Nortli (Earoltna BtnU llnttJFr0itg ■^ iJLI This book was presented by MILTON M. LEONARD, D.V.M. TO THE VETERINARY MEDICAL LIBRARY This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the circulation desk. EXCEPTION: Date due will ^- earlier if this item is RECALLED ill be I LED. I APR 2 2003 200M/09-98-981815 A TEXT-BOOK HORSESHOEING Horseshoers and Veterinarians BY- A. LUNGWITZ FORMER MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SAXON VETERINARY COMMISSION, LATE INSTRUCTOR IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF HORSESHOEING, AND DIRECTOR OF THE SHOEING SCHOOL OF THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE IN DRESDEN, GERMANY JOHN W. ADAMS PROFESSOR OF SURGERY AND OBSTETRICS, AND LECTURER ON SHOEING IN THE VETERINARY SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ELEVENTH EDITION WITH TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA & LONDON J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Copyright, 1897, by J. B. Lippincott Company. Copyright, 1904, by J. B. Lippincott Company. Copyright, 1913, by J. B. Lippincott Company. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The inauguration of the law requiring liorseshoers to be ex- amined emphasizes the need of a brief and easily understood text-book on theoretical and practical horseshoeing. At the re- quest of the Royal Veterinary Commission, in charge of the Royal Veterinary School in Dresden, and many interested in- dividuals, I have attempted to meet this need by condensing within the narrowest possible limits all that is essential to the horseshoer in the practice of his profession. The subject-matter has been cast into a logically arranged course of instruction ; all that is superfluous and is found only in exhaustive treatises on shoeing has been omitted. In order to make this elementary text-book more easy to understand, numerous instructive illustrations have been incor- porated, which were taken partly from " Der Fuss des Pferdes," by Leisering & Hartmann, fifth edition, Dresden, 1882 ; partly from the journal Der Hufschmied, and partly from drawings made specially for this work. With the desire that this little book may find many friends and supply them with valuable information, it is herewith given to the public. A. LUNGWITZ. f, September, 1884. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. During the past nine years in which it has been my privilege to teach horseshoeing to students of veterinary medi- cine in the University of Pennsylvania, and to classes of horse- shoers under the auspices of the Master Horseshoers' National Protective Association of America, I have been forcibly im- pressed vsdth the urgent need of a text-book of horseshoeing that is adapted to the needs of beginners. In my opinion, such a work must present a detailed description of the anatomy and physiology of the legs below the middle of the cannons, and must emphasize in unmistakable terms the definite relations which exist between certain well-defined forms of the hoof and certain well-defined standing positions of the limb. Only on this sure foundation can a thoroughly scientific system of shoe- ing be based. Furthermore, the teachings must be eminently practical, logically arranged, as brief as is consistent with clear- ness, easy of comprehension by persons who are unfamiliar with technical language, profusely illustrated, and moderate in price. Through the kindness of my respected friend and former teacher. Professor A. Lung-witz, one of tlie highest authorities in all matters pertaining to shoeing, and for many years a teacher in and the Director of what I believe to be the best school of shoeing in the world, I am enabled to present to* the public this translation of his text-book for students of shoeing. Written to meet requirements identical with those existing to- day in the United States, and in scope and arrangement exactly suited to both student and teacher, I am confident that it will meet the favor that it merits. The Translator. Philadelphia, 1904. 5 PREFACE TO THE ELEVENTH EDITION. Since the publication in 1904 of a translation of the tentli edition of Der Lehrmeister im Hufbesclilag, Prof. Anton Liing- witz, the author, having reached the age of retirement has with- drawn from the activities of the Royal Saxon Shoeing School, and has expressed a desire that the translator assume entire responsibility for future editions. To note the progress of farrierv during the past ten years many chapters have been revised, necessitating resetting, and sixty-nine new illustrations have been added and many re- drawn. It has seemed desirable to discuss the effect of weight in the shoe in altering the flight of the foot ; to consider rubber pads so widely used in the United States, and to direct attention to many innovations of more or less value, that hiave appeared during recent years. In preparing this edition I have had the cordial co-operation of the publishers, to whom I hereby express deepest gratitude. I wish also to record my appreciation for the many suggestions and other aid given me by Mr. Franz Enge, Chief Farrier of the shoeing shop of the Veterinary Hospital, University of Pennsylvania. Joh:^ W. Adams. University of Pennsylvania, April. 1913. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 13 The Object of Shoeing 13 PART I. CHAPTER I. the gross anatomy of the horse. Bones of the Head — Bones of the Trunk 17 The Spinal Column — Bones of the Thorax 17-19 Bones of the Pelvis — Bones of the Limbs 19-21 Joints — Muscles — Tendon Sheaths 21-24 THE FOOT. A. The Bones of the Foot 24 The Cannon — The Long Pastern — The Sesamoid Bones — The Short Pastern— The Pedal Bone — The Navicular Bone . . 24-28 B. The Articulations of the Foot 28 I. The Fetlock-Joint 28 The Suspensory Ligament 29 The Inferior Sesamoid Ligament 30 II. The Coronary Joint 31 III. The Pedal Articulation (Coffin Joint) 31 C. The Locomotory Organs of the Foot 32 The Anterior Extensor Tendon of the Phalanges — The Perforatus Tendon— The Perforans Tendon 32-35 Mucous Bursae and Tendon Sheaths 35 Altering the Relative Tension of the Flexor Tendons and Suspen- sory Ligament of the Fetlock- Joint 36 D. The Elastic Parts of the Foot 38 The Lateral Cartilages— The Plantar Cushion 39, 40 E. The Blood-Vessels and Nerves 41 The Arteries of the Foot — The Veins of the Foot — The Nerves of the Foot 41-44 F. The Protective Organs of the Foot 44 (a) The Hair-Skin 44 1. The Epidermis 45 2. The Dermis 45 3. The Subcutaneous Tissue 45 10 CONTENTS. (b) The Hoof-Skin, or Pododerm 45, 46 1. The Perioplic Band 47 2. The Coronary Band 47 3. The Fleshy Wall 48 The Fleshy Leaves (Podophyllous Tissue) . . . . 48, 49 4. The Velvety Tissue of the Sole 49 5. The Velvety Tissue of the Frog 49 (c) The Horn Capsule or Hoof 50-53 The Wall 50-53 The Bars 51,52 The Layers of the Wall: 1. The Periople. 2. The Middle or Protective Layer. 3. The Leafy Layer (Keraphyllous Layer) 53-55 The Sole 55, 56 The Frog 57,58 The Minute Structure of the Horn 58 Hard and Soft Horn . 59 CHAPTER IL THE FOOT IN ITS RELATION TO THE ENTIRE LIMB. A. Standing Positions of the Limbs 62 (a) The Positions of a Fore-Limb viewed from in Front and IN Profile 62-67 (b) The Positions of a Hind Limb viewed from Behind and in Profile 67-69 B. Forms of Feet, viewed from in Front, from Behind, and in Profile 69-72 C. Lines of Flight of Hoofs in Motion 72-75 D. Influence of Weight upon Lines, of Flight of Hoofs 75, 76 E. Forms of Hoofs 77 The Hoof of the Regular Position — The Hoof of the Base-Wide Position — The Hoof of the Base-Narrow Position — Forms of Hind Hoofs — The Wide and the Narrow Hoof — The Character- istics of Healthy Hoofs 77-82 F. Growth of the Hoof and Wear of the Hoof and Shoe .... 82-86 G. Physiological Movements of the Hoof 86-89 PART II. CHAPTER IIL shoeing healthy hoofs. A. Examination of a Horse Preliminary to Shoeing 90 B. Raising and holding the Feet of the Horse to be Shod 92 CONTENTS. 11 C. Removing the Old Shoes 97 D. P>repariiig the Hoof for the Shoe 98 E. Preparing the Hoof for going Barefoot 102 F. Making Shoes 103 The Pedometer — Making Front Shoes — Making Hind Shoes — Gen- eral Characteristics of Shoes — A Shoe with Heel-Calks — A Shoe with Toe- and Heel-Calks — Special Characteristics of Shoes 103-116 G. Choosmg the Shoe 116 H. Shaping and Fitting Shoes — General Considerations 117 Shaping and Fitting Shoes — Special Considerations 120 Fitting Shoes to Saddlers and Hunters 122 Fitting Shoes to Runners 123 Fitting Shoes to Trotters and Pacers 124 Fitting Shoes to Heavy Draft Horses 125 I. Nailing the Shoe— Horseshoe Nails 128 K. Machine Shoes 132 L. Rubber Pads 135 CHAPTER IV. SHOEING HORSES THAT FORGE AND INTERFERE. A. Forging — Cross-firing 138, 140 B. Interfering 142 CHAPTER V. winter shoeing. 1. Ice-Nails (Frost-Nails) 146 2. Sharp Toe- and Heel-Calks 146 3. Screw-Calks 148, 155 4. Peg Heel-Calks 150 5. Peg Toe-Calks 152 6. Removable Heel-Calks, that do not require Sharpening . . 154 CHAPTER VI. hoof nurture. A. Care of Unshod Hoofs . 157 B. Care of Shod Hoofs 159 Greasing and Soaking the Hoof 159 12 CONTENTS. PART III. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL REMARKS CONCERNING THE SHOEING OF DEFECTIVE HOOFS AND LAME HORSES. General Remarks 161-165 Classification of Diseases of the Hoof 165 C H A P T E R V I I I. inflammations of the pododerm (pododermatitis). 1. Nailing 166 2. Street-Nail 170 3. Calk-Wounds of the Coronet 173 4. Corns 174 5. Inflammation of the Heels 176 6. Laminitis (Founder) 177 7. Keraphyllocele (Horn Tumor) 181 CHAPTER IX. defects of the hoof. A. Changes of Form 182 1. The Flat and the Full Hoof 182 2. The Upright or Stumpy Hoof 184 3. The Contracted Hoof 185 (a) The Contraction of Wide Hoofs 189 (6) Contraction of the Sole 189 4. The Wry Hoof 190 5. The Crooked Hoof 192 6. Ossification of the Lateral Cartilage (Side-Bone) . . . 194 B. Distiirbances of Continuity of Hoof 195 1. Cracks 195 2. Clefts 203 3. Loose Wall 204 4. Hollow Wall 205 5. Thrush of the Frog 206 CHAPTER X. shoeing mules, asses, and oxen. 1. The Shoeing of Mules and Asses 207 2. The Shoeing of Oxen 207 INTRODUCTION. Horseshoeing- is an industry whicli requires, in equal degree, knowledge and skill. The word " horse'shoeing " embraces various acts, especially preparing the iron sole, the horseshoe ; forming it and fitting it to the hoof, whose ground-surface has been previously dressed in accordance with the direction of the limb, and fastening it to the hoof by means of nails. Owing to the complicated structure of the hoof, success in the practice of horseshoeing requires a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the horse's body in general and of the foot in particular. The object of shoeing is, — 1. To protect the hoof from excessive wear, and thus render the horse continuously serviceable upon our hard roads. 2. To prevent slipping and falling during the winter season. 3. To so far remove the disadvantages of faulty positions of the limbs that horses may render good ser\ace, and, in some cases, 4. To cure or improve diseased or defective hoofs or feet. Horseshoeing, though apparently simple, involves many difficulties, owing to the fact that the hoof is not an unchanging body, but varies much with respect to form, growth, quality, and elasticity. Furthermore, there are such great differences in the character of ground-surfaces and in the nature of horses' work that shoeing which is not performed with great ability and care induces disease and makes horses lame. 13 14 INTRODUCTION In view of these facts, a thorough training of the young horseshoer in the principles and practice of his trade is not only greatly to he desired, but is really essential to success ; unreason- ing work does as much harm in this as in any other vocation. A good commoti-school education is necessary (more will do no harm). Further requisites are a healthy body, not too tall, liking for the worlc, aptness, an active, reasoning mind, fear- lessness, dexterity, a good eye for proportion, and, finally, care- ful selection of a master-instructor. Theoretically educated, practically experienced and approved masters, in whose shops all kinds of horses are shod, are to be preferred. During his term of apprenticeship the young apprentice should learn to make drawings of horseshoes, of tools of the trade, and of hoofs of various forms, and should also make one or more model shoes as an indication of his ahility. After com- pleting his time he should seek a position in a first-class shop, either at home or abroad. A visit to foreign lands will mden one's mental horizon and make him a broader, abler man in every respect. Later, opportunity "vvill be given to some (in Germany) to join the cavalry, and thus acquire a good educa- tion in shoeing under the patronage of the government. Finally, a course of instruction in a school of horseshoeing will convert an already practical and intelligent horseshoer into a thoughtful, capable, expert workman. The scope of horseshoeing is by no means so narrow and insignificant as it may appear, and since a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the horse's body in general, and of the foot in particular, is necessary, it is evident that the schools of horseshoeing in which one can get the best instruction are those in which there is not only a regularly graded course of INTRODUCTION 15 instruction, with demonstrations upon dissected material and upon living horses, but also an abundance of daily work at the forge and on the floor in the shoeing of horses. A course of four to six weeks is not sufficient. Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that schools of horseshoeing are not for the purpose of instructing young men in all matters which pertain to the trade, but only in the making of shoes, the critical examination and management of hoofs, and the rational and skilful performance of shoeing. For this reason it is not advisable for young men to attend a school of horse- shoeing until they have at least completed their apprenticeship. HORSESHOEING PART I. CHAPTER I. THE GROSS ANATOMY OF THE HORSE. The supporting structure of the horse's body is the bony framework or skeleton (Fig. 1, page 18). We distinguish in the skeleton the bones of the head, trunk, and limbs. The bones of the head are numerous and, excepting the lower jaw, are solidly united with one another. In general, we distinguish in the head only the upper and lower jaws (1 andl'). Both form various cavities ; for example, the cranial cavity, in which the brain lies, the orbital cavities (eye-sockets), the nasal passages, and the mouth. Besides, the teeth are set in the jaws. The trunk comprises the bones of the spinal column, thorax, and pelvis. The spinal or vertebral column (2 to 6), which bears the head at its anterior end, is the chief support of the entire skeleton. It consists of from fifty-two to fifty-four single and irregular bones called vertebrae, placed in the upper part of the median vertical plane of the body. Each vertebra, vnth the ex- ception of those of the tail (coccygeal or caudal vertebrae), is traversed by a large opening called the vertebral foramen. The vertebrae are placed end to end in a row, and through them runs a continuous large canal called the vertebral or spinal canal, in which lies the spinal cord. The horse has seven cervical, eighteen dorsal, six lumbar, five sacral, and sixteen to eighteen 2 17 18 HORSESHOEING. caudal vertebrae. The sacral vertebrae are grown together to form one piece called the sacrum. Fig. 1. Skeleton of the Horse. — 1, bones of the head; 1', lower jaw; 2, cervical vertebrae; 3, dorsal vertebrae; 4, lumbar vertebrae; 5, sacral vertebrae (sacrum); 6, coccygeal vertebrae; 7, ribs; 8, sternum (breast-bone); 9, pelvis; 9', ilium; 9", ischium; 10, scapula (shoulder-blade) ; 11, humerus; 12, radius; 13, ulna; 14, carpus (knee) ; 15, large metacarpal bone (cannon); 16, rudimentary metarcarpal bones (splint-bones); 17, os suffraginis (long pastern); 18, os coro- nae (short pastern) ; 19, os pedis (hoof-bone); 20, sesamoid bones; 21, femur; 22, patella (knee-pan, stifle) ; 23, tibia; 24, fibula; 25, tarsus, or hock; 26, large metatarsal bone (can- non) ; 27, rudimentary metatarsals (splint bones) ; 28, os suffraginis (long pastern) ; 29, os coronae (short pastern) ; 30, os pedis (hoof-bone, "coflan bone"); 31, sesamoid bones. The thorax is formed by the ribs and the breast-bone or sternum. The horse has eighteen ribs on each side (7), and all articulate with the dorsal vertebrae. The first eight pairs unite by their lower ends directly to the sternum or breast-bone, and HORSESHOEING. 19 are therefore called true lihs, while the last ten pairs are only indirectly attached to the 'sternum, and are consequently called false libs. The sternum. (8) lies between the forelegs, and helps to form the floor of the chest cavity. The space enclosed by the bones of the thorax is called the thoracic, pulmonary, or chest cavity, and contains the heart and lungs. The bones of the pelvis form a complete circle or girdle. The upper part, called the ilium (9'), articulates on its inner 'side with the sacrum (5), while its outer side is prolonged to form a prominent angle, which is the support of the hip, and is called the " point of the hip." The posterior part of the pelvis is called the ischium (9''), and that part lying between the ilium and the ischium and forming part of the floor of the pelvis is called the pubis. The space between the thorax and the pelvis, bounded above by the lumbar vertebrae and shut in below and on the sides by the skin and muscular walls of the belly (abdomen), is called the abdominal cavity. This cavity opens directly into the pel- vic cavity, and contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and a part of the generative organ's. The thoracic and abdominal cavities are separated by a muscular partition, the diaphragm. The bones of the limbs may be likened to columns, upon which the body rests ; they articulate with one another at various angles, are tubular in structure, and strong. The bones of the fore-limbs do not articulate directly with the hones of the trunh, but are attached to the body by mean's of the skin and muscles. From above to below we distinguish the following bones : 1. The scapula, or shoulder-blade (10), a flat, triangular bone, prolonged at its upper border by a flat, very elastic car- tilage, called the scapular cartilage. At its lower end the scapula articulates with — 2. The upper end of the humerus (11), forming the shoulder-joint fiscapulo-humeral articulation). The humerus articulates at its lower end with — 20 HORSESHOEING. 3. The radius (12) and the ulna (13), to form the elbow joint. These two bones are the basis of the forearm. The ulna, smaller and weaker than the radius, lies behind and projects above it to form the point of the elbow. The lower end of the radius articulates with — 4. The carpus, or knee (14), which comprises seven small, cubical bones disposed in two horizontal rows, one above the other. The upper row comprises four bones and the lower row three. The lower row rests upon^ — 5. The large metacarpal or cannon hone, and the two rudi- mentary metacarpal or splint-hones. The lower end of the radius, the upper ends of the metacarpal bones, and the small carpal bones together form the carpal or knee-joint (wrist of man). Of the metacarpals, the middle on© is the largest, longest, strongest, and most important, and is called the large metacarpal, cannon, or shin-hone (15). It articulates at its lower end with the o's suffraginis, or long pastern (17), and with the two small sesamoid bones (20). On each side of the upper part of its posterior surface lie the two long, slender splint- bones (16). The inner splint-bone is sometimes affected with bony thickenings (exostoses) called " splints." 6. The bones of the phalanges (all bones below the cannon) will be fully described in another place. The bones of the hind limbs articulate directly with the pelvis at the hip-joint. They are stronger than the bones of the anterior limbs. We distinguish the following bones in the hind legs : 1. The highest bone in the hind limb is the femur (21). It is the strongest bone in the entire body. It lies in an oblique direction downward and forward, and at its lower end articu- lates with — 2. The patella (22), the tibia (23), and the fibula (24), to form the stifle-joint (knee of man). The patella plays over the anterior surface of the lower end of the femur. The fibula is small, and lies against the upper and outer side of the tibia. The latter at its lower end articulates with — HORSESHOEING. 21 3. The bones of the tarsus, or lioch (25), which are six small, irregular bones disposed in three rows, one above another. The OS calcis, or heel-hone, and tlie astragalus are in the upper- most row, and are the most important. The former projects above the true hock-joint from behind, to form a long lever, the upper end of which is called the " point of the hock," and the latter articulates with the tibia. The tarsal (hock) bones articulate below with — 4. The metatarsal hones (26 and 27), which are longer, and the cannon narrower from 'side to side, than the correspond- ing metacarpal bones, but are otherwise similar. 5. The phalanges of a hind limb (28 to 31) are also nar- rower than those of a fore-limb, but are nearly alike in other respects. All the horse's bones present small, but more or less distinct openings (nutrient foramina) for the passage of blood-vessels and nerves. Many bones possess roughened elevations and de- pressions, to which ligaments, tendons, or muscles are attached. With the exception of the os pedis, all bones are enveloped in a sort of " bone-skin " called periosteum. The bones unite among themselves to form either movable or immovable unions. A movable union between two or more bones is termed a " joint," or articulation. The articulating ends of the bones, presenting on one side a convex surface (head or condyle) and on the other a corresponding concave surface (glenoid or cotyloid cavity), are covered mth elastic articular cartilage. The bones are bound together by means of ligaments, which are tough, fibrous, cord- like, or sheet-like structures. Ligaments are either (1) capsular or (2) funicular (cord-like). Every articulation in the limbs possesses a capsular ligament, and all, except the shoulder-joint, have several funicular (cord-like) ligaments. The capsular liga- ments are lined upon their inner face with a delicate membrane synovial membrane) which secretes the synovia, or " joint water," whose function is to lubricate the joint and prevent fric- tion; they enclose the joint in a sort of air-tight cuflF or sack. The funicular ligaments are very strong and often large, and 22 HORSESHOEING. are tlie chief means of union of the bones. The immovable articulations are tenned sutures; they are found principally in the head. The mixed joints are found between the bodies of the vertebrae, each two of which are united by an elastic fibro-carti- lage which, in the form of a pad, lies between them, and by its elasticity allows of very slight movement, though the spinal column as a whole can execute manifold and wide movements, as shown by the neck and tail. Joints which permit motion in all directions are known as free joints; such are the shoulder- and hip-joints (ball-and- socket joints). Those which admit of motion in but two directions (flexion and extension), and often to a very limited extent, are called hinge-joints, — e.g., the elbow, hock, and fet- lock. The joints between the long and short pasterns and be- tween the latter and the pedal bone are imperfect hinge- joints, because they allow of some other movements besides flexion and extension. The articulation between the first and second cervical vertebra (atlas and axis) is called a pivot-joint. The skeleton represents a framework which closely ap- proaches the external form of the body, and by reason of its hardness and stiffness furnishes a firm foundation for all other parts of the body. By reason of the great variety of position and direction of the bones, and of the fact that changes of posi- tion of each single part of this complicated system of levers may result in the greatest variety of bodily movements, we can readily understand how the horse is enabled to move from place to place. Of course, the bones have no power of themselves to move, but this power is possessed by other organs that are attached to the bones. These organs are the muscles, and, owing to their ability to contract and shorten themselves, and afterwards to relax and allow themselves to be stretched out, they furnish the motive power that is communicated to and moves the bones. The muscles of the body massed together are the red flesh which we observe in every slaughtered animal. They are not. HORSESHOEING. 