Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.arcliive.org/details/tablessliowingdimOOprov THOS. J. HILL. FOUNDER OF THE PROVIDENCE MACHINE CO. INTRODUCTORY OR the last fifty years the HILL FRAME has been before the Public, being as well known as any Machine in the market. To the many users of this Machine our 1900 Catalogue is respectfully dedicated. ^M •«^j~fc->u.*jj|jmiiwg gjp SPEEDER SELF-BALANCED RAILS. id • "-> A FEW REASONS WHY THIS MACHINE 15 SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES It is the lightest running machine on the market. Has absolutely no dwell on changes of traverse, therefore produces a more perfect bobbin. (jreat saving of weight on Hoor. Less strain on gearing. Creel can be placed lower. Balance of rail remains same throughout set. More spindles per machine can be operated. It is more easily cleaned and oiled. Less work for cone belt. Includes many other improvements which tend to prolong the life of machine. .. Mills .. USING SELF-BALANCED RAIL SPEEDERJ-. H. B. & R. Knight, (Manchaug Mill) Kast Douglas, Mass. (Pontiac Mills) Pontiac R. I. (Hebron Mfg. Co.) Hebronville, Mass. Powhatan Mills Powhatan, Conn. Huguenot Mills Greenville, S. C. Greene & Daniels Mfg. Co. . . Pawtucket, R. 1. Briggs Mfg. Co Voluntown, Conn. Edwin Bartlett No. Oxford, Mass. Vivian Cotton Mills Cherryville, N. C. Daniel Mfg. Co Lincolnton, N. C. Scotland Cotton Mills Charlotte, N. C. Hope Mills Mfg. Co Hope Mills, N. C. Springfield Cotton Mills . . . Laurel Hill, N. C. Southern Cotton Mills . . . Bessemer City, N. C. Dallas Cotton Mills Dallas, N C. Valley Kails Co Albion, R. I. Kork Shrak Cotton Mills . . Fountain Inn.S. C. Xtwnan Cotton Mills Newnan, (la. .\shcraft Cotton Mills Florence, Ala. Buffalo Mfg. Co Stubbs,N.C. .Arlington Cotton Mills Arlington, S. C. A. C. Summerville Charlotte, N. C. Shove Mills Fall River, Mass. N'euse River Mills Raleigh, N. C. Thoniaston Cotton Mills .... Thomaston, Ga. The Cora Cotton Mills . King's Mountain, N. C. Fairfield Cotton Mills Winnsboro, S. C. Winsor Spinning Co (ireenville, R. I. Carolina Mills Greenville, S. C. The Ada Mfg. Co Charlotte, N. C. Eagle Mills Woonsocket, R. 1. Fountain Inn Mfg. Co. . . . Fountain Inn, S. C. Scotland Cotton Mill Laurinburg, N. C. Capp's Cotton Mills Toccoa, (la. Interlaken Mill Harris, R. I. Mooresville Cotton Mill . . . Mooresville, N. C. I)e.\ter Varn Co Pawtucket, R. I. Louise Mills Charlotte, \. C. Commonwealth Cotton Mfg. Co. . Durham, \.C. Columbia Mfg. Co Ramseur, N. C. Clinton Cotton Mills Clinton, S. C. Skenandoa Cotton Co Utica, N. V. Crefeld Mills Westerly, R. 1. .Spencer Mountain Mills Lowell. N.C. John Karnum X: Co Lancaster, Pa. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills. . . . Atlanta. Ga. Linden Mfg. Co Davidson, N. C. Lincoln Mfg. Co Chester, Pa. Elm (Jrove Cotton Mills . . . Lincolnton, N. C. Alpha Mfg. Co Charlotte, N. C. National Spinning Co. . . Frankford, Phila., Pa. Manchester Cotton Mills . . . Rock Hill, S. C. Pochahontas Mills Petersburg, Va. Tuscaloosa Mills Tuscaloosa, .A.la. Irving & Leiper Mfg. Co Chester, Pa. Willimantic Cotton Mfg. Co.. Willimantic, Conn. Proximity Mfg. Co (Ireensboro, N. C. WenonAh Cotton Mills .... Lexington, N. C. .-Vmerican Linen Co Fall River, Mass. Lorraine Mfg. Co Pawtucket, R. I. Westerly, R. I. Eureka Cotton Mills Chester, S. C". (IrinnellMfg. Co New Bedford, Mass- Rudisill & Adderlioldt .... Cherryville, N. C. Centreville Mill Centreville, R. I. Ida Varn Mills Laurel Hill, N. C. Globe Yarn Mills Fall River, Mass. K. Jenckes Mfg. Co Pawtucket, R. I. O. A. Robbins Co Charlotte, N. C. Lawton Spinning Co Providence, R. I. Central Mills Co Southbridge, Mass. Saunders Cotton Mills . . . Saundersville, Mass. Payne Cotton Mills Macon, Ga. S. A. Crozer & Son Ipland, Pa. Lanca.ster Cotton Mills Lancaster, S. C. Clover Cotton Mfg. Co Clover, S. C. Edna Cotton Mills Reidsville, N. C. Bamberg Cotton Mills Bamberg, S. C. Edenton Cotton Mills Edenton, N. C. Opelika Cotton Mills Opelika, Ala. Manville Co Manville, R. I. Winder Cotton Mills Winder, Ga. Capelsie Cotton Mills Troy, N. C. Fingerville Mfg. Co Fingcrville, S. C. Goldville Mfg. Co Goldville, S. C. Cochran Cotton Mills Cochran, Ga. Helton Cotton Mills Belton, Tex. Weldon Cotton Mills Weldon, N. C. Lavonia Cotton Mills Lavonia, Ga. INDEX. A Pai.e No. Arm for belting below floor 15 2 Arm for builder or screw motion 37 3 Arm for horse head 34 411 Arrangement for shipping belt from below 15 1,2 B Back bar finger, middle 46 294 Back board hook 46 291 Back board stand 13 12 Back roller stand, wood roll 22 13 Back roving guide coupling 46 289 Back saddle 22 14 Back sliver guide coupling • 46 290 Back stirrup 22 15 Balance wheel 31 16 Ball for shipper rod 13 > 7 Beam bonnet 43 - • 5 Beam roller 40 Beam roller coupling 40 -4- Bearings, bobbin shaft 30 32. 33- Bearings, bottom cone 3S 36 Bearings, cone shaft 47 349 Bearings, end for back roll 21 1 48 Bearings, end for cone rack guide rod 47 245 Bearings, end for middle roll 21 29 Bearings, end for short duplex main shaft 48 257 Bearings, for traverse shaft at head 38 233 Bearings, for shipper head end 46 293 Bearings, first sampson, back compound shaft 48 255 Bearings, foot end rack shaft 30 30 Bearings, front roll plate, head end 30 28 Bearings, head end rack shaft 30 268 Bearings, middle sampson, back compound shaft 48 256 Bearings, main shaft 30 34, 35 Bearings, rack shaft, 3c 23S Bearings, rack shaft, head end 47 245 Bearings, spindle shaft 29 31 Bearings, spindle shaft, head end 30 67 Bearings, stand for cone rack guide rod 47 348 Bearings, top back shaft 27 26, 27 Bearings, top back shaft, head end 30 267 Bearings, top end contact shaft . 46 278 Belt guide, cone 27 Belt ring 15 40 INDEX Continued. 1'a(;e. No. Bevel gear, contact shaft 20 317 Bevel gear, cross shaft 20 318 Bevel gear, for long spider shaft 2j ^o6 Bevel gear, for upright shaft 23 307 Bevel gear, for reverse shaft 2 j tig Bobbui gear i , ^g.^Q Bobbin rail gear bonnet 3_j , , Bobbin rail gear bonnet cover j :> 53 Bobbin rail slide ^y -2 Bobbin shaft bearing in l)onnet :;o 3-, ■" ■" Bobbin shaft coupling gear ' c as, 4^> Bobbin shaft gear , 6 4 3,-14 Bobbin shaft gear, split o 47 i,s Bolster, hook 29 62 Bolster, plain ^(^ 287 Bolster rail 29 1:7 Bolster rail casinj; 24 Bolster rail coupling 29 61 Bolster rail gear bonnet 34 41 Bolster rail gear bonnet cover 43 68 Bolster rail guards 25 Bolster rail slide, foot end 39 42 Bonnet bolt draft gear 26 64 Bonnet bolster rail 34 41 Bonnet draft gear. . . 26 63 Bottom part of spider 25 63 Bottom part of swing lever 22 66 Brace rod 27 78 Builder or screw motion ^7 Builder arm j7 -> Builder motion screw 37 296 Builder stand 37 70 Builder stud 4^ 258 P>uilder cpiadrant 37 71 lUiilder quadrant stand j7 70 c Cap bar finger, middle 46 294 Casing for bobbin rail 24 Casing for step rail 24 Chain 28 72 Chain hook 2S 80 Chain pulley and studs 2S Chain wheel for brace rod 27 73 Chain wheel stand 28 79 Clearer cover, steel i 81 Clearer cover, cast iron 5 260 Clearer hinge 1 259 Clock Hank 12 82 Clutch gear traverse 23 240 Collar for brace rod 27 83 Collar for creel post 14 137 Collar for main shaft 31 206 Collar for reverse shaft 25 • 236 Collar for ship])er rod 13 17 Compound 33 Compound arms 34 INDEX— Continued. PAr.E. No. Compound gear apron 4S 252 Compound gear cover 35 S4 Compound shaft coupling 4^^ -5-4 Compound shaft coupling cover 4S 253 Compound sleeve 35 84 Compound tension arrangement 44 Cone bearings, bottom 38 36 Cone bdt guide -7 Cone catch -7 9^ Cone frame 3^ 87 Cone lifter 36 Cone lifter arm pin 36 92 Cone lifter bevd gear 36 94 Cone lifter crank 36 90 Cone lifter crank shaft 36 95 Cone lifter long arm 36 96 Cone lifter ratchet 36 93 Cone lifter shaft 36 89 Cone lifter short arm 36 91 Cone lifter stand 36 88 Cone rack 32 101 Cone rack guide 32 104 Cone rack knock off 32 102, 103 Cone rack slide 32 105 Cone rack stop collar 46 295 Cone ratchet 27 99 Cone shaft collar 27 100 Contact change gear stand ^ 21 234 Contact coimecting rod 20 269 Contact dog 37 "6 Contact eccentric 20 106 Contact lever 20 109 Contact lever stud 20 113 Contact lever weight 22 no Contact rack stop 32 1 02. 1 03 Contact slide 20 107 Contact shaft 20 115 Contact shaft hand whed 31 I77 Contact spring 4- "4 Contact spring stand 4- Contact step bracket 20 108 Contact weight, etc 22 311 Coupling for back sliver guide 46 290 Cou|ding for bobbin rail 29 61 Coupling for rack shaft 13 1 20 Coupling for roller beam 40 242 Coufding for ro\ing guide 46 289 Coupling for shipper rod 13 121 Coupling for spindle rail 29 125 Coupling for wood cred bar 14 • -6 Coupling for wood roll 47 34^ Coupling gear for bobbin diaft 5 45' ^^ Coupling gear for spindle shaft S Cred fingers 14 133 Cred post 39 268 Cred post collar 14 137 Cred post ring 14 138 Cred stands 13 Cros* shaft 20 270 INDEX— Continued. D Pagk. No. Dog for contact shaft ^j 1 16 Dog for builder motion j7 297 Door in head end 17 Door knees for head end ^o Draft gear bonnet 26 6^ Draft gear bonnet stud 26 266 Draft gear bonnet knob 26 1 46 Draft gear bonnet bolt 26 64 Drart gear stands 21 143, 144 Draft gear stud 26 145 Draft gear pipe box jo 147 Driving pulley j, ,6 E Eccentric for contact shaft 20 106 Eccentric slide 20 1 07 Eccentric slide stud 20 272 Eccentric swivel 23 255 Egg weight 46 274 End bearing for back roll 21 1 48 End bearing for middle roll 21 29 End bearing for top back shaft 27 26 F Eingers, creel i ^ Fingers for safety stop motion 2.S Fingers for hand pole 13 237 Foot end 16 Foot end bolster rail guard 25 Foot end bolster rail slide 39 42 Foot end panel 47 ^c j Foot end step rail guard 25 Foot end step rail knees 30 273 Front roll plate bearing, head end 30 28 Front saddle 22 157 Front stirrup 22 1 58 G Gear bobbm 1 1 Gear bobbin shaft 6 Gear bobbin shaft coupling 5 Gear bobbin shaft s])lit 9 Gear spindle 11 Gear spindle shaft 7 Gear spindle shaft coupling 8 Gear spindle shaft split 10 Gearing for 1 2 inch frame 51 Gearing for 10 inch frame 52, 53 Gearing for 9 inch frame 54, 33 Gearing for 8 inch frame 56, 57 Gearing for 7 inch frame 58, 59 '54 INDEX— Continued. PA..E. No. Gearing for 6 inch frame 60, 6 1 Goose neck 20 271 (juards, bolster rail 25 (juards, spindle rail 23 Gudgeon for wood roll 47 347 Guide for cone rack 32 104 Guide rod traverse 38 H Handle for shipper rod 22 Hand pole ball stop 13 17 Hand pole coupling 13 121 Hand pole finger 13 237 Hand pole stand 13 Hand wheel for contact shaft 31 177 Hand wheel for reverse shaft .... 23 1 76 Hank clock 12 82 Head end 16 1 78 Head end bolster rail guards 25 Head end door 17 Head end knee 30 142 Head end step rail guards 25 Head intermediate gear stand 30 1 79 Head stand for traverse shaft bearing ^S 244 Head stand and yoke, spindle shaft 30 313 Hook bolster 29 62 Horse head arms • 34 Horse head studs 45 K Knee for step rail 30 273 Knee on head end 30 142 Knock off cone rack 32 102, 103 Knock off latch 38 180 L Latch, knock off 38 180 Latch spring, head end door 26 181 Lever contact 20 1 09 Lever swing, bottom of 22 66 Lever swing, top of • 22 182 Lifter arms 41 Lifter contr 3''< Lifter rack 39 Long compound stud 45 Long compound nut 45 328 M Main shaft 31 205 Main shaft bearing 30 Main shaft collar 31 206 Motion roving 38 Motion safety stop 28 INDEX— Continued. P Page. No. Panel foot eii' ! 47 351 Pinion rack 39 207, 208 Pipe box, draft gear 30 147 Plain bolster 46 287 Plate bearing for front roll 30 28 Post creel 39 286 Pulley chain 28 74-77 Pulley, driving 31 16 Pulley for wood roll 15 241 Quadrant, builder stantl 37 70 Quadrant for builder 37 71 Quadrant for rack shaft ;^^ Quadrant for top back shaft 23 R Rack, cone 32 loi Rack lifter 39 Rack pinion 39 Rack, shaft bearing 30 328 Rack, shaft collar 46 292 Rack, shaft coupling 13 120 Rack, shaft quadrant ^^ Rail Bolster 29 57 Rail spindle 29 231 Reverse shaft 23 226 Reverse shaft bearing 38 233 Reverse shaft collar 23 236 Reverse shaft hand wheel 23 1 76 Roller beam 40 Roller beam coupling 40 242 Roller standi i Roller stand> 2 Roller stand- 3 Roller stands 4 Roving guide coupling, back 46 289 Roving guide motion 38 Roving rod rini; 14 138 5 Saddle, back 22 17 Saddle front 22 157 Safety stop motion bracket bearing 28 1 50 Safety stop motion finger 28 Safety stop motion shaft 28 152 Safety stop motion stand 28 1 50 Safety stop motion sto]) 28 151 Sampson 17 Sampson 18 Sampson 19 INDEX— Continued. Page. No. Screw builder motion 37 Screw for cone frame 27 316 Screw motion arm 37 3 Screw for top back shaft box 45 3°3 Shaft bearing, main shaft 30 34, 35 Shaft contact 20 115 Shaft, cross shaft 20 270 Shaft, main 3' 205 Shaft, main collar 3' 206 Shaft, reverse 23 226 Shaft rack, guide 32 104 Shipper ball '3 '7 Shipper rod buckle 46 284 Shipper rod coupling 13 121 Shipper rod handle 22 Shipper rod stand 13 Shipper sickle 15 227 Slide apron for bolster rail bonnet 43 218 Slide for contact rack 32 105 Sliver guide coupling 46 290 Spider bottom 23 65 Spider clutch 23 283 Spider top 23 225 Spider top shaft • • • 23 228 Spindle 39 282 Spindle gear 11 Spindle rail apron 24 229 Spindle shaft bearing '• 29 31 Spindle shaft bearing, head end 30 67 Spindle shaft gear 7 Spindle shaft gear coupling S Spindle shaft gear split 10 Spindle rail guards 25 155, 156 Spindle step :9 3'4. 3^5 Spring for top back shaft box 27 230 Step 29 314. 3' 5 Step rail 29 231 Ste]) rail casing 24 Step rail coupling 29 125 Step rail guards 25 Step rail knees 30 273 Stirrup back 22 15 Stirrup front 22 1 58 Studs 45 Stud plate, double gear 21 239 Swing lever, bottom of 22 66 Swing lever, stand 22 66, 182 Swing lever, top of 22 Swing lever, weight 46 276 Swing stand screw 45 97 Swivel, eccentric 23 235 Tapel gear 37 302 Taper pin for contact shaft 45 33 1 Toe plate 20 232 Top back shaft bearing 27 26, 27 INDEX— Continued. Top back shaft quadrants -.'-.' 20Q 214 Top back shaft quadrant stud ,r 2S0 Top roll weight .