■p- zz-^m tf y^^/'^^'^cxxx^ (oZ? Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from NCSU Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/liousemanualofrurOOjacq THE HOUSE: A MANUAL OF OR, HOW TO BUILD COUNTRY HOUSES AND OUT-BUILDINGS; EMP.RACING THK ORIGIN AND MEANING OF THE HOUSE; THE ART OF HOUSE-BUILDING, INOLUI> INO PLANNING, STYLE AKD CONSTRUCTION ; DESIGNS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF COTTAGES, FARM-HOUSES, VILLAS AND OUT- BUILDINGS, OF VARIOUS COST AND IN THE DIFTERKNT STYLBS OF ARCHITECTURE, ETC., ETC. ; AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING RECIPES FOR PAINTS AND WASHES, STUCCO, ROUGH-CAST, ETC.; AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR ROOFING, BUILDING WITH BOUGH 8T0NB, UNBUBNT BRICK, BALLOON FHAJdES, AND THE OONCKETE OB GBAVEL WALL. By D. H. JACQUES, AuTiioB OF "The Garden," "The Farm," "Domestic Animals," "How !« Do Business," "How to Writb," "How to Talk," etc. Ualil oouimou sense Ondj ila way into architecture, there cau be little hope for it. — Ruskzh. NEW YORK ; THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 39 AND 41 Chaiubees Street. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by D. H. JACQUES, Ea the O'erk's Office of the District Court of the United States for tbc Southern District of New York. NEW YORK : RUSSELL BROTHERS, PRINTER^ 17, 18, 21, 23 ROSE ST. PREFACE. Is this countiy everybody builds a house— perhaps several of them. Everybody, then, should know something about domestic architecture, in order to build to the best advantage— to secure the largest amoimt of convenience, comfort, and beauty in his dwelling which his means and materials will permit. It has been our object, iu the preparation of this manual, to promote the dif- fusion of this needed knowledge among the people. The works of the lamented Downing, with all their acknowl- edged imperfections, have done much to enlighten the under- standings and improve the tastes of our people on this subject. Much of the improvement which has taken place ia the rural architecture of this country, within the last fifteen years, is due to their influence. But their size and cost have been a bar to their circulation, ay^ coufiued their direct action upon the public mind within a comparatively narrow circle. The same remark will apply with more or less force to the excellent works of Cal- vert Yaux, Wheeler, Cleveland and Backus Brothers, and other recent architectural writers. We have aimed heie at h wider, if not a stronger, influence. We have condensed into this little volume all that the great ma- jority of readers will care to find in it, and all that they are pre- pared to appreciate and profit by ; and have placed the whole within the reach of every man in America who will ever have occasion to erect a house, a barn, a stable, or a piggery, by placing it at a price which no one will be too poor to pay. We aim, by these means, at a universal circulation and almost unlimited usefulness. VI Preface. The plan and execution of our work will speak for themselves We are fully aware of its imperfections, but hope a generous pub- lic will not allow them to blind their eyes to the merits wliich it will, we trust, be acknowledged to possess. We leave it, witb full coniideuce, in their hands. CONTENTS. I.— ORIGIN AND MEANING OF THE HOUSE. Tho Wigwam and the Tent— The Hut of the Afri.'.an— Origin of the Tent— Th« Ancient Log Cabin— Hall of the Saxon Thegne— How it was Constructed— Norman Novelties— Origin of Chimneys and Glass Windows— The Castle, etc.— Significance of the House- Meaning of the Various Styles— Expression of Individual Character Page 9 n.- HOUSE-BUILDING Futtdamental Principles— Fitness or Utility— Expression of Purpose— Expres- sion of Beauty— Considerations Influencing Choice of Site- Healthfulness— Convenience of Access— Suitableness of Ground— Altiiude— Aspect— Trees, etc.— Adoption of a Plan— Importance of having a Matured Plan— Adapta- tion of Plan to Site— Pecuniary Means as Influencing a Plan— Wants and Tastes of the Family to be Considered— Geneml Form— Economical View— The Circle and the Octagon—Square Houses- Advantages of Irregularity- Aspect of Rooms— Arrangement of Rooms— Labor-Saving— Convenience— Comfort— Provision for Guests— Using the Best Rooms Recommended— Sleeping Apartments- Bath-Room— Pantries, Closets, Passages, etc.— Chim- neys and Stairs— Style of Architecture— Should be the Natural Outgrowth ol the Character, Institutions etc., of a People- Nn American Style yet Origi- nated Reasons Why— Promise of the Future- Classification of Styles Cir- cumstances wliich should Guide in the Choice of a Style- Climate as Influ- encing Architectural Style— Southern and Northern Houses Contrasted— Sit- uation to be Considered - Plan and Size Materials in their Relation to Style -A Hint in reference to Local Truth-Materials— Wood- Stone— Brick- Concrete— Miscellaneous Details— Cellars— Chimneys— Modes of Warming Houses -Tlie "pen Fire-place - Grates -Stoves— Hot-Air Furnaces, etc. — Ventilation Exterior Color, Interior Color, Wall Paper, etc.— Roofing- Stucco - Rough-Cast - Drainage -Trees, Vines, etc.— Errors and Absurd- ities 14 m.- COT PAGES OF ONE STORY. Preliminary Eomarks— A LogCabin— A Ilexagor Plan— Plan for Three Rooms etc.— A SoullitnJ Cottage— Another Cheap Cottage Plan— Plan for Addition* —An Extempore- House— Estim;ites— Verandas— Plans— The Scale— Doors, etc.— Rats in Cell. ir;^ -Outside Painting— Balh-Rooms 45 viii Contents. IV.— STORY- AND- A-HALF COTTAGES. Preliminary Remarks — Plans for a Small Cottage — An Italian Cottage — An English Cottage Plan — Building for Show — A Subiirhan Cottage— A Gothio Cottage — Attic Rooms — Architectural Finery — A New Method of Ventila- tion—Cedar Closets— A Symmetrical Cottage— A Semi-Southern Cottage- Sinks — Chimneys— Speaking Tubes — Beauty and Ecoi.omy Page 67 v.— HOUSES OF TWO STORIES. A Gothic Cottage — A Country Parsonage — " Fruitland" Cottage -Mr. Mann' Octagon Plan — A Southern House— A Square Cottage — A Stone Country House— Cement for Stopping Joints — A Circular House — Ornamental Roofs — A Swiss Cottage — Importance of Arrangement— A Double Cottage ... 73 VI.— FARM-HOUSES. What a Farm-House Should be — Mr. Graef 's Farm-IIouse — A Farm-Houso Plan 99 VII— V LLAS. What is a Villa? Downing's Definition — What it Should be — A small Villa in the Italian Style — A Brick Villa— A Gothic Villa — A Picturesque Villa— A Southern Villa— An Octagon Villa 105 VIII.— BARNS, AND OTHER OUT-BUILDINGS. Preliminary Remarks— Lewis F. Allen's Barn— Mr. Ch.nmberlain's Octagon Barn — Shelter Cheaper than Fodder — Elevators in Barns — Mr. Beckwlth'g Octagon Barn— A Circular Barn — A Side-Hill Barn— Stables— An Octagon Poultry-House — A Piggery — An xVshery and Smoke-House — An Ice-House — An Apiary — A Play-House — A Rustic Garden-House 129 IX.— CHURCHES AND SCHOOL-HOUSES. A Village Church— A Choice of Elcvations--A School-House— Remarks.. 158 APPENDIX. Building with Rough Stones— Hollow Walls- Building with Unbumt Brick — Dr. Buchanan on Cellars— Recipes for Paints, etc.— Roofing — Concrete or Gravel Walls — Specifications — Balloon Frames — How to Build Cisterns -A Cheap Ice-Rooia I6> THE HOUSE. I. ORIGIN AND MEANING OP THE HOUSE. Mucb of the character of every inau may be read in bis house.— Douming. I.— THE WIGWAM AND THE TENT. S "tlie groves were God's first tem- ples," so, undoubtedly, were they the earliest dwellings of man. The dense foliage of the trees afforded protection against the too fervid rays of the noonday sun, and their hollow trunks, and the caves among the rocks which they overhung, served as a shelter from the fury of the storm. By twining together the tops of saplings growing near each other, and filling in the spa- ces between them with branches bn^ken from other trees, arbors or bough-houses were readily constructed. These, in the Eden-like climates of the East, where the race is supposed to have originated, probably sat- isfied the wants of the men of the first ages. At a later day, and in a less genial climate, dwellings wero constructed by cutting down trees and placing them, in a circu- lar form, with their tops leaning against each other and fasten- ing them together, branches being interwoven and the inter- fctices filled with clay. Of this description is the wigwtun of 10 The House. the North American savage. In other cases a frame-work of poles was covered with strips of bark or skins of animals. The dome-like mud huts of some of the African tribes, with holes two or three feet high for doors, through which one must enter "on all-fours," advance in point of architecture one step further. Out of the necessities of a pastoral life grew the invention of tenti, which were at first made of the skins of animals and af- terward of felt and various kinds of cloth. On each green and chosen spot these portable habitations could be spread in a moment, and as readily removed. Even at the present day, The Arab band, Across the sand, Still bear their dwellings light, And 'neath the slvies Their tents arise, Like spirits of the night II.— THE LOG CABIN. The inventor of the rectangular log-house should have been immortalized; but, alas! he is unknown, and the date of the I ^iyil]iWT, -1 ^'fl Kig. 1. -The Anciunt Loo Cabin. first dwelling of tiiis kind is nowhere recorded. However loiiji; aiH) that event iiuiv iiave occurred, tie foundations of tho Origin and Meaning. 11 art of domestic architecture were then securely established. The first oblong house, covered by a sloping roof, whether its walls were constructed of logs placed horizontally one above the other, in the American backwoods style, or of upright posts, as shown in the foregoing engraving, contained the germ of the cottage, the mansion, and the villa of to-day. III.— THE SAXON HALL. Speaking of the Saxons, Turner, in his " Early History of Domestic Architecture in England," says: " Witliout meclianical skill to work the quarries made by the Romans, and while the habitations of the mass of the peo- ple were mud or wooden huts of one room only, in the middle of which the fire was kindled, the Saxon thegne built his hall from the woods of his demesne by the labor of his bondsmen. It was thatched with straw or reeds or roofed with wooden shingles. Its plan was little more than its name implied — a ca- pacious apartment, which in the daytime was adapted to the patriarchal hospitality of the owner, and formed at night a sort of stable for his servants, to whose rude accommodation their master's was not much superior in an adjoining chamber. The fire was kindled in the center of the hall, the smoke making its way out through an opening in the roof immediately above the hearth, or by the door, windows, and eaves of thatch. The lord and his 'hearthmen' — a significant appellation given to his most familiar retainers — sat by the same fire at which their repast was cooked, and at night retired to share the same dormitory, which served them also as a council chamber." The Normans introduced little change in the general plans of dwellings, the chief room and single bedchamber still pre- vailing, even in regal residences. It was in details chiefly that architectural novelties betokened French influence. Chimneys were generally unknown till the fifteenth century, although a few examples occur curlier. Shutters and canvas, instead of glazed windows, continued in general use in dwclling-housef 12 The House. to the reign of Henry III., notwithstanding painted gla9s foi church windows was not uncommon in the twelfth century. Of the castles, monasteries, and moated granges of a later day it is not necessary to speak. Their general forms are made familiar to all by means of pictures and engravings of all descriptions, scattered through our picture-galleries and books. The manor-house and the villa of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries form the basis of many a modern design. IV.— SIGNIFICANCE OF THE HOUSE. We have hinted at, rather than described, some of the changes through which the dwelling-house has reached its present ex- ternal form and internal arrangement ; but our brief statement will serve to indicate the fact, that each change has resulted from a corresponding change in the habits, wants, and tastej of the builder. The house of each epoch forms a chapter in the world's history. In the wigwam of the savage we recog- nize an expression of the rude life of the forest-born hunter, lacking the refinement which would require, as well as the skill which might provide, anything beyond a mere shelter. The tents of the nomadic tribes are not less significant of their habits and modes of existence — While ou from plain to plain tliey led their flocks, In search of clearer gpring and fresher field. So have the log cabin, the hall of the Saxon thegne, the feu- dal castle, the monastery, the grange, the manor-house, the cot- tage, and the villa, their readily comprehended meanings. Each was called into existence by the exigences of the social period to which it belongs, and reveals the principal features in the life of its first inhabitants. "The different styles of domestic architecture," as Downing truly remarks, "the Roman, the Italian, tbe Swiss, the Vene- tian, the Rural Gothic, are nothing more than expressions of national character which have, through long use, become per- manent. Thus the gay and sunny temperament of the south o^' OkiTtIn and Meaning. 13 Europe is well expressed ia the light balconies, the grouped windows, the open arcades, and the statue and vase bordered terraces of the Venetian and Italian villas; the homely yet strong and quaint character of the Swiss in their broad-roofed, half rude, and curiously constructed cottages; the domestic virtues and the love of rural beauty and seclusion can not possibly be better expressed than in the English cottage, with its many upward pointing gables, its intricate tracery, its spa- cious bay windows, and its walls covered with vines and flowering shrubs." Domestic architecture is not only capable of expressing the characters and customs of nations and epochs ; individual di- versities of opinion, feeling, taste, and modes of life may be and are also clearly embodied in the human dwelling. Mere utilitarianism expresses itself in a square or oblong box-like house, with walls and roof built only to defend the inmates against cold and heat ; windows intended for nothing but to admit the light and exclude the air; and chimneys constructed only to carry oft' the smoke, A love of ornament and show, unguided by either sound judgment or cultivated taste, give us all sorts of absurd and incongruous combinations of styles ; build cottages in the form of villas and villas like castles of the middle ages ; and set all the laws of fitness and order at defi- ance. Good sense, a true love of the beautiful, I'efinement, cul- ture, and domestic habits are equally sure, under favorable cir- cumstances, to make their impress upon tlie walls of the dwelling- house. Hospitality smiles in ample parlors; home virtues dwell in cosy firesidg family rooms ; intellectuality is seen in well-stocked libraries, and a dignified love of leisure and repose in cool and spacious verandas. Much of the character of every man, it is truly said, may be read in his house. If he has molded it-; leading features from the foundation, it will give a clew to a large part of his charac- ter. If he has taken it from the hands of another, it will, in its internal-details and use, show at a glance something of the daily thoughts and life of the family that inhabits it. L4 The House. 11. H U S E - B U I L D I N G He who Improves the dwellings of a psople, In relation to their comrorts, habits, and moraw, makes a benignant and iastinj; rt^fnrni at the very foundations of society. — VUlace aiid fitrin outages. I.— FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. AVING traced the dwelling-house to ita ^ origin, and pointed out the significance of its various forms, we shall now, before presenting the designs and descriptions which form the main body of our work, proceed to lay before the reader a few practical hints and suggestions on the general subject of house-building. These hints and suggestions will necessarily be briefly expressed ; but their importance must not be measured by the space they occupy. AVe have little to do here with the theory of architecture ; but there are two or three fundamental principles involved in house-building which we wish, at the outset, distinctly to impress upon the reader's mind. 1. Adaptation to Use. — In erecting a building of any kind, the first thing to be considered, and the last to be lost sight of^ is the iise to which it is to be appropriated. Adaptation to this use must not be sacrificed to anything else. The plan and con- struction of a dwelling-house, for instance, must be quite dif- ferent from those of a church edifice or a barn ; because its pur- pose and uses are difi^erent. For the same reason, a country residence should not resemble a city dwelling, and a fariu j^teUji^jLi^r^ ■ H0USE-I5U1LDING. 15 house should be unlike the cottage of the mechanic. And the law of fitness applies to all the details of a house as well as to its general form. It should be our guide in the arrangement of rooms; in the disposition of doors, windows, stairs, and chimneys ; and in the provisions made for warming and venti- lation. Adaptation to climate, situation, and the condition and means of the proprietor falls under the same head. Let it be remembered, then, that this principle of fitness, or adaptation to nse, lies at the foundation of all satisfactory house-luilding. It will be more fully illustrated as we proceed. 2. Expression of Purpose. — But it is not enough that a build- ing be planned with strict reference tc the uses to which it is to be devoted. Truthfulness, which should run through all our works, as well as our words, demands that its purpose shall be expressed in its construction — that a- church, for instance, shall not require a label to iiitbi-m us of its ecclesiastic character, and that a dwelling-house shall be known as such at a glance. This principle, strange as it may seem, is frequently violated. Church edifices are made to look like barns, dwelling-houses are built on the model of a Grecian tem.ple, and we sometimes see stables which may be mistaken, at the first glance, for farm cottages. '' The prominent features conveying expression of purpose in dwelling-houses," Downing says, " are the chimneys, the win- dows, atid the porch, veranda, or piazza; and fortius reason, whenever it is desired to raise the character of a cottage or a villa above mediocrity, attention should be first bestowed on those portions of the building." Loudon says: "In every human habitation the ci;imney-tops should be conspicuous ob- jects, because they are its essential characteristics. They dis- tinguish apartments destined for human beings from those de- signed for lodging cattle." First, then, onM fitting habitations for yourself and family ; and, second, let this fitness he clearly expressed in their external features. 3. Manifestation of Beauty. — A house may be strictly adapted to its uses and clearly express its purpose, and yet be a 16 The House. very unsatisfactory dwelling for a person of taste and culturci and a perpetual blemish in the landscape. It may have com- fortable rooms, well distributed in relation to each other and their uses ; windows, doors, chimneys, etc., of the proper size and in their proper places; and air, water, and warmth well provided for, and yet make a very unsatisfactory impression. The sentiment of beauty may find no expression in it. The windows may be mere holes in the wall, closed by glazed sashes, and the chimneys unsightly heaps of brick. This lack of all eentiment — this devotion to mere literal utility — is too frequent- ly displayed in rural house-building in this country. It will disappear as taste and culture advance, and the love of the beautiful, inherent in every man and woman, is called out and developed. Let the reader bear in mind, then, the fact, that every house, however humble, should and may be character- ized by these three qualities — 1. Adaptation to Use; 2. Expression of Purpose; and, 3. Manifestation of Beauty. II.- CHOICE OF A SITE. In selecting a site for a country house, many circumstances should be taken into consideration. First among these, in point of importance, is 1. Health fulness. — ISTo combination of advantages can com- pensate Ihe lack of a salubrious atmosphere. Such a defect, unless its causes come clearly within the purchaser's control, should be considered fatal. The vicinity of stagnant swamps and marshes ; the borders of sluggish streams ; and all situa- tions where the soil is too retentive of moisture and can not be easily and thoroughly drained, should be carefully avoided. A house in such a situation is no less uncomfortable than uu healthful, being continually damp and chilly. Elevated grounds in the immediate vicinity of extensive Bwamps and marshes, especially if in t!ie direction of prevail- ing winds, arc liable to bo quite as much affected by the mala- HOUSE-BUILDIXG. 17 rious air as the low grounds themselves, and should be shunned for the saine reason. IJ'ext in importance to good air is pure water ; and one should never adopt a site for a dwelling-house without having satisfied himself that an abundant supply of this essential element can be readily procured. The importance of this point, in its bear- ings upon health and comfort, are sadly underrated by the great majority of our people. It should be universally known that many serious and dangerous diseases may be traced to the use of impure water. In regions where the water is universally "hard" or limy, rain water properly filtered should be used for drinking and cooking, as well as for washing. 2. Convenience of Access. — In many cases nearness to one's place of business, or to the railway station or steamboat land- ing, has naturally considerable influence in determining the choice of a lot. This circumstance should not, however, have too much weight. An additional quarter of a mile added to the tri-daily walk of a man of sedentary employments may bo an advantage rather than otherwise ; and often a much better site can be obtained for the same amount of money by fore- going the slight advantages of a more central locality. Where mere business motives may be left out of the account, the tastes and habits of the family will have a controlling in- fluence. One will seek the frequent«d street or highway, while another will choose a quiet lane or an out-of-the-way nook. It is not necessary, as many seem to suppose, that a farm-house or the residence of a man of leisure should be close to the highway. A sufficient distance from it to avoid the noise and dust, and secure privacy and quiet, is far preferable; but at the same time, unless one desires to cut himself off from all in^ tercourse with the world, his house should be easy of access. 3. Suitableness of Ground. — The cost of building, digging cellars and wells, etc., is greatly influenced by the nature oi ihe ground, which must, therefore, always enter into the account. It sometimes costs more to prepare the grounds for building 18 The House. than to build the house. This is well enough when advant- ages are secured which really warrant the outlay; but the cir- cumstance should have its due weight in determining one'a choice. The adaptation of the surrounding soil to the purpose of cul- ture and the growth of trees may be considered under the same head. A good garden plot in the vicinity of the house is very desirable, but we find little soil in this country that may not easily be brought to the desired state of fertility, although originally what is called poor. 4. Altitude. — A somewhat elevated site has many advant- ages — beauty of prospect, salubrity and dryness of air, facilities for drainage, etc. — but is generally comparatively difficult of access, and unless sheltered on the north and west by higher grounds or by belts of trees, bleak and uncomfortable in win- ter. Some valleys, however, are equally bleak, the wind sweep- ing through them with a power unknown even on the hill-top. Loudon says, that of all varieties of hilly surface, the most de- sirable site is where a prominent knoll stands forward from a lengthened ridge, and where the latter has a valley with a river in front and higher hills rising one above another behind. One of the worst sites is the steep uniform side of a hill, closely sur- rounded by other hills equally high and steep. The style of building you propose to erect (if first decided upon) must be considered with reference to this point. A plain, low cottage very properly nestles in some quiet nook at the base of a hill or ridge, while the more pretending orna- mental villa may with equal propriety crown its summit. 