®l|f E B. Bill ?JIibrarg Nortli (Eaniltna S^tatp This book was presented by Howard R. Krinbill THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. ^ : - ^07 ■ ?MR ^ 6 1977 \..:tt rW9 ^'<^^ a 1980 D. H. HILL LIBRARY N. C. STATE UNIVERSITY By E SCHUYLER MATHEWS FIELD BOOK OF WILD BIRDS AND THEIR MUSIC i6mo With 38 Colored and 15 other Full-page Illustrations, and numerous Musical Diagrams. Cloth, net $2.00 Full flexible leather, net . . .2.50 (Postage, 15 cents) FIELD BOOK OF AMERICAN WILD FLOWERS i6mo, 525 pages. With 24 Colored Plates and 200 Full-page Illustrations in the text. Cloth, net $1-75 Full leather, net ..... 2.25 (Postage, 15 cents) Q. P. PUTNAM'S SONS New YoVk London SAbbatia.. Sabbatia, chlopoides. FIELD BOOK OF AMERICAN WILD m FLOWERS BEING A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THEIR CHARACTER AND HABITS, A CONCISE DEFINITION OF THEIR COLORS, AND IN- CIDENTAL REFERENCES TO THE INSECTS WHICH ASSIST IN THEIR FERTILIZATION By F. SCHUYLER MATHEWS MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB AND AUTHOR OF FAMILIAR FLOWERS OF FIELD AND GARDEN FAMILIAR TREES AND THEIR LEAVES, FAMILIAR FEATURES OF THE ROADSIDE, ETC. ^^^^^^^^ -3f -^ -if r3S WITH NUMEROUS REPRODUCTIONS OF WATER COLORS AND PEN-AND-INK STUDIES FROM NATURE BY THE AUTHOR S ig 3? iB ® ig * G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK g LONDON Z7 & 29 W. Twenty-third St. ^J^ Z4 Bedford Street, Strand •S* Ube 'Stnfcl;erbocf;er press £ 905 Copyright, 1902 BY F. SCHUYLER MATHEWS Published, April, 1902 Reprinted, August, 1902 ; January, 1903 ; May, 1903 ; January, 1904 ; June, 1904 ; October, 1904 ; July, 1905 Ube Iftnicfterbocfeer ipress, IRew Jgorft To C. A. M. IN REMEMBRANCE OF MANY JOURNEYS AFIELD IN THE BEAUrXPUL VALLEY OF THE PEMIGEWASSET THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED CONTENTS. List of Colored Plater . . . . . Technical Terms . . . Colors — an index to assist in the identifi- cation OF A FLOWER OR ITS FRUIT BY MEANS OF THE COLOR Insects which assist in the Fertilization of Flowers .... Introduction .... Families: Cat-tail (Typhaceco) Bur Reed (Sparganiacece) Water Plantain {Alismacece) Arum {AracecB) Yellow-eyed Grass {Xyridacece) Spider wort {Connnelinacecs) Pickerel Weed {Pontederiacecs) Lily (Liliacecu) Amaryllis {AniaryUidacecB) . Iris {IridacecE) Orchid {OrchidacecB) Birthwort {A ristolochiacecs) Buckwheat (PolygonacecB) Goosefoot {Chenopodiacecs) Amaranth {AmarantacecE) Purslane (Portulacacecs) Pink iCaryophyllacecB) Water- Lily {Nymph(sacece) . Crowfoot {RanunculacecE) Barberry {B erheridacecs) Poppy (PapaveracecB) . Mustard {CrucifercB) Pitcher Plant {Sarraceniacece) Sundew {Droseracece) . Orpine (Crass ulacece) PAGE ix xui XV 4 6 lO i8 i8 22 24 6o 62 68 98 102 1 10 112 114 116 126 128 152 156 166 176 178 180 CONTENTS. Saxifrage {Saxifragacece) Rose (RosacecB) Pulse (Leguminosce) Geranium (Geraniacece) Sorrel {OxalidacccB) Flax {Liyiacece) Milkwort {PolygalacecB) Spurge (EuphorbiacecB) Cashew {Anacardiacecs) Staff-tree {Cclastracecs) Jewel-weed {Balsaminacecs) Buckthorn {Rhamnacece) Vine {VitacecE) Mallow {MalvacecB) St. John's-wort (HypericacecB) Rock-rose (Cistacece) Violet {Violacece) Loosestrife (LythracecF) Meadow-beauty {M elastoynacecB) Evening Primrose (OnagracecB) Ginseng (AraliacecF) Parsley {U inbellijercB) . Dogwood (Cornacece) Pyrola {Pyrolacece) Heath {EricacecB) Diapensia {Diapenstacecs) Primrose (Primiilacece) Plumbago or Leadwort (PlumbaginacecB) Gentian (Gentianacecu) Dogbane (Apocynacece) Milkweed (AsclepiadacecE) Convolvulus {ConvolvtilacecB) Phlox (PolemoniacecE) Borage {BoragmacecB) . Vervain (y erhenacecB) . Mint (Labiates) Nightshade (SolanacecB) Figwort {ScrophulariacecB) . Broom-rape {OrobanchacecB) . CONTENTS. PAGE Plantain {Plantaginacece) . . . .438 Madder (Rubiacece) 440 Honeysuckle (Caprifoltacece) 446 Valerian {ValerianacecB) 452 Gourd {Cucurbitacece) . 454 Bellflower (Catiipanulacecs) . 456 Lobelia {Lobeliacece) 462 Composite {Composites) 466 :x ...... 537 COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS. FACING PAGE Sabbatia Frontispiece Arrowhead 6 Large Flowering Trillium .42 Day Lily 58 Hooker's Orchis , 86 Large Pl'rple Fringed Orchis 92 Showy Orchis ...96 Bouncing Bet 116 Evening Lychnis 120 Marsh Marigold 144 Wild Swamp Rose 204 Fringed Polygala 240 Bird-foot Violet 27'6 Shinleaf . . 324 Fringed Gentian 356 Oswego Tea 398 Monkey Flower 422 Twin Flower 448 Early Golden-rod 480 New England Aster 486 Robin's Plantain ' . 500 Elecampane 504 Cone-flower 508 Common Thistle 520 TECHNICAL TERMS. Corolla. The flower-cup composed of one or more di- visions called petals. Petal. One of the divisions of the corolla. Calyx. A flower-envelop, usually green, formed of several divisions called sepals, protecting the bud. Sepal. One of the divisions of the calyx. Stamen. Anther and filament combined. Anther. The pollen-bearing organ, usually yellow. Filament. The stalklike support of the anther. Pistil. Ovar}', style, and stigma combined. Ovary. The seed-bearing organ. Style. The stalklike projection proceeding from the ovary and terminated by the stigma. Stigma. The generally sticky and sometimes branching termination of the pistil through which fertilization by the pollen is effected. Rostellum. See Orchid Family description, page 68. Regular Flower. Generall}^ symmetrical and uniform in the number of its parts. Perfect Flower. A flower complete in all the common parts. Staminate. With stamens and without pistils. Pistillate. With pistils and without stamens. Polygamous. Pistillate, staminate, and perfect flowers on the same plant or on different plants. Spathe. A leaflike formation enclosing a floral growth. Spadix. A flesh}^ spike of flowers. Bracts. Small leaflike formations. Stipule. Small leaflike formations confined to the base of the leaf. Pubescent. Covered with soft short hairs. Cleistogamous Flower. A flower closed to all outward agencies and self-fertilized in the bud. COLORS. AN INDEX TO <- ASSIST IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF A FLOWER OR ITS FRUIT BY MEANS OF THE COLOR. Black, 24, 26, 36, 258, 260, 412, 450. Blue, 22, 26, 152, 360, 380, 424. Brown, 3, 436, 530 Coral Red, 150, 446, 448. Cream Color, or Cream White, or Yellowish White, 26, 38, 72. 74, 76, 78, 90, igo, 194, 21 2, 220, 258, 284, 320, 368, 380, 3S2, 442. 446, 504, 528. Cream Yellow, 46, 474 Crimson, 122, 180, 194, 210, 242, 266, 324, 366. Crimson-pink, 80, 96, 106, 116, 118, 164, 190, 212, 262, 334, 336, 352, 356 366, 368, 386, 400, 448. Golden Yellow, 16, 54, 94, 126, 128, 142, 144, 156, 164, 194, .?,'2, 214, 228, 256, 268, 270, 272, 280, 282, 308, 310, 312, 344, 348, 472, 474, 476, 478, 480, 482, 508, 510, 512, 514, 518, 524, 528, 532. Green, to, 12, 16, 24, 36, 44, 46, 68, 84, 86, 98, 100, 102. 104, 106, T08, iTO, 112, 136, 138, 186, 246, 248, 252, 258, 260, 274, 292, 318, 366, 368, 412, 430, 498, 502, 506, S12, 518. Green-yellow, 24, 30, 72, 82, 106, 152, 180, 214, 248, 304, 310, 362, 412, 414, 430, 432, 498, 500, 516. Greeni.-,h White, 28, 48, 56, 76, 78. 84, 88, 90. 108, 128, 130, 150, 168, 180, 182, 184, 226, 244, 250, 254, 302, 304, 316, 322, 324, 362, 364, 370, 434. 444. 454. 456. Lavender, 284, 350, 396, 414, 416, 422, 424, 426, 460, 488. Lilac, 148, 226, 276, 278, 294, 296, 334, 338, 358, 362, 368, 374. 400, 406, 408, 422, 440, 486, 488, 492, 494, 498, 500, 522, 528, 534. Lilac-white, 134, 486, 490, 492, 494, 496. Madder Purple, 70. 72, 98. 182, 448, 466. Magenta, 28, 40, 60, 80, 82, 120, 164, 178, 200, 216, 218, 230, 232, 234, 240, 242, 244, 264, 274, 286, 288, 290, 294, 324, 336, 342, 352, 366, 374, 376, 386, 390, 408, 410, 418, 428, 432, 450, 4S6, 488, 496, 500, 506, 508, 520, 522, 530. Magenta-crimson, 78, 96, 366, 454. 468. Magenta-pink, 80, 92, 116, 162, 166, 218, 220, 230, 244, 264, 288, 342, 352, 388, 452. Maroon, 40, 224, 250. Orange, 10, 58. 64, 254, 338, 366, 418, 526 Orange-yellow, 52, 84, 88, 336, 382, 516 Pink, 6, 20, 28, 40, 42, 56, 60, 106, 108, 114, 118, 122, 126, 136. 162, 188, 190, 204, 206, 210, 212, 264, 266, 320, 326, 330, 332, 334, 336, 340, 342, 348, 354. 356, 364. 370, 374. 400. 442, 448, 450. 452, 468, 500. xi COLORS. Purple, 82, 92, 130, 214, 220, 222, 226, 266, 278, 280, 282, 284, 310, 338, 35°. 374. 382, 384, 386, 390, 392, 394. 398, 400, 402, 406, 410, 412, 418, 422, 430, 436, 456, 458, 470, 484, 486, 488, 492, 494, 496, 498, 534. Purple-black 44; 304, 446. Purple-brown, 10, 70, 194, 302. Purple-red, 14, 176, 190, '24. Red, 152, 176, 180, 270, 292, 326, 328, 330, 336, 400, 450, 462. Ruby Red, 30, 32, 192, 304, 412. Scarlet, 10, 42, 48, 52, 146, 196, 266, 318, 350, 398, 430, 446, 448, 452. Ultramarine Blue, 20, 148, 362, 384. Violet, 64, 122, 148, 208, 210, 222, 238, 276, 278, 282, 358, 374, 376, 378, 382. 384, 386. 388, 396, 398, 400, 402, 404, 406, 412, 416, 424, 454, 458, 460, 462, 464, 470, 486, 490, 494, 496, 500. Violet-blue, 18, 20, 22, 62, 64, 66, 148, 276, 356, 358, 360, 488, 524. White, 4, 6, 8, 12, 22, 26, 30, 32, 34, 40, 42, 46, 54, 56, 60, 64, 82, 84, 88, 90, 94, 96, 114, 118. 120, 122, 124, 126, 132, 134, 136, 146, 150, 152, 154, 156, 160, 162, 166, 168, 170, 174, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 192, i9'6, 200, 222, 232, 234, 242, 246, 248, 262, 264, 266, r!76, 278, 280, 282, 284, 294, 296, 300, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312. 314. 316, 322, 324. 326. 328. 330. 332, 334. 340. 344. 348, 350, 354. 370, 372. 374. 376, 378. 380, 384, 388, 390, 394, 396, 400, 402, 406, 408, 412, 414, 416, 420, 422, 426, 432, 438, 440, 442, 444, 446, 448, 450, 452, 454, 460, 462, 464, 466, 468, 470, 484, 486, 490, 492, 494, 496, 498, 502, 504, 514, 516, 518, 520, 530, 534. Yellow, 18, 38, 50, 58, 60, 114, 138, 140, 142, 158, 170, 172, 174, 186, 194, 198, 200, 202, 208, 216, 228, 236, 238, 256, 266, 268, 274, 282, 292, 296, 298, 300, 304, 344, 346, 362, 390, 414, 416, 418, 426, 428, 430, 432, 434, 436, 442, 450. 452, 478, 496, 506, 510, 512. S14, 518, S20, 526, 528, 532, 534. Yellow, Deep, 140, 142, 144, 158, 268, 504. Xll Junonia coenia BUTTERFLIES CONCERNED IN THE CROSS-FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS, xiii The Bumblebees. Various. The Sypphid Flies. Bombus vagans. The Honeybee. Apis mellifica. Epistalis flavlpes. Syrpus Lesueurii. Bombus temapius ' '" Xwf \^^/' (Orange.b.nd«i) g^^bylius fratellus. CThese two files much enlarged) ^^T?o\ydoridL card us. Bombus fpigjdus Bombyhusatpiceps. (Orange-banded) ^ Megachile latimana Bombus Vipginicus (Leaf-cutter bee) Hal ictus confusus. Bombus teppicolaL "I Mai lota posticata. Andnena vicina. Halfctus &»Andpen& are ground bees. Bombus Pennsylvanicua Syrpus diversipes. BUMBLEBEES, BEES, AND FLIES CONCERNED IN THE CROSS-FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. INTRODUCTION. Perhaps it is not too much to say that the wild fiowei of late has become popular. If such is the case I am presumably justified in presenting it in a new light, or, to speak more to the point, in the position it occu- pies according to the light of one who loves to draw it. Quite recently, in a conversation about art with Mr. Fosdick, the artist, he remarked to me that those who followed our profession were legitimately and continu- ally seeking after expression regardless of limitation. I have since thought this was a very happy truth. Per- haps, therefore, it is sufficient to account for the exist- ence of a volume on our American flora, fully one half of which is pictures. This is a field-book of wild flowers ; it originated in the fields and it is intended to go back there, I trust, in the hand of its good reader. Of course, not all of it was written on sunny meadow and in shady wood, nor were all of its illustrations made at once from specimens gath- ered during various botanical rambles ; but, in the truest sense of the word, nearly all of the book is a direct result of field work, ranging from New Hampshire to Virginia. Not many years ago, my highly esteemed friend, the late William Hamilton Gibson, in the course of an ad- dress he was delivering before the Society of American Florists, said that some day he hoped to write a botany in plain English, It is unnecessary to add that if he had lived to do so, in all probability he would have con- tributed as much to our happiness as the father of American botanj', Dr. Asa Gray. Undoubtedly he felt, as the rest of us have felt, the great need of simple, un- technical English in direct connection with botany. But there are difficulties to face in' even a modest at- tempt to avoid bothersome technicalities. We nmst INTRODUCTION. necessarily retain the Latin names and surrender the advantage of those direct, crisp terms which express vohimes to students wlio understand them and nothing at all to others who do not. On tlie other hand, we can re- sort to the drawing, which often expresses more at the glance of the. eye than the best turned phrase, technical or otherwise ; so with plain English and the plainer drawing, one ought to be able to identify a plant with- out great difficulty. To be sure, one is continually running into " snags" ; it is not all plain sailing even for the botanist. Rules are all very well in their way, but unfortunately Nature abides by them only when it suits her conven- ience. There are hybrids and extreme forms galore ; there are puzzling groups, difficult families, and differ- ences of expert opinion ; in fact there are so many prob- lems for one to solve that the very interest in botany lies in their solution. The roses seem to be indifferently sep- arated. The genus Polygonum is simple onh^ to one who is satisfied to know about three species. The Epilobiiuna are not all easily distinguished apart. Sisyrinchium, that beautiful little blue-eyed grass, shows signs of com- plications relative to species which prove that it is not as simple as it looks. Pentstemon occasionally puzzles one by taking a half-way form. Sagittaria, the genius of the sluggish river, tries to be everything it ought not to be in leaf and flower, so Mr. J. G. Smith settles the matter by calling the forms a, b, c, d, etc. Even the dandelion and the strawberry have lost their simplicit3% and now each poses as one of two very distinct species. Then there is Lactuca — what a puzzler ! Anyone who knows Lactuca despairs about its leaves ; a third of the way up the plant-stem they represent one species, half- way up they represent another, and at the finish the flowers take up the disagreement where the leaves leave off, and declare for a third. I have known one plant, Lactuca Canadensis, to look like three things all at once ! When one reaches the mints, whatever trouble existed before seems child's pla}' ; here is an order of plants which was apparently created for the express purpose of convincing the amateur that he can never master botany. INTRODUCTION. What is particularly hard, too, is the fact that the bot- anists have apparently shaken the names up in a bag and sorted them out afresh. Regarding that bugbear of the botanical student, no- nienclatuie, it may be well to make a plain statement of the facts of the case. Neither the older system of plant arrangement according to Dr. Gray nor some of his names can remain as the}' have been. At present the botanists prefer the system of Engler and Prantl. It certainly shows more distinctly the character of devel- opment in plant form by placing Typhace^ first and Composite last, not to speak of the satisfactory charac- ter of the arrangements in between. As for names, few, after all, of Dr. Gray's choosing are to be displaced. His successors are now engaged with such revision as is really necessary. Through the courtesy of Mr. Merritt L. Fernald I q^m able to adopt most of these names, and the extreme care with which the system they represent has been worked out inclines me to believe it will be ulti- mately and universally accepted. At the present time there is no international agreement regarding nomenclature by the scientists of the new and the old world. From what I know of the so-called Rochester Code, I shoidd say it is a disturbing influence among already agitated conditions, and its lack of con- sistency does not entitle it to unreserved acceptance. Perhaps its instability is more clearly attested by the two articles from Mr. Fernald's pen which appeared in the Botanical Gazette, vol. 31, March. 1901, and vol. 32, Nov., 1901, and by the action long since of most of our eminent botanists, who have published a signed protest against it. In reference to the color names used in this book it would be advisable to concisely explain the principle upon which they are based. There is always one unfail- ing source where one may obtain color properly labeled ; that is at the color dealer's. Perhaps I must modify this statement and say moat generally properly labeled. It is upon a purely scientific basis that the flowers are given their proper color names ; this is the list in simple form : xvii INTRODUCTION. Pure yellow Pure pink Violet Deep yellow Crimson Blue-violet Golden yellow Crimson-pink Ultramarine Pure orange Magenta Pure blue Scarlet Magenta-pink Madder purple Pure red Pure purple Madder brown Beyond various modifications of tliese hues there are no color names of any value whatever in relation to the wild flower. We have in the color dealer's catalogue numerous conditions of these hues indicated by standard names : there is Naples yellow, a dilute form of golden yellow ; crimson lake, a subdued rendering of crimson : and vermilion, which is a synonym for scarlet. These are standard colors which have never varied, and which will probably last with many others as long as painting does. In botanical and ornithological works we find such color names as fuscous, rufous, vinaceous, ferruginous, rose-purple, greenish purple, etc.; they mean nothing at all to one who is not a scientist, and I half suspect they mean but little to one who is. Purple (botanically speaking) is a dreadfully abused term wliich is made to stand for half the rainbow ; it means anything from crimson to violet. As an actual fact it is fairly repre- sented by Mimulus ringens, and one Jot to the right or left of that hue is not purple. Pure yellow is perfectly represented by CEnothera biennis, and no tint to the right or left of that is a true yellow. JMagenta is a crimson-purple ; the list of flowers which represent it is too long to give here. Blue in its pure form only exists (dilutely) in Myosotis. But I find that if I disturb all the botanists' color names I may complicate matters and add to the confusion wliich already exists in plant names, so I am content to let Ranunculus stand in plain yellow, although the color is not pure yellow, and it ranges through eight distinct deep or golden tones. In many other instances, also, I have refrained from mak- ing a change, although I am compelled to draw the line at rose-purple, and call it by its proper title, light magenta. INTRODUCTION. I have found myself indebted to many authors of botanical lists for the information I give regarding the distribution of plants, and I have had frequently to congratulate myself upon the possession of that excel- lent work, Brainerd, Jones, and Eggleston's Flora of Vermont. But it seems as though I am most indebted, for many things, to the late gifted Dr. E. Newlin Wil- liams, who, while this book was going to press, lost his life in an excursion during a bitter cold wave in Febru- ary among the White Hills we both loved so well. He would have made his mark as a botanist if he had chosen that profession, and he was more than well informed in many other departments of knowledge. Not long ago we trudged together on a botanical excursion over the slopes of Mt. Washington, and I found myself depend- ing upon him for the identification of many an alpine species ; he knew them all at a glance, and their whole history as well. From him I received the specimen of Belamcanda which is drawn here, together with much information regarding the flora of eastern Pennsylvania. I had looked forward to the time when I should place this book in his hands and say, " Here is one of the re- sults of our pleasant mountain rambles together." I am also indebted to others for help in the writing of this volume. I soon found my " wild garden '' a field of work too narrow to enable me to record all that might be recorded regarding the visitations of insects ; hence I was glad to turn to those remarkable essays on the sub- ject by Prof. Charles Robertson which appeared in the Botanical Gazette. Then, too, by the courtesy of Dr. Robinson, Curator of the Gray Herbarium, practically the whole magnificent collection of valuable specimens and the splendid library have been open to me for reference. One must alwaj^s ask for the indulgence of tlie reader and apologize if mistakes appear, but if they do it will be in spite of great vigilance. Again, much of the de- scriptive text may seem somewhat bald and brief through the effort to sustain the portable character of the book ; thus the brilliant and extensive Composite family suf. fers for want of elbow-room. But. on the whole, I con- INTRODUCTION. sidered that we all know that family best of all and we would be glad to give it all the room it needed on our highways if not in our book, which must fit the narrow limits of our pocket at all hazards. F. Schuyler Mathews. Boston, Mass., March, 1903. FIELD BOOK OF AMERICAN WILD FLOWERS. CAT-TAIL FAMILY. Typhaceae, CAT-TAIL FAMILY. Typhacece. Perennial marsh herbs with stemless, ribbonlike leaves, and with flowers of two kinds, st jninate and pistillate on the same plant, lacking petals or flow-er-cup. Natu- rally not dependent upon insects for fertilization . ^ .| The light olive green leaves usually exceed Tyijha latifoiia the flower-stem in height. The upper half Yellow=brown of the cj'lindrical flower-spike consists of June-July ^j-^g stamens, and the low^er half of the pis- tils ; the abundant, yellow, powdery pollen of the staminate flow^ers scattering itself over the pistillate flowers below, fertilizes them. It is the compact down of the bractless pistillate flowers tipped with red-brown that forms the familiar cat-tail of August and September. At that time only a few lingering remnants of the staminate flowers remain on the withering tip of the stem above. The completely developed cat-tail measures fully 1 inch in diameter. In June it is important to note that the tw^o kinds of flowers are not appreciably separated by a gap as in the next species described. The color of the staminate flow- ers is a variable olive yellow-brown, or bro\vnish yellow, according to age. Typha is the Greek Tvcpr/, meaning fen or bog, and latifoiia refers to the broader leaf of this species. The plant is 4-8 feet high, and is common in swamps everj'- where. The slenderer species knowm specifically as leaved Cat=tail ^^^9'^*^^*/^^*^' ^^^^ i^' narrow-leaved, is re- Tijpha angusti- markable for the distinct and considerable /^>''« separation, on the stem, of the two groups Yellow>brown ^^ flowers ; this is usual, but not without June-July exception. The structure of the pistillate flowers is also different from that of the same flowers on Typha latifoiia ; under a glass it will be seen that they possess a hairlike bractlet slightly swollen at the top. This cat-tail is narrow, rarely measuring over f inch in diameter. The plant is 4-9 feet high, and grows, not invariably, near the coast from Me., south; it is some- times found as far west as Mich, and Mo. ; it is common Cat-taLil Typhd IdAifolia. Narrow-leaved Cat-tail. Typha angustifolium. BUR REED FAMILY. Sparganiacex. in Nantucket, and along the N. J. coast, and is reported at Mt. Equinox, Vt., by Miss Mary A. Day. BUR REED FAMILY. Sparganiacece. Marsh herbs with flowers arranged like those of Typha but collected in separate spherical heads. Largely self- fertilizing, but assisted in the process by aquatic insects and flies. G t B R ed ^^^^ deep green leaves are similar to those Sparganiuiii ot the foregoing species and are about f eurycarpum inch wide. The downy flowers are in Brown=white dense round heads scattered along the top May-August ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ j.j^^ ^-^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ cat-tails consist of the two kinds, staminate and pistillate, abso- lutely separated. The green fruit is a burlike sphere composed of nutlets wedge-shaped below, and flattened above with an abrupt point in the centre, so that tlie general appearance of its surface is not unlike that of the pineapple. The name is from 67tdpyavov, a band, in allusion to the ribbonlike leaves. The plant is 3-7 feet high, and is common on the borders of ponds and rivers from Me. , south to Va. , and west. This is a much smaller species with nar- Smaller Bur , , . , , l^ggjj rower leaves, and a snnple stem and row Sparganium of flower-heads. The green fruit is about simplex I inch in diameter, with a decidedly bur- Brown=white j^^^ appearance, the nutlets tapering to a point at either end, and the upper point being much longer than that of the fruit in the preced- ing species. The plant is 1-2 feet high, and is generally in the water, erect or sometimes afloat ; it is found from Me. to N. J., and west to Minn. This familiar variety, which is common Branching in all bogs, is larger than the foregoing Bur Reed in many respects, and it is distinguished Sparganium f^j. j^g branching and somewhat angular Brown=white Aower-stem ; the latter grows out at the June-August point where the leaf is joined with the plant-stem. The plant is 1-2 feet high, and is distributed from Me., south, and west to Minn. The sparganiums are all peculiarly decorative plants. Great Bur Reed. 5parganium simplex. Branching BupReed. Sp^pQdnium eupycarpum. Sparganium andpocladum. WATER PLANTAIN FAMILY. Alismaceae. WATER PLANTAIN FAMILY. Alismacece. Marsh herbs with long-stemmed leaves, and flowers of three orders, thus : 1. With stamens and pistil, 2. Staminate and pistil- late growing on one plant, 3. Staminate and pistillate growing on different plants. The flowers have three conspicuous petals and generally six stamens ; they are visited by numerous insects which undoubtedly assist in the process of fertilization. The leaves, all from the root, are olive AUsma Phni^^^ green, strongly veined, and elhptical but fayo very variable in shape, broader or longer. White or pale and sometimes heart-shaped at the base. P'"**^ The flower-stem is tall and symmetrically ^y- ep em- branched, displaying the three-petaled, very small white or rarely delicate pink flowers to great advantage. The flowers are perfect, with six stamens and a pistil ; they are possibly self- fer- tilized, but more probably cross-fertilized by the beelike drone-flies {Syrphidce), all pollen-eaters and honey- drinkers. The plant is 1-3 feet high, and is found in the shallow water of ponds and sluggish streams every- where. The name, wliich is of uncertain Greek origin, is supposed to refer to the occurrence of the species in salt marshes. . ^ This genus is reinarkable for its mani- Arrowhead n ^ ^ ■ ■ ■, ,, t Sagittaria vari-^^^^ variations; hence it IS called varia- ahiiis hilis. SagittaHa is derived from the Latin ^hite sagitta, an arrow, referring to the shape July-Septein= ^^ ^^^Q leaves. There are fourteen native ber species recorded, by Britton and Brown, and over twentj^ by Jared G. Smith, while Gray recog- nizes but seven. However, until botanists arrive at a united opinion regarding this group, it will be a safe and therefore preferable course to accept the fewer species recognized by Gray. It is an unreliable method of procedure to rely upon leaf character for the founda- tion of a species, and unfortunately this has a great deal to do with the separation of SagittaHa into many spe- cies or groups. The particular species called variabilis 6 Arrow hea^d. Sagittd^pia I at i folia. WsctepPlantcvin AlismaPlanUgo. WATER PLANTAIN FAMILY. Alismacess shows, according to Gray, four variations as follows : var, obtusa {S. latifolia, Form