(^ ^_r Traverse clutch s;ear , -. -, ,„ 1 raverse motion, rovnig -.j^ Traverse motion, roving frog -.y j^g Traverse motion, roving heart . . . •. -.jj Traverse motion, roving stand ->{j Traverse motion, roving stud -.y Traverse motion, roving worm gear • ■<^ j^g 170 171 172 u Underneath shipper 1 - j Upright shaft contact bearings ^6 278 Upriglit shaft for spider 2'' -"oc Upright wind shaft -. i Upright wind shaft bearing ^o Upright wind shaft step ^o 243 279 w Weight, egg ^6 274 Weight, swing lever ^6 276 Weight, top roll •. ^5 2715 Wind shaft bearing -50 242 Wood roll coupling ^j ^<6 Wood roll gudgeon ^7 ^^7 SEE NUMERICAL INDEX. IN ihe following Tables, the twist per inch is that usually given to Cotton of ordinary length of staple, but when Sea Island, or long staple Cotton is used, less twist will be required, and the production will be increased from ten to twenty per cent. The Tables of production are calculated for ten hours per day running time, and tifteen minutes are allowed for one tender for dotting each set. The weight of Cotton on full bobbins will vary with dif- ferent kinds of Cotton; the weight given in the Tables is about the average of ordinary' Cotton. The driving pulleys most in use are 16 in dia. x l^s in. face; they are sometimes made 18 in. dia. x l^s in. face, or 14 in. dia. x 2^s in. face. The space between spindles is not confined to that given in the Tables of Dimension; for instance, the Roving Frame, 7 in. traverse, SVi in. space ma\' be made =; in. or 51 2 in. space, therebv shortening or lengthening the frame as may be desired. The diflerent sizes of frames may be shortened or lengthened in that way, providing there is sufficient space for the tlyers to run without interfering with each other. The spaces given in the Tables are most in use. On all frames' where there are four or eight spindles to a roll, rolls of half lengths, and when there are six spindles to a roll one or two rolls of two-thirds length may be put in, to obtain a particular number oi spindles or make the length of the frame so as to correspond with the space it is to occupy. To ascertain the length of any frame, multiply one-half the number of spindles by the space required, and to the product add iS inches. This sum will be the length of the frame, including pulleys. For Self-balanced Rail Speeder add 16 inches to length of any regular frame. TABLES SHOWING DIMENSIONS AND PRODUCTION OF ROVING FRAMES MANUFACTURED BY PROVIDENCE MACHINE COMPANY Providence, R. 1900 Slubbing Frame. 12 X 6. 12" Traverse 10" Space. 4 spindles to roll, 20'' lon^. Front roll, 1 34;" diameter. Driving jiulleys, 16''' diameter x i^s'^face. Spindles make 2}., revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 650 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 324. Size of full bobbin, 12 x d" , weight 44 oz. Lengths of frames of 10" space are as follows, including pulleys: Frames of 40 spindles are 19 feet \o" long. 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 34 3 10' 6' 2' 10' 6' 2' 10' 2' wide. PRODUCTION. Twist per inch. Revs, of Front Roll. Hks. per day per spindle. • Gears Reqi'ired. Roving. per day. per spindle. For For For Twist. Tension. Traverse. .20 •54 306 20.79 11.44 5717 60 42 43 ■30 .60 251 1487 12.27 40.89 50 35 -> - 03 40 .76 218 11.12 12.23 30.58 43 30 31 .50 •84 197 8.71 11.97 2395 39 27 26 60 .92 177 6.90 11.38 18.98 35 24 23 .70 1. 00 165 5-7' 10.99 15.70 33 22 21 .80 1.07 •54 4-79 1054 1317 31 21 20 .90 1.14 145 4.09 10.12 11.25 29 20 19 1. 00 1.20 138 3-55 976 9.76 27 19 18 GEARING. 12 X 6. 38 tooth gear on back shaft. /jf x 48 to Tension change gear. 90 on rack shaft to 2>8 x 96 to l^raverse change gear. 29 tooth cone gear for iSy bobbin. Lengths of frames of 10" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, inclucHng pulleys : Frames of 52 spindles are 26 feet 56 60 64 68 7^ 76 27 29 31 32 34 36 3 2'' Ion 10'' 6" 2" 10" 6" 2" wide. CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 32.81 ~ Draft 157.50 Traverse 21.60 Tension 22.80 Rev. Roll 165. twist draft twist twist twist := gear. r= rev. roll. Slubbing Frame. 11 X 5 1-2. ii" Traverse 9'-" Space. 4 spindles to roll, 19" long. Front roll, i'^" diameter. Driving pulleys, \6" diameter .\ Hi" face. Spindles make 2.j\ revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 700 revs, yn^r minute, and of driving pulley, 344. Size of full bobbin, 11 x 5 '2", weight, 32 oz. Lengths of frames of g}4'' space, including pulleys, are as follows Frames of 44 spindles arc 20 feet 7" long. 48 9' 4' II' 6' 3- 56 60 64 68 ;6 80 S4 22 23 25 26 28 33 31 33 34 36 I" 8" 10" 5 wide. PRODUCTION. N'o. of Roving. •30 .40 .50 .60 70 .80 .90 1. 00 1. 10 Twist Revs, of Sets per inch. Front Roll. per day. .66 .76 .84 .92 .00 .07 .14 .20 .26 270 234 212 194 178 166 156 148 141 68 ;i 68 57 93 72 77 5.04 4 44 'Hks. per day I Lbs. per day Ge.\rs Required. I 1. 21 I I 60 11.68 1 1.48 1 1. 10 10.75 10.39 10.08 977 per spindle. For Twist. 50 3736 2900 43 23.36 39 19.14 35 15.86 0J> •3 44 11.54 10.08 8.88 For I For Tension, i Traverse. 3' 29 27 26 35 30 t — - / 24 20 19 35 j' 26 -0 21 20 19 18 17 — GEARING. 11 X 5 1-2. 38 tooth gear on back shaft. ^,3 X 48 to Tension change gear. 90 on rack shaft to ^S \ 96 to Traverse change gear. 29 tooth cone gear for 153 bobbin. Lengths of frames of 9>4" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys : Frames of 52 spindles are 25 feet 1'' long. 60 64 6S / - 76 80 84 wide. 26 ' 8 28 ' 3 29 ' 10 31 ' 5 JO 0' 34 ' / 36 " T 37 " 9' 3 " 0'' CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 32.81 Draft 157-50 Traverse 21.60 Tension 22.80 Rev. Roll 178. twist draft twist twist twist = srear. r= rev. roll. Slubbing Frame. 10 X 5. lo" Traverse 9" Space. 4 spindles to roll, i8" long. Front roll, i%" diameter. Driving pulleys, 1 6" diameter x iSg^face. Spindles make 2^\ revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 750 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 368 Size of full bobbin, 10'' x 5'', weight 24 oz. Lengths of frames of 9" space, including pulleys, are as follows Frames of 48 spindles are 21 feet 2" long. 11 52 ' 22 ' < 8" ' " 56 ' ' 24 ' 2" l( 60 ' 25 ' ' 8" " l( 64 ' ' 27 ' ' 2'' " II 68 ' 28 ' 1 8" " . II II tl 72 76 ' 80 84 88 92 ' 30 ' ' 3> ' ' 33 ' ' 34 ' " 36 " 37 3 ' ' 2'' " ' 8'' " ' 2" " ' 8" " i -," << ' 8" " I "wide. PRODUCTION. Hks. per day Lbs. per day Gears Rkqiired. No. of evs. of Roving. per inch. Fr ant Roll. per day. per spindle. per spindle. Kor Twist. For Tension. For Traverse. .40 •76 251 17.86 10.72 2679 42 3^ 33 .50 .84 227 '4 75 I [.g6 22. 12 39 34 29 .60 .92 208 12.34 1 I.I I 18.59 35 32 27 .70 1.00 191 10.39 10 91 15.58 33 30 25 .80 I 07 178 8.90 i 1068 1335 31 28 23 .90 1. 14 168 7-74 1045 I 1. 61 29 26 22 1. 00 1.20 '.S9 6.79 10.19 10.19 27 24 20 1. 10 1.26 I.S2 6.04 997 906 26 23 19 1.20 131 146 541 1 9-74 1 8.12 25 21 18 c GEARING. 10 X 5. 38 tooth gear on back shaft. ^,1 X 48 to Tension change gear. 90 on rack shaft to ^8 x 96 to Traverse change gear. T,8 tooth cone gear for 1 f^ bobbin. Lengths of frames of 9" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys : Frames of 56 spindles are 25 feet 6'' long. 60 64 68 72 ;6 80 84 88 92 u 27 ' ' 0'' " " 28 ' ' 6" " " 30 ' ' 0'' " " 31 ' ' 6" " " 33 ' ' 0" " " 34 ' ' 6" " " 36 ' ' 0" " " 37 ' ' 6" " " 39 ' < 0'^ " 3 ' I'^vvid CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 32.81 Draft 157-50 Traverse 24.50 Tension 28 80 Rev. Roll 191. twist z= gear. draft = <( twist := (< twist = (( twist — rev. roll. Slubbing Frame. 9X4- 1-2 9 ' Traverse Sj.'' Space. 4 spindles to roll, 17" long. Front roll, i '4" diameter. Driving pulleys, 16" diameter x iSs" face. Spindles make 2^%"^-^ revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 800 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 314. Size of full bobbin, 9" .\ 4'::", weight, iS oz. Lengths of frames of 8^2" space, including pulleys, are as follows: Frames of 52 spmdles are 21 feet 7" long. 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 wide. -0 24 5 ^s ' 10 i -> -/ J 28 ' 8 .so I 31 ' 6 3^ ' 1 1 34 • 4 35 ' 9 37 ' o 3 ' I PRODUCTION. " Gears Keqi-ikeu. Ko. of Twist Revs, of SeU Hks. per day Lbs. per dav Roving. per inch. Front Roll. per day. per spindle. per spindle. For Twist. For Tension. For Traverse. ■50 84 243 18.27 10.28 20.55 48 42 40 .60 92 222 15.61 1054 17.56 44 57 .70 I 00 204 1340 10.56 15.08 41 35 .80 1 I 07 190 I 1.65 10.49 I3.II 38 32 3' .90 I 14 179 10 24 10.37 I 1.52 36 30 29 I.OO I 20 I/O 9.09 1023 10.23 34 28 27 1. 10 I 26 162 8.12 10.05 9.14 32 27 26 I 20 ' I 31 156 7.40 9.98 832 3' 26 25 1.30 I 37 1 ''' 662 968 7-44 30 25 24 D GEARING. 9X4 1-2. 38 tooth gear on back shaft. it X .48 to Tension change gear. 94 on rack shaft to 34 x 96 to Traverse change gear. 29 tooth cone gear for i ,•'. bobbin. Lengths of frames of 8l4'' space, RAILS, including pulleys : PVames of 60 spindles arc 25 feet 9'' Ion; " 64 " " 27 " 2" " 68 72 /6 80 84 88 92 96 wide WITH SELF-BALANCED 28 ' 7 30 ' 31 ' 5 3^ ' 10 34 ' 35 " 8' 37 " i' 38 " 6' 3 " i' CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 41.17 Draft 157-50 Traverse 32.88 Tension 34-5 Rev. Roll 204. - twist r= gear. - draft =z " - twist = " - twist = " - twist rev. roll. 1) Intermediate Frame. 10 X 5. 10" Traverse 7 '2" Space. 6 spindles to roll, 2254" long. Front roll, i^" diameter. Driving pulleys, 16" diameter x isg^face. Spindles make 2^'- revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 850 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 418. Size of full bobbin, 10'' .\ 5", weight 24 oz. Lengths of frames of 714'' space, including pulleys, are as follows Frames of 60 spindles are 21 feet 11" long. 66 . 33 . 9 '2 -jz ' 25 ' 8" 78 ' 27 ' 614 84 " ' 29 ' .If 3 90 < 31 . y/2 96 " ' 11 ' 2" 100 ' 34 ' ' ^" 104 ' 35 ' ' 8" 108 " ' 36 ' ' 11" 112 ' 38 ' -," 116 " 3Q ' . 3.. 120 ' 40 " 8'' 3 " I" wide. PRODUCTION. Gears Rkqlired. Twist Revs, of Sets Hks. per day Lbs per dav Koving. per inch. Front Roll. per day. per spindle. per spindle. For Twist. For Tension. For Traverse. .80 1.07 202 98[ 11.78 14.72 37 34 26 .90 I. 14 190 «55 "55 12.83 35 32 24 1. 00 1.20 180 7-5^ 11.28 I 1.28 31 30 -> -> 1. 10 1.26 172 669 1 1 04 10.04 32 28 21 I 20 '31 165 6.01 1082 902 30 27 20 I 30 I 37 158 542 10.57 813 29 25 19 1.40 1 42 150 484 10 16 7.26 2^ 24 18 1.50 1-47 147 448 1008 6 '/2 27 23 '7 I 60 1.52 142 4.10 9.84 6.,5 26 22 16 GEARING. 10 X 5. 46 tooth gear on back shaft. ^^ X 50 to Tension change gear. 90 on rack shaft to 38 x 104 to Traverse change gear. ^8 tooth cone gear for i^-'.y bobbin. Lengths of frames of 7 'S" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys: lon 185 8.42 11.56 947 3^ 3^ 26 i-37 177 7.62 II. 14 8.57 36 31 ^5 1.42 170 694 10.93 7.81 03 30 24 J 47 165 640 10.80 7.20 34 29 23 1.52 159 5-87 10 56 660 33 28 22 1-57 154 442 10.32 6.07 32 27 21 GEARING. 9X4 1-2. 46 tooth gear on back shaft. •j'jg X 50 to Tension change geai. 94 on rack shaft to 34 x 104 to Traverse change gear. 29 tooth cone gear for 1 1^,. bobbin. Lengths of frames of 7" si>ace, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys : Frames of 'J2 spindles are 25 feet 6" long. 78 " 27 " 3 84 " 29 " 90 " 30 " 9 96 ' " r- " 6' 102 " 34 " 108 " 36 " 0' 114 " 17 " 9' 120 ' « 39 " 6' 126 « ^[ .< 3 i^ wide. CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 49-71 Draft 157-50 Traverse 34-50 Tension 42.80 Rev. Roll 241 91 twist draft twist twist twist = gear. =: rev. roll. Intermediate Frame, 8X4. 8" Traverse 6" Space. 6 spindles to roll, i8" long. Front roll, 1 1^" diameter. Driving pulleys, i6'' diameter x iSg^'face. Spindles make 2iViUT revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 1050 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 393. Size of full bobbin, 8" x 4'', weight 14 oz. Lengths of frames of 6" space, including pulleys, are as follows: Frames of 'j'^ spindles are 22 feet 8" long. 84 u " 24 ' . -," 90 (1 " 25 ' • 8" 96 " -/ ' 2" 102 (i " 28 ' • 8" 108 (1 " 30 ' i ->" 114 >< " 31 • 8" 120 <( " 11 ' 2" 126 " " 34 ' S" 132 " " 36 i 2" 138 '• 0/ • \" 144 " " 39 i 2" i:;o " '• 40 - 8" 3 ' 0" wide. Sometimes made dy-z" space, 6 spindles to roll 19I2'' long. PRODUCTION. Gears Reqi-ired. No. of Roving. Twist per inch. Revs, of Front Roll. Sets per day. Hks. per day per spindle. Lbs. per day per spindle. For For For Twist. Tension. Traverse. I. GO 1.20 ' 247 13-24 11.58 11.58 44 39 41 1.25 1-34 222 10.50 11.49 9.19 39 35 17 1.50 1.47 202 8.50 II. 15 7-43 36 32 34 '75 1.58 188 7.12 10.90 6.23 33 29 31 2.00 1.69 176 6.00 10.50 5-25 31 27 29 2.25 1.80 165 5-13 10.10 4-49 29 25 27 2.50 1.90 156 445 9.72 389 27 23 25 2.75 1.99 149 392 943 3-43 26 22 24 300 2.07 M3 349 9.15 3-05 25 21 23 G GEARING. 8X4. ^8 ttjoth gear on back shaft. ^'g X 50 to Tension change gear. 80 on rack shaft to 24 x 96 to Traverse change gear. 29 tooth cone gear for i3g bobbin. Lengths of frames of 6" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys : mes of 84 sp indl es are 25 1l ct 6" long 90 27 ' 0" " 96 28 ' 6'' " 102 .30 ' 0" " 108 31 • 6" " 114 33 ' 0" " 120 34 ' 6" " 126 36 < 0" " 132 37 ' 6'^ " 1 38 39 < 0- .< 144 40 ' 6" " 150 42 3 ' 0" " ' 0'' wide. CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 52.92 Draft 170.27 Traverse 49-20 Tension 46.00 Rev. Roll 297. twist draft twist twist twist =: trear. =z rev. roll. G Intermediate Frame. 8X3 1-2. 8" Traverse 532" Space. 8 spindles to roll, 22" long. Front roll, \)^" diameter. Driving pulleys, 16" diameter x iSg" face. Spindles make 2/0V5 revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, iioo revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 376. Size of full bobbin, 8" x 314'', weight, 12 oz. Lengths of frames of 5 '2" space, including pulleys, are as follows: Ions:. """rames of 88 spindles are 23 feet 4 96 •• 25 • » -1 104 -> — -/ ■ 1 \2 " 28 • • 10 120 •• 30 • ' 8 128 " 5- ■ • 6 136 " 34 • • 4 144 " 36 • ' 2 152 •' 38 • • 0' 156 •' 38 • • 1 1 160 " 39 • ' 10' 168 " " 41 ' • 8' 3 • wide. PRODUCTION. Gears Reoi'ikeu. Vo of Revs, of Front Roll. Sets per day. HVs. per day per spindle. Lbs. per day per spindle. Roving. per inch. For For For Twist. 17 Tension. Traverse. 2.00 1 69 184 7.08 10.62 5-31 11 32 2.25 i.So 173 6-10 1030 4.58 35 3' 30 2.50 1.90 164 532 9.98 3 99 33 29 27 2.75 •■99 156 468 9.65 3-5' 31 28 26 300 2.07 150 4.19 9.42 314 30 -/ -5 3-50 224 139 3-40 8.92 ^55 28 2 > -3 4.00 2.40 130 2.82 8.48 2.12 26 24 -> -t 4.50 2.54 123 235 792 1.76 24 2\ 21 5.00 2.67 117 2.07 7-75 5-55 -l -t -) 20 H GEARING. 