TK D. H. HILL im^ NORTH C«0Liri>4 ST4TE C0LLC6C & tXUMi. COi QH 13-1 \h ^.<^^ ENT0M0L0aiC4L COLLECTION This book must not be taken from the Library building. 25M JUNE 58 FORM 2 OUTLINES O F T H E NATURAL HISTORY O F G R E AT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. CONTAIN ING A fyftematic Arrangement and concife Defcription of all the Animals, Vegetables, and Foffiles which have hitherto been difcovered in thefe Kingdoms. By JOHN BERKENHOUT, M. D. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. Comprehending the Animal Kingdom. LONDON: Printed for P. Elmsly (SuccefTor to Mr. Va ill ant) facing Southampton-llreet, in the Strand. M DCC LXIX. T O THE RIGHT HONORABLE THOMAS LORD VISCOUNT WEYMOUTH. My Lord, IPrefume to dedicate to Your Lord- fliip the refult of my amufement during my late refidence in the Coun- try ; a book which, for the fake of this Nation, I requeffc that you will never read. The fubjecfl, though of confequence to fome individuals, is be- A 2 neath N iv DEDICATION. neath the attention of a Secretary of State. But no man knows better than Your Lordfhip tlie importance of the office you fill -, therefore no man is lefs likely to indulge in trivial ftudies or amufements. Why then, it may be aflced, do I trouble You with a book, with the fubjed: of which You ought to remain unacquainted ? If Your Lordfhip afk the queftion, I will honeftly tell You, that my motives are gratitude and va- nity. With regard to the firft, it is all I have to offer for obligations which I can never forget j and concerning the latter, I could not refift the oppor- tunity of boafting to the world, that I am not difregarded by a Minifter of State, DEDICATION. v State, confpicuous for abilities, firm- nefs and integrity -, a Minifler whom fadion and ignorance may cenfure, but whom all wife and good men, of the prefent and of fucceeding ages, will admire and applaud. I am. My Lord, Your Lordfliip's Moft obedient and humble fervant. John Berkenhout. A 3 PR E F A C E. THE prefcnt age is diftinguilhecl by no event fo charadleriftic as the improve- ment of Natural Hiftory. There were in-- deed many curious naturalifts in former times, particularly in the laft age and in this country, to whofe labours v,^e owe great obligation ; but for want of a clear idea of fyftem, their writings were confufed, and .the ftudy of nature remained too difficult to become general. To form a regular fcien- tific Syftem of Nature was refcrved for the great, the celebrated, the indefatigable Lin- naeus, whofe genius and induftry can hard- ly be fufRciently admired. Neverthelefs, the Linnsean Syftem hativ met with fome opponents, and many ob- jcdions have been made to particular parts of it i but this oppofition, and thefe ob- jedions, were infufficient to prevent its be- ing univerfally received and adopted. A 4 That viii PREFACE. That the Syftem is imperfed is mofi: cer- tain ; but thole who expert j)erfedlion in a fyftem of Nature, are uhacquainted'With tlie fubjecft. The works of the Creator are link- ed together in one continued perfedb chain, fo as to admit of no abfolute divifion, an4 confequently can never be reduced to a po- fitive fyftemt All that we can exped is fuch an artificial arrangement and divifion of bodies into kingdomvS, clafles, orders, genera, and fpecies, as may enable us to diftinguilb, with precifion, one body from another. In this attempt Linnssus has fuc- ceeded much better than any preceding writer, ancient or modern j -Linnaeus, there- fore, I have follov/ed implicitly : I mean in regard to arrangement. But as the Na- tural Hiflory of a particular country admits of more precifion and explanation, than a general Syftem, I have added to, and fre- quently varied from his defcriptions : fo that , thofe who may, at firft fight of this work, fuppofe it to be nothing more than a tranf- lation of Linnseus, will, upon comparing it^with the Syjiema Natur^^ find themfelves miftaken. 2 Thefe PREFACE. ix Thefe volumes being intended as pocket companions for young Natualifts in their excurfions from home, I have avoided fwel- ling the work with references to the authors I have confuked, quoting thofe only which are either omitted, or wrong quoted, by Linnseus in his laft edition of the Syjlema Nature : for the reft, I muft refer the Rea- der to that Work. The remaining two volumes, containing the Vegetable and Foflile Kingdoms will be publilhed with convenient fpeed. The ••t-> *. The Animal Kingdom is divided into fix Claffes, viz. Clafs f. Mammalia. Suckle their young. II. Birds. Body covered with feathers. III. Amphibia. Lungs arbitrary. , IV. Fishes. Breathe by gills, not arbitrarily. V. .Insects. Two antenna, or feelers. VI. Vermes. No head. I. MAMMALIA. Order I. Primates. Four parallel foreteeth. Tw» perioral tnamma. II. Fene. Upper fore teeth 6; canine teeth 2 in each jaw. III. GUres. Fore- teeth fharp, 2 in each jaw. No canine teeth. IV. Pccora. No upper fore-teeth. Under fore-teeth 8. Hoof divided. Horns. V. BeUita. Fore-teeth more than 2 in each jaw. No horns. VI. Cete. No legs. n. B I R D s. - Order I. Aciphres. Bill and claws arched, ftrong. II. Pica. Bill comprefled, curved a little. III. Anferes. Bill obtufe at the end. Feet : , webbed or finned. IV. Gralla. Legs very long. V. GalUna. Bill convex ; the upper man- dible arched. Toes connected by a 2 membrane ( xii ) membrane at the bottom. Tail- feathers more than 12. VI. PaJJeres. Bill conic, pointed. Noftrils oval, broad, naked. m. AMPHIBIA. Order I. Reptiles. Feet 4. \\. Serpents, No legs. No fins. III. Nantes. No Icales. Rays of their fins cartilaginous. IV. FISHES. Order I. Apodes. No ventral fins. II. Jugiilares. Ventral fins before the pec- toral. III. Thoracici. Ventral fins under the pec- toral. JV. Abdominales. Ventral fins behind the pecloral. V. IN S ECTS. Order I. Coleoptera. Wings 2, covered by 2 fhells, divided by a longitudinal future. II. Hemtptera. Sliells, or covers of the wings fomewhat "foft and incumbent on each other. III. Lepidoptera. Wings 4, imbricated with minute fcales. IV. Neuroptera. Wings 4, naked, tranf- parent, reticulated with veins or nerves. Tail without fting. V. Hymenoptcra. Wings 4, membraneous. Tail of the female armed with a fting. ■ VI. Dip- \ ( xiii ) VI. Dlptera. Wings 2. VII. Jptera. No wings. VI. VERMES. Order I. Intejlina. Naked, fimple, without limbs. II. Mollujca. Simple, without ftell ; but not entirely v/ithout limbs. III. Tejtacea. Inclofed in a hard fhcll move- able by the animal. IV. Lithopkyta. Coral. V. Zoophyia. Stems vegetating and chang- ing into animals. THE THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. CLASS I. MAMMALIA Suckle their Young. Quadrupeds, except the laft Order. Ord. I. PRIMATES. Four parallel upper fore-teeth. Two peroral mammjE. HOMO. Fore-teeth fharp-edged. Walks ereft. i. Sapiens. Rational Man. VESPERTILIO. Teeth fharp-pointed. Flies. 1. Auritus. Long-eared Bat. Ears double and larger than the head. Len^ith not quite two inches. 2. Murinus. Short-eared Bat. Length 2 \ inches. B IIL FER.*:, D. H. HILL LIBRARY, 2 MAMMALIA. F E R ^, III. F E R iE. Upper fore teeth 6, fomewhat fiiarp and conici Canine teeth 2 in each jaw, longer than the reft. PHOCA. Hind legs horizontal. Feet webbed. 1. Vitulina. SeaU or Sea Calf. No external ears. Length 5 or 6 feet. Frequent on the rocky fliores of Wales, Corn- wall, and Ireland. CANIS. Fore teeth in each jaw 6. Grin- ders 6 or 7. Canine teeth curved. Lateral fore teeth longer and diftant from the reft; the intermediate ones lobed. Five toes before, 4 behind, 1. Familiaris. Do^. Tail bends to the left. o Varieties. Majliff^ Hound, Greyhound^ Pointer, Spaniel, Terrier, Shock, Lap- dog, Cur, 2. Vulpes. Fox, Tail a brufli, not bent, and tipt v/ith white. Lips white. Fore- feet black. FELIS. Fore-teeth equal. Grinders 6 in each jaw. Tongue rough. Claws r?- tra6tile. I. Catus. Cat. Tail long, annulated. Body- marked with fpirai, and 3 longitudinal ftripes. Our tame cats are lefs in ftze, and vary in colour. MAMMALIA. F L R JE, J MUSTELA. Fore-teeth in each jaw 6 j thofe of the under-jaw clofe, obtufe, with two interior ones. Body long and flender. Legs fliort. Five toes on each foot. i. Lutra. Otter. Colour dark brown, with two v/hite fpots on each iide the note; Length 3 feet 3 inches. Tail com- preflcd and taper. Eyes fmall. Ears Ihort. Long whifkers. Feet webbed. 2. Martes. Martbu Colour dark brown. Throat and bread: white, or yellow. Length 2 feet and a half. Canine teeth large. Skin and excrement fmell like mufk. Nofe fharp. 3. Putorius. Polecat, Length about two fce^. Colour blackifh tawny. Muzzle and ears white. Nofe fliarp. 4. Erminea. Sioat^ or ErTnlne. Upper part of the body pale brown; under v/hite. Tail tipt with black, ears and toes with white. Length 15 inches. 5. Nivalis. IFeefcl^ or Foumart. Upper part of ■■ the body and tail entirely tawny. Throat and belly white. Length 9 inches. URSUS. Fore teeth in each jaw 6 ; up- per ones excavated. Grinders 5 or-6". Body thick and clumfy. Toes 5 on each foot. i. Meles. Badger. Length 2 feet and half. Up- per part of the body grey j under, black. B 2 Tail 4- MAMMALIA GLIRES. Tail fhort, with long ftiff hair. Face black and white. Fore claws long. A tranfverfe orifice between the tail and the anus. Three black briftles over each eye. TALPA. Upper fore-teeth 6 j lower 8. 1. Europaea. Mole. Five toes on each foot. Snout long. Eyes fmall. Fur remark- ably foft. No external ears. Fore legs fhort, with broad feet turned outwards. SOREX. Upper fore-teeth 2, bifid j lower 4 ; canine feveral. \. Aruneus. Shrew-Moufe. Snout and tail long. Above brown ; Beneath dirty white. Toes 5 on each foot. Eyes fmall. Length 4 inches. ERINACEUS. Fore-teeth 2 in each jaw J canine teeth 4 above, 3 beneath. 2. Europaeus. Hedgehog, Five toes on each foot. Long Snout. Body covered with long fharp briftles. Length 1 1 inches. IV. GLIRES. Fore- teeth 2 in each jaw, remote from the grin- ders. No canine teeth. LEPUS. Ears long. Tail fhort. Up- per foreteeth double. Toes 5 before, 4 behind, I. Timidas» MAMMALIA. GLIRES. 5 1. Timidus. Hare. Ears tipt with black. 2, Cuniculus. Rabbit. Ears almoft naked. Pupil of the eyes red. MUS. Lower fore-teeth fmall, pointed. Toes 4 before, 5 behind. Tail long. I. Norvegicus. Norway Rat. Length to the tail 9 inches ; tail 9 inches. Back tawny. Belly dirty white. Feet and legs al- moft bare. Tail fcaly. Omitted by Linnaeus. •2. Terreftris. Short-taiVd Fleld-moufe. Head large. Length to the tail 6 inches ; tail I 4- inch, ending in abrulh. Back rufty black j belly afh colour. 3. Amphibius. Water Rat. Length to the tail 7 inches ; tail 5. Body covered with long hairs brownifh black. Belly grey. Tail black, white at the extremity. Ears and eyes fmall. 4. Rattiis. Common Rat. Tail longer than tfie body. On the fore feet 4 claws and a kind of thumb nail ; behind 5. White whifkers. 5. Mufculus. Common Moufe. Differs very lit- tle from the Common Rat, except in being much lefs. 6. Avellanarius. Dormoufe. Toes 4 before, 5 . behind, the interior of which wants the nail. Tail 2 \ inches, thick fet with hair. Colour tawny red. Throat white. Size of the common moufe. B 3 7. Sylv*^ ^ MAMMALIA. P E C O R A, 7, Sylvaticus. Long- tailed Field Moufe. DifFer from the common rat and common moui'e chiefly in being lefs than the i former and larger than the latter. Back brown. Belly grey. ^. Lefs Long-tailed Field Monfe. From nofe to tail 2 \ inches; tail 2 inches. Weight 4 of an ounce. Ears naked. Back and belly divided by a , . ilrait line on each fide. SCIURUS. Upper fore-teeth like wedges4 lower comprefled,,, I 4;. yulgtiris. . Squirrel. Colour red - brown ; breaft ^nd belly v.'hlte. • Ears tufted. .iV. P.E.eORA. • 'D }K '!)irfw (''■ Upper fore-teeth none. Under fore-teeth B^ diftant from the grindefs., Canipe teeth none. Hoof divided. ^, ^.^^ :,;ii nO .(->,.. ;m. /.'CERVUS; Hornsrfulid, riugH, annual. 1. Elaphus. Stag, Red Deer, or Hart. Horns V ^ . -round, branched, and turn backward. '2. 'Mma. '":&iick, or Fallow Deer. Horns com- prelled, branched, turned backward, ' ^nd broad at the extremities. 3. Capreolus. Roebuck.' Horns round, ereft, '; ,and bifid at the extremity. Leaft fpe- ■ cies, In the highlands of Scotland. ..,;jor- *• ' & CAPRA. MAMMALIA. EZLLU^ 7 CAPRA. Horns hollow, rough, fimplc, ere£t, bending backwards. Body co- vered with long hair. 1. Hircus. Goat. Horns edged on the interior fide, round on the exterior. Long beard. OVIS. Horns rough, hollow, fimplc, fpiral, turning outwards. Body go- vered with wool. I. Aries. Sheep. Horns comprefled. BOS. Horns fmooth, fimple, hollow. J, Taurus. Ox. Horns round, curving up- wards and outwards. Y$: B E L L U ^. Fore-teeth, in each jaw, obtufe, truncated. No horns. EQUUS. Fore-teeth 6 in each jaw. Hoof undivided. 1. Caballus. Horfe. Tail covered entirelv with long hair. Ears fhort, ereit. Mane long. 2. Afinus. Jfs. Long hair towards the ex- tremity of the tail. Ears long, flaccid. A black crofs on the top of the (houlders. SUS. Hoof divitie^. 2 tufe i^n each jaw. B 4 I, Sctofa. 8 MAMMALIA. GET E. I. Scrbfa. Hog. Ridge befet with ftrong briftles. VI^ CETE. Spiracula, or fpout in the upper furface of the head. Perioral foft fins. Tail horizontal. Copulate like quadrupeds, which they refemble glfo in the ftrudurc and ufe of their internal parts. BAL^NA. No teeth. Spout double. 1. Myfticetus. Whale. No dorfal fin. Spout in the middle of the head. Under jaw much larger than the upper. Eyes very frr.all and diftant from e?.ch other. Skin fmooth. Belly white. The largeft of all animals. Dde Harw. 409. 2. Phyfalus. Fin-back Whale. A dorfal fin near the tail. Body long and fmall. Belly fmooth. Dale Hariu. 410. 3. Boops. Pike-headed^ or Sharp-nofed IVhale. Horny protuberance on the back to- wards the tail. Back fmooth and (hin- ing. Longitudinal folds on the belly. Dale Harw, 410. Sib. Ohf. 29. 4. Mufculus. Round-nojed Wl^ale . A dorfal fin. Under jaw much larger than the upper. Belly folded. Sib. Obf. 33. PHYSETER. Teeth in the under jaw. X. Catodon. Lefs IVhale. No dorfal fin. Spout in the nofe. 2. Mar MAMMALIA. CETE. g 2. Macrocephalus. Sper?na-ceti IVkale. No dor- fal fin. Spoilt in tlie back part of the head. Double row of teeth in num- ber 46. Length 50 or 60 feet. 3. Microps. Sharp-toothed TJ^ljak. Dorfal fin long. Upper maxilla longer than the under. Teeth hooked. Spout in the middle of the nole. 4. Turfio. Blunt-toothed Whale. Dorfal fin very long and eredl. Spout in the forehead. DELPHINUS. Teeth in each jaw. One dorfal fin. 1. Phoccena. Porpefs. Back broad and black. Belly white. Nofe ftiort, obtufe. Teeth fmall, acute. 2. Delphis. Dolphin. Body long, and nearly round. Nofe long, (harp, with a broad tranfverfe mark. Teeth fmall, point- ed. Length 9 or 10 feet. 3. Orca. Grampus. Teeth obtufe. Nofe turned a little upwards. Upper jaw much lefs than the under. Length 24 feet. CLASS lO BIRDS. ACCIPETRES. CLASS II. BIRDS. Body covered with Feathers. I. ACCIPETRES. BirJs of prey. Bill and claws flrong, hook- ed. An angle in each margin of the upper man- dible. Body mufcular. Females larger and more beautiful than the males. FALCO. Bill arched from the bafe, which is covered with a wax-like membran* or cere. 1. Oflefragus. Sea Eagle. Cere yellow. Co- lour light brown. Legs yellow and feathered half way down. Tail fpotted with white. . Claws black. In feveral parts of Britain and Ireland^ 2. Chryfaetos. Golden Eagle. Cere and legs yellow, feathered to the toes. Wings reach to the extremity of the tail. Beak lead colour. Irrides hazel. Co- lour dark brown. "Weight 12 pounds. Tail clouded with dark afh colour. In the mountainous parts of Ireland, an4 fometimcs in Wales. *?. Fulvus. BIRDS. ACCIPETRES. If tf Fulvus. Ringtail Eagle. Refembles the laft in fize and colour, but diftinguifhed by a broad white band acrofs the tail. 4. Albiulla. Ente. Bill, cere, irrides and legs pale yellow. Between the eyes bare. Head and neck afh colour. Body dark brown. Tail white. Lefs than the former. Lin. Syjl, Nat. Ed. 12. p. 123. 5. Pygargus. Hen-Harrier. Male : cere and ' feet yellow. Above grey ; beneath white. Weight 12 ounces. Length 17 inches. Female: A rough round the head. Under each eye a white fpot. Back dufky ; rump white. Belly redifh brown. Weight 16 ounces. Length 20 inches. ^. Milvus. Kite. Cere and legs yellow. Head grey. Back brown. Tail forked. Flies remarkably fteady. -7. Gentilis. Falcon Gentle. Cere, irrides, and feet yellow. Above deep brown. Breaft and belly yellowifh with longitudinal fpots. 5 or 6 broad bars acrofs the tail. Feather of the head black edged with brown. Sib. Scot. II. lib. 3. p. 14. €. Subbuteo. Hobby, or T7'ee Falcon. Cere and feet yellow. Above black brown. Be- neath white, with long brown fpots on the breaft. Back of the neck white. Under each eye a dark longitudinal fpot. Length 12 inches. Weight of the male 7 ounces. ,9. Butco. Common Buzzard. Cere and feet pale li BIRDS. ACCIPETRES. pale yellow. Beak lead colour. Above ferruginous brown. Beneath yellowifli white, fpotted with brown. Tail barred with black and afh colour, and tipt with brownifh white. Weight 32 oz. Length 22 inches. 10. Tinnunculus. Kejlril. Cere and feet yel- low. Male: Head light grey : tail the fame, with a black bar near the end and tipt with white. Back purple fpotted with black. Weight 6 ~ oz. Length 14 inches. Female : Back lefs bright. Head and tail pale brown fpot- ted with black. Weight 11 ounces. 11. Lanarius. Lanner. Cere yellow-blue. Bill and feet blue. Above deep brown. Beneath yellow-white, with brown fpots. A white line above each eye. 12. Haliaetus. Ofprcy. Cere and feet blue. Back brown. Belly and back of the head white. A brown patch from the eye down each fide- the neck. Legs naked. Weight 62 oz. Length 23 inches. 13. Gyrfalco. Gyr falcon. Cere and feet blue. Beak and legs yellow. Body white fpotted with dark lines. Length 20 inches. 14. Apivorus. Honey Buzzard. Cere and bill black. Legs yellow and half naked. Head afti colour. Back brown. Breaft and belly white, fpotted. Tail barred. Claws brown and not much curved. Weight 30 oz. Length 23 inches. 15, iEru-r BIRDS. ACCIPETRE9. I3 15. i^ruginofus. Moor Buzzard. Cere green ifh yellow. Body chocolate tinged with brown. Legs Ion? and flender. Beak and Talons black. Weight 20 oz. Length 21 inches. >6. Palumbarius. Gos Haivk. Cere yellow-green. Irrides and feet yellow. Beak and talons black. Head and back deep brown. Breaft and belly white waved with brown. A white line above the eye. Tail barred and much longer than the wings when folded. Length 22 inches, 17. Nifus. Sparrow Haivk. Cere green-yellow. Feet yellow. Bill blue. Claws black. Above brown, or grey. Beneatih tawny white, waved with brown. Tail afh colour, barred and tipt with white. Weight of the male 5 oz. female 9. 18 Peregrine Falcon. Cere, irrides, legs and feet yellow. Beak blue. Claws black. Above afh colour barred with black and blue. Beneath white tinned with brown, with longitudinal and tranfverfe lines. Length 16 inches. Builds annually in the rocks of Llan- didno in Carnarvonfli. 19. ...... Grey Falcon. Cere and legs yel- low. Irrides red. Fore part of the head deep brown ; hind part white. Sides of the head and throat cream co- lour. Belly white v.'ith long black fpots. Back deep grey. Wings folded extend t4 BIRDS. ACClPETRES* extend beyond the extremity of trie tail. Legs long and naked. 20 Merlin. Cere and legs yellow; Bill lead colour. Above purpleifh a(h colour with ferruginous fpots. Beneath yellowifti white with brown fpots. Tail barred with brown. Length 6 ^ inches. STRIX. Bill (hort, hooked, without cere. Head large. A broad difk fur- rounding each eye. Legs feathered to the toes. Tongue bifid. Nocturnal. 1. Otus. Long- eared Owl. Bill and claws black. Plumage red-brown variegated with white. Auricular feathers 6. Length of the female 14 inches. In the North and in Wales. 2. . . . « . Short-eared Owl. Horns, or Ears a fingle feather. Above brown. Be- neath pale yellow. Qiiill feathers bar- red with red. Tip of the tail v;hitei Length 13 inches and a half. Br. Zool. 71. 8vo. 156. 3. Flammea. White Owl. Above pale yellow, with white fpots. Beneath white. In- terior fides of the quill feathers 4 black fpots on each fide. Edge of the mid- dle claw ferrated. Weight ii ounces. Length 14 inches. 4. StriJuIa. Tawny Owl. Above tawny red, fpotted with black and white. Be- neath BIRDS. ACCIPETRES. I5 neath yellowifh with black longitudinal flrokes. 5. Ulula. Brown Oivl. Above deep brown fpot- ted with black and white. Beneath pale afh colour mixt with tawny, with black {Irokes. Diik round the eyes aih colour with brown fpots, 6. PafTerina. Litt/e Owl. Not much larger than a thrufh. Irrides and bill pale yellow. Above olive brown with white fpots. Beneath white with brown fpots. In Yorkiliire, Flintihire, and fometimes near London. LANIUS. Bill hooked towards the end, with a notch in the upper mandible. Tongue jagged. 1. Excubitor. Great ojh coloured Butcher bird. Bill and legs black. Tail wedged, black in the middle and white on the fides. Crown and back afh colour. Win2;s black with a white bar. Cheeks white with a black flroke. Weight 3 oz. Leno-th 10 inches. Migrates. 2. Collurio. Red- backed Butcher Bird, or Flujher. Bill and Tail like the former. Head, rump, and legs afh colour. Back red- brown. Beneath blofibm. Black ftroke acrofs the eyes. Weight 2 oz. Length 7 ~ inches. 2 Wood Chat. Bill horn colour, with white feathers at the bafe. Black line crofs tiie eye, extending clown the 5 neck. l6 BIRDS. P I C JE. neck. Head and back of the neck bright bay. Back dufky. Scapulars white. Q^iill feathers black, with a white fpot towards the bottom. Breaft and belly yellowifh white. Two mid- dle feathers of the tail and legs black. Size like the former. Br. Zool. fol. 74.. 8vo. 164. Migrates. II. PICiE. Bill comprefTed, convex. CORVUS. Bill ftrong, conic, with brif- tles at its bafe reflected downwards. Tongue bifid. 1. Corax. Raven. Above fhining bluifti black. Beneath dufky. Weight 3 pounds. Length 26 inches. 2. Corone. Crow. The whole body bluifh black. Tail rounded. Weight 20 oz. Length 18 inches. 3. Frugilegus. Rook. Colour bluifh black. Noftrils, chin and fides of the mouth white and bare. Somewhat larger than the laft. 4. Comix. Royjion-Crotu. Back, breaft, belly, and upper part of the neck afli colour ; the reft bluifti black. Weight 22 oz. Length 22 inches. Migrates. 3. Frugilegus. Rook. Colour bluifti black. Noftrils, chin and fides o( the mouth I white BIRDS. PI CM. 17 white and bare. Somewhat larger than the laft. 5. Alonedula. Jackdaw. Back of the Head, Breaft a.nd Belly afti colour ; the reft black. Irides white. Weight 9 oz. Length 13 inches. 6. Glandarius. 'Jay. Head covered with long feathers. Forehead white with black ftrokes. Neck black. Coverts of the Wings fine blue, barred with black and white. Back, Breaft, and Belly, purple, daftied with grey. Rump white. Tail black. Weight 6 oz. Length 13 inches. 7. Caryocatafles. Nutcracker. Brown, fpotted with triangular white fpots. Wings black. Tail black, rounded, tipt with white. Rare in this Kingdom. 8. Pica. Magpye. Black and white. Tail, long, wcdge-fafhioned and richly tinged. Weight 9 oz. Length 18 inches. 9. Graculus. Cornijh Cough. Purplifh black. Bill and Legs orange. Weigh; 13 oz. Length 16 inches. Cornwall^ FlintJ}). Caernarvonjlnrc, and Jnglefea. COR ACIAS. Bill fharp-edged, and curved towards the apex. I. Garrula. Roller. Colour greenifli blue. Back red-brown. Bill black. Legs yellow. Tail forked. Weight 7 oz. Length 1 3 inches. Rare in this illand. C CUCULUS. l8 BIRDS. P I C M, CUCULUS. Bill roundifti and curved a little. Noftrils circular, with a raifed margin. Tongue entire, pointed. Two fore and 2 hind claws. I. Canorus. Cucho. Above afh-colour. Be- neath white, waved with tranfverfe black lines. Tail rounded and fpotted with white. Weight 5 oz. Length 14 inches. Migrates. o YUNX. Bill fliort, roundifh, pointed. Noftrils concave, naked. Tongue very long, cylindrical. Two fore and two hind claws. I . Torquilla. Wryneck. Above afh-colour, with i)lack and brown ftrokes. Beneath light brown, with black fpots. Tail alh-colour, with 4 black bars. Irides hazel. Weight li oz. Length 7 inches. Migrates. PICUS. Bill angular, ftrait. Noftrils co- vered with recumbent briftles. Ton- gue very long and round, with a fliarp, hard, barbed point. Two fore and 2 hind claws. 1. Viridis. Green TVoodpecker. Crown crimfon. Back green. Rump pale yellow. Be- neath pale green. Tail tipt with black. Bill lead colour. Legs and Feet greenifti afli-colour. Weight 6^ oz. Length 13 inches. •2. Major. B I R D S. PIC JE, 19 2. Major. '^Greater fpotted Woodpecker. Irides red. Crown of the Kead black, back part crimfon. A black collar round the neck. Back and Rump black. Cheeks and Scapulars white. Breaft yellovvifh white. Weight 3 bz. Length 9 inches. 3. Medius. Lejs fpttcd Woodpecker . Crown and ^- back of the Head crimfon. Above black. Scapulars white. On each fide the Breaft a broad black line. Length 8 i- inches. Three exterior feathers of the Tail tipt with white. 4. Minor. Lcajl fpotted IVoodpecker. Crown crimfon. Above black barred with white. Beneath (iirty v^-hitc. Weight I oz. Len2:th 6 inches. In the Fe- male the crown is white. SITTA. Bill ftrait, roundi{h, and com- prefTed at the apex. Three fore and i hind Toe. Europsa. Nuthatch^ or Woodcracker, Upper mandible black, lower white. Crov/n black. Black firokc acrnfs the Eyes. Cheeks and Chin v/hite. Coverts of the Wings bluifli afh-colour. Beneath dull orange. Legs pale yellow. Twelve feathers in the Tail. Weight i oz. Length 6 inches. ALCEDO. Bill triangular, thick, ftrait, long. Tongue fliort, fliarp. C 2 I. Ifpida. 20 BIRDS. ANSERES. I. Ifplda. Kmgfijher. Bill, upper mandible black, under yellow. Crown and Co- verts of the Wings dark green, fpotted with blue. Scapulars and Coverts of the Tail bright azure. Beneath orange. Tail deep blue. Feet orange. Weight i^ oz. Length 7 inches. UPUPA. Bill arched, convex, and fome- what obtufe. I . Epops. Hoopoe. Crefl: orange, tipt with black, 2 inches long. Bill and Legs black. Neck tinged with red. Beneath v\^hite. Above barred with black and white. Rump v/hite. Tail of 10 feathers black and white. Migrates. CERTHIA. Bill arched, flender, and fome- what angular. Tongue fharp. I. Familiaris. Creeper. Above brown, ftreaked with black. Quills tipt with white. Beneath white. Tail of 12 long fea- thers. Weight 5 drams. Length 5^ inciies. in. ANSERES. Bill obtufe, covered with a thin membrane, broad, gibbous below the bafe, fwtlled at the apex. Tongue fiefliy, Legs naked. Feet webbed, or finned. ANAS. BIRDS. A N S E R E S. 21 ANAS. Bill convex above, flat beneath, hooked at the apex, with membraneous Teeth. 2. Cygnus. JVild Swan. Cere yellow. Bill black. Plumage white. Legs and Feet brown. Manfuetus. Tame Szvan. Cere knotty and black. Bill red, tiptwith black. Feet lead colour. Larger than the former. 2. Tadorna. Sheldrake, or Burrough Duck. Bill red. Head dark creen. Neck and Back v/hite. Scapulars black. Breaft orange. Belly white, divided by a lon- gitudinal black line. Tail white, tipt with black. Legs pale red. Weight 2lb. 10 oz. Length 2 feet. On the fea coaft. 3. Fufca, Velvet Duck. Bill broad and fhort, fides yellow, hook red, and a black tu- bercle at the bafe. Plumage black, with a white fpot behind each Eye, and on each Wing. Legs red ; Webs and Nails black. Female: deep brown. ^. Nigra. Scoter, or black Diver. Plumage en- tirely black. Bill black, yellow in the middle, with tvvol.irge red tubercles at the bafe. The Sorbonne pronounced this bird to be a fifh, and therefore might be eaten in Lent. 5. Marila. Scaup Duck. Bill lead colour. Plead, Neck, Breafl^, and Tail black. Belly white. Back grey. Lefs Qinlls white C 3 ti^rt 22 BIRDS. A N S E R E S. tipt with black. This fpecies varies greatly in colour. 6. Anfer. Goofe. In its wild ftate, above brown, Bene:ith white. A white ring round the Tail. Bill narrow, middle red, bafe and hook black. 