®1|£ §. -i. ^tU phrarg •MCIAL COCLCC-nON? 8511 V-??^'-H .'U. :\/ i; ■A ;/ THIS HOOK NirST NOT UK TAKKN KKHM THK LIHKAKV nilLDINC;. 20M/II-7S Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/bookoffarmdetail01step / ■4. ■t'- ^^ fsitjc. I'l' /' li'Aiii^neii. ..:6' /i'w/./MAJv . v:v THE BOOK OF THE FAEM : DETAILING THE LABORS OF THE FARMER, STEWARD, PLOWMAN, IIEDGER, CATTLE-MAN, SHEPHERD, FIELD-WORKER, AND DAIRYMAID. BY HENRY STEPHENS. WITH FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY ILLUSTRATIONS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED EXPLANATORY NOTES, REMARKS, ETC. BY JOHN S. SKINNER, EDITOR OF THE FARMERS' LIBRARY. VOLUME I. NEW YORK: C. M. SAXTON, AGRICULTURAL BOOK PUBLISHER. 1851. THE BOOK OF THE FARM. 1. OF THE DIFFICULTIES WHICH THE YOUNG FARMER HAS TO ENCOUNTER AT THE OUTSET OF LEARNING PRACTICAL HUS- BANDRY. " One, but painted thus. Would be interpreted a thing perplex'd Beyond self-explication." Cymbki-ink. The young farmer, left to hia own guidance, when beginning to learn his profes.sion, encounters many pei-jilexing difficulties. The difficulty which at first most prominently obtrudes itself on his notice consists in the distribution of the labor of the farm ; and it presents itself in this way : — He observes the teams employed one day in one field, at one kind of vvork, and perhaps the next day in another field, at a different sort of work. He observes the persons employed as field-workers assisting the teams one day, and in the next, perhaps, working by themselves in another field or elsewhere. He observes those changes with attention, considers of their utility, but cannot discover the reasons for making so very varied an-ange- raents ; not because he entertains the least doubt of their propriety, but, being as yet uninitiated in the art of farming, he cannot foresee the pur- pose for which those labors are perfonned. The reason why he cannot at once foresee this is, that in all cases, excepting at the finishing operations, the end is unattained at the time of his obsei-vation. The next difficulty the young farmer encounters is in the variety of the labors performed. He not only sees various arrangements made to do the same sort of work, but various kinds of work. He discovers this differ- ence on examining more closely into the nature of the work he sees per- f:>rming. He observes one day the hoi'ses at work in the plow in one field, moving in a direction quite opposite, in regard to the ridfes, to what they were in the plow in another field. On another day he observes the horses at work with quite a different implement from the plow. The field-workers, he perceives, have laid aside the implement with which they were working, and are perfonning the labor engaged in with the hand. He cannot comprehend why one sort of work should be prosecuted one day, and quite a different sort of work the next. This difficulty is inex- plicable for the same reason why he could not overcome the former one : because he cannot foresee the end for which those varieties of work are performed. No doubt he is aware that evei-y kind and variety of work which are performed on a farm, are preparatives to the attainment of cer- tain crops ; but what portion of any work is intended as a certain part o{ the preparation for a particular ci'op, is a knowledge which he cannot ac- quire by intuition. Every preparatory work is thus perplexing to the young farmer. '" ^^"^^ , 38966 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. Field work being thus chiefly anticipatory, is the circumstance which renders its object so perplexing to the learner. He cannot possibly per- ceive the connection between preparatory labors and their ultimate ends ; and yet, until he leam to appreciate their necessary connection, he will remain incapable of managing a farm. It is in the exercise of this faculty of anticipation or foresight that the experienced and careful farmer is con tradistinguished from the ignorant and careless. Indeed, let the experi ence of farming be ever so extensive, or, in other words, let the know- ledge of minutiae be ever so intimate, unless the farmer use his experience by foresight, he will never be enabled to conduct a farm aright. Both foresight and experience are acquired by observation, though the former is matured by reflection. Observation is open to all farmers, but all do not profit by it. Every farmer may acquire, in time, suflicient experience to conduct a farm in a passable manner ; but many farmers never acquire foresight, because they never reflect, and therefore cannot make their ex- perience tell to the most advantage. Conducting a farm by foresight is thus a higher acquirement than the most intimate knowledge of the mi- nutiae of labor. Foresight cannot be exercised without the assistance of experience ; though the latter may exist independently of the former. As the elements of every art must first be acquired by observation, a know- ledge of the minutiae of labor should be the first subject for acquii-ement by the young farmer. By carefully tracing the connection betwixt com- bined operations and their ultimate ends, he will acquire foresight. The necessity of possessing foresight in an'anging the minutiae of labor, before the young farmer can with confidence undertake the direction of a farm, renders ^ar^wm^ more difficult of acquirement, and a longer time of being acquired, than most other arts. This statement may appear incredi- ble to those who have been accustomed to hear of farming being easily and soon learned by the meanest capacity. No doubt it may be acquired in time, to a certain degree, by all who are capable of improvement by observation and experience ; but, nevertheless, the ultimate ends for which the various kinds of field-work are prosecuted, are involved in obscurity to every learnei*. In most other arts no great space usually elapses between the commencement and completion of the piece of work, and the piece is worked at i^ntil finished. The beginner can thus soon perceive the connec- tion between the minutest portion of the work in which he is engaged, and the object for which it is intended. There is in this no obscurity to per- plex his mind. He is purposely led, by degrees, from the simplest to the most complicated parts of his art, so that his mind is not bewildered at the outset by paiticipating in a multiplicity of works at one time. He thus begins to acquire true experience from the outset. The young farmer has no such advantages in his apprenticeship. There is no simple, easy work, or one object only to engage his attention at first. On the contrary, many minutiae connected with the various works in pro- gress, claim his attention at one and the same time, and if the requisite at- tention to any one of them be neglected for the time, no other opportunity for observing it can occur for a twelvemonth. It is a misfortune to the young farmer, in such circumstances, to be thrown back in his progress by a trifling neglect. He cannot make up his lee-way until after the revolu- tion of a year. And though ever so attentive, he cannot possibly leara to anticipate operations in a shorter time, and therefore cannot possibly un- derstand the drift of a single operation in the first year of his apprentice- ship. The fii'St year is generally spent almost unprofitably, and certainly unsatisfactorily to an inquisitive mind. But attentive observation during the first year will enable him, in the second, to anticipate the successive (6) MEANS OF OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES. operations ere they arrive, and an-ange every minutia of labor as it is re- quired. Many of the events of the first year, which had left no adequate impression of their importance on his memory, crowd upon his observa- tion in the second, as essential components of recognized operations. A familiar recognition of events tends, in a rapid degree, to enlarge the sphere of experience and to inspire confidence in one's o^^•n judgment ; and this quality greatly facilitates the acquisition of foresight. Let it not be imagined by those who have never passed through the perplexing ordeals incident to the first year of farming, that I have de- scribed them in strong colors, in order to induce to the belief that farming is an art more difficult of attainment than it really is. So far is this from being the case, I may safely appeal to the experience of every person who had attained manhood before beginning to learn farming, whether I have not truly depicted his own condition at the outset of his professional ca- reer. So that every young man learning farming must expect to meet v/ith those difficulties. 2. OF THE MEANS OF OVERCOMING THOSE DIFFICULTIES. " We can clear these ambiguities." Romeo and Jitliet. Experience undoubtedly dissipates doubt and removes perplexity ; but experience, though a sure and a safe, is a slow teacher. A whole year must revolve ere the entire labors of a farm can be exhibited in the field, and the young farmer satisfactorily understand wliat he is about ; and a whole year is too much time for most young men to sacrifice. Could the young farmer find a monitor to explain to him, during the first year of his apprenticeship, the purpose for which every operation on a farm is per- formed, — foretell to him the results which every operation is intended to effect, — and indicate to him the relative progress which all the operations should make, from time to time, toward the attainment of their various ends, he would thereby acquire a far greater quantity of professional in- formation, and have greater confidence in its accuracy, than he could pos- sibly obtain for himself in that anxious period of his novitiate. Such a monitor would best be an experienced and intelligent farmer, were he duly attentive to his pupil. Farmers, however, can scarcely bestow so much attention as would be desired by pupils at all times ; because the lapses of time occasioned by necessary engagements, in the fulfilment of which farmers are sometimes obliged to leave home, produce inattention on the part of the farmer ; and inattention and absence combined constitute sad interruptions to tuition, and cannot always be avoided by the most pains- taking farmer. But a hook might be made an efficient assistant-monitor. If expressly written for the purpose, it might not only coiToborate what the farmer inculcated, but serve as a substitute in his temporary absence. In this way tuition might proceed uninterruptedly, and the pupil never want a monitor upon whom he could confidently rely. Were a book, pur- posely so aiTanged, put into the hands of young farmers so circumstanced, the usual deprecations against recommending the acquirement of practical farming from books alone would not here apply. I would give no such counsel to any young farmer ; because books on farming, to be really ser- viceable to the learner, ought not to constitute the arena on which to study farming — the field being the best place for perceiving the fitness of laboi 8 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. to the purposes it is designed to attain — but as monitors for indicating the best modes of management, and showing the way of learning those modes most easily. By these, the practice of experienced farmers might be commtt- nicated and recommended to beginners. By consulting those which had been purposely written for their guidance, while they themselves were carefully ob- serving the daily operations of the farm, the import of labors — which are often intricate, always protracted over con.siderable portions of time, and necessarily separated from each other — would be acquired in a much shortf-r time than if left to be discovered by the sagacity of beginners. It is requisite to explain that, by the phrase " young farjner," I mean the young man who, having finished his scholastic and academical educa- tion, directs his attention, for the first time, to the acquirement of practical fanning ; or who, though bom on a farm, having spent the greater part of his life at school, determines, at length, on following his father's profession. For the latter class of young men, tuition in farming, and infonnation from books, ai'e as requisite as for the former. Those who have constantly seen farming from infancy can never be said to have been young farmers ; for, by the time they are fit to act for themselves, they are proficients in farm- ing. Having myself, for a time, been placed precisely in the position of the first description of young men, I can bear sincere testimony to the truth of the difficulties I have described as having to be encountered in the first year of apprenticeship. I felt that a guide-book would have been an invaluable monitor to me, but none such existed at the time. No doubt it is quite reasonable to expect of the farmer ability to instruct the pupils committed to his charge in a competent manner. This is certainly his duty ; Avhich, if rightly performed, no guide-book would be required by pupils ; but very few farmers who receive pupils undertake the onerous task of instruction. Practical farming they leave the pupils to acquire for themselves in the fields, by imperfect observation and slow experience, as they themselves had pre\"iou6ly done ; theoretical knowledge, very few, if any, are competent to impart. The pupils, being thus very much left to their own application, can scarcely avoid being beset with difficulties, and losing much time. At the same time it must be acknowledged that the practice gained by slow experience is, in the end, the most valuable and enduring. Still, a book on farming, expressly written to suit his circum- stances, might be a valuable instructor to the young fanner ; it might guard him against the difficulties which learners are apt to encounter ; and it would recompense him for loss of time, by imparting sound professional information. Such a book, to be really a useful instructor and correct guide, should, in my estimation, possess these necessary qualifications. Its principal matter should consist of a clear narrative of all the labors of the fann, as they occur in succession ; and it should give the reasons fully for which each piece of work is undertaken. While the principal operations are narrated in this way, the precise method of executing every species of work, whether manual or implemental, should be minutely detailed. The construction of the various implements by which work is performed — the mode of using them — the accidents to which each is liable — should be cir- cumstantially described. A seasonable narrative of the principal opei^a- tions will show the young fanner that fanning is really a systematic bnsi- ness, haAnng a definite object in view, and possessing the means of attain- ing it. The reasons for doing every piece of work in one way, rather than another, will convince him that farming is an art founded on rational and knowTi principles. A description of the implements, and of the method of using them, will give him a closer insight into the nature and fitness of MEANS OF OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES. field-work for attaining its end, than by any other means. A pemsal of these narratives, all having a common object, will impart a more compre- hensive and clearer view of the management of a farm in a given time, than he could acquire by himself from witnessing ever so many isolated operations. The influence of the seasons on all the labors of the field is another consideration which should be attended to in such a book. In preparing the ground, and during the growth of the crops, the labor ap- propriated to each kind of crop terminates for a time, and is not resumed until a fit season an-ive. These periodical cessations from labor form nat- ural epochs in the progress of the crops toward maturity, and afford con- venient opportunities for performing the work peculiarly appropriate to each epoch ; and, since every operation of the farm is made to conform with its season, these epochs correspond exactly with the natural seasons of the year. I say with the natural seasons, in contradistinction to the common yearly seasons, which are entirely conventional. This necessary and opportune agreement between labor and the natural seasons induces a corresponding division of the labors of the farm into four great portions, or seasons, as they are usually termed. Labor should, therefore, be de- scribed with particular reference to its appropriate season. [Reflecting on the preceding chapters with a view to give them practical bearing on our own country, one is led to remark that the struggles which ensued immediately after the establishment of our National Ind?pendcnce, and which had for their object the settlement of the gi-eat working principles of the Constitution, produced intense political excitement throughout the country. Un- fortunately, this rage for politics, dignified in its commencement by great national aims, settled down into a sort of political monomania ; and hence these struggles have become perennial, but with sad degeneracy as to motive. Anxiety about the great administrative principles of the Gov- ernment has been superseded by an abiding and unquenchable thirst for office, for the .sake of offi- cial emolument and power. $-25,000,000 constitute the annual premiums to be contended for and distributed among party competitors, sufficiently numerous and active, and so widely dispersed among the people as to draw off their minds from the practical bearing of public legislation and its indissoluble connection with the landed interest of the country. Thus has it happened that, while the People of the United States — landholders in very large proportion — pay annually, and, as it would seem, willingly, so many millions to provide for military instruction and to maintain mili- tary institutions, little or nothing is done by their Representatives for tlie diffusion of agricultural knowledge, or for the construction of highways or conveniences to develop and improve the in- dustrial reaonrces of the country ! If the people — the cultivators of the soil — would force their legislators to appropriate, for the dis.=emination of agricultural knowledge through all the common schools of the country, one-tenth of that which the landholders now pay for prolonged debates and useless legislation, and for the pay and maintenance of the military machinery of the Government, our young men dosiineil for farming might enter on their career in full posse.ssion of the knnwledge recommended in the pre- ccdi.ig chapters; and such knowledge could not fail to be followed by an immcn.f winter weather upon the crops. The unusual protraction of any of the seasons in which a work should be completed is attended with no risk, except that too fi-equently, from the consciousness of having plenty of time to complete the work, un- necessary delay is permitted, until the succeeding season unexpectedly makes its appearance. In such cases, procrastination is truly the thief of (16) THE CONSTRUCTION OF 17 thne. During the protraction of a season, much time is often wasted in waiting for the arrival of the succeeding one, in which a particular work is most properly finished; but, in a contracted season, a gi-eat part of the work is hun-iedly gone through, and of course slovenly performed. The most perfect field-work is perfoiTned when the agricultural and conven- tional seasons happen to coincide in duration.* The greatest difficulty which the farmer experiences, when first assum- ing the management of a farm, is in distributing and adjusting labor. To accomplish this distribution and adjustment correctly, in reference to the work, and with ease as regards the laborer, a thorough knowledge is re- quisite of the quantity of work that can be performed in a given time by all the instruments of labor, animal and mechanical, usually employed. It is the duty of the young farmer to acquire this knowledge %vith all dili- gence and dispatch ; for a correct distribution of the instruments of labor enables the work to be performed in the most perfect manner in regard to the soil — with the smallest exertion as regards physical force — and with the greatest celerity in regard to time ; and, in the adjustment of those instniments, every one should just perform its own share of work. These essential particulars I shall point out, in their connection with the ■work in hand. In descanting on the distribution of labor, I shall incur the hazard of being prolix rather than superficial. The general reader may dislike the perusal of minute details ; but the ardent student will re- cieve with thankfulness the minutest portion of instruction, especially as he can only otherwise acquire this kind of instruction by long experience. The distribution and adjustment of labor is a branch of farm management that has been entirely overlooked by every writer on systematic Agricul- ture. Constant attention on the part of the young farmer to the minutiae of labor evinces in him that sort of acuteness which perceives the quickest mode of acquiring his profession. The distribution of the larger pieces of work may proceed satisfactorily enough under the skill of ordinary work-people ; but the minuter can best be adjusted by the master or stev/- ard. The larger operations would always be left in a coarse state, were the smaller not to follow, and finish them off neatly. There are many mi- nor operations, unconnected with gi-eater, which should be skillfully per- formed for the sake of their own results ; and they should be so arranged as to be pei^formed with neatness and dispatch. Many of them are fre- quently performed concurrently Avith the larger operations ; and, to avoid confusion, both their concun-ent labors should harmonize. Many of the minuter operations are confined to the tending of live-stock, and the vari- ous works performed about the farmstead. Attention to minutife consti- tuting the chief difference betwixt the neat and careless fanner, I have be- [* Every young farmer may lay it down as a good rule to endeavor in all his work to be a lit- tle before the best manager in his neighborhood, " Drive your work or your work will drive you," eays Dr. Franklin, and "Time enough always proves little enough." The best way. as a general rule, and which is a cardinal one with all successful farmers, is to begin early — get yonr land in the most perfect tilth — plant and sow as early as the season will admit, but let nothing tempt j-on to plow stiff or clay land when wet enough to bake into clods — endeavor to be the first to harvest and house your crops, and then prepare and send them at once to market, and sell them for the best price you can get. By that means you keep your work before you, avoid much mor- tification, and save your crop from waste and depredation by rats that gnaw, and thieves that " break in and steal." N. B. — It is doubtful if any farmer ever yet lost anything by catting his tekeat too early and too green — not that it could not be done, but probably never is done — while millions have been lost by leaving it too long in the field Ed. Farm. Lib.] (17) a 18 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. Btowed due consideration on them. They form another particular which has been too much overlooked by systematic writers on Agriculture, Implements of husbandry may be considered the right hand of the farmer; because, without their aid, he could not display the skill of his art. Modem mechanical skill has effected much by the improvement of old, and the invention of new implements. Modifications of constniction and unusual combinations of parts are frequently attempted by mechanics ; and, though many such attempts issue in failure, they nevertheless tend to divulge new combinations of mechanical action. It is desirable that all mechanists of implements should understand practical Agriculture, and all farmers study the principles of mechanics and the construction of machines, so that their conjoined judgment and skill might be exercised in testing the practical utiUty of implements. When unacquainted with farming, mechanists are apt to construct implements that are obviously unsuited to the work they are intended to execute ; but having been put together after repeated alterations, and, probably, at considerable expense, the makers endeavor to induce those farmers who are no adepts at mechanics to give them a trial. After some unsatisfactory trials they are thrown aside, — Were farmers acquainted with the principles of mechanics, the discrimi- nation which such knowledge would impart would, through them, form a barrier against the spread of implements of questionable utility, and only those find circulation which had been proved to be simple, strong, and ef- ficient,* It may be no easy matter to contrive implements possessing all those desirable quahties ; but, as they are much exposed to the weather, and the gi-ound upon which they have to act being ponderous and uncouth, it is necessary they should be of simple construction. Simplicity of con- struction, however, has its useful limits. Most farm operations being of themselves simple, should be performed with simple implements ; and all the primary operations, which are simple, requiring considerable power, the implements executing them should also be strong ; but operations that are comphcated, though stationary, require to be performed with compar- atively complicated machinery, which, being stationary, maybe used with- out derangement. Operations that are both complicated and locomotive should be performed with implements producing complicated action by simple means, in order to avoid derangement of their constituent parts. — This last is a difficult, if not impossible problem, to solve in practical me- chanics. The common plow approaches more nearly to its practical so- lution than any other implement ; yet that truly wonderful implement, ex- ecuting difficult work by simple means, should yet be so modified in con- struction as to permit the plowman to wield it with gi-eater ease. These considerations tend to show that the form and construction of implements of husbandry, and the circumstances in which they may be used, are still subjects affording ample scope upon which mechanical skill can exercise itself Implements have not received in works on Agriculture that considera- tion which their importance demands. The figures of them have been made by draftsmen who have evidently had no accurate conception of the [* Who can deny that the principles of Mechanics, as far as all agricultural machinery is con- cerned, ought to take the place of some other things on which so much time is bestowed in all our country schools ? Should any boy, who is to be a farmer, come to the possession of his estate without having been made to understand the principles of action — for example, of the wedge, the screw, the inclined plane, and the lever 1 How plainly such principles are illustrated by men of science, and how easily they may be comprehended by the commonest capacity, may be seen in the December and January (1845-6) Numbers of the Monthly Journal of Agriculture. Ed. Farm. Lib.] (18) THE CONSTRUCTION OF 19 functions of their constituent parts. The descriptions given of those con- stituent parts are generally meager, and not unfrequently eiToneous ; and as to the best mode of using implements, and the accidents to which they are liable, one would never discover that there was any peculiarity in the one, or liability to the other. In order to avoid both these classes of errors, much care has been bestowed in this work in delineating the fig- ures, and giving descriptions of all the implements requisite for conduct- ing a farm. To ensure accuracy in these respects, I consider myself fortunate in having acquired the assistance of 5lr. James Slight, Curator of the Ma- chines and Models in the Museum of the Highland and Agricultural Soci- ety of Scotland, whose high qualifications as a describer and maker of machines are duly appreciated in Scotland. His son George, yet a very young man, is a beautiful delineator of them, as the drawings of the cuts and engravings in the work amply testify. And having myself paid close attention to the applicability of most of the implements used in farm oper- ations, I have undertaken to describe the mode of using them — to state the quantity of work which each should perfomi, the accidents to which each is liable, and the precautions which should be used to avoid accidents. With our united efforts, I have confidence of giving such an expose of farm implements as will surpass every other work of the kind. We have the advantage of having the field to ourselves. To assist the right understand- ing of the implements, they are represented by figures. So much for the practical, and now for the scientific portion of the work. Agriculture may, perhaps, ti-uly be considered one of the experimental sciences, as its principles are, no doubt, demonstrable by the test of ex- periment, although farmers have not yet been able to deduce principles from practice. It is remarkable that very few scientific men have, as yet, been induced to subject agricultural practice to scientific research ; and those of them who have devoted a portion of their time to the investiga- tion of its principles have impaited little or no satisfactory information on the subject. This unfortunate result may probably have arisen from the circumstance that Agiiculture has so intimate a relation to every physical science that, until all those relations are first investigated, no sufficient data can be offered for a satisfactoiy scientific explanation of its practice. The difficulty of the investigation is, no doubt, much enhanced by hus- bandry being usually jDursued as a purely practical art, because the facil- ity of thus pursuing it successfully renders practical men indifferent to Sci- ence. They consider it unnecessary to burden their minds with scientific research, while practice is sufficient for their pui-pose. Could the man of practice, however, supply the man of science with a series of accurate ob- servations on the leading operations of the farm, the principles of those operations might be much elucidated ; but I conceive the greatest obsta- cle to the advancement of scientific Agi-iculture is to be sought for in the unacquaintance of men of science with practical Agriculture. Would the man of science become acquainted with practice, much greater advance- ment in scientific Agriculture might be expected than if the practical man were to become a man of science, because men of science are best capa- ble of conducting scientific research, and, being so qualified, could best understand the relation which their investigations bore to practice ; and, until the relation betwixt principles and practice is well understood, sci- entific researches, though perhaps important in themselves, and interest- ing in their results, tend to no practical utility in Agriculture. In short, until the facts of husbandry be acquired by practice, men of science will ^ THE BOOK OF THE FARM. in vain endeavor to construct a satisfactory theory of Agriculture on the principles of the inductive philosophy. If this view of the present position of the science of Agriculture be correct, it may be expected to remain in a state of quiescence until men of science become practical agriculturists, or, what would still prolong its state of dormancy, until farmers acquire scientific knowledge. It is a pity to damp the ardor of scientific pursuit where it is found to exist ; but, from what I have observed of the scanty services science has hitherto con- feiTed on Agiiculture, and knowing the almost helpless dependency of farming on the seasons, I am reluctantly impelled to the belief that it is less in the power of science to benefit Agriculture, than the sanguine ex- pectations of many of its true friends would lead farmers to beheve. It is -^Tono^ to doubt the power of science to assist Agiiculture materially ; and it is possible, in this age of successful art, that an unexpected dis- covery in science may yet throw a flood of light on the path of the hus- bandman ; but I am pretty sure, unless the man of science become also the practical husbandman, it will be difficult, if not impossible, for him to discover which department of the complicated ait of husbandry is most accessible to the research of science. Hitherto, as it appears to me. Agriculture has derived little benefit from the sciences, notwithstanding its obvious connection with many of them. A short review of the relation which the physical sciences bear to Agi-i- culture will render this opinion more reasonable. In the first place, the action of the electric agency in the atmosphere and on vegetation is yet as little understood in a practical sense as in the days of Franklin and of Ellis. No doubt, the magnetic and electric influences are now nearly identified ; but the mode of action of either, or of both, in producing and regulating atmospherical phenomena, is still ill understood ; and, so long as obscurity exists in regard to the influence of their elementary princi- ples, the history of atmospherical phenomena cannot advance, and the an- ticipations of atmospherical changes cannot be trusted. Geologists, at first engaged in ascertaining the relative positions of the harder rocks composing the crust of the earth, have only of late years di- rected their attention to the investigation of the more recent deposits ; but, even with these, they have afforded no assistance in the classification of ■natural soils and subsoils. They have never yet explained the origin of a surface-soil, almost always thin, though differing in thickness, over sub- soils composed of different kinds of deposits. They have never yet ascer- tained the position and structure of subsoil deposits, so as to inform the farmer whether land would be most effectually drained with drains nin- Tiing parallel with, or at right angles to, the courses of valleys and rivers. Systematic botany can only be useful to Agriculture in describing the natural plants which are indigenous to different soils. Botanists have suc- cessfully shown the intimate relation subsisting betwixt plants and the soils on which they grow ; but much yet remains to be ascertained of the relation betwixt different soils and trees, and the effects of different sub- soils on the same kind of tree. Planting cannot be pursued on fixed prin- ciples, if planters are unacquainted with this knowledge ; and, until a fixed and generally received classification of soils and subsoils is deter- mined on, it is impossible to comprehend, by description, what particular soil or soils the plants referred to affect. Botanical physiology has developed many remarkable phenomena, and explained most of the important functions of plants — investigations which tend to give a clearer insight into the growth of crops. In this depart- ment of science, too much discussion to be of benefit to Agriculture has, (20) THE CONSTRUCTION. OP 21 as I conceive, been expended on what really constitutes the food of plants. Whether the food is taken up by the plant in a gaseous, a solid, or a liquid state, may in itself be a very interesting inquiry, but it tends to no utility in Agriculture so long as no manures are supplied to crops in a gaseous or liquid state. All that can practically be done in supplying food to plants, is to observe the increased quantity of their secretions in a given condition from an increased given quantity of manure. Thus may the increased quantities of mucilage, farina, gluten, in the various culti- vated plants, be observed. It is of little moment to the farmer whether the manure administered is taken up by the crops in a gaseous, liquid, or solid state, since all these secretions are elaborated fi-om the same ma- nure. The anatomical structure of plants, the situations, soils, and ma- nures which crops affect, the secretions which they elaborate, and the prolificacy and value of their products, are the results that most interest the farmer; and, if botanical physiologists desii-e to benefit Agi-iculture they must direct their attention to the emendation and increase of products. Again, the results from the cross impregnation of plants of the same kind, so as to produce valuable permanent varieties, may confer as valuable a; boon on Agriculture as the successful crossings of different breeds of live- stock have already conferred by increasing their value. Many varieties of plants having their origin in this way have been brought into notice, and some are now established and extensively cultivated ; but most of the varieties in use have been obtained fi-om casual impregnations effected by Nature herself, and not by the efforts of man to obtain varieties possess- ing superior properties, as in the case of the domesticated animals. Thus botanical physiology might confer great benefit on Agriculture, if its views were directed to increasing the prolificacy of valuable plants al- ready in cultivation, and inti-oducing others that would withstand the modes of culture and changes of climate incidental to this country. But there is one view in which botanical physiology may be of use to Agriculture, and that is, in ascertaining correctly the nature, properties, and relative values of plants. To show the importance of such an inves- tigation, a case may here be specified. A variety of rye-gi-ass, called Italian, has been lately introduced into this country. It is found to be a very free grower in this climate ; and it is highly acceptable to all kinds of live-stock, whether in a gieen or dried state. Could this grass be ren- dered certainly perennial, it would be an invaluable acquisition to the pas- tures of this country. Its character, however, is rather capricious, for in some places it disappears after two years' cultivation, while in others it displays undiminished vigor of gi'owth for four or five years, and may per- haps continue so to do for an indefinite period of time. Judging by these various results, it is probable that there is more than one variety of the plant, and distinguishing varieties seem to be known to foreigners. Keep- ing in view the existence of varieties, if different varieties were affected differently by the same locality, there would be nothing in the phenome- non to excite surprise ; but when the same variety, derived from the same stock, and placed in similar circumstances, exhibits different instances of longevity, there must be characteristics of the plant still unknown to culti- vators. In this dilemma, the assistance of the botanical physiologist would be desirable to discover those latent characteristics. It would be desirable to know the conditions that regulate the existence of plants into permanent and temporary varieties — a property of plants at present involved in mystery. Hitherto, no practical explanation of the subject has been proffered to the farmer; and so long as he shall be permitted to discover the true properties of plants for himself, 22 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. botanical physiology cannot be regarded by him as of much use to Agriculture. The Italian rye-gprass exhibits in its nature en anomaly that no other variety of rye-grass does. The annual rye-grass, as it is commonly called, is seldom seen in the ground, even to the extent of a few plants, in any kind of soil, and under any treatment, after the second year ; and the perennial is as seldom observed to fail in any circumstances, except when it may have been too closely cropped by sheep to the gi'ound too late in autumn, when it generally dies off in the following spi'ing. But the Ital- ian may be annual or perennial in the same circumstances. Farmers can- not account for such an anomaly. High condition of good soil may tend to prolong, while the opposite state of poor soil may tend to shorten, its existence. But 2vhy those circumstances should not produce the same effects on all varieties of rye-grass, it is for science to explain. Entomology might be made to sei-ve Agiiculture more than it has yet done. In this department of science farmers might greatly assist the en- tomologist, by observing the minute, but varied and interesting, habits of insects. The difficulty of comprehending the true impulses of insects, as well as of identifying species in the different states of transformation, render the obsei-vations of farmers less exact than those of entomologists who have successfully studied the technicalities of the science. The field of observation in the insect creation being very wide, and there being comparatively but few explorers in it, a large portion of a man's life would be occupied in merely observing species and their habits, and a much larger in forming general deductions from repeated observ'ation. The re- sult would be, were farmers to study entomology, that a long period must elapse ere the habits of even the most common destructive insects, and the marks of their identity, would become familiarized to them. In conse- quence of this obstacle to the study of the farmer, the obligation ought to be the greater to those entomologists who daily obser\'e the habits of in- sects in the fields and woods, and simplify their individual characteristics; and at the same time devise plans to evade their extensive ravages, and recommend simple and effective means for their destniction. The Eng- lish farmer, living in a climate congenial to the development of insect life, painfully experiences their destructiAO powers on crops and woods ; and, although in England entomologists are ever vigilant and active, yet their efforts easily to overcome the tenacity of insect life, with a regard to the safety of the plant, have hitherto proved unavailing.* Chemistiy is somehow imagined to be the science that can confer the ["Writers on Entomology, though they have described the structure and habits of insects, have probably done little to prevent their ravages. The mischief done by the Hessian Fly has been mitigated by the labors of those vi'hose studies have enabled them to indicate the period of their nidification, or egg-laying ; and thus teaching the farmer to delay bis time of sowing — whereby, however, his crop is necessarily diminished. But it does not follow that because a knowledge of the physiology and habits of insects may lead to no practical remedy against their ravages, that their natura' history should not be studied. All such studies form a part, and an elegant part too, of agricultural literature, and deserve, therefore to be cultivated by every country gentleman. KoLLAR on the Insects injurious to Farmers and Gardeners, and Harris on the Insects injuri- ous to Vegetation in Massachusetts, ought assuredly to form a part of every farmer's library. There are books enough of the most entertaining character, closely allied to his own profession, sufficient to beguile and improve every leisure hour the country gentleman can command, and it behooves every farmer to supply them to his sons. The time is coming, may we not hope, when to be a good farmer will carry with it the presumption of being a man of various and ele- gant, as well as of practical knowledge — when the agriculturist, ceasing to be a mere empiric, will know as well the why and the wherefore as the how and the when. The foundation fof all this, it cannot be too often repeated, must be laid in our schools. Ed, Farm. Lib.\ (22) THE CONSTRUCTION OF 23 greatest benefits on Agriculture. This opinion seems confirmed in the minds of most writers and agriculturists, and especially the English, most probably from the circumstance of an eminent chemist having been the first to undertake the explanation of agricultural practice on strictly sci- entific principles. Sir Humphry Davy has, no doubt, been the cause of bestowing on that science the character, whose influence was imagined to be more capable of benefiting Agriculture than its eulogists have since been able to establish. He endeavored to explain Avith great acuteness many of the most familiar phenomena of Agriculture, when in possession of very limited acquaintance with practical facts ; and the result has been, that while his own chemical researches have confeiTed no practical bene- fit on Agriculture — his conclusions being in collision with practice — the field of observation and experiment which he explored and traversed has since been carefully avoided by succeeding chemists, in the conviction, no doubt, that wherein he failed they were not likely to succeed. The idea seemed never to have struck them that Sir Humphry had attempted to enforce a connection betwixt Chemistry and Agi-iculture which both were incapable of maintaining. Viewing the relation betwixt them merely in a practical point of view, I can see no veiy obvious connection betwixt tilling the soil and forcing crops by manure for the support of man and beast — which is the chief end of Agriculture — and ascertaininfj the con- stituent parts of material bodies, organic and inorganic — which is the principal business of Chemistry. A knowledge of the constituent parts of soils, or plants, or manures, now forms a necessary branch of general chemical education, but liow that knowledge can improve agricultural practice, has never yet been practically demonstrated. No doubt, Chem- istiy informs us that plants will not vegetate in pure earths, and that those earths constitute the principal basis of all soils ; but as pure earths are never found in soils in their ordinary state, farmers can have no chance of raising crops on them. It maybe true, as Chemistry intimates, that plants imbibe their food only when in a state of solution ; but what avails this fact to Agi-iculture, if fact it be, when manures are only applied in a solid state ] It may be quite ti'ue, as Chemistry declares, that plants can- not supply, from their composition, any substance they have not previ- ously derived fi-om the air, earth, or decomposed organic matter ; but of what practical use to Agriculture is this declaration, as long as farmers successfully raise every variety of crop from the same manure? Chemis- try may be quite coiTect in its views with regard to all these particulars, but so is practice, and yet both are very far from agi'eeing ; and as long as this Constitutes the only sort of information that Chemistry affords, it is unimportant to the farmer. He wishes to be shown hotv to render the soil more fertile, manures more effective, and crops more prolific, by the practical application of chemical principles. There are many writers, I am convinced, who recommend the study of Chemistry to farmers little acquainted with the true objects of chemical research, and not much more with practical Agriculture. At all events, they expatiate, only in vague generalities, on the advantages of analyzing soils, manures, &c. but do not attempt to demonstrate liow any practice of husbandry may certainly be improved by the suggestions of Chemistry. The truth is, until chemists become thoroughly acquainted Avith agricul- tural facts, they cannot see the bearings of chemical principles on agricul- tural practice, any more than the most uncouth farmer ; and until they prove the farmer's practice in any one instance wrong, and are certatn of its being put right by their suggestions, there is no use of lauding Chem- istry as a paramount science for Agriculture. 24 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. In this view of the science, I would rather underrate the ability of Chemistry to benefit Agriculture than excite the fallacious hopes of the farmer by extolling it with undue praise. At the same time, were a chemist to recommend suggestions promising a favorable issue, that might tend to excite a well-grounded hope in chemical assistance, and I am sure the suggestions would even be fairly tried by farmers who entertain pretty strong suspicions against science. If, for example, on carefully analyzing a plant in common culture, it was found to contain an ingredient which it could not obviously have derived from the manure or the soil, were a sug- gestion made to mix a quantity of that particular ingiedient with the soil or manure, it would at once be cheerfully put to the test of experiment by farmers. If, on the other hand, were the same chemist to suggest making heavy clay land friable by the mechanical admixture of sand, the physical impracticability of the proposal would at once convince the farmer that the chemist had no adequate notion of farm work. And yet propositions as absurd as this have frequently been suggested to farmers by writers who are continually maintaining the ability of Chemistiy to benefit Agriculture. But let me appeal to facts — to ordinary experience. I am not aware of a single agricultural practice that has been adopted from the suggestions of Chemistry. I am not speaking unadvisedly while making this unquaUfied statement. In truth, I do not know a single operation of the farm that has not originated in sheer practice. But is it not somewhat unreasonable to expect improvement in agricultural prac- tice, and still more, an entirely improved system of Agriculture, from the suggestions of Chemistry % Some chemical results may appear to bear analogy to certain operations of the farm, such as the preparation of ma- nures ; but such analogies, being chiefly accidental, are of themselves in- sufiicient grounds upon which to recommend chemical affinity as the prin- ciple which ought to regulate a system of practically mechanical opera- tions. How can the most familiar acquaintance with the chemical con- stituents of all the substances found on a farm, suggest a difi'erent mode of making them into manure, inasmuch as practice must first pronounce the treatment to be an improvement, before it can really be an improve- ment, whatever Chemistry may suggest ] Besides, Chemistry, with all its knowledge of the constituent parts of substances, cannot foretell, more confidently than practice, the results of the combinations \\nth the soil, of the substances analyzed among themselves, and the combined effects of these and the soil upon cultivated plants. I am aware that hints may be suggested by science which may prove beneficial to practice ; but unless they accord with the nature of the practice to which they are proposed to be applied, they are certain of proving unserviceable. Many hints thrown out at random have frequently been put to the test of experiment ; but to experimtntize on hints is quite a different thing in farming from that sort of farming which is proposed to be entirely based on theoretical sugges- tions, whether of Chemistry or of any other science. For these reasons, I conceive. Chemists would be more usefiilly em- ployed in following than in attempting to lead practical Agriculture. If it were practicable, it would certainly be very desirable for the farmer to be assured" that his practice was in accordance with chemical principles ; if, for example, it could be explained on chemical principles why a certain class of soils is better suited to a certain kind of crop than other classes, and why animal manure is better suited than vegetable to a certain kind of crop ; when Chemistry shall explain why certain results are obtained by practice, it will accomplish much, it will elucidate that which was be- fore obscure in principle. Were chemists to confine the first stage of (24) Library N. C. S^a e College THE CONSTRUCllON OF 25 their investigations of agricultural matters to this extent, farmers would be much gratified with the assurance of their practice being in unison with the principles of chemical science ; and this would tend more than any other circumstance to inspire them with confidence in the utility of that science. This is the position which Chemistry, in my opinion, should oc- cupy in relation to Agriculture ; for how successful soever it may be in assisting other arts, such as dyeing, soap-making, and ink-making, it as- sists them both by synthesis and analysis ; whereas it can only investigate agricultural subjects by analysis, because every substance employed in Agriculture, especially a manure, is used by farmers in the state it is found in the markets, without reference to its chemical constituent parts ; and, when used, should an analytical or synthetical process go on among those parts, or with the soil, with which they are intimately brought into con- tact, the process going on in the soil would charge the chemical compo- sition of the whole, and place them beyond the reach of chemical research. The investigation of the soil after the removal of the crop might then be curious, but nothing more.* In this investigation the farmer,, the vegeta- ble physiologist, and the chemist, would all disagree as to the extent of the influence exercised by the favorite substance of each in producing the [* In all these views we cannot agree, bat the author would seem to be supported in them by David Law, Esq. Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh, who says in refer- ence to the use of chemistry in analyzing soils, " The chemist may draw useful conclu.sions from a careful analysis of the matter of the soil, and may from time to time be able to communicate re- sults that may be serviceable to the practical farmer ; but it is not necessary for the ends of prac- tice that the farmer himself should be a chemist. The farmer cannot arrive at the science of mineral analysis, without a knowledge of chemistry and the business of the laboratory, which he can rarely acquire, and which it is in no degree necessary to his success as a farmer that he should be pos.^^essed of" Mr. Coi.MAN. too, whose judgment and zeal in the cause of education and science as applied to Agriculture are so well known, seems to think the actual importance of chemistry, in its connec- tion with that pursuit, so far, has been overrated. He says " the application of sulphuric acid to bones seems as yet to be the only case of the application of chemical science to the improve- ment of Agriculture upon scientific principles, and this affords strong grounds to hope for much more." In relation to agricultural schools, Mr. Colman's Report may be read with profit. One ought to take for granted that it, too, will be in all our country schools. On the principle that the Fa- ther who wished to beget in his sons a capacity for labor, told them he had buried his treasure in the garden, without telling the spot, leaving them to dig it all over, we recommend the reader not to adopt, in extenso, the opinions of these two distinguished authors, until he shall have read carefully Davy and Boussingault and Liebigand Petzholdt and John.stone, and then form his own judgment. Surely every young Farmer .should know enough of chemistry to be able, as he may by a very simple process, to analyze his own soil that he may know in what most important ingredients it is redundant or deficient, to the end that having learned from analysis made by pro- fessional chemists the ingredients which make the necessary food for certain crops, he may be able to supply such as are needful in the soil, or to avoid the expense of applying others, in •which he finds his land to be redundant. Mr. Colman, in his personal observations on European Agriculture, vol. 1, part 3, gives us the best accounts of the practical working and benefit of Ag- ricultural schools in Ireland, and of the one then about to be established at Cirencester, England. Referring to the school at Larne, he says : " It was from this establishment that a detachment of five pupils was sent for examination to the great meeting of the Agricultural Society of Scotland the last autumn, where their attain- ments created a great sensation, and produced an impression, on the subject of the importance of agricultural education, which is likely to lead to the adoption of some universal system on the Bubject. _ " I shall transcribe the account given of the occasion : ' Five boys from the school at i,ame ■were introduced ufthe meeting, headed by their teacher. They seemed to belong to the better class of peasantry, being clad in homely garbs ; and they appeared to be from twelve to htteen years of age. They were examined, in the first instance, by the inspector of schools, m gram- mar, geography, and arithmetic ; and scarcely a single question did they fail to answer correcUy. They were then examined, by an agricultural professor, in the scientific branches, and by two (25) 26 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. crop. In settlinor the question, however, the farmer would have the same advantage over his rivals, in taking possession of the crop as the reward of his 2)ractical skill, as the lawyer who, in announcing the judgment of the court to two contending parties, gave a shell to each, and kept the oys- ter to himself. Of all the sciences, mechanics have proved the most useful to Agricul- tui-e. If implements may be characterized as the right hand of Agricul- ture, mechanical science, in impro\*ing their form and construction, may be said to have given cunning to that right hand; for, mechanical science, testinsT the sti-ength of materials, both relatively and absolutely, employs no more material in implements than is sufficient to overcome the force of resistance, and it induces to the discovery of that form which overcomes resistance with the least power. Simplicity of consti-uction, beauty of form of the constituent parts, mathematical adjustment, and symmetrical proportion of the whole machine, are now the characteristics of our im- plements ; and it is the fault of the hand that guides them, if field-work is not now dextei'ously, neatly, and quickly performed. In sapng thus much for the science that has improved our implements to the state they now are, when compared with their state some years ago, I am not aver- ring they are quite perfect. They are, however, so far perfect as to be correct in mechanical principle, and light in operation, though not yet simple enough in construction. No doubt many may yet be much simpli- fied in consti-uction ; and I consider the machinist who simplifies the ac- tion of any usefiil implement, thereby rendering it less liable to derange- ment, does a good sen-ice to Agriculture as the inventor of a new and useful implement. These are the principles which determine the an-angement adopted in this book. In applying these principles, as the seasons supremely rule the destiny of every farming operation, so to them is given full sway over the whole arrangement. This is accomplished by describing every operation in the season it should be performed, and this condition necessarily implies the subdivision of the arrangement into four seasons. Authors of Farm- ers' Calendars divide their subject-matter into calendar or fixed months, being apparently inattentive to the infuences of the seasons. Such an ar- rangement cannot fail to create confusion in the minds of young farmers; as any operation that is directed to be done in any month, may not ip ev- ery year, be performed in the same month, on account of the fluctuating nature of the seasons. In adoptinor the seasons as the great dirisor of the labors of the farm, the months which each season occupies are not specified by name, because the same season does not occupy the same number of months, nor even exactly the same months, in every year. The same work, however, is per- formed in the same season every year, though not, perhaps, in the same month or months. In arranging the seasons themselves, the one which commences the ag- ricultural year, which is Winter, has the precedence. The rest follow in the natural succession of Spring, Summer, and Autumn ; in which last all farming operations, haring finished their annual circuit, finally terminate. A few remarks, illustrative of its nature, and the work performed in it, are practical farmers in the practical departments of Aerriculture. Their acquaintance with these ■was alike delii-'hlful and astonishin?. They detailed the chemical constitution of the soil and the effect of manures, the land best fitted for ereen crops, the different kinds of gr^n, the dairy, and the Bystem of rotation of crops. Many of these answers required considerable exercise of re- flection ; and as previous concert between themselves and the gentiemen who examined them \raa out of the question, their acquirements seemed to take the meeting by surprise ; at the same time they afforded the utmost satisfaction, as evincing how much couW be done by a proper sys- tem of training.'" (26) THE CONSTRUCTION OF 27 given at the commencement of each season. By comparing these intro- ductory remarks, one with the others, the nature of the principal opera- tions throughout the year may be discovered ; and, by perusing them in succession as they follow, an epitome of the entire farm operations for thn year may be obtained. Throughout the four seasons, from the commencement of winter to the end of autumn, the operations of the farm, both great and small, are de- scribed in a continued narrative. This narrative is printed in the larger type (long primer). The reader will soon discover that this narrative does not extend uninteiTuptedly through the whole pages — portions of smaller type (brevier) intervening, and apparently inten-upting it. On passing over the small type, it will be perceived that it is really written, and may be perused without interruption. The object of this plan is to per- mit the necessary descriptions of all the operations, performed in succes- sion throughout the year, to be read in the large type, to the exclusion of every other matter that might distract the attention of the reader from the principal subject. A peristrephic view, so to speak, of the entire opera- tions of the fann is thus obtained. The leading operations, forming the principal subjects of the narrative, are distinguished by appropriate titles in CAPITALS placed across the middle of the page. The titles are num- bered, and constitute, in the aggregate, a continuous succession, running through all the seasons. The leading operations thus easily attract the eye. Wood-cut figures of implements, and other objects, requiring node- tailed descriptions, and representing at once their form and use, are in- serted in the paragraph which alludes to thein in the narrative. Implements that require detailed descriptions to explain, and compli- cated figures to represent them ; reasons for prefemng one mode to an- other of doing the same kind of work ; and explanations of agricultural practice on scientific principles — together constituting the subsidiary por- tion of the work — are given in paragraphs in the medium-sized type (bre- vier), and this matter is that which apparently interrupts the principal narrative. Each paragraph is numbered within parentheses, the same as in the principal narrative, and these paragi-aphs cany on the numbers arithmetically with the paragraphs of the principal naiTative. When ref- erences are made from the large to the small type, they are made in cor- responding numerals. The words most expressively characteristic of the illustration contained in the paragraph are placed in italics at or near the beginning of it. Marking all the parag^-aphs with numerals greatly facilitates the finding out of any subject alluded to — saves repetition of descriptions when the same operation is performed in different seasons — and furnishes easy ref- erence to subjects in the index. Wood-cut figures of the intricate implements and other objects requir- ing detailed descriptions, are placed among the descriptions of them in the brevier type. The portraits of the animals given are intended to illus- trate the points required to be attended to in the breeding of the domesti- cated animals. The portraits are taken from life by eminent artists. The wood-cuts are enumerated as they occur in the order of succession, whether they belong to the large or the small type, and each wood-cut is desig- nated by its distinctive appellation — both the numeral and appellative be- ing requisite for quick and easy reference. The matter in the small type appears somewhat like foot-notes in ordi- nary books ; but, in this instance, it differs in character from foot-notes, m- asmuch as it occurs in unbroken pages at the end of the description of ev- ery leading operation. By this plan the principal narrative is not inter- 28 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. fered with, and both it and its illustrations may be perused before the suc- ceeding leading operation and its illustrations are taken into consideration. This plan has the advantage of relieving the principal nairative of heavy foot-notes — the perusal of which, when long, not only seriously interrupts the thread of the naiTative, but causes the leaves gone over to be turned back again ; both interferences being serious drawbacks to the pleasant perusal of any book. Foot-notes required either for the principal narrative or illustrations are distinguished by the usual marks, and printed at the bottom of the page in the smallest type used in this work. The paragi'aphs containing the matter supplied by Mr. Slight are en- closed within brackets (thus, [ ]), and attested by his initials, J. S. [The additions by John S. Skinner are designated by his title of " Ed- itar of the Farmers^ hihraryj^^ 5. OF THE EXISTING METHODS OF LEARNING PRACTICAL HUS- BANDRY. "I have vowed to hold the plow for her sweet love three year." Love's Labob Lost. 1 HAVE hinted that there are three states, in one of which the young farmer will be found when beginning to learn his profession. One is when he himself is bom and brought up on a farm, on which, of course, he may acquire a knowledge of farming intuitively, as he would his mother tongue. Another is when he goes to school in boyhood, and remains there until ready to embark in the active business of farming ; the impressions of his younger years will become much effaced, and he will require to renew his acquaintance with farming as he would of a language that he had forgot- ten. Young men thus early grounded generally make the best farmers, because the gieat secret of knowing practical fanning consists in bestow- ing particular attention on minor operations, which naturally present themselves to the youthful mind before it can pei'ceive the use of general principles. Farmers so brought up seldom fail to increase their capital ; and, if their education has been superior to their rank in life, frequently succeed in improving their status in society. It is to the skillful conduct and economical management of fanners so situated, that Scotland owes the high station she occupies among the agricultural nations of the world. The third state in which the learning of fanning is requisite is when a young man who has been educated and entirely brought up in a town, or perhaps passed his boyhood in the country, but may have bestowed little attention on farming, wishes to learn it as his profession. In either of these cases, it is absolutely necessary for him to learn it practically on a farm ; for total ignorance of his business, and entire dependence on the skill and integiity of his servants, will soon involve him in pecuniary diffi- culties. To meet the wishes of seekers of agricultural knowledge, there are farmers who receive pupils as boarders, and undertake to teach them practical husbandry. The chief inducement, as I conceive, which at first prompts young men who have been nurtured in towns to adopt farming as a profession, is an undefined desire to lead a country life. The desire ofien originates in this way. Most boys spend a few weeks in the country during the school (28) METHODS OF LEARNING PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY. 29 vacation in summer, on a visit to relations, friends, or school companions. To them the period of vacation is a season of true enjoyment. Free of the task — in the possession of unbounded liberty — untiammeled by the restraints of time, and partaking of sports new to them and solely apper- taining to the country, they receive impressions of a state of happiness which are ever after identified with a country life. They regret the pe- riod of return to school — leave the scene of those enjoyments with reluc- tance — and conceive that their happiness would be perpetual, Avere their hearts Avedded to the objects that captivated them. Hence the dehire to return to those scenes. It is conducive to the promotion of Agriculture that young birds of for- tune are thus occasionally ensnared by the love of rural life. They bring capital into the profession ; or, at all events, it will be forthcomino- when the scion of his father's house has made up his mind to become a farmer. Besides, these immigrations into farms are requisite to supply the places of farmers who retire or die out. Various motives operate tobring farms into the market. Sons do not always follow their father's profession, or there may not be a son to succeed, or he may die, or choose another kind of life, or may have experienced ill treatment at home, or been guilty of errors which impel him to quit the paternal roof. For these drains, a sup- ply must flow from other quarters to maintain the equilibrium of agricul- tural industiy. This young race of men, converted into practical farmers, being generally highly born and well educated, assume at once a superior status in, and improve the tone of, rural society. Though they may amass no large fortunes, they live in good style. In the succeeding generation, another change takes place. Unless he is well provided with a patrimony, the son seldom succeeds his father in the farm. The father finds he can- not give the farm free of burdens to one son in justice to the rest of the family. Rather than undertake to liquidate such a burden by means of a farm — that is, from land that is not to be his OAvn — the son wisely relin- quishes farming, which, in these circumstances, would be to him a life of pecuniary thralldom. The young man who wishes to learn farming practically on a farm, should enter upon his task at the end of harvest, as immediately after that the preparatory operations commence for raising the next year's crop ; and that is the season, therefore, which begins the noAv-year of fanning. He should provide himself Avith an ample stock of stout clothing and shoes, capable of repelling cold and rain, and so made as to ansAver at once for Avalking and riding. From the outset, he must make up his mind to encounter all the difficulties I have described under the first head. Formidable as they may seem, I encourage him Avith the assurance that it is in his power to overcome them all. The most satisfactory way of overcoming them is to resolve to learn his business in a truly practical manner. Merely being domiciled on a farm is not of itself a sufficient means of OA-ercoming them, for the advantages of residence maybe squan- dered aAvay in idleness, by fi-equent absence, by spending the hours of work in the house in light reading, or by casual and capricious attendance on field operations. Such habits must be eschoAved, before there can be a true desire to become a practical farmer. Every operation, whether important or trifling, should be personally attended to, as there is none but what tends to produce an anticipated result. Attention alone can ren- der them familiar ; and, without a familiar acquaintance lyith every opera- tion, the management of a farm need never be undertaken. Muc\ assistance in promoting this attention should not be expected from the farmer. No doubt it is his duty to communicate all he knows to (29) 30 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. his pupils ; and, as I believe, most are willing to do so ; but, as efficient tuition implies constant attendance on work, the fanner himself cannot constantly attend to every operation, or even explain any, unless his at- tention is directed to it ; and much less will he deliver extempore lectures at appointed times. Reservedness in him does not necessarily imply un- wilUng)iess to communicate his skill ; because, being himself familiar with every operation that can arrest the attention of his pupils, any explanation of minutiae at any other time than when the work is in the act of being performed, and when only it could be understood by the pupils, would only serve to render the subject more perplexing. In these circumstances the best plan for the pupil to follow is to attend constantly, and personal! y ob- serve every change that takes place in every piece of work. Should the farmer happen to be present, and be appealed to, he will, as a matter of course, immediately clear up every difficulty in the most satisfactory way ; but should he be absent, being otherwise engaged, then the steward or grieve, or any of the plo\\Tnen, or shepherd, as the nature of the work may be, will, on inquiry, afflard as much information on the spot as will serve to enlighten his mind until he associates with the farmer at the fire- side. To be enabled to discover that particular point in every operation which, when explained, renders the whole intelligible, the pupil should put his hand to every kind of work, be it easy or difficult, irksome or pleasant. — Experiences acquired by himself, however slightly affecting his mind — de- sirous of becoming acquainted with every professional incident — will solve difficulties much more satisfactorily than the most elaborate explanations given by others. The larger the stock of these personal experiences he can accumulate, the sooner will the pupil understand the pui-port of every thing that occurs in his sight. Daily opportunities occur on a farm for ioining in work, and acquiring those experiences. For example, when the plows are employed, the pupil should walk from the one to the other, and obserse which plowman or pair of horses perform the work with the greatest apparent difficulty or ease. He should also mark the diffisrent styles of work executed by each plow. A considerate comparison of these particulars will enable him to ascertain the best and worst specimens of work. He should then endeavor to discover the cause why different styles of work are produced by apparently very similar means, in order to ena- ble himself to rectify the worst and practice the best. The surest way of detecting error and discovering the best method is to take hold of each plow successively, and he will find, in the endeavor to maintain each in a steady position, and perform the work evenly, that all require considerable labor — every muscle being awakened into energetic action, and the brow most probably moistened. As these symptoms of fatigue subside with repetitions of the exercise, he will eventually find one of the plows more easily guided than any of the rest. The reasons for this difference he must himself endeavor to find out by comparison, for its holder cannot in- form him, because he professes to have — indeed, can have — no knowledge of any other plow but his own. In prosecuting this system of trials with the plows, he will find himself becoming a ploAvman, as the mysteries of the art divulge themselves to his apprehension ; but the reason why the plow of one of the men moves more easily, does better work, and op- presses the horses less than any of the rest, is not so obvious ; for the land is in the same state to them all — there cannot be much difference in the strength of the J)airs of horses, as each pair are generally pretty well matched — and, in all probability, the construction of the plows is the same, if they have been made by the saroe plow-wright, yet one plowman evi- (30) METHODS OF LEARNING PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY. 31 dently exhibits a decided superiority in his work over the rest. The in- evitable conclusion is, that plowman understands his business better than the others. He shows this by trimming the irons of his plow to the state of the land, and the nature of the work he is about to perform, and by training his horses more in accordance with their natural temperament, whereby they are guided more tractably. Having the shrewdness to ac- quire these essential accomplishments to a superior degree, the execution of superior work is an easier task to him than inferior work to the other plowmen. This case, which I have selected for an example, is not alto- gether a supposititious one ; for, however dexterous all the plowmen on a fann may be, one will always be found to show a superiority over the rest. Having advanced thus far in the knowledge and practice and capability of judging of work, the pupil begins to feel the importance of his acquisi- tion ; and this success will fan the flame of his enthusiasm, and prompt him to greater acquirements. But even in regard to the plow, the pupil has much to learn. Though he has picked out the best plowman, and knows why he is so, he is himself still ignorant of how practically to trim a plow, and to drive the horses with discretion. The plowman will be able to afford him ocular proof Jiow he places (tempers) all the irons of the plow in relation to the state of the land, and wJiy he yokes and drives the horses as he does in preference to any other plan. Illiterate and un- mechanical as he is, and his language full of technicalities, his explanations will nevertheless give the pupil a clearer sight into the minuticB of plow- ing than he could acquire by himself as a spectator in an indefinite lenfrth of time. ° I have selected the plow as being the most useful implement to illus- trate the method which the pupil should follow, in all cases, to learn a practical knowledge of every operation in farming. In like manner, he may become acquainted with the particular mode of managing all the larger implements which require the combined agency of man and horse to put into action ; as well as become accustomed to wield the simpler implements used by the hand easily and ambidexterously, a great part of farm-work being executed with simple but very efficient tools. Frequent personal attendance at the farm-stead, during the winter months, to view and conduct the threshing-machine, while threshing com, and afterward to superintend the winnowing-machine, in cleaning it for the market, will be amply repaid by the acquisition of essential knowledge regarding the nature and value of the cereal and leguminous grains. There is, more- over, no better method of acquiring an extensive knowledge of all the minor operations of the farm, than for the pupil personally to superintend the labors of the field- workers. Their labors are essential, methodical, almost ahvays in requisition, and mostly consisting of minutije ; and their general utility is shown, not only in their intrinsic worth, but in relation to the labors of the teams. The general introduction of sowing-machines, particularly those which sow broadcast, has nearly superseded the beautiful art of sowing com by hand.* Still a great deal of corn is sown by the hand, especially on small ^ * It were to be wished that this remark were more applicable to the U. S. Since the introduc- tion of an English sowing-machine near Wilmington, Delaware, and the improvement on it, as it is alleged, by Pennock, it may be expected that this operation, recommended as well by its neatness as by its economy, will be extended-ghrough the country. It will be seen on refei^ng to the June, 1846, Monthly Journal of Agriculture (which, be it always understood, is published along with the Farmers' Library) that Mr. Jones, a very observing and diligent practical Farmer, gives it as his opinion that the use of Pennock's drill or sowing-machine effects a saving or in- crease of 25 per cent. (31) 32 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. farms, on which expensive machines have not yet found their way. In the art of hand-sowing, the pupil should endeavor to excel, for, being dif- ficult to perform it in an easy and neat manner, the superior execution of it is regarded as an accomplishment. It is, besides, a manly and health- ful exercise, conducive to the establishment of a robust frame and sound constitution. The feeding of cattle in the farm-stead, or of sheep in the fields on turnips, does not admit of much participation of labor with the cattle-man or shepherd ; but nevertheless, either practice will form an interesting subject of study to the pupil, and without strict attention to both, he will never acquire a knowledge of fattening live-stock, and of computing their value. By steadily pursuing the course of observation which I have thus chalked out, and particularly in the first year of his apprenticeship, the pupil in a short time, will acquire a considerable knowledge of the minutiag of labor ; and it is only in this way that the groundwork for a familiar ac- quaintance with them can be laid. A truly familiar acquaintance with them requires years of experience. Indeed, observant farmers are learn- ing some new, or modifications of some old, practice eveiy day, and such new-like occuiTences serve to keep alive in them a regard for the most tri^^al incident that happens on a farm. In urging on the pupil the necessity of putting his hand to every kind of labor, I do not mean to say he should become a first-rate workman. To become so would require a much longer time than he could spare in a period of pupilage. His personal acquaintance with every implement and operation should, however, enable him by that time to decide quickly whether work is well or ill done, and whether it has been executed in a reasonable time. No doubt this extent of knowledge may be acquired in tittle, without the actual labor of the hands ; but, as it is the interest of the pupil to learn his profession not only in the shoitest possible time, but in the best manner, and as these can be acquired sooner through the joint cooperation of the head and hands, than by either singly, it would seem imperative on him to begin to acquire his profession by labor. Other considerations regarding the acquisition of practical knowledge deserve the attention of the pupil. It is most conducive to his interest to learn his profession in youth, and before the meridian of life has set in, when labor of every kind becomes irksome. It is also much better to have a thorough knowledge of farming, before engaging in it on his own account, than to acquire it in the course of a lease, during which heavy losses may be incurred by the commission of comparatively trivial en'ors, especially at the early period of its tenure, when farms in all cases are most diflScult to conduct. It is an undeniable fact, that the work of a farm never proceeds so smoothly and satisfactorily to all parties engaged in its culture, as when the farmer is thoroughly master of his business. His or- ders are then implicitly obeyed, not because they are pronounced more authoritatively, but because a skillful master's plans and directions inspire that degree of confidence in the laborers as to believe them to be the The spread of improved agricultural implements is proverbially slow over the world, but less so in this, probably, than in any other part of it, owing to the fi-eedom of our institutions, the fre- K quent and extensive intercourse of our people and their aptness both at invention and imitation. But even here the adoption of the costly machipery of improved construction in England, is much restrained by the want of capital, which counteracts even our greater necessity for all la- bor-saving contrivances. All associations or uses of capital, therefore, to supply means to the in- dustrious and frugal agriculturist, on fair terms and for periods corresponding with the nature of his pursuits, would deserve to be rewarded with honor and with profit. (32) METHODS OF LEARNING PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY. 33 best that could be devised in the circumstances. Shame is often acutely felt by servants, on being detected in error, whether of the head or heart, by so competent and discriminating a judge as a skillful master; because rebuke from such a one implies ignorance or negligence in those against whom it is directed. The fear of having ignorance and idleness imputed to them, by a fanner w^ho has become acquainted with the capabilities of work-people by dint of his own experience, and can estimate their ser- vices as they really deserve, urges laborers to do a fair day's work in a workmanlike style. Let the converse of all these circumstances be imagined ; let the losses to which the ignorant farmer is a daily prey, by many ways — by hypoc- risy, by negligence, by idleness, and by dishonesty of servants — be calcu- lated, and it must be admitted that it is infinitely safer for the farmer to trust to his own skill for the fulfillment of his engagements, than entirely to depend on that of his servants, which he will be obliged to do if they know his business better than he himself does. No doubt a trustworthy steward may be found to manage well enough for him — and such an as- sistant is at all times valuable — but, in such a position, the steward him- self is placed in a state of temptation, in which he should never be put ; and, besides, the infeiior servants never regard him as a master, and his orders are never so punctually obeyed, where the master himself is resi- dent. I Avould, therefore, advise every young farmer to acquire a compe- tent knowledge of his profession, before embarking in the complicated un- dertaking of conducting a farm. I only say a competent knowledge ; for the gift to excel is not imparted to all who select farming as their profes- sion ; " it is not in man who walketh to direct his steps" aright, much less to attune his mind to the highest attainments. Before the pupil fixes on any particular farm for his temporary abode, he should duly consider the objects he wishes to attain. I presume his chief aim is to attain such an intimate knowledge of farming as to enable him to employ his capital safely in the prosecution of the highest depart- ment of his profession. This will, probably, be best attained by learning that system which presents the greatest safeguards against unforeseen con- tingencies. Now, there is little doubt that the kind of farming which cul- tivates a variety of produce is more likely to be safe, during a lease, in regard both to highness of price and quantity of produce, than that which only raises one kind of produce, whether wholly of animals, or wholly of grain. For, although one kind of produce, when it happens to be prolific or high priced, may, in one year, return a greater profit than a variety of produce in the same year, yet the probabilities are much against the fre- quent recurrence of such a circumstance. The probability rather is that one of the varieties of produce will succeed, in price or produce, every year ; and, therefore, in every year there will be a certain degi-ee of suc- cess in that mode of farming which raises a variety of produce. Take, as an example, the experience of late years. All kinds of live-stock have been reared with profit for some years past ; but the case is different in regard to grain. Growers of grain have suffered greatly in their capital in that time. And yet, to derive the fullest advantages from even the rear- ing of stock, it is necessary to cultivate a certain extent of land upon which to raise straw and green crops for them in winter. Hence, that system is the best for the young farmer to learn, which cultivates a relative propor- tion of stock and crop, and not either singly. This has been characterized as the mixed system of husbandry. It avoids, on the one hand, the monot- ony and inactivity attendant on the raising of grain, and subdues, on the othei', the roving disposition ensrendered in the tending of live-stock m a (33) 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ - 34 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. pastoral district; so it blends both occupations into a happy union of cheerfulness and quiet. Most farmers in the lowlands of Scotland practice the mixed husbandry, but it is reduced to a perfect system nowhere so fully as in the Border Counties of England and Scotland. There many farmei-s accept pupils, and thither many of the latter go to prepare themselves to become farm- ers. The usual fee for pupils, in that part of the country, is one hundred pounds [$500] per annum for bed and board, with the use of a horse to occasional markets and shows.* If the pupil desire to have a horse of his own, about thirty pounds a-year more are demanded. On these moderate terms, pupils are generally very comfortably situated. I am very doubtful of it being good policy to allow the pupil a horse of his own at first. Constant attention to field-labor is not unattended with irksomeness ; and, on the other hand, exercise on horseback is a tempting recreation to young minds. It is enough for a young man to feel the removal of parental restraint, without also having the dangerous incentive of an idle life placed at his disposal. They should consider that, upon young men an'ived at the years when they become fanning pupils, it is not in the power, and is certainly not the inclination, of farmers to impose ungracious resti-aints. It is the duty of their parents and guardians to impose these ; and the most effectual way that I know of, in the cir- cumstances, to avoid temptations, is the denial of a riding-horse. Atten- tion to business in the first year will, most probably, induce a liking for it in the second ; and, after that, the indulgence of a horse may be granted to the pupil with impunity, as the reward of diligence. Until then, the horse occasionally supplied by the farmer to attend particular markets, or pay friendly visits to neighbors, should suffice ; and, as that is the farm- er's own property, it will be more in his power to curb in his pupils any propensity to wander abroad too ft-equently, and thereby preserve his own character as a tutor. Three years of apprenticeship are, in my opinion, requisite to give a pupil an adequate knowledge of farming — such a knowledge, I mean, as would impress him with the confidence of being himself able to manage a farm ; and no young man should undertake such a management until he feels this confidence in himself. Three years may be considered by many as too long a time to spend in learning jfarming ; but, after all, it is much less time than that given to many other professions, whose period of ap- prenticeship extends to fire and even seven years ; and, however highly esteemed those professions may be, none possess a deeper interest, in a national point of view, than that of Agriculture. There is a condition at- tendant on the art of farming — which is common to it and gardening, but inapplicable to most other arts — that a year must elapse before the same work can again be performed. Whatever may be the ability of the learner [* A gentleman of ample fortune, residing at Paterson, New-Jersey, has lately, with his son's entire concurrence and desire, sent him to reside with a Scotch farmer, of Shields, near Ayr; to whom he pays one hundred pounds sterling a year — say $500 — for board and education as a farmer. Mr. Turnant (that appears to be the namp) is Vice President of the Ayrshire Agricultural Society ; and is, withal, a gentleman, and lives as such. The young man alluded to keeps no horse, but is fully instructed in all the departments of Agriculture. We mention this particular case of a young gentleman, not urged by necessity, betaking himself to Agriculture as a profes- sion, with the acquiescence of his father, to show that public sentiment is taking a right turn, and that those who have been so assiduously laboring to elevate this pursuit in the public esteem have not entirely lost their labor, but may hope yet to see practical Agriculture followed as an in- tellectual occupation — one in which success may warrant the presumption of some merit besides the mere faculties of imitation and plodding industry. Ei. Farm. Lib.] (34) § INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 35 to acquire farming, time must thus necessarily elapse before he can have the opportunity of again witnessing a bygone operation. There is no doubt of his natural capacity to acquire, in two years, the art to manage a farm, but the operations necessarily occupying a year in their performance, pre- vent that acquisition in less time than three. This circumstance, of itself, will cause him to spend a year in merely observing passing events. This is in his first year. As the operations of farming are all anticipatory, the second year may be fully employed in studying the progress of work in preparation of anticipated results. In the third year, when his mind has been stored with all the modes of doing work, and the purposes for which they are performed, the pupil may attempt to put his knowledge into prac- tice ; and his first efforts at management cannot be attempted with so much ease of mind to himself as on the farm of his tutor, under his correcting guidance. This is the usual progi'ess of tuition during the apprenticeship of the pupil ; but, could he be brought to anticipate results while watching the progi'ess of passing events, one year might thus be cut off his apprentice- ship. Could a hook enable him to acquire the experience of the second year in the course of the first, a year of probationary trial would be saved him, as he would then acquire in two what requires three years to accom- plish. This book will accomplish no small achievement — will confer no small benefit on the agricultural pupil — if it accomplish this. 6. OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. " Here let us breathe, and happily institute A course of learning and ingenious studies." Taming of the Sheew. Although I know of no existing plan so suited to the learning of prac- tical farming as a protracted residence on a farm, yet I feel assured a more efficient one might easily be proposed for the purpose. An evident and serious objection against the present plan is the want of that solicitous su- perintendence over the progress of the pupils, on the part of the farmer, which is implied in his receiving them under his charge. The pupils are left too much to their own discretion to learn farming effectually. They are not sufficiently warned of the obstacles they have to encounter at the outset of their career. Their minds are not sufficiently guarded against receiving a wrong bias in the methods of performing the operations. The advantages of performing them in one way rather than another are not sufficiently indicated. The effects which a change of weather has in alter- ing the aiTangements of work fixed upon, and of substituting another more suited to the change, is not sufficiently explained. Instead of re- ceiving explanatory infonnation on these and many more particulars, the pupils are mostly left to find them out by their own diligence. If they express a desire to become acquainted with these things, no doubt it will be cheerfully gratified by the farmer ; but how can the uninitiated pupil know the precise subject with which to express his desire to become ac- quainted 1 In such a system of tuition, it is obvious that the diligent pupil may be 36 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. • daily perplexed by doubtful occurrences, and the indifferent pupil permit unexplained occun-ences to pass before him, -without notice. Reiterated occurrences will, in time, force themselves upon the attention of every class of pupils : but, unless their attention is purposely drawn to, and ex- pHcations proffered of, the more hidden difficulties in the art of farming, they will spend much time ere they be capable of discovering important occult matters by their own discernment. It is in this respect that farmers, who profess to be tutors, show, as 1 conceive, remissness in their duty to their pupils ; for all of them can im- part the information alluded to, and give, besides, a common-sense expla- nation of every occurrence that usually happens on a farm, otherwise they should decline pupils. It is obvious that pupils should not be placed in this disadvantageous position. They ought to be taught their profession ; because the art of husbandry should be acquired, like every other art, by teaching, and not by intuition. On the other hand, pupils in this, as in every other art, ought to endeavor to acquire the largest portion of the knowledge of external things by their own observation ; and they should be made aware, by the farmer, that he can at most only assist them in their studies ; so that, with- out rnuch study on their parts, all the attention bestowed on their tuition by the most pains-taking farmer will prove of little avail. Practical expe- rience forms the essential portion of knowledge which farmers have to im- part, and it is best imparted on the farm ; but they have not always the leisure, by reason of their other avocations, to communicate even this on the spot in its due time. More than mere practical knowledge, however, is requisite to satisfy the mind of the diligent pupil. He wishes to be sat- isfied that he is learning the best method of conducting a farm : he wishes to be informed of the reasons why one mode of management is preferable to every other : he wishes to become familiar with the explanations of all the phenomena that are obsei'\'able on a farm. To afford all the requisite information to the pupil in the highest per- fection, and to assist the farmer in affording it to him in the easiest man- ner, I propose the following plan of tuition for adoption, where circum- stances will permit it to be established. The more minutely its details are explained, the better will it be understood by those who may wish to form such establishments. Let a farmer of good natural abilities, of firm character, fair education, and pleasant manners — leasing a farm of not less than five hundred acres, and pursuing the mixed system of husbandry — occupy a house of such a size as would afford accommodation to fii'om ten to twenty pupils. The faiTn should contain different varieties and conditions of soil — be well fenced, well Avatered, and not at an inconvenient distance from a town. With regard to the internal arrangements of the house, double-bedded rooms would foiTn suitable enough sleeping apartments. Besides a dining- room and drawing-room, for daily use, there should be a large room, fitted up with a library, containing books affording sound infoiTnation on all agii- cultural subjects, in various languages — forming at one time a lecture-room for the delivery of lectures on the elementary princijiles of those sciences which have a more immediate reference to Agi-iculture, and at another a reading or writing room or parlor for conversations on fanning subjects. — There should be fixed, at suitable places, a barometer, a symplesometer, thermometers (one of which should mark the lowest degree of temperature in the night), a rain-gauge, an anemometer, and a weathercock. No very usefiil information, in my opinion, can be derived by the farmer from a bare register of the bights and depths of the barometer and thermometer. (36) INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 37 A more useful register for him would be that of the directions of the wind, accompanied with remarks on the state of the weather, the heat of the air as indicated by the feelings, and the character of the clouds as expressed by the most approved nomenclature. The dates of the commencement and termination of every leading operation on the farm should be noted down, and appropriate remarks on the state of the weather during its perform- ance recorded. A small chemical laboratory would be useful in affording the means of analyzing substances whose component parts were not well known. Microscopes would be useful in observing the structure of plants and insects, for the better understanding of their respective functions. The slaughter-house required for the preparation of the meat used by the family should be fitted up to afford facilities for dissecting those animals which have been affected by peculiar disease. Skeletons and preparations for illusti-ating comparative anatomy could thus be formed with little trouble. A roomy dairy should be fitted up for performing experiments on the productive properties of milk in all its various states. A portion of the farm-offices should be fitted up with apparatus for making experi- ments on the nutritive properties of different kinds and quantities of food, and the fattening properties of different kinds of animals. A steelyard, for easily ascertaining the live-weight of animals, is a requisite instrument. — The bakery, which supplies the household bread, would be a proper place for trying the relative panary properties of diff'erent kinds of flour and meal. Besides these, apparatus for conducting experiments on other sub- jects, as they were suggested, could be obtained when required. Another person besides the farmer will be required to put all this appa- ratus into use. He should be a man of science, engaged for the express purpose of showing the relation betwixt science and Agriculture. There would be no difficulty of obtaining a man of science, quite competent to explain natural phenomena on scientific principles. For that purpose, he would require to have a familial' acquaintance with the following sciences : With meteorology and electi-icity, in order to explain atmospherical phe- nomena, upon the mutations of which all the opei'ations of fanning are so dependent : with hydrostatics and hydraulics, to explain the action of streams and of dammed-up water on embankments, to suggest plans for the recovery of land from rivers and the sea, and to indicate the states of the weather which increase or diminish the statical power of the sap in vege- tables : with botany and vegetable physiology, to show the relations be- tween the natural plants and the soils on which they grow, with a view to establish a closer affinity between the artificial state of the soil and the per- fect grovi^th of cultivated plants ; to exhibit the structure of the different orders of cultivated plants ; and to explain the nature and uses of the healthy, and the injurious effects of the diseased secretions of plants : with geology, to explain the nature and describe the stnicture of the superficial crust of the eaith, in reference to draining the soil ; to show the effects of subsoils on the growth of trees ; to explain the effects of damp subsoils on trees, and of the variations of the surface of the ground on climate : with mechanics, to explain the principles which regulate the action of all ma- chines, and which acquirement previously implies a pretty familiar ac- quaintance with the mathematics : with chemistry, to explain the nature of the composition of, and changes in, mineral, vegetable, and animal sub- stances : with anatomy and animal physiology, to explain the structure and ' functions of the animal economy, with a view to the prevention of disease, incidental to the usual treatment of animals, and to particular localities.—*; AH young men, educated for what are usually termed the learned profes-'- sioiis — theology, law, and medicine — are made acquainted with these sci- •■ (37) 38 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. ences, and a young man from either faculty would be competent to take charge of such an establishment. Of the three I would give preference to the medical man, as possessing professionally a more intimate knowledge of chemistry, and animal and vegetable physiology, than the others. But the most learned graduate of either profession will display his scientific acquii'ements to little advantage in teaching pupils in Agriculture, unless he has the judgment to select those parts of the various sciences whose principles can most satisfactorily explain the operations of Agriculture. — Ere he can do this successfully, he would, I apprehend, require to know Agriculture practically, by a previous residence of at least two years on a faiTn. Without such a preparation, he would never become a useful teacher of agi'icultural pupils. On the supposition that he is so qualified, his duty is to take the direct charge of the pupils. His chief business should be to give demonstrations and explanations of all the phenomena occurring during operations in the farm field. The more popular demonstrations on botany, animal and vege- table physiology, and geology, as also on meteorology, optics, and astron- omy, whenever phenomena occur which would call forth the application of the principles of any of those sciences, would be best conducted in the fields. In the library, short lectures on the elementary principles of sci- ence could be regularly delivered — conversations on scientific and practical subjects conducted — and portions of the most approved authors on Agri- culture, new and old, read. These latter subjects could be most closely prosecuted when bad weather inteiTupted field-labor. In the laboratoiy, slaughter-house, farmstead, and dairy, he could command the attendance of the pupils, when any subject in those departments was to be explained. The duty of the farmer himself, the governor or head of the establish- ment, is to enforce pi'oper discipline among the pupils, both within and without doors. He should teach them practically how to perform every species of work, explain the nature and object of every operation per- forming, and foretell the purport of every operation about to be performed. For these important puiposes he should remain at home as much as is practicable with his avocations abroad. The duties of the pupils arc easily defined. They should be ready at all times to hear instruction, whether in science or practice, within or without doors. Those pupils who wish to study practice more than science, should not be constrained to act against their inclinations, as science possesses little allurement to some minds ; and it should be Ijorne in mind by the tutors, that practical farming is what the pupils have chiefly come to learn, and that practice may prove successful in after life without the assistance of science, whereas science can never be applied without practice. The duty common to all, is the mutual conducting of experiments, both in the fields and garden ; for which purpose both should be of ample di- mensions. All new varieties of plants might be first tried in the garden, until their quantity waiTanted the more profuse and less exact, though more satisfactory culture of the field. On ridges in the fallow-field, with different kinds and (juantities of manure, and different modes of working the soil and sowing the seeds, experiments should be continually making with new and old kinds of grains, roots, tubers, bulbs, and herbaceous plants. In course of time, the sorts best suited to the locality will show themselves, and should be retained, and the worthless abandoned. In like manner, experiments should be made in the crossing of animals, whether with the view of maintaining the purity of blood in one, the im- provement of the blood of another, or the institution of an entirely new Dlood. In either class of experiments, many new and interesting facts (38) INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 39 regarding the constitutional differences of animals, could not fail to be elicited. Any farmer establishing such an institution, which could only be done at considerable expense, in fitting up a house in an adequate manner, and securing the services of a man of science, would deserve to be well re- munerated, I before mentioned that one hundred pounds a year as board were cheerfully given by pupils to farmers under ordinary circumstances. In such an institution, less than one hundred and fifty pounds a yeju.