Y OF LIBRARY OF IQ85_IQ56 INDEX ZOOLOGICUS No. II AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES OP GENERA AND SUBGENERA PROPOSED FOR USE IN ZOOLOGY AS RECORDED IN THE "ZOOLOGICAL RECORD "VOLS. 38-47 INCLUSIVE (1901-1910) AND THE ZOOLOGY VOLUMES OF THE "INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE" ANNUAL ISSUES 1-10 TOGETHER WITH OTHER NA.MES NOT INCLUDED IN PREVIOUS NOMENCLATORS COMPILED {FOR THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON) BY CHARLES OWEN WATERHOUSE, I.S.O. AND EDITED BY DAVID SHARP, M.A., F.R.S. EDITOR OF THE ' ZOOLOGICAL RECORD,' LONDON PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, AND SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IN REGENT'S PARK. Copyright, 1912. PRINTED BYTAY]. (JK AND FRANCIS, UKl) I, ION CdVUT, I'LKKT STREET. PREFACE. Index Zoologicus, No. 1 for the period of 18U0-1900, was published by the Zoological Society of London in 1902, The Council of the Society has since then decided that a decenniuni is a convenient and sufficient interval for a work of this kind, and we have now the satisfaction of offerino- to the Public Index No. 2 for the years 1901-1910. This volume is as nearly as may be similar to its predecessor, but a complication has been introduced by the indexing- of the Internaiional Catalogue of Scientific Literature, Zoology. The way in which this is done is explained on the first page of the body of this Index. A certain number of names contained in the International Catalogue had already appeared in earlier volumes of the 'Zoological Record,' and are consequently included in our Index No. 1. These names are ])laced in square brackets here. Although the primary object of the work is to serve as an Index to the ten years mentioned, yet it is also planned so as to be with Scudder's well-known ' Nomenclator ' a complete register of the names of Genera and Subgenera proposed for use in Zoology. We have therefore included the names that are contained in some lists that have been published since the appearance of Index No. 1. The following are the puljlished b'sts that have been used : — (1) F. rociiK. — Sup]ileiuent zii C. O. "\^'ate^•llo^se's 'Index Zoologiciis.' Zool. Ann., Wurzburg, -J, IflOS, pj). 27o-34o. ('2) E. BFruiJtCTH. — Additions and Corrertions to tin- ' Index Zoolopious " of C. O. Waterhou^^e. Zoolooist, I !»()."», pp. ('.:; (17. IV . PREFACE. (3) E. Berghoth.— Additions and Corrections to the 'Index Zoologicus' of C. O. Waterhoiise. Second Series. Zoologist, 1908, pp. 252-255. (4) R. T. Leiper. — Some generic names that have been omitted from recent zoological indices. Zoologist, 1908, p. 390. (5) C. O. Waterhouse. — Supplementary List of Generic Names. London, 1904. In addition to these published lists Mr. Waterhouse has included in this Index about 774 names discovered by himself as omitted ; also some 70 names furnished by Mr. L. Prout, as well as some contributed by other naturalists. To all of whom we tender our thanks for their assistance. We desire also to thank the Council of the Zoological Society for trusting our discretion by giving us full liberty as to the publication ; and to acknowledge gratefully the assistance we have received from Dr. P. Chalmers Mitchell, the Secretary of the Society. In the first ' Index Zoologicus ' it was estimated that the number of names in Scudder's ' Nomenclator ' is about 80,000. To this number was added some 40,000 in that Index. In the volume we are now issuing some 22,000 are recorded, of which, however, an uncertain number are due to erroneous readings. Making a full allowance for this we may conclude that about 140,000 names have been, up to the present time, proposed for the genera and subgenera of Zoological taxonomy. D. SHARP, Editor of the ''Zoological Rtcord.' Brockenhurst, October 28th, 1912. CORPJGENDA. To this Index, page 9, Alciiioiis ; according to Bergroth, «(Zf^ 1861. ,, ,, for Adrichiella read Aldrichiella. ,, 61, Codes ; Bergroth, not Breddin, is the author. „ 74:, for Cytotrachelus read Cvrtotrochalus. ,, 123, Haplogensis is error for Ilaplogeusis. To Index Xo. 1. For Aiuinie read Amuria. Catageiis ; instead of '49 read '89. For Enicmodritiis read Enicmodrilus. „ Loptidia read Leptidea. ,, Loxotrama read Loxotrema. „ Moniliopis read Moniliopsis. „ Nasi.s read Nesis. „ Ophisernon read Ophisternon. Paecilochaetus is error for Poecilochaetus. Tho following omitted names \^ere received too late to be inserted in their proper places : — Antitrochalus Brenske 1900 Col. ; Berl. ent. Zeit. 81 Arcicardium Fischer 1887 Mol!. ; Man. Conchyl. 1040 Apscheronia Andrasov '03 Moll. ; Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. xiii No, 3, 15 Ijayania Munier-C/mhnas 1877 Moll. ; C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ixxxv 127 Campy lotrochalus Brenske 1900 Col. ; Berl. ent. Zeit. 81 Celekt-nia Andrusoo '03 Moll. ; Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb. xxxi livr. 5, 74 Dreissenomya Fnchs 1870 Moll. ; Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. Wien xx 997 Dreistensiomya Andrusov 1897 Moll. ; Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb. xxv 392 Maiticia Bnisijiu 1902 Moll. ; Iconogr. Moll. foss. Huugariae Explan. pi. vii Nematiirella Sandherr/er 1875 Moll.; Land- & Siissw. Conch. Vorwelt 575 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO ZOOLOGICAL NAMES. N.B. — A?i entry that is not accompanied by a semicolon is a reference to the Volume of the Zoological Record and of the International Cataloyue of Scientific Literature, Zoology, for the year indicated by the digits to which the sign (') is jn-efixcd. During Jive of the ten years to lohich this Index relates these two works have been one, and a single reference therefore suffices [o/. Aaata] : but during the other five years the two tvorks tvere separate, and a second reference becomes necessary fur ijideaing the Internatio7ial Catalogue : this is effected by means of a digit in Clarendoii type which gives the number of the Annual Issue, and by ordinary Arabic digits which give the page of that Issue [ff. Aaptus]. An entry ivith a semicolon is a name not contained in the Zoological Record. For less important explanations refer to the preface. A AAA.— ABDA. A ATA Semenou '07 Ins. 2-31 Aaptus Richmond "02 Aves 2 1349 Abacobia Dietz '05 Ins. 280 7 339 Abacoleptus Fauvel '03 Ins. 133 Abacops Tschitscherine '02 Ins. 109 2 914 Abagazara Distant '05 Ins. 311 5 827 Abalistes Jordan Sf Seale '06 Pisces 40 Abamaleliia Del Guercio '06 Ins. 423 Abaua Distant '08 Ins. 404 Abanchogastra Perkins '02 Ins. 190 2 832 Abaniis Distant '09 Ins. 385 Abaraeus Jordan '03 Ins. 194 3 915 Abasia Wilson '08 Crust. 52 Abatodesmus Silvestri '03 Myr. 14 5 736 Abbalomba Distant '08 Ins. 403 Abbottina Jordan 8)- Fowler '03 Pisces 34 3 86 Abglastartus Distant '10 Ins. 421 ( ABDO.— ABROSI. Abdolominus Distant '03 Ins. 328 3 527 Abeillea Sahlberg '08 Ins. 246 Abgarus Distant '10 lus. 420 i:>Abidama Distant '07 Ins. 392 Abila Steu 1878 Ortb. ; Bih. Svenska Ak. Handl. v No. 4 21 Abisares Stdl 1878 Ortb. ; Bib. Svenska Ak. Handl. v No. 4 29 Ablabesmyia Johannsen '05 Ins. 287 6 878 Abletobium Casey '05 Ins. 136 7 217 Abotbrium Beneden Verm. ; Abramites Foivler '06 Pisces 54 Abrarius Fairmaire '02 Ins. 164 Abraxesis Hampson '02 Ins. 232 2 737 Abricta Stdl 1866 Horn. ; Hem. Afri- cana iv 26 Abrochtha Bryce '10 Verm. 45 Abroma Stal 1866 Horn. ; Hem. Afri- cana iv 27 Abrosius Fairmaire '02 Ins. 142 2 914 1 ) ABROSO.— ACANTHOCA. Abrosoma JRedtenhacJier '06 Ins. 443 Abryois Jordan Sf Snyder '02 Pisces 24 2 1114 Abulfeda Distatit '00 lus. 385 Abynotba Swinhoe '03 Ins. 264 3 696 Abyssocottus Be7-g '06 Pisces 42 Acacicola Lea '03 Ins. 201 Acacus Brunner '07 Ins. 410 Acallorneuma Mainardi '06 Ins. 244 Acalycisrortria Kilhenthal ^' Gorzawsky '08 Coel. 24 Acalyptops Hartmann '04 Ins. 171 4 811 Acamptochetus Cossmann '01 Moll. 84 Acamptoides Champioyi '06 Ins. 244 Acamptopoeum Cocker ell '05 Ins. 189 7 264 Acamptopsis Champion '09 In?. 250 Acanthacorydalis Week '07 Ins. 353 Acanthanura B'orner '06 Ins. 454 Acanthaphodius Schmidt '09 Ins. 231 Acanthapopliysia Popofsky '04 Prot. 51 4 78 Acantharachne Tulhjren '10 Arachn. 27 Acantbaradus Banks '09 Ins. 388 Acanthaster Bronn 1860 Asteroid. ; Thier-lleichs ii 287 Acantbechicopsis Greqory '06 Echin. 34 Acanthepyris Kieffer '10 Ins. 302 Acantberemus Karny '07 Ins. 415 Acantberpestes Scudder 1882 Myr. ; Acantbenis Scudder '04 Ins. 359 5 783 Acantbidiellum Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 505 Acantbinevania Bradley '08 Ins. 300 Acantblnotbrips Baynall '08 Ins. 412 Acantbiopbilus Becker '08 Ins. 336 Acantbobaris Champion 'OS Ins. 255 Acantbobracon Sz^pliyeti '02 Ins. 195 2 832 Acantbocarapa Dyar '05 Ins. 264 2 737 Acantbocarapa Packard '02 Ins. 214 5 990 Acantliocaris Peach 1883 Crust. ; Tr. E. Soc. Edinb. xxx 511 ACANTHOCE.— ACANTHOM. Acantbocelides Schilsky '05 Ins. 183 Acaiitbocerella Brethes '10 Ins. 400 Acantbocerodes Piringuey '10 Ins. 132 1 1119 Acantbocliiasmarinm Popofsky '04 Prot. 51 4 78 Acantbocbiasraidiiiin Popofsky '04 Prot. 51 4 78 Acantbocbiasmonium Popofsky '04 Prot. 51 4 78 Acantbooidaris Mortensen '03 Ecbin. 64 Acantbocircus Squinahol '03 Prot. 58 Acantbocoles Turner '03 Ins. 275 3 696 Acantbocolpus L'dhe '06 Verm. 27 Acantbncorallium Haeckell8S7 Rbizop.; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1262 Acantbocoronium Haeckel 1 887 Rbizop.; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1263 Acantbocorypbus Karny '07 Ins. 415 Acantbocorytbium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1264. Acantbodelta Hampson '08 Ins. 331 Acanthodictya Hinds Spong. ; Acautbodictyon Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Acantbodinium Kofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 78 Acanthorhina Frans '10 Pisces 39 Acanthorhogas SzipUyeti '06 Ins. 298 Acanthormius Ashmead '06 Ins. 298 Acanthoscelis Warren '01 Ins. 232 1 954 Acanthoscina Vosseler '01 Crust. 40 1 680 Acanthospongus Mast. '10 Prot. 57 Acanthostephanus, Haeclxcl 1879 Rhi- zop. ; Nat. Schcipfg. 7 Aufl. 705 Acanthotsenia Linstoio '03 Verm. 47 3 155 Acanthoteleia Kieffer '10 Ins. 302 Acanthothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 274 ( 3 ACANTHOX. -ACHIL. Acanthoxia, Bolivar '06 Ins. 450 Acanthoxifer Dendy '05 Spong. 15 5 283 Acanthurella Borner '06 Ins. 454 Acantuera Jordan '07 Ins. 304 Acardystus Rcif.ter '09 Ins. 21 6 Acnromimus Jordan '07 Ins. 254 Acartonivia Theobald "03 Ins. 307 3" 578 Acatapatistus Bethune- Baker '04 Ins. 254 4 633 Acaudina Clark '07 Echin. 22 Kc&x&W^Jonsseawne 1894 Moll.; Mt5m. Soc. Zool. Fr. vii 288 Accaphila lurby '09 Ins. 412 Acco Bethmie-Baker '04 Ins. 254 4 033 Aoentropelma Pocock '01 Arachn. 25 1 728 Acerahedrina Vinassa '02 Prot. 73 Aceratagallia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 393 Aceratias Brauer '02 Pisces 22 2 1114 Aceratophallus Carl '02 Myr. 13 Acerentomon Silvestri '07 Ins. 422 Acerentulus Berlese '08 Ins. 434 Acerocranium J'inassa '02 Prot. 73 Aceroides Sars 1892 Crust. ; Crust. Norway i 340 Aceropsis Stuxherq 1880 Crust. ; Bih. Svenska Ak. Handl. v No. 22 63 Aceropsis ySars 1892 Crust. ; Crust. Norway i tab. 120 Aceros Bceck 1861 Crust.; Forh. Skand. Naturf. viii 651 Acestrorhaniphus-E'(ye?2»m?m '03 Pisces 30 3 86 Acestrorhynchus Eigenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 86 Acestrus Woodtvard '01 Pisces 20 Achaetites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 446 Achaetomus Coquillett '07 Ins. 372 Achaetothrips Karny '08 Ins. 412 Achaius vide Achius Acharax Ball '08 Moll 107 Acheles Oudemans '04 Arachn. 39 Achetopus Tullyren '05 Arachn. 17 5 715 Achia Champion '03 Ins. 184 3 915 Achilemys Hay '08 Rept. 31 ) B 2 ACHIR.— ACONC. ACONE,— ACROM. Acbiridota ClarJc '07 Echiii. 22 Achirota Sars '03 Crust. 48 Achius fAchaius) Ccaneron '03 Ins. 232 3 797 Achoanoniphalus Lindhohn "09 Moll 77 Acholoe Clnjxirhle 1870 Annelida; Mdm. iSoc. Phys. Geneve xx 382 Aclioperinus Lta '09 Ins. 250 Achoria Meyrick '04 Ins. 292 4 633 Achorutoides Willem '01 Ins. 302 5 750 Achonitoides Willem '03 Ins. 363 3 435 Achradhia Lolimann '03 Prot. 06 3 8() Achramorpha Jenlan '08 Por. 6 AcLtheinus Wilson '08 Crast. 52 Achynius Fairmaire '02 Ins. 151 Acibdela Tiirner '06 Ins. 344 Aciconula Mayer '03 Crust. 43 3 353 Acidalioides Hampson '10 Ins. 344 Acidopsilus Kieffer '09 Ins. 299 Acineria Diijardin 1841 Infusoria; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 402 Acinixys Sieheyirock '02 Ilept. 24 Acinulus Seqnenza '03 Moll. 72 Acioniscium liosfafinski 1874 Rliizop. ; Denliseh. Ges. Wiss. Paris v 4 159 Acleasa Cameron '02 Ins. 190 Aclemmysa JReitter '04 Ins. 198 4 811 Acmaeoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Acmaeopleura Stimpson Crust. ; Acmenychus Weise '05 Ins. 185 Acnissa Turner '02 Ins. 214 2 737 Acnodon, Eiqenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 8G" Acocephalites Meunier '04 Ins. 125 5 827 Accel ocalyx Topsent '10 Por. 6 Acoeloliyrax, Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 42 Aco\R»isi Meyriek '02 Ins. 246 2 737 Acolonche Po/w/i/vy '04 Prot. 52 4 78 A.covm& Dtij ardin 1841 Infusoria ; Ilist. nat. Zoophytes 381 Acompsoreras Hyatt '03 Moll. 64 3 281 Aconcluis IlorvdtJt '05 Ins. 306 ( 4 Aconeceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 281 Aconias Caineron '04 Ins. 218 4 715 Acontasparium Haeckel 1887Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. sviii pt. 1 829 Acontaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 829 Acontistoptera JBntes '02 Ins. 260 2 633 Acoryphella Giglio-Tos '07 Ins. 418 Acosmoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Acossus Drjar '05 Ins. 240 5 990 Acostaurus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 769 Acotyledon Oudemans '03 Arachn. 41 3 401 Acrng-opsis Dyar '05 Ins. 240 5 990 Acrantus Hut ton '07 Ins. 253 Acrasis Van Tieyhem 1880 Rhizop. ; Bull. Soc. Bot. France xxvii 318 Acratheus Distant '10 Ins. 425 Acrepyris Kieffer '05 Ins. 221 Acrida Kirhy 1825 Orth. ; Zool. Journ. 1432 Acridarachnea Bolivar '08 Ins, 430 Acridocera Jordan '03 In=i. 194 3 915 Acridomima Handlirsch '06 Ins. 447 Acritillas Oberholser '05 Aves 66 Acritochasta Grimshaw '01 Ins. 269 1 854 Acrobyla Rebel '03 Ins. 275 3 696 Acrochordonia Schrammen '01 Spong. 32 Acrochordopus Berlepsch ^- Helhnnyr '05 Aves 62 5 343 Acrocorisellus Pm^ow 1886 Hem.; Cat. lUm. ed. 3 13 Acrodactvla Stafford '04 Term. ; 4 '160 Acrodelphis Abel '01 Mamm. 38 Acrodrepanis Perkins '01 Ins. 232 Acroectasis liilhsaamen '10 Ins. 391 AcrohA'aenodon Ameghino '04 Mamm. '60 4 320 Acrojana Anrivillius '02 Ins. 214 2 738 Acroleistiis Reitter '05 Ins. 132 6 200 Acromazus Ponifl 1883 Echin. ; Classif. ni.^th. Fjchin. 58 AcxomGch Mabille '04 Ins. 251 4 633 ) ACRON.— ACTINI. ACTING.— ADAP A. Acronarista Tuwnsetid '08 Ins. 381 \/ <> Acrophaea MeUchur '02 Ins. 280 3 527 AcropholiusjStwow "02 Arachn. 25 3 401 Acrophonus Boliimr '10 Ins. 454 Acrophytum Hickson '03 Ccel. 24 Acropithecus Ameqhino '04 Mamni. 49 4 320 Acropooa Melichar '03 Ins. 344 3 627 Acropsopilio Silcestri '05 Arachn. 25 5 716 Acropterygia Herrich-Schaefer 1856 Lep. ; Samml. Aiiseurop. Schmett. i 25 Acrorchilus Ridgicny '09 Aves 113 Acrorliicnus liatzebiiry Hym. ; Acroriddes Hampson '09 Ins. 3-30 Acroschisnius Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Acrostif^ma Forel '02 Ins. 184 Acrostiormus Thomson 1869 Horn. ; Opusc. Ent. i 76 Acrostylops Ameghino "01 Mamm. 38 Acrotelsa Escherich '05 Ins. 333 4 430 Acrothoracica Gruvel '04 Crust. 55 Acrothyra Matthew '01 Bracb. 12 XcvotQm?i Mocsdry '02 Ins. 188 2 833 Acrotychreua Lea '09 Ins. 250 Acrunocciella Mnrtynow '09 Ins. 355 Acrunoecia Ulmer '07 Ins. 350 Actaecia Dana 1852 Crust. ; Actenaspis Leonardi '06 Ina. 424 Actenobius Fall '05 Ins. 163 7 233 Afitenopoda Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Actenoptera Czerny '04 Ins. 310 6 391 Actenotarsus Enderlein '07 Ins. 401 Actidiscus Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 12 Actilarcns Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 12 Actinacanthus Stehbing '06 Crust. 47 Actinelarium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 730 Actinelidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 730 Actinelius Haeckel 1865 Prot. ; Actineloniuni Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 731 Actinicola Fowler '04 Pisces 4 79 ( Actinobdella Moore '01 Vermes 39 2 236 Actinoblattula Handlirsch '08 Ins. 442 Actinocnma Penard- '03 Prot. 56 3 86 Actinodictyon Parks '10 Coel. 19 Actinommantha Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 252 Actinommetta ^aec/i-e/ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 253 Actiuommilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii p*'. 1 254 Actinommui'a Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 2-55 Actinomylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Actinophlebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Actinopterella Williams '08 Moll. 107 Actinoptilon Kiikenthal '10 Coel. 21 Actinopyraniis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 256 Actinothrips Bagnall '09 Ins. 407 Actinotrocbidea Poche '08 Verm. 47 Actinotrophou Ball '02 Moll. 70 Actiprunum Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger Zoo), xviii pt. 1 12 Actites Lanchester '02 Crust. 35 2 415 Actizizera Chapman '10 Ins. 321 Actocetor Becker '03 Ins. 317 3 678 Actochariua Bernhauer '07 Ins. 215 Actocbarina Bernhauer '08 Ins. 220 Actophylla Bernhauer '08 Ins. 220 Acudorsum Loman '02 Arachn. 53 2 474 Acuminia Ball '08 Moll. 75 Acupurpura Jousseaume 1880 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Acutispora Crawley '03 Prot. 59 3 86 Acylita Hampson '10 Ins. 344 Acylochilus Ohaus '09 Ins. 234 Acyperas Hampson '01 Ins. 244 Adacnarca Pelseneer '03 Moll. 84 Adactylus Curtis Lep. ; Adaiua Tutt '05 Ins. 5 991 Adansonia Pallary '02 Moll. 70 Adansonius Kolbe '01 Ins. 152 Adapantopsis A'arscA 1893 Ortb.; Berl. Ent, Zeitschi'. xxxviii 137 5 ) ADAPH.— ADIS. ADIT.— AELO. Adapliaenura Hampson '05 lus. 2oo 5 99] Adauctus Distant '09 Ins. 385 Adel Broun '09 Ins. 250 Adelaidena Distant '10 Ins. 416 Adeliopria Ashmead '02 Ins. 199 2 833 Adeloblatta Bandlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Adelomelon Dall '06 Moll. 56 Adelometra Clark '07 Echin. 37 Adelopidius Apfelbeck '07 Ins. 220 Adelopimpla Schulz '06 Ins. 292 Adelopsella Jeannel '08 Ins. 229 Adelopsis Portevin '07 Ins. 220 Adelotopus Hope 1834 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 11 Adelphoceras Girty '10 Moll. 93 Adelplioceru.«i Wolcott '10 Ins. 235 Adelungella Brunner '07 Ins. 410 Adelunofia Melichar '02 Ins. 285 2 584 Ademosyne Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 AdeniaZ^^'si-aMi! '05Ins. 311 5 828 Adenogaster Looss '01 Vermes 49 1 494 Adenomeris Rihaut '09 Myr., Araclin. 51 Adenoneura WaUingham '07 Ins. 335 Adephagus Saussure 1887 Orth. ; Aderobium Casey '05 Ins. 137 7 217 Aderrhis Bergroth '06 Ins. 397 Adesia Cameron '06 Ins. 298 Adeta Warren '03 Ins. 284 3 697 V Adexia Melichar '01 Ins. 286 3 527 Adherns Bergroth '06 Ins. 397 Adiaeretus Hagedorn '09 Ins. 261 Adialyta Fairmaire '02 Ins. 164 Adiaphorotlirips Bagnall '09 Ins. 407 Adiaphtharsia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Adiaptomuf! Cooper '06 Crust. 51 A diastulus i?a/m^ '04 Ins. 1.39 6 213 Adiathetus Burr '07 Ins. 407 Adikia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Adinda Budde-Lund '04 Crust. ; 4 361 Adionychus Heller '06 Ins. 245 Adioryx Starks '08 Pisces 44 Adiplosis Felt '08 Ins, 365 Adiscofiorinia Leonardi '06 Ins. 424 Adisius Fairmaire '03 lus. 184 3 915 ( Aditroclius Rdhsaamen '02 Ins. 199 2 833 Adkiuia Tutt '05 Ins. 278 5 991 Admirala Peckham '01 Araclin. 25 1 728 Adocetus Scudder '01 Ins. 112 Adosomus i^fiMS^ '04 Ins. 172 4 811 Adota Casey '10 Ins. 212 Adoxomyia Kertdsz '07 Ins. 364 Adoxoplatys Breddin '03 Ins. 324 3 527 Adoxtoma Simon '09 Arachn. 35 Adpitliecus Amcghino '01 Mamm. 26 Adricomius Distant '03 Ins. 332 Adjnasia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Aeatus Champion '05 Ins. 171 5 1224 Aedeomvia Theobald '01 Ins. 258 f 854 Aedeopliasma Scudder 1885 Orth. ; Aediniorplius Theobald '03 Ins. 307 3 578 Aedinus Lutz '10 Ins. 396 Aednulus Breddin '02 Ins. 267 Aednulus Breddin '06 Ins. 393 Kediow Forster 1817 Ayes 5 Cat. Brit. Birds 53 Aegaea Oppenheim 1890 Gastrop. ; Zeitscbr. Ueutsch. geol. Ces. xlii 592 Aegialoalaimus Man '07 Verm. 33 Aegidinus Arrow '04 Ins. 150 4 811 Aegidium Westwood 1845 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 158 Aeginia Norman '06 Crust. 47 Aegiochus Bovallius 1885 Crust. ; Aegithalopsis Heine 1859 Aves ; Journ. Orn. vii 431 Aegithalus 5oie 1822 Aves; Isis i 556 Aegithocicbla Sharpe '03 Aves 58 Aegithospiza Hellmayr '01 Aves 70 Aegolasia Kolbe '07 Ins. 227 Aegopina Kobelt 1881 Moll. ; Cat. europ. Binnenconcb. Ed. 2 8 Aegyria Claparede Prot. ; Aella Mabille '04 Ins. 251 4 346 Aelocoris Renter '04 Ins. 324 3 527 Aeloides Schwarz '06 Ins. 229 6 ) AELU.— AETHA. Aelurocyon Peterson '06 Mamra. 67 Aeliiroicies Talhjren '04 Ids. 210 4 715 Aelurosuchiis Broom '06 Rept. 36 Aemasia Jordan S) Snyder '01 Pisces 34 1 1228 Aemnestus Jacohy '08 Ins. 270 Aenaodoo^rvllus Adelvnq '02 Ins. 307 2 542 Aemopteryx Klapdlek '02 Ins. 298 Aemus (Jhampion '05 Ins. 171 5 1224 Aeuesias Champion '05 Ins. 171 5 1224 Aenictogiton Emery '01 Ins. 181 1 1037 Aenictopech rs Breddin '05 Ins. 309 5 828 Aenigmatistes Slielford '08 Ins. 378 Aenig:matodes Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Aeolantlies* Meyrick '07 Ins. 339 Aeoliscus Jordan ^- Starks '02 Pisces 34 2 1114 Aeolocoris vide Aelocoris Aeologramma Strand '10 Ins, 344 Aeolostoma 31eyrick '10 Ins. 376 Aeolothynnus Ashtnead '03 Ins. 223 Aepalius Champion '05 Ins. 1 1 \^ 5 1224 ^ Aequoraria Hneckel 1879 Ilydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 229 Aeqiiorissa Haeckel 1879 Ilydrozoa; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 221 Aernauta Berge 1842 Lep. ; Schmet- terlingsbuch 19 Aerodramus Oberholser '06 Aves 83 Aeronymplia Oberholser '07 Aves 113 Aerophilus Szepliyeti '02 Ins. 195 Aeschnogomphus Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 430 Aescliopalaea Pascoe 1864 Col. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lend, iii 10 Aeschrostoma Warren '03 Ins. 284 3 697 Aeschynichtliys Oyilby '07 Pisces 38 Aeshnasoma Johnson '09 Ins. 306 Aethalina Turner '02 Ins. 221 2 738 Aethaliopsis Zopf 1885 Rhizop. ; Scbenk ilandb. Botanik iii 2 149 Aetlialium Link 1809 Rhizop. ; Ges. Nat, Freunde Berlin iii 24 Aethaloperca Foivler '04 Pisces ; 4 80 ( AETHE.— AGAP. Aethecerinus Fall ^- Cockerell '08 Ins. 266 Aetherastis Meyrick '09 349 Aethinopsis Grouvelle '08 Ins. 230 Aetliiopodes Warren '02 Ins, 232 2 738 Aethiothemis Alartiji '08 Ins. 416 Aetliocorvs Shelley '02 Aves 66 2 '1349 Aetholopus Pascoe 1865 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 140 Aethostouia Sharpe '02 Aves 58 2 1349 Aethria Tosquinet "03 Ins. 232 Aethriopsis Schrottky '10 Ins. 327 Aethriscus Pocock '02 Araclin, 32 2 474 Aetideopsis Sars '03 Crust. 48 2 415 Aetobatus Blainville 1816 Pisces ; Jouru. Phj's. Cbim. Hist. nat. Arts Ixxxiii 261 Aetomyleus Garman '08 Pisces 51 ^ifakia Kirkaldy '09 Ins, 397 Afilia Schnus '01 Ins. 212 Afiola Peckham "07 Aracbu. 39 O Atlata Melichar '02 Ins, 280 3 527 Afraniella Schouteden '04 lus, 315 4 505 Afrocastra Breddin '03 Ins, 332 3 0-27 Afrodonta Melvill Sf Ponsonby '08 Moll, 98 _,' Afronaso Jacobi '10 Ins. 429 Afrorhytida Kobelt '04 Moll. 61 Aga Bistayit '10 Ins. 422 Agabiformius Verhoeff '08 Crust. 44 Agaleptus Gahan '04 Ins. 186 4 812 Agalliapbagus Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Agalliopsis Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 393 Agalniaster Schondorf '09 Ecbin. 42 AgamaJ?/rtA-e 1871 Hym. ; Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. iii 2 Agamoraermis Stiles '05 Yerm. ; 5 399 Agamopsyche Perkins '05 Ins. 240 5 991 Agapete H'dbner 1825 Lep. ; Cat, Lep, coli. Franck 98 AGAR.— AGNO. AGNU.— AGY. Agarenes Cameron '05 Ins. 207 Agaricophpena Reitter '09 Ins. 220 Agaristodes Hampson '10 Ins. 344 Agasicles Jacoby '04 Ins. 190 4 812 Agassa Simon '02 Arachn. 42 Agastrophus Attems '01 Myr. 12 Agathiella Szepligeti '02 Ins. 195 2 833 Agatliispa Weise '04 Ins. 196 Agathodesmus Silvestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 50 Agathomyia Verrall '01 Ins. 267 Agathorhipis Fativel '04 Ins. 162 Agenioideus Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Ageniosa Weise '08 Ins. 270 Agenioxenus AsJimead '02 Ins. 179. Agenocimbex Rohioer '10 Ins. 308 Agenora Cameron '09 Ins. 293. Agenysa Spaeth '05 Ins. 185 5 1224 Agerotlirips Tryhom '10 Ins. 441 Agetinella Jacoby '08 Ins. 270 Agkistropleuron Bruner '10 Ins. 456 AglaieHa Daday '10 Crust. 44 Aglaoapis Cameron '01 Ins, 173 1 1037 Aglaocryptus Cameron '03 Ins. 232 3 797 Aglaoctenus Tullgren '05 Arachn. 23 5 716 Aglaojoppa Cameron '01 Ins. 187 r 1037 Aglaothorax Caudell '07 Ins. 415 Aglaura Rafi^iesqiie 1815 Crust. ; Analyse Nat. 101 Aglophema Rajinesqne 1814 Mamm. ; Specchio Sci. ii 129-131 Aglossestra Hainpson '05 Ins. 255 5 991 Aglypta Oebien '08 Ins. 250 Aglyptinus Cockerell '06 Ins. 215 Agnara Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 44 Agnathomyzon Gracianow '07 Pisces 56 Agnesia Lokay '07 Ins. 219 Agnievella Cossmann '09 Moll. 01 Agnosia Rothschild 4' Jordan '03 Ins. 260 3 697 Agnostoclithona KirkaJdy '07 Ins. 401 ( Agnurodesmus Silvestri Mvr., Arachn. 50 Agogoblattina Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Agonatopoides Perkins '07 Ins. 285 Agonatopus Perkins '07 Ins. 285 Agendas Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 285 2 584 Agonismus Walsingham '07 Ins. 339 Agonocottus Pavlenko '10 Pisces 31 Agonodromius Reitter '09 Ins. 216 Agonostoma Giinther 1861 Pisces; Cat. Acanthopt. Fishest iii 409 Agraecomyrmex Wheeler '10 Ins. 283 Agraphvdrus Regimbart '03 Ins. 143 3 916 Agraptocoris Renter '04 Ins. 394 4 505 Agi-enia Borner '06 Ins. 454 Agrilaxia Kerremans '03 Ins. 168 3 916 Agriloides Kerremans '03 Ins. 168 4 812 Agriochlora Warren '01 Ina. 212 1 955 Kgx\oAvi\yis, Michaelsen '05 Verm. 50 Agrionides Charpentier 1840 Near. ; Agrionopsis Wernei- '08 Ins. 426 Agrionosonia Weele '08 Ins. 362 Agriopodes IIamp)son '09 Ins. 331 Agriopoma Ball '02 Moil. 80 Agriosphyraena (recte Agrlopo- sphvraena) loicler '03 Pisces 30 " 5 109 Agriostomum Railliet '03 Verm. 53 2 212 Agriothera Meyrick '07 Ins. 339 Agriotides Schwarz '06 Ins. 229 Agroecotettix Bruner '08 Ins. 430 Agroperina Hampsoti '08 Ins 331 Agrosphaera Lo Bianco '03 Prot. 67 3 86 Agrostia Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Agrostobia Bote 1835 Lep. ; Agrotisia Hampson '08 Ins. 331 Agunga Distant '06 Ins. 396 Agyrtecanus Reitter '01 Ins. 127 5 1224 Agyrtodes Portcvin '07 Ins. 220 ^ ) AHN.— ALA. Alingeria Kokujeio '02 Ins. 196 2 833 Ahngeria Melichar '02 Ins. 285 Ahomana Distant '05 Ins. 311 5 828 Aidocbara Casey 'OG Ins. 203 Aidoueus Dista^it '09 lus. 388 Aiuocottus Jordan ^ Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 80 Ainosus Jordan Sf Snyder '01 Pisces 22 1 1228 Aipeiopsis Piringuey '04 Ins. 153 4 812 Aissoblatta Handlirsch '04 Ins. 125 4 460 Akaniba Distant '05 Ins. 311 5 828 Akbaratus Distant 'OS Ins. 394 Akbesia Rothschild 8f Jordan '03 Ins. 260 3 697 Akermes CockertU '02 Ins. 289 Akidocbeilus Till '08 Moll. 121 Akronia Hine '02 Ins. 256 1 854 Alabamornis Abel '06 Aves 104 Alabastrina Kobelt '04 Moll. 64 Alabina Dall '02 Moll. 72 2 330 Alaeops Jordan 4' Starks '04 Pisces 32 4 80 Alamia GenS 1839 Ortb. ; Serville Ins. Orth. 350 Alamosa Bagonot '01 Lep. 1 955 Alamosa Hampson '01 Ins. 244 Alamosemys Hay '08 Rept. 30 Alampoides Schicarz '06 Ins. 229 Alamprella Horvdth '04 Ins. 315 4 505 Alaocephala Ganglbauer '08 Ins. 255 Alaotvpus Schioarz '02 Ins. 13G '2 946 Alapa Strand '10 Ins. 379 Alapadna Turner '02 Ins. 221 2 739 Alardus Buseh 1851 Nemertini ; Beob. Anat. Eutvvickl. Seethiere 111 Alardus Distant '03 Ins. 332 3 527 V C Alaruasa D/s^«?ii! '06 Ins. 408 [Alasmatas vide Elasmatus] Alatidotasia Lea '10 Ins. 243 Alaurina Busch 1851 Annel.; Beob. Anat. Entwickl. Seethiere 114 ( ALB.— ALF. Albardia Weele, '02 Ins. 294 3 474 Albatrossaster Ludwig '07 Ecliin. 30 Albatrossia Ludwig '05 Echin. 77 5 348 Albea Tallary '10 Moll. 78 Albeia Than '10 Arachn. 42 Albertella Walcott '08 Arachn. 6 Albertogaudrya Ameghino '01 Manim. 37 Albertosaurus Osborn '05 Rept. 35 5 177 Albinaria Vest 1867 Moll. ; Verb. Sie- bemb. Ver. xviii 170 Albisaurus Fritsch '05 Rept. 37 Albulina Tutt '09 Ins. 314 Alcella Stone '07 Aves 100 Alchisme Kirkaldy '04 lus. 336 4 505 Alcichtbys Jordan ^ Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 80 Alcimathous Beitter "05 Ins. 158 5 1224 Alcimonotus Simon '02 Arachn. 42 3 401 Alcinoiis Costa Crust. ; Alcippe Hancock 1849 Crust. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, iv 313 Alda Beuter '09 Ins. 392 Alderina Norman '03 Bry. 11 3 199 Aldricbia Theobald '03 Ins. 307 3 579 Adrichiella Vaughan '03 Coel. 24 3 117 Ale Pascoe 1864 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 96 Alecanopsis Cockerell '01 Ins. 292 Alectorobius Pocock '07 Arachn. 44 Alema Enderlein '05 Ins. ; 5 783 Alemella Enderlein '06 Ins. 371 Alepidia Beuter '09 Ins. 392 Alepidophora Cockerell '09 Ins. 370 Alepomyia Banks '08 Ins. 360 Aleptina Dyar '02 Ins. 221 Aleucolomii3^ezJ;;e/-'03 Ins. 160 3 916 Aleurchiton Tullgren '07 Ins. 398 Aleurodotbrips Franklin '09 Ins. 407 Alexandraster Ludivig '05 Echin. 77 5 348 Alfenus Simon '02 Arachn. 42 2 474 9 ) ALG.— ALLOCOTA ALLOCOTO.— ALLOPHY. Algathia Cameron '02 Ins. 190 4-715 Algerites Pervinquiere '10 Moll. 93 Algete Bolivar '05 Ins. 340 5 783 Algoa Brues '10 Ins. 302 Algoala Jacoby '04 Ins. 190 4 812 Algoasaurus Broom '04 Ilept. 29 4 135 Algol Kirkaldi/ "01 Ins. 283 1 812 Aliatypus Smith '08 Arachn. 28 Alichtensia Cockerell '02 Ins. 289 2 584 Alicorhagia Berlese '10 AracLn. 39 OAligia Ball '07 Ins. 393 Alinierichthus Guerin 1857 Crust. ; Alissonotum Arrow '08 Ins. 240 Alitba Cameron '06 Ins. 298 Alitunis Distant '08 Ins. 404 2 946 Aliturus Fairmaire '02 Ins. 160 AUabenchelys Boulemjer '02 Pisces 36 2 1114 Allacina Borner '06 Ins. 454 Allactoiieura Meyere '07 Ins. 857 Allaeonietrus, Senna '02 Ins. 159 5 1224 Allagogus Gahan '09 Ins. 262 Allantis Herouurd '02 Echiu. 55 Allantopliora Whitelegge '07 Por. 8 AUasterias Verrill '10 Ecliin. 42 Alle Link 1806 Aves ; Beschr. Nat. Samml. Univ. Rostock i 17 AUector Heller Sj- Snodyrass '03 Pisces 20 3 87 AUelidea Waterhouse 1839 Col.,; Tr. Ent. !Soc. Lond. ii 193 Allendesalazaria Escalera '10 Ins. 241 Alletinus Desbrochers '08 Ins. 255 Allexetastes Kokujev '04 Ins. 218 4 715 A Ilia Schouteden '07 Ins. 377 Alliophleps Becker '08 Ins. 373 Allobethylus Eieffer '05 Ins. 221 Allochalcis A7eJ/er '04 Ins. 226 51100 AUochrysa Banks '03 Ins. 354 3 474 AUocinopus Broun '03 Ins. 133 3 916 Allocosa Banks '04 AracLn. 33 5 710 Allocota Meyrick '04 Ins. 292 4 634 ( Allocotopterus Bidyway *07 Aves 119 AUocyphonyx Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 AUodahlia Verhoeff '02 Ins. 304 2 543 Allodenna Ashmead '04 Ins. 226 4 715 AUodiplosis Ki(ffer '10 Ins. 391 Allodrassus Strand '06 Araclin. 30 AUoeochrns Renter '06 Ins. 401 5 828 Alloeomimus Renter '10 Ins. 425 AUoeonvcha Renter '04 Ins. 325 4 506 AUoeophasma Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Alloeorhynclius Ficber 1861 Hem. ; europaiscli Hem. 43 Allognosis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Allogobius Waite '04 Pisces 31 4 80 Allogramma Dall '03 Moll. SO Allogroniia Rhumbler '03 Prot. 49 3 86 Alloiodoris Beryh '04 Moll. 71 4 2U0 AUoionema Hartlaub '09 Coel. 17 Alloiorhaphium Schrammen '10 Por. 9 Allokotarsa Perinyuey '04 Ins. 153 4 812 Allomachilis Silvestri '06 Ins. 454 Allomastix Beryroth '00 Ins. 399 Allomeryx Sinclair '05 Mamm. 43 5 476 AUometopon Kertesz '06 Ins. 389 Allomma Poniel 1883 Ecliin. ; Classif. meth. Ecbin. 105 Allonema Ulrich ^- B ussier '04 Bry, 16 5 452 AUonomyna Dyar '04 Ins. 292 4 634 Allonotiis Cameron '07 Ins. 276 AUonychus Zaitzev '05 Ins. 135 AUopatides Koehler ^ Vuney '05 Ecliin. 56 5 348 Allopauropus Silvestri '02 Myr. 12 Alloperla Banks '06 Ins. 429 Allopliatnus Cameron '05 Ins. 207 5 1100 AUophorocera Hendel '01 Ins. 269 Allophylax Banks '07 Ins. 350 10 ) ALLOPHY.— ALOPE. ALOPH.— AMANON. Allophylax Bedel '06 Ins. 233 AUophyllus Fauvel '03 Ins. 160 AUophylopsis Lamb '09 Ins. 377 Allophylus, Brunner '07 Ins. 410 AUopodagrion Forster '10 Ins. 448 Allopogonia Cockerell '06 Ins. 231 Allopsontus Silvestri '10 Ins. 458 AUorchestina Brandt 1851 Crust. ; Bull. Ac. Sci. St. Petersb. ix 141 Verhoeff '07 Araclin. Alophinus Desbrocliers 3 91G '03 Ins. 184 '04 In.s. 226 Allorhiscosoma 62 Allorina Weise '02 Ins. 164 Alloschsefferia Boiyier '03 Ins. 363 Alloscliizotaenia Brolemann '10 Myr., Arachn. 49 Alloscopus Burner '06 Ins. 454 Allostethus Verhoef '03 Ins. 366 4 460 AlIosLhetella Zacher '10 Ins. 450 Allostomus Cameron '08 Ins. 293 Allotermes Wasmann '10 Ins. 446 Allotheca Cameron '06 Ins, 292 Allothereua Verhoeff '05 Myr. 5 736 Allothrips Hood '08 Ins. 412 Allotlirombiuni Berlese '04 Aracbn 5 716 Allotricba Sterki 1878 Infusoria ; Zeit- schr. wiss. Zool. xxxi 57 ■ AUotrypes Fran^oii< '04 Ins. 150 6 224 AUotypbloiulus Verhoeff '05 Myr. 12 5 736 AUportia Schoiiteden '06 Ins. 393 Alluaudella Gravier '05 Verm. 36 Alluaudella Shelford '10 Ins. 452 Almota Beckham '03 Aracbn. 35 3 401 Alocentron Schilshy '01 Ins. 152 Alococerus Zang '05 Ins. 148 5 1224 Alogistotarsa Feringueij '04 Ins. 153 4 812 Alogopteron Rehn '03 Ins. 370 3 474 Aloba Kirkuldy '04 Ins. 332 4 506 Alokistocare Lorenz '06 Aracbn. 7 Alopecodon Broom '08 Rept. 32 Alopecosaurus Lindholm '05 Rept. 30 5 177 Alopedon Hilzheimer "06 Mamm. 66 ( Alopbomj'ia Ashmead 5 1101 Alopbus Ashmead '04 Ins. 226 4 715 Alopocbelidon Ridgicay '03 Aves 53 3 274 Aloxomidus Baffray '03 Ins. 148 3 916 Aloysia Issel '08 Moll. 96 Almeida Distant '10 Ins. 423 Alpba Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 Alpbasida Escnhra '05 Ins. 165 A]pbeinus Borradaile '01 Crust. 26 Alpheoides Baulson 1880 Crust ; Alpheopsis Contiere 1897 Crust. ; Bull. Mus. Paris ii 382 Alpbitodes Fairmaire '01 Ins. 152 3 916 xAlpioniscus Bacoritza '08 Crust. 44 V^ Alseis Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 393 Altellopsis Simon '05 Aracbn. 18 5 716 Alteutbella Scott '09 Crust. 44 Altbauus Leivis '03 Ins. 151 3 916 Altbos Kirkcddy '04 Ins. 319 4 506 Alticamelud 3Iaitheiv '01 Mamm. 36 1 1475 Altippus Douylass '08 Mamm. 80 Altobunus Roewer '10 Aracbn. 32 Altomarus Distaiit '03 Ins. 328 3 528 Altonomus Desbrochers '09 Ins. 250 Aluina Cameron '05 Ins. 207 Alveolinella Prever '07 Prot. 42 Alwisia Berkeley Sf Broome 1873 Rbizop. ; J. Linn. Sue. Bot. xiv 39 Alyscum Dujardin 1841 Infusoria ; Hist. nat. Zoopbytes 381 Alystria Cameron '04 Ins. 218 4 715 Amadotrogus Beitter '03 Ins. 160 3 916 Amalgamata Ulrich Sf Bassler '04 Bry. ; 4 214 Amaloptila Turner ' '03 Ins. 276 3 697 Amanicollops Pic '08 Ins. 246 Amanonyx Bate 1856 Crust. ; Rep. Brit. Assoc. Sci. for 1855, 58 11 ) AMANOT.— AMBLYPE. Amanota Casey '06 Ins. 203 Amasia Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Amasis Noi-denskiold '05 Arachn. 27 5 716 Am8.sis Sorensen '10 Arachn. 32 Amate Joi-dan ^- Sta7-ks '06 Pisces 44 Aiuatembuna Distant '10 Ins. 416 Amatbia Mathke 1837 Crust. ; Mem. Ac. St. Petersb. iii 375 Amatbilla Bate Sf Westivood 1 802 Crust.; Hist. iJrit. Sess.-eyed Crust, i 359 Amathillina Savs 1894 Crust. ; Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. (5) i 201 Amathyntis Meyrick '07 Ins. 339 Amaureta Bolivar '06 Ins. 447. Amaurocbaete Rostafiiiski 1873 Rhizop.; Vers. Sjst. Mycetozoon 8 Amaurodera Fauvel '06 Ins. 137 6 209 Amauromorpha Ashmead '05 Ins. 207 5 1101 Amauronia Westioood 1839 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 174 Amaurosiphon Riihsaamen '10 Ins. 391 Amaurostoma Milller '36 Ins. 258 Amaxosana Distajit '10 Ins. 416 T) Amberana Distant '08 Ins. 403 Ambigua Westerlund '03 Moll. 57 Ambloma Walsingha^n '08 Ins. 354 Amblomala Reitter '03 Ins. 164 Amblonoxia Reitter '03 Ins. 160 3 916 Aniblyapis Cockerell '10 Ins. 264 Aniblyblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Amblygamasus Berlese '04 Arachn. 5 716 Amblyjoppa Cameron '02 Ins. 190 2 833 Amblymylacris Hatidlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Amblynetes Weise '03 Ins. 201 4 813 Amblyoproctus Kolbe '10 Ins. 228 Amblyops Sars 1872 Crust. ; Carcin. Bidr. Norg. Fauna i. 2 H. 3 Amblyosyllis Gruhe ^- Oersted 1857 Polychaeta ; Amblyothele Simon '10 Arachn. 30 Amblypeza Hay '08 Kept. 31 C AMBLYPH.— AMMAT. Amblyphileurus Kolbe '10 Ins. 228 Amblyrhethus Kirby '06 Ins. 446 Amblyscapheus Bruner '06 Ins, 450 ^Amblyscarta Stdl 1869 Hem. ; Amblysomus Faust '04 Ins. 172 4 813 Amblystogenium Enderlein '05 Ins. 132 * 5 1225 Amblytatus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 43 Amblythyi-eus Westwood 1841 Hem. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 28 Ambonoderes Jordan '07 Ins. 254 Ambrocbaris Sicard '09 Ins. 273 Ameiropsis Sars '07 Crust. 77 Amelococcus Marchal '04 Ins. 338 Amenusa Casey '06 Ins. 203 Amephana Hampson '06 Ins. 332 Americides Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 379 Amerina Cerruti '02 Verm. 51 Amerina Fuhrmann '01 Vermes 45 Amerobelba Berlese '08 Arachn. 40 Ameroseius Berlese '04 Arachn. 39 5 716 Amerus Collinge S,- SJioebotham '09 Ins. 428 Amesopus Stebbing '05 Crust. 54 5 663 Ametallon Ashmead '04 Ins. 226 4 715 Ametrohlatta Hayidlirsch '06 Ins. 411 Ametrodiplosis Riibsnamen '10 Ins. 391 Ametroptila War7-en '01 Ins. 212 1 956 Amfortas Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 506 Amiana Dyar '04 Ins. 266 6 992 Amictoides Bezzi '10 Ins. 403 Amidostomum Railliet • Henry '09 Verm. 41 Amilaga Swinhoe '01 Ins. 225. Amilnedwardsia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Aminippus Granger '08 Mamm. 80 Amirafra Bianchi '07 Aves 132 Amirantea Distant '09 Ins. 383 Amitermes Silvestri '01 Ins. 297 Amitus Haldemann 1850 Hym. j Amer. J. Sci. ix 108 Amujatophora Norman '03 Bry. 11 3 199 12 ) AMMET.— AMPHIBRACHE. AMPHIBRACH!. - AMPHIN. Animetopa Hampson '06 Ins. 332 Ammianus Distant '03 Ins. 330 3 528 Animidanemia Beitter '05 Ins. 165 4 813 Ainmobaculites Cnshman '10 Prot. 54 Animodilliis Thomas '04 Mamm. 39 4. 320 Animodiscoides Cushman '09 Prot. 50 Animofrondicularia Schubert '02 Prot, 62 Ammom.nnoides Bianchi '05 Aves 81 5 343 Amniomanopsis Bianchi '05 Aves 81 5 343 Ammoinys Thomas '06 Mamm. 70 Ammonella Walther '04 Spong. 16 Ammosphaeroides Cushman '10 Prot. 54 A vnmospliaeroidina Cushman '10 Prot. 54 Ammospiza Oberholser '05 Aves 83 Ammothella Verrill '01 Crust. 60 Amoeboblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Amoebotricha Warren '01 Ins. 233 1 956 Amorbaea Meyrick '08 Ins. 354 Amorplioblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Amorpliococcus Green '02 Ins. 289 2 585 Ampeloeiia Bothschild ^ Jordan '03 Ins. 260 3 698 Ampbiacantha Popofskij '04 Prot. 52 4 79 Ampbianme Kiilienthal '03 Coel. ; 3 117 Ampbiantbus Kukenthal '02 Coel. 24 2 147 Ampbiareus Distant '04 Ins. 324 4 506 Ampbiascus Sars '05 Crust. 63 5 663 Ampbibelitbium Haeckel ]887Rhizop.; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 790 Ampbibelouium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 788 Amphibetaeus Cuutih-e 1897 Crust. ; Bidl. Mus. Paris ii 384 Ampbibolotbrips Buffa '09 Ins. 407 Amphibotettix Hancock '06 Ins. 450 Ampbibrachella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 517 ( Amphibracbidium Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 517 Ampbibraoboma Haeckel 1 887 Phizdp. ; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 518 Ampbibracbura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 518 Ampbiclasta Turner '06 Ins. 345 Ampbicorina Quatrefages 1865 Verm. ; Ampbicosmus Coquillett 1885 Dipt. ; Amphicraspedina Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop.; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 523 Ampbicraspedon Haeckel 1887 Rbizop.; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 523 Ampbicraspedula Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 523 Ampbicrinus Springer '06 Ecbin. 51 Ampbicrossa Loivsr '02 Ins. 232 2 739 Amphicypbus Meijere '08 Ins. 386 Ampbicypris /S^rs '01 Crust. 52 2 415 Ampbideima Koehler Sc Vaney '05 Ecbin. 56 5 348 Ampbidolops Ameghino '02 Mamm, 44 Ampbigyra Pilsbry '00 Moll. 78 Ampbigyrum TuUgren '10 Arachn. 25 Ampbijanira Bittner '01 Moll. 100 AmphileoLella Schra7nmen '01 Spon'-)- 33 ^ " Ampbilichas Baymond '05 Trilob. 5 684 Ampbilita Hampson '10 Ins. 344 Ampbiloncliarium Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Cballenger Zool. pt. 1 783 Ampbilonebe Popofsky '04 Prot 52 4 79 Arapbiloncbidium Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Cballenger Zool. xviiii pt. 1 785 Ampbimallina Beitter '05 Ins. 151 6 226 Ampbimelissa Jorgensen '05 Prot 65 5 270 Ampbimetra Clark '09 Ecliin. 47 Amphimetron Popofsky '04 Prot 52 4 79 Amphimcea Bothschild 8)- Jordan '03 Ins. 260 3 698 ' Ampbinemura Bis '02 Ins. 298 Ampbinorae Melqcn 1800 Dipt • 13 ) AMPHIO.— AMPHITHOLI. AMPHITHOLU.— ANACAM. Amplilonides Zimmer '04 Crust. 37 4 361 Amphionyx Poey 1833 Lep. ; Amphiphalera Hanipson '10 Ins. 327 Arnphiporella Girty '10 Brach. Bit. 15 Amphipsvlla li'ayner '09 Ins. 382 Aniphipylissa Ilaeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challeng-er Zuol. xviii pt. 1 G40 Amphipylura Ilaecliel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenfrer Zool. xviii pt. 1 641 Ampliirrliopalium Haechel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Chiillenijer Zool. xviii pt. 1 521 Amphirrhopella Ilaeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 522 Amphirrhopoma Haeckel 1 887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 522 Ampliisalenia Pomel^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 95 Amphisbetetus Hermann '06 In.«i. 382 Araphischizops iJ/rmtoJztfon 1898 Hem. ; Amphiserpentarius GaiUard '08 Aves 121 Amphisia Sterld 1878 Infusoria ; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxi 57 Amphiskiira Broini '09 Ins. 250 Amphisphaerantha Haeckcl 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 142 Araphi.'phaerella Ilaeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 143 Amphisphaeridium Ilaeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 142 Amphisphaerissa Ilaeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 144 Amphisphaeromnia Ilaeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 144 Amphispyridiura Ilaeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1096 Amphispvrium Ilaeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1095 Amphiteninus Ameghiyio '04 Mamm. 60 4 320 Amphitethya Lendenfeld '07 For. 6 Amphithegia Breddin '05 Ins. 302 Amphitholi.«sa Ilaeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 666 ( Amphitholura Ilaeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 667 Amphithopsis i?oecZ: 1861 Crust. ; Forh. Skand. Naturf. viii 661 Auiphitrias Meyrich '08 Ins. 354 Amphitrochilia Cossmann '09 Moll. 61 Amphitrota Seitz '10 Ins. 345 Amphiumophis Werner '01 Rept. 35 Amphixvstis Meyrick '01 Ins. 252 1 950 Amphogona Broivne '04 Cool. ; 4 118 Amphoraceras Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 266 4 634 Aniphoreop.«is Crick '04 Moll. 61 4 290 Amphoritis Meyrick '05 Ins. 280 5 992 Amphoroidella Baker '08 Crust. 42 Amphoton Lore.nz '06 Arachn. 7 Amphycodes cf. Ampycodes Amplexizaphrentis Vaiu/han '06 Coel. 23 Aniplosipho Cossmann '01 Moll. 85 Anipullariella Baspail '09 Moll. 01 Anipullopsis Bepelin '02 Moll. 74 Arapycodes -7?ff^ojjo^ '01 Lep.; 1 956 Amurilla Aurivillius '01 Ins. 212 Amurus Attems '09 Arachn, Myr. 51 Amusia Tullyren '10 Arachn. 25 Amyca Simon 1864 Arachn.; Hist. Nat. Araign. 328 Amychodes Knrsch 1895 Horn. ; Ent. Nachr. xxi 210 Amydrosonia Becker '03 Ins. 317 3 579 Amylax Meunier '10 Prot. 68 Amystrops Crrouvelle '06 Ins. 218 Anabaia Clarke '04 Brach. 7 Anabathmis Beichenow '05 Aves 78 Anabaxis Baffray '08 Ins. 226 Anabolina Banks '03 Ins. 351 3 474 Anabolioides MaHynoio '09 Ins. 355 Anabropsis Rehn '01 Ins. 307 Anacamptomyia Bischof '04 Ins. 308 4 549 Anacaniptoneurum Becker '03 Ins. 318 3 579 14 ) ANACAN.— ANAPH. Anacanthoderma Marcolomjo '10 Verm. 44 Anacantliotevmes Jacobson '04 Ins. 345 4 460 Anacharoides Cameron '04 Ins. 235 4. 715 Anachisma Branson '08 Rept. 34 Anaclastus Turner '04 Ins. 286 Anaclileia Mennier '05 Ins. 129 Anacoloptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Anacompso Shelf ord '07 Ins. 408 Anacraga Dyar '05 Ins. 241 5 992 Anacroneuria Klapdlek '09 Ins. 410 Anacronicta Seitz '10 Ins. 345 Auacrosticlius Bezzi '09 Ins. 371 Anactinia Annandale '09 Coel. 25 Anactinothrips Bacpiall '09 Ins. 407 Anadastus Gorham 1887 Col. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 362 Anadiasa Aurivillius '04 Ins. 255 Anadiastothele Simon '03 Aracbn. 19 Anadolcps Amec/hino '04 Mamm. 50 4 320 Anagesthes Ha^idlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Anaonota Becker '02 In^. ; 2 633 Anagoiins Fauvel '03 Ins. 148 Anagyriuus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Anajapyx Silrestri '03 Ins. 362 7 423 Anakania P/c '01 Ins. 145 1 1121 Analcadia Kobelt '08 Moll. 76 Anallacta Shelford '08 Ins. 420 Analocostreptus Silvestri '10 M}^-., Araclin. 50 Anamaspis Leonardi '06 Ins. 424 Anambulyx Bothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 260 3 698 Anamefiorinia Leonardi '06 Ins. 424 Anancosorius Bernhauer '08 Ins. 220 Anandrus iV/e/?_5^e 1856 Arachn, ; Anapalta Warren '04 Ins. 272 4 634 Anapliantis Mei/rick '07 Ins. 340 Anaphiloscia JRacovitza '07 Crust. 61 Anaphoidea Girault '09 Ins. 300 AnaphoMdeniys Hau '05 Kept. 34/^ 5 177' ^ f "^ Anaphosia Ilamjjson '03 Ins, 265 3 698 Anaphragma Ulrich 4' Bnssler '04 Bry. 11 4 214 ( l-"^ ANAPI.— ANCHIC. Anapiptns Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Anaplasma Theiler '10 Prot. 61 Anaplectoidea Shelford '06 Ins. 438 Anapogoiiia Simon '05 Araclin. 20 5 716 Anaptilora Meyrick '04 Ins. 292 4 634 Anaptotneciis Simon '03 Arachn. 31 3 401 Anaptoplus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 152 3 917 Anarbndas Seitz '08 Ins. 322 Anarcliias Jordan Sj Starks '06 Pisces 51 Anarchita Bolivar '04 Ins. 359 4 460 Anarchodes Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 422 Anarchylus Z>//r«- '05 Ins. 241 5 992 [Anarcturiis vide Antarcturus] Anardis Attems '09 Myr., Araclin. 51 Anareolaria Shelford '09 Ins. 417 Anarrhotus Simon '02 Arachn. 42 2 475 Anartiella Fruhstorfer '07 Ins. 295 Anasceles Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 422 Anaschisma Branson '06 Rept. 39 Anasopsis i2r(^/-«y '04 Ins. 139 6 213 Anastathes 6^rt7m« '01 Ins. 159 1 1121 Anasticomerus Heller '04 Ins. 172 Anataxis Casey '09 Ins. 237 Anatheta Casey '10 Ins. 212 Anathresa Marshall '08 Ins. 255 Anathyris Peetz '01 Brach. 12 Anatifarius Dum6ril 1806 Crust. ; Zool. Aualytique 170 Anatonocliilus Peringuey '07 Ins. 229 [bis!) Anatopvnia Johannsen '05 Ins. 287 5 878 Anatrytone Dyar '05 Ins. 237 7 302 Anaulacus Semenoio '03 Ins. 240 3 798 Anaulosoma Kirkpa trick '07 Por. 6 Anaxandra aS';!;?/ 1877 Orth.; Anaxerta Fairmaire '02 Ins. 164 Anaya Distant '06 Ins. 408 Ancaria Cameron '02 Ins. 190 2 834 Anchacantha Butler 1873 Arachn. ; Tr. Ent. 8oc. Lond. 157 Anchicaligus Stebbiny '01 Crust. 48 ) ANCHIE.— ANDRA. Ancliieta Navds '09 Ins. 357 Anchipiloacia Stebhing '08 Crust. 44 Anchisauripus Lull '05 Rept. ; 5 177 Anchistrotos Brian '09 Crust. 45 Anchistrum Amecfhino '01 Mamm. 37 Anchitherioraya Roger '04 Mamm. 41 Anchoblatta Shelford '09 Ins. 417 Ancliocerus Fauvel '05 Ins. 137 6 209 Anchon Buckton '03 Ins. 342 Anchouoides Brethes '10 Ins. 243 Anchonoma Meyrick '10 Ins. 379 Anchonomorplia Champion '02 Ins. 151 2 947 Anclionvmus Sharp '03 Ins. 134 3 917 Ancbotefflus Sharp '03 Ins. 134 3 917 Ancillota Casey '10 Ins. 213 Ancinella Hansen '05 Crust. 52 5 663 Ancistrocephalus Mo7iticelli Verm. ; ^ Ancorabolus Norman '03 Crust. 48 3 354 Ancorella Lendenfeld '07 Por. 6 Ancudia Philippi '02 Rept. 30 Ancylocaris Schenkel '02 Crust. 45 Ancylodactylus Miiller '07 Kept. 29 Ancylotropus Cameron '09 Ins. 296 Ancyra Cameron '03 Ins. 232 3 798 Ancyrocotvle Monticelli '03 Verm. 50 5 378 Ancystropodium Faure-Fremiet '07 Prot. 58 Andamanica Wagner '05 Moll. 78 Andaniella Sars 1891 Crust. ; Ace. Crust. Norway i 210 Andaniexis Stehbing '06 Crust. 47 Andaniopsis Sars 1891 Crust. ; Ace. Crust. Norway i 208 Anderssonia Strehel '09 Moll. 76 Andesia Hampson '06 Ins. 332 Andesimyia Brethes '09 Ins. 374 Audinoniys Thomas '02 Mamm. 35 2 1465 Andiorrliinus Cognetti '09 Verm. 54 Andorina Lorenthey '01 Crust. 26 3 354 Andrahomanus Ptc '03 Ins. 181 3 917 Andrallus Bergroth '05 Ins. 302 ( 1 ANDRE.— ANEURON Andreaea Schrammen '02 Snonfr. 24 2 117 ' ° Andremius Fairmaire '03 Ins. 179 Andrenopsis Cockerell '05 Ins. ]90 7 264 Andreus Ashmead '03 Ins. 223 Androcvclas Jorgensen '05 Prot. 65 5 270 Androeme Aurivillius '10 Ins. 253 Androlaelaps Berlese '03 Arachn. 41 Androlymnia Hampson '10 Ins. 345 Androniscus Verhoeff '08 Crust. 44 Andropolia Grote 1895 Lep. ; Abli. nat. Ver. Brem. xiv 82 Androyna TschitscMrine '03 Ins. 134 3 917 Andrusovia Westerlund '03 Moll. 72 AnduUa Chevreux '01 Crust. 1 687 Aneaporia Casey '08 Ins. 276 Anectadius Kieffer '05 Ins. 221 Anectopia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 385 OAneipo Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 408 Aneliopsis Bethune-Baker "08 Ins. 331 Anelpistina Silvestri '05 Ins. 333 5 750 OAnemocbrea Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 421 '.*Anemolua Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 421 Anemplocia Warren '05 Ins. 264 5 992 Anemura Fowler '04 Pisces 4 80 Anentome Cossmanti '01 Moll. 85 Aneono Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 421 Anepa Stoinhoe '03 Ins. 265 3 698 Anepa Swinhoe '05 Ins. 256 5 992 Anepigraphocis Lea '05 Ins. 171 6 254 Anepismus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Anepius Blackhitrn '02 Ins. 114 2 949 Anepsiomyia Bezzi '02 Ins. 259 Anepsiovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 157 4. 813 Aneptoporus Pocock '03 Myr. 14 3 423 Anerastidia Hampson '01 Ins. 244 1 956 Anerpa Gahan '07 Ins. 255 Anethops Chamherlin '02 Mvr. 10 2 499 Aneuron Brites '10 Ins. 302 • 8 ) ANEUROS.— ANISARC. ANISART.— ANNID. Aneiirosoma Costa 1860 Hem. ; Angara Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 44 Angasia 5«fe 1864 Crust. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1863 498 Angeastraea Broun 1859 Scvphozoa ; Klass. Ordn. Tliier-IIeiclis ii ol Augelocystis Brasil '04 Prot. o.j 5 270 Angeioniyia Kieffer '10 lua. 392 Angelia Lower '03 lus. 284 3 698 Angelica Distant '02 Ins. 214 2 739 Angelinella Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Angerianus Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 606 / O Anggira Distant '06 Ins. 408 Angigaster Pilsbry S; Ilirase '04 Moll. 81 Angilia St&l 1865 Hem.; Hem. Africana iii 167 Angiostoma Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 262 Anglia Smith '05 Arachn. 20 5 716 Anguillavus Hay '03 Pisces 38 3 87 Angularia Clerc '06 Verm. 29 Angulata Wagner '05 Moll. 78 Angustella Waagen '09 Moll. 83 Anguaticeps Hilzheimer '06 Mamm. 66 Anhausta Hampson '07 Ins. 313 Anliydropliilus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Aniarella Bolivar '06 Ins. 447 Aniaropsis Fairmaire '01 Ins. 163 Anicla Orote 1890 Lep. ; Rev. Check List 10 ^O Anidora Melichar '02 Ins. 280 3 528 Anila Distant '06 Ins. 408 ^Vnilicopsis Schivarz '06 Ins, 229 Anillobius Fauvel '08 Ins. 255 Anillocharis Reitter '03 Ins. 150 6 216 Anillochlamys Jeannel '09 Ins. 226 Animomyia Dyar '08 Ins. 322 Aniphiaulax KoJcujev 1899 Hym. ; Anisa Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Auisacantha Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Anisajoppa Cameron '06 Ins. 292 Anisakis Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 220 O Auisarctus Desbrochers '09 Ins. 250 ( 17 Auisarthrus Giard '07 Crust. 62 Anisepyris Kieffer '06 Ins. 306 Aniserpetes Warren '03 Ins, 284 3 698 Anisistia Eigenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 87 Anisitsiella Daday '05 Arachn. 27 5 716 Anisobathra Zo?(;er '02 Ins. 214 2 739 Anisobole Warren '02 Ins. 232 2 739 Anisocheleomyia Theobald '05 Ins. 289 5 878 Anisocirrus Gravier '05 Verm. 41 5 435 Anisocirrus Grarier '06 Verm. 47 Anisodolops Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 320 Anisodon Rosen '05 Kept. 32 5 177 Anisolambda Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Anisolasia Warren '04 Ins. 272 4 635 Anisoloma Ayicey '01 Moll. 76 Anisomys Thomas '03 Mamm. 32 3 377 Auisomysis Hansen '10 Crust. 31 Auisonema, Dujardin 1841 Flagellata; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 327 Anisophlebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 430 Anisopsammia Maretizeller '04 Coel. 27 4 118 Anisopsis Fauvel '04 Ins. 133 6 209 Anisopsocus Ribaga '10 Ins. 443 Anisopyge Girty '08 Arachn. 6 Anisorhizus Ameghino '02 JNIamm. 42 Anisorrhamphus Champion '08 Ins. 255. Anisotemnus Ameghino '02 Mamin. 42 Anister Grouvdle '01 Ins. 128 1 1121 Anita, Schaus '01 Ins. 212 1 957 Ankistroxenus Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 51 Ankothrips Cratvford '10 Ins. 442 Ankylorhynchus Lidz '10 Ins. 306 Aukylosaurus Broion '08 Kept. 30 Anuaudalea Bolivar '05 Ins. 340 5 784 Anuandaliella Hirst '09 Arachn. 28 Aunidion Kirkaldg '05 Ins. 318 6 422 ) C ANNIE.— ANOMOR. ANOMOS.— ANTAECTO. Annlessa Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 338 4 oOG Annina Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 42 Anobiopsis Fall '05 Ins. 163 7 238 Anobocoelus Sharp '02 Ins. 122 2 948 Anobrium Belon '02 Ins. 100 4 813 Auochanus Pome/ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 57 Anodontopopillia Ohaus '01 Ins. 136 2 948 Anomacme Strehel *05 Moll. 72 Anouiala Block 1799 Hym. ; Eecker Plauische Grand Dresden ii 119 Anomalispa Gestro '10 Ins. 256 Anomalites Fritsch 1884 Col. ; Anomalobutbus Kraepelin '01 Aracbn. 23 Anomalococcus Oreen '02 Ins, 269 Anomalodiscus Dall '02 IMoll. 80 Anomaloniorplia Arrotv '08 Ins. 240 Anonialomyia Iliitton '07 Ins. 3.")7 Anomalonyx Weise '03 Ins. 201 3 917 Auomalospiza Shelhy '01 Aves 75 2 1349 Auomastrsea Marenzeller '01 CojI, 18 1 461 Anomiopsvllus Baker '04 Ins. 313 4 430. Anommatopbilus Wasmann '04 Ins. 133 4 813 Anommatoxenus }!'as7nann '04 Ins. 133 4 813 Anomoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Auomocarella Wulcott '00 Arachn. 7 5 684 Auomochilus Berg '01 Eept. 22 Anomocidaris At/assiz ^- Clark '07 Echin. 26 Anomolina Fhilippi '01 Moll. 100 Anomomvlacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 An omoneura Warren '01 Ins. 233 1 957 Anomophaeuus Fauvel 1882 Col. ; Rev. d'Ent. i 229 Anoniophagus Feitter '07 Ins. 223 AnomoDUS Fioranelli '03 W'rni. 57 3 170 5 406 Anomorphites Kolh '10 For. 7 ( 1 Anomosaurns Huene '02 Rept, 26 2 1173 Anomothemis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 430 Anomphala Westerlund 1886 Moll. Faun. Pal, Binnen-Conch. Test. 29 Anomphax Warren '09 Ins. 339 Auonchocephalus Liihe '02 Verm. 51 2 197 Anoplocepbalus Schaeffer '06 Ins. 226 Anoplocelaeno Berlese '10 Aracbn. 36 Anoplocepbala i?fo?2c^«r^ 1868 Verm.; Anoplocbeylus Berlese '10 Aracbn. 39 Anoplocopea Racovitza '08 Crust. 42 Anoplodercmorpba P/^ '01 Ins. 159 Anoplodusa Caudell '07 Ins. 415 Anoplohydrus Werner '09 Rept. 30 ^Vnoplosnastus Schmidt '09 Ins. 400 CP^Anoplostethus Schmidt '09 Ins. 400 Anoptbalmaxius De Man '05 Crust. 41 5 663 Anortalia Weise '02 Ins. 170 2 949 Auorvgma Horvdth '04 Ins. 320 ' 4 506 Anosiodes Warren '03 Ins. 284 3 698 Anostomoides Fellegrin '09 Pisces 41 Anotiscus Desbrochers '06 Ins. 245 Anotomys Thomas '06 Mamm. 70 Anovia Casey '08 Ins. 276 Anoxiella Pei«er '03 Ins. 161 3 917 Anoxycalyx Kirkpatrick '07 I'or. 6 Anoxylabis Kieffer '09 Ins. 300 Ansa Walker 1888 Hem.; Cat, Hem. Het. iii 548 Antaeotricba Zeller 1854 Eep. ; Linn. I]nt, ix 390 Autagonaspis; Enderlein '09 Ins. 216 Antauartia Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 251 3 698. Autaukaria Distant '04 Ins. 330 4 506 Antarcbia Warren '03 Ins. 284 3 698 Antarctoecia Ulmer '07 Ins. 350 Antarctomysis Coutiere '07 Crust. 58 Antarctoperla Fnderlein '05 Ins. 330 5 784 Antarctopbtbirius Fnderlein '06 Ins. 426 B ) ANTARCTO.— ANTHOCYRTE. Antarctoplntosus Enchrlein '09 Ins. 220 " Antarctopsyche Uliner '07 Ins. 3oO Antarctotacliinus -C/^At/^/m '09 Ins. 220 Antai'ctunis Zur Strassen "02 Crust. 53 2 415. Antares Zur Strastsen, '02 Crust. 53 2 415 Antecerococcus Grveii '01 Ins. 292 Anteliocichla Oberholser '05 Aves "1 5 343 Antenins Fairmaire '02 lus. 142 2 949 Antennocelaeno Berlese '04 Aracbn. 40 Antennodes Hamjjsoii '0t3 Ins. 356 Autennurella Berlese '04 Arachn. 40 5 710 Anteoides Cognetti '02 Verm. 40 4 199 Autepirrhoe Warren '05 Ins. 204 5 992 Antepithecus Aviei/Jiino '01 Mamm. 20 Anteutatus Ameyhino "02 Mamni. 43 Authalma Warren '01 Ins. 233 1 957 Anthedon Robertson '02 Ins. 173 Autliemobothrium Shipley ^ Ilornell '06 Verm. 29 Anthemois Rohertson '03 Ins. 214 3 798 Anthemothrips Kar7iy '07 Ins. 401 Antliemurgus Robertson '02 Ins. 173 Antheiice Redtenbacher "06 Ins. 443 Anthericonima Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Antherina Sonthonnax '03 Ins. 265 Anthicoclerus Schenhliny '06 Ins. 235 Authidielluni Cuckerell '04 Ins. ; 5 1102 Autbisauiipus Lull '04 Rept. 29 Antbobothrium Beneden 1849 "\'erm. ; A utbobrissus Pomel^ 1883 Ecbiu. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 60 Antbocroca ^w/Zer 1878 Lep, ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. 78 Antbocyi'tarium//ff«'cA-eZ 1887 Rbizop.; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1272 Antbocyrtella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1269 ANTHOCYRTI.— ANTICH. Antbocyrtissa Haecl^el 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger Zool, xviii pt. 2 1270 Antbocyrtonium Hacchel 1887 Rbizop.; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1274 Autbocyrtura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1271 Autbocyrturium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop.; Cballenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 127() Antbodioctes Hohnbery '04 Ins. 200 4 716 Antbograptus Tiirnquist '06 Coel, 18 4 118 Antbolcus Ko7iow '04 Ins. 236 5 1102 Autbonema Cubb '06 Verm. 35 Autboph oroides Cockerell '01 Ins. 174 1 1038 Anthoplexaura Kdkenthal '08 Coel. 24 Autboscenus Richmond '02 Aves 50 Antbracamoeba Sack '09 Ins. 370 Authracentomon Ilandlirsch '04 Ins. 125 Antbracopis Karny '07 Ins. 415 Antbracojulus Fritsch '02 Myr. 13 Antbraconema Strassen '04 Verm. 52 4 179. Antbracopalara Handlirsch '04 Ins. 126 Autbracopbausia Peach "08 Crust. 39 Antbracoscorpio Kusta 1888 Aracbn. Antbracosiro Pocock '03 Aracbn. 39 3 401 Antbracosycou Girty '08 Por. 7 Anthrenoides Ducke '07 Ins. 264 Autbrenosoma Jordan '04 Ins. 183 4 814 Antbrocomastax Ilandlirsch '04 Ins. 126 Antbropodus Lapouye '02 Mamm. 28 Authropodus Schlosser "01 Mamm. 25 1 1475 Antbropopbagiotes Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 398 Antbropornis Wiman '05 Aves 44 5 344 Antiagrion Ris '04 Ins. 348 4 460 Antias Richardson '06 Crust. 44 Anticbira Riibsaamcn '10 Ins. 392 ( 19 ) ANTICE.— ANUROP. Anticrates Meyrick '05 Ins. 280 5 992 Antictenia Prout 10 Ins. 363. Antidrjmaeus Germain '07 Moll. 122 Antijanira Bittner '01 Moll. 100 Antillaster Lambert '09 Echin. 29 Antillia Heller '03 Ins. 185 3 917 Antilloceris Vaughan '05 Ccel. 24 5 316 Antillocliimsera Tanaka '09 Pisces 43 Antillocoris Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 320 4 506 Antiraurex C'uswiann '03 Moll. 68 Antiochtha Meyrick '05 Ins. 280 5 992 Antiopa Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Antiopella Hoyle '02 Moll. 68 2 331 Antioplia Schaus '01 Ins. 212 1 9571 Autioplilebia Hampson '02 Ins. 221 2 740 Antipbilus Distant '09 Ins. 392 AntipLon Stdl 1878 Orth. ; Bihano-. Svenslia Ak. Handl. v No. 4, 20 Antiphonus Attems '02 Myr. 13 2 498 Antiplaues Ball '02 Moll. 69 Antispira Ferner '04 Moll. 82 Antistasea Bischof '04 Ins. 308 4 549 Antistiiis Fairmaire '02 Ins. 152 2 949 Antistreptus Dall '02 Moll. 70 2 331 Antita Bolivar '08 Ins. 430 Antithyra Meyrick '06 Ins. 364 Antonaria Jacoby ^- Clavareau '05 Ins. 183 5 1226 Antongila, Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Antrochalcis Kieffer '10 Ins. 299 Antrocharidius Jeannel '10 Ins 220 Antroderus Sharp 1885 Col. ; J. Linn. Soc. Lond. xix 126 Antropora A^onnon '03 Br v. 11 3 199 Antrops Enderlein '09 Ins. 377 Antygophanes Prout '10 Ins. 363 Anuraphis Del Gtiercio '07 Ins. 398 Anuridella Willeyn '08 Ins. 435 A.\n\v'm3i Fuhrmann '01 Verm.: 1 495 Anuroleptophylluin Attems '01 Myr. 12 Anurophasis Ooit '10 Aves 9(5 ( ANUROS.— APHANIB. Anurosporidiimi Cartlery ^- Chappellier '06 I'rot. 44 Anusioptera Brues '10 Ins. 299 Anutaetus AmeyJmio '02 Mauim. 43 Anydrophila John '09 Ins. 332 PAnyllis Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 420 Anyperisteiis Oyilhy '08 Pisces 47 Anypodetus Hermann '07 Ins. 365 Anypodetus Hermann '08 Ins. 375 Aocobothriuni Mola '07 Verm. 29 Aola Distant '05 Ins. 311 5 828 Aonidomytilus Leonardi '05 Ins. 321 Aorista Warren '01 Ins. 212 1 957 Aoromius Desbrochers '09 Ins. 250. O /Apache Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 286 Apacliemyia Tow7isejid '08 Ins. 381 (^Apachnas Distant '09 Ins. 397 Apaegocera Hamjjson '05 Ins. 241 5 992 Apalonia Casey '06 Ins. 203 A])anthura Stebbiny '01 Crust. 37 Aparotopus Faust '04 Ins. 172 4 814 Aparrius Jordan ^ Richardson '08 Pisces 42 Apatadelpha Prout '10 Ins. 364 Apatema Reic.henow '05 Aves 76 Apateodus Woodicard '01 Pisces 28 1 1228 Apatouierus Williston '03 Kept. 27 4 135 Apeiroplilebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Apembiilephfenus Hohnberg '10 Arachn. 32 Apemon Johannsen '09 Ins. 362 Apempherus Handlirscli '06 Ins. 441 Apennocoris Montandon '07 Ins. 370 Aperusia Warren '05 Ins. 265 5 992 Apetasimus Sharj) '08 Ins. 231 Apetliistis Meyrick '08 Ins. 355 Apetinus Sharp '08 Ins. 231 Apfelbeckia Verhoeff '01 Myr. ; 1 752 A])fe]becL-iella Verhoeff '01 Myr. 12 Aphadnus Cameron '07 Ins. 277 Aphaenicus Desbrochers '06 Ins. 245 Aphaueramma Woodicard '04 Kept. 40 4 135 Apbauelbrix Raffray '08 Ins. 226 A[il)anibranebioj) ()k5 1 729 Apbonoproctus Kolhe '05 Ins. 154 5 122(> Apbrodisias Kirkaldi/ '06 Ins. 408 Apbanomastix Heller '04 Ins. 172 C'Apbropborias A7rA;«/o?t/ '10 Ins. 433 /o 4 814 Apbanonierus Perkins '05 Ins. 222 5 1102 Apbanopbantia KirknUhf '06 Ins. 408 Apbanopbleps Warren '06 Ins. 345 Aplianopora Be Meijere '03 Ecbin. 65 3 136 Aphanotriccus Rvlgwaij '07 Aves 1 19 Aphantnpelma Simon '03 Aracbn. 19 4 405 Apbanurus Looss '07 Verm. 27 Apbaretra Grote '01 Ins. 225 Apbelidium Zopf 1885 Rbizop. ; Sclicnk Ilandb. Botauik iii 2, 127 Apbeliona Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 393 Apbelodactyla Clark '07 Ecbin. 22 Apbeloniylaciis Ilnndlirsch '06 Ins. 441 , Apbroptera Bolivar '02 Ins. 307 2 543 Apbrostronia Gil rich '06 Prot. 40 Apbrosylopsis ZffWi6 '09 Ins. 372 Apbrotiis Peringuey '04 Ins. 166 4 814 Apbtbonetns Walsimjham '07 Ins. 340 Apbtboroblattiua Handlirsch '06 Ins 440 Apbvctoscbema Sunon '02 Aracbn 28 3 401 Aphyllostyhis Whiteaves '04 Coel. 28 4 119 Apbylum Bergroth '06 Ins. 393 Apbyodes Warren 07 Ins. 319 ApbyoniPi-us llartmann '04 Ins. 172 4 814 Apbypena Swi7ihoe '01 Ins. 225 1 957 Aphelotoma Weshcnod 1842 Hym. ; OApbypia il/e//c7«ar '09 Ins. 397 Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 225 \ • .- r> j -ior.« r, Apiactis van Beneden 1897 Scypbozoa; Apbeng-oecus Peringuey '01 Ins. 132 1 1122 Apbenoserica Brenske '01 Ins. 135 Apberodes 'S'rt/'s '04 Crnst. ; 4 361 Apbidoletes Kieffer '05 Ins. 285 Apbigalia Dyar '02 Ins. 246 Apbiloctenus Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Aphiloscia Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 44 Apbioides Bondani Ilem. ; Apbirape Koch 1850 Aracbn. ; Uebers. Aracbnidsyst. v 67 Apblebina Quatrefages 1865; Apblebocoris IIand!r.r-:ck '06 Inn. 405 Apbniolaus £>ruce '02 Ins. 209 2 740 Aphobetoideus Ashmead '04 Ins. 227 4 717 Aphocoelis Broun '09 Ins. 250 Apbodobius Peringuey '01 Ins. 132 1 1122 Apbonodelus Kolbe '05 Ins. 154 Apbonogvyllus Rehn '01 Ins. 306 Ergebn. Pbmkton-Exped. Ilum- boldt-Stift. ii 107 Apiciopsis Warren '04 Ins. 272 4 635 Apidium Oshorn '08 Manim. 84 Apiocbaeta C';:e/-wy '03 Ins. 318 5 878 Apionsoma Sluifer '02 Verm. 33 Apiotberium Bcguin-Billecocn '05 Ins. 172 Apistotes Hanaliri^ch '06 Ins. 273 Apivora Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; \pleopertba Semenoxo '03 Ins. 164 Apleria Warren '01 Ins. 233 1 957 Aploderina Baffray '04 Ins. 139 6 213 Aplodiadema Loriol '03 Ecbin, 65 Aplolampas Lambert '06 Ecbin. 34 Aploparaksis Clerc '03 Verm. 47 3 155 Aplorama Warren '04 Ins. 272 4 635 Aplospatangus Lambert '06 Ecbin. 34 Apnorisa Bolivar '00 Ins. 424 ( 21 ) APOB.— APORE. APOEH.— APTEO. Apoblema Z)M/V»YZm 18J5 Verm.; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 420 Apobytlms Enffrmj '08 Ins. 226 Apocalymnia Hampsnn '10 Ins. 345 Apocamenta Brenshe '03 Ins. 161 4 814 Apocaucus Distant '09 Ins. 389 Apocephalus Coquilleft '01 Ins. 268 1 855 Apocerea Dyar '05 Ins. 241 5 993 Apocrvptopbagus Aahmead '04 Ins. 227 A. in Apocubus Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 992 Apocyrtidius Keller '08 Ins. 256 Apodasmia Turner '10 Ins. 364 Apodecta Turner '02 Ins. 214 2 740 Apodigona Silvestri '03 Myr. 14 5 737 Apodinium Chatton '07 Prot. 56 Apodoglanis Fowler '05 Pisces 45 5 109 Apodroma Warren '01 Ins. 233 1 957 Apoecus Kobelt '02 Moll. 65 Apoeme Aurivillius '07 Ins. 255 Apogenia Pascoe 1868 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 486 Apogeophilus Silvestri 5 737 '05 ]Myr. 9 y Apollodotus Distant '09 Ins. 392 Apollonius Distn72t '01 Ins. 280 1 812 CS Apomachaerota Schmidt '07 Ins. 392 Apomys Mearns '05 Mamm. 38 5 476 Aponobrancliiis Gravier '06 Verm. 47 5 435 '05 Ins. 280 "/- Aponoea Walsingham 5 993 Aponurus Lonsx '07 Verm. 27 Apoparmarion CoUinge '02 Moll. 59 2 321 Apopempsis Schenklimj '03 Ins. 176 3 917 Apoppapns Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Apoprogones IIa7nj7son '03 Ins. 259 3 699 Apora Brimner '07 Ins. 410 Aporchis Stossick '06 Verm. 27 Aporema Dall '03 Moll. 80 Aporeucoela Kie.fer '08 Ins. .305 ( 22 Aporhexius Rafray '04 Ins. 139 6 213 Aporiella Krassilstschik '08 Prot. 55 xVporina Fahrmann '02 Verm. 51 2 197 Apnrinus Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Aporobopyrnides Nohili '06 Crust. 46 Aporobopyrus Nobili '06 Crust. 46 Aporocidaris Ar/assiZf^- Clark '07 Echin. 26 Aporoculex TheohaJd '07 Ins. 358 Aporodesminus Silvestri '04 Myr. 13 4 421 Aporoideus Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Aporopbiliis Atfems '03 Myr. 10 Apos SronnH 1777 Crust. ; In trod. Hist. Nat. 404 Aposcbiza Brenske '03 Ins. 161 Apostibes Walsinrihain '07 Ins. -340 Apotettix Hancock '02 Ins. 309 5 784 Apotbripa Hampsnn '07 Ins. 313 Apotistatns Walsinyham '04 Ins. 292 4 635 Apotmetus Marshall '09 Ins. 251 Apotomia Diefz '05 Ins. 280 7 340 Apotoraopterus Kraatz 1894 Col. ; Apotropina Hendel '07 Ins. 372 Apotropis Bolivar '06 Ins. 450 Apotypoma Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Apractelytra Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Apreta Dicfz '05 Ins. 280 7 340 Apristopus Kolhe '03 179 Aprometopis Becker '10 Ins. 410 Aprosterna Ho^je 18.35 Col.; Tr. Ent. SocLnnd. i 117 Aprunella Bianchi '04 Aves 58 4 240 Aprutinospora Parona'']0 Coel. 17 Apsadaropteryx Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 385 Apsaustndon Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 115 2 950 Apsetta Kyle '01 Pisfes 20 Apsidocrinus Jaekel '08 Ecbin. 27 Apsilocborema JJlmer '07 Ins. 350 Apsoplins Hartmann '04 Ins. 172 4 814 Apsycbomyrmex Wheeler '10 Tjis. 263 Aptanogyna Bcirner '03 Ins. 305 3 579 Apteopeoedes Bolivar '03 Ins. 371 ) APTER— ARAEA Apteralium Casey 'Of) Ins. 137 7 217 Apteraphaenops Jeannel '07 Ins. 215 Apterencyrtus Ashmead '05 Ins. 219 Apteruodiis Matthew '04 Mamni. 30 3 377 Apteroblatta Shelford '07 Ins. 408 Apterocuris Jacobson '01 Ins. 163 2 950 Apterodryinus Perkbis '07 Ins. 285 Apterolelaps Ashmead '01 Ins. 194 1 1038 Aptei'omesus Sharp '03 Ins. 134 3 917 Apteronnitilla Ashmead '03 Ins. 221 Apterouina Wasnuinii '01 Ins. 122 6 209 Apterotettix Hancock '04 Ins. 359 Apterothrips Bagnall '08 Ins. 412 Aptoceras Bruner '08 Ins. 430 Aptodrilns Cognetti '04 Venn. 38 5 435 Apt veil olathyrus Cossmann Sf Pissarro '05 Moll. 72 Aptychopsis Barrande 1872 Crust. ; Syst. Silur. Bohiu. Suppl. Apulia Distant '08 lus. 404 Arachnoclerus Fainnaire '02 Ins. 142 2 950 AraclinocoralUum Haeckel 1887Rliizop.; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1205 Arachnocoroniuni Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 2 1266 Arachnocorythium Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger Zool, xviii pt. 2 1207 Avachnomorpha Cliampion '00 Ins. 245 Arachnophila Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Arachnophroctonus Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Arachnosphaerella Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 208 Arachnosphaeromma Haeckel 1887 llhizop. ; Challenger Zool. xviii pt. 1 209 Arachnospougus Mast '10 Prot. 57 Arachnothauma Zacharias '06 Prot. 41 Araea Hampson '08 Ins. 331 ( ARAEO.— ARCHAEOS. Araeoderes Schaeffcr '06 Ins. 256 Ai'aeolioplia Arrow 'OG Ins. 225 Araeomolis Hampson '01 Ins. 213 1 957 Araeopaschia Hampson '06 Ins. 356 Araeopidius Cockerell '06 Ins. 231 Araeopterj x Caudell '01 Ins. 308 Araeosoma Mortensen '03 Echin. 65. Aragonia Ameghitio '04 Mamm. 50. Araias Jordan S^- Starks '04 Pisces 32 4 81 Aranoethra Butler 1873 Arachn. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 175 Arantia Stdl 1874 Orth. ; Recens. ii 10 Arasia Simon '02 Arachn. 42 Araspus Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 506 Arawacus Kaye '04 Ins. 249 4 635 Arawana Le7ig '08 Ins. 276 Arbaciella Mortense^i '10 Echin. 83 Arabella Grube 1851 Verm. ; Arbuscula Bolivar '05 Ins. 340 5 784 Archaeacriditis Meimier '09 Ins. 415 Archaeboletina Meunier '05 Ins. 129 Archaemegaptilus Meunier '08 Ins. 418 Archaeocompsoneui-a Meunier '09 Ins. 4lo Archaeocygnus De Vis '05 Aves 49 Ai'chaeodolops Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 320 Archaeodoris Smith '01 Moll. 81 Archaeofungia Taylor '10 Per. 10 Archaeohippus Gidley '06 Mamm. 79 Archaeologus Handlirsch '00 Ins. 437 Archaeomenia Thiele '06 Moll. 54 Archaeonothrus Triigdrdh '06 Arachu 45 Archaeophasma Matthew '09 Ins. 419 Archaeopblebia His '09 Ins, 412 Archaeopsylla Dampf '08 Ins, 391 Archaeopteropus Meschinelli '03 Mamm. 27 Archaeopus Hathbim '08 Crust, 33 Archaeorycteropus^/«e^/n«o '05 Mamm . 40 Archaeoscina Stehbing '04 Crust. 40 4 301. Archaeosucbus Broom '05 Rept. 30 5 177 23 ) ARCHAEOT.— ARCHOTEF. Archaeotypotberium lioth '03 Mamm. 40 Arcliaeutatus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 43 Archalius Fainnaire '02 Ins. 142 3 919 Archangel opsis Lens ^- Rienisdijk '08 Crel. 19 Archegetes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Archegocimex Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Archegocoptis Pilshry '03 Moll. 60 Archiascidia Julin '04 Tun. 4 4 7 Archicliauliodes Weele '09 Ins. 357 Archiclieir Eujenmann '09 Pisces 41 Archiclops Bischof '01 Ins. 269 Archiconiocompsa Enderlein '10 Ins. 388 Arcliiconiopteryx Ejiderlein '09 Ins. 357 Archidrepana Warren '02 Ins, 214 2 740 Arcliidux Burr '09 Ins. 416 Archigalleria Rebel '02 Ins. 242 Archijassus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 421 Arcliiloa De Beauchainp '10 Verm. 30 Arcbimaga Meyrick '05 Ins. 280 5 993 Arcliimastax Handlirsch '06 Ins. 437 [Arcbinvcterybia Speiser Dipt. ; 1 855] Archipenaeopsis Bouvier '05 Crust. 45 6 41 Arcbipsycbe Handlirsch '06 Ins. 368 Archipsylla Handlirsch '06 Ins. 423 Arcbiscudderia Fritsch '02 Myr. 13 Arcbistepbus HaecTcel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2 951 Architbeniis Handlirsch '06 lus. 430 Arcbitipula Handlirsch '06 Ins. 380 Arcbitreta Whitfield '08 Bracb. 12 Arcbivesica Ball '08 Moll. 108 Arcboblattina e '03 Ins. 134 3 917 ( ARCHOTER.— ARPAKA Arcboterniopsis Desneux '04 Ins. 345 4. 460 Arcoscalpellum Hoek '07 Crust. 80 Arctagvrta Hampson '01 Ins. 213 1 957 Arctobiella Coquillett '02 Ins. 203 2 634 Arctobyrrbus Mi'mster '02 Ins. 124 Arctogeopbilus Attems '09 Myr., Aracbn. 49 Arctomysis Hansen 1887 Crust.; Vid. Med. Kjobenhavn (4) ix 210 Arctoncbis Ball '05 Moll. 65 Arctoneura Hutton '07 Ins. 357 Arctonotus iioiscZHya/ ] 852 Lep. ; Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. x 319 Arctopbtbirius Mjbberg '10 Ins. 441 Arctortbezia Cockerell '02 Ins. 289 Arctoscala Ball '09 Moll. 62 Arctotberium Bouglass '01 Mamm. 36 Arcuaceras Herzer '02 Moll. ; 2 331 Arculanus Bistant '04 Ins. 325 4 506 Arcynopteryx Klapdlek '04 Ins. 347 Arcyrella liostafimki 1875; Rbizop,; Denkscbi". Ges. Wiss, Paris vi Art. i 275 Arcyria Wiqgers 1780 Rbizop. ; Primit. Florae Holsat. p. 109 Ardecbeus Reitter '08 Ins. 229 .''Ardelia Melichur '07 Ins. 385 Ardonissa Bognin '07 Ins. 305 Ardops Miller '06 Mamm. 64 Ardozyga Loioer '02 Ins. 246 2 740 Arecocryptus Hutton '07 Ins. 246 Areliscus Jordan ^ Snyder '01 Pisces 26 Aremia Casey '10 Ins. 213 Arenicola Lainarck 1801 Annelida ; Syst. Anim. sans Vertebres 324 Arenipses Hampson '01 Ins. 244 1 957 Arenivaga Rehn '03 Ins. 368 3 474 Arenostola Hampson '10 Ins. 340 Aretas Bistant '09 Ins. 392 Arete Stimpson Crust. ; Aretopsis Man '10 Crust. 29 Aretypa Smith '03 Ins. 276 3 699 Kxi&kh Bistant '05 Ins. 311 5 828. 24 ) ARFAKA— ARIA. ^A Arfaka Distant '07 Ins. 38-3 Argaleocichla Oherholser 'Oo Aves 67 Argathona Stebbinc/ '05 Crust. 52 5 (564 OAi-c^eleusa A7/7c«/(/{/ '06 Ins. 408 Arf^enis Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 500 Argentinorhyucbus Brethes '10 lus. 244 Argestes Sars '10 Crust. 41 Argillana Bethtme- Baker '08 Ins. 331 Argiolestes Martin '09 Ins. 412 Argiope Audoui7i 1826 Araclin.; Sa- vigiiy Egypt i pt. 4 121 Argocerus Sharp '08 Ins. 234 Argopsylla Enderlein '05 Ins. 300 Argus Lamarck 1817 Lep. ; Ilist. Nat. Anim. sans Vert, iv 21 Argj-randrus Bezzi '09 Ins. 371 Argyrhoda Hampson '10 Ins. 346 Argyrocosma Turner '10 Ins. 364 Argyrodyptes Ameghino '06 Aves 75 Argyrogalea Hampson '06 Ins. 3.32 Argyrohippus Ameghino '02 Mamm, 42 Argyrolagus Ameghino '04 Manini. 50 4 320 Argyrolanibda Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 320 Argyrolepidia Hampson '01 Ins, 213 1 957 Argyrolestes Ameghino '02 Mamm. 44 Argyromanis Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 320 Argyromata Hampson '06 Ins. 332 Argyropasta Hampson '10 Ins. 346 Argyropeza Melvill Sf Standen '01 3Ioll. 89 Argyroscelia Warren '07 Ins. 319 Argvroselenis Robertson '03 Ins. 214 Argyrostagma Aurivillius '04 Ins. 255 5 993 Argyrothemis Bis '10 Ins. 448 Arhabdosia Dyar '05 Ins. 241 5 993 Arhiua Budde-Lund '05 Crust. 55 4 361 Arhoptra Kieffer '01 Ins. 196 Arianida Fairmaire '03 Ins. 194 3 917 Ariasa Dista7it '05 Ins. 311 5 828 ( 2, AEIB.— AROA. Aribalus Distajit '09 Ins. 392 Aricia B. L. 1817 Lep.; Jena. Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 280 Aricideopsis Johnson '01 Vermes 32 Arima Kaye '01 Ins. 233 1 958 Arimetus Jacoby '03 Ins. 201 Ariomraa Jordan 6|- Snyder '04 Pisces 38 4 80 Ariscopus Jordan <^- Snyder '02 Pisces 24 2 1114 Arisota Casey '10 Ins. 213 Aristaca Meyrick '07 Ins. 340 Aristaenetus Distant '01 Ins. 280 Aristaphis Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 320 Arlsterastrophia Broili 'OS Moll. 70 .\risterus Simon '09 Arachn. 32 Aristobulus Distant '10 Ins. 425 Aristocbiton Thiele '09 Moll. 60 Aristodacnus Maindron '04 Ins. 128 6 200 Aristonabis Beuter Sf Boppius '09 Ins. 389 ; , Aristoreuteria Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 401 \ O Aristyllis Kirkaldy '00 Ins. 408 Arixenia Jordan '09 Ins. 416 Arizela Prout '10 Ins. 364 Arizelocicbla Oberholser '05 Aves 66 Arizelomvia Oberholser '05 Aves 64 5 '344 Arizelopsar Oberholser '05 Aves ; 5 344 Arlex Burr '10 Ins. 450 Armachanus Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 506 Armadilloniscus Budde-Lund 1885 Crust. ; Crust. Isopod. Terrest. 236 Armalia Casey '07 Ins. 240 Armandiella Ancey '01 Moll. 73 Armatillus Distaiit '08 Ins. .".92 Armigeres Theobald '01 Ins. 259 Arminiheringia^?»r?6 Asthenotliynnus Turner '10 Ins. 27.j Astoegin Kinherff 1808; Astolphos Distant '05 Ins. 306 Astorga Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 408 Astoxenufe Peringuey '07 Ins. 229 Astrabe Jordan 8c Snyder '01 Pisces 22 1 1229 Astracantha Hacker '00 Prot. 41 Astraotininm Hneckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 476 Astractmium Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 476 Astral ia Kirhy '06 Ins. 447 Astrapogon Fowler '07 Pisces 44 Astraponotus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Astrapothericnlus^?«e(77(mo '02 ^lanim. 42 Astraraea Feliv '01 Coel. 18 2 147 Astratus i^rtiVmrtjre '04 Ins. 172 4 815 Astrechinus Jaekel '0-5 Echin. 62 Astrimns Sharp 1878 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 204 Astroceramus Fislier '00 Echin. 47 Astrochalcis Koehler '05 Echin. 83 5 348 Astrocharis Koehler '04 Echin. 81 4 145 Astrodia Verrill 1899 Ophiur. ; Bull. Lab. Iowa v 74 Astrodia Verrill '04 Echin. 82 Astrogyra J^e& '01 Coel. 18 2 147 Astrolampas 'Pomel\S%^ Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 63 Astroloncharium HaeckellSST Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 756 Astrolonchidium Hae^kell887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 757 ( ASTROP.— ATA. Astrophacetta Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1 453 Astrophacilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 4-54 AstrophacommaiiZ'«ef7i'e/ 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 454 Astrophaciira Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 455 Astrophormis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2 1248 Astrophrva Averintzec '04 Prot. 60 4'79 Astrosestantha Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 442 Astrose.'itilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 443 A.strosestonima Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 444 Astrosphaerella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 250 AstrosphaeromniaZ/rtccA-fZ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1 251 Astrospongus Mast '10 Prot. 57 A%ixosiy\\\9. Haeckel 1887Rhizop.; Clial- lenger xviii pt. 1 431 Astrothrombus Clark '09 Echin. 45 Asturaetus De Vis '05 Aves 51 Astylosoma Pic '03 Ins. 174 5 1227 Astynoscelis Pic '05 Ins. 180 Asyucoryne Warren '08 Coel. 19 Asyncrita Foerster Hyra. ; Asyngi-ia Bognin '02 Ins. 2-33 3 700 Asystata Pedte^ibacher '08 Ins. 423 Atacoseins Berlese Arachn. '05 28 5 716 Atactoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Atactogaster Faust '04 Ins. 172 4 815 [Atactoglymma Heller Ins. ; 4 815] Atactus Pomel 1883 Echin ; Classif. meth. Echin. 79 Atahualpa Strehel '10 Moll. 78 Atalotriccus Pidgicay '07 Aves 118 Atanygnathus Jacobson '09 Ins. 221 Atanyjoppa Cameron '01 Ins. 187 1 1038 Atasthalistis Mei/rick 1886 Lep.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 279 Atava Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Ataxaster Jaekel '03 Echin. 92 28 ) ATE.— ATOC. ATOL.— AUCE. Atelcopliaduus Cameron '05 Ins. 207 AteleodoiTctes Cameron '10 Ins. 295 Ateleonotus Cameron '09 Ins. 293 Ateleopterus Foerster 1856 Hym. ; Hym. Studien ii 95 Atelias Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 507 Atelidium e/i5 '05 Moll. 71 Batbyblepta Konoro '06 Ins. 311 Bathybothrium Luhe '02 Verm. 51 2 197 Batbycalanus Sars '05 Crust. 63 5 664 Bathycbeilus Holub '08 Arachn. 6 Batbyclionella Kohelt '05 Moll. 71 Batbycopea Tattersall '05 Crust. 52 5 664 Batbycotyle Darr '02 Verm. 56 " 2 '197 Batbycrisis Cameron '05 Ins. 207 Batbyergua Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Batbygenvs T)ouglass '01 Mamm. 36 3 377 Batliygnatbia Dollfas '02 Crust. 51 Eathyherpustikes Sluiter '01 Ecbin. 63 1 475 Batbylaimus von Daday '05 Verm. 64 5 399 Batbylamprops Zimmer '08 Crust. 41 Batbylvcbnus Braiier '02 Pisces 39 "2 1115 Batbymeris Cameron '06 Ins. 293 Batbymetra Clark '08 Ecbin. 27 Batbymysis Tattersall '07 Crust. 58 Batbyonyx Vejdovsky '05 Crust, 57 Batbypectinura Clark '09 Ecbin. 45 ^^ Batbypera Michaelsen '04 Tun. 5 4 7 Ba,thypontia ertsa Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 324 4 507 Berutana JRothschild ^- Jordan '03 lus 260 3 700 ) 1.2 BES.— BIOLL. Besia Dall 8( Bartsch '04 ^FoU. 83 4 291 Beta Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 Betarmonides Schtcarz '06 Ins. 229 Betola Schaus '01 Ins. 213 1 959 / ^ ^ Bralimaloka Distant '06 Ins. 409 Bramichtbys Waite '05 Pisces 39 6 Pisces 45 Brancbinectella Daday '10 Crust. 38 Brancbinella Suyce '03 Ciust. 45 3 354 ( Brancliinellites Daday '10 Crust. 38 Braucbiolambrus Fathbun '08 Crust. 32 Brancluomma Clapercde 1868 Verm. ; Brancbiopbaga Mazzaiclli '05 Prot. 70 5 270 Brancbipodites Woodicard 1 879 Crust. ; Quart. J, Geol. Soc. Loud, xxxv 346 Brancbipusites Goldenhery 1873 Crust. ; Fauna Saraepontana Fossil. 23 Brancburopiis Moore '02 Crust. 51 2 416 Brancus »SVw;o?i '02Aracbn. 43 2 476 Brauta Scopoli 1769 Aves; Annus i Hist.-Nat. 67 Brasiliicola Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 383 Brassivola Distant '04 Ins. 322 4 507 Brauerimyia Toumsend '08 Ins. 381 Brauuia Leon '08 Verm. 39 BraunseUa Buckman '04 Moll. 60 4 291 Braunsia Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Braunsiella Fscherich '05 Ins. 323 Braunsiella Fa fray '01 Ins. 125 1 1125 Braunsina Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Braunsina Fscherich '05 Ins. 333 4 430 [Braxyda Faffray 6 Ins. 213] Brecbmotriplax Eichelbaum '10 Ins. 261 Brecontia Dijar '08 Ins. 323 Breddinia Beryroth '03 Ins. 333 Breddiniella Schouteden '07 Ins. 377 Breddiniessa Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 338 4 507 Bredenbacbius Distant '03 Ins. 330 Brefeldia Fostajinski 1873 llbizop. ; Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 8 Brentus P«n;:er 1785 Col.; DruryAbb. exot. Insekt. 159 Brepboblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Brepboloxa van Duzee '04 Ins. 316 5 829 Brepbometra Strand '10 Ins. 392 Bretbodes Bethune-Bakcr '08 Ins. 332 Breuillia Jeannel '09 Ins. 226 Brevibarra Jordan '06 Ins. 256 40 ) BREVIP.— BRUNN. Erevipedella Pilsbry '03 ]\Ioll. 60 Bi-evirhyuchus Theobald '08 Ins. 371 ]!reyenodes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 IJricinuia Walker 1861 Dipt, j Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. T 324 Bridsolauipas Pomel 1883 Ecliin. ; Ciassif. mt5tli. Ecbin. 31 Brizoides Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Brocliocephalus Linstow '06 Verm. 29 Brochodora Schrammen '10 Por. 7 Broconius Desbrochers '04 Ins. 173 Brodiola Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Bioggeria TT^afcoL' '03 Brach. 6 2 251 Brolemauueuma Verhoeff "05 M}!". 11 5 736 Brouislavia i2aA;o2t'sA7' '01 Crust.; 1 687 4 362 Brontispa Sharp "04 Ins. 196 3 922 Broutostoma Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 322 4 507 Broomiella Pocock '02 Aracbn. 52 2 476 Broscomimus Semenov '00 Ins. 698 llrosconvmus Sharp '03 Ins. 135 3 922 Brotheolus Bergroth '08 Ins. 394 Brotberus Budde-Lnnd '08 Crust. 42 Brotbeus Distant '02 Ins. 270 2 5S5 Biowuius Ashmead '05 Ins. 215 Brucella Ritchie '07 Ccel. 17 Brucbia Spaeth '07 Ins. 259 Brucbia Jfeise '03 Ins. 270 Brucbidius Schilsky '05 Ins. 183 Brucbobius Ashmead '04 Ins. 227 4 718 Brucbopbagus Ashmead 1888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 \^0 Brucboscelis Melichar '06 Ins. 409 V>x\xQs,i& Ashmead '03 Ins. 224 5 1229 Bruesia Perkins '05 Ins. 169 Bruggmannia Tavares '06 Ins. 374 Bruggmanniella Tavares '09 Ins. 360 BruUeia Szeplic/eti '04 Ins. 224 4 718 Brunella Smith '09 Crust. 45 Bnmettia Aiinandale '10 Ins. 399 Brunnea Brmmer 1895 Urtb. ; Mon. Pseudopbyll. 44 Brunniella Bolivar "05 Ins. 340 5 784- ( BRUNO.— BULL Brunostonium Railliet '02 Verm. ; 2 212 Brunsellius Distant '02 Ins. 270 2 585 Bruntrutia Cossmayin '02 Moll. 82 Bruzeliella Norman '05 Crust. 57 5 665 Bryaxella Rafray '03 Ins. 148 3 922 Brvaxina Raffray "04 Ins. 140 6 Ins. 213 Bryaxis Sars '02 Crust. 63 Brycbaetus Woodward "01 Pisces 32 1 1229 Bryconamericus Eiyenmann '07 Pisces 51 Bryconodon Eiyenmann '03 Pisces 35 3 88 Bryocbaudus Eiyenmann '09 Pisces 40 Bryocodia Humpso7i '10 Ins. 346 Bryocrypta Meunier '04 lus. 124 4 549 Bryocryptella Cossmann '08 Bry.,Bracli. 25 Bryoleuca Sampson '08 Ins. 332 Bryolopbus Jordan ^- Snyder '02 Pisces 24 2 1116 Bryolymnia Ilampson '10 Ins. 346 Bryomima Tamer '02 Ins. 222 2 743 Bryopbacis Reitter '09 Ins. 221 Bryotbiuusa Casey '04 Ins. 134 4 816 Bryotype Hampson '06 Ins. 333 Bryttosus Jordan Sj- Snyder '01 Pisces 18 1 1229 Buatbra Cameron '03 Ins. 232 3 799 Bubal idos Heudt '07 Mamm. 68 Bubastoides Kerremans '09 Ins. 237 Hxxcco Moehring 1758 Aves; Geslacbt, Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer i 12 Bucbeckerius Schulz "06 Ins. 293 Buclilandula Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Buckleria Tutt '05 Ins. 278 5 995 Budaeus Distant '03 Ins. 328 3 529 Buddenbrockia Schrodei- '10 Verm. 35 Bueltia Dahl '07 Aracba. 36 Bueuoa Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 329 5 829 Bufonacridella Adeluny '10 Ins. 456 Bugtitberium Pilyrim '08 Mamm. 79 Bugularia Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 20 Buliuella Penard '07 Prot. 41 ■il ) BULL.— BUTH. BUTL.— CACTOGO. EiiUastra Ber(/h '01 Moll. 81 1 612 ]5iillimus Mearm '05 Mamm. 38 5 477 Bullobunus Moeicer '10 Araclm. 32 Buloria Distant '08 Ins. 405 Bulua Boxdenger '04 Rept. 36 4 136 ^ ° Bundera Distant '07 Ins. 393 ' ^ Bunduica Jacohi '09 Ins. 397 Bunodaster lemV/ '09Ecliin.43 Bunoderus Raffray "04 Ins. 140 6 Ins. 213 Buuodes FAchwald 1854 Xiphosura; Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou xxvii 107 Bimohjrax Schlosser '10 Mamm. G2 Biinomys Thomas '10 Mamm. 54 Bunonema Jciyerskidld '05 Verm. 64 5 399 Bunostomum linUliet '03 Verm. 53 Buodias Cameron '02 Ins. 191 Buphagus Moeliring 1 758 Aves ; Ges-> / Jaclit. Yogel. Nozemau u. Yoi-rC^ maer 5 Bupbonella Jacohy '03 Ins. 201 3 922 Burbunga Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 829 Burlingia Walcott '08 Araclm. Burma Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 507 Burmagoniplius Williamson '07 Ins. 405 Burrana Budde-Lmid '08 Crust. ; Voeltzkow I\ei.'^e Ostafr. ii 281 Burriola Semenov- I'iun-Shanshj '08 Ins. 419 Burrowsia Tutt '03 Ins. 260 Burrus Distant '08 Ins. 303 Bursulla Sorokine 1876 Rhizop ; Auu. Sci. Nat. Bot. ^G) iii 40 Burtonia Buckman '10 Moll. 94 Burtonilla Smith '04 Moll. 79 4 292 . ^ Busas Jacobi '09 Ins. 397 Busckia Champioji '09 Ins. 251 Busckia Dyar '02 Ins. 246 Busckiella Champion '09 Ins. 251 Busouia Distant '07 Ins. 393 Busseola Thurau '04 Ins. 266 4 637 Buteo Mochriny 1758 Aves ; Geslacht. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 7 Buthaeus Birnla '08 Arachn. 26 Pnitleriella Bolivar '06 Ins. 447 Butschiella Acerintzeff '08 Prot. 59 Buttia Warren '04 Ins. 273 4 637 Buttikoferia Madardsz '02 Aves 57 Buyisa Distant '07 Ins. 384 Buyssoniailf ocsfl';-^ '02 Ins. 189 2 830 Buyssoniella Bolivar '05 Ins. 340 5 784 Bybe Pascoe 1865 Col. : Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. iii 223 Byrrliocaulus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 130 Byrsinusi''/eJer 1861 Hem.; europiiisch. Ilemipt. 83 Byrsoptera Lower '01 Ins. 251 1 960 Bystra Cameron '02 Ins. 191 2 836 Bvtbinophysis Raffray '08 Ins. 227 Bytbiuopsis Raffray '08 Ins. 227 Bytbo})letus Reitter '09 Ins. 224 Bytbocrotus Simon '03 Aracbn. 35 Bytbopsvrna Melichar '01 Ins. 286 3 529 V>yi\\oiisiXSiG'dnther '03 C03I. 17 3 117 Butbiscus Birula '05 Aracbn. 16 5 717 pABA Ihering '05 Ins. 196 4 718 ^ Cabarer Navds '08 Ins. 413 Caberiella Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 20 Caberoides Canu '09 Bry., Bracb. 20 Cabnia Dyar '04 Ins. 287 5 995 Cacama Dista?it '04 Ins. 330 4 507 CacaruUa Kavds '10 Ins. 388 Caccoleptus Sharp '02 Ins. 123 2 9-54 Caccotbrvptus Sharp '02 Ins. 124 2^954 Cacelice Busck '02 Ins. 246 2 744 Cacbicama Duyes '02 Mamm. 43 Cacogamia Snellen '03 Ins. 299 3 701 Cacolyces Warreti '06 Ins. 346 Cacomyia Coquillett '06 Ins. 376 Cacouemobius Kirhy '06 Ins. 446 Caconume Dyar '02 Ins. 246 Cacopoides Barbour '08 Rept. 33 Cacostegania Warren 01 Ins. 243 1 960 Cacotberapia Dyflr '04 Ins. 287 5 995 Cactoblastis Ragonot '01 Ins. 244 1 960 Cactogorgia Simjjson '07 Ccel. 22 ( ^2 ) CACTOGR.— CALAMISTE. Cactograptus liueiJeniaivi '08 Ccel. 22 Cactopliagoides Champion 'JO lus. 244 Cadaniustus JJlstant '03 Ins. 330 Cadinilos Distant '09 Ins. 388 Cadmou Cambrichje '04 Arachn. 21 Caducifer Dull '04 Mjll. 77 4 292 Cad urea Swinhoe '06 Ins. 325 Caocimuuna Itichardson '08 Crust. 42 Caecincola Gilbert v.y Marshall 'Oo Verm. o9 5 379 Caecognathia Dollfus '02 Crust. 51 Caecopikunnus Borradaile '02 Crust. 35 2 410 Caedimorplia Blachburji 1888 Cul. ; Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. x 272 Caedmon Cambridge '03 Araclin. 20 4 405 Caementella Boryert '09 Prot. 53 Caeniella Cockerell '06 Ins. 232 Caenoaulax Cameron '05 Ins. 208 5 1104 Caenoblax Kuenir/ '06 Ins. 238 Caenocholax Pierce '09 Ins. 275 Caenohalictus Cameron '03 Ins. 215 3 799 Caenojoppa Cameron '05 Ins. 208 6 1104 Caenolang'iiria Gorham 1887 Col. ; Pruc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 3G1 Caenonvchus Oudeinans '02 Arachn. m 3 402 Caenopachvella Szepli(jeti '08 Ins. 297 Caenopbanomyia Bezzi '02 Ins. 257 Caeuophilus Anuyhi/io '04 Maniui. 49 4 321 Caenoprymnus Camei-on '10 Ins. 295 Caenopsjlia Uothschild '09 Ins. 382 Caenostonia Cameron '05 Ins. 208 Caetrodes Wilson '06 Crust, 51 Caft'ristis Hampson '06 Ins. 333 Cainocreadium Aicoll '09 Verm. 31 Cainosilurus MacLeay 1881 Pisces ; P. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales vi 211 Calacanthia Renter 1891 Hem. ; Calamaclostes Enderlein '09 Ins. 409 Calamacris Rehn '04 Ins. 359 4 460 Calamaecia Brady '06 Crust. 51 Calamister KirkaUhj '06 Ins. 409 ( V' CALAMISTI.— CALLAN. Calaniistis Hampson '10 Ins. 346 Calamistrula Dahl '01 Arachn. 27 2 476 Calamocoris Breddin '01 Ins. 278 2 585 Calamoherpes Olphe - GaUiard 1891 Aves; Contrib. Faune Ornith. Eur. occ. xxviii 58 Calamophilus Leach 1816 Aves ; Syst. Cat. Mammals & Birds P>rit. Mus. 17 Calamoptera Saussure 1861 Orth. ; Cakmoruis Gould 1874 Aves ; Birds of Asia iii, Expl. to pi. Ixxiii Calamothespis Werner '07 Ins. 414 Calandromimus Champion '08 Ins. 257 Calanthia Olest '01 Ins. 115 Calanus Saussure 1886 Orth. ; Calanufl Walker 1870 Orth.; Cat. Derm. Salt, iii 596 Calarus Baffray '03 Ins. 148 3 922 Calathotarsus Simon '03 Arachn. 20 3 402 Calcabrina SoUas 1888 Desmospongite ; Challenger Zool. xxv p. cli Calcager Hutton '01 Ins. 269 1 856 Calculus Purcell '10 Arachn. 25 Calderonia Bolivar '08 Ins. 430 Calephurus Fieber 1853 Orth. ; Lotos 97 Caleremaeus Berlese '10 Arachn. 34 Cales Hoivard '07 Ins. 283 Caletor Tschitsch^rine '03 Ins. 135 3 922 Caleucoela Eieffer '09 Ins. 302 Calibelemuon Nutting '08 Ccel. 24 Calicogorgia Thomson 4" Henderson '07 Coel. 22 Calidcmautis Eehn '01 Ins. 306 Calit'ornites Hyatt Sf Smith '05 Moll. 56 5 557 Calinella Monticelli '10 Verm. 31 Caliothrips DamW '04 Ins. 349 5 750 Caliscbnopoda Reitter '09 Ins. 221 Callainppa Cameron '03 Ins. 233 3 799 Callambulvx Rothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins.* 260 3 701 Callanthribus Jordan '04 Ins. 183 5 1229 43 ) CALLAR.— CALLISTOPO. CALLISTOPT.— CALOB. Callargyra IIa7iipson '08 Ins. 332 Callenopsis TuU(/)-en '02 Arachn. 28 4 405 Callergates Lameere '04 Ins. 186 4 817 Calleulype Warren '03 Ins. 285 3 701 Callevophthalmus Simon '06 Arachn. 29 Calliactites Borradaile '03 Crust. 35 Callibaptes Jordan '07 Ins. 306 Callicebiis Thomas '03 Mamm. 27 V ,^ 3 377 Callichlamys Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 385 Calliclystis Z)/ei!;e '10 Ins. 364 Calliconites Gemmellaro '05 Moll. 57 Callicratides Butant '04 Ins. 325 4 507 Callictita Bethune-Baher '08 Ins. 318 Callidepsa *S?5/ 1869 Hem. : Callidulus Fowler '07 Pisces 44 Calligorg-ia Gray Coel. ; ^ ^ Callinesia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 885 Calliouima Guerin 1857 Lep. j Sagra Hist. Cuba 680 Calliopius Chilton 1884 Crust. ; Calliopsis Crawford '02 Ins. 173 Calliotropis Scyuenza '03 Moll. 77 Calliphanes Horvdth '06 Ins. 398 CalHpona Turner '04 Ins. 273 Callipsaltria Stdl 1866 Hem. ; Hemipt. Afric. iv 49 Callipteroides Mordtvilko 1894 ? Hom. ; Cf. Schouteden Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1896, 31 Callipus Verhoeff '01 Myr. 13 Callirlioe Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Cal]iseidus Horvdth '04 Ins. 320 4 507 Callismicra Kieffer '04 Ins. 227 5 1104 Callisoma Costa 1840 Crust. ; Fauna Keg. Napoli Crostacei 5 Callistemonus Peringuey '01 Ins. 187 1 1125 ; Callistina Jukes-Broivne '08 Moll. 109 Callistochermes Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 819 Callistoleon Banks '10 Ins. 388 Callistonotus Horvdth '06 Ins. 396 Callistopopillia Ohaus "03 Ins. 164 Callistoptera JEnderlein '03 Ins. 355 3 475 Callithaca Dall '02 Moll. 80 Calliurichthys Jorda7i ^- Fowler '03 Pisces 21 3 88 Callobdella Beneden Verm. ; Callobombus Dalla Torre '08 Ins. 215 Callocladia Girty '10 Bry., Brach. 