a, of J. G. Smith) has flowers mostly of the third order above described, and broad, blunt-pointed leaves : var. latifolia {S. latifolia proper of J. G. Smith) has the second, or imperfectly the third order of flowers above described, and varying broad or narrow, acute leaves : var. angustifolia (S. latifolia, Form d, of J. G. Smith) has flowers of the second order, and leaves with narrow, divergent lobes ; found in mountain districts : var. diversifolia (S. latifolia, Form e, of J. G. Smith) has flowers of the second order, and lance-shaped or broader leaves, variably arrow- pointed. These are mere forms, not varieties. Sagittaria vari- ^ well established type with very broad abilis yar.jm- blunt leaves, is pubescent, or woolly- bescens coated, especially the flower-stem. This is the S. latifolia jnibescens of J. G. Smith. It is found from Me., south, usually east of the Alleghanies. Sagittaria En- This is also a well established type, the gelmanniana flowers of which are scarcely 1 inch J. G. Smith across, and the leaves remarkably narrow and linear. The fruit is a narrow wedge-shaped nutlet tipped with a small erect beak. Somewhat rare. Mass. , N. Y., N. J., south. The leaves of the arrowhead are shiny dark green, and the three-petaled flowers are pure wliite relieved by the charming bit of golden yellow contributed by the large anthers. The flowers grow in clusters of three, the staminate ones above, and the pistillate below. The pollen is distributed bj^ a variety of agents, not least of which are the insects which fre- quent wet places, among them the beautiful glassy- winged dragon-fly. The tendency of some of the types to develop only staminate flowers on one plant and pistil- late on another, suggests the probability that Sagittaria is beginning to rely entirely upon insects for fertiliza- tion. Remarkably decorative in every part of its struc- ture, the arrowhead like the cat-tail is a great favorite among artists. Common everywhere. The three forms angustifolia, latifolia (2nd order), and obtusa (3rd order), are reported in Neb. by H. J. Webber. Na.rpow-leaved j^l Anpowhead. Sagittari^ variabilis var.angustifolia. of AsaOray or Sac^lttapja latifolia form d. of J. G. Smith. ARUM FAMILY. Aracese. ARUM FAMILY. Aracece. Perennial herbs possessing a sharp, peppery juice, and with sometimes perfect, but generally only two orders of flowers ; i. e., 1. Staminate and pistillate on the same plant, 2. Staminate and pistillate on different plants. The flowers crowded on a club or spadix enclosed within a hood or spathe. Fertilization assisted by insects. Indian Turnip Generally with two long-stemmed, tri- or Jack=in-the= parted dull green leaves without a gloss, P"'P'* which overshadow the hooded flower be- h^Uuvi " ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ junction of the leaf-stems. Purple=brown The flowers, on the clublike spadix within and green the hood, are grouped at the base of the April-July spadix and are generally staminate and pistillate on separate plants, that is to say, the stamens are abortive on one plant and the pistils are abortive on another ; thus small insects (the gnat of the genus Mycetophila especially) are a means of fertilization, and frequently they may be found imprisoned in close quar- ters between the bases of spathe and spadix. It is pos- sibly developing a dependence upon insects for fertiliza- tion ; but often one plant develops both staminate and pistillate flowers. Tlie novel and beautiful green and purple-brown striped spathe is variable in depth of color ; exposed to sunlight it is usually quite pale, while in the dark woods it is exceedingly purple ; as a rule the plant prefers the shaded, wet woods. The handsome cluster- ing berry like fruit is at first green and finally, in late August, brilliant scarlet. The plant attains a height of 1-2| feet. It is common in the woods in wet situations, everywhere. The exceedingly peppery bulb becomes edible after boiling. Green Dragon, This species generally has a single com- Dragon-root, pound leaf with seven or more obovate- or Dragon lance-sliaped, pointed, dull green leaflets. AnZmaDra-. ^^'^ ^^^^^ ^P^^^^^ ^^ "^^^^l^^^ Composed of contium both staminate and pistillate flowers, and Dull white- it tapers to a slender point, reaching far K''ee" beyond the rolled-up, greenish, pointed ay- une. spathe. The berries are red-orange. The ./Wf: Xatr.eo„.™. A--«^4'«,„. ARUM FAMILY. Araceae. plant is 1-3 feet high, and grows in wet woods or low grounds from Me., south, and west to Minn. The rich green leaves are arrow-shaped Arrow Arum .^, • ^ • rn Peltandra with one prominent vein or nerve. The nndulata flowers are staminate and pistillate on the Green same plant, covering the long tapering May-June spadix ; the pointed green spathe, rolling and wavy on the margin, is 4-7 inches long. The clus- ter of berries is green, and is at first enclosed in a green sheath, the fleshy base of the spathe. The plant grows 1-1^ feet high, in shallow water, from Me. south, and west to Mich. It derives its name from TteXzr/, a target or shield, and vvrjp, stamen, from the targetlike form of the latter. Water Arum ^ little swamp flower resembling the CaUa palustris so-called calla-lily ; the latter is, of course. White not a lily, and, curiously enough, not a ''""® true calla, it is a RicharcUa. The deep green leaves of the water arum are long-heart-shaped with long stems. The open and rolling edged spathe is white above and greenish beneath. The yellow spadix is entirely covered with flowers, the lower ones perfect, i. e., with all the parts complete, and the upper ones often staminate. Fertilization is assisted by insects and pond-snails. The berries, red and distinct, in a head like those of the Jack-in-the-pulpit, are ripe in August. The plant grows 5-10 inches high and is at home in cold bogs, from Me., south to Va., and west to Minn. The name Calla is ancient and obscure, palustris is the Latin name for swamp. Appow Apum. Peltandra. undulata Watep Arum. Calia, pail ust pis. ARUM FAMILY. Araceae, A sinerle species, of the earliest appear- Skunk Cabbage . ^ . ^ , ^ ^j i i • u Symplocarpus ^^ce 111 spring, having a fetid odor, which fcetidus attracts numerous insects, and a closely Dark purple= coiled purple-red streaked and blotched, red and green green, leathery spathe which entraps March-April f. 1 ^i • ^ ^i m ^ ^ ^■ ■ them to their death. The stout spadix is compactly set with perfect lavender-flesh-colored flowers, i. e. , flowers with stamens and pistil. The conspicuous an- thers are a grayish straw-color. The fruit is the enlarged and fleshy spadix enclosing round bulletlike seeds imme- diately beneath its surface which ripen in September. The name is from 6vu7tXoHr/, connection, and Hapito'i, fruit, alluding to the connection of the ovaries forming compound fruit. The color of the shellike spathe is not without testhetic interest; the madder purple, green, and yellow-green are blended and streaked with a pecul- iar charm ; inside, the red is darkest. The leaves will at first be found in a compactly coiled, pointed spike close beside the ruddy spathe. Later wiien the coarse 1- 2 feet long, cabbagelike leaves are unfolded the origin of the common name becomes evident. The odor of the flower is imitative of decaying flesh, but it is not wholly bad, it reminds one of the smell of a mustard plaster, and raw onions ; the cut stem decidedly suggests the latter. The plant is found in swamps, beside brooks, and in wet glades. Common from Me., south to Ga., and west to Iowa and Minn. Found at Clarendon Hills, Mass. 14 SkunK Cabbd^^e " Mil Symplocarpus fcetidus. ARUM FAMILY. Aracese, Golden Club Orontiuni aquaticiim Golden yellow April-May A single species, perennial and aquatic, whose prominent golden yellow spadix (the club) scarcely larger around than its long, snaky stem, is thickly clustered with the completely developed flowers of gen- erally six sepals, as many golden stamens, and a pistil. The spathe is undeveloped and removed from the spadix, appearing like a mere leaflet on the flower-stem. Fruit green and bladderlike. The long-stemmed, oblong, dark green leaves float upon the water. It is a beautiful aquatic plant whose flowers deserve close examination under the glass, 1-2 feet high, common in the shallows of ponds, from Mass., south, and generally found near the coast. Name from the Syrian river Orontes. The stiff, swordlike, light green leaves give the plant a rigid character. It has inconspicuous flowers compactly covering a tapering cylindrical spadix which grows angularly from the side of a two-edged stem resembling the flat ribbonlike leaves. The individual flower has a pistil, six stamens, and as many sepals of a dull yellow-green color. The fruit is a small berry, at first gelatinous and finally dry, but the plant is mostly propagated by its stocky roots. Namc^^KopaS of unknown meaning, from Pliny. The horizontal, pun- gent, and pleasantly aromatic rootstalk is a familiar com- modity of the apothecary. There is a striped-leaved variety. The plant grows 1-4 feet high, or more, and is found beside small streams and in wet ground, from Me., south, and west to Minn., Iowa, and Kan. Calamus or Sweet Flag Acorns Calamus Yellow=green June-July l6 Golden Club. Orontium d.qua.ticum. Sweet Flavg. Acopus Cala^mus. YELLOW-EYED GRASS FAMILY. Xyridaceas. YELLOW-EYED GRASS FAMILY. Xyridacece. Perennial herbs with narrow, grassHlie leaves, and perfect, regular flowers, with three spreading lobes and a slender tube. Fertilized largely by insects. Yellow=eyed ^ ^^^^^^ swamp plant with grasslike, or Grass rather slender rushlike, light green leaves Xyrisflexuosa which twist as they grow old, and flowers Yellow about \ inch across, of three yellow petal- u y- ugus j^j^^ divisions, three stamens, and as man}' sepals, the flowers proceeding from a conelike head com- posed of light green leafy scales. The fruit is an oblong many-seeded capsule. The name is from Sfpz? an unknown Greek plant with two-edged leaves. The plant grows 6-16 inches high, in sandy bogs or morasses, from Me. to Minn., and south to Ga. and Tex. There is a mountain variety barely 1 foot high, with very slender leaves, which rarely twist, known as var. pusilla. It is found in bogs from the White Mts., south to the Pocono Mts. of Penn., and in N. J. It blooms in the same season. A tall species, with a slender flower- Carolina Yel= , / ' , . , . , . low=eyed Grass stem, and leaves reachnig nearly an inch m Xyris Carolini- width. The conelike head also longer ana and measuring nearly f inch. It growls Yellow -|^_2 fgg^ high, and is found in swamps near the coast from Mass., south to Fla. and La. SPIDERWORT FAMILY. Commelinacece. Herbs wuth jointed and often leafy branching stems, the leaves sheathed at the base, and generally perfect flowers, i. e., flowers with stamens and pistil. Cross- fertilization assisted by insects. The grass green leaves are lance-shaped, ay ower ^^^ browm-sheathed at their iunction wuth Commelina hir- "^ t^llfi the plant-stem; the sheath is hairy-edged. Light violet= The flowers are three-parted and irregular, ^''"^ that is, unequal in size, form, and struc- "^"* be tural parts ; for instance, two of the blue petals are larger than the third. The leaf i8 Yellow-eyed Xyris Carolinians Xyris flexuosa. SPIDERWORT FAMILY. Commelinacess. immediately below the flowers is heart-shaped, and clasping, forming a hollow from which the flower-stem proceeds. The flowers expand only in the morning. The plant is erect, stout-stemmed, and grows 2-3 feet high. It is named for the early Dutch botanist Kaspar Comme- Hn. Fond of damp and shady, but warm places, it dis- tributes itself along river banks and streams from southern N. J., south, and west to Mo. Virginia Day "^^^i^ is a much commoner species in the Flower northeastern section of the country, and Commelina it differs from the foregoing species in the Virginica following particulars. The leaves and blue ^'** ^ " stem are slenderer, the stem taller, but June-Septem- branching and reclining, frequently tak- ber ing root at the joints, and the whole plant is frequently slightly rough to the touch. The third petal is also particularly inconspicuous and abortive. The plant grows l.i-3 feet high, and is found on river banks or wet shaded places, from southern N. Y., south, and west to Neb. and Tex. This species has mucilaginous, upright Tradescantia stems, with light green , narrow , and linear Virginica leaves. The flowers are regular with three Light violet- purplish ultramarine blue petals which . "^ , richly relieve the golden anthers with- May-AugU8t in; the latter are widely removed from the prominent stigma. It is unquestionably cross-fertilized by the earlier queen bumblebees Bomhus pennsylvani- cus and B. separatus, who are attracted by the plentiful pollen, and evidently come in contact with the exposed stigma before stumbling among the yellow anthers. It is also a familiar, old-fashioned garden flower, common beside the farm-houses of the north. It is named for John Tradescant, gardener to Charles I. of England. It grows 1-li feet high, usually in rich or moist ground, from Me., south, and west to the Rocky Mts. Tliere are variable forms of this species, as well as another slenderer southern species with smaller pink flowers, 6-12 inches high, named Tradescantia rosea. It is dis- tributed from Md., south, and west to Mo. There are garden varieties of Tradescantia also white and purple. 20 Vipginia Day Flower. /^^ 5piderwopt. Commelind.Virgiriicav. /if Tra^descantia Vipgirvice^. PICKEREL WEED FAMILY. Pontederiacem. PICKEREL WEED FAMILY. Pontederiacece. Aquatic herbs with perfect (i. e. having stamens and pis- til), more or less irregular flowers issuing from a spathe or leaflike envelop, which are mostly fertihzed by insects. A tall plant with one blunt arrowhead- Pickerel Weed j^ . ^^^^ green, thick leaf, varying to Pontederia cor- ^ ' ® , . , , ■, ^^f^ a very elongated triangle shape, and a Light violet- showy flower-spike about 4 inches long, blue crowded w4th ephemeral, violet-blue June-Septem- f^^^^^j.^ which are marked with a distinct yellow-green spot. Immediately below the spike is the small spathe. Sometimes the flowers are white. The flower-cup is funnel-formed and six- divided, the upper three divisions united, and the three lower ones spread apart. The six stamens are three of them long and protruding, and three short which are often abortive ; the blue anthers are so placed that it is impossible for an insect to enter the flower-cup without brushing against them and detaching the pollen. The fruit is a bladderlike receptacle containing one seed. The. plant is named for Giulio Pontedera, a professor of botany at Padua about 1730. Pickerel weed grows 1-3 feet high, and is commonly found in the shallows of ponds and sluggish streams, sometimes associated with the arrowhead. The deer in the Adirondack region fre- quent the lake shores to feed upon it. Mud Plantain ^ small water plant with deep green, Heteranthera floating, round-kidney-shaped leaves on renifonnis long stems, and 2-5 white or pale blue per- White or bluish ^^^^^y. developed flowers, which, Hke those of the preceding species, are exceedingly short-lived. The tiny flowers proceed from a spathe or leafy enclosure projecting from the sheathed side of a leaf-stem. The flower-cup shows six nearly equal divisions spread above its slender tube. Tlie plant is named for its unlike anthers, ^rf/oa different, andavBT^pd anther ; the specific renifonnis means kidney-formed, in allusion to the shape of the leaf. It grows about 12 inches high, in mud or shallow water, from Conn, to N. J., and west to Kan., Neb., and La. Pickerel Weed Mud Planta^in. Pontederiei cordata. Heter^ntherd peni/brmis. LILY FAMILY. Uliaceae. LILY FAMILY. Liliacece. Mostly perennial herbs with a flower-cup of generally six parts remarkable for its simplicity and beauty. Flowers with six stamens each of which stands before one of the divisions. In the case of Allium the flowers j spring from a spathe or leafy inclosure, like the flowers j of most of the species already described. Carrion Flower The light green veiny-corrugated leaves Smilax are mostly round-ovate and heart-shaped herbacea ^^ ^Y\e base, pointed at the tip, and devoid Ma^y"juiy ^'^ ^^ S^^^^' *^^^^^ stems greatly varying in length, measuring i-3 inches ; with a ten- dril at either side. The long flower-stem, proceeding from between the tendrils, is topped by a hemispherical flower-cluster with spokelike stemlets. The greenish- yellow flowers are insignificant and putrid-odored ; they are staminate and pistillate on separate plants, thus show- ing their dependence upon insects for fertilization, par- ticularly upon those flies which are attracted by carrion. The cluster of berries is first green and finally blue-black with a bloom. It is, indeed, a beautiful and decorative vine, most unfortunate in the repellent odor of its flow- ers at the time of bloom. It is very variable, grows to a length of 4-15 feet, and frequents river banks and thickets. Common from the coast west to Dak. and Neb. Green Brier "^^^^ slightly zigzag stem and branches, Smilax the latter more or less squarish, are cov- rotundifolia ered With scattered prickles, and the \ Light green broadly ovate, short-stemmed, light green \ leaves are 2-3 inches long and pointed. \ The leaf -stalk is bent upward at a riglit angle ; in the angle are the slender tendrils. The flower-stalk bears fewer flowers than that of the preceding species. The berries are blue-black. It is common in most thickets, and closely connects with a western form, var. quadran- gularis, the branches of which are quite perceptibly square. Common from the coast west to Minn, and Tex. It is a familiar vine on Long Island, N. Y., and at North Easton, Mass., but it is not found in the moun- tain region of N. H. 24 I Carrion Flower. SmildX herbacea Green Brier. Smilax rotund ifolia. LILY FAMILY. Liliaceae. Clintonia CUntonia borealis Cream-color, greenish June-early July A handsome woodland plant with from two to four (usually three) shiny, light green, large oval-oblong leaves ; a slender flower-stalk, about 7 inches high, bears from three to six cream-colored drooping flowers greenish on the outside. The flower is formed of six distinct sepals, and is perfect, having six stamens and a pistil ; its form is lily like and dainty. It was named for DeWitt Clinton, once governor of New York. It unfortunately lacks odor and color to make it perfectly attractive, but it is not without a subtle and delicate grace. The berries, which are ripe about the middle of August, turn a beau- tiful pure blue, a color devoid of any purplish tinge, and therefore one which is rare and remarkable in nature. Prussian blue mixed with a little white will exactly match the unique color of the Clintonia berry. The plant grows 6-16 inches high, and is common in the northern woods, especially where they are cold and moist. Me., south to N. C, and west to Minn. A far less common species, with a woolly Clintonia ^, , ■, r, i i <• i • \. nmbcllata flower-stem, and flowers half the size of White, spotted those of the foregoing species, borne in a May-June thick cluster. The flowers are also very different in color ; they are mostly white speckled with madder purple, and possess a sweet odor. The berries are globular and black. Height 8-22 inches. Rich woods of the AUeghanies from N. Y. to Ga. ; not in New Eng. 26 Clintonid. bopealis. LILY FAMILY. Liliacese, Twisted Stalk Streptopus amplexifoUus Greenish white May-July The leaves, strongly clasping the zigzag stem, are smooth and light green, with a wliitish bloom beneath. The curh'-se- paled, greenisli flower is about | inch wide, and hangs by a long, crooked, threadlike stem from beneath the leaves. The flower is perfect and regular, with six lance-shaped sepals, and is either solitary or (rarely) in pairs. The name is from the Greek, for twisted, and stalk or foot. The usually solitary berry is red, round, and nearly \ inch in diameter. 2-3 feet high. Cold moist woods. Me., west to the Rockies, and south to N. C, in the mountains. Differs from the preceding in its dull purple-pink flower, its leaves which are not whitened with a bloom beneath, but are altogether green and finely hairy at the edge, and its earlier period of bloom. l-2i feet high. In the same situations, but extending farther south to Ga., and west to Ore. The genus Streptopus is dependent in part upon insect-- for cross-fertilization. Some of the most frequent visit- ors are the bumblebees, the beelike flies Bombylius, and the bees of the genus Andrenidce, still, their effect upon the flower is mere probability. It takes much time and attention to make sure of the i^esidts of such insect visita- tions. Certainly the delicate green-white coloring of one species and the magenta of the other directh' indi- cate the adaptation of the flowers to insect visitors. Streptopus roseus Dull purple- pink May-early July 28 Twisted 5ta.lk Streptopus poseus. LILY FAMILY. Liliaceae. Asparagus Asparagus This beautiful perennial, so well known as a vegetable, is not quite as familiar to ufflcinalis us in its a?sthetic dress. Its leaves (or prop- Green=yellow ^^.^^.^ j^g branchlets), are threadlike ; and it assumes a busliy, almost larchlike figure as it grows older, and becomes decorated with round, scarlet berries. The tiny green-yellow flowers are six- parted, and rather inconspicuous. The name is ancient. Adventive from the old country, and a frequent escape from kitchen gardens everywhere. It is a favorite among the farmers' wives who use it decoratively in their homes ; certainly it is not less decorative than the florist's famous Aspcu^agus plumosiis. A really beautiful woodland plant slightly ^gj.^ resembling Solomon's Seal, but bearing Smilacina its SpirHealike cluster of fine white flowers racemosa at the tip of the Stem. The light blue- ^*^'*® green leaves are oblong and ovate-lance- shaped, taper-pointed, and with very short stems — hardly any, in fact. The tiny flower has six distinct white sepals, and is perfect, with six stamens and a pistil. The flower cluster is pyramidal, and the zigzag plant-stem gracefully inclines. The berries, smaller than peas, are at first greenish then yellowish white speckled with madder brown, and finally, in late September, a dull ruby-red of translucent character. They possess an aromatic taste. A familiar plant of the White Mt. region The name is a diminutive of Smilax, without appropriate application. Common in moist copses and beside woodland roads. 1-3 feet high. Me., south to S. C. and west to Minn, and Ark. 30 v:-:^ Fdise Spikend^rd. Smila^cina. racemosau LILY FAMILY. Liliacess. A much smaller species than the fore- going, with a very small but pretty starry cluster of white flowers at the tip of the stem. The leaves, light blue-green and very firm, clasp the zigzag stem. The flower is \ inch wide. The berries, which are few, are at first spotted and finally dull ruby-red. 8-16 inches high. Moist banks and meadows. Me. , south to N. J. , and west. Three=Ieaved A still smaller species, with generally False Soio= three leaves, but sometimes two or even four, tapering to a sheathing base ; flowers smaller than those of the preceding spe- cies, and the berries red like those , of the next species. 2-6 inches high. In bogs or wet woods. Me., south to Penn., west to Mich. Although the resemblance of Smilacina tn'folia to 3Iaianthemum Canadense (the next species described) is close, the differences are easily detected by a close ob- server. The (usually) three leaves of Smilacina trifolia clasp the stem but are in no way heart-sliai)ed at the base. This species also has six sepals and as man^^ stamens, and the wiiole plant is invariably smooth, not fine-hairy as is sometimes the case with the next species. The berries of Smilacina and Maiantliemum are closely similar, but those of Smilacina stellata are in a measure harder, more opaque than any of the others, and cer- tainly not blackish, as described in Gray's Manual, 6th Edition, but dull red. False Soloo mon's Seal Smilacina stellata White May-early June mon's Seal Smilacina trifolia White May-early June *- 32 False Solomons Seal. Smilacina stella,ta. Smilacina tpifolia. LILY FAMILY. Liliaceas. A tiny woodland plant resembling Smila- »f"^*i" cina trifolia, with small white flowers Mayflower ^ ' Maianthemum which differ from those of the genus bm^- Canadense laciiia in having only four sepals and as White many stamens. It has two to three light May- une green, shiny leaves which are ovate-lance- shaped or broader, with a somewhat heart-shaped base. The berries are yellow- white, spotted with madder brown, until early fall when they turn a dull translucent ruby- red. A familiar plant in the woods of the White Mts. ; gen- erally in moist places. 3-6 inches high. The name is from Mains, May, and dyOejuov, flower. Me., west to Minn, and Iowa, south to N. Car. This is the only one true species, familiar VaUe* ^ "^ cultivation. It has two oblong leaves, Convallaria shiny and smooth, and a slender stalk majalis bearing a one-sided row of tiny white ^**'*^ flowers, extremely sweet-scented and ay-ear y dainty, Flower-cup bell-shaped, with six lobes recurved, and six stamens. It is ap- parently cross-fertilized by bees who collect the pollen, as there is little or no honey at the base of the bell ; in the absence of insects it is self-fertilized (Hildebrand). Berry red. The name is from the Latin convallis, valley, , and the Greek for lily. Identical with the European flower of the gardens, it also grows on the higher Alleghanies, from Va. to 8. Car. 34 Canada Mayflowen Lily of the Valley naianthemum Canadense. Convallaria majalis. LILY FAMILY. Liliacew. The pendulous position of the flowers of this genus, is in a great measure protective ; the wind and weather can not injure or uselessly scatter the pollen. The flowers, moreover, have sliort styles and long anthers, and are unquestionably cross-fertilized by the larger bees ; the bumblebees Boinbus vagans, and. Bombusj^ennsylvaniciis are common visitors, together with innumerable small insects. The oblong-ovate, light green leaves Solomon's Seal « i i • j i u ^i Pohjuonatum smooth or finely hany and paler beneath, biflonuH arranged alternately either side of the Pale green slender, smooth stem ; the cylindrical and April-June tassellike perfect flowers (each having six stamens) depend in clusters of two, rarely three, belo^^' them. An extremely pretty and graceful plant when under cultivation. The fruit, at first a green berry with a whitish bloom, at last becomes blue-black and resembles a small Concord grape ; it imparts an additionally decora- tive appearance to the plant. 1-3 feet high. Common in thickets beside woodlands, and on hillsides. Me., south, and west to E. Kan., Neb., and Tex. The plant is taller and smooth, icithout Solomon's Seal *^^® ^^® hairiness. Leaves ovate, pointed, Polygonatum and partly clasping the plant-stem, 3-8 giganteum inches long, and many-ribbed. Flowers Pale Green j^ clusters of from two to eight. Stem jyl stout and round. 