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" I do assert and will affirm it before any prince in Europe,
to be the most sovereign and precious weed that ever the
tarth tendered to the use of man."
Captain Bobadil- — Every Man in his Huniour.
Royal Exchange.
Ci;i^ little Wioxh,
Many an excellent cause has been lost
through the want of sound arguments,
founded on a knowledge of the case, to sup-
port and place it in its proper light. None,
perhaps, more than smoking and snuff-
taking, the propriety of which, in the upper
orders of life, have been and are, whether as
regards their social or medicinal qualities,
so frequently called in question by theiv
enemies. These, the author is sorry to say,
by the use of a few specious arguments,
that chiefly pass current in refined society —
the ladies in particular — have, strongly aided
by prejudice, often made the defence suc-
cumb to the attack — an unpardonable weak-
ness on the part of a consumer of the herb,
who is naturally enough expected to know the
entire history of the favorite of his adoption.
Unacquainted with the excellence of his
subject, its importance and consequence in
ancient and modern annals — its high wor-
shippers and eulogists, medical, and non-
medical, with its many endearing and social
virtues acknowledged over the far greater part
of the world; he, the Author asserts, unac-
quainted with the above data and refe-
rences, opposes but a feeble barrier to the
sweeping and general assertions of his ad-
In the above glorious cause (i. e. Anti-
Smokers and SnufF-Takers v. Lovers of the
Herb) the Author himself holds a brief in
the defence as counsel, and flattering him-
self he has made himself fully master of the
case, he begs to impart it as a proper, if not
an absolutely requisite accompaniment to
all lovers of the ' soothing leaf.' The pre-
judices against smoking are numerous.
Smoking that is called unsocial, the author
affirms to be the common source of harmony
and comfort, — the badge of good fellow-
ship in almost every state, kingdom, and
empire. Aye, from the English settlers in
the wildernesses of America, where the Ca-
lumet or Pipe of Peace is smoked by the
natives, to the turbaned infidel of the East — •
from the burning zone of Africa to the icy
regions of the North. In fact, in almost
every clime and condition of society it is
known as a common sign, or freemasonry of
friendly feeling and social intercourse. In
the East, the first act of hospitality is prof-
fering the pipe with its invariable accom-
paniment coffee, which is more or less ob-
served under various modifications over
nearly the rest of the habitable world.
Smoking that is termed low and vulgar
was, and is, an occasional recreation with
most of the crowned heads of Europe,
among which may be named his late Ma-
jesty, and their Royal Highnesses the Dukes
of Sussex and Cumberland — Ferdinand of
Spain, and the Emperor Nicholas of Ger-
many — besides very many of the nobility of
either empires and kingdoms.
Smoking that is termed idle, is singu-
larly popular with mechanics, the most in-
dustrious classes of England.
Smoking that is said to be dirty and
•filthy, is in the greatest esteem, among the
most moral and cleanly sect in Christianity
— the Society of Friends or Quakers.
Smoking that is affirmed to be revolting
and disgusting, is indulged in by the most
rigidly kept women in the world — those of
Turkey, who elevated in the dignity of the
Haram, are taught to consider a whifF of
their lord's chibouque a distinction. Then
the ladies of both Old and New Spain, who
twining in the mazes of the giddy waltz,
take the cigarros from their own pretty
lips to transfer to those of their favoured
partners. If indeed, royalty be wanted in
the female line, since the good old times of
Elizabeth, who can be so lamentably igno-
rant in the annals of smoking, as not to
know, that the late Tumehemalee , Queen
Consort of Tirahee, king of the Sandwich
Islands, was dotingly fond of a pipe — sen-
sible woman and above all petty preju-
dices as she was, at our own honoured
Now, in regard to snufF, that like smoking
is so much abused, coming under the bans
of the ignorant and prejudiced, beastly is
the word commonly given to its application,
though used to the greatest excess in the
famed land o^politesse — France. The most
polished and fascinating address is ever fol-
lowed by the gracefully proffered snufF-box.
What a vast deal does it not speak at once
in a man's favor, begetting instantly a
friendly sympathy in the head that gradually
extends to the heart. What does not Mo-
LiERE, their favorite author say, in favor of
the herb ? for the benefit of casuists we
quote the sublime panegyric, which alone
ought to confirm the bold lovers of the pipe
and box, and ' inspire and fire' the diffident
and waverino;.
" Quoi que puisse dire Aristote, et toute
la philosophie, il n'est rieii d'egal au tabac ;
c'est la passion des honnetes gens, et qui vit
sans tabac, n'est pas digne de vivre. Non
seulement il rejouit et purge les cerveaux
humains, mais encore il instruit les ames a
la vertu et Ton apprend avec lui a devenir
honnete homme. Ne voyez-vous pas bien,
des qu'on en prend, de quelle maniere obli-
geante on en use avec tout le monde, et
comrae on est ravi d'en donner a droit et a
gauche, par tout ou Ton se trouve? On
n'attend pas meme que Ton en demande, et
Ton court au devaut du souhait des gens ;
tant il est vrai que le tabac inspire des sen-
timens d'honneur et de vertu a tons ceux
qui en prennent.''
The pipe and the box are twin-brothers ;
they are the agents of friendship, convivi-
ality, and mirth ; they succour the distressed,
and heal the afflicted ; impartial and ge-
nerous, they administer to all that sue for
comfort, and the spirits of peace advance at
their call ; they live in charity with all
men, unite them, and re-unite them, and
they sympathise all hearts, entwinmg them
in a cheerful and lasting community of soul
and sentiment. The pipe and the box
give a vigour to the mind, and a language
to its ideas. They give harmony a tone,
and discord a silence. They inspire the
bold, and encourage the diffident. Yes !
through their agency alone, all these bene-
fits are received and experienced. In short,
they express in one breath, superlative hap-
piness. A few illustrations will suffice :
A man in public company wishing to
give utterance to some particular opinion or
sentiment, invariably finds the pipe or the
pinch the best prompter. A man wishing
to be silent, in meditation finds the pipe his
excuser. A man in anger with himself, his
family, or the public, the pipe or the pinch
will generally restore to kindness. A man
desirous of meeting a friend, need but give
him a " pinch," and the heart is at once
opened to his reception. A man in misfor-
tune, either in sickness or in circumstances,
will learn philosophy from the pipe, and
count upon the latter, at least, as his own :
in this case, from both tobacco and snuff,
he borrows an independent vigour, and a
cheerfulness that shines even in the sadness
of his heart. The impregnative spirit of
tobacco will wind its way to the most secret
recesses of the brain, and impart to the
imagination a soft and gentle glow of heat,
equally remote from the dullness of fervor,
and the madness of intoxication ; for to
these two extremes, without the moderative
medium of the pipe, an author's fancy will
alternately expand itself. To the man of
letters, therefore, the pipe is a sovereign
Amongst the incidental benefits of the
pipe and box, may also be noticed their
great advantages in a converzatione ; they
smooth the arrogance of an apostrophe, and
soften the virulence of a negative, give
strength to an ejaculation, and confidence
to a whisper. In short, they extract the
sting, and purify the spirit, which are too
frequently inhering concomitants, in the
common associations of Hfe.
In conclusion, fully impressed with the
sovereign consequence of his subject, the
Author taketh his leave of the reader with
the assurance, if his labours meet their due
object, viz. imparting of the entire His-
tory of the much-aspersed, yet idolized
herb, to its votaries, it will give him infinite
pleasure. Should he not l^e so fortunate in
upholding by that means, —
the grand cause.
£ smokes — I snuffs — I chaws, —
Philosophy still offers him consolation
for the degeneracy of the times, in a
pinch of Lundyfoot, or the fumes of his
Newington, Oct. 1381.
Invocation to Tobacco 1
The History of the Importation of the Tobacco
I*lant into Europe, and the Origin of Smoking
in England 3
On Snuff and the Origin of the Lnndyfoot 18
Select Poetry :
Tobacco , 27
Snuff 28
Thou art a Charm for Winter 30
All Nations Honour Thee 31
Walton and Cotton 34
On a Pipe of Tobacco 36
My Last Cigar 37
A Review of the Laws and Regulations con-
cerning Tobacco , . . 38
The Importance of Smoking and Snuff-taking,
exemplified in a Grave Dissertation, dedicated
to the Youth of the Rising Generation ..,.,. 48
The Medical Qualities of Tobacco 81
Botanical History and Culture of the Tob>i —
Parent of mirth ;
Come in the sad hour,
Come in the gay,
Appear in the night,
Or in the day :
Still thou art welcome
As June's blooming rose,
Joy of the palate.
Delight of ihe nose.
Weed of the green field,
^ Weed of the wild,
Foster'd in freedom,^ —
America's child ;
Come in Virginia,
Come in Havannah,
Friend of the universe,
Sweeter than manna :
Still thou art welcome,
Rich, fragrant, and ripe,
Pride of the tube-case.
Delight of the pipe.
Weed of the savage,
Weed of each pole,
Comforting, — soothing, —
Philosophy's soul ;
Come in the snuff-box,
Come in cigar.
In Strasburg and King's,
Come from afar :
Still thou art welcome,.
The purest, the best,
Joy of earth's millions,
For ever carest !
The earth, perhaps, has never offered to the use
of man a herb, whose history and adoption
offer SO varied a subject for thought and the
mind's speculation, as tobacco. In whatever
light we view it, there is something to interest
the botanist, the physician, the philosopher, and
even the historian, while, from the singularity of
its discovery in a corner of the world where it
had remained so long concealed, it would almost
seem intended by Providence, to answer some
especial purpose in the creation. Few things
ever created a greater sensation than it did, on
its first introduction into Europe. It was
adopted with an avidity, so far from decreasing
with time, that the experience of nearly three
centuries has but rendered it universal. That
the habits of snulfing, and smoking, are not
beneficial to the human constitution, has been
asserted as a fact by many savans, and more
powerfully defended by others. Probably, after
all, the most singular thing in favour of these
habits is, that the practice of them, which should
perfect our knowledge, advocates so strongly
their use as agreeable stimulants, promoting
cheerfulness, and mild and gentle in their
operation when not adopted to too great an ex-
tent. This will be found the belief among the
most enlightened, as well as the millions who
echo its praises, from every clime and corner of
the habitable globe.
The precise introduction of the tobacco
plant into Europe, from the varied and contra-
dictory accounts that exist concerning it, is
involved in some obscurity. That it was un-
known to the Europeans, till the discovery of
South America by that indefatigable voyager
Coluinbas, is certain; altliough Don UUoa,* a
Spaniard, and a writer of celebrity in the last
century, would fain have shown that the plant
was indigenous to several parts of Asia ; as
China, Persia, Turkey, and Arabia. He asserts,
with some ingenuity we grant, that the plant
was known and used in smoking in those coun-
tries, long previous to the discovery of the New
^^*orld. But, as the Old Testament and the
Koran, books that treated of the most trifling
Eastern customs, make not the slightest mention
of it, and more especially as no travellers have
ever recorded its existence previous to the dis-
covery of America, we cannot but dismiss the
supposition, for want of data, as idle in the
Although we cannot, with the powers of ob-
servation Columbus is said to have possessed, but
imagine the plant must have been known to him,
pirticularly as it was so popular among the na-
tives, yet no mention is made of that fact or of
its introduction into Spain by him. On the
contrary, one account furnished us, attributes it
* Memoives Philnsophiques, Historiques, Physiques,
coiicernant la DecPiiverte de VAmerique, ^c. Par Don
UUoa. Traduit arec des obseriaiions par M •.
Puii3, 1787. Vol. II. p. 58.
B 3
to Hernandez de Toledo, and another with a
greater show of probability to Fernando Cortes.
This latter adventurer, after the death of his
great and ill-fated predecessor, succeeded to the
command of a flotilla to prosecute those re-
searches in the New World, as it was then called,
that promised such an influx of wealth to the
nation. It was in the year 1519 that Cortes,
flushed with the sanguine expectations of an
ambitious people, set out to take possession, in
the name of the Spanish sovereignty, of a country
whose treasures were deemed boundless.
Coasting along for several days, he came
to a part of the shore of a very rich and
luxuriant description, which induced him to
come to anchor, and land ; the natives asserting
that it abounded in gold and silver mines. This
place was a province of Yucatan in the Mexican
Gulf, called Tohaco, the place from whence
tobacco is supposed to have derived its present
name. There it was that the plant was discover-
ed, in a very thriving and flourishing state.
Among the natives who held it in the greatest
possible esteem and reverence, from the almost
magical virtues they attached to it, it was called
petmij and by those in the adjoining islands
yoli. So singular a production of the country
could not but draw the attention of the Spanish
commander to it. The consequence was, that a
specimen of it was shipped home with other
curiosities of the country, with a long detail of
its supposed astonishing virtues, in pharmacy.
In the latter end of the year the plants arrived
at their destination, and this may fairly be
deemed to have been their first entry into the
civilized portion of the world.
A dreadful disease, first brought from America
by the last return of Columbus> raged about this
period with a fearful and unchecked virulency
in Spain, committing dreadful devastations on
the human frame, and finally ending in the most
horrible death imagination could picture. This
circumstance served to procure it a most san-
guine welcome; for the sailors composing the
fleet, having learnt it from the natives, had dis-
seminated the belief, that it was the only known
antidote against its ravages, — that it in fact an-
swered the purposes of mercury in the present
day, a belief welcomed with enthusiasm, and end-
ing in despair.