8X3 1-2. 46 tooth gear on back shaft. \'i X 50 to Tension change gear. 80 on rack shaft to 24 x 104 to Traverse change gear. 29 tooth cone gear for is-s bobbin. Lengths of frames of 514' RAILS, including pulleys : space, WITH SELF-BALANCED Frames of 96 spindles arc 26 feet 6'' ]on -> 26 26 21 25 25 20 24 24 '9 23 23 18 GEARING. 7X3 1-2. 46 tooth gear on back shaft. ;\s >: 50 to contact cliange gear. 84 on rack shaft to 20 x 96 to Traverse change gear. 34 tooth cone gear for ly^ bobbin. Lengths of frames of 514;' RAILS, including pulleys : space, WITH SELF-BALANCED I'Vames of (1 1 12 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 spindles <( it u u II are II II 29 30 32 34 36 37 39 41 43 44 feet long. 9- """ 6" " 3" " 0" >' 9" '• &' " 0" " 9" " 1 1" wide. CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 68 03 Draft 170.27 Traverse 53 60 Tension 68 o^ Rev^ Roll 325.38 twist = gear. draft zzz " twist = " twi.st = '< twist = rev. roll. Roving Frame, 7X3. 7" Traverse 4'2" Space. 8 spindles to roll, i8" long. Front roll, i^ a" diameter. Driving pulleys, 1 6" diameter x iSg^face. Spindles make 3i\,''„''o revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 1200 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 383. Size of full bobbin, "j" x 3", weight 814 oz. Lengths of frames of 4 '2" space, including pulleys, are as follows Frames of 104 spindles are 22 feet 8'' long. I 12 '■ 24 ' . 2" " 120 •• 25 ' • 8" " 128 " 27 • • 2" •• 136 " " 28 • ■ 8" •• 144 .. 30 . • 2" 152 •• 31 • • 8" 160 ■• 33 • ■ 2" •■ 168 " 34 ' • 8" 176 •• •• 36 ' • 2" 184 '• " 37 ' ' 8" 192 .< 3g . • 2" " 200 " 40 ' 8" <( 2 ' ' II" wide PRODUCTION. No. of Roving. 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 900 10.00 Twist per inch. Revs, of I'ront Roll. 207 164 2.40 141 267 127 2.92 116 318 107 3-40 100 360 94 379 90 .Sets per day. 6.17 4.21 3 I- 242 1.94 1.60 1-35 1.17 Hks. per day Lbs. per day per spindle, per spindle. GE.^Rs Ukqiirei). 9.S4 8.96 830 7 74 7 21 6.80 6.48 6 20 j._0 2 2J. I 66 For Twist. 40 35 31 For Tension. 1.29 28 1 1.03 26 1 •85 24 •72 -3 .62 22 1 1 ! 38 29 26 24 22 21 20 For Tni verse. 28 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 GEARING. 7X3. 56 tooth gear on back shaft. ] a X 50 to contact change gear. 8\ on rack, shaft to 20 x 104 to Traverse change gear. 34 tooth cone gear for i^ bobbin. Lengths of frames of 4'/2" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys: Frames of 120 spindles are 27 feet 0" Ions: 128 " 2S 6" ' 136 " 30 0" ' 144 " 31 6" ' 152 ' 160 168 '• 35 " 34 '■ s6 0" • 6" • 0" ' i;6 184 57 " 39 6" ' 0" ' 192 " 40 6" ' 200 " 42 2 0'' ' 1 1 " wi de CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 82.82 Draft 170.27 Traverse 64 20 Tension 76 30 Rev. Roll 339-52 twist draft twist twist twist sear. r= rev. roll. Roving Frame. 6X3. 6" Traverse 4j-'" Space. S spindles to roll, 1 8" long. Front roll, i>^" diameter. Driving pulleys, i6" diameter x iss'^face. Spindles make 3,'o'VV revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 1250 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 399. Size of full bobbin, 6" x 3", weight 7 oz. Lengths of frames of 4'2" space, including pulleys, are as follows I-'rames of 104 spindles are 22 feet 8" long. 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 2C0 wide. " 24 ' o' " 25 ' 8' H -J -^ ' -7' " 2o ' 8' " 30 < 2' " 31 ' 8' i* n -^ OJ " 34 " 8' " 36 " 2' " 37 u y> " 39 " 2 " 40 " 8 2 " 1 1' PRODUCTION. Gears Requkeu. No of Twist Revs, of Sets Hks. per day Lbs. per day Roving. per inch. I'ront Roll. per day. per spindle. per spindle. For Twist. For Tension. For Traverse. 4.00 2.40 147 5'4 9.CO 2.25 1 f 0:) 3-\ 25 5.00 267 '32 3-«2 8.40 1.68 31 31 ^3 6.00 2.92 121 2.99 7.S6 I-3I 28 28 21 7.00 3«8 I I I 239 7-35 1.05 2G 19 800 3-40 104 I 98 6.96 .87 24 26 18 900 3 Oo 98 1.67 6.57 ■73 23 25 16 1000 3 79 93 1.44 630 .63 '> ~> 24 15 1 1. CO 3 97 89 1.26 6.05 •55 21 -» -J '4 K GEARING. 6X3. 50 tooth gear on buck shaft. IW X 50 to contact change gear. 84 on rack shaft to 20 x 104 to Traverse change gear. 32 tooth cone gear for 13/^ bobbin. Lengths of frames of 4', "space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, inchiding pulleys: Frames of 120 spindles ai e 27 feet 0" Ion 128 28 ' d" " 136 30 ' 0" " 144 31 ' t" " 15- 3j . 0" " 160 34 ' 6" " 168 36 ' 0" " 176 37 ' 6" " 184 39 < 0" " 192 40 < 5- .< ' 2C0 " ' 42 < 0'/ u 2 ' 11'' wic CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 82.82 Draft 170.27 Traverse 64,20 Tension 76 30 Rev. Roll 353-^17 twist draft twi.'-t twi- 1 twist = e:ear. = rev. roll. K JACK FRAME. 6X2 1-2. 6" Traverse .4j^" Space. 8 spindles to roll, 17" long. Front roll, i>i" diameter. Driving pulleys, 16" diameter x ifs" face. Spindles make St'oVj revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 1350 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 431. Size of fuirbobbui, 6" x 2U", weight, 5>2 oz. Lengths of frames of 4l{'^ space, including pulleys, are as follows: Frames of 120 spindles are 24 feet 5" long. 128 136 J 44 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 wide. 2S ' 10 27 ' 3" 28 " 8" .V^ I 31 • 6" 3- '■ II" .S4 • 4 3S ' 9" 37 • 2" 38 ' 7" 40 ' 0" 2 ' II" PRODUCTION. No.ol Koviog. 5.00 600 700 8.00 9.CO 10 CO 11.00 12.00 1300 1400 Gears KEQCiREb. Twist Rers-of Sets Hks. per daT Lbs. per day per inch. Front RoD. per day. per spiodle. per spindle. For Twist. For Tension. For Travels'. 267 •43 5.09 .^-75 1-75 34 32 34 292 •31 401 8.28 1.38 30 29 31 3 '8 120 3^^ 7-77 III 28 29 340 I 12 267 7.56 .92 26 _ "\ 27 3 6o 106 2.27 7.C2 •78 ^S ^4 ^5 379 101 1.96 6.70 -67 23 -t ■> ^4 3 97 96 1.7: 6.49 •59 22 21 23 4 «5 92 I 51 6.24 •52 21 20 22 4 33 88 134 5.98 •46 20 19 21 4-49 85 1.20 574 -41 19 18 20 GEARING. 6X2 1-2. 60 tooth gear on back shaft. JJJ X 50 to contact change gear. 90 on rack shaft to 14 x 104 to 7>averse change gear. T^T) tooth cone gear for i Vf bobbin. Lengthsof frames of 4 14:" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, inckiding pulleys : lontr. I'>amcs of 136 sp mdl OS are 28 feet / 144 " 30 . 152 160 .. 31 33 .. 10" i 168 " 34 176 184 192 u i< 35 37 38 ,, 8" I" 6'' 200 " '< 39 11 II" * 208 (( " 41 2 <( 4" II" wide. CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 88.73 Draft 170.27 Traverse 91 00 Tension 84.00 Rev. Roll 381.97 twist drnlt twi.st twi.st twist r=: re\'. roll. Jack Frame. 5X2 1-2. 5" Traverse 4/4" Space. 8 spindles to roll, 17" long. F"ront roll, i>^'' diameter. Driving pulleys, 16" diameter x \'='%" face. Spindles make S^VVV revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 1500 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley, 479. Size of full bobbin, 5" x 2'/', weight, 4 oz. Lengths of frames of 414:" space, including pulleys, are as follows 152 ' 30 < j// .< 160 ' 31 ' 6" " 168 ' r- • \\" " 176 •• ' 34 • A' " I 84 ' 35 ' 9" " 192 ' 11 ' 2" " 200 ' 38 7 208 ' 40 ' 0" " 2 •II" xvi ide. PRODUCTION. No. of Roving. 1000 12.00 1400 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24 CO Twi.<;t I Revs, of Sets per inch. From Roll. I per day. iHks. per day Lbs. per day per spindle, per spindle. Geaks Required. For Twist For For Tension. Traverse. 3 79 1 12 291 730 73 25 415 102 225 672 56 23 4 49 95 I 82 644 46 21 ' 4.80 88 1 49 5.92 20 5.08 84 1.27 576 32 •9 5.36 79 1.08 540 27 18 562 76 95 5.28 24 17 587 --> / - .82 504 2 1 16 35 32 30 28 26 24 ^3 21 19 18 17 16 '5 •4 M GEARING. 5X2 1-2. 64 tooth gear on back shaft. ig X 50 to contact change gear. 90 on rack shaft to 14 x 104 to Traverse change gear. 36 tooth cone gear for i}{ bobbin. Lengthsof frames of 4 14:" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, including pulleys : Frames of 114 spindles are 30 feet o" long. 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 de. 31 ' ' 5" " 32 ' ' 10" •• 34 ' 35 ' • 8" '• 37 ' 1" " 38 ' ' 6" " 39 ' < ,," " 41 ' - 4" " 2 ' ' 11" wi CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 9463 Draft 170.27 Traverse 80 00 Tension 132 00 Rev. Roll. . , 42441 •- twist = gear. ^ draft = (( ^ twist rr: '< ^ twist z:r " ^ twist =z rev. ro M Jack Frame. 4 1-2X2 1-4-. 4I2" Traverse 4" Space. 8 spindles to roll, 16" long. Front roll, i'^" diameter. Driving pulleys, 16" "diameter x I5 8"face. Spindles make S\Vo^o revs, to i of driving pulley. Speed of flyer, 1600 revs, per minute, and of driving pulley. 510. Size of full bobbin, 4' / X 214'', weight 3 oz Len gths > of frames of 4" space , including Frames of 144 s:)indles are 27 feet 2" long. is:; " 28 • 6" <( 160 20 • 10" >( 168 SI • 2" " 176 32 ■ 6" " 184 33 • 10" " 192 3S • -7" " 200 36 • S" 11 208 -> — 0/ • 10" 11 216 3Q ■ 2" " t( 224 40 I" " 2 • w" wide. PRODUCTION. No. of Koving. 16.00 18.00 20.00 22 00 24.00 2600 2800 30.00 Twist Revs, of per inch. Kront Roll. 1 480 94 508 89 5-36 84 5.62 81 587 77 6.10 74 6.33 7^ . 6.56 68 Sets per day. 2.08 77 51 33 17 04 92 «3 Hks. per day I Lbs. per day per spindle. ' per spindle. Gear*; Required. 6.24 594 5.60 528 4 94 476 4.50 39 33 28 ^5 22 '9 17 15 For Twist. 20 '9 18 17 16 15 14 For TensioD 28 26 24 -0 21 20 19 For Traverse. 19 18 •7 16 15 '4 13 12 N GEARING. 4-1-2X2 1-4. 64 tooth gear on back shaft. j|} X 50 to contact change gear. 94 on rack shaft to 12 x 104 to Traverse change gear. 36 tooth cone gear for i ^{ bobbin. Lengths of frames of 4" space, WITH SELF-BALANCED RAILS, inchichng pulleys: Frames of 144 spindles are 28 feet 6" long. 152 ' 29 ' 10 1 60 • 31 ' o 168 • 32 ' 6 i;6 •• 33 ' 10 184 ' 35 ' 2 192 • 36 • 6 200 37 ' 10 208 ■ 39 2 216 • 40 • 6 224 ' 41 • 10 " 1 1 wide. CONSTANT NUMBERS. Twist 94-63 Draft 1 70.27 Traverse 88.00 Tension 1 32.00 Rev. Roll 452.70 twist draft twist twist twist gear. = rev. roll. N DRAFT TABLE No. I. 131 25 Constant. 48 on F'ront Roll, 1^4" diameter. 56 on Back Roll, i" diameter. With 90 Crown gear. DRAFT TABLE No. 2. 157.50 Constant. 40 on Front Roll, 134" d'ameter. 56 on Back Roll, i" diameter. With 90 Crown gear. 25 tooth Draft gear gives 5.25 Draft. -5 26 " ' 504 " 26 ■ 485 " o " 28 " • 468 " 28 29 " ■ 4 5^ " 29 30 " 4 34 •• 30 31 " • 4^3 •■ 31 32 " • 4.10 " 3- 3^ • 397 " 35 34 •■ • 386 '■ 34 35 3 75 35 36 " ' 364 •• 36 37 " • 3 54 •• 37 38 " ' 345 •■ 38 39 " ' 336 '■ 39 40 •• ' 3-2S '• 40 41 " 320 •• 41 42 " • 312 •• 4- 43 " ' 305 •• 43 44 " ' 2.98 '• 44 45 ■■ 2.91 '• 45 tooth Draft gear gives 6.30 6 05 583 562 5 43 5^5 5.0S 492 4 77 463 4.50 4 37 4-^5 4 14 403 3 93 3.84 3 75 3.66 3 57 350 Draft O DRAFT TABLE No. 3. DRAFT TABLE No. 4. 175. Gonstant. 40 on Front Roll, i '4" diameter 56 on Back Roll, i" diameter. With 100 Crown gear. 205.88 Constant. 34 on Front Roll, i i/f" diameter. 56 on Back Roll, i'' diameter. With 100 Crown gear. 25 tooth Draft gear gives 7.00 Draft. ! 25 tooth Draft gear gives 8.23 26 >( t( " 6.72 II 26 11 " 791 27 (( <( " 6.48 " 27 II II " 7.62 28 u << •' 6.25 II 28 11 II " 7-35 29 (( 1( " 603 II 29 i< ll " 7.09 30 « " 5-83 11 ■ 30 II ll " 6.86 31 " " 564 11 31 II >> " 6.64 32 l< u " 5 46 '^ 1^^- II " (^ 43 r:^ " " " 530 " 11 ,1 " 623 34 (( u " 514 II 34 " 6.05 35 u .< 500 11 35 11 " 5-88 36 " " 4 86 ' 29 ' 30 ' 31 ' 32 ' 33 ' 34 ' 35 36 ' 37 ' 38 • 39 ' 40 ' 41 ' 42 ' 43 ' 44 ' 45 ' Draft gear gives 7.40 Draft. 25 tooth Draft gear gives 6. 8 1 Draft. 655 •' 630 " 6.c8 " 5S7 " 5.67 " 5-49 " 531 " 516 " 500 " 4 86 " 4-73 " 4 60 " 448 " 436 " 4-5 " 4.15 •• 405 " 3.96 " 3-87 " 3.78 •< " 7.12 " 26 " " 6 86 " 27 " " 661 " 28 " " 6.37 " 29 •' " 617 " 30 " " 598 " 31 " " 5/9 " 32 " " 5-6i " 33 " " 5-44 " 34 " " 5.29 " 35 " " 514 " 36 " 5.00 " 37 " 487 " 3S " " 475 " 39 " " 463 " 40 " " 452 " 41 " " 44' " 42 " " 430 " 43 " " 4.21 " 44 " " 4. 1 1 " 45 " TWIST CONSTANT FOR ALL FRAMES. Traverse. 12" = .8646 X Top Cone Gear r= Twist Constant. 1" =z .8646 X 0" = .8646 X 9" = 1.0S064 X 8" = 1.38049 X „// 1-479 X 6" = 1-479 X 5" = 1-479 X 4/2" = 1-479 X LENGTH OF ONE OUNCE OF ROVING. ounce of .20 hank roving measures .30 " " 43 ■50 .60 .80 93 1.00 1. 10 \.2j I -5 1.30 1.40 I 50 I 60 1.70 I 75 2.00 250 2-75 3.00 10.50 yds. I 21. 26 SI ;6 42- 47 ;2. 3^^ .00 ^5 .50 75 00 63 65 68 75 7S 84 89 9' 105 iiS 131 '44 157- 50 75 00 625 25 50 75 00 25 375 00 125 25 375 50 LENGTH OF ONE OUNCE OF ROVING— Continued. ounce of 3.50 hank roving measures ^^3-75 yds 400 '• " .< 3JOQQ .. 450 " " •• 236.25 •' 5-CO •' " - 262.50 " 350 " " •• 28S.75 " " 6-^" 315.00 " " ^-^^ 367.50 " 900 ^.200 .< " 10 00 " •■ •• . 525.00 '•• " II 00 " " •• -^- -„ u :)7/-:)0 " 1200 " " •• 630.00 - " ^300 •• •• •■ 682.50 " ^4 00 " " " 735.00 " " '600 •• " " S40.00 " " 18.00 " " " (J4^ 00 .< 20.00 22.00 1050.00 1155.00 24.00 " " " 1260.00 26.00 " " " 1365.00 2800 " " " 1470.00 30.00 " •' " 1575.00 RLLES TO FIGURE THE PRODUCTION OF ROVING FRAMES. Constant number for production, multiplied by yards to the ounce of hank roving, divided by the revolutions of roll per minute, equals minutes per set. Minutes per set plus 15 minutes for doffing equals total minutes per doflF. Six hundred minutes, divided by total minutes per doff, equals sets per day. Sets per day, multiplied by ounces on bobbin, equals ounces per day per spindle. Ounces per day, divided by 16, equals pounds per day per spindle. Pounds per day, multiplied by the number of roving, equals hanks per day per spindle. E.\.\mple: — What is the product of 12" frame on i-hank roving, at roll speed of 138 revolutions per minute.' Con- Yds. per slant. ounce. 404 X 52-50 ^ — ^ — 153-69 mm. per set. 15- — ,^ , = mm. per doff. 168.69 600 -^ 168.69 = 3-55 sets per day. 3 55 X 44 = 156.2 ounces per day. 156.2 -i- 16 =r 9.76 pounds per day. 9.76 X I = 9.76 hanks per day. R RULES TO FIGURE THE PRODUCTION OF ROVING FRAHES Continued. Production Constant f 'OR 12^' X 6" Frame =: 404. " II'^ X 5^" ' = 293-57 " 10'' X 5" ' :rr 222.16 " 9" X 4/2" — 165.14 g/. X4" z= 142.56 - 8'' X 3/2" ' = 122.2 " 7'' X yA" ' = 101.83 " r X 3" ' r= 85.68 " 6'' X 3" ' = 71.28 6" X 2>4'' = 56.00 " S'' X 2>4" = 40.73 " AV-^" X 2K" ' = 30.55 RLLE5. TO nND THE TWIST PER INCH. Multiply the square root of the number of roving by 1.2 and the result equals twist per inch. Example: — WTiat is standard twist for 4-hank roving ? *'l^i.2 = J.4— Axs. TO FIND THE REVOLUTIONS OF FRONT ROLL ON AN^ HANK ROVING, THE SPINDLE SPEED BEING GIVEN. Divide the spindle speed by the circumference of roll in inches, and divide the quotient by the twist per incli for the hank roving desired. Ex.'VMPLe: — What are the revolutions per minute of a ly^" dia. roller on a machine with spin:!le speed of 650 revolutions per minute, producing i -hank roving ? ^ -^ ^^—=z 1^.8 revolutions — Axs. I 2 RULES — Continued. TO FIND THE TWIST CONSTANT. Divide the product of the number of teeth in the driving gears (between spindle and front roll) by the product of the number of teeth in the driven gears, leaving out the twist change gear, and divide the quotient by the circumference in inches of the front roll. Example: — What is the twist constant of a f 'KiVi" frame ? 