5. Aspect. — The choice of an aspect should be determined mainly by local and climatic considerations ; a free play for the cooling breeze being essential in one place, and a shelter from wintry winds exceedingly desirable in another. In all climates we should, if possible, secure a barrier either of higher grounds or thick belts of trees (evergreens are best) on the side of the house looking in the direction from which violent storms most frequently come. The north side of a high hill or ridge, where HoUSE-BuiLDINU. 19 tLe direct rays of tlie sun would be excluded for a large portion of the time, is entirely unfit for a building site, sunlight being everywhere essential to health and comfort. In a northern climate, a southern or southeastern exposure with sheltering hills on the north is generally pi-eferred. In reference to the main points from which it is seen, and the avenues by which it is approached, a hi.^nse should be so placed, if practicable, as to present an agreeable appearance, being neither too closely screened nor too much exposed. 6. Trees, etc. — A grove or belt of well-grown forest trees, to serve as a shelter and a basis for future operations in planting, adds greatly to the value of a site ; indeed, so important do we consider this point, that we should make it an essential one in our own case. But such situations are not always readily found, and some would, doubtless, prefer to plant their own trees, even when they can not hope to live long enough to see them in their fully developed beauty. There are many other objects which it is desirable to in elude in one's grounds, when practicable, without sacrificing other and more important considerations, such as a clear run- ning stream, a sheet of water in repose, a picturesque ledge of rock, a shaded, naiad-haunted ravine, etc. ; but these are not generally included in a village lot, and do not come within the reach of all. Let each secure whatever of beauty and comfort he can in his house and its surroundings, and " learn therewith to be content." III.-ADOPTION OF A PLAN. No man should commence the erection of even the smallest cottage without having previously adopted a well digested and fuUy matured plan. It is not enough that he may have a gener- al idea of the form and size of the building he purposes to erect. All the details of its internal arrangement — the size and sit- uation of the various rooms, halls, closets, pantry, etc., and the exact place of stairs, chimneys, doors, and windows, should all bo determined before the first stake is driven to mark its outlines 20 The Housk. apon the ground If this course be not adopted, serious and expensive mistakes are almost sure to be made, and money wasted in needless altenttions. If you do not know what you want, you are not prepared to build, and should wait till your necessities and tastes have assumed definite forms. "While your house is yet only a paper cottage or villa it may easily be changed to meet your changing whims; but when your thought has once shaped itself in brick and mortar, it has become a matter of enduring record. See to it that it be such a record as you are willing should be read by posterity. Adopt no plan hastily, whether conceived by yourself or of- fered by another. It should be carefully studied, examined in every light, looked at from every point of view. There are many things to be taken into consideration. 1. In the first place, your house must be adapted to the site you have chosen. A plan may be admirable in itself, and yet unsuited to a particular spot. It must be looked at, then, in ref- erence to the ground it is to occupy ; or if the plan be adopted first, the site must be selected in accordance with it. Not merely the style and general character of a house are influenced by the contour and aspect of the features of the landscape around, but its outlines upon the ground, its arrangement in masses, is equally subject to the great law of fitness.* 2. If one's pecuniary resources are limited, the amount of money which he can appropriate to building will greatly in- fluence the character of his plan. Reception-rooms, drawing- rooms, libraries, boudoirs, and so on, are certainly desirable; but if you have but seven or eight hundred dollars to expend in building, it would be folly to put them all into your plan. You must be content with a small number of rooms, making, if necessary, several of them serve two or three distinct uses. Consider first what accommodations are absolutely essential to your comfort, and then what appliances of convenience or luxury you can add. Do not plan too largely. Depend upon • Gervase Wheeler. HOUSE-BUILDINO. 21 it, you will enjoy a much larger sum of happiness in a small house wholly paid for, than in a large one which has involved you in debt. 8. Having decided what sort of a house is best adapted to your site, and what amount of aocommodations the sum you purpose to appropriate will secure, consider next how you can make that amount of accommodation best subserve the particular wants and tastes of yourself and family. No two households are exactly alike in their domestic habits, and a house which your neighbor Brown finds "just the thing," would require considerable modification probably to adapt it to your purpose ; so in making a plan, or in studying those which we offer in this work, with a view to the adoption of one of them, keep the requirements of your pai'ticular household constantly in view, and adopt, modify, or reject accordingly, remembering that the first grand requirement of every dwelling-house is fitness or adaptation to its uses. The fact that individual wants and tastes are infinitely va- ried, renders it impossible for us to give either directions or plans that wDl exactly suit individual cases ; but we wUl her© briefly advert to some general principles which should govern in the development or choice of a plan. 1. General Form. — The largest space in proportion to the extent of the waU may be included in the circular form, but, although round houses have been built, as we shall show fur- ther on, this shape is not a desirable one. The octagon ap- proaches the circle in shape and in economy of outside wall. This form is, in our view, open to serious objections, but to give our readers an opportunity to judge for themselves in ref- erence to its ad^-antages and disadvantages, we give plans of octagon houses in another chapter. O. S. Fowler, in his " Home for All," has advocated this form with an earnestness which could only come from tliorough conviction of its superiority over all others. To that work we 22 TuE House. mast refer those who may desire to see what can be said in its favor. Of the common forms adopted in house-building, the square is the most economical in point of outside wall, and allows the most compact arrangement of rooms. Many prefer it to all otljers. A square house can not easily be made picturesque, but need not be, as such houses too often are, a mere character- less box. The advantages of the winged form, in its various modifications, are a more perfect adaptation to the high-pitched roof, greater picturesqueness, and more varied aspects. One part can also often be so projected as to shelter another and more important one from prevailing winds and storms. 2. Aspect. — With regard to the aspect of a dwelling-house, and the disposition of its various rooms in reference to the points of compass, the principal objects to be kept in view are*. 1. Shelter from prevailing winds and storms ; 2. Enjoyment of particular views afforded by the situation ; 3. Exposure to or protection from the sun. In cold and temperate climates a southern or southwestern exposure is most desirable for the principal rooms. In the Northern and Middle States generally, a northeastern aspect is, if possible, to be avoided, our most disagreeable storms coming from that quarter. In hot climates, a northern exposure is sometimes chosen on account of its coolness. 3. Arrangement of Booms. — But other considerations be- sides those mentioned in the preceding section should of course have an influence in deciding the disposition of the various apartments of a dwelling. The convenience of the house as a whole must not be sacrificed to promote the comfort of a single apartment. The end to be secured is the most perfect adapt- ation possible of the entire structure to th^ purpose for which it is erected. This purpose, in its details, being almost infinitely varied, of course the arrangement of rooms, in common with the architectural features, mode of construction, etc., will vary accordingly, no two families requiring precisely the same ac- commodations. "We can only oft'er a f3w hints for general appli- House-Building. 23 ration. Our ideas on this point, together with those of otlier persons, will be found elaborated in the plans presented in other chapters. Having utility constantly in view, labor-saving must be made a prominent idea in our arrangement of rooms. This is necessary in the habitations of the rich as well as of the poor. The difficulty of getting good servants, and the cares and vex- ations attending the employment of bad or inditferent ones, ren ler it desirable for even the wealthy to employ as few of them is possible. To promote the saving of labor, and convenience in performing the domestic labors of a household, we should study compactness, avoiding, so far as other important consider- ations will permit, extended wings and long passages. The rooms, too, most closely related in their uses should be brought near each other ; the dining-room, for instance, being so placed as to aft'ord easy ingress and earess from the kitchen, while at the same time it is desirable that the one should not open di- rectly into the other. To the same end, a pantry, sink-room, closets, etc., should be provided for in connection with the dining-room and kitchen. When there is a basement, some will prefer to place the kitchen and its offices in tliat, and the dining-room on the principal floor. This is a more elegant but a less convenient arrangement than having them on the same floor. A dumb waiter, however, will obviate, in part at least, the objections to this plan. The entrance hall should generally be central in position, and if possible furnish access to every room on the first floor. In some plans, however, in order to economize space, it is advisable to deviate from this rule. It should open toward the south, east, or west, if possible, and not toward the north. When it is practicable, there should be at least one room on the first floor provided with the means of warmth and venti- lation, which can be used as a sleeping-room in case of sick- ness or other need. The duties of hospitality should not be neglected, and pro- v).sion musu be made, in eveiy plan which will admit it. for 24 The House. spare chambers, a parlor, etc. ; we do not, however, or at least we should not, build our houses for our guests, but for ourselves and families, and we protest against the sacrifice of family convenience and home-comfort, often made, for the pur- pose of entertaining occasional visitors more elegantly. "Would it not be well for our very utilitarian people to consider whether it really "pays" to provide an elegant and comfortable parlor — perhaps the only handsome room in the house — to be used, as is the case in many country dwellings, scarcely a dozen times in a year? Take our advice, and if you have a peculiarly handsome, agreeable, and comfortable room in your bouse, whether it be called parlor, saloon, or drawing-room, ftirnish and adorn it in the best manner your means will per- mit, and then tise it — avail yourself of its benefits by throwing it open for daily family occupancy ; and when guests arrive, welcome them also to all its advantages. They will feel much more at home there than in a room which has been opened on their arrival for the first time in a month or two. Sleeping apartments should be of good size, well-lighted, and weU-ventilated, and each should liave separate means of access to a hall, corridor, or passage. Their distribution will gener- ally be suggested by that of the rooms below. Every house should have a bath-room. In assigning it its place, reference should be had to ease of access, facility of con- veying water, and security against damage from any accidental leakage. A water-clos"t, either in connection with tlie batli- ing-room or in some other convenient situation, is very desir- able, and should be provided for wherever the pecuniary means at the command of the builder will permit. 4. Miscellaneous Hints. — A pantry convenient to the din- ing-room, and if practicable opening from it, should be provided for in every house. A sink-room and closets must be thought of in the same connection. Every sleeping room should also have a closet if practicable ; but we would not sacrifice the pro- portion and beauty of a room by cutting' ofl:' closets where they can not conveniently be made without violence to the design. HOUSK-BUILDING. 25 The situation of the chimneys should be made the subject of careful consideration. They give most warmth when placed in the inner walls, but in some styles of building are more picturesque on the exterior. Stairs should generally be central in position, broad, and not too high. A back door should be provided, both for conveni- ence and for the purpose of ventilation, of which more anon. Windows on opposite sides of a room are generally to b< avoided, on account of their unpleasant " cross lights." IV.- STYLE OF ARCHITECTUEE. The domestic architecture of a people should be the natural outgrowth of its character, institutions, customs, and habits, modified by the climate and scenery in the midst of which it is buUt up. In this way originated the English cottage, the Swiss chalet, and the Italian villa. Having in this country institutions differing from those of any other, together with many peculiarities of character, habits, and climate, we can not consistently adopt in full the architecture of any other people or country. We should have a style, or perhaps sev- eral styles, peculiar to ourselves ; and no doubt we shall have them in due time. Thus far we have been content to build in every style, ancient and modern, and, most of all, in no style ; covering the whole face of the country with incon- gruous and unsightly structures. There are various causes for this state of things, the principal of which are the necessary devotion of our people to the rough work of subduing a new country ; the consequent lack of thought and culture in the right direction ; and the want of true home-feeling, growing out of our migratory habits. These causes are becoming yea. by year less operative, and our domestic architecture is improv- ing in the same ratio — exceptions to the general ugliness of our buildings growing more and more numerous as leisure, culture, and love of home and home-life increase among us. This im- provement will go on ; the modifications which our climates and modes of life suggest in existing styles will assume definite, and 2 26 TnK House. artistic, and i-ermanent shape, and the new American style or styles will receive their birth. In the mean time, we must borrow and modify as best we may. The various modes of building now in use, so far as they are susceptible of classification, may be referred to two original styles of which they are modifications — the Grecian, in which horizontal lines prevail, and the Gotliic, in which vertical lines prevaih To the former class belongs the Italian, the Swiss, the Flemish, and other continental European modes, in their various modifications ; and to the latter the old English styles of various periods, as well as the modern rural Gothic mode. In adopting any mode for imitation, our preference should be guided not only by the intrinsic beauty which we see in a particular style, but by its appropriateness to our uses. This will generally be indicated by the climate, the site, and the wants of the family which is to inhabit the house. In high northern latitudes, where colonnades and verandas would be unsuitable, the Grecian or Italian styles should not be chosen ; and in a tropical one, the warm, solid, comfortable features of the old English architecture would be neither necessary nor ap- propriate.* 1. Taking the climate alone into consideration, a Southern should ditfer in many respects from a Northern house. The broad halls, airy rooms, cool ombras, and spacious verandas or arcades and balconies, required by the former, seem to indicate a modification of the Italian style; while the compact arrange- ment of apartments, the provisions for fireside comfort, and the protection against heavy snows which must be insisted upon in the latter, point to the various forms of the Gothic rural tyle. In the middle region of our country, either style may appropriately be adopted, as other conditions may require. 2. The next consideration is fitness to the site we have iliosen, or harmony with the scenery around. "Rural archi- tecture,'' it has been truly said, " is the creation of a picture * Downing. ■HoUSE-EuiLDIXtx. 27 of which the landscape is the background.'" We must design the principal object in the picture to correspond with its ac- cessories. " The ultimate test of rural architecture and its kindred art, landscape gardening, is landscape painting. Does a literal view of a building and its environs from a well-chosen point, or from several points of view, make a good picture? Does it, as artists say, compose well ? Does it seem of a piece, as if the building might have grown out of the ground ? Then, but not otherwise, the design is good.''* The principle here laid down is \iolated by erecting a Swiss chalet in alow, flat country; a small, plain, unpretending cottage on an elevated and commanding situation ; or an Italian villa with a lookout tower in a secluded valley. It should also be understood that rustic features look well only in the midst of rural simplicity, and that architectural elegance should be re- served for cultivated scenes. Again, where the features of the landscape are wild and grand, irregularity and picturesqueness in the forms of buildings may appropriately be introduced. A cottage which would seem fitting and beautiful on a village street would be incongruous with its situation and appear evi- dently misplaced on a rough hillside, in the midst of the wild- ness of nature. 3. The plan of a house, as we have already said, should be made with reference to its site. The style and character of the elevation are influenced in some measure by the plan. Some plans, however, are adapted to various styles of elevation, while others are well suited to only one. The size determined upon will also modify the character of a house, and must al- ways be taken into the account. 4. The materials to be used in construction will also neces- sarily influence one in the choice of a style ; for although a given design may perhaps be executed in either wood, brick, or stone, it will not be equally adapted to each. Variety of form and profusion of ornament are attained in stone and brick only • Gervase Wheeler. 28 Thk House. at great expense. Rural cottages of these materials sliould therefore generally he simple in form, and depend for their sftect upon proportion, symmeriy, and what artists call hreadtli., rather than upon variety and picturesqneness of outline and high finish. In wood, greater variety of form and more elabo- rate embellishment may be secured at a given expense ; indeed, so great is the facility of producing architectural ornaments in this material, that they are too often applied unmeaningly, use- lessly, and to a most absurd extent. 5. One hint more on this head for the especial benefit of those who have spent most of their lives in cities. Do no* carry your cockney ism into the country. Leave your town house where it is. It is, no doubt, a very good ti.Mvii house; but nothing can be more absurd than to attempt to reproduce it in the midst of orchards and cornfields. Downing speaks of a suburban villa which he saw on Long Island in the shape of "a narrow, unmistakable 'six story brick,' which seemed in its forlornness and utter want of harmony with all about it, as if it had strayed out of town in a fit of insanity and had lost the power of getting back again." "A word to the wise," etc. v.- MATERIALS. 1. Wood. — No other material is so extensively employed in rural architecture, in this country, as wood. This arises mainly from its abundance and cheapness ; but an additional reason for its use may be found in its suitableness for the kind of buildings mostly wanted, and its truthful expression of the unstable and migratory character of our people. Tempo- rary shelters, rather than pei-manent homes, have been in demand. Young men expecting soon to be able to build villas or mansions, have not cared to erect cottages of stone or brick, to be pulled down or sold in the course of a few jears. Wood is just the thing required. And when the time arrives for building the villa or the mansion (for these castles in the air, in many cases, ultimately assume a tangible shape on tho Bolid ground), the projector is perhaps no longer young Ilorsi:- Building. 29 Wood will still serve his purpose. Why should he seek a more enduring material ? lie will need the building but a few years; and his sons, perliaps, have all "gone West" — at any rate, they will sell the paternal mansion so soon as it shall come into their possession and build for themselves. It lias for them none of the sacred associations of home. It is haunt- ed by no memories of their childhood. It is only their father'3 grand new house ! So it has been in the past, and so, to a large extent, will it continue to be for a long time to come ; but there is a tend- ency, as we have before hinted, toward a better state of things. In the older parts of the country, at least, families are acquir- ing local permanency, and a love of home and all that pertains to home-life and home-scenes is begiiming to be fostered. These circumstances and sentiments will gradually find ex- pression in a more solid and enduring style of domestic archi- tecture. But while Avood is abundant and comparatively cheap, it will necessarily continue to be enijiloyed by those wlio must build cheaply or not at all. Kent-paying is distaFteful to our people, who choose rather to live in houses of low cost owned by themselves, than to go and come at the beck of a landlord. They are right ; and while we would gladly see them give place to better and more permanent ones, we are proud of the flimsy, unsubstantial structures, so sneered at by foreigners, which dot the whole face of the country. They are the homes of tho people, who will by-and-by build and own better ones. For all wooden cottages, Downing recommends vertical boarding with inch or inch and a quarter pine, tongued and grooved at the edges, nailed on, and covered with neat l)at- tens. We think, however, that filled-in walls are to be j)re ferred. Tliese are made by filling-in a course of any cheap bricks f-om bottom to top of the whole frame. This will make a wall four inches thick between the weather-boarding and the lath and plastering of the rooms. The cheapest mortar, made with a small proportion of lime, is used for this filling-in ; some 30 The House. place the bricks on edge and bnild them flush with the inside of the timbers or studs (or, rather, projecting a quarter of an inch forward). This leaves a hollow space between the weather- boarding and the brick wall, and renders lathing unnecessary, the plaster being applied directly on the inner face of the fill- ing-in. 2. Stone. — Where permanence is required, and the style of architecture adopted will admit it, stone is undoubtedly th« best of all materials for building. In some parts of the country however, it can not be procured; and even when it is abund- ant, the expense of quarrying, shaping, and laying it up, gener- ally renders the first cost of a stone house much greater than that of a wooden one. But where the cost of preparing the stone is small, it may often be advantageously used in building houses of moderate cost. The inner face of tlie walls of stone liouses should always be "furred ofi'," leaving a space of two or more inches between the solid wall and the plaster. The stratum of air thus inter- posed will effectually prevent dampness, and render the wall cooler in summer and warmer in winter than it could other- wise be made.