He jwo p^ gLd-(N-tHe: LEA5l/f^E/\f^D prij-of ^D f f^AI^E le Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries http7/w\AAA/.archive.org/details/t\AAOpsbrpleasurep00lord The Two P's Or the pleasure and profit of cold frames and hot beds, it con- cerns their construc- tion, the flowers and vegetables that can be grown in them and how to get started. It sets forth their gains and advantages This the Third Edition Published by Lord & Burnham Co« Greenhouse Designers and Builders 1133 BROADWAY. NEW ^'ORK Branches Boston : 819 Tremont Building Philadelphia: 121 5 Filbert Street Factory irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. Ind ex A Bit About Frames in General 3 Cold Frames 3 Hot Beds 4 Storage Frames 4 Sub Frames 4 Heated Frames 6 A Few Suggestions and Some Facts 6 Some Vegetable Hints 1 Certain Flower Possibilities I 2 Good Positions for Frames 1 5 Planting Table 16 Sash, the Way We Make Them 18 Prices of Sash 1 9 Frames, the Way We Make Them 20 Prices of Frames 2 1 Shutters, Mats and Slats, with Prices 22 Frames Used in a Big Way 23 Concerning the Matter of Payments 24 Lean-to Greenhouse 25 Two Compartment Greenhouse for Amateurs 26 One and Two Compartment Greenhouse, Sectional Iron Frame Construction 2 7 Curvilinear Greenhouse 30 Some Other Things We Do 3 1 A Bit About Frames in General IN this little booklet we intend answering some of the queries that are constantly put to us about the possibilities of cold frames. The cold frame business is partly an advertisement with us. We make them so thoroughly and of such durable materials that the money-making end is out of the question ; but we do know that many of our customers become so enthusiastic over cold frame results that they want to go still further and own a practical little greenhouse, giving them a glass enclosed garden where perpetual summer exists, yielding the endless joys of favorite flowers and even melons and cucum- bers for Christmas. So when they do want a greenhouse, if they have already known our cold frames, they will com.e to us. Perhaps there is some little confusion in the terms " cold frames " and " hot beds." Cold frames are those warmed by the sun only ; hot beds by an under bed of manure giving heat by its fermentation. Cold frames and hot beds are really sort of small greenhouses and not half the people know their possibilities, or that they will yield bountiful returns every month in the year. So many hold the idea of their being limited to growing lettuce, radishes or getting a month or so's start of your neighbor in fine stocky tomato plants, or growing ready to bloom pansies. Our Reason To Set You Straight Cold Frames Cold Frames filled with newly transplanted violets. The slatted frames to the left show the best way of shading. Further along in the garden, beside the north fence, are six more frames with Swiss chard, lettuce and radishes. The radishes will be ready in another week (Oct. 30), lettuce and chard in three weeks. Th, Storage Frames of Wm. McCleary, Amster- dam, N. Y. They are six feet deep, with masonry walls. Here he protects through the cold months hydrangeas, dormant roses, semi-hardy palms and many other plants that beautify his stoops and grounds durmg the Summer. In the upper end violets are raised all the wmter through. The slat frame you see leaning against the sash is used to shade the violets the first few weeks after transplanting. Hot Beds Sub Frames Storage Frames NOW, there are many different ways of using frames, but the construction is practically the same, only in the case of hot beds it is necessary to have a sub frame which con- tains the manure. We make durable sub frames of 2-inch lumber with strong corner posts. As every hot bed requires sub frames, it's more convenient to order them with sash and other frames, and have them arrive at your place the same time and be all ready to set up. (See prices on page 2 1 .) Storage pits are made horn 4 to 6 feet deep, either of stone or brick. Here are stored through the cold months dormant roses, hydrangeas and such semi- hardy plants, keepmg them strong and healthy, ready to start right off in the early spring, so adding to the immediate beauty of your grounds and giving that satisfaction which comes with having defeated nature in her annual autumn tour of destruction. Page Four WE know a lot of people who with just a simple cold frame — which is used part of the year as a hot bed -have lettuce, radishes, parsley, pansies, violets and many other things, pretty much all the year round. When the gray, tedious winter is in full grasp, crispy lettuce and appetizing radishes make