No sooner, however, was its inefficacy per-
ceived, than it sunk in the estimation of its wor-
shippers, as low as it previously had risen.
Indeed, into such obscurity did it fall after the
hopes it had vainly excited, that nearly forty
years elapsed, ere it obtained any notice worth
commemorating. At about the end of that
period, however, we find that it had regained
the ground it had previously lost, on a surer and
better footing, as a soothing and gentle stimu-
From Spain, the plant was carried into Por-
tugal; and from thence, gradually exported to
the different kingdoms throughout Europe.
Shortly after this, it was sent to the East, where
it soon came into notice, as a narcotic, and
consequently found a ready market. Peculiar
facilities at this time too presented themselves
to the Spaniards, above every other nation ; for
Vasco de Gama, another of its adventurers, had
discovered and explored a great portion of the
countries lying beyond the Cape of Good Hope.
Among other articles, exchanged in the way of
commerce with the natives, was tobacco : and
this, despite of the reasoning of Don Ulloa
mentioned some time back, was the first channel
through which Hindostan, Arabia, and China,
received the plants, now so common throughout
the whole of the Eastern Empire. This occurred
about the year 1560, shortly after it had been
carried into France and Italy.
While the nations of the Peninsula were thus
distinguishing themselves, and in the meridian
of tlieir glory, extending their discoveries, con-
quests, and trade to the furthermost parts of
that world which they had opened to the eyes of
astonished Europe, England, for a time, was
incapacitated from pursuing a similar course by
intestine broils and factions at home. And even
\vhen Elizabeth ascended the throne, her natu-
rally enterprising and ambitious spirit was al-
most solely confined to arranging domestic dis-
cords, and settling foreign quarrels.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert, a plain blunt soldier,
instigated by feelings of emulation and national
enterprise, was the first to direct the attention
of the maiden queen towards the benefits that
would naturally result from planting a British
colony in America. At his request a patent
was granted, empowering him to plant and
colonize some of the southern districts^ He
accordingly fitted out a squadron at his o\vn ex-
pense, and proceeded on his voyage, which,
from different circumstances that occurred, mis-
carried. A similar fate attended two subse-
quent attempts, when Sir Humphrey's half-
brother, the after-celebrated Sir Walter llaleoh
or Raleigh, as it is now spelt, returned home
from the wars in the Netherlands.
Inspired by a restless ambition that ever dis-
tinguished this great man, he succeeded in per-
suading the knight to undertake a fourth voyage,
offering to accompany him himself. Combining
courage, enterprise, and perseverance, with a de-
gree of knowledge little known at the period
we treat of, few men w^ere better qualified for
the successful execution of such an enterprise
than Raleigh. The sequel proved the truth of
this remark, Newfoundland was discovered and
taken; though the original gallant projector, Sir
Humphrey Gilbert, we have recorded, was
drowned on his passage home.
In the year 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh applied
for the renew'al of the letters patent in his own
name, which the queen immediately granted him.
Having fitted out a squadron, he put to sea,
and after a somewhat tedious voyage, dis-
covered Wingandacoa, which he afterwards called
Vif'ginia, in honor of Elizabeth. On his return,
he was received with peculiar favour by the
queen, who testified her satisfaction by making
him a knight, while she lent a willing ear towards
the colonizing schemes Sir Walter opened to
her aspiring view.
In pursuance of some of these, Sir Richard
Grenville, another relation of Sir Walter Ra-
leigh's, was sent out with Captain Lane, whom
he left in command of one hundred men in
one of the southern districts of the country, ap-
pointing him at the same time to act as governor ;
and promising to return to him before the next
spring with stores and fresh provisions. Cir-
cumstances, that have never yet been properly
explained to this day, prevented Sir Richard
from keeping his word, in consequence of which,
the colony was reduced to great distress. Shortly
afterwards, taking the advantage of Sir Francis
Drake's return from the Spanish wars, they em-
barked on board his ships for England, where
they arrived in the month of July, A. D. 1686,
with their commander, Lane. Among the speci-
mens of the productions and peculiarities of
the country, they brought with them that which
forms our subject, the tobacco plant.
This, by some, is said to have been its first
importation into Great Britain ; Lobel, however,
asserts, it w^as cultivated here in 1570, a state-
ment plausible enough, we admit, considering
the previous length of time the plant had been
known in Spain and Portugal, but yet irre-
concileable with the data our own historical re-
search gives us. That it might indeed have been
introduced from France previous to its importa-
tion from Virginia, and cultivated in trifling
quantities, is highly probable, inasmuch as the
French date its first appearance among them in
1560, just ten years previous to Lobel's affirma-
tion, Linnaus likewise mentions that the plant
became known in Europe the same year the
French date from, and Humboldt so far corro-
borates him, as to state that seeds of it were re-
ceived from Yucatan in 1559.
That it was known in France, some years pre-
vious to its being carried into England, from the
above accounts handed down to us, we cannot
doubt. The French history of the importation
of the plant into their country, attributes it to
Jean Nicot of Nismes, who was their ambas-
sador at the court of Lisbon in the reign of
F'rancis II. Some of the seed, we are informed,
was given him by a Dutchman, who had brought
it with him from Florida. This, we imagine,
must have been shortly after it had begun to re-
gain notice in Spain.
Impressed with the cvirrent account of its pro-
perties as a medicine and luxurious stimulant,
he sent a portion of it liome, where it arrived,
and under higli court patronage soon became
In England — and we shall now proceed to
note our own accounts of the subject, — the first
importer is very commonly thought to hav^e been
Sir Walter Raleigh, who is said to have brought
it from \'irginia in 1586 — a period when the
tobacco plant was known throughout nearly the
whole of Europe, while whole fields of it were
cultivated for commerce in Spain and Portugal.
If it is to be attributed to an Englishman, few
possess a better claim to the honor than Sir
Francis Drake, as he had made several voyages
to the iS'ei'j World in 1570-2-7, ere Raleigh had
undertaken his first. This idea is exactly in ac-
cordance, too, with the dates furnished us by
Lobel, Linnaus and Humboldt. Independent of
this strong circumstantial evidence, Bomare*
and Camdenf both attribute its first appearance
to him, — authority not to be disputed for a mo-
That Sir Walter was the first distinguished in-
dividual that set tlie fashion of smoking, we have
* M. Valmont de Bomare, formerly director of the
cabinets of Natural History, ^ledicine, 6cc. to the
prince of Conde.
t The British Historian.
recorded, although this, we are again told, was
taught him by the notorious Ralph Lane, whose
adventure, we have a page or too back slightly
touched upon. Lane had himself learnt the
habit, from the Virginians, and having brought
several of their pipes home with him, communi-
cated it to Raleigh, who indulged in it greatly,
as a pleasant pastime. It was during one of
his pleasing reveries under the soothing influ-
ence of the pipe, that the well-known anecdote
is said to have occurred of a lacquey drenching
him with water, supposing from the smoke he
sav/ issuing from his nose and mouth that he was
internally on fire. To such a degree, indeed, did
he adopt and set the fashion of smoking, that he
was frequently in the habit of giving entertain-
ments to his friends, in which the fare consisted
of pipes of tobacco, and ale seasoned with nut-
megs — a somewhat curious origin of smoking-
parties, or divans, in England. The result was,
the example of a man so justly celebrated and
popular was soon imitated by the court, and in
the course of years gradually became common
among the lower orders of people.
Elizabeth, notwithstanding her strong and
powerful mind, possessed the sex's natural
vanity and lov€ of novelty to a great degree, and
would seem to have very warmly patronized the
custom ; some writers of the period have gone
as far as to affirm, in her own person. We are
further borne out in this statement by the autho-
rity of the Biograplna Britannica^ that the
ladies of the court indulged in smoking the fra-
grant herb, as well as the noblemen and gentle
men. That the queen therefore set a personal
example, is by no means so strange. What a
striking contrast does this afford, in regard to
the taste expressed by the sex in the present day
towards tobacco !
In reference to the nomenclature of the tobacco
plant, like that of most things handed down to
posterity, it admits of many versions. As we
have previously observed in America, it was
termed among the natives, petun and i/oli, be-
sides other barbarous names, probably each ap-
pellation peculiar to a different tribe. On the
appearance of the plant in England, it received
the name it is still recognized by, namely,
Tobacco. This word, by some writers, is sup-
posed to have had its derivation from Tobago
in the West Indies, while others assert it is de-
rived from TohacOy a different place altogether ;
which latter, from its closer approximation to the
word tobacco, we cannot but imagine correct.
In botany it is more particularly known under the
scientific appellation of Herba Nicotiana, so
named on its introduction into France, in com-
pliment to her ambassador, Jean Nlcot of Nismes,
from whom it was received. It was also well
known under the imposing titles of Herba Re-
ginee Catharina Medico, and Herba Kegince:
the first given in honor of the queen, and
the latter of a grand prior of the house of Lor-
raine, both of whom were the first receivers of
the plant, and fostered it on account of the many
virtues it was supposed to be possessed of in
pharmacy. In different countries its names
were various. In Italy at that time it was called
St. Crucis, taken from St. Croix, an apostolic
legate who brought it into the country, some-
where in the middle of the 16th century. The
Dutch call it Taboc, or Taboco, indifferently.
Some of the German writers describe it under
the name of tlie Holy or the Indiuji Healing
Herb — Heilig wundkraut, or Indianisch wund-
kraut. In most other countries Tobac or Tabac
Notwithstanding the extreme popularity that
attended the introduction of the plant generally
throughout Europe, there were not wanting
those sovereigns who testified an antipathy at
first to tlie tobacco plant, little short of that, for
which king James was afterwards remarkable —
of whom we shall have occasion to speak anon.
Amurath the Fourth forbade its introduction
in any form whatever within his dominions
under very severe penalties. The Czar of Mus-
covy and the king of Persia issued edicts of a
similar nature, while Pope Urban the Eighth
made a bull to excommunicate all those who took
tobacco into churches.
c 3
Jove once resolv'd, the females to degrade,
To propagate their sex without their aid ;
His brain conceiv'd, and soon the pangs and throes
He felt nor car'd the unnatural birth disclose :
At last when tried no remedy could do,
The god took snujf and out the goddess flew.
Joe Miller.
Snuff was manufactured and consumed in
great quantities in France; long previous to its
adoption in England. For the account of its
being introduced to Great Britain we are in-
debted to the once celebrated * Charles Lillie.
Before the year 1702, when we sent out a fleet
of ships under the command of Sir George Rook,
with land forces commanded by the duke of
Ormond, in order to make a descent on Cadiz,
* A well-known perfumer in his day who resided
in Beaufort's Buildings, London, A. D. 1740.
snuff-taking was very rare, and indeed very little
known in England; it being chiefly a luxurious
habit among foreigners residing here, and a few-
English gentry, who had travelled abroad.
Among these, the mode of taking snufF was with
pipes the size of quills out of small spring boxes.
These pipes let out a very small quantity of
snuff, upon the back of the hand, and this was
snuffed up the nostrils with the intention of pro-
ducing the sensation of sneezing, which we need
not say forms now no part of the design, or ra-
ther fashion of snuff-taking.
But to return to our Cadiz expedition by
sea. When the fleet arrived near Cadiz, our
land forces were disembarked at a place called
Port St. Mary, where after some fruitless at-
tempts, it was resolved to embark the troops,
and set sail for England. But previous to this,
the port and several adjacent places were plun-
dered. There, besides some very rich mer-
chandize, plate, jewels, pictures, and a great
quantity of cochineal, several thousand barrels
and casks of fine snuffs were taken, which had
been manufactured in different parts of Spain.
Each of these contained four tin canisters of
snuft^ of the best growth, and of the finest
With this plunder on board (which fell chiefly
to the share of the land officers), the fleet was re-
turning to England; but on the way, it was re-
solved to pay a visit to Vigo, a considerable port
in Spain, where the admiral had advice that a
number of galleons from the Havannah richly
laden had put in : here, our fleet got in and de-
stroyed the greater part of the Spanish shipping,
and the plunder was exceedingly rich and
It now came to the turn of the sea-officers and
sailors to be snuff" proprietors and merchants ;
for at Vigo they again became possessed of pro-
digious quantities of gross snuff" from the Ha-
vannah in bales, bags, and scrows,* which were
designed for sale in different parts of Spain.
Thus, though snuff" was very little known,
as we have here remarked at that period, the
quantities taken in this expedition, which were
estimated at fifty tons weight, plainly show that
* Scrows are the unlanned hides of buffaloes,
sewed with thongs of the same, and made up into
bags or bales for tlie exportation of several kinds of
American produce, as indigo, snuff, tobacco, &c. &c.
The fleshy side of the skin is turned outwards, whilst
the hairy side, partly scraped, comes into anything but
an agreeable contact with the commodity.
in tlie other countries of Europe, snuff was held
in great estimation, and that the taking of it was
not at all unfashionable.