23 however, so shapeless as thej appear while in this condition; on the contrary, they present well-ai-ranged muscular layers Fig. 2. Outer Muscles of the Horse. — 1, cervical trapezius; 2, dorsal trapezius; 3, mastoido- humeralis; 4, great dorsal muscle; 5, long abductor of tiie arm; 6, long extensor of the fore- arm; 7, large extensor of the forearm; 8, short extensor of the forearm; 9, sterno-trochinus (deep pectoral); 10, sterno-aponeuroticus; 11, great serratus; 12, common extensor of the metacarpus; 13, common extensor of the toe (anterior extensor); 14, common extensor of the long pastern (lateral extensor) ; 15, oblique extensor of the metacarpus; 16 , external flexor of the metacarpus; 17, internal flexor of the metacarpus; 18, oblique flexor of the metacarpus; 19, fascia lata; 20, superficial gluteus (anterior portion); 21, middle gluteus; 22, superficial gluteus (posterior portion) ; 23 and 24, femoral biceps; 25, semitendinosus; 26, semimembra- nosus; 27, anterior extensor of the toe; 28, lateral extensor of the toe; 29, perforans muscle (deep flexor of toe); 30, oblique flexor of the phalanges; 31, perforatus tendon (superficial flexor of phalanges); 32, Achillea tendon (ham-string). of variable size, thickness, length, and position. (See Fig. 2.) The muscles olothe the skeleton externally, give the body its 24 HORSESHOEING. peculiar form, and, by their special power of contraction, change the relative positions of the bones and thus make it pos- sible for the animal to move. For this reason, the muscles are called the active, and the bones the passive, organs of motion. By carefully examining a muscle it will be found to consist of actual, minute, reddish, muscular fibres. As a rule, muscles terminate in more or less strong, glistening, fibrous cords called tendons, or fibrous sheets tenned aponeuroses, by which they are attached to the bones. In the limbs are muscles terminating in very long tendons, which act as draw-lines upon the distant bones of the foot (long and short pasterns and pedal bone) and set them in motion. Such long tendons are enclosed in sheaths of thin, membranous tissue, known as tendon sheaths. The inner surface of such a sheath is in direct contact with the surface of the tendon, and secretes a thin slippery fluid (synovia) which lubricates the tendon and facilitates its gliding ■udthin the sheath. As long as the bones, articulations, muscles, and tendons of the limbs remain healthy, just so long will the legs maintain their natural direction and position. Frequent!}^, however, this normal condition of the limbs is gradually altered by dis- ease of the bones, joints, and tendons, and defects in the form and action of the lower part® of the limbs arise that often require attention in shoeing. THE FOOT. A. The Bones of the Foot. Since the horse is useful to man only by reason of his move- ments, his foot deserves the most careful attention. The horse- shoer should be familiar with all its parts. Fig. 3 shows the osseous framework of the foot, consisting of the lower end of the cannon bone (A), the long pastern (5), the two sesamoid bones (C), the short pastern (D), and the pedal bone (E). The lower end of the cannon, or large metacarpal bone (A) exhibits two convex articular surfaces (condyles) separated by a median ridge running from before to behind, and all covered by articu- HORSESHOEING. 25 lar cartilage. On both tlie external and the internal aspects of the lower end of the cannon are small uneven depressions in which ligaments take their attachment. ^^^- ^' The condyles of the cannon articulate with the OS suffra- ginis (long pastern) and the two sesa,- moids (Figs. 3, C, and 4:, B) in such a manner that in. the forefeet the cannon m.akes an angle with q/ the long pastern of from one hundred and thirty-five to one hundred and forty degrees, and in the hind feet of from one hundred and forty to one hundred and forty-five degi-ees. The long pastern (first phalanx) (Fig. 4, A) is about one^third the length of the cannon ; its upper and thicker end presents two condyloid cavities (a) (glenoid cavities), separated by a median groove, which exactly fit the condyles and ridge at the lower end of the cannon. The lower end of the long pastern is smaller than the upper, and is provided with two condyles, between which is a shallow groove (e). The an- terior face of the bone is smooth, rounded from 'side to side, and blends into the lateral borders. The posterior face is flatter, and shows a clearly marked triangle to which ligaments attach. The two sesamoid bones (Fig. 4, B) are small, and some- 26 HORSESHOEING. what pyramidal in shape, and, lying against the posterior part of the condyles of the cannon Fig. 4. bone, increase the articular sur- faces at the upper end of the long pastern. The short pastern (second phalanx) (Figs. 5 and 6) lies under the first phalanx and above the os pedis; it is some- what cubical in shape. Its upper articular surface (Fig. 5, a) presents two glenoid cavities to correspond with the condyles of tlie first phalanx. The lower Os suffraginis with both sesamoid bones . - /-n- ^^ ^\ in position, as in Fig. 3. A, os suf=fraginis; B, artlCUiar SUrfaCO (-E Ig. 0,d) TO- sesamoid bones; a, upper joint-surface of 1,1 j.U 1 J J? j-X, long pastern; b, joint-surface of sesamoid SemblcS the ioWCr CUd 0± the bones; c, roughened surface at upper end; £j.g^ phalaUX. The Upper pOStC- d, roughened surface at lower end, both for i l if r attachment of ligaments; e, lower joint sur- j-Jor bordor of tllis boUC is promi- nent and prolonged transversely a supporting ledge for the first phalanx, as a point of attachment Fig. 6. face. (Fig. 6, a), to serve Fig. 5. Short pastern (os coronse) viewed in front and in pro- file: a, upper joint-surface; b, anterior surface; c, lat- eral surface; d, lower joint- surface. for the perforatus tendon, and as a gliding surface for the perforans tendon. The lowest bone of the limb is the third phalanx or os pedis ( Fig. 7). In form it is similar to the hoof. The anterior or wall-surface (a) is Short pastern seen from behind: a, smooth surface over which i ti the perforans tendon rOUgh, llKC pumice StOUB. surfrc'e. ' ""^^"^ ^°''^*' Above and in front is the pyramidal eminence to which the tendon of the anterior extensor of the phalanges attaches. Behind, the bone extends backward to form the HORSESHOEING. 27 inner and outer branches {c, c) or wings of the os pedis. The upper, articular surface (6) slopes backward and downward. The lower, solar or plantar surface (Fig. 8, a) is slightly con- cave, and presents posteriorly a half-moon-shaped excavation, with a roughened border called the semilunar crest (c), to which the perforans tendon attaches; just above this crest are two small holes (e) known. a^ the plantar foramina, through which the plantar arteries pass into the bone. The surfaces of wall and sole come together in a sharp edge, which is circular in its Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Oa pedis seen in profile and in front; a, anterior face with pyramidal eminence above; b, joint-surface; c, wings or branches of hoof-bone; d, notch which, by the attach- ment of the lateral cartilage, is converted into a foramen and leads to e, the preplan- tar fissure. Lower surface of hoof-bone; o, anterior portion covered by the velvety tissue of the sole; 6, wing of the os pedis; c, semilunar crest, to which the perforans tendon at- taches; d, plantar fissure leading to e, plan- tar foramen. course. It is easy to tell whether a pedal bone is from a fore or a hind limb; the os pedis of a hind leg has a steeper and more pointed toe, and a more strongly concaved solar surface than the same bone of a foreleg. Not only is the outline of the sharp inferior border of the os pedis of a front foot more rounded at the toe, but when placed on a flat surface the toe does not touch by reason of being turned slightly upward, much as a shoe designed to give a " rolling motion." The os pedis of a hind foot is narrower from side to side (pointed), and does not turn up at the toe. The right and left hoof-bones are also, as a rule, easily dis- 28 HORSESHOEING. tinguished by variations in the surfaces of wall and sole. The shape of the os pedis corresponds to the form of the horny box or hoof, and therefore a knowledge of this bone is absolutely necessary. The navicular bone (os naviculare, nut-bone, Figs. 9 and 10) is an accessory or sesamoid bone to the os pedis. It is a small bone, transversely elongated Fig. 9. Fig. 10. ^^^ situated behind and below the OS pedis and between the wings of tlie latter. It adds to the articular surface of the pedal joint. Its under surface Fig. 9 representa the upper surface of the • , i i , t j • navicular bone; Fig. 10 the lower surface of IS SmOOth, and actS aS a gliding ^^^nr^^Z^Z^'^f'oe^''''^'- surfacefortheperforanstendon, which is quite wide at this point. The long axes of the three phalanges (cf& suffraginis, os co- ronge, and os pedis) should unite to form a straight line, when viewed either from in front or from one side ; that is, the direc- tion of each of these three bones should be the same as the com- mon direction of the three considered as a whole. In young colts both the long and short pasterns are in three parts and the pedal bone in two parts, all of which unite later in life to form their respective single bones. In mules and asses the os pedis is comparatively small and narrow. In cattle all three phalanges are double, and split hoofs cover the divided OS pedis. B. The Articulations of the Foot. There are three articulations in the foot — namely, the fet- lock, coronary, and pedal joints. All are hinge-joints, the fet- lock being a perfect hinge-joint, and the other two imperfect hinge-joints. Each has a capsular ligament, and also several funicular or cord-like ligaments which are placed at the sides of (lateral ligaments), or behind (on the side of flexion) the joints. I. The fetlock or metacarpo-phalangeal articulation is formed by the condyles at the lower end of the cannon bone and the glenoid cavities formed by the union of the articular sur- HORSESHOEING. 29 faces of the sesamoids and the upper end of the first phalanx. The following ligaments are about this joint : 1. Two lateral ligor merits, an external and Fig. 11. an internal ( Fig. 11, a). 2. Two lateral sesa- moid ligaments (f). 3. An intersesamoid ligament (Fig. 12, &), a thick, fibrous mass, binding the sesamoid bones almost immovably together, extending above them and present- ing on its posterior face a smooth groove, i n which glide the flexor tendons o f t h e phal- anges (perforans and perforatus). 4. The suspensory ligament of the fetlock (Figs. 11, c, 12, c, and 13, c, pages 29 and 30). This may also be called the superior sesamoid ligament. It is a long and very powerful brace, originating on the lower row of carpal bones (bones of the hock in the hind leg) and on the upper end of the cannon between the heads of the two splint-bones, and dividing at the lower third of the cannon into two branches (le. In front lioofs the wall is thickest at the toe, and becomes gradually thinner '^'' towards the quarters, while in hind hoofs, there is very little difference in the thickness of the wall of the toe, sides, and C- qnarters. The more slanting half of the hoof is always the thiclcer; thus, for example, the outer wall of a base-^Hde foot is always longer and more oblique than the inner wall^ and is also thicker. According to Mayer, the thickness of the wall at the toe varies from three- to five-eighths of an inch, and at the quarters from two to three eighths of an inch. These measurements are de- pendent upon the size and breeding of the horse. The horn wall is composed of three superposed layers. These from without to within are: (1) the periople, secreted by tlie perioplic band. It is very thin, glistening, and varnish-like in appearance, and covers the entire outer surface of the wall, except where it has been removed by the rasp, and prevents rapid evaporation of A hoof in profile; a, toe (one half); 6, side wall; c, quarter. Fig. 34. Vertical section through the middle of a hoof, with horny frog removed, to show the position of the bar: a, b, marks the line at which the wall bends forward and inward to- wards the median line of the foot to become the bar. Bar runs forward and passes imperceptibly into the sole c; o, a', the light shading shows the part of the bar that was in con- tact with the horny frog. 54 HORSESHOEING. moisture from the horn. (2) The middle or protective layer (Fig. 35, d) is the thickest, strongest, and most im- portant of the three layers; it forms the principal mass of the wall, and is developed or secreted by the coronary band, which fits into the coronary groove. There are in the coronary groove a great number of small, funnel-shaped openings into which project the horn-producing villi or papillae of the coro- FiG. 35. The outer wall of the hoof has been removed by cutting vertically through the middle of the toe, down to the upper surface of the sole, then horizontally backward into the quarter, and, finally, upward through the quarter: o, perioplic horn-band; h, coronary groove; it turns inward and forward at c to form the upper border of the bar; d, surface of section of the wall at the toe; d', at the quarter; e, surface of horizontal section of the wall near its lower border; /, keraphyllous layer of the wall; at /' it turns forward and inward to cover the bar; /", horny leaves standing free and passing insensibly into the white horn of the middle layer or true wall; g, horny sole; h, white line; i, small horn-spur in middle of toe; k, part of horny frog which is in intimate union with the upper edge of the bar; I, frog-stay of horny frog; it divides the trough-Uke depression of the upper surface of the frog into m, the two upper channels of the frog. nary band. (3) The inner layer or keraphyllous layer (Fig. 35, /) consists of prominent, parallel horn-leaves lying side by side over the entire inner surface of the middle layer of the wall, and continuing beyond the buttresses to the ends of the bars (Fig. 35, f). This layer of horn-leaves (keraphyllous layer) has in a general way about the same shape and arrange- ment as the layer of fleshy leaves (podophyllous layer) which secretes it; for the horn-leaves fit in with the fleshy leaves in such a way that every fleshy leaf is embraced by two horn- HORSESHOEING. 55 leaves, and every liom-leaf by two fleshy leaves (Fig. 36). The keraphylloiis layer and the horn of the inmost part of the middle or protective layer are always white, even in pigmented (colored) hoofs. The horn sole (Fig. 31, /, and Fig. 35, g) is secreted by the velvety tissue of the sole. A sole from which the loose Fig. 36. Cross-section of keraphyllous and podophyllous laminse (horny and fleshy leaves) : a, inmost part of the solid wall; the horn-tubes approach very close to the horny leaves; b, body of the podophyllous membrane; c, horny portion of a horn-leaf directly continuous with the middle or principal layer of the wall; c', a rudimentary horn-leaf that does not reach the body of the podophyllous membrane; c", cross-section of horny leaves from the sides of which branch many secondary leaves (leaflets) composed of soft (young) horn-cells. These soft cellular horn-leaflets dovetail with the podophyllous or fleshy leaflets; d, podophyllous laminse ex- tending from the body of the podophyllous membrane; d', podophyllous laminse which have branched in their course to the wall, and thus given rise to c', rudimentary horn-leaves; d", cross-section of podophyllous leaflets extending from the sides of the podophyllous leaves; each two such leaflets secrete a keraphyllous leaflet between them; e, injected arterial vessels. flakes of old horn have been removed is about as thick as the wall. It covers the under surface of the foot, and presents upon its upper surface a convexity which exactly fits into the concavity on the under surface of the os pedis. This upper surface is thickly covered by a multitude of minute funnel- shaped openings for the reception of the villi of the velvety tissue of the sole (Fig. 37). The lower surface of the sole is more or less concave, rough, uneven, and often covered by loose 56 HORSESHOEING. scales of dead horn. Behind, the sole presents a triangular opening whose borders lie partly in contact with the horny frog and partly with the bars. This opening or re-entering angle divides the sole into a tody (Fig. 31, /) and two \vings or branches (Fig. 31, /'). The outer border of the sole unites through the medium of the white line with the lower part of the inner surface of the wall, — that is, with the keraphyllous Fig. 37. Vertical section of the horny sole magnified: a, Horny frog, with the posterior portion of funnel-shaped openings which contain the horn- the perioplic horn-band and the periople producing villi of the fleshy sole; they are of which covers the quarters removed from various sizes; b, horn-tubes; c, intertubular the hoof as one piece by maceration: a, jjQPjj trough-shaped depression of upper surface, which is divided posteriorly into the two layer of the wall. This white :!^: t^:^':,T^!^^^ ^^ l^^^f^ line (Figs. 31, g^ and 35, h), of ZrZi^^V^lZS^lT.i^^^^^^^ so much importance to the horse- frog;d, lateral surface of homy frog which, . in its upper part, adheres to the bar, but Shoer, is formed by the horn- below, at d', lies free; e. point or suminlt of 1 1 1 ii 1.1 the frog; /, perioplic horn-band; /', peri- leaves, and by those short plugs opie of the quarters, of tubular horn which are se- creted by the villi that are always found at the lower ends of the fleshy leaves. The w^hite line may be said to exist wherever the horn-leaves can be discerned upon the plantar surface of the hoof. It not only passes around the circumference of the sole from heel to heel, but may be followed forward from the buttTe'sses along the bars almost to the summit of the frog. The horn of the white line is soft, unpigmented (white), and HORSESHOEING. 67 Fig. 39. possesses so very little resistance (strength) that it is often found crumbling or even absent in places. The visible part of the white line is usually of a grayish-black color, owing to the working in from below of dirt and liquid manure, and to staining by nist from the nails. The white line is very important, since it serves as the point from which we judge of the thickness of the wall, and because the horseshoe nail a homy frog cut vertically and lengthwise through its middle: a, upper surface; b, frog- Should penetrate it. stay; c, median lacuna of frog, which at c', is _,, _, , -T-<* o^ 7 overlaid with superposed layers of horn. The Frog (Figs. 31, h, 35, k, I, 38 and 39), secreted by the velvety tissue covering the plantar cushion and presenting almost the same form as tlie latter, lies as a wedge between the bars and between Fig. 40. Longitudinal section of the wall magnified. The dark stripes parallel and close together are horn-tubes; the lighter surface between the tubes represents the intertubular horn. Notice that the horn-tubes are of various diameters. The space between a and b represents the small tubes of the outer, darker horn of the principal (middle) layer of the wall; the space between b and c the lighter, inner horn of the wall; c, d, the horn separating the wall proper froen the horny leaves; d, e, the horny leaves (keraphyllous tissue), on which can be seen fine, parallel, vertical stripes; in the horn-leaf at /, /', are seen fissures passing obliquely upward and outward towards the wall. the edges of the sole just in front of the bars, with both of which structures it is intimately united. Its horn is quite soft and very elastic. The median lacuna or cleft of the 58 HORSESHOEING. frog (Fig. 31, I) divides it into two branches (Fig. 31, i), which, pass backward and outward into the hornj bulbs (Fig. 31, k). In front of the median lacuna the two branches unite to form the body of the frog Fig. 41. ^ (j^ig^ 31^ J^^^ ^l^i^h ends in a point, designated the point, apex, or summit of the frog. On the upper surface of the frog, directly over the median cleft of the lower surface, there is a small projection called the frog-stay (Figs. 35, Z, 38 and 39, h), which fits into the median cleft of the plantar cushion. Besides, the upper surface of the frog Cross-section of the wall, mag- shows many miuutc opcuijigs, similar f^h't/h ''°'°-*"^^'= ^' ''^*^'- to but smaller than those of the sole tubular horn. and coronary groove, for the reception of villi. In unshod hoofs the frog, sole, bars, and bearing-edge of the wall are on a level ; that is, the plantar surface of such hoofs is perfectly flat. The minute structure of the horn can scarcely be considered in de- tail in an elementary treatise such as this is. However, a few of the most important facts are as follows: If we carefully examine a transverse section of the horn of the wall (Fig. 41), sole, or frog, we will see with the naked eye, though much better with a magnifying glass, many minute points quite close to one another, and greatly resembling the small openings which we have seen in the coronary groove of the wall and on the upper surface of the horny sole and frog. If, now, we examine a longitudinal sec- tion of the wall (Fig. 40) or sole, we will see a number of fine, dark stripes which are straight, parallel, quite close to one another, of dif- ferent widths, and which are separated by bands of lighter horn also of different widths. A thin section or slice of the wall taken at right angles to the direction of these dark lines (Fig. 41) shows us that the minute points that are visible to the naked eye, when held up to the light or moderately magnified, prove to be small opening's (Fig. 41, a). Since these openings, shown in Fig. 41, represent the dark lines shown in Fig. 40, because an opening is found wherever there is a dark line, we must regard all dark lines seen in longitudinal sections of wall, HORSESHOEING. 59 sole, and frog as hollow cylinders or tubes, though they are not always hollow, but are often filled with loosely adjusted, crumbling, broken- down horn-cells. The dark edges of the openings (a) consist of thick layei-s of horn-cells (tube-walls). The entire structure is called a horn-tube, and the lighter-colored masses of horn (Fig. 41, 6) between the tubes are known as intertubular horn. With the exception of the homy leaves of the wall and bars, all the horn of the hoof is composed of hom-tubes and intertubular horn. The lioni-tubes of the wall, sole, and frog always run down- ward and forward parallel to the direction of the wall at the toe, — that is, in a direction parallel with the inclination of the hoof as a whole. Although the' wall, sole, and frog differ from one another considerably vnth respect to the size and numl^er of the hom-tubes, the quality of the intertubular horn, and the thickness and strength of the horn-cells, these differences are only of subordinate interest or importance to the horseshoer; but he who desires to learn more of this matter is referred to the work of Leisering & Hartmann, " Der Fuss des Pferdes in Riicksicht auf Bau, Verrichtungen und Hufljesehlag," eighth edition, Dresden, 1893. This book also treats of the variations in the quality of hoofs, which is very important for the prac- tical horseshoer to know. It, furthermore, considers the solidity and strength of the horn of the different parts of the hoof. With respect to solidity, two kinds of horn are distinguished, — namely, hard and soft horn. The periople, the white line, and the frog are soft horn structures ; the middle layer of the wall and the sole are hard or solid horn. The wall, however, is somewhat harder and more tenacious than the sole, for the latter passes off in more or less large flakes (exfoliates) or crumbles away on its lower surface, at least in shod feet, while no such spontaneous shortening occurs in the wall. Soft horn differs from hard horn in that its horn-cells never become hard and horn-like. It is very elastic, absorbs water quickly, and as readily dries out and becomes very hard and 60 HORSESHOEING. Vertical section through middle of a forefoot, the skin and pododerm being in red. (In the figure the direction of both long and short pasterns, B and D, is too nearly vertical — too steep). A, metacarpal bone (cannon); B, os suffraginis (long pastern); C, inner sesamoid bone (to render it visible a portion of the intersesamoid ligament was removed) ; D, os coro- nse (short pastern) ; E, os pedis (foot-bone) ; F, navicular bone ; a, extensor tendon ; 6, suspen- sory ligament of the fetlock; b', superficial inferior sesamoid ligament; c, perforatus tendon or flexor of the os coronae; c', ring passing forward from this tendon and encircling the per- forans tendon; d, perforans tendon; e, capsular ligament of fetlock-joint;/, capsular ligament of coronary joint; g, g', capsular ligament of pedal joint; h, synovial sheath of the perfo- rans tendon; !, plantar cushion and fleshy frog; i', bulbs or glomes of plantar cushion; Vin- dicates the lowest point reached by the plantar cushion, which in the figure is hidden below by the frog-stay of the horny frog; k, coronary band (red); /, podophyllous tissue (red); m, velvety tissue of the sole (red) ; n, velvety tissue of fleshy frog (red) ; o, wall; p, sole; q, frog; q", the inner half of the frog-stay which reposes in the median lacuna of the fleshy frog; s, hair-skin (red). HORSESHOEING. 61 brittle and easily fissured and chapped. With respect to quality, we distinguish good and bad horn; the former is fine and tenacious (tough), the latter coarse and either soft and crumb- ling or hard and brittle. If not dried out, all horn is elastic, Fig. 43. Right forefoot viewed from the side: A, lower end of the cannon; B, fetlock-joint; C, long pastern; D, coronet; E, hoof; F, heel; F', inner heel; G, foot-lock covering the ergot. though soft horn is more elastic than hard. All honi is a poo7' conductor of heat. The relative positions of the various parts of the foot are shown in Fig. 42. Fig. 43 represents the exterior of a well-formed foot. CHAPTER II. THE FOOT IN ITS RELATION TO THE ENTIRE LIMB. As there are well-formed and badly foraied bodies, so there are well-formed and badly formed limbs and hoofs. The form of the hoof depends upon the position of the limb. A straight limb of normal direction possesses, as a Fig. 44. ^le, a regular hoof, while an oblique or crooked limb is accompanied by an irregidar or oblique hoof. Hence, it is necessary, before discussing the vari- ous forms of the hoof, to consider briefly the various positions that may be assumed by the limbs. In this discus- sion we shall deal with the living horse. A. Standing Positions of the Limbs. The position of a limb depends upon the varying lengths of its com- ponent bones and tlie angles at which they meet one another. To judge the standing position of a fore-limb one must stand i7i front of the horse; to judge a hind limb, stand behind the horse ; the backward or forward devia- / ft \ tions of both front and hind limbs 2=4 Jti| are judged by standing at the side. But ' I ' ' ' ' — a horse does not always move as his Normal (regular) position of,-,. ... IJIJ x fore-limbs. Standing positiou would lead one to suspect; standing and moving are different. Therefore, in order to arrive at a proper judgment, one must observe the limbs both at rest and in motion. (a) The position of a limb viewed from in front is normal 62 HORSESHOEING. 