* In damp situations it is also necessary to build the foundation walls of hydraulic lime mortar, to cut off the access of moist- ure from the ground. "With those precautions, houses built of stone will be as free from dampness as any other. 3. Brick. — Brick, when made of good clay, rightly tempered with sand, and well burned, makes an excellent material for building, either in city, village, oi* country. It is suitable for designs in which stone can not, without great expense, be wrought into the required forms. Hollow walls are best for brick houses, their advantages being: 1. A considerable saving of materials; 2. The preven- tion of dampness; 3. The saving of all the cost of lathing and studding for the interior walls ; 4. The great security afforded • For an excellent method of building with unhewn sl«ne, sue Appendix (AV House-Building. 31 against fire; 5. The ofjportiinity tliej' afford for thoroiigu and easily controlled ventilation,* When not built hollow, brick walls should be " furred off" in the same way as those of stone, When timber and stone are both scarce, as on the prairies of the West, cottages and farm-houses are frequently built of unburnt brick. In our Appendix will be found an account of their construction, condensed ' from a Report on the subject made by Mr. Ellsworth while Commissioner of Patents. He bears the strongest testimony to their cheapness, warmth, and durability.! 4. Concrete. — Much attention lias been directed of late to walls of concrete for country houses. These walls are said to combine in a high degree durability, cheapness, warmth, and dryness. They are composed of lime, sand, gravel, and frag- ments of stone. A considerable number of houses have been built of this material within the last few years, with varying and seemingly contradictory results. In some cafes perfect success seems to have been attained, the walls assuming and retaining a stone-like consistency and promising great durability, while in others expensive failures have been the result, the structure? crumbling to powder within two years. Our own opinion, formed after a thorough examination of the subject, is, that where all the requisite materials abound, walls of concrete may be put up far more cheaply than those of stone or brick, and that a durability nearly equal to that of marble may be universally secured by a strict compliance with the following conditions: 1. The various materials entering into the composition ol the concrete must be well selected and rightly compounded- the lime being of a good quality, the sand clean and sharp, and the gravel well screened, and each of these ingredients, as well as the rock fragments, being used in the proper proportion. 2. The walls must be built at the proper season of the year, to insure their perfect hardening before being affected by frost. * See Appendix (Bi t See Appendix (Ci. 32 The House. 3. The building must be covered by a projecting roof, to protect the walls against vertical rains. We havo yet to learn that a failure has ever occurred where all these conditions have been strictly adhered to. We give in the Appendix some account of the mode of building concrete walls, and further information may be found in 0. S. Fowler's " Home for All." Our principal objection to this mode of building lies in the necessity which exists for external plastering or stuccoing, and the consequent blank and monotonous appearance of the walls. With many persons, however, this objection will have little weight. It may be ob- viated by the common sham of marking off the surface in imi- tation of courses of stone, an untruthful practice which we can not recommend. VI.— MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 1. Cellars. — Cellars under dwelling houses are generally deemed indispensable. They are certainly very useful ; but there is an evil of such magnitude connected with them, that some have advocated their entire abolition. They are almost universally manufactories and reservoirs of foul air, which, find- ing its way upward by means of doors, windows, stairways, and crevices in the floors, diffuses its noxious elements through the rooms above, and becomes a fruitful source of disease. It is not necessary that they should be half filled with rotting garbage to produce this result. The surface of the earth ia filled with decomposable substances, and whenever air is con- fined in any spot in contact with the ground, or any change- able organic matter, it becomes saturated with various exhala- tions which are detrimental to health.* Means must be pro vided, therefore, for their thorough ventilation, or cellars must be abandoned altogether.! A cellar, to fully serve its purposes, should be cool in sum- * Professor Younians. t See Appendix (D). HoUSE-BriLDiNG. 33 mer, ii:ipervious to frost in winter, and dry at all times. The •walls should rise one or two feet at least above the level of the surrounding ground, and should be laid in good lime mor- tar, or at least pointed with it. The thickness of the wall should not be less than from fifteen to eighteen inches ; and if the house walls above be built of brick or stone, two feet is better. The cellar should have a drain from the lowest cor- ner, which should be always kept open ; and each room in it should have at least two sliding sash windows, to secure a cir- culation of air. In very cold climates, those portions of the walls above the surface of the ground should be double, either by means of a distinct thin wall on the outside or by lathing and plastering on the inside, and be furnished with double windows as a further security against frost. An outside door with a flight of steps is desirable in every cellar, and in one connected with a farm-house indispensable. 2. Chimneys. — The construction of an effective chimney would seem to be a very simple and easy matter; and so it is, provided the philosophical principles involved be first under- Fig. 2. stood, as they should be by ev- ery builder. The main point to be attend- ed to in order to cause a chim- ney to draw well, is to con- tract the openings both at the throat and at the top, so a* to break the force of any dowi: ward currents of air whioL may be thrown into it. Fin. 2 will serve to illustrate tbi fj\ulty construction of the throat. and fig. 3 the correct construc- tion. In very windy or exposed situations the top of the chimney should be contracted to a third less than tht> area of the flue; but in ordinary cases a Faulty cosstrcctio:*. COEKECT CoSSfBUCTIUN. 34 The House, diminution of about two inches in the diameter will be suf ficient. 3. Wa7'ming.~-The original plan for warming houses was to build a fire in the center of the principal room, the smoke being allowed to find its way out either at a hole in the roof or through any accidental crevices which might exist. With the invention of the chimney came the fire-place, an opening in the side of its base. This opening formed, at first, an immense re cess with square side-walls or jambs, and, in addition to the fire, furnished accommodations for several persons, who were pro- vided with seats within its area. The tendency of modern improvement has been to gradually contract this opening, until it seems in a fair way to be abolished altogether; but this last step should not be taken till something more suitable than has yet been produced shall have been provided to take its place. The principal methods of wanning now in use in this coun- try are: 1. By open fire-places; 2. By open grates; 3. By stoves ; 4. By hot-a;r furnaces ; 5. By steam and hot-water apparatuses. 1. The open fire-place furnishes the pleasantest and most healthful mode of warming a room ; but in a pecuniary point of view it is not economical. A very large portion of the heat generated is carried up the chimney and lost. By so construct- ing the fire-place that it may supply a current of heated air to the room, which may easily be done in various ways, this ob- jection is partially obviated. Any attempt to bring the fire-place again into general use, even in the country, would pi'obably be vain ; but we can not refrain from expressing most emphatically our opinion, that in places where fuel is still cheap, the substitution of stoves has been a most unwise and short-sighted piece of false econ- omy. Shall we give up the cheerful and healthful glow of the blazing fire, and submit to the stifling heat and gloomy ap pearance of the deadly " air-tight," for the mere purpose of saving a few dollars, at the expense of an untold amount a* H O U S E - B U I L D I N G . 35 .lealth and comfort? We must at least put on record here out earnest protest against it. 2. Next to the open fire-place, in point of health and com- fort, comes the open chimney grate. Similar to this, and more economical, is the stove grate or open stove. This, when properly constructed with an air-chamber within it connected with the open air by a pi})e and with several openings near tlie top to admit the wanned air into the room, furnishes a very pleasant means of warming an apartment. 3. Our opinion of stoves has already been hinted at. If it onflicts with the generally received ideas on the subject, we can not help it. With the exception of the open stove or stove grate already mentioned, we are constrained to pronounce them unmitigated nuisances, entireh^ unworthy of acceptance in an enlightened age and by an enlightened people. They have not a single advantage, so far as we can perceive, to recommend them — not even that of economy, for where they subtract one dollar from the fuel account, they add two to the doctor's bill. We believe that their almost universal introduction has had more to do than any other single cause with the acknowledged deterioration which has taken place within the last half century in the health and vital stamina of our people. It is Dickens, we believe, who calls the stove the " household demon." Would to God we had the power to exorcise it ! 4. Hot-air furnaces, steam apparatus, etc., are little used iu Rearming small country houses ; and it is hardly desirable that they should be more extensively introduced ; for their advant- ages, as they are generally managed, are fully counterbalanced by their disadvantages. In buildinar, attention should be directed to making the walla of a dwelling-house poor conductors of heat. Of the means of doing this we have already spoken. For the same reason double windows should be introduced wherever tlie winters are very severe. Ordinary windows, no matter how tight they may be, are great abstractors of heat — ^or, rather, they furnish a medium through which the cold air without abstract* 36 The Hocjse. the heat from the warm air withiu. Double windows, by cod fining a stratum of air (a non-conductor of heat) between them, entirely prevents this loss. Doubling the glass in the sam« sash answers the purpose equally well. 5. Ventilation. — We can not here go into an exposition of the relations of atmospheric air to tlie animal economy, or show how its various constituents affect the system. We must take it for granted that the reader understands and fully appreciates the fact, that pure air is quite as essential to the health of the body and the right performance of its functions as wholesome food, and that therefore a copious and constant supply of it in our dwellings is of the utmost importance. But this, we fear, is assuming too much. If it be generally known that the at- mospheric air in its purity, and that alone, is fitted for the res- piration of human beings, how does it happen that the great mass of our people are content to breathe, during a large por- tion of their lives, a vile compound of noxious gases instead? In a majority of our houses, even of the better sort, the little ventilation which takes place is purely incidental, no direct provision whatever being made for it. What is the result? During the warmest weather of summer, open doors and windows generally secure adequate circulation and consequent purity of air. In the winter, and a portion of the time in tlie summer, the case is quite different. The windows and doors are carefully closed and a fire kindled in the stove or grate, around which we gather. Now commences the transformation of the life-giving element, with which the room was originally filled, into a subtile but active and powerful agent of vlisease and death. The air, chemists tell us, is mainly composed of nitro- gen and oxygen, of which the latter is the active, life-giving principle, and the former the neutral or diluting principle. Now each person takes into his lungs more than two hogslieads per hour of this vital fluid — that is, provided it can be liad — > retains most of the oxygen, and throws out in place of it nearly an equal bulk of carbonic acid gas — a deadly poison. The combustion of fuel in the stove or grate, and of the substancea HoUSE-BriLDTXG. 37 used in lighting the room in the evening, acts upon the air in nearly the same manner as breathing — consuming its oxygen and supplying its place with carbonic acid. Other gaseous hn purities, among which is carbonic oxyd, a much more deadly poison than carbonic acid even, are thrown out by our stoves, and particularly by those called " air tight," to add to the general mass of impurity which we compel ourselves to breathe. What must soon become the state of the atmo- sphere in a closed room under these circumstances? Does it startle you to think of it ? Well it may ! Depend upon it, if yon could see the mass of vitiated and poisoned air in thp midst of which you are living —if it should for a moment be- come visible in the form of a sickly, yellow mist or a cloud of lurid, deadly red, and you were really aware of all its noxious properties — you would flee from your stove-heated and unven- tilated rooms as from a city swept by a pestilence. What wonder we have headaches and bad digestion ; that the cheek of beauty grows pale among us and the eye of youth dim and sunken; that the vital powers are gradually undermined; and that scrofula, dyspepsia, and consumption are so common and so fatal. But have we not said enough ? There is a remedy — ^W° Ventilation, ,^^1 and if you forget everything else in this little book — if you heed our advice on no other point — remember this injunction : N'ever build a house, or live in one already huilt, without pro- viding adequate means for the thorough ventilation of every room in it. Ventilation embraces two distinct processes — the removal of the foul air and the introdnction of pure air ; and to be sat- isfactory, both must be carried on without producing injurious or otfensive currents. The simplest provision for the escape of bad air is an open- ing in the chimney near the ceiling, properly provided with a valve or register. This mode of ventilation is simple, easily introduced even into houses already built, and thorough!* 38 The House. effective., at least while fires are kept up, as they usually are during the winter, when ventilation is most required. An Fig. 4. Arnot valve is better than a register for insertion in a chimney opening, since it effcstually prevents the es- cape of smoke into the room. This valve is a very simple box of cast iron, with an iron valve so contrived that it will remain open while there Arnot's Valve. is the least pressure of foul air from within, but close at once against any current in the opposite direction. It is easily built into the chimney, or can be inserted afterward by merely taking out two or three bricks. But carbonic acid gas is heavier than common air, and al- though carried upward by the ascending currents and partially drawn off by the opening near the ceiling, a portion of it de- scends and forms a stratum in the lower part of the room. The current kept up by the combustion going on in an open fire-place or a grate helps to draw this off"; but it is essential to perfect ventilation that an opening near the floor be provided for tlie special purpose of carrying it away. A square piece of wire gauze inserted in the lower part of the fire-board, with a curtain of oiled silk behind it, to serve as a valve, will an- swer this purpose tolerably well, where the chimney current is sufficiently strong. Apertures connected with downward conducting flues, however, are generally more serviceable. Means being provide^l for tlie escape of the impure air, a partial supply of fresh air from outside finds its way into our rooms through accidental fissures and occasionally opened doors ; but it is irregular and inadequate. More may be intro duced by lowering the upper sash of a window, but this creates an unpleasant and dangerous current of cold air, and is there- fore unsatisfactory. An improvement upon this plan is to re- place one of the upper panes of glass in the window farthest from the fire by a perforated plate of zinc or a louvre made of tin, zinc, or glass, with horizontal openings or slats like 8 H o u s E - B r I L D I y (t , 3fl ^'enetian blind. A contrivance of this nature is far better than no j)rovision at all for the admission of pure air, and should always be resorted to when no better arrangement may be uracticable. But the best way to introduce fresh air ia Fig. 5. through air-chambers connected with the fire- place or grate, so that it may be warmed be- fore being thrown into the room. An arrange u "m/z/z/o % Fis b ment of this kind, connected with an open fire-place or grate, is represented by figs. 5 and 6. The fresh air enters from the outside at a. Fig. 5 is slightly warmed in the air- chamber at the back or side of the fire-place, 5, and passes into the room by a side open- - °- ing, as shown at a, fig. 6. The [ / /^ valve for the escape of the CniMNEi bECTiON. bad air is represented by &, Chimney Openings. fig. 6. It is better, however, that the opening for the adraissi?»n of fresh air and the valve for the escape of impure air should be on opposite sides of the chimney-breast.* But a perfect system of ventilation, effective at all seasons and o])erating in all the apartments of the house, whether furnished with fire-places or not, requires a series of venti- lating flues (the openiLgs in which must be provided with the necessary valves), all leading into a larger flue or shaft in which a current is constantly kept up, both winter and sura mer. The kitchen fire furnishes the motive power required It may be efl:ectively applied in various ways as circumstance may require and ingenuity suggest, aided, if necessary, by a ventilating cap at the top of the shaft. Having mastered the principles on which ver tilation depends, as every one purpos- ing to ouild a house should do, the rest will be easy. *0 The Hodse. In providing for the ventilation of your house, give special attention to the nursery and the sleeping-rooms, and do not forget the cellar. The last, if provided with the outside door and sliding sash windows we have recommended, may be tol erably well ventilated in summer, while these can be left open, without extra provision for that purpose; but in the winter the operation of a ventilating Hue extended down from an ac- tive chimney flue is absolutely essential to anything like purity of air in such an underground apartment. 6, Exterior Color. — For the outside painting of country houses, quiet, neutral tints should generally be chosen. The various shades of fawn, drab, gray, and brown, are all very suitable. All the positive colors, such as red, yellow, blue, green, black, and white, should always be avoided. Nothing can be in worse taste than the very common practice of paint- ing country bouses white. This color is glaring and disagree- able to the eye, when presented in large masses ; it makes a house an obtrusive and too conspicuous object in the landscape ; it does not harmonize with the Lues of nature — standing, as it w%re, harshly apart from all the soft shades of the scene. Use any other color rather than xchite. Downing makes an ex- ception to this rule in favor of cottages deeply embowered in trees — the shadow of the foliage taking away the harshness and otFensiveness of the color ; but even in such cases we would modify the white by a slight admixture of chrome yellow and Indian red. Ked, another glaring and disagreeable color, is a common one for farm-houses in some parts of the country. It is scarcely less offensive to the eye than white. Perceiving the absurdity of painting country houses white, nany have gone to the other extreme, and given their dwell- ings a too dark and somber hue. Light, cheerful, but unobtru- sive colors, harmonizing with the prevailing hues of the country, are most suitable. Take the colors of the various eartlis, tlie stones, the trunks and branches of trees, mosses, and other natural objects for your guides, and you will not go far wrong. A quiet fawn color or drab and a warm gray— that is, a gra^' HOUSK-BUILDING. 41 mixed with a very little red and some yellow — are the safest colors to recommend for general use. The browns and dark grays are suitable for stables and out-buildings. A mansion or a villa should have a somewhat sober hue ; a house of moderate size a light and pleasant tone ; and a small cottage a still lighter and livelier tint. A house exposed to the view should have a darker hue than one that is much hidden by foliage. To produce the best effect, several tints or shades of color should be used in painting the exterior of a house ; and it is important that they be judiciously chosen and combined. If the color selected for the main walls be light, the facings of the windows, the roof trimmings, verandas, etc., may appro- priately be a darker shade of the same color ; and if the pre- vailing color of the building be darTc, a lighter shade should be applied to the trimmings. If Venetian blinds be used, the solid parts of them may be similar in shade to the window casings, but a little darker, and the movable slats darkest of all. If green be preferred for the blinds, it should be a very dark green ; light and bright greens having a flashy and disagree- able etfect. 6. Interior Color, Wall Paper, etc. — Instead of painting and graining interior wood-work in imitation of oak, black walnut, or other dark wood, Downing recommends to stain it, 80 as to give the effect of the darker wood while retaining the real appearance of the grain of the pine or other wood itself. We give in the Appendix his recipe for staining pine and other soft woods. The remarks made in thi preceding section in reference to colors will apply with slight modification to the interiors as well as the exteriors of houses. Agreeable neutral tints- gray, drab, fawn color, etc. — should be given to the walls, the ceilings alone being white, the cost of a wash of these tints for a room being only a few cents greater than that of a white- wash. When walls are to be papered, colors and patterns should be chosen with reference to the same principles. I' 42 The House. arcLitectural paper be used, it must be in the same style as the house — an Italian or Grecian room in a Gothic cottage not being quite appropriate. The best etlect is produced by having the ceiling lightest, the side walls a little darker, the wood-work a shade darker Btill, and the carpet darkest of all.