15 Calloconus Perner '08 Moll. 79 CallocossLis Aurivillius '10 Ins. 329 Callodistomum Odhrier '02 Verm. 56 2 197 Calloecia Hampson '10 Ins. 846 Callogouia Hampson '08 Ins. 332 Callogryllus Sjostedt '09 Ins. 420 Callogyra Verrill '02 Coel. 25 1 401 Callolongcliaeus Dall ^- Bartsch '04 iMoll. 83 4 292 Callomegas Lameere '04 Ins. 186 4 817 Callona Waterlwuse 1840 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 228 Callonotacris Hehn '09 Ins. 424 Callopanorpa Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Callopistromyia Hendel '07 Ins. 373 Calloplax Thiele '09 Moll. 90 Calloporina TJlrich ^ Basiler '04 Bry. 11 4 214 Callopsenius Wasmann '03 Ins. 145 3 922 Callopsiodes Warren '01 Ins. 234 1 960 Callosobrucbus Pic '02 Ins. 160 Callosphecodes Friese '09 Ins. 278 Callostracuna Smith '09 Moll. 63 Callucina Dall '01 Moll. 98 Callygris Thierrij-Mieg '04 Ins, 273 6 Ins. 355 Callyntrura Borner '06 Ins. 454 Calmania Bouvier '09 Crust. 38 Calmania Laurie '06 Crust. 31 Calmania Nobili '08 Crust. 36 - Calmar Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 286 Caloblattina Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Calobracon Sz4pligeti '02 Ins. 196 2 836 Calobrium Fairmaire '03 Ins. 195 3 922 44 ) CALOC— CALPA. Calocarcinus Caiman '09 Crust. 29 Calocarides Wollebaek '08 Crust. 35 Calocerambvx Heller '05 Tns. 180 5 1229 Calocliara Casey '00 lus. 20-4 Calocidaris Clark '08 Ecliin. 23 Calocycletta Haechel 1887 Rliizop. ' Challenger xviii pt. 2 1381 Calocvclissa Haechel 1887 Rhizop. ' Challeujrer xviii pt. 2 1383 Calocyclonia Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2 1384 Calocyclura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2 1764 Calodectes Lesne '06 Ins. 236 Calodemas Faust '04 Ins. 173 4 817 Calodiplosis Tavarex '08 Ins. 365 Calodium Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 25 Calodontotherium Rotli '03 Mamm. 40 Calodroniius JReitter '05 Ins. 123 6 Ins. 200 Calodrypta Lesne '06 Tns. 236 Caloecus Peringuey '08 Ins. 257 Calofigites Kiepr '09 Ins. 302 Calometra Clark '07 Echin. 39 Calomicta von Gumppenberg 1896 Lep.; Nov. Acta German. Ixv 266 Calomvscus Thomas '05 Mamm. '5 477 Calontholinus Reitter '08 Ins. 221 Calonynipha Fua '05 Prot. 72 5 270 Calonyx Walter '07 Arachn. 42 Calopertha Lesne '06 Ins. 236 Calophagus Lesne '02 Ins, 5 1229 Calophasidia Hamjyson '09 Ins. -332 Calophorus Lesne '06 Ins. 236 Calopterella Coquillett '10 Ins. 410 Calorileya Craicforcl '10 Ins. 299 pCaloscarta Breddin '03 Ins. 3 529 Calosima Dietz '10 Ins. 380 Calostinea Dietz '05 lus. 280 Calotettix Bruner '08 Ins. 431 Calpanthula van Benedea phozoa ; Ergebn. Exped. Humboldt-Stift. ii 134 CALPH.— CAMPA. Calphurnia Distant '09 Ins. 389 Calpionella Lorenz '02 Prot. 64 Calpitaria Jukes-Browne '08 Moll. 109 Calpocapsa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2 1190 CaluUiodes Bier man '10 Ins. 429 Calveria Thomson 1871 Echin.; Proc. Roy. Soc. viii 450 Calveriaster Delage '04 Ecliin. 76 Calvertia Ludlow '09 Ins. 364 Calvertia Warren '08 Ins. 342 Calvertina Ludlow '09 Ins. 364 Calvetina Canu '09 Bry., Brach. 20 Calycomonas Lohmann '08 Prot. 56 Calymniodes Hampson '10 Ins. 347 Calypso Haliday 1843 Hym. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 295 Calyptapis Cockerell '06 Ins. 276 Calyptocichla Oberholser '05 Aves 66 Calyptomma Tattersall '09 Crust. 34 Calyptopogon Kieffer '10 Ins. 395 Calyptrosphaera Lohmann '02 Prot. 82 2 102 Calyx Vosniaer 1887 Spong. ; Bronn's Thier-Reich Porifera 337 Camarothelops L^^olbe '10 Ins. 238 Camarothorax Mayr '06 Ins. 304 Cambalida Simon '10 Arachn. 29 Cambarellus Ortmann '05 Crust. 40 Camelocastra Breddin '03 Ins. 333 3 529 Camelodon Granger '10 Mamm. 60 Camelopteryx Joannis '06 Ins. 346 Camelotettix Hancock Camentoserica Brenske Cameraria Chapman 2 745 Camerarius Distant 2 585 Camerospongia Orlngmj Spong. ; Camerunia Melichar '02 Ins. 3 529 Camiguinia McGregor '07 Aves 122 Camilla Tullgren '10 Arachn. 25 ^^OCamma Distant '07 Ins. 385 1897 Scy- Campages Hedley '05 Brach. 7 Plankton- Campaleciuni Torrey "02 Ccel. 16 39 157 /- '07 Ins. 419 '01 Ins. 135 '02 Ins. 246 '02 Ins. 273 280 2 148 ( 45 ) CAMPO.— CANNA. Campodea Wexfirond 1842 Collciub. ; Tr. Ent. 8oc. Lond. iii :^33 Campodes Koch Myr. ; Campodotecnum Enderleln '10 Ins. 388 Campop-ranima Regan '03 Pisces 24 3 88 rampteroueura Kandlirsch '06 Ins. 435 ( "amptocliilella Renter '09 Ins. 392 Camptdcoris Puto7i 1886 Hem. ; Cat. Hem. Ed. 3 19 Camptoneuromyia Felt '08 Ins. 365 Camptophlebia Hundlirsch '06 Ins. 435 5 784 (^amptoprosopella llendel '07 Ins. 373 Campylacantlia Jp-gensen '05 Prot. 65 5 270 Campyloides Sclmarz '06 Ins. 229 Campylopvion Eastman '02 Pisces 45 2 1116 Cami>y]opteryx Warren '02 Ins. 215 2 744 rampA'lothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 275 Campylotropis Reuter '04 Ins. 325 4 508 Canadocystis Jaehel '01 Echin. 97 Canama Simon '03 Araclin. 35 Canastota Casey '10 Ins. 214 Canavarella Buckman '04 Moll. 60 4 292 Canavaria Bucknum '02 Moll. 57 Canavariceras Cossman?i '03 Moll. 54 Canavarina Buckman '04 Moll. 60 4 292 Cancellariella Martin '04 Moll. 74 4 292 Cancerilla Dalyell 1851 Crust.; Powers of Creator i 223 Cancerina Scott '01 Crust. 48 1 688 Candezella Szombathy '10 Ins. 232 Candidia Jordan ^ Richardson '09 Pisces 39 Candidula Kohelt 1871 Moll; Cat. europ. Binnencouch. 22 Canephorus Grube 1851 ; Canestriniella Berlese '10 Araclin. 43 Caneyella Girtg '10 Moll. 86 Cannartidella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 373 Cannartidissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challeng-er xviii pt. 1 375 ( CANNO.— CARAB. ("iinnorhaphis Haeckel 1879 Rhizop.; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 155 Cannosphaera Haeckel 1879 Rhizo]). ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Cannostomites Maas '02 Coel. 21 2 148 Cannula Bolivar '06 Ins. 450 Canonaias Ko7ioio '01 Ins. 198 Cantharodes Westicood 1847 Hem.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 245 Cantharoprion Lameere '02 Ins. 161 Canthecona Aniyol 8)- Serville 1843 Hem.; Hist. Nat. Hemipt. 81 Cantheconidea Schoufeden '07 Ins. 377 Canthocalanus Scott '09 Crust. 46 Cantono])hi8 Werner '09 Rept. 30 C'autuarides Strand '07 Araclm. 29 Capellanus Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 508 Capellea Bolivar '02 Ins. 309 ■ Capeloptenim Melirhar '06 Ins. 409 Capeulais Thor '02 Arachn. 56 2 476 Capidava Simon '02 Arachn. 4.3 2 476 Capillaster Clark '09 Echin. 47 Capillus Granata '08 Prot. 55 Capistrocardia Tate 1887 Moll.; Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. X 179 Capitellides Ehlers '07 Verm. 43 Capnioneura Ris "05 Ins. 330 "Capnodistes Breddin '03 Ins. 34 4 3 529 Capoperipatus Sedgicick '08 Arachn. 52 Capperia Tutt '05 Ins. 278 5 996 Caprimulgus Moehring 1758 Aves ; Geslacht. Vogel. Nozemau u. Vosmaer 3 Caprina Mazzarelli '06 Prot. 47 Caprocethera Breddin '03 Ins. 333 3 529 Capromeryx Maitheiv '02 Mamm. 39 2 "1466 Capsellina Penard '09 Prot. 49 Capsodavainea Fuhrmann '01 Verm. 46 1 495 Capulacmaea Sars Moll. ; Capyella Breddin '07 Ins. 381 Carabocepheus Berlese '10 Arachn. 34 Carabocera Ganylbauer 1^89 Col. ; 4G ) CARAC— CARG. Caractoplivllum Simpson '0:2 Cojl. ; 2 148 Caradina Mihie-Edwards Crust. ; Caradrinopsia Sioinhoe '04 lus. 273 4 638 Caragobius Jordan S,- Seale 'OG Pisces 43 Carapliia Gahan '06 Ins. 259 Carbona Scliaus '06 Ins. 334 Carbonomassula Heller '08 Ins. 257 Carbula St°d 1864 Hem. ; Hem. Africaua il40 Carcbarbimis Blammlle 1816 Pisces; J. Phys. Cbim. Hist. nat. Ixxxiii 264 Carcliaroda Hampson '10 Ins. 347 Carcinarctia Hamp?.on '01 Ins. 214 1 961 Carcinobdella Oha '10 Verm. 55 CarcinocepbaUis Bei'nhauer '03 Ins. 145 4 817 Carciuonemertes Coe '02 Verm. 45 2 197 Carcinoscorpius Pocock '02 Crust. 79 2 437 Cardanopsis Boileau '09 Ins. 23i Cardax Shelford '08 Ins. 420 Cardepia Hamiyson '05 Ins. 256 5 996 Cardioblatta Handlirsck '06 Ins. 441 Cardiocephalus Bi'oili '04 Rept. 40 4 136 Cardiocepon Nohili '06 Crust. 46 Cardiococcus Cockerell '03 Ins. 349 3 529 Cardiocranius Satimin '03 Mamm. 34 2 1466 Cardiolampas Pomel^ 1883 Ecbiu. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 50 Cardiolucina Sacco '01 Moll. 99 Cardiopatao'us Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 32 Cardiopelta Pmiel 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 50 Cardiosache Hamjison '10 Ins. 347 Cardiosporidium Van Gaver ^ Stephan '07 Prot. 53 Careades Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 334 Carebarella Emenj '06 Ins. 289 Cargida Schaus '01 Ins. 214 1 961 Cargolia Schaus '01 Ins. 234 2 746 ( CARL— CARR. Caridarctia Ila^npmn '01 Ins. 214 1 961 Caridella Caiman '06 Crust. 39 Caridillus Bergroth '09 Ins. 383 Caridopus SchenkUng '08 Ins. 248 Carina Kiefer '05 Ins. 222 Cariniua Hiibrecht 1887 Verm. ; Chal- lenger xix 5 Carinoraella Coe '05 Verm. 68 Cariuonautilus Spengler '10 Moll. 94 Cariodictj'ou OppUger '07 Por. 6 Caristius GUI ^ Smith '05 Pisces 5 110 Carmyerius Stiles ^~ Goldherger '10 Verm. 31 Carnegia Girty '07 Coel. 20 Carnegiella Eigenmann '09 Pisces 40 Carnidia Bittner '01 Moll. 97 Carobius Banks '09 Ins. 357 Caroga Schatis '06 Ins. 334 Oarolibergia Mercerat '02 Mamm. 41 Carolinella Pilsbry '10 Moll. 79 Caroloanieghinia Ajneghino '01 Marani. 38 Carolodarwinia Ameghino '01 Mamm. Carolozittelia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Q Carolus Kirkakhj '06 Ins. 409 Carpathobyrrhulus''G-'rt??_y/i«M<»?- '02 Ins. 124 Carpaulum Sloane '04 Ins. 129 4 818 Carpenteroblastus Rowley '01 Echin. 99 1 475 Carphosoma Boyer '07 Ins. 393 Carpias Richardson '02 Crust. 50 2 417 Carpobothrium Shipley Sj Ilornell '06 V'erm. 20 Carpocan irium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2 1279 Carpocanidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2 1280 Carpocanobium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2 1282 Carpophthoromyia Ansfen '10 Ins. 410 Carptima Pearscdl '06 Ins. 346 Carrabas Distant '08 In?. 393 Carrollia Tlieobald '07 Ins. 359 47 ) CARS.— CASTANEA Carstenia Hyatt '03 Moll. 'A 3 283 Carterocarus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 116 Carteroniella Strand '07 Araclin. 37 Carterorliinus Fainnaire '01 Ins. 1.53 3 923 t/ Carthaeoi-norplia Melichar '02 Ins. 280 3 .529 Cai'thusiana KoheJt 1871 Moll. ; Cat. europ. Binnenconch. 11 Cartoblatta Shelford '07 Ins. 409 Caryatvactus HaecTcel 1887 Eliizop, Challenger xviii pt. 1 3-36 Caryocaris Salter 1863 Crust. ; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xix 139 Caryodnippula Haerhel 1887 lihlzop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 318 Caryomyia Felt '09 Ins. 360 Caryoryctes Calkins '04 Prot. 57 Caryosmilia Wanner '02 Ccel. 25 Caryotropba Siedlecki '02 Prot. 77 Carystoides Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 961 Casa Htdton '07 Ins. 357 Casca Hoivard '07 Ins. 283 Casearia Quenstedt Spong. ; Caseola Emertoti '09 Arachn. 31 Casinycteris Thomas '10 Manim, 48 Casmenella Jacoby '04 Ins. 191 4 818 Caspedoprion Ilartert '02 Aves ; 2 13.50 Caspiomysis Sars '08 Crust. 39 Caspiomyzon Berg '06 Pisces 60 Caspipina Camei-on '03 Ins. 233 3 800 Caspyria Fairmaire '01 Ins. 1-50 Cassidias Richardson '06 Crust. 45 Cassidinella Whitelcyye '01 Crust. 38 1 688 Cassidinidea Hansen '05 Crusl. 52 5 666 Cassidinopsis Hansen '05 Crust. 52 5 666 Cassidisca liichurdson '05 Crust. 52 5 666 Cassythicola Lea '10 Ins. 244 Castanaiium Haeckel 1887 Ehlzop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2 1681 Castanea Haccker '08 Prot. 49 CASTANEL.— CATAPE. Castanella Haeckel 1879 llhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Castanidium Haeckel 1879 Rhizop, : Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Castanissa Haeckel 1879 Rhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Castanochilus Ohaus '09 Ins. 234 Castanopsis Haeckel 1879 Rhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Castanura Haeckel 1879 Rhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Castelnauiua Fowler '07 Pisces 47 Casteromys Pomel 1853 Manim. ; Cat. meth. Vert. foss. 23 Castetsia Bolivar '02 Ins. 309 1 782 Castresia I)e Stefano '03 Rept. 29 Castruccius Distant '03 Ins, 333 3 530 Castylops Ameghino '01 Mamm. 38 Catabasis Eigenmanii Sf Nor r is '01 Pisces 30 Catacamptus Bernhauer '03 Ins. 145 Catacrypsis Walsingham '07 Ins. 341 Catadipson Breddin '03 Ins. 325 3 530 Catadoides Bethme-Baker '08 Ins. .3.32 Catadryobius Broun '09 Ins. 252 Catadyesthus Handlirsch '06 Ins, 434 Catageiomyia Theobald '04 Ins. 299 4 550 Cataglypsus lurkaldy '09 Ins. 383 Catagonus Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 321 Catajana Strand '10 Ins. 329 Catalampusa Breddin '03 Ins. 325 3 630 Catalaxia Aurivillius '10 Ins. 253 Catalebeda Attrivillius '02 Ins. 215 4 638 Catalexis Walsingham '09 Ins. 350 Catamicrophyllum J^crhoeff '01 Mvr. 13 1 752 Catanemorilla Villejieuve '10 Ins. 407 Catanopsobius Silvestri '09 Myr., Arachn. 49 Catantops Schaum 1853 Orth. ; Ber. Verb. Ak, Wiss. Berlin 775. Catapastinus Champion '08 Ins. 257 Catapausa Aurivillius '08 Ins. 286 Catapempsis Walsingham '07 Ins. 341 ( 'iS ) CATAPH.— CAVEL. Cataphi'odisium AurmlUiis '07 Ins. 2o5 Catapsilatbrix Eebel '08 Ins. 355 Catarbela Aurioillius '01 Ins. 214 3 702 Catarbelana Ihthune-Balicr '08 Ins. 323 Catascliisma Branson '10 Moll. 80 Catatiuao-ma Ilehel '06 Ins. 299 4 628 Catatropis Odhner '05 Verm. 59 5 379 Catemoplirys Townse7id '08 Ins. 381 Catenoscala Ball '09 Moll. 63 Catenotaenia Janicld '05 Verm. 57 4 167 Catepliiodes Ilampson '05 Ins. 257 5 997 Catephioides Betlmne-Baker '08 In.':;. 332 Cathartornis Miller '10 Aves 105 Cathayia Ilampson '01 Ins. 244 / - 1 961 ^ ^ Catliedra Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 340 3 530 Catliegesis Wahinghavi '10 Ins. 380 Catiline Champion '06 Ins. 246 Catoblemma Ilampson '10 Ins. 347 Catoblepia ^ficAe^ '01 Ins. 205 Catodus Deperet '07 Mamm. 70 Catoeme Aurivillius '08 Ins. 266 Catopius Sharp '02 Ins. 123 2 956 Cattania Brusina '04 Moll. 04 Catubrinia Caneva '08 Moll. 78 Caudellia Dyar '04 Ins. 287 5 997 Caudolanius BiancM '07 Aves 128 Cauliorcbis Stiles ^' Goldheryer '10 Verm. 31 Caullerya Chatton '07 Prot. 52 Caulorbampbus Norman '03 Bry. 12 3 199 CaulostropbilusX>es5roc/jc?-s '00 Ins. 246 5 1230 Caura Stal 1864 Hem. ; Hem. Afiirana il68 Causea Wiman '05 Bracb. 7 5 453 Cautaeschra Ilampson '10 Ins. 347 Cautatba Ilampsoti '10 Ins. 347 Cavalieria Villeneuve '08 Ins. 381 Cavannea Berlese '10 Araclin. 39 Cavelerius Distant '03 Ina. 328 ( CAVER.— CENELLIPSI. Cavernacris SJiistedt '09 Ins. 420 Cavoscala Whitfiekl 1892 Gastrop.; Mon. Un. States Geol. Surv. xviii 176 Cayng-oea Lambe '01 Ccel. 18 Caziotia Pulloitera '00 jNIoll. 58 5 558 Cearana Jordan ^~ Branner '08 Piscea 49 Cecennia Champion '08 Ins. 257 Ceclienena Bothschild 8,- Jordan '03 Ins. 2(J0 3 702 Cecidobia Banks '05 Araclin. 28 7 Arachu. 45 Cecidolecbia Strand '10 Ins. 380 Cecidopsylla Kiefer '05 Ins. 320 Cecidotbrips Kicffer '08 Ins. 412 Cecidotbyris Aurivillius '10 Ins. 372 Cecidoxenns Aihmead '04 Ins. 227 4 718 Cedrosius Fairmaire '02 Ins. 147 9 2 956 K^edusa Folder '04 Ins. 332 4 508 Ceilodiastropbou Bethune- Baker '08 Ins. 332 Celaenogamasns Berlese ^ Leonardi '01 Aiacbn. 44 2 476 Celantia Distant '03 Ins. 330 3 530 Celastrina Tutt 06 Ins. 319 Celidaus Lea '09 Ins. 252 Celidotella Reitter '09 Ins. 236 Celiest'ella Cameron '03 Ins. 240 4 718 Cellacrinata Bethune-Baher '08 Ins. 332 Cellarinella Waters '03 Bry. 12 4 215 Cellia Theobald '03 Ins. 307 3 579 Celmus Angelin 1852 Crust. ; Palasont. Scand. 23 Celor Kokvjew '01 Ins. 188 2 837 Celypbia Fomel Spong. ; Cemolobus Robertson '02 Ins. 173 Cencbrometopa Hendel '09 Ins. 378 Cenchrometopa Hendel '10 Ins. 411 Cendebeus Cameron '05 Ins. 215 0CenedaeusZ)i6-(;«?zi? '08 Ins. 405 "^ Ceuellipsium Ilaeckel 1887 Rhizop. j Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 290 49 ) K CENELLIPSU.— CENTPOSC. Cenellipsula Haechel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 292 Cenometra Cltirk '09 Ecliiu. 48 Censorinus Distant '03 Ins. 333 3 530 Censorinus Distant '10 Ins. 417 Centema Redtenhacher '08 Ins. 423 Centhrarthra Hampson '09 lus. 332 Centraslobia Semenoto '02 Ins. 129 2 9o6 Centrias Roher-tson '03 Ins. 215 Centrinoides Champion '08 Ins. 257 Centrioncus Speiser '10 Ins. 411 Centrobranohus Fotcler '03 Pieces 31 & '04 Pisces 44 5 110 Centrobunns Loman '02 Araclm. 53 Centrocbalcis Cameron '05 Ins. 219 5 1105 Centrocidaris Agassiz '04 Ecliin. 54 Centrocoenia Bronn 1859 Scyphozoa ; Klass. Ordn. Thier-Reichs ii 50 Centroctena Rothschild ^~ Jordan '03 Ins. 260 3 702 Centrodinium Kofoid '07 Prot. 5G Centrodiplosis Kieffer '10 Ins. 392 Centrogone liampson '10 Ins. 347 Centroniachus Thorell 1885 Arachn. ; Svenska Ak. Ilandl. xxi No. 9, 25 Centromacronema Ubner '05 Ins. 324 7 Ins. 352 Centromantis Werner '04 Ins. 355 Si, '05 Ins. 337 Centromeria Strand '01 Aracbn. 27 2 476 Centromus Bergroth '10 Ins. 420 Centronaxa Prout '10 Ins. 364 Centrophasma Redtenhacher '08 Ins. 423 Centrophlebomyia Hendel '03 318 3 579 Centrophthalmina Raffray '08 Ins. 227 Centrophthalmosis Raffray '04 Ins. 140 6 Ins. 213 Centropodia Hampson '08 Ins. 332 Centrosaurus Lanibe '04 Rept. 29 4 136 Centroscelicoris Pi/ton 1886 Ilera ; Cat. Plem. ed. 3, 38 ( CENTROSI.— CEPHALOTHR. Centrosiplion Shipley '03 Verm. 31 3 187 Centrosmia Robertson '03 Ins. 215 3 800 Centrovariura Stafford '04 Verm.; 4 107 Cepedella PoyarUff '09 Prot. 63 Cephalacanthiis Laptoorth 1890 Crust. ; Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. x pt. i 641 Ceplialallus Sharp '05 Ins. 180 Cephalapis Coclcerell '10 Ins. 266 Cephalemyia Berthold 1827 Dipt.; La'tr. Nat. Famil. Thierreichs 507 Cephaleuropoda (Cephalouropoda) Brr- lese '04 Arachn. 40 Cephalobotlirium Sliipley ^- Hornell '06 Verm. 29 Cephalochrysis Semenov '09 Ins. 292 Ceplialocottus Gratziano^o '07 Pisces 40 Ceplialocriiis Sharp '05 Ins. 180 5 12.30 Ceplialodesmius IVesticood 1845 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 117 Cephaloidophora Mavrodiadi '09 Prot, 56 Cephalomerus Bernhaner '03 Ins. 145 Ceplialomutilla Andre '09 Ins. 285 Cephaloparnops Bischoff '10 Ins. 288 Cepbalophella Knottne.rus - Meyer '07 INIamm. 68 Ceplialopbia Knottnerus - Meyer '07 Mainm. 68 Cephalophidium Knottnerus-Meyer '07 Mamm. 68 Cephalophula Knottnerus-Meyer '07 INIamm. 68 Ceplialoplatus White 1842 Hem. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 90 C&Y'^\ii\o\^%K7^ottner^ls-Meyer '07 Mamm. 68 Cephalopycnus Ari-ow '09 Ins. 229 Cephalopvce Hanel '05 Moll. 67 5 "558 Ceplialotliamniura Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. lufusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. X Cephalothrix Orsted 1843 Nemertini > Nathist. Tiddskr. iv 572 50 ) CEPHALOTHY.— CERATOCE. CERATOCH.— CERCOCERO. Cepbalotliynnus Ashmend '03 Ins. 224 Cephalotrichium Meunier '10 Prot. 69 Ceplialotypsis (Cephalotyposis) Tschits- cherine '01 Ins. 116 2 956 Ceplialouropoda ride Ceplialeuropoda Ceplialoxynum Bernhaner '07 Ins. 21 o Ceplieneniyia Berthnhl 1827 Dipteva ; Latr. Nat. Famil. Thierreiciis 507 Cephennotnicrus Reitter '07 Ins. 219 Cephenua Berthohl 1827 Dipt.; I.atr. Nat. Famil. Thierreiciis 506 Cepplius Pallas 1769 Aves ; Spicil. Zool. fasc. V 33 Cepiirellus Heller '08 Ins. 257 Cerabraclivjiilus Verhoeff '01 Myr. ; 1 752 Ceraeocercus Uvarov '10 Ins. 455 Ceramba Fauvel '04 Ins. 166 6 Ins. 340 Cerambycites Deichmilller 1886 Col. ; Ceramiopsis Zavattari '10 Ins. 272 Ceraon Bnchtnn '03 Ins. 342 3 530 Cerapbon Thienemann 1828 Hym. ; Lehrb. Zool. 170 Ceraplectana Clark '07 Ecbin. 22 Cerapteroceroides Ashmead '04 lus. 227 5 1105 Ceras Dupuis ^ Putzei/s '01 Moll. 79 Ceratapion Scliilsky '01 Ins. 152 Cerataulina Hendel '07 Ins. 373 Ci-ratepyris Kieffer '05 Ins. 222 Ceratbybos Bezzi '10 Ins. 403 Ceratias Robertson '03 Ins. 215 3 800 Ceratinops i?rt?J^s 'OoAracbn.; 5 717 Ceratiomyxa Schroter 1889 Ubizcip. ; Engler u. Prantl Nat. Pflauzfam. ipt. 1 Abt. i 16 Ceratiscus Caudell '04 Ins. 356 5 785 Ceratites Rehn ^ Hebard '09 Ins. 419 Cyratium Alhertini ^- Schiceiniz 1805 Rbizop. ; Conspect. Fung. Agro Nisk. 358 Ceratium Thienemann 1828 Lep. ; Lehrb. Zool. 218 Ceratixodes Neumann '02 Aracbn. 57 3 402 Cerato Meunier '04 Ins. 125 4 500 Ceratocentrus AuriviUius '03 Ins. 195 Ceratocheilus Wesche '10 Ins, 399 Ceratoconcha Simroth '07 Moll. 124 Ceratocopus Hintz '02 Ins. 142 2 956 Ceratocrates Ohaus '10 Ins. 228 Ceratocrvptus Cafncron '03 Ins. 233 3 800 Ceratocunia Caiman '05 Crust. 49 5 666 Ceratocystia Dyar S,- Knab '06 Ins. 377 Ceratocystis Jaekel '01 Ecbin. 97 Ceratodiseus Himpson c^- Henderson '01 Moll. 90 1 613 Ceratofulvius Renter '02 Ins. 276 3 530 Ceratoc-aulus Matthexo '02 Mamm. 36 2 1466 Ceratojoppa Cameron '05 Ins. 208 5 1105 Ceratonotus Sars '09 Crust. 46 Ceratopacha AuriviUius '09 Ins. 321 Ceratopenipbigus Schouteden '05 Ins. 320 Ceratopbyllidia Eliot '03 Moll. 64 3 '283 Ceratopbysa Po?»er^l883 Ecbin.; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 40 Ceratoppia Berlese '08 Aracbn. 40 Ceratoryctoderus Arroiu '08 Ins. 240 Ceratosmicra Ashmead '04 Ins. 227 4 718 Ceratospilus Szepligeti '05 Ins. 208 5 1105 Ceratotaxia Sharp '08 Ins. 244 Ceratotbrips Reuter '01 Ins. 300 Ceratotrocba Bryce '10 Verm. 45 Ceratoxodon Ameghino '07 Mamm. 71 Ceratozetes Berlese '08 Aracbn. 40 Ceratrimeria Borner '06 Ins. 454 Ceratulus MacyiUivray '08 Ins. .306 Ceraturgopsis Johnson '03 Ins. 311 4 550 Cerbussouia Wilhelmi '09 Verm. 30 Cercetius Simon '02 Aracbn. 39 2 477 Cercidotbela Kirkjmtrick '07 Por. 8 Cercion Navds '07 Ins. 405 Cercobaris Champion '09 Ins. 252 Cercoceropsis Raffray '04 Ina. 141 6 Ins. 213 ( 51 ) e2 CERCCCEEU.— CERVA. Cercocerulus Baffray '04 Ins. 141 Cercococcus Scott '07 Ins. 399 Cercocytoniis Budde-Lnnd 1885 Crust. ; Crust. Isopod. Terrest. 42 Cercophylla Ecdtenbncher '08 Ins. 423 Cercyonops Jacohson '01 Ins. 164 2 956 Cerda Cameron '05 Ins. 208 7 Ins. 277 Cerellius Distant '03 Ins. 333 3 530 Cereopsius Pascoe 1857 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, iv 105 Cerianthula van Beneden 1897 Scyplio- zoa ; Ergebn. Plankton - I'lxp. Humboldt-Stift. ii K. e. 113 Ceriasparlum Haechel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 819 Ceriaspidium Haechel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 820 Ceridia Bothschild 8f Jordan '03 Ins, 260 3 702 Ceridobracon Kieffer '10 Ins. 295 Ceridospathius Kieffer '10 Ins. 295 Ceriodaphnia Dana 1847 Crust. ; Cerionesta Simon '02 Arachn. 43 Cerithiolinum Locard '03 Moll. 71 Cerogenes Horvdth '09 Ins. 397 Ceromyella Sacco '01 Moll. 96 Ceroniola Wilckens '04 Moll. 87 Ceropalites Cockerell '06 Ins. 285 Cerophagus Oudemans '03 Arachn. 42 3 402 Ceroplastidia Cocker ell '10 Ins. 439 Ceroplastina Cockerell '10 Ins. 439 Ceroplastus Jacobson '02 Ins. ; 2 956 Cerosipha Del Guercio '06 Ins. 423 = Nuov. Rel. Staz. Fireuze ii 116 Ceroaomyia Hutto^i '01 Ins. 270 1 857 Cerpheres Champion '08 Ins. 257 Certhia ikfoe/tm?^ 1758 Aves; Geslaclit. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 1 Certhius Olphe-Galliard 1888 Aves; Contrib. Fauue Ornith. Eur. occ. xxiii 41 Cervavus Schlosser '03 3[amni. 3 378 CERVE.— CHAETOPH. Cervellus Szepligeti '04 Ins. 224 4 719 Cerviciferina Goddard S) Jensen '07 Prot. 43 Cervimunida Benedict '02 Crust, 40 2 417 Cerviniopsis Sars '03 Crust. 49 Cervulus Szepligeti '04 Ins. 224 4 719 Cerycostola Meyrick '02 Ins, 246 2 746 Ceryerda Si?nofi '09 Arachn. 33 Cerylonopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Cestius Distant '08 Ins. 405 Cestotrema Simon '02 Arachn. 26 3 402 Cetema Hendel '07 Ins. 373 Ceutholopha ZeJler 1866 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. v 464 Ceylonia Lichticardt '09 Ins. 371 Ceylonia Thompson 4" Scott '03 Crust. 49 3 354 Chabertia Bailliet ^ Henry '09 Verm. 41 Chaco TuUgren '05 Arachn. 17 5 717 Chacoana Holmberg '04 Ins. 201 4 719 Chaenaxis Pilsbry Sr Ferriss '06 Moll. 79 Chaerocina Bothschild 4'" Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 703 Chaeropsodes Gilchrist Sf Thompson '09 Pisces 36 Chaetobaris Champion '08 Ins. 257 Chaetocanthus Peririguet/, '01 Ins. 132 1 1126 Chaetoclusia Coqaillett '04 Ins. 310 5 879 Chaetocruioniyia Theobald '10 Ins. 396 Chaetoderma Moser '07 Ins. 229 Chaetodiadema Mortensen '03 Echin. 67 3 1.36 Chaetogordius Moore '04 Verm. 4 199 Chaetoleistus Semenow '04 Ins, 129 4 818 Chaetonerius Hendel '03 Ins. 318 6 Ins. 391 Chaetonura Malloch '09 Ins. 372 Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff '08 Crust. 44 & '09 Crust. 38 ( 52 ) CHAETOPS.— CHALI. Chaetopsylla Kohaut '03 Ins. 322 Chaetoria Becker "08 Ins. 382 Chaetosoma Claparkle 1863 Neniatoda; Beob. Anat. Entwickl. Wirbel- loser Th. 88 Cliaetosticlia Foerster 1856 Ilyui. ; liym. Studien ii 89 Cliagasia Cruz '07 359 Chagosia Walker '09 Crust. 40 Clialandea^?*c*7e?«a?2?j '10 Myr., Aracbu. 49 Chalaroachaeus cle Man '02 Crust. 34 2 417 Cbahiropegma Sehrammen '10 Por. 7 Chalazodes Parks '08 Ccel. 22 Cbalcamceba Sack '09 Ins. 371 Cbalcerinys Perkins '06 Ins. 304 Chalcidomyia Meyers '10 Ins. 411 Cbalcidopterella Enderlein '09 Ins. 296 Chalcobavis Champion '09 Ins. 252 Cbalcobombus Cockerdl '09 Ins. 279 Cbalcocblamys Ohaus '05 lus. 152 5 1231 Cbalcocrates Heller '03 Ins. 166 3 924 Cbalcoecia Hampson '10 Ins. 348 Cbalcogonatopus Perkins '05 Ins. 222 5 1106 Cbalcomenus Sharp '03 Ins. 135 3 924 C balcony cles Jordan '07 Ins. 306 Cbalcopbaedra Seifz '08 Ins. 324 Cbaleopbaris Heller '01 Ins. 138 3 924 Cbalcopborella Kerremans '03 Ins. 169 3 924 Cbalcopbtbalmus Illig '06 Crust. 43 Clialcoplasta Hampson '10 Ins. 348 Cbalcopsis Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 383 Cbalcotropis Simon '02 Aracbn. 43 Cbalepocarabus Hundlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Cbalepogeuus Holmberg '04 Ins. 201 4 719 Cbalepomylacris Hundlirsch '00 Ins. 441 Cbaleposa Simon '10 Aracbn. 30 Cbalia Walker 1858 Ilom. j Ins. Saun- ders. Honi. 31 Cbaliniastis 3Ieyrick '04 Ins, 292 4 638 ( 53 CHALLENG.— CHARC. Cballeugeranium Haeckel 1887 Ilbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1653 Cballenireraiitba Haeckel 1887 Ilbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1648 Cballengerebium ifrtec^t'/ 1887 Ilbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1655 Cballengeretta Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1640 Cballengeridium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1656 Cballengerilla Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1651 Cliallengeronama Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1652 Cballeiigeron Haeckel 1887 Rbizop.' Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1646 Cballla Burr '04 Ins. 352 4 461 Cbaniaebosca Speiser '03 Ins. 318 3 519 Cbamaepora Seitz '10 Ins. 348 Cbamaesipbo Darwin 1854 Crust. ; Cbuniaezosa Cabanis 1747 Atbs j Arcb. Naturgescb. xiii 218 Cbamaipetes Burr '07 Ins. 407 C\m\a^?i\i& Distant '051ns. 312 5 829 Cbampsoborus Boulenyer '09 Pisces 41 Cbamus Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 508 Cbanoides Woodward '01 Pisces 32 1 1229 Cbanompbalus Strehel 1880 Moll. ; Reitr. Faun. Mexik. Concb. iv 19 CJiaosraptis Meyrick '02 Ins. 223 ^ 2 747 Cbupalicbtbjs Meek '02 Pisces 34 3 88 Cbaracostomum Railliet '03 Venn. 53 2 212 Cbaractopbyllum Simpson '01 Ccel. 18 2 148 Charactopygus Saussure i^ Zehntner '02 Myr. 14 Cbaradriola Madarasz '04 Aves C4 4 240 Cbarax Walker 1861 Dipt,; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, v 325 Cbaraxicepbalus Looss '01 Verm. 50 1 495 Cbarcotia Chevreux '05 Crust. 57 Cbarcotia Vayssiere '06 Moll. 75 ) CHARI.— CHEIL. CHEIM.— CHEL. Chariaster Loriol '09 Echio, 43 Charicisilla Giglio-Tos '07 Ins. 414 Cliaridia Mabille '03 Ins. 258 3 703 Cliarisea Turrey '02 Coel. 25 2 148 Charisoma Bolivar '03 Ins. 370 3 475 Charitemys Hay '08 Rept. 31 Charitillas Oberhoher '05 Aves 60 Charitocoris i?e?tn. T „-,^ vcCbondroptera i?e/yTO^/j '10 Ins. 429 Cblorosomella Renter 04 Ins. 32o ,„ , ■ t> T<,r,^ t^ yi r-AQ Cliondrospons'i'T' Bronn 1859 Dei 4 508 Cbloroteras Wan-m '01 Ins. 234 1 962 Cblorotusa Casey '06 Ins. 204 Chlorus Giylio-Tos 1898 Ortb. ; Cboanocystis Penard '04 Prot. 50 5 270 Cboanopbrya Hartog '02 Prot. 87 2 102 Cboanotaenia Railliet Verm. ; Cbodsigoa Kasceiiko '07 Mamm. 59 Cboeuicospbaerium Haeckel 1887 Rlii- zop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 103 Cboenicospbaerula Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 102 ( nio- Tbier- sp spongiae ; Klass. Ordu. lieicbs. i 22 Cbondrostegoides Aurivillius '05 Ins. 243 5 998 Cbondrostoma Giirich '06 Prot. 40 Cbondroteosaurus Oioen 1876 Kept. ; Mon. Pal. Soc. Suppl. vii 7 Choue Kroyer 1856 ; Cboniocardia Cossmujin '04 Moll. 88 5 559 Cbonionotus Jm-dan 1854 Myr.; Chonosia Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 829 Cbooreecbillum Lucas '01 Ins. 215 Cboreutidia Sauber '02 lup. 246 56 ) CHORI.— CHRYSOCE. Choriactis McMurrich '04 Ccel. 119 Clioridactvludes Gilchrist '02 Pisces 26 2 lilt) Choristhenus Tillyard '10 Ins. 448 Choiizocarpa Michaelsen '04 Tun. 5 5 9 Cliorosomella Jlorvnth 'OG lus. 402 Cliorotlierinm Berg 1899 Mamm. ; Comun. Mus. Buenos Aires i 79 '05 Ins. 178 CHRYSOCH. CHUNEL. '01 Iu8. 284 Cliortastus ScJumfuss 5 1231 Cliortbippus Fieber 1853 Ortli. ; Lotos 100 Chremarcba Meyrick '10 Ins. 377 Chresiona/S'mow '03 Arachn. 29 3 402 Chrionema OrtVfieri '05 Pisces; 5 111 Chrismopteryx Prout '10 Ins. 365 Clidstophersia James '10 Ins. 396 Christya Theobald '03 Ins. 307 3 580 Cliromagrion Kecdkani '03 Ins. 359 3 475 Chromatanops Verhoeff '06 Arachn. 53 Chromatopterum Becker '10 Ins. 411 Chromauges Gorham 1887 Col. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 361 Chromidina Gonder '05 Prot. 75 5 270 Cliromodoridella Eliot '05 Moll. 67 5 5.39 Chromolvdaeus Berlese '04 Arachn. 40 5^717 Chropoecilus Fleutiaux '02 Ins. 135 1 1127 Chrostobapta Warren '09 Ins. 339 Chrotochlora Warre7i '05 Ins, 265 5 998 Chrysamoeba Sack '09 Ins. 371 Chrysaspis Saunders 1869 Col. ; Tr. Eut. boc. Lond. 4 Chrysaspis Pascher '10 Prot. 63| Chryasus Champion '08 Ins. 258 Chrysiplocia {errore) vide Crypsiplocia Cbrysoatomus Ashmcad '04 Ins. 227 4 719 Clirysobaris Champion '09 Ins. 252 Cbrysoblemma Jakoiuleio 1889 Col Horae Soc. Ent. Eoss. xxiii 84 Cbrysoceraea Weele '09 Ins. 357 Cbrysoceria Willisto?i '07 Ins. 365 ( Chrysocbnoodes Renter 1 813 Cbrysocosmius Bezzi '07 Ins. 371 Chrysocryptus Cameron '02 Ins. 191 Chrysocvma Hampson '05 Ins. 243 5 998 Chrysodarecus Breddin '03 Ins. 325 3 530 Chrysoecia Hampson '10 Ins. 348 Chrysolarra Cameron '01 Ins. 178 1 1039 Chrysoleon Banks '10 Ins. 388 Chrysomelidium Ilandlirsch '07 Ijis. 263 ChrysomRlopbana Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Chrysomelopsis Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Chrjsomesia Hampson '03 Ins. 266 3 704 Chrysomonas Steiji 1878 Flag. ; Or"-an. lulusiousthiere iii Abtb. 1 H. p. X Cbrysonopa Jacoby '08 Ins. 271 Cbrysonotomyia Ashmead '04 Ins. '>27 4. 719 Chrysoperca Foxvler '07 Pisces 44 Cbrysopbeon Titus '01 Ins. 174 Chrysopidia Navds '10 Ins. 388 Chrysoplecta Navds '10 Ins. 388 Cbrysopletbisa Reitter '03 Ins. 164 Chrysopsacris Bruner '08 Ins. 431 Chrysoptera Zincken 1817 ; AUg-. Lit.- Zeit. iii 75. Cbrysopteron Jentink '10 Mamm. 48 Cbrysopyxis Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusiontbiere iii Abtb. 1 H. p. X Chrysorrbanis Kirknldy '02 Ins. 27C 5 830 Chrysotaenia Herrich-Schaeffer 1850 Lep. ; Sauunl. auseurop. Schmett. i 32 Chrysotbynnus Turner '10 Ins. 276 Chrysozona Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; /Chthonius Bolivar 1887 Ortb.; Ann. ^ Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi 193 5 OCbudania Distant '08 Ins. 405 Cbunaster Ludiviy '07 Echin. 31 Chunella Kilkenthal '02 Ccel. 26 2 149 57 ) CHUNEO.— CIO. Chuneola Woltereck '09 Crust. 42 Chuniola Gaffel '03 Echin. 67 4 145 C\mm\^h\es Lens ^- Hiemsdijk '08 Coel. 19 Chunomys'is Holt i^ Tattersall '05 Crust. 47 5 G66 Cliunra Distant '07 Ins. 394 Cbjmomyza Czerny '03 Ins. 318 3 580 Cibaster Po??ifZ 1883Ecliin. ; Classif. uieth. Echin. 48 Cibolocrinus Weller '09 Echin. 48 Cibotopterjx Rchn '05 Ins. 340 5 785 Cicadiuella Geinitz 1884 Hem. ; Cichloniyia Oberholser '05 Aves 64 5 345 Cichlops Hodgson 1844 Aves; Gray Zool. Miscell. 83 Cicindis Bruch '08 Ins. 215 Ciconia, Moehrint/ 1758 Aves; Geslacht. Yogel. Nozeman u. Vosniaer 6 Cicynethus Simon '10 Arachu. 26 ^ [Cidaphurus f'a?»e/-ow '04 Ins. ; 4 719] Cidaroblastus Hambach '03 Echiu. 102 3 136 Cidarotropus Fomel 1883 Echin, ; Classif. nieth. Echin. 113 Cidugala Aurivillius '08 Ins. 267 Cienkowskia Eostafinski 1873 Ehizop. ; Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 9 Cilicaeqi3sis Hansen '05 Crust. 52 5 666 Cillaeopeplus Sharp '08 Ins. 231 Cilunculus Loman '08 Arachn. 9 Cimicidium Westwood 1854, Hem.; Quart. J. Geol. Soc. 395 Cimoliocentrum Cosstminn '09 Moll. 63 Cimolithium Cossmann '08 Moll. 79 Cinabra Sonthonnax '03 Ins. 26G Cincticornia Felt '08 Ins. 366 Cinnauius Distant '09 Ins. 392 Cinxia Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Cionellus Reitter '04 Ins. 174 4 819 Cionesthes Fairmaire '02 Ins. 153 Cionium Link 1809 Ehizop.; Ges. uatforscb. Freunde Berlin Mag. iii 28 Cionopsis Chamjno^i '03 Ins. 186 3 925 CIP.— CIRS. Cipex Burr '10 Ins. 450. Ciraphorus Dyar '10 Ins. 373 Circeaster Koehler '10 Echin. 43 Circocastanea Hacker '06 Prot. 41 Circoniscus Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 489 Circopeltaris Clark '08 Echin. 22 Circopeltis Pomel 1883 Echin, ; Classif. meth. Echin. 89 Circopetes Front '10 Ins. 365 Circoporetta Hcicker '06 Prot. 41 Circoporetta Hacker '08 Prot. 50 Circoporus Haeckel 1879 lihizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Circospathis Haeckel 1879 Rhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Circosphaera Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 63 Circostepbanus Haeckel 1870 Rhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Circulopsis Cossmann '02 Moll. 78 ^ Circumdaksha Distant '10 Ins. 429 Ciriacremum Enderlein '10 Ins. 436 Ciris Koch 1848 Arachn. ; Arachniden xiv 85 Ciris Koch 1850 Arachn. ; Uebers. Arachnidsyst. v 69 Cirrhitoidea Jenkins '04 Pisces 38 3 89 Cirrhorbeuma Warren '05 Ins. 2C6 5 998 Cirrhosoma Warren '05 Ins. 266 5 999 Cirrhura Warren '03 Ins. 285 3 701 Cirrineris Blainiille 1815-28; Cirrobracbium Hoyle '04 Moll. ; 4 293 Cirrobrancbia Ehlers 1868 ; Cirrodes Hampson '10 Ins. 348 Cirrodrilus Fierantoni '05 Verm. 50 5 436 & '06 Verm. 49 Cirropborus Ehlers '08 Verm. 44 Cirropsis Ferner '04 Moll. 84 Cirrospiloideus Ashmead '04 Ins, 228 4 719 Cirrosyllis Schinarda 1861 ; Cirsia Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 443 Cirsoceritbium Cossmann '08 Moll. 79 58 ) CISS.— CLADOR. Cisseicoraebus Kerretiunins '031ns. 169 4 819 Cissococcu.s Cockerell "02 Ins. 290 2 586 Cistelites Beer 18Qn Col. ; Cihtesaurus Geufroi/ 1831 ? Uept. ; Citharacantluis Fucuck 'Oi Araclin. 27 1 730 Citliaridium Boultmjer '02 Pisces 39 2 1117 Citharocyatbus Alcock '02 Coel. 26 2 149. Citharomantis Relin '09 Ins. 419 Citoryctes Guarnieri 1892 Spoiozoa; Arch. kSci. Med. xvi 422 Citrina Redtendbacher '06 Ins. 443 Citrina Wayner '05 Moll. 78 Cixiites Handlivsch '06 Ins. 409 Cixioides Handlirsch '06 Ins. 409 Cladarodes Meyrick '10 Ins. 380 Cladioneura Enderlein '02 Ins. 426 Cladiucha Kunow '02 Ins. 201 2 838 Cladocerapis Cockerell '04 Ins. 201 5 1107 Cladocerotis Hamiison '03 Ins. 277 3 704 Cladccerus Schwarz '01 Ins. 141 Cladococcalis Ilaeckel 1887 liliizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 224 Cladococcinns Haeckel 1887 Khizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 224 Cladococcodes Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 225 Cladococcurus Haeckel 1887 Khizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 226 Cladocoeliuni Dujardin 1845 Verm. Hist. Nat. Helminth. 389 Cladoconnus Reitter '09 Ins. 226 Cladocoropsis Felix '07 Coel. 25 Cladodidelphys Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 321 Cladodromia Bezr.i '05 Ins. 295 Cladomonas Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Ini'usionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. X Cladonotella Hancock '09 Ins. 424 Cladoramus Hancock '07 Ins. 419 Cladorchis Fitchoedtr '01 Verm. 50 1 495 CLADOS.— CLAUS. Cladostreptus Brulemuiin '02 Myr. 14 Cladotaenia Cohii '01 Verm. 46 1 495 ClaniLidus Fauvel '03 Ins. 150 Claniades Betliune- Baker '08 Ins. 324 Clauidopsis Rothschild •S)- Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 704 Clauoneurum Becker '03 Ins. 318 3 580 Clapniarius Distant '04 Ins. 325 4 508 Clappia Walker '10 Mull. 66 ClAv&ia. Bittner '01 Moll. 101 Clai'emontia RoJnver '09 Ins. 304 Clariger Jordan ^- Snyder '01 Pisces 22 1 1230 Clarina 7att '03 Ins. 261 3 704 Clariola Kertesz '01 Ins. 264 Clarkella Walcott '08 Brach. 13 Clasta Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. Xat. Araign. 393 Clastoderma Blytt 1880 Ilhizop. ; Pot. Zeit. xxxviii 343 Clatha Cameron '05 Ins. 208 Clathraria Gray Coel. ; Clathrella Fenard '02 Prot. 61 3 87 Clathrocanidium ^«ec7ce/ 1887 Khizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1210 Clathrocyclia Haeckel 1887 Khizop. Ciiallenger xviii pt. 2, 1386 Clathrocycloma Haeckel 1887 Khizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1388 Clathroides Rostajinski 1870 Khizop. Denkschr. Ges. Wiss. Paris viii, Art. 4, 36 Clathrolima Cossmann '09 Moll. 84 Clathroptychium Rostajinski 1875 Kliizop. ; Deulischr. Ges. Wiss. Paris V, Art. 1, 225 Clathrortbalicus Strebel '09 Moll. 78 Clathrosphaerium Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 118 Clathrosphaerula Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 118 Clathrospongia Hull Spoug. ; [Clatroides vide Clathroides] Clausiliopsis Moellendorff '01 Moll. 78 Clausophves Lens c^- Riemsdijk '08 Cu^l. 19 ( 59 ) CLAUT.— CLIO. CLIS.— CNEMIA. Clautriavia Massart '07 Prot, 53 Clavactinia Thornhj '05 Ccel. 16 5 317 Clavaeblastus Sambach '03 EcLin, 102 3 136 Clavellofusus Grahan '04 Moll. 70 4 293 Clavellomoi'pha Hansen 1885 Desnio- pougife ; Norweg. Nort.li-Atlaut. Exp., Zool. xiii 19 O Claveua Melichar '02 Ins. 286. 2 587 Clavigeiiua Martens '03 Moll. 72 Clavigeru3 Szepligeti 1883 Hem. ; Clavulites Girty '04 Moll. 86 4- 293 Cleiotli3'ridina Buckman '06 Brack. 13 Cleistepyris Kieffer '10 Ins. 303 Cleisthenes Jordan ^- Starks '04 Pisces 32 4 82 Clelandia Johnston '09 Verm. 34 Clematoscenea Enderlein '07 Ins. 401 Clematostigma Enderlein '06 Ins. 426 Clenia Amef/hino '04 Mamm. 50 4 32i Cleodictya Hall Spong. ; Cleona Meigen 1 800 Dipt. ; Cleopliana Boisduval 1833 Lep. ; Icon. Chenilles livr. 15 Cleptid ea iJ/ocsany '04 Ins. 217 4719 Cleptodiscus Linton '10 Verm. 31 Cleptodromia Corti '07 Ins. 367 CAei^tnoU Breddin '03 Ins. 333 3 530 Clerosoma Wulcott '10 Ins. 235 Cleruchus Etiock '09 Ins. 300 Clessinella Waagen '06 Moll. 88 Cleteus Fairrnaire '06 Ins. 238 Clethorasa Hampson '10 Ins. 348 Cletopontius Thompson ^ Scott '03 Crust. 49 3 355 Climacia Ball '03 Moll. 77 Climaciella Enderlein '10 Ins. 388 Climacobasis Laidlaio '02 Ins. 299 2 545 Climacospougia Hinde Spong. ; Cliuopogon Bezzi '10 Ins. 401 Clinopria Kieffer '06 Ins. 306 Cliouopsis Thiele '05 Spoug. 14 5 284 Cliotlioosa Topsent '05 Spong. 14 5 284 ( Clistoconcha Smith '10 Moll. 80 Clistoses ^j>/e;- '10 Ins. 380 Clitiga Cameron '05 Ins. 208 Clitistes Simon '02 Arachn. 33 2 477 Clitopygus Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 68 Clitotrenia Simon '04 Arachn. 21 5 717 Clivinaxis Reitter '09 Ins. 217 Cloeophora Dietz '09 Verm. 32 Cloeotis Thomas '01 Mamm. 26 1 1476 Clonorchis Looss '07 Verm. 27 Clotenia Dohrn, Pantop. ; Clothilla Westwood 1845 Near. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 72 Cluniculus Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 57 Clusiodes CoquiUett '04 Ins. 310 5 879 Clusiota Casey '10 Ins. 214 Clyduniceras Blake '05 Moll. 57 5 560 Clydostomus Konoio '08 Ins. 307 Clynotis Simon '02 Arachn. 44 Clypearia Fairmaire '03 Ins. 161 3 926 Clypeasta Fairmaire '04 Ins. 159 4 819 Clypeolus Broun '09 Ins. 252 Clypeotettix Hancock '02 Ins. 310 ' 5 785 Clyster Arroio '08 Ins. 240 Clythia Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Clythrocerus 3Iilne-Ed>vards <^ Bonvier '02 Crust. 39 2 417 Clytocera Gahan '06 Ins. 259 Clytocerus Eaton '04 Ins. 302 4 550 Clytraria Semcnow '03 Ins. 202 3 926 Clytrasoma Jacoby '08 Ins. 271 Clyzomedus Pascoe 1864 Col. j Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 96 Cnagius Champion '08 Ins. 258 Cnemarchus Ridgivay '07 Aves ] 18 Cnemargulus Semenoic '03 Ins. 159 Cnemiandrus Distant '02 Ins. 272 2 587 GO ) CNEMID.—COCKER. Cnemidolestes Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 4^5 Cnemidophileurus Kvlhe '10 Ins. 228 Ciiemobia Benjroth '10 Ins. 417 Cnemoorvptua Cameron '03 Ins. 233 3' 801 Cnemodinus CocJcerdl '06 Ins. 238 Cnemolia Jordan '03 Ins. 195 3 926 Cnemopimpla Cameron '03 Ins. 233 3 801 Cnidocanipa Dyar '05 Ins. 243 Cnidon Miiller 1854, Nemertini ; Arch. Anat. Phys. 84 Cnipsus Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 423 Caodifroutia Hampson '02 Ins. 223 2 748 Coata Dutatit '06 Ins. 406 Cobalorrbyncluis Renter '05 Ins. 309 5 830 Cobbia Man '07 Verm. 34 Cobboldia Leiper '10 Verm. 41 Cocala Simon 1804 Arachn. ; Hist. Nat. Araign. 327 Coccidopbilus Brethes '05 Ins. 140 5 1232 Coccinellopbana Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Coccoderma Moellendorff '01 Moll. 78 Coccogenia Cockerell ^ Callaway '09 Pisces 39 Coccographis Lesne '01 Ins. 146 1 1128 Ooccolithopbora Lohmann '02 Prot. 82 Coccometra Clark '08 Ecbin. 27 Coccomonas 8tein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 H. p. x Coccomyxa Leyer ^~ Hesse '07 Prot. 52 Coccopsis de Meijere '01 Ins. 257 2 636 Cocculinella Thiele '09 Moll. 64 Cochilius Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 42 Cochise Kirhaldy '07 Ins. 385 Cochlearia Faure-Fremiet '05 Prot. 76 Cochlearites Reis '04 Moll. 90 Cochlespirella Casey '03 Moll. 68 3 284 Cochlespiropsis Casey '04 Moll. 74 5 560 Cockerellia Meunicr Ins. 418 COCKER.— COELODE. Cockerellonis Macyillivrai/ '08 Ins. 307 Codes Breddin '05 Ins. 309 5 830 Cocytotettix Relm '06 Ins. 451 Codonocera Brady '02 Crust. 71 2 417 Codonocladiiim Siein 1878 Flag.; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. X Codonodes Hampson '07 Ins. 314 Codonodesnuis Stein 1878 Flag. ; Orgnn. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1' M. p. X Codonosida Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. X Codonytes Delle Chiaje 1841 ; Codringtonia Kohelt '03 Moll. 58 Codronchus Distant '01 Ins. 277 1 814 Coega PMnytiey '02 Ins. 1 29 2 958 [Coelacanthopis Traquuir '06 Pisces 57 = Coelacauthopsis] Coelacanthopsis Traquair '01 Pisces 36 1 1230 & '05 Pisces 50 5 111 Coelanthemum Hiicler '07 Prot. 48 Coelatura Conrad 1853 Moll.; Proc. Ac. Philad. 268 Coelechinus Hacker '04 Prot. 53 4 79 Coelechinus Hacker '07 Prot. 48 Coelidiura Clarke Sf Rmdemann '03 Moll. 3 284 Coelobuuus Loman '02 Arachn. 54 2 477 Coelocemis Girty '10 Bry., Erach. 15 Coelochalcis Cameron '04 Ins. '^''8 4 719 Coelocion Pihbry '03 Moll. 61 Coelocladia Girty '08 Por. 9 Coelocyclus Perner '03 Moll. 78 Coelocvfetis Schuchert '03 Echin. 101 3 136 Coelodendridium Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1735 ^ ' Coelodendronium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii ])t. 2, 1736 ( '^'^ ) COELO.— COILON. COILOP.-COLOBOD. >/ Coelodiazesis Dyar t§|- Knob '06 Ins. 377 Coelodiceras Hdclier '07 Prot. 48 O Coelodictya Jacohi '10 Ins. 429 Coelodiscus Brosdmlen '10 Moll. 87 Coelodryraus Haeckel 1879 Ilhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 157 Coelogenium Purcell '02 Arachn. 26 2 477 Coelojoppa Cameron '04 lus. 219 4 719 Coelomonas Stein 1878 Flaof. ; Organ. Infusionstliiereiii Abtb. 1 H.p. x Coelonertns Solari '06 Ins. 246 Coelonia Rofhschild ^~ Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 704 Coelonycbia Kieffer '10 In?. 307 Coelopbrva Bruuer '02 Pisces 22 ^ 21117 Coelopoeta Walsinr/ham '07 Ins. 341 ' Coelopus Becker '07 Ins. 366 Coeloreuteus Roman '1 Ins. 295 Coelospbaeroma Sc.hrammen '10 Por. 7 Coelostylops Amerjhino '01 Manim. 38 Coelosucbus IVilliston '06 Rept. 34 Coelotetraceras Hacker '07 Prot. 48 Coelotbamnus Haeckel 1879 Rbizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 157 Coelothanma Haeckel 1879 Rbizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 157 Coelotbyrsus Hacker '07 Prot. 48 Coelurotricba Warren '06 Ins. 346 Coelutaetus Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 43 Coenbolectypus Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m^th. Ecbin. 75 Coenocystis Girti/ 'OS Ecbin. 30 Coenomorpbus Lonnberg '02 Verm. 51 Coenonia Van Tieghen 1884 Rbizop. ; Bull. Soc. Bot. France xxxi 303 Coenopria Kieffer '05 Ins. 223 Coenosloma Cameron '05 Ins. 208 5 1107 Coenotes Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 704 Coenotbele Simon '09 Aracbn. 29 Coenotoca Turner '03 Ins. 287 3 704 Coesula Comeron '05 Ins. 208 Coiloneura SzepJifjeti '05 Ins. 208 Coilopoeeras Hyatt 3 284 '03 Moil. 54 5 1107 Colaciticus Sticliel '10 Ins. 320 Colacus Oliaus '10 Ins. 228 Colantbura Richardson '02 Crust. 52 2 417 Coleaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 867 Colemania Bolivar '10 Ins. 456 Colenisia Fauvel '03 Ins. 150 Coleoglypbus Berlese '10 Aracbn. 43 Coleomeropsis Champioii '07 Ins. 247 Coleoticbus White 1842 [lem. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 88 Coleotydaeus Berlese '10 Aracbn. 40 Colganta Cameroyi '02 Ins. 191 2 838 C Colgaroides Distant '10 Ins. 430 •" Colgornia Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 508 Colinita Busck '07 Ins. 341 Colius Moehring 1758 Aves ; Geslnr-bt. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 1 Collabismodes Champion '05 Ins. 173 5 1232 Collina Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 830 Collinia Cepede '10 Prot. 69 CoUinutius Distant '03 Ins. 330 3 531 Collocalvpta Dendy '05 Spong. 17 5 284 Collodinium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 24 Collodiscus Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cliallenger xviii pt. 1, 24 Collopbidiuni Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 24 Colloprnnura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 24 Collybus Snyder '04 Pisces 27 4 82 Collyrodes Pascoe 1859 Col. ; Tr. Ent Soc. Loud. V 25 " Colmadona Kirkaldy '01 Ins, 286 Colobacis Cameron '01 Ins. 188 1 1039 Colobasiastes Breddin '03 Ins. 328 Colobodes Meyrick '04 Ins. 293 4 639 Colobodesmus Brolemann '05 Myr. 11 6 Aracbn. 53 ( 62 ) COLOBOM.— COLUM. Colobometra Clark '09 Ecliin. 48 Colobonema Vaiihoffen '03 Cojl. 21 2 149 Coloboneura Melander '02 Ins. 258 2 036 Colobopleunis Kraepehn '03 Mvr. 10 5 737 Coloborrhinus Bergroth '06 Ins. 398 Cologlyptus Crcnvford '10 Ins. 303 Colomys Thomas Sf Wroiujhton '07 Mamm. 64 Colonus Cambridge '01 Aracbn. 27 1 730 Colopliryxus Michardson '08 Crust. 43 Colopistlius Richardson '02 Crust. 62 2 418 Colopsus Simon '02 Araclm. 44 2 477 Coloradoa Wilson '10 Ins. 438 Colossendeis JarzynsJcy Pantop. ; Colossolacis Schramvien '10 Por. 8 Colossoma Eigenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 89 Colosterninus Champion '05 Ins. 173 5 1233 Colotrig-la G"/// '05 Pisces 5 111 Colpocaccus Sharp '03 Ins. 135 3 926 Colpocraspeda Warren '07 Ins. 321 Colpodella Cienkowski 1865 Rhizop. ; Arch. mikr. Anat. i 207 Colpodouta Warren '05 Ins. 266 5 999 Colpoglossus Boulenger '04 Rept. 37 4 136 Colponema Stein 1878 Flag.; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. x Colpopatruni Reitter '05 Ins. 105 4 820 Colposeopsis Enderlein '10 Ins. 443 Colposternum Heller '10 Ins. 245 Colposternus Fall '05 Ins. 163 7 Ins. 238 Colpotiara Pomel 1 883 Ecbin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 105 Columbites Hyatt S^- Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 560 Coluniellaia Ondemans '05 Aracbn. 29 Columnaria Levinsen '09 Erv., Ei'ach. 21 COLUT.— COMPSOPT. Coluthus Champion '08 Ins. 258 Colymbetopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Colypurus Richardson '05 Crust. 54 & '06 Crust. 47 Comactinia Clark '09 Echin. 48 Comanthina Clark '09 Echin. 48 Comastolopsis Warren '02 Ins. 234 2 749 Comatacta Coquillett '02 Ins. 261 Comatella Clark '08 Echin. 28 Comatilia Clark '09 Echin. 48 Coniatricha Preiiss 1851 Rhizop. ; Linn, xxiv 140 Conibalus Didant '04 Ins, 325 4 509 Cornelia Pagenstecher '02 Ins. ; 2 749 Cominia Clark '09 Echin. 48 Comissia Clark '09 Echin. 48 Coramatica Meyrick '09 Ins. 350 OCommellus Oshorn S,- Ball '02 Ins. 286 2 587 Commoptera Brues '01 Ins. 268 1 858 Commoris Simon '02 Arachn. 44 Comorina Simroth '10 Moll. 79 Comperiella Howard '06 lus. 304 Coinphotis Stichel '10 Ins. 320 Compsobiella Poppins '10 Ins. 424 Compsocalvx Schulze '04 Sponr«-. 14 4 79 Compsoceridiiis Bruch '09 Ins. 263 Compsodecta Simon '03 Arachn. 35 Compsodiplosis Tavares '09 Ins. 360 Compsogeue Rothschild S,- Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 704 CompsQo-lvpha Fairmaire '04 Ins. 159 4 820 Compsognathus Wagner 1861 Rept. ; Abb. bayer. Ak. i pt. 1, 94 Compsolacon Reitter '05 Ins. 158 Compsomautis Saussure 1873 Orth. ; Mem, Soc. Phys. Geneve xxiii 23 Compsometra Clark '08 Echin. 28 Compsonannus Renter '02 Ins. 276 3 531 Compsoptera Blanchard 1845 Lep • Hist. Nat. Ins. ii 394 * ' ( 63 ) COMPSOPU.— CONI. CONO.— COO. / Compsopus Tulbjren '05 Arachn. 19 5 717 Compsoscytus Renter '09 Ins. 392 Compsotata Front '07 Ins. 314 Compsothrips Renter '01 lus. 300 1 701 Conanthalictus Cockerell '01 Ins. 174 Coucentrica IVafpier '05 Moll. 78 Conchariuni Hueckel 1879 llbizop. ; Sitzber. .Jena Ges. 157 Conchifiium Haechel 1879 Riiizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 157 Conchoceras Hoeckel 1879 Rhizop. ; Sitzb, Jena Ges. 157 Conchocbelys Hay '05 Rept. 34 5 178 Conchocystis Ilaecker '08 Prot. 50 Concbopbacus Haecker '08 Prot. 50 Concbopsis Haeckel 1879 Rbizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 157 Conchostrophus Flack '07 Ins. 248 Concbyloctenia Spaeth '02 Ins. 165 Condidea Coquillett '07 Ins. 369 Condylolomia Grote 1873 Lep. ; Rull. Buff. Soc. i 176 Conebius Fauvel '03 Ins. 161 Coneucoela Kiefer '10 Ins. .307 O Confucius Distant '07 Ins. 394 Congella PSrinffuei/ '02 Ins. 129 2 959 Congellana Didant '08 Ins. 402 Congoperipatus Sedyioick '08 Arachn. 52 Congramonus Fowler '06 Pisces 41 Congruia Dyar '08 Ins. 324 Goniatricbus Reitter '01 Ins. 154 5 1233 Conibosa Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 8-30 Conicofrontia Ilampson '02 Ins. 223 2 749 Conilorpheus Stehhiny '05 Crust. 52 5 666 Couiocompsa Enderleiu '05 Ins. ; 5 785 Coniontides Casey '08 Ins. 251 Couiortes Westwood 1835 Neur. ; Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond. xxvii Conioserica Brenske '01 Ins. 135 Couiotrogus Brenske '03 Ins. 161 Conisaiiia JLonpsoti "O-j Ins. 257 5 990 ( Conoblemmus Adeluny '10 Ins. 454 Conoceplialites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 447 Conocbares Smith '05 Ins. 257 Conocbiloides Illava '08 Verm. 43 Conocladius Kieffer '10 Ins. 395 Conocladus Clark '09 Ecbin. 45 Conocylis Meunier '10 Prot. 69 Conodoxus PowpZ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. meth, Ecbin. 74 Conogonia Breddin '03 Ins. 345 '3 531 Conobalictoides Viereck '04 Ins. 202 5 1107 Conolampas Pv7nel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 63 Conoraaltbus Heller '08 Ins. 258 Conometopns Blanchard 1851 Ortb. ; Gay Hist. Cbile vi 67 Cononima Lomnn '02 Aracbn. 54 2 477 Cononedys Hermann '07 Ins. .367 Cononia Snellen '01 Lep. ; Tijd. Eat. xliv 80 Conopisoma Speiser '10 Ins. 406 Conopothorax Oherhoher '05 Aves 00 Couoppia Berlese '08 Aracbn. 40 Conoprosopa Becker '09 Ins. 372 & '10 Ins. 405 Couorbytis Cossmann '08 Moll. 79 Conosanus O.sborn ^- Ball '02 Ins. 286 2 587 Couosomus Motschulsky 1857 Col. ; Conostrobus Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1469 Conostylus Popofshy '07 Prot. 48 Couotboa Zj/on '04Mamm. 42 4.321 Conotracbelodes Champion '05 Ins, 173 5 12.33 Conrana Nieden '08 Rept. 32 Consivius Distant '09 Ins. 386 Conspinaria Schulz '06 Ins. 299 Contexta Jordan '02 Ins. 2 959 Contortivena Bethiine-Baker '06 Ins. Convoluta Orsted 1843 Tnrbellaria ; Nathist. Tidsskr. iv 548 Conwentzia Enderlein '05 Ins. 5 785 C)oksonia Drace '05 Ins. 236 5 1000 Cuoperia Hansom '07 Verm. 34 04 ) COP.— COaUILLETTA. Copanarta Grote 1895 Lop. ; Abb. Natiu'w. Ver. Bremen xiv 111 Copecrypta Totvnsend '08 Ins. 382 Copeiclithva Dollo '04 Pisces GO 4 82 Copeina Foiclei' '06 Pisces 64 Copesoma Fnhrmann '01 Verm. 4G Copbes Champion '05 Ins. 173 5 1233 Copbopoda Warren '06 Ins. 347 Cophotliynnus Turner '08 Ins. 2S5 Copidopus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Copidoris Meyrick '07 Ins. 341 Copifrontia Hampson '05 Ins. ; 6 1000 Copiocaris Thiele '05 Crnst. 44 Copipbana Ifampsoti 'OG Ins. 335 Cnpitarsia Ilampson '06 Ins. 335 Copitype Ilampson '06 Ins. 335 Copiula Mehely '01 Rept. 32 Copoceutra Meyrick '09 Ins. 350 Copocrossa Simon '02 Aracbn. 4 Copostio;ma Enderlein '03 Ins. 355 3 475 Copripbis Berlese '10 Aracbn. 36 Coprocrossa Simon '01 Aracbn. 27 Coprolaelaps Berlese '08 Aracbn. 41 Copromonas Dobell '08 Prot. 56 Copromvxa Zojif 1885 Rbizop. ; Scbenk Handb. Eotanik iii 2 11., 132 Coproptilia Snellen '03 Ins. 300 3 704 Coptacrella Bolivar '02 Ins. 310 1 782 Coptaxis Cossmann '01 Moll. 85 Coptocbilus Hey '07 Ins. 222=Ecbange 1888 No. 47, 4 Coptoeme Aurivillius '04 Ins. 186 4. 822 Coptoo:yrinus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Coptopblebia Bezzi "09 Ins. 371 Coptopsylla Jordan S)- Rothschild '08 Ins. 391 Coptostetbus Leicis '02 Ins. 119 2 959 Coptotropbis Leicis '02 Ins. 119 2 959 Copturomovpba Champion '06 Ins. 246 Coiiuillottapis Viereck '09 Ins. 270 ( Go COaUILLETTI.— CORITJ. Coquillettidia Dyar '05 Ins. 289 7 Ins. 362 Coquillettomyia FeU- '08 Ins. 366 Coracias Moehring 1758 Aves ; Geslacbt. Vogel. Nozenian u. Vosmaer 1 Coracodrymus Breddin '02 Ins. 271 Coracodrymus Breddin '06 Ins. 396 Coralliocranp;on Nobili '04 Crusl. 35 5 666 [Corambella Balch Moll. ; 1 615] Corambis Simon '02 Aracbn. 44 Corbicula Friese '08 Ins. 281 Corbicula Meunier '10 Prot. 63 CorbicLilina Dall '03 Moll. 81 Corculiim Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. uietb. Ecbin. 48 Cordax Burr '10 Ins. 450 Cordiaster Prt?/ie/ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 46 Cordillacris Helm '01 Ins. 308 Cordillerites Hyatt i^'- Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 561 Cordobanus Beruhnuer '10 Ins. 214 Cordylobia Grilnherg '03 Ins. 316 3 580 Cordyloides Fritsch '04 Rept. 40 Cordylonema Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa; Denkscbr. Ges. Jena i 263 Cordylosoma lioih '09 Prot. 63 Cordylosoma J^oif/t '03 Verm, 57 Corecauliis Fairmaire '03 Ins. 186 3 026 Corei IS Jordan ^' Storks '05 Pisces 46 Corellopsis Hartmcyer '03 Tun. 6 3 6 Coremapus Norvum '05 Crust. 57 5 666 Coretbrella Coquillett '02 Ins. 255 2 636 Coriareus Hedley '07 Moll. 153 Coridromius Signoret 1862 ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4; ii p. v Corigidolon Renter '08 Ins. 398 Corimaetbes Simon '08 Aracbn. 30 Corintbiscus Fairmaire 18G1 Col. ; Col. Cbili ii 4 Coripbagus Douglass '08 Mamm. 68 Connm Vroiit '10 Ins. 365 ) ^ CORIX. — CORYPH AEN. Corixidea Renter 1893 Hem. ; Acta Soc. sci. Fenn. xix No. 6, 18 Coriziclitliys Ogilhy '08 Pisces 39 Cormodophlebia Weele '08 Ins. 3G2 Cornacantha Martin '09 Ins. 413 Cornellites Williams '08 Moll. 110 Cornigompluis Martin '07 Ins. 405 Cornillus Letvis '07 Ins. 222 Comix Moehring 1758 Aves ; Geslaclit. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosuiaer 7 Cornucalanus Wolfenden '05 Crust. 64 5 666 Cornucella Borgert '07 Prot. 48 Cornucopina Levinseii '09 Bry., Bracli. 21 Cornustrobus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Clialleng-er xviii pt. 2, 1469 Cornuyia Rostafinski 1873 Rhizop. ; Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 15 Coronatella Dyhuvsky ^ Grochovsky 1894 Crust. ; Coronoserica Brenske '02 Ins. 129 Correbia Herrich-Schaefer Lap. ; Cormgaria Conrad 1853 Lamellibr. ; Proc. Acad. Philad. vi 267 Corthya Poinel 1883 Ecliin ; Classif. m6tli. i^chin. 51 Cortixa Schaus '01 Ins. 235 2 749 Corubia Schaus '06 Ins. 335 Corusculus Jordan ^ Snyder '01 Pisces 18 Coryacris Rehn '09 Ins. 424 Corydus Dresser '03 Aves 66 3 276 Corymbas Konojv '03 Ins. 245 3 801 Corymbitodes du Buysson '04 lus. 161 6 Ins. 231 Corymbopbanes Eigenmann '09 Pisces 38 Corynephoria Absolo7i '07 Ins. 423 Coryneta Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Corynofrea Aurivillius '10 Ins. 254 Corynomma CMm '06 Moll. 100 Corynuropsis Cockerell '01 Ins. 174 1 1040 Corypbaca Enderlein '10 Ins. 443 Coryphaelus Puton 1886 Hem. ; Cat. Ileniipt. Ed. 3, 81 Corypliaenoides G'ininerus 1765 Pisces; Troudhj. Selsk. Skrift. iii 43 ( CORYPH AES . — COSMOLAE. Corypbaosclma Williamson '03 Ins. 359 3 475 Coryphasia Simon '02 Aracbn. 44 Corypbophtbalmus Verhoeff" '10 Ins, 459 Coryphotriccus Ridgicay '06 Aves 88 Coryphus Csiki '02 Ins. 169 2 959 Corypsvlla Fox '08 Ins. 391 & '09 Ins. 382 Coryptilomyia Brues '10 Ins. 405 Coryssiphus Simon '03 Aracbn. 31 3 402 Corystus Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 61 Cosanoxyron Fowler '06 Pisces 54 Coscaga Schmis '06 Ins. 335 Coscinasparium Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1 , 826 Coscinaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 828 Coscinommarium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 222 Coscinonimidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 222 Coscinommonium Haeckell887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 223 Coscinoptycha Taylor '10 Por. 10 Coscinostoma Schrammen '10 Por. 8 Coscinoxyron Foioler '07 Pisces 52 Coscinnm Hendel '09 Ins. 378 Cosmetira Hartlauh '09 Coel. 17 Cosmetirella Browne '10 Ccel. 1 7 Cosmiella Verhoef '02 Ins. 305 2 545 Cosmina Perner '04 Moll. 85 Cosmiocryptus Cameron '02 Ins. 191 2 838 Cosmiojoppa Cameron '02 Ins. 191 4 720 Cosmiometra Clark '09 Ecbin. 49 Cosmiopimpla Cameron '05 Ins. ; 5 1107 Cosmocbthonius Berlese '10 Aracbn. 34 Cosmocomoidea Howard '08 Ins, 303 Cosmocyphus Pomel^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. melh. Ecbin. 91 Cosmodiscus Sloane '07 Ins. 210 Cosmogaster -fVras^ '04 Ins. 175 A- 822 Cosmolaela])s Berlese '03 Aracbn. 42 3 402 & 04' Aracbn. 41 66 ) COSMOLI— cox. CRAC— CRATEROC. Cosmolithes Grabau '04 Moll. 76 4 294 Cosmonautihis Hifatt Sf Smith '05 Moll. 58 5 56i Cosmophasis Simon '02 Arachn. 44 CodUiopbyllum Blanchard 1851 OrLli. ; Gay Hist. Chile vi 50 Cosmoscotopa Lower '02 Ins. 247 2 749 Cossmaimica Dall i^ Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 294 Cossvphodites Breams '01 Ins. 129 3 927 Cossyphus M'Clellnnd 1844 Pisces; Calcutta J. Nat. Hist, iv 403 Costateropliasis Perinc/uey '08 Ins. 258 Costicella Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracli. 21 Costiella Eeuter 1890 Ilem. ; Kev. d'Ent. ix 211 Costiopsis Senn 1900 Flag-. ; Engler u. Prautl Natiirl. PHanzfam. i T. 1 Abt. a 143 Costolatyclius Heller '06 Ins. 247 Costria Schaus '01 Ins. 215 1 963 Cotasteridus P4ringuey '08 Ins. 258 Cotteswoldia Buckman '02 Moll. 67 Cottinella Berg '07 Pisces 40 Cottiusciilus Jordan ^' Starks '04 Pisces 29 Cottiusciilus Schmidt '05 Pisces 36 5 HI Cottocomephoi'Lis Bellegrin '01 Pisces 21 Cotylina Lundbeck '05 Spong. 17 5 284 Cotylocera Ritter-Zdhony '07 Verm, 26 Cotyloplioron Stiles <^ Goklberger '10 Verm. 31 Cotylorhipis Blanchard '09 Verm. 34 Cotylotretus Odhner '02 Verm. 66 2 198 Coulmannia Hodgson '10 Crust. 33 Courtesius Distant '03 Ins. 330 3 531 Couthouyella Bartsch '09 Moll. 64 Coxliella Braiidt '06 Prot. 47 Coxopodias Richardson '10 Crust. 36 Coxtexta Jordan '02 Ins. 159 ( 67 Cractes Billberg 1828 Aves ; Synops. Faun. Scandiuav. i pt. 2, 14 Craginaster Lambert '03 Echin. 71 Crago Lamarck 1801 Crust. ; Syst. Anini. sans Vertebres 159 CramaucLenia Ameghino '02 Mamm. 42 Crambione Maas '03 Ccel. 21 3 117 Craniocephala Monticelli '05 Verm. 59 5 379 Cranopygia Burr '08 Ins. 419 Crapulo Miehe '02 Prot. 80 2 102 Crasia Aurivillias 1891 Lep. ; Nordens, Fjiiriiar 162 Crasilogia Warren '03 Ins. 285 3 705 Craspedocliaeta Czerny '03 Ins. 318 5 879 Craspedodon BiUner '01 Moll. 97 Craspedoiuetopon Kertesz '09 Ins. 367 Craspedometra Clark '09 Ecbiu. 49 Craspedomma Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 77 Craspedonema Rivhters '08 Verm. 41 Craspedoui^pa Weise '10 Ins. 258 Craspedoprion Berlepsch ^- Hartert '02 Aves 54 Craspedotella Kofoid '05 Prot. 74 5 270 Craspedotis Meyrick '04 Ins. 293 4 640 Craspedotriton Dall '04 Moll. 77 4 294 Craspedus Bernhauer '08 Ins. 222 Craspia Aurivillius '09 Ins. 321 Crassicippus Roetcer '10 Araclin. 32 Crassilabrum Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Crassisoma Alessandrini '09 Verm, 41 Craterella Schrammeii '01 Spong. 32 Craterestra Hampson '05 Ins, 257 5 1000 Crateriachea Rostajinski 1873 Rbizop. ; Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 11 Crateripora Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracli. Craterium Trentepohlius 1797 Rhizcp. ; Roth. Catal. Bot. i 22 a Craterocyclas Haecker '08 Prot. 50 ) f2 CRATEROS.— CRIBRI. Craterostigmus Pocock '02 Myr. 10 2 498 Craticulina Bezzi '06 Ins. 386 Cratilopus Bolivar '06 Ina. 451 Cratioma Bolivar '06 Ins. 447 Cratobracon Cameron '01 Ins. 192 1 1040 Cratocentrus Cameron '07 Ins. 284 Cratocryptodes Schulz '06 Ins. 293 Cratocryptoides Schmiedeknecht '08 Ins. 293 Cratocryptus Cameron '05 Ins. 208 .Cratojoppa Cameron '01 Ins. 188 1 1040 Cratopliiuui Dana 1852 Crust. ; Amer. J. Sci. (2) xiv 309 Crawfordia Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Creagoptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Creightonella Cockerell '08 Ins. 281 Creisson Jordan ^ Seale '07 Pisces 41 Cremastobombycia Brawn '08 Ins. 356 Cremifania Czerny '04 Ins. 310 Cremnophora Jlamp&on '01 Ins. 215 1 964 Cremnostethus Schivarz '01 Ins, 141 2 960 Cremopalpus Strand '09 Ins. 333 Creuimargo Cossmann '02 Moll. 83 Crenularia Betltune-Baker '06 Ins. 335 Creobius Semenov 1900 Col. ; Crephalia Casey '10 Ins. 214 Crepidacantha Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 21 Crepischiza Brenske '03 Ins. 161 3 927 Crescentius Distant '04 Ins. 324 4 509 Cretozonites Kohelt 1890 Moll. ; Rossm. Iconogr. N. F. iv 83 Crex Moehriny 1758 Aves ; Geslacbt. Vogel. Nozeman u. Yosmaer 6 Ci'ibella Jullien Sf Cnlvet '03 Bry. 12 Cribragapantbia Pic '03 Ins. 195 Cribraria Persoon 1794 liliizop. ; Neu. Mag. Bot. i 91 Cribricella Canu '04 Bry. 14 Cribricella Catiu '06 Bry., Brach. 26 Cribricella Levinsen '09 Bry., Brach. 21 ( CRIBRO.— CROSSL. Cribroblastns Hambach '03 Echin. 102 3 136 Cribrospbaera Popofsky '06 Prot. 41 Cribrostnmoides CusJiman '10 Prot. 54 Cricetopareis Breddin '03 Ins. 334 3 531 Crimerus Distant '02 Ins. 2 587 Crimona Smith '02 Ins. 223 2 750 Crinodes Serrich-Schaeffer Lep. ; Crinometra Cla7-k '09 Echin. 49 Criophasia Hampson '06 Ins. 335 Cristataria Vest 1867 Moll. ; Verb. Siebenb. Ver. xviii 170 Cristatopalpus Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 333 Cristigera Roux '02 Prot. 85 Cristigorina Leriche '06 Pisces 48 Cristina Loman '02 Aracbn. 54 2 477 Crisulipora Robertson '10 Bry., Brach. 15 Crithe Brady 1874 Crust. ; Crithidia Leger '02 Prot. 80 2 102 Criticonoma Meyrick '10 Ins. 380 Critobulus Distant '03 Ins. 329 3 531 Critomerus Lea '03 Ins. 186 3 927 Crocodilaemus Jourdan Rept. ; Crocula Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Croesopola Mej/ncZ; '04 Ins. 298 4 640 Crollius Distant '01 Ins. 277 l 814 Crombruggbia Tutt '06 Ins. 302 Cromeria Boulenger '01 Pisces 30 1 1230 Cromerus Distant '02 Ins. 272 Cromj'atractium JIaeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 335 Cromyodruppium ILaeekel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 317 Cromyommetta Ilacckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 261 Cromyomniura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 262 Croniades Mabille '03 Ins. 258 3 705 Cropalatus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 165 Crossias Jordan Sf Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 82 Crosslandia Eliot '02 Moll. 08 2 335 68 ) CROSSO.— CRYPTE. CRYPTI.— CRYPTOP. Crossodera Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 434 Crossomys Thomas '07 Mamm. 64 Crossostephanus Ball '08 Moll. 100 Crossota Vanhofen '02 Ccel. ; 2 149 Crossoura Moherg ^ Segerherg '09 Arachn, 7 (Irotalometra Clark '09 Echin. 49 Crotoclypeus Po?«enS83Eclun.;Classif. meth. Ecliiu. 60 Cruci.forma Popofsky '06 Prot. 41 Crunoeciella Ulmer '05 Iiis. 32-5 7 Ins. 352 Crurosaurus v. Huene '02 Kept. 20 2 1174 Crusiseta Schultze '08 Ins. 333 Crustulina Poind 1883 Echin. ; CLissuf^»j nieth. Echin. 72 Cryaster Koehler '06 Echin. 47 & '07 Echin. 32 5 349 Crybelocephalus Tcttersall '06 Crust. 47 Crymus Fam:el '04 Ins. 134 Cryotritoniuin Martens '03 IMoll. 70 Cryphaloides Formdnek '08 Ins. 265 Cryphopus Petri '07 Ins. 248 Crypsieoela Dognin '02 Ins. 234 3 705 Crypsicrocis Warren '07 Ins. 321 Crypsimetalla Warren '02 Ins. 234 2 750 Crypsinorhinus Fairmaire '05 Ins. 179 5 1233 Crypsiplocia Warren '02 Ins. 234 2 750 Crypsiprora Meyrick '02 Ins. 223 2 750 Crypsithyris Meyrick '07 Ins. 341 Crypsotidia N. Rothschild '01 Ins. 227 Crypsynarthra Lower '01 Ins. 253 1 964 Cryptapauteles Vicreck '10 Ins. 295 Cryptapis Cockerell '08 Ins. 281 Cryptaspidus Lindinger '10 Ins. 440 Cryptaulax Cameron '06 Ins. 293 Cryptaulus Bavay '03 Moll. 73 Cryptazeca Folin 1891 Moll. ; Cryptelasmus Pilshry '08 Moll. 100 Cryptella Jullien S)- Caloet '03 iiry. 12 ( 69 Crypticomorpha Casey '08 Ins. 251 Cryptobethvlus Halliday ^- Marshall '05 Ins. 223 Cryptobiella Casey '05 Ins. 137 7 Ins. 217 Cryptobothrus Rehn '07 Ins. 420 Cryptocephaliua Silvestri '08 Ins. 434 Cryptochilidiuui Schouteden '06 Prot. 47 Cryptocorypha Attems '07 Arachn. 52 Cryptodellus Westwood 1856 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 6 Cryptodiaspis Lindinger '10 Ins. 440 Cryptodinus Westwood 1856 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 3 Cryptodromiopsis Borradaile '03 Crust. 33 3 355 Cryptoflata Melickar '02 Ins. 281 3 531 Cryptoglaux Richinond '01 Aves 54 Cryptogouimus Oshorn '03 Verm. 50 3 155 Cryptohalictoides Viereck '04 Ins. 202 5 1108 Cryptoleon Banks '01 Ins. 296 Cryptolobata Moser '08 Ca?l. 30 Cryptomactra Andrtisov '03 Moll. 81 Cryptomima Butler '02 Ins. 213 2 750 Cryptommatus Mattheics 1884 Col. ; Cistula Ent. iii 88 Cryptoniscus Midler 1870 Crust. ; Cryptonotus Buckton '01 Ins. 288 1 814 Cryptoparlatorea Lindinger '05 Ins. 321 5 830 Cryptopelta Clark '09 Echin. 45 Cryptopeltaster Fisher '05 Echin. 79 5 349 Crvptophobetrou Dyar '05 Ins. 244 5 1000 Cryptopithecus Wittich '02 Mamm. 29 Cryptopomatus Gravier '08 Verm. 44 Cryptoposcincus Mocquard '06 Kept. 32 Cryptopteromyia Trdgdrdh '09 Ins. 873 Cryptoptyxis Cossmann 'OS Moll. 80 Cryptopvgus Willem '01 Ins. 302 3 435 & '03 Ins. 363 5 717 ) CRYPTOR.— CTENOCH. Cryptoraiua Fall '05 Ins. 163 6 Ins. 234 Cryptoscopa Turner '04 Ins. 274 Cryptosemelus Oollinge '02 Moll. 59 2 335 Cryptoses Dijar '08 Ins. 349 Cryptosporidium Tyzzer '07 Prot. 50 & '10 Prot. 59 Cryptostetha Baly 1858 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 349 Cryptotermes Banks '06 Ins. 428 Cryptotethva Bendy '05 Spong. 14 5 284 Cryptothir Dana 1852 Crust. ; Cryptotrichiella Poj^pius '10 Ins. 424 Crypturella Silvestri '10 Ins. 459 [Crysiplocia (err ore) vide Crypsiplocia] Crystallias Jordan ^ Snyder '02 Pisces 25 2 1117 Crystallomorplia Eehn '09 Ins. 420 Crystalloteuthis Clmn '06 Moll. 100 Crytea Cameron '06 Ins. 293 Cryxus Leach 1814 Crust. ; Edinburgh Encyclop. vii 407 Csikia Szombathy '10 Ins. 232 Ctena Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 377 Ctenacantlnis Gharyaev '02 Crust. 57 2 418 Ctenane Sioinhoe '05 Ins. 244 5 1000 Ctenaulis Warren '02 Ins. 234 2 750 Ctenaxina SclienMing '06 Ins. 235 Ctenicellus Raffray '04 Ins. 141 6 Ins. 213 Ctenisolabis Verhoeff '02 Ins. 305 Ctenisoniimus Raffray '04 Ins. 141 6 Ins. 213 Ctenistochlora Warren '05 Ins. 266 5 1000 Ctenoapis Cameron '01 Ins. 174 1 1040 Ctenobrycon Eigenmann '09 Pisces 40 Ctenocalus Szepligeti '08 Ins. 293 Ctenoceplialus Linstoiv '04 Verm. 52 Ctenocbara Casey '06 Ins. 204 Ctenocbarax Regan '07 Pisces 52 Ctenocbauliodes Wcele '00 Ins, 357 ( CTENOCN.— CULIC. Ctenocnemis Fieber 1861 Hem. ; Europ. Hem. 150 Ctenodoris Eliot '07 Moll. 116 Ctenodrapetis Bezzi '04 Ins. 305 Ctenoglypta Ancey '04 Moll. 62 5 561 Ctenolepisma Escherich '05 Ins. 333 4 431 Ctenolopbus Pnrcell '04 Aracbn. 21 4 405 Ctenomelvntbus Breddin '03 Ins. 327 3 '531 Ctenonemus Simon '03 Aracbn. 20 4 405 Ctenoparia Rothschild '09 Ins. 382 Ctenopbila Ancey 1882 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste ii 69 Ctenopboraster Fischer '06 Ecbin. 48 Ctenopbrvne Mocquard '04 Eept. 36 5*178 Ctenopbtbalmus KolenatilS&d Suctoria; Horse Soc. Entom. Ross, ii 35 Ctenoplax Horvdth '10 Ins. 424 Ctenoplectrella Cockcrell '09 Ins. 279 Ctenoposomus Reitter '00 Ins. 241 Gimo-^s M^ CleUand 1845 Pisces; Cal- cutta J. Nat. Hist. V 281 Ctenosaurus v. liuene '02 Kept. 26 2 1174 Ctenostilpnus Sirohl '02 Ins. ; 2 838 Ctenotbrips Franklin '07 Ins. 401 Ctenotoma Cameron '00 Ins. 203 Ctenus Mabille '06 Ins. 358 Ctenusa Hampson '10 Ins. 349 Ctianopba Schaus '01 Ins. 215 1 904 Ctilopsis Andre '06 Moll. 75 Ctonoxylon Hagedorn '10 Ins. 251 Cubicosomus Waterhouse 1853 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, ii 181 Cubitermes Wasmann '06 Ins. 428 Cubotbolissa Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 680 Cubotbolura Haeckel 1887 Ptbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt 1, 681 Cucurbitella Penard '02 Prot. 61 Culcitella Fuhrmann '06 Verm. 30 Culicada Felt '04 Ins. 300 4 651 Culicella Felt '04 Ins. 300 4 551 Culicelsa Felt '04 Ins. .300 4 551 Culiciomyia Theobald '07 Ins. 359 70 ) CULIS.— CYATHOM. Culiseta Fdt '04 Ins. 300 CulticuLa ^Mo« '01 Pisces 29 1 1230 Ciiltriopsis Cossman '04 Moll. 90 Cultroribula Berlese '08 Araclm. 40 Cuniellopsis Caiman '05 Crust. 49 5 666 Cuuioniscus Bonnier '03 Crust. 40 3 355 Cuna Hedley '02 Moll. 83 2 335 Cuneipectus Sloane '07 Ins. 210 Cuniculina Brunner '07 Ins. 411 Cunningtouia Boulengpr '06 Pisces 46 Cupa Bosenberg ^- Strand '06 Aracliu. 34 Cupanoscelis Gounelle '09 Ins. 263 Curculidium Handlirsch '07 Ins. 263 Curculiopsis Handlirsch '07 Ins. 263 Curimopsis Ganglhauer '02 Ins. 124 Curitiba Lameere '03 Ins. 195 Curruca 3/oe/«rm^ 1758 Aves; Geslaclit. Vogel. Nozemau u. Vosmaer 1 Cursipes Matthew '03 Kept. 38 Curticia Walcott '05 Brack. 7 Curubis Simon '02 Aracbn. 44 Curvimanon Fleischer '09 Ins. 226 Cuvieria Leach 1814 Crust. ; Edinb. Encyclop. vii 435 Cyanarctia Hampson '01 Ins. 215 1 964 Cyanaspis Weise '04 Ins. 197 4 823 Cyanea Meic/en 1800 Dipt. ; Cyaneolytta Peringuey '09 Ins. 248 Cj'anobaris Chamjnon '09 Ins. 253 Cyauocentris Friese '01 Ins. 174 Cyanocbaris Needham '03 Ins. 859 3 475 Cyauocrvptus Cameron '03 Ins. 233 3 802 Cyanojoppa Cameron '02 Ins. 191 4 720 Cyanolaemus Stone '07 x\ves 113 Cyanopbasis Buturlin '08 Aves 111 Cyanotipbia Cameron '07 Ins. 270 Cyatbidea Simon '07 Ai'acbn. 34 Cyatbocepbahis Kessler 1868 Verm. ; Trad. Russ. Est. St. Petersb. Prilozb. i 135 Cyatbomyia Meyere '10 Ins. 397 ( CYATHOP.— CYCLON. Cyatbopbycus Walcott Spong. ; Cyatliopria Kiefer '09 Ins. 300 Cyatbospbaera Haeckel 1894 Elag. ; Syst. Pbylog. i p. iii Cvatbotrocbus Bourne '05 Ccel. 27 5 318 (Jyatocotyle Mola '08 Verm. 39 Cybacopsis Strand '07 Aracbn. 38 Cybosonia Jordan '06 Ins. 256 Cycetes Enderlein '07 Ins. 401 Cycetbra Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 257 4 640 Cycbropsis Boileau '01 Ins. 116 Cyclactinia Vinassa de Begny '01 Coel. 13 Cyclamastra Vanatta '05 Moll. 64 Cyclanipterium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1379 Cyclamptidium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt 2, 1380 Cyclidalis Hampso7i '06 Ins. 358 Cyclidolon Renter '09 Ins. 392 Cyclinella Ball '02 Moll. 81 2 335 Cyclocalyx Ball '03 Moll. 82 Cyclocepbala Strobl '05 Ins. 299 Cyclocepbalomyia Hetidel '07 Ins. 373 Cyclocboria Stichel '04 Ins. 246 Cycloclema Schrammen '10 Por. 8 Cyclocoris Heer 1805 Hem. ; Cycloderma Heer 1805 Hem. ; Cyclogona Lower '01 Ins. 253 1 965 Cyclogvpba Mahille '03 Ins. 258 3 705 Cyclolampas Pomel ^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m6tb. Ecbin. 51 Cyclolepidopteron Blanchard '01 Ins. 260 Cycloleppteron Theobald '01 Ins. 260 1 859 Cycloloceilina Heron- Allen Sf Earland '08 Prot. 46 Cyclolymnaea Ball '05 Moll. 66 Cyclomeuia Nierstrasz '02 Moll. 85 2 335 Cyclomissus Brouji '03 Ins. 143 3 927 Cyclommatus Parry 1863 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 449 Cyclomuricea Nutting '08 Coel. 25 Cyclonautilus Hind '10 Molh 94 71 ■) CYCLOP.— CYLINDROPSIS Cyclopellatia Cossmann '08 Moll. 110 Cyclopelma Buich 1851 Ca^lomata ; Beob. Anat. Entwickl. Seethiere 132 Cyclopera Hampson '10 Ins. 349 Cyclophatnus Cameron '10 Ins. 295 Cycloplioropsis Dautzenherg '08 Moll. 80 Cyclopliylla Brandt 1837 ScA^plmzoa ; Bull. Sci. Ac. St. P(5tersb. i 187 Cyclopora Jullien S)- Calvet '03 Bry. 12 Cycloporidium Farona '10 Ccel. 17 Cycloporopterus Lea '08 Ins. 258 Cycloptiloides Sjostedt '09 Ins. 420 Cyclorchis Lilhe '08 Verm. 38 Cyclorisma Ball '02 Moll. 81 Cyclorrhj'Dchus De Haan Crust. ; Cyclosodes Hampson '01 Ins. 215 1 965 Cyclotaenia Jbr^ffM '03 Ins. 195 3 927 Cyclotaphrys Totvnsend '09 Ins. 375 Cycloterinus Kolhe '10 Ins. 245 Cyclotermes Holmgren '10 Ins. 446 Cycloterodes Kolhe '10 Ins. 245 Cyclothrix Wolcott '05 Araclin. 29 5 717 Cyclotliyreus Hemes '10 Crust. 27 Cyclotliyropliorus Pocock '08 Myr., Araclin. 50 Cyclotorna Meyrick '07 Ins. 341 Cyclotricliium Meunier '10 Prot. 69 Cyclotropis Perner '04 Moll. 85 V" G Cyclumna Foicler '04 Ins. 332 4 509 Oyclustera Fuhrmann '01 Verm. 46 1 495 Cylapofulvius Poppins '10 Ins. 425 Cylichnium Ball '08 Moll. 97 Cyliclmopsis Cossmann '04 Moll. 73 Cylindracheta Xirb)/ '06 Ins. 446 Cylindrocerinus Champion '08 Ins. 258 Cylindrodf)n Boiiglass '01 Mamm. 34 3 378 Cylindrogyra Pepelin '02 Moll. 67 Cyliudromorphoides Kerremayis '03 Ins. 169 4 823 Cylindromyiopsis Bezzi '06 Ins. 386 Cylindroplivllum Simpson '01 Coil. 19 2 149 Cylindropsis Fauvel Col. ; ( C YLINDEOPSIS— C YPHINOD. Cylindropsis Bezzi '06 Ins. 386 Cyliudroptinus Pis '10 Ins. 236 Cyliudrotelphusa Alcock '09 Crust. 29 Cylindrotermes Holmgren '06 Ins. 428 Cylindrotettix Bruner '06 Ins. 451 Cylistella Simon '02 Araclin. 44 Cylisiicna Schnitzler 1853Crust.; Onisc. Bounensis Cylistosoma Leivis '05 Ins. 145 5 1234 Cyllodania Simon '02 Arachn. 44 Cylloma Budde-Lund 1885 Crust. ; Crust. Isopod. Terrest. 46 Cyllometra Clai-k '07 Ecliin. 39 Cyraaroa Hamj)son '05 Ins. 5 1000 Cymatocyclas Ball '03 Moll. 82 3 285 Cymatocylis Laackmann '10 Prot. 69 Cyniatomorplia Megrick '04 Ins. 2iJ3 4 640 Cymatoplex Turner '10 Ins. 365 Cymatopsocus Enderlein '03 Ins. 355 3 476 Cymatopus KerUsz '01 Ins. 263 Cymbalopus Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 394 Cymouinus Breddin '07 Ins. 379 Cynarctus Mattheiv '02 Mamm. ; 2 1467 Cynias Gill '03 Pisces ; 3 89 Cynocliarax Fotvler '07 Pisces 51 Cynodoniclitbvs 3Ieek '04 Pisces 42 4 82 Cynodoutopbis Werner '02 Kept. 21 Cynomacrurus Bollo '09 Pisces 37 Cynortina Banks '09 Arachn. 38 C^motes Walsingham '07 Ins. 342 Cvntbiopsis 31ichaelsen '04 Tun. 5 4 7 Cypellia Zittel Spong, ; Cypbantella Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. ], 360 Cyphantissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 362 Cyphanza Cameron '09 Ins. 293 Cyphelops Fairniaire '01 Ins. 147 1 1130 Cypbinodoma Haeckel ]887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 371 Cyphinodura Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 372 72 ) CYPHINOM.— CYEO. Cypliinonia Ilacckcl 1887 Khizop. ; Clialleiiger xviii pt. 1, 3(19 Cypliiiiura Ilaeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Clialleuger xviii pt. 1, 370 Cypliocallipus Verhoef '09 Myr., Araclin. 51 &: '10 Araclm. 51 CypboceiMtops Uhler '01 Ins. 287 2 587 Cypliocbarax Fowler '06 Pisces 54: Cyphodeiiiidea Reuter '04 lus. 326 3 531 Cyplioderodes Silvestri '10 Ins. 459 Cypliolampas Lambert '06 Ecliin. 36 Cypkomelissa Schrottky '03 Ins. 216 Cyphomydica Heller "08 Ins. 258 Cyplionetliis Thorell 1869 Arachn. ; Nov. Acta iSoc. Upsala (3) vii 5, 37 Cyphonichus ShariJ '02 Ins. 124 2 962 Cypliopelta Van Duzee '10 Ins. 425 Cyphopva liobertson '03 Ins. 216 3 802 Cypliopygus Pomel ^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. nietli. Ecbin. 89 Cypliopygus Valette '06 Ecliin. 36 Cypliosticlia Turner ''QTi Ins. 342 Cyphotracliehis Tschitsch6rine '03 Ins. 136 3 927 Cyphotrypa Ulrich 4" Bassler '04 Biy. 12 4 215 Cyphura Warren '02 Ins. 234 2 751 Cypria Si7nroth '10 Moll. 79 Cypriacis Casey '09 Ins. 237 Cypridinodes Brady '02 Crust. 72 2 419 Cypriniadea Eovereto '01 Moll. 99 CypseJa Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Cypselavus Gaillard '08 Aves 125 Cyptobuniis Banks '05 Araclin. 25 5 717 Cyrenodouax Ball '03 Moll. 82 Cyrenopsis Etheridye '03 Moll. 82 Cyrianassa Sjjence Bate 1856 Crust. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii 187 Cyriocosmus Simon '03 Araclin. 20 Cyriopertha Reitter '03 Ins. 164 Cyrnodes Ulmer '10 Ins. 386 Cyroiiiys Thomas '10 Mauim. 54 ( 73 CYETA.— CYRTOS. Cyrta Mellchar '02 Ins. 286 2 587 Cyrtacantbacris Walker 1870 Ortb. ; Cat. Derm. Salt, iii 550 Cyrtbydrolaelaps Berlese '05 Aracbn. 29 5 717 Cyrtoliaris Champion '09 Ins. 253 Cyrtocapsella Ilaeckel 1887 libizop. ; Cbalieuger xviii pt. 2, 1512 Cyrtocapsidea Reuter '06 Ins. 402 5 8.'J0 Cyrtocapsonia Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizap. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1514 Cyrtocara Boulenyer '02 Pisces 28 2 1117 Cyrtocepbala Simon 1864 Aracbn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 81 Cyrtocbarax Fouier '06 Pisces 54 & '07 Pisces 52 Cyrtocoris White 1842 Hem. ; Tr.Eut. Soc. Lond. iii 89 Cvrtocris Aui-iviUius '04 Ins. 187 4 823 Cyrtodelpbis Abel '01 Mamm. 38 Cyrtodisciis Perner '03 Moll. 78 Cyrtodoutarca Jakoiolew '03 Moll. 82 Cyvtofrea Aurimllius '10 Ins. 254 Cyrtogonatopus Kieffer '07 Ins. 286 Cyrtolagena Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1451 Oyrtomius Casey '07 Ins. 240 Cyrtomostonia Hendel '09 Ins. 378 Cyrtomycbus A'«/ie '10 Ins. 262 Cyrtopbium Dana 1852 Crust. ; Amer. J. Sci. xiv 309 Cyrtopbormis Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1158 Cyrtopbormiscus Ilaeckel 1887 libizop.; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1460 Cyrtonbonnium Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop.; " Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1460 Cyrtopbyllicus Ilebard '08 Ins. 427 Cyrtoplectus Rafray '04 Ins. 141 Cyrtopteron Bouryeois "05 Ins. 160 6 Ins. 234 Cyrtostolus Sharj) '08 Ins. 231 Cyrtostrobiis Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1471 Cvrtostropba Eu/udd '02 Mull. 79 ) CYRTOT.— DACNI. DACNO.— DAG. Cyrtotelus TschitscUrine '02 Ins. 110 2 962 Cyrtura Jaekel '04 Rept. 33 Cystagora Stafford '05 Verm. ; 5 379 Cysteorrhacba Kirkaldy '08 Ins, 399 Cystispongia Roemer Spong. ; Cystodiplosis Kieffer '10 Ins. 392 Cystomastax SzSplujeti '04 Ins. 224 4 720 Cystopelta r«fe 1880 Moll. ; Trans. E. Soc. Tasmau. 17 Cystopelta Petterd Sf KedUxj '09 Moll. 78 Cystophormis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1764 Cystopsaltria Godinq ^- Froygatt '04 Ins. 330 4 509 Cystostylus Whitfield 1880 Prot. ; Cystothalamia Girty '08 Por. 6 Cytaeidium Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Denkscbr. Ges. Jena i 73 Cytberideis Jones 1857 Crust. ; Men. Tertiary Entomostr. Pal. Soc. 1857, 46 Cytberidella Baday '05 Crust. 71 5 667 Cytberomorpba Ilirschmann '09 Crust. 53 Cytbna Kirkahly '06 Ins. 409 Cytocanis Hampson '10 Ins. 349 Cytocladus Schroder '06 Prot. 41 Cytothymia HamiJson '10 Ins. 349 Cytotracbelus Breiiske 1900 Col. ; Berl. eut. Zeitsch. 81 Cyttaralopha Bethune-Buker '08 Ins. 333 111 33 Cyttominius Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 Cyttosonia Gilchrist '04 Pisces 4 82 Czernya Strobl '09 Ins. 375 Czernyola Bezzi '07 Ins. 371 DA.BA Forskdl 1775 Pisces; Descript. Animalium 44 Dabessus Bistant '02 Ins. 268 2 Dacentrurus Lucas '02 Rept. 23 Dacnitis Bujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist Nat. ilelmintb. 207 Dacuitus SJiarp '08 lus. 245 Dacnodes Burr '07 Ins. 407 Uacnotillus Rafray '08 Ins. 227 Dacryopilumnus Nobili '06 Crust. 31 Dacryostactus Schaufuss '05 Ins. 179 5 1234 Dacrypbanea Meyrick '07 Ins. 342 Dactylactis van Bene den 1897 Scy- pbozoa; Ergebn. Plaukton-Exped. Plumboldt-Stift. ii K. e. 85 Dactylamblyops Holt S)- Tattersall 'OG Crust. 43 Dactylapta Clark '07 Ecbin. 23 Dactylerytbrops Holt Sf Tattersall '05 Crust. 47 5 607 Dactyletbra Meyrick '06 Ins. 364 Dactyliodiscus Squinabol '03 Prot. 57 Dactyliospbaera Squinabol '05 Prot. 63 Dactylobatus Bean ^' Weed '09 Pisces 43 Dactylocblamys Laiderborn '01 I*rot. 36 1 440 Dactylokepon Stehbing '10 Crust. 35 Dactylomyia Newstead Sf Carter '10 Ins. 397 Dactylonax Thomas '10 Mamm. 64 Dactylonepbtbya Thomas ^ Sijnpson '09 Coel. 22 Dactylopbrya C Danavara Distant '06 Ins. 409 Dciudamis Gahan '06 Ins. 259 Dandinus Distant '04 Ins. 316 4 509J Dandridgia White 1849 Arachn. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 5 Daniela Xetolitzky '10 Ins. 209 Danielsia Theobald '04 Ins. 300 4 551 Daunfeltia Sjostedt '01 Orth. ; 2 545 Danuriodes Giglio-Tos '07 Ins. 414 Daphaenodon Peterson '09 Mamm. 62 Daphne Midler 1776 Crust. ; Daphnephila Kieffer '05 Ins. 285 Daphniopsis Sars '03 Crust. 47 3 355 ( DAPS.— DASYSTE. Dapsilotoma Cameron '06 Ins. 299 Darachosia Cameron '03 Ins. 234 Daranyia Liirenthey '01 Crust. 28 3 355 D'arcythoiupsonia Scott '06 Crust. 52 Darellella Buckman '04 Moll. 60 4 295 Darellina Buckman '04 Moll. 60 4 295 Darnia Walker 1858 Horn. ; Ins. Saunders. Horn. 102 Darpasus Cameron '04 Ins. 21 9 4 720 Daruma Jordan 8f Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 82 Darymna Cameroti "04 Ins. 219 4 720 Dascalina Melichar '02 Ins. 281 3 532 Dascillocyphon Everts '09 Ins. 240 Dasciopteryx Warren '01 Ins. 235 1 965 Daseochaeta Warren '09 Ins. 333 Daseuplexia Hampson '06 Ins. 336 Dashymenia Poppiiis '10 Ins. 425 Busiapia Cockerell '03 Ins. 216 3 802 Dasybatus Blainville 1816 Pisces ; J. Phys. Cbim. Hist. Nat. Ixxxiii 260 Dasybella Turner '08 Ins. 343 Dasybranchus Grube 1851 ; Dasvchiroides Befhune- Baker '04 Ins. 257 4 641 Dasychonopsis Bush '05 Verm. 43 Dasycirtus B rimer '08 Ins. 431 Dasycomota iojwr '02 Ins. 215 2 751 Dasycyptus Simon '02 Arachn. 44 Dasydemella Enderlein '09 Ins. 408 Dasylabroides Andre '01 Ins. 17S Dasylechia Williston '07 Ins. 3(36 Dasyleurotettix Rehn '04 Ins. 360 5 785 Dasymacaria Warren '01 Ins. 235 1 965 Dasypelates Portevin '07 Ins. 221 Dasypsocus Enderlein '06 Ins. 426 Dasypsyllus Baker '05 Aphan. ; 5 751 Dasyrhadus Fall '10 Ins. 233 Dasyrhopala Jordan '04 Ins. 184 4 824 Dasysciara Kieffer '03 Ins. 305 3 580 Dasyses Durrant '03 Ins. 300 3 706 Dasysteuella Versluys '06 Coel. 20 Dasysterua Turner '04 Ins. 275 4 041 75 ) DASYSTO.— DEGON. DEGOR.— DELP. Dusystole Warren '07 Ins. 321 DasyLanobium Pic '02 Ins. 146 3 929 Dasytrog-us Heitter '03 Ins. 161 3 929 Dasyvalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 157 4 824 Datames Ilorvdth '09 Ins. 383 Datbeosaurus Schroeder '05 Rent. ; 5 178 Daudebardiella Boeitger '05 Moll. 75 5 562 ^Dauphiua Distant '08 Ins. 403 Dautzenbergia Chevreux '02 Crust. 57 Davainea Blanchard Verm. ; Davisia Preston '10 Moll. 87 Dawsonites Bohn '04 Moll. 60 4 295 5 562 Daxata Pascoe 1864 Col. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. iii 58 Dayro Cameron '02 Ins. 191 2 839 Daza Bis'ant '05 Ins. 312 5 830 Deania Jordan 4' Snyder '02 Pisces 45 2 1117 Dearbornia Waleott '08 Bracb. 13 Decaconus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Decacrema Forel '10 Ins. 284 Decametrocriuus Minchcrt '05 Ecliin. 88 5 349 \ Decantha Busck '08 Ins. 356 Decapotoma Voigts '02 Ins. 150 5 1234 Decartliria Hope 1834 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 16 Decatelia Weise '04 Ins. 197 4 824 Decatomidea Ashmead 1888 Hym. ; Eut. Americana iv 42 Decatomotborax Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 4 720 DecolopodajE'iV/'^s 1835 Aracbn.; Boston 6 J. Nat. "Hist, i 203' ^Decora Bierman '10 Ins. 430 Decterias Jordan Sf Starks '04 Pisces 30 4 82 Decticryptis Hampso7i '10 Ins. 349 Dectinominia Caudell '10 lus. 455 Dectobatbra Meyrick '04 Ins. 293 4 641 Deflorita Boliver '06 Ins. 447 Degeriella Neumann '06 Ins. 428 Degitbina Cameron '01 Ins. 188 Uegonetus Distant '02 Ins. 268 2 588 ( 76 Degorsiai?«W '01 Ins. 154 1 1130 Deguernea Thoinson '02 Crust. 65 Deicbmulleria Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Deidamia Clemens 1859 Lep. ; J. Ac. Pbilad. iv 137 Deileptena Guerin 1831 Lep. ; Voy. Coquille, Atlas Deimatostages Kuldgatz '06 Ins. 402 Deinelencbus Perkins '05 Ins. 169 5 1234 Deiuocerites Theobald '01 Ins. 260 1 859 Deinodryinus Perkins '07 Ins. 236 Deioopsocus B^iderlein '03 Ins. 355 3 476 Deinopvgia Warren '04 Ins. 275 4 641 Deiuosucbus Holland '09 Rept. 32 Deipyle Champion '09 Ins. 253 Deipyrus Champion '08 Ins. 258 Dekana Hogg '02 Aracbn. 26 2 478 Delacampius Distant '03 Ins. 330 Delaulax Cameron '06 Ins. 293 Delbosia Pomel 1883 Ecbiu.; Classif. metb Ecbin. 88 Deleastes Seale '06 Pisces 60 Deleboea Cameron '03 Ins. 234 3 802 Delia Melichar '06 Ins. 410 Deliodes Casey '10 Ins. 214 Delios Portevin '04 Ins. 145 5 1234 Delipbrosoma Reitter '09 Ins. 221 Delmea Koenike '08 Aracbn. 45 TiQlocowyo. Stcinhoe '051ns. 258 5 1001 Deludiplosis Tarares '08 Ins. 366 & '09 Ins. 360 Delopatagus Koehler '07 Ecbin. 27 & '09 Ecbin. 32 Delopia Cameron '03 Ins. 234 4 720 Delopterum Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Deloripa Simon '02 Aracbn. 44 Delos Hutton '04 Moll. 64 Delpbacissa Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 410 Delpbacodes Melichar '01 Ins. 287 Delpbiuites Sayn '01 Moll. 69 Delpbinosaurus Merriam '05 Rept. ; 5 178 Delpbinoruis Wytnan '06 Aves 75 Delpbiovnis Wiman '05 Aves 44 5 345 Delpbota Casey '10 Ins. 214 ) BELT.— DEND. DENI.-DERMOF. Alk Bill. y Deltoceras BucJcman '02 Moll. 57 ODeltodorydium KirMldy '07 Ins. 394 Deltoidoceras Buchnan '02 Moll. 57 Deltonotus Hancock '04 Ins. 360 Deltote R. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena Lit. Zeit. i 288 Demanga Distatit '07 Ins. 390 Demania Laurie '06 Crust. 31 Demiopliila Meyrick '06 Ins. 3G4 Demochares Bolivar '06 Ins. 451 Demodocus Stdl 1878 Orth.; Svenska Ak. Handl. v No. 4, 75 Demolis HamiJson '01 Ins, 215 1 865 Demotinella Jacoby '08 Ins. 272 Denckraannia Hohaj'fel '10 Brach. 7 Dendaroscelis Reitter '05 Ins. 165 Dendoricella Lundbeck '05 Spong-. 17 5 284 Dendorophis Lindhohn '05 Eept. 32 Dendrites Kirkaldij '09 Ins. 383 Dendroboania Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 21 Dendrocepbalus Daday 'OS Crust. 50 Dendrocoryne Inaba 1892 Hvdrozoa ; Zool. Mag. Tokio iv No. '41 Dendrodorcopsis Rothschild '03 Mamm. 41 3 378 Dendrogorgia Simpson '10 Crel. 21 Dendroiketes Burr '09 Ins. 416 DendroDionas Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionstbiere iii Abtb. 1 H. p. x Dendroravia Theobald '03 Ins. 308 3^580 Dendroneplithyra Kilke7ithal '05 Cffil. ; 5 318 Dendroneura EnderJein 3 476 Dendropbila Hodgson O '03 Ins. 355 Deniya Cameron '05 Ins. 209 Dennantia Tate 1888 Moll. ; Trans. R. Sec. S. Aust. X 161 Dennyus Neumann '06 Ins. 428 Dentalium Grube 1851 ; Dentaxis Pihbry '02 Moll. 64 Dentifibula Felt '08 Ins. 366 Dentipes Midler 1775 Moll.; Slabber Physik. Belust. Mikrosk. Wabr- nebm. Dentobunus Roewer '10 Aracbn. 32 Deoclona Busck '03 Ins. .300 3 706 Deocrinus Hudson '08 Ecbin. 28 Deoutacylix Linton '10 Verm. 33 Deopalpus Toimsend '08 Ins. 382 Deoris Moore '03 Ins. 247 3 706 Depaoceras Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Depsaria Gistl 1856 Ins. ; Mysterien Insektenwelt 31 Deracantbella Bolivar '01 Ins. 307 Deradena Linton '10 Verm. 32 Deraiodontus Bradley '01 Ins. 193 1 1040 2 839 Deraspiella Bolivar '05 Ins. 340 5 784 Deratopeus Casey '05 Ins. 138 7 Ins. 217 Derbidia Fairmaire '01 Ins. 160 Derbyiella Lea '07 Ins. 248 Dercitancorina Topsent '02 Spong. 28 Dercitopsis Dendii '05 Spone;. 12 5 284 "^ ^ ° Derc\nus Champion '05 Ins. 173 5 12.35 Derecbinus Fairmaire '02 Ins. 161 Derelominus Champion '02 Ins. 153 Deretrema Linton '10 V'^erm. 32 l/oDerisa Melichar '02 Ins. 281 Aves ; 1837 Madras J. Lit. Sci. v 432 Dendropbora Melichar '03 Ins. 340 3 532 Dendroscelis Reitter "04 Ins. ; 4 824 Dendrosema Kieffer '10 Ins. 299 Dendrosmintbus De Vis '08 Mamm. 84 Dendrosomides Collin '06 Prot. 48 Dendroterus Blandford '04 Ins. 4 824 Dendrotliu/ia ICoehler i^- Vaiiey Echin. 58 5 349 3 532 Dermatocbeir Dnrbiji '09 Pisces 41 Dermatnnotus Mehely '04 Eept. 2 588 4 136 Dermatostroma Parks '10 Crel. 19 Derraatoteton Jejikin '08 Por. 6 Dermocystis Stafford '05 Verm. ; 5 379 Dermodium Rostajinski 1875 Rbizop. ; Denkscb. Ges. Wiss. Paris vi V Art. 1, 284 '05'^O Dermoflata Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 532 ( V7 ) 182 DERMOP.-DEUTERA. Dermophilus van Beneden and Bessels 1870 Crust. ; Mem. Cour. Ac. Belgique xxxiv Nr. 4, 26 Dermosporidium Marcone '08 Prot. 55 Derinothrips Bagnall '10 Iiis. 442 Derobroscus Sharp '03 Ins. 136 3 029 Derocardia Saussure 1895 Orth. ; Derogi'aphium Jordan '03 Ins. 192 3 929 Derolathrus Sharp '08 Ins. 233 Deroligota Sharp '08 Ins. 222 Deropoda Bernhauer '04 Ins. 134 v ;' Deropristis Odhner'02 Verm. 66 2 198 Deropristus Sharp '03 Ins. 13G 3 929 Derosasius Ganglbauer '08 Ins. 258 Derosimiis Fairmaire '04 Ins. 106 6 Ins. 240 Dersagrena Kirka^dy '04 Ins. 319 4 609 Derxema Simon '06 Araclin. 29 Desaulcya Bolivar '06 Ins. 447 Desbordesius Maindron '06 Ins. 198 Desbrochersella Reitter '06 Ins. 248 Deser.tella Haug '08 Moll. Ill Desidiopsis Fage '09 Arachn. 34 Desmalopex Miller '07 Mamm. 58 Desmathyus Mattheio '07 Mamm. 70 Desmatognathus Wortmann '06 Mamm. 68 Desmatopliaca Condon '06 Mamm. 68 Desmieria Douville '05 Moll. 80 Desmiphoropsis Gounelle '08 Ins. 267 Desmomys Thomas '10 Mamm. 64 Desmonyx Arroio '07 Ins. 228 Desmopacliria Babington 1841 Col.; Tr. Ent. Sec. Lond. iii 16 Desmopsammia Reis '02 Coel. 26 Desmosyllis Verrill '04 Verm, 32 Desmotetrapedia Schrottky '09 Ins. 279 Desmozosteria Shclford '09 Ins. 418 Desmus Raw '08 Arachn. 6 Desooroceras Buckman '02 Moll. 57 ^/^^ Destutia Grossheck '08 Ins. 343 Desvoidya Blanchard '01 Ins. 260 1 859 Deuterammobia Bezzi '06 Ins. 386 Deuterapoica Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 4 720 DEUTERE.— DIADOC. Deutereulophus Schulz '06 Ins. 304 Deuterodiscoeliiis Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 Deuterodon Jordan '07 Pisces 51 Deuterogouia Rebel '01 Ins. Corrigenda Deuteromya Cossmann '03 Moll. 83 Deuteroptila Meyrick '04 Ins. 293 4 641 Deuterosminthurus Borner '01 Ins. 302 1 761 Deuterotinea Rebel '01 Ins. Corrigenda ^Devadanda Distant '06 Ins. 410 Devagama Distant '06 Ins. 410 Devarodes Warren '04 Ins. 275 4 641 Devescovina Foa '06 Prot. 72 5 271 Deveximentum Foivler '04 Pisces ; 4 82 Devillea Brolemann '02 Myr. 14 2 498 Devisia Ogilhy '05 Rept. 34 Devorgilla Cameron '07 Ins. 277 Uewetia Buturliji '04 Aves 65 Dewetia Bischof '04 Ins. 308 4 561 Dexiocerella Hasicell 1885 Crust. ; Dexistes Jordan ^ Starks '04 Pisces 32 4 82 Deyta Distant '06 Ins. 410 Dharmma Dista^it '08 Ins. 405 Diabena Fairjuaire '01 Ins. 116 1 1130 Diablepia Kirby '02 Ins. 310 2 545 Diacantbarius Schmiedeknecht '03 Ins. ; 3 802 Diacantbocapsa Sqxdnabol '03 Prot. 58 Diacantbodis Walker 1870 Ortli. ; Diacantboidea Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 423 Diacantbous Reitter '05 Ins. 158 5 1235 Diacbea Fries 1825 Rliizop. ; Syst. Orbis vegetab. i 143 Diacbelus Desbrochers '02 Ins, 153 5 1235 Diacira Walker 1858 Horn. ; Ins. Saunders. Horn. .34 Diactenis Meyrick '07 Ins. 336 Diadexia Turner '05 Ins. 274 Diadocyrtus Simo7i '02 Aracbn, 26 3 403 ) DIADOM.— DIARTHRON. Diadoma Westerlund '01 Moll. 78 1 617 Diaemus Miller 'OG Mamni. 64 Diaglyptus D'Orbiiimj '02 lus. 127 ' 2 963 Diagoiidas Simon '02 Aracbn. 45 2 478 Diagonobotbrium Shipley Sf Hornell '06 Verm. 30 Diagonozus Enderlein '03 Ins. 216 3 802 Dialarcbus Greeley '01 Pisces 21 2 1117 Dialecticopteryx Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 394 Dialeucias Hampso7i '01 Ins. 216 1 966 Dialeurodes Cockerell '02 Ins. 289 2 588 Dialeurodicus Cockerell '02 Ins. 289 2 588 Dialictus Robertson '02 Ins. 174 Dialonia Robertson '03 Ins. 210 3 802 Dialopbus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 38 Dialyaster Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. mt^tb. Ecbin. 46 Diandrena Coc7^e/W; '03 Ins. 216 4 720 Diandrocarpa van Name '02 Tun. 6 2 1016 Dlauema Rex 1891 Rbizop. ; Proc. Ac. Philad. 397 Diangelus JB runner '07 Ins. 411 Dianusa Casey '06 Ins. 204 Diaperasticus Burr '07 Ins. 407 Diapetus Cameron '02 Ins. 191 Diapbannmetopus ela(je '04 Ecbin. 77 Ecbinogromia Schroder '07 Prot. 43 Ecbiuolampas Fomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m6tb. Ecbin. 62 Ecbiuomegistus Berlese '04 Aracbn. 41 5 718 Ecbinommetta Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 257 Ecbinommura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. j Challenger xviii pt. 1, 258 Echinomysis Illig '05 Crust. 