The fleet having returned to England, and
most of the ships been put out of commission,
the officers and sailors brought their snuff —
called by way of victorious distinction — " Vigo
snuffs," to a very quick and cheap market :
waggon loads being sold at Portsmouth, Ply-
mouth, and Chatham, for not more than 4d. per
lb. The purchasers were chiefly Spanish Jews,
who in the present case, bought up almost the
whole quantity at considerable advantage.
The land officers who were possessed of the
finer kinds of snuff, taken at Port St. Mary, had
sold considerable portions at the ports where
they had touched on their homeward voyage.
Others, however, we are told, better understood
the nature of the commodity which had fallen
to their share, and kept it for several years;
selling it off by degrees for very high prices.
From the above-mentioned quantities of diffe-
rent snuffs, thus distributed throughout the king-
dom, novelty being quickly caught in England,
arose the custom and fashion of snuff-taking; and
growing upon the nation by degrees, they are now
as common here, as almost in any other part of
Europe ; France alone excepted.
After giving us a somewhat elaborate account
of the manufactures of different Spanish, Havan-
nah and Brazilian snuffs, LiUie proceeds to de-
scribe a snuff he calls ' Inferior Lisbon/ that singu-
larly enough, closely approximates to the cele-
brated Lundy Foot. " This kind," he says " from
the great heat used in drying it, has an agreeable
smell, like high-dried malt, and is often called
snuff of the burnt flavour ; but the smell soon
goes off on exposure to the air, for which reason,
it is advisable to put no more into the snuff-box
than shall be used whilst fresh." Though we
cannot but be aware, from the preceding account,
that a snuff exactly resembling in all its at-
tributes our own famous high-dried, called Lun-
dyfoot, so named from the nominal inventor,
existed ; yet the history of its discovery is of too
facetious a description to be omitted here.
Lundy Foot, the celebrated snuff manufacturer,
some six-and-twenty years ago, had his premises
at Essex-bridge in Dublin, where he made the
common scented snuffs then in vogue. In pre-
paring the snuffs, it was usual to dry them by a
kiln at night, which kiln was always left in strict
charge of a man appointed to regulate the heat,
and see the snufFs were not spoilt. The man
usually employed in this business, Larey by
name, a tight boy of Cork, chanced to get drunk
over the ' cratur', (i. e. a little whiskey) tliat he
liad gotten to comfort him, and quite regardless
of his watch, fell fast asleep, leaving the snuff
drying away. Going his usual round in the
morning, Lundy Foot found the kiln still burning,
and its guardian lying snoring with the fatal
bottle, now empty, in his right hand. Imagining
the snuff quite spoilt, and giving way to his rage,
he instantly began belabouring the shoulders
of the sleeper with the stick he carried.
" Och, be quiet wid ye, what the devil's the
matter, master, that ye be playing that game,"
shouted the astounded Larey, as he sprung up
and capered about under the influence of the
other's walking cane.
" You infernal scoundrel, I'll teach you to
get drunk, fall asleep, and suffer my property to
get spoilt," uttered the enraged manufacturer, as
each word was accompanied by a blow across
the dancing Mr. Larey's shoulders.
" Stop ! stop! wid ye, now; sure you wouldn't
be afther spaking to ye'r ould sarvant that way,
— the snuff's only a little dryer, or so, may be,"
exclaimed ' the boy,' trying to soften matters.
" You big blackguard you^ didn't you get
drunk and fall asleep ?" interrogated his master,
as he suspended his arm for a moment.
" Och by all the saints, that's a good'un now,
where can be the harum of slaaping wid a drop
or so ; besides — but hould that shilelah — hear a
man spake raison."
Just as Lundy Foot's wrath had in some de-
gree subsided in this serio-comic scene, and he
had given the negligent watcher his nominal
discharge, who should come in but a couple of
merchants. They instantly gave him a large
order for the snuffs they were usually in the
habit of purchasing, and requested to have it
ready for shipping by the next day. Not having
near so large a quantity at the time by him, in
consequence of what had happened, he related
the occurrence to them, at the same time, by way
of illustration, pointing out the trembling Larey,
occupied in rubbing his arms and back, and
making all kinds of contortions.
Actuated by curiosity, the visitors requested
to look at the snuff, although Lundy Foot told
them, from the time it had been drying, it must
be burnt to a chip. Having taken out the tins,
they were observed to emit a burnt flavour, any-
thing but disagreeable, and on one of the gentle-
NiCOTIANxl. 25
men taking a pinch up and putting it to his
nose, he pronounced it the best snufF lie had
ever tasted. Upon this, the others made a similar
trial, and all agreed that chance had brought it
to a degree of perfection before unknown. Re-
serving about a third, Lundy Foot sold the rest
to his visitors. The only thing that remained
now, was to give it a name : for this purpose, in
a facetious mood, arising from the sudden turn
affairs had taken, the master called his man to
him who was lingering near, " Come here, you
Irish blackguard, and tell these gentlemen what
you call this snuff, of your own making."
Larey, who did not want acuteness, and per-
ceived the aspect of things, affected no trifling
degree of sulky indignation, as he replied. '■' And
is it a name ye'r in want of. Sir ? fait I should
have thought it w^as the last thing you couldn't
give; without indeed, you've given all your
stock to me already. You may even call it ' Irish
blackguard,' stidd of one Michael Larey."
' Upon this hint he spake,' and as many a true
word is spoken in jest, so was it christened on
the spot. The snuff was sent to England im-
mediately, and to different places abroad, where
it soon became a favorite to so great a degree,
that the proprietor took out a patent and rapidly
accumulated a handsome fortune. Such are the
particulars connected with the discovery of the
far-famed Lundy Foot or Irish Blackguard — for
which we are indebted to a raeml)er of the Irish
bar, who was a resident in Dublin at the time.
With regard to the numerous varieties of
snuifs that exist, we shall say nothing at present,
merely observing that the principal kinds of their
manufacture are under three classes. The first
is the granulated, the second an impalpable
powder, and the third the bran, or coarse part,
remaining after sifting the second part.
IFroin a Book Published in 1618, called Texnotamia,
or the Marriage of the Arts.^
Tobacco's a musician — and in a pipe delighteth
It descends in a close, thro' the organs of the nose.
With a relish that inviteth. >
This makes me sing so-ho ! — so-ho ! boys —
Ho ! boys, sound I loudly —
Earth ne'er did breed such a jovial weed,
Whereof to boast so proudly.
Tobacco is a lawyer — his pipes do love long eases.
When our brains it enters, our feet do make indentures,
While we scale with stamping paces.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco's a physician — good, both for sound and
'Tis a hot perfume that expels cold rheume.
And makes it flow down quickly.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco's a traveller, come from the Indies hither, —
It passed sea and land, ere it came to my hand.
And scaped the wind and weather.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco is a ciitticke, that still old paper turneth —
Whose labour and care is as smoke in the aire,
That ascends from a ray when it burneth.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco is an ignis fatuus — a fat and fyrie vapour.
That leads men about till the fire be out,
Consuming like a taper.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco is a whyfHer, and cries huff, snuff, with furie ;
His pipes, his club, once linke — he's the wiser that
does drinke, —
Thus armed I fear not a furie.
This makes me sing so-ho ! — so-ho ! — boys —
Ho ! boys sound I loudly ;
Earth ne'er did breed such a jovial weed,
Whereof to boast so proudly.
— A delicate pinch ! oh how it tingles up
The titillated nose, and fills the eyes
And breast, till, in one comfortable sneeze
The full collected pleasure bursts at last !
Most rare Columbus ! thou shalt be, tor tliis,
The only Christopher in my kalendar.
Why but for thee the uses of the nose
AVere half unknown, and its capacity
Of joy. The summer gale, that, from the heath,
At midnoon glittering with the golden furze,
Bears its balsamic odours, but provokes,
Not satisfies the sense, and all the flowers,
That with their unsubstantial fragrance, tempt
And disappoint, bloom for so short a space.
That half the year the nostrils would keep Lent,
But that the kind tobacconist admits
No winter in his work ; when nature sleeps,
His wheels roll on, and still administer
A plenitude of joy, a tangible smell.
What is Peru, and those Brazilian mines,
To thee, Virginia ! miserable realms ;
They furnish gold for knaves, and gems for fools ;
But thine are civnmon comforts ! to omit
Pipe-panegyric and tobacco -praise.
Think what a general joy the snuff-box gives
Europe, and far above Pizarro's name
Vv'^rite Raleigh in thy records of renown !
Him let the school-boy bless if he behold
His mother's box produced, for when he sees
The thumb and finger of authority
Stuffed up the nostrils, when hot head and wig
Shake all ; when on the waistcoat black, the dust
Or drop falls brown, soon shall the brow severe
Relax, and from vituperative lips.
Words that of birch remind not, sounds of praise
And jokes that tnust be laughed at must proceed.
Anthologii, Vol. II. p. 115.
Nor here to pause — I own tliy potent power,
When chilling blasts assail our frigid clime,
While flies the hail or rudely beats the shower.
Or sad impatience chides the wings of time.
Come, then, my pipe, and let thy savoury cloud,
Now wisdom seldom shews her rev'rend mien,
Spread round my head a bland and shelt'ring shroud,
When riot mingles mischief with the scene.
Shield me at evening from the selfish fool.
The wretch who never felt for human woes.
And while my conduct 's framed by virtue's rule,
Let only peace and honour interpose.
Shield me by day from hatred's threat'ning frowns,
Still let thine aromatic curtains spread.
When bold presumption mounts to put me down,
And hurls his maledictions round my head.
Uo this, my pipe, and till my sand 's run out,
I'll sing thy praise among the sons of wealth,
Blest weed that bids tlie glutton lose his gout.
And gains respect among the drugs of health.
No shrew shall harm thee, no mundungus foul
Shall stain thy lining, as the ermine white ;
My choicest friends shall revel o'er thy bowl,
And charm away the terrors of the night.
rroni ample hoards I'll bring the fragrant spoils,
The richest herb from Kerebequa's shores,
That grateful weed, that props the British Isles,
And Sussex,* England's Royal Duke adores.
The Social Pipe.
'Tis not for me to sing thy praise alone,
\\ here'er the merchant spreads his wiud-bleach'd
sails j
Wherever social intercourse is known,
There too thy credit, still the theme prevails.
Ihe bearded Turk, majestically grand,
In high divan upholds the jointed reeds ;
And clearer reasons on the case in hand,
Till opposition to his lore concedes.
* Independent of His Royal Highness's attachment to
the Columbian weed, the Duke has a repository where
are to be seen, in curious arrangement, all the smoking
tubes in use by the civilized inhabitants of the world,
from the slender pipe used by the Hollander, to the
magnificent Hookah used by the Indian prince in his
Court, or on the back of his elephant ; and so atten-
tive is the prince to this healthy amusement, tint
even in his travelling carriage a receptacle is formed
for the pipe, the tinder, the flint, and the steel.
Thy potent chaims delight the nabob's taste,
Fixt on his elephant (half reasoning beast) ;
He twines the gaudy hookah round his waist.
And puff's thy incense to the breezy east.
The grave Bavarian, midst his half year's frost,
Deliglits to keep thy ruby fins awake ;
And as in traffic's maze his fancy 's tost,
Light skims the icy surface of the lake.
The Indian Sachem at his wigwam-gate,
By chiefs surrounded when the warfare ends.
Seated in all the pomp of savage state.
Circles the calumet* to cheer his friends.
The Frenchman loves thee la another way,
He grinds thy leaves to make him scented snuff;
Boasts of improvements, and prefcumes to say,
France still the polish gives and we the i^ough.
Still let him boast, nor put Jolin Bull to shame,
His Gascon tales shall Fr-glishraen divert ;
France for her trifles /las been dear to fame,
From her the ruffle sprung, from* us the shirt.
The lib'ral Spaniard and the Portuguese,
Spread richest dainties bi ought from realms afar ;
Nor think their festive efforts form'd to please,
Unless redundant breathes the lioht cigar.
The Pipe of Peace.
So when our Druids inspiration sougiit,
They burnt the misletoe to fume around ;
Th' inspiring vapours gave a strength to thought,
They dealt out lore impressive and profound.
Methinks I see them with the mental eye,
1 hear their lessons with attention's ear ;
Of early fishing with the summer fly,
And many a pleasing tale to anglers dear.
The while they draw from the inspiring weed.
They boast a charm the smoker owns supreme ;
And novp diverted with the polish'd reed,
Forego the little fish -house by the stream.
Tho' this be fancy, still it serves to shew.
That Wisdom's sons have lov'd Columbia's pride ;
And shall, while waters round our island flow,
Tho' fools and fops its healing breath deride.
Mem'ry still hold me in thy high esteem,
For lonely setting upon the day's decline;
Visions sublime, before my fancy gleam,
And rich ideas from her stores combine.
The Social Pipe.
Our sires o old esteemed this healing leaf.
Sacred to Bacchus and his ros}? train ;
And many a country squire and martial chief.
Have sung its virtues mid a long campaign.
Methinks I see Charles Cotton and his friend.
The modest Walton from Augusta's town ;
Enter the fishing house an hour to spend.
And by the marble t table set them down.
Boy ! bring me in the jug of Derby ale,
My best tobacco and my smoking tray ;
The boy obedient brings the rich regale,
And each assumes his pipe of polish'd clay.
Thus sang young Cotton, and his will obey'd.