* The hall and all passages and staircases should be of a cool, sober tone of color, and simple in decoration. 7. Roofing. — For the general purposes of roofing for country houses there is no good material perhaps so generally available as shingles. Slate forms an excellent covering, but in most localities is far too costly for ordinary use. Tin serves a good purpose when well put on ; but on account of its tendency to expand and contract, is somewhat liable to get out of order. Thick canvas is good for the flat roofs of verandas and other small surfaces.! 8. Stucco. — Stuccoing or outside plastering has been tried to a considerable extent in this country ; but generally with indif- ferent success. The stucco, so far as our observation extends, soon cracks and begins to peel olF under the sudden and fierce alternations of heat and cold to which our climate is subject. Mr. Downing — high authority in such matters — however, speaks favorably of stuccoing for rough walls, and expresses the opinion that the cause of its failure is that it is so imper- fectly understood, and consequently so badly practiced in this country. We copy his directions in our Appendix.^ 9. Rough- Cast. — Rough-cast is a species of cheap -and du- rable cement adapted to farm-houses and the plainer kind of rural cottages. It is adapted, like stucco, to rough walls. Se Appendix for directions for preparing and applying it.§ 10. Drainage. — Efficient drainage for the sewerage ana waste water must be provided for in every plan for a country house. Four or five inch earthen pipes are best to connect * Downing. t See Appendix (F) for something more about rooflng materiate X (F.) § Ibid. HoUbE-BuiLDING. 43 the coss-pool with the house. They must be "trapped," so that there shall be no continuous air-passage through which noxious gases may rise. The cess-pool must not be near the well. 11. Trccs^ Shinds, and Vines. — We have no space to devote to landscape gardening, which, although closely related to rural architecture, lies beyond the scope of our plan. We can only say, plant trees, shrubs, and vines by all means ; but call tastf. and judgment to your aid in choosing and arranging them. The largest masses of foliage should not be placed in front, but should tlank and form a background for the house. Placed too near a house, trees of dense foliage create dampness, injure the walls and roof, and impede the circulation of the air. A dra- pery of vines creeping or trailing over them, and twining around the porches, verandas, and windows, are among tlie most beau- tiful and appropriate decorations for a cottage ; and they are within the reach of everybody and should be universally em- ployed. VII.-COMMON EKKOES AND ABSURDITIES. The errors and absurdities in rural architecture committed in this country (and other countries are not free from them) are too numerous to admit even an enumeration here. The following are a few of the commonest and most glaring ones: 1. Building a cottage of the dimensions of twenty feet by thirty, in imitation of a Grecian temple, with lofty columns of pain led wood, forming a grand portico in front. 2. Building castellated villas with towers and battlements of thin pine boards. 3. Illustrating the Gothic style "run mad,"' in wooden cot- tages composed principally of gables, and looking. Downing iays, as if they had been " knocked into a cocked hat." 4. Giving examples of all the principal styles of architectu/^ 44 The House. in the same house — the roof, for instance, belonging to one styJo and age ; the doors and windows to another ; and the porches and verandas to a third. Corinthian columns supporting Gothic arches! Very fine! 5. Imitating a villa in a diminutive cottage, and lovering it all over Avith frippery and " gingerbread work." 6. Supposing that ornament and beauty in architecture are synonymous, and consist in something extraneous and super- added. 7. Building houses to loolv at rather than to live in, and thereby making them " distressingly line." 8. Finishing and furnishing a splendid parlor for visitors and to "show off," and living in a bare-walled, smoky, un- comfortable kitchen all one's life. 9. Imitating marble and granite in lath and plaster, and oak and walnut in soft pine and hemlock. 10. Surrounding a house in the extreme North with veran- das or arcades, and building a Southern one without them. 11. Mounting outside Venetian lilinds upon a Gothic cottage or villa. 12. Building a Swiss chalet or cottage on a level village street, or a narrow, three-story brick house to stand dignifiedly apart in a wild, secluded valley. 13. Painting country houses white or red. 14. Building in haste to repent at leisure; or buildings house first and planning it afterward. 15. Building temporary shelters instead of homi^a. COTTAGKS OF OXE StOUY. 45 III. COTTAGES OF ONE STORY. I knew by the smoke that so gracefully curled Above the green elms, that a cottage was uear. — Mocn. I.— PEELIMENAEY REMARKS. --= f-t COTTaGE of one story, in tb«. sense 'l\ in which we shall employ the term, is one in which the side walls do not rise above the . second floor, which forms, as it were, the base of thp roof. When properlj constructed, such colcages are both convenient and attractive. They favor econoniy of labor (no climbing of stairs being required), and are pleasing and unobtrusive objects in the landscape ; while small houses, carried up two or three stories in height, although they may be economically built, are far loss conducive to labor saving, and, in the country at least, present a most unsightly appearance. The foundation walls of all low cottages should be raised somewhat above the level of the surrounding ground. They should be plain and simple in style and finish, the foliage of creeping and climbing plants furnishing their most appropri- ate ornament. In the designs which follow, we have endeavored to keep in jniud the wants of small far.iilies of limited means, and have aimed to show how the largest amount of convenience and comfort may be secured for the smallest sum of money, and at the same time to impress upon the reader's mind the fact that, because a cottage may be small and cheap, it need not there- ■Ki The House. lore the ugly. Taste need not always necessarily add tu ex- pense, and the expression of beauty need not be lacking even La the rudest cabin or shanty. II.- A LOG CABIN. As our first design, we present a log cabin — a kind of dwelling which most continue to be common for a long time to come, in Pkbbpsctive Yii:u. parts of the West and South. The ])lan requires no explana- tion Space may be saved by building an outside chimney at each end, instead of the central one represented in the plan. In a warm climate the former is the better mode ; but the un- sightly projections thus formed should be covered witl climb- ing and creeping plants. Nowhere can the Virginia creeper, the ivy, the jasmine, the trumpet flower, the clematis, the climbing roses, etc., be more appropriately disposed than around the veranda, windows, and gables of a log cabin. Our artisl nas been rather sparing of them, as also of trees in the accom- panying design, but they should be supplied in abundance. They are cliea[) adornments, and come within the reach of all In their pro])er place, tlie skill of the best architect can substi lute nothing equal- ly satisfactory. The leading ex- ternal feature in the foregoing per- spective view is the veranda in frniit, covered by the projecting roof. Its rustic posts should be covered with vines, among which the grape might appropriate- ly have a place. Cottages of One Story Fig. 8. 47 Ground Plan. III.-A HEXAGON PLAN. A Western correspondent, Mr. W. Holly, of St. Louis, fur- nishes the accompanying as an economical, simple, and con- Fig. 9. venient plan for in- closing and dividing a given space. The rooms, it will be seen, are all of the same size and form, and ]>ve- sent the most compact arrangement possible. A single chimney, in the center, furnishes fire-places for them all. Omitting its fire-place, the bed-room might be divided by a partition in the center, thus giving two small sleeping apartments. With plain walls and a flat roof, such a house could be put up 'If-xagon Plan. 4-8 Ihe tlousE. oil tlie prairies or ia the forests of the West for a very si«<«l] sum ; and we do not see how the same amount of accommoda- tion can be more economicallv obtained. IV.— A PLAN FOR THREE ROOMS, ETC. This excellent plan for a three-roomed cottage is borrowed, with modifications, from '"Village and Farm Cottages" by Cleveland & Back- us Brothers. It ex- plains itself ; and we venture to say that a better arrange- ment of the same amount of space can not easily be de- vised. A plain l;ut substantial and plea- sing little structure on this plan, with the inside walls all neatly papered, a low projecting roof, and plain hoods over the windows, would cost, in this vicinity, from $550 to $G50, The laundry and wood-room would naturally be cov ercd by a lean-to roof, or they might be omitted. If a cellai should be required, it mig'^t be under the kitchen, and enterec from the wood-room. Plan fop Tiirke II :\. Living Room 14.0 > B— Hall 6.0. O- Bed Room 12 0) I >— Kitchen. 12 > !•: - Wood Room 7.0 > K — Liiiiudry 6.0) G — Closets 15.0 8.0 16.6 15.0 8.0 80 Estimates. — The circumstances on which the cost of a hous6 will depend vary so greatly with time and place, that estimates made witliout a knowledge of these circumstances are only use Cottages of On k Story. 49 fal as a basis of comparison and calculation. "Where estimates are given in this work, they are calculated for the vicinity of New York, and based on the following valuation in gold: Timber at $20 00 per 1,000 feet Rough boards " 20 00 " " " Good lumber (planed) " 22 00 " " " Bricks '• 6 00 " " ^'ails " 05 " Ih. Olass " 4 00 '• box. Carpenter's work " 175 '• day. Mason's work " i 75 " " Common labor '• i 00 " " Whenever the cost of labor and materials is greater or less than that given in the foregoing table, tlie proper allowance must be made. v.— A SOUTHERN COTTAGE. This differs widely from all our previous designs, and indi- cates its adaptation to a different climate and different social Fi? 1 I'EtSPKiriivi; Vl!.\v customs and habits. Its principal features are the veratida. which ^tends on all sides, and the broad hall running through the center. This hall furnishes access to every room, and facil- 50 The House. itates a free cirealation of air tlirough the house. The living- room and the large bed-room may change places, where the situation and aspect render such a change desirable. The bay Fig. 12. i.rT. BED ROOM 15 X /8 LIVING ROOM 15 X IB PlAS of k. BOCTKCBH COTTAOX. winJow adds much to the beauty and comfort of the parlor, but may be omitted if considerations of economy require. The elevation is jilain but not unattractive, and, in its exter- nal features, very distinctly expresses its character as a South- ern dwelling. This will be found a comfortable and convenient home for a planter of small estate and means, or for an overseer on a large plantation. Its cost will vary much in different parts of the South. Built of wood, as represented in our perspecti^ view, from $65\3 to $700 wonld perhaps be an average estimate. Cottages of One Stoky. 51 Vkkandas.* — The veranda is an essential feature of the Southern liouse. It should extend the entire length of two sides, at least, and it is better that it should encircle tlie whole building. It may, however, if desired, be either wholly or partially inclosed on the north side, forming small rooms under its roof, as shown in fig. 52. There should be ventilating hooded apertures in the roof of the veranda for the escape of the heated air, which otherwise accumulates under it. VI.— ANOTHER CHEAP COTTAGE PLAN. Figs. 13 and 14 represent a plan for a house which would Fig. 13. r:;T e ' /-f BED ROOM /O * 15 KITCHEN /O jf /3 — 1 LJ pjtfiLon /6 y n Fig . 14. 9 y /o c 1 It- c IS X 17 FiKST P^LooK Plan. Second Floor Plan. conveniently accommodate a small family, and could be built at a small cost — say from $500 to $600. The general arrangement of the first floor is readily seen, and requires no explanation. • In this country a vrranria is often improperly callcl a piazza. The lairer Is properly a more soliil structure, and is defined as " a continued archwaj oi vaulting oupporled by pillars" 52 The Housk. The veranda and projecting portion of the kitchen are to be covered by a continuation of the main roof on that side ; and the store-room and large pantry back of the kitchen and bed-room by a lean-to roof. The spring of the roof above the apper floor must be high enough to give head room at the landing of the stairs. This will allow the attic to be divided, as shown by fig. 14. Doors. — Entrance doors should furnish means of ventilation without being opened, either by means of side-lights, or fan- lights hung on hinges, or by ornamental iron gratings with solid or glazed panels, similarly hung, on the inside. Every entrance from without should open into a hall, entry, or lobby, to prevent tlie direct entrance of cold, and secure privacy. VII.-A PLAN FOR REPEATED ADDITIONS. It often happens that a man who may reasonably expect to be able, in the course of a few years, to build a large and band- some house, is obliged to commence with a very limited amount of means. He might procure the necessary funds, perhaps, by means of "bond and mortgage," but he chooses to take what seems to him a safer and better course. He resolves to put up so much of liis house as he can pay for, and no more, even if it be but a single room ; and to complete the projected structure by repeated additions, as his means accumulate. To do this advantageously, the whole building must be planned at the com- mencement. The accompanying plans were suggested and de- signed to meet the requirements of a case like the one supposed. Our enterprising, energetic, and independent proprietor (as we will suppose) of a village lot first throws up the four walls, inclosing what is called in the plan the dining-room, to the height of one story, and covers them with a roof; the whole being designed in sti'ict accordance with the style of the build- ing of which it is to form a part. The apartment thus formed constitutes for a brief period his parlor, dining-room, kitchen, and perhaps bis bed-room, although if he adopts the high pitches! COTTAGKS OF OnE StORT. 53 roof he may have two small attic rooms above, reached by a staircase afterward to be removed. A lean-to, comprising tlio adjoining bed-room, may be cheaply erected, and is soon added. 15. First Floor Plan. The kitchen, another lean-to, is next built, and the house be- comes a comfortable and convenient one for a small fomily, Our friend can now wait several years, if necessary, before 54: The House. building the main edifice, represented on the plan by the black lines; interposing in the mean time, if he chooses, another Btory over the dining-room. The parts now erected form quite a complete and commo- dious little house of themselves, and this part of the plan may be adopted, by itself, in cases in which its accommodations are Fig. 16. Second Flook Pi.ax. Bufficient. In this case, there would be a door at a. and a hall and staircase (for which there is ample space) at J, as repre- sented by the dotted line. There is supposed to be a cellat under the dining-room and kitchen, the original part being entered at first only from the outside. The second-floor plan shows four rooms besides a bath-room, Cottages of One Story. 55 and ample closet accommodations. There should be a balcony at B, although not so represented in the plan. This plan -vrili admit a Gothic elevation, but is, perhaps, rather better adapted to tlie Italian style. Plans. — Desiring to gi%-e as large a number of plans as pos- sible Mrithin the limits allowed us, we insert a number of them without elevations. The elevations given will illustrate the various styles of domestic architecture adapted to our climate and habits, and, with the necessary changes in general outlines, can readily be adapted to other plans. Scale. — Our plans, with a few exceptions specified in the proper place, are drawn to the scales of sixteen and thirty-two feet to the inch. Most of the geometrical elevations are on the scale of sixteen feet to the inch ; but in the perspective views it has not been practicable to adhere to a scale. "Water-Closets. — "Where running water can be introduced into a house and facilities for complete drainage exist, water- closets may be constructed in a country house without great trouble or expense, and will operate satisfactorily ; but unless all the arrangements connected with them can. be made pcF- fectly effective, we would not advise their introduction, as they sometimes become intolerable nuisances. As a matter of economy the bathi'ooin and water-closets are generally placed in connection. It is decidedly preferable, however, where it is practicable to do so, to separate them entirely. OcTSiDE Palntixg. — The best time to paint the outside of a house is late in the fall, as the paint hardens better and last^ uuch longer than when put on during the summer. Eats ur Cellars. — To prevent rats from burrowing into cellars, either make a good water-lime floor, or else build the 56 The Housk. wall on a close-jointed flagging, laid some inches below the bottom of the cellar, and projecting three or four inches be- yond tlie wall. The rat burrows down next to the wall, reaches the flagging, and can not pass through it, never, la any case, working back to the edge. — Rural Annual. VIII.— AN EXTEMPORE HOUSE. On the prairies and in the forests of the great "West the '■'■squatter,'''' or claimant oi pre-emption right on the govern- ment lands, throws up a little cabin or shanty as one of the conditions on which he is to make his claim good. It is an extempore afl^iir, but serves its purpose, and by-and-by is pulled down. It nu^y be built of logs or of sawed lumber ; and there IS no reason why it should not present as attractive aod home- like an exterior as that repi'esentcd below. Fig. IT. A 'Whstekn CoTTAoa. Stobt-and- a-Half Cottages, 57 IV. STflRY-AM>-A.HALF COTTAGES. Homes for housfholrt cmroi t buiit — Jlfay. L-rEELIMINAEY REMARKS. UR attention will now be directed to cottages of a story and a half. In houses properly thns designated the side walls rise from two to five feet above the second floor. They n=iially have either dormer or low, short win- dows in the sides. They aftbrd hand- some and commodious chambers, and are among the best and luost economical of small, cheap houses, the additional expense of the half story being comparatively small. Our designs for houses of this sort will be found, we tliink, to combine, so far as is possible, the qualities of economy, convenience, and beauty. They are generally compact and simple in plan, and plain but substantial in construction, and present a modest and unpretending but pleasing exterior. We have had practical utility constantly in view in designing them, and we flatter ourself that all our plans will " work" — that they will look as well and prove as satisfactory on the ground as on paper. II.- PLANS FOR A SMALL COTTAGE. These plans exhibit an arrangement of rooms well adapted to the use of a mechanic or laborer of small family and limited means. The living-room is a handsome apartment of good size. 3* 58 The House. entered from the lobby or hall, and also communicating with the kitchen. One chimney suffices for both. The lean-to part, extended beyond the kitchen, affords space for the cellar staircase, a passage to the back entrance, a room for fuel, etc., and a large closet or pantry. The stairs by which the second tloor is reached commence in the kitchen, the first two steps Fig. 18. Fig. 19. First Floor Plan. Second Floor Plan. projecting beyond the wall inside. The closet next the stairs is 4.6X5 clear, besides the available space under the stairs. The chamber plan shows three sleeping apartments, with ample closet accommodations. A cellar extending under the kitchen and the lean-to part would be sufficient. This plan is on the scale of twenty-four feet to an inch. A plain and simple eleva- tion, similar to that represented by fig. 27, would be suitable for this plan. III.— AN ITALIAN COTTAGE. The plans and elevations next presented were designed for this work by F. E. Graef, Architect. This design is simple, and requires little explanation. A cellar under a part of the house, as shown, will be found suf- Story-and-a-Half Cottages. 59 ficient. It is made easy of access from the kitchen, and sliould an outside entrance be required, it may be had at a Fig. 20. Front Elkyation. small additional expense. TJie first story has a main and back entrance, the former covered by a porch ; a parlor ; a Fig. 21. End Elevation. living-room ; a kitchen of good size ; and ample closet accom- modations. The kitchen part of the house, in order to save expense in the foundation, -ind to gain more height in the garret, is set 60 The House, two risers, or about sixteen inclies, lower than the main floor F'g- 22. The attic, or second floor. affords two fine bedrooms, with closets, and a useful open garret. The peculiar feature of this design is the one chimney, which answers for all the rooms. The flue of the kitchen fire- place is brought over to the chimney at the ceiling of the interven- ing closet, so as to be entirely out of sight and without taking away any room, and the parlor has a blind mantle with a stove- pipe hole, connecting also with the chim- ney by passing under the stairs. Ckllak Plan. jj^jg cottage can be built for $595 ; or if inclosed with clear, narrow clap-boards, for about $16 more. Fig. 23. As an example to show the form of such a document, we give in the Appendix (I) Mr. Graef's specifica- tions for such a cottage. Building for Show. — We often- er build to gratify the eyes of the public than our own, and fit uj) our dwellings to accommodate " company," or visitors, rather than our own families ; and in t\n indulgence of this false notion, sub ject ourselves to perpetual incon I FiMT Ft-ooe Plan. Stort-and-a-Half Cottages. 61 venience for tlje gratification of occasional hospitality, or osten- tation. — L. F. Allen. Fig. 24 ra ] Speaking Tubes. — Speaking tubes may be introduced with advan- tage into all houses, espe- cially those of more than one story. By their means a sort of telegraphic com- munication may be kept up between the kitchen and other parts of the house. They are particu- larly useful in the dining-room and family bedroom, where they save much time and labor. They are merely tin tubes of one and a half inches in diameter, terminated by mouth-pieces, one of which is in the kitchen and the other in the connected Second Floor Plan apartment. Tlieir cost is trifling. IV.— AN ENGLISH COTTA.GE PLAN. The first-floor plan of this design is modified from one found Fig. 25. First Floor Pi.a*. 62 The House. In Field's " Rural Architecture," and there said to be of En- glish origin. It presents a compact arrangement of rooms, with no waste space, and admits a symmetrical elevation either in the pointed or in the Italian style, as may be desired. The number of angles in the outside walls, however, renders it considerably more expensive to build than a square house witli Second Floor Plan. equal interior accommodations. Many will consider the supe- rior beauty of such a building a full compensation for the extra expense. The bath-room, on the second floor, is to be lighted by hav- ing the upper half of the door glazed with ground glass. The opening marked A is to be an arch. The kitchen flue is to be carried through the wall into the jamb of the adjoining bedroom fire-place. In the dining-room, and in the bedroom over it, closets are obtained, and the effect of a bay secured by recess- ing one of the windows, a method which may frequently be adopted with advantage. V.