- would not sufllice to remunerate the farmer. Supposing that ten pupils at that fee each, were accommodated on one farm, the board would amount to fifteen hundred pounds a year. In regard to the expense of maintaining such an establishment, with the exception of foreign produce and domestic luxuries, all the ordinary means of good living exist on a farm. The procuring of these necessaries and luxuries and maintaining a retinue of grooms and domestic servants, together with the salary of an accomplished tutor, which should not be less than three hundred pounds a year besides board, would probably incur an annual disbursement of a thousand pounds a year. The farmer would thus receive five hundred pounds a year for risk of the want of the full complement of pupils, and for interest on the outlay of capital. Such a profit may be considered a fair, but not an extravagant remuneration for the comfortable style of liv- ing and superior kind of tuition afforded in such an estabhshment. Were the particulars pitched at a lower scale, a profit might be derived from ten pupils, of not less a sum than that derived from the usual board of one hundred pounds a year. Were two hundred a year exacted, pu- pils of the highest class of society might be expected. Were different in- stitutions at different rates of board established, all the classes of society would be accommodated. Would farmers who have accommodation for conducting such an insti- tution, but duly consider the probable certainty of obtaining a considera- ble increase to their income, besides the higher distinction of conducting so useful an institution, I have no doubt many would make the attempt. There are insuperable obstacles to some farmers making the attempt ; but there are many who possess the requisite quahfications of accommodation in house and farm locality, personal abilities, influence, and capital, for instituting such an establishment. But even where all these qualifications do not exist, most of the obstacles might be overcome. In the case of the house, it could be enlarged at the farmer's own expense, for the landlord cannot be expected to erect a farm-house beyond the wants of an ordinary family ; nor, perhaps, would every small landed proprietor permit the unusual enlargement of a farm-house, in case it should be rendered un- suitable to the succeeding tenant. To avoid this latter difficulty, the farmer who could afford accommodation to the fewest number, could re- ceive the highest class of pupils, were his oAvn education and manners competent for the highest society, while those who had more accommo- dation could take a more numerous and less elevated rank of pupils. In either way the profit might be equally compensatory. In regard to other considerations, a tutor entirely competent could not at once be found. It may safely be aven-ed, that a really scientific man, thoroughly acquainted with the practice of Agriculture, is not to be found in this country. But were a demand for the services of scientific men to arise from the increase and steady prosperity of such establishments, no doubt, men of science would qualify themselves for the express purpose. As to pupils, the personal interest of the farmer might not avail him much at first in influencing parents in his favor, but if he possess the reputa- 40 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. tion of being a good fanner, he would soon acquire fame for his institu- tion. I have no doubt of an eminent farmer entirely succeeding to his wishes, who occupies a commodious house, on a large farm, in an agricul- tural distiict of high repute, and possessing sufficient capital, were he to make the experiment by engaging a competent scientific tutor, and teach- ing the practical department himself. Such a combination of alluring cir- cumstances could not fail of attracting pupils from all parts of the country, wjio were really desirous of learning Agi-iculture in a supeiior manner. There might still be another, though less attractive and efficacious, mode of accomplishing a similar end. Let a scientific tutor, after having ac- quired a competent knowledge of practical Agiiculture, procure a com- modious and comfoxtable house in any village in the vicinity of some large farms, in a fine agiicultural district. Let him receive pupils into his house, on his own account, in such numbers and at such fees as he con- ceives would remunerate him for his trouble and risk. Every thing re- lating to science within doors, could be conducted as well in such a house as in any farm-house ; and as to a field for practice, let the tutor give a douceur to each of the large farmers in his neighborhood, for liberty for himself and pupils to come at will and inspect all the operations of the farms. In this way a very considerable knowledge of farming might be imparted. Having every article of consumption to purchase at market- price, such an establishment would cost more to maintain than that on a farm ; but, on the other hand, the salary of the tutor would in this case be saved, and there would be no farmer and his family to support. To assist in defraying the exti'a expenses of such an establishment, let the tutor per- mit, for a moderate fee, the sons of those farmers whose farms he has lib- erty to inspect, and of those who live at a distance, to attend his lectures and readings in the house, and his prelections in the fields. A pretty ex- tensive knowledge of and liking for the science of Agriculture might thus be diffused throughout the country, among a class of young farmers who might never have another opportunity of acquiring it, because they would never become permanent inmates in any such establishment. I have known a mode of learning farming adopted by young farmers of limited incomes, fi-om remote and semi-cultivated parts of the countiy, of lodging themselves in villages in cultivated districts adjacent to large farms, occupied by eminent fanners, and procuring leave from them to give their daily personal labor and supei'intendence in exchange for the privilege of seeing and participating in all the operations of the farm. There are still other modes than those described above of learning farming, which deserve attention, and require remark. Among these the only one in this country, apart from the general practice of boarding Avith practical farmers, is the Class of Agriculture in the University of Edin- burgh. This chair was endowed in 1790 by Sir William Pulteney, with a small salary, and placed under the joint patronage of the Judges of the Court of Session, the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edin- burgh, and the Town Council of the City of Edinburgh. The first pro- fessor elected by the patrons to this chair in 1791, was the late Dr. Cov- entry, whose name, in connection with the Agi'iculture of the country, stood pi'ominent at one time. He occupied the chair until his death in 1831. His prelections, at the earlier period of his career as a professor, were successful, when his class numbered upward of seventy students. When I attended it, thie number of students was upward of forty. Dr. Coventry was a pleasing lecturer, abounding in anecdote, keeping his hearers always in good humor, coui'ting interrogation, and personally showing gi'eat kindness to every student. At the latter period of his in- INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 41 cumbency, the class dwindled away, and for some years before his death he delivered a course of lectures only every two years. He delivered, 1 understand, thirty-four courses in forty years. The present Professor Low succeeded Dr. Coventry. Since his installa- tion into the chair, he has rekindled the dying embers of the agi-icultural class, by delivering an annual course of lectures suited to the improved state of British Agiiculture, and by forming a museum of models of agi-i- cultural implements, and portraits of live-stock illustrative of his lectures, of the most extensive and valuable description. In Dr. Coventry's time there was no museum deserving the name, and seeing this, Professor Low had no doubt been impressed with the important truth, that without mod- els of the most approved implements, and portraits of the domesticated animals, serving to illustrate the principal operations and breeds of animals to be seen on the best cultivated farms, and pastoral districts, a mere course of lectures would prove nugatory. This museum is attached to the University, and to show the zeal and industry by which the present Pro- fessor has Iseen actuated in its formation, the objects in it must be Worth more than ^£2,000. The funds which obtained those objects were derived from the revenues under the management of the Board of Trustees for the encouragement of Arts and Manufactures in Scotland. This Board was instituted by the 15th Article of the Treaty of Union between Scot- land and England. Besides forming the museum, Professor Low has, during his yet short incumbency in the chair, already contributed much important matter to the agricultural literature of the country, by the pub- lication of his Elements of Practical Agriculture, which contain almost the entire substance of his lectures, and the series of colored portraits of animals taken from the pictures in the museum, now coming out periodic- ally in numbers. There has lately been appointed a lecturer on Agi-iculture in Marischal College, Aberdeen, at a salary of <£40 a year. Being but an experiment, the appointment, I believe, has only been made for three years. There is no public institution in England for teaching Agriculture.*—- Some stir is making in the establishment of an Agricultural College in Kent, the prospectus of which I have seen; and, some time ago, I saw a statement which said that provision exists for the endowment of a chair of Agriculture in one of the Colleges of Oxford. An agricultural seminary has existed at Templemoyle, in the county of Londonderry, Ireland, for some years. It originated with the members of the North-west of Ireland Farming Society, and the first intention was to form it on such a scale as to teach children of the higher orders every science and accomplishment, while those of the lower orders, the sons of farmers and tradesmen, were to be taught Agriculture. But the latter arrangement only has been found to be practicable. In a statement circu- lated by a member of the committee, I find that " the formation of this establishment has caused its founders an expenditure of above <:£ 4,000 — of which about d£3,000 were raised at its commencement by shares of £25 each, taken by the noblemen, gentlemen, and members of the North-west Society, The Grocers' Company of London, on whose estate it is situated, have been most liberal in their assistance, and have earned a just reward in the improvement of their property, by the valuable example the farm of Templemoyle presents to their tenantry. • " In sending a pupil to Templemoyle, it is necessary to have a nomma- [• The one at Cirencester, mentioned by Mr. Colman, is probably now in operation. Ed. Farm. Lib.] (41) 42 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. tion from one of the shareholders, or from a subscriber of >£2 annually.— The annual payment for pupils is c£10 a year, and for this trifling sum they are found in board, lodfjing, and washing, and are educated so as to fit them for land-stewards, directing agents, practical farmers, schoolmas- ters, and clerks. From fifteen to seventeen is the age best suited to en- trance at Templemoyle, as three years are quite sufficient to qualify a stu- dent possessed of ordinary talents, and a knowledge of the rudiments of reading and writing, to occupy any of the above situations. *' Upward of two hundred young men, natives of sixteen different coun- ties in Ireland, have passed or remain in the school. Of these, between forty and fifty have been placed in different situations, such as land-stew- ards, agents, schoolmasters, and clerks, or employed on the Ordnance Sur- vey. Nearly one hundred are now conducting their own or their fathers' farms, in a manner very superior to that of the olden time.* " The school and farm of Templemoyle are situated about six miles from Londonderry — about a mile distant from the mailcoach-road leading from Londonderry to Newtonlimavady. The house, placed on an eminence, commands an extensive and beautiful view over a rich and highly cultivated country, tenninated by Lough Foyle. The base of the hill is occupied by a kitchen and ornamental garden, cultivated by the youths of the establish- ment, under an experienced gardener. The house and farm-offices behind contain spacious, lofty, and well ventilated schoolrooms ; refectory ; dormi- tories ; apartments for the masters, matron, servants, &c. Each pupil oc- cupies a separate bed ; the house can accommodate seventy-six, and the number of pupils is sixty. They receive an excellent education in reading, [* It may be of practical service in the United States to give here the general regulations of the " Larne" School, of which Mr. Colman seems to think so favorably. He says they were given to him in printed form by the intelligent principal. Ed. Farm. Lib. " 1. As the great object is to make the boys practical farmers, one-half of them will be at all times on the farm, where they will be employed in manual labor, and receive from the head farmer such instructions, reasons, and explanations, as will render the mode of proceeding, in all the various operations performed on the farm, sufficiently intelligible to them. Every pupil is to be made a plowman, and taught, not only how to u.se, but how to settle the plow-irons for every soil and work, and to be instructed and made acquainted with the purpose and practical manage- ment of every other implement generally used. And all are to be kept clo.sely to their work, either by the head farmer or his assistant, or, in their unavoidable absence, by the monitor placed in charije of them. " 2. Their attention is to be drawn to stock of all kinds, and to the particular ptoints which de- note them to be good, bad, indifferent, hardy, delicate, good feeders, good milkers, &c. " 3. At the proper season of the year, the attention of the boys is to be directed to the making and repairing of fences, that they may know both how to make a new one, and, what is of great advantatre, how to repair and make permanent those of many years' standing.t " 4. Tlie head farmer will deliver evening lectures to the pupils on the theorj' and practice of Agriculture, explaining his reasons for adopting any crop, or any particular rotation of crops, as well as the mo.st suitable soil and the most approved modes of cultivating fsr each ; the proper management and treatment of working, feeding, and dairy stock ; the most approved breeds, and their adapt.ition to different soils. He will point out the best method of reclaiming, draining, and improving land ; and will direct attention to the most recent inventions in agricultural implements, detailing the respective merits of each. " 5. After the boys have been taught to look at stock on a farm with a farmer's eye, the commit- tee propose that they should in rotation attend the head farmer to fairs and markets, in order to learn how to buy and sell stock. At the same time, the committee expect the head farmer will make hfS visits to fairs as few ns possible, as his attention to the pupils of the establishment is al- ways required, and he should therefore be as seldom as po.ssible absent from Templemoyle. " An annual examination of the school is held before the committee and subscribers, and con- ducted by examiners totiiUy independent of the school. The examination is attended by the lead- ing gentlemen in the neighborhood, and many of these take a part in the examination, by either asking or suggesting questions — a practice which is deserving of recommendation, as adapted to give additional«'alue and dignity to the examination. "Such are some of the principal regulations of the school, which I have copied, that its man- agement might be fully understood."] t This, of course, applies principally to live fences, or hedges. It could at present have little pertloency to the United States, where certainly there is very little mystery in making the fences, and as little iabor expended ia keeping them in repair. (42) INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 43 writing, arithmetic, book-keeping, mathematics, land-surveying, and geog- raphy. This department is managed by an excellent head-master, and as- sistant-master, both resident in the house. The pupils are so classed that one-half are receiving their education in the house, while the remainder are engaged in the cultivation of a farm of 165 Scotch acres, in the man- agement of which they are directed by the head-farmer, an experienced and clever man, a native of Scotland, who has a skillful plowman under him. The pupils who are employed one part of the day on the farm are replaced by those in the school, so that the education always advances in and out of doors pari passu.''* In enumerating the means of obtaining agricultural knowledge in this country, I cannot omit mentioning those coassistant institutions, the Veter- inary Colleges. Their great object is to form a school of veterinary sci- ence, in which the anatomical structure of quadrupeds of all kinds — horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, &c. — the diseases to which they are subject, and the remedies proper to be applied for their removal, might be investigated and regularly taught ; in order that, by this means, enlightened practitioners of liberal education, whose sole study has been devoted to the veterinary art in all its branches, may be gradually dispersed over all the kingdom. The Veterinary College of London was instituted in 1791, according to the plan of Mr. Sain Bel, who was appointed the first professor. Parlia- mentary grants have been afforded at times to aid this institution, when its finances rendered such a supply essential. It is supported by subscription. Every subscriber of the sum of c£21 is a member of the society for life. — Subscribers of two guineas annually are members for one year, and are equally entitled to the benefits of the institution. A subscriber has the privilege of having his horses admitted into the infirmary, to be treated, under all circumstances of disease, at 3s. 6d. per night, including keep, medicines, or operations of whatever nature that may be necessary ; like- wise of bringing his horses to the college for the advice of the professor gratis, in cases where he may prefer the treatment of them at home.t— Until last year, care was chiefly bestowed in this institution on the horse, when the Royal Agricultural Society of England, deeming it as important for the promotion of Agriculture to attend to the diseases of the other ani- mals reared on farms as well as the horse, voted 66300 a year out of their funds for that purpose. The Veterinary College of Edinburgh had its origin in the personal ex- ertions of its present professor, Mr. William Dick, in 1818, who, after five years of unrequited labor, fortunately for himself and the progi'ess of the veterinary science in Scotland, obtained the patronage of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, who have afforded him a small salary since 1823. Since then the success of his exertions has been extraordi- nary — not fewer than from seventy to one hundred pupils attending the college every session, of whom about twenty every year, after at least two years' study of practical anatomy and medicine, become candidates for the diploma of veterinary surgeon. Their qualifications are judged of after an examination by the most eminent medical practitioners in Edinburgh.— The students enjoy free admission to the lectures on human anatomy and physiology in Queen's College, by the liberality of its professors. Through the influence of the Highland Society, permission has been obtained for the graduates to enter as veterinary surgeons into her Majesty's cavalry regiments, as well as those of the Honorable East India Company. In recommending farmers to attend lectures on veterinary science, it * Irish Farmer's Magazine, No. 51. t Beauties of England and Wales, vol. x. Part IV. p. 181. (43) 44 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. must not be imagined that I wish them to become veterinary surgeons. — Let every class of people adhere to their own profession. But there is no doubt that a knowledge of veterinary science is of great use to the farmer, not in enabling him to administer to the diseased necessities of his live- stock — for that requires more professional skill and experience than any farmer can attain to, and is the proper province of the regularly bred ve- terinary surgeon — but to enable him readily to detect a disease by its symptoms, in order to apply immediate checks to its progress until he can communicate with and inform the veterinary surgeon of the nature of the complaint, whereby he may bring with him materials for treating it cor- rectly on his arrival. The death of a single animal may be a serious loss to the farmer ; and if, by his knowledge of the principles of the veterinary art, he can stay the progress of any disease, he may not only avert the loss, but prevent his animal being much affected by disease. Disease, even when not fatal to animals, leaves injurious effects on their constitutions for a long time. With regard to attending lectures on Agriculture, I should say, from my own experience, that more benefit will be derived from attending them after having acquired a practical knowledge of husbandry than before ; because many of the details of fai-ming cannot be comprehended, unless the descriptions of them are given where the operations themselves can be refened to. Abroad are several institutions for the instruction of young men in Agri- culture, among which is the far-famed establishment of Hofwyl, in the can- ton of Berne, in Switzerland, belonging to M. de Fellenberg.* This estab- lishment is not intended so much for a school of Agriculture, as that of education and moral discipline. All the pupils are obliged to remain nine years, at least until they attain the age of twenty-one — during which time they undergo a strict moral discipline, such as the inculcation of habits of industry, frugality, veracity, docility, and mutual kindness, by means of good example rather than precepts, and chiefly by the absence of all bed example. The pupils are divided into the higher and lower orders, among the former of whom may be found members of the richest families in Ger- many, Russia, and Italy. For these the course of study is divided into three periods of three years each. In the first, they study Greek, Grecian history, and the knowledge of animals, plants, and minerals ; in the second, Latin, Roman history, and the geography of the Roman world ; and, in the third, modem languages and literature, modem history to the last century, geography, the physical sciences, and chemistry. During the whole nine years they apply themselves to mathematics, drawing, music, and gymnas- tic exercises. The pupils of the canton of Berne only pay M. de Fellen- berg 45 louis each, and do not cost their parents above 100 louis or 120 louis a year. Strangers pay him 125 louis, including board, clothing, wash- ing, and masters. The pupils of the lower orders are divided into three classes according to their age and strength. The first get a lesson of half an hour in the morning, then breakfast, and afterward go to the farm to work. They return at noon. Dinner takes them half an hour, and after another lesson of one hour, they go again to work on the farm until six in the evening. This is their summer occupation ; and in winter they plait straw for chairs, make baskets, saw logs and split them, thresh and winnow corn, grind colors, knit stockings ; for all of which different sorts of labor an [* For a valuable notice of this institution, see the Report of Professor Bache, on his return from Europe — having been sent by the Girard College, on a tour of observation, and to purchase a library (we believe) for that institution. {Ed. Farm. Lib. (44) INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 45 adequate salary is credited to each boy's class until they are ready to leave the establishment. Such as have a turn for any of the trades in de- mand at Hofwyl, wheelwright, carpenter, smith, tailor or shoemaker, are allowed to apply to them. Thus the labor of the field, their various sports, their lessons, their choral songs, and necessary rest, fill the whole circle of the twenty-four hours ; and judging from their open, cheerful, contented countenances, nothing seems wanting to their happiness. It is admitted that, on leaving the establishment, the pupils of the higher classes are emmently moral and amiable in their deportment, that they are very intelligent, and that their ideas have a wide range ; and though they may not be so advanced in science as some young men brought up elsewhere, they are as much so as becomes liberal-minded gentlemen, though not professors. The pupils of the lower classes leave at the age of twenty-one, understanding Agriculture better than any peasants ever did before, besides being practically acquainted with a trade, and with a share of learning quite unprecedented among the same class of people ; and yet as hard-working and abstemious as any of them, and with the best moral habits and principles. It seems impossible to desire or ima- gine a better condition of peasantry. As all the instiniction at this establishment is conveyed orally, a gi-eat many teachers are required in proportion to the number of the pupils. In 1819, there were thirty professors for eighty pupils. This entails a con- siderable expense upon M. de Fellenberg, who besides extends the erec- tion of buildings as he finds them necessaiy. He is, however, upon the whole, no loser by the speculation. Each pupil of the lower orders costs him ^56 a year to maintain and educate, which is ^3 8s. a year beyond the value of his work, and yet the investment is a profitable one, yielding something more than 81 per cent, interest, net of all charges. " The farm is undoubtedly benefited by the institution, which affords a ready market for its produce, and perhaps by the low price at which the labor of the boys is charged. But the farm, on the other hand, affords regular em- ployment to the boys, and also enables M. de Fellenberg to receive his richer pupils at a lower price than he could otherwise do. Hofwyl, in short, is a great whole, where one hundred and twenty or one hundred and thirty pupils, more than fifty masters and professors, as many servants, and a number of day-laborers, six or eight families of artificers and trades- men, altogether about three hundred j^ersons, find a plentiful, and in many respects a luxurious subsistence, exclusive of education, out of a produce of one hundred and seventy* acres ; and a money income of .£6,000 or c£7,000, reduced more than half by salaries, affords a very considerable surplus to lay out in additional buildings."t It seems that, since 1807, two convents, one in the canton of Fribourg, and the other in that of Thurgovie, have formed establishments analogous to those of M. de Fel- lenberg.| The celebrated German institution for teaching Agriculture is at Moeglin, near Frankfort on the Oder. It is under the direction of M. Von Thaer. There are three professors besides himself — one for mathematics, chemistry, and geology ; one for veterinary knowledge ; and a third for botany and the use of the different vegetable productions in the materia medica, as well as for entomology. Besides these, an expex-ienced agri- culturist is engaged, whose office it is to point out to the pupils the mode * This is the number of acres in the farm as stated in the Edinburgh Review for October, 1819; but a correspondent in Hull's Philanthropic Repertory for 1832, makes it 250 acres, t Edinburgh Review, No. 64. t Ebel, Manuel du Voyagcur en Suisse, tome ii. (45) 46 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. of applying the sciences to the practical business of Husbandry. Such a person would be difficult to be found in this country. The course com- mences in September, the best season, in my opinion, for commencing the learning of Agiiculture. During the winter months the time is occupied in mathematics, and in the summer the geometrical knowledge is practi- cally applied to the measurement of land, timber, buildings, and other ob- jects. The first principles of chemistry are unfolded. Much attention is paid to the analyzation of soils. There is a large botanic garden, with a museum containing models of implements of husbandry. The various implements used on the farm are all made by smiths, wheelwrights and carpenters residing round the institution ; the workshops are open to the pupils, and they are encouraged by attentive inspection to become masters of the more minute branches of the economy of an estate. As the sum paid by each pupil, who are from twenty to twenty-four years of age, is 400 rix-dollars annually (equal to about ^60 sterling, if the rix-dollar is of Prussian cunency), and besides which they provide their own beds and breakfasts, none but youths of good fortune can attend at Moeghn. Each has a separate apartment. They are very well-behaved young men, and their conduct to each other, and to the professors, is po- lite even to punctilio. The estate of Moeglin consists of twelve hundred English acres. About thirty years ago it was given in charge by the King of Prussia to M. Von ITiaer, who at that time was residing as a physician at Celle, near Lune- burg, in Hanover, with the view of diffusing agricultural knowledge in Piussia, which it was known M. Von Thaer possessed in an eminent de- gree, as evinced by the translations of numerous agricultural works from the English and French, by his management in setting an example to the other great landed proprietors, and stimulating them to adopt similar im- provements. His Majesty also wished him to conduct a seminary, in which the knowledge of the sciences might be applied to Husbandry, for tho instruction of the young men of the first families.* When M. Von Thaer undertook the management of this estate, its rental was only 2,000 rix-dollars a year (dfiSOO), and twenty years ago the rental had increased to 12,000 rix-dollars (dCl.SOO). This increased value, besides the build- ings erected, has arisen from the large flocks of sheep which in summer are folded on the land, and in winter make abundant manure in houses const! ucted for their lodging. These particulars are taken from Mr. Jacob's travels, who visited Moe- glin in 1819, and who, in considering of the utility of such an institution in this country, makes these remarks on the personal accomplishments of M. Von Thaer. " We have already carried the division of labor into our Agriculture, not certainly so far as it is capable of being canied, but much farther than is done in any other country. We have some of the best sheep farmers ; of the best cattle and horse breeders ; of the best hay, turnip, potato, and com farmers in the world ; but we have perhaps no one individual that unites in his own person so much knowledge of chem- istry, of botany, of mathematics, of comparative anatomy, and of the ap- plication of these various sciences to all the practical pui-poses of Agri- culture as Von Thaer does ; nor is the want felt, because we have num- bers of individuals who, by applying to each branch separately, have [* For his biography and a general account of his writings, and the whole of his great work on "The Principles of Agriculture," see the Farmers' Library, commencing with Num- ber 3, Vol. I. The whole has been published, and may be had, botmd by itself, and ought on- doubtedly to be a standard book iu every school in the United States. Ed. Farm. Lib.\ (46) INSTITUTIONS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 47 reached a hight of knowledge far beyond what any man can attain who divides his attention between several objects. In chemistry we have now most decidedly the lead. In all of botany that is not mere nomenclature it is the same. In mechanics we have no equals. There are thus abun- dant resources, from which practical lessons may be drawn, and be drawn to the gi-eatest advantage ; and that advantage has excited, and will con- tinue to excite, many individuals to draw their practical lessons for each particular branch of Agriculture, from that particular science on which it depends ; and thus the whole nation will become more benefited by such divisions and subdivisions of knowledge, than by a slight tincture of all the sciences united in the possession of some individuals."* France also possesses institutions for the teaching of Agi-iculture. The first was that model farm at Roville, near Nancy, founded by M. Mathieu de Dombasle.t Though it is acknowledged that this farm has done ser- vice to the Agriculture of France, its situation being so far removed fi-om the centre of that country, its influence does not extend with sufficient rapidity. Its Hmited capital does not permit the addition of schools, which are considered necessary for the instruction of young proprietors who wish to manage their own properties with advantage, and of agents capa- ble of following faithfully the rules of good Husbandry. To obviate the disadvantages apparent in the institution of Roville, " a number of men distinguished for their learning and zeal for the prosperity of France, and convinced of the utility of the project, used means to form an association of the nature of a joint-stock company, with 500 shares of 1,200 francs each, forming a capital of 600,000 francs (c£25,000). The first half of this sum was devoted to the advancement of superior culture, and the second half to the establishment of two schools, one for pupils who, havmg received a good education, wish to learn the theory and the application of Agriculture, and of the various arts to which it is applica- ble ; and the other for children without fortune, destined to become la- borers, instructed as good plowmen, gardeners, and shepherds, worthy of confidence being placed in them."| This society began its labors in 1826 by purchasing the domain of Grignon, near Versailles, in the valley of Gaily, in the commune of Thiverval, and appointing M. Bella, a military officer who had gained much agricultural information from M, Von Thaer during two years' sojourn with his corps at Celle. M. Bella traveled through France, in the summer of 1826, to ascertain the various modes of cultui-e followed in the different communes. Grignon was bought in the name of the king, Charles X. who attached it to his domain, and gave the society the title of the Royal Agricultural Society for a period of forty years. The statutes of the society were approved of by royal ordinance on the 23d May, 1827, and a council of administration was named from the list of shareholders, consisting of a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, and directors. The domain, which occupies the bottom and the two sides of the valley, in length 2,254 metres (a metre being equal to 3 feet and Hi lines), is divided into two principal parts ; the one is composed of a park of 290 hectares (387 acres), inclosed with a stone wall, containing the mansion- house and its dependencies, the piece of water, the trees, the gardens, and the land appropriated to the farm ; the other, called the outer farm, is composed of 176 hectares (234 acres), of uninclosed land, to the south of the park. • Jacob's Travels in Germany. &c. pp. 173-188. t Annales de Roville. I Rapport General sur la ferme de Grignon, Juin, 1828, p. 3. (47) 48 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. With regard to the nature of the schools at Grignon, this account has been published : " The council of administration being occupied in the organization of regular schools, has judged that it would be convenient and useful to open, in 1829, a school for work-people, into which to admit boys of from twelve to sixteen years of age, to teach them reading, WTiting, arithmetic, and the primary elements of the practice of geometry. The classes to meet two hours every day in summer, and four hours in winter, the rest of the time to be employed in manual work. The fee to be 300 francs the first year, 200 francs the second, and 100 francs the third. After three years of tuition the fee to cease, when an account is to be opened to ascertain the value of their work against the cost of their maintenance, and the balance to go to form a sum for them when they ultimately leave the institution." " Meanwhile, as the director has received several applications for the admission of young men, who, having received a good education, are de- sirous of being instructed in Agi-iculture, the council has authorized the conditional admission of six pupils. But as there are yet no professors, the pupils who are at present at Grignon can only actually receive a part of the instruction which it is intended to be given. They every day re- ceive lessons from the director on the theory of Agriculture, besides les- sons on the veterinaiy art, and the elements of botany, from the pait of the veterinary school attached to the establishment ; also lessons of the art of managing trees and making plantations, given by a forester of the crown forests, and some notions of gardening by the gardener. During the rest of the time, they follow the agricultural labors and other opera- tions of the establishment. They pay 100 francs a month, including bed, board, and washing. " Several proprietors who occupy farms, having expressed a desire to see young fann-servants taught the use of superior implements, and the regular service on a farm, the director has admitted a few, lessening the fee to the payment of board and lodging. There are two just now. To such are given the name of ' farm pupils.' "* The course of education proposed to be adopted at Grignon, is divided into theoretical and practical. The course to continue for two years. In the first year to be taught mathematics, topogi'aphy, physics, chemistry, botany and botanical physiology, veterinary science, the principles of cul- ture, the principles of niral economy applied to the employment of capi- tal, and the interior administration of farms. The second year to compre- hend the principles of culture in the special application to the art of pro- ducing and using products ; the mathematics applied to mechanics, hydraulics, and astronomy ; physics and chemistry applied to the analysis of various objects ; mineralogy and geology applied to Agriculture ; gar- dening, rural ai'chitecture, legislation in reference to rural properties, and the principles of health as applicable both to man and beast. There are two classes of pupils, free and internal. Any one may be admitted a free pupil that has not attained twenty years of age, and every free pupil to have a private chamber. The pupils of the interior must be at least fifteen years of age. The fee of the free pupils is 1,500 francs a year; that of the pupils of the interior 1,300 francs. They are lodged in the dormitories in box-beds ; those who desire private apartments pay 300 francs more, exclusive of furniture, which is at the cost of the pupils,t There is an agricultural school at Hohenheim, in the Duchy of Wir- * Annalee de Grignon, 2tl livraison, 1829, p. 48. t Annalea dc Grignon, 3d livraison, 1830, p. 108. (48; EVILS OF NOT LEARJIING PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 49 temberg, and another at Flottbeck in Flanders, belongintr to M. Voeht An account of both these institutions is given by M. Bella, in the third number of the Annales of Grignon. There are, I understand, schools of Agriculture, both in St. Petersbui'g and Moscow, but have not been so fortunate as to meet with any account of them. It appears to me from the best consideration I can give to the manner m which Agi-iculture is taught at these schools, that as means of impart- ing real practical knowledge to pupils, they are inferior to the usual mode adopted in this country, of living with farmers. In reference to the re- sults of the education obtained at Moeglin, Mr. Jacob says : " It appeared to me that there was an attempt to crowd too much instruction into too short a compass, for many of the pupils spend but one year in the institution, and thus only the foundation, and that a veiy slight one, can be laid in so short a space of time. It is, however, to be presumed, that the youno- men come here prepared with considerable previous knowledge, as" they are mostly between the ages of twenty and twenty-four, and some few appeared to be still older."* ^ Although the pupils are kept at Hofwyl for nine years, and are fined if they leave it sooner, it is obvious that the higher class of them bestow but little attention on farming, and most on classical literature. And the par- ticulars given in the elaborate programme of the school of Aoriculture at Grignon, clearly e-s-ince that attention to minute discipline, such as mark- ing dowTi results, and to what are termed principles, which just mean vague theorizings, form a more important feature of tuition than the prac- tice of husbandry. The working pupils may acquii-e some knowledo-e of practice by dint of participating in Avork, but the other class can derive very little benefit from all the practice they see. 7. OF THE EVILS ATTENDANT ON LANDOWNERS NEGLECTING TO LEARN PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. " leaving me no sign — Save men's oprinions, and my living blood — To show the world I am a gentleman." RiCHABD II. There would be no want of pupils of the highest class for institutions such as I have recommended for promoting agricultural education, did landed proprietors study their true interests, and learn practical Agricul- ture. Besides the usual succession of young fanners to fill the places of those who retire, and these of themselves would afford the largest propor- tion of the pupils, were every son of a landowner, who has the most dis- tant prospect of being a landed proprietor himself, to become an agricul- tural pupil, in order to qualify himself to fulfill all the onerous duties of his station, when required to occupy that important position in the coun- try, that class of pupils would not only be raised in respectability, but the character of landed proprietors, as agriculturists, would also be much ele- vated. The expectant landlord should therefore undergo that tuition, though he may intend to follow, or may have already followed, any other profession. The camp and the bar seem to be the especially favorite arenas upon which the young scions of the gentry are desirous of displaying their * Jacob's Travels in Gennany, &c. p. 185. (97) 4 50 THE BOOK OF TI^ FARM. first acquirements.* These professions are highly honorable, none more so, and they are, no doubt, conducive to the formation of the character of the gentleman; but, after all, are seldom followed out by the young squire. The moment he attains rank above a subaltern, or dons his gown and wig, he quits the public service, and assumes the functions of an in- cipient country gentleman. In the country he becomes at first enamored of field sports, and the social qualities of sportsmen. Should these prove too rough for his taste, he travels abroad peradventure in search of sights, or to penetrate more deeply into the human breast. Now, all the while he is pursuing this course of life, quite unexceptionable in itself, he is neglecting a most important part of his duty — that of learning to become a good landlord. On the other hand, though he devote himself to the profession of arms or the the law, either of which may confer distinction on its votaries ; yet if either be prefeiTod by him to Agriculture, he is doino- much to unfit himself from being an influential landlord. To be- come a soldier or a lawyer, he willingly undergoes initiatory drillings and examinations ; but, to become a landlord, he considers it quite unneces- sary, to judge by his conduct, to undergo any initiatory tuition. That is a business, he conceives, that can be learaed at any time, and seems to forget that it is his profession, and does not consider that it is one as diffi- cult of thorough attainment as ordinary soldiership or legal lore. No doubt the army is an excellent school for confirming, in the young, principles of honor and habits of discipline ; and the bar for giving clear insight into the principles upon which the rights of property are based, and into the time theory of the relation betwixt landlord and tenant ; but while these matters may be attained, a knowledge of Agriculture, the weightiest mat- ter to a landlord, should not be neglected. The laws of honor and discip- line are now well understood, and no army is required to inculcate their acceptableness on good society. A knowledge of law, to be made appli- cable to the occurrences of a country life, must be matured by long expe- rience ; for, perhaps, no sort of knowledge is so apt to render landed pro- prietors litigious and uncompromising with their tenants as a smattering [* So is it in the United States; and who can wonder at it, seeing that the bar and the habit of public speaking acquired at it open the broadest and easiest road to public distinction, while the military is almost the only life commission bestowed by the Government. Having once received that, the ofBcer is placed for the remainder of his daj-s beyond the reach of political vicissitude. Even his education has been at the public expense, and having once received his sword, he has only to keep his head above ground and he is sure of promotion and of increased pay. Courage in the line of his profession is, properly, sure of honors and rewards ; while the same virtue in civil life offers no immunity against proscription and party despotism. All liberty of thought is deemed to be incompatible with party loyalty. This preference and elevation of the military over civil virtues is but a sei-A'ile prejudice derived from despotic Governments, where rulers, cut off from sympathy with and dependence on the people, have to rely on the military arm for support on all occasions of popular commotion and outbreak under irremediable oppression. Nor will civil virtues and the capacity to promote the substantial interesfts of the people enjoy that eminence in the public esteem, and that encouragement and reward which it should be the care of a republican government to bestow, until the mass of the cultivators of the soil become more generally and thoroughly instructed, not only in the practical principles of their calling, but in the preference which they have a right to assert as due from Government to the landed interest — an interest on which all others live, and without which they would all dwindle and perish, as does the misletoe when the oak on which it grows falls under the strokes of the woodman's ax. When will agriculturists force a system of legislation in which honor shall be rendered to the men of the co7/K/r_y for talents and civil \nrtue9; and miiitarj- and other parasitical institutions and classes be reluctantly tolerated and supported as necessary evils, or at least as mere append- ages in the great machinery of Government ? (98) EVILS OF NOT LEARNING PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 51 of law. Instances have come under my own notice, of the injurious pro- pensities which a shght acquaintance with law engenders in landed pro- prietors, as exhibited on their own estates, and at county and parochial meetings. No class of persons require Pope's admonition regarding the evil tendency of a " little learning " to be more strongly inculcated on them, than the young hamster who doffs his legal garments, to assume in ignorance the part of the country squire : "A little learning is a dangerous thing ! Brink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring ; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain." I do not assert that a knowledge of military tactics, or of law, is incon- sistent with Agriculture. On the contrary, a competent knowledge of ei- ther, and particularly of the latter, confers a value on the character of a country gentleman versant with Agriculture ; but what I do assert most strongly is, that the most intimate acquaintance with either will never ser\-e as a substitute for ignorance of Agriculture in a country gentleman. One evil arising from studying those exciting professions before Agri- culture is, that, however short the time spent in acquiring them, it is suf- ficiently long to create a distaste to learning Agriculture practically, for such a task can only be undertaken, after the turn of life, by enthusiastic minds. But as farming is necessarily tJie profession of the country gentle- man, for all have a farm, it should be learned, theoretically and practically, before his education should be considered finished. If he so incline, he can aftex'ward enter the tented field, or exercise his forensic eloquence, when the tendency which I have noticed in these professions will be una- ble to efface the knowledge of Agriculture previously acquired. This is the proper course for every young man destined to become a landed pro- prietor to pursue, and who ^vishes to be otherwise employed as long as he cannot exercise the functions of a landlord. Were this course always pursued, the numerous engaging ties which a country life never fails to form, rendered more interesting by a knowledge of Agriculture, would tend to extinguish the kindling desire for any other profession. Such a result would be most desirable for the country ; for only contemplate the effects of the course pursued at present by landowners. Does it not strike every one as an incongi-uity for a country gentleman to be unacquainted with country affairs ] Is it not " passing strange " that he should require inducements to learn his hereditary profession — to know a business which alone can enable him to maintain the value of his estate, and secure his income ] Does it not infer a species of infatuation to neglect becoming well acquainted with the true relation he stands to his tenants, and by which, if he did, he might confer happiness on many families ; but to %'iolate which, he might entail lasting misery on many more 1 In this way the moral obligations of the country gentleman are too fi-equently neglect- ed. And no wonder, for these cannot be pei-fectly understood, or prac- ticed aright but by tuition in early life, or by veiy diligent and irksome study in maturer years. And no wonder that great professional mistakes are frequently committed by proprietors of land. Descending from gen- eralities to particulars, it would be no easy task to describe all the evils attendant on the neglect of farming by landowners ; for though some are obvious enough, others can only be morally discerned. 1. One of the most obvious of those evils is, when country gentlemen take a prominent share in discussions on public measures connected with Agriculture, and which, fi-om the position they occupy, they are frequently called upon to do, it may be remarked that their speeches are usually in- troduced with apologies for not having sufficiently attended to agricultural (99) 52 THE BOOK OF THE FaRM. matters. The avowal is candid, but it is any thing but creditable to the position they hold in the agricultural commonwealth. When, moreover, it is their lot or ambition to be elected members of the legislature, it is deplorable to find so many so little acquainted with the questions which bear directly or indirectly on Agricultui-e. On these accounts, the ten- antry are left to fight their own battles on public questions. Were land- owners practically acquainted with Agriculture, such painful avowals would be spared, as a familiar accjuaintance with it enables the man of cultivated mind at once to perceive its practical bearing on most public questions. 2. A still greater evil consists in their consigning the management of valuable estates to the care of men as little acquainted as themselves with practical Agriculture. A factor or agent, in such a condition, always af- fects much zeal for the interest of his employer ; but it is " a zeal not accordino- to knowledge." Fired by this zeal, and undirected, as it most probably is, by sound judgment, he soon discovers something at fault amono- the poorer tenants. The rent, perhaps, is somewhat in aiTear — the strict terms of the lease have been deviated from — things appear to him to be going down hill. These are fruitful topics of contention. Instead of being " kindly affectioned," and thereby willing to interpret the terms of the lease in a generous spirit, the factor hints that the rent must be better secured, through the means of another tenant. Explanation of circum- stances affecting the condition of the farmer, over which he has perhaps no control — the inapplicability, perhaps, of the peculiar covenants of the lease to the particular circumstances of the fann — the lease having per- haps been drawn up by himself, or some one as ignorant as himself — are excuses unavailingly ofl'ered to one who is confessedly unacquainted with country aft'airs, and the result ensues in interminable disputes betwixt him and the tenants. With these the landlord is t/nwilling to interfere, in or- der to preserve intact the authority of the factor; or, what is still worse, is unahle to interfere, because of his own unacquaintance with the actual relations subsisting betwixt himself and his tenants, and, of course, the settlement is left with the originator of the disputes. Hence originate actions at law, criminations and recriminations — much alienation of feel- ing ; and at length a settlement of matters, at best, perhaps, unimportant, ia left to the arbitration of practical men, in making which submission the factor acknowledges as much as he himself was unable to settle the dis- pute. The tenants are glad to submit to arbitration to save their money. In all such disputes they, being the weaker parties, suffer most in purse and character. The landlord, who should have been the natural pi'otector, is thus converted into the imconscious oppressor, of his tenants. This is confessedly an instance of a bad factor ; but have such instances of op- pression never occurred, and from the same cause, that of ignorance in both landlord and factor ] A factor accjuainted with practical Agriculture would conduct himself very differently in the same circumstances. He would endeavor to pre- vent legitimate differences of opinion on points of management terminat- ing into disputes, by skillful investigation and well-timed compromise. — He studies to uphold the honor of both landlord and tenants. He can see whether the terms of the lease are strictly applicable to prevailing circum- stances, and judging thereby, checks every improper deviation from ap- propriate covenants, while he makes ample allowance for unforeseen con- tingencies. He can discover whether the condition of the tenants is in- fluenced more by their own doings, than by the nature of the fanns they occupy. He regulates his conduct toward them accordingly ; encour- (100) EVILS OF NOT LEARNING PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 53 aging the industrious and skillful, admonishing the indolent, and amend- ing the unfavorable circumstances of the farms. Such a man is highly respected, and his opinion and judgment are greatly confided in by the tenantry. Mutual kindliness of intercourse always subsists between them. No landlord, whether himself acquainted or unacquainted with farming, but especially the latter, should confide the management of his estate to any other kind of factor. 3. Another obvious evil is one which affects the landed proprietor's own comfort and interest, and which is the selection of a steward or grieve for conducting the home-farm. In all cases it is necessary for a landowner to have a home-farm, and to have a steward to conduct it. But the stew- ard of a squire, acquainted and unacquainted with farming, is placed in very dissimilar circumstances. The steward of a squire acquainted with farming, enjoying good wages, and holding a respectable and responsible situation, must conduct himself as an honest and skillful manager, for he knows he is superintended by one who can criticize his management well. A steward in the other position alluded to, must necessarily have, and will soon take care to have, everything his own way. He soon becomes proud in his new charge, because he is in the service of a squire. He soon displays a haughty bearing, because he knows he is the only person on the farm who knows anything about his business. He becomes overbear- ing to the rest of the servants, because, in virtue of his office, he is ap- pointed purveyor to the entire establishment ; and he knows he can starve the garrison into a surrender whenever he pleases. He domineers over the inferior work-people, because, dispensing weekly wages, he is the cus- todier of a little cash. Thus advancing in his own estimation step by step, and finding the most implicit reliance placed in him by his master, who considers his services as invaluable, the temptations of office prove too powerful for his virtue, he aggi'andizes himself, and conceals his malprac- tices by deception. At length his peculations are detected, by perhaps some trivial event, the insignificance of which had escaped his watchful- ness. Then loss of character and loss of place overtake him at once. — Such flagrant instances of unworthy factors and stewai'ds of country gen- tlemen, are not supposititious. I could specify instances of both, whose mismanagment has come under my own observation. Both species of pests are engendered from the same cause — the ignorance of landowners in country affairs.* 4. Another injurious effect it produces is absenteeism. When farming possesses no charms to the country gentleman, and field-sports become irksome by monotonous repetition, his taste for a country life declines, and to escape ennui at home, he banishes himself abroad. If such luke- warm landed proprietors, when they go abroad, would always confide the management of their estates to unexceptionable factors, their absence would be little felt by the tenants, who would proceed with the substan- tial improvement of their farms with greater zest under the countenance of a sensible factor, than of a landlord who contemns a knowledge of Ag- riculture. But it must be admitted that tenants farm with much greater confidence under a landlord acquainted with farming, who is always at home, than under the most unexceptionable factor. The disadvantages of absenteeism ai'e only felt by tenants left in charge of a litigious factor, and [* With obvious allowance for difference of circumstances, some of these remarks may be made to apply to gentlemen, more especially in the South, who devolve their affairs too much on their managers or overseers ; and to merchants, and other gentlemen of fortune, yvho cannot reside •hrough the year on their estates. Ed. Farm. Lih\ (101) 54 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. it is always severely felt by day-laborers, tradesmen, and shop-keepers in villages and small country towns. Now, all these evils — for evils they certainly are — and many more I have not touched upon, would be avoided, if landowners would make it a point to acquiie a knowledge of practical Agriculture. This can best be done in youth, when it should be studied as a necessary branch of edu- cation, and learned as the most useful business which country gentlemen can know. It will qualify them to appoint competent factors — to deter- mine upon the terms of the lease most suited to the nature of each of the farms on their properties, and to select the fittest tenants for them. This qualification could not fail to inspire in tenants confidence in their land- lords, by which they will be encouraged to cultivate their farms in the best manner for the land and for themselves, in even the most trj'ing vi- cissitudes of seasons ; and without which confidence the land, especially on estates on which no leases are gianted, would never be cultivated with spirit. It confers on landlords the power to judge for themselves of the proper fulfillment of the onerous and multifarious duties of a factor. It enables them to converse freely in technical terms with their tenants on the usual courses of practice, to criticize work, and to predicate the prob- ability of success or failure of any proposed course of culture. The re- proving or appro\"ing remarks of such landlords operate powerfi.illy w ith tenants. How many useful hints is it all times in the power of such land- lords to suggest to their tenants or managers, on skillfulness, economy, and neatness of work ; and how many salutary precepts may they incul- cate on cottagers, on the beneficial effects of parental discipline and do- mestic cleanliness ! The degiee of good which the direct moral influence of such landlords among their tenantry can effect, can scarcely be over es- timated ; its primaiy effect being to ensure respect, and create regard. — The good opinion, too, of a judicious factor is highly estimated by the ten- antry ; but the discriminating observations of a practical and well-dis- posed landlord go much farther in inducing tenants to maintain their farms in the highest order, and to cherish a desire to remain on them from generation to generation. Were all landlords so actuated — and acquaint- ance with farming would certainly prompt them thus to act — they could at all times command the serxaces of superior factors and skillful tenants. They would then find there is not a more pleasing, rational, and inter- esting study than practical Agriculture ; and soon discover that to know the minutiae of farming is just to create an increasing interest in every farm operation. In applying this knowledge to practice, they would soon find it to operate beneficially for their estates, by the removal of objects which offend the eye or taste, and the introduction of others that would afford shelter, promote improvement, and contribute to the beauty of the landscape of the country around. These maxims of Bacon seem not an inapt conclusion to our present remarks : " He that cannot look into his own estate at all, had need both choose well those whom he employeth, and change them often, for new are more timorous and less subtle. He that can look into his estate but seldom, it behoveth him to turn all to cei'tainties."* [Essays, p. 106.] [• It has doabtless already occurred to the reader that some of the preceding observations do not apply to our oountrj', but where they are not exactly applicable, they are mixed up with others that may be applied, or from which hints may be drawn. In republishing an author, we should remember the anecdote told by Doctor Franklin when Members of Congress were pick- ing holes in the Declaration of Independence— how a party from the country criticized a hatter's sign with the picture of a hat. and under it, " Hals sold here for cash, hy John Smith." One said the ^ign showed it was hats, and nothing else ; another, that it was useless to say sold, be- (102) EXPERIMENTAL FARMS AS PLACES FOR INSTRUCTION. 55 8. EXPERIMENTAL FARMS AS PLACES FOR INSTRUCTION IN FARMING. " Things done without example, in their issue Are to be feared." Uenrx vm. It seems to be a favorite notion with some writers on agricultural sub- iects throf all places for learning farming, experimental farms are the ies ' They even Recommend the formation of experimental farms wi h lu'lZe-alar^eet^ghextent^for an experimental farm, and that on such a farm 100 pupils^ould be trained to become farmers, stewards and ^^TTery slic^ht consideration of the nature of an experimental farm, ^rill se^e to show how unsuitable such a place is for learmng farming The soil obiect of an experimental farm is, to become acquainted with the best nroper ies of plants^ and animals by experiment, and thereby to ascertain ^X^niose Wrties are such ^ ^^ VorrtrsTat^t,'^^^^^^^ tXrUrintraXeH^n^^^^^^^^^ r;Pvrd plan 'of cultivating each sort of plant^ To confound the -nd oj a becrinnei bv presenting before it various modes of doing the same tlim withourth'e abihty to inform it which is the best, is to do him a lasting ^ m-v Were a pupil, who had been trained up on an ordinary farm, to hSpportunities'of witnessing varieties of experiments conducted on aia exrerEtaTfarxn, he might Then derive benefit from numerous hmt Xh would be suggested in the course of making the experiments But J Zp's wouid be^^unfavorably placed on an experimental farm, by re- ISg constantly on it, much more would the farm itself be -jured^^by havincrlts experiments perfox-med by mexpenenced pupils.^ So far ftom pupifs being'able to conduct experiments to a satisfactory issue, the most dons will apply to other sections of the work, though they may not be repeated^^ ^^^^ ^ .^ ^ (103) 56 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. experienced cultivators are at times baffled by unforeseen difficulties ; and so far would such experiments inspire confidence in farmers, that they would assuredly have quite an opposite tendency. So far, therefore, would the services of pupils in any degree compensate for the extraor- dinary outlay occasioned on experimental farms, by unsuccessful or un- profitable experiments, that even those of the most experienced culti- vators would most probably produce no such desirable result ; for no experimenter can command success, and failure necessarily implies extra- ordinary outlay. So far, therefore, could the services of pupils accom- plish what those of experienced cultivatoi's could not command, that their very presence on an experimental farm, with the right of cooperating in the experiments, would be a constant source of inconvenience to the ex- perienced experimenters. But, besides these objections, the mode of conducting experiments on 60 small farms as those recommended by most wTiters, would be quite un- suitable to pupils desirous of learning farming. Where varieties of cul- ture on various sorts of plants are prosecuted on a small extent of ground, only a very small space can be allotted to each experiment. It is true that, should any of the varieties of plants be new to this country-, the seed of which at first being of course only obtainable in small quantities, to procure such being a primary object with the promoters of experimental farms the space required for them at first must be verj' small. But although each lot of ground should be small, the great varieties of seeds cultivated in so many different ways, will nevertheless require a great number of lots, which altogether will cover a considerable extent of ground. How all these lots are to be apportioned on 200 acres, together with ground for experimenting on different breeds of animals, and differ- ent kinds of forest trees, is more than I can imagine. It would require more than double that extent of ground to give mere standing-room to all the objects that should be cultivated on an experimental farm, and over and above which, 100 pupils on such a farm would form a perfect crowd. Besides, the lots being so small, would require to be worked with the spade instead of the plow ; and this being the case, let the experiments on such a farm be ever so perfectly performed, they could give pmpils no insight whatever into real farming, much less secure the confidence of farmers. It is the pleasure of some writers on experimental farms, to institute a comparison, or even strict analogy, betwixt them and experimental gar- dens. As the latter have improved the art of gardening, they argue, so would the former improve Agriculture. But the truth is, there can bene analogy betwixt the introduction into common gardens of the results ob- tained in experimental gardens, and the results of experiments obtained in such small experimental farms as recommended by agricultural ^\Titers, introduced into the common field culture of a farm ; because, the experi- ments in an experimental garden having been made by the spade, may be exactly transferred into almost any common garden, and, of course, suc- ceed there satisfactorily ; whereas the experiments made by the spade in a small experimental fann, cannot be performed \\'ith the spade on a com- mon farm ; they must there be executed by the plow, and, of course, in quite different circumstances. The rough culture of the plow, and most probably in different circumstances of soil, manure, and shelter, cannot possibly produce results similar to the culture of the spade, at least no farmer %vill believe it ; and if tliey put no confidence in experiments, of what avail will experimental farms be 1 Announcements of such results may gratify curiosity, but no benefit would be conferred on the country (104) EXPERIMENTAL FARMS AS PLACES FOR INSTRUCTION. 57 by experiments confined within the inclosures of an experimental farm. No doubt, a few of the most unprejudiced of the farmers will perform any experiment, with every desire for its success, and there is as little doubt that others will follow the example ; and some will be willing to test the worth of even a suggestion ; but as these are the usual modes by which every new practice recommends itself to the good graces of farm- ers, no intervention of an experimental farm is therefore required for their promulgation and adoption. It is the duty of the promoters of experi- mental farms to disseminate a proved experiment quickly over the coun- try, and the most efficient mode of doing so is to secure the confidence of farmers in it. To ensure their confidence, it will be necessary to show them that they can do the same things as have been done on the experi- mental farm hy the usual means of labor they possess, and they will then show no reluctance to follow the example. Take the risk, in the experi- mental farm, of proving results, and show the intrinsic value of those results to the farmers, and the experiments, of whatever nature, will be performed on half the farms of the kingdom in the course of the first season. For this pui-pose it is necessary to ascertain the size an experimental farm should be, which will admit of experimients being made on it, in a manner similar to the operations of a farm. The leading operation, which determines the smallest size of the fields of an experimental farm, is plow- ing. The fields should be of that size which will admit of being plowed in ordinary time, and at the same time not larger than just to do justice to the experiments performed in them. I should say that^/?e acres impe- rial is the least extent of ground to do justice to plowing ridges along, across, and diagonally. Three acres, to be of such a shape as not to waste time in the plowing, would have too few ridges for a series of experiments, and to increase their number would be to shorten their length, and lose time in plowing. But even five acres are too small to inclose with a fence ; ten acres, a good size of field for small farms, being nearer the mark for fencing. Taking the size of an experimental plot at five acres, the inclosure might be made to sun-ound the divisions of a rotation ; that is, of a rotation of four years, let twenty acres be inclosed ; of five years, twenty-five acres, &c. ; but in this arrangement the experiments would only prove really available to small tenants, who frequently cultivate all their crops within one fence, and the subject thus experimented on would not be individually inclosed within a fence, as is the case with crops on larger farms. The whole quantity of land required for an adequate experimental fann may thus be estimated. New varieties of seeds would require to be in- creased by all the possible modes of reproduction. Old varieties should undergo impregnation — be subjected to different modes of culture — be preserved pure from self-impregnation — and be grown in different alti- tudes. Each variety of seed already cultivated, such as wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, turnips, &c., to undergo these various modifications of treatment on five acres of land, would, including the whole, require an immense extent of ground, and yet, if each kind did not undergo all these varieties of treatment, who could then aver that all our seeds had been subjected to satisfactory ^e^^ experiments 1 Only one kind of grain, treat- ed as variedly as might be, on five acres for each modification of treat- ment, would occupy seventy acres ; and were only five kinds of seed taken, and only five varieties of each, and the whole cultivated on both low and high ground, the quantity of ground required altogether would be 3,500 acres. The extent of ground thus increases in a geometrical progression, (105) 58 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. with an increase of variety of plants. Besides, the numerous useful grasses, for the pui-poses of being cut green, and for making into hay, would require other 1,000 acres. The whole system of pasturing young and old stock on natural and artificial grasses in low grounds and on high altitudes, and in sheltered and exposed situations, would require at least 3,000 acres. Then, experiments with forest-trees, in reference to timber and shelter in different elevations and aspects, would surely require 1,000 acres. Improvements in bog and muir lands should have other 1,000 acres. So that 9,500 acres would be required to put only a given proportion of the objects of cultivation in this country to the test of full experiment. — Such an extent of o-round will, no doubt, astonish those who are in tho habit of talking about 200 acres as capable of affording sufficient scope for an experimental farm. Those people should be made to understand that the plow must have room to work, and that thei-e is no other way of ex- .perimentizing satisfactorily for Jield culture, on an experimental farm, but by aflbrding it a real field to work in. If less ground be given, fewer sub- jects must be taken; and if any subject is rejected from experiment, then the system of experimentizing will be rendered incomplete. The system of experimentizing should be earned out to the fullest extent of its capa- bility on experimental farms, or it should be left, as it has hitherto been, in the hands of farmers. The farmers of Scotland have worked out for themselves an admirable system of husbandry, and if it is to be improved to a still higher pitch of skill by experimental farms, the means of improve- ment should be made commensurate with the object, otherwise there will be no satisfaction, and certain failure ; for the promoters of experimental farms should keep in mind that the existing husbandry, improved as it is, is neither in a stationary nor in a retrogi-ading, but in a progressive state toward farther improvement. Unless, therefore, the proposed experiments, by which it is intended to push its improvement still farther toward per- fection, embrace every individual of the multifarious objects which engage the attention of agriculturists, that one may be neglected which, if culti- vated, would have conferred the gi-eatest boon on Agriculture. I come, therefore, to this conclusion in the matter : that minute experiments on the progressive developments of plants and animals are absolutely requisite to establish their excellence or worthlessness, and these can be performed on a small space of ground ; but to stop short at this stage, and not pursue their culture on a scale commensurate with the operations of the farm, is to render the experimental farm of little avail to practical husbandry, and none at all to interest the fanner. So large an extent of farm would most probably embrace all the varie- ties of soil. It should, moreover, contain high and low land, arable, bog, and muir land, sheltered and exposed situations, and the whole should lie contiguous, in order to be influenced by the climate of the same locality. It would scarcely be possible to procure such an extent of land under the same landlord, but it might be found in the same locality on different es- tates. &uch a farm, rendered highly fertile by draining, manuring, liming; and labor, and plenished, as an experimental farm should be, with all the varieties of ci"op, stock, implements, and woods, would be a magnificent spectacle worthy of a nation's effort to put into a perfect state for a na- tional object. What a wide field of observation would it present to the botanical physiologist, containing a multiplicity of objects made subservi- ent to experiment ! What a laboratory of research for the chemist, among every possible vaiiety of earths, manures, plants, and products of vegeta- tion ! What a museum of objects for the naturalist, in which to observe the living habits and instincts of animals, some useful to man, and others (106) THE EDUCATION BEST SUITED TO YOUNG FARMERS. 59 injurious to the fruits of his labor ! What an arena upon which the hus- bandman to exercise his practical skill, in varying the modes of culture of crops and live-stock ! What an object of intense curiosity and untatisfying wonder to the rustic laborer ! But, above all, what interest and solicitude should the statesman feel the appliance of such a mighty engine, set in motion, to work out the problem of agricultural skill, prosperity, and power.* y. OF THE KIND OF EDUCATION BEST SUITED TO YOUNG FARMERS. " Between the physical sciences and the arts of life there subsists a constant mutual interchange of good offices, and no considerable progress can be made in the one with- out, of necessity, giving rise to corresponding steps in the other. On the one hand, every art is in some measure, and many entirely, dependent on those very powers and qualities of the material world which it is the object of physical inquiry to investigate and explain." Hebschel. * With respect to the education of young farmers, no course of element- ary education is better than what is taught at the excellent parochial schools of this country. The sons of farmers and of peasants have in them a favorable opportunity of acquiring the elements of a sound education, and they happily avail themselves of the opportunity ; but, besides ele- mentary education, a classical one sufficiently extensive and profound for farmers may there also be obtained. But there are subjects of a different nature, sciences suited to the study of maturer years, which young farmers should make a point of learning — 1 mean the sciences of Natural Philoso- phy, Natural History, Mathematics, and Chemistry. These are taught at colleges and academies. No doubt these sciences are included in the cur- riculum of education provided for the sons of landowners and wealthy farmers ; but every class of farmers should be taught them, not with a view of transforming them into philosophers, but of communicating to them the important knowledge of the nature of those phenomena which daily present themselves to their observation. Such information would make them more intelligent farmers, as well as men. The advantages which farmers would derive from studying those sciences will be best un- derstood by pointing out their nature. It is evident that most farming operations are much affected by external influences. The state of the weather, for instance, regulates every field operation, and local influences modify the climate very materially. Now it should be desired by the farmer to become acquainted with the causes which give rise to those influences, and these can only be known by com- prehending the laws of Nature which govern every natural phenomenon. The science which investigates the laws of these phenomena is called Nat- ural Philosophy, and it is divided into as many branches as there are classes of phenomena. The various classes of phenomena occur in the earth, air, water, and heavens. The laws which regulate them, being unerring in their operation, admit of absolute demonstration ; and the science which affords the demonstration is called Mathematics. Again, every object, an imate or inanimate, that is patent to the senses, possesses an individual identity, so that no two objects can be confounded together. The science which makes us acquainted with the marks for identifying individuals is * Paper by me on the subject in the Quart. Jour, of Agri., vol. vii. p. 538. (107) 60 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. termed Natural History. Farther, every object, animate or inanimate, cognizable by the senses, is a compound body made up of certain elements. Chemistn/ is* the science which makes us acquainted with the nature and combinations of those elements. We thus see how generally applicable those sciences are to the phenomena around us, and their utility to the farmer will be the more apparent, the more minutely each of them is in- vestio-ated. Let us take a cursory view of each subdivision as it affects Agriculture. Mathematics are either abstract or demonstrative. Absti-act mathemat- ics " ti-eat of propositions which are immutable, absolute truth," not liable to be affected by subsequent discoveries, " but remains the unchangeable property of the mind in all its acquirements." Demonstrative mathematics are also' strict, but are " interwoven with physical considerations" — that is, subjects that exist independently of the mind's conceptions of them or of the human will ; or, in other words still, considerations in accordance with nature. Mathematics thus constitute the essential means of demonstrating the strictness of those laws which govern natural phenomena. Mathemat- ics must, therefore, be first studied before those laws can be understood. — Their study tends to expand the mind — to enlarge its capacity for general principles, and U> improve its reasoning powers. Of the branches into which Natural Philosophy is divided, that \yhich is most useful to farmers is Mechanics, which is defined to be " the science of the laws of matter and motion, so far as is necessary to the construction of machines, which, acting under those laws, answer some purpose in the business of life." Without mechanics, as thus defined, farmers may leam to rcork any machine which answers their purj^ose ; but it is only by that science they can possibly understand the jtrimijiles upon Avhich any ma- chine is constructed, nor can any machine be properly consti-ucted in defi- ance of those principles. Both machinists and farmers ought to be versed in mechanical science, or the one cannot make, and the other guide, any machine as it ought to be ; but, as I have had occasion to express my sen- timents on this subject already, I shall abstain fiom dilating farther upon it here. Mathematical demonstration is strictly applicable to mechanics, whether as to the principles on which every machine operates, (»r the form of which it is constructed. The princi2iles of mechanics are treated of sep- arately under the name of Dynamics, which is defined to be " the science of force and motion." Pnev7>mtics is the branch of natural philosophy which is next to me- chanics in being the most useful to the farmer to know. It " treats of air, and the laws according to which it is condensed, rarefied, gravitates." The states of the air, giving a variable aspect to the seasons, as they pur- sue their " appointed course," endue all atmospherical phenomena with ex- treme interest to the farmer. Observation aVone can render variety of phenomena familiar; and their apparent capriciousness, arising most probably from the reciprocal action of various combinations of numerous elements, renders their complicated results at all times difficult of solution; for all fluids are susceptible of considerable mutations, even from causes possessing little force ; but the mutations of elastic fluids are probably effected by many inappreciable causes. Nevertheless, we may be assured that no change in the phenomena of the atmosphere, however trivial, takes place but as the unerring result of a definite law, be it chemical or physical. Closely connected with pneumatics, in so far as the air is concerned, are the kindred natural sciences of electricity and magnetism. These agencies, though perfectly perceptible to one or more of the senses, and evidently (108) THE EDUCATION BEST SUITED TO YOUNG FARMERS. 6i constantly at work in most of the phenomena of the atmosphere, are mysteriously subtle in their operations. It is extremely probable that one or both are the immediate causes of all the changes which the atmosphere is continually undergoing. It is hardly possible that the at- mosphere, surrounding the globe like a thin envelop, and regularly carried round with it in its diurnal and annual revolutions, should exhibit so very dissimilar phenomena every year, but from some disturbing cause, such as the subtile influences of electricity, which evidently bear so large a share in all remarkable atmospherical phenomena. Its agency is the most proba- ble cause of the irregular currents of the air called winds, the changes of which are well known to all farmers to possess the greatest influence on the weather. Natural History comprehends several branches of study. Metcorologif consists of the obsei^vation of the apparent phenomena of the atmosphere. The seasons constitute a principal portion of these phenomena. The clouds constitute another, and are classified according to the forms they assume, which are definite, and indicative of certain changes. The winds constitute a third, and afford subject for assiduous observation and much consideration. Attention to the directions of the wind and forms of the clouds will enable farmers to anticipate the kind of weather that will af- terward ensue in a given time in their respective localities. The preva- lence of the aqueous meteors of rain, snow, hail, and ice, is indicated by the state of the clouds and winds. Hydrography is the science of the watery part of the terraqueous globe. It makes us acquainted with the origin and nature of springs and marshes, the effects of lakes, marshes, and rivers, on the air and on vegetation in their vicinity ; and the effects of sea air on the vegetation of maritime disti'icts. Geology is the knowledge of the substances which compose the crust of the earth. It explains the nature and origin of soils and subsoils ; that is, the manner in which they have most probably been formed, and the rocks from which they have originated ; it discovers the relative position, struc- ture, and direction in which the different rocks usually lie. It has as yet done little for Agiiculture ; but a perfect knowledge of geology might supply useful hints for draining land, and planting trees on soils and over subsoils best suited to their natural habits, a branch of rural economy as yet little understood, and very injudiciously practiced. Botany and botanical physiology , which treat of the appearance and structure of plants, are so obviously useful to the agricultural pupil, that it is unnecessary to dilate on the advantages to be derived from a know- ledge of both. Zoology, which treats of the classification and habits of all animals, from the lowest to the highest organized structure, cannot fail to be a source of constant interest to every farmer who rears stock. There are few wild quadrupeds in this countiy ; but the insect creation itself would employ a lifetime to investigate. Anatomy, especially comparative anatomy, is highly useful to the farmer, inasmuch as it explains the functions of the internal structure of animals upon which he bestows so much care in rearing. Acquainted with the functions of the several parts which constitute the corporeal body, he will be the better able to apportion the food to the peculiar constitution of the animal ; and also to anticipate any tendency toward disease, by a previ- ously acquired knowledge of premonitory symptoms. Comparative anatomy is most successfully taught in veterinary schools. The only other science which bears directly on Agriculture, and with (109) 62 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. which the pupil farmer should make himself acquainted, is Chemistry ; that science which is cognizant of all the changes in the constitution of matter, whether effected by heat, by moisture, or other means. There is no substance existing in nature but is susceptible of chemical examina tion. A science so universally applicable cannot fail to arrest popular at- tention. Its popular character, however, has raised expectations of its power to assist Agriculture to a much gieater degree than the results of its investigations yet waiTant. It is veiy generally believed, not by prac- tical farmers, but chiefly by amateur agiiculturists, who profess great regard for the welfare of Agriculture, that the knowledge derived from the analysis of soils, manures, and vegetable products, would develop general principles which might lead to the establishment of a system of Agriculture as certain in its effects as the unerring results of science. Agriculture, in that case, would rank among the experimental sciences, the application of the principles of which would necessarily result in increased produce. The positive effects of the weather seem to be entirely over- looked by these amateurs. Such sentiments and anticipations are. very prevalent in the present day, when every sort of what is teniied scientific knowledge is sought after vAx\\ an eagerness as if prompted by the fear of endangered existence. This feverish anxiety for scientific knowledge is very unlike the dispassionate state of mind induced by the patient in- vestigation of true science, and very unfavorable to the right application of the principles of science to any practical art. Most of the leading agricultural societies instituted for the promotion of practical Agriculture, have been of late assailed by the entreaties of enthusiastic amateur agri- culturists, to consti-uct their premiums to encourage only that system of Agriculture which takes chemistry for its basis. These are the physical sciences whose principles seem most applicable to Agriculture ; and being so, they should be studied by everj' farmer who wishes to be considered an enlightened member of his profession. That farmers are quite competent to attain to these sciences, may be gathered from these obsei"vations of Sir John Herschel : " There is scarcely any well-informed person who, if he has but the will, has not the power to add something essential to the general stock of knowledge, if he will only ob- serve regularly and methodically some particular class of facts which may most excite his attention, or which his situation may best enable him to study with effect. To instance one subject which can only be effectually improved by the united obsei'vations of gi'eat numbers widely dispersed : Meteorology, one of the most complicated but important branches of sci- ence, is at the same time one in which any person who will attend to plain rules, and bestow the necessary degree of attention, may do effectual ser- vice." But in drawing our conclusions, great caution is requisite ; for, " In forming inductions, it will most commonly happen that we are led to our conclusions by the especial force of some two or three strongly im- pressive facts, rather than by affording the whole mass of cases a regular consideration ; and hence the need of cautious verification. Indeed, so strong is this propensity of the human mind, that there is hardly a more common thing than to find persons ready to assign a cause for every thing they see, and in so doing, to join things the most incongruous, by analo- gies the most fanciful. This being the case, it is evidently of great im- portance that these first ready impulses of the mind should be made on the contemplation of the cases most likely to lead to good inductions. The misfortune, however, is, in natural philosophy, that the choice does not rest with us. We must take the instances as Nature presents them. Even if we are furnished with a list of them in tabular order, we must under- (110) THE EDUCATION BEST SUITED TO YOUNG FARMERS. 63 Stand and compare them with each other, before we can tell which are the instances thus deservedly entitled to the highest consideration. And, after all, after much labor in vain, and gi'oping in the dark, accident or casual observation wall present a case which strikes us at once with a full insight into the subject, before we can even have time to determine to what class its prerogative belongs."* Many farmers, I dare say, will assert it to be far beyond the reach of their means, and others beyond their station, to bestow on their sons so learned an education as that implied in the acquirement of the sciences just now enumerated. Such apprehensions are ill-founded ; because no faiTner that can afford to support his sons at home, without working for their bare subsistence, but possesses the means of giving them a good education, as I shall immediately prove ; and no farmer, who confessedly has wealth, should grudge his sons an education that will fit them to adorn the profession they intend to follow. It cannot be denied that a knowledge of mathematics and natural phi- losophy greatly elevates the mind. Those farmers who have acquired these sciences, must be sensible of their tendency to do this ; and they will therefore naturally wish their sons to enjoy what they themselves do. Those who of themselves do not know these sciences, on being informed of their beneficial tendency, will probably feel it to be their duty to edu- cate their sons, and thereby put it in their power to raise themselves in society and at the same time shed a lustre on the profession of which they are members. The same species of reasoning applies to the acquirement of the peculiar accomplishments bestowed on the mind by a knowledge of natural history and chemisti-y. Neither the time nor expense of ac- quiring such an education is of that extent or magnitude as to deter any farmer's son from attempting it, who occupies a station above that of a farm steward. Besides these considerations, a good education, as the trite saying has it, is the best legacy a parent can leave his child ; and, on this account, it is better for the young farmer himself to bestow on him a su- perior education, in the first instance, with a part even of the money des- tined by his father to stock him a farm, than to plenish for him a larger farm, and stint his education. The larger farm would, no doubt, enable the half-educated son to earn a livelihood more easily ; but the well-edu- cated one would be more than compensated in the smaller farm, by the possession of that cultivated intelligence which would induce him to ap- ply the resources of his mind to drawing forth the capabilities of the soil, and making himself an infinitely superior member of society. Were in- dustrious farmers as eager to improve their sons' minds by superior edu- cation, as they too often are to amass fortunes for them — a boon unprofit- ably used by uncultivated minds — they would display more wisdom in their choice. No really sensible farmer should hesitate to decide which course to take, when the intellectual improvement of his family is con- cerned. He should never permit considerations of mere pelf to overcome a sense of right and of duty. Rather than prevent his son having the power to raise himself in his profession, he should scrupulously economize his own expenditure. I shall now show that the time occupied in the acquisition of those sciences which are expedient for the farmer to learn, is not lost when compared with the advantages which they may bestow. Part of three years will accomplish all, but three years are doubtless an immense time * Discourse on the Jftudy of Natural Philosophy, pp. 133, 182. (Ill) 64 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. for a young man to lose ! So it would be ; but, to place the subject in its proper light, I would put this statement and question for consideration — Whether the young farmer's time, who is for years constantly following bis father's footsteps over the farm, and only superintending a little in his absence, while the father himself is, all the time, quite capable of conduct- ing the farm, is not as much lost, as the phrase has it, as it would be when he is occupied in acquiring a scientific education at a little distance from home ? Insomuch as the young man's time is of use to the farm, the two cases are nearly on a par ; but, in as far as both cases affect himself, there is no question that science would benefit him the more — no question that a superior education would afterward enable him to learn the practical part of his profession with his father, with much greater ease to himself The question is thus narrowed to the consideration of the alternative of the cost of keeping the son at home, following his father as idly as his shadow, or of sending him to college. Even in this pecuniary point of view, the alternative consists merely of the difference of maintenance at home, and that in a town, with the addition of fees. That this difference is not great, I shall now show. Part of three years, as I have said, would accomplish all amply, and in this way : the first year to be devoted to mathematics, the second to natural philosophy, and the third to natural history and chemistry ; and along with these principal subjects, some time in both years should be devoted to geography, English grammar and composition, book-keeping, and a knowledge of cash transactions. The two months' vacation in each year could be spent at home. There are seminaries* at which these sub- jects mayt be studied, at no gieat distance from every farmer's home. There are, fortunately for the youths of Scotland, universities, colleges, and academies, in many parts of the country. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and St. Andrews, can boast of well-endowed universities and colleges ; while the academies at Dundee, Perth, Ayr, Dollar, and Inver- ness, have been long famed for good tuition. 10. OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FARMING. " I'll teach you differences." Lear. Perhaps the young farmer will be astonished to learn that there are many and various systems of farming ; yet so in reality is the case, and moreover that they all possess very distinctive characteristics. There are six kinds of farming practiced in Scotland alone ; and though all are pur- sued under some circumstances common to all, and each kind is perhaps best adapted to the particular soil and situation in which it is practiced ; yet it is highly probable that one of the kinds might be applicable to, and profitably followed, in all places of nearly similar soil and locality. Lo- cality, however, determines the kind of fanning fully more than the soil ; the soil only entirely detei-mining it when of a very peculiar consistence. The comparative influence of locality over soil in determining this point will be better understood after shortly considering each kind of farming. [» Or free schools. t Or ought to be, Ei. Farm. Lib\ (112) THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FARMING. 65 1. One kind is wholly confined to pastoral districts, which are chiefly- situated in the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland — in the Cheviot and Cumberland hills of England — and very generally in Wales. In all these districts, farming is almost restricted to the breeding of cattle and sheep ; and, as natural pasture forms the principal food of live-stock in a pastoral country, very little arable culture is there practiced for their be- hoof Cattle and sheep are not always both reared on the same farm. Cattle are reared in very large numbers in the Western Isles, and in the pastoral valleys among the mountain-ranges of England, Wales, and Scot- land.* Sheep are reared in still greater numbers in the upper parts of the mountain-ranges of Wales and of the Highlands of Scotland ; and on the green round-backed mountains of the south of Scotland and the north of England. The cattle reared in pastoral districts are small sized, chiefly black colored, and horned. Those in the Western Isles, called " West Highlanders," or " Kyloes," are esteemed a beautifully symmetrical and valuable breed of cattle. Those in the valleys of the Highland moun tains, called " North Highlanders," are considerably inferior to them in quality, and smaller in size. The black-faced, mountain, or heath, horned sheep, are bred and reared on the upper mountain-ranges, and fattened in the low country. The round-backed green hills of the south are mostly stocked with the white-faced, hornless, Cheviot breed, ; though the best kind of the black -faced breed is also reared in some localities of that dis- trict, but seldom both breeds are bred by the same farmer. Wool is a staple product of sheep pastoral farming. Pastoral farms are chiefly appropriated to the rearing of one kind of sheep, or one kind of cattle ; though both classes of stock are bred where valleys and mountain-tops are found on the same farm. The arable cul- ture practiced on them is confined to the raising of provisions for the sup- port of the shepherds and cattle-herds ; and perhaps of a few turnips, for the support of the stock duiing the severity of a snow-storm ; but the principal artificial food of the stock in winter is hay, which in some cases is obtained by inclosing and mowing a piece of natural grass on a spot of good land, near the banks of a rivulet, the alluvial soil along the river sides being generally of fine quality. All pastoral farms are large, some containing many thousands of acres — nay miles in extent ; but from 1,500 [* In the United States the mountain ranges running from east to west may be considered our " pastoral " or grazing districts. The farther we go east the more are such lands devoted to sheep husbandry, while in the west and southwest they are given up to the rearing of cattle, to be sold, as lean or stock cattle, to the grazier, who sometimes buys and carries them through the winter on wheat straw, and fattens them on grass against the next autumn. But more generally they are sold in spring, grazed through the summer, and fattened on corn the following winter. Thus prepared for market, they are either killed and packed in the West, or driven thence in spring and summer to the eastern markets. For our pastoral or grazing districts, a comparatively smaller and more thrifty race of cattle, weighing, when at market, from 500 to 700, is most advantageous for all parties, as, with but little exception they have to " shift for themselves " throughout the year, and often get no special feeding. It is as true now as it was in the time of Sir John Sinclair, that where the surface is barren and the climate rigorous, it is essential that the stock bred and maintained there should be enabled to sustain the severities and vicissitudes of the weather as well as scarcity of foood, or any other circumstance in its locality and treatment that might subject a more delicate breed to injury. For the purposes of the cattle breeder in the mountains, it is probable that the hardy middle sized North Devon would be found most eligible ; or if it should be deemed expedient to try a foreign cross which we have not tried, obvious reasons suggest that the Polled, or Galloway, and the Scotch Highland races should be had recourse to. Ed. Farm. Lib.^ (U3) 5 66 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. to 3,000 acres is perhaps an ordinarj' size* Locality determines this kind of fanning. The stocking of a pastoral farm consists of a breeding stock of sheep or cattle, and a yearly proportion of barren stock intended to be fed and sold at a proper age. A large capital is thus required to stock at first, and afterward maintain such a fai-m ; for, although the quality of the land may not be able to support many heads of stock per acre, yet, as the farms are large, the number of heads required to stock a large farm is very consid- erable. The rent, when consisting of a fixed sum of money, is of no great amount per acre, but sometimes it is fixed at a sum per head of the stock that the farm will maintain. A j)astoral farmer should be well acquainted with the rearing and man- agement of cattle or sheep, whichever his farm is best suited for. A know ledge of general field culture is of little use to him, though he should know how to raise turnips and make hay. 2. Another kind of farming is practiced on carse land. A carse is a dis- trict of country, consisting of deep horizontal depositions of alluvial or dilu- vial clay, on one or both sides of a considerable river ; and may be of great or small extent, but generally comprehends a large tract of country. In almost all respects, a carse is quite the opposite to a pastoral district. Carse land implies a flat, rich, clay soil, capable of raising all sorts of grain to great perfection, and unsuited to the cultivation of pasture grasses, and, of course, to the rearing of live-stock. A pastoral district, on the other hand, is always hilly — the soil generally thin, poor, and various, and commonly of a light texture, much more suited to the growth of natural pasture glasses than of grain, and, of course, to the rearing of live-stock. Soil decides this kind of farming. Being all arable, a carse farm is mostly stocked ^\-ith animals and imple- ments of labor ; and these, with seed-com for the large proportion of the land cultivated under the plow, require a considerable outlay of capital. — Carse land always maintains a high rent per acre, whether it consists solely of money, or of money and com valued at the fiars prices. A carse farm, requiring much capital and much labor, is never of large extent — seldom exceeding 200 acres. A carse\ farmer requires to be well acquainted with the cultivation of grain, and almost nothing else, as he can rear no live-stock ; and all he re- quires of them are a few milch cows, to supply milk to his household and farm-scn,'ants, and a few cattle in the sti-aw-yard in winter, to trample do^vn the large quantity of straw into manure — both of which classes of cattle are purchased when wanted. 3. A third sort of farming is that which is practiced in the rtcighhorhood of large towns. In the immediate vicinity of London, farms are appropri- ated to the growth of garden vegetables for Covent-Garden market ; and, of course, their method of culture can have nothing in common with either pastoral or carse farms. In the neighborhood of most towns, garden vege- tables, with the exception of potatoes, are not so much cultivated as green crops, such as tuniips and grass, and dry fodder, such as straw and hay, for the use of cow-feeders and stable-keepers. The practice of this kind of farming is to dispose of all the produce, and receive in return manure for the land. And this constitutes this kind of fanning a retail trade like that in town, in which articles are bought and sold in small quantities, mostly * It is to be regretted that neither the Old nor the New StatUticai Account of Scotland gives the lewt idea 01 the nie of the farms in any of the parishes described, [t What we call a grain-farmer. £^. parm Lib 1 (114) THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FARMING. 67 for ready money.* When there is not a sufficient demand in the town for all the disposable produce, the farmer purchases cattle and sheep to eat the turnips, and trample the straw into manui^e, in winter. Locality decides this kind of farming. The chief qualification of an occupant of this kind of farm is a thorough acquaintance with the raising of green crops — potatoes, clover, and turnips ; and his particular study is the raising of those kinds and varieties that are most prolific, for the sake of having large quantities to dispose of, and which, at the same time, are most suitable to the wants of his customers. The capital required for a farm of this kind, which is all arable, is aa large as that for a carse farm. The rent is always high per acre, and the extent of land not large — seldom exceeding 300 acres. 4. A fourth kind of farming is the dairy husbandry. It specially directs its attention to the manufacture of butter and cheese, and the sale of milk. Some farms are laid out for the express purpose ; but the sale of milk is frequently conjoined with the raising of green crops, in the neighborhood of large towns, whose inhabitants are whence daily supplied with milk, though seldom from pasture, which is mostly appropriated as paddocks for stock sent to the weekly market. But a true dairy-farm I'equires old pas- ture. The chief business of a dairy farm is the management of cows and of their produce ; and whatever arable culture is practiced thereon is made entirely subservient to the maintenance and comfort of the dairy stock. — The milk, where practicable, is sold; where beyond the reach of sale, it is partly churned into butter, which is sold either fresh or salted, and partly made into cheese, either sweet or skimmed. No stock are reared on dairy- farms, as on pastoral, except a few quey (heifer) calves, occasionally to re- plenish the cow stock ; nor aged stock fed in winter, as on farms in the vicinity of towns. The bull calves are frequently fed fbr veal, but the prin- cipal kind of stock reared are pigs, which are fattened on dairy refuse. — Young horses, however, are sometimes successfully reared on dairy-farms. Horse labor being comparatively little required thereon, mares can carry their young, and work with safety at the same time ; while old pasture, spare milk, and whey afford great facilities for nourishing young horses in a superior manner. Locality has decided this kind of farming on the large scale. The purchase of cows is the principal expense of stocking a dairy farm ; and as the purchase of live-stock in any state, especially breeding-stock, is always expensive, and live-stock themselves, especially cows, constantly lia- ble to many casualties, a dairy-farm requires a considerable capital. It is, however, seldom of large extent — seldom exceeding 150 acres. The arable portion of the farm supplying the green crop for winter food and litter, does not incur much outlay, as hay — that obtained fi-om old pasture grass — forms the principal food of all the stock in winter. The rent of dairy- farms is high. A dairy farmer should be well acquainted with the properties and man- agement of milch cows, the manufacture of butter and cheese, the feeding of veal and pork, and the rearing of horses ; and he should also possess as much knowledge of arable culture as to enable him to raise those kinds of [* The facilities afforded by steam for the quick transportation of perishable articles — such as fruit and milk, and the more delicate vegetables — has had the effect of opening market gardens at a comparatively great distance from the large towns. A railroad or a steamboat will bring these articles into market, from a distance of fifty miles, Wvh. as little delay, and less injury by transportation, than an ordinary conveyance would bring them ten miles. Obvious as is this fact, it is deemed proper to mention it, that it may not be lost sight of in the purchase of farms. Ed. Farm. Lib\ (115) 68 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. green crops, and that species of hay, wliich are most congenial to cows for the production of milk. 5. A fifth method of farming is that which is practiced in most arable districts, consisting of any kind of soil not strictly carse land. This rnethod consists of a regular system of cultivating grains and sown grasses, with the partial rearing, and partial purchasing, or wholly purchasing, of cattle ; and no sheep are reared in this system, they being purchased in autumn, to be fed on turnips in winter, and sold off fat in spi-ing. This system may be said to combine the professions of the farmer, the cattle-dealer, and the sheep- dealer* To become a farmer of this mixed husbandry, a man must be acquainted with evers- kind of fanning practiced in the country. He actually practices them all. ' He prosecutes, it is tnie, each kind in a rather different manner from that practiced in localities where the particular kind is pursued as the only system of fanning ; because each branch of his farming must be con- ducted so as to conduce to the welfare of the whole, and, by studying the mutual dependence of parts, he produces a whole in a superior manner. — This multiplicity of objects requires from him more than ordinary attention, and much more than ordinary skill in management. No doubt, the farm- ers of some of the other modes of farming become very skillful in adapting their practice to the situations in which they are actually placed, but hia more varied experience increases versatility of talent and quickness of dis- cernment ; and, accordingly, it will be found that the farmers of the mixed husbandry prove themselves to be the cleverest and most intelligent agri- culturists of the country. 11. OF CHOOSING THE KIND OF FARMING. "Choice, being mutual act of all our souls, makes merit her election." Tboii,c3 and Ckessida. These are the various kinds of fanning pursued in this kingdom ; and, if there be any other, its type may, no doubt, be found in the mixed sys- tem just described. One of these systems must be adopted by the aspirant pupil for his profession. If he succeed to a family inheritance, the kind of farming he will follow will depend on that pursued by his predecessor, which he will learn accordingly ; but if he is free to choose for himself, and not actually restricted by the circumstances of peculiar locality, or soil, or inheritance, then I would ad\-ise him to adopt the mixed husbandry, as contaujing within itself all the varieties of fanning which it is requisite for a farmer to know. If he is at liberty to take advice, I can inform him that the mixed hus- bandry possesses advantaores over every other ; and practically thus : in pastoral farming, the stock undergoes minute examination, for certain pur- poses, only at distantly stated times ; and owing to the wide space over which they have to roam for food in pastoral districts, comparatively less attention is bestowed on them by shepherds and cattle-herds. The"^ pas- toral farmer has thus no particular object to attract his attention at home between those somewhat long intervals of time ; and in the mean while time is apt to bane: heavy on his hands. The carse farmer, afler the la- bors o f the field are finished in spring, has nothing but a little hay-making [* Which, in our countrv, are often combined. £d Farm Lib\ (116) SELECTING A TUTOR-FARMER. 