- -Sibiria, fscnt me as G. macrophylum name not in my books and not aplying, leaves and flowers close, petals ochroleucous. t CENT, XIII. 173 1268^ Geum hirsutum Waldstein. Hun^ gary, pilQse, leaves ternate, lower subpinnate, rhomboidal, stipules ovale laciniate^ stem uni- floje, fl, small, petals equal to calix. t 1269, STREPTILON Raf. (twisted awn) at least a subg. differs from Geum by twisted awn, not plumose as in Bernullia, seeds smooth — Geum StP, odoratum Raf. G. urbanum L. Europe. 1270, BERNULLIA Necker, differs Geum by seeds villose and awns geniculate or contor-^ ted and plumose, petals often 6 4*c. Bernullia rivalis Raf Geum do L. Mts.