7. Erythropus. White-fronted Mid Goofe. Bill orange, thicker and larger than the laft. Forehead white. Crown brown. Breaft adi-colour. Belly white, with large black fpots. Back grey. Tail black. Legs orange. S. Barnacle. Bill black. A black line from the Bill to the Eyes. Forehead and Cheeks v/hite. Back of the Head, Neck, and Shoulders black. Back gxty. Belly white. Tail and Legs black. Frequent in Winter on the north-wefl coaft, o. Bernicla. Brent Goof. Head, Neck, Tail, "" Quills, Legs black. Breaft, Scapulars .ind Coverts of the Wings afli- colour. Frequent in Ireland, where they are called Bernacles. ic. Molliflima. Eider Duck. Bill, Forehead, Bellv, Tail, and Quills black. Crown, Cheeks, Neck, Back, Coverts of the Wings and Scapulars white. A black bar atrofs the Eyes. A green ftain on the back of the Neck. Legs green. ii. Clypeata. Shoveller. Bill black, and very broad at the end. Irides hazel. Head dark ^reen. Breaft and Scapulars white. Back BIRDS. ANSERES. 2^. Back brown. Coverts of the Wings blue. Tail of 14 feathers, exteriors white, thofe in the middle black, edged with white. Vent feathers black. Legs red. Weight 22 oz. Length 22 inches. 12 Red-breajled Shoveller. Bill large, broad, ferrated, brown-yellow. Head Jarge. Eyes fmall ; Irides yellow. Breaft red-brown. Barkbrown, Wings, ^ quills brown, the reft grey, fpot pur- ple, edged with white. Tail white. Feet red-brown. Size of a common Duck. Lincoln/hire. 13. Strepera. Gadwall. Bill black. Head brown, fpotted with black. Breaft, Back, and Scapulars marked with black and white lines. Belly dirty white. Rump black. Tail afli-colour, edged with white. A white fpot on the Wings. Legs orange. 14. Clangula. Golden Eye. Bill, Back, Tail, and Coverts of the Wino;s black. Beneath white. Middle of the Wings white, the reft black. A white fpot on each fide the Mouth. Leo;s oranse. Weight 2 pounds. Length 19 inches. Sea coaft, and on the lakes in Shrcpjhire. 15. Penelops. JVigeon. Bill lead-colour tipt with black. Head bright bay. Back waved with black and white. Breaft purplifli. Belly white. Vent black. Middle quills green, tipt with black. Tail, 2 middle feathers black, longer, C 4 pointed ; 24 BIRDS. ANSERES. pointed ; the reft afh-colour. Weight 23 oz. Length 20 inches. 16. Glacialis. SwaUcw-tair d Sheldrake. Bill, bafe and tip black, middle orange. Neck, Scapubrs, Belly, and exterior feathers of the Tail white. Breaft and Back chocolate colour. Four middle feathers of the Tail black, and 4 inches longer than the reft. On our coafts in hard winters only. 17. Ferina. Pochard, or Dun Bird. Bill and Legs lead-colour. Head and Neck bright bay. Breaft and upper part of the Back black. Above grey, with black lines. Belly afli- colour. Tail of 12 feathers dark grey. Weight 28 oz. Length 19 inches. 18 Ferrugmous Duck. Bill and Legs pale blue. Plumage red-brown. Webs black. 19. ...... Grey-headed Duck. Bill and Legs yellow-brown. Iridcs gold colour. Head and Breaft grey. Neck and Belly white. Back, Wings, and Tail black. 20. Querquedula. Gargancy. Bill and Legs lead colour. Black fpot on the chin. A white line from the corner of each Eye. Cheeks and upper part of the Neck pale purple, with fmall white lines. Breaft brown, with black curved lines. Belly white. Exterior v/ebs of the middle quills green. 21. Crecfa. BIRDS. ANSERES. 25 21. Crecca. Teal. Bill and Vent feathers black. Head bay, with a green and a white line on each fide. Beneath dirty white. A green and a black fpot on the Wings. Coverts of the Wings brown. Tail pointed. Weight 12 oz. Length 17 inches. 22. Bofchas. Mallard^ Wild or Tame Duck. Bill green-yellow. Head and Neck green. An imperfe£l: white circle round the Neck. Beneath grey. Scapulars white, barred with brown. Spot on the Wings purple. Tail of 24 feathers, 4 middle ones black, and curled up- wards in the Male. 23. Fuligula. Tufted Duck. Bill and Legs lead- colour. Creft pendent. Belly and middle Quills white. The reft of the Plumage black. Weight 2 lb. Length 15 inches. Female wants the creft. MERGUS. Bill long, roundifh, taper, ferratcd and hooked at the apex. A Creft on the Head. Migrate. I. Merganfer. Goofander. Male: Bill, Lides and Legs red. Head green-black. Neck Breaft, and Belly, pale yellow. Wings and Tail black and white. Weight 41b. Length 2 feet 4 inches. Dun Diver, Female : Head ferruginous. Back and Tail afti-colour. Lefs than the Male. 2. Serrator. l6 ' BIRDS. A N S E R E S.. 2. Serrator. Lefs Dun Diver. Lower Mandible andlridesred. Head red-brown. Throat and Belly white. B;eaft and ridge of the Wings, Scapulars, Back, and Tail a{h- colour. Wings black and white. Weight alb. Length 21 inches. 3. Albellus. Smew, or White Nun. Bill and Legs lead-colour. A long Crcft. Above black and white. Beneath white. Head and Neck white. A green-black fpot on each fide the Head. Tail afh- colour. Weight 34 oz. Length 18 inches. Lough Diver. Female : Lefs than the Male. Head ferruginous. Breaft clouded with grey. 4. Minutus. Red-headed Smew. Bill lead-co- lour. Head red-brown, with a fmall Creft, and a black fpot on each lide. Cheeks, Throat, and Belly white. Back Tail and Legs afli-colour. Win2;s black and white. Weight 15 oz. Length 16 inches. ALCA. Bill fhort, compreffed, convex, furrowed tranfverfely, and njt feriated. No back Toe. I. Torda. Jivk. Bill, He^d, Throat, Rack, Tail, Legs black. Tips of the Wings and Belly white. A white line from the Eyes to the Bill. On the upper Man- dible 4 grooves, on the under 3. Weight 22 oz. Length iB inches. 1 2. Pica. BIRDS. A N S E R E S. 27 2. Pica. Black-blird Awk. Cheeks, Chin, and Throat white. In other refpe6ls iilce the former. Weight 18 oz. Length 15 inches. 3. Impennis. Great Avok^ or Pinguln. Wings very fhort. A white fpot between the Eyes and Bill. Under fide of the Body and tips of the Wings white ; the reft black. Length to the end of the Toes 3 feet. On the ifle of St. Kilda. 4. Arclica. Puffin. Bill comprefled, triangular, fliarp-pointed, red, bafe grey, furrows 4. Noftrils long and narrow. Eye-lids callous, edges crimfon. Above black. Cheeks, Chin, Belly white. Collar black. Legs orange, and near the Tail. Pnejiholm tjles. Anglefey. Man. M\- grates. 5. Alle. Little Awk. Bill fhort, conic, black. Above black. Beneath, and tips of the lefs Quills white. Scajjulars black and white. Legs and Feet fcaly. Webs black. Size of a Blackbird. Lancajhire, PROCELLARIA. Bill comprefTed, hooked at the end. Noftrils tubular. BackToe feflile. Spout oil from their Bills. Migrate. I. Pelagica. ^tormf.nch. Black. Coverts of the Tail and Vent white. Wings very long. Size of the Swallow. 2. Glacialis 28 BIRDS. ANSERES. 2. Glacialis. Fulmar, Bill and Legs yellow. Head, Neck, Breaft, Belly white. Above afh-colour. Length i8 inches. St. Kilda. 3. Puffinus. Shear-Water. Head, Back, Wings, Tail, Thighs black. Beneath white. Legs weak, comprefled. Length 17 inches. Calf of Man. PELECANUS. Bill ftrait, hooked at the end ; without noftrils. Four Toes con- nedled by a membrane. 1. Carbo. Corvorant. Bill afh-colour, with a yellow naked (kin round the bafe. Head and Neck black. Chin white. A fhort pendent Creft. Above bluifli green. Beneath dufky. A white tuft on the Thighs. Tail long and rounded. Legs black ; the middle claw ferrated. Weight 41b. Length 32 inches. 2. Graculus. Shag. Long creft. Above green. Beneath brownifh grey. Tail of 12 feathers, rounded. Feet black. Length 27 inches. Holyhead. 3. Bafianus. Gaiinct^ or Soland Goofe. Bill bluifh grey. Jagged at the lides ; a long furrow in the upper Mandible. Eyes yellow, furrounded by a blue fkin. A bkck pouch under the Chin. Neck long. Crown bufF colour. Wings and Legs black. The reft of the plu- mage dirty white. Tail rounded. Weight 4-i lb. Length 37 iriches. c COLYM- BIRDS. ANSERES. 29 COLYMBUS. Bill ftraight,flender, pointed. Noflrils linear, at the bafe of the Bill. Legs near the Tail. Feet webbed. 1. Grylle. Black Guillemot, Greenland Dove, or Sea Turtle. Bill black. Infide of the Mouth and Legs red. A large white fpot on each Wing. Small Quills tipt with white. The reft of the plumage black. Length 14 inches. St. Kilda. and Bafs IJle. 2. TroUe. Guillemot. Bill black. Infide of the Mouth yellow. Tips of the fmall Quills, Breaft, and Belly white. The reft black. Weight 24 oz. Length 17 inches. 3. Septentrionalis. Red-throated Diver. Above grey. Beneath white. A few white fpots on the Back. Throat dull red. Weight 31b. Length 2 feet. Lan~ cajhire ; river Dee. 4. Glacialis. Great Noriher7i Diver. Beneath white. A fen, ilunar white fpot on the back of the Neck, and under the Throat. All the reft black ; a purple tinge on the Neck. Length 3 feet 5 inches. Feet finned. 5 Grey fpeckled Diver. Bill turns a litt'e upwards. Above grey, fpeckled with white. Beneath white. Tail of 20 black feathers, fome tipt v/ith white. 6. Criftatus. Great crejled Grebe. A pendent rufFunder the Chin. No Tail. Above black. 30 .BIRDS. A N.S E R E S. black-brown. Beneath filver-white; Weight 2 4^ lb. Length 21 inches. Shropjhire, Chejhire. 7. Auritus. Lefs crejled Grebe or Dobchtck. Above -black-brown. Beneath white. Head ,and Neck black. Ridge and tips of the Wings white. A tuft of long feathers on each fide the Head. Legs green. Irides red. Lefs than a Teal. S Little Grebe. Above, Neck, Breaft dark red-brown. Belly, afli-colourmixt with filver- white. Cheeks bright bay. Weight 7 oz. Length 10 inches. g. Urinator. Grebe. Above black-brown. Be- neath filver-white.; Length 18 inches. Ridge of the Wings and tips of the fmall Quills white. 10 JVhite and Dujky Grebe. Above black-brown. Beneath white. Ridge of the Wings and middle Quills white. A red fkin between the Bill and the Eyes. Irides red. Feet externally greenifli. Size of a Teal. Lmc$lnjhire. LARUS. Bill ftraight, fharp-edged, hooked at the end, a knob on the lower man- dible. Noftrils nacrow, in the middle of the Bill. Feet webbed. I. Tridaililus, Tarrock. Bill, tips of the Wings, and tip of the Tail black. Head, Neck, Breaft, Belly, and Tail white. A black crefcent on the back of the Neck. Back bluifh grey. Legs dull a(h-co- lour. BIRDS. A N S E R E S. 31 lour. A fmall protuberance in lieu of a back Toe. Weight 7 oz. Length ly inches. 2. Canus. Connnon Gull., Alezu^ or Sea Mali, Bill yellow. Back grey. The reft wiiite. Weight 12 oz. Length 17 inches. 3. Nasvlus. BrcWn and TVIoite Gull., Wagel, or Dung Hunter. Bill and Quills black. Tail black and white. The reft of the plumage a mixture of afli-colour, white and brown. Weight 32 oz. Length 23 inches. >.4 Winter Mew. Irides hazel. Bill flender, whitifii towards the bafe, black at the end. Back grey. Coverts of the Wings pale brown. Firft Qiiiil black. A black bar acrofs the Tail. The reft white ; above fpotted v/ith brown. Weight 15 oz. Length ib* inches. 5. Marin us. Great Black and White Gull. Bill and Irides yellow ; a red fpot, with a black center in the lower mandible. Back and Wings black ; all the reft white. Weight fib. Length 29 inches. 6. Fufcus. Herring Gull. Irides and Bill yel- low ; an orange fpot on the lower mandible. Back afti-colour. Quills black. The reft white. Legs pale red. Weight 30 oz. Length 23 inches. 7. Ridibundus. Pe-Mt Gull, Black- cap or Sea Crow. Bill and legs red. Head, Throat, and 32 BIRDS. ANSERES. and tips of the Wings black. Back and Wings afh-colour. The reft white. Its note a hoarfe laugh. Weight lO oz. Length 15 inches. Staffer djhire* 8. Parafiticus. Artie Gull. Crown and legs black. Above brown. Beneath white. Tail of 12 feathers, 2 middle ones 4 inches longer than the reft. Galway. 9. Catara6les. Skua. Cere black. Bill and Claws very ftrong and hooked. Above brown. Beneath afti-colour and red. A bird of prey. 10 Black-toed Gull. Bill black, Cere brown. Legs lead-colour. Above black and white. Beneath white and brown. Tail 12 black feathers tipt with white; 2 middle ones longer. Weight 12 oz. Length 15 inches. STERNA. Bill ftraight, flender, pointed. Noftrils narrov/, on the bafe of the Bill. Tail forked. Feet webbed. Mi- grate. 1. Hirundo. Greater Tern, or Sea Swallow. Bill and Feet red. Crown, and tip of the Bill, black. Above grey. Beneath white. Weight 4 oz. Length 14 inches. 2. Minuta. Lefs Tern. Bill and Legs yellow. Tip of the Bill and Crown black. A black line between the Eyes and Bill. Above grey. Beneath white of exqui- fite BIRDS. GRALL M. 3^ fite glofs and foftnefs. Tail white. Weight 2 oz. Length 8 -i inches. 3. Feflipes. Black Tern. Head and under fide of the body black. Above dark .ifli colour. Leo-s red. Lefs than the for- mer. Frequents frelh water. IV. GRALL^. Bill roundifh. Tongue entire, flefliy. Thighs naked. Toes divided. ARDEA. Bill ftrait, long, acute. Toes 4. I. Cinerea. Common Heron. Bill greenifh above, yellowifh beneath, black at the end. • - ■ A fhort pendent creft. Above grey. Beneath white, with longitudinal fpots. A greenifh naked fkin between the Bill and the Eyes. Irides yellow. Quills black. Legs greenifh. J». Major. Crejled Heron. A long pendent black creft. Forehead and Crown white. Feathers of the fore part of the Neck long and loofe. Otherwife like the former j but not fo frequent. 3. Stellaris. Bittern. Bill a little arched. Ir- ides yellow. Crown black. A fhort pendent Creft. A black fpot at each corner of the Mouth. Plumage pale dull yellow, fpotted with black. Fea- thers of the breaft Ions: and loofe. Legs greenifh. Hind claw very long. D 4. Alba. 34 BIRDS. GRALLyC. 4. Alba. Great white Heron. Entirely white,- Legs black. Weight 40 oz. Length 40 inches. Migrates. 5. Minuta. Little Bittern. Bill green-yellow. Head, Back, Quills, Tail greenifti- black. Fore part of the Neck, Breaft, and Thighs bufF. Belly white. Thighs feathered to the knees. Length 15 inches. Shot near Shrew/bury. SCOLOPAX. Bill very.long, (lender, ob- tufe. Jrched Bills. 1. Arquata. Curlew. Bill 6 inches long. Plu- mage white fpotted with black. Quills black. Tail white barred with black. Legs bluifli grey. Weight from 22 to 37 oz. 2. Phaeopus. Whimhrel. Bill not quite 3 inches long. Above brown fpotted with black. Beneath white. Tail barred with black. Legs dull green. Weight not exceed- ing 12 oz. Strait Bills. 3. Rufticola. Woodcock. Bill 3 inches long. Above variegated with red -brovi^n, black and grey. Beneath dirty white, with tranfverfe dark lines. Chin yellow. Weight 12 oz. Length 14 inches. if. Gallinago. Snipe. Bill 3 inches. Four black and 3 red longitudinal lines on the head. Chin, Breaft, and Belly white. Neck B'l R D S. G R A L L /Ev ^^ . Neck red and brown. Scapulars black and yellow. Tail tipt with white. Legs pale green. Weight 4 oz. Length 12 inches. 5, Gallinula. Jackfnipe, Bill 1 4- inch. Crown black. Rump fhining purple. Over each eye a yellow ftroke. Weight fcarce 2 oz. Length 9 inches. 6. Glottis. Greeyiflmnk. Bill 2 4 inches ; upper Mandible black. Above afli colour. Beneath white. Tail white, undulated with duflcy bars. Legs greenifh and bare above the knees. Weis^ht 6 oz. Length 14 inches. •7 Spotted Rcdjhank. Above afh co- lour, the Head ftreaked with black, the Back fpotted with white. Beneath white. Legs red. Size of the laft. 8. Calidris. Redjhank. Bill 2 inches, red at the bafe, black at the end. Head, back of the Neck and Scapulars dufky afh colour fpotted with black. Back and underfide of the body white, fpotted with black. Tail barred with black and white. Legs orange. Weight 5 i oz. Length 12 inches. jQ. Limofa. Lefs Godivit. Bill a little curved upwards, redifli at the bafe. Head olive brown. Neck afh colour. Back brown. A white crefcent on the tail, which is fomewhat forked. Legs black. D 2 10. La- 3^ BIRDS. G R A L L /E.' 10. Laponica. Red Godwlt. Bill a little curved upwards, yellow at the bafe, black at the point. Plumage red-brown, ftreaked with black. Wino:s and Tail black and white. Legs black. 11. ^gocephala. Godwlt^ or Yarwhelp. Bill ftrait, 4 inches long, purple tipt with black. A broad white ftroke from the bill to the eye. Above red-brown. Be- neath white. Qiiills black. Tail barred ■with black and white. Middle and exterior toe connefted by a membrane. Weight 12 oz. Length i6 inches. TRINGA. Bill roundifh, ftrait, about the length of the head. Noftrils nar- row. Toes 4. I. Pugnax. Ruff. Feathers of the Neck re- markably long. Coverts of the Wings and 4 exteriors of the Tail brown. Four middle feathers of the Tail barred with black and brown. Legs yellow. Weight 5 or 6 oz. Female, Reeve. Brown fpotted with white or afli colour. No rufF. Legs red. Thefe birds difFer remarkably in their colours. Migrate. %. Vanellus. Lapwings or Tezuit. Bill, Crown, Creft, Throat black. A black line under each Eye. Back purplifli green. Wings and Tail black and white. Legs red. Weight 8 oz. Length i3.inchcs. 3. Mo- BIRDS. GRALLiE. 37 3. Morinella. Turnjlone. Bill ftrong, a little ., prominent above, whitifli at the bafe, black at the end. Forehead and Throat afli colour. Neck and Back brown. Rump white with a triangular black fpot. Tail black and white. Legs orange. Size of a Thrufii. Shrofijlnrc, Cormvally IP'ales, Norfolk. 4. Macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. Bill red, black at the point. Above olive brown, ■with black fpots. Beneath white with dark fpots. Above each Eye a white line. Quills black, the lefs tipt with white. Middle of the tail brown, fides white and fpotted. Legs pale dull red. Weight c oz. Length 10 inches. Migrates. 5 Black /potted Sandpiper. Bill fhort, obtufe,' blackifli. Noftrils black. Ir- ides yellow. Head and under fide of the body white fpotted with black and brown. Above tinged with brown. Quills black with a white crofs line. Two middle feathers of the Tail black, the reft- white. Legs long and brown. L'tncolnjhire. 6. Lobata. Grey /ollop-toed Sandpiper. Bill black with a double groove. Head and under part of the Body white. Above grey. Legs lead colour. Toes finned, fcoUoped, ferrated. Weight 1 o/.. 7. Hypcrborea. Red fcoUop-tocd Sandpiper. Bill ftrait, Hendcr, round, pointed, black. Crown black-red. Neck red. Above • D 3 brown, g8 BIRDS. G R A L L ^. brown, with yellow fpots. Beneath white. Wings long, tipt with white. Toes fcolloped like the laft. Size of a Blackbird. Torkjhire. 8. Alpina. Dunlin. Bill, Legs, Feet black. Above red-brown. Beneath white with black fpots. Wings afli colour. Back Toe very fhort. Length 8 inches. 9. Ocrophus. Green Sandpiper. Head brown- afh colour. Above green with white fpots. Belly, Rump, Tail white, with a few black fpots. Bill and Legs greenifli lead colour. Length 8 ^ inches. Frequents lakes and rivers, 10. Hypoleucos. Sandpiper. Bill, Head, Quills brown. Neck dark afti colour. Back brown mixt with green, with tranf- verfe dufky lines. Longitudinal black lines on the Head. A white ftroke above each Eye. Beneath white. Legs gi'eenifti. Weight 2 oz. On lakes and rivers. 11. Canutus. Knot. Bill deep a{h colour. Un- der fide of the Body, edges of the Wing-coverts, and fides of the Tail white. The reft brown. Tail-coverts fpotted with white. Tail afh colour. Legs bluifti grey. Toes divided to the bottom. Length 9 inches. On our coaft in Winter. 12 JJh coloured Sandpiper. Breaft and Belly white. The reft afti colour, the Head fpotted with black, the Tail barred, and the Back curved with black a^pd BIRDS. GRALLiE. 39 and white. Legs black-green. Toes bordered with a fcoUoped membrane. In flocks on the JVelJh coaft in Winter. 13. Cinclus. Purre, or Stint. Bill flender, black. Head, Neck, Back, Tail afli colour. Coverts dark brown. Breaft, Belly, and lower part of the Quills white. Legsgreenifh. Length 7 inches. In flocks on our coafts in Winter. CHARADRIUS. Bill ftrait, roundifli, obtufe. Noftrils narrow. Toes 3. 1. Hiaticula. Sea Lark. Bill orange tipt with black. Forehead, Breaft, Belly white. Cheeks black. A black line from the bill to each eye ; another from one eye to the other. Crown of the Head brown. A black and a white Collar. Back and Tail brown. Legs yellow. Weight 2 oz. Length 7.1 inches. On our (hores in Summer. 2. Morinellus. Dottrel. Bill, Head, fhafts of the Quills, Belly, tip of the Tail, Legs black. A broad white line above the Eyes. Cheeks, Throat, Thighs white. Breaft and fides orange. The reft olive. Weight 4 oz. Migrates. 3. Pluvialis. Green Plover. Bill, Head, Back, Legs black. Breaft brown. Belly white. Upper part of the body and breaft fpotted with green. Tail barred with black, green, and brown. Weight 9 oz. Length II inches. Migrates. D 4 4. Ca- 4© BIRDS. GRALL/E. 4. Calidris. Sanderllng, Bill and Legs black. Head and back of the Neck a(h colour, with long black fpots. Back brownifh grey. Beneath white. Tail of il pointed feathers afli colour. Coaft of Cornwall, 5. Oedicnemus. Norfolk Plover. A yellowifh green bare fpace between the Eyes, Irides and Legs yellow. Above black. Beneath white. Knees fwollen. Toes bordered by a membrane. Weigbt 18 oz, 6. Himantopus. Long Legged Plover. Bill black 2 inches long. Legs red, very long and Hender. Wings extend beyond the Tail. Forehead, Breaft, Belly, Tail white. Crown, Back, Wings black, Scotland. RECURVIROSTRA. Bill curved up- wards, flexible at the apex. Three Toes, webbed. I. Avocetta. Jvofetta. Bill 34 inches long. Above black and white. Beneath white. Legs blue and very long. Thighs najced. Frequent on pur Eaftern coaft. H^MATOPUS. Bill comprcfTed, obtufe. Toes 3, the middle conne£ted to the exterior as far as the firtt joint. r. Oftralegus. Sea Pie. Bill 3 inches, orange, Ijides crimfon. Tongue very fhort. Head, BIRDS. GRALLi®. 4I Head, Neck, Shoulders black. Wings and Tail black and white. Beneath white. Legs pale red. Weight 16 oz. Length 1 7 inches. Frequent on the coaft. FULICA. Bill (hort, thick, convex. Fore- head bare. Toes 4, finned. On Lakes and Rivers. |. Atra. Coot. A thick, callous, red mem- brane above the Bill. Bill and Legs olive ; Garter yellow. Belly afh co- lour. Margin of the Wings white. The reft black or very dark afh colour. Weight 26 oz. Toes fcolloped. 2. Aterima. Greater Coot. Callus white. Gar- ter red. Darker coloured and larger than the laft. 3. Chloropus. Water Hen. Callus, Irides, upper part of the Bill and Garters red. Head, Neck, Breaft black. Belly deep afh colour. Margin of the Wings white. The refl glolTy olive brown. Fins of the Toes ftrait, narrow. Weight 15 cz. Length 14 inches, RALLUS. Bill comprelTed, fharp. Noflriis oval. Toes 4. Body compreficd. J. Crex. Land Roil. Bill and Legs grey. Above black edged with light brown. Beneath white. Legs very long. Weight 7 oz. Frequent in Ireland and /Inglejea. 2. Aqua- 42 BIRDS. G A L L I N iE; 2. Aquaticus. JVater Rail. Bill flightly arched, flender, above black, beneath orange. Above black, the feathers edged with olive brown. Beneath afh colour. Bafe of the Wings white. Tail fhort. Legs redifh, and near the Tail. Weight 4^ oz. Length i2 inches. 7. Porzana. Small fpotted Water Hen. Bill and Legs olive. Head brown fpotted with black. Neck deep olive fpotted with white. Back variegated with black, olive and white. Beneath afli colour and white. Weight 44 oz. Length 9 inches. LincolnJInre. OTIS. Bill ftrong and ^ little hooked. No back Toe. I. Tarda. Bujiard. On each fide the lower Mandible a tuft of long Feathers. Bill and Legs greyifh brown. Irides bright orange. Head and Neck a(h colour. Back and Tail barred with black and red-brown. Quills black. Beneath white. Weight 251b. Length 4 feet. The Female is much lefs, and wants the long Feathers from the Bill. V. GALLING. Bill convex : the upper Mandible arched. Toes connected by a membrane at the bottom. Tail-feathers more than 12. PHA- BIRDS. GALLING. 43 PHASIANUS. Cheeks naked, fmooth. Spurs on the legs. I. Colchicus. Pheafant. Bill horn colour. Cheek-membrane bright red. A tuft of black feathers near the Ears. Head and Neck tinged with rich green- pur- ple. Beneath brown. Tail of 18 Fea- thers, long and of various colours. A fharp fhort fpur. Weight 45 oz. Length 36 inches. The Pheafant, tho' lately introduced, now breeds fpon- taneoufly in this ifland. TETRAO. A bare fcarlet fpot above the Eyes. Legs feathered to the Feet. 1. Urogallus. Cock of the JVood^ or Mountain. Bill yellow. Above ftreaked with tranfverfe back and grey lines. Breafl green. Belly black, with a few white fpots. A white fpot on the Scapulae. Tall of 18 black feathers, with a few white fpots. Length 32 inches. Weight 131b. Fema/e: he(s. Throat red. Belly orange. Tail brown barred with black. In the Highlands of Scotland. 2. Tetrlx. Black Game, or Heath Cock. Plu- mage black. A white fpot on the Shoulders. Tail of 16 Feathers, fork- ed. Thighs and Legs dark brown. Weight near 41b. Length 22 inches. Female : Plumage mixt with red. Weight 2 lb. 3. Lagopus.. 44 BIRDS. GALLINjB. 3. Lagopus. Ptarmigan, or TVlnte Game. In Summer pale brown with dark fpots. In Winter white. Feathered to the claw. Tail of 16 Feathers, Weight 14 oz. Length 16 inches. In the Highlands of Scotland. ^ GrouSf Red Game, or A^oor Game. Bill black. Irides hazel. A white fpot on each fide the lower Mandible. Throat red. Head and Neck tawny red, mixt with black. Back red, with black fpots. Beneath purplifh brown, ftreaked with dark lines. Tail of 16 Feathers. Thighs pale red. Legs feathered to the Claws. Weight 19 oz. Length 15 inches. Female: Belly fpotted with white. Weight 15 oz. Legs Naked. 5. Perdix. Partridge. Bill white. Plumage orange, black and brown. A femilu- nar mark on the Breaft. Tail of 18 feathers. Weight 15 oz. Length 13 inches. Female lefs. 6. Coturnix. ^ail. Bill dufky. Head black. a yellowifli line from the Crown to the Back. Chin and Throat whitifh. Breaft pale orange fpotted with black. Back black and yellow. Tail of 12 feathers black and red. Length 7 inches. Migrates. VI. PAS- BIRDS. PASSERES. 45 VI. PASSERES.' Bill conic, pointed. Noftrils ovale, broad, naked COLUMBA. Bill ftrait, a little bent at the apex. Noftrils oblong, half covered by a foft tumid membrane. Tongue entire. 1. Oenas. Pigeon^ or Stock Dove. Plumage deep bluifh afti colour. Breaft tinged with purple-green. Two black bars , on the Wings, and one near the end of the Tail. Back white. All our tame Pigeons are varieties of this fpecies. 2. Palumbus. Ring Dove. Above bluifli afh colour. Breaft tinged with purple. Belly dirty white. On the back of the Neck a femicircular white line. Weig^ht 20 oz. Length 18 inches. 3. Turtur. Turtle Dove. Bill bluifti brown. Irides yellow. Crown and Back afh colour mixt with olive. On the fides of the Neck a black fpot edged with white. Wings brown. Breaft purple mixt with yellow. Belly white. Circle round the eyes, and feet red. Claws black. Length 12 inches. Bucks^ Glouceji. Shropjlj. Weji of Engl ALAUDA. Bill fubulate. Tongue bifid. The hind Claw not much bent, and longer than the Toe. I. Ar- 46 B I R D Sj PAS S E R i^ Si I. Arvenfis. Sky Lark, tower Mandible, fpot above the Eyes, foles of the Feet and under fide of the Body yellow. Head and Breaft fpotted with black. Ex- terior web of the Quills edged with white. Weight i i. oz. Length 7 inches. Sings flying. 7.. Pratenfis. Tit Lark. Bill, fpots on the Head, Breaft and Back black. Above greenifh brown. Breaft yellow. Throat and Belly white. Sides of the Tail white. Length 54- inches. 2 Lefs Field Lark. Head and back of the Neck pale brown with dark lines. Back and Rump dirty green. Coverts of the Wings, firft Quill, and fides of the Tail white. Hind Claw fhorter. Legs brown. Larger than the laft. 4 Red Lark. Above brown. Be- neath red-brown with dark fpots. Sides of the Tail white. A dark line acrofs the Eyes, and above that a yellowifh one. The third Quill long. Back Claw not very long. Size of the laft. Middle/ex. 2 The lefs Crejied Lark. Above brown. Beneath whitifti. Creft long. Feet red. Lefs than the Sky Lark. Tork- Jhire. 