one forget dis- agreeable things. One of our cold frame friends has Swiss chard greens from June to June. He says not half the people who grow things know what Swiss chard is ; but it's only one of the beet family gone to head. A sort of " cut and come again " greens. If you are going into this thing in a modest way at the start, then get all the joy you can by doing pretty much the whole work yourself. To dig in them, watering and enriching the growing things, gathering the rewards of your labor, and finally bringing with it all that unalloyed something — (be it pleasure, the knowledge of having wrested treasures from nature against her will, or what), which repays many times all trouble and care. Then if you are accustomed to buy these luxuries, the profit side will prove itself most conclusively. " Fresh from my own frames " — you will enjoy making that statement — not to mention the superiority of their freshness. All the Year Greens Do it Yourself Freshness :^?^!'^S^?^?'%=;|??«^«T^«t?^5^;. Section of Storage Pit with cypress frame and movable sash restmg on the cast iron sills which cap the masonry walls. Sugges- tions Books A Few Suggestions and Some Facts E hard VERY frame grower has particular views on soils, fertilizers, propagating and grow- ing. Views that are the results of expe- rience. There is no use trying to give you and fast rules for managing frames any more than for making money. It is results you are after ! We will only attempt to get at some sort of basis for your start off. These brief suggestions that follow are from an old frame grower, and at least carry with them the plea of having given him success. You or your gardener friend may take exception to his methods. We would say, have long talks with your gardener friend, his way of doing things will possess the advantage of having given good results in your particular section of the country — a mighty important thing, too, by the way. There are many splendidly written books that go into every possible detail. Perhaps you would rather get your " how to " that way. We shall be glad to sug- gest such books as we feel will help you. pnTOfiiiiiiii Heated Frames attached to the Green- house. — These frames have bricked up sides. At time of taking photo (Oct. 20), was used as a hot bed and filled with lettuce. Later on heat is supplied from the greenhouse boiler by hot water pipes around the frame, carrying them right through the winter. This snug arrangement of frames, greenhouse and stable, is owned by A. J. Morgan, of Larchmont, N. Y. For section detail of tliese masonry frames see peige 9. START with the best possible soil, the freer The Soil from lumps, and the finer — the better the results. Do not think you can make any soil do, if made rich enough. Mere richness of soil will not compensate for other defects. Fertilize the prepared soil by forking it over and over Fertilizer a foot deep at least, and at the same time mixing with it thoroughly rotted manure. For direct seeding, sift on top one and a half inches loamy soil. Section of hot bed showing sub frame, proportion of manure and soil, besides the banking for frost protection. For the hot bed, two to two and a half feet of fresh horse manure for winter use, while for spring, half that depth. Mix the manure with one-third leaves which keeps it from burning by too rapid fermentation and destroying its heatmg qualities at the start. Tramp down hard — leave sash off three days before planting and until a thermometer plunged into the mixture shows 90*^ ; this allows the excess of ammonia to escape. Now place 9 inches of soil on top. In transplanting young plants in the fall or spring when the direct rays of the sun are rather hot, slats are necessary to shade them. They serve not alone to prevent wilting but encourage the first growth to be with the roots and not shoot up all to leaves. Don't try to rush nature too hard for you will certainly reap a brand of leggy, shallow-rooted plants. Hot Beds How to Prepare Them Slats You can't use frames successfully without mats and shutters. The mat will unroll of itself, and the shutter is so light to handle, it's but a minute's work to effectually shut out the frost. Ventilation Banking Mats Shutters o N the matter of ventilation much depends, so make up your mind to give it careful attention. In general terms, keep the tem- perature as nearly even as possible — too hot IS perhaps worse than too cold, as your plants then become soft and spindling. Strength is what you are after. When the first continued freezing snap comes, bank the frames around the outside with a foot of manure, leaves