130x4 6x60x4^^ . ^ ,^ .., . ^8^<40^^^2 -^-5343 = 68.03-ANS. TO FIND THE DRAFT CONSTANT. Divide the product of the teeth of driving gears and the circum- ference of front roll in inches by the product of the number of teeth in the driven gears and circumference of the back roll, leaving out the change pinion, the quotient will be the draft constant. Example: — What is the draft constant of 7"x354" frame ? 56X100XS , ^ — = — = 170.27 — Ans. RULES — Continued. TO FIND THE TRAVERSE CONSTANT. Multiply the twist per inch of the number of roving you are making by the number of teeth in your traverse change gear. Example: — What is my Traverse Constant if I am using iS teeth traverse change gear for one hank roving ? Twist of one hank = 1.2. 1.2x18 = 21.60 — Axs. TO FIND THE TENSION CONSTANT. Multiply the twist per inch of the number of roving you are making by the number of teeth in your tension change gear. Example: — What is my Tension Constant if I am using 19 teeth Dne hank roving .■' 1.2x19 = 22.80— Ans. tension change gear for one hank roving ? RULES— Concluded. TO FIND TWIST CHANGE GEAR. Divide Twist Constant by twist per inch required = number of teeth in twist gear. TO FIND DRAFT CHANGE GEAR. Divide Draft Constant by draft required = number of teeth in draft gear. TO FIND TRAVERSE CHANGE GEAR. Divide Traverse Constant by the twist per inch in the number of roving required =z number of teeth in traverse change gear. TO FIND TENSION CHANGE GEAR. Divide Tension Constant by the twist per inch in the number of roving required = number of teeth in tension change gear. 840 yds. of cotton roving, weighing i lb., or 7,000 grains = i hank. The number of yards of cotton yarn that weigh 8 ^t, grains is the number or size of the yarn. TABLE FOR NUMBERING RON INCi. Square Root of Number and Twist per Inch. 1 2 Yds. Hank Square Twist, 1 ,2^ i'ds. Hank Square Twisi, Weighs i.2XSq. i Weighs I.2XS<1- Grains. Roving. Root. Root. Grains. Ro\-ing. Root. K q.i28s 1 6 15.15 3-89-3 4.67 4 71-43 8.4516 7 14-93 3-S63- 464 6 62.50 7-9056 8 14.71 3-8353 460 S 55-56 7-4538 9 14.49 3.8065 4-57 2 50.00 7.0710 7 14.29 3-7802 4-54 2 45-45 6.7416 I 14.08 3-7523 450 4 41.67 6.4552 2 13.89 3.7269 4 47 6 38.46 6.2.J16 3 13-70 3-7013 4-44 s 35-7' 5-9757 4 13-51 3-6755 4-41 3 33-3.' 5-7732 5 13-33 3.6510 4-38 I 32.20 5-6797 6 13-16 3.6276 4-35 2 31.25 5-5901 7 12.99 3.6041 4-32 3 30.30 5 5c^45 8 12. 82 3-5805 4-30 4 29.4; 54230 9 12.66 3.5580 4-27 5 28.57 5-3450 8 12.50 3-5355 4.24 6 27. 78 5.2706 I 12-35 3 514^ 4.22 7 27-03 5.1990 2 12.20 3-492S 4.19 8 26.32 5- 1 303 3 12.05 3-4713 4.16 9 25.64 5-0635 4 11.90 3-4496 4-14 4 25.00 5.00C0 6.00 1; 11.76 3-4292 4.12 I 24.39 49386 5-93 6 11.63 3.4102 4.09 2 23-81 4-8795 5-85 7 11-49 3-3896 4.07 3 23.26 4.8228 5-79 S 11.36 - 3-3704 4.04 4 22.73 4-7675 5-72 11.24 3-3526 4.02 5 22.22 4-7138 5-66 9 11.1 1 4.00 6 21-74 4.6626 5-59 1 10.99 3-3151 3-98 7 21.2b; 4.6130 5-53 2 10.87 3.2O6Q 3-96 8 23.83 4 5639 5.48 3 10.75 3-27S7 3-93 9 20.41 4-5177 5.42 4 10.64 3.2619 3-91 5 20.00 4.4721 5-37 5 10.53 3-2449 3-89 I 19.61 4.4283 5-31 6 10.42 3-2280 3.87 2 19-23 4-3852 5.26 7 10.31 3 2109 3-85 3 18.87 43439 5.21 8 10.20 3-'937 y^i 4 18.52 4-3034 :;.l6 9 10.10 3.1780 3-Si 5 iS.iS 4.2638 512 10 10. CO 3.1622 3-79 6 17.86 4.2261 5.07 I 9.00 3-1464 3-78 7 17-54 4.1880 5.02 -> o.So 3-J3<^4 3-76 8 17.24 4.1521 4-98 3 9-71 3.1160 3-73 9 16.95 4.1170 4-94 -4 q.62 3.1016 3-72 6 16.67 4.0828 4.90 5 9.52 3-0854 3-70 I 16-39 4.04S4 4.86 .6 9-43 3.0708 3-68 2 16.13 4.0162 4.S2 7 9-35 3-0577 3-67 3 15.87 3-9837 4.78 8 9.26 30430 3-65 4 15 62 39522 4-74 II •9 9.17 3.0282 3-63 TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING— Continued. 12 Yds. 1 Hank Square Twist, 12 Yds. Hank Square Twist, Weighs Grains. 1.2 XSq. Weighs 1. 2 XSq. Roving. Root. Root. Grains. Roving. Root. Root. 11. 9.09 3.0149 3.62 '■ 15.5 6.45 2.5396 3-oS .1 9.01 3.0016 3.60 .6 6.41 2.5317 3 04 .2 8.93 2.9SS3 3-58 .7 6.37 2.5238 3-03 ■3 8.85 2.974S 3-57 .8 6.33 2.5159 3.02 •4 8.77 2.9614 3-55 -9 6.29 2.5079 3.01 •5 8.70 2.9495 3-54 16. 6.25 2.5000 3. CO .6 8.62 2.9359 3-5- -I 6.21 2.4919 2.99 •7 8.55 2.9240 3.51 .2 6.17 2.4839 2.98 .8 8.47 2.9103 3-49 -3 6.13 2.4758 2.97 •9 8.40 2.8982 3.48 .4 6.10 2.4698 2.96 12. ^■33 2.8861 3.46 i .5 6.c6 2.4617 2.95 .1 8.26 2.8740 3-45 i -6 6. 02 2-4535 2.94 .2 8.20 2.8635 3-44 .7 5-99 2.4474 2.94 •3 8.13 2.8513 3.42 .8 5-95 2.4392 2.93 ■4 8.06 2.8390 3-41 .9 592 2.4331 2.92 •5 8.00 2.8284 3-39 17. 5.88 2.4248 2.91 .6 7.94 2.8178 3-38 .1 5-85 2.4186 2.90 •7 7.87 2.8053 3-37 .2 5-81 2.4103 2.89 .8 7.81 2.7946 3-35 -3 5-78 2.4041 2.88 .0 7-75 2.7838 3-34 -4 5-75 2-3979 2.88 13. 7.69 2.7730 3-33 : -5 5 71 2.3895 2.87 .1 7.63 2.7622 3-31 .6 5.68 2.3832 2.86 .2 7.58 2-7531 3-30 •7 5-65 2.3769 2.85 •3 7-52 2.7422 3-29 .8 5.62 2.3706 2.85 •4 7.46 2-7313 3.28 .9 5-59 2.3643 2.84 •5 7.41 2.7221 3-27 18. 5-56 2-3579 2.83 .6 7-35 2.7110 3.25 -I 5-52 2.3494 2.82 • 7 7-3° 2.7018 3.24 .2 5-49 2.3430 2.81 .8 7-25 2.6925 3-23 -3' 5.46 2.3366 2.80 •9 7.19 2.6814 3.22 .4 5-43 2.3302 2.80 14. 7.14 2.6720 3-21 -5 5-41 2.3259 2.79 .1 7.09 2.6627 3.19 .6 5.38 2 3i?4 2.78 o 7.04 2.6532 3.18 i -7 5-35 2.3130 2.77 •3 6.99 2.6438 3.17 .8 5.32 2.3065 2.77 •4 6.94 2.6343 3-i6 .9 5.29 2.30CO 2.76 •5 6.90 2.6267 3.15 19. 5.26 2.2934 2.75 .6 6.85 2.6172 3.14 -I 5.24 2.2891 2.75 • 7 6.80 2.6076 3-^3 ■- 5 21 2.2825 2.74 .8 6.76 2.60C0 3-'2 .3 5.18 2.2759 2.73 •9 6.71 2 5903 3-I1 -4 5-15 2-2693 2.72 15. 667 2.5826 3-IO -5 513 2.2649 2.72 .1 6.62 2.5729 3-C9 ; .6 5.10 2.25S3 2.71 .3 6.5S 2.5651 3.C8 .7 5.08 2.2538 2.70 •3 6.54 • 2.5573 3.07 .8 5C5 2.2472 2.7c -4 6-49 2.5475 3t-6 |i .9 5 -03 , 2.2427 , 2.69 u TABLE FOR NLMBERING ROVING— Continued. 12 Yds. Hank Square Twist. \ 12 Yds. Hank 1 ^ Square Twist. We^hs Grains. 1.2XSq. Weighs 1.2XSq- Rorii^. Root. Rooi. Grain*. Roving. Root. Root. 20. SCO 2.2360 2.6S 25. 4.00 2.C100C1 2.40 .1 4.98 2.2315 2.68 .1 3.9S '■9949 2-39 .2 4-95 2.2248 2.67 .2 3-97 1.9924 239 -3 4-03 2.2203 2.66 •3 3-95 1.9874 2.38 ~i 4.00 2.2135 2.66 •4 3-94 1.9849 2.38 4S& 2.2090 2.65 •5 392 1.979S 2-37 4.85 2.2022 2.64 .6 ^V J-9773 2-37 .- 4-S3 2.1977 2.64 -7 3.89 1.9723 237 .8 4.81 2.1931 2.63 .8 3.88 1.9697 236 -9 4-78 2.1863 2.62 ■9 3.86 1.9646 2.36 21. 4-76 2.1817 2.62 26. 3.85 1. 962 1 2-35 .1 4-74 2.1771 2.6i .1 3-83 1.9570 235 .2 4.72 2.1725 2.61 .2 3.S2 1-9544 2.34 ■3 4.69 2.1656 2.60 •3 3.80 1-9493 2.34 -4 4.67 2.1610 2-59 -4 3-79 1.9467 2-33 -5 4-6> 2.1563 2-59 -5 3-77 1.9416 2-33 .6 463 2.1517 2.5S .6 3.76 I 9390 233 -7 4-61 2.1470 2.58 ■/ 3-75 1.9364 2.32 J& 4-59 2.1424 2-57 .8 3-73 i-93>3 232 ■9 4-57 21377 2.56 -9 3-72 1.9287 2.31 22. 4-55 2.1330 2.56 27. 370 1.9235 2.31 .1 452 2.1260 2-55 .1 3-69 1.9209 2.30 _2 4.50 2.1213 2-54 _2 3.6S 1.9183 2.30 -3 4-4S 2.1166 2-54 ■3 3.66 1.9131 2.30 -4 1 4-46 2.111S 2-53 .4 3-65 1.9104 2.29 -5 4-44 2.1071 2-53 .5 3-64 1.9078 2.29 .6 4.42 2.1023 2-52 .•:. 3.62 1.9026 2.28 -7 4.41 2.1000 2-52 3.6. 1.9000 2.28 .8 4-39 2.0952 2.51 .S 3-6? 1.8973 2.28 -9 ' 4-37 2.0904 2.51 .Q 3-5S 1.892c 2.27 23. 4-35 2.0856 2.50 28. 3-57 1-8894 2.27 .1 4-33 2.080S 2.50 .1 356 1.886- 2.26 .2 4-3 « 2.0760 2.49 .2 3-55 1.S841 2.26 -3 4.29 2.0712 2-49 •3 3-53 1.8788 2.25 ■4 4.27 2.0663 2.4S 4 3-52 1.8761 2.25 ■5 4-26 2.0639 2.4S •> 3-5' 1-8734 2.25 .6 4.24 2.0591 2-47 .6 3-50 1.8708 2 24 -7 4.22 2.0542 2.46 •7 3-49 1.8681 2 24 .8 4.20 2.0493 2.46 .8 3-47 1.S627 2.23 -9 4.18 2.0445 2.45 .0 346 1.S601 2.23 24. 4-17 2.0420 2-45 29. 345 1.8574 2.23 .1 4 '5 2.0371 2-44 .1 3-44 1.8547 2.22 .2 4 13 2.0322 2-44 .2 i-42 1.8493 2.22 •3 4 12 2.0297 2-43 •3 3-41 1.8466 2.21 -4 4-10 2.024S 2-43 4 3-40 1.8439 2.21 5 4.0S 2.0199 2.42 -5 3-39 1.8411 2.21 .6 4-07 2.0174 2-42 .6 3-38 1.8384 2.20 ■7 4-05 2.0124 2.41 •7 3-37 1-8357 2. 20 .8 4.03 2.0074 2.41 .8 3-36 1.S330 2.20 ■9 4.02 2.0049 2.40 •^ i 3-34 1.S275 2.19 TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING— Continued. 12 Yds. Twist, 12 Yds. Twist j Hank Square Hank Square Weighs 1.2 XSq. Weighs 1.2 XSq. Grains. Roving. Root. Root. Grains. Roving. Root. Root. 30. 3-33 1.8248 2.19 35. 2.86 1.6911 — t 2.03 .1 3-32 1.8220 2.19 .1 2.85 I. 6881 2.03 .2 3-31 1-8193 2.18 .2 2.84 1.6852 2.02 •3 3-3° 1.8165 2.18 -3 2.83 1.6822 2.02 ■4 3-29 1.8138 2.18 •4 2.82 1.6792 2.01 •5 3.28 1.8110 2.17 -5 2.82 1.6792 2.01 .6 3-27 1.8083 2.17 .(. 2.81 1.6763 2.01 ■7 3.26 1.8055 2.17 ■7 2.80 1-6733 2.01 .8 3-25 1.8027 2.16 .8 2-79 1.6703 2.00 •9 3-24 1 .8000 2.16 -9 2-79 1.6703 2.00 31. 3-23 1.7972 2.16 36. 2.78 1.6678 2.00 .1 3.22 1.7944 2.15 .1 2-77 1.6643 2.00 .2 3-21 1. 7916 2-15 .2 2.76 1. 6613 1.99 •3 3-19 1.7860 2.14 •3 2-75 1.6583 1.99 •4 3.18 1.7832 2.14 •4 2-75 1.6583 1.99 •5 3-17 1.7804 2.14 -5 2-74 1-6552 1.99 .6 3-16 1.7776 2.13 .6 2-73 1.6522 1.98 •7 3-15 1.7748 2.13 •7 2.72 1.6492 1.98 .8 3-14 1.7720 2.13 .8 2.72 1.6492 1.98 •9 3-13 1. 7691 2.12 •9 2.71 1.6462 1.97 32. 3-12 1.7663 2.12 37. 2.70 1. 643 1 1.97 .1 3-12 1,7663 2.12 .1 2.70 1-6431 1.97 .2 3." 1-7635 2.12 .2 2.69 1. 6401 1.97 •3 3.10 1.7606 2. II -3 2.68 1.6370 1.96 •4 3-09 1.7578 2. II ■4 2.67 1.6340 1.96 •5 3.08 1-7549 2. II -5 2.67 1.6340 1.96 .6 3.07 I. 7521 2.10 .6 2.66 1.6309 1.96 •7 3.06 1.7492 2.10 -7 2.65 1.6278 1-95 .8 3.05 1.7464 2.10 .8 2.65 1.6278 1-95 •9 3.04 1-7435 2.09 •9 2.64 1.6248 1-95 33. 3.03 1.7406 2.09 38. 2.63 1. 6217 1-95 .1 3.02 1-7378 2.09 .1 2.62 1.6186 1.94 .2 3.01 '-7349 2.08 .2 2.62 1. 6186 1.94 ■3 3.00 1.7320 2.08 -3 2.61 1-6155 1.94 •4 2.99 I. 7291 2.07 •4 2.60 1. 6 1 24 1-93 •5 2.99 I. 7291 2.07 -5 2.60 I. 6124 '-93 .6 2.98 1.7262 2.07 .6 2.59 1.6093 '•93 •7 2.97 1-7233 2.07 -7 2.58 1.6062 1-93 .8 2.96 1.7204 2.06 .8 2.58 1.6062 1-93 •9 2.95 1-7175 2.06 ■9 2-57 1. 603 1 1.92 34. 2.94 I. 7146 2.06 39. 2.56 1.6000 1.92 .1 2.93 1. 7117 2.05 .1 2.56 1.6000 1.92 .2 2.92 1.7088 2.05 .2 2.55 1.5968 1.92 •3 2.92 r.7088 2.05 -3 2.54 1-5937 1. 91 •4 2.91 1.7058 2.05 •4 2-54 1-5937 1. 91 •S 2.90 1.7029 2.04 -5 2.53 1-5905 1. 91 .6 2.89 1.7000 2.04 .6 2-53 1-5905 1. 91 ■7 2.88 1.6970 2.04 -7 2.52 1.5874 1.90 .8 2.87 1. 694 1 2.03 .8 2-51 1.5842 1.90 •9 2.87 I. 694 I 2.03 ■9 2-51 1.5842 1.90 V TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING— Continued. r- 12 Yds. ! Weighs Grains. Hank ! Square Twist, I 2XSq. 12 Yds. Weighs Hank ! 1 Square Twist, 1.2XSq. Roving. Root. Root. Grains. Roving. Roct. Root. 40. 2.50 1.5811 ' 1.90 50. 2 00 1.4142 1.70 . 2 249 1-5779 1.89 -> '-99 1 4106 I 70 4 248 ; 1.5748 1.89 •4 '•9! 1 I 4071 1.69 .6 2.46 1.56S4 1.88 .6 1.98 1 4071 1.69 .S 2-45 1.5652 1.88 .8 1-97 1 4035 1. 68 41. 2 44 1.5620 ' .87 51. I 96 I 4000 1.68 2 2-43 J-55"=8 : ..87 1 .2 1.55 1 3964 1.68 •4 2.42 '■=;556 1.87 i -4 1-95 1.3964 1 6S .6 2. 40 1. 5491 i.e6 < .6 1.94 1 1.3928 1.67 .S 2-59 1-5459 1.J6 ' =V^ I 93 ! 1.3892 1.67 42. 2.38 1.5427 1.85 ' 52. 1.92 1.3856 I 66 .2 237 1-5394 ,.85 .2 1.92 1.3856 1.C6 •4 2.36 1-5362 1.84 ■4 1.91 1.3S20 1.66 .6 2-35 1.5329 1.84 i 1 I 90 1 1-37^4 I 65 .S 2.34 1.5297 1.84 .8 1 I 89 '-3747 1.65 43. 2-33 1.5264 ..83 53. I 89 1-3747 I 65 .2 2 31 1.5198 1.82 .2 I 88 i-37'i i.rs ■4 2.30 1.5165 1.82 -4 1.87 1-3674 1.64 .6 2.29 1.5132 1.82 .6 1.87 1-3674 1.64 .S 2. 28 1.5099 I.8I .8 1.86 1.363S 1.64 44. 2.27 1.5066 1. 81 54. 185 1.3601 1.63 .2 2.26 1-5033 1.80 ' .2 185 1.3601 1.63 •4 2.25 1.5C00 1.80 •4 1 84 1-3564 '.63 .6 2.24 I 4966 1.80 i C 1.83 '-3527 1.62 .8 2.23 J -4933 1-79 .8 1.82 I -3490 1.62 45. 2.22 1 .4899 1-79 55. 1.82 1 3490 1.62 .2 2.21 1 .4866 1.78 ' .2 1.81 '3453 1.61 •4 2.20 1.4832 1.78 -4 1.81 '•3453 1.61 6 2.19 1 .4798 1.78 ; .t» 1.80 1.3416 1.61 .8 2.18 1.4764 1-77 1 .8 1-79 1 3379 1.61 46. 2.17 I 4730 1-77 ! 56. 1-79 '•337^ 1.61 .2 2.16 I 4696 1.76 1 -2 1.78 '•3341 1.60 •4 2.16 1 .4696 1.76 •4 I 77 1-3304 1.60 .6 2.15 1.4662 1.76 .0 1-77 '-33C4 1.60 .8 2.14 I 4628 1.76 .S 1.76 1.3266 «-59 47. 2-13 I 4594 1-75 57. I 75 1.3228 '59 .2 2.12 1.4360 '•75 ■ - '■75 '•3228 '•59 ■4 211 1.4525 1.74 ■ 4 1-74 1.3190 1.58 .6 2.10 1.4491 1.74 .6 1-74 1.3190 1. 58 .8 2.09 1 .4456 1-73 .8 I 73 1.3152 ' ' 58 48. 2.08 1.4422 '•73 58. I 72 1.3114 '•57 .2 2.07 1 4587 1 '-73 .2 1.72 1.3114 '-57 •4 2.07 1.4J87 ' 1-73 •4 1. 71 1.3076 '-57 .6 2.C6 1.4352 1.72 .6 1.71 1.3076 '-57 .8 2.05 1.4J17 1.72 .8 1.70 1.3038 1.56 49. 2x4 1.4282 1 I-7I 59. 1.69 1.3000 1.56 .2 2 03 1.4247 1-7' .2 ..69 1.3000 1.56 •4 2.C2 1.4212 1. 71 -4 I 68 I. 2961 1.56 .6 2.02 1.4212 1. 71 : .6 1.68 1 1.2961 1.56 .8 2.01 I 4177 1.70 1 -8 1.67 1 1.2922 1-55 ^v TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING— Continued. 12 Yds. T wist. 12 Yds. ' Twist, ,,. . Hank Square Hank S quare Weighs ^ 1.2 XSq. Weighs T ^ iVSq Grains. '^°^'"g- Root. ,, K oot. Grains. Roving. ^OOt. T> . Root. 60. I 67 1.2922 I 55 85. i.iS I 0862 1.30 5 1 I 65 1.2845 I 54 5 1. 17 I 0816 1.30 61 i I 64 1.2806 I 54 [ 86 1. 16 I 0770 [.29 5 I 63 1.2767 I 53 5 1. 16 I 0770 [.29 62 62 1.2727 I 53 87 1. 15 I 0723 [.29 5 I 60 1.2649 I 52 5 1. 14 I 0677 .28 63 1 J 59 I.26C9 I 51 88 1.14 I 0677 .28 5 I 57 1.2529 I 50 5 1-13 ; I 0630 .28 64 ! I 56 1.2489 I 50 89 I-I2 I 0583 •27 5 I 55 1.2449 I 49 5 1. 12 I 05S3 •27 65 54 1.2409 I 40 90 l-ll I 0535 .26 5 I S3 1.2369 I 48 5 I-IO I 0488 .26 66 52 1.2328 I 48 91 I. ID I 0488 .26 5 I 50 1.2247 I 47 5 1. 09 I 0440 •25 67 49 1.2206 I 46 92 1 .09 ; I 0440 •25 5 I 48 I. 2165 I 46 5 i.c8 I 0392 : •25 68 47 I. 2124 I 45 93 T.08 I 0392 .25 5 1 I 46 1.2083 I 45 5 1.07 I 0344 .24 69 45 1 . 