6. Arborea. Wood Lark. A white ring round the Head. Crown, Throat and Back fpott- ed with black. Breaft tinged with red. Belly white. Tail black edged with white. BIRDS. P A S S 1 R E S* 47- white. Lefs than the Sky Lark. Sings flying. j, Trivialis. Grafihopper Lark. Above green- brown fpotted with black. Beneath yellow-white. Tail of 12 Feathers. Jong and rounded. Legswhitifh. Lefs than the Tit Lark. Shropjhire. %,»,,. . . Wilhw Lark. Above yellow-brown, with dark fpots. Beneath yellow- white. Tail dark brown. STURNUS. Bill fl-rait, fubulate, and fomewhat angular. i., Vulgaris. Stare or Starling. Bill yellow, deprefled j the bafe of the lower Man- dible furrowed on each fide. A pro- minent margin round the Noftrils, Tongue bifid, horny, Irides hazel. Plumage black tinged with green-pur- ple ; tips x)f the Feathers yellowifti. Legs and Feet redifh black, 2. Cinclus. Water Ouzel. Bill comprefTed, black. Eyelids white. Above brown. Throat and breaft white. Belly red- brown. Tail black. Legs bluifti be- fore j behind black. Weight 2^ oz. Length 7 inches. TURDUS. Bill roundifh, fharp-edged : upper Mandible notched, and bent at the apex. Noftrils naked, and half covered by a membrane. 4 I. Vif- BIRDS. PASSERESi 1. Vifcivorus. Mijpl Bird. Above brown-grey. Beneath yellow-white, with dark fpots. Irides hazel. Tail of 12 Feathers^ exteriors tipt with white. Inner Co- verts of the Wings white. Weight 5 oz. Length 11 inches. Our largeft linging bird. 2» Pilaris. Fieldfare. Bill yellowifh tipt with black. Head and Rump a(h colour. Back deep brown. Tail and Legs black. Beneath white. Breaft redifli with dark fpots. Weight 14 oz. Length id inches. Migrates. 3. Iliacus. Redwing. Above brown-grey. Be- neath whitifh with brown fpots. Sides and under Coverts of the Wings red- yellow. A yellow-white line athwart the Eyes. Weight 2i oz. 4. Muficus. Throjlle. Above brown-grey. Be- neath white with black fpots. Throat and Breaft redifh. Inner Coverts of the Wings yellow. Weight 3 oz. Length 9 inches. 5. Rofeus. Rofe coloured Ouxel. Bill at the bafe redifh, at the point black. A long pendent Creft. Head, Crcft, Neck, Wings, Tail black, tinged with green- purple. Breaft, Belly, Back rofe co- lour with black fpots. Legs dirty orange. Middlefex, Norfolk. 6. Merula. Blackbird. Plumage black. Bill and edges of the Eyelids yellow. 5 7. Tor- BIRDS. PASSERES. 49 ^. Torquatus. Ring Ouzel. Plumage black- brown, the edges of the feathers of a lighter colour, A white Crefcent on the Breafl-. Length 11 inches. AMPELIS. Bill flrait, convex ; upper mandible fomewhat curved, and notch- ed. Tongue cartilaginous, bifid. I. Garrulus. Chatterer. A long Crcft. Plumage a{h colour, red, black, purple, yellow, ■white, brown. Red, horny, appendages from the tips of 7 of the fmall Quills, Length 8 inches. Rare in this Ifiand. L-OXIA. Bill fhort, thick. 1. Curviroftra. Crofsbill. Upper Mandible curved downward, the under upwards croffing each other. Male red. Fe- male green, both varying with the fea- fons. Shropjhire. Migrates^ 2. Coccothrauftes. Grofsbeak, or Hawfinch. Bill, under fide of the Body, and Legs redifli. Head chefnut. Chin and Quills black. The ends of the middle Quills curved outwards. A black line from the Bill to the Eyes. Back brown. Weight 2 oz. Length 7 inches. Shropjhire. Migrates. 3. Pyrrhula. Bulfinch. Bill, Grown, Coverts of the Wings, Tail black. Back of the Neck and Back igrey. Covrrs of the Tail and Vent white. Cheeks, Breaft, Belly crimfon. A white line E acrofs 50 BIRDS. P A S S E R E S« acrofs the Wings. The Bread and Belly of the Female dirty bufF colour. 4. Chloris. Greenfinch. Plumage yellow-green. Exterior webs of the outmoft feathers of the Tail yellow. Lower Belly white. Length 5 1- inches. EMBERIZA. Bill conic, angular on each fide ; a hard knob within the upper Mandible. r 1. Nivalis. Greater Brambling. Bill yellow tipt with black. Head and Neck tawny. Back and Legs black. Beneath yel- low-white. Rump yellow. Tail of 12 feathers, exteriors white. Coverts of the Wings white. Weight i oz. Length 7 inches. Migrates. 2. Miliaria. Bunting. Above olive-brown, with black fpots. Beneath yellow-white. Edges of the Wings and Legs yellow. Sides of the Tail white. Length 7 -^ inches. 3. Citrinella. Yellow-hammer. Crown, Chin, Throat, Belly yellow. Back of the Neck, lefs Wing-Coverts, part of the Quills, and part of the Tail green. Breaft orange. Rump brown-red. Length 6 inches. 4. Schoeniclus. Reed Sparrow. Above black, edged with red. Beneath white. A white circle round the head of the Male. Length near 6 inches. FRIN- BIRDS. PASSERES. 51" FRINGILLA. Bills ftrong, conic, (Irait, fharp. 1. Coelebs. Chaffinch. Bill, Crown, back and fides of the Neck, bluifh. Forehead, Wings, Tail black. Three white lines acrofs the Wings. Above the Eyes, Cheeks, Throat red. Belly red'difti white. Female wants the red feathers. 2. Montifringilla. Brambling, or Mount ainjinch. Back and Crown Islack edo-ed with brown. Chin, Throat, Breaft, and lefs Wing-Coverts orange; inner Co- verts yellow. Quills ed^'ged with yel- low. Belly whitifh. Length 6 inches. 3. Carduelis. Goldfinch. Bill, Cheeks, back of the Head, Belly, tips of the Wings, fpots on the Tail, Legs, white. Tip of the Bill, line from that to the Eyes, Crown, Win^s, Tail black. Circle round the BHl red. Breaft, Back, Rump, pale brown. Middle of the Wings yellow. 4. Splnus. Sijkin., or Aberdavine. Bill white tipt with black. Head black. Belly white. The reft of the body yellow- green. Two middle feathers of the Tail black, the reft yellow with black tips. Length near 5 inches. Migrates. 5. Cannabtna. Greater red-headed Linnet., or Redpole. Bill blackifh, bafe of the under Mandible whitifh. Head and Neck afh colour, on the Forehead a E 2 dark t2 BIRDS. PASSERES. dark red fpot. Back, Scapulars and Coverts red-brown. Quills black, with a white bar. Breaft pale red. Sides yellow. Belly and fides of the Tail white. Length 5 inches. On the Sea coafts, and fometimes near London. 6. Linaria. Lefs red-headed Linnet. ^[^^If much like the former J but conhderably lefs. J Mountain Linnet or Tivite. Bill yel- low. A brown fpot above and below each eye. Head afti colour and black. Back brown and black. Breaft black and white. Rump tawny red. Wings and Tail edged with white. Rather lefs and more taper than the common Linnet. 8. ...... Linnet. Head black and afti colour. Back black and brown. Throat, two white lines with a brown one in the middle. Breaft deep red. Belly white. Wings black, brown and white. Tail brown, edged with white. Length 5 i inches. Q. Domeftica. Sparrow. Bill, fpot under each Eye, Chin, under fide of the Neck, and Quills, black. Crown and fides of the head brown afli colour. Cheeks and Belly white. Back black and red. ro. Montana. Mountain Sparrow, or iVhite Cap. Bill, fpot on the Throat, and under each Ear, black. Under the Eyes, back of the Neck, and under fide of the BIRDS. PASSERES. 53 the Body white. Back brown and black. Legs pale red. MUSCICAPA. Bill triangular, the upper Mandible notched ; broad at the bale ; furrounded with fhort briftles. J. Grifola. Fly-catcher. Bill, Legs, Feet black. Above brownifh grey. Beneath white. Quills edged with yellow. Throat and Sides tinged with red. Mouth yellow. Length 54 inches. MOTACILLA. Billftrait,flender. Tongue jagged. 1. Lufcinia. Nightingale. Head and Back tawny olive. Tail tawny red. Beneath pale afti colour; lower Belly white. Iridcs hazel. Eyes large. Legs deep afli colour. Weight i oz. Length 7 inches. 2. Modularis. Hedge Sparrow. Head deep brown and afh colour. Back and Tail blackifh, fome of the feathers edged with brown. Rump brown tinged with green. Throat and Breaft bluifh afli colour. Belly dirty white. Legs red ifti. Weight not quite i oz. 3. Hippolais. Petty-chaps. Above grcenifli dark afh colour. Belly white. Breaft yel- lowifh. Mouth red. Legs lead colour. Quills edged with green. Length 6 inches. E 3 4. Sylvia. 54 BIRDS. P A S S E R E S. 4. Sylvia. White Throat. Above brown afli colour. Beneath white. Breaft and Belly tinged with red. Tail edged with white. Legs tawny brown. Mouth yellow. Length 6 inches. 5. Alba. IVI^ite TVaterwagtail. Bill, Mouth, Head, Neck, Back, Tail, Legs black. Breaft, Belly and fides of the Tail white. Tail and back Claw very long. Weight 6 drams. Length 8 inches. 6. Flava. Yellow Waterwagtail. Above olive green. Beneath yellow. A yellow line above the Eyes. Tail black edged with white. Throat fpotted with black. 7 Grey TVaterwagtail. Crown, Neck, Back afh colour. Throat black. A white line above and below the Eyes. Runp, Breaft, and Belly yellow. Tail like the two former, but longer. 8. Oenanthe. Wheat Ear. A black and a white line acrofs the Face, Head and Back a{b colour tinged with red. Be- neath yellowifli white. Bill, Mouth, Quills, and upper half of the Tail black ; the other half and Rump white. Size of a Sparrow. Migrates. Q. Rubetra. Whinchat. Above red-brown with black fpots. Beneath reddifti yellow. . A while Itroke above the Eyes, and a broad black one under it. Two white fpots on the Wings. Tail black and BIRDS. PASSERES. ^5 and white. Bill, Mouth and Legs black. Weight i oz. 10. Rubicola. Stone Chatter. Bill, Mouth, Head, Neck, Back, Tail, Legs black. Sides of the Throat and Rump white. Beneath reddifh yellow. White fpots on the Wings. Size of a Linnet. II Coldfinch. Bill, Head, Back, firft Quills, middle of the Tail, Legs black. Forehead, fpots on the Coverts and fides of the Tail, alfo the exterior webs of fome of the Quills, and all the undcrfide of the body white. Lefs than the Hedge Sparrow. 12. Atricapilla. Blackcap. Bill, and Crown black. Neck afh colour. Back green. Beneath pale afh colour. Quills and Tail edged with green. Legs lead co- lour. Weight A oz. 13. Phoenicurus. Redjiart. Bill, Cheeks, Throat, Legs black. Forehead white. Crown, Neck, Back blue grey. Breaft, Rump, Tail red. Wings and 2 middle fea- thers of the Tail brown. Weight 6 drams. Length 5 inches. 14. Rubecula. Redbreajl. Bill and Legs blackifli. Forehead, Chin, Throat, and Bread yellow-red. Above green-afh colour. Belly white. Weight ~ oz. Length 6 inches. 15. Troglodytes. JVren. Above red-brown, with tranfverfe black lines. Beneath yellowifh white. Mouth yellow. A F 4. white fe6 BIRDS. PASSERES. white ftroke above the Eyes. Weight 3 drams. Length 4^ inches. 16. Regulus. Golden-crejied Wren. Crown fear- let ; a yellow line on each fide. Above dark green. Beneath white with a green tinge. Legs yellow. Weight 70 grains. Length 4 inches. 17. Trochilus. TVdlcw Wren. Above green-afh colour. Wings and Tail brov/n, edged with green. Beneath yellowifh white. A yellowifh line above the Eyes. Mouth yellov/. Weight 2 drams. Length 5 inches. PARUS. Bill, fhort, ftrong, entire, briftles at the bafe. 'I'ongue blunt, with brillles at the end. J. Major. Great Titmoiije. Bill, Head, Throat, black. Back green. Beneath gieen- yellow, with a black line in the mid- dle. Rump bluifli. Qj^iills tipt with blue and white. Tail edged with white. Legs lead colour. Weight fcarce i cz. Length 6 inches. 2. Coer ulcus. Blue Titmouse. Crown, Wings, Tail blue. Forehead, Cheeks white. Back yellow-green. Beneath yellow. A white bar scrofs the Wings. Legs lead colour. Weight 3{- drams. Length 5 inches. 3. Ater. Colemoiife. Bill, Head black, a white fpot on the hind part of the latter. Above green grey. Beneath white. Wing- BIRI>S. PASSERES. 57 Wing-coverts tipt with white. Legs bluilh. Weight 2 drams. Length near 5 inches. 4. Paluftris. Marjh Titmoufe. Head black. Cheeks white. Above greenifli. Be- neath white. Legs lead colour. Weight above 3 drams. 5. Caudatus. Long-tailed Titmoufe. Bill black, thick, and convex. Crown white. Coverts of the Wings black. Tail black and white and remarkably long. 6. Biarmicus. Leaji Butcher Bird, or bearded Titmoufe. Bill (hort, ftrong, convex, yellow. Head grey. A black tuft be- neath each iLye. Plumage red-yellow. Tail very long. Legs black. HIRUNDO. Bill fhort, flender, a little curved, deprefled at the bafe, Adouth very wide. Legs fmall. Tail forked. 1. Ruftica. Swallow. Above purplifh black. Beneath reddifh white. A red fpot on the Forehead and under the Chin. Length 7 inches. Mouth black. 2. Urbica. Martin. Head and Back purple- black. Breaft, Belly, Rump white. Feet covered with white down. Mouth yellow. Length 6 inches. 3. Riparia. Sand Martin. Above moufe colour. Beneath white. Feet black. A moufe coloured ring round the neck. Length 5 inches. 4. Apus. 58 BIRDS. P A S S E R E S, 4. Apus. Black Afariitty or Swift. Black, ex- cept a white fpot on the Chin. All the Toes ftand forward. Weight not quite I oz. Length near 8 inches. CAPRIMULGUS. Bill fhort, a little hooked, with briftles round the bafe. Mouth very wide. Legs feathered be- low the knees. Tail roundifh. I. Europaeus. Goatfucker, Plumage black, white, brown, and afh colour intermixed. Mouth purple. Irides hazel. Weight 2^ oz. Length 10 inches. CLASS AMPHIBIA. REPTILES. 59 CLASS III. AMPHIBIA. Lungs arbitrary. Heart with one ventricle. Penis double. L REPTILES. Breathe through the Mouth. Feet 4. RAN A. No Tail. Forefeet, 4 toes dif- united. Hindfeet, 6 toes webbed. 1. Bufo. Toad. Back broad, black befet with tubercles. Belly fwollen, yellow with black fpots. Crawls. 2. Temporaria. Frog. Lefs than the Toad. Back fmooth. Margin of the upper '^ jaw white. Leaps. LACERTA. Tail. 1. Agilis. Common Ltzzard, or Sivift. Tail round, fcaly. Five Toes and Nails on each Foot. Belly black, fpottcd. Greefi Lizzard, a variety. 2. Vulgaris. Commoti Eft. Pale livid colour. A broun line on each fide the Head, continued .^P AMPHIBIA. SERPENTS. continued along the back. Forefeet 4 Toes ; Hindfeet 5, without Nails. Pet. cent. 2. II 6. ^. Paluftris, IVater E/t, or Newt. Length 3 to 4 inches. Above black-brown. Be- neath deep yelluw, fpotted. Tail com- preft. Feet like the former. Pet. ceiit. 2. III. II. SERPENTS. Breathe through the Mouth only. No Legs. No Fins. No Ears. COLUBER. Scuta on the Belly. Scales under the Tail. 1. Berus. Viper, Afh coloured. A dark in- dented line along the middle of the Back. Belly tinged with purple, fpotted with black. ^("hroat pale. Irides orange; Pupil blSiek. Scuta 146. Scales 39. Length about 18 inches. Pet* cent. 2. 103. 2. Prefter. Black Viper. Entirely black. Tail very fhort. Scuta 153. Scales 32. Exceedingly poifonous. Pet. cent. 2. 104. 3. Natrix. Snake. Dark brown. Belly fpotted with white. Throat yellowifh white. Sides of the Head white with tranf- verfe black lines. Double row of Teeth. Tail {harp. Scuta 170. Scales 60. Pet. cent. 1. ICI. ANGUIS. A M I* H I B I A-. -N A N T E S. 6l ANGUIS. Scales under the Belly and Tail. I. Frngilis. Blind TVorm. Scales fmall, foft, compaft. Back yellovvffh afh colour. Beily black. Sides ftreaked with black and white. Tail long, obtufe.' Colour varies. Iir. NANTES. Breathe both through Gills or Spiracles, and through the Mouth. No "Scales. Rays of their Fins cartilaginous. PETROMYZON. Spiracles 7, on the -fide of the Neck. No G\(\% 'Aptr^ ture on the Top of -t-he I^ead. No peroral or dorfal Fins, 1. Marinus. Zfl7?r^J^." Roxv^ bf Teeth 20. Mouth ro4f5. Two dorfal Fins. Back bkckifh bliie, fpotted. Belly white. A v/hite fpot on the top of the Head. Length about ^ feet. In the Sea and large rivers. 2. Fluviatilis A fingle row of fmall teeth in the verge of the Mouth, befides thofe within, 7'he pofterior dorfal Fin arjgulated. Back bluifli black. Belly filver white. Length about I foot. In rivers only. • 3. Branchialis. Lamprey Eel. Back black-brown. Belly filver white. Pofterior dorfal Fin 62 AMPHIBIA. NANTES. Fin ftrait. Length 5 or 6 inches* Frequent in the IfiSy and Merfea, RAJA. Spiracles 5 on each fide of the under part of the Neck. Body flat. Mouth in the under part of the Head. 1. Batis. ^kate^ or Flair e. Back afh colour with black fpots, fmooth. Belly white. A fingle row of Spines in the Tail. Length 2 or 3 feet. Weight fometimes loolb. 2. Oxyrinchus. Sharp-nojed Skate. Back brown with 10 fharp tubercles along the mid- dle. Belly white. Nofe longer and Iharper than in any other of this genus. Weight 8 or 10 lb. Dale Hariv. 421. 3. Fullonica. JVloite Horfe. Back yellowifli, fpotted with black and covered with Spines. One row of Spines on the Eyes, and two on the Tail. 4. Paftinaca. Fire-fiaire. Back gibbous. Body fmooth. Nofe fliarp.. Irides yellow. Tail long, without Fin, terminated by a fliarp point. 5. Clavata. Thorn-hack., or Maid. Back covered with Spines. A tranfverfe cartilage acrofs the Belly. Teeth tubercular. Tail, longer than the whole Body, with a fingle row of Spines. SQUALUS. Spiracles 5 on each fide the Neck. Body oblong and roundifh. Mouth in the anterior part of the Head. 2 I. Acanthias AMPHIBIA. NANTES. 6^ 1. Acanthias. Hound F'tjh, or Picked Dog. Head deprefled. Mouth beneath, femilunar. Teeth 3 rows. Foramina 2 between the Eyes. Lateral line ftrait. Skin rough. Back bluifh grey. Belly white. ^ Eight or 9 white fpots on the Back. No anal Fin. Dorfal Fins fpinous. Ufual length 3 or 4 feet. Skin ufed by Cabinet-Makersj &c. 2. Squatina. Afonk or Angel F'tjh. Skin rough. Teeth 3 rows. Mouth at the extremity of the Head. Perioral Fins large. Dorfal Fins near the Tail. No anal Fin. 3. Galeus. Tope. Snout pellucid. Mouth be- neath, femicircular. Three rows of Iharp Teeth. Two dorfal, pedtoral, ventral and anal Fins. Noflrils near the Mouth. Foramina near the Eyes. Length 4 or 5 feet. 4. Canicula. Cat Fijh^ or Bounce. Mouth be- neath. Teeth feveral rows, fmaJl, fharp, curving inwards. Snout obtufe. Back broad. Belly flattilh. Two doi-fal Fins. Ventral Fins large. Noftrils wide. Length about 3 feet. 5. Catulus. Morgay^ or Rough Hound. Back irregularly fpotted. Belly white. Head punctured. Dorlld Fins near the Tail. Two anal Fins, alternate. Ventral Fins concreted. Body flender. 6. Carcharias. Tf'lnte Sh::rk. Teeth 6 rows, ferrated. Back flat. Firft dorfal Fin near 64 AMPHIBIA. NANTES. near the middle of the Back. Peroral Fins large. No anal Fin. Tail di- vided J the upper part largeft. Skin very rough. Weight fometimes 1 000 lb. 7. Muftelus. Smooth Houndfijh. Teeth numerous, obtufe. Back brown. Body roundifh, oblong. Dorfal Fins 2 ; anal i. Pec- toral Fins ftiort. Noftrils wide. 8. Glaucus. Blue Shark. Nofe long, (harp, * deprefTed, and pun£lured. A triangu- lar foffule on ti>e Back. No Foramina near the Eyes. Mouth beneath. Teeth large, ferrated. Back dark blue. Belly filver white. Dorfal Fins 2. Perioral Fins long and pointed. Skin not very rough. Length 7 or 8 feet. Dale Hariv. 420. Borl. Cornw. 264. LOPHIUS. Spiracle i. behind the peroral Fins. Gills 3. Teeth numerous, flen- der, fliarp. I. Pifcatorius. Frog-fijh^ or Sea Devil. Head as large as the whole body. Mouth large. Eyes diftant ; Pupil divided by a tranfverfe line. No Noftrils. Se- veral long Spines on the Head. Body furroundcd with litde appendages. ACIPENSER. A fingle narrow Spiracle on each fide. Mouth beneath, retrac- tile, without Teeth. I. Sturio. Sturgeon. Skin rough. Nofe long, flat, {harp. Noftrils with a double aperture. 2 Four AMPHIBIA. NANTES. 6^ Four appentJages from the under Jaw; Five rows of fpinous tubercles on the Back. One dorfal Fin. Tail bifid^ the upper fegment Ipngeft. TETRODON. Maxilla bony, apex bi- partite. Aperture narrow. No ven- tral Fins. I. Mola. Sunfjlj. No Scales. Ski-n hard and rough. Back blackifh. . Belly white. Tail truncated, with a fliort femicircu- lar Fin, joined to the dorfal and anal. Body comprefTed, appearing like the Head of a fi(h only. Dale Harw. 427. Borl. Cornw. 267. CYCLOPTERUS. Head obtufe. Teeth in tha Jaws. The ventral Fins infun- dibuliform. 1. Lumpus. Lu?np FiJ})^ Sea OivU or Cockpaddle* Noflrils Angle. Back ridged, and be- fet with fharp tubercles. Colour, black niixt with pale red and white. Dorfal Fin long. Tail-Fin diftindl:. 2. Liparis. Sea Snail. Body naked. Dorfal, anal and tail Fins united. A round fpot like the impreffion of a feal under the Throat. Length about 3 inches. SYGNANTHUS. Nofe roundifh, com- prefled. Mouth afmall round aperture at the extremity of the Head, and covered bv a kind of valve : Gills covered in F the 66 AMPHIBIA. NANTES. the fame manner. Body long. No ventral Fins. 1. Typhele. Needle Fijh. Body hexangular to the Anus. One dorfal Fin. Length 5 inches. Diameter \ of an inch. 2. Acus Body, to the Anus, hept- angular, and covered with 20 laminae, the Tail with 36. Length 4! inches. 3. Ophidon. Sea Adder. Body cylindrical. Dor- fal Fin only. Colour greenifh duflcy grey. Length about 9 inches. CLASS JISHES. APODES. Gj GLASS IV. FISHES. Breathe by Gills, not arbitrarily.' Rays of their Pins bony. Hc.irt with one ventricle. No • external parts of Generation. 1. A P O D E S. No ventral Fins. MUR.ENA. Body long, flender, cylindri- cal. Noftrils tubular. Apertures of the Gills near the pedtoral Fins. Eyes covered by a membrane. .1. Ophis. Spotted Sea Serpent. Body very fmall in proportion to its length. Mouth large. Teeth point inwards. Back fpotted with white. Belly and Fins whitifb. Tail naked, pointed. Length from 3 to 4 feet. 2. Anguilla. Ed. The lower Maxilla longer than the upper. Dorfal, anal and tliil Fins united. Iris red. Lateral line afcends towards the Head. Vertebrae lib. IVill. 109. kaj. 37. 3. Myrus. Fln-ta'iVd Sea Serpent. Back dark olive fpotted with white. Body con-:- ^ 2 prclTed. 68 FISHES. A P O D E S. prefled. Back Fin, furrounding the Tail as in the former, edged with black. Raj. 36. Hill. 237. 4. Conger. Conger Eel. Fins like the laft fpe- cies. Lateral line ftrait, broad, white. Back dark olive. Belly white. Length from 5 to 8 feet, and thick as a man's thigh. IVill. 3. Raj. 37. ANARHICHAS. Foreteeth conic, di- verging. Tail Fin diftinil. I. Lupus, Sea Wolf. Head and Mouth large. Teeth long and numerous. Eyes pro- minent. Body thick, lubricous and variegated. Pedloral Fins large and roundifh. Dorfal Fin long but not high. Length 4 or 5 feet. Raj. 40. Will 130. AMMODYTES. Head compreffed, and narrower than the Body. Lower Man- dible {harp. Small Teeth in the fauces only. Gill-membrane has 7 rays. Body long and roundifh. Scales hardly vifible. Tail diftind. I. Tobianus. Sand Eel or Launce. Lateral line double. Anus nearer the Head than Tail. Dorfal Fin almoft from Head to Tail. Belly white, with 3 longitu- dinal lines. Dale Harw. 426. Will. IL JU- FISHESJ JUGULARES. 69 II. JUGULAR ES. Ventral Fins before the pefloral, CALLIONYMUS. Upper Lip duplicate. Eves near toeether. Apertures of the Gills in the Neck, No Scales. 1 . Lyra, Lyre. The rays of the fix-ft dorfal Fin equal to the length of the Body. The upper Mandible longer than the under. Dale Hariv. 431. 2. Dracunculus Upper mandible longeft, and hooked. Head large, comprefTed. Firft ray of the anterior dorfal Fin reaching to the Tail. Co- lour yellow, pearl colour and blue. Borl. Corn. 270. TRACHINUS. Head befet with Tuber- cles. Eyes near together. Two dor- fal Fins, the firft fhort. Anus near the Bread, i. Draco. Weaver. Under Maxilla longeft. Body comprefled. Dorfal and tail Fins ferrated. Lateral line ftrait, yellow. A ftrong Spine near the valve of the Gills. A deep fulcus on the hack. The antsKor dorfal Spines venomous. GADUS. Head fmooth. Rays of the GiU F 3 " raem- ^0 FISHES. JUG U'L ARES. membrane 7. Body oblong. Pe£lora| Fins ending in a point. Tl^iih 3 dorfal Fins. _ J Q'lrrm or Beard from the lower faw. J. ^glelinus. Haddock. Upper Maxilla longefl". t-aieral line black. A brown fpot or^ the left fide. Back ridged. Belly white. Tail a little forked. •2. Morhua. Cod. Upper Maxilla longed. La- ter?.] line white. Colour variegated. Tail not forked, and its firft ray fpi- nous. 3. Lufcas. R'lh^ ox Blir.ds. The firft ray of the ventral Fins long. The lateral line dotted and curved. Body ccmprciled. Back olive. Beilv white. Raj. 54. mil. 169. 4. Barbatus. TPljiting Pout. Body broad. Back Convex. Lateral linp much curved, 'i'wo blackifti fpots at the roots of the pectoral Fins. Tail even. Anus near the Head. Punilures on each fide the lower Maxilla 7. Raj. 55. Will, cpp. 22. 5. Minutus. Boer. Pack convex. Anus near the center. Punctures in the Maxilla 9 on each fide. Length 14 inch. Raj, 50 — 163. IVill. lyi. B or I. 26S. Jp^ith 3 dorfal Fins^ and no Cirrus. (i. Mcrlangus. IVlnling. Back convex, dufky j the reft of the Body white. Upper jaw longeft. Lateral line curved. Tail FISHES. JUGULARES. 7I Tall even. A black fpot on each fide near the root of the pectoral Fin. Raj. 55. inil. 170. 7. Carbonarius. Cole Fijh, ox Raxv Pollac. Co- lour black mixt with dufky yellow. Under Jaw longeft. Latersl line broad, white, ftrait. Size of the laft fpecies. R.aj. 54. 8. Pollachius. Iflnt'ing Pollach. Back convex. Lower Jaw longeft. Lateral line broad, curved. Tail lunated. Body thick. Length about 12 inches. jR.?/. 53. Tf'ill. 16 J. Dale Harw. 428. TVith 2 dorfal Fins. 9. Merluccius. Hake. Body long and roundlfn. Under Jaw longed. Lateral line curved. < Head broad. Back brownifli giey. Belly white. Tail even. Length about 2 feet. Raj. 56. IVill. 174. Dak Harw. 429. 10. Molva. Ling. L^pper Jaw longeft ; a cirrus from the lower. Head depreftcd. Mouth '*-" large. Back convex, black-brown. Body long, and roundifh. Tail a little rounded. Raj. 50. JVtll. 175. 11. Lota. Eel Pout. Body long, flender and lu- bricous. Head broad,^ deprefled. Jaws equal. A cirrus from the lower Jaw. Tail nearly oval, Raj. 67, ^8, 3. Will. lis. 12. Muflela. TVlnJile Fiji), Rocklingy or Sea Loach. A deep furrow in the anterior .,- part of the back. Tail rounded. Body F 4 flender. '^i r I S H E S. J U G U L A R E S. /lender. Length 8 inches. Raj. 67, 164. fflll. 111. BLENNIUS. Head decllving from the eyes forward, and covered. Rays of the Gill-membrane 6. Rays of the ventral Fins 2. Anal Fin diftind. 1. Galerita. Crejled Sea Lark. A triangular creft, red at the edges, between the Eyes. Body variegated. Dorfal Fin nearly from Head to Tail. l;Fill. 134 2. Pholis. Sea Lark, Afulgramc, or Bukard. Upper Jaw longeft, and (harp. Colour variegated. Tail rounded. Length 6 or 7 inches. DorfaJ Fin almoft from Head to Tail. Raj. 73. JVill. 133. 3. Gunnellus. Butter F'ljh. Colour, brown, olive, green, white. Ten black fpots, with white edges, on each fide the dorfal Fin. Mouth large, curving up- wards, Eyes fmall and covered with a cuticle. Scales extreamly minute. Length 6 inches. ^^'.144. WilLw^. Pet. gaz. t. 51. 5. m. THORACICL Ventral Fins under the peroral, GOBIUS. Eyes very near each other, with 2 fmall pundtures between. Rays of the Gill-membrane 4. Ventral Fins pnited, forming a kind of funnel. 5 I. Niger, FISHES. T H O R A e I e f. 73 -j> Niger. SeaGudgcon^oT Rock Fijh. Back brown, / whitifh, yeliowifh, blue, green, olive, black. Tail, dorfal and anal Fins pale blue. Belly yellow. Rays of the po- ilcrior dorfal Fin 14. Eyes covered by one common membrane. JP^iil. 206. Raj. 16. Dale Harw. /^2(). COTTUS. Head broader than the Body and fpinous. Rays of the Gill-mem- brane 6. 1. Cataph radius. Pogge. Body otSlangular, be- fet with hard tubercles ; 'Fail hexan- gular. Two cirri on the upper Jaw ; feveral on the lower. Anus near the center. " Tail rounded. JVill. 211. Raj, 'j'j. Dale Hariv. 430.' 2. Scorpius. Father laJJjer. Upper Jaw longeft. Anterior ■ part of the Body deprelFed. Back brown. Sides flreaked tranfvcrfely with black. Rays of the firft dorfal Fin II. Of the fecond 16. Tail rounded. Raj. 145. JVill. 138. 3. Gobio. Bull-head., or Miller's Thumb. Two Spines on the Head. No Scales on the Body. Back brown with black fpots. Belly whitilh. Fins yeliowifh. Rays of the firft dorfal Fin 7. Of the 2d. J 6 or 17. Length 4 or 5 inches. In rivers and rivulets. JVill. 137. Raj. 76, ZEUS. Head and Body remarkably com- prefied. Upper lip flieathed in a tranf- yerfe membrane. I. Faber. :7'4 FISHES. THORACIC I. I. Faber. Doree. Head and Mouth large. Co- Jour olive tinged with j^old colour. A large black fpot on each fide. Lateral line much curved. Ten prickly rays on the anterior dorfal Fin, Spines on the Back and Belly. Tail rounded. Raj, 99. JVill. 294. PLEURONECTES. Both Eyes on one fide of the Head. Body cxtreanily comprefTcd. One fide white. Eyes on the right fide. 1. Hippoglofilis. HoTihut in the South: Turhot ' ' in the North. Body fmooth. Rays of the dorfal Fin 105. Raj. ■^2' ^^^^.99. 2. Platcfla. Plaife. Body fraooth, with round red fpots on the upper fide. Six tu- bercles on the head. Rays of the dorfal Fin 76. Raj. 31. Will. 96. 