or straw. Cover this banking with 3 or 4 inches of soil, which serves both to keep the possible litter m place and forms sort of a crust for added defence. For violets, pansies, etc., you will also need the further protection of cold frame mats, which go over the top of the glass. These mats are made of strong burlap bagging, warmly lined with waste wool and cotton, which IS quilted in to hold in position, while the ends are bound with strong canvas, making them exceed- ingly warm and durable. Upon these mats place what the gardeners call shutters. They tell us that 5 s-inch thick wood for the shutters is — " Plenty thick enough and makes them less bulky to handle." Page Eight So we make them of -'' s-lnch narrow ceiling boards, grooved and tongued together, forming tigfit joints, wfiile the cross binders, or cleats, hold together and strengthen them, making a very light but durable shutter. (Prices on page 22. > The mats fit snugly on the frames, keepmg out the cold, while the shutters hold the mats m place and protect them from ram or snow. In cold frames the thmg to prevent is freezing and thawing. Most plants need plenty of encouragement, but care must be taken not to over feed (all a pure matter of judgment depending on the condition of your plants). Once every ten days is a safe direction. Keep the water off the leaves. Make in proportion of half a bushel of thoroughly rotted manure to a barrel of water. Shutters Manure Water Section of Frame Attached to Greenhouse at the southerly exposure and adapted to the growth of violets, lettuce, etc. It illustrates our cast iron sills capping the masonry ; cypress frames and movable sash. That ice board at the top between the wall and sash catches the icicles that fall from the greenhouse roof. See exterior on page 6. Some Vegetable Hints To Start Lettuce Pay for Your Sash in One Crop T HIS may be your first cold frame experience, so better start with some of the simpler things first, such as lettuce, radishes, Swiss chard, parsley, etc. Lettuce planted every two weeks will give complete rotation of crop ; or by planting at the same time Tennis Ball, Boston Market and Big Boston, they will rotate in order named. Take for instance a two sash frame, measuring 6x6 feet ; it will accom- modate 8 rows of lettuce one way and 8 the other — 64 plants m all — yielding sufficient for a small family for a month. That is, two heads a day — two big, solid, crispy heads. Let's figure it out : — 64 heads at 40 cents a pound, or 1 cents a head, would cost you $6.40, if bought of the grocer — nearly as much as you paid for two sashes. Now, if you had thought to sow radishes and a few of the small white onions between the rows, after the plants were a full inch high, you would have doubled the results without injury to the lettuce. It's just this kind of management and " recropping " as it were, that makes these frames a regular mine of good things. Radishes, Swiss chard, lettuce and parsley can be planted so as to begin producing where your garden leaves off, giving bountiful returns all through the winter and spring. Here's a thorough business proposition showing sashes and hundreds of feet of frames. The owner makes a snug sum out of them each year and gets a lot of pleasure — not buyable — besides. Ten Frames to Help the Garden. — Here is the garden walk, fence and all! The frames are filled with tomatoes staked up, six to a sash and grown from seed sown early in February. With the aid of the hot bed and no transplantmg shock to set them back, six weeks was gained. You can do the same with corn, melons and cucumbers. IN February, seeds for tomato plants, cauliflower, egg plants, etc., may be planted, giving good strong growths for the garden early in the spring. Some do not transplant the tomatoes at all, but just leave them right in the frame to grow there all summer. This will give you several weeks the start of the other fellow. There are at least 1 7 kinds of vegetables you can grow, but it's certainly worth while to devote at least one of your beds to tomatoes. " Every day you gain on tomatoes before August 1 st, is clear profit, because no matter when a tomato plant begins to bear it will continue to do so until killed by frost." Besides planting them from the beds in February there is a method of trimming and training them so each vine will give complete rotation. By this method you can have tomatoes along through Thanksgiving time and with good luck, even on Christmas day. Try placing portable frames over your asparagus or rhubarb early in the spring, it will give it a full month's start. After your first year's