2-8 feet high. Meadows and river banks. Me., south to Va., and west to the Rockv Mts. 36 Solomon's 5eal. Pol^/gonatum biflorum. LILY FAMILY. Liliaceae. A graceful woodland plant, smooth Uvularia per- throughout, with a forking stem (one to foliata three leaves below the fork), the deep Pale corn green ovate-lance-shaped leaves appearing y*"''7 as if perforated bv it. The delicately fra- riay-June ^ ^ " , , . . ^ grant flower-cup, granular-rough inside, is attenuated but lilylike, with six distinct pale corn yellow sepals. Flowers perfect, with six short stamens and a pistil. Sepals with a deep honey-bearing groove within ridged on either edge. Seed pod a three-parted capsule, appearing as if chopped oif at the end, and in this respect entirely dif- ferent from that of the Oakesia following. Name from uvula, palate, referring to the way the flower hangs. It grows 6-18 inches high, in rich woods, from Me. to the Dakotas, and south. This is the commoner bellwort from Large-flowered _^ ^ , , Bellwort western New Eng., west and south. Uvularia gran- The deep green leaves are flne-white- diflora hairy beneath ; the large pale, corn yellow a e corn flower, inclining to green, at the summit, April-June ^^ f^l^J li inches long, and smooth inside. Stem with a single leaf or none below the fork. A more limited distribution, south to Ga. and west to Minn., Iowa, and S. Dak. . Similar in some respects to the foregoing olkesiasessiU- genus, but with marked differences. Stem folia angled. The deep green leaves, fine-hairy Corn or cream beneath. Conspicuously three - grooved, yellow sharp-pointed, and stemless, or slightly clasping. The six divisions of the flower less pointed, no ridges within the flower-cup, the latter more huffish cream-colored, but still near corn yellow\ The seed capsule three-sided, resembling a beech nut. The one or two flowers on slender stems, at first terminating the plant stem, but finally appearing opposite the leaves by reason of the growth of the branches. Named for William Oakes, an early botanist of New England. Stem 6-13 inches high. It is very common in the north woods. Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn, and 38 LaiPge-flowered Bellwort. Uvulapia. gpandiflord. Oakesia. sessilifolia LILY FAMILY. Uliaceas. Ark. Uvularia and Oakesia are both slender drooping. leaved plants, early in the season at the time of bloom , later they expand to a broader figure. The trilliums are handsome woodland Stemless Trilli= ,,.,,. - . -, , , , um or Wake= P^^^^^s with stout stems, ruddj^ purple at robin the base ; their perfect flowers have three Trillium sessile green sepals which remain until the plant Dull magenta= -^yithers, three petals much larger, and six A^ ril-Ma stamens. T. sessile has stemless, slightly fragrant flowers with narrow petals and sepals, the former rather erect and spreading, dull ma- genta-red, varying to a greenish tone. Leaves stemless, somewhat four-sided but ovate, and often blotched with lighter and darker green. Red berry spherical or nearly so, ^ inch deep. The name is from triplum, triple, a characteristic of all parts of the plant. 5-10 inches high. Moist woods. Penn., south, and west to Minn, and Ark. _ .„. Differs from the preceding in the fol- Trilhum , . . , rr,, , recurvatum lowmg particulars. The leaves are nar- rowed at the base into a stem, and the flower has reflexed sepals, and pointed petals narrowed at the base. 6-16 inches high. Rich woods. Ohio and west. „, , . . A very common eastern species, with Wake=robin, or „ ., , , ^ Birth root four-sided ovate leaves scarcely stemmed, Trillium erec- and abruptly pointed, and flowers, with a t''^^ reclining stem, var3ing in color from wliite aroon, or ^^ pink, brownish purple-red or maroon, white, etc. . , _ x- i April-June ^"^'^^^^ "^^' o'^'ate, spreading petals nearly 1| inches long, the sepals a trifle shorter. Sometimes the flower is dull i3ink, of a brownish purple tone, and rarely it is greenish. It is ill-scented, and as a consequence attracts the carrion-loving green fly (Lucilia caniicina), commonly called the flesh-fly, who finds the raw-meat color of the flower as acceptable as the odor. According to Clarence M. Weed this fly is the most use- ful pollen disseminator of Trilliuin erectum. Berry darker red, round-ovate. 7-15 inches high. Rich woods. New Eng. to N. C, west to Minn, and Mo. 40 v^^. ill \ ijlf\ Berry of undulatum Pa^inted Trillium. Trillium undula^tum. LILY FAMILY. LWaceas. A handsome, large - flowered species in^g^rillium'^" flowering later, and cultivated by the Trillium grandi- florists. The waxy-white petals l|-2 inches floruin long, larger than the sepals, curve grace- ^*"*^ fully backward, and, as they grow older, ^ " turn pink. 10-18 inches high. The red berry fully 1 inch long. Rich woods. Vt. to N. C, west to Minn, and Mo. Leaves almost stemless and broadly Trillium four-sided ovate. Flower with wdiite or Trillium pinkish wavy petals f inch long, and with cernuum a short Stem recurved so that the blossom ^'*'*^ is often hidden beneath the leaves. 8-14 inches high. Moist woods. New Eng. to Minn., south to Ga. and Mo. A very small species with ovate leaves, Dwarf White , ^ ■ i i i a i i / Trillium ^~^ mches long, and flowers whose white Trillium nivale petals, less than 1 inch long, are scarcely White w^avy. Berry red, about I inch in diame- March-May ^^^.^ flattened and spherical, with three rounded divisions. A dwarf plant 2-5 inclies high. Rich woods. Pa. and Ky. to Minn, and Iowa. One of the most beautiful of the genus, Trillium ^^^ very common in the rich woodlands Trillium un- of the north. Leaves ovate and tapering duiatum to a sharp point. Green sepals quite nar- ^**'*^' row, and the gracefully recurved, wavy- crimson=striped -,-,,. , , i i -Ti May-June edged white petals strongly markea with a crimson V deep or pale, as the case may be; it is i\ever jjurjjle. The dark scarlet ovate berry f inch long, ripe in September, and falling at a touch. 8-16 inches high. Cold damp woods and beside wood- land brooks. New Fng. to Ga. , west to Minn, and Mo. 42 Large FloweringTri ilium. Trillium grand iflorum. NoddingTrillium. ,p Trillium cernuum. Dwarf White Trill I um. Trillium nivale. LILY FAMILY. Liliacess. terra-cotta May-June The only species, the thin, circHng, long- C c mber ovate, light green leaves of which are Medeola Vir- arranged around the middle, and the three ginica ovate ones around the top of the thin ^'■®*""'^^ stem. The inconspicuous nodding, but perfect flower is | inch wide, green, and accented by the reddish terra-cotta color of the six stamens, and the three long, recurved terra- cotta brown stigmas, i. e., the three divisions of the tip of the pistil ; the three petals and three sepals are also recurved. In September about two or three purple- black berries replace the flowers at the apex of the plant. Named for the sorceress Medea on account of its sup- posed medicinal virtue. The common name alludes to the succulent, horizontal, white tuberous root which tastes like cucumber, and was in all probability relished by the Indians. 1-3 feet high. Rich damp woods. Me., w^est to Minn., and south. Medeola Virginica is a characteristic woodland plant, common in the "White Mountain woods. It is adapted to subdued sunlight, and is interesting in both flower and fruit. The blossoms, often beneath the three uppei leaves, are thus protected from the dripping of the trees in wet weather ; their colors are esthetic. Crawling insects cannot easily mount the (at first) woolly stem and rob the flower of its pollen, flying insects readily find the blossom, and in September the three crowning leaf- lets beneath the berries are stained with dull crimson, the color attracting birds to the fruit. It is therefore evident that the plant depends in some measure upon visitors. 44 I Indian Cucumber. Medeola Virgin ica.. LILY FAMILY. Liliacex. Blazing Star, ^^^^ stem bearing light green, flat, lance- or Devil's Bit shaped (blunt) leaves at the base with sev- Chamoilirium eral shorter, narrower ones farther up, Carolinianum ^^^^ terminated by a feathery spike 4-10 June-Jiily inches long of small, fi*agrant flowers, white with a tinting of the yellow stamens characterizing the staminate, and in conspicuous white the pistillate ones. It is quite dependent upon insects for cross-fertilization, the staminate flowers growing on one plant and pistillate on another ; the flower-cup has six narrow, spreading white sepals. The pistillate plant is more leafy. Fruit an oblong capsule. The name, which was first applied to a half-grown, low speci- men, is from X'-xiiai, on the ground, and XEipiov, lily. The wandlike stem 1-4 feet high. Low grounds and swamps, from Mass. to Ga., west to Neb. and Ark. Bunch Flower "^^^^ lowest leaves nearly 1 inch wide, Melanthium the few upper ones small, and linear or Virginicum grass-sliaped. Flowers polygamous, i. e., Cream yellow, gtaminate, pistillate, and perfect on turning brown , ^ _ , ,i <. June-August ^^^^ same plant. It does not, therefore, rely fully upon insects for fertilization. Flower-cup of six separate, greenish cream yellow sepals turning brown with age. Fruit, an ovoid-conical cap- sule, three-lobed. The name is from /ueXa<; black, and avfjoi, flower, in allusion to the dark color which the flower assumes upon withering. The leafy, slender stem is 3-5 feet high. It grows in wet woods and mead- ows, from Conn., south to S. Car., west to Minn, and Tex. Indian Poke or A leafy perennial herb with xQvy poison- American ous coarse roots, remarkable in the early ''^ stage of its development for its beautiful Verairuin pure yellow^-grecn color, which becomes viride darker and dull within four weeks, and Dull yellow- finally withers to an unsightly brown be- ^''^^" fore the summer is in its prime. The- broad ovate, clasping leaves are scored with numerous ribs, and crinkled in parallel lines. The un- interesting large flower-spike is dull yellow-green turn- 46 Devil's Bit Chamael iri urn Carol inianum. LILY FAMILY. Liliacese, ing brownish with age ; the flowers, like those of the preceding genus, are polygamous, but small, with six green sepals. Capsule also like that of Melanthium. Name from vere, truly, and ater, dead black, in allu- sion to the blackening (really turning brown) of the plant upon withering. The plant is j)oisonous in all parts for sheep and cattle. It grows 2-7 feet high, in wet meadows and low grounds, everywhere; g^jjyj Stem leafy, stovit and erect, with grass- stenanthium like leaves. Flower-spike sometimes 2 feet stenanthium long ; the flowers are also polj^gamous. robustum Flower-cup w'hitish green or white with White or green t , , , , July-Aueust ^^-^ narrow spreadmg lance-shaped sepals, I inch long. Leaves grasslike. Fruit capsule pointed long-ovate. The name is from drevo'i, narrow, and ai^Boi, flower, alluding to the slender sepals and flower-cluster. 3-5 feet higli. Penn. to S. C, west to Ohio and Tenn. The lily group is distinguished for its handsome bell- shaped flowers, of six distinct spreading sepals \v\i\\ a honey-bearing groove at the base of each. Flowers per- fect with six prominent stamens, and a long pistil the tip of which is a three-lobed stigma. Fruit an oblong capsule containing many flat seeds. The bulb scaly. The name Latinized from the Greek Xstpiov. „, ^ . .. The most beautifully colored wild lily Wood Lily or -^i u • i ^ , . ^ Wild Orange- ^^ ^^1' with bright green leafy stems, Red Lily flower-cup opening iqncard, and the six Lilium sepal divisions narrowing to a stemlike PlxUadeiphicum gienderness toward the base. The color Orange=scarlet ■ o i . , , - j^ly varying from orange-scarlet to scarlet- orange or paler, and spotted with purple- brown on the inner part of the cup. The sepals do not recurve. From one to three flowers are borne at the branching summit of the plant-stem. A small form common in Nantucket bears a single lighter-colored flower. 1-3 feet high. Dry and sandy soil, common in the borders of thin woods. Me. to N. C, west to Minn, and Mo. 48 Wood Lily. Lilium Philadelphicum. LILY FAMILY. Liliacess. Yellow The common lily of the north, found Meadow Lily most often upon low meadows. Thiestem or Canada Lily j^ slender or stout, very light green and itZLxse smooth, and bears the light green lance- Buff yellow shaped leaves in circles. The stem divides spotted into several branches (really flower-stems) purple=brown g^ch of which bears a pendulous flower, u y ^^^^ yellow on the outside, and a deeper orange-buff spotted purple-brown on the inside. The nectar is protected from the rain by the i)endulous posi- tion of the flower-cup ; it is gathered mostly by the wild honey-bee, and the leaf-cutter bee(i!/egrac7iz7e), who visit the flower to gather the brown pollen as well. These insects are therefore the most potent means of fertilizing this lily. It grows 2-5 feet high, and fre- quents moist meadows and copses, from Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn. Neb,, and Bio. Liliiun Canadense is probably the most popular wild lily of our range. However, it certainly does not possess the beauty of color that characterizes the wood lily, nor the subtle delicacy of the Turk's Cap ; but the graceful curves of its pendulous bells are unsurpassed in any wild or cultivated flower, and it must always command the greatest admiration for that matchless quality. Of the three wild lilies this one is also the most prodigal of its charms ; it is not only in the meadow, it is everywhere. As for the Carolina Lily described farther on, I am disposed to consider it a questionable variety. Until all botanists agree upon its right to varietal rank, it would be best to count it as a mere form. But as that form is absolutely distinct I give the lily the benefit of the doubt. 50 Yellow Mea^dow Lily. Li Hum Canadense. LILY FAMILY. Uliaceas. Turk's Cap Lily TAlium superbiDH Buff orange= yellow July-early August A less coniiiion, but most beautiful spe- cies remarkable for its completely reflexed petals, or rather sepals, which leave the handsome stamens, tipped by the brown anthers, fully exposed to view ; tlie flower- cup is thickly freckled with brown, and hangs in a half-drooping position. It is also largely fertilized by bees, but is frequently visited by the monarch butterfly {Ayiosia plexij^jnis) of a tawnj- and black color, whose favorite plant is the common milkweed. The light green leaves of this lily hold alternating positions at the upper part of the stem, but are more or less in circles at the lower part. 3-7 feet high. It is oftenest found in wet meadows not very far from the coast, and it is distributed from Me. (rather rare) and Mass., south to N. Car. and Tenn., and west to Minn. A similar species the flowers of which have far less reflexed sepals, with perhaps fewer spots. The leaves are darker green and broader, rather blunt-lance-shaped. 2-3 feet high. Commonly found in the dry woods and among the mountains. Va., south to Fla. and La. A Japanese species escaped from gar- dens, and commonly found beside old farm- houses. Its leaves are lance-sliaped and ^uT^-.r^^*'^'^'^* scattered along a stiff, straight, cottony, dark-colored stem, with black bulblets at the point where they join the plant-stem. The flower sepals are strongly spotted and reflexed. Me. to N. Y. Carolina Lily Liliiua siqjerbion, vai CaroliiiHinnm Buff orange=. yellow August Tiger Lily Lilium tigrinum 52 TurkaQpLily Lilium supepbum. LILY FAMILY. Liliaceas, A small, lilylike flower distinguished °Y 'ir Ad=^ ^^^' ^^^ brown-purple-tinged (outside) gold der'8 Tongue yellow color ; sometimes the purple tinge Erythronium is wanting in the flower, but the two leaves Americanum .^j.^ almost always strongly mottled with u go ye = .^_ these are elliptical, pointed, nearly April-May stemless, and proceed from the root. The flower is j)erfect, with six stamens and a pistil, and it is especially adapted to long-tongued in- sects ; it is undoubtedly cross-fertilized by the early bees, chief among which are the queen bumblebees {Bombus pentisylvanicus) whom I have often observed enter the flower-bell and issue plentifully besprinkled with pollen. Other occasional visitors are the small butterflies Colias pliilodice—yeWow , and Pieris rapce — A^iite. It is probable, too, that many species of flies are attracted to this plant on account of its mottled color ; but the majority of flies are poor pollen disseminators. The name, Greek, for red, in allusion to the European species which is purple-red. The little plant, 5-10 inches high, is common in moist woods and beside brooks in swamp}- places, from Me., south, and west to Minn. Found in Campton, N. H. A very similar species with narrower White Adder's ^n i i t^- ^i ^ ^ n Tonsrue leaves mottled less distmctly or not at all, Erythronium smooth, thick, and whitish green. The albidum flowers are white, or dull, pale violet- wliiteorvioiet=j-jj^gg(j outside, and yellow-tinged at the March-May heart, inside ; the six divisions of the flower-cup strongh' recurved. As the white stigma in Erythronium matures in advance of the golden anthers, it is, generally speaking, cross-fertilized; its most frequent visitor is the bumblebee {Bombus vir- ginicus). 5-8 inches high. Common only in the west and south. N. J., south to Ga., and west to Minn. Found near Carlinville, southern 111. (Prof. Robertson). 54 Yellow Adders Tongue. Epythronium Americ^num Erythponium albidum. LILY FAMILY. Liliacest. A slender ornamental plant of Europe, Star=of=BethIe= ^ „ , rpi ■, i i^gj^ escaped from gardens. The dark green OrnithoqaJniii leaves are narrow and linear, and the umbeUatum flowers are borne in a branched cluster ; ^*^'*^ they are white inside, green-lined outside. ay- une and they open only in the sunshine. Name from the Greek, meaning bird's milk, supposed to al- lude to the egg-white color of the flower. 4-12 inches high. Found most often in fields and meadows near farm-houses. Mass. to Pa. and Va. WMd L k ^^^ spring the wild leek develops two or Allium tricoc- three light green, flat, oblong-lance-shaped cum leaves 8-10 inches long, and about 1 inch Greenish white wide or more, and by summertime when une- u y these are withered, the white or greenish white flowers begin to bloom, in a spokelike cluster from a spathe or leaflets at the top of a naked stem. The perfect flowers with stamens and pistil, are six-parted, with six green-white sepals. The flowers are rich honey- bearers and undoubtedly are mostlij fertilized by bees. It is an onion-scented herb whose name is the Latin for garlic, and it is not remarkable for its beauty. It grows 4-15 inches high, in rich woodlands from west N. E., west to Minn, and Iowa, and south among the Alle- ghanies to N. Car. „,., . ^ ,. A more commonlv distributed, ex- Wild Garlic " ' Allium Cana- tremely narrow-leaved species frequenting dense wet meadows, the flower-cluster of which Pale pink or jg sparse in bloom or else is replaced by a ^ ' ^, thick cluster of bulblets— a frequent oc- May-June . , ,^. m., /, currence with Allium. The flowers sepals are narrow and obtuse, and quite as long as the stamens. 8-24 inches high. Me. to Minn., and south to the Gulf. The Alliums are mostly assisted by flies, bees, moths, and butterflies in the process of fertilization. 56 Wild Garlic. "^^ Allium C^^nddense Wild Leek. Allium tricoccum. LILY FAMILY. Liliacese, Day Lily HemerocaUr A native of Europe and Asia, escaped from gardens. Leaves angled in section, fulva tapering to a sharp point, narrow and Tawny orange light green. The flower-stalk tall bearing July-August visually eight or nine blossoms which open one or two at a time. The flower divisions six, three narrow, and three wide and blunt, very fragile, and rusty or tawny light orange, with a veined texture. The name is from the Greek, and means beautiful for only a day. 2-5 feet high. Found usually on meadows and upon the borders of streams. I gathered it not far from the Arondack Spring, Saratoga, where it was growing wild and plentiful. Mass. and N. Y., south to Va. and Tenn. „ .. ^ A beautiful but far less common species, Yellow Day • n j ^ ^ Lily occasionally escaped from country gar- Hemerocallis dens, with narrow leaves, and pure bright flora yellow flowers more delicate and slender Yellow ^jj form, having a delightfully fragrant odor. 2-3 feet high. The leaves of both these plants grow thickly, and are characterized by graceful, drooping curves. Hemerocallis fulva is rapidly becoming established as a wild flower in many parts of the country. Its tenacity of life under apparently adverse conditions is remarkable. It propagates rapidly by its spreading roots, and some- times takes complete possession of by-ways and spare corners where the environment is favorable. In various parts of New York State the plant is abundant. Less attractive in figure than the delicate yellow Hemerocallis Jlava, and odorless besides, it makes up for such dis- crepancies by a magnificent tawny orange matched by few if any members of the Lily Family. The flowers bloom for one day only. ? 58 Hemerocallis fulva. St5.p-of-Bethlehem. OpnithoQalum umbelktum. AMARYLLIS FAMILY. Amaryllidacem, AMARYLLIS P\\MILY. Amaryllidaceai. Perennial herbs, with generally showy, perfect flow- ers — with stamens and pistil — having six generally equal divisions of the flower-cup. Mostly fertilized by bees, the beelike flies {Syrphidoe), and small butterflies (Hes- peria). Leaves somewhat thick, blunt, and zlqTwonthL^ shining deep green, long and straight. I Atamasro The flower perfect with six stamens and \ Pink or white a pistil, the former very much shorter April-July ^j^g^jj ^j-^g flower-cup. The flower-cup is symmetrical and divided into six distinct lobes, crimson pink, white with a magenta tinge, or white ; it is rarely eight-lobed. Unquestionably the plant is cross-fertilized by insects, chiefly by bees, the honeybee {AjJis mellifica) j visiting the flower most frequently, and generally early ; in the morning. The low position of the anthers in the , flower-tube makes it impossible for the bee to pass them without powdering herself with pollen. The name is ] from the Latin and Greek, Zephyr us, the west wind, \ and dvOo'^, a flower. The fruit is a depressed capsule. 6-15 inches high. In moist localities. Del. to Fla. and Ala. The leaves are deep green, linear, grass- Star Grass ... ^ - il U • riM % 4. Hvvoxis ^^^^' ^^^^ covered with hairs. The perfect erecta flower is six-parted, with six stamens of Yellow unequal lengths ; it is deep yellow inside, April-July ^j^fi hairy and greenish outside. There are perhaps three flowers at the top of the hairy stalk, which, by a plentiful supply of pollen, attract both smaller bees (Hcdictus) and smaller butterflies, notably the Meadow Fritillary {Brenthis bellona). Prof. Robert- son says the plant depends mostly upon the genus Halictus for fertilization, and that it is self- as well as cross-fertilized. Hypoxis is commonly found in the meadow grass, in dry situations. The name is of Greek origin, alluding to some unknown plant with sour leaves. 3-6 inches high. Me. , south, west to Minn., E.! Kan., and Tex. 6o ^tam^scoLily. Star Grass, lephypanthes Atamasco. Hypoxis erecta. IRIS FAMILY. Iridacess, IRIS FAMILY. Iridacece. Perennial herbs found in damp or moist situations, having straight straplike leaves and showy, perfect flowers of three and six parts. Commonly cross-ferti- lized by honeybees, bumblebees, and the beelike flies (Syrphidcp) . A handsome, and decorative plant, with Larger Blue light green, straight, flat leaves, and three- Flag or Fleur= parted perfect flowers blooming one by ^®=*** one from a green bract or leaflet at Iris versicolor , ,. ^ i i. • i i. n -tii Violet=bIue ^'^^^ ^^P ^^ ^ somewhat n-regular stalk. The May-July stamens are hidden and inserted at the base of the three larger and more showy divisions of the flower, which are beautifully veined with deep violet over a whitish ground tinted at tlie base with yellow. The stamens are under each of the three straplike divisions of the style (the middle portion of the pistil) which directly overlie the showy purple-veined petals or divisions. Thus the insect, generally a bee, in order to reach the honey, must alight upon the showy petal, crawl beneath the overlianging style-division, and brush past the anther hidden below it, dislodging the yellow pollen in its passage. At the tip of each style- division is the stigma, and upon this some of the pollen is deposited as the bee passes ; but it is really the pollen from some previously visited flower which possesses the greater fertilizing power, therefore the iris is a plant which has especially adapted itself to cross-fertilization. It is, however, robbed of its nectar by the little yellow butterfly {Colias philodice), who goes straight to the base of the flower between the divisions, and reaches the honey with its long tongue, and also, according to the testimony of C. M. Weed, by the tiny skipper butterfly (Hesperia). Fruit a long three-lobed capsule. The name is from 7pz5, the rainbow, in allusion to the prismatic colors of the species. 16-30 inches high. On the wet margins of ponds, and in swamps, from Me., south, and west to Minn. , Ark. , and Neb. 62 I Blue Flag. pis vepsicolop. IRIS FAMILY. Jridaceas. A slender-stemmed species with very Bi^" R narrow grasslike leaves,, and a smaller jrls flower with generally narrower propor- prismatira tions, and an extremely short tube, but a Violet=blue ^^^^ slender stem proceeding from smaller May-June bracts or leaflets. The fruit capsule nar- rowly three-lobed and angular. This species is mainly found near the coast in brackish swamps, or wet grounds. 1-3 feet high. Me. to Penn. and N. Car. A usually one-flowered, small, slendfM-- Irisverna stemmed species with grasslike leaves VioIet=blue scarcely over seven inches long, the flower and yellow with the three principal divisions nar- April-May rowed toward the base, slightly woolly, and deep gold yellow at the narrowing part. Some- times the flowers are white. The fruit capsule is ol)- tusely triangular and short. 4-8 inches high. ( )ii wooded hillsides, from south Penn. to Ga. and K}-. A lance-shaped leaf tapering at both Dwarf Iris ends distinguishes this species from all Iris crlstatn others ; the leaf is bright green, 4-9 inches Light Violet long, and about ^ inch wide. The flowers , ^" ~ ^^ are very light violet with the broad outer i divisions crested; i. e., they are marked with three raised parallel flutings along the centre, the middle one of which is orange j^ellow. The flower is exceedingly delicate in color and dainty in form. The fruit capsule is sharply triangular and ovate in outline, hardly twice as long as it is wide. 3-6 inches high. It is a very dwarf plant common on the hillside and along streams, from Md. south to Ga., and west to southern Ind. and Mo. g . A Chinese plant escaped from cultiva- Lily tion, similar to the iris, but much more Belamcanda branched. The leaves flat and light green, Chinensis like those of the iris, the perfect flowers Golden orange, ^^,.^j^ ^^^ ^^^^^ divisions of a hght golden niagenta= , ° ^^ spotted orange color mottled with dull magenta August- spots. Three prominent stamens. Sev- September eral flowers in bloom at once. The fruit * capsule is fig-stiaped, 1 inch long, and when the scales or 1 64 Crested Dwai/ Iris. ' Blackberry Lily. Ins crisUtac. BelamcdndaCliir\ensi5. IRIS FAMILY. Iridaceas. Blue=eyed Grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium Deep vioIet= blue May-July divisions of the shell fall in August, the blackberry like, fleshy-coated, black seeds are exposed to view. The name is East Indian. 2-4 feet high. The plant has escaped from gardens to roadsides and low hills, from south N. Y. and Pa. , south to Ga. , and west to Ind. and Mo. A stiff grasslike little plant with linear; pale blue-green leaves less than the some- what twisted and flat flower-stem in height. The flowers are perfect, with a prominent pistil, and three stamens ; the six divisions are blunt and tipped with a thornlike point ; they are violet-blue, or sometimes white ; the centre of the flower is beautifully marked with a six-pointed white star accented with bright golden yellow, each one of the star-points pene- trating the deeper violet-blue of the petallike division. The flower is mostly cross-fertilized by bees, and the beelike flies (Syrphidce). Seed capsule globular. The name is Greek in origin, and is meaningless. 6-13 in- ches high. In fields and moist meadows, common from Me. , south to Va. , and west. A similar species which has usually two unequal branches springing from a con- spicuous grasslike leaf ; the leaves a trifle woolly and very light green ; less stiff than those of the preceding species, and some- what wider. The flower petals are also sparsely woolly on the outer surface. 