3. Fleflus. Flounder. Lateral line rough. Short fpines on the right fide of the Fins. Rays of the dorfal Fin 60, 61, or 62. ,4. Limanda. Dab. Scales fringed with fhort fpines. Body broad. The upper fide fpotted with pale yellow. Short fpines at the roots of the dorfal and anal Fins. Lateral liiic curved. Rays of the dorfal Fin 78 or 79. Raj. 32. Will. 97. 5. Solea. Soal. Body oblong. Scales rough. Upper Jaw longcit. Lateral line ftrait. Anus between the ventral Fins. Rays of the dorfal Fin 91. Raj. 33. Will. ICQ, Eyes FISHES. THORACIC!." 75 Eyes on the left fide. Rhombus. Pearl. Body fmooth, fcaly. Raj, 31. IFili 95. Maximus, 'Turhot^ in the South : Bret in the North. Body rough, and not fcaly. Several rows of Teeth. Rays of the dorfal Fin 64; anal 48 ; peroral 11. Rf!j: 31. JVill. 95. .tzA €PARUS. Teeth like thofe of Quadrupeds. Lips duplicate. Valve of the Gills fcaly. Body comprefled. I. PaTus. 5"^^ Bream. Colour reddifh. At the roots of the dorfal and anal Fins the fkin forms a finus. Body broad. Back and Belly ridged. One dorfal Fin. mil. 312. Raf. 131. Charlt, 139- LABRUS. Teeth fharp. Lipsfimple. Rays of the Gill-membrane 6 ; Valve fcaly. Rays of the Jorfal Fin alternately foft and ridged. I. Tinea. TVraffe^ or Old wife. Snout curving upwards. Tail circular. Body thick, comprelTcd. Scales large. Colour va- riegated with red, brown, yellow. Rays of the dorfal Fin 26. i2<7/. 136. Will. 319- PERCA. Valve of the Gills fcaly, J"er- rated ; rays of the membrane 7. Fins fninous. Scales hard and rough. I. Flu- t]^ FISHES. T H R A C I C I. 1. Fluviatilis. Pearch. Two dorfal Fins, the firft of 14, the fecond of 16 rays. Ventral Fins red. On each fide 6 tranfverfe black lines, A black fpot at the end of the anterior dorfal Fin. In lakes and rivers. TVill.2^1. Ra'j.c^']. 2. Labrax. Bajfe. Two dorfal Fins, the fe- cond 14 rays. Back blackifh. Belly filver white. Shaped like the. Salmon. Tail a little forked. Length 3 feet. Willi']!, RaJ.S^. 3. Cernua. Rujff^' One dorfal Fin, of 27 rays, 15 of which are fpinous. Head full of cavities. Colour brown-yellow, with black fpots. Length 5 inches. In ipiany of our rivers. fVill. 334. Raj, J44- GASTEROSTEUS. Gill-membrane hath 3 rays. Ventral Fins behind the pec- toral, but above the fternum. Dorfal Spines diftindt. 1, Aculeata. Stickle-back. One dorfal Fin the whole length of the back, with 3 an- terior Spines. Head and Back blackifh ; the reft of the Body filvery. Body comprefi'ed. Eyes on the fides of the Head. Tail even. Frequent in our rivers. Raj. 145. Will. 341. 2. Pungitius. Lefs Stickle-back. Ten dorfal Spines. Much like the former, but lefs. Raj. 145. Will. 342. 3. Spina- FISHES. T H R A C I C li 77 3. Spinachia. Great Sea Stickle-back. Dorfal Spines 15. Length 6 or 7 inches. A fea fifh. JVilL 340. Raj. 145. SCOMBER. Head and Body comprefred, fmooth. Tail forked. Rays of the Gill-membrane 7. Spurious Fins near the Tail. "i. Scomber. Mackrel. Spurious Fins 5. A Ihort Spine at the Anus. 2. Thynnus. Tunny-fijh. Spurious Fins 9 above, 8 beneath. A Furrow near the ventral Fins. 3. Trachurus. Horfe Mackrel^ or Scad, Late- ral line curved, prickly, ferrated. A Furrow in the middle of the Back. Rays of the firft dorfal Fin 8 ; 2d 34; anal 30. MULLUS. Head fcaly, comprefTed, de- cliving from the Crown to the Nofe. Gill-membrane with 3 Rays. Body with large Scales, eafily deciduous. Very fmall towards the Tail. I. Surmuletus. Surmullet. Cirri 2. Head fmooth. Colour brown olive, with 4 longitudi- nal yellow lines on each fide. Fins and Tail yellow ftaincd with fcarlet. Ravs of the 2d dorfal Fin 8. Corn- wall. Raj. 91, JVill. 285. TRIGLA: '/S f I- S «. E S. T HO R A € I C I* TRIGLA. Head armed with rough linesi Gill- membrane with 7 Rays. Three Digits to the pe6toral Fins. 1. Lyra. Piper. Nofe long, bifid ; Noftrils tubular. A large Spine above each pedtoral Fin. Spots 70 on each fide. Raj. 89. If^ill. 282. Dale Hariv. 431. 2. Gurnardus. Grey Gurnard. Nofe bifid ; 2 Spines at each eye. Back fpotted with black and red. Pedloral Fins pale. Raj. 88. JVill. 279. 3. Cuculus. Red Gurnard. Nofe fomewhat bifid. Valve of the Gills ftriated. Lateral line imperfedt. Colour intirely red. Raj. 89. TVill. 281. 4. Hirundo. Tub Fijh. Head fquare, fpinous. Three cirri between the pe6loral and ventral Fins. Lateral line prickly. Sides variegated with purple green and white. Peroral Fins black. Raj. 88. WilL 280. IV. ABDOMlNALES. Ventral Fins on the Abdomen behind the pedoral. COBTTIS. Eyes in the upper part of the Head. Gill-membrane with 4 to 6' rays. Valve clofed beneath. Body comprefl'ed, and nearly of an equal thickne/s. S I. Bar- FISHES. ABDOMINALES. 79 1. Barbatulj. Grcuv.dlingy or Louche. Cirri 6. Head without Spines. Body fmooth, fpolted. DorDl I-'in 8 rays. Irides yellow. Length 3 inches. Raj. 124. 2. Taenia. Bearded Loach. Cirri 6. Upper jaw longeft. A forked Spine under each Eye. No Teeth, nor lateral line. Dorfal Fin of 9 rays. Length 3 inches. In lakes and ponds. Raj. 124. JViU. 265, 266. SALMO. Head fmooth. Teeth in the Jaws and on the Tongue. Giil- membrane 4 — 10 rays. Dorfal Fin near the Head. 1. Salar. Salmon. Upper Jaw longcft. Rays ci the anterior dorfal Fin 15. Second without Rays. Lateral line ftrait, with a few black fpots above and be- low. Tail lunated. Raj. 63. //-^//A 189. 2. Eriox. Grey. Spotted all over with grev fpots. Tail equal. Not quite fo large as the Salmon. Raj. 63. IVill. 193. 3. Trutta. Salmon Trout. Jaws equal. Dorfjl Fin 12 rays, v/ith black fpots. Pecto- ral Fins 13 rays, with 6 fpots. Tail " even. Head and fides fprinkled with black fpots furrounded witli brov/n. Raj. 63. 7/^/7/. 193. Fario. Trout. Lower Jaw lon'::^^. Sides if ctted with red. Tail lunated. Rays of \vz So FISHES. ABDOMINALES. of the anal Fin lO. Ra}. 65. WilL 199. 5. Carplo. Gilt Charre. Five rows of Teeth in the Palate. Irides white. Sides and Belly filvery. Black fpots on the Back. Eight punctures on each fide the lower Jaw. Body broader than the Trout. Raj. 66. TVill. 197. 6. Alpinus. Red Charre. Lower Jaw longeft. Irides grey j pupil black. Rays of the Gill-membrane 10. Rays of the dor- fal Fin 12. Back blackifti. Sides pale blue. Belly orange. Ventral Fins red ; external margin white. Tail lu- nated. Length 12 or 13 inches. TViri' andermercy IVeJhnorl. Raj. 65. Will. 196. 7. Eperlanus. ^melt. Dorfal oppofite to the anal Fin. Head diaphanous. Rays of the anal Fin 17. Back convex. La- teral line ftrait. Raj. 66. Will. 202. 8. Lavaretus. Schelley. Teeth fcarce vifible. Upper Jaw longeft. Rays of the dorfal Fin 14. Lateral line ftrait. Scales larger than thofe of the Trout. Sides and Belly filver v/hite. Shaped like a Herring. Hulfwater, Cumber/. Raj. 61. Will. 183. ^. Thymalus. Grayling, or Umber. Upper Jaw longeft. Dorfal rays 23 ; thofe of the Gills 9. Body narrow. Teeth ex- treamly minute. Length 13 or 14. inches. tISHES, AEDOMINALES; 8t *[l^ r inches. Scales large, femicircular, and not imbricated. Raj. 62. fFlll. 187. ESOX. Under Jaw longeft, pundured. Teeth in the Jaws and Tongue. Body long. Dorfal Fin near the Tail. Rays of the Gill-membrane 14. 1. Ofieus. Great Gar Fijh. Upper Jaw longcfl:. Mouth very large. Eyes fmall, Iris yellow. Scales imbricated 'and hard. Tail quadrangular. Body long and fmall. Length 2 feet, SuJ/ex coo/?. Hill. 223. 2. -Lucius. Pih. Head comprefTed behind ; - . r, deprefled before. Body fomewhat quad- rangular. Teeth numerous regular. Lateral line ftrait. Tail forked ; Vv^ith 19 rays. Raj. 112. //';//. 236. 3. Belone. Horn FiJh, or Gar Fijh. Snout long, flender, pointed. Body long, fmall. Back olive-black. Sides yel- lowifli. On the Sea coaft. Raj. IC9. IVill. 231. Dale Harvj. 433. MUGIL. No Teeth. Rays of the Gill- membrane 7. Lips membranous. Scales imbricated, cover both the Body and the Head. I. Cephalus. Mullet. Dorfal rays 5. Mouth fmall. Lyes large, diflant, and placed near the extremity of the Head ; Iris white ; pupil black. Back brown-grey. Sides and Belly filver white. No la- teral line. Ventr.d and anal Fins G white. Zl FISHES. ABDOMIIf ALE Sr white. Dark longitudinal lines on the fides. Raj, 84, Will. 274, CLUPEA. Rays of the Gill-membrane 8. Belly very acute, ferrated. 1. Harengus. Herring, Under Jaw longeft. Back dufky blue. Dorfal rays 19; Tail forked, rays 18. Raj. 103. Will. 219. 2. Sprattus. Sprat. Under Jaw longeft. Dor- fal rays 17. A dark fpot on each fide near the Gills. Length 4 or 5 inches. Vertebrae 48. Raj. 105. Will. 22I. 3. Alofa. Shad, or Pilchard. Apex of the up- per Jaw bifid. Black fpots from 4 to 7 on each fide. Dorfal rays 19; Tail 19. Length above four times its breadth. Vertebrae 55. i^^". 104 .105, Will. 223, 227. CYPRINUS. No Teeth. Rays of the Gill-membrane 3. Body fmooth. I. Barbus. Barbie. Upper Jaw longeft. Beards 4. Rays of the anal Fin 7. Back ridged. Tail forked. Length 10 or II inches. In moft of our rivers. Raj. 121. Will. 259. 2* Carpio. Carp. Beards 4. Rays of the anal Fin 9. Hooks on the 3d ray of the dorfal Fin. Scales large, imbricated. Lateral line ftrait. Dorfal Fin blackifti ; the others pale red. Raj, 115. Will. 246. 3 3- Gobi©^ FISHES. ABDOMINALES. 8^ 3. Gobio. Gudgeon. Beards 2. Upper Jaw longeft. Rays of the anal Fin 9. Black fpots on the Back and Sides. Lateral line black, and almofl ftrait, Dorfal rays 10. Tail a little forked. Length 5 inches. Raj. 123. Will. 264. 4. Tinea. Tench. Colour purplifli black. Scales fmall and lubricous. Extremity of the Tail even. Dorfal rays 12 ; anal 25. Irides red. Length 10 or 11 inches. Raj. 113, 117. Will. 251. 5. Cephalus. Chub, or Cheven. Head and Scales large. Body long and roundifh. Anal rays II. Tail even. Length 12 inches. In moft of our rivers. Raj. ijg. Will, 255- 6. Phoxinus. Pink, Minime, or Minoiv Pink. Body roundifh, pellucid. Lateral line yellow. Brown fpots near the Tail. Rays of the anal Fin 8. Colour va- rious. Length 2 inches. In (hallow rivers. Raj. 125. Will. 258. 7. Leucifcus. Dace. Body roundifli and flender. Scales large, imbricated. Irides white. Rays of the anal Fin 10. Length 6 or 7 inches. Raj. 121. Will. 260. B. Rutilus. Roach. Iris, ventral and anal Fins red. Scales large, imbricated; Late- ral line curved dovi^nwards. Rays of the anal Fin 12. Tail forked. Length 6 or 7 inches. Raj. 122. Will. 262.^ 9. Orfus. Rud, or Fincale. Colour yellowifh brown. Ventral, anal Fins anji Tail G 2 red. $4 FISHES. ABDOMINALES. red. Red fpots on the valve of the Gills. Irides yellow w^ith black fpots. Dorfal rays lO ; anal 13. Tail forked. In the lakes in Uoldernefs, Lincolnft). Raj. iiS. WilI.2S2. Plot. Ox. 10. Erythrophthalmus. Red Eye. Iris and Fins • red. Body tinged with red. Rays of the anal Fin 15. Dots on the lateral line 60. Rsj, 116. 11. Alburnus. Bleak. Under Jaw longeft. Back convex. Belly fharp. Fins whitifh. Scales large, imbricated. Anal rays 20. Length 5 inches. In rivers. Raj. 123. PFill. 263. 12. Brama, Bream. Fins blackifh- Back and Belly ridged. Scales large, imbricated, filvery. Rays of the anal Fin 27. Tail forked. Length 12 inches. Frequent in large rivers. Raj. lib. Will. 2^^.. CLASS INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. S^ CLASS V. INSECTS. Antennse 2. Legs 6 or more. Breathe through lateral Spiracula. L COLEOPTERA. ni ^•6 Wings 2, covered by 2 Shells, divided by a lonoitudinal future. ^ 'j ::- . SCARABiEUS. Antenns clavated, their extremities f.ffile. Five joints in each Foot. , , . Thorax cormited. jy Typhoeus. Bull-comk-r. Thorajc fmooth with three hori.s or fpines, thofe on J each {\6q extending forxyard equal with i\[ , , the extremity of the Hea^. Shells ftriated. Legs hairy. Length ^ inch. Colour black. On Hamflead-Heath ia 3|if.D . the Spring. ' Pet: gaz. 'T . t.^. f. 3. a.'Lunaris. Lunated Beetle. On the Head a lunated helmet and an ere^l horn. Tho- rax with t\yo horns and a longitudinal line. Eight longitudinal fcratches on eachShell. Colour dark brown. Length •^^-^^'^ inch. ■^'^''-•1 -sM .' G 3 3. Nu- t6 INSECTS. COfEOTTHKAl 3. Nuchicornis. ...... An erecS horn on the back of the Head. Thorax rounded. Head and Thorax Waek. Shells grey clouded with black. Length -j^ inch. Under Swines dung, frequent in the Spring. 4. FofTor. Lttt/e oval Beetle. Black and fl^ining. Three tranfverfe points on the Head, Nine longitudinal ftriaa on the Shells. Length 4 inch. 5. Fimetarius. Dung Beetle. Thorax rounded, with a margin. Head and Thorax black. Antennae and Shells red, in fome grey. Frequent in the Spring on Cow-dung. Length i. of an inch. (f. Haemorrhoidalis Extremity of the Shells and Legs red. Size of a grain of Millet. In muflirooms and putrid vegetables. '^. Stejcorarius. Common Dor, or Clock. Hel- met raifed in the middle. Corfefeit rouhded, margined. Above black. Be- neath fhining blue. Thighs hairy with a brown fpot on the anterior ones. Shells ftriated. Lensith i inch. S. Vernalis. Colour intirely dark fhining blue. Shells notftriated. Length ^ inch. Otherwife like the former. 9. Horticola. Black LegSy or Garden Beetle. Be- neath black and hairy. Head and Thorax blue. Shells light brown. Length 4- inch. On Apple trees. 10. Me- tNSECTS. COLEOPTERA 87 JO. Melolontha. Tree Bettle^ Brown, or Blind Beetle. Thorax hairy. Incifures of the abdomen white. Triangular white fpot on each fide the Belly. Four ftriae on each Shell. Tail (harp, long, curved. Leaves black. Belly covered with white fcales. Head fmall, retractile. Corfelet broad and covered with red and white fcales. Shells black, fcaly, with a white belt and white fpot on each ; future red. Length Ji^^ inch. Raj, 85. 37. On flowers. 5. Verbafci Much like the laft, ex- cept that it is lefs, and has 3 pale un- dulated belts athwart the fliells. SILPHA. Antennie clavated, foliated. Head prominent. Thorax margined. 1. Vefpillio Margin of the thorax broad. Shells abbreviated, black, with 2 yellow belts. Thighs of the hind legs large with a fpine near their origin. Length near i inch. On dead bodies, Liji. tab. mul. 17. 15. loq. p. 381. 2. Biphuftulata Antennas long and fmall. Black, with 2 red fpots on the middle of each Shell. Length i. inch. 3. Puftulata Black, oblong. On the Shells 4 brown fpots. Length ^ inch. On trees. 4. Quadripunfiata Head, Antennae and Legs black. Margin of the Thorax and Shells pale yellow, with 4 black fpots. Length ~ inch. In Cain-wood, near Hamilead. 5. Sabulofa. ^i 1 N S E CT si, C O L E P T E R A^ 5. Sabuloftl 'ib^H • .' ' ■ Black. • Antennae {horfg gIbbuiaW' ' Five -ftriae on each fliell. Shells and Wings fhort. Five joints -on the 2 firft feeti 4 on the reft. In 'fand, '6. A(^uatica. . •• . y. Brown, with a green bronze tinged Four ribs on the thorax. On each Shell 10 ftriae. LengtJi 4 -X3 ,. .-Jlhdfe.' ' ..... ..... .-. y.Tulickia. ...... Black, oblong. Shells ^ '"'abbreviated. Abdomen rounded at the extremity. Thorax and. Shells fcarce ' margined. Length 1 line. Found fre- quently running on flowers. CASSID A.; Antennas knotted,' enlarging towards the ends. Shells and Thorax biordpfed. Head concealed under the cbrfelet. ,'<=:. ' ' '■' ■>>*■ ■? ' V ■ ''"^^ ' "" '^'^^^ 1. Viric|is. ' Green Tortoife Beetle. Shells, dotted ^'1' r' and ftrisa^ed, o/efhanglihebocty.- Be'- ^•'^. '"* ^^°%i'eath black. Above 'green. Length • '^' i line. On verficillated' plants, and thifileS. C2«.ujiij'i .£ • • ") ' . 2. Nebulofa. , . V . . . t-iglit trown, clouded, with black fpots.' Shells larger than the body. Length I, 2, 3 lines. 'O^ thif^les. 3. NobillsL'* .'..... Yellowifh. grey, with a green-gold line on each fhell, which, dies with the infe£l. Length i ± line. 4. Maculata. INSECfS. COLEOPTERA^ 93 4.' Maculata Green, or red. Shells with longitudinal ftrlae, and 5 or 6 black fpots on each fide the future; alfo 2 large black fpots near the upper external angle of the Shells. Length 3 1. lines. COCCINELLA. Antennse knotted, trun- cated. Palpi longer than the antennae. Body hemifpheric. Shells and Thorax bordered. In each foot 3 joints. J. 2-pun£lata Head, Thorax, and Belly black. A large white fpot on each fide of the Corfelef. Shells red, with 2 black fpots. Length 2 i^ lines. On the alder and fome other trees. 2. 5-pun<3:ata. .',?,>•'.. Differs from the 1 aft in having 5 black fpots on the Shells. In gardens. 3. 7-pun£i:3ta. Lady Cow, or Lady Bird. Kead and Thorax black. Shells red, with 7 bUck fpots. Length 3 or 4 lines. Geof. 321. 3. 4. 9-pun(?iata Black. Shells red, with 9 black fpots. Length 24 lines. On trees, Geof. 323. 4. 5. 14-punftata Above yellow. Po- (lerior part of the Corfelet black. On the Shells 14 fquare fpots. Length 2^ lines. Geo^. 328. 6. i6-pun»S^a':a Head, Corfelet, and Siielis yellow, with 16 biack fpots. Suture ^4 INSECTS. COLEOPTERA; Suture black. Length i line. Geoff* 339- 16. 7. 22- punctata Head black. Cor- felet and Shells yellow ; the firft with 7 black fpots, the latter with 20 only. Length 1 4 line. 8. Conglobata Head, Corfelet, and Legs yellow. On the Corfelet 7 black fpots. Shells red with 8 black fpots on each. Length 2 lines. 9. 14-guttata Head white. Eyes black. Corfelet red, with white edges. Shells red, with 14 white fpots. Length 2 lines. In woods. 10. 2-puftulata. ...... Head, Corfelet, and Shells black, with a red tranfverfe line, compofed of 3 fmall dots, on each fhell. Abdomen red. Length i line. On trees and flowers. 11. 6-puftulata Head black, with 2 yellow fpots. Corfelet black, with yel- low edges. Shells black, with 6 red fpots. Length 1 1. line. CRYSOMELA. Antennae knotted, en- larging towards the ends. Corfelet margined. Body oval. I. Tanaceti. .:.,.. Black-brown, An- tennae of II globules, black. Head and Corfelet fquare. Corfelet and Shells pufidured j 8 longitudinal lines on INSECTS. COLEOPTBR.A. 95 on the latter. Length 4 lines. On common Tanfy. Z. Graminis Convex, green-blue, bright, pundlured. Eyes yellowifti. 3. Alni. Oval, dark blue. Shells punctured. Antennae and Legs black. On the common Alder. 4. Betulae. ...... Dark blue. Shells punc- tured in ftriie. Length i i line. On Birch trees. 5. Haemoptera Round, fmooth. Wings red. Length 31. lines. 6. Cerealls Streaked longitudinally with alternate blue and bronze lines, and bordered vi^ith green-yellow. Wings red. Length 3 lines. 7^ Polygoni Thorax cyllndricaL Globules of the antennae of equal fize. Head, Shells, and underfide of the Body blue. Corfelet, Thighs, and Anus red'. Legs and Antennas black. Shells ftri- ated. On gral's. 8. Poljta. ....... Beneath green-bronze. Head and Thorax gilt. Shells red, pundured. Wings red. Antennoe ' black. Length 2i ^^nes. On Wil- lows. 9. Populi '. Head, Thorax, and be- Xieath green-blue. Shells red, tiptwith black. Antennas black. Length ~ inch. On poplar trees. 10. San- g6 INSECTS. COLEOPTERAi lo. Sanguinolenta Head, Corfelet, and under fide blue. Shells pun£lured, t black, with a red border. • Wings red. Length 5 lines. In .Woods. ** sappers. Pojieriorihighs -thick i -E ii. Oleracea Green-blue. Corfe- let large and fquafe. Antennae half the length of the- body* Length 2 '■■ lines. 12. Hyofcyami ' Above fine blue. •In Shells ftriated. Legs brown. Length . I line. On common Henbane. 13. Exfoleta Yellow. Eyes brown. Length I -|. line. In gardens. 14. Nitldula Corfelet ruby-colour. Shells blue, ftriated. Legs yellow- brown. Leng<:h iline. \^. Nemorum Black, with a yellow longitudinal line on each Shell. Length 4, I line. On aromatic plants. Liji. tabi mut. 1. 2. f. 29. *** Body cylindrical. J 6. 4-pun(5^ata Black, except the Shells, which are red with 2 black fpots on each. Antennae ferrared, and placed before the eyes. Length 2 lines. 17. 2-pun6lata Antennas filiform, as long as the body, long-jointed. Corfelet gibbous, hemifpheric. Colour black, except the Shells, which are red INSECTS. COLEOPTERA C)'J ■ ■- red, with 4 black fpots. Head partly concealed. Length 2- lines. 18. Sericea Rich glofiy fjreen. Shells puniflured. Antennje and Legs blackifh. Corfelet gibbous. Antennas long-jointed. Head priiy concealed. Length 3 or 4 lines. Geo^. 233. 3. **■** Body oblong. Thorax narrow. 19. Cyanella Blue-green. An- tennas filiform. Thorax long. Shells filiated. Length 2 lines. GcoJ/. i±t^. ^. 20. i2-pimaita Red. Shells with 6 black fpots on each. Antennas black. Length 2 i. lines. On Sparagus. 21. Phellandrii Black. Corfelet bordered with yellow. On each Shell 2 yellow firipes. ' Length 2 '- lines. Gco-f. 266. 20. On the roots of Water Hemlock. 22. Afparagi Head, Antenn.-r, and under fide of the Body, black. Thorax red, with 2 black fpots. Shells yellow, with a black-blue crofs, and 4 fpots. Length inline. On Sparagus. CURCULiO. Antennae clavated, elbow- ed in the middle, and fixed in the fnout, which is prominent and horny. Joints in each foot 4, * Long-jnouted, I. AHivUi-ie Black- blue. Shells darker than the reft, and ftriated with H minute ^8 INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. minute pun£lures. Size of a Flea. On Eryfimum alliaria, &c. 2. Cyaneus Black. Shells bluifh, and ftriated with minute pun^luies. Feet brown. Target white. Size of a flea. On Willows. 3. Cerafi Black. Shells oblong, ftriated. Double the fize of a Flea. On Black Cherry-trees. 4. Pruni Black. Antennae brown. Two Tubercles on the pofterior part of the Thorax. On Cherry-trees. 5. Acridulus Bluifli black, Pyri- form. Shells ftriated. Length li- line. Geoff. 291. 32. On plants of the clals Tetradynama. 6. Purpureus GlolTy purple. Snout very long. Petiver found this atEpfom. 7. Granarius. Weevil^ or Bond. Black- brown. Snout long and fmall. Thorax punc- tured, and nearly as long as the abdo- men. Length 1 4- line. 8. Dorfalis Antennae black-brown. Shells red, ftriated ; future black. Thighs black ; Legs yellow. Size of a Flea. On the lefler Celendine. 9. Pini Dark grey. Extremities of the Antennae yellowifh. Entirely co- vered with minute pundlures. Two obfcure brownifh broad lines on the Thorax. Abdomen remarkably gibboug towards the anus. On the Scotch Fir. 10. Lapathi, INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. 99 10. Lapathi Black and white, be- fet with prickles. Shells narrow be- hind. Abdomen blackifh. Legs partly reddifli. On Docks, particularly the Water Dock. 11. Scaber Afh-coloured. Shells brown, obfcurely mottled with white, and covered with fnort brifiles. Legs red. Double the fize of a Loufe. On Nettles. 12. Qucrcus Pale yellow. Eyes black. Shells with a whitilli line near the future, and another at the bafe, forming a right angle* Somewhat larger than a flea. On the leaves of Oak-trees. 13. Vifcarise Head and Legs black. Thorax and Shells greenifli afh-colour. Oval. Villous. Size of a Loufe. On the Lythnis vifcaria. 14. 5-maculatus Grey. Snout very long. On each Shell 2 white fpots, and a black one between each. Length 1 lines. 15. Pcricarpius Black-brown, fome- what globous, and clouded. Shells ftriated, with a heart-fhaped white fpoc on the anterior part. Length i line. On Fig-wort. 16. Betulae Green-gold. Antennae and Eyes black. The anterior verge of the Thorax is fpinous in one fex. H 2 in lOO INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. in the other not. On Birch and Alder trees. Length 2 lines. ** Skippers J pojlerior thighs thick. 17. Beccabungoe Black. Corfelet greyifh brown. Shells reddifti, with a brown margin. Size of a Loufe. On Vernonica heccabunga, 18. Alni Pale brown. Head and Belly black. Shells ftriated ; 2 black fpots on each. Length 14 line. On the leaves of the Alder. 19. & Fagi Black. Head and Thorax pun£lured. Shells flriated. Thighs pale. On Beech-trees. *** Long Snouts. Hiighs dentated. 20. Pomorum Clouded afti-colour. On the Shells two tranfverfe brown belts. A white fpot on the pofterior part of the Thorax. Antennae and Feet brown. A ftrong fpine on each of the fore thighs. Bigger than a Loufe. 21. Nucum Dark brov/n. Snout as long as the body. Abdomen ends in a point. Shells marbled ; Scutellum white. Length 2 or 3 lines. In hazel nuts. 22. Scrophularias Somewhat fpheri- cal. Thorax narrow, befet with yel- low-white hairs. Shells black-brown, ftriatcd ; a large black fpot on the fu- ture, on each fide of which are two I fmall INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. lOI fmall white fpots. Length 3 lines. On Fig-wort. 1^3. Tortiix Body oblong, yellowifli. Breaft brown. Shells faintly ftriated. Thisihs dentated. Twifted in the leaves of thci Poplar. **** Short Snouts. Thighs dentated. 24. Pyri Black. Snout deprefled. Head and Thorax minutely pun£lured. Shells oblong, with 7 excavated ftrias. Antennae and Legs reddifh. On Pear- trees. 25. Argentatus Covered with green- bronze fcales. Antennas and Legs brown. On each Shell 10 ftriae. Length 4 lines. In gardens. * *** Short Snouts. TJjighs not dentated. 26. Incanus Black, befet with whitifh hair. Shells oblong, flriated, rounded. Antenna red towards the bafe ; firft joint very long. No wings. Length 2 — 4 lines. 27. Nebulofus Snout thick, carinated, black, with grey longitudinal ftripcs. Thorax chagrined, and covered with white hair. Shells black, with white hair, obliquely ftriated. Length 6 lines. On trees. ATTELABUS. Antennas thicker towards the apex. Head narrow behind. Four joints in each foot. H 3 I. Coryli. 102 INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. 1. Coryli Beneath, Antennae, Head, Less black. Thorax and Shells red ; the latter ftriated. Length 3 lines. 2. Formicarius Somewhat like an Ant. Head concealed. Antennas black, clavated. Thorax red, rough; ante- rior margin black. Shells with a double white belt, and red bafe. Length near half an inch, Runs quick. 3. Aplarius Black-blue. Antennae black, clavated. Corfelet hairy. Shells •with 3 pale-red belts. Length 6 lines. CERAMBIX. Antennae articulated, and tapering to the end. Shells long and narrow. Four joints in each foot. Thorax with lateral fpines or tu,» bcrcles. 1. Corlarius Black-brown, fiiining. Antennae of 1 1 triangular joints, and proceeding from the center of the eye. Jaws flrong. Palpi 4. Thorax mar- gined, tridentate. Shells margined. Length In rotten wood. Raj. 95. 2. Mofchatus. Goat-chafer. Blue-green. An- tennas length of the body. Shells with 2 longitudinal rugae. Wings black. Length I inch. Smells like mufk. 3. Rufticus Yellow-brown. Long, flender. Antennae fomewhat fhorter than INSECTS. COLEOPTERA TO3 < than the body. On each Shell two narrow ridges. Belly brown. Lift, loqu. 383. 10. 4. Sanguineus Black. Corfelet and ShelljS red, hairy. Length half an inch. LEPTURA. Antennae tapering to the end. Shells narrower at the apex. Thorax fomewhat cylindrical. 1. Aquatica Gilt. Antennae black. A tubercle on each fide of the Corfelet. Shells ftriated and truncated. Pofterior thighs larger, with a fpine on the in- terior fide. On Water-plants. 2. Melanura Black. Shells brown- yellow, tipt with black. Antennae length of the body. Thorax conic. Length 3 — 5 lines. 3. Virens Black, covered with yel- low green hair, except part of the fhells, which is pundured. Antennae above black, beneath yellow. Liji. T. mut. 18. 23. 4. Arcuata. Great Wafp Beetle. Black- brown. Antennse length of the body. Target yellow. Three tranfverfe yellow lines on the Head ; 3 on the Thorax ; and 3 yellow arched lines, with as many fpots of the fame colour, on the Shells. Length 5 — 8 lines. In rotten wood. Pet. t. 63. 7, H 4 5. Arietis. 104 INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. 5. Arietis. Common JVafp Beetle, Dark brown. Anterior and pofterior margin of the Corfelet yellow. Target yellow. Four yellow lines on each Shell. 6'. Pr^ufta. ...... Black. Shells foftifh, pundlured, yellow tipc with black. Fore Legs yellow. Antennae not quite the length of the Body. Length 2 lines. LAMPYRIS. Antennze filiform. Shells flexile. Thorax plain, fomewhat or- bicular, concealing the Head. Sides of the Abdomen papillous and folded. 1. No£liluca. Glow-tvorjn. Male : Antennae and Head black. Shells brown, cha- grined, with 2 longitudinal raifed lines. 3Slear the extremity of the Abdomen 4 luminous fpots. Length 4 lines. Fe- male : No Shells nor Wings. Brown. Abdomen of 10 rings, the 3 laft of which are luminous. Length 6 lines. CANTHARTS, Antenns taper. Thorax margined. Shells flexile. Sides of the Abdomen papillous and folded. In each Foot five joints. I. Fufca Antennas flat, black, yellowifii at their bafe. Head, Shells, Legs, and Belly black-brown. Thighs, Jaws and Sides yellowifh. Length half an inch. On flowers. 