-A SUBURBAN COTTAGE. This design represents a small, but comfortable and conve- nient house for a family requiring but a moderate amount of space. As shown, it is better adapted for a village or suburban residence than for a far n-honse, but with a little change in its plan would answer well tor the latter. Story-and-a-Half Cottages. 63 Fig. 27. Pekspeciivb Visw. On the \\vst fiunv an ample Loll (7x13) furnishes access to a good-sized parlor (13x17) and a convenient kitchen (15X15) Fig. 28. Bedkoom— 12x 16 6ixlO Kitchen— 15 x 15 Wash Koom 8x10 Paeloe — 13 X 17 7x13 First Floor Plan. (whicli will also serve as a dining-room), with a large pantry and a wash-room attached. On the other side of the kitchen 64 The House. Fi g.29. llixl2 llJxlS JI 10x13 10x13 .'-"■-■ ' — or dining-room is a commodious family bedroom (12X15) witli a fire-place and two large closets. The height of wall in this story is 8 feet. The second, or attic, floor affords four good rooms, the walls rising four feet above the floor and the roof having a high pitch. The two front chambers communicate by a door, in order that they may be used in connection or sep- arately, as may be desired. The two in the rear may be very prettily finished by arch- ing the ceiling. Second Floor Plan. The cellar extends under the parlor and hall. It is 4| feet excavation and Ig above ground. This house can be built of wood, in a plain but good and substantial manner, a hundred miles from New York, for about $800. It might be much improved by the addition of a bay window in the parlor and a veranda in front of the wing or L [)art. If designed for a farm-house, the wing might be extended in the rear, so as to furnish the additional accommodations required. In short, this is a plan which can be adapted to circumstances. Its dimensions may be reduced to one story, rendering the cost less than our estimate, or it may be made two full stories in height with the same size of rooms, or larger ones, without at all interfering with the general arrangement. VL— A SMALL GOTHIC COTTAGE.* This is another of Mr. Graef's designs, and shows an admir- able arrangement of accommodations for a family of six or seven persons. The ruoras on the first floor may all be used in connection Story-and-a-II Ai. F Cottages. (So From Eixfatioh. or each separately, as may be desired. Thus, if the kitchen be used as a dining-room also, as is often the case in houses like Fi?. g]. Side Ki.evatios. 66 The House. r^n Fig- 32. t" "1— ,^ BACK HALL PARLOR 14X19 PIAZZA F1B8T Floor Plan. this, the apartment designated as a dining-room may bo used as the family bedroom. Second Floob Plajt. SxORY-ivxSrD-A-Il AI.F CoTTAGES. 67 If desirable, the two main bedrooms on tlie second floor inaj communicate in tlie same way as tlie parior and dining-room below. Tliere is a good-sized coclv-loft of easy access, in which another small bedroom might be arranged. This design, with dormer windows, veranda, hood over the back door, and tracery on the gables, as shown, can bo execu- ted for $1,125. The same ground plan, with elevations finished in a plain, bracketed style, without dormer windows, may be executed for $125 less. Attic Rooms. — All attic rooms, even In the plainest house, should be back-plastered between the rafters. This costs but little, and serves to render the rooms cooler in summer and warmer in winter than they otherwise would be. Arcqiteotural Finery. — " I am no advocate for meanness of private habitation. I would fain introduce into it all magnif- icence, care, and beauty, where they are possible ; but I would not have that useless expense in unnoticed fineries or formal- ities; cornicings of ceilings and graining of doors, and fringing of curtains, and thousands such things, which have become foolishly and apathetically habitual — things on whose common appliance hang whole trades, to which there never yet belonged tlie blessing of giving one ray of real pleasure, or becoming of the remotest or most contemptible use — things which cause half the expense of life, and destroy more than half its comfort, manliness, respectability, freshness, and facility. I speak from experience ; I know what it is to live in a cottage with a deal floor and roof, and a hearth of mica slate ; and I know it to be in many respects healthier and happier than living between a Turkey carpet and gilded ceiling, besides a steel grate and i)(>l- Ished fender." — RusTcin. , A New Method of Ventilation. — A syphon ventilator, applicable to the ventilation of houses, ships, etc., has lately been patented in England. The principle of the invention 68 The IIousb. consists in creating, by means of a tube or shaft fixed in the roof of a building, two opposite currents, one of which carries off the impure air while the other introduces fresh air, the tem- perature being regulated by simple appliances in the shape of valves. This ventilator never permits the accumulation of foul air at the top of an apartment. In summer time, by opening the valves to the full extent, the temperature may be rendered the same within as without ; while in winter time, the artificial heat, by means of fires or warming apparatus, of whatever nature, causes the impure air to ascend with such a degree of velocity that, by partially opening the valves, it is carried away very rapidly. VII -A SYMMETRICAL COTTAGE. This is a house of greater pretension, in reference to style, and of higher cost than either of the preceding. Its symniet- Fig. 34. Perspective View. rical form, handsome porch, and iiinple verandas give ic an ex- pression of elegance combined with convenience and comfort. Story- AN D- A- Half Cot ia aES. 69 The varions apartments on the first floor are compactly anc conveniently arranged, each being accessible from the hall without passing through another. Tlie dining-room, whieli may also be used as the common family sitting-room, is a good- sized and handsome apartment. Tiie kitchen, Mithout opening directly into the dining-room, is easy of access and convenient. It has liberal pantries or closets marked c c in the plan. If re- quired for a farm-house, a lean-to might be cheai)ly added in the rear, affording a dairy-roon), -wash-room, and other needed accommodations. The parlor might be improved, at a moderate expense, by the addition of a bay window. Fiir. 35. First Flook Plan. On the second floor we have three bedrooms with closets; B bath-room and water-closet; and a small room over the porch, whicli would be a very pleasant summer apartment in which to work or read; c it might be used as a bedrootn. The 70 The House. bath-room and rear bedroom are entered from the first land- ing of the stairs, this part of the house being two and a half feet lower than the front part. The style of the elevation is that modification of the Gothic Fig. 36. Second Flooe Plan which prevailed in England in the reign of James I. We are not aware that any examples of this style have yet been erect ed in this country. A Cedar Closet. — A closet or press for linens or wooleua slionld, if practicable, be supplied with cedar shelves. A Sink. — A sink on the second floor for the use of the cliambermaid, when it can be economically planned and ritjhtly managed, is very convenient. S T O R Y - A N U - A - 1 1 A I . F C O T T A G E S , 71 VIII.— A SEMI-SOUTHERN COTTAGE. This is a house well adapted to the Middle and Southern Slates, although for the latter a veranda should be thrown Fig. ST. Perspective View. around the front and sides. The design of the elevation is a Fig. 88. borrowed one. The annex- ed plans were designed in adaptation to it by John Crumly, Architect, New York. A— Reception Room 9.0x ll.fi B— Const-rvalory 9.0x11.6 C— Dining Room.. ..18.0x25.0 D-Parlor 18.0 x 2.5.0 E— Hall 8.6 wi. E., dining-room, 21x18; P., pantry, 18x12, adjoin. Sng the dining-room; 8. E., store-room, 18x18, next to pantry ; O., oflace ; B., bath-room; I)., dairy, lSx&; F. K., fruit-room.* proper location, where the land is high, dry, and airy, a base- ment entirely ah/ce the surface, with one story above that, for parlor, sleeping-rooms, etc., will be found well adapted to the wants of a modern family. Externally, the house should present a reasonable degree of architectural style, correspond- ing with the interior, and in liarniony with the surrounding scenery. Thus, while a Swiss or Gothic cottage would be out of place in a low, level, and warm country — a flat-roofed Tus- * For the ripening of pears, keeping of winter fruits, etc. "When not used for the intended purpose, the latter room may serve as a general lu nber-room. or a servant's bedroom. Houses of Two Stories. 81 can or Italian villa would be equally inappropriate amid the heavy snow-storms and wild tempests of the Alps. This sense oi fitness should naturally lead us, in the erection of a country house for the South, to study carefully the peculiarities of our climate and surroundings, in addition to our own individual wants, and to modify existing modes into what some one has called the ' comfortable and convenient,' as distinguished from the merely ' ornamental' styles of architecture. " The site of the house represented on page 79 is upon a pic- Fig. 49. Second Floor Plan. n., hall, 53x10 feet; L., library, 21 x 18; B. E., B. R , B. R.. three bedrooms, respectively 18x 15, 18x 14, and 18 xll ; P., parlor, 21x 18 ; P. B. R., parlor bed. room, 18x 15 ; c , c, c, closets. turescjue elevation in the orchard at ' Fruitland.' It is on the dividing ridge between Rae's Creek and the Savannah River, and from th« peculiar formation of the luoality (•(itmiiaiids a 4* 82 The House. very beautiful prospect of the city of Augusta, the opposite hills of South Carolina, and the surrounding country. "By reference to the elevation and accompanying plans, it will be seen that the house is a nearly square structure of two stories, fifty by fifty-five feet, entirely surrounded and shielded from sun and storm by an ample veranda, ten feet wide. This veranda is supported by twenty columns of solid pine, one foot in diameter, turned tapering, and bored entirely through length- wise, to prevent outside shrinkage. These columns rest on square brick pillars, built up on concrete foundations. The lower story, or basement, contains the dining-room, pantry, store-room, office, bathing-room, fruit-room, and ice-house — in short, all the worMng rooms^ or apartments for every-day prac- tical use; while the second story contains the library, parlor, bedrooms, closets, etc. Two large halls, fifty-three by ten feet, run directly through the building, securing perfect venti- lation. The second story has transom-lights over each door and opposite the outer windows, to admit the freest possible circulation of pure air. The basemeut floor is raised several inches above the surface, filled in with pounded rock and gravel, and laid in cement, which adheres firmly to the walls, thus af- fording perfect security against fire, dampness, and the depre- dations of rats and other vermin. The stairs leading from the basement to the second floor, and thence to the observatory or cupola, are removed to one side of their usual position in the halls, leaving the latter entirely free and unobstructed. The lower division walls, separating the hall from the dining-room, office, etc., are built of concrete, one foot thick, but all the partitions, above and below, are lathed and plastered. Two chimneys afford six fire-places, with flues for stove-pipes, etc. The windows are large, and so hung on spi-ings that the upper sash can be let down and ke])t in a, fixed position, for ventila- ting purposes. The roof is ' hipped,' or four-sided, and covered with the best cypress shingles." Houses of Two Stories. 83 IV.-S. H. MANN'S OCTAGON PLAN. This plan was designed by Mr. S. H. Mann, of Beloit, Wis., and first appeared in the Country Gentleman, together with basement and chamber plans. We give this alone, as furnisli- Fig. 50. ■—— Hal C HALL 7^ X JG^ \ — I T FAMILY PAfiLOa ■ dCTAGoN Plan. ing hints, at least, toward the best possible arrangement of rooms within octagon walls, and giving the reader an oppor- tunity to compare this form with the rectangular. Our indi- vidual opinion on the subject has already been expressed^ V.-A SOUTHERN HOUSE. This design was made to meet the wants and tastes of a particular family, but will, we trust, be found, in its main features, to be equally well adapted to the use of many otiiers. It is planned on a liberal and at the same time an economical scale, the balls, stairs, veranda, arcade, balcony, etc., being Houses of Two Stories. 85 Fig. 62. rrF=^ii First Floor Plan. spacious, to meet the requirements of a warm climate, while the rooms are of a moderate but comfortable size, and no waste of space is allowed. The plan may be easily modified Fig. 53. Sbcond Floor I'ian. 86 i H E H o r S E . by omitting the wing, carrying the veranda to the rear, and inclosing, if desired, the space now occupied by the arcade. liie disposition ot the various apartments on both floors was made with strict reference to comfort and convenience, and shows for itseh" in tlie plans. The elevation is in the Italian style, with only such modi- fications as the necessities of climate and materials seem to render necessary, and presents a handsome and characteristic appearance. VI.— A SQUARE COTTAGE. The accompanying plans and elevation represent a niediura- sizcd two-story house, so divided as to combine convenience with economy of space. The main part of the house is exactly square, giving more inclosed space for the amount of wall than any other rectangular form. A hall cxti.iids through the liouse. Houses of Two S t o k i e s . 87 from which doors open from each room, thus securing a free circulation of air. The bow windows in the parlor and dining- room, as well as the verandas in front and rear, although very desirable, may be dispensed with if it be required to build for the smallest possible sum. Fig. 55. ^f^ KMnsmm First Floor Plan. On the first floor we have a parlor (12X17), a living-room (12X14), library (12X11), a dining-room (12X10), and, in the wing, a kitchen (12 X 14). If wanted for a farm-house, a dairy- ronii! can bo added to the kitchen. 88 The House. On the second floor we have four large bedrooms, a large hall-closet, a bath-room, and a dressing-room. We have made the bedroom over the parlor a little irregular in shape, which allows two good closets to each room. If this irregularity be Fig. 56. L.jn^ Second Floob Plan. objected to, a closet for each room may be obtained in the way shown for the rooms on the other side of the hall. Next to the bath-room are stairs leading to the attic or roof. First story is to be 11 feet high ; second story 10 feet high, clear. There is a cellar 6^ feet high under part of the house, with entrance to it under main stairs and outside entrance. Cellar walls and foundation are 12 inch brick walls, or 20 inch stone walls. It is inclosed with narrow, clear clap-boards. Cornices, caps, etc., to have a bold projection. Main roof to be covered with tin ; kitchen roof to be covered with shingles. All rooms, landings, and closets are to be hard finished. Floors to be of mill- worked pine plank. All outside walls and second- story ceilings to be back-plastered. Eoom doors are I.} inch thick ; closet doors, 1^ inch — all paneled. Inside casings to have back-bAiid« and back-moldings, except to closets. Houses of Two Stories. 89 The estimated cost, inclnding marble mantles to all fire- places, but exclusive of plumbing work and gas-pipes, will not exceed $2,800. It may be built, however, with lower ceilings and plainer in and outside finish, without destroying in the least the general appearance, for $2,300. VII.-A STONE COUNTET HOUSE. This design shows a house of rather more pretension than the last. The size and location of the rooms can be seen at a glance. The halls give access to every room without passing Fig. 57. First Floob Plan. throngh another. They are lighted by a window over th front door and by having the bedroom door half sash. The second story has the same general plan as the first, giving five large bedrooms, a bath-room, and a fine small roott in front hall. The stairs to the attic adjoin the back passage. 90 The House. As persons may be differently situated, so they might desire some changes in the general plan, which can be easily made without interfering with the rest. A wing, projecting either Fig. 53. 8R00ND Floor Plan. CO the rear or the side of the kitchen, for pantry, wash-room, dairy, or whatever may be needed, can be readily added. Some would prefer to make the library in an oval or octagonal style, as indicated by the dotted lines, with closets in the cor- ner, dispensing with those in the hall. Fig. 59 shows the perspective view. This house is designed to be built of roughstone walls, neatly pointed, and have dressed blue or brown stone corners and dressings. The roof is covered with slates. 92 The House. VIIL— A CIECULAE HOUSE. There are queer people in the world — a great many of them —and it is not strange that there are also queer houses. Now, as our little book is made for everybody, it is but just that queer peo])]e and their houses should be represented in it. Fig. fo. spEOTivE View. Very few jjersons, we presume, will desii'e to build a circu- lar house, although it is the form, as geometry demonstrates, in which the greatest possible space may be inclosed by a given amount of wall ; but for the oddity of the thing, or because economy of space may be secured, somebody may wish to do it, and look for a design to adopt or imitate. Here it is ! This circular house, in many respects quite original in its plan, was erected by Enoch Kobinson, Esq., at Spring Hill, Somerville, Massachusetts. No timber was used in it.^ con- IlorsKS OF Tavo Stories. 93 Btruction. The walls are made of plank sawed on a circle of 40 feet (the diameter of the house), nailed together, one above the other, in regular courses. The windows are made of four large panes of glass, in a single sash, which slides up into the wall, entirely out of the way. The inside blinds are arranged in the same manner. The oval parlor is 24 feet long by 15 feet wide. The cir- cular library, opposite, is 13 feet in diameter, leaving a fine front entry between these two curves. The kitchen, next the circular library, has a slate floor and walls of varnished white- wood. Between the kitclien and the large dining-room is the Fie. 61. FiEST Floor Plan. chimney and the kitchen and dining-room closets, so arranged as to occupy very little room. On the second floor are seven chambers, two of them quite large, all opening into a pleasant rotunda, 13 feet in diameter, beneath the central skylight. 9t The 11 () i: s K . The acconiijanying sketch and plans will give a good idea of the general appearance and arrangement of this truly original and unique edifice. Though made of tlie best materials, and of superior work- Fig. 62. Second Flooe Plan. mansliip, this building was erected at an expense much less than that of a square house erected in the ordinary way. Ornamenting the Eoof. — A good effect is produced on the steep roofs of Gothic houses by cutting the shingles in certain patterns before laying them. One of the simplest forms is made by cutting the end of each shingle to a point, so as to form a diamond pattern when laid. The sliingles must be of good quality and uniform width and thickness. These orna- mental shingles may also be used with good effect instead of boards, for the outside covering of wooden cottages, forming a warm and durable wall. Houses of Two S j' o u iv:s. 95 IX.-A SWISS COTTAGE. This design, like most others represeutiug cottages aud houses in the Swiss style, and intended for execution in this country lacks some of the peculiarities of the genuine Swiss cottage, as it is seen in Switzerland. Both tlie external finish and the internal arrangements are necessarily modified, to adapt them to our climate and habits. The architect has, therefore, aimed to retain the general character of the style Fig. 63. Pekspectitb Vuw merely, and to produce an eftect as little removed from that of the original chalit as the circumstances permit. The plans require little explanation. A cottage of the di- mensions of this ought to have both front and back stairs, but to save expense we have made one flight serve in this case. The front entrance is into a lobby, from which both the par- lor and the dining-room are entered. These rooms also open into the stair hall, which is conveniently placed for daily use, and from which the kitchen is entered. The latter has also a '-eparate enti'ance, from the outside, tlirough the siuk-ruom. A ■jellar under a part of the house would be suflicieut. 96 The House. This design, executed iti wood, will cost, according to the architect's esti?nate, $2,300. Foundation or cellar walls to be either stone sixteen inches thick, or of brick eight inclies thick ; Fig. 64. Fig. 65. FiEST Floor Plan. Second Floor Pl/ln. first-story rooms and landings to be hard finished ; second-floor rooms and landing; to be brown wall for papering; inclosing to be done with clap-boards ; roof to be tinned. The ground plans must be reversed, to agree with the perspective view. Servants' Bedrooms. — These are generally, and for obvious reasons, placed in the attic (where there is one) ; but, where it can be so arranged, it is well to have a bedroom opening out of the kitchen, or of easy access from it, for the person whose duty it is to be last in that apartment at night and first in the morning. It saves many steps. iMroKTANCE OF ARRANGEMENT. — A great deal of labor, espe- cially of women, is saved by an economical arrangement of the more common rooms ; and hundreds of miles in walking, in tlie aggregate, avoided annually by a few feet of lessened dis- tance between the princi|)al points. — /. J. Thomas, Houses of Two Stories. 97 X.— A DOUBLE COTTAGE. On account of the economy thus secured, it is sometimes desirable to build two distinct dwellings under one roof. This arrangement saves not only part of the material, but all the exterior covering and finish of two walls ; and as three sides are still open to the light and air, no serious disadvantage need arise from their exclusion on the other side. Such houses, however, must be skillfully planned in order to avoid dark aud Fig. 66. First Floor Plan. badly ventilated rooms. The accompanying design, we think, meets the requirements of such a house in a very satisfactory manner, and is offered with confidence to persons desiring to build two dwellings in one. It will be seen that the two houses, although similar in their general features, are considerably varied in their detaOs. We 98 The House. find the same rooms in each, but their sizes, forms, and relations to each other are different. For instance, on one side we have the parlor and breakfast-room arranged en suite, with sliding doors between them, while on the other they merely commu- nicate by means of common doors. The sitting-rooms also differ in form and size, and so on. This gives persons purpos- ing to adopt such a design a choice of plans, as both houses Fig. 67. Second Flooe Plan. may be built like tlie right-hand plan, both like the left-hand plan, or each differing from the other, as shown. The two houses afford a tine front, and may have a handsome elevation in such a style as may be preferred. As a general thing, however, we think double houses not desirable, and that all that is saved in the expense of erection is more than paid for by the inconvenience of having neighbors so near. Nearly all houses in cities, it is true, are built so close as a double house ; but in cities there are no such things as neighbors, and families live in adjoining houses for years with- out any acquaintance. F A R ]\I - H O U 8 !