69 and much bare-fallowing in summer, to occupy his mind until the harvest. Dairy-farming affords little occupation for the farmer in wintei". The farmer in the vicinity of large tow^ns has almost nothing to do in summer, from turnip-seed to harvest. Mixed-husbandry, on the other hand, affords abundant and regular employment at all seasons. Cattle and sheep feed- ing, and marketing grain, pleasantly occupy the short days of winter. Seed- sowing of all kinds affoids abundant employment in spring. The rearing of live-stock, sale of wool, and culture of green crops, fill up the time in summer until harvest ; and autumn, in all circumstances, brings its own busy avocations at the ingathering of the fi-uits of the earth. There is, strictly speaking, not one week of real leisure to be found in the mixed system of farming — if the short period be excepted, from assorting lambs in the beginning of August to putting the sickle to the corn — and that pe- riod is curtailed or protracted, according as the harvest is early or late. If the young farmer is desirous of attaining a knowledge of every kind of farm work — of securing the chance of profit every year — and of find- ing regular employment at all seasons in his profession, he should deter- mine to follow the mixed husbandry. It will not in any year entirely disappoint his hopes. In it, he will never have to bewail the almost total destruction of his stock by the rot, or by the severe storms of winter, as the pastoral farmer sometimes has. Nor can he suffer so serious a loss as the carse farmer, by his crop of grain being affected by the inevitable casualties of blight or drouth, or the great depression of prices for a suc- cession of years. Were his stock greatly destroyed or much deteriorated in value by such casualties, he might have the grain to rely on ; and were his grain crops to fail to a serious extent, the stock might insure him a profitable return. It is scarcely within the bounds of probability that a loss would arise in any year from the total destruction of live-stock, wool, and grain. One of them may fail, and the prices of all may continue de- pressed for years ; but, on the other hand, reasonable profits have been realized from them all in the same year. Thus, there are safeguards against a total loss, and a greater certainty of a profitable return from capital invested in the mixed, than in any other kind of husbandry at pres- ent known. 12. OF SELECTING A TUTOR-FARMER FOR TEACHING FARMING. " The«e are their tutors, bid them >ise them well." Taming op the Shrew. After resolving to follow farming as a profession, and determining to learn the mixed, as the best system of husbandry, it now only remains for the young farmer to select a farmer who practices it, with whom he would wish to engage as a pupil. The best kind of pupilage is to become a boarder in a farmer's house, where he will not only live comfoitably but may learn this superior system of husbandry thoroughly. The choice of locality is so far limited, as it must be in a district in which this particular system is practiced in a superior manner. The qualifications are numer- ous. The farmer should have the general reputation of being a good farmer ; that is, a skillful cultivator of land, a judicious breeder, and an excellent judge of stock. He should possess agreeable manners, and have the power of communicating his thoughts with ease. He should occupy a good farm, consisting, if possible, of a variety of soils, and situate in a (117) 70 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. tolerably good climate, neither on the top of a high hill, nor on the co«- fines of a large moor or bog, but in the midst of a well cultivated country. These circumstances of soil and locality should be absolute requisites in a farm intended to be made the residence of pupils. The top of a hill, exposed to every blast that blows, or the vicinage of a bog, overspread Avith damp vapor, would sunound the farm with a climate in which no Kind of crop or stock could arrive at a state of perfection ; while, on the Jther hand, a very sheltered spot in a warm situation, would give the pu- oil no idea of the vexations experienced in a precarious cHmate. His in- experience in these things will render him unfit to select for himself either a qualified fanner, or a suitable fann ; but friends are never wanting to render assistance to young aspirants in such emergencies, and if their opinion is formed on a knowledge of farming, both of the farm and the personal qualifications of the farmer they are recommending, some confi- dence may be placed in their recommendations. As a residence of one year must pass over ere the pupil can witness the course of the annual operations of the farm, his engagement at first should be made for a period of not less than a year ; and at the expiring of that pe- riod he will, most probably, find himself inadequate to the task of man- aging a farm. The entire length of time he would require to spend on a farm, must be determined by the paramount consideration of his having acquired a competent knowledge of his profession. 13. OF THE PUPILAGE. "A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age." Much Ado about Nothing. Having settled these preliminaries with the tutor-farmer, the pupil should enter the farm — the first field of his anticipations and toils in farm- ing — with a resolution to acquire as much professional knowledge, in as short a time as the nature of the business which he is about to learn will admit of The commencement of his tuition may be made at any time of the year; but since farming operations have a regular beginning and ending every year, it is obvious that the most proper time to begin to view them is at the opening of the agricultural year, that is, in the beginning of icinter. It may not be quite congenial to the feelings of him who has perhaps been accus- tomed to pass his winters in a town, to participate for the first time in the labors of a farm on the eve of winter. He would naturally prefer the sunny days of summer. But the beginning of winter being the time at which every important operation is begun, it is essential to their being un- derstood throughout, to see them begun, and in doing this, minor incon- veniences should be willingly submitted to, to acquire an intimate know- ledge of a profession for life. And, besides, to endeavor to become acquainted with complicated operations, after the principal arrangements for their accomplishment have been completed, is purposely to invite wrong impressions of them. There is really nothing disagreeable to personal comfort in the business of the farm in winter. On the contrary, it is full of interest, inasmuch as the well-being of living animals then comes home to the attention more forcibly than the operations of the soil. The totally different and well- marked individual characters of different animals, engage our sympathies (118) DEALING WITH THE DETAILS OF FARMING. 71 in aifferent degrees ; and the more so, perhaps, of all of them, that they app^r more^ome'sticatedwhen under confinement than at liberty to roam ah^t in quest of food and seclusion. In the evenmg, an wmter, the Wtality of the social board awaits the pupil at home, or at a friend s hZe after the labors of the day are over. Neighbors interchange visits at tS social season, when topics of conversation common to all societies are varied by remarks on professional occurrences and management eli- rkedbv the modified practices of the different speakers from which the pup?imlypicTupmu?h usefixl information. Or should society present no charms ?o him^the quieter companionship of books, or the severer task n?«tn^v is at his command. In a short time, however, the many objects ^ecS'to the seaZi which present themselves in the country m winter. ^The'Sy'fiiTtSng';^ which the pupil . should direct his attention on enterinrthe farm, is to become well acquainted with .is physrcalgeogra. X that IS its position, exposure, extent; its fences, whether of wall or £T Its she term relltion to rising gi'ounds and plantations ; its roads, tiS^v rfnblic or m-ivate ; its fields, their number, names, sizes, relative whethei P^^i^^^,^^P;Tf water- the position of the farm-house and stead- FnTrf— T Vamm^^^^^^^^ with alUhese particulars will enlbleWrto understand more i4adily the orders given by the farmer for the workTo be performed in any field. It is like possessing a map of the So^nd on which certain plans of operations are about to be u-dertaken TZl of the farm would much facilitate an introduction to this famihar acauaLtance The ^«^.r-farmer should be provided with such a plan to ^i^ereach of Hs pupils, but if A. have it not, the pupil himself can set Tout constructing one which wiU answer his pux^^ose well enough. U. OF DEALING WITH THE DETAILS OF FARMING. « Oh I is there not some patriot . . • To teach the lab'ring hands the sweets of toU ? Yes, there are such." Thomson. The principal object held in view, while makmg the precedmg observa- tions was the^preparation of the mind of the young person desirous ofbe- comikra farmer, into such a state as to enable him, when he enters a farm asTpupil to ant cipate and overcome what might appear to him great dif- ficulSf practice%hich, with an unprepared mmd, he could not know eSted at all, far le s know how to overcome ; but, on being informed that hrmust encounter them at the very outset of his career he -f ^ -e t^« merns pointed out to him for meeting and overcommg them These diffi- ?uWes have their origin in the pupil seeing the operations of the farm, of whoever nature, performed for the first time, in the most perfect manner Tud always with a view to accomplishment at some >^t.re period. The ontS of overcoming such difficulties, and thereby satisfying his mind X the pupil to ascertain by inquiry the purport of every operation he Tees perfoLhic ; and though he may feel that he does not quite compxe- Z:A^:^7rVok even when informed of it, still t^-;;f ^Xr ^a^^^^ him of its approaching consummation, and he ^^^^ "°;' ^^,;^"Jj;;3^' kI time thereafter be taken by surprise when the ^"^^^l^^'l^^^JZ^^t.^rt of show the pupil the importance of makmg mquury regardmg the purport oi 72 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. every operation he sees performing, I see no better mode of rendering all farming operations intelligible to his mind. In order to urge him to become familiar with the purport of everj'thing he sees going on around him, I have endeavored to point out the numerous evih attendant on farmers, landown- ers, and emigrants neglecting to become thoroughly acquainted with prac- tical husbandry, before attempting to exercise their functions in their new vocations. And, in order that the young person desirous of becoming a farmer may have no excuse for not becoming u-ell acquainted with farming, I have shown him where, and the manner how, he can best become ac- quainted with it ; and these are best attained, under present circumstances, by his becoming an inmate for a time in a fann-house with an intelligent farmer. Believing that the foregoing observations, if perused with a will- ing mind, are competent to give such a bias to his mind as to enable the pupil, when he enters a farm, to appreciate the importance of his profes- sion, and thereby create an ardent desire for its attainment, I shall now pro- ceed to describe the details of every operation as it occurs in its due course on the farm. The description of these details, which are multifanous and somewhat inti'icate, will compose by far the most voluminous portion of this work, and will constitute the most valuable and interesting part of it to the pupil. In the descriptions, it is my intention to go very minutely into details, that no circumstance maybe omitted in regard to any of the operations, which may have the appearance of presenting a single one to the notice of the pupil in an imperfect form. This resolution may invest the descriptions with a de- gree of prolixity which may, perhaps, prove tiresome to the general reader; but, on that very account, it should the more readily give rise to a firm de- termination in the pupil to follow the particulars of every operation into their most minute ramifications ; and this because he cannot be too inti- mately acquainted with the nature of every piece of work, or too much in- formed of the various modifications which every operation has frequently to undergo, in consequence of change in the weather, or the length of time in which it is permitted by the season to perform it. Descriptions so mi- nute will answer the purpose of detailed instructions to the pupil ; and, should he follow them with a moderate degree of application through one series of operations, he will obtain such an insight into the nature of field labor as will ever after enable him easily to recognize a similar series when it is begun to be put into execution. Unless, however, he bestow consider- able attention on all the details of the descriptions, he will be apt to let pass what may appear to him an unimportant particular, but which may be the very keystone of the whole operation to which they relate. With a tol- erable memory on the part of the pupil, I feel pretty sure that an attentive perusal of the descriptions will enable him to identify any piece of work he afterward sees performing in the field. This achievement is as much as any book can be expected to accomplish. In describing the details of fanning, it is necessary to adhere to a deter- minate method ; and the method that appears to me most instructive to the pupil is to follow the usual routine of operations pursued on a fann. It will be requisite, in following that routine implicitly, to describe every op- eration from the beginning ; for it must be impressed on the mind of the pupil that farm operations are not conducted at random, but on a tned and approved system, which commences with preparatory labors, and then car- ries them on with a determinate object in view throughout the seasons, un- til they terminate at the end of the agricultural year. The preparatory op- erations commence immediately after harvest, whenever that may happen, and it will be earlier or later in the year according as the season is early or (120) DEALING WITH THE DETAILS OF FARMING. 73 late ; and as the harvest is the consummation of the labors of the year, and terminates the autumnal season, so the preparatory operations begin with the winter season. Thus the winter season takes the precedence in the ar- rangements of farming, and doing so, that should be the best reason for the pupil commencing his career as an agi'iculturist in winter. In that season he will have the advantage of witnessing every preparation as it is made for realizing the future crops — an advantage which he cannot enjoy if he enter on his pupilage at any other season ; but it is a great advantage, inas- much as every piece of work is much better understood, when viewed from its commencement, than when seen for the first time in a state of progi-es- sion. Having offered these preliminary remarks respecting the condition of the agricultural pupil when about to commence learning his profession, I shall now proceed to conduct him through the whole details of farming, as they usually occur on a fami devoted to the practice of the tnixed, or, in other words, of the most perfect system of husbandry known ; while, at the same time, he shall be made acquainted with what constitute differences from it in the coiresponding operations of the other modes of farming, and which are imposed by the peculiarities of the localities in which they are practiced. These details I shall nan-ate in the order in which they are performed, and for that purpose will begin with those of Winter — the season which com- mences the agricultural year — for the reason assigned in the paragraph im- mediately preceding this one. 74 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. WINTER. " All nature feels the renovating force Of Winter, only to the thoughtless e}'e In ruin seen. The frost-concocted glebe Draws in abundant vegetable soul, And gathers vigor for the coining year." Thomson'. The subjects which court attention in Winter are of the most interesting description to the farmer. Finding little inducement to spend much time in the fields at this torpid season of the year, he directs his attention to the more animated portions of farm-work conducted in the steading, where almost the whole stock of animals are collected, and where the preparation of the grain for market affords pleasant employment for work-people within doors. The progress of live-stock to maturity is always a prominent object of the farmer's solicitude, but especially in winter, when the stock are com- fortably housed in the farmstead, plentifully supplied with wholesome food, and so an-anged in various classes, according to age and sex, as to be easily inspected at any time. The labors of the field in winter are confined to a few great operations. These are, plomng the soil in preparation of future crops, and supplying food to the live-stock. The plowing partly consists of turning over the ground which had borne a part of the grain crops ; and the method of plow- ing this stubble land — so called because it bears the straw that was left un- cut of the previous crop — is deteiTnined by the nature of the soil. That portion of the stubble land is first plowed which is intended to be first brought into requisition for a crop in spring, and the rest is plowed in the same succession that the different crops succeed each other in the ensuing seasons. The whole soil thus plowed in the early part of Avinter in each field (where the fann is subdiA'ided with fences), or in each division (where there are no fences), is then neatly and completely provided with channels, cut with the spade in suitable places, for the pui-pose of permitting the water that may fall fi'om the heavens to run quickly off into the ditches, and thereby to maintain the soil in as dry a state as is practicable until spring. Toward the latter part of AA-inter, the newest grass land — or lea* as grass land is generally tenned — intended to bear a crop in spring, is then plowed ; the oldest grass land being earlier plowed, that its toughness may have time to be meliorated by spring by exposure to the atmosphere. . . . -When the soil is naturally damp underneath, winter is the season se- lected for removing the damp by draining. It is questioned by some farm- [* Every agricultural student and reader would do well to notice these peculiar terms em- ployed by English agricultural writers, because it is in that country, above all others, that the spirit of investigation is constantly at work. It is there that the progress of discovery is most steady, and publication most prompt and difiiisive, and that, above all, in our own mother tongue. Ed. Farm. Lib.\ (123) . WINTER. 75 ers whether the winter is the best season for draining, as the usually rainy and otherwise unsettled state of the weather then renders the carnage of the materials for draining very laborious. On the other hand, it is main- tained by other farmers that, as the quantity of water to be drained from the soil determines both the number and size of the drains, these are thus best ascertained in winter ; and, as the fields are then most free of crop, they are in the most convenient state to be drained. Truth may perhaps be found to acquiesce in neither of these reasons, but rather in the opinion that draining may be successfully pursued at all seasons Where fields are uninclosed, and intended to be fenced with the thorn-hedge, wdnter is the season for performing the operation of planting it. Hard frost, a fall of snow, or heavy rain, may put a stop to the work for a time, but in all other states of the weather it may proceed in perfect safety When meadows for irrigation exist on any farm^ winter is the season for begin- ning the irrigation with water, that the grass may be ready to mow in the early part of the ensuing summer. It is a fact well worth keeping in re- membrance, in favor of winter irrigation, that irrigation in winter produces wholesome, and in summer unwholesome, herbage for stock. On the other hand, summer, not winter, is the proper season for forming water-mead- ows Almost the entire live-stock of an arable farm is dependent on the hand of man for food in winter. It is this circumstance which, bring- ing the stock into the immediate presence of their ovvTier, creates a stronger interest in their welfare then than at any other season. The fanner then sees them classed together in the farmstead according to their age and Bex, and delights to contemplate the comparative progress of individuals or classes among them toward maturity. He makes it a point to see them provided at all times with a comfortable bed or lair, and a sufficient sup- ply of clean food at appointed hours in their respective apartments. The feeding of stock is so important a branch of faiTn business in winter that it regulates the time for prosecuting several other operations. It determines the quantity of turnips that should be carried from the field for the cattle in a given time, and causes the farmer to consider whether it would not be prudent to take advantage of the first few dry fresh days to store up a quantity of them, to be in reserve for the use of the stock during the storm that may be at the time portending — for storms like other " Cominn: events cast their shadows befor ■." It also determines the quantity of straw that should be provided from the stack-yard, in a given time, for the use of the animals ; and upon this, again, depends the supply of grain that can be sent to the mai'ket in any given time. For although it is certainly in the farmer's power to thresh as many stacks as he pleases at one time, provided the machinery for the purj^ose is competent for the task — and he is tempted to do so when prices are high — yet, as new threshed strav\^ foi-ms superior provender for live-stock confined in the farmstead, its supply, both as litter and fodder, is therefore mainly dependent on its use by the stock ; and as its consumption as litter is greater in wet than in dry weather, and wet weather prevails in winter, the quantity of straw used in the course of that season must always be very considerable, and so, therefore, must the quantity of grain ready to be sent to market. All the stock in the farmstead in winter, that are not put to work, are placed under the care of the cattle-man The feeding of that portion of the sheep-stock which are barren, on turnips in the field, is a process practiced in winter. This forms fully a more interesting object of contemplation to the farmer than even the feeding of cattle — the beha- rior of sheep in any circumstances being always fascinating. Sheep being 76 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. put on turnips early in winter, a favorable opportunity is thereby afforded the farmer, when clearing the field partially of turnips for the sheep (in a manner that will afterward be fully described to the pupil), to store a quan- tity of them fjr the cattle in case of an emergency in the weather, such as rain, snow, or frost. This removal of the surplus turnips that are not used by the sheep confined on the land renders sheep-feeding a process which, in part, also determines the quantity of that root that should be carried from the field in a given time The flock of ewes roaming at large over the pastures requires attention in winter, especially in frosty weather, or when snow is on the ground, when they should be supplied with hay, or turnips when the former is not abundant. The shepherd is the person who has charge of the sheep flock The large quantity of straw used in win- ter causes, as I have said, a considerable quantity of grain to be sent at that season to market. The preparation of grain for sale constitutes an important branch of winter farm-business, and should be strictly superin- tended. A considerable portion of the labor of horses and men is occupied in carrying the grain to the market-to\\Ti, and delivering it to the purchas- ers — a species of work which jades farm-horses very much in bad weather. In hai-d frost, when the plow is laid to rest, or when the gi'ound is cov- ered with snow, and as soon as, " by frequent hoof and wheel, the roads A beaten path afford," the farm-yard manure is carried from the courts, and deposited in a large heap, in a convenient spot near the gate of the field which is to be ma- nured with it in the ensuing spring or summer. This work is carried on as long as there is manure to carry away, or the weather continues in either of those states Of the implements of husbandry, only a few are put in requisition in winter : the plow is in constant use when the weather will permit ; the threshing-machine enjoys no sinecure ; and the cart finds peri- odic employment. The weather in winter is of the most precarious description, and, being so, the farmer's skill to anticipate its changes in this season is severely put to the test. Seeing that all operations of the farm are so dependent on the weather, a familiar acquaintance with the local prognostics which indicate a change for the better or worse is incumbent on the farmer. In actual rain, snow, or hard frost, none but in-door occupations can be executed ; but, if the farmer have wisely " discerned the face of the sky," he can ar- range the order of these in-door operations, so as they may be continued for a length of time, if the storm threaten a protracted endurance, or be left without detriment, should the strife of the elements quickly cease. The winter is the season for visiting the market toivn regularly, where the sui-plus produce of the farm is disposed of — articles purchased or be- spoke for the use of the farm, when the busy seasons anive — where inter- mixture with the world affords the farmer an insight into the actions of mankind — and where selfishness and cupidity may be seen to act as a foil to highten the brilliancy of honest dealing. Winter is to the farmer the season o^ domestic enjoyment. The fatigues of the long summer-day leave little leisure, and much less inclination, to tax the mind with study ; but the long winter evening, after a day of brac- ing exercise, affords him a favorable opportunity, if behave the inclination at all, of partaking in social conversation, listening to instructive reading, or hearing the delights of music. In short, I know of no class of people a24) WINTER. 77 more capable of enjoying a winter's evening in a rational manner, than the family of the country gentleman or the farmer.* Viewing winter in a higher and more serious light — in the repose of nature, as emblematical of the mortality of man — in the exquisite pleas- ures which man in winter, as a being of sensation, enjoys over the lower creation — and in the eminence in which man, in the temperate reo-ions, stands, with respect to the development of his mental faculties, above his fellow-creatures in the tropics : in these respects, winter must be hailed by the dweller in the country, as the purifier of the mental as well as of the physical atmosphere. On this subject, I cannot refrain fi-om copying these beautiful reflections by a modern writer, whose great and versatile talents, enabling him to write well on almost any subject, have long been known to me. " Win- ter," says he, " is the season of Nature's annual repose — the time when the working structures are reduced to the minimum of their extent, and the energies of growth and life to the minimum of their activity, and when the phenomena of nature are fewer, and address themselves less pleasingly to our senses than they do in any other of the three seasons. There is hope in the bud of Spring, pleasure in the bloom of Summei-, and enjoyment in the fruit of Autumn; but, if we make our senses our chief resource, there is something both blank and gloomy in the aspect of Winter. " And if we were of and for this world alone, there is no doubt that this would be the correct view of the winter, as compared with the other sea- sons ; and the partial death of the year would point as a most mournful in- dex to the death and final close of our existence. But we are beino-s oth- erwise destined and endowed — the world is to us only what the lod"-e is to the wayfaring man ; and while we enjoy its rest, our thoughts can be directed back to the past part of our journey, and our hopes forward to its end, when we shall reach our proper home, and dwell there securely and forever. This is our sure consolation — the anchor of hope to our minds during all stoiTns, whether they be of physical nature, or of social adversity " We are beings of sensation certainly ; many and exquisite are the plea- sures which we are fitted for enjoying in this way, and much ought we to be grateful for their capacity of giving pleasure, and our capacity of re- ceiving it ; for this refined pleasure of the senses is special and peculiar to us out of all the countless variety of living creatures which tenant the earth around us. They eat, they drink, they sleep, they secure the succession of their race, and they die ; but not one of them has a secondary pleasure of sense beyond the accomplishment of these very humble ends.t We [* Especially if reared in a love of books, and the study of the natural history of all nrnuud *em. ^rf. Farm. Lib.] [t It strikes us as a gloomy and mistaken view to say that in the whole range and variety of creation, man should be the only being endowed with susceptibility to social pleasures. Who has not witnessed with admiration not merely the force of conjugal, parental and filial ties be- tween animals and birds, bat the social aiTections also— the sentiments of friendship and hospi- tality, of jealousy, revenge, and of triumph! We may mention an instance under our own ob- servation, of friendship a il hospitality displayed between two dogs. A lady residing in Baltimore petted a magnificent Newfoundland dog, Pelham, while her mother, residing at Annapolis, be- stowed her frienjlship on a small terrier, whose name was Gvess. A steamboat plied between the two cities, and Pelham often accompanied his mistress on her vLsits to her mother, and theie formed an intimacy with Guess. When the boat was leaving for Baltimore, Guess was sure to accompany his mistress to see her friends oiF; and on one occasion was left on board and carried to Baltimore, where he was landed among strangers, not knowing where to put his head. Pel- 78 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. stand far higher in the mere gratifications of sense ; and in the mental ones there is no comparison, as the other creatures have not an atom of the element to biing to the estimate. " The winter is, therefore, the especial season of man — our own season, by way of eminence ; and men who have no winter in the year of the re- gion in which they are placed, never of themselves display those traits of mental development which are the true characteristics of rational men, as contrasted with the iiTational part of the living creation. It is true there must be the contrast of a summer, in order to give this winter its proper effect, but still, the winter is the intellectual season of the year — the sea- son during which the intellectual and immortal spirit in man enables him most triumphantly to display his superiority over ' the beasts that perish.' "* 15. OF THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. "When we see the figure of the house, then must we rate the cost of the erection." Henry IV. Part II. (1.) Before proceeding to the consideration of the state in which the pupil should find the \ys\ovis fields at the beginning of winter, it will tend to perspicuity in the furnishing of a farm to let him understand, in the first instance, the principles on which a steading, or onstead, or farmstead, ox farm-offices, or farmery, as it has been variously styled, intended for a farm conducted on the mixed husbandry, should be constructed, and also to enumerate its constituent parts. This explanation being given, and got quit of at once, the names and uses of the various parts of a farmstead will at once become familiarized to him. And before beginning with the description of anything, I may here express it as my opinion that my descriptions of all the farm operations will be much more lucid and graphic if addressed personally to the pupil. ham by chance met him in the street, was transported with joy at the sight of him. learned how by accident he had arrived, and soon persuaded him to go home with him, where he knew his mistress would kindly entertain him for her mother's if not for his own sake, until the boat should return. It was an instance of cordial hospitality such as towns' gentlemen are not always ready to reciprocate with their friends from the country. No one, in fact, can be at a loss for examples to show that Providence has kindly blessed infe- rior beings with capacity for other than mere brutal enjoyments. The congregation of various birds is a remarkable indication of the spirit of sociality among the feathered tribe of creation ; so animals herd together under the same love of company. The strongest fences cannot confine some horses in a field alone. Cattle will not fatten in the finest pastures without society ; nor is tills propensity confined to animals of the same species. A charming naturalist says he knevi^ a doe, then still alive, that was brought up from a little fawn among dairy cows. With them it went afii'ld, and with tbcm it returned to the cow-yard. The dogs of the house took no notice of the deer, being used to her; but if strange dogs came bj', a chase ensued, and while the master would look on and smile to see his favorite securely leading her pursuers over hedge, or gate, or stile, till she returned to the cows, they, with fierce lowings and menacing horns, would drive the assailants quite out of the pasture. This complete degradation of all other created things, placing such a vast abyss between them and man, seems to detract from the benevolence of a common Father over all. Let us felicitate ourselves on the superiority of our physical structure and reasoning faculties, and the improve- ments and the power thence derived ; but let us also remember in humility if not in shame, that of all animals, not one is more prone than man, to the wanton abuse of his strength. Ed. Farm Lib.\ * Mudie's Winter, Preface, p. 3 — 5. (126) u: &J THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 79 (2.) To present a description of a steading in the most specific terms, it will, in the first place, be necessary to assume a size which will afford accommodation for a farm of given extent. To give full scope to the mixed husbandry, I have already stated that a farm of 500 imperial acres is required. I will therefore assume the steading, about to be described, to be suited to a fai-m of that extent. At the same time you should bear in mind that the principles which determine the arrangement of this par- ticular size, are equally applicable to much smaller, as well as much larger Bteadings ; and that the mixed husbandry is frequently practiced on farms of much smaller extent. (3.) It is a requisite condition to its proper use, that every steading be conveniently placed on the farm. To be most conveniently placed, in theory, it should stand in the center of the farm ; for it can be proved in geometry that of any point within the area of a circle, the center is the nearest to every point in its circumference. In practice, however, circumstances greatly modify this theoretical principle upon which the site of all stead- ings should be fixed. For instance, if an abundant supply of water can be easily obtained for the moving power of the threshing-machine, the steading may be placed, for the sake of thus economizing horse labor, in a more remote and hollow spot than it should be in other circumstances. If wind is prefeiTed, as the moving power, then the steading will be more appropriately placed on rising ground. For the purpose of conveying the manure down hill to most of the fields, some would prefer the highest ground near the center of the farm for its site. Others, on the contrary, would prefer the hnllowest point near the center, because the grain and green crops would then be earned down hill to the steading, and this they consider a superior situation to the other, inasmuch as the grain and green crops are much more bulky and heavy than the manure. In making either of these choices, it seems to be forgotten that loads have to be carried both to 9XiA.from the steading ; but either position will answer well enough, provided there be no steep ascent or descent to or from the steading. The latter situation, however, is more consonant to experience and reasoning than the other ; though level gi-ound affords the easiest transit to wheel- carriages. It is also very desirable that the fann-house should be so situated as to command a view of every field on the farm, in order that the farmer may have an opportunity of observing whether the labor is prosecuted steadily ; and if other circumstances permit, especially a plen- tiful supply of good water, the vicinity of the farm-house should be chosen as the site for the steading ; but if a sacrifice of the position on the part of either is necessary, the farm-house must give way to the convenience of the steading. (4.) As a farm of mixed husbandry comprises every variety of culture, BO its steading should be constructed to afford accommodation for every variety of produce. The grain and its straw, being important and bulky articles, -should be accommodated with room as well after as before they are separated by threshing. Room should also be provided for every kind of food for animals, such as hay and turnips. Of the animals themselves, the horses being constantly in hand at work, and receiving their food daily at regular intervals of time, should have a stable which will not only afford them lodging, but facilities for consuming their food. Similar ac- commodation is required for cows, the breeding portion of cattle. Young cattle, when small of size and of immature ago, are usually reared in in- closed open spaces, called courts, having sheds for shelter and troughs for food and water. Those fattening for sale are cither put into smaller courts with troughs called hammels, or fastened to stakes in byres or feed- (127) 80 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. ing-houses, like the cows. Young horses are reared either hy themselves in courts, with sheds and mangers, or get leave to herd with the young cattle. Young pigs usually roam about even.'where, and generally lodge among the litter of the young cattle, while sows with sucking pigs are provided with small inclosures, fitted up with a littered apartment at one end, and troughs for food at another. The smaller implements of hus- bandry, when not in use, arc put into a suitable apartment ; while the carts are provided with a shed, into which some of the larger imjilements which are only occasionally used, are stored by. Wool is put into a cool, clean room. An apartment containing a furnace and boiler to heat water vnd prepare food when required for any of the animals, should never be wanting in any steading. These are the principal accommodations re- quired in a steading where live-stock are cared for ; and when all the apartments are even conveniently arranged, the whole building will be found to cover a considerable space of ground. (5.) The leading princij^Ic on which these arrangements is determined is verj' simple, and it is this : 1. Straw being the bulkiest article on the farm, and in daily use by every kind of live-stock, and having to be car- ried and distributed in small quantities by bodily labor though a heary and unwieldy substance, should be centrically placed, in regard to all the stock, and at a short distance from their respective apartments. The po- sition of its receptacle, the straw-ham, should thus occupy a central point of the steading; and the several apartments containing the live-stock should be placed equidistant from the straw-bam, to save labor in the carrj'ing of straw to the stock. 2. Again, applying the principle, that so bulky and heavy an article as straw should in all circumstances be moved to short distances, and not at all, if possible, from any other apartment but the straw-bam, the threshing-machine, which deprives the straw of its grain, should be so placed as at once to throw the straw into the straw- barn. 3. And, in farther application of the same principle, the stack-yard containing the unthreshed straw with its com, should be placed contigu- ous to the threshing-machine. 4. Lastly, the passage of straw from the stack-yard to the straw-bam through the threshing-machine beine: directly progressive, it is not an immaterial consideration in the saving of time to place the stack-yard, threshing-mill, and straw-barn in a right line. (6.) Different classes of stock require different quantities of straw, to maintain them in the same desfiee of cleanliness and condition. Those classes which require the most should therefore be placed nearest the straw- barn. 1. The yoimjrer stock requiring most straw, the courts which they occupy should be placed contiguous to the straw-bam, and this can be most effectually done by placincj the straw-bam so as a court may be put on each side of it. 2. The older or fattening cattle requirinc: the next larg^esr quantity of straw, the hammels which they occupy should be placed next to these courts in nearness to the straw-bam. 3. Horses in the stables, and cows in the Imes, requiring the smallest quantity of straw, the stables and byres may be placed next farthest in distance to the ham- mels from the straw-barn. The relative positions of these apartments are thus determined by the comparative use of the straw. 4. There are two apartments of the steadinqr whose positions are necessarily detemiincd by that of the threshing-machine ; the one is the upper-barn, or threshing- bam, which contains the unthreshed corn from the stack-yard, ready for threshing by the mill ; and the other the cora-barn, which is below the mill, and receives the com immediately after its separation from the straw by the mill to be cleaned for market. 5. It is a great convenience to have the granaries in direct communication with the corn-bara, to save THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 8i the labor of canying the clean com to a distance when laid up for future use. To confine the space occupied by the steading on the ground as much as practicable for utility, and at the same time insure the good condition of the grain, and especially this latter advantage, the granaries should always be elevated above the ground, and their floors then form convenient roofs for either cattle or cart-sheds. 6. The elevation which the granaries give to the building should be taken advantage of to shelter the cattle-courts from the north wind in winter ; and for the same reason that shelter is cherished for warmth to the cattle, all -the cattle-courts should always be open to the sun. The courts being thus open to the south, and the grana- ries forming a screen from the north, it follows that the granaries should stretch east and west on the north side of the courts ; and, as has been shown, that the cattle-courts should be placed one on each side of the straw-bam, it also fellows that the straw-barn, to be out of the way of screening the sun from the courts, should stand north and south, or at right angles to the south of the granaries. 7. The fixing of the straw- bam to the southward of the gi-anaries, and of course to that of the thresh- ing-machine, necessarily fixes the position of the stack-yard to the north of both. Its northern position is highly favorable to the preservation of the com in the stacks. 8. Tlie relative positions of these apartments are very difterently arranged from this in many existing steadings ; but I may safely assert, that the greater the deviation from the principle inculcated in paragraphs (5) and (6) in the construction of steadings, the less de- sirable they become as habitations for live-stock in winter. (7.) This leading principle of the construction of a steading which is in- tended to afford shelter to live-stock during winter, is as comprehensive as it is simple, for it is applicable to every size of steading. Obviously coiTect as the principle is, it is seldom reduced to practice, possibly because arch- itects, who profess to supply plans of steadings, must be generally unac- quainted with their practical use. There is one consideration upon which architects bestow by far too much attention — the constructing of steadings at the least possible cost ; and, to attain this object by the easiest method, they endeavor to cojifine the various apartments in the least possible space of ground, as if a few square yards of the ground of a farm were of great value. No doubt, the necessity of economy is urged upon them by the grudging spirit of the landlord when he has to disburse the cost, and by the poverty of the tenant when that burden is thrown upon him. Now, economy of construction should be a secondary consideration in compari- son with the proper accommodation which should be afforded to live-stock- Suppose that, by inadequate accommodation, cattle thrive by 10s. a-head less in the course of a winter than they would have done in well construct- ed courts and hammels (and the supposition is by no means extravagant), * and suppose that the farmer is prevented realizing this sum on three lots of twenty cattle each of different ages, there would be an annual loss to him of c£30, from want of proper accommodation. Had the capital sum, of which the annual loss of ^£30 is the yearly interest, been expended in constructing the steading in the best manner, the loss would not only have been averted, but the cattle in much better health and condition to slaugh- ter, or to fatten on grass. Economy is an excellent rule to follow in farm- ing, but it should never be put in practice to the violation of approved principles, or the creation of inconveniences to live-stock, whether in the steading or out of it. I regret to observe both errors too prevalent in the construction of steadings. For example : It is undeniable that as cattle occupy the courts only in winter, when the air, even in the best situations, is at a low temperature, and the day short, they should in such circum- (129) 6 82 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER, t- stancee enjoy as much light and heat from the sun as can be obtained. It is quite practicable to afford them both in courts facing fully to the south, where these influences may be both seen and felt even in winter. Instead of that, cattle-courts are very frequently placed within a quadrangle of buildings, the southern range of which, in the first instance, eclipses the winter's sun of even his diminished influence ; and the whole of which, be- sides, converts the chilling air, which ruslies over the comers of its roof into the courts, into a whirlwind of stai-vation, which, if accompanied with rain or sleet, is sure to engender the most insidious diseases in the cattle. Beware, then, of suffering loss by similar fatal consequences to your cat- tle ; and, to prompt you to be always on your guard, impress the above simple principle of the construction of steadings firmly upon your minds. Rest assured that its \-iolation may prove in the end a much greater loss by preventing the cattle thriving, than the paltry sum saved at first in the outlay of the buildings can possibly ever recompense you for that loss. (8.) Fig. 1, Plate 1. gives an isometrical view of an existing steading suitable for the mixed husbandry, somewhat though not on the precise principles which I have inculcated just now, but rather on the usual plan of huddling together the various parts of a steading, with a view of sa^^ng some of its original cost.* There are many steadings of this construction to be found in the country, but many more in which stalls for feeding cat- tle are substituted for hammels. The north range a a represents the gran- aries with their windows, b the upper barn, c c the arches into the sheds for cattle imder the granaries. The projecting building d in the middle is the straw-bam, which communicates by a door in each side with the court c or f for the younger cattle. The projecting building g, standing paral- lel ^vith the straw-bam on the right hand side of the court f, is the stable for the work -horses ; and the other projecting building h, also parallel with the straw-bam on the left-hand side of the court e, is the cart-shed. The cow-b\Tes i, and hammels k for feeding cattle, are seen stretching to the right in a line with the north range a, but too far off from the straw-bam d : I are hammels for a bull and queys : in, sheds for shepherds' stores : n, stack-yard ^^•ith stacks : o, turnip stores : p, piggeries : q, calves' court : r, implement-house : *, boiling-house : t, horse-pond : %t, hen-house : v. liquid manure tank : w, hay -loft : x, out -houses : y, slaughter-house : and z, hammels for young horses. This is a common disposition of the prin- [* The reader will, probably, find nothing in " The Book of the Farm" which, at first view, may Bcem more obnoxious than this to the appearance of being on a scale of accommodation and expense nnsniicd to American farmers and American husbandry. And yet, -when he comes to examine the observations of the Author in all their details, they will be found to be replete with practical instruction and directions, which may be heeded with profit in the construction and ar- rangement of all buildings, on whatever scale, designed for the shelter of domestic animals, the * care and distribution of their food, and the preservation of farm vehicles and implements — such buildings ns in England are termed the "steading or farmstead." Some there may be, and doubtless are — such as wealthy merchants on retiring from the cares and vicissitudes of commerce — who nnite the means with the de»ire to have their farm.stead as lomplete as the best architectural design and materials can make ;t. To all such the plans here presented may eerv-e as models, while they, and others with less means at command, may so modify them as to suit all difference of circumstances — avoiding some portions, and yet seeing much in parts of them that is eligible and in accordance with their own views and means. But, without desiring to prejudice the judgment of the reader, we may ask him at least to ad- mit, in the costliness of the illustrations connected with this part of the Book of Uie Farm, some evidence that the Publishers desire not to shun any outlay that may be necessary to make the Farmers' Librart worthy of public patronage, and fitted to fulfill their own promises. Ed. Farm. L%b.\ (130) ^.^ THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 83 cipal parts of a modern improved steading ; and a slight inspection of the plate will convince you that in the arrangement of its different apartments is exhibited much of the principle which I have been advocating. Many modifications of this particular arrangement may be observed in actual practice : — 1. such as the removal of the straw-bam d into the north range a, and the placing of hammels, such as k, into the courts e and f, and the conversion of one of the sheds c into cart-sheds. 2. Another modification encloses a large court divided into two, within a range of buildings form- ing three sides of a quadrangle, and retaining the north range for the gran- aries, of a higher altitude than the rest. 3. While another comprises two large courts, each surrounded by three sides of a quadrangle, the range in the middle occupied by the threshing-mill and straw-barn being retained at a higher altitude than the rest. 4. Another completes the quadrangle around one court. 5. While another surrounds a large court, divided into two, with a quadrangle. 6. And the last modification surrounds two sep- arate courts, each with a quadrangle, having a common side. These mod- ifications are made to suit either large or small farms ; but they all profess to follow the same plan of arrangement. In truth, however, so varied is the construction of steadings, that, I dare say, no two in the country are exactly alike. Modifications in their construction in obedience to influen- tial circumstances may be justifiable, but still they should all have refer- ence to the principle insisted on above. (9.) Fig. 2, Plate II. contains an engraving of a ground-plan of the steading represented by the isometrical view in Plate I. It is unnecessary for me to describe in detail all the component parts of this plan, as the names and sizes of the vai'ious apartments are all set down. A short in- spection will suffice to make you well enough acquainted with the whole arrangement. This plan has been found, by extensive use, to constitute a commodious, convenient, and comfortable steading for the stock and crop of 500 acres, raised by the mixed husbandry ; and those properties it pos- sesses in a superior degree to most similar existing steadings of the same extent in this country, and in a much greater degree than any of the mod- ified plans to which I have just alluded. (10.) The steading I loould desire to see erected would be exactly in ac- cordance with the principle I have laid down. I do not know one, nor is there probably in existence one exactly on that pi-inciple, but I have seen several, particularly in the north of England, which have impressed me with the belief that there is a construction, could it be but discovered, which would afford the most excellent accommodation, the gi'eatest con- venience, and the utmost degree of comfort to live-stock ; and live-stock being the principal inhabitants of steadings, too much care, in every re- spect, cannot, in my opinion, be bestowed on the construction of their hab- itations, so as to insure them in the inclement season the greatest degree of comfort. I shall describe both an isometrical view and ground-plan of a steading of imaginary construction, in strict accordance with the above principle — the principle itself having been brought out by the promptings of experience. I shall minutely describe these plans, in the sanguine hope that the obvious advantages which they exhibit will recommend their con- struction for adoption to all proprietors and tenants who feel desirous of obtaining a plan of a steading for crop and stock, the arrangements of which have been suggested by matured practical experience. The size of these particular plans is not suited to any farm, whereon the mixed hus- bandry is practiced, of less extent than 500 acres ; because, in order to illustrate their principle, it was necessary to fix on some definite size, that the relative sizes and positions of the different apartments might be dcfini- (131) 84 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. lively set do«-n ; but the whole arrangement of the apartments is suited to any size of plan, as the size and number of the apartments may be enlarged or diminished according to the extent of the farm. (11.) Fig. 3, Plate III. represents an isomctrical view of such a stead- ing, and keeping the principle upon which it is constructed in mind, you will find that this view illustrates it in every respect that has been stated. 1. A A is the principal or north range of building, of two stories in bight, standing east and west. It contains two granaries, A and A, the upper- barn C, which is also the site of the threshing-machine ; the corn-bam being immediately below it is of course invisible, the sheds D D are under the granaries ; E is the engine-house, and F the steam-engine furnace- stalk, where the power employed to impel the threshing-machine is steam, G the implement-house entering from the west gable, and H the hay- house, under a granarj'. These several apartments, while occuppng the north range, are greatly sennceable in sheltering the young stock in the large courts I and K from the north wind. 2. Immediately adjoining to the south of the corn-bam, upper-barn, and threshing-machine, is the straw-bam L, standing north and south, contiguously placed for the emis- sion of straw from either side into the courts I and K. 3. It is also con- venientlv situated for supplying straw to the feeding hammels M, to the right or eastward of the large court K, and equally so for supplying it to those at X, to the left or westward of the large court I. 4. It is accessi- bly enough placed for supplying straw to the work-horse stable O, and the saddle-horse stable P, to the right or eastward in a line of the principal range A. It is equally accessible to the cow-byre Q, and calves'-cribs R, to the left or westward, in a hne of the principal range A. S is the stack- yard, from which the stacks are taken into the upper-bam C,by the gang- way T ; U is the boiling-house ; V the cart-shed, opposite and near the work -house stable O; W is the wool-room, ha^*ing a window in the gable, and its stair is from the straw-bam L ; XX comprise two small hammels for bulls ; Y is the sei-vants' cow-house, in the hammels N ; Z is the gig- house, adjoining to the liding-horse stable P. a are four sties for feeding pigs therein ; 5 is a small open court, with a shed for containing young pigs after they have just been weaned ; c are two sties for brood-sows while lying-in. d are three apartments for the hatching and rearing of fowls, e and f are turnip-stores for supplying the hammels M ; ^ is the turnip-store for supplying the large court K; /<, that for small hammels X, and the servants' cow-hf»use Y ; /, that for the large court I ; and p and J are those for the hammels N. h is the open court and shed, \vith water-ti'ough for the calves ; / the open court, with water-trough far the cows, m is the turnip-shed for the cow-house Q, and calves'-cribs R. n is the hay-stark built in the stackyard S, near the hay-hou-^c H. o and o are straw-racks for the center of the large courts I and K. u is the ven- tilator on the roof of the boilinir-house U; r that on the cow-house Q; *, that on the calves'-cribs R ; t and ?/-, tho.se on the roof of the work-hoi-se stable O ; and y. that on the ridinij-horse stable P. x is the liquid manure- well to which drains converge from the various parts of the fannstead. z are feeding-troughs, dispersed in the different courts and hammels. v is the open court for the sers'ants' cows. And Z' and f are potato stores. (12.) A ven,' little consideration of the airangement just now detailed, will suffice to show you that it completely illustrates the principle I have been advocating for the construction of farmsteads. Still, looking at the isometrical view, in fie. 3, Plate III., it will be obsei-\ed that the threshing- machine C — the machinery for letting loose the straw — is situated in the middle of the groat range A, ready to receive the unthreshcd crop behind (132) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 85 from the stack-yard S, and as ready to deliver the straw threshed into the straw-barn L standing before it. The store of straw in L, being placed exactly in the center of the premises, is easily made available to the large courts I and K and the sheds D and D by its four doors, two on each side. The straw can be earned down the road on the right of the straw-barn L, to the hammels M ; and along the farther end of the court K, through the gate at H to both the stables O and P. It can with as much facility be carried across the eastern angle of the large court I, through the gate at the bull's hammels X, to the range of hammels at N, and to the servants' cow-house Y, by its door near the turnip-store h. It can also be earned right across the same court I, through the gate behind Y to the cow-house Q., and the calves'-cribs R. The hammels X, the pigs vn a h and c, and the fowls in d, can easily be supplied with straw. You may observe in the arrangement of these apartments, that the stables O and P, and the cow-house Q, and the calves'-cribs R, are situated beliind the hammels M and N, and they are there for these reasons : Hammels for feeding cattle requiring much more straw than stables and byres, accord- ing to the foregoing theory, should be placed near the straw-barn ; and hammels, moreover, being only occupied in winter by stock, should de- rive, during that season, the fullest advantage that can be given them of the light and heat of the sun. The servants' cow-byre Y being placed nearer the straw-barn than the hammels N, may seem to cont'-avene the principle laid down ; but the cow-byre, if desired, may be removed to the other end of the hammels, though in the case where young horses and queys in calf are intended to occupy the small hammels N, it may con- veniently remain where it is, as they do not requii-e so much straw as cows. If these hammels are to be destined to the accommodation of feeding stock, then the byre ought to be removed to the extreme left of the building. This form of steading is amply commodious, for it can ac- commodate all the working and breeding stock, together with four gen- erations of young stock in different stages of growth. A more convenient arrangement than this for a farmstead, as I conceive, can scarcely be imagined, and all the parts of it are of such a magnitude as not only to afford ample room for every thing accommodated within it, but with proper fittings up, the arrangement is capable of conferring great comfort on its inmates. Its commodiousness will be the moi'e apparent after the ground-plan has been considered in detail. (13.) Fig. 4, Plate IV. is the ground-plan of the steading, of which the preceding plate that has just been described is the isometrical view. The straw-ham L is seen at once, running north and south. It is purposely made of the hight of the upper barn to contain a large quantity of straw, as it is oflen convenient in bad weather to thresh out a considerable quan- tity of corn, when no other work can be proceeded with, or when high market prices induce farmers to reap advantage fi-om them. There is another good reason for giving ample room to the straw-barn. Every sort of straw is not suited to every purpose, one sort being best suited for lit- ter, and another for foddei'. This being the case, it is desirable to have always both kinds in the barn, that the fodder-straw may not be wasted in litter, and the litter-straw given as fodder to the injury of the bestial. Besides, the same sort of straw is not alike acceptable as fodder to every class of animals. Thus wheat-straw is a favorite fodder with horses, as well as oat-straw, while the latter only is acceptable to cattle. Barley- straw is only fit for litter. To give access to litter and fodder straw at the same time, it is necessary to have a door from each kind into each court. Thus four doors, two at each side near the ends, are required in a large (133) 86 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. straw-barn. Slit-like openings should be made in its side-walls, to admit air and promote ventilation through the straw. A sky-light in the roof at the end nearest the threshing-machine, is useful in giving light to those who take away and store up the straw from the threshing-machine when the doors are shut, which they should be whenever the wind happens to blow t()(j strongly througli them into the machine against the straw. In- stead of dividing straw-barn doors into two vertical leaves, as is usually done, they should be divided horizontally into an upper and a lower leaf, so that the lower may always be kept shut against intruders, such as pigs, while the upper admits both light and air into the barn. One of the doors at each end should be fumished with a good stock-lock and key and thumb- latch, and the other two fastened with a wooden hand-bar from the inside. The floor of the straw-barn is seldom or never flagged or causewayed, though it is desirable it should be. If it were not so expensive, the as- phaltum pavement would make an excellent floor for a straw-bam. What- ever substance is employed for the puq^ose, the floor should be made so finu and dry as to prevent the earth rising and the straw moulding. Mouldy straw at the bottom of a heap superinduces throughout the upper mass a disagreeable odor, and imparts a taste repugnant to evei-y animal. That portion of the floor upon which the straw first alights on sliding down the straw-screen of the threshing-machine, should be strongly board- ed to resist the action of the forks Avhen removing the straw. Blocks of hard-wood, such as the stools of hard-wood trees, set on end, causeway- wise, and sunk into the earth, form a very durable flooring for this pui-pose. Stone flagging in this place destroys the prongs of the pitchforks. The straw-barn should communicate with the chaff'-house by a shutting door, to enable those who take away the straw to sec whether the chaff" accumu- lates too high against the end of the winnowing-raachine. The communica- cation to the wool-room in this plan is by the straw-barn, by means of the stair d , made either of wood or stone. The straw-bam is represented 72 feet in length, 18 feet in breadth, and 15 feet in hight to the top of the side walls. (14.) C is the corn-ham. Its roof is formed of the floor of the upper bam, and its hight is generally made too low. The higher the roof is the more easily will the corn descend to be cleaned from the threshing-machine down the hopper to the winno wing-machine. Nine feet is the least hight it should be in any instance. The plan gives the size of the com-barn as 31 feet by 18 feet, but taking off" 5 feet for partitioning off" the machinery of the threshing-mill, as at s, the extent of the workable part of the barn- floor will be 2G feet by 18 feet. In that space I have seen much barn- work done, but it could be made more by diminishing the size of the shed D of the court K. The corn-bam should have in it at least two glazed windows to admit plenty of light in the short days of winter, and they should be guanled outside with iron stanchions. If one window cannot be got to the south, the door when open will answer for the admission of sunshine to keep the apartment comfortably dry for the work-people and the grain. The door is generally divided into upper and lower halves, which, as usually placed, are always in the way when the winnowing- maahine is used at the door. A more convenient method is to have the door in a whole piece, and when opened, to fold back into a recess in the outer wall, over the top of which a plinth might jiroject to throw off" the rain. In this case the ribets and lintel must be giblet-checked as deep as the thickness of the door, into which it should close flush, and be fastened with a good lock and key, and provided with a thumb-latch. The object of making the com-bana door of this form is to avoid the inconvenience of its opening into the barn, where, unless it folds wholly back on a wall, ia (134) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 87 frequently in the way of work, particularly when winnowing roughs, and taking out sacks of com on men's backs. As to size, it should not be less in the opening than 7^ feet in hight and 3^ feet in width. A light half-door can be hooked on, when work is going on, to prevent the intru- sion of animals, and the wind sweeping along the floor. The floor of the corn-barn is frequently made of clay, or of a composition of ashes and lime ; the asphaltic composition would be better than either ; but in every instance it should be made of wood — of sound, hard red-wood Drahm bat- tens, plowed and feathered, and fastened down to stout joists with Scotch flooring sprigs driven through the feather-edge. A wooden floor is the only one that can be depended on being constantly dry in a corn-bana ; and in a barn for the use of corn, a dry floor is indispensable. It has been suggested to me that a stone pavement, square-jointed, and laid on a bed of lime over 9 inches of broken stones ; or an asphaltum pavement, laid on a body of 6 inches of broken stones, covered with a bed of grout on the top of the stones, would make as dry and more durable barn-floor than wood, and which will not rot. I am aware that stone or asphaltum pave- ment is durable, and not liable to rot ; but there are objections to both, in a corn-barn, of a practical nature, and it is certain that the best stone pavement is not proof against the undermining powers of the brown rat ; while a wooden floor is durable enough, and certainly will not rot, if kept dry in the manner I shall recommend over the page. The objections to all stony pavements as a barn-floor are, that the scoops for shoveling the corn pass very hai'shly over them — that the iron nails in the shoes of the work-people wear them down, and raise a dust upon them — and that they are hurtful to the bare hands and lighter implements, when used in taking up the corn from the floor. For true comfort in all these respects in a barn-floor, there is nothing hke wood. The walls of this bam should be^ made smooth with hair-plaster, and the joists and flooring forming its roof cleaned with the plane, as dust adheres much more readily to a rough than to a smooth surface. The stairs to the granaries * and s should en- ter from the corn-barn, and a stout plain-deal door with lock and key placed at the bottom of each. And at the side of one of the stairs may be inclosed on the floor of the barn a space, t, to contain light corn to be given to the fowls and pigs in summer when this sort of food is scarce about the steading. (15.) As the method of hanging doors on a giblet-check should be adopt- ed in all cases in steadings ^'S- 5- where doors on outside walls are likely to meet with obstruc- tions on opening inward, or themselves becoming obstruct- ive to things passing outward, the subject deserves a separate notice. In fig. 5, a is a strong door, mounted on crooks and bands, fully open, and thrown back into the recess of the wall b ; the projecting part of the lintel c protecting it effectually from the rain ; d is the giblet- check in the lintel, and e that iti the ribets, into which the door shuts flush ; f is the light movable door used when work is going on in the corn-bam. (135) THE CORN-BARN DOOR. oO THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (16.) The wooden floor of the cora-barn is liable to decay unless precau* tions are used to prevent it, but a much too common cause of its destruc- tion is veiTnin — such as i-ats and mice. It is discreditable to fanners to perniit this floor to remain in a state of decay for any length of time, when an effectual preventive remedy is within their reach ; and the more cer- tainly preventive that remedy is, the more it should be appreciated. I used a most effectual method of preventing the destructive ravages of either ver- min or damp, by supporting the floor in the particular manner represented in fig. 6. Tlie earth, in the first instance, is dug out of the bam to the depth of the foundations of the walls, which should be two feet below the door soles ; and, in the case of a new steading, this can be done when the foun- dations of the walls are taken out. The ground is then spread over with Fig. 6. SECTION OF THE CORN BARN FLOOR. a laye/ of sand, sufficient to preserve steadiness in the stout rough flags h A, which are laid upon it and jointed in strong mortar. Twelve-inch thick sleeper walls a a, of stone and lime, arc then built on the flags, to serve the purpose of supporting each end of the joists of the floor. The joists c, formed of 10 by 21 inch plank, are then laid down 16 inches apart, and the spaces between them filled up to the top with stone and lime. The build- ing between the joists requires to be done in a peculiar way. It should be done with squared rubble stones, and on no account should the mortar come in contact with the joists, as there is nothing destroys timber, by su- perinducing the dry rot, more readily than the action of mortar upon it. — For this reason great care should be observed in building in the joists into the walls — in placing the safe-lintels over the doors and windows, the stones being dry-bedded over them — and in beam-filling between the couple-legs. The floor d is then properly laid on a level with the door- sole, and finished with a neat skifting board / i round the walls of the barn. By this contrivance the vermin cannot possibly reach the floor but from the flags, which are nearly 2 feet under it. A hewn stone pillar f, or even two, are placed on the flags under each joist to support and strengthen the (136) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 89 floor. This construction of floor admits of abundance of air above and be- low to preserve it, and affords plenty of room under it for cats and dogs to hunt after the vermin. This figure also gives a section of the building above the com-barn, including the floor of the ujiper barn, the outside walls, and the coupling, slating, and ridging of the roof of the middle range of building. (17.) The chaff-house, r, stands between the corn and straw barns. It is separated from the former by a wooden partition, and from the latter by a stone-wall. Its hight is the same as that of the com-barn, the floor of the upper barn forming a roof common to both. It is 18 feet in length and 14 feet in width. It contains the winnowing-machine or fanners of the thresh- ing-machine, from which it receives the chaff". It has a thin door with a thumb-latch into the straw-barn, for a convenient access to adjust any of the gearing of the fanners ; as also a boarded window hung on crooks and bands, fastened in the inside with a wooden hand-bar, and looking into the large court K ; but its principal door, through which the chaff" is emptied, opens outward into the large court I. This door should be giblet-checked, and fastened fi-om the inside with a wooden hand-bar. The space between the head of the fanners and the wall should be so boarded up as not to in- terfere with the action of the fanner-belts, but merely prevent the chaff" be- ing scattered among the machinery, and any access by persons being effect- ed by the machinery into the upper bam. (18.) D D are two sheds for sheltering the cattle occupying the courts I and K from rain and cold, by night or day, when they may choose to take refuge in them. The shed of the court I is 52 feet in length by 18 feet in width, being a little longer than that of the court K, which is 47 feet in length and 18 feet in width, and their hight is 9 feet to the floor of the gran- aries, which forms their roof. The access to these sheds from the courts is by arched openings of 9 feet in width, and 7^ feet in hight to the top of the arch. There should be a rack fastened against one of the walls of each shed to supply fodder to the cattle under shelter in bad weather, as at h'. As when a large number of cattle are confined together, of whatever age, some will endeavor to obtain the mastery over the others, and to prevent accidents in cases of actual collision, it has been recommended to have two openings to each shed, to aff"ord a ready means of egress to the fugitives ; and, as a farther safety to the bones and skins of the unhappy victims, the angles of the hewn pillars which support the arches should be chamfered. In my opinion, the precaution of two openings for the reason given is unnecessary, inasmuch as cattle, and especially those which have been brought up together, soon become familiarized to each other ; and two openings cause draughts of air through the shed. If holes were made in the faces of the pillars opposite to each other in the openings, so as bars of wood could be put across them, the cattle could at any time be kept con- fined within the sheds. This might at times be necessary, especially when the courts are clearing out of the manure. The shed of the court K has a door d' in the back wall for a passage to the work-people when going from the corn to the upper barn, by the gangway T. (ID.) E is the engine-house for the steam-engine, when one is used. It is 18 feet in length and 8 feet in width, and the granary -floor above forms its roof. It has a window looking into the large court I, and a door into the boiler and furnace-house F, which house is 24 feet in length and 8 feet in width, and has an arched opening at the left or west end. The chim- ney-stalk is 6 feet square at the base, and rises tapering to a hight of 45 feet. If wind or horses are preferred as the moving power, the windmill- tower or horse-course would be erected on the site of F. (137) 90 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (20.) G is the implement -house for keeping together the smaller imple- ments when not in use, when they are apt to be thrown aside and lost. — The intiinsic value of each implement being small, there is too generally less care bestowed on them than on those of more pecuniary value ; but in use each of them is really as valuable as the most costly, and even their cost in the aggi'cgate is consideralile. The implement-house is 18 feet in length by 14 feet in width, and its roof is formed of the granary -floor. — This house should be provided with a stout plain-deal door with a good lock and key, the care of which should only be entrusted to the faiTn-stew- ard. It should also have a partly glazed window like that of the cow- house, as sometimes this apartment may be converted into a convenient work-shop -fur particular puqioses. The floor should be flagged, or laid with asphaltum pavement. Besides the implements, this apartment may contain the barrel of tar, a useful ingredient on farms where sheep are reared, and where cait-naves require greasing ; the grindstone, a conveni- ent instrument on a farm on many occasions for sharjjening edge-tools, such as scythes, axes, hay-knife, dung-spade, &:c. A number of wooden pins and iron spikes, driven into the walls, will be found useful for sus- pending many of the smaller articles upon. The walls should be plastered. (21.) H is the hay-house at the east end of the noith range A, and cor- respondincj in situation to the implement-house. It is 18 feet in length, 17 feet in width, and its roof is also formed of the floor of the granary above. Its floor should be flagged with a considerable quantity of sand to keep it dry, or with asphaltum. It should have a giblet-checked door to open out- ward, with a hand-bar to fasten it by in the inside ; it should also have a partly glazed window, with shutters, to afford light when taking out the hay to the horses, and air to keep it sweet. As the hay-house communi- cates immediately with the work-horse stable O by a door, it can find room for the work-horse corn-chest y, which may be there conveniently supplied with com from the granary above by means of a spout let into the fixed part of the lid. For facilitating the taking out of the corn, the end of the chest should be placed against the wall at the side of the door which opens into the stable, and its back part should be boarded up with thin deals to the gfia nary -floor, to prevent the hay coming upon the chest. Its walls should be plastered. This hay-house is conveniently situated for the hay- stack n in the stack-yard S. (22.) The form of the corn-chest, y, is more convenient and takes up less room on the floor, when high and narrow, than when low and broad. — When of a high form, a part of the front should fold down with hinges, to g^ve easier access to the corn as it gets low in the chest. Part of the lid should be made fast, to receive the corn-spout from the granary, and to lighten its movable part, which should be fastened with a hasp and pad- lock, and the key of which should be constantly in the custody of the farm- steward, or of the man who gives out the com to the jslowmen, where no faiTn-steward is kept. A fourth part of a peck-measure is always kept in the chest, for measuring out the com to the horses. You must not ima- gine that, because the spout sup])lies corn from the granary when required, it supplies it without measure. The com appropriated for the horses is previously measured off on the granary-floor, in any convenient quantity, and then shoveled down the spout at times to fill the chest ; besides, lines can be marked on the. inside of the chest indicative of every quarter of com which it can contain. (23.) O is the stable for the u'ork-horscs. Its length, of course, depends on the number of horses employed on the farm ; but in no instance should tts width he less than 18 feet, for comfort to the horses themselves, and con- (138) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 91 venience to the men who take charge of them. This plan, being intended for a definite size of farm, contains stalls for 12 horses, and a loose box be- sides — the whole length being 84 feet. Few stables for work-horses are made wider than 16 feet, and hence few are otherwise than hampered for want of room. A glance at the particulars which should be accommodated in the width of a work-horse stable will show you at once the inconveniejice of this narrow breadth. The entire length of a work-horse is seldom less than 8 feet ; the extreme width of the hay -rack is about 2 feet ; the harness, hanging loosely against the wall, occupies about 2 feet ; and the gutter oc- cupies 1 foot : so that in a width of 16 feet there are only 3 feet left fi-om the heels of the horses to the harness, on which to pass backward and for- ward to wheel a barrow and use the shovel and broom. No wonder, when so little space is left to work in, that cleanliness is so much neglected in farm-stables, and that much of the dung and urine are left to be decom- posed and dissipated by heat in the shape of ammoniacal gas, to the prob- able injury of the breathing and eye-sight of the horses, when shut up at night. And, what aggravates the evil, there seldom is a ventilator in the roof; and, what is still woi'se, the contents of the stable are much con- tracted by the placing of a hay -loft immediately above the horses' heads. — Whatever may be the condition of a work-horse stable in reference to size and room, its walls should always be plastered with good haired plaster, as forming the most comfortable finishing, and being that most easily kept clean Some people imagine that twelve horses are too great a number to be in one stable, and that two stables of six stalls each would be better. Provided the stable is properly ventilated, there can no injury accrue to a larger than to a smaller number of horses in a stable ; and, besides, there are practical inconveniences in having two work-horse stables on a faiTn. The inconveniences are that neither the farmer nor farm-steward can per- sonally superintend the grooming of horses in two stables ; that the orders given to the plowmen by the steward must be repeated in both stables ; and that either all the plowmen must be collected in one of the stables to receive their orders, or, part of them not hearing the orders given to the rest, there cannot be that common understanding as to the work to be done which should exist among all classes of work-people on a farm. (24.) Another particular in which most work-horse stables are im- properly fitted up, is the narrowness of the stalls, 5 feet 3 inches being the largest space allowed for an ordinaiy sized work-horse. A narrow stall is not only injurious to the horse himself, by keeping him peremptoiily confined to one position, in which he has no liberty to bite or scratch him- self, should he feel so inclined, but materially obstructs the plowman in the grooming process, and while supplying the horse with food. No work-horse, in my opinion, should have a naiTower stall than 6 feet from center to center of the travis, in order that he may stand at ease, or lie down at pleasure with comfort. If " the laborer is worthy of his hire," the work-horse is deserving of a stall that will afford him sound rest. (25.) It is a disputed point of what form the hay-racks in a work-horse stable should be. The prevailing opinion may be learned from the gene- ral practice, which is to place them as high as the horses' heads, because, as it is alleged, the horse is thereby obRged to hold up his head, and he cannot then breathe wpon his food. Many more cogent reasons, as I con- ceive, may be adduced for placing the racks low down. In the first place, a work-horse does not require to hold his head up at any time, and much less in the stable, where he should enjoy all the rest he can get. 2. A low rack permits the position of his neck and head, in the act of eating, to be more like the way he usually holds them, than when holding them up to a (139) 92 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. high one. 3. He is not nearly so liable to pull out the hay among his feet from a low as from a high rack. 4. His breath cannot contaminate his food more in a low than in a hiffh rack, because the greatest proportion of the breath naturally a.scends ; though breathing is employed by the horse to a certain degiee in choosing his food by the sense of smell. 5. He is less fatigued eating out of a low than from a high rack, eveiy mouth- full having to be pulled out of the latter, from its sloping position, by the side of the mouth turned upward. 6. 3Iown-grass is much more easily eaten out of a low than a high rack. 7. And lastly, I have heard of peas falling out of their straw, when eaten out of a high rack, into the ears of the horse, and therein setting up a serious degree of inflammation. (26.) The front rail of the loir-rack should be made of strong hard-wood, in case the horse should at any time playfully put his foot on it, or bite it when groomed. The front of the rack. should be spaircd for the admis- sion of fresh air among the food, and incline inward at the lower end, to be out of the way of the horses' fore-feet. The bottom should also be spaiTed, and raised about 6 inches above the floor, for the removal of hay seeds that may have passed through the spars. The corn-trough should be placed at the near end of the rack, for the greater convenience of supply- ing^ the com. A spar of wood should be fixed across the rack from the front rail to the back wall, midway between the tra\ns and the corn- trouerh, to prevent the horse tossing out the fodder with the side of his mouth, which he will sometimes be inclined to do when not hungn.'. The ring through which the stall collar-shank passes, is fastened by a staple to the hard-wood front rail. I have lately seen the manger in some work- horse stables in steadings recently erected made of stone, on the alleged score of being more easily cleaned than wood after the horses have got prepared food. From my own obsei-vation in the matter, I do not think wood more difllicult of being cleaned than stone at any time, and espe- cially if cleaned in a proper time after being used — daily, for instance. As plowmen are proverbially careless, the stone-manger has perhaps been substituted on the supposition that it will bear much harder usage than wood ; or perhaps the landlords, in the several instances in which stone- mangers have been erected, could obtain stone cheaper from their own quarries than good timber from abroad : but either of these reasons are poor excuses for the carelessness of servants on the one hand, or the par- simony of landlords on the other, when the well-being of the farmers' most useful animals is in consideration ; for, besides the clumsy appear- ance of stone in such a situation, and its comfortless feel and aspect, it is injui-ious to the horses' teeth when they seize it suddenly in grooming, and it is impossible to prevent even some work-horses biting any object when groomed ; and I should suppose that stone would also prove hurtful to their lips when gathering their food at the bottom of the manger. I have no doubt that the use of stone-mangers will have a greater effect in grind- ing down the teeth of farm-horses, than the " tooth of old Time " itself. (27.) The hirtd pofits of travises should be of solid wood rounded in front, grooved in the back as far as the travis boards reach, sunk at the lower ends into stone blocks, and fastened at the upper ends to battens stretching across the stable from the ends of the couple legs, where there is no hay-loft, and from the joists of the flooring where there is. The head-posts are divided into two parts, which clasp the travis boards be- tween them, and are kept together with screw-bolts and nuts. Their lower ends are also sunk into stone blocks, and their upper fastened to the battens or joists. The travis boards are put endways into the groove in the hind-post, and pass between the two divisions of the head-post to (140) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 93 the wall before the horses' heads ; and are there raised so high as to pre- vent the contiguous horses troubling each other, (28.) The floor of all stables should be made hard, to resist the action of the horses' feet. That of a work-horse stable is usually causewayed with small round stones, embedded in sand, such as are to be found on the land or on the sea-beach. This is a cheap mode of paving. When these cannot be found, squared blocks of whinstone (trap rock, such as basalt, greenstone, &rc.) answer the puipose fully better. Flags make a smoother pavement for the feet than either of these materials, and they undoubtedly rriake the cleanest floor, as the small stones are very apt to retain the dung and absorb the urine around them, which, on decomposi tion, cause filth and constant annoyance to horses. To avoid this incon- venience in a great degree, it would be advisable to form the gutter be- hind the horses' heels of hevvn freestone, containing an entire channel, along which the urine would flow easily, and every filth be completely swept away with the broom. The channel should have a fall of at least 1^ inch to the 10 feet of length. The paving on both sides should incline toward this gutter, the rise in the stalls being 3 inches in all. In some stables, such as those of the cavalry and of carriers, the floor of the stalls rise much higher than 3 inches, and on the Continent, particularly in Hol- land, I have observed the rise to be still more than in any stables in this country. Some veterinary Avritei's say that the position of the feet of the horse imposed by the rise, does not throw any unnecessary strain on the back tendons of the hind-legs.* This may be, but it cannot be denied that in this position the toes are raised above the heels much higher than on level ground. I admit that a rise of three inches is necessary in stalls in which geldings stand, as they throw their water pretty far on the litter ; but in the case of mares, even this rise is quite unnecessary. It is indis- purable that a horse always prefers to stand on level ground, when he is free to choose the ground for himself in a gi-ass-field, and much more ought he to have level ground to stand on in a stable, which is his place o£rest. (29.) Fig. 7 gives a view of the particulars of such a stall for xoork- horscs as I have described, a a are the strong hind-posts ; b h the head- posts, both sunk into the blocks c c c c, and fastened to the battens d d, stretching across the stable from the wall e to the opposite wall ; fj" the travis-boards let into the posts a a hy grooves, and passing between the two divisions of the posts hb ; the boards are represented high enough to prevent the horses annoying each other; gg curb-stones set up between the hind and fore posts a and b, to receive the side of the travis-boards in grooves, and thereby secure them from decay by keeping them beyond the action of the litter ; h is the spaned bottom of the hay-rack, the up- per rail of which holds the ring i for the stall collar-shank ; k the com- manger or trough ; / the bar across the rack, to prevent the horse tossing out the fodder ; 7n the pavement within the stall ; n is the freestone gutter for conveying away the urine to one end of the stable ; o the pavement of the passage behind the horses' heels ; p are two parallel spars fastened over and across the battens, when there is no hay-loft, to support trusses of straw or hay, to be given as fodder to the horses in the evenings of winter, to save the risk of fire in going at night to the straw-barn or hay- house with a light. (30.) The harness should all be hung against the wall behind the horses, and none on the posts of the stalls, against which it is too frequently placed to its great injury, in being constantly kept in a damp state by the • Stewart's Stable Economy, p. 17. (141) 94 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. horses' breath and perspiration, and apt to be knocked down among the horses' feet. A good way is to suspend harness on stout hard-wood pins driven into a strong narrow board, fastened to the wall with iron hold- fasts ; but perhaps the most substantial way is to build the pins into the wall. The harness belonging to each pair of horses should just cover a space of wall equal to the breadth of the two stalls which they occupy, and when windows and doors intervene, and which, of course, must be left fiee, its arrangement requires some consideration. This mode of ar- rangement I have found convenient. A spar of hard-wood nailed firmly across the upper edge of the batten d, fig. 7, that supports both the posts Fiff. 7. STALL FOR WORK-HORSE STABLE. of a Stall, will suspend a collar on each end, high enough above a person's head, immediately over the passage. One pin is sufficient for each of the cart-saddles ; one will support both the bridles, while a fourth will suffice for the plow, and a fifth for the trace-harness. Thus 5 pins or 6 spaces vrill be required for each pair of stalls, and in a stable of 12 stalls, de- ducting a space of 13 feet for 2 doors and 2 windows in such a stable, there will still be left, according to this arrangement, a space for the har- ness of about 18 inches Ixjtween the pins. Iron hooks driven into the board betwixt the pins will keep the cart-ropes and plow-reins by them- selves. The curry-comb, hair-brush, and foot-picker may be conveniently enough hung up on the hind-post betwixt the pair of horses to which they belong, and the mane-comb is usually carried in the plowman's pocket. (31.1' Each horse should be bound to his stall with a leather stall-collar, haying an iron-chain collar-shank to play through the liiig i of the hay- (142) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 95 rack, fig. 7, with a turned wooden sinker at its end, to weigh it to the ground. Iron-chains make the strongest stall-collar-shanks, though cer- tainly noisy when in use ; yet work-horses are not to be trusted with the best hempen cords, which often become affected with dry-rot, and are, at all events, soon apt to wear out in running through the smoothest stall- rings. A simple stall-collar, with a nose-band, and strap over the head, is sufficient to secure most horses ; but as some have a trick of slipping the strap over their ears, it is necessary to have either a throat-lash in addi- tion or a belt round the neck. Others are apt, when scratching their neck ^vith the hind-foot, to pass the fetlock joint over the stall-collar-shank, and finding themselves thus entangled, to throw themselves down in the stalls, bound neck and heel, there to remain unreleased until the morning, Avhen the men come to the stable. By this accident, I have seen horses get in- jured in the head and leg for some time. A short stall-collar-shank is the only preventive against such an accident, and the low rack admits of its being constantly used. (32.) The roof o? a. wor^-stable should always be open to the slates, and not only that, but have openings in its ridge, protected from the weathei by a particular kind of wood-work, called a ventilator. Such a thing as a ventilator is absolutely necessary on the roof of a work-horse stable. It is distressing to the feelings to inhale the air in some farm stables at night, particularly in old steadings economically fitted up. It is not only warm from confinement, moist from the evaporation of perspiration, and stifling from sudorific odors, but cutting to the breath, and pungent to the eyes, from the decomposition of dung and urine by the heat. The windows are seldom opened, and many can scarcely be opened by disuse. The roof in fact is suspended like an extinguisher over the half stifled horses. But the evil is still farther aggravated by a hay-loft, the floor of which is extended over and within a foot or less of the horses' heads. Besides the horses being thus inconvenienced by the hay-loft, the hay in it, through this nightly roasting and fiimigation, soon becomes dry and brittle, and contracts a disagreeable odor. The only remedy for these inconveniences in work- horse stables is the establishment of a complete ventilation through them. (33.) Fig. 8. represents one of these ventilators, in which the Venetian blinds a are fixed, and answer the double purpose of permitting the es- Fig. 8. A VENTILATOR. cape of heated air and effluvia, and of preventing the entrance of rain or snow. The blinds are covered and protected by the I'oof h, made of slates and lead ; c is an apron of lead. Such a ventilator would be more ornamental to the steading than fig. 8, and more protective to the blinds, if its roof projected 12 inches over. One ventilator of the size of 6 feet in length, 3 feet in hight in front, and 2 feet above the ridging of the roof, (143) 96 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. for every four horses in a work-horse stable, may perhaps suffice to main- tain a complete ventilation. But openings in the roof will not of them- selves constitute ventilation, unless there be an adequate supply of fresh air from below, to enforce a cuirent ; and this supply should be obtained from openings in the walls, including the chinks of doors and windows when shut, whose gross areas should be equal to those of the ventilators. The openings should be foiTned in such situations, and in such numbers, as to cause no draught of cold air to be directed against the horses. They might conveniently be placed, protected by gratings of iron on the outside to prevent the entrance of vermin, in the wall immediately behind the haraess, through which the air would pass, and cross the passage toward the hoi-scs ; and the air on thus entering the stable should be made to de- flect to both sides of each opening, by striking against a plate of iron placed before the opening, at a short distance from the w^all. I observe other fomis of ventilators in use in steadings, one consisting of large lead pipes projected through the roof, with the ends turned down ; and another having a portion of the slating or tiling raised up a little, and there held open. Either of these plans is much better than no ventilation at all, and I dare say either mode may be cheaply constructed ; but neither is so effectual for the pui-poses of ventilation as the one I have figured and described. (34.) Besides the ordinary stalls, a loose-hox, u, will be found a usefu'. adjunct to a work-horse stable. A space equal to two stalls should be railed off at one end of the stable, as represented at u on the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. It is a convenient place into which to put a work-mare when expected to foal. Some mares indicate so very faint symptoms of foaling that they frequently are known to drop their foals under night in the sta- ble, to the great risk of the foal's life, where requisite attention is not di- rected to the state of the mare, or where there is no spare apaitment to put her into. It is also suitable for a young stallion, when first taken up and preparing for traveling the road ; as also for any young draught-horse taken up to be broke for work, until he become accustomed to a stable. It might be, when unfortunately so required, converted into a convenient hospital for a horse, which, when seized with an unknown complaint, might be confined in it, until it is ascertained whether the disease is in- fectious, and then he should be removed to an oiit-house. Some people object to having a loose-box in the stable, and would rather have it out of it ; but the social disposition of the horse renders one useful there on the occasions just mentioned. It is, besides, an excellent place in which to rest a fatigued horse for a few days. (35.) Adjoining to this I have placed the stable for ridivg-horsen, as at P on the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV, not that those stables should always be to- gether, for the riding-hoi*se stable can be placed at any convenient part of the farmstead or near the farm-house. It may be fitted up in the form of three stalls of 6 feet each, or two loose-boxes of 9 feet each, according to inclination, that is, a size of 18 feet square will afford ample room for all the riding-hf)rses a farmer will require. The high rack is always put v.p in riding-horse stables, to oblige the horse to keep iip his head, and main- tain a lofty carriage with it. The long manger, stretching from one tvavis to another, is frequently used where the high rack is approved of But the neatest mode of fitting up the stall of a riding-horse stable is with a hay-cnb in one of the corners, and a corn-box in the other, both being placed at convenient bights from the ground. The stall-posts in riding- horse stables are fastened into the ground in a body of masoniy, and not to the roof, as that should be made as lofty as the bight of tl:e balks of die (144) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 97 couples will admit, and it should be lathed, and all the walls plastered, for the sake of appearance, warmth, and cleanliness. The corn-chest may be placed either in the recess of the window, where its lid might form a sort of table, or in a corner. One door and a window are quite enough for light and entrance. The door should open outward on giblet-checked ribets, and provided with a good lock and key, and spring-latch with a handle, so as not to catch the harness. The hight and width of both riding and work -horse stable-doors are usually made too low and too naiTow for the easy passage of ordinary sized horses in harness ; 7^ feet by 3i feet are of the least dimensions they should ever be made. A ventilator is as requisite in a riding as a Avork-horse stable, and, to promote ventilation, the under part of the window should be provided \vith shutters to open. The neatest floor is of droved flags ; though I have seen in stables for riding-horses very beautiful floors of Dutch clinkers. (36.) The lowest part of a high rack is usually placed about the hight of a horse's back, in contact ^A-ith the wall, and the upper part projecting about 2 feet from it. This position is objectionable, inasmuch as the angle of inclination of the fi-ont with the wall is so obtuse as to oblig-e the horse to turn up the side of his mouth before he can draw a mouthfull of prov- ender out of it, though the front be sparred at such a width as to permit hay and grass to pass easily through. A better plan is to have the front nearly parallel with the wall, and the bottom sparred to admit the falling out of dust and seeds. (37.) The long manger, which is always used with the high rack, is chiefly useful in permitting the corn to be thinly spread out, and making it more difiicult to be gathered by the lips of the horse, and on that account con- sidered an advantageous form of manger for horses that are in the habit of bolting their corn. I doubt whether horses really masticate their com more effectually when it is spread out thin, though no doubt they are obliged to take longer time in gathering and swallowing it, when in that state. (38.) The hay crib fixed up in one corner of the stdll, usually the far one, is not large enough to contain fodder for a work -horse, though amply so for a riding-horse. A work-horse will eat a stone of hay of 22 lbs. every day, which, when even much compressed, occupies about a cubic foot of space. To make a quadrifid hay-crib contain this bulk, would re- quire the hay to be hard pressed down, to the great annoyance of the horse, and the danger of much waste by constant pulling out. Plowmen require no encouragement by small racks to press fodder hard into racks. This they usually do, with the intention of giving plenty of it to their horses ; but were racks generally made capacious enough, they would have less inducement to follow a practice which never fails to be attended ■wath waste of provender. Such hay-cribs are usually made of iron.* [* Not so yet in the United States, although iron is being more and more substituted for wood, for various purposes, and would be for many more, if iron-masters were farmers, or, t-ice versa, to make both more familiar with tlie numerous purposes to which it might be economical!}- applied. Among those who will read this, there are yet doubtless some who well remember when rope traces and wooden mould-boards and hay-forks were used almost exclusively. Iron might be employed to advantage for a great variety of new uses. It needs for this and other improve- ments that Americans be brought, as they will be by degrees, to disburden themselves of the party demagogues by whom they are ridden, and learn, instead of being absorbed by partj- poli- tics, to turn their attention and studies to their ov.n true and peculiar interests. Few things serve better to distinguish the habits and even the character of the progeny from the parent stock — the Americans from their English ancestors — than the more perfect finish and durabilitv of all their mechanical works, machinery and buildings. (193) 7 98 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (39.) With regard to the relative advantages of stalls and loose-boxes in riding-stables, 'there is no doubt that, for personal liberty and comfort to the horse, the latter are much to be preferred, as in them he can stand, lie down, and stretch him out in any way he pleases ; but they require more litter and a gi'eat deal of attention from the groom to keep the skin of the horse clean, and preserve the horse-clothes from being torn — considera- tions of some importance to a farmer who has little use for a regularly- bred groom to attend constantly on his riding-horse ; unless he be a sports- man.* (40.) The Jloor of the riding-horse stable may be paved either with small stones, and a gutter of freestone to carry off urine, like the work- horse stable, or, what is better, with jointed flags ; but the neatest form of floorings is of jointed droved flags, grooved across the passage from the door to the stalls, to prevent the slipping of the horses' feet. This plan has also the advantage of being the cleanest as well as the neatest, but it is obviously more suited to the stables of the landlord than the tenant. (41.) If you use a wheeled vehicle of any kind, the coach-liou.se should adjoin the riding-horse stable. Of 18 feet square in size it will contain two light- wheeled caniages, and afford ample room besides for other pur- poses, such as the cleaning of harness, &c. As the utmost precautions of ventilation and cleanliness cannot prevent deposition of dust in a riding- horse stable, the harness should be placed beyond its reach in the coach- house, where it should be hung upon pins against a boarded wall. To keep it and the carriages dry in winter, there should be a Xarge Jire-j)lace in the coach-house. The floor should be flagged, and the roof and walls lathed and hair-plastered. A door should open from the liding-horse stable, provided with lock and key, and the large coach-house door should op^n outward on a giblet-check, and be fastened with bolts and a bar in the inside. Z in plan fig. 4, Plate IV. is the coach-house, with the large fire-place i in it. Coach-houses having to be kept dry in winter, to pre- vent the moulding of the leather-work, are frequently kept so by stoves, which, when not in use in summer, become rusted and out of working or- der ; and when again lighted in that state, never fail to smoke and soil every thing with soot.t There things arc made to endure ; here they are made to answer the purposes of the day. There railroads often cost one hundred and ffty thousand dollars a mile ! but when they are done, they are done ! On the other hand, Americans beat the world in ingenuity and in readiness to imitate and improve. Short apprenticeships, slighted and imperfect structures, unseasoned and perishable materials hastily put together, and even the restless and roaming temper of our popu- lation, may be regarded as the natural growth of our freer and looser form of government, and we must take the bitter with the sweets. Ed. Farm. Lib.] [* " Horse cloths " or coverings are not generally used or needed on American farms. Horses are in no danger from cold. Stables should be always drj% but well ventilated, and care should always be taken, when horses are heated, not to leave them at rest, in a cold wind or current of air uncovered. No man of any consideration or mercy would do it, or allow it to be done. Ed. Farm. Lib.] [t This suggestion of a fire-place in a coachhouse may be regarded as another English refine- ment, and like many things in this book, which must be published (from their inseparable con- nection with others that are practicable and expedient) is not therefore to be considered as recom- mended for imitation. A fire place in a house connected with the farmstead, to prevent the mould on harness, which in England is the result of the dampness of the climate, implies more capital and more careful servants than we have at command in this country. Approved English or foreign servants, as they are styled abroad, on coming to America either go at once, with their means, and for a few dollars, several hundred miles west, and there buy government lands at 81 25 an acre, or they (194) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 99 (42.) The cow-liouse or hyre, Q,, is placed on the left of the principal range, in a position corresponding with that of the work-horse stable. It is 53 feet in length and 18 feet in width. The stalls of a cow-house, to be easy for the cows to lie down and rise up, should, in my opinion, never be less than 5 feet in width. Four feet is the more common width, but that is evidently too narrow for a large cow, and even 7 feet are consid- ered by some people as a fair-sized stall for two cows ; though, in my opinion, every cow should have a stall for herself, for her own comfort when lying or standing, and that she may eat her food in peace.