2. Livida. INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. IO5 2. LiviJa. ....... Head orange. Eyes black. Corfelet tawny red. Shells black, or pale yellow. Legs black and yellow. Beneath black. Sides partly yellow. On flowers. 3. JEnez Green-gold. Shells red on the external fides. Jav/s and 3 or 4 firft beads of the Antennas yellow : the 2d and 3d of thefe globules have each a fharp appendix. Length 3 lines. On flowers. 4. Fafciata Antennae and Legs black. Thorax greenifh. Shells black, with 2 red belts. Length li. lines, 5. Biguttata Greenifh-brown. Legs yellow. Shells black-brown, abbre- viated, and tipt with orange. Length 14- line. 6. Minhna Head and Antennas black. Corfelet red, with a black fpot on the center. Shells deep brown, tipt with yellow. Length i line. ELATER. Antennae taper, lodged in a groove under the Head and Thorax Under fide of the Thorax terminates in a point lodged in a cavity of the Ab- domen. Laid on the back, they fpring a confiderable height. I, Bipuilulatus Black, glofly. A red fpot near the bafe of each ShtW. Length 3 lines. 2. Ruficollis. 106 INSECTS. COLEOPTERAr 2. Ruficollis. ...... Black. Thorax red. On each Shell 8 ftrix. Shells blui(h. Length 3 lines. 3. Caftaneus., Thorax brown, fome- what hairy. Shells ftriated, yellow- brown, tipt with black. Length 5 lines. In woods, on the bark of trees. 4. Sanguineus Black. Shells red, with 10 longitudinal ftriae on each. Antennse ferrated, efpecially in the male. Length 5 lines. On the bark of trees. 5. Balteatus , Black. Shells ftriated, with the anterior part yellow-red. Length 4 lines. 6. Peflinicornis Brownifh green, with a copper tinge. Antennae ferrated, particularly in the male, which is alfo greener than the female. On each Shell 9 ftriae. Length 6 lines. 7. Niger Black-brown, clouded, and covered with fhort grey hair. An- tennae fliort, and fomewhat ferrated. On prefling appear 2 veficles near the Anus. Length half an inch. CICINDELA. Antennae taper. Jaws prominent, denticulated. Eyes promi- nent. Thorax margined. In each foot 5 joints. J. Campeftris Above green-gold. Beneath copper-tinged. Eyes large. Thorax INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. 10/ Thorax angular and narrower than the head. Six white fpots on each Shell. An oval fubftance at the bafe of each thigh. Legs long and flender. Length 6 lines. Runs quick. In paftures. 2. Riparia Green-gold. Eyes black. Thorax narrow. Shells covered with broad excavated fpots with a reddifti ftud in the center of each. Length 2 or 3 lines. On wet fandy ground. 3. Aquatica Black-bronze. An- tennae flender. Head deeply furrowed, Corfelet pun£lured. Shells ftriated. Length 3 lines. In wet fandy ground. BUPRESTIS. Antennae taper, the length of the thorax. Head half concealed. 1. Chryfoftigma Brown-gold. Eyes large. Thorax broad and fhort. Shells long, narrow, ending iji a point, with 3 ftriae and 2 gold fpots on each. Length half an inch. 2. Ruftica Bright green-gold. Eyes red. A round hollow fpot on the po- fterior part of the Corfelet. Shells long and narrow, with 10 ftrize on each. Length 7 lines. 3. Granularis Antennas clavated. Above brown-brafs. Beneath black. Shells ftriated. Thorax with 5 furrows. Size of a Flea, DYTISCUS. loS INSECTS. COLEOPTERAi DYTISCUS. Antennas ra per, or clavato- perfoliated. Feet villous and broad. * Antenncs ■perfoliated. 1. Piceus Black. Antennas of 9 joints, brown, except the }aft which is black, fmooch, and larger. Falpi 4, 2 of which are lon.^er than the Antennae. Thorax and Shells plain and glofly. Ex- tremity of the Abdomen fomev/hat pointed. Length an inch and a half. A fpine at the pofterior part of the Sternum. 2. Caraboides Black, glofly. Shells punctured in ftriae. Abdomen rounded. Antennas and Palpi black. Spine of the SterMum fhorter than in the laft. Length 7 lines. 3. Fufcipes Black. Palpi and Feet brown. Thorax punflured. Shells ftriated. Length 3 lines. ** Jntenna taper. 4. Latiffimus Black. Exterior mar- gin of the Shells broad, yellov/. Length 1 ^ inch. On water. 5. Marginalis Black. Exterior mar- gin of the Thorax and Shells yellow. £ycs large, " found,' black. A tranf- verfe tawny line on the upper lip. -Palpi 4. Antcnn.-E and Palpi tawny. Length I inch. On water. 6. Semi- INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. IO9 6. Semiftriatus Elack-brown. Head, Antennae, margin of the Thorax, ex- terior edges of the Shells, and beneath, yellow. On each Shell 10 ftrioe, which extend only -l^^-^- of its length. Length near an inch and half. Is not this the female of the laft ? Water. y. Cinereus. Small fmooth TV^ater- Beetle. Head black, the anterior part yellow ; alfo 5 yellow fpots, ;ind a tranlVerfe yel- low ftripe. Shells afa-cqlour, with yellow margin. Beneath black, with yellow fpots bfi the Sides. Legs black and vellov/. Antennas yellow. Length 7 lines. Water. S. Sulcatus Shells back, with' four ^■^ broad furrows, in which are grey-brown hairs. Otherwife like the laft, of which it is probably the female. Length 6 lines. Water. CARABUS. Antennse taper. Thorax and Shells margined. A large appendix at the bafe of the pofterior thighs. Five joints in eaqh. foot. I. Granulatus Thorax deep purple fprinkled with copper. Shells dark green, ftriated v/ith gold ; three rows of oblong beads, with intermediate flrait convex lines, on each Shell. No W; Wings. Length 8 lines. In the fields near London, 2. Leu- no INSECTS. COLEOPTERAi 2. Leucophthalmus. ....... Black. On each Shell 8 ftriae. Thorax fmall. Liji. loqu. 390. 3. Violaceus Black. Margin of the Thorax and Shells gloffy violet. Length |. of an inch. Runs very quick. In fields. 4. Crepitans Head, Antennze, Tho- rax, Legs, red-brown. Eyes black. Shells and Belly black-blue. Shells ftriated. Length 3 lines. Under ftones. 5. Cyanocephalus Head and Shells blue. Thorax and bafe of the An- tennas red-brown. Legs black and red. Length 3 lines. 6. Melanocephalus Head, Shells, and beneath, black. Antennae, Corfelet, Legs red-brown. On each Shell 8 ftriae. Length 3 lines. 7. Vulgaris Antennae and Legs black. Thorax as broad as long. Above black-bronze. Beneath black. Length 3 lines. 8. 6-pun(5tatus. ...:.. Head and Thorax glofly-green. Shells bright copper, faintly ftriated, and with 6 pundtures on each, ranged longitudinally ; ex- terior margin green. Length 4 lines. On the fand near brooks. 9. Uftulatus Head and Thorax black; the latter rounded. Shells black- brown, with 2 yellow fpots on each. Bafe INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. lit Bafe of the Antennae and Legs brown. Length I, 2, or 3 lines. 10. 4-maculatus Head black. Cor- felet yellow, with a confpicuous mar- gin. Shells obtufe, fmooth, brown, with 2 pale yellow fpots on each. An- tennae and Legs pale yellow. On the the fandy banks of rivers. TENEBRIO. Antennae globular, and larger at the end. Thorax margined. In the 2 hind feet 4 joints, in the other 5. 1. Molitor Winged. Above black. Beneath black-brown. Antennae length of the Thorax. Head and Corfelet fmooth. Shells long and ftrait, with 9 ftriae on each. Upper part of the thighs large and round. Length ylines. 2. Mortifagus. Slow-legged Beetle. No Wings. Black, not gloHy. Antennae of 1 1 glo- bules, and placed before the Eyes, which are fmall. Shells fmooth, united, ending in a point. Articulation of the thighs with the body, a ball and focket. Fcctid. Length I inch. Z,//?. /c^. 388. 21. Charlt. Ex. 48. Geof. 346. i. 3. Coeruleus. Bloody-egg Beetle. No Wings. Antennas blue tipt with black. Black- blue. Shells obtufe. Thorax orbicu- lar. Length i inch. On being hurt, difcharges a red liquor from the mouth. Raj. 388. X MELOE. 112 INSECTS. COLEOPTERA. MELOE. Antennae globular, the laft glo- bule oval. Thorax roundifli. Shells foft. Head gibbous, and bent down- wards. I. Profcarabeus No Wings. An- tennae thickeft in the middle. Black- blue. Head broad. Thorax narrower than the head, and without margin. Shells pointed and fhort. On being touched, a brown liquor ilRies from the joints. Length i inch. Geof, 377. i. MORDELLA. Antennae filiform, ferrated, joints triangular. Head bent down- wards. Palpi comprefled, clavated,,and obliquely truncated." Shells curved to- wards the apex. I. Aculcata Black. Antennae of ir joints, firft 4 globular, the reft trian:- gulaj-. Shells fmooth, fnbrt. Abdomen ends in a foft point. Four joints in the 2 hind feet, 5 in the reft. Length 3 lines. On flowers. STAPHYLINUS. Antenna globular. In each foot 5 joints. Shells curtailed. Wings covered. Tail defencelefs, with 2 veiicles. I. Murinus Antennae of 9 globules. Head deprefied. Downy, grey clouded wilh black. Length 6 lines. On horfe-dun^. 2* Alaxiliofus, insects; coleoptera. 113 2. Maxillofus. ...... Black, downy. An- tennae of II globules. Jaws as long as the head. Shells gieyifli, cover one third of the Abdomen. Length i inch. In woods. 3. Rufus Orange colour. Antennas fomewhat larger at the ends. Head black with long Jaws. Pofterior part of the Shells, and Anus black. On the middle of the Shells 2 longitudinal punctured lines. Length 3 lines. 4. Riparius Red-brown. Head, An- tennae, and 2 laft rings of-the Abdo- domen black. Shells blue. Length 3 lines. On wet fand. 5. Chryfomelinus Short, oval. Head and Abdomen black. Corfelet and Shells ftraw colour. Antennas brown, enlarging towards the end. Abdomen fliort, thick, villous. Length i line. On fand, and near walls. FORFICULA. Antennas tapering. Shells curtailed. Wings covered. Tail forked. In each foot 3 joints. 1. Auricularia. Earwig. Antennae of 14 joints. Brown. Shells tipt with white. Length 7 lines. 2. Minor. Lefs Earwia. Pale chefnut. An- tennae of II j«pi;its. Length 3 lines. II. H E- 114 INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. II, HEMIPTERA. Shells, pt upper wings, femi-cruftaceous, not divided by a ftraight future, but incumbent on each other. Beak curved downward. BLATTA. Antennae taper. Thorax or- bicular, margined. I. Grientalis Brown. Head fmall and almoft entirely concealed. Corfe- let large and oval. Shells tranfparent, membraneous, and fhort. Three ftria?, the middle one ferpentine, on each Shell. Two veficular points, one on each fide the laft ring of the Abdomen. The Female has neither Shells nor Wings, but the rudiments of each. Length near an inch. In bake-houfes, and near chimnies. GRYLLUS. Head maxillous, and with Palpi. Antennae filiform, or taper. Wings folded. Hind legs ftrong for leaping. 1. Bipunftatus Dark brown. No Shells. Corfelet, gradually diminifh- ing, extends to the extremity of the Abdomen. Antennae filiform, ftiort. In each foot 3 joints. Length 4 lines. 2. Subulatus. Dark brown. An- tennae filiform, Ihort, of 13 joints. No INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. 11^ No Shells. Corfciet: longer than the body. Length half an inch. 3. Gryllotalpa. Aide Cricket. Dark brown. Antennae filiform, long, fmall. Head long and fmall. Four fliort thick Palpi. Corielet cylindrical. Shells fhort. Whole Body villous. Two fmall Tails. In each foot 3 joints. Fore feet large, palmated. Length 18 lines. Lives chiefly under ground. 4. Domefticus. Houfe Cricket. Antennae long, filiform. Head large, roanJ. Thorax fhort, broad. Shells, in the Male, longer than the Abdomen ; in the Fe- male much fhorter. In the Female, a long hard point, thick at the end, at the extremity of the Abdomen ; in both 2 appendices. Kind feet much larger than the reft. Length i inch. 3 5. Campeftris. Field Cricket. Antennae black, almofl as long as the body, the* laft joint very large. TJiorax very fliort. Shells oval, alh-colour. Two Tails. Feet black. Jaws firong. Lodges un- der ground. 6. Verrucivorus. Great green G^'cifshopper. An- tennae longer than the body, and taper. Shells clouded, and Wings reticulated j both exceed the length of the abdomen confiderably. Beyond the Abdomen of the female extends a kind of Iword with a double blade. Length i inch. I 2 7. GrofTus, Il6 INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. 7. Grofl'us. Common Grafshopper. The larger fort greenifli, the leller red. Antennae cylindrical, of 24 joints. A ridge in the form of an X on the Corfelet. Length 5 — 10 lines. CICADA. Antennae taper. Shells mem- braneous. In each foot 3 joints. Hind legs ftrong for leaping. 1. Cornuta Black-brown. An- tennae fliort. Thorax biccrnuted, the posterior horn extends almoft to the extremity of the Abdomen. Wings diaphanous, crofTed. Brown veins on the Shells. Length 4 lines. On trees, ferns, &c. 2. Spumaria. Black-headed Froghopper^ or Cuckow- fpit Infe^^ or Froth-worm. Brown. Be- neath lighter. Shells with 2 imperfect white belts, or long tranfverfe fpots. In the midft of white froth on diverfe plants. 3. Leucocephala. ...... Head and forepart of the Corfelet yellow white. Shells brown, with a yellow border. Beneath yellowifh. Length 2 {- lines. 4. Lateralis Black. Shells with a white border. Beneath white ; middle of the Belly black. Length 3 lines. 5. Striata Head pale-green, with 6 black fpots. On the Target 2 black fpots, with a pale circle round each. I On INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. II7 On the Shells black and white oblique ftriae. Beneath brown. Length 1 4- line. 6. Interrupta. Striped Froghopper. Head black with a few yellow fpots. Corfelet black, with a yellow fpot on the pofterior part. Target yellow in the center. Shells yellow with black lines. Beneath yellow. Length 2 lines. ' 7. Viridis Head yellow, with 2 black fpots. On the Target 2 black dots. Wings and upper part of the Abdomen lead colour. Legs yellowifh. Length 3 lines. On water plants. 8. Ulmi Yellow-green. Ends of the Shells brown-gold. Length i-i- line. On Elms. 9. Rofas Green-yellow. Wings white. Length i line. On rofe-trees. NOTONECTA. Antennae beneath the Eyes. Wings crofTed and complicated. Feet formed for fwimming. Hind feet hairy. I. Glauca. Common Boat-fly. Head yellow; Eyes brown, large. Thorax, anterior part yellow, pofterior black. Shells clouded black and brown. Beneath brown. Feet of 2 joints. Length 6 lines. Swims on its back. On fmocth water. I 3 2. Striata. Il8 INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. 2. Striata. Brotvn Boat-fy. Deprefled. Head and Legs yellow. Eyes dark brown. Thorax and Shells brown with many tranfverfe undulated parallel yeilowifh Jines. Feet of i joint. Length half an inch. Fore feet like crab's claws. 7 Smells difagreeably. On water. ■3. Minutillima. Little Boat-Jiy. Grey, with Ion- v gitudinal brown fpots. Length i line. Swims on its back. NEP.A. Antennae, or Fore legs cheliform. Wings crwfied and complicated j fore part coriaceous. '%, Cinerea. Water Scorpion. Black-brown. Head fmall, Antennae cheliform. Thorax almoft fquare. Target large, brown. Shells large. One joint in each foot. Length near an inch. In the Female the Abdomen terminates in two long appendices. Four legs only. On water. 2, Cimicoides Olive, Antennae very fhort. Head broad, flat. Two fore legs cheliform. Sides of the Ab- domen ferrated. In each foot 2 joints. Length 4 or 5 lines. On water. 3. Linearis Green-brown. An- tenna cheliform. Legs 4. In each foot one joint. Head fmall. Thorax longp cylindrical. Abdomen red be- neadi. Two long Tails. Length, ' exclufive of the Tails, 13 lines. On ftagnant water. CIMEX. INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. II9 CIMEX. Antennae longer than the Tho- rax. Thorax margined. In each foot 3 joints. 1. Lc£lularius. HoufeBug. No Shells or Wings. Reddifh brown. Head and Shoulders red. 2. Scaraboides Antennae fomewhat clavated. Target covers the whole Abdomen. Above black-bronze. Wings white. Legs fpinous. Beneath black. Sixe of the Lift. On flowers in mea- dows. 3. Clavicornis Antennaeof 4 joints, clavated. Head and Belly black. Legs brown. Corlelet black, with a white margin. Shells diaphanous, white, WMth black punctures on the edges. Length J ■^- line. 4. Corticalis Blackifh. Extremely- flat and thin. Head triangular. An- tennae of 3 joints. Shells and Wings grey. Abdomen long, flender, and imbricated at the fides. SiT^e of the houfe bug. On trees. 5. Betulac! Brown-grey. Much de- prefled. Thorax furrowed, rough, black in the center, fides grey, denticulate. Shells p;rcy, clouded. Wings brown. Legs black s Feet red. On birch-trees. 6. Filicis Oval, deprefled. Head and Legs livid. Eyes, Abdomen, and [ 4 Thorax 120 INSEpTS. HEMIPTERA. Thorax black. Shells brown, with a ycllowifh margin. On Fern. 7. Marginatus Red-brown. An- tennas of 4 joints, red in the middle, with fpines near their bafe. Thorax obtufely angulated. Abdomen broader than the Shells. Length 6 lines. 8. Baccarum Qval. Olive- brown. f Beneath brown-yellow. Antennae and {ides of the Abdomen alternate black and yellow. 'Ihorax fhort and very brpad. A large orange fpot at the pofterior angle of the Target. Length half an inch. Extremely fcetid. An- tennae of 5 joints. On Goofeberry - bufhcs. I caught one of thefe on the bag of a gentleman's wig in Fleet- ilreet. 9. Janiperinus Roundifl). Green, with yellow margins. Antennas of 5 joints. Snout bends quite under the Belly. Corfelet large, with obtufe angles at the fides. Target laro-e. All the upper part punctured, wiia black dots. Length half an inch. 10. Caeruleus ' Oval. Blue-green- bronze. Antennae of 5 joints, and Legs black. Corfelet and Shells punc- tured. VVingsbrown. Length 3 lines. 11. Oleraceus ■. Above bh;ck-blue- bronze, with red or white lines and fpots : viz. on the Corfelet a longitu- dinal line ; on the point of the Target a fpjt J INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. 121 a fpot ; a fpot on the anterior part of each Shell ; and a line on the exterior verge of both Corftlet and Shells. Joints of the Antennae 5. Length 3 lines. ^2. Bicolor Above black- blue. Be- neath black. Exterior verge of the Corfelet white. Tw^o vi'hite fpots on each Shell. Membraneous part of the Shells brow^n. Joints of the Antennae 5. Length 3 lines. 13. Acuminatus Oval. Yellow- white. Antennseof 5 joints, red-brown. Snout fiiarp. Thorax narrow before j reft of the body oval. Two brown longitudinal lines from the crown to the center of the Target. Length 3 lines. J4. Perfonatus Black. Head fmall ; Snout long, fharp. Eyes very large. Antenna of 4 joints, Iharp pointed. Corfelet triangular, with 2 large tu- bercles on the fore part. Shells en- tirely membraneous. Legs long. Flies well. Length 7 or 8 lines. In houfes. ^5. Hyofcyami Scarlet Bug. An- tennae of 4 joints. Head, Corfelet, pofterior point of the Target, Shells, and under fide of the Body red. An- tennas, Eyes, and Legs black. Two black fpots on the Head ; 2 on the Corlelet, and a black crofs on the Shells. Length 4 lines. 16. Equeftris. J 22 INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. 16. Equeftrls Head, Corfelet, Shells, and Belly red. Eyes, Antennas, Legs, fore part of the Corfelet, and a tranf- verfe belt on the Shells, black. A white fpot on the membraneous part of the Shells. Antennce of 4 joint?. Length half an inch. 17. Apteru5. ."".". f, . . Antennae of 4 joints. Hea(?i 'Antennae, Legs, and Target black. Corfelet black, with a broad red margrn. Shells red, with a round black fpot in the middle. Beneath black, with a red margin. Length 4 lines. 18. Pratenfis Oblong, Above grey- green -yellow. On the Target a yellow heart-fnaped fpot, and three fpots on the Shells. Beneath, An- tenn?e, and Legs yeljowilh. Antennae of 4 joints. Length 3 1. lines. •ic). Umbrattlis. Green yellow. A grcenifl'i hcart-fhaped fpot on the Tar- get. A brown fpot on the Shells. Antennae brown of 4 joints. Length I l- line. On flowers. '20. Striatus. Fire Jlreaked Bugkin. Antennae black, of 4 joints. Eyes and Legs brown. Corfelet black, with 5 longitudinal yellow lines. Target black. Black and yellow longitudinal lines on the Shells, with a vellow trian'2;le at the ends. Beneath black. Length 3 lines. In the woods near Hamftcad. 21. Populi. INSECTS, HE MI PT ERA. I23 21. Populi Brown and white clouded. Antennae as long as the body, taper. Shells deprefled. Legs long, black and white. In woods, particularly on the trunk of the Poplar. 22. Ulmi. ...... Antennae not quite fo long as the body, taper. Head and Thorax red-brown. Shells pale, with longitu- dinal crimfon veins. Wings brown, with white fpots. 23. Abietis Antennae filiform, black, of 4 joints. Head (harp, black. Tho- rax black, behind red-brown. Target black. Shells pale, fides yellow, black fpot in the middle. Legs red. Fore thighs very thick and dentated. Ab- domen brown. On the Scotch Fir. 24. Lacuftris Above black. Beneath black and white changeable. Antennae black, of 4 joints, half as long as the body. Eyes large, prominent. Fore legs much fhorter than the reft. Length 4 Tines. Runs quick on the furface of ftill water. 25. Stagnorum Black-brown. Long, flender. Head one-third of its whole length. Antennae as long as the head, and very fmall. Eyes minute, promi- nent. Fore legs (hort. Length ~ inch. Breadth ^ line. On ftagnant water. 26. Vagabundus Brown and white. Head large ; Snout curved. Thorax long, cylindrical. Shells very long. Fore 124 INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. Forelegs fliort, thick. Four hind legs very long and flender. Length 2 lines. Breadth ^ line. APHIS. Beak inflexed. Antennae longer than the Thorax. . Wings 4, erecSi:, or none. Feet of one joint. Extremity of the Abdomen generally forked, 1. Ribis. Currant Lovfe. Green- brown. An- tennas black, longer than the body. Wings ere6l, with black veins. Podex prominent, with 2 bridles. Size of a common loufe. On red currant bufhes. 2. Ulmi. Ehn Loufe. Oblong, brown, covered with thin white down. Antennae thick. Wings tranfparent, with a brown fpot on the exterior margin. Size of a grain of millet. 3. Sambuci. Elder Loufe. Bluifh black. Mi- nute. 4. Rumicis. Dock Lcufe. Black- bronze. An- tennae white, tipt with black. Legs grey, with bluifh joints. Bafe of the Wings green. On the ftiarp-pointed Dock. 5. Acetofae. Sorrel Loufe. Black, with a green belt. 6. Lychnidis. Campion Lcufe. Black. An- tennas and Legs pale. Abdoinen ob- tufc. 7. Rofxc. Rofe Loufe. Green or red. Antennae blackj the length of the abdomen. i. Tilijc. INSECTS. HEMIPTERA, I25 8. Tilia?. Lime Lcufe. Oblong. Greenifh. An- tennae and Legs black and white. Wings bordered and fpoticd with black. 9. Brafficas. Callage Loufe. Green, mealy. 10. Craccae Oval, margined, bluifli- black, mealy. 11. Sonchi Black, or fometimes bronze. Between the tails a third ap- pendix, curved upwards. On the Sow- Thiftle. 12. Cardui Brazen-black, poliflied. Legs and Antennae black, with the bafe whitifh. Abdominal appendix black. On Thirties. 13. Tanaceti Red-brown. Rudi- ments of the Wings, AntennDS, and Legs paler. On I'anfy. 14. Abfinthii Black. Back greyifh, with a large brown fpot. Middle ap- pendix erecl. 15. Jaceae Black. Wings white. Extremity of the Abdomen brown. On common Knapweed. 16. Betulae Greenifh. No Wings. Sides fpotted with black. On Birch- trees. 17. Fagi Green, covered with white down. On Beach-trees. j8. Quercus. 26 INSECTS. HIMTPTERA. i8. Quercus Brown, Trunk three times as long as the Body. Under the bark of trees. 19. Salicis Black, with white fpots. Tails brown. On Willows. 20. Populi Oval, livid. On each fide 5 white fpots. No Tails. Rudi- ments of the Wings acute. On Poplars. 21. Aceris. ...... Green. Middle of the Head and of the Corfelet black. A brown fpot near the Tail. On the leaves of the Maple. 22. Atriplicis Green. Eyes black. Rolled up in the leaves of grafs-leaved Orache. CHERMES. Trunk or Snout proceeding from the Breaft, between the firft and fecond pair of Legs. Antennae longer than the Thorax. Wings 4, deflexed. Thorax gibbous. Skip. 1. Graminis Antennae whitlfh, tip- ped with black. Legs white. Head and Thorax grey, with white lines. Does not fkip. 2. Pyri Grey. Abdomen fhort, with tranfverfe white lines. On Pear- trees. 3. Sorbi Above ftreaked with black. Beneath greenifli. Corfelet yellowifh, with two dots on the anterior part, and on the pofterior 4 black lines. ■ On the mountain afh. 4. L'^rticjc. INSECTS. HEMIPTERA. 127 4. Urticse Brown. Sides and Legs white. Antennae black, bafe white. Eyes yellowifh. On Nettles. 5. Alni. White. Eyes lateral, pro- minent. Tail forked. Antennas va- riegated. Mouth black, between the ift and 2d pair of Legs. On the com- mon alder. 6. Quercus White- yellow. Shells with 4 brown fpots on the exterior, and one on the interior Margin. On the leaves of the Oak. 7. Abietis. White-yellow. An- tenna; taper. Eyes brown, with a black fpeck between them. Wings bluifli. Length 2 lines. In large tubercles on the ends of the branches of the com- mon Fir. S. Fraxini Brown. Antenna fmall and taper. On the Corfelet a tranf- verfe belt, and a longitudinal yellow line. Wings longer by half than the Abdomen, which is blackifh. Length i~ line. On Afh-trees. COCCUS. Trunk proceeding from the breaft. Wings, in the Male, 2, ere£l: ; Female none. Four or 6 v/hite briitles at the extremity of the Abdomen. X. Hefperidum. Green-honfe Bug. Oval, brown, oblong, covered with a kind of varnifh. Legs 6. A notch and 4 brililes at the I Tail, 128 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTER A," Tail. When young it runs upon thrf trees, but afterwards fixes on feme leaf where it hatches an infinity of eggs, and dies. The male is a very fmall fly. On Orange-trees, &c. 2. Betulae Green-brown. On Birch- trees ; on the divarications of the branches. 3. Phalaridis Red-white, mealy. On Canary-grafs* THRIPS. Beak obfcure. Antennae as long as the Thorax. Body narrow. Wings 4, ftraight, narrow. 1. Phyfapus Black. Shells blulfh. Antennae of 6 joints. Wings very narrow. Runs quick, and fkips. Lefs than a Flea. Frequent on Dandelion. 2. Juneperina Antennae of 7 joints, yellowifti. Corfelet and Abdomen black. Shells and Wings grey. Legs black. Feet, of two joints, yellowilh. Runs fwift. On the bark of old trees* Length I line. 3. Fafciata Black. Shells with 3 white belts. Lefs than a Flea. On flowers. " in. LEPIDOPTER A. Wings 4, imbricated with very minute fcales. Tongue, or Trunk, fpiral. Body hairy. PAPILEO. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 12^ PAPILEO. Antennne clavateil. Wings, when at reft, erecb. Diurnal. X. Machaon. Royal ff^t/Iiam, or Sivallow-iail Butterjiy. Black and yellow. Biidy black above, yellow on the Sides and Belly. Eyes, Antennas, and Trunk black. Firft Wings rounded, irt the middle yellow, with black lines ; near the pofterior verge 8 yellow femilunar fpots. Second Wings black and yel- Jow, with 2 long Tails, and 2 orange fpots, furrounded with blue, at tne po- fterior angle. Caterpillar large, fmooth pale-green, with black tranfverfe ftripes fpotted with orange. On umbelliferous plants. Breeds in May and July. 2. Podaliripus. ...... In fliape and colour much like the laft, but the yellow is paler, and the Tails longer and nar- rower. On the I ft Wing, 6 black ribs, and a black margin. On the 2d, an oblique black rib, and a black bor- der with 4 or 5 blue femilunn.r fpots, and near it 6 yellow fpots. Rare, in woods. 3. Cratcegi. IFl/ite Bntterjiy. zvhh bhck veins. Wings rounded. Bieadth near i-\. inches. In meadows in June. Cater- pillar black, covered with white and yellow hair : feeds on the white thorn. 4. Brafljcae. Great JVhite Cahbage-Butterf.y. Firfl: Wings white, with 2 black fpots in K the 130 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. the middle, and black at the extremi- ties. Second Wings white, with a black fpot on the fuperior margin. The female has no black fpots on the upper furface. Caterpillaryellow, black, and blue. Breeds in May and July. 5. Rapae. Small White Cabbage-Butter jiy. Like the laft, but lefs. Caterpillar green, with a pale yellow line on each fide. 6. Napi. JVhite Butterfly^ with green veins. White above. Firil Wings tipt {lightly with i black, and the under furface of the 2d Wings fpread with broad green veins. Female has 2 or 3 black fpots on the upper furface of the Wings. Cater- pillar, feeds on cabbage, &c. 7. Cardamines. Orange Tip. Wings rounded, a little fcallopped. Firft Wings, the fuperior part, orange, tipt with brown ; a femilunar black fpot near the cen- ter, the reft white. Second Wings, beneath, marbled with green. Middle fizc. Female wants the orange-colour. Caterpillar green, feeds on grafs. 