204 1 1 44 94 1.06 I 0295 .24 5 I 44 1.2000 I 44 5 i.c6 I 0295 •24 70 43 I. 1958 I 43 95 1-05 ' 0246 •23 5 I 42 I.1916 I 43 5 1.05 I 0246 •23 71 I 41 I. 1874 I 42 96 1 .04 *i 0198 .22 5 I 40 I. 1832 I 42 5 1.C4 I 0198 1 .22 72 3i I. 1789 I 41 i 97 1.03 I 0148 1 .22 5 I 38 I. 1747 I 41 : 5 1.03 I 0148 1 .22 73 37 I. 1704 I 40 98 I 02 I 0099 1 .21 5 I 36 I.1661 I 40 5 I -02 I 0099 I .21 74 35 I.1618 I 39 99 I-OI I OC49 I .21 5 ! I 34 I. 1575 I 39 5 1. 01 I 0049 I .21 75 i I 33 I. 1532 I 38 100 I-OO I 0000 I .20 5 I 32 I. 1489 I 38 101 •99 9949 I .19 76 32 1.1489 I 38 102 ■98 i 9899 I .19 5 1 1 31 1.1445 I 37 103 •97 ' 9848 1 .18 77 I 30 I. 1401 I 37 104 .96 ■ 9797 1 .18 5 I 29 I. 1357 1 I 36 105 •95 9746 I •17 78 i I 28 i.i3>3 I 36 106 •94 9695 1 .16 5 I 27 1. 1 269 I 35 107 •93 . 9643 I .16 79 27 1. 1 269 I 35 108 •93 9643 I .16 5 I 26 I. 1224 I 35 109 .92 1 9591 1 •15 80 t I 25 1.1180 I 34 no ■91 9539 I .14 5 I 24 1.1135 I 34 111 .90 i 9486 .14 81 23 1 . 1 090 I 33 112 .89 9433 1 •'3 5 I 23 I. 1090 I 33 113 .88 9380 I •13 82 22 1.1C45 I 33 114 .88 9380 I ■13 5 I 21 1 . 1 OCO I 32 115 •87 9327 I .12 83 20 1.0954 I 31 116 .86 9273 1 .1 1 5 1 I 20 1.0954 I 31 117 •85 9219 I .11 84 I 19 1 .0908 I 3t 118 •85 9219 .1 1 •5 1 I 18 1 .0862 I 30 119 .84 9165 1 .10 w TABLE FOR NLMBERINQ RON INQ Continued. 12 Yas. ' Hank Square 1 Twist, 12 Yds. ,, , 1 Hank Square Twist, Weighs i.2xSq- 1 Weighs I.2XSq. Grains. Roving. Root. ' Root. ' Grains. ^°^'^"S- 1 Root. Root. 120 •S3 .91 10 1.09 150 67 .8185 .qS 121 •85 .91 10 ' 1.09 1 152 .66 .8124 •97 122 .82 ■9055 1.09 i 154 .65 .S062 •97 123 .81 .9000 1.08 156 64 .800c .96 124 .81 .90CO 1.08 158 i 63 •7937 •95 125 .80 .8944 1.07 160 62 .78 74 •94 126 •79 .8888 1.07 162 j . 62 .7874 •94 127 ■79 .8888 1.07 164 1 61 .7S10 •94 128 •78 .8831 1.06 166 60 •7745 •93 129 •78 •8831 1.06 168 60 •7745 •93 130 •77 .8774 1.05 170 59 .7681 .92 131 .76 •S717 1.05 172 1 58 .7615 •91 132 .76 .S717 1.05 174 57 •7549 •91 133 •75 .S660 I.C4 176 57 •7549 •91 134 •75 .8660 1.04 178 56 •74S3 .90 135 •74 .8602 1.03 180 5*^ •7483 .90 136 •74 .S6c2 1.03 182 55 .7416 .89 137 •73 •S544 1.02 184 54 •7348 .88 138 •7- .S4S5 1.02 186 54 •7348 .88 139 •72 .S4S5 1.02 188 53 .7280 .87 140 •71 .8426 1. 01 190 53 .7280 .87 141 •71 .8426 1. 01 192 52 .7211 .87 142 .70 .S366 1. 00 194 52 .7211 .87 143 .70 .S366 I.CX5 196 51 .7141 .86 144 .69 .8306 1. 00 198 5' .7141 .86 145 .69 .8306 1. 00 200 50 .7071 •85 146 .68 .8246 •99 , 202 50 .7071 .85 147 .68 .8246 •99 1 204 49 .7000 •84 148 .68 .8246 •99 ! 206 49 .7000 .84 149 .67 .8185 .98 208 1 48 .6928 •83 X TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING— Concluded. 12 Yds Hank Square Weighs Cirains. Roving. Root. 210 .48 .6928 212 •47 •6855 214 •47 .6855 216 .46 .6782 218 .46 .6782 220 ■45 .6708 222 •45 .6708 224 •45 .6708 226 •44 •6633 228 •44 •6633 230 ■43 •6557 235 •43 •6557 240 .42 .64S0 245 .41 .6403 250 .40 .6324 255 •39 .6244 260 •38 .6164 265 •38 .6164 270 ■37 .6082 275 •36 .6000 280 .36 .60CO 285 •35 .5916 290 •34 .5830 295 •34 .5830 300 •33 •5744 305 ■a •5744 310 •32 .5656 3!S •32 .5656 320 •31 •5567 330 •30 •5477 Twist, I.2XSq. Root. 12 Yds. Weighs Grains. Hank Roving. 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 775 825 900 1000 .29 .29 .28 •27 .26 .26 •25 .24 .24 •23 •23 .22 .22 .21 .21 .20 .20 .19 .18 •17 •17 .16 •15 •15 .14 .14 •'3 .12 Square Root. 5385 5385 5291 5196 5099 5099 5000 4898 4898 4795 4795 4690 4690 4582 4582 4472 4472 4358 4242 4123 4123 4000 3872 3872 3741 3741 36c 5 3464 3316 3162 Twist, i.2XSq. Root. •65 •65 •63 .62 .61 .61 .60 ■59 •59 •58 •58 .56 •56 •55 •55 •54 •54 •52 •51 •49 •49 .48 .46 .46 •45 •45 •43 .41 .40 •38 X NDEXES have been arranged in the back of this book giving a code or order word for each and every part of the modern pattern Roving Frame manufactured by us. A single word gives us every detail necessary to duplicate any part you wish, for either of the various sizes, and for any hand frame. Use of above described code will save you expense on telegraph orders, and can be applied to mail orders with equal success. PLEASE NOTICE. As you stand in front of your machine facing the spindles, a Right-hand machine has its driving pulley at your right-hand side, a Left-hand at your left side. All small parts which bolt or fasten to the right-hand side of the various large sections of the frame structure as looked upon from the position as stated above are Right-hand pieces; the Left- hand pieces bolt or fasten upon the left-hand side. B ft 03 a ji is o 0) n £ C J3 U QQ C z ■fJ > CD CO ■a V c C3 63 a ■a c a H U. -} h o 2 9i <0, c C8 O. £ u O 9> C IE o « C 0^ OQ c z 4» CA c t «S Ok c I IL U -) o r o 5 c «8 at O. X CO 0) m en c Z (A ■o C 03 CQ a •a c c3 I H U. U o C O '4-1 < •a c D. c £ LL U -] O C O 5 c C3 is o u £ C or 03 z 163 / tl \ 'wm/iAj Hy \ AAlAAjA />>fNf>N\M\M' c a s JS o E O 5 -a i> *^ c at G3 Z 4> > '5 C 03 CS C. c £ UL UJ u O t- C o e a o 4) n 4> s 03 a •a c 03 £ U. u h o r o c/) at Q. c CO C UJ Z j: CO c Qi C8 o CL 52 n 1 i : t HE 77? 51 n ^5ffl tlJ3 u a a JZ c G3 4> n u EU c z > es C 09 JS ■ U. 01 o H r o ••J cs 4> I u •o cm ■a C a •o c IL lU Jl u o r o V <0 14 "2 c a c r 5 X i6 c c ^iil^sa mmmmmmsi ' : -^<>::<>^-^<>^-$g<>><>^^^^^^ C3 c II Li. u -J m QQ c z > E o 4> 17 V £ UJ SO tz Z a > c a •o c Li. UJ J o r o 4> i8 •a c O. c u J3 U c z > C CO a •a c H U. U -] o H O C3 19 c a o 4> C3 z > "bio CIS ZE ^ © •a ■M c CO a ■3 c 1) z > ■a C in c z (A c h a ■a c j: h" o H C O 0) 23 1 1 V. % ' \ Z L-. ) ) L_r_ go 1 ) ^ ! c aa I 0. OJ u O C O ^4 •♦-I c el O. 4> c a: Z 4) 0) ■♦J c cs a ■a c I m E 2 C/5 25 c ^ £ ^ c OQ z J3 > (A e CS c. •a c o H C 2 a_ jfd^ •o S a c II h- UJ J o r 2 a: 0) 27 2S C •4-> U C3 O u £ ^ b o c o £ - CJ ca s n a> £ -M ««- O C^ 03 o IS 3 Z 4> > 29 •a e a [ ©(o> w w 1^ c CO ■^ ^ 5 (A 30 •a c I CO o .i2 <^ ^ c "O c £ U. r o to o JZ u Of SQ C z r7:\ '•J u r-J b£] r^ c OS b o C O y 32 33 ^ ^ C9 a •a c J3 0) r o a: 9t 34 35 I ■f. U C u Di U CO z £ ♦J > [:...:iiiii c & C a H U. U -, r 37 ^ ^^ 6^g^ 4 <:^ 38 •a C 03 C5 a c (J QQ Z > C3 w Ia I c^q a 39 i! £ z n ^ "3 c /^ ^r, z? 1 40 -4-1 c x: c m c z 4> > "So en ?t:^ ^ ■♦J s C4 a •o c LL U -J r o a: 5 ^ 41 i) c eg -y; ■*^ u « £ o c !c o CO IS OQ Z V 4> > "So M eo •a V s 42 T3 C C3 a a z 43 44 45 c es C3 a C Z s: C D. •o C I LL LU -J o 5 46 c tfl b is a> c CO U c z > 'So n a •a e I IL _: O C O <0 ^ 47 ■a C es ;i Lj ! ; 1) ! ! r c c3 a c es h- Ll. C O 5 48 Dimensions of Bolts and Washers Shown on Page 49. >4 1 6. 17- iS. 19. 20. If X -/ u x a I^ X I i+xf ig x# If xl 2i X i U X I ■ ix^ ' X -iV ^ X -i^ i xA A X 4 in. round head bolts, square shank, square nut, f .\ i in " t X I ' " t X ij ' " t X I ' " i X g ' " i X i ' " square head bolts, round shank, square nut, 'g x -^ ^n-i head, J x I in. in. hexagonal head, cap screw, square nut, J x f x § in., head, f x g in. sides rough, in. tap bolt, thread, i in. " set screw. " set screw, head, i; x y^- in. .1 « i. ii 3 .- .3, 11 : I . S X f in. set screw, head, i; .\ -[ V i"- 23. i',j X i in. set screw, head, S x -f^ in. 24. I X ^i; " square head, tap bolts. 25. itx^ 26. 1^x4 i:: -/■ 2S. i^ X milled under head. i>. 1 1 X i^g " set screw, long head, 2f .\ A- in. DIHENSIONS OF BOLTS AND WASHERS Continued. As shown on Opposite Page. No. ^o. A X -,*, " set screw, long head, if x i in. ji- 'i X -,^ " set screw 32. I X Vs " " 33- A X -,'s 34. A X iV " '• " head, i x -,ij- in. -> - 3. Y -'- " " " J3- T X , ,; 36. S X ,'% " ■' •' 37. if X 4^ " square head bolts, square nuts, A x jj in., head, f x i in. 65. + X ,V " set screw. 100. if X f X § in. hole, hexagonal nuts, loi. li X 8 X -^\ " 102. li X -iV X il " '• 103. li X + X i^f " 104. I X iV X L| " ': lOv I X -f,r in. tap Ijolt. 106. # X ^ in. set screw, square head, -{\; in. long. , 107. li^x^- No. 10 washer. 105. 2Jr x 4 in. round head, 1 1',-- x 'ji; in. polished, square shank, g in. long, necked hexagonal nut, i x f in. finished all. 109. 6+ X 1% in. round countersunk head bolt, 2 square nul.s, thread cut 3^ in. 110. I X 1%- in. set screw, square head, A x ,■',;■ in. 111. if X No. 5, K[! in. hole, beveled washer. 1 12. -j"fi X i in. round head Ijolt, square shank, square nut, -y^^ x -,',j- in. 114. A X if in. square nut, -,Vr in. hole. 113. i^ \ -i^,; in. round head, square shank bolt, square nuts. 116. I i X y,j- in. set screw. 117. 3f X "i'^ in. bolt, round head, round under head with s]iiir. 118. i^ X No. 10, S ill. hole, washer. A. A X g X ^ in. nut, -,^g- in. hole. c 0) c z 4> > IL ii ^liiil Qiii 3 (p. zni)])i)i)) 49 z =«- -^ « ^ 3^ -« 2 ~- ~ ' 1 S ^"E ^-S < ^-5 -J! ^-- '-^S '-^:: '- J I^ 1^ ^ f-^ -'^ " ~ -"^ -"' iC PI PI _ ~ '^ — ~^ ~ '';! •3 ?■« ^>i -~ ='i X, i 1. L- " - ^^^^^~--'-' X ^ li I: I: :: 1^: I- Is \: o ^ - o c^ob T^vcT'ii^w ■. ■1 t>n ^ ^ ^. X^, t«, Xt. ^^ li. a i. ^, •- •-' •-- -- •- •- •- o •^"=S =!^^:v-^^^5^ a oe «^x *^-c or «^x — 1» ~f:% -Jn _rt < «-• r^^ -tX -t- ^« CI -i_ ^, 5 z ■ "[j "- "b "o cc "t^ o ""^ ~-r f"^ jr Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR U x 12 FRAME. 56 tooth spindle shah gear in neaa Kc^gicht 154 ~ intermediate gear in head Kopfliant ^ - main shaft gear in head Kop&issen 130 - front roD gear in head Kt^ierig 90 - lifter shaft gear in head Kc^flerche jS " short tiaTeise shaft gear in head Kopfloeer 78 - t<^ cone shaft gear in head Koperkies 73 •- bobbin shaft gear in hoisehead train. Kop^utzes 38 « intermediate " " •" -" Kopfriemen 73 ** sleeve a ^ ^ «^ large hcJe, no hub Kopfischatz 73 - " « ^ « ^ ij*,* hide, with hnb-.-Kesnipian 16 ~ lifter lack pinion long hub Kopetklenr 16 ■* " ■" " short hub Kopeimolen 96 " short traveise shaft Kopfsohle 1 10 " center gear for compoond Kopennont 45 " bevel intiomediate compound gear Kenukus 4 ; " *- end of sleeve, compound gear Koperoker 4 ; main shaft, compound gear. Kcqiooxjde 14 - $ptiaer top shaft gear. Koperpool 35 " bevei spider top shaft gear Kopenroest 76 "^ bevel upri^t ^der shaft gear Koperalaan 16 '" bevd upright spider shaft Keislak 70 " bevd levose shaft gears K<^iersteen 56 -• spider top shaft Ketejo ^ ' - double intermediate cone gear Keten 29 •* bottom cone gear. Kopfthier 38 ~ t cone shaft gear, i^' hazont 19 " top of screw motion quadrant. K<^}g^ 18 " taper gear Ki^messen 17 ** bevd, end of top cone shaft K<^i£arbdt 36 " skip gear, end of npci^t contact shaft ! — Kc^rfartig 30 -' bevd, uplift contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 - horizontal " " Kofrfende iS - - - Kc^geld ^ • ~ bevel and spur combined, contact motion K<^>e]aais 48 " intermediate tension gear. Ko{^>eIbout 40 " upright wind shaft Kop^gdder 32 - cone lack gear, upright wind shaft Kof^ielhaak « •t-t c on a is u o V c is u C oa z > g (0 s ^ c < CO < J= DC Ul u. II u no CT> O «N 0. 4 •o XI l- a <« a ; ** ja oi O XI < Ul (1 a o : r i c o 111 so O^ o 00 o 'So >> 1—41 w Oi X < _^ S ;^ i; :: r S II oc t^» o J ^■ — — « lo > ^ ^ O ^" oi -S P V bU u o -^ < § R ? c ti) ^ w °° z t^30 O 1 o t^^^MiJ^J^M^V^';'^^^^ •a v c O. •o c Xi u. u o r o ■M -4-1 ^i 5^ Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR 10' INTERMEDIATE. Code. 48 tooth spindle shaft gear in head Kopfhaar 1 54 '• intermediate " " " Kowfhant 45 •• main shaft " " " Kopfkohl 130 " front roll " " " Koperig 90 •• lifter shaft '• " " Kopflerche 38 " short traverse shaft gear in head Koprtoser 78 '■ top cone shaft " " " Koperkies 65 " bobbin shaft gear in horsehead train Kopfputz 36 *• intermediate " " " " Kopfsalat 65 •' sleeve " " " " large hole, no hub Kopfschew 65 " " '■ " " " I j''^' hole, with hub Kesurgir 16 " lifter rack pinion, long hub Koperkleur 16 •• " " '* short " Kopermoleii 104 •• short traverse shaft gear Kopfsprung 1 10 " center gear for compound Kopermunt 4; '■ bevel intermediate compound gear Kopemikus 43 •• " end of sleeve for compound Koperoker 4 ; ■• •' main shaft for compound Koperoxjde 14 •■ spider top shaft gear Koperpool 35 " bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest -6 •' " upright spider shaft gear Koperslaan 16 ■• " " " " ■' Koperslak 70 • bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 •• spider top shaft Kopemerk 5 ^ " double intermediate cone gear Koppeling 70 i 38 " bottom cone gear Kopftoenen 46 •' top cone shaft gear, li' hole Kopftuch 46 ' " " " " 1 1' •• Kesurgidas 61 " intermediate twist gear Kopfwurm 1 2 " screw motion gear, square hole Ko{>erzout 18 *• top of screw motion quadrant Kophamers 18 •' taper gear Kopmessen 1 7 " bevel, end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 " skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 " bevel, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 " " horizontal contact shaft Kopfende 18 " '• " " " Kopfgeld o [ " bevel and spur combined, for contact motion Koppelbalk 50 " intermediate tension gear Koppelbord 40 •• upright wind shaft gear Kopfgelder 32 " cone rack gear, upright windshaft Koppelhaak 0) •i-t c c IS z 4> > "So UJ H 10 <: o- a y 2; S g - "- w > < H ^ K 2 ^- nl O <« "* ^ OJ S O ^ It, ci. < -= (3 D z ^ u % ^ o u o •a c a •o B x: h" UJ o f- r o a: 5 CO ■♦J 53 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GE.\RING FOR ^ SLUBBER. CODB. 4S tooth s{Hndle shaft gear in head Kopfhaar 1 48 •• iniennediaie •' •* " Kopfkiemtr 60 - main shaft - ^ *" Kopdacnge 1 30 '• front roll - " " Koperig 94 " lifter shaft "' " " Kopflauch 34 " short traverse shaft gear in head Kopfmohn 75 " top cone - •* " " Koperkies 63 ** bobbin shaft gear in horsefaead train Kopfpntz 4S " on hub of bobbin shaft gear Kopfsaege 4S - intermediate gear in hois^ead train Kopf ringes 35 *■ ** " " " " Kopfriemen 60 ^ sleeve gear in hoisehead train, large hole, no hub Kopfschild 60" "^ -« - « ii\' hole, with hub Kesurgiera 16 " lifter rack pinion long hub Koperkleur 16 " '• *• " short " Koi>ermolen 96 ** short traverse shaft gear Kopfsohle 110 ** center gear for compound Kopermunt 4 ^ - bevel intermediate compound gear. Kopemikus 4 q, " ^ end of sleeve for camponnd Koperoker ^3 •• ** main shaft for compound Koperoxyde 14 " spider top shaft gear. Koperpool 33 « bevd spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 " bevel apright spider shaft ge ir Koperslaan 15 " " *• •* " '- Ko{>erslak 70 " bevd reveise shaft gears Kopeisteen 64 *• spider top shaft Koperwerk 5" \ «- double intermediate cone gears Koppeling 70* 29 " bottom cone gear. Kopfthier 38 " top cone shaft gear, i J * hole Kopfton ■»S •• " "^ ^ " i^' *•* Kesurgido >6 •* intermediate twist gear Kopfwunde I z ~ screw modon gear, square hole Koperrout 1 7 " top of screw motion quadiant Koprerbuch 18 *- taper gear Kopmessen 1 7 •* bevd end of top cone shaft. Kopfarbeit 26 *^ skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopf artig 30 •* bevd, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 •' " horizontal contact shaft Kopfende iS - •« - " •* Kopfgdd ' ^ ! •* bevd and spur combined for contact motion Koppdaars 4S - intermediate tension gear Koppdbout 40 - upright wind shaft. Kopfgelder 3; " cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Kopi>dhaak •o ■ c ti a j: o «^« c is u U QQ IS D Z > a in (^ CI x: u _ 09 •^ O 0 < h o^ •^ Oi ^ O "• [1, i5 . " " " Koperslak 70 " bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 " spider top shaft Kopenverk 5^ \ " double intermediate cone gears Koppeling 70 J 29 " bottom cone gear Kopfthier 46 " top cone shaft gear, i \ " hole Kopftuch .