63 or straight (Fig. 4-1) when it stands vertical or perpendicnlar. A plumb-line dropped from the point of the shoulder (middle of the scapulo-hnmeral articulation) should pass down the middle line of the limb, dividing it into inner and outer halves of equal width, and meeting the ground at the middle of the toe. In the base-wide standing position (Fig. 45) the plumb-line falls to the inner side of the limb; the limb extends obliquely downward and outward. To this class belong also the hiee- Fig. 45. 1 1 ;f- Pi if I 1 1 i Fig. 46 Base-wide Toe- wide Toe-narrow ("pigeon toed") narrow (knock-kneed) position, in which the knees are too close together, while the feet stand wide apart, and the toe-wide position (splay-footed, Fig. 46) in which the toes point ob- liquely forward and outward. In base-wide positions either the entire limb extends downward and outward or the foot alone is turned outward. The base narrow position is frequently obsei'\''ed in horses with veiy wide breasts. The limbs run do\vnward and inward, a plumb-line dropped from the point of the shoulder falling to the outer side of the leg and foot. A special form of the base- 64 HORSESHOEING. narrow position is the toe-narrow or yigeon-toed position (Fig. 47). In some instances the legs are straight and perpendicular do^^^l to the fetlock, while from there to the ground the phal- anges incline obliquely inward. Another form is the Jcnee-wide or bandy-legged position, in which the knees are placed too far Fig. 48. Fig. 49. Normal (regular) fore-limb in profile. Normal (regular hind limb in profile. apart, while the cannons and phalanges incline downward and inward. The position of a fore-limb viewed in profile is regular or normal (Fig. 48) when a perpendicular line dropped from the tuberosity of the acromian spine (point of union of the upper and middle thirds of the scapula or shoulder blade) HORSESHOEING. 65 divides the leg from the elbow to the fetlock into anterior and posterior halves of equal width, and touches the gi-ound imme- diately back of the bulbs of the heel. A perpendicular line Fig. 50. Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Camped in front. Acute-angled foot (low-jointed) . dropped from the point of union of the middle and lower thirds of the scapula (shoulder blade) will cut the humerus into halves, and meet the ground between the toe and the heel.* * In station of rest, the normal position of a fore-leg, as seen from the side, is somewhat different. The station of rest is the position that is maintained with the least possible muscular effort. With gradual muscular I'elaxation the head and neck sink to a point somewhat below the line of the back, the top of the shoulder blade sinks a little, and the shoulder and elbow joints move foi-ward till the centre of the elbow joint is directly above the ground-surface of the hoof. There- fore, when a horse at rest stands firmly on all four feet, the fore-leg \"iewed from the side, has a normal (regular) direction, when a per~ •pendicular line dropped from the tuberosity of the acromian spine passes through the middle of the elbow joint and meets the ground near the middle of the hoof, 5 66 HORSESHOEING. Til© foot-axis (line of direction of the three phalanges) and the wall at the toe form an angle of from forty-five to fifty degrees with the horizontal ground-surface. From this normal or regular standing position, there are deviations forward as well as backward. Forward Deviations. — '' Standing in front " or " camped in front " (Fig. 50) is that position in which the entire leg from the body to the ground is placed too far forward. Sheep- FiG. 53. Fig. 54. Standing under. Knee-sprung. hneed (Fig. 51) is that position in which the forward deviation is from the knee downward, the knee being placed too far under the body. " Weak- jointed/' " low-jointed" or " acute-angled " (Fig. 52) is that position in which the limbs are perpendicular and straight down as far as the fetlock- joint, but the feet are placed too far in front. Backward Deviations. — Standing under in front (Fig. 53) is that deviation in which the entire leg from the elbow down is placed back of the perpendicular line and, therefore, too far HORSESHOEING. 67 Fig. 55. under the body. Wlien this deviation affects only the cannon bone, the horse stands bent forward at the knees, — a condition known as " goat-hneed," " hu-ck-hneed" " over in the knees" or, more commonly, "knee-sprung" (Fig. 54). When the backward deviation is only from the fet- lock do^vn, the animal is said to stand up- right or "straight in the fetlock" (b) A hind leg viewed from behind is said to be regular or straight (Fig. 55) when a perpendicular line dropped from Fig. 57. Normal (regular) position Base-wide (cow hocked), viewed from behind. Base-narrow. the tuberosity of the ischium (see Fig. 1, 9'') divides the entire limb into inner and outer halves of equal width and touches the groimd opposite the median lacuna of the frog. Seen from the side, this line just touches the point of the hock and, passing down at some distance from the flexor tendons, meets the ground 68 HORSESHOEING. Fig. 58. considerably back of the heels. A perpendicular line dropped from the hip-joint should pass through the foot, meeting the ground half-way between the point of the toe and the heel (Fig. 49). There are base-wide, base-narrow, toe-wide, and toe-narrow deviations in the hind limbs as in the fore-limbs. The hind limbs are hase-wide when they, either as a whole or in part, deviate outward from the normal. The " cow- hoched" position (Fig. 56) is an example of the base-wide; in this case the points of the hocks are too close and turn towards each other, while the feet are widely separated and the toes turned outward. Base-narrow is that position of the hind legs in which either the entire leg deviates to the inner side of the perpendicular (Fig. 57), or the leg is about perpendicular down as far as the hock, but below this joint runs downward and inward (Fig. 58). In this latter case the hocks may be too far apart, the leg is bent outward at the hock and the animal is termed " handy-legged," " how-legged." Viewing a hind limb from the side, it may be observed to deviate either forward or backward from the normal. Among forward deviations is the so- called " sahre-leg " or " sicMe-hoch " (Fig. 59), in which the hock-joint is too much flexed, the foot placed too far forward under the body, and the fetlock too slanting. In the position known as "cammed hehind" (Fig. 60) the leg is behind the body and the pastern is too upright, too nearly vertical. It is possible for each limb of the same horse to assume a different direction. It more often happens that if the fore- limbs are base-wide the hind limbs are ba'se-narrow, or vice Base-narrow position of hind limbs (bandy-legged). HORSESHOEING. versa. While there are some other deviations that differ somewhat from those already described, they are of less im- portance to the horseshoer. B. Forms of Feet, Viewed from in Front, from Behind, and in Profile. In all the various positions of the limbs we find the feet in one of the following three forms,, or very closely approaching one of them. By means of a proper knowledge of these three forms, Fig. 59. Fig. 60. Sabre-legged or sickle-hocked. Camped behind. the judging of the form, flight of the foot in travelling, and preparation of the hoof for the shoe, as well as the choice of the length of the shoe, are regulated, facilitated, and simplified. Whether a horse's feet be observed from in front or from behind, their form corresponds to, or at least resembles, either that of the regular position (Figs. 61 and 62), the base-wide or toe-wide position (Figs. 63 and 64), or the base-narrow or toe-narrow position (Figs. 65 and 66). 70 HORSESHOEING. By the direction of the foot-axis — that is, an imaginary line passing through the long axis of the three phalangeal bones (Figs. 61, 65, 67, 68 and 69) — we determine whether or not the hoof and pastern stand in proper mutual relation. Fig. 61. Fig. 62. A pair of front feet of regular position viewed from in front and from behind. In the regular standing position (Figs. 61 and 62) the foot-axis runs straight downward and forward, in the base- FiG. 63. Fig. 64. A pair of feet of the base-wide (toe-wide) position seen from in front and from behind. wide position (Figs. 63 and 64) it runs obliquely downward and outward, and in the base-narrow position (Figs. 65 and 66) it runs obliquely downward and inward. Viewing the foot from the side, we distinguish the regular HORSESHOEING. 71 (normal) position (Fig. 68), and designate all forward deviations as acute-angled (long toe and low heel, Fig. 67), and Fig. 65. A pair of feet of the base-narrow (toe-narrow) position seen from in front and from behind. all deviations backward from the regular position as upright (short toe and high heel, Fig. 69), steep-toed, or stumpy. When the body-weight is uniformly distributed over all four Fig. 67. Fig. 68. Fig. 69. An acute-angled hoof. A normal-angled hoof. An upright ("stumpy") hoof. limbs, the foot-axis should be straight (Figs. 67 and 69), not " broken " (bent) ; the long pastern, wall at the toe, and foot- axis should have the same slant. 72 HORSESHOEING. A peculiar form of foot is the so-called hear-foot (Fig. 70), in which the foot-axis, viewed from the side, is broken strongly forward at the coronet. The wall at the toe stands much steeper than the long pastern and is more or less convex; in other words, a low-jointed, sloping pastern is attached to an upright hoof. Such a foot is sometimes improperly called a " clubfoot." C. Lines of Flight of Hoofs in Motion. If we observe horses moving unrestrained over level ground, we will notice differences in the carriage of the feet. Viewed from in front, or from behind, in the regular standing posi- tion of the limbs the hoofs are carried forward in a straight direction^ — that is, in a line parallel with the median line of the body (Eig. Yl). The toes likewise point -straight forward; the hoofs alight properly (flat) on the ground. If the horse stands hase-wide, the hoof is carried in a circle; from its position, which is behind and well out from the median line, the hoof passes first forward and inward until it is close to the supporting leg, and then outward to the ground (Eig. 72), where the shock is received principally upon the outer toe. -The toes point either directly forward, as in the regular standing posi- tion (Eig. 72), or forward and outward as The "bear-foot." . . " ./ .,. .^. ^_, -^ , m the toe-wide position (Fig. 73). In the toe-wide position the hoof in its flight may cross the median line. Exactly the reverse is true of the horse that stands hase- nmrow; in this case the hoof is moved in a circle whose con- vexity is outward, — ^that is, the hoof from its position behind, and close to the median line, is carried forward and outward and then inward to the ground (Figs. 74 and 75). Viewed from the side, the line of flight of a hoof is deter- mined largely by the obliquity (slant) of the foot-axis. HORSESHOEING. 73 1. With a straight foot axis of normal slant (45°-50°, Eig. 76, A), the hoof follows the arc of a circle and reaches its highest point when directly above the supporting hoof, i.e., when half-way in the stride. 2, With a straight, but acute-angled foot-axis (less than 45°, Eig. 76, B), the hoof rises rapidh Fig. 71. 6 Fig. 72. Fig. 73. Fig. 74. Fig. 75. 6 (}) © Q O Q Q' Q-' (i) -Q P I Q Q © i q; point before it has completed the first half of the stride, i.e., be- fore it has passed the supporting hoof, and descending gradually in a long cur^-e alights easily on tlie ground. 3. With a straight, but upright foot-axis (55° or more, Fig. 76, C), the hoof rises slowly, reaches its highest point in front of the supporting hoof, from which point it descends rapidly. The gait is " choppy," and in the saddle horse un- 74 HORSESHOEING. pleasant for the rider. The length and the height of the are greatest in acute-angled feet; least in upright feet. Further- more, length and height of stride are in a measure dependent on breeding, training, condition of the legs (whether stiffened by use or disease), length of the hoof and the weight of the shoe. Fig. 76. -f— J- ^ <'^-.. .-r-. zri ci /-r-J Flight of the hoof as seen from the side: A, flight of a regular hoof; B, flight of an acute- angled hoof; C, flight of an upright hoof. Many deviations in the line of flight of hoofs and in the manner in which they are set to the ground occur ; for example, horses heavily burdened or pulling heavy loads, and, therefore, not having free use of their limbs, project their limbs irregu- HORSESHOEING. 75 larly and meet the ground first with the toe; however, careful observation will detect the presence of one or the other of these lines of flight of the foot. Irregular carriage of the feet renders a horse unsuitable for general purposes only when it is very pronounced, in which case certain troublesome conditions, such as interfering and disease of joints, are of frequent occurrence. D. The Influence of Weight in the Shoe or Otherwise Attached to the Hoof, in Altering the Flight of the Hoof. There is nothing mysterious in the effect of weight upon the flight of the feet. On the contrary, the lines of flight are determined (as shown in pages Y2-74, Figs. 71-76), first, by the relation of the transverse axes of the hinge-joints of tJie leg and foot to the line of progression (median line) ; second, by the length and obliquity of the hoof and pastern ; third, by the height and length of stride which is natural to each in- dividual. Weight induces higher action and a longer stride. Inertia increases with the weight. A heavy shoe cannot be snatched from the ground as quickly as a light one, but when moving forward at a given velocity its greater momentum ( momentum = mass (wt) X velocity : m = wt X v) carries the foot farther forward than does the lighter shoe. Thus, the heavier shoe, or M^eight attached to the hoof, lengthens the stride at both ends. The farther from the centre of rotation of the scapula the weight is placed, i.e., the nearer to the toe it is placed, the greater the muscular effort required to start it and to stop it. Height of action, though largely the result of breeding, temperament, and the exhilaration that accompanies perfect health and entire absence of muscular fatigue, is to a certain extent influenced by the inclination of the pastern and toe to the camion. The acute-angled foot, in the folding of the leg during the first half of the stride, moves through a longer arc of a circle whose centre is the fetlock joint than does the normal or the upright foot ; rises more rapidly and to a higher point. 76 HORSESHOEING. (See Fig. 76, B.) When the momentum of a foot moving rapidly and abruptly upward is increased by weight the result is extreme and even exaggerated flexion of all joints of the leg, and by allowing the hoof to grow long the flexion is still further increased. In the show ring, harness horses with fair natural action may be made to " climb " by shoes weighing from thirty to sixty ounces upon hoofs an inch or more longer than normal. The leverage of a heavy shoe on a long hoof is excessive, fatigu- ing and most injurious to ligament, tendon and muscle. The action, while high, is labored, poundmg and altogether inelegant. Fig. 77. Fig. 78. A 40 oz. right front shoe (hoof-sur- face) to increase knee-action in a high acting harness horse. For show-pur- poses only. The same seen from the ground surface in pro- file: a, bevel from inner border of the web to outer border: b, ends of the branches of full thickness from outer to inner border. In the training of trotters weight is often used to increase the length of the stride, or to cause a higher folding of a front foot, in order to prevent " scalping " or " speedy-cut." As soon as the new gait becomes a fixed habit the weight should be gradually lessened. Weight is carried with less fatigue at a trot than at a pace, or at a gallop. It therefore steadies a trotter that is inclined to pace, or " break " into a The in- creased momentum of the weighted hoof makes for rhythm of movement, and increases the difficulty of skipping, dwelling, or mixing gaits. HORSESHOEING. 77 In the hose-wide (toe-mde) and hose-narrow (toe-narrow) stondiiig positions, the flight of the hoofs, as seen from in front or behind, is not straight forward, i.e., parallel to the line of progression of the body, but in arcs of circles. (See Figs. 72-75, p. 73.) In these cases, increasing the weight of the hoofs, by increasing the momentum, must of necessity increase the tendency of the hoofs to move off at a tangent to the curves which they describe. In other words, weight increases the centrifugal force of a body moving in a curve. The outward swing of the hoofs of a base-narrow horse (paddling), and the inward swing of a base-wide horse (interfering), are made more pronounced hy adding weight to any part of the hoof. The centrifugal force is greatest in base-wide feet when the weight is on the medial, or inner side of the hoof; in base- narrow feet when it is on the lateral or outer side. A side weight, or side weight shoe is often of service in a crossfiring pacer. This animal usually stands base-narrow (toe- narrow) behind, and in motion his hind hoofs describe a cun'e at first forward and outward and then inward till contact is made with the diagonal hoof or leg. The added weight (placed on the outer side) by increasing the centrifugal force caiTies the hoof just enough farther from the centre around which the hoof swings to prevent contact. (See cross-firing, p. 138.) Finally, it must not be forgotten that weight is alwoys weight; that it cids speed and devours endurance. E. Forms of Hoofs. A front hoof of the regular standing position (Fig. 79). The inner and outer walls differ but little in direction and thickness. The outer wall is a little thicker and somewhat more slanting than the inner (see Figs. 61 and 62), and its outer circumference describes a larger arc of a circle, — that is, is more curved, as can be seen both at its plantar border and at the coronet. The length of the quarter in relation to the length or height of the side wall and toe is about as 1:2:3. 78 HORSESHOEING. The toe forms an angle with the ground of forty-five to fifty degrees (see Fig. 68). The direction of the wall at the toe, viewed from the side, should be parallel with the direction of the long pastern. A hoof of the hase-wide position (Fig. 80) is always awry, because the outer wall is naturally somewhat longer and decidedly more slant- ing than the inner (see Figs. 63 and 64). The plantar border of the outer wall describes a large arc, whose sharpest curvature is where the side wall passes into the quarter. The plantar border of the inner wall is straighter (less curved) ; the outer half of the ground surface (sole) of the hoof is, therefore, wider than the inner. So long as the hoof is healthy, both branches of Right fore-hoof of the regular position: a, the frOg are equally dovel- side-wall; 6, quarter; c, beginning of the bar; d, « , buttress; f, middle of the bar;/, body of the sole; Opod. ilie WryUCSS 01 ttlC /', branches of sole; g, white line; g', apparent ■, r -, _ i^ ,,^„„ +1^„ j; end of the bar; ;», body of the frog; i, branch of hoof dcpcuds UpOU the dl- the frog; A;, bulbs (glomes) of the heel; ?. middle ^q^^I^q^^ of ^he limb; thcrC- cleft of frog; m, lateral cleft of frog. _ ' fore, a base-wide hoof should be regarded as a normally wry hoof, to distinguish it from hoofs which are wry from disease. A hoof of the toe-wide position (Fig. 81) is distinguished from the preceding by the bending or curvature of the plantar border of the outer toe and inner quarter being often decidedly less pronounced than on the inner toe and outer quarter ; there- fore, two short curves and two long curves lie opposite each other; in other words, the inner toe and outer quarter, lying HORSESHOEING. 79 opposite each other, are sharply curved, while the outer toe and inner quarter, lying opposite each other, are much less sharply bent or curved. The toes are turned out. The feet are not set down flat upon the ground, but meet it with the outer toe. A hoof of the base-nairoiv position is normally ivry, but never so pronounced as a hoof of the base-wide position. The inner wall is but little more oblique than the outer, the differ- ence being most noticeable at the quarters (Figs. 65 and 66). The curve of the plantar border of the wall is similar to that of a regular hoof, except that the inner side wall and quarter Fig. 80. Fig. 81. Right fore-hoof of the base-wide position. Right fore-hoof of the toe-wide position. are a little more sharply curved in a base-naiTow hoof. Occa- sionally the outer quarter is somewhat drawn in under the foot. This form of hoof is most distinctly marked in animals that stand toe-narrow or are bandy-legged. As to the forms of the hind hoofs, what has been said cou- ceming the influence of position of the limbs upon the shape of the front feet will apply equally well to them. The hind hoof (Fig. 82) is not round at the toe, but somewhat pointed or oval. It greatest width is between the middle and posterior thirds of the sole. It usually has a strongly concaved sole and 80 HORSESHOEING. a somewhat steeper toe than the fore-hoof; viewed from, the side, the angle of the toe with the ground in the regular stand- ing position is from fifty to fifty-five degrees. Finally, we also distinguish wide and narrow hoofs; they are not dependent upon the position of the limbs, but upon the race and breeding of the animal. The wide hoof (Fig. 83) is almost round upon its plantar surface. Its wall runs quite oblique to the ground. The sole is but moderately concave, and the frog is fetrong and well developed. The narrow hoof (Fig. 84) is rather elliptical, with steep side walls, strongly concaved sole, and small, ^ undeveloped frog. The horn of the narrow hoof is fine and tough ; of the wide hoof, usually coarse. The wide lioof may readily become flat. Narrow hoofs are either the result of breeding or premature shoeing. In enumerating the pre- Right hind hoof of the regular position: a, side-wall; 6, beginning of the quarter; c, begin- ning of the bar; d, buttress; e, middle of bar; /, body of the sole; /', branch of sole; g, white line of the toe; g', white line of the bar; h, body of the frog; i, branch of the frog; k, bulbs of heel; I, middle cleft of frog; m, lateral cleft of frog. ceding forms of the hoof we have by no means referred to all the forms in which the hoof may be found ; on the contrary, hoofs vary in shape and quality to such an extent that among a hundred horses no two hoofs can be found which are exactly alike. In fact^ the same variety exists as in the faces of people, and we know that we can recall in succession even many more faces without finding two that are exactly alike. This explains the manifold differences in horsefehoes with respect to size, form and other qualities. HORSESHOEING. 81 Suppose now a hoof is before us ; it is first necessary to know whether or not it is healthy. Unfortunately, a perfectly healthy hoof is not so easy to find as one may think. We recognize a sound hoof by the following marks: Seen from in front or from the side, the course of the wall from the coronet to the ground, in tlie direction of the horn-tubes, is straight, — tliat is, bent neither in nor out. A straight edge, placed upon the wall in the direction of the hora-tubes, touches at every point. The wall must show neither longitudinal nor transverse cracks or Fig. 83. Fig. 84. Wide fore-hoof. Narrow fore-hoof. fissures. If there be rings, their position and course are im- portant. Rings which pass around the entire circumference of the wall parallel to the coronet indicate nothing more than disturbances of nutrition of the hoof; hut the hoof cannot pass for sound when the rings have any other position and direction than the one mentioned, or if the rings upon any part of the wall are more marked than elsewhere, even though they may be parallel to the coronary band. Marked ring-building upon the hoofs of horses which have regular feeding, grooming, and work indicates a weak hoof. Viewed from the ground-surface 82 HORSESHOEING. and from behind, the bulbs of the heels should be well rounded, strongly developed, and not displaced. The concave sole should show no separation along the white line. The frog should be strong, well developed, and have symmetrical branches and a broad, shallow, dry median lacuna. The lateral lacunae of the frog should be clean and not too narrow. The bars should pass in a straight direction forward and inward towards the point of the frog. Any bending outward of the bars towards the branches of the sole indicates the beginning of a narrowing of the space occupied by the frog, — ^that is, contraction of the heels. The horn of the branches of the sole in the buttresses and in their proximity should show no red staining. The lateral cartilages should be elastic. No part of the foot should be weakened at the coist of other parts. By firm union of all strong parts the strength and vigor of the hoof is in no sense disturbed. // one desires to ascertain the exact form and state of health of the hoof, it must never he inspected and judged alone, hut in connection with the entire limb. F. Growth of the Hoof and Wear of the Hoof and Shoe. All parts of the horn of the hoof grow downward and for- ward, the material for this growth being furnished by the re- markably large quantity of blood which flows to the pododerm. The growth of the hoof is regulated by the nerves. As a rule, the hoof grows uniformly, — ^that is, one section of the wall grows just as rapidly as another. A visible indication of growth is the increase in height and width of the hoof from colthood to maturity. The rapidity of growth of the wall varies, amounting in a month to from one-«ixth to one-half of an inch. The average monthly growth in both shod and unshod horses of both feexes is, according to my own experiments, one-third of an inch. Hind hoofs grow faster than front hoofs, and unshod faster than shod. The hoofs of stallions grow more slowly than those of mares and geldings. HORSESHOEING. 