* The width of the byre should be 18 feet ; the manger is 2 feet in width, the length of a large cow about 8 feet, the gutter 1 foot, leaving 7 feet behind the gutter for the different vessels used in milking the cows and feeding the calves. The ceiling should be quite open to the slates, and a ventilator, moreover, is a useful apparatus for regulating the temperature and sup plying fresh air to a byre. A door, divided into upper and lower halves, should open outward to the court on a giblet-check, for the easy pasage of the cows to and from the court, and each half fastened on the inside with a hand-bar. Two windows with glass panes, with the lower parts fur- nished with shutters to open, will be quite sufficient for light, and, along with the half-door, for air also. The walls should be plastered for comfort and cleanliness. (43.) The stalls are most comfortably made of wood, though some recommend stone, which always feels hard and cold. Their hight should be 3 feet, and in length they should reach no farther than the flank of the cow, or about 6 feet from the wall. When made of "wood, a strong hard- wood hind-post is sunk into the ground, and built in masonry. Between this post and the manger should be laid a curb-stone, grooved on the up- per edge to let in the deals of the travis endways. The deals are held in their places at the upper ends by a hard-wood rail, grooved on the under remain in the towns, under much higher wages than the American Farmer can afford to give, taxed as he is to support enormously expensive miUtary and civil establishments. Who would believe, for example, that in Maryland the farmers and planters, asking so little, and getting 60 much less, from Government, pay 100 men $4 per day each, and even the postage on all their political and private as well as public correspondence, for the space of three months every year, to make new laws and patch up old ones ! Would any cultivated agricultural community, educated as they ought to be, with an under- standing oi their own true interests and just power, submit for one year to be thus humbugged and fleeced ? Ed. Farm. Lib.] [* This would all be very well if the American farmer had capital to build, for better accom- modation, on any scale, however expensive. But where he is forced, according to a common saying, to " cut his coat according to his cloth," less roomy stalls must answer. In our best dairy establishments, as at Morrisania and others, the partition between the stalls is usually very short, just sufficient to prevent the heads of the cows from coming in contact, leaving the space open between their bodies, the width of the stall being often not more than three feet in the clear, and these seem to answer well. In some of these best milk establishments, strong tubs, which are easily removed to be cleaned or filled, are in use for giving short provender, cut hay or straw, or com fodder, as the case may be, wet and mixed with bran shorts or meal of some sort, leaving the long provender to go into the manger, which runs from one end of the stable to the other, sometimes resting on the floor. These tubs are filled in the feeding passage, from which also the long provender is supplied to the mangers. Usually this feeding passage is between two rows of stalls in which the cows stand ■with their heads to the passage. We shall hereafter give exact plans, where it may be deemed necessary, on a scale suited to American farmers ; but it is deemed best here not to disturb the copy before us, as every part in the plan has some connection with some other part. From the whole the reader proposing to build may easily select such portions as he may like, and re-com- bine them to meet and satisfy his own views. Ed. Farm. Lib.] (195) 100 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. side, into which the ends of the deals ai'e let, and the rail is fixed to the back of the hind-post at one end, and let into the wall at the other, and there fastened with iron holdfasts. Stone travises are no doubt more dura- ble, and in the end, perhaps, more economical, where flag-stones are plen- tiful ; but I would in all cases prefer wood, as feeling warmer, being more dry in winter, and less liable to injure the cows coming against them, and within doors will last a long time. The plan of the stalls may be seen at Q and Y in the plan fig. 4, Plate IV. (44.) The mangers of byres are usually placed on a level wit^ the floor, with a curb-stone in front to keep in the food, and paved in the bottom. — This position I conceive to be highly objectionable, inasmuch as, when breaking the turnips, the head of the animal is depressed so low that an undue vvinght is thrown upon the fore-legs, and an injurious strain induced on the muscles of the lower jaw. A better position is, when the bottom of the manger, made of flag-stones or wood, resting on a building of stone and mortar, is raised about 20 inches from the ground, and a plank set on edge in front to keep in the food. This plank should be secured in its po- sition with iron rods batted into the wall at one end, and the other end passed through the plank to a shoulder, which is pressed hard against the plank on the opposite side by means of a nut and screw. This form of manger may be seen in fig. 18, p. 110. In this position of the manger, the cow will eat with ease any kind of food, whether whole or cut, and all feeding-byres for oxen should also be fitted up with mangers of this con- stniction. Mangers are generally made too narrow for cattle with horns, and the consequence is the rubbing away of the points of the horns against the wall. (45.) The method o£ supplying green food to cattle in byres may be va- rious, either by putting it into the manger from the inside, or from the outside through holes in the wall made exactly opposite their heads. Either way is equally serviceable to the cattle, but the latter is the more convenient for the cattle-man. Its construc- tion may be easily understood by fig. 9, which rep- resents the door shut in the opening of the wall on the outside. But, convenient as this* mode of sup- plying food is, I prefer giving it by the stall, when that is as wide as 5 feet, because, in cold weather in winter, the draught of air occasioned by the open- ing of the small doors at the heads of cows may en- danger their health. There is another method by having a passage of 3 feet in width betwixt the stalls and the wall, from which both turnips and fodder may be supplied to the cows. In this case the space behind the cows is reduced to 4 feet in width. (46.) The floor of byres should be paved with small round stones, ex- cepting the gutter, which, being as broad as an ordinary square-mouthed shovel, should be flagged at the bottom, and formed into the shape of a trough by two curb-stones. A gutter of this form can be quickly cleaned out. A similarly formed gutter, though of smaller dimensions, should run from the main one through the wall to the court, to carry off* the urine. — The causewaying of the stalls of a cow-house should go very little farther up than the hind-posts, because, in lying down and rising up, cattle first kneel on their fore-knees, which would be injured in the act of being pressed against any hard substance like stones. Tliis inner part of the stall should be of earth, made softer by being covered with litter. The urine gutters may be seen in the plan at Q. and Y in fig. 4, Plate IV (196) Fig. 9. DOOR THROUGH WHICH TO SUPPLY MANGERS WITH TURNIPS. \ THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 101 (47.) Fig. 10 represents a section of a travis and manger of a byre, where a is the wall, b the building which supports the manger c, having a front of wood, and bottomed with either flags or wood, d the hard-wood hind- post, sunk into the ground, and there built in \\\Xh stones and mortar, e the hard-wood top-rail, secured behind the post d, and let into and fixed in the wall a with iron holdfasts, f the stone curb-stone, into which the tra- Fis;. 10. BYRE TRAVIS, MANGER, AND STAKE. vis-board is let ; g the boarding of wood, let endways into the curb-stone below, and into the top-rail above, by a groove ; h is a hard-wood stake, to which the cattle are fastened by binders, the lower end of which is let into a block of stone ?', and the upper fastened by a strap of iron to a block of wood k fixed into the wall a ; m is the gutter for the dung, having a bottom of flag-stones, and sides of curb-stones ; n the paved floor ; o the opening through the wall a by which the food is supplied into the manger c to the cattle, from the shed s behind. This shed is 8 feet wide, p being the pillars which support its roof q, which is just a continuation of the sla- ting of the byre roof, the wall a of which is 9 feet, and the pillars p 6 feet, in hight. But where no small doors for the food are used, the shed s, pil- lars p, and roof q, are not required — a small turnip store being sufficient for the purpose, and to which access may be obtained by the back door, seen in Q,, at the right hand of the stalls in fig. 4, Plate IV. Fig. ii. (48.) Cattle are bound to the stake in vaiious ways. 1. One way is with an iron chain, commonly called a binder or seal. This is represented in fig. 11, where a is the large ring of the binder which slides up and down the stake li, which is here shown in the same position as it is by 7^ in the section of the stall in fig. 10. The iron chain being put round '^^ the neck of the beast, is fastened together by a broad-tongued hook at c, which is put into any link of the chain that forms the gauge of the neck, and cannot come out again until turned on purpose edgeways in reference to the link of which it has a hold. This sort of binder is in general use in the midland and northern counties of Scotland. 2. Another method of binding is %vith the baiMe, Avhich is made of a piece of hard wood e, fig. 12, (197) 102 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. Fig. 12. Standing upright and flat to the neck of the beast ; a rope g, fastens tho lower end of it to the stake, upon which it shdes up and down by means of a loop which the rope forms round the stake. This rope passes under the neck of the animal, and is never loosened. An- other rope A-, is fastened at the upper end of the piece of wood e, and, passing over the neck of the animal, and round the stake, is made fast to itself by a knot and eye, and serves the purpose of fastening and loosening the animal. The neck being embraced be- tween the two ropes, moves up and down, carrying the baikie along with it. This method of binding ani- mals to the stake, though quite easy to the animals themselves, has this objectionable property, which the seal has not, of preventing the animals turning round their heads to lick their bodies, which they can do with the seal pretty far back, and yet are unable to turn round in the stall. The seal being made of iron, is more durable than the baikie. The top of the stake of the seal is inclined toward the wall n, and fixed as represented by i7i in fig. 11 ; the baikie stake is held pei-pendicular, and is fixed to a log of wood rn, a. baikie. fig. 12, stretching parallel to the wall o, across the byre, of which log the cross section only is here shown. The seal-stake is placed in an inclined position to allow its top to be fastened to the wall, and in regard to it the animal is comparatively loo.se ; but as the neck is always held close to the baikie-stake, that stake must be placed in a per- pendicular position to allow the animal to move its neck up and down to and from the manger. (49.) This construction of the byre with its fittings up, is quite as well suited to fatten oxen as to accommodate milch cows. Feeding byi'es are usually constructed much too small for the number of oxen confined in them. When stalls are actually put up, they seldom exceed 4 feet in width ; more frequently two oxen are put into a double stall of 7 feet, and not unfrequently travises are dispensed with altogether, and simply a tri- angular piece of boarding is placed across the manger against the wall, to divide the food betwixt such pair of oxen. In double stalls, and where no stalls are used, even small-sized oxen, as they increase in size, cannot all lie down together to chew their cud and rest, whereas, the fatter they become, they require more room and more rest ; and large oxen are ham- pered in them from the first. In such confined byres, the gutter, more- over, is too near the heels of the oxen, which prevents them standinjg back when they desire. Short stalls, to be sure, save the litter being dirtied, by the dung dropping from the cattle directly into the gutter, and this cir- cumstance no doubt saves trouble to the cattle-man ; but in such a case the litter is saved by the sacrifice of comfort to the animals. Such con- siderations of economy are quite legitimate in cowkeepers in town, where both .space and litter are valuable, but that they should induce the con- struction of inconvenient byres in farmsteads indicates either parsimony on the ])art of the landlord or ignorance on that of the architect ; and no farmer who consults the well-being of his animals, and through them his own interest, should ever originate such a plan, or sanction it where he finds it to exist. The truth is, these confineil sti-uctures are ordered to be erected by landlords unacquainted with Afrriculture, to save a little outlay at first. Expenditure to them is a tangible object ; but in dealing thus with their tenants, they seem not to be aware they are actiuf with short- ies) ^ ° THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. l03 eightedness toward their own interests ; for want of proper accommoda- tion in the farmstead certainly has, and should have, a considerable influ- ence on the mind of the farmer, when valuing the rent of the farm he wdshes to occupy. Should you have occasion to fit up a byre for the ac- commodation of milch cows or feeding oxen, bear in mind that a small sum saved at first, may cause you to incur a yearly loss of much greater amount than the saving, by not only preventing your feeding cattle attain- ing the pei-fection which a comfortable lodging would certainly pi'omote in them ; but in affecting the state of your cows by want of room, the calves they bear in such circumstances are sure to prove weak in consti- tution. (50.) Immediately adjoining the cow-house should be placed the calves^ house. This apartment is represented at R of the plan in fig. 4, Plate IV. fitted up with cribs. It is 35 feet in length, and 18 feet in width, and the roof ascends to the slates. Calves are either suckled by their mothers, or brought up on milk by the hand. When they are suckled, if the byre be roomy enough, that is, 18 feet in width, stalls are erected for them against the wall behind the cows, in which they are usually tied up immediately behind their mothers ; or, what is a less restrictive plan, put in numbers together in loose boxes at the ends of the byre, and let loose from both places at stated times to be suckled. "When brought up by the hand, they are put into a separate apartment from their mothers, and each confined in a loose-box or crib, where the milk is given them. The superiority of separate cribs over loose boxes for calves is, that calves are prevented sucking one another, after having got their allowance of milk, by the ears, or teats, or scrotum, or navel ; by which malpractice, when unchecked, certain diseases may be engendered. The crib is large enough for one calf at 4 feet squai-e and 4 feet in hight, sparred with slips of tile-lath, and having a small wooden wicket to afford access to the calf. The floor of the cribs may be of earth, but the passage between them should be flagged or of asphaltum. Abundance of light should be admitted, either by win- dows in the walls, or sky-lights in the roof; and fresh air is essential to the health of calves, the supply of which would be best procured by a ven- tilator, such as is represented in fig. 8, p. 95, already described. There should be a door of communication with the cow-house, and another in two divisions, an upper and a lower, into a court fiirnished with a shed, as k in fig. 4, Plate IV. which the calves may occupy until turned out to pas- ture. The cribs should be fitted up with a manger to contain cut turnips, and a high rack for hay, the top of which should be as much elevated above the litter as to preclude the possibility of the calves getting their feet over it. The general fault in the construction of calves' houses is the want of both light and air — light being cheerful to creatures in confinement, and air particularly essential to the good health of young animals. When de- sired, both can be excluded. The walls of the calves' house should be plastered, for the sake of neatness and cleanliness. Some people are of opinion that the calves' house should not only have no door of communica- tion with the cow-house, but should be placed at a distance from it, in or- der that the cows may be beyond the reach of hearing the calves. Such an objection could only have originated from an imperfect acquaintance with the nature of these animals in the circumstances. A young cow even that is at once prevented smelling and suckling her calf, does not recognize its voice at any distance, and will express no uneasiness about it after the first few minutes after parturition, and after the first portion of milk has been drawn from her by the hand. (51.) The front of one of these calves^ cribs is represented by fig. 13, ip (19<»> 104 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. Fig. 13. CALVES CRIB DOOR. which a is the wicket-door which gives access to it, h h are the hinges, and c is a thumh-catch to keep the door shut. You will observe that this kind of hinge is veiy simple and economical. It consists of the rails of the wicket being a little elongated to- ward h, where they terminate in a semi-circular form, and the lower face of which is shaped into a pin which fills and rotates in a round hole made in a billet of wood, seen at the lower hinge at h, ■ se- curely screwed to the upright door-post of the crib. Another billet d is screv-zcd immediate- ly above the lower rail h, to prevent the O'-or being thl;o\\^l off the hin^/M' oy any accident. Oross-tajiett iron hinges, of the lir|hr/>e-ss suited to such «foors would soon break by rusting in the dampness usually occasioned by ihe br^wth of a number of calves confined within the same apartment. f'^/.A A pretty large court should be attached to the cow-house, in which ibe cows can walk about for a time in the best part of the day in winter, r*vKmg in the sun when it shines, rubbing against a post that should be »er up for the purpose, drinking a little water provided for them in a trough vif and licking themselves and one another. Such a court is, besides, ne- cessary for containing the manure from the byre, and should have a gate oy which carts can have access to the manure : I is such a comt on the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. being 58 feet in length by 30 feet in width. (53.) ^ in the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. is the court attached to the calves' house, 30 feet in length by 25 feet in width, in which should be erected, for shelter to the calves in cold weather, or at night before they are turned out to pasture, or for the night for a few weeks after they are turned out to pasture, a shed k, 30 feet in length by 12 feet in width, fitted up with man- gers for turnips, and racks for hay. A trough of water, w, is also requisite in this court, as well as a gateway for carts by which to remove the dung. (54.) On the left of the cow-house is the hoiUng-house U, for cooking food in, and doing eveiything else that requires the use of wann water. — The boiler and furnace h' should be placed so as to afford access to the boiler on two sides, and fiom the furnace the vent lises to the point of the ^able. A fire-place a' is useful for many purposes, such as melting tar, boiling a kettle of water, drying wetted sacks, nets, &c. One door opens into the byre, and another, the outer one, is in the gable, through which access to the byre may be obtained, or, if thought better, through the gate and court of the byre. There should be a window with glass, and shutters in the lower division, to open and admit air, and a ventilator v, fig. 3, Plate III. on the roof may be advisable here as a means at times to clear the house of steam. The walls of the boiling-house should be plastered. As proximity to water is an essential convenience to a boiling-house, water is quite accessible in the trough of the cows' court /, or, what is still better, in a trough connected with it outside, as at V , in fig. 3, Plate III. or.?t', in fig. 4, Plate IV. (55.) Windows should be of the form for the pui-pose they are intended to be used. On this account windows for stables, and for other apartments, (200) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 105 mranL -nrnx] STABLE WINDUW. Fia. lo. should be of different forms. 1. Fig. 14 represents a window for a stable. The opening is 4J feet in hight by 3 feet in width. The frame-work io composed of a dead part a of 1 foot in depth, 2 shutters hh to open on hinges, and fasten inside Fig. 14. with a thumb-catch, and c a glazed sash 2 feet in hight, with 3 rows of panes. When panes are made under 8 inches square, there is a considera- ble saving in the price of glass. The object of this form of a stable window is, that generally a great number of small articles are thrown on the sole of a work-horse stable window, such as short- ends, straps, &c. which are only used occasional- ly, and intended to be there at hand when wanted. The consequence of this confused mixture of things, which it is not easy for the farmer to pre- vent, is that, when the shutters are desired to be opened, it is scarcely possible to do it A\'ithout first clearing the sole of ev- erything ; and, rather than find another place for them, the window remains shut. A press in a wall might be suggested for containing these small arti- cles ; but in the only wall, namely, the front one of the stable O, in which it would be convenient to make such a press, all its surface is occupied by the harness hanging against it ; and besides, no orders, however peremp- tory, will prevent such articles being, at throng times, thrown upon the window-soles ; .and where is the harm of their lying there at hand, provided the \\ando\vs are so constructed as to admit of being opened when desired ? AVhen a dead piece of wood, as a, \p put into such windows, small things may remain on the sole, while the shutters h h are opened over them. 2. In other apartments, such as byres, coni-barn, calves' house, boiling-house, implement -house, hay- house, where there is no chance of an accumula- tion of sundry articles in the window-sole, the shutters of the windows, if desired, may descend to the bottom of the frame, as in fig. 15. The size of the window may still be the same, 4^ feet in hight .and 3 feet in width. The frame consists of two shutters aa 2 feet in hight, with a glazed sash c 2^ feet in hight, having 4 rows of panes. — Such a form of window will admit a gieat deal of light and air. (56.) The vpper barn B, as seen in fig. 16, occupies the whole space above the corn-bam and chaff-house. It is 32 feet in length and 30 feet in breadth, and its roof ascends to the slates. It has a good wooden floor like the corn-barn, supported on stout joists. It contains the principal machinery of the threshing-machine, and is wholly appropriated to the storing of the unthreshed com previous to its being threshed by the mill. For the admis- sion of barrows loaded with sheaves from the stack-yard, or of sheaves di- rect from the cart, this bam should have a door toward the stack-yard of 6 feet in width, in two vertical folds to open outward, on a giblet-check — one of the folds to be fastened in the inside with an iron cat-band, and the other provided with a good lock and key. It is in this barn that the com is fed into the threshing-mill ; and, to afford light to the man who feeds in, and ample light to the barn when the door is shut — which it should be when the wind blows strongly into it — a skv-light should be placed over the head of the man. The large door should not be placed immediately behind the man who feeds in, as is frequently the case in farmsteads, to his (201) BVRK, iC. WINDOW. 106 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. great annoyance when the sheaves are bringing in. There should be slits iu the walls for the ventilation of air among the corn-sheaves, which may not at all times be in good order when taken into the bam. A hatchway Fig. 16. PLAN OF UPPER BARN, GRANARIES, AND WOOL-ROOM. a, 3 feet sqviare, in the floor, over the com-barn below, is useful when any corn or refuse has to be again put through the mill. Its hatch should be furnished with strong cross-tailed hinges, and a hasp and staple, with a padlock and key, by which to secure it from below in the corn-bani. An opening h, of 4 feet in hight and 3 feet in width, should be made through the wall to the straw-barn, for the purpose of receiving any straw from it that may require to be put through the mill again. This opening should be provided with a door of one leaf, or of two leaves, to fasten \vith a bar, from the upper barn. The threshing-machine is not built on the floor, but is supported on two very strong beams extending along the length of the barn : t is the site of the threshing-machine in the figure. (.57.) Immediately in connection with the upper bam is \\ie gavgway, T, fig. 4, Plate IV. and fig. 16. It is used as an inclined plane, upon which to wheel the corn-barrows, and form a road for the carriers of sheaves from the stack-yard. This road should at all times be kept hard and smooth with small broken stones, and at the same time sufiiciently strong to endure the action of barrow-wheels. Either common asphaltum or wood pavement would answer this pui-pose well. To prevent the body of the gangway affecting the wall of the corn-bam with dampness, it should be kept apart from that wall by an arch of masonry. Some farm- ers prefer taking in the corn on carts instead of by a gangway, and the carts in that case are placed alongside the large door, and emptied of their contents by means of a fork. I prefer a gangway for this pui-pose ; be- cause it enables the farmer to dispense with horse-labor in bringing in the stacks if they ai-e near at hand, and they should always be built near the upper-bam for co»venience. Bams in which flails alone are used for (202) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 107 threshing the cora, are made on the ground, and the barn-door is made as large as to admit a loaded cart to enter and empty its contents on the floor. (58.) In fig. 16, AA are two granaries over the sheds DD, implement- house G, and hay-house H, in fig. 4, Plate IV. That on the left is 76 feet in length and 18 feet in width, and the other 65 feet in length and 18 feet in width. The side walls of both are 5 feet in hight. Their roofs ascend to the slates. Their wooden floors should be made strong, to support a considerable weight of grain; their walls well plastered with hair plaster; and a neat skifting-board should finish the flooring. Each granary has 6 windows, three in front and three at the back, and there is one in the ga- ble, at the left hand over the door of the implement-house. These win- dows should be so formed as to admit light and air very fi-eely, and 1 know of no forai of window so capable of affording both, as this in fig. 17, which I have found very serviceable in granaries. The opening is 4^ feet in length and 3 feet in hight. In the frame a are a glazed sash 1 foot in hight, composed of two rows of panes, and b Venetian shutters, which may be opened more or less at pleasure : c shows in section the manner in which these shutters operate. They revolve by their ends, formed of the shape of a round pin, in holes in the side-posts of the frame d, and are kept in a parallel position to each other by the bar c, which is attached to Fig. 17. GRANARY WIiVDOW AND SECTION OF SHUTTERS. them by an eye of iron, moving stiff on an iron pin passing through both the eye and bar c. The granary on the right hand being the smallest, and immediately over the work -horse corn-chest, should be appropriated to the use of horse-com and other small quantities of grain to be first used. The other granary may contain seed-corn, or grain that is intended to be sold when the prices suit. For repairing or cleaning out the threshing-machine, a large opening in the wall of this granary, exactly opposite the machinery of the mill in the upper barn, will be found convenient. It should be provided with a large movable board, or folding doors, to close on it, and to be fastened fi^om the granary. This opening is not shown in fig. 16. (59.) At the end of the straw-barn L is the wool-room W, fig. 16, its site being indicated by W on the roof of the isometrical view, fig. 3, Plate III. It just covers the small hammels X, and is therefore 25 feet in length and 18 feet in breadth. It enters from the straw-bam L by means of the stone or wooden trap-stair c'. Its floor should be made of good wood, its walls and roof lathed and hair-plastered. Its window should be formed like that of the byres, with a glazed sash above, and opening shutters be- low. A curtain should be hung across the window to screen the light and air from the wool when desired. The door need not exceed 6 feet in hight, but should be 3i feet in width, to let a pack of wool pass easily (203) 108 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. throucfh. As the wool is most conveniently packed in this rooin, there should be provided in the roof two stronjj iron hooks, for suspending the comers of the pack-sheet in the act of packing it, and another from which to suspend the Iteam and scales for weigliing the fleeces. Although the wool will usually occupy this room only when the cattle are in the field, yet in case it should be' found expedient to keep it over year, or have animals in the small haramels X in summer, and in case their breath should ascend into the wool through any openings of the joinings of the deals of the floor, it will be a safe precaution for presei-^ing the wool in a proper state, to have the roof of the hammels below lathed and plastered. This room could be entered by a door and stone hanging-stair in the gable. (60.) M and N in the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. are hamvieh for the feeding of cattle, rearing of young horses, and tending of queys in calf until they are tied up in the cow-house. 1. Hammels consist of a shed, and an open court, communicating by a large opening. The shed part need not be so wide as the rest of the apartments in the farmstead, in so far as the com- fort of the animals is concerned ; and in making them narrower consider- able saving will be effected in the cost of roofing. 2. There is no definite rule for the size of hammels ; but as their great convenience consists in confeniiifj the power to assort cattle according to their age, temper, size and condition, while at liberty in the fresh air, it is evident that hammels should be much smaller than courts, in which no assortment of animals can be attempted. 3. The courts of hammels, from which the dung is proposed to be taken away by horse and cart, should not be less than 30 feet in length by 18 feet in breadth, and their entrance gates 9 feet in width ; and this size of court will accommodate 4 oxen that will each at- tain the weight of 70 stones imperial. Tliis is the size of the courts of the hammels M. Should it not be thought inconvenient to take the dung out of the courts \vith banows, then they need not be made larger than 20 feet in length by 17 feet in \ridth, and this is the size of the courts of the hammels N, which will accommodate 3 oxen of the above size. 4. The sheds to both sizes of courts need not exceed 14 feet in width, and their length w\\\ be equal to the \\-idth of the courts. Of these dimensions 4 oxen in the larger will have just the same accommodation as 3 oxen of the same size in the smaller hammels. 5. All haramels should have a trough, c, for turnips, fitted up against one of the walls of the court. The side-wall is the most convenient part, when a large gate is placed in front, through which the carts are backed to clear away the dung from the courts. In the case of the smaller courts, the turnips may be supplied to the trough over the top of the front wall. 6. To give permanency to hammels, the shed should be roofed as effectually as any of the other buildings, though to save some expense at first, many farmers are in the habit of roofing them with small trees placed close together on the tops of the walls of the sheds, and of building thereon either straw, com, or beans. This is cer- tainly an excellent place upon which to stack beans or peas ; but the fin- ished building is that which should be adopted in all cases. Temporary erections are constantly needing repairs, and in the end actually cost more than work substantially executed at fii-st. 7. The division betwixt the shed and court fonns the front wall of the shed, through which an opening forms the door betwixt them. This door, 6 feet in width, should always be placed at one side and not in the middle of the hammel, to retain the greatest degree of warmth to the interior of the shed. The corners of its scutcheon should be rounded off* to save the cattle being injured against shaq-) angles. The divisions betwixt the respective courts should be of stone and lime walls, 1 foot in thickness, and 6 feet in hitrht. Those with- (204) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 109 in the sheds should be carried up quite close to the roof. Frequently they are only carried up to the first balk of the couples, over which a draught of air is generated along the inside, from shed to shed, much to the discomfort of the animals ; and this inconvenience is always overlooked in hammels which are built with the view of saving a little cost in build- ing up the inside division walls to the roofs. 8. Racks for fodder should be put up within the sheds, either in the three spare corners, or alono- the inner end. 9. In my opinion there is no way so suitable for feed- ing oxen, bringing up young horses in winter, or taking care of heifers in calf, as hammels ; and of the two sizes described above, I would de- cidedly prefer the smaller, as permitting the fewer number of animals to be put together. 10. XX are two small hammels at the end of the straw- barn L for accommodating a bull, or stallion, or any single animal that re- quires a separate apartment for itself. These are each 18 feet in leno-th and 12 feet in width within the sheds, the roofs of which are formed of the floor of the wool-room W ; and 29 feet in length and 12 feet in width in the courts. The doors into them should be made to open outward, on giblet-checks. The courts are furnished with turnip-troughs, z, and one water-trough, w, will serve both courts, as shown in the plan, figure 4, Plate IV. A rack should be fitted up for fodder in the inside of each shed. (61.) It should be observed that a part of the hammels N is fitted up as a byre Y. This byre is intended to accommodate the servants' cows. — There are 8 stalls — 6 for the plowmen's, 1 for the farm-steward's, and 1 for the shepherd's cows — and they are nearly 5 feet in width. The leno-th of the byre is 38 feet, and its width is only 14 feet, which gives a rather small space behind the cows ; but, as servants' cows are generally small, and the milk from them immediately carried away, if there is just sufficient rooni for feeding and milking them, and adequate comfort to the cows themselves, a large space behind them is unnecessary. This byre has a ventilator r' The cows are furnished with an open court v, 38 feet in length and 20 feet in width, and a water-trough w. (62.) I and K of the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. are two large courts for young cattle, both in the immediate vicinity of the straw-barn L, and both having a shed D under one of the granaries ; I is 84 feet in length and 76 feet in width, and K 84 feet in length and 77 feet in width. Troughs for turnips should be fitted up against one or more of the walls surrounding the courts in the most convenient places, such as at z in both courts. Besides racks for fodder, h' , against one of the walls within the sheds D D, there should racks be placed in the middle of the cojlrts, that the cattle may stand around and eat out of them without trouble. The square figures o o xn the middle of the courts I and K indicate the places where the racks should stand, and their form may be seen at o infcd out at 3, in paragraph (8.) p. 82, and it is shown in fig. '27, where a in the stniw-bimi, with but the courts ])laced on each side of it. (87.) In the steadings of carse (iiniLs, comfortiible accom- inoilation for stock is made a matter of secondary import. In them it is not unusual to see the cattle-courts facing the north. As there is, however, great abundance of straw on such fanns, the stock seem to be warm enough lodged at night. AVhere so much straw is re'-fanner to make the byre roomy and comfortable to the cows, the thriWug state of that portion of hi.s stock being the source from which his profits are principally derived. The fonn of steading recommended for farms in the neighborhocid of towns seems well adapted to this kind of farming, in which the liummcls could be occupied by the young horses and ^^T 1 1 I CARSE FARM-STEADING. Fig. 29. a. c ■ _L LL .LL _L DAIHY FARM, &C. STEADING. ,, ipicd by the youn^ young queys, and beside which the pig-sties could also be placed, such as are shown in fi^,. 29, where c are the hammels, and e the hog-sties, but which may be placed elsewhere if de- Bire' liigh. I do not believe that the value of all the ground on wliich the largest steading could stand fonned any iiuluceinent for tlie adoption ol the compact form of the quadrangle, but rather from the wish of the landlord to afford no more than bare accommodation to the tenant's stocking. An economical plan, furnished by an architect, \yould thus weigh more strongly with him than a mere regaid for the comfi)rt of his teiiant's hve-stock, whose special care he' woidd consider more a tenant's tluui a landlord's buj^iness. It is not so easy to ac- count for tlie teniuit's acipiiescence in such a form of steading ; for, although it must be owned that, at that perif)d, very imperfect notions were entertamed of what were requisite for the comfortable accommotlarion of animals, yet the tenant's own interest bemg so palpa- bly involved in tlie welfare of his stwk, might havf»taught him to desire a more comfortable form of steading. Thus an imperfect state of thijigs originated in the parsimony of landlords, and was promoted bv the heedlessness of tenants. The consequences were that cattle were confined m courts inclosed all around with high building, eating dirty turnips off the dung- hill, and Wiuhng or standuig mid-leg deep ui dung and water ; and frequently so crowded together, anil stinted of food, that the most timid among them were daily deprived of theii- due proportion of both footl and shelter. Is it any matter of wonder that cattle at that time were unequally and imperfectiy fed ? In the steadings of the smaller tenants, matters were, if po88il)le, stili worse. The state of the cattle in them was pitiable in the exti-eme, whether in the courts, or while " cabined, cribbed, and confined " in the bjTes. Though those in the latter were, no doubt, under the constant shelter of a roof, they were not much better off as to cleanliness and food ; and much worse oft" for want of fi-esh air, and in a state of body con- stantly covered with perspiration. But these unmerited haidships, which the cattie had to endure every winter, have been either entirely removed or much ameliorated, witliin these few yejirs, by the adoption of conveniences in the construction of steadings on the part of landlords, and superior management, acquii'ed by experience, on the part of tenants. — Troughs are now erected along the walls of courts, at convenient places, for holding turnips, now given clean to the cattle. Rain-water spouts are now put along the eaves of the houses surrounding the courts. Drains are now fonned to cany off the superfluous moisture from the courts. The courts themselves ai-e opened up to the meridian sun, and really made comfortable for calde. And hammels are now built for cattie in steadings where they were before unknowni. Still, not^vathstaiiding the decided improvement which has undoubtedly tiilten place in the constiiiction of steadings, there are yet many old steadings which have not been amended, and too many modern ones erected in wliich all the unprovements that might have been have not been introduced. Should it be your fate to take a fanu on wliich an old steading of the quadrangular fonn is stantling, or a new one is proposed to be built, in repair- ing the one, and coiisbiicting the other, be sure never to lose sight of the leading principles of construction inculcated above, and insist on their being put into practice. A little pertina- city on your part on this point will, most probably, obtain for you all your wishes, and their attainment to the full will vindicate you in offering a higher rent for the fanii, without incur- ring risk of loss. (92.^ It is now time to enter minutely into the specifications upon w'liicli everv' kind of work m the construction of a substantial steading should be executed, and those below will be found applicable to every size and plan of steaduig. As they accord v^-ith my o\\^l expe- rience and observation in these matters, and both have been considerable, I offer them with the greater degree of confidence for your guidance. They embrace the particidars of mason- work, caipenter-work, slater-work, plumber-work, smith-work, and painter and glazier- work ; but they aro not dniwTi up in the foixnal way that specifications are usually done, the various subjects as they are specified being illasUated by examples and the elucidation of principles. (93.) Of the specifications of mason-tcork. the first thing to be done is the digging of the foundations of the walls. When the site of the steading is not obliged to be chosen on a rock, the depth of the foundations of all the outside walls should never be less than 2 feet. Judging by usual jii-actice, this may be considered an inordinate depth, and as incumng much expense in building mi unneces.'saiy <|Uimtity of foundation walls, which are immedi- ately after tr) be buried out of sight ; but this depth is necessaiy on account of the drains which should be maile around die outside walls, ti» keep all the floors diy in whiter, and it is scarcely possible to keeji them dry with drains of less depth than 27 inches, which afford the water a channel of only 3 inches below the bottom of the foiuidations. The ground- floor of dwelling-houses may be kej)! in a dry state by elevating it a considerable hight above the ground ; but such an expedient is impracticable in a steading where most of die apartments, being occupied by live-stock, must be kept as neiu- as possible on a level wnth the ground ; and it is not wood-floors alone that must be kept dr)-, but those of sheds, baras, and byres, whether made of composition, or causeway, or earth. The injurious effects of damp in the floors of stiibles, byres, and hammels, on the condition of the animals inhabitin<» them in winter, or of bams on the stnt, 5 inches of ingoings clean droved, and be from 14 to 15 inches in hight. — The sheics should be broached when such are used, having 1 inch chisel-draught on both margins of the front, and the inner edge with a 4-inch check-plinth, having an inch back-rest under it. The holes in the byre-wall, through which the turnips are supj^licd, should be 20 inches square, with ashler ribets, flush sills and lintels, having broached fronts suid droved giblet-checks to receive their shutters. The side corners of the arched openings of the cat- tle-courts and hammels, and those of the ports of the cart-shed, should be regular out and in- band, 2 feet in length, 12 inches of breadth in the bed, and 12 inches in hight, and dressed in a manner similar to the other comers, but should be chamfered on the angles. The arches should be elliptical, with a rise of 2 feet, with broached soffits on both fronts, an inch-droved margin, and radiated jomts. In the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. the cart-sshed ports are not arched, there being no room for such a finishing in the peculiar form of the roof. The pillars of the cart-shed, the byre, turnip-shed, and calves'-shed, should be 2 feet square in the waist, of broached ashler, with inch-droved margins, and built of stones 12 inches in hight. Those of the two foi-mer should have a droved base course, 12 inches in depth, with 1.^ inches wash- ing, chamfered on the angles. The tops of the walls of the pig-sties, calves'-shed, hen-house, and potato-store, should have a 6-inch droved plinth, 12 inches in the bed. The fire-places in the boiling-house and coach-house should have a pair of droved jambs and a lincel, 3 feet 6 inches of hight in the opening, and a droved hearth-stone 5 feet in length and 3 feet in breadth. The boiler should have a hearth-stone 4 feet 6 inches in length, and 2 feet 6 inches in breadth, and it should be built with fire-brick, and have a cope of 4 inches in thickness of droved a-shler. The flues from both the fire-places and the boiler should be carried up 12 inches clear in the opening, and should have chimney-stalks of broached ashler, 2 feet in hight above the ridges of the respective roofs, 2 feet square, and furnished with a droved check-plinth and block 12 inches in depth. The gates of all the cattle and hammel courts should be hung on the droved ashler comers when close to a house, but on droved built pil- lars when in connection with low court-walls. The riding-horse stable, if laid at all with flags, should have them 4 inches thick, of droved and ribbed pavement behind the travis- posts, having a curved water-channel communicating with a drain outside. The travis-posts of the work-horse stable should be provided with droved stone sockets, 12 inches in thick- ness, and 18 inches square, founded on rubble-work, and a droved curbstone should be put betv^-ixt the stone stjckets of each pair of head and foot ti-avis-posts, provided with a groove on the upper edge to receive the mider edge of the lower ti-avis-board. For the better rid- dance of the mine from the work-horse stable, there .should be a droved curved wafer-chan- nel, 6 inches in breadth, wrought in freestone, all the length of the stable, with a full at least of IJ inclies to every 10 fei-t of length. The water-channel in the cow-byres and feeding- houses should be of droved curb-stones, 6 inches thick, 12 inches deep, aiid laid in the bot- tom with 3-inch thick of dmveti pavement, placed 6 inches below the top of the curb-stones. If stone is preferred for water-trovghs, which it .should always be when easily obtained, the troughs sho\ild not be of leas dimensions than 3^ feet hi length, 2 feet in breadth, and 18 inches in depth over all ; or they may be made of the same dimensions of pavement-flags put together with iron-batts. Wood may be substituted for stone when that cannot be easilv ob- tamed. The liquid-manure drain should be 9 inches in hight and fi inches in width in the clear, with droved flat sills and hammer-ilressed covers. A stone 2 feet in length, 18 inches in breadth, and 8 or !) inches in thickness, with an opening throuizh it, giblet-checked. wiU contain a grating 15 inches in length and !) inches in breadth, with the bars one inch asTm- der, at the ends of the liquid-maniuv drains in the courts. The li(iuid-manure tank, sunk into the ground, will be strong enough with a 0-inch brick or rubble wail of stone and linie-mor tar, having the bottom laid with jointed flag-pavement. If the ground is gravelly, a puddlin" (224) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 129 of clay will be requisite behind the walls, and below the jjavement f)f the bottom. The bot- tom of the freUng-tyoiicrh^ ia th=! byres, courts, and htunmels, should be of 3-inch thick of flag-pavement, jointed and scabbled on the face, or of wood. All the window-sills in the in- side should be finished with 3-inch droved or scabbled pavement. (102.) The walls in the front of the courts are intended to be quite plain; but, should you prefer ornamental structures, their tops may be finished with a 6-inch droved cope, 15 inches in breadth, with a half-inch washing on both fronts ; and with a droved base-course 12 inches in depth, having a wasliing of 1^ inches. The pillars of the gates to the larger courts may be of droved ashler, in courses of an octagonal form, of 15 inches in thickness, and 2 feet by 2 feet, with 12-inch base, and a 12-inch checked plinth and block, built at least 18 inches higher than the wall. And if you prefer an outside hanging-stair to the upper-bam instead of the gangway, or to the wool-room, the steps sliould be droved 3 feet 6 inches clear of the wall, with 6 inches of wallhold. And, farther, you may substitute droved crow-steps on the gables for the broached skews, with an inch back-rest under them. These crow- steps, in my opinion, are no ornaments in any case in a steading. They are only suited to a lofty, castellated style of liuilding. (103.) The floors of the cow-byres, work -horse stable, stalls of the riding-horse stable, passage of the calves'-house, coach-house, boiling-house, implement-house, hay-house, and turnip and potato stores, should be laid in causeway with whinstone, or with small land stones, upon a solid stratum of sand, with the precaution of a bed of broken stones under the flagging as formerly recommended in (73.) p. 118. A causeway, 13 feet in breadth, should also be made in the large court K to the corn-bam door, round to the gate at H, for the use of loaded carts from the bam, with a decUvity from the wall to the dung area of 2 inches in the 10 feet. Causeways are usually formed in steadings with round liard stones found on the land, or in the channels of rivers, or on the sea-shore, imbedded m sand. In those situations the stones are always hard, being composed of water-worn fragments of the primitive and secondary as well as of trap-rocks ; but round boulders of micaceous sand- stone, usually found in gravel pits, are unfit for the purpose of causeways, being too sol't and slaty. A more perfect form of causeway is made of squared blocks of ti-aji, whether of basalt or greenstone, imbedded in sand, such as is usually to be seen in the streets of towTis. The ready cleavage of trap-rocks into convenient square blocks renders them valuable depots, where accessible, of materials for causeways and road metal. The floors of the pig-sties and poultry-yards should be laid with strong, thick-jointed stones imbedded in lime mortar, hav- ing broken glass in it, upon a bed of 9 inches thick of small broken stones, to withstand not only the digging propensities of the piga on the surface, but also to prevent vennm gaining access from below through the floor to the poultry. The areas of the catde-courts, and floors of the sheds, hammels, and cart-shed, will be firm enough with the earth beaten well down. (104.) There is a plan of making the floors of out-houses, recommended by Mr. Waddell of Berwickshire, which deserves attention. It is this: Let the whole area of the apartment be laid with small broken stones to the depth of 9 inches. Above these let a sohd body of mason work, of stone and lime properly packed, be buUt to the hight of 12 or 14 inches, ac- cording to the thickness of the substance which is to fonn tlie upper floor. The lime, wliich is applied next the walls, should be mixed with broken glass. If a composition is to fonn the floor, it should be laid on 3 mches in thickness above the masonry ; but if asphaltum, 1 inch thick will suffice, the difference in the hight being made up in the masonry.* This plan of Mr. Waddell's seems well adapted for making a solid and secure foundation against ver- min, for the causewaying of the several apartments mentioned above ; but it is not so well adapted for wood-floors either as a preser\'ative against damp, or preventive against vermin, as the plan described at p. 88, (16.) (105.) While tieating of the subject of causewaying, I may as well mention here the va- rious sorts of flooring and pavement which may be foiTned of other materials than those al- ready mentioned ; and the first is concrete, which fonns a veiy good flooring for indoor use. It is formed of a mixture of coal-ashes obtained fi-om furnaces, and from a fourth to a third part or more, according to its strength, of slaked lime, and worked into the form ot paste with water. A coating of clay of 2 or 3 inches is first laid on the ground leveled for the pur- pose, and upon the clay, while in a moist state, the concrete is spread two or three mches in thickness, and beaten down with a rammer or spade until the mider part of the concrete is incorporated with the upper part of the clay. The surfice of the concrete is then made smooth by beating with the back of a shovel, and when left imtouched for a timo, that sub- stance assumes a very hard texture. This is a cheap mode of flooring, labor being the prin- cipal expense attending it. (106.) Another sort of pavement is that oi asphaltum, suitable either for indoor use, or for outdoor purposes, where no cartage is to be employed upon it. It is a composition of bitu- men, obtained from coal-tar after the distillation of naphtha, and small clean gravel. When applied, the bitumen and gravel in certain proportions are melted together in a pot over a fire, and when sufficiently liquified and mixed, the composition is poured over the surface of the ground to be paved, which is previously prepared hard and smooth for the purpose, • Prize Essays of the Highland and Agricultural Society, vol. viii. p. 373. (225) 9 130 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. about nn inch or more in thickness, and is spread even and smoothed on the surface with a heated iron roller. When completely dry, the asphaltum becomes a perfect pavement, aB hard as stone, and entirely impervious to water. It would form an excellent flooring for the etraw-bam, 8tr\-ants'-hou8e, boiling-house, potato-stores, and the passages in the cow-byre and calves'-house. It might also make roofing to out-houses, where there is no chance of the roof being shaken. As made at the Chemical \N'ork8 at Bomiington near Edinburgh, it costs 5d. per square foot when laid down, wliich makes it an expensive mmle of paving. Whether this usphalte wiU bear heat, or the trampluig of horses' feet, I do not know, but it seems there is a sort of asphaltum pavement in l-"i-ance which will bear lOO*-" of heat of Fahrenheit, and is employed in flooring the cavalry barracks of that countiy. The sub stance of which this pavement is made, is called " The Asphaltic Mastic of Seyssel," and for the manufacture and sale of which a company has been Ibnned in Paris to supply pave ment for various purposes. The substance is a natural asphalte found at Pyrimout, at the foot of the eastern side of Mount Jura, on the right bank of the river Rhone, one league north of Seyssel. In chemicid composition tliis asphalte contains 90 per cent, of pure car bonate of lime, and 9 or 10 per cent, of bitumen. To form the asphalte into a state fit for use, it is combuied with mineral pitch, obtained at the same place, in the proportion of 93 j)er cent, of the asphalte to 7 per cent, of the mmeral pitch. The pitch when analyzed con- tains of resinous petroliferous matter from C9 to 70 per cent, and of carbon from 30 to 35 per cent. The preparation of tliis asphalte being tedious, its cost is greater than that mentioned above. For foot-pavements or floors it is about 6^d. and for rools 8|d. per square foot.* (107.) Another mode of causewaying is wdth blocks of wood, commonly called icood- pavcment. Portions of the sti'eets of London have been laid with this kind of pavement, the blocks ha\"ing been j)reviously subjected to the process of Kyanizing, and they are found to make a smooth, clean, quiet, and durable causewaying. This would be a desirable method of paving the road round the large court K, Plate IV. the straw-barn, work-horse stable, hay -house, cow-byres, passage in the calves'-house, riding-horse stable, coacli-house, and potato-stores. It would be expedient, when used in a stable or byre, tliat some other substance than sand be put between the blocks, for that is apt to absorb urine too readily. Grout formed of thin lime and clean small gi^avel, or asphalte poured in between the blocks, might repel moisture. This latter expedient has already been tried, as may be seen at page 14 of Mr. Simm's obser\-ations on asphalte. There are various methods of disposing of the blocks of wood so as to make a steady and durable pavement. 1. The earliest plan adopt- ed in Loudon, in 1833, was that of Mr. Stead, a specimen of laying which I had an oppor tunity of seeing in the Old Bailey, London, in 1839. It consisted of hexagonal blocks of wood set on end upon a sandy substi-alum. The blocks had the Kyan stamp on their side Since then the substratum upon which the blocks rest hiis been made of Roman cement and what is called Thames ballast, which I sujipose means Thames river sand. The cost of this mode is 9s. the square yai-d for 6-inch blocks, and 2s. the yard for the concrete. 2. Another l)lim is that of Mr. Carey, which consists of setting cubical blocks on end, a mere modifica- tion of that of Mr. Stead. The cost is for 8-inch blocks 12s. 6d. ; 9-inch blocks ISs. 6d. ; and 10-iuch blocks 14s. 6d. the square yard. 3. Mr. Grinmians's is auollier mode of wood- paving. It consists of the blocks forming oblique parallelopipedons at an angle of 77'^, and they are so cut as to set from right to left and from left' to right, presenting a sort of herring- bone work. The blocks are chamfered at the edges to prevent the slipping of horses' feet. With the concrete of Roman cement and Thames ballast, this paving is charged 12s. the square yard. 4. Mr. Rankin's method secures the safety of the horses' feet in shpping, but is too elaborate a mode for general adoptioji. It consists of a number of small blocks, cut out of the same piece of wood, lying above one another in a complicated fashion. With con creler read to the British Association at their meeting at Glasgow in 1840, rrofessor Tniill described this flag as belonging to the red sandstone series, although its ai>i)eanuKe as pavement would lead one to suppose it to belong to an older fonnation. Pavement is also ioniied of the sti-atified portions of the sandstone of the coal-formation. Most of the foot-pavement of the streets of Edinburgh is of this kind. Its face requires to be wrought with tools, and its texture admits water. " Arbroath pavement costs fi-om 2d. to 4d. per sijuare foot at the (piam-, according to thickness. Both it and Caithness pavement cost 10(1. and conniion stone ])avenient 6d. per foot in Edinburgh. When jointed and droved, till- cost is ilil. per square foot additional. (11;').) In connection with the subject of ma.sonry, I may advert to the sinking of wells for a supply of water. 1. In trap ajid other amoiiihous rocks, little water may be expected to \>e found, and the lalwr of sinking by blasting with gunpowder renders a well sunk in these substances a very expensive undertaking. When there is probability' of finding water in stnitifii il nnks under trap, the latter may be penetrated by boring with a jumper, with the view of fonning an artesian well ; but before such a project is midertaken, it should be ascertained In foiehand that stratified rock or diluvium exists below the trap, and that the dip of either is towanl the site of the well. Of .so much importance is one good well on a &rm, that a considi-rable expense should be incuiTed rather than want, at any season, so es- Bentiid a beverage as water to man and beast. When insuperable objects exist against find- ing water on the spot, perhaps the better j)lan will be either to go a distance to a higher elevation, where a common well may succeed in finding water, and then convey it to the stciuling by a w(H)d or iron or lead pipe ; or to descend to a lower site and throw the water up to the steading by means of a force-pumj). Either of these plans may be less expensive, or more practicable than the boring through a hard rock to a great depth. The well in Bamborough Castle, in Northumberhuid, was sunk upward of 100 feet through trap to the sandstone below ; and at Dundee, a Iwre was m;ule throu<;h trap, 300 feet, to the inferior Band.stone below, by means of a steam-engine, to ohtiiin wat«'r for a spinning-mill. 2. In gravel and sand, a well may be simk to a considerable depth before finding water. Being ♦ Stevens's Wood-raving in London. t McCulloch'e Commercial Dictionary, Art. Tariffl THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 133 desirous of a supply of water to three adjoining fields of dry turnip land, resting on a dee-) bed of pure gravel, and which had no watering-pool, I fixed on the most likely spot tti con- taui water, near the foot of a rising gi-ound of diluvial clay, in wliich to dig a well, and it happened, to be a spot common to all the fields. After persevering to the depth of 22 feet without success, at the imminent hazard of overwhelming the men with gravel, as a despair- ing effort, at night-faU I caused a foot-pick to be thrust down into the bottom of the pit as far as the handle, and on withdrawing the instrument, water was seen to follow it. Next morning three feet more were dug, when the water excavating the gi-avel around the bottom of the pit rendered farther digging a dangerous operation for the men, so the ring of the well was there begun to be built with stones. The water afterward would rise no higher in the well than the level where it was first found, but the supply, nevertheless, was sufficient for the use of three fields. On findmg water in this case, in the midst of very hopeless symptoms, I would recommend perseverance to diggers of wells, and success will most probably reward their efforts. 3. In very unctuous clay, such as is found in carse land, water is difficult to be obtained by digging to ordinary depths ; but as such a country is usually situate iiear a large river, or on the side of a broad estuary, by digging to the depth of the bed of the river, some sand will most probably be found through wliich the water will find its way to the well ; and though brackish in the estuarj', it may come into the well sweet enough for all domestic purposes. 4. Wells dug in stratified rocks, such as sandstone, may be supphed with water at a moderate depth, perhaps 6 or 8 feet ; but among regular strata there is as much risk of losing water as there is ease hi obtaining it. To avoid disappointment, it will be necessaiy to puddle the seams of the rock on that side of the well in which it dips dowTiward. .5. The substance which most certainly supplies water on be- ing dug into is diluvial clay, a substance which foniis the subsoil of the greatest e.xtent of arable land in this kingdom. This clay is of itself impervious to water, but it is always in- tersected with small veins of sand frequently containing mica, and interspersed with numer- ous small sUinss, on removing which, water is found to ooze from their sites, and collect in any pit that is formed in the clay to receive it. The depth to be dug to secure a sufficiency of water may not be great, perhaps not less than 8 feet or more than 16 feet ; but when the clay is homogeneous and hard, and there is little appearance of water, digging to upward of 40 feet in depth will be required to find water. I knew a remarkable instance of a well that was dug in such clay in Ireland, in which 40 feet were penetrated before any water was found ; but immediately beyond that depth, so large a body of pure water was found in a small vein of sand, that the diggers escaped with difficulty out of the well, leaving their tools behind. A force-pump was obtained to clear the well of water, in order to allow the ring to be built ; but it was unable to reduce the bulk of water, so that the ring remains un- built to this day ; the water always stands within three feet of the top of the well, and the clay is not much affected by it. 6. Suppose, then, that this wall is to be dug in clay con- taining small stones and veins of sand. Let a circle of 8 feet in diameter be described on the surface of the ground, fi-om whose area let the ground-soil be removed to be used elsewhere. After throwing out a depth of 8 or 9 feet with the spade, let a v^^nch and rope and bucket be set up to draw the stuff out of the well. While the digging is proceeding, let a sufficient quantity of flat stones be laid down near the winch, by which to let them down to build the ring. A depth of 16 feet will most probably suffice, but if no water is found, let the dig- ging proceed to the requisite depth. A ring of 3 feet in diameter will be a large enough bore for the well, the rest of the space to be filled up with dry rubble masonry, and drawn in at the top to 2 feet in diameter. Whenever the building is finished, the water should be removed from the well with buckets, if the Cjuantity is small, and with a pump if it is large, to allow the bottom to be cleared of mud and stones. A thick flat stone, reaching fi-ora the side of the ring to beyond the center, should be firmly placed on the ground at the bottom of the well, for the wooden pump to stand upon, or for the lead pipe to rest on. If a wooden pump is used, a large flat stone, ha\ing a hole in it to embrace the pump, should be laid on a level with the ground upon the ring of the well ; but if a lead pipe is preferred, the flat stone should be entire and cover the ring, and the clayey earth throv^^n over it. The cost of digging a well in clay, 8 feet in diameter and 16 feet deep, and building a ring 3 feet in diameter with dry rubble masonry, is only £.5, exclusive of carriage and the cost of the pumps. A wooden-mounted larch pump of from 15 to 20 feet in length costs from £3 to £3 10s. and a lead one £2 10s. with Is. 2d. per lineal foot for pipe of the depth of the well. The wooden pump will last perhaps twenty years, and the lead one a lifetime, with ordinary care, and the lead at all times is worth something. (116.) The making of the well naturally suggests the subject of water. The different kinds of water receive names from the sources fi-om which they are derived. Thus there is sea-water, the water of the ocean ; rain-water, the water \vhich falls from the atmosphere; river-water, the water which flows in the channels of rivers ; spring-water, the water as it naturally issues from the ground; well-water, the water collected in wells; pond-water, the water collected in an artificial hollow formed on the surface of the grouuil ; and marsh- water, the stagnant water collected in swamps and bogs. All these soits of water possess different prorierties, acquired from the circumstances from \vhich each is deri\'ed. (117.) Pure water is not found in nature, for all the sorts of water accumulated on or near (229) 134 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. the surface of the cailh, though tlitferiiig in purity iii regard U) each other, are none of them pure m the chemical sense of the tenii ; that is, free of the aihiiixture of other matter, suck as gases, salu<, eartli. I'ure water is colork-ss, aiid insipid to the taste. Its specific ^avity is 1.000 ounces per cubic foot. It i.s made tlie standard of gravitj', 1 being its equivalent mark. It is an inelastic fluid. It consists of hydrogen and oxygen, the combination by weight being 8 of oxygen and 1 of hydrogen — by volume, 1 of oxygen to 2 of hydrogen — and by ecjuivalent or atom, 1 of hydi-ogen with I of oxygen ; its chemical symbol being H-|-0 or 110. Pure water is obuiined by the distillation of rain or river water, and, to re- tain it so, it must be kept in closed b<}tt]es filled to the stopper, as it has a strong affinity for common air, oxygen, and carbonic acid giis. (118.) Water hxim the condensed vapor of fresh water is the purest that can be obtained by natural means. Hence, niin-water collected after rain has fallen for a time, at a hight above the ground, in the country, and at a disUnice from any dwelling of man, or new-fallen melted snow, is the purest water tliat can be collected ui a natural state ; but, nevertheless, it is not pure, iuiismuch as it contains oxygen, nitrogen, carl)ouic acid, and earthy matter, ■which it has met with in the atmosphere, besides nearly as much common air as.it can absorb. Procured from the roofs of buildings, min-water is always contaminated with many additional impurities, derived from the channels through which it has flowed. It is generally very dark-colored, and, when allowed to stand, deposits a quantity of earthy ingiedients. It is not ui a pn)pcr state for domestic purposes until it has got quit of as much of these impurities as it can by deposition. ( 1 19. ) Rain-water for domestic purposes is collected in cisterns. The fonn of a rain-water cistern, repiesented by fig. 30, I have found an useful one for allowing the undisturbed de position of impurities, and at the same time the quick flowing off of the puier water, without aisturbing the deposition. Let ab b che a. cis- tern of stone or wood, placed at a convenient spot of the steading or farm-house, for the re ception of rain-water. I have found that such a cisteni, of the capacity of 12 cubic feet, holds a sufficient (juantity of rain-water for the domes- tic purposes of an ordinary family. A cistern of 2 feet square at the base, and 3 feet in hight, will just contain that (juantity ; but, as the size of an ordinaiy wash-tub is 2 feet in diameter, the space betwaxt d and d must be made 2 feet 6 inches at least, and the hight of the cistern b could be 2 feet; but if more water is required than 12 cubic feet, then the hight should be 3 feet, which gives a capacity to the cisteni of 18 cubic feet. Suppose the cistern represented in the figure to contain 18 cubic feet, then the area of a will be 2^ feet square, and b 3 feet in hight, supported on two upright stones d d of the breadth of the ci.stern and 2 feet high. The cisteni may either be niatle of a block of I'ree- Btone lie%Nii out to the dimensions, or of fliigs, of which the sides are let into grooves in the bottom and into each other, and imbedded in white-lead, and fastened together with iron clamps, liavuig a stone movable cover c. Or it may be fomied of a box of wood, securely fast- ened at the comers to be water-tight, \\-ith a cover of wood, and resting on the stone suji- ports d d. Stone being more durable, is, of course, i)referable to wood for a cisteni that stands out in the open air. A hollow copper cylinder g is fastened perpendicularly into the bottom a, having its lower end jinijecting 1 inch below, and its upjier 3 inches above, the respective surfoces of the bottom. The upper end of the copper cylinder is formed to receive a ground tnincated cone of copper called a plug or stopper, which is m )vcd up and down with' the lever k, by means of the stout coi>per rod t. The plug must be made watertight with grease, liie rod of which passes through a hole in the cover, to be connected with the lever, whose support or fulcrum is fixed on the cover. Those parts are all male of co|>per, to withstand rusting from the water, with the exception of the lever, which may be of iron, painted. The i-.iin-water is supplied to the cislem by the pipe c, which descends from the rain-water conductor, and is let through a hole in the cover. The water is represented standing as high as I, but, in case it should rise to overflow, it can pass olT by the lead waste-pipe /, which is secured and movable at pleasure in a gi-ound- (230) RAIN-WATER CISTERN. THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 135 washer n, whose upper end is made flush wath the upper surface of the bottom a. After the water has entered the cisteni, it gets leave to settle its sediment, which it may do to the his^ht of the upper end of g. The sediment is represented by m, and, when it accumulates to k, the cover c should be taken otf, and the waste-pipe / removed, and it can then be cleaned completely out by the washer n. The waste water riuis away through the air-ti-ap o, and along the drain p. It is more convenient to have two small than one large cistern, as, while the water is rising in the one, that in the other gets leave to settle. The cost of such a cis- tern, with droved stones, aud to contain 18 cubic feet, \\'ith the proper moimtings, may be about £5. I think it right to say, in commendation of this fonn of water-cistern, that in no case have I known the water about the plug to be frozen — in consequence, perhaps, of the non-conducting power of the mud in the bottom of the cistern. The rod i has sometimes be come fast to the ice on the top of the water, but a little boUing water poured down by. the side of the rod tln-ough a fimnel soon freed it fi-om restraint. (120.) Rain-water, besides containing gases in solution, becomes impregnated wth many saline substances in its passage through the ground ; and hence the water of springs and riv- ers always contains many ingredients. The purest spring-water is that which has passed through gravelly deposits, such as of granite, sandstone, quai-tz ; because the component parts of those stony substances being insoluble, the water cannot take up much of them. In the same way the water of old wells is purer than that of new, because the long continued action of the water has removed or gi-adually dissolved the soluble matters in the same pas- sages through the gi-ound to the well. " The matters generally contained in spiing, well, and river water," says Mr. Reid, " are carbonate of lime, sulphate of lime, muriate of lime, sulphates of potash and soda, muriate of soda, and sometimes a little magnesia. ' In rain- water,' says Dr. Murray, ' the muriates I have found generally to fonn the chief impregna- tion, while in spring-water the sulphates and carbonates are predominant, and in the former the alkalies,' potash and soda, ' are in larger quantity, while the earths, particularly lime, are more abundant in the latter.' "* It is in its combination with one or more of tliese salts that water becomes hard, chiefly with the sulphate of lime or ,g^*psum, and the carbonate of lime or hmestone. Water is said to be hard when it will not dissolve but decompose soap. Soft water, on the other hand, does not decompose, but combines easily with soap and dissolves it. Hard water is not so fit as soft for many culinary purposes, such as making tea and boil- ing vegetables. It is, therefore, of importance for you to know when water is in a hard or soft state. By placing a few thin slices of white soap in a clean tumbler of the water to be examined, its hardness will be indicated by white JiaLcs or curdy particles around the soap, the effect of decomposition — the acids of the salts in the water combining with the alkali of the soap and leaving the fatty matter. A very small quantity of either of the saljs enumer- ated above will render water hard. Water can dissolve 1-.500 part of its weight of gypstim ; bat, according to Dr. Dalton, 1-1000 part is sufficient to render it hard ; and Mr. Cavendish says that 1"200 grains of water containing carbonic acid ^^'ill hold in solution 1 grain of lime- stone. Limestone is insoluble in pure water ; but water containing carbonic acid in solution can dissolve it. (121.) "To discover whether the hardness be owing to the presence of limestone or gyp- sum, the following chemical tests," says Mr. Reid, " may be applied. A solution of the nitrate of barytes will produce a white precipitate with water containing either g^'psum or limestone ; if limestone have been present in the water the precipitate \\'ill be dissolved, and the liquid rendered clear on adtUng a few drops of pure nitric acid ; if the presence of gypsum caused the precipitate, this will not be dissolved by the nitric acid. A solution of the sugar of lead may be used in the same way, but the niti-ate of barytes is preferred. "t (122.) As to a practical remedy for hard water, boiling vr\& remove the lime. The car- bonic acid in excess in the water is converted into the gaseous fonn, and the carbonate of lime then becoming insoluble, falls to the bottom of the vessel. Hence the iucnistation of tea-kettles. If the hardness is caused by g^.'psum, a little pearlash or soda (carbonate of potash or carbonate of soda) ^vill remove it, and the lime of the water will also be precipi- tated with the carbonic acid of the pearlash or soda. (123.) River- water is always softer than spring or well water, because it deposits its earthy ingi-edients when flowing in contact with common air, which it absorbs in considera- ble quantity'. By analysis, the water of the river Clyde ^-ielded 1-35 of its bulk of gases, of which 19-20 were common air. " All that is necessary," remarks Mr. Reid, " in order to render river-water fit for use is to filter it. This is rather a mechanical than a chemical operation, and is done by causing the water to pour throush several layers of sand, which intercepts the muddy particles as the liquid passes thi'ough. Filtering stones, made of some porous material, such as sandstone, and hollowed out so as to be capable of containing a con- siderable quantity of water, have sometimes been employed to purify water. Compressed sponges have also been employed for this pm-pose. Sand and charcoal form the chief ele- ments in the construction of the filters now so much employed for purifying water, the pow- dered charcoal acting not only mechanically in detaining any muddy particles, but having a chemical effect in sweetening the water (rendering it fresh) if it be at all tainted, or even m retarding putrefaction, if it have any tendency that wav."+ * Reid'g Chemistry of Nature, p. 195. t Ibid. p. 199. % ^^^- ^Ol- (231) 136 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (124.) Wafer, as a beverage, would be insipitl or even nauseous \\"ithout the g:ase8 and valine matters usually found in it. They give a natural seasoning and a sparkling appearance to it, thereby rendering it agreeable to the taste. Every one knows the mawkish taste of boiled ^^•ater when drank alone. (125.) As I am on the subject of water, a few words should here be said on the making of horfc-pnnd.1. The position of the horse-pond will be seen in figs. 1 and 2, in Plates I. and II. When a small stream passes the steading, it is easy to make a pond serve the pur- pose of horses drinking and washing in it, and the water in such a ]>ond will always be pure and clean. But it may happen, for the sake of convenience, when there is no stream, that a pond should be dug in clay, in which case the water in it will always be dirtj- and offensive, unless means are used to bring water by a pipe fixjm a distance. If the subsoil is gravelly, the water will with difficulty be retained on it, on which account the bottom shoidd be pud- dled with clay. Puddling is a very simple process, and may be performed in this manner: Let a quantity of tenacious clay be beaten smooth \vith a wooden rammer, mixing with it about one-fourth part of its bulk of slaked lime, which has the effect of deterring worms making holes in it. After the mass has lain for some time souring, let large balls of it be formed and thrown forcibly on the bottom of the pond, made dry for the purjwse, and beaten do^^-n with the rammer or tramped with men's feet, until a coating 6 or 7 inches in thick- ness is fonned, or more, if there is plenty of clay. Then let a quantity of clean gravel be beaten ^vith the rammer into the upper surface of the clay before it has had time to harden. Should the jwnd be large, and the weather at the time of making it so dr\- as to harden the clay before its entire bottom can be covered with it, let the puddling and graveling proceed together bv degrees. Above the coating of gravel, let a substantial causeway of stones and sand be formed \x\ resist the action of the horses' feet, and which, if {iroperly protected at the ends, and finished on the open side of the ]iond, will withstand that action for a long time. I have seen a sort of pond recommended to be made, into wliich the horses enter at one end, and pass through it by the other. This is a convenient shape of pond, in as far as it admits of the uninterrupted passage of the horses tkroitph the pond, but it is liable to seri- ous objections. Being contracted laterally, the pair of horses which first descend to drink will occupy the greatest proportion of its whole brcaddi. and, while in that position, the succeeding pair must dinaik the muddy water at their heels ; and. as the contracted form precludes easy turning in the deepest pari of the water, none of the rest of the horses can be pennitted to block up the opposite or open end of the pond. A nru h better fonn of pond, I conceive, is with an open side, having the opposite side fenced, mid the watei- supplied clean at the upper end, and made to flow immediately away by the lower. At such a pond a number of horses can stand in a row to drink at the same time, and easily pass each other in the act of washing the legs after drinking. As to the depth, no horse-pond should ever exceed the hight of the horses' knees. The water should on no accouut reach their bellies ; for although I am quite aware of plo^^^nen being desirous to wade their lior.scs deep, and of even wishing to see their sides laved with water, to save ihcm.'-elvcs some trouble in cleaning, that is no reason why you should run the risk of endangering the health of your horses by making the pond deeper than the knee. (126.) With regard to the kind of stone which should bo emplo'-ed m the building of a Bteading, it must be determined by the mineral product of the loc.ilitv in which it is pro- posed to erect it. In all localities where stone is accessible, it should be prefeiTcd to every other material ; but where its carriage is distant, and of course expensive, oilier materials, such as brick or clay, must be taken. In large flat tracts of rountr\-. stone is generally at too great a distance ; but in those situations, clay being alnin(l:int. brick may be easily made, and it makes an excellent building material for walls, and far superior to the old-fashioned clay >v!ill.« whii'h were in vogue before brick became so universally u.sed for building. Of stone, anv kitul may be used that is nearest at hand, though some rocks are much better adapted fir buildiuL' purposes than others. 1. Of the primitive rocks, gray granite forms a beautiful and duniblc stone, as is exemplified in the buildings in Aberdeenshire, Cornwall, and Newrv- in Ireland. Gneiss, micaslate, and clayslate, do not answer the purpose well. They give a rough e- thing that came against it, and is, on that account, an unsuitable finisliing for a steading. 6. The worst sort ot building-stone are landfast boulders of the primitive and trap rocks, which, although re- duceable by gunpowder, and manageable by cleavage inlo convenient shaped stones, incur great labor in their preparation for building ; and even after the stones are prepm-ed in the best mamier they are capable, their beds are frequendy veiy rough, and jointings coursi% and the variety of texture and color exhibited by them, render them at the best unsightly objects in a building. They are equally misuitable for dry-stone dykes as for buildings, for in the case of dykes, they must be used very nearly in their natural state, as the usual charge for such work wU not bear labor being bestowed on the preparation of the material. Still, after all, if no better material for building houses is near at hand than those boulders, they must be taken as the only natural product the country affords. There is a class of Ijoulders, composed chiefly of micaceous sandstone, found m banks of gravel, which answer for dry- Btone dykes admirably, splitting with ease with a hand-pick into thin layers, and exhibiting a rough surface on the bed, very favorable to their adherence together in the wall. Tliis species of building material is abundant in Forfarshire, w-here specimens of dry-stone build- ing may be seen of a superior order. In these remarks of the general choice of building- stones by Mr. G. Smith, architect in Edinburgh, there is much truth : " The engineer and architect," says he, "go differently to work in choosing their stones. The Ibnner, in makino- his experiments for his piers and bridges, selects the strongest and hardest as most suited to resist great pressure. The latter, for his architectural decorations, chooses not, only the most beautiful as to texture and uniformity of color, but those which may be easily cut into the most delicate mouldings, and which, moreover, will stand the winter's fi-ost and the sum- mer's heat. It may be remarked that the hardest stones are not always those which hold out the best against the effects of the weather."* (127.) I may here observe, in concluding my obsers-ations on the specifications of masonry, that any lime that is used on a farm, for the purpose of steeps for grain or for mortar, gets leave to lie about in the most careless manner, either under a shed, or at some place con- tiguous to water, where it had been made up into mortar. In either case there is waste of a useful article ; and in many parts of the countrj', where carriage is far distant, it is a high- priced article. The lime that is to be used in a dry state should be kept under cover ; and all that is required in a season could be held in a cask or small hogshead to stand in a cor- ner of the cart-shed or potato-store, but not in the straw-bani, where a little damp may cause it to ignite the straw. With regard to mortar, no more should be made at a time than is used, or it should be carefully heaped together in a convenient place, and covered with turf. (128.) In Sweden, mortar is made and kept in a convenient form of cart, represented by fig. 31, a practice which might with propriety be followed in this country. The cart con- Fig. 31. SWEDISH MORTAR-CART. siflta of a cube a b c d of a side of 3 feet made of 2-inch thick battens. The wheels are formed of the two sides of the cube, on v/hich are fixed circular segments such as e and f, made of strong battens 3 inches thick, secured by a screw at each end into the side of the * Prize Kssays of the Highland and Agricultural Society, vol. x. p. 85. (233) 138 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. cube, and the circles aie shod with iron as common wheels. The axle g, inside and outside, is closely parsed ihrnuirh the cube, so as not to allow any of the mortar to come out. The a.\lo moves in a small iron nave attached to the shafts of the cart. On it are screwed iron bars i. wliich pass through one of the sides of tlio cul)e, and fastened to it by screws k. The use of these bars is to break the mortar when too tough ; and if one set of bars is found in- sufficient for that puqiose, similar ones should be put through the opposite side of the cube. A lid h is well secured to the cube by hinges, and kept fiist by means of a hasp. When the shaft-s are drawn, the whole cart revolves with the wheels. (129.) The lime is put into the cart by the lid, and sprinkled over with a little water, about half a irallou of which to the bushel of lime will be enough the first time. The cart ia then ilriveu round a while; and wheu the driver, who must often look to the mortar, finds tliat all the water is imbibed, a little more must be poured in, and the cart again driven round. Water i.s poured in in small quantitres until the lime forms coagulated masses or balls, and theu it is worked until no dry lime is seen in the mass. The success of making good mortar di-ponds on the skill of the driver, who will soon learn to do it well after a cart- lul or two of driving. Three bushels of lime and sand can be prepared in this way in a short time, but the sand should not be put in till after the lime has been sufficiently wi-ought with water.* (130.) Of the specification o{ carpentcr-irork, the fir.st timber that is used in building con sists of stifc-lintcis, which should be 4 inches thick, of such a breadth as to cover the space they are j)laccd over, and they should have a solid bearing at both ends of 12 inches. (131.) The scnntlings or couples for the roofs vary' in size with the breadth of the build- ing. When the building is 18 feet wide, the scantlings should be 8 inches wide at bottom, 7 inches at top, and 2.^ inches thick. Those for 1.5 feet wide buildings should be 7^ inches wide at bottom, and C^ inches at top. All scantlings should be placed 18 inches apart from center to center, upon wall-plates 8 inches wide by 1^ inches thick, firmly secured to bond- timber built into the tops of the walls. These dimensions of scantlings are suitable for a roof of blue slates. For a tile-roof the scantlings are placed 2 feet apart fi-om center to center. — For roofing with gray-slates, which are very heavy, the scantlings should be 3 inches thick. With tiles and gray-slates the roofs require a higher pitch than with blue slates, and this is given by making the scantlings 1 foot longer. (132.) The balks of an 18 feet wide building should be 7^ inches broad by 2^ inches thick, and, for the 1.5 feet one, 7 inches by 2J inches. In both cases the balks should be of the length of one of the scantlings, which will bring its position so low dow^n on the scanthngs as to be only a little more than 3 feet above the wall-heads. It is geneially supposed that one balk is sufficient for the support of the scantlings; but it will be seen in fig. 6, p. 88, that I have represented a vertical section of the principal range of the steading with two balks, be- cause I would always prefer two balks to one, and the only objection to the two is the ex- pense. When two balks are employed, the lower one will be about 2 feet, and the upper one about .5 feet, above the wall-heads. (133 ) If a slated roof is adopted, there should be a riJge-tree 10 inches broad by 2 inches thick, and tht^ to[is of the scantlings should be bound with collar-pieces, 5 inches broad and 2 inches thick, half checked into the scantlings. If a tile-roof is preferred, it is sufficient that the tops of the scantlings be checked in with collar-pieces, as just described. (134.) The whole roof should be covered with sarking, f inch thick, and clean jointed. A tile-roof rc(iuires tile-lath, \\ inches square, and 11 inches apart, excepting at the eaves, which should have a boarding from 12 inches to 15 inches broad, and | inch thick for slates. Tile-lath is ;Jso em])loyed with gi'ay-slates. (135.) The pcands and flankers should be 9 inches broad at bottom, and 7 inches at top, aiid 3 inches thick, properly backed to receive the saiking or tile-lath of the respective sorts of roofs. (130.) The joists of the flooring in the part of the buildings that is 18 feet wide should be 10 inches deep by 2^ inches in thickness, placed 18 inches asunder fi-om center to center, and having a wall-hold or rest of 12 inches at each end. When the bearings of joists exceed 8 feet, it is a more secure and economical plan to have beams, instead of battens, laid across the building, 13 inches deep, and 6^ inches in width, with a wall-hold of 12 inches at each end. Upon these .should rest joists 7 inches deep, and 2.^ inches in breadth, and not more than 16 niches apart from center to center, dove-tailed into the beams with a hold of 9 inches at each einl. These joints are best cut out of Memel log of first or second quality, the differ- ence of price between the two qualities being 2d. the cubic foot. (137.) The floors of the upper and corn-bam and granaries should be of 1:1 inches thick, of red or white wood battens, grooved and tongued, and well seasoned when wrought and laid. The under side of the floor, and the joists which support the floor of the upper-bam, forming the roof of the com-bara, should be clean dressed, to prevent the adherence of dust. (138.) In some parts of the country, and especially in East-Lothian, the floor of the corn- barn is made of composition ; but, in order to leave a part of the floor clean, upon which to winnow the grain, a space, 12 feet square, is usually left in the middle of the floor. This • Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, vol. xi. p. 245. (234J THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 139 space is laid with sleeper-joisting, 7 inches deep by 2^ iuches thick, and 18 inches apart from center to center, supporting a flooring of deal 2 iuches thick, grooved and tonecially that which requires the highest finish, 8uch as boimd-doors, window-fittings, aud mantel-pieces. There is no wood that re- ceives jtaint so well. The logs are generally of immense sizes, aflfording great economy of timber iu cutting them up. Its price is, lor small sizes Is. 8d. and for large 28. 3d. the cubic foot. 5. Swedish 11-inch plank is good and useful timber, but its scantlings are not very suitable for fann-buildiugs. I have seen stout joists for granaries made of it, with a | draught taken oflf the side for sarking. It forms excellent planking for wheeling upon, and for gang- ways. It sells, the white-wood for from 5d. to 6d. and the red from 6d. to 7d. the lineal foot. (162.) In the interior of the countr}-, at a distance from sea-ports, home timber is much tised in farm buildings. Larch forms good scanUiugs and joists, ai'd Ls a durable timber for rough work, and so does well grown Scots fir of good age, and cut down in the proper sea- eon ; but its durability is not equal to larch, or generally any good foreign timber for rough purposes, t (163.) All tlie timber I have referred to is derived from the trees belonging to the natural order of Conifera, or cone-bearing trees. 1. The Scots fir, Pinus sylvestris, is a well known tree in the forests of this countr)-, and few new plantations are made without its aid, as a nurse for hard-wood trees. In favorable situations it grows to a large size, as is evidenced in the Memel log, which is just the produce of the Scots fir fi-om the forests of Lithuania. I have seen Scots fir cut down at Ardovie, in Forfarshire, of as good qualitj- and useful sizes as the best Memel. 2. The Swedish plank is of the spruce, Abies excelsa, or communis^-^ tree which, as it is treated in this countn.-, comes to little value, being rough and full of knots. Inspection of a cargo from Sweden, which arrived at Hull in 1808, convinced Mr. Pontey that the white deal, which fetched at that time from £14 to £15 lOs. the load of 50 cubic feet, was of common spruce, the planks having been recentiy sawn, and a small branch left attached to one of thein.t 3. Whether the Norway pine is the same species as the pine found in some of the forests of the north of Scotland, I do not know. I observe that some writers speak of the Norway batten as of the Norway spruce, called by them Pinus Abie*. * McCuUoch'i Dictionary of Commerce, wt. Latk. t Id toL ix. p. 165, of the Prize Essays of the Highland and AgricaUural Society, you will find a long ae. count of the Larch Plantations of AthoU, drawn up by me from ine papers of the late Duke of AihcU ; and in voL xii p. 122, of the same work, is an account of the native pine foresu of the north of Scotland, by Mr John Grigor, Forres. X Pontey's Profitable Planter, p. 41, 4th edition, 1814 ; and at p. 56 he relates an anecdote of a person who, though lone accustomed to attend on sawyers, was deceived by some Scou fir. which he considered excel lent foreign plank. (236) u THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 141 It may be that the white-wood battens are derived from that tree ; but the red-wood kind has, very probably, the same origin as the red-wood of the north of Scotland, which is from a variety of the Firms sylvestris, or horizontalis of Don.* 5. The red pine of Canada is the Pinus resinosa. 6. And the yellow pine is the Pinus variabilis or Pinus mitis of Michaux, which towers in lofty hight far above its compeers. It grows to the gigantic hight of 150 feet, and must require great labor to square it to the sizes foimd in the British market, large as these sizes unquestionably are. 7. The larch, Larix curofaa, is a native of the ravines of the Alps of the Tyrol and Switzerland, where it shoots up, as straight as a rush, to a great (164.) In regard to the composition of wood, and its chemical properties, " It is consideretl by chemists that- dry timber consists, on an average, of 90 parts of fibrous and 4 of soluble matter in 100 ; but that their proportions vary somewhat with the seasons, the soils, and the plant. All kuids of wood sink in water when placed in a basin of it under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, showing their specific gravity to be greater than 1,000," and vary- ing from 1.46 (pine) to 1.53 (oak). ..." Wood becomes snow-white when exposed to the action of chlorine ; digested with sulphuric acid, it is transformed first into gum, and, by ebullition with water, afterward into grape sugar Authenreith stated, some years ago, that he found that fine sawdust, mixed with a sufficient quantity of wheat flour, made a cohesive dough with water, which fonned an excellent food for pigs — apparently showing that the digestive organs of this animal could operate the same sort of change upon wood as sulphuric acid does The composition of wood has been examined by Messrs. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, and Dr. Prout. According to Dr. Prout, the oxygen and hydrogen are in the exact proportions to form pure water ; accordmg to the others, the hy- drogen is in excess. "t (165.) " When minutely divided fragments of a trunk or branch of a tree," as M. Raspail observes, "' have been treated by cold or boihng water, alcohol, ether, diluted acids and alka- lies, there remains a spongy substance, of a snow-white color when pure, which none of these reagents have acted on, while they have removed the soluble substances that were associated with it. It is this that has been called woody-matter, a substance which possesses aU the physical and chemical properties of cotton, of the fibre of flax, or of hemp." (166.) " On observing tliis vegetable cajnit mortuum with the microscope, it is perceived to be altogether composed of the cells or vessels which formed the basis or skeleton of the living organs of the vegetable. They are either cells which, by pressing against each other, give rise to a net-work with pentagonal or hexagonal meshes ; or cells with square surfaces ; or else tubes of greater or less length, more or less flattened or contracted by drying — some- times free and isolated, at other times agglomerated and connected to each other by a tissue of elongated, flattened, and equilateral "cells ; or, lastly, tubes of indefinite length, each con- taining within it another tube formed of a single filament spirally rolled up against its sides, and capable of beuig unrolled imder the eye of the observer, simply by tearing the tube which serves to support it. We find the first in all young organs, in annual and tender stems, in the pith of those vegetables that have a pith, and always in that of the monocot}'le- dons. It is in similar cells that the fecTila is contained in the potate. The second is met with in all the tnaiks and woody branches of trees. The tubes and the spirals (trachea) are found in all the phanerogamous plants. These are the organs which constiUite the fibre of hemp, of flax, &c." (107.) " Experiment in accordance with the testimony of history, proves that, if excluded from the contact of moist air, woody matter, like most of the other organized substances, may be presers-ed for an indefinite period." The plants found in coal mines, the wood, hnen cloths, bandages, and herbs and seeds found in the coffins of Egyptian mummies, have all their characters undecayed, and yet these tombs are in many cases nearly 3000 yeais old. " But, if the woody matter be not protected against the action of air and moisture, the case is very different. By degrees its hydrogen and oxygen are disengaged, and the carbon pre- dominates more and more. Thus the particles of the texture are disintegrated gradually, their white color fades, and passes through all the shades till it becomes jet-black ; and if this altered woody matter be exposed to heat, it is carbonized without flame, because it does not contain a sufficient quantity of hydrogen. Observe, also, that the cells of woody matter contain different sorts of substances tending to organize, and that these are mixed and modified in many different ways." ..." Woody matter, such as I have defined it, being formed of one atom of carbon and one atom of water, as soon as it is submitted to the ac- tion of a somewhat elevated temperature, laithout the contact of air, experiences an inter- nal reaction, which tends to separate the atom of water fi-om the atom of carbon. The wa- ter is vaporized, and the carbon remains in the form of a black and granular residue. "t (168.) Now, if any means could be devised by which the substances in the cells of woody matter could be deprived of their tendency to organize, when in contact with common air, wood might be rendered as permanently durable, and even more so, than the gi-aius of wheat which have been found undecayed in Egyptian mummies. This discovery seems to » See Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, vol. xi. p. 530. t Ure's Dictionary of the Arte, art. fTood. X Raspail's Organic Chemistry, translated by Henderson, pp. 141-164. (237) 142 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. have been made by Mr. Kyan. In contemplating the probability of the use of home tim- ber being much extended in llie coiislnictioii of stcadinirs, when the young woods at present growing shall have attained their full growth, it nuiy be proper that the growers of wood, and the farmers on the estates on which wocs tlie timber is easily explained. All plants are composed of cellular tissues, whetlier in the bark, alburnum, or wood. The tissue consists, as you have seen, of various shaped cells ; and although they may not pass unintemiptedly along the whole length of the plant, as M. de Candolle maintains, yet air, water, or a solution of any . thing, may be made to pass through the cells in their longitudinal direction. Experiments witli the air-pump have proved tliis beyond dispute. Those cells, and particularly those of the albiunuim. contain the sap of the tree, which, in its circulation, reaches the leaves, where its water)- particles fly off, and the enlarging matter of the tree, called the albumen, remains. Albumen is the nearest approach in vegetables to animal matter, and is, therefore, when by any namral means deprived of vitalit)', \eij liable to decomposition, particularly that wliich is coimected with the albiunum, or sap-wood. Now, corrosive sublimate has long been known to preserve animal matter from decay, being used to presene anatomical prepara- tions ; and even the delicate texture of the brain is preser\ed by it m a firm state. The an:do2Y between animal and \egetable albumen being established, there seems no reason to doubt the possibility of corrosive sublimate preseniug both substances fix)m decay ; and, accordingly, the experiments of Mr. Kyan. with it, on albuminous and saccharine solutions, have confirmed the correctness of this conjecture. The prior experiments of Fourcroy, and especially those of Berzelius, in 1813, had established the same conclusions, though neither of these eminent chemists had thought of their practical application to the preservation of timber. Berzelius found tliat the addition of the bi-chloride (corrosive sublimate) to an al- buminous solution produced a profo-ckloride of mercury (calomel), which readily combined with albumen, and produced an insoluble precipitate. This precipitate fills up all the cel- lular interstices of the wood, and becomes as hard as the fibres."* (170.) Even after timber has been subjected to this process, it is requisite to give the air free access to it by means of ventilation, and for that purpose, where timber is covered up, which it is not likely to be in a steading, small openings, covered and protected by cas^iron gratings in frames, shoidd be made tlu-ough the outside walls. (171.) With regard to the expense of this process, which is a material consideration to those who have large quantities of timber to undergo the treatment, it costs for steeping £1 the load of 50 cubic feet. But persons having tanks for their own use only, and not for the puq)osc8 of trade, pay 5s. for each cubic foot of the internal ;on tents of the tank. A tank, fitted up to steep large scantlings and logs, costs about £50, ad the process may cost 3d. or less the cubic foot to those who construct a tank for thcmsel es. (172.) Other means have been devised for preserving timber from decay, such as pyro- ligncous acid, derived from the smoke of biu-ning wood ; naphtha, obtained by distillation of coal-tar; and in 1839 a patent was taken out by Sir WilUam Burnett, of the medical de- partment of the Navy, for steeping wood in a solution of the chloride of zinc ;t but experi- ment has not yet had time to decide whether any of these methods possesses any superiority over the valuable process practiced bv Mr. Kyan. (173.) Tii"^ pine tribe, of which I have been speaking as of so much use in our farm build- ings, is aliwj highly useful in the arts. It is from the Finns .lylvcstris and the Abies cxceha that tar is obtained in the largest quantities, for the use of all nations ; and it is a substance which is of great utility in a farm, though not requisite m large quantity. The tar of the north of Europe is of a nuich superior description to that of the United States. It is ob- tained by a process of distillation, which consists of burning, in a smothering manner, roots and billets of fir-timber, in pits formed in rising ground for tlie purpose, and covered with turf. (174.) The quantity of tar imported into this countrj' in 1837, was 11,480 lasts, of 12 bar- rels per last, each barrel containing 31^ gallons. The duty is 15s. per last, 128. upon tar from the British {wssessions, and 28. Gd. per cwt. upon Barbadocs tar. " Tar produced or manufactured in Eiu-ope is not to be imported for home consumption, except in British ships, • See paper by me on this Bubject in vol. viii. p. 385 of Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, t Repertory of Patent Invenliond, New Series, vol. xii. p. 346. (238; THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 143 or in ships of the country of which it is the produce, or from which it is imported, iinder penalty of forfeiting the same, and £100 by the master of the ship."* (175.) Besides tar, most of the pines afford one or other of the turpentines. Common tur peutine is extracted by incision from the Abies excelsa and the Pinus sylvestris. (176.) Of the specifications of f lumber-work, the kind of work done after the carpentiy the flanks and peands should be covered with sheet-lead, weighing 6 lbs. to the square foot, 18 inches broad. The ridges should be covered either with droved angular freestone ridge- stones, or with 6-lb. lead, 18 inches broad, supported on 2^ inches in diameter of ridge-rolls of wood. Platforms and gutters should have 7-lb. lead. In cisterns, it should be 8-lb. in the bottom and 6-lb. in the sides. Rain-water spouts of 4^ inches in breadth, and conductors of 2jJ or 3 inches diameter, should be of 6-lb. lead. (177.) The lead of commerce is derived from the ore galena, which is a siilphuret, yield- ing about 87 per cent, of lead and 13 of sulphur. Galena is found in greatest quantity in tiansition rocks, and of these the blackish ti'ansition limestone contains the largest. The ore is more frequent in irregular beds and masses than in veins. The galena lead-mines of Der- byshire, Durham, Cumberland, and Yorkshire, are situate in limestone, while those of tlie Leadhills, in Scotland, are in graywacke. Great Britain produces the greatest quantity of lead of any country in the world, the aimual produce being about 32,000 tons, of which the English mines supply 20,000. The rest of Europe does not supply 50,000 tons. The ex- port of lead has fallen off considerably, and its price has experienced a corresponding de- pression for some years past, on account of the gi'eatly increased production of tlie lead-mines of Adra in Granada, in Spain.! (178.) As zinc has been substituted in some cases for lead in the covering of buildings, altiiough sufficient experience has not yet been obtained as to their comparative durability, it may be proper to give here the sizes and prices of covering flanks, peands and ridges with zinc. The flanks are covered vnth zinc, weighing 16 ounces to the square foot, at a cost of 6.Jd. the square foot. The peands and ridges are covered vdth 12 inch sheet zinc, weighing 18 ounces in the square foot, at a cost of 7d. the square foot. The zinc covers for the peands and ridges are so prepared that they clasp by contraction, and thereby hold fast by the wood- en ridge-rolls, and this is so easily done that any mechanic may put them on. Where solder- ing is required in zinc-work, such as the laying on of platfonns on roofs, the cost of the sheet of 18 ounces to the square foot is enhanced to 9d. the square foot. Zinc in all jobs costs about half the price of lead. (179.) Zinc is not very suitable for gutters and platforms, on account of its tliinness — the wood below warping in warm weather, and tearing up the sheets of zinc. (180.) Zinc is an ore which occurs in considerable quantity in England. It is found in two geological localities, in the mountain limestone and in the magnesian limestone. It oc- curs in veins, and almost always associated with galena or lead-glance. It is of the greatest abundance in the shape of a sulphuret or blende, or black-jack, as the miners call it. There is also a siliceous oxide of zinc, and a carbonate, both called calamine. In North America, the red oxide of zinc is found in abundance in the iron mines of New-Jersey. The zuic of commerce is derived, in this country, from the blende and calamine. It is naturally brittle, but a process has been discovered by which it is rendered malleable, and it retains its duc- tility ever after. It is this assumed ductility which renders the metal usefid for domestic purposes. " It is extensively employed for making water-cisterns, baths, spouts, pipes, plates for the zincographer, for voltaic- battei-ies, filings for fire-works, covering roofs, and a variety of architectural purposes, especially in Berlin ; because this metal, after it gets covered with a thin film of oxide or carbonate, suffers no farther change from long exposure to the weather. One capital objection to zinc as a i-oofing material is its combustibility."}: (181.) The most malleable zinc is derived from Upper Silesia, under the name of spelter, which is sent by inland traffic to Hamburgh and Belgium, where it is shipped for this coun- try. The quantity imported in 1831 was 76,413 cwt. and in 1836 it had fallen off" to 47,406 cwt. A considerable portion of these quantities was exported to India and China, amoimt- ing, in 1831, to 62,684 cwt. The duty is £2 a ton on what is formed into cakes, and lOs. per cwt. on what is not in cakes. || (182.) The slater-work is then executed. Of its specifications, if blue slates are to be em- ployed, they should be selected of large sizes, well squared, and have an overlap off, grad- ually diminishing to the ridge, and well bedded and shouldered with plaster-lime. "The slates are fastened to the sarking with malleable iron nails, weighing 15 lbs. to the 1000, after being steeped when heated in linseed oil. These nails cost 3s. 4d. the 1000, 1300 being re- quired for a rood of 36 square yards. Cast-iron nails were used for slating until a very few years ago, and which were also boiled in oil. (183.) Slating is performed by the rood, and from 1000 to 1200 blue slates should cover a rood. The cost of the slates, in towns, including carriage, and putting them on with nails, ■ is £4 4s. the rood. * McCuUoch'g Dicrionary of Commerce, art. Tar. t See Ure'a Dictionary of the Arts, and McCulloch's Dictionary of Commerce, arte. Ijcad. X Ure's Dictionary of the Arte, art. Zinc. \\ McCulloch's Dictionai-y of Commerce, art. Zinc. (239) 144 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (184.) Blue slate is derived from the primitive rock clay-slate. It (Kcurs in large quanti- ties thmufjh the mountainous part* of the kingdom. Gtx)d slate should not absorb water, and it should be so compact as to resist the action of the atmosphere. When it imbibes moisture, it becomes covered with moss, and then rapidly decays. (185.) The j)rincipal blue slate ouarries in Great BriUiin are in Wales, Lancashire, West- moreland, Cumberland, Argyle, ana Terthshires. The most extensive quarry is in Caernar- vonshire, in Wides, near the town of Bangor, on the Penrhyn estate. It employs 1500 men and boys. The Welsh slate is very large" and smooth, and much of it is fit for putting into frames hr writing-slates. When used very large, l)eing thin, it is apt to warp on change of temperature. Tlie English slates at Ulverstone, in LancashiiT, and in the counties of West- moreland and Cumberland, are not so large as the Welsh, but equally smooth and good.