47 5 668 Ecbinoparypbium Dietz '09 Verm. 32 Echiuopogou Beizi 10 Ins. 402 ( Echinopsocus Enderlein '03 Ins. 355 Ecbinopsjdlus Sars '09 Crust. 47 Echinorbvnchotaenia Fuhrmann '09 Verm. 34 Ecbinoseius Fibaya '04 Aracbn. 41 Echinosoma Po?n<»/ 1883 Ecbin.; Classif. meth. Ecbin. 108 Echinosoma Furta '09 Verm. 43 Ecbinostelium de Bari/ 1873 Rbizop. ; Rostafinski Vers. Syst. Myce- tozen 7 Echinostepbilbi Lehour '09 Verm. 32 Ecbinostoma Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat.' [lelmintb. 423 Ecbinostoma Fudolphi 1809 Tremat. ; Entoz. Hist. Nat. ii i)t. 1, 38 Ecbiuotiara Po?«eZ 1883 Ecbin.; Classif. meth. Ecbin. 82 Ecliinussa Simon '02 Aracbn. 45 Ecbmatemys Hay '06 Rept. 35 Ecbocbara Casey '06 Ins. 204 Eclitbrobaccba Ferkins '06 Ins. 304 Ecbthrodryinus Ferkins '06 Ins. 304 Ecbtbrogonatopus Ferkins '06 Ins. 304 Echiliroplexis Foerster 1856 Ilym. ; riym. Studien ii 33 Ecitomyia Brues '01 Ins. 268 1 861 Ecitonetes Brues '02 Ins. 199 2 840 Eclipsis Bezzi '08 Ins. 375 Ecnomodes Turner '03 Ins. 208 3 707 Ecpatia Tyrner '02 Ins. 224 2 753 EcpboreUa Forcl '09 Ins. 290 Ecpolopsis Fiersiy '06 Arachn. 42 Ecrinesomus Woodward '10 Pisces 38 Ectatina Gahan '07 Ins. 256 Ectatopsides Bovie '07 Ins. 249 Ectemnius Dahlbom 1845 Hym. ; Hym. Europ. i 389 ^Ectemnonotops Schmidt '10 Ins. 433 r Ectemuonotum Schmidt '09 Ins. 400 Ectenellus Renter '05 Ins. 310 5 831 Ectenessidia Gounelle '09 Ins. 263 Ectenodictya Hall Spong. ; Ecteutoria Brunner '07 Ins. 412 Ectenurus Looss '07 Verm. 28 Ectbrodelpbax Ferkins '03 Ins. 243 Ectias Richardson '06 Crust. 45 Ectiuosomella Sars '10 Crust. 42 90 ) ECTM.— EDY. EGA.— ELAIN. Ectmetaspidus Formdneh '08 Ins. 258 Ectmetopterus Eeiiter '05 lus, 310 5 831 Ectochela Hanqjson '02 Ins. 224 2 753 Ectocyclops Brady '04 Crust. 60 4 364 Ectoedemia Busck '07 Ins. 342 Ectolandrevus Saussure 1877 Ortli. ; Ent. Efrapista Cockerell '04 Ins. 202 Egesina Pascoe 1864 Col. ; Tr. Soc. Lond. iii 28 Effgysodou Ronian '10 Mamm. 62 Egifa Dall ^- Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4- 296 Egilina Dall S,- Bartsch '06 Moll. 61 Egnatioides J'usseler '02 Ins. 310 2 545 M6m. Soc. Phys. Geneve xxv ^Egretius Jacobi '08 Ins. 403 yo pt. 1, 271 Ectoloplia Hampson '02 Ins. 224 2 754 Ectomastes Deshrochers '06 Ins. 248 Ectoniopsis Fainnaire '05 Ins. 165 6 Ins. 240 Ectoneura Shelf ord '07 Ins. 409 Ectopatria Hampson '03 Ins. 277 3 707 Ectopioceplialus Kirhaldy '06 Ins. 421 Ectopiognatha Perkms '06 Ins. 304 Ectopioptervgodelphax Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 410 Ectopocerus Baffray '04 In;i. 141 6 Ins. 214 Ectothyris Swi7ihoe '02 Ins. 216 2 754 Ectotrypa Sausstire 1874 Orth. ; Ectiapezidera Fowler '09 Ins. 272 Ectrepesthoneui'a Fnderlein '10 Ins. 393 Ectrogatba Hampson '10 Ins. 349 <^ Ecuadoria Distant '06 Ins. 410 Egropa Melichar '03 Ins. 340 3 433 Ehrenbergius Ormancey 1852 Infusoria ; Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon Eifelaster Schondorf '09 Ecliin. 43 Eifelosaurus Jaekel '05 liept. 31 Eigenmannina Foivler '06 Pisces 54 Eimeriella Stiles '02 Prot. 77 Eirone li'estivood 1844 Ilym. ; A.icana Ent. ii 144 Eiselia Dietz '10 Moll. 68 Eisenia Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 4 721 Eiseniella Ashmead '06 Ins. 304 Eisigella Gravier '02 A^erm. 36 1 631 Yahm-lew '03 Rept. Ekbainacauthus 37 Ektj'odorys Lundheck '09 Por. 7 Edapbopbvlluni Simpson '01 Coel. 19 2 150 Edentula Waagen '09 Moll. 85 Edonis Needham '05 Ins. 332 7 Ins. 405 Edrissa Cameron '07 Ins. 278 Edrotinus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 179 6 Ins. 240 Edulica Distant '03 Ins. 329 Edulica Hampson '01 Ins. 245 1 968 Edvardocopeia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Edvardotrouessartia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Edwardsia Tutt '07 Ins. 300 Edyia Cameron '05 Ins. 215 5 1110 ( 01 Elacatinus Jordan '04 Pisces 31 4 82 Elacbertomorpha Ashmead '04 Ins. 2''8 4 721 Elacbiptereicus Becker '10 Ins. 411 '09 Ins. 378 & '04 Ins. 319 Elacliisme Kirkaldy 4 510 Elachista Dall S^- Simpson '01 Moll. 88 Elaealis Hampson '06 Ins. 358 Elaenea Cabanis 1847 Aves; Arch. Katurges. xiii, i 250 Elaeognatba Hampson '05 Ins. 258 5 1002 Elainea Cabanis ^ Heine 1859 Aves ; Mus. Hein. ii 59 Elainia Reichenbach 1850 Aves ; Avium Syst. Nat. tab. Ixv Elainopsis Eidgicay '07 Aves 119 ) ELAIS— ELAU. ELB.— ELLIPSOL. 'Elai&Latreille 1801 Araclin.; Lam arclc, Elbcniopsis Do/^rw "06 1113.447 Sj^st. Aiiim. saus Vertebres 177 Elbidus liey 1879 Col. ; Elania Mulsant S,- Bet/ 1867 Col. j^lcabrosaurus Case '07 Kept. 33 Coleopt. Fr. Scuticoll. Ill i^ Eleazara Distant '07 Ins. 394 Elapbiceps Buckton '03 Ins. 342 Electracma Meyrick '06 Ins. 364 3 533 ^ Elapbicbtliys Jordan Sj- Starhs '04 Pisces; 4 82 Elapbocei'ida Reitter '03 Ins. 161 3 932 Elapbococcinus ILieckel 1887 Ebizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 228 Elapbococculus Haechel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 229 Elaphocranus Bergroth '04 Ins. 322 4 510 Elaphog-onus Atteins '09 Myr., Arachu. 51 Elaphotoxon Fuioler '05 Pisces 38 5 112 Elapbroblatta Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Elaphrodes Betlmne- Baker '09 Ins. 322 Elaphrolaelaps Berlese '10 Araclui. 36 Elaphrothrips Buffa '09 Ins. 407 Elasmatium Clarke '04 Moll. ; 4 296 Elasmatus Raffray '03 Ins. 149 3 932 Elasmocentrum Pilshry '02 Moll. 66 Elasiuognalhias Ashmead '06 Ins. 293 Ela^^mos'iiathus AsJimead '05 Ins. 209 5 1110 Elasmopoides Stebhing '08 Crust. 47 Elasmosomus Schioarz '02 Ins. 137 2 965 Elasmostoma Fromentel Spong. ; Elassocantbon Kolbe '08 Ins. 236 Elassoctenus Simon '09 Arachn. 33 Elassoptila Turner '02 Ins. 247 2 754 Elaterophanes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Elates Jordan 4' Seale '07 Pisces 40 Elathouina Reitier '05 Ins. 158 5 1236 Elatobia Her rich- Schaeffer 1853 Lep.; Elatommella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 242 Elatommnra Haeckel 1887 Phizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 242 Elatrigus Reitter '05 Ins. 158 Elaunon Burr '07 Ins. 407 Elautobius Heller '01 Ins. 154 2 965 ( £ Electrapis Cockerell '09 Ins. 280 Electroinyrmex Wheeler '10 Ins. 284 Electrophina Buckton '07 Ins. 391 Elemba Cameron '08 Ins. 301 Eleuchoides Pierce '09 Ins. 276 Eleodiniorpha Blaisdell '09 Ins. 244 Eleona Fairmaire '02 Ins. 166 Eleoniscus Racovitza '07 Crust. 63 Elephantinosoma Becker '03 Ins. 318 3 581 Elephantulus Thomas ^5" Schwa^in '06 Mamin. 64 Eleria Jordan ^~ Scale '05 Pisces 38 5 112 Eleusiaa Harnpson '01 Ins. 245 1 968 Eleusoinatus Raffray '04 Ins. 141 6 Ins. 214 Eleusoptanius Raffray '04 Ins. 141 Eleutheniis Ris '10 Ins. 448 Eleutheroblastus Humhach '03 Ecbin. 103 3 137 Eleutherocaris Clarke '04 Crust. 47 Eleutherodactvlus Dianeril 4* Bibron 1841 IJatrach. ; Erpetol. gen. viii 620 Eleutheroscbizon Brasil '06 Prot. 42 Eleutherotheca Karny '07 Ins. 420 Elga Ris '10 Ins. 448 Elidothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 27G Elina Ferrari 1878 Hem. ; Ann. Mus. Geneva xii 84 Elinostola Meyrick S) Loioer '07 Ins. 307 Eliotia Yayssicre '09 Moll. 76 Ellenbeckia Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 707 Eller.ia Reuter '10 Ins. 425 Ellimorrhinus Kolbe '02 Ins. 154 2 965 Ellipes Scudder '02 Ins. G07 Ellipotaenia Becker '07 Ins. 373 EUipsoidella Heron-Allen ^ Farland '10 Prot. 55 Ellipsolinguliua Siliestri '07 Piot. 43 2 ) ELLIPSOP.— EMBOLA EMBOLI.— ENCH. Ellipsopleurostomella.S'iVyes^rj '03 Prot. 61 Ellipsostyletta Haeckel 1887 TJliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 299 Ellipsostylissa Haechel 1887 Rliizop. ; Cliallenger xviii pt. 1, 301 EUipsoxiphetta HaecJcel 1887 Ehizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 290 Ellipsoxiphilla HaecJcel 1887 Iihizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 296 Ellipteroides Becker '07 Ins. 363 Elliptobaris Champion '08 Ins. 259 Elliptodactylus Bofein '04 Crust. 29 4 364 Ellobiopsis Caullery '10 Prot. 68 Elosaurus Petersen Sf Gilmore '02 Kept. 23 2 1174 Elpidiogone Perrier '03 Echin. 61 5 349 Elpidus Peringuey '07 Ins. 230 Elpinora Sijaeth '03 Ins. 210 3 932 Elpinus Champion '05 Ins. 173 5 12.36 Elpiste ran Gump-penherg 1896 Lep. ; Nov. Acta Ca3sar. German. L\v 297 Elthemus Bistant '09 Ins. 393 Eltolada Cameron '09 Ins. 297 JLluma Budde-Lmid 1885 Crust. ; Crust. Isopod. Terrest. 47 Elxis Jordan (^- Folder '03 Pisces 34 3 89 Elymas Distant '09 Ins. 389 Elymocaris Beccher 1884 Crust. ; 2nd Geol. Surv.Pennsylvan.Tol. I'PP. 182 Elytrulum Handlirsch '07 Ins. 263 Emarhopa Weise 1886 Col. ; Naturg. Ins. Deutsch. vi 657 Ematheudes Ze//e?- 1866 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud. V 459 Ematuruina Rober '03 Ins. 255 3 708 Emballotlieca Levinsen '09 Bry., Brach, 22 Embata Bryce '10 Yerm. 45 Embidotroctes Enderlein '05 Ins. 329 5 786 Embola Walsi7igham 'CO Ins. 351 ( Embolichthys Jordan '03 Pisces 22 3 89 Embolimus Weise '02 Ins. 166 2 966 Embolodes Marshall '09 Ins. 254 Eniboloecia Hampson '10 Ins. 350 Emboros Burr '07 Ins. 407 Eiubrikia Roetver '10 Araohn. 32 Embry ulcus Zaiig '05 Ins. 148 ' 5 1236 Emeryella Forel '01 Ins. 183 2 840 3 803 Eminaria Bethtme- Baker '08 Ins. 325 Emmelina Tutt '05 Ins. 278 5 1003 Emmenides Casey '07 Ins. 240 Emmericia Brusina 1870 Moll. ; Verb. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. xx 925 Emmericiella Pilshry '10 Moll. 68 Emmesocoma Warren '07 Ins. 322 Emopotylus Bernhauer '10 Ins. 215 Empanda Simon '03 Arachn. 35 Emperochela Spaeth '01 Ins, 166 Emperoptera Grimshaw '02 Ins. 259 2 637 Emphalena Beitter '03 Ins. 165 Emphereniyia Bischof '04 Ins. 308 4 551 Emphusis Buckton '03 Ins. 342 3 533 Empidideicus Becker '07 Ins. 367 Empidornis Reicheiiotv '01 Aves 63 Empleconia Ball '08 Moll, 111 Emplesiogonus Simon '03 Arachn. 34 4 406 Eiupusada Hampson '06 Ins. 336 Empysarus Martin '04 Ins. 317 5 831 Enaesius EjwcJi '09 Ins. 300 Euallophyllnm Greene '01 Ca?I. ; 2 150 Enallopneustes Pojnel 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 44 Enamma Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Enautiodrilus Cognetti '02 Verm, 41 4 199 Enantiostreon Bittner '01 Moll. 101 Enarioida Fairmaire '03 Ins. 161 Enchelion Hay '03 Pisces 32 3 90 Enchisiades Cameron '03 Ins. 234 3 803 Enchisthenes Andersen '06 Mamm. C4 93 ) ENCO.— ENI. Encoccidium Liihe '02 Prot. 77 Encolpotis Meyrick '09 Ins. 351 Encorua Swtn/ioe '04 Ins. 275 4 642 Encrvpliia Turner '04 Ins. 275 Encymachus Si^/iort '02 Arachn. 45 Encyocratella Sirand '07 Arachn. 29 Encyrtaspis Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 4 721 Encystia Hampson '01 Ins. 245 1 968 Endemia Wan-en '03 Ins. 286 3 708 O Enderleiuia Schmidt '07 Ins. 392 Endianaulax Cossmann '02 Moll. 78 Endiataenia Cussmann '02 Moll. 73 Endoiasmus Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 437 Endolandrevus Saunsm-e 1877 Orth. ; Mem. Soc. Phvs. Geneve xxv pt. 1, 271 Endolophia Hampson '06 Ins. 358 Endommasis Hampson '01 Ins. 245 1 968 Endoplectus Baffray '10 Ins. 219 Endoscliyrus Jacoby '01 Ins. 166 3 932 Endotrvpanum Mesnil Sf Brvnont '08 Prot. 56 Endoxocrinus dark '08 Ecliin. 28 Endyomena Zo;)/" 1885 Rhizop.; Sclienk Handb. Botauik iii 2 H. p. iii Eneniothronibium Berlese '10 Araclin. 40 Enenterum Linton '10 Verm, 32 Energoponus Holmberg '04 Ins. 202 4 721 Energopteryx Thierry-Mieg '03 Ins. 286 Enerthenema Boicman 1830 Rliizop. ; Trans. Linn. Soc. Lend, xvi 152 Engamota Casey '10 Ins. 215 Engeco Haeckel 1866 Mamm. ; Gener. Morphol. ii p. cl ^ Engela Distant '06 Ins. 410 Eugelia Tornquist '08 Echin. 23 & '09 Ecliin. 34 Engyneura Stein '07 Ins. 371 Enhydrictis F. Major '01 Mamm. 29 1 1477 Euicosoma Lewi.s '04 Ins. 146 4 825 Euidia Smith '04 Araclin. 27 4 406 Eniochobotbrium Shipley i^- Hurnell "06 \'erm. 30 ( 04 ENN.— ENTE. Ennadius Fainnaire '03 Ins. 193 Enuealacorys Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1374 Enneapleuris Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1257 Enneascelio Kieffer '10 Ins. 303 Euneasmicra Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 4 721 Euneastichus Kieffer '10 Ins. 299 Enneles Jordan S) Branner '08 Pisces 49 Enneoconus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Ennetoma J)«7(/7»om 1857 Ilvm.; Ofv. Svenska Ak. Forh. xiv 292 Enoclerus Gahan '10 Ins. 236 Enomides Champion '05 Ins. 173 5 1236 En one Risso 1826 Crust. ; Nat. Europe merid. v 96 Enoploclerus Hijitz '02 Ins. 143 2 966 Enoplopteryx Hendel '02 Ins. 201 Enoplus Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 233 Enosima Bagonot '01 Ins. 245 1 968 Enpiuanga Bothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 708 Eusigervilleia Dietrich '10 Moll. 87 Entamoeba Casagrandi ^' Barbagallo 1897 Rhizop.; Ann. Ig. sperim. vii fasc. 1 Entanoneura Enderlein '10 Ins. 389 Entaphius Buckton '02 Ins. 284 2 589 Entebbia Gahan '02 Ins. 162 2 966 Entedon Dahlbom 1857 Hym. ; Ofv. Svenska Ak. Forh. xiv 292 Enteles Wesfivood 1844 Hjaii. ; Arcana Ent. ii 143 Enteletoides Stuckenberg '08 Brach. 14 Entelostvlops Ameghino '01 Mamm. 38 Enteridium Ehrenberg 1818 Rhizop. ; Jahrb. Gewachsk. i 2 H., 55 Enterolasma Simpson '01 Coel. 19 2 150 Enteromyxa CienJco7vski 1885 Rhizop. ; Scheuk Handb. Botauik iii 2 II., 113 Enteroxenos Bonnevie '04 Moll. 83 2 337 ) ENTH.— EOCT. EOCY.— EOPTE. 29 Enthorodera Siiitoti '07 Arachn. 33 Eutisberus Distcmt '03 Ins. 3 533 Entobius Dogiel '08 Crust. 53 Entocannula Haeckel 1879 Rliizop. ; Sitzber. Jeua Ges. 156 Entocliilus Moellendorf 8f Kohelt '02 Moir. 75 Entocythere Marshall '03 Crust. 3 356 Entogonia Warren '04 Ins. 27-' 4. 642 Eocyclina Dall 'OS Moll. Ill Eocypraea Cossinunn '03 Moll. 70 Eodeleua Hogg '03 Arachn. 31 3 403 Eodelv)bax Kirkaldg '01 Ins. 287 * 1 815 Eodevonaria Breger '06 Brach. 14 EodrilUa Casey '04 Moll. 74 5 564 / Eodrilus Michaelsin '07 Verm. 45 ^^'/^ Eodryas Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 386 Eofulgurella Cockerell '09 Ins. 397 Eogenes Seitz '10 Ins. 324 Entogonites Kittl '04 Moll. 60 Entomocrabro Kohl '05 Ins. 200 5 1110 Entomolestes Mattheio '09 Mamm. 60 Entoniotrogus Ganglhauer '04 Ins. 148 Eutopliilus Richardson '03 Crust. 40 3 356 4 364 Entosiphon Koehler ^* Vaney '03 Moll. 75 3 287 Entosiphon Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. X Entymosina Weise '10 Ins. 258 Entypesa Simon '02 Arachn. 26 3 403 Enytus Cameron '05 Ins. 209 Eoarmadillidium Dollfns '04 Crust. 42 Eobanksia Cockerell '09 Ins. 357 'Eolamis Distant '01 Ins. 277 1 815 Eoblatta Hundlirsch '03 Ins. 436 Eobrissus Bell '04 Echiu. 60 4 145 Eobrycon Jordan '07 Pisces 51 Eocerus Sharp '08 Ins. 234 Eocetus Fraas '05 Mamm. 46 Eochalicotherium^wiey^iVio '01 Mamm. 38 Eochelone DoUo '03 Rept. 30 Eocicada Handlirsch '06 Ins. 368 Eocicada Oppenlieim 1888 Hem. ; Eocimex Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Eoclathurella Casey '04 Moll, 74 5 564 Eocoelopoma Woodward '01 Pisce'' 20 Eocoleopteron Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Eoctenes Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 401 Eoctodou Amcghino ^02 Mamm. 38 ( 95 ^^''^Eogypona Kirkaldy 1 815 '01 Ins. 289 Eobarpes Raymond '05 Trilob. ; 5 085 Eohegetotherium Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Eohemera Aurivillius '04 Ins. 258 5 1003 Eohyrax Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Eoiulus Kusta 1885 Myr. ; S. B. Bohm. Ges. 593 Eolimnobia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 380 Eolj-cosa Kusta 1885 Arachn. ; S.B. Bohm. Ges. 592 Eomactra Coss7nann '10 Moll. 87 Eomannodon Ayneghino '02 Mamm. 44 Eomegaspira Pilshry '03 Moll. 61 Eomerope Cockerell '09 Ins. 357 Eomops Thomas '05 Mamm. 34 5 477 Eomorphippus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Eomorphopus Hancock '06 Ins. 451 Eonympha Meyrick '06 Ins. 364 Eoorthis Walcott '08 Bmch. 14 Eopachvrucos Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Eoperipatus Evans '01 Myr. 17 1 745 Eoperipatus Sedgwick '08 Arachn. 52 Eophileurus Arrow '08 Ins. 240 Eophiura Jaekel '03 Echiu. 94 Eopodoces Zarttdny S)- Loudon '02 Aves 71 Eopollvchaetus i?Mtc?e?««»« '01 Verm.; '2 237 Eopristis Stromcr '05 Pisces 52 5 112 Eopteryx Cockerell ) '07 Ins. 350 EOPTY.— EPARC. EPARM.— EPICHOR. Eoptychoptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 380 ^ Eoreuma Ely '10 Ins. 373 VEosacchcarissa Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 386 '03 Manim. 34 Eosaccomvs Palme) 3 379 Eosalenia Lambert '05 Ecliin. 67 C^Eoscarta Brcddin '02 Ins. 285 3 533 Eoscylliua Behn '09 Ins. 424 Eosentonion Sikestri '08 Ins. 434 Eospi'peton Hoodie '09 Rept. 35 Eosilla Rihaxja '08 Ins. 414 Eosinica Aldrich '03 Moll. 65 3 287 Eosiren Andrews '02 Mamm. 43 2 1467 Eospheniscus Wivian '05 Aves 44 5 346 & Wyntan '06 Aves 75 Eosphoropteryx Dyar '02 Ins. 224 2 754 Eosteiromys Ameghino '02 Mamm. 38 Eosteropus Tschitscherine '02 Ins. 110 2 966 Eostrophomena Walcott '05 Brack. 7 5 453 Eostylops Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 38 Eosurcula Casey '04 Moll. 74 5 564 Eothemis Ris '09 Ins. 413 Eotlirombium Berlese '10 Araclin. 40 Eothynnus Woodward '01 Pisces 20 Eotipnla Handlirsch '06 Ins. 380 Eotrechus Kirhaldy '02 Ins. 273 2 589 Eotus Redttnhncher '08 Ins. 424 Eotylopus Matthew '10 Mamm. 00 Epa Betlnme-Baker '06 Ins. 336 Epacanthaclisis Okamoto '10 Ins. 389 Epactiothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 277 Epactris i%?-(c7o '05 Ins. 281 5 1003 Epadoretus Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Epalxis Roux '02 Prot. 85 Epamontor Kirby '02 Ins. 310 2 545 Epanaplie Aurivillius '04 Ins. 258 5 1003 Epanastasis Walsinyham '08 Ins. 356 Epanercbodus Attems '02 Myr. 14 Epanuraea Scudder '01 Ins. Ill Eparchus Burr '07 lus. 407 ( 96 - Eparmatostethus Kohl '07 Ins. 270 Erilla 2)wi(«?z# '06 Ins. 411 Erina Canu '09 Bry., Brach. 22 Erinaea Mej/rick '07 Ins. 337 Erineda Busck '09 Ins. 351 Erineo]ihilus ILopkins '02 Ins. 158 2 906 Eriniia Meifjen 1800 Dipt. ; Eriococcus Targioni Horn. ; Eriocomus 7/«ecA;e/ 1889 Mamm.; Nat. Schopf.-Gesch. 8 Aufi. 741 Eriocypas TschitscMrine '01 lus. 177 2 966 Eriomastyx Rothschild 8f Jordan '05 Ins. 245 5 1004 Eriomela Meitter '03 Ins. 165 Erionura Reitter '03 Ins. 179 5 1236 Eriophonus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 117 2 907 Eriopsis Moehring 1758 Aves; Geslacht. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 26 Eriupsylla Frocjijatt '01 Ins. 290 1 816 Eriopy^odes Hampson '05 Ins. 258 '5 1004 Eriosarda Jacohy '03 Ins. 204 3 932 Erioste^ita Hampson '01 Ins. 216 1 970 Eriotrogus Reitter '03 Ins. 161 3 932 Eriphyla Gahb Moll. ; Erisphex Jordan 8f Starks '04 Pisces 31 4 83 ( 99 ERIT.— ERYTHEI. Eritarbes Wahingha^n '09 Ins. 351 Erithacus Moehring 1758 Aves; Ges- lacht. Vogel. Nozeman u, Vosmaer 2 Erithales Poey 1833 Lep. ; Erixestus Crawford '10 Ins. 300 Eriximachus Distant '04 Ins. 322 4 510 Erlandla Aurivillius '04 Ins. 187 4 827 Erlangerella Schouteden '05 Ins. 303 5 831 Erlangeria Preiss '02 Ins. 133 3 932 Ernestiella Cameron '05 Ins. 215 Emestkokeuia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Ernestobaekelia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Ernodes Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 424 Eroblatta Shelford '10 Ins. 452 Erophylla Miller '06 Mamm. 64 Erosa Jordan ^- Starks '04 Pisces 31 4 83 Eroschema Pascoe 1859 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 17 Plrotesis Burr '10 Ins. 451 Erotis Meyrick '10 Ins. 381 Erotylopsis Jbr(Z«« '04 Ins. 184 4 827 Erpetosaurus Moodie '09 Rept. 34 Errera Schouteden '07 Prot. 54 Errhomenellus Paton 1886 Hem. ; Cat. Hem. ed. 3, 79 Erringtonia Brunner '07 Ins. 412 Erschoffia Tutt '07 Ins. 300 Ertlia Aurivillius '07 Ins. 256 Erulipus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 179 3 933 'EvviYxa. Dujardin 1841 Infusoria; Hist. Nat. Zoophytes 454 Erycinidia Rothschild ^- Jordan '05 Ins. 234 5 1004 Erygansa Bethtme- Baker '06 Ins. 337 Erygona (Siwio/z 1864 Arachn.; Hist. nat. Araign. 191 Erynnis Saussure 1853 llym. ; Ann. Soc. eut. France Bull. p. xix Erythmelus Enock '09 Ins. 300 Erythphlebia Hampson '01 Ins. 245 1 970 Erytbrictus Meek '07 Pisces 43 ) h2 ERYTHRO.— ETELTD. ETELIS.— EUBLEM. Er3'tlirobapta Weise '02 Iiia. 166 2 967 Erythroclieylus Berlene '03 Aracliii. 43 3 403 & '04 Arachn. 41 Erythrocryptus Cameron '05 Ins. 209 Erytlirodesnnis Silvestri '02 Myr. 14 4 421 Erythroecia Hampson '10 Ins. 350 Erythroiscbnus Cameron '05 Ins. 209 7 Ins. 728 Erythrojoppa Cameron '02 Ins. 192 2 841 Erythrombiuiu Berlese '10 Arachn. 40 Erythrometra Clark '08 Echin. 28 Erythrophion Cameron '06 Ins. 293 Ervthiosuclius Broom '05 Rept. 35 5 179 Erythrotheronia Cameron '05 Ins. 210 Esastigmatobius Silvestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 49 Esca Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Escala Shelford '06 Ins, 439 Escalera Bolivar '05 Ins. 341 Escaleriella Weise '07 Ins. 260 Escasona Mattheio '02 Crust. 73 Eschatoporis Blaisdett '06 Ins. 239 Escherichia Forel '10 Ins. 285 Esenga Cameron '06 Ins. 299 Esmia Pascoe 1859 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soe. Lond. V 55 Esmun Distant '09 Ins. 386 Esocelops Woodward '01 Pisces 32 1 1231 Esperanza Barber '06 Ins. 396 Esphalmenus Btcrr '09 Ins. 416 Espira Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Essonistis Meyrlck '02 Ins. 224 2 756 Estadia Fairmaire '03 Ins. 151 3 933 Estadia Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Esthemopheles Ttober '03 Ins. 255 3 709 Esthlodora Tztraer '02 Ins. 225 2 756 Estuidus Distant '04 Ins. 326 4 510 Etapata Ilejidel '09 Ins. 378 Etelides Jordan iif Thompson '05 Pisces 41 5 112 Eteliscus Jordan ^ Snyder '01 Pisces 18 Eteoueus Distant '03 Ins. 331 3 533 Eteoneus Kirkakly '04 Ins. 336 4 5U) Eterozemus 'feiMffi '02 Ins. 159 5 1236 Etha Cameron '03 Ins. 234 3 803 Etliadomorpha Blachhurn '01 Ins. 154 1 1132 Ethaliella Pilsbry '05 Moll. 80 5 504 Ethaliopsis Schepman '08 Moll. 81 Ethelomorus liichardson '09 Crust. 38 Ethelum Budde-Lund '05 Crust. 55 Ethelunioris Richardson '07 Crust. 63 Etberidgea Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Ethiopica Hampson '09 Ins. 333 Ethioterpia Hamjison '10 Ins. 350 Ethmospbaerellalfffcc/ie/ 1887 llhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 69 Ethmospbaer omnia HaecJcel 1887 Khizcp. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 70 Etiserica Berinyuey '04 Ins. 153 4 827 Etorleptioniyia Theobald '04 Ins. COO 6 Ins. 379 Etringus Jordan '07 Pisces 53 Etrocorema Klapdlek '09 Ins. 410 Ettcbellsia Cameron '09 Ins. 295 Euacaulona Townsend '08 Ins. 382 Euacborutes Borner '01 Ins. 302 1 761 Euaenaria ^reiif/m '04 Ins. 317 4 510 Eualastor Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 Eualema Broun '03 Ins. 204 3 933 Eualloea Warren '09 Ins. 340 Euainyia Kerremans '03 Ins. 169 3 933 Euancistrocerus Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 4 721 Euaontia Barnes ^' McDunnouyh '10 Ins. 350 Euaurivillius Packard '02 Ins. 216 Eubaena Hay '08 llept. 31 Eubiodectes Hay '03 Pisces 37 3 90 Eubleekeria Fowler '04 Pisces ; 4 83 Eublemmistis Hampsoyi '02 Ins. 225 2 757 Eublemmoides Bethune-Baker '06 Ins 337 ( 100 ) EUBLEP.— EUCEN. EUCEE.— EUCOLE. Eubleptus Handlirsch '06 lus. 434 Eubolepia Dietz "10 lus. 381 Eubordeta Rothschild '04 lus. 276 4 643 Euborellia Burr '10 Ins. 451 Euborlasia Vaillant 1890 Nemertiui ; Hist. Nat. Auneles iii pt. -, 600 Eubraohiosaurus Williston '04 Kept. 33 5 179 Eiibranchiuella Daday '10 Crust. 39 Eubrocbis S'chrainineii '02 Spong. 22 2 118 Eubulopsis Chamjnon '05 Ins. 173 Eucactophogus Chanqyion '10 lus. 24G Eucaladia Kohelt '08 Moll. 81 Eucalantica Busck '04 Ins. 203 4 643 Eucalliouyma Rar/onut '01 lus. 245 EucallipliDra Townsend '08 Ins. 382 Eucallipterus Schouteden '06 Ins. 423 Eucallista 2>a// '02 Moll. 81 Eucalodexia Toioisend '08 Ins. 382 Eucalohister Reitter '09 Ins. 227 Eucaljmuiatus Cockerell '01 lus. 293 Eucalyptolyma Froygatt '01 lus. 290 1 816 Eucamerotus Hullce 1872 Kept. ; Quart. J. Geol. iSoc. Loud. xxviii 36 V dPEucameruna Melichar '06 lus. 411 Eucauiptonyx Perkins '07 lus. 287 Eucamptua Dnjardin 1845 Verm. ; riist. Nat. Helminth. 106 Eucara Friese '05 Ins. 192 5 1111 Eucarcliarus Br'Muer '07 Ins. 412 Eucaruuculata Maluquin Sf Dehurne '07 Verm. 42 Eucarus With '03 Aracbu. 43 4 406 Eucataulus Kohelt '02 Moll. 75 Eucathaica Andreae '03 Moll. ; 3 287 Eucatops Portevin '03 lus. 151 Eucecryphaliiim Haeckel 1887 Ilhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1221 Eucelatoria Townsend '09 Ins. 375 Eucentrolobus Pocock '03 Myr. 15 3 424 Eucentrurus Traqiiair 1 1231 also '06 riscea 60 '01 Pisces 05 Pisces 52 5 112 Euceramius Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 Euceratherium Farlonq Sj Sinclair '04 Mamiu. 43 4 322 Eacerocoris Westwood 1837 Hem. ; Tr. Ent. Sue. Loud, ii 21 Eucervaria Palmer '03 Mamm. 29 3 379 Euchaetias Lyman '02 Ins. 216 Euchaetogyue Townsend '08 Ins. 382 Eiichaetomeropsis Tatter sail '09 Crust. 34 Euchalcomenes Turner '08 Ins. 284 Eucharicoris Reuter '05 Ins. 310 5 831 Eucliaridema Rothschild iif Jordan '07 lus. 323 Eucharina Casey '06 Ins. 204 EucheiraiZo(/i7so« 1847 Mamm.; Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal xvi 891 Eucheira Westwood 1834 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, i 44 Euchelipluma Topsent '09 Por. 7 Euchetra Walker 1858 liom. ; Ins. Saunders. Hom. 36 Eucbilofulvius Poppias '10 Ins. 425 Euchiouellus Reitter '08 Ins. 234 Euchlaeuidia Hampson '01 Ins. 216 1 970 Euchloropus Ari-ow '07 Ins. 230 Euchoudrioderma Lister 1894 llhizoii. ; Mouogr. Mycetozoa 76 Euchoristea Warren '10 Ins. 351 Euchroeodes Nurse '04 lus. 217 4 722 Euchronomala Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Euchrysinda Reitter '03 lus. 165 Eucidaris Pomel 1883 Echiu. ; Classif. metb, Echin. 109 Eucilmus Fairniaire '01 Ins. 160 Eucleouus Faust '04 Ins. 176 4 827 Eucles Redtenhacher '06 Ins. 444 Euclimacia Enderlein '10 Ins. 389 Euclymene l^errill '04 Verm. 32 Euclytia Toivnsend '08 Ins. 382 Eucnecosum Reitter '09 Ins. 221 Eucnocerus Sharp '02 Ins. 124 2 967 Eucoccidium Liihe '02 Prot. ; 2 103 Eucodonium Ilartlaub '07 Coel. 18 Eucoleus Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helmiuth. 23 ( 101 ) EUCOLL.— EUDEL. EUDEM.— EUGAG. Eucollosphaera Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 95 Eucondvlops Brauns '02 Ins. 174 2 841 Euconocephalus Karny '07 Ins. 416 Euconophron Reitter '09 IhvS. 226 Eucopiocera Bruner '08 Ins. 431 Eucoptacra Bolivar '02 Ins. 310 1 782 Eucora Schmis '02 Ins. 209 2 757 Eucorethra Cuquillctt '03 1ns.; 3 581 Eucorma Seitz '08 Ins. 325 Eucormopsis Seiiz '08 Ins. 325 Eucoronimyia Toivnsend '08 Ins. 382 Eucosmocara Sivinhoe '01 Ins. 227 1 970 Eucotyle Cohn '04 Verm. ; 4 167 Eucremastus Szipligeti '05 Ins. 210 5 nil Eucribravia Rostajinski 1875 Ehizop. ; Denkschr. Ges. Wiss. Paris vi Art. 1, 233 Eiicropia Ilcanjjson '08 Ins. 334 Eucrossorhinus Rec/an '08 Pisces 50 Eucryptina Casey '05 Ins. 138 7 Ins. 217 Eucryptogona Loiver '01 Ins. 253 1 971 Eucryptusa Casey '06 Ins. 204 Euctenodopsis Wellburn '01 Pisces 38 1 1231 Eucycla Baly 1876 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 439 Eucyclotropis Cossmann '09 Moll. 65 4 827 Eucyclotropis Jordan '04 Ins. 184 Eucynopotamus Foidcr '04 Pisces 49 4 83 Eucyrtothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 277 Eucyrtus Dahlbom 1857 Hyni. ; Of v. Svenska Ak. Forh. xiv 293 Eudactylophorosoma Attems '08 Myr., Arachn. 50 Eudactylopus Scott '09 Crust. 47 Eudaimonisma Lucas '02 Ins. 242 2 757 Eudarmistus Breddin '03 Ins. 327 3 533 Eudecatoma Ashmead 1888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 Eudelphax Melichar '03 Ins. 340 3 533 Eudemoticus Townsend '08 Ins. 382 Euderoides Marshall '07 Ins. 249 Eudesmula Cockerell '06 Ins. 219 Eudexodes Toionsmd '08 Ins. 382 Eudichogaster Michaelsen '03 Verm. 38 3 188 Eudictvon Bistram '03 Spong. 18 2 118 Eudictyon Schrammen '02 Spong. 25 3 96 Eudiestota Shar2) '08 Ins. 222 Eudigona Silvestri '03 Myr. 15 5 737 Eudiplister Reitf.er '09 Ins. 227 Eudiscoelius Friese '04 Ins, 207 4 722 Eudistenia Fall '07 Ins. 256 Eudistylia Bush '05 Verm. 43 Eudohrnia Burr '07 Ins. 407 Eudorella Norman 1867 Crust. ; Rept. Erit. Ass. 1866, 197 Eudorellopsis Sars 1882 Crust. ; Forh. Selsk. Christiauia Nr. 18, 12 Eudoromyia Bezzi '06 Ins. 386 Eudoxiuna Walker 1864 Hym.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 207 Eudraco Haeckel 1895 Rept. ; Svst. Phylog. iii 286 Eudrymopsia Lower '03 Ins. 300 3 709 Eudulus Fmvler '07 Pisces 44 Euelatichthys JFbir/er '04 Pisces; 4 83 Euembia Verhoeff '04 Ins. 346 Euenchytraeus Bretscher '06 Verm. 49 Euepalpus Toionsend '08 Ins. 382 Euepipona Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 207 4 722 Euerycina Saunders 1859 Lep.; Tr. Ent. Soc, Lond. v 97 Eueupithecia Prout '10 Ins. 366 Eiifahricia Toivnsend '08 Ins. 382 Eufallia Muttkouski '10 Ins. 224 Eufoenus Szepliyeti '03 Ins. 240 Eufrenchia Goding '03 Ins. 342 3 533 Eufroggattia Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 5 nil Eufroggattia Godijig '03 Ins. 312 3 oo'-j Eugagrella Roeicer '10 Arachn. 32 ( 102 ) EUGAM.— EULAL. EULAM.— EUMEL. 45 Eugamasus Ahsolon '03 Arachii. 43 Eugasmia Simon '02 Araclin. 2 479 Eugavialidium Hancock '06 Ins. 451 Eugeraeus Champion '08 Ins. 259 Eugivira Schaus '01 Ins. 217 1 971 Euglyptila Simon '08 Aracliu. 33 [Eugljptonotns Gestro '01 Ins. ; 1 1132] OEiignathodus i/a7.e/- '05 Ins. 318 Eugoides AurivilUm '04 4 827 '05 '04 Mamm. 49 lus. 187 Eugonatopus Perkins 5 1111 lus. 223 Eugonodes Jordan '04 Ins. 184 Eugoiiops Jordan '04 Ins. 184 4 827 Eugramma i-Ve/ '05 Ins. 204 5 1111 Eugramma 8te2)hens 1850 Lep. ; List Brit. Aniin. Brit. Mus. v 121 Eugrammicus Lewis '07 Ins. 222 Eiigiymoea Verrill '04 Verm. 36 Eugubinus Z'/s/«»^ '03 Ins. 334 3 533 Eugjrina Dall '04 Moll. 77 4 296 Euhackeria Lea '10 Ins. 246 Euliadrocerus Reuter 1884 Hem. ; Euhapsis Peterson '05 Mamm, 5 478 Euliarpjda Schaus '01 Ins. 217 Euhemerus Distant '09 Ins. 386 Eiiherdmania Hitter '04 Tun. 6 Euheterodinium Kofoid '06 Prot O Eiiliiracia Melichar '09 Ins. 397 Euidella Puton 1886 Hem. ; Cat. Hem. ed. 3, 72 Euidosomus Reitter '04 Ins. 4 827 Eujurinia Toionsend '08 Ins. 382 Eukoebelea Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 Eulioebeleia Perkins '05 Ins. 5 1111 Eukoenenia Borner '01 Araclin. 24 '09 Verm. 38 1 971 4 7 47 176 223 Eukrohnia Ritter-Zuhony 45 Eulaelaps Berlese '04 Arachn. '03 41 Araclin. 43 & Eulaema Lepeletier 1841 Hym. ; Hist Nat. Ins. Hym. ii 11 Eulaidopsis Udalicov '07 Ai'acbn. 42 Eulalia Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; ( 57 138 Ins. Eulambda Ametjhino 4 322 Eulasia Warren, '02 Ins. 236 2 Eulathrobium Casetj '05 Ins. 7 Ins. 217 Euleimouios Kirkaldy '00 Ins. 421 Euleistulus Reitter '05 lus. 133 6 201 Eulema Lepeletier 1841 Hym. ; Hist. Nat. lus. Hym. ii 11 Euleptotrichiis Verhoef '08 Crust. 44 Eulimneria Schmiedeknecht '10 Ins. 291 Eulinhomoeus Man '07 Verm. 34 Eulitliota llaeckel 1869 Scyphozoa ; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xix 549 Euliusa Caseij '06 Ins. 205 Eulobmannia Berlese '10 Arachn. 35 Euloucbe Grote 1873 Lep. ; BiUl. Bufl". Soc. i 81 Eulophias Smith '02 Pisces 24 3 90 Eulophoceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 287 Eulopboptervx Ashmead '04 Ins. 228 4 722 Eulophotbrips Schmutz '10 Ins. 442 Eulopia Dall '01 Moll. 99 Eulygaeus Reuter 1888 Hem Soc. Feiin. xv 550 Eulymnia Hampson '10 Ins. 351 Eumacrodes Warren '05 Ins. 5 1005 Eumagdalis Daniel '03 Ins. 187 Eumantispa Okamoto '10 Ins. 389 Eumara Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 2 967 Eumartbana Roewer '10 Arachn, 32 Eumaschane Schaus '05 lus. 246 5 1005 Eumasia ChrUien '04 Ins. 293 Eumasicera Toionsend '09 Ins. 375 Eumecopone i^o?-e/ '01 Ins. 183 3 803 Eumecoptera Handlirsch '06 lus. 434 Eumecosoma Miiller '01 lus. 127 Eumecosomyia Hendel '09 Ins. 379 & '10 Ins. 412 Eumegaparia Toionsend '08 Ins. 382 Eumelanomyia Theobald '09 Ins. 365 '10 Ins. 397 y ^ Eumelicharia Kirkaldy '06 lus. 411 103 ) Acta 207 117 EUMEN.— EUNOTH. Eumeuodora Merjrick '06 Ins. 3G5 Eumenotes Wedivuod 1847 Hem. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Loiid. iv 246 Eumeseuibrina Townsend 'OS Tns. 383 ELiiiietabolu3 Schulz '06 Ins. 236 Eumetopia Westiuood 1837 Hem.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 18 Eumetopiella Hendel '07 Ins. 373 Eumetra Clark '08 Echin. 28 Eumeyrickia Busclc '02 Ins. 247 2 757 Eumicrota Casey '06 Ins. 205 Eumilionia Thierry-Miey '04 Ins. 276 '05 Ins Eumimograplie Dotjnin 5 1005 281 '10 Eumonodontus Railliet &• Henry Verm. 41 EumontezumiaZ)a//rt Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 722 Eumops Miller '06 Manim, 63 Eumorpha Szepliijeti '08 Ins. 298 Eamorphoblatta Handlirsch '06 440 Eiimorpboceras Girhj '10 Moll. 95 Eiunorpbomyia Hendel '07 Ins. 373 Eiimorpbotis Bittner '01 Moll. 101 Eiimycterias Jenkins '01 Pisces 2 1118 Eumylada Reitter '05 Ins. 166 4 827 Eumysteria Bruch '09 Ins. 263 Ennaduna Bor/nin '01 Ins. 217 Euuanus Ohaus '09 Ins. 235 Eunapiodes BuUvar '07 Ins. 420 Eunapius Stdl 1876 Orth. ; Svenska Ak. iv No. 5, 30 Euuarce Fodder '10 Pisces 39 Eunemertes VaiUant 1890 Nemertini Hist. Nat. Anneles iii pt. 2, 600 Eunereis Malmyren 1805 Verm.; Euneritella Wagner '05 Moll. 78 Euniceopsis Verrill '07 Coil. 22 Eunitidula Shar}} '08 Ins. 231 Eunoa Clarke '03 Brach. 6 2 252 Eimonia Casey '04 Ins. 135 4 827 Eunotela Schaus '01 Ins. 217 1 071 Euuotbocyon Allen '07 Mamm. 61 Eunothrotes Adeluny '07 Ins, 420 ( Ins. 34 1 971 Bih. EUNOTI.— EUPHEM. Eunotiodes Casey '07 Ins. 240 Eunyetibora Shelford '08 Ins. 421 Euodus Distant '10 Ins. 421 Euodynerus Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 722 Euoerstedia VaiUant 1890 Nemertini ; Hist. Nat, Anneles iii pt. 2, OOl Euomogenia Townsend '08 Ins. 383 Euomphalopterus Roenier 1876, Moll. ed. 4 expl. Eep. Ins. 60 Letli. Geogn. pi. xiv Euonyx Marshall '08 Ins. 259 l*]uonvx Norman 1867 Crust. ' Brit. Ass. 1866, 202 Euopliryum Broun '09 Ins. 254 Euopbtbalmomvia Ashmead '04 228 4 722 Eupacbymerium Attetns '09 Myr., Aracbn. 49 Eupagurus i^?-«ji£?^ 1851 Crust.: ]\Iid- dendortf ileise Siberieu Zool. 11, i 105 Eiipalaestris Pocock '01 Aracbn. 1 732 Euparatettix Hancock '04 Ins. 360 EiiparypbiLim Dietz '09 Verm. 32 Eupatbitbrips Baynall '08 Ins. 412 Eiipatbocera Pierce '08 Ins, 278 Eupedetes Scudder '04 Ins. 5 786 Eiipelates Portevin '07 Ins, 221 Eupeleteria Toivnsend '08 Ins. 383 Eupeltidium Scott '09 Crust. 48 Eiipentarius Reitter '07 Lis. 220 Eupera Michaelsen '04 Tun. 6 4 7 Eiiperibimpus Walker 1871 Hym. ; Notes Cbalcid. 4, 67 Eupetinus Sharp '08 Ins, 231 Eupbaeopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins, 431 'iLu])\\a^yns Richnond '03 Aves ; 3 276 Eiipbalerus Schivarz '04 Ins. 337 5 831 Eupliania Westwood 1840 Neur. ; Tr. Ent, Soc, Lond, iv 192 x/oEupbanta Melichar '02 Ins. 281 3 533 Eupbasia Toictisend '08 Ins. 383 Eupbasma Redtenbucher '06 Ins, 444 EupbeHia Pax '08 Cnel. 28 J^upliemia Warren '07 Ins. 323 104 ) EUPHEN.— EUPO. Eiiplienolia Grossheck '07 Ins. 323 Eupbilippia Berlese i^ Silveistn '06 Ins. 425 EupLlaeobius Jordan '04 Ins. 184 4 827 Euphobetron Dyar '05 lus. 246 5 1005 Euplionus Fuiivel '02 Ins. 115 Euphrictus Hirst '08 Araclin. 28 Euphrosyue Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Eupliyllon Joussecnime 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Eupbysora Maas '05 Coel. ; 5 318 Euphyto Toivnsend '08 Ins. 383 Eiipbyurus Bmytsson '09 Ins. 411 Eupileta Warren '05 Ins. 267 Eupilocera Doynin '09 Ins. 346 Eupinella Buff ray '08 Ins. 227 Euplastius Sclncarz '03 Ins. 172 3 033 Euplathous Reitter '05 Ins. 158 5 1237 Euplatinus Deshrochers '09 Ins. 254 Euplatyi'hopalus Ucsneiix '05 Ins. 143 5 1237 Euplecnema Jacuby '00 Ins. 266 Euplectellus Reitter '09 Ins. 225 Euplectrotettix Briaier '02 Ins. 310 Euplocamus Haeckel 1889 Mamm.; Kat. Schopt'.-Gesch. 8 Auli. 741 EUPR.— EURO. Eiiprenolepis Emery '06 Ins. 290 l^Liproctilla Aurivillius '04 Ins. 258 5 1005 Eupromaclius Brimner '07 Ins. 412 Euprora Busck '06 Ins. 365 Euprosterna Dyar '05 Ins. 246 5 1005 Euprotherotherium AmeyJiino "04 Manim. 50 4 322 Euprymira Fairmaire '01 Ins. 117 Eupsenina Raff ray '09 Ins. 225 Eupsenius Jf 'asinann '02 Ins. 115 4 827 Eupsopbulus Cvckerell '00 Ins. 238 Eupsoius Broun '04 Ins. 135 4 ^27 Euptervgosoma Triiyardh '05 Araclin. 36 5 718 Euptycliodera Beryruth '08 Ins. 393 Euptychopoda Prout '10 Ins. 366 Euratus Distant '10 Ins. 421 Euresia Dietz '10 Ins. 381 Euibinocricus Brlilemunn '03 Myr. 15 3 424 Eurhinopsis Champioyi 'OS Ins. 259 EurliizopLagus Meqiiiynon '10 Ins. 222 Eurliodia Rothscltild S,- Jordan '05 Ins. 246 5 1006 590 Euihythnia Turner '04 Ins. 287 Euribia Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Euplocania Enderlein '10 Ins. 444 ^^ ^^^-^^^ Melichar '02 Ins. 281 2 Eupodisus Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 / 3 534 Eupododus i:»-Z;rt% '04 Ins. 315 ^ Eurinopsyche ^n-7.a% '06 Ins. 411 Eurinoscopus Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 421 Eupolemus i>i.te«/ '10 Ins. 418 Euriplastes Koehler ^- Vaney '01. Eupolia Hithrecht 1887 Verm. ; Glial- Echin. 58 5 349 lenger xix 10 / />, i? v -n jat t oor. „ , ^ , ., ^^_^ . , l/ci Eurocaha iwi Djc-cee '07 Ins. 386 Eupolis Cambridge 1900 Aracun. Proc. Dorset Field Club xxi Eiipolistes Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 203 Eupolybia Dalla Torre '04 Ins, 208 4 722 Eupolyninia Verrill '04 Verm. 32 Eupolytoreutus Michaelsen '10 Verm. '53 Euporcellio Verhoeff '08 Crust. 44 Euporocblora Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Euporomala Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Euporophyma Gautier '01 Echin. 76 ( Eurocidaris Mortensen '09 Echin. 35 Eurocrypha Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 399 Euroctenes Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 401 Euroniota Casey '06 Ins. 205 Euronotias Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Euronotobrachys Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 41 1 EurouYoha Perinyuey '04 Ins, 153 '4 828 Europiella Renter '09 Ins. 393 Euiotettix Bruner '06 Ins. 451 Eurotype Hampson '06 lus. 337 105 ) EURR.— EURYGL. EURYGN.— EURYTA. Eurrlivncliium Dalla '208 4 722 Eiiryabax Fauvel '03 Ins. 136 Eur'yalea Uey 1874 Col. ; Euryaloua Sars '01 Crust. 45 1 689 Euryalus Matschie '04 Mamm. 34 Eurvanodon Cross ^- Fischer 1894 Moll. ; Miss. Sci. Mex. pt. 7 ii518 Euryaulax Kirhnldy '06 lus. 420 Eurybrochis Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 2 590 Eurycalleida Maindron '05 Ins. 6 Ins. 201 276 133 Euryceutrus Cameron '07 Ins. 284 Eurycephalomyia Ilendel '07 Ins. 373 / Euiyceplialus Ashmeud '03 Ins. 241 r> 3 804 Ein-ycercopis KirhaJdy '06 Ins. 420 Eurycercus Busch 1851 Copelata ; Beob. Anat. Eutwickl. Seethiere 118 Eurycervix v. Huene '02 Rept. 20 2 1174 Eurydiilella Renter '09 Ins. 393 Eurychiiopterella Renter '09 Ins. 393 Eurycbilum Andre '10 Prot. 70 Eurycboera Thorell '03 Aracbn. 9 Eurycboromyia Ilendel '10 Ins. 412 Eurycbrysis Bischoff '10 Ins. 288 Eiirycipitia Renter '06 Ins. 5 831 Eurycletodes Sars '09 Crust. 48 Eurycnemus Bernhauer '06 Ins. 205 Eurycranella Renter '06 Ins. 402 5 831 Eurycranium AsJimead '04 Ins. ; 4 722 Eurycrvptus Cameron '01 Ins, 188 1 1042 Eurycycla Jacohy '03 Ins. 204 3 933 Torre '04 Ins. Eurygnatbomvia Czerny '04 Ins. 310 6 Ins.' 391 Eurybelops Reitter '01 Ins. 148 2 968 Eurylegua Weise '09 Ins. 208 Eurylomata Renter '09 Ins. 393 Eurymaeandra Bronn 1859 Scj'pbozoa; Klass. Ordn. Tbier-lleicbs ii 51 Eurynielops Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 421 Eurvniiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 276 2 590 Euryniorpbopus Hancock '06 Ins. 451 Euryuannus Beryroth '05 Ins. 303 5 831 Eiirynecroscia Dohrn '10 Ins. 454 Eurynola Hampson '05 Ins. 240 5 1006 Eurynomeus Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 411 Eurynotbrips Bay nail '08 Ins. 412 Eurynotida Casey '06 Ins. 205 Eurynucba Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Euryodnia Reitter '09 Ins. 221 Euryopbiou Cameron '06 Ins. 294 Euryopbrys Foerster 1856 Ilyiu. ; Hym. tStudien ii 144 Euryops Tcsch '06 Moll. 74 Euryparasitus Oudcmans '02 Aracbn. 58 2 479 Euryparypbes Fischer 1853 Ortb. ; Ortbopt. Europ. 52 . / Eurypelmella Strand '07 Aracbn. 29 40 Eurycyde Schiiidte 1859 Aracbn. ; Berlin. Eut. Zeitscbr. iii 156 Eurydactylus Hayedorn '09 Ins. 261 Eurygastromyia Lichficardt '10 Ins 403 Euryglossella Cockerell '10 Ins. 267 Euryglossidia Cockerell '10 Ins. 267 Euryglossiniorpba Strand '10 Ins. 267 ( ^ Eiirypbantia Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 411 Euryplax Klajmlek '09 Ins. 410 Eurypleuronieris Vcrhoeff '09 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Eurypodea Klayes '06 Ins. 223 Euryporopterus Lea '08 Ins. 259 Euryprosodes Reitter '09 Ins. 244 Euryquedius Reitter '09 Ins. 221 Eiiryscytopbora Renter '09 Ins. 393 Eurysipbonella Haas '09 Por. 6 'EiMxysomn Dnjardin 1845 Yerm.j Hist. IS at. Helmintb. 406 Eiirystepbanodon Roth '03 Mamm. 40 Eurystomella iei'j/M'ew '09 Bry., Bracb. 22 Eurysunius Beitter '09 Ins. 222 Eurysyllis Ehlers 1864 Verm. ; Eurytaenia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 lOG ) EURYTE.— EUSOL. EUSOM.— EUTERPIN. Eurj-termes Wasinann '02 Ins. 297 2 546 Eurythmidia Ragonot '01 Ins. ; 1 972 Eurythmopterjx Hatidlirsch 'OG Ins. 434 Euiytbrips Hinds '02 Ins. 301 2 511 Eurythyreites HumJlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Euiytion Attems '03 Myr. 11 Eiirytomocharis Ashmtad 1888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 Eurytorna 3Iei/rick 1886 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 251 Eurytrema Louss '07 Verm. 28 E my valgus Moser '08 Ins. 242 Euryzygomatomys Gueldi '01 Mamm. '33 Eusapia Goiinelle '09 Ins. 263 Eusapyga Cresson 1880 Hym.; Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. viii Proc. p. x.\ Eusattodera Schaeffer '06 Ins. 266 E'jsattodes Casey '08 Ins. 251 'En&ixjiii Ashynead '04 Ins. 229 5 1111 Euscalpellum Hueh '07 Crust. 87 Euseapiis Dahlbom 1857 Hym. ; Ofv. Svenska Ak. Forh. xiv 293 Euscelidia Westicood 1849 Dipt.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, v 232 O Euscelis Bridle Hem. ; Euscenarium Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1146 Euscenidiuni Haeckel 1887 liliizop. ; Challenger xyiii pt. 2, 1147 Eusclera Eoeiver '01 Arachn. 33 Eusclerella Roeicer '10 Arachn. 33 Euscolex Michaelsen '03 Verm. 38 2 237 Eusericula Reitter '03 Ins. 162 Eusigmomys Ameghino *05 Mamm. 40 Eusimulium Roubaud '06 Ins. 380 Eusintor Jordan '04 Ins. 184 5 1238 Eusipalia Sharp '08 Ins. 222 EasirelJa Chevreux 'OS Crust. 47 Eusirogenes Stebbing '04 Crust, 44 4 364 Eusirus Kroger 1845 Crust. ; Nathist. Tidsskr. ^2) i 501 Eusisyropa Toionsend '08 Ins. 383 Eusoleiiophora Popjfius '10 Ins. 424 ( 1 Eusomatulus Reitter '04 Ins. 176 4 828 Eusomomorphus Daniel '06 Ins. 249 Eusparassus Simon '03 Arachn. 32 Eusphalera Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 325 Euspilotus Lewis '07 Ins. 222 Euspiuolia Ashmead '03 Ins. 225 Eustathia Oudeimms '05 Arachn. 30 Eustema ScJiaus '01 Ins. 217 1 972 Eustemides Dyar '08 Ins. 325 Eustenia Fainnaire '05 Ins. 166 6 Ins. 241 Eustenia Fauvel '05 Ins. 138 6 Ins. 210 Eustenopus Petri '07 Ins. 249 Eustictus Renter '09 Ins. 393 Eustigmaeus Berlese '10 Arachn. 40 Eustiromastix Simon '02 Arachn. 45 2 479 Eustolomorphus Desbrochers '02 Ins. 164 5 1238 Eustromula Coclcerell '06 Ins. 260 Eustygera Bnmner '07 Ins. 412 Eustypiura Ashmead '04 Ins. 229 4 722 Eusynagris Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 722 Eu synopa ioifer '03 Ins. 300 3 711 Eusynstyela Michaelsen '04 Tun, 6 5 9 Eusynthemis Forster '03 Ins. 359 Eusj-ringartus Haeckel 1887 Ehizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1496 Eusyringoma Haeckel 1887 lihizop, ; Challenger xviii pt, 2, 1498 Eusyssaura Packard '03 Ins. 269 3 709 Eutaeniichthvs Jordan S^~ Snyder '01 Pisces'22 1 1231 Eutanvacra Cameron '03 Ins, 234 '3 804 Eutanycormus Cameron '09 Ins. 297 Eutaphrimorphus Pic 1899 Col. ; Eutassa Broun '09 Ins. 254 Eutaxocrinus Springer '06 Echiu. 52 Euteleia Raff ray '04 Ins. 142 6 Ins. 214 Euterpina Korman '03 Crust. 51 3 356 07 ) EUTERPIO.— EUVO. Euterpiode,"^ Hampson '10 Ins. 352 Euthemisto BuvalUus 1887 Crust. ; Eutherapon i^9tt-/er '04 Pisces j 4 83 Eutlieriii Spaeth '09 Ins. 268 Euthriofusus Cossmanii '01 Moll. 8(3 Euthrips Taryioni- Tozzctti 1886 riiysauopt. ; Eiithryptus Shwjj '02 Ins. 124 2 968 Eutbycomus JIaeckel 1889 Manim. ; Nat. Scbopf.-Gesch. 8 Autl. 741 Euthydesums Silvestri '02 Myr. 14 4 421 Eutliyroides liarmer '02 Bry. 8 2 252 Euthysana Warren '07 Ins. 323 Eutidiuiu Lewis '03 Ins. 152 3 933 Eutoeus Godman '01 Ins. 209 Eutoruopsis Brouii '10 Ins. 246 Eutrepsia Her rich- Schaeff'e r 1856 Lep. ; Saiiiml. Auseurop. yclimett. i 19 Eutricliocaiupa Silvestri '01 Ins. 301 Eiitricbocera Hampson '04 Ins. 288 4 645 Eutricbodesmus Silvestri '10 Myr., Aracbn. 51 Eutricbonierus Carret '07 Ins. 211 Eutricbopbilus Mjoberg '10 Ins. 444 Eutrichopidia Hampson '01 lus. 217 1 972 Eutricliopoda Towm^end '08 Ins. 383 Eutrigaster Coijnetti '04 Verm. 38 5 436 Eutritouium Cossmann '04 Moll. 77 Eutrombidium Verdun '09 Aracbn. 42 Eutryonia Goding '03 Ins. 342 3 534 Eutryxalis Bruner '02 Ins. 310 Eutylistus Fall '05 Ins. 163 7 Ins. 239 Eutypornvs Matthew '05 Mamm. 39 5 '478 Eatyporbacbis Pocock '09 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Eutyx Heller ^' Snodyrass '03 Pisces 21 Euura Cocker ell '01 Ins. ; 1 1042 Euvacusus Casey '04 Ins. 169 4 828 Euvipio Szcpliyeti '04 Ins. 224 4 722 Euvouynius Lis ant '04 Ins. 323 4 511 EUVR.— EVO. Euvrilletta Fall '05 Ins. 163 7 Ins. 239 Euxeuodes Bovic '07 Ins. 249 Euxerus Thovias '09 Maiuni. 64 Euzetes Berlese '03 Aracbn. 40 Euzetbus Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 Euzeugaptervx Dyar '05 Ins. 246 5 1007 Euzopbera Zeller 1866 Lep. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. V 456 Euzopberodes Hampson '01 Ins. 246 1 972 Euzosteria Shelford '09 Ins. 418 Euzurus Champion '06 Ins. 249 Evalina Ball S^ Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 297 Evalljapyx Silvestri '10 Ins. 459 Evauiella Bradley '05 Ins. 218 Evaniellas Enderlein '05 Ins. 218 5 1112 Evauiodes Szepliyeti '01 Ins. 192 Evaniomorpba Szepliyeti '01 Ins. 192 Evauiscus Szepliyeti '03 Ins. 241 3 804 Evansia Scott '06 Crust. 53 Evausula Scott '06 Crust. 53 Evarcba Simon '02 Aracbn. 45 2 479 l-Ivea Shelford '09 Ins. 418 Evermanella Fowler '01 Pisces 27 Evermannella Eiyenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 90 Evermaunolus Eiyenmann '07 Pisces 52 Evestbes Gilbert '10 Pisces 32 Eviota Jenkins '04 Pisces 31 Evipbis Berlese '04 Aracbn. 42 Evippella Strand '06 Aracbn. 37 Evircboma Cameron '03 Ins. 234 3 804 Evista Jenkins '03 Pisces ; 3 90 Evistias Jordan '07 Pisces 45 Eviulisoma Silvestri '10 M^'r., Aracbn. 51 Evolantia Heller Sf Snodyrass '03 Pisces 30 3 90 Evolocera Sharp '02 Ins. 123 2 908 Evoplosoma Fisher '06 Ecbin. 48 Evoxysoma Ashmead 1888 Ilym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 ( 108 ) EVT.— EZ. Evvlaeus lioberfso7i "012 Ins. 17o ExagonocYclina Cliecchia-IiispoU '09 Prot. 50 Exapfontus Waterhonse '01 Ins. 143 Exaleochara Keys '07 Lis. 215 Exallias Jorclav Sf Eisenniinn '05 Pisces; Bull. U.S. lisli. Comm. xxiii 503 Exallonyx A7p/er '08 Ins. 303 5 1112 Y.x&\\\x& Rafray "04 1ns. 142 Excentroconcba Mast '10 Prot. 57 Excorallana Stebbiny '04 Crust. 40 4. 364 Execestides Jordan 8f Thompson '05 Pisces 35 5 112 ExecLestoma Brandt 1837 Scvphozoa ; Bull. Sci. Ac. St. Petersb. i 188 Execbocirsus Cossmann "08 Moll. 82 Exechontis Jordan '04 Ins. 184 4 828 Exechoptychia Cossmann '03 ^Moll. 66 Exedrus Haffray '03 Ins. 149 3 933 Exelastis Meyrick '07 Ins. 334 Exestastica Spaeth '09 Ins. 268 Eximia Greeky '01 Pisces 21 2 1118 Exitliemus Distant '02 Ins. 268 2 590 Exochoblatta Ilandliisch '00 Ins. 441 Exocliomylacris JIandlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Exodromidia Stebbiny '05 Crust. 37 5 668 Exolontha Reitter '03 Ins. 162 3 933 Exoma Casey '08 Ins. 235 3 534 V CExoma Melichar '02 Ins. 281 Exomala Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Exorectis Meyrick '06 Ins. 365 Exorhabdus Le^cis '10 Ins. 221 Exoristobia Ashmead '04 Ins. 229 5 nil Exosoma Jacoby '03 Ins. 204 Exosternus Leicis '02 Ins. 119 2 008 Expedio Snyder '09 Pisces 35 Exsul Button '01 lus. 270 1 862 Exypnus Burr '07 Ins. 407 Exyrias Jordan ^- Scale '06 Pisces 43 / FAB.— FAS. T^ABATUS Di.stant '10 Ins. 421 Eabellovena Ojipenheim 1885 Ilyiu. ; Fabiola Busck '08 Ins. 356 Fabriciella Bezzi '00 Ins. 386 Facydes Camei-on '01 Ins. 189 1 1042 Faelicianus Distant '01 Ins. 280 1 816 Faesula Cameron '04 Ins. 220 4 722 Faex Weise '01 Ins. 166 Fagesia Pervinquiere '08 Moll. 123 Fagina Attems '04 Myr. 13 4 421 Fagisuga Lindinyer '09 Ins. 405 Fajumia Stromer '04 Pisces 46 4 83 Falagriola Reitter '09 Ins. 222 Falagrioma Casey '06 Ins. 205 Falagriota Casey "0C> Ins. 205 Falcicula Rehyi '03 Ins. 370 Falconeria Smith '04 AracLn. '^8 4 407 Falconiodes Renter '06 Ins. 402 5 832 Falcula Jordan Sf Snyder '01 Pisces 2 1118 Falldandius Enderlein '07 Ins. 249 Fallia Sharp '02 Ins. 123 2 968 Fallopia Oudemans '05 Arachn. 31 6 Aracbn. 45 Fallotia DouvilU '02 Prot. 64 Falsifusus Grabau '04 Moll. 76 4 297 Falsoletolus Pic '03 Ins. 182 4 828 Falsomycterus Pic '07 Ins. 245 Fametesta Pilsbry '02 Moll. 59 Fapua Strand '10 Ins. 381 Faradayus Reitter '09 Ins. 225 Farara Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 335 Farer Forskal 1775 Pisces ; Descript. Animalium 44 Farigia Schaus '01 Ins. 217 1 972 Farnya Schotdeden '10 Ins. 418 Faroella Wolfmden '04 Crust. 50 ^ "/Ezrana Distant '07 Ins. 394 4 364 Faroella JFolfenden '08 Crust. 54 Farona Melichar '02 Ins. 281 3 Farouta .S^nt^/^ '08 Ins. 335 Fascinus Hedley '03 Moll. 08 Fascioletta Garriso7i '09 ^'enu. Sii 109 ) 534 FAT.— PIC. Fatlraa Distant '05 Ina. 312 3 832 Faucheria DoUfiis '05 Crust. 53 5 669 Faustina Kobelt '04 Moll. 65 Fauvelia Graoier '01 Venn. 33 Favartia Jonsseaume 1 883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Faxonia Bouvier '05 Crust. 45 5 069 Faxouius Ortmanii '05 Crust. 40 & '09 Crust. 31 Fayoliella Meiuiier '08 Ins. 421 Feaella EUimjsen '06 Araclin. 41 Fedalma Cameron '03 Ins. 234 3 804 Felargia Cameron '07 Ins. 278 Felderia Tutt '07 Ins. 300 Felisacus Distant '04 Ins. 326 4 511 Felixigyra Prever '10 Coel. 25 Fellodistomum Stafford '04 Verm. ; 4 167 Feltidia Dyar '05 Ins. 290 7 Ins. 302 Feltiella Rubsaamen '10 Ins. 392 Feltinella Theobald '07 Ins. 359 Femoriferus Attems '04 Myr. 15 4 421 Feneuias Cameron '02 Ins. 192 2 842 Feuiseca Grote 1 869, Lep. ; Trans. FIL.— FLORILE. Filclmerella Karny '08 Ins. 431 Filchneria Klapdlvk '08 Ins. 415 Fileanta Cameron '01 Ins. 189 1 1042 Filithuria Koelder ^' Vaney '05 Echin. 58 5 349 Finclira Cameron '07 Ins. 278 Fingulus Distant '04 Ins. 326 4 511 Finkeluburgia Walcott '05 Brach. 7 Finlaya Theobald '03 Ins. 308 3 581 Finschia Hutton '03 Aves 63 Fintona Cameron '09 Ins. 294 Fiorentiuia Dalla Torre '03 Ins. 210 Fioria Kieffer '03 Ins. 244 4 722 Fioriella Kieffer '03 Ins. 244 4 722 Mitt. 319 '10 Fischeria Saussure 1869 Ortli Scliweiz. ent Ges. iii 56 Fischerma Stuckenbery '05 Ccel. ; 5 Fisclioederius Stiles ^- Goldberyer Verm. 32 Fislistina Cameron '02 Ins. 192 Fissala Gill '05 Pisces; 5 112 Fissihmula Etheridye '03 Moll. 82 Fistularia Forshdl 1775 Boliadscliioidea, Uescript. Animalium. p. xxv Fixsenia Tutt '07 Ins. 300 * ^ Amer. Ent. Sec. ii 30S ■^ Fenuahala Distant '07 Ins. 386 ■>^Feredayia Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 430 Ferminoscala Dull '08 Moll. 82 Fernaldella Lconardi '05 Ins. 322 Feronites Fritsch 1884 Col. ; Ferrieria Tullyrcn '03 Arachn. 36 Ferrissia Walker '03 Moll. 63 Fertonius Perez 1892 Hym. ; Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux xliv 341 Festucula Simon '02 Araclin. 45 Fethalia Cameron '02 Ins. 202 2 Fhogra Cameron '01 Ins. 192 Flabellifera Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Flaccilla Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 972 Flacilla Simon '02 Arachn. 45 Flamingorhvnchus Heller '01 Ins. 154 3 934 Flammulina Martens 1873 Moll. ; Flatina Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 534 V' O Flatomorpha Melichar '02 Ins. 281 3 534 ^^ Flatopsis Melichar '02 Ins. 281 3 534 v^<5 Flatoptera Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 5.34 '01 Ins. V 842 V 287 08 Fibrieutis Pilsbry '03 Moll. 61 Fibulina Tormiuist '05 Ecliin. 4 145 Ficalbia Theobald '03 Ins. 308 3 581 Ficedula Moehriny 1758 Aves^/ Geslacht. Vog'el. Nozeman u ' Vosmaer 2 Ficlieuria Pcrviixjuicre '10 Moll. 05 ( & Flatosoma Melichar 3 534 ' Flatula Melichar '02 Ins. 281 3 534 Flaventia Jukes- Browne '08 Moll. Ill Flemingia Johnston 1845 "\^erm. ; Flichea Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Flickia Pervinquiere '08 Moll. 123 OFloricbisme Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 511 Florilegus liobertson "02 Ins. 1 75 110 ) FLORILI.— FOSSI. Florilinus MiiUant 8,- Hey 1867 Col. ; Ooleoi)t. Fr. ScuticoU. 141 Fiorina Tutt '03 Ins. 2U1 3 71:3 Floya Wtbster '05 Moll. ; 5 565 Fliividraco Jordan 8; Folder '03 Pisces 33 3 90 ^- A'llJSSO.— FRO. Foa Jordan ^- Seale '05 Pisces 41 5 112 Focillodes Bethune- Baker '06 Ins. 337 Foenomorpha Szeplit/eii '04 Ins. 224 4 722 Foettingeria Caullery S,- MesnU '03 Prot. 71 Fokkeria Schouteden '04 Ins. 4 511 Folchinia Kieffer '06 Ins. 299 Folinella Dull ^- Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 297 FoUiculus Meunier '10 Prot. 63 FoUmannella Williams- '08 Moll. Ill Folsomia IVillem '02 Ins. .303 Foiitannesia Buchman '02 Moll. 57 Fontarinpsis Pocock '03 Myr. 15 3 424 Fontejanus Breddin '03 Ins. 329 3 534 Foraminella Levinsen '09 Brv., Brach. 22 Forbesiaster Loriol '09 Echin. 43 Forcipator 3Iaindron '04 lus. 130 6 Ins. 201 Forcipina Vosmaer, 1885 Demospougiae ; Bijdr. l)ierk. xii. 26 Fordinia Walcott '08 Brach. 14 Forestus Distant '03 Ins. 334 3 534 Foriria Meunier '08 Ins. 418 Fornarina Thomas '03 Mamm. 34 3 379 Forreria Juusseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Natiiraliste i 335 Forsvtliula Focock '03 Aracbn. 20 3 404 Fortuuata Bolivar '08 Ins. 431 OFurtunia lJistu7it '09 Ins. 397 Fossanobium Pic '03 Ins. 177 5 12-33 Fossarulus Neumaijr 1869 Moll. ; Jabrb. geol. lieicbsanst. xix 361 Fossifrontia Hampsou '01 Ins. 246 1 972 ( 111 Fossopora Bt/ieridi/e "0;; Cnd. 27 3 117 Fouquetius Maindron '06 Ins. 199 Fourtaunio Lambert '02 Feb in. 60 Fovaja Cameron '03 Ins 234 4 723 Foveades Bet/nme- Baker '08 Ins. 335 Fowleria Jordan ^- Evermann '03 Pisces ; 3 90 Fowleriua Pelseneer '06 Moll. 77 '02 Ins. 270 Fracastorius Distant 2 590 Fragilla Loman '08 Aracbn. 9 Frametesta Pilsbrij '02 Moll. ; 2 O'JO 'i\T^ F'rancesca Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 411 / O Franciscus Distant '10 Ins. 430 Fraudator Hutton '01 Ins. 265 1 862 Franenfeldiella Rilhsaameii '05 Ins. 285 Frecbiella Prinz '04 Moll. 60 Fredericina Tutt '05 Ins. 278 5 1007 Frenais Jacoby '03 Ins. 204 3 934 Freuzelina Leger ^- Dtiboscq '07 Prot. 49 Friarius Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 Frickius Germain '01 Ins. 133 Friesea Schrottky '03 Ins. 217 Fringilloides Buturlin '10 Aves 124 Frioua Cameron '02 Ins. 192 Frireniella Kiefer '09 Ins. 303 Fritscbia Pitard '04 Moll. 82 2 338 4 297 Frocvmbulia Meisenheimer '05 Moll. 70 Froekenia Hoyle '04 Moll. 60 IS. 18.^ '04 Ins. 229 Froggattia Ashmead 4 723 Froggattia Bolivar '09 Ins. 424 Froggattia Ilurvdth '02 Ins. 272 2 590 Frogattoides Distant '10 Ins. 428 Frombacbia Blaschke '05 Moll. 80 5 565 Fromundus Distant '01 Ins. 277 1 816 Frontella Kulezynski "08 Aracbn. 33 Frontinella Cambridge '02 Aracbn. 33 2 479 Fronto Petri '01 Ins. 155 ) PRU.— GAH. Frutico-campylaea Kobelt 1871 Moll. Cat. europ. Biniienconch 13 Fryanus Fleutiaux '02 Ins. 135 Pafuna '01 Ver '01 lus. 32G 47 ^ Fiielirmannia 1 496 Fulgentius Distant 4 511 Fulg-ora Wagner '05 Moll. 78 Fulgoridicida Perkins '06 Ins. 304 Fulgoridium Handlirsch '06 Ins. 411 FulgLirofiisus Grahau '04 Moll. 76 4 297 Fuligo Wigqers 1780 Rhizop. ; Primit^ Florae Holsat. 112 Fulleboraiella JEnderlein "03 Ins 2 546 Fultonia -Sco^ '02 Crust. 66 2 421 Fiiltura Gistl 1837 Hem. ; Faunus n. F. ilU Fulvidius Poppius '10 Ins. 425 Fimgivora Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Furcina Jordan 4* Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 83 Furcula Lamarck 1816 Lep. ; Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vert, iii 581 Fusacarus Michael '03 Araclin. 43 3 404 Fasania Jordan Sc Starks '05 Pisces 47 5 112 Fusitoma Casey '04 Moll. ^4 5 565 Fusitriton Cossmann '03 Moll. 70 Fusiiilus Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 32 Fusivoluta Martens '02 Moll. 70 Fusoidea Reis '01 Mull. S(i Fiisticularia Simpson '05 Coel. 30 5 319 pABOXIA BoUvar GAI.— GAND. Gaidiopsi.s Scott '09 Crust. 48 Giiigeria Raillief S)- Henry '10 Verm. 41 Gaioxenus Broun '10 Ins. 209 Gi\.]& Distant '06 lus. 411 Galactea Re.dtenbacher '08 Ins. 424 Galactochlora Warren '07 Ins. 323 Galactomyia Toivnsend '08 Ins. 383 Galapagosana Distant '09 Ins. 398 Galasastra Breddin '03 Ins. 325 3 535 Galboa Distant '09 Ins. 402 Galcliana Distant '10 Ins. 424 Galeagra Heller ^ Siiodgrass '03 Pisces 28 3 90 /<^' Galela Distant '06 Ins. 411 355 Galena Koch 1845 Araclin. ; Die Aracli- niden xii 105 Galeodopsis Birula '04 Araclin. 36 4 407 Galeograptus Wiman '02 Co-1. 20 4 120 Galeopsis Jullien i5j- Calvet '03 Dry. 13 Galeosoma Purcell '03 Arachn, 20 3 404 Galerima Reitter '03 Ins. 204 Galerotoma Reitter '03 Ins. 204 Galerucites Oppenheim 1888 Co1.; Galeruclerus Gahan '10 Ins. 236 Galesimorplia Brues '10 Ins. 303 Galideus Finot '08 Ins. 431 Gallea Walker '04 Crust. 44 4 364 Galliaetatus Ameghino '05 Mamm. 46 Gallobelgicus Distant '06 Ins. 399 4" 511 Gallobelicus Distant '04 Ins. 326 Galopagomyia Bischof '04 Ins. 300 4 552 Galvinella Eliot 'OS; Nat. Antarct. Exp. ii Nudibranchiata 26 Gamasbolaspis Bsrlese '04 Aracbn. 42 5 719 '04 Arachn. 42 '06 Ins. 448 Gabrielia McCulloch '08 Crust. 33 Gabriola Taylor '04 Ins. 277 4 645 Gabucinia Oudenians '05 Arachn. 3^ '' Gamergoniorphus 3ie/2c/iar '06 Ins. 411 Gamka PSringuey '04 Ins. 153 4 824 Gamasiphis Berlese 5 719 6 Arachn. 45 Gadonuis Regan '03 Pisces 29 3 90 Gaetulia AoJf/i! '03 {recte 1898) Moll 68 ' Gafsachelys De Sttfano '03 Kept. 30 Gagrellula Roewer '10 Arachn. 33 Galiania Distant '07 Ins. 256 ( Gammarellus Herbst 1793 Crust. ; Naturg. Krabben. Krebse ii 106 Ganimaroparnops Alfken '01 Ins. 307 1 783 Ganbirrettia Gauthier '03 Echin. 77 Gandaca Moore '06 Ins. 314 112 ) GANE.— GASTROTH. Gelastopsis KirlxaUly "00 Ins. 411 Ganeo Klein '05 Venn. 60 Ganesha Moser '07 Coel. 28 Gaugus Simon '02 Arachn. 45 2 480 Ganosomus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 160 Ganosteus Hohon '01 Pisces 38 & '02 Pisces 46 Ganymedes Huxley '10 Prot. 58 Garbinia GrochoiosJd '10 Crust. 40 Gardinaria Vmighan '07 Cojl. 26 GarduUaria MichaeUen '03 Verm. 38 3 188 Gargantuoidea Redt enbacher ''08 Ins. 424 Gariep Peringuey '07 Ins. 230 Garmanina Fowler '06 Pisces 54 Garnieria Sayn '01 Moll. 69 Garudinodes Betlnine- Baker '08 Ins.325 Garumnaster Lambert '08 Echin. 23 Garyops Banks '09 Arachn. 37 Gasocaris Fritsch '01 Crust. 36 Gasocaris Fritsch '02 Crust. 40 Gaspesia Clarke '08 Brach. 14 Gasterostomum Siehold 1848 Trema- todes ; Lelirb. Anat. Wirbello.sen Til. 112 Gastranopsis Cossmann '08 Moll. Ill Gastraspis Flach '07 Ins. 249 Gastrimargus Schicarz '02 Ins. 138 2 968 Gastrinopa Loiver '03 Ins. 286 3 712 Gastris Lilhe '06 Verm. 28 Gastroblastus Haeckel 1879 Ilydrozoa; Denltsclir. Ges. .Tena i 77 Gastrochaeta Dujardin 1841 Infusoria; Hist. nat. Zooplivtes 381 Gastrocystis Chatton '10 Prot. 59 Gastrodontella Moellendorff '01 Moll. 71 1 620 Gastrohalictns Ducke '02 Ins. 175 2 842 Gastrolobium Casey '05 Ins. 138 7 Ins. 217 Gastropus Imhof 1888 Rotatoria ; Zool, Anz. xi 171 Gastrostomuni Siehold 1878 Verm. ; Gastrothvlaeias Stiles Sf Goldherger 'lb Verm. 32 Gastrothvlacides Stiles 4" O^ldberrer "10 Verm. 32 V<": G ASTROTO. - GELASTOP. Gastrotokeus Giinther 1870 Pisces ; Cat. Fishes Brit. Mus. viii 153 Gastrotricha W rzesnioiv^ki 1867 In- fusoria ; Rocznilv Totvarz. Nauk Krakowsk. (.'') xii 235 Gastroxides Saunders 1841 Dipt.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lend, iii 59 Gastroxys Horvdth '04 Ins. 317 4 511 Gaterin i^o/\<7.Y?^ 1775 Pisces; Bescript. Animalium 45 Gatesius Stiles '08 Verra. 39 Gathetus Cameron '01 Ins. 189 1 1042 Gauribos Heude '07 Mamm. 68 Gauriteres Gounelle '08 Ins. 267 Gaurocryphus Broun '09 Ins. 2o4 Gau^saster Ludwig '10 Echin. 44 Gaussia Wolfenden '05 Crast. 06 5 6d9 Gaussicmua Zimmer '07 Crust. 60 Gavrana Cameron '06 Ins. 294 Gazanus Peringuey '04 Ins. 1.30 4 828 Gazellariiim Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1671 Gazelletta Haeekel 1879 Rhizop.; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 Gazellidinm Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1671 Gazellonium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1672 Gazellusium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Chalienger xviii pt. 2, 1673 Gazuma Distant '05 Ins. 321 5 832 Geaya Roeicer '10 Arachn. 33 Gebicula Alcock '01 Crust. 29 1 689 Gedea Simon '02 Arachn. 45 Gegenemene HandlirscJi '06 Ins. 434 Geijerolynia Froggaii '03 Ins. 347 3 535 Geinitzia Bietz '10 MolL 68 ({einitzia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 446 Geisenheyneria Riihsaamen '10 Ins. 392 Geitonia Warren '05 Ins. 267 5 1007 Gelastissus Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 411 jlelastocephalns Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 411 Gelastodelphax Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 411 G^lastognnia Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 330 4 511 Gelastophautia Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 511 Gelasto'ihava Kirkaldy "04 Ins. ZZG 4 511 ( 11- ) GELASTOR.— GEPHYRE. GEPHYRI.— GESS. Gelastorrhachis Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 420 Gelastjra Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 Gelatasnis Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 268 2 590 Gelatopoiidion Zacher '09 Ins. 421 Gelchossa ZiV;ta% '04 Ins. 321 4.511 Geloemyia Hendel '08 Ins. 388 Gelsana Bndde-Lund '10 Crust. 36 Geminia Thorell '03 Arachn. 32 Gemmellarncarcinns Checchia - Hispoli '06 Cnist. 31 Gemiindina Traqiiair '03 Pisces 42 Genapbis Handlirsch '07 Ins. 308 Genattus Sharp '02 Ins. 124 2 968 Genestia Stol 1859 ; Ofv. Sveuska Ak. Forh. 1858, 450 Genetosyllis Malmcfren 1865 Verm. ; i, Geniohvus Andretvs '04 Mamm. 44 4 322 Gennadius Jordan Sf Seals '07 Pisces 41 Gennadota Casey '06 Ins. 205 Genolopa Linton '10 Verm. 32 Genophion Felt '04 Ins. 220 4 723 Genyodectes Woodward '01 Rept. 27 1 1274 Grenysochoera Si)7io7i '02 Arachn. 26 3 404 Geocapromvs Chapman '01 Mamm. ; 1 1477 Geocarcinucus Milne-Edioards 1844 Crust. ; Geococcus Green '02 Ins. 290 2 590 Geocrypha Bergroth '06 Ins. 394 Geodinella Lendenfeld '03 Sponof. 22 (joodiopsis Schrammen '10 Por. 7 Geodiplosis Kiefer '09 Ins. 360 Geoglomeris Verhoeff" '08 Myr., Arachn, 50 & '10 Arachn. 51 Geolycosa Montgomery '04 Arachn. 33 4 407 Georg'ella Koenike '07 Arachn. 43 Georissopsis Pilshi-y Sf Hirase '08 Moll. 82 Geosargus Bezzi '07 Ins. 364 Geotiphia Cockerell '06 Ins. 283 Geotrupnides Handlirsch '06 In.«. 273 Gephyreaster Fisher '10 Echin. 44 ' ( 1 Gephyristis Meyrick '09 Ins. 351 & '10 Ins. 381 Gephyroberyx Boulenger '02 Pisces 32 2 1118 Gepbyrocbromis Boulenger '01 Pisces 25 Gephyrocrinus Koehler 8f Bather '02 Echin. 84 2 172 [Gephyroo-lanis Boulenger '01 Pisces ; 1 1231] Gepbyronema Augener '03 Verm. 54 3 167 Gepbyrostep-us Jaekel '02 Rept. 32 4 137 Gephyrothuria Koehler ^- Vaney '05 Echin. 50 5 349 Geraeocormobius Holmherg 1887 Arachn. ; Bol. Ac. Cordoba x 211 Geraeopsis Champion '08 Ins. 259 ^ Geraldtonia Distant '10 Ins. 430 Gerdlinura Scudder 1884 Arachn.; Proc. Amer. Ac. n. s. xii 19 Geraphrynus Scudder 1884 Arachn. ; Proc. Amer. Ac. n. s. xii 16 Gerarctia Hampson '05 Ins. 246 5 1007 Gerardia Lacaze-Dnthier Ccb\. ; Geraroides Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Gerastratus Distaiit '10 Ins. 421 Gerbelius Distant '03 lus. 334 Gerdana Busck '08 Ins. 357 Gerhardtia Dahl '07 Arachn. 36 Gerhard tia Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 288 Gerista Bolivar '05 Ins. 341 German onautil us Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Geroneura Matthew 1889 Neur. ; Gerontia Schaus '04 Ins. 259 5 1007 Gerosis Mabille '03 Ins. 258 3 712 Gerrodes Hampso?i '10 Ins. 352 Gerstaeckerella Enderleiti '10 Ins. 389 Gerstaeckeria Champion '05 Ins. 174 5 12.38 Gerusia Warren '07 Ins. 323 Gervasius Ormaneey 1852 Infusoria; Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 257-297 Gervillella Waagen '09 Moll. 86 Geshna Dgar '06 Ins. 359 Gesneriodes Villeneui:e '09 Ins. 375 Gessius Distant 'OS Ins. 405 14 ) GEST.— GIRTH. Gestro Griffini '08 Ins. 428 Getohetherium Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 322 Ghanan Fors'kal 1775 Pisces; Descript. Aniiiialium 44 Gliarianus Werner '08 Ins. 424 Giardia Ancy "07 Moll. 127 Giardinaia Destefani Perez '02 Ins. 196 2 842 Giardomyia Felt '08 lus. 366 Gibbomorpha Buckton '03 Ins. 342 3 53o Gibboxyletiniis Pic '01 Ins. 14o 1 1133 Gibsonia Meunier '08 Ins. 417 Gidleya Cossma:in '09 Mamin. 09 OGiffardia Kirkaldii '06 Ins. 421 Gigaduotns Craicley '03 Prot. 60 3 87 Gigantactis Brauer '02 Pisces 22 2 1118 Gigantella Ekmim '06 Crust. 53 5 669 Gigantobilharzia Odhner '10 Verm. 32 Gigantogobius Fowler '05 Pisces 37 5 112 Gigantophis Andrews '01 Rept. 22 1 1274 Gigantopterus Abel '06 Pisces 56 Gigantorbabdus Schmidt '06 Ins. 420 Gigantosaurus Fraas '08 Rept. 30 Gigantura ^r«2jar '09 Ins. 346 Haimea Milne-Edwards Coel. ; Haimea Poniel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. lladvonemia mmdlirsch '06 Ins. 434 /^ • ^^*^- ^^^i°- ^^ Ilajar Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 315 5 lladropareia Schmidt '05 Pisces 34 6 113 Ilaeckelia Cams 1863 Coel. ; Cams u. Uerstaecker Handb. Zool. ii 512 Ilaeckelia A7/-A-«% '04 Ins. 310 4 511 Ilaeckeliana Haeckcl 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1604 Haedus Distant '05 Ins. 306 Haemanota Ilanipson '01 Ins. 217 1 974 Ilaem.aphlebia Hampson '10 Ins. 352 llaemassia Hampson '09 Ins. 334 Haeniatobosca Bezzi '07 Ins. 371 Ilaematouiyidium Goeldi '05 Ins. 287 5 b8l QHaematoscarta Breddin '03 Ins. 344 3 536 Haeuiatotrephus Stossich '06 Verm. 28 Haemilla Simon '09 Arachn. 29 Haemocj-stidium Castellani ^y Willey '04 Prot. 55 Haemodipsa Tennent Verm. ; Haemodipsus Enderlein '04 Ins. 340 4 431 Haemohoruiidium Herbert '10 Prot. 61 Haemolaelaps Berlese '10 Arachn. 37 Haemostrongylus Railliet !^- Henry '08 Verm. 42 Haemus Peringuey '04 Ins. 166 4 829 Haeuleinia Btihm '08 Moll. 112 Ilaenoblattina Sdlards '10 Ins. 452 ( 832 Hakaria Steindachner '01 llept. 21 Ilalammobia Semenow '01 Ins. 148 Haldemanina Dall "05 Moil. 66 Haldra Hall ^ Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 297 Halechiuiscus liichters '08 Tardigrada, Arachn. 46 Ilalecopsis Woodward '01 Pisces 32 1 1232 Halesinus Ulmer '07 Ins. 350 Halesochila Banks '07 Ins. 350 Ilalicoruaria Bask 1852 Ilydrozoa ; MacGillivray Voy. Rattlesnake i Appendix Ilalicreas Vanhoffen '03 C03I. 21 Halictanthrena Ducks '07 Ins. 266 Halictophilus Pierce '09 Ins. 276 Ilalictostylops Pierce '09 Ins. 275 JIalictoxenos Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Ilalicyclops Norman '03 Crust. 51 3 356 Plalimococcus Cockerell '02 Ins. 290 2 591 Halimonectes Guerin 1857 Crust. ; Haliommantha //ftecAre/ 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 230 Plaliommetta Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. j Challenger xviii pt. 1, 233 Haliommilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. j Challenger xviii pt. 1, 236 121 ) V 66 HALIOMMU.— HAMU. Halioninuira llaechel "1887 Kliizop. ; Clialleiigur xviii pt. 1, 237 Ilaliotiinor})lia Blasdtke '05 Moll. 81 5 566 Ilaliphera Cameron '03 Iiis. 235 3 805 Haliscera Vcmhiifen '03 Coel. 21 Ilalistrepta Dull '04 Moll. 87 Halithalesti-is Sars "05 Crust 5 669 Halitrepes Bigeloio '09 Cnel. 18 Ilalizoa Foerst.er 1856 Hym. ; Hym. Stiidieu ii 145 Ilalla Costa 1844 Verm. ; Ilaliiiatettix Hancock '09 Ins. 424 Halobatrachus Ogilhy '08 l^isces 39 Ilalobrechtbina Bernliauer '09 lus. 222 Ilalocella Boryert '07 Prot. 49 llalomachilis Verhoef '10 Jus. 459 Halomolgula Hitter '07 Proch. 6 llalonoproctus Focoek '01 Arachn. 31 1 733 Halophiloscia Verhoeff '08 Crust. 44 & '09 Crust. 38 ' Halosoma Cole '04 Crust. 61 4 376 Halsaualotes Becker '03 Ins. 312 3 581 Halteria Dujardin 1841 Infusoria ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 414 Ilalticidea lieuter '01 Ins. 284 1 817 Ilalticophana Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Ilalticosaurus Huene '08 Eept. 30 Halys Weise '02 Ins. 166 2 970 Halysisis Norman '09 Bry., Brack. 22 Hamaba Casey '10 Ins. 246 Ilamacreadium Linton '10 Verm. 32 Hamadryapbis Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 337 A 511 Hamaxas Burr '07 Ins. 407 C>Ilamba Distant '07 Ins. 386 Hambergiella Roman '10 Ins. 291 Ilamiglycera Ehlers '08 Verm. 45 Ilaniilcara Barnes ^ McDunnouyh '10 Ins. 334 Ilamma Buckton '07 Ins. 391 Hammatostylus Champion '03 Ins. 187 3 935 Hammocallos Chretien '08 Ins. 349 Haniulinites Faquier '01 Moll. 69 HAMZ.— HAPLOEA. K&mv.ti Distant '04 Ins. 330 4-511 llandlirscbia lieis '09 Ina. 413 llandlirscbogryllus Cossmann '09 Moll. 66 Ilanetia Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Hansenella Chevreux '09 Crust. 40 oHansenia Kirkaldy '02 Ins, 281 2 591 O llansenia Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 536 Ilansenolana Stebbiny '01 Crust. 38 Ilanuala Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 306 6 Ins. 393 Hapala R. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 283 Ilapalodectes Mattheiv '09 Mamm. 63 Hapaloides Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 43 Hapalopinus Simon '03 Aracbn. 20 llapaloptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 liapalopus Brenske '03 Ins. 162 3 935 Hapalosoma Mortensen '03 Ecbin. 77 Hapalotremus Simon '03 Aracbn. 20 Ilapbsa Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 832 Ilapigiodes Dyar '10 Ins. 333 Ilapiplous Gistl 1856 Ins. ; Mysterien d. Insektenwelt 120 Ilaplacinopus »S'eme?w?tJ 1898 Col.; Hor. Soc. Ent. Koss. xxxii 608 Ilapladena Linton '10 Verm. 32 Ilaplatbous Reitter '05 lus. 159 5 1239 iHaplaxius Fotoler '04 Ins. 333 4 511 Haplobotbynus TschitscMrine '01 Ins. 117 1 1134 & 2 970 Haplobunodon Deperet '08 Mamm. 79 Ilaplocantbosaurus Matcher '03 Ilept. 28 3 138 Haplocantbus Hatcher '03 Ilept. 28 3 138 Ilaplocestra Aurivillius '10 Ins. 352 Haplocion Pilsbry '02 Moll. 66 Haplococcus Zopf 1882 Lycopodinse ; Verb. Bot. Ver. Prov. Branden burg xxiv Sitzber. 55 {teste Pocbe) Haplodelpbax Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 386 Haplodictyus Navds '08 Ins. 363 Haplodiplosis Riibsaamen '10 Ins. 392 Ilaploeax Aurivillius '07 Ins. 256 ( 122 ) HAPLOEM.— HARE. HARG.— HATC. Haploembia Verhoeff '04 Ins. 346 ILiplogeiisis Bourgeois '10 lus. 234 Ilaplogoiiatopus Perkins '05 Ins. 223 5 1114 Haploleptodesmus i)r67e«m?2?i '10 Myr., Arachn. 51 Ilaplomesus jRichardson '08 Crust. 42 Haplomunua Itichardson '08 Crust. 42 Haplonivloiuvs Osgood '04 JNIauim. 40 4 322 Haploniscus Richardson '08 Crust. 42 Haplopacha AuriviUiiis '05 Ins. 246 5 1008 Ilaplophileurus Kolhe '10 Ins. 228 Haplophraguioides Cicshman '10 Prot. 55 Haploplana Laidlaw '03 A'erm. 44 3 156 Plaplopoma Levinsen '02 Bry. 8 Haploponis Looss '02 Yerm. 58 3 156 Haplopseustis Meyrick '02 Ins. 226 2 761 ilaploptychius Mollendorff '06 Moll. 80 Ilaploscapanes Arrow '08 Ins. 241 Ilaplosplanchnus Looss '02 Verm. 58 2 199 Haplostegus Konow '01 Ins. 198 Ilaplolaxodon Boukmjer '06 Pisces 46 Haplothysanus Attems ,'09 Myr., Arachn. 52 Haplotuiarus Si7non '08 AracLn. 35 Haplotrinchus Kerremans '03 lus. 169 3 935 Ilaplotropidius Miiller '04 Ins. 145 Haplozana Aurivillius '01 Ins. 218 3 713 Haplozoon Do(jiel '06 Venn. 33. Hapocbraeus Raffray '04 Ins. 142 HapolorhYnclius Reichenow '08 Ayes 140 Hapsipbyllum Sim2)son '01 Coel. 20 . Haptonierus Faust 1889 Col. ; Deutscb. eut. Zeit. 142 Haptoscelis Weise 1886 Col. ; Xaturg. Ins. Deutscb. vi 658 ^ v/ C>Haranga Distant '07 Ins. 394 Hardingia Schaus '01 Ins. 218 1 974 Ilareuactis Torrey '02 Coel. 27 ( Hargeria Lucas '03 Aves 40 5 340 Ilarid iv)r6-/.a^ 1775 Pisces; Descript. Aninialiura 44 Ilaristacus Cameron '09 Ins. 294 Ilarmanda Roewer '10 Aracbn. 33 Ilarmandella Roewer '10 Aracbn. 33 Ilarmeria Norman '03 Bry. 13 3 199 Ilarmodactylus Perinyuey '01 Ins. 133 1 1134 Ilarmomastix Attems '09 Mvr., Aracbn. 52 Ilarmomima Raffray '04 Ins. 142 6 Ins. 214 Ilarmonides Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 280 2 591 Ilarnioptera i^/ei^r 1853 Ortb.; Lotos 92 IL.rpacticella Sars '08 Crust. 54 Ilarpactirella Simon '02 Aracbn, 26 2 480 Ilarpagiaea Hampson '00 Ins. 338 llarpagocryptus Perkins '08 Ins. 303 Ilarpagolestes Wortma^i '01 Mamm. 30 1 1477 Ilarpagomyia Meyere '09 Ins. 365 Ilarpagopbana Ilaynpsoii '06 Ins. 338 Ilarpagopbora Attems '09 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Harpaloniimes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Harpapbe Cook '04 Myr. 14 4 421 Ilarpedona Distant '04 Ins. 326 4 511 Harpendyreus Heron '09 Ins. 315 Harpeola Dall '07 Moll. 82 Ilarpezoneura Enderlein "09 Ins. 408 Harpiua Novak 1884 Crust. ; Sitz. Bobm. Ges. "Wiss. Harpiuia Boeck 1876 Crust. ; Skaudiu. Arkt. Ampbipod. 218 Ilai-porrbyncbus Sars Crust. ; Harpulina Dall '06 Moll. 62 Ilarpuna Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 444. Ilarrietella Scott '06 Crust. 53 Ilarrimania Spengel '01 Ins. ; 1 1103 . Ilarsaces Cameron '03 Ins. 235 3 805 ^Hasta Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 412 Hatasu Broun '09 Ins. 255 Ilatcberia Eigenmann '09 Pisces 39 Ilatcbericeras Stanton '01 Moll. 69 123 ) HATH.— HEINSE. HEINSI.— HELIOC. Hatlior Kirkahhj 8f Eihvards '02 Ins. 21-2 / Hathrometra Clark '08 Ecliiii. 28 v^ Ilatigoria Distant '07 Ins. 394 Ilatsckekia Poche '02 Crust. 66 2 422 / Ilaullevillea Schuuteden '04 Ins. -317 ^ " Ilaumavarga Oshanin '08 Ins. 402 JIanptmannia Oudenums 'lOArachn. 40 Ilau.stellotypliis Jomseanme 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Ilaustorius St. Midler 1775 Crust. ; Slabber Phy.sik. Belust. Wasser. Landthiercheu 48 IlaTelockia Pearson '03 Echiu. 61 3 137 Hawaiicola Kirkcddy '09 Ins. 384 Hawaiina Tutt '03 Ins. 261 Ilawkesius Stiles ^- Goldherijer '10 Verm. 32 Ilazaya Soos 1909 Moll.; Ann. Mus. Hung, vii 43 Ilazeus Jordan ^- Snyder '01 Pisces 22 1 1232 Ilea Distant '06 Ins. 406 Hebestatis Si77ion '03 Aracbn. 21 3 404 Hecistocyptrus Powel 1883 Echin. ; Ciassif. meth. Echin. 99 Iledouistes Gorham '05 Ins. 160 5 1239 Iledralophus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Iledroneiira Hendel '02 Ins. 264 Hedybiocephalus Pic '03 Ins. 175 Iledycharis Turner '03 Ins. 301 3 712 Iledycryptus Cameron '03 Ins. 235 4 723 TIedyjoppa Cameron '04 Ins. 220 4 723 Ileeriella Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Ileeriella Meunier '04 Ins. 125 4 552 Hegftterocara Reitter '01 Ins. 148 3 935 Heida Dull ^- Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 298 Heilprinia Grabuu '04 Moll. 76 4 298 Heimbra Cameron '09 Ins. 297 1/ ^ Heinsenia Melichar '06 Ins. 412 (1 Ileinsiua Distant '01 Ins. 280 1 817 Ileizmannia Ludlow '05 Ins. 290 Ilekista Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 276 2 591 Helcosoma Wright '04 Prot. 55 Ilelea Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Melegonatopus Perkins '06 Ins. 304 Helella Smith 1882 Crust. ; Sars Forh. Selsk. Christiania Nr. 18, 31 Ilelenella Casey '04 Moll. 74 5 566 Ilelenia Wahott 1889 Moll.; I'roc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xii 39 Ilelerigone Strand '10 Mull. 80 Ilelgicirrha Hartlauh '09 Coel. 18 Ileliactinidia IIa7n23Son '01 Ins. 218 1 974 Ileliangara Meyrick '06 Ins. 365 llilicaniastra Vanatta '05 Moll. 04 5 566 Helicobosca Bezzi '06 Ins. 387 Ilelicoelietus Aitems '09 Myr., Araclin. 52 Helicoconis Enderlein '05 Ins. ; 5 787 Helicocranchia Massy '07 Moll. 176 Helicocrinus Chapman '03 Echin. 98 rielicolophodon Path '03 Mamm. 40 Helicometra Odhner '02 Verm. 58 2 199 Ilelicometrina Liidon '10 V^erm. 32 Ileliconia Godart 1819 Lep. ; Encycl. Metb. Entomol. ix 203 Ileliconis Dziedzielewicz '09 Ins. 355 Helicosiphon Gravier '07 Verm. 44 Kelicosmia TJumison 1872 Hym. ; Uym. Scand. ii 233 Ilelicotragus Palmer '03 Mamm. 37 3 380 Ilelictomerus McLachlan 1865 Tri- chopt. ; Tr. Ent, Soc. Lond. v 87 Heligmina Douville '08 Moll. 112 Ileligmosomum Puilliet ^- Henry '09 Verm. 42 Ileligmus Diijardin 1845 Verm. ; Plist. Nat. Helminth. 147 Heliocaes Bedel '06 Ins. 238 Heliochallengeron Hacker '06 Prot. 41 6 '08 Prot. 50 Ileliocontia Hampson '10 Ins. 353 Ileliocrates ReUter '05 Ins. 16G 4 y29 1^4) HELIOD.— HELLA. ileliodendrum Haechel 1887 liliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 452 Heliodiscetta Ilaechel 1887 Kliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 445 Heliodisrilla HuecJ^el 1887 Rliizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 447 Ileliodiscounna Hcieclxel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. ], 448 Ileliodiscura Haechel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 450 PleliodoDia Calvet '07 Bry., Brach. 2 Ileliolais Sharpe '03 Aves o9 Ileliolus Fauvel '08 Ins. 267 Helioniera JRapnotid '05 Crust. 77 5 (385 Helionietra Clark '07 Echin. 39 Heliomophlus Eeitter '06 Ins. 241 Ilelioua Melichar '03 Ins. 345 3 536 Helionotus Eehn '09 Ins. 424 Ilelionvmpha Oberholser 'Oo Aves 77 "5 346 Heliophana Simon 1864 Araclin. ; Hist. uat. Araign. 332 Helioseota Grote 1895 Lep. ; Abh. Ver. Bremen xiv 1, 78 lleliosestantha Haecket 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 438 Heliosestilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 440 Heliosestomma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 441 Heliosoniantha Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 240 Ileliosonnira Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 241 Ileliosorex Heller '10 Mamru. 49 Heliosphaerella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 217 Heliosphaeromnia Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 220 Heliospiza Gunnincj '07 Aves 134 lleliospongia Girty '08 Por. 9 Ileliothodes Hampso7i '10 Ins. 353 Ileliozona Hampso7i '01 Ins, 218 1 975 Heliscus Zftw^ '05 Ins. 148 5 1239 Melius Fativel '06 Ins. 261 Ilelladepichoria Beckei' '07 Ins. 357 &: '08 Ins. 368 ( 1 HELLE. HEMICLE. Ilelleriella Champion '06 Ins. 249 Hellinsia rtttt '05 Ins. 278 5 1008 Hellmayria Poclie '04 Aves; 4- 242 Ilellwigiella Sz^pliyeti '05 Ins. 210 5 1114 Helniinthoch«ris Gronvelle '06 Ins. 221 Helminthopsis Grouvelle '06 Ins. 221 Ilelobrachium Schramineyi '10 Por. 9 Ilelocerus Mulsnnt S^- Eey 1867 Col.; Col. Fr. ScuiicoU. 141 Helocordulia Keedham '01 Ins. 299 Helodermoides Douolass '03 Rent. 21 6 179 ^ Helopanoplia Hay '08 Rept. 31 Ilelopeltina Cockerell '0(5 Ins. 203 Helophoropsis Haiidlirsrh '06 Ins. 272 Heloriniorpha Schiniedeknecht '10 Ins. 296 Helotliolus Jorgensen '05 Prot, 66 5 -71 Ilelpidius Simon '02 Arachn. 46 Ilelpis Simo?i '02 Arachn. 46 Helvetiosoma Faes '10 Myr., Arachn. 51 Hemacroneuria Enderlein '09 Ins. 410 Ileniadas Crawford "09 Ins. 297 Ilemallia Beryruth '08 Ins. 393 IJeiuasodes Casey '07 Ins. 240 Hematelura Escherich '06 Ins. 454 Hemerodromia Navds '09 Ins. 358 Ilemeronivia Coquillett '02 Ins, 264 2 638 Hemerotrecha Banks '03 Arachn. 38 3 404 CHemiapterus Jacobi '04 Ins. 335 4 512 Hemiarcha Meyrick '04 Ins. 294 4 646 Hemiarcvria BostoJiHski 1875 Rhizop.; Denkschr. Ges, \Mss. Paris vi Art. 1, 261 Ilemiargyra Toicnsend "08 Ins. 383 Hemiaspis Fairviaire '01 Ins. 139 Hemibracon Szepliyeti '06 Ins. 300 Hemibradypus Anthony '06 Mamm. 82 Heniicaecilius Enderlein '03 Ins. 356 3 477 Hemicara ScMueter '02 Echin. 67 Hemichenopus Wilckens '08 Moll. 83 Ilemiclepsis Vejdovsky Yerni. ; 25 ) HEMICLO.— HEMIOD, Ilemicloiiia Kirby '06 Ins. 448 Ilemicodiopsis Pomel 1883 Echiii. ; Classif. metli Ecliin. 82 Ilemicopha Wa?-ren '07 lus. 324 Hemicopsis Sichihoe '04 Ins. 277 4 646 Ilemicormocephalus Kraepelin '03 Myr. 11 5 737 Heiuictenodecticiis Caudell '03 Ins. 428 Hemicypris Sars '03 Crust. 65 3 356 Ilemidiaptomus Sars '03 Crust. 51 3 356 Ilemidina Walker 1869 Ortli. ; Ilemiellisia Neumann '08 Avrs 136 Hemiephialtes Af^hmead '00 Ins. 294 Hemiercus Shnon '03 Arachn. 21 Hemierianthus Suussitre '03 Ins. 372 3 477 Ilemiexocoetus Foivler '01 Pisces 30 1 1232 Hemiglapliyrus Chcnnpeiiois '04 Ins. 152 Hemiglvptiis Ashmead 05 Ins. 216 5 1114 Hemigramuiocvprls Fowler '10 Pisces 36 Ilemiboplopus BiruJa '04 Arachn. 19 4 407 Hemihyalea Hampson '01 Ins. 218 ■1 975 TIemijana Aurivillius '02 Ins. 217 2 761 Hemijassa Walker '08 Crust. 48 Hemikeliopsis Lambert '06 Echin. 40 Hemilamprops Sars 1882 Crust. ; Forh. Selsk. Christiania 55 Ilemilecaniuni Netostead '08 Ins. 410 Ilemileucon Caiman '07 Crust. 60 Ilemiliopsis Champion '05 Ins. 174 5 1239 lleraWoha Swinhoe '01 Ins. 246 1 975 Ilemimedon Casey '05 Ins. 138 7 Ins. 217 Ilemimenia Nierstrasz '02 Moll. 85 2 339 Hemimylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Heminectes Philippi '02 Rept. 29 Heminoraada Cockerell ^- Atkins '02 Ins. 175 2 843 Ilemiodopsis Fowler '00 Pisces 54 ( 1 HEMIOP.— HEMITI. Hemioplirys Wrzesnioicski 1870 In- fusoria ; Zeitsclir. wiss, Zool. xx 497 Heniipauropus Silvestri '02 Myr. 12 Hemipecten Dyar '05 Ins. 247 5 1009 Ileniipenaeopsis Bouvier '05 Crust. 45 5 669 Ilemiphaedon Jacohson '01 Ins. 160 Hemiphantt^s Strand '01 Arachn. 31 2 481 TIemiphileurus Kolbe '10 Ins. 228 Ileniiphnbeiia i^nYsf/t '02 Myr. 21 Hemiphracta Weise '02 Ins. 160 Hemiphricta Warren '06 Ins, 349 Hemiphrvnus Fritsch '02 Arachn. 24 2 "481 Hemiphrvnus Pocock '02 Arachn. 24 Heniipoma Wagner '05 MolL 79 Hemipristis Kolbe '03 Ins. 180 3 936 Hemipterodes Warren '06 Ins. 349 Hemiptocha Doynin '05 Ins. 275 5 1009 Hemirhopalum Sharp '02 Ins. 124 2 970 Ilerairrhagus Simon '03 Arachn. 21 Hemiscia Seitz '08 Ins. 326 HemiBColopendra Kraepelin '03 Mvr. 11 5 737 Hemiscopsis Ftiderleiti '06 Ins. 427 Hemiseptalla Levinsen '09 Bry., Brach. 22 Hemisiriella Hansen '10 Crust. 32 Hemisosibia Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 424 Hemisphaerodella Peuter '08 Ins. 399 Ilemisphaeroides Melichar '03 Ins 340 3 536 Hemisphaeroma Hansen '05 Crust. 53 5 669 Hemislephanus Fnderlein '06 Ins. 303 Ilemistichodus Pelleyrin '01 Pisces 30 Hemistvlops Ameohino '04 Mamm. 50 4 322 Hemisurcula Casey '05 Moll. 74 5 567 Ilemisyllis Verrill '04 Verm. 33 Hemithynuus Ashmead '03 Ins. 225 Ilemitiaris Po^nel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. nieth. Echin. 96 Ilemitilapia Boulenyer '02 Pisces 29 2 1119 2G ) HEMITO. -HEPTAE. '04 Jus. 220 Hemitorymus Ashmead 4 723 Ilemitrichestes JReitfer '05 In?. 1G6 4. 829 Hemitrichia Rostqfinski 1873 Rhizop. ; Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 14 Ilemitrichus Thomson 1878 Ilyin. ; Hyni. Scand. v 53 Hemiurus Rudolphi 1809 Trematodes ; Eutozoorum Hist. Nat. ii pt. 1, 38 HEPTAS.— HESPERH. '04 Ins. 229 Ileptasmicra Ashmead 4 723 ITerbertina Schous '01 Ins. 218 1 975 Herbessus Simon '03 Araclin. 34 3 404 Ilerbstium Leach 1814 Crust.; Edinb. Encyclop. vii 435 Hercegovites Kittl '05 Moll. 57 Hercocrinus Iludw7i '08 Ecliin. 28 Herculaisia Sc/lilre '10 Ins. 230 Herdmania Mfter '04 Tun. 6 4 7 Hemiutaetus Ameqhino '02 Mamm. 43 , Hemixera 7r«rm/ '04 Ins. 278 4. 646^Hereinon A7;-/t«/f/V '03 Ins. 340 4 )12 68 5 5 5 '07 280 Hemizaptyx Pilsbry '04 Moll 567 Hendecatus Schenklmg '06 Ins. 235 Ilendelia Czer7uj '03 Ins. 319 5 881 Ilendersonia Dcdl '05 Moll. 64 Hendersonia Wagner '05 Moll. 79 567 Henderson iella Ball '05 Moll. 64 567 Hendersonula Pocock '03 Myr. 16 Ilenonemns Eigenmann ^' Ward Pisces 49 Henricodohrnia Breddin '01 Ins 2 591 Henricofilholia Ameghino '01 Mamni. 37 Henricosbornia Aineqhino '01 Mamm. 26 Henschia Reitter '06 Ins. 249 Ilensenantlmla van Beneden 1897 Scvpliozoa; Ergebn. Planlaon- Exped. Humboldt-Stift. ii K. e. 121 Ileolus Haiidlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Hepatogaster Cejka '10 Verm. 54 Hepatozoon Miller '08 Pmt. 54 HepialopsisZ>//rtr '05 Ins. 247 5 1009 Hepialopsis Warreyi '07 Ins. 332 Ilepsidera Swinhoe '02 Ins. 226 2 761 Heptacarpus Hohnes '01 Crust Heptacbrvsis Mocsdry 1889 Mon. Chrysid. 594 Ileptacola Konoio '05 Ins. 227 Ileptadesmus Cook '02 Myr. 15 Ileptaplilebomyia Theobald '03 Ins. 308 '3 581 Heptartbrum Cha7npion '09 Ins. 255 ( 127 ,30 Ilym. ; 5 1114 Heresiarchoides Brethes '09 Ins. 294 Herissa Spaeth '09 Ins. 269 Herldoti:ia Loriol '02 Echin. 67 Herma If me '01 Ins. ; 1 1135 Herraaniella Berlese '08 Aracbn. 40 Ilermatobatodes Confih-e ^' Martin '01 Ins. 282 1 817 Hermesinum Zacharias '06 Prot. 46 Hermetiella Meunier '08 Ins. 373 Hermione Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; B.ermo\rins, Distant '02 Ins. 268 2 591 Ilermotimus Simon '03 Aracbn. 36 Ilermotinus Dista72t '04 Ins. 326 4 512 Hernandarioides Cambridge '05 Aracbn. 26 5 719 Heroeciis JWhoeflHOO Jlym.; Entom. Nacbricht. xvi 383 " yfferonax Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 412 Ileronimus MacCidlum '02 Verm. 58 2 109. Heros Saussure 1854 Hym. ; Etud. Vesp. iii Masar. 115 Herpetocyprella Daday '09 Crust. 53 Herpetopbrya Siedlecki '02 Prot. 85 2 103 Herpetosoma Dojlein '02 Prot. 80 Ilerpolasia Rothschild Sf Jordan '05 Ins. 247 5 1009 Ilerrera Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 833 Hersilioides Gourret 1887 Aracbn.; Ilertwigia Dziedzicki 1885 Dipt. ; Hems, Tos'. 41 Ileterovmista Sivi?i/ioe '01 Ins. 228 1 976 Ileterosaccus Sniilh '06 Crust. 50 Ileteroschista Warren '03 Ins. 293 3 713 Iletero.scorpion Birula '03 Aracbn. 18 3 4U5 Ileteroscyllium Oyilby '08 Pisces 50 Heteroscytus Renter '09 Ins. 393 Ileterosoma Beriihauer '03 Ins. 145 3 936 Ileterosoma Mast '1 Prot. 57 Heterospatangus Fuurtau '05 Ecbin, 69 Ileterospbaera Mast '10 Prot. 57 Heterospougus Blast '10 Prot. 57 Heterospora -S"^. Joseph '07 Prot. 50 Heterostoma Filippi 1837 Trematodes ; Bibliot. Ital. Ixxxvii 338 Ileterotbemis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 431 Heterotbrips Buffa '08 Ins. 412 Heterotbrips Hood '08 Ins. 412 Heterotiara Maas '05 Ccel. 18 5 319 Heterotiara P(>??ie/ 1883 Ecbin.; Cla.ssif, metb. Ecbin. 105 Ileterotilapia Pelleyrin '04 Pisces 35 4 84 Ileterotrombidium Verdun '09 Aracbn 42 Heteroverboeffia Fritsch '02 Myr. 2X Heteroxenicus Sharpe '02 Aves 58 2 1353 Ileteroxys Dalla Torre 1898 U\m : Cat. Hym. v 101 " Iletroxys Westiuood 1833 Hym.- Mao- Nat. Hist, vi 495 " ' °' Ileterozoiiias Fisher '10 Ecbin. 44 Ileterudea Z)oymM '05 Ins. 275 5 1009 129 ) K HEU.— HEXALONCHE. HEXALONCHI.— HIERA. Heuresaster Bell '10 Ecliin. 44 ireurniiis Distant '01 Ins. 277 Ilevaheva KirJcaldxj '02 Ins. 288 2 591 Ile-wittella Cameron '06 Ins. 300 Ileydeniella lii( liters '07 Arachn. 46 IlexacLaris Kieffei- "07 Ins. 289 Hexacladus Vinassa '02 Prot. 72 Ilexacolparium Haechel 1887 Rliizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 880 Hexacolpidium Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Cliallenger xviii pt. 1, 880 Ilexacnnariuni Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 876 Ilexaconidium Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 877 Hexacontanna Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 192 Hexacontella Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 194 Hexacontosa Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Challenger xviii pt. ], 196 Hexacontura Haechel 1887 Ehizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 197 Hexacorda Cossmann '03 Moll. 69 Ilexacorelhra Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1048 Hexacorouis Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 981 Ilexacrohvlus Sluiter '05 Tun. 6 5 9 Hexactenopsylla Oudetnans '10 Ins. 415 Hexacvrtona Enderlein '08 Ins. 414 Hexadactilia Fletcher '10 Ins. 375 Hexagrarcma I'omel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 104 Hexagram moides Gratzianow '07 Pisces 40 Hexalaspariuni Haechel 1 887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 874 Hexalaspidinra Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; ChriUenger xviii pt. 1, 875 Hexalastroiuaia Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Chiillenger xviii pt. 1, 560 Hexalebertia Thor '07 Arachn. 48 Hexalodus Haecher '08 Prot. 51 Ilexalonchara Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 179 Hexalonchetta Haechel 1 887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 182 Hexalonchilla Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 184 Ilexalonr-hu.sa Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 186 Ilexamerocera Kiefer '01 Ins. 197 1 1043 Ilexancora Haechel 1887 Ehizop,; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 188 Ilexapalhes Kinoshita '10 Ccel. 22 Ilexaphvllia Stuchenhurg '05 Ccel. ; 5 319 Ilexaplax Doflein '04 Crust. 30 4 364 Ilexaplenris Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1257 Ilexaplocotes Lea '06 Ins. 236 Ilexapria Kieffer '06 Ins. 307 Ilexapyranais Squinabol '03 Prot. 57 Ilexasniicra Ashmead '04 Ins. 229 4 724 Hexaspyridium Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1047 Ilexastylanthus Haechel 1887 Ehizop.; Challenger x\iii pt. 1, 171 Ilexastylettus Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 173 Ilexastylissus Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 175 Ilexastylurus Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 176 Hexaulax Cameron '10 lus. 296 Hexonasparinm Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 878 Ilexonaspidium Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 879 Ilexoniscus Haechel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt 1, 488 Hextaeiis Broun '04 Ins. 176 4 830 Hiallides Richardson '09 Crust. 38 Iliallum Budde-Lund '05 Crust. 55 Hiarchas Distant '10 Ins. 418 Iliatensor Brues '10 Ins. 291 Hiatus Cresson '06 Ins. 390 Hiberasta Fairmaire '01 Ins. 139 Ilicanodon Tulhjren '08 Arachn. 37 Hicksia Dehjado '04 Crust. 58 Hicksonella Simpson '10 Ccel. 22 Pliera Jordan '06 Ins. 257 Hierax Tosquinet '03 Ins. 235 ( 130 ) HIERI.— HIPPOPOD. Ilierichthvs Jordan Sf Fowler "0:? Pisces ■2-y 2 1119 Hierosaurus Wieland '09 Rept, 32 Hilaremi)is Bezzi 'Oo Ins. 295 5 881 Hilarina Case;/ '10 Iiis. 215 Hilarites 7/eer 1856 Dipt.; ' Ililavrita Distant '06 Ins. 413 Ilildebrandtia Nieden "07 Rept. 33 Ilildebraudtia Nieden '08 Rept, 33 Hildebraiidtina Weise '10 Ins. 259 Hilia Distant '04 Ins. 326 Ililipimorplius Champion '05 Ins. 174 5 1239 Ililipinns Champion '02 Ins. 154 2 971 Ililipomiiuus Champion '10 Ins. 246 Ililleria Distant '10 Ins. 418 Hillia Grote 1883 Lep. ; Proc. Anier. Phil. Soc. xxi 168 Hilrya Schouteden '05 Ins. 303 5 833 Hiljotrogus, Fairmaire 1866, Col. ; Ann. Soc. Eiit. Fr. vi 325 Himalayites Boehm '04 Moll. 60 Himanteviella Chalande Sf llibaut Myr., Arachu. 52 Himanturella Enderlein '10 Ins. 389 Himasonuini Linton '10 Verm, 33 Himasthla Diet^ "09 Verm. 82 Himasthlepliora Clark '07 Echin. 23 Himatinum Coekerell '06 Ins. 249 Himatiopetalum Verhocff '01 Myr. 14 Himerois Turner '02 Ins. 226 2 762 Ilimerometra Clark '07 Echin. 39 Himeromima Warren '04 Ins. 278 4 647 Hincksia Delgado '04 Trilob. ; 4 376 Hincksiella Levitisen '09 Bry., Brach. 23 Hincksina Norman '03 Bry. 13 3 199 Hindsiana Karny '10 Ins. 442 Hineia Adams '06 Ins. 381 5 881 Hiorada Cameron '02 Ins. 192 2 843 Hippias Rafinesque 1815 Crust. ; Ana- lyse Nat. 101 Hippocentrum Austen '08 Ins. 374 Hippokleides Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 283 Hippopodiua Zeiu'nse?z '09 Bry., Brach. 23 ( i; HIPPOPOT.— HODE. ili-^^T^OYiotAwxyxwsPappenheim '06 Pisces 66 Ilippostoma Weise '07 Ins. 261 Ilippota Walker 1871 Hym. ; Notes Chalcid. iii 47 Hippotiscus Beryroth '06 Ins. 394 Ilirasea Pilsbry '02 Moll. 59 2 340 IlirasieDa Pilsbry "02 Moll. 60 2 340 Ilircella Hasivell 1885 Crust. ; IliriuDueurites Coekerell '10 Ins. 403 Ilirsutina Tutt '09 Ins. 315 IlirsLitipes Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 338 Ilirsutis Seitz '10 Ins. 316 Ilirsutopalpis Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 259 4 647 Ilirtotyphis Jousseaume 1880 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 336 Hispaniodesmus Verhoeff '10 Myv., Arachn. 52 Ilispidimyia Theobald '10 Ins, 397 Hispidosperchoii Thor '01 Arachn. 45 1 733 Histerolecitha Linton '10 \'erni. 33 Ilistiastrella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop, ; Challenger xviii pt, \, 544 Ilistiastromma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 545 Histiona Voigt '02 Prot. ; 2 103 Histionotophorus Eastman '04 Pisces 26 5 113 Ilistiothrissa Woodward '01 Pisces 32 1 1232 Ilistocidaris Mortensen '03 Echin. 78 Ilistodermella Lundbeck '10 Por. 9 Histoplasma Darliny '07 Prot. 53 Ilistoporidium Feinbera '03 Prot 62 3 87 \Y\9,\.x\o Sterki 1878 Infpsoria; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxi 38 Ilistriocoris Reuter '06 Ins. 402 Pljardtdalia Thar '01 Arachn. 45 1 733 Hohax Foi'skdl 1775 Pisces; Descj.ipt. Animalium 44 Ilockeria Walker 1834 Ilvm. : Ent Mag. ii21 Hodegia Walsinyham '07 Ins. 243 51 ) k2 HODO.— HOLIG. EOLIS.