experience, try growing to fruit, cucumbers and melons. Garden Planting Out Tomatoes For Thanksgiving and Christmas Asparagus and Rhubarb El( Certain Flower Possibilities THE flower gamut is so large and so alluring it is really hard to know where to start or stop. The very choicest foxglove and larkspur can be raised, with no end of pansies, violets, English daisies, polyanthus, primroses, and even chrysanthemums. If your tea roses are not hardy, store them in your frame all winter. A Perhaps you are especially fond of annuals and have Longer always wished their season longer, then here is just Season your chance : plant in the frames any time between for April 1 st and 1 0th, China asters, stocks, mangolds. Annuals verbenas, fortunias, zinnias, shasta daisies, etc. Sow m shallow drills 8 inches apart. In a two sash frame eight drills can be made 8 inches apart, or a total of about 50 feet. Twenty-four seedlings may easily be raised in every foot — a total of 1200 plants. At the outside (allowing for so-called "choice packets"). Some to your seeds didn't cost over $2.00. Rather bountiful Give Away returns for so small an investment. Some moist, dull Besides ^^y transplant them ; give some to your neighbors, get your stoop and window boxes started. Concerning ^^ t^i^ early starting phase, don't forget cosmos. It Cosmos ^'1' ^^^^ ^^^^ unhappy experience of seeing your beautiful towering plants so full of bloom promise, blackened by an early frost — all your hopes shattered. Help the Greenhouse. — These chrysanthe- mums are now about ready to take in the green- house for disbudding and forcing. Placed as the frames are in the L of the carriage house the protection is almost ideal. Page Twelve Frames that take the place of the Green- house. This man devotes all his 8-sash frames lo violets, and his family are never v^'ithout them from October to April. The position, facing south, with a protecting fence and shrubbery at the north, is excellent. Note the manner of ven- tilating. When picture was taken, wind blew strongly from the west and tilting of sash in this manner also served as a protection. Shutters are leaning against the fence. SUCCESS with violets is almost a " knack," but you may have just that " knack." This sweet scented messenger of peace stands third in commercial importance ; its season lasting through seven months, blooming from October to middle of April. Prof. Galloway in his book on violet culture gives the following varieties : We have named them in the order of their popularity. Single ones stand more cold. Violets DOUBLE SINGLE Marie Louisa California Farquhar Princess de Gallt Imperial Lux on-me New York La France White Czar Ransom's White Violet Varieties We never think of pansies without likening them to the human face. They always appeal in a sort of personal way. The derivation from the French word pensee, meaning thought, seems most fitting. The old folks name " hearts-ease " is a romance in itself. Pansies Thirteen More About Pansies Bulbs P ANSIES are perennials, but are most pro- ductive as winter or spring annuals. The sowing of seed in cold frames during August will give you strong, ready to bloom plants for set- ting out early in April. Then there are bulbs ; what a plucky lot these early spring friends are in their first color notes of cheer and promise; sort of ground rainbows as it were with promises that gusty March has spent its force. It is now that the cold frame will give you Thispholotaken February 22d. Seeds were sown in cold frames August 5th. This date for planting pansies in frames is quite the most satisfactory. You can transplant them to the hot beds in December and saucy faces will be in bloom for Christmas day. an amateur spring. When purchasing your bulbs, avoid" mixed varieties;" they are, at the best, job lots so combined for ready disposal. Buy from dealers you know to be reliable — an experiment frequently means a year lost — and money. Their planting in cold frames middle of October gives full bloom last of February. Or better yet plant in cold frames in regular bulb pots and cover with foot of dirt. Do this as soon as the bulbs can he bought in August and make succes- sive plantings every two weeks up to November. Leave them undisturbed for at least eight weeks to make the much desired root growth. Cover with shutters frosty nights; when freezing comes put on sash also. When you unearth each planting you will find they have formed a perfect mass of roots and thrown up 3-inch white leaf sprouts ; now place them in hot beds half submerging each pot. Shade the first week or till leaves are good