— The Easdale slates, in Argj-leshire, are small, thick, waved on the surface, and contain many cubical crystals of iron-pyrites, but its durability is endless. Being a small and heavy slate, it requires a stout roofing of timber to supjwrt it. The Ballihulish slates are rather smoother and li'hter than the Ea.sdiile, though also small, and containing numerous crystals of iron- pyrites, and is equally durable. The slates in Perthshire are of uiferior qTiality to either of these. " The ardesia of Easdale," says Professor Jameson, " was first quarried about 100 years ago ; but was for a long time of little imjwrtance, as sandstone flags and tiles were gen- erally used for roofing houses. As tlie use of slates became more prevalent, the quarries were enlarged, so that 5,000,000 slates are annually shipped from this island. The number of workmen is at present (in 1800) about 300, and they are divided into quarriers and day- laborers. The quarriers are paid annually at a certain rate for every 1000 slates, from lOd. to 15d. I believe, as their work has been attended with more or less ditficulty. The day- laborers are employed in opening new quanies, and have from lOd. to Is. a day."* (186.) Slates are assorted into sizes at the quarry. The sizes at Bangor vary from 36 inches in length to 5^ inches in breadth. Their weight vai'ies from 82 to 12 cwt. the 1000, and the prices from 140s. to lOs. the 1000 for the smaller, and from 55s. to 35s. the ton for the larger sizes. (187.) Cisterns, with sidea and ends 1 inch thick, Is. lOd. the cubic foot contents. li " 28. 2d. (188.) The export of slates from England to foreign ports has increased from 2,741 tons in 1828, to 6,061 Ions in 1832. That of framed slates has decreased in number, in the same pe- riod, from 37,034 to 15,420. (189.) The shipping expenses of slates at Bangor are 6d. the ton, and bills of lading 38. 6d.t (190.) When the roof is to be covered with Hie, it should be laid with lath 1| inches square to a gauge of 10 or 11 inches. There should be 3 or 4 courses of slates along all the eaves. The flanks, peands and ridges should be covered with tile. The whole under joints of the tiling should be pointed with plaster-lime. (191.) Tiling is executed by the rood of 36 square yards ; and, as pan-tiles are obliged xt be made of a certain size, namely, 13^ inches long, 9^ inches wide, and ^ inch thick, by 17 th Geo. III. c. 42, under a penalty of 10s. for every 1000, a rood will just contain 576 tiles. — Tiles should be smooth on the surface, compact, and ring freely when struck, when they will resist water. When they imbibe moisture by porosity, they soon decay in winter by the ef- fects of rain and frost. (192.) There were, in 1830, 5,369 brick and tile manufacturers in England and Wales, and 104 in Scotland, and must have greatly increased since. (193.) The duty on tiles was abolished in 1833, the revenue derived from that source be- ing very trifling. The duty on foreign pan-tiles is £ 15 the 1000. The export of tiles is in- considerable, not having exceeded, in 1830, 803,742.1 (194.) Gray-slates require the roof to be latlied in the same manner as tile, but, not being of an uniform size like tile, they are assorted to sizes in the quarry. The larger and heavier slates are put next the eaves, and gradually diminish in size to the ridge. The course at the eaves is laid double, slate above slate. Ever)' slate is hung upon the lath by a wooden pin being passed through a hole at the upper end, and, on being laid on, the slates are made to overlap i.t least J. Gray-slates should either be bedded and shouldered in plaster-lime, or laid on moss, the latter making the warmer roof. (195.) Gray-slates are pretty smooth on the surface, and, when so compact in texture as to resist moisture, fonn a durable though very heavy roof. (196.) The flanks are made of slate, but the ridge is covered with droved angular ridge- stone of freestone. As tliis species of roofing is not adapted to pavilion roots, the peands should be covered with lead, but the safest form of roof with gray-slates is with upright ga- bles. (197.) The cost of gray-slating depends on the locality where it is washed to be done. At Edinburgh it costs £6 a rood; whereas in Forfarshire, the matrix of the grap-slate, it can be done, exclusive of carriage, for £2 103. the rood. In Forfarshire the slates cost £4 per * Jameson's Mineralogy of the ScoUish Isles, vol. i. p. 195. \ McCiilloch's Dictionary of Commerce, art. Slater. t ^i^- ^i^- Bricks and TiUt. (240) THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 145 per 1 .000 ; 360 are required for a rood ; the putting them on, including dressing, holiii", pins for the slates, and nails for the laths, costs only 15s. ; and with moss for bedding Is., and lime for teething 3s., 22s. the rood. The droved angular freestone ridging-stone, includ- ing can-iage, costs 6d. a lineal foot, or 10s. the rood. (198.) Gray -slates are obtained in best quality from gray slaty inferior sandstone belong- ing to the old red sandstone series. They are derived from the same quarries as the far- famed Arbroath pavement, being, in fact, fonned by the action of frost on pavement, set on edge for the purpose. A mild winter is thus unfavorable to the making of slates. From Carmylie to Forfar, in Forfarshire, is the great field for the supply of gi-ay-slates ; and as blue-slates can only be obtained there by sea and long land carriage, and there is little clay fit for tiles, they constitute the chief roofing of cottages and small farm-houses in that part of the country, their aspect bemg cold and unpicturesque, though snug enough. (199.) Of all sorts of slating, there is none equal to blue-slate for appearance, comfort, and even economy in the long run. When a blue-slate roof is well executed at first, ^vith good materials, it will last a very long time. Tile I'oofs are constantly requiring repairs, and the employment of gray-slate is a sacrifice of, and a burden upon, timber. Of the blue-slate the Welsh give the cheapest roofing, being larger and much lighter than Scotch or English slates. (200.) As the plasfer-work of a steading does not require to be of an ornamental nature, its specifications should be simple. The ceilings of the riding-horse stable, boiling-house, wool-room, hen-house, and granaries, when tile-roofing is employed, should be finished wnih two coats of the best haired plaster, hard rubbed in. The walls of the granaries, coni-bam, work -horse stable, cow-byre, boUmg-house, calves'-house, wool-room, gig-house, and hen- house, should be finished with one coat, hard rubbed in. The walls of the riding-horse sta- ble should have tlu^ee coats, hard rubbed ui. Plaster-work is measured by the square yard, and costs for one coat 3d., for two coats from 4d. to 4id., and for three coats from 5d. to 6d. the square yard. (201.) It is necessary to say something regarding the specifications of smith-work, although there is not much of this kind of work required in a steading. AU the outside doors, in- cluding those on the feeding-holes at the byre, should be hung with crooks and bands ; the crooks should be fastened into the ingoings of the ribets with melted lead. The larger crooks and bands cost 10s. and the smaller 5s. the pair. The inside doors should be hung with T hinges, 18 inches long, and the opening parts of the windows with 9-inch T hinges. The foimer are Is. and the latter 9d. a pair. The outside doors should have good 10-uich Btock-aud-plate locks, which cost 2s. 6d. each, except where there are more than one out- side door to the same apartment, in which case all the doors but one can be fastened by bars from the inside. The inside doors should have the same sort of locks ; the common stock-lock, which cost Is. 6d. each, not being worthy of commendation. Thumb-latches are convenient for opening and keeping shut doors that do not require to be constantly locked, such as the doors of the corn-bani, granary, boiling-house, cow-byre, and hen-house. These latches cost from 5d. to 7d. each. A wooden bar of hard wood, to open and shut fi-om both sides, is a convenient mode of fastening inside doors. The upper bam-door, of two vertical leaves, requires an iron stay-band to fasten it with. The doors of the riding-horse and work- horse stables should be pro\-ided with sunk flush ring-handles and thumb-latches, to be out of the way of catching any part of the harness. The mangers of the riding-horse stable, and the upper rail of the hay-rack of the work -horse stable, should be provided with rings and staples for the stall-collar shanks to pass through. These cost Id. each. (202.) Various descriptions of nails are used for the different parts of work in a steading. The scantlings of the roofs are fastened together with double-doubles, which cost 5s. per 1,000. Deals of floors are fastened downi wth flooi-ing-nails, 16-lb. weight, and 4s. 6d per 1,000. The bars of the plain-deal doors are put on with 10-lb. nails, which cost 3s. 6d. the 1,000. For fiuishmg, single-flooring nails at 2s. 6d., and 2-inch springs at 23. to 2s. 3d. the ] ,000 are used. (203.) As a secui-ity agauist robbery, iron stancheons, J inch in diameter, should be fixed on the outside of the low windows of the cora-bam and implement>-house. Such stancheons cost 3d. per pound. (204.) Iron is chiefly found among the members of the coal formation, in bands composed of nodules, v^^hich are called compact clay -ironstone, a carbonate of iron. It is abundant in the west of Scotland and in South Wales. Its amiual worked production is probably not less than 1,000,000 tons.* (205.) The windows of all the apartments should be g'Za^ei with best 2d crown-glass, fastened in with fine putty. Glazing is executed for 2s. the square foot. (206.) A skylight in blue slating is made of a frame fastened to the sarking. In the roof- ing, tiles are made on purpose to hold a pane of glass. In gray-slating, a hole is made in the slate to suit the size of the pane. A dead skylight of zuic, to answer any kind of roof- ing, costs 4s. (207.) There is a duty of 73s. 6d. the cwt. on good window, and 30s. on broad or inferior window-glass, which is returned in drawback on expoitation to foreign couuuies. When * Ure's Dictionary of the Arts, art. Iron. '289) lO 146 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. pla«s intended for exportiition is cut into panes, it must be in panes of less than 8 incnes in \h lie to enable it to claim the drawback. t^i.) J.) Ghiss of small sizes, though of good quality, such as is fit for glazing hot-houses and forcing-frames, costs only from 8d. to lOd. the square foot ; while in ordinary sized panes it cosU Is. 3d., and in still larger sizes it is charged Is. 6d. the square foot. I am not sure but the sort fit for hot-houses would answer the purpose of glazing the windows of a steading. (209.) " The reseiu-ches of Berzelius having removed all doubts concerning the acid character of sihca, tlie general composition of glass presents now no difficulty of conception. Tliis substance consists of one or more salts, which are silicates with bases of pota.«h, soda, lime, oxide of iron, alumina, or oxide of lead ; in any of which compounds we can substi- tute one of these bases for another, provided that one alkaline baiie be left. Silica, in its turn, may be replaced by the boracic acid, without causing the glass to lose its principal characters."* (210.) Riiin-water spouts, or runs as they are technically termed, may be made of wood, cast-ii-ou, lead, or zinc. Wooden ones may be made out of the solid or in slips nailed to- gether. When made out of the solid, with iron hold-fasts, they cost Is. and when pieced together 6d. the lineal foot. The conductoi-s from both kinds cost 8d. the lineal foot. Wooden spouts shoidd be pitched inside and painted outside. Cast-iron ones are heavy, but they cost no more than 28. a yard if of 4^ inches diameter, and the ctjnductors, of from 2 to 4 inches diameter, from 8s. to 18s., of 9 feet in length each. Lead makes the best spout, but it is very expen-sive, being Is. 6d. a foot. Zinc ones, on the other hand, are very light. Stout 4-inch zinc spouts cost 9.^d. the foot, and a 2j| pipe as ccAiductor, T^d. the foot. The lowest part of this pipe is made strong enough to resist accidents. Eveiy sort of vvater-epout should be cleaned at least once a year, and the wooden ones would be the better for an an- nual coat of paint (211.) The outsides of all the outside doors and windows, all the gates of the courts and liammels, and the water-troughs in the various coui-ts, if made of wood, should receive three coats of good paint. Painting costs 3d. or 4d. the square yard, but three coats can be done for 8d. the square yard. The best standing colors, and they hapjien to be the cheapest too, are gray, stone, or slate-blue ; the last seems to be most commonly preferred. Green is dear and soon fades, and red seems veiy distastefid in buildings. But the truth is, that white-lead and oil are the principal ingredients in paint, and all the coloring matter has no power to preserve timber from the effects of the weather. A substance called litkic paint has re- cently been found to answer well for coimtry purposes. The lithic, which costs ^^d. per lb. is ground to powder, and mixed, in a cei-tain proportion, with cold coal-tar, and the mixture is applied with a brush. This paint deprives the coal-tar of its noxious smell, and hardens it into a durable paint in a few days. (212.) White lead of commerce is a carbonate of had, or ceruse, as it is called, artificially formed from pure lead. It has long been made with great success at Klagenfurth, in Carintliia, and large quantities are made in England. The compound is 1 equivalent of lead, 1 of oxygen, and 1 of carbonic acid ; or by analysis, of lead 77-6, oxygen 6. and car bonic acid 16-4 in 100 parts. White lead, when it enters the human system, occasions dread- fill maladies. Its emanations cause that dangerous disease the colica pictonnm, afterward paralysis, or premature decrepitude and liugeiing death. All paints are ground into fine powder in a mill, as being a safer plan for the operator, as well as more expeditious, than by tlie hnnd.t (213.) I have said (81.). (82.), (83.), that when the building of a steading is to be mea- sured, the work that has actually been executed should alone be measured, and no alloio- ances, as they are called, should on any account be permitted to increase the amount of cost. The correctness of this rule wiU appear obvious, and its adoption reasonable, after you have learnt the sort of claims for allowances made bv tradesmen in various sorts of work. (214.) In the first place, in regard to masonry, double measure is claimed on all circular work. Claims are made for allowimce on all levelings for joists, bond-timbers, and wall- heads. The open spaces or voids left in the walls for doors and windows, are claimed to be measured along with rubble-work. Girthing around the external walls of rubble-work is claimed in measurement, the effect of which is, to mefisure the square pieces of building in each comer tvvice over. Scontions of all voids are claimed to be measured over and above ihe nibble- work. The ashlar for the hewn-work is first measured with the rubble, and then •t is claimed to be measured by itself. In like manner, chimney-tops are first measured as rubble, and then chiimed to be measiu-ed again as ashlar. In short, wherever any sort of mason-work differs from the character of the general work under the contract, allowances are claimed. {2li).) In regard to carpentry, the claims are equally absurd. For the cuttings connect- ed with the peands and flanks of roofs, 18 inches of extra measurement are claimed. The same extent is claimed for angles in the flooring, and in all such unequal work. In v\nndow- making a claim is made for 3 inches more than the hight, and 4 inches more than the width of windows, which is more than the voids ; whereas the measurement should be confined * Ure'8 Dictionary of the Arts, art. Glat». t Ibid. arta. White-had, Paint. (290J THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 147 to the mere daylight afforded by the windows. In many instances IJ, and even double measure, is claimed for round work, according to its thickness. Where plain deal is cleaned on both sides, such as the under part of the floor of the upper-barn, which forms the roof of the com-bam, or shelving, 1^ measure is claimed. (216.) In slating, claims are made on the making of peands and flanks, from 18 inches to 3 feet in v^adth, and for eaves, from 12 inches to 18 inches in width, more than the actual work done. For all circular work, siich as the slating of a round horse-course of a thresh- ing-machine, double measure is claimed. (217.) In plaster-work, double measure is claimed for all circular work. There is an al- lowance made in plastering which is, however, quite reasonable, and that is, in the case where new woi-k is joined to old, an allowance of one foot is made around the new work, as the old part has to be wetted and prepared for its junction vnth the new. (218.) A perusal of these statements naturally suggests the question, how could such claims have originated ? If a workman execute the work he agi-eed to undertake, and gets payment for what work he executes, he is not entitled to ask more. But what proves an aggravation of such demands is, that modes of measurement differ in different counties — that different allowances are made on different kinds of work — and that those allowances differ in different counties. So it appears that those allowances are based on no principle of equity But it may be urged in justification of these allowances that the prices of work, as usually estimated, are too low to remunerate the conti-actor for his labor, and that allowances are therefore requisite to insure him against loss. To this specious statement it may be replied by asking, why should any hottest conti-actor estimate work at such rates that he knows will not remunerate him? A rogue ^\^ll do so, because he wishes to have possession of a job at all hazards, in order to make up his foreseen loss by exorbitant claims for allowances. If em- ployers will not pay sufficiently for good work, as is alleged against them, and perhaps with truth, let them understand that they shall receive insufficient work as an equivalent for their stinted money. But it is very unfair to take advantage of an honorable employer, by capricious and absurd allowances, when he is all the while desirous to pay his workmen well for their labor. So much dependence is sometimes placed on allowances by contract- ors, that I have heard of a case where a surveyor was obliged to reduce the claims matle against a single steading, to the extent of £800 ! Such a fraudulent system ought to be en- tirely abohshed, and it is quite in the power of those who employ tradespeople to abolish it (219.) It would be completely abolished were contracts to contain sti-iugent clauses pro- hibiting all allowances whatsoever ; and to consist of detailed measurements, and specified prices for every species of work to be executed. If more work happens to be executed than was expected, its value can easily be ascertamed by the settled measurements and prices, and if less, the contractor is still paid for what he has actually executed. Were such a form of contract unifonnly adopted, proprietors and fanners could measure the work done aa well as any sun-eyor, whose services might, in that case, be dispensed with ; but, what would be still better, the measiu-ements of the surveyor could be checked by the proprietor or the tenant if either chose to take the trouble of douig it. Where any pecuhar kind of work is desired to be executed, it could be specified in a separate contract. (220.) Having thus amply considered all the details which should form a part of all spe- cifications of the different kinds of work required to build a steading, I shall now give the particulars which should be specified in all contracts, and that these may not be imaginary, but have a practic;d bearmg, I sliiill take the steading as shown in the plan, fig. 4, Plate IV. as the example. In order that the data fiuTiished in the proposed specifications shall be generally applicable, I shall first give the measurements of the various kinds of work pro- posed to be executed — then the quantity of materieds required for constnicting the same — and lastly, the prices paid for the different sorts of work in Edmburgh, both including and excluding the cost of carnages, that you may have a criterion by which to judge of the cost of doing the same kind of work in other parts of the country. You may reasonably believe that the prices of labor and materials are higher in Edinburgh than in the country ; but, on the other hand, you must consider the superiority of the workmanship obtained in so large a town. These must affect the total amount of the estimate to a certain extent, but to what exact per centage I cannot say. I am told that carpenter-work is very litde dearer in Edin- burgh than in the counUy, but that mason-work, smith-work and plaster-work are all con- sidei-ably higher ; but of smith-work, as I have already said, httle is required in building a steading.* [* Now, although the suggestions and reasoning of this chapter apply to a country where the kind and cost of the materials, and yet more the cost of labor, differ very materially from such as are in use or paid in this country, yet the reasoning and the rules laid down are of universal ap- plication ; and how would it be possible to omit them, without impairing essentially the value of the work in hand 1 All who have had much experience in building have found it to be difficult to guard agamBt imposition ; and this is especially the case with men who have not been qualified, either by eda- cation or experience, to judge for themselves. By education we mean instruction at school ot (291 148 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. WINTER. Measurement of the Plan of a Proposed Steading in Fig. 4, Plate IV. Maton-Kork. 6225 Cubic yards of Foundations, and wheeling the earth not farther than 60 yards '^"'"hr'' 207 .. Drains Willi gills and covers. 85 Cubic roods of Rubble-walls, 2 feet thick. 47 Division rubble-walls, Vi to 15 inches thick, including dykes. 42 Lineal feet of Chimney-Tents. 400 .. Comers of buildings. 80 .. Comers for archways. 50 .. Arched lintels for archways. 1528 .. Ribets, sills, lintel.s, and steps. 75 .. Arched lintels over doors. 24 .. Ringpens of archways to granary. 80 .. Corners, sills, and lintels of feeding-holes of byres. 60 . . Comers of gateways to courts. 286 .. Corners or hammer-dressed scontions for gates in dykes. 20 .. Coping of chimney-stalks. 110 .. Ashlar pillars for sheds, from 18 to 20 inches square. 294 .. Skews on gables. 1671 .. Semi-circular hammer-dressed coping on dykes, 100 .. Gutters in byres. 94 .. Coping round liquid manure tank. 300 . . Steps of stairs to granaries. 45 .. Brick stalk for steam-engine, 6 feet square at the base. 152 Square roods of Rubble-causeway. 287 Lineal yards of Causewayed gutters around the buildings outside. 2 Pairs of jambs and lintels. Building in boiler, including boiler and furnace complete. 17 Droved stones, with gratings for liquid manure drains. 8 Water-troughs in courts. 31 Stones for heel-posts of stalls. 31 Stones for curbs of stall-boardings. Carpenter-worlc. 540 Square feet of 4-inch thick safe lintels. 2768 Square yards of Roofing, with balks and sarking. 583 . . Joisting and flooring of granariea and com-bani. 762 Lineal feet of Ridge-battens. 192 .. Dressed beams for pillars of roofs of sheds. 1141 .. Door-checks or fixings, 6} inches by 2J inches. 1366 . . Doorkeps or stops and facings. 2132 Square feet of li-inch deal doors. 1360 .. IJ-inch divisions of stalls. 829 Lineal feet of Heel and fore-posts. 18 .. Manger in riding-horse stable. 18 . . Hay-rack in ditto. 96 .. Hay-racks, low, in work-horse stable. 84 .. Feeding-troughs in byres. 670 .. ,. .. courts. 36 .. Racks in cattle-sheds. 432 Square feet of Daylight of windows. 760 .. Sparred divisions of cribs for calves. 669 Lineal feet of Rian-water spouts. 87 . . Conductors from ditto, 10 Small doors of feeding-holes of byre. 14 Corn-boxes for work-horse stable. 2 Square racks for center of courts. 1 Corn-chest for work-horses. 1 . . for riding-horse stable. 7 Luffer-board ventilators for roofs. 8 Sparred gates, from 9 feet to 10 feet wide. 12 .. .. 5 Rails, hamess-pins. and saddle-trees. Stathel-frames for stacks. Pump with mounting. Slater-vjork. ^^^^^^^ 77 Square roods of Blue-slating, gray-slating, or tiling. eluewhere in the rules of mensuration and the principles of mechanics far enough to know— what every school-boy might easily be taught— enough of architecture to know the 7iames of every part and piece of timber employed in building, and the manner of measuring carpenters' and brick- layers' and plasterers' work— a sort of useful practical information which any young man might acquire in a few days of eanicst. ardent study. One important point to be guarded against is the liability to bo imposed upon by exorbitant charges for every, the very slightest addition to, or departure from the plan of building agreed upon. If such chapters as these have no other effect, we may hope they will assist in impress- ing upon the mind of the farmer the obligation he is under as a parent and a friend, to see that his son is so educated as to enable him to form his own correct opinion, to the end that while he should be at all times ready to do full justice, and even to be as liberal as he can afford to be to mechanics, he shall be prepared to detect and resist all attempts at imposition. THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 149 Plumber-work. 1084 Square feet of Lead on ridges, fianks, and peands. 669 Lineal feet of Lead rain-runs or spouts. 87 . . Lead-pipes or conductors from runs. Plaster-toork. 1507 Square yards of Ist, 2d, and 3d coat plaster. Smith-work. 22 Stockand-plate locks. 28 Pairs of crooks and bands. 9 Pairs of cross-tailed hinges. 35 .. .. .. small. 2 Sets of fastenings for double doors. 3 Locks for small courts. 10 Pairs of crooks and bands for feeding-holes. 10 Sneck-fastenings for ditto. 33 Thumb-latches. 18 Manger-rings. 17 Seals for fastening cows, or feeding cattle. Stanchions for windows. Cast-iron runs and conductors, .. travis-posts, 5- when used. hay-racks for ndmg-horse stable, window-sashes, Boiler and ftimace. Mounting for gates. ■i Quantities of Materials and Numbers of Carriages in Steading. i08i Cubic roods of 2-feet walls, each rood containing 36 cubic yards of building, requiring 40 cart- loads of rubble-stones, 2 cart-loads of lime, and 4 or 5 cart-loads of sand, besides water 710 Ashlar corners. 1004 Ribets. 100 Sills and lintels, from 4 ft. to 4J ft. long. 20 . . . . 30 inches long. 31 Steps, from 3.} feet to 4 feet long. 60 .. .. 4^ .. 5 20 Lineal feet of Coping of chimney-stalks. 2 Pairs of chimney-jambs, 3i^ ft, by 2 ft. long. 2 Lintels for ditto, from 3^^ ft. to 4 ft. long. 110 Ashlar stones for pillars, from 18 inches to 20 inches square. 294 Lineal feet of Skews. 200 .. Curbstones. 100 . . Sills for gutters in byres. 94 . . Coping round liquid manure tank. 17 Stones for gratings to drains. 31 . . heel-posts. 8 . . water-troughs. 31 . . curbstones below boarding in stables and byres. 100 Square roods of Causeways. 77 . . Slating. 136 Loads of Timber. 326 Square feet of Glass for windows. On ascertaining the quarry mail, or prime cost of the stones, and the cost of carriage, in the locality in which yon intend to build your steading, the cost of each of the above quantities of materials will easily be ascertained. (221.) The following schedule gives the prices of those materials in Edinburgh, and they are stated both inclusive and exclusive of carriages. Masort-work. Digging foundations per cubic yard. Rubble-foundations, reduced to 2 feet thick .per rood of 36 cubic yards. Rubble building, 2 feet thick 18 inches thick and under, reduced to 1 foot thick Rubble drains, with dressed flags, sills and covers, 12 inches square in the opening per lineal yard. Ditto, 15 inches by 18 inches in the opening Hammer-dressed coursed work, with raised or hollow joints . . per square foot. Where bricks are used for building the walls, the prices are for — 2i thick brick on edge walls per square yard. 4t .. .. bed 6 Chimney-vents, plastered per lineal foot. Droved ashlar, from 7 to 8 inches thick per square foot. Broached . . . . . . comers, averaging 3 feet girth per lineal foot. supports for stacks, from 1; feet to 2J feet in girth Droved ribets, front and ingoing with broached tails, 2 feet long and 1 foot in the head (293) Including Exclud'g Carriage. Carriage. L. S. D. L. S. D. 6 4 10 8 8 8 7 5 4 6 3 2 4 5 4 3 1 9 1 6 3 2 6 5 4 8 6 1 2 1 1 10 2 6 2 2 6 350 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. Mason-irork (continued). Droved projecting sills, 7 inches thick per lineal foot. Sills and lintelg dressed similar to the ribcts Droved cornices for chimney-stalks, 6 to 7 inches thick Droved block-course for chimney-stalks, 6 inches deep Droved skews, "Ji to 3 inches thick per square foot. Broached Comers for coach-house doors, with droved giblet-checks per lineal foot. Elliptical arched lintels for ditto Segmental .. Broached pillars for cart-sheds, &c per square foot. Droved jambs and lintels Arbroath pavement and hearths freestone pavement Broached . . . . Dressed and jointed flagging hanging steps, ordinary sizes per lineal foot. common steps, .. plats of hanging stairs, single measure per square yard. stone-skirtings, 4V inches deep per lineal foot. ridge-stones, common fonn socket -stones for travis-posts each feeding-troughs per square foot stone water-troughs Curb-stones for gutters in byres per lineal foot. Droved curb-stones for stalls Semi-circular coping for dykes, hammer-dressed, from 12 inches to 14 inches diameter Square dressed whinstone-causeway per rood of 36 square yards. Rubble causewaj-ing When ornamental masonry is introduced into steadings, these are the prices : Droved base-course and belts, 12 inches deep per lineal foot wall-head plinths, 6 inches thick cornices, 9 to 10 inches thick block-course, 12 inches deep checked plinth and block for chimney-stalks, 1 foot deep Polished hanging steps, ordinary sizes Polished plats of hanging stairs, single measure per square foot Broached copings, with droved edges, for dykes Droved pillars for small gates to bammels, &.c Building in boiler and furnace complete Bricks per 1000. Rubble stones per load . Carpenter-work. Safe-lintels and rough beams per cubic foot Dressed beams Scantlinc for roofs, 7 inches by 2} inches, and 18 inches from center to center per square yard Scantling for roofs, 7} inches by 2t inches, and 18 inches from center to center Balks, 6 inches by 2 inches, and 18 inches from center to center -.5 .. 2 .. .. .. Wall-plates for roofing, 7 inches by li inches per lineal foot Ridge trees, 10 inches by 2 inches Ridge and jx-and battens, 21 inches diameter 1-inch thick Baltic sarking per square yard Tile-lath, U inches square, and 11 inches apart Bond-timber, 3i inches by U inches, and 20 inches apart Baltic split lath. 3-16 inch thick Plain joisting 7 in. by 2i in. and 18 inches from center to center 8in.by2iin 9 in. by 2i in .. 10in.by2iin ."'.'.!!".!.'!!.'.'.".'.!!!!'.'.'.'. 12 in. by 2| in !!!..'..".' '.'. H Batten flooring, grooved and tongued Door-checks, 6 inches by 2} inches per lineal foot- Checked window grounds, 2 inches by 1 J inches Finishing grounds, 2 inches by } inch [\ Windows for nams and byres, of the form in ig. X5... ............ . .per squai-e foot stables, of the form in fie 14 .".".'. granaries, of the form in fig. 17 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'. ,,_,., ,. - .,. , , htcludiiijf Carriagt 1 J Travis-boardmg for nding-horse and workhorse stables, doweled per square fool 8 H travis-boards, grooved and tongued and beaded, for byres .. 6 li-inch deal lining, grooved and tongued, for end stalls of riding"horse stab'e with fixtures ' , 5 ^-incb deal linings, beaded in walls, over and under the mangers in the ridinu-horse stable ° __ 3 Turned travis-posu, for riding-horse stable nticti 8 Beaded travis-posts, fore-posts, and runtrecs, for work-horse stable, reduced" to 3* iiiches square ... ... •■.-••-••. -•--•- per Uneal foot 005 Stakes and runtrees of byres, 4 inches to 5 mchcs m diameter 006 (294) Inrlnd '"« KxcluiPg Carru g'- Carriage. L, S. D. L. S. D. 2 1 6 1 6 9 9 8 1 8 1 9 1 9 10 9 9 8 9 8 8 7i 7 6^ 2 4 13 1 6 I 3 I 5V 1 4J 4 3i Ih 7 5 6 5 1 1 10 1 11 6 5i 6 5 6+ 6 7 7 7 2 14 2 7 1 1 10 2 6 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 5 1 6 14 9 8 10 9 18 1 17 1 10 3 6 3 6 3 4 4 3 10 2 4 2 2 1 6 1 2 1 9 17 1 6 1 4 4 31 9 8 3 2J 1 10 19 6 5i 6 5} 6 5i 2 4 X) 2 2 3 6 3 4 4 3 10 4 6 4 4 5 4 JO 3 4 3 2 6 5 21 \\ 1 8 1 fi 1 3 1 li 1 6 1 4 THE STEADING OR FARMSTEAD. 151 Carpenter-work (continued). Including Carriage. Hard-wcod hiirh liay-viickp, with turned rollers 2 inches diameter and 2} inches i.. s. d. apart, for riding-horse stnble -- 3 Fir sparred low hay-racks for work-horse stable .. 10 Mangers for riding-horse stable -• 16 Corn-boxes for work-horse stable each 3 li-inch deal beaded outf-ide doors, with 3 backbars per square foot 7 }-inch deal beaded inside doors, with three 1-inch backbars .. 6 Sparred calves'-cribs - ,. ",, 9 9 ^ Facings, keps, skirting, and coping, reduced to 4 inches broad per lineal foot 3 Ogee copiniis for travises •• " 2 1 inch beaded coping for lining -• 0^ Eain-spouts of wood, out of the solid •- ^ ^ ^ when pieced •- o Conductors from rain-spouts ■- x. n ^ ^ Small doors for feeding-holes ofbjTCs each 10 Racks for center of courts 12 Corn-cliest for work-horses - 15 Stout 5-barred gates, 9 feet wide, for courts each 1 10 4 . . . . 5 . . . . hammels 14 Rails, harness-pins, and saddletrees 2 10 Luffer-board ventilators. 6 feet long by 4 feet wide, and 2^ feet high in front per square foot 16 Octagonal stathel-frames for stacks, 15 feet diameter each 1 13 Pump with mounting, 20 feet long 3 10 Slater-xoork. Blue-slatin" per rood of 36 square yards 4 4 Grav ° •- 2 11 Tiling::::;.".".'.' -- ,^2100 Blue slates per 1,000 3 10 Grayslates 4 10 Tiles 2 17 Plumher-work. 6-lb. per square foot lead on peands, flanks and ridges (253. per cwt.) per square foot 1 3i 5-lb. lead for aprons to ventilators, &c -- Oil Mastic for raglets per lineal foot li Rain-water pipes of 6-lb. lead : -- 16 6-inch open runs of 6-lb. lead, supported with iron straps or holdfasts. 2 feet apart. . . . 16 Lead-pump, with mounting -- 2 10 Lead-pipe for ditto - -- 1 2 Smith-work. Cast-iron travis heel-posts each 12 corner hay -racks for riding-horse stable 10 pump for liquid-manure tank, with 6feet pipe 3 Stock and plate-locks for outside doors, 10 inches long 2 6 18-inch cross-tailed hinges per pair 13 9-inch .. 9 rO 5 Thumb-latches each J to to 7 Manger rings 1 Seals for binding cattle 2 6 Cast-iron rain-spouts, 4i inches diameter per lineal yard 2 Pipes from ditto, 2 inches diameter, > y j. j e^ch\l ,% ^ 4 inches diameter, J ° i 18 rO 12 Gate-mountings \ to CO 15 36-inch boiler, with furnace complete, t 2 JO 30-inch .. .. .. ^ or 14s. per cwt 2 7 24-inch -. .. -. 3 2 4 Crooks and bands for outside doors per pair 10 feeding-hole doors in byres 5 Stanchions, | inch diameter per pound 3 Cast-iron window saslies per square foot 10 Plaster-work. rO 5 Best 3-coat plaster per square yard^ to to 6 .2 -. 4} 1 .. 3 Glazier-work. Best second crown-glass in small panes per square foot 10 .... .. large panes -- 1- Pai7iter-work. White lead, colored gray, stone, or slate-blue, 3 coats per square yard 0" 152 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (222.) There is a sim;>le nile for d jtenniniii? the pi'ch which a roof should have for the various sorts of slutinu. In bbie-sliitine formed on the wet bulb, which will last a considerable time wet, and be rewctted when required. (274.) Very simple hygi'ometers may be made of various substances, to 8how whether the air is more or less humid at any given time. One sub- stance is the awn of the Tartarian and wild oats, which, when fixed in a perpendicular position to a card, indicates, by its spiked beard, the degree of humidity. A light hog's bristle split in the middle, and riding by the split upon the stem of the a^vn, forms a better index than the spike of the awn itself To adjust this instrument, you have only to wet the awn and observe how far it canies round the index, and mark that as the lowest point of humidity, and then subject the awn to the heat of the fire for the highest point of dryness, which, when marked, will give betwixt the two points an arc of a circle, which may be divided into its degrees. I have used such an instrument for some time. When two or more are com pare ' together, the mean of humidity may be obtained. The awns can be rene,\ed at pleasure. With regard to confiding in the truth of this simple hygrometer, the precaution of Dr. Wells is worth attention. " Hy- grometers formed of animal and vegetable substances," he says, " when exposed to a clear sky at night, will become colder than the atmosphere, and hence by attracting dew, or, according to an observation of Saussure, by merely cooling the air contiguous to them, mark a degi-ee of moisture beyond what the atmosphere actually contains. This serves to explain an observation made by M. de Luc, that in serene and calm weather, the humidity of the air, as determined by a hygrometer, increases about and after sunset with a greater rapidity than can be attributed to a diminution of the general heat of the atmosphere."* The principle of this sort of hygrometer may serve to explain a remarkable natural phenomenon. " Hygrometers were made of quills by Chimincllo, which renders it prob- able that birds are enabled to judge of approaching rain or fair weather. For it is easy to conceive that an animal having a thousand hygrometers intimately connected with its body, must be liable to be powerfully affect- ed, with regard to the tone of its organs, by very slight changes in the dryness or humidity of the air, particularly when it is considered that many of the feathers contain a large quantity of blood, which must be alter- nately propelled into the system, or withdrawn from it, according to their contraction or dilatation by dryness or moisture."! Does Virgil allude to a hygrometric feeling in birds when he says — "Wet \veatlicr Bcldom hurts the most unwise, So plain t!ie signs, such prophets are the skies : The wary crane foresees it first, and sails Above the storm, and leaves the lowly vale8."t (275.) The Weat?ier-cock is a very useful instrument to the farmer. It should be erected on a conspicuous part of the steading, which may readily * Wells on Dew, p. 64. t Edinburgh EncyclopiBdia, art. Hygrometry. % Dryden's Virgil, i. Georgics, 514 (316) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 173 be observed from one of the windows of the farm-house. Its position on the steading may be seen in fig. 1, Plate I., and fig. 3, Plate III. Its car dinal points should be marked with the letters N. E. S. W., to show at a glance the true points of the compass. The vane should be fitted up with a ball or box containing oil, which may be renewed when required. There is not a neater or more appropriate foraa for a vane than an arrow, whose dart is always ready to pierce the wind, and Avhose butt serves as a gov- ernor to direct it to the wind's eye. The whole should be gilt, to prevent the iiisting of the iron. Mr. Forster had such a vane erected at his place of residence, which had a small bell suspended from its point which struck upon the anns pointing to the direction of the compass, and announced every change of wind.* Such a contrivance may be considered a con- ceit, but it has the advantage of letting you know Avhen the wind shifts much about, as when it does there is as little chance of settled weather as in the frequent changes of the barometer. A better contiivance of the bell would be to have a hammer suspended from the dart by a supple spring, and a bell of different tone attached to each of the arms which in- dicate the point of the compass, and the different toned bells, when stmck, would announce the direction in which the wind most prevailed. Besides bells, there is a contrivance for indicating the directions of the wind by an index on a vertical disk, like the dial-plate of a clock, an instance of which may be seen in the western tower of the Register-House in Edinburgh. This would be a very convenient way of fitting up a weather-cock. (276.) With regard to the origin of the name of iveather-cock, Beckmann says that vanes were originally cut out in the form of a cock, and placed on the tops of church spires, during the holy ages, as an emblem of clerical vigilance.! The Germans use the same term as we do, wctterhahn ; and the French have a somewhat analogous term in coq de cloclier. As the vane turns round with every wind, so, in a moral sense, every man who is " unstable in his ways," is tei'med a weather-cock. (277.) In reference to the wind is another instrument called the ane- mometer, or measurer of the wind's intensity. Such an instrument is of little value to the farmer, who is more interested in the direction than the intensity of the wind, as it is that property of it which has most effect in promoting changes of the weather. It must be admitted, however, that the intensity of the wind has a material eflect in modifying the climate of any locality, such as that of a farm elevated in the gorge of a mountain pass. Still, even there its direction has more to do in fixing the character of the climate than the intensity ; besides, the anemometer indicates no approach of wind, but only measures its force when it blows, and this can be sufficiently well appreciated by the senses. The mean force of the wind for the whole year at 9 A. M. is 0.855, at 3 P. M. 1.107, and at 9 P. M. 0.605. (278.) The best instrument of this class is Lind's anemometer, which, although considered an imperfect one, is not so imperfect, according to the opinion of Mr. Snow Harris, of Plymouth, who has paid more attention to the movements of the wind than any one else in this country, as is gener- ally supposed. Lind's anemometer " consists of two glass tubes about 9 inches long, having a bore of -^-^ of an inch. These are connected, at their lower extremities, by another small tube of glass, with a bore of jL of an inch. To the upper exti-emity of one of the tubes is fitted a thin metallic one, bent at right angles, so that its mouth may receive horizontally the current of air. A quantity of water is poured in at the mouth, till the * Forster's researches into Atmospherical Phenomena. f Beckmann's History of Inventions, vol. i. (317) 174 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. tubes are nearly half full, and a scale of inches and parts of an inch is placed betwixt the tubes. When the wind blows in at the mouth, the col- umn of water is depressed in one of the tubes, and elevated in the same degree in the other tube; so that the distance between the surface of the fluid in each tube is the length of a column of water, whose weight is equivalent to the force of the wind upon a surface equal to the base of the column of fluid. The little tube which connects the other two is made with a small aperture, to prevent the oscillation of the fluid by iriegular blasts of wind. The undulations ])roduced by sudden gusts of wind would be still more completely prevented by making the small tube, which con- nects the other two large ones, of such a length as to be double between the other two, and be equal to the length of either. The same effect might also be produced by making a thin piece of wood float upon the surface of the fluid in each tube."* (279.) Another meteorological instrument is the rain-gavge. This in- strument is of no use to the farmer as an indicator of rain, and, like some of the rest which have been desciibed, only professes to tell the quantity of rain that actually has fallen in a given space, yet even for this purpose it is an imperfect instrument.! " The simplest fonn of this instrument," says Mr. John Adie, " is a funnel, with a cylindrical mouth, 3 or 4 inches high, and having an area of 100 square inches, made of tinned iron or thin copper. It may be placed in the mouth of a large bottle for receiving the water, and, after each fall, the quantity is measured by a glass jar, divided into inches and parts. A more elegant an-angement of the insti-ument is formed by placing the funnel at the top of a brass cylindrical tube, having at one side a glass tube, communicating with it at the under part, with a divided scale placed alongside of it. The area of the mouth is to that of the under tubes as 10 : 1 ; consequently 1 inch deep of rain falling into the mouth will measure 10 inches in the tubes, and 1 inch upon the scale will be equal to a fall of y^ of an inch, which quantities are marked upon the scale, and the water is let oft' by a stop-cock below. The instrument should be placed in an exposed situation, at a distance from all buildings and trees, and as near the surface of the giound as possible. , , . In cases of snow-storms, the rain-gauge may not give a coiTect quantity, as a pait may be blown out, or a greater quantity have fallen than the mouth will contain. In such cases, the method of knowing the quantity of water is to take any cylindrical vessel, such as a case for containing maps, which will answer the ])urpose very well ; by pressing it perpendicularly into the snow, it will bring out with it a cylinder equal to the depth. This, when melted, will give the quantity of water by measurement. The proportion of snow to water is about 17 : 1, and hail to water 8 : 1. These quantities, however, are not constant, butdepend upon the circumstances under which the snow or hail has fallen, and the time they have been upon the ground. "if The cost of a rain-gauge, according as it is fitted up, is ^£1 5s. £2 12s. 6d. and <:£4 4s. (280.) These are the principal instruments employed by meteorologists to ascertain atmospherical changes, and seeing their powers and uses, as now described, you can select those which appear to you most desirable to Eossess. Of them all, only two are indicators of approaching changes, the arometer and the weather-cock ; and these, of good construction, you will of course have, whichever of the othei-s you may choose to possess. (281.) Besides these two instruments, there are objects in nature which indicate changes of the weather. Of these the Clouds are eminent premon- * Edinburgh Encyclopieilin, nrt. Ancmomiter. t See Thomson's History of the Royal Society, j Qunrteiiy Journal of Agriculture, vol. iii. p. 13. (318) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 175 itoi's. Tt may at first sight be supposed that clouds, exhibiting so great a variety of forms, cannot be subject to any positive law ; but such a suppo- sition is erroneous, because no phenomenon in nature can possibly occur, but as the effect of some physical law, although the mode of action of the law may have hitherto eluded the acutest search of philosophical observa- tion. It would be unphilosophical to believe otherwise. We may there- fore depend upon it, that eveiy variety of cloud is an effect of a definite cause. If we cannot predict what form of cloud will next ensue, it is be- cause we are unacquainted vsdth the precise process by which they are formed. But observation has enabled meteorologists to classify every va- riety of form under only three primary figures, and all other forms are only combinations of 'two or more of these three.* (282.) 1. The first simple form is the Cirrus, a word which literally means a curl, or lock of hair curled. 2. The second is the Cumulus, or heap. 3. And the third is the Stratus, or bed or layer. Combinations of these three give the four following forms, the names of which at once indi- cate the simple forms of which they are composed. 1. One is Cirro-Cumu- lus, or combination of the curl and heap. 2. Another is the Cirro-Strattfs, or combination of the curl and stratus. 3. A third is the Ctimulo- Stratus, or combination of the heap and the stratus. 4. And, lastly, there is the combination of the Cumulo-Cirro-Stratus , or that combination of all the three simple foi'ms, which has received the name of Nimbus or rain-cloud. The English names usually given by writers to some of these forms of clouds are very singular, and seemingly not very appropriate. The cui'l is an appropriate enough name for the cirras, and so is the rain-cloud for the nimbus ; but why the heap should be called the stacken-doud, the stra- tus the Jail-cloud, the curled heap the sonder-cloud, the curled stratus the 2oane-cloud, and the heaped stratus the twain-cloud, is by no means obvi- ous, unless this last form, being composed of two clouds, may truly be de- nominated a twain-c\ovidi ; but, on the same pi'inciple, the ciiTo-cumulus, and the cirro-stratus, and the cumulo-stratus, may be termed ticain-cXoMdis. We must, however, take the nomenclature which the original and ingen ious contriver of the classification of clouds, Mr. Luke Howard, of Lon don, has given. (283.) The first form of clouds which demands your attention is the Cir- rus or curl-cloud. This is the least dense of all clouds. It is composed of streaks of vapor of a whitish color, arranged with a fibrous structure, and occun-ing at a great hight in the atmosphere. These fibrous streaks assume modified shapes. Sometimes they are like long nanow rods, lying quiescent, or floating gently along the upper region of the atmosphere. — At other times one end of the rod is curled up, and spread out like a feath- er ; and, in this shape, the cloud moves more quickly along than the other, being evidently affected by the wind. Another form is that familiarly known by the " gray inare's tail," or " goat's beard." This is more affect- ed by the wind than even the former. Another form is in thin fibrous sheets, expanded at times to a considerable breadth, like the gleams of the aurora borealis. There are many other forms, such as that of net-work, bunches of feathers, hair, or thread, which may respectively be designated reticulated, plumose, comoid, and filiform cirri. (284.) In regard to the relative bights at which these different forms of cim appear, I would say that the fibrous rod assumes the highest position [" For farther observations on the " Means of Prognosticating the Weather," see last number of Jour, of Ag., page ] 37. For a vahiable work on this subject, as applicable to our own countrj-, the reader is referred to Forry on the Climate of the United States. Ed. Farm. Lib.] (319) 176 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. in the air ; the rod with the tumed-up end the next hio^hest ; tlie hunch of feathers is approaching the earth ; the mare's tail is descending still far- ther ; and the slieet-like form is not much above the denser clouds. Some- times the fibrous rod may be seen stretching between two denser clouds, and it is then supposed to be acting as a conductor of electricity between them. (285.) As to their relative periods of duration, the fibrous rod may be seen high in the air for a whole day in fine weather ; or it vanishes in a short time, or descends into a denser form. When its end is turned up, its existence is hastening to a close. The plumose form soon melts away ; the gi-ay-mare's tail bears only a few hours of pretty strong wind ; but the bioad slieet may be blown about for some time. (286.) The sky is generally of a gray-blue when the fibrous rod and hooked rod are seen ; and it is of the deepest blue when the plumose watery cirrus appears. It is an observation of Sir Isaac Newton, that the deepest blue happens just at the changes from a dry to a moist atmosphere. (287.) The ciiTus cloud fiequently changes into the complete ciiTO-cumu- lus, but it sometimes forms a fringed or softened edge to the cirro-stratus ; and it also stretches across the heavens into the density of a ciiTo-stratus. Of all the seasons, the cirrus appears least frequently in winter. (288.) The Cumulus may be likened in shape to a heap of natural meadow hay. It never alters much from that shape, nor is it ever otherwise than massive in its structure ; but it vai'ies in size and color according to the temperature and light of the day, becoming larger and whiter as the heat and light increase ; hence it generally appears at sunrise, assumes a larger form by noon, often screening the sun from the earth, and then melts away toward night. On this account it has received the designation of the " cloud of day." Its density will not allow it to mount very high in the air ; but it is, nevertheless, easily buoyed up for a whole day by the vapor plane above the reach of the earth. When it so rests it is ter- minated below by a straight line. It is a prevailing cloud in the daytime at all seasons, and is exceedingly beautiful when it presents its silvery tops tinted with sober colors against the bright blue sky. Cumuli sometimes join together and as suddenly separate again, though in every case they retain their peculiar form. They may often be seen floating in the air in calm weather, not far above the horizon; and they may also be seen driving along with the gale at a gi'eater hight, casting their fleeting shadows on the ground. When in motion, their bases are not so straight as when at rest. Cumuli, at times, disperse, mount into the air, and form cirri, or they descend into strati along the horizon ; at others a single cu- mulus may be seen at a distance in the horizon, and then increasing rap- idly into the storm-cloud, or else overspreading a large portion of the sky with a dense veil. Does the poet allude to the cumulus, as seen in a sum- mer afternoon, in these breathing words ? ■' And now Uio mists from earth are clonds in heaven, Clouds slowly castellating in a calm Sublimor than a storm; which brighter breatbea O'er tlio whole firmament the breadth of blue, Because of that excessive purity Of all those haugine: snow-white palaces, A gentle contrast, but with power divine."* (289.) The Stratus is that bed of vapor which is frequently seen in the valleys in a summer evening, permitting the trees and church spires to stand out in bold relief; or it is that horizontal bank of dark cloud seen to ■ Wilson. (3i.>0) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. I77 rest for a whole niglit along the horizon. It also forms the thin dry white fogs whicli come over the land from the sea with an east wind in spring and summer, wetting nothing that it touches. When this dry fog hangs over towns in winter, which it often does for days, it appears of a yellow hue, in consequence, probably, of a mixture with smoke. It constitutes the November fog in London. The stratus is frequently elevated by means of the vapor plane, and then it passes into the cumulus. On its ap- pearing frequently in the evening, and its usual disappearance during the day, it has been tei-med the " cloud of night." Having a livid gray color when the moon shines upon it, the stratus is probably the origin of those supposed spectral appearances seen at night by superstitious people in days of yore. The light or dry stratus is most prevalent in spring and summer, and the dense or wet kind in autumn and winter. (290.) " Cirrus," remarks Mr. Mudie, " is the characteristic cloud of the upper sky ; and no cloud of denser texture forms, or is capable of beino- sustained there. Cumulus is, in like manner, the characteristic cloud of the middle altitude ; and although it is sometimes higher and sometimes lower, it never forais at what may be called the very top of the sky, or down at the surface of the ground. Stratus is the appropriate cloud of the lower sky, and it is never the first formed one at any considerable ele- vation ; and, indeed, if it appears unconnected with the surface, it is not simple stratus, but a mixed cloud of some kind or other."* (291.) The forms of the clouds which follow are of mixed character, the first of which that demands our attention is a compound of the cin-us and cumulus, or cirro-cumulus, as it is called. The curus, in losing the fibrous, assumes the more even-grained texture of the cumulus, which, vyhen subdivided into small spherical fragments, constitute small cumuli of little density, and of white color, arranged in the form of a cirrus or in clusters. They are high in the air, and beautiful objects in the sky. In Germany this form of cloud is called " the little sheep ; " which idea has been embodied by a rustic bard of England in these beautiful lines : " Far yet above these wafted clouds are seen (In a remoter sky, still more serene,) Others, detached in ranges through the air, Spotless as snow, and countless as they 're fair; Scattered immensely wide from east to west. The beauteous 'semblance of a flock at rest."t Cirro-cumuli are most frequently to be seen in summei*. (292.) Another form of cloud, compounded of the cirrus and stratus, is called cirro-stratus. While cirri descend and assume the form of cirro- cumuli, they may still farther descend and take the shape of cirro-stratus, whose fibres become dense and decidedly horizontal. Its characteristic form is shallowness, longitude, and density. It consists at times of dense longitudinal streaks, and the density is increased when a great breadth of cloud is viewed horizontally along its edge. At other times it is like shoals of small fish, when it is called a " hening sky;" at others, mottled like a mackerel's back, when it is called the " mackerel-back sky." Some- times it is like veins of wood, and at other times like the ripples of sand left by a retiring tide on a sandy beach. The more mottled it is, the cir- ro-stratus is higher in the air, and the more dense and stratified, the nearer it is the earth. In the last position, it may be seen cutting off a mountain top, or stretching behind it, or cutting across the tops of large cumuh. Sometimes its striated lines, not very dense, run parallel over the zenith, whose opposite ends apparently converge at opposite points of the hori- * Mudie's World. f Bloomfield- (321)... ....la 178 THE BOOK OF THE FARM. WINTER. zon, and then they form that peculiar phenomenon named the '• boat," or "Noah's ark." At times ciiTO-strati cut across the field of the setting sun, where they appear in well-defined dense striae, whose upper or lower edges, in reference to their position with the sun, are burnished with the most brilliant hues of gold, crimson, or vermilion. Sometimes the cirro- stratus extends across the heavens in a broad sheet, obscuring more or less the light of the sun or moon, for days together, and in this case a halo or corona is frequently seen to surround these orbs. In a more dense foiTn, it assumes the shapes of some small long-bodied animals, and even like architectural ornaments ; and in all its mutations it is more varied than any other form of cloud. The streaked cirro-strati are of frequent occur- rence in winter and autumn, whereas the more delicate kinds are most seen in summer. (293.) A third compound cloud is formed of the cumulus and stratus, called cumulo-stratvs. This is always a dense cloud. It spreads out its base to the sti-atus foiTn, and, in its upper part, frequently inosculates with cini, cino-curauli, or ciiTO-strati. In this form it is to be seen in the plate of the three cows. With all or either of these it forms a large massive series of cumulative clouds which hang on the horizon, displaying great mountain shapes, raising their brilliantly illuminated silver}- crests toward the sun, and presenting numerous dusky valleys between them. Or it ap- pears in formidable white masses of variously defined shapes, towering upward from the hoi-izon, ready to meet any other foiTn of cloud, and to conjoin ^^Tth them in making the dense dark-colored storm-cloud. In ei- ther case, nothing can exceed the picturesque grandeur of their towering, dazzling fonns, or the sublimity of their masses when surcharged with lightnings, ^^•ind, and rain, and hastening with scowling front to meet the gentle breeze, and hunying it along in its determined course, as if impa- tient of restraint, and all the while casting a portentous gloom over the earth, until bursting with terrific thunder, scorching with lightning some devoted object more prominent than the rest, deluges the plain vdxXx sweeping floods, and devastates the fields in the course of its ungoverna- ble fur}-. A tempest soon exhausts its force in the temperate regions ; but in the tropics it rages at times for weeks, and then woe to the poor mariner who is overtaken by it at sea unprepared. Of the cumulo-stratus the variety called " Bishops' ^^^gs," as represented near the horizon in the plate of the draught-mare, may be seen at all seasons along the horizon, but the other and more imposing form of mountain scenery is only to be seen in perfection in summer, when storms are rife. It also assumes the shapes of larger animals, and of the more gigantic foiTns of nature and art. Is the cumulo-stratus the sort of cloud described by Shakspeare as presenting these various forms ? "Sometime, we see a cloud that 's dragonieh ; A vapor, sometime, like a bear or lion, A towerd citadel, a pendant rock, A forked mountain or blue promontory With trees upon't. that nod unto the world, And mock our eyes with air : That, which is now a horse, even with a ihongbt. The rack dislimns, and makes it indistinct. As water is in water."* (294.) The last compound form of cloud which I have to mention is the cirro-cumulo-stratus, called the nimbus or rain-cloud. A showery fonu of the cloud may be seen in the plate of the draught-horse. For my part I cannot see that the mere resolution of a cloud into rain is of sufficient im- * Anthony and Cleopatra. (322) THE WEATHER IN WIiXTER. 179 portance to constitute the fonii into a separate and distinct cloud ; for rain is not so much a fomi as a condition of a cloud, in the final state in which it reaches the earth. Any of the three compound forms of clouds just de- scribed may form a rain-cloud, Avithout the intervention of any other. CiiTo-strati are often seen to drop down in rain, without giving any symp- toms of foi'ming the more dense structure of the nimbus ; and even light showers fall without any visible appearance of a cloud at all. The nim- bus is most frequently seen in summer and autumn. (295.) There is a kind of cloud, not unlike cumuli, called the scud, which is described usually by itself as broken nimbus. It is of dark or light color, according as the sun shines upon it, of vaiied foi-m, floating or scudding before the wind, and generally in front of a sombre cumulo-sti-atus stretch- ing as a backgi'ound across that portion of the sky, often accompanied with a bright streak of sky along the horizon. The ominous scud is the usual harbinger of the rain-cloud, and is therefore commonly called " messen- gers," " earners," or " water-wagons." (296.) On looking at the sky, forms of clouds may be observed which cannot be referred to any of those, simple or compound, which have just been described. On analyzing them, however, it will be found that every cloud is referable to one or more of the forms described. This defective- ness proves two things in regard to clouds. 1. That clouds, always pre- senting forms which are recognizable, must be the result of fixed laws. — 2. That the sagacity of man has been able to classify those forms of clouds in a simple manner. Without such a key to their forms, clouds doubtless appear, to common observers, masses of inexplicable confusion. Clouds thus being only effects, the causes of their formation and mutations must be looked for in the atmosphere itself; accordingly, it has been found that, when certain kinds appear, certain changes are taking place in the state of the atmosphere ; and beyond this it is not necessary for a common ob- server to know the origin of clouds. It is sufiicient for him to be aware of what the approaching change of the atmosphere will be, as indicated by the particular kind of cloud or clouds which he observes ; and in this way clouds become guides for knowing the weather. In endeavoring thus to become a judge of the weather, you must become an attentive observer of the clouds. To become so w4th success in a reasonable time, you must first make yourself well acquainted with the three simple forms, which, although not singly visible at all times, may be recognized in some part of those compound clouds which exhibit themselves almost every day. (297.) That clouds float at different altitudes, and are more or less dense, not merely on account of the quantity of vapor which they contain, but partly on account of their distance from vision, may be proved in various ways. 1. On ascending the sides of mountains, travelers frequently pass zones of clouds. Mountains thus form a sort of scale by which to estimate the altitude of clouds. Mr. Crossthwaite made these observations of the altitude and number of clouds in the course of five years : Altitude of Clouds Number of Clouds. From to tOO yards 10 100 to 200 42 200 to 300 62 300 to 400 179 400 to 500 374 500 to 600 486 600 to 700 416 Altitude of Clouds. Number of Clouds. From 700 to 800 yards 367 800 to 900 410 900tol000 518 1000 to 1050 419 3283 Above 1050 ^...2098 Hence the number of clouds above 1050 yards were, to the number below, as 2098 : 3283, or 10 : 16 nearly. The nomenclature of Howard riot hav- ing been known at the time, the forms of the various clouds met with at the different altitudes could not be designated. 2. Another proof of a dif- (323) 180 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. ference of Jiltitudes in clouds consists in different clouds being seen to move in different directions at the same time. One set may be seen mov- ing in one direction near the earth, while another may be seen through their openings unmoved. Clouds may be seen moving in different direc- tions, at apparently great bights in the air, while those near the ground may be quite still. Or the whole clouds seen may be moving in the same direction with different velocities. It is natural to suppose that the hghter clouds — those containing vapor in the most elastic state — should occupy a higher position in the air than the less elastic. On this account, it is only fleecy clouds that are seen over the tops of the highest Andes. Clouds, in heavy weather, are seldom above ^ mile high, but in clear weather from 2 to 5 miles, and cirri from 5 to 7 miles. (298.) Clouds are often of enormous size, 10 miles each way and 2 miles thick, containing 200 cubic miles of vapor ; but sometimes are even ten times that size. The size of small clouds may be easily estimated by ob- serving their shadows on the ground in clear breezy weather in summer. These are usually cumuli scudding before a westerly wind. The shadows of larger clouds may be seen resting on the sides of mountain ranges, or spread out on the ocean. (299.) You must become acquainted with the agency of Electricity be- fore you can understand the variations of the weather. The subject of at- mospherical electricity excited great attention in the middle of the last centurj' by the experiments and discoveries of Franklin. He proved that the electric fluid,* drawn from the atmosphere, exhibits the same proper- ties as that obtained from the electrical machine, and thus established their identity. Since that period, little notice has been taken of its powerful agency in connection with meteorology ; but brilliant are the discoveries which have since been made in regard to its powers in the laboratories of Davy, Faraday, and others. They have clearly identified electricity with magnetism and galvanism, and, in establishing this identity, they have ex- tended to an extraordinaiy degi-ee the field of observation for the meteor- ologist, though the discovery has rendered meteorology much more diflS- cult to be acquired with exactness. But tin; science should, on that ac- count, be prosecuted with the greater energy and perseverance. (300.) It must be obvious to the most indifferent observer of atmospher- ical phenomena, that the electric agency is exceedingly active in the atmo- sphere, how inert soever may be its state in other parts of the earth. Ex- isting there in the freest state, it exhibits its power in the most sensible manner ; and its fieedom and frequency suggest the interesting inquiry whence is derived the supply of the vast amount of electricity which seems to exist in the atmosphere \ (301.) Of all investigators of this interesting but difficult inquiry, M. Pouillet has directed his attention to it with the gi'eatest success. He has shown that there are two sources fiom which this abundant supply is ob- tained. The first of these is vegetation. He has proved, by direct exper- iment, that the combination of oxygen with the materials of living plants is a constant source of electricity ; and the amount thus disengaged may be learned from the fact that a surface of 100 square metres (or rather more than 100 square yards), in full vegetation, disengages, in the course of one day, as much vitrous electricity as would charge a powerful bat- tery. (302.) That some idea may be formed of the sort of action which takes * " Electricity, though frequently called a fluid, has but little clawn to thnt designation ; in using it, there- fore, let it be always understood in a conventional sense, not as expressing any theoretical view of the physical state of electric matter." Dr. Golding Biju) (324; THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 181 place between the oxygen of the air and the materials of living plants, it is necessary to attend, in the first place, to the change produced on the air by the respiration of plants. Many conflicting opinions still prevail on this subject ; but " there is no doubt, however, from the experiments of vaiious philosophers," as Mr. Hugo Reid obsei-ves, " that at times the leaves of plants produce the same eftect on the atmosphere as the lungs of animals, namely, cause an increase in the quantity of carbonic acid, by giving out carbon in union with the oxygen of the air, which is thus con- verted into this gas ; and it has been also established that at certain times the leaves of plants produce very opposite effects, namely, that they de- compose the carbonic acid of the air, retain the carbon and give out the oxygen, thus adding to the quantity of the oxygen in the air. It has not yet been precisely ascertained which of these goes on to the greater ex- tent ; but the general opinion at present is, that the gi'oss result o the action of plants on the atmosphere is the depriving of it of carbonic acid, re- taining the carbon and giving out the oxygen, thus increasing the quantity of free oxygen in the air."* (303.) It being thus admitted that both carbonic gas and oxygen are ex- haled by plants during certain times of the day, it is important to ascer- tain, in the next place, whether electricity of the one kind or the other ac- companies the disengagement of either gas. Toward this inquiry M. Pouillet instituted experiments with the gold-leaf electroscope, while the seeds of various plants wei"e germinating in the soil, and he found it sensibly affected by the negative state of the ground. This result might have been anticipated during the evolution of carbonic gas, for it is known by experiment that carbonic gas, obtained from the combustion of char- coal, is, in its nascent state, electrified j^ositively, and, of course, when car- bonic gas is evolved from the plant, the gi'ound should be in a state of negative electricity. M. Pouillet presumed, therefore, that when plants evolve oxygen, the ground should be in a positive state of electricity. He was thus led to the important conclusion, that vegetation is an abundant source of electricity.! (304.) The second source of electricity is evaporation. The fact of a chemical change in water by heat inducing the disengagement of electri- city, may be proved by simple experiment. It is well known that meclian- ical action will produce electricity sensibly from almost any substance. If any one of the most extensive series of resinous and siliceous substances, and of dry vegetable, animal and mineral produce, is rubbed, electricity will be excited, and the extent of excitation will be shown by the effect on the gold-leaf electroscope. Chemical action, in like manner, produces similar effects. If sulphur is flised and poured into a conical wine-glass, it will become electrical on cooling, and affect the electroscope in a man ner similar to the other bodies mechanically excited. Chocolate on con- gealing after cooling, glacial phosphoric acid on congealing, and calomel when it fixes by sublimation to the upper part of a glass vessel, all give out electricity ; so, in like manner, the condensation as well as the evap- oration of water, though opposite processes, gives out electricity. Some writers attribute these electrical effects to what they term a change of fonn or state ; but it is obvious that they may, with propriety, be included under chemical action. This view is supported by the fact of the pres- ence of oxygen being necessary to the development of electricity. De la Rive, in bringing zinc and copper in contact through moisture, found that the zinc became oxidized, and electricity was evolved. When he pre- * Reid's Chemistry of Nature. t Leithead on Electricity. (325; 182 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. vented the oxidation, by operating in an atmosphere of nitrogen, no elec- tric excitement followed. When, again, he increased the chemical action by exposing xinc to acid, or by substituting a more oxidable metal, such as potassium, the electric effects were gioatly increased. In fact, elec- trical excitation and chemical action were observed to be strictly propor- tional to each other. And this result is quite consistent with, and is conoborated l)y, the necessary agency of oxygen in evolving elcctiicity from vegetation.* But more than all this, " electricity," as Dr. G. Bird intimates, " is not only evolved during chemical decomposition, but during chemical comhinaUon ; a fact first announced by Becquerel. The tnith of this statement has been, by many, either altogether denied or limited to the case of the combination of nitiic acid with alkalies. But after repeat- ing the experiments of Becquerel, as well as those of Pfatf, Mohr, Dalk, and Jacobi, I am convinced that an electric current, certainly of low ten- sion, is really evolved during the combination of sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric, and acetic acids, with the fixed alkalies, and even with ammonia."t (305.) As evaporation is a process continually going on from the surface of the ocean, land, lakes, and rivers, at all degrees of temperature, the result of its action must be very extensive. But liow the disengagement of electri- city is produced, either by the action of oxygen on the structure of living plants, or by the action of heat on water, is unknown, and will perhaps ever remain a secret of Nature. It is easy, however, to conceive how the electricity produced by these and other sources must vary in different clinaates, seasons and localities, and at different bights in the atmosphere.;f (306.) It thus appears that the sources of electricity are found to be evolved in every 2)0!isihle form of action. It is excited by almost every sub- stance in nature, by friction, which is a mechanical action ; it is as readily evolved by chemical action, as you have just learned ; as also in the cases of condensation and evaporation of liquids ; and it has also been proved to be excited by vital action, as in the case of vegetation ; and as the ac- tion of oxygen is the same in the animal as in the vegetable function, it is as likely that the respiration of animals produces electricity as that of vegetables. When the sources of this mysterious and subtle agent are thus so numerous and extensive, you need not only not be sui-prised at its extensive diffusion, but the universality of its presence indicates that its assistance is necessary to the promoting of every o])eration of Nature. Its identity in all cases is also proved by the fact, that though the means employed for its excitation are various, its mode of action is always the same. In every case of excitation, one body robs the other of a portion of its electricity, the former being ^jZw* or ]>ositivc,l\ie other minus or nega- tive in its natural (]uantity. " The two species, or negative and positive electricity," says Dr. Bird, " exist in nature combined, forming a neutral combination (in an analogous manner to the two magnetic fluids) incapable of exerting any obvious jihysical actions on ponderable matter : by the process of friction, or other mechanical or chemical means, we decompose this neutral combination, the negative and positive elements separate, one adhering to the surface of the excited substance, the other to the rubber ; hence in no case of electrical excitatiim can we obtain one kind of electri- city without the other being simultaneously developed. We do not ob- serve any fi-ee electricity on the surface of metallic bodies submitted to friction, in consequence of their so readily conducting electricity that the • I/eilhcad on Electricity. t Bird's Elementa of Natural Philosophy. X Forbes's Report on Meteorology, voL i. (326) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 183 union of the negative and positive fluids takes place as rapidly as they are separated by the friction employed."* (307.) The natural state of every body in I'egard to its electiicity is thus in a state of quiescence or equilibrium, but this equilibrium is very easily disturbed, and then a series of actions supei-\'ene, which illustrate the pe- culiar agency of electricity, and continue until the equilibrium is again restored. (308.) 'Y\\e force of the electrical agency seems to be somewhat in the propoition to the energy with which it is roused into action. Dr. Fara- day states, that one grain of water " will require an electric cunent to be continued for 3^ minutes of time to effect its decomposition ; which cur- rent must be strong enough to retain a platina ^vire jJ ^ of an inch in thickness red-hot in the air during the whole time." " It will not be too much to say, that this necessary quantity of electiicity is equal to a very powerful flash of lightning."t When it is considered that, during the fer- mentation and putrefaction of bodies on the surface of the earth, water is decomposed, and that to effect its decomposition such an amount of elec- tric action as is here related is required to be excited, we can have no dif- ficulty in imagining the great amount of electricity which must be derived from the various sources enumerated being constantly in operation. (309.) In mentioning the subject of electricity, I will take the opportu- nity of expressing my opinion that the electrometer is a meteorological in- strument of much gieater utility to you than some of the insti'uments I have described ; because it indicates, with a great degree of delicacy, the existence of free electricity in the air ; and as electricity cannot exist in that state without producing some sort of action, it is satisfactory to have notice of its freedom, that its effects, if possible, may be anticipated. The best sort of electrometer is the " condensing electroscope :" it consists of a hollow glass sphere on a stand, inclosing through its top a glass tube, to the top of which is affixed a flat brass cap, and from the bottom of which are suspended two slips of gold-leaf At the edge of the flat brass cap is screwed a circular brass plate, and another circular brass plate, so as to be parallel to the first, is inserted in a support fixed in a piece of wood moving in a gioove of the stand which contains the whole apparatus. This is a very delicate instrument, and, to keep it in order, should be kept free of moisture and dust. (310.) In regard to the usual state of the electricity in the atmosphere, it is generally believed that it is positive, and that it increases in quantity as we ascend. In Europe the observations of M. Schiibler of Stuttgardt, intimate that the electricity of the precipitating fluids from the atmosphere is more frequently negative than positive, in the proportion of 155 ; 100 ; but that the mean intensity of the positive electricity is greater than that of the negative in the ratio of 69 : 43 ; and that different layers or strata of the atmosphere, placed only at small distances fi-om each other, are fre- quently found to be in different electric states.^ It appears, also, from re- cent observations of M. Schiibler, that the electiicity of the air, in calm and serene weather, is constantly positive, but subject to two daily fluctua- tions. It is at its minimum at a little before sunrise ; after which it grad- ually accumulates, till it reaches its first maximum a few hours afterward —at 8 A. M. in May ; and then diminishes until it has descended to its second minimum. The second maximum occurs in the evening about two hours after sunset ; and then diminishes, at first rapidly, and next in slower brogi-ession during the whole of the night, to present again on the follow- * Bird's Elements of Natural Philosophy. t Faraday's New Researches, 8vo edition. \ Forbes's Report on Meteorology, vol. 1. (327) 184 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. ing day the same oscillations. It is probable that the exact time of its in- crease and decrease is hifluenced by the seasons. The intensity increases from July to January, and then decreases ; it is also much more intense in the winter, though longer in summer, and appears to increase as the cold increases.* These fluctuations may be observed throughout the year more easily in fine than in cloudy weather. " Among the causes modifying the electric state of the atmosphere," observes Dr. Bird, " must be ranked its hygrometric state, as well as probably the nature of the effluvia which may become volatilized in any given locality. Thus, Saussure has observed that its intensity is much more considerable in elevated and isolated places than in naiTow and confined situations ; it is nearly absent in houses, u;i- der lofty trees, in narrow courts and alleys, and in inclosed places. Tii some places the most intensely electric state of the atmosphere appears to be that in which large clouds or dense fogs are suspended in the air at short distances above the surface of the earth ; these appear to act as con- ductors of the electricity from the upper regions. Cavallo ascertained, fi^om a set of experiments performed at Islington in 1776, that the air al- ways contains free positive electiicity, except when influenced by heavy clouds near the zenith. This electricity he found to be strongest in fogs and during frosty weather, but weakest in hot weather, and just previous to a shower of rain ; and to increase in proportion as the instrument used is raised to a greater elevation. This, indeed, necessarily happens," con- tinues Dr. Bird, " for as the earth's surface is, coctcris paribus, always neg- atively electrified, a continual but gradual combination of its electricity with that of the air is constantly taking place at its surface, so that no free positive electricity can be detected within 4 feet of the surface of the earth."t (311.) A comparative view of the fluctuations of the barometer and elec- trometer may tend to show that in their mode of action all the physical agencies may be governed by the same law. The mean results of many observations by various philosophers are as follows : l8t MRximum. Density 10 A.M. Electricity 8-9 A. M. (312.) These are all the general remarks which are called for at present on the subject of atmospherical electricity. As electrical phenomena ex- hibit them.selves most actively in summer, observations on particular ones will then he more in season than in winter ; and the only electrical excita- tion that is generally witnessed in winter is the aurora horcatis or noithem lights, or " merry dancers," as they are vulgarly called. It mostly occurs in the northern extremity of the northern hemisphere of the globe, where it gives almost constant light during the absence of the sun. So intense is this radiance, that a book may be read by it, and it thus confers a great blessing on the inhabitants of the Arctic Regions, at a time when they are benighted. The aurora borealis seems to consist of two varieties ; one a luminous, quiet light in the northern horizon, gleaming most frequently behind a dense stratum of cloud ; and the other of virid coruscations of almost white light, of a sufticient transparency to allow the transmission of the light of the fixed stars. They are sometimes colored yellow, green, red, and of a dusky hue. The coruscations are generally short, and con- fined to the proximity of the northern horizon ; but occasionally they reach the zenith, and even extend to the opposite horizon ; their direction being from N. W, to S. E. It seems now undeniable, that the aurora borealis 8t Minimum. 2d Maximum. 2d Minimum. 4-0 P. M. 10-11 P. M. 4-5 A. M. 4 P.M. 9 P.M. 6 A. M. * Journal of Science and the Arte, No. IV. t Bird's KIcmcnts of Natural PhiloBophy. (328) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 185 fi-equently exercises a most marked action on the magnetic needle ; thus affording another proof of the identity of the magnetic and electric agencies. (313.) It is not yet a settled point among philosophers, whether the au- rora borealis occurs at the highest part of the atmosphere, or near the earth. Mr. Cavendish considered it probable, that it usually occurs at an eleva- tion of 71 miles above the earth's surface, at which elevation the air must be but jxg^5 e^y time the density of that at the surface of the earth, a degree of rarefaction far above that afforded by our best constructed air-pumps. Dr. Dalton conceives, from trigonometrical measui'ements made by him of auroral arches, that their hight is 100 miles above the earth's surface. His most satisfactory measurement was made from that of the 29th March, 1826. As the peculiar appearance of aurora and its coruscations pre- cisely resemble the phenomena which we are enabled to produce artifi- cially by discharges of electricity between two bodies in a receiver through a medium of highly rarefied air, the opinion of Lieut. Morrison, R. N. of Cheltenham, a profound astronomer and meteorologist, is deserving of at- tention, as regards the position of the aurora at the time of its formation. He states that long, light clouds ranging themselves in the meridian line in the day, at night take a fleecy, aurora-like character. " I believe," he says, " that these clouds are formed by the discharges and currents of electri- city, which, when they are more decided, produce aurora." Mr. Leithead conjectures that the aurora becomes " visible to the inhabitants of the earth upon their entering our atmosphere."* If these conjectures are at all cor- rect, tbe aurora cannot he seen beyond our atmosphere, and therefore cannot exhibit itself at the hight of 100 miles, as supposed by Dr. Dalton, since the hight of the atmosphere is only acknowledged to be from 40 to 50 miles. This view of the hight of the aurora somewhat corroborates that held by Rev. Dr. Farqharson, Alford, Aberdeenshire, and which has been sti'ongly supported by Professor Jameson.t (314.) There are other atmospherical phenomena, whose various aspects indicate changes of the weather, and which, although of rarer occurrence than the clouds or electricity, are yet deserving of attention when they ap- pear. These are, Halos around the disks of the sun and moon ; Coronas or hroughs, covering their faces ; Parhelia, or mock suns ; Falling Stars ; Fire-balls ; and the Rainbow. Of these, the halo and corona only appear in winter ; the others will be noticed in the course of the respective sea- sons in which they appear. (315.) A halo is an extensive luminous ring, including a circular area, in the center of which the sun or moon appears. It is formed by the in- tervention of a cloud between the spectator and the sun or moon. This cloud is generally the denser kind of cirro-stratus, the refraction and re- flection of the rays of the sun or moon at definite angles through and upon which, is the cause of the luminous phenomenon. The breadth of the ring of a halo is caused by a number of rays being refracted at somewhat different angles, otherwise the bi-eadth of the ring would equal only the breadth of one ray. Mr. Forster has demonstrated mathematically the an- gle of refraction, which is equal to the angle subtended by the semidiame- ter of the halo.f Halos may be double and triple ; and there is one, which Mr. Forster denominates a discoid, halo, which constitutes the boimdary of a large corona, and is generally of less diameter than usual, and often colored with the tints of the rainbow. " A beautiful one appeared at Clap- ton on the 22d December, 1809, about midnight, during the passage of a * Leithead on Electricity. t Encyclopaedia Britannica, 7th edition, art. Aurora Borealis. J Forster's Researches into Atmospherical Phenomena. (329) 186 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. cirro-stratus cloud before the moon."* Hales are usually pretty coirect circles, thou^li they have been observed of a somewhat oval shape ; and they are j^eneraliy also colorless, ihouj^h they sometimes display faint col- ors of the rainbow. They are most frequently seen around the moon, and acquire the appellation of lunar or solar halos, as they happen to accom- pany the particular luminary. (316.) The corona or h rough occurs when the sun or moon is seen through a tiiin cirro-stratus cloud, the poition of the cloud more immedi- ately around the sun or moon appearing much lighter than the rest. Cor- onee are double, triple, and even quadruple, according to the state of the intervening vapors. They are caused by a similar refractive power in va- por as the halo; and are generally faintly colored at their edges. Their diameter seldom exceeds 10°. A halo frequently encircles the moon, when a small corona is more immediately around it. (317.) Hitherto I have said nothing of rain, snow, wind, or hail — phe- nomena which materially aflect the operations of the farmer. Strictly speaking, they are not the cause, but only the effects, of other phenomena ; and on that account, I have purposely refrained alluding to them, until you should have become somewhat acquainted with the nature of the agencies which produce them. Having heard of these, I shall now proceed to ex- amine jjarticularly the familiar phenomena of ruiri, snow and wind. Rain and \^-ind being common to all alie seasons, it will be necessary to enter at once into a general explanation of both. Snow is peculiar to winter, and will not again require to be alluded to. And hail will form a topic of re- mark in summer. (318.) You must be so well acquainted with the phenomenon of rain, that no specific definition of it is here required to be given. It should, however, be borne in mind, that the phenomenon has various aspects, and the variety indicates the peculiar state of the atmosphere at the time of its occurrence. Rain falls at times in large drops, at othei"s in small, and sometimes in a thick or thin drizzle ; but in all these states, it consists of the descent of water in drops from the atmosphere to the earth. In re- flecting on this phenomenon, how is it, (you may ask yourselves) that the air can possibly support drops of water, however minute % The air cannot support so dense a substance as water ; and it is its inability to do so, that causes the water to fall to the ground. The air, however, can support vapor, the aggi'egation of the particles of which constitutes rain or water. Vapor is formed by the force of the heat of the sun's rays upon the surface of land, sea, lakes and rivers ; and from its easy ascent into the atmosphere, it is clear that water is rendered lighter than air by heat, and, of course, vastly lighter than itself. The weight of one cubic inch of distilled water (with the barometer at 30 inches, and the thermometer at 62° Fahrenheit) is 252'45S gi-ains ; that of 1 cubic inch of air is 0-3049 of a grain ; of course, vapor must be lighter than this last figure. Heat has effected this light- ness by lendering vapor highly elastic ; and it is not improbable that it is electricity which maintains the elasticity, after the vapor has been canied away beyond the influence of its generating heat, and there keeps it in mix- ture with the air. The whole subject of evaporation is instructive, and will receive our attention in summer, when it presents itself in the most active ctiiidition to our view, and is intimately connected with the phe- nomenon of dew. (319.) The quantity of vapor in the atmosphere is variable. This Table shows the weight in gi'ains of a cubic foot of vapor, at different tempera- tures, from 0° to 95° Fahrenheit : • Forrter'B Researches into Atmospherical Phenomena. (330) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 187 Tempera- Weight in Tempera- Weight in Tempera- Weight in 'I'empera- Weight in ture. grains. ture. grams. ture. gr nms. lure. grams. 0-8J6 24 1-961 48 4 279 72 8-924 1 0-892 22 2-028 49 4 407 73 9-199 2 0-928 26 2-096 50 4 535 74 9-484 3 0-963 27 2-163 51 4 684 75 • 9-780 4 0-999 28 2-229 52 4 832 76 10-107 5 1-034 29 2-295 53 5 003 77 10-387 6 1-069 30 2-361 54 5 173 78 10-699 7 1-104 31 2-451 55 5 342 79 11-016 8 1-139 32 2-539 56 5 511 80 11-333 9 1-173 33 2-630 57 5 679 81 11-665 10 1-208 34 2-717 58 5 868 82 12-005 11 1-254 35 2-805 59 6 046 83 12-354 12 1-308 36 2-892 60 6 222 84 12-713 13 1-359 37 2-979 61 6 399 85 ]3-081 14 1-405 38 3-066 62 6 575 86 13-458 15 1-451 39 3-153 63 6 794 87 13-877 16 1-497 40 3-239 64 7 013 88 14-230 17 1-541 41 3-371 65 7 230 89 14-613 18 1-586 42 3-502 66 7 447 90 15-005 19 1-631 43 3-633 67 7- 662 91 15-432 20 1-688 44 3-763 68 7- 899 92 15-786 21 1-757 45 3-893 69 8- 135 93 16-186 22 1-825 46 4-022 70 8- 392 94 • 16-593 23 1-893 47 4-151 71 8-658 1 95 17-009 Dr. Dalton found that the force of vapor in the ton-id zone varies from 0*6 of an inch to 1 inch of mercuiy. In Britain it seldom amounts to 0*5 of an inch, but is sometimes as great as 0'5 of an inch, in summer ; whereas, in winter, it is often as low as O'l of an inch of mercury. These facts would enable us to ascertain the absolute quantity of vapor contained in the atmosphere at any given time, provided we were certain that the den- sity and elasticity of vapors follow precisely the same law as that of gases, as is extremely probable to be the case. If so, the vapor will vary from ro ^^ Too P^^^ ^^ ^^^ atmosphere. Dalton supposes that the medium quan- tity of vapor in the atmosphere may amount to yg of its bulk.* (320.) The theory propounded by Dr. Hutton, that rain occurs from the mingling together of great beds of air of unequal temperatures differently stored with moisture, is that which was adopted by Dalton, Leslie, and others, and is the cuiTent one, having betr illustrated and strengthened by the clearer views of the nature of deposition which we now possess. (321.) On the connection of rain with the fall of the harometer, Mr. Meikle has shown that the change of pressure may be a cause as well as an effect ; for the expansion of air accompanying diminished pressure, being productive of cold, diminishes the elasticity of the existing vapbr, and causes a deposition.! (322.) M. Arago has traced the progress of decrease in the annual amount of the fall of raxn. from the equator to the poles ; and these are the results obtained by various observers at the respective places : Coast of Malabar, in Lat. 11° 30' N. the quantity is 135-5 inches. At Grenada, Antilles 12° .. .. 126- At Cape Francois, St. Domingo 19° 46' ,. At Calcutta 22° 23' .. AtRome 41° 54' .. InEngland 53° At St. Petersburgh 59° 16' .. AtUlea 65° 30'.. 120- Sl- ag- as- 16- 13-5 On the other hand, the number of rainy days increases from the equator to the poles, according to the observations of M. Cotte. Thus : * Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxiii. p. 353. (331) t Royal Institution Journal. 188 THE ROOK OF THE FARM WINTER. From N. lat 12° to 43^, there are 78 rainy days. .. 43° to 46'=, .. 103 .. 4G° to 50^, .. 134 .. 50° to 60°, .. 161 (323.) There is a great variation in the quantity of rain riiat falls in the same latitude oVi tlie different sides of the same continent, and particularly of tlie same island. Thus, to confine the instances to our own island, the mean fall of rain at Edinburgh, on the cast coast, is 26 inches ; and at Glasgow, on the west coast, in nearly the same latitude, the amount is 40 inches. At North Shields, on the east coast, the amount is 25 inches ; while at Coniston in Lancashire, in nearly the same latitude on the west coast, it is as great as 85 inches.* (324.) A remarkable variation takes place in the fall of rain at different hig/tts ; the quantity of rain that falls on high ground exceeding that at the level of the sea. This fact may be easily explained by the influence of a hilly country retaining clouds and vapor. At Lancaster, on the coast, the quantity that falls is 39 inches ; and at Easthwaite, among the moun- tains in the same county, the amount is 86 inches. By a comparison of the registers at Geneva and the convent of the Great St. Bernard, it ap- pears that at the former place, by a mean of 32 years, the annual fall of of rain is 30'70 inches ; while at the latter, by a mean of 12 years, it is 60-05 inches. Dr. Dalton clearly points out the influence of hot cuiTcnts of air ascending along the surface of the giound into the colder strata which rest upon a mountainous country. The consequence is, that al- though neither the hot nor the cold air was accompanied with more moist- ure than could separately be maintained in an elastic state, yet when the mixture takes place, the arithmetical mean of the quantities of vapor can- not be supported in an elastic state at an arithmetical mean of the tem- peratures ; since the weights of vapor which can exist in a given space increase nearly in a geometrical ratio, while the temperatures follow an arithmetical one.t But the amount of rain at stations abi-uptly elevated above the surface of the earth, diminishes as we ascend. For example, at Kinfauns Castle, the seat of Lord Gray, on the Tay, in Perthshire, by a mean of 5 years, 22-66 inches of rain fell ; while on a hill in the imme- diate neighborhood, 600 feet higher, no less than 41-49 inches were col- lected, by a mean of the same period. This is an instance of a high ele- vation rising pretty rapidly above the castle, but in a natural manner ; and it is adduced as a contrast with an artificial elevation of a rain-gauge at the observatory at Paris, when the rain that fell on the town, at a vertical hight of 28 metres (rather more than as many yards), was 50-47 inches, whrle, according to the observation of M. Arago, it was 56-37 inches in the court below.J (325.) The variation in the amount of rain in the seasons follows, in a great measure, the same law as that propounded by Dalton in reference to the hights of mountains. The greatest quantiti/ of rain falls in autumn, and the least in winter. Thus, according to M. Flaugergues, taking the mean amount as 1 — In winter, there falls 0'1937 inches, including December, January and February. In spring, .. • 0-2217 .. .. March, April and May. In summer, .. 0-2001 .. .. June, July and August. In autumn, .. 0-3845 .. .. September, October and November. It may be useful to give the proportional results of each month. Again, taking the mean amount of the yeai- as 1, the proportional result for * Table of the qunntity of Rain that falls in different parts of Great Britain. By Mr. Joseph Atkin- »on, Harraby, near Carlisle, t Manchester Memoirs, New Series vol. v. J Forbcs's Report on Meteoroloey, vol. L (332) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 189 January, is 00716 February 00541 March 00557 April 00S02 Mav 0-0847 June 00765 July 00544 August 0679 September 0-1 236 October 0-1370 November 01250 December 0-0693 As M. Flaugergues observes, the maximum belongs to October and the minimum to February, and May comes nearest to the mean of 40 years.* Taking these proportional results by the months which constitute the seasons of the agiicultural year as I have aiTanged them, the mean of the seasons w^ill be respectively thus : r November 01250 ( Winter, ) December 0-0693 Summer, . (January 00716 ( May 0-0847 June 00765 July 00544 Total 0-2659 Total 0-2156 C February 00541 Spring, / March 00557 (April 0-0802 Autumn, ■ August 0-0679 ' September 0-1236 October 01370 Total 01900 Total 0-3285 This method of division still gives the maximum of rain to autumn, though it ti-ansfers the minimum from the winter to the spring ; which, as I think, approaches nearer to the truth in reference to Scotland than the conclu- sions of M. Flaugergues, which specially apply to France. (326.) The last table but one gives the proportional amount of rain thai fell, in a mean of 40 years, in each month. It may be useful to know the mean mimber of rainy days in each of the months. They are these : In January 14-4 days February 15-8 . . March 12-7 .. April 14-0 .. Mav 15-8 .. . June -. 11-8 .. In July 16-1 < August 16-3 September . . . •. 12-3 October 16-2 November 15-0 December 177 These tables show that though the number of rainy days is nearly equal in the venial and autumnal equinoxes, the quantity of rain that falls in the autumn is nearly double of that in spring. If this last table is ari'anged according to the months of the agi'icultural seasons, the number of rainy days in each season will stand thus : C November 15-0 days. In Winter, ^ December 17-7 .. (January 14-4 .. Total .47-1 days. C February 15-8 days. In Spring, ^ March 12-7 .. (April 140 .. Total 42-5 days. In Summer, ' May 158 days. June 11-8 .. (July 16-1 .. Total 43^ days. In Autumn, Total 44-8 days. ■ August 163 days September 12-3 .. October 16-2 .. In all 178'1 days of rain. This arrangement shows that the greatest num- ber of rainy days is in the agiicultural winter, and the least number in the spring, which seems to agree with experience. (327.) Mr. Howard remarks, that, on an average of years, it rains every other day ; and, by a mean of 40 years at Viviers, M. Flaugergues found 98 days of rain throughout the year.t (328.) With regard to the question. Whether more rain falls in the night than in the day? Mr. Howard's statement bears, that of 21"94 inches — a mean of 31 lunar months — rain fell in the day to the amount of 8'67 inches, and in the night to 13-27 inches. Dr. Dalton also says, that more rain falls when the sun is under the horizon than when it is above it.f Encyclopeedia Metropolitana, art. Meteorology. (333J \ Ibid. + Ibid. 190 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (329.) It has not been ascertained whether, on the whole amount over the glohe, rain is increasing or diminishing in quanfiti/. As M. Arago justly observes, it is very difficult to know how many years of observa- tions are necessary to get a mean value of the fall of rain, the amount be- ing extremely variable. There are, no doubt, several causes which may tend to change the amount of rain in any particular spot, without forming part of any general law, such as the destniction or forming of forests, the inclosure and drainage of land, and the increase of habitations. M, Arago has shown that the fall of rain at Paris has not sensibly altered for 130 years, and that although an increase was supposed to have been proved at Milan, by obsen-ations for 54 years, yet the extremes of the annual results between 1791 and 1817 were 24-7 and 58-9 inches. The observations of M. Flaugeigues, at Viviers, establish an increase there in 40 years. The number of rainy days throughout the year is 98, but dividing the 40 yeai-s into decades, the number sensibly increases. Thus — From 1778 to 1787, there were 830 days. 1788 to 1797, .. 947 .. 1798 to 1807, .. 1062 .. 1808 to 1817, .. 1082 .. But this result must aiise from local circumstances, as at Marseilles there has been a striking decrease in 50 years. (330.) Notwithstanding the enormous annual Jail of rain at the equator, particular instances of a great depth of rain in a short time have occa- sionally occuned in Europe, which probably have seldom been equaled in any other part of the globe. At Geneva, on the 25th October, 1822, there fell 30 inches of rain in one day. At Joyeuse, according to M. Arago, on the 9th October, 1827, there fell 31 inches of rain in 22 hours.* With regard to remarkable variations in the quantity of rain in different places, among the Andes it is said to rain pei-petually ; whereas in Peru, as Ulloa affirms, it never rains, but that for a part of the year the atmosphere is obscured by thick fogs called garuas. In Egypt it hardly ever rains at all, and in some parts of Arabia it seldom rains more than two or three times in as many years, but the dews are heavy, and refresh the soil, and supply with moisture the few plants which grow in those sunny regions. (331.) According to a statement of observations by Mr. Howard, there appears a relatioii to exist betwixt the winds and the annual amount of rain. This is his statement : Yeab. Wind. Calm Annual rain in N. K. K. S. 34 S VV W. N. days. inches. 1807 61 113 114 43 20-14 1808 82 38 108 103 35 23-24 1809 68 50 123 91 33 25-28 1810 81 72 78 83 41 28-07 1811 58 59 119 93 36 24-64 1812 82 66 93 91 34 27-24 1813 76 53 92 124 20 23 -.56 1814 96 65 91 96 17 26-07 1815 68 36 121 107 33 21-20 1816 64 66 106 102 28 32 -.37 74 54 105 100 32 25-18 The remarks which this statement seems to warrant are, that in regard to the E. winds, in the dry year 1807, the class of N. — E. winds is nearly double of the class of E. — S. winds ; in 1815, the next driest year, is the same result ; and in 1808, the next driest to that, the result is rather more than double. Still farther in regard to E. winds, in the wettest year, • Forbes'a Report on Meteorology, vol L (334) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 19] 1816, the class of E. — S. winds exceeds that of N. E. ; in 1814 they were I of the latter; in 1812, f, and 1810, }. With regard to the class of W. winds, the class of W. N. winds falls off gradually fi-om 1807 to 1810 in- clusive, while the annual amount of rain increases from year to yeai-, and in thx"ee of the six remaining years the amount is drier than the average in the diy years, and wetter than the wet ones. (332.) Mr. Howard says, that 1 year in every 5 in this country may he expected to be extremely dry, and 1 in 10 extremely wet. (333.) The mean annual amount of rain and dew for England and Wales, according to the estimate of Dr. Dalton, is 36 inches. The mean quantity of rain falling in 147 places, situated between north lat. 11° and 60°, according to Cotte, is 34*7 inches. If the mean fall over the globe be taken at 34 inches, it will, perhaps, not be far from the truth.* (334.) The influence of the lunar periods on the amonnt of rain deserves attention. Professor Forbes believes that there is some real connection between the lunar phases and the weather. M. Flaugergues, who has ob- served the weather at Viviers with the gi'eatest assiduity for a quarter of a century, marked the number of rainy days con-esponding with the lu- nar phases, and found them at a maximum at the first quarter, and a mini- mum at the last. (335.) It almost always happens that rain brings dotcn foreign matter from the air. It is known that the farina of plants has been carried as far as 30 or 40 miles, and the ashes of volcanoes have been carried more than 200 miles. We can conceive that when the magnitude of the particles of dry substances is so reduced as to render them incapable of falling in any given velocity, that their descent may be overcome by a very slight cur- rent of the air ; but even in still air a sphere of water of only the almost inconceivable size of e o o^o o o P'^''^ *-'^ ^^ inch in diameter falls 1 inch in a second, and yet particles of mist must be much larger than this, otherwise they could not be visible as separate drops ; the least drop of water that is discoverable by the naked eye falls with a velocity of 1 foot in the [* It is said tliat, on an average, half as much more rain falls in England than on the Continent of Europe. In Ireland, says Doctor Kane, a very able and profound writer on the Industrial Resources of that counti-y, there is probably not more rain than in England, but there is more damp. Long since, Arthur Young, he says, noticed the difficulty of drying agricultural produce in Ireland, and to this humidity he attributed the rapid vegetation ^vhich clothes that island vi-ith natural herb- age, even where there is scarcely a trace of soil, and causes it to be likened to an " emerald " Bet in the ring of the sea. Like caus.es produce like effects in our country — hence on the hills and small mountains about Lebanon, N. Y. the Messrs. Tilden carry through the driest summers their flock of 1,000 of the best Saxonies in the finest condition ; those hills are ever green. The average quantity that falls over the entire surface of Ireland is put down at 36 inches. Thus, if all that falls in the year were collected at one time, it would cover the whole Island to the depth of 3 feet ; and as the area of Ireland amounts to 80,208,271 square acres, containing 100,712,631,6'40 square yards, there are this number of square yards of water precipitated on the island in every year. For youthful readers we may be allowed in this place to transcribe from the admirable author above mentioned the following brief and simple explanation of the origin and formation of clouds, rain and rivers, and " water power : " "The land being placed on the surface of our globe at a level superior to that of the ocean, by which its coasts are washed, there is produced continually, by atmospherical conditions, a cirf-a- lation of the mass of water, which, evaporating from the surface, ascends as vapor to the higher and colder regions of the air, where it is condensed into clouds. These float until the electrical condition wliich characterizes their peculiar molecular state being dissipated, they fall a.? rain, as bail, or snow, and the water thus regaining the .solid or liquid form, tends continually by its grav- ity, to a lower level, until it gains the general mass of ocean from whence it had been originally derived. The rain or snow thus falling into the interior and elevated districts of country, forms at first rivulets, then streams, finally rivers; and the force of the descending water is capable of giving motion to machinery : it is the source best known, and most simply applicable, of water pcncer." Ed. Farm. Lib.