— HOLOSTIL. Ilodoedocus Jacohi '10 Ins. 435 Iloeocryptus Habennehl '02 Ins. 192 2 843 Iloeocrvptus Habennehl '08 Ins. 294 5 1115 Ilofei'ellasi?er/7 1898Sporozoa; Comun. Mus. Buenos Aires i 41 Iloferia Uofiein 1898 Sporozoa ; Zool. Jahrb. Anat. xi 288 Hohenwai'tia Jeamiel '10 Ins. 220 Ilolacanthella Horner '06 Ins. 455 Holangns Pic '02 Ins. 162 Ilolaspulus Berlese '04 Araclm. 42 5 719 Ilolasteropsis Elbert '01 Ecbin. 71 Ilolca Eedtejibacher '06 Ins. 444 Ilolcaeus Thomson 1878 Ilym. ; Ilym. Scand. v 104 Holcalvsia Onncron '05 Ins. 216 5 1115 Ilolcalysia Cameru7i '10 Ins. 296 llalcapanteles Cameron '05 Ins. 216 5 1115 Holcauclien Moellendorff '01 Moll. 78 Ilolcepyris Kieffer '05 Ins. 223 llolceiipelnius Cameron '05 Ins. 220 5 1115 Ilolcoljius *S7(a/7; 1881 Col.; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. 520 Ilolccbracon Cameron '05 Ins. 21G Ilolcobracon Cameron '10 Ins. 296 Ilolcobunus Roeiuer '10 Aracbn. 33 Holcoceria Griluberg '06 Ins. 381 Holcoelytrura Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Ilolcoepvgus Poind 1883 Ecbin.; C'lassif. uietb. Ecbin. 58 Ilolcojoppa Cameron '02 Ins. 192 2 844 Ilolconautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Ilolcopeltoideus Ashmead '04 Ins. 229 4 724 Ilolcopimpla Cameron '06 Ins. 294 Ilolcoptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Ilolcorbopalum Cameron '05 Ins. 200 llolcotrocbus Dennant '03 Coel. 27 Ilolcotroticus Cameron '02 Ins. 196 Iloldkausia Reitter '06 Ins. 241 lloligocladodes Brandt 1837 Scypbo- zoa; Bull. Ac, Sci. St. Pelei-sb. i 191 ( 1 Ilolisonvcba Perinaueij '04 Ins. 153 4 830 Ilolistopballus Silvestri '09 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Ilollandella Gill '01 Ins. 218 HoUina Ulrich ^- Bassler '08 Crust. 57 Ilolmesiella Ortmann '08 Crust. 39 Iloloarcus Hancock '09 Ins. 425 Holobolus KM '03 Moll. 54 Ilolobrycon Eigemnann '09 Pisces 40 Ilolocacista Walsinr/ham '09 Ins. 352 Ilolocelaeuo Berlese '10 Aracbn. 37 Ilolocerus Bolivar 1887 Ortb. ; Ilolocbalcis Kiefer '04 Ins. 220 5 1115 Ilolocorynus Shar2J '08 Ins. 222 IIologag]-ella Roeiver '10 Aracbn. 33 Ilologlyptus Pomd ^ 1883 Ecbin.; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 88 Ilolognatbus Thomson '04 Crust. 41 4 364 Ilololepida Moore '05 Verm. 38 5 437 Ilololepidella Willeg '05 Verm. 38 5 437 Ilolonomada Robertson '03 Ins. 218 Ilolopagurus Holmes '01 Crust. 30 Ilolopbryxus Richardson '05 Crust. 54 5 669 Ilolopbygdon Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 396 Holopbysis WaJsingham '10 Ins. 382 Holoporella Waters '09 Bry., Bracb. 23 Iloloprion Eiqenmann '03 Pisces 35 3 91 liolopristis Eiyenmann '03 Pisces ; 3 91 Iloloreta Warren '02 Ins. 217 2 762 Iloloscalpellum Pilsbry '07 Crust. 87 Iloloscolex Coqnetti '04 Verm. 38 5 437 Iloloscolex Ude '05 Verm. 48 5 437 Ilolosbestbes Eigcnmann '03 Pisces 35 3 91 Ilolosipbonia Haeckel 1887 Eliizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 104 Ilolostaspella Berlese '04 Aracbn. 43 5 719 Holostilpnus Jordan '07 Ins. 254 32 ) HOLOSTIX.— HOMOC. Ilolostixa Swinhoe '02 Ins. 237 2 762 Iloloteleia KUffer '08 Ins. 303 Holotelson Hic/inrclson '09 Crust. 37 Ilolotluirium Pallas 1774 Thaliacea j Spieileg-. Zool. fasc. x 26 Holotrichiopsis Jakoivleff '01 Ins, 283 Holozfistcjr Loman '02 Arachn. 54 2 481 Ilolzapfelia Coss7nann '01 Moll. 86 Iloma Distant '08 Ins. 40o Ilomadaula Meyrick '07 Ins. 343 Homalrtttoides Cambridge '01 Arachn. 32 1 733 [Homaledra Busck '01 Ins. 1 977] Ilonialernis Meyrick '08 Ins. 353 Ilonialodora Schrammen '10 Por. 8 Iloniaiometopus Becker '03 Ins. 319 3 581 Ilouaaloraetron Stafford '04 Verm. ; 4 167 Homalonesiota Maindron '08 Ins. 21(5 Homaloneurina Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Ilomaloneurites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Ilomalophyllum Simjyson '01 Coel. 20 v^OHouialoplasis Mdicliar '06 Ins. 412 Homaloproctus Borncr '09 Ins. 428 Homalopteroides Fowler '05 Pisces 47 5 113 Ilomalosaparus Belin '08 Ins. 431 Homaloserica Brenske '01 Ins. 135 ^Homalostetluis Schmidt '10 Ins. 433 Honialostomuni Beneden \erm. ; Ilomalostylops Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 38 Homalotliynnus Enderlein '04 Ins. 211 4 724 Homalotusa Casey '06 Ins. 205 Homaloxestis 3Ieyrick '10 Ins. 382 Ilombergia Joannis '10 Ins. 373 Iloinichloda Weise '02 Ins. 166 2 974 Homidia Borner '06 Ins. 455 Ilomilops Pierce '08 Ins, 278 Homoohira Hampson '05 Ins. ; 5 1009 Ilomocloeus Jordan '04 Ins. 184 4 830 HOMOD.— HOPK. Iloniodiaetus Eiyeiimann S,- Ward '07 Pisces 49 Homodoutomvs Goldman '10 Mamm. 55 Homoeaster Po?2?e/ 1883 Ecliin.;Classif. meth. Echin. 44 Ilomoedonta Cussmann '01 Moll. 96 Ilomoeonyohus Jfti/si 1890 Col. ; Stett. ent. Zeit. 169 II(nnoeopli]ebia Handlirsch '06 Ins, 434 Ilonioeoplectrou Ulmer '05 Ins. 325 5 787 Ilomopoprepes Walsiiujhuni *09 Ins, 352 Ilomoeotliele Simon '08 Arachn. 31 Homogrypinus Eeitter '08 Ins. 278 Homoiosteruus Ohatis '01 Ins. 137 1 1135 Ilomoiotes Wilson '05 Crust. 66 5 669 Ilomolichas Schinidt 1885 Triloh. ; Mem. Ac. St. Petersb. xxxiii No. 1,94 Ilomolochnnia Dojlein '04 Crust. 32 4 365 Ilomoncocnemis Hampson '06 Ins. 338 Ilomoneuronia Dyar '05 Ins, 247 5 1009 Ilomophilenrus Kolbe '10 Ins, 228 Homophylotis Turner '04 Ins. 259 Homoplexis Warren '07 Ins. 324 Homopterulum Handlirsch '07 Ins. Ilomoriscus Rathhun '01 Crust. 30 Ilomorocoryphus Karny '07 Ins. 416 Iloniospora Turner '04 Ins. 278 Ilomostinea Dietz '05 Ins. 282 7 Ins. 343 Ilomotag-es Burr '09 Ins. 41G Homothemis Sjostedt '09 Ins. 413 Iloneoyea Clarke '04 Moll. ; 4 298 Honuuius Simon '08 Arachn. 36 Hoodia A'aniy '10 Ins. 442 Ilopatromorpha Blackburn '07 Ins, 241 Hopetounia Sivi7ihoe '02 Ins. 226 2 762 Hopkinsia MacFarland '05 Moll. 68 5 567 ( 133 ) HOPLA.— HOPLON. Hcplakitbara Kirkpatrick '07 Por. 9 Hoplambius Reitter '05 Ins. 166 4 830 Hoplariobius Reitter '05 Ins. 166 4 830 Hoplarista Hamj^son '10 Ins. 331 Hoplias Gill '03 Pisces 35 3 91 & 5 113 Hopliocnenia Rothschild Sf Jordan "03 Ins, 201 3 7U Iloplisidia Cockerell '06 lus. 286 Iloplistopus Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 lus. 261 3 714 Hoplitella Cockerell '10 Ins. 208 Hoplitella Levinsen '09 Biy., Bracli. 23 Hoplitocranum Jakoivlew 1896 Col. ; Horae Soc. Ent. l\oss. xxx 172 Hoplitodes Fauvel '01 Ins. 186 6 Ins. 210 Hoplitoplacenticeras Paulcke '07 Moll. 176 Hoplitosaurus Liicns '02 Eept. 23 lioplitovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 157 4 830 Iloplocbelys Hc(.y '08 Kept. 30 Iloplocrabro Thomson 1874 Hym. ; Ilym. Scand. iii 262 Iloploderma Cohn '03 Verm. 50 3 156 Iloplojana Aurivillius '01 Ins. 218 & ''02 Ins. 217 3 714 Iloplolaelaps Beriese '03 Araclm. 44 & '04 Araclm. 43 Iloplolaelaps Beriese '10 Arachn. 37 Ilbplolaimus von Daday '05 Verm. 65 5 400 Iloplolibethra Candell '05 Ins. 337 7 Ins. 412 Iloplolontha Fairmaire '04 Ins. 154 6 Ins. 226 Iloplolopba Stal 1676 Ortb. ; IIoplolygTis Front '10 Ins. 367 Hoplolythra Hampson 'lO Ins. 353 Hoplomacbidea Renter '09 Ins. 393 Hoplomegistus Beriese '04 Aracbn. 43 5 720 Iloplomys Allen '08 Mauim. 75 Hoplonomia Ashmead '01 Ins. 203 5 1115 ( 1 HOPLOP.— HOWARDIE. Hoplopelidnota Bates '04 Ins. 155 4 830 Hoplopeza Bezzi '10 Ins. 404 Iloplopbolcus Kulczijnski '08 Aracbn. 31 Iloplopborion Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 288 Iloplopium Beryroth '10 Ins. 422 Iloplopleura Fnderleiii '04 Ins. 340 4 431 Iloploprion TschitscMrine '03 Ins. 137 3 936 Hoplop.syllus Baker '05 Ins. 301 5 751 Hoplopteridius Daniel '08 Ins. 260 Ilomopterltes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 412 Homopteroidea Shelford "06 Ins. 439 Iloplorrbinoides Champion '09 Ins. 265 Hoplosmia Thomson 1872 Hym. ; Hym. Scand. ii 238 Hoplotaracbe Hampson '10 Ins. 353 Iloraismopiera Hendel '07 Ins. 374 Horates Seltards '09 Ins. 415 Iloiiostomella Pernef '04 Moll. 85 Ilorizillas Oberholser '05 Aves 07 Ilorizostoma Deninger '05 Moll. 74 Ilormisdas Distant '10 Ins. 421 Hormomya Morch Moll. ; Ilornellia Walker '04 Crust. 44 4 365 liornellobotbrium Shipley 8f Hornell '06 Verm. 30 Hornia Raffray '01 Ins. 126 1 1136 Ilorniella Poppius '10 Ins. 424 Iloruiella Raffray '04 Col. ; Ann. Soc. Ent. Er. 434 [Horniolus Weise '01 Ins. 1 1136] Ilorstia Oudemans '06 Aracbn. 46 Hosidia Hampson '01 Ins. 246 1 977 Hositea Dyar '10 Ins. 373 Hottentotta BiruJu '08 Aracbn. 27 Houardia Marchal '09 Ins. 406 Houdasia Cossinann '02 Moll. 78 Hovactyla Fairmaire '01 Ins. 142 Hovana Distant '05 Ins. 312 5 833 Hovaulis Sicard '09 Ins. 273 Ilowardia Theobald '03 Ins. 308 IIo wardiella i)a//a Torre 1898 Hym.: Cat. Ilym. V 228 34 ) HOWARDIN.— HYALOCH. HYALOCO— HYDN. now&riiuR T/teobald '031ns. 308 3 581 Howascolex Michnelsen '02 Venn. 41 1 532 Ilowesia Broom '05 Rept. 36 5 179 lluamboic.a Heller '06 Ins. 249 Ilubbardiella Aslnnead '04 lus. 229 4 724 Iluberia Ducke '03 Ins. 286 Ilubertiella Kirkaldi/ '02 Ins. 273 2 591 Ilubrechtella Beryendal '02 Verm. 45 2 199 Huenella Walcutt '08 Brack. 14 Huf,fliuiilleria Sarle '05 Crust. 79 3 367 Hugbscottiella Ulmer '10 Ins. 386 Hiio-ia Buckman '04 Moll. 60 4 298 Hugonia Alpheraky '08 Ins. 335 Ilulecoeteoinyia Theobald '04 Ins. 301 4 552 '^Huleria Ball '02 Ins. 286 Ilulstia Hamjjson '01 Ins. 240 1 977 Hulstina Di/ar '03 Ins. 287 3 714 Hung'arocypris Vdvra '06 Crust. 58 Huusruckia Traquair '03 Pisces 42 Ilunterellus Howard '08 lus. 301 Huoua Kuthy '10 Ins. 455 Huonia Forster '03 Ins. 360 3 478 Ilupea Pomel^ 1883 Ecliiu. ; Classif. metli. Ecliin. 69 Iluphus Mulsant 4" Bey 1870 Hem. ; Hurius SinioH '02 Ai'acbn. 46 Huso Bery '04 Pisces 52 4 84 Huttoniella Pocock '03 Myr. 16 Hyadaphis Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 337 4 512 Hvaenognathus Merriain '03 Mamm. 30 3 380 Hyalamara Tschitscherine '03 Ins. 137 3 936 Hyalarcta Meyrick S,- Loicer '07 Ins. 308 Ilyalarctia Hammon '01 lus, 218 1 977 Hyalinaria Bethime-Baker '10 Ins. 334 Hyalocbiton Horrdth '05 Ins. 307 Hyalocbloria Beutcr '08 Ins. 399 ( 1 Ilyalocoa Hainpsvn '01 Ins. 218 Ilyalolepas Annandale '09 Crust. 54 Hvaloniis Honpsoii '05 Ins. 247 5 1010 Hyalopelta (hieriii 1857 Crust.; Hyalopola Warre7i "04 Ins. 278 4 647 Hyalopontius Sars '09 Crust. 48 Hyalopsvcbe Ulmer '04 Ins. 341 4 463 Hyalovrhoe Warren "04 Ins. 278 4 647 Hyalosaccus Kcppcne 1899 Sporozoa ; Sjp. Obsch. Estestw. xvi 89 Hyaloscytus Reider '06 Ins. 402 5 So.'J Ilyalo8pectra Warren '06 Ins. 327 Ilvalosphaera Boyiel '06 Prot. 43 5 272 Hyalostelia Ziitel Spong. ; Hyattites Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 57 Hybalouomala Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Hybapbe Cook '04 Myr. 14 4 421 Hybocepbalodes Baffray "08 lus. 227 Ilybocbaetodus Arroiv '09 Ins. 232 Ilybocoenia Bronn 1859 Scypbozoa; Klass. Urdu. Tbier-Keicbs ii 50 Plybodoryctes Szepliyeti '06 Ins. 300 Hybogaster Szeplu/eti '00 Ins. 300 Hybomys Thomas '10 Mamm. 55 Hybopbtbirius E^iderlein '09 Ins. 407 Hyboscarta Jacobi "08 Ins. 404 Hyboscbema Peringuey '01 Ins. 138 1 1136 Ilyboserica Peringuey '04 Ins. 154 4 830 Hybosinota Spaeth '09 Ins. 269 llybosispa Weise '10 lus. 259 Ilybotborax Szepligeti '06 lus. 300 Hybovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 157 4 830 Ollybrasil /u/-yt«Wy '07 Ins. 304 i^ Hycauus Brown '05 Ins. 174 5 1240 Hydatiua Westerlund\SSe, "Sloli.; Pal. Eiuneu-Cuucb. Testacell 29. Ilydato-scia Warren "04 Ins. 278 4 647 Hyduopbyllia Reis '02 Ccel. 27 35 ) HYDR. -HYLE. HYLL.— HYOM. Hydrencliytraeus Bretscher '01 Verm. 37 2 237 Hydriclithella StecJwiv '09 Ccel. IS & '10 Coel. 18 ITydriodes Hampson '10 Ins. 3.j4 Ilydrocoryne Stechow '07 Coel. 18 Hvdrodendriura Nutting '05 Coel. ; 5 319 Ilydroeciodes Hanipson 'Oo Ins. 259 5 1010 Ilydrolymax Hahleman Verm. ; Ilvdromermis Corti '02 Verm. 66 4 179 Ilydrone Rafinesque 1814 Eeptilia ; Speccliio Sci. ii Ilvdropedeticiis Miall S,- Gilson '02 Ins. 307 2 647 Ilydropbanes Claparede 1870 Annelida ; Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve xx 463 Ilydropodura Bonier '01 Ins. 302 Ilydroporomorpha Babington 1841 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, iii 14 Ilydroporopsis Hnndlirsvh '06 Ins. 273 Ilydropsychodes Uhner '05 Ins. 325 llydrorhoa Kiefer '04 Ins. '>-'>9 5 1115 Hydrornis Milne-Echvards 1867 Aves ; Eecb. Anat, Paleont. Oiseaux Foss. i 362 Ilvdrovolzia Thor '05 Araclm. 32 5 720 Il^'drozetes Berlese '02 Aracbu. 59 2 481 Ilyenesucbus Broom '08 Rept, 32 Hyerifalcbja Fucmi '08 Moll. 124 Ilyetussa Simon '02 Aracbn. 46 Ilygrolycosa Dahl '08 Aracbn. 37 Hygroma Schrank 1803 Cestodes ; Fauna Boica iii 2 Abtb. 186 IIyp;rosoma Mortensen '03 Ecliin. 79 llylaeagriou Forster '06 Ins. 431 Ilylaeochampsa Oioen 1874 Rept. ; Mou. Pal. Soc. suppl. vi 1 Ilylaeotbemis Bis '09 Ins. 413 Ilylaria Bafiiiesque 1814 Batracbia ; Speccbio Sci. ii Hylarnus Thomas '06 Mamm. 76 Hyleoglomeris Verhoeff '10 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Hylla Sivwn 1864 Aracbn. ; Hist. Nat. Araign. 328 Hylobaenus Pic '02 Ins. 149 3 937 Hylobrontes Stone '07 Aves 96 Hvlocboerus Thomas '04 Mamm. 44 4 323 Hylocrabro Perkins '02 Ins. 180 2 844 Hylocrinns Casey '07 Ins. 241 Hyloctistes Ridgivay '09 Aves 114 Ilylograptis Mtyrick '10 Ins. 382 Hylonax B.idgicay '07 Aves 119 Ilyloniscus Verhoeff '09 Crust. 38 Ilylonvcteris Thomas '03 Mamm. 28 "3 380 Ilylopachviulus Attems '04 M^t. 15 4 421 Hylopetes Thomas '08 Mamm. 72 Tlylopezus Bidgway '09 Aves 113 Hylopbylax Bidgway '09 Aves 113 Hylota Casey '06 Ins. 205 Hymenactlnium Ilaeckel 1887 Ebizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 475 HymenacturiumiTflecA-e/ 1887Itbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 473 Hymenancora Lundbeck '10 Por. 9 Ilymenastrella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 530 Ilymenastromma Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 531 Ilymeuobosmina Dalla Torre "01 Ins. 189 5 1115 Hymenocaris Salter Crust. ; Ilymenocepbalus Oiglioli 1884 Pisces ; Giglioli ii; Issel Pelagos 228 Ilymeuomonas 'SYei'« 1878 Flag. ; Organ. lufus. iii Abtli. 1 II. p. x Hvmenosmitbia Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 724 Hvmetrocbota Topsent '04 Spong. 24 4 95 Hynnodus Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 113 Hyoboops Pilgrim '08 Mamm. 79 Hyocepbalus Bergroth '06 Ins. 396 Hyodectis Meyrick '04 Ins. 294 4 647 Ilyolbotbynus Ohaus '10 Ins. 228 Hyomvs Thomas '03 Mamm. 32 '3 380 ( 136 ) HYON.-HYPERE. Hyontliosoma lieitter '01 Ins. 148 Ilyoprora Meyrick '08 Ins. 357 Hyostola Meyrick '09 Ins. 352 Hypaguostiis Jackel '09 Arachn. 8 Hypagoga Hendel '07 Ins. 374 Hypagris Saussiire 1854 Hym. ; Etiid. Vesp. iii Masar. 157 Hypalastor Sausmre 1854 Hym. ; Etiid. Vesp. iii Masar. 328 Hypalastoroides Saussure 1854 Hym. ; Etud. Vesp. iii JNIasar. 328 Hypalociinus Clark '08 Ecliin. 28 Hypalometra Clark '08 Ecliin. 28 Ilvpamarvtimus Gebien '04 Ins. 167 5 1240 Hj'pancistiocfiriis Saussure 1854 Hym. ; Etud. Vesp. iii JNIasar. 222 Hypanthidium Cnckerell '04 Ins. 203 5 1115 Hypargvricus Macgillivray '08 Ins. 307 Hypaspistes Hayedorn '08 Ins. 265 Hypaspistomyia Hendel '07 Ins. 374 Hypatopa Walshiyham '07 lus. 344 Hypelictis Meyrick '05 Ins. 282 5 1010 Hypenarana Bethtme- Baker '08 Ins. 335 Hypenomyia Grimshaw '01 Ins. 273 1 863 Hyperandra Hampson '01 Ins. 218 1 977 Hyperbaeus Foerster 1856 Hym. ; Hym. Studien ii 144 Hj'percalvmnia Hampson '10 Ins. 353 Hypercodia Hampson '10 Ins. 353 Ilypercydas Turner '03 Ins. 270 3 715 Hyperdasys Walsinyham '07 Ins. 344 Hyperdidelphys Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 323 Ilyperdiplosis Felt '08 Ins. 367 Hyperdirphia Packard '03 Ins. 270 3 715 Hyperectis Meyrick '04 Ins. 288 4 647 Hypereides Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 338 4 512 Hypererytlirops Holt S^- Tattersall '05 Crust. 47 5 669 HYPERG.— HYPODE. Hypergnathus Richardson '06 Crust. 55 5 670 Hyperhippidiiim Sefoe '10 Mamm. 62 Hypericia Bedel '01 Ins. 167 Hyperiodes Warren '10 Ins. 353 Ilyperioides Chevreu.v '02 Crust. 59 Hyperinsoma Lea '02 Ins. 155 2 975 Ilvpermegethes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Hypermegethes Reichenoiu '03 Aves 69 Hyperoceros Konoio '06 Ins. 311 Hyperomima Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Hyperotlirix Atteins '01 Myr. 14 Hyperstrotia Hampsoji '10 Ins. 353 Hyperthaema Hampson '01 Ins. 218 1 978 Hyperythra Weise '02 Ins. 166 2 975 Hypbancylus Fotvler '04 Ins. 333 4 512 Hyphantidium Bennett 1860, Lep. ; Naturalist in Australia 268 Hyphantosoma Ball '02 Moll. 81 Hyphasoma Jacohy '03 Ins. 205 3 937 Hyphessobrycon Eiyenmann '09 Pisces 41 Ilypidalia Hampson '01 Ins. 219 1 978 Hypidota Schaus '04 Ins. 260 5 1010 Hypnarea Waite '02 Pisces 46 Hypnogyra Casey '06 Ins. 206 Hypnotype Hampson '06 Ins. 338 Hypobaratbra Hampson '05 Ins, 259 5 1010 Hypocalamia Hampson '10 Ins. 354 Ilypochartergus Zavattari '06 Ins. 282 [Hypocbraeus Baffray 6 Ins. 214 (error)'] Hypocoena Hampson '01 Ins. 354 Ilypocrisias Hampson '01 Ins. 219 1 978 Hypocrita Herrich-Sckafcr 1854 Lep. ; Aussereurop. JScbmett. 20 Hypocrvptadius Hartert '03 Aves 63 3 277 Hypocyrtus Bedtenhacher '08 Ins. 424 Hypoderaeum Bietz '09 Verm. 32 Hypoderma Berthold 1827 Dipt. ; Latr. Nat. Famil. Tbierreicbs 507 Ilypodermis Blyth 1 840 Mamm. ; Cuvier's Animal KiuRdom 69 ( 137 ) HYPODI.— HYPOTHE. Hypodictyon Jenhin '08 Por. 6 Hypodiranchiy Ai^hmead '01 Ins. 197 1 1043 Hypodynerus Saussure 1854 Hym. ; Etud. Vesp. iii Masar. 225 Hypoferreola Ashmead '02 Ins. 180 Hypogeobium Tschitsvherme '03 Ins. 137 3 937 Ilypogexenus Sikestri '03 Mvr. 16 5 737 Ilypogium Tschitsdierine '01 Ins. 117 1 1136 Hypolepis Wnrreii '04 Ins. 278 4 648 Hypoleschus Fall '07 Ins. 249 Hypoliodes Portevin '08 Ins. 229 Ilypolopliota Turner '04 Ins. 288 Hypolysia Ponsonhy S; Melvill '01 Moll. 79 1 621 Hypomacrus JEvermann S,- Jordan '07 Pisces 41 ITypometalla Warren '04 Ins. 278 4 648 Ilypomma Crosby '05 Araclm. 21 Hypomolis Ham^mm '01 Ins. 219 1 978 Hyponerita Ilampson '01 Ins. 219 1 978 Hyponeuma Schaus '06 Ins, 338 Hypoperigea Hampson '09 Ins. 334 Hvpopliracta Warren '05 Ins. 268 5 1011 Hypopbylax Fainnaire '04 Ins. 177 4 831 Ilypoplectrodes Gill 1871 Pisces; Hypoplexia Ilampson '08 Ins. 335 Ilypoprosodes Reitter '09 Ins. 244 Hvpopteromalus Ashmead '04 Ins. 229 4 724 Hypoptophis Boulenger '08 Rept. 28 Hyporatasa J?ff//o?Joi '01 Ins. 246 1 978 Ilyporcus von Graff '05 Verm, 54 Hyporbinocoris Renter '09 Ins. 393 Ilyporion Riiber '03 Ins. 255 3 715 Plyposada Ilampson '10 Ins. 354 Hyposbada Hampson '09 Ins. 324 Hyposolenus Leivis '07 Ins. 222 Hypostilbia Ilampson '09 Ins. 334 Hyposyntactus Ashmead '02 Ins. 193 2 844 Hypothenemus Westwood 1834 Col. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Loud, i 34 HYPOTHY.— HYSTRICHIE. Hypotbyridina Buckman '06 Bracb. 14 Hypotype Humpson '06 Ins. 339 Ilypoxestus Loman '02 Aracbn. 54 2 481 Ilypozonium Cook '04 Myr. 12 4 421 Ilypselistoides Tulhjren "08 Aracbn. 32 Hypselodoris Stimpson 1855 Moll. : Ilypselopborum Kertesz '09 Ins. 368 Ilypselotbyrea Meijere '06 Ins. 390 Ilypsideres Jordan '03 Ins. 197 3 937 Ilypsiecbinus Murtensen '03 Ecl)in. 79 Ilypsilnpbodon Huxley 1870 Kept.; Quart. J. Geol. Soc. xxvi 3 Hypsimetopus Sayce '02 Crust. 51 2 422 Hypsipyrgias Kirhaldy '08 Ins. 396 Ilypsitbylla Simon '03 Aracbn. 29 3 405 Ilypsocrinus Springer '06 Ecbin. 52 Hypsometra Aurivillius '10 Ins. 367 Ilypsomias Aurivillius '10 Ins. 246 Ilyptimorpba Rosenberg ^ Strand '00 Aracbn. 31 Ilyptiogaster Kieffer '03 Ins. 241 4 724 Hyptioma Casey '06 Ins. 206 Hyptioxesta Rebel '01 Ins. Corrigenda (^after Contents) Ilypurgon Sollas '03 Tun. 6 3 6 Ilypurgus Burr '07 Ins. 408 Hyp3'cnopa Zoiwr '03 Ins. 287 3 715 Ilyrcanolestes Simroth '02 Moll. 60 2 340 Hyrcanus Distant '10 Ins. 422 Hyriopsis Conrad 1853 Lamellibr. ; Proc. Ac. Pbilad. vi 267 Hysiella Bolivar '06 Ins. 451 Ilystaspes Jacoby '03 Ins. 205 C'llysteroptissus Melichar '06 Ins. 412 ' Ilysterospbaerius Melichar '06 Ins. 413 Ilystozoon Podivissozky 1896 " Spor- ozoa" ; Kuss. Arcb. Med. Klin. Bakter. i 126 Hystricbasparium Haeckel 1887 llbizop. ; CbaUenger xviii pt. 1, 822 Ilystricbaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; CbaUenger xviii pt 1, 823 Ilystricbiella Borner '08 Ins. 408 ( 138 ) HYSTRICHIS— ICT. ICU.— IDIOT H. Hystrichia Dvjardin 1845 Verm.; HL^t. Nat. Helminth. 290 Hystricliopogon HerDiann '05 Ins. 294 5 681 Il^'topliatnus Cameron '07 Ins. 278 TA Thomas '02 Mamm. 29 1 2 UdS lambiodes Hampson '08 Ins. 336 lasides Champion '07 Ins. 249 laspis Katje "04 Ins. 249 4 048 Ibaka Distant '10 Ins. 418 Iberia Kirhaldy '07 Ins. 395 Ibex Pallas 177G Mamm. ; Spicileg. Zool. fasc. xi 31 Ibiaris Reuter '01 Ins. 284 Ibiceps Buckton '03 Ins. 342 3 537 Icuma Cameron '05 Ins. 200 5 1115 Icyona Cameron '03 Ins. 235 4 724 Icariastrura Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 724 Icaridiou Lamb '09 Ins. 379 Icariella Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 724 Icariola Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 208 4 724 Icasma Turner '02 Ins. 226 2 7(54 Ichneumonops Toivnsend '08 Ins. 384 Iclmytes Vinassa '04 Eept. 40 Ichtbiacris Bolivar '05 Ins. 341 5 787 Icbthyopselaphas Aurivillius '10 In.s.354 Ichtbyopteryx Wyman '06 Aves 75 & Ichtyopteryx Wima^i '05 Aves 44 5 346 Icbtbyosporidium Caullery S; Mesnil '05 Prot. 71 Ichtbyotaenia Lonnberg '02 [1894] Verm. 52 Ichthyotettix Behn '01 Ins. 309 Icidella Bosenberg ^ Strand '06 Aracbn. 39 Iconaxiopsis Alcock '01 Crust. 30 Icosasparium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 843 Icosaspidium Haeckel 1887 llhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 845 Icosta Speiser '05 Ins. 300 5 881 Ictidosucbus Broom '03 liept. 32 1 1275 Ictidosucbus Broom '01 Rept. 29 ( Idaecamenta Peringuey 4 831 '04 Ins. 154 '04 Ins. 154 Idaeserica Peringuey 4 831 Idalima Tur7ier '03 Ins. 270 3 715 Idatius Fairmaire '06 Ins. 239 Idatius Dis'ant '10 Ins. 426 Ideocaira Simon '03 Aracbn. 26 3 405 Ideodelpbis Ameghino '02 Mamm. 44 Idernus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 187 3 937 Idialeis Warren '06 Ins. 350 Idiocalla Jordan '03 Ins. 197 3 937 Idiocepbala Saunders 1845 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, iv 142 (^Idiocerus i«6v's 1834 Horn.; Tr. Eut. Soc. Loud, i 47 Idiochlora Warren 1896 Lep. ; Novi- tates Zool. iii 107 Idiocbroma Bedel '02 Ins. Ill Idiocicbla Oberholser '05 Aves 67 Idiocidaris Loriol '09 Echin. 36 Idioclema Girty '10 Bry., Bracb. 15 Idiocnemiua Beitter '03 Ins. 165 Idiocrates Meyrick '09 Ins. 352 Idioderma Van Dvzee '09 Ins. 400 Idiolinus Casey '06 Ins. 206 Idiomelas Tschitscherine 1900 Col. ; Horae Soc. Ent. Boss, xxxiv 364 Idiomyia Grimshaw '01 Ins. 273 Idiomylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Idiopbaiitis Meyrick '04 Ins. 294 4 648 Idiophis 1 Mocquara 1275 '01 Bept. 23 '03 Ins. 310 Idiopblebia Griinberg 3 582 Idiopoma Pilsbry '01 Moll. 89 Idiopteron Bourgeois '05 Ins 160 ' 6 Ins. 234 Idiopterus Davis '09 Ins. 404 Idioptilou Berlepsch '07 Aves 118 Idiostoma Arroio '04 Ins. 151 4 831 Idiostoma Cameron '05 Ins "^10 5 1115 Idiotbeca Girty '10 Moll. 77 139 ) IDIOTR.— IME. IML.— INO. Idiotriccus Ridr/^vay '07 Aves 118 Idiovalgus Arrow '10 Ins. 230 Idiozaptyx Pilsbry '10 Moll. 81 Idotrium Kolhe '02 Ins. 162 2 975 Idolopsalis JBvrelH '10 Ins. 4ol Idothrichus SchmiedeknecM '10 Ins. 292 Idutywa Perinciuey '02 Ins. 130 2 975 Idyaea Sars '09 Crust. 48 Idyanthe Sars '09 Crust. 48 Idyella Sars '05 Crust. 66 5 670 Idyopsis Sars '05 Crust. 66 5 670 lesta Dijar '09 Ins. 346 Olgerua^?>;t«% '03 Ins. 345 4 512 Igernella Topsent '05 Spong. 25 5 285 Iglesius Cosfa 1883 Crust. ; Ignacia Kirby '04 Ins. 356 Ignamba Budde-Lund '10 Crust. 36 Ignotus Slosson '03 Ins. 157 Iherlngiclitlivs Eiyenmann Sf Norris '01 Pisces' 27 Ijimaia Sauter '05 Pisces 34 5 113 Ikopista Fairmaire '01 Ins. 167 Ildeofonsus Distant '10 Ins. 421 Ilerda Stal 1864 Hem. ; Hem. Africana il70 Ilingoceros Merriam '09 Mamm. 69 Iliopliilus LiVJeborg '02 Crust. 66 4 365 Ilipla StS.1 1864 Hem.; Hem. Africana i 152 Ilipula Simon '03 Arachn. 29 3 405 Illaenoides Weller '07 Araclm. 8 Illana Smith ^ Seale '06 Pisces 43 Illinoia ^yilso7l '10 Ins. 438 lima Sivinhoe '05 Ins. 238 5 1011 Ilsea Schaus '06 Ins. 339 Ilyobius Enderlein '10 Ins. 389 Ilyocyprois Masi '06 Crust. 58 Ilyodon Eigenmann '07 Pisces 47 Imaliodes Pascoc 1870 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud. 460 Imeria Cameron '03 Ins. 236 3 806 Imleanga Lucas '01 Ins. 228 Immanoplasma Nenmann '09 Prot. 56 Immyrla Dyar '06 Ins. 359 Imogen Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 310 5 833 Imparfinis Eigenmann Sj- Norris '01 Pisces 27 Imparipes Berlese '03 Arachn. 44 Impressobruclius Pic '10 Ins. 256 Inaequipecten TJgolini '06 Moll. 91 Inanda Peringuey '02 Ins. 130 2 975 Incalidia Janson '07 Ins. 230 Incarcha Dyar '10 Ins. 374 Incisosilis Pic '08 Ins. 247 Incisura Hedley '04 Moll. 86 4 298 Incitatus Distant '08 Ins. 393 Indiana Matthew '02 Crust. 73 Indiana 7uU '03 Ins. 261 3 715 Indicopleustes Distant '07 Ins. 391 Indiogeoscopus Pic '10 Ins. 241 Indoelum Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 402 ludoennea Kobelt '04 Moll. 62 Indonautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 [Indoscitalinus Heller '01 Ins. 4 831] Indra Kirkaldy 8f Edivards '02 Ins. 272 4 512 Indratherium Pilgrim '10 Mamm. 59 Indrella Godwin-Austen '01 Moll. 71 Ineptiae Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Inermicosta Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Inezia Cherrie '09 Aves 114 Infrapithecus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 26 Inga Busck '08 Ins. 357 Ingolfiella Hansen '03 Crust. 45 3 357 Ingrassia Oudemans '05 Arachn. 32 luhambane Peringtmj '07 Ins. 230 Inimicus Jordan ^- Starks '04 Pisces 31 4 84 Ino Koch 1850 Arachn.; Uebers. Arach- nidsyst. v 63 Ino Schra7ick 1803 Crust. ; Inocatoptes Broun '02 Ins. 155 2 976 luoceramya Uhich '04 Moll. ; 4 298 Inoresa Cameron '09 Ins. 294 Inosomus Htitton '07 Ins. 249 luostrauzewia Amalitzki '02 Rept. 26 ( 140 ) INS.— IPHIN. Insalicola Kii-kaUhj '08 Ins. 305 Insidiator Jordan 8f Snyder '01 Pisces ; 1 1232 Insigniporus Atterus '03 Myr. 11 Insolentipalpus Bethune-Bakev '08 Ins. 336 Insula Eunkel '10 Crust. 37 Integrata Ulrich Sf Bassler '04 Brach. ; 4 215 luteraulacus Bradleii '08 Ins. 300 luterhippiis Ame(iliino '02 JMamm. 42 Intoshellina Cepkle '10 Prot. 70 Intranstvlum Faure '04 Prot. 60 Inu Synder '09 Pisces 35 Investigator Stewart '09 Verm. 56 Jinxwala Distant '07 Ins. 387 Inyamana Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 833 Inyoites Hiiatt i^- Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 568 loba Distant '04 Ins. 330 4 512 loglena Stdl 1873 Hem. ; lois Doherty 1889 Lep. ; J. Asiat. See. Bengali viii 2,411 W' lolania Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 281 lolea Pascoe 1858 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc, Lond. iv 266 lolella Richardson '05 Crust. 50 5 670 lomelissa Robertson '02 Ins. 175 lomys Thomas '08 ^lamm. 72 lonella Bonnier '02 Crust. 54 lonopis Lutz '09 Ins. 368 los Jordan 4" Starks '01 Pisces 23 lotota Casey '10 Ins. 215 Ipanica Hampson '10 Ins. 354 Iphiana Dall S,- Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 298 Iphiarusa Breddia '04 Ins. 317 4 512 Iphicrates Distant '03 Ins. 329 3 537 Iphidella Walcott '05 Brach. 7 5 453 Iphidioides Oudejnans '04 Araclin. 43 Ipliidiopsis Oudemans '04 Araclin. 43 Ipliidulus Ribaya '04 Araclin. 43 4 407 Ipliinereis Mahngren 18G5 ; Iphinoe Spence Bate 1856 Crust. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii 187 ( IPHIS.— ISAP. Iphis Meigen 1800 Dipt. Mouclies 27 Nouv. Class. Il iliitliereuta Breddin 3 536 '03 Ins. 335 Ipliitime Marcnzeller '03 Verm. 34 Iphoctesis Simon '03 Araclin. 34 4 407 Ipo Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Ipobracon Thomson Hym. ; Ippatlia Dts^ani; '10 Ins. 418 Iraljatlia Cameron '06 Ins. 294 Iracuudus Jordan ^ Evermann '03 Pisces 3 91 Irania DoaviUe '05 Moll. 74 Irenangelus Schulz '06 Ins. 286 Irenosyrinx Dull '08 Moll. 83 Irianassa Meyrick '05 Ins. 282 5 1011 Iridella Conrad 1853 Lamellibr. ; Proc. Ac. Philad. vi 267 Iridobapta Jr«r/-e« '03 Ins. 287 3 715 Iridometra Clark '08 Ecliin. 28 Iridopelma Pocock '01 Araclin 83 1 734 Iridopeplus Beryroth '10 Ins. 426 Iridophant's Ridyway '01 Aves 74 2 1353 Iridostoina Meyrick '09 Ins. 352 Iriothyrsa Meyrick '08 Ins. 357 Iris Saussure 1869 Orth. ; Mitt. Scliweiz. eut. Ges. iii 50 Irnia Grube 1878 Verm. ; Ironicus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Iropoca Turner '04 Ins. 260 4 048 Iruana Distant '05 Ins. 313 Irura Beckham '01 Arachn. 32 Isabel Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 592 Isabellaria Vest 1867 Moll.; Verb. Siebenb. Ver. xviii 188 Isachisme Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 322 4 512 Isadelphia Semenow '02 Ins. 189 2 845 Isadelplius Seinenoio 1 1043 '01 Ins. 187 Isalium Pascoe 1863 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 549 Isapbe Cook '04 Myr. 14 4 421 141 ) ISAU.— ISOCRA. Isaurica Kohelt '03 Moll. 59 Iscanus Fauvel '04 Ins. 167 6 241 Ischadium Jukes-Broxvne '05 Moll. 85 5 508 Ischikavia Jordan Sf Snyder '01 Pisces 29 1 1232 Ischnagathis Cninero7i '09 Ins. 295 Ischnarctia Bartel '03 Ins. 270 3 716 Ischnia Jordan '03 Ins. 197 3 938 Ischnocion Pilsbry '08 Moll. 102 Ischnocoelia Perkins '08 Ins. 284 Ischnocolella Strand '07 Aracliu. 30 Ischnogonalos Schulz '07 Ins. 282 & '10 Ins. 298 Ischnolyntlius Holmberg '04 Ins. 211 4 726 Ischnoniembras Fowler '03 Pisces 30 & '04 Pisces 41 5 113 Isclinopoda Grandidier 1889 Oi'th. ; Iscbnopus Marshall '04 Ins. 224 5 1116 Ischnuridia Saidjcr '02 Ins. 248 2 764 Ischyrocera Uauser '04 Ins. 157 4 831 IscLyrocyon Matthew Sf Gidley '04 Mamm. 37 5 479 Ischyrog-nathus Trouessart '01 Araclin. 45 1 734 Ischyromene Racovitzn 'OS Crust, 43 Isdegardes Distant '09 Ins. 390 Isechinus Lambert '03 Echiii. 80 Isepeolus Cocker ell '07 Ins. 266 Isidoides Nutting '10 Coel. 25 Ismene Savigny 1816 Lep. ; M^m. Anim. sans Vert. 34 Isobium Melichar '06 Ins, 413 Isobrachiiim Foersfer 1856 Hym. ; Hym. Stiidien ii 96 Jsobuna Jordan '07 Pisces 44 laocalanus Wolfenden '06 Crust. 53 Isocera Borchmann '09 Ins. 246 Isochara Bernhauer '01 Ins. 123 Isocirrus Arwidsson '07 Verm. 44 Isocladius Kieffer '09 Ins. 363 Isocorallion Carlyren 1900 Scypbozoa ; Mitt. xMus. Hamburg, xvii 39 Isocorypba Dietz '05 Ins. 282 6 345 Jsocrambia Seits^ '08 Ins. 326 ( ISOCRI.— ISOT. Isocrita Meyrick '09 lus. 352 Isocymatodera Hintz '02 Ins. 143 2 976 Isocypris Miiller '08 Crust. 57 Isodiplosis Riihsaamen '10 Ins, 392 Isodiscodes Warren '04 Ins, 279 4 649 Isodynaraia Heri-ich-Schiiffer 1856 Lep.; Sam. aussereur. Schmett. i 32 Isogramma Rothschild «§• Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 716 Isojulus Iritsch '02 Myr. 15 Isokerandria Sars '02 Crust. 66 Isolabella Verhoeff '02 los. 305 3 478 Isolabis Verhoeff '02 Ir.s. 305 3 478 Isolepisma Silvestri '05 Ins. 333 Isolomalus Letuis '07 Ins. 222 Isolophodon Roth '03 Mamm. 40 Isoloxantlia Semenow '02 Ins, 151 2 976 Isometra Clark '08 Echin, 28 Isomicraster Lambert '02 Echin. 68 Isomicrus Hartmann '04 Ins. 177 4 831 Isonema Maas '00 Coel. 17 Isoniscus Borg '04 Ins. 354 4 463 Isonyx Rehn '06 Ins. 451 Isoparce Rothschild i^- Jordan '03 Ins. 261 3 716 Isoperla Banks '06 Ins. 429 Isoplastinus Portevin '07 Ins. 221 Isoptena Enderlein '09 Ins. 410 Isosmocliaris Ashmead 1888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 Isosomodes Ashmead 1888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 Isosomorpha Asiimead 1888 Hym.; Ent. Americana iv 42 Isostigena Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 260 4 649 Isostomyia Coquillett '06 Ins. 378 Isostylops Ameghino '02 Mamm. 42 Isotiphia Ashmead '03 Ins, 225 Xs,otomina Bortier '03 Ins. 364 Isotomurus Borner '03 Ins. 364 Isotremornis Ameghino '06 Aves 75 It^otropidesmus Silvestri '01 Myr. 14 1 753 142 ) ISOX— IXO. JAC— JET. Isoxys Walcott 1890 Crust.; Tenth An. Kept. U.S. Geol. Surv. pt. 1, 626 Isporisa Walker 1857 Horn.; J. Linn. Soc. Lond. i 145 Isselentia Collinye '01 Moll. 71 1 621 Isselina Cepede '10 Prot. 70 Issidoxnimus Poppiiis '10 Ins. 423 VO Issina Melichar '06 Ins. 413 ^ Issoniimus Jacobi '10 Ins. 430 ^O Issomorphus Melichar '06 Ins. 413 V^O Issoscepa Melichar '06 Ins. 413 Issvvlioofammai'us Chevreuv '08 Crust. '. 48 Istlarius Jordan Sf Snyder '02 Pisces ; Isuriclitbys Woodicai-d '01 Pisces 20 Isus Champion '06 Ins. 249 Isutaetus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 43 Itaballia Koye '04 Ins. 241 4 049 Itamus Raffruy '04 Ins. 142 6 Ins. 214 Iteticus Raffray '04 Ins. 142 Itlianiar Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 270 2 592 Itiopiana Preston '10 Moll. 81 Itokiia 6yo>^e(7< '02 Ins. 808 2 547 Itonida Meiijen 1800 Dipt.; Nouv. Class. Mouclies 19 Itylus Jacohy '04 Ins. 193 |r <> Itzalana Distant '05 Ins. 315 5 838 lulocera Warren '05 Ins. 268 5 1012 lulota Meyrick '04 Ins. 294 4 649 Ivarsi Arnold '03 Moll. 76 I\e\a Srnnhoe '03 Ins. 270 3 716 Ividella Ball ^- Bartsch '09 Moll, m Ividia Dfl// | Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 298 1/ Dlvinga Dzsifrtwi! '0^ Ins. 398 Ixioides MacGilchrist '05 Crust. 37 5 670 Ixobrycbus Billherg 1828 Aves ; Synopsis Faun. Scaudinav. i pt. 2 Ixodiphauus Ihncard '07 Ins. 284 Ixoveus Iiich?)io7id '02 Aves : 2 1353 TACATRA Uistant '05 Ins. 313 ^ 5 833 Jacobella Jeannet '08 Moll. 124 Jacobsiella Ri'ibsaamen '06 Ins. 375 & '07 Ins. 357 Jacobsonella Silvesira '10 Ins. 215 Jacobsonia Berlese '10 Avachn. 37 Jacobya Weise '01 Ins. 167 2 976 ^ Jaculina Jullien Sf Calve.t '03 Bry. 13 Vi-A^Vi Distant '06 Ins. 413 JaekelocTstis Schitchert '03 Ecliiu. 101 3 137 l^ Jafar Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 346 4 512 Jagannata Distant '06 Ins. 413 Jalla Giylio-Tos '07 Ins. 414 Jalloides Sehouteden '07 Ins, 378 : Janiella Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 413 Jamesella Walcott '05 Bracb. 7 5 453 Jamesia Christojyhers '06 Ins. 378 Jamesonia Bolivar '09 Ins. 425 Janetiella Berlese '04 Araclm. 47 Janias Distant '10 Ins. 422 Jannaeus Distant '09 Ins. 888 Janomima Aurivillius '02 Ins. 21' 2 764 Jansea Cameron '10 Ins. 277 Japetus Beitter 'C5 Ins. 166 Japouites [^??o;?.] "01 Moll. 69 Jasoda Beckham '02 Aracbn. 46 2 481 Jassites Handlirsch '07 Ins. 383 Jasus Parker 1884 Crust.; Trans N. Zeal. Inst, xvi 304 Jatova Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Natuialiste i 835 Jauberticeras Jacob '08 Moll. 124 Javauita Klapulek '09 Ins. 410 Javra Cameron '08 Ins. 236 3 L© 806 Jberellus Bcsse '08 Moll. 102 Jeanella Scott '04 Crust. 51 4 365 Jehania Distant '10 Ins. 426 -■ Jembrana Distant '07 Ins. 392 Jentinkia Trouessart '05 Mamm. 36 Jenynsella Oyilby '08 Pisces 46 Jeremia Bedtenbasher '08 Ins. 424 Jethsura Cameron '02 Ins. 193 2 845 ( H3 ) v. JIV.— JUV. Jivatma Distant '06 Ins. 413 Joannina Waagen '09 Moll. 86 Jobertina Pellegrin '09 Pisces 41 Joblotia Blanchard '01 Ins. 260 1 Juculator Hedley '09 Moll. 66 Joelia Oude7n(ms '06 Arachn. 46 Joliannaster Kuehler '10 Eohiu. 44 Johannesburgia Distant '07 Ins. 387 Johannseniella WUUston '07 Ins. 357 Johnsonomyia Felt '08 Ins. 367 Johnstoniana George '09 Arachn. 42 Jolias Simon '02 Arachn. 46 Jouesina Ulrich Sr Basshr '08 Crust. 58 Jcongoora Lucas '01 Ins. 254 Joppoides Berthoiiiiiieu '04 Ins. 221 4 725 Joppomorpha Cameron '07 Ins. Jordanicus Gilbert '05 Pisces ; Jordanula Chaster '01 Moll. 93 Josaudreva Navds '06 Ins, 372 Josepholeidya Ameqhino '01 Mamm. 37 Joubertia Oudemans '05 Arachn. 32 Joubinella Chevreux '08 Crust. 48 Jousseaimiea Coutiere 1897 Crusi. ; Bull. Mus. Paris ii 381 Jousseaumia Bouryie '06 Moll, 91 Jousseaumia Sacco 1894 Moll. ; Moll. Tertiar, Piemont. xv 8 Jousseaumiella Bourne '07 Moll. 156 Joyeuxella Brasil '02 Prot. 79 1 103 K KAF.-KARA. AFFANIA Michaelsen '03 Verm. 39 Kaffraria Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Aiaha Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 413 863 Jvahaono Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 v/^Kahavalu Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Kahlamba Distant '06 Ins. 394 Kailasius Moore '02 Ins. 204 2 ^ Kakoselia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Kalania Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 324 4 Kalaphorura Absolon '01 Ins. 303 Q Kalasha Distant '07 Ins. 395 64 512 Til 5 113 Kalastrella Kirkpatrick '03 Spong. 26 3 96 Kaleusticus ILmdlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Kaliofenusa Smith '10 Ins. .309 Kalkadoona Distant '10 Ins. 418 Kalkoma Schaus '01 Ins. 219 1 979 Kalliapseudes Stehhing '10 Crust, 33 Kalligramma Walther '04 Ins. ; 4 463 Kallipliobe Busch 1851 " Cnidaria ? " ; B^ob. Anat. AVirbellos. Seethiere 130 Kallipterygia Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 288 Kallistaphis Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 320 Kallistira Hay '08 Rept. 30 Kallitaxila Melichar '01 Ins. 287 Kaloa Bolivar '09 Ins, 425 Kalocrania Zacher '10 Ins. 451 Kalokonia Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Kalpa Distant '06 Ins. 413 Kalpidnrhynchus Ctmningham '07 Prot. 50 V o Juba Jffco6^■ '10 Ins. 430 Jucundus Distant '10 Ins, 422 ^O Jukarulca Distant '07 Ins, 395 Julogenius Reitter '06 Ins. 241 Juncoptilum Thomson 8f Henderson '05 Co3l. 31 5 320 Junghuhuidia Breddin '03 Ins. 335 3 537 Jurassicardiuni Cossmann '06 Moll. 91 Jurinia Costa 1839 Hym. ; Corrisp. Zool. i 115 Justella Dahl '07 Arachn. 36 Juvavionautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 68 ( 144 Kaltenbachiella Schouteden '06 Ins. 423 Kamaroma Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Kamehameha Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 593 ^ ^ Kamendaka Distant '06 Ins. 413 Kampecaris Page 1856 Myr. ; Kamptosoma Mortensen '03 Echin. 80 Volvana Distant '08 Ins. 406 Kauada Distant '07 Ins. 391 *^Kaaaima Distant '09 Ins. 400 Kangra Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 592 Kanigara Distant '06 Ins. 397 Kaiinemeyeria Seeley '09 Rept. 33 Kara Strehel '10 Moll. 81 Karabidion Montrouzier 1855 Orth,; ) Verhoef '02 Ins. ;^0r) KARE.— KELLOGGIA Kiirelja ComiTon 'Oo Ins. 21(5 Kareiga Perincixiey '02 Ins. 130 2 976 ^ ^ Kareol Kirluddy '04 Ids. 332 4 512 V^ Kama Distant '06 Ins. 413 Karnyia Shelf ord '09 Ins. 418 Karnyus Gnjffini '08 In.s. 428 Kai'oomvs Broom '04 Mamm. 40 4 323 Karschiella 2 54 Karsboniyia i-W^ '08 Ins. 367 Karterofjrypliiulua Attems '09 Myr. Ai-Hcbn. 53 Karteroiulud Attems '09 Myr., Araclm 52 Lebouria Nicoll '09 Verm. 32 Lecanoderus Kulhe '07 Ins. 230 Lecbradena Linton '10 Verm. 33 Lecbriorcliis Staiford '05 Verm. 01 5 380 Lecitbaster Lilhe '01 Verm. 61 1 497 Lecitbobotrvs Luoss '02 Verm. 58 3 1-36 Ijecitbocbirium Liihe '01 Verm. 51 1 497 Lecitbocladium Liihe '01 Verm. 51 1 497 Lecitbodesmus Braiai '02 Verm. 58 2 199 Lecitbopbvllum Odhner '05 Verm. 01 5 380 Lecoutbia Ht/ntt S,' Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 568 Lecopteruni Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Lecorium Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Lectum Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Lecytbodytes Dangeard '08 Prot. 44 Ledomviella Meunier '04 Ins. 125 4 552 Ledroides Dammerman '10 Ins. 435 Leecbia South '01 Ins. 246 1 979 Leecbia Tutt '07 Ins. 300 Lefortia Cossmann '01 Ecbin. 79 Lefroyia Green '08 Ins. 411 Legendrea FaurS-Fremiet '08 Prot. 59 Legerella Mesnil 1900 Sporozoa ; C. K. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris Iii 603 ) LEGERI.— LEMN. LEMU.— LEPIDOCR. Legerina Jacquemet '03 I'rot. 61 3 87 LegfiadiDa Thomas '10 Mamm. 55 Legnatia Cameron '03 Ins. 236 3 806 Legnotomyia Bezzi '02 lus. 258 Legrandiua Tate S,- May '01 Moll. 91) 1 622 Leiagnostus Jaetxel '09 Arachn. 8 Leianisorhvnclius Fie '05 Ins. 174 5 1241 Leicesteria Theobald '04 Ins. 301 4- 552 Leiella Enderlein '10 las. 393 Leimonodite Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 387 Leiochonia Schrammen '01 Spong. 33 Leiochriis Ehlers '08 Verm. 45 Leiocraterium Rostajinski 1874Rliiz()p. ; Denksch. Ges. AViss. Paris v Art. 4, 118 Leiocrinus Springer '02 Ech. 85 Leiolicha'^ (^ 1808 Moll. ; Amer.J. Conch, iv 147 Loxotrocbis Bleyrick 'OG Ins. 366 Lozostoma Stainton 1859 Leo. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Loud. V 124 / r Lua Bisfant '09 Ins. 386 Luantbus Amerjhino '02 Mamm. 38 Lubomirskia Dyhowshi 1880 Spong'. ; Mem. Ac. tSt. Petersb. xxvii IS^o. 6, 11 L libra Godinc; '03 Ins. 342 3 538 Lncasiella Cossmann '09 Moll. 67 l^VLCQYia Heinemann 1859 Lep.; Scbinett. Deutscbl. i 442 Jjucbiipbaedusa Pilsbnj '01 Moll. 78 Lucifer Thomp'^on Crust. ; ^ Luciuda Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 414 Lucinisca Ball '01 Moll. 99 Luciuoma Ball '01 Moll. 99 Luciocypriuus Vaillant '04 Pisces 48 Lucitanus Bistant '04 Ins. 327 4 513 Luconacia Mayer '03 Crust. 43 3 357 Lucoppia Berlese '08 Aracbn. 40 Lucrinus Camhridye '03 Arachn. 27 &, '04 Aracbn. 29 4 408 Lucya Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Ludlowia Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Ludmila Ulijanin 1870 Turbellaria ; Arb. lluss. Natforscb. Vers. 2 ii 21 Ludwigella Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Ludwigia Reiffcn '01 Eebin. 66 1 476 O Lugardia Bistant "09 Ins. 398 Lule SiJeiser '10 Ins. 412 Lullius Bistant '05 Ins. 307 Lumetus Zaitzev '08 Ins. 220 LupuUella Hilzheimer '06 Mamni. 67 Lurio Simon '02 Aracbn. 46 Lusius Tosquinet '03 Ins. 236 Lutevula Breddin '09 Ins. 390 Latberia Hofsten '07 Verm. 26 Lutreolina Thomas 'JO Mamm. 64 Lutzia Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 582 Luzulaspis Cockerell '02 Ins. 291 2 593 Lybia Rathhun '04 Ins. ; 4 305 ( 1 Lycnota Konoiv '03 Ins. 246 Lycas Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 980 Lycastoides Johnson '04 Verm. 33 4 2U0 Lycaugesia Hajnpson '10 Ins. 355 Lycbnaspariuni Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 839 Lychnaspidinm Ilaeckel 1887 Pbizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 842 Lychnidius PoHif^ 1883Ecbin.; Classif. nietb. Ecbin. 55 Lycbnocanella Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1224 Lychnocanissa Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1226 Ijvcbnncanonia Ilaeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1229 Lj'chrincoides Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 980 Lyciomyia Kieffer '10 Ins. 392 Lycocercus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Lycomedes Sorensen '02 Aracbn. 54 2 482 Lycomysis Hansen '10 Ciust. 32 Lj'copborus Stattdinfier '01 Ins. Corri- genda (after Contents) Lycopodina Lundbeck '05 Spong. 20 5 285 Lycopsvlla Rothschild '04 Ins. 313 4 432 Lycoria 3Ieiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. iM ouches 17 l^y CQscvXes, Konoiv '05 Ins. 227 51117 Lj'cosomus Aurivillius '03 Ins. 197 4 833 Lycospbingia Rothschild ■^- Jordan '03 Ins. 202 3 718 Lycostomus Hermann '07 Ins. 366 liycosucbus Broom '03 Rept. 32 Lyctopbolis Reitter 1879 Col.; Verb. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien xxviii 196 Lyctoxylon Reitter 1879 Col. ; Verb. zool.-bot. Ges. VVien xxviii 196 Lj^della Bujardin Aracbn. ; Lydia Rebel '01 Ins. Corrigenda (after Contents) Lydiaster Koehler '10 Ecbin. 45 Lydiphnis Melvill '00 Moll. 64 Lyela Stcinhoe '08 Ins. 317 Lygidolon Renter 'OS Ins. 399 Gl ) M LYGO.— LYT. Lygobius Mitchell '08 Ins. 421 Lymidus Fainnah-e '01 Ins. 167 Lymnocardium Stoliczka 1870 Moll. ; Palaeont. Ind. Cret. Fauna iii 206 Lymplia Ragonot '01 Ins. 247 1 980 LvmphooYstis Woodcock '04 Prot. 54 4 79 Lynchiaria BrUhes '10 Ins. 397 Lyndia Saviyyiy 1816 Lep. ; Mem. Anim. sans Vert. 35 Lynteria Cameron '04 Ins. 221 4- 726 Lyodermus Smith 4' Pope '06 Pisces 42 Lyprobius Budde-Lund 1885 Crust. ; Crust. Isopod. Terrest. 229 Lyprosodes Reitter '09 Ins. 244 Lyprotemyia Kertesz '09 Ins. 368 Q Lyramela Gahan '04 Ins. 188 4 834 •>^Lyricen Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 387 Lyrodictya Hall Spong. ; Lyrolepis Roynanoivky '04 Pisces 51 4 ^'-y Lyropurpura Jonsseaiime 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Lyroscelus Camhridye '01 Arachn. 33 1 735 Lyrosurcula Casey '04 Moll. 74 5 570 Lyrotyphis Jousseazime 1883 Moll. ; Le iS^aturaliste i 336 Lysacnie Dall ^- Bartsvh '04 xMoU. 83, 3 300 Lysaster Bell '10 Echin. 45 Lysaster Fisher '08 Echin. 25 Lysasterias Fisher '08 Echin. 25 Lysianassina Coster 1867 Crust. ; Ann. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli iv 43 Lysianopsis Holmes '03 Crust. 42 3 357 & '05 Crust. 58 5 671 Lysiopetalum Verhoeff '01 Myr. 14 Lythrichthys Jordan S) Starks '04 Pisces 30 4 85 Lythrodes Smith '03 Ins. 279 3 718 Lytocestus Cohn '08 Verm. 40 Lytosema Kieffer '01 Ins. 197 1 1044 Lytostoma ^nm«a 1884 Moll.; Beitr. Palaont. Usterr.-Ungarns iii 171 Lytoxysta Kieffer '10 Ins. 307 Lyttonia Wangen Moll. ; ( M' MAA.— MACROBA. AARBARUS Distant '07 Ins. 391 Maasia Cossmanii '09 Moll. 67 Mahelia Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 338 4 513 Macandrewella Scott '09 Crust. 49 Macandrostia Girty '08 Por. 7 Macaronapaeus Kobelt '02 Moll. 66 Macarostola Meyrick '07 Ins. 345 Maccoya Romel 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 115 Macgregorella Seale '10 Pisces 32 Macgregorius Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 339 4 513 Machaeris Robertson '03 Ins. 218 3 807 Machaeroides Matthew '09 Mamm. 63 Machaeropoles Rehn '09 Ins. 425 ^Machaeropsis Melichar '03 Ins. 344 3 538 Machaerosema Rothschild '07 Ins. 309 Machaerotypus Uhler 1896 Hem. ; Machatothrips Ragtiall '08 Ins. 412 Macheiroiulus Verhoeff '01 Myr. 14 1 753 Machilellus Silvestri '10 Ins. 459 Machiloides Silvestri '04 Ins. 350 Machlotica Meyrick '09 Ins, 352 Machlydotherium AmegJnno '02 Mamm. 43 Macleaya Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 582 Macleayina Foicler '07 Pisces 46 Maconiopsis Sacco '01 Moll. 98 Macracalles Chamjnon '10 Ins. 247 Macradena Linton '10 Verm. 33 Macralonius Stal 1870 Hem. ; Ofv. Svenska Ak. Forh. 670 Macrancyloides Chamjnoti '09 Ins. 255 Macrauillus Shar2) '03 Ins. 137 3 940 Macremphytus Macgillivray '081ns. 307 Macrenches Meyrick '04 Ins. 294 4 650 Macrerpeton Moodie '09 Rept. 34 Macrhvhopsis Cockerell 8)- Allison '09 Pisces 39 Macrias Gill 4" Townseiid '01 Pisces 21 3 92 Macridiscus Ball '02 Moll. 81 Macristium Regan '03 Pisces 31 3 92 Macroagathis Szepligeti '08 Ins. 299 Macrobaris Chamjnon '09 Ins. 255 162 ) MACROBE.— MACROMA. MACROME.— MACROSTEN. Macrobelus Lea '09 Ins. 256 Macrobrachnnvx Pic '02 Ins. 155 3 940' Macrobracon Sz^pligeti '02 Ins. 197 2 846 Macrobrochus Schrammen '10 For. 8 Macrobunns Tulh/ren '08 Arachn. 37 Macrobythus Rfiffray '08 Ins. 227 Macrocalanus Sars '05 Crust. 67 5 671 & '00 Crust. 49 Macrocallista Cossynann "09 ]N[oll. 87 Macrocalyninia Perkins '08 Ins. 284 Macrocamptoptera Girault '10 Ins. 300 Macroceratium Kofoid '09 Prot. 63 Macroceratogonia Kirl-aldy '06 Ins. 422 Macrocerococcus Leonardi '07 Ins. 399 Macrocbia /o/Y/an '031ns. 197 3 941 MacrochiridotLea Ohlin '02 Crust. 53 Macroclada Konoio '06 Ins. 227 Macrocoleus Desvignes 1850 Hym. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. 13 Macrocorixa Thomson 1869 Hem. ; Opusc. Ent. i 28 Macrocorytha Stal 1873 Hem. ; Macrocycloides Martens 1867 Moll. ; Preuss. Exp. Ostasien Zool. ii 259 Macrocyplionistes Olums '10 Ins. 229 Macroderes Westwood 1847 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 228 Macroderma Miller '00 Mamm. 63 Macroecbinus Sattmin '07 Mamm, 60 Macrogalidia Schtcarz '10 Mamm. 50 Macrogongvlus Werner '01 Rept, 19 1 1275 Macrogynoplax Enderlein '09 Ins. 410 Macrobectopus Stebbing '06 Crust. 48 Macrobomotoma Kmcayama '08 Ins. 407 Macrolampas Lambert '06 Ecbin. 41 Macrolasia Weise '03 Ins. 211 3 941 IMacrolecbriops Champion '06 Ins. 250 Macroleon BanJcs '09 Ins. 358 Macrolister Leivis '04 Ins. 146 4 834 Macrolobus Zang '05 Ins. 148 5 1242 Macrolopba Weise '02 Ins. 167 2 980 Macromeropsis Chaminon '05 Ins. 175 5 1243 Macromesodon Blake '05 Pisces 60 5 114 Macromidia Martin '08 Macronectes Richmond Ins. 417 '05 Aves 45 '09 Myr., Macronicopbilus Silvestri Aracbn. 50 Macronura SzepUgcti '06 Ins. 300 Macropes Motschulsky 1859 Hem. ; Etudes Ent. viii 108 Macropbarynx Drauer '02 Pisces 36 Macromalocera Hope 1834 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 13 2 1120 Macropbatuus Cameron '05 Ins. 211 5 1117 Macropbion Szipligeti '05 Ins. 211 5 1117 Macropbonus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 118 2 980 Macropidonia Pic '02 Ins. 162 1 1139 Macropopillia Ohans '05 Ins. 153 5 1243 Macroprota Warren '05 Ins. 275 5 1014 Macropsammus Cossmann '02 Moll. 81 Macropsis Leicis 1834 Horn. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 49 Macropsontus Silvestri '10 Ins. 459 Macropsvlla Rothschild '06 Ins. 301 5 751 INIacroptatus Heller '06 Ins. 250 Macroptilum Becker '03 Ins. 306 Macroretrus Peringuey '08 Ins. 237 Macrorileva Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 726 Macrosaces Meyrick '05 Ins. 282 5 1014 Macroscytbon Fleutiaiix '02 Ins. 136 1 1139 Macroscytus Fieber 1861 Hem. ; euro- pfiiscb. Hemipt. 83 Macrosetella Scott '09 Crust. 49 Macrosoma Leach 1819 Aves; Bow- dicb, Mission Asbantee 493 Macrosoma de Haan 1826 Neur. ; Bijdr. Nat. Wet. Amsterdam i pt. 2, 47 Macrospalax Mihely '10 Mamm. 57 Macrospongus Horvdth '10 Ins. 422 Macrostenomyia Hendel '07 Ins. 374 ( 163 ) m2 MACROSTER.— MAGD. MAGI.— MALAC. Macrosternodesmus Brolemann '08 Myr., Araclin. 51 Macrosterotriclius Kokttjev '03 Ins. 236 3 807 Macrostigmaeus Berlfse '10 Arachii. 40 Macrostouia ' OrsifeJ 1843 Turbellaria; Nathist. Tidsskv. iv 548 Macrostoma Alexieff '09 Prot. 61 Macrostomias Bimier '02 Pisces 39 2 1120 Maci'ostomuin Schmidt Verm. ; Macrotarrlius Bedel '06 Ins. 250 Macroterma Casey '06 Ins. 206 Macrotermes Holmgren '10 Ins. 446 Macroterocheir Stebhiny '08 Crust. 37 Macrothrips 7ii#« '08 Ins. 4] 3 ^ Macrothrips Baynall '08 Ins. 413 Macrotliynnus Turner '08 Ins. 286 Macrotomella Van Duzee '07 Ins. 387 [Macrotomoderus P^■c '01 Ins. 1 1139] "b Mainda J)/ste?iiJ '07 Ins. 395 Macrotona Meyrick '04 Ins. 294 Maindronia Roeicer '10 Arachn. 33 4 650 Macrotoxus Lorenz Magia Distant '07 Ins. 387 Magmamba Distant '10 Ins. 418 Uii^nmvi& Distant '01 Ins. 281 1 818 Magog Sollas 1888 Demospongiae ; Challenger xxv 442 Magrettia Cameron '01 Ins. 190 1 1044 Magrettina Ashmead '01 Ins. 178 1 1044 Maguva Melichar '03 Ins. 343 3 538 f^Mahanarva Distant '09 Ins. 400 vO Mahanoroua Distant '09 Ins. 398 Mahea Distant '09 Ins. 384 Maheoptinus Pic '03 Ins. 177 ,' Mahisa Distant '06 Ins. 397 c;>Mabuna Distant '07 Ins. 387 Malleus Peckham '07 Arachn. 40 Maillotia Theobald '07 Ins. 360 /Maimon Trouessart '04 Maium. 33 5 1243 '06 Arachu. 9 Majanga Wood-Mason 1891 Ortli. ; ^ Mantodea, Wrapper Macrovespji X>flZ/« Torre '04 Ins. 208 DMajella A7rA;«7f/?/ '06 Ins. 414 MajeoronaDi.s^ani! '05 Ins. 313 5 Cat. Lotoer '03 Ins. 301 650 4. 726 Macrozvgona 3 719 Macule triton Ball '04 Moll. 78 Macusia Ivaye '04 Ins. 250 4 Madais Sivitihoe '10 Ins. 313 Madaropsis Champion '09 Ins. 256 Madates Strand '10 Ins. 418 Madecassia Kerremans '03 Ins. 169 3 941 Madobalus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 148 1 1139 Madotrogus i^e/^er '03 Ins. 162 Madurea Bolivar '02 Ins. 31 1 MaeceuiiS Jurkaldy '04 Ins. 4 513 '01 Pvept 834 3 941 1 783 321 Maeriophis Andreios 1 1275 Maero Cambridge '04 Arachn. 25 Maerops Buckton '03 Ins. 343 3 538 ^ Magadha Distant '03 Ins. 414 O Magama Distant '10 Ins. 431 Magdalenaster Koehler '07 Echin. 33 it '09 Echin. 44 [Magdalinus Daniel '03 Ins. 188] ( Makalaka Perinyuey '08 Ins. 239 Makapta Schaus '06 Ins. 339 ^ Makonaima Distant '09 Ins. 400 ^ Makua Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 593 ^Makula Distant '07 Ins. 387 Malachidius MotscMdshy 1859 Col. ; Etudes viii 63 Malachiolemphus Pic '08 Ins. 247 Malacobatis Gratzianoio '07 Pisces 50 Malacodora Bedel '04 Ins. 193 Malacogorgia Hickson '06 Coel. 20 4 121 k 5 320 Malacomorpha Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 444 Malacopeplus Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 593 Malacopsylla JFeyenberyh 1881 Aphanipt. ; Malacostroma Giirich '06 Prot. 40 Malacothrips Ili^ids '02 Ins. 301 2 512 Malacotonia Fairmaire '05 Ins. 155 5 1243 Malacyntis Meyrick '08 Jns. 358 164 ) MALAG.— MAMM. MAMU.— MAP. Malaga.«sa de Saussure '03 lus. 372 3 478 Malala Distant '10 lus. 421 Malalusta Distant '04 Ins. 327 4 514 Malainblia Jordan '07 lus. 309 Malayomeris Verhoeff '10 Myr., Arachu. 52 Malaza Mabille '04 Jus. 252 4 050 3Iaklane Khiherg 1866 Verm. ; Maldauopsis Verrill '04 Verm. 34 Maldivia Borradaile '02 Crust. 36 2 423 Malfattia 3Ieimier '01 Ins. 112 MalfattispoDgia De Gregorio '08 For. 7 ^ Malfeytia -Sc/i?H/rf!; "05 lus. 316 5 834 Maliuclaugia M earns '07 Aves 122 Malleatia Jullien l^- Cahet '03 Biy. 13 Malleolus Ehrenherg 1838 Trematodes ; Infusioustliiercheu 464 Malliuella Strand '06 Arachu. 31 Mallocampa Aurivillius '02 Ins. 218 1 981 & 4 650 Malloneta Simon '02 Arachu. 47 2 483 Mallos Cambridge '02 Arachu. 28 2 483 Malluvium Mehill '06 Moll, 64 ]\Iahuagriou Handlirsch '06 Ins. 432 Malmelater Handlirsch '06 lus. 272 Malmis Dgar '10 Ins. 336 Malmobhitlina Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Malobidion Schaeffer '08 Ins. 268 Malocampa Schuus '01 Ins. 220 Malodrilus 3Iichaelsen '03 Verm. 39 3 189 Malpighiella Minchin '10 Prot. 53 Maltecora Simon '10 Ai-achu. 31 Malthacotricha Becker '07 Ins. 367 Malthodiuus Fiori '05 Ins. 161 Maltzauia Hesse '08 Moll. 103 Malupa Schaus '05 Ins. 249 5 1014 Malviuasia Cooper S) Freston '10 Moll. 89 Mamaia Stebbing '04 Crust. 28 Mambara Bethune-Baker '08 lus. 319 Mambara Jiethune- Baker 'OS Ins. 327 Mamersopsis Nordenskiold '05 Arachn. 33 5 721 Mammia Handlirsch '06 lus. 434 Mauiuchus Fairmaire '04 lus. 178 4 834 Manalla Rathbun '06 Crust. 34 Manaria Smith '06 Moll. 64 Mauarina Mabille '04 Ins. 252 4 651 Mauatanus Distant '09 lus. 386 Mauataria Kirhy '02 Ins. 208 Maucalla Lucas '01 Aves 48 M mcaua iziCrts '02 Aves; 2 1354 Mandersia 67m;-/; '02 lus. 124 2 980 C>Mandesa Distant '07 Ins. 392 Mangoxnaloba Sjbstedt '02 Ins. 308 2 548 Mauguiuhosia Cruz '10 lus. 397 Maniana Strand '06 Arachu. 30 3Iauipuria Jacoby '08 Ins. 273 Mankuninga Distant '02 Ins. 274 2 592 Mannuta (Manruta) Smith '03 Ins. 280 Manodema Moser '07 Ins. 230 Mauodistomum Staford '05 Verm. 61 5 350 Manodromius Reitter '05 Ins. 134 6 201 Manomera Rehn ^ Hubbard '07 Ins. 412 Manruta {recte) vide ]\[annuta 3 719 Mansonia Blanchard '01 Ins. 260 1 864 Mausouioides Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Mantelliceras Htjatt '03 Moll. 54 3 291 Mantellina Sacco '04 Moll. 90 Mantias Champion '06 lus. 250 Mantispilla Enderlein '10 Ins. 390 Mantruda Schaus '06 Ins. 328 Mauuelia Vachal '05 Ins. 193 6 281 Manzanella Girty '10 Moll. 89 Manzonia Fomel 1883 Echiu. ; Classif. nieth. Echin. 29 Maoriaua JToyy '01 Arachu. 33 1 735 Maorides Kirkaldy '10 lus. 378 Maoriella .^^to«s '0:^ Myr. 12 3 425 Maplestonia M acGillivray 1885 Pol. ; Trans. U. Soc. Vict, xxi 92 "^^r Mapochia Distant '10 Ins. 435 Mapondera Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 834 Mapsidius Walsingham "07 Ins. 345 105 ) MAR.— MARP. Maracandula Cunie '01 Ins. '2dQ 1 783 Maraces Cameron '02 Ins. 193 Maragnicrinua Whitfield '05 Echin. 89 ' 5 350 Maramaldus Distmit '09 Ins. 387 Marbla Sicinhoe '03 Ins. 271 3 719 Marbodiis Distant '04 Ins. 323 4 514 MavceLister Koehler '09 Ecliin. 44 Marcellaster Koehler '07 Echin. 33 Marcliena Pechham '09 Arachn. 36 Marcliia Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Marcianella Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 50 Mardalana Distayit '05 Ins. 313 5 834 Mareba Distant '08 Ins. 406 Marecidia Schaus '01 Ins. 220 1 981 Marela Mahille '03 Ins. 259 3 719 Margariscus Cuclcerell '09 Pisces 39 Margarita Lister 1894 Rliizop.; Monogr. Mycetozoa 202 Margaritopsis Thiele '06 Moll. 64 Margaroptilon Handlirsch '06 Ins. 414 Margineilona Martens '03 Moll. 68 Margogastrius Schtvarz '03 Ins. 173 3 941 Marguetta Jullien Sf Calvet '03 Bry. 13 Mariametra Clark '09 Echin. 51 Mariania Airaghi '01 Echin. 79 Mavianna Pilshry '10 Moll. 82 Marichisme Kirlaldy '04 Ins. 319 4 514 Marileus 'Ge/'Wiam '01 Ins. 161 Maripanus Ger7nain '01 Ins. 161 Maritrenm Nicoll '07 Verm. 28 Markiana Eigenmann '03 Pisces 35 3 92 Marlattiella Hoicard '07 Ins. 284 Y Marleya Distant '09 Ins. 398 Marlianus Distant '02 Ins. 274 2 593 Marma Simon '02 Arachn. 47 Marmara Clemens 1863 Lep. ; Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad. ii 6 MARa.— MATA. Marquesana Pilshry '10 Moll. 82 Marquetia Ribaiit '05 Myr. 11 Mars Jordan ^- Seale '06 Pisces 43 Marsdeniiis Wellhirn '02 Pisces 46 2 1120 Marshalliana Aurivillius '01 Ins. 220 3 719 Marsipiophora John '09 Ins. 335 Marsupifer Carlyren '01 Ccel. 20 Marsupuliua Phmnbler '03 Prot. 52 3 87 M artel ia Davtzenhery '08 INloll. 85 Marthanella Roeiver '10 Arachn. 33 Martia Forel '07 Ins. 274 Martinella Sicard '07 Ins. 263 Martinella Bolivar '09 Ins. 425 Martinina Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 Martolites Diener '06 Moll. 101 Martyringa Busck '02 Ins. 248 2 768 Mariissenca Dahl '01 Arachn. 84 2 483 Maruthas Distant '10 Ins. 420 Masari^lla Brauns '05 Ins. 197 5 1117 Masarygus Brethes '09 Ins. 374 Mascaregnasa Distant '09 Ins. 390 Mashonania Jacoby '01 Ins. 168 1 1140 Masliphanes Grote 1882 Lep. ; Check List Moths 23 Masoas Distatd '06 Ins. 397 Massagidia Hampson '01 Ins. 1 981 Massylaea Moellendorff [1898] Mol]. 59 Mastigocera Parry 1849 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 185 Mastigograptus Ruedemann '08 Coel. 23 Mastigometra Clark '08 Echin. 28 Mastigophthalmus Illig '06 Crust. 43 Mastilius Fuirmaire '01 Ins. 144 Mastiphaues Grote 1890 Lep. ; Rev. Check List 5 Mata Distant '06 Ins. 406 220 '03 Marmarosaurus Owen Odontogr. 291 ]\Iaro Cambridge '06 Arachn. 32 Marpelites Cameron '04 Ins. 221 1841 Kept. ;/o Maracosa Distant '00 Ins. 414 Mataeocephalus Berg Comun. Mus. i43 166 ) 1898 Pisces ; Buenos Aires MATE.— MECOP. MECOS.— MEGADIC. Matenesius Distant '04 Ins. 327 4 oU Matesia Lea 'Oi lus. 178 M^XXa Stephenson '08 Verm. 46 Matscbiea Knottnems - Meyer '07 Mamm. 68 Matschieella Poc/ie '04 Mamm. 48 4 3i>3 Matsucoccus Cockei-ell '09 Ins. 406 Matsumuraiella Enderlein "06 Ins. 427 Matsumuraius Ashmead '06 Ins. 29o Maturna iTocA 1850 Arachu. ; Uebers. Arachnidsyst. v 65 Matyoscor Ame(//iino '02 Mamm. 37 Matyvinga (pro Martyringa q. v.) Maua Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 834 Maupasella Cepede '10 Prot. 70 Mauracbelia Bernhauer '04 Ins. 136 Mauronapaeus Kobelt '02 Moll. 66 Maussenetia Cossmann "04 Moll. 78 Mawsonia Mawson l^- Woodward '07 Pisces 55 Maxscblosseria Ameghino "01 Mamm. ^t/ Maxudea Schmidt '07 Ins. 392 Mayrellus Crawford '10 Ins. 300 Mayriella J'o/v/ '02 Ins. 186 3 807 Mazagranus Pic '05 Ins. 175 5 1213 Mcradia Brooks ^- Rittenhouse "07 CceI. 19 Mealia Trouessart '01 Aracbn. 45 1 734 Meandrella Perner '04 Moll. 85 Mearnsella Scale ^- Bean "07 Pisces 50 Mecaster Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 42 Mecbistaucbenus Brolemann '07 Aracbn. 52 Mecistocorvmis Champion '05 Ins. 175 5 1243 Mecocbloenius Maindron '06 Ins. 199 Mecomenus Sharp '03 Ins. ] 37 3 941 Mecopelidnota Bates '04 Ins. 156 4 834 Mecopbilus SUvestri '09 Mvr., Aracbn. 50 Mecostomus Sharp "03 Ins. 137 3 941 Mecostrabus Simon '03 Aracbn. 34 3 406 Mecus Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Mecyclotborax Sharp '03 Ins. 137 3 941 Mecynocera Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Mecjniogea Sinum "03 Aracbn. 27 3 406 Mecynoptera Handlirsch '04 Ins. 125 Mecynopyga Pierce '08 Ins. 260 Mecynostomum Beneden Verm. ; Mecynotbrips Bagnall '08 Ins. 413 Mecysolobus Reitter '05 Ins. 175 6 255 Medenopbtbalmus Zoi?JrtHco '03 Crust.; 3 358 Medonella Casey '05 Ins. 139 7 218 Medonodonta Casey '05 Ins. 139 7 218 Medusichnites Matthew Ccel. ; Megablattina Sellards '04 Ins. 126 3 478 Megabracon Szepligeti '06 Ins. 300 OMegabyzus Distant '08 Ins. 406 Megacalanus Wolfenden 04 Crust. 51 4 365 Megacanestrinia Triiydrdh '06 Aracbn. 46 Megacantbopus Ducke '04 Ins. 208 4 726 Megacentrus Szepligeti '04 Ins. 224 4 726 Megaceria Szepligeti '08 Ins. 295 Megachone Johnson '01 Verm. 34 1 532 Megacorma Rothschild 4' Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 719 Megacosmus Cockerell '09 Ins. 371 Megacronycta Grote 1873 Lep. ; Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. i 79 Megacronycta Grote 1890 Lep. ; Rey. Cbeck List 3 Megaculex Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Megadasus Reitter '05 Ins. 166 Megadeuterus Westivood 1838 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 98 Megadictyna Dahl '06 Aracbn. 29 ( 1'37 ) MEGADIS.— MEGALO. MEGALY.— MEGATH. Megadistoraiiin Stafford '04 Verm. ; 4 167 Megaesthesius Rathbun '09 Crust. 30 Megagonia Szepligeti '06 Ins. 300 Megajapyx Verhoeff '03 Ins. 362 Megalaemyia Hendel '09 Ins. 379 Megaleas God/nan '01 Ins. i!09 1 981 Megalechthrus Perkhis '05 Ins. 169 5 1243 Megalelasma, Pocta '03 Spong. 15 Megalictis Matthew '07 Mamm. 62 Megaloba Warren '06 Ins. 351 Megalocerca llandtirscli '06 Ins. 442 Megalocraeriis Lewis '02 Ins. 119 2 931 Megalogastria Bernlumer '01 lus. 123 Megaloliyrax Andrews '03 Mamm. 39 3 381 Megalometer Hatidlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Megalomiua Banks '09 Ins. 368 Megalonoura Norman 1889 Crust. ; Proc. Liverpool Biol. See. iii39 Megalonychotberium Scott '04 Mamm. 48 7 Mamm. 73 Megalopastas Bendy '05 Spouo-. 25 4 285 Megalopaussus Lea '06 Ins. 215 Megalopelma Enderlein '10 Ins. 393 Megalophodon lioth '03 Mamm. 40 Megaloptella Svhrotthj '06 Ins. 278 Megaloptera Bethune-Baker '08 Ins, 336 Megalopteroides Strand '10 Ins. 355 Megalopteryx Trautschold 1890 Pisces ; Zeitdclir. Deiitsch. geol. Ges, xlii 576 Megaloptlialmus Lorenz '06 Araclm. 9 Megalorapliium Sc/mwwien '10 Por. 9 Megaloremmius Simon '03 Araclm. ,32 Megaloscapa Seidlitz 1891 Col, ; Megaloscliema Buckton '03 Ins. 343 Megalothe-va Karny '07 Ins. 417 Megalotbynnus Turner '10 Ins. 278 Megalovalvata Lindholm '08 Moll. 64 Megaloxantha Ker remans '02 Ins. 134 3 942 ( Megaljra Westwood 1843 Ilym. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 269 Megalytoceras Bucknian '05 Moll, 57 5 571 Megamelauus Ball '02 Ins. 282 Meganebrius Krautz 1895 Col. ; Meganeurula Jlajidlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Meganomia Cockerell '09 Ins. 281 Meganoxia lieitter '03 Ins. 162 3 942 Meganura Szepligeti '06 Ins. 301 Meganyctipbaues Holt Sf Tattersall '05 Crust. 47 5 671 Megapertba lieitter '03 Ins. 165 Megapezia Mattheiv '03 Kept. 38 Megapbasma Caudcll '03 Ins. 370 3 478 Megapliobema Poeock '01 Aracbu. 34 1 735 Megapis Ashmead '04 Ins. 204 5 1117 Megapisa Aurivillius '04 Ins. 201 5 1014 Megaplastopria Ashmead '03 Ins. 243 Megapogou Jenkin '08 Por. 7 Megaprosodes lieitter '09 Ins. 244 Megaprosopus lieitter '08 Ins. 223 Megapsittacus Oiylioli 1874 Aves ; Poll. Soc. Geogr. Ital. xi 357 Megaptiloides Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Megarapbidia Cockerell '07 Ins. 354 Magarliiza Schrammen '01 Spong. 34 Megarbogas Szepligeti '04 Ins. 225 4 727 Megartlirum Norman Sf Scott '06 Crust. 54 Megasaissetia Cockerell '03 Ins. 349 Megasattus Casey '08 Ins. 252 MegascbizopbyUum Verlioeff '10 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Megasolena Linton '10 Verm. 33 pMegast(;tbodon Schmidt '10 Ins. 434 Megastictus liidyway '09 Aves 113 Megasurcubi Casey '04 Moll, 75 5 571 ]\[egatela Weise '00 Ins. 270 Megatbericulus Amcyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 323 Megatlious lieitter '05 Ins. 159 5 1243 168 ) MEGATR.— MELANES. MELANET.— MELANOSC. Megatreina Cameron '07 Ins. 279 Megaxenops Reiser 'Oo Aves G2 Megepimeiio J'erhoeff' '08 Crust. 45 Megiuoe Kirkaldy '02 lus. 277 2 593 Megischina Reitter '06 Ins. 241 Megistommum Schulz '00 lus. 286 Megistorhynchua Geoffroy ? 1831 ? Kept. ; Megisturus Tonminck 4' Schleyel ? 1848 Aves; Siebold, P^auua Japon. 71 Megoptenia Doi/^/ass '08 Mamui. 68 Megorama Full '05 Ins. 163 6 239 MeguUia Thorell '03 Arachu, 31 Mebelya Csiki '03 Kept. 25 Meigeuiella Coqiiillett '02 Ins. 262 2 639 Meijerea Doederlein '06 Ecbin. 41 Meimuna Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 834 Meinertellus Silvestri '05 Aptera ; 5 751 Meionecrosia Redtcnbacher '08 Ins. 424 Meioneurites Mandlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Mejonosoma Costa 1834 Horn. : Cenui Zool. 86 Meladiesia Reitter '09 Ins. 244 Meladocrates Reitter '05 Ins. 166 Melaenosia Si7no7i '06 Arachu. 34 Melagranima Hainpson '08 Ins. 337 Melagria Casey '06 Ins. 206 Melalouclia Rrues '03 Ins. 315 3 682 Melamera Hampson '10 Ins. 355 Melanagrion Cocker ell '08 Ins. 417 Melanalis Hampson '06 Ins. 359 Melanapis Cameron '02 Ins. 176 2 846 Melauastus Casey '07 Ins. 241 Melanatbous Reitter '05 Ins. 159 Melaucoma Harrison '10 Ins. 368 Melanderella Cockerell '09 Ins. 371 ■ Melandeva Distant '06 Ins. 414 MeLineleodes Blaisdell '09 Ins. 244 Melanergon Rethime- Baker '04 Ins. 261 4 651 Melanesia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 387 Melanesica Filsbry '10 Moll. 82 ( Melanetaerius Fall '07 Ins. 223 MelangTua Verrall '01 Ins. 268 1 864 Melania Distant '01 Ins. 279 1 818 Melanicbtbys Giinther 1870 Pisces ; Cat. Fishes Brit. Mus. viii 212 Melaniortbalicus Strebel '09 Moll. 80 Melauiris Meek '02 Pisces 33 3 92 Melauoblossia Furcell '03 Aracbn. 38 3 406 Melanobraucbus Reijan '03 Pisces 30 3 92 Melanocentris Fricse "01 Ins. 175 Melauocera Sonthonnax '03 Ins. 271 Melanochaeta Bezzi '06 Ins. 390 [Melanocbroea Kraatz '01 Ins. 1 1140] Melanoconion Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 582 Melanocoryphoides Biunchi '06 Aves 99 & '07 Aves 132 Melauocrabro Ferkins '02 Ins. 2 846 181 193 Melanocryptus Cameron '02 Ins. 2-846 Melauocyma Westioood 1858 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, iv 186 Melanogenes Bleeker 1863 Pisces ; Natuurk. ^'erband. Haarlem 35 Melanolamprus 8tal 1873 Hem. ; Melanomada Cockerell '03 Ins. 219 3 808 Melanomicrus Morley '03 Ins. 236 3 808 Melauonosoma Gilchrist '02 Pisces 32 2 1120 Melauonyx i?i Memnonia Ball '02 Ins. 287 Memptus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Menares Champion '05 Ins. 175 5 1244 Mendelius Leicis '08 Ins. 230 Mendesia Joannis '08 Ins. 358 2 768 Mendidapbodius Reitter '01 Ins. 133 1 1140 Mendozana Distant '06 Ins. 407 [Menecbirns Hartmann '01 Ins. 1 1140J Meneclia Gribiherg '10 Ins. 336 Meneptera Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Menesida Guhan '07 Ins. 257 Mene.>toniorpba Walsiuyham '07 Ins. 345 Menetes Thomas '08 Mamm. 72 Mengea Grote 1886 Col. ; Mengea Cambridge '03 Aracbn. 27 3 400 Mengenilla Hofeneder '10 Ins. 264 Mengersenia Schmiedeknecht '10 Ins. 292 Meniellus Weise '03 Ins. 206 3 942 Meninatberium Abel '10 Mamm. 62 Menioraorpba Lea '08 Ins. 260 Meniscocepbalus Perkins '06 Ins. 305 Meuiscomorpha Schtniedeknecht '10 Ins. 292 Meniscopbyllum Simpson '01 Coel. 20 2 151 Menoedius Fauvel '03 Ins. 146 ( 170 ) MENOI.— MEROPA. MEROPE.-MESEN. Menolepis Lutz '10 Ins. 397 Menopsimus Dyar '07 Ins. 316 Menopygus Po?«e/ 1883Ecliin.; Classif. nieth. Ecliin. 52 Mentanus Fainnaire '02 Ins. 159 Menuthias Kirlcaldij '04 Ins. 31.5 4 514 Menyllodes Heller '10 Ins. 254 MepacliYiuerus Speiser '10 Ins. 413 Mepygurus Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecliin. 65 Meracantliom\ia Ilendel '10 Ins. 413 Meragisa Sc/iaus '01 Ins. 220 Meralius Casey '07 Ins. 241 Mercatus Distant '02 Ins. 269 2 593 Mercennus Disfant '04 Ins. 320 4 514 Mercetia Kieffer '06 Ins. 308 Mercimonia Ball '02 Moll. 81 Merenius Shnon '10 Arachn. 29 Meretrissa Jukes-Browne '08 Moll. 114 Merinoopalpus Harjedovn '05 Ins. 179 ^5 1244 Meringophernsa Becker '03 Ins. 313 3 582 Meringostylus Kertesz '08 Ins. 373 Meriuotus Szepligeti '06 Ins. 301 Meriolns Fairmatre '02 Ins. 159 Merisma Broun '09 Ins. 256 Meristocrinus Springer '06 Ecliin. 52 Meiitastis Mcyrick '10 Ins. 378 Meriza Kertisz '03 Ins. 319 3 582 Merlia Kirkpatrick '08 Por. 7 Mermitelocurus Beuter '08 Ins. 399 Merobodus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 188 Merocepon Bichardson '10 Crust. 35 Meroeua Jukes-Browne '08 Moll. 114 Merogompbus Martin '04 Ins. 348 IMerogregarina Porter '08 Prot. 53 & '09 Prot. 56 Merobister Beitter '09 Ins. 227 Merolampas Po?»f»/ 1883 Ecbin.; Classif. inetb. Ecbin. 63 Meroleuca Hampson '08 Ins. 337 5 1015 Rev. Merolides Brethes '09 Ins. 294 Meroloncbe Grote 1890 Lep, Cbeck List 3. Meropatbus Enderlein '01 Ins. 121 1 1140 Meropersina Beitter '09 Ins. 245 Meropbysiops Semhiow '01 Ins. 130 ^l.evo])S Moehring 1758Aves; Geslacbt. "Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosniaer 1 Uexo^chWs Spaeth '03 Ins. 210 3 943 Meroscinis Meijere '08 Ins. 388 Merosipbonia Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 106 Merremia Berg "01 IJept. 25 Merriamella Jordan '07 Pisces 46 Merrianiia Boiden(/er '04 Rept. 30 4 137 Merrifieldia Ttdt '05 Ins. 278 5 1015 Mertila Distant '04 Ins. 327 4 514 Mertonia Laurie '06 Crust. 35 Meruana Sjostedt '09 Ins. 425 ^iev\x\i\,Moehring 1758 Aves; Geslacbt. Vogel. Nozeniau u. V-osniaer 8 Merulissinia Seebohm 1881 Aves ; Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. v 232 MeruUa Aurivillus '10 Ins, 247 Merycoides Donglass '07 Mamm. 70 Merycops Pilgrim '10 Mamm. 61 Mesabatodes Casey '07 Ins. 241 Mesagnostus Jaekel '09 Aracbn. 8 O Mesamia Ball '07 Ins. 395 Mesauer Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 424 Mesanodon Cross ^' Fischer 1894 Moll. Miss. Scient. Mex. pt. vii torn, ii p. 517 Mesapborura Absolon '01 Ins. 303 1 762 l/^Mesargiis Melichar '03 Ins. 346 3 539 Mesasiobia Senienov-Tian-Shansky '08 Ins. 420 Mesatractodes Morley '07 Ins. 279 Mesaulus Brann '02 Verm. 59 Mescbia Distant '10 Ins. 420 Mescinia Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 982 Mesciniadia Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 982 Mesciniodes Hampson '01 Ins. 247 Mesedra Warren '04 Ins. 280 4 651 Mesembreuxoa Hampson '03 Ins. 280 3 720 Mesembriomys Thomas '06 Mamm. 71 & '09 Mamm. 66 Mesenterica TofZe 1790Kbizop. ; Fungi Mecklenburg, i p. viii ( 171 ) MESEP.— MESOD. MESOE.— MESOPHA. Mesepkemera Ilandlirsch '06 lus. 430 Mesidotea Richardson '05 Crust. 54 5 671 Mesilla Simon '03 Arachn. 32 3 406 Mesitinus Fainnaire '03 Ins. 188 3 943 Mesitiopterus Ashmead '02 Ins. 189 Mesitoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Mesitomorphus Pcringuey '08 Ins. 261 Mesniuella (JepHe '10 Trot. 70 MesoagatLis Cameron '04 Ins. 225 4 727 Mesobaetis Brauer 1889 Neur. ; Mesobates Thor '01 Araclin. 45 1 735 Mesobelemnon Gravier '07 Coel. 23 Mesoblattina Scudder 1885 Orth. ; Mesoblattopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Mesoblattula Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Mesobomba Warren ^Qil lus. 325 '02 Ins. 197 Mesoephiales Schmiedeknecht '10 lus. 292 Mesogaleodes Heymons '02 Arachn. 52 2 463 Mesogenea Hampson 2 768 '02 Ins. 227 Mesobracon Szepliyeti 2 846 Mesocaecilius Okamoto '10 Ins. 444 Mesocastrada Volz '01 Verm. 44 Mesocerus Renter 1888 Hem. ; Acta Soc. Fenn. xv 528 Mesocetus Fraas '04 Mannn. 47 Mesochelidura Verhoeff '02 Ins. 305 2 548 Mesocberes Norman ^ Scott '05 Crust. 67 5 671 Mesocbirus Bernhauer '03 Ins. 146 Mesochria Enderlein '10 Ins. 393 Mesocbrysopa Handlirsch '06 Ins, 373 Mesocleonus Faust '04 Ins. 178 4 835 Mosocletodes Sars '00 Crust. 49 Mesocoela Warren '02 Ins. 237 2 768 Mesocoela Jacubowa '06 Verm. 27 Mesocolaspis Jacoby '08 Ins. 273 Mesocolpia Warren '01 Ins. 239 1 982 Mesocomys Cameron '05 Ins. ; 5 1118 Mesocorixa Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Mesocottus Gratzianow '07 I'isces 40 Mesocypris Dadaij '08 Crust. 58 & '10 Crust. 46 Mesodesmus Carl '09 Myr., Arachn. 53 Mesodina Meyrick '01 Ins. 209 & '02 Ins. 212 1 982 / Mosodryiuus Kieffer '06 Ins. 308 ( i72 Mesogeophilus Verhoeff '01 Myr. 11 Mesoglicola Quidor '06 Crust. 54 Mesogomphus Handlirsch '00 Ins. 432 Mesogompbus Forster '06 Ins. 432 Mesogouimus Monticelli 18S8 Trema- todes ; Sagg. Morf. Trematodi 92 Mesograptus Elks ^- Wood '07 Coel. 21 Mesogrylius Handlirsch '06 Ins. 446 Mesohomotoma Kuwayama '08 Ins. 407 Mesolea Breddin '02 Ins. 269 5 834 Mesolecanium Cockerell '02 Ins. 291 2 593 Mesolecitba Linton '10 Verm. 33 Mesolehips Ashmead '01 Ins. 195 1 1044 Mesoleon Hujidlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Mesoleuca Packard '03 Ins. 271 3 720 Mesoleuctra Brauer 1889 Neur. ; — 'Mesoliarus Matsumura '10 Ins. 431 Mesolomia Smith 1893 Lep. ; Cat. Noctuid. N. Amer. 171 Meaomaltbodes Fiori '05 Ins. 161 Mesomerodon Ohaus '05 Ins. 153 5 1244 Mesometra Z/iy^e '01 Verm. 51 1 497 Mesomiris Reuter '09 Ins. 394 Mesouiorpbus Reitter '05 Ins. 166 Mesonemella Haeckel 1879 Ilj^drozoa ; Deukschr. Ges. Jena i 227 Mesonemura Brauer 1889 Neur. ; Mesonepa Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Mesoneta Brauer 1889 Neur. ; Mesoniscus Carl '08 Crust. 45 Mesonitys Schmidt 'OS Ins. 402 Mesonychographis Silvestri '08 Ins. 435 Mesopa Jacoby '03 Ins. 206 3 943 Mesopanorpa Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Mesoperipatus Evans '01 Myr, 18 1 745 OMesopbantia Melichar 3 539 '02 I)is. 282 MESOPHY.— MESOTRICHI. MESOTRICHO.— METADIA. V Mesophylla Thomas '01 Mamm. 27 i 1478 <>Mesoplivlla Melichar '02 lus. 282 3 539 Mesoplophora Berlese '05 Araclin. 34 5 721 Mesopodopsis Czeniiavsl\i/ 1882 Crust. ; Arb. St. Petersb. Ges. Naturf. xii Beil. 145 Mesoponera Ennry '01 lus. 184 Mesoporcellio Verhocff '03 Crust. 45 Mesoporoiulns Verhoeff '05 Myr. 13 5 738 Mesopsera Bolivar '08 Ins. 432 Mesopsis Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Mesopsvchoda Brauer 1889 Dipt. ; Mesopsychopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Mesopsylia Damp/ "10 Ins. 415 Mesoptt'ron Bourgeois '05 Ins. 161 6 234 C^Mesoptyclus Matsumiira '04 Ins. 335 Mesorchis Dietz '09 \'erm. 32 Mesorcliis Linton '10 Verm. 33 Mesorliabdus Sars '05 Crust. 67 5 671 & '09 Crust. 49 Mesorhiuus Javhel '10 Rept. 32 Mesoscalpellum lloeh '07 Crust. 88 Mesoschendyla Atteins '09 Myr., Arachn. 50 Mesoscolytus Broun '04 Ins. 182 4 835 Mesoscolytus Hutton '07 Ins. 254 Mesoserica Brenshe '01 Ins. 136 Mesosirodes Borner '01 Ins. 303 Mesospalax Mehely '10 Mamm. 57 MesostenopKis Sckmiedeknecht '04 Ins. 221 5 1118 Mesostoma Cameron '05 Ins. 216 5 1118 Mesotaulius Handlirsch '06 Ins. 370 Mesotefflus Kollte '03 Ins. 133 3 943 Mesothea Warren '01 Ins. 239 1 982 Mesotbisa Warreyi '05 Ins. 269 5 1015 Mesothriscus Sharjy '03 Ins. 138 3 943 3Iesotbyrsa Met/rick '10 Ins. 383 3Iesotoma Jacoby '03 Ins. 206 3 943 ^laaoinchinWestivood 1838 Ilym.; Tr. Ent. tfoc. Lond. ii 112 Mesotricliopteridium Handlirsch "06 lus. 370 Mesotropidesmus Verhoe_ff '01 Myr. 14 1 753 Mesotropis Beater '08 Ins. 399 Messageria Dautzenberg '03 Moll. 74 Messalius Fairmaire '03 Ins. 193 3 943 Mestor Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 322 5 514 Mesuropetala Handlirsch '06 Lis. 432 Metabeius Gor/iam 1887 Col.; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 301 Metablapylis Bluisdell '09 Ins. 245 Metaboeckellais/i??ui« Crust. 67 5 671 Metabolocrinus Jaekel '02 Echin. 85 ■-Metabrixia J'ojf/e/- '04 Ins. 333 4 514 Metacalanus Cleve '02 Crust. 67 Metacausta Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Metacerithium Cossmami '08 Moll. 85 Metacerylon Grouvelle '06 Ins. 220 Metachatina Pilsbrrj '04 Moll. 69 Metacheiromvs Wortman '03 Mamm. 27 3 381 Metacbela Coquillett "03 Ins, 313 3 582 Metacheliphlebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Metaclione Bttsh '05 Verm. 43 Metachorus Handlirsch "06 Ins. 441 Metacbrysia Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 982 Metaclysta Hamiison '06 Ins. 359 Metaconomma Cambridge '05 AracLn. 26 5 721 Metacortbylus Blandford '04 Ins. 182 4 835 Metacrangonyx Chevreux '09 Crust. 40 Metacrisia Hampson '01 Ins. 220 1 982 Metacrocea Hijar '05 Ins. 249 5 1015 Mfitacyclinus Beitttr '08 Ins. 223 Metacynorta Cambridge '04 Araclm. 38 4 409 Metacyphocaris Tattersall '06 Crust. 48 Metacyrba Cambridge "01 Arachn. 34 1 735 Metadena Linton '10 Verm. 33 Metadiaptomus MeUiuen '10 Crust. 43 ( 173 ) METADIP.— METAPHIL. Metadiplosis Felt '08 Ins. 367 Metadromius Bedel '07 Ins. 211 Metaegle Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Metaemene Hamjjson '10 Ins. 350 Metafecenia Cambridr/e '02 Arachn. 28 2 483 Metagagrella Roeiver '10 Arachn. 33 Metagnostus Jaehel '09 Arachn. 8 Metagrilinm Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Metagylla Hampso7i '07 Ins. 309 Metaldetes Taylor '10 Por. 10 Metaleptobasis Calvert '07 Ins. 406 Metalinhomoeus Man '07 Verm. 34 Metalithobius Chamberlin '10 Myr., Arachn. 50 Metallichroma Aurivillhis '03 Ins. 198 4 835 Meta.llogorgia Versluys '02 Coel. 2S '05 Ins. 269 '01 Ins. 247 2 152 Metallospnra Warren 5 1015 Metallosticha Hampson 1 982 Metalpheus Coutiere '08 Crust. 37 Metamandana Siichel '07 Ins. 297 Metamaoiopsis Champion '10 Ins. 247 Metamblyops Tattersall '07 Crust. 68 Metamera Buhe '10 Prot. 58 Metaruesembrina Townsend '08 Ins. 384 Metamunna Tattersall '05 Crust. 51 5 671 Metamysidella Illig '06 Crust. 43 Metamysis Nakazaiva '10 Crust.[32 Metancylornis Ameghino '06 Aves 75 Metaudrocarpa Michaelsen '04 Tun. 6 5 9 Metanopedias Brues '10 Ins. 304 Metapachylns Cambridge '05 Arachn. 26 5 721 '04 Metaparacitus Voiqts 8f Oudemans Arachn. ; 4 409 Metapedius Fiori '05 Ins. 134 5 1244 Metapenaeopsis Bouvier '05 Crust. 45 5 671 V O Metaphaena Schmidt '05 Ins. 316 5 834 Metaphidippus Cambridge '01 Arachn. 34 1 735 Metaphileurus Kolbe '10 Ins. 229 ( METAPHIO.— METAV. Metaphiomys Oshorn '08 Mamni. 73 Metaphoricus Attems '09 Myr., Araclm. 63 Metaphrastis Meyrick '07 Ins. 345 Metaphroso Brady '10 Crust. 43 Metapocirtus Costa 1834 Horn. ; Cenni Zool. 85 Metapodiessa lurhaldi/ '02 Ins. 270 2 593 '05 Ins. 197 43 Metapogon Coquillett '04 Ins. 304 5 882 Metapolvbia Ducke 6 284 Metaporcitus Costa 1834 Hem. ; Metapria Grouvelle '09 Ins. 228 Metaproto JMayer '03 Crust. 3 358 Metapsylla Etncayama '08 Ins. 407 Metapteron Bourgeois '05 Ins. 161 6 234 Metapula Giglio-Tos '07 Ins. 421 Metaraphia Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 982 Metardaris Mabille '03 Ins. 259 3 720 Metargus Cambridge '02 Arachn. 34 2 483 Metargyope Cambridge '03 Arachn. 27 Metargyra Cambridge '03 Arachn. 27 Metarhaucus Cambridge '05 Arachn. 26 5 721 Metarhinus Osborne '08 Mamm. 81 Metarhinus Jaekel '10 Kept. 32 Metasada Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Metasambns Kerremans '03 Ins. 170 3 943 Metascolex Michaelsen '04 Verm. ; 4 200 Metasigaloceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 291 Metasinopa Osborn '09 Mamm. 63 Metasiopsis Proid '10 Ins. 3G8 Metathemis Tillyard '10 Ins. 449 Metathrinca Meyrick '08 Ins. 358 Metathrombiiim Oudemans '10 Arachn. 40 Metatissotia H]jatt '03 Moll. 54 3 291 Metator McNeill '01 Ins. 309 Metavonones Cambridge '04 Arachn. 38 4 408 174 ) METAX.— METAPOLOB. METOPOLOP.— MEUN. Metaxanthia Hampson '10 Ins. 356 1 982 Metaxina Broun '09 Ins. 243 Metaxius Bouvier '05 Crust. 42 Metaxyblatta Handlirsch '00 Ins. 441 Metaxys Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Metazaptvx FUshi/ '04 Moll. 68 5"571 Metazethoides Schulz '06 Ins. 282 Metazygia Camhridye '04 Arachn. 29 '4 408 Metelasmus Coquillett '07 Ins. 376 Metenironoceras Hi/att '03 Moll. 54 ^3 291 Metentoria Brunner '07 Ins. 412 Metepeira Camhridr/e '03 Arachn. 27 Metephestia Ham])son '01 Ins. 247 1 983 Meterginiis Cmnbridcfe '05 Aracbn. 26 5 721 Meteulatus Amec/hino '02 Maram. 43 Methionopsis Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 983 Metboria Surcouf '09 Ins. 368 Methorius Ituffnuj '04 Ins. 142 6 214 Methylla Hansen '06 Ins. 383 Metliypostena Townsend '08 Ins. 384 Metiche Attems '09 Myr., Araohn, 53 MetichthyocriuLis Springer '00 Echin, 52 Meticonaxius De Man '05 Crust. 42 5 672 Metimorpha Bosenherg 4' Strand '06 Arachn. 33 Metisolahis Burr '10 Ins. 451 Metoicoceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 291 Metoldobotes Schlosser '10 Mamm. 46 Metonymia KirJcaldy '09 Ins. 384 Metophion Szepligeti '05 Ins. 211 5 1118 Metopias Eichwald Crust. ; Metopidiothrix Attems '07 Myr., Arachn. 53 Metopiellus Raffray '08 Ins. 227 Metopiora Meyrick '02 Ins. 227 2 769 Metopiosoma Raffray '08 Ins. 227 Metopoloba Casey '07 Ins. 241 ( !■ Metopolophota BetJmne-Baker '09 Ins. 325 Metopomycter Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 '114 Metoponia Duponchel 1884 Lep. ; Cat. Metb. Lep. Eur. 187 Metoponiopsis Casey '07 Ins. 241 Metoponiuui Casey '07 Ins. 241 Metopoplacis Hampson '09 Ins. -335 Metopostignia Becker '03 Ins. 319 3 582 Metopostira Mehely '01 Rept. 32 Metopoxantba l)e Man '04 Crust. 29 5 672 Metracopsis Dognin '05 Ins. 275 5 1015 Metranlella Champion '05 Ins. 175 5 1244 Metraniomorpba Lea '03 Ins. 188 3 943 Metraniopsis Champion '05 Ins. 175 5 1244 Metrernis Meyrick '06 Ins. 366 Metretopus Eaton '01 Ins. 298 1 783 Metriaulacus Schivarz '01 Ins. 142 2 982 [Metriocbroa Busck '01 Ins. 1 983] Metriophiloides Champion '10 Ins. 247 Metriorrbynchomiris Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 324 4 514 Metriosonia Szepligeti '02 Ins. 197 Metriostreptus Sihestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 52 Metrocidium Sharp '03 Ins. 138 3 943 Metropator Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Metrotborax Sharp '03 Ins. 138 3 943 Metryia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Metschaina Michaelsen '03 Verm. 39 3 189 Metsebnikowia Grimm 1877 Spong. ; Trudui Aralo-Kasp. Exp. St. Petersb. 2, 33 Metyrculus Lea '09 Ins. 256 Meunieria Kieffer '05 Ins. 128 Meunieria Rdbsaamen '05 Ins. 286 Meunieria Johannsen '09 Ins. 362 Meunieriella Kieffer '09 Ins. 301 ■5 ) MEUS.— MICRELA. Meuselia Kieffer '09 Ins. 301 Mevaniella Beryroth '07 Ins. 379 Mevianes Simon '04 Araclm. 32 4 408 Mevius Distcmt '04 Ins. 327 4 514 Mexcala Pcchham '02 Araclm. 47 2 483 Meyrickia Rcujonot '10 Ins. 247 1 983 Meyrickiella Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 983 Mezona Speiser '10 Ins. 413 Miacora Z)//OT- '05 Ins. 249 5 1015 Miaenia Pascoe 1864 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 27 Miagnostus JaeJcel '09 Araclm. 8 Miaroblatta HancUirsch 'OG Ins. 440 l/ ^ Miasa Distant '06 Ins. 414 Mica Budde-Lund '08 Crust.; Voeltzkow Reise Ostafrica ii 281 Micadina Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 424 Miccus Bergroth '10 Ins. 426 Michaelsenia vaii Name '02 Tun. 7 Michaletia Cossmnnn '04 Moll. 85 Miclitheimvsis Norinan '02 Crust. 49 2 423 Micilus Mulsant ^- i^ey 1872 Col. ; Col. Fr., Spiniped. 15 Micipsina Reitter '01 Ins. 148 3 943 Mickwitzella Wcdcott '08 Brach. 15 Micraclis Boettger '06 Moll. 65 Micraedes Coquillett '05 Ins, 291 6 362 Micragrotis Hampson '03 Ins. 280 3 720 Micrangocblora Schrottky '09 Ins. 281 Micrantha Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Mici-anthophora Cockerell '06 Ins. 278 Micranurida Biirner '01 Ins. 303 1 762 Micrapis Ashmead '04 Ins. 204 5 1119 Micrarctia Seitz '10 Ins. 336 Micrareota Casey '10 Ins. 216 Micrarmalia Casey '07 Ins. 241 Micraroa Hampson '05 Ins. ; 5 1015 Micratheta Casey '10 Ins. 216 Micrathetis Hampson '09 Ina. 335 Micrelaterium Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 ( n MICRELE.— MICROCOC. !Micrele]ilias Dognin '05 Ins. 275 5 1015 Micrella Punnett '01 Verm. 42 1 497 Micreremus Berlese '08 Aracbn. 41 Micrerpeton Moodie '09 Ilept. 35 Micreuglenes Pic '02 Ins. 149 Micreumenes Ashmead '02 Ins. 178 Micriantha Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Micrilema Hatnpson '03 Ins. 271 3 720 Micrixia Foivle?- "04 Ins. 333 4 514 Microbainopus Bianchi '07 Aves 121 Microbatracbus Roux '10 Kept. 33 Microbelia Warren '06 Ins, 359 Microberosiris Lea '07 Ins. 250 Microblastidium Schrammen '02 Spong, 25 2 119 Microblemma Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Microcaetus Meunier '05 Ins. 220 jMicr.icalanus Sars '03 Crust. 52 Microcancerilla Norman S) Brady '09 Crust. 49 Miorocarenus Tsckitschirine '03 Ins. 138 3 943 Microcentrus Szepligeti '04 Ins. 225 4 727 Microcerata Felt '08 Ins. 367 Microcercus Budde-Lund '10 Crust. 36 Microceris Bergroth '08 Ins. 395 Microcerotermes Silvestri '01 Ins. 298 Microchaetes Hope 1834 Col. ; Tr, Ent. Soc. Lond. i 12 Microchalcis Kieffer '04 Ins, 230 5 1118 Microcbalcotbea Moser '10 Ins. 230 Microcharops Roman '10 Ins. 292 Microcbelonus Szepligeti '08 Ins. 299 Microcblora Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 983 Microcistela Pic '04 Ins. 169 4 835 Microcleidus Watson '09 Kept. 31 Microcleogonus Champion '05 Ins. 175 5 1244 Microcleonus Faust '04 Ins. 178 4 835 Microcleonus Deshrochers '04 Ins. 178 Microclymene Anvidsson '07 Verm. 44 Microclytus Aurimllius '10 Ins. 255 Micrococcus Leonardi '07 Ins. 399 6 ) MICSOCOL.— MICROLIS. MIROLIT.— MICROPHA. Mici'ocolt'opteron TImullirscli "OG Ins. ]\[ici'ocorystes Lorenthoj/ 'O(^) Cnist. ?>'2 IMicrocryobiu.s Brtidi/ '10 Crust. 48 Microculex Theobald '07 Ins. ;3(iO Microcylas Raapail '00 Moll. 67 Microcyon TroKcssnrt '06 Mamm. G7 JMicrocys Sahlbcrff '08 Ins. 216 Microdendron Sclirammeii '01 Spong". 32 • Microdesmus Verhoeff '01 31 vr. 14 1 7o3 jNlicrodilliis TItomas '10 Mamm. 55 Microdina Kirbi/ '03 Ins. 368 3 479 Microdina Murray/ '05 Verm. 71 Microdinodes Grouvelle '06 Ins. 221 Microdiplosis Tavares '08 Ins. 367 Sc '09 Ins. 361 Microdontomerus Crawford '07 Ins. 284 Microdontopera Front '10 Ins. 368 Microdota Ducjnin '06 Ins. 328 Microdrillia Casey '03 Moll. 67 . 3 292 ^ ^Microflata Melichnr '02 Ins. 282 3 539 Microgecko Nikulsici '07 Pvept. 29 Microglyphis Du/l "02 Moll. 69 Alicrog-nura Rothschild '04 Aves 40 4 242 Microgryllus Philippi 1803 Orth. ; Microliarpalus Tschitseherine '01 Ins. 118 2 982 Microliasarius Simon '02 Arachn. 47 Microlielia Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Microlivle Hampson '05 Ins. 249 5 1016 Microklossia Krassilstschik '05 Prot, 71 Microlathra Crtse?/ '05 Ins. 139 6 218 Microleon Banks '01 Ins. 296 2 548 Microlepas ZZ^ae/v '07 Crust. 88 , Microlerida Fowler '04 Ins. 333 ' 4 514 Microlia Casey '10 Ins. 216 Microlimnaea Dybowski '08 Moll. 103 Microlinus Casey '06 Ins. 206 Microliotia Boettyer '02 Moll. 74 Microlister Leiois '06 Ins. 217 ( 1' Microlita Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Microlomaliis Lewis '07 Ins. 223 -Microlotis Sicard '09 Ins. 274 Microliinodon Deperet '08 Mamm. 79 Mici'olyda Hay '0(5 Arachn. 49 Microlyssa Riley 04 Aves 51 5 347 IMicrumnnia Cliristoph 1893 Lep. ; Iris vi 93 Micromasoria Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 514 Micromedon Casey '05 Ins. 140 Micronielania Brusina 1870 Moll. ; Foss. Binnen-Moll. Dalmatien loo Micromes Casey '07 Ins. 241 Microoiia JVarren '06 Ins. 351 Micruminionectes WoUereck 'OC) Crust. 48 Micromithrax Noetlimj 1832 Crust. ; Micronionas Barrel '02 Prot. 81 2 101 Micronionodes Hampson '09 Ins. 335 Micromota Casey '10 Ins. 216 Micronaemia Weise '05 Ins. 188 Micronecteola Woltereck '09 Crust. 42 Microneunnn Becker '03 Ins. 319 3 582 Micron omada Cockerell S, Atkins '02 Ins. 176 2 847 Micronotus Hancock '02 Ins. 311 5 789 MIcroparsus Patch '09 Ins. 404 Microparyphium Dietz '09 Verm. 33 Micropaschia Hampson '06 Ins 360 Micropelecotoides Pic '10 Ins. 241 Micropeltis Pomel 1883, Ecliin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 89 , Micropentarthrum Champion '09 Ins, 256 Microperalon Ayassiz Sf Clark '07 Ecliin. 29 Microperca Castelnau 1872 Pisces ; Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soc. Victoria 148 Microphaduus Cameron '05 Ins, 200 5 1119 JMicropliaea Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Microphallus Ward "01 Verm. 51 Microphasma Woltereck '09 Crust. 42 '7 ) N MICROPHI.— MICROSTL Microphileurus Kolbe '10 Ins. 229 Micropliiura Mortensen '10 Echin. 47 Micropliorella Beclcer '09 Ins. 372 Microplirys Mihie-Eclwards 1851, Crust. ; Ann. tSci, Nat. Zool. (3) XV i 251 Microphyllus Renter '09 Ins. 394 Micropia Hampson '09 Ins. 3-35 Micropleura Linstotv '06 Verm. 37 Microplexia IIcm)2)so}i '08 Ins. 337 Microplidiiis rerinc/uerj '02 Ins. 1-30 2 982 Microporina Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracli. 24 Microprotus Richardson '09 Crust, 36 Micropsocus Endprlei7i '01 Ins. 297 1 784 Micropsocus Enderlein '03 Ins. 356 Micropternofius Matthew '04 Mamm. 86 3 381 Micropyga Jacoby '03 Ins. 206 Microrape £>i/ar '10 Ins. 337 Microrchis Dada)/ '06 Verm. '07 Verm. 28 Microrliacbis Carl '03 Myr. 17 Microrliianus Champion '08 Ins. 261 Microrliizobius Slcard '09 Ins. 274 MicrorLizopliera Kolb '10 Por. 8 Microrhoo-es Cameron '10 Ins. 297 4 8.35 3 944 28 & 335 288 347 '03 Microrutela Bates '04 Ins. 156 Microryctes Arrow '08 Ins. 241 Microsanta Breddin '03 Ins. 3 539 Microscliema Warren '03 Ins 3 720 Microschismus Fletcher "09 Ins. Microscleroderma Kirhpatrick Spoug. 24 3 96 Microseleuodon Deperet '08 INIamm. 79 Microsiplion Cholodkovski/ '08 Ins. 408 3 539 Microspalax Mehehj '10 Mamm. 57 Microsphiux Uothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 720 Microspirobolus Carl '07 Myr., Araclin. 53 Microstelis Robertson '03 Ins. 219 3 809 Microstigmus Ducke '07 Ins. 271 ( 178 MICROSTY.— MIG. INIicrostylops Amef/hino '01 Mamm. 38 Microstylus KisldnoKye '02 Ccel. 21 2 152 Microsurcula Casey '04 Moll. 75 5 571 Microsynodontis Botdenyer '03 Pisces 33 3 92 Micro tane Hamjyson '01 Ins. 220 1 983 Microteleia Kiefer '10 Ins. 304 Microtermes Wasmajin '02 Ins. 297 1 784 & 2 548 Microthalestris Sars '05 Crust. 68 5 672 Microthereua Verhoeff '05 Myr. 7 5 738 I\Iicrotlierium Petri '08 Ins. 228 Microthespis Werner '08 Ins. 427 Microtbrissa Boulcnyer '02 Pisces 41 Microtmetliis Karny '10 Ins. 457 Microtragulus Ameyhino '04 Mamm, 50 4 323 Microtriccns Ridytvay '07 Aves 119 Microtrigonia Forster '03 Ins. 300 3 479 Microtrocbalus Bremke 1900 Col. ; Berl. ent. Zeitscb. 81 Microtrogon Goeldi '09 Aves 111 Microtychius Casey '10 Ins. 247 Microtylopteryx Rehn '05 Ins. 341 5 789' Micro weisea Cockerell '03 Ins. 211 Microxus Thomas '09 Mamm. 66 Micvoxylobius Chevrolat 1835 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, i 98 Microxvpterus Cha^npion '05 Ins. 176 5 1244 Microzaena Fairmaire '01 Ins. 118 Microzeuglodon Strdmer '05 Mamm. 46 Microzogus Fall '05 Ins. 163 6 239 Microzygops Champion '06 Ins. 250 Mictocbroa Hampson '10 lus. 356 Mictocystis Etheridge '08 Ccel. 29 Mictoponera Emery '01 Ins. 184 3 809 Midus Mulsant 1851 Col.; Trim. Securipalp. 950 Migas Sollas '08 Por. 8 Miolica Reitter '05 Ins. 167 4 835 ) MIL.— MIMOCE. MIMOCL.— MIODE. Hilda Ball .y Bartsch '04 Moll. 8.3 4 301 Mileewa, Distant '07 Ins. 395 Milesia (error v. Mellesia) 2 982 JNIilicbilinus lielffer '08 Ins. 223 Milicluis Pcriiif/uey '01 Ins. 133 1 1140 ■ Milleaster Ulrich '04 Crel. 19 4 121 Millepoiella Deninger '06 Coel. 17 Milleporidium Steinmann '03 Coel. 18 Millettella llhumbler '03 Prot. 52 3 87 Milne-edwardsia Bourguignat 1877 Moll. ; Ann. Sci. JSat. Zool. vi 59 Milocera Sicinhoe '04 Ins. 280 4 652 Miltiuaspis TTV/;(e '04 Ins. 197 4 835 Miltinobates Sjiistedt '02 Ins, 308 2 548 Miltoniiges Mahille '03 Ins. 259 3 720 Miltona (errore pyo Mitona q, v.) 6 214 Miltotrogus Reitter '03 Ins. 162 3 944 Milu Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 381 Mil una Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Miniadoretiis Arrow '01 Ins. 137 1 1140 Mimagathis Enderlein '05 Ins. 217 5 1119 Mimagoniates Regan '07 Pisces 52 'Miuxas, Hiibner 1816 Lep.; Verzeichniss 142 f" Miraastracella Jacoby '03 Ins. 206 3 944 Mimasura Hampson '10 Ins. 356 Mimecomiitilla Ashmead '03 Ins. 225 Mimelater Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Mimelogonalos Schulz '07 Ins. 282 Mimema Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Mimetillus Thomas '05 Mamm. 33 5 480 Mimetomyia Theobald '10 Ins. 397 Mimleucania Hampson '09 Ins. 335 MimoLrachyoma Lower '02 Ins. 248 2 769 Mimocalanus Farran '08 Crust. 55 Mimocaris Nobili '03 Crust. 36 5 672 Mimocellus Wasmann '04 Ins. 167 4 835 ( 1 Mimoclvstia Warren '01 Ins. 2-39 i 983 Mimocoptops Fairmaire '02 Ins. 162 Miniodoxa Loiuer '01 Ins. 254 1 983 Miniogouus Faurel '03 Ins. 146 Mimomanes Dognin '06 Ins. 351 Minionietopon Werner '03 Kept. 26 5 180 Mimomma Warren '07 Ins. 326 Minionnia Theobald '03 Ins, S03 3 582 Miniomys Major '02 Mamm. 36 2 1470 Mimoneopeltus lurkaldy "06 Ins, 403 Minionecteola Walter ech '09 Crust. 42 Mimopeiideris Kirkaldy "06 Ins. 403 Mimophites Faucel '04 Ins. 136 6 211 Mimopliyle Warren '01 Ins. 239 \ 983 Mimopria Holmgren '08 Ins. 304 Mimoproia Warren '04 Ins. 280 4 652 Miniops Kraepelin '03 Myr. 12 5 738 Mimo.voma Warren '01 Ins. 239 1 983 Mimotefllus Vuillet '10 Ins. '209 Mimozetbes Warren '01 Ins. 220 1 983 Miuacraga Dyar '05 Ins. 250 5 1016 Miiianga Cameron '06 lus. 301 Mincbinella Kirhpatrick '08 Per. 7 'OMineopius Distant '09 Ins. 398 Minodia 3Iidsant ^- Rey 1866 Hem, ; Miuofala Smith '05 Ins. 260 Minonoa 7)y«?- '05 Ins. 250 5 1016 Minormalletia ifa// '08 Moll. 114 Miuotauria Kulczynski '03 Aracbn. 23 3 406 Miuutius Fairmaire '02 Ins, 162 2 982 Minyas Savigny 1816 Lep. ; Mem, Anim. sans Vert. 31. Miocardiella Sacco '04 Moll. 89 Miocepbala Konow '07 Ins. 291 Miocris Fainnaire '02 Ins. 162 3 944 Miocypbosoma Pomel 1883 Echin, ; Classif, metb. Ecbin. 90 ^lindera Smith '08 Ins. 337 79 ) N 2 MIODO.— MIRO. MIRU.— MNI. 3 292 82 Miodontiscus Dull '03 JMolI. 82 Miodo'itoBsis Ball '03 Moll. 3*292 Miogypsina Sacco Prot. ; Miojoppa Cameron '02 lus. 193 4 727 Miolabi.N Matthnv '04 Mauim 5 480 Miolarupas Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Ecliiu. 62 Miomaster Schondorf '09 Ecliin. 44 Miomelou Ball '07 Moll. 88 Mionectes Mabille '03 Ins. 250 Mionides Hampson '02 Ins, 2 769 3 720 228 Miopedina Pomel 1883 Ecliin. ; Classif. nnSlh. Echin. 