1'- CATALOG NUMBER FIFTEEN Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen IMM loaiii iiiMMainiiHiiiiOMiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiirinioiHiiiriunDnmiRiiiiDiuiiJiiiiiiDiiiiiiitiHioiiiniiiiitiaiiiiiiiiiriiODMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiniiiirirriiiiniiiniiiiiiiaiitiuiwiiDiimrtiiiitniiiiii^ iiOiiiniiiiiiiQiiuiiiiiuiGnniiiinuQi ii u uw uq iintKimiDtMBiMiiu i Key Locks and Door Bolts Sargent & Greenleaf Co. Rochester, N. Y. - - U. S. A. Establish p:d Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Five Incorporated Eighteen Hundred and Ninety -Six IS65. V^E call your attention to our other Catalogs, describing and illustrating other products of this Com- pany, namely: Time Lock Catalog Combination Lock Catalog Prison Lock Catalog Printed folders pertaining to different styles of locks and Gem Bolts that can be had upon application. The Du B..ii Press of Rochester INDEX PAGE Alike. Locks 9 AnnounciMnent.. 4 Bank Locks 2 Bank Cage Locks 17-t-177 Blanks 206-213 Bolts 59-65 Box Locks 76 ('ai)inet of Key Locks 10-11 Cabinet Locks 104, 110-115, 126-129 Chest Locks 72-75 Collapsible Gate Locks 26 Combination Locks 2 Combined Locks and Latches 39-57 Definition of Key Locks 5 Desk Locks 76-79, 102 Door Bolts 59-65 Doors, Hand of 6-7 Door Locks and Latches — Mortise 12-19. 22-27, .'50-;W, 39-57 Door Locks and Latches —Rim. 20, 28. 34-37 Door Trimmings 45, 52, 53, 204,205 Drawer Locks 88-99, 102-105 Duplex Keys 8, 202 Elevator Latches (Push Button) 180 Elevator Locks 170, 178 Escutcheons., 45, 204, 205 Gates, Hand of 6, 7 Gate Locks 152-155, 158, 164-169, 172, 182-189 Hand of Doors and Gates 6, 7 Handles, Store Door 45, 52 Hook-Bolt Locks 26, 102 Inside Safe Locks 144-150 Inside Safe Locks "spring" 156 Key Blanks 206-213 Keys, Duplex 8,202 Keys, Master 8 Keys, Preparatory 8, 190 Keys, by numi)er 9 Kevs, Restoring S Kn<)i)>. Roses and Escutchrnns 45, 52, 204, 205 Knob Locks and Latches — Mortise 39-53 Latches— Mortise 30-.33, 46-49 Latches — Rim 34-37 Locker Locks 106-109. 132 Locks Alike 9 Master Key Lock, Prices 9 Mausoleum I^)cks 142 Metallic Curtain Locks 162 Xumljers on Keys 9 Padlocks 82-85 Piano Locks 76 Post-Office Locks 98-101 Printed Folders 2 Prison Locks 2 Roll-Top Desk Locks 78 .Sife Deposit Locks 190-203 Safe Guard Locks 86, 87 Safe Makers' Locks 117-137, 140-151, 164-169, 190-203 Secret Gate Locks 160 Sliding Door Locks 26 Sliding Gate Locks 164-169. 172 Sliding Gate Lock, with Bell 182 Store Door Handles 45, 52 Store Door Locks (with Handles) 54-57 Sub-Treasury Locks 118-135 Swinging Gate Locks 152-155, 158 Swinging Gate Lock (with Bell) 184-189 Terms 9 Time Locks i Tin Box Locks 136 Trunk Locks 68-71 Vault Locks 140. 14ii-U!>. 1.52-155 Vestibule Latches 46-49 Wardrot)e I^jcks 106-111 Wicket L.K-ks 188 Win.low Bolts 64 Announcement E TAKE great pleasure in i presenting to you our 1917 I Catalog No. 15, and antici- | pate that it will be of mutual 1 advantage, as we have added f somewhat to our line since last publication. | With the issue of this volume, we wish to j stronglv emphasize to you the merit of our j products. During the career of this company, | extending over half a century's duration, it f has been our constant aim to produce nothing f but the highest types of security, whether i they be of expensive or cheaper variety. j Thanking you for past favois, and hoping I for a continuance of the same, we are, j Yours respectfully, SARGENT & GREEXLEAF COMPANY DEFINITIOXS OF TERMS PERTAIN I \G TO KEY LOCKS 1 . Regular Key Work. A series of locks, all different, each lock capable of being operated by its own key only. 2. Locks Alike A series of locks all keyed alike and all keys operating all locks. 3. Master Key Work A series of locks, either in groups alike or all different, controlled by a Master Key. 4. Grand Master Key Work. A series of locks divided into groups, each group controlled by its own Master Key and the whole series controlled by a Grand Master Key. 5. Maison System. ■ A series of locks, either in groups alike or all different, in which the keys of all the locks in the series operate one or more other locks. 6. Maison Sj^stem with Master Work. Same as above only with a IVIaster Key to control the whole series. 7. Preparatory System. A system in which the locks must first be set by a Preparatory Kej- before the regular key can operate. 8. Duplex System. A system in which it is necessary to insert two keys together to operate the lock. 9. Executor System. A system in which it is necessary to insert two or more Preparatory Keys before lock can be operated by its Individual Key. 10. Trap Lock System. A system in whicii the regular or unlocking key is held or trapped in lock after unlocking, and can only be released by use of a Releasing Key. S A R G E \ T d- G REE \ L E A F C M P A X V // . I .Y /) O F Dot) It N . f V /) C . I r E A Hand of Doors and Gates I MPORTAXT: Tlie following points should he carefully considered hefore ordering locks for doors and gates of all varieties. Many locks are reversihle, and can he used on either right or left hand doors. Others, which are not operated in the same manner from both sides, are not reversible, and must be made right or left hand, to correspond with the doors to which they are to be applied. The "hand" of a door is always determined from the outside; that is, from the street side of an outside door, the hall side of a room door, and the room side of a closet door. As you stand on the outside, facing the door, if the hinges on the door are on your right (as in figures '•2, 4, 6 and 8) it is a right hand door . If the hinges are on the left (as in figures 1, 3, .5 and 7) it is a left hand door. While standing on outside, should it swing in, it is regular bevel; should it swing out, it is reverse bevel. However, it should be noted that the action of cupboard and safe locks is quite the reverse (as in figures 5, 6, 7 and 8), as in this case the door invariably o])ens out. With sliding gates, when standing on key operative, or outer side of gate, if the gate slides back to the right to open (as in figure 10) it is right hand. If it slides back to the left (as in figure 9) it is left hand. N A R a E S T <(• a R E E .V L E A E C M P A .Y Y // . 1 A' 1) OF D(>(f R S . I y I) a . I T E N MORTISE DOOR LOCKS Li-»'t Ilaiul. Rcguliir Riglit Hand, Rfgular OITSIDE, Fig. 1 Left Haii.i. R.-vers.-d OLTSIDE, Fig. I Ri-'Iit Hand, Rcv.rs.-d OUTSIDE, Fig. ;3 OUTSIDE, Fig. 4 CUPBOARD DOOR LOCKS Left Hand Right Hand OUTSIDE, Fig. .5 OUTSIDE, Fig. SAFE DOOR LOCKS L.ft Hand, Regular Right Hand, Reguhir OUTSIDE, Fig. 7 OUTSIDE, Fig, 8 SLIDING GATE LOCKS Left Hand Right Hand KEY OPER.\TIVE OR OUTER SIDE Fig. !) KEY OPERATIVE OR OUTER SIDE Fig. 10 S A R a E y T & GREE S L E A E C U M P A .V } 8 MASTER, PREPARA TORY, RES TORIXG and DUPLEX KEYS Master Keys, Preparatory Keys, Restoring Keys and Duplex Keys To avoid mistakes in ordering locks for special purposes, with com- plicated key work, we desire to explain the meaning of the above terms and the difference between the keys designated thereby. A Master Key is a key that will unlock a series, or set, of locks, the regular keys of which are different from each other. The action of the Master Key is complete, in and of itself, and entirely independent of the regular keys of the locks which it controls. A Preparatory Key is a key used in a lock to prepare it for the use of the regular key, which regular key cannot perform its office until the lock shall have been so prepared by the custodian; but the Preparatory Key cannot of itself unlock. This Preparatory Key can be withdrawn after it has been used, leaving the lock in condition to be operated by the regular key until it shall have been once unlocked and locked up again; after which, it must be again used before the regular key can again become operative. Restoring Keys are keys to be held by custodians of Preparatory Keys, for the purpose of restoring locks to their normal condition when, by mistake, the Preparatory Key shall have been used in the wrong lock, or when, for any reason, it is desired to restore the tumblers after the Pre- paratory Key shall have been used. Duplex Keys are keys in which the unlocking bits are so distributed betw^een two key blades that each is the complement of the other, and it is necessary to insert both at the same time, the conjunction of which forms one operative key. When one-half is designed for a custodian's key and the other half for a customer, the custodian's half can be so arranged as to operate a large number of locks! while the customer's half will become operative in his own lock only. When a lock has been un- locked by the joint use of these Duplex Keys, the custodian can with- draw his half of the key, leaving the customer to lock up again at his pleasure: but the customer cannot Avithdraw his half of the key until he shall have turned it back to the locking point and completed the locking. Neither can nnlock without the other, but the customer can lock up again without the custodian. Trusting that the.se explanations will avoid misunderstanding as to the character of the special keys and the terms used to designate them, we invite special attention to them by parties interested in their use. .S ARGE .V T & GREE \ LEAF CO M P A .V }' IMPORTANT THE numbers and other marks on our keys have no reference whatever to the form of the bits, except on a few styles of cheap locks. Keys for any of our ])etter styles of locks cannot be duplicated by the numbers. We nuist have each key for which duplicate is wanted, or a good, clear impression of same made preferably on blotting paper, or the lock to which it belongs, to work to. LOCKS ALIKE — Unless otherwise ordered one key will be furnished to each lock, and no extra charge will be made for setting up locks alike. An extra charge will be made for all Special Work, such as Finishes, irregular lengths of horn and