} (335) 192 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. second, when the air is still. Although it is probable that the resistance opposed to the descent of small bodies in air, may be considerably greater than would be expected from calculaticjn, still the wonder is how they are supported for any length of time.* In this difficulty there is much inclina- tion to call in the aid of electricity to account for the phenomenon. Mr. Leithead accounts for it in this way : " When the eaith is positive and the atmosphere negative, the electiic fluid, in endeavoring to restore its equi- librium, would cause a motion among the particles of the air in a direc- tion from the earth toward the higher region of the atmosphere ; for the air being a very imperfect conductor, the particles near the earth's surface can only convey electricity to the more remote particles by such a motion. This Avonld, in effect, partly diminish the downward pressure of the air, which is due to its actual density ; " and, in doing this, might it not, at the same time, counteract in some degree the gravity of any substance in the air by surrounding it with an electrical atmosphere ] " When, on the contrary," continues Mr. Leithead, " the earth is negative and the air positive, this motion of the particles wdll be reversed ; thus increasing the pressure toward the earth, and producing the same effect as if the air had actually increased in density ;"t and would it not thereby be more capable of supporting any foreign taody in it ? (336.) Rain falls at all seasons, but snow only in winter, and it is just frozen rain ; whenever, therefore, there are symptoms of rain, snow may be expected if the temperature of the air is sufficiently low to freeze va- por. Vapor is supposed to be frozen into snow at the moment it is col- lapsing into drops to form rain, for we cannot suppose that clouds of snow can float about the atmosphere any more than clouds of rain. Snow is a beautifully crystalized substance when it falls to the ground, and it is probable that it never falls from a great bight, otherwise its fine crystal- line configurations could not be presei-ved. (337.) "Yhe forms of snoiv have been ananged into five orders. 1. The lamellar, which is again divided into the stelliform, regular hexagons, ag- gregation of hexagons, and comhination of hexagons with radii, or spines and projecting angles. 2. Another form is the lamellar or sj)herical nu- cleus with spinous ramifications in different places. 3. Fine sjnculce or 6-8ided prisms. 4. Hexagonal pyramids. 5. 8 in the noi-them portion of our island long before they are ripe. The results of his obsen-ations are very instructive. 1. He has obser\-ed that the mean temperature of the day and night at which injurious hoar-frosts may occur, may be, relatively to the freezing-point, very high. Thus, on the nights of the 29th and 31st August, 1S40, the leaves of potatoes were in- jured, while the lowest temperatures of those nights, as indicated by a self-registering themiometer, were as high as 41^ and 39^ respectively. — 2. Hoar-frost, at the time of a high daily mean temperature, takes place only during calm. A very slight, £<.eady breeze will quickly melt away frosty rime. 3. The air is always unclouded, or nearly all of it so, at the time of hoar-frost. So incompatible is hoar-frost with a clouded state of the atmosphere, that on many occasions, when a white frosty rime has been formed in the earlier part of the night, on the formation of a close cloud at a later part, it has melted off before the rising of the sun. 4. Hoar- frosts most frequently happen with the mercury in the barometer at a high point and rising, and \nth the hygrometer at comparative dryness for the temperature and season ; but there are striking exceptions to these rules. On the morning of the loth September, 1S40, a very injurious frost oc- curred, ^\ith a low and falling barometric column, and with a damp atmo- sphere. 5. In general, low and flat lands in the bottom of valleys, and grounds that are in land-locked hollows, suffer most from hoar-frost, while all sloping lands, and open uplands, escape injurj*. But it is not their rel- ative elevation above the sea, independently of the freedom of their expo- sure, that is the source of safety to the uplands ; for, provided they are in- closed by higher lands, without any wide, open descent from tliem on some side or other, they suffer more, under other equal circumstances, than sim- ilar lands of less altitude. 6, A very slight inclination of the surface of the ground is generally quite protective of the crops on it from injury by hoar-frost, from which flat and hollow places suffer at the time great in- jury. But a similar slope downward in the bottom of a narrow, descend- ing hollow does not save the crop in the bottom of it, although those on its side-banks higher up may be safe. 7. An impediment of no great hight on the surface of the slope, such as a stone-wall fence, causes damage im- mediately above it, extending upward proportionally to the hijjht of the impediment. A still loftier impediment, like a closely-planted and tall wood or belt of trees, across the descent, or at the bottom of sloping land, causes the damage to extend on it much more. 8. Rivers have a bad re- pute a.s the cause of hoar-frosts in their neighborhood, but the general opinion regarding their eril influence is altogether erroneous ; the protect- ive effect of running water, such as waterfalls from mill-sluices, on pieces of potatoes, when others in like low situations are blackened by frost, is an illustration which can be referred to. 9. The severity of the injury by hoar-fiost is much influenced by the wetness or dryness of the soil at the * Mndie's World. (3«6) THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 195 place ; and this is exemplified in potatoes groAving on haugh-lands, by the sides of rivers. These lands are generally dry, but bars of clay sometimes intersect the dry portions, over which the land is comparatively damp. Hoar-frost ^^^ll affect the crop growing upon these bars of clay, while that on the dry soil will escape injury ; and the explanation of this is quite easy. The mean temperature of the damp lands is lower than that of the dry, and, on a diminution of the temperature during frost, it sooner gets down to the freezing point, as it has less to diminish before reaching it. — 10. Hoar-frost produces peculiar cuiTents in the atmosphere. On flat lands, and in land-locked hollows, there are no currents that are at all sen- sible to the feelings ; but on the sloping lands, during hoar-frosts, there is rarely absent a very sensible and steady, although generally only feeble, cun-ent toward the most direct descent of the slope. The cun-ent is pro- duced in this way. The cold first takes place- on the surface of the giound, and the lower stratum of air becoming cooled, descends to a lower tem- perature than that of the air immediately above, in contact \\ith it. By its cooling, the lower stratum acquires a greater density, and cannot rest on an inclined plane, but descends to the valley ; its place at the summit of the slope being supplied by warmer air from above, which prevents it from getting so low as the freezing temperature. On the flat ground be- low, the cool air accumulates, and commits injury, while the warmer cux'- rent down the slope does none ; but should the mean temperature of the day and night be already very low before the calm of the evening sets in, the whole air is so cooled douai as to prevent any cuiTent doA\Ti the slope. Injury is then effected both on the slope and the low ground ; and hence the capiicious nature of hoar-frost may be accounted for.* (345.) Frost has been represented to arise from the absence of heat ; but it is more, for it also implies an absence of moisture. Sir Richard Phillips defines cold to be '" the mere absence of the motion of the atoms called heat, or the abstraction of it by evaporation of atoms, so as to con- vey away the motion, or by the juxtaposition of bodies susceptible of mo- tion. Cold and heat are mere relations of fixity and motion in the atoms of bodies."t This definition of heat implies that it is a mere property of matter — a point not yet settled by philosophers ; but there is no doubt that, by motion, heat is evolved, and cold is generally attended by stillness or cessation of motion. (346.) Frost generally originates in the upper portions of the atmo- sphere, it is supposed, by the expansion of the air carrying off the existing heat, and making it susceptible of acquiring more. What the cause of the expansion may be, when no visible change has taken place, in the mean time, in the ordinary action of the solar rays, may not be obvious to a spectator on the ground ; but it is known, from the experiments of Lenz, that electricity is as capable of producing cold as heat, to the degree of freezing water rapidly. | (347.) The most intense frosts in this countiy never penetrate more than one foot into the ground, on account of the excessive dryness occasioned in it by the frost itself withdrawing the moistui'e for it to act upon. Frost cannot penetrate through a thick covering of snow, or below a sheet of ice. (348.) Ice is water in a solid state, superinduced by the agency of frost. Though a solid, it is not a compact substance, but contains large interstices filled with air or other substances that may have been floating on the sur- face of the water. Ice is an aggregation of ciystals subtending with one another the angles of 60° and 120°. It is quickly formed in shallow, but * Prize Essays of the Highland and Agricultural Society, vol. -aXv. t Phillips's Facts. ^ Bird's Elements of Natural Philosophy. (387) 19t) THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. takes a long time to form in deep water, and it cannot become veiy thick in the lower latitudes of the globe, from want of time and intensity of the frost. By 11 years' obsei-vations at the Observatoiy at Paris, there were only 58 days of frost throughout the year, which is too short and too de- Bultoiy a period to freeze dvep water in that latitude. (349.) The freezing of water is effected by frost in this manner. The up])cr Him of water in contact with the air becomes cooled do^^^l, and when it reaches 39^.39 it is at its densest state, and of course sinks to the bottom through the less dense body of water below it. The next film of water, which is now uppermost, undergoes the same condensation, and in this way does film after film in contact with the air descend toward the bottom, until the whole body of water becomes equally dense at the tem- perature of 39°. 39. When this vertical circulation of the water stops, the upper film becomes frozen. If there is no wind to agitate the surface of the water, its temperature will descend as low as 28° before it freezes, and on freezing vv^ll start up to 32° ; but, should there be any wind, then the ice will form at once at 32°, expanding at the same time ^ larger than in its former state of water. (350.) It is worth while to trace the progress of this curious phenome non — the expansion of ice. In the first place, the water contracts in hulk by the frost, until it reaches the temperature of 39°.39, when it is in its state of greatest density, and then sinks. It then resists the freeaing power of frost in a calm atmosphere, until it reaches 28°, rvitJwut decreasing more in hulk, and it remains floating on the warmer water below it, which con- tinues at 39°.39. When so placed, and at 28°, it freezes, and suddenly starts up to the temperature of 32°, and as suddenly expands \ more in bulk than at its ordinary temperature, and of course more than that when in its most condensed state at 39°.39. It retains its assumed enlarged state of ice until it is melted. (351.) So great is the force of water on being suddenly expanded into ice, that, according to the experiments of the Florentine Academy, eveiy cubic inch of it exerts a power of 27,000 lbs. This remarkable power of ice is of use in Agiiculture, as I shall illustrate when I come to speak of the eftects of frost on plowed land. (352.) It is obvious that no large body of fresh water, such as a deep lake or river, can be reduced in temperature below 39°.39, when water is in its densest state, as what becomes colder only floats upon and covers the denser, which is at the same time warmer, portion ; and as ice is of larger bulk, weight for weight, than water, it must float above all, and, in retaining that position, prevent the farther cooling of the mass of water below 39°.39. On the other hand, sea-w^tev freezes at once on the sur- face, and that below the ice must retain the temperature it had when the ice was formed. Frost in the polar regions becomes suddenly intense, and the polar sea becomes as suddeidy covered with ice, without regard to the temperature of the water below. The ice of the polar sea, like the snow upon the polar land, tlnis becomes a protective mantle against the intense cold of the atmosphere, which is sometimes as great as 57° below zero. — In this way, sea animals, as well as land vegetables, in those regions, are protected against the e fleets of the intensest frosts. (353.) Ice evaporates moisture as largeh/ as wafer, which property pre- serves it from being easily melted by any unusual occuiTcnce of a high temperature of tlie air, because the rapid evaporation occasioned by the small increase of heat superinduces a greater coldness in the body of ice. (354.) The great cooling jfoicers of ice may be witnessed by the simple experiment of mixing 1 lb. of water at 32° with 1 lb. at 172°, the mean (388] THE WEATHER IN WINTER. 197 temperature of the mixture will be as high as 102° ; whereas 1 lb. of ice at 32°, on being put into 1 lb. of water at 172°, will reduce the mixture to the temperature of ice, namely, 32°. This perhaps unexpected result arises from the greater capacity of ice for caloric than Avater at the temperature of 32° ; that is, in other words, more heat is required to break up the crys- talization of ice than to heat water, (355.) It may be worth while to notice that ponds and lakes are gener- ally frozen with different thicknesses of ice, owing either to irregularities in the bottom, which constitute different depths of water, or to the exist- ence of deep springs, the water of which, as you have seen, seldom falls below the mean temperature of the place, that is, 40°. Hence the un known thickness of ice on lakes and ponds, until its stz-ength has been as- certained ; and hence also the origin of most of the accidents on ice. (356.) The phenomenon of Fog or Mist occurs at all seasons, and it ap- pears always under the peculiar circumstances explained by Sir Humphry Davy. His theory is, that radiation of vapor from land and water sends it up until it meets with a cold stratum of air, which condenses it in the form of mist — which naturally gravitates toward the surface. When the radiation is weak, the mist seems to lie upon the ground ; but when more powerful, the stratum of mist may be Seen elevated a few feet above the ground. Mist, too, may be seen to continue longer over the water than the land, owing to the slower radiation of vapor from water; and it is gen- erally seen in the hollowest portions of ground, on account of the cold air, as it descends fi'om the surrounding rising groimd and mixes with the air in the hollow, diminishing its capacity for moisture. (357.) Mist also varies in its character according to its electiic state ; if negatively affected, it deposits its vapor more quickly, forming a heavy sort of dew, and wetting everything like rain ; but if positively, it contin- ues to exist as fog, and retains the vapor in the state in which it has not the property of wetting like the other. Thin, hazy fogs occur frequently in winter evenings after clear cold weather, and they often become so per- manently electric as to resist for days the action of the sun to disperse them. Thick, heavy fogs occur also in the early part of summer and au- tumn, and are sometimes very wetting. (358.) The fogs in hollows constitute the true stratus cloud. We see vapor at a distance in the atmosphere, and call it cloud ; but when it sinks to the earth, or will not rise, and we are immersed in it, we call it mist or fog. When immersed in a cloud on a mountain, we say we are in a mist ; but the same mist will be seen by a spectator, at a distance in the valley, as a beautiful cu'ro-stratus resting on the mountain. (359.) The magnifying power of mist is a well-known optical illusion. — Its concealing and mistifjing effects may have been obsei-ved by every one ; and its causing distant sounds to be heard as if near at hand, may also have been noticed by many. The illusive effects of mist are very well described in these lines : " When all you see through densest fog is seen, When you can hear the fishers near at hand Distinctly speak, yet see not where they stand, Or sometimes them and not their boat discern, Or hall concealed some figure at the stern; Boys who, on shore, to sea the pebble cast, Will hear it strike against the viewless mast; While the stem boatman growls his fierce disdain At whom he knows not, whom he threats in vain."* • Crabbe (389) 198 THE BOOK OF THE FARM — WINTER. 19. CLIMATE. ' " Betwixt th' extremes, two hBppier climates hold, The temper that partakea of hot and cold." Drvden. (360.) This seems a favorable opportunity for saying a few words on climate — a most interesting subject to the farmer, inasmuch as it will en- able him to discover the favorable and unfavorable particulars connected with the site of the farm which he may wish to occupy. This is a point, in looking at farms, which I am afraid is entirely overlooked by farmers, much to their disappointment and even loss, as I shall have occasion to obsene when we come to be on the outlook for a farm. Meantime let us attend to a few general principles.* [* It would be vain to attempt to make notes on a subject bo comprehensive, with a view to adapt the observations of the author in hand to any peculiar circumstances as connected with the climate of the United States, and its connection with the health and agricultural industry of its in- habitants. To do so, it would be necessarj- to write a book, and that has been done already by the late Samuel Fokry, M. D., with a degree of ability and in a spirit that do honor to his memory. The meteorological phenomena established by observations at our military posts, taken and •ollected and published under the direction of our accomplished Surgeon General Lawson, form the basis of Dr. Forry's book on " The Climate of the United States," published in 1842. Well aware that tciTcstrial temperature, in its effect on the animal and vegetable kingdom, is modified as well by local causes as by the position of the sun, the author of this highly interesting and valuable work has adopted a classification of climates based on physical geography, without reference to latitude. The military posts from which the facts are supplied for the basis of his deductions, are divided into Northern, Middle, and Southern. The first embracing posts on the coast of New-England, extending as far south as the harbor of New-York — posts on the northern chain of lakes, and posta remote from the northern and inland seas. The Middle embracing the Atlantic coast from Dela- ware Bay to Savannah, and interior stations. And the Southern, the posts on the Lower Missis- sippi, and posts in the peninsula of Ea.st Florida. The last comprehending a region characterized by the predominance of low temperature — the Southern a high temperature, and the Middle phe- nomena vibrating to both extremes. It is to be lamented that a sufficient number of thermometrical observations have not been made through the range of our mountain regions, to determine more exactly the influence of altitude as well as of latitude ; but as at such interior and elevated jjoints we have no occasion for military stations, it would not accord with the policy of this llcpublican Goveiument to make provision for the collection of facts to enlighten and give more activity and profit to mere industrial pur- suits. Tabular ab.-^tracts presented in the work of Dr. Forry embrace the condensed results of observations made at various posts between 'iP 33' and 46"^ 3!>' of north latitude, and between 67° 4' and 9.')-' 43' of longitude west of Greenwich, embracing an extent of 22° 6' of latitude and 28^ 39' of longitude. To any one having a just apprehension of what is needed to a rational education of young men intended to be cultivators of the soil, with a knowledge of subjects which it becomes every gen- tleman to know something about, we need not sny how proper and useful it would be to place such books as this in all our countrj- schools. This we can aver with the less hesitation, inasmuch as, in the attempt to extract some passages for the edification of young readers, we find it difficult to make choice of a portion, whore all is alike instructive. On the general subject of climate, perhaps the be-st paper is to be found in the Encyclopnecomes gi-eater on plains than on hills ; it is never so low near the sea a,s in inland parts ; the wind has no effect on it; its maximum and minimum are about 6 weeks after the solstices , it varies more in summer than in winter ; it is lea.st a little before sunrise ; its max- ima in the sun and shade are seldom on the same day ; and it decreases more rapidly in autumn than it increases in summer."t (373.) Besides all these causes, there is another phenomenon which has a material eflfect on local climate, and that is, the darting of cold pulsations downward from the upper regions of the atmosphere, and of warm pulsa- tions upward from the earth. This is a different phenomenon from ra- * Mudie's World. f Poleluunpton'i Gallery of Nature and An, vol. iv (396) CLIMATE. 205 diant heat. These pulsations of temperature are detected by a new instru- ment called the cethrioscope ; and although the experiments with it have aa yet not been sufficiently numerous to insure implicit confidence in its results, yet the experience of all who have paid attention to the vaiieties of circumstances which affect climate, can tell them that many causes are evidently at work in the atmosphere, to produce effects which have not yet been recognized by the instruments in common use. " The aethrioscope opens new scenes to our view. It extends its sensations through indefinite space, and reveals the condition of the remotest atmosphere. Constructed with still greater delicacy, it may perhaps scent the distant winds, and detect the actual temperature of any quarter of the heavens. The impres- sions of cold which arrive from the north will probably be found stronger than those received from the south. But the facts discovered by the aethxio- scope are nowise at variance with the theory already advanced on the gradation of heat from the equator to the pole, and from the level of the sea to the highest atmosphere. The internal motion of the air, by the agency of opposite cuiTents, still tempers the disparity of the solar impres- sions ; but this effect is likewise accelerated by the vibrations excited from the unequal disti'ibution of heat, and darted through the atmospheric me- dium with the celerity of sound. Any surface which sends a hot pulse in one direction, must evidently propel a cold pulse of the same intensity in an opposite direction. The existence of such pulsations, therefore, is in perfect unison with the balanced system of aerial cuiTents. The most re- condite principles of harmony are thus disclosed in the constitution of this nether world. In clear weather, the cold pulses then showered entire from the heavens will, even during the progi-ess of the day, prevail over the in- fluence of the reflex light, received on the ground, in places which are screened from the direct action of the sun. Hence at all times the cool ness of a northern exposure. Hence, likewise, the freshness which tem- pers the night in the sultriest climates, under the expanse of an almost azure sky. The coldness of particular situations has very generally been attributed to the influence of piercing winds which blow over elevated tracts of land. This explication, however, is not well founded. It is the altitude of the place itself above the level of the sea, and not that of the general surface of the country, which will mould its temperature. A cold wind, as it descends fi'om the high grounds into the valleys, has its capacity for heat diminished, and consequently becomes apparently warmer. The prevalence of northerly above southerly winds may, however, have some slight influence in depressing the temperature of any climate. In our northern latitudes, a canopy of clouds generally screens the ground from the impressions of cold. But within the Arctic Circle, the surface of the earth is more effectually protected by the perpetual fogs which deform those dreary regions, and yet admit the light oi" day, Avhile they absorb the frigorific pulses vibrated from the higher atmosphere. Even the ancients had remarked that our clear nights are generally likewise cold. During the absence of the sun, the celestial impressions continue to accu- mulate ; and the ground becomes chilled to the utmost in the morning, at the very moment when that luminary again resumes its powerful sway. But neither cold nor heat has the same effect on a gi'een sward as on a plowed field, the action being neai'ly dissipated before it reaches the gi'ound among the multiplied surfaces of the blades of grass. The lowest stratum of air, being chilled by contact with the exposed surface, deposits its moisture, which is either absorbed into the earth, or attracted to the pro- jected fibres of the plants, on which it settles in the form of dew or hoar- frost. Hence the utility, in this country, of spreading a\\Tiings at night, (397) 206 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. to screen the tender blossoms and tl)e delicate fruits fr ment, though possessing qualities to administer it far superior to its head and to most of its mem- bers. With his virtues and talents, in the army he would, at his age, be enjoying a high po- sition and the certainty of yet higher promotion and higher pay for life. As this work carefully eschews party politics, we do not name any party thus prostitating the powers of the Govern- * Eucyclopffidia Britannica, 7th edition, art. Physical Geography. 208 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. fiil animals have been, by Europeans, within the last half century, carried to the larger Islands of the Pacific, >vhere they were previously unknown. How many insects may have Wen propagated by the cargoes of our ships in distant lands, it is easier to conjecture than to estimate ; how many have been imported with the cerealea and other gruniinece of Europe into newly discovered regions, it is impossible to say. Human agency has sometimes been the means of propagating in Europe disgusting or destruc- tive species from foreign regions. Thus, the commerce of the Dutch wafted tlie Teredo navalis to the dyke-defended coasts of Holland, to the imminent hazard of that country ; the brown rat and the hlatta, which now infest this country, are believed to be importations from the East Indies ; and the white bug, that now lays waste our orchards, is stated to have reached us with American fruit-trees."* (377.) The definitions of the limits of the zoological divisions on the globe has first been attempted by Mr. Swainson, an eminent English nat- uralist. *' He contenflls that birds of any district afford a fairer criterion of the limits of a geographical distribution than any other class of animals. Quadrupeds he believes to be too much under the dominion of man, and liable to have their geographic limits disturbed by human interference; and the other classes of animals are either too numerous or too few, to af- ford the means of determining the limits of such divisions ; while birds, though seemingly fitted by nature to become wanderers, are surprisingly steady in their localities, and even in the limits of their annual migrations. These migrations are evidently caused by scarcity of food. Thus, our swallows leave us when their insect-food begins to fail, and they naturally pursue that route which is shortest, and affords subsistence by the way. The distance from the shores of the Baltic to Northern Africa is not half 80 great as between England and America ; and during the migration over land, the winged travelers find food and resting-places as they proceed to more genial climate6."t % (378.) Before concluding the subject of climate, I may advert to the very generally received opinion among farmers and others who are much exposed in the air, that the weather of Great Britain has changed materi- ally within the memoiy of the present generation. I am decidedly of this opinion ; and I observe that Mr. Knight, the late eminent botanical physi- ologist, expressed himself on this subject in these words : '* My own habits and pursuits, from a verj' early period of my life to the present time (1829), have led me to expose myself much to the weather in all seasons of the year, and under all circumstances ; and no doubt whatever remains on my mind, but that our ^^■inte^s are generally a good deal less severe than for- merly, our springs more cold and ungenial, our summers, particularly the ment, meaDing only to refer to and to denounce the anti-republican policy which everyvk-here gives the most invidious preference to the military over civil virtues; and so will it ever be until the sons of the cultivators of the soil are differently educated from what they have been. Ed. Farm. Lib.'\ [t A work of great and curious research has been published lately in France, by Marcel De Serres, with accompanyinemaps, on the causes of the migrations of divers animals and particularly of birds and Jishe/:. We lament the want of time to translate, and of room to append some ex- tracts. It is anollier of that catalogue of books which should go to make up the library of the countrj- gentleman — by which we mean, once for all, not the man of fine apparel or of ample for- tune, for these may belong to tlie fool, the upstart, or the demagogue. We mean the man of kind and gentle nature, who would not wantonly give pain to a fly, and who is eoirer to acquire and trilling to impart information; men whose gracefulness is in the heart and feeling, rather than in exterior pomp or ostentatious di.«play of wealth. Several such " country gentlemen," in our es- timation, have we lately seen and ' eaten salt " with, in their trorking^ clotke.i. Ed. Farm. Lib.] • Encyclopedia Britannica, 7th edition, an. Phyiical Geography. ♦ Ibid. (400) CLIMATE. ^0 latter part of them — as warm at least as they formerly were, and our autumns considerably warmer." He adds, that " I think that 1 can point out some physical causes, and adduce rather strong facts in support of these opinions." (379.) Of the physical causes of these changes, Mr. Knight conceives that the clearing of the country of trees and brushwood, the extension of arable culture, and the ready means afforded by draining to carry off quickly and effectiially the rain as it falls, have I'endered the soil drier in May " than it could have been, previously to its having been inclosed and drained and cultivated ; and it must consequently absorb and retain much more of the warm summer rain (for but little usually flows off') than it did in an uncultivated state ; and as water, in cooling, is known to give out much heat to suiTounding bodies, much warmth must be communicated to the ground, and this cannot fail to affect the temperature of the following autumn. The warm autumnal rains, in conjunction with those of summer, must necessarily operate powerfully upon the temperature of the succeed- ing winter." Hence, a wet summer and autumn are succeeded by a mild winter ; and when N. E. winds prevail after these wet seasons, the Avinter is always cloudy and cold, but without severe frosts ; probably, in part, owing to the ground upon the opposite shores of the Continent and of this country being in a similar state. The fact adduced by Mr. Knight in sup- port of this opinion is that of the common laurel withstanding the winter, notwithstanding its being placed in a high and exposed situation, and its wood not being ripened in November. (380.) " Supposing the ground," continues Mr. Knight, " to contain less water in the commencement of winter, on account of the operations of the drains above mentioned, as it almost always will and generally must do, more of the water afforded by the dissolving snows and the cold rains of winter will be necessarily absorbed by it ; and in the end of February, however dry the ground may have been at the winter solstice, it will al- most always be found saturated with water derived from those unfavorable circumstances ; and as the influence of the sun is as powerful on the last day of February as on the 15th day of October, and as it is almost wholly the high temperature of the ground in the latter period which occasions the different temperature of the air in those opposite seasons, I think it can scarcely be doubted, that if the soil have been rendered more cold by having absorbed a larger portion of water at very near the freezing tem- perature, the weather of the spring must be, to some extent, injuriously affected." Hence, the springs are now more injurious to blossoms and fruits than they were thirty years ago. Hence, also, the farmers of Here- fordshire cannot now depend on a crop of acorns from their extensive groves of oaks.* f [t On this question of the stability of climates in Europe and America, and the influence of cult"-~at)oa on temperature, the reader should not rest satisfied until he turns to the array of his- ♦ ' cal facts and thermometrical data adduced by Doctor Forry in refutation of the theories main- i' jed by the philosophers of the Old and of the New World — among the latter Jefferson and Mttsh, the latter of whom says : " From the accounts which have been handed down to us by ow ancestors, there is reason to believe that the climate of Pennsylvania has undergone a materia change. The springs are much colder, and the autumns more temperate, insomuch that cattle are not housed so soon by one month as they formerly were. Rivers freeze later and do not re- main so long covered with ice." Doctor F. gives tables of thermometrical observations made at Philadelphia three years successively, at intervals of 25 years, from 1793 to 1824, and during thirty-three years at Salem, Mass., to show a remarkable uniformity of mean temperature. The following table, by Forry, exhibits the duration of winter at the City of New- York : * Knight's Horticultural Papers. (401) 14 210 THE BOOK OF THE FAR.M WINTER. 20. OBSERVING AND RECORDING FACTS. " Facts are to the mind the same thing its food to the body. On the due dieestion of hcu depend the strength and wisdom of the one, just as vigor and health depend on the other. The wisest in council, the ablest in debate, and the most agreeable companion in the commerce of huinnn life, is that man who has assimilated to his understanding the greatest number of facta" Bukke. (381.) These words of " the greatest philosophical statesman of our counti-y," as Sir James Mackintosh designated Burke, convey to the mind but an ampUfication of a sentiment of Bacon, which says that " the man who writes, speaks, or meditates, without being well stocked w'nhjacts as landmarks to his understanding, is like a mariner who sails along a treach- erous coast without a pilot, or one who adventures on the wide ocean without either a rudder or a compass." The expression of the same sen- timent by two very eminent men, at periods so far asunder and in so very different conditions of the country, should convince you of the universal application of its tnith, and induce you to adopt it as a maxim. You can easily do so, as there is no class of people more favorably situated for the obsei"\'ation of interesting facts than agricultural pupils. Creation, both animate and inanimate, lies before you ; you must be almost always out of doors, when carrying on your operations ; and the operations them- selves are substantial matters of fact, constantly subject to modification by the state of land and the atmosphere. It is useful to observe facts and to First ice formed. 1831 Oct 20 1832 Nov. 3 1833 Oct. 31 1834 Oct 30 1835 Nov. 13 1836 Oct 26 1837 Oct 14 1838 Oct 31 1839 Nov. 20 1840 Oct 26 The state of the weather as indicated by the course of the winds, and the proportion of fair and cloudy days, based upon three years' observations, are shown in the following table : First enow fell. Last ice formed. Last snow fell. Nov. 3 April 10 April 30 Dec. 12 April 10 Mar. 17 Dec. 15 Mar. 29 Mar. 1 Nov. 15 Mav 15 April 25 Nov. 27 A prills April 16 Nov. 24 April 12 April 13 Nov. 14 May 1 April 4 Oct 31 April 17 April 24 Nov. 10 Mar. 31 April 17 Nov. 18 Mar. 26 April 1 Places of Winds. to c 1 > a u Weather. c 'S > Observation. > N W days NE K days S E days s w days 2-64 5-96 6-42 1-67 w days 1-33 3-08 3-17 0.38 fair cldy days rain days 1 Idnys days 9-08 3-46 5-58 10 -.'iO days days Ft. Marion Ft. King... Ft. Brooke Ket V/est \-5r, 1-62 1-53 3-20 2-86 2-79 3-72 313 1-03 3 -.54 2-89 5-37 10-83 4-37 4-44 5-37 1-11 5-63 2-75 0-54 S E s w s w N E 19-02 25-75 20-33 21-54 5-19 2-88 4-47 3-08 6-22 1-89 5-64 5-92 Kail- Fair Fnir Fair "We must dismiss the subject, for the want of room, with the following summary obser\-ation of a writer who, had he lived, had given earnest of his capacity to make such contributions to the stock of science as would have done yet more honor to himself and his country: "No accurate thcrmometrical observations yet made in any part of the world, warrant the con- clusion that the tempt-raturc of a locality undergoes changes in any ratio of progression ; but con- versely, as all facts tend to establish the position that climates are stable, we are led to believe that tlie changes or perturbations of temperature to wliich a locality is subject, arc produced by some regular oscillations, the periods of which arc to us unknown. That climates are suscepti- ble of melioration bv the extensive changes prod\iced on the surface of the earth by the labors of man, has been pointed out already ; but these effects are extremely subordinate, compared with tlie modification induced by the striking features of physical gco?raphy — the ocean, lakes, monn tains, the opposite coasts of continents, and tL *• prolongation and enlargement toward the poles. (402) OBSERVING AND RECORDING FACTS. 21] familiarize yourself with them, as, when accumulated, they form the stores from which experience draws its deductions. Never suppose any fact too trivial to arrest attention, as what may at first seem ti-ivial, becomes, in many instances, far from being so ; it being only by the comparison of one circumstance with another, that their relative value can be ascertained ; and familiar knowledge alone can enable you to discriminate between those which influence others and those which stand in a state of isolation. In this point of view, obsex-vation is always valuable ; because at first the pupil must necessarily look upon all facts alike, whatever may ultimately be found to be their intrinsic 6r comparative importance. The unfoldino-s of experience alone can show to him which classes are to be regarded by themselves, and which are not only connected with, but form the character of others. Remember, also, that to observe facts correctly is not so easy a matter as may be at first supposed ; there is a proper time for the com- mencement of the investigation of their historj^ which, if not hit upon, all the deductions will be eiToneous ; and this is especially the case when you are performing experiments instituted for the purpose of corroborating opinions already adopted ; for, in this way, many an acute experimentalist has been proselytised into an eiToneous system of belief. But as pupils you should have no preconceived notions to gratify, no leanings to any species of prejudice. Look upon facts as they occur, and calmly, cau- tiously, and dispassionately contrast and compare them. It is only thus that you will be able to discriminate causes from consequences, to know the relative importance of one fact to another, and to make the results of actual observation in the field subservient to your acquiring a practical knowledsre of Aorriculture. (382.) The facts to which you should, in the first instance, direct youi attention, are the effects of the weather at the time, not only on the opera- tions of the fields and on their productions, but also on the condition of the live-stock. You should notice any remarkable occuiTence of heat or cold, rain or drouth, unpleasant or agi-eeable feeling in the air ; the effects following any peculiar state of the clouds, or other meteors in the air, as storms, aurora borealis, halos, and the like ; the particular operation of rain in retarding or materially altering the labors of the field, and the length of time and quantity of rain that it has taken to produce such an effect ; as well as the effects on the health or gi-owth of plants, and the comfort and condition of animals. The effects of cold, or snow, or drouth, upon the same subjects, deserve equal attention. (383.) You should particularly observe the time at which each kind of crop is committed to the ground ; how long it is till it afterward appears above it ; when it comes into ear ; and the period of harvest. Try also to ascertain the quantity of every kind of crop on the ground before it is cut down, and observe whether the event con-oborates your judgment. In the same way, try to estimate the. weight of cattle by the eye at different pe riods of their progress toward maturity of condition, and check your triak by measurements. The very handUng of beasts for the purpose of meas uring them will convey to you much information regarding their progress ive state of improvement. When sheep are slaughtered, attend to the weight of the carcass, and endeavor to correct any errors you may have committed in estimating their weights. (384.) Keep a register of each field of the farm ; note the quantity of 'abor it has received, the quantity of manure which has been applied, and the kind of crop sown on it, with the circumstances attending these opera- tions — whether they have been done quickly and in good style, or inter- ■'.iptedly, from the hinderance of the weather or other circui rnces ; and (403) 212 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. whether in an objectionable or favorable manner. Ascertain, in each field, the nunibiT oindtri-s required to make an acre, and whether the ridtjes be of equal lenijth or not. Jiy this you will the more ca.sily ascertain how much duntj the fiehl is receivintj per acre, the time taken to perform the same quantity of work on ridt!;eH of different lenc;lh, and the comparative value of crop produced (»n an acre in different j)arts of the field. The sub- division of the fit-Id into acres in this manner will also enable you to com- pare the rtdative values of the crops j)roduced on varieties of soil, if any, in the same field, under the same circumstances of treatment. (385.) Tlu^ t'asiest and most satisfactoiy ftiode of ])reserving and record- inc^ all thost' facts is in the tiihi/lar form, which admits of every fact being put - stract of the year ; but when the task, even if irksome, is for your pi-ofei« sional benefit, the time devoted to it should be cheerfully bestowed. ,(404) SOILS AND SUBSOILS. • 213 21. SOILS AND SUBSOILS. " I wander o'er the various rural toil, And know the nature of each different soil." Gav. (389.) Having expatiated on every subject w-ith which it seemed to ra' expedient that you should be acquainted, to prepare your mind for the re ception of lessons in practice, we shall now proceed together to study farm ing in right earnest. The first thing, as regards the farm itself, whic»- should engage your attention, is the kinds of soil which it contains. 'lt» become acquainted with these, so as to be able to identify them anywherB. you should know the external characters of every soil usually met with on a farm ; because very few farms contain only one kind of soil, and the gen- erality exhibit a considerable variety. (390.) Practicalhj, a knowledge of the external characters of soils is a matter of no great difficulty ; for, however complex the composition of any soil appears to be, it possesses a character belonging to its kind, which can- not be confounded with any other. The leading characters of ordiuaiy soils are derived from only two earths, day and sand, and it is the greater or less admixture of these which stamps the peculiar character of the soil. The properties of either of these earths are even found to exist in wnat seems a purely calcareous or purely vegetable soil. When either eartn is mixed with decomposed vegetable matter, whether supplied Tiaturally or artificially, the soil becomes a loam, the distinguishing character of which is derived from the predominating earth. Thus, there are clay soils and sandy soils, when either earth predominates ; and when either is mixed with decomposed vegetable matter, they are then clay loams and sandy loams. Sandy soils are divided into two varieties, which do not vary in kind, but only in degree. Sand is a powder, consisting of small, round particles of silicious matter; but when these are of the size of a hazel-nut and larger — that is, gravel — they give their distinguishing name to the soil ; they then form gravelly soils and gravelly loams. Besides these, there are soils which have for their basis another kind of earth — lime, of which the chalky soils of the south of England consist. But these ditfer in agricultural character in nothing from either the clay or sandy soils, ac- cording to the particular formation from which the chalk is derived. If the chalky soil is derived from flinty chalk, then its character is like that of a sandy soil ; but if from the under chalk-formation, its character is like that of clay. Wiiters on Agriculture also enumerate a peat-soil, derived from peat ; but peat, as crude peat, is of no use to vegetation, and, when it is decomposed, it assumes the properties of mould, and should be con- sidered as such ; and mould, which forms the essential ingi-edient of loams, is decomposed vegetable matter, derived either from Nature or fi-om arti- ficial application. So, for all practical purposes, soils are most conveni- ently divided into clayey and sandy, with their respective loams. (391.) Loam, in the sense now given, does not convey the idea attached to it by many ^vl•iters ; and many people talk of it as if it must necessarily consist of clay. Thus, Johnson, in defining the verb " to loam," gives as a synonym the verb "today;" and Bacon somewhere says that "the mellow earth is the best, between the two extremes of clay and sand, if i» (405, 214 THE BOOK THE FARM WINTER. be not loamy and hindinsj ;" evidently refi'ninjj to the binding property of clay. Sir Humphry Davy defines loam as " the impalpable part of the soil, which is usually called clay or loam.'"''* And Mr. Keid defines the same substance in these words : "The term 'loam' is applied to soils which consist of about one-third <»f finely-divided earthy matter, containing much carlninate of lime. Other soils are peaty, containing about one-half of vegetable matter."t Professor Low gives a more correct, though, in my opinion, nf)t the exact idea of a loam. " The decomposed organic portion of the soil," he tnily says, "may be termed mould ; but he con- tinues to say, and this is what I doubt, that " the fertility of soils is, caete- ris paribus, indicated by the greater or smaller proportion of mould which enters into their composition. When soils are thus naturally fertile, or are rendered permanently so by art, they are frequently tenned loa)n.s.'"\ You thus see what diversity of opinion exists as to what loam is. Loam, in my opinion, has chanijed its meaning so far since the days of Johnson, as to consist of any kind of earth that contains a large admixture of decomposed vegetable matter — I say a large admixture of vegetable matter, because there is no soil under cultivation, whether composed chiefly of clay or principally of sand, but what contains some decomposed vegetable matter. L'^nless, therefore, the decomposed vegetable matter of the soil so prepon- derates as to greatly modify the usual properties of the constituent earths, the soil cannot in truth be called by any other name than a clayey or sandy soil ; but when the vegetable matter so prevails as matenally to alter the properties of those earths, then a clay loam or a sandy loa?n is constituted — a distinction well known to the farmer. But, if it is neces- sary that clay should have a preponderance in loam, then a sandy loam must be a contradiction in terms. Again, a soil of purely vegetable ori- gin — such as crude peat or leaf-mould — cannot be called loam ; for ad- mixture of an earth of some sort is required to make loam, under every recorded definition of that term. Nor is the fertility of soils dependent on the greater or smaller proportion of mould or decomposed vegetable matter in their composition ; for there are soils with apparently very little mould in them, such as shaqi gravels, which are highly fertile ; and there are moulds, apparently with very little earth in them, such as deaf black mould, which are far removed from fertility. Thus, then, all soils have the pro])erties of clayey or sandy soils, and a considerable quantity of de- composed vegetable matter converts them into loam. Hence it is possible for husbandry to convert an earthy soil into a loam, as is exemplified in the vicinity of larjje towns. (392.) A pure c/a y-soil has ver>- distinctive external characters, by which you may easily recognize it. When fully wetted, it feels greasy to the foot, which slips upon it backward, forward, and sideways. It has an unctuous feel in the hand, by which it can be kneaded into a smooth homo- geneous mass, and retain any shape given to it. It glistens in the sunshine. It retains water upon its surface, and makes water veiy muddy when mixed with it or runs over it, and is long of .'settling to the bottom. It is cold to the touch, and easily soils the hand and any thinrr else that touches it. It cuts like soft chee.se with the spade, and is then in an tinfit state to be worked with the plow, or any other implement. When drv, clay-soil cracks into numerous fissures, feels verv- hard to the foot, and runs into lumps, which are often large, and both large and small are very difficult to be broken, and indeed cannot l>e pulverized. It soils the hand and clothes with a dry, light-colored, soft dust, which has no lustre. It is heavy in * Davy's Agriculnirsl ChemUtry, Pro rdiL IKS. f Reid's Chemistry of Nature. ] Low't Klemenu of Practical Agriculture, 2d edit (406) SOILS AND SIT MOILS. 215 weight, and difficult to labor. It absorbs moisture readily, and will adhere to the tongue. When neither wet nor dry, it is very tough, and soon be- comes very hard with a little drouth, or very soft with a little rain. On these accounts, it is the most ticklish of all soils to manage ; being, even in its best state, difficult to turn over with the plow, and to pulverize with other implements. A large strength of horses is thus required to work a clay-land farm ; for its workable state continues only for a short time, and it is the most obdurate of all soils to labor. But it is a powerful soil, its vegetation being luxuriant, and its production great. It generally occurs in deep masses, on a considerable extent of flat surface, exhibiting only a few undulations. It is generally found near a large river, toward its es- tuary, being supposed to have been a deposition fi-om its waters. Exam- ples of this kind of soil may be seen in Scotland, in the Carses of Gowrie, Stirling, and Falkirk. It may be denominated a naturally rich soil, with little vegetable matter in it, and its color is yellowish-gray, (393.) When a little sand and gravel are mixed icith day, its texture is very materially altered, but its productive powers are not improved. "When such a clay is in a wet state, it still slips a little under the foot, but feels harsh rather than greasy. It does not easily ball in the hand. It retains water on its surface for a time, which is soon partially absorbed. It ren- ders water very muddy, and soils everything by adhering to it ; and, on that account, never comes clean off the spade, except when much wetted with water. When dry, it feels hard, but is easily pulverized by any of the implements of tillage. It has no lustre. It does not soil the clothes much, and, though somewhat heavy to labor, is not obdurate. When be- twixt the states of wet and dry, it is easily labored, and can be reduced to fine tilth or mould. This kind of soil never occurs in deep masses, but is rather shallow ; is not naturally favorable to vegetation, nor is it naturally prolific. It occupies by far the larger portion of the surface of Scotland ; much of its wheat is grown upon it, and it may be denominated a naturally poor soil, with not much vegetable matter in it. Its color is yellowish- brown. (394.) Clay-loam — that is, either of those clays mixed with a large pro- portion of naturally decomposed vegetable matter — constitutes a useful and valuable soil. It yields the largest proportion of the fine wheats raised in this country, occupying a larger surface of the country than the carse-clay. It forms a lump by a squeeze of the hand, but soon crumbles aown again. It is easily wetted on the surface with rain, and then feels soft and greasy ; but the water is soon absorbed, and the surface is again as soon dry. It is easily labored, and may be so at any time after a day or two of dry weather. It becomes finely pulverized, and is capable of assuming a high temperature. It is generally of some depth, forming an excellent soil for wheat, beans, Swedish turnips and red clover. It is of a deep-brown color, often approaching to red. (395.) All clay-soils are better adapted to fibrous-rooted plants than to bulbs and tubers ; but it is that sort of fibrous root which has also a tap- root, such as is found in wheat, the bean, red clover, and the oak. The crops mentioned bearing abundance of straw, the plants require a deep hold of the soil. Clay-soils are generally slow of bringing their crops to maturity, which in wet seasons they never an-ive at; but in dry seasons they are always strong, and yield quantity rather than quality. (396.) A pure sandy soil is as easily recognized as one of pure clay. When wet, it feels firm under foot, and then admits of a pretty whole fur- row being laid over by the plow. It feels harsh and grating to the touch. When dry it feels soft ; and is so yielding, that every object of the least (407) 216 THE ROOK OF THE FARM WINTER. weight sinks in it : it is then apt to blow away with the wind. In an or- dinary state, it is well adapted to plants having fusiform roots, such as the carrot and parsnip. It acquires a high temperature in summer. Sandy soil generally occurs in deep masses, near the termination of the estuaries of large rivers, or along the sea shore ; and in some countries in the inte- rior of Europ(% and over a large proportion of Airica, it covers immense tracts of flat land, and is evidently a deposition from water. (397.) A grarvUy soil consists of a large j)roportion of sand ; but the greater part of its bulk is made up of small rounded fragments of rock brought together by the action of water. These small fragments have ])oen derived from all the rock-fomiatioiis, while the large bowlders, im- liedded principally under the surface, have been chiefly supplied by the older formations. Gravelly deposits sometimes occupy a large extent of surface, and are of considerable depth. Such a soil soon beccmies warm, but never wet, absorbing the rain as fast as it falls; and after rain, it feels somewhat firm under foot. It can be easily labored in any weather, and is not unpleasant to work, though the numerous small stones, which are seen in countless numbei's upon the surface, render the holding of the plow rather unsteady. As an instance of its dry nature, an old farmer of jrrav- elly soil used to joke with his plowmen, and offer them a " roasted hen " to their dinner on the day they got their feet wet at the plow. This soil is admirably adapted to plants having bulbs and tubers ; and no kjid of soil affords so dry and comfortable a lair to sheep on turaips, and on this account it is distinguished as " turnip-soil^ (398.) Savfly and gravelly loafns, if not the most valuable, are certainly the most useful of all soils. They become neither too wet nor too dry in ordinary seasons, and are capable of growing every species of croj), in every vaiiety of season, to considerable perfection. On this account, they are esteemed " kindly soils." They never occur in deep masses, nor do they extend over large tracts of land, being chiefly confined to the mar- gins of small rivers, forming haughs or holms, through which the rivers meander from their source among the mountains toward the larger ones, or even to the sea; and, in their progress, are apt at times to become so enlarged with rain, both in summer and winter, as to overflow their banks to a limited extent on either side, (399.) These are all the kinds of soil usually found on a farm ; and of these, the two opposite extremes of the pure clay and the pure sand may most easily be recognized by you. The intermediate shades in the va- rieties of soil, occasioned by modifications of greater or smaller (juantity of decomposed vegetable matter, it would be impossible to describe. Every soil, however, may be ranked under the general heads of clayey and sandy soils ; the gravelly and sandy, as you have learned, constituting diflerences rather in degree than in kind ; and as every soil possesses the property of either clay or sand — be the sand derived from silicious or calcareous de- posit — it is useless to maintain the nomenclature of chalky and peaty soils, although these distinctive terms may be retained to indicate the origin of the soils thereby implied by them. (400.) You are now jirepared to consider the question, what constitutes (he soil — properly so called ] You will perceive the propriety of such a question, when you consider the difterent ideas entertained of soil by per- sons of different denominations. The geologist considers the uppermost alluvial cove ng of the earth's crust as the soil, and whatever stratum that rests t pon, as the subsoil. The botanist considers as the soil that portion of the earth's surface which supports plants. People generally consider the gi'ound they walk upon as the soil ; but none of these ideas (408) SOILS AND SUBSOILS. 217 define the soil in the agricultural sense. In that sense, the soil consists only iii iivAl jfortion uf the earth which is stirred by the ploiv, and the sub- soil of* that which is A>und immediatehj beloio the flow's course. In this way the subsoil may consist of the same kind of eaith as the soil, or it may be quite different, or it may be of rock. As it is of importance for you to keep this distinction of soil and subsoil always in mind, the subject should be illustrated by a figure. Let a, fig. 34, be the surface of the Fig. 34. SECTIONS OF SOILS AND SUBSOILS. ground, the earthy mould derived from the growth and decay of natural plants ; b, a dotted line, the depth of the plow-furrow. Now, the plow-sole may either just pass through the mould, as at b, when the mould will be the soil, and the earth below it the subsoil : Or it may not pass entirely througli the mould, as at c, when the soil and subsoil will be similar, that is, both of mould : Or it may pass through the earth below the mould, as at d, W'hen the soil and subsoil will again be similar, while neither will be mould, but earth : Or it may move along the surface of e, when the soil v/ill be of one kind of earth, and the subsoil of another, that is, either an open subsoil of gravel, or a retentive one of clay : Oi" it may move upon the su7-face of /^ when the soil will be earth, or a mixture of clay, sand and mould, and the subsoil rock. These different cases of soil and sub- soil are represented in the figure, each in a distinct sectional division. (401.) The subsoil, then, in an agricultural sense, is the substance which is found immediately below the line of the course of the plow, be it earth or rock. However unifonn in substance, or similar in quality, the subsoil and soil may have been at one time, cultivation, by supplies of vegetable matter, and by presentation of the surface to the action of the air, soon effects a material difference betwixt them, and the diff*erence consists of a change both in texture and color, the soil becoming finer and ha^^ng a darker tint than the subsoil. (402.) The nature of the subsoil produces a sensible effect on the condition oj the soil above it. If the soil is clay, it is impervious to water, and if the subsoil is clay also, it is also impervious to water. The immediate effect of this juxtaposition is to render both soil and subsoil habitually wet, until the force of evapoiation dries fiist the one and then the other. A reten- tive subsoil, in the same manner, renders a sandy or gi'avelly, that is a po- rous, soil above it habitually wet. On the other hand, a gravelly subsoil, Tvhich is always porous, greatly assists to keep a retentive clay soil dry. — When a porous soil rests upon a porous subsoil, scarcely any degree of humidity can injure either. Rock may be either a retentive or a porous subsoil, according to its structure ; its massiveness throughout keeping '^V'M-y soil above it habitually wet ; but its stratification, if the lines of strat- Pcation dip downward from the soil (as at f, fig. 34), will keep even a re- tentive soil above it in a comparatively dry state. (403.) These are the different conditions of sit'^ und subsoils, considered (■lO'j) 218 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. practically. They have terms exprpssive of their state, which you should keep in remembrance. A s(jil is saiil to be utij" or hcaiy, when it is diffi- cult to cut through, and is otherwise laborious to work with the ordinary implements of the farm ; and all clay soils are more or less so. On the other hand, it is light or free, when it is easy to work ; and all sandy and gravelly soils, and sandy and gravelly loams, are so. A soil is said to t-5 icet, when it is habitually wet; and to be dnj, when habitually so. All soils, es])ecially clays, on retentive subsoils, are habitually wet ; and all soils on porous subsoils, especially gravels and gravelly loams, are habiti:- allv dry. Anv soil that cannot bring to maturity a fair crop, without an inordinate quantity of manure, is considered y^wvr ; and any one that does so naturallv, />i" vields a large retux'n with a moderate cjuantity of manure, is said to be rich. Thin, hard clays and ordinary sands are examples of poor soils ; and soft clays and deep loams, of rich. A soil is said to be deep, when the surface-earth descends a good way below the reach of the plow ; and in that case the plow may be made to go deeper than usual, and yd continue in the same soil ; and a soil is thin, when the plow can casilV reach beyond it. Good husbandry can, in time, render a thin soil deep ; and bad, shallow plowing may cause a deep soil to assume the character of a thin one. A deep soil conveys the idea of a good one, and a thin, or shallow, or ebb, that of a bad. Carse clays and sa.idy loams are instances of deep soils, and poor clays and poor gravels those of thin. A soil is said to be a hnvgry one, when it requires frequent applications of a larc^e quantity of manure to bear ordinary crops. Thin, poor giavels are instances of a hungiy soil. A soil is said to be grateful, when it returns a laro-er produce than was expected from what was done for it. All loams, whether clayey, gravelly, or sandy — especially the two last — are giateful soils. A soil is said to be Jdndli/, when every operation perfomied upon it can be done without doubt, and in the way and at the time desired. A sandy loam, and even a clay loam, both on porous subsoil, are examples of kindly soils. A soil is said to become sicA-, when rhe crop that has been made to grow upon it too frequently becomes deteriorated ; thus, soils soon become sick of growing red clover and turnips. A sharj) soil is that which contains such a number of small, gritty stones as to clear up the plow-irons quickly. Such a soil never fails to be an open one, and is ad- mirably adapted for turnips. A fine, gi-avelly loam is an instance of a sharp soil. Some say that a sharp soil means a readi/ one — that is, quick or prepared to do anything required of it ; but I am not of this opinion, because a sandy loam is ready enough for any crop, and it is never called a sharp soil. A deaf soil is the contrary of a sharp one ; that is, it con- tains too much inert vegetable matter, in a soft, spongy state, which is apt to be canied forward on the bosom of the plow. A deep, black mould, whether deiivcd from peat or not, is an example of a deaf soil. A jmrovs or open soil and subsoil, are those which allow water to pass through them freely and (piickly, of which a gi-avelly loam and gravelly subsoil are ex- amples. A retentive or close soil and subsoil retain water on them ; and a clay soil upon a clay subsoil is an instance of both. Some soils are always hard, as in the case of thin, retentive clays when dry, let them be ever so well worked ; while othere are soft, as fine, sandy loams, which are very apt to become so on being too often plowed, or too much marled. Some soils are always^«f, as in the case of deep, easy clay loams ; oth jrs coarse or harsh, as in thin, poor clays and giavels. A fine clay is sino th when iai a wet state, and a thin clayey gravel is roiigh. when dry. As* 1 is said p ..ave a fine skin when it can be finished off with a beautifully granulated Buiface. Good culture vnW bring a fine skin on ni%>iy soils, and rich sandy (410) SOILS AND SUBSOILS. 219 and clay loams have naturally a fine skin ; but no art can give a fine skin to some soils, such as thin, hard clay and rough giavel. (404.) The colors of soils and subsoils, though various, are limited in their range. Black soils are instanced in crude peat and deep vegetable mould ; and ichite are common in the chalky districts of England. Some soils are blue or hluish-gray, fi'om a peculiar sort of fine clay deposited at the bottom of basins of still water. But the most prevailing color is brown, fj-om light haii'-brown to dark chestnut, the hazel-brow^n being the most favorite color of the class. The sand and gravel loams are instances of these colors. The browns pass into reds, of which there are several vari- eties, all having a dark hue ; such, for instance, are some clay loams. The brown and red soils acquire high degi-ees of temperature, and they are also styled warm in reference to color. There are also yellow and gray soils, a mixture of which makes a yellowish-gray. They are always cold, both in regard to temperature and color ; and are the opposite, in these respects, to brown and red soils. Color is indicative of the nature of soils. Thus, all yellow and gray colors belong to clay soils. Gray sand and gray stones ai'e indicative of soils of moory origin. Black soils are deaf and inert ; the brown, on the other hand, are sharp and grateful, and many of them kind- ly ; while the reds are always prolific. The color of subsoils is less uni- form than that of soils — owing, no doubt, to their exclusion from culture. Some subsoils are very party-colored ; and the more they are so, and the brighter the colors they sport, they are the more injurious to the soils above them : they exhilait gray, black, blue, green, bright red, and bright yellow colors. The dull red and the chestnut brown subsoils are good ; but the nearer they approach to hazel brown the better. Dull browns, reds, and yellowish grays are permanent colors, and are little altered by cultivation ; but the blues, greens, bright reds and yellows become darker and duller by exposure to the air and by admixture with manures. (405.) These ax-e all the remarks required to be made on soils, in as far as practice is concerned ; but a great deal yet remains to be said of them as objects of natural history, and subjects of chemistry, and, above all, as the staple of the farm. Part of the natural history, and pai't of their chem istry, will appear in the paragi-aphs immediately below, and part of both will deserve our attention when we treat of the fertility of soils ; but the management of soils will occupy our thoughts through ever'y season. (406.) The external characters of minerals established by Werner, and recognized by- mineralogists, have never been used to describe agricultural soils. It would, perhaps, sen'e no practical purpose to do so ; because there are naturally such minute shades in the varie- ties of soils, and those shades are constantly undergoing changes in the course of good and bad modes of cultivation, that definitions, even when establishad, would soon become inap- plicable. In respect, therefore, to a scientific classification of soils by external character there ai-e as yet no data upon which to establish it, and the only alternative left is to adop' such a division as I have endeavored to describe. In adopting that classification I have sub* divided it into fewer heads than other writers on the same subject have done. In their sub- divisions they include calcareous and peaty soils with the clayey and sandy. Practically ,- however, calcareous matter cannot be detected in ordinary soils ; and, as to chalky soils themselves, their management is so similar to that of light and heavy ordinary soils, accord- uig to the formation from which they are derived, that no practical distinction, as I have said, need be drawn betwixt them ; and in regard to peaty soils, when reduced to earth, which they easily are by cultivation, they partake of the character of mould. The kind of mould which they forai you will learn when I come to treat of the fertility of soils. (407.) In regard to the relation of soils to the subjacent strata, it is held by a recent prac- tical writer on soils that " the surface of the earth partakes of the nature and color of the sub- Boil or rock on which it rests. The principal mineral in the soil of any district is that of the geological formation under it ; hence we find argillaceous soil resting on the various clay formations — calcareous soil over the onalk — and oolitic rocks and silicious soils, over the va rious sandstones. On the chalk the »»1 if \k\,'"^\ i.u tbo r«d SHndstone it is red ; and on IH» (411) t20 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WiNTER. sands and clavs the surface has nearly the same shade of ctAnr as the 8nl>»oil."* I do not think that tkiii dt'scription of the position of soil* i* eenerally correct, because many instances occur Ui mr knowledge of great tract* of goils, including sul)#nn soil : and his reference to the various geological f<)miations of England, in explanation of the soils louud above them, wan-ant the correctness of this impression ; but it is this very impression which I wish to remove from your minds, because it conveys, :u my opinion, an erroueous idea of the origin of soils. (■I(lf».) No doubt the chemical action of the air, and the physical force of rain, frost, and wind, pnnluce visible effects u|ion the most indurdted rocks, but, of coui-se, much greater ef- fects ii|)on incoherent rocks. We know that the action of these agents loads the waters of the Ganges with detritus to the extent of2i percent, of their volume, which is an enoiTnous quantiiy'when we consider that the water discharged by that river into the sea is 500,000 cubic feet ;)er second, although this amount falls far short of Major Rennel's statement of 25 per cent. ; yet these agents have not had sufficient pnver to accumulate, by their owii action on iiuiurated n»cky strata, all the de|x»sils of clay, gravel, and sand, found accimnilated W the depth of many feet. Combined in their action, they could only originate a mere o i ng of soil over the surface of indurated rock, if the rock were situated within the regicrs .^( -.A-n- nogamous veg'Jtation, because then it would be consianily covered with p'^s*. 'V».t tl« planU, in then "nni, wcmld protect to? rocks against the action of tbov.< 4,i>'Hcies, and, al- though they cMild not entirely prevent, lliey could at least reUid, ibr accumulation of soil beyond what the decay of vegetation supplied. Even in the tropics, where vegetation dis- plays its greatest luxuriance on the globe, the mould does not increase, though the decay of vegetables every year is enormous. " Tho quantity of timber and vegetable matter which grows in a tropical forest in the courseofac— 'turj." says .Mr. Lyell, " is enormous, and mul- tinides of animal skeletons are scattered there during the same period, besides innumerable * Morton on ?'oiIs. 1 Vrize Kssays of the Highland and AffricuIlunU Society, toL sfiL i De la Beche, How lo Obaervc Geulogy. |1 De la Beche* Manual of Ceolog)-. (412) SOILS AND SUBSOILS. 2!> laad shells and other organic substances. The aggregate of these materials, therefore, mi<^ht constitute a mass greater in volume than that wliich is produced in any coral-reef durin" the same lapse oi' years ; but, although this process should continue on the land for ever, no moxmtains of wood or bone would be seen sb-etching far and wide over the countiy, or push- ing out bold promontories into the sea. The whole soHd mass is either devoui-ed by animals, or decomposes, as does a portion of the rock aaJ soil (into their gaseous constituents) on which the animals and plants are supported.''^ These are the causes of the prevention of the accumulation of soils in the ti'opics. In colder regions a similar result is thus brought about. " It is well known," continues Mr. Lyell, " that a covering of herbage and shnibs may protect a loose soil fi-oni being carried away by rain, or even by the ordiuaiy action of a river, and may prevent hills of loose sand from beuig blown away by the wind ; for the roots bind together the separate particles into a firm mass, and the leaves intercept the rain-water, 80 that It dries up gradually, instead of flowing oft" in a mass and with great velocity. "t (410.) Some other agent, therefore, more powei-fiil than tlie ordinary atmospherical ele- ments, must be brought to bear upon indui-ated I'ocks, before a satisfactoiy solution of the fonnation of soils can be given. This other agent is water ; but the moment that we assent to the agency of water bemg able by its gi'eat abrasive power and gi'eat buoyant property, when in motion, to transport the abraded parts of rocks to a distance, and let them tall on coming in contact with some opjTOsing banier, that moment we must abandon the idea of soils havmg been universally derived from the indurated rocky strata upon which they are found to rest. I quite agree with Mr. Buist in the conclusions he has drawn in regard to Boils, after he had described their relative positions to the rocks upon which they rest in a large and important district of Perthshire, where he says, " that the alluvial matters of these districts, in general, belong to periods much more remote than those ordinarily assigned to them, and came mto existence under circumstances prodigiously difterent from those which presently obtain : that the present causes — that is, the action of our modem rivers, brooks, and toiTents, and of the air and water on the surfaces now exposed to them — have had but little share in modifying om- alluvial fonnations, or bringing them into their present fomi. — The doctrine seems to me most distinctly demonstrable, that wherever gravel or clay beds alternate with each other, and wherever bowlder stones prevail remote from the parent rock, or cut oft" from it by high intervening ridges, that, at the time when the surface of the solid rock became covered with such alluvium, much the gi-eater part of it was hundreds of feet beneath the waves. The supposition of the prevalence of enormous lakes, requiring barriers only less stupendous than our highest secondaiy mountain-ranges, whose outbursts must have swept every movable thing before them, seems far more untenable than the assumption that the present dry land, at the era of bowlders being tiansported, was beneath the level of the ocean, from which, by slow elevations, it subsequently emerged. Our newer alluvia, again, ■which are destitute of en-atic bowlders in general, such as our Carse of Gowrie and other clays, must have originated when the sea occasionally invaded the land to such moderate ex- tent that the transportation of rocky masses, fi-om great distances from our mountain-land, had been rendered impossible, by the intenention of elevated ridges, or of secondaiy mountain- i-anges.''^ More than this, is it not probable that, when the sti-atified rocks were being de- posited in water, portions of the matter of which they were about to be formed weie car- ried away by cui'rents, and, by reason of the motion given them, were deposited in eddies xn a mechanical state, instead of getting leave to assume the crystiiline form of indurated stratified rock ? May not all diluvium have thus originated, instead of being abraded fi-om solid strata, although it is possible that some portion may have been derived from the abra- sion of rocks ? It is also quite conceivable that where indurated rocks, such as ch;ilk, and sandstone, and limestone, were left bare by the subsiding waters, and exposed to atmospher- ica'- influences, part of the soil upon them may have been derived at first immediately from them. (411.) The soil, or incoherent rocks, when complete in all theii* members, consist of three parts. The oldest or lowest part, not unfrequently teniied diluvium, but which is an ob- jectionable term, inasmuch as it conveys the idea of its having been formed by the Noachiau deluge, wliich it may not have been, but may have existed at a much older period of the globe. This cannot be called a/luvium, according to the definition of that deposit given by Mr. Lyell, who considers it to consist of " such transported matter as has been thrown down, whether by rivers, floods, or other causes, upon laud not permanently submerged beneath the waters of lakes or seas — I say 'permanently submerged, in order to distin- guish betw^een alluviums and regular subaqueous deposits. These regular strata," he con- tniues, " are accumulated in lakes or great submarine receptacles ; but the alluvium is iu the channels of rivers or currents, where tlie materials may be regarded as still in transitu, or on their way to a place of rest."|| Diluvium, therefore, should rather be tenned subaque- ous deposits, and may consist of clay, or gravel, or sand, in deep masses and of large extent. It may, in fact, be trimsported materials, which, it they had been allowed to remain in their * Lyell's Principles of (^"eology, vol. iii. f Ibid. t Prize Kseayg of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, vol. xiii. J {.yell's Principles of Geclogy, vol. iii. (413) 222 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. original site, would have formed indurated aluminous and silicious rocks. When such sub- aqueous deposits are exposed to atmospherical influences, an arable soil is easily formed ujion ihem. (412.) True alluvial deposits may raise themselves by accumulation above their depositing waters, and ait can assist the natural process, by the erection of enibiuikmeuts against tlie en- croachments of these waters, and by the casting out of large ditches for carrying them away, as has been done in several places in the rivers and coasts of our country. Atmospherical mfluences soon raise an arable soil on alluvium. (413.) The third member of soils is the upper mould, which has been directly derived from vegetation, and can only come into e.\istence after either of the other soils has been placed in a sitiiation favorable for the support of plants. Mould, being in contact v^nlh air, always exists on tlie surface, but when either the subacpieous deposit or tlie alluvium is wantuig, the mould then rests upon the one present ; or both may be wanting, and then it rests upon the indurated rocky strata. (414.) When the last case happens, if the rocky stratum is porous, by means of numerous fissures, or is in inclined beds, the arable soil is an earthy mould of good quality for agricul- tural purposes ; such as are the moulds upon sandstones, limestones, and trap, and the up- per chalk fonnatiou; but if it rest on a massive rock, then the mould is converted into a spongy, wet j)abulum for subaquatic plants, forming a marsh, if the site is low, and if high, it is converted into tliin peat ; and both are worthless soils for Agriculture. When the mould rests immediately upon clay subaqueous deposit, a coarse and rank vegetation exists upon it, and if the water which supports it has no opportunity of passing away, in time a bog is formed by the cimiidative growth of the subaquatic mosses.* When mould, on the otlier hand, is fonned on gi-avelly deposit, the vegetation is short, and dry, and sweet, and particulai'ly well adapted to promote the sound feeding and health of sheep. On such de- posits water is never seen to remain after the heaviest fall of rain. When mould rests on al- luvial deposit of whatever natTire, a rich soil is the consequence, and it will be naturally dry only when the deposit is gravelly or sandy. (41.5.) Mr. De La Beche seems to think that farmers do not know the reason why subsoils are favorable or unfavorable to the soil upon them.t I suspect they know more about them than he is aware of. They know quite well that a diy subsoil is more favorable to Agricul- ture than a retentive one ; that gi~dvel forms a drier subsoil than clay ; and that the reason why tliese results should be so is, that clay, or a massive rock, will not let water pass tlu-ough it so easily as gi-avel, and I presume no geologist knows more of the matter. (416.) [We must now obsers^e soils and subsoils in another point of view. A practical outline of the characters of various soils, and the manner in which they may be distinguished one from another, having been already pointed out to you, my intention now is, to consider them scientifically, for the purpose of preparing your minds for follo\\-ing me through the mazy windings of theoretical Agriculture, as developed by the joint application of chemistry, mechanical philosophy, and vegetable physiology. Although, to the contemplative and still more to the speculative student, this branch of the subject will exhibit the greatest charms, still I beg you to bear m mind continually, that it is with practice you have to do, and that theory must oidy be used cautiously as an adjunct to well-studied and assiduously -applied practical knowledge ; and although, by so doing, I fully believe you will not only increase greatly your interest in the whole matter, but will likewise proceed vv-ith more rapid sti'ide.* in the progress of improvement, I feel equally satisfied that an opposite course, viz. the study of theory antecedent to the application of practice, will almost invariably be productive of just the opposite effects, viz. the retardation of your real advance in knowledge, and wiU, moreover, make you nin a rea t risk of becoming speculative men, than wliich uotliing can be more inimical to real improvement. (417.) Soil, considered scientifically, may be described to be essentially a mixture of an imjialpable jrowder with a greater or smaller quantity' of visible particles of all sizes and shapes. Careful examination will prove to us, that although the visible particles have seve- ral indirect effects, of so great importance that they are absolutely necessary to soU, still ihe impalpable powder is the only portion which directly exerts any influence upon vegetation. Tliis impalpable powder consists of two distinct classes of substances, viz. inorganic or mis- tral matters, and animal and vegetable substances, in all the various stages of decomposition. (418.) A very simple method may be employed to separate these t^vo classes of particles from each other, viz. the impalpable powder and the visible particles ; and, in so doing, we obtain a veiy useftil index to the real value of the soil. Indeed all soils, except stiff" clays, can be discriminated in this mamier. The greater the proportion of the impalpable matter, the gi'eater, cceteris paribus, will be the fertility of the soil. (438.) (419.) To effect this separation, the following easy experiment may be performed Take a glass tube about 2 feet long, closed at one end ; fill it abo\it lialf full of water, and shake into it a sufficient quantity of the soil to be examined to fill the tube about 2 inches fiom the bottom ; then put in a cork, and liaving shaken the tube well to mix the earth and water * For an account of the origin of Bogs, see Aiton on Moas. t Pe La Beche, How to observe Geology. (414) SOILS AND SUBSOILS. 22^ thoroughly, set the tube in an upright position, for the soil to settle down. Now, as the larger particles are of course the heavier, they fall first, and form the undermost layer of the deposit, and so on in regular gradation, the impalpable powder being the last to subside, and hence occupying the uppermost portion. Then by examining the relative thickness of the various layers, and calculating their proportions, you can make a very accurate mechanical analysis of the soil. (420.) The stones which we meet with in soil have in general the same composition as the soil itself, and hence, by their gradually crumbling down under the action oftair and moisture, they are continually adding new impalpable matter to the soil, and as I shall show you here- after the large quantity of this impalpable mineral matter which is annually removed by tho crops, you will at once perceive that this constant addition must be of great value to the soil. This, therefore, is one important fiinction performed by the stones of soil, viz. their afibrding a continually renewed supply of impalpable mineral matter. (421.) When we come to consider the nourishment of plants, we shall find that their food undergoes various preliminary changes in the soil previous to its being made use of by the plants, and the aid of chemistry will prove to us that the effect is produced by the joint action of air and water ; it follows, therefore, that soil must be porous. Now, this porosity of the soil is in part produced by the presenct of the larger particles of matter, which, being of all varieties of shape, can never fit closely together, but always leave a multitude of pores between them ; and in this manner permit of the free circulation of air and water through the soil. (422.) As the porous nature of soil may, to a certain extent, be taken as an index of its power of retaining moisture, it is advisable to determine its amount. This is effected in the following way : Instead of putting the water first into the tube, as directed above (419), and shaking the soil into it, take a portion of soil dried by a heat of about 200° F. and shake it into the dry tube, and by tapping the closed end frequently on the table, make the soil lie compactly at the bottom ; when you have fuUy effected this, that is, when farther tapping produces no reduction of bulk, measure accurately the column of soil, cork the tube, shake it till the soil becomes again quite loose, and then pour in the water as directed above (419.) After it has fully subsided, tap the tube as before, and re-measui-e ; the increase of bulk is dependent upon the swelling of each particle by the absorption of water, and hence shows the amount of porosity. In very fertile soil I have seen this amount to one-sixth of the whole bulk. (423.) The fimctions of the impalpable matter are far more complicated, and will require a somewhat detailed description. In this poi-tion of the soil the mineral and organic matter are so completely united that it is quite impossible to separate them from each other ; indeed, there are very weighty reasons for believing that they are chemically combined. It is from this portion of the soil that plants obtain all their mineral ingi-edients, and likewise all their organic portions, in so far as these are obfrained by the roots ; in fact, plants receive nothing from the soil, except water, which has not been associated with that portion which is at present engaging our attention. (424.) The particles forming the impalpable matter are in such close apposition that the whole acts in the same way as a sponge, and is hence capable of absorbing liquids and re taiiiing them. It is in this way that soil remains moist so near the surface even after a long continued drouth ; and I need not tell you how valuable this property must be to the plants, since by tliis means they are supplied with moisture during the heat of summer, when otherwise, unless artificially watered, they would very soon wither. (425.) Another most useful function of this impalpable portion is its power of separating organic matter from water in which it has been dissolved. Thus, for example, if you take the dark brown liquid which flows from a dunghill, and pour it on the surface of some earth in a flower pot, and add a sufficient quantit)' to soak the whole earth, so that a portion flows out through the bottom of the pot, this latter liquid will be found much lighter in color than before it was poured upon the earth, and this effect will be increased the nearer the soil ap- proaches in its nature to subsoil. Now, as the color was entu'ely owing to the organic mat- ter dissolved in it, it follows that the loss of color is dependent upon an equivalent loss of or- ganic matter, or, in other words, a portion of the organic matter has entered into chemical combination with the impalpable mineral matter, and has thus become insoluble in water. The advantage of this is, that when soluble organic matter is applied to soil, it does not all soak through with the water and escape beyond the reach of the roots of the plants, but is retained by the impalpable portions m a condition not hable to uijury from rain, but still ca pable of becoming food for plants when it is required. (426.) Hitherto I have pointed out merely the mechanical relations of the various constit- uents of soil, with but little reference to their chemical constitution ; this branch of the sub- ject, although by far the most important and interesting, is nevertheless so difficult and com- plex that 1 cannot hope for the practical farmer doing much more than making himself famil- iar with the names of the various chemical ingredients, and learning their relative value as respects the fertility of the soil ; as to his attempting to prove their existence in his own soil by analysis, I fear that is far too difficult a subject for him to grapple with, unless regularly educated as an analytical chemist. (415) 224 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (427.) Sfiil, to be useful to the British agriculturist, must contain no less than 12 different chemical substances, viz. silica, alumina, oxide of inm, o.iide of manganese, lime, magnesia, potass, 8<^>da. phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, chlorine, and organic matter; each of these sub- stances must engage our attention siiortly ; and as I by no means purpose to burden youi' memories by relatuig all the facts of interest connected wth them, I sliali confine my obser rations almost solely to their relative imjx»rtaiK-e to plants, and their amount in soil. (428.) Silica. This is the pure matter of sauil, and also constitutes on an average about 60 per cent, of the various clays ; so that in soil it generally amounts to from 75 to 9.'j per cent. In its uncombined state, it has no direct influence ujjon plants, beyond its mechanical action, in supporting the roots, &.c. ; but, as it possesses the properties of an acid, it unites with various alkaline matters in the eoU, and produces comjHJUuds which are requii-ed in greater or less quantity by everj' plant. The chief of these are the silicates of potass and soda, by which expression is meant the comporlance to plants; whereas, the remaining 8 are so absolutely essential that no soil can be cultivated with anv success unless provided with them, either naturally or artificially. And when you consider tliat scarcely any of them constitute 1 per cent, of the soil, you will no doubt at first be surprised at their value. The sole cause of their utility lies in the fact that they constitute the ashes of the plants ; and as no plant can, by possibility-, thrive v^-iihout its inorganic con stituents (its ashes), hence no soil can be fertile which does not contain the ingredients of which these are made up. I shall not treat of each separately, but will fiuiiish you witli one or two analyses of soil to show their importance, and to impress them more fully on your memorj'. I regret that I must look to foreign works to fhmish these analyses ; but the truth is, we have not one single published analysis of Briti.«h soil by a British chemist whicli is worth recording. Sir Humphiy Davy just analyzed soil to determine the amount of the first 4 substances mentioned, and one or two olliers, and failed to detect 5 or 6 of the most import- ant ingredieriLs. In tact, the only u.seful analyses we possess are those performed by Spren- gel, and <)uoted in Dr. Lyon Playfair's second edition of Liebig's Organic Chemistry appUed to Agriculmre, from which valuable woik I quote the following examples. (433.) Ajialysis of a very fertile aUuvial soil from Honigpolder. Com had been cultivated upon this soil for 70 years without any manure ha\Tng been applied to it, but it was now and then allowed to lie fallow : Silica with fine silicious sand ,..64.800 Alumina 5.700 Peroxide of iron 6.100 manganese 0.090 Lime 5.880 Mspnesia 0.840 Potass combined with silica 0.210 Soda combined vith silica 0.393 Sulphuric acid combined with lime 0.210 Chlorine in common salt 0.201 Phosphoric acid combined tcitk lime 0.4.30 Carbonic acid combined with lime 3.920 _ . (Humus 5.600 organic^ Hnmus »o/mW« in alkalies 2.540 ™"^®'- ( Azotized matter 1.582 Water 1 .504 lOO.OOO* Liebig's Organic Chemistry applied to Agriculture, 2d edit (4J6J SOILS AND SUBSOILS. 225 ^434.) Alluvial soil from Ohio, remarkable for its fertility — Silica with fine silicious sand 79.538 Alumina 7.306 Protoxide and peroxide of iron, with mnch magnetic iron-sand 5.824 Peroxide of manganese 1.320 Lime 0.619 Magnesia 1.024 Potass combined with silica 0.200 Soda - 0.02,4 Phosphoric acid combined with lime and iron 1.7.6 Sulpliuric acid combined with lime 0.122 Chlorine in common salt 0.036 f^ ■ (Hamaa soluble in alkalies 1.950 """^f""^^ Humus with azotized matter 0.236 matter, ^ jj^egj^oug matter and wax 0.025 100.000 (435.) Loamy sand from the environs of Brunswick, very barren — Silica with coarse silicious sand 95.843 Alumina 0.600 Peroxide of iron 1.800 Peroxide of manganese a trace. Potass and soda 0.005 Lime combijied w ith silica 0.038 Magnesia combined with silica 0.006 Sulphuric acid 0.002 PhosphorK acid combined with iron 0.198 Chlorine in common salt 0.006 Organic { Humus 0.502 matter, ( Humus soluble in alkalies 1.000 100.000 Here the sterility is evidently produced by the small amount of potass, soda, lime, magne- sia, and sulphuric acid — all of -which are essential for the ashes of most of our usually culti- vated crops. (43<).) These analyses -will give you some idea of the complex nature of the soil, and the necessity of most minute analysis if we wish to ascertain its real value. The reason for such minuteness in analysis becomes obvious when we consider the immense weights with whicli you have to do in practical Agriculture ; for example, every imperial acre of soil, considered as only 8 inches deep, will weigh 1884 tons, so that 0.00*2 percent, (the amount of sulphm-ic acid in the barren soil) amounts to 80.64 lbs. per imperial acre. (437.) I have purposely avoided saj-ing anything of the organic matter of soil, as tliis is a most complicated subject, and will be far better considered under the head of manures. (438.) All these substances, except the silica contained in the form of sand, constitute the impalpable matter of soil. It is evident, therefore, that this may differ much in chemical constitution without ditfering in amount, and yet have the greatest influence upon the fertil- ity of the soil ; my design, therefore, of introducing the words " casteris paribus" in para- gi-aph (418) was to induce you to bear in mind thafthe statement refers solely to soil consid- ered mechanically. For fear of being misunderstood, therefore, I would paraplirase the sen tence thus : Witliout a certain amount of impalpable matter, soil cannot possibly be fertile , yet, while the existence of this material proves the soil to be mechanically well suited for cultivation, chemical analysis alone can prove its absolute value to the fanner. (439.) Potass and soda exist in variable quantities in many of the more abundant miner- als, and hence it follows that their proportion in soU will vary according to the mineral which produced it. For the sake of reference, I have subjoined the following table, which shows the amount per cent, of alkalies in some of these minerals, and likewise a rough calculation of the whole amount per imperial acre in a soil composed of these, supposing such a soU to be 10 inches deep. Name of Mineral. Amount per cent, of Alkali. Name of Alkali. .4mount per Imperial Acre in a soil 10 inches deep. 17.75 3.31 to 6.62 2.75 to 3.31 5.75 to 10. 927,360 lbs. Potass and Soda 161.000 to 322,000 lbs. Clay-slate 80.500 to 161.000 lbs. Basalt Potass and Soda 37,887 to 56.875 lbs. (440.) From the above table you see the abundant quantities in which these valuable sub- stances are contained in soU ; some, however, of you, who are acquainted with chemistry, will naturally ask the question. How is it that these alkalies have not been long ago washed away by the rain, since they are both so very soluble in water ? Now the reason of their not having been dissolved is the following ; and it may in justice be taken as an example of (417) 15 22G THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINIHR those wise provisions of Nature, whereby what is useful is never wasted, and yet is at all times supplied abuiidjuuly. (441.) These iilkiilies exist in combination with the various other ingredients of the rock in whicn they occur, and in this way have sucli a jiovverful attraction for each other that they are capable of resisting completely the solvent action of water so long as the integrity- of the mass is retained. When, however, it is reduced to a perfectly impalpable powder, this at- ti-action is diminished to a considerable extent, and then the alkali is much more easily dis- solved. Now this is the case in soil ; and, consecpiently, while the stony portions of soil con- tain a vast supply of these valuable ingredients m a condition in which water can do them no injury, the impalpable powder is supplied with them in a soluble state, and hence in a condition available to the wants of vegetation. (44'2.) In the rocks which we have mentioned, the alkalies are always associated -with clay, and it is to tins substance tliat they have the greatest attraction ; it follows, therefore, that the more clay a soil contains, the more alkalies will it have, but at the same time it will yield them less easily to water, and through its medium to plants. — H. R. M.] 22. PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. " Next, fcnc'd with hedges and deep ditches round, Exclude th' encroaching cattle from thy ground." Dryden's ViRGir.. (443.) Immediately in connection with the subject of inclosures is the construction of the fences by which the fields are inclosed. There ar." only two kinds of fences usually employed on farms, namely, thorii-Jicdg and stonc-dykcs. As winter is the proper season for planting, or runninj^, as it is termed, thorn-hedges, and summer that for building stone-dykes, I shall here describe the process of planting the hedge, and defer the de- scription of building the dyke until the anival of the summer season. It may be that the farm on which you have entered as a pupil, or that which you have taken on lease, may not require to be fenced with thorn-hedges. Still it is requisite that you should be inade acquainted with the best mode of planting them.* [* The dryness of our soil and climate, and yet more the want of fersiatcnce which character- izes American agriculturists, and which is so particularly requisite in the formation of a good hedge, will render the rearing of hedges a work of very limited extent and of doubtful success. Moreover, the liahility of all estates to be again and again divided and subdivided, will cooperate with other reasons to the same end. Still, they answer well and arc highly ornamental for small inclosures, and for that purpose we are inclined to believe the Madura, or Osage Orange, will prove valuable as it is beautiful, as any one may see at Mr. Cushing's, near Boston. As an agricultural topic, we confess we do not regard it as one of general interest, and might have omitted it altogether but for reasons already alleged, in similar cases. The subscriber -who reflects that in Stephens's Book of the Farm he is getting a work that would cost him more than $20, will be content to put up with some things that may not have for him immediate value. On large estates in the South, everything forbids the expectation that hedges will ever be re- sorted to as division fences ; and on small ones in the North, stone supplies a more convenient material. Besides, we anticipate the extension of the soiling system, of which one great bene- fit will be, that cross fences may be dispensed with, and thus one of the greatest burdens on Agriculture be shaken off In the old American Farmer much may be found on the subject of hedges. It was verj' fully treated oy Caleb Kirli, an intelligent practical Quaker farmer of Delaware. But what is now needed to be known by American cultivators who are disposed to make experiments in hedging, is well condensed in the following article from that popular and excellent periodical, the old Albany CuUivator : Hedges for America. — A great difference of opinion exists in relation to hedges for this country. There have been some very successful attempts, and there have also been many failures. An examination into the cavsex of this difference of success, in actual experimiuits, will doubtless be of use, and enable us to judge whether hedges possess advantages over other kinds of fence (418) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 227 (444 ) The proper time for planting thorn-hedges extends from the fall of the leaf, in autumn, to April, the latter period being late enough. The state of the ground usually chosen for the process is when in lea. 1 recom- in any case. We lately examined several specimens of successful hedge-making. A part of thetn were made by John Bx)binson, of Palmyra, N. Y., a vigorous and enterprising English farmer, v^^hose experiments are of several years' continuance. He has over a hundred rods of hedge in different stages of growth, the management or treatment of which appears to be par- ticularly worthy of attention. The young thorns are set out in the hedge-row at two years of age, after which they are cut off at the surface of the ground the first year, to cause a thick growth of sprouts ; they are again cui off the second year, from four to six inches from the ground, according to their hight and vigor, which causes a second crop of thick sprouts at that hight ; the third year they are cut off six or eight inches higher, and so on, rising about at that rate until the hedge is five or six feet high. This mode of treatment, which is well known and often practiced in England, obviates the neces- sity of plashing, if it is successfully performed ; the successive crops of thick sprouts thus occa- sioned, densely interlace each other, and the hedge becomes a thick mass of entangled shoots and branches, which cannot be separated. It is in fact precisely similar to the process ot'feltine-. but on a larger scale ; and when the best specimens thus grown are forcibly shaken at any point, whole rods on either side are shaken with it as in one mass. This felting property thus becomes of more value by far, to the impregnability of the hedge, than the thorns. One hedge had received three different modes of treatment. A part had been imperfectly cultivated ; another portion had been well cultivated for a distance of two feet on each side ; and a third stood on ground which was trenched two feet deep before planting. The growth of the second was twice as great as the first, and of the trenched portion still greater. Indeed, one may as well think of raising corn by planting a row in a thick meadow, as to raise a good hedge with- out keeping the soil constantly mellow about the young trees. A space two feet wide on either side of the hedge is the distance usually kept cultivated. From six to eight years are needed to make a good, substantial hedge, proof against cattle. These hedges are set on a bank about eighteen inches above the surface, with a ditch two feet deep serving to carry off surface water on one side. The plants are set six inches apart. If closer, they do not grow so well. The greatest difficulty which J. Robinson finds, is protecting the young hedge for several years, until it is proof against cattle. For, although it may be placed along the side of a fence, next to crops, or meadow, yet in the course of rotation it is thrown into pasture, and is thus en- dangered. A longer course of alternating crops would be the remedy in usual cases. Hedges for plashing are not subjected to the successive shortening down which has been ju.st described ; but the young stems are suffered to grow until several feet high and an inch or more in diameter, when they are cut partly off near the ground and bent over to an angle of forty-five degrees in the direction of the line of the hedge. A thick growth of branches is not needed be- fore this operation. All the large, branches should be cut off at the time, but not clo.sely. Young shoots afterward ascend, and growing upright, form cross-bars with the main stems which have been bent over, and interlocking with them produce a sort of lattice-work possessing ultimately great strength. A small portion of the trees are not bent, but remain upright, to stiffen the rest, and slender poles are run along the top, alteniating with them, to keep them to their place until the whole is firmly established. These poles being green and of perishable wood, cost little, and rot out when they are no longer needed. The selection of suitable trees for forming hedges, is of the very first importance. One great reason, without any doubt, why so many have failed in their experiments, is bad selection, or a want of adaptation of certain species to the climate where they were used. The English haw- thorn has been found entirely unsuited to most parts of the United States. At Newburgh, accord- ing to A. J. Downing, "its foliage becomes quite brown and unsightly after the first of August." He also remarks that it is there extremely liable to the attacks of the borer. Farther south, where the summers are longer and dryer, and consequently more dissimilar to those of England, it is of no value whatever. But in the cooler summers of Western New- York, and where, perhaps, the soil may exert also a favorable influence, it has continued to flourish in well-managed hedges for many years. All the hedges of John Robinson, already described, are of this species ; a very vigorous hedge, on the grounds of John Baker of Macedon, N. Y., is of the same. "We had sup- posed that moist, rich land would be better suited to this thorn than dry upland ; but in the ex- periments of these intelligent farmers it has been found that good fertile upland is incomparably better. The sudden failures, however, of this thorn, in some places farther south, should induce its cautious use on a large scale, especially while American species have been found in most parts of the country so much superior. The Washington thorn, fCratcegus cordata) is preferred by some, and pos.sesses the advantage of the seeds vegetating freely the first year. But in Pennsyl- vania and Delaware, where both this and the Newcastle thorn (C. crus-galli) have been ex- tensively used for many years, the latter has in all cases been found so decidedly superior in hardiness, vigor and freshness of growth, to the former, as to give it eminently the preference. Indeed, the Newcastle thorn appears to be the only American species extensively tried, which has, in all cases whatever, proved to be entirely free from all disease or defect. It is not improb- able, however, that the Washington thorn may succeed finely so far north as northern or western New-York, where the English species is itself so much more successful than elsewhere. Its easy growth from seed, besides, renders it worthy of trial. There are other trees, doubtless, of value for this purpose. The Buckthorn has been found perfectly hardy and successful around Boston ; and the poisonous character of its bark secures it from attacks of the mice. Its thorns are only (419) 228 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. mencled lea as the best state for the process, in a paper on ihom-hedges which appeared some years ago ;* but experience lias since convinced me that this is not the best state of the ground for the purpose ; because grass grows up from the turf around the young thorn-plants, and cannot be easily removed, but with the removal, at the same time, of a considerable portion of -the earth ui)on which the young plants rest. A much better time, therefore, is after the ground has been thoroughly fallowed during the sum- mer, that is, after it has been perfectly cleared of all weeds ; well stirred and connnixed with the plow and the haiTow, and pulveiized, if need be, with the roller; freshened l)y lengthened exposure to the air ; amply ma- nured with good dung, to promote the growth of the young thorn-plants ; and Bufliciently limed to prevent worms traversing the soil, and, in conse quence, moles mining in (juest of them. If the field in which the line of hedge is proposed to be planted is not intended to be thoroughly fallowed — that is, by a bare fallow or a crop of potatoes or turnips — the part to be oc- cupied by the hedge should be so treated, in order to render the soil as clean, and fresh, and fertile as j)ossible; and the expense incurred by this treatment of the soil will be repaid by the increased health and strength of the hedge for many years thereafter. There is no doubt that lea-sod affords a firmer bed for the young thom-plants to rest upon than fallowed ground ; but it is of much greater importance to secure the ground from weeds, and health and strength to the young plants, than mere firmness of soil under them, but v/hich peculiar advantage may be attained, too, partly by allowing the fallowed ground to consolidate for a time before commencing the opera- tion, and paitly by trampling the soil thoroughly while in the act of planting. (445.) The gi'ound having been thus prepared, the planting of the hedge may be pnoceeded with forthwith. If its line of direction is determined by existing fences ; that is to say, if one side of a field only requii'es fencing, then the new fence should be made parallel with the old one that rtins N. or S., and it may take any convenient course, if its general direc- tion is E. and W. Should a field, or a number of fiehls, require laying ofl' anew, the N. and S. fences should run due N. and S., for the purpose of the pointed ends of die branches, which are hardly sufficient to repel all kinds of intruders. Of its treatment by successive heading down, its felting quality, and its capability of plashing, we are not informed, as in nearly if not quite all the specimens we have seen, those operations were omitted. The expense of a vcllmnde hedge, until it is cattle proof, is about fifty cents per rod. Caleb Kirk, of Delaware, who was thorough and successful in his experiments, gave the following as the cost of an excellent hcduo thirteen years old : 1,000 quicks, cost from nursery $5 00 Planting, man and boy, each two daj's 2 50 Dressing, first year, with plow and hoe 1 00 Expenses first year $8 50 Dressing for five successive years, plow and hoe 5 00 7th year, trenching with plow, and throwing up ditch, three days $3 75 500 stakes (for upright.s), cutting, and timber 3 50 Poles (horizontal), and cutting them 2 00 One hand three days, at plashing 3 00 12 25 8th to 13th year inclusive, one day each year trimming and cleaning... 