97 Minpliatnus Cameron '07 Ins. 279 Mioplax Bittner 1884 Crust. ; Miopleiona Ball '07 Moll. 88 & '09 Moll. 67 Mioporomya Sacco '01 Moll. 96 Miopristis Simon '07 Araclin. 36 Miopsaras G^iYfteri '05 Pisces; 5 114 Miopygium Breddin '04 Ins. 318 4 515 Miorthopsis Pomel 1 883 Ecliin. ; Classif. meth. Ecliin. 100 ^Mioscarta Breddin '02 Ins. 285 3 539 & '06 Ins. 420 Miosyiphius Abel '06 Mamm. 81 Miotella Kicfer '09 Ins. 301 Miotodera P'airmaire '01 Ins. 148 Miotoxaster Po?Me/ 1883 Echin, ; Classif. meth. Ecliin. 44 Miraconcha Berg Sf Sche^nnan '08 MoU. 86 Miraculnm Bolivar '03 Ins. 372 Miraleria Haensch '03 Ins. 250 3 720 Miramhulus Breddin '01 Ins. 283 2 593 Miranha Bista^it '05 Ins. 313 5 835 Miriatra Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Miridiba Reitter '03 Ins. 162 3 944 Miroblatta Shelford '06 Ins. 439 Mirocerus Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 727 Mirophasma Pedtenhacher '06 Ins. 444 ( Mirulus Midsant 1872 Col.; Col. Fr. Spiniped. 40 Mischosniicra Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 727 Misgomyia Coquillett '08 Ins. 374 V^ Misodema Melichar '07 Ins. 387 44 l^ Misthavnophantia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 387 Mi-thoaotea Sellards '09 I"s. 415 Mi.>thotus Kirby '05 Ins. 332 5 789 Misticlithys Smith '02 Pisces 26 2 1120 Misumessns Banks '04 Arachn. 31 5 721 Miteucoela Kieffer '07 Ins. 289 Mithracites Gould 1859 Crust. ; Quart. J. Geol. Sec. London xv pt. 1, 237 Mitocera Saunders 1845 Col. Soc. Load, iv 142 Mitona Paffray '04 Ins. 142 Mituphyllus Parry 1845 Col. Soc. Lond. iv 55 Mitracamenta BretisJce '03 3 944 Mitraceras Loman '02 Arachn 2 484 Mitriodon Pochehrune '05 Moll. 84 5 571 Mitrocystella Jaekel '01 Echin. 98 Mixobates Thor '05 Arachn. 34 5 721 Mixocera Warren '01 Ins. 239 1 983 Mixocordylura Ilendel '09 Ins. 379 Mixocosmia i?or('//j '09 Ins. 417 Mixodetis Meyrick '02 Ins. 248 2 769 Mixohyrax Schlosser '10 Mamm. 62 Mixolebertia Thor '06 Arachn. 43 ; Tr. Ent. 6 214 ; Tr. Ent. Ins. 162 54 Mizaldus Bistant '01 Ins. 281 1 819 Muaseas Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 983 Mnasicles God7nan '01 Ins. 209 1 983 Mnesiloba Warren '01 Ins. 239 1 983 Mnestheus Godman '01 Ins. 209 1 984 Mniobia Brycc '10 Verm. 45 ) MOA— MONAC. Moa Reichenhach 1852 Ave3; Nat. Syst. Vijgel 34 Mocblostvrax Dyar ^- Knab '06 Ins. 378 Moclius Distcmt '10 Ins. 418 Modigliania Poppius '10 Ins. 426 Modullna (errore pro Noduliua q. v.) 6 214 Moduuda Simon '02 Aracbn. 47 Moellendorffiella Pilshry '05 Moll. 62 Moenkbaiisia Eiyenmunn '03 Pisces 35 3 92 Moeukhausiana Petrunkevitch '10 Araclni. 30 Moeopsylla PothscJiild '08 Ins. 391 Moerenthalia vo7i Graff' '05 Verm. 54 Moeripithecus Schlusser '10 Mamm. 47 Moerisia Boulenger '08 Coel. 20 Moeritlierinm Andrews '01 Mamm. 37 1 1478 Moero Cambridye '03 Arachn. 24 4 409 Moftartsia Schouteden '08 Ins. 393 / Mogadoria Escalera '05 lus. 167 5 1245 Moticana Cobbold '10 Araclm. 6 O Moliuuia Didant '08 Ins. 406 Mojsisovicsites GemmeUaro '05 Moll. 57 Mokanna Distant '10 Ins. 421 Molauneria Martynov '10 Ins. 387 Molinella Navds '10 Ins. 390 MoUika Peckham '01 Arachn. 35 1 736 Molopa Sivinhoe '02 Ins. 228 2 770 Molopopterus Jacohi '10 Ins. 435 Molpemyia Theobald '10 Ins. 397 Molybdamoeba Sack '09 Ins. 371 Molybditis Beryruth '10 Ins. 420 Molvtopliiliis Hartmann '04 Ins. 178 4 836 Mombagrion Sjostedt '09 Ins. 414 Momonia Halbert '06 Arachn. 43 Monacanihocnemis Bucke '05 Ins. 197 6 284 Monachina Silvestri 'OS Ins. 435 Monachtinella Silvestri '08 Ins. 435 Monacilla Sars '05 Crust. 68 5 672 & 9 Crust. 49 ( 181 ) MONAD.— MONOCL. Monadia Casey '10 Ins. 216 Monadopsis Klei7i 1882 Khizop. ; Bot. Centrbl. xi 209 Monandrocarpa Michaelsen '04 Tun. 7 4 8 Mouanthus Kirkpatrick '03 Spong. 23 3 96 Monarea Szepligeti '04 Ins. 225 4 727 Moucheca Walker 1869 Orth. ; Cat. Dermapt. ii 289 Monedula Moehriny 1758 Avea ; Geslaclit. Vogel. Nozemau u. Vosmaer 1 Monenchodesmus Silvestri '03 Myr. 17 5 738 Moneta Warren '06 Ins. 351 Mongola Melichar '00 Ins. 414 Mougolesthes Reiiter '05 Ins. 167 4 836 ■rMongoliana Distant '09 Ins. 398 Mongoliulus Pocock '03 Myr. 17 3 425 ' -:Moniana Distant '09 Ins. 398 Monias Oustalet ^- Grandidier '03 Aves 39 3 278' Monilifer Dietz '09 Verm. 33 Moniliopsis Conrad 1 865, Moll. ; Amer. J. Conch, i 143 Monilosmia Robertson '03 Ins. 219 3 809 Monjavoultia Raspail '09 Moll. 67 C>Monobazus Distant '08 Ins. 406 Monobiaphila Pierce '09 Ins. 275 Monobidia Cockerell '09 Prot. 56 Monobielhi Aslimead '02 Ins. 178 Monocentropella Strand '07 Arachn. 30 Monocentrus Melichar '05 Ins. 317 5 835 Mouocephalus Smith '06 Arachn. 34 Mouocerina Keviani '01 Bry. 8 Monochyria Warren '01 Ins. '>39 1 984 Monocladelhis Enderlein '09 Ins. 408 Monocloens Jordan '04 Ins. 184 4 836 Monoclova Peckham '02 Arachn 47 2 484 MONOCO.— MONOR. MONOS.— MORG. Monocoecum Stafford '03 Yerrn. 50 3 156 Monocoelium Weyenev 'JO Verm. 33 Monocoila lioman '10 Ins. 297 Monocosmoecus Ulmer '06 lu.s. 370 Monocrvpta Ca^ey '05 Iiis. 140 6 218 Monocymia Hampson '10 lus. 356 MoDoderma Rostajinsld 1874 Ehizop. ; DeDksclir. Ges. Wiss, Paris v Art. 4, 169 Monodiplosis Riihsaamen '10 Ins. 392 Monodouta Kenrick '07 Ins. 332 Monodontermes Silvestri '09 Ins. 409 Monodontium Kulczy'nski '08 Araclm. 28 Mouodoiitopbrya Vejdov^ky 1892 In- fuaoria; Cougr. Intern. Zool. ii pt. 1, 24 Monogeneriua Spandel '04 Prot. 47 1 442 Monogmus HorviUh '09 Ins. 390 Monographis Attenis '07 Mvr., Arachn. 53 Monoliropns Mayer '03 Crust. 43 3 358 Monolophodon Roth '03 JNIamm. 40 Monoloplius Faust 4 836 '04 Ins. 171 Monomastix Rorix '02 Prot. 84 Mononcus Bastian Verm. ; Monoplileba Latreille 1 823 Horn. ; Cuv. Eegue Aniui. Ed. 2, v 233 Monoporina Levinsen '02 Bry. 9 Monopterhinus Blainville 1816 Pisces; J. Phys. Chim. Hist. nat. Ixxxiii 263 Monoptya Hampson '08 Ins. 337 Monorachis Uhler '01 Ins. 287 2 594^,^ Monorchis Vlerck '02 Verm. 52 Mouorcliis Monticelli Verm. ; Monorchoides Odhner '05 Verm. 61 5 380 Monorhi bdiura Loman '02 Arachn. 54 2 484 Schuhe Mouostichodus Vaillant 1886 Pisces ; Riviere, Jlev. Sci. (3) xii 17 Monostiolum Dull '04 Moll. 78 4 301 Monosyntaxis Sicinlioe '01 Ins. 220 Monotarsobius Verhoeff '05 Myr. 9 Mouotylota Enderlein '09 Ins. 409 Monoxylabis Kieffer '09 Ins. 301 Monoxvomma Pocock '03 Arachn 40 3 407 Monozonaris Haeckel 1887 Ebizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 633 Monozonitis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 634 Monroa Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 052 Monsoma MacgiUivray '08 Ins. 307 Montagua Leach 1814 Crust. ; Edinb. Encyclop. vii 435 Montanaria Spriestersbach ^- Fuchs '10 Moll. 90 Montaudonens Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 515 Montandoniella Schouteden '04 Ins. 318 Moutaudnniola Poppius '10 Ins. 424 Montandouista Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 285 Montaudonista Schouteden '05 Ins. 304 6 Ins. 396 ^ Montandonistella Schouteden '05 Ins. 304 Montaneia Ameyhino '10 Mamm. 47 1/OMonteira Melichar '06 Ins. 414 Monorha])his 4 95 Monorrhexa KertSsz 3 582 '04 Spong. 14 '03 Ins. 319 ( Montereina MacFarland '05 Moll. 68 5 572 Montesauria Oudemans '05 Arachn. 34 Monticolaria Sjostedt '09 Ins. 422 Montigryllus Sjostedt '09 Ins. 420 Montrouzierellus Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 393 Gonia Distant '07 Ins. 395 Mopiopia Simon '02 Arachn. 47 Mopsella Gray Cce!. ; Morawitzia Friese '02 Ins. 176 2 847 Morbaeschna Keedhavi '07 Ins. 406 Morenella Palmer '03 Mamm. 42 3 381 Morenoa Duycs '05 Kept. 33 5 ISO Morgania Cussviunn "08 Moll. 86 182 ) MORI.— MOU. MUA.— MUTI. Morionia Jordan '10 Ins. 337 Moritziella Bonier '08 lus. 408 Mormomvia Hanks '07 Ins. 351 Mormouiella Ashmead "04 Ins. 230 4 727 Mormoschema Breddin '09 Ins. 384 Morokasia Jacoby '04 lus. 194 5 1245 Morokia Janson '05 Ins. 155 5 1245 MoropsYclie Banks '05 Ins. 326 6 Ins. 352 Morphindra Rober '03 Ins. 3 721 Muanza Distant '04 Ins. 331 4 515 Muceria Stal 1878 Ortli. ; Miicidus Tlicobald '01 Ins. 260 1 865 Muciera Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Muggiaea i?e«scA 1851 Spong.? BeolDaclit. Anat. Entwickl. Seethier. 48 , Muirella Kirkaldi/ '07 Ins. 395 v-^Iuiria KirkaMy '07 Ins. 387 Mukariana Distant '08 Ins. 406 Mukwana Distant '08 Ins. 40G ^ Miilsautina Weise '06 Ins. 270 ^^^'c?MuIvia*S'Myrmecophryne Kirhaldy '06 Ins. 422 Myrmecosalius Aslimead '08 lus. 226 3 809 Myrmecosaurus Wasmann '09 Ins. 222 Myrmecothea Hendel '10 Ins. 413 Myrmefrrylliis Fiehrig '07 Ins. 415 Myrmicavia Saunders 1841 Hym. ; Tr. Ent. Sue. Lond. iii 67 Myrmicodipnella Enderleiu '09 Ins. 408 Myrmilloides Andr6 '02 Ins. 181 3 810 Myrmoderus Ridgioay '09 Aves 113 Myruiolaelaps Trdydrdh '06 AracLn. 47 Myrmoleichus (Myrmecoleichiis errore) Berlese '04 Arachn. 45 & '05 Arachn. 5 721 Myrmonvssus Berlese '03 Arachn. 45 & '04 Arachn. 54 3 407 Myrmopagis Ridgway '09 Aves 113 Myrniorchilus llidgiuay '09 Aves 113 Myrmoxenua Buzsky '02 Ins. 186 2 849 Myrmozercon Berlese '02 Arachn. 60 Myroizoella Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 24 Myropteryx Miller '06 Mamm. 63 Myrrhine Berg '05 Moll. 68 5 57-2 Myrsiius Thomas '09 Mamm. 64 Myrsinus Gahan "04 Ins. 188 4 836 Myrteopsis Sacco '01 Moll. 99 Mysidella Sars 1872 Crust.; Forh. Selslf. Christiania 1871 266 Mvsidelis Jlolt ^- Tattersall '06 Crust. 43 Y Mysidioptera Waagen '09 Moll. 88 Mysolis Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 336 4 515 Mystalites Attems '10 Myr., Arachn. 52 Mysticonienus Sharp '03 Ins. 138 3 945 MystiUis Distant 'C4 Ins. 327 4 515 ( 1 Mystrocneniis Kieffer '05 Ins. 224 Mystrophora Klapdlek [1892] '03 las. 352 Mytilella Leonardi '05 Ins. 322 Mytilicola Stener '02 Crust. 67 2 424 3 358 Mytilojierna Ihering '03 Moll. 83 Myxa Hedlpy '03 Moll. 76 3 292 Myxicola Quatrefages 1865 Verm.; Mvxoderma Fisher "05 Echin. 80 5 350 Myxodiscus Froivazek '02 Prot. 70 Myxomonas Brzezinski '06 Prot. 36 Myxoplasma Kirk '07 Prot. 41 Myxoprotens Doflein 1898 Sporozoa; Zool. Jahrb. Auat. xi 287 Myxosqnamus Theobald '09 Ins. 365 & '10 Ins. 397 Mvzocephalus Shipley 4" ITornell '06 Verm. 31 Myzomimus Stiles Verm. ; Myzomyia Blanchard '02 Ins. 255 Myzophvllobothriura Shipley 8f- Iloniell '06 Verm. 31 Myzorhynchella Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Myzorhynchus Blanchard '02 Ins. 255 ATABIDOMOP.PIIA Poppius '10 i> Ins. 424 Kaboandelus Distant '10 Ins. 422 Nacebus Distant '10 Ins. 422 Nadina TJljanin 1870 Turbellaria; Arb. Veis. Kuss. Natt'orsch. 2, ii 5 Nadius Miller '06 Mamm. 62 Naduna Sclmus '01 Ins. 220 1 984 Naenaria Cameron '03 Ins. 237 ^ Nagara Budde-Limd '08 Crust. 45 , Napelius Leiuis '09 Ins. 227 ]S'aiadochelys Hay '08 Rept. 31 Nakadaella Ancey '04 Moll. 81 5 572 ONakla Distant '06 Ins. 414 Nala Zacher '10 Ins. 451 Nalanda Thery '04 Ins. 160 4 836 jNTalicora Moore '02 Crust. 52 Nallachius Navds '09 Ins. 358 Namamyia Banks '06 Ins, 370 Namnetia Cossmann 05 Moll. 84 85 ) NAMO.— NAKC. NARD.— NEARCH. Namostvgnus Broun '09 lus. 220 Namsang-ia Distant '07 Ins. 395 Nanacai'iis Oudemans '03 Araclin. 45 3 407 Nanaga Peringuey '02 Ins. 130 2 984 Nanichisme Kirkoldy '04 Ins. 319 Naunacara Regan '05 Pisces 39 5 115 Naunatberina Regan '06 Pisces 50 Nanneuus Pinion '02 Ai'achn. 47 Xanniella T^eM^'w '04 Ins. 327 Nannisolabis Burr '10 Ins. 451 Nannocoris Renter 1893 Hem. ; Acta Sue. sci. Fenn. xix No. H, 18 Nannocuroulionites Handllrsch '06 Ins. 271 N annoo^omplius Handlirsch '06 Ins. 432 Nannolvtoceras Biicknum '05 Moll. 57 5 472 Nannoodes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Nannoparce RvtJisc/ii/d iS)- Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 721 Nannopompilus Ashmead '02 Ins. 181 Naunopi'ionus AuriviUius '07 lus. 257 Naunorchilus Ridgicuy '04 Avea ; 4 243 Nannospalax Palmer '03 Manim. 28 3 3»1 Nannotrichopteron Handlirsch '06 Ins. 370 Nanuovalgus Kolhe '04 Ins. 157 4 836 Nanobaris Champion '09 Ins. 256 Nanochroniis Pellegrin '04 Pisces 35 Nanogoiialos Schulz '06 Ins. 303 Nanometa Simon '08 Arachn. 34 Nanometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Nanomiitilla Andre '01 Ins. 179 Nanopbvllium Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 444 Nanularia Casey '09 Ins. 238 Naomicbelys Hay '08 Kept. 31 Napoca Simon '02 Aracbn. 47 Naquetia Joiisseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Narangodes Hampson '10 Ins. 356 >/0 Narayana Distant '06 Ins. 415 Narcegaster Horvdth '04 Ins. 321 4 515 Nardoana Berg '01 Kept. 22 v^Narecho Jacobi '10 Ins. 435 Naredopsis Verrill 1892 Nemertini ; Tr. Connecticut Ac. viii 398 Narina Distant '06 Ins, 399 Narsetes Distant '03 Ins. 336 3 539 Nartbecoceros Meyrick '06 Ins. 366 Nascioides Kerremans '03 Ins. 170 3 945 Nasigerio Verhoef '08 Crust. 45 Nasigona Jacoby '02 Ins. 167 2 984 Nasilio Thomas i^- Schioami '06 Manmi. 64 Nasinatalis Stehhing '10 Crust. 27 Nasonia Ashmead '04 Ins. 2-30 4 728 Nasonia GiravU 8,- Sanders '09 Ins. 298 Nasoproculus Zang '05 Ins. 149 5 1245 Nassophasis Waterhouse 1879 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 17 Nastella Kerremans '03 Ins. 170 4 836 Nastomma Marshall '08 Ins. 261 Nasusina Pearsall '08 Ins. 345 Natacolidia Eliot '10 Moll. 77 Natator McCulloch '08 Kept. 31 Natbacia Scudder 1890 Ortb. ; Natliorstella Keyser '03 Moll. 83 Natborstites Bohm '04 Moll. 60 5 572 Naticonema Perner '04 Moll. 82 Naubtilus Simon '02 Aracbn. 47 Naudareiisia Distant '03 Ins. 329 3 539 Nautilites Prinz '06 Moll. 101 Navarcostes Schaics '05 Ins. 250 5 1017 Navarrus Distant '01 Ins. 281 1 819 Nawaia Ashmead '06 Ins. 295 [Nea Heller '04 Ins. 4 836] Neaclirostia Hampson '07 Ins. 316 Neada Casey '10 Ins. 216 Neanites Hi/att ^- Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 573 Neantlies Kinherg 1866 Yerru. ; Neanthribus Jordan '06 Ins. 257 Neaporia Totvnsend '08 Ins. 384 NearcLiis Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 ( 186 ) / NEARCT.— NEMAP. Nearctodesnius Silvestri '10 Myr., Aracbn. 52 Nearoblatta Ha7idlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Neasarta Hamjyson '08 Ins. 350 Neatypus Waite '05 Pisces 40 6 47 Neaulacus Bradley '08 Ins. 300 Neaveia Druce '10 Ins. 323 Neaxestis Hampson '02 Ins. 228 2 770 Neaxia Hampson '01 Ins. 220 1 984 Neaxius Borradaile '03 Crnst. 35 3 358 Neazata Warren '06 Ins. 351 Nebaliella Thiele '04 Crnst. 47 ISebridia Simon '02 Arachn. 47 Nebrioides Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Nebriola Daniel '03 Ins. 138 Nebrioporns Beyimbart '06 Ins. 202 Nebula Bruand 1846 Lep. ; Mdm. Soc. Do libs ii 2, 134 Necho Jacobi '10 Ins. 431 Necrobtoides Gahan '10 Ins. 236 Necrouvcteris Palmer '03 Mamra. 28 3 381 Necropsocus Scudder 1883 Neur. ; Necrotanlius Handlirsch '06 Ins. 370 Nect.arodiaeta Holmberg '04 Ins. 204 4 728 Nectarosipbon Schouteden '01 Ins. 291 Nectocarciuus Milne-Edicards 1860 Crust. ; Nectosaurus Merrinm '05 Rent.; 5 180 Neculus Ameghino '06 Aves 75 Nedymoserica Brenske '01 Ins. 136 Neella Benter '09 Ins. 394 Keelysia Wah'mf/hani '07 Ins. 346 Neeressa Hampson '05 Ins. 250 5 1017 Negombo Dendy '05 Spong. 14 5 2S5 Negns Jacobi '10 Ins. 433 Neidalia Hampson '01 Ins. 220 1 984 Neleucania Smith '02 Ins. 228 Keliina Boewer '10 Arachn. 33 Nelixosus Heller i^- Snodgrass '03 Pisces 25 Neninpteryx Ogilhy '08 Pisces 47 ( NEMAS.— NEOBAP. '09 Echin. 51 Caiman '05 Crust. 48 Neniaster Clark Nematobvacliion 5 672 Nematocryptus Boman '10 Ins. 292 Nematocystis Hesse '10 Prot. 58 Nematodirus Banso^n '07 Verm. 34 Nematogobius Boulenger '10 Pisces 32 Nematolinus Casey '06 Ins. 206 Nematophylla Arroio '06 Ins. 225 Nematopoda Sand '01 Prot. 36 Nematoprnra Gilbert '05 Pisces; 5 115 Nematopus Berthold 1827 Hem.; La- treille Nat. Fam. Tbierreiciis 417 Nematosurus Daday '10 Crust. 39 Nematrocbns Perner '04 Moll. 85 Nematnrella Sandherger 1875 j\roll. ; Land- n. Suss'.v. Conch. 575 Nemertes Johnston ] 837 Nemertini ; Mag. Zool. Bot. i 529 Nenies (erro?-e pro Memes q. v.) Nemestrinopsis Cockerell '10 Ins. 403 Nemipistha Navds '10 Ins. 390 Nemofusus Cossmana '03 Moll. 69 Nemolestes Ameghino '02 Mamni. 44 Nemonus Desbrochers '08 Ins. 261. N'^mopterella Banks '10 Ins. 390 Nemospiza Simo7i '03 Arachn. 27 3 407 Nemota Casey '10 Ins. 216 Nemotnulius Banks '05 Ins. 3''6 7 3.52 Nemoxeuus Faust '04 Ins. 178 4 837 l^iemozomiaBeifter 1876 Col.; Deutsch, ent. Zeits. iv 37 Nenenieca Bafray '04 Ins. 142 6 Nennius Birhy '02 Ins. 212 Nenoteratus Broun '09 Ins. 256 Neoadelium Carter '08 Ins. 252 Neoalticomerus Hendel '03 Ins 6 391 Neoatheiina Caste! mm 1875 Pise Fishes of Australia 31 Neoatractus Borchnuinn '09 Ins. 246 ^eoavernus Distant '09 Ins. 400 Neobapta Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 652 187 ) 214 319 isces ; NEOBAR.— NEOCON. Neobarrettia Rehn '01 Ins. 307 2 548 Neoblissus Bergruth '03 Ins. 329 4 515 Neobostra Hampson '06 Ins. 360 Neobournelhun Attems '08 Myr., Arachn. 51 ^s'eobuprestis Kerremans '03 Ins. 170 3 945 Neocalymuia Hampson '10 Ins. 356 ^'' Neocallipliora Brauer '01 Ins. 271 NeocampvlopLlebia Week '08 Ins. 363 Neocardiochiles tSzepli(/eti '08 Ins. 299 O Neocatara Distant '10 Ins. 431 Neocatolaccus Ashmead '04 Ins. 2.30 Neocelaeno Berlese '10 Aracbn. 37 Neocellia Theohald '07 Ins. 360 Neocentrop'is Martynoio '07 Ins. 351 Neocei'at(icheilus WescM '10 Ins. 399 O Neocenis Melichar '02 Ins. 282 3 639 w: NEOCOP.— NEOGE. [Neocoptenyx (Neocoptengis) ; 4- 837] Neocoraebus Kerremans '03 Ins. 170 3 945 Neocordyloporiis Carl '05 Myr. 12 Neocoi-ynura Schrottky '10 Ins. 269 Xeocothiirus Palmer '03 Mamm. 27 3 381 Xeocra^is Warren '01 Ins. 240 1 984 NeocroUius Distant '10 Ins. 419 Neocromiia Distant '10 Ins. 431 Neoctodon Tliomas '02 Mamm. 37 2 1471 Neoculex Dyar '05 Ins. 291 7 362 Neocurtilla Kirhy '06 Ins. 447 Neocnterebra Gri'mbery '06 Ins. 385 Neocyclirus Roesrhke '07 Ins. 211 Neocypris Sars '01 Crust. 53 2 424 Neocytlius Gilchrist '07 Pisces 42 Neodactylota i?!«c7(; '03 Ins. 302 3 721 Neocharaetus Macyillivray '08 Ins. 308^ Neocbaiis Forster '06 Ins. 432 •^'^ Xeocliauliodes Weele '09 Ins. 358 Neocbelogvnus Perkins '05 Ins. 224 5 1120 Neocbesias Prout '10 Ins. 369 Neocheylus Triiyardh '06 Arachn. 47 Neocbilobrachys Hirst '09 Aracbn. 29 Neocliolax Pierce '09 Ins. 276 V Neocbrnstis Hampson '02 Ins. 228 2 770 Neocbyroraera Heller '10 Ins. 248 Neocimbus Bovie '07 Ins. 250 Neocisba Peitter '01 Ins. 148 3 945 Neocistela Borc.hmnnn '09 Ins. 246 Neoi-,ladia Perkins '06 Ins. 305 Neocleptria Hampson '03 Ins. 280 3 721 Neocles iStal 1875 Ortb. ; JVeocliuoceiitras Sz4pliyeti '06 Ins. 301 Neoclypeus Loriol '01 Ecbiii. 80 NeocomatfUa Clark '09 Ecbiu. 51 Neocouiia Roufiemont '05 Ins. 261 Keocomites Uhliy '06 Moll. 101 5 573 Neoconcba Smith 'OS; Nat. Antarct. Exp. ii Gastropoda 6 Neoconocepbalus Kar7iy '07 Ins. 417 C» Xeodaksha Distant '10 Ins. 431 Neodartus Melichar '03 Ins. 346 3 539 Neodesiuodes Warren '05 Ins. 270 5 1017 Xeode.^mosomus Desbrochers '06 Ins. 251 Neodeta Warren '06 Ins. 351 Neodezia Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 652 Neodictj'opbara Distant '10 Ins. 431 Neodine Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 A'eodirades Warren '04 lus. 281 4 652 Neodoutopera Warren '06 Ins. 351 Xeodrvinus Perkins '05 Ins. 224 "5 1120 Neoeme Gounelle '09 Ins. 264 Neoeurys Rohiver '10 lus. 309 Neotidonia Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 652 Neofiscberia Townsend '08 Ins. 384 Neofoxia Viereck '01 Ins. 179 Xeogalea Hampson '06 Ins. 340 Neogastromv/.ou Popta '05 Tisces 47 5 115 Neogeue Rothschild <^- Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 721 Neogenesis Hampson '07 Ins. 333 Neogeobyrsa Brethes '10 lus. 248 C 1B8 ) NEOGL.— NEOME. Neoglessula Pihbry '10 Moll. 82 Neogonatopus Perkins '05 Ins. 224 5 1120 Neogyponyx Schenklhuf '06 Ins. 235 Neohaematopinus Mjliberg '10 Ins. 441 Neohalictoides Vtereck '04 Ins. 204 5 1120 Neoheegeria Schmutz '10 Ins. 443 Neohermes Banks '08 Ins. 363 Neoliindia Schrammen '01 Spong. 34 Neobipparion Gidhnj '03 Maium. 39 3 38] Neohirasea Relui '04 Ins. 356 4 463 Neoinocemnins Iherimi '02 Moll. 84 2 344 Neojanacus Suter '07 Moll. 92 Neijulodis Kerremnns '02 Ins 945 134 Proc. Tveolanguria Gorhmn 1887 Col Zool. Soc. Lond. 361 Neolapliygma Ilampson '09 Ins. 336 Neolasioptera Felt '08 Ins. 367 Neolebertia Thor '05 Araclin. 34 5 721 Neolecanium Farrott '01 Ins. 293 Neolelaps Aslimead '01 Ins. 195 1 1046 Neolepidostoma Ulmer '09 Ins. 350 & '10 Ins. 387 Neoleptodesmns Carl '03 Myr. 17 Neoleptonema Ulmer '07 Ins. 351 Neolethaeus Distant '09 Ins. 387 Neolimnophora Schnabl '02 Ins. 202 2 640 Neolita Ilampson '10 Ins. 356 Neolucia Waterhonse^- Turner '04 Ins. 250 6 320 Neomal3ra Dognin '05 lus. 275 5 1017 Neomacleaya Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Neomazium Distant '10 Ins. 419 Neomegistus Trdgdrdh '06 Arachn. 47 Neomelambrotus Weele '08 lus. 363 Neomelanoconioii Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Neomelicliaria Schatzmayr '09 Ins. 218 Neomermis Linstoio '04 Verm. 53 5 400 Neomesostenus Schmiedehiwcht '04 Ins. 221 NEOMI.— NEOPHA. Neomicrodiis Szepligeti '08 Ins. 299 Neonuerorbis Ilovereto '03 Verm. 35 Neoniicroibis liuvtreto '04 Verm. 34 Neomilichia Jiamjmm '09 Ins. 336 C>Neomoncephora Distant '09 Ins. 400 Keomonodes Hnmpson '09 Ins. 336 Neoniylacris Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Neou:ystocis Lea '05 Ins. 176 6 Ins, 255 Neomyzomyia Theobald '10 Ins. 398 Neonecremnus Br'ethes '09 Ins. 298 Neouematherium Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 3-!4 Neonemoria Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 652 Neonerita Hampson '01 Ins. 220 1 985 Neoneuronms Weele '09 Ins. 358 '03 Ins Neonipliades Hartmann 4 b37 Neouitis Peringxiey 1 1142 '01 Ins. '01 lus. 189 133 262 Neopacbygaster Austen 1 6)65 Neopachyta Bedel '06 Ins. 262 Neopales Coquillett '10 Ins. 409 Neopallene Dohrn 18.81 Pamop. ; Keopaugasius Pty.»i;« '04 Pisces 46 4 85 Neopaugoniaii^is '09 Ins. 368 Neoparadisea Ourt '06 Aves 103 Neoparasitus Oiidemans '01 Aracbn. 45 1 736 Neopareophora Macgillivray '08 lus. 308 Neopecomyia Theobald '09 Ins. 3G6 & '10 Ins. 398 IN eopelajzitx Kishinouye '10 Ccel.20 Neopenaeopsis Bonder '05 Crust. 46 6 Crust. 42 Neoperipatus Sedytvick '08 Aracbn. 52 Neoper.a Banks '06 lus. 429 Neoperla Needham '05 Ins. 330 7 Ins. 403 Neopbaedon Jaeobson '01 Ins. 168 Neopbaenis Ilampson '08 Ins. 337 NeopLanerotoma Szepliyeti "08 Ins. 299 Neopharnus Van Duzee '10 lus. 419 ^no-^lm^is Stafford '04 Verm, j 4 168 Neopbasma Itedtenbachei- '06 Ins. 444 ( 189 ) NEOPHO.— NEOSCA, Neophonus Fauvel '05 lus. 140 6 Ins. 211 Neophotopsis A^hmead '0^1 Ins. 226 Neophylax Bedel '06 Ins. 239 Neophyto Toimsend '08 Ins. 384 Neopistria Ilampson '08 Ins. 337 Neopithecus Ahel '03 Manuu. 26 3 381 Neoplanorbis Pihbry '06 Moll. 82 Neoplema Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 652 Neopleustes StehUng '06 Crust. 48 Neopocadius Grouvelle '06 Ins. 218 Tseopodocinuni Oudemans '02 Arachn. 60 2 484 & 4 409 Neopogon Bezzi '10 Ins. 402 Neopolita Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 652 Neopolleuia Bratier '01 Ins. 271 [Neopolyarthron Senienoiv '04 Ins. 4 837] Neopolyce*ta Kerremans '06 Ins. 228 Neoponera Emery '01 Ins. 184 Neopontella Scott '09 Crust. 49 Neopsaltoda Distant '10 lus. 429 Neopseustis Meyrick '09 Ins. 352 Neopsilorliinus Bovie '07 Ins. 250 Neopsvlla Wayner '03 Ins. 322 *3 436 Neoptevostichus Tschitscherine '02 Ins. Ill Neoptosima Thery '05 Ins. 157 7 233 Neopupina Kobelt '02 Moll. 75 Neopus Smith '10 Ins. 309 Tseovgyia Bctlmne- Baker '08 Ins. 327 Neorhaucus Cambridge '05 Arachn. 26 5 721 Neorhogas Szepliyeti '06 Ins. 301 Neorhynchocephalus Lidttwardt '09 'Ins. 371 & '10 Ins. 403 Neorhyssa SzSpligeti '02 Ins. 197 Neorileya Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 728 Neorthoplilebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Neoryctes Arrow '08 Ins. 241 Neosalurnis Distant '10 Ins. 431 Neosaprinus Bickhardt '10 Ins. 221 Xeoscalpellum Pilsbry '07 Crust. 88 { NEOSCE. Neoscelis Hnmpson 3 721 Neoschwaji'erina Yabe NEOTRIC. '03 Ins. 288 '06 Prot. 38 Neosconella Cambridge '04 Arachn. 29 4 409 Neosebus Senna '02 Ins. 159 5 1245 Neoseius Oudemans '04 Arachn. 45 Xeospps Stejneger '10 Kept. 28 Neoseverinia Ulmer '08 Ins. 361 Neositta Hellmayr '01 Aves 69 -' Xeoslossonia Van Duzee '09 Ins. 402 Neosparassus Hogg '03 Arachn. 32 3 407 Neosphaevula Apfelbeck '10 lus. 262 (pNeosphenorhina Distant '09 Ins. 400 Neospiza Salvadori '03 Aves 69 6 Aves 102 Neospougodes Kiikenthal '03 Ccel. 28 3 118 Neostathes Templeton 1838 Crust.; Tr. Ent. See. Lend, ii 1 19 Neostega Warren '03 Ins. 288 3 721 Neostege Ilampson '10 Ins. 374 Neostenotus Renter '06 Ins. 403 5 835 Neostephanus Kieffer '08 Ins. 300 5 1120 Neosternolophus Zaitzev '09 Ins. 220 Neostethopheles James '10 Iu«. 398 Neostollia Distant '10 Ins. 419 Neostomias Gilchrist '07 Pisces 52 Neostroma Tornquist '01 Ccel. 14 Neostrotia Hampson '09 Ins. 336 Neosyagrius Lea '04 Ins. 178 4 837 Neotanvpeza Hendcl '03 Ins. 319 is Ins. 391 Neotaxia Dognin '04 Ins. 281 4 653 Neotenerus Schenkling '06 Ins. 235 Neotetracus Trouessart '09 Mamm. 60 Neothela Ttirner '10 Ins. 369 Neothrips Hood 'OS Ins. 413 Neothrombium Oudemans '10 Arachn. 40 Neotomostethus Macgillivray '08 Ins. 308 Neotragocerus Matthew &; Cook '09 Mamm. 69 Neotrichia Morton '05 Ins. 326 5 789 190 ) NEOTRIO.— NERIS. Xeotrioza Kieffer 'Oo Ins. 320 Neotropicalia.s Kirkaldi/ '10 Ins. 400 Neotropiconvtluis Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 390 Neottiglossa Kirbii 1837, Hem. ; Fauna Bor. Amer. iv 276 ^O Neotylana Distant '09 Ins. 398 Neovulpavus Worinntn '01 Mamm. 29 1 1479 Neoxabea Kirby '06 Ins. 447 Neozeleboria Rohwer '10 Ins. 278 Neozimiris Simo7i '03 Araclin. 32 Neozutra Warren '06 Ins. 3ol Nepal Navds '09 Ins. 358 Nephacodud Anieyhino '02 Mamm. 42 Nepliantis Meyrick '05 Ins. 282 . 5 1017 V ONephelia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Nepbeliospi>ngia Clarke "01 Spong. 30 2 119 Neplielistis Ilampson '05 Ins. 259 5 1017 Nephelojjteryx KlapdJek '03 Ins. 358 Nepbopteryx Khqnilek '02 Ins. 298 2 548 ONepbotetti.x Matsumura '02 Ins. 287 2 594 Nepbrocepbalus Odhner '02 Verm. 59 2 199 Nepbrocbirus Simon '10 Aracbn. 25 Nepbrocoria Stichel '04 Ins. 246 Nepbrodiuium Meunier '10 Prot. 68 Nephroselmis Stein 1878, Flag. ; Organ. lufus. iii Abtb. 1 II. p. x Nepbrostomum Dietz '09 Verm. 33 Nephtbyigorgia Kilkenthal '10 Coel. 22 Nepbus Mulsant 1846, Col. ; Col. France Securipalp. 237 Nepioblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Nepticulomima Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 Nereidania Strand '10 Ins. 369 nerit.-nesocym:. Neritodonta Br>i.^ina 1884 Moll.; Jabrb. deutscb. mahik. Ges. xi 72 Nertbus Distant "09 Ins. 387 Nertocb(dus Ilellcr '06 Ins. 251 Nervicompressa Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 261 4 653 Nesagaeus Bergruth '06 lua. 394 C>Nesapbrestes Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 393 t>Nesaphrogeni^%2>A:r,'/(Zy '07 Ins. 393 Nesapterus Shar2:) '08 Ins. 232 » Nesebra Schans '05 Ins. 250 5 1017"- Neseis Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 420 \i^ "—J Nesidioobeilus Kirkaldy 2 594 '02 In027^ '02 Iu^2?r '02 Ins. 274 Nesidiocoris Kirkaldy 2 594 Nesidiolestes Kirkaldy 2 594 Nesidiorchestes Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 594 Nesiergus Simcm '03 Aracbn. 21 Nesiomiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 594 i., Nesiope Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 409 Nesiopbaedusa Pilshry '04 ]Moll. 68 5 573 Nesiotinus Kellogg '03 Ins. 357 3 436 Nesiotoniscus Racovitza '08 Crust. 45 Nesipola Warren '09 Ins. 343 Nesis Conrad 1871 Moll. ; Amer. J. Concb. vi 194 Nesita Bergroth '06 Ins. 400 Nesobates Sharpe '02 Aves 58 2 1355 Nesobins Bergroth '06 Ins. 394 Nesocbaris Alexander '03 Aves 08 3 278 —"Nesocbaris Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 — Nesocblamys Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Nesochlide Perkins '01 Ins. 240 1 985 Nesocbrysa Navds '10 Ins. 390 Nesocidiuni Sharp '03 Ins. 13S Nereis Warren 'OS Ins. 345 Nerenia Bolivar '05 Ins. 341 5 789 ^ 94o Nericonia Fascoe 1809 Col. ; Tr. Ent? '^Nesocore Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Soc. Lond. iii 657 Nesocrypba Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 399 Nerineopsis Cossmann '08 Moll. 87 Nesocryptias Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 395 Nerissella Jacoby '04 Ins. 194 4- 837 Nesocymus Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 380 ( 191 ) NESOCYP.— NESOPH. NESOPI.— NEUROSPORA. '02 Ins. 305 Nesocypselas KirJcnldi/ '08 Ins. 39G Nesocysta KirhiUhj 'OS Ins. 396 Nesodapbne Kirlaldij 'OS Ins. 390 Nesodiprion Roliwer '10 Ins. 309 Nesodiranchis rerk'ms '10 Ins. 307 Nesodromus Bergroth '05 Ir,s. 5 835 Nesodryas Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 402 Nesodyneras Perkins '01 Ins. 1' 1 1040 Nesogaster Verhoeff 2 548 Nesouastrella Verhoeff ^ 2 548 Nesogrammus Evermcmn Si- Seale '0 Pisces 42 Nesolialictus Crawford '10 Ins. 269 Nesijhippiis Ameqhino '04 Mauim. 4 324 Nesoleon Banks '09 Ins. 358 Nesoligota Sharp '08 Ins. 223 Nesolinoceras Ashmead '06 Ins. 295 Nesolycaena Waterhouxe Sf Turner Ins. 250 6 Ins. 320 Nesolymnaeum Sharp 3 946 Nesolynx Ashmead 5 1121 Nesomachetes Kirkaldy 'OS Ins. 397 Nesomantis Boulenger '09 Rept. 33 Nesomartis Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 380 Nesoniedon Sharp '08 Ins. 223 Nesomesochorus Ashmead '05 Ins. 212 5 1121 Sharp '03 Ins Nesopinipla Ashmead '06 Ins. 295 Nesoplt'ias Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 431 "'Nesoponipa Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Nesoptychias Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 255 ONesoreias Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 435 M5 ONesorestias Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 402 Nesoryzomys Thomas '05 Mamm. 39 7 iMamm. 65 Nesoselandria Rohiver '10 Ins. 309 PXesosteles Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Nesostes Casey '08 Ins. 252 Nesostethus Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 395 '02 Ins. 305(3 Nesosydne Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Nesosylphas Kirkaldy 'OS Ins. 399 Nesotaxonus Rohiver '10 Ins. 309 Nesotettix Holdhuus '09 Ins. 425 Nesotlioe Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 402 Nesotbrips Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 401 Nesotoraostethus Rohiver '10 Ins. 309 Nesotypblias Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 381 Netrix Her rich- Schaeffer 1856, Lep.; Saninil. aussereurop. Scbniett. 127 Netrobalane Mubille '03 Ins. 259 3 722 Neti'ocera Jordan '07 Ins. 309 Netrocerocora Bartel '02 Ins. 228 3 722 '06 Pisces 49 04 '03 Ins. 138 '05 Ins. 220 Nesomicrops Sharp '03 Ins, 138 3 946 Nesomyia Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 728 Nesomyrmex Wheeler '10 Ins. 286 ■/Wesoneura Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 JNesonipbas Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Nesopeplus Sharp '08 Ins. 232 g Nesopetinus Sharp '08 Ins. 232 v^esopbantasma Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 388 Nesopbila Warren '05 Ins. 270 5 1018 Nesopblox Ridyway '10 Aves 110 o Nesophrosyne Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 395 ONesophryne Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 395 ( Nettastoniops Steindachner 52 Netuscbilia Reitter '05 Ins. 167 4 837 Neumannella Trouessart '07 Aracbn. 46 Neumanniella Michaelsen '03 Verm. 40 3 189 Nenniiehtis Hampson '06 Ins. 340 Neurankyhis Lambe '02 Rept. 25 Neiirep^ris Kieffer '05 Ins. 224 Neuroanomala Betlmne-Baker 'OS Ins. 327 Neuroconipsus Enderlein '10 Ins. 394 NeurogalesLis Kieffer '07 Ins. 287 Neurogenia Roman '10 Ins. 293 Neurois Hampson '03 Ins. 280 3 722 Neuropria Kieffer '08 In.^. 304 5 1121 Nenroscrica Brenske '01 Ins. 136 Neurospora Shuckard 1S36 Hym. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, i 212 192 ) NEUR03P0RI.— NIN. Neurosporidium Ridetcood 3,- Fantliam '07 Prot. 52 Neuroteleia Kiefer '10 Ins. 304 C Neurypexina Bethune-Baker '10 Ins. 323 Nevadia Walcott '10 Arachn. 6 Nevillina Sidebottom '05 Prot. 59 5 272 Newnesia Smith '02 Moll. (39 2 344 Newnhamia King 1855 Crust. ; Newsteadia Green '02 Ins. 291 Xewsteadina Theobald '09 Ins. 366 Nexilosus Heller ^ Snodgrnss '03 Pisces 3 93 Nezumia Jordan Sf Starks '04 Pisces 40 4 85 Niambia Budde-Lund '04 Crust. 4 366 Xiastama Renter '06 Ins. 403 Xicholsonia Bogatireio '04 CcbI. 30 Nicholsonia Tutt '03 Ins. 262 3 722 Xichomachus Distant '04 Ins. 327 4 515 Nicklesia Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 292 Nicostratus Distant '04 Ins. 327 . 4 515 O K\cj1^& Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 415 Nidaliopsis Kiikenthal '06 Ca?l. 21 Nieszkowskia Schmidt 1881, Crust. ; Mem. Ac. St. Petersb. xxx No. 1, 180 Xigrasilus Hine '08 Ins. 375 Nigritina Haeckel 1897 Hydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 73 Nigronia Banks '08 Ins. 363 Nilakantha Peckham '01 Arachn. 35 1 736 >/6 Nilalohita Distant '06 Ins. 415 Nilaparvata Distant '06 Ins. 415 Nilautama Distant '07 Ins. 391 Nilomantis Werner '07 Ins. 414 Nilotonia Thor '05 Arachu. 34 5 721 Nimba Jullien 8f Cahet '03 Bry. 14 Nimbella Jullien ^- Calvet '03 Bry. 14 Nina Grebnicki 1873 Prot. ; Nina Navds '10 Ins. 390 Ninnia JVesterlioid "03 Moll. 78 NIO.— NOD. Niobe Angelin 1852 Crust. ; Palaeont. Scand. 13 ^^^ipbadodite Kirkaldg '07 Ins. 388 Nipbargoides Sars 1894, Crust. ; Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. (5) i 371 Nipbas Enderlein '08 Ins. 363 Nipboparmena Aurivillius '04 Ins. 188 4 837 Niponiella Elapdlek '09 Ins. 410 Nippon apbis Pergande '06 Ins. 424 Nipponites Yabe '04 Moll. 60 4 302 Niptinus Fall '05 Ins. 163 7 Ins. 239 Niptoraezium Pic '02 lus. 146 3 946 Niremberge Navds '09 Ins. 358 Nirinoides Jacoby '03 Ins. 207 3 946 Nirmula Moore '06 Ins. 314 Nirva Bergh '05 Moll. 69 5 573 5 835 ^5-^'isia MeKchar '03 Ins. 341 3 540 Nisibia Fairmaire '03 Ins. 170 3 946 Nisituvris Dall 8,- Bartsch '06 Moll. 67 Nisopsis Matheron '02 Moll. 67 Nisus Moehring 1758 Aves ; Geslacht. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 7 Nisusia Walcott '05 Bracb. 8 5 454 Nitbecus Horvdth 1890 Hem. ; Rev. d'Ent. ix 187 Noaditberium Ameghino '07 Mamm. 71 Noanda Reitter '03 Ins. 162 3 946 Nocloa Smith '06 Ins. 340 Noctioius Desbrochers '06 Ins. 251 Noculacia Mayer '03 Cru-^t. 43 3 358 Nodocyclina Heim '08 Prot. 47 Nodorodesmus Attems '09 Myr., Aracbn. 53 Nodostella Jacoby '08 Ins. 274 Nodostonopa Jacohy '01 Ins. 168 3 946 Nodularia Conrad 1853 Lamellibr. ; Proc. Ac. Pbilad. vi 267 Nodularidia Cockerell '01 Moll. 99 Nodulina Rafray '04 Ins. 142 6 Ins. 214 ( 193 ) NOE.— NOTELA Xoeza Meiyen 1800 Dipt.; Nonv. Class. Mouches 27 Nolaphana Grote 1873 Lep. ; Bull. Buffitlo Soc. i 169 Nolasodes Hampson '10 Ins. 357 Nomadula Cockerell '03 Ins. 219 3 811 Nomenia Pearsall '05 Ins. 270 Nomimonyx Faust '04 Ins. 178 Nomiocolletes Brethes '09 Ins. 282 Nougoma Teringuey '02 Ins. 132 2 985 Nonia Hampson '01 Ins. 247 1 985 Nopia Navds '10 Ins. 390 Nordenskioeldia Koenike '07 Arachn. 43 Nordenskioldiella Haglund 1899 Hem. ; Nordmannia Tutt '07 Ins. 300 Norellisoma Hendel '10 Ins. 413 Normanion Bonnier 1893 Crust. ; France Belgr. xxiv NOTELO.— NOTOH. Notelopa Woodward 1 1233 '01 Pisces 32 104 90 Bull. I 167 Noronlia Kirkpatrick '09 Por. 7 Norosus Mulsant 4'- Rey 1869 Col.; Norsiana Distant '08 Ins. 406 Nortonella Rohioer '08 Ins. 308 Noserinus Casey '07 Ins. 241 Noserodes Casey '07 Ins. 241 Nosorhinus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 3 946 Nosotetocus Scudder '01 Ins. Ill Nossibea Strand '07 Arachn. 30 Nossis Bergh '02 JNIoll. 68 2 344 Nosybus Navds '10 Ins. 390 Notacantlius Block 1787 iii 1788 Pisces ; Abh. Bohm. Ges. 278 Notaeolidea Eliot '05 Moll. 69 5 573 Notaeolidia Fliot '06 Moll. 76 Notampbicvon Amec/hino '04 Manim. 50 A 324 Notamynus Roth '03 Mamm. 40 Notanisomorpha Ashmead '04 Ins. 2-30 4 728 Notarthrinus Chapman '08 Ins. 319 Notasapbus Gregory '03 Crust. 64 Notatanais Richardson '06 Crust. 44 Notechinus Doederlein '05 Echin. 71 Xotela Schans '01 Ins. 221 ( Notestbes Ogilby '03 Pisces 23 Notbaima Cameron '02 Ins. 2 850 Nothaniusium Hind '04 Moll 4 302 Nothancyla Navds '10 Ins. 390 Nothanomalon Szepligeti '05 Ins. 212 5 1121 Notbloba Warren '08 Ins. 345 Notboblatta Bolivar '05 Ins. 336 Notbodaptus Maindron '06 Ins. 199 Notbomvrmica Wheeler '10 Ins. 286 Nothopsycbe Baiiks '05 Ins. 326 7 352 Notbopteryx Prout '09 Ins. 343 Notboterpna Warren '09 Ins. 343 Notbypsa Warren '09 Ins. 343 Notiochara Casey '06 Ins. 206 Notiociclila Oberholser '05 Aves 71 5 347 Notiomyia Banks '06 Ins. 370 Notiomystis Richmotid '08 Aves 141 Notionella Banks '05 Aracbn, ; 5 722 Notiopimpla Vachal '08 Ins. 295 Notiopsycbe Banks '06 Ins. 370 156 Notiospiza Oberholser '05 Aves 85 Notobdella Benhatn '09 Verm. 56 Notobiella Banks '09 Ins. 358 Notobotlirium Linstow '07 Verm. 30 5 380 VA" Notocepbalius Jacobi '09 Ins. 402 Notoceresium Blackburn '01 Ins. 161 1 1142 Xotocbampsa Broom '04 Rept. 29 4 137 Notocbilaster Breddin '07 Ins. 379 Notocidaris Mortenseyi '09 Echin. 38 Notocrvptorbyncbus Lea *03 Ins. 189 i3 946 Notocymatodera Schenkling '07 Ins. "237 Notodelpbidyidia Stebbing '10 Crust. 43 Notoglanidium Giinther '03 Pisces 33 3 93 Notobyrax Ameyhino "01 Mamm. 37 194 ) NOTOK— NUMMULI. Notolfistus Hnndlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Notolepis iJollo '08 Pisces 46 Notolepium Enderlein '10 Ins. 444 Notoliuopsis Casey '06 Ins. 206 Notoliniis Casey '06 Ins. 206 Notolobus Renter '09 Ins. 394 Notomideopsis Wolcott '05 Araclin. 34 ; 5 722 Notonaulax Becker '03 Ins. 319 3 583 Notonectites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Notopais Hodgson '10 Crust, 33 Notopeplus Sluuy '08 Ins. 232 Notoperla Enderlein '09 Ins. 410 Notophus Desbrochers '06 Ins. 251 Notoplana Laidlaiu '03 Verm. 45 3 156 Notopleura Krauss '02 Ins. 311 Notoplusia Schaus '01 Ins. 221 1 985 Notoproctus Anoidsson '07 Verm. 44 Notoprotogonia Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 832 Notoptya Warren '06 Ins. 352 Notopygus Tomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. NUMMULO.— NYSSI. Nummulosaurus Fritsch '01 Rept. 35 Nummulostegina Schubert '07 Prot. 45 Nuncia Lo?nan '02 Arachn. 55 2 484 Niirsea Cameron '02 Ins. 182 2 850 (3 Nurundeiia Distant '09 Ins. 398 Nuttallia Franga '10 Prot. 61 meth. Echin. 68 Notorhinus Both '03 Mamm. 40 PNotoscarta Breddin '02 Ins. 285 3 540 Nototragus Thomas Sj Schzvann '06 Mamm. 76 Nototricha Coquillett '06 Ins. 378 Notoxantha Hcunpson '10 Ins. 337 Notoxenus Hodgson '10 Crust. 33 Notoxoides Ashmead '03 Ins. 243 Notoxopria Kiefer '10 Ins. 304 Noverota Casey '10 Ins. 216 Novofoudrasia Jacobson '01 Ins. 168 Nowakia Gurich '01 Moll. 82 Nuchenceros Gemmill S^ Leiper '07 Verm. 26 Nuciera Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Nucleopyrina Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. !^chin. 53 Nudiclava Llotjd '07 Coel. 19 Numata Busck '06 Ins, 366 Nummulina Kohelt 1871 Moll. ; Cat. europ. Binnencuuch. 12 57 835 1758, Aves: Nozeman u. ONyanja Distant '08 Ins. 404 Nyctagreus Nelson '01 Aves 1 1381 Nyctelioma Casey '08 Ins. 252 Nyctella Beuter '06 Ins. 403 5 Nycteomorpha i^azVwunVe '01 Ins. 118 Nycterephes Turner '06 Ins. 352 Nyctereutica Twner '04 Ins. 289 Nycteridocoptes Oudemans '01 Arachn. 46 Nvcteridopsylla Oudemans '06 Ins. 393 & '07 Ins, 376 Nycterimorpha Lichtwardt '09 Ins. 371 Nycterimyia Lichtwardt '09 Ins. 371 Nycterorhinus Fairmaire '04 Ins. 179 Nyctibates Boulenger '04 Rept. 36 4 137 Nycticorax Moehring Geslacht. Vogel. Vosmaer 8 Nyctidea Renter '04 Ins. 327 4 515 Nyctinomops Miller '02 Mamm. 30 2 1471 Nyctiphantus Semenoiv '02 Ins. 167 2 985 Nyctodactylus Marsh 1881 Rept. ; Amer. J. Sci. (3) xxi 343 Nyctycia Hampson '06 Ins. 340 Nylanderia Emery '06 Ins. 290 Nymannus Distant '04 Ins. 328 5 515 Nymboelum Thomson 1864 Col. ; Syst. Coram b. 331 Nymphaeoblastus l^on Peetz '10 Echin. 51 Nymphopsocus Enderlein '03 Ins. 356 3 479 Nysina Gahan '06 Ins. 262 Nyssa Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist, nat. Araigrn. 212 Nyssicus Pascoe 1859 Soc. Lond. V 17 ( 1^5 ) Col.; Tr. Ent. o2 NYSSO.— OCHI. Nyssomyzoniyia James '10 Ins. 398 Nysaorbynchus Blanchard '02 Ins. 2o5 Nystia Tournouer 1869 Moll. ; J. Con- cliyl. xvii 91 /»lRIUS Desbrochers 5 1246 '06 Ins. 251 /oObedas Jacobi '10 Ins. 431 Obeletta Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 172 Obelissa Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 172 Obelomma Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Deulvsclir. Ges. Jena i 172 Obelopteryx Warren '06 Ins. 352 Obelostreptus Attejns '09 Myr., Arachn. 53 Obelura Burr '07 Ins. 408 Obelnra Warren '08 Ins. 350 Oberthurella Kieffer '03 Ins. 244 Obesiella Bideioood '03 Crust. 52 3 358 ( )bisipliaga Morley '07 Ins. 279 \/0 Obliquipecten Hind '03 Moll. 83 3 293 Obolodiplosis Felt '08 Ins. 367 Ocnlaria Schaus '06 Ins. 340 Occamus Distant '09 Ins. 390 Occia Tosquinet '03 Ins. 237 Occisor Hutton '01 Ins. 271 1 865 Oceanapia Norman 1869 Spong. ; Rep. Brit. Ass. 1868, 334 Oceanides Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 421 Oceanomyzon Fotcler '08 Pisces 51 Oceanops Jordan iff Seale '06 Pisces 48 Ocellata Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Ocellataria Weber '07 Ins. 402 Ocellites ia?Hrn-c/c 1801 Hexactinellida ; Syst. Anini. sans Vertebres 402 Ocbetocepbalus Linstow '07 Verm. 34 Ochetosoma Braun '01 Verm. 52 1 497 Ocbetus Pomd 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. meth. Ecbin. 67 Ocbisnie Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 615 ( OCHL.— OCTOMI. Ochleroptera Holmberg '04 Ins. 212 4 728 Ochlesis Stebbiny '10 Crust. 37 Ocbraastis Meyi-ich '08 Ins. 358 Ochrocalama Hampson '10 Ins. 357 Ochrodermella Pihbry '08 Moll. 103 Ochrodota Hampson '01 Ins. 221 1 986 Ochrolanius Beitter '05 Ins. 167 4 837 OcLrophlegma Bolivar '04 Ins. 361 Ochrorrhaca Breddin '04 Ins. 318 4 515 Ochrota Hnpfer 1857 Lep. ; Monatsb. Preuss. Ak. Wisseusch. 427 Ochrotettix Brtmer '04 Ins. 301 4 464 Ochthopbora Turner '02 Ins. 228 2 771 Ocinaropsis AuriviUius '05 Ins. 250 5 1018 Ocinebrellus Join^.ieaiime 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Ocmohrmii Jonsseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Oclasma Melichar '05 Ins. 318 5 835 Ocnei'ites Oppenheim 1885 Lep. ; Ocnobius Bedtenbacher '06 Ins. 444 Ocnopbila Brunner '07 Ins. 413 Ocnotelus Simon '02 Aracbn. 47 Ocosia Jordan S,- Starks '04 Pisces 31 4 86 Octalacorys Haeckel 1887 llhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1373 Octbopbora (recte Ochthopbora q. v.) Octochila Brandt 1837 Scypbozoa ; Bull. 8ci. Acad. St. Petersb. i 186 Octocryptus Candeze 1892 Col. ; Ann. Soc. ent. Beige xxxvi 486 Octocynodon Fowler '04 Pisces ; 4 86 Octodendridium 7/«wA-.e^ 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 279 Octodendroiiium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Cliallenger xviii pt. 1, 281 Octodesmus Leslie '01 Ins. 146 Octodontomys Palmer '03 Mamru. 35 3 382 Octoinitus Proicazek '04 Prot. 57 196 ) OCTOMM.— ODONTOC. ODONTOD.— ODO Octomnia Willem '02 Ins. 303 Octomvlodnn Amey/tiiio '04 Mamm. 51 4 324 Octopliormis JIaeclxii 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger sviii pt. 2. 1243 Octoplocamus ^rff»rf^ 1837 Scvphozoa ; Bull. Ac. Sci. St. Petersb. i 187 Octopylissa Haeckcl 1887 Rhizop. ; Cliallenger xviii pt. 1, 650 Octopyhira Haeclel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, C51 Octosmicra Askmead '04 Ins. 230 4 728 Oculeomyia Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Oc-yala Simon 1864 Arachu. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 381 Ocyglossa Giard '04 Prot. 57 Ocvuectes Jordan S^- Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 86 Ocyplauus De Vis '05 Ares 47 Ocytettix Hancock '07 Ins. 421 Oda Chaster '01 Moll. 93. Oda Ris '09 Ins. 414 Odonptera LatreiUe 1829 Lep. ; Cuvier Regne Anim., n. ed. v 409 Odontacolus Kieffer '10 Ins. 304 Odontagrypon Cameron '06 Ins. 295 Odontalona Binje '10 Crust. 40 Odontanthia Oh&t '01 Ins. 118 Odontaphodius Schmidt '07 Ins. 226 Odontaulacus Kieff'er '03 Ins. 241 Odontelia Hampson '05 Ins. 261 5 1018 Odonterpeton Moodie '09 Rept. 34 Odontesthes Everinann S^ Kendall '06 Pisces 50 Odontestra Hampson '05 Ins. 261 5 1018 Odonteucoila Ashmead '03 Ins. 244 3 811 & 4 728 Odontobaris Champion '09 Ins. 257 Odontobuniis Roewer '10 Arachn. 33 Odoutochelus Semenov '07 Ins. 228 Odontochlora Schrottky '09 Ins. 'IS^ Odontocholus Deshrochers '06 Ins. 251 Odontoconus Fritze '08 Ins. 429 Udontocoryphus Kami/ '07 Ins, 417 Odontocryptus Cameron '03 Ins. 237 3 811 ( lo; Odontodiplosis Felt '08 Ins. 368 Udontofoenus Kiefer '10 Ins. 298 Odontofusus Whit/ield 1892 Gastrop. Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv. xviii 65 Odontogaster Szepligeti '00 Ins. 301 Odonloglvphis Fotcler '04 Pisces; 4 '86 Odontogoniis Bergroth '04 Ins. 323 4 515 Odontoioppa Cameron '03 Ins. 237 4 728 Odontoniantis Sanssure 1871 Orth. ; Mem. Soc. Geneve xxi 32 Odontomvrmex Andre '05 Ins. 205 6 'Ins. 291 OdLoniomysoT^s, Ameghino '03 Mamm. 36 4 '324 Odontonvcteris Jentink '02 Mamm. 29 2 1471 Odontopacha Aurivillins '09 Ins. 326 Odontopaschia Hampson '03 Ins. 294 3 722 Odontoperua Freeh '03 Moll. 83 Odontophotopsis Viereck '02 Ins. 182 3 811 Odontophvllum Simpson '02 Ccel. : 2 "152 Odontopria Kiefer '06 Ins. 308 Odontopsalis Burr '04 Ins. 353 4 464 Odontopsilus Kicffer '09 Ins. 301 Odontopsvllus Baker '05 Ins. 301 5 '751 Odontoscelio Kieffer '06 Ins. 308 Odontosema Kieffer '09 Ins. 303 Odontosida Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 722 Odontosphaeropvx Cameron '10 Ins. 297 Odontospiza Oberholser '05 Aves • 5 347 Odontotermes Holmgren '10 Ins. 446 Odoutothvnnus Cameron '04 Ins. 212 4 '728 Odontotrochus^l/o5f% 1881 Scyphozoa ; Challenger ii Madrepor.' tab. ii Odontotrupes Boucomont '04 Ins 151 6 Ins. 224 OdontoxipLidium Morse '01 Ins. 307 Udostomiopsis Thiele "03 Moll. 65 3 293 ) ODY.— OES. Odyneropsis Schrottktj '03 Ins. 219 Oecetinella Ulmer '07 Ins. 351 Oecetodes Ulmer '07 Ins. 351 Oecomys Thomas '06 Mamin. 72 Oecophyllembius Silvestri '08 Ins. 358 Oedalechilus Fowler '04 Pisces 41 5 115 Oedalometopon Rehn '05 Ins. 341 5 789 Oedaloneura Mabille '04 Ins. 252 4 053 Oedania Buckman '04 Moll. 61 4 303 Oedebasis Kampson '02 Ins. 228 2 771 ^ Oedecnemidius Daniel '03 Ins. 189 Oedemagenus Berthold 1827 Dipt. ; Latreille, Nat. Fam. Thierreichs 607 Oedemapeza Toivnsend '08 Ins. 385 Oedemasoma Toivnsend '08 Ins. 384 Oedematicus Beddard 1897 ; Oedemerus Bruner '08 Ins. 432 Oedemothrips Bagncdl '10 Ins. 443 Oedenops Becker '03 Ins. 320 3 583 Oederastria JSampson '02 Ins. 228 2 771 Oederemia Hmtipson '08 Ins. 337 Oedicentra Warren '02 Ins. 238 2 771 Oedichiranus Beitter '06 Ins. 207 Oedicodia Hampson '10 Ins. 357 Oediplexia Hampson '08 Ins. 337 Oedomia Dognin '06 Ins. 352 Oemida Gahan '04 Ins. 188 4 838 Oemodana Gahan '04 Ins. 188 4 838 Oemopteryx Klapdlck '02 Ins. ; 2 548 Oemospila Gahan '06 Ins. 202 Oenides Mabille '04 Ins. 252 4 653 Oenochrodes Lotver '07 Ins. 346 Oenomys Thomas '04 Mamm. 40 4 324 Oenoptera Hatjipson '10 Ins. 357 Oenusa Sfdl 1874 Plem. ; Oeopbronistes Blackburn '02 Ins. 116 2 986 Oestopbora -Hesse '07 Moll. 134 Oestropbora RedteJihachLr '06 Ins. 444 OET.— OLIGOB. Oetbopetina Enderlein '09 Ins. 410 Offneria Paquier '05 Moll. 83 Ogasawarana Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Ogdenia Beckham '09 Arachn. 36 Ogdoecosta Spaeth '09 Ins. 270 Ogmo era Aurivillius '08 Ins. 268 Ogmothorax Kraatz '01 Ins. ; 1 1143 Ogovia Hansen l■ Hovcy '06 Ecbin. 50 Opbiocepbalops Foioler '06 Pisces 55 Ophiocbara Bemhauer '01 Ins. 123 OpbiocbiTsis Kothler '04 Ecbin. 83 4.^146 OpbiocJrce Koehler '04 Ecbiu. 83 4 146 Opbiocrates KocJdcr '04 Ecbiu. 84 4 140 Opbiodopelaia Enderlein '08 Ins. 414 Opbiodoris Koehler '04 Ecbin. 84 4 146 Opbiogenes R. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena. Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 288 Opbiograpba Prout '10 Ins. 369 Opbiogvptis Koehler '05 Ecbin. '5 350 Opbioleda Koehler '07 Ecbin. 36 Opbioleuce Koehler '04 Ecbin. 4 146 Opbiolypba A'oeA/e?- '01 Ecbin. ; 1 476 Ophiomedea Koehler '07 Ecbin. 36 Opbiomidas Koehler '04 Ecbin. 85 4 146 Opbiomoeris Koehler '04 Ecbin. 85 4 146 Opbiomora Koehler '08 Ecbin. 25 Opbiomorpba Szepliyeti '05 Ins. 5 1122 Opbiomytis Koehler '04 Ecbin 4 146 84 84 2J2 85 Opbionocryptus Schmiedeknecht '08 Ins 295 Opbionopsis Tosquinet '03 Ins. 237 Opbionotus Rell '02 Ecbin. 81 2 173 Opbiuntbus Bemhauer '08 Ins. 224 Opbiopallas Koehler '04 Ecbin. 85 4 146 Opbiopbycis Koehler '02 Ecbin. 81 f 476 Opbiosteira Bell '02 Ecbin. 81 2 173 Upbiotettix Walker 1871 Ortb. ; Cat. Dermapt. Biit. Mus. v 846 Opbiotitanos Speyicer 'OS Ecbin. 26 Opbirbapbidites Carter 1876 Spong. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii 458 Opbismoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Opbisternon McClelland 1845 Pisces; Calcutta J. Nat. Hist, v 175 Opbiura Lmnarck ISOl Opbiuroidea ; Sj'st. Anim. sans Veitebres 350 O'^h.i\xvico\», Lndtciy '05 Verm. ; 5 483 Opbrycotyle Fries Verm. ; Opbrygonius Zany '04 Ins. 149 4 838 Opbrjomyces Hesse '09 Prot. 48 Opbryopbrvne Boulcnyer '03 Rept. 35 3 138 Opbtbalmocblus Pierce "08 Ins. 278 Opbtbalmocoris Montandon '07 Ins, 380 Opbtbalraolampis Savssure Ortb. : Rev. Mas?. Zool. Ophiononeura 4 728 Cameron '04 Ins. 222 1859 xi 394 Opbtbalmopbagus Stossich '06 Verm. 28 Opbtbalmoptera Hendel '09 Ins. 380 Opbtbalmotilapia Pelleyrin '04 Pisces 35 4 SQ Opbyiulus Berlese 1884 Myr. ; Acari Myr. Ital. fasc. xii Opifex Hutton '02 Ins. 256 2 640 Opilioacarus With '03 Aracbn. 45 3 407 Opilionacris Sjostedt '09 Ins. 421 Opiliotarbus Pocock '01 Aiacbn. 33 Opimia Wilson '08 Crust, 55 Opiopterus Szepliyeti '08 Ins. 299 Opisogonia Herrich-Schiifer 1856 Lep. ; Sam. aussereurop. Scbmett. i 34 Opisoplatia Seitz '08 Ins. 327 Opisotretus, Atte^ns '07 Aracbn. 53 Opissaster Po?»e/ 1883 Ecbiu.; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 37 ^ Opistarsostetbus Schmidt '10 Ins. 434 ( 201 ) OPISTH.— ORB. ORC— OREOM. Opisthacanthus Birulia '04 Amchn. ; 4. 409 Opisthadena Linton '10 Verm. 33 Opistheuria Renter '09 Ins. 394 Opisthia-s Gilmore '09 Rept. 33 Opisthoctenodon Broom '04 Rept. 33 Opisthodiscus Cohn '04 Verm. 49 4 168 Opisthonecta Faure-Frcmiet '06 Prot. 48 Opisthope Richters '07 Araclm. 46 Opisthopliylax Memje 1856 Arachn. ; Opisthosiphou Ball '05 Moll. 76 5 574 Opisthosyllis Langerhans 1879 ; Opisthotaeiiia Renter '01 lus. 284 1 819 Opisthypselus Renter '09 Ins. .391 Oplistiira Jukoicleio 1889 Col.; llor. Soc. Ent. Ross, xxiii 84 Q-poT^tera, Aurivillms 1882 Lep.; Sveu- ska Ak. Ilandl. xix no. 5, 75 Ops Becker '10 Ins. 413 Opsaroa Ilampson '05 Ins. 251 5 1019 Opsiclines Meyrick '07 Ins. 346 Opsigalea Haynpson '06 lus. 341 Opsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Opsolasia Coquillett '10 Ins. 409 Opsyra Humpson '10 Ins. 357 Opszyga Lotver '03 lus. 302 3 723 Opter Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Opuna Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 595 Oracardia Herrick 1888 Moll. ; Bull. Denison Univ. iv 41 Oradarea Walker '03 Orust. 42 3 358 Orapa Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 835 Orbiculata Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Orbignvella Ulrich 3f Bassler '04 Bry. 12 4. 216 Orbiraorplius Richardson '10 Crust. 35 Orbinia Quatrefages 1865 Verm. ; Orbione Bonnier '02 Crust. 55 Orbitoclypeus Silvestri '07 Prot. 45 Orbitopsella Muniei'-Chalmas 1891 ProL. ; Etude Tithonique Vicen- tin 17 ( Orcadella Wingate 1889 Rhizop. ; Proc. Ac. Philad. 280 Orchamus Bolioar '06 Ins. 448 Orchamus -Sita/f 1876 Orth.; Bih. Sven- ska Ak. Handl. iv uo. 5, 30 Orcheobius Schuberg i^ Kunze '06 Prot. 43 Orchesella Templeton 1835 Collemb. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 92 Orchesma Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 640 Orchestridoptera Sjostedt '02 Ins. 308 2 549 Orchipedum Braun '01 Verm. 52 1 497 Orchitophyra Cepede. '07 Prot. 58 Orchomenella Sars 1890 Crust. ; Crus- tacea Norway i 66 Orcus XJljanin 1870 Turbellaria ; Arb. Vers. Russ. Natforsch ii 19 Oreas R. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena. Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 278 Orechinus Doederlein "05 Echin. 71 5 350 Orecta Rothschild ^ Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 723 Orectoscelis Lewis '03 Ins. 152 3 948 OreeUa Murray '10 Arachn. 45 Oreillia Ludlow '05 Ins. 291 Oreiscelio Kieffer '10 Ins. 304 Orellana Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 835 Oreobius Daniel '03 Ins. 139 Oreochara Casei/ '06 Ins. 207 Oreocossus Aurivillius '10 Ins. 338 Oreocrabro Perkins '02 Ins. 182 2 852 Oreocys Peyerimhoff '08 Ins. 217 Oreodicastes Maitidron '05 Ins, 134 6 201 Oreohelix Pilsbry '04 Moll. 66 Oreoleuciscus Warpachoivskij 1889 Pisces ; Mon. neu. Gatt. karpf. Fische Oreolyperus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 118 1 1144 Oreometra Aurivillius '10 Ins. 369 Oreomyias Berlepsch '07 Aves 118 Oreomyias Reichenoio '02 Aves 56 Oreomvstis Stejneger '03 Aves 68 3 278 202 ) / •o /' OREON.— ORNITHOP. Oreonebria Daniel "03 Ins. 139 Oreonetides Strand '01 Arachn. 35 2 484 Oreonoma Warren '04 Ins. 281 4 6o4 Oreopasites Cocherell '06 Ins. 278 Oreophoetes Rehn '04 Ins. 356 4-464 Oreoplatj'sma Jncohsoii '09 Ins. 218 Oreoniis Oort '10 Aves 122 Oreoscopus North '05 Aves 72 6 Aves 95 Oreoscotus Aurivillius '10 Ins. 248 Oreotbalia Melander '02 Ins. 259 2 640 Oreothassa Jacobson '01 Ins. 168 2 992 Oreovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 158 4 838 Orestes Redtenhacher '06 Ins. 444 Orgamara Ball '09 Ins. 399 Orgauitis Meyrick '06 Ins. 366 Orgizomyia Grilnberg '06 Ins. 381 Oria Distajit '04 Ins. 331 4 516 Oribella Berlese '08 Arachn. 41 Origenes Marshall '04 Ins. 179 Orinda Kirhaldy '07 Ins. 388 Oriuella Ball Sf Bartsch '04 Moll. 83 4 303 Orinotbrips Buffa '09 Ins. 407 Orithea Me'xjen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Moucbes 15 Oritoniscus Racovitza '08 Crust. 45 Orizaba Renter '09 Ins. 394 Ormyrodes Brues '07 Ins. 284 Orneostoma Warren '07 Ins. 333 Ornicbolax Carriker '04 Ins. 345 3 436 Ornitheza Speiser '02 Ins. 206 2 640 Ornithissus J^ot6'/er '04 Ins. 333 4 516 Ornitbobdella Benham '09 Verm. 56 Ornitboctona Speiser '02 Ins. 266 2 640 [Ornitbodes Coquillett '04 Ins. 4 553] Ornitboides Matthew '03 Eept. 38 Ornitbolestes Oshorn '03 Kept. 28 3 138 Ornitbopertba Speiser '02 Ins, 266 2 641 Oruithopsis &e/ey 1870 Rept. ; Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist, v 279 Ornithopsylla Rothschild '08 Ins. 392 ( 20 ORNITHOS.— ORPHNE. Ornitbostoma Seeley 1871 Rept. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, vii 35 Oroacrodon Aineghino '04 Mamm, 49 4 324 Orobopbana Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Orocbelidon Ridyway '03 Aves 53 3 278 Orodendrum Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1598 Orodictyum Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt, 2, 1601 Orodynastes Ridyiouy '07 Aves 118 Orona Caineroii '05 Ins. 212 Oroncus Seitz '10 Ins. 338 Oronisciis Verhoeff '08 Crust. 45 & '09 Crust. 38 Oronium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1594 Oronomiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 277 2 595 Oroperipatus Cockerell 1908 Prot, Science April 17 1908, 620 Oropeza Needham '08 Ins. 372 Oropezus Ridyway '09 Aves 113 Orophasparium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 818 Oropbaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 818 Oropbocotyle Looss '02 Verm. 60 2 200 Oropbus Saussure 1859 Ortb. ; Oroplegmium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1600 Oroplexia Hampson '08 Ins. 338 Oropsime Gozis 1881 Col. j Abeillo xviii 161 Orosagrotis Hampson '03 Ins. 281 3 723 Oroscenium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2. 1597 Orotbaninus Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1596 Orotbrips Moulton '07 Ins. 401 Orpacopbora Kirby '06 Ins, 448 Orphan a Vachal '09 Ins. 282 Orpbauoiulus Silvestri '03 Myr. 17 Orpbanyasmus Heller '08 Ins. 261 Orphe Gudman '01 Ins. 210 1 986 Orpbinium Lewis '03 Ins, 152 3 948 Orphnebioidea Schubert '08 Ins. 224 :3 ) OEPHNO.— ORTHOMYLA. ORTHOM YLE .— ORYCTI. Orphnodella Spaeth '02 Ins. 168 Orphnolechia Mcyrick '09 Ins. o53 Oi'phnomala Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Orseolia Kieffer '03 Ins. 305 Orses Godman '01 Ins. 210 1 987 Orsiboe Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 53 Orsilocliides Kirlcald;/ '09 Ins. 384 Orsiloclius Aite?]is '01 Myr. 14 Orsima Simon '02 Araclm. 48 Oita Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Ortliaegoceros J'rouessart '05 Mauim. 41 OrtLagoriscicola Poche '02 Crust. 67 2 425 Orthagria Casey '07 Ins. 216 Orthanaudus Karny '10 Ins. 455 Ortharbela Aurimllius '10 Ins. 338 Orthaspistes Hayedorn '09 Ins. 261 Orthathons Reitter '05 Ins. 159 5 1247 Ortheolus Ca&ey '07 Ins. 242 Orthoarthrus Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 324 Orthochalcis Kieffer '04 Ins. 230 5 1122 Ortliochoua Andre '10 Prot. 70 Orthocoelium Stiles ^ Goldberyer "10 Verm. 33 Orthocoraotis Doyjiin '05 Ins. 279 5 1019 Orthodronius Elders '08 Verm. 45 Ortlioechus Andersson '07 Verm. 48 Orthogeniops Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 42 Orthognathella Szqyliyeti '08 Ins. 295 Ortliognathotermes llolmyren '10 Ins. '446 Orthogonalvs Sidmlz '05 Ins. 219 5 1122 Urthogonica Hainpson '08 Ins. 338 Orthogonophora Ilayidlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Ortliogramma 72. i. 1817 Lep. ; Jena. AUg. Lit. Zeit. i 285 Ortholeuca Hanipson '10 Ins. 357 Ortholfersia Speiser '02 Ins. 266 2 640 Orthomerinus Champion '08 Ins, 261 Ortliometrops Uhler '01 Ins. 283 2 595 Orthomvlacris Handlirsch 'OG Ins. 441 Orthomvleus Eiyenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 93 Orthonecroscia Kirby '04 Ins. 356 (}vih.ono\i\\M\G& Eiyenmann '03 Pisces 35 3 93 Orthonotomyrmex Ashmead '06 Ins. 290 Orthophlebioides Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Orthophragmina Mrinier- Chalmas 1 891 Prot.; Etiid. TithoniqueVicentiu (These) 18 Orthopodes Tnllbery Coel. Orthopodomvia Theobald '04 Ins. 301 4. 553 Orthopora Waters '03 Bry. 14 4 216 Orthoporopterus Lea '10 Ins. 248 Orthoprasis Aurivillius '10 Ins. 255 Orthoprotella Mayer '03 Crust. 43 3 358 Orthoptila Meyrick '04 Ins. 295 4 654 ^ Ortborbinella Schmidt '10 Ins. 434 Ortboscapbeus Bruner '06 Ins. 452 Ortboserica Brenske '01 Ins. 136 Ortbosolenia Renter 1884 Hem. ; Ortbosoleniopsis Poppiiis '10 Ins. 424 Ortbosplancbnus Odhjier '05 Verm. 61 5 380 Ortbostolus Sharp '08 Ins. 232 Ortbostomidius Bruch '09 Ins. 205 Ortbosurcula Casey '04 Moll. 75 5 574 Ortbotettix Hancock '09 Ins. 426 Ortbotbereiia Verhoeff '05 Myr. 7 5 738 Ortbotricbia Winyate 1886 Rbizop. ; Journ. Mycol. ii 125 Ortbotropis Jordan '04 Ins. 185 4 838 Ortboxipbus Dohrn '05 Ins. 339 5 789 Ortbrias Jordan Sf Foivler '03 Pisces 34 3 93 Ortbutaetus Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 43 Ortmannia Loriol '06 Ecbin. 49 Ortmannia Rathhun '01 Crust. 32 2 425 Orusia Walcott '05 Bracb. 8 5 454 Oryctites Oppenheim 1888 Col. ; ( 204 ) ORYCTO.— OTH. Oryctocara Walcott '08 AracLn. 7 Oryctog-ale Merriam '02 Mamm. 33 2 1471 Oryctomylabris HandUrsch '06 Ins. 436 Oryctotliemis HandUrsch '06 Ins. 432 Oiyctopliileunis 7ib/Ae '10 Ins. 229 Ovy gocQYa?. Brusma 1882 Moll. ; Beitr. Piiliiont. Oesterr.-Ungarns ii 33 Orygoceras Ruedemann '06 Moll. 102 V/ O Oryxa Melichar '02 Ins. 282 3 o40 y^ oOryxana Distajit '10 Ins. 431 Oryzias Jordan Sf Snyder '06 Pisces 51 ^ Osaka Disi^aHi! '09 Ins. 399 Osakia Ragonot '01 Ins. 248 1 987 \/0 Osbornia Ball '10 Ins. 431 Oscarella Vosmner 1887 Spong. ; Bronn, Thiei-Tieichs Porifera .326 OsLiria Dyar '04 Ins. 269 5 1019 Osnianoceras Kittl '04 Moll. 61 '02 Ins OTI.— OXYCH. Otinolus Buckton '03 Ins. 343 3 541 Otionhyncliites Fritsch 1882 Col. ; Otocorydopsis Bianchi '07 Aves 132 Otocrania Bedtenhacher '08 Ins. 425 Otohime Jordan (§• Starlis '07 Pisces 39 Otomonas Leyer '02 Prot. 81 Otomplialus Cossmann '02 Moll. 78 Otouomy^o^s Ameyl lino '02 Mamm. 38 Otospira Perner '04 Moll. 82 Ototvloniys Merriam '01 Mamm. 31 1 "1480 Otouphepus Cushman '04 Rept. 29 5' 180 Otucha Warre7i '07 Ins. 327 Otn.sia Walcott '05 Brack. 8 5 454 Osmophila SzepUyeti 2 852 / Ouranion lurkaldy . 4 516 Ouranortkus Buckton Outeniqua Perinqiiey 197/ 2 992 Ouwea Distant '07 In? Osmylidia Cocherell '08 Ins. 363 Osmylopsis HandUrsch '06 Ins. 373 Ospkretica Meyrick '10 Ins. 384 Ossifrapra Wood 1835 Aves; [c/. Zool. Eec. xlii 45] Ossoides Bierniaji '10 Ins. 431 Ostedes Pascoe 1859 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 43 Ostenia Hutton '01 Ins. 266 1 865 Ostertagia Ransom '07 Verm. 34 Osteulcus Burr '07 Ins. 408 Ostiolum Pratt '04 Verm. 49 '04 Ins. 168 324 Ostorodias Distant 4 516 Ostracoletke Simroth 2 345 Osurus Jordan ^- Evermunn '03 Pisces 3 93 '04 Ins. 319 '07 Ins. 391 '02 Ins. 130 . 388 Ovactis van Beneden 1897 Scypko.Toa; Ergebn. PJankton-Exped. Hiim- boldt-Stift. ii K. e. 56 Ovaticella Maplestone. '01 Bry. 9 Ovendenia Tutt '05 Ins. 278 5 1019 Oveolites Lamarck 1801 Pikizop. ; Syst. Anim. sans Vertebr. 402 Owenia Delle Chiaje 1842 Verm. ; Oweniosuckus Woodward 1885 Rept. ; Geo]. Mag. ii 500 Owenites Hyatt Sf Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 574 '01 Moll. 73 Otakia Jordan <§• Snyder 1 1233 Otaris Buckton "03 Ins. 343 Otkeostetkus Bates 1872 Ent. Soc. Lond. 169 Otkiellus Casey '06 Ins. 207 Otknielmarskia Ameyhino 26 Oxacicoris Renter '06 Ins. 403 5 836 Oxopsis Nordenskiold '05 Arackn 35 5 722 Oxyalcia Doynin '05 Ins. 276 5 1019 '01 Pisces • Oxyambulyx Rothschild S,- Jordan '03 ^ ' Ins. 262 3 723 3 541 Oxybia Hampson "01 Ins. 248 1 987 Col. ; Tr. Oxycalanus Farran '08 Crust. 55 Oxycarops Reitter '03 Ins. 3 948 Oxycaiila Jordan '03 Ins. 198 3 948 01 Mamm. Oxycetonia Arroro '10 Ins. 230 Oxyckilopkora, Renter '09 Ins. 394 ( 205 ) OXYCO.— OXYTELL. Oxycordyla Topsent '04 Spong, 21 4 95 Oxycoryphus Cameron '04 Ins. 230 4. 728 Oxycrauum Beryroth '10 Ins. 420 Oxvdactylus Peterson '04 Mamm. 44 5 481 OxyAi&ia. Hampson '01 Ins. 248 1 987 Oxyfidonia Warren '05 Ins. 270 5 1019 Oxygonodera Casey '07 Ins. 242 Oxygyne Ford '01 Ins. 184 3 811 Oxyjoppa Cameron '06 Ins. 29B Oxyligyrus Arroio '08 Ins. 241 Oxylipeurus Mjoberg '10 Ins. 445 Oxylymma Pascoe 1 859 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 21 Oxymedon Casey '05 Ins. 140 7 Ins. 218 Oxymegaspis Schmidt '10 Ins. 4.34 Oxynifivis Ball '03 Moll. 67 Oxymetra Clark '09 Ecbin. 51 Oxynautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Oxynedys Schrottky '03 Ins. 220 Oxynoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Oxyodon Brauer '06 Pisces 48 Oxyonyx i^awsi! 1885 Col.; Oxyopa Simon 1864 Arachn. : Hist. nat. Araign. 386 Oxyopsis Caudell '04 Ins. 355 Oxyorthalicus Strebel '09 Moll. 80 Oxyphyllum Hancock '09 Ins. 426 Oxypita Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Oxypodinus Bernhauer '01 Ins. 124 2 992 Oxypolella Bergendal '02 Verm. 45 2 200 Oxypolia PMwne^ '01 Verm. 42 1 497 Oxypria Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Oxypteria Waagen '09 Moll. 88 Oxypteropsis Champion '05 Ins. 176 5 1247 Oxyrliacliidia Melichar '03 Ins. 343 3 541 Oxyrrliis Biijardin 1841 Flag. ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 327 Oxyscelio Kieffer '07 Ins. 288 Oxysterna Iroso '10 Verm. 45 Oxytella Weise '02 Ins. 171 2 992 OXYTELO.— PACHYCHILE. Oxytelodes Bernhauer '08 Ins. 2Ji4 Oxythemis Ris '10 Ins. 449 Oxythvreus Wedioood 1841 Hem. ; 'Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 27 OxVtoxia Mahille '04 Ins. 252 4 654 Oxyurella Dybovsky 4'- Grochoyshy 1894 Cru^t. ; Oxyuropoda Carpenter Sf Swain '08 Crust. 41 Ozaniia liagonot '01 Ins. 248 1 987 Ozelaphus K/iottnej-us- Meyer '07 Mamm. 69 Ozolaimus Diijardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 145 Ozopemon Hagedorn '08 Ins. 265 & Ins. '10, Ins. 252 Ozotrioza Kieffer '05 Ins. 320 1)ACARINA Distant '05 Ins. 313 1 5 836 pPachacanthocnemis Schmidt '10 Ins. ^ 434 Pachamphilla Lendenfeld '07 Por. 7 Pachastrissa Lendenfeld '03 Spong. 21 Pachistopelma Pocock '01 Arachn. 35 1 737 Pachlysa Berihold 1827 Hemiptera; Latreille Nat. Fam. Theirreichs 417 Pachnepteryx Brxmner 1865 Orth. ; Pachnistis Meyrick '07 Ins. 346 Pachos Stebhiny '10 Crust. 43 Pachyanthidium Friese '05 Ins. 194 5 1122 Pachyaster Loriol '09 Echin. 44 Pachybiotherium Ameyhino '02 ^lamm. 44 Pachybracon Cameron '08 Ins. 299 Paehvcalymma Schrammen '01 Spono-. 32 ^ " Pachycentris Friese '02 Ins. 177 2 852 Pachycerianthus Route '04 Ccel. 32 Pachycerota Casey '06 Ins. 207 Pachychaetina Hendel '07 Ins. 374 Pachvchilecamenta Brenske '03 Ins. 163 4 839 ( 206 ) PACHYCHILI.— PACHYMEL. I'achychilina Reiiter .'01 Ins. 148 3 949 Pachyclavularia Eoide '07 Coel. 23 raclijclypiis Pomel ^ 1883 EcLin. ; Classif. meth. Echiu. 53 Pachycnemida Peringueij '02 Ins. 131 2 993 I'achycoleon Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Pachycorynea Pocta '07 Por. 7 Pachycotlion Schraimnen '01 Spong. ^ 33 Pachycrepoideus Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 729 I'achycvtes Fairmaire '03 Ins. 198 ^ 3 949 , Pachydeinocera Peitter '03 Ins. 163 3 949 Pachyderes Budde-Lund '08 Crust. ; Voeltzkow, Reise Ostafrika ii 281 Pachydervis Broun '09 Ins. 257 Pachydictvum Weltner '01 Spona*. 37 ' 1 448 Pachydomella Etheridge '07 Moll. 163 Pachyddta Hampson '01 Ins. 221 1 987 Pacbvfornax Fleutiaux '02 Ins. 135 1 1145 Pacbvgonatopiis Perkins '05 Ins. 224 ' 5 1122 I'achygrapsiis Randall Crust. ; Pachyhyrax Schlosser '10 Manim. 62 Pachyidiops Simon '03 Arachn. 21 Pachyiulus Berlese 1883 Myr. ; Atti Inst. Veneto (6) ii 253 Pacliyjoppa Cameron '01 Ins. 190 ' ■ 1 1047 Pachylebias Woodtoard '01 Pisces 30 1 1233 Pachvlepisma Schrammen '02 Spong. ' 26 2 119 Pachylister Leivis '04 Ins. 146 4 839 Pachylocerus Hope 1834 Col; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lend, i 19 Pachylonietra Clark '09 Echin. 51 Pacbyh'toceras Buchnan '05 Moll. 57 5 574 -(f Pacbyniacbaerota Schmidt '07 Ins. 393 Pacbyraelas Tschitscherine '02 Ins. Ill 2 993 ( 20' PACHYMER.— PACHYTH. Pachymeridium Geinitz 1880 Hem. ; Pacbymeriniis Silvestrn '05 Myr. 9 5 738 Pacbymeris von Gximppenberg 1896 Lep. ; Nov. Acta Caesar. German, Ixv 218 Pacbymerocerus Renter '09 Ins. 394 Pacbymeta Aurivillius '06 Ins. 328 Pacbymura Welter '10 Por. 6 Pacbynasua Ameghino '04 Mamm. ."iO 4 324 Pacbynectes R^gimhart '03 Ins. 142 " 3 949 Pacbyneurella Brues '03 Ins. 315 3 583 Pacbyneurby menus Renter '09 Ins. 394 Pacbyneuroblattina Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 -Pacbyntbeisa FmcJer '04 Ins. 333 4 516 Pacbyoryctes Arroio '08 Ins. 241 Pacbyosteus Jacket '03 Pisces 39 Pachypbloea Redtenbacker '06 Ins. 444 Pacbvpodistes Hampson '05 Ins 276 5 1020 Pacbypoessa Simon '02 Arachn. 48 2 485 Pacbyprosopis Perkins '08 Ins. 283 Pacbypsolus Looss '01 Verm. 6'> 1 497 Pacbypsycbe Handlirsch '06 Ins. 3G8 Pacbypteryx Wiman '05 Aves 44 5 347 Pacbysalax Schrainmen '10 Por. 8 Pacbysaurus Huene '08 Kept. 30 Pacbysceptron Haas '09 Coel. 23 Pacbyscia Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Pacbyseius Berlese '10 Aracbn. 37 Pacbyspbaera Brandt '02 Prot 72 2 104 Pacby sphinx Rothschild S,- Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 723 Pachystilicus Casey '05 Ins. 140 7 Ins. 218 Pachystoma Wag^ier '05 Moll. 79 Pacbystropbia Perner '04 Moll. 80 Pacbysyrnola Cossmcmn '07 Moll. 96 Pachysystropus Cockerell '09 Ins. 371 Pachytbohis Strebcl "09 Moll. 81 ■ ) PACHYTO.— PAI. PALAC— PALAEOMA. v/ Pachytomus Westwood ] 847 Hym. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 260 Pachytrachelus Schratmne^i '10 Por. 8 Pacliytragus Schlosser '04 Mamm. 43 5 481 Pachytrema Looss '07 Verm. 28 Pachytroctes Enderlcm '05 Ins. 329 5 789 Pacliytyla Loioer '03 Ins. 288 3 723 Pachyzaedyus Anieghino '02 Mamm. 43 Pacificana Hogq '04 Araclin. 32 4 409 Pacorus Distant '09 Ins. 394 Pactylotypus Broun '09 Ins. 257 O Padanda Distant '06 Ins. 415 Padillothorax Simon '02 Arachn. 48 Padunia Martynov '10 Ins. 387 Paedalgus Forel '10 Ins. 286 Paedaridium Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 358 Paedephemera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 430 Paederillus Casey '05 Ins. 140 7 Ins. 218 Paedeumias Walcott '10 Arachn. 6 Paediovaljrus Kolbe '04 Ins, 158 4 839 Paedoclione Danforth '08 INloll. 98 Paessleria Michaelsen '07 Procli. 7 Pagana Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 45 Pagarenes Ca^neron '03 Ins. 237 4 729 O Pagaronia Ball '02 Ins. 287 Paginula Ameghino '01 Mamm. 38 Pagodea Perner '04 Moll. 85 5 685 Pagodia Walcott '06 Arachn. 9 Pagophoca Trouessart '05 Mamm. 36 Pagurapseudes Whitelegge '01 Crust. 39 1 691 Pagurias Benedict '02 Crust. 42 2 425 Pagyra Schaus '01 Ins. 230 1 987 Paharia Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 836 Paineia Buckman '04 Moll. 61 4 303 Paipila Cameron '05 Ins. 212 7 279 Paita J'tnu-eZ '04 Ins. 167 6 241 Paiteya Chamherlin Myr., Arachn. 52 Paiwarria Kaye '04 Ins. 250 4 654 Palacanthropus Bonarelli '10 Mamm. 46 Palacrodou Broom '06 Kept. 36 Palaeagrotis Ham2Json '07 Ins. 317 Palaearctomvs Douglass '03 Mamm. 32 5 481 Palaearctonyx Mattheio '09 Mamm. 63 Palaegina Hneckel 1869 Hydrozoa ; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xix 540 Palaemonella Dana 1853 Crust. ; Rep. U.S. Explor. Exp. 1838-42 Philad. 1853 Crust. 1434 Palaemonias Hay '02 Crust. 47 Palaemonopsis Borradaile '01 Crust. 32 Palaemysis Bench '08 Crust. 40 Palaeoanaclinia Meunier '05 Ins. 129 Palaeoapterodytes Ameghino '06 Aves 75 Palaeoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Palaeoboletiua Metinier '05 Ins. 129 Palaeocardia Ameghino '02 Mamm. 38 Palaeochamaeleo De Stefnno '04 Rept. 25 Palaeochromis Sauvage '07 Pisces 43 Palaeochrysotus Meunier '07 Ins. 368 Palaeocolpodia 3Ieunier '04 Ins. 124 4 554 Palaeocossus Oppenhei77i 1885 Lep. ; Palaeodalea Meunier '02 Ins. 107 Palaeodocosia Meu7iier '05 Ins. 129 Palaeodoxa Warren '07 Ins. 327 Palaeoepicypta Meunier '05 Ins. 130 Palaeognnriste Meunier '04 Ins. 125 4 554 Palaeohelicina Wugner '05 Moll. 79 Palaeoheteromyza Meunier '04 Ins. 125 5 883 Palaeoheterotricha Meunier '04 Ins. 125 4 554 Palaeohilarimorpha Meunier '02 Ins. 107 5 883 Palaeolecanium Side '08 Ins. 411 Palaeolima Hind '03 Moll. 83 3 293 Palaeomantis Handlirsch '04 Ins. 125 4 464 Palaeomastax Handlirsch '04 Ins. 126 Palaeomastodon Andrews '01 Mamm. 37 1 1480 ( 208 ) P ALAEOMO. — PALAEOT. Palaeomolis Hampson '09 Ins. 326 Palaeomunida Lorenthey '01 Crust. 82 & '03 Crust. 33 3 358 Palaeomymar Meimier '01 Ins. 112 Palaeouotus Schmarda 1861 Verm. ; Palaeonustus Perner '04 MoU. 82 Palaeopalaemon Whitfield 1880 Crust. ; Palaeopalara Handlirsch '04 Ins. 12o Palaeoparamesia Meunier '02 Ins. 107 Palaeopentaches Knehcl '09 Crust. 32 Palaeopharus Kittl '08 Moll. 115 Palaeophichthvs Eastman '08 Pisces 50 Palaeopliileurus Kolbe '10 Ins. 229 Palaeophlebia Brauer 1889 Neur. ; Palaeophocaena Abel '05 Mamm. 45 5 481 Palaeophtliinia Meunier '05 Ins. 129 Palaeophylia Jacohy '03 Ins. 207 3 949 Palaeopipiza Meunier '02 Ins. 107 Palaeopolycheles Knehel '09 Crust. 32 Palaeopsammia Wanner '02 Ccel. 28 Palaeopsocus Kolbe 1883 Neur. ; Palaeopsyche Perkins '05 Ins. 251 5 1020 Palaeopsylla Wagner '03 Ins. 322 3 436 Palaeorehnia Cockerell '08 Ins. 429 Palaeorhinus Williston '04 Kept. 32 5 180 Palaeorhiza Perkins '08 Ins. 283 Palaeosastra Jacoby '06 Ins. 268 Palaeoschisma Donald '02 Moll. 79 Palaeoscurria Perner '03 Moll. 79 Palaeosinopa Matthew '01 Mamm. ; 1 1480 Palaeosphaeroma Reines '03 Crust. 40 Palaeosphegina Meunier '10 Ins. 113 1 865 Palaeosycorax Meunier '05 Ins. 128 Palaeosynthemis Forster '03 Ins. 360 Palaeotaxonus Rohwer '08 Ins. 308 Palaeotherates Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Palaeotimia Meunier '08 lus. 389 Palaeotorymus Brues '10 Ins. 300 Palaeotriclionta Meunier '05 Ins. 129 ( 209 PALAEOV.— PALOET. Palaeovespa Cockerell '06 Ins. 283 Palaeoziphius Abel '05 Mamm. 45 & '06 Mamm. 8] Palaepanorthus Ameqhino '02 Mamm. 44 Palaetheta Meyrick '09 Ins. 353 & '10 Ins. 384 Palaeura Jaekel '03 Echin. 95 Palaevagrus Simon '08 Arachn. 28 Palaiargia Forster '03 lus. 360 3 479 Palaistaptus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Palamedaea Moehring 1758 Aves ; Genlacht. Vogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 8 Palamernis Meyrick '06 Ins. 366 Palaopartula Pilsbry '10 Moll. 82 Palatinella Lauterborn '06 Prot. 45 Palenarthrus Scudder 1890 Myr. ; Paleologus Distant '02 Ins. 273 2 695 Pales ^ocA 1850 Arachn.; Uebers. d. Aracbnidsyst. v 64 Pales Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class, Mouches 14 Palestrina Peckham '01 Arachn. 35 1 737 Palex Btirr '10 Ins. 451 Palfuria Simon '10 Arachn. 26 Palibothra Herrich-Schaeffer 1856 Lep. ; Samml. auseurop. Schmett. 126 Palicites Gemmellaro '05 Moll. 57 Paliguana Broom '03 Rept. 32 Palimbola Weise '01 Ins. 1 1145 Palinostylus Bate Crust. ; Pallasiella Sars 1895 Crust. ; Crustacea Norway i 505 Pallex Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Palliscyproea Cosstnann '08 Moll. 88 Palmatogecko Andersson '08 Rept. 27 Palmerella Cameron '08 Ins. 296 Palmobius Needha^n '05 Ins. 328 V&\mjr& Savigny 1817 Verm.; Palmyropsis Potts '10 Verm. 52 Paloestrus Scudder '01 Ins. 113 Palorthopteron Handlirsch '04 Ins 126 PALOEU.— PANARO. PANART.— PANTA. Palorus Mulsant 1854 Col. ; Coleopt. France Latigen. 250 Palotta Wcdker 1869 Orth. ; Palpangula Siaudinc/er 1877 Lep. ; Stettin, ent. Zeit. 19B Palparidius Ferimiuey '10 Ins. .')90 Palparites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Palpelius Shiwn '03 Araclm. 37 Palpiniis Camhfidije '05 Arachn. 26 5 722 Palpipes Sorenscn '10 Arachn. 33 Palponima Hampson '05 Jns. 261 5 1020 Paludinopsis Iclce ^- Blartin '06 Moll. 68 I'aludipnsser Ncave '09 Aves 127 Palunibus Moelirmg 1758 Aves; Geslacht. Vogel. Nozeman n. Vosmaer 4 Palustria Bylmoski '08 Moll. 103 Panicohna Schnus '05 Ins. 251 ^ 5 1020 •'I'amendanfra Distiud '06 Ins. 415 Pamerana Distcmt '09 Ins. 387 Panieridea Renter '06 Ins. 403 & 'OS Ins. 399 Pammeris Warren '06 Ins. 352 Paniniierophallus Pocock '09 Myr., Arachn. 53 I'ampanoa Folder '06 Pisces 45 Paniphngella Bruner '10 Ins. 457 Pamphobeteus Pocock '01 Arachn. 36 1 737 Panacea Dull '05 Moll. 82 5 574 I'anaietis Stebhiny '01 Crust. 51 Panalota Caney '10 Ins. 217 Panamia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 381 I'ananoratha Bethtme-Baker '08 Ins. 338 Panaphelix Walsincjlutm '07 Ins. 338 Panaphis Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 337 4 516 Panarche Thieme '07 Ins. 298 Panarelium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt, 1, 388 Panaretidius Simon '06 Arachn. 36 Panaromium Haeckel 1887 Phizop. ; Cii alien gor xviii pt. 1, 389 ( 2 Panartella Jlaeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 377 Panartidinm Ha^ekcl 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 385 Panartissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 377 Panartoma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 377 Panatnra Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 377 Pancoenia Meyriek '04 Ins. 295 4 654 Pancohis Richardson '05 Crust. 50 5 673 Pancorius Simon '02 Arachn. 48 2 485 Pancota Casey '06 In«. 207 Pancra Swinhoe '02 Ins. 229 2 773 Pandelltia Villenettve '07 Ins. 372 Pandora Koch 1850 Arachn. ; Uebers. Arachnidsyst. v 64 Pandora Sars 1895 Crust. : Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. (5) iii 287 Pangeranga Distant '06 Ins. 400 Panicidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1 , 385 Panilurus Jacohy '04 Ins. 194 4 839 Paniscomima Enderlein '04 Ins. 212 4 729 Panisopelma Kndei-lein '10 Ins. 436 Panka Distant '05 Ins. 313 5 836 Pannona Lorevthey '02 Moll. 74 Panopochlea Dall '08 Moll. 88 Panogena Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 724 Panophrys Dv jar din 1841 Infusoria; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 467 Panoplites Theobald '01 Ins. 260 1 865 Panoploeopsis Kimkel '10 Crust. 37 Panopsis Daniel '03 Ins. 189 Panorpi d ea ^rmms '03 Ins. ; 3 811 Panorpidium Westwood 1854 -Orth. ; Quart. J. Geol. Soc. x 394 Panotrogus Reitter '03 Ins. 163 3 949 Pansporella Chatton '07 Prot. 53 [Pantana (?;rr ?!t;??2. ??.) '03 Ins. 3 724] 10 ) PANTH.— PARABOM. PARABOS.— PARACHAR. Pantlierodes Guen6e 18.")8 Lep. ; Spec. Gen. L(5p. x 199 Pantoclis Foerster 1856 Ilym. ; Iljm. Studien ii 129 Pantocometis Lacordaire 1848 Col. ; Mon. Col. Subpent. ii 360 Pantodapiis Hcmdlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Pantoleon True '05 Mamm. 36 Pantostjlops Amer/hiito '01 Mamm. 38 Pannrgoniia Vierech '09 Ins. 282 Pannrothrips Bnijnall '08 In?. 413 Panysinus Simon '01 Araclm. 36 1 737 Paonidia Meyrick '02 Ins. 229 2 773 Papagoa Bruner '04 Ins. 361 4- 464 Papillella Fos??irt6'r 1887Spong'. ; Bronn Thierreich, Porifera 329 Papuania Jacohy '06 Ins. 268 Papuogryllacris Griffini '09 Ins, 423 Paquiericeras Sayn '01 Moll. 09 Parabacillus Caudell '03 Ins. 370 3 479 Parabactra Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Parabactridium liedtenbaclwr '08 Ins. 425 Parabaera Dognin '04 Ins. 289 4 655 Parabaikalia Lindholm '09 Moll. 70 Parabalus Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 Parabascus Looss '07 Verm. 28 Parabasis Betliune-Baker '04 Ins. 209 4 655 Parabates MacGillivrny '09 Ins. 305 Parabderites Ameghino '02 Mamm. 44 I'arabelemnon Thomson Sf Simpson '09 Ccel. 23 Parabemns Reitter '09 Ins. 223 Parabetaeus Coutiere 1897 Crust. ; Bull. Mus. Paris ii 383 Parablax Schicarz '06 Ins. 230 Paraboeckella Mrdzek '02 Crust. 07 2 425 Parabolbocoris Schouteden '04 Ins. 318 Parabolinella ^ Broyger 1882 Crust. ; Silur. Etagen 2 u. 3 ini Kristi- angeb. Parabombylius Williston '07 Ins. 367 Parabomis Kulczynski '01 Arachn. 36 1 737 ( 21 Paraboselapbus SeJdosser '03 Mamm. 37 3 382 Parabroteas Mrdzek '02 Crust. 07 2 425 Parabuprestites Hmullirsch '06 Ins. 271 Parabuprestiuni Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Paracallisoma Chevreux '03 Crust. 42 Paracallonia Filshry '03 Moll. 61 6 48 Paracaloptenus Bolivar 1876 Ortli. ; Sinops. Ort. Esp. 296 Paraealyoza Cameron '09 Ins. 301 Paracalyptropliora Kinoshita "08 Coel. 26 Paraeambarus Ortmann '06 Crust. 38 Paracameliis Schlosser '03 Mamm. 38 3 382 Paracameuta Feringuey '04 Ins. 154 4 839 Paracarea Bethune-Baker '00 Ins. 341 Pai-acassidinopsis Nohili '06 Crust. 45 Paracassina Peracca '07 Rept. 24 Paracastalia Kerremans '02 Ins. 134 3 949 Paracatops Portevin '07 Ins. 221 I'aracentema Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Paracentris Cameron '03 Ins. 220 3 812 Paracentrotus Mortensen '03 Ecliin. 82 Paraceradocus Stebbitig '10 Crust. 37 I'araceratias Tanaka '08 Pisces 39 Paraceratites Ivittl '05 Moll. 57 Paraceratopus Brcthes '10 Ins. 248 Paracerceis Hansen '05 Crust. 53 5 673 Paraceritbium Cossmann '02 Moll. 73 Paraceryx Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 262 4 655 I'aracbaenicLtbvs Boulemjer '02 Pisces 25 2 1121 Paracbaetetes Deninyer '00 Ccel. 21 Paracbaractis Meyrick ^- Loicer '07 Ins. 310 Paracharaetus Macgillivray '08 Ins. 308 I'aracbartergus Ihering '05 Ins. 197 4 729 I- ) p2 PARACHAU. -PARACRE. Parachauliodes W^eele '09 Ins. 359 Paracheliphlebia Handlirsch '06 435 Parachetolvffa Bischof '04 Ins. 4 554 Parachloebata Brimer '04 Ins. 4 464 Parachnocoris Renter '08 Ins. 397 Parachonclria Dff/Z '05 Moll. 77 5 Parachrysis Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 Parachrjsops Bethune- Baker '04 PARACRI.— PARADISC. Paracrias Ashmead Ing^ 4 729 Vo> Paracronina Melichar '04 Ins. 230 '02 Ins. 282 309 361 575 Ins. 250 4 655 V&xhci^a,r\s Pomel 1883Ecliin. ; Classlf. Di6th. Echin. 109 Paracilicaea Stehbing '10 Crust. 34 Paraciliiia Werner '09 Ins. 420 Paraclara Bezzi '08 Ins. 385 Paraclea Dtjar '05 Ins. 251 5 1020 Paraclemensia Busck '04 Ins. 295 5 1020 Paraclidorhinus Senria '02 Ins. 159 5 1248 Paraclione Tesch '03 Moll. 65 3 293 Paraclusia Czerny '03 Ins. 320 5 883 Paracnemis Martin '03 Ins. 360 Paracoccidium Laveran ^ Mesnil '02 Prot. 77 2 104 Paracodia Hampson '10 Ins. 358 ' Paracodoceras Cossmann '01 Moll. 69 Paracodrus Kieffer '07 Ins. 288 Paracoelodus Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 325 Paracoleotichus Schouteden '04 318 Paracollyria Cameron '06 Ins. 296 Paracomucha Warren '04 Ins. 4 655 Paracopiura Distant '02 Ins. 272 2 596 Paracordulia Martin '08 Ins. 417 Paracosmesus Schwarz '01 Ins. 142 Paracosmia Borelli '09 Ins. 417 Paracossus Hampson '05 Ins. 251 5 1020 Paracrabro Turner '07 Ins. 271 Paracraga Byar '05 Ins. 251 5 1020 Paracrepidonienus Schwarz '06 Ins. 230 336 Pisces 48 '06 Ins. '06 luF '06 Ins. 3 541 Paracroria Hampson '09 Ins. Paracrossocliilus Bopta '04 4 86 Paractenodia Peringuey '04 Ins. 171 4 839 Paractinophlebia Handlirsch 373 Paracurculionites Handlirsch 271 Paracurculium Handlirsch 272 Paracydas Bethune- Baker '08 Ins. 328 Paracynohyaenodon Martin '06 Mamm. 69 Paracyphocai'is Chevretix '05 Crust. 58 5 673 & '09 Crust. 41 Paracypbocrania Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Paracypria Sars '10 Crust. 46 Paracyrtopbyllus Caudell '06 Ins. 449 Paracytberoma Jiiday '07 Crust. 84 Paradactylopborosoma vl^^cwis '08 Myr., Aracbn. 51 Paradadyceras Cossman7i '01 Moll. 69 OV&r&Afiiishst, Distant '10 Ins. 431 Paradaria Kusnezov '08 Ins. 350 Paradoris Meyrick '07 Ins. 346 Paradexodes Toicnsend '08 Ins. 385 Paradiacantba Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Paradiamesa Brethes '09 Ins. 363 Paradiapberornera Brunner '07 Ins. 413 Paradiastema Aurivillius '01 Ins. 221 3 725 Paradlastvlis Caiman '04 Crust. 39 4 366 Paradidelpbvs Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 325 Paradilacra Bernhauer '09 Ins. 223 Paradinium Chatton '10 Prot. 69 Paradinodes Apfelbek '03 Ins. 139 4 839 Paradiplatys Zacher '10 Ins. 451 Paradiplosis Felt '08 Ins. 368 Paradiscocera Schumacher '10 Ins. 419 ( 212 ) Ins. 282 PARADIST.— PARAGA. Paradistomum Kossuck '10 Verm. 3-3 Paradoggeria Handlirsch '06 lus. 273 Paradineta Warren '07 Ins. 327 Paradniete Strebel '09 Moll. 70 Paradmontia CuquiUett '02 Ins. 262 2 641 Paradohertya Befhune-Baker '04 Ins. 262 4 665 <3 Paradorydium Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 289 Paradosis Ze//e/- 1854 Lep. ; K. Vet.-Ak. Ilaudl. Ixxiii 58 Paradossenus Camhridye '03 Arachn. 30 3 407 Paradoxipliis Berlese '10 Araclin. 37 Paradoxodps Warren '04 Ins. 282 4 655 Paradoxoides Motschulsky 1851 Neur. ; Paradoxon Fleutiaux '03 Ins. 173 4 839 Paradoxorbvncha Chapman '04 Crust. 54 Paradrallia Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 328 Paradryinus Perkins '05 Ins. 224 5 1J23 Paraduba Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 320 Paraduronia Bolivar '09 Ins. 426 Paraduronia Karny '10 Ins. 457 Paradynaraeue Richardson '05 Crust. 53 5 673 Paraedwardsia Nordgaard '05 Coel. 33 Paraegaleus Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Paraegle Hampson '10 Ins. 358 Paraegocera Hampson '01 Ins. 221 1 988 Paraeuchaeta Scott '09 Crust. 50 Paratischeria Townsend '08 Ins. 385 ■^ O Paratiata Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 541 Parafriesea Schrottky '07 Ins. 267 Paragambusia Meek '04 Pisces 43 4 86 Paraganides Hyatt ^ Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 575 Paragarista Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 341 Paragatbia Warren '02 Ins. 238 2 773 Paragattya Warreii '08 Coel. 21 PARAGE.— PARALABIDO. Paragelocus Schlosser '02 Mamm. 40 2 1471 Paragematis Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Paragermaria J'ownsend '09 Ins. 376 Paraglenurus Week '09 Ins. 359 Paraglossa Hampson '06 Ins. 360 Paraglycia Bedel '07 Ins. 211 Paraglypsus Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 Paragnorimus Becker '10 Ins. 230 Paragnostus Jaekel '09 Aracbn. 8 Paragonatopus Perkins '05 Ins. 224 5 1123 Paragonltis Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 341 Paragraecia Karny '07 Ins. 417 Paragrarama Warren '05 Ins. 271 5 1020 Paragreenia Cockerell '08 Aracbn. 41 Paragriliuui Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Paragripopteryx Enderlein '09 Ins. 410 Paragrubia Chevreux '02 Crust. 59 1 691 Paragryllodes Karny '09 Ins. 421 Paragryon Kiefer '08 Ins. 304 Paragymnobotbrus Karny '10 Ins. 457 Paragyrinus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Paragvrtis Meyrick '05 Ins. 271 '5 1021 Parahaplopblebium Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Parabelcon Kokujew '01 Ins. 193 1 1047 Parabomalopblebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Paraboplopbrys Nobili '05 Crust. 34 5 673 Parabornia Cockerell '06 Ins. 251 Parabyaenodon Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 325 Parabydromys Thomas '06 Mamm. 72 Parabyria Bischof '01 Ins. 271 Parajaua Aurivillius '06 Ins. 328 Parajapyx Silvestri '03 Ins. 362 Parajotus Peckhatn '03 Aracbn. 37 3 407 Parakancbia Bethioie- Baker '08 Ins. 328 Paralabidocera Wolfenden '08 Crust. 55 ( 213 ) PARALABIDU.— PARALISTRON. PARALISTROS.— PARAMEL. Paralabidura Burr '10 Ins. 451 Paralacon Rdtter '05 Ins. 159 Paralaelaps Trlujardh '08 Araclin, 42 Paralaelius Kieffer '05 Ins. 224 5 1123 Paralaethia Hampson '07 Ins. 310 Paralagena Ball '04 Moll. 78 4 304 Paralamyctes Fococh '01 Myr. 11 1 754 Paralandrevus Saussurc 1877 Orth.; Mem. Soo. Phys. Geneve xxv pt. 1, 271 Paralathra Casey '05 Ins. 140 7 218 Paralauxania Ilevdel '08 Ins. 389 Paralcea ^//en '02 Mamm. 39 Paralcidia Warren '06 Ins. 352 Pai-alcinous Costa Pantop. ; Paralebeda Hampson '10 Ins. 338 Paraleclaia Busch '03 Ins. 302 3 725 Paraleirides Deville '06 Ins. 199 Paralepas Pilshry '07 Crust. 88 Paraleptiisa Peyerimhoff '01 Ins. 124 1 1145 Paraleptynia Caudell '04 Ins. 356 5 789 Paralesteva Casey '05 Ins. 141 ParaleiicillaZfenr/y 1893Spong. ; Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 77 Paraleucocelis Preiss '04 Ins. 158 5 1248 Paraleucochromus Kolhe '08 Ins. 262 Paraleucogobio Berg '07 Pisces 50 Paraleucon Caiman '07 Crust. 61 Paraleyrodes Qiutintance '09 Ins. 403 Paralicella Chevreux '08 Crust. 49 Paralichomolgus Thomj)son Sf Scott '03 Crust. 52 3 358 Paraliclitbodes Gilchrist '02 Pisces 27 2 1121 Paralictus Robertson '01 Ins. 176 Paralimnopbora Lamb '09 Ins. 376 O Paralimnus Matsunmra '02 Ins. 287 2 596 Paralina Baly 1859 Col, ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. V 155 Paralinbomoeus Man '07 Verm. 35 Paraliocercyon Ganylbauer '04 Ins. 133 Paralistronvx Brenslce '07 Ins. 228 Paralisfroscelis Carl '08 Ins. 429 Paralixus Csiki '04 Ins. 179 4 839 Parallelaptera Enoch '09 Ins. 301 Parallelodus Branson '09 Moll. 89 & '10 Moll. 91 Paralleloneurum Becker '03 Ins. 313 3 583 Parallostetbus Schwarz 'OG Ins. 230 OParallvgus Melichar '03 Ins. 346 / '3 541 Paralobites 3Iojsisovics '02 Moll. 57 Paralobium ivi// '05Ins. 164 7 230 Paraloelius Cameron '05 Ins. 224 Paralomia White 1856 Crust. ; Paralonella Birye '10 Crust. 40 Paralopba Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 338 Paralopbogaster Hanseii '10 Crust. 32 Paraloxoblemmus Katny "07 Ins. 415 Paralucia Waterho^ise ^- Turner '04 Ins. 250 6 320 Paralucilia Brauer '01 Ins. 271 Paralygus Renter '06 Ins. 403 ' 5 836 Paralytoceras Freeh '02 Moll. 57 I'aramarane Bethune-Baker '10 Ins. 338 Paramarpissa Cambridye '01 Araclin. 36 1 737 Paraniasaris Cameron '01 Ins. 177 2 852 Paramatta (vide Parramatta) Paramaya De Haan Crust. ; Paramaypa Brenske '07 Ins. 228 Paranibasia Walker S," Scott '03 Crust. 42 3 358 Paramblyuotus Cameron '08 Ins. 306 Paramblyops Holt Sf Tattersall '05 Crust. 48 5 673 Paraniecocoris Stdl 1854 Hem. ; Of v. Svenska Ak. Forhaudl. 1853, 215 I'aramecyna Aurivillius '08 Ins. 268 Paramedon Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 218 Paramegaptilus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Paramegistus Trayardh '06 Aracbii. 4'7 Parauieira Sars '07 Crust. 82 Paramelisa Aurivillius '06 Ins. 328 Paramelora Lower "03 Ins. 288 3 725 ( 214 ) PARAMEN. — PARANEME. Panimenexemis liedtcnbacher '08 Ins. Panimeta Aurivillius '09 Ins. 32G Parainethaua She/ford '07 Ins. 409 I'lirametopa Chcoreicc '01 Crust. 41 1 091 & 5 G73 I'arametopus Melwhai' '06 Ins. 415 Parametra Clark '09 Ecbiu. 51 Paraniida Sicard '09 Ins. 274 Paraniidobia Bernhauer '08 Ins. 224 I'aramilioiua Bethune- Baker '06 Ins. 352 Paramitraceras Cambridge '05 Aracbu. 20 5 722 Parainuiobates Friese '06 Ins. 279 I'arauioera Miers 1875 Crust. ; Ann. INIag. Nat. Hist. (4) xvi 76 I*araniorou Aicrwillius '08 Ins. 268 Parampbientomuiu Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 Parampbilius Fellegnti '07 Pisces 49 Parauipbistoujum Fischueder '01 Verm. o2 Paramusouia Rehii '04 Ins. 355 4 464 Paramylodoii Brown '05 Maniui. 46 3 332 Paraniyocastor Ameghino '04 Manmi. 50 4. 325 Paramyrouides Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Paramyxilla Bendy '05 Spong. 22 5 286 Paramyxiue Dean '04 Pisces 57 4 86 Paranaeuia Chilton 1883 Crust. ; Paranagrus Perkins '05 Ins. ; 5 1123 Paranaunites Hyatt 1^ Smith '05 Moll. 57 5 o75 Paranapbora Townsend '08 Ins. 385 Paranaspides Smith '08 Crust. 40 Paranaucbenia Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 325 Paranautilus Mujsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Paranclytra Karny '07 Ins. 417 (^ Paranda Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 541 Parandricus Kieffer '06 Ins. 310 Pai'androeme Aurivillius '08 Ins. 268 Paranecrosia Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 I'aranemertes Coe '01 Verm. 42 1 498 PARANEMO. -PARAPANE. Parauemobius Alfken '01 Ins. 307 1 784 Parauemobius Suussure 1877 Ortb. ; Paraneotroplus Regan '05 Pisces ; 5 115 Paranerita Ilampson '01 Ins. 221 1 988 Paraneura Dietz '05 Ins. 282 7 346 Paraneuretus Wheeler '10 Ins. 286 Paranevisanus Distant '08 Ins. 394 Parangitia Hampson '10 Ins. 358 l/O Paranipeus Melichar '06 Ins. 415 Parauisomorpba Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 444 Paranodoa CockereU 'Co Ins. 154 5 1248 Parauomina Hendel '07 Ins. 374 Paranortbia Moore '03 Verm. ; 3 189 Parauutonyx Nobili '05 Crust. 36 5 673 Parauotoperla Enderlein '09 Ins. 411 Paranotropis Fowler '04 Pisces 48 4 86 Parauteon Perkins '05 Ins. 224 5 1123 Parauteris Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 Parantbaclisis Banks '07 Ins. 354 Parautbeopsis McMurrich '04 Coel. 32 4 121 Parautbessius (Sco^^ '03 Crust. 52 3 358 Parautbidium CockereU '01 lus. 176 1 1047 Parantbomyza Czerny '02 Ins. 264 Parautbribus Jordan '04 Ins. 185 4 839 Parautias Reuter '06 Ins. 403 5 836 Paranura Axelson '02 Ins. 303 Paranurus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 118 2 993 Paraorobia Brunner 1893 Ortb. ; Ann. Mus. Ceuova (2) xiii 80 Paraoroides Stebbing '10 Crust. 37 Paraortyx Gaillard '08 Aves 111 Parapalaeonarica Blaschke '05 Moll. 81 5 575 Parapalosia Dyar '05 Ins. 251 5 1021 Parapandalus Borradaile '01 Crust. 33 Parapanesia Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 ( 215 ) PARAPANT.— PARAPI. PARAPL.— PARAPYGI. Parapantilius Renter '04 Ins. 328 3 541 Parapaolia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Paraparchites Ulrich ^- Bassler '06 Crust. 59 Paraparraarion Collinge '02 Moll. 61 2 345 Parapelopides Zang '04 Ins. 149 4 839 Parapelosia Bethune- Baker '08 Ins. 328 Parapeltidium Scott '09 Crust. 50 Parapenaeon Richardso7i '04 Crust. 42 4 366 Parapei'la Banks '06 Ins. 429 Parapetenia Boulenger '05 Pisces 39 5 116 Paraphacodes Belun '02 Ins. 163 Paraphaea Martin '03 Ins. 360 Paraphaedon Sharp '10 Ins. 260 Paraphasis IValsingham '07 Ins. 347 Paraphasma Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 444 Paraphelinus Perkins '06 Ins. 305 Parapherusa Stebbing '06 Crust. 48 Paraphidippus Cambridge '01 Arachu. 36 1 737 Paraphiloscia Stebbing '01 Crust. 39 Paraphiloscia Verhoeff '08 Crust. 45 & '09 Crust. 38 Paraphlaeoba Bolivar '02 Ins. 312 1 784 Paraphlegopteryx Ulmer '07 Ins. 351 Paraphnaeus Thierrg-Mieg '04 Ins. 250 6 356 Paraphomia Hampson '01 Ins. 248 1 988 Paraphorhynclius Weller '05 Brach. 8 Paraphractura Boulenger '02 Pisces 37 Paraphronima Claus Crust. ; Paraphthonia Stichel '10 Ins. 321 Paraphycita Hampson '01 Ins. 248 1 988 Paraphyllina Maas '03 CcbI. 22 Paraphyllis Meyrick '07 Ins. 347 Paraphyllites Maas '06 Coel. 18 Paraphyola Hendel '09 Ins. 380 & '10 Ins. 413 Parapilinurgus, Arrow '10 Ins. 230 Parapithecus Schlosser '10 Mamm. 47 ( Paraplanocera Laidlaio '02 Verui. 48 2 200 Paraplastis Hampson '01 Ins. 221 1 988 Paraplatyura Enderlein '10 Ins. 394 Paraplecta She/ford '07 Ins. 409 Paraplesia Dietz '05 Ins. 282 7 347 Paraplesius Hai'tmann '04 Ins. 179 4 839 Parapleurites Redtenbacher 1889 Ortli. ; Parapleuroplirycoides Nobili '06 Crust. 32 Paraplexaura Kiikenthal '09 Coel. 23 Paraplocia Aiirivillitis '09 Ins. 326 Paraplodes Warren 'OJ Ins. 282 4 655 [Paraplutella Rebel '01 Ins. 1 988] Parapodopsis Czerniavsky 1882 Crust.; Arb. St. Petersb. Ges. Naturf. Beil. xii 145 Parapoecilocoris Schouteden '04 Ins. 318 Parapoecilopbila Hauser '04 Ins. 158 4 839 Parapogon Distant '07 Ins. 391 Parapolicbne Bolivar '02 Ins. 308 Parapomacbilus Schivarz '01 lus. 1 1145 Parapontocaris Alcock '01 Crust. 33 1 691 Parapotamon Man '07 Crust. 52 Paraprays Rebel '10 Ins. 384 Paraprisopus Redtefnbucher '06 Ins. 444 Paraprosodes Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Paraprotaetia Moser '07 Ins. 231 Paraprotella Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 358 Paraproto Maijer '03 Crust. 