•; 99 V[. fARM-lI()USKS. Between broad fleMs of wheiit and corn, Is (he lowly Imme where I was h.iiii ; The peach-tree lear.8 iieaiiist Hie wall. And the wcodbine wanders over all.— 7". B. Itcud. L-rPvELIMINART REMARKS. ONVENIENCE and comfort are the first re- ^_ ^y quirements of a farm-house ; but there is no gSf=~— " reason here, more than in any other sort of ^^ residence, why regard should not be had to beauty of ex- ^»;;" ternal features. The former may properly have as hand- M \M~ some a house as the village lawyer or doctor, and in its general features it need not differ widely from that of either. It is mainly its adjuncts— its barns, stables, piggery, poultry- house, and other out-buildings— that give the residence of the agriculturist its peculiar appearance. Almost any of our de- signs, with slight modifications— mainly the enlargement of the kitchen and its oflSces, the addition of a milk-room, etc. may be adapted to the uses of a farm-house. For this reason we content ourselves with giving two or three houses planned with special reference to the farm. Permanency should characterize the farm-house, therefore we should be glad to see bi-ick and stone brought into more genei-al use in the construction <;'' such buildings. Rough stone 100 The House. is an admirable material for a farm-honse and may often be advantageously used. Concrete, too, in favorable situations, and with due regard to the essential conditions already men- tioned (in Chapter II.), may be adopted with profit, instead of wood. But whatever the material may be, let the construction be substantial and enduring. "The kitchen," some one has said, "is the heart of the farm-house." Let it receive a large share of attention in your plan. See that it is large; well lighted; well-ventilated; pro- vided with a large pantry, a sink, etc., and convenient of access. Domestic help is not generally abundant in the farmer's family. Too much labor, at best, devolves upon the mistress. "We should have reference to labor-saving, then, in every arrange- ment. To these ends we hope our plan will furnish useful hints. II.— A MODEL FAEM-HOUSE. This design is presented by the architect as a model farm- house, suitable for a farmer in easy circumstances and with the taste and culture which should accompany such a con- Fig. 68. Fkont Elevation, dition in life. For less expensive farm-houses, almost any of our cottage designs, with slight alterations, will serve. Fakm- rr(')rsES . 10\ The prominent feature- of tliis design are its great extent on tlie ground, compared ^\ itli that of the second story ; coin- |)actness in the arrangement of the rooms; and the compara- Fig. 69. ¥\s. 70. Side Elevation. tive prominence given to the kitchen and its offices ; all of whi^h promote the saving of labor and indicate adaptation to the uses of a farm-house. The front liall and back hall, v.-ith their respective entrances, are separated, so that the front hall, parlor, family bedroom, or sitting room (according to the use wiiich may be made of it) may always be kept clean and tVey from imnecessary contact •with the evei-y-day work of the iiouse ; wliile t!ie back hall serves i"i)r all the common nsesof tlie house- hold. At the same time the ventilation and cool- ness of the whole in sum- 1 1 • FiBST Flook Plan. mer IS secured by opening the door by which the halls communicate. The kitchen, dairy and other domestic offices, it will be seen, are admirably situ- ^ I I . livin"room I 102 The House. Fig. Tl. ATTIC. Second Floor Plan. ated in reference to the back hall and entrance. The second or attic floor affords four bedrooms, all of which are provided with large closets, and may be warmed. The exterior presents a decidedly rural appear- ance, and indicates the character of the house at a glance. Its veranda, porch, bay window, and curved roof with dormer windows, give it an ex- pression by no means commonplace, but quite ])icturcsque. Executed in wood, and finished througliout in a substantial and liberal style, and with a cellar under the whole, this house will cost $2,250. It is also very suitable for execution in stone or brick. III.— A FARM HOUSE PLAN. This plan, in its general features, is borrowed from Lewia F. Allen's excellent work on " Farm Houses, Cottages, etc.," but is so modified in most of its details that it would not be just to hold Mr, Allen responsible for any fault it may contain. In this plan, as in the previous one, the front hall is sepa- rated from the back hall by a door, to shut out, when occasion requires, all the sights and sounds of the kitchen from the parlor and living-room. The living or family-room is a large apartment, and will serve as a dining-room when the kitchen, which in farm-houses is generally used for this purpose, may prove too small, or be otherwise occupied. These two rooms nuiy be made to communicate by n^eans of a door where the closet is represented in the design. We have dispensed with the back stairs, which are, however, very desirable, and may be had in the back hall by making it a little wider at the expense Farm-House8. 103 of the bedroom, or by omitting the store-room. Coimected with tiie kitchen fire-place is an oven, which, in our hum- ble opinion, no cooking _. _. *^ ' _ ° Fig. 72. stove or range yet in- vented renders useless. In the wing, the pantry, milk-room, wash-room, bath-room, and privy are conveniently arrang- ed. Beyond these, and separated from them by the wood-shed, are the piggery, work-shop, sta- ble, etc. The main building should be two stories in height, and the wing a story and a half. We omit a second floor plan, which may easily be arranged from this, which we give rather as a hint or suggestion than as a finished de- sign. Old Eoofs. — When ever a roof begins to leak, and you wish to ^'^^'^ ^'•^^'^ ^''^*'- re-shingle it, do not take off the old shingles — put the new shingles on top of the old ones — but make use of six-penny nails in place of four-penny or shingle nails. The advantage of this method will consist in the following particulars : 1. Will save the expense of removing the shingles. 2. The building will not be exposed to wet in case of rain before it is finished. 104: The House. 3. The roof will be much warmer ond tigliter. 4. Neither snow nor rain can beat under the butts of the shingles by lieavy winds. 5. The roof will last full one third longer. I have tried this plan, and find that it has these advantages : It takes no more shingles, no more nails in number — only a little longer — and no more time to put them on, and if done in a workmanlike manner, it will look as well as if single. But it should be done before the old shingles are too much decayed. All the moss — if any — should be removed or swept off with a stilF broom before putting on the new shingles, — National Era, Villas. 105 VII. VILLAS. Here no state ch^nnbers in long line unfold, Bright with bniail minors, rough with fretio.l gold, Yet nl■Mie^t ornament with use combined Attracts the eye to exejvise tlie mind. I.— WHAT 18 A VILLA? 1^. ISTOETCALLY, the question is readily an- swered. It was originally a summer residence in the vicinity of an Italian city, erected for occupation merely during the warm season. The word '■j' o. is now used with a wider signification. ' j]^ According to Downing, " what we mean by a villa in the United States, is the country house of a person of competence or wealth sufficient to build and maintain it with some taste and elegance — the most refined home of America — the home of its most leisurely and educated class of citizens." " What, then," continues Mr. Downing, " should the villa be architeoturallv? It should be, firstly, the most convenient — secondly, the most truthful or significant — and thirdly, the most beautiful, of dwellings. " The villa should indeed be a private house where beauty, taste, and moral culture are at home. In the fine outlines of tlie whole edifice, either dignified, graceful, or picturesque; in the spacious or varied verandas, arcades, and windows; in the select forms of windows, chimney-tops, cornices, the artistic 106 The House feeling has full play : while in the arrangement of spacious apart- ments, especially the devotion of a part to a library or cabinet, sacred to books, and in that elevated order and system of the Avhole plan, indicative of the inner domestic life, we find the development of the intellectual and moral nature, which char- acterizes the most cultivated families in their country houses." II.— A SMALL VILLA IN THE ITALIAN STYLE. This, although not a large house, is planned on a more lib- eral scale, and betokens more expensive tastes, than any of Fig. 73. -WtllTb li Front Elevation. the designs hitherto given. The convenient access to all ihe n oi.is ; their arrangement in connection with each other and Fig. 74. ..xxiinjinin^ Side Elktatioit. YlLLAS, 107 Fiit. 75. Fig. 76. FiEST Flook Plan. Second Flook Plan. R'ith the halls; and especially the location of the kitchen in reference to the dining-room, butler's pantry, laundry, back hall, etc., show a nice appreciation of the wants of a family of some wealth and cultivation as well as of the ^'S- '^7- principles of economy in household labor. The spacious front hall, and the back hall with the separate stairs for the domestics, add to the characteristic features of the in- terior. The second and attic floors furnish ample bedroom accommodations, etc., for a large family. They require no explanation. In its external form the house is well pro- portioned, and presents a pleasing appear- ance, its most striking feature being its fine veranda. A design similar to this has been executed at Elizabeth, Now Jersey, at a cust of about Amo Plan. 108 The House, $3,450, the whole beiug finished in first-class style. It may be built in a plainer way for from $400 to $500 less. The sciile in this design is reduced to thirty-two feet to the incli. III.-A. BRICK VILLA. Tliis may safely be pronounced a model design. Its great merits will be conceded by every one who will take the pains to examine it closely. Fi-. 7S. SiDK Elevation. On the first floor two opposite main entrances, with lobbies, give access to a fine vestibule in connection with the main stair-hall. This hall and vestibule are so placed as to afford direct access to a parlor, dining-room, sitting-room, and l^itch- en ; and there being a fire-place in tlie vestibule, it will be seen at a glance how parlor, dining-room, and sitting-room may be used together whenever occasion may require. The dining-room and kitchen communicate through a butler's pan- try. The library may, if desirable, have an outside entrance from the veranda in front of the kitchen. Villas. 109 The arrangement of apartments on the second floor is admi- rable. Each bedroom lias u separate entrance from the hall, and, if desired, all of these in the main house may communi- cate with each other. The ceiling of the kitchen winir i« Fig. 79. Fife. SO. Ground Plan. Second Flook. lower than that of the main house, which accounts for the stairs or steps shoAvn in the plan ; but this does not show in the first-floor (ieiling. The main stairs are carried up to the attic, and lighted from above ; besides, there is sufficient light for the second-story hall and passage, from a window at the end of the latter. In the first design (fip'. 81) the walls and all the dressings, except the window sills, are of faced-brick painted, with white mortar or dark stone putty. The roofs are of tin ornamented with tin rolls. There are inside shutters to all the \^•indow3 in the main house. The ceilings of the main house arc 12J feet high for the first 110 The IIodsb. Fig. 81. Fkont Elevation— No. 1. story, and lOi feet for the second story. Those of kitchen wing are 9j feet and 9 feet respectively. Executed in a liberal Front Elbvation — No. 9. Villas. Ill style of inside tiuisli, the cost will not exceed $9,000, including furnace, gas-pipes, plumbing work, and marble mantles. Fig. 82 represents a front elevation of the same house with the parlor and vestibule omitted. A slight alteration in the design will admit of these being afterward added, bringing the house into the form represented in the previous design. As here shown, it makes a convenient but smaller house. This design is intended to be executed in good hard brick, cemented on the surface, laid out in courses and painted. Al- though some architects vehemently protest against this so-called inastic wall, it is to be recommended for suburban houses of moderate pretensions, if the work be performed the right way. The cost of this house will not exceed $6,900, all included. IV.— A GOTHIC VILLA. This house is entered through a low porch, of which the principal feature is three pointed arches supported on four oc- tangular columns. This porch leads to a liall, 9.6x13.6, and from which doors open into — 1st, a library on the right, 16X16, which is converted from a square into an octagon by cutting off the corners in the manner shown, thereby obtaining four closets for books ; 2d, a parlor on the left, 16.6 X 18, having a bold, projecting window in front ; 3d, a dining-room be- hind the library, 17 X 17.3, lighted by a bay window, semi-octangular on the plan, and furnished with a small Fig. S3. First Floor Plan. 112 The House, closet, fur plate, taken off the kitchen ; and, 4th, a staircase, terraiuating in a back entrance which opens upon a veranda. Two other doors lead from the staircase ; one to a living-room on the left, 15X17, and the other to a kitchen on the right, 12.9X15, having a pantry, between which and the dining- room closet a very convenient recess is obtained, opposite one of the windows, for the table ; a small store-room is provided behind, and is entered from the kitclien. The folio-wing accommodation is obtained Upon the chamber story, viz., a closet at the top of the landing, vrhich may be used as a linen press; a bedroom, 15x15, over the living-room, with a closet ; a bath-room, a bedroom 12.3 X 14, and a closet, attached, over the din- ing-room ; a nursery, 1(3 X 16, over the library ; a bou- doir, 9.6 X 13.6, over the hall, which leads to a balcony over tlie porch ; and two bed- rooms over the parlor, each of which is furnished with a closet. The stairs leading to the Second Flooii Plan. tower are situated immedi- ately behind the imi-sery, and an additional closet may be formed under the stairs, if thought necessary. The nursery may be formed into an octangular shape, if preferred, and four closets obtained, as in the library. There are fire-places provided to the nursery and to the bed- room over the dining-room ; there may also be fire-places obtained for two of the remaining bedrooms, namely, that o"er the living-room and the adjoining one over the parlor; these, in the present arrangement, it is pi'oposed to heat by means of flne.s, and f^r this purpose the flues from below are gathered into one shaft between the closets. The style is the English rural Gothic of the fifteenth centurv 114 The House. The qnoins, window-dressings, porch, coping to side walls and gables, shields, imillions to windows, covers to projecting win- dows, embrasures and supporting brackets to tower, should be of roughly chiseled stone, and the remainder of the external work of rough stone, hammer dressed, be* not laid in courses. The outer walls should be about twenty inches thick ; the inner walls may be of brick, eight inches thick. It may perhaps not be unnecessary to say that it is useless to attempt this style of building in wood ; the quaintly antique and massive character of the architecture can not be obtained other- wise than in stone, and any attempt to produce it in timber will only result in a caricature, and be so much time and money thrown away. It may also be added, that this style will not admit of external shutters of any kind ; whatever may be needed in this way must therefore be fixed inside. v.— A PICTUKESQUE VILLA. We insert, as we have before had occasion to remark, some very queer houses, and some which by no means commend themselves to our individual taste and judgment, because we make this book for all sorts of people — the queer ones with the rest — and must tolerate all tastes and opinions while freely ex- pressing our own. So we give this villa, which does not please us, with the hope that it will please somebody else. It was designed by Mr. Bradbury, of this city. The following is his description : " This building is supposed to have grown gradually from a log cabin to its present comfortable proportions. The propri- etor, we will suppose, goes into the "Western wilds and selects a beautiful site, and (having, of course, consulted a member of that profession which demands as much study as ' law' or ' medicine') builds his (12x20 feet) cabin, which, for decency's sake, we will suppose to contain two apartments, a ' parlor- kitchen' (K.— 10X10) and a bedroom (W.— 10X8), afterward used as a kitchen and wash-room. In the course of a few years he adds the little bedroom (Pn, — 7X6) and staircase (S. — 7X 12), ^^ % 116 The House, afterward used as a pantry and back staircase. The girls now have a snug room to themselves, while the boys find a more Fig. 87. ccminodious dormitory in the loft. The house now presents the exterior of fig. 87. In the course of a dozen years the country around becomes settled. There is a brick-kiln and saw-mill near by. Railroads have cheapened other building materials, and increased tlie profitableness of his crops. His family has been increased by • Troops of tow-heads, bobbing in tlie corn.' They and the progress of civilization call for an enlargement of his habitation, which he builds according to the original plau (fig. 88), the old house now serving as a pantry (Pn.), kitchen Fig. 88. kM^\' Ps SI s<"'TtvE View (K.), wasliroom (W.), and back staircase. His house is now comprised in the entrance hall (L. 11.^12x12), square dra^'- ing-room (H. — 18X18), circular staircase (0. S. — 12X12), the dining-room (Dn. — 12X18), into which the winter bedroom (R. — 12X12) opens, by folding doors, so that they can be made one at any time (and make one long dining-room when the house is further enlarged). He may throw out a bay window 118 The House. here or a piazza tliere, or even the large drawing-room (D. R.— GO X 25), large enough to hold half the village ; but the house with these additions satisfies him for year« " His sons get into successful business in the neighboring city ; his daughters are well married and have ' been abroad,' and they all insist upon adding the coach porch (C), the cabinet (O., octagonal — 18X24), the family drawing-room (P. — 18X30), the library (L., circular, 30 feet across), the pic ture gallery (P. G,, lighted from the roof — 30X60, or more), and the aviary, grapery, or winter garden (W. G.), and upon making the square drawing-room (H.) a grand entrance hall open to roof, with galleries leading to the various chambers, provision for which has been made in framing the floors. " The house or villa now consists of the grand entrance hall (H.), with its vestibules and coach porch ; the large drawing- room (D. E.), with its accessory boudoir (B.), piazzas, bays, and balconies ; the dining-room (Dn. R.), with its closets, pan- try, kitchen, etc. ; the small drawing-room (P.), the library (L.), the picture gallery (P. G.), the winter garden (W. G.), and the cabinet (0.). The upper stories are conveniently divided into chambers, dressing-rooms, bath-rooms, corridors, etc." VI.— A SOUTHEEN VILLA. Tliifl house consists of a large center and two wings, connected by two covered arcades of one story each. It is entered under a veranda 12 feet wide, which extends the whole length of the front, and is also continued around each side of the projecting portion of the center. The entrance door leads to an elliptical vestibule, 10X17, having four niches for statuettes, vases, etc. The vestibule opens on the right into a parlor, 17X21, and on the left into a drawing-room of a like size. Each of these rooms is lighted by two windows, of which those at the snds of the rooms are projecting. The vestibule at its farther end leads into a hall 8 feet wide, which extends across the whole -?q1? L-LH>- ^4 ^F3 a-^ _:--■--> ■ - y -4: 120 The House- central portion of the building, and being continued outside of the center at each end so far as to embrace the veranda, ter- minates in an open arcade wliich leads to the wings. Tlie center and wings at the rear of the building are also connected by two open arcades in the manner shown. Passing across the hall, we find the principal stairs, consisting of three fliglits — a central flight leading to the first landing, and two return flights, one on each side of the central, eacli of which return or side flights lands upon the cliamber floor. The staircase is 14.6X17, and the entrance to it may be riclily ornamented by means of two pilasters or columr.s supporting an arch above. Passing on toward the rear of the building under the first Flf.91. FlPST Pl.OOR Plaw. landing of the stairs, we liml two rmseLs to the right, and under tlie first landing a door leading to a gentleman's dressing-room, 10X12.6. with closet attached; and at the opposite side of the landing we find a door opening upon a lobby which leads to one of the arcades at the rear of tlie building, before noticed. Returning to the hall, and proceeding along it to the right of the principal entrance, we find a dining-room, 1GX28, liiihted by a large window at one end ; it is octangular in torm, and by malcing it of tliis shape, four closets are obtained at the ;*ngles, as shown. This room has three doors, one opening upon one of the arcades at the rear, another opening Villas. 121 to a passage which communicates with the waiter's room, and the third opening to the hall. The waiter's room is 7.6x9, and communicates with — a small closet; a pantry, 6x13.6* and a store-room, 8.6X13.6; the store-room has also a door into the front arcade. Continuing our progress along the ar- cade, we find, immediately after passing the store-room, a lobhy which leads to a gentleman's bath-room, and also communi- cates with a staircase in the right wing of the building. Two doors open at the bottom of this staircase — one to a billiard- room, 16X18.6, at the rear of the wing, having a closet iinder the stairs before alluded to, and with a door opening upon one of the rear arcades ; the other door at the bottom of the stairs leads to a smoking-room 11.3x16, which has also a door communicating with the arcade in front. Two closets are attached to the sraoking-rcom, with a door between opening upon a platform occupying the space between the closets, extending to the front of the wing, and covered so as to form an open recessed space from tlie front wall of the wing, which admits of smoking in the open air. Proceeding again along the hall, but to the left of the prin- cipal entrance, we come to a boudoir, 13.6X8.6, elliptical on plan, with four niches as in the vestibule, and for similar pur- poses; the boudoir opens into a lady's dressing-room, 8X13.6. which last is also entered from the hall. Succeeding this is a nursery, 13.6X16, communicating with a bedroom, 13.6x14, which is also entered from the arcade. The arcade terminates at the remaining or left wing of the building, with which it communicates by a door which leads into a large lobby, con- taining the stairs to the chamber floor, and two closets, between which is a side entrance door. This lobby leads to an octan- gular library, 16x16, which communicates with a cabinet, 12X16, from which a door opens to the left arcade at the rear of the building. The second or chamber story is divided as follows: two triangular spaces are taken off the second landing of the prin- cipal stairs, in such a manner as to preserve the symmetry ; G 122 The House. the landing is thus converted into a semi-octagon, and this process, in conjunction with that of narrowing the hall to five feet, enables us to obtain a number of closets, Avhich are appro- priated as shown on the plan. The entrance from this landing to the hall may be ornamented in a manner somewhat similar to the lower entrance before described. A passage commencing at the landing on the dining-room side, leads to two bedrooms over the dining-room, that nest the passage being 13.6X15, and the other 15X16 ; these may be made of equal size, if preferred ; each has a closet attached. The passage turns at right angles, leads to a linen press, and terminates at a lady's bath-room. Bedrooms are also obtained over the parlor and drawing-room, each 16X17.6, and over the Fig. 92. Second Flooe Plan. boudoir, 13x18.6. All these bedrooms have closets attached, leaving two closets opening from the passage, unattached to any bedrooin, and which may be applied to whatever purpose may be thought advisable. A circular room, 17 feet diameter, is located over the vestibule ; this room, with a circular table in the center, covered with rare shells, bijouterie, etc., and with statuettes or vases in the niches, may be made to assume a very rich and ornamental character. The windows to the parlor and drawing-room, to the bed- rooms over them, and to the circular room, should be French Villas. 