And snug the friends were seated at their ease ;
They light their tubes without the least parade.
And give the fragrance to the playful breeze.
Now cloud on cloud parades the fisher's room,
The Moreland ale rich sparkles to the sight ;
They draw fresh wisdom from the circling gloom.
And deal a converse pregnant with delight.
* The two celebrated anglers,
t See Walton's complete Angler. Charles Cotton
of Beresford Hall, his little Fishing House.
The love-sick Swilzer from his frozen lake,
Lights thee to cheer him thro' the upland way ;
To her who sighs impatient for his sake.
And thinks a moment loiter'd, is a moon's delay.
The hardy Scot amidst his mountain snow,
When icy fetters bind the dreary vale ,
Draws from his muse the never-failing glow.
And bids defiance to the rushing; sfale
'O 3
The honest Cambrians round their cyder cask,
In friendship meet the moments to solace ;
Tell all thy worth as circles round the ask.
And cheerly sing of " Shenkin's noble race."
The hardy tar in foamy billows hid.
While fiery flashes all around deform ;
Clings to the yard and takes his fav'rite quid.
Smiles at the danger and defies the storm ;
And when the foe with daring force appears.
Recurrent to the sav'ry pouch once more.
New vigour takes and three for George he cheers,
As vict'ry smiles, and still the cannons roar.
The soldier loves thee on his dreary march,
And when in battle dreadful armies join ;
'Tis thou forbids his sulphur'd lips should parch.
And gives new strength to charge along the line.
Thy acrid flavour to new toil invites
The ploughman, drooping 'neath the noon-day beam ;
Inspir'd by thee, he thinks of love's delights,
And down the fvirrow whittles to his team.
Thus all admire thee : search around the globe,
Ihe rich, the poor, the volatile, the grave ;
Save the swekt fop, who fears to taint his robe,
The smock-fae'd fribble, and the henpeck'd slave.
Thus all esteem thee, and to this agree.
Thou art the drug preferr'd in ev'ry clime ;
To clear the head, and set the senses free,
And lengthen life beyond the wonted time.
The Social. Pipe,
Pretty tube of mighty power !
Charmer of an idle hour ;
Object of my hot desire.
Lip of wax and eye of fire ;
And thy snowy taper waist,
With my fingers gently brac'd ;
And thy lovely swelling crest,
\Vith my bended stopper prest ;
And the sweetest bliss of blisses.
Breathing from thy balmy kisses ;
Happy thrice and thrice agen —
Happiest he of happy men !
Who, when again the night returns,
When again the taper burns ;
When again the crickets gay,
Little crickets full of play ;
Can afford his tube to feed,
'With the fragrant Indian weed ;
Pleasure for a nose divine.
Incense of the god of wine !
Happy thrice and thrice agen —
Happiest he of happy men !
The mighty Thebes, and Babylon the great,
Imperial Rome, in turn, have bowed to fate;
So this great world, and each * particular star'.
Must all burn out, like you, my last cigar :
A puff — a transient fire, that ends in smoke.
And all that's given to man — that bitter joke —
Youth, Hope, and Love, three whiffs of passing
Then come the ashes, and the long, long, rest.
During the reign of Elizabeth, a facility had
been afforded to the dissemination of tobacco,
that was soon destined to receive a check, on
the accession of her successor, James the First, to
the throne. This arose from a prejudice, that,
with many others, rendered this weak and vacil-
lating monarch remarkable. Whether it arose, as
many have supposed, from his dislike to Sir
Walter Raleigh, so despicably and cruelly shown,
and that the source of his peculiar feelings turned
with bitterness to the plant of that great man's
adoption, can only be left to the imagination to
decide; but that he exerted all the powers of
his mind for its entire suppression, is certain.
In the first place, the importation duty had
been, up to this period, but 2d. per lb., and this,
by the first law James passed, was increased
to Qs. \0d., thus adding the comparatively
enormous sum of 6.s. Qd. to the previously existing
trifle. In consequence of this, nearly a stagna-
tion of the trade took place; and Stith informs
us, that so low was it reduced in 1611, that only
142,085 lbs. weight were imported from Vir-
ginia, not amounting to one-sixth of the previous
annual supply.
One of two things now only remained to be
done, as the traders could have no interest to
gratify in shipping it under the existing law;
they were either compelled to give it up or cul-
tivate it at home. The latter alternative was
adopted, and till the year 1620, the tobacco-
plant was cultivated to a very considerable ex-
tent. But the obduracy of its royal enemy was
not to be so eluded, an act was passed especially
prohibiting its culture at home. The crisis of
the plant's fate seemed now to approach. De-
terminmg on the other hand, not to forfeit an
indulgence, that habit in a great degree had
made necessary, it was examined and found in
the reading of the act made in 1604, that though
it particularly provided 6s. \0d. duty should be
levied on all tobaccoyrom Virginia, no mention
was made of its importation from any other
Taking advantage of this omission, recourse
was immediately had to the Spanish and Por-
tuguese districts, and the consequence was an
influx of the favorite herb at the old duty of 2d.
The only real sufferers through adopting this
new channel of commerce, were the planters of
A'^irginia, who made a representation of their loss
to the throne, when another law was passed,
lessening the duty and prohibiting the importa-
tion from any other place.
To this effect an act was passed in 1624, and
though it was some time previous to the trade
regaining any thing like its pristine vigour, it
had but just began to do so, when, as if the
sight was doubly hateful to James, he had a new
law passed. This was to the effect, that none,
under very heavy penalties, should deal in the
article w^ithout holding letters patent from
himself. A blow so sudden and unexpect-
ed, occasioned the ruin, we are told, of many
thousands, and the trade went rapidly to
So uncertain and precarious did the law at
this period seem with regard to tobacco, and
so well was the irritable monarch's antipathy to
it known, by the celebrated " Counterblaste'' he
had written against it, of which we shall treat
hereafter, that few cared to speculate in the traffic.
Although the act James had made in 1620 was
not repealed, the cultivation of the plant was
still carried on clandestinely to a very great
extent. Most of the laws, indeed, since James's
time, have an evident tendency to banish to-
bacco from the kingdom. An act was made
12th Car. II. cap. 34. This law, embracing the
prohibitory portions of the preceding acts, con-
fiscated the tobacco so found, with a fine of 1 00
shillings for every pole of land so planted.
Another shortly followed after this, the 15th
Car. II. cap. 17, wherein the previous one was
enforced, and the penalty fixed at 10/. for every
rod. By this we may infer, that the former of
these acts had not, in the estimation of the legis-
lature, been sufficiently powerful to restrain the
practice of the secret culture of the plant at
Turning aside from the perusal of these
laws, which probably arose from the pique of a
learned though imbecile monarch, we cannot but
reflect with a feeling of surprise, that our own en-
lightened regulations have their origin distinctly
traced to them. This is an assumption I think
we may fairly maintain, when we state that the
duty is now 3s.* per lb. on the importation
* Except from British possessions in Ameiica, and
then it is 2s. M.
E 3
of the raw material ; a sum that forms no less
ih^njifteen times its prime cost in the countries
where it is produced. On the leaf manufac-
tured it is immense, the duty on cigars being 9s.
the lb. (5th Geo. IV. cap. 48,) and on snuff 6s.
That tobacco, as a luxury, is a fit article for
taxation we are not disposed to deny, but a little
reflection must convince any one, that a tax so
exceedingly high, instead of adding to the
revenue, can but have an opposite effect; for
what can be a greater incentive to the contraband
trade that is notoriously known to exist in this
article of home consumption ?
If the duty were lowered, the great cause of
smuggling in this line would no longer remain,
and at the same time a much greater quantity
would doubtless be consumed. If we but look
back in other instances of a similar kind, we
shall generally find it so. The duty on spirits
in Ireland and Scotland was decreased from
5s. 6d. the wine-gallon down so low as 2s., which
instead of lowering the amount of the annual tax,
very considerably added to it. Then again, in
regard to the duty formerly levied on French
wines, it was lowered from lis. 5^d. down to 6s.
the gallon, a reduction that also greatly tended
to increase the amount of the year's revenue.
The duty on coffee is another proof we shall cite :
in 1823 it was Is. per lb. and the goverment de-
rived from it that year 393,708/. Whereas when
half of the amount levied was taken off, leaving
it but 6d., in 1825 the gross receipt amounted to
426,187/. Thus may we see, with very nu-
merous other instances that might be named, the
advantages arising from a low tax, which we
affirm, with few exceptions, will ever be found to
benefit the country at large.
' Nor is this the only evil we have to complain
of as regards the tobacco regulations ; while the
whole system is defective, there is one that more
imperatively calls for the attention of the legis-
lature. What we allude to is, the glaring im-
policy of obliging our merchant service to tra-
verse different portions of the globe, at a conse-
quently large expence, in search of an article we
have the means of producing at home, and
whose very production would furnish constant
employment to some of the millions now a
burthen to the country.
Perhaps it would scarcely be credited, that in
1826, no less a quantity of tobacco and snuff
was imported than 40,074,447 lbs. Now out of
this, only 18,761,245 lbs. paid duty; yet to the
serious amount of 3,310,375/. sterling. The rest
we suppose sought a market elsewhere.
As a proof of the evident want of policy in
our regulations concerning tobacco, we shall
give our readers a slight abstract to judge for
No tobacco shall be imported but from
America on pain of forfeiture, with the vessel
and its contents, except from Spain, Portugal,
and Ireland, from which it may be imported
under certain regulations. (29 Geo. III. c. 68.)
But tobacco of the territories of Russia or Turkey
may be imported from thence in British-built
ships and warehoused, and may be exported or
entered for home consumption on payment of
the like duties as tobacco of the United States
of America; and on its being manufactured in
Great Britain and exported, shall be entitled to
the drawbacks. (43 Geo. III. c. 68.)
By the 45 Geo. III. c. 57, tobacco the pro-
duction of the West Indies or the continent of
America, belonging to any foreign European
state, may be imported into certain ports speci-
fied in the act, and exported to any port of the
United Kingdom subject to the regulations of
the act ; and such tobacco shall pay the same
duties as that which is the growth of the British
West Indies, or of the United States of Ame-
By the 49 Geo. III. c. 25, unmanufactured
tobacco may be imported from any place in
Britisli vessels navigated according to law, or in
foreign ships navigated in any manner whatever
belonging to any state in amity with Great
Britain; and such tobacco shall be liable to the
same regulations as tobacco from the British
plantations. But no tobacco or snuff shall be
imported in any vessel of less burthen than 120
tons; nor any tobacco-stalks, lobacco-stalk
flower, or snuff work in any vessel whatever;
nor any tobacco or snuff in casks less than
450 lbs. on the like penalty ; except loose tobacco
for the crew not exceeding five lbs. for each
person; nor shall the vessel be forfeited, if proof
be made, from the smallness of the quantity, that
such tobacco or snuff was on board without the
knowledge of the owner or master. (29 G. III.
c. 68.)
And no tobacco or snuff shall be imported,
except at London, Bristol, Liverpool, Lancaster,
Cowes, Falmouth, Whitehaven and Hull, (and
by 31 Geo. III. c. 47, Newcastle-upon-Tyne), on
the like forfeiture.
Every manufacturer of tobacco or snuff shall
take out a licence from the officers of excise, for
which he shall pay, if the quantity of tobacco
and snufF-work weiglied by him for manufacture
within the year ending the 10th of October, pre-
vious to his taking out such licence did not ex-
ceed - - - - 20,000 lbs. £.200
I 20,000, and
under 30,000
30,000 -
- - 40,000
40,000 -
- - 50,000
50,000 -
- - 60,000
60,000 -
- - 70,000
70,000 -
- - 80,000
80,000 -
- - 90,000
90,000 -
- - 100,000
100,000 -
- - 120,000
120,000 -
- - 150,000
150,000 -
Every person who shall first become a ma-
nufacturer of tobacco or snuff, shall pay for every
such licence 2/., and within ten days after the
10th of October next, after taking out such
licence, such further additional sum as, with the
said 2/., shall amount to the duty hereinbefore
directed to be paid, according to the quantity of
tobacco and snuff-work weighed for manufac-
And every dealer in tobacco and snuff shall
take out a licence in like manner, for which he
shall pay within the liberties of the chief office
in London 5s. ^ elsewhere 2s. 6d. (43 Geo. III.
c. 69.) But persons licensed as manufacturers
who shall not sell tobacco in a less quantity than
four pounds, nor snuff than two pounds, need
not be licensed as dealers. (29 Geo. III.)
Every person who shall manufacture or deal
in tobacco or snuff without taking out such
licence, or shall not renew the same ten days at
least before the end of the year, shall forfeit, if
a manufacturer 200/,, and if a dealer 50/.
Persons in partnership need not take out
more than one licence for one house. Every
manufacturer and dealer shall make entry in
writing of his house or place intended to be
made use of for manufacturing, keeping, or sell-
ing tobacco or snuff, three days previous to his
beginning, on pain of forfeiting 200/., and also
the tobacco and snuff there found, together with
the casks and package which may be seized by
the officers of the customs or excise.
What soothes the peasant when his toil is done '?
He cheerly sits beside his cottage door.
In the sweet light of ev'ning's parting sun.