8-16 In grassy places, and sometimes on the bor- ders of woods, from Mass., south, and southwest to La. A tall, bending species, similar to the preceding, but lighter green and somewhat woolly ; a slenderer and weaker stem, sonic- times nearly 2 feet long, and reclining, ter- minating in two or three almost equal branches. Leaves very narrow, bracts somewhat purplish and drj- papery ; the flower a trifle smaller, the outside somewhat w^oolly. The seeds but slightly pitted or nearly smooth. In wet meadows or brackish marshes or sandy soil, from Me. to Fla., near the coast. (Bicknell, Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 23 : 134. 1896.) 66 Stout Blue= eyed Grass ASisyriiichiiim anceps Deep violet= blue May-June inches high. Eastern Blue= eyed Grass Sisyrinchiiini Atlanticuin Violet=blue May-June il ' I NeitherspeciesnorS.Atlanticum areas :^etabsolutelv Mermined. 5isyrinchiumangu5t\folium.. Sis\/pinchium ancepi^ ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidacece. Perennial herbs having perfect flowers, the various parts of which are irregular in structure but symmetri- cal in arrangement. There are three similar sepals colored like petals, two lateral petals, and below these a third unique petal called the lij), conspicuously colored, often spurred, and containing nectar for the attraction of insects. The latter in the effort to reach the nectar invariably dislodge the peculiarly adhesive pollen-clus- ters and eventually carry them to the next blossom. The ingenious mechanical device of the flower to insure cross-fertilization is simple but effective. The orchids, except the Cypripedium, have but one stamen which is united with the style into one common column placed at the axil of the flower facing the lip. The stigma, the usual termination of the stj'le, is a gummy surface located directly below the so-called rostellum, the re- ceptacle of the anther, and the actual termination of the style. In the two anther-cells above the rostellum there are two poUinia, or stemmed pear-shaped pollen- clusters, each composed of several packets of pollen tied together by elastic threads ; these threads running together form the stem terminated by a sticky disc. It is these discs which attach to the tongues or heads of insects and insure the transportation of the pollen- masses to the gummy stigma of another flower. The orchids as a general rule are incapable of self-fertiliza- tion, and are wholly dependent upon long-tongued insects for the transportation of their pollen. In Cypri- pedium, the stigma is not a gummy surface but is in a cavity between the anther-cells. Q Add ' ^ small species with tiny white-green Mouth flowers in a small cluster about the size of Microstyiis mignonette. A single oval, pointed leaf ophiogiossoides clasps the slender stem about half-way up. Whitish green rpj^^" ^^^^^^ ^^.^ oblong, and the lip three- pointed. Fruit capsule oval. The name from the Greek, meaning small and column or style. 4-9 inches high. In cold woods or bogs, from Me., souths and west to Minn, and Mo. Found at Jackson, 68 Green Adder's Mouth Micpostylis ophioglossoides. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas, Bethlehem and Caiiipton, N. H., in the region of the White Mountains. A small but showy species with rather hllde ^^^ large shiny leaves. 2-4 inches long, light LiparisUUi- green. The flowers showy, brownish or folia madder purple, with reflexed sepals and Madder purple petals, the latter exceedingly narrow, the u y ^^^ ^ inch long and broad. Flowers nu- merous, the cluster sometimes 5 inches tall. The Greek name in allusion to the shining leaves. 4-9 inches high. Me., south to Ga., west to Mo. A small species commonly found in ever- Root^ green woods, with a ruddy, irregular root Corallorhiza resembling coral, and a straight yellowish innata brown leafless but scaly stem bearing small, Dull madder uninteresting madder purple flowers, with ^'^''J ^ tiny sepals and petals and a whitish lip ; the seed capsule nearly ^ inch long. The name, Greek, meaning coral and root. Common in swamps and damp woods, from Me., south to N. J. in the mountains to Ga. , and west to Neb. Found in Shel- burne and Dublin, N. H. A slender but generally taller species SmalUflowered ^^.. j^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^j^^^ purple-brown flowers. Coral Root ^ . "^ .^ , ,. , • • , Corallorhiza droopmg on a stiff stem ; the lip whitish, odontorhiza spotted, and the sepals and petals marked Dull madder ^vjth purple lines. The flower-stem pur- purp^e pj-gj^ brown. 6-12 inches high, leafless, September ^^* with one or two sheathing scales. In evergreen woods, especially under arbor- vitse. Common from Mass. to Mich., south to Fla,, and southwest to Mo. A taller, large-flowered species, the stem Large Coral ff^QQl of which has several close scales. Many Corallorhiza slightly fragrant flowers, with the white/ multiflora Hp spotted and lined with purple-brown. Madder purple Common in spruce woods. 10-18 inches September high. Me., south to Fla., and west to Neb. and Cai. Found at Mt. Agassiz. Bethlehem, and Sandwich, N. H., and the White Mt. Notch. 70 Large Twa^blade. ' t'^ Early Coral Root. Lipapis liliifolia. Corallorhiza innata. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas. Heart=leaved ^ delicate plant with a very slender Twaybiade stem bearing two opposite light green, Listera cordata stemless leaves shaped somewhat like the Madder purple ^^.g ^y? spades, and a loose cluster about 2 " y inches long of tiny dull purple flowers. The flower is without a spur but possesses a very long two-cleft lip, bearing nectar in a furrow ; the slightest disturbance of a visiting insect causes the delicate ros- tellum above the lip to explode and forcibly eject a sticky fluid which is sure to hit the pointed tops of the pollen-masses lying just over the crest of the rostellum. Thus, the insect coming in contact with the sticky fluid withdraws fluid and pollen -masses. Smaller members of the family Hymenoptera, the bees, etc., most fre- quently visit the flower, also those of the order Diptera, flies, notably the tinj' beelike ones. 3-10 inches high. Named for Martin Lister an early English botanist. Moist woods. Me. to N. J., and west to Ore. Found in the woods about Mt. Washington. Broad=lipped A similar species with leaves less heart- Twayblade shaped and flowers with a wedge-oblong Listem conval- jjp^ much longer than the narrow sepals Greenish ^^^ petals. Sepals purplish. In damp yellow woods. Me., south to N. Car., in the June-July mountains, and west to Minn. Ladies' Tresses A marsh orchid, with a peculiarly twisted Spiranthes or spiral flower-spike and very light green v'n ' '• h linear leaves not nearly as tall as the y^Y^llQ flower-stem. The flowers translucent yel- August- lowish white, or variably cream white. September odorless or fragrant, the whiter ones gen- erally most fragrant, the lower sepals not upturned or joining with the upper, the latter arching and joined to the petals; all these parts with the curly-edged broader lip forming the bugle-horn-shaped tiny flower. It is fertilized by some of the smaller bees, moths, and but- terflies. In Spiranthes the rostellum holds in its centre a narrow boat-shaped disc containing a stick}^ fluid ; it is covered b}^ a membrane easily ruptured by an insect. After the rupture the exposed sticky fluid glues itself to the tongue of the insect and the boatlike disc is witli- 72 J Heairt-leaved TwaybUde Listera copdata. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas. drawn together with the pollinia which are ah-eady attached to it at the back. When the flower first opens the tube or passage between the rostellum and the lip is exceedingly narrow, hence, the former is easily ruptured by visitors. Later the space widens as the column topped by the rostellum moves upward in the maturer development of the flower. As a consequence, only those flowers which are mature are sufficiently open for the insect to reach the stigma and thereon leave the pollen of a younger flower. The name is from the Greek, for coil and flower, alluding to the spiral growth of the flowers. 6-24 inches high ; not more than 9 inches in nortliern N. H. In wet meadows and grassy swamps. Me., south, and west to Minn, and Neb. A slender and tall species with grasslike rass= eave \^a-lit green leaves, and a leafy stem bear- Ladies Tresses o & ' Spiranthes hig a much twisted flower-spike of yellow- pra'cox white spreading blossoms. The lateral Yellowish sepals free, the upper one closely con- y ' ^^ ^ nected w^th the two petals, the lip often July-August ^ . , ^^ dark-striped. 10-80 inches high. In moist grassy places. Mass. and southern N. Y. , south and southwest to La. An exceedingly slender and tall species, Slender Ladies' ^, ^Z ,, u i • Tresses smooth or rarely woolly above, bearing SjjintHthes small withering bracts or leaflets along the gracilis flower-stem which is terminated by a very- Cream white niuch twisted cluster of very many slender October flowers, translucent cream white, and very fragrant. The odor of Spiranthes is pe- culiarly aromatic, reminiscent of the horse-chestnut, but remarkably sweet. The sepals of the flower are a little longer than the lip, which is greenish above with white margins. The ovate leaves at the root, wither before the flowers bloom. Visited by the bumblebee {Bombtis Americanor'um) and the small bee, Calliojisis andreni- formis (Prof. Robertson). 10-22 inches high. Common in dry situations, in pastures, fields, and half- wooded liillsides. Me., south, and west to Minn, and Kan. It is rare in central N. H., where S. cernua is plentiful. 74 <\w^>< A Ladies' Tresses. 'i^llpf Spiranthes gracilis SpiPdnthes cernua. Spiranthes Romdnzog^ana. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidacese, „ . .. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana replaces it in hpiTdnttlCS *■ mi*' Romanzoffiana northern regions. This shorter species has White, creamy a thick and short flower-spike, with very or greenish fragrant greenish cream white flowers Ju y- ugus somewhat hooded by the combined sepals and petals. Leaves linear. 6-12 inches high. Me., N. Y. , and Pa. , west to Minn, and Cal. A remarkably odd and attractive little Rattlesnake orchid, with the very dark blue-olive green an am leaves marked with darker cross- veins. It Guoayera re- pens var.ophioi- has a scaly, slender, slightly woolly flower- des (Fernald) stem, set on One side only with translucent White, creamy gj.ggjjjgl^ or creamy white small flowers; or greenis ^^^ saclike lip of the flower has a recurved July-early ,^ August wavy margin. The pollen-masses, called pollinia, are made up of numerous packets connected by threads which run together and form a single flattened brown ribbon the end of which is fas- tened to the rostellum. The rostellum when rubbed is removed and carries with it a bit of membrane to which the pollinia are attached ; this clings to the tongue of the bee, and all is properly withdrawn, and carried to another probably more mature flower, whose stigma is easily accessible, as in the case of Spiranthes. Named for John Goodyear an early English botanist. 5-8 inches high, rarely higher. Under hemlocks and spruces, in the northern w^oods. Me., N. H. (frequent in the White Mts.), south to the Great Smoky Mts. of N. Car., west to Mich. The original species G. repens is definitely known only in the extreme north and in the Rocky Mts. Goodyera tesse- "^^^^ commonest species in northern New lata England, with a stouter stem than that of White, creamy the preceding species, and a little taller. or greenish Leaves 5-9 ribbed, the veins bordered by pale green pencilings, the whole leaf irregu- larly mottled with light and dark green, rarely with- out the markings. The lip of the flower is less sac-shaped , with a less recurved margin. In hillside woods. Me., northern N. Y., south to the Catskills and Hartford. Conn, (M. L. Fernald, Rhodora, vol. i,, No. 1, p. 6.) 76 Ra^ttlesnakc Planta.! n. Goodyera pepens van. opphioides. Goodyepd tessellata. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidacese. ^ , Stem stout, leaves stiff, plain green or Goodyera ' ' ^ ■ f i Menzieii indistinctly marked, often with broad White, creamy white ribs, or rarely mottled as in the fore- or greenish going species. The flower-spike thick and August one-sided ; the lip of the flower is large at the base and tapers to the point with the edges curved inward. 8-20 inches high. In drj^ woods, generally among evergreens. Aroostook Co., Me., Que., N. B., and along the Great Lakes from Lake Huron westward. (M. L. Fernald, Rhodora, vol. i, No. 1., p. 7). This is the largest of all the species. Go d era ^hi^ is the commoner rattlesnake plan- pubescens tain of southern New England ; its flower- White, creamy spike is thick, blooms upward, and is not or greenish one-sided. The flower-stem is stout, u y- ugus densely woolly, and bears several lance- shaped scales. Tlie flower has a pronounced sac- shaped blunt lip the margin of wdiich is not recurved. Leaves dark blue-olive green, white- veined, the middle vein broad. 6-18 inches high. In dry evergreen woods, southern Me., and central N. H. , south and west to Minn. Arethusa A large single-flowered and delicate Arethusa hid- scented orchid, the light magenta-crimson Ma^^ nta= * = P^^als and sepals of which point upward son like the fingers of a half-open hand viewed May-June in profile. The lip of the flower is recurved and spreading, with the broad apex often fringed, magenta blotched, and crested in three white hairy ridges ; this forms a conspicuously colored landing plat- form for the visiting insect, usually a bumblebee, who, after pressing beneath the column and sipping the nec- tar, backs out brushing against the edge or lid of the an- ther, opening it and emptying the enclosed pollen upon his head, as is also the case with Pogonia ophioglossoides . The column is topped b}^ the lid-like anther instead of the usual rostellum, and the pollen-masses are not pear- like and stemmed. The solitary leaf is linear, and hidden in the sheathed scape ; it appears after the flowering season. Rarely a plant produces two flowers ; these vary from 1-2 inches in length. Fruit capsule elliptical, 78 RaJlIesnaKePFPlaj^tdin. Qood^/era W pubescens. Arethusa bulbosa. ORCHID FAMILY. Orcbidaceas. about 1 inch long. 5-10 inches high. Common in bogs, from Me., south to N. Car., west to Minn, and Ind. Named for the fountain nymph Arethusa. Grass Pink ^ smaller-flowered, but very beautiful Calopogon orchid, slender-stemmed, and with one pidchellus linear bright green leaf. Flower-stem Magenta=pink bearing 3-9 magenta-pink sweet-scented u y flowers with a long spreading lip crested with yellow, orange, and magenta hairs ; the anther and pollen are as in Arethusa. Name from the Greek, beautiful and beard, referring to the handsome bearded lip. 10-16 inches high. In bogs, from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Mo. Often found in company with the next. . „ . A most delicate little orchid bearing Snake Mouth ,, ,.. , ^ j • Poqonia generally solitary, raspberry-scented crim- ophioglossoides son-pink flowers with a small light green Crimson=pink lance-shaped leaf half-way up the stem, June-July ^j^^ ^ ^jj-^y ^^^ j^g^ below the blossom ; sometimes a long-stemmed leaf proceeds from the root. The flower has sepals and petals of equal length over- hanging a beautifully crested and fringed lip, curved like the hollow of one's hand, which furnishes an alight- ing platform for the visiting insect, who pushes forward in the narrow space between the stigma and the lip, scraping pollen off its back in its progress. The pollen attaches to the gummy stigma. In retreating, the lid of the anther catches on the back of the visitor, swings open, and fresh pollen is deposited for the benefit of the next flower. This orchid has no rostellum and its pol- len is not in stemmed pearlike masses. The name, Greek, bearded, from the bearded lip of some of the spe- cies. 8-13 inches high. In wet meadows and swamps. Me., south, and west to Kan ; also in Japan. Fre- quently found in company with Calopogon. Nodding A local species less showy than the fore- Pogonia going, but remarkable for its dainty pen- Pogonia dulous flowers, which are considerably pendula ,, _,^. , ^ ^ . , , Light magenta smaller. v\ ith 2-8 tiny leaves, alternat- August- ing, and clasping the stem. There are 1-6 September long-stemmed flowers which proceed from 8o ^ Grass Pink. Sna^ke Mouth. Calopogon pulchellus. Pogonia. ophioglossoides. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas. between the stem and leaf. 3-8 inches high. In rich woods, from R. I. to Fla., Wis., and Kan. Distinguished by its circle of five light ogoma green leaves at the summit of the stem. Purple and Flower dull purple with long stem and green=yeilow long narrow greenish sepals, erect or in- May-June clining above the circle of leaves. 8-12 inches high. Moist woods. Me., south, west to Ind. and Wis. Rare in the east. Found in Middlesex Co. , Mass. (Miss M. P. Cook.) Showy Orchis This, with another more northern spe- Orchis cies, is our only true orchis. There are spectabUis ^^^^^ jj , j. g|-jjj^^, leaves proceeding from Magenta o .- x <=> and white ^^^® base of the stem ; the latter is thick May-June and angular in section, bearing at its sum- mit a few showy flowers with magenta sepals and petals united in a hood, and beneath them the conspicuous, al- most white lip ; behind the lip is the rather long spur, in which is secreted an abundant supply oi nectar for the thirsty, visiting insect ; the latter, generally a queen bumblebee (Bombus Americanorum is a common visi- tor), thrusts its head into the spur, brushing carelessly past the rostellum at the top of the column, and, ruptur- ing its thin membrane, exposes the two sticky round discs attached to the pear-shaped pollen-clusters. These discs immediately fasten upon the bee's face or forehead, and w^hen the creature retires it carries with it discs and pollen-clusters. Finally when the next flower is visited the pollen is scraped off upon its sticky stigma. Orchis spectahilis is 5-10 inches high, and frequents rich moist woods, especially hemlock groves, from Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn, and Neb. It is found in the val- ley of the Connecticut west of the White Mts. The name is Latin, meaning a plant with oblong roots. (Phny.) ^ , . Orchis rotundifolia is a less common Orchis . . , , , „ rotimdifoUa species With but one leaf, oval or neariy Magenta round, and smaller flowers about the same and white color but deeper than those of O. spec- June-July tabilis. From northern Me. and Vt., westward. 82 Showy Opchis- Opchis spectd^bilis. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas. A slender species with a single obtuse Green Wood lanceolate leaf less than i of the way up Habenaria *^^® Stem, and two or three tiny scalelike tridentata. ones above it. The insignificant very Greenish small greenish 5-12 white flowers with ^*^'*^ tiny sepals and petals, a wedge-shaped u y y^^^^ ^^^j ^ characteristic long slender spur curved upuiard, and around to one side. The pollen- clusters of the Habenarias are short-stemmed and ter- minated with a sticky gland which is so arranged that it easily fastens upon the heads or faces of visiting in- sects. The plant is 6-18 inches high. Name from the Latin, 7ia6ena a bridle or rein, alluding to the narrow lip of some species. Me., west to Minn., and south in the mountains to N. Car. Found in Campton and Jaff- rey, N. H., and in the White Mts. Habenaria in- '^^^^^ southern species has several leaves tegra upon its slender stem, and a dense flower- Orange-yellow cluster, orange-yellow. 10-20 inches high. July Wet pine-barrens. N. J., south. Habenaria ^^ another southern species, with several nivea very narrow leaves low on the stem, and White a loose many-flowered spike of small, July-August fragrant, slightly greenish white flowers, each with an exceedingly slender curving spur. Wet pine-barrens. Del. , south to Ala. and Fla. Habenaria ^ very common yellow-green-flowered virescens species, with a stout stem, several lance- Yellow-green shaped leaves, and small flowers with June-July yellow-green sepals and petals, the blunt lip toothed on either side and slightly protuberant in the centre at the base, the slender spur twice its length. 10-24 inches high. Common in all wet places, from Me., south, and west to Minn. Habenaria Characterized by the numerous bracts bracteata or leaflets from the bases of which the tiny Light green flowers spring. The lower leaves broadly June- ugust ovate, the upper ones mere long bract.s scarcely three times the length of the pale green flowers. The lip of the flower toothed at the tip and oblong, twice as long as the white spur. 6-20 inches high. Damp 84 Gpcen Wood Orchis. Mdbenapia tridentata Habenaria virescens. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas, woods and meadows, from Me., soutli in the mountains of N. Car., west to Minn., and reported in Neb. (Webber). A tall and leafv northern species, with Hahenaria ,, ' n ^^ hijperborea green, or yellow-green flowers, erect lance- Green, yelIow= shaped leaves, and a dense narrow flower- green spike sometimes 12 inches long, or longer. June-July Flower-spur short and incurved, petals, sepals, and lip much shorter than the ovary. 8-30 inches high. Cold, wet woods. Me., to N. J. and Iowa. Hahenaria ^ very similar species with much nar- dilatata rower leaves and greenish white flowers Greenish white with small obtuse sepals. Flower-lip June-July lance-shaped from a lozenge-shaped base. Cold, wet bogs. Conn., to Mich, and Minn. The two large, shining, nearly round, or Orchis broadly oval light green leaves usually lie Hahenaria upon the ground, but are sojnetimes raised Hookeriana above it. The somewhat twisted and 6are Whitish stem bears 10-20 upright flowers, with J^ne-^ueust gi'^^n lateral sepals curving backward, narrow j^ellow-green petals, and the throat accented by two lateral spots of yellow-ochre. The ]i\) is lance-shaped, incurved, and pointed ; the slender white- green spur nearly 1 inch deep is especially adapted tu the long tongues of the moths. 8-15 inches high. Woods and borders of wooded swamps from Me. , south to N. J., west to Minn, and Iowa. A larger species, the two nearly round Green Round= , j? i • i . • r- • i Leaved Orchis l^^'^'^s of which are sometimes 7 inches Hahenaria across, and lie flat upon the ground ; they orbiculata are light green and shining above, and Whitish silver}' white beneath. The stem is not Jul **-Aifeust ^^^^^ ^^^ bracted ; the whitish yellow- green flowers in a loose cluster, with the upper sepal nearly round, the lateral ones ovate, and the narrow lip obtuse and drooping, almost three times the length of the small lance-shaped petals ; tlie slender, curved, whitish spur nearh' 2 inches long thickened toward the blunt point is peculiarly adapted to the long tongue of one of the lesser sphinx-moths. ' ' A larger in- 86 Hooker's Orchis. Habenaria Hookepia.nA. . A^ Habenaria hyperboree^. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidacew. dividual might sip the nectar it is true, but its longer tongue would reach the base of the tube without effect- ing the slightest contact with the pollen *' (\Vm. Hamilton Gibson). The pollen is usually withdrawn fastened upon the moth's eyes. 1-2 feet high. Rich evergreen woods. Me., south to N. Car., in the moun- tains, west to Minn. This is a southern species among a group _ . . of fringed Orchises, with narrow lance- Habenaria shaped leaves below diminishing to the cristata size of bracts above, and orange-yellow Orange=yellow flowers with narrow fringed petals, and a a" ^ gj*^'^ very deeply fringed lip. Spur about \ inch long. The anther cells widely separated at the base. 8-20 inches high. In bogs, from N. J., south. Rather rare in N. J. ., ,. ^ . An exceedingly handsome slender spe- Yellow Fringed . .^,,1,^1 ^1 Orchis cies, with lance-shaped leaves, and a large Habenaria many-flowered spike of showy golden or ciliaris orange-yellow flowers with ovate sepals, range=yeilow j^^j-j-Q^y fringed petals, and a deeply fringed August ^^P- "^^^^ spur long and slender, and the anther cells as in the preceding species. 12-24 inches high. In meadows and wet sandy barrens, from Mass., south, and west to Mich. Wh"t F • A '^ similar species. The white fringed Orchis flowers a trifle smaller, with a less deeply Habenaria fringed lip ; the latter \ the length of the blephariglottis spur. 12-21 inches high. In swamps and y^!"*^ . bogs from Me., south to N. J., west to July-early August Minn. Blooms a few days earlier than H. ciliaris where the two grow together. (Britton.) Habenaria ^ western species with fragrant large leucophcea greenish white or white flowers, the fan- White, shaped lip three-parted, broad, and fringed, greenish Spur H inches long, so it is especially June=Juiy 1 ^ i . ^, , -, , • , adapted to the long-tongued sphinx-moths (SjitJmigidce). 18-30 inches high. Western N. Y., south to Ky. , west to Minn, and Ark. ^}^ m. ,(iS/4.V 1 /S\ Yellow Fnnged Orchis Ha-benapia ciliapTs. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceas. A common species remarkable for its Frkf^ed lacerated three-parted flower-lip, and un- Orchis substantial translucent white which is Habenaria sometimes greenish and sometimes yel- lacera lowish. Leaves lance-shaped, smaller reetfish above. The long flower-spike crowded June-July with the inconspicuous deep-spurred flow^- ers. The pollen-cells are not widely sepa- rated. Wm. Hamilton Gibson describes the structure of the flower thus, after remarking that no botanist has men- tioned its distinct peculiarity. " The nectary instead of being freely open is abruptly closed at the central portion by a firm protuberance or palate which projects down- ward from the base of the stigma, and closely meets the lip below." The opening is thus divided into two lateral ones, each lying directly beneath a sticky elongated pollen-disc. Thus the insect, generally a butterfly, in- serts its tongue exactly where the latter will touch the disc which is sure to clasp it and be withdrawn together with the pollen. H. lacera is 10-22 inches high, and is found in bogs and w^et woods from Me. , south to Ga. , and west to Minn, and Mo. In appearance this white orchis is distinct! 3' different from all others. Although its similarity to the next species is marked, it is structural and therefore not so evident to a casual observer. The flower is well named ; its lacerated flower-lip is literally torn to divisions of threadlike fineness, and the general effect is accordingly unique. No other orchis is like it ; the flower of H. psycodes has a compact settled figure ; that of H. triden- tata is distinct and has a swirling appearance due to the curving spur, while that of H. hlephariglottis is a char- acteristically fringed affair of orderly appearance. But this orchis is a thing of " shreds and tatters." 90 Ragged fpinged lidbenaHa: leucophaea. Habenapia lacePdu ^fbrchis. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchid aceas. A similar species but of more imposing Smaller Pur= proportions, with elliptical and lance- ^^^l^r^"^^ shaped leaves, and fragrant magenta-pink Habenaria or lilac-pink flowers variably pale or deep, psycodes with the fringed lip three-parted, and a Magenta-pink gp^^j. | j,-,^.!