8. Hyale. Saffron Buttcrjiy. Wings entire, rounded, yellow. On the ift Wings a black, and on the feccnd an orange fpot, bor- dered with black. Antennae and Less yellow. Breadth 2 inches. In autumn, but rare. 9. Rhamni. Brim/lone Butterfly. Wings angu- lated, entire, pale greenifh yellov/, with a fmall brown fpot near the center of I each. INSECTS. LEPJDOPTERA. I^I each. Antennae brown. Caterpillar green, feeds on the Buckthorn. Breeds in July or Auguli. 10. Hyperantus. Brotvn-EyedBiitierf.y. Wings entire, brown. Eeneath, on the ill Wings 3 eyes, on the 2d 5, Common near woods. July and Augufl:. 11. Jo. Peacock Butterfly. Wings angulated* indented, yellowiih red, with a large blue eye on each. Caterpillar black, dotted with white ; on nettles. Com- mon all fummer. 12. Maera. Great Ar?in. Brown and ornno;e variegated. Second Wings flighcly fcallopped* Above, ift Wings, a blade Eye, white in the center ; 2d wings 3 eyes. Beneath, 2d Wings, 7 eyes on each. Reds frequently on v/olls and flones. Caterpillar fmooth, feeds on grafs. 13. iEgeria. TVood Argus -Butter fly. Wings rounded, and a little indented. Above brown, with orange irregular fpots. On the I ft Wings, near the upper an- gle, a black eye wi;h a white pupil, and 3 on the 2d. Caterpillar fmooth, green. July and Auguft. On grafs. 14. Gahthea. MarhJe Butter fly . Wings rounded, indented. White, with black lines and irregular fpots. Beneath, on the ift Wi/igs, one fmall Eye, on the 2d 5, Caterpillar fmooth, yellow. K 2 15. Semele. 132 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 15. Semele. Black-eyed Marble Buttcrjly. Wings indented, black-brown, with a light yellow broad tranfverfe ftripe, on which are 2 eyes on the ift wings, and i on the 2d, which are waved with white. In woods. 16. Jurtina. Meadow Brown Butterfly. Wings above brown, yellow in the middle, ■' with one Eye in the ift. Beneath, 2d Wings grey in the middle, indented. Common in meadows. 17. Cardui. Painted Lady. Wings indented. Above, J ft Wings, towards the extreme angle, black, with white fpots ; the reft orange, fpotted with black : 2d Wings orange, with a range of black fpots near the Margin. Beneath, ift Wings variegated with black, white, orange, yellow : 2d marbled with grey, yellow, brown, and 5 Eyes near the Margin. Caterpillar grey, fpinous : feeds on nettles. 18. Iris. Emperor of the JVoods, or Purple High- flyer. Wings indented. Above pur- ple, darker round the edges, with 7 diftin6l white fpots on the ift Wings ; on the 2d an irregular broad white ftripe, and a yellow eye. Beneath black, brown, and white. Large. 19. Antiopa. TVillow Butterfly. Wings angu- lated, black, with a yellow-white ex- ternal border. In the anterior mar- gin of the ift Wings, 2 long yellowifti fpots INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, 1$^ fpots. Between the black and yellow a range of bluifh eyes. Body and An- tennae black. Caterpillar black, fpi- nous, with large brown fpots. Very rare in this kingdom. 20. Polychloros. Great Torto'ife-Jhell Butterfly. Deep orange, with black fpots. Wings confiderably indented. Above, on the ift Wings 7 fpots, on the 2d i, and a broad exterior black border edged with black and yellow. The 2 black fpotS which touch the anterior edge of the ift wings, are long and much larger than the reft. Beneath black-brown and dull yellow. Caterpillar brown and yellow, fpinous ; feeds on Elms, Pear- trees, &€. 21. Urticae. Small Tortoife-Jhell Butterfly. Much like the laft, but lefs. On the ift Wings 6 black fpots, 2 of which are" very fmall, and one whitifti fpot. Ca- terpillar feeds on nettles. Plies early in the fpring. 22. C. album. Comma Butterfly. Orange, fpotted with black. Wings much indented. Beneath, on the 2d Wings, a white fpot in the ftiape of a comma, C, or G. Legs white in the middle. Caterpillar fpinous, brown on the Sides, and white on the pofterior half of the Back. On hops and nettles. 23. Atalanta. Admiral Butterfly. Wings black, indented j a broad tranfverfe fire- red K 3 ftripe 134 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, {Iripe, and 7 or 8 white fpots on the I ft pair ; a red pofterior margin, and 4 blacK dots on the 2d. Caterpillar grey, fpinous ; on nettles. 24. Lucina. Small Fritillary. Wings indented. Above red-brown, with minute yellow, black and white fpots. Beneath, on the 2;d wings, a double band of white fpots, and fome black ones near the pofterior margin. Frequent near Cam- bridge. Sometimes in Hornfey-Wood. ^5. Maturna. Heath Fritillary. Above orange, longitudinally ftreaked, and tranfverfely waved with black ; bordered with fmall femilunar white fpots. VVings entire. Yellov/ fpots on the under furface of the 2d Wings. Caterpillar black, fpinous. 26. Cinxia. Plantain Fritillary. Above like the laft, but the tranfverfe waves are more diftinct, and on the 2d Wings are 8 black dots. Beneath, the lit Wings have a yellow exterior border, and the 2d 3 broad yellow ftripes. Caterpillar black-blue, fpinous. In meadows. ay. Papliia. Great Fritillary. Large. Above, pale orange, with fine black veins, and feveral rows of large, round, black fpots. Beneath, the 2d Wings are greenifli, with 4 filvery tranfverfe waves, in the exterior of which are 4 circular fpots. Caterpillar, above brown, be- neath yellow, fpinous, with 2 long horns. On nettles. 28. Aglaja, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. I35 28. Aglaja. Great Fritlllary Butterfly with filver fpots. Large. Wings a little indented. Above pale orange, with many round black fpots. Beneath, on the 2d Wings, 21 or 22 filver fpots, 7 of which are femilunar, and regularly ranged near the margin. Caterpillar fpinous, black with a line of yellow fpots on each fide. In woods. 29. Lathonia. Lefs Silver-fpotted Fritlllary. Silver fpots 30. Caterpillar brown, with a yellow line on each fide. 30. Euphrofyne. Jprll Frltllla-ry. Above yellow, with black veins and tranfverfe waves. Beneath 9 filver fpots on the 2d Wings. Geof. 44. 1 1. 31. Betulse, Broun Halr-Jlreak Butterfly. Lefs than the middle fize. Dark brown, with a large oblong orange fpot on the ift Wings. Beneath yellow and orange. Two fhort appendices to the 2d Wings. Caterpillar flat, and broadeft in the middle. On the black thorn. 32. Qiiercus. Purple Halr-Jlreak Butterfly. Above deep purple, with a white exterior mar- gin. Beneath grey, ftreaked longitudi- nally, and waved tranfverfely, with 2 yel- low eyes, and a fhort appendix to each of the 2d Wings. Caterpillar broad in the middle, and fharp at each end. On oaks. 33. Argus. Blue Argus. Above fine blue, with a white fringe on the exterior margin. K 4. Beneath J ^6 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA.' Beneath grey,rprinkled with fmall bl-^k. eyes. Small fize. Caterpillar broad in the iniddle. Some of this fpecies of Butterflies have yellow-blaclc eyes on the upper furface of the wings. 34. Argiolus Above blue, with a black exterior margin. Beneath bluifh grey, fprinkled with black fpots. Small. 35. Rubi. Grec'n Buttcrjly. Wings indented. Above brown. Beneath green. Small. Caterpillar green, with a red head ; broad in the middle. On brambles. 36. Pamph'lus. S>naU Heath Butterfly. Abov^s orange, with a brown exterior margin. Beneath, one Eye in the angle of the ill Vvings, and on tiie 2d a tranfverfe white wave. Caterpillar fmall, with a red head. Geoff. 53. 21. 37. Phlaeas. ^mall Golden Black-fpotted Butterfly. Wings orange-bronze, fpotted with black. Short appendices to the 2d Wings. Small fize. Geoff. 65. 35. 38. ComiTja. Chequered Hog. Deep yellow, with black veins and margin, and a black tranfverfe long fpot on the ift Wings. Small fize. When at reft, the ift wings ftand perpendicular, and the 2d hori- zontal. In meadows in autumn. 39. Malvse. Grizzle^ or Broiun March Fritillary. Brown, fpeckled with white, and fringed with brown and while. In meadows in the fpring. Caterpillar grey, head black, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. I37 black, and a few yellow fpots round its neck. On mallows and thirties. SPHINX. Antennae thickeft in the middle. Wings, when at reft, deflexed. Fly flow, morning and evening only. 1. Ocellata. Eyed TFillow-Hawk Moth. No ^ trunk. Wings indented. Above, ift Wings dark and light brov/n, marbled ; 2d red, vi'ith a large yellow-black eye. Beneath, a large red triangle from the bafe of the ift wings. Breadth 14 inch. Caterpillar fmooth, green, with oblique white lines on the fides, and a pofterior horn. Eggs green. On willows. 2. Populi. Poplar- Hazvk Moth. Wings fcallopped, bluifh grey, waved with dark lines. On the ift Wings a long white fpot, and the bafe of the 2d red-brown. Wings reverfed. Length i inch. A long fpiral trunk. Caterpillar green, fmooth, with oblique white fpots, and a pofterior horn. On poplars and willows. 3. Tiliae. Lme-Hawk Moth. No trunk. Wings fcallopped. Antennae white on the upper fide, yellow on the under. Above, ift Wings grey-brown, with 2 irregu- larlargegreL^n fpoots; 2d Wings orange. Beneath greenifli grey. Caterpillar green, chagrined, with a pofterior hqrn_. 4. Convolvuli. Unicorn^ or Bindweed-Hauk Moth. Antennae long, thick. Trunk very I lonif. 138 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. long, fplral. Above, body marked with . 'black and red belts; Wings entire, brown-grey, with black zig-zag tranf- verfe lines. Breadth 3 inches. Cater- pillar fmooth, green, v/ith a pofterior horn. 5. Liguftri. Privet-Hawk Moth. Antennas long, thick, brown. Trunk long, fpiral. Firft Wings 2 inches long, narrow, entire, brown ; 2d fhort, red, with black bars. Abdomen red with black rings. Caterpillar fmooth, yellow-green, with a pofterior horn. 6. Atropos. Jeffamine-Hawk Moth. Wings en- < y^ ' Q ^^^^' '^^"^""^ long, fpiral. Above, ift ^.-c^/A^ ef ^7'*'* J^6 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA." Eyes black. Length 4 lines. In houfes and granaries. 81. Pomonella. Codling Moth. Firft Wings brown-grey, clouded. On the 2d a large red-gold fpot near the pofterior angle. Length near half an inch. Ca- terpillar orange, fpotted with black. On apple-trees. 82. Didaityla. Brown Feathered Moth, Wings extended, bifid, pointed, red-brown, with whits long fpots. Second Wings white, tiipartite, fpotted. Legs white, annulated. Z-^. Pentada£lyla. JVlnte Feathered Moth, Eyes black. Body pale yellow. Wings very v.'hitC; extended: ift pair bifid ; 2d tripartite. Caterpillar green. 84. Hexada£ly]a. Many-feathered Moth. Wings extended, grey, v/ith brown tranfverfe iva\ es ; ift Wings of 8 feathers ; 2d of 4, which the infedt expands and contrails like a fan. Length 6 lines. On the Lonicera, &c, IV. NEUROPTERA. Wings 4, naked, tranfparent, reticulated with veins or nerves. Tail without fling. LIBELLULA. Adder-hohs^ or Dragon-files. Mouth with 2 long lateral jaws. An- tenna; very fhort. Tail of the Male forked. Wings extended. I. 4-macu- INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 157 1. 4-maculata Brown. Thorax covered with grey hair. Wings yel- lowifh at the bafe, with 2 brown fpots on the exterior margin. Length 14. inch. I caught this infe6l on board the Harwich packet, many leagues from land. 2. Fhviola Eyes large, and near to- gether. Thorax black- brown, hairy with a yellow fpot on each fide. Ab- domen broad, flat, fhort, yellow above, black beneath. Wings with a black fpot near the end, and a large yellow- brown fpot at the bafe. Length i~ inch. Flies quick. 3. DepreiTa Eyes brown. Head and Thorax greenifli, v.^ith ,2 yellow tranfverfe lines. A brown fpot on the exterior .margin of the Wings. Ab- domen cylindrical, -black above, yellow beneath, and covered with 'a bluifh grey duft. Length i~ inch. 4. Vulgatiflima Brown. Front and fides yellow. An oblong brown fpot on the exterior margin of the Wings, the fides of which fpot are black. Length more than half an inch. 5. ^nea Green-gold. Wings yel- lovvifli, with marginal brown fpots. The male has 4 briftles at the Tail. Length il. inch. 6. Grandis Head yellow. Eyes brown, contiguous and large. Thorax brown with I5S IN.aBeTS. MnHKRaP'TE B. A. with 2 oblique yeHow lines on each fide. Abdomen i^d-brown, with white' fpots. Wings yellowifh. with a brown rtiarginal fpot, and a brown protuber- ance at the bale of each Wingl Length 2^ inches. |. Forcipata Head yellow. Eyes large, brown. Thorax greenifh brown, •vi^ith 3 black obliqUp lines on each fide. Abdomen brown, of 9 ringlets, with a yellow tranfverfe line in the middle, and 2 yellow fpots on the fide of each ringlet. Length I'l- inches. i8. Virgo Body Saxon-greenifh blue. Eyes diftant, remote. Wings of equal length, bluifti, brown in the middle, yellowifh at the bafe and apex, and, without marginal fpot. Length 2 inches. 9, Puella Body blue, with 3 longi- tudinal brown lines on the Thorax, and a black ringlet near the extremity of the Abdomen ; the 2 laft brown. Wings whitilh, finely reticulated with black veins, and a black marginal fpot. Eyes diftant, remote. Length i ^ inch. I^PHEMERA. Antennseveiyftiort. Twd protuberances before the tyes. Wings ercdl ; 2d pair fmall. Two or three Tails like bridles. Short lived. I. Vulgata, fNSEGTS. NEVROPTERA I59 i. Vulgata Brown. Wings, with : brown veins, and 5 or 6 brown fpots. Three Tails as long as the Body, Length 2 lines. 2. Vefpertina Black. Exteriormar- gin of the ift Wings black, the reft tranlpaient. Second Wings white. Antenn Formicarium Brown. Head large, with yellow fpots, and .large lateral Eyes. Neck long. Thorax divided, and fpotted with yellow. Ab.lomen of 8 rings. Wings larger than the body, diaphanous, with black veins, and brown fpots. Length i inch. il PANORPA. Beak horny, cylindrical. Palpi 2. I. Communis Body dark brown, fides yellow. Wings the length of the Body, diaphanous, reticulated, and fpotted with brown. Tail of the male like that of the Scorpion. Length 7 lines. Skips. In meadows. V. HYMENOPTERA. Wings 4, generally membraneous. Tail of the Females armed with a fting. *o' CYNIPS. Antennse elbowed in the mid- dle. Second Wings ftiorter. Sting conic, inclofed between 2 valves, on the under fide of the Abdomen. Ab- M domen l62 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA- dpmen coinpre(red, acute beneath, and joined to the Thorax by a fliort pedicle. 1. Glechomae Brown. Thorax hairy. In the tubercles on the leaves of ground ivy. 2. Quercus baccarum Black. Bafe of the Antennae and Legs yellow. In the fmall tubercles on the under fide of oak leaves. 3. Quercus foHi ' . . . Black. Thorax ' ftriatcd. Legs grey. In the large tu- tubercles on oak leaves. 4. Quercus petioli Head black. Body brown, polifhed. Extremity of the Ab- domen hairy. In the tubercles on the petiolus of oak leaves. 5. Quercus gemmas. . ". .... Greenifli black, a little bronzed. Antennae and Legs orange. In the large imbricated galls on the extream buds of oak-trees, TENTHREDO. Abdomen of equal thick- nefs, and clofely united to the Thorax. Sting ferrated, between two valves. Second Wings (horteft. I. Femorata Antennae yellow, of 9 joints. Black, hairy. A yellow femi- lunar membrane on the ill ring of the Abdomen. Wings diaphanous, the ex- terior border thick, brown. Length i inch. 2. Lutaea. Insects, hymenoptera. 163 i. Lutaea Antennae clavaited, yellow, the lad joint black. Third, fourth, and fifth ring of the Abdomen brown, the reft black. Legs black, feet yel- low. Wings, with brov.'n veins, and brown pofterior margin. On Willows, Alder, Birch. 3. Ruftica Black, except the upper lip, bafe of the Antenna:, 2 fhort lines on the Thorax, the point of the Thorax and the margin of the 2d, 5th and 6th fegment of the Abdomen, which are yellow. Wings brown. Legsyellowifli. Length half an inch. On Willows. 4. Scrophulariae. Black. Margins of the fegments of the Abdomen yel- low, except the 2d and 3d. Upper lip yellow. Antennae red-brown. On the Thorax 2 yellow lines and 3 fpots. Wings and Legs tawny. Very like a Wafp. Length half an inch. On Figwort. 5. Rofae Head, Antennae, and Tho- rax black, with a yellow fpot on each fide of the latter. Abdomen orange. Wings tawny, with the exterior border black. Length 4 lines. On rofe-trees. 6. Cynofbati Black, with 3 yellow fpots on the Thorax. Legs red-brown ; hind legs white in the middle, black above and below. Length 2 {- lines. 7. Capracn; Yellow. Crown and Corfelet black. Antennae of 9 joints. M 2 Exterior 1^4 INSECTS. HYM-E NOPTERA. Exterior border of the Wings black, thick. Length 4 lines. On Willows. • SIREX. Two ftrong Jaws. Palpi 2. An- tennae filiform, of more than 20 joints. Sting riged, ferrated. Abdomen united to the Thorax. Wings narrow, 2d pair ftiorteft. J. Gigas Antennae half the length of the Body, of 23 joints. Head black, with a yellow Ipot behind each eye. Thorax black, hairy. Abdomen of 9 .[; fegments, black and yellow. Sting lodged in a groove under the Belly. Len2;th 1 7 lines. •. " 'ICHNEUMON. Jaws, without tongue. Antennae of more than 30 joints, long, filiform, vibrating. Sting within a bi- valv? Iheath. 1. Ludlatoriiis Black. Upper lip, bafe of the Antennae, poi-nt of the Corfelet, 2d and 3d fegment of. the Abdomen yel- low. Length near half an inch. 2. Perfvaforius. ...... Black. Upper lip white. Thorax with 3 white lines on each fide. Target with 2 white fpots. Abdomen cylindrical, i ft fegment white, 2d partly white, and 4 white fpots on the reft. Legs brown. 3. Comitator Black. Middle of the Antenna; white. Length half an inch. In Wafps nefts. -- 4. Peregrinator, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 1 65 4. Peregrinator Black. Antenna white in the middle. Four firft feg- ments of the Abdomen brown-yellow, the laft white. Legs tawny. Winc;s brownifli. Length 3 I lines. 5. Incubitor Head and Thorax black. Antennje brown, white in the middle. Legs and Abdomen tawny, black at the extremity. Length 3 lines. ■6. Manifeftator Black. Antennae taper. Legs tawny. Sting twice as long as the Body. Length i inch. In woods. 7. Inculcator Black. Abdomen and Legs tawny. Pedicle between the Tho- rax and Abdomen long and fmall. A marginal fpot on the Wings. Abdo- men comprefTed and large towards the end. Length 2 lines. 8. Pugillator Black. Antennas length of the Body. Second, third, and fourth fegmcnts of the Abdomen yel- low. Legs yellow. Length 6 lines. 9. Rufpator Black. Legs tawny, hind thighs thick, with a fpine on the interior fide. Length 34. lines. 10. Jaculator Black, flender, long. A white rinulet near the on'o-in of the Legs. Hind legs longer and thicker than the red. Abdomen curved. Sting longer than the Bodv. o 1\I 3 II. Luteus. l66 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 11. Lutcus Tawny. Antennae lonr, taper. Abdomen curved, comprefled ; Pedicle long, flender. Sting fhort. A marginal brown fpot on the Wings. Length i inch. Geoff. 330. 12. Ramidulus Very like the lafV. Thorax beneath, and the extremity of the Abdomen black. Length 8 lines, 13. Bedeguaris Green-gold. An- tennae of 1 1 joints, elbowed, filiform. Legs pale. Sting longer than the Body. Length i-i. line. 14 Puparum Blue, polifhed. Abdc^ men gold. Legs pale. Otherwife like the laft. Length 2 lines. In the chry- falis of Butterflies. 15. Aphidum Black. Legs yellow. Antennce as long as the Body. Length I line. Breeds in the Body of Aphides, or Lice of trees and plants. j6. Globatus Black. Legs black and orange. Antennas length of the Body. A fmall marginal fpcck on the Wings. Length 2 lines. Breeds in the white filky balls, about i inch long, which are found frequently on different plants in meadows. 17. Glomeratus Like the laft, except that the Antenna are not fo long, and the Legs are yellow. Breeds in the Car tcrpillars of the Cabbage Butterfly. 18. PccTinicornis • . Green-brown- oran^ie. Antennse branched, yellowifh. Legs INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 1 67 Legs white. Length 24 lines. In the chryfalis of Butterflies. SPHEX. Jaws, without Tongue. An- tenna of 10 joints. Wings incumbent, not folded. Sting riged. 1. Viatica Black. Antennae fliort, thick. 1 hree firft fegments of the Abdomen red -brown. Pedicle fhort. Length half an inch. Geoff. 354. n. 74. * 2. Cribraria Black, with yellow ringlets on the Abdomen. Antennae Ihort, and turned backwards. Fore legs broad, with an appendix like a fhleld. CHRYSIS. Thorax joined to the Abdomen by a fhort pedicle. Sting fimple. Wings not folded. Antennas filiform, of i long and 1 1 fliort joints. I- Ignita Blue-green-gold. Po- fterior part of the Abdomen polifhed copper, with 4 fpines on the laft feg- ment. Length 4 lines. In walls. VESPA. Jaws, without Trunk. Firfl: Wings folded. Sting concealed. Body fmooth. I. Crabro. Hornet. Antennae tawny. Corfelet black in the center, edges brown. Seg- ments of the Abdomen black on the anterior part, yellov/ on the pofterior, with 2 black fpots on each. Length I inch. Builds in hollow trees. M 4 2. Vul- j68 INSECTS. H YMENOPTERA. , ■: ' - . ■ 2. Vulgaris? Comjnon Waff, Corfelet black, with 6 yellow fpots. Male : fcgments of the Abdomen 7, yellow, with a black triangle on each. Head yellow. Antennas long. Female: upper lip yel- low. Antennas fhort. Segments 6, with 2 lateral black fpots ox\ each j larger than the Male. 3. Coarctata. Bmall JVafp, Antennae black, yellowifh at the bafe. Head black, with a yellow fpot between the An- tennas, and another at the bafe of the upper lip. Corfelet black with 2 yellow fpots. Each fegment of the Abdomen bordered with yellow j the ift infundi- buliform, 2d campanulate, and larger than the reft. Length half an inch. APIS. Jaws, with a Trunk bent down- wards. Antennae elbowed in the, mid- dle, I ft joint longeft. Wings plain, Body hairy. Abdomen conne(5led by a pedicle. 1. Centuncularis. Black. Body long, narrow. Head, Thorax, and Legs covered with greyifli hair. Ab- domen above fmooth, beneath covered with tawny hair. Builds in old trees. Length 2\ lines. 2. Rufa. Small Field Bee. Front white. Ab- domen fliort, covered above with tawny hair j Thorax with grey. ■2. Mellifica, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 169 3. Mellifica. Common Hive Bee. Needs no de- fcriptioD. 4. Manicata. Black. Fore legs very hairy. Yellow fpots on each fide of the Abdomen, and 5 crotchets at the extremity. Length 7 lines. Very like a Wafp, but hairy. On flowers. 5. Conica Thorax black, yellowKh at the roots of the Wings. Abdomen very acute ; margins of the fegments light yellow. Builds in the ground. (;>. Terreftris. Humble Bee. Black, very hairy, with a yellow belt on the Thorax. Anus white. Builds deep in the ground. 7. Subterranea. Great Humhle Bee. Black, very hairy. Trunk long and branched. Anus red-brown. FORMICA. An erefl: fquamula or fcale, betv/cen the Thorax and Abdomen. Females and Neutrals have a Sting con- cealed. Males and Females have Wings ; Neutrals none. Herculeana, Horfe Ant. Abdomen oval. Thio;hs red-brown. Much laro-er than the common Ant. Rufa Front and Thorax yellowifh ; the reft red-brown. Length 3 lines. In gardens, Geoff. 428, n. 4. 3. Fufca I JO INSECTS. D I P. T E R A. 3. Fufca. Common Jni. Brown, polifhed. Wings white, larger than the Body. Length 2l- lines. Geoj^. 428. n. 5. 4. Nigra Black. Wings brownifli on the upper part, and larger than the Body. Length li. line. Geoff\ 429. n. 6. 5. Rubra. Little Red Ant. Clouded, with a black fpot under the Abdomen. Eyes black. Very fmall. VL D I P T E R A. Wings 2. OESTRUS. No Mouth, but 3 punclurcs, without Trunk or Beak. Antennae taper, proceeding from a lenticular joint. I. Bovis. Breeze^ ox Gad Fly. Thorax yellow, with a black tranfverfe line between the Wings. Abdomen tawny, with fine black tranfverfe lines j laft fegment black. Wings white, with a brown tranfverfe line, and 3 brown fpots. Size of the large blue Fly. Depofits its eggs under the fkin on the backs of Oxen. ^".' Hamoridalis Body long, black, covered with tawny hair. Middle of the Thorax lefs hairy. Wings immaculate. Antennae very Ihort. Length half an inch. INSECTS. DIPTERA. I7I inch. Depofits its eggs in the return of horfes, 3. Ovis. Grey Fly. Spotted with black. Front pale yellow. Legs brownifh. Wings with fbort black, veins. Length h^lf an inch. Breeds in the frontz] Jhius of Sheep. TIPULA. Head long. Palpi 4, curved. Trunk very fliort. I. Rivofa. ...... Brown-grey. Eyes black. Antennas feathered. Wings larger than the Body, white in the middle, with 3 brown fpots near each margin. Tail of the Female bifid. Length i inch. o" Crocata Black fpotted with yel- low. Legs tawny, with black feet, and a black ring round the pofterior thighs. Wings tawny, with a mar- ginal brown fpot. Length 7 lines. In meadows. Oleracea. Long-Legs. Brown-afh colour. Antennas fimple. Wings brown at the exterior margin, and in the Male longer than the Body. Length near an inch. Hortorum Like the laft, but much leis. Wings faintly fpotted with white, and fprcad with thick black veins. Contaminata Black. Legs livid yellow, with black joints. Two yel- low fpots on the 2d, 3J, 4th, and 5th fcgments of the Abdomen. Five or fix dark 172 INSECTS. DIPT ERA. dark fpots on the exterior margin of each Wing. Length half an inch. 6. Lunata Afti-colour, with a whitifb line on each fide of the Abdomen, and a white femilunar fpot on the exterior margin of each Wing. Length 8 lines. In meadows. y. Cornicina Yellow. Antennae, Eyes and Palpi black. Three oblique black lines on the Corfelet. Legs very long. Length 6 lines. In meadows. Raj. 73. 7. 8. Plumofa. Sea Tipula. Brown. Thorax greenifti. Eyes black. Fore legs longeft. Wings fhorter than the Abdomen. Length 3 lines. Refembles a Gnat. 9. Littoralis Brown. Abdomen green, 3 laft fegments brown. Wings dia- phanous. Fore legs long. Length 2 lines. On trees. 10. Motitatrix Pale green, or flefh- colour, with black fpots. Three lon- gitudinal black lines on the Corfelet. Legs black, white in the middle. Fore legs long. Length i line. IT. Monilis Black. Legs white, with 9 black rings. Wings white, with grey fpots, and a marginal black one. Length 2 lines. In meadows, and on windows. 12. Febrilis Black. Wings white, exterior border black. Antennae knotted, I Ihort. INSECTS. DIPT ERA. 1 73 fhort. Wings crofs each other. Length 4 lines. 13. Hortulana Antennae knotted, {hort, black. Corfelet red, fmooth. Abdomen yellowifh. Wings diaphan- i ous, brov/nifti, exterior border black. .. Head very fmall. Male black, leis. 14.. Phalaenoides Dark grey. Wings twice as long as the Body, fringed. ,;;•*-.<: Antennae of ii beads^ perfoliated. Length i line. Scarce. f. - .J "• MUSCA. A foft flexible Trunk, with la- teral Lips at the end. No Palpi. 1. Chamasleon Brown. Antennse '^ taper, broken. Eyes large. Abdomen nearly circular, with 3 yellow triangu- lar fpots on each fide, and one at the extremity. Legs yellow. Thighs brown. Length 6" Ijines. 2. Hydroleon Antenna fhort, black. Eyes green, with a tranfverfe violet line. Thorax brown. Abdomen green, with a black longitudinal line in the middle. Wings very tranfparent. Legs yellowifh. Length 34- lines: 3. Morio Black, hairy, v/ith white fpots on each fide of the Abdomen. Wings much larger than the Body, in- terior margin white. Length 3 — 6 lines. In gardens. 4. Nsmprum Head grey. Eyes brown. Thorax covered with grey hair. I'74 INSECTS. DIPTERA. hair. Abdomen, of 4 fegments, above black, with 2 large yellow fpots on each fide, and 3 white tranfverfe lines. Legs brown. Wings tranfparent with a black ,,. } marginal fpot. Length 41 lines. 5.' T'enax. ...... Very like a Bee. Eyes brown. Front white. Thorax brown, hairy. Abdomen of 4 fegments, with a large yellow fpot on each fide. Mid- dle of the Wings tawny. Legs brown, Feet white. Length half an inch. 6. Pyraftri Head yellow. Eyes large, brown. Corfelet dark green, with a few brown hairs. Abdomen above black, with 6 white fpots. Legs blackifti, with yellow joints. Li gar- dens. 7. Menthaftri Front yellow. Eyes brown. Corfelet greenifh black, with a yellow line on each fide. Abdomen of 5 fegments with 5 tranfverfe yellow lines. Length 4 lines. On flowers. 