His young ones sporting o'er the sanded floor ; —
What cheers the seaman, when the fight is won.
And victory smiles upon our naval band 1
Toiling no longer at the murd'rous gun,
His thoughts are proudly of his native land.
What charms the Turk, Greek, Frenchman, fop or sage,
In this enlighten'd comfort-loving age ;
Since health, and pleasure's cheerful reign began,
But lov'd tobacco, sovereign friend of man 1 — M. S.
" For the taking of fum.es by pipes, as in tobacco
and other things, to dry and comfort." — Bacon.
" Bread or tobacco may be neglected : but reason at
first recommends their trial, and custom makes them
pleasant." — Locke.
Hail! inspirers of the profoundest and the
brightest things that have been said and done
since the creation, and, in the strength and
plenitude of our recollections of thy divine
virtues, aid us to sing thy praises ! What though
there be those, who, in the whim, caprice or
ignorance of thy merits, would run ye down in
the plenitude of their prejudices — have ye not
stood the test of time, that criterion of excel-
lence ? Are ye not, most sublime of pleasures,
independent of your other numerous claims
upon public and private favour — are ye not im-
mortalized by the hallowed names of the great,
the good, the wise, the witty and the learned,
whose encomiums of your worth shall descend
with you, through the future ages of unborn
What ! shall it ever be said that the disaffected
to the great public cause, the innovators upon
common taste, shall be allowed to progress in
their rash undertaking, of seeking to undervalue
the importance of those gentle consolers through
life, the snuff-box and pipe. Never ! while
there's a Woodville — nay, even a Dhoodeen,* to
smoke them to defiance, or a pinch of ' high
dried,' to father a witty reply.
Much-injured and defrauded of habits — friends
* A short pipe smoked by the lower orders, and
generally rendered black by time and the frequent use
of the commonest shag tobacco.
of past and present learning and genius — of
every land and every clime — sought by rich, as
well as poor, and alike soothing to the king as
slave, how have ye not been calumniated by the
weak and designing ! As the poet saith, " Envy
doth merit as its shade pursue," and so is it with
you. Oh tliat those standing highest in the
popular favour — the * tried and trusty' — should
ever be the objects of attack to the discontented !
Most delectable of companions! how many
tender reminiscences and recollections are as-
sociated with you, from the last pipe of the
murdered Raleigh in Newgate, to the dernier
pinch of the equally unfortunate Louis XVI,
ere they mounted scaffolds, it is hoped,
for a better world. If we turn to the ima-
gination, how many endearing recollections
connected with our subject throng upon us,
even from the once happy days of our boyhood,
when in secret we pored over the pages of genius
in preference to scholastic lore. Rise up before
us, thou soul of philanthropy, and humorous
eccentricity, my uncle Toby ! with thy faithful
and humble serviteur the corporal.* Methinks,
indeed, we now see ye together in the little
* Sterne's Tristram Shandy.
cottage parlour, lighted up by the cheerful fire,
tliscoursingof past dangers and campaigns under
the soothing influence of the narcotic weed,
whose smoke, as it rises in fantastic curls from
either pipe, harmonizes together like your kin-
dred souls. And thou, too, poor monk,* off-
spring of the same pervading mind, yet picturing
many a sad reality, must thou be forgotten, ab-
sorbed as thou art from all the grosser passions
of our nature? Our memory paints thee, im-
pelled by the courtesy of thy gentle nature,
proffering thine humble box of horn, thy pale
and intellectual face, so sensitive, half-shrinking
from the fear of ' pride's rebuff :' whilst thou thy-
self, from the sneers of the affluent, seekest con-
solation in — a pinch of snuff!
Good Mcar of Wakefield ! t man of many
sorrows, we greet thee in our reminiscences,
sitting in thine happier days beneath the elm
that shades thy rustic roof, as, under the influence
of thy much loved pipe, thou inculcatest to the
youthful circle around thee maxims of truth and
piety. What peculiar feelings of veneration
must we attach to these pipes and snuff-boxes.
* Sterne's Sentimental Journey,
t By Goldsmith.
Without them, indeed — with such a true know-
ledge of life are they introduced — the stories
would lose half their force, and nearly all their
effect. How naturally do we associate with a
smoker, a blandness and evenness of voice and
gesture, which we can by no means ascribe to men
in common. The same almost in regard to the
snuff-box : the mind seems to acquire a polish
and fire at its very sight. Nay, absolutely such
is our profound respect for the sympathising
herb, that even the quids of poor Lieutenant
Bowling* himself would appear venerable in our
eyes were they but in existence.
Lowering our Pegasus a peg or two from the
loftier flights of conception, we will proceed
more immediately to analyze the merits of these
legitimate offsprings of the parent plant,
smoking and snuff-taking; first of all, however,
having recourse to a pinch of Welsh, to clear
our head for so arduous an undertaking. That
smoking and snuff-taking have, as habits perni-
cious to the health, been attacked repeatedly by
the heads of science, is no less true than that
they have escaped each intended flagellation,
and thrived under the fostering lip and nose of a
discerning public. Previous, however, to pro-
* Smollett's Peresfrine Pickle.
ceeding further, we shall take a review of the
different enemies arrayed against the good old
customs we have had handed down to us from
our fathers. These may most generally, we
think, be divided into three classes — the ladies,- —
physicians, and a certain class of thin and pallid
gentlemen, remarkable for the delicate suscep-
tibility of their noses.
The ladies of England designate smoking and
snuffing, filthy and dirty habits. If you chance,
dear reader, to ask why — because — because —
they are vile and dirty habits, and thereby — ' hangs
a tale.' Then, as a matter of course, comes to
be cited a list of the most gentlemanly men,
young and old, who are never guilty of commit-
ting the sin. Now, what does all this come to ?
— that they do dislike the habits, and therefore
none but brutes, among the more refined orders,
would think of annoying them by practising
either in their sweet presence. The understand-
ings of women generally, in comparison with
those of men, are proverbially weak. Following
the erratic course of the first of their sex, who
brought misery and woe upon the devoted head
of man, they in turn would fain deprive him of
his two cheapest comforts, left to console him
in this vale of sorrow.
r 3
Reader, if thou should'st chance to be a mar-
ried man, when thy rib — so vulgarly called in
epitome, though perchance the better half of thy-
self — rails against thy only consolation in do-
mestic broils, — smoking — answer not, we be-
seech thee. No, not a word of the volume
of eloquence we fancy rising indignantly in
thy throat, against the cruel calumnies level-
led at thy favorite Virginia, as thou valuest
the safety of thy tube, whether Dutch or Mer-
schaum. The voice of an angel would not avail
thee in thy cause.
With reference to ihe faculty, though divided
in opinions, we shall only notice those arrayed
against the plant divine. Indeed, the enmity of
a physician dependent upon his profession for
support may be always known ; he detests any-
thing cheap and soothing, conducive to health,
and thence his frequent antipathy to tobacco
in smoking. In regard to snuff he is wisely
meek; for what were he himself without the
stimulating dust in his pocket ? In former times,
indeed, its influence perhaps was greater and
more respected than the wig and cane together,
as Swift says :— -
" Sir Plume, of Amber snuft'-box, justly vain,
And the nice conduct of a clouded cane."
Well, and what do the faculty say with re-
ference to smoking? Some will tell you it is
hurtful to the lungs ; others, that the head and
heart are more particularly affected by it ; very
few of them agreeing precisely as to ill effects to
be attributed to it.
Grant us patience to bear such ingratitude!
While they are indebted for their consequence
and fluency of discourse, to the wit-inspiring in-
fluence of the herb in grain, they are running it
down in another and not less delightful prepara-
tion and form. Then, by way of conclusion, like
a crier of last dying speeches, comes to be re-
lated the death of some very promising young
man, who, through the frequent habit of smoking^
which he practised against the continued advice
of the grave Monitor — made his exit in a con-
sumption. So if a man habituated to the plea-
sures of a pipe goes off in a consumption, the
anti-smokers must immediately assert it was
brought on by the use of tobacco. How do we
know, indeed, but that its magic influence kept
him alive much longer than he v^rould have been,
without it : supposing — and we suppose it only
for the sake of argument, that one or two, nay,
say twenty in the thousand, suffer in their health
through smoking, — the abuse and not the use of
which vvG candidly admit may slightly impair
some peculiar constitutions, — where is the re-
creant who does not, feeling the joys of smoking,
say with us, a " short life and a merry one !"
What, after all, are a few years in the scale of
human existence ! Is the fear of losing one or
two of their number, to deter us from availing
ourselves of innocent pleasures within our reach?
— if so, London, methinks, would soon be de-
serted by the scientific and intelligent portion
of its inhabitants, merely because the Thames
water chances to be a little poisonous, or so, and
the air of the town notoriously unhealthy.
By the same silly fear, too, the gourmand
must abstain from the pleasures of the table, —
fashionables from late hours, and the army and
navy from hard drinking ; in all of which the
aforesaid, like true spirits, exclusively delight
and take a pride ; doubtless, inspired in seeking
to indulge in what our own bard, Byron, says :
" aught that gave,
Hope of a pleasure, or peril of a grave."
An evident proof, if any be wanting, that
beings of a pacific disposition are as careless of
facing death as those who have served an ap-
prenticeship to it. Once more, taking the most
virulent of the medical enemies of smoking, on
their own assertions, and supposing people are
killed outright by smoking, why should this
deter others from practising it? What is more
common, than that each yt;ar presents us with
numerous deaths in every department of re-
creation, whether riding, sailing, shooting or
bathing ; and yet we should be surprised to learn
that ever it deterred others from following similar
pursuits ; then, wherefore, on their own shewing,
should the harmless happy recreation (that to
the poor comprehends all the above amusements)
be excepted ? — Why, indeed ? — O ! ye sons of the
' healing art/ we throw reason away upon ye,
and ive have too much reason to fear that the
true lights of science are lost to ye for ever, when
ye attack that which is so beneficial to man.
The next, and in fact the most excusable of
the triumvirate confederacy against smoking and
snuff-taking, the former more particularly, that
now calls for our attention, are the gentlemen
of weak palates. These, first caught by the look
of the thing, from perceiving the mild serenity
ever attendant upon a smoker, and marking the
sententious discourse of wisdom flowing like
honey from his lips, have essayed the practice,
without effect. At length, finding their nerves
could never sustain the delightful fumes, with-
out certain inward admonitions, that were not
to be neglected or trifled with, they gave up all
thoughts of that, which seemed to make so many
happy. Now, nothing is more common in me-
taphysics, than to know that when a fancy or
love is not returned by the object of affection, it
generally turns into as great a hatred. Nothing,
therefore, is more easily exemplified than the
violence of the dislike expressed by this order
of ' tobacco's foemen.' Although the efforts of
the above, with the exception of an occasional
treatise against the pernicious effects of tobacco
from the medical department, are confined to
oral discussion of the subject; the genial herb
has enemies of a more aspiring and determined
cast. These parties are not contented with
throwing their antipathies on the sympathy of
their own friends, but they must even occa-
sionally cast them upon the public in the awful
form of a printed sheet. Some of these, though
written in a very grave style, are really amusing,
and we shall note a couple of them, among many
other originals before us, in proof. The first of
these is the celebrated Counterblaste by King
James the First, written apparently in all the
rancour of prejudice, and occupying rather a
curious place among his learned works. The
second is a tract (published in 1824) entitled,
" An Appeal to Humanity, in behalf of the
Brethren of the Heathen World : particularly
addressed to Snuff-takers and Tobacco-smokers
in all Christian Lands. — Second Edition."
The application and tendency of this most
facetious of pamphlets is, neither more nor less,
than to induce the world at large to abstain from
tobacco and snufF-taking altogether, and bestow
the money formerly applied for that purpose, to
the promotion of the missionary society to con-
vert our ' heathen brethren.'
Such is the benevolent object of this bar-
barian himself — for what else can we, in the
indignation that almost overwhelms us at his
audacious attempt, call him. When we reflect
but for a moment, if he succeeded by the power-
ful and charitable arguments he uses, the na-
tional wealth, powers, and consequences of the
kingdom would be undermined. For what, we
say, were Englishmen without tobacco ? — no more
than a Turk without his opium, a Frenchman
without his snuff, or any man without an agree-
able stimulant to the mind. Had he now only
sought to deprive us of a meal in the day, our
dinner even, for instance, we could have borne
patiently with him ; but to seek, — to conceive,—
to attempt, banishing one of the most soothing, —
sympathising, and truest friends from the man-
sions of John Bull, is an atrocity we scarcely can
credit ; did not the identical barbarous proposi-
tion glare us in the face in good long-primer.
Write of the heathen, indeed ! he wants convert-
ing himself to a just and proper sense of the
darkness in which he walks, or rather we should
say, writes, when he could conceive such an
enormity. However, after thus premising, we
shall allow him an opportunity of speaking for
In the first instance, he states, that he had long
seriously thought, that the abuse of tobacco in
every form is altogether inconsistent with the
grand rule of the inspired volume — " What-
soever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
(J Cor. X. 31.)
After stating what truly astonishing large sums
of money are annually expended in tobacco and
snuff, he details the following anecdote.