-, ^^j^g i_^ f^g^ l-,ig.j, q^^^^_ u y-ear y n^only found in swamps and wet woods from Me., south to N. Car. ; west to Minn. A similar but much larger species with arge urp e= ^^y^.g^.g twice the size of those of H. Fringed Orchis Habenaria psycodes, fragrant, and variable in ma- jimbriata genta-pink from a deep tone even to Magenta-pink ^y^ite. The upper sepal and petals close une-ear y together, the lateral sepals small, ovate August o » r- 5 and acute. The three divisions of the broad lip more deejjly fringed. Flower-spike sometimes 12 inches long and 2| inches across. Anther cells sepa- rated at the base. In both flowers, H. psycodes and H. fimbriata, fertilization is generally effected by moths and butterflies whose heads and eyes are often decorated by the pear-shaped pollen-masses. The crowded flower- spike allows the butterfly to land indiscriminately here or there among the spreading fringed lips, and inserting its tongue obliquelj' in the nectary it brushes the pollen- disc on the side approached and the pollen-mass is with- drawn (Wm. Hamilton Gibson). The difference between H. p)sycodes and H. fimbriata is distinct and absolute ; there is no need for confusion in the identification of the two species, although it must be evident to a close observer that intergrading types are not infrequent. H. psycodes has more conventional, compact flowers with an even (not ragged) very short fringe, and thej^ are about half the size of those of H. fi,mhriata. They are also distinctly muscat-scented. 1 o h- ^^^^ ^^ ^ truly purple floivered species, Habenaria found in the* south and southwest. The perama'ua fan-shaped lip is toothed but not fringed^ Purple and the leaves are somewhat narrower. July-August ^j^g j^j^g gp^^ curved. 12-3C inches high. Wet meadows, N. J., south to Va., west to 111. and Ky. 92 LdrgePupple-Fringed Orchis. Habenaria fimbriaita. ■?^ /5\ Smaller Pupple Fringed Orchis. Habenaria psycodes. ORCHID FAMILY. Orchidaceae. A handsome but rather small-flowered Slipper orchis, with 3-4 light green narrow ellipti- Ciipripedium cal leaves ; the flower with two wavy and candidum twisted narrow green petals, three broader, White green, purple-blotched sepals, and a pouch or lip open at the top by a fissure, white outside, purple-streaked inside, containing nectar at its base. Two of the sepals are joined together under the lip. The column of Cypinpedium is flanked on either side by a fertile stamen bearing a two-celled anther, opening lidlike, the pollen loose and sticky-powdery within — in this respect the genus is distinctly different from those already described. The stigma is hidden be- neath the third sterile stamen crowning the column, exactly between the anthers ; it is moist and roughish. In the process of fertilization by the insect, generally a bee, the latter enters the pouch by the fissure, sucks the nectar from its base, and escapes by crowding through the small opening immediately beneath one of the an- thers, receiving upon its back the sticky pollen in the exit. In the next flower the insect brushes first against the stigma, leaving some of the pollen, as it takes its departure in the manner described. The rather rare C- candidum is 6-10 inches high, and is found in bogs and wet meadows from N. Y. and N. J., west to Minn, and Mo. The name is from Kvnpi'^, Venus, and tcoSj^ov, buskin, — Venus's buskin. This is a taller species, with a slender Yellow Lady's Slipper ^^^^^ s^^^^' ^^^ showy fragrant yellow Cypripedium flowers the petals and sepals of which are pnbescens madder purple streaked ; the narrow pet- Yellow g^ig ^^.Q usually twisted, and the bright ^ ^ golden yellow lip as well as the summit of the column is more or less blotched and striped with madder purple. 12-24 inches high. Woods and wood- land bogs. Me., south among the mountains to Ala., and west. C. 2Kirviilorinn is a mere form of this species, characterized by its smaller size and stronger color. (See Gray's Manual, pg. 511, 6th edition.) 94 Yellow Udys 51ippep Cypripedium pubescens. ORCHID FAMILY. Orcbidaceae. This is perhaps the most beautiful plant supped ^"'^^'^ of the whole genus. The stem is stout Cypripedium and leafy to the top, the flower fragrant ; spectabiie its pouch is white more or less blotched or White, criin= stained with velvety light crimson-ma- son= magenta ^^^ ^he sepals and petals white, broad June-July & » t- t- and not longer than the rotund pouch. The sterile stamen long-heart-shaped, stained yellow at the tip and spotted crimson, crowns the column (see C. acaule). 1-2 feet high. Swamps and wet woods Me., south to Ga., west to Minn. The commoner and more familiar lady's Moccasin slipper, with two large leaves from the Stemless root, without a plant-stem, the slightly Lady's Slipper fragrant flower terminating a long slender Cypripedium stem with a green leaflet or bract at the acaule point of junction ; the pouch crimson-pink M^r-early Tu'^iy ^^'^^'^^^ white) veined with a deeper pink, sepals and petals greenish and brown, more or less curved and wav^^ The third, or sterile stamen of Cypripediuin crowning the column and over- hanging the stigma is variable according to the species ; in C. acaule it is angularly six-sided, in C. candidum lance-shaped, in C. jjuhescens long-triangular, and in C. spectabile heart-shaped ; beneath these is the hidden stigma which receives pollen from the backs of visiting bumblebees or honeybees, or most frequently from the smaller bees, members of the tribes Andrena and Hal- ictus (C. M. Weed). In 31y Studio Neiglibors Wm. Hamilton Gibson describes at length the fertilization of C. acaide by the bumblebee. 8-12 inches high. Me. to N. Car. and Kv., west to Minn. 96 Showy Lady's Slipper. Cyppipedium spectaLbile. Moccasin Flower Cyppipedium acaule. BIRTMWORT FAMILY. Aristolochiaceas. BIRTHWORT FAMILY. AristolocJiiacece. A small family of twining or low herbs, having per= feet flowers— with six or more stamens and a pistil. The leaves stemmed, and either alternate or proceeding from the root. The flower-cup or calyx, without petals, united with the ovary or fruit receptacle, and lobed or irregular. Assisted in the process of fertilization by various smaller insects. The two long-stemmed deep green veiny inger jg^ygg gQf^ woolly, and heart-shaped, their Canadense Stems hairy ; the flower with three dis- Brown=purple tinct pointed brownish or madder purple April-May divisions to the calyx which is closely united to the solid seed receptacle or ovary, green out- side ; the cup white below marked by a hexagon in pur- ple-brown. A curious woodland plant whose odd flower is half concealed by its low position and its sober color which not infrequently resembles the leaf-mould just beneath it. Its proximitj^ to the ground and the fre- quent visits of the fungus gnats and the early flesh-flies suggest that these have most to do with the fertilization of the plant. 6-12 inches high. Common in rich woods from Me., south to N. Car., west to Mo. and Kan. Asarum ^ southern species with evergreen leaves arifoUum arrow-heart-shaped, and urn-shaped flow- Green=purple ers dull green outside, dull purple-brown April-June inside, with three short blunt lobes. One leaf only put forth each year. In woods from Va. , south to Tenn., Ala., and Fla. 98 Wild Ginger. Asd^pum Cana^dense* BIRTH WORT FAMILY. Anstolochiacese. Virginia Snakeroot Aristolochia Serpentaria Dull green June-July A woolly stemmed and familiar medici- nal herb, the long heart-shaped leaves thin and green on both sides, and the dull greenish flowers with curving crooked long stems, near the root, as in Asarum, the calyx curved like the letter S. Some- times the flowers are fertilized in the bud without open- ing (Britton), but often they trap many of the smaller insects — notably gnats who possibly assist fertilization. Fruit an ovoid ribbed capsule. 8-30 inches high. Conn, and N. Y., south to Fla., west to Mich, and Mo. A familiar tall vine in cultivation from New York south, trailing most frequently over arbors, porches, and piazzas. Smooth heart-shaped light green leaves, and hook- shaped flowers, the yellow-green veiny tube with a flat, three-lobed purple-brown throat, resembling a Dutch pipe ; it en- traps early small insects — gnats and flies. 10-25 feet high. In rich woods southern Pa., south to Ga., west to Minn. The Dutchman's pipe is one of those vigorous, stolid, and satisfactory vines, big leaved and curiously flowered, which commends itself to the horticulturist. It re- sponds readily to cultivation. A similar vine, but characterized by an extreme woolliness ; leaves round-heart- shaped, veiny, and smaller than those of A. sipho. The flowers a yellower green, with calyx exceedingly woolly, the deep purple-brown throat nearly closed and oblique. N. Car., south, and west to Mo. Dutchman's Pipe Aristolochia Sijiho Dull green, purple=brown May-June Aristolochia tomentosa Dull green, purple=brown May-June Virginia. SnaKepoot. Aristolochia serpenta^ria. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Polygonaceas. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Polygonacem. Herbs with alternate toothless leaves and swollen- jointed stems, usually a stipule or leaflet above each joint, and small, generally perfect flowers (or sometimes dioecious, monoecious, or polygamous ones) without petals, the calyx 2-6 parted. „ . _ The docks are mostly uninteresting Patience Dock , , , , ^ ., f Rumex northern weeds that cumber fertile ground, Patientia and decorate waste places ; many of them Green like the patience dock come from the old May-June country. This species has smooth broad lance-shaped leaves, broadest just above the base, and the flowers are green, tiny, inconspicuous and drooping, replaced by seed-wings or heart-shaped discs, resembling miniature palm-leaf fans. 2-5 feet high. Vt. , N. Y., and Pa., west to Wis. and Kan. Dark green smooth leaves, the lowest qqj,^ very long, a branching, stout stem, and Rumex densely flowering, circling clusters ; the Britannica tiny flowers nodding, replaced by seed- Gfeen wings similar to those of the preceding species. 3-6 feet high. In wet situations. Me., Pa., west to Minn., Iowa, and Neb. A smooth deep green species, similar to Swamp Dock ^, , -^i i ^ i i Rumex *"® above, with a grooved stem, and long- verticillatus stemmed lance-shaped leaves. Flowers in Green dense circles, the outline of the seed- wing May- July top-shaped. 2-5 feet high. Swamps. Common from Me., south, and west to Iowa. Curled Dock T^^^is is the very common curled leaf Rumex crispus dock throughout the U. S. , a troublesome Green weed from the old country. Leaves wavy June-August ^^^ ^^lq margin, flowers replaced by heart- shaped pointed seed-wings 1-4 feet high. cnspus. Curled Dock. Winged seed R.Patienlia. Rumex crispus. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Polygonacese. Another weed from the old country, common in fields and waste places. A loose and thinly flowered spike ; the stem rough and stout and the somewhat wavy leaves oblong and wider than those of the other species. The seed- wings with a few spines on either side. 2-4 feet high. Me., south, and west to Ore. Bitter Dock Ruinex obtusl folius Green June-August Golden Dock Rvtnex lyersi- rarioideti Green July-October A sea-shore species, an annual ; with light green, narrow, lance-shaped leaves, the plant more or less woolly, and greatly branched, the circles of the flowers crowded together into a compact spike, the seed-wings narrow and pointed, golden yellow in autumn, bearing 2-3 long spines on either side. In the sand along the shores. Me., south to Va., and from Kan. and Minn., west and north. It has been confused with R. maritimus of the old countrj-. A most troublesome small weed from the old world, with long-arrowhead- shaped leaves, acid to the taste, and in- conspicuous flowers in branching spikes, green, or later brown-red; the whole plant sometimes turning ruddy in dr}', sterile fields. It will generally flourish in one place for two or three jears and then die out. The flowers are dioecious, that is, the staminate and pistillate ones are found upon separate plants, and are therefore fertilized by insects ; bumblebees, honey- bees, and the smaller butterflies are the commonest visitors. 6-12 inches high. Growing everywhere. The genus Polygonum, the name from TroAtis, many, and yovvy knee, alluding to the many joints of the plants, comprises about twenty-five distinct species, all of which may be characterized by the term weed ! They are aesthetically uninteresting and many are extremely troublesome in the farmer's vegetable garden. They mostly bear pink perfect flowers grouped in a slender grasslike spike. Field or Sheep Sorrel Rumex Aceto- se.lla Green, Brown= red June- September [o4 Sheep Sorrel. Rumex Acetosella. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Polygonaceae. Knotgrass Polygonuvi aviculare Greenish yellow June- September sheaths. Erect Knot= weed Polygonum erectum Greenish yellow July September Pennsylvania Persicaria Polygonum Pennsylvanicum Pink or white= green July September A slender species with a weak stem, bluish green, small lance-shaped leaves, scaly joints, and greenish pink-tipped flowers. Common everywhere in culti- vated and waste ground. The blue-green leaves, alternate, or are in appearance clustered, and issue from tiny brown A stouter and a j^ellowish green stem, leafy ; the leaves nearly oval, and the flowers greenish yellow. A common way- side weed north of Tenn. and Ark., east and west. The stem of this species is noticeabl}^ erect with no tendencj'" to sprawl. A somewhat.red-jointed species, at home in wet waste places, with shiny lance- shaped leaves, and pink or white-green flower-clusters; the upper branching stems and flower-stems beset with tiny hairlike glands. Common everywhere. It has a branching, sprawling habit. A smooth-stemmed species, from the old world, with similar leaves and crimson- pink or deep magenta flowers, the leaves rough and generally marked with a darker green triangle in the middle. Very com- mon in waste damp places. A common weed in all wet waste places, indigenous in the far northwest, but naturalized from Europe in the east. Leaves narrow lance-shaped, very acrid and pungent, and fringed with tiny bristles. Flowers mostly green in a slim long cluster, nodding. An annual 1-2 feet liigh. The indigenous species P. hydropiperoides *vrith. an equally wide distribution has pink or flesh-colored or greenish flowers, branching stems, and very narrow leaves, not acrid. Common south, and reported in Neb. (Webber). Lady's Thumb Polygon um Persicaria Crlmson=pink June- September Smartweed Water Pepper Polygonum Hydropijjer Green July- September io6 Smartweed. Polygonum hydpopiperoides. La^djs Thumb. Polygonum Per5icapia. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Poiygonaceas. A perennial species with broad-arrovv- head-shaped leaves, and a ridged reclining stem beset with fine teeth curved back- ward. Leaves long-stemmed, and prickle nerved. Insignificant pink or greenish flower-clusters. In pulling up the weed the thumb and fingers are apt to be torn with the ScJw-edged stems, hence the common name. 2-6 feet higli. Common everywhere in wet soil. An annual species climbing over other plants, with a weak four-angled reclining stem beset with prickles only at the angles ; the narrow-arrowhead-shaped leaves, far apart, sometimes blunt-pointed, short stemmed, or the smaller leaves with- out stems. Flowers five-parted, pink, in clusters. Common in low, wet ground. Halberd°ieaved Tearthumb Polygonum arifoliuni Pink, greenish July- September Arrow-leaved Tearthumb Polygonum sagittatum Pink July- September small dense everywhere. A perfectly smooth species, with slender Climbing False djjjibjng^ reddish stem, arrowhead-shaped leaves, and leafy flower-spikes, the tiny flowers green-white or pink, the calyx five-parted. Climbing over rocks and bushes 6-12 feet high. In moist places, common everywhere. A rather decorative vine but often troublesome in the vege- table garden. The familiar buckwheat in cultivation escaped to waysides. From the old world; with arrowhead-shaped leaves, and green- ish white flowers sometimes pinkish, the calyx five-divided, and with eight honey- glands alternating with the stamens ; the flowers fertilized mostly by honej'bees ; the honey of a peculiarly fragrant character but dark in color. Seed beechnut-shaped. Common everywhere. The name from, fagus, beech, and itvpoi, wheat. Polygonum du metortim var. scandens Qreen=white, pink July- September Buckwheat Fagopyrum escidentii.m Greenish white June September io8 Polyganum arifolium. Arrow-leaved Tearthumb. Polygonum sagittatum. GOOSE FOOT FAMILY. Chenopodiaceae. GOOSEFOOT FAMILY. Chenopodiaceoe. Uninteresting herbs — ireeds, many of which are from the old country ; with minute, green, perfect flowers with a persisting calyx. The spinach and beet are mem- bers of this family. Lanib's=quar= The family is divided into nine tribes, ters, or Pig= chief among which is Chenopodiiim. Some ^^^ of these are quite western, others are of Chenopodium ,, .-, ,, ,, , . , ,. ^^jlj^^^^-^ the old world and have been mtroduced in Green the east. Lamb's-quarters is common east June-Septein= and west. Leaves mealy- white beneath, ^^^ varying from rhombic-oval to lance-shaped or narrower, the lower ones coarse-toothed. Tiie green flower-clusters dense, and dull green. Var. viride, commoner eastward, is less mealy, and has a less dense flower-spike (Gray's Manual). 1-4 feet high. Waste places. The name from the Greek meaning goose and foot, in allusion to the shape of the leaves of some species. Jerusalem Oak, An annual species, from the old country, or Feather not mealy, but with an aromatic odor. eranium Leaves smaller, slender stemmed, and Botrys deeply subdivided. The flowers green m Green dense heads, the spike leafless, the calyx July-Septem= three-parted. 1-2 feet high. In autumn ^^^ the leaves fall off and leave the stem and seed-spike naked. C ainbroHloides, or Mexican Tea, is a similar introduced species, with a densely flowered leafy spike ; the leaves lanceolate. Both are common in waste places. C. Botrys found in empty lots, Norfolk Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Jerusalem Oak. Chenopodium Botrys. AMARANTH FAMILY. Amarantaceas. AMARANTH FAMILY. Amarantacece. Weeds ; some of those of a ruddy color, mosth" foreign, are widely cultivated. The perfect flowers with lapping scales or leaflets (generally three) which retain their color when dry ; hence the name ^Ajudpcxvro<3, meaning un fading. An annoying weed, common in culti PifiTwccd Amarantus re. ^^^^^ ground and in gardens, with ligh troflexus green roughish leaves and stem ; leaves Green long-stemmed and angularly ovate. The August-Octo= ^^11 green flowers in a stiff bristly spike. 1-8 feet high. Common east and west, in- troduced from the old world. Amarantus ^ similar species, but smoother and a chlorostachys darker green, w^ith slenderer linear- cy] in- Green drical, bending spikes, branching. The August-Octo= flowers also similar, but with more acute ^^ sepals. 2-6 feet high. Apparently indi- genous in the southwest, but introduced eastward (Gray's Manual). Troublesome in gardens. Tumble Weed A low, smooth, greenish white-stemmed Amarantus ai- species with light green, small obovate r** leaves, obtuse at the point, and with many July-Septem= branches. The flowers green, and crowded ber in close small clusters, at the stem of each leaf. 6-20 inches high. In the west, late in autumn, the withered plant is uprooted and tumbles about in the wind, hence the popular name. Common in waste places. 9 112 Pigweed. Tumble Weed. Amarantus a\bus.GRAY Ama^rantus retpoflexus. op Amapantus graecizans. PURSLANE FAMILY. Porta lacaceae. PURSLANE FAMILY. Porfulacacece. A small group of low herbs with thick juicy leaves, and perfect but unbalanced flowers — that is, with two sepals and five petals and as many stamens as petals, or more sepals, or an indefinite number of stamens, or sometimes the petals altogether lacking. Cross-ferti- lization is largely effected by bees and butterflies. Fruit a capsule filled with several or many shell-shaped or kidney-shaped seeds. An annual ; a fleshy-leaved prostrate urs ane or ^yeed naturalized from the old world, and Fortuiaca Commonly found in gardens and door- oleracea yards. Stems thick and often a terra- Yellow cotta pink, leaves dark green, thick, and une- round-end wedge-shaped. The tiny, soli- September „ ^ ® . , r> 1 tary yellow flowers with five petals open only in the morning sunshine, 7-12 stamens. The branches hug the ground and spread or radiate in ^n ornamental circle ; they are 3-10 inches long. In early days the plant was used as a pot herb. It is indigenous in the southwest, but is firmly established in the north where it flourishes under any and all conditions, and lias become a very troublesome weed. A charmingly delicate flower (rarely aaJt^nltVh^ ^^"^® white) of early spring, distinguished ginica foi' its flush of pale crimson-pink, and its Pale pink or veins of deeper pink starting from a yel- ^•^'^^ low base. The deep green leaves are linear ay ^^, broader, the two upper ones located at about the middle of the plant-stem. The flower has five petals and but two sepals. Its golden stamens de- velop before the stigma is mature, making cross-ferti- lization a certainty. Its visitors in search of pollen and nectar are mostly the bumblebees Bonihns vagans and B. pennsylvanicus, the beelike flies called Bombylidce, and the bees of the genus Halictus and Andrenidce : also among the butterflies are Colias philodice, yellow, and Papilio ajax, buff and black. Stem 6-12 inches high. In open moist woods, from Me., south to Ga., and southwest to Tex. 114 Purslane, '^e!^ ^x Portulaca oiepacea. Spring Beauty. ClaytoniaVirginicau PINK FAMILY. Caryophyllaceae. A species similar in all respects except ay oni that the leaves are broader, lance-shaped, Caroliniana ' ^ ' and the basal ones are quite obtuse ; the flowers are also fewer and smaller. Me., south to N. Car., among the mountains, and west to Minn, and Mo. Named for John Clayton, an early American botanist. PINK FAMILY. Caryophyllacece. Annual or perennial herbs generally characterized by smooth stems and swollen joints, opposite-growing leaves without teeth, and regular, perfect flowers, with five (rarely four) sepals, the same number of petals, and twice as many stamens. Fertilized by bees and moths. An annual escaped from gardens, nat- DeptfordPink ,. i * t7 -.it ,^ Dianthns uralized from Europe, with light green Armeria naiTow, erect leaves, hairy and small ; Crimson-pink and clustered crimson-pink, white-dotted June- flowers whose five petals are toothed or jagged-edged, resembling Sweet-William. 6-18 inches high. Fields and waysides Me. to Md. , west to Mich. Common eastward ; found in Lexington, Mass. -, .^ _. . A perennial (growing from a matlike Maiden Pink ' , , , Dianthus base) smooth or somewhat hoary, escaped deltoides from gardens, naturalized from Europe. Crinison=pink Leaves small and narrow lance-shaped, June-August ^^.^^^ rpj^^ j-^^j^ crimson-pink or white- pink flowers bloom singly, and have broader petals which are pinked at the edge. 6-12 inches high. The face of the flower more nearly resembling Sweet- William. In fields and waste places. N. H., Mass., and northern N. Y. to Mich. Found in Campton, N. H. A very common perennial species, natu- Bouncing Bet ralized from Europe, the flowers of which Savonaria have an old-fashioned spicy odor ; they are officinalis delicate magenta-pink and white, scallop- Pale magenta= tipped, and grow in clusters, the single P'"'' blossom remotely resembling a pink. c .~ . Leaves ovate, 3-5 ribbed, and smooth. September ^ ' Stem, thick jointed, 1-2 feet high. Com- mon in waste places Found in Nantucket. ii6 ^ :^ Bouncing Bet. Sd^ponaria officinalis. Deptfopd Pink. Did^nthus Apmeria^. Maiden Pink. Dis^nthusdeltoides. PINK FAMILY. Caryophyllaceae. The lance-shaped leaves and the stem Campion ^^® fine-hairy ; the former in distinct Silene stellata clusters of four. The flowers are white, White arranged in a loose terminal spike, star- June-August shaped and fringed-edged, the stamens very long. A beautiful and delicate wild flower fre- quently visited by Colias pliilodice, the small yellow butterfly, and many moths. 2-3 feet high. Common in wooded slopes, from R. I., south to S. Car., and west to Minn. ,,,..^„. . A very low species with a somewhat Wild Pink . , , . , . . T , , Silene Pennstjl- sticky-hairy character immediately be- vanica neath the flowers, most of the blunt Crimson-pink lance-shaped leaves clustered at the base ; May June the upper leaves small. The crimson-pink flowers with somewhat wedge-shaped petals. The calyx tubular and adapted to the tongues of butterflies and moths, by which the flower is cross-fertilized. 4-9 inches high. Me., south to Ga., west to southern N. Y., Penn., and Ky. A delicately beautiful, foreign, perennial Camnion species which has become naturalized in Silene Cucu- this country. The deep green leaves are balun smooth and ovate-lance-shaped. Theflow- W''*® ers are white with the five petals deeply une- ugus two-lobed ; the pale green flower-cup is greatly inflated, almost globular in shape, and beauti- fully veined with green markings not unlike those of a citron melon. The ten anthers (on long stamens) are sepia brown when mature. 8-18 inches high. In mead- ows and moist hollows beside the road. Me., south to N. J., west to 111. A homely but curious annual species C T h^i whose small flowers open only for a short Silene Antir- time in sunshine. The joints of the stem rhina are glutinous (hence the common name), ^•"•* and evidently prevent any stealing of the ^""f~ ^ nectar bv creeping insects (such as ants) September , • , "^ / ,, • m which are useless as pollen carriers. The flower-calyx is ovoid with the pink petals above insigni- ii8 t^^^\ \ 'tTamDioa Stdirpy Campion. Silene Cucubalus. Silene stellata^ Bladde"f^^J^ -" ^^ ' '^^ PINK FAMILY. Caryophyliaceae, Night=fIower Ing Catchfly Silene nocti- flora White July- September morning. Evening Lych nis or White Campion Lychnis alba White July-October ficant. 10-25 inches high. Common in waste places everywhere. Like the bladder campion ; a foreign species with a beautifully marked calyx resembling spun glass, but smaller, the petals similar. The plant is hairy-sticky, the leaves blunt lance-shaped. The white flowers are delicately fragrant, and open only at dusk, closing on the following Probably it is exclusively fertilized by moths, as many such visitors may be seen sipping at the newly opened blossoms in the early evening. 1-3 feet high. Common in waste places ever5^where. Found in Camp- ton, N. H. A charming plant naturalized from the old country, with densely fine-hairy, ovate-lance-shaped leaves and stem, both dark green ; the leaves opposite. The sweet-scented flowers are white, closely resembhng those of Silene noctiflora ; in fact the habit and form of these two species are almost identical. Both open their blossoms toward evening and close them during the following morning. The white petals are deeply cleft and crowned at the base with miniature petallike divisions. The calyx is in- flated, and often stained maroon-crimson along the ribs, which are sticky-hairy ; after becoming still more in- flated it withers and leaves exposed the vase-shaped light brown seed-vessel, pinked at the small opening above. 1-2 feet high. In waste places and borders of fields, from Me. to N. J. and N. Y. Probably farther west. Found at Phillip's Beach, Marblehead, Mass. A densely hairy straight-branched an- nual, adventive from Europe, and found mostly in grain fields. The magenta fiow- ers, not brilliant, but broad and showy, with verj'^ long linear sepals much ex- ceeding the petals in length. Fertilized by butterflies and moths. 1-3 feet high. Common or occasional throughout the country. Reported in Neb. (Webber). Corn Cockle Agrostemma Githago Magenta July- September Evening L^/chni; Lychnis alba. CornCocKle Agpostemma^^Oithago. PINK FAMILY. Caryophyllacex. Ragged Robin or Cuckoo Flower Lychnis Flos- cucuU Pink or crimson June- September A slender perennial, also adventive from Europe, found in old gardens. The plant is downy below, and slightly stickj^ above, tlie leaves slender lance-shaped above, and few, but blunt lance-shaped be- low. The pink, or crimson, or light violet petals of the ragged-looking flowers are deeph' cut into four lobes each, the t.wo lateral lobes very small. Fertilized in great measure by bees and butterflies, the bumblebee, perhaps, the most frequent visitor. 