123 casements oi)ening to the floor, so as to allow access to the veranda and balcony. Two bedrooms are also obtained over the billiard and smok- ing rooms; the former 15.6x15, and the latter 13X15, with closets to each; and two more bedrooms, with attached closets, and an additional large closet, are provided over the library and cabinet; that over the library being 12x13.6, and that over tliC cabinet 12X13. The stairs to the tower are situated along the external wall of the building, over the two closets before mentioned, as shown on the plan. Access to the flat on the roof may be obtained by a step- ladder, which may be removed when not in use ; or, what is still better, a flight of stairs may be constructed in the space occupied by the two closets adjacent to the bedroom over the boudoir, and inclosed by a door so arranged as not to interfere with the symmetrical appearance of the hall. Should tliis latter method be adopted, two or three bedrooms may be formed in the roof, and lighted by skylights from the flat. The style is Italian. The quoins, the window and door dressings, the chimney tops, and the arcades are proposed to be of stone ; the remainder of the external walls of good, square, Avell-burned brick. The quoins and window dressings to the first story are to be of the kind of work commonly known as rock-work ; that is to say, the stones are to be first hammer-di-essed, then truly bedded and jointed, and lastly a margin draft chiseled ofi" the outer edges of the external sur- faces ; this draft should be about two inches wide, leaving the remainder of the external faces rough from the hammer. It is also proposed to execute part of the mason work of the arcades and of the wings in this style ; but the portions of the eleva- tion in which it is proposed to introduce this description of stone-cutting are sufficiently indicated on the engraving. The quoins and dressings to the second story are to project from the face of the brick-work, and to have the angles chamfered off. A good idea of the remaining features of the elevation will, it is presumed, be obtained from the engraving. Villas. 125 VII.— AN OCTAGON VILLA. Tl.e main body of tins house is a regular octagon on tlieplan, each side being 20 feet, giving the whole width of the main house 48 feet ; with 12 feet additional for the wings. Eect- angular apartments are built against four of tlie walls, form- ing four projections, each of which is 18.8x10, clear dimen- sions. The principal building — that is, the octagon — is two stories high, and the wings one story. The whole structure. Fig. 94. FinsT Flook Plan. for tlie purpose of giving effect to the elevation, is raised about six feet above tiie adjoining ground. A flight .)f !-tei)S in front lands upon a veranda six feet wide f:om wliicli we enter through the front door to a vestibule, 7x7, and from which, passing through a glass door, we enter r.he hall, seven feet wide, which is continued through the building, having the rear entrance door at its farther extremity. Immediately inside of the glass door we find a door on each side of the hall ; that to the right opens into a small, irregularly- 126 The He use. shaped reception-room, of which the length inside, measuring across the fire-place, is 13.6; and parallel to the hall, 12.6. This room leads into an elliptical boudoir, 10X18.8, with niches in the walls. The door on the opposite side of the hall leads to a lobby, from which we enter into a cloak-closet 6x6; and going forward through the opposite door, we find ourselves in the conservatory. This room is also irregular in form, but notwithstanding its irregularity, a slight glance will show that it is symmetrical. The wall of the main building, which cuts it into two unequal portions, is perforated so as to allow of the introduction of Gothic columns and arches; and it is pro- posed not only to have the arches open, but also the spandrels between, and the whole of the space above to the ceiling; these perforations will, of course, be molded, and cusps, foils, and other Gothic ornaments introduced ; creeping plants may be trained around the columns and through the openings, and if the ornamentation be of that light and graceful character of which the Gothic supplies such a variety, a very pleasing and picturesque effect may be produced. Proceeding along the hall, we find two doors opening into the drawing-room on the left, and also two doors opening into the dining-room on the right ; each of these rooms is 19x10.3 ; tlie former opens also into the conservatory; the latter has a small closet attached for plate. Proceeding farther along the hall, we find the stairs to the right, and enter the breakfast-room from a passage formed under the upper landing ; a door from this passage opens to the basement stairs, leading to the kitchen and other ofiices below. The breakfast-room is lOX 16.3, and is fitted up with two closets; it has also a fire-place projecting outward, which may be made an ornamental feature in the elevation. On the other side of the hall we find a passage leading to a bedroom, 10X18.8, having also a projecting fire-place and a small closet. A door opens from this passage into a store-room. At the rear of the building another veranda is found, with a flight of steps as at the front. Ascending the fitairs, we enter a bedroom on the landing, Vi LLAf 127 13x19.3, and passing forward we find a bath to the right, 7x7, and still farther we find two bedroom doors, one of which leads to an irregular-shaped room, being over the store-room and passage on the principal floor; the other, over the draw- ing-room, is the same size as that already described, 13x19.3; each of these bedrooms is provided with a closet. If a greater number of rooms be desired, these principal bedrooms can be divided in the manner shown by the dotted lines. It is sup- posed the servants' bedrooms "will be in the basement. Oppo- site the bath-room door we find a door leading to an octangu- lar picture gallery, 19.3X19.3, from which, on the opposite Fig. 96. Seookd Floor Plan. side, a door opens into a symmetrical room in the form of an irregular hexagon. The extreme length of this room is 31.6 by 12.9 broad. These two rooms may be made to form, not only the most attractive feature of the house, but if skillfully treated will make a combination the like of which is rarely met with in a house of such limited extent as tliis. The octagon room may have a groined paneled ceiling, the ribs springing fi-om Gothic columns attached to the walls at the angles of the room, and terminating against the angles of an octangular lantern i28 The House. light surrounded by a richly ornamented cornice; the lantern to be filled in with stained glass, and to project a considerable height above the roof. The principal point of attraction in the adjoining room will be the noble Gothic window, which, if managed as a Gothic window may be managed, with mul- lions, cusps, foils, stained glass, and all the other etceteras, will, in conjunction with the octagon room, when the door is thrown open, have a magnificent effect. Two balconies are provided in front : one over the conserv- atory, the other over the boudoir ; to be entered from the front room. The building has eight gables; it also has eight ridges and eight valleys, meeting at the lantern in the center. The gables are ornamented with verge boards of different patterns, so that each front presents a diffei-eut appearance ; and the chim- neys are so contrived that the stacks will stand one half on each side of a ridge. We give no estimate of the expense of this house, as it is one on which a great amount of ornamental work can be put to ad- vantage, or it can be built quite plain. The style in which it is finished will, to a great degree, govern the expense. Plainly finished, it can be erected for $5,000; and $25,000 can be spent on it with ease, if the builder desires to make it what it can be made, one of the most unique and tasteful houses ever erected. Barns. Etc. 129 VIII. BARi\'S, AND OTHER OUT-BUILDINGS. There is the harn— and, as of yore, I can smell the hay from the open door, And 8<-e the hiisy swallows throng, And hear tlie peewee's mournful son^. Oh, ye who daily cross the sill. Step lislitly, for I love it still ; And when you crowd the old barn eaves, Then think what countless harvest sheaves Have passed within that scented door, To gladden eyes that are no more. — T. B. Read. I.— PRELIMINARY REMARKS. LL that we need say in introduction to |i^ ^ our designs may be embraced in a single yM» 0^ paragraph. Let your out-buildings cor- j^ respond in character with your house, ^' and be as simple in plan and as unpre- *^ tending in style as adaptation to their uses and an agreeable and appropriate external appearance will permit. A stable should pass for a stable, and not be so elaborate as to be mistaken for a farm- cottage. To build a poultry-house in the form of a palace is equally absurd. Let each seem to be just what it is, and present an example of complete fitness for the purpose of its erection. Our designs, in general, require very little explanation, and speak for themselves. "We present them in the hope that, where they may not be found exactly adapted to particular cases, they may, at least, furnish useful hints toward the tiling required. Some of them have stood the test of actual construction and Ose, and have proved well adapted to their purposes. 6* 130 The House, ii.— lewis f. allen's babn. "We are indebted to the "Annual Register of Eural xVffairs' for the accompanying design. It represents one of the best barns, probably, ever erected in this country, and, although nnich larger than will generally be required, furnishes a model in most respects for a structure of any desired size. We copy from the " Register" so much of the description as will serve our ])urpose : " The body of the main barn is 100 feet long by 50 feet wide, the posts 18 feet high above the sill, making 9 bents. The beams are 14 feet above the sills, which is the height of the inner posts. The position of the floor and bays is readily un- derstood from the plan. The floor, for a grain barn, is 14 feet wide, but may be contracted to 12 feet for one exclusively for hay. Tlie area in front of the bays is occupied with a station- ary horse-{)o\ver and with machinery for various form opera- tions, such as threshing, shelling corn, cutting straw, crushing grain, etc., all of which is driven by bands from drums on the horizontal shaft overhead, which runs across the floor from the horse-power on the other side ; this shaft being driven by a cog-wheel on the perpendicular shaft round which the horses travel. " A passage four feet wide extends between the bays and the stables, which occupy the two wings. This extends up to the top of the bays, down which tlie hay is thrown for feeding, which renders this work as easy and convenient as possible. " The floor of the main barn is three feet higher than that of the stables. This will allow a cellar under it, if desired — or a deeper extension of the bays — and it allows storage lofts over the cattle, with sufficient slope of roof. A short flight of steps at the ends of each passage admits easy access from the level of the barn floor. " The line of mangers is two feet wide. A manure window is placed at every 12 feet. The stalls are double; that is, for two animals each, which are held to their places by a rope aud chain, attached to a staple and riiif at each corner of th«j Bakns, Etc. 131 stall. This mode is preferred to securing' by stanchions, A pole or scaiitliiig, placed over their heads, prevents them from climbing so as to get their feet into the mangers, which they are otherwise very apt to do. " Th« sheds, which extend on the three sides of the barn, and touch it at the rear end, are on a level with the stables. An inclined 2}lane, from the main floor through the middle of the back shed, forms a rear egress for wagons and carts, de- scending three feet from tlie floor. The two rooms, one on each side of this rear passage, 16 by 34 feet, may be used for 132 The House. housing sick animals, cows about to calve, or any other par- pose required. The stables at the front ends of the sheds are convenient for teams of horses or oxen, or they may be fitted for wagon-houses, tool-houses, or other purposes. The rooms, 16 feet square at the inner corners of the sheds, may be used for Aveak ewes, lambs, or for a bull-stable. " Hacks or mangers may be fitted up in the open sheds for feeding sheep or young cattle, and yards may be built adjoin- ing, on the rear, six or eight in number, into which they may run and be kept separate. Barred partitions may separate the diiferent flocks. Bars may also inclose the opening in front, or they may, if required, be boarded up tight. Step-ladders are placed at convenient intervals, for ascending the shed lofts. " A granary over the machine-room is entered by a flight of stairs. Poles extending from bay to bay, over the floor, will admit the storage of much additional hay or grain. As straw can not be well kept when exposed to the weather, and is at the same time becoming more valuable as its uses are better understood, we would suggest that the space on these cross poles be reserved for its deposit from the elevator from thresh- ing grain, or until space is made for it in one of the bays. " A one-sided roof is given to the sheds (instead of a double- sided), to throw all the water on the outside, in order to keep the interior of the yards dry. Eave-troughs take the water from the roofs to cisterns. The cisterns, if connected by an underground pipe, may be all drawn from by a single pump if necessary." III.— ME. CHAMBERLAIN'S OCTAGON BARN. The accompanying cut represents the ground plan of an oo tagon barn erected by Mr. Calvin Chamberlain, of Foxcroft Maine, and described Six the "Eeports of the Board of Agri- culture" of that State. The plan is on a scale of 15 feet to the inch, which shows the structure to be a trifle over 36 feet in diameter. " There is a cellar under the whole, eight feet deep, and a Bakns, Etc. 133 cart-way leading ont on a level. The floor is ten feet in the clear; doors same width and heig'ht ; height below scaffold, seven and a half feet clear ; entire height of walls, 19 feet. A door Tis. 97. Gkul'.M) Plan. is shown opening north to the pasture, four feet wide and seven and a half feet high ; one south, same size, opening to yard; one on southwest side communicates with other building;,. Stairs lead to cellar and hay-loft. Passage-way behind cattle stalls five feet wide, admitting wheelbarrow to pass at any time to any manure scuttle. Gates hanging to outer wall close passages to stalls, so that any animal may occupy its place untied. Side- lights at large doors, and a large window on opposite side, one sash of which slides horizontally, light the stable. Four large windows, set quite up to the plates, light the hay-loft. These let down at top, and are left down half the year; the two-feet projection of the roof protects them from all storms. Cellar is lighted by four double windows and the side-light at head of stairs. The open space, 13 feet long, at end of floor, admits 134 The House. the horse, so that the hay-cart is brought to the center of the bam for unloading. 'A scaffold 13 feet long is put over the floor, and 12 feet above it." This small barn, Mr. Chamberlain says, will store 20 tons of hay. rV.— MR. BECKWITH'S OCTAGON BARN The annexed cut represents the basement plan of the barn erected by E. W. Beckwith, Principal of the Boys' Boarding School, at Cromwell, Middlesex County, Connecticut, in Sep- tember, 1858. The beauty and convenience of the arrangement for stalls and feeding can be seen at a glance. The octagon form is adopted because it is best adapted to inclose the desired plan. This building, SOj feet short diameter, 12^ feet each side, or 100 feet inside circumference, and 13 feet each outside, or 104 Fig. 9S. Basement Pla». feet circumference when the wall is 14 inches thick, as in the present case, incloses an area of 750 feet. The wall is grouted stone work, laid up between planks cui the right length for each inside and outside of angle, lield to Barns, Etc. 135 the proper distance apart by cast-iron clamps pierced with lioles at each end to receive the iron dowels driven into each edge of the planks. These planks, when in an npright position on the wall, should be plumbed and staylathed preparatory to laying the stone. The basement floor is cemented, the horses standing on a movable slat-work, which keeps the bedding dry. The height of this story should be eight feet ; the clear space from the stalls to the wall, four feet wide ; the stalls six feet long, including manger-box, which leaves a circle in the center about ten feet diameter as the base of a cone, over which all the feed is thrown down to the animals. Under the cone is a fine place for a water-tank or pump. The remaining space, when not wanted for stalls, furnishes room for cleaning off horses, for storing roots, for an ice-house, or any other purpose for which it may be wanted. The feeding place is a hole about three feet square over the apex of the cone, which can be covered with a scuttle. The walls are 26 feet high from the foundation, giving 16 feet altitude above the barn floor, which can be left clear and open to the roof, thus allowing the hay to be deposited in any direction and to any required proportion of the space ; a gang- way to the feed- hole being left, or cut afterward, at option. There is one door, 9 by 10 feet, to this floor, for carriages, etc., the hay being taken in at a window on the up-hill side. Of course a place would be partitioned off if carriages are to be housed in the barn. The cost of this stone barn, covered with mastic roofing at five cents a foot, will be about $325. The walls cost $230, but closer personal attention would have luade them cheaper. A wood barn on the same base- ment would have cost at least $40 more, and not be as good for many reasons. There is nothing to burn by fire but one floor, and the roof and the walls would be left for another. The utility of narrow stalls, in this case five feet wide at the broad end and two feet at the manger, may be quBstioned ]>y 136 The House. some ; but you have that matter entirely according to fancy, the peculiar feature of this plan being that they all point to the center. It is peculiarly adapted to those gentlemen who wish to keep horses and cows, and be able to feed them without too much labor or time and exposure to dirt. You can have a hired man or not, as you choose, which is sometimes desirable. This plan, if not adopted by others, may serve a good purpose as a suggester. V.-A CIRCULAE BARN. The barn, plans of which are herewith presented, was built by the Shakers of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and is cer- tainly worthy of the attention of farmers contemplating the Figr. 99. First Flook I'lan. A., doors;* B., stairs; D., calf-pens ; E,.illeys; F., stalls; G., granary ; F. double doors ; T., windows. erection of barns on a large scale. It is 100 feet diameter, built of stone — a material that is very abundant in that part of Mas- sachusetts — two stories high, the first one being only seven ant) • Aa error in the plans represents the doors as windows, and vice versa. Bakns, Etc, 13^ a halJ feet between floors, and contains stalls for seventy head of cattle, and two calf-stables. These stalls are situated in a circle next the outer wall, with the heads of the animals point- SEC0^D i'LOOB Plam. ing inward, looking into an alley in which the feeder passes around in fi-ont of and looking into the face of every animal. The circle forming the stable and alley-way is 14 feet wide, inside of which is the great bay. Over the stable and alley is the threshing-floor, which is 14 feet wide and about 300 feet long on the outer side, into which a dozen loads of hay may be hauled, and all be unloaded at the same time into the bay in the ©enter There should be a large chimney formed of timbers open in the center of such a mass of hay, connecting with air-tubes under the stable floor, extending out to the outside of the building, and with a large ventilator in the peak of the roof We should also recommend an extension of the eaves beyond the outer wall, by means of brackets, so as to form a shed over the doors, and the manure thrown out of the stables and piled against the wall. 138 The House. VI.— A SIDE-HILL BAEN. "We copy the accompanying plans and the description from the American Agriculturist for September, 1858, where a per- "lective view of the barn is also given. Entering the barn at either end, as shown in the main floor plan, there is a floor, either 12 or 14 feet wide, as may be most convenient, which passes through the entire length. On Fig. 101. r TjHDKEaKOITND PlAJI. one side is a large bay for hay or grain in the sheaf. Oppo- site, in part, is another bay. Next to that a passage of five feet Avide, to carry out straw or hay to throw down below into the yard. Next to the passage is a granary, and adjoining it a tool-house, or area for threshing machines, straw-cutters, etc., with a partition off from the floor, or not, at pleasure. Nine feet above the floor, on each side, should be a line of girts, Barns, Etc, 139 connecting the inner posts, on which may be thrown loose poles to hold a temporary scaffold for the storage of hay, or grain in the sheaf, when required. By such arrangement the barn can be filled to the peak or ridge-pole, and the ventilator above will carry out all the heated air and moisture given off from the forage stored within. Slatted windows, or side ven- tilators, may be put in the side next to the yard, if requii-ed. The roof has a " third" pitch, or one foot rise to two feet in width, which lasts longer and gives more storage than a flat- ter one. The frame of the barn above is 60 by 50 feet, with posts set upon stones below, to support the overshot sill, as shown in Fig. 102. Main Floor Plan. the ground plan. Underneath are four lines of stalls, two on each side of the center passage-way, heading each other, with a four-foot feeding alley between them, receiving the forage from above, from which it is thrown into the mangers, two and a half feet wide, to which the cattle are tied or chained. The stalls are double, allowing two animals, if neat stock, in each. They are tied at the sides next the partitions, to prevent 140 The House. injury to each other. Ou the hill-side are three windows in the upper part of the wall, to admit light and ventilation, either glazed or grated, as may be necessary. The advantages of a side-hill barn are, the warmth of its stables in winter and their coolness in summer ; storage for roots, if required ; much additional room under the same roof, but not, we think, at diminished expense ; and greater com- pactness of storage than in one on the common plan. But it is essential to the comfort and convenience of the side-hill barn that it be well embanked with eartli, so that the falling water may freely pass away from the walls ; and that the stables and yards be well drained. Without these pre- cautions, such barns are little better than nuisances, the rains and melting snows flooding everything beneath the building, and in the yards and sheds below. There should be a flight of stairs (not represented in the plan) from the underground floor to that above. Shelter Cheaper than Fodder. — An improvement on our present practice of shelter, and care of our animals, would be an equivalent to an actual shortening of winter. It can hardly be questioned that exposure of cattle to extreme cold injures their health, and thus interferes with the owner's profit. Chemical physiology teaches us that warmth is e(iuivalent to a certain portion of food, and that an animal exposed to more cold will eat more, and one better housed and warmer kept will eat less. To keep an animal comfortable, therefore, is to save food; and this alone is a sufficient inducement to provide that comfort to the full extent.