" Travelling some time ago in a stage-coach,
an elderly lady and a gentleman sat opposite to
me. It was not long before the old gentleman
pulled out his snuff-box, and, giving it a tap
with his finger as the manner is, asked the lady
if she would take a pinch ; but she declined.
As the lady particularly eyed me, I could
scarcely refrain from smiling. — (most facetious ! )
' Perhaps,' ma'am, you do not decline taking a
pinch, because you think there is any sin in
snuff-taking?' ' Oh no. I do take snuff: do
YOU think there is sin in it, Sir?' Yes ma'am,'
said I, ' I think in so)ne cases it is sinful,' {us cases
are in italics we should feel happy to know whether
they are of tin or composition he alludes to, hut to
proceed.) At this, the lady expressed great sur-
prise {us well she might) and would not be satis-
fied, unless I \vould assign some reason for
thinking that snuff-taking was sinful. At length,
for she teazed me, I said to her, ' Pray ma'am,
{cunnot he drop the field-preucher and write
Madam) how much in the w^eek may you spend
in snuff?' ^ Perhaps 7d.' 'And how many years
have you been in the habit of taking snuff?'
' Well, I suppose,' she replied, ' upwards of
forty years.' ' Seven-pence a week, you say, —
that is something more than thirty shillings in the
year, — and if you have taken snuff at this rate
for forty years, the same will amount to more
than 60/. ' You surprise me, — you must be
mistaken, Sir.' ' No, Ma^am,' said I, ' I am
not mistaken.' It amounts to more than 60/.
without the interest {profuund calculuiion /)
Now, do you think that God will reward you
for taking snufF V ' Reward me for taking-
snuff!' said she, ' No, Sir, I do not expect that.'
' But suppose, instead of spending this 60/. in
snuff, you had spent it in feeding the hungry,
clothing the naked;''' — we really can follow
these opinions no further, as we have more
than one old maiden lady within our ken, that
would have actually fainted outright at such a
want of modesty.
Trusting our reader will bear with us, we shall
notice a little more of this self-created minister's
appeal in favour of the heathens, who, doubtless,
if favoured with the knowledge, could not but
feel highly indebted for the exertions of so
powerful an advocate in their cause. At the
same time we strongly suspect, from the love he
has of showing his knowledge of the tables of
pence, that the writer was formerly an officiating
deputy in a huckster's or chandler's shop, until
seduced by the influence of the " spirit that
moves" for a nobler call of action. The fol-
lowing is another specimen of his Jigurative
" A few days ago, I mentioned the above
anecdote in the house of a farmer. ' Why,'
said the farmer, ' I could never have thought
that Id. a week would have come to so much. —
Do you know my wife and I can assure you, that
awhile back, we smoked an ounce a day.' • An
ounce a day/ said I, (the echo /) * What is to-
bacco an ounce V (ignoramus ! — we thought he
knew 7iot the value of what he attempts to depre-
ciate). ' Four-pence/ said he. ' Four-pence
an ounce, and an ounce in the day, that is
2s. Ad. per week, and 52 weeks in the year will
be the sura of 6/. and Ad. annually. — O Sir! — I
am very sorry for you." — (kind hearted soul /)
Pursuing his system, apparently, of poking his
head into the affairs of country farmers, he gives
us another trite anecdote, too rich a morceau to
be passed in silence ; since it so admirably
serves to shew the estimation the pipe is held in
by the true representatives of John Bull.
" Since I commenced writing of this, I had oc-
casion to call upon a respectable farmer, who
is a member of your society — (we smell a rat) —
and a leader I suppose, greatly esteemed by his
neighbours, who certainly have the best oppor-
tunity of knowing him as a truly pious, and use-
ful man. Almost immediately after we were
seated, he called for his pipe (for some people
cannot be cheerful or make a wise bargain) —
symptoms of the shop) — unless their heads are en-
veloped in smoke. ' Now, Sir,* said he, * can
you smoke any, will you have a pipe V No,
Sir,' said I, ' I never smoked a pipe in all my
life ;' — (^miserable man ! this he sai/s doubtless by
way of shewing his Christian self-denial). ' I
have for a long time considered it sinful, and
therefore I never smoke.' ' Sinful,' said he,
laughing — {jolly fellow /) — ' how can it be
sinful V ' Because, said I, it wastes our power
of doing good. Did you never consider that.*
Upon this his wife who was sitting by, pleasantly
observed, ' Our John is a terrible smoker' —
{woj'thy man !) — ' For goodness sake don't make
him believe that it is sinful to smoke. If he
can't get his pipe, we shall have no peace : he'll
be quite out of temper.' ' Nay,' said I,
* surely not out of temper.' ^ Yes, for sure,
out of temper enough, — quite peevish and
fretful.' ' Now,' said John, ' how thou talks
my dear.' ' Talk ! why is it not true ? Thou
wants it first thing in the morning — then again
at breakfast time — then again at noon, and then
again at night — ^just as it happens. Why, I'll
warrant you (turning to me) he has seven or
eight pipes in a day, and sometimes more,' —
sensible wan !) — ' Perhaps,' said I, ' he's sick,
and smokes for his healtli.' ' Nay, nay, sick,
bless him ! he's none sick, he has got a habit of
it you see, and so he thinks he wants it. Oh,
he must have his pipe — he can't do without his
pipe — sin in it ! nay, surely it cannot be sinful.'
{He concludes ivtt/i his favorite computation).
Upon inquiry, 1 found, that though the only
smoker in the family, yet at a moderate reckon-
ing, he contrives to consume about 5/. worth of
tobacco every year."
This would, doubtless, have been better em-
ployed in the hands of the good promoter of the
Missionaries, of whom we now take our leave ;
and to whom, we wish no further punishment for
his cruel attempt at seeking to banish the cheer-
ful companionship of the pipe from mansions of
peace, than being compelled to the smoking of
a pipe of the oldest shag himself.
In reference to King James' Counterblaste,
although, from its antiquity, as well as the rank
and learning of the author, it occupies a serious
claim upon our attention, yet, upon the whole,
it may be termed nearly as ridiculous as the
foregoing, although not in its application. It,
indeed, fully bears the stamp of those antipathies
that, once conceived, the monarch was seldom or
never known to waive. This is more singular,
as they were formed against a plant, received
into the greatest favour and esteem among all
ranks, and, as a medicine, was in far greater re-
quest than it is even now. Facts like these
plainly establish, that James' dislike, however
acquired, proceeded from prejudice and preju-
dice alone.
In the first paragraph, he tells us, that it was
first introduced into England from the Indians,
who used it as an antidote against " a filthy dis-
ease, whereunto these barbarous people (as all
people know) are very much subject.''
After bestowing a volley of abuse upon
smoking, not of the most elegant description, he
refers to the acquiring of the fashion that cer-
tainly generally applies in all things now, as
well as it did in his own times.
" Do we not daily see, that a man can no sooner
bring ouer from beyond the seas any new forme
of apparell, but that he cannot be thought a man
of spirit that would not presently imitate the
same ? and so, from hand to hand it spreads,
till it be practised by all ; not from any commo-
dity that is in it, but only because it is come to
be the fashion."
Of the popularity of smoking in his time, he
says himself, " You are not able to ride, or walk,
the journey of a Jew's Sabbath, but you must
have a reekie cole brought you from the next
poor-house, to kindle your tobacco with /"
" It is become in place of a care, a point of
good fellowship, and liee that will refuse to take
a pipe of tobacco among his fellowes, though by
his owne election he would rather not feel the
savor of the stinke, is accounted peevish and no
good company ; even as they do tippling in the
COLD Eastern countreys."
Of the consequences then often attending the
habit of smoking, he observes, " Now how you
are by this custome disabled in your goods,
let the gentry of this land beare witness ; some
of them bestowing three, some four hundred
POUNDS A yeere upou this precious stinke,
which I am sure might be bestowed upon far
better vses."
Than the assertion of the above individual
enormous expenditure, nothing perhaps is better
calculated todisplay James's exaggeration, which
actually here can only be considered hyperbo-
lical. The idea, the bare possibility, is scarcely
conceivable for a moment, that in those days,
three hundred pounds, at least equal to nine
hundred of our present money, was ever laid out
by a single individual in smoking ; excepting,
indeed, perhaps, as a very rare and singular oc-
currence. King James concludes his Counter-
blaste in the following piece of declamation.
'* Have you not reason then to be ashamed,
and to forbeare this filthie noveltie so basely
grounded, so foolishly received, and so grossly
mistaken, in the right use thereof? In your
abuse thereof, sinning against God, harming
yourselves both in persons and goods, and
raking also thereby, the markes and vanities
vpon you : by the custome thereof, making
yourselves to be wondered at by all forreinne
civill nations, and by all strangers that come
among you, to be scorned and contemned : a
custome loathsome to the eye, hateful to the
nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the
lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof,
nearest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke of
the pit that is bottomlesse."
What a pity it is, James never smoked ; in-
stead of this long tirade against the most cheer-
ful of all pastimes, we should have had an
eulogy, glowing with the warmth and feeling of
truth from the head and heart. From the very
gall perceivable at times, one could easily know
he was an utter stranger to the gentle sympathy
of apipe. He ridicules and condemns that, which,
like many others, he knows not, and therefore
cannot appreciate. Had he but put the pipe
fairly upon its trial, and found it guilty of the
mischiefs ascribed to it, then could we have ex-
cused him; but to conceive ideas not founded
upon truth and justice and the welfare of the
kingdom he was called upon to govern, and to
act upon those ideas, by the framing of arbitrary
laws, repressing the tastes of the nation at large,
raises in its remembrance an indignation in our
mind, that takes repeated whiffs of our * German'
to quell.
Now the truly immense extent of the benefits
Europe is indebted to for the introduction of the
tobacco-plant, is by no means generally known.
For the instruction of our fellow creatures — we
say instruction, because probably our numerous
readers may never have met with them before, —
we shall proceed to enlighten the world upon
the subject. If we look backward to the earlier
periods of History, what barbarous and savage
manners do we not mark characterizing the
people and the times. Rapine and murder
stalking hand in hand among them, and scarce
at all repressed by laws, divine or human. Now
mark, sweet readers, especially if true lovers of
the invaluable herb, whose praises we are about
singing ! Mark what " great effects from little
causes spring." No sooner did tobacco make its
appearance and get into nytice and use, than the
passions of all men wooing its soothing influence,
gradually began to receive a change. As it got
more generally diffused, its influence might
almost be termed magical ; the sword, in a great
degree, was exchanged for the quill, the wine-
cup for the coftee-cup (thence its use in Turkey
always with smoking), and letters began to
flourish — the first grand step towards that
civilization I shall prove it was gradually
destined to effect in the world. Doubtless, like
many other great writers, who open out a new
light to the world, we shall have enough of scep-
tics, as opponents, to contend with ; but we are
sanguine from the facts we shall clearly esta-
blish, that far more is to be attributed to the
powers of tobacco, than millions dream of.
In the first place, it is too well known to
admit of much doubt, that tobacco, whether
smoked or taken as snuff, exercises a very con-
siderable power upon the mind, more espe-
cially when taken in considerable quantities.
When such is the case, the faculties are refined
and exalted to a degree of spirited buoyancy,
that forms a strange and pleasing contrast to the
usual unstimulated lethargic state of the mind.
We can only compare it, though in a much
milder, and more inoffensive degree, to the
species of delirium the Turks so vividly de-
scribe, %vhen labouring under the effects of
opium. The intellectual senses, more parti-
cularly that part of them forming the imagina-
tion, become so much more powerful and per-
vading, that its conceptions receive a warmth
and strength of colouring they never can, under
common excitement.
Now tobacco, as we have recorded, was first
brought to England in the reign of Elizabeth,
who greatly patronized it among the nobles and
poorer orders, by whom it came speedily into
general use. Most mighty herb ! — the effects of
thy worship were soon visible, for where do we
find a reign so great and glorious either for
victories by land and sea, or the distinguished
talent and genius, whether in the camp or
cabinet, it fostered at home. Then was it, that
Shakespeare — the magnificent Shakespeare,
(blest and honored was the reign in which he
drew life) burst forth like a star destined to ex-
cite the astonishment of the world he came to
throw the effulgent light of his genius upon.
He was a smoker.
Then, to sketch forth the gigantic march of
intellect, in the ages of which we write, came
forth those luminaries of the world ; Hobbes, the
parent of Locke's philosophy, the profound
philosopher Lord Bacon, the most illustrious
mathematician and philosopher, Sir Isaac New-
ton, and the singularly talented metaphysician
Locke, each and all of whom were celebrated for
their devotion to the soothing and stimulating
powers of a pipe ! It is related of Ilobbes, who
was one of the most profound thinkers of his
time, that as soon as the dinner was over, he
used to retire to his study and had his candle
with ten or twelve pipes of tobacco laid by him;
then shutting the door he fell to smoking, think-
ing and writing for several hours together.
Locke and Bacon smoked much for recreation ;
the latter of whom probably was indebted to the
practice for the preservation of his life in the
plague of 1665, from whose contagious in-
fluence in Loudon he sought safety in the
country and his pipe.