83 Abundant exercise, proper grooming (flexibility and moist- ness of the born), regular dressing of the wall, and running barefoot from time to time favor growth ; while little or no exercise, dryness, and excessive length of the hoof hinder growth. The time required for the horn to grow from the coronet to the ground is, therefore, equally variable, and is, inoreover, dependent upon the height (length of toe) of the hoof. At the toe the horn grows down in from eleven to thirteen months, at the mammae or sides in from six to eight months, and at the quarters in from three to five months. The time required for the renewal of the entire hoof we term the period of hoof renewal. If, for example, we know exactly the rapidity of horn grovsrth in a given case, we can estimate without difficulty the length of the " period of hoof renewal," as well for the entire hoof as for each individual section of the wall. The duration of many diseases of the hoof (cracks, clefts, partial bendings of the wall, contractions, etc.) can be foretold with relative certainty only by knowing the period of hoof renewal. Irregular growth sometimes takes place. The chief cause of this is usually an improper distribution of the body-weight over the hoof, — ^that is, an unbalanced foot. Wry hoofs of faulty positions of the limbs are often exposed to this evil ; a faulty preparation of the hoof (dressing) for the shoe, as well as neglect of the colt's hoofs, is in the majority of cases directly responsible for this condition. If in the shortening of the wall a part is from ignorance left too long, or one-half of the hoof shortened too much in relation to the other half, the foot will be unbalanced. The horse will tlien touch the ground first with the section of wall which has been left too high, and will continue to do so until this long section has been reduced to its proper level (length) by the increased wear which will take place at this point. In unshod hoofs this levelling process takes place rapidly; such, however, is not the case in shod hoofs, for here the shoe prevents 84 HORSESHOEING. Fig. 85. rapid wear, and, indeed this levelling process is often rendered impossible through- the welding of high steel calks to the shoe. If this fault in trimming be repeated at the next and Subse- quent 'shoeings, and if the faulty relation of the ground surface of the hoof to the direction of the foot-axis remain during several months, the portion of wall left too high will grow more rapidly, the walls will lose their natural straight direction and become bent If, for example, the outer wall has been left too long during a consider- able period of time, a crooked hoof results (Fig. 85) in which the rings are placed closer together upon the low (concave) side than upon the high (convex) side. If for a long time the toe is excessively long, it will become bent; or if this fault affects excessively high quarters they will contract either just under the coronary band or will curl forward and inward at their lower borders. These examples are sufficient to show both the importance of the manner in which a horse places his foot to the ground and its influence upon the loading, growth, and fonn of the hoof. Wear of the Shoe and of the Hoof upon the Shoe. The wear of the shoe is caused much less by the weight of the animal's body than by the rubbing which takes place be- tween the shoe and the earth whenever the foot is placed to the ground and lifted. The wear of the shoe which occurs when the foot is placed on the ground is termed " grounding wear," and that which occurs while the foot is being lifted from the ground is termed " swinging-off wear.'* When a horse travels normally, both kinds of wear are nearly alike, but are very distinct when the Crooked (right) fore-hoof. HORSESHOEING. 85 paces are abnormal, especially when there is faulty direction of the limbs. WTiile in the majority of horses whose limbs have been stiffened by age and overwork both kinds of wear are most marked at the toe of the shoe, we see relatively fewer cases of " grounding wear " at the ends of the branches (as in lamini- tis) ; on the contrary, we always notice "swinging-off wear" at the toe of the shoe. It is worthy of notice that length of stride has much to do with the wear. We observe that with shorten- ing of the stride both kinds of wear occur at the toe of the shoe, and this is rapidly worn away, as is the case with horses Fig. 86. Fig. 87 Fig. A normal-angled foot with straight foot axis. The shoe shows uniform An upright foot with foot axis broken forward by reason of too high quar- ters. The shoe shows "grounding" wear at ends of branches, and "swing- ing off" wear at toe. A hoof with foot axis broken backward by rea- son of surplus horn at the toe. The shoe shows ex- cessive "grounding" and "swinging off" wear at the toe. which are fretful and prance imder the rider, draw heavy loads, or from any other cause, as disease or infinnity, are obliged to shorten their steps. With increase of length of stride the wear of the shoe becomes more uniform. The position and form of the shoe have a marked influence upon its wear; at the place where the shoe is too far under the hoof either as a residt of shifting or of having been nailed on crooked, or where the outer branch has not the necessary width, or does not form a sufficiently large curve, the wear will be increased. 86 HORSESHOEING. Also tlie relative length of side-walls, or of toe and heels, influences rapidity of wear of the shoe. If through ignorance or carelessness one side-wall be left too long, the branch beneath will meet the ground before other parts of the shoe and will wear faster (see Eigs. 87, 88 and 89). The wear of the hoof upon the shoe occurs as a result of the movements of the quarters. Visible indications of this are the brightly polished, often sunken places upon the bearing-surface of the ends of the branches, showing that scouring occurs be- tween the horn and the iron. Shoes which show brightly pol- ished places in their anterior halves have been loose. The wear of the quarters upon the shoe is not always uniform, but is usually greater on the inner than on the outer quarter, especially in base-wide feet. The degree of this wear of the hoof may be from nothing to one-fourth of an inch or more from one shoeing to the next. Finally, we should remember that this usually invisible scouring away of the hoof gradually causes the nails at the quarters to become loose, and that this is more clearly marked in the front than in the hind hoofs. G. Physiological Movements of the Hoof. (Mechanism of the Hoof.) These movements comprise all those changes of position within and of the hoof which are brought about by alternately weighting and relieving the foot, and which are manifest as changes of form of the hoof. The following changes in form of the hoof are most marked at the time that the hoof bears great- est weight, — that is, simultaneous with the greatest descent of the fetlock- joint. 1. A lateral expansion over the entire region of the quarters, occurring simultaneously at the coronary and plantar borders. This expansion is small, and in general varies between one- fiftieth and one-twelfth of an inch. 2. A narrowing of the anterior half of the hoof measured at the coronary border. HORSESHOEING. 87 Fig. 89. 3. A decrease in height of the hoof, with a slight sinking of the heels. 4. A flattening (sinking) of the sole, especially in its branches. These changes of form are much more pronounced in the half of the hoof that bears the greater weight. A hoof while supporting the body-weight has a different form, and the tissues enclosed within it a different posi- tion, than when not bear- ing weight. Since load- ing and unloading of the foot are continually al- ternating, the relations of internal pressure even in the standing animal are continuously chang- ing, so that, strictly speaking, the hoof is never at rest. The changes in form +nVA -nlflfi^ in f1if» fnllr^w Transverse vertical section through the middle of a taKe place in tne lOllOW- ^.^j^^ ^^^^ ^j^^^ ^^^^ ^^ base-wide form, viewed from ino" order: the body- behind. The outer wall having been insufficiently low- ^^ (• 1 ' (• 1 ^'"®*^ ^^^ caused increased wear of the underlying weight falls from above branchof the shoe: a, wear of inner branch (beneath , the relatively short wall) ; 6, greater wear of outer upon the OS COrOnae, OS branch beneath the relatively long wall; c, the horn •n P fl i i j i foot to earth; 6, outer- toe clip; c, toe squared and centre ol the tOC and thUS set under to prevent injury to front hoof, and to j. l jr • J deaden the sound of forging. CXCCUte IcSS of an mward swing during the first half of its stride, and to so pare and 'shoe a base-narrow hind foot that it will break over nearer the centre of the toe and thus execute less of an inward swing during the second half of its stride. Neither a toe-wide nor a toe-narrow foot can be made to break over the exact centre of the toe, and yet it is possible by dressing the hoof and by shoeing to shift the break- ing over point nearer to the centre of the toe, and by doing so, to alter slightly the lines of flight of the feet. Dressing and shoeing the front foot : The hoof should be relatively low from the middle of the toe around to and in- HORSESHOEING. 141 eluding the outer buttress. If the inner half of the wall is deficient in length it must be raised above the outer half by applying a shoe which is thinner in its outer than in its inner branch. The inner toe should be left long. The shoe should be light, without heel-calks, but may OQxvj a low, cun^ed grab (" grab," is a low, straight or curved, Fig. 151. Fig. 152. Left hind hoof of a toe-narrow pacer, shod to prevent crossfiring: a, dotted line indi- cating outer border of the hoof; b, long bent outer branch; c, short, thin inner branch; d, inner wall extending beyond the shoe; /, line from which inner branch is feather- edged. The shoe is of even thickness from 6 to /at inner toe; but from latter point to c diminishea to a feather edge. Front view of hoof and shoe depicted in Fig. 151: a, outer branch fitted very full and bevelled base wide; b, inner branch diminishing in thickness from i nner toe c, to its termination at the inner quarter. Designed to favor "breaking over" near centre of the toe, and to widen the gait. toe- or heel-calk on a racing plate) running from the second inner toe nail to the centre of the toe. The inner branch is to he. fitted flush with the wall from the centre of the toe back to the quarter, back of which point it gradually extends beyond the wall, i.e., is fitted full ; and terminates well back of the buttress. This inner branch should be from one-fourth to three- eighths of an inch longer than the outer branch. The long 142 HORSESHOEING. inner branch, full at the quarter, is desirable, but must be covered by a quarter-boot, which a cross-firer should always wear. The outer branch should be fitted snug and terminate at the buttress. From the centre of the toe to the end of the branch the ground surface should be bevelled from the inner edge of the web to a knife-edge at the outer border. Dressing and shoeing the hind foot : The hoof should be relatively low from the centre of the toe around to and in- cluding the inner buttress. If the outer half of the hoof is deficient in length, it must be raised above the inner half by applying a shoe witli a thin inner branch. The inner branch may terminate in a knife-edge midway between toe and heel (Figs. 151 and 152). The inner branch is to be fitted snug from the centre of the toe to its end, and its ground surface should be bevelled from the inner edge of the web to a knife-edge at the outer border. The outer branch is to be fitted very full from the outside toe to the end. This branch should extend well behind the buttress, and in well-marked base-narrow hoofs should be turned outward in order to support the overhanging coronet of the quarter. The outer border should be bevelled base-wide, and the nail holes punched coarse, i.e., far in from the outer border (Figs. 151 and 152). The outer branch may carry a small heel-calk. B. Interfering. A horse " interferes " when a hoof in motion strikes the opposite Supporting leg. Interfering is apt to produce in- juries, either of the coronary band of the inner half of the foot or of the fetlock-joint, or (in fore-limbs) of the cannon, even as high up as the knee. Lameness frequently accompanies such injuries. The causes of interfering lie either in the shoeing (of the HORSESHOEING. 143 foot that strikes, as well as of the foot which is struck), in the position of the limbs, or in the use of the aiiimal. Horses that have the correct standing position do not interfere when thej are properly shod; base-wide horses interfere sometimes; horses base-narrow do^vn to the fetlock and toe-wide below that point interfere very frequently. Traces of unequal length, weariness, and shoeing at too long interv^als favor interfering. In attempting to lessen or remove interfering, the horse must be most carefully examined with respect to the position of his limbs, his gait, and his shoeing, in the manner de- scribed on pages 90 to 92. If the cause is found to be the twisted position of a shoe, too wide hoofs, raised clinches, etc., nothing need be done fur- ther than to correct the shoeing ; but if a faulty position of the limbs is the cause, we must ascertain the exact part of the hoof that does the striking, diminish the size of the hoof at that point, regulate the en- tire plantar surface of the hoof, make the shoe straight along the region that strikes, — that is, without curve, — and so fit it to the foot that one-third of the thickness of the wall will extend beyond the shoe. Where in- terfering is so pronounced as to produce serious injuries, we use a shoe with no nails in the inner branch (" dropped-crease " shoe) (Figs. 153, 156, 157). The so-called interfering shoes (Figs. 154 and 155) are worthy of recommendation only for hoofs of the base-narrow position. The interfering branch, whose greater thickness raises the inner wall, which is often too low, is to be so shaped A right front shoe with nailless and narrow inner branch for a base-wide hoof. Suitable for horsea that strike anywhere from inner toe back to the quarter. 144 HORSESHOEING. and directed that the hoof will project somewhat beyond it. This interfering branch must be made and shaped in accord- ance with each individual case. The holes in the interfering Fig. 154. Fig. 155. Left hind shoe with interfering branch (ground surface) , for base-narrow stand- ing position. Fig. 156. The same (hoof -surf ace). Fig. 157. Left hind interfering shoe without nail- holes in inner branch (" dropped-crease" shoe) : a, side-clip. Right hind shoe for toe-cutters. The dotted lines indicate the distance that the wall projects beyond the shoe: a, side-clip. branch should be punched somewhat finer (nearer the edge) than usual. Interfering shoes in which the nail-holes, with the exception of the inner toe nail-hole, are placed in the outer HORSESHOEING. 145 branch, are called '"'' dropped^crease interfering shoes " (Eig. 156). Such shoes are not recommended for hind hoofs that are decidedly toe-wide (toe-cutters) ; in such cases better results will be obtained by using a shoe, either with or without heel- calks, whose inner branch is straight and without nails along the striking region, and is fitted wide (full) at the quarter. The inner branch should be from one-fourth to three-eighths of an inch longer than the outer. The inner heel-calk should be higher than the outer, and the end of the outer branch should be as base-narrow as it can be made (fitted close) (Eig. 157). In order to prevent shifting of an interfering shoe, a side-clip should be drawn up on the outer branch (a). There is no manner of shoeing that will prevent interfering which is caused by improper harnessing, crooked hitching, or weariness. The simpler and the lighter the shoes the less will horses interfere. 10 CHAPTER V. WINTER SHOEING. Fig. 158. All shoes whose ground-surface is provided with contriv- ances to prevent slipping uj)on snow and ice are called winter shoes. These various contrivances are produced bj several proc- esses called " methods of sharpening." All methods may be gathered into two groups, — namely, practical sharp-shoeing and impractical. Only the first will be considered. The durability of sharpened shoes depends partly upon whether they are made of steel or iron, and partly upon the nature of the ground in winter. If the ground is continuously covered with a thick layer of snow, whatever method of sharpening is followed, the shoes stay sharp; if, however, the winter is open, changeable, with more bare ice than snow, no method of sharpening, whatever it may be, will last long; the shoes will not stay sharp. For these reasons no method of sharpening which fulfils all conditions satisfactorily has yet been discovered. The simplest and at the same time the least durable method of sharpening is: 1. That by means of ice-nails or frost-nails (Fig. 158). One or two nails are drawn from each branch of the shoe and replaced with ice- nails. 2. Sharp Toe- and Heel-Calks. — The outer calk is split and a small steel wedge welded in. It is then laid upon the edge of the anvil, indented and sharpened from within to without in such a manner that the calk shall be thin from 146 An ice-nail, frost- HORSESHOEING. 147 Outer and inner heel-calks sharp- ened. the branch to the ground, and the outer surface shall be in the same vertical plane as the outer edge. If a calk is narrow from its base to its end, and at the -p^^ same time without flaw, it does not need a sharp cutting edge. The inner calk should never be sharp- ened except the ground be very slippery. The cutting edge of this inner calk stands at right angles to the length of the branch, and its outer comer should then be rounded to prevent its injuring the opposite foot (Figs. 159, 160). For horses used for heavy draft purposes a toe-calk is welded to the shoe and sharj^ened. For this purpose we use only steel (toe-steel), which is easily welded to the shoe and remains firm. Toe-calks and steeled heel-calks are tem- pered, in order, as much as possible, to lengthen their period of durability. This method of sharpen- ing is the oldest and most wide - spread, and is employed on the shoes of all horses of which we require more than light ser- vice, even ruined by frequently Left fore hoof sharp shod: a, toe-calk bevelled from in front; 6, outer heel-calk directed lengthwise with the branch; c, inner heel-calk, half sharp and directed transversely to direction of the branch. Hoofs are easily damaged repeated sharpening of the shoes, because every time this is done the shoes must be removed and replaced. 148 HORSESHOEING. 3. Shoeing with Screw Heel-Calks. — Any ordinary flat shoe not too tliin and narrow at the ends of the branches can be changed to a shoe with screw heel-calks by punching holes in the ends of the branches and cutting a thread in them. The screw heel-calk holes are made either by punching or boring. The punching is done by means of an almost cylindrical hammer-punch, afterwards finishing the holes by driving through them a round punch which tapers from the middle towards both ends. On the ground-surface of ^^' ■ the shoe the hole is moderately counter-sunk (Fig. 162, a,), so that after the thread has been cut and the calk screwed into place the shoulder of the latter will rest on the counter- sinking. At present nearly all screw-calks are made by machinery, either of iron or toe-steel. The former is too soft and therefore not sufficiently durable; the latter, however, is quite durable when the calk is properly hardened (tempered) by heating to a cherry-red, sticking the head of the calk as far as the tap into a bed of moist sand, and allowing it to slowly cool. Ground-surface of The chief requirements of a good screw- the end of a branch n /. i i of shoe, showing calk are, further, a clean, deep, but not too ter-sinidng'^ for^'a coarsc thread, and but 07i€ size of thread and hlirrturai S: i'^P f^"- «^^ ^^^^^^ «o that every calk will fit in every shoe. A calk whose tap measures one- half inch (12.7 millimetres) (Whitworth) in diameter is sirfS- cient for the heaviest shoes. The tap which is used to cut the thread in the holes for the screw-calks must be about y|-g- of an inch thicker than the head of the calk. In the German army tbe calks have a tap fifteen thirty-seconds of an inch in diameter. The coachman should be given four calks (sharp and blunt) for each shoe, and a small screw-calk key for placing and remov- ing them. Screw toe-calks are also used, yet they require HORSESHOEING. 149 special security to prevent their becoming loose. Experimenta- tion with the screw toe-calks, though not yet entirely satisfactory, cannot be said to have ended. The advantages of shoes provided with good screw heel- calks are so manifold that they deserve marked preference over shoes sharpened by the ordinary methods. The common objections urged against screw- calks, — namely, that they loosen and are lost, or break off, are not worthy of serious con- sideration, since these evils are merely the re- sult of unskilful workmanship and poor ma- FiG. 1G3. Fig. 164. IS Sharp screw-calks with Whitworth thread (half-inch, natural size). Whitworth tap (half-inch, half natural size). terial. Shoes with screw heel-calks are the best shoes for winter, especially for horses that have to worJc hard and continuously. Balling with snow is prevented by using shoes narrow in the web and concave upon the ground-surface (convex iron), and thoroughly oiling the sole^ and frog. Sole-pads of felt, leather, or straw serve the same purpose. Balling with snow is best prevented by a rubl^er sol&-and-frog pad, or by a " stop- ping " of a patent hoof cement known in Germany as "huf- lederkitt." 150 HORSESHOEING. 4. Shoeing with Peg-Calks.— The calks are merely stuck into the calk-holes, hence their name. Round and square peg- calks are u'sed, but the former are better than the latter. The inventor of round peg-calks is Judson, an American. The shoes differ in no respect from the ordinary flat shoes. It is necessary that the tap of the calk have a moderately conical form, and exactly fit into the calk-hole of the shoe. The taper of the calk-tap is correct if for every ten thirty-seconds of an inch in length it increases or diminishes one-thirty-second of an inch in diameter (equal to one inch m every ten inches of length). Although the calk-holes may be pmiched in a hot shoe, yet boring and reaming them is much better, because by this method a more per- fect fit can be secured. For this purpose we require a drill (a spiral drill is the best) whose diameter is exactly the same as that of the small end of the calk-tap (Figs. 165, c, and 166, c). After the shoe has been fitted to the hoof, the pro- visional holes are drilled and aftei-wards reamed out from the ground-surface of the shoe with the reamer shown in Fig. 167. Since the tap of the reamer corresponds exactly in size to the tap of the calk, it is evident that the latter must exactly fit and be tight. The wire edge that is raised around the hole is removed with a file, and the edge then smoothed by introducing the reamer a second time. The calks are made of rolled round steel, which has the thickness of the tap-end of the calk. For this purpose we require a calk-mould or matrix, in which one or more holes have been finished with a reamer. A piece of rod steel is heated at the end for a distance nearly twice the length of the calk, is swaged, thrust into the matrix, then broken off, and backset. This will give a blunt peg- calk. If a sharp calk is desired, the upper part of the head of the calk is sharpened in the ordinary manner, although this is accomplished most easily by using a pair of tongs with short jaws that are hollowed upon the inside for seizing the tap of the calk. Sharp peg- Blunt peg- Lower part of calk (cog) : a, calk: o, the the reamer. the tap; 6, tap; 6, the the head. head HORSESHOEING. 151 Before the shoes are nailed on, the normal punch should be oiled and driven into the calk-holes, and the calks passed into the holes to see that they fit perfectly. The calks are driven into place after the shoes are nailed to the hoofs. A light blow is sufficient to fasten a calk, yet a necessary precaution is first to remove every trace of oil from the calks and calk- holes. The first calk driven into place must be held with the hand while the second is being diiven, otherwise it will either spring from the calk-hole or be loosened so that it will soon afterwards be lost. To remove such a calk we strike its head from different sides with a hammer, stone, or other hard object until it becomes loose, when a rather hai-d blow upon the shoe causes it to spring out. Calks which have worn do\TO are seized by a pair of sharp nippers and loosened by blows upon the shoe. Since a calk which is firm soon rusts and is then veiy difficult to remove, it is recommended that all caJks be removed eveiy night. The advantages of peg-calks over screw-calks are: 1. They do not break off. 2. They are easier to make and simpler to use. 3. They are cheaper. Disadvantages. — 1. Peg-calks are sometimes lost, even when properly made and most carefully introduced. This evil happens much less frequently when the calks are put in by the maker (lioi-se- shoer) than when they are stuck in by the coachman, attendant, rider, or other pei-son. When calks are lost on the way from the shop, it is usually due to some fault in the calk-holes or in the calks, although when the feet are balled with snow the calks are easily lost, because they do not then touch the ground. 