4 50 Expense 13 years, sixty rods $30 25 It may be questioned whether hedges will ever be extensively used where timber or stones are plenty. But as many places are destitute, or likelv to become so, exiHjriments to determine their practicability must become very desirable. Tiic Sisposition to neglect is so prevalent with most farmers, that the preat care and attention, nnd constant culture, so necessary, will not be given, and success cannot take place in such cases. But with skillful management and enterprise they will doubtless be found highly jirofitable ; that if good they will i)rove a great rural embellish- ment, we all know ; and that those who have fruit gardens to protect from rogues, will find them the greatest security, is equally self evident.] * Ji will be found in the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, vol. L (420) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 229 giving the ridges an equal advantage of the sun both forenoon and after- noon. To accomplish this parallelism a geometrical process must be gone through ; and to perform that process with accuracy, certain instruments are required. (446.) In the first place, 3 poles at least in number, of at least 8^ feet in length, should be provided. They should be shod and pointed with iron at one end, marked off in feet and half-feet throughout their length, and each painted at the top of a different color, such as white, red, blue, gi'een, or black, so as to form decided contrasts with each other when set in line. Three of such poles are required to determine a straight line, even on level ground ; but if the ground is uneven, four or more are requisite. These poles will be found of use, not merely in lining off fences, but they will be required every year on the farm, to set off the breadths of the ridges of fields after being fallowed. 2. An optical square for setting off lines at right angles, or a cross-table, for the same pui-pose, should also be jjrovided. The optical square costs 21s. and the cross-table 7s. 6d. 3. You should also have an imperial measuring-chain, of 66 feet in length, which costs 13s., for measuring the breadth or length of the fields, in the process of fencing ; or of drills, drains, and any other species of work set by piece to laborers at other times. Iron pins, for marking the number of chains measured, generally go along with the chain. (447.) Being provided with these insti-uments, one line of fence is set off parallel to another in this way. Set off, in the first instance, at i-ight angles, a given distance from near one end of the old thorn-fence, if there be one, or of the ditch, and let this distance be 6 feet from the roots of the thorns, so that a space or scarcement of one foot on the edge or lip of the ditch be left, and there plant one of the poles. About 100 yards' distance plant another pole in the same manner, and so on along the length of the fence from which the distances aie set off. If there be no fence to set off the distances fi"om, then let a pole be set perpendicularly up in the line the new fence is intended to occupy, and at noon, in a clear day, observe the direction the shadow of the pole takes on level gi'ound, and that is N. and S. ; or a pocket-compass can give the direction required, deducting the variation of the needle, which in this countiy is about 27° W. ; but the plan with the pole is the simplest and most handy for work-people. Poles, at about 100 yards' distance, should be set up in the line of the shadow; but you should bear in mind that the first two poles should be set up quickly, otherwise a short lapse of time will make a material difference in the line of direction of the shadow. Twenty minutes make a difference of 5'^ in the direction of the shadow of the poles, and 5° at the first pole Avill make a considerable deviation from the true line of N. and S. at the far- thest end of the line of the new fence. Adjust the poles with one another to form the straight line, and this line forms the base line of your opera- tions. This line is c u in fig. 36, projected by shadow in the manner just described, or set off from the old hedge a b. Let c d and e be 3 poles planted in that line. Let f be the cross-table erected in the line betwixt, and adjusted by looking at the poles c and d. Let g, h, and i, be poles set and adjusted to one another by the cross-table in the liney"^-, which is the breadth of the field, and which distance is measured by the chain to contain a number of ridges of given breadth, as any fractional part of a ridge left at either side of the field afterward proves inconvenient for work. In like manner, let the line I p be drawn from the cross-table at I by set- ting the poles m, n, o, p. Then set the pole q in a line with the poles k p, and measure the distance betwixt q and u, along the line r s t, with the chain, which distance, if the two previous operations have been accurately (421) 230 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. conducted, should be exactly equal to the distance betwixt ^and k, or / and p ; but should it prove greater or less than either, then some error must have been committed, and which can only be rectified by doing the Fig 36. X... I 4r r 1* I I -t? PLAX OF SETTING OFF FENCES PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER. operation over again. The arrows show the directions in which each line should be measured. Great accuracy should be obser\'ed in running these lines of fences parallel, for if a similar error is committed at each suc- cessive line of fence, the deviation from parallelism may prove very con- siderable betwixt the first and last lines. Three poles only being employed to set off the lines fk and t p, the ground may be supposed to be nearly level ; but wherever such an inequality of gi-ound is found as to cause you to lose sight of 1 of 3 poles, as many should be employed as to have 3 of them in view at one time. This point should be constantly kept in view in setting the poles. (448.) A line of fence being thus set off, the next process is to plant it with thorns, and for this purpose certain insti-uments are required. 1. A strong garden line or cord, of at least 70 Fig- 37. yards in length, having an iron reel at one end, and a strong iron pin at the other. Its use is to show upon the ground the exact line of the fence bet\\nxt the poles. Its cost is, with a common reel and pin, 4s. 2. A few pointed pins of wood, with Jiooked heads, to keep the cord in the direction of the line of the hedge, whether that follows a vertical curse or a horizontal one, occasioned by the inequalities of the ground. 3. A wooden rule, 6 feet in length, divided into feet and inches, having a piece of sim- ilar wood about 2 feet in length, fastened at right angles to one end. Its use is to measure off short distances at right angles. Any country carpenter can make such a rule. 4. No. 5 spades are the most useful size for hedg- ing, which cost 4s. 3d. each. 5. A light hand-j}ick, to loosen the subsoil at the bottom of the ditch and to trim its sides, and it costs 5s. 6d. or 6s. 6. An iron tramp- pick to loosen the subsoil immediately under the mould, and raise the bowlder stones that may be found in it. a tramp-pick. In some parts of the country this pick is unknown, but a more efficient implement cannot be employed for the purpose. This pick (422) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 231 The tramp, fig. 37, is movable, and may Fig. 33. Stands 3 feet 9 inches in hight. be placed on either side, to suit the foot of the work- man, where it remains firm at about 16 inches from the point, which gradually tapers and inclines a little forward, to assist the leverage of the shank. The shank is f of an inch square under the eye through which the handle passes, and li inches broad at the tramp, where it is the strongest. It costs 6s. 6d. 7, A ditcher's shovel, fig. 38. Its use is to shovel the bottom and sides of the ditch, and to beat the face of the hedge-bank. It is 1 foot broad and 1 foot long, tapering to a point, with a shaft 28 inches in length, and its costis, No. 5, 4s. This is a useful shovel on a farm, cleaning up the bottoms of dunghills in soft ground much better than a spade or square-mouthed shovel ; and yet in some parts of the country it is an unknown implement. 8. Three men are the most convenient number to work to- gether in running a hedge ; and they should, of course, be all well acquainted with spade-work. 9. Should tree-root* be apprehended in the subsoil, a mattock for cutting them will be required, and it costs 6s. 6d. 10. A sharp priming-Jcnife to each man, to prepare the plants for planting, which costs 2s. to 3s. each. (449.) The plant usually employed in this country, in the construction of a hedge, is the common hawthorn. " On account of the stiffness of its branches," says Withering, " the sharpness of its thorns, its roots not spreading wide, and its capability of bearing the severest winters without injury, this plant is universally preferred for making hedges, whether to clip or grow at large."* Thorns ought never to be planted in a hedge till they have been transplanted at least 2 years fi-om the seed-bed, when they will have generally ac- quired a girth of stem at the root of 1 inch, a length in all of 3 feet, of which the root meas- ures 1 foot, as in fig. 39, which is on a scale of 1-^ inches to 1 foot. The cost of picked plants of that age is 12s. 6d. per 1,000 ; or, as they are taken out of the lines, 10s. 6d. As thorns are always transplanted too thick in the nursery lines, in order to save room, and draw them up sooner to be tall plants, I would advise their being purchased from the nursery at that age, the year before they are intended to be planted in the fence, and of being laid in lines in ample space in garden mould, or any space of ground having a firee, deep, dry soil. By such a process the stems \vill acquire a cleaner bark and greater strength, and the roots be furnished with a much greater number of minute fibres, which will greatly promote the growth of the young Fi?. 39. * Withering'8 Botany, vol. iii. (423) A THORN-PLANT. 232 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. hedge, and thus amply repay the additional trouble bestowed on the care of the plants. Jiiit, whether the plants are so treated before they are planted or not, the bundles, containing 200 plants each, should be imme- aiately loosened out on their ariival from the nursery, and shevghed in, that is, spread out upright in trenches in a convenient part of the field, and dry earth well heaped against them, to protect the roots from frost, and to keep them fresh until planted. The plants are taken from the sheughs when wanted. (450.) If the line of fence is to be straight, which should always be the case if natural obstacles do not interfere to prevent it, let the poles be set up in as'straight a line as possible fi-om one end of the fence to the other. Should the ground be a plain, this line can be drawn straight with the gi-eatest accuracy ; but should elevations, or hollows, or both, intel•^•ene, however small, gi"eat care is requisite to preserve the straightness of the line, because on such ground a straightness of line, determined by })ole8, is very apt to advance upon the true line in the hollows, and recede from it in the elevations, especially if the inequalities are abrupt. Surveyors use the theodolite specially to avoid this risk of error, but it may be avoided by usiug plenty of poles, so that they may not be set far asunder fi'om one another. In case evil disposed persons shift the poles in the night, and thereby alter the line of fence, pins should be driven at inter- vals, well into the ground, to preserve the marks of the line. Having set plenty of poles, and so as to please the eye, take the reel and cord, and, pushing its pin finnly into the ground at the end of the line offence where you wish to begin, run the cord out its full length, with the exception of a small piece of twist round the shank of the reel. Be sure to guide the cord exactly along the bottoms of the poles ; and should any obstacle to your doing so lie in the way, such as clods, stones, or dried weeds, remove them, and smooth the ground with the spade ; and then, with your face toward the cord, draw it backward toward you with considerable force until it has stretched out as far as it can, and then push the shank of the reel firmly into the ground. As the least obstruction on the ground will cause the cord to (deviate from the true line, lift up the stretched cord by the middle about 3 feet fiom the ground, keeping it close to the sides of the poles, and let it drop suddenly to the ground, when, it is probable, it will lie as straight as practicable. Place a rather heavy stone here and there upon the cord to prevent the possibility of its being shifted from its position. With the common spade then cut, or as it is technically termed, rut the line of hedge-bed behind the cord, with your face toward the ditch that is to be, taking care to hold the spade with a slope corresponding to that of the sides of the projiosed ditch, and not to press upon, or be too far back from, or cut the cord with the spade. Then take the wooden rule, and placing its cross-head along the cord, set off the breadth of the ditch at right angles to the rutted line 41 feet — first, at both ends of the still stretched cord, and then here and there ; and mark off" those breadths with wooden pins, which will serve to check any important deviation from the true line at either end of the cord. Now, take up and stretch the cord anew along the other side of the ditch, by the sides of the pins, in the same manner, and with the same pi-ecautions as with the hedge-bed, and rut the line with your face toward, and the spade sloping like the side of the ditch. After securing a continuation of the line of the hedge-bed, re- move the poles and pins along the length of the cord, and the ditch is thus marked out ready for the formation of the thorn-bed. AVhen about form- ing the thorn-bed, that end of the line should be chosen for commencing the work which best suits the hand of the workman who is intrusted to (424) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 233 make it. The rule for this is, whichever hand giasps the eye of the spade should always be nearest the thom-bed, and the workman should work backward. (451.) In forming the tliorn-hed, raise a large, firm, deep spadeful of earth fi-om the edge of the first rutted line of the hedge, and invert it along that line, with its rutted face toward the ditch. Having placed a few spadefuls in this manner, side by side, beat down their crowns with the back of the spade, paring down their united faces in the slope given to the first rut, and then slope their crowns with an inclination downwai'd and backward from you, forming an inclined bed for the thorn-plant to lie up- on as at b c, fig. 40. In like manner, place other spadefuls, to the end of Fig. 40. ^^^■^ THE THORN-BED. the thom-bed last made, taking care to join all the spadefuls so as to make one continued bed, and so on to the whole length of the cord of 70 yards. (452.) While the principal hedger is thus proceeding with the thorn-bed, his two assistants should prepare the thorn-plants for planting. On re- ceiving the thorn-plants from the nursery, the usual practice is to put the bundles of plants into the soil in some convenient corner of the field, until they are wanted for planting. I have recommended the plants being pur- chased the year before they are to be planted, and transplanted in wide lines in good garden-mould, to enlarge and multiply the root-fibres. And now that the plants are more particularly to be spoken of, I would farther recommend them to be assorted, according to their sizes, as they are taken out of the bundles, and before being transplanted in the lines. The ad- vantage of this plan is this. Plants should be suited to the situation they are to occupy. On examining the bundles, they will be found to contain both stout and weak plants. The stoutest plants cannot derive sufficient nourishment in the poorer class of soils, however well the soils may have been previously treated for their reception ; while weak plants will, of course, thrive well in the better soil. From this circumstance, it may be concluded that weak plants are best adapted to all classes of soils. Not so ; for however well weak plants may thrive in all soils, stout plants will grow much more rapidly than weak in good soils ; and were all the soils good, the most profitable fence would be obtained from the best and picked plants. But as every farm possesses soils of various degrees of fertility, although the class of its soils may be the same ; and as plants in a stout and weak state are usually mixed together, the most prudent practice is to put the weaker plants in the best soil, and the stouter plants in the worse kind of soil, thus giving a chance of success to both sorts of plants and soils. Were the plants assorted when placed in transplanted lines, those could be selected which would best suit the soil which was under operation at the time. But should this trouble not be taken at first, still the plants should be assorted when being prepared for planting, accord- ing to the nature of the soil, the weaker being taken for the good soil, and the stronger for that of inferior quality. Want of attention to this adapta- tion of means to ends is one cause of failure in the rearing of thorn-hedges (425) 234 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. in many parts of the country ; and one of those means consists in trans- planting the weakest plants in good soil, and allowing them to remain there until they had ac(iuired sufficient strength for being planted out. Al- though the thorn-plant may truly be said to affect every kind of soil in cul- tivation, yet the plant, in its different states of growth, will thrive better in one condition or kind of soil than in another ; and this discrimination should be exercised by the planter, if he would have a good hedge. (4.53.) The prepared thoni-plant is represented by fig. 41 ; and it is pre- pared in this way. Grasp the stem of the full plant, im- mediately above the root, firmly in the hand, and cut it across with a sharp knife, in an inclination toward the top of the plant at a ; and the cut thus made will be about 6 inches above the root and fibres. Cut away the long parts of the tap-roots i, and any other straggling and injured roots, and even injured fibres ; but presnr\-e as many of the fibres entire as possible. Bum the tops thus cut off', or bury them deep in the ground ; as they will vegetate, and are easily blouTi about by the wind, and very troublesome to sheep in the wool. Take great care, in frost, to cover up the prepared roots in earth un- til they are planted, for roots in the least affected by frost will not vesretate. The safest plan, in frosty weather, is * thorn-plant pre- , , ^ „ , • ^ r ^1 T r\ PARED FOR PLANTING. to take but a tew plants at a time out or the lines. Un the other hand, in dry weather in spring, when the hedge is to be planted in dry ground, put the roots of the prepared plants in a puddle of earth and water, in a shady place, for some hours before laying them in the thom-bed, and their vegetation will thereby be much facilitated. (4.54.) When both the thom-bed and plants are prepared, the assistants lay the plants in the bed. This is done by pushing each plant firmly into the mould of the bed, with the cut part of the stem projecting not more than 1 of an inch beyond the front of the thorn-bed, and with the root-end lying away from the ditch, at distances varying from 6 to 9 inches ; the 6 inches being adapted to inferior land, and the 9 inches to good soil. While the two assistants are laying the plants, the hedger takes up all the fine mould nearest the thorn-bed, and, dexterously inverting the shovel-fiiUs of the mould, places them above the laid plants, and secures them in their places. The two assistants having finished laying the thorns, dig and shovel up with the spade all the black mould in the ditch, throwing it upon the roots and stems of the plants, until a sort of level bank of earth is fomned OTer them. In doing this, one of the assistants lifts the soil across the ditch, moving backward, while the other proceeds forward, face to face, shoveling up all the black mould he can find, whether in a loose or firm state, in the ditch. When the hedger has finished covering the plants with mould, and while the assistants are proceeding to clear all the mould from the ditch, he steps upon the top of the mound which they have thrown up above the plants, and, with his face toward the ditch, firmly compresses, with his feet, the mould above the plants, as far as they ex- tend. By the time the compression is finished, all the mould will have been taken out of the ditch. When the thorns have received this quan- tity of earth above them, they may be considered in a safe state from the frost ; but it is not safe, in frosty weather, to leave them, even for a night, with less earth upon them ; for plants may not only be frosted in that short space of time, but the earth may be rendered so hard by frost, as to be unfit for working the next day ; and should the frost prove se- vere and the work be altogether suspended, the plants left at all exposed (426) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. ^^^ 11 • .1 T,, fvnstv weather the plants should not be laid on T^^r^t/irreafte^oon LToni;in the forenoon, as in the after- the thorn-bed ^^^ ^^^^^^ ill not be time to cover the plants noon of a shoit ^ay ^le Pioba^^ y .^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^, ^^^^ ^^^ with a sufficient q^^"^^%^* ;™_ the work off altogether- not only around continues hard all day, leave tne woik u « frosted oeS not ol on acco^.V the cloggy state of the . ground for «oa Fvn r Imt the iiiabilitv of the men to withstand much ram in winter. 1 he work, but tne ";,!>"'"] , , 1^ ;,, 1^ „,„,.e uniform and look better, 't "''rctnTiderrWe etfAh of it is finished at the same time, than when il" 'sartMeinI at short intervals; but in frosty or- >n very wet f^Sixra-rL-UUiti^n^^^^^^^^ tt::ri, /thTlru'lnll; bed, with the end of the stem projecting a verTlMe outward, and d the mound above m .ts compressed state. milted n the diStCt Aould the ditch ha.e to contain a stream oi wate^ Zu'h in winter only, it should be made proport.onably capacious , for .t though " ""«" .' ,|j ;,,,^r ,,^,.e to be made so at last, or the force of not so ™ade at fii.t .t w • a ^^^^^^ ^^^ .^^^,p_ ^^ ^j^^ ^ „f the water will a»""^'i'y,'" ,,;„,„, ,,, ' .„ brought to a point at the bottom lr?"bSiJn: e"n'shape f^rX -"ris'^They do Lt afford sufficient are objectionaoie y protective bank or mound for the young Sorn ptnts tl ey ar" easily fiUedSp with the mouldering of earth Irom the thorn-plants t.ey , vegetables ; and when any water gets into £ o wUch here's eLJ chance when there is an overflow of surface- tnem, oi wxi j ^ bottom with mud. JNot- rh^tandt 'tSl'c^:LiXtio"of such ^ditches in works of AgricuUure J ^ev sWd^ avoided when there is the probab hty of the least quan ity of watlr reaching them ; and no ditch in connection with a field can be ex- '7:,e)Vl:lT'^^^^^^ to this length, the other imple- mints rome into use. If the subsoil of the ditch, however, be a tenacious, TctUe cUv "he "pade alone is best to remove it, as pick ng is useless m I. Stance especially if somewhat moist ; for it will raise no more :ra tLe tan he biSth 'of the face of the pick But i^f it consists of hard Try clay interspersed with veins of sand and gravel-which com nound forms a very common subsoil in this country-picking is absolutely ?equ"red forthes'pade cannot get through the small stones with effect, r^me 'parts of tL country,.the handpick y-Vfrl°"exp^"ic in soil, while in others the footpick is employed; and from expenence ' T^munieations to the Board of Agriculture, vol. ii. Loudon's Encyclopedia of Agriculture. (427) 236 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. both, I would rcconimend the latter as being by far the mure efliiMf-nt im- plement for such work, and less laborious to the workman. Let one of the assistants loosen the subsoil with the footpick as deep as lie can «^o ibr the tramp, with the point of the pick away from him ; he theii pulls the handle towaid him, until he brings it down abt)ut half way to the ground, and after that he sits on it, and presses it down with the whole weight of his body, until the subsoil gives way and liecomes loose, in which state he leaves it before him, and steps backward. When the picker has thus pro- ceeded a short way, the other assistant lifts up what has been loosened with his spade, and throws it upon the top of the mould above the thorn, taking care to place the subsoil so thrown up continuous with the slope backward, given to the face of the bank. He also throws some to the bade of the bank, to cover the whole of the black mould with the subsoil ; and endeavors to make the shape of the bank uniform. In doing all this, he works backwaid with his back to the face of the footpickei", but his back would be to the back of a handpicker, standing upon the subsoil which has been loosened by the footpick. He pares down the side of the ditch nearest his right hand, which, in this case, is the opposite erne from the hedge. The hedger follows the last assistant, working toward him face to face, and moving forward, shoveling up all the loose earth left by the assistant's spade, throwing it upon the top and front of the mound, making all equal and smooth, and beating the earth firmly and smooth on the face of the bank. Should the subsoil retpiii'e no picking at all, the two assistants follow one another, using the spade ; and the hedger brings up the rear as before, using the shovel. In this way the hedger throws the earth fully on the face of the bank, even although some should trickle dovvn again into the ditch, rejecting all the larger stones that come in his way, paring down that side of the ditch, griving the proper slope to the bank, and beating the face of the bank with the back of the shovel, and smoothing it downward from its top as far as the black mould is seen on the side of the ditch. The three men thus proceed regularly in their work. Should there be more earth at one place of the ditch than another — which will be the case where there are inequalities in the depth of the ditch — the surplus earth should either be thrown to the back of the bank, rather than its top be made higher at one place than another, or wheeled away to a spot on which a deficiency of earth is apprehended. Besides giving the bank an irregular appearance, it is not desirable to cover the young thorns too heavily with a supeiincumbent load of earth, so as en- tirely to exclude the air and moisture from their roots. (457.) If going along the ditch twice finish the work, the earth in it will have been in a friable state ; but with a hard subsoil the work is not so easily done. The handpick is almost always used to raise the last 4 or 5 inches of the bottom of the ditch, and in accomplishing this the same ar- rangement of the men, and the kind of work performed by each, will have to be gone through ; only that, in this case, the assistant uses the hand for the tramp-pick, and works forward. ^V^^ile this last picking and shovel- ing are proceeding, the hedger again tramps down the top of the bank before throwing up the last portion of earth. The beating with the back of the shovel is absolutely necessary to produce a skin, as it were, on the face of the bank ; because the smoothed surface will resist the action of the frost, and thereby prevent the mouldeiing down of the earth into the ditch. A covering of clay over the bank, and the poorer it is the better for the pui"pose, is useful in being extremely unfavorable to the vegetation of small seeds. They will readily take root in fine mould, if that formed the extei'nal covering, and their eradication afterward would create much (428) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 237 ti-ouble and cause much waste of earth. The necessity of beating the clay shows the expediency of projecting the plants but a very short way out of the bank, as that process might wound and injure the pomts of the stems. Indeed, T would prefer their being nearly buried m the bank, so as the young sprouts had to be relieved from captivity, rather than the points should be injured ; but the force of vegetation generally accom- plishes their release with ease. While the two assistants are prepanng the cord for another stretch, and rutting off both sides of the ditch the hedger pushes back 2 or 3 inches, less or more, of the crest of the bank \vith his shovel, in wder to make the finished top parallel with the row of thorns, and after he has gently beaten do\\Ti the front of the top into a rounded form, the process of planting thorns is finished. Fig. 42 gives an idea of a section of the whole work when finished. Fig. 42. r \ ^^^^-r'- ^ ■'^■:'"^-- "" :;/ V '■' ''/, ^^^ , ' '''',' .: '/'" FINISHED HEDGK-BANK. (458.) Hitherto the work has proceeded quite easily, no obstacles hav- ing presented themselves to frustrate or alter the original design of a level fence ; but obstacles are sometimes met with, and means should be used to avert or remove them. The obstacles alluded to generally consist of large stones, unequal gi'ound, and stagnant water. 1. Landfast stones are frequently found in clayey subsoils, many of which can be removed with the foot pick, but some are so large and massive as to defy removal but through the' assistance of gunpowder. If you should meet with any such enorrnous masses, and much above giound, it would be better to can-y the hedge with a sweep past them, than incur the trouble and expense of re moving them with the simplest means. If they lie a short way under the thorn-bed, but have plenty of mould over them, they will do no harm to the hedge above them ; but should the earth be scanty over them, it will be proper to make the earth deep enough for thorns above them, if that can be easily done, even although an elevation be thereby caused there, above the general line of hedge. 2. With regard to inequality of surface, when the ground dips in the direction of the hedge, and yet when particu- lar undulations in it are so deep and high as to prevent the flow of water over them in the ditch, the higher parts should be cut the deeper and the hollow parts the less, so as a continuous fall may be obtained for the flow of the water along the bottom of the ditch ; but the line of the hedge should be placed on the natural surface of the gi-ound, and thereby partake of its undulations. It is in such cases of compromise that the supera- bundant earth should be wheeled away from the inordinate depths, to make up for the want of earth in the hollows, and thereby equalize the di- mensions of the hedge-bank. Should any hollow be so deep as that the hight on either side will not allow the flow of water, a dram should be made fi-om the hoUowest part of the bottom of the ditch down the declina- (429) 238 THE BOOK OF THE FARM — WINTER. tion of the adjoining field to some ditch or drain aheady existing at a lower level. 3. Undulations of the ground cause another inconvenience in hedge-plantin<^, by retaining vi'ater in the hollows behind the hedge- bank. Such collections of water, though only of temporary existence, in- jure much any hedge, but especially a young one. The only effectual way of getting rid of them is fortunately a simple one, which is by con- structing a conduit through the hedge-bank from each such hollow to the bottom of the ditch ; and as these conduits must be founded upon the sub- soil, completely under the black mould, and a little above the bottom of the ditch, they are most conveniently built after the ditch has been en- tirely dug out ; and on this account the thorn-bed cannot be formed across these hollows until after the completion of the ditch and hedge-bank on both sides of them. Some taste and dexterity are required in the hedger to fill up the gaps thus left in the planting of the hedge and finishing them neatly afterward. Fig. 43 will give you an idea how to overcome the in- Fig. 43. PLAN HOW TO PREVENT WATER LODGING IN HOLLOWS OF FENCES. convenience created by these hollows, where a is the line of hedge upon the natural surface of the undulating gi-ound, h the top of the hedge-bank parallel to the hedge, c the bottom of the ditch, exposed to view by the entire removal of the gi'ound on this side of the ditch, and which removal also shows the positions of the conduits d, which carry the stagnant water away from behind the hedge-bank through below the hedge in the lowest part of the undulations of the ground, and it also shows the position of the drain c through the adjacent ground. It will be observed that the bot- t(>m of the ditch c is not quite parallel with the dotted line of hedge a, but s(> inclined from the right and left, through the bights and hollows of the ground, as to allow the water to flow in a continuous stream toward the lowest part by the drain e. Fig. 42 shows by the dotted lines d and f a vertical section of the position and form of the conduits formed across anci below the hedge-bed. The ground behind the hedge-bank is represented in fig. 43 as declining toward the hedge, thereby giving a fall to the sur- face water in the same direction. To give such water an outlet, a drain should be formed along the head-ridge 2 or 3 yards behind the hedge- bank, so as to be a little out of the way of the roots of the thorns when they push outward, and in connection with all the conduits d. This drain should have a conduit at bottom such as drain-tiles afford, and be filled above them with broken stones to about 1 foot from the top. (459.) In ordinary practice, when two lines of hedges meet, the one ter- minates against the other, or, crossing each other, foirn a junction of 4 fields by the corners ; and where this latter junction happens, should the land be not of much value, or should the particular situation be much exposed to (430) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 239 the weather from an obnoxious quarter, it may be advisable to make a clump of planting of a stellar form. It is necessary, in the first place, to ascertain what quantity of ground can be conveniently spared for the pur- pose ; and that should be determined by the value of the ground, or its exposed situation. If the land is valuable; a smaller piece must suffice ; but if shelter only, and not ornament, is the chief requisite, then a larger piece should be appropriated ; but whatever may be the object of forming such a clump of planting, it is not worth while to inclose a smaller space of ground than \ of an acre, and the largest need not exceed 1 acre in ihe low country. Supposing the space is determined on, the inclosure of it is gone about in this manner. Ascertain the point where the two lines of hedges would intersect, and fix a pole there, as at a, fig. 44 ; and from it Fig. 44. MODES OF DESCRIBING A CURVE IN THE CORNERS OF FIELDS. m-easure equal distances with a chain along each line of fence to the points within which is to be included the space of ground allotted for the plant- ing, as from a to b, a to c, a to d, and a to e. Then there are 3 ways of describing an arc between any two of these outward points. 1. Taking the distance a b from i as a center, sweep an arc, and from c as a center, with the same radius, sweep another arc intersecting that from Z» in y / and then from y as a center, still with the same radius, sweep the arc c b. In like manner an arc of the same radius may be swept betwixt c and d, d and e, and e and b. This rule gives no predetermined arch, but it is one which presents a pleasant curve to the eye. 2. Another plan is to fix the hight of the segment which determines the point, beyond which the hedge shall not approach toward a. This is done by at once fixing the point g, which gives 3 points, d, g, and c, by which to find the center of the circle e d. Join g d, which bisect, and from the point of bisection raise a per- pendicular ; also join g c, which bisect, and from the point of bisection raise a perpendicular, and where these two perpendiculars intersect at k as a center, sweep the arc d c. This rule is founded on the corollary to the 1st problem of the 3d book of Euclid.* A simple rule which practical gardeners employ in drawing one line at right angles to another is this : * See Duncan's Elements of Plane Geometry. (431) 240 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. From the point of bisection, as above, measure 6 feet along the lino to- ward c or i!, from the same point also measure outward 8 feet; from the farther end of the 6 feet measure 10 feet, toward the end of the 8 feet, and where these two lines meet, that is the point in a pei-pendicular direction from the point of bisection, and a line through which, meeting a pei-pen- dicular fiom the other point of bisection, intersect at the center Ji of the circle d c. This rule is directly founded on the celebrated 47th proposi- tion of the 1st book of Euclid. 3. There is still another method of draw- ing what may be called a compound cui-\'e through two given extreme points, and other fixed points between them. The method is this. Let d and e be the teiTninations of the straight lines of the fences d and e, and I a point in the intended curve any where beyond the straight line between d and e, and equidistant from d and e, but within a quadrant of the two lines of fence ; then set off any point i also equidistant fiom d and c, and join i I ; from any point on the line / /, describe an arc of such radius as shall pass through I, but will fall anywhere beyond d and e. Draw d o at right angles to the fence d, and make d o equal to i I, then find a point p on the line d o equidistant fi'om o and i. Join i ji, and produce it to A-, and from ^ as a center describe the arc d k. For, d o and ^ k being equal, and p 0, p i being also equal, the remaining^ d &nd^ k must be equal to one another and i ]> k being in a straight line, the circle of which r^ ^ is an arc, will touch the larger circle, of which k m is also an arc, according to Eu- clid, 3d book, 11 prob. In like manner, the arc e m can be described by first drawing e n, at right angles to the line of fence e, and proceed as be- fore. If the lines of fence run at right angles to each other, the arcs d k and e m will have equal radii. This is, perhaps, too intricate a mode of drawing such cui-\'es for practical pui-poses, but it is well that your inge- nuity be exercised in every possible way, so as you may never be at a loss to apply expedients according to circumstances. (460.) A very common practice — a much too common one — and recom- mended by almost every wiiter on planting hedges, is the leaving a broad scarsement in front of the thorn-bed ; and the reason given for adopting the plan is, that it is necessary to supply the young thorns with moisture. Fig. 45. EFFECT OF A HEDGE-BANK WITH SCARSEMENT. It is alleged that the sloping face of the bank conveys away the rain that falls. What although it doesi The young thorn does not require to im- bibe moisture by the point of its stem, but by its roots, which it can easily do through the mound, as it is loose enough for the admission of rain. — (432) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 241 But, independently of that, it is obvious that a scarsement is so excellent a contrivance for the growth of weeds, that it is impossible to clean a hedge well where there is one. To be sure, earth from the bottom of the ditch may occasionally be thrown upon the scarsement to smother the weeds, but its accumulation there must be limited to the hight of* the thorn-bed. Besides, weeds can grow as well upon this eatth as upon the scarsement ; and, though they may there be mown down at times, the roots of the pe- rennial ones are quite ready to spring up again in favorable weather. The very figure which a thorn-hedge cuts on a scarsement will at once show the impolicy of placing it in such a position. Thus, in the first place, in fig. A5~a is the scarsement, on which there is nothing to hinder the weeds b to grow in great luxuriance, vying in stature and strength with the young plant c itself. How true that there " nothing teems but hateful docks, rough thistles, kicksies, burs, losing both beauty and utility ; and our hedges, defective in their natures, grow to wildness."* How is it possible in such a nursery to "deracinate such savagery]" In the next place, such a scarsement holds out a strong temptation to travelers to make it a foot-path, so long as the hedge is young, and when it is situated by the side of a public road. And it invites the poor woman's cow, pasturing on the green road-side, to step upon it and crop the tops of the young hedge along with the grassy weeds ; and it makes an excellent run for hares, in the moonlight nights, on passing along which they will not fail to nibble at the young quicks. " Fern is a great enemy to young hedge-plants," says Mr. Marshall ; " it is difficult to be drawn by hand without endanger- ing the plants ; and, being tough, it is equally diflftcult to cut it with the hoe ; and, if cut, will presently spring up again ;" and yet, " in a soil free from stones and other obstructions of the spade," he says, " the planting vnth an offset (scarsement) is perhaps, upon the whole, the most eligible practice."t Where can fern obtain a better site for gi-owing upon than a scarsement of a young hedge 1 Such are the inconsistencies into which the acutest writers fall when they relinquish the guidance of common sense, (461.) Where part of a hedge is desired to be carried across a water- course, an arch or large conduit is often made to span it, and its sides are banked up with sods or earth, and a quantity of mould wheeled upon it, to form the thorn-bed. I have seen such structures, but do not approve of them. If the nature of the ground will at all admit of it, it is far better to plant the thorns on the surface of the natural ground, as near as possi- ble to the water-mark, when the water is flooded. The water-channel, which will probably be dry in summer, when the fields are only used for stock, could be fenced with paling, or, what is a much better fence in such a situation, a stone-wall, if stones can be procured at a reasonable distance, with openings left in it to allow the water to pass through in winter. — These openings could be filled up in summer with a few thorns, to keep in sheep. This latter plan is a much better one than the other, for I have found that hedge-banks on a stone-building do not retain sufficient nourish- ment in summer to support even young thorn-plants. (462.) If it is desired to plant a thorn-hedge on the top of a sunk fence, or along the edge of a walk by the side of a shrubbery, or to inclose a shrubbery or a clump of trees in pleasure-ground or lawn, the plants may be assorted and prepared as directed above ; but instead of raising a mound, which in such situations would not look well, trench a stripe of ground with the spade, in the intended line of the hedge, at least 3 feet irf * Shakepeare's Henry V. t Marshall on Planting. (481) 16 242 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. breadth, pointing in dung and raking in lime in adequate quantities some time before the time for planting. When that time arrives, stretch the cord in the middle of the stripe, guiding the curves with the wooden pins. First, smoothen the surface of the ground under the cord with a clap of the spade, and then notch deeply with it by the side of the cord, drawing the earth toward you. Into this fun'ow carefully place the roots and fibres of the thoni-})lants, with their cut stems leaning against the cord ; and thus, keeping the plants in their places with the left hand, fill up the funow with earth with a trowel in the right hand. Press the plants firmly against the earth with the outside of the foot placed in a line with the stems, and make the surface level with the spade. After the removal of the cord, press the ground with the row of thorns between your feet, and finish off the work with the rake. In planting ornamental hedges, you should always bear in mind that, for whatever pui-pose a hedge may be wanted, the thorns should always be planted on the natural surface of the ground; for, if set in traveled earth, unless it is of considerable bulk and depth, they run the risk of either being stunted in growth, or of altogether dying for want of nourishment. (463.) In setting poles for straight lines, ordinary accuracy of eye will suffice ; but in setting them in curves, where geometrical ones cannot be introduced, considerable taste is required by the planner. Such cui'\'es can only be formed by setting up large pins, and judge of their beauty by the eye, so that the sweeps may appear naturally to accommodate themselves to the inequalities of the ground, and form, on the whole, a suitable figure for the purpose they are intended to serve. Curves in fields should always be made conformable to the plowing of the adjoining land ; for, if such adaptation is not attended to, land may be lost to tillage in the depth or acuteness of the curves. After the large pins are set to show the general form of a long cun^e, or series of long curves, smaller ones should be em- ployed to fill up the segments between the larger, and the cord then stretched by the side of all the pins, and the beautiful sweep of the curve carefully preserved by the small pins with the hooked heads. If a curved ditch is required, the rutting of the breadth of the ditch, as also the making of the thorn-bed, should follow the cord in its curved position ; but gieat care is required to preserve the two sides of a curved ditch parallel, for if the cross-headed wooden rule is not held at right angles to the line of the hedge, at every point where the breadth of the ditch is measured off — that is, if the cross-head is not held as a tangent to each particular curve — the breadth of the ditch will vary considerably in different places, and, of course, the ditch will there present a twist. There is no error into which laborers are so apt to fall as this : they measure, without thinking of the consequences, at any angle across the ditch ; but they should be taught to avoid it, because, if not rectified in time, it will deprive the hedge-bank of essential covenng at certain places, on account of the ditch being twist- ed into broad and narrow portions. (464.) Whore tnif is plentiful, it may be employed in this way to fence at once one side of a hedge. Let n. fig. 4fi, he the tmf wall 4 feet high, 18 inches broad at the base, and 1 foot at the top, co[)ed witii a large turf; h the stuff thrown out of the ditch c, and inclined upward toward the top of the wall. For keeping in Clieviot or Black-faced slieep, or cattle, a stJike and single rail of paling d, will be recpiired on the top, but not for Leicester sheep. In Norfolk, a high bank is thrown up, without a wall, from (5 to 7 feet in hight from the bottom of the ditch, and the thorn-plants are set into it as at b, fig. 46, among the crude earth taken out of the bottom of the ditcli. As might be expected in such a plan, it is no uncom- mon sight in that county to see the face of the bank, with the quicks in it, washed down by beating rains; and as the roots, enlarge and the bank moulders down, the yoinig ])lantshang their heads downward upon the face of the bank. The reason assigned for the adoption of this objectionable practice is, that there is no wood in that county to form temporary fences (482) PLANTING OF THORN-HEDGES. 243 until the thorns shall grow, and that being set upon the top of a steep bank, they are out of the reach of cattle at the bottom of the ditch. Even with a wall like a, fig. 46, thorns at h wiU never grow so vigorously as when placed at e ; and in dry weather they are soon stinted Fig. 46. TURF FENCE TO A THORN-HEDGE. of moisture. Where flat stones are plentiful, a good sheltering fence may be formed by in- closing a space of a few feet in breadth between two walls, and on filling it with earth, an upright hedge may be planted in it, where it wiU thrive veiy well. Such fences mav be seen in Devonshire, where flat stones from the primitive clay-slate formations are obtained in abundance. In connection with the mode of fencing considered in this paragraph is one recommended of building a 2^ feet wall on ike top of the bank behind the hedge which had been throwTi out of the ditch, and to make its coping of trnf. There are objections to this plan ; in the first place, a turf coping on a stone wall never grows well, and in consequence, turf soon becomes /Ae re an eyesore. In the next place, a wall founded on earth that has been throvvni out of the bottom of the ditch, will not remain even but a very short time, on account of the unequal subsidence of the earth, and the consequent sinking of the stones. A 3 feet stone wall, founded upon the hai-d ground, on the site of the tiu-f-wall a in fig. 46, with a single railed paling raised behuid it, until the hedge get up, would make a far better fence both for sheep and cattle. Another mode of planting a thom-hedge is to build a stone wall as at a, fig. 46, in which are left holes, about the position where the letter a is sitaate in the figure, through which the thorns grow which have been planted in the bank of earth b. This is also an objectionable mode, inasmuch as the plants, whose roots are ramifying iu the bank b, have no support from that portion of the stem which has to gi-ow in a horizontal direction through the holes of the wall, and the consequence is, that the leverage of the part of the stem which grows upright in the face of the wall is apt to shake the roots, and should the horizontal portion of the stem rest for support upon the wall within the h e, its weight and motion soon bring down the wall, if it is constructed of dry stones, or shatter it, if built with mortar Thorios have been recommended to be planted at the bottom of a wall, as of a, fig. 46, ^^'ith no bank such as b near it, but having the ditch c before it as a fence to the hedge, with a paluig on its hp. If a stone wall is buUt in such a situation, there seems no use at all of the hedge as a fence, and if a turf one, then surely thorns will thrive much better with a bank of earth behind them, such as b, than at the bottom of a turf wall. Note — On Shelters. — The employment of artificial shelters, in fields, for plants, and treea^ and animals, is carried to a degree of expense, if not of refinement, in England, which is not likely to be extensively imitated in this country. Pig. 35 represents the form of such shelters better than words could well do it. Not only all along the sea-board of Long Island, but more or less along all our whole sea-coast, fruit anA other trees are liab'.e to be blasted and rendered unproductive by the strong blasts which strike them after acquiring a powerful momentum in sweeping over the ocean. The wall and the wood on the inside and near to it are of the same hight, but, still farther m, the wood rises considerably higher, owing to the peculiar form of the cope of the wall and the (483) 344 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. shape of the wall itself, being like an isoceles triangle — when the wind strikes its side, it is re- flected upward into the air, at the same angle. Where such shelters can be provided, they are decidedly usefal — as all must have perceived the difference, in early spring, between the advance of vegetation on the south and the north side of every inclosnre. Even common garden walls in this way afford opportunities of making beds for early plants, of lettuce, cabbage, radishes, and other vegetables. [Ed. Farm. Lib Fig. 35. (484) THE PLOW. 245 23. THE PLOW. " Howsoever any plow be made or fashioned, so it be well tempered, it may the better be suffered." Fitzherbekt. (465.) The plow serves the same purpose to the fanner as the spade to the gardener, both being used to turn over the soil and the object of doing this is, that this form of operation is the only means known of obtain- ing such a command over the soil as to render it friable and inclose ma- nure within it, so that the seeds sown into it may grow into a crop of the gi'eatest perfection.* [* VVhat we may lack, if any, of approbation from the farmer, we shall make np in the ap proval we challenge from the plow-maker, for the adoption of all that is said by the author in hand in respect of an implement which is almost as indispensable in the manufacture of crops as the stones in the mill for manufacturing the wheat into flour. As of all implements the plow is the most efficient and labor-saving, so on none has the ingenuity of the farmer and the machinist been so much exercised. It would be hazardous to say, that it has been pushed to its ne plus vltra, and that nothing now remains but to remove the animal and hitch on steam power ; but it is not easy to imagine what desideratum remains to be supplied in the construction of the plow. Instead, however, of suppressing anything in the Book of the Farm, we prefer rather to super- add what we find on the subject in a very elaborate essay on the Agriculture of Norfolk, Eng- land, to which the Royal Agricultural Society lately awarded a high prize, and paid the compli- ment of publishing it separately, in extenso, with all its illustrations. Among these ave the rep- resentations of the prize plow, which will also be found at the end of this chapter, although we do not perceive any essential difference from or improvement upon the Mid-Lothian plow given by Stephens, the plate of which accompanied our last number, and which is described in this one. To go back, as our author does, and bring up the history of its progress to its present excellence of construction, from the rude implement in use by the Romans, will need no justification to the re- flecting mind, ready as all such minds will be to draw from it the proud conclusion that the march of improvement has been from as humble beginnings to ashighreachings in Agriculture as in other arts. Neither can it fail to inspire the hope that much more may yet be achieved in other departments if not in this. None in fact is yet closed to the career of improvement in the estimation of those who are animated by that spirit for going ahead, without which no melioration would occur in any branch of human industry. The French Vigneron, wlio, better than any one else under- stands the culture of the vine, says that after ages of observation, the art of adapting each par- ticular species of vine to the soil most congenial to its culture, is yet in its ivfancy ! Let us think so of everjthing while to improve remains even barely possible ! It may here be mentioned as a curious fact that President Jefferson's explanation and diagrams to illustrate them, on the principles of mechanical philo.sophy involved in the structure of plows, and especially in their mould boards, have been referred to and quoted by writers of the highest authority on that subject in Europe. It is no less curious, that his son-in-law, Governor Ran- dolph, a man of genius, has the credit of being the inventor of the hill-side plow, with a shifling mould-board. In Mississippi and the South, where lands seem to be peculiarly subject to injury by washing, owing, perhaps, to the suddenness and violence of their showers, hill-side plowing is very extensively practiced, and with great skill and dexterity, by negro plowmen, as any one may see at Mr. TumbuU's, near Bayou Sara and other places. There, on lands very slightly un- dulating, may be found very perfect and beautiful specimens of this conservative process. From the " Prize Report " on Norfolk Agriculture. There is perhaps no implement which has undergone more improvement or more variation than the plow ; and a glance at the catalogues which of late years have emanated from the most celebrated implement-makers, will prove of how vast importance it has been considered to ob- tain such a construction that while lightness and stiffness were insured, vibration in the beam should be avoided, and a perfect action with economy of power, or a diminution of resistance should be secured, for from such a combination true work can alone result. To obtain these (485) 246 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. (466.) The spade is an implement so simple in consti-uction, that there seems but one way of using it, whatever peculiarity of form it may re- ceive, namely, that of pushing its mouth or blade into the ground with the great desiderata, appears to have been one of the groat objcctB with Messrs. Ransome, for from DO foundry has ever been seen a greater number of these implements, or which combined in a lUrger extent tlicse leading points ; but in every case exhibiting the thought and skill from which they had proceeded. The Reports of the Royal Agricultural Society demonstrate the estimation in which these progressive improvements have been held. It was, however, reserved for these manufacturers to exhibit, at the Southampton meeting of the year 1844, a new plow, which proved it-self equally well adapted for light and heavy soils. This implement was chiefly novel in its material, and formation of the handles and beam. These are constructed of the best wrought iron, combining lightness with adequate strength. The beams are made on the "truss principle " — that is, connecting tlie two sides together in such a manner as to prevent thorn from giving way to any amount of force, on whichever side it may be applied. The other new point is the mode of fastening the coulter, which facilitates its being placed in any new position with rapidity and ease. The following cut exhibits the figure of the prize implement, eitlier with two or one wheel, and a.s a swing plow. Wo had seen the plow at work at Mr. Henry Overman's, of Weasenham, in the autumn oi 1843, and the opinion of the judges at Southampton has fully borne out the high opinion that a practical farmer gave us of its capability and excellence. Among the implements of late invention which have deservedly obtained the inventor great credit, and from their utility liave come into consfderable u.sc — one more particularly than the other — are the subsoil and subturf plows, the invention of Sir Edwakd Stacey, of Rackheath Hall, Norfolk. Although the.se implements are .10 well known, yet any report of Norfolk Agri- culture would be incomplete were cither a notice or a sketch of one of them omitted. Their ef- fects have been found most beneficial on many soils, whore the natural tenacity is increased by a hard substratum. On one farm where the land was subject to sutTcr from the rains in the autumn, the subsoil plow was passed up the furrows on a turnip fallow previous to the autumn plowing. The effect was to free the land from a more than ordinary quantity of moisture which happened (486) THE PLOW. 247 foot, lifting up as much earth with it as it can carry, and then inverting it so completely as to put the upper part of the earth undermost. This op- eration, called digging, may be done in the most pei-fect manner ; and any attempt at improving it, in so far as its uniformly favorable results are concerned, seems unnecessary. Hitherto it has only been used by the hand, no means having yet been devised to supply gi-eater power than human strength to wield it. It is thus an instrument which is entirely under man's personal control. (467.) The effect attempted to be produced on the soil by the ^Zo^^? is an exact imitation of the work of the spade. From the circumstance, how- ever, of the plow being too large and heavy an implement to be wielded by the hand, it is not so entirely under man's control as the spade. To wield it as it should be, he is obliged to call in the aid of horses, which, though not capable of wielding it personally, as "man does the spade, can, nevertheless, through the means of appropriate appliances, such as har- ness, do so pretty effectually. It is thus not so much man himself as the horses which he employs that turn over the ground with the plow, they, in a great measure, becoming his substitutes in performing that operation ; and they are so far his superiors, that they can turn over a greater quan- tity of the soil with the plow in a given time than he can with the spade. Man, however, has this advantage over horses in turning over the soil, that he can do it well with a very simple instrument — the spade ; whereas horses require an instrument of more complex structure — the plow — to perform the same sort of work not so well ; and the reason is this, that although the spade is really a very simple instrument, the act of digging with it is to fall that year, and to benefit materially the following crop of turnips. Sir Edward has already described the utility of the former upon the heath-land attached to his estate, as well as the im- provement of his park by the subturf plow, in the journals of the Society A practice has lately become very prevalent in some parts of the county, to lay the furrows in one direction. This method, if it should be found advantageous, will be greatly aided by Lowcock's new plow. This gentleman is a farmer at Westerland, Devon, and his attention was drawn to its necessity by having found that great injury was sustained in his neighborhood by the currents of air drawn up the furrows when the land was either ridged or thrown into stetches. When the land is laid in one plain surface, it is thought that the seed can be more easily deposited — and that in rainy seasons it will ab.sorb the moisture with greater regularity, and in a dry one would be less injured by drouth. This implement seems to be the combined result of theoretical knowledge and practical experience — Mr. Lowcock farming wet soils. _ The mode of adapting it to each furrow is extremely simple. When the plowman has ar- rived at the end of the furrow, he directs the horses round on the unplowed side of the land, and the draught chain slides on a rod to the other end. While they are moving, he reverses the handles, where a catch drops into a mortice in the beam, and the plow is again ready. When the share and coulter are at work the mould-board flies into its proper direction, in which place the resistance of the newly-cut furrow keeps it. Presuming the conjectures as to the effect of such a system of plowing to be correct, this will become a very valuable imple- ment in Norfolk. Messrs. Ransome obtained a prize for it at Southampton. (See the oppo- site page.) The plows in mo.st general use are the Norfolk and the Swing Plow, which have been ren- dered lighter and steadier than formerly. There are none, perhaps, as a whole, better suited to the soil, although for particular purposes there are some superior, the Rutland having been found from its length of plat to whelm the oUand belter ; while the Norfolk, from its short breast, lays the earth looser and rougher for the operations of the winter. (487) ■'W. THE PLOW. 249 not a simple operation, but requires every muscle of the body to be put into action, so that any machine that can imitate work that has called into requisition all the muscles of the body, must have a complex structure. This would be the case even were such a machine always fixed to the same spot, and, for such a purpose, there is little difficulty in practical me- chanics in imitating the work of man's hands, by complicated machinery; but it is not so simple a problem in practical mechanics, as it at first sight may appear, to construct a light, strong, durable, convenient instrument, which is easily moved about, and which, at the same time, though com- plex in its structure, operates by a simple action ; and yet the modem plow is an instrument possessing all these properties in an eminent degree. (468.) The common plow used in Scotland is made either wholly of iron, or partly of wood and partly of iron. Until a few years ago it was universally made both of wood and ii'on, but now it is generally made en- tirely of iron. A wooden plow seems a clumsier instrument than an iron one, though it is somewhat lighter. The plow is now made wholly of iron, partly from the circumstance of its withstanding the vicissitudes of weather better than wood ; and, however old, iron is always worth some- thing ; and partly because good ash timber, of which plows were usually made, is now become so scarce in many parts of the country, that it fetches the large price of 3s. per cubic foot ; whereas iron is now becoming more abundant and cheap (204), being no more than 6£14 per ton for common cast goods, and from c£10 to c£18 per ton for malleable ii'on. A wooden plow with iron mountings usually weighs 13 stones imperial, and an iron one for the same work 15 stones. The cost of a wooden one is c£3 16s., capable of being serviceable, with repairs, for the cuiTency of a lease of 19 years ; that of an iron one ^4 4s., which will last a lifetime, or at least many years. Some farmers, however, still prefer the wooden one, alleging that it goes more steadily than the iron. Whatever of prejudice there may be in this predilection for the wooden plow, it must be owned that the iron one executes its work in a satisfactory manner. There is, I be- lieve, no great difference of economy in the use of the two kinds of plows. (469.) The plow, as it is now made, consists of a number of parts, which are particularly described below at (493), fig. 48, and to which you should immediately refer, in order to become acquainted with them. How well soever these diiferent parts may be put together, if they are not all tem- pered, as it is termed, to one another, that is, if any part has more to do than its own share of the work, the entire implement will go unsteadily. It can be easily ascertained whether a plow goes steadily or not, and the fact is thus practically ascertained ; and its rationale will be found below. (470.) On taking hold of the plow by the handles with both hands, while the horses are drawing it through the land, if it have a constant tendency to go deeper into the soil than the depth of the furrow-slice previously de- termined on, it is then not going steadily. The remedy for this eiTor is twofold, namely, either to press harder upon the stilts with the hands, and, by their power as levers, bring the sock nearer the surface of the ground, a.nd this is called "steeping ; " or to effect the same thing in another way, is to put the draught-bolt of the bridle a little nearer the ground, and this is called giving the plow " less earth." The pressure upon the handles or stilts should first be tried, as being the most ready remedy at your com- mand ; but should it eventually fail of effecting the purpose, or the hold- ing the stilts so be too severe upon your arms, the draught-bolt should be lowered as much as required. But should both these attempts at amend- ment fail, then there must be some error in another part of the plow. On examining the sock, or share, its point may possibly be found to dip too (489) . " "^ 250 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. much below the line of the sole, which will produce in it a tendency to go deeper than it should. Thia eiTor in the sock can only be rectified at the smithy. (471.) Aq[ain, the plow may have an opposite tendency, that is, a ten- dency to come out of the p^round. This tendency cannot well he coun- teracted by the opposite method of supporting the stilts upward with the arms, because in this condition of body you cannot walk steadily, having no support for yourself, but rather affording support to the plow. It is for this reason that a very short man can scarcely hold a plow steady enough at any time ; and hence such a man does not make a desirable plowman. The draught-bolt should, in the first instance, be placed farther from the ground, and in so doing the j)low is said to get " inare earths Should this alteration of the point of draught not effect the purpose, the point of the sock will probably be found to rise above the line of the sole, and must therefore be brought down to its proper level and position by the smith (525). (472.) You may find it difficult to make the plow turn over a furrow- slice of the breadth you desire. This tendency is obviated by moving the draught-bolt a little to the right ; but in case the tendency arise from some casual circumstance under ground, such as collision against a small stone, or a piece of unusually hard ground, it may be overcome by leaning the plow a little over to the right, until the obstruction is passed. These ex- •pedients are said to give the plow " more land." (473.) The tendency of the plow, however, may be quite the opposite from this — it may incline to take a slice broader than you want ; in which case, for permanent work, the draught-bolt should be put a little farther to the left, and for a temporary purpose the plow may be leaned a little over to the left, and which ax'e said to give the plow " less land." (474.) These are the ordinary instances of unsteadiness in the going of plows ; and, though they have been narrated singly, two of them may com- bine to produce the same result, such as the tendency to go deeper or come out with that of a naiTower or broader furrow-slice. The remedy should first be tried to correct the most obvious of the eiTors ; but both remedies may be tried at the same time, if you apprehend a compound error. (475.) Some plowmen habitually make the plow lean a little over to the left, thus giving it in effect less land than it would have, were it made to move upon the flat of the sole ; and, to overcome the consequent tendency of the plow to make a narrower furrow-slice than the proper breadth, they move the draught-bolt a little to the right. The plowing with a consider- able lean to the left is a bad custom, because it makes the lowest side of the furrow-slice, when turned over, thinner than the upper side, which i/s exposed to view, thereby deluding you into the belief that the land has all been plowed of equal depth ; and it causes the horses to bear a lighter draught than those which have turned over as much land in the same time, with a more equal and therefore deeper furrow-slice. Old plowmen, be- coming infirm, are very apt to practice this deceptive mode of plowing, — The plow should always move flat upon its sole, and turn over a rectangu- lar furrow-slice ; but there are certain exceptions to this rule, depending on the peculiar con.struction of parts of certain forms of plows, which will be pointed out to you afterward. (476.) None assume the habit of leaning the plow over to the right, be- cause it is not so easy to hold it in that position as when it moves upon the sole along the land-side. (477.) Other plowmen, especially tall men, practice the habit of con- (490) THE PLOW. 251 Btantly leaning hard upon the stilts, or of steeping; and, as this practice has the tendency to lift up the fore point of the plow out of the gi-ound, they are obliged, to keep it in the ground, to put the draught-bolt farther from the ground than it should be. A little leaning of the hands upon the stilts is requisite at all times, in order to retain a firm hold of them, and thereby have a proper guidance of the plow. (478.) A good plowman will use none of these expedients to make his plow go steadily, nor will he fall into any of these reprehensible habits. — He will temper the irons, so as there shall be no tendency in the plow to go too deep or too shallow into the ground, or make too wide or too nar- . row a furrow-slice, or cause less or more draught to the horses, or less or more trouble to himself, than the nature of the work requires to be per- formed in the most proper manner. If he have a knowledge of the imple- ment he works with — I mean, a good practical knowledge of it, for a knowledge of its piinciples is not requisite for his purpose — he will temper ^all the parts, so as to work the plow with great ease to himself, and, at the same time, have plenty of leisure to guide his horses aright, and execute his work in a creditable manner. I have known such plowmen, and they invariably executed their work in a masterly way ; but I never yet saw a plowman execute his work well, who had not acquired the art of temper- ing the irons of his plow. Until he leams this art, the best made plow will be comparatively worthless in his hands. (479.) In the attempt to temper the irons, many plowmen adopt a posi- tion of the coulter which increases the draught of the plow. When the point of the coulter is put forward in a line with the point of the sock, but a good deal asundei-, to the left or land side, in light land that contains small stones, a stone is very apt to be caught between the points of the coulter and sock, and which will throw the plow out of the ground. This catastrophe is of no great consequence when it occurs on plowing land preparatory to another plowing ; but it tears the ground on plowing lea, which must be rectified instantly ; and, in doing it, there is loss of time in backing the horses to the place where the plow was thrown out. To avoid such an accident on such land, the point ©f the coulter should be put im- mediately above, and almost close upon, that of the sock ; and this is the best temper of those irons, in those circumstances, for lea-plowing. In smooth soils — that is, free of small stones — the relation of the coulter and sock to each other is not of much importance in regard to steadiness ; but it is the best practice to cut the soil clean at all times, and the pi'acticabil ity of this should be suited to its natui'e. (480.) The state of the irons themselves has a material effect on the tem- per of the plow. If the cutting edge of the coulter, and the point and cut- ting edge of the sock, are laid with steel, the irons will cut clean, and go long in smooth soil. This is an economical mode of treating plow-irons destined to work in clay-soils. But, in gravelly and all sharp soils, the ii'ons wear down so quickly that farmers prefer irons of cold iron, and have them laid anew every day, rather than incur the expense of laying them with steel, which, perhaps, would not endure work much longer in such soil than iron in its ordinary state. Irons are now seldom if ever steeled ; but, whether they are steeled or not, they are always in the best state when sharp, and of the proper lengths. (481.) An imperfect state of the mould-board is another intenniption to a perfect temper of the plow. When new and rough, it accumulates the loose soil upon it, whose pressure against the turning fuiTOw-slice causes the plow to deviate from its right course. On the other hand, when the mould-board is wora away much below, it is apt to leave too much of the (491) 252 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. crumbled _ soil in the bottom of tbe furrows, especially in plowing loose soils. Broki'u si(le-j>lates, or so worn into holes that the earth is easily pressed thrcoiujh them into the bosom of the plow, also cause rough and unequal work ; and nuire or less earth in the bosom affects the balance of the plow, both in its temper and drauglit. These remarks are made upon the supposition that all plows are equally well made, and may, therefore, be tempered to work in a satisfactory manner ; but it is well kno\\Ti that plows sometimes get into the possession of farmers, radically so ill-con- structed that the best tempering the irons are capable of receiving will never make them do good work. (482.) When all the particulai-s which plowmen have to attend to in ex- ecuting their work — in having their plow-irons in a proper state of repair, in tempering them according to the kind of plowing to be executed, in guiding their horses, and in plowing the land in a methodical way — when all these particulars are considered, it ceases to sui-prise that so few plow- men should be first-rate workmen. Good plowmanship requires greater powei-s of observation than most young plowmen possess, and greater judgment than most will take time to exercise, in order to become famil- iarized wtth all these particulars, and to use them all to the best advant- age. To be so accomplished implies the possession of talent of no mean order. The ship has been aptly compared to the plow, and the phrase, " plowing the deep," is as familiar to us islanders as plowing the land : to be able to put the ship in '• proper trim," is the peifection aimed at by ev- ery seaman; so, in like manner, to "temper a plow" is the gieat aim of the good plowman ; and to be able to do it with judgment, to guide horses with discretion, and to execute plowing correctly, imply a discrimination akin to sailing a ship. (433.) [The present age is, perhaps, the most remarkable that time has produced, for the perfection of almost every kind of machine or tool required in the various dejiartments of art and of miiniifactures. In that most important of all arts — the production of the raw ma- terial of hiunun CkkI — something like a roiresponding progress has been effected in its ma- chineiy and tools, though certainly not to the same degree of perfection as those employed in most of our manufacmres, whether they be in animal, vegetable, mctiiUic or mineral pro- ductions. Various causes exist to prevent, or at least retard, an equal degree of perfection being arrived at in agricultural machinerj-, among which may be noticed one per\ ading cir- ctimstance, that afiects, more or less, almost eveiy machine or implement employed. This circumstance is, that all the important operations of the fann are perfomied by seasons occu pying companitively short periods of time , and, should the artisjin be endeavoring to pro- duce any new or important machine, he can only make trial of it in die proper season. The imperfection of human perception is too well known to leave us in surprise at the first at- tempt of any improvement turning out more or less a failure. The artisan, therefore, will in all probability find that his project requires amendment; and, before that can be effected, tlie season is i);ist in wliich a second ti-ial could be made, and, consequently, must lie over for a year, in the course of which many circumstances may occur to cause its being forgotten or laid aside. Impediments of this kind do not occur to tlie inventor or improver of mana- facturing ^machinery, where constant daily oppoitunities are at htmd to test the successive steps of his invention. One other general cause, and of another kind, exists, to supersede tlie necessity, or even the proprict}', of employing machinery- of such high and delicate finish as we see in tiie machines of all innloor manufactures. This is the irregularit)' of the media on which agricultural macliinery is employed, and the numerous changes protluced on these media — the soils and produce — by vicissitudes of weather and other causes, which not only affect the operation, but also the existence of many of these machines. From this cause, with its train of incidents, it may be inferred that agricultund machiner)- and tools must, of necessity, be of simple construction, which embrace nothing but the essentials of usefulness ; that they have sufficient strength for their intended purpose, and free of any undue weight ; that there should bo no redund;mcy nor misapplication of materials ; that all materials em- ployed should be of the best quality, and the workmanship plain and sound. These prop- erties, it must be admitted, are of greater importance to agricultural machinerj', in general, than the minute delicacy of construction and finish observable in many of those almost intel- lectual tools employed in some of the other arts and manufactures. (484.) Although, therefore, agricultural machines in general do not require a high me- chanical finish, yet there are among them those which aie ba.sed on principles implying a (492) THE PLOW. 253 knowledge and application of science, as well as mechanical skill, in tbeir construction ; and in this class is to be ranked the plow, which, in one word, is the most important of all agri- cultural machines. (485.) To the plow, then, our attention is first to be directed, not only as standing at the head of all its fellows in the ranks of the machinery of the farm, but as being the first imple- ment to which the attention of the fanner is called, in the commencement of this the winter season. (486.) Before entering on the details of the implement as it now appears, it will be inter- esting to look back for a moment into its history. With the earliest stages of human indus- try, the tillage of the ground in some shape must be considered as coeval ; and in these early attempts, some implement analogous to a plow must have been resorted to. In all ancient figures and descriptions of that implement, its extreme simplicity is to be remarked ; and this is but a natural result ; but with the progress of human intellect, are to be also observed deviations from the oiiginal simplicity, and an increase in the number of its parts, with a corresponding complexity in its stnicture. The Roman plows, imperfectly as tliey are de- scribed by different Roman authors, is an example of this. And as an example of appa- rently very remote origin, the caschrom, or plow used even at this day, in some portions of the Outer Hebrides and in Skye, forms a very curious and interesting antiquarian relic of the ancient Celtic habits. It is formed, as in fig. 47, of one piece of wood, selected from its Fig. 47. e THE CASCHROM. possessing the natural bend at a, that admits of the head a b assuming a nearly horizontal position, when the handle c is laid upon the shoulder of the person who wields the imple- ment. A simple wedge-shaped share, h d, is fitted to the fore part of the sole. A wooden peg, e, is inserted in the side of the heel at e, which completes the implement. On this last member the foot of the operator is applied, to push the instmment into the gi-ound. It is of course worked by the hand alone, and makes simply a rut in the ground. Yet even in this rude implement are to be traced the rudiments of a plow. (487.) As the cultivation of the soil became more and more an object of industry, coito spending improvements would naturally follow in the implements by which such operations were performed. But in Britain previous to the beginning of the last centuiy, the plow ap- pears to have continued in a very uncouth state. About that period Agriculture seems to have become more an object of improvement. Draining began to be studied, and its effects appreciated. The amelioration of the soil produced by draining would soon call for better modes of dressing such improved soils ; hence, still farther improvements in the plow would come into request. In accordance with this, we find the introduction of an improved plow into the northern counties of England, under the name of the Dutch or Rotherham plow. This appears to be the foundation of all the modern improvements, and from the circum- stance of engineers and mechanics having been brought from Holland to conduct the drain- ing of the English fens, there is good reason to conclude that the Rothei-ham plow was ori- ginally an importation from Holland, in a similar manner as the barley-mill was, at a later period, borrowed fi-om that country. About the middle of the past century, the Rotherham plow appears to have been partially introduced into Scotland ; but until Mr. James Small took up the subject, and, by his judicious improvements gave a decided character to the plow, little or no progi-ess had been made with it. (488.) Small appears to have been the first who gave to the mould-board and the share a form that could be partially imitated by others, whereby, following his instnictions, mould- boards might be multiplied, each possessing the due fonn which he had directed to be given to them. It is to be observed, that when Small first taught the method of construc- tion, mould-boards were really boards of wood, and for their defence, were covered with (493) 254 THE BOOK OF THE FARM — WINTER. plates ofiron. The metliotl of construction being not very clearly defiiK-tl. and mould-hoardB being necessarily constructed by many difl'erent hands, tlie improved syiiiein. it may be easily conceived, must have been liable to failine in practice, it was. ihereliire, one of those happy coincidences which now and then occur lor the Ix-ncfit nl mankind, ihal the founding of cast-iron was then begiiuiin^ to become general. The liirlunale circumstance was seized. Mould-boanls, together with the head or sheath, and the sole and land-side plates, were made of cast-iron; and a model or pattern of ihese pnrls having been once formed, any number of duplicates could be obtainetl. each pos-sessing every quality, in point of form, as perfectly as the original mcidel. The plow, thus in a great measure placed be- yond the power of uninfonncd mechanics to maltreat, came rapidly and deservt-dly into pub- lic esteem, under the name of Small's plow. Though originally pioducetl in nervvickshire, the plow that seems to retain the principal feature of Smalls ini|iriivcmenls — the mould- board is now found chieHy in East-Lothian, and, as will apjicar. dillt-rs very sensibly from that now generally used in Berwicksliire. (489.) Other writers, about the same period, published mcthcxis fur constructing a mould- board on just princii)les. Among these, the method j)roj)osed by IJailey of Clnllingham may be mentioned as approaching very near to the tnie iheoietical form. Others less perfect have been proposed, which it is not necessary at present to notice; while several have pub- lished "enenil descriptions of their construction of the plow, but have withheld the princi- ples on° which their mould-boards are fomied. (490.) While these improvements of the past century were going on, the plow was »ni- versally constructed with wooden framing; but about the beginning of ihe jiresent century (the precise year cainiot now be well defined), malleable iron began to be empinyed in their fabrication. The application of this material in the constnictif)n of jilows came wiili s>ted, the sniiillest extraneous obstacle would tend to throw it out, unless a constant, unceasing watch is kept on its movements bv the plowman. To obviate it\U, he gets tlie share set with a blrong ten- dency to earth (tor it is tliis tendency that has most etti'ct). greater than is requisite ; and, to pre- vent "the plow taking a too deep furrow, he counteracts this by adjusting the draught-bolt to an opposite tendency; the implement will thus be kept in equilibrium, but it js obtained at an addi- tional expenditure of horse-power. I'ndcr any such circumstances, the plow is drawn at a disad- vantage to the horses, as will be afterward shown, by reasou of an obli(iuity of the line of draught to the direction of motion, and this disadvantage is augmented by every undue tendency given to the parts by which the obliquity of their action is incrca.--ed ; or. if not so increased, the preven- tion of the increase will induce a deterioration in the work performed. This point 1 shall be able also to establish when I come to speak of the action of the plow generally. In the mean time, it may be affirmed that all undue inclination given to the share, bui especially in its earthing, will either produce an unnecessary resistance to the draught, or it will deteriorate the quality of the plowing. It is, ilieretbre, the' interest of the farmer to guard against, and to prevent as much as possible, every attempt at giving any undue bias to this importaiit member of the plow. (di6.) The La.vaukshike Plow. — The Lanarkshire plow, as cou.structcd by Mr. Wilkie, Ud- dingstone, is represented in Plate IX. ; fig. 51 being an elevation, and fig. 52 a plan. Like the former, it now occurs with various shades of ditterence. but the leading points remain unchanged ; like it, also, its frame-work is invariably made of malleable iron. but. in the construction of this, the application of malleable iron is carried a step farther, as will appear in the details. (5i!7.) The beam and left handle are usually finished in one continuous bar, ABC. possessing a Btiil more varied curvature than in the former plow, inasmuch as it is curved hDrizontally as well as vertically. When viewed in plan, and compared with the land-Bide plane as applied to the sole-shoe, and the fore-part of the body standing vertical, it is found that the bcain, where it meets the breast-curve, coincides with the land-side plane, but at the coulter-box it de%-iates to the right to the extent of Ij inches, if measured to the axis of the beam. Instead of continuing to deviate in this direction, the beam retunis toward the land-side plane, till at C it is 1 inch to the right. — This formation of the fore-part of the beam gives a po.>iiiiou that ai)parently makes llie draught bear from a point within the body of the plow, that may be imagined to ajiproximate to the cen- ter of resistance of the bodj-. This is. however, more apparent than real, for the beam in this case acts simply as a bar bent at an angle, and perfectly rigid, on w hich, suppose a power and resistance applied at its extremities, the resultant of the strain will not follow the axis of the bar through its angular direction, but iu the direction of the .shortest line between the two points where the power and the resistance are applied. In addition to this horizontal curvature of the beam, it will be observed that the box of the coulter is formed by an increase of thickness on the right side only, while there is even a slight depression on the left side. This double deviation to the right gives an inclination to the plane of the coulter much greater than in any other variety of plow, being about 8"' from the vertical. Though this jieculiarity in the form of the beam is one of the most decided characteristics of this plow, as we now find it, it does not appear to have been an original element in VVilkie's plow, for the late Mr. Wilkie says, '• the beam, which is 6\ feet long, is wrought quite straight on the land-side :''" and, from his data in the same paper, his coulter must have made an angle with the vertical plane of li-, whereas, by the more modern construction, the angle is 8"^. Continuing the comparison with the land-side plane, it will be seen that the left handle, at its junction with the tail of the beam, overhangs the land-side piano to the left fey about I inch, there being that extent of twist on the .surface of the land-side, within the limits of the body, and the same handle continues to recede from that plane tdl at the helve A it stands 7 inches to the left. This is also a point in construction of this plow, though it does not bear upon the prin- ciple of its actual workmg. As before obser\-ed regarding the position of tlie i)lowman in relation to the handles (512), this point is one that may be liable to be questioned, but, not being an essen- tial point, its determination is of minor importance. (528.) The rif;ht handle HV. is formed in one bar, and attached to the bodj-frame, as will appear in detail : and it is connected to the left handle by tlie stretcher bolts FFF. and tlie stays GG. (529.) The coulter I is fixed in its box K ; the rake or ansh at which the coulter stands in this plow, as before stated (26G), is from 55-' to 65'^. The land-side lace of the coulter is usually set to form an angle with the land side plane of the plow, horizontally, of about 4-'. (530.) The viould-hoard L, fixed upon the body-frame and the right handle, is a curved plate of cast-iror;, adapted to the turning of the furrow-slice. Its fore-edge or breast MN coincides with the land-side of the body ; its lower edge O behind stands trom 7 J to 8 inches distant from the land-side, while its upper edge P spreads out to 18 inches from H, the land-.side. In this plow, the mould -board is prolonged forward, covering the neck of the share, meeting the shield at the root of the feather Q, of the share. At this point Nti, the horizontal breadth of the mould-board is 3 inches: its bight from the base-line, at the same point, is from 2| inches to 2J inches, accord- ing as the inclination of the share varies ; the length along the lower edge from O to N is 20 inches, and from P to M 23 inches ; the extreme length in a straight line from P to N is 33 inches : and the perpendicular bight from the plane of the base-line to P is about 11 inches. Slight deviations from these dimensions of the mould-board are to be found iu the numerous sub-varieties of tliia plow. (531.) The share Q.R is fitted upon a malleable-iron head, to be afterward described ; the neck passing under the mould board at XQ,. and the shield falling into tlie curve of the mould-board, terminates forward in the chisel-point R. (532.) The bridle C is formed iu this plow by tlie end of the beam being converted into a fork Farmer's Magazine, toL xiL (502) THE PLOW. 263 or sheers, to which is attached the hridle proper S, by means of the draught-holt U ; the sheers forming an adjustment vertically, while the bridle yields it horizontally, by shifting the draught- shackle at S. (533.) The right and left handles are each furnished at A and D with wooden helves fitted into the sockets of the handles. (534.) The general dimensions of this plow are : From the zero-point O to the extremity of the heel T, 4 inches, and from O forward to the point B/ of the share is 29 inches — giving, as the en- tire length of sole, 2 feet 9 inches. Again, from O backward to the extremity of the handles, the distance is 5 feet 6 inches, and forward to the draught-bolt U 4 feet 4 inches, making the extreme length on the base-line 9 feet 10 inches ; but following the sinuosities of the beam and bandies, the entire length from A' to U' is about 10 feet 6 inches. In reference to the body of the plow, the center of the coulter-box is 15 inches, and the point M of the breast-curve 6^ inches before the zero-point O, both as measured on the base-line ; but, following the rise of the beam, the distance from M to the middle of the coulter-box will be 10| inches. (535.) The hisrhts of the different points, as measured from the base line to the upper-line of the beam and handle, are marked on fig. 51 ; a few only of these may be repeated here. At the helve of the left handle, the bight is 3 feet 2 inches ; at the same point in the right, it is 3 feet ; at the middle stretcher, the difference in bight is only 1^ inches, but it again increases downward till the right handle meets the sole-bar, to which it is bolted. The bight at the point of the beam ia 18 inches, and at the center of the draught-bolt U at a medium 17 inches. The lower edge of the mould-board behind is usually sei at \ inch above the plane of the base-line, and at its junction with the share is from IJ to Ij inche.s. (536.) The dimensions of the frame-work of this plow are in general as follows: The beam, at its junction with the mould-board at M, is from 2^ to 3 inches in depth, by from 1 to 1\ inches in breadth, the same strength being preserved onward to the coulter-box K ; and thence, forward to the root of the sheers, a gradual diminution goes on to about 2 inches by | inch. The coulter box is formed, as before described, by an oblique mortise being pierced through the beam ; which, for this purpose, has been previously forged with a protuberance at this place, to the right side only and upward, giving it a depth of 3 inches. The opening of the coulter-box is about 2^ by | inches. From the junction with the mould-board, the beam begins to diminish also backward till it merges in the left handle, and here it measures only 2 inches in depth by | inch in breadth. The left handle, where it joins the tail of the beam, has a depth of 2 J inches ; and here, also, it forks off into the hind branch of the body; and it diminishes in depth backward to 1| inches at the commence- ment of the helve-socket. The right handle, as in the former case, is somewhat lighter, and is con- nected with the left by means of stretchers, as already described (528) ; and both tenninate in sockets for receiving the wooden helves. (537.) The body-frame. — This and the succeeding figures of the details of this plow are on a scale of \\ inches to 1 foot. In the frame of the Lanarkshire plow, as usually constructed, those parts which in the East-Lothian plow I have called the body-frame, are here formed in malleable iron. The two bars or branches of the body are w;elded to, and form prolongations from, the beam and left handle. Fig. 73 is an elevation of this body-frame ; a a is a portion of the beam ; b b d. Fig. 73. Fig. 74. THE DETAILS OF THE BODY-FRAME. prolongation of the left handle after it merges in the beam, forming the hind-bar of the body-frame ; c c is the fore-bar falling from the beam ; each of these bars is kneed to the right hand at the bot- tom, forming a palm by which they are bolted to the sole-bar d e. This last terminates forward in the head ef, upon which the share is fitted. The hind-bar is forged to a breadth of 2 inches, its thickness being | inch. The fore-bar is about 21 inches broad, and | inch thick ; each being re- spectively thinner than the beam, at the point where they spring from it, by the thickness of the (503) 264 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. Fig. 75. laod-BJde plate. The sole bar de is made also of malleable iroo, and is 15 inches in length in tbd part from d lo e, wiili a breadth of 2 inches swelled at e. and depth of 1 inch at c. The length from c to/ is fi inclies, and in the depth the bar is tapered off from e toward /. where the depth ia i inch. From e it tapers backward to J inch at d. A portion of the right handle is e.xhibiied as broken off at ir ; the lower extremity bein_' twisted to a riv'ht angle, so as to lie flat on the sole-bar CO which it is bolted, along with the palm of the fore-bar at A. (538.) To determine the position of the points in this body-frame, let the zero-point O, as already fixed, be marked on the beam at 15 inches behind the center of the coulter-box K. and the whole beam carved ai-Teeably to the dimensions given fig. 52, Plate IX. ; tlien, the bight from the bottom of the solo-bar to the top edge of the beam at tlie zero-point will be 14i inches, as before stated, le«s the ihicknes-s of the sole-shoe at that point, or equal to 1-4 inches. The fore-part of the sole-bar at e will have its position determined when a siraieht-e/?. The lower stretcher, by which the right handle is connected to the left, is marked y. and r r mark the bolts for fi.xing the land-side plate. Fig. 74. already alluded to, is a front view of the gland on which the fore-part of the mould-board is supported. and this is seen also in profile in fig. 75. which is a transverse section of the body-frame on the line x x. In this figure a is the beam, c the fore- bar with its kneed palm at h. under which is tliesole-bar e ; ^ is the broken off part of the right handle, terminating in the palm lying over that of the fore-bar ; and these three parts are secured by one bok at h. The sole- shoe is seen at op, with its land-side flange, which is fixed by the bolt p. (540.) The sh are. — The figures from 76 to ?2 are illu.strati ve of the shares of this plow, a.« ailapted to both fallow and lea plowing, where fig. 76 is a plan, fig. 77 a geometrical elevation of the furro%v-side of the eliare ; and fig. 80 a direct end-view looking forward, in all which a b is the neck or socket by which it is attached to the bead ; c is the shield, extending over the body and the feather, but, for distinction, I shall call the portion e cf in fig. 76 the body, and b g' h the feather, i being the point of the share, which in this plow is always chisel-shaped. Fig. 78 is an elevation of the furrow-side of the lea-share, and fig. 79 a direct end view of the same. These views have the same letters of reference ; and exhibit the rise of the cutting edge of the feather above the plane of the base line, which, when it reaches the maximum hight, stands 1^ inches above that plane, which gives an angle equal to 8^ or more with the plane of the sole in a innsverse direction. The extreme breadth of this share at e y is 5J to 6 Fig. 78. A SECTION or THX BODT-FRAMK. Fig. 79. h . Fig. 77. •^ Fig. 7«. THE DETAILS OF THE SHARE. \504) THE PLOW. 265 inches ; the length from the point to the head of the shield i b, 10 inches, and again from the point to the extremity of the neck / a, is 16 inches. A share thus formed will necessarily cut the furrow lower at the land-side than at the extreme edge of the furrow lower at the laud-"side, than at the extreme edge of the feather ; for, since the share must cut the slice all along its cutting edge at the same instant, that part of the slice which is cut by the chisel point will be the lowest pos- sible, and every succeeding point backward will be higher and higher till it reach the apex of the curved feather 1^ inches above the true plane of the sole. Figs. 79 and 80 exhibit the openin°- of the neck a h, which fits upon the head, and f c g- the outline of the posterior end of the shield and feather of the two shares. Figs. 81 and 82 are transverse sections of figs. 76 and 77 on the lines y y, X X respectively. (541.) The sole-shoe. — Fig. 83 is a plan of the sole-shoe, where a 6 is the sole-flange with its single bolt-hole, and c d the land-side flange. Fig. 84 is an elevation of the same, as viewed on Fig. 84. THE DETAILS OF THE SOLE-SHOE. tne furrow-side, wherein a J is the sole-flange seen edgewise, and c d the side-flange, e.xhibitin'^ the notch e. 2 J inches long and 2 iuches deep, adapted to receive the neck of the share, while the slope d is adapted to the breast-curve of the mould-board. Fig. 85 is a transverse section of the shoe ; a the sole, and c the land-side, exhibiting also the filling, in the internal angle, opposite to where the greatest wear takes place on the exterior. The land-side flange is 5 inches in hight, and along the line of junction with the sole it is \ inch thick, lessening upward to I inch at the upper edge ; the sole-flange is % inch in depth at the heel, diminishing forward to \ inch at the fore-end. and retaining a uniform breadth of 2J inches. The length of the sole-flange is 17 inches, and of the land-side flange to the extreme point 20 inches. The upper land-side plate in this plow is loj inches in length on the lower edge ; its upper edge, as exhibited in fi^'. 90, corre- sponds in its outline to the beam, joining flush with the left handle. The thickness at the lower edge agrees with that of the upper edge of the sole-shoe, and is diminished at the upper edge to \ inch. (542.) The bridle. — Figs. 86 and 87 are two views of the bridle, the first a plan, the second a Fig. 87. (505) THE DETAILS OF THE BRIDLE. 266 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. Bide view, wiih the same letters to earh. a is a portion of the beam, the extremity of which ia forked into the sheers i J, 2 inches wide, each cheek of the sheers being also spread ont into cross-heads c c, 5J inches lonisr, each famished with four or more perforations; they are also pre- vented from collapsing by the insertion between them of a stretclier t. The bridle d d is adapt- ed to the cross-heads of the sheers, and jointed on the draught-bolt e. The web d d of the bridle. 9 inches in Icnirth, is also provided with perforations, and furnished with the shackle f, which is attached to it by the bolt ir. This arrangement affords the usual facility of changing tne draught By shiftintr the bridle on the cross heads of the beam, in the vertical direction, the earlhinsr of the plow is adjusted, and by the same operation on the shackle of the bridle horizontally, the lajid- tne is adju.ated. The draught swivel-hook k is attached to the shackle, as before described, to which are appended the draught-bars afterward described. (543.) This plow is always provided with a verj- useful appendage, an iron hammer, fig. 68. The head and handle are forged in one j)iece of malleable iron, the latter part being fonued into a nut-key. With this simple but uselu! tool, the plowman has always at hand tlie means by which he can, without lo.ss of time, alter and ad- just the position of his plow-irons — the coulter and share — and perform other little operations, which circum.