8. Fiptens Black, fmooth. Long, narrow. Front and fides of the Tho- rax yellow. Abdomen of 4 fegments. v/ith 2 yellow fpots on each fide, l^wo hind Legs longer and ftronger, black with 2 yellow fpots, and a yellow ring on each thigh. On mint, &:c. Length 3~ lines. 9 Insnis Antennae, proceeding from the Trunk, of 5 globules, and a fili- form terminal joint. Thorax black, I polifijcd. INSECTS. DIPTERA. 175 poliflied. Abdomen above white, with 2 black belts. Beneath black. Length 2 lines. On flowers. . 10. Pellucens Antennas feathered. Trunk lodged within the Beak. Eyes red-brown. Front yellow. Corfelet black. Abdomen, anterior half white, pofterior black. Wings tranfpar^nt, with a tranfverfe black line. Length half an inch. On rofe-trees. J I. Caefar Green-gold. Legs black. Eyes reddifli. Length 3 lines, in woods and gardens. 12. Cadaverina. - Eyes reddifh. Head .i\:,:c. an^i Thorax blue. Abdomen green- gold. Length 2 lines. . 13. Vomitoria. Blue Flejh Fly. Eyes brown. Plumes of the Antennse branched. Thorax black. Abdomen dark blue, large. Legs black. Length near half an inch. Raj. I'ji. 14. Carnaria. Common FleJJ) Fly. Black, with 4. longitudinal grey lines on the Corfe- let. Abdomen of 5 fegments, chequered, with black and grey. Anus reddifh. Legs black. Length 4 lines. l>i. Domeftica. Commcn Hmfe Fly. Black, with 5 longitudinal grey lines on the Corfelet. Abdomen of 4 fegments, chequered. Length 3 lines. Aiitenjies yS INSECTS. DipTERAi * Antenncs with a lateral hair, 16. Cellaris Yellow-brown. Ab- domen of 6 fegments. Wings large^ with 3 longitudinal veins. Length li. inch. Frequently found de^d in wine and vinegaf. 17. Putris Black, fmooth. Wings whitifh. Eyes brown. Size of a Gnat. Breeds in cheefe and dung. 18. Stercoraria Front yellowifh. Eyes reddifh. Bafe and exterior border of the Wings yellowifli, with a brown fpot and tranfverfe line near the middle^ Male grey, covered, with tawny down* Length 3 lines. On dung. 19. Vibrans Black, cylindrical. Head red. Abdomen obtufe. Wings white, with a black fpot near the ex- tremity. Legs of the Female yellow. Length ^~ lines. Wings conftantly vi- brating. On trees. 20. Flava Yellow. Eyes black. Wings white, with obfcure yellow veins. Length i line. On flowers, 21. Solftitialis Head yellow. Eyes brown. Thorax grey. Abdomen black. Legs tawny. Wings whiti'fh, with 3 brown lines, and a fmall notch in the exterior margin. Length 2 lines. On thiftles. TABANUS. in SECTS D I P T ERA. 1 y^ 'tABANUS. Antenna conic, of 4 fer- ments. Trunk flefhy^ terminated by 2 lips. Palpi, one on each fide of the .Trunk. i. Bovinus. Great Horfe Fly. Head and Tho- rax ^rey. Eyes dark brown. Abdo- men yellowifl), with a triangular v/hite fpot in the middle of each fegment. Legs yellow. Wings dufky with brown veins. Length i inch. 2. Pluvialis. . Brown-grey. Eyes green, ivith brown rays. Corfelet brown, with 7 longitudinal grey lines. Wings dotted with white, and a margi- nal black fpot. Legs alternately brown and white. Length 4 lines. In mea- dows. 3. Cscutiens. Head brown. Eyes green and brown, with black fpots. Corfelet brown, with grey lines. Ab- domen above yellow, with triangular brown fpots. Legs yellow. Wings white, with black and brown fpots. Length 4- lines. CULEX. Antennas feathered. Trunk, 9^ long flender fyphon. I. Pipiens, Common Gnat. Grey. Abdomen of 8 fegments. ?.. Bifurcatus Brown-grey. Beak forked. Twice as big as the laft. In watery places. •i N ^3- Puli- 178 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 3. Pulicaris Brown. Wings white, with 3 brown fpots. Length ^ line. In gardens in the Spring. CONOPS. Trunk long, jointed. 1. Calcitrans. ...... .Differs from the Com- mon Fly, in having a hard (harp Trunk, with which it pricks our legs in Au- ,,.,.,, - tumn. 2. Macrocephaja . Black and tawny variegated, fomewhat like a Wafp^ Antennae clavated, but pointed. Wings brown, clouded. Length haJf an inch.. In meadows. j vV ASILUS. Triink horny, long, ftraight, bi- valved. T;'''Crabroniformis. Hornet Fly. Trunk and .f)y>:- Eyes black. Corfejet convex. Three firft fegments of the Abdomen black, the other 4 yellow, hairy, ftiarp, and brown at the extremity. Length i inch. In wet meadows. 2. Forcipatus. ...... Grey, hairy. Abdo- men long, pointed. Sides yellowifh. Length 6 lines. In gardens, &c. 3. Tipuloides Trunk pale, long, curved downwards. Corfelet afh-co- lour, with 3 longitudinal black lines. Wings of the Male tawny ; of the Fe- f^l male, white, tranfparentt Legs long. Length 4 lines. I 3. Morio. INSECTS. DIPTEkA.' 1 79 4. Morio Black, fmooth. Legs tawny. Length 6 ^ lines. In wet woods. BUMBYLIUS. Trunk taper, very long, fharp, betweQn two horizontal valves. I. Major. Hutnble-Bee Fly. Body fhoit, thick, covered with thick grey down. Wings . ^ large, black at the b-^e. Antennx ofi)^ r black, bent in the middle. Legs long, /lender, black. Length 4. or 5 lines. Sucks flowers, without reding on them. 1. Medius. i Body vellowifh, white at the extremity. Wings, with brown fpots. Hovers in the air like a Hawk, and darts with great celerity. 3. Minor Wings clouded, without fpots. In Cain- wood; HIPPOBOSCA. Trunk bivafved, cylin- drical, obtule. Antennre like a fingle hair. Feet with cl.''.ws. 1. Equina Broad, flat, fcaly. Head yellow. Eyes brown. Thorax and Abdomen ydlowifh, with brown waves. Wings crofs each other, nnd are much larger than theBodv. Length 2^ lines. Fallens on Dogs and Cattle. 2. Hlrundinis , . Head yellow. Tho- rax darker. Abdomen dufky, broad, flat. Wings narrow, (hort. Legs long, with 6 claws. In Svv.tllows nefts. N 2 VIL A P- iSo INSECTS. A P T E R A. Vn. A P T E R A. No Wings. LEPISMA. Legs 6, broad and fcaly ar their origin. Palpi 2, moveable. An-, tennae filiform. Tails 3. Body fcaly. 1. Saccharina Body long, of 9 or 10 fegments, diminiflirng from the Head to the Tail. Silvery lead colour. Somewhat like a fifli. Ijength 4 lines. In the joints of falh windows that are wet and feldom opened. PODURA. Legs 6^. Eyes 2, compofed of 8 fmall ones. Tail forked, elaftic, inflexed. Antenna ^ongj taper. 1. Viridis Round, light green. Head yellowilh. Eyes black. Antennae el- bowed in the middle. Thorax very fmall. An angle on each fide of the Abdomen, Length i line. On plants in April. 2. Plumbea Polifhed lead-colour. Tail almoft as long as the Body. Length 1 line. On trees, folitary. 3. Villofa Yellow-brown, ftreaked and fpotted with black. Antennae of 4 joints. Head and Thorax hairy. Length 2 lines. On ftones. 4. Aquatics. INSECTS. APTERA, l8l 4. Aquatica Black. Antennae al- moft as long as the Body. Length half a line. Numerous on the leaves of Aquatic plants, TERMES. Legs 6. Eyes 2. Antennse taper. Mouth with 2 Jaws. r. Pulfatorium Antennas length of the Body, flender. Eyes yellowifh. On each fegment of the Abdomen, a red- difli fpot on each fide. Lefs than the common Loufe. Generally thought to be the Death-watch, but Geoftroy is pofitive of the contrary. PEDICULUS. Legs 6. Eyes 2. Mouth producing a fting. Antennae length of the Thorax. Abdomen dcprefl'ed, rounded, fimple. 1. Humanus. Common Loufe. 2. Pubis. Crab Loufe. Brown. Broad and (hort. 3. Bovis White, with 8 tranfvcrfc J. tawny-red lines above, and 5 beneath. 4. Vituli Larger than the laft. Legs fhort, thick, grey. Abdomen lead-co- lour, broad, pointed. 5. Corvi Grey. Head fmall, black. Antennae turned backwards. Eight black lines on each fide the Abdomen. Length i line. N 3 6. C;. / l8'2 INSECTS. A P T E R>A; 6. Gallinae; . . . ... Head white, rount^e^ before. Thorax large, angular. Ab- donien white, with a black border. 7. Colunibas flender, whitifh j fides red-brown. Length i line. PULEX. Legs 6. Eyes 2. Antennae fili- form. Trunk taper, inflexed, cor^r cealing a fting. Abdomen comprefTed. I. Irritans. Common Flea. ACJ^ARUS. Legs 8. Eyes 2, lateral, Tentaculae 2, jointed. 1. Reduvius. Sheep Lonje, or Tick. Flat, oval, with a round fpot on the back, Fre- quently found alive in wool, a long time aftef it is ftiorn, 2. Ricinus. Dog Tick. Oval. Trunk long. Livid. Head and Thorax fmall. Op the anterior part of the Abdomen an oval, brown, glofiy, raifed fpot. Length 3. Paflerinus Oval. Brown. Legs pale, Length i line. Very like the laft. On many fpccies of fmall birds. 4. Telarius Tawny. A brown fpot on each fide of the Abdomen. Ac- cording to GeoftVoy, this infecl fpins a web on the bark of trees, generally on the north lide, from top to bottom of the trunk ; which web being difpcrled by the wind, covers the fields with thofe INSECTS. APTERA. l8? thofe innumerable threads which fome Naturalifts have miftaken for conclenfed vapour. 5. Aquaticus Scarlet. Oval. Length il line. On ftagnant water. Swims quick. 6. Kolofericeus. Scarlet Spider. Like the laft. On the ground, and on plants, ''j. I k 7. Coleoptratorum. Beetle Tick, Tawny. Anus whitiih. Length i line. 1 have found 2 or 300 on the Belly of one Beetle. 8. Longicornis Head fharp. Abdorren rounded. Antennae like Crab's-claws. Abdomen deep red. Legs paler. Length i. line. Under flones, &c. PHALANGIUM. Legs 8. Eyes 2. 'Ab- domen rounded. 1. Opilio. Long-legged Spider. Antennas an- gular. Palpi 2, Jong, like Antennae. Legs very long. Eyes on the top of the Head or Thorax. Head and Tho- rax both in one. Abdomen, above brown, beneath white. 2 Cancroidcs. Scorpion Tick. Antennne cheli- form. Thorax brown. Abdomen trani- verfely ftriated. On garden pots, and fometimes in houfes. ARANEA. Spiders. Legs 8. Eyes 8. J. Diadema Abdonien gibbous, rcd- N 4 brown. I §4 INSECTS. APTE R-A. brown, with \vhite fpots in the form of a crqfs. 2. Cucurbitina . Abdornen gibbous, green-ydlow, with black fpots. Ua fruit trees. Raj, 20. 5. 3. Domeflica. ..;... Abdomen pale bro\yn» with 5 black fpots. Somewhat hairy. 4. Labyrinthica. Thorax grey, with 3 longitudinal lines. Abdomei) brown, with a longitudinal pinnated line. Tail forked. Large. In fields. 'b Hy^, Redimita - . . Abdomen oval, pale yellow, with a crimfon oval crown or ring on the Back. Legs long, white, tranlparent. In gardens. 6. Montana Abdomen with grey fpots ; fides white. Thorax and Legs pale. Fore feet long, extended. 7. Ex^enfa Abdomen long, grecn- filver. Legs livid, long, extended. ^. Holoiericea Brown-livid, hz'iry. Abdomen ovato-oblong, with 2 trun- cated appendices, and 2 yellow tubercles beneath. 9. Se.spciilata Eyes only 6. Yel- lov/ifh, downy. Abdomen fub-cylin- cricil, with quadrangular black fpots on the anterior part, and yellow line^ on the fides. Large. On walls, &c. 10. Scenica Blacky covered \\ ith fhort filvery hair. Abdon-.cji fub-cyiin- flrical, with 3 oblique white lines on each JNSECTS. AFTER A. 1S5 each fide. Legs fhort, hairy, black and white. Skips. On old walls and windows. Weaves no web. ^I. Aquatica Pale brown. Abdo- men oval. Jaws black, large, ftrono-. Length 5 lines. In lakes. Lives and hunts at the bottom of the water, de- vouring its food within a globule of air formed by itfelf. Vide Geoffi-oy^ 645. 7. |2. Viatica^ Thorax black-brown. Abdomen large, yellow, with 2 brown ipots. Four fore legs long, black and yellow ; 4 hind legs fhort. Refembles a Crab. Moves flow. Length 2~ lines. CANCER. Legs 10 ; firft pair claws, or pincers. Tail foliated. f. Pagurus. Common Crab. Tail fhort. Ends of the claws black. 2, Aianeus. Sea Spider. Tail fliort. Thorax hairy, tuberculated, oval. Beak bifid. Claws flender. Mer. Pin. 192. «. Bernhardus. Bernard the Hermit. Tail long» foft. Right claw brgeft. Length 2.1. inches. Lodges in the deferted habita- tion of Welks and other fheil-hfh. Dale H^nv._4.^6. . JHer. Pin. 192. ^. Gammarus. Lohfter, 5. Aftacus. Crayjijh. ^. Squiila, Shrimp. 7. Pulcx lS5 INSECTS. AFTER A, 7. Piilex. Si-a Flea. Yellow. Eyes black. An- tenna; 4. Body of 12 fegments. Legs 14. Length 7 lines. S. Salinus Body oblong, larger than a Loufe. Eyes dillant, lateral, pedun- culated. Antennae taper, fhorter than the Body. Tall filiform, the length of the Body. Legs jo pair. In the Li- mington fait water. MONOCULUS. Body covered with a cruft, or fhell. Feet made for fwim- ming. I. Apus Greenifh. Eyes 2, on the crown, contiguous. Body covered with 2 (hells, or fcales. Tail fcaly, with 2 long hard briftles. Length 18 lines. In fifh ponds and ditches. J. Pulex. ...... Greenifh red. One Eye in the middle of the forehead. Snout pointed, and bent downwards. An- tennas forked, fubdivided. Body com- prefled and covered with a firm {hell, Tail bifid, fubdivided. Very minute. Frequent and numerous in ftagnant water. 3. Quadricornis Grey-brown. One Eye. Antennas 4. Body diminiflies towards the Tail, which is long and bifid, with 3 ox 4 ftrong hairs on each fide. A bag of eggs on each fide of the Tail. Length half a line. 4. Con" a » S EC T S. . A P T E R A. 187 1^. Conchaceus •. . Inclofed in a bi- valve a{h-coloured Shell, from the aper- ture of which it puts forth a number of capillary Antennze, which it retradl.s when taken out of the water. Length - li line. In ponds and ditches. ii.i. -' I d* ONISCUS. Legs" i^^ Antennas taper. Body oval. J. Afilus. Sea Lou/f. Whitilh. Abdomen co- vered with 2 3hellsj Tail femioval ^. Entomon. Sen JVccd-Lctifei White. Eyes , black.- Convex above, benejith flat, margin acute. Antennai 4. Four hind .,. pair of legs largeft, hairy. Body of 7 fegments. Length li- line, On the coaft. 3. Aquaticus Afh-colour, An- tennae taper, of 3 joints. Body of 7 fegments. Tail roundifla, with 2 bifid appendices. Hind legs longeit. Length 2 lines. In clear fprings. ,4. ^fcllus. Millepes, or IFcod-Loufe. Oval. Tail obtufe, with 2 undivided briftles. Various as to colour. Length 5 lines. 5. Armadillo Black, oval, bror.d, po- liihed. Body of 10 fegments, the edges of which are white, l^ail ob- tule, without appendices. On being touched forms itfclf into a perl. Under Jloacs. SCOLO- j88 I N"S E C T S. A P T E RiA.' SCOLOPENDRA. Feet not lefs than 24. Antennas taper. Palpi 2, jointed. Body deprcfled. 1. Lagura Feet 24. Body oval, brown. Head black. On each fide g tufts of hair. Tail a white pencil. Length 1^ line. Under the bark of old trees. 2. Forficata Feet 30. Segments 9. Tawny, fmooth. Antennae of 42 joint*. Length I inch» Runs fwift. Under ftones. 3. Ele6lrica Feet 140. Very flat. Tawny, with a black longitudinal line on the Back. Segments 70. Joints of the Antennae 17. Shines in the dark. JULUS. Feet, on each fide double the number of the fegments of the Body. Antennas beaded. Palpi 2, jointed. ■ ;, Body femicylindrical. J. Terreftris Feet 200. Black, po- lifhed. Length 5 lines. Under floiies^ Geoff". 679. 2. Sabulofus Feet 240. Afl;-coIour. CLASS VERMES. IN TEST IN A. iS^ CLASS VI. VERMES. No diftin£l Head, no Ears, no Nofe j in general, *, no Eyes, no Legs. L I N T E S T I N A. - iNaked, fimple, without Limbs. ^•"^'tJORDIUS. Filiform, equal, fmooth. 1. Aquaticus Like a horfe-hair. Ex- tremities black. In water and in clay. T. Lacuftris. Piano- fpiral, convoluted, fmall at each end. In the liver of the Pike. ASCARIS. Cylindrical, filiform, fmall at . • the ends. 3'. Vermicularis Pale red. Mouth tranfverfe. Tail much fmailer than the Head. Length half an inch. At the * * bottom of lakes, and in the inteftines of children and horfes. .. ■ 2. Lura- 190 VERMES. iKTESTiNA.' 2. Lumbricoides , . Tail fomewhat an- gular. Length of the Earth- Worm^ In human inteftines. » ,^ LUMBRICUS. Cylindrical, annulated, rough.. A broad fiefliy belt. Lateral pores. ... 1. Terreftris. Earth or Dew TVorm. Segments 100; 26 to 30 form the belt. Two fpines on each fide of each fegment, except the belt, all turned backward. Three pores on each fide of the belt, 2 on the 1 2th, and 2 on the 14th feg- ment. In the ground, .and in the hu- man inteftines. 2. Marinus. Sea JVorm, From the middle for- ward are 14 or 15 fegments, each com- pofed of 4 or 5 fmall ones. On each fide of thefe larger fegments are 2 tu- bercles, with a fmall brittle in the' center of each. Pofterior half fmooth, with irregular ringlets, and minute, punctures. FASCIOLA. Flat, with a terminal and. ventral pore. 1. Hepatica Gourd Worm. Oval, (harp before. A whitiih longitudinal line on the Back, with an oblong fpot in the middle. Re- fembles the feed of the common Gourd. In ditches, rivulets, and in the liver of (lieep. 2. In- VERMES. INTESTINA. I9I 2. Inteftinalis Long, narrow, fur- rowed longitudinally, not jointed. In the inteftines of fifhes. 3. Barbata White, oblong, fize of a Cucumber-feed. Mouth with tranf- verfe papilize. In the inteftines qf the Sepia lolrgo. • .. HIRUDO. Subcylindrical, truncated at each end. T. Medicinalis. Common Leech. Smooth. De- prefled, blackifh, with 6 yellow lines on the back. In fliallow waters. 2. Sanguifuga, Harfe Leech. Brown, deprefTed j lateral margin yellow. In frefh water. 3. Geometra Cylindrical. Black- brown. Extremities dilated. Length half an inch. In frefh water. 4.. Muricata. Sea Leech. Covered with fmall tubercles. Inthefea. Dale Harw. t^c^-^. MYXINE. Cylindrical, with a ridge be- neath. Mouth. terminal. Jawspinnated, with I tooth in the upper, and feveral in the under Jaw. No Eyes. I. Glutinofa Back black-green. Sides yellowifii. Belly white. Sir.e of the Dev/ Worm, and annulated. h\ the Sea. II. MOL- 192 VERMES. mOhLUSZA. H. M O L LU SEA. Simple, naked, without Shell, but not enr- tirely without Limbs. LIMAX. Oblong. A common aperture' on the right fide. Tentacdla 4, above the Mouth. 1. Ater. Black Snail. Back furrowed. Belly grey. Length 3 inches. In moitt ihady places. 2. Rufus. Red Snail. Back red-brown. Belly yellow. At the foot of mountains. 3. Maxrmus. Large Grey Snailj Deeply fur- rowed, ftriatedj and fpotted with brown. Largeft of this genus. In' thick woods^ &c. 4. Agreftis. Small Grey Snail. Immaculate. Length half an inch. On Cabbagesj&c, 5. Flavus. Jmber Snail, With white fpots. Length i~ inch. On plants. APHRODITA. Body oval, with many' Legs. Mouth terminal, cylindrical, re- traiSlile, with 2 taper tentacula. I. Aculeata. Sea Moufe. Covered with hair, mixt with fharp prickles ; that on the fides, blue-green-gold. Legs 72, with a fin to each foot. Length 4 inches. Breadth 14. Dale Harw. 394. Phil. Trmf. I Vermes, m o l l u s c a* 19 j Tranf. N". 225. p. 405. Found at * Dublin in the ftomach of a Cod. NEREIS. Body long, with lateral pencil- led Tentacula. Mouth terminal, un- guiculated. i. Nodliluca Segnrents 23. Scarce vifible to the naked eye. Shines by night in the fea, fo as to make the wa- ter feem on fire. 2. Acuftris Size of a fmall Briftle, pellucid, as if jointed, with a Foot on each fide of each joint. In clayey wa- ter. LERNiEA. Body oblong, cylindrical ; Tentacula like arms or branches, with which it fixes to other animals. 1. Cyprinacea Body iflues from 2 {heath; Tentacula 4, 2 of which are luuated. Length half an inch. In filh ponds, adheres to the fides of Carp. 2. Salmoneai ...... Body obovate. Tho- rax obcordate. Tentacula 2, filiform, as long as the Body. Ovaria at the end of the Abdomen, granulous, and as large as the whole Body. Adheres to the gills of Salmon. 3. Afellina Body lunated. Tho- rax cordate. Tail double, cylindrical. In the gills of Cod, &c. O SEPIA 194 VERMES, MOLLUSC A, SEPIA. Body fleftiy, like a vagina or fheath, receives the Neck or Breaft. Arms 8. Tentacuia 2, very long. Mouth terminal, horny. Eyes ? be- neath the Arms. 1. Officinalis. Ink or Cuttle Fljh. Arms pointed and covered on the inner fide with tu- bercles. Tentacuia broad at the end, and longer than the Body. Length 6 inches. In the fea. 2. Loligo. Sea Sleeve. Body angular, and point- ed at the bafe. Arms narrower than in the former. Length 8 inches. Dale Harw. 392. MEDUSA. Body gelatinous, orbicular, deprefied. Mouth beneath, central. Inhabit the fca. 1. Cruciata Margin entire. In the center a white crofs. Diameter i inch. 2. Aurita. Sea Nettle. Convex above, concave beneath. Margin fr-ingcd. On the under Side 4 arched cavities furrounded by an opake line, compofed of more than 20 dots. On the upper furfacc pale veins. 3. Capillata. Sea Lungs. Orbicular, convex. Margin regularly divided into 16 feg- ments. ASTERIAS. •V ]E It* »t g" s." *r E s f a: (ft a: 195 ASTERIAS. Form of a ftar. DeprcfTed. Mouth in the center. 1,. Ruber^s. Five fingered Star FiJJ). Reddifli ■ " *' white. ' Above cOver(?'d With fnft fpines. v/lj nU }^eneath- a ^quadruple row of papillae. Diameter 5 inches. Dale Harw. 436. .f'^ ■ Mer. Pm. igi. Foffiie,. called 5^w^- ov'.-i borough Star Stone. 2'. Ophiura. . ., . : .- . Body, in proportion, broader, and rays, which are aifo 5 in ' ' • nLLmbec, much fhorcer than in the laft fpecies. XXj/i? /fbrw. 436. ^^n ECHINUS. Body roundifli, covered with, i» . a bony crult, with moveable fpines. ?• Mouth beneath, of 5 valves. I. Efculentus. Sea Hedge- hog. Shell hem.ifphe- rical, bluifh-red. Ten feries of am- bulacra or fpines, with white points. x! ■ Apertures roundifti. Anus vertical. Diameter 1 4 inch. On the coaft near ! Scarborough. 2» Spatagus. Sea Egg: Oval, comprefTed* From the center 4 radii, compofed of 4 feries of perforated puniStures. Aper- , ture of the Anus beneath. On the Yorklhire coaft. /: ■ in. TESTACEA. Inclofed in a hard fhell, of one or more parts or valves, ,^nd moveable by the animal. O 2 LEPAS. 196 VERMIS. TESTACEA. LEPAS. Shell of many unequal valves fixed at the bafe. Animal Triton. 1. Balanus Shell conic, furrowed, fixed. Valves 4, pointed. On the fea-Oiore. 2. Balanoides. Small Balanus^ or Jcorn fijh. Grey. Valves 6, flriated, obtufe. Size of a nut. Frequently adheres to Oi- fters. 3. Tintinabulum Shell conic > rough, obtufe, fixed. Like the laft> but thicker. 4. Anatifera. Barnacle. Shell comprefled, fmooth, of 5 valves, 2 of vi^hich are larger than the reft. Fixed generally to old w^ood in the fea, by a pedicle, like a gut, a- bout I inch in length. PHOLAS. Shell bivalve, divaricated, vi^ith fmaller irregular accefiary valves at the hinge, which is recurved and connected by a cartilage. Animal Afcidia. 1. Dadylus. Puhlock. Shell rough, ftriated longitudinally and tranfverfely j fhape irregular, the hinge nearer the end, which extends into a kind of beak. Length 2 1 inches. Breadth i 4.. In ftones, particularly in the Ludus Hel- montii. Shines by night. 2, Candidus Shell oblong, rough, ftriated both ways, white, diaphanous, thin. TERMES. TESTACEA. I97 thin, fragile. Hinge neareft one end. Length li inch. 3. Crifpata Shell divided tranf- verfely by a deep furrow ; one half gib? bous, ftriated, rough, with a long beak, the other plain, fmooth, with a thin edge. Hinge with a curved tooth. Open at either end. Length 1 4 inch. Breadth li. Frequent on the York- ftiire coaft. MYA. Shell bivalve, open at one end. Hinge with a broad thick tooth, not let into the oppofite valve. 1. Truncata Shape irregular, fome- what oval. Hinge obtufe. Length i^- inch. Breadth i inch. Often found in a foffile ftate. In the fea. 2. Piflorum Oval. Pale green. Somewhat pointed. Hinge very near the obtufe end. Length i i inch; Breadth 4- inch. In rivers. T 2. Margaritifera Oval, black, thick, heavy. Tooth of the hinge, fmooth, conic. Within whitifh, with a dou- ble cicatrice. Length 54- inches. Breadth 2~. In rivers. SOLEN. Shell bivalve, oblong, open at each end. Hinge with a fmglc, or double, conic bent tooth, not let into the oppofite valve. Animal Jfcida. O 3 ' I. Sili*. 1^8. VERMES. TESTACEA. 1. Siliqua. . . . T . . . Brown, linear, ftrait, truncated at each end. "Striated botli waysj and a diagonal line. Hinge at one angle, connedled by a membrane. Length 6 inches. Breadth not quite an inch'. Frequent on the fliore near Scarborough, 2. Enfis Differs from the laft in be- ing much lefs, and a little curved. TELLINA. Bivalve. In the fore part of one lliell a convex, in the other a con- cave fold. Hinge of three teeth. Ani- mal, Tethys. 1. Trifafciata Oval, comprelTed, rediiifli-virhite, vi^ith 3 crimfon rays from the hinge to the circumference. Pubes wrinkled. Vulva ovata. Length 1 inch. iBreadth |. inch. 2. Carnaria. « . -. . . . Suborbicular, fmooth, recldifh- white, obliquely ftriated. With- in red. Length I inch. Breadth |.inch. Dale Hafiv. 387. 3. Cornea Globous, fmooth, horn colour, with a tranfverfe furrow. Size of a large pea. In pools of freih water, CARDIUM. Bivalve. Valves equal. Hinge with middle teeth alternate, lateral teeth remote, and let into a groove in the oppohtc valve. Shape of a heart. Animal Tethys. 5 I. Echi- VERMES. TESTACEA* I99 I. Echinatutn White, with about 20 ridges, and a row of curved fpines on each ridge. Breadth i-i inch. Length fomewhat lefs. On the York- fliire coaft. 2* Edule. Common Cockle. Ridges 26. MACTRA. Bivalve, Inequilateral, equi- valved. Middle tooth of the hinge com- plicated with an adjacent groove. Ani- mal, Tethys. I, Solida Opaque, fubrotund. One valve convex, the other a little com- prefled. Yellowifh white. Concentric curved tranfverfe lines on the furface. Margin entire. Breadth i-i inch. On the Yorkfliire coaft. DONAX. Bivalve. Anterior margin very obtufe. Hinge with 2 teeth. Animal, Tethys, a, Trunculus Within purple. Mar- gin ferrated. Hinge neareft the fmall end. Strise from the hinge, eroded by- deep concentric tranfverfe lines. From the hinge to the oppofite margin half an inch. Breadth not quite i inch. On the coaft near Scarborough. VENUS, Bivalve. Anterior margin in- cumbent. Hinge with 3 teeth. Vul- va y Anus diftinil. O 4. I. Merce- iOO VERMES. T E S T A C E A.^ > i, Mjrccnaria. ..,.,;• Heart-fhaped, thick, ponderous, fmooth, with a few tranf- verfe ftriac. Margin ferrated. Internal margin purple. Liji Angl. t. 8. f. 33. 2. Borealis Subrotund, thin, fra- gile and very fhallow. Seven or eight concentric tranfverfe curve lines, di- ftant from each other. Diameter i-y iljch. OSTREA. Bivalve, inequivalve. Hinge without teeth, with an oval cavity. Vulva anufue nulla. Tranfverfe ftriae. I. Maxima. Large Scallop, Longitudinal ridges 14. One valve a little convex, the other plane. Auricles equal, re fpiral. Aperture orbicular, contraded, entire. Animal Limax* 1. Littoreus. Periwincle. Volutions 5, flriated. 2. Duplicatus White, pyramidal, like a fcrew. A double ridge along the middle of the volutions, which are about 12 in number. Length 3 inches. 3. Perverfus. ...... Yellowifti white, thin. Volutions 7, contrary, i. e. from right to left. Length ^ inch. Near the trunks of old trees. 4. Mufcorum Oval, yellowifh, pellucid. Volutions 6. Aperture com- prelFed, narrow. Length i inch. On old mofs-grown walls. o* HELIX. Snails. Shell llngle, fpiral, fub- diaphanous, fragile. Aperture con- tra6led, fubrotund, lunated on the in- ner fide. Animal Limax. I. Lapicida Brown or horn colour, convex on both fides. Volutions 5, with tranfverfe reddifh ftriae. Apex a little prominent, perforated- Margin of the volutions fharp. Aperture large, oval, tranfverfe, and white within. Diameter | inch, In woods in Lin- colnshire, 2. Pla- VERMES. T£STAC£A« 205 2. Planorbis. Brown. Both fides convex. Volutions 4, with a promi- nent fharp margin. Aperture oval, ob- lique, circumfcribed. Diameter |. inch. In rivulets. 3. Vortex Black-brown. Voluti- ons 5. Diameter y inch. Aperture not circumfcribed ; otherwife like the former. 4.,, Cornea Brown, with very ml- , '* nute raifed ftriae. Volutions 4. Con- r' cave on both fides. Diameter i inch. Snail has red horns, and emits a crim- fon liquor. In ftill rivers and pools. 5. Pomatia . Afli colour. Volutions 5. Aperture fomewhat lunar, reflex- ed, with a deep external finus on the left fide. Size of a Pigeon's egg. In the South. Eaten in France. 6. Arbuftorum Yellow, fpotted or marbled with white. Volutions 5, with a fingle grey belt along the middle. Aperture lunar, with a double margin, fiddle fize. In fhady thickets, 7. Vivipara Black-brown, with 2 or 3 brown belts. Volutions 5. A- pex pointed. Aperture round, near which is a deep finus. In ftill river* and pools. f . Nemoralis. Common Garden Snail. Colour various. 9. Stag- 206 VERMES. TE«TAeEA,' 9. Stagnalis ' Ydtowifh, opacjue. Volutions 6. Aperture very large, oval. Apex flender, pointed. Length i{. inch. In pools. 