Now, to what, we should like to know, are to
be attributed the mighty and successful efforts
of these wonderful men, who may justly be con-
sidered the founders of modern civilization and
literature, but the all — the far pervading fumes
of the sovereign tobacco-leaf they worshipped
with such devotion. To its exhilarating in-
fluence and invigorating aid, exciting the ima-
gination to realms of undiscovered beauties, are
we indebted for those works that shall live,
while time is,— the wonder of this and all future
Are we singular in our opinion ? Mark, learn,
and inwardly digest, ye unbelievers, what the
learned Dr. Raphael Thorious says on the sub-
ject :—
" Of cheering bowls I mean to sing the praise,
And of the herb that can the poet's fancy raise ;
Aid me, O ! father Phoebus I invoke.
Fill me a pipe (boy) of that fragrant smoke.
That I may drink the God into my brain ;
And so entibled, write a noble strain.
For nothing great or high can come from thence.
Where that blest plant denies its influence."
Smile on, ye critics ; but let us ask ye, if those
works that have so strong a claim to our respect,
would ever have come into existence had there
been no tobacco, to rarify and stimulate the
mind. No ! — must be your candid answer, if
only in verification of the old saying, ' Xo pipe, no
Parr.'' Then, what mighty blessings are we not
indebted for to the much-aspersed, calumniated,
and insulted herb. Nor is the fact of its conse-
quence in regard to these first great discoverers
in science, the only proofs that exist of its repu-
tation ; successive generations, under the weed's
cheering auspices, have but continued what they
so ably began.
Dr. Johnson,* Dr. Thorious, Dr. Aid rich. Dr.
Parr, Pope, Swift, Addison, Steele, and a host of
other approved writers of celebrity, independent
of those of the present day, are all similarly in-
debted to the genial influence of tobacco, under
one preparation or another, for the stimulus of
their inspiration. The fact is incontrovertible.
Where was transcendant literary ability before
the introduction of tobacco? — Nowhere — it was
unknown: — but, no sooner, we repeat, did it
become known and in use, than its genera-
tive powers became quickly visible : the minds
of men, though previously barren, became fruc-
tified by its influence, and letters flourished.
With truth it is observed, we formerly were a
nation of readers ; but, who is so ignorant as not
to know, that as tobacco has become diff'used,
with knowledge, we are now a nation of smokers
* Antiquarian fact : The identical Pipe and Chair
used by the celebrated author of the Rambler are still
in being, and are exhibited as relics of no ordinary
value, at the house he used formerly to frequent in
Bolt-court, Fleet-street. It now goes under the very
appropriate appellation of Dr. Johnson's Coffee-
and writers. It may, indeed, be fairly set down
as an axiom we may rely upon, that nearly every
one occasionally gets a penchant for scribbling
who smokes or snafFs ; from t?ie cobler, whose
" soul on higher things is bent," that composes a
ditty to the measure of some admired produc-
tion gracing his stall, to the peer of the realm,
who, lounging on an ottoman under the inspira-
tion of prince's mixture, dictates a sonnet, or a
novel, to his secretary, as the humour may
chance to be of the moment. That tobacco has
effected w^onders in the promotion and promul-
gation of knowledge, we flatter ourselves we have
plausibly shown ; that it is equally distinguished
in diplomaci/ and w«/-, is a fact we shall now pro-
ceed to demonstrate. To commence then : who
ever knew or heard of a plenipotentiary w^ithout
his jewelled smiff-hox? — The thing were out o^
nature : without it, indeed, he were but an au-
tomaton— a body without a head — a mere ^cypher
in the great account,' unbacked and unsupported.
So well aware, indeed, are civilized governments
of this fact, that snuff-boxes set with brilliants to
the value of a thousand pounds are given them,
that they may be stimulated to business ; diving
into the cabals and intrigues of the state, — con-
cealing their own, and, in a word, never be de-
serted at a Pixcii. Nay, so much is snuff the
fasliion, that a courtier in most European coun-
tries without it were a sort of curiosity. Many of
the greatest of men, have been remarkable for the
snuff they took. Napoleon was among this num-
ber ; he (acute and penetrating) 2vas up to snuff,
disdaining your common methods of worshipping
that " spirit stirrer" of the human mind, he
took it out of his waistcoat-pocket, and when
vexed or thwarted by any unexpected occurrence,
was always observed to have recourse to it,
previous to exerting his mind on the subject. The
greatness of his fortunes was commensurate witli
the quantity he consumed : the greatest snuff-
taker in the French territories, it is by no means
singular to relate, he became the first in grandeur
and consequence, as well as the most idolized
of men. At the same time, he was by no
means insensible of the powers of smoking,
for we find it recorded, that his greatest relief
from extreme fatigue (as he used to declare)
arose from " a cigar, a cup uf coffee, and a warm
bath i^ three things, we affirm, highly creditable
to the taste of so great a genius. Nor did
Buonaparte confine the use of it solely to his
own person : fully impressed with its powers, he
ordered its use throughout the whole of the
French army. The immediate consequence was,
that under his influence and that of tlie stimu-
lating weed, they conquered all before them, aivd
became renowned throughout Europe for their
discipline and determined bravery. This may,
by those who dive no further than the surface,
be attributed to the ability of their general, to a
certain degree we in our candour acknowledge ;
but the grand secret and mover of it was tobacco —
sovereign tobacco ! What sceptic so rash, dares
breathe a doubt of the truth of this statement ?
Does he require additional evidence ? — If so !
let him turn his eyes to the British navy. What
is it, ever since the time of Elizabeth, from the
defeat of the Spanish Armada up to the victory
at Trafalgar, has rendered them invincible and
the terror of the world? — what, we exclaim, but
tobacco ! To quids ! quids ! alone is their suc-
cess to be attributed ; but deprive them of these,
and you take the spirit of the men away. Im-
mortal, godlike pigtail ! And well too does go-
vernment know this fact, and wisely institute an
allowance to each man. Hunger, thirst, and
every hardship is borne without a murmur by
each gallant tar, so long as there is pigtail in ihe
H 3
locker. Go seek the man, whether topman,
afterguard, or idler, wlio has ever been upon a
seven or three years' station, and ask him v^rhence
his chief consolation in the watch of safety, or
peril, and he, if a true sailor, shall answer with
an indescribable roll of the jaw — " Pigtail ! ! !"
^Tis the essence, in fact, the very quintessence of
the man, and its consideration in his mind may
be sufficiently gleaned from the following well-
known epistle— at once an irrefutable proof, if
any be needed.
•' Warren Hastings East Indyman,
off Gravesend.
"March 24, 1813.
" Dear Brother Tom ;
" This comes hopein to find you in good
health as it leaves me safe anckOr'd here yester-
day at 4 P. M. arter a pleasant voyage tolerable
short and a few squalls. — Dear Tom — hopes to
find poor old father stout, and am quite out of
pig-tail. — Sights of pig-tail at Gravesend, but
unfortinly not fit for a dog to chor. Dear Tom,
Captain's boy will bring you this, and put pig-
tail in his pocket when bort. Best in London
at the Black Boy in 7 diles, where go acks for
best pig-tail — pound a pig-tail will do, and am
short of shirts. Dear Tom, as for shirts ony
took 2 whereof one is quite wored out and tuther
most, but don't forget the pig-tail, as I a'n't had
a quid to chor never since Tliursday. Dear
Tom, as for the shirts, your size will do, only
longer. I liks um long — get one at present;
best at Tower-hill, and cheap, but be particler
to go to 7 diles for the pig-tail at the Black Boy,
and Dear Tom, acks for pound best pig-tail, and
let it be good. Captain's boy will put the pig-
tail in his pocket, he likes pig-tail, so ty it up.
Dear Tom, shall be up about Monday there or
thereabouts, Not so perticuler for the shirt as the
present can be washed, but don't forget the pig-
tail without fail, so am your loving brother."
* '^ T P ''
" P. S.— Don't forget the pig-tail."
Treating of the milder virtues of tobacco^ who
ever knew a smoker — one of your twenty years'
standing, — ill tempered ; or a veteran snuff-taker,
who did not occasionally give utterance to witty
sayings ? — the thing were against reason. In con-
clusion, what can we say more for thee, omnipo-
tent, prolific herb ! than in the inspired lines of
thy true admirer Byron ?
Sublime tobacco, which from east to west,
Cheers the tar's labours or the Turkman's rest ;
Which on the moslems' ottomans divides
His hours, and rivals opium and his brides :
Magnificent in Stamboul, but less grand.
Though not less lov'd, in ^V'apping or the Strand.
Divine in hookas ; glorious in a pipe,
When tipped with amber, mellow, rich and ripe ;
Like other charmers, wooing thy caress.
More dazzling fair and glaring in full dress ;
Yet thy true lovers more admire, by far,
Thy naked beauties — give me a cigar ?
Of the properties attributable to the plant in
the j\Iatcria Medica, a variety of opinions pre-
vail, and have done, indeed, since its tirst ap-
pearance in the civilized portion of the globe.
It certainly cannot but strike the reader as a
fact to be very greatly lamented, that science
should be so unfixed, even in this much boasted-
of-enlightened sera, that some medical men
should be found to ascribe every bad and per-
nicious quality to the use of tobacco; and
others, equally celebrated for their professional
knowledge, recommend it as a panacea for many
ills. Reflection makes this still more dreadful,
when we consider these are the men to whose
abilities we are frequently compelled to look
up, for the preservation of our healths and
lives. It would be well, indeed, if this lament-
able difference of opinion among the facult
existed only in reference to our present sub-
We shall now, however, proceed to note some
of the ideas of the learned that have been ex-
pressed concerning the qualities of the herb, in
pharmacy, and quote our first specimen in the
following poem, by the famous Dr. Thorious,
who most sagely recommends it as an antidote
for every evil under the sun.
By Raphael Thorious.
(^Translated into English by the Rev. W. Bewick.}
The herb which borrows Santa Croce's name,
Soie eyes relieves and healeth wounds ; the same
Discusses the kings evil, and removes
Cancers and boils ; a remedy it proves
For burns and scalds, repels the nauseous itch,
And straight recovers from convulsive fits ;
It cleanses, dries, binds up, and maketh warm ;
The head-ach, tooth-ach, cholic, like a charm
It caseth soon ; an ancient cough relieves,
And to the reyns and milt and stomach gives
Quick riddance from the pains which each endures,
Next the dire wounds of poison'd arrows cures;
All bruises heals, and when the gum once sore,
It makes them sound and healthy as before :
Sleep it procures, our anxious sorrows lays.
And with new flesh the naked bone arrays ;
No herb hath greater pow'r to rectify
All the disorders in the breast that lie ;
Or in the lungs. Herb of immortal fame.
Which hither first by Santa Croce came ;
When he (his time of nunciature expir'd)
Back from the court of Poitugal retir'd.
Even as his predecessors, great and good.
All Christendom now with its presence blesses.
And still the illustrious family possesses
The name of Santa Croce, rightly given,
Since they in all respects resemble heaven :
Procure as much as mortal men can do.
The welfare of our souls and bodies too.
Dr. Cullen observes, that tobacco is generally
recognized for its narcotic powers, as well as
being a very considerable stimulant, with re^
spect to the whole system, but more especially
the stomach and intestines, and acts even in
small doses as an emetic and purgative.
The editors of the Edinburgh Dispensary also
remark, that of late, tobacco under the form of a
vinous or watery infusion, given in small quan-
tities, so as to produce little effect by its action
on the stomach, has been found a very useful and
powerful diuretic.
Dr. Fowler published some cases of dropsy
and dysury, in which its application was at-
tended with the best effects, and this has been
confirmed by the practice of others. Beaten
into a mash with vinegar or brandy, it has some-
times proved highly serviceable for removing
hard tumours of the hi/podiondres. Two cases
of cure are published in the ' Edinburgh Es-
Considerable reliance has also been placed
upon it, by some of the most eminent practi-
tioners, as an injection by the anus of the smoke,
in cases of obstinate constipation, threatening
Ileus, oi incarcerated hernia, of spasmodic asthma,
and of persons apparently dead from drowning
or other causes.
Dr. Strotlier speaks of its being beneficial in
smoking, to persons having defluxions on the
lungs. By long boiling in water, its deleterious
power is said to be neutralized, and at length
destroyed : an extract made by long decoction,
is recommended by Stid)h and other German
physicians, as the most efficient and safe aperient
detergent, expectorant and diuretic. — Lewis
Mat. Med.
Bates and Fuller give many encomiums on its
powers in asthmatic cases.
Boyle asserts the juice and the plant to be
very excellent in curing ulcers and mortifica-
tions, although its operation, in this respect, is
stated by numerous other authorities, to be dele-
terious in the extreme. As regarding, indeed,
many of the virtues attributed to its use by
Lewis and others, in decoctions and poultices,
candour obliges us to declare, though with great
deference to those opinions which have been ex-
pressed by the most eminent of the medical
profession, that we cannot consider it of any
particular efficacy. We shall, therefore, forbear
tiring our readers with recipes of the different
forms in which it is prescribed for many illnesses.
Taken as snuff, tobacco is generally allowed
to be a mild and inoffensive stimulant, which,
indeed, in many cases, is prescribed as a most
effectual errhine for clearing the nostrils and
head. When taken, however, as it frequently is,
in excessive quantities, its consequences become
often visible, and tumours and secretions in the
nose are said to be the result. It is likewise
said by some, when taken immoderately, to
greatly tend to weaken the sight and bring on
Kevenus and Chemt likewise wrote against
the habit of smoking; but like more modern
writers, among whom may be named D/\ Adam
Clarke, with little or no effect ; for it may be set
down as a fact, proved in many other instances,
as well as this illustrates, — that where a people
have the facilities of judging for themselves, they
invariably will do so. In this case, practice and
precept peculiarly go together.