2. The removal of the calks often involves many difficulties, since they are apt to rust into place if not removed daily, and when worn down so far that they cannot be grasped with the pincers are almost impossible to remove. By hammering upon the calks and shoe many horses are rendered not only restive, but sensitive in the feet. 3. If hoi-ses are used without the calks, a wire-edge forms around the hole on the bottom of the shoe, which interferes with the placing of the calk and lessens its security. The hollow peg-calk (Fig. 168), made by Branscheid & Philippi, of Remscheid, has considerable merit. It holds ex- ceeding:ly well, and is very durable. It is furnished in three sizes, — Nos. 12, 13, and 14, — of twenty-seven, thirty-one, and thirty-four millimetres leng;th, and twelve, thirteen, and four- teen millimetres diameter at the end of the tap. 152 HORSESHOEING. A punch is furnished which, when driven u^ to its head in the holefs of the heated shoe, insures a proper width and shape of the hole and an accurately fitting calk. The calks may be removed by an extractor (Fig. 169) having at one end a thread which is screwed into a correspond- ing thread on the inside of the hollow calk, when by a fer\v hammer blows on the shoe the calk loosens. To prevent the calk becoming choked with dirt, a piece of cork is thrust into the hollow. It may be easily removed by means of the cork- screw at the other end of the extractor. 5, Shoeing with Peg Toe-Calks, — These are an invention of considerable worth, especially for heavy draft in hilly country. They render better service on hind than on front shoes. Peg toe-calks with a single tap are simpler and preferable to those with two Fig. 169. Fig. 168. Hollow - spring peg -calk, No. 12. Peg-puller. taps. Every known contrivance to prevent the occasional loss of the peg toe-calk is impractical. The shoe for a peg toe-calk should be of good tough ma- terial and without a flaw. The toe of the shoe should be about one-twelfth to one-tenth of an inch thicker than the branches. The hole for the peg toe^calk, whatsoever its shape may be, must be smooth and uniform, with clean, true comers. Semi- circular holes should present the convex side towards the toe. Before punching, draw up the toe-clip. A punch-plate with a good-sized hole, and a tap which will fit into the square hole in the anvil will facilitate the work. The punch-plate when HORSESHOEING. 153 in position should be flush with the front edge of the anvil. Place the toe of the shoe, hoof surface upward, over the hole of the punch-plate, and drive a hole with a punch-hammer which is perceptibly thinner than the model punch. Now turn the ishoe over, punch back from the ground surface, and then file away the wire edge which the punch has raised on the ground surface. Ne'xt, take a hand-punch, the end of which should just enter the hole, punch through from the ground surface, and correct any bulging by dressing lightly over the horn of the anvil. Finally, use the model punch to give the hole the exact size and smoothness. Should the hole in the toe of the shoe enlarge in time, as sometimes occurs, then backset when necessary on removing the shoe. Backsetting is easiest with the half-round hole, because Fig. 170. 1=1 O ^^::\ci:^c^ oo Cross-section of different forms of peg toe-calk taps. the curved side, being turned forward, runs approximately parallel to the outer border of the toe of the shoe. A good serAdceable peg toe-calk must possess the following characteristics : 1. The tap must be of such shape as not to turn ; there- fore, not round. 2. The tap must be cone-shaped, and diminish in diameter about one-thirty-second of an inch for each one-fourth of an inch of its length from base to apex. If the tap has less taper it will enlarge the hole in the shoe till the head of the calk comes into contact with the shoe, when the calk will loosen and drop out. 3. The tap must be full-formed and smooth. 4. It must fit air-tight in the toe, and a single hammer- blow should be sufficient to fix it securely. 154 HORSESHOEING. 5. The head of the toe-calk must not rest on the shoe ; a space of one-sixteenth of an inch should intervene. AATiile a sheer of average mechanical ability can make a faultless peg toe-calk, it is not profitable to do so while good machine-made calks are to be had very cheap. Fig. 171. Fig. 172. Chisel toe-calk. (Doring.) No. 1 from the firm of Branacheid & Philippi, of Rem- scheid.' Fig. 173. Shovel toe-calk. Fig. 174. Peg toe-calk shoeing after Fisher-Renker, of Dresden. Peg-calk (shovel-calk) after Kunze-Klotzs- che-Konigswald, of Dresden. The best forms in use are the quadrangular heads, with oval, half-round (Figs. 171 and 172), and with two taps (Figs. 173 and 174). In several European countries the peg toe-calks with half- round tap and with two round taps are in use. To make good peg toe-calk shoes and fit the calks properly requires more than ordinary knowledge and skill. Poor work does much hann. Therefore, work carefully and get well paid for it. 6. Removable Heel-Calks that do not Require Sharpening. — The undeniable fact that all chisel-shaped or pyramid-shaped HORSESHOEING. 155 sharp calks become dull in time, and must then either be sharpened or replaced by new calks, renders shoeing not only costly, but injurious to the hoofs and annoying to the owner. This drawback is most pronounced in large cities, where the snow never lies long upon the streets, and the hoi-se just sharp- shod is soon obliged to travel upon bare pavements. Attempts have been made to lessen this annoyance by the use of calks that do not require sharpening, . and yet which will prevent Fig. 175. Fig. 176. Screw-calk with H-formed cro33- section. Screw-calk with 4-formed cross- section. slipping even after tliey have been used for a long time upon bare pavements. It cannot be denied that such calks have considerable value, and, except when the ground is covered with ice, many of these calks render excellent service. Just as the ordinai-y sharp calks are satisfactory and very durable outside of the large cities, so now for the first time a few of tliese recently invented sharp calks seem to be worthy of recommendation for city use. The following are the best: 1. Screw-calks and peg-calks with H-shaped cross-section (Fig. 175). 2. Screw-calks with +-shaped cross-section (Fig. 176). 3. Screw- and peg-calks with 0-shaped cross-section (Fig. 176). 4. Screw- and peg-calks with S-shaped cross-section. 5. Angle-calks (Fig. 177). 6. Screw- and peg-calks with rubber foot-pad. 7. Screw-calks with Y star-shaped cross-section (Fig. 178). 156 HORSESHOEING. 8. Hollow wedge-calks (Fig. 179). 9. Perforated screw-calks (Fig. 180). There is no doubt that the grip that these calks take upon the ground and their durability depend upon the diameter and the arrangement of their surfaces of friction. From all ex- FiG. 177. Fig. 178. Fig. 179. Fig. 180. Hollow .calk. Perforated calk. Fig. 181. Universal screw-calk key with tap. Fig. 182. Felber's hand- to secure the hoof from twisting while changing the screw-calks. periments made thus far it is shown that those calks which have narrow and comparatively few surfaces of friction are the least durable. To introduce and remove the calks we use a calk key or wrench. For the shop, the ordinary fork key (Fig. 181), the jaws of which are tempered, is recommended. It fits all calks. CHAPTER VI. HOOF NURTURE. Hoof nurture comprises all those measures whicli are em- ployed to keep hoofs healthy, elastic, and serviceable. A. Care of Unshod Hoofs. The care of the hoofs of colts is of special importance. Abundant exercise upon dry ground which is not too stony is most beneficial. Such exercise will cause the hoofs to wear gradually, and it will only be necessary from time to time to observe whether the wear „ .„„ is taking place uni- formly, and if not, to correct the uneven wear with the rasp. If colts are reared in the stable, the horn ^ ^ Twisted left front long pastern of colt, viewed from does not undergo Suffi- the upper articular surface. The lower end has been "^ twisted toward the left: a, transverse axis of lower Cient wear, and changes articularsurface;6, transverse axis of the upper artlc- . /» J? xi 1 ir 1 ular surface. in form of the hoof, and even permanent distortions of the bones of the foot gradu- ally occur. The wall becomes too long and bends or some- times separates from the sole and keraphyllous layer. Weak quarters bend (curl) inward and encroach upon the space occupied by the frog (contracted feet of colts). The toe be- comes too long, and this gives rise to too steep a position of the pastern and causes an insecure and diffident gait ; there- fore tlie hoofs must be shortened from time to time. The in- curved quai*ters should be removed with the hoof-knife, and the outer edge of the plantar border of the wall well rounded 157 158 HORSESHOEING. with the rasp. In the base-wide and base-narrow standing positions the outer and inner walls respectively become relatively long and induce the colt to assume a still more abnormal posi- tion. The young and pliant pasterns may thus become perma- nently twisted and distorted (see Figs. 183 and 184). In a hoof that is becoming awry, restoring to the wall its proper level with relation to the poisition of the limb will not only be invaluable in ultimately producing a good hoof, but will improve the faulty position of the limb. In exceptional cases, where the plantar border of some section of the wall gives evidence of too rapid wear, the application of a tip or of a half-shoe may be of benefit. Furthermore, Ave should attempt to secure greater cleanliness by fre- quently and thoroughly wash- ing the hoofs and bedding with plenty of good straw. Too early ' shoeing of young horses is very injuri- ous; it hinders the development of the hoofs, and, furthermore, young horses when shod are frequently seriously overworked and prematurely ruined. Moderate work in the fields does not injure young horses, but for such service they do not require Left front long pastern of a colt showing com- pressian shortening of outer half: a , transverse axis of upper articulation; b, transverse axis of coronary joint, not parallel to upper axis. The unshod hoofs of older horses should be periodically rounded with a rasp and the length of the walls regulated when, by reason of a lack of exercise, proper wear has not taken place. HORSESHOEING. 159 B. Care of Shod Hoofs. Shod hoofs are exposed to many more injuries than are unshod hoofs, because shoeing iteelf, although absolutely neces- sary to render horses continuously serviceable upon hard streets, is injurious to the hoof, since it to a greater or less extent prevents the physiological movements of the different parts of the foot, interferes with the circulation of the blood in the foot, slows the growth of the horn, and brings about a gradual shrinking of the entire hoof. In addition, there are the injurious consequences of stabula- tion. These are prevention of free movement^ uncleanliness due to bad floors and filthy bedding, — as, for example, peat moss and soiled straw, — and dryness. Continuous standing always contributes to contraction of the hoofs, and this evil is greatly favored by dryness, which more particularly affects the front hoofs. The hind hoofs re- ceive sufficient moisture from the animal's manure. Poor floors, particularly those that are uneven, tire the limbs. Accumulation of manure and the careless use of stationary sole- pads induce thrush of the frog. The object of hoof nurture is to lessen or entirely remove all these injurious consequences of shoeing and stabulation. It comprises, therefore, not only the proper shortening of the hoofs every five to six weeks, but careful attention to cleanliness and moisture. Both are insured by dry 'straw and daily picking out and washing the hoofs. Such measures will prevent thrush in the hind feet. If front hoofs are washed once a day. suffi- cient moisture will penetrate the horn to give it that degree .of suppleness (elasticity) which is possessed by an unshod hoof, and which contributes to a proper expansion of the hoof when the body-weight is placed upon it In ord^r to prevent a hoof from again drying out, the entire hoof should receive a thorough application of an oil or ointment (hoof-salve). The object of greasing the horn is to prevent evaporation of the moisture 160 HORSESHOEING. that has penetrated the horn. Specially compounded hoof- salves are not necessary. Melted horse-grease, pork-fat, or any other fat that is not rancid is sufficient. Cosmoline is an excellent hoof-salve. Abundant but not excessive exercise is more necessary than anything else to the preservation of the health of the hoof. It aids the circulation of blood mthin the foot, and, therefore, the growth of the horn. Horses which perform hard, regular work have, as a rule, better hoofs than those which stand the greater part of the time in the stable. Poulticing hoofs with day, bran, linseed-meal, or white-rock, or standing them in water is unnecessary if they have had proper care, but will sometimes be of benefit when the hoofs have been neglected, and especially so for front hoofs. The latter are more exposed to drying influences, and the shoes prevent the moistening process by keeping the hoofs partially or completely removed from contact with the earth. Oiling alone is not sufficient to soften horn, but must always be preceded by permeation of the horn with water. Oiling without first cleansing the hoof is useless, because this soon produces a greasy crust underneath which the horn is crisp and brittle. The surest sign of cleanliness of a hoof is the appearance of the natural color of the horn, the latter appearing translucent even after the hoof -ointment has been applied ; therefore, black- ened hoof-ointments should not be used. When hoofs are ex- posed to too much moisture (muddy roads, melting snow, etc.) an addition of wax or common yellow rosin to the hoof -oint- ment is recommended to prevent too great softening of the horn. No hoof-ointment has any direct influence upon the growth of the horn. Inasmuch as it is a fact that the very best shoeing injures the hoof, it is advisable to allow horses to go barefoot whenever it is possible. This applies especially to horses that from any cause are thrown out of service, presupposing, of course, that the nature of the hoofs will allow them to go barefoot. PART III. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL REMARKS CONCERNING THE SHOEING OF DEFECTIVE HOOFS AND LAME HORSES. The boundary between health and disease of the hoof is difficult to determine, especially when we have to deal with minor defects of structure or shape of the hoof. Ordinarily, we first consider a hoof diseased when it causes lameness. How- ever, we know that diseases of the hoof may exist without lame- ness. Therefore, a hoof should be regarded as diseased or defective when the nature of the horn, the form of the hoof, or the parts enclosed by it, deviate from what we consider as normal or healthy (see page 81), whether the service of the animal is influenced by it or not. Front hoofs become diseased or defective more readily than hind hoofs, because they bear greater weight, have more slant- ing walls, and are more exposed to drsdng influences. All nor- mally wry hoofs and acute-angled hoofs become more readily diseased than regular and upright (stumpy) hoofs. The indications of the various diseases of the hoof are dis- cussed in the following chapters. We shall in this chapter undertake only a brief general discussion of inflammation of the pododerm. This inflammation, known as pododermatitis, always manifests itself by lameness and, under closer examina- tion of the foot, by increased warmtJi,, pain, and stronger pul- sadion of the digital and plantar arteries. The pain produces either a timid, shortened (sore) gait, or well-marked lameness, especially upon hard ground. Increased sensitiveness of the pododerm is detected by compression of the hoof mth the pincers (hoof-testers), or with greater certainty by lightly 11 "^ 161 162 HORSESHOEING. tapping the hooi. The increased warmth of a part or of the entire hoof is detected by feeling with the hand. Intense pain and greatly increased warmth, with a moderate, diffuse swelling of the soft parts between the hoof and fetlock- joint, indicate suppuration within the hoof. The examination of horses lame in the feet must always be cautious and searching, and should begin with the moving and judging of the horse as already described on page 90. The faults detected in the hoof or in the shoeing, the pain and in- creased warmth of the hoof, will not leave us in doubt as to whether the animal is lame in the hoof or not. However, should there be a doubt, w© must carefully examine, all the joints and tendons of the foot and, if necessary, of the limb above, and observe the animal's manner of travelling at a walk and at a trot, on soft and on hard ground, in a straight line and in a circle. The removal of the shoe should be performed with greatest caution. Under certain conditions the second shoe should not be removed until the first has been replaced. The same caution must be observed in paring the hoof, which is to be regarded as a part of the examination of the hoof. The paring of a hoof for this purpose often differs somewhat from the preparation of a sound hoof for the shoe, and while it is necessary because it frequently furnishes the first trustworthy indication of the trouble, it must be done with circumspection and intelligence. The causes of diseases of the hoof are very numerous, for many external influences act injuriously upon the hoof. In addition to too great dryness, want of care (neglected shoeing), and premature, unreasonable, cruel use of the horse, should be mentioned particularly injudicious dressing of the Jioof and direct and indirect faults in tTie shoeing. The pododerm, shut in between the hard os pedis and the stiff, unyielding horn capsule, is frequently exposed to bruising and other injuries, from which arise most of the defects of the hoof itself. All these things lead, under certain conditions, to lameness. HORSESHOEING. 163 Treatment. — First of all, the discovered causes should be removed, or, if this is not possible, as is frequently the case, they should be ameliorated. Very often the lameness may be removed by proper 'shoeing, a change in the animal's work, and better care of the hoof. When there is intense inflammation within the foot, the shoe should be removed for a few days. When the inflammation is moderate and confined to a small area, it is usually sufticient to alter the shoeing by regulating unnatural relations of height in the different parts of the wall, and by removing all superfluous horn from the wall and sole (to a less degree from the frog), partly for the purpose of rendering the horn capsule more yielding, and partly to make the poultices which are used more effective. Tlie shoe is then to be so applied that the diseased region mil be relieved of the tody-weight, and will remain free from all pressure from the shoe. This can be done partly by making the underlying branch of the shoe somewhat wider and longer than the other, and partly by cutting down the bearing-edge of the wall where this is possible without weakening it too much, other\\dse by concav- ing or beating Ao\xn the upper surface of the shoe. By reason of the fact that the posterior half of the hoof is the seat of most diseases of the hoof, it is to be recommended that the nail-holes in shoes used in these diseases be placed as far as possible in the anterior half of the shoe, and in jsome special cases distributed evenly around the toe. Among shoes suitable for diseased hoofs the bar-shoe (Fig. 185) holds the first place, because it renders superfluous many other shoes specially designed for various diseases of the hoof. It is made like an ordinary Fig. 185. Bar-shoe for right foot. 164 HORSESHOEING. flat shoe, except that it requires a somewhat longer piece of iron; the ends of the branches are bent inward over a dull corner of the anvil, bevelled, laid one over the other, and welded together to fonn the bar. The width and thickness of the bar should be the same as of the rest of the shoe, and its frog-surface should be slightly concave. The har-slioe is valuable, because it protects from pressure diseased sections of the wall which have been laid free, allows part of the body-weight to be borne by the frog, and restores normal activity to the disturbed physiological movements of the foot. By using it we can either gain a more extensive bearing- surface for the hoof, or can make it easier for the surface that bears the weight to do the work. If on account of weakness of the bearing-surface of the hoof, or from any other cause, we wish to distribute the body-weight over the entire plantar sur- face of the foot with the exception of the painful region, we add a leather sole to the bar-shoe. In this case it is necessary to place holes in the ends of the branches of the shoe, so that we may rivet the leather firmly to the shoe with small nails. The shoe should be made somewhat wider than the hoof, and the clips somewhat higher than usual. After fitting the shoe the grooves for the clips are cut in the leather, the latter is riveted to the shoe, and all leather projecting beyond the outer edge of the shoe is trimmed away. The lacunae of the frog and other concavities of the sole are then thickly smeared with wood-tar and afterwards filled up with oakum to such a degree that the packing will bear some of the body-weight when the shoe and leather sole are in position. This packing is of great importance, because it pre- vents the filtering in from behind of sand and slime, preserves the toughness and pliability of the horn, breaks shock, and produces a gradual expansion of the posterior half of the hoof. Before nailing the shoe to the foot the leather sole should be soaked in water. HORSESHOEING. 165 Classification of Diseases of the Hoof. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE PODODERM. 1, Nailing (pricking and close nailing) ; 2, streeMiail ; 3, calk-Avoimds; 4, corns (bruised sole); 5, bruised heels; 6, laminitis (founder); 7, keraphyllocele (tumor of homy leaves). DEFECTS OF THE HORN CAPSULE AND LATERAL CARTILAGES. (a) Changes of form: 1, flat hoof and full hoof (dropped sole) ; 2, upright hoof (stumpy or stubbv hoof) ; 3, contracted hoof; 4, \^Tv hoof; 5, crooked hoof; 6, ossification of the lateral cartilage (side-bone). (6) Disturbances of continuity of the horn capsule: 1, cracks; 2, clefte; 3, loose wall; 4, hollow waJl; 5, thrush. CHAPTER VIII. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE PODODERM (PODODERMATITIS). I. Nailing. Wounds of the velvety tissue of the sole or of the podophyl- lous tissue of the wall, caused by nails which have been driven into the hoof for the purpose of fastening the shoe, are usually termed " nailing." We distinguish direct and indirect nailing; the former is noticed immediately , the latter later. In direct nailing the nail passes directly into the pododerm (velvety tissue of the sole, podophyllous tissue) ; the wound pro- duced may vary from a simple puncture of the pododerm to chipping of the border of the os pedis, and is always accompa- nied by bleeding, even though it may not always be noticed. In indirect nailing the nail does not pass entirely through the horn capsule, but very close to the sensitive tissues, and crowds the soft horn inward against them. This inward bulging presses upon the pododerm and causes inflammation and lame- ness, which may not manifest themselves for several days. Symptoms. — The first symptom of direct nailing is instant pain indicated by flinching or a jerking of the limb, showing that the nail has taken a wrong course, and then a more or less profuse hemorrhage. IJisually the blood flows from the nail- hole, or the nail when withdrawn may merely show a blood- stain at its point; however, internal bleeding may occur with- out any external manifestations. The symptoms of indirect nailing are entirely different. In this case pain does not arise immediately , but later, sometimes as soon as the horse attempts to bear his weight upon the shod foot. In the latter case, on holding up the opposite foot the animal sways backward and throws his weight upon the holder, or becomes restless. As a 166 HORSESHOEING. 167 rule, the consequences of indirect nailing are first manifested after two or three days, infrequently from the eighth to the fourteenth day, as inflammation within the hoof and lameness, at which time a careful examination will usually reveal in- creased warmth of the hoof, pain upon pressure with the hoofr testers and on tapping tlie hoof lightly, some swelling of the entire foot, increased pulsation of the digital arteries, and un- willing-ness of the animal to place all or perhaps any of its M'eight upon the foot. Suspicion of nailing should be entertained if the shoeing be recent, the hoof appear too small in relation to the body- weight, the walls have been thinned by rasping or have been broken away, or if the nails have been driven too high or very irregularly. Causes. — The most common causes are mistakes in shoeing. In the majority of cases the cause is a disregard of the rule that the nails should penetrate the white line (see pages 118, 119 and 130, heavy type). 