«tances or accident may require — for the performance of which most plowmen are under the necessitj- of taking advantage of the first s(one they can find, merely from the want of this simple instrument. The hammer is slung in a staple fixed in the side of a beam in anj' convenient position, as at s in fig. 73. This little appendage is confidently recommended to all plowmen, as an essential part of the famiture of the plow. {544.) The plow-staff. — Fig. 89 represents the plow-staff, another and a necessarj- article of the movable furniture of the plow. It is in form of a small shovel, having a socket, into which a Fig. 88. THE IRON HAMMER NUT-KET. Fig. 89. THE PLOW-STAFF. helve of 5 feet in length is inserted, and in some parts of the countrj- this is furnished with an oblique cross-head. Its position in tlie plow is to lie between the handles, and its nse to enable the plowman to remove all extraneous matter, as earth, stubble, roots, weeds, &.C., that may accu- mulate upon the mould-board or the coulter. It is common to all plows. (545.) The Land- Side. — Figs. 90 and 91 are illustrations of the land-side of the body of this plow ; fig. 90 being an elevation with the extremities cat off, the point of the ehare, as before, Fig. 90. Scale. THK DETAILS OF THX LAHD-SIDI. rests upon the base-line at a and b. and the lines of the sole lying between these points form the obtuse angle in the sole lines ; a c is the share, n its neck, and d h the sole-shoe ; e is the land-side plate, which is adapted to fill up the entire space between the side-flange of the sole-shoe and the beam ; the fore part being adjusted to finish with the edge of the mould-board, while the posteri- (506) THE PLOW. 267 or part may be worked off to the taste of the maker. The lines a d and d b, together with the base line, t'orm a very low triangle, a d b ; the altitude at d being not more than | of an inch and by extending the side b d to h, the depression h a of the point of the share below the line b d thus extended, will be from ^ to f of an inch. Fig. 91 represents a horizontal section of the body, as if cut otf at the upper edge of the sole-shoe. Here a c is the share, 7i its neck ; the line g hhe ing a continuation of the land-side plane, indicates the inclination landward of the point of the Bhare, which, in this plow, is usuallj' from 5 to | inch ; b d is the sole-bar, the bolt-hole at b being that by which the right handle is fixed to the bar ; e and_/"the two arms or bars of the body-frame, as cut acro-ss in the section ; and g i is the land-side flange of the sole-shoe. The line c i, con- tinued to h, exhibits the inclination of the point of the share to landward of the land-siie plane. The same reasoning applies to the inclinations of the share from the sole and land side planes, as has been offered in the case of the East-Lothian plow. (54(3.) The Mid-Lothian or Currie Plow. — The Mid-Lothian or Cnrrie plow is delineated in Plate X., where fig. 53 is an elevation of the furrow-side, and fig. 54 a horizontal plan of the entire plow. This variety of the plow, probably from its more recent introduction, has under- gone fewer changes than the two former. In one of its essential parts — the mould-board, little or no difl'erence is to be found in all the range of this variety. In the share, greater changes are ob- servable, and also in the coulter, as shall be noticed in due course. In the majority of these plows, a cast-iron body-frame is employed, and in all the mould-board is prolonged forward over the neck of the share ; and the draught is applied, through the medium of a chain-bar, placed under the beam. In respect of the mould-board of this plow, it is, in point of curvature, nearly the same as the Ea.st-Lothian, though in its prolongation forward, it bears a resemblance to the Lan- arkshire, but without possessing that characteristics of that mould-board as will be afterward shown. The share, in so far as it is immediately connected with the mould-board, closely resem- bles the Lanarkshire, and the external parts of it take also after that plow. The Mid-Lothian plow, therefore, may very appositely be termed a hybrid. (547.) In the construction of the framework of this plow, the beam and left handle are usually finished in one continued bar, ABC, possessing the varied curvature exhibited in fig. 53. as viewed in elevation. When viewed in plan, as in fig. 54, the axis of the beam lies in one straight line, though in this there are slight shades of variation, with different makers ; and the left han- dle, from its junction with the tail of the beam, gradually deviates from the line of the beam's axis, till, at the extremity A, it stands 3 inches to the left of the line of that axis. With reference to the plane of the land-side, also, when the fore part of the body is vertical, the point of the beam is inclined to the right of the plane about 1| inches, and the hind part of the body on the land- side overhangs the edge of the sole \ inch, there being that extent of twist upon the surface of the land-side, within the limits of the body. Some makers of this plow — and they are those of the greatest eminence-^adopt the practice also of throwing the coulter-box to the right hand, in the beam, making the beam plain on the land-side, as in the Lanarkshire plow. This, however, is not universal, many still preferring to have the coulter in the axis of the beam In the first case, the land-side of the coulter stands at an angle of about 7'^, and the latter about 5° with the vertical line. (548.) The right handle DE is formed in a separate bar. and attached to the body-fi-ame at its fore end by a bolt, as will be shown in detail ; and it is farther connected to the left handle by the stretcher-bolts FFF, and the stays GG. (549.) The coulter I is fixed in its bo.x K by means of iron wedges, which set and retain it in its proper position. The rake or angle that the cutting edge of the coulter in this plow makes with the base-line, takes a greater range than any of the other two. being from 45^ to 80°. The land-side face, taken horizontally, is usually set to form an angle of 2° landward, with the land- side plane. (550.) The monld-board L is fixed upon the body-frame, as before described, and is adapted, as in the former cases, to the turning over the furrow-slice. Its fore edge or breast MN coincides with the land-side of the body ; its lower edge O, behind, stands from 8^ to 9 inches distant from the land-side ; while its upper edge P spreads out to I93 inches from the land-side. It is, as al- ready observed, prolonged forward, covering the neck of the share, and meeting the shield at the root of the feather Ql. At the point NQ,, the horizontal breadth of the mould-board is 3 inches, its hight from the base-line, at the same point N, ranges from 2^ inches to 3| inches, according to the degree of inclination that is given to the share ; but the real hight from the plane of the sole- shoe is 2\ inches. The length of the mould-board along the lower edge, from O to N, is 23 inches; from P to M, along the upper edge, 26 inches; and the e.xtreme length, from P to N, is 35^ inches. The perpendicular hight, from the plane of the base-line to the upper edge at P, is about 12| inches, though trifling deviations from these dimensions may be found among the makers of this plow. (551.) The share Q,R is fitted upon the head, which in general is of cast-iron, as afterward de- scribed, the neck passing under the mould-board at NQ, : and the shield, falling into the curve of the mould-board, terminates forward in the chi.sel -point R. (552.) The bridle C of this plow is formed by a pair of straps S, appended to the point of the beam ; and from the lower parts of these, the chain-bar H passes to the beam, whereon it il fixed, a few inches before the coulter.box K. The bridle proper, U, is attached by the same bolt that connects the chain to the straps. Shifting the straps S up or down upon the beam, afr fords the requisite adjustment vertically, and the bridle U gives the horizontal adjustment. (553.) The right and left handles are each furnished, at A and D, with wooden helves, fitted into the sockets of the handles. In this plow, also, there is usually applied a brace-rod V, fixed at the fore end to the tail of the beam, and behind to the right handle by a bolt and nut, for the pur- pose of supporting the right handle. (554.) The general dimensions of this plow are — From the zero point O to the extremity of the heel T, the distance is 5 inches ; and from O forward to the point R of the share, is 29 inches ; making an entire length of 34 inches on the sole. Again, from O backward to the ex- (507) 26S THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER tremity of the handles A', the distance is 6 feet 2 iaches ; and forward to the dranght-bolt U', 4 feetS inches; inakiii;; the extreme length on the baseline 10 feet 5 inches; but measuring alone: the sinuosities of the beam and handle, the entire length from A to U is 11 feel 6 inches. (555.) In reference to the body of the plow, the center of the coulter-box is IC inches, and the point M of the breast curve 8 inches before the zero-point ; both as measured on the base- line ; but, in following the rise of llie beam, the distance irom M to the middle of the coulter- box is 11 inches. (556.) The higlUs of the different points, from tlie base-line to the upper edge of the beam and handle, are marked on fig. 53 ; the chief points only being expressed here. At the helve of the left handle, the hight is 3 feet, the right being 2 inches lower ; the difference in hight con- tinuing nearly uniform throughout their length. The hight of the point of the beam at C ia 23 inches, and to the center of the draught-bolt at a medium of 16^ inches. The lower edge of the mould-board, behind, is usually set at i inch above the plane of the sole ; while, at its junction with the share at N, the hight above the base line runs from IJ to IJ inches. (557 ) For the dimensions of all tlie individual parts of the frame-work of tliis plow, it is unnecessary to repeat them here, as thcv correspond so nearly with those already stated in treating oj" the first two varieties. In this respect, llierefore, reference is now made to those before described in paragraphs (513) and (5361. (558.) The body-frame. — The Mid-Loihian, like the East-Lothian plow, is usually constmcted with a cast-iron body-frame, differing, however, in some respects, from the latter. Fig. 92 ia an elevation of the furrow-side of the body-frame. It consists of a plate or web a b c d of about J inch thick, upon which is planted the sole-bar b ef, the beam-flange a k, and also the ribs b i and k I; these last are for the purpose of strengthening the web. Fig. 93 is a direct view Fig. 94. Fig. 92. THK DKTAILS (IF TMK ItOIl V-r KA M E. of the under surface of the sole-bar. Its breadth at b and e is 2^ inches, but from e toward m it is diminished to 2 inches, where the thickness is ^ inch ; but at e, where the principal strain falls, through the action upon the share, the depth is increased to 2 inches, from which it tapers forward to /, where it measures \\ inches in breadth and j inch in depth. From c it dimin- ishes al.so backward ; and from / to A a filling piece is inserted in the pattern, in the angle, as seen at /, f'g. 34, to increase the strength. A filling piece is also inserted at k, fig. 92. to support that point whore the strain from the beam falls upon the body, as well as to give a bearing to the breast of the mould board. Fig. 04 is a transverse section of the body-frame on the line x x, look- ing forward ; a is the web, b e the sole-bar, k I one of the ribs in fig. 92, g the beam-flange, and w the seat into which the beam is received when applied to the frame, ai^ bolted, as at w w n. In the best examples of this body-frame, a part of the land-siue plating is cast along with the frame; the lower edge of this portion is represented by the dotted line o o, fig. 92; and the frame, as here described, is alvvays cast in one piece, but having the perforation ;)p/?alwaj-8 formed in it. A broken off portion of the right handle is marked q, and is formed at the fore part into a palm, by which it is bolted to the web. The bolt-hole r is the place of insertion of the lower stretcher, which connects the right handle to the body-frame ; .<: s are the bolts of the land-side plate ; 1 1 those for the land-side flange of the shoe ; n u are the bolts for fixing a kneed bracket, on which the upper fore part of the mould-board rests, and is bolted, the lower fixture being at r; and a third isobtainod through a bracket, bolted upon the right handle, as seen at Y, fig. 54, Plate X. The length of the beam-flange in this frame is from 19 to 19J inches, and the hight and outline of that part are obtained from the bights marked in fig. 53, Plate X, deducting 1 inch for the thickness of the sole-shoe at the heel, and \ inch at the point. (508) THE PLOW. 269 (559.) The sole-shoe. — Fig:. 95 is a plan of the sole-shoe ; a b the sole-flange 17 inches in length 3 teches in breadth, and 1 inch in depth at a the heel, but diminished to \ inch at Z> ; c d is the land side flange, \ inch in thickness at bottom, and | inch at the upper edge, the hight being 4 inches. Fig. 96 is the furrow-side of the shoe, with the same letters of reference ; e is the notch at the fore Fig. 97. Fig. 96. THE DETAILS OF THE SOLE-SHOE. part, for the passage of the neck of the share ; it is 4 1 inches in length and Sj inches in hight, d being the curve adapted to the breast of the mould-board. Fig. 97 is a transverse section of of the shoe, a the sole, and c the side-flange. (560.) The share. — The share of this plow, in principle and construction, is the same as that of the Lanarkshire ; but in the present case, the head being of cast-iron, the neck is necessarily some what larger. Fig 98 is a plan, in which a 6 is the neck, «erf the land-side, and c 5- e the shield; hffr Fig. 9a THE SHARE. la the feather, and fr d the point of the share, which, in this plow, is usually chisel-pointed, and longer between the termination of the feather and the point, than in the share of the Lanarkshire plow. In farther illustration of this share, reference is made to that of the Lanarkshire plow, where fig. 78 is a direct view of the furrow-side of the share, exhibiting the rise of the cutting edge of the feather above the base-line, which, in the plows considered the most perfect for plowing lea, amounts to a rise of 1^ to 1 J inches. The extreme breadth of this share over the feather ranges from 41 to 5| inches, the length irom the point to the head of the shield, at a maximum, is 11 inches, and including the neck, 17 inches; under the same condition the length from the extreme point to the commencement of the feather at g, is about 3| inches. Fig. 79 is an end-view of the share looking forward, in which also the same letters are applied ; a i is the opening of the neck to re- ceive the head, and e c g shows the outline of the posterior extremity of the shield and feather. This, like the Lanark.shire plow, is held as peculiarly adapted to the plowing of lealand ; and aa the share just described is that which is adapted for that purpose — for the chief and almost sole difference between the adaptation of these plows for lea and stubble land lies in the configuration of the share — it is necessary to advert to the stubble land or fallow-share. In this the chief, in- deed the only, difference lies in the formation of the feather, which for stubble land is made broader, and the cutting edge, instead of rising from the point at an angle of 8'-', is formed so as to ap- proach to the plane of the sole, or not exceeding an angle of 4°. (561.) The land-side. — Figs. 99 and 100 are illustrations of the land-side of the body of this plow — the extremities, as in the previous cases, being cut off. Fig. 99 is an elevation, a b \s the base line, a c the share, 11 its neck, and d b the sole-.shoe ; e e are the land side plates — the upper one, as before stated, being cast as a part of the' body, and /s" is a part of the beam. In the ex- treme cases of this plow, the altitude of the low triangle a n b is I inch ; and, when the line of the sole b n is extended to h, the depression of the point of the share below that line is found to be about 1| inches. Fig. 100 represents a horizontal section of the body-frame, as if cut off at the upper edge of the sole-shoe ; here a c is the share, 71 its neck, and b d the sole-flange ; f and /"are the two bars of the body frame, and g i the land-side of the sole. By continuing the line of the land-side to h, the inclination of the share landward is found frequently to be 1 inch. _ (562.) The bridle.— As has been already noticed, this plow differs from the others in it.s bridle bemg connected with a chain bar, passing under and attached to the beam near the coulter-box ; and, for the purpose of receiving this equipage, the point of the beam is elevated to the hight of 23 (509) 270 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. inches above the baseline. The chain is usually a single rod of iron, with a link and shackle be« hind, by which it is i.-oimocted to the beam, by moans ot a bolt passing throujjh the shackle and FiK.99. THE DETAILS OF THE LAND-SIDE. the beam at a point about 3 inches before the coulter-box. The bridle, of which fig. 101 is an ele- vation and fig. 10-2 a plan, consists of a pair of iron straps a b, 10 inches in length, and \\ inchei Fig. 101. Fig. 102. THE DETAILS OF THE nitlDLE. by \ inch, each having a number of perforations by which they ran be appended to the point of " the beam c d. by means of a bolt passing through them and the beam ; a strap (7 b being on each side of it. The fore end of the chain-bar /c i8,"in like manner, received betwe'en.the lower enda (510) THE PLOW. 271 of the straps at b, and secured by the draught-bolt g. On the same bolt is appended the bridle proper h i, the bolt passing through the whole of the parts. The bridle is formed with a web h i in front, 9 inches in length, and 1^ inches in breadth, having also a number of perforations for re- ceiving the shackle-bolt k. In this equipage, the draught-swivel hook / and the shackle m are combined in one, which completes the arrangement. Thi.s combination of bridle-mounting gives the same facility as before for shifting the direction of the draught — vertically, by raising or low- ering the straps a b on the point of the beam, and horizontally, by shifting the shackle-bolt and shackle k in right and left. (563.) Of the action of the Plow. — The couUer, the share and the mould-hoard being the principal active parts of the plow, and those which supply the chief characteristics to the imple- ment, it may be useful to the farmer, as well as to the agricultural mechanic, to enter into a more minute descriptive detail of the nature and properties of these members, before entering upon the duties which each in its turn has to perform in the action of cutting and turning over the furrow- slice. (oC4.) The cotdler. — The coulter, in its construction, as well as in the duties it has to perform, is the simplest member of the plow. It is a simple bar, in form as represented by figs. 67 and 68; varying in length, according to the variety of the plow to which it belongs, from 18 to 22 inches. Simple though the fonn and duties of the coulter may be, there is no member of the plow where- of 'such a variety of opinions exi.st as to its position. I have shown that, in practice, the rake or angle which its cutting edge makes with the base-line ranges from 45^ to 80°, that of its land-side face from 4~^ to 8° with the vertical, and that the same face, in the horizontal dii-ection, varies from (P to 4^ with the land-side. The objects of these variations will be duly pointed out, as mere mat- ters of taste and convention among plowmen. Two points alone, in regard to position, .should be considered as standard and invariable. These are, 1st, that the land-side face of the coulter shall be ahuays parallel, in the horizontal direction, to the plane of the land-side of the plow's body ; and, 2d, that at the hight of 7 inches, or of 6 inches, according to the depth of furrow to ichich the ploto is adapted, the land-side face of the coulter shall be ^ inch to landward, or to the left, of the plane of the land-side of the body. One other point in position is subject to a great diver- sity of opinion — that is, the position in which the extreme point of the coulter should .stand in re- lation to the point of the share. In respect to landing, or that cause which requires the point of the coulter to be placed to landward of the share, the range of opinion is within moderate bounds, being from to | inch ; but, in the vertical direction, the range varies from ^ inch to 2 inches, and iu the longitudinal direction a like difference of opinion exists. Thus Small recommends that the point of the coulter should be 2 or 3 inches in advance of the point of the share, and ^ or 1 inch above the plane of the sole (base-line), while it should be | inch or 1 inch to Za«f?«'rtr(^ of the land- side plane.* The first of these propositions, as will be afterward shown, is very much at fault; and the almost universal practice, al.so, of keeping the two points nearly equal in advance, con- demns the practice, and points out equality as the rule. In regard to the position of the point landward, it is liable to considerable variation, partly from the inclination that may be given to the share, and likewi.se from the degree of obliquity between the coulter and the land-side. This last, indeed, combined with the rule laid down, from the position of the coulter in relation to the land- side, at the hight of 6 or 7 inches, is the true source from which the landward relation of the points of the coulter and share can be ascertained ; hence, therefore, in whatever variety of the plow, the coulter should have its position in regard to land determined first ; and the point of the share should take its position from the coulter. The distance to which the point of the share stands to the right of the coulter should in no case exceed | inch, but it were better to confine it to \ inch. In the vertical position, the advancing of the point of the coulter to, or retiring from, the share, violates no principle in the relation of the parts ; but, to place the coulter at an undue distance above the share leaves that portion of tiie slice uncut that falls between the two points ; which must produce an undue resistance, from the part being forcibly pressed asunder, by a process like clipping, through the inclined action of the share upward. The nature of the soil, whether stony or gravelly, or a loam, will, however, always. have an effect on this point of the trimming of the plow ; and, as no principle is affected, there is no impropriety in giving a latitude in this direc- tion ; though I conceive that a distance of 1 inch between the points of the share and coulter ought to be the maximum, except in cases where the nature of the 8oil may demand a deviation from that distance. (565.) The office which the coulter has to perform in the action of the plow is simple and uni- form, being merely to make an incision through the soil, in the direction of the furrow-slice that is to be raised. It is a remarkable fact that, in doing this, it neither increases nor decreases the resistance of the plow in any appi-eciable degree. Its sole use, therefore, is to cut a smooth edge iu the slice which is to be raised, and an unbroken face for the land-side of the plow to move against in its continued progress. (566.) In the early works on the principles of the plow, some misconceptions appear to have been formed of the influence of the coulter, under the supposition that the coulter extending 3 inches in front of the share acted beneficially ; and that giving the coulter a great rake, or a low- angle with the base, made it cut the soil advantageously, and with less resistance. From a series of experiments, I have satisfied myself that the first of these suppositions is erroneous, and that the projection of the coulter before the share increases the resistance in a very sensible degree. With regard to the second, the resistance seems not to be affected by the angle at which the edge of the coulter stands; and the analogy of a common cutting instrument! does not hold in the case of the coulter of the plow. With a razor or a knife in the hand, we make them pass through any object by drawing their cutting edge over the surface to be cut, in the manner as with a saw, which greatly increases the effect without any increase of force ; and this holds in all proper cut- ting instruments; but let the edge of the instrument be placed simply at an angle with the direc- Small's Treatise on Plows. f Ibid. (511) 272 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. lion in which the stroke or cut ia to be made, and, in raakinj; the cut, let this oblicjue position be retained, so that the cuitinp edge shall proceed parallel to its oritrinal position, without any ten- dency to (Iratrhiir the edge across the direction of the cut ; no miving of force is obtained. This process must ho familiar to every one who uses a knife for any purpose whatever. In slicing a loaf, the operator is at once sensible that, by moving the knife gently backward or forsvard, he is required to exert less force, while he at the same lime makes a smoother cut, than he would do by forcing the kuife through the loaf, witli its edge either at right angles or obliquely to the direc- tion in which the knife proceeds. The coulter of the plow acts in this last position ; its cutting edge Htiuids ohlicjucty to the direction of motion, but has no means of drawing or slidinf^, to cross the forward motion ; it therefore cuts by sheer force of pressure.* Where elastic substances oc- cur, an instniment cutting in this manner has some advantages. In the case of fibrous roots, for example, crossing the path of the coulter — the latter, by pa.ssing under ihem, sets their elasticity in action, by which they allow the edge to slide under them to a small extent, and thus produces the sairini.' effect. In the non-elastic earths, of which soils arc chiefly compo.scd, nothing of this kind, it is apprehended, can occur; hence the angle of the coulter, as it affects the force rcquisito to move the plow, is of little importance. {'jG~.) I have said that the projection of the coulter in front of the share increases the resistance, and I am borne out in this asisertion from the result of experiments not a little inexplicable. On a subject which has of late attracted considerable attention, I was desirous of obtaining informa- tion, from exi>eriment8 alone, on the actual implement ; and, to attain this the more fully, I deter- mined on analyzing the resistance as far as po.ssible. With this view, a plow was prepared whose coulter descended 7 inches below the line of the sole, and fitted to stand at any required angle. — This plow, with its sole upon the surface of tiro-ycars' old lea, and the coulter alone in the soil, the bridle having been adjusted to make it swim without any undue tendency ; the force required to draw this experimental instrument, as indicated by the djnamometer, was 26 imperial stones, or .3| cwt., and no sensible difference was ob.served in a range of angles varj'ing from 45^ to 70°. This coulter having been removed, the plow was drawn along the surface of the field, when the dyiiamometer indicated 8 stones, the usual draught of a plow on the surface. Another well- tinmmed plow was at work in the same ridge, taking a furrow 10 by 7 inches, and its drauL'ht was also 26 stones. On removing the coulter from this plow, and making it take a furrow of the same dimensions, the draught was still the same — namely, 20 stones ; the furrow thus taken produced, of course, a slice of verj- rough plowman.ship, and though it exhibited, by a negative, the essential use of the coulter — the clean cutting of the slice from the solid ground — the whole question of the operation and working effects of the coulter are thus placed in a very anomalous position. The question naturally arises, what becomes of the force required to draw the coulter alone through the ground, when, as it appears, the same amount offeree is capable of drawing the entire plow, with or without a coulter ? A definite and satisfactory answer, it is feared, cannot at present be given to the question, and, until experiments have been repeated and varied in their mode of ap . plication, any explanation that can be given is mere conjecture. (568.) Since we have seen that the same force is required to draw the plo7v without a coulter as with it, and as it has been observed that the work performed without the coulter is very rough, by reason of .the slice being in a great measure torn from the .solid ground, the breast of the plow being but indifferently adapted for cutting off the slice — it is more than probable that the tearing asunder of the slice from the solid ground requires a certain amount of force above what would be required were the slice previously .severed by the vertical incision of the coulter. And though we find that the force requisite to make this incision, when taken alone, is equal to tiic whole draught, yet there appears no improbability in the supposition that the minus quantity in the one may just equal the phis in the other. Bo this as it may, the discovery of the anomaly pre- sents at least a curious point for investigation, and one that may very probably, through a train of careful experiments, point out tlie medium through which a minimum of draught is to be ob' tained. (569.) Regarding the effect of change on the angle of the edge of the coulter, though it does not directly affect the draught of the plow, it is capable of producing practical effects that are of im- portance. In plowing stubble land, or land that is very foul with weeds, the coulter .«hould be trimmed to a long rake — that is, set at a low angle, say fnmi 45^ to 55° ; this will give it a ten- dency to free itself of the roots and weeds that will collect upon it. by their sliding upward on the edge of the coulter; and, in general, will be ultimately thrown oft" without exertion on the part of the plowman. The accumulation of masses of such refuse on the coulter greatly increases the labor of the horses. The amount of this increased labor I have frequently ascertained by the dynamomoior. and have found it to increase the draught of the plows from 26 stones, their ordi- nary draught when clear, up to 36 stones ; and, immediately on the removal of the obstruction, the draught has fallen to an average force of 26 stones. It is unnecessary to add that the prevention of such waste of muscular exertion ought to be the care of the farmer, as far as the construction of his machines will ailmit of. (.'570.) To ai)ply a plow, with its coulter set in the position above described, to lea-land with a rough surface, would produce a kind of plowmanship not approved of; every furrow would be bristling with the withered stems of the unconsumed grasses; for, to plow such land with a coul- ter set in this way, would cause its partially matted surface to present a ragged edge, from the coulter acting upon the elastic fibres and roots of the grasses, pressing them upward before they could be cut through. The rai;ged edge of the slice thus jiroduced gives, when turned over, that untidy appearance which is oftt^n obsc^rvable in lea plowing. To obviate this. llu> coulter should be set at a higher angle, by which it will cut the mat, without tearing it up with a bearded edge. Crack plowmen, when they arc about to exhibit a specimen of fine plowing, are so guarded * An ingenioud application of the drawing action here illustrated is to be found in the eubterranean cut- ters of Mr. Parkes's steam-plow for plowing moss-land. (512) THE PLOW. 273 against this defect that they sometimes get their coulter kneed forward under the beam so far as to bring the edge nearly perpendicular. The same cause induces the makers of the Lanarkshire plow to set the coulter with its land-side face, not coincident with the land-siae plane horizontally but at an angle with it of 4-^, thus placing the right hand face of the coulter nearly parallel to the land-side plane, and thereby removing the tendency of the ordinary oblique position of the right hand face to produce a rough-bearded edge on the rising slice. The dynamical effect of such a position will be afterward treated of. (571.) The xhare. — The structure and position of the diflferent shares having been already point- ed out (ol9,) (.">40.) (560,). and also their relations to the coulter, there remains to make some gen- eral remarks on the action of the .share, and on the effects resulting from the varieties of that mem- ber of the plow. [i>l-i.) We have seen that the coulter performs but a comparatively small portion of the opera- lion required in the turning a furrow slice. The share, however, takes a more important and much more e.\;tensive part in the process; on the functions of the .share, in short, depends much of the character of the plow. Its duty is very much akin to that of a spade, if pushed horizontally into the soil with a view to lift a sod of eartli ; but. as its action is continuous, its form must be modified to suit a continuous action ; hence, instead of the broad cutting edge of the spade, which, in the generality of soils, would be liable to be thrown out of its course by obstacles such as stone.s, the share may be conceived as a spade wherein one of its angles has been cut oti obliquely, leaving only a narrow point remaining, adapted to make the first impression on the .slice. A narrow point being liable to meet obstruction only in the ratio of its breadth to the breadth of the entire share, the chances of its encountering stones are extremely few ; and though the oblique edge, now called the feather, has a like number of chances to come in contact with stones, yet, from its form, taking them always obliquely, and the direct resistance which the body of the plow lueets with on the land-side preventing any swerving to the left, such stones as come in contact with the .slop- ing edge of the feather are ea.iily pu.shed aside toward the open lurrow on the i-ight. The share thus acts by the in.sertion of its point under the slice intended to be raised, and this is followed up by the feather, which continues the operation begun by the point, by separating the slice horizon- tally from the subsoil or the sole of the furrow ; and, simultaneous with this, the coulter separates the slice vertically from the still solid ground. Probably iho mo.st natural impre.ssion that would occur, at the first thought of this operation, will be that the feather of the share should be of a breadth capable of producing the immediate and entire separation of the slice from the sole ; but experience teaches us that such would not fulfill all the requisite conditions of good plowing. — The slice must not only be separated ; it must be gradually turned upon its edge, and ultimately still farther turned over until that which was the upper surface becomes the lower, lying at an angle of about 4-5^. It is found that, if the slice were cut entirely off from the sole, the plow would frequently /a/Z in turnins: it over to "the position just referred to ; it might, in place of this, be only moved a space to the right and fall back, or. at most, it would be liable to remain standing upon its edge ; in either case the work would be verj- imperfect, and it has therefore been found neces- sary to leave a portion, usually from ^ to 5, of the slice uncut by the feather of the share. This portion of the .slice is left to be torn asunder from the sole as it rises upon the mould-board, by which means the slice retains longer its hold of the subsoil — turning by that hold, as upon a hinge, till brought to the vertical position, after which it is easily brought into its ultimate place. The breadth of the .share is thus, of necessity, limited to J the breadth of the slice at a maximum, though its minimum, as will appear, may not exceed |. f573.) The disposition of the feather comes next under notice. The feather having to perform the operation of cutting that part of the .slice below that lies between the point of the share and the extremity of the feather, it is formed with a thin edge suited to cutting the soil ; but the posi- tion of that cutting edge forms a principal feature in distinguishing the varieties of the plow, as before described. This distinguishing character is of two kinds: 1st, that which has the cutting eA^e lying parallel, or nearly so. to the plane of the sole, as in the East-Lothian plow ; and, 2d, that which has this cutting edge elevated as it retires from the point of the .share, rising at an angle with the base-line, which is found to vary from 4-"' to 8^ as in the Lanarkshire and the Mid-Lothian plows ; and all the sub-varieties of these plows have their shares coming under one or other of these two divisions. (574.) The share, in either of the forms above described, passes under the furrow .slice, making a partial separation of it from the sole of the furrow, rising as the share progresses ; the rise, how- ever, being confined entirely to the land-side edge of the slice — the furrow edge, as has been shown, remaining still in connection with the solid ground ; and the shield and back of the share being a continuation of the mould-board, the latter, in its progress forward, receives the slice from the share and passes it onward, or, more properly speaking, the plow passes under it. (575 ) One important consideration remains to be noticed regarding the practical effects of the two forms of feather. In the first, which has the cutting edge nearly parallel with the plane of the sole, the furrow-slice being cut below at one level over the whole breadth of the share and feather, the slice, when exposed in section, will be perfectly rectangular or very slightly rhom- boidal, and the sole of the furrow 'will be perfectly level across. Such a share, theOr will lift a slice of any given breadth and depth, which shall contain a maximum quantity of soil, and this problem can only be performed by a share so con.structed. (576.) In the second case, where the feather ri.ses above the plane of the sole at the angles al- ready named, the feather is found sometimes to attain a hight of 1 inch and I5 inches above that plane. In all such cases, the feather is also narrow ; and. supposing that the part of the slice left uncut by it may be torn asunder, in a continuation of the cut so made, the slice will have a depth at its furrow edge less by about 1^ inches or more than at its land-side edge, as cut by the point of the share. A transver.se section of this slice, therefore, fig. 103, would exhibit not a rectangular parallelogram as before, bat a trapezoid, who.se sides a b and c d might be each i> inches, and its sides b d and a c 6 inches and 4i inches respectively. A slice of this form would, therefore, be (513; IS 274 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. deficient in the quantitv of soil lifted, by a quantity contained in tlie triangle dee, or about 1-7 part of the entire slice ; and this deficiency is left by the share in the bottom of the furrow as part of the solid subsoil. The abs miles nearly ; with a 9-iiich furrow the distance will be U miles: with Sj-inch furrovi'. it will be 11^ miles or thereby; and with a 7iinch furrow 13| miles nearly. (.593.) It may, therefere. be of importance for the agriculturist to weigh these considerations, and endeavor to ascertain whether it is more for his interest that his plowing should be essen- tially well done, and with ihc least expenditure of power and time, or that it should be done more to please the eye, with a high surface finish, though this may perhaps be gained at a greater ex- penditure of power and time ; while the essentials may in some degree be imperfectly performed. (.'39-I.) On this part of tin- subject. I cannot refrain a passing remark on the very laudable exer- tions that have been made all over the country in producing that emulation among our plowmen which has been so successful in producing excellence in their vocation among that useful class of agricultural laborers, as to give them a preeminence over all others of their class in any country. I mean the institution of plowing-matches. While I offer my humble though ardent wishes for a continuance of the means which have raised the character of the Scottish plowmen, I cannot pre- vent doubts rising in my mind, that, however good and beneficial these competitions are calcu- lated to be, if the exertions of the class arc properly directed ; yet the best exertions oi both the promoters and the actors may he frustrated by allowin^r a false taste to he engendered among the.se operatives. That such a false taste has taken root I have no doubt ; and the results cf it are appearing in the spread of opinions favorable to that kind of plowing which to me appears not much deservinsr of encouragement — the high-crested system. I have observed, at various plowing- matches. that the palm was awarded to that kind of plowmanship which exhibited the highest surface-finish, without reference at all to the ground work of it ; and I have compared by actual weight, ail crumbs included, the quantities of soil lifted by plows that gained prizes with oUiers ^vhi<•h did not, becau.se their work was not so well dres.sed on the surface ; and I have found thai the one to whom the prize was awarded had not lifted so much soil by 1-10 as some of tho.«c that ■were rejected. I am far from intending, by these remarks, to throw discreilit on plowing-matches ; on the contrary, I wouhl see them meet with tenfold encouragement, and would also wish to see many more than is usually met with, of the good and the great of the land, assembled at snch meetings, to encourage and stimulate by their presence the exertions of tlie competitors in such intcrcstins- exhibitions. With this short ditrression I leave this subject for the present, with the intention of resuming it in another division of the general subject. (.')9.''>.) The I'Ki.scipi.ES and formation of the Moi'LD-iiOARn. — Of the various individuals who have written upon the plow and the formation of the mould-board. Bailey of Chillingham and Small of Berwick.shire are perhaps the oidy two who have communicated their views in a practical shape, and even in their descriptions there is somewhat of ambiguity and uncertainty, but such may be inseparable from the subject. Many other nameless srtisaus have varied the mould board until almost every county has something peculiarly its own, and each district claims for its favorite all the advantages due to perfection. (5181 THE PLOW. 279 (596.) I have been at irreat pains to analyze a considerable number of these varieties ; and as the subject is not unimportant in a work of this kind, I have selected a few of those best known, and of highest chai-aeter. as objects of comparison. (597.) The method adopted to obtain a mechanical analysis ofthe.se mould-boards has been simple, but perfectly correct ; and as the principle may be applied to the attainment of counter- parts of otlier objects, perhaps more important than a mould-board, it may be deserving of a Elace here. As a matter of justice, also, to the fabricators of tlie ditFerent mould-boards here ex- ibited, I am desirous to show the principle on which these transcripts of their works have been thus brnusht forward in a new form, and in contrast with each other. (598.) The instrument employed for this purpose is a double parallel o£;ram or parallel niler, as represented in fig. 110, which is a perspective of the apparatus. Tlie bars a b, c d, ef, are THE PAR.^LLEL RULER. slips of hard-wood about 3 feet long-, or they may be of any convenient length, and 1^ incnes broad by 5 inch thick ; each of which is perforated at a, b, c, d, e,f, the perforations being exactly equidistant in all the bars. Four similar bars, of about half the length, are perforated also at one uniform distance, and the seven bars thus prepared are jointed together upon brass studs, and se- cured so as to move freely at every joint, but without shake on the studs. The form, wheu con- structed, is that of the two parallelograms abed ami c d ef. In the end of the bar c f a stout wire pointer^' is fixed of about 6 inches in length, lying in the plane of the instrument, aiid parallel to the edge of the bar. In a continuation of this parallel upon the bar e f, a .socket capable of re- taining a pencil or tracer is fixed anywhere at g. The instrument so formed is fixed upon a flat board h i, of about 3 feet square, by means of two screw nails passing through tlie bar a b,m z position parallel to the lower edge of the board ; thus leaving all the other bars at liberty to move upon their joints ; which completes the instrument. From the well-known proiierties of the par- allelogram, as applied to the nentograph and the eidoarraph, it is unnecessary to demonstrate, that whatever line or figure may be traced with the pointer /. will be faithfully repeated by the tracing pencil i:, upon any sub.stance placed before it. and of the same dimensions as the original. (599.) Another board or table or a level platform, is now to be selected, and a line / vi, which may be called the fundamental, or leading line, drawn upon it. This line, to an extent of 3 feet or more, is divided into any number of equal parts, but in tliis case the divisions were 3 inches each ; through the.se points of division are drawn the straight lines I n. op, q r, &c., indefinitely on each side of the line / ;«, and at right angles to it. The board carrying the instrument is pro- vided with a foot behind, that keeps the face of the board always perpendicular to the platform on which it stands. The plow with the mould-board about to be analyzed is now set upon the table or platform upon which the leading line and the divisions have been laid down ; the land- side of the plow being set parallel to the leading line, and at any convenient distance from it, suited to the instrument ; pre.-^entinir the mould in the po.sition .s f'. and so placed in reference to the lines of division that the zero line shall coincide with one of them, provided the extremities do not overreach the divisions either way. the laudside of the plow being at the same time per- pendicular. The instrument is now brought toward one extremity of the mould-board, and placed upon that parallel of the divisions that come nearest to the extremity, as No. 1 in the figure, the edge / / of the instrument coinciding with the leading line I m. A sheet of paper having been now fixed upon the board h i of the instrument, and a tracing-pencil inserted in the socket g, the operation of tracing commences. The tracing point is passed in the vertical direction over the surface of the mould-board, tracing along a line No. 1 ; the pencil at the .same time tracing a cor- responding line No. 1, on the paper, which will be an exact outline of the face of the mould- board at that division, supposing the mould-board to be cut by a transverse section in that line. The instrument and board are now to be moved one division upon the leading litie Im, the coin- cidence of the edge I i of the board with that line being still preserved. The tracing point is again made to pass vertically over the face of the mould-board, wheu the pencil g will trace on (519) 280 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. the paper a socomi line No. 2. This process, repealed at each successive division, 3, 4. 5, 6 Ac, the corresponding lines. 3, 4, 5, 6, &c., on the paper will be traced out, exhibitin.c a series of per- fect sectional lines of the mould-board, each line being that which would arise from an imaginary vertical plituc cutting the body of the plow at ripht anirles to its land-side at everj- 3 inches of its length. To prevent any inaccuracy tliai might arise from a nii.sapplication of the tracing point to the oblique surface of the mould board, a straiglit-edged ruler, in form of a carpenter's sijuare « r x, is applied to the mould-board. The stock u v of the square being placed on the platform, and parallel to the line / m. which brintrs the edge r jr always into the vertical plane, and the tracing rod mu.st be kept in contact with this edge, while it traverses the face of the mould-board at each successive section. (600.) This mode of aijalysis, it is to be ob-ser^-ed. has not been adopted from its having any re- lation to the principles on which the difterent mould-boards have been constructed, but because it presents an unerring method of comparing a series of sectional lines of any (.nc mould-board with tho. , J ' r\ 5 x \ ' ,. h <: J-lo. 121. Ransorae's F:F. Fu/. 122. Tb^ .A7w Mould board. F'rqs. 123-128. -4 />>. r^'t JFooc. 1 / 3 * ', , 7 fi ^ - 'm -JL- "f'^ V" ,1 / ' / b'ifi 2rj. f > ^ ^ |\ ' U-^,^.^X^A FVibished by Greeley ,&. M'Elrath.New-York. THE PLOW. 281 sonvey the slice in whatever form it may be cut, with less risk of injury to the crest than can be expected Irom the former. But, as these discrepancies cannot produce the marked difference that exists in the appearance of the work performed by these two plows, it is not in the mould- board we are to look for the cause, but in the conformation of the share and the position of the coulter, while the mould-board, from the circumstance last pointed out, is better adapted to convey die slice unaltered. ;604.) The Bene kkghire mould-board, fi^s. 11.5 and 116, which is also truncated forward, has the sectional lines, lyintr before the zero, nearly straight ; but, as they approach the zero, they be- come grailually and decidedly concave, which increases toward the extremity. This concavity, it will be observed, exists only to a certain e.xtent below the line of transit, and. as the sectional lines approach the line of transit, the curvature is reversed, and the surface becomes convex. — This is a form well adapted to deliver a slice free of injury to the edge or crest, for, from the con- vexity immediately below the line of transit, the mould-board will never press upon nor abrade the edge of the slice, the pressure being exerted always within the extreme edge, as will be seen from the section k z of the slice, as applied at the extremity of the mould-board; though, when in the vertical position, as in k j/. the .•section of the slice touches the zero-line at its upper edge, at an angle nearly equal to that in the East-Lothian, showing that it is liable to abrasion until it has passed that line. But this plow, in practice, sets up a lurrow of the rectangular species, with its angle or crest better pre.served than in many others of this class, vshile, at the same time, it takes out the sole with the characteristic levelness which belongs to the class. (605.) The Lanarkshire mould-board, figs. 117 and 118, has all its lines convex, the terminal edge excepted, which is nearly straight below, but preserves the convexity as it approaches the line of transit. Even above the line of transit the convexitj- is continued, and, though not affect- ing the slice, it gives in appearance a still more decided character of convexity, and, by thus mak ing the upper edge of the mould-board retire, gives a long rake to the breast of the plow. It \\ill be readily conceived that this mould-hoard, from the convexity of all its sectional lines, is essen- tially formed for turning up a crested furrow, more especially when the !orm of its share and the position of its coulter are considered. These last, being formed for cutting the slice with a very- acute angle, will deliver it to the mould-board ; and. from the form of the latter, the slice will pass over it uninjured ; for the pressure upon the mould-board will be always greatest upon tho.se parts of the surface of the slice lying within the edge, preventing therebj- the abrasion of that tender part. These circumstances are clearly seen from the relation of the section of th(^ slice ky as ap- plied to the zero-line o i/ o, the point of contact lying considerably within the angle at y of the slice ; and the same relation holds throughout the entire transit, up to the delivery of the slice in tlie ultimate position k z. (606.) The Western Fifeshire mould-board, figs. 119 and 120. Plate XII , it will be readily per- ceived, belongs to the Lanarkshire class ; but in this the convexity is carried so far to an extreme as to round away the lower parts of the mould-board, till, at the lower edge behind, the width is only 6 inches. The terminal line, also, is prominently convex throughout. It difl'ers also from its original type in having those parts of the sectional lines lying above the line of transit tending to recurvature. This, by carrying forward the upper part of the breast, gives the appearance of greater length to the mould-board ; but. besides this, the part lying behind the zero is actually longer than in any of the preceding plows, as will appear from the sectional divisions, figs. Ill, 113^ 115, and 117, Plate XI. As maj- be anticipated, this variety of the Lanarkshire plow is famed for the acuteness of the furrow which it forms, though, in this respect, it does not excel its proto- type. From the way in which the section k y of the slice, when in the vertical position, is applied to th3 zero-line, where the point of contact is seen to lie at \ of its breadth within the edge of the slice, it will at once appear how well this mould-board is adapted to transmit an unbroken crest. In every position of its transit up to its ultimate position, the slice will be equally secure from in- jury in respect to the crest ; and, %vere the crested furrow a true criterion of good plowing, the plow that bears this mould-board, with share and coulter adapted thereto, would be the most per- fect ; but there are various and important arguments against it. (607.) In RayiMine's Bedfordshire, or FF mould-board, figs. 121 and 122, the sectional lines are of a mi-Kcd character ; those in the fore part being convex, gradually diminishing in convexity to the zero, behind which they become straight lines, tending to concave — the terminal line being slitrhtly so — but becoming convex at the upper edge. It differs from all the Scotch mould-boards in having the terminal edge lengthened out below, instead of the usual shortening, and in hav- ing the breast cut away nearly parallel to the line of transit. The plows mounted with this mould-board are generally worked with cast-iron shares, having a wide-spread feather formed for cutting a level furrow-sole. The furrow usually taken with it is shallow, and, when set up, looks flat in the crest ; but the ^vork, so far as it goes, is what may be termed, in plow lan- guage, true ; that is to say, the slice is rectangular and cut from a level sole. Though tlie sectional lines before the zero possess a form that would save the slice from abrasion, yet, at the zero line and behind it, they have the opposite character in the extreme, and we accord- ingly find that this mould-board' lays a very flat crested furrow, while the share and coulter are perfectly adapted to cut it rectangular. (608.) ^Vith all the foregoing mould-boards, it will be observed that the section of the furrow- slice, in its ultimate position, seems to encroach upon the tail of the mould-board ; and this is to be understood as arising from the circumstance of the slice being represented as incompressible, and uuabraded below or above. In practice, the slice is pressed downward on the angle at ^•, and pres.sed home upon the preceding slice, so as to bring the face of the shce simply in contact with the terminal Hne of the mould-board instead of the apparent mutual interpenetration exhibited in the figures. (609.) From the examples here given of the forms of mould-boards, and the effects which they produce when combined with any particular form of share and position of coulter, it will be easy to draw a conclusion as to the kind of work that will be performed by any plow that comes under our observation, and that without any previous knowledge of its merits ; keeping in mind that the (521) 282 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. nltiinnle form of the furrow will ahvays d«.punJ on Uio form of ihe share and position of the coulter, lliat the pussaire of the slice over li)e mould-board will liave but a very partial cflic'ct on tlie form of the slice, and that this etlrct will be greater or less according to the form of Burtace. Thus, a slitiht convexity of surface, immediately below the line of transit, will w ith jireater cer- tainty secnre the transit t>l' the slice without injury to its cdf:e, than may be expected from a sur- face which has a concavity crossintr the line of transit. thoui;li it may be obtained, as in the Mid- Lothian and EastLotliian plows, with a straight-lined n)ouldboard ; but it will be more certainly obtained if the share is narrow, as in the Mid Lothian ; thouL'h this last expedient will induce dis- advanlaires in point of draught, and risk ol losijii: the efl'ect, by any undue placement of the coul- ter. These disadvantages may arise Irom the coulter not being sufficiently set to landward, then'hy admiltinir the breast of the plow to scrape upon the land, and send a small portion of earth along the njould-board, accompanying the edge of the slii'u, which may have the etl'ect of abrad- ing it so much as to injui'e the (iji/H'iriiiice of the work, though not in fact affecting its efficiency. (filO.) Having thus enilcavored lo establi.sli some data by which the agricultural mechanist, whether amati'ur or operative, may be assisted in determining from observ.alion, what practical ctl'ects may be ex|iecled lo result from any form of mould-board and share, I proceed to mention some rules by which he may Ibrm a mould-board on- w hat 1 conceive to be the true principle, but upon which may be enural'ted such deviations as taste or.other circumstances may require. ((ill.) Those writers who contributed to the improvement of the plow in the early stages of its modern hi.storv, laboretl at a time when mould-boards of wood only were cmidoyed. He«co. their instructions related to the tbnnation of that material alone, into mould-boards. Later writers have followed in nearly the same course, and have given rules for forming a mould- board, out of a block of wood, of sufficient dimensions to contain all the extreniilies of the projio-sed fabric. The change now pervading this branch of mechanics, wherein the introduction of cast-iron has become universal, precludes the necessity of falling back upon any of Uie old rules; what the agricultural mechanic is now reiiuired to furnish being not a mould-board, bnt, in the language of the Ibundry, a patlcni, from which castings are to be obtained perfect fac- similes of the original pattern, and which may be repeated ud libiliim ; from this last circum- stance, it follows that the making of a pattern will be a comparatively rare occurrence, and one which he will seldom be called upon to perform. It neveriheless appears desirable that a knowl- edge of the construction of such a fabric should Ix; communicated in a manner that may enable an ordinarily skille4 mechanic to construct a pattern when inquired, with accuracy and certainty of effect. (612.) It ha.s been shown that very considerable discrepancies exist in the form given to mould- boarils, and there is no doubt that jieculiarities of soil may demand variations in form ; but the propriety of such wide deviations may be called in question, and the actually required deviation brought within very «arrovv limils. It appears, indeed, that one form may be brought to answer all required purpS.ses. if aided by a properly adjusted share and coulter. (013.) From a careful study of the foregoing analytical diagrams, and from comparison of nu- merous implements and their jirailieal effects, together with a consideration of the dynamical principles on which the plow operates, I. have been led to adopt a theoretical form of mould-board, which seems to fulfill all the conditions required in the investigation, and which is capable, bj- very simple modifications of adai)lati()n to the circumstances of the medium on which it works. In the out.set, it is a.ssumed that the soil is homogeneous, and that it posse.s.ses such a degree of te- nacity and elasticity as to yield to the jiassing form of the jdow, and to resume, when laid in the due position, that Ibrm which was first impres.sed upon the slice, by the action of the .share and coulter; the second consideration being the cutting of a slice from the solid land. In a theoret- ical view, this must be an operation through its whole depth ami breadth ; hence the share is con- ceived to be a cutting edge w-hich shall have a horizontal breadth equal to the breadth of the slice that is to be raised, and that the face or land-side of the coulter shall stand at right angles to this. Another consideration is. that the slice now supposed to be cut has to In; raised on one side, and turned over through an angle of Ki.')-'. the turning over being performed on the lower right-hand edge, as on a hinge, through the first SW^, the remaining 45'^ being performed on what was at first the upper right-hand edge. (Fig. 10-1.) The slice, in going through this evolution, has to under- go a twisting action, and be again returned to its original form of a right pri.«m. To accomplish this last process, it is evident that a n-edi^r, fuisfed on its upper surface, must be the agent ; and to find the form and dimensions of this wedge, is solving the problem that gives the surface of the mould-board required. (GH.) \Ve have seen, fig. 104, that the slice, in passing through the first 90"', describes the quadrant with its lower edge, and in doing so, we can conceive a continued slice to form tlie solid of revolution abrdc, fig. 123, which is a quarter of a cylinder, as shown here in isometrical per- spective ; the radius a b or a c being e(iual to the breadth of the slice. We have next to consider the angle of elevation of the twisted wedge ; and in doing this, we must not only consider the least resistance, but also the most convenient length of the wedge. In taking a tow angle, which would present, of course, proiiortiou.-dly little resistance, it would, at the .sanie time, yield a length of mould board that would be highlv inconvenient, seeing that the generating point, in anv eec- tion of the slice, must ultimately reach the same hight, whether by a low or a higher angle. From experience, we find that, from the point of the share to that point in the plow's body where the slice arrives at the perpendicular position, and which 1 have named the zero, that 30 "inches form a convenient length. The length c d of the solid is therefore" made equal to 30 inches or more, and this being divided into 10 equal part,*, the parallels 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, <5cc., are to be drawn upon the cylindrical surface, and between the points b, d, a curve has to be described that shall be the line of transit of the slice. After investigating the application of various curves to this f>urpose. I have found that a circular arc is the only one that can he adopted. It presents the least attainable re- sistance in the first stages of the ascent, where the force reiiuired to raise the slice is the greatest, and in the last stages, where the force of raising has vanished, leaving only what is necessary to turn the slice over, there the resistance is at the greatest j and, above all, the circle being of eqaal (522) THE PLOW. 283 flexure tbronghout, it 13 in every way best adapted to the objects here required. To determine the radius of cur%-ature of this arc. we must evolve the cylindrical surface cb de, and from it con- Blruct the diagram, fiq:. 121. Draw e h equal to c , f' u. 7' in, tScc. we leave the surfuee slightly convex ujion all these lines, a surface will be produced as represented by the dotted sectional lines of fisr. 126, or 128. and by becoming slightly either recurved above the line of transit, as in fis. 128, or with continued "convexity, as in fig. 118, Plate XI., the .surface so pro- duced would deliver the slice witliout risk of injury to the edge ; which, though not of vital importance, is jilways an object in the estimation of the plowman who performs his work with taste. The same modification w ould also, in the opinion of many agricultural machine makers, render the mould-board niorc elKcacious in the working of stiti" clay soils, (621.) Fig. 127, Plate XII.. repres«'nts an elevation of the new mould board, as now constructed by me. and fig. 128 the analytical sections of the same, taken in the same maimer as described for those precedinL', and having the same letters of reference. In the present case, the sec- tional lines are all .-traight to the bight of the line of transit; above that line and before the zero they are slightly concave, though, as has been shown, this is not imperative: but, behind the zero, they are convex from a little below the line of transit, as shown by the dotted portions of the lines. The paralleloi-'ram k 1/, being a section of the slice when in the vertical position, will be seen to toincide exactly with the zero-line, as it will do through the whole pas.sage of the slice. The l<;tters and numerals in these two figures have the same reference as in the other figures of the mould -board, (622,; Judeing from the trials that have been made of this mould-board, and from the vtii- form liriffh/eninsr of Us xinface after a few hours' work, it promises to possess a very uni- form resistance over its whole surface, which is a principal object to be aimed al in the ibrin- ation of ibis member of the plow, (62:j,) IVte Moiil/> « m, which points, instead of being a transfer, as before described, from the quadrant, may here be drawn at once with a beam-compass touching the three leading points h m d. as before, which will intersect all the divisions, converting them into ordiuates 1 f. 2 "-, 3 /(, &c, to the curve h d. The lengths of these ordinates, fnmi the base-line ef>, are now to be carefully transferred to the quadrant of the circle b d of fig, 126, and set off ia the circumference thereof"; thus the point // in fiir. 126 corresponds to tlic termination b of the base- line in fig. 124. The first ordinate ir p is to be set off on tjie quadrant from b to p, the second or- dinate 8 « is ,set ott' from b to n. the third 7 m from b to m, and so on throu; h the entire quadrant of the circle. The radii a h, a p. a n. &c, being now drawn, will furnish the successive angles of elevation, with the sole-plane, for each division of the length throughout the quadrant, (62.'i,) In applying these to the mould-board, i". is to be ob,served that the first three radii belong to the share, if it is a [noloni-'ed mould-board, or the first five if it is truncated. The quadrant, fig. 126, with its radii, being thus completely dr;iwn out at full size upon a board, produce the line ba to y, and on y as a center, with a radiu.s of 7 inches, describe the arc n t, and concentric to it the arc d n. Atan angle of 4.")" draw / u a tangent to the arc a t, and the point 0/ intersection of this taneent with the arc will fix the extreme point u of the mould-board at the bight of the line of '^'? ^^• transit ; which point will bo 19 inches from the land side plane b ^. and 12 inches above the plane of the sole, or base-line >/ b. From d, lay off divisions of equal parts on the arc d n. each equal to 4J inches — the diagonal of a square of 3 inches — which completes the lines for the fab- rication of the pattern, (626.) The next sti'p in the operation is that of building a block out of which the pattern is to be shaped. Provide a ilealboard of 3J feet or thereby in length, with a breadth of 10 inches; have it dressed of uniform thickness, and at least one edge and end straight and right angled, as seen at aic, in the annexed fig. 129, and a b, fig, 126, Plate XII,, forming a basement to the block, a being the right angle, and the continu- ation of the board being bid from view under the superimposed block. Let the edge ffc of ® the board be marked off in eqiial divisions of 3 ^hj. buildikg of the block for the mould- inches, agreeing exactly with those of the dia- board pattern'. gram, fig, 124, marking the divisions witli letters or numerals corresponding to the radii of the quadrant, fig. 126, the end a 6 of the board corre- (524) THE PLOW. 285 spending to the radius 7n of tlie quadrant, and to the ordinate 7 m of the diagram. Provide also a suit-stock or bevel of the form represented by d ef, the stock d e being a straiurht bar with a head piece at e, fixed at right angles to the stock, and into this the blade af is to be jointed, in such a manner that when the blade and stock are set parallel to each other, they shall just receive the thickness of the basement board betwixt them, the length of the blade being equal to the breadth of the slice. Five or more pieces of well seasoned, clean, .3inch Memel or yellow-pine deal are now to be prepared, each about 30 inches in length, and from 6 to 4 inches in breadth. Set the bevel to the angle bam, fig. 126, and, appl3'ing it at the end of the board, as in tig. 129, it will point out the position in which the first block g h mu.st be placed on the board in order that it may fill the lines of the pattern. The farther end of the block, being set in like manner to fall within the lines, it is to be firmly attached to the board with screw-nails. The second block ki is to be joined to the first by the ordinary method of gluing, being set in the same manner as the first to fill the lines of the pattern at both ends, and this requires its being set obliquely to the first. The tliird block I m \s set in like manner, and so on with no and pq. The setting of the different blocks will be much facilitated by having the ends gil np cut off to the plane of the land-side — that is, to coincide vertically with the land-side edge of the board, and by keeping in view that the terminal line cq lies at an angle 4.5"^. (627.) The block being thus prepared, the process of working it off\s plain and easily performed in this way. Having set the bevel at the angle b a m, fig. 126, which answers to the end a b of the block, the bevel is applied as in the figure, and the surplus wood is cut away to a short dis- tance within the end « 6 of the board, until the blade of the bevel lies evenly upon the surface, and the kneed head-piece touching the edge of the board. Set the bevel now at the angle b al, and, applying it at the first divi.«ion on the edge of the board, cut away the surplus wood with a gouge or other tool, in a line parallel to the end of the board, or at risrht angles to its edge until the edge of the blade af lie evenly on the surface, and the head of the stock touch the edge of the board as before. Repeating this operation at each successive division with the bevel, setting it to the corresponding angle up to the vertical or zero-line, and we have a .series of leading lines or draughts, each occupying its troe position in the surface of the mould-board to the hight of the line of transit. By continuing these lines, each in the direction already given it, until thej' terminate in the breast, or in the upper edge of the pattern, we have a corresponding series of points now determined, in the breast and upper edge ; and by removing the surplus wood still remaining in the spaces between the lines, and reducing the surface to coincide with them, we have the fin- ished surface from the neck of the share up to the zero. (628.) To complete the after portion of the pattern, we have to form a temporary' bevel with a curved blade, adapted to the small arc a t, fig. 126, which blade is prolonged in a tangent tusA the angle of 4.5^. With the guidance of this bevel, its stock being still applied to the board, as in fig. 129. cut away all the wood that occurs to interrupt it behind the zero, until it applies every where behind that line without obstruction. At the third division beyond the zero, the pattern may be cut off in a right vertical, though this is not imperative, as the mould-board may be made considerably longer, and even a little .shorter, without at all aflbcting its operation. At whatever distance in lengtli its terminal edge maj' be fixed, that portion of the line of transit which lies be- tween the zero and the terminus must leave the original curve h in J, fig. 123, at a tangent, and it will reach the terminus as such, or it will gradually fall into a reentering curve, according as tlie terminus is fixed nearer to or farther from the zero-line ; the terminus of the line of transit being alvvays 19 inches distant from the land-side plane. That portion of the surface which now re- mains unfinished between the arcs a t and d it, fig. 126. is to he worked off in tangent.s, applied vertically to the arc a t. and terminating in that part of the line of transit that lies between d and u. Such portions of the interior cjlindrical surface as may have been formed under the applica- tion of the temporary bevel to the arc a t, are now to be also cut away bj- a line paissing through the junction of the tangents t a', t b', t u, with the cylindrical arc a t, forming a curved termination in the lower part behind — as seen in fig. 127 — which completes the surfiice as proposed. . (629.) The modifications, formerly pointed out, paragraphs (61S.) (619,) and (620,) may now be made upon the lower and the upper parts of the pattern. The breast-curve and the form of the upper edge will now have assumed their proper curvature ; and there only remains to have the whole pattern reduced to its due thicknesses. This, in the fore part, is usually about \ inch, in- creasing backward below to about 1 inch, and the whole becoming gradually thinner toward the top edge, where it may be 3-16 inch. The perpendicular hight behind is usually about 12 inches, and at the fore part 14 inches. (630.) Of THE Draught of Plows. — From the complicated structure of the plow, and the ob- lique direction in which circumstances oblige us to apply the draught to the implement, some misconceptions ha%'e arisen as to the true nature and direction in which the draught may be ap- plied. The great improver of the plow has fallen into this error, and has, in some measure, been followed T)y others.* He as.serts " that were a rope attached to the point of the share, and the plow drawn forward on a level with the bottom of the furrow, it would infallibly sink at the point." Were this reallj' the case, it would prove that the center of resistance of the plow in the furrow must be somewhere below the level of the sole, which is impossible. As the center of gravity of any body, suspended from a poiht at, or anywhere near, the surface of that body, will always be found in a continuation of the suspending line, supposing it to be a flexible cord, so, in like manner, the c?n'er of resistance of the plow will be always found in the direction of the line of draught. Now if, with a horizontal line of draught from the point of the .share, it were found that the point of the share had a tendency to sink deeper into the soil, it would be a clear proof that the plow was accommodating itself to the general law, and that the center of resistance is be- low the line of the sole. The fallacy of this conclusion is so palpable that it would be an act of supererogation to refute it by demonstration, more especially as it never can be of any utility in a practical point of view. I have thought it necessary, however, to advert to it, as it appears to have SmalfB Treatise on Plows. (525) 286 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. aided in tbrowinp a niyrtery over the mode of applying die Uiit or angle of draught, which in itself is a sutBcieullv siiiijilc |ir«»bk'm. (631.) Tlic rcawiiilni; liiUicrio ail<>[itoJ on Uiis branch of the theory of the plow seems to be grounded on the two foliowlDg duta : the hiffkf, on au average, of a horse's shoulder, or that poiot in bis collar where the yoke is applied ; and the lenp(h of the draught-chains that will give him ample freedom to walk. It falls out fortunaielv, too. that the angle of ok-vation thus produced cro.s8C8 the plane of the collar as it lies on the shoulders of the horse when in draught, nea.-ly at right angles. It is my purpose, however, in this section to show that (keeping out of view some practical difliculties; the plow may be drawn at aiiy angle, from the horizontal up to a little st>ort of 90 , and that it would recjuire less and less force to draw it as the direction of the line of draught approached the horizontal line. It would, in all ca.-ses, be required that the point of tlic beam, or rather the draught bolt, should be exactly in the straiu'ht Hue from the center of resistance to the point where the motive force would be applied. II this force could be applied in Uie horizontal direction, we should have the plow drawn by the minimum of force. This position, however, is impracticable, as the line of draught would, in such a case, pass through the solid land of the fur- row about to be raised ; but it is williin the limits of practicability to draw the plow at an angle of 10-, and, as will be demonstrated, the motive force reijuired at this angle would be 1 stone or 14 lbs. less than is required by drawing at the angle of -20 , which may be held as the average in the ordinary practice of plowing. A i)low drawn at this low angle, namely 12-. would have its beam (if of the ordinary lengtli) so low that the draught-bolt would be only 10 inches above the base-line : and this is not an impracticable bight, though the traces might be required inconveni- ently long. On the same principle, the angle of draught might be elevated to 60-^ or 70-, provided a motive power could be apjjlied at sucli high angles. In this, as before, the beam and draught- bolt would have to fall into the line of draught as emanating from the center of resistance. The whole plow, also, under this supposition, would require an almost indefinite increase of weieht; and the motive force rctjuired to draw the plow at au angle of CO- would be nearly twice that required in the horizontal direction, or 1 16-18 times thai of the present practice. exclasK-e of what might arise from increased weight. We may therefore conclude that to draw the plow at any angle higher than the present practice is impracticable, and, though rendered practica- ble, would still be highly inexpedient, by reason of the disadvantage of increased force bein^ thus rendered necessary; unless we can suppose that the application of steam or other inani- mate power might require it. Neither would it be very expedient to adopt a lower angle, since it involves a greater length of trace chains, which, at best, would be rather cumbrous; and it would produce a saving of force of only one stone on tlie draught of a pair of horses. Yet it is worthy of being borne in mind that, in all ca-ses, tliere is some saving of labor to the horses, whenever they are, by any means, allowed to draw by a chain of increased length, provided the draught-bolt of the plow is brought into the line of draught, and the dranght- chains are not of such undue weight as to produce a sensible curvature ; in other words, to insare the change of angle at the horse's shoulder, due to the increased length of the draught- chain. (632.) In illustration of tliese changes in the direction of the draught, fis:. 130, Plate XIII. will render the subject more intelligible. Let« repn'sent the body of a plow, h the point of the beam, and c the center of resistance of the plow, wliich may be assumed at a hieht of 2 inches above the plane of the sole d e, though it is liable to cliauire within short limiu. The average length of the draught chains being 10 feet, including draught-bars, hooks, and all that inter\-enes between the draught-bolt of the plow and the horse's shoulders; let that distance be set off in the direction bf, and the average bight of the horse's shoulders where the chains are attached, being 4 feet 2 inches, let the point /be fixed at the bight above the base-line d c. Draw the line f c. which is the direction of the line of draught acting upon the center of resistance c; and if the plow is in proper temper it will coincide also with the draught-bolt of the beam ; e c f being the angle of draught, and equal to CO^. It will be ea.sily perceived, that, with the same horses and the same length of yoke, the angle ec/is invariable; and if the plow has a tendency to dip at the point of tilt! share under this arrangement, it indicates that the draught-bolt b is too kis'h in the bridle. Shifting the bolt one or more holes downward will bring the iilow to strim evenly upon its sole. On the other hand, if the plow has a tendency to ri.se at the point of the share, the indication from tills is, that the draught-bolt b is too loir, and the rectification must be made by raising it cme or more holes in tlie bridle. Suppose, again, that a pair of taller horses were yoked in the plow, the draught chaiu.s, depth of furrow, and soil — and, by consequence, the point of resistance c — remain- ing the same, we should then have the point f raised suppose to/'; by drawing tlie line/'c, we have c c /' as the angle of draft, which will now be 22^; and' in this new arrangement, the draught-boll is found to be below the line of draught/' c; and if the draught-chains were anplied at b, in the direction f' b, the plow would have a tendency to rise at the point of the share, by the action of that law offerees which obliges the line of drauciit to coincide with the line which passes through the center of resistance ; hence the draught-bolt b would be found to rise to h'. which would raise the point of the share out of its proper direction. To rectify this, then, the draueht- boll must be raised in the bridle by a space equal to b b', causing it to coincide with the true liBC of draught, which would airain bring the plow to swim evenly on its sole. (633.) lU^^arding the relative forces re(iuired to overcome the resistance of the plow, when drawn at ditlVrent angles of draught, we have first to consider the nature of the form ot those parta through which the motive force is brought to bear upon the plow. It has been shown that the tendency of tlie motive force acts in a direct line from the shoulder of the animal of draught to the center of resistance ; and referring again to fig. 130, Plate XIII.. were it not for considerations of convenience, a straight bar or beam lying in the direction c h, and attached firmly to the plow's body anywhere between c andg, would answer all the nurpo.ses of draught, perhaps, V>otter than the present beam. But llie drautrht not being the end in view, but men-ly the means by which that end is accomplish'^d, the former is made to subserve the latter ; and as the beam, if placed in the direction c b, would obstruct the proper working of the plow, we are constrained to resort to (526) THE PLOW, 887 another indirect action to arrive at the desired effect. Tliis indirect action is accomplished through the medium of a system of rigid angular frame work, consisting of the beam and the body of the plow, or those parts of them comprehended between the points h, h, c, the beam being so connect- ed to the body a h, as to form a rigid mass. The effect of the motive force apphed to this rigid system of parts at the point b, and in the direction bf, produces the same result as if c 6 were firmly connected by a bar in the position of the line c b, or as if that bar alone were employed, as in the case before supposed, and to the exclusion of the beam b h. (634.) Having thus endeavored to illustrate the causes of the oblique action of the plow, show- ing that the obliquity is a concomitant following the considerations of convenience and fitness in working the implement, I proceed to show the relative measui-e of the effects of the oblique action. It is well known that the force of draught required to impel the plow, when exerted in the direc- tion b f, may be taken at an average of 24 stones, or 336 lbs. Analyzing this force by means of the parallelogram of forces, if we make the line b fio represent 336 lbs., the motive force ; and complete the parallelogram 6 ifk, we have the force b f held in equilibrium by the two forces i b and k b ; the first acting in the horizoidal direction to draw the plow forward, the .second act- ing vcrticaJli/, to prevent the point of the beam from sinking , which it would do were a horizon- tal force only applied to the point of the beam. The relation of these forces i b and k b to the ob- lique force will be as the length of the lines i b and k b to the line b J] or the line ?' b will repre- sent 322 lbs., while the oblique force is 336 lbs., and the force k b 95 lbs. This last force is repre- sented as lifting the beam vertically by suspension, but the same result would follow if the beam were supported by a wheel under the point b ; the wheel would then bear up the beam with the same Ibrce as that by which it was supposed to be suspended, 95 lbs. But to carrv out the sup- position, let the draught now found be applied horizontally from the point c. As the plow would then have no tendency either to dip or rise, the force k b vanishes, leaving only the direct hori- zontal force i b ; hence, were it possible to apply the draught in a horizontal direction from the point of resistance, the resistance of the plow would be 322 lbs. instead of 336 lbs. (635.) But to return to the previous position of the draught, wherein, still supposing it to be in the horizontal direction, and thereby requiring that the point of the beam have a support to pre- vent its sinking too low. This support may be supposed either a foot, as seen in many both an- cient and modem plows, or in the shape of a wheel or wheels, so much employed in many of the English plows. We see at once, under this consideration, the office that a wheel performs in the action of a plow. It has been shown, that whether the plov\' be drawn in the ordinary direction of draught h f in which one oblique propelling force only is exerted, or with two antagonist forces, b i, in the horizontal direction, and the upholding force, b k, in the vertical, we find that in the latter, the difference in favor of the motive force is only 1-24 of the usual resistance ; but the upholding force is equal to 2-7, while none of these variations has produced any chan"-e in the absolute resistance of the plow. The impelling force is theoreticallj- less in the latter case ; but since the wheel has to carry a load of 95 lbs., we have to consider the effect of this load upon a small wheel, arising from friction and the resi-stance it will encounter by sinking less or more into the subsoil. I have a.scertained, from experiment, that the difference offeree required to draw a wheel of 12 inches diameter, loaded as above described, and again when unloaded, over a tol- erably firm soil, is equal to 22 lbs., a quantity exceeding 1^ times the amount of .saving that would accrue by adopting this supposed horizontal draught with a wheel. Having thus found the amount of draught at two extremities of a scale, the one, being the oblique draught, in common use at an angle of 20-", the other deduced from this, through the medium of the established principles of oblique forces, and the latter producing a saving of only 1-24 of the motive force while it is encumbered with an additional resistance arising from the support or wheel- it necessarily follows that, at all intermediate angles of draught, or at any angle whatever, where the principle of the parallelogram of forces finds place — and it will find place in all cases where wheels yielding- any support are applied to the plow under the beam — there must necessa- rily be an increase in the amount of resistance to the motive force. (636.) This being a question of some importance, the diagram, fig. 131, will render it more Fig. 131. THE DRAUGHT OF WHEEL-PLOWS. evident Let a be the point of resistance of a plow's body, b the point of the beam, c the posi- tion ot the horse's shoulder, and a d the horizontal line ; then will c a d be the angle of draught equal to 20 . Let the circle e represent a wheel placed under the beam, which is supported by 288 THE BOOK OF THE FAKM WINTER. a stem or Bhflcrs, hero repregentcd by ihe line e b. In this poititioii ihe puini of tlic bcnin. wliicli is also tlic |)')iiit of drmight, lies in the line of draiiu'lil : the wheel, therelnre, honrs no load, bui is simply in |>liic'i', and has no effect on the draught; the motive force. tliorcCore. '•oniiiiucs lobe 336 lbs. .Suppose now tht." point of the beam to be rai.-ed to :^. so that the line of drauijhi :r c may be horizontal ; and since the line of draught lies now out of the original line a li r. ami has as- fiuiiicd that of (/ c (■ — ^ beini; now 8U|iported on llic produced stem c i» of the wheel — draw c t perpendicular to a c, and coniplcti- the parallelop-am nick; the side a i will siill rejiresent the oriifinal motive force of :):)ti lbs., but, by the change of direction of the line of drauuhi. the re- quired force will now be representeil by the diai;onal a g oi the paralleloi;rani. cipial to about aoi lbs.; and i? r is a continuation of iliis force in a horizontal direction. The draught is ihcro- fore increased by l.'i lbs. Complete also the parallelogram « / g in. and nsthc iliiigonal a ir — the line ol draught last found — is equal to iTA lbs., the side / i.' of the paralleloLTani will repres<>nl the venical |)ressure of the beam upon the wheel c, e(|ual to about VIOO lbs., which, Irom c.xperimcntB (635), may be valued at 40 lbs. of additional resistance, making the wlmlc resistance lo the mo- tive force 391 lb.s., and being a total increase arisiiiL; Jivm Ihe in/rmiiir/ion of a uIiitI in llii* posilioH of M lbs. Having here derived a ma.ximum — no iloubt an extreme case — and the usual angle of C'O- as the minimum, we can predicate that, at any angle iuiciniediaie \o I n d and / a p, the resistance can never be reduced to the minimum of 336 lbs. Hence it follows, as a corollary. that whri/s pltifi'd nnilcr Ihr beam can never les.sen the resistance of the plow ; bui. on the con- trary, must, in all ca.ses. increase the resistance to the motive lnrci- more or Ics.h. accoriling to the degree of pressure that is brought upon the wheel, and this will he proportional to the sine of the angle in the resultant a g o{ the line of draught. (637.) The application of a wheel in Ihe heel of a plow, doi's not come under the Panic mode of reasoning as that under the beam, the former becoming a part of the body, from w liich all the natural resistance flows; but in viewing it as a part of that body only, we can arrive at certain conclusions which are quite compatible with careful experiments. (631?.) The breadth of the whole rubbing surface in tlic body of a plow, wlien turning a fur- row, is on an average about 17^ inches, and supposing that surface to bo pressed nearly c<)uaJ in all parts, we shall have the sole-shoe, which is about '.ij inches broad, occupying 1-7 part of the surface ; and taking the entire average resistance of the |)low's body, as iK-lbre. at 330 lbs., we have 1-7 of this, equal to 48 lbs., as the greatest amount of resistance produced by the sole of the plow. But this is under the supiiosition that the resistance arises from a uiuform degree of friction spread over the whole i-ubbing surface of the boily : while we have seen, on the contrary, that the coulter, when acting alone, presents a rcsisi'ancc e<|ual to the entire (ilow. It is only reasonable, therefore, in absence of farther c.xpcrinierils. to conclude that the fore parts of the body — the couller and share — yield a Inrsre pmporlion of Ihr rrsisltmce irhrn lurning Ihe fiirrow-slice ; but. since we cannot appreciate this with any degree of exactness, let the sole nave Its full share of the resi.siance before stated, namely, 48 lbs. If a wheel is applied at or near tha heel of the plow, it can only bear up the hind part of the sole. ann and n, to form the crowns of the future ridges. In this way one plowman lays together the furrow- slices of fc and k I, while another is doing the same with those o£ o j? and r w. I have already described how the ^ ridge a h is plowed, and stated that the rest of the ridges are plowed in ^ ridges. The advantage of plow- ing by \ ridges is, that the open fuiTows are thereby left exactly equi-dis- tant from the crowns ; whereas, were the ridges plowed by going round and round the crown of each ridge, one ridge might be made by one plow- man a little broader or narrower than the one on each side of it — that is, broader or narrower than the detemiinate breadth of 15 feet. (649.) A ridge, a a, fig. 13.3, consists of a crown h, two flanks c, two fur- row-brows d, and two open furrows a a. An open furrow is finished at the bottom by two mould or hint-end furrows. (Fig. 134.) (650.) After laying the feering funow-slices to make the crowns of the ridges, such as at f c, k I, op, and ?■ w, fig. 132, the plan to plow up ridges from the flat ground is to turn the horses toward you on the head-ridges, until all the furrow-slices between each feering are laid over until you reach the lines y z, which then become the open furrows. This method Fig. 133. OAlHtKlSO UP FKOM IHfc H.AT. >f plowing is ca.\\ed gather ing up, or gathering up from the flat, the dispo- lition of whose furrows is shown in fig. 133, where a a a embrace two (530J VARIOUS MODES OF PLOWING RIDGES. 293 whole ridges, on the right sides of which all the furrows lie one way, from a to h, reading from the right to the left ; and on the left sides of which all the furrow-slices lie in the opposite direction, from a to h, reading fro the left to the right ; and both sets of furrow-slices meet in the crowi hhh. The open furrows aaa are finished off with the mould or hint-eu furrows, the method of making which is described in the next figure. (651.) The viouhl or Mnt-cnd fun'ow is made in this way : When th. last 2 furrow-sHces of the ridges a a, fig. 134, are laid over, the bottom ol the open furrow is as wide as represented by the dotted line c, extending Fig. 134. AN OPEN FL■Klll_l\^• \VrrH M'lCr.l) OR HIST-KND FU RUOW-SI.IC KS. from a to a. The plow goes along this wide space, and first lays over a triangular furrow-slice h on one side, and another of the same, h, on the other side, up against and covering the lower ends of the last fuiTOw-slices a a, and by which operation the ground is hollowed out in the shape rep- resented at c by the sole of the plow. The dotted line d shows the level of the ground in its former state, before it was begun to be ridged up, and the furrow-slices a a show the elevation attained by the land above its fer- mer level by plowing. {Q52.) A ridge that has been plowed the reverse to gathering up from the flat is said to be split, which is the short phrase for crovm-and-furrow plowing. (653^ This kind of plowing o^crown-and-furroio can easily be perfornied on land that has been gathered up from the flat. In this case, no feering is required to be purposely made, the open furrows answering that pur- pose. Thus, in fig. 133, let the furrow-brows d be laid over to meet to- gether in the open furrow a, and it will be found that they will just meet, since they were formerly separated in the same spot ; and so let each suc- cessive furrow-slice be reversed from the position it was laid when gath- ered up from the flat, and as represented in the figure, then a will become the crowns of the ridges, and b the open-furrows. In this mode, as well as in gathering up, the ridges are plowed by two half-ridges, and in both cases the plowed surface of the ridges is preserved in a flat state ; there should he no perceptible curvature of the gi'ound, the open fun-ow only forming a hollow below the level of the plowed surface. When no sur- face-water is likely to remain on the land, which is the case with light soils, both these are simple modes of plowing land ; and they form an excellent foundation upon which to make di-ills upon stronger soils for turnips. — They are both much practiced in plowing land for barley after turnips. (654.) But when two plowings are intended to be given to land for bar- ley after turnips, and when it is found inconvenient to cross-furrow the land — which will be the case when sheep on turnips occupy a field of great length in proportion to its breadth, or when the soil or season is too weft to run the risk of letting the land He any time in a cross-fuiTow — then the (581) 29 i THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. land should be feered so as to allow it to be gathered up from the flat, that the rrown-aud-furruw plowing may afterward complete the ridges. On looking again at fig. 133, where the ridges are represented complete, it is obvious that, were they plowed from that state into crown-and-furrow, by making the open furrows a a a the future crowns, a half-ridge would be left at each side of the field — a mode of finishing off a field wliich no con- siderate farmer adopts, as it displays great carelessness and want of fore- thought in forming his plans. The land should, therefore, be so feered at first as.to leave a half-ridge next the ditch when gathered up fiom the flat, and which the subsequent crown-and-funow plowing will convert into a whole one. Thus, the first feering should be made at e o, fig. 132, and every other should be made at the distance of the width of a ridge, namely 15 feet, from the last one, as at ?/ c, y z, y z. On plowing each feering, the open funows will then be left at i h, kl, op, and r w. These open furrows will form the feelings "for, and the crowns of, the future ridges — which, when plowed, the half ridge from i to e will have to be plowed by itself; thereby, no doubt, incurring some loss of time in laying all the fur- row-slices toward the crown 7t i, and retuniing with the empty plow ; but that loss must be endured to get the ridges finished with a peifect form (655.) I may mention here, that one stretch of the plow \rith a furrow is called a landing, and going and returning with a furrow each way is termed a bout. (656.) Another mode of plowing land from the flat surface is casting or yoking or coupling the ridges. The feering for this mode is done in a dif- ferent way from either of the two foregoing. The first feering is opened out in the line oi c a, fig. 132, close to the ditch, and every other is meas- ured off of the width of two ridges from the last — that is, 30 feet asunder — as at y c, betwixt k 1 and op, and at half a ridge beyond r ic. Casting is begun by laying the furrow-slice of the feerings together, and then laying the first furrow-slice toward e a, on going up. and toward y z, betwixt / and jf, on coming down the bout ; and so on, funow after furrow, turning the horses on the head-ridges always toward you, until the open furrow is left at y z, betwixt k 1 and i h. The effect of casting is to lay the entire furrow-.slices of every ridge in one direction, and in opposite directions on adjoining ridges. The proper disposition of the furrow-slices you will see in perspective in fig. 135, which exhibits three entire ridges, two of them Fig. 135. CASTING, yOKISG, OR COUPLING RIDGES. cast or yoked together ; that is, the furrow-slices of a b meet those of c J in b, which forms the crown of the double ridge, and those of c (Z lie in the opposite direction from c b, and are ready to meet those of the adjoining ridge beyond d at d, and they leave the open furrow between them at c ; and so on, an open furrow between every two ridges. Ridges lying thus yoked can easily be recast, by reversing the furrow-slices of b c and c d, thereby converting the open furrow c into a cro^^'n of the double ridge, f582) VARIOUS MODES OF PLOWING RIDGES. 295 and making tlie cvown h an open fuiTow. Cast ridges keep the land in a level state, and can most conveniently be adopted on dry soils. They form a good foundation for drilling upon, or they make a good seed-fur- row on dry land. Lea on light land, and the seed-fuiTow for barley on the same sort of soil, are always plowed in this fasliion. This is an eco- nomical mode of plowing land in regard to time, as it requires but few feerings ; the furrow-slices are equal, and on even ground ; and the horses are always turned inward, that is, toward you. Casting is best performed upon the ilat surface, as then the uniform state of both ridges can be best preserved ; and should the land be desired to be plowed again, it can be cast the reverse way, and the correct form of the ridges still preserved. In this method of casting, no open furrow is more bare of earth than another. (657.) Casting ridges is as suitable plowing for strong as light land, pro- vided the ndges are separated by a gore-furrow. A gore-fuiTOw is a space made to prevent the meeting of two ridges, and as a substitute for an open furrow between them. Its effect is, in so far as the furrow-slices are concerned, like crown-and-furrow plowing, but the difference consists in this, that it turns over a whole ridge, instead of a half-i-idge in each feering. It can only be formed where there is a feering or an open fur- row. The method of making a gore-furrow is shown in fig. 136. Suppose Fig. 136. A GORE-FURIMW. that it is proposed to make one in a feering such as is shown by k I and o -p in fig. 132. Let the dotted furrow-slices a and e, and the dotted line i represent an open furrow such as in fig. 136, of which c is a point in the middle. Make the plow pass between the center of the furrow-sole c and the left-hand dotted fuiTow-slice e, and throw up to the right the trian- gular-shaped mould-fuiTow-slice b. Then turn the horses sharp round toward you on the head-ridge, and lay the dotted furrow-slice a upon b, which will then become the furrow-slice d, as seen in the fig. at d. Ao-ain turning the horses sharp round on the head-ridge, take the plow lightly through part of the dotted furrow-slice e, and convert it into the triangular shaped mould-furrow-slice /\ the upper end of e being left untouched ; but a portion of/ will trickle down toward /. Turn the horses from you this time on the head-ridge, and bring down the plow behind d, and lay against it the ordinary furrow-slice g. Turning the horses again from you on the near head-ridge, lay the ordinary furrow-slice h, by destroying the remain- der of the dotted furrow-slice c with some more earth, upon the triangular- shaped furrow /; which, when done, turn the horses from you again on the farther head-ridge for the last time, and come down the open furrow ?, rub- bing the soil up with the mould-board of the plow from i against/ and clear- ing out of the furrow any loose soil that may have fallen into it, and the gore- fun-ow is completed. The dotted line i shows the surface of the foiTner (583) 206 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. state of the land. A goic-fuiTow is most perfectly formed and retained in clay soil, for one in tender soil is apt to moulder down by the action of the air into the open furrow, which frustrates the purpose of making it a channel for running water ; hut, indeed, on light soils, gore-furrows are of little use, and, of cfturse, seldom farmed. (658.) When land is cast with a gore-fuiTovv upon gathered gi-ound, it is quite coiTCct to say that the open funow is more bare of eaith than the gore-furrow, as Professor Low intimates, but it is not so correct to say, that " this is an impeifection unavoidable in casting a ridge."* Such a remark is only applicable to cast ridges after they have been gathered up from the flat, and much more so to ridges that have been twice galheied up ; but the imperfection does not belong to casting in its most legitimate form, that is, upon the flat ground. Land, in my opinion, should never be cast upon gathered ridges, to remain in a jiermanent form, but only for a temporary purpose ; as in the process of fallowing, for the sake of stir- ring the soil and overcoming weeds. For, observe the necessary eflect of casting a gathered ridge. Suppose the two gathered ridges between a u a, fig. 133, were desired to be cast together toward the middle open fur- row a ; the effect would be to reverse the ])Osition of the furrows from a to b, on either side of a. They would remain as flat as formerly ; but ■what would be the effect on the furrows on the other halves of the ridges from h to (11 They would be gathered twice, so that the double ridge would have two high furrow-brows by two gatherings, and two low flanks by one gathering. It would, in fact, be unequally plowed, and the open furrow on each side of it would, of course, be bared of earth, having been twice gathered. No doubt, such a distortion might be partially obviated by making the furrow-slices between a and h on each side of the middle open fuiTOw a deeper and larger than those between J> and r<7cecome8 ac- cumulated in llieni in laif^er or smaller quantities, according to their form and capacity ; and, at leng^th, the supei-fluous ])ortion is poured from the surcharged strata, and bursts over retentive beds througli the surface-soil in the fjrm of land-springs, at a somewhat lower level. Such springs are either concentrated in one place or diffused over a large extent of surface, according as their outlet happens to be extensive or confined, and deep draining is generally required to remove these ; for which purpose, deep drains are cut througii alternate Iwds of retentive and permeable matter, and penetiate into the very seats of the springs. It may happen, how- ever, that the surfa«'e is as retentive as the subsoil, in which case the water, not penetrating farther than the suiface-soil, has a free enough passage l)etween the impervious subsoil and the loose soil ; this state of soil re- quires mere surface-draining. Where the upjier soil is pervious, and the subsoil uniformly and extensively retentive, water accumulates on the sub- soil, to the injury of plants growing on the suiface-soil ; and to remove water from such a situation, in>t deep but numerous drains are required to give sufficient opportunities for it to pass away, and such drains are usually formed in the furrows. Where the soil and subsoil are both po- rous, the water passes quickly through them, and no draining is required to assist it in flowing away, as the entire subsoil constitutes a universal drain. In this state of soil, water is only held in it by capillary attraction, and what is not so supported sinks down through the porous subsoil by its OUT! gravity. Capillary attraction is quite capable of supporting and bringing as much water through a permeable soil and subsoil, from rain above and soui'ces of water from below, as is useful to vegetation, except- ing, perhaps, under the extraordinaiy occurrence of excessive drouth ; and of all the sources from which the soil derires its supplies of water, that from springs is the coldest, most injurious to useful plants, and most per- manent in its effects ; and hence it is that the abstraction of water from the soil by draining does not necessarily interfere with it as a supporter of plants, as a meliorator of the soil, as a menstruum for the food, as a regulator of temperature to plants. (677.) These states of water in the soil and subsoil indicate that a knowledge of geology might confer a more perfect understanding of the principles of draining; and, fortunately, practice in this department of ru- ral economy has always been consistent with the facts of geology. But a geological drainer is a character who has not yet made his appearance in the world ; because no practical drainer or scientific geologist has yet ex- plored that department of geology which is most useful to Agriculture, in such a manner as to assist the art of draining. Most of our arable soils are contained within the newest rock formations, the intricate relations of which present almost insurmountable obstacles to such a knowledge of them as to be useful in draining. The intricacy of their relations render the operations of draining inicertain ; and this uncertainty, I fear, must continue to exist, until the relations of the alluvial rocks are discovered to be as unvarying as those of the more indurated. Perhaps a certainty in the matter is unattainable, because the members of the alluvial forma- tion may not present a strictly relative position to one another. Until the fact, therefore, is ascertained one way or the other, draining must be con- ducted, in a great measure, by trial or experiment ; and in all undertakings on trial, error must be expected to ensue, and unnecessary expense incur- red. An unfortunate circumstance, arising from this uncertainty, is the comparative uselessness of the experience acquired in previous operations (536; DRAINING. 309 to guide the drainer himself and others, to the means of securing more cer- tain results in their future efforts at draining. No drainer can affirm that the number and depth, and even the direction, of the drains which h chooses to adopt, are the best suited for drying the field he wishes to drain nor can he maintain that exactly similar arrangements will produce ex actly similar effects in the adjoining or in any other field, at a greater oi shorter distance. Every experienced drainer will coincide with the just- ness of these remarks, and deplore the uncertain nature of his operations ; but, nevertheless, the satisfactory consolation is, that as long as he finds draining, even as it is pursued, do good, so long he will continue to pi'ac- tice it. Were geologists to make themselves acquainted with the prac- tical details of draining, and then study that branch of geology which would be of greatest service to draining, it is reasonable to hope that they would confer lasting obligations on the drainer, not only by directing him to a well-grounded certainty in his object, but by showing him how to execute his art with greater simplicity. Were they also to direct particu- lar attention to the relation that subsists, if any, between the suiface of the earth's crust and the strata immediately subjacent, their investigations might supply valuable materials for a correct nomenclature and classifica- tion of soils. (678.) You thus perceive that a bare recital of the various modes of draining is not alone sufficient to make you an accomplished drainer ; for you should know the principles as well as the practice of the art. The principles can enly be acquired by a knowledge of geology, in as far as it has investigated the structure of the alluvial rocks, which are within your reach everywhere, and entii'ely within your power on your own farm to investigate. This knowledge, even as it is yet known, is requisite ; for any difficulty in draining is found not so much in constructing a drain — most field-laborers can do that — as in knowing ivhcre to construct it ; and a coiTect knowledge of whether the wetness in the land arises from natural springs or from stagnant water under the surface of the soil, can alone di- rect you to open the kind of drain required. So generally is the practical pait of the operation diffused, that every manager of land conceives he knows the whole subject of draining so correctly, that he will commence his operations with the utmost confidence of success ; and this confidence has caused much money to be expended in draining, that has in great part been ill directed ; not but that its expenditure has done good, but that it has not done neai'ly all the good that the means employed might have ef- fected. Much money has thus been expended in many places in making a few scattered deep drains, where a greater number of smaller ones would have answered the purpose much better. A degree of success, however, has attended every attempt at draining, and it is this circumstance, more than any other, that has beguiled many into a belief that they are accom- plished drainers ; for no one, unfit to direct the operation in a proper man ner, would have attempted it at all, unless he had actually experienced in jury from wet land ; or have attempted it again, unless his attempts had partially, at least, I'emoved the injury ; though the results have not been very successful. Were the efforts of ignorance in draining confined to the squandering of money, they might be compensated for by superior roan agement in the other operations of the farm ; but, unfortunately, the sink- ing of valuable capital in injudicious draining cripples the means of the farmer, and at the same time prevents his reaping all the advantages de- rivable fi-om draining itself. Were draining an operation that could be executed at httle cost and trouble, it would be of less importance to urge its prosecution in the most effectual way ; but as it is an expensive opera- (597) 310 THE BOOK OF THE FARM WINTER. tion, when conducted in the most economical manner, much consideration should be given to the matter in all its bearings, before attempting to break uj) ground for draining to any great extent. An examination of the earth's crust, upon which you are to operate, is absolutely necessary to direct your plans aright. Contemplate well, in the first place, the facts which such an examination unfolds to your view, and endeavor by their nature to acquire wisdom to expend your money with prudence as well as skill. Examinations of the soil and subsoil will tell you what kinds re- quire deep draining, and what kinds may be treated with eijual suc- cess under a different nnangement. Inattention to such distinctions as these has hitherto caused the inordinate application of one general prin- ciple, which, as applicable to a particular system, must receive the as- sent of every drainer who feels the importance of the art, but which, nevertheless, is inapplicable to every case — I mean the system of deep draining. (679.) You may have observed, from what has been said, that there is more than one species of draining ; there is one which draws off' large bodies of water, collected from the discharge of springs in isolated portions of ground ; and this is called deep or under-diainuig, because it intercepts the passage of water at a considerable depth under the sui-face of the gi'ound ; and there is another kind which absorbs, by means of numerous channels, the superabundant water spread over extensive pieces of gi-ound under the surface, and has been called surface-draining. This latter kind of draining subdivides itself into two varieties, the one consisting of small open channels formed on the surface of the ground in various directions for the ready use of water flowing upon the land, and this is literally surface-draining. The other is effected by means of small drains con- stnicted at small depths in the gi'ound, at short distances from one another, and into which the water as it falls upon the surface finds its way by its own gravity through the loose soil, and by which it is discharged into a convenient receptacle. But for those two species of surface-drains, the water that falls from above would remain stagnant upon the retentive sub- soil at the bottom of the plow-furrow. The former kind of surface-drain- ing is called ^flw-cutting, so named from its resemblance to " a mark or crack left in the soil by a stroke or pressure ; "* the latter kind derives its name either from the locality which it occupies, or the aiTangement of its lines. From its local position, it has been caWed fu rrow-d rain ing when it occupies the open furrows of the ridges of a field, though it is not neces- sary that such drains should always