1-2 feet high. Com- mon in wet and waste ground, from ]Me., south to N. J., and southwest to Penn. A tiny annual widely branched and rough-downy, naturalized from Europe : with small ovate leaves and miniature white flowers, the sepals of which are rather long, and rough. 2-8 inches high. Common in dry sandy places everywhere. Another similar tinj^ dainty plant, but with arctic proclivities, having much larger flowers with translucent white petals notched at the tip. The crowding leaves are linear and threadlike, the plant grows in a dense tuft from the root, in crevices of rocks. 2-5 inches high. On Mt. Washington and the higher peaks of Va., and N. Car. Also on river banks at Bath, Me., and on Mt. Desert Island, and near Middle- town, Conn. On Mt. Washington, where it is called the " Mountain Daisy," it snuggles close to the rocks in sheltered situations, but holds its own, almost, if not quite alone, on the highest points of the bleak Presi- dential range, from 5000 to 6290 feet above tide- water, where snow lasts during eight months of the year. Thyme=Ieaved Sandwort Arenaria serphylli folia White May-August Mountain Sandwort or Mountain Daisy Arenai'ia Groenlandica White June-August N. Y., Penn., I Fieidi pnilChickweed. Ravaged Robin. CerasHum arvense. Lychni5 Flos-cuculi. PINK FAMILY. Caryophyllaceae. The commonest weed of Europe, most OniCK\vccQ steiiaria media widely distributed through North Amer- White ica, but possibly indigenous in the farther April-October north. A weak-stemmed low-lying an- nual, with small ovate pointed light green leaves, slightly woolly stems, and minute white flowers with five petals almost cleft in twain, and five larger green sepals much longer than the petals. 2-4 inches high. On damp ground everywhere. An especial favorite of birds and chickens. A tall very slender species with man}' branches, the stem with rough angles, and the light green leaves small and lance- shaped. The tiny flowers like white stars, with five white petals so deeply cleft that they appear as ten, sepals nearly equalling the petals in length. 10-20 inches high. In wet grassy places everywhere. Reported in Neb. (Webber). A similar species with smaller lance- shaped leaves widest just above their base, a four-angled stem, and white flov.-ers with deeply cleft petals. 12-18 inches high. In fields and grassy waysides from Me. to western N. Y. and N. J. Intro- duced from Europe, but said to be indigenous in Canada. A bothersome weed common in culti- Larger Mouse= ^.^^^^^ fields, naturalized from Europe, but ear Chickweed Cerasfiuni Long=Ieaved Stitchwort Steiiaria longifolia White May-July Lesser Stitchwort Stella ria iiramiiiea White May-July vulyatinn White May- September Field Chickweed Cerastiuni arvense White April-July Mo., Neb. probably indigenous in the farther north. Stem hairy and clammy, leaves oblong. The somewhat loosely clustered white flowers with two-cleft petals, but with short sepals. 6-15 inches high. A low, rather large-flowered, handsome species, the broad petals also deeply cleft, the sepals very short, the stems downy or smooth, and the leaves rather broad lin- ear. 4-10 inches high. In drj^ or rocky situations. Me., south to Ga., and west to and Cal. 124 ChicKweed. Stelldria. media Long-leaved ^ Stitchwort. Mounuin Sandwort ^j^'^^f'^.. ArenapiaGrcenldndicsi longitolid. WATER=LILY FAMILY. Nymphasceas. A common little low plant in sandy Biida rubra D ^^'^^ste places sometimes near the coast Tissa rubra L. but not on the shore. Leaves linear and Pink flat, in clusters about the frail stem. Tiny June-August flowers, crimson-pink, sepals glandular- hairy. The plants grow in dense company. 2-6 inches high. Roadsides and waste places, Me. to Va., west to western N. Y. WATER-LILY FAMILY. Nympliceacew.. Aquatic perennial herbs, with floating leaves, and soli- tary flowers with 3-5 sepals, numerous petals, and dis- tinct stigmas or these united in a radiate disc. Fertilized by bees, beetles, and aquatic insects. The common and beautiful white pond- Water=Lily ,., . , - ^.,, . K Nymphoia ^^^^' found m still waters everywhere. odorata Leaves dark green, pinkish beneath, ovate- White round, cleft at the base up to the long June- stem. The white flowers, often 5 inches in diameter when fully developed, open in the morning and close at noon or later ; they are fre- quently pink- tinged ; the golden stamens and anthers are concentric, and are luminous in quality of color. They mature after the stigma does, and cross-fertiliza- tion occurs by the agency of bees and beetles in general. The flower yields pollen only. The var, rosea, in south- eastern Mass,, and Nantucket, is deeply pink-tinged. The var. minor is small, with flowers less than three inches broad, A common odorless yellow pond-lily e ow - £q^^j^(J often in the same water with the Lily or Spatter=dock preceding species. With ovate leaves or Nuphar advena broader, and small, green and yellow cup- Golden yellow shaped flowers, with 6 green sepals, some- ^ ^^" . times purple-tinged, yellowish inside ; the September i i o ' .' petals yield nectar ; they are small, nar- row, thick, and yellow — stamenlike. The stigma is a pal0 ruddy or deep golden yellow-rayed disc, beneath which the undeveloped anthers are crowded. On the first opening of the flower there is a triangular orifice over 126 Water-Lily. Nymphaea odorata. Yellow Pond-Lily. Nuphap advena. CROWFOOT FAMILY. Ranunculaceas. Small Yellow Pond»Lily Nuphar the stigma so small that an entering insect must touch the stigma. On the following day the flower expands fully and the anthers beneath the stigma unfold, spread outward, and expose their pollen. Cross-fertilization is thus insured, and is generally effected by means of the bees of the genus HalicUis, and (so says Prof. Robertson) the beetle named Donacia piscaUH.v. A very common and familiar plant in stagnant water, with stouter stem and coarser leaves than those of the preceding species. Var. rninus is a slenderer form the smaller flower of which has a crimson stigma. Northern Vt. to Mich, and Penn. This is a very slender species, with flow- ers scarcely 1 inch wide. Sepals onl}- three. The stigma disc, dark red. In Kalmianum ponds and sluggisli streams, Me. to south- Golden yellow ern N. Y., Penn., and west to Minn. June- September CROWFOOT FAMILY. Ranunculacece. A large family of perennial or annual herbs, with gen- erally regular but sometimes irregular flowers ; wath stamens and pistil, or with staminate and pistillate flow- ers on different plants ; 3-15 petals, or none at all ; in the last case the sepals petallike and colored. Generally fer- tilized by the smaller bees, butterflies, and the beelike flies. A most beautiful trailing vine commonly Virgin's found draped over the bushes in copses Clematis ^^^ ^^ moist roadsides. The leaves dark Virginiana green, veiny, with three coarsely toothed Greenish leaflets ; the flat clusters of small flowers ^****® with four greenish white sepals and no petals, polygamously staminate and pistil- late on different plants ; cross-fertilized b}^ bees, the bee- like flies {Bomhylms), and the beautiful and brilliantly colored flies of the tribe Syrpliidce. In October the flowers are succeeded by the gray plumy clusters of the withered styles (still adherent to the seed-vessels), which 128 Vipgin's Bower. \Purple Virgins Bowep. Clematis Virginiana.. Clcmdtis verticil Ian s. CROWFOOT FAMILY. Ranunculaceae. appear under the glass like many tiny twisted tails. The plants presenting this hoary appearance gave rise to the popular name, Old Man's Beard. The vine supports itself by a twist in the leaf-stem, the latter revolving a number of times in the course of growth. Stem about 12 feet long. Waysides and river-banks. Me., south to Ga., and west to Kan., Neb., and S. Dak. A southern species with solitary, thick, Clematis leathery, bell-shaped, dull purple flowers Viorna without petals, the purple sepals about 1 Dull purple inch long. The three or more leaflets with May-July unbroken edges or lobed. In early autumn the hoary plume is brownish. Southern Pa., south to Ga. and Tenn., and west to Ohio. , . A rather rare species found in rocky Purple Virgin s ^i j-u i n -ji Bower places among the northern hills, with Clematis leaves similar to those of C Virginiana, verticillaris and showy light purple flowers, downy in- Light purple g^^g ^^-j^j outside, sometimes over 3 inches *^ " broad ; the four purple, finely veined se- pals expanding only to a cup-shape. The plumes brown- gray. Me. and Vt., south to Va., and west to Minn. A slender tall species the leaves and Anemone stem of which are silky haired, leav^es dark Anemone green and veiny, ornamentally cut (or lobed) cylindrica into 3-5 parts. The solitary flowers without Greenish white petals, but with 5-6 greenish white sepals, June-August , . n - rr,i £ -j. are set on a tall stem. The fruit a nar- row, cylindrical, burrlike head 1 inch or more in length. 2-6 flowers are borne on each plant. 18-24 inches high. Common in dry woods and liy wooded roadsides, from the lower Androscoggin Valley, Me., Vt., N. Y., and northern N. J., w^est to Kan., Neb., and S. Dak. The name, Greek, meaning a flower shaken by the wind. This is the common tall anemone of ^j. jg,, wooded roadsides and banks. The leaves Anemone and stem are more or less hairy and deep Aneynone olive green, the leaves conspicuously Virgin iana veined. The flowers generally have five in- Greenish white . , , ., • 1 1 -j^ Julv-August conspicuous sepals white or greenish white inside and greener outside ; the flower- 130 Thimble-weed. Large White-floweped Anemone. Anemone Vipginidna. Anemone piparia. CROWFOOT FAMILY. Ranunculaceas. head usually 1 inch or less across, is succeeded by the enlarged fruit-head similar in shape to, and about as large as, a good-sized thimble. Fertilized by the bum- blebees, the smaller bees (among them the honeybee), and the brilliant little flies of the genus SyrphidcE. 2-3 feet high. Me. , south to S. Car. , west to Kan. , Neb. , and S. Dak. Found in Campton, N. H. A slender, tall, and handsome plant in- My^^^ d ' ^ termediate between the two preceding Anemone species, with large white flowers maturing Anemone earlier than those of the foregoing, and riparia with smoother stem and leaves ; the latter wtrt^ ' thin, and unequally cleft into coarsely and June-July sharply toothed segments. The fiv^e thin sepals generally obtuse and a stroiig white. The short cylindrical fruit-head slenderer than that of A. Virginiana. 12-35 inches high. Banks of rivers and streams, and on rocky banks, from the St. John River, Fort Kent, Me., Willoughby Lake and western Vt., Uxbridge, Mass., to western N. Y. and Sullivan Co., N. Y. (M. L. Fernald, Rhodora, vol. i., p. 51). Found on the borders of the pond near the Arondack Spring, Saratoga, N. Y. A northern, rather coarse stemmed spe- Anemone ci^^, very much branched, with broad, Anemone sharply toothed, three-cleft leaves ; their Canadensis under surfaces rather hairy. The five ^•^'^^ white sepals quite blunt, and the flower 1- May-August ^, .^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^j^^ fruit-head globular. 1-2 feet high. Low moist grounds, from western N. Eng., south to Pa., and west to Kan. and S. Dak. Common in western Vt., along the slopes of Lake Champlain. 132 Ca^na^diA-'n Anemone. Anemone C.MiAfieiisis. CROWFOOT FAMILY. Ranunculaceae. A beautiful, delicate, and low little plant common in the early spring in woodlands, with deep green leaves of five divisions, and frail white, or magenta-tinged blos- soms of from 4-9 petallike sepals ; the solitary flower frequently 1 inch across. Cross-fertilized by the early bees and bee- like flies (Boinbyliiis). Common on the the woods. 4-8 inches high. Me., south to est to the Rocky Mts. The earliest flower of spring, appearing before its leaves, and generally found half hidden among the decaying leaves of au- tumn that cover the woodland floor. The blossom about | inch broad, with 6-12 lustrous sepals varying in color from lilac white to pale purple and light violet, be- neath which are three leaflets closel}^ resembling a calyx, or the outer floral envelop. The three-lobed olive green leaves last throughout the winter, the newer ones to- gether with stems and flower-stems are extremely hairy. About 3 inches high. Common from the seaboard west to Minn, and Mo. . This is a species close to the preceding acutiloba *^^® ^^^^ often passing into it. The leaves are three- or sometimes five-lobed, with acute tips, and the three little leaflets beneath the flower are also pointed. Range the same as H. triloba, in fact, both species are often found together in the same woods. Wood Anemone or Wind Flower Anemone quinquefolia White April-June borders of Ga., and w Liverwort or Hepatica Hepatica triloba Lilac white, pale purple March-May 134 Wood Anemone. Anemone quinquefolia. i,,y Livcpwopt. ^x i Hep&tica triloba. 'V CROWFOOT FAMILY. Ranunculaceae. A frail and delicate sprins flower. Rue Anemone i,-^ Hairy Kock Cress. Small BitterCress. Cardamine hirsute. Arabis hirsuta. The fom often separated noCardaminePennsylvanica. MUSTARD FAMILY. Cruciferas. A species naturalized from Europe, and Common Whit= ^ , , , . \ I =erass common throughout our range in barren Draba verna fields and beside the road. The four white White petals are deeply notched ; the small hairy March-May lance-sliaped and toothed leaves are clus- tered at the base of the flowering-stems. The pods are shorter than their stems, and elliptical. Flow^er-stems leafless, and smooth above but a trifle hairy below. 1-5 inches high. A common aquatic plant, much prized Watercress . .^ 4. /^ ^- 1 1 • u Nasturtium of- ^^^' ^^^ pungent-tastmg young leaves, which ficinale are smooth, dark green, or brownish green White in spring, and lighter green in summer. April-August ^pj^g insignificant white flowers terminate the branching stems. Leaves compound with 3-9 roundish leaflets. The scientific name is from nasus, nose, and tortus, twisted, in reference to its stinging effect upon the nose. Natuj-alizcd from Europe. 4-10 inches high. In brooks and small streams everywhere, except in the northernmost parts of our range. A yellow-flowered species common Marsh Water= "^ , . ^ ^ .in t^, ^i.ggg everywhere, but naturalized from Europe Nasturthim ter- in the seaboard States ; indigenous in the restre west. The leaves ornamentally cut, of Yellow usually seven segments. Pods oblong, ay- ugus ^\)^yy^l equaling the length of the stems. 1-3 feet high. In \vet situations. Found at Lincoln, Neb. A coarse species well known for the im- ^Ztultfx!m mensely strong peppery quality of i ts large Armoracia white roots which furnish a favorite spring White table relish. The oblong leaves toothed, June-August ^^^^ roughly veined, the basal ones large. The small white flowers rather conspicuous. Pods nearly round. Escaped from cultivation, into moist ground everywhere; naturalized from Europe. 20-30 inches high. 170 ^^.^ Whitlow-gpass, .V^A Drd^ba. vepna. m^ Hedge^WriusUrd. ^^'"^Sisymbrium officinale. MUSTARD FAMILY. Cruciferx. „ .. ^ , ^ A bright yellow-flowered sijecies with a Yellow Rocket , • , i , or Winter Cress ^"^M^^® stem terminated by one or more Barbarea md- showy spikes of flowers beneath which the garis long curved seed-pods later appear in a ^^"•**^ loose cluster. Upper leaves stemless, lower ones cut in usually five divisions, the terminal one very large ; all deep shining green. The pretty four-petaled flowers with six stamens four of which are quite prominent, are frequently visited by the early bees and handsome flies of the genus SijrphidcE. They yield honey and pollen. 1-2 feet high. In moist places along the road, and in meadows. Me., south to Va. , and west. Naturalized from Europe, but indigenous in the west. Hedge Mustard ^ homely straggHng weed with tiny Sisymbrium li^^t yellow flowers, and light green, officinale smooth leaves, with 3-6 lobes, irregularly Light yellow blunt-toothed. The generally smooth stem May-Septem- ^^.j^j^ ^^jj widely spreading, wiry branches, tipped with a few flowers and curiously set with the close-pressing pods. 1-3 feet high. In waste places throughout our range. Naturalized from Europe. Charlock or A coarse and vexatious weed in culti- Field Mustard vated fields and waste places, adventive Brassica Sina- ^^.^^ ^^^ ^j^ Country, and widely distrib- pistrnm , . , , , ^ _,, Yellow uted through the northern States. The May-Septeni= light yellow flowers over ^ inch broad, in ber small terminal clusters. The leaves ovate with few if any lobes, indistinctly or sparsely toothed, with short stems or none at all. The seed-pods f-inch long, contracted between the seeds, and lump}^ in con- tour. 1-2 feet high. Me., west to Neb. and S. Dak., and south. Another common weed in grain fields. Black Mustard i , j -.i j a i i Bra.^sica nigra ^'^^^ beside the road. A more widely Yellow branched plant than the preceding, and June-Septem= with far more deeply lobed leaves ; one ^^^ terminal large division, and generally four lateral ones, all finely toothed. The small pure light yellow^ flowers less tlian i inch broad are frequently 172 Mustapd BpassicA nigra.. MUSTARD FAMILY. Cruciferse. visited by the smaller bees, and Syrphid flies ; the pistil much exceeding the stamens in length, adapts the flower to cross- fertilization. The pod is ^ inch long, four-sided, and lies close to the stem ; the seeds are black-brown. 2-5 feet high. Naturalized from Europe, and extending throughout our range. White Mustard ^ similar but rarer species, more or less Brassica alba hairy, with bristly pods, contracted be- Yellow tween the seeds ; these are light yellow- June- August brown. The flowers are a little larger. 1-2 feet high. In fields and on roadsides, escaped from gardens ; naturalized from Europe. Both of these last species introduced into Neb. Shepherd's A very common weed on roadsides near Purse dwellings, and on waste ground, with Capsella Bursa. ^-^^^ white flowers. The Latin name is yyj^j^g literally a shephercVs little purse, in allu- April-Septem= sion to the shape of the tiny seed-pods. ber The root-leaves are deeply cut, and form a rosette, the stem-leaves are small, lance-shaped, and indistinctly toothed. 8-18 inches high. Naturalized from Europe, and distributed throughout our range. Wild Pepper= A somewhat similar species, but more grass branched, remarkable for its peppery- LepidiumVir. testing seed-pods which cluster thickly Y^iii^g about the flowering stems in a cylindrical May-Septeni= curving column beneath the few terminat- ber ing white flowers. Basal leaves obovate (tapering to a stemlike base) with a few small lateral divisions, stem-leaves small and lance-shaped ; all toothed, 6-15 inches high. Common on roadsides everywhere. 174 Peppergrass. Lepidium Virginicum '"^ Shepherds PuP5e. C a.pse 1 1 a-Bu rsarpa^stopis. PITCHER PLANT FAMILY. Sarraceniacese. PITCHER PLANT FAMILY. Sarraceniaeece. Swamp plants with pitcherlike leaves, and nodding flowers wnth 4-5 sepals, five petals, numerous stamens, and one pistil ; represented b}' only one species in the northern United States. Pitcher Plant ^ curious and interesting plant found Sarracenia in peat-bogs throughout the north. The purpurea strange hollow leaves, keeled on the inner Dull dark red g^^jg toward the flower-stem, are usualh^ May-June ,, ^,,, , . , , i ., ,. partly filled with water and the fragments of insects; the latter. are apparently drowned, and no doubt contribute to the pliysical sustenance of the plant; but the raw-meat coloring, the red veining, and the gen- eral form of the flower are conducive to the attraction of carrion flies, which are especially fitted for the cross- fertilization of the flower. The style within the blossom is strangely like an umbrella with five ribs, the stigmatic surface on the inside. The folding petals and the fiow- er's drooping position certainly protect the ripening pol- len from any disturbance by the elements, but the inquisitive insect finds easy access to it. The general coloring of the whole plant is green with red-purple veining ; the sepals are madder purple, and greenish on the inside, the petals are dull pink, and the umbrellalike style green. The outer surface of the pitchers is smooth, but the inner surface is covered with fine bristles point- ing downward, which manifestly interfere with the es- cape of trapped insects. The pitchers are circled about the root in radiating lines, and they measure 4-10 inches in length ; 1?lie flower-stem is frequently a foot high. The plant is commonly found in the black peat-bogs of wooded hills or in mountain tarns where there is scant sunshine. When the plant is more exposed to the sun its green coloring predominates. It is common north and south, and extends as far west as Minn. 176 Pitcher Plant. 5APPaceniak puppupea^. SUNDEW FAMILY. Droseraceas. SUNDEW FAMILY. Droseracece. Bog plants with sticky-hairy leav^es whicli are coated with a fluid designed to attract and retain insects — they are, in fact, carnivorous. The small flowers are perfect, with five petals, and few or many stamens, with the an- thers turned outward. Fruit a 1-5-celled capsule. The tiny red filaments of the leaves curl and clasp about a captured insect, and ultimately its juices are absorbed. A t^ery small plant with long-stemmed Sundew round leaves Ij^ing close to or ujjon the Drosera ground, both leaf and stem covered with rotundifoiia long, fine, red hairs. The red flower-stem ^•^'^^ is erect and smooth, and bears about four u y- ugus ^^. ^.^ small white flowers, which are fre- quently visited by the fungous gnats and other small woodland insects. The flower-cluster is one-sided, bends over, and the blossoms open one at a time only in the sunshine. The glands of the leaves exude clear drops of fluid, which appear like small dewdrops ; hence the popular name, also the Greek dpo6sfj6s, meaning dewy. The whole plant is so sat-tirated with color that its sap stains paper a ruddj- madder purple. 4-9 inches high. In bogs, from Me. , south, and west to the Daks. Lon2= leaved ^^ very similar species, but with elon- Sundew gated blunt- tipped leaves whose stems are Drosera inter- long and rather erect. Differing further media, var. from the preceding species bv the naked Americana ^ n . ^i t i • " • i leaf-stems, the red hairs appearing only upon the little leaves. It is not so common as the other species, but occupies about the same territory. Slender ^ western species with 3-inch long, slen- Sundew der or linear leaves, also with naked, erect Di'osera stems. The white flowers are few. Shores linearis ^j l^s^^e^ Superior and Huron. „. ._. The leaves of this larger species are re- Sundew duced to a mere threadlike shape with no Drosera distinct stem ; they are glandular, red filiformis hairy throughout, the hairs terminated by Purple- ^ j.g^ ^^^^ ^j. ^^^ rj^i^g flowers are fully ^ inch broad, and dull purple - magenta. 178 Drosera filiformi5, Round- ■jeaved ^Ki Sundew. ^''^""'"^ ^^' ,^ .-^ ^ Drosera Vtm^^ rotund ifolia. ORPINE FAMILY. Crassulacex, Ditch Stonecrop Penthorum sedoides YeIIow»green July- September There are many in the cluster. 8-18 inches high. In wet sand near the seacoast, from Mass., south. Found in the pine barrens of New Jersey. Nothing is more dainty and beautiful under the magnifying-glass than the spun-glasslike, glandular, ruby hairs of t\\eDroseras. ORPINE FAMILY. Crasmlaceoe. Rather fleshy or succulent herbs, w^ith absoluteh^ sym- metrical small flowers ; the petals, sepals, pistils, and stamens equal in number, or the last double in number, differing only in this respect from SaxifragacecE. A familiar weed of ditches and swamps with insignificant greenish yellow, or yel- low-green flowers, in slender bending clusters of 2-3 branches, at the top of the erect stem. The latter is smooth, usually branched, and bears lance-shaped, or ellip- tical, pointed, light green leaves, finely toothed. The flower has five sepals, but rarely any pet- als, ten stamens, and five pistils united below, finally forming a five-angled seed-vessel. Not fleshy-leaved. 8-20 inches high. Me., west to S. Dak. and Neb. A small species at home on rocky ledges and in stony woodlands. It has little five- petaled white flowers growing on horizon- tally spreading branches. The leaves are small, toothless, fleslw, and rather wedge- shaped ; the lower ones are generally in groups of three. The flower-cluster is three-spiked and leafy. 3-8 inches high. The name is from sedeo, to sit. A common perennial, with a stout light green stem and very smooth, fleshy, dull- toothed leaves, which children are fond of splitting by lateral pressure with the fin- gers, and forming into green "purses" It is adventive from Europe, and is gener- ally an escape from gardens, establishing itself in fields and on roadsides. The light green leaves, particularly when young, are covered with a whitish bloom. The small flowers in thick clusters ai:e opaque crimson. 10-18 inches high. Common. I So Wild stonecrop Sedum tematum White April-June Live=forever or Garden Orpine Sedum Telephium Dull garnet red June- September Live-forever. 5cdum Telephium. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. Saxifragacei SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. Saxifragacece. A large family of herbs or shrubs related to the family Rosacece. but differing from it by having albumen in the seeds, and opposite as well as alternate leaves. The flowers are mostly perfect with usually five petals, fertilized by the aid of the smaller bees, and the flies (Syrphidce), or in some instances butterflies. . A little plant hugging the rocks on dr}^ frage hillsides and blooming along with the Saxifraga first flowers of spring; the buds are formed Virginiensis early, and appear like little (fine-haired) a''^m-m ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ centre of the rosettelike clusters of obov^te leaves close to the ground. Eventually a cluster expands to a branching downy stem bearing many little white, five-petaled, perfect flowers with ten yellow stamens. The flowers are succeeded by rather odd and pretty madder purple seed-vessels which are two-beaked ; often the color is madder brown. Besides some of the earlier bees, the Antiopa butterfly (rusty black with a corn color bor- der) and the tortoise-shell butterfly (brown and tan) may be included as among the frequent visitors of the flower ; but whether they play any important part in the process of fertilization, it is difficult to say. 4-10 inches high. Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn. s am s i= A much larger plant with less attractive, frage greenish white flowers with very narrow Saxifraga (linear) petals. The stem is somewhat Pennsyh-anica stickv-hairy and stout. The larger blunt reenis w i e lance-shaped leaves are scarcely toothed, and are narrowed to a rather broad stem. 12-30 inches high. In bogs and on wet banks from Me., south to Va. , and west to Minn, and Iowa. The name saxifrage is from Saxifragus, meaning a rock or stone breaker I but it is far from evident that the plant's roots, in spreading between the crevices of rocks, succeed in breaking stone by vigorous growing ; the name may as well be referred to reputed medicinal virtues of the roots. [82 Early Sa.xlfra.ge. Saxifraga Virglniensis. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. Saxifragaceae, False Mitre= ^^^ attractive little plant that decorates wort. Foam- the moist woodland floor with its orna- flower, or mental leaves all through the summer. Coolwort rpj^g feathery spike of fine white flowers Tiarella cordi- .^i r. ^ , . , .^^.^ with five petals appears conspicuously White above the leaves in late spring or early Late April- summer ; the ten prominent stamens have early June orange anthers, and the long pistil in the centre is white. The leaves remotely resemble those of the mountain maple, but they are small, rough hairy over the upper surface, and dark green, sometimes mottled with a brownish tone. The little seed-capsule is characteristically cloven like a tiara, hence the name ; the heart-shaped form of the leaf accounts for the specific cordifolia. 