etc. PRICES FOR MASTER KEY ^VORK Add to List: For 2 Dozen or Less, $i.i5 per Dozen. For more than 2 Dozen, $L75 per Dozen. Prices subject to change without notice. S A R G E X T d- GRKE .V L E A F C M P A X V 11) < A in X K T OF S A M P L K LOC K S This cabinet can be fitted up with such styles of locks as the customer desires. Cabinet, Chest, Drawer, Locker, Padlock and etc. Cabinet contains one box of each style of lock shown on face. (See cut shown on opposite page.) In ordering locks be careful to specify catalog numbers and thickness of wood, locks are to be used on. •S A R G EXT S: G RE E \ L E A E C M P A .V V ( A H I y E r F K K y LOC K S 11 Cabinet is 16" x 9|" x 16" liigh, Mahogany finish and presents a fine appearance. SARGEXT d- GREE S LEAF C M P A .V }• 12 MORTISE DOOR LOCKS Mortise Door Lock RABBETED FRONT With Two Bronze Escutcheons Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 3| x 2| x | inches Size of Face, 5x1^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2 inches Throw of Bolt, f inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. Solid Bronze, Plain Finish, Four Tumblers, Four Flat German-Silver Keys Key Blank No. 33 for above lock. This Lock is suitable for heavy doors of all kinds, such as doors of Churches, Stores, Factories or Public Buildings. It is operated by the key from either side, adapted to doors of any thickness, and capable of twelve hundred or more changes, so that no two locks in that number are duplicates, except by special intent. The hard rolled German-Silver key will never rust. In every respect this lock commends itself to all desiring a first-class and reliable security. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About twelve hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be INIaster Keyed to the extent of 200 changes. See page 9. Weight 32 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & G RE EX LEAF COMPAXV M R T I SE DOOR LOCKS 13 No. 2 MORTISE DOOR LOCK Cuts Actual Size N A R G E y T ct- G REE .V L E A E C M P A S V 'C^ X^^ 14 M RT I S E D OR LO C K S Mortise Door Locks PLAIN F R O X T With Two Bronze Escutcheons Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 3| x !2| x | inches Size of Face, 5 x 1| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Sj inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Made in Bronze or Iron Case Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 4 5 SoHd Bronze, Phiin Finish, Four Tumblers, Four Flat German-Silver Keys. Japanned Iron Case, Bronze Bolt, Front, Escut- cheons and Striker, otherwise same as No. 4. Japanned Iron Case, Iron Front, Bolt, and Striker, otherwise same as No. 4. Key Blank No. 33 for above locks. Nos. 4 and 4^ can be furnished in Brass when speci- fied. The remarks upon No. 2, on page 12, are also applicable to these Locks. The same works are used in all, and the only difference consists in the adaptation of No. 2, with a stepped or rabbeted front, to rabbeted double doors, while these are applied to plain fronts. Adapted for either Right or Left hand doors. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About twelve hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of 'iOO changes. See page 0. Weight, 27 lbs. per dozen. 8 A R G E X T A- GREEN LEAF CO M P A \ V M n T I s /•: Doo n /^o ( k s » Xos. 4, ih and .J MORTISE DOOR L()( KS Cuts Actual Size S A RG E X T c(- GR E E X L E A F C M P A X i 16 MORTISE DOOR LOCKS Mortise Door Lock RABBETED FRONT With Two Bronze Escutcheons Unlocks From Either Side Size of Case, 3 x 3f x f inches Size of Face, 5x1^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2| inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Iron Case No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws Japanned Iron Case, Plain Bronze Bolt, Front, Escutcheons and Striker, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys. Key Blank No. 33 for above lock. List per Doz. The Tumbler Work, etc., in this Lock is differently arranged, but similar in effect to that of the preceding styles; but the body of the lock being shorter, it is adapted to narrower door stiles. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight, 28 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREENLEAF COMPANY MORTISE DOOR LOCKS 17 No. 6 MORTISE DOOR LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREENLEAF COMPANY 18 MORTISE DOOR LOCKS Mortise Door Lock PLAIN FRONT With Two Bronze Escutcheons Unlocks from Either Side Sise of Case, 2| x 3f x f inches Size of Face, 5 x 1| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, If inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Iron Case No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. Japanned Iron Case, Plain Bronze Bolt, Front, Escutcheons and Striker, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys. Can be furnished in Brass when specified. Key Blank No. 33 for above lock. The remarks on No. 6, on page 16, are also applicable to this Lock. The same works are used in all, and the only difference consists in the adaptation of No. 6 to doors with stepped or rabbeted fronts, while this is applied to plain fronts. Adapted for either Right or Left hand doors. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight, 23 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT ct- ORE EX LEAF C .\f P A X Y M R T I S E 1) OR LOC K S 19 No. 7 MORTISE DOOR LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT cC- G R E E \ LEAF CO M P A .V }' 20 RIM DOOR LOCKS No. Rim Door Locks Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 2| x 4j x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 1| inches Throw of Bolt, f-inch Iron or Bronze Case Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 73^ i Japanned Iron Case and Striker, Bronze Bolt, 1 Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Kej^s, I Bronze Cup Escutcheon. 073^ Same as above, except with Plain Flat Bronze Es- cutcheon. 7^^B Same as No. 7^ only in Bronze. Key Blanks Nos. 31, 32 and 33 for above locks ac- cording to thickness of doors. Suitable for heavy doors where a good but less expensive lock than the foregoing styles is desired. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. In ordering, state thickness of doors. Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight, 27 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT A- GREENLEAF COMPAW RIM DOOR LOCKS 21 Back ^'ie\v of Right Hand Lock SARGEM & GREENLEAF COMP AS \ \os. 7i 07^ and l\\l RBI DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size 22 M R r I S K DOOR LOCKS Mortise Door Lock PLAIN FRONT With Two Bronze Escutcheons Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 3 x 2j x f inches Size of Face, 3f x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2j inches Throw of Bolt, j^V-inch Made of Bronze Throughout List No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws per Dor. 13 Sohd Bronze, Plain Finish, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys. : Can be furnished in Brass when specified. I Key Blank N o. 39 for above lock. This Lock is designed for use on Offices and on inside doors of Dwell- ings, or for any purpose where a fine dead lock, combining security and compactness, is desired. The small German-Silver key is same size as Mortise Night Latch Key, and when desired, the two styles can be made in pairs, with one set of keys for both. Adapted for either Right or Left hand doors. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of 175 changes. See page 9. Weight, 14 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT d- GREEN LEAF COM PAX V MORTISE DOOR LOCKS 28 Cut Shows Left Hand !!nl|l' i ^ ^i \ 1 1 o No. 13 MORTISE DOOR LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGENT d- GREEX LEA F C M P A X V 24 MORTISE DOOR LOCKS No. Mortise Door Lock PLAIN F R ox T With Two Brass Escutcheons Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 3 x "21 x f inches Size of Face, 3f x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, •■2\ inches Throw of Bolt, x^-inch Iron Case Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 113 Japanned Iron Case, Plain Bronze Front and Striker, Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Adapted for either Right or Left hand doors. Key Blank No. 39 for above lock. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of thirty-six changes. See page 9. Weight, 12 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT & GREEN LEAF COM PAX V MORTISE DOOR LO C K S 25 Cut Shows Left Hand No. 113 :\IORTISE DOOR LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGENT d- GRE ES LEAF COM PA .V 1' ^26 MORTISE DOOR LOCKS Mortise Door Locks PLAIN FRONT FOR SLIDING DOORS AND COLLAPSIBLE GATES, ETC. With Two Bronze Escutcheons Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 3 x 2j x | inches Size of Face, 3| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2j inches Throw of Bolt, i^-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. 013 313 Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. Solid Bronze, Plain Finish, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys. Must be locked with key. Same as above, except self -locking, for use on col- lapsible gates, etc. Can be furnished with knob to operate from inside when so specified. Key blank No. 39 for above locks. These Locks, having a Hook-Bolt, are especially adapted for use on Sliding Doors. The small German-Silver key is same size as Mortise Night-Latch key, and when desired the two styles can be made in pairs, with one set of keys for both. Adapted for either Right or Left hand doors or gates. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of 175 changes. See page 9. Weight, 15 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT c{- GREE S LEAF CO M P A N V MORTISE DOOR LOCKS !27 Cut Shows Left Hand SARGENTASREENLEAFCO. ~^ ROCHESTER.N.Y. r:} |iiiuiiiiniiiiii||li:iilii!iiillli;illliiiii;riiiili{|ili|i O o Xos. 013 and 313 MORTISE DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size S ARGE X T A- GREEN LEA F C M P A X Y ^28 RIM DOOR LOCKS No. Rim Door Locks Unlocks from Either Side Size of Case, 3 x 2| x f inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, "2j inches Throw of Bolt, x^-inch Iron or Bronze Case Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. liVi WAB Japanned Iron Case and Striker, Brass Bolt, Three Tumblers. Two Flat German - Silver Keys, Flat Brass Escutcheon. For either 1}/^ or 2-inch door. Same as No. 13^ only in Bronze. Key Blanks Nos. 36A and 36B for above locks. Suitable for ordinary doors where an inexpensive lock is desired. Adapted for either Right or Left hand doors. In ordering, state thickness of doors. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of thirty-six changes. See page 9. Weight, 14 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY KIM DOOR LOCKS 29 *"""''"'■""■"""'""''■"" ■■' ■■'' '- ■'■'' '" ' ■'" ■ '""■' ' ' ■ ' "■"'"' Cut Shows Left Hand Nos. 13| and 13^ RIM DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT A- GREEN LEAF COM PA .V >' 30 MORTISE X IGII T LAT C H ES Mortise Night Latch RABBETED FRONT Size of Case, 3| x 2^ x f inches Size of Face, 4| x Ij inches Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, 2f| inches Throw of Bolt, f^-inch Made of Bronze Throughout List No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws per Doz. 9 Solid Bronze, Plain Bronze Bolt, Front, Knob, Escutcheon and Striker, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys. Key Blank No. 39 for above lock. This latch is especially adapted to all uses where a thoroughly secure Night Latch is required, and is largely in use by Banks, Offices, Clubs, Lodges and on private doors. On the inside the bolt is controlled by a knob, and on the outside by the key only, and it can be fastened back so as to be inoperative, at will, by a spring catch, which can be operated from the front while the door is open. This latch is in all respects first- class in material, workmanship, convenience and security, and can be furnished in any number required, either alike or unlike, with any number of extra keys which may be ordered. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of 175 changes. See page 9. Weight 24 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT d- GREEXLEAF COMPAXV MORTISE NIGHT LATCHES Cut Shows Right Hand No. 9 MORTISE NIGHT LATCH Cuts Actual Size S ARC EXT A a HE EX LEAF COMPAXV 32 MORTISE NIGHT LATCHES Mortise Night Latch PLAIN FRONT Size of Case, 3 x 2| x f inches Size of Face, 4| x 1 inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2f inches Throw of Bolt, iV-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 11 Solid Bronze, Plain Bronze Bolt, Front, Knob, Escutcheon and Striker, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys. Can be furnished in Brass when specified. Key Blank No. 39 for above lock. This latch will be furnished with two escutcheons, instead of knob and one escutcheon when so ordered. The remarks upon No. 9, on page 30, may apply to this latch. In ordering, state whether Right or Left hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of 175 changes. See page 9. Weight, 18 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY M () ii r I S E \ I G II r L A T C II K N 83 Shows Left Hand No. 11 MORTISE NIGHT LATCH Cuts Actual Size -/j s .-1 R G K y T A- (, H /•; /■; .v l e af CO M r a x y 34 RIM NIGHT LATCHES Rim Night Latches Size of Case, 3f x 2| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2iV inches Throw of Bolt, iV-inch Iron Case No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 68 068 69 069 Japanned Iron Case and Striker, Bronze Bolt, Four Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys, Bronze Cup Escutcheon and Knob; for doors two inches thick. Same as above, except with Plain, Flat Bronze Escutcheon. Same as No. 68, except for doors 1| inches thick. Same as No. 69, except with Plain, Flat, Bronze Escutcheon. Key Blanks Nos. 45-50 inclusive for above locks, according to thickness of door. In ordering state whether Regular or Reverse bevel bolt. Knob can be set, on inside, to lock out those having key. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of 220 changes. See page 9. Weight, 23 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY RIM NIGHT LAT C II E iS 35 Cut Shows Right Hand (Back View Nos. 68, 068, 69 and 069 RIM NIGHT LATCHES Cuts Actuiil Size SARG EX T & GREEN LEAF CO M PAX V 86 R I M X I G H T LATC II E S Rim Night Latches Size of Case, 3j x '2| x f inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, lyl inches Throw of Bolt, f-inch Iron Case No. Packed .Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 0691 > 070 Japanned Iron Case and Striker, Bronze Bolt, Three Tumblers, Three Flat German-Silver Keys, with Bronze Sleeve Escutcheon, for Doors | to 2 inches thick. Same as No. 069^, excgpt has Solid Horn for and li-inch Doors. 1 Key Blanks Nos. 45-50 inclusive for above locks, according to thickness of door. In ordering, state thickness of doors and whether Regular or Reverse Bevel Bolt. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred and fifty changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Kej'cd to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 18 lbs. per dozen. S ARC E X T & GREE S LEAF COM P A \ Y RIM \ Kill T LA T( II KS No. 070 RIM NIGHT LATCHES Cuts Show Right Hand. (Regular Bevel of Bolt.) .Actual Size S A R G K .V T S: G R K K .V /. /:: A F CO M P A .V 1' MORTIS E K N B L C K S A N D L A T C H E S 39 Mortise Knob Locks and Vestibule Latches For Outside Doors of Dwellings, Etc. Iron case, with bronze front, and brass works throughout. Three German-Silver keys. The Vestibule Latches have no dead-bolts. These Locks have four tumblers for the night-latch, with more than a thousand changes of keys; also, four tumblers for the dead-lock, with a hke number of changes. Each can be made to operate with the same key or with different keys, as desired. The works are of a superior design, and the parts are so adjusted that the lock would work if the springs were all removed; so that the breaking of a spring cannot occasion a lock-out. The dead-bolts are operated from either side, with the key only. The Latches and Vestibule Latches are operated by the keys from the outside and with knobs from either side in the usual manner, and are provided with a device in the front face plates to permit, or prevent, the use of the knobs, at pleasure. They are, also, provided with anti-friction bolts; the knobs are fastened by an ingenious device, providing ample means for adjustment to various thicknesses of doors with the greatest accuracy, and by which the slightest looseness arising from constant use can be taken up, while there are no screws to jar loose and drop out, as in other methods. Completeness of design and accuracy of workmanship throughout, insure both durability and satisfactory operation. SARG EX T & GREEN LE A F C M P A .V }' 40 M li T I S K K \ OB LOC K S A S I) L A T C H E S Mortise Knob Locks and Latches RABBETED FRONT For Outside Doors of Dwellings, Etc. 't>-'5 Size of Case, ^j x of x f^ inches Size of Face, 8 x 1| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, 3xV inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Combined Rose and Escutcheon Plate, 9| x ^f inches Iron Case, Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolts List >>o. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws per Doz. 73 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker and Trimmings, Three Keys each to Lock and Night-Latch, Four Tumblers each to Lock and Night-Latch; Anti-friction Latch, Adjustable Knobs, 'i^ inches in diameter, Combined Rose and Escutcheon for outside, and Single Rose, Escutcheon and Thumb-piece for inside, as per cuts on page 45. 74 Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. 39 for above locks. The above locks are not reversible. Be particular to specify Right Hand or Left Hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of seventy-five changes. See page 9. Weight, 75 lbs. per dozen. S A li G E .V T & a RE E .V LEAF C M P A X V MORTISE K .V li L()( K S A X J) L A T ( II E S 41 For cut of Locks, Nos. 73 and 74, See page No. 43; except that these Locks are rabbeted instead of plain front as shown. S ARGEX T d- GREEN LEAF C M P A \ V 42 MORTISE KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES Mortise Knob Locks and Latches PLAIN FRONT For Outside Doors of Dwellings, Etc. Size of Case, 3| x 5f x li inches Size of Face, 8 x 1| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, ^ff inches Throw of Bolt, ^-inch Combined Rose and Escutcheon Plate, 9| x 2| inches Iron Case, Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolts No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 79 80 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker and Trimmings, Three Keys each to Lock and Night-Latch, Four Tumblers each to Lock and Night-Latch; Anti-friction Latch. Adjustable Knobs, !2f inches in diameter, Combined Rose and Escutcheon for outside, and Single Rose, Escutcheon and Thumb-piece for inside, as per cuts on page 45. Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. 39 for above locks. The above Locks are tiot reversible. Be particular to specify Right Hand or Left Hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of seventy-five changes. See page 9. Weight, 65 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY MORTISE KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES Nos. 79 and 80 MORTISE KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES Cuts Actual'Size. Shows Right Hand SJRGENT & G.REENLEAF COMPANY 44 M nri S E KNOB LO C K S AND L AT CHE S Knobs with j^" adjustable spindle. Size of knobs for Locks Nos. 73, 74, 79, 80, 103, 104, 110 and 111; 21 inches in diameter. ♦%]iimiiiiiiic)'i'ii iioiiii SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY INSERT FOLDOUT HERE 44 46 VESTIBULE LATCHES Vestibule Latches RABBETED FRONT Size of Case, 4j x 3f x }i inches Size of Face, 6| x 1| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 3f inches Throw of Bolt, A-inch Iron Case, Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolt No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 103 104 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker and Trimmings, Three Keys, Four Tumblers, Anti-friction Latch and Adjustable Knobs, 2| inches in diameter. Combined Rose and Escut- cheon for outside, of same general style as shown on page 53, but of somewhat larger dimensions, {i. e., 7f ;' X 2i") and Single Rose and Thumb- piece for inside as shown on page 45. Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. 39 for above locks. The above Locks are 7wt reversible. Be particular to specify Right Hand or Left Hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of seventy-five changes. See page 9. Weight, 60 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY VESTIBULE LAT C H E S 47 For cut of Locks, Nos. 103 and 104, See page 49; except that these Locks are rabbeted instead of plain front as shown. •1' " """ SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY 48 VESTIBULE LATCHES Vestibule Latches PLAIN FRONT Size of Case, 3f x 3| x f^ inches Size of Face, 6j x Ij inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, ^ll inches Throw of Bolt, i^-inch Iron Case, Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolt No. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws List per Doz. 110 111 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker and Trimmings, Three Keys, Four Tumblers, Anti-friction Latch and Adjustable Knobs, 2| inches in diameter. Combined Rose and Escut- cheon, for outside, of same general style as shown on page 53, but of somewhat larger dimensions, (i. e., 7f " X 2| ") and single Rose and Thumb-piece for inside, as shown on page 45. Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. 39 for above locks. The above Locks are 7iot reversible. Be particular to specify Rirjht Hand or Left Hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of seventy-five changes. See i)age 9. Weight, 48 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT <{■ a R E E N LEAF CO M P A X Y VESTIBULE LAT C H E S 49 Xos. 110 and 111. Shows Right Hand VESTIBULE LATCHES Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY 50 MORTISE KXOB LOCKS AXD LATCHES Mortise Knob Locks and Latches PLAIN FRONT For Inside Doors of Dwellings, Etc. For Right and Left Hand Doors Size of Case, 3f x 3| x H inches Size of Face, 6| x 1^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2^ inches Throw of Bolt, ^-inch (REVERSIBLE LATCH BOLT) Iron Case. Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolts I List Xo. Packed Singly, with Trimmings and Screws per Doz. 85 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker , and Trimmings, Three Flat German-Silver Keys, Four Tumblers, with Knobs, -21 inches in diam- eter, and Combined Roses and Escutcheons 5\ x 2| inches. 86 Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. 39 for above locks. For Knobs and Combined Roses and Escutcheons for the above Locks, see page 53. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of seventy-five changes. See page 9. Weight, 4'-2 lbs. per dozen. SARGE.XT c(- ORE E .V LEAF COM P A X V I MORTISE KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES 51 Nos. 85 and 86. Shows Left Hand MORTISE KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES Cuts Actual Size SARGENT d- GREEXLEAF COM FAX V 52 M ORTI S E LOCKS AND LATCH E S Trimmings OUTSIDE DOOR LOCKS Nos. 73, 74, 79 and 80 Set, complete: (1 pair Knobs, 1 Combined Rose and Escutch eon, 1 Rose, 1 Escutcheon and 1 Thum1:)-piece) Knobs (pair) .... Coml)ined Rose and Escutcheon Rose Escutcheon Thumb-piece .... List Per Doz. V E S T I IJ V L E E A T C H E S Nos. 1();5, 104, 110 and 111 Set, complete: (1 pair Knobs, 1 Combined Rose and Escutch eon, 1 Rose and 1 Tlnim1)-piece) Knobs (pair) Combined Rose and Escutcheon Rose Thumb-piece INSIDE DOOR LOCKS Nos. 85 and 86 Set, complete: (1 pair Knobs, 2 Combined Roses and Escutch- eons) Knobs (pair) Combined Rose and Escutcheon (for one side) . . . . S r O R E DOOR LOCKS Nos. 91, 92, 97 and 98 Set, complete: (1 pair Handles) (Eor Illustrations, See pages 45 and 53.) SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY MORTISE KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES 53 KNOB, WITH COMBINED ROSE AND ESCUTCHEON For Inside Knob Locks and Latches Nos. 85 and 86 Cut Actual Size Size: Knob, i}-^ inches. Escutcheon: 5}^ x i^-g inches. SARGENT & GRE EX LEAF CO M PAX Y 54 MORTISE LOCKS AX D LATCHES Mortise Locks and Latches RABBETED FRONT For Outside Doors of Stores Public Buildings, Etc. Size of Case, 3| x 4| x f inches Size of Face, 7 x If inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, !2j inches Throw of Bolt, ^-inch Iron Case, Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolts No. Packed Singly, with Handles and Screws List per Doz. 91 92 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker and Trimmings, Three Flat German-Silver Keys, Four Tuml)lers; Anti-friction Latch and Double Handles, 13f x 2f inches. Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. S3 for above locks. For Store Door Handles for these Locks, see page No. 4o. The above Locks are 7i()t reversible. Be particular to specify Right Hand or Left Hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. NOTE Combined Dead-Lock and Thumb-Latch. — The Dead-Lock has four Tumblers, and is first-class in design and workmanship. The Thumb- Latch is anti-friction, and is operated on l)oth inside and outside by a thumb-piece. Large Escutcheon Plates and Handles on both sides of door. Designed especially for store doors, outside doors of offices, and other public buildings. Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight, 104 lbs. per dozen. N A R G E X T ct- G R E E .V LEAF CO M P A .V Y MORTISE LOCKS AND LATCHES 55 Nos. 91 and 9^2. Shows Right Hand MORTISE LOC KS AND LATCHES, WITH HANDLES Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COM P A N V 56 MORTISE LOCKS AXD LATCHES Mortise Locks and Latches PLAIN FRONT For Outside Doors of Stores, Public Buildings, Etc. Size of Case, 3j x 4| x | inches Size of Face, 7 x If inches Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, 'ij inches Throw of Bolt, ^-inch Iron Case, Bronze Front, Striker, Trimmings and Bolts No. Packed Singly, with handles and Screws List per Doz. 97 98 Japanned Case, Plain Dull Finish Front, Striker and Trimmings, Three F'lat German-Silver Keys, Four Tumblers; Anti-friction Latch and Double Handles, 13f x Sf inches. Same as above, except with Highly Polished Finish. Key Blank No. 33 for above locks. For Store Door Handles for these Locks, see page No. 45. The above Locks are not rerersible. Be particular to specify Right Hand or Left Hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. Cannot be Master Keyed. AVeight, 100 lbs. per dozen. SARGE.\T & GREEN LEAF COMPANY MORTISE LOCKS AND LATCHES 57 Nos. 97 and 98. Shows Right Hand :mortise locks and latches, with handles Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT & GREEN LE AF CO M PAX Y € GEM BOLTS 59 Gem Bolts We call your attention to the best line of Door and Window Bolts manufactured, of which we were the original inventors and makers. The mechanism of our Bolts is the same throughout the line and con- sists of a knurled or oval knob, attached to a geared pinion, which passes through the barrel and has a bearing on each side of the same, so that there can .be no disarrangement of the gears. The distance between the screw holes in the escutcheon is such as to allow the screws to enter the solid wood above and below the barrel, when placed on the door. Characteristics: — Simplicity, Security, Durability, Superior Ma- terials, First-Class Workmanship and Finish and Easy Application to the doors of all thicknesses and classes. SARGEXT A- G R E E .\ L E A F COMPANY 60 GEM BOLTS Gem Door Bolts OVAL KNOBS For Right and Left Hand Doors LARGE Oval Knob and Rose with Face Plate Length of Barrel, 3 inches Distance from Face to center of Pinion, 2j^ inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Diameter of Barrel, j^-inch Xo. Packed One Dozen n a Be )x, wit 1 Scre\ vs;. ^\ eight, 4I4 lb 3. List per Dcz. 20 Polished Bronze / 21 Dull Bronze . / 22 23 Antique Copper Polished Brass ' 24 Dull Brass 25 Sand-blast Brass 26 27 Antique Brass Dull Black . 29 Nickel SMALL Oval Knob and Rose, without Face Plate. Length of Barrel, 2^ inches. Distance from Face to center of Pinion, 1^ inches. Throw of Bolt, |-inch. Diameter of Barrel j%-inch. No. Packed One Dozen in a Box, with Screws. Weight, 2% lbs. List per Doz. 600 Polished Bronze ... ... 601 Dull Bronze . 602 Antique Copper 603 Poli.shed Brass 604 Dull Brass 606 Antique Brass 607 Dull Black . 609 Nickel Sand-blast finish on anv of above Nos 600-609 adds to list price per dozen .40 SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY GEM BOLTS 61 Nos. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 29 Nos. 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607 and 609 GEM DOOR BOLTS Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT d- GREE S LEAF CO M P A .V }' 62 GEM BOLTS No. 1 2 3 33^ 4 5 5^ 6 7 8 Gem Door Bolts ROUND KNOBS For Right and Left Hand Doors Round Knob and Rose, with Face Plate Length of Barrel, 3 inches Distance from Face to center of Pinion, 2^ inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Diameter of Barrel, j^-inch Packed One Dozen in a Box, with Screws. Weight, 4}4 lbs Dull Bronze . Sand-blast Bronze Polished Bronze Antique Copper Dull Black . Polished Brass Sand-blast Brass Nickel Dull Brass Antique Brass Round Knob and Rose, without Face Plate Length of Barrel, 2| inches Distance from Face to center of Pinion, IH inches Throw of Bolt, |-inch Diameter of Barrel, ^-inch List per Doz. No. Packed One Dozen in a Box, with Screws. Weight, S}4 lbs. List per Doz. 01 Dull Bronze 03 Polished Bronze 031^ 04 Antique Copper Dull Black . 