green. For the final week remove to living room window where they will bloom abundantly giving you of their cheer and joyousness from Thanksgiving day till the middle of February or first of March. F o u r t e en Some Good Positions for Frames You will see that all the frames are placed free from the wall or building, giving space on both sides. This arrangement makes it more convenient to take care of them. However, lack of space often necessitated placing frames against wall or buildings as shown in the previous illustrations. Note also that the sash all slope towards the south giving the plants direct sunshine. Four frames — both not and cold — serving to help the green- house and the garden. Used in connection with one of our amateur houses. It's surprising what this man does with his frames and yet has a greenhouse. ?dA.c;cr' Hou&t ■ "3 r wm An almost ideal arrangement protected on one side by the carriage house, the other by the green- house and having a southern and eastern exposure. 5> tiSS5^^£^^<£ offllal ? — u i These frames are used to help the garden and are placed near the " garden wall " keeping off the cold north blasts. Page Fifteen A Table to Help FLO Variety When to Sow Seed j When to Set Hot Bed Outdoors Out Plants Asters (China) March to May May 10 to June 15 May 15 to June 15 Calendula (Pot Marigold) April to May May 1 to June 15 May 1 5 to June 1 5 Carnation (Marguerite) April to May May 20 to June 15 Chrysanthemum (Annual) April to May May 1 to June 1 May 15 to June 1 5 Cosmos (Early) April to May May 15 to June 1 May 15 to June 1 5 Dahlia March to May May 15 to June 1 5 Hollyhock April to May June 15 to Aug. 15 May 1 to June 15 Larkspur (Annual) April to May May 10 to June 15 May 15 to June 1 5 Nasturtiums March to May j May 1 to June 15 May 15 to June 15 Pansy April to May, July to Oct. July to Oct. April and September Phlox March to May May to June May 15 to June 15 FOR FLOWERS— This table holds good for outdoor planting in Massachusetts, Rho( Vermont and Maine it should be hgured three weeks later. For Connecticut, New Yor All of the middle western states can be figured the same as New \'ork, but all states sout ward. The depth to plant is not given, as such directions often are misleading. Small s times their size. V E G E Variety When to Sow Seed When to Set Depth See Out Started Should Be Plants Sown Hot Bed Outdoors Brussels Sprouts Cauliflower, Early Celery Cucumber Eggplant Lettuce Muskmelon Parsley Pepper Radish Tomato April April to May April April March to May March to April April to May March to May March to April March to April February to April May May May May to June May to August May to June May May April to May May May to I ■ k , •' 's inch June May Is inch July Js inch May to 1/ • L , ■' > inch June June '4 inch ^^y '^ -4 inch August May to Ik , •' 1 1 inch June May '2 inch June '4 inch 1 ' ■> inch ! ■' M^y '0 ., inch June FOR VEGETABLES —The dates given in the table above apply to the vicinity of 1 be done three weeks later. This holds good for sowing out-of-doors or transplantmg ou For Connecticut, New York. New Jersey and Pennsylvania it should be figured three \ York, but all states south of Pennsylvania should be figured twelve days in advance for • Pages Sixtei f ou in E R S Spring Planting Distance to Transplant Height of Plants Season of Bloom Color of Bloom 9 inches 1 to 3 feet July to October White, pink, red, lavender, purple, yellow 6 inches 9 inches June to October Yellow, orange 6 inches P, feet August to October White, pmk, red, yellow 6 inches 1 ', feet July to October White, yellow, deep red 12 inches 2", feet July to September White, pink, red 3 feet 4 feet Augus;t to October White, yellow, pink, red 15 inches 5 to 7 feet August Red, white, yellow, pink maroon 6 inches 15 inches June to September Red, white, pink, blue 6 inches 1 and 10 feet June to October Yellow, red, orange, pink, crimson 6 inches 6 inches April to October All colors 6 inches I -2 feet July to October Red, white, pink, yellow nd and the southern part of New Hampshire. For the northern part of New Hampshire, w Jersey and Pennsylvania it should be figured three weeks ahead of the time given here, 'ennsylvania should be figured twelve days in advance for every one hundred miles soulh- Kould not be covered at all. The rule for the larger seeds is to bury them to a depth four >L B L E S Distance Distance Apart in the between the Row Rows Distances When Planted in Hills or Drills Amount of Season of Between Drills Between Hills Seed Required Crop 18 inches 2 feet 24 inches 4 feet 10 inches 3 feet 8 inches 24 inches 12 inches 18 inches 