6-12 inches high. In rich woods, from Me. , south along the mountains to Ga. . and west to Minn. Common in the woods of the White Moun- tains. j^f^ Mitrewort or ^he true mitrewoi t is very easily dis- Bishop's Cap tinguished from the false, by several Mitella diphyUa marked differences; half-way up the stem ^**'*® are two opposite leaves nearly if not quite stemless. The flowers instead of being- borne on rather long individual stems in a thin feathery cluster, are short-stemmed and distinctly separated; the tiny white blossom has five petals beautifully fringed, which remind one of a highly ornamental snow crys- tal. This plant is also hairy throughout. The name means a little mitre, alluding to the mitre-shape of the seed-pod. 8-16 inches high. Rich woods, Me., south to N. Car. , and west to Minn. Naked Mitre- ^ much smaller and daintier species dis- wortor tinguished by its naked stem, which is Bishop's Cap without the two leaflets, and is slightly Mitella nuda hairy. The leaves approach a somewhat Greenish white *". „ , ^Z ^ ,.., Aoril-June round form, and the snow-crystallike flowers are greenish white, and few. They have ten yellow stamens. 4-7 inches high. In cool woods and moss}^ bogs, from N. Eng., south to Pa., and west. The Mitellas are common in Vermont, but rare or absent in central New Hampshire. 184 False W/Iiitrewort Tiarellacopdi/blid.. Hdkcd Mitrewopf. liitella nuda. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. Saxifragaceae. Alumroot ^ stout and tall plant bearing some re- Heuchera semblance to Mitella nuda on a large Americana scale; but the flowers are distinctly differ- Whitish green gj^^. they are borne in along loose cluster, ay- u y usually 4-5 on one of the small branching stems, small, bell-shaped, with inconspicuous green petals, very prominent stamens tipped w-ith orange anthers, of which there are but five. The leaves are heart-shaped and scalloped ; the teeth blunt. The stem is more or less hairy, and is 2-3 feet high. Named for Johann Heinrich von Heucher, a German botanist of the early eighteenth century. Rocky woodlands N. Y. and Conn., west to Minn., southwest to Ala. and La. An insignificant plant of cold bogs or Golden Saxi= ^ , -^i \ a ^ ■ frae-e ^^ places, with a slender low-growing, Chrysosplenium forking stem, with roundish fine-scalloped Americanum generally opposite-growing leaves, and Yellow or pur= ^j^g yellowish or purplish green flowers ^ ~^_j with orange anthers, growing close be- tween the points where the leaves join the plant stem. In wet shady places. Me., south along the mountains to Ga., and west to Mich, and Minn. Stems 3-7 inches long. The name means golden spleen, from reputed medicinal qualities. An interesting perennial herb with sin- Qrflss=of=P3r= gle cream white flowers delicately veined nassus *= •' Parnassia with green, about 1 inch broad. A single CaroUniana ovate olive green leaf clasps the flowering White green= gtem; the others are long, slender-stemmed J^'^ and heart-shaped, and spring from the September root. The flower has five petals and five straw yellow anthers terminating the fer- tile stamens and alternating with the petals ; a number (perhaps 15) of abortive stamens encircle the green pistil. Tlie blossom is visited by bees and the smallest butterflies (skippers); chief among the visitors are the larger ones named C olias pliilodice {j eWo^y), ?aidi Pieris rapce (white). 8-20 inches high. In swamps and wet meadows, Me., south to Va., west to S. Dak. and Iowa. 1 86 Qpao5S-of- Parnassus. Parnassia Carol iniana ROSE FAMILY. Rosacea^. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacem. An extensive family highly esteemed for its luscious fruits, and for its most beautiful flowers, which are de- pendent in a great measure upon the bees for cross- fertilization. The flowers are extraordinarily rich in pollen and honey ; the raspberry yielding the finest flavored honey which is known. The leaves are alter- nate-growing, and accompanied by stipules, or small leafy formations at the base of tlie leaf-stalk. The flowers are regular and generally perfect, with usually five sepals and as many petals (seldom more or less), numerous stamens,, and one or many pistils. Rarely the petals are absent. The family is very closely allied to Saxifragacece and Leguminos(v. It is mostly com- posed of trees and shrubs, although the herbaceous members are many. A common flower on the borders of the SpircBa salici- ^^^^ ^" blooni throughout the early sum- folia var. lati- mer. A shrub with light green, nearly folia- smooth, ovate, sharply toothed leaves. Flesh pink ^^^ ^ usually yellowish buff stem of a June-August . , , , . . e ^ l. wiry character, upon which are ireely set the alternate leaves. The beautiful flower-spike is pyram- idal but blunt and branching, and is closely crowded with flesh pink and white flowers' resembling miniature apple-blossoms, with prominent pink-red stamens. It is frequently visited by the smaller butterflies and the bees, and possesses a shglit fragrance. The name is from the Greek, and means twisting, alluding to the twist in the pods of some species. 2-4 feet high. Me., south to Ga., and west to Mo. and S. Dak. A similar species, but readly distin- sfeeplebus*h guished by its woolly stem (terra-cotta SpiroEa tome 11- red) and leaves ; the latter are olive green tosa of a dark tone above, and very whitish Deep pink ^^^^ woolly beneath. The slender steeple- September ^^^® flower-spike is crowded with tiny, deep rosy pink flowers, smaller than those, of the preceding species ; the succession of blooni is unfortunately slow, and doirnwarcl, so the top of the i8S Spiraasalicifo- lid-vdrlatifolia. Hard hack. Spiraea tomentosa^. ROSE FAMILY. Rosaceas, spike is often in a half -withered condition. 2-4 feet high. In dry or wet ground, same range as the pre- ceding species. Queenc-of-the- ^ ^^^^ western species, also in cultiva- Prairie tion, with handsome, fragrant, deep pink, Spiraea lobata or peach-blossom-colored flowers, and cut- Deep pink lobed, deep green, smooth, large leaves June-July ^- ,. . . %^ oi sometimes seven divisions. It grows in moist situations or on the prairies. The terminal leaf- let is larger than the others. The large compound flower-cluster of perfect fine-petaled flowers, is feathery in character. 2-8 feet high. Western Pa., south to Ga. and Ky., west to Wis. and Iowa. An escape to roadsides in Peacham, Randolph, and Lower Cabot, Vt. (Brainerd, Jones, and Eggleston). Goat's Beard Another tall and handsome species with Spircea a compound flower-spike formed of many Ai-uncus little spikes about as large around as one's Yellowish j-|.^^g finger. The tiny narrow-petaled May-July flowers are yellowish white, and are an exception to the general rule of the family, as they are staminate on one plant and pistillate upon another. The stem is smooth and the deep green leaves are compound, with sometimes eleven small leaf- lets. The pistillate flower has usually three distinct pistils. 3-6 feet high. In rich woods, N. Y., south to Ga., and west to Mo. A shrubby roadside species which suffers Purple Flower=3 in e= Raspberry '^^'itli a misleading name; the Rose Family Rubus odoratus is quite incapable of producing a true Crimson^pink purple flower. This big-leaved plant ex- or magenta= hibits a wild-ioselike flower of five broad j' ne-Au2ust Petals whose color is at first deep crimson- j)ink, and at last a faded magenta-pink. The large maplelike leaves are 3-5 lobed and a trifle hairy. The stem is covered with short red or brown bristly hairs ; the flower-stems are particularly red, as well as the calyx, or flower-envelop. The fruit is in- sipid and resembles a flat, red raspberry ; it is often called Thimble-berry. 3-5 feet high. Common in stony woodlands, beside the shaded road, and in copses. Me., 190 *upple Flowering-Ra.spberp:^. Rubus odoratus. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacese. south to Ga., and west to Mich. The name ruhus is an ancient one for bramble, from ruber, red. Cloudberry, or ^"® ^^ *^^^ interesting relatives of the Mountain common raspberry which finds its home Raspberry among the clouds of high mountain-tops, Ruhus Chamce. j^ j^ f^^^^^j ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^j^^ ^yj^.^^ niorus . . vyiii^g Mountains and on the coast of eastern June-July Maine. The cloudberry is another in- stance of a break in the family rule : the flowers are staminate on one plant and pistillate on another. The solitary white flower is about an inch broad. The plant-stem is herbaceous, not shrubby, and the leaves are rather roundish with 5-9 lobes ; the stem is unbranched and with only 2-3 leaves. The fruit is a pale wine red, or when nearly ripe, amber color, and possesses a delicate flavor ; the lobes are few. 3-10 inches high. Me. to N. Y., north to the Arctic regions. ^ , , A delicate woodland plant with a white Dalibarda , . ... , „,.,-, repeals blossom like that of the wild strawberry, White and densely woolly or fine-hairy stems June- and leaves ; the latter are dark green, September heart-shaped, and wavy or scallop-toothed. In form they closely resemble those of the common blue violet. The 1-2 white flowers about ^ inch in diameter are borne on long fuzzy, sometimes ruddy stems ; it is said that they fertilize in the bud before opening. 2-4 inches high. In the northern woods, from Me. , south to southern N. J., and west to Ohio and Mich. Found in Langdon Park, Plymouth, N. H. A rather tall, fine-hairy plant with an- White Avens gular, branching stem, insignificant five- Geum album p^taled white flowers, and three-divided White f , . , June-August leaves, except the simple uppermost ones ; the root-leaves of 3-5 leaflets, all toothed. The flowers succeeded by a burlike densely briscly seed- receptacle. 18-24 inches high. On the borders of woods and shaded roads. Common in the north, but south only to Ga. 192 ! DaclibacPda re pens. ROSE FAMILY. Rosaceae. _ ^ ^ A bristly hairy-stemmed plant common Rough Avens -, ■, ^i T i Q(;^^rn ^^ ^^^"^^ grounds and on the borders of low Virginianum damp woods, with flowers and leaves simi- Cream white lar to those of the preceding species. The May-July stem very stout. The flower has incon- spicuous cream white petals wdiich roll backward. Common over the same territoiy. A slightly hairy species with compound Gexim strictum j^^^^^. leaves, the leaflets wedge-shaped Golden yellow .,. , ,. ,, ° ... July-August ^^'ith round tips, the upper leaves with 3-5 leaflets irregular, oblong, and acute. Flowers golden yellow. Fruit-receptacle downy. Moist meadows Me., south to N. J., west to Kan., Neb., and S. Dak. An aquatic or marsh species, with Ivre- Purple Avens , ■, - i i • i Geum rirale shaped root-leaves, and irregular corn- Brownish pound upper leaves ; the stem-leaves few, purple and three-lobed. The nodding flowers July-August brownish or rusty purple, with obovate petals terminating with a claw. 2 feet high. Bogs and wet meadows, Me., south to N. J., west to Minn, and Mo. An exceedingly pretty and graceful but Long-plumed ■Z\ a ^- j -i ^ Avens ^^^® avens, with a decorative, deeply cut Geum triflorum leaf, and a ruddy flower-stalk generally Dull crimson- bearing three ruddy flowers with scarcely ''^'* opened acute, erect calyx-lobes. The ^~ " ^ fruit is daintily plumed with gray feathery hairs, about an inch long. 6-12 inches high. Dry or rocky soil. Me., west to Minn., south to Mo. This is a dwarf species with smooth var Peckii stem and showy pure yellow flowers quite . Yellow an inch broad, which is found on Mt. July-early Washington, and other high peaks in the September north. The ornamental roundish leaves are nearly smooth — except the veins. Also on the high mountains of N. Car. 194 Lieum triflopum. Avens. Geum radiatumvarPeckii. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacese. Fragaria Virginiana White April-June «,...„. . . Our commonest wild strawberry, at Wild Virginia , • .u i j ^ • i \ ,. Strawberry home in the rough dry pasture lands of the north and south. Rather broad, coarsely toothed leaflets, blunt- tipped, and hairy. The flower-stalk not longer than the leaves, and with spreading hairs. The flower lias many orange-yellow stamens offset by the Ave round white petals. The scarlet fruit is ovoid, and the tiny seeds are imbedded in pits over the surface. \ 3-6 inches high. Common throughout our range ; gen- erally in fields. The name from the Latin fraga, fragrant. A slender species with thin leaflets which are more ovate and less wedge-shaped than those of the other species, and have silk-silvery hairs on the under side. The scarlet fruit is more conical, and the seeds are borne, not in pits, but upon the shining, smooth surface. The sepals are reflexed or turned backward from the fruit. This species is remark- able for its very long, delicate runners. 3-6 inches high. In rocky woodlands and pastures. From N. Eng., N. J., and Pa., west. Until recently both these veiy distinct species were in- cluded under one title; but the types are easily distin- j guished apart, even by the leaves, and the fruit is certainly conspicuously different. Of the two species Fragaria Virginiana is certainly the commoner, at least in central New Hampshire ; both are deserving of the name Fragaria, for nothing is more deliciously fragrant than a basketful of the wild berries. American Wood Strawberry Fragaria Americana White May-July 196 Wild Virginia StPdwberpy fragapidVipginicd.. Amepican Wood Stpawbeppy. Fpagapia Amepicana. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacea. Norway Cinquefoil Potentilla Norvegica Yellow June- September June- September A weedy plant differing from the com- mon cinquefoil by an extremely hairy stem and leaf ; the latter is composed also of three leaflets instead of five, and it slightly suggests the strawberry leaf. The five not very conspicuous petals are somewhat isolated in the green setting of the flower, which is very leafy in character. There are 15-20 sta- mens. 12-30 inches high. In dry or waste ground, from Me., south to S. Car , and west. The name is from potent for the plant's reputed medicinal powers. ^ . , . . A similar stout plant, with a character- Rough^fruited .... , , ^ , , m, Cinquefoil istically rough, horned seed-vessel. The Potentilla recta five rather narrow leaflets are deep green, Yellow very hairy beneath, and slightly so above. The flowers are pure yellow, and | inch broad ; the petals are much larger than the lobes of the calyx (flower-envelop), which is the reverse of the case with the Norway cinquefoil. Erect, 1-2 feet high. Adventive from Europe, and in the vicinity of old gardens and waste grounds. Me., south to Va., and west to Mich. Found at Exeter, Penobscot Co., Me. A small species remarkable for its sil- very character. The leaflets are dark green above and silver white beneath. The stem is also covered with the silky white wool, beneath which appears the pale terra-cotta tint of its surface. The five wedge-shaped, narrow leaflets are rolled back at the edge, and quite deeply cut. The pure yellow flowers are rather small, and loosely clustered at the ends of the branches. 5-12 inches long. In dry and sterile fields, or sandy soil, Me., south to N. J., and west to the Daks. Silvery Cinquefoil Potentilla argentea Yellow May- September 9 198 i^)<<^^ Norway Cinque/c entillA iNlorvegicA. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacea^, A dwarf Alpine species found on the summits of the White Mountains, rather soft-hairy when young, but smooth later, and with three coarsely toothed leaflets, . deep green and somewhat broad. The small yellow flowers are slender-stemmed and generally solitary. 1-3 inches high. Found about the Lake of the Clouds and elsewhere on Mt. Washington. Poten- tilla tridenfata, also found on Mt. Wash- ington and Mt. W^achusett, is less dwarfed, but low-growing. The three leaflets are coarsely three-toothed at the tip, smooth and thick. The flowers are white. 1-10' Coast of Mass., northward, and shores of Potentilla frigida Yellow June-August Potentilla iriden tata White June-August inches high the upper Great Lakes. This is Marsh Five= finger or Pur^ pleCinquefoil Potentilla palustris. Magenta= purple. June-August the only purple-flowered flve- finger and it is therefore readily distin- guished from the others. The reddish stem is stout, mostly smooth, and a trifle woody at the base. The leaves have from 5-7 leaflets which are blunt-tipped, and sharp-toothed. The rather pretty flowers are magenta-purple within and pale or greenish without, through the influence of the some- what longer green sepals ; the blossom is nearly one inch broad, and its petals are pointed. 6-20 inches long. In swamps and cold bogs, from Me., south to N. J., and west to Cal. This is indeed a shrubby species with nearly erect stems, tan brown in color, and quite leafy ; the bark is inclined to peel off in shreds. The leaves are entirely different from those of the other species ; they are toothless, olive yellow-green, with 5-7 lance-shaped leaflets whose edges curve backward. They are silky hairy. The deep yel- low flowers, with rounded petals are generally an inch broad. 1-2 feet high. It is a troublesome w-eed in N. Y., western Vt., Mass., and parts of the west. Swamps and wet places, Me., south to N. J., and west. Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa Yellow June- September Pupple Cinquefoil. Potentillapalustpis. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacese UKlJt Silverweed Potentilla Anserina Yellow May- September Five=finger or Cinquefoil Potentilla simplex Yellow April-August The silverweed is decoratively beautiful, and is remarkable for its very silky hairs which cover the under side of the leaves ; the latter are tansylike with about 7-23 sharp-toothed leaflets. The j^eilow flowers are solitar}^ Stem 1-3 feet long. In salt marshes and on wet meadows, from Me., south to N. J., and west to Neb. Common on the beaches of Lake Champlain. The commonest of all the five-fingers, often wrongly called wild strawberr}', with pure yellow flowers about ^ inch broad. It decorates meadow and pasture, fertile and sterile grounds, and weaves its embroidery over the stony and barren roadside. Its five deep green, shiny, long-stalked leaf- lets are sharply toothed, firm, and smooth, altogether harder in character than the three strawberry leaflets. The whole plant is generally smooth, but sometimes thinly hairy. Flowers solitar}', fertilized mostly by the flies of the genus Syrphidce. Runners 6-20 inches long. Common everywhere in the north. From southern Me. , N. H. , Vt. , and N. Y. , west to Minn. The common similar form (or species) is Potentilla Canadensis, which is fine-woolly over the stems, and does not creep over the ground so characteristically as P. simplex. A most common weed with a glandular- hairy simple stem, and compound leaves with a hairy stalk ; spicy odored when crushed. The usually seven bright green, many - ribbed ovate leaflets coarsely toothed ; the interposed tiny leaflets are ovate and toothed ; there are generally three pairs occupying the spaces between the larger lateral leaflets. The slender spikes of five-petaled yellow flowers with orange anthers are not show}-. The seeds are sticky and adhere to one's clothing. 2-4 feet or more high. Com- mon on the borders of woods and in thickets. Me., south to N. Car., and west. Found on the roadside near the Profile House, Franconia Notch, N. H. Agrimony Agrimonia Eupatoria var. hirsuta Yellow June-August Agnmone, AgnmoniaEupatopia.varhipsutA Cinque/bil Potentilld simplex. ROSE FAMILY. Rosaceas. A comparatively thornless wild rose, Smooth Rose with usually 5-7 blunt or round-tipped Rosabianda ig^^fl^^g j-ather sliort-stalked, and pale be- Pink ' ^ June-July neath ; simply toothed. Rarely there are a few straight slender prickles upon the smooth stem which is usually covered with a slight bloom. The pale crimson-pink flowers are nearly 3 in- ches broad and are solitary or in small clusters. The fruit is either globular or pear-shaped with persisting sepals. 2-4 feet high. On rocky, moist ground, New- foundland to Vt. and northern N. J., and west to 111., S. Dak., and the region of the Great Lakes. Rosa is the ancient name of the rose. Swamp Rose ^ ^^^y ^ushy species, extremely decora- Rosa Carolina tive in character, armed rather sparingly Pink with stout hooked spines. The 5-9 olive June-August g^een leaflets sharp-toothed, long-stalked, and the stalk bordered with very narrow somewhat toothed stipules (leafy formations) ; the leaflets either^ blunt or sharp-tipped. The small clusters of flowers succeeded by showy, globular, red fruit which some- times sheds its withered sepals. The pale crimson-pink flowers 2-3 inches broad. Largely fertilized by bees. 2-7 feet high. Common in swamps and low ground everywhere. Found at Sankaty Head, Nantucket. ^ ^,,r.,. A low species with generally lustrous Dwarf Wild , ^ „ „ °, ^ , , ^ I^Qgg green leaves of from 3-7 oval leaflets Rosa lucida coarsely and simply toothed ; the stipules Pink (compare with species above) are narrow June-July ^^^^ flaring. A marked characteristic of this rose is the glandular-hairy globose fruit, stem, and lobed sepals ; before maturity this condition is quite marked. The spines are wide at the base and rather straight or very slightly curved ; the stems are mostly a ruddy madder brown. Flowers a pale or deeper crim- son-pink, in small clusters, generally very few together. The commoner rose of N. J. and Pa. 1-5 feet high. In moist situations. Me., south to Ga., and west to Wis. 204 I Wild 5wdmpRose. Rosa Carolina Smooth Rose. Spines of Rosa lucida. Rosa bldnda. ROSE FAMILY. Rosacese, A questionable species so closely con- R^m^humUis^ nected with Bosa lucida, that intergrading types prevent a satisfactory separation of the two. Under the name Bosa humilis lucida {Bosa lucida of Gray's Manual, sixth ed.), the rose of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the west is described by Brit- ton and Brown as having thick shining leaves with broad stipules, and numerous flowers. Under Bosa humilis, the description embraces a narrow, toothless stipule, usually five leaflets, thin and somewhat shining, few or solitary flowers, a glandular-hairy calyx and stem, and sepals commonly lobed. Northeastern "^^^^^ ^® ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ northeast, Rose limited to that section lying between Mas- Bosa nit Ida sachusetts and Newfoundland. It is char- f*'"*^ acterized by a stem thickly crowded with uy t>?'zs/Zz/pricA:Zes, and spines scarcely stouter. The 5-9 leaflets are ovate pointed, shining green, and sharpl}^ toothed ; the stipules are broad. Flowers pale pink, solitary, or very few in a cluster ; the fruit is globu- lar, and the sepals are not lobed. A low species rarely over 20 inches high. On tlie borders of sw^amps. Sweetbrier '^'^^ w'ild rose or eglantine of the poets, Rosarubiginosa adventive from Europe. It is remarkable Pink for its sweet-scented foliage which is rem- June-July iniscent of the fragrance of green apples, and for its long, arching stems, which are beautiful with compactly set clusters of pure pink bloom. The very small 5-7 leaflets are double-toothed, roundish, deep green above, and lighter colored beneath, where they are resinous, and aromatic when crushed ; the leaves are also characteristically glandular-hairy. The somewhat small flowers are pink, or pale creamy pink, and clus- tered along the main stem upon short stalks. The de- cidedl}' recurved spines and the stem are madder brown when old. 4-6 feet high. Common everywhere from Tenn. and Va., northward. Another foreign species, Rosa canina, but slightly separated from Bosa mibigi- nosa, has usually simph^ toothed leaves which are not BO odorous. Common in the valley of the Delaware, 2o6 Sweet brie p. Rosa, rubiginosa. FULSE FAMILY. Leguminosw. PULSE FAMILY. Legimiinosce. A very large family of food-producing plants, with butterfly like flowers, and alternate, usually compound leaves, generally without teeth. The flowers are perfect and are borne singly or in spikes ; they are fertilized largely by bees and butterflies. „,..^, ^. A smooth and slender plant with deep Wild Indigo i^ • 1 1 i? 1 , J Baptisin gray-green, triple leaves of wedge-shaped tinctoria leaflets Covered with a slight bloom ; they Yellow are almost stemless. The small pealike June-August blossoms are pure yellow, and terminate the many branches of the upright stem. The flowers are visited by the butterflies and the Syrphid flies, but the honeybee, the leaf-cutter bee Megachile, and the bees of the genus Halictus are probably the most effi- cient agents of cross-fertilization. The plant grows with a bushy luxuriance in favorable situations, and has a most remarkable habit of turning black upon wither- ing. 18-28 inches high. In dry sandy soil everywhere. Not in central N. H. , but common at Nantucket. Found at Pownal, Vt. A beautiful, tall, western species, with Blue False , ^i ^ i • i ^ Indigo P^^® green smooth stem, light green Baptisia wedge-shaped, short-stalked triple leaves, aiisti-alis and loose flower-clusters, sometimes 10 Light violet inches long, of light, dull violet blossoms u y quite 1 inch long, of a soft, aesthetic hue. The peapodlike fruit is tipped with a spur. Plant 3-6 feet high. On rich alluvial soil, western Pa., south to Ga., and west to Mo. Quite handsome in cultivation. The rattlebox, so named because the Crotahtria seeds rattle about in the boxlike, inflated, sagittalis sepia-black pods, has oval pointed leaves, Yellow toothless, and nearly stemless, growing June-August alternately along the bending stem. The yellow flowers are scarcely ^ inch long. The stems and edges of the leaves are soft-hairy. 4-12 inches high. In dry sandy soil everywhere, but not very common. 208 1 ilue "alse Indigo ^ptisias.u5tPdlis PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosse. This is one of our most charniina: so- Blue Lupine „ 1 , , ., . ^ , . . ,. Lupinus called blue wild flowers ; but it rings all perennis the changes on violet and purple, and Violet scarcely touches blue. The pealike blos- May-June g^j-^ j-^^^g violet or deep purple wings and a light violet hood veined with blue-violet. Rarely the sweet-scented flowers are magenta-pink or even white. The horse-chestnutlike leaf has generally eight narrow, light green leaflets. Stem and long-stalked leaves are generally flne-hairy, and frequently show a few touches of purple-red through the green. The flower-spike is quite showy, and pinkish early in the bud. Fertilized by bees. 1-2 feet high. In sandy fields everywhere. A naturalized species of clover, origi- Rabbit=foot or ^ i ui * ^^ Stone Clover ^^Hj fiom Europe, remarkable for its Trifoiium oblong fuzzy flower-heads, the corolla of arvensi.' which is green-white and the calyx green Qray=pink with pink tips, all in effect rather gray- Seotember pink. The light green triple leaves have narrow, long leaflets with blunt tips. The flowers are sweet-scented. 4-10 inches high. Common in poor soil, old fields, and pastures, everywhere. This is our commonest field clover and a Trifoiium special favorite of the bumblebee upon pruteuse whom it is almost wholly dependent for Crimson or fertilization. The plant was introduced magenta ^^^ Australia some years ago and failed May-Septem= ^ . wi « ^ ^i i -^ Ijgj, to produce seed the first year through its separation from the American bumblebee. Later when the insect was transported the plants flour- ished from season to season. The three (rarely 4-5) rather soft, dull bluish green leaflets are conspicuously marked by a whitish or j-ellow-green triangle. There are two hairy white and green stipules or leafy wings at the base of the leaf-stalk. Stem and leaves are soft- hairy. The somewhat pyramidal globular flow-er-head ranges through crimson or magenta to paler tints of the same colors, and even white ; it jaelds a plentiful supply of nectar, which is scarcely reached by the short tongues of honeybees ; also, the butterflies are not sufficiently heavy to depress the keel of the floiet and thus expose 210 Labbit-foot Clove p. Tpifohum anvense. PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosse. the anthers. The burly bumblebee is therefore the best pollen disseminator of this particular clover. 