44 3 358 Parapsaenytbia Friese '08 lus. 283 Parapsyllus Enderlein '03 Ins. 322 3 436 Parapteromalus Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 729 Paraptortbodius Schaeffer '04 Ins. 163 5 1248 Paraptyx Clarke '04 Moll. ; 4 304 Parapygaeus Pellegrin '07 Pisces 45 Parapygirbyncbus B runner '07 Ins. 413 216 ) PARAPYaU.— PARASIL. Parapygus Powi<;^ 1883Echin. ; Classif. metk. Ecbin. (Jl Parapylocheles Alcock '01 Crust. 33 1 691 Pararasbora Reyan '08 Pisces 47 Pararctotberium Ameyhino '04 Mamni. 50 4 325 Parargissa Cheoreux '08 Crust. 49 Pararguda Bethune-Baker '08 Iiis. 328 Pararhachistes Pocvck '09 ^lyr., Arachn. 54 Pararliaphidoglossa Schulthess-Iiechberif 'Joins. 273 Pararhaucus (Jamhridqe '05 Arachn. 26 5 722 Pararrhaptica Wahingham '07 Ins. 338 Parartemesia Boiwier '05 Crust. 46 6 42 Parartemia Sayce '03 Crust. 45 3 359 Parasabatiera Man '07 Verm. 35 Parasabella Bush '05 Verm. 43 Parasada Hampson '10 Ins. 358 /" Parasalurnis Distant '10 Ins. 432 Parasapbes Ashmeud '04 Ins. 230 4 729 Parasapbodes Schulz '06 Ins. 305 Parasapyga Turner '10 Ins. 278 Parascapbiryucbus Forbes 4" Richardson 'U5 Pisces 50 5 116 Parascaptia Bethune-Baker 08 Ins. 328 Parascbistus Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Parascbizognatbus Ohaus '04 lus. 156 4 839 Parascina Stebbing '04 Crust. 46 4 366 Parascolopsis Botdenger '01 Pisces 18 1 1234 Parascopas Bruner '06 Ins. 452 Parascutigera Ferhoeff '04 Myr. 9 4 422 Parasejus Trdgdrdh '10 Aracbn. 37 Paraselena Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Parasemidalis Enderlein '05 Ins. 328 6 373 Parasbada Hampson '05 Ins. 251 5 1021 Parasida Daday '04 Crust. ; 4 366 Parasilpbites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Parasilusa Bernhauer '08 Ins. 224 PARASIP.— PARASTROPE. I'arasipyloidea Redtenhacher '08 Ins. 425 Parasiro Hansen S^- Sorensen '04 Aracbn. 37 4 409 Parasolindenia Brties '07 Ins. 285 Parasosibia Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Paraspalangia Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 729 Paraspbaeroma Stebbing '02 Crust. 52 2 426 Paraspbeniscus Ameyhino '06 Aves 75 Paraspbenogaster Heller '01 Ins. 156 3 950 Paraspicera Kieffer '07 Ins. 289 Paraspinaria Cameron '05 Ins. 217 5 1123 Paraspira Dall '05 Moll. 66 Para»pirobolus Brolemann '02 Myr. 16 Paraspistes Meyrick '05 Ins. 282 5 1021 Parastasia Westtoood 1845 Col. ; Tr. Ent. See. Loud, iv 91 Parasteinia Cockerell '05 Ins. 298 Parasteiromys, Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 325 Parastenella Versluys '06 Coel. 21 Parastenbelia Thompson ^ Scott '03 Crust. 53 3 359 Parastenoniscus Verhoeff '08 Crust. 45 Parastenopbora Malloch '10 Ins. 405 Parastenus von Heyden '05 Ins. 141 ParastepbaneUus Enderlein '06 Ins. 303 Parastepbanus Enderlein '05 Ins. 218 5 1123 Parastepbos Sars '02 Crust. 68 2 426 Parasterina Fisher '08 Ecbin. 25 Parasteropus Reitter '09 Ins. 218 Parasthena Warren '02 Ins. 238 2 774 Parastbeneboca Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Parastranga Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Parastrapotberium Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 37 Parastratocles Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 444 Parastrigia Maindron '06 Ins. 199 Parastropecten Ludwiy '05 Echin. 80 5 351 ( 217 ) PARASTROPH.— PARATU. PARATY.— PARELOD. rarastropliiiis Simon 4 409 '03 Arachn. 34 /C ^'. y 1/ yo Parastylops Meljere '08 Ina. 278 Parasudra ScJimidt '09 Ins. 402 Parasystates Aiirivillius '10 Ins. 248 Paratachidius Brady '02 Crust. C8 2 426 Paratalara Dyar '05 Ins. 251 5 1021 Pa)-ataniria Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 541 Paratapirus Depiret ^ Douxami '04 Mamni. 45 Parataxonus Macyillwray '08 Ins. 308 Pavategastes 8urs '04 Crust. 51 4 366 Paratella Melichar '02 Ins. 282 3 541 Paratelpluisula Alcock "09 Crust. 29 Paratemnus Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 325 Parateuodera Rehn '03 Ins. 309 5 789 Paraterobia Ashmead '04 Ins. 230 4 729 Paratetilla Dewrfy '05Spong. 13 5 286 Parateuthras Bolivar '05 Ins. 339 5 789 Parateutonia Verhoeff '10 Ins. 459 Parathernips Ham2)Son '02 Ins. 229 2 774 Paratheta Meyrick '02 Ins. 249 2 774 Parathiscia Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 541 Paratlirips Karny '07 Ins. 401 Parathysanopoda Illig '09 Crust. 35 Paratissotia Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 293 Paratituacia Lea '07 Ins. 251 Paratonga Schmidt '09 Ins. 399 Paratorna Meyrick '07 Ins. 338 Paratoxotus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 162 Paratrachea Hampson '08 Ins. 338 Paratrea Grote '03 Ins. 262 Paratriarius Schaeffer '06 Ins. 268 Paratricliopteridium Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 370 Paratriniorus Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Paratrombium Bruyant '10 Arachn. 40 Paratrypanius Aiirivillius '08 Ins. 268 Paratrytone Dyar '05 Ins. 238 7 303 Parattus Scudder 1882 Arachn. ; Paratuerta Hampson '02 Ins. 229 2 774 I'aratychius C«spt/ '10 Ins. 248 '■Paiatylana Distant '09 Ins. 399 Paratylopus Matthetv '05 Manini. ; 5 481 Paraugaptilus Wolfenden 04 Crust. 51 4 366 Paraugochlora Schrottky '10 Ins. 270 Paraugochloropsis Schrottky '06 Ins. 279 Paraugochloropsis Schrottky '09 Ins. 282 Paraulax Kiefer '04 Ins. 235 & '08 Ins. 306 4 729 & 5 1123 Paravius Casey '07 Ins. 242 Paravonones Cambridge '04 Arachn. 38 4 409 Paravortex IF«/tZ '07 Verm. 26 Parawaldeckia Stebbing '10 Crust. 37 Parawestwoodia Sharpe '10 Crust. 43 Parawixia Cambridge '04 Arachn. 30 4 409 Parawrightia Warren Paraxestia Hampson 3 725 Paraxestis Hampson 2 774 Paraxiopsis De Man '05 Crust. 42 Paraxylophrurus Cameron '08 Ins. 296 '01 Ins. '07 Coel. 19 '03 Ins. 281 '02 Ins. 229 Parazanclodes Hampson '01 Ins. 248 1 988 Parazaptyx Pilsbry '04 Moll, 08 5 575 Parazenopsis Cliyny '09 Pisces 35 Parazeuxis Warren '07 Ins. 327 Pai-azeuzera Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 262 4 655 Pardoniyia Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Pardosuchus Broom '08 Kept. 32 Parealda Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 Parechinostomum Dictz '09 Verm. 33 Parechinus Mortensen '03 Echin. 82 Pareiuoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Parelathroptera Turner '10 Ins. 278 Parelcaua Handlirsch '06 Ins. 449 Parelliptis Meyrick '10 Ins. 384 Parelodina Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 250 4 655 Parelodina Fruhstorfer '10 Ins. 313 ( 218 ) PARELOP.— PARIL. Parelops Fritsch Sj- Baijer '02 Pisces 41 Parelthoblatta Handlir^ch '06 Iiis. 440 I'arelthotlieiuis Ilandlivsch '06 Ins. 4ti2 I'arelydna Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 341 Parenipheria Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 Paremphytus Brues '08 Ins. 308 Parentj'poma Strobl '01 Ins. 190 Parepalpiis Coquillet '02 Ins. 262 I'arephydra Coquillet '02 Ins. 264 2 641 Parepisparis Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 341 ParepitragLis Casey '07 Ins. 242 Paresperella Dendy 'Oo Spung. 22 5 286 Pareupitliex Wan-en '07 Ins. 327 Pareuschema Thiervy-Miey '05 Ins, 271 6 356 I'areutatus Scott '03 Mamm. 41 & '07 Manim, 73 I'areuthria Strebel '05 Moll. 73 Pareuxesta Coqicillett '01 Ins. 273 1 866 Parevania Kieffer '07 Ins. 282 Parevia Hampson '01 Ins. 221 1 988 Parexaula 31 ey rick '09 Ins. 353 Pai-exillis Jordan '04 Ins, 185 4 840 I'arexophthalmus Heller '08 Ins. 262 Parexostoma Reyan '05 Pisces 45 5 116 Parexysma Csiki '05 Ins. 187 5 1248 I'arbaematopota Griinbery '00 Ins. 382 Parbalimedon Chevreu.v '06 Crust. 48 Parbemiopinus Schwarz '03 Ins. 173 3 950 Parbippolyte Borradaile '01 Crust. 33 Parhomaloptera VaiUaut '02 Pisces 30 2 1122 Parbyalella Kunkel '10 Crust. 37 Parbypena Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 338 Parbypocbtbonius Berlese '05 Aracbn, 35 I'ariambia Hampson '08 Ins. 338 I'aribaeus Dana 1852 Crust. ; I'aricbtbyocrinus Siiri^iyer '02 Ecbin, 85 Parictops Granyer '10 Mamm. 53 I'aridris Kiefer '08 Ins. 304 I'arilyrgris Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 338 ( 21 PARIO.- PARONA. Pariodontis Jordan Sf liothsckild '08 Ins. 392 Parione Bichardgon '10 Crust. 35 Paripbimedia Chevreu.v '06 Crust. 48 Paripbinotus Kunkel '10 Crusi. 37 Pariscbnia Aurivillius '07 Ins. 257 Parisolabis Verhueff' '03 Ins. 367 4 464 Paristbmia Met/ rick '09 Ins. 353 & '10 Ins. 384 Paritanius Verrall '09 Ins. 370 Parkeria Gahb Moll. ; Parkia Fowler '04 Pisces ; 4 86 Parmacellilla Siinroth '10 Moll. 82 Parmaturus Garman '06 Pisces 59 Parmenosoma Schaeffer '08 Ins. 268 Parmulecbinus Lambert '05 Ecbin. 72 Parmulina Dall '02 Moll. 81 k '03 Moll, 81 Parmulina Penard '02 Prot. 02 Parmulopbora Dall '05 Moll. 83 5 575 Parnettyella Kiefer '10 Ins. 392 Parnkalla Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 836 Parnopidea Brauns '03 Ins. 231 Parocalea Bernhnuer '01 Ins, 124 & '04 Ins. 137 Parocblerus Breddin '04 Ins. 318 4 516 Parocbtbipbila Czerny '04 Ins. 311 Parocyusa Bernhauer '04 Ins. 137 Parodinia Coquillett '02 Ins. 264 2 641 Paroeax Jordan '03 Ins, 199 3 950 Paroecantbus Saussure 1859 Ortli. ; Paroecia Warren '07 Ins. 327 Paroemeocerus Gounelle '10 Ins. 255 Paroides Hahn 1835 Aves ; Reider u. Halm, Fauna Boica ii, i Abtb. xiii Paroitbona Farran '08 Crust. 55 Paroligobunis Peterson '10 Mamm. 52 Paromala Warre7i '04 Ins. 282 4 655 Paromelix Aurivillius '07 Ins. 257 Paromostola Purcell '03 Aracbn. 21 3 407 farompbale Hampson '09 Ins. 337 Parouaster Airayhi '06 Ecbin. 42 9 ) PAEONC— PARUT. J ,r.(^ I'aronchestus Redtenhacher '08 Ins. 425 Paronesimus ' >S^eS6mPectinariophyes Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 420 Pectinidiscus Ludivig '07 Echin. 33 Pectinopalpus Theobald '09 Ins. 366 & '10 Ins. 398 Pectinopygus Mjoberg '10 Ins. 445 Pectispongilla Annandale '09 Per. 7 Pedalion BucUon '03 Ins. 343 3 542 Pedibothrium Linton '09 Verm. 35 Pediuoblatta Handlirsch '09 Ins. 418 Pedinocera Kertesz '09 Ins. 368 Pedinopsis Gebien '10 Ins. 239 Pedinotus Szepliyeti '02 Ins. 197 Pediohyus Loomis '10 Mamm. 61 Pedioscopus Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Pegalosphaera Mingazzini '05 Verm. 35 Pegarthrum Cameron '10 Ins. 297 ( 22 Pegasillus Dalyell 1851 Annelida ; Powers of Creator i 253 '^eggia Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 287 Peggichisnie Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 320 4 517 Fegg'ioga Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 316 5 836 Pegopus Foerster 1856 Ilym. ; Ilym. Stndien ii 145 Pegosomum ^a7s '03 Verm. 50 3 156 Pegylidius Peringuey '04 Ins. 154 4 840 Pehria Strand '10 Ins. 338 Pehuenia Roth '03 Mamm. 40 Peiis Konow '03 Ins. 246 3 812 Peithona Gahan '06 Ins. 262 Pekinium Csiki '01 Ins. 118 Pelagiopsis Brandt 1871 Scyphozoa ; M(?m. Acad. St. P^tersb. (7) xvi Nr. 11, 26 Pelagodiscus Dall '08 Brach. 15 Pelagohydra Dendy '02 Ccel. 18 Pelagophilus Tschitscherine '01 Ins, 118 2 994 Pelagosphapra Mingazzini '05 Verm. ; 5 438 Pelamphora Lanterhorn '01 Prot. 36 1 442 Pelamycybium Toula '05 Pisces 38 '5 116 Pelamydrus Stejneger '10 Rept. 31 Pelandreua Cockerell '09 Ins. 282 Pelasga Hesse '08 Moll. 104 Pelatines Cockerell '06 Ins. 216 Pelatrinia Filshry '08 Moll. 104 Pelecanus Moehring 1 758 Aves ; Ges- lacht. Vogel. Nozenian u. Vos- maer 4 Pelecida Ditjardin 1841 Infusoria ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 403 Pelecinotus Bolivar '02 Ins. 312 Pelecitus Railliet ^- Henry '10 Verm. 42 Pelecyora Dall '02 Moll. 81 Pelecyphorus Trautschold 1890 Pisces ; Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges. xlii 576 Pelerinus Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Pelevinotus Bolivar '01 Ins. ; 1 784 Pelinopsis Dogyiin '05 Ins. 276 5 1021 Peliopelta Uhler 1886 Hem. ; 1 ) PELIOPS.— PEL. PEM.-PENTA. Peliopsyche Banhs '03 Ins. 352 -Telitropis Vmi Dvzee '07 Ins. 388 Pellatispira Boussac '06 Prot. 39 Pellegrinina Fowler '06 Pisces 55 & '07 Pisces 51 Pellinella TJiiek '05 Spong. 22 5 286 Pelloblatta Behn '03 Ins. 369 3 479 Pellobunus Banks '05 Arachn. 26 7 42 Pellocbromonia Reitter '09 Ins. 223 Peliopsyche Banks '03 Ins. ; 3 479 Pellucens Bethune-Baker '10 Ins. 339 Pelmatocerandra Enderlein '09 Ins. 409 Pelmatocoria Ejiderlcin '10 Ins. 444 Pelniatorycter Pocock "02 Arachn. 27 2 486 Pelmatosphaera Caullen/ Sf Mesnil '04 Verm.; 4 168" Pelmatostomum Dietz '09 Verm. 33 Pelocatus Zaitzev '08 Ins. 219 Peloconns Jordan "06 Ins. 262 Pelodiniiim Lavterhorn '08 Prot. 59 Pelopia Meir/en 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mouches 18 Peloptulus Berlese '08 Arachn. 41 Pelorempis Johannsen '03 Ins. 309 3 583 Peloribates Berlese '08 Arachn. 41 Peloropsis Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 116 Pelorotelus Ashmead '04 Ins. 2.30 4 729 Pelosuch us i?room '05 Eept. 36 5180 Pelseneeria Koehler 8f Vaney '08 Moll. 88 Peltapleura Fmoler '06 Pisces 55 Peltasida White 1845 Orth. ; Peltatus Godwin- Austen '08 Moll, 104 Peltecoelus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 43 Peltidocylapiis Poppivs '10 Ins. 426 Peltochares Bcgimhurt '07 Ins. 214 Peltocopta Bergrolh '06 Ins. 395 I'eltodictya Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 415 Peltomyces Leger '09 Prot. 48 Peltonotellns Ptdon 1886 Hem. ; Cat. Hem. ed. 3, 70 Peltoperia Needham '05 Ins. 330 7 403 I'eltosaris Meyrick '02 Ins. 249 2 774 ( 2 Peraba Rnthschild S^- Jordan '03 Ins. 202 3 725 I'empeltias Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 384 I'emphigostola Sfratid '09 Ins. 317 Penardia Cash '04 Prot. 43 4 80 Pendria Sici^ilioe '06 Ins. 329 Penesticta Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 64 Penestonuis Simon '02 Arachn. 28 3 408 Penetoblatta Handlirsch '00 Ins. 441 Penionomus Simon '03 Arachn. 37 Penottus Distant '03 Ins. 331 3 542 Penquistus Kiefer '06 Ins. 388 Pentacentrodes Bolivar '10 Ins. 455 Pentaceropsis Steindachner S,- Doder- hin '03 (1883) Pisces 28 Pentachalcis Cameron '08 Ins. 301 Pentacladocera Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Pentacladus Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 Pentacrinula Minckert '05 Echin. 89 Pentagrammaphila Pierce '09 Ins. 276 Pentalagus Lyon '04 Mamm. 42 4 325 Pentalastrella Haeckel 1887 Pliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 556 Pentalastromma Haeckel 1887 Ilhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 557 Pentametrocrinus Clark '08 Echin. 29 Pentanodes Schaeffer '04 Ins. 188 5 1248 Pentanota Bernhaiier '05 Ins. 141 5 1248 Pentanvmphon Hodgson "04 Crust. 01 4 376 Pentaphlebia Fiirster '09 Ins. 414 Pentaplasta Ivieffer '01 Ins. 197 Pentapleotoma Borner '03 Ins. 364 3 436 Pentapycnon Bouvier '10 Arachn. 8 Pentarhoptra Kieffer '01 Ins. 197 Pentarthrophasis Pcringuey '08 Ins. 262 Pentasmicra Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4 729 Pentasphaera Sqiiinabol '05 Prot. 64 Pentateucha Hanqjson '08 Ins. 322 Pentatropis Faust '04 Ins. 179 4 840 229 ) PENTE.— PEREG. PEREM.— PERIL. Pentellina Schlumberger '05 Prot. GO Peutliesilea Meir/en 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mo aches 3o Penthestes ReichenJtnch I80O Aves ; Avium 8yst. Nat. pi. Ixii I'entliicodes Blanchard 1845 Hem. ; Hist. Nat. ii 424 Peutliolasius Reitter '05 Ins. 1G7 4 840 I'enthomeg'us Reitter '05 Ins. 1G7 4 840 Penthornis Ilellmmjr '01 Aves 70 Pentias Richanhrm '04 Crust. 41 4 366 Pentidotea Richardson '05 Crust. 54 5 673 Pentohesa Sehaus '01 Ins. 221 1 989 Pentodontoschema P6rin(/uey '01 Ins. 138 1 1146 Pentoniseus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challentrer xviii pt. 1, 488 Peutophiastromma Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 558 Pentoxocera Pierce '08 Ins. 278 Peperita Hampson '10 Ins. 358 Pephredo Rafinesque-Sclnnaltz 1814 Crust. ; Precis Hecouv. Trav. somiol. 26 Peponactis van Beneden 1897 Scypho- zoa ; Ergebn. Plankton-Exped. Ilumboldt-Stift. ii K. e. 109 Peponapis Robertson '02 Ins. 177 Peracreadium Nicoll '09 Verm. 38 Peradorcas Thomas '04 Mamm. 48 4 325 Peradoretus Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Peralda Sicard '09 Ins. 274 I'eranema Diijardin 1841 Flag. ; Hist. uat. Zoophytes 353 I'erania Barnes Sf McDunnough '10 Ins. 353 Peranus Leiois '06 Ins. 218 Perapion Wagner '07 Ins. 251 Perasis Hermann '05 Ins. 295 5 883 Peratodonta Aurivillius '04 Ins. 202 5 1022 I'ercnobracon Kieffer '10 Ins. 297 I'eregrinator Kirkcddy '04 Ins. 322 4 517 Peregrinus Kirkahhj '04 Ins. 333 ' 4 517 Peremptor llntton '01 Ins. ; 1 866 Perenodoris Bergh '04 Moll. ; 4 304 Perezella Cepcde '10 Prot. 71 Perezia Leger S)- Duhoscq '09 Prot. 59 Pergaraasus Berlese '06 Arachn. 47 5 722 Pergandea Borner '08 Ins. 409 Pergandeida Schouteden '03 Ins. 348 3 542 Perhippidion Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 325 I'eriacincla Collin '09 Prot. 64 Periacrodon Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 325 Periaeschna Martin '09 Ins. 414 Periallactis Meyrick '02 Ins. 249 2 774 Periaman Distant '07 Ins. 391 Periboea Philippi 1843 Panto p. ; Peribolodes Warren '04 Ins. 282 4 655 Perieambala Silvestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 52 Pericamenta Peringuey '04 Ins. 154 4 840 Pericentrus Redfenhacher '08 Ins. 425 Periceros Schulz '06 Ins. 296 Perichaena Fries 1817 Rhizop. ; Sym- bol. Gasteromycorum 11 Periclistidea Ashmead '03 Ins. ; 3 812 Pericliteua Weise '02 Ins. 168 Peridarium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1153 Peridinetellus Champion '07 Ins. 251 Peridipsaccus Roverefo '01 Moll. 86 Peridontopyge Silvestri '07 Arachn. 53 Peridysodesmus Silvestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 53 Perieodrilus Michaelsen '10 Verm. 54 Perieres Champion '05 Ins. 176 5 1248 Perigeodes Hampson '08 Ins. 339 Periguue voti Gumppenberg 1896 Lep. ; Nov. Acta Caesar German. Ixv 271 Perilanguria Foivler '09 Ins. 272 Perilia Wood- Mason 1891 Crust. ; Ann, Mag. Nat, Hist, vii 246 Perilixus Csiki '04 Ins, ; 4 840 Perilloides Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 ( 223 ) PERIM.— PERITRA. PERITRO.— PETALOM. Perimagia Strand '09 Ins. 327 Perimecturus Peach '08 Crust. 40 Peringue3^a Ashmead '03 Ins. 226 Perionychella Michaelsen '07 Verm. 47 I'erioristica Walsinghmn '10 Ins. 384 Perioxus Po^nel 1883 Echiu. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 49 Peripanartiura Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 384 Peripanartula Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 382 Peripanicea Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 386 Peripaniciila Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 387 Periphileuriis Kolbe '10 Ins. 229 Periphloea Redtenbaclier '06 Ins. 445 Periphylla Stee^istmp 1837 Scyphozoa ; Acta Mus. Hafn. Periphymopsis Schouteclen '04 Ins. 318 /O Peripola Melichar '07 Ins. 388 Peripolus M. xj Fernandez '03 Ins. 372 Periproctus Kolhe '10 Ins. 227 Peripyra Hampaon '08 Ins. 339 Perirhiza Kishinouye '02 Coel. 21 Perirhoe Dall '08 Moll. 88 Perisalenia Valette '06 Echin. 42 Perisceles Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 425 Periscolex de Martiis '05 Verm. 49 5 438 Periscyphis Gerstdcker 1873 Crust. ; "v. d. Decken Raise Ost-Afrik. Gllederth. 525 Perispatangus Fourtau '05 Echin. 72 Perispheniscus Ameghino '06 Aves 75 Perissandria Seitz '10 Ins. 358 Perissocentrus Cratoford '10 Ins. 301 Perissocope Brady '10 Crust. 43 Perissomastix Warren ^ Rothschild '05 Ins. 282 5 1022 Perisaomerus Gounelle '09 Ins. 265 Perisaotriccus Oberholser '03 Aves 51 2 1356 v/<^ Perissus Melichar '06 Ins. 415 Peristomella Levinsen '02 Bry. 9 Peritaphreuusa Becker '08 Ins. 370 Peritragus Aurivillius '04 Ins. 188 4 841 Peritrana Mei/rick '07 Ins. 347 Peritrochia Girt;/ '08 Moll. 126 Peritta Becker '06 Ins. 381 Perittocrinus Jaekel '02 Echin. 80 Perizona Koehler 8f Vancy '05 Echin. 59 5 351 Perkinsiella Kirkaldy '03 Ins. 341 3 542 Perlesta Banks '06 Ins. 429 Perliodes Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 445 Perlodes Banks '06 Ins. 429 3 480 Perlomyia Banks '06 Ins. 429 Perneritrochus Cossmann '09 Moll. 70 Peroara Schaiis '05 Ins. 251 5 1022 Perodryinus Perkins '07 Ins. 288 Perolepis Ehlers '08 Verm. 45 Perometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Peronistilus Ghiyi '06 Ins. 310 Peronodoris Bergh '04 Moll. 72 Peronophorus Strohmeyer '10 Ins. 252 Peronorchus Attcms '07 Arachn. 53 Peronycha Weise '09 Ins. 270 Peroryctes Thomas '06 Mamm. 83 Perotyphis Joimseanme 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 336 Perriniella Jeannel '10 Ins. 220 Perrisonota Com-«c? 1870 Moll.; Amer. J. Conch. V 98 Perrottetia Kobelt '05 Moll. 58 & '06 Moll. 83 Persectania Hampson '05 Ins. 261 Persicoptila Mei/rick 1886 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. See.' Lond. 295 Perteas Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Pertica Fowler '04 Pisces ; 4 86 Pertica Sixnon '03 Arachn. 23 3 408 Perugia Eiqenmann i^ Norris '01 Pisces 27 ■ Perynea Hampson '10 Ins. 358 Pescennina Simon '03 Arachn. 32 3 408 Pessopteryx Wiman '10 Rept. 31 Petalacmis Olivier '08 Ins. 248 Petalichthys Regan '04 Pisces ; 4 86 Petalocidaris Mortensen '03 Echin. 83 Petalomera ("sf««« '04 Ins. 328 4 517 Pharzites Cameron 'Oo Ins. 212 Phasidia Hampson '01 Ins. 222 1 990 Phasniatocoris Breddin 3 542 y/Q Pliasmena Melichar 2 596 Phasmoniyrmex Stitz '10 Ins. 286 Pbasmopliaga Totcnsend '09 Ins. 376 Pliasmota Casei/ '10 Ins. 217 Pliassodes Bethune-Baker 'Go Ins. 251 5 1022 Phatnasparium HaecJiel 1887 Rliizop. jf Challenger xviii pt. 1, 868 Pliatnaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 868 Phatnaspleniuni Havchel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 868 [Phaudopsis Hampson '01 Ins. 1 990] Phaulocvlliba Berlese '04 Araclin, 46 5 722 Phaulodinvclias Berlese '04 Arachn. 46 5 722 Phaulogyriiius Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Pbauloidia M(dsuinura 4" Shiraki '08 Ins. 429 Phaulomvs Thomas '05 Mamm. 39 5'481 Phauloppia Berlese '08 Araclm. 41 Phaulosis Weise '04 Ins. 194 4 841 Phaulosonms Faust '04 Ins. 179 4 841 Phaulostvhis Simon '02 Arachn. 48 2' 486 Phaulothorax Zang '05 Ins, 5 1248 Pliausina Simon '02 Arachn. 48 Phavorinus Distant '02 Ins. 2 596 Phegoneus Casey '07 Ins. 242 Pbeidoloxenus Ashmead "04 Ins 4 730 Phelene Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Phelliomorpha Carlgren '02 Coel. 29 Phellocaulus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 156 3 950 Phelsumia Pome/ 1883Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 70 PHEM.— PHILA. Phemone Bascoe 1859 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 48 Phenacaspis Cooley 8) Cockerell '03 Ins. 350 Phenacephorus Brunjier '07 Ins. 413 Phenocobryuni Cockerell '02 Ins. 291 Plienacocoelus Peterson '06 Mamm. 79 Phenacogranimus Eujenmann '07 Pisces 61 Phenacolestes Cockerell '08 Ins. 417 Pbenacolletes Cockerell '05 Ins. 194 5 1124 Phenacftperga Cockerell '08 Ins. 308 Phenacops Mattheio '09 Mamm. 60 Phenacopsyche Cockerell '09 Ins. 359 o Phenelia Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 416 Phenococeras Freeh '02 Moll. 57 Pheuocohelix Suter 1892 Moll; Pheraspis Turner '03 Ins. 272 3 726 Pheressaces Turner '03 Ins. 272 3 726 Ophereurhiuus Jacobi '05 Ins. 318 5 836 Pherotesia Schaus '01 Ins. 241 2 775 Phersita Shane '03 Ins. 139 3 950 Pheugotliemis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 432 Phialella Broivne '02 Coel. 18 Phialonema Stein 1878 Plagellata ; Organ. Infusiousthiere iii Abtli. 1 ii: p. X Phialopsis Torrey '09 Cosl. 19 Phialta Schaus '01 Ins. 230 Phialucium Maas '05 Coel. ; 5 321 Phibromia Schaus '06 Ins. 341 Pbidiaster Koehler '10 Ecliin. 46 Phidippia Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. uat. Araign. 325 [Philacelota Heller '04 Ins. 4 841] 269*^^hiladelpheia Kirkcddy '06 Ins. 416 Philaematomyia Austen '09 Ins. 376 Philaemon Lambert 1898 Verm. ; Proe, R. Soc. Victoria x 211 Philagra Stdl 1863 Horn.; Tr. Ent. Soc, Lond. i 593 Philandia Germain Sf Kerremans '06 Ins. 228 Philapodemus Kirkaldy ']0 Ins, 419 C>Philaronia Ball '02 Ins. 285 Philas Portevin '04 Ins. 145 5 1248 148 231 ( 227 ) a2 PHILE.— PHILO. Philea Dalman 1838 Lep. ; Zetterst. Ins. Lapp. 931 Phileas Champion '06 Ins. 252 Philenis Champion '06 Ins. 252 Philetor Thomas '02 Mamm. 29 2 1472 Philhvironopa Weise '01 Ins. 109 ' 1 1147 Philia Meicjen 1800 Dipt.; Nouv. Class. Mouches 20 Philides Champion '06 Ins. 252 Philinna Champion '06 Ins. 252 Philippina Ball 8f Simpson '01 Moll. 97 Philippites Diener '06 Moll. 102 Philippius Germain '01 Ins. 156 Philista Jakovleff '07 Ins. 378 5 836 Philobrya Carpenter 1872 Moll. ; Philoceanus Kellogg '03 Ins. 357 3 436 Philodendromyia Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Philodila Rothschild ^ Jordan '03 Ins. 262 3 726 Philodonta Weise '06 Ins. 270 Philodoria WaJsingham '07 Ins. 347 Philodroma Simon 1864 Araclm. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 406 Philodromoides Scheffer '04 Araclin. 31 & '08 Arachn. 35 Philolema Cameron '08 Ins. 301 Philomacroploea Cameron '05 Ins. 217 Philonis Cliampion '06 Ins. 252 Philonomon Fiirster '06 Ins. 432 Philopison Cameron '08 Ins. 301 Philopona Weise '03 Ins. 207 3 951 Philopsyche Cameron '05 Ins. 212 Philorgyia Grote 1896 Lep. ; _ Mitt. Roemer. Miis. Hildesbeim 3, 17 Philorheithous Hare '10 Ins. 387 Philoria Spencer '01 Kept. 32 1 1275 Philorites Cockerell '08 Ins. 374 Philosepedon Eaton '04 Ins. 302 4. 554 Pliiloserica Brenshe '01 Ins. 136 Philosteplianus Distant '09 Ins. 394 Philosvrtis Giard '04 Verm. 56 Philotrox Merriam '06 Manim. 67 ( 2 PHIN.— PHOENICOP. Phintella Bosenherg Sf Strand '06 Arachn. 39 Phintia Simon '02 Arachn, 48 Phiomia Andrercs Sf Beadnell '02 Mamni. 33 Phiorays Osborn '08 Mamm. 73 Phitryonus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 199 Phlaeobida Bolivar '02 Ins. 312 Phlebarchys Schmidt '10 Ins. 434 Phlebatrophia MacGillivray '09 Ins. 305 Phleboctena Bezzi '10 Ins. 404 Phlebomorpha Fersoon 1822 Rhizop. ; Mycolog. Europ. i 61 Phlebosphales Warren '04 Ins. 282 4 656 Phlebotomieila Meunier '06 Ins. 379 Phloeocacis Chretien '08 Ins. 358 Pliloeocyatbiis Alcock '02 Ccel. 29 Phloeograptis Meyrick '04 Ins. 295 4. 656 Phloeomimus Jordan '06 Ins. 257 Phloeophana Kirknldy '08 Ins. 394 Phloeothiridium Van der Hoeven 1849 Horn. ; Ilandb. Dierk. ed. 2, 509 Phloeus Jordan '03 Ins. 199 3 951 Pblogistomorpha Hintz '08 Ins. 249 Phlotodes Enderlein '10 Ins. 444 Phlugiola Karny '07 Ins. 417 Phlyctaenopora Topsent '04 Spong. 25 4 96 Pblyctenactis Stuckey '09 Coel. 26 Phlyseogrammoceras Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Phobaeticus Brunner '07 Ins. 413 Phoberoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Phoberns Raffray '04 Ins. 143 6 215 Phobolosia Dyar '08 Ins. 328 Pboceana Jullien ^- Calvet '03 Bry. 14 Phodopus Miller '10 Mamm. 56 Phoebe Koch 1850 Arachn. ; Uebers. Arachnidsyst. v 63 Phoenicobiella Cockerell '06 Ins. 257 Phoenicocercus Cabanis 1847 Aves ; Arch. Naturges. xiii, i 236 Phoenicophanta Hampson '10 Ins. 359 2S ) PHOENICOS.— PHOXA. PHOXI.— PHRYN. Phoenicosphaera 7/««7ir/ 1887 Rhizop.; Cliallenger xviii pt. 1, 75 Phoenixaucheiiia Aniei/hino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Pholeoteras Sturany '04 Moll. 68 Pholeiionella Jeannel '10 Ins. 220 Plioleuonopsis Apfelheck '01 Ins. 127 2 095 Pholeutis Meijrick '06 Ins. 367 Pholidopus Wilson '07 Crust, 82 Pliolidostens Jaekel '07 Pisces 54 Pholus Hiilmei' 1816 Lep. ; Verz. bek. Schmett. 134 Phoniomvia Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3' 523 Phouiscus Miller '06 Mamiu. 53 5 481 Phonorlivnchus von Graff '05 Verm. 54 5 380 Phorenula Bolivar '09 Ins. 426 Phormacautha Jurc/ensen '05 Prot, 66 6 272 Phormictopns Pocock '01 Arachn. 37 1 738 Phormoplectes Heichenow '03 Aves 09 Phornacisa Walker 1862 Lep. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. i 311 Phoroctenia Coquillett '10 Ins. 399 Phorodonta Coquillett '10 Ins. 394 Phoronella Haeckel 1896 Actino- trochoidea ; Syst. Phylog. ii 264 Phoronopsis Gilchrist '08 Verm. 47 Phorticolea Bolivar '05 Ins. 336 Phortion Preston '10 Moll. 83 Phortolarciis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 710 Phortopyle Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 709 Phosocephala Toionsend '08 Ins. 385 Phosphora Leach 1814 Myr. ; Edinb. Encyclop, vii 435 Photia Oudemans '05 Arachn. 35 Photoblepharon Weler '02 Pisces 31 Photodes Miller '06 Mamm. 64 Photomorphus Viereck '03 Ins. ; 3 813 Phoxacris Karny '07 Ins. 417 Phoxargyrea Fouler '03 Pisces 30 & '04 Pisces 41 5 116 Phoxinopsis iLeyan '07 Pisces 51 Phractaspariiim Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 808 Phractaspidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 810 Phractolaemiis Boulenger '01 Pisces 32 1 1234 Phractopeltaris Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 852 Phractopeltidium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 854 Phragmatodes Walsinyham '08 Ins. 358 PhragniatoecitesC);;i/^e«^e2?n 1885 Hem.; Phragmitiphila Hampsoti '10 Ins. 359 Phragmodictya Hall Spong. ; Phreodriloides Benham '07 Verm. 47 Phricotelphusa Alcock '09 Crust. 29 Phrissopleurus Puinel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 88 Phrissopolia Totvnsend '08 Ins, 385 I'hrissotrichium SchUsky '01 Ins. 156 Phrixocephnlus Wilson '08 Crust, 66 Phrixolestes Simroth '02 Moll. 61 2 346 Phrixosceles Meyrick '08 Ins. 358 Phrixothrix Olivier '10 Ins. 235 Phrontosoma M acyillivray '08 Ins, 308 Phrudophleps Warren '03 Ins. 289 3 726 Phrudiira Swinhoe '06 Ins, 352 Phrvdops Boulenger '05 Rept. 33 5 180 Phryganeidium Westwood 1854 Neur, ; Quart. J. Geol. Soc. x 396 Phryganomyia Batiks '07 Ins. 351 Phryganoporus Simon '08 Arachn. 29 Phrygiomurex Ball '04 Moll. 78 4 304 Phrynarachne Thorell 1869 Arachn. ; Nov. Acta Soc. Upsala (3) vii 5, 37 Phryne Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv, Class. Mouches 16 Phrynocrinus Clark '07 Echin. 40 OPhrynophyes Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Phrynopsis Fairmaire '05 Ins. 153 5 1249 Phrynotettix Glover 1872 Orth. ; Illustr. N, Amer. Entoui., Orth. pi. vi f. 25 ( 229 ) PHRYS.-PHYLLONI. PJiryssonotus Scudder 1885 Myr. ; Zittel Ilandbuoh Palseonto- logie ii, Abt. i, Lief, v 731 PLrystanus Fainiiaire '01 Ins. 15G 3 951 Phryx Blaschke '05 Moll. 7\ Plithartus Handlirsch '04 4 464 Dyar '03 PHYLLONO.— PHYSALI. 5 576 Ins. 125 Ins. i'08 Pbtliinolophus 3 726 Plitbiuoniylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Pbthirocoris Distant '04 Ins, 324 4 517 Phthorimaea Meyrick '02 Ins. 249 2 775 Pbyaces SinioJi '02 Araclm. 48 Pbyale Poviel 1883 Ecliin.; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 40 Phyalopsis Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 40 Phygoscotus Schulz '02 Ins. 148 2 995 Phylacodes Meyvick '05 Ins. 283 5 1023 Pbylactopballus Pocock '09 Aracbu. 54 Pbylarcbus Aldrich '01 Ins. 266 1 867 Phyllaliodes Hampsoji '10 Ins. 339 Pbylledestes Cockerell '07 Ins. 317 PbyUerytbrurus Chevrolat 1885 Col.; Ann. See. Ent. Fr. v 92 [Phyllidea lieuter '03 Ins. ; 3 542] Pbyllobotbrium Beneden 1849 Verm. ; PbyJlobranchcipsis Cockerell 8)- Eliot '05 Moll. 69 5 576 / Pbyllocbisme Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 32^' 4 517 Pbyllocoma Canefri 1880 Moll. ; Ann. Soc. Malacol. Bel^'. xv 44 '04 Prot. 52 Phylloloncbe Popofsky 4 80 Phyllolyma Scott 1882 Horn. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 456 Pbyllomitus Stein 1878 Flajiellata ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 H. p. X Phyllonemus Boulenger '06 Pisces 53 Phylloniscus Purcell '03 Crust. 40 Pbyllonotus Hancock '02 Ins. 312 5 790 Pbylloplana Laidlaio '03 Verm. 45 3 156 Pbyllopodopsyllus Scott '00 Crust. 55 Pbyllostauvus Haeckel 1862 Ilbizop. j Radiolarien 386 Pbyllostoma Fcdl '01 Ins. 131 Pbyllotettix Hancock '02 Ins. 312 3 480 Pbyllotbalestris Sars '05 Cru^t. 08 5 673 Pbyllotbrips Buffa '08 Ins. 413 Pliyllotbrips Hood '08 Ins. 413 Pbvllothyreus Norman '03 Crust. 53 3' 359 Phyllotillon Pilgrim '19 Mamm. G2 Pbyllotrocbalus Brenske 1900 Col.; Berl. ent. Zeitscbr. 81 Pbylloxeroxenus AsJimead 1 888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 Pbylloxipbia RothscJiild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 726 Pbyloblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Pbylocentropus Banks '07 Ins. 351 Myr.y ^Pbyrna Melichar '02 Ins. 283 3 542 Pbymarapbinia Schrammen '01 Spong. 32 Phymatecbus Belon '02 Ins. 103 Pbymatocoris Stdl 1854 Hem. ; Ofv. Svenska Ak. Forhandl. 1853, 213 Pbymatodesmus Saussure ^- Zehntner '02 Myr. 16 Pbymatoniscus Racovitza '08 Crust. 45 Pbymatosipbum Davis '09 Ins. 404 Pbymatotbynuus Turner '08 Ins. 287 Pbymeurus Giylio-Tos '07 Ins. 421 O Pliymoides Distant '10 Ins. 432 Pbymopedina Pomel^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m6tb. Ecbin. 100 Pbymorbyncbus Dall '08 Moll. 88 Pbymosoma Selejika ^~ de Man 1883 Sipunc. ; Semper Keise Pbilipp. ivl, 8 Pbyracaces Emery '05 Ins. 205 Physailia Boulenger '01 Pisces 26 1 1234 Physalea Mabille '03 Ins. 259 3 727 Pbysalidonotus EhUrs '04 Verm. 35 4 200 ( 230 ) PHYSALL.-PICROC. Physallolaelaps L'er/ese '08 Aracliu. 42 Physalozercon JJetiese '04 Araclm. 46 5 723 Physarella Peck 1882 Rhizop. ; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club ix (11 Pliysaruni Persoon 1794llliizop. ; Neu. May. Bot. i 88 Physaster Pumel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. m^th. Ecliiu. 47 Physiostreptus Silccstri '03 Mvr. 18 5 738 Physobaria Champion '09 Ins. 257 Physocaris Salter 1860 Crust. ; Ann. Mag'. Nat. Hist, v 153 Pbysoclypeus Ilendel '07 Ins. 374 Physocypria Vdcra '06 Crust. 59 Pliysoderes Weaficood 1844 Hem. ; Phvsoglenes Simon '04 Aracbn. 23 4. 410 Physoloba Warren '08 Ins. 346 Pbysophoroptera Poppius '10 Ins. 426 Pbysoseris Vauyhan '05 Ccel. 33 5 321 Pbysospongia Hall Spong. ; Physsophora ForskSl 1775 Ilydrozoa ; Descript. Aninifilium p. xxv Phytalmodes Bezzi '08 Ins. 389 Phvteumas Bolivar '04 Ins. 361 4 464 Pbytocoridea Renter '05 lus. 310 5 837 Phytodectoidea Spaeth '09 Ins. 270 Pbytodes CoquiUctt '10 Ins. 409 Pbytoplesius Kulbe '07 Ins. 245 Pliytoptipalpus Trdydrdh '05 Aracbn. 35 5 723 Pbytoseius Rabaya '04 Aracbn. 46 4 410 Pbyxacra Karmj '07 Ins. 421 Piagetella Neumann '06 Ins. 428 Piaractus Eigenmann '03 Pisces 36 3 93 Piazelecbriops Heller '06 Ins. 252 Piazocaulus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 157 3 951 Pibrocba Kirhaldy '02 Ins. 283 2 597 Picrania Burr '08 Ins. 420 Picrocleidus Andrews '09 Kept. 31 ( 231 PICROD.— PIN. Picrodus Douylass '08 Mamiu. 84 I'iercolias Grote '03 Ins. 249 Pieridopsis Rothschild l^- Jordan '05 Ins 235 5 1023 Pierosoma Dcdl '05 Moll. 66 Piestoceros Meyrick '07 Ina. 347 Piestoplpura Foerster 1856 Hym. ; Hyni. Studien ii 144 Piestoxipbus Saussure 1878 Ortb. ; Mem. Soc. Geneve xxv 467 Pietteia Cossmann '04 Moll. 78 Piezobarra Jordan '06 Ina. 257 Piezonemus Jb/v/rt?i '04 Ins. 185 4 841 Piezosternias Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Pilcbenia Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Pilema Saussure 1873 Ortb. ; Mem Soc. Geneve xxiii 142 Pilematecbinus Ayassiz '04 Ecliin. 68 Pilex Burr '10 Ins. 451 Pilia Si7non '02 Aracbn. 48 Piliger Thunherg 1826 Ortb. ; Ins. Hem. tria gen. 2 Pilipectus Bethune-Baker '10 Ins. 350 Piiiscus Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 82 Pilocrinus Jaekel '08 Ecbin. 29 Pilsbryella Hiering '05 Moll 63 5 576 Pilsbryella Kierstrasz 05 Moll. 86 Pilumnopeus Milne-Edioards 1867 Crust. ; Pimalius Casey '07 Ins. 242 Pimeliapbilus Trdgdrdh '05 Ai'acbn. 35 4 410 & 5 723 Pimeliocnera Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Pimelobia Trdyardh '02 Aracbn. 62 2 486 Pimplomorpba Cameron '06 Ins. 296 Pinacoplus Hampson '10 Ins. 359 Pinalocbara Casey '06 Ins. 208 Pinarocorvs Shelley '02 Avea 66 2 1356 Pincerna Preston '07 Moll. 97 Pinctodia Sellards '07 Ins. 404 Pinkimerus Distant '03 Ins. 329 3 543 Vmnoc'Aris, Ether idge 1878 Crust. ; Proc. Pbil. Soc. Edinb. iv 167 Pintneria Poche '07 Verm. 28 ) PIO.— PLACOSC. PLACOSO.— PLASMA. Piomelopus Jacohy S( Clavareau '05 Ins. 185 5 1249 Pionaces Simon '04 Arachn. 32 4 410 Pionias Finsch 1867 Aves ; Papageien 1236 Pionides Thor '01 Araclin. ; 1 738 Pioaotliele Purcell '02 Arachn. 27 2 486 PIperella Mmjer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Pipetta Loman '04 Crust. 61 4 377 Piptocentnis Horvdth '04 Ins. 321 4 517 Piracarus Richters '07 Arachn. 46 Piroblatta SUelford '07 Ins. 410 Piromonas Liebetanz '10 Prot. 65 Piroutetia Meu?ner '08 Ins. 417 O Pisacha Distant '06 Ins. 41 6 Pisacha Distant '07 Ins. 396 Pisaeus Chamjiion '05 Ins. 1' 5 1249 Pistosia Weise '04 Ins. 197 5 1249 iO Pitambra Distant '06 Ins. 416 Pitar Homer 1857 Lamellibr. ; Krit. Untersuch. Venus 15 Pitedia Renter 1888 Ileni. ; Acta Soc. Fenn. xv 494 Pithanodelphis Abel '06 Mamm. 81 Pitharcha Meyriclc '08 Ins. 358 Pithecocharax Fowler '06 Pisces 55 Pithodea de Koninck 1881 Moll. ; Faun. Calc. Carb. iii 88 Pithodia Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. ra<5th. fehin. 75 Pithyllis GrWnberfi '10 Ins. 374 Pizonyx Miller '06 Mamm. 63 Placerias Lucas '04 Kept. 33 4 137 Placerobela Turner '03 Ins. 281 3 727 Placidus Distant '08 Ins. 406 Placoceratias Enderlein '10 Ins. 394 Placochelys Jaekel '02 Rept. 25 1 1275 2 1175 Placogaster Boulenyer '06 Rept. 31 Placophylhrni Simpson '01 Coeh 21 Placopsidella Kertesz '01 Ins. 274 Placopterus Wolcott '10 Ins. 236 Placoscytus Schrammen '04 Por. 8 ( Placosoma Ijinia '03 Spong. 16 3 96 Placostoraus Ridgrcay '07 Aves 118 Placotelia Oppliger '07 Por. 6 Placotrochides Alcock '02 Coel. 29 Plagiasma Weise '03 Ins. 208 3 952 Plagiechinus Po?neZ 1883 Echin.: Classif. m6th. Echin. 78 Plagioblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Plagiobrissus Pomel ^ 1 883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 29 Plagiochasma Pomel ^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. m6th. Echin. 59 Plagiognatha Dvjardin 1841 Rotatoria ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 651 Plagiognathops Berg '07 Pisces 51 Plagiograpta Hampson '07 Ins. 317 Plagiolabra Schulthess-Rechberg '03 Ins, 222 5 1124 Plapiomerus Crawford '10 Ins. 301 6 pPlagiophleboptena /S'c/wnu/^ '10 Ins. 434 Plagiopneustes Foxirtau '05 Echin. 72 Plagioporus Stafford '04 Verm. ; 4 168 Plagiopyxis Penard *10 Prot. 53 Plniiiosmicra Cameron '05 Ins. 220 Plagiospira Issel '03 Prot. 68 3 88 Pkigioteuthis Roemer 1890 Cephalo- poda ; Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges. xlii 360 Plagiotoma D^tjardin 1841 Infusoria ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 503 Plagiotropidesmus Sikestri '01 Myr. 15 1 754 Plakidium Lendcnfeld '07 Por. 7 Plananobius Pic '03 Ins. 177 5 1249 Planariola Dvjardin 1841 Infusoria; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 568 Planepyris Kieffer '05 Ins. 224 Planerocephalus Gratzianoiv '06 Pisces 59 Planes Bell 1853 Crust.; Hist. Nat. Stalk-eyed Crust. 135 Plangiola Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Planiplax Muttkuivski '10 Ins, 449 Planitrochus Perner '04 Moll. 85 Planopsis Schouteden '07 Ins. 378 Planorbia Moore '01 Moll, 89 Plasmaticus Bethime-Baker '06 Ins, 342 232 ) PLASMO.— PLATYCA. Plasmodiophora Woronin 1878 ilhizop. ; Jahrb. wiss. Bot. xi 548 Plastacephala Enderlein '10 Ins. 394 Plastanoxus Kieffer '05 Ins. 224 Plastelater Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Plastica Waterhotise '03 Ins. 180 3 952 Plastobelyta Kieffer '06 Ins. 301 Plastobuprestites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Plastocrangon Alcock '01 Crust. 34 1 692 Plastodryinus Kieffer '06 Ins. 308 Plastogryon Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Plastoraicrops Kieffer '06 Ins. 308 Plastonebria Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Plastonomus Simon '03 Arachn. 34 3 408 Plastophora Brues '05 Ins, 297 5 883 Plastus Bernhauer '03 Ins. 147 Platacantha Martin '09 Ins. 414 Platamonia Busch 1851 Turbellaria ? ; Beob. Anat. Wirbellos. Seetliiere 121 Plateoplia Wa/Ten '09 Ins. 344 Platepbippius Navus '04 Ins. 361 4 465 & '05 Ins. 339 5 790 Platepistoraa Rathbun '06 Crust. 33 Plateremaeus Berlese '08 Aracbn. 41 Platerus Distant '03 Ins. 336 3 543 Plateurytion Attems '09 Myr., Aracbn. 50 Platbauocera Schenkling '02 Ins. 144 2 996 Platistus Herrich-Schiiffer 1853 Ileni. ; Wanzenart. Ins. x Index 167 Platistus Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Platopbium Dana 1852 Crust. ; Amer. J. Sci. (2) xiv309 Plattycanlba Foerster '08 Ins. 417 Platurocypta Enderlein '10 lus. 394 Platyaspis -s 1869 Crust. ; Forbaudl. iSelsk. Cbristian. 14 Platybaris Champion '08 Ins. 262 Platyblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Platybracbys Dammerman '10 Ins. 432 Platycapsus Reuter '06 lus. 403 ^5 837 PLATYCE. PLATYO. ■05 Ins. 327 Platycentropus Ulmer 5 790 PLitycerapbron Kieffer '06 Ins. 309 Platychalcis Cameron '05 Ins. 220 PLatychelus Costa 1861 Crust. ; Platycborinus Grouvelle '06 Ins. 219 Platycolaspis Jacohxj '08 Ins. 274 Platycolon Purtevin '07 Ins. 221 Platycordulia Williainson '08 Ins. 417 Platycranius Kascenke '01 Mamra. 32 1 1481 Platycuma Caiman '05 Crust. 49 5 674 Platydascillus Everts '09 Ins. 240 Platyderodes Apfelheck '03 Ins. 139 4 842 Platydiuium Kofoid '06 Prot. 47 Platydromia Fulton 8f Grant '02 Crust. 40 2 426 Platydromus Fauvel '05 Ins. 141 Platygonalys Schtilz '05 Ins. 219 5 1125 Platygrapboceras Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Platygrapsus Stimpson Crust. ; Platylaelaps Berlese '05 Aracbn. 35 5 723 PlatyHstrum Schulze '04 Spong. 14 4 96 Platylopbus Berlese '10 Aracbn. 41 Platymicrns Bercjroth '03 Ins. 336 Platyniiscboides Ashmead '01 Ins. 195 1 1048 Platymops Thomas '06 Manini. 64 Platymorpba Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 445 Platymyrmilla Andre '01 Ins. 180 Platyneuromus Weele '09 Ins. 359 Platyngomiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 597 Platynocepbalus Wesfioood 18.j4 Col. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. iii 67 Platynosomum Looss '07 Verm. 28 Platyuycbus Du Buysson '02 Ins. "139 Platyopsis Gistl 1837 Hem n. F. i 99 Platyozius BorradaUe 2 427 Faunus 02 Crust. 36 ( 233 ) PLATYP.— PLECTE. PLECTI.— PLEONA. Platyperla Brnuer 1889 Neiir. ; Platypezina Wuhlgren '10 Ins. 405 Platypliileunis Kolbe '10 lus. 229 Platvphthiuia liothffchild ^- Jordcui '05 Ins. 235 5 1024 Platypleurus Mnlsant Sf Rey 1865 Hem. ; Hist. Nat. Punais. Fr. i 59 Platyprosodes Beitter '09 Ins. 245 Platyprosterna Uyar '05 Ins. 252 5 1024 Platyprosthiogyne Enderlein '10 Ins. 394 Platypsyllus Scott '02 Crust. 68 2 427 Platypterinus Beitter '09 Ins. 218 Platypterna Fieber 1853 Oitb. ; Lotos 98 Platypternodes Bolioar '08 Ins. 432 Platypyresthesis Simon '03 Arachn. 34 opiatyretus Melichar '03 Ins. 346 3 543 Platyrhopalopsis Desneu.v '05 Ins. 143 5 1250 Platysaissetia CocTcerell '03 Ins. 350 Platyscelio Kieffer '06 Ins. 309 Platyscytus Beuter '08 Ins. 400 Platysilpha Shelf ord '08 Ins. 421 Platysmodes Fauvel '03 Ins. 140 Platysosibia Bcdtenhacher '08 Ins. 425 Platyspatus Pinnel 1883 Echiu. ; Classif. metb. Echin. 29 Platysphinx Bothschikl 8f Jordan '03 Ins. 203 3 727 Platysphvrus Sloane '04 Ins. 131 6' 201 Platyspondylus Hang '07 Pisces 56 Platystelea Escherich '06 Ins. 454 Platysyllis Grube 1878 Verm. ; Platytaeniodus Boulenger '06 Pisces 46 Platytes Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 57 Platytettix Hancock '06 Ins. 452 Platytheca Stein 1878 Flagellata ; Organ. Infusionstbiere iii Abth. 1 H. p. X Plaxopsis Ca77ieron '05 Ins. 217 Plectacantba Jorgensen '05 Prot. 67 5 273 Plectella Lamansl-g '01 Brach. 12 & '06 Bracb. 15 Plectinia Pocta '03 Spong. 15 Plectoderraatum Schra^nmen '02 Spong, 26 2 119 Plectofrondiciilaria Liehus '03 Prot. 53 Plectogenium Gilbert '05 Pisces ; Bnll. U.S. Bureau Fisheries ii 634 Plectograptns Moberg 6f Tdrnq>tist '09 Coel. 20 Plectomerus Conrad 1853 Lamellibr. ; Proc. Ac. Pbilad. vi 260 Plectonotus Clarl-e '04 Moll. 86 Plectoptilus Simon '05 Aracbn. 18 5 723 Plectrogenium Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 116 Plectromacronema Ulmer '06 Ins. 371 Plectrone Wallace 1868 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 545 Plectroplites Gill 1863 Pisces ; Proc. Ac. Pbilad. 1862, 236 Plectrotbrips Hood '08 Ins. 413 Pledina Beitter '03 Ins. 163 3 952 Plegiocidaris Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. metb, Echin. 109 Plegmapterus M. y Fernandez '03 Ins. 373 Plegmatograptus Elles Sf Wood '08 Ccel. 23 Plegmospbaerantba Haechel ]887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 88 Plegmosphaerella Haechel 1887 Phizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. I, 88 Plegmospbaeromma Haechel 1887 libizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 89 Plegmospbaerusa Haechel 1887 ilhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 89 Pleias Kirhaldy '01 Ins. 283 1 820 Pleiocyphus Pomel 'iSSo Echin. ; Classif. m6tb. Echin. S2 Pleiophylla Peringuey '04 Ins. 154 4 842 Pleistogyps Miller '10 Aves 105 Pleistopbylla Peringuey '04 Ins. 154 4 '842 Plemeliella Seitner '08 Ins. 368 Pleonazoneura Enderlein '10 Ins, 394 ( 234 ) PLEONO.— PLESIOT. PLESIOZ.— PLEUROPOD. Pleonomoides Sc/nvarz '00 Ins. 230 Pleopertha lieiUer '03 Ins. 105 Pleopodias Richardson 'JO Crust. S-t Pleotarsobius Attems '09 Myr., Araclin. 50 Pleraplvsilla Topsent '05 Spoiig. 25 5 286 Plerisca Bolivar '04 Iiis. 361 4 405 vPlerouia Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 543 Plerouexis If'eise '08 Ins. 274 Plerotes Andersen '10 Mamm. 48 Plerurus Looss '07 Verm. 28 Plesiaddax Schlosser '03 Mamm. 37 Plesianthidium Cameron '05 Ins. ; 5 1125 Plesiaster Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Class! f. meth. Echin. 42 Plesiechinus Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth, Ecliiu. 76 Plesiocathartes Gaillard '08 Aves 121 Plesiocidaris Pomel 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 95 Plesiocorys Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 45 Plesiocryptus Cameron '03 Ins. 238 4 730 Plesiodemidea Renter '09 Ins. 394 Plesiodesiiia Warren '08 Ins. 351 Plesiodiadema Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin, 106 Plesioexochus Ca^neron '05 Ins. ; 5 1125 Plesiofelis Roth '03 Mamm. 42 Plesiohimpas Pomel ^ 1883 Echin, ; Classif. meth. Echin. 62 Plesiomasaris Cameron '05 Ins. 197 7 269 Plesiometa Cambridge '03 Arachn. 27 3 408 Plosiopanurgus Cameron '07 Ins. 268 Plesiopatagus Pomel IS'&'d Echin.; Classif. meth, Echin. 32 Plesiopelma Pocock '01 Arachn. 37 1 738 Plesioptygmatis Bose '06 Moll. 08 Plesiosalenia Valette '06 Echin. 43 Plesiostigmodes Aslunead '04 Ins. 231 4 730 Plesiotettix Hancock '06 Ins. 452 Plesiozethus Cameron '05 Ins. 197 5 1125 Plesiozoiius De Meijere '03 Echin. 84 3 137 riesins Semenov '07 Ins. 211 Plestiodontoides Giylioli 1874 Rept. ; Boll. See. Ce'ogr, Ital. xi 48 Plethochaeta Coquillett '01 Ins. 274 1 867 Plethocrossus Attems '09 Myr., Arachn, 54 Pleuracanthus Gharyccev '02 Crust. 59 2 427 Pleuragramma Boxdemjcr '02 Pisces 25 2 1122 Pleurasparium Haeckel 1887 Ilhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 811 Pleuraspidium Haeckel 1887 lihizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 812 Pleurathous Reitter '05 Ins. 159 5 1250 Pleureira Bryce '10 Verm. 46 Pleurimj'stax Pandelle '01 Ins. 274 Pleurispa Weise '01 Ins. 169 2 997 Pleurobela Kobelt '05 Moll. 72 Pleurochilopliorus Renter '06 Ins. 403 5 838 Pleurocidaris Pomel ^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. m^th. Echin. 111. Pleurocope Walker '01 Crust. 39 1 692 Pleurocorallium Moroff '02 Coel. 29 Pleurocoralloides Moroff '02 Coel. 29 Pleurocryptella Bonnier '02 Crust. 55 Pleurocvphoniscus Verhoeff '01 Crust. 39 1 692 Pleurocystis Hesse '10 Prot, 58 Pleurogeophilus Verhoeff '01 Myr. 11 Pleurogorgia Versluys '02 Coel. 29 Pleurojulus Fritsch '02 Myr. 17 Pleurolopha Turner '04 Ins. 282 Pleurolucina Ball '01 Moll. 100 Pleuromophlus Reitier '06 Ins. 242 Pleuromphalus Perner '04 Moll. 80 Pleuropasta Wellman '09 Ins. 248 Pleurophorella Girty '04 Moll. 87 4 305 Pleurophvllidiella Eliot '03 Moll. 64 3 ' 294 Pleuropodia Dennant '03 Coel, 29 ( 235 ) PLEUROPOM.— PLIOTO. Pleuropoma Caziot '10 Moll. 73 Pleuropria Kieffer '05 lus. 224 Pleuroprion Zur Strassen '02 Crust. 53 2 427 Pleurosalenia Pomel ^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. meth. Echiu. 94 [Pleurostylodon Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 4 326] Pleurotobia Casey '06 Ins. 208 Pieurotoichus Levinsen '09 Bry,, Brach. 24 Pleurotrema Whitfield 1892 Gastrop. ; Moiiogr. U.y. Geol. Siirv. xviii 179 Pleuroxalonella Birye 'JO Crust. 40 Pleuroxoiiotus lleuter '04 Ins. 328 Pleurystomus Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 42 Pleurystylops Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 37 Plexaris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 597 Plexaura Rafinesque 1815 Crust. ; Analyse. Nat. 101 Plexauropsis Verrill '07 Ccel. 23 Plexippa Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 325 Plexocera Templeton 1836 Crust. ; Tr. Eat. Soc. Loud, i 187 Plexotemnus Amr-yhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Plicatulopecten Neumann '08 Moll. 117 Plicaxis S'l/kfls '03 Moll. 62 3 294 Plicifusus Uall '02 Moll. 71 Plicopurpura Cossmann '03 Moll. 09 Pliniaca Busck '07 Ins. 347 Plinthisoraus Fieber 1864 Hem. ; Wien. eut. Monats. viii 213 Plinthodermatium Schrammen '10 Por. 8 Plinthopa Bethune- Baker '08 Ins. 339 Plioaetus liichmond '08 Aves 121 [Pliocatliaica^«^i/-erte '03 Moll. 3 295] Pliocyphosoma Potnel_ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 90 Pliodolops Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 44 Pliomerops Raymond '05 Trilob. ; 5 685 Pliotoxaster Fourtau '06 Echin. 43 PLIOTR.— PODOCYRTE. Pliotrema Reyan '06 Pisces 59 Pliotropis Kohelt '04 Moll. 63 Plistobunus Focock '03 Arachn. 40 3 408 Plocamiopsis Topsent '04 Spong. 25 4 96 Plochiocorella Poppins '10 Ins. 424 Ploconema Perner '04 Moll. 85 Plocovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 158 4 842 Ploeotia Dnjardin 1841 Flag. ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 327 Ploiariola Renter 1888 Hem. ; Acta Soc. Eenu. xv 711 Ploiophora Bietz '01 Ins. 254 Plotius Simon '02 Arachn. 49 Plumatellites Frih '01 Bry. 9 Plumigorgia Nuttiny '10 Ccel. 26 Plutarchusia Oudemans '05 Arachn. 36 Plutobethylus Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 Plutopria Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 Plutort!ctis Meyrick Sf Lower '07 Ins. 310 Pneumabranchus McClelland 1844 I'isces ; Calcutta J. Nat. Hist, iv 410 Pneumaculex F>yar '05 Ins. 291 7 Ins. 362 Pneumodermopsis Bronn 1862 Gastrop. Klass. Ordn. Thierreicli iii 2 Abth. 645 Pneumonyssus De Haan i^* Grijns '01 Arachn. 46 1 739 Pneustocerus Horvdth '05 Ins. 307 5 838 '03 Mamm. 38 (. Poatrephes Doiiylass 5 481 Podactinelius Schroder '07 Prot. 49 Podagra Smith '02 Ins. 229 Podateles Boulenyer '02 Pisces 23 [Podiasa Busck '01 Ins. 1 991] Podocotvle Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; liist. Nat. Helminth. 401 Podocyrtarium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1337 Podocj'rtecium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1339 236 ) PODOCYRTI.— POECILOP. POECILOR.— FOLIC. Podocyvtidium Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1344 Podocyrtonium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1347 Podoglyphiulus Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 54 Podogvmnura Meavns '05 Mamm. 34 S 481 Podolithus Sardeson '08 Echin. 29 Podouiachla Strand '09 Ins. 327 Podoprion Chevreux 1891 Crust.; Mem. Soc. Zool. France iv 6 Podoprionides Walker '06 Crust. 48 Podoribates Berlese '08 Arachn. 41 Podothemis Ris '10 Ins. 449 Podothereua Verhoeff '05 Myr. 7 5 738 Podothrombium Berlese '10 Arachn. 41 Podovalgus Arroio '10 Ins. 230 Poecilobracon Cameron '01 Ins. 193 1 1048 Poecilobrycon EUjenmann '09 Pisces 40 Poecilocentris Friese '01 Ins. 176 Poecilocharax Eigenmann '09 Pisces 40 Poecilochlora Warren '04 Ins. 282 4 656 Poecilocloeus Bremer '10 Ins. 457 Poecilocryphus Kriechbaumer '01 Ins. 1*1048 Poecilocrvptus Cameron '01 Ins. 191 1 "1048 Poeciloflata Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 543 Poecilogonalos Schulz '10 Ins. 303 & '10 Ins. 298 Poecilohetaerus Hendel '07 Ins. 375 Poeciloides Bianchi '02 Aves 63 Poecilolagus Lyon '04 Mamm, 42 4. 326 Poecilolasma Z>«r?n« 1851 Crust.; Poecilomerus Kami/ '07 Ins. 417 Poecilometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Poecilomigas Simon '03 Arachn. 21 3 408 Poecilopholis Boulenger '03 Rept. 25 Poecilopompilus Ashmead '02 Ins. 182 Poecilopsis Harrison '10 lu.=. 370 '02 Ins. 312 '05 Ins. 134 '02 Ins. 182 2 487 3 543 Mam m . Poecilorchestes Simon '02 Arachn. 49 Poeciloscarta Stal 1869 Hem, ; Poecilosomatops Fowler '06 Pisces 55 Poecilostenia Bezzi '08 Ins. 389 Poecilostitrma Warren '03 Ins. 289 3 727 Poecilotettix Bolivar 1 784 Poecilothais Maindron 6 201 Poecilotiphia Cameron 2 854 Poessa Simon '02 Arachn. 49 Pogon Buckton '03 Ins. 343 Pogonocebus Trouessart '04 33 Pogonocharax Begayi '07 Pisces 51 Pogonognathus Borner '08 Ins. 435 Pogonoidius Car ret '03 Ins. 110 3 953 Pogonopus Arrow '10 Ins. 2-30 OPogonorhinella Schmidt '10 Ins. 4-34 Pogonorhinus Hutton '07 Ins. 252 Pogouoscorpius Regan '08 Pisces 41 Pogouuspiza Berlepsch S) Stolzmann '06 Aves 101 Pogonothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 279 Pogonozada Hamj)son '05 Ins. 261 5 1024 Pogontypus Distant '07 Ins. 391 Poirieria Jonsseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Polacanthopoda Hampson '01 Ins. 222 1 991 Fo\&ctom&Rafinesque 1814 Ascidiaceae ; Specchio Sci. ii 41 Polemiotus Casey '07 Ins. 242 Polemograptis Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Polemus Simon '02 Arachn. 49 Polenta Morrison 1875 Lep. ; Proc. Best. Soc. xviii 124 Poleumita Clarke Si- Ruedemann '03 Moll.; 3 295 Poliana Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins, 263 3 727 Poliaspidella Berlese '10 Arachn. 38 Policha Thorell 1891 Arachn.; Ann. Mus. Genova (2) xi 351 Polichna Herrich-Schaefer 1856 Lep. ; Samml. auseurop, Schruett, i 30 ( ^37 ) POLIE.— POLYCHA. POLYCHE.— POLYOM. Polienus Distant '03 Ins. 272 3 727 Poliobrya Hampson '08 Ins. 339 Poliochera Scudder 1884 Araclin. ; Proc. Amer. Ac. n. s. xii 16 Poliocoris Kirkcddy '10 Ins. 419 Poliodes Rothschild S^ Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 727 Poliodes Bruce '05 Ins. 202 5 1024 Poliolais Alexander '03 Aves 60 3 279 Polionycta Hampson '09 Ins. 337 Pcliophrys Toionsend '08 Ins. 385 Poliosaui'us Case '07 Rept. 33 Poliosphageus Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 423 Poliothripa Hampson '02 Ins. 229 Polistella Ashmead '04 Ins. 208 5 1125 Polistoides Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 209 Polistomyia Toionsend '08 Ins. 385 Polistratus Cameron '06 Ins. 283 Pollaploecium Maplestone '09 Brv., Bracli. 24 Pollocia Dyar '10 Ins. 374 Poloceiitnis Buckton '03 Ins. 343 3 543 Polyacantlms Gharyaeu '02 Crust. 59 2 427 Polyalacorys Haeckel 1887 Tlliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1374 Polyancistroides Rehn '01 Ins. 308 Polyandrocarpa Michaelsen '04 Tun. 7 5 9 Polyarteniiella Daday '09 Crust. 43 Polybates MacQillivray '09 Ins. 305 Polyblepharis Bezzi '09 Ins. 372 Polybunobolus Pocock '03 Myr. 18 3 425 Polycaryum Stempell '02 Prot. 79 i 442 & 2 104 Polycelis Thomson 1878 Hym. ; Plym. Scandiu. iv 143 Polycentropsis Boulenqer '01 Pisces 19 1 1234 Polycestella Kerremans '02 Ins. 134 3 953 Polycestoides Kerremans '02 Ins. 134 / 3 953 <^ Polychaetophyes Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 420 Polvchariua Ileitter '09 Ins 223 ( 2: Polycheira Clark '07 Echin. 24 Polyclielus Luzc '04 Ins. 138 4 843 Polvcbisrae Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 320 4 518 Polycliitonacris Behn '09 Ins. 426 Polychnomvia Bischof '04 Ins. 309 4 554 Polychoa Turner '07 Ins. 310 Polycladodes Brandt 1837 Scvphozoa ; Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. i'l91 Polycladodes Steinmann '10 Verm. 31 Polycoelia Fromentel Spong. ; Polyconia Weise '05 Ins. 186 Polycorvphus Loman '02 Arachn. 55 2 487 Pol^'creagra Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Polydelpliis Diijardin 1845 Verm.; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 221 Polydercicus Heller '06 Ins. 252 Polydesmia Lorenz '08 Moll. 74 Polyetes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Polyetoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Polyglossa Friese '09 Ins. 283 Polygonarea Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 50 Polygoniopygus Valette '06 Echin. 43 Polygyrata Weller '03 Moll. 73 ' 4 305 Polylepidomyia Theobald '05 Ins. 291 Polylepiscus Pocock '09 Myr., Arachn. 54 Polyleptionivia Theobald '05 Ins. 291 5 884 Polylobinus Bernhauer '08 Ins. 225 Polylopha Lower '01 Ins. 252 1 991 Polylophota Hampson '06 Ins. 361 Polymastus Thieme '07 Ins. 298 Polymeda Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class Mouches 14 Polymedon Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 218 Polymetis Walsingham '03 Ins. 358 Polymniella Verrill '04 Verm. 32 Polymorph astraea Kohy '06 Coel. 26 Polyniphes Kaye '04 Ins. 250 4 656 Polyoramatothrips Bufa '09 Ins. 407 58 ) Polyoplitlialmus Verm. : POLYOP.— POLYT. •0:2 Sjioiip-. 24 Quatrefages 1865 Polyopesia Schramvien 2 119 '05 Ins. 279 Polvortha Doqnin 5 1024 ' Polypamon Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Polvpliematia Verhoeff '05 Myr. 11 5 738 Polypheniotlirips Schmidz '10 Ins. 443 Poh'phvma Grooin '02 Crust. 74 2 427 Polyplatus Biidde-Limd '08 Crust. ; Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrica ii 281 Polyplax Enderlein '04 Ins. 340 4 422 Polyplectana Clark '07 Echin. 24 Polyplectropus TJhner '05 Ids. 327 5 790 Polypleuris Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1260 Polyplodia Valette '08 Echin. 24 [Poiypodidae Hoyle '04 Moll. 4 305] Polypora Schrammen '01 Spong. 33 Polyporina Levinsen '02 Bry. 9 Polypseustis Dognin '08 Ins. 359 Polyptychus DouvlM '05 Moll. 83 Polyselmis Dnjardin 1841 Flag. ; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 353 Polysiphon Girty '08 Per. 7 Polysphalia Warren '06 Ins. 353 Polysphondylium Brefeld 1884 Rhi- zop. ; Untersuch. Gesgeb. Mvliol. Yil Polystomaria Reitter '09 Ins. 223 Polystomata Casey '06 Ins. 208 Polystylops Ameqliino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Polytaxonus MacgiUkray '08 Ins. 308 Polytelaptera Hendel '10 Ins. 414 Polytelidius Bovie '08 Ins. 262 Polytelodes Hampson '05 Ins, 262 5 1024 Polyteloptera Hendel '09 Ins. 380 Polytocus Lamh '09 Ins. 380 Polytomella Aragao '10 Prot. 65 Polytretia Schrammen '10 Por. 9 Polytropina Donald '05 Moll. 81 5 577 POLYX.— POP. Polyxena Mn'gen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mouches 19 Polyxo Monti '05 Arachn. 36 fPomacliilioides ScJnvarz '01 Ins, 1 1149] Pomaticercopsis Gravier '05 Verm. ; 5 439 Pomatocropsis Gravier '09 Verm. 53 Pomatograptus Haeckel 1889 Ilydro- zoa ; Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges. xli 677 Pomatops Barhour '10 Rept. 33 Pomelopsis Loriol '01 Echin. 81 Pompeckjites Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 67 Pompholigina Ball '01 Moll, 100 & '03 Moll. S-2 Pompilinus Ashmead '02 Ins. 182 Pompilogastra Aslmiead '02 Ins. 182 Pomponatius Distant '04 Ins. 320 4 518 Pomposa Redtenhacher '08 Ins. 425 Poncyia Kieffer '03 Ins, 244 Poneramoeba Luhe '09 Prot. 49 Pongo Haeckel 1866 Mamm. ; Gener, Morpholog. ii p. ci Pontanus Distant '02 Ins. 273 2 597 Pontiobius Gitirin 1857 Crust. ; Pontiometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Pontobdellopsis Ruedemann '02 Verm. ; 2 238 Pontogamraarus Soioini^ky '04 Crnst. 45 2 427 & 4 306 Pontogelos Stehhing '10 Crust. 34 Poutoleon True '05 Mamm. ; 5 481 Pontolis True '07 Mamm. Q-2 7 62 Pontoparta Vdvra '01 Crust. 64 ( 1 692 Pontoptilus Sa7-s '05 Crust. 5 674 & '09 Crust, 50 Pontos^Dhaera Lolimann '02 Prot. 2 104 O Poochara Stal 1869 Hem. ; Popanomyia Kertesz '09 Ins. 368 Popea Lrfdloio '05 Ins. 291 Poppia Konoiv '04 Ins. 237 4 730 Poptella Eigenmann '09 Pisces 40 ^jQ Populonia Jacobi '10 Ins, 432 1^39 ) 68 POR.— FORTH. Poractlnia Vinassa de Regnif '01 Coel. 14 Poralia Vanhoffen '03 Coel. 22 Porcellaiiella White 1852 Crust. ; Porcellanides NobiH '01 Crust. 34 1 692 Povcellidium VerJweff '08 Crust. 45 Porcorhinus Godmg '03 Ins. 343 3 .543 Porcupinia Haechel 1879 Rhizop. ; Sitzber. Jena Ges. 156 '01 Ins. 222 1 991 '04 Bry. 15 & '06 Bry. 300 324 '02 Ins. 283 Le Poresta Schaus Poricella Canu Bracli. 27 Pornotheniis Kr'uger '02 Ins. 2 550 Poroainphora Topof^hy '08 Prot. 5 Porodrymus Rey 1881 Col. ; Porona Schaus '01 Ins. 241 Poronotellus Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 4 518 ' Porophloeus Melichar 3 543 Poropteron Joiisseaume 1883 Moll. Naturaliste i 335 Porosphaera Haechel 1887 Ptliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 67 Porospliaerella Welter '10 Por. 6 Porospongia Orhiytiy Spong.j; Porotemnus Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 42 OPorpacella Schmidt '09 Ins. 401 bPorpax »Sc/m22^i5 '09 Ins. 401 Porphyrodema Renter '06 Ins. 403 5 838 Porphyrosela Braun '08 Ins. 359 Porpbytoma Jacoby '03 Ins. 208 "3 953 Porpitella Romel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m4tb. Ecbin. 72 Porrittia Tuit '05 Ins. 278 5 1024 Porsenus Aldrick Sf DarUnyton '08 Ina. 390 Porta Distant '03 Ins. 328 3 543 Porteria Siinon '04 Arachn. 32 4 410 Porthmeia Bethune- Baker '08 Ins. 329 Portboclielvs Williston '02 Kept. 2 1176 Portliocyon Merriam '03 Mamm. 30 ( PORTS.— PRAET. Portscbinskia Semenow '02 Ins. 261 Portumnoides Bohn '05 Crust. 35 Posidoniella Furlani '10 Moll. 91 Posterula Jidlie^i ^- Caloet '03 Bry. 14 Posteutatus Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 43 Postpitbecus Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 26 Posttornoceras Wedckind '10 Moll. 96 Potameis Benytsson '09 Ins. 411 Potamiaena Distant '10 Ins. 421 Potamida Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Moucbes 22 Potamiscus Alcock '10 Crust. 26 Potamotbrix Vejdovsky Sf Mrdzek '02 Verm. 42 Poteriodendron Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionstbiere iii Abtb. 1 H. p. vii Poterionella Pocta '03 Spong. 24 Poterioocbromonas Scherffel '02 Prot. 81 Potisa Surcouf '09 Ins. 368 Poultonella Peckham '09 Aracbn. 36 Poultonia l^eave '04 Ins. 250 Poultonia Peckham '01 Aracbn. 37 4 656 Vo-^eWmn. Bethune-Palcer '08 1ns. 319 Pparcbus Brorm '04 Ins. 180 4 843 Praeaceratbium Abel '10 Mamm. 62 Praeanaspides Woodwards. '08 Crust. 40 Praearcturiis Woodward 1871 Crust.; Trans. Woolbope Club 1870, 266 Praeatva Woodioard 1868 Crust. ; Rep. Brit. Ass. 1807, 45 Praecaprina Paquier '05 Moll. 83 Praedora Rothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 728 Praemacbilus Silvestri '05 Aptera ; 5 751 Praeovibus Staudinyer '08 Mamm. 78 Praepbippigera Bolivar '07 Ins. 418 Praeradiolites DouvillC-S>^ Moll. 80 Praerangia Cossmann'\'Od Moll. 90 Praesorites Douville '02 Prot. 69 Praetextatus Distant '01 Ins. 278 1 821 240 ) ^> PRAM.— PRIONOF. Pramba Cameron '03 Ins. 238 3 814 Praocidia Fairmnire '03 lus. 180 6 Ins. 241 Praos Burr '07 Ins. 408 Prasinalla Caxei/ '09 Ins. 238 Prasinoscia Warren '0-> Ins. 271 5 1024 Praslinia Boxlenger '09 Hept. 34 Prasoidea IVeise '07 Ins. 262 Praxibulns Bolivar '06 Ins. 4-j2 Prellicana Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 3.>9 Premnornis Bidgicay '09 Aves 114 Premolis Hamp&on '01 Ins. 222 1 992 Pieparctia Hampson '01 Ins. 222 1 992 Prepops Renter 'OG Ins. 403 5 838 Piepotheriops Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Preptoceras Furlowi '05 Mamm. 42 5 481 Presbole IlandUrsch '04 Ins. 125 Pressidens, Haas '10 Moll. 91 ^' Preta DidaM '07 Ins. 396 Priacanthopsis Foicler '06 Pisces 49 Priapuloides Karen ^- Dauielssen 1877 Priapuloidea ; Fauna Littor. Norveg-. iii 146 Priartobium Pic '03 Ins. 177 3 953 Primeana Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Primierus Distaiit '01 Ins. 281 1 821 Primoella Gray Coel. ; Priuassus Hansen 1887 Crust. ; Vid. Medd. For. Kjobenhavn (4) ix 82 Prina&ura Hampson '03 Ins. 272 3 728 ^^ Pringleopliaoa Fnderlein 05 Ins. 283 5 1025 Prinodera Wolcott '10 Ins. 236 Prinothrips Bvffa '09 Ins. 407 Prioclerus Hi7itz '02 Ins. 144 2 998 Prionallus Gahan '07 Ins. 52 Priouidus Bernhauer '07 Ins. 216 Prionidus Uhler 1886 Hem. ; Pfionobaris Champion '08 Ins. 262 Prionochilus Dallas 1849 Hem. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. v 191 Prionofrontia Hampson '02 Ins. 229 ( 241 PRIONOG.— PRISTOD. Prionorclaris Fnderlein '09 Ins. 408 Prionolixus Desbrochers '04 Ins. 180 5 1251 Prionolytta Peringuey '09 Ins. 248 Prionomnia Loman '02 Arachn. 55 2 487 Prionomys Dollman '10 Mamm. 50 Priouopetatum Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 54. Prionophana Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Prionosoma Dietz '09 Verm. 33 Prionosoma UJder 1863 Hem.; Proc. Eut. Soc. Philad. ii 363 Prionostemma Pocock '03 Arachn. 40 3 408 Prionosyllis Malmgren 1867 Verm. ; Prionothaltybius Brolemann '10 Myr., Arachn. 50 Prionothorax Luze '05 Ins. 141 5 1251 Prionoxys Sejnenov 1863 Hem. ; Prioproctus Xo/Je '03 Ins. 180 3 9.53 Prioptychomia Breddin '03 Ins. 328 3 543 Priperia Simon '03 Araolm. 27 & '04 Arachn. 30 4 410 Prisca Sellards '09 Ins. 415 Prismatophylluni Simpson '01 Coel. 21 Pristadoretus Reitter '03 Ins. 165 Pristella Eigenmann '09 Pisces 41 Priste}iyris Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Pristicephalus Dadg '10 Crust. 39 Pristiograptus Haeckel 1889 Ilydrozoa; Zeit.schr. JJeutsch. geol. Ges. xli 667 Pristi opsis i^9?r/er '05 Pisces ; 5 116 Pristiopsis Schmidt '05 Ins. 316 5 838 Pristirhina Heller '03 Ins. 190 Pristhh.jncb.omyia Bnmetti '10 Ins. 409 Pristobaeus Simon '02 Arachn. 49 Pristobethylus Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Pristocelus Szepligeti '05 Ins. 213 5 1126 Pristocerella Kieffer '09 Ins. 347 Pristoceuthophilus Rehn '03 Ins. 371 2 550 Pristodiscus Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 418 ) PmSTOM. — PEOC AMPO. PEOCAMPT. — PROCRIS Piistomicrops Juefer '06 Ins. 309 Pristomutilla Ashtnead '03 Ins. 226 Pristopliilus Kolhe '03 Ins. 180 3 953 Proactica Walsingham '04 Ins. 295 4 656 Proadiantus Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Proagopertha Heitter '03 Ins. 165 Proalides Beaiichamp '07 Verm. 38 Pioarablia Bergroth '10 Ins. 427 Proamjiliiovoii Hatcher '03 Mamm. 30 2 1472 Proanaclinia Meunier '05 Ins. 129 Proarchus Aldrich '10 lus. 405 Proarctotberinni Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Proasmodeus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 42 Probaena Hay '03 Eept. 30 5 180 Probaeuia Weise '04 Ins. 197 4 843 Probaryconus Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Probastactes Brethes '10 Ins. 249 Probelyta Kieffer '09 Ins. 301 ProberoTothius Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 320 4 518 Probethylus ^ shmead '02 Ins. 200 Probleta Eonoiu '08 Ins. 308 Problomyrmex iJfayr '01 Ins. 185 Probnis Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Probobiella Walker '06 Crust. 49 Proboletina Meimier '05 Ins. 129 Probolitrema Looss "02 Verm. 60 Proboloides Delia Valle 1893 Crast. ; Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel Monogr. 20, 907 Proboloides Morley '03 Ins. 238 3 814 Probolomyrmex Mayr '03 Ins. 3 814 Proboscidium Meunier '10 Prot. 71 Proboscis Thieme '07 Ins. 299 Proboscococlus Broun '09 Ins. 258 Probstmayria Ransom '07 Verm. 35 Procacus Kieffer '10 Ins. 305 Procalantia Kebel '01 Ins. ; 1 992 Procalosoma Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Procalyoza Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Procalyptis Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Procambarus Ortinann '05 Crust. 41 5 674 Procampodea Sylvestri '05 Ins. 334 5 751 ( 2 Procampylaea Gudl '10 Moll. 83 Procapromvs Chapman '01 Mamm. 33 1 1481 Procarabites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Procarabus Oppenheim 1888 Col. ; Procarinina Bergendal '02 Venn. 45 Procatnpus Boulenger '04 Pisces 42 4 87 Procerata Lafreille 1829 Lep. ; Cuvier Eegne Auim. n. 6d. v 412 Proceratia Hampson '01 Ins. 249 1 992 Proceratites Kiitl '05 Moll. 57 Proceratops Lull '06 Eept. 34 Procercopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 420 Procerithium Cossmann '02 Moll. 73 Procerosaurus v. Huene '02 Rept. 26 2 1175 Procerosaurus Fritsch '05 Kept. 37 Procbalicotherinm Ameghino "02 Mamm. 42 Prochelostoma Robertson '03 Ins. 220 3 814 Procbironomus Kieffer '09 Ins. 363 Procbrysomela Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Procbrysotus Meunier '07 Ins. 368 Procbunella Balss '09 Coel. 23 Procidaris Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classil". m6tb. Ecbin. 109 Procladosictis Ameghino '02 Mamm. 44 Proclydonautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Proclymene Ardwidsson '07 Verm. 44 Procoedicia Bolivar '02 Ids.'308 Procolax Schaus '10 Ins. 339 Procolpia SfM 1873 Orth. ; Ofv. Svenslia Ak. Forh. xxx 4, 52 Procolpocbelys Hay '08 Rept. 31 Proconis Hampson '02 Ins. 229 Procontarinia Kieffer Sf Cecconi '06 Ins. 374 Procorallistes Schrammen '01 Spong. 34 Procordulia Martin '08 Ins. 418 Procottus Gracianow '02 Pisces ; 2 1122 Procraerus Reitter '05 Ins. 159 Procrateria Hampson '05 Ins. ; 5 1023 Procriosis Hampson '10 Ins. 359 Procris Weise '01 Ins. 109 42 ) PROCRIT.— PEOE. Procrita IlemM 'OS Ins. 389 Procrustidea Semenov '07 Ins. 211 Procryptotermes Holmgren '10 Ins. 44G Proctolinprestis Handlirsck '0(5 Ins. Vrocio\?[h\\s Saussvre 1859 Ortb.; Ptev. Mag. Zool. xi 393 Proctophantasta Breddin '03 Ins. 320 3 543 Proctostephanus Bonier '02 Ins. 303 2 513 Procululus Zang '05 Ins. 149 5 1251 Procymbulia Meisenheimer '05 Moll. 5 577 Procyttariuni Haeclccl 1879 Rhizop. ; Nat. Schupfgescli. 7 Aufl. 705 Prodajns Bonnier '03 Crust. 40 3 359 Prodanialiscus Schhsser '04 Mamm. 43 5 482 Prodecatoma Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4 731 Prodicella Hampson '09 Ins. 337 Prodictyon Melander '03 Ins. 131 Prodicynodon Broom '04 Eept. 33 Prodiplosis Felt '08 Ins. 368 Prodisenochus Sharp '03 Ins. 140 Prodistomum Linton '10 Verm. 34 Prodomus SeUards '07 Ins. 404 Prodontria Broun '04 Ins. 154 4 843 Prodosiarcha Meyrick '04 Ins. 205 4 657 Prodotis John '10 Ins. 359 Prodromites Smith Sf Weller '01 Moll. 69 1 629 Prodromocrinus Jaekel '02 Echin. 86 Prodronuis Distant '04 Ins. 328 4 518 Prodryimis Kiefer '06 Ins. 309 Prodytiscus Ojjpenheim 1888 Col. ; Proectocion Anteghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Proelymiotis Schaus '01 Ins. 222 1 992 Proescutella Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. l^chin. 70 Proeiirete Schrammen '02 Spono-. 24 2 119 Proevippa Purcell '03 Arachn. 30 3 408 PROF.-PROLIO. Profischeria Ball '03 Moll. 82 Proformica Ruzsky '03 Ins. 230 3 814 ProgalaPopitl)ecTis^?;i(^y7^»!o '04 Mamm. 49 4 326 Pro;:arzonia Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Progenentomum Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Progeotrypes Oppenhmn 1888 Col. ; Progiraffa Pilgrim '08 IMamni. 78 Proglottis Dvjardin 1843 Verm.; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX 342 Progona Z);e<:: '05 Ins. 283 7 317 Progouocimex Hajidlirsch '00 Ins. 405 Progonopteryx Handlirsch '04 Ins. 125 Proguettardicriuus Steinmann '09 Echin. 52 Progynotacnia Fuhrmann '09 Verm. 35 Proheligmus Cossmann '09 jNIoll. 71 Prohemerobius Handlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Prohierodula Bolivar '08 Ins. 427 Prohirnmneura Handlirsch '06 Ins. 384 Proholopus JaeJcel '08 EcLin. 29 Pvohydata Schaus '01 Ins. 241 Prohvracotherium^TO^^jr/jmo '02 Mamm. " 42 Proictidius Fairmaire '01 Ins. 157 3 953 Proidotea Racovitza ^ Sevastos '10 Crust. 35 Proinia True '09 Mamm. 74 Proisocrinus Clark '10 Echin. 50 Prolvaliapsis Schrammen '01 Spon"-. 32 Prokelisia Osborn '05 Ins. 316 7 389 Prokoeuenia Borner '01 Arachn. 24 Prolaelius Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Prolanceola Woltereck '07 Crust. 71 Proleonhardella Jeannel '10 Ins. 220 Proleonhardia Jeannel '10 Ins. 220 Proleptus Dvjardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 105 Proleucoptera Busck '02 Ins. 249 Prolicaphrium Ameghino '02 Mamm. 42 Proliopithecus Schhsser '10 Mamm. 47 ( ^43 ) e2 PROLIE.— PRONOL. PRONOM.— PRORE. Proliropus Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Prolobodes Amyot ^- So-viUe 1843 Hem. ; Ilist. Nat. Hem. xxi Prolysiopetalum Verhoeff 'U9 Mvr., Araclin. 54 & '10 Arachn. 53 Prolystra Oppenhehn 1888 Hem. ; Promacrauclienia Ameghino '04 Mamm . 50 4 326 Promalactis Meyrick '08 Ins. 359 Promaltbodes Fiori "05 Ins. 161 Promargarita Strehel '09 Moll. 71 Proma?ia ChrHien '05 lus. 283 6 356 Promecilla Andre '02 Ins. 182 3 814 Promecispa Wehe '09 Ins. 271 Promecocoiis Futon 1886 Hem. ; Cat. Hem. ed. 3, 7 Promecostethus Fnderhin '09 Arachn. 38 Promelocrinus Jaelcel "02 Echin. 86 Promerisus Kiefer '10 Ins. 301 Promesitius Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Prometalia Fomel 1883 Echin.; Classif. melh. Echin. 34 PrometheoniTS Satunm '01 Mamm. 31 1 1481 Prometopidia Hampson '02 Ins. 239 Prometopion Casey '07 Ins. 242 Promioclaeuus Trouessart '04 Mamm. 38 Promiomoera Ashmead "03 Ins. 244 3 814 4 731 Promygale Fritsch '02 Arachn. 52 Promyrmephap-us Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 326 Promysops Ameghino '02 ]\]amm. 38 & '03 Mamm. 36 4 326 Pronaiiphoeta Shelford "09 Ins. 418 Pronemobius Bolivar 1898 Orth. ; Ann. Sci. nat. Porto v 41 Proneoglaphyroptera Meunier '05 Ins 129 Pronerice Schaus '01 Ins. 2'^2 1 992 Proneusticosaurus Volz '02 Eept. 26 3 139 Pronolagus Lyon '04 Mamm. 42 4 326 Prononiaja Fbrster '09 Ins. 414 Pronomeuta Meyrick '05 Ins. 283 5 1025 Pronomotherium DovgJass '07 ^lamm. 70 Pronopharvnx Coh)i '04 V^rm. 50 4 168 Pronotncauthus Woodicard "01 Pisces 23 Pronotestra IIam2')son '05 Ins. 262 5 1025 Pronuciila Hedley '02 Moll. 84 2 348 Pronycticebus Trouessart '04 Mamm. ' 34 5 482 Propachastrella Schrammen '10 Por. 7 Propalaemon Woodward '03 Crust. 37 Propalingenia Handlirseh '06 Ins. 434 Propantostvlops A7neghino '04 Mamm. 50 A. 326 Propappus Michaelse?! '05 Term. 52 Proparamenia Kierstrasz '02 Moll. 85 2 348 Proparoides Bianchi "02 Aves 58 Propatria JIampson '03 Ins. 281 Prophasia Handlirseh '06 Ins. 274 Propheletes i^/oK '05 Ins. 159 5 1251 Prophilanthns Cockerell '06 Ins. 287 Prophryxus Fichardson '09 Crust. 38 Propilsbrya Bartsch '06 Moll. 83 Propiptus Weise '01 Ins. 172 3 953 Proplanodus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 42 Proplatvgaster Kieffer '04 Ins. 234 4 731 Propodalirius Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Propodomyrma Wheeler '10 Ins. 287 Propolvmastodon^?;;e(7/^/?io '03 Mamm, 36 4 326 Proportheus Jaekel '09 Pisces 42 Proprepotherium Ameqhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 327 Propristocera Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Proptychoplera Handlirseh '06 Ins. 380 Propyragra Burr '10 Ins. 451 Propyrosaxeum Ameqliino '01 Mamm. 37 Prorachia Hampson '09 Ins. 337 Prorates Melander '06 Ins. 384 Proreiis Bvrr "07 Ins. 408 ( 244 ) PRORH.— PROSEN. Prorhinotermes Silresfri "09 Ins. 409 Prorhynchus Sckidfze 1851 Verm. ; Prorobleuima Hampson '10 lus. 359 Prorocrania Turner '0-4 lus. 283 Prorosmariis Berry ^- Gregory '06 Mamui. 68 VrovotvicWia, liostafinski 1876 Rhizop. ; Deiiksch. Ges. Wiss. Paris viii Art. 4, 38 Proi'uaca Hampson '02 Ins. 230 Prosactomilichia Meyere '09 Ins. 380 Prosadenoporus Biiryer 1890 Nemer- tiui ; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 1 26 Prosaetes Wilso7i '07 Crust. 82 Prosagola liaffray '04 Ins. 143 Prosaites Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Prosanteon Ferkms '05 Ins. 225 5 1126 Prosanteris Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Prosapauesia Kieffer '10 Ins. 306 Prosapegus Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Prosapteron Schepotieff '09 Ins, 427 Prosarotra Meyrick '09 Ins. 353 & '10 Ins. 384 Prosaspicera Kieffer '07 Ins. 289 Proscalops Matthew '01 Manim. 27 1 1481 PROSEU.— PROSTEG. Proschalipbora Hampson '01 Ins. 222 1 992 Proscliismotberium Ameghino '02 Mamui. 43 Proschistis Meyrick '07 Ins. 338 Proschizotaeuia Silvestri '07 Arachn. 52 Proscissio Hntton '01 Ins. 271 1 867 Prosciurus Matthew '03 Maium. ; 3 383 Prosclerogibba Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Proscorpius Whitjield 1885 Aracbn. j Proscorus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 148 Proscrana Turner '02 Ins. 230 Proscylliiim Hilyendvrf '04 Pisces 55 5 116 Prosechinus Powf/ 1883Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbiu. 113 Prosencepbalus Lljanin 1870 Turbel- laria ; Arb. Vers. Russ. Natur- forscb. 2 ii 25 Proseutoria Brunner '07 lus. 413 Proseurytoma Kieffer '10 Ins. 301 I'roshermacha Simo7i '08 Aracbn. 28 Prosierola Kieffer '05 lus. 225 Prosimulium Roubaud '06 Ins. 380 Prosmidia Weise '01 Ins. 169 2 998 Prosobotbrium Cohn '02 Verm. 53 & '03 Verm. 48 2 200 Prosodacna Tournnuer 1882 Moll. ; J. d. Concbyl. xxx 58 Prosodella Eeitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosodestes Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosodidius Fairmaire '03 Ins. 180 4 843 Prosodila Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosodina Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosodopria Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosodoscetis Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosodura Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Prosolarium Pender '04 Moll. 80 vOProsonoma Melichar '06 Ins. 416 Prosopisteron Cockerell '06 Ins. 279 Prosoplismus Waite '03 Pisces 28 3 94 Prosopocbrysa Meyere '07 Ins. 364 Prosopodesmus Silvestri '10 Myr., Aracbn. 53 Prosopopbora Meyere '10 Ins. 414 Prosoptycbus Perner '03 Moll. 78 Prosorbyncbus Odhner '05 Verm. 62 5 381 Prosostbenia Neumayr 1869 Moll. ; Jabrb. geol. Reicbsanst. xix 360 Prosostoma Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Clas- sif. niiStb. Ecbin. 55 Prosotettix Jacobi '07 Ins. 384 Prosoxylabis Kieffer '09 Ins. 301 Prospalax Mehely '08 Manim. 75 Prospaltella Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 5 1126 Prospaniomys Ameyhijio '02 Mamm. 38 Prospatangus Lambert '02 Ecbin. 73 Prospbileuriis Kolbe '05 Ins. 154 5 1251 Prospborocicbla Oherholser '05 Aves 67 Prospiloniicrus Kieffer '10 lus. 305 Prostalia Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Prostegotberium ^?;/f^/uwo '02 INIamni. 43 ( 245 ) PROSTEN.— PEOTAXI. PROTAXO.— PROTOBL. Prostenodes Warreii 3 71^8 ProstetLiopli3'ma Bolivar Prosthenia Hainpson 1 992 '03 lus. 289 Protaxocrinus Spri/ir/er "06 Echin. 53 Protechma Sellards '07 Ins. 404 '09 Ins. 426 Proteinania Hampson '05 Ins. 262 '01 Ins. 249 5 1025 ^C^Proteinissus Foivler '04 Ins. 334 Prosthennopa Mattheiv 8f Gidley '04 Maium. 44 5 482 Prosthenostictus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Prosthesis Walsinyham '08 Ins. 359 Prosthetes Hesse Crust. ; Prostlietocliaeta Grimshaiv '01 Ins. 271 1 867 Prostlietopterj^x Warren '06 Ins. 353 Prostoma Warren '04 Ins. 283 4 657 Prostomeus Busch '03 Ins. 302 3 728 Protacaremys Amegluno, '02 Mamm. 38 Protaceratlierium Ahel '10 Mamm. 62 Protacheron Week '08 Ins. 364 Prutadelphomys Ameghino '02 Mamm. 38 Protaenia TJwmson 1869 Ilom. ; Opusc. Ent. i 58 Protagasta Bolivar '08 Ins. 432 Protagonista Shelford '08 Ins. 421 Protagrotis Hampson '03 Ins. 281 3 728 Protaleiiron liothschi/d '^ Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 728 Protamandua Ameyhino '04 Mamm. 50 4 327 Protambulvx Rothschild S)- Jordan '03 Ins.' 263 3 729 Protandrenopsis Craivford '03 Ins. 220 Protanisodera Quiel '09 Ins. 271 Protanthidium Cocherell '01 Ins. 176 1 1049 Protanura Borner '06 Ins. 455 Protanypus Kieffer '06 Ins. 375 Protapes Ball '02 Moll. 81 Protapioca Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 209 4 731 Protarache Hampson '10 Ins. 359 ProtaUanta Tesch '08 Moll. 96 Protaulopsis Woodward '01 Pisces 23 1 1234 Protautomeris Packard '03 Ins. 272 3 729 Protaxis Gahan '06 Ins. 263 4 518 Protelonomus Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Protemnocvon Hatcher '03 Mamm. 30 2 1472 Protemphytus Rohiver '09 Ins. 305 Protenaster Pomel 1883 Echin ; Classif. meth. Echin. 36 VvoikiwiQxon Stafford '04 Verm.; 4168 Protenthes Johannseyi '07 Ins. 358 Proteocvpris Brady '06 Crust. 59 & '07 Crust. 85 Proteraner Rohertso7i '03 Ins. 220 3 814 Protereisma Sellards '07 Ins. 404 Proterema Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Proteriades Ti^ws '04 Ins. 205 5 1126 Proterix Mattheiv '04 Mamm. 36 3 393 Protermes Ilolmyren '10 Ins. 446 Proterocryptus Ashmead '06 Ins. 297 Proterodesma Meyrick '09 Ins. 353 Proteropoides Viereck '09 Ins. 296 Proterosphex Fernald '05 Ins. 201 5 1126 Proterosuchus Broom '03 Rept. 31 Proterosydne Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 389 Protestrica Schouteden '05 Ins. 304 Protetraceros Schlosser '03 Mamm. 36 3 383 Proteuxoa Hampson '03 Ins. 281 3 729 Prothalmodes Fiori '05 Ins. 161 Prothoatherium Ameyhino '02 Mamm, 42 Prothrinax Hampson '09 Ins. 337 Protidicerus Weele '08 Ins. 364 Protilemia Awivillius '08 Ins. 269 Protimorus Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 Protipuhi Handlirsch '06 Ins. 380 Protmesibasis Weele '08 Ins. 364 Protoaeschna Foerster '08 Ins. 418 Protobalanus Caullery fy Mcsnil '04 Verm. 67 4 8 Protoblattina Meunier '09 Ins. 418 ( 246 ) PEOTOBO.— PROTOM A. PEOIOME.— PROTOSCA. Protoborabus CocTcerell '09 Ins. 283 Protobouellia Ikec/a 'OS Verm. 47 Protobradys Auieylnno '02 Mamm. Protobiissus Lambert '08 Ecbin. 24 Protobubopsis Weele '08 Ins. 364 Protocallidium CsiA;z '04 Ins. 189 Protocaris Walcott 1855 Crust.; Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. ii No. 10, 50 Protocentrotus Doederlein '06 Ecbin. 43 Protoceritbium Bidrani '03 Moll. 71 Protocetus Fraas '04 Mamm. 47 4 327 Protocbauliodes TF>e/e '09 Ins. 359 Protoclepsis Livanous '02 Verm. 43 2 238 Protocotylus Korotneff '08 Verm, 38 Protocrj'ptus Schmiedehnecht '04 Ins. 222 & '08 Ins. 296 5 1126 Protoculex Felt '04 I^s, 301 4 554 I'rotoderma Rostctfinski 1874 Rbizop. ; Denkscb. Ges. AViss. Paris v Art. 4, 00 Protodermium Berlcse 1888 Rbizop. ; Saccardo, Syll. Fuugorum vii pt. 1, 325 Protodictyon Melander '03 Ins. ; 3 '480 Protodipseudopsis TJliner '09 Ins. 356 Protodiscoelius Dalla J'orre '04 Ins. 209 Protodvpsocus F/iderlein '03 Ins. 356 3 480 Protoelytra JVeise '05 Ins. 185 Protoentospora Su7i '10 Prot. 63 Protogeton Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Protogonum Broun '09 Ins. 258 Protogryllus Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 447 Protobellwigia Brues '10 Ins. 294 Protobermes Weele '07 Ins. 354 Piotoibalia Brues '10 Ins. 307 Protolecbia Meyrick '03 Ins, 302 & '04 Ins. 295 3 729 & 4 657 Protomacleaya Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Protomacronema Ulmer '04 Ins. 342 4 465 ( 2 Protomeceras Bebel '02 Ins. 239 Protomelanoconion Theobald '09 Ins. 366 & '10 Ins. 398 Protomelecta Cockerell '08 Ins. 283 Protomerus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 193 3 954 Protomiina Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Protomocoelus Zang '05 Ins. 14S 5 J251 Protomolis Ilampson '01 Ins. 222 1 992 Protonectarina Ducke '10 Ins. 273 Protonostoma Meyrick '10 Ins. 384 Protonotacantbus Woodxcard '01 Pisces ; 1 1234 Protopalytboa Verrill '04 Coel. 33 Protopecten Hind '10 Moll. 92 Protopeltura Brogger 1882 Crust. ; Siluriscb. Etageu 2 u. 3, im Kristianiageb. Protopbana Hampson '06 Ins. 342 Protopbaretra Bornemann 1883 Coel. ; Geol. Zeitscb. xxxy 274 Protopbocaena Abel '06 Mamm. 82 Protopbormia Toionsend '08 Ins. 385 Protopbrya Kofoid '03 Prot. 68 4'80 Protopbyta Twmer '10 Ins. 370 Protopis Kittl '05 Moll. 84 Protoplatytes Cockerell '05 Moll. 57 5 577 Protoplecia Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 380 Protoplesius Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Protoplopbora Berlese '10 Aracbn. 36 Protopolybia Ducke '05 lus. 198 6 284 Protopora Greene '05 Ccel. ; 5 321 Protopristus Broun '09 Ins. 223 Protopsycbe Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 368 Protopterna Meyrick '08 Ins. 354 Protoptila Banks '05 Ins. ; 5 790 Protopyrrbula Bianchi '08 Ayes 144 Prolorhypbus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 381 Protoribates Berlese '08 Aracbn. 41 Protoscalpelluni Iloek '07 Crust. 89 ^7 ) PROTOSCE.— PRUNO. PRUNU.— PSELAPHI, Protosceniiim Jurjvnsen '05 Prot. 67 5 273 Protoseixdyra Ilumpson "10 Ins. 359 Protosialis Week '09 Ins. 359 Protosiren Ahel '04 Mamm. 47 Protosiriella Czerniavuhj 1882 Crust. ; Arb. St.-Petersb. Ges. Katiirf. xii Beil. 109 Protosirodes Bomer '01 Ins. 303 Protosphaerion Gounelle '09 Ins. 265 Protospirialis Clarke '04 Moll. ; 4 305 Protospongia Salter 1864 Spong. ; Quart. J. Geol. Soc. xx 238 Protostephanus Cochcrell '06 Ins. 303 Protostronsylus Kaineitsky '05 Verm. ; 5 400 Protosuberites Svarchcvskii '05 Spong. 15 5 286 Protosurcula Casey '04 Moll. 75 5 577 Prototaxonus Rolnver '10 Ins. 310 Protothaca Dull •"02 Moll. 81 Prototbelpus Verrill '04 Verm. 35 Protothymallus Luuhe '01 Pisces 31 Protracbj'saurus De Stefanu '04 Ilept. 25 Protrete Girtij '08 Moll. 117 Protrocbiscolitbus Kiaer '06 Ccel, 26 Protulopbila Hovereto '01 Bry. 9 Protyora Kieffer '06 Ins. 423 ^ Protyparcba Meyrick '09 Ins. 347 i-Proutista Kirkakly '04 Ins. 332 4 518 Provespa Ashmead '03 Ins. 222 3 814 Provia Barnes Sf- McDunnouyli '10 Ins. 359 Provola Sivinlwe '04 Ins. 283 4 657 Prowazeliia Hartmann <§• Chayas '10 Prot. 65 Proxenus Perinyiiey '07 Ins. 231 Proxylobius Fleidiaux '01 Ins. 141 Prozelotypa Kieffer '09 Ins. 301 Prozeuglodon Andreics '06 Mamm. 82 Prubotella [error ^jry Pruvotella q. V.) Prumna Motschulsky 1857 Orth. ; Prunocarpetta Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 315 Prunocarpilla Haeckel 1887 Ebizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 316 Prunnletta Haeckel 1887 Ilhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt, 1, 313 Prunulissa Haeckel 1887 Pthizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 314 Pruvotella Mofz-Kossvivska '05 Ccel. 20 5 321 Pruvotina Cockerell '03 Moll. 84 3 295 Psaoadium Endei'lein '08 Ins. 414 Psalatrirus Midler 1865 Aves ; Reis. Ver. Staat. iii 571 Psalidotermes Silnestri '09 Ins. 409 Pnalidotus Becker '03 Ins. 320 3 584 Psalisodes Hampson '10 Ins. 340 Psallodia Uhler '03 Ins. ; 3 543 Psallopsis Renter '01 Ins. 284 1 821 Paalmocharis Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 401 Psaltica Meyrick '05 Ins. 283 5 1025 Pbaltriodes Meyrick '02 Ins. 249 Psamatamoeba Sack '09 Ins. 371 Psammemys Boeppig 1835 Mamm.; lieisH in Chile i 166 Psammetta Schulze '05 Prot. 54 5 273 Psanimichthys Beyan '08 Pisces 40 Psammis Sars '10 Crust. 43 Psammoris Meyrick '06 Ins. 367 I'sammotermes Wasmann '02 Ins. 297 Psammotbynnus Aslimead '03 Ins. 226 Psammylla Bafinesqve 1817 Crust. ; Amer. month. Mag. ii 41 Psathyrissa Aiirivillius '08 Ins. 269 Psatbyrometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 I'sebena Gahan '02 Ins. 163 2 999 I'sectraglaea Hampnon '06 Ins. 342 Psectrosema Kieffer '05 Ins. 286 Psectrotanypus Kieffer '09 Ins. 364 P.sectrotarsia Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Psednura Burr '03 Ins. 373 Pselaphaudra Jacohson '05 Ins. 1251 Pselaphanus Szepliyeti '02 Ins. 197 Pselaphaulax Beitter '09 Ins. 225 Pselaphelia Aurivillius '04 Ins. 263 5 1025 Pselaphellus Baffray '09 Ins. 225 Pselaphias Jordan i^' Seale '06 Pisces 43 ( -MS ) P3ELAPH0.— PSEUDALI. P3EUDALM.— PSEUDATEL. Pselapliocompsus Raffrmj '08 Ins. 228 Pselapliogeuiiis Baffraxj '10 Ins. 219 Pselaphostouius Reitter '09 Ins. 225 P^elcis Simon '03 Aracbn. '67 Pseliiophora Verltoeff 'O-I Myr. 9 4 422 Pselliopus Bergroth '05 Ins. 308 Psellogrammus Hiyemnann '09 Pisces 41 Psepliechiniis Pomel ^ 1883 Ecliiu. ; Classif. meth. Ecliin. 81 Psepliidia Ball '02 Moll. 82 2 348 Pteudabia Schroftky '10 Ins. 310 Pseudacamptus Champion '09 Ins. 258 Pseudacesta TVaac/en '09 Moll. 90 Ptieudaclierusia Kerremnns '05 Ins. 157 '04 Ins. Pseudachloa Peringuey 4 843 154 '05 Ins. 334 Pseudacboi'utides Becker 5 751 Pseudacirsa Kobelt '03 Moll. 75 Pseudacrodus Ameghino '06 Pisces 59 Pseudacteon CoquiUett '07 Ins. 3G9 Pseudactium Casey '08 Ins. 228 Pseudadonia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 375 Pseudadorodocia Arrow '01 Ins. 137 1 1150 Pseudaecistes Stenroos '01 Yerni. 02 Pseudaedon Buturliii '10 Aves 116 [Pseudaegus Heller '04 Ins. 4 843] Pseudaelia Distant 'iO Ins. 419 Pseudaelurus Ashmead '03 Ins. 226 Pseudaetideus Wolfenden '03 Crust. 53 3 359 Pseudaetideus Wolfenden '04 Crust. 52 4 360 Pseudagapostemon Schrotthy '09 Ins. 283 Pseudagelaeus Bidgioay '01 Aves 76 2 1357 Pseudagkistrodon Van Denhurgh '10 Kept. 30 I'seudagnostus Jaekel '09 Aracbn. 9 Pseudalaudula Biunchi '06 Aves 99 P.^eudalexia Kolbe '10 Ins. 262 P.>(tc/iwi«?* '01 Bracb. 12 Pseudogmotbela Karny '10 Ins. 457 Pseudogonalos Schulz '06 Ins. 303 Pseudogonatium Strand '01 Ai-achn. 38 2 487 Pseudogonatopus Perkins '05 Ins. 225 5 1126 Pseudogonochrysis Bischoff '10 Ins. 289 Pseudograbbamia Theobald '05 Ins. 291 5 884 Pseudograbamia Theobald '10 Ins. 398 Pseudooframmoceras Biickman '02 Moll. 57 '07 Ins. Pseudohermacba Strand '07 ^\a-acbn. 30 Pseudohexacbrvsis Bischoff '10 Ins. 289 Pseudogripboueura Hendel 375 ( Pceudobimautarium Chalnndi'l^- Bibaut '09 Myr., Aracbn. 54 Pseudobomotbetus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Pseudobowardina Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Pseudobumbertiella Handlirsch '06 Ins. 449 Pseudobybris Weele '08 Ins. 364 Pseudobydrophilites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Pseudobydrvpbantes Viets '07 Aracbn. 43 Pseudoidya Brady '10 Crust. 43 Pseudojerdoiiia Kobelt '02 Moll. 76 Pseudokellya Pelseneer '03 Moll. 82 Pseudolabis Mattlieio '04 Mamm. 44 5 482 Pseudolacerta De Stefano '04 Kept, 25 Pseudolais Vaillant '02 Pisces 36 2 1122 Pseud olaopboute Scott '01 Crust. 51 Paeudolatbra Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 218 Pseudolecbriops Champion '06 Ins. 252 Pseudoleila Cross S^- Fischer 1894 Moll.; Miss. Sci. Mex. pt. vii. torn, ii 518 Pseudolema Jacoby '03 Ins. 208 3 954 Pseudoleostbenes Bedtenbacher '06 Ins. 445 Pseudoleptocerus Ulmer '07 Ins. 351 Pseudoleptodesmus Br(Jlema)m '02 Myr. 18 252 ) PSEUDOLEPTU.— PSEUDOMO. Pseiidoleptnsa Poppius '09 Ins. 223 Pseudnleucou Zimmer '03 Crust. 39 3 3.59 Pseudoliarta Karny '07 Ins. 418 Pseudolichoinolgus Pesta 'OS Crust. 55 & '09Cru=t. 51 Pseudolimerodes Strohl '02 Ins. 194 2 856 Pseudolinj^ula Miclcwitz '09 Bracli. 11 J'.seudolitbosia Hampson '07 Ins. 333 Pseiidolitlms Bleolcer 1863 Pisces; Natuurk. \"ei'liandl. Haarlem 59 Pseudolognatlia Jacoby '03 Ins. 208 3^954 Pseudolomacautha Hendel '01 Ins. 271 Pseudolops Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 44 Pseudolopus Jaekel '08 Ecliin. 29 Pseudolotelus Pic '01 Ins. 151 1 1150 Pseudolovenia Ar/assiz 8f Clark '07 Ecliin. 29 Pseudoloxops Kirkdidy '05 Ins. 310 6 Ins. 404 Pseudolubbockia Sars '09 Crust. 51 Pseudomacalla Dognin '08 Ins. 351 Pseudomacraspis Ohaus '03 Ins. 165 3 954 Pseudomacronema Ulmer '05 Ins. 327 5 790 Pseudomalus Ashmead '02 Ins. 189 Pseudomacronyclms Grouvelle '06 Ins. 221 Pseudoniasaris Ashmead '02 Ins. 179 Pseudoniasoreus Desbrockeis '04 Ins. 131 5 1251 P-eudomegister Bernhauer '07 Ins. 216 Pseudomenes Fleutiaux '02 Ins. 135 Pseudomenopon Mjobery '10 Ins. 445 Pseudomesochra Scott '02 Crust. 68 2 428 Pseudoniesomphalia Spaeth '01 Ins. 169 Pseudometa Cambridge '03 Araclin. 28 Pseudomicrodes Hampso7i '10 Ins. 360 Pseudomilichia Becker '07 Ins. 375 Pseudominius Ilartmann '04 Ins. 180 4 844 Pseudomitraria Hancock '0(5 Ins. 452 Pseudomopsis Champion '05 Ins. 177 5 1251 ( 253 PSEUDOMP.— PSEUDOPH. Pseudomphale Schrottky '09 Ins. 299 Pseudomyi-meleon Hayidlirsch '06 Ins. 373 Pseudoneaera Sturany '01 Moll. 96 Pseudonigrita Reichenow '03 Aves 68 Pseudonipbargus Chevreux '01 Crust. 41 1 693 Pseudonirmus Mjobery '10 Ins. 445 Pseudoniscus Costa 1883 Crust. ; Pseudonoba Boettger '02 Moll. 74 Pseudonomaretus Roeschke '07 Ins. 212 Pseud onotoxus Pic 1899 Col. ; Pseudonyctemera Snellen '03 Ins. 272 3 729 Pseudopacbycbaeta Strobl '05 Ins. 299 Pseudopacbyrucos Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Pseudopais Bartel '03 Ins. 273 4 658 Pseudopalingenia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Pseudopantilius Renter '06 Ins. 403 5 838 Pseudopaolia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Pseudoparablops Heyden '08 Ins. 252 Pseudoparasitus Oudemans '02Aracbn. 62 2 487 Pseudoparastropbia Distaso 74 5 578 '0^ '05 Moll. Ins. 176 Ins. 1.52 Pseudopecteropus Pic 5 12.52 Pseudopedaria Fehche '04 5 12.52 Pseudopedinaspis Brau7is '06 Ins. 287 Pseudopercis Miranda Ribeira '04 Pisces 38 4 87 Pseudoperla 5rt??A-s 1892 Neur. ; Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 342 Pseudopbaenna ' Sars 2 428 '02 Crust. 68 01 Ins. 222 Pseudopbarus Hampson 1 993 Pseudopbidiuni Gratzianoio '07 Pisces 39 Pseudopbiloscia Budde-Limd '05 Crust. 55 4 366 Pseudopboraspis Kirby '03 Ins. 369 3 480 Pseudopbymatodes Pic '01 Ins. 162 Pseudopbyx Bethune-Baker *06 Ins, .342 ) PSEUDOPI.— PSEUDORU. PSEUDORY.-PSEUDOSPORA Pseudopiazurus Heller '06 lus. 252 l/^Pseudoryxa ScJwiidt '04 Ins. a35 Pseudopiezotraclielus War/ner '07 Ins 252 Pseudopigritia Dietz '01 Ins. 255 Pseudopileus Lo7-iol '01 Ecliiu. 82 Pseudopinarus Heller '06 Ins. 252 Pseudoplocoscypbia Schrammen '01 Spong. 33 Pseudoplopodia Vedette '06 Ecliin. 