8 inches 15 inches 2 feet 3 feet 2 inches 10 inches 3 feet 3 feet 12 inches 18 inches 3 feet 12 inches 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet 3 feet I ounce for 2000 plants 1 ounce for 2000 plants 1 ounce for 2000 plants 3 plants in hill 1 ounce for 1000 plants I ounce for 120 feet 1 seeds or 3 plants in hill 1 ounce for 150 feet \ ounce for 2000 plants 1 ounce for 100 feet 1 ounce for 1000 plants October July Sept. through Winter Aug. to Oct. Aug. to Sept. June to Oct. Aug. to Oct. June to Oct. Aug. to Sept. May to Oct. Aug. to Oct. and all the southern part of .New England. In Northern New England, planting should 3ors. For starting seeds in the house, this table holds good for the entire eastern slates, ihead of Boston time. All of the middle western stales can be figured the same as New Jne hundred miles southward. nd Seventeen Sash and the Way We Make Them SASH are reg- ular stock size, 3x6 feet, 1 ^ 2 inches thick, spaced for 1 0-inch glass. The frame is made from Red Gulf Cy- press, free from sap, consisting of top and bottom rails, each 4 inches wide, side stiles 2 Yi inches, bars 1 ]% inches thick. Stiles, top rails and bars are neatly beveled on under side, admit- ting extra light. Bars tenoned at both ends and mortised into rails, the latter into the stiles. A round iron bar runs through the sash bars into side stiles tying the sash through the center, and supporting the wood bars. All joints are perfectly fitted, white leaded when put together, and securely tied with special barbed steel dowel pins. Edges of sash are fitted to exact sizes so no further carpenter work or painting is required. Painted with two coats of pure white lead, and glazed with double thick glass, bedded in special greenhouse putty and then carefully cleaned off. Weight 40 pounds; light to handle. Made in every way just the best we know how. This is the Sash in all its strength of make and lightness to handle. Page Eighteen Prices of These Sash T HE extensive use of our sash by private gardeners, florists and parks, speaks a strong word in their favor. Sash, 3x6 feet, finished and painted complete Dash as described, $3 50 Sash, 3x6 feet, with finished edges, unglazed, painted one coat, 1 40 Sash, 3x6 feet, with finished edges, unglazed and unpainted, 1 25 Prices include crating and delivery f. o. b. our factory. For terms see page 24. All orders will be promptly filled. We make a freight allowance on orders of ten or more Sash, with or without Hot Bed Frames, to your R. R. Station, but not exceeding forty cents per hundred pounds. This rate will cover freight to most points in the Eastern and Middle States. Freight Allowance Here are the Sash thoroughly crated for shipment and sure to reach you in good con- dition. Page Nineteen The Frames and the Way We Make Them Here is a frame in position ready to bolt up How Made Ease of Set Up H ' OT bed frames are for regular 3x6 feet sash. We make our frames of 1 /^.-mch thick, red Gulf Cypress, free from sap. Depth of frame m front 8 inches, at back 1 6 inches. The corners joined together by angle iron cleats, securely bolted to sides and ends. Rails between sash 3x3 mch Cypress, rabbetted for sash, grooved for drip and dovetailed into the sides. The angle iron in the corners make a strong, durable frame, while bolting and dovetailing render it unnecessary to employ a mechanic to set them up or take down. Any one who can bolt a thing can do it. This feature makes it convenient for shipment or storage when not in use. Frames are carefully finished and painted with two coats of pure white lead. Packed knocked down. A Four Sash Frame. — Bolted up ready for business — the other two sash not out of crate yet Page Twenty Prices of These Frames Frames for two 3x6 feet sash (without sash), Frames finished and painted, complete as de- scribed, each $ 7 50 3 Sash Frames 9 00 4 Sash Frames 10 50 5 Sash Frames 1 2 00 * Partitions, extra 1 50 Prices for other sizes of Frames given on application. We keep these Frames, of the size above mentioned, constantly on hand. * Partitions can be placed under any rafter, making as many divisions as desired. Sub Frames are made 1 8 inches deep of Sub 2-inch lumber and strong corner posts. Frames For 2 Sash, each $ 6 00 For 3 Sash 7 50 For 4 Sash 9 00 For 5 Sash 10 50 F. O. B. our factory. For terms see page 24. Four Glazed Sash crated thoroughly to protect glass ; and the frames knocked down, packed ready to ship. Page Twenty-one Shutters Burlap Mats Slats Shutters, Mats and Slats For Hot Beds and Cold Frames S' When Jack Frost is lurking around put on your mats and shutters. This shows the mat on, and one shutter already in place. HUTTERS are 3 feet wide by 6 feet long, constructed of 5^-inch material, tongued, grooved and closely fitted to keep out rain. Suitably strengthened by cross binders or cleats and painted two coats. These shutters are light to handle, strong and well made and used exten- sively by the leading gardeners. Price, each -p- '^^ F. O. B. our factory. 