1, Using badly-punched shoes; 2, excessive paring and shortening of the hoof; 3, weakening of the lower border of the wall by excessive rasping away of the outside (Fig. 187, c) ; 4, mistakes in fitting the shoe, especially apply- ing shoes that are too narrow, letting the toe-clips too deep into the horn, by which the nail-holes near the toe, instead of falling upon the white line, are carried back upon the edge of the sole, or using shoes in which the nail-holes are too wide or improperly directed ; 5, using nails that are split, incom- plete, badly formed and bevelled, and too large; 6, starting nails too deep or with the bevel on the outside, or drawing them too tight. As occasional causes may be mentioned : 7, old nail- stubs in the horn ; 8, walls that are very thin or broken away ; 9, a soft, crumbling wall, which alters the sound and feeling of the nail as it is driven, and makes it difficult to judge of its course ; 10, restlessness of the animal while being shod. Examination. — Press with the hoof-testers upon the sole and clinches ; tap lightly upon the clinches. If these acts cause 168 HORSESHOEING. pain, tliere can be little doubt that the nail is responsible for the damage. Remove the shoe by drawing each nail separately and carefully. Examine the nails with reference to their direc- tion and size, as well as to staining with blood, blood-serum, or pus. Immediately after removing the shoe, look for the point of entrance of each nail into the hoof, and if a nail-hole be found upon the edge of the sole (Fig. lS7,h) instead of in the white line, it is highly probable that the nail which passed Fig. 187. Fig. 186 Cross-section of a shod hoof, the hoof-skin or pododerm being in red: a, indirect nailing where backsetting has been overdone and has bent the nail; 6, nail properly placed and of correct shape. Front hoof deficient in horn: a, right position of the nail-holes in the white line; b, faulty position inside of the white line; c, wall weakened by exces- sive rasping. in at that place pressed upon the sensitive tissues of the foot. Every nail-hole should then be searched by passing a clean new nail into it and pressing its point towards the soft tissues at various depths; any indication of pain caused by this act is pretty sure proof of nailing. It stands to reason that the character of the nail-holes in the shoe should be closely examined. Treatment. — '\ATien the foot has sustained an ordinary simple prick with a nail, the latter should be left out and the hole well filled with wax. As a rule, no serious results follow. HORSESHOEING. 169 In severe direct nailing the entire shoeing should be most carefully examined, and only after everything is found to be right, and the shoe fits in such a manner that the nails can only penetrate the wall from the white line, can it be regarded as correct. The offending nail-hole is then to be closed with wax. According to the intensity of the wound we may expect a more or less pronounced inflammation of the pododerm, and this is to be combated by resting the animal and cooling the foot. If the wound is clean and recent, enlarging the opening in the horn by cutting and boring can have no reasonable object; tlie wound by such an act will not be made smaller, but larger. Frequently, however, the wound is not obser^-ed or suspected until the pain has become very intense (indirect nailing, nail- pressure) ; in such cases the offending nail when withdra"uni is apt to be covered with pus or a dark, thin, ill-smelling liquid. In such a case the liquid, whatever its nature may be, must be given free escape. In order to accomplish this it is entirely sufficient to cut away a section of the wall from the nail-hole outward, not greater than the width of the little finger, and then to assist in the discharge of the pus by placing the foot in a warm bath ; it is entirely wrong, in fact, reprehensible, to remove all horn of the wall and sole which has been loosened from the soft parts by the suppurative proc^^ss. After the escape of the inflammatory fluids, the wall and sole will form the best-fitting and most suitable protective dressing for the diseased region until it has secreted new horn. If, after re- moval of the nail and pus, the pain does not diminish, warm disinfecting baths of one to two parts of creolin, or the same amount of lysol, to one hundred parts of water at a temperature of about 90° F. will be of especial benefit ; they will not only soften the honi, but by their moisture and warmth ^^^ll directly diminish the pain and have a healing influence upon the sup- purating surfaces. The warm baths must actually be loarm and 170 HORSESHOEING. be kept warm. Antiseptic solutions at room temperature are much less efficient. If the pain has not been very pronounced, or if it has been greatly alleviated by two or three warm baths, then, as a rule, it is sufficient to put a few drops of creolin upon the inflamed surface, and to close the opening with oakum (carbolized oakum or carbolized cotton is better). The horse which has been nailed will be again perfectly serviceable after a few days if shod with a shoe which does not press upon the inflamed region. The shoe does not press when it rests only upon the hearing-edge of the wall, when the white line and the edge of the sole are entirely free of the shoe, and no nails are driven in the immediate vicinity of the wound. Even though, as we have seen, nailing in the great majority of cases is not particularly serious to the horse and owner, yet we should never forget that tetanus (lockjaw), a disease which is nearly always fatal to horses, may follow. Nailing, however insignificant it may seem, may under conditions lead to the death of the horse. 2. Street-Nail. The condition caused by accidental injury of the sensitive 'structures covered by the homy sole, such as the velvety tissue of the sole and frog, plantar cushion, perforans tendon, navicu- lar bone, OS pedis, or the pedal articulation, by sharp objects, especially nails, is called " penetrating street-nail," or simply " street-nail." The resistance of the ground to the weight of the body drives these penetrating objects through the sole or frog into the foot. Hind hoofs are more often affected than fore-hoofs. A favorite point of entrance is the lateral lacuna of the frog. Street-nail is favored by excessive thinning of the sole and frog. Symptoms. — The symptoms are, as a rule, sudden pain fol- lowed by lameness. The first a^ssistance is usually sought in the shoeing-shop. If the cause of lameness be found to be a HORSESHOEING. 171 penetrating nail, piece of glass, or other pointed foreign body, it must be carefully drawn out, in doing which we should re- move the entire object, not allowing pieces to break off and remain in the wound. Since it is always important to know in what direction and how deep the foreig-n body has penetrated, in order to be able to estimate the gravity of the wound, it is advisable in all cases -to presence tlie penetrating body, that it may be shown to the veterinarian, in case his services are required. Fig. 188. Shod hind foot, with splint dressing. In slight injuries to the velvety tissue of the sole or frog, accompanied with moderate pain, it is of no benefit to enlarge the opening, though the horn of the sole or frog should be thinned for the space of an inch or more around the wound, followed by cooling applications. Deep, penetrating wounds accompanied with intense pain require the attention of a veter- inarian. 172 HORSESHOEING. Often some form of dressing is necessar)', and this is usually held in place hj a special shoe. For slight injuries, such splint-dressings as are shown in Figs. 188 and 189 are sufficient. Whether such a dressing be applied to the front or hind feet, the shoe should be well concaved upon the hoof-surface. The dressing is held in place by thin splints of tough wood, which are firmly wedged between the shoe and hoof. Fig. 189. A practical "splint shoe" for hospital use In those rare cases in which it is necessary to maintain continuous pressure upon the seat of the wound, and to protect the entire plantar surface of the hoof, a covered shoe (Figs. 190 and 191) is recommended. This shoe is provided with a sheet-iron cover, having at the toe a spur which fits into a cor- responding hole in the toe of the shoe, and fastened at the heels by means of screw heel-calks. HORSESHOEING. 173 3. Calk Wounds of the Coronet. All tread-wounds of the coronet, caused by the calks of the opposite shoe, by the shoes of other horses, or by forging, are knoA\Ti as calk wounds, or simply as " calking." The injury itself is either a bruise or a bruised wound, followed by inflam- mation of the coronary cushion and an interruption in the formation of horn at that point. It occurs most often in winter Fig. 190. Fig. 191. Shoe with cover-plate for street-nail treatment; suitable where pressure-dressing is de- sired: a, hole in the bottom of the toe-calk for reception of spur, 6, of cover-plate; r, holes for reception of screw-calks, rf, which fasten the cover-plate to the shoe. from sharp calks, especially on the hind feet. The common seat of the injury is the coronet of the toe and inner side of the foot. The inflammation terminates either in resolution — that is, passes gradually away, leaving the tissues apparently normal — or in suppuration. The perioplic horn-band, which is usually loosened from the perioplic band by the injury, does not again unite. For this reason, and because of the interruption in the 174 HORSESHOEING. formation of horn at the seat of injury, there results a trans- verse depression or cleft in the wall. The shoeing has to deal only with the lameness that may he present as a result of the calking. The section of the wall containing the lesion should be shortened, so that it will not press upon the shoe. Serious calk wounds, as a rule, require treatment by a veterinarian. 4. Corns (Bruised Sole). The expression " corns " is applied to nearly all bruises of the pododerm of the posterior half of the foot, with the excep- tion of the frog, which are apparent to the eye as yellowish, reddish, or bluish-red discolorations of the horn of the sole and white line. The surface of the pododerm (fleshy leaves and villi) is chiefly involved, and almost without exception there is rupture of small blood-vessels and an outpouring of blood between the pododenn and the horn. The blood penetrates the horn-tubes and causes the above-mentioned staining. By subsequent growth of horn these stained patches are carried downward, and are finally uncovered and brought to sight in paring the hoof. T^e seat of corns is either on the fleshy leaves of the quarters, or on the velvety tissue of the sole in the angle between the wall and the bar, or on the fleshy leaves of the bars. Thus we distinguish corns of the wall, sole, and bars. Corns afi^ect chiefly the front hoofs, and more often the inner half than the outer. Unshod feet are seldom affected. According to the intensity of the lesions we distinguish : 1. Dry Corns. — The red^stained horn is dry, and there is seldom lameness. 2. Suppurating Corns. — They are the result of intense bruising followed by inflammation. The pus is either thin and dark grayish in color, denoting a superficial inflammation of the pododerm, or yellowish and thick, denoting a deep in- HORSESHOEING. 175 flammation of the pododerm. In the latter case a veterinariau should be called. Lameness is usually pronounced. 3. Chronic Corns. — In this case there is vivid discoloration of horn in all possible hues. The horn is either soft, moist, and lardy, or crumbling, cracked, and at times bloody. The inner surface of the horn capsule has lost its normal character, and is covered with horny swellings or nodules (Fig. 192, a). Sometimes the wing of the os pedis on tliat side has become morbidly enlarged and loosened. A short, cautious gait alter- nates with well-marked lameness; the latter appears whenever the shoe presses too firmly on the corn, or when the hoof be- comes too dry. The causes, aside from the form and quality of the hoofs and the position of the limbs, lie in injudicious dressing of the hoof and in faulty shoes. Too much trimming of wide and flat hoofs, excessive weakening ^^^^^ aspect of a quarter of a hoof, ' 1 T_ J showing changes in the horn-leaves due to of the quarters, sole, bars, and chronic corns: a, homy tumor resulting j> J? n xi 1 c 1 •! ii from the disease. irog 01 all other hoois, while the toe is usually left too long, are the usual causes. Shortening one quarter too much in relation to the other, so that the foot is un- balanced and the lower side overloaded, is a frequent cause. Hollowing the sole and bars excessively and unnecessary thinning of the branches of the sole in the search for corns are also causes. Among faulty shoes we may mention those not level on the hoof-surface, trough-shaped, too short, in the branches, shoes which do not completely cover the bearing-surface of the hoof, or whose bearing-surface at the ends of the branches is directed do-^Tiward and inward so that the quarters are squeezed to- gether w^hen the weight is put on the foot. Insufficient con- caving of the shoe is often an exciting cause of corns in flat feet and in those with dropped soles. A well-formed shoe which 176 HORSESHOEING. does not rest firmly upon the hoof, or which has been shifted as a result of careless nailing, may as readily cause bruising of the quarters as neglected shoeing. The latter causes, as a rule, corns of the sole. It is very rarely that corns are caused by stones fastened between the frog and branches of the shoe or in unshod hoofs by pebbles becoming wedged in the white line. Dryness is particularly injurious to the hoofs, and is in the highest degree favorable to the production of corns. It renders the hoof stiff and inelastic, and first manifests itself by a short, cautious (sore) gait when the horse is first put to work. Treatment. — First, removal of the causes, by restoring the proper form to the hoof through shortening a toe which is too long (esi^ecially apt to be the case in acute-angled hoofs), cutting down quarters wdiich are too high, and carefully removing all dead horn from the branches of the sole, especially in acute- angled hoofs. Deeply digging out a small area of blood-stained horn is in- jurious. It is much better to thin the horn of the entire branch of the sole uniformly, in doing w^hich we should avoid wound- ing the velvety tissue of the sole or drawdng blood. The proper shoe is the bar-shoe, except when both carti- lages are ossified. The pressure should not be taken from the quarters unless they are sore. When there is a suppurating corn, the shoe should be left off several days. A chronic corn should be protected continu- ously from pressure by the shoe. This is accomplished by using a bar-shoe with leather sole. A three-quarter shoe is not sufficient to properly protect a, hoof affected with a chronic com, if the animal rtiust perform exacting labor on hard roads. The care of the hoof consists in keeping it cool, moderately moist, and pliant. 5. Inflammation of the Heels. Inflammation of the bulbs of the plantar cushion (heels) is usually caused by such external influences as bruising. It occurs HORSESHOEING. 177 in both shod aiid unshod feet. The symptoms are: increased warmth, pain and swelling, sometimes infiltration of the tissues with blood, accompanied by a short, cautious gait, or, if only one foot is affected, by well-marked lameness. The most frequent causes are: going barefoot upon hard (frozen), uneven ground; shoeing hoofs having low heels with flat shoes that are too- short ; sometimes too much frog-pressure by the bar of a bar-shoe; forging and grabbing. The treatment first indicated is a. cooling application in the form of an ice-poultice, or a soaking in cold water. Later, astringent (drying) applications are of benefit, especially if the perioplic horn-ring has partially loosened from the bulbs of the heels; for example, a weak solution in water of sulphate of copper (1 to 20), followed by the application of a shoe with heel-calks, which is quite long in the branches and which must not press upon the luall of the quarters. 6. Laminitis (Founder). By this name we designate a peculiar inflammation of the pododenn at the toe. It arises suddenly in well-nourished and apparently healthy horses, following excessive work or long- continued rest in the stable, and frequently leads to a decided change of form of the hoof. The disease is always accompanied with intense pain. It most often affects both front feet, more rarely all four feet, or only one foot. In the first case the two front feet are planted far in advance of the body, and the hind feet Avell forward under the belly. When all four feet are affected, travelling is ex- ceedingly difficult, often impossible ; in this case there is nearly always a high fever over the entire body. The seat of the disease is in the fle^shy leaves about the toe, more rarely upon the side walls and quarters. Depending upon the intensity of the inflammation, the fleshy leaves are more or less loosened from the homy leaves, as a result of which there is a change of position of the os pedis, with a simultaneous 12 178 HORSESHOEING. sinking of the coronet at tlie toe. This produces a change of form of the hoof. The quarters become higher. Rings form upon the wall, and their course is quite characteristic of the disease. At the toe these rings are quite close to one anotlier, but as they pass back toAvards the quarters they gradually separate from one another and recede from the coronary band (Figs. 193, 19i, and 195). The wall at the toe is sunken just under the coronet; its lower part, on the contrary, is thrust forward. Later, the white Fig. 193. Vertical longitudinal section of a foot altered by chronic laminitis: o, hollow wall at toe thrust forward; h, leafy layer much thickened and crumbling ("seedy-toe"); c, dotted line showing limit to which the toe may be rasped away in shoeing; d, dropped sole; e, atrophy of lower sharp edge of os pedis; g, dotted line indicating the height of the perioplic band; h, foot axis. line becomes pathologically ividened. The horn of the white line is dry, crumbling, and easily broken down, so that a break in continuity (crack) is apt to occur between the wall and sole, and lead to the formation of a hollow wall ("seedy toe"). Where the inflammation is moderate and is not repeated, healing usually takes place and the horn grows down regularly and in normal direction from the coronet. However, a rather brittle condition of the horn remains permanently. If, on the con- trary, the inflammation was very severe or repeated several times, the homy sole becomes flat just in front of the point of the frog as a result of the sinking of the os pedis, or it may even HORSESHOEING. 179 drop below the level of the wall (full hoof, dropped sole). In- deed, it even happens at times that the toe of the os pedis per- forates the horny sole just in front of the point of the frog. Fig. 194. Fig. 195. Foundered foot (chronic laminitis), before dressing. Foundered foot, dressed and shod. The dotted lines indicate its form before being dressed, — i.e., as shown in Fig. 194. The wall at the toe, which was previously but little altered in form, is now tlirust prominently forward. The inflammation of the j^ododerm may under certain con- ditions and by skilful veter- inary treatment be removed, so that the characteristic changes of form and quality of the hoof will not occur. But if this is not accom- plished, as is often the case, the disease will be obstinate, and permanent morbid changes of the horn capsule take place. A horse in such a con- dition can be used, but tlie gait will be short and stiff. The hoofs are shuffled forward and set heels first to the ground, a manner of travelling that rapidly wears away the branches of the shoe. In dreissing a foundered hoof the outer circumference of A hoof altered by chronic laminitis; shod with an open flat shoe: a, wall at the toe does not bear on the shoe; 6, clip at the end of the branch to oppose the tendency of the shoe to slip for- ward when half worn out. 180 HORSESHOEING. the sole is the giiide. The thick projecting wall at the toe may- be removed with the rasp without injuring the foot.. The sole should be spared, but the quarters should be lowered to improve the setting of the foot to the gTound. The choice of the shoe will depend upon the shape and nature of the sole. If this is still concave, an ordinary shoe may be used. If, however, the sole is flat or dropped, it must be protected by an open shoe with a broad web, or with a Fig. 197. A well-covered (wide-webbed) bar-shoe, with two lateral toe-clips and an end-clip, for a foundered foot. An open shoe for a foundered foot with dropped sole. bar-shoe (Eig. 197), which is of especial value when the bear- ing-edge of the wall is weak or broken away. As long as there is pain on pressure about the toe there should be no toe-clip, but two side-clips. The wall between these clips should be lowered a tenth to an eighth of an inch to prevent pressure of the shoe upon the sensitive tissues of the toe (Fig. 195). The nails should be as small as possible and placed well back towards the quarters. No nail should be driven in. the wall at the toe when there is separation of sole and wall at the toe (hollow wall, seedy-toe). The shoes of horses affected with founder often work HORSESHOEING. 181 forward as a result of the animals travelling upon tlieir heels. To prevent this evil, clips may be raised at the ends of the branches of an open shoe, or one clip in the middle of the bar, in case a bar-shoe is used (Fig. 197). Fig. 199. 7. Keraphyllocele (Horn Tumor). A keraphyllocele is a more or less sharijly bounded horn tumor projecting from the inner surface of the wall. Its occurrence is rare. Its favorite seat is at tlie toe. It rarely causes lameness. It can only be diagnosed with certainty when it extends doAvnward to the lower border of the wall. In this case there may be seen a half-moon-shaped thickening of the white line which rounds inward upon the edge of the sole, and is of a waxen color. Frequently the horn at this place crumbles away, lea\'ing a more or less dark-colored cavity from which there sometimes escapes a small quantity of dark-gi-ayish pus. Causes. — Chronic inflammation of the podophyllous tissue, resulting from com- pression or bruising. Keraphyllocele fre- quently follows a complete toe-crack of long duration, or a deep calk-wound at the coronet. Prognosis. — Unfavorable, whether there is lameness or not. If there is no lame- ness it is vei-y apt to arise later, and if lameness is already present it can only be ^hoVng t KelpTy'LL^YhoS! removed by an operation, which should be leaf tumor): o, coronary border; performed by a veteHnarian. A i-etum of J; ^Lrertutorpr^^enl^n" funnel: the lameness following hard work at a trot shaped opening discharging pus. upon hard roads is always to be feared. Shoeing. — An ordinary shoe well concaved underneath the inflamed region, which should be relieved of all pressure.* * Should lameness persist, it will be necessary to remove a strip of the wall from the plantar border to the coronet in order to remove the horn tumor. The fleshy leaves which have secreted the tumor must be extirpated and the surface of the os pedis well scraped, or the growth will return. CHAPTER IX DEFECTS OF THE HOOF. A. Changes of Form. 1. The Flat and the Full Hoof (Dropped Sole). (a) Flat Hoof. — A flat hoof is one whose toe and side walls are inclined very obliquely to the ground surface, and whose sole is on a level with the bearing-surface of the wall. It exists most often in horses bred in low-lying, marshy countries. Frequently the frog is well developed, and projects con- siderably beyond the level of the wall. The branches of the sole sink perceptibly under the weight of the body, much more than in better-formed hoofs. Preparing the Hoof for the Shoe. — The rule is to spare the plantar surface of the foot. After removing from the sole what little loose horn there may be, level the usually defi- cient bearing-surface of the wall with the rasp. The outer border of the wall, especially at the toe, should be rounded off rather more strongly than usual, because the toe requires and will bear considerable shortening. Outward bend- insufficient height of bearing-edge of wall and Jj^^g ^f ^^^ Jo^gj. border of the therefore a corresponding downward and in- " ward inclination of the bearing-surface of wall should bc rcmOVed aS far the shoe. . . • i i as it IS practicable to do so. The shoe, which should be rather wider in the web and thicker than usual, should have its bearing-surface shaped to 182 Cross-section of a shod flat foot: ciently high bearing-edge of wall, and a horizontal bearing-surface on the shoe; b, HORSESHOEING. 183 correspond to the bearing-surface of the wall; that is, if the bearing-surface of the wall is below the margin of the sole (the sole of the foot being uppermost), then the bearing-surface of the shoe should incline downward and inward (Fig. 200, b). The beaj-ing-surface of the branches, however, must always re- main horizontal. The shoe always requires deep concaving, especially along the inner branch of the sole. If the quarters are weak, the walls defective, or there are corns, cracks, loose walls, or other diseases of the hoof, a bar-shoe should be selected. (6) Full Hoof (Dropped Sole). — A full hoof is one whose sole instead of being concave is convex, — ^that is, bulges beyond the bearing-surface of the wall. It either arises gradually from a flat hoof or is the result of laminitis (founder). In full hoofs the lower surface of the os pedis is of the same shape as the horny sole. The preparation of a full hoof for the shoe consists merely in removing all loose horn. In case the dropping of the sole is very pronounced, the bearing surface of the Avail should be built up artificially with Defay's hoof cement. The shoe should be light, but broad in the web, and furnished vnth. a more or less deep concaving, which extends from the inner edge of the web to the outer edge of the shoe, and corresponds in shape to the bulging of the sole. By reason of the deficiency of the wall, the bar-shoe deserves the preference over an open shoe. It is frequently necessary to apply toe- and heel-calks to remove the hoof from contact with the groimd. The nails should he thinner and longer than usual, and a more secure position of the shoe may 1^ secured without injury to the hoof by drawing up two side-clips. Flat and full hoofs are incurable. Shoeing is of benefit only in rendering such horses serviceable. Soles that are soft and sensitive should be smeared vrith crude turpentine or pine- tar, though unusual sen'sitiveness calls for a leather sole. Horses with full hoofs should not be driven faster than a walk over hard roads. During long-continued spells of wet weather 184 HORSESHOEING. Fig. 201. Upright I stumpy hoof, shod with a "tip." 2. It arises also as softening of these hoofs should be prevented by smearing the soles with a hoof-ointinent containing resin. 