43 Pseudopodabrus Pic '06 Ins. 233 Pseudopodoces Zarudny ^- Loudon '02 Aves 71 Pseudopolycentropus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 374 Pseudopolyernus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 437 Pseudoponera Emery '01 Ins. 186 Pseudopotamilla Bmh '05 Verm. 44 Pseudoprionites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Pseudoprionopeltis Carl '02 Myr. 18 Pseudoproctarrelaloris Weele '08 Ins. 364 Pseudoprosodes Reitter '09 Ins. 245 Pseudoprosymna Lindhohn '02 Rept. 21 Pseudoproto Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 359 Pseudopseustis Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Pseudopsodos Thierry-Mieg '03 Ins. 289 Pseudopsyllus Scott '02 Crust. 68 2*428 Pseudoptatus Chamx>ion '07 Ins. 252 Pseudopteroclieilus Perhi^is '01 Ins, 177 1 1050 Pseudoptochus Formdneh '05 Ins. 177 Pseud optynx Weele '08 Ins. 364 Pseudorabocerus Pie '08 Ins. 255 Pseudorbitolina JDonville '10 Prot. 56 Pseadorbianus Cham])ion '08 Ins. 262 Pseudorbvncbopbora Handlirsch '06 lus. 271 Pseudortbomerinus Champion '08 Ins. 262 Pseudortbopblebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 371 Pseudortboris Champion '08 Ins. 262 Pseudorus Casey '10 Ins. 217 ( 254 4 518 Pseudosaccocoma Hemes '05 Ecbin. 90 5 352 Pseudosalius Ashmead '04 Ins. 213 5 1127 Pseudosaperda Pic '03 Ins. 199 Pseudosarcopbaga Kramer '08 Ins. Pseudosastra Jacohy '04 Ins. 195 Pseudosauris Warren '07 Ins. 328 Pseudoscapbiella Simon '07 Aracbn. 31 '02 Ins. 264 '04 Ins. Pseudoscatella Becker 2 642 Pseudoscbizognatluis Ohaus 156 4 844 Pseudoscytbon Fleutiaux '02 Ins. 135 1 1150 Pseudoselasoma Brethes '10 Ins. 401 Pseudoseps Becker '02 Ins. 265 2 642 Pseudosermvle Caudell '03 Ins. 370 3 480 Pseudosetodes Uhner '05 Ins. 327 7 Ins. 353 Pseudosieversia Pic '02 Ins. 163 2 9!)9 Pseudosimulium Handlirsch '06 Ins. 392 Pseudosipalia -S'tiW/fc 1891 Col.; Pseudosiriella Claris 1884 Crust. ; Pseudoskusea Theobald '07 Ins. 360 Pseudospatbius Szepliyeti '02 Ins. 198 Pseudospermestes Dubois '05 Aves 84 Pseudospbaerexocbus Schmidt 1881 Crust. ; Mera. Ac. St. Petersb. XXX No. 1, 170 Pseudospbaerocera Strohl '05 Ins. 299 Pseudospbaeroma Chilfo7i '09 Crust. Pseudospbeniscus Ameghino '06 Aves 75 Pseudospbromenus Bleeker 1879 Pisces ; Pseudospinaria Enderlein '05 Ins. 217 5 1127 Pseudospiraculum Kohelt '02 Moll. 76 Pseudospora Cienkotvski 1865 Rbizop. ; Arcb. Mikr. Anat. i 213 ) PSEUDOSPORI.— PSEUDOTHYR. PSEUrOTHYRS.— PSILA. Pseudopporidiiim Zofif 1885 IJhizop. ; 8clieuk Ilandb. Bot. iii 2 II., 128 Pseudostega Br y done '10 Brv-, Brach. 16 Pseudostefrotherium Ameghmo '02 Ma mm. 43 Pseudostelidota GrouvcUe '06 Ins. 219 Pseudostenophylax Martynow '09 Ins. 356 Pseudosterrha JRehel '02 Ins. 219 Pseudostira Fairmaire '03 Ins. 180 Pseudostollia Breddin '02 Ins. 209 & '06 Ins. 395 Psendostonopa Jacohy '03 Ins. 208 3 954 Psendostromborrh'nus Heller '04 Ins. 180 4 844 Pseudostylops ^??i6;7^/??o '01 Mamm.37 PseudosYmraoca Rebel '03 Ins. 302 4 658 Pseudosyrichtlnis Verinquey '01 Ins. 138 1 1150 Pseudota Casey '10 Ins. 217 Pseudotaenia Kerrenia/is '03 Ins. 170 3 954 Pseudotalpophila Reitter '03 Ins. ; 3 954 Pseud otectus Perner '04 Moll. 85 Pseudotelepliorus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Pseudotenebrio Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Pseudotephritis Johnsoyi '02 Ins. 265 Pseudotepperia Lea '03 Ins. 190 3 954 Pseudotetrachrysis Bischoff '10 Ins. 289 Pseudotetralobus Schivarz '02 Ins. 139 2 999 Pseudotharybis Scott '09 Crust. 51 Pseudotbecla Strcmd '10 Ins. 323 Pdeudotheobaldia Theobald '07 Ins. 360' Pseudothrips Hitids '02 Ins. 301 2 514 Pseudotliuria Koehler ^- Vaney '05 Ecbin. 59 5 352 Pseudotbylacinus Ameghino '02 Mamm. 44 Pseudothymara Rebel '06 Ins. 329 I'seudotbyrea Handlirsch '06 Ins, 272 ( Psendotbyrsocera Shelford '06 Ins. 439 Pseudotipbia Ashmcad '03 Ins. 227 Pseudotorrenticola Walter '00 Aracbu, 43 Pseudotrao'us Schlosser '04 Mamm. 43 5 482 Pseudot.rimerotropis Rehn '01 Ins. 309 Pseudotruncatella Andreae '04 Moll. 81 4 306 Pseudotylostoma Iherinq '04 Moll. S2 4 306 Pseudotvpotberium Anier/hiiio '04 Mamm. 49 4 327 Pseudouranotaenia Theobald '05 Ins. 291 5 884 Pseudovaricea 7'rt^e 1888 Moll.; Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. X 146 Pseudovermilia Bush '07 Verm. 44 Pseudovermis Perejaslavtseva 1891 Moll. ; Pseudoveronicella Germain '08 Moll. 104 Pseudovertagus Viyncd '05 Moll. 74 Pseudovirg-atites Vetters '05 Moll. 57 5 578 Pseudovirgiila Girty '08 Per. 8 Pseudoxenetus Renter '09 Ins. 395 Pseudoxus Thar '01 Aracbn. 46 1 739 Pseudoxvlestbia Walsinyhani '07 Ins. 347 Pseudoxyletinus Fie '03 Ins. 178 5 1252 Pseud oxyperas Sacco '01 Moll. 98 Pseudozalissa Bethune-Baher '06 Ins. 342 Pseudozaphrentoides Stuckenbery '05 Ccel. ; 5 321 Pseudozosterops Finsch '01 Aves 70 Pseudunio Haas '10 Moll. 92 Pseudupeneus Bleeher 1863 Pisces ; Natuurk. Verband. Haarlem 56 Pseudurgis Meyrick '08 Ins. 359 Pseudus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Pseustopbvlla Peringuey '04 Ins. 4 844 154 Psiatbolasius Becker '06 Ins. 383 Psilacbuopus Reitter '01 Ins. 149 5 1252 Psilasteropsis Fisher '06 Ecbin. 49 255 ) PSILE.— PSYCHOPHA. Psilephyra Bastelherger '09 Ins. 344 Psilobethylus Kieffer '06 Ins. 309 Psilocaulus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 157 Psilochalcis Kiefer '04 Ins. 231 5 1127 Psilocochlis Ball '04 Moll. 77 5 578 Psilodcjn Cohalcescu 1883 Moll.; Mem. Geol. Scolei milit. Jasi i 93 Psilogaster B. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena. Allg-. Lit. Zeit. i 283 Psilogasteroides Brethes '10 Ins. 301 Psilogramma Bothschild 8f Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 729 Psilogyra Felix '03 Coel. 29 3 119 Psilolomia Breddhi '09 Ins. 387 P«lonuis Zami '05 Ins. 148 5 1252 Psiloplithalmus SzepUqeti '02 Ins. 198 2 856 Psilopria Kiefer '06 Ins. 309 Psilopsof-us Enderlein '03 Ins. 356 3 480 Psilopsyclie Ulmer '07 Ins. 351 Psilorrliamphocoris Kirkahhj '03 Ins. 339 4 518 Psilosciara Kieffer '09 Ins. 362 Psiloscolopendra ^r«e;je//« '03 Mvr. 13 5 738 Psilosema Kieffer '01 Ins. 197 Psilosoma PowiP^ 1883 Echin.; Classif. nietli. Echin. 91 Psilosomus Wollaston 1873 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 548 Psilotanypus Kieffer '06 Ins. 375 Psiloteleia Kieffer '10 Ins. 306 Psilotettix Brimer '08 Ins. 432 Psilotrichus Luze '04 Ins. 138 Psittacastis Meyrick '09 Ins. 353 Psodopsis Warren '04 Ins. 283 4 658 Psoralis Malille '04 Ins. 252 4 658 Psorocampa Schaiis '01 Ins, 222 1 993 Psorosina JDyar '04 Ins. 289 5 1026 Psorosticlia Loiver '01 Ins. 255 1 993 Psychichthys Fowler '07 Pisces 55 Psycliobiella Banks '09 Ins. 359 Psychodites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 379 Psychomyiella JJlmer '08 Ins. 361 Psvchophagus Mnyr '04 Ins. 231 ' 5 1127 ( 25 PSYCHOPHO.— PTEROCI. Psycbopliora Kirhy 1821 Lep. ; Parry's Voyage N.W. Pass. Append, x Psychra Wahinyliam '07 Ins. 347 Psylledontus Crawford '10 Ins. 301 Psyllia KirkaJdy '05 Ins. 320 Psyllomima Bedel '01 Ins. 169 Psvllonenra Enderlein '03 Ins. 356 3 480 Psytliia Ayassiz S,- Mayer '02 Coel. 18 Ptenotlirix Borner '06 Ins. 455 Ptennra Templeton 1843 Oollemb. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 306 Pterandrena Bobertson '02 Ins. 1 77 2 856 Pterapheraptervx Curtis 1825 Lep. ; Brit. Ent. fol. 34 Pterartoria Purcell '03 Araclin. 30 3 408 Pterantolytus Ehlers '07 Verm. 43 Ptereulima Casey '02 Moll. 77 2 348 Pterichthyodes Bleeker 18.59 Pisces ; Verb. Natnnr. Ver. Nederl.-lnd. Ti p. xi Pteriden Pilshry '10 Moll. 73 Pteridomylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Pterinopelma Pocock '01 Aracbn. 38 1 739 Pternozyga Meyrick '08 Ins. 354 Pterobrimns Bedtenhaelier '06 Ins. 445 Pterocallis Mordicilko '06 Ins. 424 Pterocanarinm Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1329 Pterocanidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1332 Pterocapoeta Giinther '02 Pisces 38 2 1122 Pteroceanis Meisenheimer '02 Moll. 69 Pterocella Levinsen '09 Bry., Brach. 24 Pterocephalus Baro '08 Aracbn. 7 Pterocerina Hendel '09 Ins. 380 Pteroceropsis Stcinhoe '04 Ins. 263 4 658 Pterocbaenia Clarke '04 Moll. ; 4 306 Pterocbeliis Jonsseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Pterocirrus Claparede 1868 Annelida ; Mem. Soc. Pbys. Geneve six 558 6 ) PTEROCL. — PTERYGI. PTERYGO.— PTYCHON. Ilyin. 'o:; Pteroclisis Foerxfer I80G Ilym Studieii ii 144 Pteroconiodes Reitter '01 Ins. . 5 12o2 Pteroderes Germain '01 Ins. 149 Pterodesmus Saussure ^ Zehntnet Myr. 18 Pterodiscus FAgenmann '09 Pisces 40 Pterodonta Austaui '05 lus. 239 5 1026 Pterodonta R. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 286 Pteroj^raphium Stichel '10 Ins. 321 Pteromerula Fleischer '05 Ins. 144 Pterometra Clark '09 Echin. 52 Pterouuis Serres 1829 Ilym. ; Pteromyscus Thomas '08 Mamm. 72 Pteroncoma Foerster 1841 Hyni. ; Beitr. Mon, Pteromal. lift Pteronychella Borner '09 Ins. 428 Pterophylla Kirhy 1828 Orth. ; Intro- duct. Eut. 5tli ed. ii 218 Pteroplatytrygon Fowler '10 Pisces 39 Pteropsaron Jordan <§• Snyder '02 Pisces 25 2 1122 Pteropsyllus Scott '06 Crust. 55 Pteroptyx Olivier '02 Ins 142 Pteropurpura Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Pteropygme Speiser '02 Ins. 244 Pterorhoiubus Fowler '06 Pisces 50 Pterostenella Versluys '06 Coel. 21 Pterosticta BucMon '03 lus. 343 3 544 Pterostoma Rafinesque 1814 Scyplio- zoa; Specchio Sci. ii 131 Pterosyringium Haeckel 1887 Pliizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1319 Pterotes Berg '01 Ins. 222 Pterotopeza To2v?isend '08 Ins. 385 Pterotosoma Warren '03 Ins. 289 3 730 Pterotricha Kulczyiiski '03 Araclin. 32 3 408 Pterygocerus Latreille 1825 Crust.; Plist. Xat. Crust, x 236 149 Pterygogramma Perkins '06 Ins. 305 v/bPterygoma Me.lichar '03 lus. 341 3 544 Pterygometopus Schmidt 1881 Crust. MtSui. Ac. St. Petersb. xxx No. 1, 76 Ptilandrena Robertson '02 Ins. 177 2 856 Ptilineurus Reitter '03 Ins. 178 Ptilocnemidia Eirkaldy '02 Ins. 275 2 598 Ptilocodium Coward '09 Coel. 19 Ptilocoris Montandon '07 lus. 381 Ptilocorys Madarasz '03 Aves 66 Ptilocrinus Clark '07 Echin. 40 Ptilogonia Bischof '04 Ins. 309 4 554 Ptilonietra Clark '07 Ecliin. 40 Ptilomutilla Andre '05 Ins. 201 1, Pterygascidia Sluiter '04 Tun. 7 Pterygida Verhoeff '02 Ins. 2 550 Pterygifer Linstow '07 Yerm. 35 Ptilophvllodromia Bezzi '04 Ins. 306 4 554 Ptilosticha Meyrick '10 Ins. 384 Ptinopsis Champion '06 Ins. 252 Ptiograptus Ruedemann '08 Coel. 23 Ptochacarus Silvestri '10 Araclin. 38 Ptochella Reitter '06 Ins. 253 Ptochosaris Meyrick '06 Ins. 367 Ptolemaia Osborn '08 Mamm. 84 Ptomatis Clarke '04 Moll. 86 Ptous Chatnpion '06 Ins. 253 Ptycerata Fly '10 Ins. 384 Ptycbagnostus Jaekel '09 Araclin. 9. Ptychobothrium Lonnherg '02 Verm. 53 Ptychocheilus Novak 1884 Crust. ; Beitr. z. Palaeont. Oesterreich. Ptychochloritis Moellendorff '02 Moll. 64 Ptychocladia Ulrich Sj- Bassler 17 5 455 Ptychocynodon 4 137 Seeley '04 Bry. '04 Kept 33 Ptychodera Fschscholtz Verm. ; 4 8 Ptychodon Ancey 1888 Moll. ; 305 Ptychodonta Bartsch '06 Moll. 83 Ptychogyra Harbort '06 Moll. 83 Ptychouema Perner '04 Moll. 82 ( 257 ) s PTYCHOP. — PYCNOBA. Ptychopeltis Perner '03 Moll. 79 Ptychorhytida Kobelt '04 Moll. 62 Ptycliospliaera Perner '03 Moll. 78 Ptychospbenodon Seelei/ '07 Rept. 3o Ptychotheca Warren '06 Ins. 353 Ptychothrix Walsinf/ham '07 Ins. 347 Ptyngidricerus Week '08 Ins. 364 Ptyobathra Turner '05 Ins. 276 Ptyomaxia Ilampson '03 Ins. 295 3 730 Ptyonocera Ilampson '01 Ins. 249 1 993 Pubala Gvonvelle '02 Ins. 122 3 955 Pucaya Ohaus '10 Ins. 229 Pucerus Rey 1879 Col. ; Puerula Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 PnQXvln^ Ortmann 1897 Crust. ; Amer. J. Sci. iv 290 OVn^ls, Distant '08 Ins. 406 Puknoblattina Sellards '10 Ins. 453 ^ '^ Pulaha Distant '06 Ins. 416 ^ Pulastya Distant '06 Ins. 416 Pullus Mulsant 1846 Col. ; Col. France Securipalp. 241 Punctisalcata Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Punctoribates Berlese '08 Araclin. 41 Pundaluova Kirkalchj '02 Ins. 283 2 598 Pupinidius MoeUendorff '01 Moll. 78 Purana Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 838 Purcellia Hansen 8f Sorensen '04 Arachn. 37 4 410 Purena Hartlanb '07 Coel. 19 Purkynia Fritsch '02 Myr. 21 Purobita Distant '06 Ins. 416 Purpurellus Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Pursa Sellards '09 Ins. 416 V o Piitala Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 544 / ^ Piitalamorpba Bierman '10 Ins. 432 V OPutoniessa Eirkaldy '07 Ins. 396 Pycinaster Spencer '08 Ecbin. 25 Pycnaster Pow^'Z 1813 Ecbin.; Classif. m6tb. l^cbin. 42 Pycnobatbra Lower 1 993 '01 Ins. 255 PYCNOBR.— PYGM. Pyenobracon Caineron '02 Ins. 198 2 856 Pycnocrvpta Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 218 Pycnodesma Schrnmmen '10 Por. 8 Pycnodontia Warren '01 Ins. 242 1 993 Pycnog'lossa Coquillett '01 Ins. 274 '1 868 Pycnoidocyatbus Taylor '10 Por. 10 Pycnolanipas Agassiz 8f Clark '07 Ecbin. 29 Pycnoloma Warren '06 Ins. 353 Pycnomma Rutter '04 Pisces 32 4 87 Pycnomutilla Ashmead '04 Ins. 213 4 732 Pycnopompilus Ashnend '02 Ins. 183 Pycnopora Girty '10 Bry,, Bracb. 16 Pycnopsycbe Banks '06 Ins. 371 Pycnorus Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 219 Pycnosarcus Bolivar '06 Ins, 452 Pycnosoma Brauer '01 Ins. 271 Pycnostega Warren '05 Ins. 271 5 1026 Pycnostigunis Cameron '05 Ins. 226 5 1127 Pycnostroma Giirich '06 Prot. 40 Pycnotbrix Schuhotz '08 Prot. 59 Pycnotbynnus Ashmend '03 Ins. 227 Pycnotrocbus Perner '04 Moll. 85 Pydna Herrich-Schaeffer 1856 Lep. ; Saniml. ausseurop. Scbmett. i 47 Pygaeomorpba Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 263 4 659 Pyganodon Cross Sf Fischer 1894 Moll. ; Miss. Sci. Mex. pt. vii torn, ii 618 Pyge Burr '08 Ins. 420 Pygicera Kerremans '03 Ins. 170 3 955 Pygidiopsis Looss '07 Verm. 29 Pygiopsylla Rothschild '06 Ins. 393 Pygites Buckman '06 Bracb. 15 Pygmaeocidaris Doederlein '05 Ecbin. 74 5 352 Pygmaeopsis Schaeffer '08 Ins. 269 Pygmaeopsis Warren '07 Ins. 328 ( 258 ) PYGO.— PYRGA. PYRGO-PYTILIA Pygodon Sanssure ^ Zehntner "02 ^Ivr. 18 2 500 Pygomalus Pomd 1883 Echin. ; Classif. lueth. Echin. 51 Pj-gopistesPoj/je^ 1883 Echiu.j Classif. metli. Echin. 50 Pygopyriua Pomd 1883 Echin. ; CLxssif. m^th. Echin. 54 Pygorhytis Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif, meth. Echin. 50 Pyguropsis Loriol '02 Echin. 74 Pylaetis Meyrick '07 Ins. 347 Pylarge Ilerrich-Schaeffer 1856 Lep. ; Samnil. ausseurop. Schmett. i 25 Pylonissa Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 654 Pylonura Hackel 1887 Rhizop. ; Chal- lenger xviii pt. 1, 655 Pylopaguropsis Alcock '05 Crust. 40 5 674 Pylospirenia Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 697 Pylospirouium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 098 Pylospyris Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1078 Pvraechmes Champion '02 Ins. 157 2 1000 Pyragropsis Borelli '08 Ins. 420 Pyralophodon A mec/hino '04 Manim. 50 4 327 Pvralopsis Dognin '05 Ins. 276 5 1026 Pyramba Buckton '03 Ins. 343 3 544 Pyramidellus Szepligeti '08 Ins. 296 Pyramidochrysis Pascher '09 Prot. 61 Pyramidomonas Sfein 1878 Fhig. ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abih. 1 11. p. viii Pyramidops Loinan '02 Arachn. 55 2 487 Pyramimonas Schmarda 1850 I-lag. ; Denschr. Ak. "NViss. iVJath. Pyrgo Weise '01 Ins. 169 1 1151 Pyrgocyphosonia Verhoeff '10 Myr., Arachn. 53 P3Tgonietopa Kertesz *01 Ins. 274 Pyrgophvllum Breddm "02 Ins. 284 3" 544 Pyrgophyma Giglio-Tos '07 Ins. 421 Pyrgopolon Rovereto '03 Verm. 35 Pvrgopsis Gruvel '06 Crust. 60 Sc '07 Crust. 89 Pyrguliua Mather on '02 Moll. 67 Pyriua Pomel^ 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 53 Pyrinodia Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 53 P-STOchroophana Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Pvrocleptria Hampson '03 Ins. 282 3 730 Pyrocy.-^tis Murray 1877 Flag. ; Chal- lenger Atlant. ii 88 Pyrodiuium Plate '06 Prot. 47 Pyroglossa Bcrnhauer '01 Ins. 124 Pyrophora Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 336 Pyrophyllia Hickson '10 Crel. 23 Pyropsvche Chapman '03 Ins. 273 '3 730 Pyrostoma Vest 1807 Moll. ; Verb. Siebenb. Ver. xviii 192 Pyroteuthis Hoyle '04 Moll. ; 4 306 Pyrozela Meyrick '06 Ins. 367 Pyrrhaspis Warren '03 Ins, 289 3 730 Pyrrhocalles Mabille "04 Ins. ; 4 659 Pyrrhochalcia Mabille '04 Ins. 252 4 659 Pyrrhocoryx Moehring 1758 Aves ; Geslacht. Vogel. Xozeman u. c. Vosmaer 1 I'Tyrrhoneura Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 417 Pyrrhopygopsis Godman '01 Ins. 210 1 994 natwiss. CI. i 2 Abth. 9 *^ i? Pyrrhyllis Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 417 Pyramirhyssa Mocsdry '05 Ins. 213 Pystira Simcn "02 Arachn. 49 Vyv^M^^ Hampson '06 Ins. 361 ^C>Pythamus Melichar '03 Ins. 346 Pyrdalus Mabille '03 Ins. 259 3 730 3 544 Pyretophorus Blanchard '02 Ins. 255 p^tjiia Swainson 1837 Avea ; Nat. Pyrgauchenia Breddin '02 Ins. 264 & Hist. Birds West Africa i '06 Ins. 420 203 ( 259 ) s2 QUA.— RADA. QUADRIMETRON Popofsly '04 Prot. 52 4 80 Quadrinervus Cossmann '04 Moll. 78 Quadriloncliarium Haeckel 1887 Elii- zop. ; Clialleno-er xviii pt. 1, 776 Quadrilonchidium Haeckel 1887 Rlii- zop. ; Challenoer xviii pt. 1, 777 Quadristaurus Popofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 80 Quadrivisio Stehhing '07 Crust. 71 Quadrulella Cockerell '09 Prot. 49 Quasillinai\''onH«?2 1869 Denioppongiae; Rep. Brit. Ass. xxxviii 329 QuasistegotuTia Theobald '06 lus. 378 & '10 Ins. 398 Quebecia Walcott '05 Brach. 8 5 455 Qiiechua Strebel '10 Moll. 83 Queenslandica Lea '03 Ins. 190 3 955 Quekettia Peckham '02 Arachn. 49 2 487 Quercetanns Distant '04 Ins. 323 4 518 Quesada D«steH« '05 Ins. 314 5 8.38 Quinquarius Jordan '07 Pisces 44 Quintilia Stal 1866 Horn. ; Hem. Africana iv 28 Quirosia Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 389 Quisquilius Jordan ^ Jiverinami '03 Pisces; 3 94 RABDUCnOPETALUM Verhoeff '01 Myr. 15 Eabduclius Buckton '03 Ins. 343 Rabala Penw.y?/^y '02 Infi. 131 2 1000 Rachionotomyia Theobald '05 Ins. 291 Kachiosoma Pomel ^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 91 Racliisoura Theobald '10 Ins. 398 Raciborskia Berlese 1888 Rhizop. ; Saccardo Syll. Fungorum vii pt. 1, 326 Racoptera Scott 1858 Lep. ; Zoologist 5962 Racovitzanus Giesbrecht '02 Crust. 68 3 360 Radamana Distan. 6 Ins. 417 Radamellus Raffray '04 Ins. 143 6 215 RADH.— RAPHID. ^ Radha Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 544 Radinocera Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Radiocentrura Pilsbry '05 Moll. 62 5 578 Radiocrista Dall '02 Moll. 82 Radioculex Theobald '08 Ins. 371 Radiodiscus Pilshry '06 Moll. 84 Radiolitella Douville '05 Mn]\. 83 Radiolus Wolhiston 1878 Moll. : Test. Atlant. 17 Radiospliaera Jorgensen '05 Prot. 65 5 273 Radiozonm Mingazzina '05 Prot. 74 6 47 Radoszkowskius Ashmead '03 Ins. 227 Radulina Meis/^ner '02 Bry. 9 3 200 [Ragimicrua {vide Rhagomicrus) 1 1151] Ragmus Distant '10 Ins. 427 Ragnar Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 324 4 518 Railliettia Trouessart '02 Arachn. 62 2 487 Rajacoa Swinhoe '03 Ins. 273 3 730 Ramasa Dyer '10 Ins. .340 Ramburia Bolivar 1897 Orth.; Actas Soc. espan. hist. nat. 169 Rambnriella Bolivar '06 Ins. 452 Raraella Schulze '04 Spong. 17 4 98 Ramesodes Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Ramona Bruner '06 Ins. 452 Raniontsa Peringuey '03 Ins. 239 Ramularius Aurivillius '08 Ins. 269 Randolotus Distant '02 Ins. 269 2 598 Ranfurlya Suter '03 Moll. 57 3 296 Ranqueles Gonnelle '06 lus. 263 Ranulina Jordan ^- Starks '06 Pisces 43 Ranzania Claparede 1870 Annelida ; Mem. Soc. Pbys. Geneve xx 498 Rapbidocystis Penard '04 Prot. 50 5 273 Rapbidodrymus vide Rbapbidodrymus Rapbidomonas Sfein 1878 Flag. Organ. InfusioDstbiere iii Abth. 1 H. p. X Rapbidrilus Monticelli '10 Verm. 55 ( 2G0 ) RAPHIO.— REIN. Rapliioderm.a Norman 1869 Demo- spong-iae ; liep. Brit. Ass. xxxviii 333 Rarisquainosa Bethune-Baker '10 Ins. 340 liastiopes Borner '06 Ins. 455 liastrum Fowler '04 Pisces ; 4 87 liathbunaster Fisher '06 Echiu. 49 Ivathumoutes Templeton 1843 Col- leiiib. ; Tr. iCut. Soc. Loud, iii 306 Ratliymotherium Ameghino '04 Manim.V 50 4 327 Havana Godwin-Austen '01 Moll. 72 1 629 Eavigia Byar '05 Ins. 252 5 1026 Kaxybis Baffray '08 Ins. 228 & '09 Ins. 225 Eaymondiouellus Gamjlhauer '08 Ins. 262 llaymondionynnis Wollaston 1873 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lend. 531 Raywardia Tutt '08 Ins. 319 Eeabotis Smith '02 Ins. 230 Eeauia Casey '01 Ins. 217 Rebelula Boche '02 Crust. 69 2 428 Eecaredus Distant '09 Ins. 388 liectangulipalpns Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 342 Recticardo Cossmann '00 Moll. 90 Rectoleacina Filsbry '07 Moll. 139 Recula Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 YitidiAFilippi 1837 Trematodes: Bibliot. Ital. Ixxxvii 336 Redlichella Walcott '08 Brack. 16 Redteubacheriella Karny '10 Ins. 456 Reedia Ash?nead '04 Ins. 213 Reedomyia Ludlow '05 Ins. 291 Regania Jordan ^ Starks '04 Pisces 40 4 87 Reganina Fotvler '06 Pisces 55 & '07 Pisces 52 Regia Tutt '03 Ins. 203 3 730 Regimbartia Zaitzev '08 Ins. 220 Rehnia Caudell '07 Ins. 418 Reichenbachius Casey '06 Ins. 212 / Reichenowia Foche '04 Aves ; 4 244 Reiuickella Vahl '07 Arachn. 36 EEIS.— RHABDAIVE. Reisia Handlirsch 'OQ^ns. 414 Rekabia Came^-on '05 Ins. 221 liekoa Kaye '04 Ins. 250 4 659 Rekter Sellards '07 Ins. 404 Relistrodes Brethes '10 Ins. 2 19 Renibastichus Weise '08 Ins. 275 Remipedella Semenov '07 Ina. 242 Remizus Frdzak 1897 Aves; Naumann Naturges. Vogel Mitteleurop. Hennicke ii 240 '^'Remo&Q. Distant '06 Ins. 417 Remphan Waterhouse 1834 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, i 67 Remus _f/o//He 1837 Col. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Loud, ii 64 Reuicola Cohn '04 Verm. 60 4 163 Reuifer Fratt '04 Venn. 50 4 168 Repuoa Dyar '10 Ins. S40 Resseliella Seitner '06 lus. 374 Ressopygus Fomel __ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m(5th. Echin. 56 Restio Moore '03 Verm. ; 3 189 Reteuoa Gregory '09 Bry., Brach. 24 Retbera Rothschild 4* Jordan '03 Ins. 263 Rethia Thery '01 Ins. 140 1 1151 Reticulana Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 342 Reticularia Bulliard 1791 Rbizop. ; Herb. France 2 Abt. i 68 Reticulata Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Reticulograptus Wiman '02 Coel. 20 4 121 Retiflustra Levinsen '09 Brv., Bracb. 24 9 & Retorquata War/ner '05 MoU '09 Moll. 71 Reuterella Fnderlein '03 Ins. 357 3 481 & 4 465 Reuterista Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 324 4 519 Reuteroscopus Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 310 6 Ins. 404 Rexavius Navds '09 Ins. 359 Reynesella Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Revuesia Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Rbaba Distant '06 Ins. 417 Rhabdamia Weber '09 Pisces 37 ( 261 ) EHABDAT.— RHACHOL. EHACHOT.— RHAPHIDOM. Ehabdatomis Byar '07 Ins. 311 Rhabdepyria Kieffer '08 Ins. 304 5 1127 Rhabdeucoela Kieffer '07 Ins. 289 Rhabdiopteryx Klapdlek '02 Ins. 298 2 550 Rbabditis Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 239 Rbabdoblatta Kirhy '03 Ins. 369 3 481 Rhabdoceras TJlmer '05 Ins. 327 5 790 Rhabdocbaeta de Meijere '04 Ins. 311 4 554 Rhabdocolpus Cossmann '08 Moll. 90 Rhabdocystis BohU '10 Prot. 58 Rhabdodermella Urban '02 Spong. 20 2 120 Rhabdoena Kobelt ^- MocUendorff '02 Moll. 66 Rbabdogaster Metschnikoff 1867 Nema- toda ; Zeitscbr. wiss. Zool. xvii 542 Rbabdokonia Wagner '05 Moll. 79 Rhabdomesus Michardson '08 Crust. 42 Rbabdometra C'holodkovsJiy '06 Verm, 31 Rhabdonella Bra7idt '06 Prot. 48 Rbabdoon Keferstein 8f Elders 1861 Hydrozoa ; Zool. Beitr. Neapel Messina 86 Rbabdopbrya Chatton ^- Collin '10 Prot" 72 Rhabdoplnca Tojjsent 04 Spong. 25 4 06 Rbabdosphaera HaecJcel 1894 Flag. ; Syst. Phylog. i 111 Rbabdoppira Penter '04 Moll. 80 Rbabdostropba Donald '05 Moll. 74 5 578 Rbabdotophis Werner '09 Rapt. 30 Rbabdura Ogilby '07 Pisces 48 Rhacalysia Cameron '10 Ins. 297 Rbacbicentron Kaup 1 826 Pisces ; Isis xix 1826 p. 89, xx 1827, p. 624 Rbacbicreagra Helm '05 Ins. 342 5 790 Rhacbidelus Boulenger '08 Rept. 28 Rhachoepalpus Toicnsend '08 Ins. 385 Rbacbolaemus Hermann '07 Ins. 366 Rhachotropis Smith 1883 Crust. ; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi 222 Rbacocassis Spaeth '04 Ins. 198 5 1252 Rhacoplera Karny '07 Ins. 418 Rbacospathius Cameron '05 Ins. 217 Rbacoteleia Cameron '05 Ins. 225 Rhacura RicJiardso^i '08 Crust. 42 Rhadamanthus Btirr '07 Ins. 408 Rbadinobracon Szepligeti '06 Ins, 802 Rbadinodonta Szepligeti '08 Ins. 296 Rbadiuogaster Szepligeti '08 Ins. 299 Rbaebolestes Sloane '03 Ins. IJO 3 955 Rhagadolyra Hendel '07 Ins. 375 Rhagadotarsus Breddin '05 Ins. 308 5 839 Rhagamys Major '05 Mamm. 38 Rbagastis Bothschild 8f Jordan '03 Ins, 263 3 730 Rbagomicrus Fleutiaux '02 Ina, 135 Rhagouyx Kono2o '03 Ins. 246 3 815 Rhamnura Enderlein '05 Ins. 217 5 1127 Rbampbidoiulus Attems '06 Aracbn. 54 '"Rhampbixius Fowler '04 Ins. 334 4 519 Rbampbocoris KirJcaldy '01 Ins. 283 4 519 Rhamphodus Jaekel '03 Pisces ; 3 94 Rbanis A'oi?^ 1848 Aracbn. j Aracbniden xiv 86 & 1850 Aracbn, ; Uebers. Aracbnidsyst. v 69 Rhapba Giebel 1856 Neur. ; RLapbidium Westtrood 1854 Neur. ; Quart. J. Geol. See. x 395 Rbapbidocapsa Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 211 Rhaphidoceras Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 47 Rbapbidococcus-ETwec/re/ 1861 Rbizop,; Monber. Ak. wiss. Berlin 800 Rbapbidodrymus Haeckel 1887 Rbiz- op. ; Challenger xviii pt, 2, 1792 Rbapbidomonas Senn 1900 Flag, ; Engler u. Prantl, Natiirl. Pflauzenfam, pt. i 1 Abt. a 170 ( 262 ) RHAPHIDON.— RHINOCO. RHINOCY.— RHIZA. Rhapbidonactis Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challeug-er xviii pt. 1, 4(5 Rliaphidooura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 49 Rhapliimonas Kent 1880 Flag. ; Pop. Sci. Rev. Oct. Rhaphiolepis Fowler '05 Pisces 38 5 117 Rliapidonema Hinde Spong. ; Rli.apidostreptus Silvestri '10 jMyr., Arachn. 53 Rhaptoneura Enderlein '10 Ins. 444 Rhaptothrips Craivford '10 Ins. 448 Rliazocorys Biafichi '06 Aves 99 Rhecas Champion '02 Ins. 157 2 1000 Rbechostica Simon 1892 Arachn. ; Hist. Nat. Araign. i 162 Rhenaster Schondorf '09 Echin. 44 Rhene Thorell 1869 Arachn.; Xov. Acta,* Soc. Upsala (3) vii o, 37 ^^ Rhenocrinus Jaekel '06 Echin. 53 Rheobioma Casey '06 Ins. 208 Rheocbarella Casey '06 Ins. 208 Rheomys Thomas '06 Mamm. 72 Rheopresbe Jordan 8j iStarks '04 Pisces 29 4 87 Rhetechelys Hay '08 Rept. 31 Rheteuor Simon '02 Arachn. 49 Rbeumatometra Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 273 2 598 Rheumatotrecbus Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 397 Rbianinus Chamjjion '08 Ins. 263 Rhiauopsis Champion '07 Ins. 252 Rhigopsidius Heller '06 Ins. 253 Rbinapion Beguin-Billecocq '05 Ins. 177 Rbinecbidna Barbour '08 Pisces 46 Rhiuippus Werner '06 Arachn. 40 Rbinobaccha Meijere '08 Ins. 379 Rbiuobarus Reitter '06 Ins. 242 Rhinocap.^idea Renter '08 Ins. 400 Rhinocassis Spaeth '05 Ins, 187 Rhinocbimaera Garman '01 Pisces 36 5 117 Rhinocoetus Besbrochers '02 Ins. 157 5 1253 Rbinocolletes Cockerell '10 Ins. 271 Rhinocorynura Schrottky '09 Ins. 283 ( 263 Rhinocylapus Poppius '10 Ins. 427 Rhinodictya Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 417 Rhinodryas Werner '03 Rept. 26 5 180 Rbiuofulvius Renter '02 Ins. 278 3 544 Rbinolopbopsylla Oudemans '10 Ins. 416 Rhinomactrum Walsinyham '07 Ins. 347 Rhinomelania Marte?is '01 Moll. 89 1 629 Rhiuomiridius Poppius '10 Ins. 427 Rhinomiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 598 Rhinomyon Cabanis 1847 Aves ; Arch. Natiirg. xiii i 219 Rbiuomysis Czerniavsky 1882 Crust. ; Arb. S. Peterburg. Ges. Naturf. xii Beil. 96 Rhinopbantia Melichar '02 Ins. 283 3 544 Rbinopias Gill '05 Pisces 36 5 117 Rhiuopsalta Melichar '09 Ins. 397 Rhinopsepbus Schioarz '06 Ins. 230 Rbinopterocaris Chapman '02 Crust. 60 Rhinopterus Miller '06 Mamm. 63 Rhinosporidium Minchin ^- Fanthani '05 Prot. 71 5 273 Rbinura Warren '04 Ins. 284 4 659 Rhionaeschna Forster '09 Ins. 414 Rhipicentor NiMall Sf Warburton '08 Aracbu. 44 Rbipidoblattina Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Rhipidocystis Jaekel '01 Echin. 98 Rhipidodeudrou Stein. 1878 Flag. ; Organ. lufusionstbiere iii Abtb. 1 H. p. x Rhipidoplax Traidschold 1889 Pisces ; Zeitscbr. Deutscb. geol. Ges. xli 558 Rhipidorrbabdus Oppenheim 1885 Hym. ; Rbipidotburia Herouard '01 Echin. 68 Rbipsaspis Zany '05 Ins. 148 5 1253 Rhiscosomoides Silvestri '09 Myr., Arachn. 54 Rbizalemus Reitter '05 Ins. 167 4 845 ) EHIZI.— RHODOCL. Rhizinia Kolb '10 For. 8 Rbizocaryum CauUery ^ Mes7iil '07 Prot. 58 libizocera Kirk 1897 Hem. ; Rhizogeniates Ohaus '09 Ins. 235 Rhizomaria Hartig 1857 Homoptera; Verb. Hils-Colling. Forstver. 53 Rhizomolgula Hitter '01 Tim, 5 1 1163 Rliizoplitliiridium Van der Hofven 1849 Horn. ; Handb. Dierk. ed. 2, 508 Rbizoplatodea Penw^MPy '01 Ins. 138 1 1152 Rbizoplatys Westtvood 1845 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 23 Rhizoplegmarium HaecJ;el 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 275 Rhizoplegmidium Haeckel 1887 Ebi- zop. ; Cballeuger xviii pt. 1, 276 Rbizoporidium Purona '10 Ccel. 18 Rbizopsis Schrammen '10 For, 9 Rhizospongus Mast '10 Frot. 57 Rbizostromella Parana '10 Coel. 18 Rbizotetraclis Kolb '10 For. 8 Rbizotype Hamjison '06 Ins. 343 Rbocbraopterum Speiser '10 Ins. 414 Rbodacarus Oudemans '02 Aracbn. 62 Rbodafra Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 203 3 730 Rbodanomys Deperet 8f Douxand '04 Manim. 41 Rbodeops Fowler '10 Fisces 36 Rbodesana Bethune- Baker '08 Ins. 329 Rhodesia Warren '05 Ins. 272 5 1026 Rhodesiella Adams '06 Ins. 391 5 884 Rbcd-ginus Distant '01 Ins, 281 \ 821 Rbodocentris Friese '01 Ins. 176 Rbodocbbiena Hampson '06 Ins. 343 Rbodocbrvsa Sampson '01 Ins. 249 1 994 Rbodocleptiia Hampson '03 Ins. 282 3 730 ( 2 EHODOCT.— EHOPALOPHE. Rbodoctia Distant '09 Ins. 395 Rbodocyatbus Bourne '05 Ccel, 34 5 321 Rbodoecia Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Rbodogjne Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Moucbes 39 Rbodomena Warren '04 Ins. 284 4 659 Rbodoplana Vayssiere '06 Verm. 26 & '07 Moll. 60 Rhodoprasina Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 263 Rbodopsona Seitz '07 Ins. 311 3 730 Rbodormiscodes Packai-d '03 Ins. 273 3 730 Rbodospbaerella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop.; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 82 Rbodospbaeromma Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zep. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 83 Rbodozona van Name '02 Tun. 8 Rboecoptera Meyrick '09 Ins. 353 Rbomboceros Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Rbombocblora Warren '09 Ins. 344 Rbombodictyon Whifjield Spong. ; Rbombogaster Dallas 1852 Hem. ; Rbombolaparus Berg roth '06 lus. 396 Rbombomya Sacco 'Oi Moll. 97 Rbombotrypa Ulrich Sf Bassler '04 Brv. 13 ' 4 217 Rbomea Tf^eise '08 Ins. 275 Rbomocbirus Thorell 1891 Aracbn. ; Ann. Mus. Geuova (2j xi 250 Rboudes Simon '02 Aracbn. 49 Rliondia Gahan '06 Ins. 263 Rbopalastrella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. I, 526 Rbopalastromma Haeckel 1887 Rbi zop. ; Cballenaer xviii pt. 1, 628 Rbopalicescbatus Renter '04 Ins. 328 3 544 Rboptilitbea Grahau '04 Moll. 77 4 306 Rhopaloaspis Guercio '02 Ins. 292 Rbopalocerina Reitter '09 Ins. 223 Rhopalomeris Verhoeff '06 Aracbn. 54 Rbopalomutilla Andri '01 Ins. 180 Rbopalonella Route '07 Crel. 23 Rbopaloplierus Bernhauer '09 Ins. 223 64 ) RHOPALOPHT.— RHYNCHOL. RH YNCHOM. -RH YTIDOB. Rhopalophthalmus Illig '06 Crust. 4-4 Rhopalopseliou Hcujedorn '09 Ins. 201 RhopalopsvUus Baker '05 Ins. 301 5 752 Ehopalosoma Voigt '02 Verm. 70 2 218 Ehopalotetlix Hancock '10 Ins. 458 Rhophitulus Ducke '07 Ins. 2G8 Ehopoctites Itidgway '09 Aves 114 llhoporchilus Itidgway '09 Aves 113 Rhoptromutilla Andr4 '02 Ins. 1 83 Ithoptronivnuex Mayr '01 Ins. 180 3 815 Ehoptrospathius Cameron '10 Ins. 297 Rhoptrum Schrammen '10 Por. 8 Khyacichthys Boulenger '01 Pisces 22 Rhyacodrilus Bretsclier '01 Verm. 38 2 238 Rhyclierus Ogilby '07 Pisces 39 Ehydiuofoeuus Bradley '09 Ins. 296 llhyucliacris Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 426 Ehyuchajjlaea I£a?»pson '06 Ins. 343 liiiynchalastor Meade-Waldo '10 Ins. 273 Rhynchexetastes Cameron '06 Ins. 297 Rbynchiscus Miller '07 Mauim. 59 Rbyncliobouibyx AuriviUius '09 Ins. 328 Rbyncbocapsus Gistl 1837 Ileni. ; Faunus n. F. i 100 Rbyncbocepbalus Oiven 1845 Rept. ; Rbyucboceritbiuni Cossmann '08 Moll. 90 Rbyucbocbalcis Cameron '05 Ins. ; 5 1127 Rhyncbocidaris Mortensen '09 Ecbiu. 40 Rbyncbocrvptus Cameron '05 Ins. 213 5 1127 Rbyncbocyclus Stimpson Crust. ; Rbyncbocystis Hesse '10 Prot. 58 Rliyncbodia Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Rbyncbodyuamis Heller '06 Ins. 253 Rbyncbogonia Arroio '02 Ins. 131 2 lOUO Rbyncbolaba Bothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 731 Ehyncbulita Hampson '10 Ins. SCO ( 26 Rbyncbomesostonia Ltcther '04 V'erm. 44 5 381 Rbyncbonulicbia Hendel '03 Ins. 320 6 391 Rliyncbomonas Button '10 Prot. 65 Rbyncbomvs Fairmaire '03 Ins. 190 3 956 Rbyncbopascbia Hampson '06 Ins. 361 Rbyncbopbalera AuriviUius '04 Ins. 263 5 1027 Rhj'ncbopbrya Collin '09 Prot. 64 Rbyncboplexia Hampson '08 Ins. 340 Rbyncbopria Kieffer '10 Ins. 306 Rbynchopsilops Hendel '03 Ins. 317 Rbyncbopsota Lotcer '03 Ins. 290 3 731 Rbyncborbinus Woodward '01 Pisces 34 1 1235 Rbyncbosuc.bus Huxley 1859 Rept. ; J. Linu. Soc. Loud. Zool. iv 1*6 Rbyncbotaenia Brethes '10 Ins. 398 Rbyncbotalona Norman '03 Crust. 47 3 360 Rbyncbotettix Hancock '07 Ins. 421 Rbyncbotbalestris Sars '05 Crust. 69 5 674 Rbyncbotborax Costa 1861 Pantop. ; Rbynchotraofus Neuma^in '05 Mamm. 42 5 483 Rbyncbotrevoria Cameron '06 Ins. 297 Rbyncoteutbis Chun '03 Moll. 53 3 296 Rbynotbronibium Berlese '10 Araclm. 41 Rbyparella Hendel '09 Ins. 380 Rbyparidula Weise '10 Ins. 261 Rbypastus Fairmaire '04 lus. ISO 4 845 Rhypbelia Simon '02 Aracbn. 49 Rbypodillus Cockerell '06 Ins. 253 Rbysida Wood 1863 Myr. ; J. As. Sci. Pbilad. V 40 Rbysopleura Sloa?2e '06 Ins. 197 Rbysops Williston '07 Ins. 369 Rhyssemorpbus Clouet "01 Ins, 134 Rbyssosigalpbus Cameron '05 Ins. 217 7 282 Rbytidubaris Chamjiion '09 Ins. 259 -> ) EHYTIDOC— EOBERG. ROBERT.— PtOUB. Rbytidocystis Henneguy '07 Prot. 50 Rhytidoga.ster Turner ^07 Ins. 272 Rhytidogyne Karny '07 Ins. 418 Rhytidopoma SyJces '01 Moll. 91 Rhytidothrips Karny '10 Ins. 443 Rhytimorpha Szepliyeti '01 Ins. 193 Rhyzostylops Silvestri '06 Ins. 243 Ribautia Brolemaim '10 Myr., Arachn. 50 Ribeirella Schubert ^- Wuayen '03 Crust. 45 Ricaniites Handlirsch '00 Ins. 417 liicardolydekkeria Amegh'uio 'OlMamm. 37 Ricardowenia AmeyTiino '01 Mamm. 37 Ricbia Grote 1887 Lep. ; Canad. Ent. xix 44 Ricrena Cameron '00 Ins. 297 Ricuzenius Jordan Sf Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 87 Ridgewayia Thompson ^ Scott '03 Crust. 53 3 360 Ridleya A7icey '01 Moll. 73 Ridleyana IIamj)son '06 Ins. 361 Rigona Lonian '08 Araclm. 9 Rihana Bistajit '04 Ins. 331 4- 519 Rileya Hueiie '03 Rept. 31 2 1176 / CRileya Melichar '06 Ins. 417 Rileyella Toimisend '09 Ins. 376 Rillya Fischer 1883 Moll. ; Man. Cou- chyl. 483 Rima Pullary '10 Moll. 83 Rimania Dahl '07 Arachn. 36 Rimicola Bohmiy '08 Verm. 38 Rincodes Schaiis '01 Ins. 223 1 995 Rio Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 384 Ripaster Koehler '06 Echin. 49 5 352 & '07 Echin. 34 Ripidosjrma Hermann '09 Ins. 370 Risa Becker '07 Ins. 375 Risellopsis Kesteven '02 Moll. 73 2 349 Risellopsis Cossmann '09 INIoll. 71 Rivera Gei-main '03 Ins. 163 Robergia Wiman "05 Trilob. ; 5 686 ( '■ Robertsonella Titus '04 Ins. '206 5 1127 Rodunia Bolivar '08 Ins. 433 Rodwayia Lea '09 Ins. 227 Roebournea Schotdeden '06 Ins. 395 Roederiodes Coquillett '01 Ins. 266 Roena Cameron '05 Ins. 225 5 1127 Roessleria Breyer 1869 Lep. ; C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg. xii p. xix Rogadius Jordan ^ jRichardson '08 Pisces 41 Rogenis Jordan '07 Pisces 46 Rogneda Uljunin 1870 Turbellaria ; Arb. Vers. Russ. Naturlorsch. 2ii 22 Rogopus Biidde-Lunde '08 Crust. ; Voeltzkow Reise Ostafrica ii 281 Romicpus JReed '02 Ins. 271 Rouma Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 403 Rondaniella Johannsen '09 Ins. 363 Rondanimyia Toimisend '08 Ins. 385 Rooseveltia Jordan 4" Scale '06 Pisces 48 Rooseveltia Beckham '07 Arachn. 40 Ropaliceschatus vide Rhopaliceschatus Roplisa Casey '09 Ins. 236 Rosadrilus Coynetti '09 Verm. 55 Rosaphe Kirkaldi/ ^- Edwards '02 Ins. 272 4 5i9 Rosetta Popofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 80 Rosneta Brues '09 Ins. 301 Rossella Cameron '06 Ins. 297 Rossia Theobald '03 Ins. 303 3 584 Robtafinskia Baciborski 1884 Rhizop. ; Verb. Sitzb. Matb.-Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. xii 77 Rostellaca Ball '07 Moll. 102 Rostellana Ball '07 Moll. 102 Rostellinda Ball '07 Moll. 103 Rostrata Wayner '05 Moll. 79 Rostrelliger Jordan 4' Bickerson '08 Pisces 42 Rostroceritbium Cossman '08 Moll. 91 Rotellompbalus Perner '04 Moll. 85 Rotbscbildia Mocquart '05 Rept. 38 5 181 Rotunosa Bistant '06 Ins. 417 Roubaudia Villcneuve '10 Ins. 409 \m ) EOUT.— SABI. SABL.— SALAR. Eoutledgia Tiitt '03 Ins. 273 liovalida Caseij '10 Ins. 217 'Royns.Giidim Airayhl '01 Echin. 83 Roveocrinus Douglas 'OS Ecliin. 29 \^^- Roxclana Kirby '06 Ins. 449 / Eoyerella Jeannel '10 Ins. 220 Rozinante Stebhing (1894) '04 Crust. 45 Iluacodes Hampson '09 Ins. 337 Ruanda Strand '09 Ins. 328 Rubsaanieniella Meunier '03 Ins. 130 Rudarius Jordan ^- Fowler '02 Pisces 22 2 1123 Rulandus Distant '04 Ins. 323 5 519 Ruiuicia Tutt '06 Ins. 321 Runcbomvia Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 "584 ~R\vii\&\ti.a, Buturlln '07 Aves 129 Rusalka Uljanin 1870 Turbellaria ; Arb. Vers. Russ. Naturlorscb.^ Vers. 2ii24 Ruscicnlus Greeley '01 Pisces 21 2 1123 Ruscula Caseij '04 Moll. 75 5 579 Rustella Walcott '05 Brach. 8 5 455 Ruteloryctes Arroio '08 Ins. 241 Rutbeia Szepligeti '08 Ins. 299 Rutimeyeria Anieghino '01 Mamm. 37 Rutropbora Schnuse '01 Ins. 257 1 8G8 Ruweuzorornis Neumann '03 Aves 84 3 279 Rytinatettix Hancock '09 Ins. 426 Rytocepbalus Quatrefages 1865 Verm. ; n ABACTUS Distant '10 Ins. 427 ^ ^ Sabatieria Mouville '03 Verm. 54, '05 Verm. 65 & '06 Verm. 38 3 167 Sabatina Ball '08 Moll. 97 Sabellicus Distant '04 Ins. 328 4 519 Sabera Su-inhoe, '08 Ins. 321 Sabetboides Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 584 Sabima Distant '08 Ins. 406 ( 26 Sableta Casey '10 Ins. 217 Sabljaria Brusina '04 Moll, m Sabussowia Bohmig '06 Verm. 26 Saccbarias Kirhaldy '07 Ins. 389 Saccbarodite Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 389 Saccharosydne Kirhaldy '07 Ins. 389 Saccoblastus Hambach '03 Ecbin. 104 3 137 Saccocirrhus Bobretzky 1871 Verm.; Saceoina Dall <<(■ Bartsch '04 Moll. 84 4 306 Saccopbora Brandt 1837 Scvpbozoa ; Bull. Sci. Ac. St. Petersb. i 187 Saccoploca IFarren '04 Ins. 284 4 659 Saccospyris Huecker '07 Prot. 49 Sackenoniyia Felt '08 Ins. 368 Sacura Jordan Sf Richardson '10 Pisces 33 Sadaka Distant '04 Ins. 331 4 519 Sadengia Moore '02 Ins. 204 2 780 Sadoletns Distant '03 Ins. 329 3 544 Sadypus A^neghino '02 Mamm. 43 Sagamia Jordan Sj Snyder '01 Pisces 22 1 1235 Siigella Bosenberg S^- Strand '06 Aracbu. 36 Sagenoptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Sagbatberium Andreics S^- Beadnell '02 Mamm. 41 Sagittularia Welter '10 Por. 6 Sagospbaerella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; (yballenger xviii pt. 2, 1007 Sagospbaeroiua Haeckel 1887 Eliizop. ; Cballeiiger xviii pt. 2, 1607 Sablbergia Forsius '10 Ins. 310 Saidjabus Budde-Ltind '05 Crust. 56 4 366 Saitidops Simon '01 Aracbn. 38 1 739 Saiva Distant '06 Ins. 417 Sakuntala Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 273 2 598 Salacia Bote 1839 Lep. ; Germar's Zeitscbr. i 2 Salaciola Beryroth '06 Ins. 397 Salagosa Bafray '04 Ins. 143 Salarium Fairmaire '02 Ins. l44 3 956 r ) SALAS.— SAPA. SAFE.— SATA. y Salassiella Dall ^ Bartsch '09 Moll. 71 Salbachia lieitter '06 Ins. 2o3 Saldoida Oshorn '01 Ins. 283 Saldoides Breddin '01 Ins. 282 2 550 Saleuiina Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 417 Salenidia Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. metb. Ecliiu. 94 Salinaria Ragonot '01 Ins. 250 1 995 Saliuncella Jordan '07 Ins, 311 Salluca Schaus '01 Ins. 223 1 995 Salmacia Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Class. Nouv. M ouches 38 Salmacinopsis Bush '10 Verm. 52 Salmotliymus Berg '08 Pisces 48 Salpella Browi 1862 Thaliacea ; Klass. Ordn. Thierreichs iii 1 Abth. 216 Salpyga Meigen 1800 Dipt.; Nouv. Class. Moucbes 37 Saltica Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 335 Saltopua Huene '10 Tiept. 32 Salvianus Distant '02 Ins. 269 2 550 vO Samantiga Distant '06 Ins. 417 Samarancria Dall '02 Moll. 82 Samaria Stuckenherg '08 Bry., Bracb. 28 5 117 \^ Sapelia Swinhoe '03 Ins. 273 3 731 Sapbeneutis Megrick '07 Ins. 347 Sapinnius Distant '09 Ins. 395 Saprodinium Lauterburn '08 Prot. GO Saproecius Peringuey '01 Ins. 134 1 1152 Saprus Blackburn '04 Ins. 152 4 vS45 Sarakas Burr '07 Ins. 408 Sarasinella Uhlig '06 Moll. 102 5 579 Sarcinatrix De Bormans '03 Ins. 367 3 481 Sarcionus Aldrich '01 Ins. 267 1 868 Sarcoborus Oudenians '04 Araclm. 46 Sarcopsylla Westwood 1840 Pulicid. ; tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 202 ^Sardia Meliehar '03 Ins. 341 3 6-14 VSardKs Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 417 Sardocidaris Lambert '09 Ecbin. 40 Sarega Muhille '04 Ins. 252 4 659 Sargocentron Foivler '04 Pisces 39 4 87 Sargon Broun '03 Ins. 190 3 956 vO Sarima Meliehar '03 Ins. 341 3 544 Sarisopbora Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 659 Sarliaster Ludivig '05 Echin. 82 5 352 Sarntbeinia Dalla Torre '01 Ins. 191 5 1128 Sarona Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 Saronotum Perkiiis '06 Ins. 305 Saroptila Turner '09 Ins. 337 Sarostegia Topseiit '04 Sponj 4 96 Sarothromerus Blackburn Sarotorna Meyrick '04 598 17 '07 Ins. 228 Ins. 296 v/ Samariscus Gilbert '05 Pisces ; Samba Friese '08 Ins. 283 Sanimonica Oudemans '05 Arachn. 37 Samoaua Pilsbry '10 Moll. 83 Samsana Distant '06 Ins. 417 Sampsigeramus Distant '10 Ins. 427 Sanazarius Distant '05 Ins. 307 Sancus TuUgren '10 Arachn. 28 Sanganus Distant '09 Ins. 385 4 g(j(j Sandalodesmus Sihestri '02 Myr. 18 Sarsella Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; ^ ^-"-^ Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 16 Sandalops Chun '06 Moll. 102 Sarsella Pomel 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. Sandtneria Fritsch '02 Myr. 21 metb. Echin. 28 Sanguinicola Plehn '05 Verm. 5 381 Sarsiella Hartlaub '07 Coel. 19 Sannazaria Costa [1840] Crust. ; Fauna Sarsiflustra Jullien ^ Calvet '03 Bry. Keg. Napoli Cat. Crost. 5 15 Santalus Zetvis '06 Ins. 218 Sarsona Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Santiagonus Pic '03 Ins. 178 3 956 Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 18 Sanurus Meliehar '02 Ins. 283 3 544 Sasakia Kuioana '02 Ins. 292 2 598 Sapantanga Distant '05 Ins, 314 ^ Sasima Bolivar '03 Ins. 371 3 481 5 839 J Satanas Jacobson '08 Ins. 375 Sapayoa lf«rferi; '03 Aves 53 3 279 ^ Satapa i'/.^Yw /, SATO.— SCAPHE. Satole Dyar '08 Ins. 351 Satorystia Reitter '05 lus. 147 6 221 Satrapodes Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Satrius Tosqidnet '03 Ins. 238 Satsuma Smith S,- Pope '06 Pisces 48 Saturnalina Hnechel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 131 Saturnalium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 132 Saturniomiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 599 Satyramoeba Sack '09 Ins. 371 Satyrus Haeckel 1866 Mamm. ; Gener. Morpholog. ii p. cl Saulcyella i?««er '01 Ins. 126 4 845 Sauravus Thevenin '06 Rept. 36 Saurerpeton Mooclie '09 Rept. 35 Saurita Herrich-Schaeffer Lep. ; Sauritinia Dyar '05 Ins. 253 5 1027 Saurophthalmus Fainnaire '03 Ins. 190 3 956 Sauvagea Jordan $f Scale '00 Pisces 41 Sauvagesia DoiiviUe 1880 Moll. ; Bull. Soc. geol. France xviii 398 Savigniella Kirby 1900 Neiir. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, vi 462 Savignvella Levimen '09 Br}'., Braeh. 25 Sawda Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 839 Saycia Sars '04 Crust. 49 4 366 Sayiella Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4 732 Sayomyia Coquillett '03 Ins. 309 Sayonara Jordan S^- Scale '06 Pisces 54 Scabellia Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Scabina Shelford '09 Ins. 419 Scabrifer Allen '01 Mamm. m Scabrotettix Hancock '06 Ins. 452 Scaevinus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 190 Scagliaster Munier - Chalmas 1891 Echin. ; Theses pres. Fac. Sci. Paris 11 Scalideutis Meyrick '06 Ins. 367 Scalmus Zang '05 Ins. 148 5 1254 Scandal on Zacher '09 Ins. 423 Scapanodon Broom '04 Rept. 32 Scaphanocephalus Jiigerskidkl '04 Verm. ; 4 168 Scapheremaeus Berlese '10 Arachn. 36 ( 269 SCAPHI.— SCHEDI. Scaphidiop.«is Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Scaphiostonium Braun '01 Verm. 53 1 498 Scaphiostreptus Brolemnnn '02 Myr. 18 Scaphobaeocera Csiki '09 Ins. 227 Scaphocalanus Sars '02 Crust. 09 Scaphoceros Osgood '05 Mamm. 41 5 483 Scaphonyx Woodward '08 Rept. 32 Scaptocosa Banks '04 Arachn. 35 5 723 Scaptonemis Ph-inyuey '01 Ins. 134 1 1152 Scaridea Jenkins '04 Pisces 34 3 94 Scaritolius Fairmaire '05 Ins. 134 5 1254 Scaroides Tould '09 Pisces 35 Scarpantina Melichar '01 Ins. 287 3 545 Scarus ForskSl 1775 Pisces ; Descript. Animalium p. x Scedasus Champion '06 Ins. 253 Scelidocteus Simon '07 Arachn. 32 Scelidosaurus Owen 1859 Rept. ; En- cycloped. Brit. ed. 8, xvii 150 Scelidotheriops Ameyhino "04 Mamm. 51 4 327 Sceliotrachelus Brues '09 Ins. 302 Sceliphronecthrus Pierce '09 Ins. 275 Scelocolpis Reitter '01 Ins, 149 3 956 Scenidiopsis Turner '04 Ins. 290 Scenophyllum Sitnpson '01 Ccel. 21 2 153 Scepanotrocha Bryce '10 Verm. 46 Schaeffia Hilzheimer '06 Mamm. 67 Schalifrontia Hampson '01 Ins. 223 1 996 Schambeloblattina Handlirsch '06 Ins. 442 Schantungia Lorenz '06 Arachn. 10 Schaudinnella Nusbaum '03 Prot. 60 4 80 Schaudinnula Averintzev '07 Prot. 42 Schausiania Strand '10 Ins. 341 Schausinna Aurivillius '09 Ins. 328 Schausinna Aurivillius '10 Ins. 341 Schazama Schaus '06 Ins. 343 Schedius Howard '10 Ins. 301 ) SCHEDO.— SCHIZOCI. SchedoAinotermes Silvestri '09 Ins. 409 Schedoti-igona Silvestri '03 Myr. 19 5 739 Schema Becker '07 Ins. 375 Scliematorhages Warren '05 Ins. 272 5 1027 Schendylotis Met/rick '10 Ins. 385 Schendyluriis Silvestri '07 Arachn. 62 Scheueria Kieffer ' 10 Ins. 393 Scheviakovella Canllen/ 8f Mesnil '05 Prot. 71 6 Trot. 44 Schilleria Dahl '07 Arachn. 37 Schioedtia Kirkalchj '05 Ins. 304 5 839 Schismadillidium Verhoeff '01 Crust. 40 1 693 Schismaglomeris Verhoeff '09 Myr., Arachn. 54 Schistissa Aurivillius '02 Ins. 219 2 780 Schistobracon Cameron '06 Ins. 302 Schistocolpia Warren '06 Ins. 354 Schistocometa Brenske '03 Ins. 163 U 0> Schistogonia Stal 1869 Hem. ; Schistoloma Kobelt '02 IMoU. 76 Schistonotellus Renter '06 Ins. 403 Schistopterum Becker '03 Ins. 320 3 584 Schistorchis Liihe '06 Verm. 29 Schistosiphon Pierce '08 Ins. 279 Schistostoma Becker '03 Ins. 313 3 584 Schizagenia Cameron '10 Ins. 280 Schizanoplius Cameron '04 Ins. 213 4 732 Schizidium Verhoeff "01 Crust. 40 1 693 Schizoblatta Hcmdlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Schizoblattina Sellards '04 Ins. 126 4 465 Schizobrachium Meisenlteimer '03 Moll. 65 3 296 & '05 Moll. 71 5 579 Schizobranchia Bush '05 Verm. 44 Schizochirus Waits '04 Pisces 28 4 87 Schizocidaris Mortensen '03 Echin. 87 { 27( SCHIZOCO.— SCHRADERE. Schizocosa Chamberlin '04 Arachn. 35 4 410 Schizodiscus Kishinouye '02 Coel. 21 2 153 Schizomicrus Casey '05 Ins. 177 Schizopera Sars '05 Crust. 69 5 675 Schizopetalum Verhoeff '01 Myr. 15 Schizopneustes TJiiery '09 Echin. 41 Schizosema Kieffer '01 Ins. 197 1 1050 Schizospondylus Fritsch Sf Bayer '02 Pisces 42 Schizostoma Canu '09 Bry., Brach. 25 Schizotaenia Janicki '06 Verm. 31 4 168 Schizotrypauum Chagas '09 Prot. 61 Schlaginhaufeuia Heller '10 Ins. 250 Schlettereriella Szepliyeti '04 Ins. 225 4 732 Schluetericeras Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 296 Schluteria Fritsch 1887 Crust. ; Crust. Bohmisch. Kreideform. 33 Schmalenseeia Moherg '04 Trilob. ; 4 377 Schmidtella Bergroth '10 Ins. 432 Schmidtia Jordan i^ Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 88 Schmidtiellus Moherg '69 Arachn. 9 Schmidtina Jordan i^- Starks '04 Pisces 29 Schnablia Bezzi '00 Ins. 385 Schoblia BMde-Lund '09 Crust. 39 Schoengastia Oudemans '10 Arachn. 41 Schoeniophylax Ridyway '09 Aves 113 Schoeuophyllum Simpso7i '01 Coel. 21 2 1*53 Schoenotenes Meyrick '08 Ins. 354 Schoettellodes Becker '05 Ins. ; 5 752 Scholvienia Strebel '10 Moll. 84 Schonlandella Cameron '04 Ins. 225 4 732 Schottus Distant '02 Ins. 275 2 599 Schour Forskdl 1775 Pisces ; Descript. Animalium 45 Schoutedenia Riibsaamen '05 Ins. 321 Schraderella Rostajinski 1875 Khizop. ; Denksch. Ges. Wiss. Paris vi Art. 2, 22 • ) SCHRADERI.— SCLERE. Schraderia Pfeffer 1888 Crust. ; Jalirb. Hamburg-, Wiss. Anst. v 141 Scliubertella Staff ^ Wedekind '10 Prot. 5G Scbucbertella Girty '04 Bracb. 7 4 217 Scbucbertina Walcott 'Oo Bracb. 8 5 455 Scbucberlites Smith '03 Moll. 54 3 296 Scbultlieissidia Breddin '03 Ins. 337 3 545 Scbulthessia Bolivar '05 Ins. 342 5 791 Scbultzella Ehmnbler '03 Prot. 55 Scbultzellina Cepede '10 Prot. 71 Scbultzia Gruber 1889 Rbizop. ; Ber. Naturf. Ges. Friburg i. B. iv 36 Scbumacberia Cosstnann '02 Molb 82 Scbwai-zella Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4 732 Sciadiocapsa Squinabol '05 Prot. 67 Sciaphibx Westerhmd '03 Moll. 59 Sciapbobus Daniel '04 Ins. 180 Sciapbyes Jennnel '10 Ins. 220 Sciarella Meunier '04 Ins. 125 4 555 Sciasmorayia Mendel '07 Ins. 375 Sciatropbes Blackburn '03 Ins. 151 3 956 Scinneria Dyar '03 Ins. 290 3 731 Sciobia Burmeister 1838 Ortb. ; Ilandb. Ent. ii 735 Sciocbarella Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 219 Sciodoclea Seitz '08 Ins. 329 Scionella Moore '03 Verm. ; 3 189 Scionomia Warren '01 Ins. 242 1 996 Sciopbilopsis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 392 / Scipiolus iomaw '08 Aracbn. 9 ' Scirtetica Holmberg '04 Ins. 206 4 732 Scirtomastax de Saussure '03 Ins. 373 3 481 Scirtothrips Shidl '09 Ins. 408 Scissilabra Bartsch '07 Moll. 104 Sciurotamias Miller '01 Mamm. 30 1 1482 Scleramocblus Woodward '07 Kept. 32 Sclerella Thomson 8f Mackinnon '10 Coel. 23 ( 2 SCLERO.— SCOPEL. Sclerocecis ChrHien '08 Ins. 359 Sclerodomuus Zeyr^sen '09 Brj., Bracb. 25 Sclerodoris Eliot '04 Moll. 72 Scleronimon Reilter '05 Ins. 167 4 8-16 Scleropauropus Silvestri '02 Myr. 12 Scleropbytum Pratt '03 Coel. 30 3 119 Scleropoides Lea '02 Ins. 157 2 1001 Sclerostoma Rudolphi 1809 Nematoda ; Entozoorum Hist. nat. ii pt. 1, 35 Sclerotbamnopsis Wilson '04 Spong. 16 4 96 Scobica Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Scodra Heinemann 1859 Lep. ; Scbmett. Deutscbl. i 285 Scofieldia Ulrich ^- Bassler '08 Crust. 59 Scolecitbricella Sars '02 Crust. 69 2 429 Scolecolepides Ehlers '07 Verm. 43 Scolepopsis Brauer '06 Pisces 51 Scoliocepbalus Becker '03 Ins. 320 3 584 Scoliodota Clark '07 Ecbin. 24 Scolionema Kishinoxiye '] Coel. 18 Scoliopbtbalmus Becker '03 Ins. 320 3 584 Scolocepbalua Bruner '05 Ins. 343 6 453 Scoloparaa Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 6 427 Scolopendrides Gervais 1847 Myr.; Walckenaer Ins. Apteres iv 240 Scolopes SoUas 1888 Demospong. ; Cballeuger xxv 432 Scolopsella Ball '05 Ins. 317 Scolotbrips Hinds '02 Ins. 301 2 514 Scolotydaeus Berlese '10 Aracbn. 41 Scombrampbodon Woodivard '01 Pisces 20 Scombrinus Woodivard '01 Pisces 20 Scopaeoma Casey '05 Ins. 141 7 219 Scopaeopsis Casey '05 Ins. 142 7 219 Scopariopsis Strand '09 Ins. 337 Scopelobates Si?non '03 Aracbn. 22 Scopelodromus Chevrel '03 Ins. 306 5 885 1 ) SCOPEU.— SCUTOM. Scopeuma ^lefgen 1800 Dipt.; Nouv. Class. Mouches 36 Scopus Sellards '07 Ins. 404 Scordonia Tkierry-Mieg '03 Ins. 290 Scordyliodes Thiernj-Mieg '03 Ins. 290 Scoriopsis Warren '0(3 Ins. 354 Scotaeus Hope 1834 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 14 Scotiaster Koehler 'Oil Echln. 34 & '09 Eobin. 44 Scotlandia Cossmann '09 INIoH. 72 Scotobiopsis Brethes '10 Ins. 240 Scotocryptodes Fortevin '07 Ins. 222 Scotocvma Warren '04 Ins. 284 4 660 Scotoecus Thomas "01 Mamra. 27 1 1482 Scotoepliilus Hartmann '04 Ins. 180 4 846 Scotolinx Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4. 732 Scotoneta Simon '10 Arachn. 28 Scotoniscus Racovitza '08 Crust. 46 Scotophinus Simon '05 Arachn. 18 6 30 Scotostena Hampton '10 Ins. 360 Scotosus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 170 Scottella Enderlein '10 Ins. 394 Scottocalanus Sars '05 Crust. 69 5 675 & '09 Crust. 51 Scottula Sars '02 Crust. 69 2 429 Scoturius Simon '02 Araclm. 50 Scrippsia Torrexj '09 Coel. 19 Scriptania Hampson '05 Ins. 202 5 1028 Sculpta Wag7ier '05 Moll. 79 Scutariella Mrdzek '07 Verm. 29 Scutaster Pack '09 Echin. 41 Scuticella Levinsen '09 Bry., Brach. 25 Scutigera Lamarck 1801 Diplopoda ; Syst. Anim. sans Vertebres 183 Scutigerides Silvestri '04 Myr. 9 5 738 Scutigerina Silvestri '04 Myr. 10 5 738 Scutolampas Lambert 'OG Ecbin. 45 Scutomvia Theobald '04 Ins. 301 4. 555 SCUTOP.— SEBAK. Scutops Coquillett '04 Ins. 311 5 885 Scybis Champion '02 Ins. 157 2 1001 Scydmaenichnus Eeitter '05 Ins. 144 5 1254 Scylacoris Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 405 Scylacosaurus Broom '03 Rept. 32 3 139 Scyliorhinua Blainville 1816 Pisces; J. Pbys. Chim. Ixxxiii 263 Scylliof>-aleus Botdenger '02 Pisces 46 2 1123 Scymbalopsis Reitier '09 Ins. 223 Rcymnopbagus Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4 732 Scymnopis Jordan '04 Ins. 185 4 846 Scymnosauriis Broom '03 Kept. 32 Scymnuseutheca Pic '09 Ins. 243 Scypbidia Dujardin 1841 Infusoria; Hist. nat. Zoopbytes 538 Scypbium Rnstafihski 1874 Rbizop. ; Denksch. Ges. Wiss. Paris v Art. 4, 148 Scvpbolanceola Woltereck '05 Crust. 59 5 675 Scypbnniscus Chilton '02 Crust. 56 2 429 Scypboproctus Gravier '05 Verm. 42 5 439 Scyphospbaera Lokmann '02 Prot. 82 2 104 Scyracepon Tattersall '05 Crust. 54 5 675 Scyrotis Meyrick '09 Ins. 353 Scytaliopsis Gravier '06 Ccel. 21 Scytalosoma Verhoeff '10 Myr., Aracbn. 53 Scytbocentropiis Speiser '02 Ins. 230 Scytinoptera Handlirseh '04 Ins. 125 4 519 Scytoda Simon 1864 Aracbn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 45 Scytoglossa Luze '04 Ins. 138 4 846 Scytomonas Stein 1878 Flagellata ; Organism. Infusiontbiere iii Abtb. 1 H. p. X, explan. of pi. xxxiii Sealina Foioler '06 Pisces 55 Sebaia Oudemans '04 Aracbn, 47 4 410 Sebaliue Peringuey '04 Ins. ; 4 840 ( 272 ) SEBAL.— SELW. SELY.— SEPS. Sebaldia Mabille '03 Ins. 259 3 731 Sebasmia Pascoe 1859 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 18 Sebasteo8 Westioood 1847 Col. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Lond. iv 225 Sebastiscus Jordan 8( Starks '04 Pisces .'30 4 88 Sebastosemus Gill '05 Pisces 36 5 117 9^QCS.m?i Fainnaire '01 Ins. 157 3 957 Secundeisenia Schulz '06 Ins. 305 Securipalpus Schubert '08 Ins. 225 Segestidea ^o/fiw '03 Ins. 371 3 481 Segestriella Purcell '04 Arachn. 23 4 410 Seguenziella Nevimii '01 Biy. 7 Seguenziella Sacco '04 Moll. 80 Sejanus Distant '10 Ins. 427 Selachophidium Gilchrist '03 Pisces 21 3 95 iSelysiopLlebia Forster '05 Ins. 323 5 791 Semacomyia Bradley '08 Ins. 300 Semaeodogaster ^rac?/ey '05 Ins. 218 & '08 Ins. 300 Selenaspis Roman '10 Ins. 294 Selenechinus de Meijere '04 Echin. 72 Selenistis Hampson '10 Ins. 360 Selenococcidium Leqer ^ Duboscq '09 Prot. 56 Selenoconus Ameffhino '01 Mamm. 37 Selenodiscus Brady '10 Crust. 43 Selenophanes Staudinger 1888 Lep. ; Exot. Tagialter i 212 Selenoptyx Pilshry '08 Moll. 105 Selenoscopus Heinemann 1859 Lep. ; Schmett. Deutschl. i 445 Selenosteus Bean '02 Pisces 2 1123 Selenotholus Hogq '02 Arachn. 27 2 488 Seleucus Fauvel '03 Ins. 147 Selidacautha Bezzi '08 Ins. 390 Selidopogon Bezzi '02 Ins. 258 Selimus Peckham '01 Arachn. 38 1 740 y Sellinema Perner '04 Moll. 85 Sellosaurus Huene '08 Eept. 30 Sellula Wiman '05 Crust. 73 Selocomis Broun '09 Ins. 259 Selopoda Pafinesque 1814 Mamm. ; Specchio Sci. ii 129 ? Selwynia Borradaile '03 Crust. 32 Semaia S2)aeth '09 Ins. 271 Semenovius Bradley '08 Ins. 300 Semenowia Kiejfer '03 Ins. 241 iSemidalis Fnderlein '05 Ins. 328 6 373 Semiglobus Ilandlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Semilageneta Goddard '08 Verm. 47 Semiopyla Simon '02 Arachn. 50 Semiota Dietz '05 Ins. 283 7 348 Semiparus Hellmayr '01 Aves 70 ^Semiperipola Schmidt '09 Ins. 399 Semirhvtus Szepligeti '02 Ins. 198 2 857 •■-^emissus Melichar '06 Ins. 418 Semitriton Cossmann '03 Moll. 71 Semitrivia Cossmann '03 Moll. 71 Semnolius Simon '02 Arachn. 50 Semnoprepia Walsingham '07 Ins. 348 8emnosia Daniel '04 Ins. 189 Semuosoma Silvestri '03 Myr. 19 5 739 Semodictis Meyrick '09 Ins. 354 & '10 Ins. 385 Semonius Forel '10 Ins. 287 Semora Cameron '09 Ins. 299 Sena Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 839 Seniaulus Heyden 1866 Col. ; Sennertia Oude7nans '06 Arachn. 48 Sennertus Distant '01 Ins. 278 Seopsis Enderlein '00 Ins. 427 Seothvra Ptircell '03 Arachn. 23 '3 409 Sepedonophilus Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 50 Sephena Melichar '02 Ins. 283 3 545 Sephisa Moore 1882 Lep. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 240 Sephora Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 271 2 599 Sepidiocoris Schonteden '04 Ins. 319 Sepimentum Hxdton '01 Ins. 271 1 869 ^G^sm Pqfinesque 1814 Kept. ; Specchio Sci. ii 65 ? 3 360 Sepsidomorpha Frey '08 Ins. 390 ( 273 ) I SEPT.— SEX, Septicius Distant '10 lus. 424 Serapista Cockerell '04 lus. 20t3 OSerapita Schmidt '08 lus. 404 Serbana Distant '06 Ins. 395 Serdis ilfrt6i7/e '04 Ins. 252 4 660 Serebaeus Distant '10 Ins. 427 Serendiba D/s^^wi! '06 Ins. 400 Sericophoromyia Austen '09 Ins. 376 Sericopompilus Ashmead '02 Ins. 183 Sericothronibiiiiu Berlese '10 Araclin. 41 Seridentus Osborn '04 Ins. 323 4 519 Seringophorus Odhner '05 Verm. 62 Serpa Distant '08 Ins. 406 Serpho Hntton '04 Moll. 64 4 307 Serpularia Rostajii'tski 1874 Rhizop. ; Denksch. (jes;. Wiss. Paris v Art. 4, 151 Serrula Netolitzky '10 Ins. 210 Sertella Jidlien ^- Calvet '03 Bry. 15 .Servillea Blanchard 1851 Orth. ; Sesaniodon Broom '05 Rept. 36 Sesaspis Casey '07 Ins. 242 Sesellius Distant '04 Ins. 324 4 519 8esostris ^orensen '10 Arachn. 34 8estropyramis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1253 Setanta Cameron '01 Ins. 191 1 1050 Setaphora Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 46 Setliodiscinus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. ], 422 Sethodisculus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 423 Sethostaurium Haeckel J887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 433 Sethostylium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 428 Setigerodasytes Pic '10 Ins. 235 Setodina Banks '07 Ins. 352 Setopus Grilnspan '08 Verm. 43 Setosa Redtenbucher '06 Ins. 445 Setosellina Calvet '07 Bry., Brach. 37 Sevanda Moore 1880 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lend. 174 Severinia Finot '02 Ins. 306 Severinia Ulmer '07 Ins. 352 Severiniua Schouteden '04 Ins. 319 Sexangularia Averintzev 'OG Prot. 37 ( ^^ SEY.— SIDNE. Seymnliova Sicard '09 Ins. 274 Sej'uiouria Broili '04 Rept. 33 4 137 Shali^ha Ca)neron '04 Ins. 222 4 732 Shana Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 599 Shantungia Lorenz '06 Arachn. 10 5 686 Sharpeiceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 54 3 297 Sharpides Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 241 Shastites Hyatt ^ Smith '05 Moll 57 5 579 Shelfordella Adelung "10 Ins. 453 Shelfordia Ccwie7-on '02 Ins. 198 Shelfordia Stnmmer- Traunfels '02 Verm. 49 2 200 Shelfordites Karny '10 Ins. 458 Sheppardia Haayner '09 Aves 116 Shipleya Fuhrmann '09 Verm. 36 Shirbuirnia Buckman '10 Moll. 96 Shoguiiopsis Fauvel '03 Ins. 153 Shoshonius Granger '10 Mamm. 48 Shuniardites Smitli '03 Moll. 54 3 297 Siagonadia Reitter '10 Ins. 241 D Sialoscarta Jacohi '05 Ins. 318 5 839 Sialium Westwood 1854 Neur. ; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 396 Sibiota Casey '06 Ins. 208 Siboga Ragonot '01 Ins. ; 1 996 Sibogita Maas '05 Ccel. 21 5 322 Sicaria 5/wiOM 1864 Arachn.; Hist. nat. Araign. 156 Sicera Chretien '08 Ins. 359 Sichia Tuit '03 Ins. 263 3 732 Sicilaria Vest 1867 Moll.; Verb. Sie- benb. Ver. xviii 1U6 Siculites Gemmellaro '05 Moll. 57 Sieyonella Borradaile '10 Crust. 3 1 Sicyoptera Navds '10 Ins. 391 Siderocrinus Wood '09 Echin. 53 Siderofungia Reis '02 Coel. 29 Siderus Kaye '04 Ins. 250 4 660 Sidis Mulsant 1851 Col. ; Spec. Col. Trim. Securipalp. 975 Sidj an i^orsAia/ 1775 Pisces; Descript. Animalium 44 Sidneoides Kesfeven "09 Prochord. S 74 ) SIDNI.-SIMAE. SIMAE.— SIPHLOC. Siduia Renter '06 Ins. 408 5 839 Sidonaster Koehler '12 Echin. 46 Siebenrockia Poche '04 Rept. 27 Simarus Boi-chmann '09 Ins. 246 DSimeliria Schmidt '09 Ins. 401 Simias Miller '03 Mamm. 26 3 384 Siuiiluncinus Johnston '09 Verm. 36 Simolestes Andreios '09 Kept. 31 Siniondella Laveran '02 Ins. 256 2 643 Simonus Ritsema 1881 Araclin. ; Binneuconch. Ed 2, 2 " Tijdschr. Ent. xxiv p. cxi Sifolinia i:meri/ '07 Ins. 275 Simopias Gill '05 Pisces ; 5 117 Siji-anites Fvivler '04 Pisces ; 4 88 /pSimorliina Jacohi '08 Ins. 404 07 Ccel. 21 " Siniosa Norman '03 Crust. 48 3 4 137 & 5 181 Sieblosia Ilandlirsch '07 Ins. 406 Sierra Fowler '05 Pisces 38 5 117 Siettitia ^6e«7/e '04 Ins. 133 6 202 Sieversia A'oie^^ 1881 Moll. ; Cat. europ. Sigmagraptiis Ruedemann 4 122 O Sigmasoma Schmidt '07 Ins. 393 Signiataxis Pilshry '07 Moll. 140 Sigmatoneura Enderlein '08 Ins. 414 Sigmaxiuyssa Kirkpatrick '07 Por. 9 Sigmomys Thomas '01 Mamm. 31 1 1482 Sigmomys Ameghino 4 328 '04 Mamm. 50 360 Simplicervix Pilsbry '03 Moll. 61 Simplimus Ameghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 328 Simpsonella Cockerell '03 Moll. 82 3 297 Simpsonia Rochebrune '05 Moll. 84 5 579 Siuaia Hermann '09 Ins. 371 Sinalda Dista7it '05 Ins. 307 Sinariola Bethitne-Baher '06 Ins. 343 Sinarista Weymer '09 Ins. 313 Siudiola Spaeth '03 Ins. 210 Sindon Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Sinierus Dista?it '01 Ins. 281 '09 Bry., Brach. Siniopelta Levinseji 25 Sigthoria Koenike '07 Arachn. 43 ^ Sigytes Simon '02 Arachn. 50 2 488 y^Sikaiua Distant '07 Ins. 389 Silanus Distarit '09 Ins. 395 Silerella Rosenberg ^ Strand '06 Arachn. 39 Siligo Aldrich '08 Ins. 390 Silinus Leivis '07 Ins. 223 Siliquofera Bolivar '03 Ins. 371 3 481 Sillophora Warren '07 Ins. 329 Siloca Simon '02 Arachn. 50 Silphanillus Reitter '03 Ins. 151 6 217 Silphidium Hatidlirsch '07 Ins. 263 Silphites Friisch 1882 Col. ; Silphosoma Fortevin '04 Ins. 145 '^inophora^ Jie/^cAar 5 1254 Silsila Cameron '03 Ins. 238 3 815 Siluraster Jaekel '03 Echin. 93 Silusida Casey '06 Ins. 208 Silvestrella Escherich '05 Ins. 4 432 Silvestria Brian '03 Crust. 53 3 6 4 3(56 Silvestriellus Brethes '10 Ins. 401 Silvestrina Prever '04 Prot. 49 Silvitettix Bruner '04 Ins. 362 4 Simaethula Simon '02 Arachn. 50 '04 Verm. 285 311 Sinistroporus Stafford 4 168 Sinocalon Lesne '06 Ins. 237 Sinodia Jukes- Browne '08 Moll. 118 Sinoennea Kobelt '04 Moll. 62 4 307 Sinope von Gumppenberg 1896 Lep. ; Nov. Acta Caesar. German. Ixv 245 02 Ins. 2 599 Sinophthalmus Coquillett '04 Ins. 5 885 Sinuessa Horvdth '10 Ins. 421 Sinuitopsis Perner '03 Moll. 79 Sinutropis Perner '04 Moll. 80 Siopa Hendel '09 Ins. 381 & '10 Ins. 414 Siphamia Weber '09 Pisces 37 V Siphantoides Distant '10 Ins. 482 465 Siphimedia Cameron '02 Ins. 194 Siphlocandona Brady '10 Crust. 46 ( 275 ) t2 334 360 SIPHLON.— SKAPA. Siplilonisca Needham '10 Ins. 447 Siplilopteryx Enderlein '09 Ins. 881 Siphlurella Bengtsson '09 Ins. 411 Sipliliirus Eaton 1871 Neur. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond.37 Siphocampula Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1499 Siphodera Linton '10 Verm. 34 Siphonellopsis Strobl 'OH Ins. 391 Siphonicella Z)rt/-wm 1851 Crust. ; Mon. Cirrip. Lepadid. 156 Siphonina Heuss 1850 Ehizop. ; Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Math.- natwiss. CI. i, 1 Abth, 372 Siphonochelns Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturalists i 335 Siphonocoelia Fromentel Spong. ; Siphonolaeiuus Pihbry '03 Moll. 62 Siphonophanes Simon 1863 Crust. ; Siphonophysa Hendcl '07 Ins. 375 Siphouosphaera Miiller 1858 Prot. ; Siphonothrips Z)«/a '08 Ins. 413 \/6 Siphoptychium Hostajitiski 1876 Rhi- zop. ; Denksch. Ge.s. Wiss. Paris viii Art. 4, 32 Siragra Cameron '07 Ins. 282 Siratus Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Sirchosaurus Otoen 1842 Kept. ; Rep. Brit. Ass. 1841, 67 Siriellides Czerniavsky 1882 Crust. ; Arb. St.-Petersb. Ges. Naturf., Beil. 100 Siron Champion '05 Ins. 177 5 1255 Sisantum Brunei- '04 Ins. 362 4 465 Sisyrura Navds '05 Ins. 328 5 791 ^\.tiQ\\& Rajinesque 1815 Aves; Analyse Nat. 68 Sitticus Simon '02 Arachn. 50 \J0 Sivaloka Distaiit '06 Ins. 418 Sivapithecus Pilgrim '10 Mamm. 47 Sjoestedtia Bolivar '09 Ins. 426 Sjoeatedtia Konoiv '07 Ins. 291 Sjostedtiella Szepligeti '08 Ins. 296 Sjoestedtinia Weise '09 Ins. 271 Skalistes Burr '07 Ins. 408 Skapana Distant '10 Ins. 427 ( 2 SKAPH.— SOA. Skaphita ScJiaus '01 Ins. 223 1 997 Skeatia Cameron '01 Ins. 191 Skendyle Burr '07 Ins. 408 Skialla<>ma Forster '06 Ins. 432 Skiffia Meek '02 Pisces 34 3 95 Skleroprotopus Attems '01 Myr. 15 Skorikowia Linstow '07 Verm. 30 5 381 Skusea Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 584 Sladenia Loriol '09 Echin. 44 Sladenia Began '08 Pisces 39 Sladina Beed '07 Bry., Brach. 37 Slatinia Werner '06 Pisces 53 Slossonella Dijar '04 Ins. 264 5 1028 Smara Distant '06 Ins. 418 Smenodoca Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 660 Smerinthothrips Sclimufz '10 Ins. 443 Smicraulax Fierce '08 Ins. 203 • Smicrocotis Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Smicromerus Beuter '01 Ins. 285 Smicrotatodelphax Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 418 Smileuma Prout '10 Ins. 371 Smiliopus Bergroth '09 Ins. 391 Smilodectes Wortman '03 Mamm. ; 3 384 Smilodontopsis Brown '08 Mamm. 69 Rminthocoris Distant '04 Ins. 324 4 519 Sminthonema -ffrte6'A;eZ 1879 Hydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 262 Sminthuriinis Borner '01 Ins. 303 1 762 Sraithia Fra7i<;n '10 Prot. 61 Smittina Norman '03 Bry. 16 3 200 Smittisoma Canu '09 Bry., Brach. 25 Smudicoptera Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Snethlagea Berlepsch '09 Aves 114 Snofru Broun '08 Ins. 217 Snowiellus Hine '04 Ins. 303 1 365 Snyderia Jordan ^ Starks '01 Pisces ; 1 1235 Snyderidia Gilbert '05 Pisces; 5 117 Soarella Koenike '07 Arachn. 43 76 ) 320 '04 Crust. 45 '02 Verm. 01- SOB.— SOLG. Sobareutis Met/rick '10 Ins. 385 Sobarocephala Czermj '03 lus. 5 885 Socaruella Walker 4 367 Soccocoeliiim Looss 3 157 Socnopaea Stro7ner '04 Pisces 46 4 88 Sodalis Koivaletvski '02 "\"erm. ; 2 200 Soelteria Dahl '07 Aracbn. 37 Sogata Distant '06 Ins. 418 Sogna Cameron '07 Ins. 280 Sobenus Distant '10 Ins. 427 Soibanga Distant '07 Ins. 396 Solaenopbyllum Verhoeff '10 Myr., Aracbn. 53 Solanderiua Dull '02 Moll. 82 Solauopbila Weise 1898 Col. ; Deutscb. eut. Zeit. 101 Solaria Champion '08 Ins. 263 Solariella Finch '05 Ins. 177 6 255 Solariellopsis Schepman '08 Moll. 91 Solariola Flach '08 Ins. 263 Solasteractis van Beneden 1897 Scy- phozoa ; Ergebn. Plankton-Ex- ped. Ilumboidt-Stift. ii K. e. 103 Soleniopsis Ritchie '08 Crel. 21 Solenispa Weise '04 Ins. 198 5 1254 Soleuobaris Lea '06 Ins. 253 Soleuogenys fVesticood 1859 Col. ; Tr. Ent. See. Lond. v 170 Solenomormyrus Sleeker 1874 Pisces ; Versl. Ak. Amsterd. (2) viii 368 Solenomorpba Cockerell '03 Moll. 80 3 297 Solenopoda Zarnik '07 Prot. 47 Solenopora Maplestone '03 Bry. 15 Solenopotes Enderlein '04 Ins. 340 4 432 Solenoptilon Handlirsch '06 Ins. 374 Solenopus Sars Moll. ; Solenosoma Burr '07 Ins. 408 Solenospbactra Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 113 Solenospbenia Haeckel 1887 Kbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 114 Soleuospbyra Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 115 Solgeria Uhlig '06 Moll. 103 5 579 ( 2 SOIL.— SOR. Sollasella Schram7nen '01 Spong. 33 Solmarinus Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Denkscbr. Ges. Jena i 355 Solmariuiu Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa; Denkscbr. Ges. Jena i 355 -Solonainia Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 418 Solskiola Semenoio '03 Ins. 160 Somatoxena Aurivillius '04 Ins. 264 Somiuella Jacobson '08 Ins. 275 Sommatericola Trciyardh '05 Aracbn. 37 4 410 Sompbocyatbus Taylor '10 Por. 10 Soncbia Weise '01 Ins. 170 2 1002 Sondax Burr '10 Ins. 451 Souoita Peckham '03 Aracbn. 37 3 409 Sontbeimia Kolb '10 Por. 9 Sontiocbelvs Stache '05 Rept. 34 5 181 Sooblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Sooglossns Boulenyer '06 Rept. 37 Soomylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Soortana Distant '08 Ins. 406 Sopbianus Distant '04 Ins. 328 4 519 Jacohy '04 Ins 195 Sopbraenella 4 847 Sopbrobombus Cockerell '09 Ins. 283 Sopbronisca Aiirivillius '10 Ins. 255 Sopbropompilus Ashmead '02 Ins. 183 Sora Heinemann 1859 I^ep. ; Scbmett. Deutscbl. i 459 Sora Walker 1859 Col.; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, iii 259 Soracte Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 396 Soranus Fairmaire '02 Ins. 157 2 1002 Sorata Strand '07 Aracbn. 30 Sorecocepbala Bernhauer '04 Ins. 138 Sorensenella Pocock '03 Aracbn. 41 3 409 Sorensenius Berg 1898 Aracbn. Comun. Mus. Buenos Aii'es i 16 Soreumium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 713 Sorolarcidiura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 715 Sorolarcium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 715 Sorolopba Loicer '01 Ins. 252 1 997 77 ) ^ SOS.— SPECTRA. Sosia Vaillant '02 Pisces 37 2 1123 Sosineura Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Sosylopsis Grouvelle '10 Ins. 223 Sotades Pascoe 18(J4 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, iii 58 C^ounama Distant '07 Ins. -393 -Southia Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 519 Sowtei-ia Whiteuves '08 Moll. 118 Spada Karny '07 Ins. 418 Spadobius Needham '05 Ins. 328 Spadotettix Hancock '10 Ins. 458 Spalacopsylla Oudemans '07 Ins. 377 Spauiocypbus Pomel ^ 1883 Ecliin. ; Clasf^^if. mt^th. ;fichin. 81 Spaniodera Handlirsch 'OG Ins. 435 Spauiodonta Kobelt Sf Moellendorff '02 Moll. 66 Spaniolepis Kramberger '05 Pisces 50 5 117 Spanipalpus Townsend '08 Ins. 386 Spanophatnns Cameron '05 Ins. 213 5 1128 Sparassa Simon 1861 Aracbn. ; Hist, nat. Araign. 396 Sparattina Verhoeff '02 Ins. 305 2 550 Sparrea i'eto"s Sphaeropo^onia Breddin '01 Ins. 289 2 599 Sphaerornimus Sau^sni-e ^- Zehntner '02 Myr. 19 Sphaeroseius Berlese '04 Araclm. 47 Sphaerosporidium Mazzarelli '07 Prot/ 53 Sphaerostola Fairinaire '03 Ins. 209 Sphaerostoma Rudolphi 1809 Trema- todes ; P]ntozoorum Hist. uat. ii pt. 1, 38 Sphaerostylantlia Haeckel 1887 Rbizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 138 Sphaerostyletta IfaecA-eZ 1887 RMzop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 139 Sphaerostylissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 140 Sphaerostylonnna Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 140 Sphaerotrochalus Bre7iske 1900 Col. ; Berl. ent. Zeitsch. 82 Spbaerozonactis i/rtcc/je/ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 41 Sphaerozonoceras Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 , 42 Sphaerozonura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ' Challenger xviii pt. 1, 45 ( 2 SPHAL— SPHINCTODERA Sphaira Raymond '03 Prot. 65 Sphaleractis Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 ()61 Sphalerocholus Heller '08 Ins. 263 Sphaleromantis Pascher '10 Prot. 65 Sphecapatoclea Hermann '09 Jus. 377 Sphecodina Blanehard 1840 Lep. ; Hist. Nat. Ins. iii t. 20 f. 4 S])hecodiuni Robertson '03 Ins. ; 3 816 Sphecodosoma Crawford '07 Ins. 268 Sphecophagus Bretkes '10 Ins. 301 Sphecophila Shelford '06 Ins. 439 Sphecophilus Brcthes '10 Ins. 301 Sphecosesia Hampson '10 Ins. 325 Spheginascia Aletmier '01 Ins. 113 1 869 Spheginobaccha Me/jere '08 Ins. 380 Sphelatus Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. nieth. Echiu. 54 Sphenalia Daniel '04 Ins. 189 Sphendononenia Verhoeff '04 Myr. 10 4 422 Spheniscus Moehring 1758 Aves ; Ges- lacht. Vogel. Nozemau u. Vos- niaer 5 Sphenobaris Champion '09 Ins. 259 Sphenoceras Foard '03 Moll. 54 Spbenocratus Horvdth '10 Ins. 432 Sphenodictya Herzer '01 Spong". 43 4 96 Sphenodon Gray 1831 Rept. ; Sphenoidoptera Williston '01 Ins. 265 1 869 Sphenometopa Totcnsend '08 Ins. 386 Sphenomonas Stein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 H. p.x Sphenomylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Sphenophalos Merriam '09 Manmi. 70 Sphenothorax Gehien '06 Ina. 239 Sphenus Deshrochers '06 Ins. 253 Spherarmadill'j Richardson '07 Crust. 66 Spherillo Z>a?2« 1852 Crust. ; Amer J. Sci. (2) xiv 301 Sphigmncephalus Enderlein '04 Ins. 324 4 519 Sphinctodera Faiimuire '01 Ins. 119 79 ) SPHINCTODE RU. — SPILOP. Sphinctoderus Fainnuire '03 Ins. 181 Sphinctogonia Breddin '02 Ins. 287 & '06 Ins. 422 Sphinctomutilla Andre '09 Ins. 288 Sphinctivalgus Kolle, '04 Iiis. 158 4 847 Sphingiforina Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 343 Sphinginopalpus Pic '03 Ins. 176 5 1255 Sphinta Schaus '04 Ins. 264 5 1028 Sphoerias Miller '06 Mamm. 62 Sphondylia Weise '02 Ins. 169 Sphyraenocharax Fowler '07 Pisces 52 )Sphyrichth\s Thienemnmi 1828 Pisces; Lehi-b. Zool. 408 Spbyrometopa Carl '08 Ins. 429 Sphyrotheca Bonier '06 Ins. 455 Spilacris Behn S^- Cockerell '03 Ins. 371 5 791 Spilargis Sivion '02 Arachn. 50 Spileccia Munier-C/iahnas '03 Ecliin. 88 Spileuchlora Ohaus '03 Ins. 165 3 958 Spilochroa Williston '07 Ins, 375 Spiloconis Enderlein "07 Ins. 354 Spilodiscus Leiois '06 Ins. 218 Spilojoppa Camero7i '04 Ins. 222 4 734 Spilomegastigmus Cameron '06 Ins. 221 Spilomma Morley '09 Ins. 290 Spilomutilla Ashmead '03 Ins. 227 Spiloneda Casey '08 Ins. 277 Spiloniscus Racovitza '08 Crust. 40 Spilonota Weise '02 Ins. 169 2 1003 Spilonotella Cockerell '05 Ins. 185 5 1255 Spilonotus Champion '05 Ins. 177 5 1255 Spilophion Cameron '05 Ins. 213 Spilopimpla Cameron '04 Ins. 222 4 734 Spilopleura Stdl 1870 Hem. ; Spilopompilus Ashmead '02 Ins. 183 Spilopsyllus Baker '05 Ins. 301 5 752 Spiloptiloides Cossmann '09 Moll. 73 SPILOT.— SPIROP. S})ilothynnus Ashmead '03 Ins. 227 Spilotichthys Foxvler '04 Pisces ; 4 88 Spilotratrus Jordan '03 Ins. 199 3 958 Spilovalgns Kolhe '04 Ins, 158 4847 Spinanomala Ohaus '10 Ins, 228 Spinariella Szepligeti '06 Ins. 302 Spinifer Linstow '01 Vermes 58 1 509 Spiniphora Malloch '09 Ins. 373 Spinosella Vosmaer 1885 Spong. ; lironn Thierreich Porifera 342 Spinotarsus Attems '09 Myr., Arachn. 54 Spinthoptera Casey '09 Ins. 238 Spinula Z>a// '08 Moll. 118 Spinus Koch 1816 Aves ; Syst. Baier. Zool. i 233 Spiralinella Chaster '01 Moll. 93 Spiramiopsis I£a7npson '01 Ins, 223 1 997 Spiremariuni Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 692 Spiremidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 693 Spirina Kayser 1889 Gastrop. ; Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges. xli 290 Spiroclypeus DouvillS '05 Prot. 61 Spirocoptis Pilsbry '02 Moll. 66 Spiroctetor Skorikoff '09 Verm. 56 Spirocypris Sharpe '03 Crust, 56 3 360 Spirocyi-tidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt, 2, 1509 Spirocyrtoma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1509 Spirodiscus Fauvel '09 Verm. 53 Spiromaues Saussure Sf Zehntner '02 Myr. 19 Spiromimus Saussure i^ Zehntner '02 Myr. 19 2 500 Spironema Vuillemin '05 Prot, 72 Spironetta Haeckel 1887 Rhizop,; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 701 Spironilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 702 Spirontocarella BrasJmikov '08 Crust. 37 Spiroplectina Schubert '02 Prot. 69 ( 2S0 ) SPIROS.— SPONGOM. SPONGOP.— SaUAM. Spirostrophus Saussure ^ Zehntner '02 Myr. 20 Spiticeras Uhl/'ff '04 Moll. 61 Spizaphilus Kirby '06 Ins. 449 Spizites Illhjer ? 1816 Aves ; Abli. Ak. Wiss. Berlin 226 Spongasteriscinus Haeckel 1887 Ifhi- zop. ; Challenofer xviii pt. 1, 594 Spongasterisculus Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 , 595 Spongastrella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 597 Spongastronnna^«ccA-e/ 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 598 Spongellipsarium Haeckel 1887 lihi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 341 Spongellipsidium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1,342 Spougicoloides Hansen '08 Crust. 38 Spougioconcha Mast '10 Prot. 57 Spongioderma KoUiker Coel. ; Spongiomniella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 270 Spongiommura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 271 Spongiostroma Gurich '06 Prot. 40 Spougoacanthus Squiiiabol '03 Prot. 57 Spongocardium Kirkpatrick '02 Spong. 27 Spongocoriua Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 345 Spongocorisca Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 346 Spongodictyoma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 91 Spongodictyuui Haeckel 1862 Rhizop. Radiolarien 452 Spongodisculus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 576 Spongodruppium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 349 Spongodruppula Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 349 Spongolivetta Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 351 Spongolivina Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 352 Spongolonchis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1763 Spongomonas6'^«'H 1878 Flag. ; Organ. Infusionsthiere iii Abth. 1 H. p. x ( 281 Spongopborticiura Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 711 Spongospbaeromma Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 383 Spongotarsus Hayedoni '08 Ins. 265 Spongotripodiscus Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 580 Spongotripodiiim Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 581 Spongurantba Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 343 Spongurella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 344 Sponguroma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 344 Sporadochaeta de Martiis '05 Verm. 50 5 439 Sporadocyphus Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Ecbin. 81 Sporadoporus Wolcott '05 Arachn. 37 5 724 Sporadothrix Hermann '07 Ins. 366 & '08 Ins. 375 Sporocetis Meyrick '07 Ins. 338 Sporomyxa Leger '07 Prot. 41 Sporophyla Meyrick '05 Ins. 277 5 1028 Sporostigeua Bethime- Baker '04 Ins. 264 4 661 Sporotaxis Powie/ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. meth. Ecbin. 84 Spumaria Persoon 1894 Rbizop. ; Neu. JMag;. Bot. i 88 Squalomugil Oyilhy '08 Pisces 45 Squamicapilla Schtdtz '08 Ins. 330 Squamipalpis Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 340 Squamipsicbora TJeller '08 Ins. 263 Squamomyia Theobald '10 Ins. 398 Squamopbora Neirstrasz '05 Moll. 86 5 580 Squamopleura Neirstrasz '05 Moll. 86 5 580 Squamosa Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 330 Squamosala Bethune-Baker '04 Ins. 264 4 661 Squamoapercbon Thor '01 Arachn. 46 1 741 Squamularia Gemmell '02 Brach. 7 ) SQUAT.— STAURACONTI. STAURACONTO.— STAUROSPH. Squatarola Leach 1816 Aves ; Syst. Cat. indig. Mauim. Birds Brit. Mus. 29 Stacheites Kittl '03 Moll. 54 Stachyolis Meyrlck '05 Ins. 283 5 1028 Staelonchodes Kirhy '04 Ins. 357 Staemactis Mabille '03 Ins. 259 3 732 Staffola Ball .'05 Moll. 79 Stalactella Bartsch "OfJ iNIoll. 84 Stalix Jordan"^ S) Snyder '02 Pisces 31 2 1123 Stamfordia Trdyardh '06 Aracbn. 48 Stamiioctenis Warren '01 Ins. 242 1 997 Stangeia Tutt '08 Ins. 352 Stanneoclavis Butler 1873 Araclin. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 173 Stantonia Anhmead "04 Ins. 225 5 1129 Stantonia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 439 Stautoniella Handlirsch '07 Ins. 410 Stantonites Hyatt ^~ Smith '05 Moll. 58 5 580 Stantonoceras Johnson '03 Moll. 54 4 307 Stapludia Sharpe 1883 Aves ; Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vii 015 Stappersia Meunier '10 Prot. 71 Starksina Foicler '06 Pisces 55 Staseas Champion '05 Ins. 177 5 1255 Statanus Distant '08 Ins. 394 Statherotis Meyrick '09 Ins. 349 Stathuiopolitis Walsinyham '08 Ins. 359 Statia Ragonot '01 Ins. 250 1 997 Statinia Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mouches 36 Stauracanthidium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 764 Stauracanthonium Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1 , 762 Stauracontarium Haechel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 163 Stauracontellium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. I, 104 Stauracontidium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 165 Staiiracoutonium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, Ki.j Stauractiniinn Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 478 Stauracturinm Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 477 Stauralastrella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 540 Stauralastromma Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 541 Stauranderaster Spencer '08 Echin. 25 Staurasparium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 831 Stauraspidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 831 Staurentodiscus ifaec^e/ 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 416 Staurexodiscus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1,416 Stauridiosarsia Mayer '10 Coel. 19 Staurobothrium Shiplei/ 4' Hornell '05 Verm. 58 5 381 Staiiroderus ^o//mr 1898 Orth. j Ann. Sci. nat. Porto v 4 Staiirodictj'on Haeckd 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 506 Staurodiscalina Haeckel 1879 Hydro- zoa : Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 145 Staurodisceraa Haeckel 1879 Ilydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 146 Staurodiscus Neviatii '01 Prot. 26 Staurolonchantha Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 158 Staurolonchella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 160 Staurolonchissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, l60 Staurolonchura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 161 Stauronereis Verrill '04 Venn. 36 Staurophora li. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena. Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 286 Stauropoides Hampson '09 lus. 338 Staurosphaerantha Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. ], 153 Staurosphaerella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 1.54 Staurosphaerissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 155 Staurosphaeromma Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 156 ( 282 ) STAUROSPI.- STELEO. STELEU.— STENIL. Staurospira Hdeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Oliallenger xviii pt. 1, 507 Staurotholissa Hueckd 1 887 Rhizop. ; Cballeuger xviii pt. 1, 673 Staurotholodes Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 075 Staurotboloma Haeckel . 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1,676 Staurotbolina Hueckd 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 673 Staurotylus AdeJung '10 Ins. 458 Stearodea Cunihriclye '02 Araclin. 31 Steassa Simon '10 Aracbn. 26 Stecbus Distant '09 Ins. 395 Stectenis Raffray '08 Ins. 228 Steganaspis Wolcott '01 Aracbn. 46 1 741 Stegauoderma Staff'ofd '04 Verm. ; 4 168 Steganoides Hampson '10 Ins. 361 Steganopora Enyland ^' Hicksun '05 Coel. 21 5 322 Steganopsis Meyere '10 Ins. 414 Stegasta Mcyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 661 Stegias Richardson '04 Crust. 42 4 367 Stegius Distant '04 Ins. 324 4 519 Stegoceras Lambe '02 Rept. 23 Stegomvia Theobald '01 Ins. 260 i 869 Stegonocops Lutz '10 Ins. 398 Stegopa Linton '10 Verm. 34 iStegopelta WilUston '05 Rept. 35 5 181 •02 Crust Stegopbrvxus Thompson "02 Crust. 55 3" 360 Stegoplax Sars 1882 Crust. ; Stegopontonia Nobili '06 Crust. 41 Stegops Moodie '09 Rept. 35 Steindacbneria Goode ^- Bean 1888 Pisces ; Bull. Mas. Harvard Coll. XV 26 Steindachnerina Foioler '06 Pisces 55 Steingelia JSassonoio '08 Ins. 411 Steinmanella Welter '10 Por. 6 Steinniannia Waayen Spoug. ; Steleocerus Becker '10 Ins. 414 Steleops Enderlein '10 Ins. 444 Steleopteron Handlirsch '06 Ins. 432 Steleoxipbus Rehn '07 Ins. 413 Steleucoela Kiefer '08 Ins. 306 Stelgidocicbla Oberhulscr '05 Aves 66 Stelgidonotus Gilbert S^- Thompson '05 Pisces 36 5 117 Stelidarge Koyioio '01 Ins. 199 Stelidium Robertson '02 Ins. 177 Stelidium Robertson '03 Ins. 221 Stellacantba Popofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 80 Stellispongia Orbiyny Spong. ; Stellolonche Popofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 80 Stellospbaera Ivoehler 4" Vaney '06 Ecbin. 50 Stelmius Dujardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. ileluiinth, 281 Stelodorvx Topsent '04 Spong. 25 4 96 Stelopolybia Ducke '10 Ins. 273 Stemma Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Stemmatopbalera Aurivillius '10 Ins. 342 Stemouidiuni Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 117 Stemonitis Gleditsch 1764 Rbizop. ; Syst. Plantarum, 303 Stempellia LeyerSf Hesse '10 Prot. 62 Stenacidia Boriier '06 Ins. 455 Stenagrotis Hampson '03 Ins. 282 3 732 Stenakron /S^^jfo;-f? '04 Verm. ; 4 168 Stenaptinus Maindron '06 Ins. 200 Stenaroa Hampson '10 Ins. 342 Stenaster Lambert '05 Ecbin. 76 Stenaucbenia Atfems '02 Myr. 20 2 500 Stenaulax Cameron '06 Ins. 297 Steneleodes Blaisdell '09 Ins. 245 Stenella Weise '02 Ins. 169 2 1003 Steuelliua Cockerell '05 Ins. 186 5 1255 Steneltron Handlirsch '06 Ins. 272 Steneocranius KascenJce '01 Mamm. 32 Steneropblina Reitter '06 Ins. 242 Steneurvtion Atteins '09 Myr., Arachn. 50 Stenbeliopsis Sars '06 Crust. 56 Stenhelmoides Gmuvelle '08 Ins. 235 Stenilema Hampson '09 Ins. 328 283 ) STENIS.— STENOMETA. STENOMETO.— STENORH. Stenista Warren '07 Ins. 329 Stenobasipteron Lickwardt '10 lus. 403 Stenobracon Sz^jAigeti '01 Ins. 193 Stenobrimus Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 445 Stenocaris Stirs '09 Crust. 51 Stenocepbala Berthold 1827 Hemiptera ; Latreille Nat. Fain. Thierreiclis 418 Stenocbeles i^/vVsc/i 1887 Crust. ; Crust. Bohmisch. Kreidetbrm. 40 Stenochlaenius Reitter '09 Ins. 219 Stenocladia Girty '10 Bry., Brach. 16 Stenocodia Hamjison '10 Ins. 361 Stenocollum Stafford '04 Verm. ; 4 168 Stenocopia Sars '07 C.ust. 82 Stenocranius jS^asce«A-o '01 Mamiu.; 1 1483 Stenocrepidius ScJiwarz '02 Ins. 140 2 1003 Stenocvpria Midler '01 Crust. 54 '1 693 Stenodactylus Philippi '02 Rept. 30 Stenodastus Gorham 1887 Col. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 362 Stenodes Dt/Jardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. Stenodonta Warren '05 Ins. 272 6 1029 Stenodorsus Hancock '06 Ins. 453 8teuoeme GouneUe '09 Ins. 266 Stenoglossa Atidersson '03 Rept. 35 Steuognathus Newberry '05 Pisces 52 Stenogomphus Scudder '01 Ins. 113 Stenolabus SchuUhess-Rechhery '10 Ins. 273 Stenolandra Fairmaire '04 Ins. 181 4 847 Stenomalus Thomson 1878 Hym. ; Stenomantis Satissure 1872 Ortb. ; M6m. Soc. Pbys. Geneve xxi 311 Stenoniantura Heikertinaer '09 Ins. 271 Stenomeris Cameron '06 Ins. 297 Stenomesioidea Ashmead '04 Ins. 231 4 734 Stenometapodus Breddia '03 Ins. 328 3 545 ( 2 Stenometopon Boulenyer '03 Rept. 32 3 139 Stencmetra Clark '09 Echin. 53 Stenomylacris Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 IStenomylus Peterson '06 Mamm. 78 Stenomys Thomas '10 Mamm. 56 Stenoneurites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Stenonyx Lull '04 Rept. 29 5 181 Stenopaltis Swinhoe '01 Ins. 231 1 997 Stenopanorpa Handlirsch '00 Ins. 374 Stenoparedra Renter '09 Ins. 395 Stenopaschia Hampson '06 Ins. 362 Stenopbaea Hampson '06 Ins. 223 1 997 Stenopliatna Aurivillitis '09 Ins. 328 Sienopberna Lower '01 Ins. 255 1 997 Stenopbiloscia Verhoeff '08 Crust. 46 & '09 Crust. 39 Stenophora Mallock '09 Ins. 373 Stenopbryneta Aurivil/ius '07 Ins. 258 Stenopbtbalmus Becker '03 Ins. 320 3 584 Stenopbtbalmus Szepliyeti '05 Ins. 213 5 1129 Stenopbylax Fairmaire '03 Ins. 191 3 958 Stenopistba Strand '10 Ins. 301 Stenopleuromeris Verhoeff '09 Myr., Aracbn. 55 Stenopolium Fairmaire '02 Ins. 145 3 958 Stenoporomvia Hendel '03 Ins. 320 6 391 Stenoporopterus Lea '08 Ins. 263 Stenoprotome Hay '03 Pisces 39 3 95 Stenopsis BernJiauer '07 Ins. 217 Stenoptera Meunier '01 Ins. 113 Stenopteromyia Lichtwardt '09 Ins. 371 Stenopterygia Hampson '08 Ins. 340 Stenoptinea Dietz '05 Ins. 283 Stenoptycba Heinemann 1865 Lep, ; Schmett. Ueutsch. ii 1 (2) 190 [Stenopus Schivarz '01 Ins. 1 1154] Stenoracbe Hamjison '10 Ins. 361 Stenorhabdium Werner '09 Rept. 30 84 ) STENORI.— STEPHANOPH. Steiiorista Dognm '05 Ins. 277 5 1029 Stenosaura Hampson '09 Ins. 328 Stenoscutus Theobald '09 Ins. 366 & '10 Ins. 399 Stenoscvphus Kishinouye\ '02 Coel. 21 2 154 Stenosepia Vincent '01 MolL 69 Stenoserica Brenske '01 Ins. 136 Stenosteus Dean '02 Pisces 2 1123 Stenostygia Hampson '10 Ins. 361 Steuotelus Bouchard '03 Ins. 140 3 958 Stenothemus Bourgeois '07 Ins. 237 Stenothoides Chevreux '02 Crust. 59 Stenotonia Westivood 1847 Hem. ; Tr. Eut. Soc. Loud, iv 248 StenotoLira Broun '09 Ins. 259 Stenotroctes Enderlein '05 Ins. 329 5 791 Stenotropbis Lewis '02 Ins. 120 2 1004 Stenozygum Fieber 1S61 Hem. ; euro- paisch. Heicipt. 345 Stenucha Hampson '01 Ins. 223 1 998 Stenurus Dtijardin 1845 Verm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 265 Stenyolus Bofinesque 1815 Crust. ; Analyse Nat. 101 Stephanacris Bedtenbacher '08 Ins. 426 Stephanastrella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 549 Stephanastromma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 549 Stephanella Oka '08 Bry., Brach. 28 Stephania Claparede 1870 Annelida ; Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve xx 482 Stephanoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Stephanocare Monke '05 Crust. 78 4 377 Stephanodes Enock '09 Ins. 302 Stephanolasca Weele '08 Ins. 364 Stephanometra Clark '09 Echin. 53 Stephanopharvnx Fischoedei- '01 Verm. 53 1 '498 Rtephanophiala Nicoll "09 Verm. 33 ( 2 STEPHANOPR.— STERIPHANI. Stephanoprora Odhner '02 Verm. 61 2 200 Stephanoptera Dangeard '10 Prot. 65 Stephanoptilum Roule '06 CcbI. 22 5 322 Stephanosalpa Bonnier 4" Perez '03 Tun. 7 3 7 Stephanospondylus Stappenheck '05 Rept. 37 5 181 Stephanospyris Haeckel 1862 Rhizop. ; Radiolarien 293 Stephanoteuthis Berry '09 Moll. 95 Stephodiplosis Tavares '08 Ins. 368 it '09 Ins. 362 Stephopontius Thompson ^ Scott '03 Crust. 54 3 360 Stereacanthia Thomson ^- Henderson '07 Coel. 24 Steremnia Thieme '05 Ins. 235 5 1029 Stereobalanus Spengel '01 Verm. 63 1 1163 Stereobela Turner '05 Ins. 277 Stereocephalus Lambe '02 Rept. 2."5 Stereocidaris Pomel ^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 110 Stereogenys Andreivs '01 Rept. 27 1 1276 Stereolasma Simpson '01 Coel. 21 2 154 Stereomera Arrow '05 Ins. 151 5 1255 Stereomyrmex Turnery '01 Ins. 186 1 1051 Stereonephthya Eilkenthal '05 Coel. ; 5 322 Stereopedina Loriol '03 Echin. 89 Stereopneustes De Meijcre '03 Echin. 89 3 138 Stereopy ga Po/«e/ 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 102 Stereosa Casey '09 Ina. 238 Stereotettix Rehn '06 Ins. 453 Stereotoxodon Ameghino '04 Mamm. 49 4 328 Stereotydeus Berlese 8f Leonardi '01 Arachn. 47 2 489 Steringopliorus Odhner '05 Verm. ; 5 381 Steriphanides Casey '07 Ins. 242 85 ) STERIPHANir.— STICHOL. Steriphanu8 Casey '07 Ins. 242 Steriphocryptus Cameron '03 Ins. 238 3 816 Sternarchella Elgenmann '05 Pisces 47 & '07 Pisces 51 Sternarchogiton Eii/enmann '05 Pisces 47 Steruarclioi-'iton Eiqenmann ^- Ward '07 Pisces 51 ■ Sternarcborlianiphua Eigenmann '05 Pisces 47 k. '07 Pisces 51 Sternarthron Haase 1890 Arachn. ; Zeitschr. Deutscli. geol. Ges. xlii 655 '03 Echin. STICHON.— STID. Sternopatagus De Meijere 89 3 138 Sternoplidius Moser '08 Ins. 242 Sterrhurus Looss '07 Verm. 29 Sterzelia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Ste^ichorus Distant '06 Ins. 400 Stethobaroides Cham-pion '08 Ins. 263 Stethodesma Bainhridqe 1842 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 220 Stetholiodes i^rtZ/ '10 Ins. 221 Stethomyia Theobald '03 Ins. 309 3 584 Stetliopristes Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 117 Stethusa Casey '10 Ins. 218 Stethynium Enock '09 Ins. 302 Steusloffia Ulrich S,- Bassler '08 Crust. 59 Sthenarosaurus Walton '09 Kept. 31 Sthenauge Hampson '06 Ins. 362 Sthenelanella Moore '10 Verm. 62 Sthenobela Turner '04 Ins. 290 Stlienoboea StM 1875 Orth. ; Recensio Orth. iii 68 Sthenolepis Willey '05 Verm. 40 Sthenometopa Norman '02 Crust. 59 2 429 Stibaroptera Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Stiboras Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 546 Stibulaspis Cameron '07 Ids. 285 Sticbadoretua Reitter '03 Ins. 166 Sticholagena Haechel 1887 Ebizop. ; Challenger wiii pt. 2, 1449 ( Stichonodon Eigenmann '03 Pisces 35 3 95 Stichonotus Sloane '10 Ins. 210 Stichoperina Haechel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1448 Stichophaenidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1465 Stichopliaenoma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1466 Stichophormiscus Haeckel 1887 Rhiziip. ; Challenjrer xviii pt. 1, 1455 Stichophormium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 1454 Stichoptychus Full '05 Ins. 164 7 239 Stichorchis Fischoeder '01 Verm. 53 Stichotrema Hofeneder '10 Ins. 264 Stictalia Casey '06 Ins. 208 Stictichneumon Cameron '05 Ins. 213 Stictocema Jacoby '06 Ins. 268 Stictocera Casey '09 Ins. 239 Stictococcus Cockerell '03 Ins. 350 Stictocoris Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 519 Stictocoris Thomson 1869 Horn. ; Opusc. Ent. i 51 Stictocryptus Cameron '07 Ins. 280 Stictocryptus Cameron '08 Ins. 296 Stictodera Casey '07 Ins. 243 Stictogaster Purcell '02 Arachn. 