05 Polished Brass 07 Dull Brass 08 9 Antique Brass Nickel Sand-blast finish on any of above Nos. 01-9, add S to list price per dozen .40 SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY GEM BOLTS 63 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3|, 4, 5, 5^, 6, 7 and 8 Nos, 01, 03, 03^, 04, 05, 07, 08 and 9 GEM DOOR BOLTS Cuts Actual Size SARG EX T & GREE X LEAF CO M P A .V }' 64 GEM BOLTS Gem Window Bolts Round Knob and Rose Length of Barrel, If inches Distance from Face to center of Pinion, 1 inch Throw of Bolt, ^ inch Diameter of Barrel, ys inch No. Packed One Dozen in a Box, with Screws. Weight 2^ lbs. List per Doz. 500 501 502 503 504 506 507 509 Polished Bronze Dull Bronze Antique Copper Polished Brass Dull Brass Antique Brass Dull Black Nickel . Oval Knob and Rose; otherwise same as above Xo. Packed One Dozen in a Box, With Screws. Weight, 2J^ lbs. List per Doz. 700 701 702 703 704 706 707 709 Poli-slied Bronze Dull Bronze Antique Copper Polished Brass Dull Brass Anticjue Brass Dull Black Nickel ... Sand-blast finish on any of above adds to list per dozen .40 99 Polished Brass Escutcheon. Barrel If inches. Distance from Face to center of Pinion, | inch. Throw of Bolt, h inch. Diameter of Barrel ys inch. With Nickel Plated Key Pinion .... This Bolt is .so designed that the Pinion can be with- drawn after throwing the Bolt, locking the Window securely. Packed 1 dozen in a box. Weight, Irs lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT d- GREEN LEAF COM P AN V (; E M B L T S 65 Nos. 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 506, 507 and 509 Sectional Side View Nos. 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 706, 707 and 709 Xo. 99 GEM WINDOW BOLTS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT d- GREEN LEAF COM P A N V TRUNK, CHEST, DESK AND BOX LOCKS 68 TRUNK LOCKS Trunk Lock KEYS TO WITHDRAW ONLY WHEN LOCKED Size of Case, S\ x 4| inches. Length, including Hasp, 6 inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug 2| inches Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 19 Bronze, Ornamental Finish, Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Key Blank No. 59 for above lock. This Lock is constructed with a swivel hasp, which allows all the movement of the lid that can occur without straining the lock. A Ger- man-Silver spring throws the hasp out on unlocking. All the strain of the cover is taken by the case, and not at all by the bolt of the lock. The frequent robberies from trunks, the locks of which can be picked open and closed again without detection, render absolute protection of this kind necessary. The small German-Silver key is easily carried and can- not rust. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About twelve hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 14 lbs. per dozen. S A RG E X T & G RE E N L E A F COMPANY TRUNK LOCKS 69 No. 19 TRUNK LOCK Cuts Actual Size S ARGEX T & GREEN LEAF COMPANY TRUNK L C K S Trunk Lock KEYS TO WITHDRAW ONLY WHEN LOCKED Size. 3 X -4 inches. Length, induding Hasp, 5| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, 2 inches Made of Bronze Throughout I List So. I Packed One-half Dozen in a Box per Doz. 20 Bronze, Ornamental Finish, Three Tnmblers, Two 1 Flat German-Silver Keys. Kev Blank No. 59 for above lock. This Lock is the same in principle as the No. 19, but differing in form and size of case. It has the same size of key, and for small trunks is very popular. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred and fifty changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 10 lbs. ])er dozen. SARGEyr & GRE EN LEA F C M PA N V TRUNK LOC K S 71 No. 20 TRUNK LOCK Cuts Actual Size S ARG EX T A- G R E E\ LEAF CO M P A A' }' 72 CHEST LOCKS Chest Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Cases: No. 22, 2| X 4| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Ij inches Diameter of Horn, H-inch No. 23, If X 3| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Ir^ inches Diameter of Horn, }|-inch Made of Bronze Throughout Xo. Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box, with Screws List per Doz. 22 Chest, for 1|, 1| and If-inch wood; Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. 23 Chest, for | and l|-inch wood; Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. I Key Blanks Nos. 61, 63, 64 and 65 for above locks, according to the thickness of wood. These Locks are made of bronze, and owing to their strength and substantialness, are especially fitted for hea\^ use. In ordering, state thickness of wood. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight — 11 lbs. per dozen. No. 22. — 6 " " " " 23. SARG EX T A- GREES LEAF CO M P A .V }' CHEST LOCKS 73 No. 22 No. 23 CHEST LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY CHEST LOCKS Chest Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Cases: No. 322, 2 J X 3f inches. Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Ij^-in. Diameter of Horn, f-inch No. 323, If X 2| inches. Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, Irg-in- Diameter of Horn, |-inch No. 324, H X 2 inches. Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, |-in. Diameter of Horn, f-inch Made of Brass Throughout No. Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box, with Screws List per Doz. 322 323 324 Chest, for |, 1, 1|, 1|, 1|, and 1 f-inch wood; Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Chest, for |, f, |, 1, 1| and Ij-inch wood; Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Chest, for i, |, f, |, 1 and l|-inch wood, Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Key Blanks Nos. 70, 7()A, 70B, 71, 72 and 73 for above locks, according to thickness of wood. In ordering state thickness of wood. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight — 7 lbs. per dozen. No. 322. —4 —3 323. 324. SARGENT tt- GREEN LEAF COMPANY CHEST LOCKS No. 32^2 No. 323 CHEST LOCKS Cuts Actual Size No. 324 SARGENT it GREENLEAF COM PAX V 76 DESK, BOX AND PI AXO LOCKS Desk Box and Piano Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Cases: No. 23^, l^L X If X 3^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, |-inch Diameter of Horn, ^-inch No. 200, 1| X 2|-inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, ff-inch Diameter of Horn, ^-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed One Dozen in a Box 200 Desk or Box, for | to |-inch wood; Two Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, Regular Hasp. Piano, for | to |-inch wood; Two Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Key Blanks Nos. 81, 82, 83 and 84 for above locks, according to thickness of wood. In ordering state thickness of wood or metal. Twelve changes. Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight, 2 lbs. per dozen. List per Doz. SARGENT A GREEN LEAF COMPANY DESK, BOX AND PIANO LOCKS 77 _^A_4_ No. 200 Designed for Use on Metal DESK, BOX AND PIANO LOCKS Cuts Actual Size S A K E X T S: G R E E .V /. E A E C M P A A" }' 78 ROLL TOP DESK LOCKS Mortise Spring Roll Top Desk Locks With Bronze Escutcheon Size of Cases: No. 49, 2| X 2| X I inches Size of Face, 3j x ^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 1| inches No. 50, If X 2| X ^ inches Size of Face, 3j x ^i inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, l\ inches Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed One Dozen in a Box, with Screws List per Doz. 49 50 Bronze, Self-Locking, suitable for Roll Top Desks. Sliding Doors, Chests, etc. ; Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Bronze, Self-Locking, suitable for Roll Top Desks, Sliding Doors, Chests, etc.; Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, and with Spring Striker. Key Blank No. 72 for above locks. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 7 lbs. per dozen SARGENT d- GREEN LEAF COMPANY ROLL TOP J) K S K LOCKS 79 No. 50 J> Spring Striker for No. .50 ROLL TOP DESK LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY PADLOCKS 81 I PADLOCKS I AUTOMOBILE TIRE I AND ROBE LOCKS SARGENT d: GREEN LEAF COMPANY 8^2 I' AD LO C K S Padlocks Size, 2j inches Made of Bronze Throughout Xo. Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 47 Bronze, Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, with Chain and Key Hole Cover. Same as above, except without Chain or Key Hole Cover. 48 Kev Blank Xo. 59 for above locks. We recommend the style of padlock described above to be a first- class guardian for doors where security is of prime importance. It is intended to withstand the malicious and accidental injuries which fre- quently fall to the lot of the padlock, also to be perfectly free from harm through rust or corrosive influences; with this end in view, it is constructed of bronze throughout, the tumbler springs are of high-grade phosphor- bronze, and the hea\y spring which throws the hasp is of hard-rolled German-Silver. It has a large number of changes and can be Master Keyed, which at once commends itself to those desiring a number of locks set up in this manner. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of seventy-five changes. By adding another tumbler can be increased to one hundred and fifty changes. See page 9. Weight — 9 lbs. per dozen. Xo. 47. —8 " " " " 48. S ARG EX T & GREESLEAF CO MP AX Y PA ]) LOC KS 83 No. 47 No. 48 Interior View PADLOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF CO M P A N Y 84 PADLOCKS So. Padlocks Bronze Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box Size List per Doz. 117 I Plain Finish, Three Tumblers, Two Flat I German-Silver Keys 1173^ Same as above, except has long hasp opening 123 Same as above, except has regular hasp 129 Same as above One hundred changes. 