2. The Upright or Stumpy Hoof. The upright or stumpy hoof is that form in which the quarters, with relation to the toe, are too long (too high). The wall at the toe stands very steep, in some cases perpeaidicular, and is strongly worn away by standing and travelling. Causes. — 1. The upright hoof is peculiar to tlie " standing under " position (Fig. 53, page QQ) and to the so-called bear-foot (Fig. 70, page 12). result of all those alterations in the direction of the limbs wdiich tend to remove the quarters from contact with the ground (con- fir 20*? traction of the flexor tendons, • "" spavin,— Fig. 202). 3. It may arise gradually from neglect of the hoofs of horses running barefoot. 4. It may arise from ex- cessive shortening of the toe in relation to the quarters. Shoeing. — The forms of hoofs mentioned in class 1 should be left as they are. The hoofs that fall under class 2 should be dressed and shod until a more natural setting down of the foot is secured. This is brought about by sparing the quarters, and applying a shoe wath thickened branches or with heel-calks. ^ATiere the service of the animal is HORSESHOEING. 185 exacting and uj^on hard streets, the toes, especially of the hind shoes, may be made more durable by welding in steel plates. Besides, the shoe should be moderately hase-wide around the toe, — that is, should be bevelled downward and outward, should have a strong toe-clip, and should be quite concave at the toe and rolled. (Figs. 203 and 204). Should the hoof tip fonvard whenever the weight is thro%vn upon the limb, a shoe with a Fig. 203. Fig. 204. Shoe for stumpy hoofs, ^■iewed from ground-surface, hoof-surface, and in profile. spur projecting from the centre of the toe, and turning back and pressing upon the wall just underneath the coronary band, will be of ser\'ice (Fig. 202). Only those upright hoofs which are the result of the causes mentioned in 3 and 4 are to be dressed as ordinary hoofs, and if the service required is not too exacting they should be shod with tips (Fig. 201), or with shoes with thinned branches. 3. The Coxtracted Hoof. A hoof ichich has deviated from its normal form in such a mminer that its posterior half, either in part or as a whole, is too narroiu, is a contra<:ted hoof. The walls of the quarters assume an abnormally oblique direction downward and inward towards the median line of the hoof. 186 HORSESHOEING. Fig. 205. ^Yhen contraction affects only one quarter, it is called wii- lateral contraction, or abnormal wryness (Fig. 211). The buttresses are usually very much prolonged and press upon the frog and cause it to shrink. The bars no longer run in the natural straight direction from the point of the frog back- ward and outward, but describe a circle passing outward, back- ward, and inward. Contraction affects front feet, especially those of the acute- angled form, more often than hind feet. In order to determine whether or not a hoof is too narrow, we should always examine the frog and its lateral lacunse. If the frog is small and narrow, and the lateral lacimse very narrow and deep, there can be no doubt but that the hoof is too narrow (contracted). The causes, aside from too little exercise, are chiefly errors in shoe- ing, such as weakening the posterior half of the hoof, leaving too long a toe, either neglecting to remove the A fore-hoof with bilateral contrac- SpurS of hom wllich grOW frOm the tion of the quarters: a, spur of horn -i ,. i j.1, j? ™ prolonged from the buttress, which buttresscs and press upou the ±rog, L°cunrorthe^fror' ^' ""^""^ "^^'^'^'^ ^^ removing them incompletely, and using shoes whose branches are either too wide apart or are inclined do^vnward and inward, so that imder the weight of the body the heels are squeezed together and contraction is favored. Prevention and Treatment. — First, it should be borne in mind that whatever exercises moderate pressure upon the sole, frog, and bars tends to expand the hoof. The action and value of the various shoes, frog-, and sole-pads, are measured by this rule. For this reason a shoe with heel-calks is never advisable if an open flat shoe without other means of relief can be used. HORSESHOEING. 187 Fig. 206. Furthermore, since contraction is the parent of nearly all dis- eases of the hoof (corns, quarter-cracks, bar-cracks, thrush of the frog) , we should use the greatest care to prevent it by dress- ing the hoof as described on pages 98 to 103, using flat shoes with a horizontal bearing-surface for the quarters, giving abundant exercise, preventing drying out of the horn, and allowing the animal to go barefoot when- ever possible. Where the contraction is hut slight the foregoing rules will be found sufficient. In very pronounced contraction, where the hoof is not acute-angled, an expansive shoe with clips raised at the ends of the branches to press against the buttresses may prove very advantageous ; but under no conditions should violence be used in expanding the heels with the expanding-screw. This is an act of ex- treme delicacy, and should be performed only by experienced veterinarians. In very pronounced contraction of one or both quarters of hoofs of every degree of obliquity we may obtain a con- tinuous expansive action by the use of one of the numerous V-shaped springs, of which the Chadwich spring is the best (Fig. 207 and 208). After levelling th^°u:niro^t^off^a^'S the wall and thinning the branches of the ^^'t:'^lX:^^i^ sole, the points of the spring are set s^°^: ^' ^'""^'^ ^^^ expanding I ^ "^ ^ the Defay's shoe. against the buttresses, the apex of the spring moved to and fro till the points have bored well into the horn, when the apex is laid against the sole at the toe, the sole filled with tar and oakum and covered by a leather sole, and a bar-shoe applied. If the contraction be less pronounced, or if the frog be much shrunken we may place a Chadwick 188 HORSESHOEING. spring beneath a rubber bar-pad with a short shoe. The spring may be stiffened from shoeing to shoeing, first by introducing the ferrule at the apex of the spring and later by shifting the ferrule toward the shoulder (Figs. 207, h, and 208, h). For contracted hoofs of the acute-an/^led form we use the bar-shoe, and if there are other diseases of the hoof present, or if we wish a more rapid and continuous expansive action, we use also a leather sole with foot-packing with or without a Fig. 208. Fig. 207. The Chadwick spring for expanding contracted quarters: a, apex of spring; b, ferrule to stiffen the spring; c, point which is buried in a buttress of the hoof. A fore-hoof showing a Chad^-ick spring in proper position: o, Chadwick spring; b, ferrule to stiffen spring as desired; c, uncompressed spring before it has been engaged against the buttresses; d, buttresses in which points of spring are buried. buttress spring. A foul frog should be properly cleansed, and then disinfected A^th pine-tar thinned with alcohol or crude wood-vinegar (pyroligneous acid). Further curative measures are : turning the horse out with- out shoes (expensive and seldom practicable); applying tips; using shoes the bearing-surface of whose branches inclines downward and outward (unilateral contraction requires but one branch to be so constructed) ; hoof-pads of rubber (Figs. 145, HORSESHOEING. 189 Fig. 209. 146, and 147), straw, rope, cork, hoof -cement, etc. Special forms of contraction are distinguished, and are as follows: (a) The Contraction of Wide Hoofs. — This contraction is manifest as a concavity or gi-oove in the wall just below the coronet, usually at the quarters, though sometimes extending entirely around the foot parallel to the coronary band (Fig. 209). Pain is produced in the contracted area by lightly tapping the horn, but not by moderate pressure with the hoof- testers. Green horses witli wdde hoofs, just from the pasture, are particidarly liable to this form of contraction. As a rule, the lameness does not disappear completely until the wall has assumed its natural, straight direction by growing down properly from the coronary band. In dressing the hoof and apply- ing the bar-shoe, care must be taken that the lower border of the wall underneath the painful area is lowered so much that it will not receive direct pressure from the shoe. (6) Contraction of the Sole. — This is accompanied by an unnatural .^^^^-^^^ toad'^Tai.o'^ direction of the wall. Instead of the Kroove in each quarter, and dis- appearing toward the toe. wall being straight from the coronet to the shoe, it describes a curve whose convexity is outward (keg-shaped, claw-shaped when seen from the side) (Fig. 210). The hoof seems constrict>ed (tied in) at the coronet and at its plantar border, the sole is abnormally concave (arched), and the plantar surface of the hoof is considerably shortened from toe to heel. It happens in both shod and unshod horses, with otherwise strong hoofs, but is quite rare. It is occasionally associated A\'ith navicular bursitis ("navicular disease "). 190 HORSESHOEING. Fig. 210. Causes. — Principally dryness, too little exercise, and shoes without horizontal bearing-surface. The treatment is correspondingly simple : The shoes should be flat, fitted full all around to coax the wall out at every point, and the outer border bevelled base-wide, so as to furnish a base of support that is mder and longer than the hoof. In moderate contraction of the sole, the bearing-surface of the shoe should be perfectly horizontal, but if the con- traction be very pronounced, the entire bearing-surface should incline downward and outward (even at the toe). No toe- or side-clip should be used. The shoe should be reset ©very two weeks ; the sole kept so thin by paring that it will spring under thumb pressure, and kept moist by washing, tubbing or " stopping," and the animal given moderate exercise daily. In all forms of contraction of the hoof abundant exercise and the maintenance of the natural 'pliancy of the horn hy daily moistening (washing) with water are absolutely necessary for successful treatment. 4. The Wky Hoof. If one side wall and quarter is steep, and the other very slanting or oblique, we term such a hoof a " wry hoof." Such a hoof divided in the middle line presents two very dissimilar halves. There are three classes of wry hoofs : 1, normal wry hoofs (see Figs. 63-66) ; 2, pathological wry hoofs, or hoofs con- tracted in one quarter (see contracted hoofs) ; 3, wry hoofs which are the result of improper shortening of the wall and of neglect in horses running barefoot. A fore-hoof with a contracted sole, properly shod: a, toe convex in profile; 6, shoe fitted full all around, and "bearing-surface" inclining outward; c, outer border bevelled base-wide. HORSESHOEING. 191 Fig. 211. Only the second and third classes of wry hoofs require especial attention. First, the more oblique wall must be cut down, and the steep wall spared, — a procedure which differs essentially from that employed in treating the first class, but is, nevertheless, entirely warranted, because these second and third kinds of wry hoofs do not correspond to the direction of the limb. In order to take weight from the steep wall, we use with advantage a bar-shoe, which should be longer and ^^dder than the hoof on its contracted side. In other words, enlarge the base of support by mak- ing the branch of the shoe broader. If an entire side wall and quarter is con- tracted the branch of the shoe beneath must be broad, the border bevelled base-wide. and the branch punched so deeply that the nail-holes will fall upon the white line. In old work-horses any sort of shoe may be used, A wry right front foot of the base-wide class, viewed from behind. The bar shoe is fitted full along the contracted inner quarter, and though a flat shoe serves the snug on the outside. The inner branch of the ° _ ^ frog rests upon the bar of the shoe; the outer ig branch is free. The inner quarter from the last nail back to the frog is free of the shoe. purpose best If a hoof wry from faulty paring, and we cannot at once completely restore the proper relative slant of the two walls by paring alone, we may use a shoe with a thicker branch for the half of the hoof which is too low (too steep). In colts such wry hoofs can often be cured only by shoeing. The shoe employed for this purpose is "SO made that the branch imdemeath the steep (contracted) wall is quite thick, but gradu- ally thins away aroimd the toe to the end of the other branch. In strongly marked cases the thin branch may end at tlie middle 192 HORSESHOEING. of the side wall (a three-quarter shoe). This method of shoe- ing shifts the body-weight upon the slanting wall and restores the foot to its proper shape in from two to four shoeings. Causes. — Unequal distribution of the weight in the inner and outer halves of the foot, in conjunction with excessive cutting do^^^l or wear of the steeper wall. All faults in shoeing which tend to produce contraction of the heels aid in the forma- tion of a wry foot, especially when these faults directly affect the steep wall. Neglect of the colt's hoofs during the first years of life frequently lays the basis for wry foot in later years. All wry feet are more susceptible to disease than others. The amount or degree of wryness varies considerably. In a moderately developed case the steep wall (usually the inner) will be drawn in at the plantar border of the quarter, presenting a convex surface between this border and the coronet, and the adjacent branch of the frog ^vill be more or less shrunken. In extreme cases the slanting wall (usually the outer) will also be involved and bent in the opposite direction, — i.e., will be con- cave (dished) between coronet and lower border (crooked hoof). Prognosis. — ^^Tien the degree of wrvness corresponds to the slant of the foot-axis and the old shoe shows nearly uniform wear, the defect is not directly injurious. In very pronounced " wryness," however, with thin, bent walls, a number of asso- ciated lesions, such as corns and cracks, may be present and render the animal unfit for service upon paved or macadam roads. 5. The Crooked Hoof. A crooked hoof (Fig. 212) is one whose walls (viewed from in front or behind) do not pass in a straight, natural direction from the coronet to the ground, but are bent in such a manner that the bearing-surface of the wall in relation to the foot axis lies either too far out or in. It may occur on any foot, but is seldom strongly marked. HORSESHOEING. 193 Fig. 212. Causes. — The causes are either long-continued leaving of one-half of the wall too high, or the use of shoes shaped for normal feet upon hoofs of the base-wide position. The principal part of the treatment is the proper dressing of the hoof. The wall which is bent out at the middle and drawn in at the plantar border is, as a rulcj too high and too near the centre of tKe foot (too narrow) ; the opposite wall, on the contrary, is too low and too far from the centre of the foot (too wide). This explains the manner in which the hoof should be cut down and rasped. The shoe must be laid out as far as possible towards the side which is too high and narrow. A straight edge placed against the high wall touches it only at its middle. The distance of this line from the lower edge of the wall shows us how far the surface of support — namely, the shoe — should be set out beyond the horn. If a crooked right fore-hoof of the base-wide , • 1 J. J T_ 1 J position: a, convex wall, too high; b, concave the straight edge be placed wall, too low; cd shows how much of the outer J. J.L, „ 'j- ,„„n '-I- wall must be removed with the hoof-knife; agamst the opposite wall, it y^ superfluous horn to be removed gradually will touch only at the coronet ^th the rasp; ce and ff;.indi^cate the position •^ of the shoe with relation to the hoof. and at the plantar border, showing that the wall is concave. The distance of the mid- dle of this wall from the straight edge shows us how much too wide this half of the wall is at its plantar border, and how much of the outer surface of the wall at its plantar border should be removed with the rasp. The restora- tion of a crooked hoof to its normal form requires several 13 194 HORSESHOEING. 6. Ossification of the Lateral Cartilage (Side-Boxe). The ossification of a lateral cartilage (Fig. 213) consists in a cliange of the cartilage into bone. Heavy horses are more frequently affected than lighter ones. It most often involves the outer cartilages of tlie forefeet, seldom both cartilages. Side-bones always interfere with the physiological movements of the foot, and may, indeed, entirely suppress them. The disease can only be diagnosed with certainty after the upper part of the cartilage has ossified. The coronet is then rather prominent (bulging), ^'°- 2^^- and feels hard. The gait is short and cautious, and well- marked lameness often follows severe work. As causes, may be mentioned predisposition in heavy lymphatic horses, and violent concussion or shock due to fast work upon hard roads. The disease is incurable. A special method of shoe- A left fore os pedis viewed in profile, show- . . ■. i j.i ing ossification of the external lateral carti- "Ig IS Only nCCCSSary whcu the lage: a dotted line shows normal line of union ^ cartilage is OSsificd and of cartilage with wing of os pedis; 6, ossined t?^ portion ("side bone"). The unossified car- -^l^g quarter UpOU that sido is tilage has been removed by maceration. i « c contracted. After removing the old shoe, whose outer branch is, as a rule, more worn away than the inner, the outer wall will always be found too high, due to the fact that there has been little or no expansion and contraction in this quarter and, therefore, little or no wear of the horn against the shoe. The hoof is therefore wry, — on the outside too high, and on the inside too low. This shows us how the foot should be dressed so as to obtain a proper base of support and a uniform wear of the shoe. The most suitable shoe is a flat shoe, whose branch must be wider than the inner. It is so applied that the inner branch fol- HORSESHOEING. 195 lows the edge of the wall closely, Avhile the outer branch must be full and at the quarter must extend beyond the wall far enough to touch a perpendicular line dropped from the coronet (Fig. 215). The shoe must, therefore, be punched deep (coarse) on the outer branch and fine on the inner, A side-clip must be Fig. 214. Fig. 215. Right fore-hoof whose form has changed as a result of ossification of the external lat- eral cartilage. Shoe with broad outer branch, for the hoof shown in the preceding cut. placed on the outer branch, because in time the outer half of the the hoof will again be too high. Bar-shoes and rubber-pads are injurious when both cartilages are ossified, but may be used w^hen there is partial ossification of but one cartilage, especially if corns are present. B. Disturbances of Continuity of the Hoof. 1. Ceacks. Interruptions of continuity of the wall extending in the direction of the horn-tubes are known as cracks or seams. They have, according to their location, degree, and extent, not only various names, but also a varying significance. 196 HORSESHOEING. Fig. 216. Occurrence.-^On. the inner side of front hoofs, especially of horses that stand base-mde ; on hind hoofs, usually at the toe. Classification. — According to location we distinguish toe- cracks, side-cracks, quarter-cracks, and bar-cracks. Those cracks which affect only tlie upper border of the hoof are called coronary cracJcs; those which are limited to the lower border of the hoof are sometimes designated low cracTcs (plantar cracks) ; while those which are continuous from one border to the other are called complete cra-cJcs. If the crack passes through the entire thickness of the wall to the sensitive tissues imdemeath, it is called a deep or penetrating crach, in contradistinction to the superficial erack (Fig. 216). Causes. — There are many. Be- sides wounds of the coronet, every- thing that impairs the elasticity of the horn, weakens the hoof, and causes an overloading of one-half of the hoof. Furthenuore, great dry- ness and excessive work on hard streets. Prognosis. — This will depend upon the age, kind, and loca- tion of the crack. A low crach is without significance unless it is the remnant of an old coronary crack which has gro^\Ti do\\Ti. Coronary cracks, on the contrary, are more serious be- cause of the lameness which often accompanies them, and especially on account of the long duration of the healing process. The borders of the crack never grow together, and healing can only take place through healthy, unbroken horn growing down from the coronary band. {a) Treatment of Coronary and Bar-Cracks. — If practic- able, allow the affected horse to go barefoot; otherwise, the use of the bar-shoe for all cracks is advised, because it will continuously protect the diseased section of wall from pressure by the shoe. If there are present still other diseases of the Hoof exhibiting a coronary crack, a plantar or low crack, and a complete deep crack, the latter with a nail ready to be clinched. HORSESHOEING. 197 hoof (corns, contraction, flat or full hoof), the addition of a leather sole with packing will be most beneficial, not only in favoring the healing of the crack, but also in improving the form of the hoof and in favoring the cure of the other lesions. In all coronary cracks it is of advantage to assist healing by fastening or immobilizing the borders of the crack by one of the following methods : - 1. By rivets (nails), which pass across the crack through holes previously drilled in the horn (Fig. 217). 2. By clamps or hooks, which by means of special pincers are forced into pockets previously burnt into the horn on opposite sides of the crack (Fig. 219, B). 3. By a thin iron plate placed across the crack and secured by small screws, such as are used in wood (Figs. 220, 221). 4. By means of a bandage to last one shoeing. Toe-crack occurs most often in draught-horses and most fre- quently in the hind feet. In shod hoofs it starts at the coronary border, and unless proper treatment is instituted soon reaches the plantar border. Long toes and low quarters and excessive dryness of the horn are predisposing causes. The exciting cause is usually for^vard pressure of the upper end of the 'short pastern against the thin upper edge of the wall of the toe. In the last part of the phase of contact of hoof with ground the pasterns are upright, or may even incline do^\mward and backward (foot axis broken strongly backward), the short pastern presses the coronary band firmly against the upper thin edge of the toe, when *if brittle through dryness it is unable to stretch and tears asunder. Thus, under the effort of starting a heavy load, when a horse with all four legs flexed has risen upon the points of his toes, a short quick slip followed by a catch, vnW frequently start a crack at the coronet. The hoof should be so dressed and shod that the foot-axis shall be straight when seen from the side. In hind feet it is admissible to break the foot axis slightly fonvard. Therefore, shorten the toe and spare the quartetrs. If the latter are 198 HORSESHOEING. deficient in length, raise tliem by swelling the branches or by- low heel-calks. The shoe may be open, or a bar-shoe, or a short shoe with a rubber frog- and buttress-pad. Whatever expands the quarters closes a toe-crack. The Defay's ^^^^^^^ ^'.""i.^^^: .,,^. shoe (Fig. 206), or the Chad- wick spring beneath a rubber- pad, or beneath a bar-shoe with leather sole, if the frog be much shrunken, will be of service. The shoe should fit air-tight, except for an inch or so on botli sides of the crack. Two lateral toe- clips (Fig. 217) are drawn up, and the wall between these clips is cut down from a twelfth to an eighth of an inch. After the shoe has been nailed on tight the toe-crack should be immobilized. The best method is by buried nails. Slots are burned or cut on opposite sides at a distance of an inch from the crack. With a spiral drill (see Fig. 218) bore a hole from a slot at right angles to the Toe-crack immobilized by lateral toe- clips: a, bearing-surface left free from pressure; b, heads of the rivets (nails) driven through holes previously drilled. Fig. 218. uu/7r7 rm^^z^r^. Spiral drill for boring the hole into which a round wire nail is driven to fasten a toe-crack, (a) three sided point of drill (similar to the point of a stilet of a csecal trocar). crack. Make a similar hole on the opposite side. Make the holes continuous by introducing a straight hot wire. The rivet may be an ordinary round wire nail which has been softened by bringing it to a yellow heat and allowing it to cool slowly. HORSESHOEING. 