2 75 Mats are made of strong burlap bagging, warmly lined with waste wool and cotton which is quilted in to hold position. They are excellent substitutes for straw mats, being much warmer, because they lay closer to the sash. They are more easily handled, less bulky, do not harbor mice or other vermin. 3x6 feet for single sash $1 00 6x6 feet for 2 sash 1 25 Slats are 3 feet wide by 6 feet long, and made of evenly spaced cypress pieces 34 -inch wide, /^.-inch thick, each held in place and braced by three cross binders ^-inch square which are cut in to receive each piece and then securely fastened with wire nails. Slats made in this manner although light are of great strength and always continue to keep their shape. Unpainted $1 00 Painted 1 25 The all Cypress sl< Page T w e n t y - t w o Just to show you that this cold frame or hot bed matter IS one of tremendous possibilities and not a mere fad or hobby for a season or so. Frames and sash at a private estate Jamaica Plains, Mass. This " frame yard " has hot beds, cold frames, and storage pits. Not an unusual instance of their importance in adding greatly to the greenhouse results Made deeper than usual, filling the triple use of hot beds, cold and storage frames. These are at Forest Hill Cemetery, Mass. Page Twenty-three Concerning the Matter of Payments When parties are not rated, and we have not had the pleasure of doing business with them before, there is necessarily considerable time taken in looking up their credit which delays getting the order started in the fac- tory. We make a discount of 2% for cash. When sending order without cash kindly give us a satisfactory business reference. Page Twenty -four The Lean-to House HERE IS an outside and inside view of our lean-to greenhouse, complete with plant beds, ventilating and heating apparatus, etc. Simple in design and inexpensive, but full of possibilities — and a whole lot of fun besides. The way owners of these lean-to greenhouses get to doing some of the big things is surprising. Starting out with the idea of harboring their favorite house plants, raising a few of the choicer things, and perhaps some lettuce, radishes and tomato plants for early set- ting out, it ends in their getting into roses, carnations, chrysanthemums ; tomatoes, melons and cucumbers from seed to fruit for February delectation. Some have even grown most exquisite of orchids. We build these small houses with all the care and particularity that goes into the larger ones. CeoDi!>ccTioN V// /W//////////,/^^^^^^^ VIOLCT CSENCaAL PLANT BOOM- / ^O* to 4-5' r '- — r~i I 'Je'Vperdtcii-e 55 to feo I GeouND Plam Page Twenty -fiv< Two Compartment Amateur House HERE is just the sort of house an amateur wants in which to grow numerous flowers, fruits and vegetables. Dividing it in two compartments gives two temperatures to meet the varied requirements of different plants, greatly increasing the kinds it is possible to grow. This Amateur House, although cheaper than the Sectional Iron Frame Construction, is substantially made with best of materials and strengthened by numerous iron members. It is an every-way practical house, equipped with ventilating apparatus, heating system and three rows of cypress benches. I QREENHOUiE N'a I QsjEEMKOUitN'?! As it looked the day before Easter. That side bench is filled with fruit laden tomato vines, that have been bearing a full six weeks. Twenty-six One and Two Compartment House Sectional Iron Frame Construction THIS snug little lay out is on a private estate at Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. In its terraced position above the garden with the background of poplar trees and buildings beyond, the effect is most charming. It is surprising the range of plants that can be grown in a single compartment house ! Perhaps it requires a bit more attention in selecting those best adapted to a general temperature, but the reward in bountiful bloom and appetizing vegetables, amply repays it. As it looked when used for a general assortment. Even a few orchids were included. age Twenty-seven (.Continued 1 his spring ihey added another com- partment especially for carnations. Last October this house was filled around the side beds with strong, stocky