2-inch 2-inch If-inch 1^-inch 135 I Plain Finish, Two Tumblers, Two Flat ! German-Silver Keys .... l|-inch 1353^ Same as above, except has long hasp I opening Ij-inch I Twelve changes. With Chain No. Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box Size List per Doz. 0117 Plain Finish. Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys .... 2-inch 0123 Same as above If -inch 0129 Same as above One hundred changes 1^-inch 0135 Same as 135, with Chain .... Twelve changes. Key Blank Xo. 74 for above locks. li-inch Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight — 5 lbs. per dozen Xo. 117 and 117|. —3 " " " " 123, 129 and 0129. —2 " " " " 135, 135i and 0135. —6 " " " " 0117. —4 " " " " 0123. S A RGEX T A .\ V 108 LOCKER OR WARDROBE LOCKS Rim Locker or Wardrobe Locks Size of Case, Sj x If inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, If inches Diameter of Horn, H-inch Throw of Bolt, f-inch Horns for ^ to l|-inch Wood, with regular variations of |-inch Made of Brass Throughout No. Packed One Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 314 Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, to withdraw only when Locked. 0314 Same as above, except with Keys to withdraw either Locked or L^nlocked. Key Blanks Nos. 51 A, 51B and 51C for above locks, according to thickness of wood. This Lock is first-class in every respect, and is made to meet the demands of customers who do not desire so large or expensive a lock as the No. 14, on page 106. The corner screw-holes are furnished with brass tubes which pre- vent compression of the case in attaching. Owing to special construction, it can be Master Keyed to the extent of twelve hundred locks, and this number can be largely increased by a shght change. It meets the special requirements of Colleges, Gym- nasiums, Barracks, Clubs, etc. In ordering, state thickness of wood. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. Over three thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of twelve hundred changes. See page 9. Weight, 5 lbs. per dozen. .S ARGE X T ct GREE X LEAF CO M P A X Y LOCKER OR WARDROBE LOCKS 109 Nos. 314 and 0314 RIM LOCKER OR WARDROBE LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT & GREE .Y LEAF C M P A .\ V 110 WARDROBE OR CABIXET LOCKS Rim Wardrobe or Cabinet Locks Bolt Throws Right and Left KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Cases: No. 330, If X 3 X f inches Xo. 33^2, H X 2f X f inches Xos. 334 and 335, | x 1| x ^ inches Horns for j to l|-inch Wood, with regular variations of |-inch Xo. 330 and 332 Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box 334 and 335 Packed one Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 330 332 334 335 Brass, Two Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, f-inch Throw of Bolt; yi-inch Diameter of Horn; H-inch Distance to center of Key Plug. Same as above except size and ^-inch Throw of Bolt; f-inch Diameter of Horn; f-inch Distance to center of Key Plug. Same as above, except size and i^-inch Throw of Bolt; ^-inch Diameter of Horn; i^-inch Dis- tance to center of Key Plug. Steel Case and Cover, otherwise same as No. 334. Key Blanks Nos. 70C and TOD for No. 330 lock. Key Blanks Nos. 70, 71 and I'i for No. 33'2 lock. Key Blanks Nos. 80, 81, 8-2 and 83 for No. 334 and 335 lock, according to thickness of wood. In ordering, state thickness of wood. Twelve changes. (Cannot be Master Keyed.) Weight — 3 lbs. per dozen. No. 330. O « « « « OOQ — 1^ 334 and 335. S ARGE X T ci- GREE .V L'EW F CO M P A X V WARDROBE OR CABINET LOCKS 111 BO ^] y ^ O: No. 330 No. 332 Nos. 334 and 335 ^ w WARDROBE OR CABINET LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEXLEAF C M P A X V 112 CABINET LOCKS Rim Cabinet Locks Size of Case, 1^ x 2 x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, f-inch Diameter of Horn, |-inch Throw of Bolt, j-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed One Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 304 305 Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, to withdraw only when Locked, for |-inch Wood. Same as above, except Keys withdraw either Locked or Unlocked. Key Blank No. 62 for above locks. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. By adding another tumbler can be increased to two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 3 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT & GREEN LEAF COM PA X }' ( A B I y K T LOCKS 113 Xos. 804 and 30.5 RIM CABINET LOCKS Cuts Actual Size S A ROE X T A- GR E E .V LEAE C O M P A .V )' 114 CABINET LOCKS Rim Cabinet Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Case, 1| x If x ^^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 1-inch Diameter of Horn, |-inch Throw of Bolt, j^-inch Horns for | to l|-inch Wood, with regular variations of |-inch No. Packed One Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 315 315H 0315 03151/^ Two Flat German-Silver Keys, with Striker; thir- ty-six changes. Same as above, except without Striker. Two Flat German-Silver Keys, with Striker; one hundred changes. Same as above, except without Striker. Key Blanks Xos. 80, 81, 82 and 83 for above locks, according to thickness of wood. In ordering, state thickness of wood. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of forty-five changes to 0315 and 0315|. Nos. 315 and 315^ can not be Master Keyed. See page 9. Weight, 2 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT & GREENLEAF COMPANY CABINET LOCKS 115 Nos. 315, 315|, 0315 and 0315^ RIM CABINET LOCKS Cuts Actual Size Q I ^ SARGENT j^ SARGEXT d- GREE N LEAF COM P A N Y S U B-T R E A S U RY LO C K S 131 Nos. 37 and 38 ROUND SUB-TREASURY LOCKS Cuts Actual Size S ARG EX T & GREE N L E A F C .1/ /' .1 .V }■ 13^2 LOCKER OR SUB- TREASURY LOCKS Bronze Locker or Sub- Treasury Locks KEYS TO ^YITHDRA^Y ONLY WHEN LOCKED Adapted for Grille and Metal Locker Doors Size of Case, 2j x 2 x f inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Ij^ inches Diameter of Horn, H-inch Throw of Bolt, A-inch Made of Bronze Throughout I ^ I List No. 1 Packed One Dozen m a Box I pgr Dqz. 551/^ Dead Bolt, Six Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver I Keys, Horn for | to |-inch. 563/9 Spring Bolt, Six Tumblers, Two Flat German- Silver Keys, Horn for | to |-inch. I Key Blanks Xos. 5^2\ and 5'-2B for above locks, ac- I cording to length of horn. About ten thousand changes. These Locks were designed to meet the special demand of large Locker Outfits, where ^Master Key Work is required and where the essential feature is the positive non-duplication of Keys. The excellence of workmanship and material gives it a high standard of security and durability, reducing to a minimum tlie cost of repairs on Locks constantly in use. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. \Mien desired record of key-cutting will be kept on "Special" orders, so addition can be made without duplicating keys already in use. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of eight thousand changes. See page 9. Weight, 6 lbs. per dozen. S ARGE X T & GREE \ LEAF COM P A N V LOCKER OR SUB-rREASURY LOCKS 133 No. 55^ Right Hand No. 56^ Right Hand Cuts Actual Size .S A R G EXT d- GREE .V /. E A E C M P A .V 1' 134 SUB-TREASURY LO C K S Iron Sub -Treasury Locks KEYS TO WITHDRAW ONLY WHEN LOCKED Size of Cases: No. 54, 2| X 2 X I inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 1^ inches Diameter of Horn, f|-inch Throw of Bolt, |-inch Nos. 55 and 56, 2j x 2 x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 1^ inches Diameter of Horn, f^-inch Throw of Bolt, j^-inch Iron Case. Bronze Bolt Packed One Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 54 55 56 Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, Horn for j^-inch; forty-eight changes. Adapted for Right hand doors. Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Horn for j to ^-inch; about one thousand changes, either Right or Left hand. Same as No. 55, except with Spring Bolt. Key Blank No. 73 for No. 54 lock, Key Blanks Nos. 71 and 72 for Nos. 55 and 50 lock, according to length of horn. In ordering, state length of Horn, and hand required on Nos. 55 and 56. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of thirty-six changes to No. 54, and two hundred and twenty changes to Nos. 55 and 56. See page 9. Weight — 5 lbs. per dozen. No. 54. —6 " " " Nos. 55 and 56. S .1 R G E X T cC- G RE EN LEAF CO M P A \ V .S in-T R K A S r RV LOCK S 135 Key for Xos. o-t, 55 and 56 No. 54, Right Hand No. 55, Right Hand No. 56, Right Hand IRON SUB-TREASURY LOCKS Cuts Actual Size S A RG E X T cC- a REE .V LE A E C .U /' .4 V )• 136 TIN BOX LOCKS Tin Box Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Cases: Nos. 40 and 40^, If x 1| x f inches Nos. 040 and 040|, If x 2i x f inches Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, 1 j^ inches Diameter of Horn, |-inch Made of Brass Throughout No. Packed One Dozen in a Box List per Doz. 40 Two Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. 403^ Three Tumblers; otherwise the same as above. 040 Two Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. with Flange at sides. 0403^1 Three Tumblers, otherwise same as 040. I Key Blank No. 74 for above locks. Nos. 40 and 040 — Twelve changes. Nos. 40| and 040| — One hundred changes. Cannot be Master Keyed. Weight, 2 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT .. inches. For same, above 3 inches and not exceeding 4 i - -n mches. For same, with Horns left Hollow above 1| inches o p.- and not exceeding '2 inches. For same, above 1| inches and not exceeding 3 - -n inches. •^••^^ For same, above 1| inches and not exceeding -4 inches. ''^ Knife Key Blank for all Xo. 66 locks. Key Blanks Xos. 3'2, 33 and 34 for Xo. 066 ac- cording to length of Horn. In ordering, state thickness of doors and whether right or left hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. Twelve hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of one hundred and seventy-five changes. See page 9. Weight, '29 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT d- GREEXLEAF CO M P A X V M A U S L E U M L C K S 143 Nos. 66 and 066 Front View of Right Hand Lock HEAVY RIM MAUSOLEUM LOCKS Cuts Actual Size Knife Kev Plain Kev SARGENT & GREESLEAF C .