199 Fig. 219. —-& It is driven through and the ends firmly clinched. Such a nail is easily placed, need not press upon fleshy leaves, can not be stripped off or lost, and holds fast. The horse should s.tand on the foot while the rivet is being clinched. Two are sufficient for a complete crack (Fig. 217). A more rapid, though less efficient method of immobilizing a toe- or a quarter-crack is by the use of the Vachette hook. A special apparatus is required (see Fig. 219). The burning iron (Fig. 219, 4) is brought to a yellow heat, its end applied to the wall so that the two ears are on opposite sides and equi- distant from the crack, when it is pressed firmly till the shoulder (Fig. 219, h) touches the sur- face of the wall. A Vachette hook, the distance between the points of which equals the dis- tance between the ears of the firing iron, is seized by the special pincers (C), pressed into the slots burned to receive it, and is then driven into the horn bv COmDrPSsino- thp ninPPr'? ^' shoulder; B, Vachette hook; C, pincers noru uy comprchbin^ ine pincers. ^^^ io^cing. the hook into the wall. At the toe these hooks are fre- quently stripped off by the heels of the opposite shoe (in hind feet). Free application of hoof ointment, and maceration of the horn by melting snow or mud tends to loosen them so that they often drop out. An efficient method of fastening either a toe- or a quarter- crack is by using a metal plate one-sixteenth {^/i^') of an inch thick, provided with four to eight holes for the reception A, Vachette burning iron for making the two slots to receive the ends of the hook; 200 HORSESHOEING. of screws four- to five-sixteenths of an inch long. The plate is heated, bent to conform to the cun'^ature of the wall and pressed against tlie horn till it burns a bed for itself, when it is screwed fast. It will not loosen (see Fig. 220, b). In every complete crack of the wall the growing down of coherent horn is favored by thinning the horn for an inch on both sides of the crack directly over the coronary band (see Fig. 221, a), so that any gliding movement between the sides of the crack below can Fig. 221. Fig. 220 Hoof with coronary quarter-crack, shod with Hoof with complete quarter crack, shod with a bar-shoe. The part of the quarter reheved of a bar-shoe : a, area thinned almost to the podo- pressure a, is indicated by the dotted lines; b, derm; b, tg inch metal plate secured by screw iron plate secured by small wood screws xVib is of an inch long; c, quarter relieved of pres- of an inch in length, j sure from bottom of crack to a perpendicular dropped from top of crack. not be transmitted through the thinned area to the crack in the velvety tissue of the coronary band. Cutting a " V " at the coronet acts similarly, but is less efficient. Quarter-crack is usually associated mth contraction of the heels. It occurs on the inner quarter of base-wide (toe-wide) hoofs, and rarely in the outer quarter of base-narrow hoofs. For quarter-cracks w^e use a bar-shoe and determine the extent of the wall to be laid free in the following manner: We imagine the crack to be prolonged in the direction of the horn tubes to the plantar border, and drop a perpendicular line from the upper end of the crack to the plantar border. That part of the plantar border lying between these two points is then to HORSESHOEING. 201 be lowered sufficiently to prevent j)ressure from the shoe until the next shoeing (Figs. 220, a, and 221, c). This method should he followed even when the jDerpendicular line falls behind the buttress. The crack may be immobilized by the metal plate, or by narrow ticking bandage or adhesive tape wound a half dozen times around the hoof,, in conjunction with a bar-shoe, Chadwick spring, leather sole and tar and oakum sole-packing. In dressing the hoof, the side containing the crack should be spared, the opposite side lowered, the object being to shift the weight and consequent expansion into the sound quarter. W^ien the affected quarter is deficient in length the branch of the shoe beneath should be made thicker, even to the extent of causing it to ground in advance of the opposite branch. Next to shoeing, rubber hoof-pads render good service, be- cause through them a part of the body-weight is distributed over the sole and frog. They assist in widening the hoof, and lessen shock when the foot is set to the ground. These are all matters which favor the growing down of unbroken horn. When the crack gaps widely, and the frog is small and deep in the foot a shoe unth bar-clips (Defay's shoe), or a Chadwick spring, with bar-shoe and leather sole may be used. It is not impossible, indeed, to obtain a cure by using an ordinary open flat shoe, though much will depend upon the other lesions that may be present, the nature of the hoof, and the service required of the animal. If the edges of the crack are irregular and overlapping, they should be carefully thinned away. Thinning the horn on lx)th sides of the crack over the coronary band, preventing dry- ing out of the horn, and frequent applications of carbolized oil to the coronet favor growth of undivided horn and guard against a renewal of the crack. If in the beginning of the disease there is inflammation and lameness, cooling poultices should be used for several days. When there is no lameness, the horse may be used for slow draft purposes. Coach- and saddle-horses should he kept 202 HORSESHOEING. from fast work until sound honi has grown down at least one- half of an hich from the coronet. Bar-crachs are usually the result of changes of position of the quarters, and are just as frequently brought about by con- traction as by leaving the quarters too high. We see them almost entirely upon the fore-hoofs. They seldom occur alone, but are usually accompanied by corns. When the crack ex- tends to the pododerm there is a superficial inflammation of ■the pododerm and lameness. When treatment is not promptly begun the inflammation extends to the deeper layers of the pododerm, or, indeed, even to the plantar cushion, and gives rise to swelling of the bulb of the heel upon that side and to a well-marked lameness, which requires treatment by a com- petent veterinarian. Ordinarily a bar-crack is only found by a close examination of the hoof after the shoe has been removed. In paring the hoof the crack usually appears as a dark streak, sometimes as a bloody fissure; not infrequently grayish hoof -pus is discovered in the depths of the crack. The treatment must be directed towards favoring the growth of a continuous (unbroken) bar. This is accomplished by com- pletely removing the edges of tlie crack, paring the horn of the vicinity very thin, and preventing the least pressure upon the wall of this quarter by the shoe, by lowering this quarter with the rasp and applying a bar-shoe with leather sole. Following the removal of the edges of the crack there often appears, especially in stumpy hoofs, a deep groove; if the bot- tom of this groove is moist, we should pack it with oakum wet with a five per cent, solution of creolin or carbolic acid, and cover the oakum with wax (grafting wax). The cracks will return if the exciting causes cannot be completely removed. (&) Treaiment of Low Cracks (Plantar Cracks). — These cracks, occurring principally upon the hoofs of unshod horses, are the result of excessive stretching and bending of the lower border of the wall. Insufficient rounding of the wall with the rasp is largely responsible for them. An exciting cause in HORSESHOEING. 203 shod horses is the use of too large nails in shoes that are punched too fine. Every coronary crack becomes in time a low or plantar crack, and this has an important bearing upon the prognosis, because a renewal of the coronary crack will be followed by a low crack. In order to remove these cracks it is sufficient merely to shoe the horse. Upon, shod horses they may be prevented by using properly punched shoes and thin nails. The lower border of the wall near the crack should be relieved of pressure by cutting out a half-moon-shaped piece of horn. To prevent the crack from extending farther upward we may bum a trans- verse slot at the upper end of the crack, in as far as the leafy layer of the wall, or cut such a slot with a small hoof-knife. 2. Clefts. An interruption of continuity of the wall, at right angles to the direction of the horn-tubes, is called a cleft. Clefts may occur at any part of the wall ; vet they occur most often upon the inner toe and -pj^ 2oo inner side, as a result of injury from sharp, improperly placed heel-calks (see page 173). How- ever, suppurating corns, or other suppurative processes situated at the coronet or which find their point of escape at tlie coronet, may from time to time lead to separa- tions of continuity and the forma- tion of horn-clefts. Horn-clefts, though the result of lesions which are often very injurious and interefere with the use of the horse, are of themselves not an evil which can be abolished or healed by shoeing, although, in many cases, proper shoeing would have prevented them. A horn-cleft is not a matter for Hoof with clefts of the toe and aide wall. 204 HORSESHOEING. consideration by tlie shoer until it lias grown do^vn so far that it comes within the region of the nails. In order not to disfigure the hoof unnecessarily, the horn below the cleft should be kept in place as long as possible by shortening the wall at that point, to remove shoe-pressure, and by driving no nails into it. If, however, the horn is loose and about to come away, it should be removed and the defect filled with Defay's patent horn-cement. 3. Loose Wall. Separation of the wall from the 'sole in the white line is called loose wall (Fig. 223, a). Occurrence. — Frequent on the fore-hoofs of shod and un- shod horses, and oftener upon the inner than upon the outer side. More rare on hind hoofs. Common-bred horses vnth. \^dde and flat feet are predisposed to this trouble. We distinguish superficial and deep loose wall; only the latter requires the sheer's attention, because it leads to lameness. Causes. — Walls which are very oblique (slanting) ; outward bendings of the plantar border of the wall ; burning the horn with hot shoes ; dryness ; neglected shoeing ; excessive softening of the horn with poultices, particularly of cow-dung; careless- ness in preparing the bearing-surfaces of hoof and shoe in shoe- ing ; uneven fitting of the shoe. Treatment. — It aims to remove the lameness and to favor growth of coherent horn. In the first place the removal of the exciting causes, followed by proper shortening of the wall. We should apply a shoe whose bearing-surface inclines slightly down- ivard and imcard, is perfectly smooth, and wide enough to cover the wall, white line, and outer border of the sole; the iron should be only moderately warm. Where there is lameness we use a leather sole with packing, or a bar-shoe. The loose wall should be freed from shoe-pressure only when it does not extend far along the white line. When the separation is extensive the loose wall should not be lowered. The crack should be filled with wood-tar, ciiide turpentine, or soft gi-afting-wax. HORSESHOEING. 205 If a loose wall occur upon the foot of a horse while running barefoot, all separated horn should be removed ; if, on account of the nature of the ground, this seems to be impracticable, the hoof must be shod. Care of the Hoof. — Shoe at least every four to five weeks. Preserve the pliancy and toughness of the horn by judicious moistening. 4. Hollow Wall. A hollow wall is one in which a separation has occurred be- tween the middle layer of the wall and the heraphyllous layer. This crack or separation always extends in the di- rection of the layers of the waU (Fig. 223, b). Occurrence. — Quite rare. We should suspect a hollow wall when a part ^^ imaginary transverse vertical section of a hoof •'■ showing (a) loose wall and (6) hollow wall. of the wall rounds out prominently beyond the rest, and gives forth a hollow (reson- ant) sound when struck. The white line presents a crack, yet we should hesitate to form a conclusion as to the extent of the separation from the extent of the crack along the white line, since the latter may be considerably smaller. The separa- tion extends higher up the Avail than in the case of loose wall, frequently to the coronet. The cavity is usually filled with crumbling, disintegrated horn. Hollow wall is not often accompanied by pain. Lameness may arise, however, if the hollow section of wall assists in bearing the body-weight, and if the animal does fast work upon paved streets. Causes. — Mechanical influences resulting in chronic inflam- mation of fleshy leaves. Treatment. — A cure is possible, but requires considerable time. In shoeing, which should always aim to relieve pressure 206 HORSESHOEING. from the hollow section of wall, we cleanse the cavity and fill it with oakum and tar, cinide turpentine, or w^ax. Where the separation is very extensive we use a har-shoe. The time required for complete cure of hollow and loose walls will depend upon the height of the separation (see growth of the hoof, page 82). 5. Thkush of the Frog. Wlien the horny frog is ragged and fissured, and an ill- smelling, dark-colored liquid collects in the lacunfe of the frog, it is affected with thrush. When thrush exists uninterruptedly for several months the perioplic band is irritated and forms rings of periople which ^^" ^' assume an in-egular course and cross the rings of the middle layer of the wall (Fig. 224). The causes: un- cleanliness, too little exercise in fresh air, excessive paring of the frog, and the use of shoes with calks by which the frog is Hoof with irregular superficial rings resulting from thrush pemianentlv rCmOVed of the frog. <- . i " i from the ground. The consequences are, besides contraction of the hoof, sore- ness in travelling, a shortening of the step, and, occasionally, well-marked lameness. Treatment. — Removal of all greasy horn from the frog, and of the prominent overgrown angles of the buttresses (see page 100), thorough washing of the frog once or twice daily with a 5 per cent, creolin or carbolic solution, abundant exercise, and shoes without calks, CHAPTER X. SHOEING MULES, ASSES, AND OXEN. Fig. 225. 1. The shoeing of -mules and asses is, as in the case of horses, a necessity if these animals are to be used for draft or saddle purposes on hard streets. The structure and char- acteristics of the hoofs of these animals are quite similar to those of the horse, differing chiefly in the form and thickness of the wall. The mule hoof is long and narrow and round at the toe, the sole is well arched, and the side walls are rather steep (Fig. 225). In the ass the narrowness of hoof is still more pronounced, the wall is relatively thick, the frog is particularly well devel- oped in its branches, and therefore the hoof is relatively wide in the region of the quarters. The horn of both mule and ass is tough. The shoes differ from those of tlie horse in no other respect than that they should be lighter and narrower. Four nail-holes are sufficient for an ass' shoe, and five to six for a mule's. On account of tlie hardness and touffh- ^ ™"''''* ^°°^- (P'antar sur- '^ face). ness of the walls, we use nails that are short but strong in the shank; nails with weak shanks are apt to bend in driving. 2. The shoeing of oxen is essentially different from that of horses, because the foot of the ox is cloven (split), the long pastern, short pastern, and hoof-bone are double, so that, in- stead of one hoof or claw, there are two upon each foot, dis- tinguished as outer and inner. Each claw consists of wall, 207 208 HORSESHOEING. sole, and bulbs; the frog is absent. The wall is considerably thinner than that of the horse's hoof, the sole is thin, and the bulbs are low. Eor these reasons the shoe designed for a claw must be thin, but wide. The holes must be punched fine and the nails be quite (short and strong. On each shoe a long tongue should be made on the inner edge near the toe, and so directed that it can be turned upward and outward to embrace the toe of the claw. Fig. 226. A small clip raised on the outer toe of each shoe will increase its stability. In some parts of Saxony the shoes are so made that the tongue of each shoe begins in the rear third of its inner edge and runs forward, upward, and outward, closely embracing the wall of the toe. The smaller clip is drawn up on the outer edge of the shoe close to the toe. These shoes are more difficult to make, but when applied sit more firmly and remain fast longer than all others. Machine-made ox shoes (Fig. 227) have no clip at the inner toe, and are fre- HORSESHOEING. 209 quently pulled and lost. For this reason they are inferior to hand-made shoes. An undivided 'shoe (the so-called " closed claw-shoe ") is unsuitable for oxen, because it deprives both claws of their natural, free movements. However, such a shoe is of advantage for heavy draft over hard and very rough roads, because it lessens the liability of the fetlock and coronai^ joints and the cleft of the claws to strains. Great difficulty is often encountered in holding the feet during the operation of shoeing. It is necessary to fasten the head securely against a tree, -pio 227 post, or wall. A front foot may be raised and held by passing a slip-noose in the end of a rope or side-line around the fetlock and carry- ing the line over the withers to the opposite side, where it is held by an assistant. A hind limb may be controlled by passing a round pole in front of the hock of the leg to be raised, and, with a man at each end of the pole, carry- ing the limb backward and upward, in which position it is held ; or the limb may be bent and controlled by tightening a twitch or tourniquet upon the leg just above the hock (Fig. 228). Oxen that continue to resist may sometimes be quieted by light blows of a short stick upon the base of the horns. In parts of the country where many oxen are shod stocks are in common use. Very satisfactory stocks have been designed by Gutenaecker, of Munich (Fig. 229). The four comer-posts (a, a, h, h) are eight inches square and eight feet long, of which three feet 14 Pair of machine made ox shoes, viewed from the ground-surface and in profile; a, toe-calk; b, heel-calks. 210 HORSESHOEING. four inches are solidly implanted in the ground. They are united bj side- and cross-bars {c, c, d). In front of the comer- posts {a, a) and in the middle line stands a head-post (e) of the same dimensions as the corner-posts, provided with a slot four inches wide and twenty inches long beginning three feet from the ground. In this slot is a pulley- wheel (i), and below it a windlass {h) for winding up the rope which is tied around the base of the animal's horns. The comer-posts are pro\aded with a slot (n) three inches wide and three inches deep, Fig. 228. Hind foot raised by means of a round pole. within which are placed two movable side-bars {o, p), which can be set at desired heights and fastened by iron pins. Be- tween the front and rear oomer-posts of the right-hand side is an eight-sided roller with a ratchet and click at one end, and having on one of the sides six iron hooks, to which a girth is attached. On the opposite side of the stocks, at the same height, is a stationary bar (f) with six hooks (g, g) on the outer side. The belly girth is six feet long, six inches wide, and terminates at both ends in several strong cords two feet HORSESHOEING. 211 four inches long with iron rings at their ends. Between the front comer-posts are a neck-yoke (h) and a breast-bar which slide in the slots (m) and may be fixed at desired heights by iron pins. On the rear face of each rear corner-post is an iron 212 HORSESHOEING. bracket (s) one foot and a half long, with a ring (t) six inches in diameter, through which passes a round pole padded in the middle and kept in place by two iron pins. Above each bracket is a hook (w) to which the end of the breeching attaches. Before an animal is brought into the stocks the neck-yoke is raised, the breast-bar lowered, and the girth left hanging from the hooks on the stationary bar. The ox is then led into the stocks and the rope which is tied around the balse of the horns is carried over the pulley (i) , fastened to the hook on the roller (k), and wound up till the head is tight against the head- post. The yoke and breast-bar are then placed in position and fastened, the breeching hung on the hooks (u), and the belly girth attached to the hooks on the roller, so that, if need be, it can be shortened till it bears the animal's entire weight. To control a front foot a slip noose is placed about the fet- lock and the limb is raised and lashed to the side-bar, the rope passing finally to the hook (r). To control a hind foot a slip noose is placed about the fetlock, the foot carried upward and backward over the rear cross-bar, and, wdth the front sur- face of the fetlock-joint resting against the padding of the bar, the limb is firmly 'secured by wrapping the line several times about the limb and bar. When no stocks are at hand, we may use an ordinary farm wagon or a truck wagon. Tie the ox with his head forward between the front and hind wheels. Fasten the large end of a binding pole to the spokes of the front wheel and let it rest on the hub. Swing the pole close . to the ox and induce him to step over it with one hind leg, then raise the rear end of the pole, and with it the leg and so much of the animal's hind quarters that the inner hind leg standing close to the wagon re'sts but lightly upon the ground. The binding pole may then be slung with a rope from the rack of the wagon or other stationary object and the outer limb held in the usual manner. By following this method a sheer with one assistant can easily and safely control the most refractory oxen. INDEX Apprentice, 14 Arteries, 41 Articulations, 21 Balanced hoof, 101 Balling with snow, 149 Bar-shoe, uses of, 164 Bare foot, preparing the hoof, 102 Bars, 51 dressing, 99 Base-narrow position, 63, 68 Base-wide position, 63, 68 Beaked shoe, 184 Bear-foot, 72 Bearing surface of shoes, 117, 127 Blood-vessels, 41 Bow-legged position, 64 Buttress, 100 Calf-kneed, 66 Calk wound, 173 Camped behind, 68 in front, 66 Cannon bone, 20, 21 Carpus, 20 Cartilages, lateral, 39 Cast iron, 103 shoes, 132 Chadwick spring, 187 Clefts, 203 Clinch cutter, 97 Clinching, 131 CUps, 111 Close naihng, biu-ning, 166 Contracted hoof, 185 sole, 190 Com, chronic, 175 dry, 174 suppurating, 174 Corns, 174 treatment, 176 Coronary band, 47 joint, 31 Ugaments, 31 Cover-plate shoe, 173 Cow-hocked, 68 Cracks, 195 coronary and bar, 196, 202 plantar, 202 Crest, semilunar, 27 Crooked hoof, 192 Cross-firing, 140 Defay's shoe, 187 Diseases of hoof, 165 Dressing the hoof, 98 Driving the shoe, 130 Drop-forged shoes, 132 Dropped sole, 178, 182, 183 Elastic parts of foot, 38 Examination before shoeing, 90 Feet, forms of, 69 Femur, 20 Fetlock, hgaments of, 29 joint, 28 Fiber shoes, 134 Fibula, 20 Flat hoof, 182 Fleshy frog, 49 sole, 49 wall, 48 Fhght of hoofs, 72, 75 Foot, articulations of, 28 bones of, 24 Foot-axis, 70 relation to sole, 100 straight and broken, 101 213 214 INDEX Forging, 138 Founder, 177 dressing hoof, 179 shoeing, 180 Frog, 57 dressing, 99 Front shoe, making, 105 Frost-nails, 146 Full hoof, 183 Fullering, 109 hammer, 104 Gathered nail, 170 Hair-skin, 44 Head, bones of, 17 Heavy draught horses, shoeing, 125 Heel-calks, 112 always sharp, 154 Heels, inflammation of, 176 Hind shoe, making, 107 Hock, 21 Hollow wall, 205 Hoof, 50 benefits of movements within, 89 crooked, 84 growth of, 82 healthy, 81 irregular growth, 83 knife, 98 ointments, 159, 160 physiological movements of, 86 wear against shoe, 86 wear of, 82 Hoof-skin, 45 Hoofs, care of unshod, 157 Hoofs, forms of, 77, 80 of colts, care of, 157 Horn, minute structure of, 58 quahties of, 59 tumor, 181 ' Horseshoeing, object of, 13 schools, 15 Horseshoer, requisites of, 14 Humerus, 19 Hunters, shoeing, 123 Interfering, 142 Iron for horseshoes, 103 Joints, free, hinge, and pivot, 22 Keraphyllocele, 181 Knee-sprung, 67 Laminitis, 177 Leather sole, 164 Ligaments, 21 Limbs, standing positions, 62 Loose wall, 204 Low-jointed, 66 Mucous bursse, 35 Mule shoes, 207 Muscles, 22 Nail holes, 110 Nailing, 166 causes of, 167 examination and treatment, 167, 168 Nails, 128 Navicular bone, 28 Nerves, 44 Nippers, 99 Normal position, 62, 64, 67, 69 Os pedis, 26 Ox shoes, 208 Oxen, securing feet, 209 Pacers, shoeing, 124 Pads, rubber, 135 Pastern, long, 25 short, 26 Patella, 20 Pedal joint, 31 ligaments, 31 INDEX 215 Peg-calks, 150 Peg toe-calks, 152 Pelvis, 19 Periople, 53 Perioplic band, 47 Periosteum, 21 Pigeon-toed position, 64 Pincers, 97 Plantar cushion, 40 Pododerm, 45 Pododermatitis, symptoms of, 161 treatment of, 163 Podophyllous tissue, 48 Podometer, 105 Pricking, direct nailing, 166 Pritchel, 105 Protective organs of foot, 44 Punch, 105 Quarter crack, 200 Quarters, contraction of, 186 Radius, 20 Raising feet in shoeing, 92 Removing shoes, 97 Rolled toe, 118 Rope shoes, 133 Rubber shoes, 134 Runners, 123 Saddle horses, shoeing, 122 Scapula, 19 Screw heel-calks, 148 Seedy toe, 178 Sesamoid bones, 25 ligaments, 29-31 Sharp toe- and heel-calks, 146 Shod hoofs, care of, 159 Shoe, choosing the, 116 for acute-angled hoof, 114, 120 for base-narrow hoof, 114, 121 for base-wide hoof, 114, 121 for narrow hoof, 115, 121 for regular hoof, 114, 120 Shoe, for stumpy hoof, 114, 120 for wide hoof, 115, 121 parts of, 103 wear of, 84 weight of, 116 Shoeing defective hoofs, 161 Shoes, fittmg, 118 general properties, 107 machine, 132 making, 103, 105 nailing, 128 removing old, 97 shaping and fitting, 117, 120 special properties, 114 Sickle-hock, 68 Side-bone, 194 Sole, 55 contraction of, 189 Spinal column, 17 Splint-bones, 20 shoe, 172 Standing under, 66 Station of rest, 65 Steel, 103 Stocks, for horses, 95 for oxen, 209 Stifle joint, 20 Stilt-foot, 184 Street-nail, 170 Stride, height of, 75 length of, 75 Stumpy hoof, 184 Suspensory ligament, 29 altering tension of, 36-38 Synovia, 21 Tendon, anterior extensor, 32 deep flexor, 33 lateral extensor, 32 sheaths, 35 superficial flexor, 33 Tendons, 24 Tension of tendon, altering, 36 216 INDEX Thorax, 18 Thrush, 206 Tibia, 20 Toe- and heel-calks, 112 Toe-calk, blunt, 113 haK-sharp, 113 sharp, 112 Toe-crack, 197 Tools for making shoes, 104 Tread, 173 Trotters, shoeing, 124 Trunk, 17 Tubbing and stopping, 159 Ulna, 20 Vachette hook, 199 Veins, 43 Velvety frog, 49 sole, 49 Wall, 51 dressing, 99 height of, 52 leafy layer, 53 protective layer, 53 slant of, 52 thickness of, 53 Weight, influence of, 75 Weights, side and toe, 77 White hne. 56 Wide hoofs, contraction of. Wry hoof, 193 ^ JUN 82 Ig^ N. MANCHESTER,