(j .. .. >. " •' i'-y> " Kesurgidas 56 " intermediate twist gear Kopfwunde 12 " screw motion gear, square hole Koperzout 1 8 " top of screw motion quadrant Kopierbuch 18 " taper gear Kopmessen 1 7 " bevel end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 " skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 " bevel, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 " " horizontal contact shaft Kopfende iS " " •• ■ " Kopfgeld bevel and spur combined, for contact motion Koppelbalk intermediate tension gear Koppelbord upright wind shaft Kopfgelder 32 " cone rack gear, ui)right wind shaft Koppelhaak 38 40 e c3 o u O «*■ c is 0) Ui Z u u; H , 10 < ;^ < - Q o - - 1^, a u i> r^oo a. < " ■" "" H -^ F §^- b^ *" ^ O 5 in < 2: s «j fti o z 00 ON O <: * u o K;m^^'^^'^vMte^;\^-i^ C ctS e « I H U. 0] -I h o H C O ■♦J -^ Vj^ — f -I® 1 Ds Pw, 55 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR 8 INTERMEDIATE. CODE. 40 tooth spindle shaft gear in head Kopfhaaren 1 54 '• intermediate Kopfhant 56 " main shaft Kopfkissen 130 " front roll Koperig 80 *' lifter shaft Kopflos 24 •• short traverse shaft gear in head Kopfmuskel 78 •• top cone shaft gear in head Koperkies 56 *• bobbin shaft gear in horsehead train Kopfplatte 40 •• on hub of bobbin shaft gear. Kopfrose 48 •• intermediate gear in horsehead train Kopf ringes •o '• " *' " " " Kopfskegel 56 •• sleeve gear in horsehead train, large hole, no hub Kofseite ■• '• '• •' " •• 1 1%' hole, with hub Kesurgimos 16 •• lifter rack pinion, long hub Koperleur 16 •• •• " " short" Kopermolen 96 •• short traverse shaft gear Kopfsohle no •• center gear for compound Kopermunt 43 •• bevel intermediate compound gear Kopemikus 43 '• " end of sleeve for compound Koperoker 45 " " main shaft for compound Kopero.\yde 14 •• spider top shaft gear Koperpool 35 •■ bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 •* bevel upright spider shaft gear Koperslaan 16 .. ♦• •• '• '• •■ Koperslak 70 " bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 " spider top shaft Koper^verk 5" j " double intermediate cone gears Koppeling 70 ) 29 " bottom cone gear Kopfthier 38 •' top cone shaft gear, i J ' hole Kopfton 38 '• '• •• '* " i|' •• Kesurgido 46 • intermediate twnst gear Kopfwasser 12 • screw motion gear, square hole Koperzout 18 •• top of screw motion quadrant Kopialien 18 ■• taper gear Kopmessen 1 7 •• bevel, end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 • skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 ■■ bevel, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 •• '■ horizontal contact shaft Kopfende 18 •• '* •• '• •■ Kopfgeld „ V •• bevel and spur combined for contact motion Koppelbalk 50 '• intermediate tension gear Koppelbord 40 •• upright wind shaft Kopfgeldcr 29 ■• cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Koppelhout 5 c a ie e is o « U QQ c z u H . in i^ S^ a. < J= W "^ u V - - fti . c '" -t \r\\Q a 4 H ~ K - j= — - CO " Oi t O ^ ifl u- ~ CC 4 o - '■J - - z = 2 X Ul Z » C^ o '1 f^ o 1,1 1 ?- ' X ^" ^^V^VV'j|'j:!^V^mV^I4':^'.y.^y^^^^^ •4-* c a •o e C3 h- -J u o H c O c/1 56 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. >3o So GEARING FOR 8'x3^." ROVING FRAME. Co-. 40 tooth bpindle shaft gear in hea.; Kopfaaarcn 154 - intermediate Kopfhant 56 - main shaft Kopfkissen frontroU Koperig lifter shaft Kopflos 24 " short traverse shaft gear in head Kopfmuskel 78 '• top cone shaft gear in head Koperkies 56 " bobbin shaft gear in horsehead train Kopfplatte 40 " on hub of bobbin shaft gear Kopfrose 48 " intermediate gear in horsehead train Kopf rienges Q ^ w ^ ~ '. •• Kopf skegel 56 " sleeve gear in horsehead train, large hole, no hub Kopf sen e 56 16 104 1 10 •45 45 45 14 35 I ,\ ' hole, with hub Kesurgimos 16 " lifter rack pinion, long hub Koperkleur short - Kopermolen short traverse shaft gear Kopfsprung center gear for compound Kopermunt bevel intermediate compound gear Kopemikus •• end of sleeve for compound Koprroker *- main shaft for compound Koperoxyde spider top shaft gear Koperpoo! bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 '■ bevel upright spider shaft gear Kcperslaan 16 •■ •' •' " " " Koperslak 70 •• bevel reserve shaft gears. Kopersteen 64 •' spider top shaft Kopyerwerk 5" \ - douWe intermediate cone gears Koppeling 70 ) 29 " bottom cone gear Kopfethier 46 •• top cone shaft gear, i j' hole Kopftuch 46 •• " '- •• ■' if •• Kesurgidas 46 •• intermediate twist gear Kopfwasser 12 •' screw motion gear, square hole Koperzout 18 " top of screw motion quadrant Kopialien 18 • taper gear Kopmessen 1 7 ^ bevel, end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 ■' skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 " bevel upright contact shaft Kopflandes 30 " " horizontal contart shaft Kopfende 18 »« " »■ ^ u Kopfgeld '? [ '' bevd and spar comtnned for contact motion Koppelband 50 " intermediate tension gear Kopi>elbord 40 " upright wind shaft Kopfgelder 29 ** cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Koppelhout e CIt a o 4> C Z X 4> i « o z N K < j= II B IE u a. 4) T : o < 0^ -a r1 fO J= — K (/) -M 00 J3 « § Q. tc < j= u. o c e o § ^ z o 00 o o (M n m 2i o O -Kl ^^^^^^^^^^^^ t3 c C3 a •o c I H U. LU -] o H C O -4-1 57 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR y'xSU." ROVING FRAME. Code. 40 tooth spindle shaft gear in head Kopfhaaren ,34 " intermediate Kopfhaher 60 •• mainshaft Kopflaenge ,30 •• front roll ^^°Pe"g 84 •• liftershaft Kopflime 20 ■• short traverse shaft gear in head Kopfnicken 78 •• top cone shaft in head Koperkies 56 •• bobbin shaft gear in horsehead train Kopfplatte 40 •• on hub of bobbin shaft gea: Kopfiose 48 •' intermediate gear in horsehead train Kopfringes ^^, .. .. .. .. .. •• Kopfriemen 60 •• sleeve gear in horsehead train, large hole, no hub Kopfschild ^ .. •• 1 ,2." hole, with hub Kesurgiera 16 " lifter rack pinion, long hub • Koperkleur ,6 i short •• Kopermoleu 96 " short traverse shaft gear Kopfsohle 1 10 •• center gear for compound Kopermount 45 •• bevel, intermediate compound gear Kopernikus ^- •• •• end of sleeve for compound Koperoker ^ - ■• •• main shaft for compound Koperoxyde 14 •• spider topshaft gear Koperpool 35 •• bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 •• bevel, upright spider shaft gear Koperslaan ^ ., ,. .. .1 .. .. Koperslak 70 •• bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 •• spider top shaft Koper^verk 5^ \ •• double intermediate cone gears Koppelmg 34 ■• bottom cone gear Kopfstueck 46 " top cone shaft gear, i i' hole Kopftuch , ., . .1 .. •• T'" •• Kesurgidas 46 * s ,.- r " 46 " intermediate twist gear Koptwasser 12 " screw motion gear, square hoi J Koperzout 1 8 •• top of screw motion quadrant Kopialien 18 •• taper gear Kopmessen 17 " bevel, end of top cui.e shall Kopfarbeit 26 " skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 ■• beveh upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 " bevel horizontal contact shaft Kopfende _ ., .. .. .. Koppelhout bevel and spur combined for contact motion Koppelbalk intermediate tension gear Koppelbord upright wind shaft Kopfgelder cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Koppelhout 38 40 29 ft c a is o c « u C z m M «-i DC n 4 j= •^ 3C u : : E II u Tf W-,0 — ri > 4 fO •n 1- « .^- u S b l« O c 4 Ul 2: c Oi o [li Tt f^ ro ro i O •a C a s I u h o H C o 58 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR 7"x3" ROVING FRAME Code. 40 tooth spindle shaft gear in head Kopfhaaren 134 " intermediate Kopfhalter 60 " main shaft Koptlaenge ,30 " front roll Koperig 84 " lifter shaft Kopflinie 20 " short traverse shaft gear in head Kopfnicken 78 " top cone shaft gear in head Koperkies 56 " bobbin shaft gear in head Kopfplatte 40 " on bobbin shaft gear Kopfrose 48 " intermediate gear in horsehead train Kopfringes g 41 4. i. '• •• '• Kopfriemen 60 " sleeve gear in horsehead train, large hole, no hub Kopfschild ^ « .. " " •' •• 1 ,3g hole, with hub Kesurgiera 16 " lifter rack pinion, long hub Koperkleur ,6 .. short hub Kopermolen 104 " short traverse shaft gear Kopfsprung I ID " center gear for compound Kopermunt 45 " bevel, intermediate compound gear Kopemikus . r " '■ end of sleeve for compound Koperoker 45 " " main shaft for compound Koperoxyde 14 " spider top shaft gear Koperpool 35 " bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 " bevel upright spider shaft gear Koperslaan f ,, ^. .. .. .. •• Koperslak 70 " bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 - spider top shaft Kopenverk 5^ \ " double intermediate cone gears Koppelmg 70 ) 34 " bottom cone gear Kopfstueck 56 " top cone shaft gear. 1 \ " hole Kopftuches f „ I .. j:!" •■ Resurgence 46 " intermediate twist gear Kopfwasser 1 2 " screw motion gear, square hole Koperzout 18 " top of screw motion quadrant Kopialien ,8 " taper gear Kopmessen 17 " bevel end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 " skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 " bevel, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 " " horizontal contact shaft Kopfende ,g » .. .. •■ •• Kopfgeld '° \ " bevel and spur combined for contact motion Koppelband 46 i ' 50 " intermediate tension gear Koppelbord 40 " upright wind shaft Kopfgelder 29 " cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Koppelhout c a Si o ic 4> c 1) 0^ CO c p z •♦J u > en >. a _ -• X .c OS "' o ^ K 2 c u & •O e j: H U. u -J u o O ■4-* 59 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR 6"x 3" FRAME. Code. 40 tooth spindle shaft gear in head Kopfhaaren 134 •• intermediate ' Kopfhalter 60 •• main shaft Kopflaenge 130 •• front roll Koperig 84 •• lifter shaft " " " Kopflinie 20 •' short traverse shaft in head Kopfnicken 78 •' top cone shaft in head Koperkies 56 " bobbin shaft in horsehead train. Kopfplatte 40 •' on hub of bobbin shaft gear Kopfrose 48 '• intermediate gear in horsehead train Kopfringes 38 " '■ " " ■■ ■■ Kopfriemen 60 •• sleeve gear in horsehead train, large hole, no hub Kopfschild 60 •• " '■ " '• " I L^,- " hole, with hub Kesurgiera 16 " lifter rack pinion, long hub Koperkleur 16 •' •• " ■' short " Kopermolen 1 04 •• short traverse shaft gear Kopfsprung 1 10 " center gear for compound Kopermunt 45 •' bevel, intermediate compound gear Kopemikus 45 " " end of sleeve for compound Koperoker 45 " '' main shaft for compound Koperoxyde 1 4 •• spider top shaft gear Koperpool 35 '• bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 •• bevel upright spider shaft gear Koperslaan 16 ■' " " " '■ " Koperslak 70 •• bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 •• spider top shaft Koperwerk 5 I ■• double intermediate cone gears Koppeling 32 ■■ bottom cone gear Kopfstoss 56 '• top cone shaft gear, i\" hole Kopftuches 56 " " " " " ig" ■' Resurgence 46 " intermediate twist gear Kopfwasser 12 '' screw motion gear, square hole. Koperzout iS •• top of screw motion quadrant Kopialien 1 8 •• taper gear Kopnessen 17 ■■ bevel, end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 " skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 " bevel, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 '• " horizontal contact shaft Kopfende I S •• " '' " " Kopfgeld , ' ' bevel and spur combined for contact motion Koppelband 50 " intermediate tension gear Koppelbord 40 '• upright wind shaft Kopfgelder 29 " cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Koppelhout S a is O (U ic o or UJ CD C z 'So Cfl ifl w Ci a. > oo < j: (S It II c rO T ^^ fO -» < -n > 'So tf) 5 C j: fP oo (9 v z z tl< II II *~' ro ^ u^ > 4 'be C/) lit ^ o < u J= u» IS u ; ^ II E III f 1 fO ■>!• bn > S: -D 1- ^ ^ Hi St () u. ^ o rt XI M B c o < JZ D : : u f^ o o V? 7 u^\0 tx o u •a a> ■*-• c CO a •o c U. UJ -] o C O CS 62 Code or order word for gearing shown on opposite page. GEARING FOR 4'.' x 2^.' FRAME. COUE. 40 tooth spindle shaft gear in head Kopfhaaren 134 " intermediate - " ' Kopfhalter 60 " main shaft Kopflaenge 130 " front roll Koperig 94 " lifter shaft Kopflanch 1 2 " short traverse shaft in head Kopfpfuelil 75 " top cone shaft gear in head Koperkies 56 " bobbin shaft gear in horsehead train Kopfplatte 40 " on hub of bobbin shaft gear Kopfrose 48 " intermediate gear in horsehead train Kopfringes ^8 " " '• " '• " Kopfriemen 60 " sleeve gear in horsehead train, large hole, no hub Kopfschild 60 " " •' " " " i-i'V" hole, w-ith hub Kesurgiera 16 " lifter rack pinion, long hub Koperkleur 16 " " ' " short " Kopermolen 104 " short traverse shaft gear Kopfsprung no " center gear for compound Kopermunt 45 " bevel, intermediate compound gear Kopemikus 45 " " end of sleeve for compound Koperoker 45 " " main shaft for compound Koperoxyde 1 4 " spider top shaft gear Koperpool 35 " bevel spider top shaft gear Koperroest 76 " bevel upright spider shaft gear Koperslaan 16 " " '• " " " Koperslak 70 " bevel reverse shaft gears Kopersteen 64 " spider top shaft Kopervverk 5 i " double intermediate cone gears Koppeling 70 ) 36 " bottom cone gear Kopfsteuer 64 " top cone shaft gear, ij" hole Kopfuebung 6^ " .1 H It < ,|/r i> Kesupply 38 " intermediate twist gear Kopfunter 1 2 " screw motion gear, square hole Koperzout 1 8 " top of screw motion quadrant Kopialien iS " taper gear Kopmessen 1 7 " bevel, end of top cone shaft Kopfarbeit 26 " skip gear, end of upright contact shaft Kopfartig 30 " bevel, upright contact shaft Kopfbandes 30 " " horizontal contact shaft Kopfende 18 " " " " " Kopfgeld '? I " bevel and spur combined for contact motion Koppelband 50 " intermediate tension gear Koppelbord 40 " upright wind shaft Kopfgelder 29 " cone rack gear, upright wind shaft Koppelhout •a c & is c u CD z V •M > M 5 *^ C 5 ^ < J= T ■* Ul K O^ v E 11 c ID r> CO Tt N .