Of the medical qualities of tobacco, as an an-
tidote against contagion, its inestimable efficacy
was never better proved, than in the period of the
plagues* that have at times visited England.
Dr. Willis says, in his very able treatise, that
its power in repelling the infectious air during
the plague of 1665 was truly astonishing; so
much so, that the sliops of the tobacconists re-
mained quite uninfected.
It is also very favourably mentioned by
Kichard Barker, a physician, at the period of
the pestilence, who gives it in the following
recipe against the plague : " Carry about with
you a leaf of tobacco rolled up in tiffiny or lawn,
so dipt in vinegar. Smell often to it, and some-
times clap it to the temples for some few minutes
* We more particularly refer to this fact from the
reports concerning the Cholera Morbus that are now
in circulation.
of time. For those that smoke tobacco, let
them use it with one-fourth part of flower of
sulphur, and seven or eight drops of oil of amber
for one pipe,"
Among very many celebrated physicians, who
have also recorded and recommended the use of
tobacco againbt the poisonous influence of the
plague, may be mentioned Gideon Bovey, M.D.,*
Dr. Foivler,f and Diemerbroek, a distinguished
Dutch medical practitioner; besides numerous
pamphlets that have been published on the sub-
ject of the plague.
One account, published in 1663 by W. Kemp,
professing to recommend the best means to the
public to avoid the infection, mentions tobacco
in a way, that reminds us somewhat of its warm
panegyrist, Dr. Thorious, and is too facetious to
be here omitted. The following is the literal
transcript : -^
" The American silver weed X or tobacco, is
an excellentdefence against bad air, being smoked
* Discourse od the Plague, A. D. 1678 — recom-
mends tobacco smoked in a pipe.
t Physician to the General Infirmary of the county
of Stafford, A.D. 1785.
J At that time frequently so called.
J 2
in a pipe, either by itself or with nutmeg shred,
and rew seeds mixed with it ; especially if it be
nosed, for it cleanseth the air and choaketh and
suppresseth and disperseth any venemous va-
pour ; it hath both singular and contrary effects ;
it is good to warm one being cold, and will cool
one being hot. All ages, all sexes and con-
stitutions, young and old, men and women, the
sanguine, the choleric, the melancholy, the
phlegmatic, take it without any manifest incon-
venience ; it giveth thirst, and yet will make one
more able and fit to drink ; it chokes hunger, and
yet will give one a good stomach ; it is agreeable
with mirth or sadness, with feasting and with
fasting ; it will make one rest that wants sleep,
and will keep one waking that is drowsy; it
hath an offensive smell, and is more desirable
than any perfume to others ; that it is a most
excellent preservative, both experience and
reason teach; it corrects the air by fumigation,
and avoids corrupt humours by salivation ; for
when one takes it by chewing it in the leaf, or
smoking it in the pipe, the humours are brought
and drawn from all parts of the body to the
stomach, and from thence rising up to the mouth
of the Tobacconist, as to the helm of a sub-
lunatory, are voided and spitted out."
Of the poisonous qualities of tobacco, we are
informed that a drop or two of the chemical oil
of tobacco, being put upon the tongue of a cat
or dog, produces violent convulsions, and death
itself, in the space of a few minutes ; yet, the
same oil used on lint, applied to the teeth, has
been found of the utmost service in the tooth-
A very common opinion prevails among those
who do not smoke, that it is bad for the teeth :
a belief founded upon any thing but experience,
and resulting generally from prejudice. For
preserving the gums and the enamel of the teeth,
in a healthy and sound state, few remedies can
operate better than the smoke of tobacco. In
the first instance, it renders nugatory the cor-
ruptive power of the juices that invariably set
into the interstices of the teeth, and unless
brushed away, remain after meals; and, in the
second place, it destroys the efHuvia arising at
times from the breath that, in some constitu-
tions, so quickly brings about a corrosion of the
outer surface or enamel. The benefits that have
* Vide Experiments on the Effects of Oil of
Tobacco on Pigeons, 6:c.
The Royal Divan, King-street, Covent
The Royal Divan, Strand.
The Divan, Charing Cross.
The whole of these divans are fitted up in a
style of Asiatic splendour and comfort, that pro-
duces to the uncultivated eye a very novel and
pleasing effect ; while, upon a closer examina-
tion, the other senses are no less delighted.
The Journals of every nation in Europe are a
general attraction to linguists and foreigners,
while the cream of our own ever fertile press
leaves the English reader nothing to wish for in
the way of literature. Indeed, no means of
entertainment are found wanting at these de-
lightful sohxes; chess invites the player, pictures
the eye, and occasional music the ear; while
lounging on a sopha with a cigar in the mouth,
the gazer might almost fancy himself in the land
of the crescent.
The divans in Regent-street and Pall Mall,
are considered the most oriental of any in town,
though the saloon in the Strand is perhaps the
A refinement that peculiarly distinguishes the
divan in King-street, is an admirably laid-out
garden ; at night lit by numerous parti-coloured
lamps; in the day during the summer-time it
forms a pleasing attraction to all lovers of the
cooling shade.
Of the Royal City Divan, of whose elegant in-
terior our frontispiece engraving presents so cor-
rect a view, we can only say that its allurements
are peculiarly attractive. In the first place, the
saloon has an advantage in being situated — un-
like all the other divans — on the first-floor, and
is fitted up in a very superior manner. It like-
wise possesses, from the extent and spaciousness
of the premises, the additional advantage of pri-
vate refreshment rooms, to which parties of
friends can retire from the busy hum of the grand
saloon, and enjoy the pleasures of a convivial
Altogether, we cannot help observing, ere we
conclude, that great merit is due to the several
proprietors of the divans for the tasteful and
expensive way in which tliey have furnished
their different saloons ; while, from the extreme
moderation of their charges, they cannot but
have strong claims to the patronage of a dis-
cerning public.
CiGArxS. — The best and most approved cigars
consumed among our nobility and gentry, are
those brought from the Havanah in the West
Indies. The Woodville, so called from the
name of the importer, are held in the greatest
estimation. In form, these should gradually
decline from the middle to long and tapering
ends. Color, a clear raw sienna brown, varie-
gated with bright brown yellow spots. In
flavour they should be light and spicy, draw free,
leaving a firm white ash. An excellence too, that
should distinguish these cigars from the com-
mon kind, independent of their taste, should
be the length of time they are capable of retaining
their light without being drawn.
The strong flavoured Cuba, by smokers of long
standing, when indeed a pipe has not altogether
superseded the cigar, are in the greatest request.
These vary in color from black to brown, ac-
cording to the strength or age of the leaf; and like
the Woodville, are also distinguished when pro-
perly seasoned, and kept by mildew spots, though
of a darker hue.
The tobacco of the Cubas growth is very fre-
quently made up into cheroots, a form some pre-
fer to the cigar, and are sold under the denomi-
nation of Manilla.
Without entering into a description of the nu-
merous kinds of cigars vended in the United
Kingdom, we can only remark, as a fact well au-
thenticated, that the greater and more common
part, sold from eight to thirteen shillings the
hundred; are prepared from the cabbage-leaf,
soaked in a strong solution of tobacco-water.
Cigars, so composed, are generally passed ofT
under the names of Hamhro\ Maryland, and Vir-
ginia. The same deceptions may be said to exist,
in respect to the small cheroots, whether scented
or not : th-ey are, with comparatively trifling ex-
ceptions, nearly all of British make.
The reason is obvious, why these deceits are
practised : in a former part of this little w^ork,
we stated the duty on the imported raw leaf of
tobacco to be three shillings per lb., while on
the manufactured, it is just thrice that amount :
at once a reason why a good price must needs
be given for the genuine foreign article.
A great saving is effected in purchasing cigars
by the weight or box as imported, while from a
respectable shop you may be always sure of
their being made abroad, as they are sent under
seal in boxes from the West Indies.
Tobaccos. — An idea prevails among young
smokers, that tobacco, independent of its fancied
vulgarity, is always much stronger than cigars; an
error that is very common. Like cigars, indeed,
it is of various growth and quality, and like
them, may be had weak, or strong. The smoker,
if he desires it, can have tobacco as weak as the
mildest Havanahs. The only difference in
their manufacture is, the leaf is cut into shreds
to form the one, and wrapt up to form the other.
The Persian, Turkish, and Maryland tobacco,
are the mildest. The shag and twists, the
strongest ; the latter of which, as its name im-
plies, is manufactured uncut; its excellence may
always be told by a shining cut and an agree-
able smell. Besides these, we have tobaccos
under an infinite number of appellations, wuth
all the variations in their nature, incident to
M 2
climate, growth, age, and method of being pre-
pared for use.
The tobacco held in the greatest esteem in
the East, is the Persian. The Turks, notwith-
standing their own excellent growth of the plant,
give very high prices to possess it ; especially
that which comes from, Shiraz. This is account-
ed the best. The moslems are also much in the
habit of smoking a composition of opium and
rose leaves with their tobacco through scented
waters. A similar practice is common in
India among the higher class ; the same materials
are made into a thick consistency and rolled into
balls, which they term Jugeny. To the unprac-
tised palate, the smoking of this composition
has a strangely exhilarating and intoxicating
A singular habit also prevails in the island of
Ceylon. Some of the natives wrap the leaf of
a strong tobacco they call Kapuda into a
lengthened form, and then covering it with the
leaf of the Wattakan tree, light one end of it,
and smoke by the other, till the whole is con
Besides the tobacco of the West Indies, Per-
sia and Turkey, considerable quantities are cul-
tivated in the Levant, the coasts of Greece, the
Archipelago, the island of Malta, and Italy.
Pipes. — In reference to these essentials to
smoking tobacco, a great variety of tastes are
displayed, while that of each country forms an
amusing contrast to that of its neighbour. In
the Eastern portion of the globe, the gorgeous
hookah or superb chibouque with their serpent
train are caressed : in France, the short twisted
pipe : in Germany, the merschaum : in Holland,
the long slender black pipe: in America, the
short red clay pipe, or the ingeniously manu-
factured, yet murderous tomahawk, bears the
tube of comfort ; while in England — liappy
England — all, or any of these, are attain-
The portable pipes the Turks are in the habit
of using have their bowls generally made of a
peculiar kind of red clay ; and the tube part of
jasmine and cherry sticks. The most expensive
and those which from their exceeding size, and
costliness, are regarded as the most sumptuous
furniture of the mansion, are composed of a
variety of materials.
The tubes, which sometimes have been known
to exceed twenty yards in length, are commonly
made of leather covered with the richest velvets,
and bound with gold or silver wire ; this is
generally terminated at the one end by a gold,
silver, or amber mouth-piece ; while the other
(when used as it almost always is with scented
water) tipped with a reed of a foot long, is
placed in a decanter containing the water,
through which the smoke is to be drawn ; it is
then met and joined by a similar reed, bearing
the chafing dish ; this is of silver, very large,
with a fretwork cover of the same metal, through
which the fumes of the aromatics used arise.
It is by no means an uncommon thing in the
East to have these tubes (which are remarkably
flexible) carried through the wall of one apart-
ment into another, that the apparatus may not
be in the way of the smoker.
The merschaum or German pipes, in Europe,
are celebrated for the virtues of their bowls,
which are of a very porous quality. These are
composed of a substance thrown upon the shore
by the sea in Germany , and being called Ecwne de
Mer form the origin of the word Merschaum.
In Germany they are commonly set in copper,
with leather and horn tubes, but in England
they are variously formed and ornamented with
chains and tassels.
Tubes, when they are used for cigars (whose
flavour we think they greatly tend to spoil) should
be siiort, and composed of amber.
Lights for Smoking. — Tlie advantage of ob-
taining an instantaneous light, is perhaps seldom
more appreciated than by smokers. The articles
used until lately for the purpose of igniting
cigars, when out, or travelling, were the Amadou,
with the flint and steel — the phosphorus box,
and pneumatic cylinder: — all of wiiich were,
more or less, uncertain or inconvenient, until the
ingenious invention of Jones's Prometheans.
These may very fairly be said to possess a
never-failing facility in producing an instanta-
neous light.
The Promethean is composed of a small bulb
of glass, hermetically sealed, containing a small
part of sulphuric acid, and surrounded by a com-
position of chlorate of potash and aroniatics.
This is enclosed in paper prepared for the pur-
pose. The light is simply effected by giving
the promethean a smart tap that breaks the bulb,
when the acid, coming in contact with the com-
position, causes instant ignition. It must be re-
marked however, the Lucifers or chlorate
matches that ignite, by drawing the match
through sand paper, introduced by the same in-
ventor, is decidedly bad for a cigar ; the fumes
aiising from the combustion being offensive, are
too apt to spoil the flavour of the leaf.
In divans, burners called Jos-sticks, are gene-
rally used for lighting cigars, as they smoulder
in their light, like the promethean.
London : Printed by Littlewood and Co. Old Bailey.
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