* — Maine Agricultural Report. Every animal should have its own particular stall in the stable, and should be allowed in no other. • It is asserted, on good authority, tliat exposed animals will consume a third more food, and come out in the spring in worse condition. Barns, Etc, 141 VII.-STABLES, The subject of stables — their construction, arrangement of accouiiuodations, etc. — is one to which a vohinie miglit profit-* ably be devoted ; but our present object is merely to furnish a Fig. 103. Fig. 104. Plajt. few designs adapted to execution in connection with country houses and villas, and to show how they may be planned, as Fig. 105. CARRIAGE RM. 21 X 24 Plan. 142 T H K House. in tig. 103, for one horse and carriage; in fig. 104, for one horse and two vehicles ; or, as in fig. 105, with which we give an elevation (fig. 106), for two liorses and three vehicles. Fig. 106. ^^ Jrr- -I ^^m ^SM m ^==^ n 1 1 — 1 1 1 i 1 II 1 1 ^! ^ 1 1 - _ nlLii Fbont Elevation. Constructed of Avood in a proper manner, fig. 103 will cost $125 ; fig. lO-l, $185 ; and fig. 105, $275. Built of brick, they will generally cost a little over a third more. Elevators in Barns. — In large barns the pitching up of the hay into the upper part of the bays is a very laborious process and requires considerable time. In such cases an elevator, like that of the best threshing machine, to be worked by the t\i'() horses removed from the loaded wagon of hay, may be profit- ably employed, greatly lessening the labor and quickening the operation. The same elevator would be used in carrying tlireshed straw from the machine to the bays. The simples,!; ,ind best elevator for this purpose is made of a light, inclined board platform, four feet wide, on each side of whicli a rope or endless chain runs, connected by cross-bars, a foot or two apart, which slide over the upper surface of this platform, and sweep the bay upward as fast as pitclied upon it. Bakns, Etc, 143 VIII.-AN OCTAGON POULTKY HOUSE. This design is selected from Benient's " Poulterer's Compan- ion." It has been executed, we believe, near Factoryville, Staten Island. It is ten feet in diameter and six feet and a half high. The sills are 4 by 4, and the plates 3 by 4 joists, halved and nailed at the joints. It is sided with inch and a quarter spruce plank, tongued and grooved. No upright tim- bers are used. The floor and roofing are of the same kind of Fig. inr. Perspective View plank. To guai'd against leakage by shrinking, the joints m&y be battened with lath or strips of thin boards. An eight-square frame supports the top of the rafters, leaving an opening of ten inches in diameter, on which is placed an octagon chimney for a ventilator, which makes a very pretty finisli. The piers should be either cedar, chestnut, or locust, two feet high, and set on flat stones. 144 The House. Fiff. ins. Plan. The letter D designates the door ; W, W, windows ; L, lat- ticed window to admit air, with a sliutter to exclude it, when necessary ; E, entrance for the fowls, Avith a sliding door; P, platform for the fowls to alight on when going in ; R, R, roosts placed spirally, one end attached to a post near the center of the room, and the other end to the wall ; the first, or lowermost one, two feet from the floor, and the others 18 inches apart, and rising gradually to the top, six feet from tlie floor. These roosts will accommodate 40 ordinary-sized fowls. F, F, is a hoard floor, on an angle of about 45 degrees, to catch and carry down the droppings of the fowls. This arrangement renders it much more convenient in cleaning out the manure, which should be frequently done. The space beneath this floor is appropriated to nests, 12 in number, 15 inches wide, 18 inches deep, and 18 inches higli. In order to give an appearance of secrecy, which it is well known the hen is so partial to, the front is latticed with strips of lath. By this arrangement a free circulation of air is ad- mitted, which adds much to the comfort of the hens while sitting. The object of placing tliis house on piles is to prevent the encroachments of rats, mice, skunks, etc., and is a good method, as rats are very annoying, especially where they have a good harbor under the house, often destroying the eggs and killing the young chickens. Two Erkoks. — It is an error to build a house upon a side- hill with an "underground kitchen;" but it is a greater error to build a barn without such a room upon the down-hill side. Barns, Etc. 145 and if possible having a southern exposure. In this room all the horned cattle should be stabled, having a yard to them- selves entirely separate from any other stock. The horse stable should always be on the ground floor, with an entrance from a separate yard. IX.-AN OCTAGON PIGQEET. The accompanying design shows the plan of an economically constructed and convenient piggery. It may, of course, be enlarged to any desired extent without any change of form or Fig. 109. / PLAIf. arrangement. The elevation may be similar to that of the poultry -house (fig. 107), and should have sufficient height to furnish a good upper room for storing corn, etc., for the swine. X.-AN ASHEET AND SMOKE-HOUSE. An ashery and smoke-house combined may be economically built as represented in our design. The first story, or ash-pit, should be built of stone or hard brick, and be provided with an iron door. The walls need not be more than from six to eight feet in height. The ceiling should be lathed and plastered. 7 146 Tjik House, Tlie smoke lioiise story above may be of wood. It is entered in the rear on a level with the ground. Four tin tubes, intro- duced through the floor, admit the smol iirable colors are from Wheeler's " Homes for the People:" 1. A cool gray, similar to what would be the tint of nnpainted timber after a few years, may be obtained as follows : Indian red, half a pound; Lampblack, three ounces; Eaw umber, half a pound ; White lead, one hundred pounds. This color will be changed by the addition of sand, which in all cases is recommended, in a proportion of about one quart to every one hundred pounds of mixed color. The finest and whitest sand that the neighborhood affords should be used, and as its hue differs, so will the tint of the paint be change.^ 162 Appendix. Tills coior, with one th rd less white, is very suitable for roofs, and is a cool. Unreflecting gray tint of great softness and beauty. 2. A soft, pleas-int tint, lilce that of coffee greatly diluted with milk, is often- times well adapted to a building, particularly in regions where red sandstoTie or other similar objects, with such local coloring, give a. brown hue to portions of the landscape. It may be mixed as follows: Yellow ochre, fi\e pounds; Burnt umber, half a pound ; Indian red, quarter of a pound; Chrome yellow, No. 1, half a pound, with one hundred pounds of white lead. The key-notes in this color are the Indian red and the; chrome yellow, and the tone may be heightened or lowered by more or less of either, as individual taste may prefer. 3. A still more delicate tint, resembling the pure color of the Caen stone, and well adapted for a large building with many beaks of outlines, may be mixed thug: Yellow ochre, two pounds ; Vandyke brown, quarter of a pound ; Indian red, quarter of a pound. Chrome yellow. No. 1, half a pound to every one hundred pounds of lead. The following cheap and excellent paint for cottages is recommended by Downing. It forms a hard surface, and is far more durable than common paint. It will be found preferable to common paint for picturesque country houses of all kinds. Take freshly-burned unslaked lime and reduce it to powder. To one peck or one bushel ot this add the same quantity of fine white sand or flue coal ashes, and twice as much fresh wood ashes, all these being sift'-d through a fine sieve. They should then be thoroughly mixed together while dry. Afterward mix them with as much common linseed oil as will make the whole thin enough to work freely with a painter's brush. This will make a paint of a light gray stone color, nearly white. To make it fawn or drab, add yellow ochre and Indian red ; if drab is de- sired, add burnt umber, Indian red, and a little black ; if dark stone color, add lampblack ; or if brown stone, then add Spanish brown. All these colors should of course be first mixed in oil and then added. This paint is very much cheaper than common oil paint. It is equally wel. suited to wood, brick, or stone. It is better to apjily it in two coats; the first thin, the second thick. 2. A Cheap Wash. — For the outside of wooden cottages, barns, out-build- Ings, fences, etc., where economy must be consulted, the following wash is ■e'Onimended: Take a clean barrel that will hold water. Put into it half a bushel of quicK- Appendix. 16.3 lime, and slake it by pouring over it boiling water sufficient to cover it four or Ave iuches deep, and stirring it until slaked. When quite slaked dissolve it ill water, and add two pounds of sulpliate of zinc and one of common salt, which may be had at any of tlie druggists, and which in a few days will cause the whitewash to harden on Ihe woodwork. Add sufficient water to bring it to the consistency of thick whitewash. To make the above wash of a pleasant cream color, add three pounds of jellow ochre. For fawn color, add four pounds of umber, one pound of Indian red, and one pound of lampblack. Tor gray or stone color, add four pounds of raw umber and two pounds of lampblack. The color maybe put on with a common whitewash brush, and will be found much more duraide than common wnitewash. — IhirUoUtai-Lst. For a wash for l>arns the //urtictMurist also gives this : Hydraulic cement, one peck ; freshly slaked lime, one peck ; yellow ochre (m powder), four pounds; burnt umber, four pounds ; the whole to be "dis- solved" in hot water, and applied with a brush. 3. Stiihiir.g Interior Woo / ICoH".— One of the simplest and best modes of staining (line or other soft wood is thi; lollowing as given by Dowuing: First prepare the wood by washing it with a solution of sulphuric aold, made by mixing it in the proportion of one ounce of sulphuric acid to a pint of warm water. It should be mixed when wanted and put on while warm, washing it evenly over every part to be .-•tained. Second, stain the wood so prepared by rubbing it lightly with tobacco stain, using a piece of flannel or sponsje for this purpo.-e. Uy merely coating it evenly in this way the natur 1 grain of the wood will assume a dark tone, so as to resemble black walnut or oak ; the effect of certain p.irts may be height- ened by a little skill in mottling or sbghtly graining the wood, by repealing the coat and allo»»ing it to settle in places. When the stained wood is entirely dry, lirush it over, in order to preserve it, with the following mixture: half a pound of beeswax, half a pint of linseed oil, and oil'- pint of boiUd linseed nil. It may, if des'.red, afterward be varnished and polished. To make the above tcacco >taiii, tmke six pounds of common shag or "negro head" tobacco; boil it in as many quarts of water as will cover ihe tobacco, letting it simmer away slowly till it is of the consisteuce of syrup. Strain it, and it is ready for use. AVe may add, that when it is desired to give the wood the tone of light oak or maple, the solution of sulphuric acid should be much weaker, and only a light coat of the stain should be used. Where a dark tone is preferred, two coats of the stain should be put on. 4. Stucco and Stuccoing. — Take stone lime fresh from the kiln and of the lent qualiti/, such as is known to make a strong and durable mortar (like th« Thomaston lim ). Slake it by sprinkling or pouring over it just water enoU{iJ> 164 Appendix. to leave it -when slaked in the condition of a fine dry poioder^amX not a pasU. Set up a quarter-inoli wire screen at an inclined plane, and throw this powder against it. What passes through is fit for use. That which remains behind contains the eo/v, which would spoil the stucco, and must be rejected. Having obtained the sharpest sand to be had, and having washed it, so that not a particle of the mud and dirt (which destroy the tenacity of most stuccoes) remains, and screened it to give some uniformity to the size, mix it with the limo in ])owder, in the proportion o( two parts >i , /, large and small rork, and wdter. The lime may be from any good, pure lime- stone that will slack readily, and •'■ ntV or harden thoroughly when dry ;* lliu ♦The lime used by us is of a peculiar quality, tnown lure as "hydraulic \C>n Appendix. r.mfl should be sliarp, and as free from clay, loam, and other earthy matter &f jxissible; and Ihe gravel and rock may be of any size, from that of a boy'g rniixble up to eighteen inches or two feet square, according to the thickness of your walls. 3. foimddfion. — Having fixed on your plan, lay off ihe foinuJot on, and dig a trench two feet wide and two feet deep, the area or full size of your outer wall. With a heavy piece of hr.rd wood, squared or rounded at the lower end, pound or ram down the earth in the bottom (if this trench, going over it re- ppat<>dly, until it is solid and compact. A layer of hydraulic cement moriar two inches tliick, sjjread evenly over the bottom, of the trenches thus compact- ed, gives ycnx a solid foundation to start on, as soon as ii ".sets" or becomes hard. If you intend carrying up inside division walls of concrete, the founda- tion for these should be laid in the same way. Good hydraulic cement will take at least three parts of sharp sand ; but it must be used as soon as mixed, or it will " set" and become useless. 4. Frame and £oain/. - Cut common 3x4 scantling two feet longer than you wish your highest story to be; set up a double row, with the lower end resting firmly upon the edge of the hardened cement in the bottom of the trench ; range them true and " plumb" them, lettin-; them s'and three or four incties farther apart than you desire your wall to be in thickness; then nail cleats across, above and below, to keep them in place, adding also "stays" or " braces," driven slantingly into the ground and nailed to the scantling at ihe upper end. Your skeleton or frame-work of scantling being all set up and " stayed" firm and " plumb," proceed to arrange your " boxing" for holding the concrete and keepinir the walls in shape. This is done by cutting sounrough mixing of the sand with the lime, and the gravel with the mortal unorward, is very important, and should only be intrusted to your most careiul hands.] Having one or two " beds" full of this mixture, you :ire ready to begin yonr wall. Wheel the mortar to the foundation in common railroad wheelbar- •OW9, letting the common liands sliovel it into the bottom of the trenches, while the superintendent or "boss" workman spreads it evenly with his trowel When the bottom layer of morlar, tliree inches thick, is laid in, wheel large and sma 1 rock (previously sprinkled with water) to the wall, and press it intt the soft mortar at every available point, leaving a small space between each piece of rock, and working the soft mortar against the plank boxing, to pre- lerve a smooth surface on the wad. When you can press no more rock into .'he mortar, pour another layer of the latter over and through the rock, then add a layer of rock, as before, and so on, until your boxing all round is fulL You have now ten inches or a foot of wall, all around, built ; and if the lime is good and the weather dry, it will be hard enough in t« enty-four hours to raise your boxes another tier. This is readily done by knocking out the wedges be- tween the plai-.k and ihe scantling, raising up the plank and sustaining it in pface by " cleats" nailed on the scantling. In raising the boxing, begin at the point where you commenced laying up the day previoivs, as that portion of the wall will, of course, be the hardest. It is not necessary to raise all the boxing at once, or go entirely round the wall in a day. A foot or a yard of the wall can be completed at a lime, if advisable ; but if the complete round can be made, so much the better. Planks to cover up with, in case of a sudden shower, or when a storm is apprehended, should be provided, and placed within reach. 6. General DeUiiU, Floors, Windous, Doors, ffc.— We prefer a cement floor for the basement, on many accounts; but those who desire a wooden floor should leave air-holes in the outer walls, under the lower floor, six inches above the surfece. This may be easily done by inserting wedge-shaped blocks or pins through the wall, to he knocked out afterward. When jou are ready to lay the floors, level up your walls, and run one course of brick all around, the thickness of the wall, for the ends of the fl 1 V \7^ and more durable mode, is to dig the hole with perpendicular sides in the form of a barrel, and build the walls with stone or brick, to receive the plastering (flg. 125). In consequence of its circular form, operating liice an arch, these walls will not be in danger of falling if not more than half the ordinary thick- ness of similar walls. For large cisterns they should be thicker than for small ones. The walls should be built perpendicular until about halfway up, when each successive layer ghould be contracted so as to bring them nearer toi;clher, in the fi^rm of an arch, reducing the size of the opening at the top, and ren. dering a smaller covering necessary. If the subsoil is always dry or never soaked or flooded with water, tlie walls may be laid in common lime mortar, and afterward plastered on the inner surface with the cement. But in wet sub- soils, the whole wall should be laid in water lime. If the bottom is hard earth or compact gravel, a coating of an inch or two may be spread immediate! ji upon the eartli bottom ; but in other instances, the bottom should be flrst laiu with flat stone, or paved with round ones, the cement spread upon these. " The plastering upon the sloping eanh-walls, as flrst described (flg. 124), should never be less than an inch thick, and if the earth is soft it should be more. On the stone or hard brick walls (flg. 125), half an inch will be thick enough. Cisterns can rarely, if ever, be made free from leaking, without giv- ing them at least two successive coats— and three will be safer ; the previous coat in each instance being allowed to become dry and hard." A flltering cistern may be made as follows : "Make a partitinn ia) in the cistern, dividing it into two portions. This partition is pierced at the bottom with several aper- tures. A low wall (6) ie built up on each side the partition, and a few inches above the top of the aper- tures. " The open space between these low walls (c) is filled with charcoal broken flne, and with gravel — the latter being on top. The water is y Section. conducted into one apartment, and may always be drawn up bright and clear from the other. The acoompanying section, to which the letters have refer- ence, may help to make this account more intelligible."* Another plan is thus described by the same writer : "A cask holding perhaps a hundred gallons is placed by the side of the larger cistern, and quite near the surface of the ground. An aperture in its bottom, over which is se( ured a large sponge, is connected by a good-sized pipe of wood or clay with the main tank. A third part of the cask is now filled with the charcoal and gravel ; the conductor from the house is led into it, and the thing Is complete. Village and K:irni Cottages. 174 ArPEKDix. " This mode is not only as easy and as cheap as the other, but has this great advantage, that the fllterer can be often and readily cleaned, while in the othrr case, it is necessary to remove all the water and to go down deep in order to accomplish the work." A CHEAP ICE-KOOM. A farmer communicates the following in Life IHustfoterl : " I srnd you my experience. I partitioned off the northeast corner of my wood-house, which opens to the west, and is 25 feet wide. The ice-room is about nine feet square; is clap-boarded on the studs on the north and east, and lined on the inside, leaving the four-inch space between empty. On the south is ail inch-board partition, just tight enough to hold saw-dust. On the west I slip in boards like bars, any height I wish to pile my ice, and leave the upjier part open, just as is convenient. This is my house. " Into it, on the ground, I put from six to ten Inches of saw-dust, then put In my ice one foot from the partition on every side, packing it in as closely as I can, and in as large b!0''ks as I can conveniently handle. 1 then fill the spaces next the partitions with saw-dust, and a good dcplli (say one foot) over the top, and it is done for the year. " I have practiced in this way two years past, and had all 1 wanted for dairy and other uspb, and to give to my neighbors. *' The whole cost of making is 300 feet of hemlock boards, a few nails, and a half a day's work. Neighbor farmcr.s, try it. Almost any other location ii si good as thig." I ^M) E X . A. Paob Ancient Log Obin 10 Architecture, Fundamental Prin- ciples of 14 " Style of. 25 Architectural Finery 67 Additions, Plans for 52 Attic Rooms 67 Ash and Smoke House 146 Apiary 150 B. Building for Show 60 Barns 129 Bee House 150 C. Coneret* 31 Chimneys 33 Cottages of One Story Defined. .. 45 " Story-and-a-Half " ... 57 Cottage, Southern 49 Plan of Cheap 51 " •' Small ... 57 " An Italian 58 " English Plan 61 •' Suburban > 62 " A Gothic 64,73 " Asymmetrical 68 " A Semi-Soutliern. ... 71 " "Fruitland" 79 " Square S6 " Swiss 95 Country House, Stone. . . . 89 " Church 153 Circular House 92 " Barn 136 Church, Country 153 D. Details, Miscellaneous 32 Drainage 42 Doors 52 E. Errors and Absurdities 43 Knglish Cottage Plan 61 Fundamental PrineipK-s 14 Farm House, Model JOO " Plan of lo-i " Houses, Eemarks on 99 Garden House 152 H. House, Origin of 9 " Meaning of 12 " E.xtempore 56 House-Building I4 Hexagon Plan 47 I. Ice-House 147 L. Log Cabin 46 M. Materials 28 O. Octagon Plan, S. H. Mann's S3 " Villa l-.'5 " Barns 132 " Poultry House 143 " Piggery 145 Plan, Adoption of 10 Painting 40,55 Paper, \Vall 41 Plans for Three Rooms 48 Parsonage 75 Play House 151 R. Rooms, Arrangement of 22 Roofing 42 Rough-Cast 42 176 Index. Bats In Cellars 55 Trees, etc. Round House 92 ' Pa OR . 48 Sile, Choice of 16 Style of Architecture 25 Stucco 42 Southern Cottage 49 " House 79,83 " Villa 118 Stone Country House.. 89 Swiss Cottage 9.i Side Hill Barn 1.% Stables 141 Smoke House and Ashery 146 Speakiui; Tubes 61 School House 156 i Ventilation 86, 6T Verandas 51 Villa, What is it? 105 " Small Italian 106 " Brick I(i8 " Gothic Ill " Picturesque 114 I " Southern 118 " Octagon 125 I ^- I Warming 84 Water Closets BB 4 V \^ v.^ * ^\ N X ■^ N>^ ^ \ x^^;r \^ %' .'^ N ^^^'^^ »« ^"^ X'i ^•<*\j * •^^^"'^^