^ < ^ T3 K ■* j= Oi ^ P " tt. J3 (0 P ^ < ^ z ° (9 <: -t Z o It] vO o w ■♦J c o. •o c ■ H LL U -I O r o »0 TJe LIE 63 — t. f. < ^ < " z % < < a: ^^L "^^ < - - - "3 — :x ^ X u. e < ^ z z ID < o < — Jl. u (3U ?/. 9£ U ~ " 112 2 in SS a 64 \^fli..:^ >- '>- 1 I El I 1 i n Numerical Index and Order Code. 3 Arm for builder or screw motion, s' ^'*~'- Coi.n Pa(,e I Arrangement for belting below floor, ring 14" to 16" Koppeljagd 15 " " *■ 16" to 18" Koppeln 13 ~ " " " " '■ arm 5". 6", 7", 8" Koppelriem 15 ■' 9". 10" Koppelseil 15 1 1 ". 1 2 " Koppelst 1 5 6", right Koppelstuk 37 7", 11", 12". right Koppelzug 37 ^" " Koppiger 37 9"' 10" •• Kopplung 37 5", 6" left Kopratas 37 7", II ", \z" left Kopsnepper 37 8" " Kopstempel 37 9 "• 10" '■ Kopsters 37 4 Arm for horsehead, 1 1 ", 12", long Kopstuk 34 11", 12 ". short, right Kopstukken 34 II", 12", " left Kopten 34 10", long Kopulation 34 10". short, right Kopulieren 34 K^". " left Koraalboek 34 8", 9", long, right Koraalboom 34 8", 9", " left Koraalmos 34 9", short, right Koraalnet 34 9". " left Koraalrif 6", 7 ", long, right Koraalrood 6", 7", " left Koraalwerk 6", 7", 8", short, right Koraalzaad 6", 7", 8", " left Koraalzout 1 2 Back board stand Korahite 13 Back roll stand, wood roll Koralbe 14 Back saddle Korallholz 1 5 Back stirrup Korallroth 16 Balance wheel, i4"xii" Koranda 14 X- Korbarbeit I4"x24-" Korbdeckel '4 ^3 Korbfeige i6''xiA" Korbhenkel i6"x2" Korbholz i6"x24^" Korbkiste '" ^3 Korbmacher NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. ^Q CoiJE. Page 16 Balance wheel. i8"xU" Korbmass " " i8''x2" Korbmobel •' I S ''x24^ " Korbi ebe •' " 18 "x3 " Korbsessel 2o"xii"- Korbstange " " 20 "x2" Korbstich " •' 2o"x2|" Korbstuhl •' " 20 "xj" Korbwelle 17 Ball for shipper rod Korbweige 13 18 Roller beam Korkat 40 IQ " " Korduan 40 20 " " Korenaar 40 21 " •• Korenbaard 40 22 •' " Korenbloem 40 23 " " Korengarf 40 24 " " Korengras 40 25 " " Korenhalm 40 26 Top back shaft bearing, at foot Korenhoop 27 27 " " " " middle Korenhuis 27 28 Front roll plate bearing Korenkever 30 29 End bearing for middle roll Korenmeter 21 30 Bearing, foot end of rack shaft, 5", 6", 7", 8" Korenmot 30 " " " " " 9", 10", 11", 12". Korenoogst 30 spindle shaft Korenroos 29 for bobbin shaft in bonnet Korenschip 30 " " " " " Korentang 30 for main shaft, outside Korenveld 30 " " " inside Korenvink 30 for bottom cone Korenvlam 38 37 Cone belt guide, i^" belt Korenvloot " " " 2 " " Korenwan " '• " 2^" " Kerenworm " " " 2^^" " Korcn/ak 38 Cone belt guide, 5", 6", 7" Korenzeef " " " 8" Koressos " " " 9", 10" Korfdrager " " " 1 1 ", 1 2 " Korfjes 39 Cone belt guide, i i" belt. Korfmakers " " " 2" " Korftabak " " " 2^" " Korhaan " " " 2^" " Koriander 40 Belt ring, i " belt Korkartig 1 5 " " 1 4^" " Koikbaum 15 " " 2" " Korkeiche 1 5 " " 2^" " Korken 15 NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. No. Code. Page. 40 Belt ring, 3 " bell Korkfabric i 5 41 Bobbin rail gear bonnet, 5", 6", 7*, S" Korkkugel 34 " " " " (;", 10" Korkmesser 34 " " " " 1 1 ", 1 2 " Korkpresse 34 42 Bobbin rail slide Korksaeure 39 43 Bobbin shaft gear Korksohle 6 44 Bobbin shaft gear Korkspund 6 45 Bobbin shaft coupling gear Korkstueck 5 46 Bobbin shaft coupling gear Korktafel 5 47 Bobbin shaft split gear Korkud 9 48 Bobbin shaft split geai Korkulme 9 49 Bobbin gear for 4^" jack Korkyra 50 Bobbin gear for 5" jack Korkzieher 51 Bobbin gear for 6" and 7" roving frame Kornacker 52 Bobbin gear for 8" roving frame Kornalline 53 Bobbin gear for 9" frame Kornart 54 Bobbin gear for 10" franii. Kornarten 55 Bobbin gear for 1 1 " frani' Kornban 56 Bobbin gear for 1 2 " frame Kornbanes 57 Bolster rail Kornbeere 29 58 Bolster rail guards, 6", 7", 8" Kornblume 25 " " " 9" and 10", right Kornboden 25 " 9" and 10", left Kataxand 25 " " •' 1 1 " and 12", right Kornboerse 25 " II " and 1 2 ", left Ketjamos 25 59 Bolster rail guards, 6", 7", S", right Kornbrand 25 6", 7", 8", left Ketaxat 25 " •' " 9" and 10", right Kornelbaum 25 9" and 10", left Keteget 25 '■ " " II " and 12", right Kornellen 25 " II " and 1 2 ", left Ketein 25 60 ISolster rail guards, 5", 6", 7", 8" Kornernte 25 " " " 9" and 10" Kornetmuts 25 " " " 10" and 12" Kornetton 25 61 Bolster rail coupling Kornfaenle 29 62 Hook bolster, 5 ", rigid Kornfeld 29 " " 6" " Kornf elder 29 " 7 " " Kornfliege 29 " 8 " " Kornflucht 29 " 9 " " Korngesetz 29 " 10" " Kornhammer 29 " 11" " Kornhoefen 29 " 12" " Kornhof 29 " 5", not rigitl Kornhuegel 29 " 6" " " Kornis 29 NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. j^-,, Code. Page. 62 Hook bolster, 7", not rigid Komissen 29 " S" " '■ Kornjahr 2g " g" " " Kornjahres 29 " 10' " " Kornkrebs 29 " 11" " " Komland 29 " \ 2" •' •• Kornlandes 29 63 Draft gear IxDiinet, riglit Kornmade 26 " " '• left Katejad 26 64 Draft gear bonnet, bolt Kornmangel 26 65 Bottom part of spider, 5", 6", 7" Kornmarkt 23 " " ■' " S". 9". 10" Kornmass 23 " " " " 1 1 ", 1 2 " Kornmasses 23 66 Bottom part of swing lever Kornminze 22 67 Bearing for spindle shaft, head end Kornmohn 30 68 Bolster rail bonnet cover, 5". 6", 7", 8", 9". 10" Kernmothe 43 " '• " " II " and 12" Kornmuehle 69 Builder or screw motion, 4^ ", right hand Kornmulde 37 " " " " 4!", left " Kornmutter 37 " " " " 5", right " Kornelke 37 ^ ", left " Kornpacht 37 6", right " Kornpflege 37 6", left " Kornprobe 37 " " " " 7 ", right " Kompuher 37 " " 7", left " Komraden 37 ' 8". right " Kornratte 37 8". left " Kornreich 37 ' 9", right " Komrolle 37 ' 9", left '• Kornrosen 37 ' 10", right " Komsaat 37 ' I o", left " Kornsaaten 37 " II ", right " • • Kornsack 37 IT*, left " Korsackes 37 " '• " " 12", rit;ht " Kornschau 37 " " '• " 12 ". left •• Kornsichel 37 70 Builder quadrant stand. 6". right hand Kornsieb 37 •' " " 6", left •• Kornsiebes 37 " " " 10", right •' Kornsperre 37 " " " 10", left •• Kornsporn 37 " " " 12 ", right " Kornschan 37 " " '• 12", left " Koinuiten 37 71 Builder quadrant, all sizes, right hand Kornut 37 •• •' left •• Kornoogel 37 72 Chain. j\i". short Kornwage 28 4^', long Kornwege 28 " 5", short Kornwedel 28 NUHERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. -^"- Code. Page. 72 Chain, 5". long Kornwicke 28 6". short Kornwolf 28 6", long Kornwolfes 28 7 ", short Kornzahn 28 7", long Kornzapfen 28 8 \ short Kornzins 28 8", long... Komzinses 28 9"- short Kornzoll 28 9'. long KomzoUes 28 10". short Koronea 28 10''. long Koroniden 28 1 1 ". short Koropedion 28 1 1 ^ long Koroniden 28 1 2 ", short Korpsgeist 28 I - % long Korrel 28 73 Chain pulley for brace rod Korrigan 27 74 Chain wheel pulley and stud for slubber Korrupt 2S 75 " " '• int. and fine frames Korsetten 28 76 " " '' " " " all sizes frame Korsofahrt 28 77 " " '■ " " " racks on all frames Korstgebak 28 78 Brace rod for 4" space frame Korstiger 27 " 44" " '■ " Kortachtig 27 '' 4^ '■ '' Kortademig 27 5 '■ " Kortaf 27 " si' ■' " Kortarmig 27 " 5i '■ ■' Kortbeen 27 o" •' '' Kortbeenig 27 " '•6^" " " Kotbekken 27 7 " '■ Kortbondig 27 " "i ' ■' ■' Kortegaard 27 '^ '■ " Kortelas 27 " ^i '■ " Kortelings 27 9 " " Korthalzig 27 " 9i " " Kortharig 27 ■' " 9}" " " Kortheid 27 " "10" " " Kortholdt 27 79 Chain stand slubber Korthincr 28 " fine frame Kortingen 28 80 Chain hook Kortkist 28 81 Clearer cover steel, middle head, 4" space Kotkcsten 44" ■' Kortmes 4i " " Kortmessen 5 " " Kortom 5* " " Kortoor si" " Kortoorde NUHERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. Xo. (."ode. I'ACiB 8i Clearer cover steel, middle head, 6' space Kortstaart " '• " " " 6i" " Kortvoer " " " " " 7" " Kortvoetig " " " 7^" " Kortneg " " " " " 8" " Kortwiek " " " " " iSi" " Kortwieken '■ " " " " 9" " Koruiid " " " " " gi " " Korvethric " " " " " 9I" •' Korybanten " " " " " 10" " Kosaken " " '• foot end head, 4" space Kosen " " " " " " 4J" " Kosest " " " " " " 4A" " Kosewort " " " '' " " 5" " Koslaniiza " " " " " " 5^" " Kosnias " " " " " " 5 V' " Kosmetisch " " " " " " 6" " Kossaeer " " " " " " 6.\ " " Kossynier " " " " " " 7 " " Kostbar '• " " " " " ji" " Kostbarer '• " " " " " 8" " Kosteloos " " " " " " 8^" " Kostenbos Kosteis Kostfraw Kostfrawen " " " " '• " 10" " Kostganger " " " head end head, 4" space Kostgeber " " " " " " 4^" " Kostgeld " " " " " " 4^-" " Kosthaus " " " ■' " " 5" " Kosthauses " " " " " " ^-^" " Kostherr " " " " " " 6" " Kosherren «' " " " •' " 6^" " Kosthiiizen '» " •' » " " 7" " Kosstjnrter " " " " •' " 7^" " Kostkind " " " " " " 8" " Kostkinder " " " " " 8i" " Kostschip " " " " " " 9" " Kostschool " " " " " " 9^" " Kostschule " " " " " " 9J" " Kostumes " " " " " " 10" " Kotboddin 82 Hank clock slubber Koteka fine and int Koteletten 83 C:oIlar for brace rod Koterde 84 Compound sleeve without gear, 7" long Koterende 35 9 9f" 12 NUHERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. Ni). Code. Page. S4 Conipouiid .sleeve without gear, 8" long Kothabzug 35 " g'' " Kothartig 35 " " " 10" ■• Kothbad 35 " " n " •' Kothball 35 " " " 12" " Kothfliege 35 " " " i4" •• Ketellies 35 85 Compound gear cover, large hole Kothgrube 35 86 Compound gear cover, small hole Kothof 35 87 Cone frame Kothofes 38 88 Cone lifter stand, right hand Kothig 36 " " " left " Kothiger 36 89 Cone lifter shaft Kothkarren 36 90 Cone lifter crank Kotenecht 36 91 Cone lifter short arm Kothlache 36 92 Cone lifter arm pin Kothlawine 36 93 Cone lifter ratchet, right hand Kothrinde 36 " " " left " Kothurn 36 94 Cone lifter bevel gear Kothoulkan 36 95 Cone lifter crank shaft, right hand Kothwetter 36 " " left " Kotje 36 96 Cone lifter long arm, 6" frame Kottyphos 36 " " " " 8" " Koubeitel 36 " " " " 10" " Koudaclitig 36 " •• ■' "II " and I 2 " frame Koudbros 36 97 Swing stand arm screw Koudegaad 45 98 Cone catch, right hand Koudemeter 27 " " left " Koudestof 27 99 Cone ratchet Koudjes 27 100 Cone shaft collar Koudslager 27 10; Cone rack " Koudsmeden 32 102 Cone rack knock off, old pattern Koudvur 32 103 Cone rack knock off, new pattern Koudzneet 32 104 Cone rack guide for rod Koukarien ;i2 105 Cone rack slide Koukeum 32 106 Contact eccentric Koulbac 20 107 Contact eccentric slide Kouler 20 loS Contact step bracket Koulougli 20 loy Contact lever Koumiss 20 I ID Contact lever weight, 4^", 5", 6", 7" frame Koupara 22 " " 8" frame Koupholite 22 " " " 9" and 10" frame Kourakin 22 " " " II " and 12" " Kourgan I I I Contact spring stand, straight Kourilien 42 I I 2 Contact spring stand, twisted, right hand Kourko 42 " " " " left " Ketemblada 42 NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. No. Code. Pace. 45 20 Contact lever stud Kouseband 1 1 4 Contact spring Kose\ orni 42 1 15 Contact shaft, 4^", 5", 6", 7" frames Kousso 20 " S " frames Kousvormig 20 " " 9" and 10" framts Kouterhout 20 "II " and 12" " Koutsters 20 16 Contact dog for slubber and int. frames Kozel 37 16 Contact dog for fine frames Kraag 37 1 7 Quadrants for rack shaft, 4^", 5". 0", 7", S" Kraaghop ^^ iS Quadrants for rack shaft, 9" and 10" Kraagjas t,^ 1 9 (Quadrants for rack shaft, 1 1 " and 12" Kraagman }^ 20 Coupling for rack shaft Kraagmerel 1 3 2 1 Coupling for shipper rod Kraagsteen 1 3 22 Coupling gear for spindle shaft, 9" and 10" frame Kraaidoorn S 23 Coupling gear for spindle shaft, 1 1 '' and 12" frame Kraakbeen S 24 Coupling gear for spindle shaft, 4^", 5", 6", 7", S" frame Kraakwater S 25 Coupling for step rail Kraalboom 29 26 Coupling for wood creel bar Kraalrand 1 4 27 Creel stand, left hand frame, head > 7- 1 . ' ,, iL ■ \.^ ,, .. £ . Kraambed \x " " nght " " foot J -^ 12S Creel stand, right hand for head fiddles. 4^", 5", 6", 7", 8" frames Kraambier 1 3 Creel stand, left hand for head fiddles, 4^", 5", 6", 7", S" frames Kraamgoed 1 3 129 Creel stand, right hand for head fiddles Kraamheer 13 " " left " " •' " Kraamkameri3 130 Creel stand, right hand for foot fiddles Kraamkind 13 " " left " " " " Kraamsters 13 131 Creel stand, right hand for foot fiddles, 4^", 5", 6^ 7", 8" frames Kraamstrel 1 3 Creel stand, left hand for foot fiddles, 4+", 5". 6", 7", S" frames Kraamworen 1 3 132 Creel stand, right hand frame, head Kraanbalk 13 " " left " " foot Kraanbek 1 3 133 Creel fingers. No. 4 at top, 4^", 5", 6", 7", 8" frames Kraanbus 14 " " " " " " 9" and 10" frames Kraangeld 14 134 Creel fingers. No. 3, 4^", 5", 6", 7", 8" frames Kraanhals 14 " " " " 9" and 10" frames Kraanoog 14 135 Creel fingers. No. 2, 4*", 5", 6", 7", 8" frames Kraantjes 14 " " " " 9" and 10" frames Kraanvogel 14 136 Creel fingers. No. i at bottom, 4^", 5", 6", 7", 8* frames Kroanzaag 14 " " " "" •' 9" and I c" frames Kraanzomer 14 137 Creel post collar Krabachtig 14 138 Creel post ring Krabat 14 NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. No. 139 140 Door in h 141 14^ «43 144 145 146 147 148 149 15' '53 Code. P.\< Door in head end. top panel, 44-", 5", 6", 7", right Krabbe " " •' 4^", 5", 6", 7", left ". Krabbekat " " •' 8", right Krabbeling " " " 8 ", left Krabbeln " '• '' 9" and id", right Krabice •' " 9" and 10". left Krablite " " " 11" and 1 2 ". right Krabschuit '• 11' and 1 2 ", left Krabsel iad end. large panel, ^i", 5', 6', 7', right Krabspin 4^", 5*. 6". 7', left Krabsters '' " '• 8". right Krabvomiig 8", left Krachbaum 9" and 10". right Krachgans " " " 9* and 10', left Krachmost 11' and "12. right Krachnen " " " 11" and I J ', left Krachsauer Doorin head end. small panel. 4J', 5". 6", j", right Krachten 4',". 5', 6". 7", left Krachtiger 8 ". right Krachtvol " " 8', left Krachweide " " " 9' and 10', right Kraechzen " " '• 9" and 10". left Kraechzet " " " 1 1 ' and 1 2 ', right Kraefte " 1 1 " and 12'. left Kraeftig Door knees for head end. straight Kraeftigen Draft gear stand, front Kraehentod back Kraehenzud " studs Kraemchen " " bonnet knob Kraemerin " pipe box Kraempe End bearing for back roll Kraempeln Finger for safety stop motion. 4^". 5". 6". 7". 