10. Putris. ....... Yellowifh, very th'm. Volutions 3. Apex obtufe. Aperture large, oval. Length 4 inch. In rivers and pools. •-jij ^ 11. Tentaculata Olive colour. Vo- lutions 5. Aperture oval, clofed hy a valve, and the whole fhell covered by an argilaceous cruft. In rivers and pools. 12. Auricularia Yellowifh, pellu- cid. Volutions 4, the 3 lower very fipajl. Aperture very large. Length I inch. In rivers and pools. NERITA. Shell fingle, fpiral, gibbous.. Aperture femiorbicular ; Lip tranfverfe, truncated. Animal Limax. 1. Glaucina. S^a Snail. Reddifh white, fmooth, thick. Volutions 5 ; the firft very large, the reft fmall, with 5 belts fpot- ted with brovi^n. Length not quite 'I inch. On the (hore. 2. Fluviatilis Greenifh blue, thick, ftrong, reticulated, fpotted. Volu- tions 2. Size of a fmall pea. InriveK. 3. Littoralis Greenifh brown, re- ticulated. Volutions 3. Apex a little promi- .VERMES. T * S T A <: fi A.' 9.-Of prominent. Length 4 inch. On the fea fhore. Liji, Jngl.ib^, t. 3. f. 13. HALIOTIS. Shell fingle, auriform, flat; difk longitudinally perforated. Animal Limax. - • ; 'I. Tuberculata. Sea Ear. Oval. Convex fide reddifh brown, with fpiral ridges, and 6 or 7 'round holes. Concave fide mo- ther of pearl. Length 4 inches 5 breadth 2|. On the (hore. PATELLA. Shell fingle, fubconic, not voluted. Animal Z/W;ic 1. Vulgata. Common Limpet^ or Pop Shell, Li- vid grey. Conic with 14 obfolete an- gles. Apex obtufe, and not in the center. From the apex to the edge il. inch. Diameter of the aperture 2 inches. On the coaft. 2. Lacuftris Oval, fragile, pellucid. Vertex pointed, reflexed. Diameter 4 inch. In the rivers Air and Warf in Yorkfhire. SERPULA. Shell fingle, tubular, ad- hering to other bodies. Animal Tere- bella. I. Spirorbis Orbicular, fpiral, re- gular. Volutions above inwardly fub- caniculated, gradually lefs. Adheres to fea weeds on the coaft. SABELLA. 2o8 VERMES. LITHOPHYTA^' SABELLA. Tubular, compofed of par-- tides of fand united by a membrane. Animal Nereis, I. Alviolata. EngUJh tubular Sand Coral. Com- pofed of numerous cells. Animal half an inch long. On the Yarmouth coaft. IV. LITHOPHYTA. Coral, calcareous, fixed, built by animals. Animal Mollufca, compofite, MADREPORA. Coral, with cavities la- mellofo-fteUated. Animal Medufa. I. Muficalis Fafciculated, with co- rals cylindrical, ftriated, diftant, con- ne£led by numerous tranfverfe mem- branes. On the Irifti coafl. MILLEPORA. Coral, with turbinated cylindrical pores. Animal, Hydra. 1. Fafcialis. Stony foUaceous Coralline^ Mem- branaceous, of many branches, with a great number of oval pores on each fur- face. Found adhering to an Oifter- lhell,on thecoaft of thelfleofWight. 2. Polymorpha Short, irregular ramifications of equal thicknefs in all parts, of a ftony, chalky appearance ; fometimes livid red. Near Falmouth, IfleofMan, Ireland. CELLE- VERMES. ZOpPHYTA. 2O9 CELLEPORA. Coral, fubmembranaceous, compofed of round cells. Animal Hydra. I. Pumicofa Appears, in the mi- crofcope, like a pumice ftone. Found on the Sickle Coraline, in irregular lumps like white fand tenaceoufly u- nited. V. ZOOPHYTA. Stem vegetating, and changing into an ani- mated flower, or efflorefcent compoflte animal. GORGONIA. Stem radicated, horny, continued, branching ; bafe fpreadino- and covered with a bark. Florets hy- dra, proceeding from lateral pores. 1. Placomus. JVarted Sea Fan. Like the branch of a crab tree, incrufted. Florets ftel- lated, with 8 fetaceous rays. On the Cornifli coaft. 2. Anceps. Sea IVilhw. Stem and branches comprelTed, with porous calcareous edges. 3. Flabellum. Venus Fan. Branches compref- fed on the inner fide, and connefted by intermediate necwork. Cortex yellow. ALCYONIUM. Florets i:^Y/r^, between the cortex. Epidermis veficular, po- rous. P I. Digi- 2i0 VERMES. 20aPrtYTA. 1. Digitatum. Dead'TTKtn'i Hand. Without ftcm, coriaceous, wrinkled, foft. VVhen recent, covered with minute papillae, • jvfrith a ftar of 8 points on the top of each, and each point contains a poly- pus with 8 fingers. Frequently ta- ken up by fiftiermen trawling for flat fifh, on the Kentifli coaft. 2. Schlofferi Subrotund, fiefhy, li- vid, covered by a thin fkin. Florets large, diflinft, but little elevated, ftel- lated with 6— lO points, and with a pore at the bafe. On the cornifh coafl. 3. Burfa. Sea Purfe. Subglobous, foft green. JL. Ficus. Sea Fig. Lobed like the kn^s of animals. Dark olive, fiefey, fmells difagreeably. Infide full of yellow par- ticles. Surface covered v^^th fmall ilars of fix rays. Near Sheernefa. SPONGIA. Stem radicated, flexile, bi- bulous. Pores on rtie furface refpirc ■ water. 1. Oculata. Branched Sponge. Branched, ir- regular, erea, fine, tender, tranfpar- ent, yellow, interwoven, inofculating, comprefied. On the coaiL 2. Dicotoma. Forked Sponge. Green, erea, cy- lindrical, dicotomous, wooly, of a com- paa fubftance, tough. On the Corn- ifli and Yorkfhire coaft. 3. Lacuf- VERMES. 200PHYTA. 3It 7. Lacuftris. Creeping Sponge, with erejSt, cy- lindrical, obtufe branches. At the bottom of lakes in Weftmoreland. 4. Fluviatilis. River Sponge. Green, ereft, fra- gile, irregular, of many branches. In the Thames, Cam, &c. FLUSTRA. Stem radicated, covered with cellular pores. Florets Hydra, ifTuing from poriform cells. I, Foliacea. Broad- leaved Horawrack. Branched, foliaceous, membranaceous, flexile, fpongy, with alternate arched cells on each furface. Homy when dry. On the coaft. i^, .Truncata. Narrow-leaved Hcrnwrad. Leaves truncated, and cells difpofed in longi- tudinal lines. 3. Pilofa. Irregular Spongy foliaceous Coralline. Cells in the form of inverted cones j apertures fpinous, TUBULARIA. Stem radicated, filiform, tubular. Florets terminal, folitary. 1. Indivifa. Tubular Coralline. Like a bundle of oaten ftraws. Tubes diflindl 5 or 6 inches long, filled with a reddifh liquor, on the'extremitles of which are polypes with plumed crefts. 2. Ramofa. Small ramified tubular Coralline. Ax- illae twifted. On the extremity of the tubes are polypes, like thofe found in ditches by Monf. Trembley. P 2 3, Fiihi- 212 VERMES. ZOOPHYTAr 3. Fiftulofa. Bugle Coralline. Tubular, jointed, progrelTively divaricated. 4. Mufcoides. Tubular wrinckled Coralline. Com- pofed of a number of horny, elaftic, fingle tubes, i or 2 inches long, and about the thicknefs of a fine ftraw. A crimfon polypus on the extremity of each. 5. Campanulata. Creeping, with campanulated tubes, and a crefted poly- pus. Extreanily minute. CORALLINA. Stem radicated, jointed, thready, calcareous. 1. Officinalis. Coralline of the Shops. Fixed to rock and fhells by ftony joints. Stem pinnated by branches oppofite to each other. Joints like part of an inverted cone a little ccmpreffed. Surface co- vered with minute circular cells. Co- lour various when recent, but con- ftantly white when dry. 2. Rubens. Crejled or Cock's-comb Coralline. Like mofs growing in round tufts, re- fembling a bird's creft, fpread fiat on each other. White, red, or green. The microfcope {hews the filaments to be dichotomous. 3. Corniculata. White Jlender jointed Coralline. Dichotomous, pinnated below, with a kind of horn on each fide of the tops of the lower joints. Adheres to fmall Fuci. SERTU- .VERMES. ZOOPHYTA. 21^ SERTULARIA. Stem radicated, fibrous, naked, jointed. Florets Hydra, one at each joint. I. Rofacea. Lilly fiaxvering Corallhie. Branches alternate, with truncated oppc lite den- ticles, and veficular florets like the flowers of the lilly. On Orfteis. '2. Pumila. Sea Oak Coralline. Branches irre- gular. Denticles in pairs, oppofite, with curved points. Veficles irregular. Polypes on the extremity of both ve- ficles and denticles. This little creep- ing Coralline is found proceeding from fmall tubuli, on the broad leaved iii- ''■• dented Sea Oak Fucus, about Sheer- nefs. 3. Operculata. Sea Hair. Grows in thick tufts, the filaments of which, lie upon the ground. Branches alternate. Ve- • '- ficles refemble jars with covers. 4. Tamarifca. Sea Tarnarijk, Branches alter- nate. Denticles oppofite. Veficles fliaped like a top, with a fhort tube in the center. In deep water at the en- terance of .the harbour of Dublin. 5. Abietina. Sea Fir. Root wrinkled, tubular. Stems ftiff", horny. Branches alternate. Denticles alternate, with narrow mouths. Veficles oval, with narrow necks. On Oifters, Mufcles, &c. 6. Cupreflina. Sea Cyprefs. Denticles fubaciite, and clofcly united to the liem. Branches long, thin. Veficles bidcncate. P 3 Ar- '214 VERM is. ZOOPHYfA.' ' ^— - Argentea. Squirrel*} Tail. ErciSt, with thick tufts of alternately denticulated branches. Denticles pointed and curv- ed inwards. Veficles like jars. Oh Oifters, in the ifle of Sheppy. J. Rugofa. Snail-trefoil Coralline. Roots irre- gular, creeping, tubulous, adhering to the narrow- leaved Hornwrack. Branches irregular. Denticles alter- nate, tranfvferfely furrowed, and fhaped like the cones of the Fir. Veficles of the fame fliape, but with 3 {harp Teeth on the top. Near Brighthelmftone. $. Halecina. Herring-bone Coraline. Eredl, tu- bular, pinnated. Denticles alternate, obfolete. Veficles oval. Refembles the fpine of a Herrinig. g. Thuja. Botile-hrujh, Coralline. Arifes from horny tubuli, firmly adhering to Oifters. Stem zigzag, branched at the top. Branches forked, l^enticles clofe to the branch. Veficles at the bottom of the bi"anches, oval, covered. On the northern coaft. 10. Myriophillum. Fheafant's-tail Coralline. Root fpongy. Stem gibbous on one fide^ and feathered on the other. Denticles like cups, all on one fide of the pinnae. Height 10 or 12 inches. In deep wa- ter on the Irifh coaft. 11. F^lcata. Sickle Corallirie. Adheres to r6ck^ by wrinckled tubes. Stem waved. Branches pinnated and curved. Den- ticles VIRMIS. ZOOPHYTA. 215 tides on one fide of the pinnae. Vef ficles like jars. On the Kentifli coaft. 12. Pluma. Podded Coralline. Like the laft, ex- cept that the denticles are fbaped like the flowers of the Lilly of the valley. From the branches arife little pods, in- compafled with ftudded ribs. On Mufcles, &c. near Dublin. 13. Antennina. Lobjier s-horn Coralline^ or Sea Beard. Branches alternate, ftraight. Denticles verticillated, quatern, beard- ed. Veficles verticillated, with the aperture oblique. 14. Vcrticillata. Horfe Tail. Branches alter- nate. Denticles obfolete. Veficles on twifted foot-ftalks, fhaped like cups, verticillated ; cups denticulated round the brim. Near Whitehaven. 15. Volubilis. Small climbing Coralline. Ve- ficles like bells on the fummit of long {lender flems, twifted round other Co- rallines. 16. Syringa Twifted ftems, much fhorter than the laft. Cups cylindrical. Adheres to the Sea-fir Coralline. 17. Cufcuta. Climbing Dodder-like Coralline. Stems no thicker than hair. Branches oppo- fire, fimple. Veficles oval, axillary. On the Podded Fucus. 18. Uva. Grape Coralline. Extreamly minute. The microfcope (liews clufters of ovnl P 4 veficles 2l6 VERMES. ZOOPHYTA." veficles like grapes attached to the fiem ; thefe are polypes. 19. Lendigera. Nit Coralline. Stem jointed. Veficles cylindrical, arranged like or- gan pipes on one fide of the ftem. Mi- nute. Climbs on Fuci, &c. 20. Geniculata. Knotted -thread Coralline. Stem waved, jointed. Denticles alternate, contorted. Veficles alternate, like jars with a cover. Adheres to Podded Fu- cus. Dover, Harwich. 21. Dichotoma. Sea-thread Coralline. Stem no thicker than a fine thread, zigzag, jointed, tough, pliant, with ringlets at each joint, and a twifted foot-ftallc, each fupporting an oval veficle, fome clofed, and others open at the top. Oil the fouth-weft coaft. 22. Spinofa. 5//,^ Coralline. Stem compofed of filky threads, zigzag, with fliort fork- ed branches. Irregular rows of pores on one fide of the branches. Adheres to ftones. 23. Pinnata. Sea Brijlle. Stem jointed. Branches alternate, capillary, denticulated. Ve- ficles fhaped like Olives, Grows on Mufcles, like fliff briftles, which, when dried, bend all one way. 24. Polyzonias.- Great Tocth Coralline. Den- ticles large, oval. Veficles tranfvcrfely ftriated. Stem flender, twifted. On Mufcles. 25. Liche- VERMES. ZOOPHYTA. 2iy 25. Lichenaftrum. Sea Spleenwori. Stem up- right, jointed, comprefTed, denticulat- ed. Branches ftraight, alternate, den- ticulated. Denticles alternate, obtufe, numerous, and clofe prefied to the branches. Near the harbour of Dub- lin. 26. Burfaria. Shepherd' s-purfe CoralUne. Pearl colour. Branches irregular, v/ith nu- merous denticles, like brackets, onpo- fite.. A figure like the head of a to- ba'co-pipe on the top of each denticle. Branches extieamly fine. On Fuci. 27. Loriculata. Coc:t of Mail Coralline. Grows ^-*'"'" in large thick tufts. Stem and branches 3- are compofed of denticles or cells, op- pofite, and obliquely truncated at the top, which is broader than the bottom, lile of Sheppy. 28. Faftigiatn. Soft-feathered Coralline. Appears in its perftcl ftate like the branch of a fV.rub, with many leaves or feathers. Branches forked. Denticles alternate, femicyliudrical, pointed, with a black ■ fpot in -the middle. 29. Avicularia. Birds-head Coralline. Like a fea- ther about i\ inch long. Branches com- pofed of cells with a (harp denticle on one fide, and a globular veficle like a bird's head, wirh the bill wide open. Very brittle. Near the harbour of Dublin. ^ 2 30. Scru- llS TERMES. 200PHTTA, 30. Scrupofa. Creeping Stony Coralline. Branches dichotomous. Denticles alternate, an- gulated, fpinous. 31. Rcpens. Creeping Coralline. Branches di- chotomous. Denticles alternate, bi- dentated. Adheres to fhells. 32. Ciliata. Ciliated Coralline. Branches dicho- tomous, ereft, with infundibiliform cells joined at their bafes, and with wide mouths bearded on the upper lip. 33. Eburnea. Tufted Ivory Coralline. Branched. Cells arched, conjunct, gibbous, with a neck not in the center. 34. Cornuta. Goat's-hom Coralline. Branches alternate. Cells fmgle, fhaped like goats horns inverted, with a circular aperture, and a fingle upright hair near the top of each. Very minute, 35. Loricata. Buirs-horn Coralline. Branches alternate. Cells fmgle, like inverted horns inferted into each other, with a fhort hair on the top of each. Very minute. 36. Anguina. Snake Coralline. Not branched. Stem an irregular tube, from which pro- ceed, here and there, fmall oblong tef- taceous figures like fnakes without the under jaw. VORTICELLA. Stem fixed, vibrating the ifloret in a vortex. Floret with a 2 vafcular vafcular calyx : mouth contra6lilej cir liated, terminal. 1. Polypina. Clujiring Polypus Coralline. When at reft appears like a bunch of grapes ; but has a power of expanding into the form of a little tree bearing large p6ar<> "without leaves* 2* Anaftatica Compcfite ; florets nu- merous, campatiulate. Stem rigefcent. In frefh water, on fhells and plants. 3. Crataegaria. ,..*••• Compofite. Stem branched. Florets globous. Tenta- cula 2. In frefh water. ^. Opercularia Compofite. Stem branched. Florets oval. In frefli wa- ter. 5. tJmbellaria Compofite. Stem umbelled. Florets globous ciliated. In frelh water. B. Convallaria. . . . i . . Simple, gregarious. Florets companulate. In frelh water. y. Urceolaris Simple, pedunculated, mouth dentated. In lakes. HYDRA. Stem not fixt to any particular fubftance. Gelatinous, with a fingle Floret. Mouth terminal, environed by feveral tentacula. I. Viridis Tentacula 10. Short. Green. In rivers. 2. Fufca. 220 VERMES. ZOOPHYTA. 2. Fufca Brown. Tentacula 8. In frefh water. 3. Grifea Grey. Tentacula 7. long. In clear frefh water . 4. Hydatula. Tentacula 4, obfo- lete. Like a pellucid bladder, with a cylindrical neck. In the abdomen of Iheep, fwine, mice, &c. between the peritoneum and the inteitines. 5. Stentorea. Tentacula ciliated. Body infundibuliform. In frefli water. TAENIA. Body long, jointed, like a chain. Mouth aiid vifcera to each joint. J. Solium. Mouths marginal, one in each joint. In the inteitines of various ani- mals. 2. Vulgaris. Common Tape Worm. Mouth la- teral, 2 in each joint. In the intef- tines of men and brutes. GENE- GENERA, iS'c. AEDOMINALES. Acarus. — ACCIPITRES. Acipenfer. Alauda. Alca. Alcedo. Alcyonium. Ammodites. • — Ampelis. ■ Amphibia. — Anarchichas. Anas. ' Anguis. Anomia. • Akseres. — Aphis. Aphrodita. — A pis. Apodes. — Aptera. Ardea. Aicaris. Afilus. • Afterias. Auelabus. — Balaina. Blatta. Blennius. Bos. — Buccinum. Burobylius. Bupreliis. Byrrhus. Callionymus. 78 182 10 64 45 26 19 209 68 49 59 68 21 61 200 20 124 192 168 67 180 ■ 33 189 178 »95 lOI - 8 114 72 / 202 »79 107 90 - 69 Cancer. — Canis. - Cantharis. - Capra. — Caprimulgus. Carabeus. - Cardium. — Caffida. — Cellepora. - Cete. — Ceranibix. — Certhia. Cervus. Charadrius. Chryiis. Chryfomela. Cicada. — Cicindela. Cimex. • Clupea. - Cobitis. Coccinella. Coccus. — Coleoptera. Coluber. Columba. Colymbus. Conops. Coracias. Corallina. Corvus. Cottus. Cuculus. Culex. — Curculio. 185 2 • 104 7 - 58 ■ 109 198 - 92 209 - S 102 20 6 - 39 167 - 94 116 - 106 - 119 8z • 78 - 93 - 127 - 8> 60 - 45 - 29 - 178 - »7 - 212 16 73 - iS - ^77 - 97 Cyclop- ( 2i2 ) CytTopterus. Cynips. Cypra;a. Cyprinus. Delphinus. Dermeftes. DiPTERA. J>onax. Dytifcus. Echinus. Elater. — Emberiza. Ephemera. Equus. — Erinaceus. Efox. Falco. fafciola. felis. — Fekm, FJuftra. Forficula. .Formica. Fringiila. fillica. Gadus. Gallin.'e. iGafterofleus. Gobius. Gordius. Gorgonia. Grall.^. Giyllus. G^rinuj. 6; i6i 202 82 Q 88 170 «99 ic8 195 105 158 7 4 Si 10 190 2 210 »J3 169 5» 41 6p 42 76 72 189 209 33 1 14 9^ Haematopus. Haiiotis. Hdix. — Hemerobius. Hemiptera. Homo. ■ Hippobofca. — Hirudo. Hirundo. — Hifter. Hydra, ■ Hymenoptera. Ichneumon. — Intestina. — - ■Jugulares. Julus. ■- Labrus. - — Lacerta. — Lampyris. Lanius. — Larus. 1— Lepas. — Lepidoptera. Lepifma. — Leptura. - Lepus. — Lernxa. - Libellula. Limax. — Lithophyta. — Lophius. ■ Loxia. ■ Lucanus. ■ Lumbricus. • Maftra. 46 207 204 J 6a 114 I 1-9 191 57 90 219 161 164 189 6^ 188 75 59 104 15 30 196 128 180 103 4 »93 156 19Z 208 — 64 - 49 88 — igo - 199 Mad re- ( 223 ) Madrepora. Mammalia. Med u fa. Meloe. Mergus. — Millepora. — MoLLUSCA. — Monoculus. — Mordella. — Motacilla. — Mugil. ^^ Mullus. — — Murex. — Mus. Mulca. Mufcicapa. Muftela. — Mya. MytiliK. — Myxine. — NaNTE5. Nepa. — — Nereis. Nerita. — — Neuroptera. Notoneda. Onifcus. — Oftrea. — Otis. — - Ovis. — Panorpa. — Papilio. — Par us. — — Passeres. Patella. Pecora. 208 • I 194. IIZ 208 192 186 U2 53 81 77 203 5 173 53 3 197 201 191 61 118 193 206 156 117 187 200 42 7 161 129 56 ■ 45 207 - 6 Pediculus. Pelecanus. Perca. — Petromyzon. Phalangiuna. Phalasna. Phafianus. Phoca. — Pholas. Phryganea. Phyfeter, Picae. — — Picus. — — Plearoneftes. Pod Ufa. Primates. Procellaria. Ptinus. Pukx. Raja. Rallus. RaDa. Rccurviroftra. Sabella. Salmo. — ^ Sertularia. Scarabseus. Sciurus. — Scolopax. Scolopendra. Scomber. Sepia. Serpula. Silpha. — Sircx. •^— Sitta. — — Solcn. — — " ( 224 ) Sorex. — 4' Thoracici. • 72 Sparus. ■■ " — 75 Thrips. — 128 Sphex. — . 167 Tipula. — 171 Sphinx. " — 137 Trachinus.- 69 Spongia. • — 210 Trigla. — — — 78 Squalus-. < 62 Tringa. ■ — 36 StaphiHnus. — — 112 Trochus. 203 Sterna. — 32 Turbo. — — — 204 Strix. 14 Turdus. ■ — 47 Stutnus. ■ » 47 Sus. ■ ■ ■• 7 Venus. — — — ■ 199 Sygnanthus. — — 65 Vermes. ■ 189 Vefpa. . ■ 167 Tabanus. 177 Velpertilio. i Taenia. — 220 Vcnicella. 218 Talpa. — 4 Upupa. — 20 Tellina. — ig8 Urfus. -' — 3 Tenebrio. —— 1 1 1 Tenthredo. 162 Yunx. • 18 Termes. 181 Tefta€ea. ■ ■ 195 Zeus. — 73 Tetrodon. '--■■ 65 Zoophyta. 209 Tetrao. — ~-. — 43 S P E- SPECIES. 27, 22, Aberdavine. — Acorn-fifli. - Admiral. Angel-fifh, Ant. Argus. Afs. Avofetta. Awk. Badger. Barbie. Barnacle. Bafle. Bat Bee. Beetle. Bernard the heriTiit- Bittern. — Black-cap. Black-game. Black-legs. Bleak. Blinds. Blind-worm. Boat-fly. Bounce. Brambling. — Bream. Breeze. ■ Buck. Bog. Bugkin. — Bull-comber. Bulfinch. 51 196 133 63 169 '3' 7 40 , 26 3 82 196 76 I 168 85, &c. 185 33 55 43 86 84 70 61 117 63 . 50 84 170 6 119 122 85 49 51 Bull. head. Bunting. Buftard. Butcher-bird. - Butterflies. Butter-filh. Buzzard. — 13, Cabbage Butterfly. Carp. . - Cat; Cacfifli. Cod. • Ccckle. 129 82 z 63 70 199 Cock of the mountain. 43 Cock of the wood. Cockpaddle. Coldfinch. Cole-fifli. Colemoufe. Coot, i ' — Coral. ' — • 43 6> 55 7' 56 41 20S Coralline. 211, 212, 208, Cornllh Cough. Corvorant. Chaffinch. Chaire. Chatterer. Cheven. Chub. Clock. Crab. - Crayfifh. Creeper. ■ 17 . 28 • 51 • 80 49 83 83 86 - 185 - 185 — 20 Cricket. ( 226 ) Cricket. Crowbill. Crow. Cuckoo. — Cuckow-fpit, infedt. Curlew. — — — Cuttle-filh. Pab. Dace. Dead-man's hand. Deer. Diver. Dog. Dolphin. Dor. Doree. Dormoufe Dotrel. Duck. — Dun Diver. Dung-hunter Dunlin. — 16 18 116 34 194 Eagle. Earwig. Eel. Eel-Pont. Eft. Emperor. Ermine. Erne. - Falcon. — Father-lafher. Fieldfare. Fincale. •— Fire-flaire. FisnEs. Hi 10 113 67 71 59 132 • 3 II 13 73 48 83 62 67 Flaire. Flea. Flies. Flounder. Fly -catcher. Foumart. Fox. Fritillary. Frog. — Frog-fifh. Froghopper. Froth-worm. Fulmar. — Gad-fly. — Gadwall. — Gannet. — Gar-fifh. — Garganey, Glow-worm. Gnat. Goat. Goat-chafer. Goatfucker. God wit. Golden Eye. Goldfinch. Gowry. — Goofander. Goofe. Grampus. Grafs hopper. Grayling. Grebe. Greenfinch. Greenfhank. Grey. — — - Greenland Dove. Giofsbeak. Ground. ( 227 ) Groundling. Grous. — Gudgeon. Guillemot. Gull. Gurnard. Gy rfalcon. Haddock. Hake. Hare. — Hart. - Hawfinch. Hawk. Heath Cock. Hedgehog. — Hedge Sparrow. Hen-Harrier. - Heron. ■ Herring. Hobby. Hog. ■ Holibut. Hoopoe. Hornet. Horn-fifh. — ^ Hornwrack. — Horfe. Horfe-tail. — Hound-fifh. — Jackdaw. Jackfnipe. Jay. - Ink fifh. Keftril. Kingfilher. Kice. — — 19 44 83 29 3' 78 12 7» S 6 49 •3 — 43 — 4 — 53 — 1 1 — 33 — 82 — II — 8 — 74 — 20 — 167 — 81 — 211 7 ■ 2J5 64, 63 — 17 — 35 — «7 — 195 — 12 — 20 u Knot. Lady-bird. Lady-cow. Lamprey. Land Rail. Lanner. Lapwing. Lark. Launce. Leech. Limpet. Ling. Linnet. Lizzard. Loach. Lobftcr. Lough Diver. Loufe. — Lumpfifli. Lyre. — 38 Mackrel. Magpie. Maid. Mallard. Man. Martin. Merlin. Mew. Miller's thumb. — Minime. ■ Minow-pink. MifTel bird. — Mole. Morgay. Moihs — 139 Mountain finch. — Monk. Q.2 17 62 I - 3' 57 H 31 73 83 8? 48 4 63 137 - 51 63 Moor C 228 ) Moor Game. Moufe. Mullet. Mufcle. -filh. Needle- Newt. ^ Nightingale. Nutcracker. Nuthatch. Oifter. Old wife. Orange-tip. Ofprey. Otter. Ouzel. Owl. Ox. - — 44 — 5 81 202 — 66 60 — • 53 — 17 »9 " 200 75 130 12 3 - 48. 49 14 = 7 Polecat. Porpefs. Ptarmigan. Puffin. Purple- Purre. Piper. fainted Lady. Pap-fhell. Partridge. Pearch. Pearl. -- Periwincle. Pettychaps. Pheafant. Picked Dog. Piddock. Pigeon. Pike. — Pilchard. Pinguin. Pink. — Pkife. — Poor. — Plover. — 40 132 207 44 76 75 204 53 43 63 196 45 81 82 27 83 74 70 39 73 -filh. Quadrupeds. Quail. • Rabbit. Rat. Raven. Raw Pollock. -— Redbreall. — Red Eye. Red Game. ■ Redfhank. -^ Redftatt. Redwing. ■■ Reed Sparrow. — Reeve. — • Reptiles. Rib. Ring Dove. Roach. — Rock-fifli. Rockling. Roller. Rook. Rough-hound. Rofe Chaffer. Roval William. Rud. Ruff. 5 9 4+ 27 20 2 39 78 - I 44- S M 7» 55 84 ■ 44 35 55 48 3^ 59 70 ■ 45 83 73 7» 17 16 - 6s Sf 129 83 — — 76, 36 Salmon. — Salmon-trout. 79 - 79 S2(nd ( 229 ) Sand Eel. Sanderling. Sandpiper. Scad. — Scallop. Scate. — Sea Adder. — Sea Bream. — Sea Calf. Sea Crow. Sea Cyprefs. — Sea Devil. — Sea Ear. -. Sea Egg. Sea Fan. Sea Fig. Sea Fir. Sea Flea. Sea Gudgeon. ■ Sea Hair. Sea Hedgehog. Seal. . Sea Lark. Sea Loach. • — Sea Louie. Sea Lungs. — Sea Mall. Sea Moufe. — Sea Nettle. — Sea Owl. Sea Pie. • Sea Purfc. S«a Sleeve. — Sea Snail. 65, Sea Spleenwort. — Sea Spider, ■ Sea Swallow. Sea Tamarifk. — §t-a Willow. - 68 - 40 - 37 77 200 62 - 66 - 7S - 2 - 3« - 213 - 64 207 195 209 210 2'3 186 - 73 - 213 - »9 72. 39 - 71 - 187 - '94 - 31 - 192 - 194 - ^S - 40 - 210 194 203 217 18; 32 213 209 Sea Wolf. 206, Sea Wood-loufe. — Sea Serpents. Serpents. ■■ Shad. Shag. — — — Shark. 63, 64 Shear-water. 28 Sheep. — — y Sheldrake. 21. 2 Shelley 68 187 82 28 Shoveller. Shrew-moufe. Shrimp. Skua. Smelt. — — Smew. Snail. Silkin. Snake. Snipe. Soal. Sol and Goofe. Sparrow. Spiders, Sponge. Sprat, Squirrel. — Squirrel's tail. Stag. Star fifli. — Stare. Starliflff. Stickleb*ick. Stint. S:oat. -— S;oc!;-Dcve. Stone Ciiatrer. Stormfinch. 00 22 4 32 80 26 192 SI 60 34 74 28 52 '83 210 82 6 214 6 195 47 ■ 47 76 39 3 45 55 Sturgeon ( ajo ) Stargeon. — Sunfifh. — Surmullet. Swallow. — Swan. •Tape-worm. Tarrock. Teal. Tench. — Tern. Tewit. — Thorn-back. Throftle. - Tick. Titmoufe. Toad. Tope. Top-ihell. Trout. Tubfifh. — Tunny-fifh. Turbot. — Turnllone. Turtle Dove. Twite. Venus Bugle. Venus Fan. Viper. Umber. Wagal. Wa fp. 64 65 11 57 21 220 30 25 83 32 36 62 48 182 56 59 63 203 79 78 11 75 37 45 52 203 209 60 80 Water-flea. Water-hen. Water Ouzel. Water Rail. Watcrwagtail. Wheat-Ear. - Weaver. Weefel. Welk. Whale. Wimbrel. Whinchat. Whiltle-fiih. White Cap. White Game White Horfe. White Nun. White-throat. Whiting. — 42» Whiting Pollack. — Whiting- pout. — — Wigeon. 1 Wood Chat. — — Woodcock. Woodcracker. Wood-loufe. — — Woodpecker. < Worms. — '■ WrafTe. Wrvneck. 31 yellowhammer. i63 99 4» 47 42 54 54 69 3 203 8 34 54 71 52 44 62 26 54 70 71 70 23 15 34 >9 187 18 189 75 55 18 50- DERI- DERIVATIONS, ABDOMiNALEs. From Abdomen, the Belly. The 4th Order of Clafs IV. Fifhes whofe belly-fins are behind the pectoral. Page 78. AcciPiTREs. From Accipiter, a Hawk. Birds of the Hawk kind. The ill Order in Clafs IJ. Page 10. Amphibia. Clafs III. Page 59. The Englifh word Amphibious is too generally underllcod to require explanation. Apodes. From a priv. and tov;, pes, a foot. The ift Order of Clafs IV. Containing thofe Fifhes which have no belly-fins, which Linnasus confiders as feet. Page 67. Aptera. From a priv. and TTeooc, ala, a wing. The 7th Order of Clafs V. Without V/ings. Page 180. Bellu^. From Bellua, a bead. The 6ch Order of Clafs I. Page 7. Cete. From K»t©-, Cetus^ a Whale. The 7th Order in Clafs I. Page 8. DiPTERA. From -T/T/ 6©", ^//^/(TAT, double, and tt€- • for, ala, a wing. The 6th Oider of Clafs V. Containing thofe infedls which have two wings. Page 170. Fer^-. From Tera, a wild beall. The 3d Order of Clafs I. Page 2. Galling. From Gallina, a. Hen. The 5th Order of Clafs II. Page 42. Glires. From G/is, a Dormoufe. The 4th Order of Clafs I. Page 4. 2 Grall^e. ( 232 ) Grall^E. GralliS, ftilts. Having very long Legs. The 4th Order of Clafs II. Page 33. Hemiptera. From ti/j-Krvf, dimidius, half, and frmoi'i ala, a wing. The zd Order of Clafs V* Page 1 14. Hymenoptera. From t//u«f, memhrana, a mem- brane, TT'fof, aluy a wing. The 5th Order of Clafs V. Page 161. JuGULAREs. From Jugulum, the Neck. The 2d Order of Clafs IV. containing thofe Fifhes whofe lower fins are in the neck, before the pedoral. Page 6g. Lepidoptera. From Kn'sUt a fcale or thin plate> and TTj?cf, aluy a wing. The 3d Order of CJafs V. Page 128. LiTHOPHYTA. From AlO©-, lafut a ftone, and 91/- (tk;^ nature, fubftance. The 4th Order of Clafs VI. Page 208. Mammalia. From Mamma, a Pap, Breaft or Dug. The I ft Clafs of the Animal Kingdom, compre- hending thofe which fuckle their young. Page i. MoLtuscA. Mollufca, a fipecies of nut with a foft fhell. The 2d Order of Clafs VI. Page 192. Neuroptera. From ysu^or, nert'tu, a nerve, and TTSfoc, ala, a wing. The 4th Order of Clafs V. Page 156. Passer Es. From Pajfer, a Sparrow. Order th€ 6th of Clafs II. Page 45. Pecora, From Pectis, a flock of fheep, &c. The 5th Order of Clafs 1. Page 6. Pic^. From Pica, a Magpie. T-he 2d Order in Clafs II. Page 16. PRIMATEJ. ( 233 ) Primates. From PrimaSf firft in rank, moft con- fiderable. The ill Order in Clafs I. Page i. Testacea. From Tejla a fhell. The 3d Order of Clafs VI. Page 195. Thoracici. From Thorax, the Breaft, or that part of the body which contains the heart and lungs. The 3d Order of Clafs IV. Containing thofe Fifhes whofe ventral or belly fins are placed immediately under the peroral fins. Page 72. Vermes. From Vermis, a Worm. Clafs VI. Page 189. ZooPHYTA. From Z^ov, an animal, and 'tvr/f, na- ture, ftrudure, &c. The 5th Order of Clafs V. Page 209. End of Vo l. L ERRATA. Page 10 line 4. for Accipetres, read Accipitres 16 dele Frugilegus N". 3. igz for Mollufea, read Mollufca '.■1,1 M-, , > I :' / I'l I'm" '-I,' t ,1 ■1 'i Ml , \ 1 ■>,■■'■' 1 . r'i W-\^'' i;-si:: :;t'5ii