carnations just showing bud ; chrysanthemums, the cluster kinds in plumey white- ness, and those stately, resplendent yellow ones with single blooms a full 5 ' 2 inches across ; in the center beds two large, thrifty, branching variety rubber plants ; some half dozen potted begonias with a pro- fusion of pink flower clusters ; numerous other potted plants, besides several strings of smilax, a couple of palms and a vigorous asparagus fern. The old Scotch gardener said he raised all his violets, pansies, lettuce, radishes and spinach in the cold frames, just below in the garden. This use of frames really added a cool compartment to the greenhouse and permitted the exclusive use of the house for plants demanding higher temperatures. After some of the plants had spent themselves, he expected to sow direct from seed a few tomatoes and cucumbers on the east side beds. His method of trimming off all laterals induces the tomato plants to yield clusters of fruit at each joint, in full rotation. He also hoped to force some azaleas and lily bulbs for Easter. But this is only a glimpse of what you can do with one of these houses. Now a word on how it is built : This sectional iron frame construction of ours is in brief the eliminating of A section showing iron rafters and foot pieces; the cypress benches and two lines of ventilation at the ridge. Page Twenty -eight 'onlinued) every possible piece of wood and substituting for it steel. This adds great strength and durability while making the framing members so light that all possible sunshine reaches your plants. Cypress being the most enduring of wood it is used where necessary in the house. All glazing is done on wood, guaranteeing you against the expensive breakage of glass otherwise resulting from expansion and contraction of the iron when in direct contact. The steel rafters are bolted to cast iron foot pieces imbedded in concrete, making a lasting and much cheaper foundation than a masonry wall. It is an every-way enduring, splendid piece of construc- tion. For its further description send for our new catalog " Greenhouses As We Build Them." Just as cusp as they look — and then the fun of having them in January right from your own greenhouse. Page Twenty-nine Curvili urviimear H ouse A PLEASING example of a small curvilinear k greenhouse, about 18x42 feet, with side entrance adding an attrac- tive feature, and providing an entrance from a drive or walk parallel to the greenhouse. A small potting room is joined at the back by a narrow glazed passage. This house is used for general purposes — that is, growing tropical plants, potted flowers and starting plants m the spring for the garden and grounds. With the heating plant cen- tralized in the boiler-room at the back, and the gables of the house built vertically, the addition of a wing at either end for growing cut flowers, vegetables, etc., would be simple and inexpensive. Two small wings thus added would form a perfectly balanced scheme with three compartments. ■I 1 GENERAL PLANTS 16X4 l-S" II Pa ge Thirty Some Other Things We Do BUILD greenhouses for the amateur from the modest lean-to up to the one with two or more compartments for growing flowers in different temperatures. These houses have a snug little potting room for work bench, boiler, etc. Then the Greenhouses for Private Estates from the simple palm house and greenhouse to the more elaborate schemes with palm house and houses for roses, carnations, gardinias, peaches, grapes and so on through the series of a complete range. Conservatories meeting all the demands from those of simple dimensions to the elaborate ones forming a beautiful adjunct to the general architec- tural harmony. Sun Parlors in all their allurements, not only a place to " sun in " but veritable living rooms, where, surrounded by the luxuriance of the tropics, the fra- grance of out of season blossom, you can drink tea with your friends or have the after-dinner cigar and paper. For the Commercial Growers the various types of houses used by growers for the market. Ventilating Apparatus as used in greenhouses. Boilers and Piping for the perfect and economical heating of greenhouses. Sash Operating Apparatus for opening and closing long or short runs of sash in banks, public buildings, factories, power plants, etc. We will gladly send catalogs or illus- trations showing forth any or all of these subjects to your convincement Lord & Burnham Co. Greenhouse Designers and Builders 1 133 BROADWAY. NEW YORK Branches Boston: 819 Tremont Building Philadelphia: 1 2 1 5 Filbert Street Factory Irvington-on-Hudson, N. ^ . age Thirty-one mmmm'^'^mi'-r;:\