\f P A X V 144 IX SIDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS Inside Safe Door Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Case, 3f x 2| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, lii inches Diameter of Horn, H-inch Throw of Bolt, |-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Complete, with Screws List per Doz. 60 Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, with Nickel-Plated Knurled Knob. 61 Same as above, without Knob; with Horn I to l|-inch, as specified. Key Blanks Nos. 77, 78 and 79 for No. 60 lock, according to length of horn. Key Blanks Nos. 54, 55, 56 and 57 for No. 61 Lock, according to length of horn. In ordering, state thickness of door and whether Right or Left hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. One thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 15 lbs. per dozen. S ARGENT & GREEN LEAF CO M P A N Y / A' N / /; /: N ,1 F K I) R LOCK S 145 No. 60 No. 61 Front View of Right Hand Locks INSIDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size LARGEST c{- GREE S LEAF C O M P A .V l' 146 / .Y .S / I) E S A F E A X D V A V LT I) R L C K S Inside Safe and Vault Door Locks KEYS WITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UNLOCKED Size of Case, 4| x 3| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, '2^ inches Diameter of Horn, |-inch Throw of Bolt, |-inch No. Iron Case. Bronze Bolt Packed Complete, with Screws List per Doz. 62 63 Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, Nickel-Plated Knurled Knob same as on No. 64, page 149, with small Bow Keys. Same as above, without Knob; with Horn j to |-inch, as specified, and large Bow Keys Key Blanks Nos. 75, 75 A, 75B and 76 for No. 62 lock, according to length of horn. Key Blanks Nos. 41-44A inclusive for No. 63 lock, according to length of horn. In ordering, state thickness of door and whether Right or Left hand. Keys can be duplicated by the numbers by giving style of lock and length of horn. One hundred changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 23 lbs. per dozen. S ARG E X T d- GREE .V LEAF CO M P A X Y / A' S I D E S A F E A \ J) I' A C L T J) O O li L(}( K S 147 No. 63. Front View of Right Hand Lock Small Bow For No. 62 Lock Larpe Bow •For No. 63 Lock INSIDE SAFE AND VAULT DOOR LOC K Cuts Actual Size SARGENT d- G R E E .V LEAF CO M P A S Y 148 I X SIDE SAF E A X D VAULT DOOR LO C K S Inside Safe and Vault Door Locks KEYS ^YITHDRAW EITHER LOCKED OR UXLO( KED Size of Case, 3f x 2| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, H inches Diameter of Horn, |-inch Throw of Bolt, |-inch Packed Complete, with Screws List per Doz. 64 65 64B 65B Iron Case, Bronze Bolt. Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, Nickel-Plated Knurled Knob, with small Bow Key. Same as above, without Knob; with Horn \ to |-inch, as specified, and large Bow Key. Bronze throughout, otherwise same as No. 64. Bronze throughout, otherwise same as No. 65. Key Blanks Nos. 75, 75A, 75B and 76 for Nos. 64 and 64B locks. Key Blanks Nos. 41-44A inclusive for Nos. 65 and 65B, locks, according to length of horn. In ordering, state thickness of door and whether Right or Left hand. Keys can be duplicated by the numbers by giving style of lock and length of horn. One hundred changes. - By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 16 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT 5 and 6jB. Front View of Right Hand Locks INSIDE SAFE AND VAULT DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT ct- GREEXLKAF C M P A X ) 1.50 IX SIDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS Inside Safe Door Locks KEYS WITHDRAW ONLY WHEN LOCKED For Right and Left Hand Doors Size of Case, 'ih x 'il x ^ inches Distance fi'om Face to center of Key Plug, 1| inches Diameter of Horn, j|-inch Throw of Bolt, f-inch Horn for ^-inch, which can be reduced by using |-inch Frame ]Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed One-half Dozen in a Box with Strews 53 > Five Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. 053 Same as above, except has Frame l-inch thick, as I shown. Key Blank No. 65 for the above locks. List per Doz. Keys cannot be dui)licated by the numbers. Two thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of three hundred changes. See pHge 9. Weight, 8 lbs. per doz. .S .1 R G E X T & Gli E E A' LEAF CO M P A X V IX SIDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS lol Nos. 5S and 053, Right Hand INSIDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGF.yr <(• ORE ES LEAF COMPAXV 152 V AU LT LO C K S Heavy Rim Spring Vault Locks Adapted for Vault Day Gates, Vault Doors Etc. Size of Case, 3f x 3 x 1 inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, "2^ inches Diameter of Horn, f-inch Throw of Bolt, f-inch No. Packed Singly, with Screws and Escutcheon 0513^ Bronze throughout, Bolt projects f" when un- locked. Three Heavy Tumblers, Two Flat Heavy German-Silver Keys, 052J^ Iron Case, Bronze Bolt projects f " when un- locked. Three Heavy Tumblers, Two Flat Heavy German-Silver Keys. Key Blank No. 34 extra heavy, for the above locks. List per Doz. For Locks furnished with Horns up to and including 1| inches in length, add to list $5.00 per dozen. For Horns over \\ inches, see prices, page 14'-2. Extras We arrange this Lock to cover special requirements by adding Horns on one or both sides and if on both sides, of equal or unequal length and also by extending the length of Bolt. Price of special features quoted on application. Orders should be accompanied by sketch showing the Hand, Swing, Location of Lock on Door and the length of Horn and Bolt required. One hundred changes. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of thirty-six changes. See page 9. Weight, 28 lbs. per dozen. a ARGENT & G li E EX LEAF C M P A X V VAULT LOCKS 153 Bevel of Bolt Indicate Lock Swinging I n - Front \'iew of Right-Hand Lock. Xos. 05 H and 05'ih Cuts Actual Size HEAVY RIM SPRIXCi VAULT LOCKS SARGEXT A- GREESLEAF COMPASY 1.54 VAULT LOCKS Heavy Rim Spring Vault Locks Adapted for Vault Day Gates, Vault Doors, Etc. Size of Case, 3f x 3 x 1 inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2^ inches Diameter of Horn, f-inch Throw of Bolt, f-inch Made of Bronze Throughout Packed Singly, with Screws and Escutcheon List per Doz. 57 Four Tumblers, Two Heavy Flat German-Silver Keys. 057 Same as above, except with Curb Knob on back for unlocking. Key Blank Xo. 34 extra heavy for the above locks. For Locks furnished with Horns up to and including 1| inches in length, add to list $.5.00 per dozen. For Horns over If inches, see prices, page li'i. Extras We arrange this Lock to cover special requirements by adding Horns on one or both sides and if on lioth sides, of equal or unequal length and also by extending the length of Bolt. Price of special features quoted on application. Orders should be accompanied by sketch showing the Hand, Swing, Location of Lock on Door and the length of Horn and Bolt required. Twelve hundred changes. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of one hundred and seventy-five changes. See page 9. Weight, '"27 lbs. per dozen. ^^ s ARGE N T d- GREE X LEAF COM P A X V V A r L T LOCKS l.).> lllilllllllllllllllllllllll;llli!!!l!ll!li:il!!!lllll!!ll!ll!li:ii!l!!!!:il'i"l!:i'^l!n!';!^^ i:iiliir!:ii!iiliilllllll Front View of Rii-ht Hand Lock. Xo. .57 Bevel of Holt^^ Indicate Locks Swiny; Inward Back View of Right Hand Lock. Xo. 0.57. <^'"»-^ Actual Size HEAVY RIM SPRIXC; VAULT LOCKS SARGE X T & a R K E -V I E A E CO M P .1 .V l' 156 INSIiDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS Spring Inside Safe Door Locks Size of Cases: Xos. 060 and 060^, 3| x 2| x f inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Iff inches Diameter of Horn, |-inch. Throw of Bolt, f-inch No. 061, 3f X 2f X I inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, IH inches Diameter of Horn, f^-inch. Throw of Bolt, i%-inch No. Packed Complete, with Screws List per Doz. 060 0601 :^2 061 Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, one hundred changes. Iron Case, Bronze Spring Bolt, with Horn j to |-inch, as specified. Same as above, except with Nickel-Plated Knurled Knob and Small Bow Keys. Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, one thousand changes. Bronze throughout, with Spring Bolt; Horn j to l|-inches, as specified. Key Blanks Nos. 50, 50A-B and C for No. 060 lock, according to length of horn. Key Blanks Nos. 75, 75A, 75B and 76 for No. 060j lock, according to length of horn. Key Blanks Nos. 54, 55, 56 and 57 for No. 061 lock, according to length of horn. In ordering, state thickness and swing of door and whether Right or Left hand. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twentv changes to No. 061 and sixtv changes to Nos. 060 and 060^. Weight, 15 lbs. per dozen. SARGEXT cC- GREEXLEAF COMPAXY / A' N / D E S A F E D R L C K S 157 No. 060 i- No. 061 Front View of Right Haiul Locks SPRING INSIDE SAFE DOOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size Bevel of Bolts Indicate Locks Swinu Outward. SARGENT A- GREES LEAF C M P A .V }• 1.58 S W I N G I X G GATE L C K S Swinging Spring Gate Locks Adapted to Inside Iron or Wire Gates, Etc. Size of Case, 3| x 2| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, IH inches Diameter of Horn, f| inch Throw of Bolt, i^-inch Horns for | to ll inches Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Complete, with Screws I List I per Doz. 061 >4 061A Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, Spring Bolt. Curb Knob Slide on back. Same as above, except with horn on both sides, operating with key only. Key Blanks Nos. 54, 55 and 56 for No. 061 1 lock, according to length of horn. Key Blank No. 37 for No. 061A lock. In ordering, state length of horn required and whether Locks are to be Right or Left hand, and give Bevel of Bolt. Can furnish extension bolts when desired. Prices quoted on application. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. One thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 15 lbs. per dozen. S A RGB N T & GREE N LEAF COM P A N Y ^' ir I .V (/ / A' (; (, .1 T !•: lix a n 1.5{) V Ml o i(- Front View of Right Hand Lock, adapted for gate Swinging Inward. Back View of Right Hand Lock Xo. ()()1.\ sPRixc; (;atp: loc k Cuts Actual Size !'■ /, i S A R G E S T d- G R E E \ L E A E ( M R AX Y 160 G ATE LOCKS Secret Gate Lock Adapted to Doors, Gates, Etc. Adjustable for Right or Left Hand Size of Case, 2f x 2 x H inches Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed One-Half Dozen in a Box, with Screws List per Doz. 230 Bronze Case, Knob and Striker, with Push Piece on Underside for Unlocking;. Constructed so as to permit attaching the Knob on either side of Case — for Right or Left hand — or turning over Bolt — for regular or reverse bevel — thus making it always adjustable. Weight, 8 lbs., per dozen. SARGEXT & GREEN LEAF COM PA N Y G ATE LOCKS 161 No. 230 SECRET GATE LOCK Cuts Actual Size S ARGENT A- ORE EX LEAF COMPAXY 162 METALLIC CURTAIN LOCKS Rim Spring Metallic Curtain Lock Size of Case, If x 2| x | inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, Ij inches Diameter of Horn, ||-inch Horns for | to ^-inch, with regular variations of |-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. 050 Packed One Dozen in a Box Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys; Self-Locking. Key Blank No. 72 for above lock. List per Doz. In ordering, state length of Horn. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 4 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT d- GREEN LEAF COMPANY METALLIC CURTAIX LOCKS 163 Xo. 0.30 RIM SPRING METALLIC CURTAIN LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY SLI DI XG GATE LOCKS Sliding Gate Lock HEAVY SPRING LOCK WITH HOOK BOLT FOR SLIDING DOORS Adapted for Grille and Metal Gates, Etc. Size of Case, 3| x 3j x 1 inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 2A inches Diameter of Horn, f-inch Lift of Hook Bolt, f-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Singly, with Screws List per Doz. 571/ Four Tumblers, Two Flat heavy German-Silver Keys, with Horn on one side not to exceed 1| inches. Regular distance of Bolt Catch from Face of Lock from | to 1 j inches. Key Blank No. 34 Extra Heavy for above lock. Extras "We arrange this Lock to cover special requirements by adding Horns on both sides, of equal or unequal length, and by extending the length of Bolt. Price of special features quoted on application. When desired to unlock from inside without using Key we add a Push Button to bottom of case for this purpose, without extra charge. Orders should be accompanied by sketch showing the Hand, Slide, Location of Lock on Door, length of Horns and Bolt, and should state if Push Button is desired. Twelve hundred changes. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. [ By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of one hundred and seventy-five changes. See page 9. ^Yeight, 26 lbs. per dozen. S ARC E X T it- GREEX LEAF COM PA X Y S L I J) I X G GA T K Li)( K S KJJ ,. A No. olh. Front View of Right Hand Lock SLIDING GATE LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGE A' T A- G RE EX LE AF CO M P A X V SLIDING GATE LOCKS Sliding Gate Locks Adapted to Inside Iron or Wire Gates, Sliding Doors, Etc. Size of Faces: Nos. 210 and 210A, 3i x H inches Nos. 211 and 211 A, 3| x H inches Size of Tumbler Box, 3| x 2f x j^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, 1| inches Diameter of Horn, l^-inch Horns for | to ^-inch, with regular variations, of |-inch Regular distance of Bolt-catch from Face of Lock, from | to Ij inches Made of Bronze Throughout No. List per Doz. 210 210A 211 211A Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys, Knurled Round Knob, f-inch Flange. Same as above except with horn on both sides, operating with key only. Same as No. 210 except with f-inch Flange. Same as No. 211 except with horn on both sides, operating with key only. Key Blank No. 58 for Nos. 210 and 211 locks. Key Blank No. 39 for Nos. 210A and 211 A locks. In ordering, specify whether locks are to be right or left hand, give length of Bolt Catch and length of Horn required, and whether or not screw-holes are desired. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. One thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 15 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT d- GREEN LEAF COMPANY SLI DI X G GATE LOCK S 167 Back View of Right Hand Lock Nos. 210 and 211 ) SLIDING GATE LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY 168 S LI DING GATE LO C K S Sliding Gate Locks Adapted to Inside Iron or Wire Gates, Sliding Doors, Etc. Size of Faces : No. 212, 3i X M inches No. 213, 3| X H inches Size of Tumbler Box, 3J x 2f x j^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Phig, \\ inches Diameter of Horn, }^-inch Horns for | to |-inch, with regular variations of ^-inch Regular distance of Bolt-catch from Face to Lock, from | to Ij inches Made of Bronze Throughout No. List per Doz. 212 213 Four Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Kej-^s, Oval Knob, with Curb around the same, f-inch Flange. Same as above, except with f-inch Flange. Key Blank No. 58 for above locks. In ordering, state whether Locks are to be Right or Left hand, give length of Bolt-catch and length of horn required, and whether or not screw-holes are desired. Keys cannot be dupHcated by the numbers. One thousand changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be ]\Iaster Keyed to the extent of two hundred and twenty changes. See page 9. Weight, 15 lbs. per dozen. SARG EX T <{■ GREE N LEAF CO MP A N Y »S' LI 1)1 A' (; (; A T K L C K S 109 SARGEXT <£• G RE EX LEAF C M P A N Y 170 ELEVATOR LOCKS Elevator Locks Adapted to Inside Iron or Wire Gates, Sliding Doors, Etc. Size of Case, 3 x 4^ x f| inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, If inches Regular distance of Bolt-catch from Face of Lock, from \ to |-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Singly in a Box List per Doz. 220 Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Operated on outside by Key only, and on the inside by sunken handle. 220A Same as above, except operates with Key from both sides. Key Blank No. 59 for above locks. In ordering, state whether Locks are to be Right or Left hand, and give bolt space, also if keys are to be unlike. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. One hundred and fifty changes. Malleable Iron Hook Bolts can be furnished for No. 220 when desired. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 16 lbs. per dozen. V^i^ SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY ELEVATOR LOCKS 171 r Showing Attachment, Back View of No. 220 Right Hand Lock Front View of Right Hand Lock Nos. 220 and 220A ELEVATOR LOCKS Cuts Actual Size SARGENT & GREEN LEAF COMPANY 17^2 S LI DI XG GATE LO C K S Sliding Gate Lock Adapted to Inside Iron or Wire Gates, Sliding Doors, Etc. Size of Case, !2| x 5 x j^ inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, If inches Regular distance of Bolt-catch from Face of Lock, from j to | inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Singly in a Box List per Doz. 221 Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Operated on outside by Key only, and on the inside by sunken Knurled Knob. Key Blank No. 59 for above lock. In ordering, state whether Locks are to be Right or Left hand, and give bolt space, also if keys are to be unlike. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. One' hundred and fifty changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight, 20 lbs. per dozen. SARGENT ct- GREEX LEAF COM PA X Y SLI DI X G A T E LO C K S 173 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiioiiiiiiiuiitiiiKi'iimiiy umihi Back \'ie\v of Right Hand Lock Xo. ^U\ SLIDING GATE LOCK Cuts Actual Size SARGEXT d- G RE EX LEAF CO M I' A .V Y' 174 BAXK CAGE LOCKS Bank Cage Locks WITH AUTOMATIC DEAD-LOCKING HOOK-BOLTS Adapted to Sliding Gates and Doors We have equipped the Hook-bolts of our Nos. 220 and 221 Gate Locks (shown on pages 171 and 173) with an Automatic Dead-locking Device, as a Safe-guard against tampering with the Lock from outside of door. This is accomplished by means of a Snubbing Device on end of Bolt which is covered bv our own Patents. (See Descriptive Matter Below.) Size of Case, No. 220D, 3 x 4| x |i inches Size of Case, No. 221D, 2| x 5 x i% inches Distance from Face to center of Key Plug, If inches Regular Distance of Bolt-catch from Face to Lock, from I to |-inch Made of Bronze Throughout No. Packed Singly in a Box List per Doz. 220D Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Operated on outside by Key only, and on the inside by sunken Handle. 221D Three Tumblers, Two Flat German-Silver Keys. Operated on outside by Key only, and on the inside by sunken Knurled Knob. Key Blank No. 59 for above locks. Every time the Hook bolt drops, it is automatically locked. When gate or door is closed the Bolt cannot be raised except by using the Key from outside or sunken handle from inside, and when door is open by pressing the Snubbing-device on end of Bolt. It saves the manufacturer from protecting the gate or door jamb to prevent access to the bolt. Controlled by our Patents. In ordering, state whether Locks are to be Right or Left hand, and length of bolt-space. Keys cannot be duplicated by the numbers. About one hundred and fifty changes. By special adaptation of tumblers, can be Master Keyed to the extent of sixty changes. See page 9. Weight— 16 lbs. per dozen. No. 220D. —20 " " " " 221D. SARGENT