27 2 489 Stictolecanium Cockerell '02 Ins. 292 2 599 Stictolinus Casey '06 Ins. 208 Stictolissonota Cameron '07 Ins. 280 Stictometeorus Cameron '09 Ins. 296 Stictonomia Cameron '05 Ins. 195 5 1129 Stictonotion Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 304 6 401 Stictophion Cameron '06 Ins. 297 Stictornis Ridgicay '07 Aves 120 Stictosynechia Renter 1884 Hem. ; Stictotefflus Eolbe '03 Ins. 140 3 958 J Stictulus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Stidzaeras Hamjisoyi '09 Ins. 328 2SQ ) STIE.— STOI. Stifrlinia Deshrochers '09 Ins. 259 Stifiiuacros Forel '05 Ins. 20G 5 1129 Stigmatella Ulrich Sf Basslcr '04 Brj. 13 4. 217 Stigmatochinis Bernhauer '00 Ins. 147 Stigmatocrepis Ai^lwiead '04 Ins 232 4 734 Stigmatopathus Enclerlein '03 Ins. 357 3 481 Stigmenaniina Ilandlirnch 'O(') Ins. 272 Stigraocheylus Bevlese. '10 Araobn. 41 Stigmomela Csiki '04 Ins. 195 4 848 Stilbichrysis Bischoff '10 Ins. 289 Stilbocrosis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Stilboderma Brovn '09 Ins. 259 Stilbodiscus Broun '09 Ins. 259 Stilbogastrus Bernhauer '08 Ins. 225 Stilhippus Ameqhino '04 Mamm. 49 4 328 Stilifolina Casey '05 Ins. 142 7 219 Stilicosoma Casey '05 Ins. 142 Stilipes Holmes '08 Crust. 49 Stilpnaspis Weise '05 Ins. 187 5 1250 Stimpsonella Delkc Valle 1893 Crust. ; Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel Monogr. 20, 421 Stimulopalpus Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 Stinella Cepede '10 Prot. 71 Stinus Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Stiphidion Simon '02 Araehn. 28 3 409 Stiralysia Cameron '10 Ins. 297 OStirellus Osborn S,- Ball '02 Ins. 287 2 599 Stiremetra Clark '09 Fchin. 53 Stirencoela Cameron '10 Ins. 307 Stiriodes Hampson '10 Ins. 361 Stiva Iledley '04 Moll. 80 4 307 Stlengis Jordan S,- Starks '04 Pisces 29 4 88 Stoeba So/las 1 888 Demospong. ; Challenger xxv p. cxxxi Stoelouchodes Kirby '04 Ins. ; 4 466 Stoiba Spaeth '09 Ins. 271 Stoichus Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Stoidis Simon '02 Araehn. 50 ( 28' STOK.— STREPTOM. Stokeia Buckman '04 Moll. 61 4 307 Stolella Annandale '09 Bry., Brach. 25 Stoliczkaia Boulenger 1890 Rept. ; Blauford Fauna Brit. India 354 Stolidoptera Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 283 Stolzenburgiella Bittner '03 Brach. 6 Stomachomyia Enderlein '10 Ins. 409 Stomafrontia Hampson '05 Ins. ; 5 1029 Stomatacanthus Renter '08 Ins. 398 Stomatolepas Pilsbry '10 Crust. 47 Stomatophora Brzeiuiecki '07 Prot. 50 Stomatosema Kieffer '05 Ins. 286 Stouiega Dalll^- Bartsch '04 Moll. 84 4 307 Stomonaxellus 7'schitscherine '01 Ins. 119 2 1004 Stonavus Reitter '04 Ins. ; 4 848 Stotzia Marchal '06 Ins. 425 Strabnps Beecher '01 Crust. 59 Strabops Jordan '04 Ins. 185 4 848 Stracena Sicinhoe '03 Ins. 274 3 732 Stracilla Anrivillius '10 Ins. 342 Stragauiopsis Baker '05 Ins. 319 Straliga Fairmaire '01 Ins. 136 1 1154 &:tramia Marshall "04 Ins. 181 4 848 Strandia Roewer '10 Araehn. 34 Streniastis Meyrick '04 Ins. ; 4 661 Strephochetus Seeley '04 Spong. 26 2 120 Strepsichlora Warren '07 Ins. 329 Strepsizuga Warren '08 Ins. 347 Streptartenion Kohelt '05 Moll. 58 5 580 Streptocephalellus Daday '10 Crust. 39 Streptocephalopsis Daday '10 Crust. 39 Streptocerella Andrusov '03 Moll. ; Tr. Soc. St. Petersb, xxxi 72 Streptocoiius Jenkm '08 Por. 7 Streptolathyrus Cussmann '01 Moll. SO Streptomytilus Kindle '05 Moll. 80 4 .•i07 ) STREPTOP.— STRUTHIOLARE. Streptopelma Cossmann '01 Moll. 86 Streptoprocne Oberholser '06 Aves 84 Streptnstylella Pilsbry '07 Moll. 141 Strig-ania Ilampson '05 Ins. 2(52 5 1029 Strigillaria Vest 1867 Moll.; Verh. Siebenb. Ver. xviii 195 Strigina Savirpii/ 1816 Lep. ; Mem. Anim. sans Vert. 33 Strigiphiliis Mjiiberg '10 Ins. 445 Strigiphlebia Hampson '09 Ins. 338 Strigogyps Gaillard '08 Aves 121 Strigopsis Bonaparte 1850 Aves ; Consp. Gen. Avium 8 Strigota Casey '10 Ins. 218 Stringops F«Hsc/i 1867 Aves; Papagelen 1233 Strobbsia Handlirsch '08 Ins. 418 Strobilothrix Becker '07 Ins. 866 Strobliella Klapdlek '03 Ins. 358 2 550 Strobliola Czerny '09 Ins. 381 Stromatidium Girty '08 Per. 7 Stromatoi'biza Bakoloiv '06 Ccel. 17 Strombocolumbus Cossmann '01 Moll. 87 Strombodes Sjobring '04 Prot. ; 4- SO Strombophorus Hayedorn '09 Ins. 281 Strombopsis Raff ray '04 Ins. 143 6 Ins. 215 Strongylidium Sterki 1878 Infusoria; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxi 58 Strongylochirus Bernhauer 147 '03 Ins. Strongylophora Dendif 5 287 Strongvlophthalmus Hendel 265 5 885 Strongvlophthalmyia Hendel 265 5 88b '05 Spong. 23 '02 Ins. '02 Ins. Stropbiella Jidlien ^• 15 Cahet '03 Bry. '07 CcbI. Strophograptus Ruedemann 21 4 122 Strotocera SchenUing '02 Ins. 145 2 1005 Strotometra Clark '09 Echin. 53 Struthiolarella Steinmann 8^ Wilckens '08 Moll. 92 STRUTHIOLARI.— STYLOCHOC. Struthiolariopsis Wilckens '04 Coel. 78 Struthiopteron Broch '10 Coel. 23 Struthisca Meyrick '05 Ins. 283 5 1029' Strymonidia Tutt '08 Ins. 319 Studeria Thomson '08 Coel. 27 Studeriotes Thomson t^ Sitnpsoti '09 Ccel. 24 Stummeria Biihrnig '08 Verm. 38 Sturanya Wagner '06 Moll. 79 Stygeromyia Austen '07 Ins. 372 Stygetoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 44 L Stygiathethis Hampson '09 Ins. 338 Stygiostola Hampson '08 Ins. 340 Stygne Handlirsch '06 Ins. 435 Stygnogonalos Schulz '07 Ins. 283 Stylarioides Claparede 1868 Verm. ; Stylartella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 357 Stylartura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 357 Stylatractara Haeckel 1837 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 328 Stylatractium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 331 Stylatractona Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 330 Stylatractylis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 329 Stylentodiscus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop Challenger xviii pt. 1, 413 Stylexodlscus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop, Challenger xviii pt. 1, 413 Stylobasis Hampson '01 Ins. 250 1 998 Stylobates Ball '03 Moll. 78 3 297 Stylobelemnoides Thomson Sf Henderson '05 Coel. 36 5 322 Stylocapsa Principi '09 Prot. 55 Styloceros Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 661 Stylochaeta Hlava '04 Verm. ; 4 183 Stylochlamys Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 514 Stylochlamyum Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt, 1, 515 Stylochocestus Laidlaiv '05 Verm. 56 5 381 ( 288 ) STYLOCHOI.— STYRA. Stylochoides Hallez '08 Verm. 38 Stylochrysalis Stein 1878 Flag, ; Organ, lufiisionsthiere iii Abth. 1 II. p. x Stylocoronis Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 982 Stylodictula Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 511 Stylodictjon Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 509 Stylohyalina Kirk '09 For. 8 Stylonethes Sterki 1 878 Infusoria ; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxi 57 Stylopalpia Hampson '01 Ins. 250 1 998 Stylopandalus Coutiere '05 Crust. 45 5 675 Stylophis Beiy '01 Rept. 24 Stylophorella Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 734 '02 Pisces 41 STYRI.— SUNN. Styrionautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Styripus Rajinesque 1814 Hydrozoa; Specchio Sci. ii 131 '05 Crust. 5G Stylophthalmus Brauer 2 1124 Stylopyxis Balachouzeff '10 Prot. 65 Stylorache Hampson '10 Ins. 361 Styloscolex MichaeUen '02 Verm. 42 2 239 Stylosphaeranthafi«ecA-e/ 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 133 Stylosphaerella i/«ecA-f/ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 135 Stylosphaerissa -H«ecA-e^ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 136 Stylosphaeromma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 137 Stylotellopsis Thiele '05 Spong. 24 Stylotrochiscus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 583 Stylotrochus Haeckel 1862 Rhizop. ; Radiolarien 462 ^ij\a& Johnston 1865 Nemertini; Cat. Non-parasit. Worms Brit. Mus. 4 Styphacus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 149 1 1155 Styphlosoma Blandford '04 Ins. 183 4 848 Stypophorticium ifaecA-e/ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 711 Styracoceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 55 3 297 Styracoteuthis 5 580 Crick '05 Moll. 56 Suarazia Budde-Lund 4 367 Subaeschna Martin '09 Ins. 414 Subafriua Sclioideden '07 Ins. 378 Subcallipterus Mordwilko (? 1894) '06 Ins. 424 Subcaulostrophus Flach '07 Ins. 252 Subglobulosa Wagyier '05 Moll. 79 Sublaevigata Wagner '05 Moll. 80 Submargarita Strebel '09 Moll. 73 Subnicoletia Silvestri '08 Ins. 435 Subpaugonia Surcouf '08 Ins. 374 Subprotula Bush '10 Verm. 52 Subpulchellia Hyatt '03 Moll. 55 3 298 Subtissotia Hyatt '03 Moll. 55 3 298 Succincta Wagner '05 Moll. 80 Suchumica Seninski '05 Moll. ; 5 581 Suctobelba Faoli '08 Arachu. 41 Sudania Hampson '01 Ins. 250 1 998 - Sudasina Distaiit '06 Ins. 418 ~ Sudra Distant '07 Ins. 396 Suffenus Distant '03 Ins. 330 3 546 Suidasia Oudemans '05 Arachn. 37 Suillomeles Allen ^ Barbour '09 Mamm. 75 SiUamita Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 699 Sulcator Bate 1854 Crust. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) xiii 504 Sulciurus Flach '07 Ins. 252 Sulcorinella Dall 4- Bartsch '04 Moll. 84 4 308 Sulpius Fairmaire '06 Ins. 240 Sumatrina Volz '03 Prot. 55 Sumba Bolivar '09 Ins. 426 Sundarion Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 336 4 520 Sundwarda Stoinhoe '01 Ins, 231 1 998 Suniogaster Reitter '09 Ins. 224 Suuniva Budde-Lund '05 Crust. 56 4 367 ( 289 ) u SUNT.-SYLVA. Rnntemuoiiycha Verinijuey '04 Ins. 155 4 848 Superflua Strand '10 Ins. 324 Suphalomitus Weele '08 Ins. 3^4 f\ Suracarta Schmidt '08 Ins. 404 Surculina Dull '08 Moll. 92 Surculoma Casey '04 Moll. 75 5 581 Surdisorex Thomas '06 Mamm. 65 Siirenus Distant '01 Ins. 278 Suruga Jordan 8f Siiifder '01 Pisces 22 1 12.35 Rusarion Cnmbridge 1900 Arachn. ; Proc. Dorset Field Club xxi 25 Sussaba Cameron '09 Ins. 295 Rustenodactvlus Lrdl '04 Kept, 33 5 181 _. Saturgana Osnnin '09 Ins. 396 /Suva Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 418 Snvalta Cameron '03 Ins. 238 4 734 Sva Enderlein '04 Ins. 344 4 466 Svavopsis Roule '07 Cnel. 24 Svilajites A7«/ '03 Moll. 55 Swantonia Walcott '05 Biacli. 8 O, 5 455 N* Swezeyia Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 418 Sybriacosoma Jacoby 1895 Col. ; Sybrinura Gahan '07 Ins. 258 Sycamina Van Tieyhem 1880 Flag. ; Bull. Soc. Bot. France xxvii 200 Sycaonia C«me;-on '03 Ins. 239 3 816 Sycocarpus Haeckel Spong. ; Sycocubus Haeckel Spong. ; Svcoscapterella Ashtncad '04 Ins. 232 4 734 Sycoscapteridea Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 734 Syfanoidea Bartel '03 Ins. 274 4 601 Sykesia Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Claseif. m^th. Echin. 88 Sykopbages Martin '03 Ins. 253 3 732 Syletria Rehn '05 Ins. 342 5 791 Syllegomydas Becker '06 Ins. 383 Syllocliitis Meyrick '10 Ins. 385 8vlvanocochlis Melcill '03 Moll. 70 3 298 ( ■ SYLVI.-SYNAC. Sylvia Scopoli 1769 Aves ; Annus i Hist. Nat. 154 Sylvisorex Thomas '05 Mamm. 34 5 483 Svmballoplilebia Handlirsch "04 Ins. 126 Symbatica Meyrick '10 Ins. 385 Symbiochara Fenyes '09 Ins. 224 Symbolistis Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 661 Symbos Osgood '05 Mainni. 42 Symminietis Turner '07 Ins. 329 Symmius Richardson '04 Crust. 41 ' 4 367 Symmolpis Turner '02 Ins. 231 2 783 Symmvrmica Wheeler '04 Ins. 217 ■5 1129 Sympaectria Hendel '09 Ins. 381 Sympasiphaea Alcock '01 Crust. 35 1 693 Sympediosoma Lea '07 Ins. 253 Sympbeidole Wheeler '04 Ins. 217 5 1129 Sympberobius Banks '06 Ins. 373 Sympliitopsyche Ulmer '07 Ins. 352 Svmpblebomis Hampson '05 Ins. 253 5 1029 Symplionistis Turner '04 Ins. 290 Syniphostetlius Schwarz '03 Ins. 173 3 959 STmpbvlax Horvdth '04 Ins. 321 4 520 Symphylella Silvestri '02 Myr. 11 Symphyloxiphus Behn '06 Ins. 447 Sympbj'lurinus Siloestri '09 Ins. 427 Svmpbyoblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Symphysius Broun '09 Ins. 229 Symphyta Turner '02 Ins. 219 2 783 Sympbytopbleps Warren '09 Ins. 345 Sympiesomorpha Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 Sympoda Sf ebbing 1900 Crust. ; Sympterura Bather '05 Echin. 86 5 352 Syniydobius Mordwilko 1894 Horn. ; Rab. Lab. Zool. Kab. Varsh. Univ. 54 Svnacanthotermes Holmgren "lO Ins. 446 290 ) SYNAG.— SYNER. SYNET.— SYNTEE. Synagelides Bosenberg ^' Strand '06 Arachn. 40 Synagoo-a Konnan Crust. ; Syoale MahiUe '04 Ins. 252 4 662 Syiiallagina Engel '07 Ins. 348 Synalpheiou Conrtiere '08 Crust. 43 iSyuapaua Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 418 Synapis Cockerell '07 Ins. 268 Synapte Mabdle '04 Ins. 252 4 662 Synapticola Mtdayd '04 Moll. 87 Synaptina Casey '10 Ins. 218 Synaptobotlnium V. Linstow '0.5 Verm. 62 4 168 Synaptoneura Konoiv '08 Ins. 309 SvuaptophvUum Simpson '01 Coel. 21 2 154 Synaptothrips Trybom '10 Ins. 443 Synaristus Portevin '07 Ins. 222 8ynarmadilloides Nobili 'U6 Crust. 46 Synarmoge Handlirsch '10 Ins. 450 Syncalama Ilampson '10 Ins. 361 Syncaligus Berlese '10 Arachn. 41 Svncampsocliirus Bernhaner '03 Ins. 147 Syncaris Holmes '01 Crust. 35 Syucarpiolynia Froyyatt '01 Ins. 290 Syncoptoblalta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 440 Syncreiiis Warren '06 Ins. 354 Syncrotus Berqroth 1895 Hem.; Proc. R. Soc."Vict. vii 292 Syncrotus Horvdth '10 Ins. 424 Syndactylosaura Werner '10 Kept. 29 Syndesmogenus Attems '09 Myr., Arachu. 55 Syndesmyella Sacco '01 Moll. 98 Svndetodes Warren '02 Ins. 240 2 783 Syndinium C'hatton '10 Prot. 68 Syndiplosis Riibsaamen '10 Ins. 393 Syudyoceras Barbour '05 Mamm. 43 5 483 Syndyograptus Ruedemann '08 Ccel. 23 Synecbocrvptus Schmiedeknecht '04 Ins.' 222 5 1129 '02 Syuellapus Fairmaire 3 959 Ins. lus. Synepbippius Navds '05 5 791 Synerytbrops Hansen '10 Crust. 32 Synetbes Stiles >^ Goldberyer '10 Verm. 34 Synetocepbalus Fall '10 Ins. 261 Syneura Brues '03 Ins. 315 3 584 Syngamoptera Schnabl '02 Ins. 263 2 643 Syngastrun Costa 1883 Crust. ; Syngenicus lierg 1883 Hera. ; Syngonovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 158 4 848 Syniscbiosoma Verhoef '10 Myr., Arachn. 53 Synocbodaeus Kolbe '07 Ins. 227 Synoecba Rothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 263 3 733 Synoecoides Ducke '05 Ins. 198 6 284 Synoestropsis JJlmer '05 Ins. 327 5 791 Synogdoa Auriviilius '04 Ins. 264 5 1029 Synophromorpba Ashnead '03 Ins. 244 4 734 Synortbus Broun '10 Ins. 224 Synotbele Simon '08 Arachn. 29 <3&5'nsillus Veirill '04 Vermes 32 l^ntames Foioler '05 Ins. 317 5 840 Svntarctia Hampson '01 Ins. 223 1 998 Syntarucboides Kaye '04 Ins. 251 4 662 Syntaxipbolis Brenske '03 Ins. 163 4 848 Synteratus Broun '09 Ins. 219 Syntermes Holmyreii '1 Ins. 446 Syntbalia Warren '02 Ins. 240 2 783 Syntheosciurus Bangs '02 Mamm. 34 2 1473 Syntbeta Twiier '02 Ins. 231 2 783 Syntbetocaulus Railliet Sf Henry '08 Verm. 42' Syntblipsis Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 400 Syntomaptera Fepper 1893 Orth. ; Syntomogaster Costa 1882 Crust. ; Syntomomelus Kokujew '02 Ins. 198 145 2 858 Syntonus 5m)v '10 Ins. 451 339 Syntozyga Lower '01 Ins. 252 1 999 Syntrechalea Cambridge '02 Arachn. 38 2 489 ( 291 ) T7 2 SYNTRI.— SYSTOLE. Syntrita Dognin '05 Ins. 277 5 1029 Syntropis Kraepelin '01 Arachn. 23 Syntypica Turner '05 Ins. 277 Syntypistis Turner '07 Ins. 312 Svnuropus Richardson '02 Crust. 56 \ 69.3 Syornis Reichenbnch 1852 Aves ; Nat. Syst. Vi3gel 34 Syplionodon Seeley '08 Kept. 34 v' Svphonopyj^e Bronn 1863 Gastrop. ; Klass. Ordn. Thier-Reichs iii 2, 799 Syracosphaera Lohmann '02 Prot. 82 2 105 Syrichthodontiis Feringuey '01 Ins. 138 1 1155 Syriclitomorphus Peringueg '01 Ins. 1.38 1 1155 Syringium Principi '09 Prot. 55 Syringoclemis Girty '10 Bry., Brach. 16 Syringocnema Taylor '10 Por. 10 Syringodes Redtenbucher '08 Ins. 426 Syringonavitilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Syringophora Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 396 Syringospira Kindle '09 Brach. 12 Syrites Tosquinet '03 Ins. 239 Syrnolina Dall Sf Bartsch '04 Moll. 84 4 308 Syromastus Berthold 1827 Hem.; Latreille Nat. Fani. Thierreichs 417 Syrorisa Simon '08 Arachn. 29 Syrrapliesina Raffray '03 Ins. 149 3 9.59 Syrrusis Hampson '08 Ins. 340 Syscioblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Sysciopblebia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 441 Sysciophthalmus Heller '06 Ins. 253 Sysolus Grouvelle '08 Ins. 233 Systasiota Walsingham '10 Ins. 385 Systatica Turner '04 Ins. 285 Svstaticospora Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 340 Systenocerus Wdse Col. ; Systenoplacis Simon '07 Arachn. 33 Systenopora Waters '03 Bry. 16 4 218 Systolederus Hancock '09 Ins. 426 ( SYSTOLO.— TAENIG. Systoloblatta Handlirsch '06 Ins, 442 Sj'stolodes Aiihmead 1888 Hym. ; Ent. Americana iv 42 Szepligetella Bradley '08 Ins. 300 ^ rr ABOCASA Distant '06 Ins. 418 ■^ Tabora Feringuey '02 Ins. 132 2 1005 Taboridia Strand '10 Ins. 326 Tachardinophagus Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 7.34 Tachardiella Cockerell '01 Ins. 294 1 823 Tachardina Cockerell '01 Ins. 294 1 823 Tachidiella Sars '09 Crust. 51 Tachinaephagus Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 734 Tachinisca Kertesz '03 Ins. 320 Tachinoestrus Grilnberg '06 Ins. 385 Tachuda Schaus '01 Ins. 224 1 999 Tachyblaston Martin '09 Prot. 64 Tachycines Adelung '02 Ins. 308 2 551 Tachygonidius Champion '07 Ins. 253 Tachynautes Oberholser '05 Aves 57 5 349 Tachynota Bernhauer '01 Ins. 124 Tachynothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 281 Tachyophonus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 119 2 1005 Tachypompilus Ashmead '02 Ins. 183 Tachypterellus Fall 8f Cockerell '08 Ins. 263 Tachyris Wallace 1867 Lap. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv 361 Tachytella Brauns '06 Ins. 288 Tachythereua Verhoeff '05 Myr. 8 5 739 Tachytypotherium Roth '03 Mamm. 40 Tachyusilla Casey '06 Ins. 208 Tachyusota Casey '06 Ins. 208 Tacuna Feckham '01 Arachn. 40 Tadumia Moore '02 Ins. 204 2 783 Taenigonalos Schultz '06 Ins. 303 292 ) TAENIO— TAMA. Ve> Taeniocvstis Lkjer '05 Prot. 68 * €> 5 273 Taeuiodumus Krause '02 Moll. 73 Taeniola Ball '04 Moll. 78 4 308 Taeniolliydra Herouard '08 Coel. 23 Taenionema Banks "05 lus. 331 7 404 Taenionema Bolivar '06 Ins. 445 Taenionema Eigenmann ^ Bean '07 Pisces 4y Taeniopodites Cockerell '09 Ins. 426 Taeniopsetta Gilbert '05 Pisces ; 5 117 Taeuiostigma Enderlein '01 Ins. 297 1 785 Taeuiotriccus Berlepsch !^- Hartert '02 Aves 54 2 1358 Tafana Simon '03 Araclm. 33 3 411 v. Taftia Ashmead '04 lus. 232 5 1130 Tagalisca Horvdth '04 Ins. 321 i^. J 4 oi'O ^,- Tagasta Bolivar '05 Ins. 342 5 791^ ^• Tagela Schaus '10 Ins. 224 1 999 Tagesoidea Redtetihachcr '08 Ins. 42G Taguliuus Simon "03 Araclm. 34 Talibmel i^o/'6Vra/ 1775 Pisces j Descript. Aninialium 45 Tainionautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Taipinga Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 840 Taivala Peckham '07 Arachn. 40 alaloa Distant '07 Ins. 390 Talavera Beckham '09 Aracbn. 37 Talifa Budde-Ltmd '08 Crust. ; Voeltz- kow Keise Ostafrica ii 281 Talitrorchestia Brandt 1851 Crust. ; Bull. CI. phys.-math. Ac. St. Petersb. ix col. 137 Tallium Ayidre '02 Ins. 183 3 816 Taloipa Buckton '07 lus. 392 / ■ Taloka Distant '07 Ins. 390 Talmeca Schaus '05 Ins. 253 5 1030 Talorchestia Dana 1852 Crust. ; Amer. J. Sci. (2) xvi 310 Tamara Uljanin 1870 Turbellaria ; Arb. Vers. Puss. Naturfosch., Vers. 2 H. 15 Tamarinus Trouessart '04 Mamm. 34 Tamasa Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 840 Tamasanka Distant '00 Ins. 397 ' -^ ( 293 TAMB.— TAO. Tambila Distant '07 Ins. 396 Tamboeria Seeleij '04 Kept. 33 Tambusa Distant '05 Ins. 182 5 1256 Tambusa Distant '08 Ins. 403 Tamena Reitter '01 Ins. 149 ; Tamina Gistl 1856 Ins. ; Mysterien Insektenwelt 31 Tamiops Allen '06 Mamm. 70 Tamolana Kuthy '10 Ins. 456 Tanadema Dyar '05 Ins. 254 5 1030 Tanaissus Norman ^ Scott '06 Crust, 44 Tanaocerus Brtmer '06 Ins. 453 Taucredus Distant '04 Ins. 329 4 520 Tanera Cameron '05 Ins. 214 Tangina Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 546 Tangiopsis Uhler '01 Ins. 287 2 600 Taugyria Uhler '01 Ins. 288 2 600 Tanita Bolivar '04 Ins. 362 4 466 Tanna Distant '05 Ins. 314 5 840 Tan qua Blanchard '04 Verm. 54 Tautia Distant '01 Ins. 419 Tanybelus Simon '02 Arachn. 50 Tauychastis 3Ieyrick '10 Ins. 385 Tanycoryphus Cameron '05 Ins. 221 5 1130 Tanygnatbinus Reitter '09 Ins. 224 Tanyjoppa Cameron '04 Ins. 222 4 734 Tanymastix Simon 1886 Crust. ; Tanymeles Konow '06 Ins. 312 Tanynotus Cameron '04 Ins. 235 4 734 Tanyoprymnus Cameron '05 Ins. 202 7 272 Tanyphatna Konow '06 Ins. 312 Tanyphatnus Cameron '05 Ins. 214 Tanyproctocera Reitter '03 Ins. 163 3 959 Tanysoma Broun '09 Ins. 259 Tanysomus Fairmaire '02 Ins. 157 2 1005 Tanyzethus Cameron '10 Ins. 274 Taoga Cameron '09 Ins. 299 Taona Distant '09 Ins. 397 Taosa Distant '06 Ins. 418 ) TAP.— TARI. Tapesia Bolivar '04 In?. 362 4 466 Taphanes Cmneron '03 lus. 239 3 816 Taphraster Foinel 1883 Ecliin. ; Classif. meth. i^chiu. 46 Tapliroci'aniim Ilorvdth '04 Ins. 321 4 520 Taplirodesmiis Sihestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 53 Taphrod(jta Casey '06 Ins. 208 Taphropygus Pomel ^ 1883 Echin. ; Classif. nieth. Echin. 59 Taphrorhinus Falnnaire '03 Ins. 191 3 960 Taphrospira Blamlford 'Oo Moll. 60 5 580 Taplirostoma Cann '09 Bry., Brack. 25 Tapiena Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Tapinella Enderlein '08 Ins. 414 [Tapinelytrum Heller '04 Ins. 4 848] Tapinogonalos Schulz '07 Iiis. 283 Tapinogyna Prout '10 Ins. 371 Tapiuomorphus Hartmann '04 Ins. 181 4 849 ^ Tapinotaspis Hohnbercj '04 Ins. 206 4 734 Tapinotlielella Strand '09 Araclin. 34 Tapir Blnmenhach 1779 Mamm.; Handb. Naturgescli. 129 Tapirella Palmer '03 Mamm. 39 3 384 Taprobane Bendy '05 Spong. 13 5 287 Taracliina Werner '07 Ins. 414 Tarachodia Weke '02 Ins. 169 2 1005 Taragmarcha Meyrick '10 Ins. 385 Tarauiassiis Giylio-Tos '07 Ins. 422 Taramellia Seguenza '03 Moll. 73 Taramelliceras Campana '04 Moll. (51 Taramellina Miinier-Chalmas 1891 Prot. ; Etude Tithonique Viceutin 17 Tarattostichns Ganglbauer '08 Ins. 264 Taraturus Kokiijev 1889 Hym. ; Tarchythorax Redlenbacher '08 Ins. '426 Tardeceras Hi/att % Smith '05 Moll. 58 5 581 Tariona Simon '02 Arachn, 51 ( TARS.— TECM. Tarsiph antes Strand '06 Arachn. 32 Tarsocheylus Berlese '05 Arachn. 37 5' 724 Tarsomvs Mearns '05 Mamm. 38 5 483 Tarsonemoides Tragdrdh '05 Arachn. 37 5 724 Tarsoplectrus Lull '04 Rept. 33 5 181 Tarytia Cameron '07 Ins. 280 Tasata Siinon '03 Arachn. 33 3 409 Tascheubergius Neumann '06 Ins. 428 Tasenia Snellen '01 Ins. 250 2 783 Tatacanthus Butler 1873 Arachn. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lend. 153 Taterillus Thomas '10 Mamm. 56 Tathicarpus Ogilby '07 Pisces 39 Tatrasoma Verhoeff '10 Myr., Arachn. Tatria Kowaleivski '04 Verm. 47 4 168 & '05 Verm. 58 Tatu Blnmexbach 1779 Mamm. ; Hand. Isatuig. 74 ^Tatva Distant '06 Ins. 418 Taupoa Peckltam '07 Arachn. 40 Taupodrilus Benham '03 Verm. 40 3 189 & 4 20] Tauraxinus Sacco '01 Moll. 100 Tauredon Handlirsch '10 Ins. 210 Tamiona Buckton '03 Ins. 344 3 546 Tanrongia Hogg '01 Arachn. 40 Tauriilus Gratzianotv '07 Pisces 40 Tavaresia Kieffer '01 Ins. 197 1 1051 Taxaria Weise '03 Ins. 209 Taxiarchus Bruner '05 Ins. 342 Taxicerella Casey '10 Ins. 218 Taxilepis Warren '03 Ins. 290 3 733 Taxorchis Fisehoeder '01 Verm. 53 Tayassus Ameghino '08 Mamm. 80 Teallicaris Peach '08 Ci'ust. 40 Teanopiis Merriam '03 Mamm. 33 3 384 Technophorus Branson '09 Crust. 28 Tecia Strand '10 Ins. 385 Tecmerium Walsinghant "07 Ins. 348 294 ) TECT.— TELLE. TELLI.— TENE. Tectopenthalodes Trdgardh '08 Amelia. 44 Tectnporus Carl '02 Myr. 21 Tectospira Picard '04 Moll. 85 2 350 & 4. aOS Tedla Walker 1869 Orth. ; Cat. Derm. Salt, ii 393 Teerahna Lucas '01 Ins. 255 Tefiiiida Bolivar '06 lus. 453 Teganium Rauff Spoug. ; Tegastes Norman '03 Crust. 54 3 360 Tegehothtirium Amec/hino '04 Mamm. 49 4 328 Tegella Levinsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 25 Tegoceras Ili/att '03 Moll. 55 3 298 Teicophrvs Morse ^- Brimer '01 lusi. 309 1 785 Teiuistiou Mojike '05 Crust. 78 4- 377 Teinopliaus Brimer '08 Ins. 433 Teinoptila Sauber '02 Ins. 250 2 784 V flTejasa Distant '06 Ins. 418 Teleclita Turner '03 Ins. 274 3 733 Teledouia Dull "02 Moll. ; 2 350 Teleidosaurus Deslongchanips 1809 Rept. ; liiill. !Soc. Linn. Nor- mand. iii 142 Telenomeuta Warren '03 Ins. 290 3 733 Teleocoris Kirkaldy '10 Ins. 419 Teleorhinus Osborn '04 Rept. 29 5 181 Telerda Cameron '06 Ins. 302 Telescopias Jordan 4" Snyder '01 Pisces 18; 1 1235 / Telesinus Fairmaire '03 Ins. 182 3 960 Telespasta Swinhoe '00 Ins. 362 OTeletusa Distant '08 Ins. 407 Teleuscolex Michaelsen '03 Verm. 40 1 533 Teleutemnesta Kolmbercj '04 Ins. 206 4 734 Teleutoreutiis Michaelsen '03 Veroi. 41 3 190 Telingana Distant '07 Ins. 392 Teliochilus Cossmann '08 Moll. 92 Teliuba Case,/ "06 Ins. 208 Telleus Fairmaire "03 Ins. 181 Telliuocyclas Dall '03 Moll. 83 Telmaphilus Becker '08 Ins. 369 Telmatodon nigrini '07 Mamni. 70 Telmatometra Bergroth '08 Ins. 397 Telmatosaurus Nopcsa '03 Rept. 27 3 139 Telmatoscopus Eaton '04 Ins. 302 4 55U Teloclerus Schenklinq '03 Ins. 177 3 960 Telomyxa Leyer i^- Hesse '10 Prot. 62 Telostoma Orsted 1843 Turbellaria; Nathist. Tidsskr. iv 547 Telphusograpsus Lorenthey '01 Crust. •6o & "03 Crust. 32 3 361 T^lys Champion '02 Ins. 158 2 1005 Temeculina Cockerell '09 Pisces 39 Teujelucha Meyrick '09 Ins. 354 & , '10 Ins. 385 Vxemesa Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 546 Temnocrinus Sprinyer '02 Ecbin. 87 Temnodera Hojie 1837 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 0'2 Temuoloplia Loioer '10 lus. 252 1 999 Temnoptera Bethnne-Baker '08 Ins. 340 Temnoripais Bothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 264 3 733 Temnospira Perner '04 Moll. 85 Temnostega Enderlein '05 Ins. 134 5 1256 Teinnotrionyx Hay '08 Rept. 32 CTemora Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 288 Temorites Sars '02 Crust. 69 Tenaga Clemens 1862 Lep. ; Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad. i 135 Teuagovelia Kirkcddy '08 Ins. 397 Tenaphalara Kuwayama '08 Ins. 408 Tendipes Meiye?i 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mouches 17 Teuebrioloma Gebien '10 Ins. 239 Tenebriomimus Kolbe '01 Ins. 149 Tenerella Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 445 Teneriffa Becker '08 Ins. 377 Teneroides Gahan '10 Ins. 236 Teneromimus Gahan "10 Ins. 236 ( 29.5 ) TENG.— TERMITOC. TERMITOD.— TESSAROS. Tengella Bahl '01 Arachn. 40 2 489 Tenthredella Rohwer '10 Ins. 310 Tenthredina RoMoer '10 Ins. 310 Tenthrenodes Jenkin '08 Pov. 7 Tentorium Vosmaer 1885 Spoiip;'. ; Bronn's Thier-Reich, Poiifera 329 Tentyrina Reitter '01 Ins. 149 3 960 Tentyronota Reitter '01 Ins. 149 3 960 Tenuitarsus Bolivar '04 Ins. 362 4 466 Teorotrium Fairmaire '01 Ins. 162 Tephraeoserica Brenske "01 Ins. 136 Tephrolamia Fairmaire '01 Ins. 162 Tepperia Lea '03 Ins. 191 3 960 Teras Bernhauer '05 Ins. 142 5 1256 Terasota Casey '06 Ins. 208 Teratausta Hatnpson '03 Ins. 296 3 734 Teratauxta Hering '01 Ins. 250 Teraticura Chilton 1883 Crust. ; Teratobaikalia Lindholm '09 Moll. 73 Teratoneura Dudyeon '09 Ins. 316 Teratoneura Roppius '10 Ins. 423 Teratophthalma Sticliel '09 Ins. 314 Teratorhynclius Reed '03 Crust. 65 Teratornis Miller '09 Aves 108 Terebellina Vlrich '04 Verm. ; 4 201 Terebraliopsis Cossmann '08 Moll. 92 Teredorus Hancock '00 Ins. 453 Terenotriccus Ridyioay '07 Aves 119 Teridates Chaynpion '03 Ins. 191 3 960 Terioltes Champion '03 Ins. 191 3 960 Teripelus Heller '09 Ins. 259 Terires Champion '02 Ins. 158 2 1006 Termiculus Blmnenbach 1788 Moll. ; Hand. Naturg. ed. 3, 433 Termitacarus Tr cigar dh '06 Arachn. 48 Termitadelphos Holmgren '05 Ins. 292 5 885 Termitaphis Wasmann '02 Ins. 288 Termitidium Westivood 1854 Neur. ; Quart. J, Geol. Soc. 394 TermitococcuE Silvestri '01 Ins. 294 1 823 ( "" Termitodeipnus Enderlein '08 Ins. 378 Terniitodesmus Silvestri '10 Myr., Arachn. 54 Termitodipteron Holmgren '05 Ins. 292 5 886 Termitogeton Desneux '04 Ins. 346 Termitoiceus Silvestri '01 Ins. 125 1 1155 Termitomastus Silvestri '01 Ins. 257 1 870 Termitomimus Tragd,rdh '07 Ins. 217 Termitomyia Wastnann '01 Ins. 269 1 870 Termitonannus Wasmann '02 Ins. 117 4 849 Termitophorba Forster '06 Ins. 433 Termitophya Wasmann '02 Ins. 117 Termitopsenius Was7nann '02 Ins. 117 4 849 Termitoptochus Silvestri "10 Ins. 218 Termitosius Silvestri '01 Ins. 125 1 1165 Termitotelus Wasmann '08 Ins. 226 Termi to thymus Silvestri '01 Ins. 125 1 il55 [Termitoxenia Wasma7in '01 Ins. 1 870] Termitozophilus Silvestri '01 Ins. 125 1 1150 Termitusa Wasmaim '05 Ins. 142 6 212 Ternidens Railliet ^- Henry '09 Verm. 43 Terpnochlorus Fairmaire '04 Ins. 195 4 849 Terpnomyia Hendel '09 Ins. 381 Terpolepis M'Clelland 1845 Pisces ; Calcutta J. Nat. Hist, v 225 Tersomia Kirby '04 Ins. 357 4 466 Terupis Simoti '04 Arachn. 32 4 411 Tessarasparium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 835 Tessaraspidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 838 Tessarastrella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. j Challenger xviii pt. 1, 547 Tessarochaeta Bezzi '06 Ins. 389 Tessaromerus Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 394 Tessarostromma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 648 96 ) TESSAROT.— TETRALE. Tessarotis Warren '03 Ins. 290 3 734 Tessellarctia Hampson '01 Ins. 224 1 999 Tessellota Hatnpson '01 Ins. 224 1 999 Tesserocerus Saunders 1836 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 155 Testricoides Sckouteden '05 Ins. 304 5 840 Tetanocentria Jiebel '02 Ins. 250 2 784 Tetanonema Ulmer '05 Ins. 327 5 791 Tetanopsis Brady '10 Crust. 43 Tethueus Scudder 1882 Arachn. ; Tetillopsis Schrammen '10 Por. 7 Tetracampe -F«e/-s^e;- 1841 Hyni. ; Beitr. Mon. Pteromal. Hft. 1, 34 Tetracanthellipsis Squinahol '03 Prot. 57 Tetracanthus Popofsky '07 Prot. 49 Tetracarcinus Weller '05 Crust. 37 & '00 Crust. 36 Tetraceratops Matthew '08 Kept. 30 Tetrachlora Schrottky '09 Ins. 283 Tetrachroa Rothschild ^- Jordan '03 Ins. 264 3 734 Tetracme Hampson '02 Ins. 231 2 784 Tetraconus Szepligeti '03 Ins. 241 3 817 Tetracranastrum Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 552 Tetracryptocheilus Zavattari '07 Ins. 272 Tetracubus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 994 Tetracystis Schuchert '04 Echin. 95 5 353 Tetradelus Fauvel '04 Ins. 138 6 212 Tetradidemnum Z)f /to Falle 1881 Moll. ; Tetradiplosis Kieffer '10 Ins. 393 Tetraedophrya Zykoff '02 Prot. 87 1 443 Tetragonites Kittl '04 Moll. 61 Tetragonocephalum Shipley ^ Horncll '05 Verm. 58 5 381 Tetraleurodes Cockerell '02 Ins. 289 2 600 ( 29 TETRALL.— TETTIE. Te trail us Bernhauer '05 Ins. 142 5 1256 Tetramedon Casey '05 Ins. 142 7 Ins. 219 Tetramereia Klages '07 Ins. 227 Tetramyxa Gnehel 1884 Rhizop. ; Flora ixvii 517 Tetraneraopteryx Ashtnead '04 Ins. 232 4 734 Tetraneura Patch '10 Ins. 438 TetranvcJioides Banks '04 Arachn. 47 5 724 Tetraphalerus Waterhouse '01 Ins. 145 1 1155 Tetraphotopsis Ashtnead '03 Ins. 227 Tetraplasta Ashmead '03 Ins. 244 4 735 Tetraplax Rathbun '01 Crust. 26 2 429 Tetraprothomo Ameghino '07 Mamm. 56 Tetrapurena Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa; Uenkschr. Ges. Jena i 23 Tetrapylissa Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 644 Tetrapylura Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 046 Tetrarthra Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 209 Tetrascolia Ashmead '03 Ins. 227 Tetraselmis Stein 1878 Flag.; Organ. Infusiousthiere iii Abth. 1 H. p. X Tetrasmicra Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 735 Tetraspidoptera Speiser '02 Ins. 241 2 784 Tetrastichus Holiday 1843 Hym. : Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii 297 Tetratrichomonas Parasi '10 Prot. 65 Tetraulax Jordan '03 Ins. 200 3 960 Tetrentodon Pilsbry '03 Moll. 62 Tetrisse Aurivillius '07 Ins. 258 Tetrochlerus Breddin '04 Ins 319 4 620 Tetroniscus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 487 Tetropina Klapdlek '09 Ins. 411 Tetropsis Coquillett '10 Ins. 410 Tetrorchis Bigelow '09 Coel. 20 Tettiella Hancock '09 Ins. 427 '' 7 ) TETTIG.— THALA. Jacobi '04 Ins. 336 Breddin '02 Ins. 285 339 Tettigoniella 4 520 r Tettifroscarta ^ 3 546 Tettilobus Hancock '09 Ins. 427 Teiitates Dzs^aw?; '09 Ins. 387 Teuthowenia Chun '10 Moll. 96 Teuthroides Bolivar '05 Ins 5 792 Teutomanis Ameyhino '05 Manim. 46 Teutonia Verhoeff '10 Ins. 459 Texania Casey '09 Ins. 239 Texas Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 520 '02 Ins. 131 THALE.— THAUMAS. Tbaleius Finot '08 Ins. 433 Thalenessa Baird 1866 Verm. ; J. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix 34 Thalenessa APLitoah 1885 Verm. ; Challenger xii 139 Thalthybius Atf.enDi '01 Myr. 12 Thammaca Shnon '02 Arachn. 51 Thamnocausta Warren '03 Ins. 290 3 734 Thamnodictya Hall Spong. ; Thamnoecha Rothschild Sf Jordan '03 Ins. 204 3 734 Thamnomys Thomas ^- WroiujhtoJi '07 Mamm. 65 Thamnophryne Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 397 Thabina Perinyuey '02 Ins. 131 Thanata *Vw«m 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. 2 1006 '^^^- ^I'^ig''^- 401 Thaerodontis McClelland 1845 Pisces -^^ Thanatochlamys AVrA;fl% '07 Ins. 390 Calcutta J. Nat. Hist, v 174 ^^ Thanatodictya Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 418 Thagria Melichar '03 Ins. 346 3 546 Thakombaua Pllsbry '10 Moll. 84 /^ Thalainodes Loiver '02 Ins. 241 V Thalamarchis Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4 663 '05 Verm. 56 Thalamoplana Laidlaw 5 381 Thalassicollarium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 18 Thalassicollidium Haeckel 1887 Rhi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 20 Thalassiocaris Stinijisoti Crust. ; Thalassiosolen Wolfenden '02 Prot. 73 Thalassisobates Verhoeff '08 Myr., Arachn. 51 Thalassometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Thalassoplanes Dall '08 Moll. 92 Thalassopterus Kivetniowski '10 Moll. 77 Thalassothamnus Hacker '06 Prot. 42 Thalassoxanthella Haeckel 1887 Rhi-^ zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 31 / c Thalassoxanthomnia Haeckel 1887 Rhi. zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 33 Thalattosaurus Merriam '04 Rept. 32 6 '05 Rept. 36 & '07 Rept. 31 Thalattoscopus Kirkaldy '05 Ins. 319 5 840 Thalattnsuchia Fraas '01 ; Rept. u 1 1276 ( 2!)8 Thanatophantia Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 520 Thanatophara Kirkaldy "04 Ins. 332 4 520 Thapsinillas Oberholser '05 Aves 66 Tharra Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 422 Tharrhias Jordan ^- Branner '08 Pisces 49 Tharybis Sars '02 Crust. 69 2 430 Thascia Cameron '04 Ins. 223 4 735 Thaurnaina Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 319 Thaumalea Templefon 1836 Crust. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 186 Thaumapsylla Eothschild '07 Ins. 377 Thaumasia Wesierhmd '03 Moll. 62 Thaumastaneis Kirkaldy ^- Edmotids '02 Ins. 272 4 520 Thaumastiellus Schivarz '02 Ins. 140 2 1006 Thaumastocera Griinbery '00 Ins. 382 Thaumastochiton Thiele '09 ]\loll. 61 Thaumastocoris Kirkaldy '08 Ins. 396 Thaumastodictva Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 283 2 600 ' Thaumastuniiris Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 600 Thaumastophleps Settz '08 Ins. 330 Thaumastosaurus De Stefano '04 Rept. Thaumastotheri uni Kirkaldy 396 "08 Ins. THAUMAT.— THEMEL. THEMER.— THERIDIO Thaumatelson Walker 'OG Crust. 49 Thauniatepvris Kieffer '10 Ins. 306 Thaumatocypris Mailer '06 Crust. 59 Tliauuiatodrvinus Perkins '05 Ins. ^25 5 1130 Thaumatographe Warren '07 Ins. 330 Thaumatonietra Clark '08 Echin. 29 Thaumatoptyx rUshry '08 Moll. 105 y^ Thaumatoscopus Kirkahli/ '00 Ins. 422 Thaumatoscyphus Kisltinouyc '10 Coel. 20 Thaumatoxena Breddin ^- Bbrner '04 Ins. 315 4 520 Thaumatoxenia Kirhy '09 Ins. 423 Thaumaturgus Distaiit '09 Ins. 395 Thauiuonectes Sem^a '04 Crust, 46 5 676 Thayeria Eiyenmann '09 Pisces 41 Thebanus Uistajit '03 Ins. 330 3 546 Thecacineta Collin '09 Prot. 64 Thecladoris Gounelle '09 Ins. 266 Tbecliola Strand '10 Ins. 324 Thecocyathus Jaensch '02 Coel. 30 Theconyx Annandale '06 liept. 32 5 181 Thecoptenis S^nith '07 Pisces 40 Thecosphaerantha Haeckel 1887 IJlii- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 78 Thecospbaerella Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 80 Tbecospbaerina Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ! Challenger xviii pt. 1, 81 Tbecospbaeronuna Haeckel 1887 Rbi- zop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 81 Tbecospirella Bittner '01 Bracb. 12 Tbecurus Lyon '07 Mamm. QQ Tbegilis Champion '05 Ins, 177 5 1256 Theiosia Lucas '02 Ins. 250 2 785 Theledera Linton '10 Verm. 34 Tbelegnatbns Broom '05 Rept. 37 Tbelepus Leuckart 1849 Verm. ; Tbeletruni Linton '10 Verm. 34 Tbeloris Stal 1864 Hem. ; Hem. Afri- cana i 172 Tbelxinoa Turner '02 Ins. 231 2 785 Thelychaeta Brauer '01 Ins. 271 Tbeniacrys Simon '06 Arachn. 29 Themeliotis Meyrick '10 Ins. 385 ( 29 Tbenierastis Tinner '03 Ins. 274 3 734 Tbemesion Godman '01 Ins. 210 1 1000 Theneopsia Schravunen '10 Por. 7 Tbeobaldia Neveu-Lemaire '02 Ins. 256 Theocampana Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1422 Tbeocamptra Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1424 Theocapsetta Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1426 Theocapsilla Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1427 Tbeocapsomma Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1428 Tbeocapsura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1430 Tbeocopterus Smith '04 Pisces 30 Theocorax Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1399 Theocorbis Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1401 Theocoronium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1415 Thrncorusca Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1407 Theocorypha Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1405 Theocorytbium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challeuger xviii pt. 2, 1416 Tbeodiscoma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 414 Theodiscura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 415 Theognete Champion '02 Ins. 158 2 1006 Theracmion Holmgren 1872 Hym. ; Theramenes Stdl 1875 Ortb. ; Recensio Ortb. iii 76 Therapnis Meijrick '10 Ins. 385 Tberates Sellards '07 Ins. 404 Thereuonema l^erhoeff" '04 Mvr. 10 4 422 Thereuopoda Verhoef '04 Myr. 10 4 422 Thereuopodina Verhoeff '05 Myr. 8 5 739 Tberidiella Tullgren '10 Arachn. 26 Theridio Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 165 J' ) THERIDION.— THOLOC [JBI. THOLOCUBU.— THORACOL. Theridionexus Petrunkevltch '10 Arachn. 26 Tlierinopsilus Eieffer '09 Ins. 302 Thermagrion Forster '06 Ins. 432 Thermauge Hainpson '06 Ins. 362 Thermia Hutton '04 Moll. 64 4 808 Therraochrous Hampso7i '10 Ins. 342 Thermus Distant '09 Ins. 395 Theroa Schaus '01 Ins. 224 1 1000 [Therpis Weise '01 Ins. 1 lloo] Thersitia ScJuniedeknecht '10 Ins. 294 Thes Semenov '10 Ins. 223 Thescelociclila Oberlioher '05 Aves 67 Thescelus Hay '08 Rept. 31 Thesioides Thomson ^' Henderson '07 Ccel. 24 Thesius Broun '09 Ins. 260 Thetisella Baird 1868 Annelida; J. Liun. Soc. X 247 Thetomys Thomas '10 Mamm. 56 Theumella Strand '06 Arachn. 30 Thianella Stra7id '07 Arachn. 40 Thianitara Simon '03 Arachn. 38 ^h.\ii\\& Rajinesque 1815 Crust.; Analyse Nat. 101 Thiemella Williams '08 Brach. 17 Thienemannia Kieffer '09 Ins. 364 Thinobiellus Bernhauer '10 Ins. 218 Thinodrouiia Melander '06 Ins. 384 Thinophilus Rey 1879 Col. ; Thioscelis Meyrick '09 Ins. 354 Thiotricha Metjrick '04 Ins, 296 4 663 Thlaspidosoma Simeth '01 Ins. 170 1 1155 Thlaspidula Spaeth '01 Ins. 170 1 1155 Thnetus Handlirsch '04 Ins. 125 4 466 Thoelaos Delia Valle 1893 Crust.; Fauna Flora Golf. ISeapel Monogr. 20, 592 Tholartella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 664 Tholartissa Haeckel 1887 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 665 Tholiastrella Hinde Spong. ; Tholocubitus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 678 Tholocnbuliis Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 677 Tholomantha Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 672 Tholomura Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 672 Tholonetta Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 678 Tholonilla Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 679 Tholopora Gregory '09 Bry., Brach. 26 Tholospirema Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 699 Tholospironium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 700 Tholospvridium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1079 Tholospyrium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1078 Tholostain'antha-ff«ec'A-i?/ 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 670 Tholostauronia Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 671 Tholus Strebel "09 Moll. 82 Thomashuxleya Ameghino '01 Mamm. 37 Thomasia Poche '08 3Iamm. 84 Thomasia Riihsaamen '10 Ins. 393 Thomasia Wilson '10 Ins. 438 Thomasites Fervinquiere '08 Moll. 127 Thomeouanina Gernaiin '10 Moll. 84 Thomiux Dujardin 1845 Yerm. ; Hist. Nat. Helminth. 22 Thomisa Simon 1864 Arachn. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 431 Thomora Baird 1865 Verm. ; Thomosis Broun '04 Ins. 133 4 849 Thompsonula Scott '05 Crust. 69 5 676 Thomsenia Strehel '10 Moll. 84 Thomsnneonvnius Desbrochers '02 Ins. 158 5 1257 Thonastica Simon '09 Arachn. 31 ?iThoodzata Distant '07 Ins. 393 Thoosa Hancock 1849 Spong. ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, iii 345 Thoracocharax Fowler '07 Pisces 51 Thoracochirus Bernhauer '03 Ins. 147 3 960 Thoracolophotos Bethune- Baker '06 Ins. 343 ( 300 ) THORACOS.— THYA. , THYE. — THYSANOB. Thyenillus Simon '10 Aracbn. 31 Thyeiuila Simo7i '02 Araclm. 51 3 410 6 Thoracostoma Marion Verm. ; Tlioracotes Handlirsch '06 Ins. 271 Thoradonta Hancock '09 lus. 427 Tliore Koch 1850 Arachn. ; Uebers. Aracbnidsyst. v ^Q Tborelliiia Bcnj 1889 Aracbn. ; Coimin, Mus. Buenos Aires i 77 Tboricbtbys Meek '04 I'isces 35 4 88 Tboriosa Simon '10 Aracbn. 29 Tboronysis Ilandlirsich '06 Ins. 435 Tborospbaera Oste^ifeld '10 Prot. 67 t^ Thymalloides Berff '08 Pisces 49 Thoscov^ Schaus m In,. 2^o 5 iq.SI O.Tbymbris A>^«/r7y 07 Ins. 397 Tbotmes Cambridge '01 Aracbn. 40 Tbj mebatis ^W^^/... '09 Ins. 295 1 742 Tbranitica Meyrick '08 Ins. 359 Tbrauius Pascoe 1859 Cob ; Tr. Ent. Tbylacoj)letbus Coutiere '02 Crust. 2 430 Tbylecbinus Potnel ^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. m^tli. Ecbin. 91 Tbylogaster Stiles ^- Goldberg er '10 Verm. 34 Tbylosalenia Pomel ^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecbin. 102 Soc. Lond. V 22 Tbrasymedes Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 336 4 520 Tbreticus Eaton '04 Ins. 302 4 556 Tbriambeutes Griinberg '06 Ins. 382 Tbriambeutis Meyrick '10 Ins. 385 Tbritropvgus Pomel ^ 1883 Ecbin. ; Classif. metb. Ecliin. 59 Tbrinacopbora Ridley 1885 Spong, ; Cballenger E.vped., Narrative i 2, 572 Tbrinacopbora Hoemer Spong. ; Tbripomorpba Enderlein '05 Ins. 293 5 886 Thriscotborax Sharp '03 Jns. 141 3 961 Tbrissacantbias Fisher '10 Ecbin, 46 Tbrogonius Fairmaire '01 Ins. 157 3 961 Tbrombus Oudemans '04 Aracbn. 47 6 '05 Aracbn. 38 5 724 Tbrymoserica Brenske '01 Ins. 136 Tbrvorcliilus Oberholser '04 Aves 57 4 245 Tburingionautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Tburmanniceras Cossmann '01 Moll. 69 Tburselinus Distant '04 Ins. 330 4 520 Thyatiriua Hampson '10 Ins. 362 Thyatirodes Ilampson '09 Ins. 338 ( 301 Tbymiatris Meyrick '07 Ins. 348 Tbynuicola Miculicich '04 Crust. 52 4 367 Tbynnidea Ashmead '03 Ins. 227 Tbynnoturneria Rohiver '10 Ins. 281 Tbyonea Dyar '10 Ins. 342 Tbyonepsolus Clark '10 Ecbin. 69 1 477 Tbyrarctia Hampson '01 Ins. 224 1 1000 Tbyreois Blackburn '04 Ins. 152 '4 849 Tbyreopborella Hendel '10 Ins. 414 Tbyreospbex Ashmead '04 Ins. 213 Tbyreotbremnia Holmberg '04 Ins. 206 4 735 Tbyrestra Hampson '05 Ins. 262 5 1051 Thyridates Navds '08 Ins. 364 Tbyridopteryx Stephens 1834 Lep. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 77 Tbyridopyralis Dyar 1 1000 '01 Ins. 250 '04 Ins. 362 Tbyriptilon Bruner 4 466 '^hyrocephalus Kirkaldy '06 Ins. 419 Tbyromobs Hampson '01 Ins. 224 1 1000 Tbyrsostoma Meyrick '07 Ins. 349 Thysanicbtbys Jordan ^' Starks '04 Pisces 30 4 88 Tbysanina Sitnon '10 Aracbn. 29 Tbysanoblatta Kirby '03 Ins. 369 3 482 Tbysanobotbrium Shipley S; Hornell '06 Verm. 32 THYSANOC— TILE. Thysanocara Regan 'OG Pisces 52 Thysanocraspeda Waneti '04 Ins. 285 4 1563 Thysanoctena Warren '04 Ins. 285 4 663 Thysanoo-raptus Elle$ &,- Wood '08 Coel. 23 Thysanolytoceras Buckman '05 Moll. 58 5 581 Thysanomastix Perkins '07 Ins, 288 Thysauometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Thysanotricha Warren '03 Ins. 291 TILL. -TIPULI. '05 Ins. 3 734 Thysbina Weise '02 Ins. 169 2 1006 Thysdariiis Raffraij '04 Ins. 143 Tianella Attems '04 Myr. 13 4 422 Tiarabothriura Shipley ^ Hornell '06 Verm. 32 Tiarella Pomel 1883 Ecliin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 104 Tiarella Trinci '06 Ccel. 17 Tiaricodon Broivne '02 Coel. 19 2 154 Tiaridia Fojnel 1883 Fchin. ; Classif. meth, Echin. 97 Tiarodurganda Breddin '03 Ins. 337 3 546 Tiaromma Po??ie/ 1883 Echin.; Classif, meth. Elchin. 105 Tiaropsidiuiii Torrey '09 Coel. 20 Tiarotropus Po??ie^ 1883 Echin.; Classif. m(5th. Echin. 82 Tibellinus Simon '10 Arachn. 28 Tibellomnia Simon '03 Arachn. 33 Tihiocillaria Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 343 Tibitanus Simon '07 Arachn. 37 Tichastraea Bronn 1859 Scyphozoa ; Klass. Ordn. Thier-Reich. ii 51 Tichodromas Olphe-Galliard 1888 Aves ; Contvib. Fauna Oruith. Europe occ. Fasc. xxiii 31 Tichonia Semenow '04 Ins. 132 4 849 Ticra Bolivar '09 Ins. 427 Tignisphaera Popofsky '06 Prot. 42 Tigraliauda Oshanin '08 Ins. 402 Tilesina Schmidt '05 Pisces 35 5 118 Tillodenops Hintz '05 Ins. 162 5 1257 Tilluma AndrS '02 Ins. 183 Tilmadoche Fries 1849 Rhizop. ; Summa Vegetab. Scandinav. ii 454 Timarchella Jacohy '04 Ins. 195 4 849 Timarchopsis Ganglhauer 1889 Col.; Timasius Distant '09 Ins. 389 Timeparthenus Silvestri '01 Ins. 125 1 1155 ^ Timoconia Strand '09 Ins. 317 '^ Timodema Ball '09 Ins. 399 Tinioides Bigelotv '04 Coel. ; 4 122 Timomenus Burr '07 Ins. 408 Timona Hartlauh '09 Coel. 20 Timorechinus Wanner '10 Echin. 42 Timorella Beryh '05 Moll. 69 5 581 Timorella Gerth '09 Por. 7 Timorodes Meyrick '02 Ins. 231 2 786 Timotheus Distant '03 Ins. 337 3 546 Timuria Horvdth '03 Ins. 327 3 547 Tineites Germar 1843 Xeur. ; Tineites Knwall 1876 Lep. ; Tiueomorpha Enderlein '06 Ins. 427 Tinorastia Hampson '01 Ins. 250 1 1000 Tinestra Hampson '08 Ins. 352 Tingania Bergroth '09 Ins. 385 Tinginotum Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 600 Tingnpa Chamberlin '10 Myr., Arachn. 54 Tiniocellus Perinquey '01 Ins. 134 1 115t) Tinobregmus Van Duzee 1894 Horn. ; Bull. Buttklo Soc. V 213 Tinolestes Coquillett '05 Ins. 292 7 362 Tinosis Weise '08 Ins, 275 Tinostoma Rothschild ^ Jordan '03 Ins. 264 3 734 Tintinnabulura Midler 1861 Hydrozoa ; Arch, Naturg, xxvii (i) 307 Tinus Cambridge '01 Arachn, 41 1 742 Tipulifornia Kenrick '07 Ins. 334 ( 302 ) TIPULO.— TOE. TOG. - TORET Tipulophion Kriechbauer '01 Ins. 191 1 1051 Tirolonautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Tmx\».c& Swinhoe '01 Ins. 231 1 1000 Tiryus Eirhaldy '0-3 Ins. 339 4 520 Tisa Clark '07 Aves 134 Tisias Godman '01 Ins. 210 1 1000 Tissanjja Aurivillius '02 Ins. 220 2 78G Titana Budde-Ltmd '09 Crust. 39 Titania Meigen 1800 Dipt.; Nouv. Class. Mouches 35 Titanidiops Simon '03 Arachn. 22 Titanodictya Handlirsch '06 Ins. 434 Titanolabis Burr '10 Ins. 451 Titanoptilus Havipson '05 lus. 278 5 1031 Titanosoma Verhoejf '10 Myr., Arachn, 54 Tithanis Casei/ '06 Ins. 209 Tithonia Po7nel 18S3 Ecliiu. ; Classif. meth. Ecliin. 49 Titia Mei(/en 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mouches 38 Titus Camhridge '01 Araclui. 41 1 742 Titusella Cockerell '06 Ins. 279 Tivia Walker 1869 Orth. ; Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. 153 Tjaltiella Mortensen '10 Coel. 27 Tlaocera Peringuey '04 Ins. 155 4 849 Tlascalinus Casey '07 Ins. 243 Tmesothynnus Turner '10 Ins. 282 Tmeticides Strand '07 Arachn. 36 Tmetolophota Hainpsoii '05 Ins. 263 5 1032 Tmetoniorpha Warren '04 Ins. 286 4 663 Toaeschna Foerster '05 Ins. 332 Tocama lieitter '03 Ins. 164 3 961 Tocris Broun '04 Ins. 181 Toechoraya Clarke '04 Moll. 91 Toeniodus Pomel 1853 Mauim. ; Cat. meth. Vert. foss. 36 Togo Beryroth '06 Ins. 397 iC^ogoda Melichar '06 Ins. 419 Togoda Matsumura ^ Shiraki '08 Ins. 430 Tokea Betiham '05 Verm. 50 5 440 Tolbia Cameron '08 Ins. 299 Tole Ortmann '01 Crust. 40 Toledonia Dall '02 Moll. 69 Tolmaia Williams '08 Moll. 119 Toluiarchus Ridyway '07 Aves 119 Tolmera Warren '03 Ins. 291 3 735 Tolypamuiiua Rhumbler '03 Prot. ; 3 88 Tolypeceras Hyatt '03 Moll. 55 3 298 Tolj'-poides Grandidier ^ Neveu-Lemaire '06 Mamm. 82 5 483 Tomarops Grouvclle '03 Ins. 156 3 901 Tomaspisina Distant '09 Ins. 401 Tomeurus Eiyenmann '09 Pisces 38 Tomicosaurus C'a-se '07 Rept. 33 Tomis Cambridye '01 Araclin. 41 1 742 Tomistoma Milller 1846 Rept. ; Arch. Naturg. i 122 Tomocichla Began '08 Pisces 43 Tomogouus d'Orbiyny '04 Ins. 152 Tomopaguropsis Alcuck '05 Crust. 40 5 676 Tomoplagia Coquillett '10 Ins. 414 Tomopleura Casey '04 Moll. 75 5 581 Tomopygia Burr '04 Ins. 353 4 466 Tomoxelia Bernhauer '01 Ins. 125 2 1007 Tomyrium Beitter 1880 Col. ; Verh. z.- b. Ges. Wien Tonicina Thiele '06 Moll. 55 Tonkinius Fairmaire '03 Ins. 181 3 961 Tonostylops Amegluno '02 Mamm. 42 Topana Smith ^- Pope '06 Pisces 48 Topsentia Berg 1899 Deniospong. ; Comuu. Mus. Buenos Aires i 77 Toradjia Dollfus '07 Crust. 66 Torbda Cameron '02 Ins. 195 2 858 Torea Quatrefages 1865 Verm. ; Toretocnemus Merriain '03 Rept. 29 3 L-W ( 'Mi ) TOREU.— TOXOTE. TOXOTOS.— TRACHYO. Toreus Melander '06 Ins, 384 Toreus Purcell '03 Arachn. 38 3 410 Torilus Broun '09 lus. 260 Tornosinus Bethune-Baker '06 Ins. 344 Tornquistites Hijatt Sf Smith Moll. 58 5 582 Toi-odera Weise '02 Ins. 169 2 1007 Torostoma Broun '09 Ins. 260 Torpedo Gill 1896 Pisces ; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii 162 Torquis Ball '05 Moll. 66 Tortaxis Pilshnj '05 Moll. 65 & '06 Moll. 84 Tortilla Chretien '08 Ins. 360 Tortilla Pertier '04 Moll. 85 -/o TortoY Kirkaldij '07 Ins. 397 Torynorrhina Arroiv '07 Ins. 231 Totanns ikfoe7i)7M^ 1758Aves; Geslacht. V'^ogel. Nozeman u. Vosmaer 6 Touit Gray 1855 Aves ; Cat. Gen. Birds Brit. Mus. 89 Toura Broun '09 Ins. 260 Tournoueria Brusina 1870 Moll. ; Verb. k. k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien XX 937 Touropsis Broun '09 Ins. 260 Toxaria Weise '03 Ins. ; 3 961 Toxellium Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 995 Toxeuma Chun '06 Moll. 103 Toxidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 996 Toxocvstis Lege)' S{ Duhoscq '10 Prot. '63 Toxogrammia von Gnmppenherg 1896 Lep. ; Nov. Acta Caesar. German. Ixv 313 Toxolioceras Buckman '02 Moll. 57 Toxonium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii. pt. 2, 997 Toxopatagus Pomel ^ 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 30 '09 Toxoplasma Nicolle ^ Mattceaux Prot. 61 Toxoprion Hay '10 Pisces 39 Toxopus Bergroth '05 Ins. 309 5 841 Toxorhynchites Theobald '01 Ins. 260 i 872 Toxotemnus Atneghino '04 Mamm. 50 4 328 ( Toxotochorus Reitter '07 Ins. 259 Toxus Eigenmann '04 Pisces 43 3 95 Toya Distant '06 Ins. 419 Trahutina Marchal '05 Ins. 322 5 841 Trachalus Champion '06 Ins. 254 Trachandrena Robertson '02 Ins. 177 2 859 Trachelacantha Berg 1899 Diplop. ; Comun. Mus. Buenos Aires i 77 Trachelipus Budde-Limd '08 Crust. ; Voeltzkow Reise Ostafrica ii 281 Trachelonotus Renter '04 Ins. 329 4 520 Trachichthodes Gilchrist '03 Pisces 29 3 95 Trachichthynides Woodioard '02 Pisces 32 2 1124 Trachiniscus Kertesz '03 Ins. ; 3 585 Trachyaster Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 38 Trachybaris Champion '09 Ins. 260 Trachybathra Meyrick '07 Ins. 339 Trachybracon Szepligeti '06 Ins. 302 Trachycaris Caiman '06 Crust. 41 Trachycormocephalus Kraepelin '03 Myr. 13 5 739 Trachycraterium Rostafinski 1874 Rhizop. ; Denksch. Ges. Wiss. Paris V Art. 4, 122 Trachycyphus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 158 Trachyforcepia Topsent '04 Spong. 25 4 96 Ti-achygamasus Berlese '06 Arachn. 48 Trachyglanis Boulenger '02 Pisces 37 Trachyglyphus Broun '09 Ins. 260 Trachyliopus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 163 Trachymeropsis Champion '07 Ins. 253 Trachymetus Reitter '05 Ins. 168 4 849 Trachynautilus Mojsisovics '02 Moll. 58 Tvachynemites Haeckel 1869 Hydrozoa ; Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xix 560 Trachyopsis Dendy '05 Spong. 24 5 287 Trachyoribates Berlese '08 Arachn. 41 Trachyortalicus Strebel '09 Moll. 82 Trachyostracus Lorenz '06 Arachn. 11 304 ) TRACHYOT.— TREPOP. TREPOS.— TRICHES. Trachyota Casey '06 Ins. 209 Tracliypericus A/cock '01 Crust. ; 1 6f).'3 Trachvphloeocetus Desbrochers '09 Ins. "260 Traclivphloeoides Formdnek '07 Ins. ' 253 Ti\ichvpleiirotherium Dily '09 Mauim, Tracliytila Welter '10 Por. 6 Trachytreraa Simon '09 Araclin. 30 Tracliytropis Jordan '04 Ins. 18.j 4 8.30 Tragelaphodes Bergroth '04 Ins. 324 4 o20 Tragolemur MatfJmc '09 Mamm. GO Tragoreas Schlosser '05 Manira. ; ^ 5 484 <^^raiguma Distant '07 Ins. 397 Trallianus Z)/s^a«^ '02 Ins. 271 2 600 Transpithecus Ameyhino '01 Maiuni. 26 Transylvanites Palfy '02 Moll. 73 Trapezaspis Redtenbacher '08 Ins. 426 Trapezicepou Bonnier '02 Crust. 55 Trapezochikis Zany '05 Ins. 148 5 1257 Trapezoida Buckton '07 Ins. 392 Trapezorrliina Hauser '04 Ins. 158 4 850 Traskites Ili/utt ^ Smith '05 Moll. 58 5 582 Trasyplioberus Simon '03 Aracbn. 22 Trechodes Blackburn '01 Ins. 119 1 1156 Trecliopsis Petjerimhoff 'OS Ins. 218 Treleudytes Ameyhino '06 Aves 75 Tremagyrus Perner '03 Moll. 79 Trematofusus Whitfield 1892 Gastrop. ; Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv. xviii 235 Trematomus Boulenyer '02 Pisces 25 2 1124 Trematorya Brolemann '10 Myr., Aracbn. 50 Trematrops Willislon '09 Kept. 35 Trepidaria Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Xouv. Class. Moucbes 35 Trepidulus McNeill '01 Ins. 309 Treponema Schnudinn '05 Prot. 72 Trepopbrya Toicnsend '08 Ins. 386 ( 30, Treposella Ulrich Sf Bassler '08 Crust. 59 Trescolobus Af.tems '07 Aracbn. 54 Tretocidaris Mortenseii '03 Ecbin. 90 Tretodiscus Po?«f / 1883 Ecbin.; Classif. metb. Eclun. 71 Trbypocbtbonius Berlese '05 Aracbn. 38 5 724 Triacantburus Willeni '03 Ins. 365 5 752 Triacantbus Bernhauer '03 Ins. 147 Triacbora Toicnsend '08 Ins. 386 Triadosialis Handlirsch '06 Ins. 374 Triaeduca 4 664 {vide Trioeduca) Trialeurodes Cockered '02 Ins. 289 2 600 Triangnlus Smith '06 Crust. 60 Triantella Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 361 Triastrum Cleve '02 Prot. 73 Triatbra Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 209 Triboletia Loriol '10 Ecbin. 46 Triboloneura IFalsiiiyham '08 Ins. 360 Tribonica Meyrick '05 Ins. 279 5 1032 Tribonoidea Shelford '08 Ins. 422 Tribopertba Reitter '03 Ins. 166 Tricala Walker 1869 Ortb. ; Cat. Der- niapt. Salt, ii 357 Tricarus Waite '10 Pisces 37 Tricassa Simon '10 Aracbn. 30 Tricbadenotecnum Enderlein '09 Ins. 408 Tricbaelurus Satunin '05 Mamm. 35 Tricbaeta Becker '08 Ins. 386 Tricbaeta Spencer '02 Verm. 42 Tricbampbora Junyhuhnius [1838] Rlii- zop. ; Praeui. Flor. Cryptogam. Javae Ins. i 12 Ti'icbardis Hermann '06 Ins. 383 Tricbaulus Enderlein '04 Ins. 340 4 432 Tricbearias Dognin '05 Ins. 254 5 1032 Tricbeleodes Blaisdell '09 Ins. 245 Tricbencyrtus Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 735 Tricberemaeus Berlese '08 Aracbn. 41 Tricbestra Hampson '05 Ins. 263 5 1032 TEICHEU.— TEICHOGA. Tricheurois Hampsoii '05 Ins. 263 5 1032 Trichia. Ho ff maim 1790Ehizop. ; Vege- tab. Cryptogam. Fasc. 2, 1 Tricliilogaster Mai/r '05 Ins. 221 Ti'ichiobaikalia Lindholm '09 Moll. 73 Trichiobracon Cameron '05 Ins. 217 Tricbiocercus Stephens 1835 Lep. ; Illiistr. Haiist. iv 386 Tricbionotns Cameron '05 Ins. 214 5 1130 Tricbiorbyssemus Clouet '01 Ins. 135 Tricbiosomites Brues '08 Ins. 309 Tricbiotes Casey '07 Ins. 243 Trichloma Loioer '02 Ins. 250 2 786 Tricbobasis Renter '04 Ins. 329 4 521 Tricbobensonia Moellendorff '02 Moll. 61 Tricbobvrrbuliis Ganglhauer '02 Ins. 125 Tricbocelis Moser "08 Ins. 242 Tricbocentrus Horvdth '04 Ins. 321 4 621 Tricboceraea Sauber '02 Ins. 244 Tricbocprapis Cockerell '04 Ins. 206 5 1130 Tricbocbalcis Kieffer '04 Ins. 232 6 1130 Tricbocbermes Kirhaldy '04 Ins. 337 4 521 Tricboclvstis Warren '04 Ins. 286 4 664 Ti'icboconcba Smith Moll. '08 ; Nat. Antarct. Exp. ii Gastrop. 6 Tricbocorixa Kirhaldy '08 Ins. 401 Tricbocossus Hampson '10 Ins. 342 Tricbocyclus Simon '08 Aracbn. 31 Tricbocylapus Poppius '10 Ins. 427 Tiicbodoryctes Sz^pligeti '06 Ins. 302 Tricbodriloides Fauvel '04 Verm. 39 Tricbodromeus Luze '03 Ins. 147 5 1257 ' Tricbodncns Bierman '10 Ins. 432 Tricboelina Barrois 1887 Ecliin. ; J, Anat. Pbys. xxiii 1 Tricbofoenus Kiefer '10 Ins. 298 Tricbofnlvius Poppius '10 Ins. 427 Tricbogaster Sterhi 1878 Infusoria ; Zeitscbr, wiss. Zool. xxxi 38 ( ^ TRICHOGO.— TEICHOSTE. Tricbogonatopus Kieffer '09 Ins. 302 Tricbogonia Breddin '01 Ins. 290 2 601 Tricbogorgia HicJcson '06 Coel. 22 4 122 5 323 Tricbogromia Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 2, 1660 Tricboloba Hampson '10 Ins. 342 Tricbolonche Grnte 1896 Lep. ; Mitt. Eoemer-Mus. Ilildesbeim 3, 16 Tricbolygus Poppii(s '10 Ins. 427 Tricbomesla Prtscoe 1859 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. V 18 Tricbometra Clark '08 Ecbin. 29 Trichonotiis Cameron '05 Ins. 214 Tvicbopacbyjulus Verhoeff '10 Myr., Aracbn. 54 Tricbopelma Levander '03 Prot. 69 Tricbopertba Reitter '03 Ins. 166 Tricbopborella Renter '06 Ins. 404 5 841 Tricbopimpla Cameron '03 Ins. 239 4 735 Tricbopistbia Aurivi/Iius '09 Ins. 329 Tricbopleurias Sahlherg '03 Ins. 182 3 961 Tricboplexia Hampson '08 Ins. 341 Tricbopronomyia Theobald '05 Ins. 292 5 886' Tricboprosopon Theobald '01 Ins. 261 1 872 Tricbopsidea Westwood 1839 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii 151 Tricboptera 'S'i'ro&Z 1880 Dipt.; Tricbopteridium Geinitz 1880 Neur. ; Tricborbiza Hampson '05 Ins. 263 5 1032 Tricborbiza Russell '06 Coel. 17 Tricborbvncbus Theobald '05 Ins. 292 5' 886 Tvicboridia Hamjison '06 Ins. 344 Tricboscapbella Reitter '08 Ins. 230 fSTricboscarta Breddin '02 Ins. 285 3 547 Tricbosipbum Peryande '06 Ins. 424 Tricbospbaerula Fleischer '04 Ins. 145 4 850 Tricbospira Roux '02 Prot. 85 Tricbosterrlia Warren "04 Ins. 286 4 664 00 ) TRICHOSTI.— TRIDE. TRIDI.— TRILACCO. Trichostigma Gerber '02 Aracliu. 63 2 489 Trichostronoylus Looss '05 Verm. ; 5 400 Trichosyllis Quatrefages 1865 Verm. ; Trichotanypus Kieffer '06 Ins. 376 Tricliotaxonus Rohwer '10 Ins. 310 Trichoteleia Kieffer '10 Ins. 306 Trichovalgus Kolbe '04 Ins. 168 4 850 Triclioxymus Heller '08 Ins. 264 Tricliozoma Tiastelberejer '09 Ins. 345 Tricliozonus Carl '05 Myr. 12 Trichroa Wagner '05 Moll. 80 Trichrus Tosquinet '03 Ins. 239 Trichursa Simon '08 Arachn. 35 Tricircarium Haeckel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 985 Tricirconium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 986 Tricladellus Emlerkin '09 Ins. 408 Tricladus Enderlein '00 Ins. 427 3 961 Tricleidus Andrews '09 Ivept. 31 Tricliophora Jacoby '04 Ins. 195 5 1257 Tricoceps Buckton '03 Ins. 344 3 547 Tricoelopyge Roman '10 Ins. 297 Tricolocampium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1412 Tricolocamptra iffffc/iW 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1413 Tricolocapsium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1433 Tricolocapsula Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1432 Tricolpia Warren '07 Ins. 330 Tricolpochila Bernliauer '08 Ins. 226 Tricolus Blandford '05 Ins. 179 5 1257 Tricontarinia Kieffer '10 Ins. 393 Triconulus Horvdth '05 In.s, 307 5 841 Triconus Herouard '09 Echin. 29 Tricranoides Wellman '10 Ins. 242 Tricyclarium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 987 Tricyclonium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pfc. 2, 987 Tridentella Richardson '05 Crust. 53 5 670 Trididemnum Dalle Valle 1881 Moll. ; Trienchodesmus Silvestri '03 Myr. 19 5 739 Triepeolus Robertson '01 Ins. 176 [Trifissus Jordan '01 Pisces 1 1236] Trif urcula Grote '03 Ins. 249 Trigaenes Dohrn Pantop. ; Trigastrotheca Cameron '06 Ins. 302 Trigeua Dgar '05 Ins. 254 5 1032 Trigenerina Schubert '02 Prot. 70 Trigenicus Douglass '03 Mamm. 38 5 484 Triglenus Marshall '05 Ins. 225 & '06 Ins. 310 Triglyphulns Cockerell '06 Ins. 254 Trigouactinium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 472 Trigonaftiirium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 471 Trigonastrella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 539 Trigonastromma Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 5-39 Trigonellina Bxtckman '08 Brach. 17 Trigonephrns Bilsbri/ '05 Moll. 63 5 582 Trigoniophthalmus Verhoeff '10 In.*). 459 Trigonistis Meyrick '02 Ins. 231 2 786 Trigonocera Becker '03 Ins. 313 3 585 Trigonocryptops Verhoeff '06 Arachn. 63 Trigonodisciis Neviani '01 Prot. 26 Trigonofemora Hancock '06 Ins. 453 Trigonogastra Ashmead '04 Ins. 232 4 735 Trigonolophodon Roth '03 Mamiii. 40 Trigonomelea Warren '04 Ins. 280 4 664 Trigonophatnus Cameron '07 Ins. 282 Trigonopora Maplestone '02 Bry. 9 2 256 Trigonosceliscus Enderlein '10 Ins. 444 Trigonostoma Vest 1867 Moll. ; Verh. Siebenb. Ver. xxiii 193 Trigrammuus Gratzianow '07 Pisces ;i9 Trilaccodea Spaeth '02 Ins. 169 2 1007 ( ■5'^" ) x2 TRILACCU.— TRIPOCE. Trikccus Horvdth '02 Ins. 278 2 601 Trilastuis Hinds 1844 Crust. ; Triliropus Mmjer '03 Crust. 44 3 361 Triloba Vest 1807 Moll.; Verb. Sie- benb. Ver. x^iii 165 Trimegistus Jordan Sc Snyder '04 Pisces 29 Trimeraster Schmidorf '09 Echin. 44 Trimerocv?tis Schuchert '04 Ecliin. 95 5 "35.3 Trimerophorella Verhoef '02 Mvr. 21 3 426 Trimicrops Kiefer '06 Ins. 310 Trimitus Alexeief '10 Prot. 66 Trimma Jordan Sf Seale '06 Pisces 44 Trinemura Silvestri 'OS Ins. 435 Tringilburra Lucas '01 Ins. 232 ^x\oc\vdrA Bernhauer '01 Ins. 125 Triodonta WiUiston 1885 Dipt. ; Trioedusa Mabille '04 Ins. 252 Trioniscus Haeckel 18^7 Ehizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 486 Triopes Schranck 1803 Crust. ; Trloplognatbus Ohaus '04 Ins. 156 Triops ScJiraiik 1803 Crust.; Fauna Bolcaiii 1 Ahth. 180 TriospyridiuQi Haeckel 1887 Phizop. ; ^Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1032 Triospvrium Haeckel 1887 Eliizop. ; ^Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1030 Trioxocera Pierce '09 Ins. 275 Triperopus Mayer '03 Crust. 44 3 361 Triplacidea Gorkam '01 Ins. 170 1 1156 Triplasta Kiefer '01 Ins. 197 Triplatyx Horrdth '04 Ins. 319 4 521 Trijileurocrinus Wood '04 Echin. 93 4 147 Triplonychoidus Schioarz '06 Ins. 231 Triplopiios Brauer '02 Pisces 39 2 1124 Triplophyllum Simpson '01 Ccel. 21 Triplosoba Handlirsch '06 Ins. 436 Triplostephanus Dall '08 Moll. 93 Triplotaenia Boas '02 Verm. ; 2 201 Triplura Haeckel 1879 Hydrozoa ; Denkschr. Ges. Jena i 35 Tripoceratium Kofoid '09 Prot. 63 ( ' TRIPOCU.— TRISTYLOS. Tripocubns Haeckel 18S7 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 994 Tripodiscinus Haeckel 18S7 Rhizop.: Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1143 Tripodisculus Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1144 Triposolenia Kofoid '06 Prot. 47 Tripospvrantha Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1025 Tripospyvella Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1026 Tripospyrissa Haeckel 1837 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1027 Tripospvromma Haeckel 18S7 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1028 Tripseuxoa Hampson '03 Ins. 283 3 735 Tripteridia Warren '03 Ins. 291 3 735 Tripteromalus Kiefer '10 Ins. .301 Tripterophvcis Boulenqer '02 Pisces 32 2 1124 Triptogiiathus Berthoumien '04 Ins. 223 4 735 Triscaedecia Hampson '05 Ins. 278 5 10.32 Trismegistus Jordan ^ Snyder '04 Pisces ; 4 88 Trismicra Aslunead '04 Ins. 232 4 735 Trissepyris Kieffer '05 Ins. 225 Trissernis Meyrick '02 Ins. 231 2 787 Trisseucoela Kiefer '07 Ins. 290 Trissocladius Kiefer '08 Ins. 370 Trissodontaspis Ashmead '03 Ins. 244 3 817 4 736 Tristan Kirkaldy '01 Ins. 289 Tristanella Borelli '09 Ins. 417 Tristegus Konoio '06 Ins. 31 2 Tristemma Bartsch '06 Moll. 84 Tristicochaeta Panceri 1876 Nematoda ; Rend. Ace. Sci. Us. mat. Napoli XV 225 Tristylocorys Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1140 Tristylo^pvrium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1034 Tristvlospvrula ^«ccA-e^ 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1033 W8 ) TRISTYLOT.— TROCHA. Trlstjlotus Parkes '04 Ccel. 21 4 122 Trisulopsis Strand '09 Iiis. 329 Trisyi'iugium Vinassa '02 Prot. 75 Tiitadelpha Meyrick '04 Ins. 296 4- 664 Tritapliros Lonnberg '02 Verm. 53 Triteleia Kieffer '06 Ins. 310 Triticites Girty '04 Prot. 49 4 80 Tritneplis Girault '08 Ins. 302 Tritodiscoelius Dalla Torre '04 Ins. 209 Tritonaster Fisher '06 Ecliin. 50 Tritouia Meiyen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. iM ouches 33 Tritonidoxa Beryh '07 Moll. 120 Trituniella Eliot '08 Moll. : Nat, Ant- arct. Exp. ii Niidibranch. 5 Ti-itoniopsis Eliot '05 Moll. 09, '06 Moll. 77 & '10 Moll. 76 5 582 Tritoniscus Dull '04 Moll. 78 4 309 Tritonoatractus Cossmcmn '01 Moll. 87 Tritonocauda Ball '04 Moll. 78 4 309 Tritonoharpa Ball '08 Moll. 03 Triura TtUkumpf 1844 Crust. ; Arch. Auat. Pbjs. 383 Triurobrvcon Eiyemnann '09 Pisces 40 Trixodes Coquillett '02 Ins. 263 Trizetes Berlese '05 Arachu. 38 5 724 Trizona Pojwfsky '04 Prot. 52 4 81 Trizonaris Haeckel 1887 Ebizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 637 Trizonitis Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 63s Trizonius Busch 1851 Cojl. ; Beob. Anat. wirbellos. Seethiere 112 Trizonoceras Girty '10 Moll. 96 Trochalia Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth. Echin. 60 Trochaloserica Brenske 1900 Col. ; Berl. eut. Zeitschr. 82 Trochaniminoides Cushmmi '10 Prot. 56 Trochanter! um v. Huene '02 Eept. 26 2 1177 Trocharion Major 3 385 '03 Mamm. 30 TROCHI.— TROPAE. Trochilia Dujardiu 1841 Infusoria; Hist. nat. Zoophytes 454 Trochiliopora Greyory '09 Brv., Brach. 26 Trochilodes Coquillett '03 Ins. 317 3 585 Trochiius Moekriny 1758 Aves ; Geslacht. Vogel. Nozenian u. Vosmaer 6 Trochodisculus Haeckel 1887 Khizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 417 Trochoechinus Loriol '09 Echin. 42 Trochonerita Coss7nann '08 Moll. 93 Trochophora Kojioio '05 Ins. 227 6 1131 Trochosolarinm Seytienza '03 Moll. 78 Trochospougilla T'ejdorsky 1883 iSpong. ; Abli. bohmisch. Ges. xii 5, 31 Trochosuchus Broom '08 Kept. 32 Trochotiara Lambert '01 Echin. 85 Trochiida Scliaus '04 Ins. 265 5 1032 Trochulus Westerluml 1886 Moll.; Eaun. Paliiarct. Binnen-Concliyl. Testacell. 26 Trocnada Walker 1858 Horn. ; Saunders. Ilom. 103 Troctoceras Boynin '05 Ins. 27 5 1032 Troezon Champion '06 Ins, 254 Trog-atha Hampson '10 Ins. 362 Troginus Bey 1879 Col. ; Troglamaurops Ganylbauer '03 150 Troglocarcinus Verrill '08 Crust. 34 Troglocharinus Reitter '08 Ins. 229 Trogiodronius Beville 1 1156 Troglodytes Moehring Geslacht. Voyel, V osmaer 2 Troglopedetes Absolon '07 Ins. 423 Trogoblemnia Hampson '10 Ins. 302 Trogolegnum Bothschild S,- Jordan '03 Ins. 264 3 735 Trogotorna Hampson '10 Ins. 362 Tromikosoma Mortensen '03 Echiu, 91 Tropaeas Ball ^- Bartsch '04 Moll. 8 4 309 Ins Ins. '01 Ins. 127 1758 Aves; Nozeman u. ( 309 ) TEOPAU.— TROTOM. Tropaulaciis Bradley '08 Ins. 300 Trophimaea Meyrick 'JO Ins. 386 Tropliocampa Schmiedeknedit '10 lus. 294 Tropia Gistl 1837 Hem. ; Fauniis n. F. i 105 Tropidera Bernhauer '08 Ins. 226 'Iropideucoela Ashmead '03 Ins. 244 3 817 & 4 736 Tropidiplus Fkvtiaux '03 Ins. 173 6 Ins. 231 Tropidocaris Beecher 1884 Crust. ; Second Geol. Surv. Penusylvan. vol. PPP Tropidocjclas Ball '03 Moll. 83 3 299 Tropidoryphus 8tein 1878 Flag. ; Organ. lufusionstbiere iii Abth. 1 H p. X Tropidogastra Ashmead '04 Ins. 233 4 736 Tropidogynoplax Underlein '09 Ins. 411 Tropidolytopelte Simroth '02 Moll. 61 2 351 Tropidopathes Siiberfeld '09 Ccel. 24 & '10 Ccel. 24 Tropidopbidion Wei-ner '02 Rfpt. 21 / ^ Tropidopbora Biennan '10 Ins. 432 Tropidopborella Meuter '08 Ins. 400 Tropidopola 8tdl 1873 Orth. ; Receusio Ortb. 43 Tropidorbinella Sclimidt '10 Ins. 434 ' ^ OTropiducbodes Schmidt '09 Ins. 399 Tropibypnus Reitter '05 Ins. 160 Tropiocbirus Bernhauer '03 Ins. 147 Tropiometra Clark '07 Echin. 40 Tropis Pascoe 1863 Col. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 568 Tropisurcula Casey '04 Moll. 75 5 682 Tropobracon Cameron '05 Ins. 217 Troporbogas Cameron '05 Ins. 217 Troscbeli a J/orc/i 1878 Moll. ; J. Con- cbyliolog. xxiv 370 Trotocalpe Warren '07 Ins. 330 Trotogonia Warren '05 Ins. 273 5 1032 Trotommideoniorpba Pic '02 Ins. 150 TROTOR.— TSE. Trotorbombia Warren '04 Ins. 286 4 664 Tructicns Strand '07 Ai-acbn. 30 TrulliHorinia Leonardi '06 Ins. 425 Triimais Gounelle '09 Ins. 266 Truncatiirus Thor '01 Aracbn. ; 1 742 Trupheoneura Malloch '09 Ins. 373 Tryanus Fleutiatix '01 Ins. ; 1 1157 Trycbeoides Scliouteden '06 Ins. 424 Trygonobatus Blainville 1816 Pisces; J. Pbys. Cbini. Hist. nat. Ixxxiii 261 Trymalitis Meyrick '05 Ins. 279 5 1032 Trypanomorpba Woodcock '06 Prot. 45 Trypanopbis Keysselitz '04 Prot. 57 4 81 Trypanoplasma Laveran iSf Mesnil '02 Prot. 81 1 443 Trypanoplasaius Laveran i!j- Mesnil '01 Prot. 35 Trj'panospbaerium Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 110 Trypanospbaerula Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Cballenger xviii pt. 1, 109 Trypanozoon Liihe '06 Prot. 46 Trvpaucbenopsis Volz '03 Pisces 21 '3 95 Trypetesa Norman '03 Crust. 58 3 361 Trypberantis Meyrick '07 Ins, 349 Trypbomys Miller '10 Mamni. 56 Trypbosella Bonnier 1893 Crust,; Bull. sci. France Belg. xxiv 170 Trypocella Maplestone '02 Brv. 9 2 255 Trypostega Levinsen '02 Bry. 9 Trvptodema Bietz '05 Ins. 284 7 349 Tryssoclitus Simon '10 Aracbn, 26 Tryssotbele Simon '02 Aracbn. 27 2 490 Tscbitscberinula Jacobson '08 Ins. 275 Tsernyscbewia Stojanotc '10 Bracb, 9 ( 310 ) TSH.— TURNEB. TURNER.— TYLOD. Tshaka Distant '08 los. 408 Tshitsheriuella Scinenov '07 lus. 212 Tubaria Thienemann 1828 Polvg. ; Lehrb. Zool. 12 Tuberculatus MordwUko 1894 Tlom.; Kab. Lab. Zool. Kab. Varsb. Univ. 51 Tubicauda Joussemnne 1830 MoH. ; Le Naturaliste i 3.35 Tubifera Meigen 1800 Dipt.; Nouv. Class. Moucbes 34 Tubinella Rhumbler 'OG Prot. 40 Tubiporella Levmsen '09 Bry., Bracb. 26 Tubogyra Perner '04 INI oil. 86 Tubompbalus Perner '04 Moll. 86 Tubulifera Zf)// 1885 Rliizop. ; Scbenk Ilaiidb. Botaniiv iii 2 II. p. 173 Tubulina Persoon 1794 Rbizop. ; Neu. Mag. Bot. i 91 Tucales Gounelle '08 Ins. 269 Tucumanius Pic '03 Ins. 176 V OTudea Distant '07 Ins. 390 Tiigoniopsis Dall 1898 Moll.; Tr. Wagner Inst, iii 860 Tularosa Peckham '03 Arachn. 38 3 410 Tulbagbia Peringney '04 Ins. 155 4 850 Tumayana Schmidt '06 Ins. 420 Tumidifrontia Hampson '02 Ins. 231 2 787 Tumidivalvus Eioing '08 Araclm. 41 Tunesites Pervinquiere '08 Moll. 127 Tunisia Becher '07 Ins. 376 Tupus Sellards '06 Ins. 432 Tura Budde-Lund '08 Crust. 46 Turanella Semr.nov '07 Ins. 227 Turbanella Schidtze 1853 Gastrotricha; Arcb. Anat. Phys. 243 Turbilina Enriques '08 Prot. 60 Turbinata Wag^ier '05 Moll. 80 Turbofusula Rovereto '01 Moll. 87 Turcmenigena Melgunov 1893 Col, ; Turcomilax Simroth '02 Moll. 61 2 350 Turesis Godman '01 Ins. 210 1 1001 Turnebus Distant '04 Ins. 312 4 521 ( •'51 Tnrnerella Cockerell '10 Ins. 271 Turnerella Rohwer '10 Ins. 282 Turneria Tutt '03 Ins. 264 3 735 Turpinius Ormancey 1852 Infusoria ; Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 257 Turricolunibus Cossmann '01 Moll. 87 Turriger Kertesz '04 Ins. 31 2 4 556 Tnrrilimnaea Dyhoivski '08 Moll. lOo Turrispira Petho '06 Moll. 73 Turristvlus Blaschke '05 Moll. 75 5 583 Turritellella Rhumbler '03 Prot. 55 3 88 Turritriton Dall '04 Moll. 78 4 309 Turrubulana Distant '10 Ins. 419 Tuscarantba Haeckel 1887 lihizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1706 Tuscaretta Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1707 Tuscarilla Haeckel 1887 Rbizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1708 Tuscarora Murray 1885 Rbizop. ; Narrat. Cruise Challenger i 226 Tusitala Peckham '02 Arachn. 51 Tuta Strand '10 Ins. 386 Tutelina Simon "02 Arachn. 51 Tuttiola Strand '10 Ins. 324 Tuxopborus Wilson '08 Crust. 55 Twinofonia Pascoe '08 Prot. 48 Tyanites Cameron '03 Ins. 239 3 817 Tychon Handlirsch '06 Ins. 274 Tychostylops Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 37 Tydaeolus Berlese '10 Arachn. 42 Tydemanella Scott '09 Crust. 51 Tydeolus Casey '07 Ins. 243 Tylobolus Cook '04 Myr. 16 4 422 Tylocentrus Vo7i Duzee '08 Ins. 403 Tylocidaris Pomel 1883 Echin. ; Classif. meth, Ecbiu. 109 Tylocomnus Holmgren Hym. ; Tylocrinus Wood '04 Echin. 93 4 147 Tylodiuus Champion '05 Ins. 178 5 1258 I ) TYLOG.— TYPHLOPH. T3'logonus Simon '02 Arachn. 51 Tylokepon Stebhing '04 Crust. 42 4 3G7 Tylopeltis Beuter '04 Ins. 329 4 521 Tylopoma Brusina 1882 Moll. ; Beitr. Palaont. Osterr.-Ungains ii 39 1y\osMei(jen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouy. Class. Mouches 31 Tylosema Kkfer '08 Ins. £06 5 1131 Tylotosoma Hintz '02 Ins. 145 2 1008 Tymbarchra Meyrick '08 Ins. 354 Tympanonima Haechel 1887 Ithizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1003 Tympanura Haeckel 1887 Rbizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 2, 1003 Tyndarichus Howard '10 Ins. 301 Tynniclius Champion '06 Ins. 254 Typhina Jottsseaiime 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Tj'phinellus Jousseamne 1883 Moll.; Le Naturaliste i 335 Typhisopsis Jousseaume 1883 Moll. ; Le Naturaliste i 335 Typhliulusifl^seZ 1884Myr.; Myriopod. osterr. - ungarisch. Monaix-h. ii 67 Typhi obledius Lea '06 Ins. 209 Typhlocarciuops Rathbun '09 Crust. 30 TypUocaris Caiman '09 Crust. 34 Typhloceras Wagner '03 Ins. 322 3 436 TYPHLOPL.— UE. Typhlopleura Schrammen '02 Spong. 24 2 120 Tvphlorhynchus Laidlaw '02 Verm. 49 2 '201 Typhlosphaeroma Racovitza '10 Crust. 35 Typhlotbrombium Berlese '10 Arachn. 42 Typhlusida Casey '07 Ins. 217 Typhoecoris Breddin '03 Ins. ; 3 547 Typhoptera Kirhy '06 Ins. 449 Typhosia ItotJischild ^- Jordan '06 In.«i. 323 Typocidaris Po7/ieJ 1883Echin.; Classif. nieth. Lchin. Ill Typsiharpalus Tschitscherine '01 Ins. 120 2 1008 Tyrannion Chuminon '05 Ins. 178 5 1258 Tyrannopsis Midyway '07 Aves 119 Tyraquellus Distant '04 Ins. 329 4 521 Tyrodes Raffray 'OS Ins. 228 Tyrpetes Heller '03 Ins. 264 Tyrraunosaurus Osborn '05 Kept. 35 5 181 ^ Tyrrheneis Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 388 T}tthobaris Champion '09 Ins. 260 Tytthoconus Palmer '03 Mamm. 42 3 385 Tytthoniinus Champion '09 Ins. 260 Tvpblocirolana Racovitza '05 Crust. ^ 63 Typhlocoelum Stossich '06 Verm. 29 Typhlocybella Baker '05 Ins. 319 Typhiodrilus Baldasseroni '09 Verm. Typblogammarus Schdferna '07 Crust. Tvpbloglvmraa Dury '01 Ins. 157 1 '1157 & 2 '1008 Typhlolepta Orsted 1843 Turbellaria -^ ,, Natbist. Tidsskr. iy 548 Typhloliuus Reitter '08 Ins. 226 & '09 Ins. 224 u CHAUXIA Cossmann '08 Moll. 94 Uclesia Girschner '01 Ins. 271 Udalricus Distatit '03 Ins. 330 3 547 Ldamocercia Enderlein '09 Ins. 411 Udamoselis Enderlein '09 Ins. 403 Udenocera Ricardo '04 Ins. 303 4 556 Udeus Champio7i '02 Ins. 158 2 1008 Udugama Melichar '03 Ins. 341 3 547 Typhlophoros Linstow '06 Verm. 38 ( Ueana Distant '05 Ins. 314 312 ) 4 841 UG.— UMB. Ugada Distant '04 Ins. 331 4 521 Uii'ana Sivinhoe '09 Ins. 338 Uganda Bolivar '09 Ins. 427 Uliagonia Bolivar '05 Ins. 342 5 792 Uhehlia Weise '06 Ins. 208 Uhleviella Ball '02 Ins. 287 Uhleriola Ilorvdth '08 Ins. 396 Uhligella Jacob 'OS Moll. 127 Uhligia Koenen '04 Moll. 01 Uintasorex Matthetc '09 Mamm. 60 t3 Ujna Dii>ta7it '07 Ins, 397 Ulauthi'opos Ilaeckel 1899 Mamn;. ; jSat. ScKojjf. - Uesch. 8 Aiill. 741 y Ulcia Jordan ^- S^njder '08 Pisces 42 Uleia liiihsaaniui '05 Ins. 286 Ulesta Cameron '03 Ins. 239 3 817 L'lfa IJull 8)- Bartach '04 Moll. 84 4 309 Ulia Becker '07 Ins. 376 Ulitusa Casei/ '06 Ins. 209 Uliura Warren '04 Ins. 286 4 664 Ulmicolor Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 388 Llmus Distant '05 Ins. 307 Ulodeiuis 3Ieyrick '07 Ins. 339 Ulosomiuus (Jhampion '05 Ins. 178 Ulrichospira Donald '05 Moll. 81 / 5 583 Ultracoelostoma Cockerell '02 Ins. 292 2 601 Lltrapitliecus Ameyhino '01 Mamm. 26 Ululodes Currie 1899 Neiir. ; Lluudia Distant '10 Ins. 432 Umagilla Wahl '09 Verm. 31 Umbilicospbaera Lohmann '02 Prot. 82 2 J05 Umbospira Verner '04 Moll. 86 Umbotrochus Perner '04 Moll. 86 Umbotropis Perner '04 Moll. 86 Umbrosina Bruand 1846 Lep. ; Mem. 8oc. Doubs. ii 3, 105 ( ■■ /. UMJ.— URIA Uuijaba Distant '04 Ins. 332 4 521 Umlinia Cameron '02 Ins. 195 2 859 Umslopogas Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 '601 Umzila Marshall '08 Ins. 264 Unas Broun '09 Ins. 200 Uncifer /or£/«n '04 Ins, 185 5 1258 Uncimeuia Nierstrasz '03 Moll. 84 3 299 Uncinaria Vest 1867 Moll. ; Verb. Siebenb. Ver. xviii 190 Uncinalera Topsent '01 Spong. 29 Unciniseta Bidenkap '07 Verm. 43 Undiuella Sars '02 Crust. 09 Undinula S'cott '09 Crust. 52 Unimelita Sayce '01 Crust. 41 1 094 Uniomerus Conrad 1853 Lamellibr. j Proc. Ac. Philiid. vi 268 Unnata Distant '06 Ins. 419 Untoiriia Busck '06 Ins. 368 Upacbara Distant '06 Ins. 419 Upogebiopbilus Nohili '06 Crust. 46 Upolampes Bethune-Baker '08 Ins. 319 Uptiota Simo?i 1864 Aracbn. ; Hist, nat. Araigu. 184. Urabunana Distant '05 Ins. 315 c9 5 841 •^rabunua Distant '07 Ins. 390 Uramba Budde-Lund '08 Ci'ust. 46 Uraua Melichar '02 Ins. 283 3 547 [Uranotaenia Theobald '01 Ins. ; 1 872J Uranomys Dollmann '09 Mamm. 67 Urasbimea Kishinonye '10 Ccel. 19 Urasterias Verrill '10 Ecbiu. 46 Urba Sellards '09 Ins. 416 Urbania Hamjjson '01 lus. 251 1 1001 Urceolipora MacGillivray 1881 Moll. ; Trans. K. Soc. Vict, xvii 85 Urecbis Seitz '07 Verm. 47 Urentius Distant '03 Ins. 331 3 547 Ures Distant '10 Ins. 422 Urgedra Dyar '08 Ins. 330 Uria Eirby Sf Spence 1828 Lep. ; Intr. Ent. eJ. 5, iii 255 ny ) URIAT.— UROPR. JJnatii Kirhi/ ^- Sj}ence 1828 l.ep.; Intr. Eut. ed. 5, iv iji>2 Uribos Heude '07 Mamm. 69 Uruisa Stal 1860 Ortli.; Uroballus Simon '02 Araclin. 51 Uroblaniulus Attems '02 Mvr. 21 2 501 Urobopyrus Richardsun '04 Crust. 42 4. 368 Urocalpe IfflnTn '04 lus. 286 4 664 Urocbordeuma Silccstri '09 Myr., Arachn. 55 Urocbroma Bonaparte 1856 Aves ; Naumanu. vi Beil. Nr. 1, Genus 30 Urocricetus Satunin '03 Mamm. 33 2 1474 Uroderostenus Ashmead '04 Ins. 233 4. 736 Urodinvcbus Berlese '04 Aracbn. 48 5 724 ^ „:, Urodiscella Berlese '05 Aracbn.; 5 725 Uroentedon Ashmead '04 lus. 233 4 736 Urogale Me urns '05 Mamm. 34 5 484 Urogompbus Handlirsch '06 Ins. 433 Urogouia Brady '10 Crust. 44 Urogonimus Mo?iticelli 1888 Trema- todes ; Sagg. Morfolog. Trema- todi 92 Urogonodes Warren '03 Ins. 274 3 735 Urogonoporus Liike '01 Vermes 48 1 499 Uroipbis Berlese '04 Aracbn. 48 5 725 /_ Vrolais Alexander '03 Aves 60 3 281 =' Uroleon Banks '01 Ins. 296 Urometopus Formanek '04 Ins. 181 Uromysis Hanseii '10 Crust. 82 Uronema Dujardin 1841 Infusoria jl Hist. nat. Zoopbytes 381 UrooboYella Berlese '04 Aracbn. 48 5 725 Uroplitella Berlese '04 Aracbn. 48 5 725 Uropodias Richardson '02 Crust. 57 Uroprosodes Reitter '09 Ins. 245 UROPS.— VAC. '05 Ins. 301 UropsvHa Rothschild S 752 Uropus Boisduval 1832 Lep. ; Ann, Soc. Eut. Er. i 278 Urorvgma Brann '01 Vermes 53 1 499 Urosporidium Caullery Sf Mesnil '05 Prot. 71 Urotbele TuUyren '10 Aracbn. 24 Urotbrips Baynall '09 Ins. 408 Urotracbytes Berlese '04 Aracbn. 49 5 725 Urozercon Berlese 8f Leonardi '01 Araclm. 47 1 742 & 2 490 Ursidius Cliampion '03 Ins. 192 3 962 Ursogastra Smith '06 Ins. 344 -Urvillea Kirkaldy '07 Ins. 390 Usambilla Sjostedt '09 Ins. 427 - Usaua Distant '06 Ins. 419 Uscodys Dyar '08 Ins. 352 Usilanus Bistayit '09 Ins. 388 Usinosta Jordan i^- Snyder '01 Pisces 26 Usomum Gistl 1856 Ins. ; Mysterien Insektenwelt 41 Ussuria Nikolski '04 Pisces 49 4 89 Ustronia Kobelt '08 Moll. 94 Utaetus Ameyhino '02 Mamm. 43 Vioh'mm Fall '05 Ins. 164 7 239 Utopiellum Strand '01 Aracbn. 41 2 490 Uxuma Siinon '02 Aracbn. 51 Uysanus Distant '08 Ins. 402 Uzelia Absolun '01 Ins. 304 1 762 , Uzeliella Baynall '08 Ins. 413 ,,\^V Staz. Firenze ii 80 Xeranobium Full '05 Ins. 164 7 Ins. 239 Xerocampylaea Kohelt 1871 Moll. ; Cat. europ. Biunenconch. 15 [Xerocatbaica Andreae '03 Moll. 3 300] Xerocerastus Kobelt Sf Moellendorff "02 Moll. 66 Xerociris Cocker ell '04 Ins. 271 5 1033 Xei-oleuca A'o5e/^ 1876 Moll. ; Jabrb, deutscb. Malakoz. Gesellscb. 25 Xerolycosa Dahl '08 Aracbn. 38 Xeropbaeus Purcell '07 Aracbn. 32 Xeropbyllopteryx Rehn '05 Ins. 339 5 792 Xeropsis Redtenbacher '06 Ins. 445 Xerostvgnus Broun '03 Ins, 192 3 962 Xesmodon Berg 1899 Mamm. ; Comun. Mus. Buenos Aires i 79 Xestapanteles Cameron '10 Ins. 297 Xestobethylus Cameron '09 Ins. 302 OXestocepbalus Van Duzee 1889 Uom. ; Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. xix 298 Xestocoris Van Duzee '06 Ins. 397 31 9 ) XESTOJ.— XIPHOSTYLA. Xestojoppa Cameron '01 Ins. 191 1 1052 Xestola Bernhauer '08 Ins. 226 Xestolinus Casey '06 Ins. 209 Xestomyia Stein '07 Ins. 372 Xestonotellns Renter '00 Ins. 404 5 841 Xestonyttus Kirhalchj '09 Ins. 391 Xestops Cope Rept. ; Xestopsylla Baiter '04 Ins. 314 4 432 Xestotrogns Reitter '03 Ins. 164 Xesturida Casey '06 Ins. 209 Xiphacanthidium Haerlcel 1887 Rhizop Clialleni^er xviii pt. 1, 760 Xiphacantlionia Haechel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 758 Xiphatractara HaecJcel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 331 Xiphatractinm Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 334 Xiphatractona Ilaeclcel 1887 Rhizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 333 Xiphatractylis Hacclcel 1887 lihizop. Challenger xviii pt. 1, 332 Xiphelimum Caudell '06 Ins. 449 Xiphidiola Bolivar '06 Ins. 449 Xiphidiopteron Bruner '10 Ins. 458 Xiphocaridina Bouvier '09 Crnst. 34 Xiphodictyon Haeekel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 503 Xiphornis OberJwher '05 Aves 62 Xiphoscelidus Verinyuey '07 Ins. 231 Xiphosomella SzepUyeti '05 Ins. 214 5 1131 Xipliosphaerantha HaecJcel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 123 Xiphosphaerella Haed;el 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xxiii pt. 1, 124 Xiphosphaerissa Haeekel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 125 Xiphosphaeromma Haechel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 126 Xiphospira Haeekel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 504 Xiphostaurus Haeekel 1862 Rhizop. ; Radiolarien 387 Xiphostylantha Haeekel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 127 ( 320 ) XIPHOSTYLE.— XYLOM. Xiphostyletta Haeekel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 128 Xiphostylissa Haeekel 1887 Rliizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 129 Xiphostylonima Haeekel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 130 Xiphozele Cameron '06 Ins. 302 Xistrella Bolivar '09 Ins. 427 Xola Heller '10 Ins. 251 Xorema Reitter '03 Ins. 164 3 962 Xoridesopns Cameron '07 Ins. 280 Xosa Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 315 4 521 '^^Xosias Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 521 OXosophora Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 332 4 521 Xosoplax Kirkaldy '09 Ins. 385 Xosopsaltria Kirkaldy '04 lus, 332 4 521 Xyalophora Kieffer '01 Ins. 197 1 1052 Xyalopria Kieffer '07 Ins. 289 Xylecata SidnJioe '04 Ins. 265 4 664 Xyletomerns Fall '05 Ins. 164 7 239 Xyletoniimus Reitter '03 Ins. 178 3 963 Xylinissa Hampsnn '06 Ins. 344 Xylion Les7ie '01 Ins. 146 Xylionulus Leslie '01 Ins, 146 Xylites R. L. 1817 Lep. ; Jena, Allg. Lit. Zeit. i 287 Xyliulus Lacoe 1883 Myr. ; Xyloblaptus Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylobosca Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylocis Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylodectes Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylodeleis Leslie '01 Ins, 146 Xylodes Giiene6 Lep, ; Xylodrypta Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylogenes Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylomania Hampson '05 Ins. 263 5 1033 Xylomedes Ze5»e '02 Ins. 147 5 1259 Xylomeira Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylomicrodon Verhoeff '01 Myr. 16 1 754 Xvlomvs Merriam 2 1474 '02 Mamm. ; XYLON.— YEZ. YOR.— ZALMONA Xylonaeus ie?m '02 Ins. 120 2 1008 Xylouites Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xyloperthodes Lesne '06 Ins. 237 Xyloplinnn-a Whitfield '02 Moll. 80 2 352 Xylophorus Ltsne '06 Ins. 237 Xyloprista Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylopsoeus Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xyloptype Hampso7i '06 Ins. 344 Xylostola Hampson '10 Ins. 363 Xylothrips Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylotillus Lesne '01 Ins. 146 Xylotupia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 Xynesthes Jordan '07 Pisces o4 Xynonia Front '10 Ins. 372 Xyrias Jordan 4" Snyder '01 Pisces 33 1 1236 Xyrophoreus Breddin '09 Ins. 388 Xyroptila Meyrick '07 Ins. 335 Xyrosaris Meyrick '07 Ins. 349 Xystica Simon 1864 Araclin. ; Hist. nat. Araign. 427 Xystocheir Cook '04 Myr. 14 4 422 Xystonella Brandt '06 Prot. 48 Xystopvge Attems '09 M^t.-., Arachn. 55 Xystrella Cossmann "08 Moll. 95 Xystretum Linton '10 Verm. 34 Xystria Fomel 1883 Echin.; Classif. meth. Echin. 114 Xystromutilla AndrS "05 Ins. 202 Xystropliorus Lesne '02 Ins. 146 Xystrosus Jordan Sf Snyder '02 Pisces ; 2 1125 VAMAMADIS 1 269 Grounelle '08 Ins. '03 Ins. 171 Yamina Kerrejnans 3 963 Yanga Distant '04 Ins. 332 4 521 Yarrana Distant '06 Ins. 419 Yasa Distant '07 Ins. 392 Yashmakia Warren '01 Ins. 243 1 1002 Yemma Horvdth '05 Ins. 307 5 841 Y'srongponga Lucas '01 Ins. 232 Yezoites Yabe '10 Moll. 96 Yorkiella Carl '08 Ins. 430 Yosemitia Ragonot '01 Ins. 251 1 1002 Youngomyia Felt '08 Ins. 368 Yozia Jordan Sf Snyder '01 Pisces 34 1 1236 Ypsilothuria Ferrier '03 Echin. 64 5 353 Ypsora Schaus '01 Ins. 232 1 1002 Yula Bethme-Baker '06 Ins. 344 f/ABRIOLA Fairmnire '01 Ins. 152 ^ Zabrachia Coqidllett '01 Ins. 262 Zabromorphus Lewis '06 Ins. 218 Zacalles Jordan ^- Snyder '02 Pisces 23 Zacco Jordan »^ Evermnnn '02 Pisces 39 Zachariasia Voigt '01 Prot. 35 1 443 Zacoleus Filsbry '03 Moll. 57 5 584 Zacompsia Coquillett '01 Ins. 274 2 644 Zacoreus Rafinesque 1815 Crust. ; Analyse Nat. 101 Zacorisca Meyrick '10 Ins. 378 Zacrauium Ashmead '01 Ins. 196 1 1052 Zacycloptera Caudell '07 Ins. 418 Zadalcera Dyar '10 Ins. 343 Zaeucoela Ashmead '03 Ins. 2J4 3 818 & 4 736 Zaevius Dyar '10 Ins. 343 Zaglyptoides Champion '09 Ins. 260 Zagonia Coqidllett '05 Ins. 299 Zagrabia Brusina 1884 Moll.; Beitr. Palaont. Osterr.-Uugarns iii 171 Zagrammosoma Ashmead '04 Ins. 233 4 736 Zaischnopsis Ashmead '04 Ins. 233 5 1131 Zalanthias Jordan 8c Richardson '10 Pisces 33 Zale Hiibner Lep. ; Zalepidota R'dbsaamen '08 Ins. 368 Zalises Jordan ^ Snyder '01 Pisces 34 1 1236 Zalmona Giebel 1856 Near, ; ( 321 ) ZALMONI.— ZEB. ZEH.— ZILE. / Zalmonites Handlirsch '06 Ins. 450 Zalmunna Distant '09 Ins. 395 Zalophothrix Crawford '08 Ins. 302 Zalusa Enderlein '05 Ins. 298 5 886 Zaluscodes Lamh '09 Ins. 367 Zamaradopsis Warren '07 Ins. 330 Zametopina Simon '08 Arachn. 36 Zameus Jordan 8,- Foivler '03 Pisces 41 3 96 Zamiscliiis Ash mend '03 Ins. 245 3 818 & 4 736 Zaniolis Bi/ar '10 Ins. 343 Zancbisme Kirkaldy '04 Ins. 324 4 521 Z&ncVm& Distaiit '04 Ins. 329 4 521 Zanchlovachos Bastelbercjer '09 345 ZancJopus Caiman '08 Crust. 56 Zanessa EirJcaldij '02 Ins. 278 2 601 Zangiola Breddin '02 Ins. 270 & '06 Ins. 395 O Zanna Kirkahhi '02 Ins. 283 2 601 Zehntneria Brunner '07 Ins. 413 Zelima Meigen 1880 Dipt. ; jVouv. Class. Mouches 34 Zelinlda Giard '04 Verm. 56 Zelmira Meigen 1800 Dipt. ; Nouv. Class. Mouches 16 Zelota Gahan '02 Ins. 164 2 1008 Zelotomys Osgood '10 Mamm. 56 Zen Jordan '03 Pisces 24 3 96 Zenida Mabille '04 Ins. 252 4 665 Zenobiana Sfehbinq 1895 Crust. ; Ann. Mat^. Nat. Hist, xv 24 Zenodochium Walsingham '08 Ins. 360 Zenodosus Wolcott '10 Ins. 230 Zenometra Clark '07 Ecliin. 40 v/ Zanophara Kirkaldy '04 Ins, 336 4 521 Zanthojonpa Cameron '01 Ins. 191 '1 10.53 Z;-.ommomvia AsJimead '04 Ins. 233 4 736 Zapata Bruner '04 Ins. 362 4 466 Zaphanta Dyar '10 Ins. 343 Zapbyllouotum Caudell '09 Ins. 427 Zaprionus Coquillett '01 Ins. 274 1 872 Zaprocbilus Caudell '09 Ins. 423 Zaramilla Stebhing ] 888 Crust. ; Challenger Report xxix 866 Zaratus Distant '09 Ins. 395 Zargochilus Alluaud '08 Ins. 218 OZarudnva Melichnr '02 Ins. 283 2. 601 & 3 548 Zaspilothynuus Ashmead '03 Ins. 228 Zatiephina Spaeth '09 Ins. 271 Zatropis Crawford '08 Ins. 302 Zatteria Eliot '02 Moll. 68 2 352 Zazunga /)?/«;• '10 Ins. 363 InsKc?Zepasa Distant '06 Ins. 419 Zeppelinia VaiUant Verm. ; Zestocormus Cameron '01 Ins. 191 1 1053 Zethinus Rafray '08 Ins. 228 Zethoides Cameron '04 Ins. 209 7 Ins. 269 Zetis Thomas '08 Mamm. 72 Zeuctode:?mu8 Pocock '09 Myr., Arachn. 55 Zeuctostvla Warren '04 Ins. 286 4 665 Zeugaster Lambert '06 Echin. 46 Zeuglopora Maplestone '09 Bry., Brach. 26 Zeugma Cresson '08 Ins. 390. Zeugorchis Nic.oll '06 Verm. 29 Zeugorchis Stafford '05 Verm. 62 5 381 Zeugorygma Marshall '07 Ins. 253 Zeunasa Distant '06 Ins. 419 Zeuxevania Kieffer '02 Ins. 198 Zeuxidiplosis Kieffer '05 Ins. 286 Zeuxo Templeton 1840 Crust. ; Tr. Ent. Soc. Loud, ii 203 Zeuzerops Strand '10 Ins. 343 Zezera Jordan 4'- Fotder '03 Pisces 34 3 96 I/', Zeadolopus Broun '03 lus. 144 Zebrias Jordan Sj- Snyde 3 963 01 Pisces 26 ( 322 Zichya Bolivar '01 Ins. 308 Zigzp.giceras Buckman '02 Moll. Zilephus Simon '02 Arachn. 2 490 ) ZILU.— ZOPH. ZOPY.— ZYGOM. Zilus Mnlsant 1851 Col: Spec. Col. Trim. Securipalp. 958 Ziphiodelphis Piaz '09 Mauim. 74 Zirosaris Meyrick '10 Ins. 386 Zittelospongia Malfatti '01 Spong. 30 Zizeeria Chapman '10 lus. 324 Zizina Chaj))nan '10 Ins. 324 Zizula Chapman '10 Ins. 324 Zizypliia Chretien '08 Ins. 360 Zoantliella van Benedcn 1897 Scv- phozoa ; Ergebn. Planktou- Exped. Ilumboldt-Stift. ii K. e. 196 Zoanthina va7i Bfneden 1897 Scv- phozoa ; Evgebn. Plankton- Exped. Iliimboldt-Stift. ii K. e. 200 Zoarcbias Jurdaii S^- Snyder '02 Pisces 24 Zoeides Gu6rin 1857 Crust. ; Zomorphus Hafinesqiie 1814 Rhizop. ; Specchio Sci. ii 68 Zonesthiosa Thierry-Miey '07 lus. 331 Zonitodema Perinyuey '09 Ins. 249 Zonitomorpba Perinyuey '09 Ins. 249 Zonitopsis Wellman '01 Ins. 242 Zonitoscbema Perinyuey '09 Ins. 249 Zonodorus Distant '09 Ins. 395 Zonojoppa Cameron '02 Ins. 195 Zonoplirvxus Richardson '03 Crust. 40 3 361 & 4 368 Zonotricbium Meunier '10 Prot. 72 Zoogoneticus Meek '02 Pisces 34 3 96 Zoogonnides Odhner '02 Verm. 61 2 201 Zoogonus Looss '01 Verm. 53 1 499 Zoomyxa Ehnnssian '09 Prot. 48 Zopberinus Casey '07 Ins. 243 Zo])herodes Casey '07 Ins. 243 Zopbocbroa Turner- '02 Ins. 232 2 788 Zopbobelops Reitter '02 Ins. 148 5 1259 Zopbopetes Mabille "04 Ins. 252 4 665 Zophorvctes Simon '02 Aracbn. 27 3 411 ( 3 Zopvrinus Fairmaire '01 Ins. 157 1 1157 Zorodictyna Strand '07 Aracbn. 31 Zosperamerus Bruner '08 Ins. 433 Zosterotbrix Za^iq '05 Ins. 148 5 1259 Zouga Distant '06 Ins. 407 Zscbokkeella Ransom '09 Verm. 36 Zscliokkella Anerhach '09 Prot. 59 Zscbokkia Fuhrmann '02 Verm. 54 2 201 Zugmonites Reis '08 Moll. 128 Zulaimena Kirkaldy '02 Ins. 278 2 001 Zuluacarus Triiyardh '06 Aracbn. 49 Zurcberia Reitter '08 Ins. 253 Zj^gacantba Popofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 81 Zygacantbarium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 746 Zygaoantliidium Haeckel 1887 Rhizop. ; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 747 Zygacantbonium TLaeckel 1887 Rhizop.; Challenger xviii pt. 1, 748 Zygadenia Handlirsch '06 Ins. 273 [Zvgaenoprocris Hampson '01 Ins. 1 1002] Zygantroplana Laidlaw '06 Verm. 27 Zvgapophysia Popofsky '04 Prot. 62 4 81 Zygiella Cambridye '02 Aracbn. 35 2 490 Zygobarinus Pierce '07 Ins. 253 Zygobaroides Pierce '07 Ins. 253 Zygocera Westtcood 1863 Col.; Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i 625 Zvgoclistron Rehn '05 Ins. 342 6 Ins. 45.3 Zygoloncbe Popofsky '04 Prot. 52 4 81 Zygoloncbidium Popofsky '04 Prot. 62 4 81 Zvgometis Sitnon '01 Aracbn. 41 1 743 Zygometra Clark '07 Ecbin. 40 Zygomma Bronn 1859 Hydrozoa; Klass. Ordn. Thier-Reicb. ii 143 2;j ) ZYGOP.— ZYGOR. ZYGOS.— ZYZ. Zygophlaeoba Bolivar '02 Ins. 313 Zygoselmis X)2{;rt;Y/m 1841 Flap-. ; Ilisl. 1 785 nat. Zoophytes 353 Zygophlebiiis Navns '10 Ins. 391 Zygosiphon Caiman '07 Crust. 01 Zygopsella Champion '06 Ins. 254 Zyzomys Thomas '00 Manim. 67 Zygoptera Topofsky '04 Prot. 52