8" Kraeukende " " " " 9" and 10" Kraenker " " " " " 11' and 1 2" Kraenklicch Bracket bearing, safety stop motion, right hand Kraenkung '• " " '• left hand Kraenzchen Finger for safety stop motion Kraenzen Safety stop motion shaft, 4^', 5". 6". 7' Kraenzler " " 8' Kraetze " " 9" and 10" Kraetzheil " '• " 1 1 " and "12" Kraetzig Finger lever for safety stop motion. 4^^". 5". 6*. 7' Kraenseln '• " " '• •• •■ 8" Kraenselst '• " " '• " '• 9' and 10' Kraftbrot " " " " " 1 1 *, 1 2 * Kraf tgrist NUHERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Conlinued. Xo. Code. Pace. • 54 Foot end. 4^'. 5'. 6% 7' Kraftgenie 16 - S' Krafibase 16 " 9 '' and 10' KiafUebre 16 -ii'andis' Kraftlos 16 155 Step rail guard, foot end, left hand, 4^', 5', 6", 7*, 8' Kraftloser 25 •' " ** " " right - 4+', 5*, 6*. 7», 8' Kraftmalz 156 ----- left " 9' and 10' Kraftmann 156 - •• *- .. - right «. gT 2„j ,Q» Kraftmehl " •* '• " ■* left " 11' and 12' Kraftmilch '--'•'**' rigjit " Ii'andi2' Kraftnass 1 57 Front saddle, for solid rt^ Kraftprobe 22 •* - « shell - Kraftqudl 22 15S Front stirrap Kiaftrede 22 159 Spindle gear, 4^', 5», 6', 7" and S" frames Kiaftrdch 11 160 *• " 9 *" and 10" frames Krafisaft 11 161 - - 11' and 12' " Krafstuhl 11 162 - sh^'t gear, 41", 5*, 6', 7*, S* frames Kraftsappe 7 163 " " « II* and 12' frames KraftvoU 7 •64 " - 9' and 10' " Kraftwort 7 165 - - - split, 4i'. 5'', 6', 7*, S' frames Kragen 10 166 - - •• •* II ' and 1 2 " frames Kragenente 10 '67 - - - .4 9» and ID* " Kragentnch 10 16S Roving traveree motion frog Krakedeis ^ 169 • ** - " worm gear Krakeenden ^ ' 70 ■■ " •* heart Krakding ;^'& '7« - - .. stand Krakdwerk ^l^ »72 - - - 5tmi Krakers ^S 1 73 Shipper rod handle slabber Kxallst 22 1 74 ■* •• •« ne^ pattern, fine and int Kiamanzen 22 • 75 " " " old " " - - Kiambade 22 1 76 Hand wheel for reverse shaft Kramerato 23 •77 "* " " conUct " Kramerico 31 178 Head end, 4!", j'', 6*. 7* Kramhandl 16 " S' Kramladen 16 - 9' and 10' Krammarkt 16 " ii'andi2'' Krammende 16 §79 Head intermediate gear stand, 4^*, 5", 6*, 7*, right Krampfader 30 " 8',right Krampfhaft 30 *""'•* 9* and ic', right Krampfiing 30 " •* •* 11' and 12* " Krampfst 30 " " •* 44*. 5*. 6', 7*. left Kramphoest 30 "* - - 8* left Kiampiger 30 ■* • - 9' and 10*, left Krampiicht 30 ■*•*■" n* and 12" " Kramplach 30 Knock -off latch Kramprog 3S iSo NUnERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. ». Code. Page. No. iSi Latch spring, head end door Krampuppe 28 152 Swing lever, top part Kranipvisch 22 153 Lifterrack, 4i". 5", 6', 7", S", right hand Kramselig 39 " 9", right hand Kramst 39 " 10". •' " Ketempta 39 "II •' and 1 2 ". right hand Kramst 39 154 Lifter rack, 4.^". 5", 6", 7", 8", left hand Kramsvogel 39 9", left hand Kramsweise 39 II 11 jq" i' " Ketemptes 39 " 11" and 1 2\ left hand Kramwaare 39 185 Lifter rack, self balanced frame, 4^", 5", 6", 7", 8", right hand- Krananker 39 " " •' " 9", right hand Kranbalken 39 I. 11 " «i " 10", " " Ketempto 39 " •• •• " " 11" and 12", right hand Kranebek 39 1S6 Lifter rack, self balanced frame. 4A", 5", 6", 7", 8", left Kranengang 39 ». .. .' " ■• 9". left Kranenvoet 39 .1 .1 'I " " 10" " Ketenais 39 '« " '• " 11" an .1 1 2 ".left Kranich 39 187 Lifter arms, left hand, crooked, 4*", 5", 6" frame Kranichjug 41 188 Lifter arms, right hand, crooked, 4V, 5", 6", frame Kranigheid 41 189 Lifter arms, left hand, straight, 4*", 5", 6" frame Krankarren 41 190 Lifter arms, right hand, straight, 4*", 5", 6" frame Krankasten 41 191 Lifter arms, left hand, crooked, 7" frame Krankbed 41 192 Lifter arms, right hand, crooked, 7" frame Krankhaft 41 1 93 Lifter arms, left hand, straight 7" and 8" frame Krankheit 41 194 Lifter arms, right hand, straight, 7" and 8" frame Krankhoofd 41 195 Lifter arms, left hand, straight, 9" frame Krankst 41 196 Lifter arms, right hand, straight, 9" frame Kransucht 41 197 Lifter arms, left hand, crooked, 9" frame Kronnon 41 198 Lifter arms, right hand, crooked, 9" frame Kranrad 41 199 Lifter arms, left hand, crooked, 10" frame Kranrecht 42 Lifter arms, right hand, crooked, 10" frame Kransader 42 Lifter arms, left hand, straight, 10" frame Kransaege 42 Lifter arms, right hand, straight, 10" frame Kransbloem 42 Lifter arms, left hand, crooked, 1 1 " and 1 2 " frame Kranseil 42 Lifter arms, right hand, crooked, 1 1 " and 12" Kransen 42 205 Main shaft. 4" space frame Kransjes ,i." .1 •' Kransprop Kranswerk '• Krantzite " Kranz 200 201 204 4^' " '• 5 " " " 5i" " " 6" " " Kranzband 5^" " " Kranzberre j" " '• Kranzdraht -^" " " Kranzgeld NUHERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. No. -05 206 207 208 209 210 214 215 216 •18 ;i9 Code. P.\<;e. Main shaft, S' space frame Kranzholz 8^" 9i" 91"' 10" . Kranzlampe Kranzleigt . Kranznaht Kranzpolyp Kranzreif Main shaft collar Kranzritt Rack pinion, short hub Kranzrolle Rack pinion, long hub Kranzsims Quadrant for top back shaft, ij' Quadrant for top back shaft, i^" Quadrant for top back shaft, i}" Quadrant for top back shaft, if" Quadrant for top back shaft, if" hole. 4i\ 5", 6", 7", 8" Krapjes ' hole, 9", 10" Krappartig hole, 1 1 ", 1 2 " Krappbad hole, 4^", 5', 6", 7", 8' Krappeln hole, 9", 10" Krappelst Quadrant for top back shaft, if hole, 1 1 ', 12 " Krappkohle Beam bonnet, 4^", 5", 6' frames, right hand Krappland '• .. -ff .i .1 a Krapproth S" '• " " Krappthum " 9" " " " Krasgat '' " 10" " •' *■■ Ketendam 11" and 12" " '• '• Krasheid 4i", 5", 6" " left " Krassenee " 7 " " " " Krateros 8" " " •' Kraterrand " *• 9' •' '• •' Kratuagen •• " id" " " '• Ketendre " "II " and 12"" •• ■' Kratvlos Stand for compound tension arrangement, left hand Kratzbank " " " " " right " Kratzeisen Stud for compound tension arrangement Kratzfus Slide apron for bolster rail bonnet, 4^", 5 ", 6" Kratzhaken " •' " " 7" Kratzkamm 8" Kratzkelle " ' " 9 " Kratzmilbe " " •' :' " '• 10" Kratzwolle " " " '• " " 12" Kratzwunde Sampson for self balanced rail, right hand, 4^', 5", 6", /"• ■ ■ Krausbart left right left right left right left 4i ", 5 ", 6 ", 7 '' . . . Kranshaar 8" Kransholz 8' Kranshuhn 9 " and I o ' 9' and 10' 1 1 ' and 1 2 ' 11' and 1 2 ' Kransismo Kransista Kranskohl Kranskopf 39 39 33 33 33 33 33 33 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 43 43 43 43 43 43 220 Sampson No. 3, right hand, 4J", 5', 6", 7" Krantacker NUHERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. No. CiiDE. Pa 220 Sampson No. 3, left .hand, 4! ", 5", 6", 7" Krantartig " " " right " S " Krantbiene " " ." left " 8" Kranthacke " " " right " 9" and 10" Kranthahn " '• " left " 9" and 10" Kranthaupt " " " right " 11" and 12" Kranthonig " •' " left " 11" and 12" Kranthong 221 Sampson half for cone space, right, 4^^", 5", 6", 7" KranthJand " " " " " left, 4^", 5", 6", 7" Krantlese " " " " " right, 8" Krantnudel 18 " " " " left, 8" Krantsalat 18 " " " " " right, 9" and 10" Krantvogel 18 '' " " " " left, 9" and 10" Krantwerk iS " '■ ' right, 11" and 12" Krawall 18 " " '• " " left, 11" and 12" Krawar iS 222 Sampson No. 4, right, 4-^", 5", 6", 7" Kreatine 18 " " "left, 44-", 5', 6", 7" Kreatinine 18 '■ " " right, 8 " Kreaturen 1 8 " " left S " Krebs 1 8 " 14 '. right, 9 " and 10" Krebsartig 1 8 " " " left, 9" and 10" Krebsange 18 " " " right, 1 1 " and 12" Krebsbach 1 8 " " " left, 1 1 " and 12" Krebs blume 1 8 223 Sampson No. I, right, 4^", 5", 6", 7" Krebsen 19 " "left. 41", 5", 6", 7" Krebsest 19 " " " right, 8" Krebsgang 19 " " " left, 8" Krebshaft 19 « " right, 9" and 10" Krebsicht 19 " " " left, 9" and 10" Krebskrank 19 " " " right, 1 1 " and 12" Krebskreis 1 9 " " " left, 11" and 12" Krebsmatte 19 224 Sampson No. 2, 4^", 5", 6", 7", right Krebsnase 19 " " " 41", 5", 6", 7", left Krebsotter 19 " '' " 8 ", right Krebsrense 1 9 " " " 8", left Krebsroth 19 " '• " 9" and 10", right Krebstein 19 " " " 9" and 10", left Krabssuppe 19 " "II " and 12", right Krebssucht 1 9 " " "11 " and 12", left Kredenzen 19 225 Spider top Kredenzest 23 226 Reverse shaft, 4" space Krediet 23 " " 4i" " Kreditbank 23 " " 4^" " Kreditir 23 " " 5" " Kreditlos 23 " " si" " Kreeften 23 NL.nERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. t^o Code. Page. 226 Revcr.-c shaft, 5^' shaft Kreeftslak 23 6 ' " Kreeftspin 23 6i ' •• Kreekje 23 7' •• Kregelig 23 75 ' " Kregelkop 2^ >' •• Kreideberg 23 S j " •• Kreidefels 23 9 ' •• Kreideln 23 9^' " Kreidenand 23 9J' *• Kreisamt 23 10' '• Kreisamtes 23 Shipper sickle Krersbahn 1 5 228 Spider top shaft Kreisblatt 2^ 229 Spindle rail apron, head end, 4^", 5', 6', 7", S' Kreischen .'4 •• " - " " 9' and 10' — Kreischest 24 •• " " " "11' and 12' Kreisel 24 230 Spring for top back shaft box, brass Kreiselrad 27 231 Step rail Kreisfahrt 29 232 Toe plate Kreisform 20 233 Bearing for traverse shaft at head Kreisfuge 38 234 Contact change gear stand, left hand Kreiskegel 21 " " " ^ " right " Kreislanf 21 235 Eccentric swivel Kreislinie 23 236 Reverse shaft collar Kreisrund 23 237 Hand pole finger Kreis.tricted 37 " " " " 1 1 " and 12", right hand frame Restrictif 37 " " " " 11" and 12", left " " Resiricto 37 297 Dogs or nuts for builder motion, top nut, 4^^", right hand frame . . Restringir 37 ' " " " " " 5", " " " . . Restrinias 37 " " " " " 6", " " " • . Restrinido 37 ' " " " " " 7", " " " ..Restrives 37 ' " " " " " 8", " " " ..Restrojos 37 " " " " " " 9", " " " . . Restructi 37 " " " " " " lo", " " " ..Restrustos 37 NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE Continued. No. Code. Page 297 Dogs or nuts for builder motion, top nut, 1 1 '. right hand frame. .Kestniebat 3 •' " " " " " 12', " '• •' . . Kestnietis 3 •' " " " " 4^'. left hand frames .. Kestucar 3 •' '• " " " 5', " " '• .-Kestubject 3 " •' " " " 6", " '• " - . Kestublime 3 " " " " " 7*, " " " . . Kesucha 3 " " " " 8", " " " . . Kesucitav 3 " " " " " 9', " " " . . Kesucitar 3 ' ■' " '• " " lo", " " " . ■ Kesuciteis 3 ■' •' " " " " II '', •• " " . ■ Kesubundant 3 " " " " '• 12", '• " •• . . Kesudaran 3 " " " bot. nut 4^', right hand frame- . Kesudaras 3 " " " " " :;', " " " . - Kesudavit 1 • Kusudor ■ Kesuebaris - Kesueblas . Kesuenas - Kesulvre ■ Kesulcabo . Kesulcamus - Kesulco - Kesultcavit • Kesultabis - Kesultance • • Kesultaren . . Kesultemos . . Kesultful . . Resulting . . Kesultive 298 Builder motion plate, 4!', right hand frame Kesultless " " " 5', " " " Kesumamur " " " 6', " " " Kesumasses " " " 7', ' " " Kesumation " " 8', " " '■ Kesumbnino " 9', " " •• Kesumeriez '• '• •' 10', " " " Kesumerout " " " 11', " " " Kesumidora '• '• " 12', " " " Kesumireis " " " 4i', left hand frame Resummon 6', 7', S' 4^", left hand frame 5'^ 9" 10' 5'. 6', 7'. 8', 9', Resummoned 35 Resumons Resumpta Resumptif Resumptivo . Resupieras NUriERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE— Continued. N(i. Code. Pack. 298 Builder motion plate, I 1 ", left hand frame-.... Kesupieron 37 '■ •' 12", •• " " ■■•• Kesupiesen 37 299 lironze step for builder screw Kesupinado 37 300 Gear for top of builder motion screw, 1 2 " teeth Kesupinate 37 301 Gear for builder quadrant stud Kesupuste 37 302 Taper gear, 1 2 " teeth Kesup])lied 37 13" " Kesurgiria 37 14" " Kesurga 37 " " 15" " Kesurjas 37 " " 16" " Kesurprise 37 " " 17" " Resurrect 37 " " 18" " ■ • • • Kesurtiese 37 " " 19" " Kesurvey 37 " " 20" " Kesurveved 37 303 Screw for top back shaft box Kesuscito 45 304 Cone lifter ratchet finger, left hand. Kesvaladio 38 " " " " right " Kesvalar 38 305 Upright shaft for spider, 44", 5", 6", 7", 8" Ketabamus "^^ " " " " 9" and 10" Ketablir ^ '^^ " " " "II " and 12' Ketabo ^ • -* I -3 306 Bevel gear for long spider shaft Ketabslo 23 307 Bevel gear for upright spider shaft Ketabunt 23 308 Spur gear, end of long spider shaft Ketacabas 23 309 Pinion gear, end of long spider shaft Ketacado 23 310 Bevel plate reverse gear on reverse shaft Ketacais 23 31 1 Contact weight, swivel bearing and screw Ketacamos 22 312 Stud plate double gear, new style Ketacara 21 313 Head stand and yoke, spindle shaft, 4^", 5", 6", 7". 8" Ketacarias 30 " " " " " " 9" and 10" Ketactos 30 " " " " " "II " and 12" Ketacturam 30 314 Flain step, 4^". 5", 6", 7", 8" Ketacturos 29 9" and 10" Ketaguarda 29 "II " and 12" Ketahila 29 315 Bearing step, 4^", 5", 6", 7", 8" Ketaillage 29 " 9" and 10" Ketaille 29 11" and 12" Ketailment 29 316 Screw for cone frame Retainable 27 317 Bevel gear, lower end of contact shaft, 30 teeth Retains 20 318 Bevel gear cross shaft, 30 teeth Retajal)an 20 319 Upright wind shaft, 4^", 5", 6", 7" Retajados 31 " " " 8" Retajan 31 " " " 9" and 10" Retajaria 31 " " II " and 12" Retalhar 1 1 NUMERICAL INDEX AND ORDER CODE -Continued. N".i. Code. PAi;E. 320 Roller stand, old style Ketalheiro 4 321 Roller stand bevel beam, old style Ketalhindo 4 322 Roller stand, old style Ketalho 3 323 Roller stand pin clearer, old style Ketaliabas 3 324 Roller stand box head, old style Ketaliabo 2 325 Roller stand bevel beam, high back Ketaliavit 2 326 Roller stand, i S84 pattern Ketallaban i 327 Roller stand, improved separable bearing pattern Ketallador 1 328 Long compound stud Ketallaras 45 329 Long compound stud nut Ketallezca 45 330 Cone lifter arm screw Ketamage 45 2 J I Taper pin for contact shaft Ketameurs 45 ^^2 Intermediate compound gear stud Ketangebat 45 ^;^^ Knock off latch stud Ketangimus 45 334 Special draft bonnet stud Ketangunt 43 335 Pin for bevel and spur combined on contact stand Ketannilles 45 336 Rack shaft quadrant stud Ketantibus 45 337 Shaft for rack shaft quadrant, slubber Ketagues 45 338 Shaft for rack shaft quadrant fine frame Ketardacao 45 339 Contact change gear stud Ketardada 45 340 Stud for wide intermediate draft gear Ketardador 45 34 1 Stud for safety stop motion Ketardamur 45 342 .Stud for imtermediate stand in head Ketardaron 45 343 Intermediate twist gear stud, fine frame Ketardatif 45 344 Intermediate twist gear stud, coarse frame Ketaidavit 45 345 Slide for cone rack Ketardemos 47 346 Wood roll coupling, slubber. Retarding 47 347 Wood roll gudgeon, slubber Ketardo 47 348 Bearing stand for cone rack guide rod Ketasacion 47 349 Bearing for cone frame shaft Ketasaren 47 350 Swing stand stud Ketatana 45 351 Foot end panels, 4^^", 5", 6", 7" Ketaturos 47 " ■' •' 8" Ketavernut 47 •' '■ " 9" and 10" Ketaxabas 47 " " 11" and 12" Ketaeabo 47 352 .Swing stand bracket Ketaxabunt 22 PRESS OF THE J. C. HALL COMPAHV PROVIDENCE, R. I.