8-24 inches high. Common in fields and on roadsides, everywhere. „.. . _ This is also one of our most common White Clover , ^ . • i . , TrifoUulu clovers, and a permanent resident of the repens grassj^ roadside. It is generally smooth. Cream white with roundish or heart-shaped leaflets May-October marked less distinctly with a triangle, and frequentl}" 4-5 leaflets are found on a single stalk. The globular flower-heads are a translucent cream white, and the florets are sometimes more or less tinted with flesh pink. Eventually the florets are re- flexed. Fertilized by bees, and rich in honey. It is sup- posed to be identical with the Shamrock of Ireland, but it is native in the extreme north. 4-10 inches long. Creeping by runners. Common everywhere. A species somewhat similar to our white tian Clover clover, but with a branching, stout, and Trifoliu)!, rather juicy stem. The leaflets are gen- hybridviii erally obovate but not reverse heart- Creamy rose shaped ; i. e., with the lobed tip; the edges Mav-October ^^'^ finely toothed, and. the surface is not marked with the triangle ; a pair of flar- ing stipules or leafy wings are at the base of the leaf- stalk. Flower-heads similar to those of white clover but varying from pinkish cream to crimson-pink ; the withered florets brownish and turning downward, ex- tremely sweet-scented, and rich in honey. Fertilized mostly bj'^ bees. 1-2 feet high. On roadsides, in mead- ows, and in waste places, from Me. to Idaho, and south to Ga. A small annual species, with a smooth Hod Clover stem and light green, narrow and long TrifuUntii leaflets, scarcely suggesting the clover- agrarinm leaf. The stem is branched and stands Pale golden nearly upright, or reclines ; the leaflets ^^ ^^ .^^_ are very finely but rather imperceptibly ber toothed. The small, dull golden yellow florets bloom from the base of the flower- head upward, and the withered florets, turning down- ward and becoming brownish, resemble dried hops. 212 liop Clover. Tri folium agra^rium. Alsike Cloven Tnfoliumhybridum PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosae. 6-15 inches high. Common on roadsides and in sandy fields. Me., south to Va., and west to Iowa. Similar in manj^ respects to the forego- ing, but lower, more spreading, and the stems and leaves fine-hairy. The leaflets are shorter and blunt-tipped, the middle one slightly stemmed and the lateral ones stemless. The stipules (leafy formations at the base of the leaf -stalks) are broader than those of the preceding species ; they ovate. The tiny standard of the floret is and not curled up at the edges as in T. 3-6 inches high. Occasional or common everywhere, especially on roadsides. This is sometimes called yellow sweet clover, but its resemblance to clover is in its character rather than its aspect. It is a foreign flower which has established itself in all waste places especially in our seaport towns. The three leaflets are long, and toothed. The light golden yellow flowers are strung along in a delicate spike. The stem is smooth and 2-4 feet high . Melilotus alba is a similar, tall- er, white-flowered species. Both common everywhere. Alfalfa or ^ perennial much cultivated for fodder Lucerne in the west and south ; naturalized from Medicago sativa Europe. Found in dry fields and sandy Purple wastes in the East. The three leaflets are long and narrow, toothed toward the tip which is obtuse, and furnished with a tiny sharp bristle; each leaflet has a distinct stalk, and that of the middle leaflet is bent upward. The purple florets in short clusters. 12-25 inches high. Me. , south to Va. , and west. A generally smooth, tall beautiful peren- nial with a branching stem, and compound leaves of 13-25 or more bluish green, ellip- tical leaflets set oppositely upon the slender leaf-stem, in general appearance like those of the locust tree. The cream Low Hop Clover Trifolium procumbens Pale golden yellow June-Septem- ber are pointed wide-spread agrarium. Yellow Melilot MelUotus offi- cinalis Light golden yellow June-August blunt- tipped, Milk Vetch Astragalus Canadensis Greenish cream yellow July-August 214 Alfalfa, liedic&go sativa Yellow Melilot. Tlelilotusofficinalia PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosx. yellow slender blossoms are green-tinged especiallj- at the base, and are thickly set in a dense spike springing from the junction of the leaf-stalk with the plant stem. They are cross-fertilized mostly by the long-tongued bees ; the bumblebees, Bomhus separatus, B. americanorum, and B. peiinsylvaniciis are frequent visitors, as are the butterflies, — Colias philocUce, the clouded sulphur, and Papilio asterias, the black swallowtail. The flowers are succeeded by short, broad, leathery, straight, and pointed pods. 1-4 feet high. Along streams and river- banks, from western New York, and on the shores and islands of Lake Champlain, N. Y. and Vt., south to Ga. and La., and west to Col. An annual (adventive from Europe), Nonesuch or . i \ 4. • - j - *^i 1 • Black Medick ^^'^th a somewhat twisted stem partly lymg Medicago on the ground, slightly downy or rough ; lupniina the three leaflets obovate or wedge-shaped Yellow with a bristle tip. The yellow flowers in September small, short spikes. About 6 inches high. Pods almost black, kidney-formed, con- taining but one seed. Common in waste places every- where. Tick Trefoil ^ common weed which flourishes in Desmodium dry woods. The generally leafless flower- nudiflorum stem rises from the root, and bears a Pale magenta scattered cluster of very small magenta- Juiv-Aue:ust pi^^ o^ lilac flowers, the broad upper petals of which are notched at the apex and turned backward, the lower narrow ones are lilac and white ; the stamens are prominent. The flower is fertilized by honeybees and many other smaller bees, especially those of the genus Halictiis. The stout, shorter leaf-stalk is terminated by the leaf-clusters, of three ovate, toothless leaflets. The hairy two-jointed pods or seed-vessels stick to one's clothing or are dis- tributed by some similar means of transportation. 18- 25 inches high. In woodlands from Me., south, and west to Minn. 216 Tick Trefoil. Desmodium nudiflopum. PULSE FAMILY. Legutninosas. This species has similar flowers, but they are considerably larger and borne on a slender stalk which rises from the plant-stem at the point where the leaf- stalks spring outward. The broad, pointed leaflets are much larger and a The strange seed-pod like that of the fore- going species is 2-3 jointed. The name is from Sed/^oS a chain, alluding to the connecting joints of the pod. By means of these joints the pods attach to the furry coats of animals. 1-4 feet high. The same distribution. The stem of this silky hairy tick trefoil bends or lies near the ground. The leaflets are quite round, comparatively speaking, soft-hairy, and not pointed. The flowers are light purple-magenta, and the pod 3-5 jointed, constricted nearly equally at 2-5 feet long. About the same distribution. This species has oblong lance-shaped leaflets, or quite ovate ones, nearly if not quite smooth above, an erect and nearly smooth stem, and branching flower-stalks bearing very small pale magenta flowers. Pod 2-4 jointed, the sections nearly triangular. 2-3 feet high. Not farther south than Va. and Ky. , west to Neb. A still narrower-leaved species, the deep green leaflets scarcely 2 inches long, and linear lance-shaped, resembling willow leaves. The flow^er-spikes are rather hori- zontally branched ; Pale magenta flowers Pod 4-6 jointed. The slender stem 2-3 feet high. Common. The most showy species of the genus, with crowded flower-clusters terminating a tall, stout, and hairv stem. The leaves Desniodium, ticuviinatinn Pale magenta June- September trifle hairy. Desmodium rotundifolium Purple- magenta July- September both edges. y^T Desmodium ^^ DiUenJi Pale magenta June- September Desmodium pnniridatum Pale magenta July- September very small. Canadian Tick Trefoil D€sm,odiiini Canndense are nearly without stalks, or with short Dull magenta- ones, and the three leaflets (longer-stalked) P'"'^ are oblong lance-shaped. The flowers September (larger than those of the other species) are nearly i inch long, and vary in color from magenta to magenta-pink. Pods 3-5 jointed and quite 2l8 Canadian Tick Trefoil. Desmodium Canadense. PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosae. hairy. 2-6 feet high. Common on the borders of copses and on river banks, from Me., south to S. Car., and west to Mo. and Neb. Trailing Bush ^^ interesting httle plant with a trailing Clover habit, its perpendicular branches rising Lespedeza ivom a stout horizontal stem. The little P^rpir-magen- ^^^^^^ are cloverlike. The whole plant ta or magenta= '^^'ooHj hairy. The tiny pealike blossoms pink magenta-pink or a light purple-magenta. August- 12-25 inches long. Common in dry soil September everywhere. Lespedeza -^^ upright and tall species with small violacea elliptical leaflets distinctly stalked. Stem Purple sparingly hairy and much branched. The August- small flowers purple or violet-purple. 1-3 September ^ ^ , • , ^ • ■, •/ , feet high. Common in dry soil, and on the borders of copses everywhere. Lespedeza An erect species with smooth, dark reticulata green, cloverlike leaves, crowding a Purple rather straight, generally smooth stem, which is terminated by the small, crowded, purple flower-cluster ; smaller clusters also spring from the junction of stem with leaf-stalk. The Lespedezaa, especially this one, are apt to exhibit two kinds of flowers ; those with showy petals, which are sterile, and those petalless and minute, which are abundantly fer- tile. According to Prof. Robertson, the chief visitors of this flower are the bumblebee Bombus ainericanoruiny the leaf-cutting bee (Megachile), and the ground bee {Halictus ; notably H. ligatus). Among the butterflies, Colias pliilodice and Pampliila cernes are occasional visitors. 1-3 feet high. ]\Iass. and Mich., south. Lespedeza '^^^i^ species has yellow-white flowers polystachya purple-spotted, which grow in small dense. Yellow=white, bristly, oblong spikes. The stem is silky spotted hairy, and the round-ovate leaflets are slightly separated by the conspicuous stalk of the middle one. 2-4 feet high. Common everywhere on dry hillsides. Leaves with a bnistly extension of the midrib. Bush Clove P. Lespedeza. violacea,) PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosas. Lespedeza '^^^ flowers of this species are clustered capitata in small round heads terminating a stiff, White straight stalk, which is silky hairy. The * "^^^ ^ leaves have three oblong leaflets, and are nearly stemless. The flowers are similar to the fore- going species, or they are white, magenta streaked. Visited by the leaf-cutter bee {Megachile brevis) among many others. 2-4 feet high. Same situations everywhere. Common Vetch -^ climbing annual adventive from Eu- Vicia sativa rope where it is cultivated for fodder ; one Purple Qf ii^Q genus is also extensively cultivated May-August -^^ j^^j^^^ notably about Naples, and in the vicinity of Pompeii. The flowers, which are purple or even magenta-pink, grow in pairs or singly at the junc- tion of stem with leaf-stalk. The 8-10 leaflets are obtuse oblong, notched at the tip, and the stalk terminates in two twining tendrils. The pod resembles that of the pea, but it is long and slender. Stem 1-3 feet long. N. Eng., south, and west to Minn, and S. Dak. Cow Vetch ^ perennial, and graceful plant climbing Vicia Cracca by tendrils, and characterized by a fine, Light violet downy hairiness. The compound leaf has June-August twenty or more lance-shaped leaflets ter- minated abruptly by a bristlelike point. The small bean-blossomlike flower is light violet, the upper petal is lined with a deeper violet ; the cluster is sometimes quite four inches long, and is one-sided ; it grows from be- tween the leaf -stalk and the plant-stem. The color of the foliage is rather gray olive green. Fruit like a small pea-pod. Stem 2-3 feet long. Dry soil, on the borders of thickets, and cultivated fields. Me. and N. J., west to Iowa and Minn. Easily distinguished from the foregoing ^^^^^ by its generally smooth character and its Americana , ,i. . , , n - i • i i Light violet obtuse elliptical leaflets which are less in number (8-14) and distinctly veined. The light violet flowers are larger, and only 3-9 form the rather loose cluster. 2-3 feet long. In moist soil. Me. , south to Va. and Ky., and west to Nev. The Vicias are in general cross-fertilized with the assistance of the Cow Vetch Vicia CracCdL, PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosx. family Hymenoptera, the bees ; the honeybee is one of the commonest visitors. „ . „ A seaside plant, but one common also on Dcsch Pcfl Lathyms *^^® shores of the Great Lakes ; its con- maritimus struction and habit similar to those of Ruddy purple Vicia. There are 6-12 oval leaflets, bris- May-August tie-tipped, and a ruddy purple flower-clus- ter of 5-12 bean-blossom-shaped florets ; the cluster is somewhat long-hemispherical in outline. At the base of the compound leaves are a pair of conspicuous arrow^- head-shaped stipules, or leaflets. The pod is veiny and about 2 inches long. The stout stem is angled and 1-2 feet high. Sandy soil Me., south to N. J., and west to Oregon. This is a slender marsh-loving plant with If- an angled and winged stem, narrow lance- shaped stipules (leafy formations at the base of the compound leaves), and with 2-4 pairs of lance-shaped leaflets. The loose and ruddy purple spare flower-cluster (of 2-6 flowers about ^ inch long) is as long as the compound leaf. The narrow, veiny pod is about 2 inches long. Stem 1-3 feet long. In wet situations, from Me., Mass., N. J., and N. Y., west to the Pacific coast. ^ , A climbing vine reaching a height of around Nut , ^ . % * ^ rp, ^ • t i Apios tuberosa ^bout four or five feet. The root is tuber- Maroon and ous and edible. The compound leaf is pale brown= composed of 3-7 toothless, ovate-pointed '''^*^ leaflets, smooth and light green. The ses- September thetic flower-cluster is maroon and pale brown-lilac in color with a texture of velvet ; the bean-blossomlike florets are cloyingly sweet, and suggest English violets with a slight and strange horse-chestnut odor. They are fertilized mostly by the various bees, including the honeybee. The name is from ocTtiov, a pear, alluding to the pear-shape of the tubers. The plant is exceedingly beautiful and worthy of cultivation. On low, damp ground, from Me., south, and west to S. Dak. , Neb. , and Kan. Found in CamptoD, N. H. 224 Ground Nut. Apios tubeposa. PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosas. Another perennial climber, distino-uished Wild Bean . -^ , . . ^^ i o ' • ^ ? ^ ,, Phaseolus "^ ^^^ ^*^'^^ *-*^ tiiree leaflets pointed at the perennis tip and rounded at the base. The plant is Red=purple very fine-hairy and considerably branched. July-Septein= rj^j^^ flower-cluster is thin and about 4- 8 inches long ; the red-purple blossoms are scarcely over ^ inch long. The pods are stalked, drooping, and a trifle curved. Stem 5-12 feet long. In thickets Me. , south, and west to Minn, and Neb, A similar, but annual species, with a anaulosa' low-twining stem about 6-8 feet long, the Greenish white leaflets sometimes bluntly lobed and some- or purple times entire. The 3-10 greenish white or July-Septeni= red-purple flowers about | an inch long, in a loose cluster. The slender linear pod is fine-hair}^ and about 3 inches long or less. Stem branching at the base and about 4-8 feet long. Sandy river-banks, and meadow borders, Mass., south, and west along the Great Lakes to Minn., and south- west to Kan. A dainty vine with delicate light green Peanut leaves formed of three smooth, angularly Amphicarpoea ovate-pointed leaflets, and bearing two monoica kinds of fruit. The perfect lilac or ma- Magenta>]ilac genta-lilac narrow blossoms are in small tember drooping clusters ; these are succeeded by many small pods about an inch long hold- ing generally three mottled beans. The other fruitful blossom is at the base or root of the plant in rudimen- tary form with but few free stamens ; it is succeeded by a pear-shaped pod containing one large seed — hence the name wild peanut. The name of the plant means both and fruit, in reference to the two kinds of fruit. The pod of the upper blossom is curved and broad at the tip, it matures about the middle of September, The slender stem twines about the roadside shrubbery, and is from 2- 7 feet long. Common everywhere in moist ground from Me., to S. Dak., Neb., and La. Found in Campton, N. H. 226 Wild Bean. ^ Phaseolus perennis. {-^M ^09 Peanut. Amphicappaea monoica. PULSE FAMILY. Leguminosse. Wild Senna Cassia Marilandica Golden yel- low, brown- tipped July-August A showy and decorative plant with compound leaves of 12-20 broad lance- shaped leaflets of a rather yellow-green I tone. They are smooth and somewhat sensitive to the touch. The flower-clus- ters are loosely constructed. The light golden yellow flowers of five slightly un- equal petals are accented in color by the prominent ji chocolate brown of the anthers ; the stamens are very f unequal in length. 3-8 feet high. In swamps and al- luvial soil from Me., south, and west to Minn., Neb. Kan., and La. An erect annual species with large showy yellow flowers, 1\ inches across, in groups of 2-4 at the bases of the sensitive leaves ; often the five petals are purple- spotted at the base. The 20-30 leaflets, i less than an inch long, are blunt lance- ' shaped and pointed with a tiny bristle. The slender pod about 2 inches long is slightly hairy. 1-2 feet high. In dry or sandy fields, everywhere. But not in Me., N. H., or Vt., or if in Me., very rare. A similar species, but tall, and with very Wild Sensitive „ , . ^ '. ' „ „ ^ Pl^j^^ small and inconspicuous yellow flowers. Cassia The 12-40 tiny leaflets scarcely f inch nictitans long. The flowers in groups of 2-3 at the bases of the leaves. 6-12 feet high. Me., south to Ga., and west to 111., Kan., and Tex. Not in N. H., and if in Me. exceedingly rare, for only one record exists. Partridge Pea Cassia ('hanuecrista Yellow July-Septem- ber 228 Partridge Pea. Cassia Chamaecrista. GERANIUM FAMILY. Geraniaceas. GERANIUM FAMILY. Geraniacece. A small family of plants with symmetrical and per- fect flowers of mostly five parts, viz. : five petals, five sepals (usually distinct), and five stamens or twice that number. Fruit a capsule. Cross-fertilized by bees, but- terflies, and the beelike flies. A delicate wild flower pale or deep ma- Wild Geranium . ■ -, ^ i i^ i or Cranesbill ^enta-prnk, or quite light purple ; some- Geranium times the ten anthers are a delicate peacock maculatum blue. The deeply cut, five-lobed leaf is Magenta=pink rough-hairy ; the stem and the unfolded ay- uy flower-envelop (the bud) are also remarka- bly hairy. The blossoms are cross-fertilized mostly by tlie agency of honeybees, and the smaller bees of the genus Halictus — particularly Halictus coriaceus, and the Syr- phid flies. The flower is, perhaps, quite incapable of self-fertilization in the absence of insects, as the pollen is ripe and the anthers fall away before the stigma is receptive. The leaves with their brown or white spots are the occasion of the specific title, maculatam. 1-2 feet high. In woodlands and wooded roadsides, from Me., south to Ga., and west. Found in Camp- ton, N. H. A rather handsome and decorative spe- Herb Robert . , ^- n -r. t ^- • , j Geranium ^^^^ adventive from Europe, distinguished Robertianum for its generally ruddy stems and strong Magenta odor when bruised. The ornamental leaves ^^y- with 3-5 divisions are deep green some- times modified with the ruddy tinge of the plant. The flowers are deep or pale magenta, and are succeeded by long-beaked seed-vessels. 10-18 inches high. On the borders of rocky woods, from Me., south to N. J., and west to Mo. A somewhat similar species, but distin- B'^k'^^7v^- guished by its almost skeleton-lobed leaf and remarkable seed-vessel the persistent style of which splits upward /rom the boseand bears the seed at the tip. The flowers are pale magenta, and are 230 At" Herb Robert Geranium Robertia^num. GePAni'um Bicknellii, GERANIUM FAMILY. Qeraniacees, generally borne in pairs. 8-16 inches high. Me. to southern N. Y., and northwest to western Ontario, Canada. Geranium Another similar species but one more Carolinianmn commonly distributed through the Soutli. Pale magenta The leaves are deeply cut and narrowly May-August lobed, and the pale magenta flowers are borne in compact clusters. The beak to the seed-vessel is nearly an inch long, and is short-pointed in contradis- tinction to that of the foregoing species, which is long- pointed. The curved sections of the beak are also shorter. The stem is fuzzy and 8-15 inches high. In poor soil from Me., south to Mex., and west. This gera- nium as well as the others is more or less dependent upon the small bees {Halictus), and the Syrpliid flies for cross-fertilization. The flower has ten perfect sta- mens, however, and the inner circle of their anthers is so near the stigjna that self-pollinization may easily occur ; that is the expressed opinion of Professor Robertson. ^ . „ .^ A slender and weak-stemmed little plant, False Mermaid /. ^ Floerkea pro- with small compound leaves of from 3-5 serpinacoides leaflets sometimes thrice cleft. The tiny White white flowers with three petals are borne April-June singly on long and slender stems proceed- ing from the base of the leaves. The flower is succeeded by 1-3 fleshy spherical seed receptacles which are set snugly within the remaining three sepals. 6-15 inches high. In swampy land, and on river-banks, from Me., southwest to Pa. , and westward. / /' ( li k) Cranesbill. 11% Geranium m^cu latum Geranium Carolinianum. SORREL FAMILY. Oxalidaceae. SORREL FAMILY. OxalidacecE. A small famil}^ of low herbs in our range, with trifoli- ate leaves and perfect, regular flowers of five parts ; the ten stamens united at the base. Fruit a five-celled cap- sule. Juice sour and watery. Cross-fertilized by the smaller bees and the beelike flies. One of the most dainty of all woodland Wood Sorrel , ^ , "^ , •. .• Q^.^ijj^ plants, common in cool, damp situations. Acefosfiia The leaf composed of three light green White pink= heart-shaped leaflets which droop and veined f^ld together after nightfall. The frail ay- u y flowers nearly an inch broad, with five notched petals, are borne singly on delicate long stems, and are either pinkish white, striped with crimson lines, the color deepening toward the centre of the blossom, or white with crimson-pink lines. Fertilized by the smaller bees (Halicfus), and the Sijrphid flies. Cleisto- gamic flowers (a kind fertilized in the bud without opening) are also borne on small curved stems at the base of the plant. A stemless perennial about 3-4 in- ches high, growing from a creeping scaly-toothed root. Common in thin, damp woods from Me. to the mountains of N. Car., and west on the north shore of Lake Su- perior. Found at Profile Lake, Franconia Notch, N. H. A native of the old world, and a most interesting flower frequently introduced in the paintings of Fra Angelico and Sandro Botticelli. Violet Wood Another most dainty woodland species Sorrel common in the South, and cultivated as a O.ralis vioiacea house plant in the North. The leaves are Pale magenta gjinjiar to those of the preceding species. ay- une rpj^^ flowers are variable, sometimes white, but generally light magenta (the rose purple of Dr. Gray) ; they are never violet. The long flower-stalks bear 3-6 or mo^e blossoms, in contradistinction to O. Acetosella which bears but one flower on a stalk. It is frequented by the same class of insects which visit the last. 4-8 inches high. Rocky ground and thin woods, from Me., south, and west to the Rockies. Also among the Andes, Sopth America. 234 Wood Sorrel Oxalis Acetosella. SORREL FAMILY. Oxalidaceas. Yellow Wood Sorrel or Lady's Sorrel O.valis cymosn Yellow May-Septeni= ber last species), One of the commonest yellow sorrels of the north ; not a woodland plant but fa- miliar by every roadside and in every field and garden. The light green stem erect, rather smooth , or sparingly hairy (viewed under the glass) ; the leaves of three heart- shaped leaflets (smaller than those of the long-stemmed and somewhat drooping ; without small leafy formations at the junction of leaf- stem and plant-stem. The rather deep lemon yellow flowers scarcely ^ inch broad, with five long ovate petals and ten yellow stamens alternately long and short ; the heart of the blossom is green. There are 2-6 flowers on a somewhat horizontally spreading, branched stem, which are succeeded by hairy seed-pods | inch long set at scarcely a wide angle with their stalks. Visited by the smaller bees, and Syrphid flies, and also occa- sionally by the tiny butterflies (Hes^yeria). 3-12 inches high, with a weak stem but strong root. The O. cor- niculata, var. stricta, of the sixth ed. of Gray's Manual. A far less common species, an annual or perennial, sustaining itself by far-reaching running roots. Generally less upright than the last. With leafy formations at the bases of the leaf-stalks. Pods elongated, and erect, often set at a sharp angle witli their stalks. In other respects very similar to the foregoing species, but rare ; near Burlington, Vt. (T. E. Hazen). Yellow Wood Sorrel or Lady's Sorrel O.ralis stricta May-Septem= ber 236 Charactensticai in all its parts Yellow Wood Soppel. Oxdiis stpictA. Oxa^lis cymosA, FLAX FAMILY. Linaceae. FLAX FAMILY. Linacecn. A small family mostly composed of not very tall herbs, slender and frail flowered, but remarkable for having furnished the world with linen from time immemorial. The perfect, sj-mmetrical flowers (of the genus Linum) have five petals, sepals, styles, and stamens ; the petals before expansion are rolled-up. The fruit is usually in a capsule. Mostly fertilized by the smaller bees and bee- like flies. A smooth perennial, with small yellow Wild Yellow ^ , }:". ,11 1 ^1 Pjg^ flowers termmatmg slender branches ; the Linum five tiny yellow petals scarcely give the Virginianum flower a width of ^ inch. The small Yellow leaves are lance-shaped, thin, and one- ribbed. The sepals are ovate and pointed. 1-2 feet high. Dry woodlands, and shady places, tliroughout the north, and south to Ga. A somewhat similar species, but an an- sulcatnm ^^^^ with a usually simple stem and alter- nate leaves ; the stem corrugated, at least above, the sharp, lance-shaped leaves three-ribbed, and the yellow flowers a full half-inch broad. 1-2 feet high. In dry soil from E. Mass., west to tiie Great Lakes, through the mountains south to Ga., and southwest to Tex. Rare along the seacoast. ^ ^ A rather delicate-api^earing and pretty Common Flax , ^ .■ ^ n^ i J^l,^^^^,^ annual adventive from Europe or escaped 11 sit at hsi mum from cultivation ; it has been under culti- Light blue= vation since prehistoric times for its linen '^'*^'^* fibre and its seed oil. The stem erect, jj"j. ^^ ^'"" branching, and ridged, the alternate leaves lance-shaped, sharp, and three-ribbed. The delicate blue- violet flowers, f inch broad, with five slightly overlapping petals, are fertilized mostly by the honeybee. 9-20 inches higli. Along roadsides, by rail- ways, in cultivated fields, and in waste places. 238 Common Flax. Linum usitatissimum. MILKWORT FAMILY. Polygalacese. MILKWORT FAMILY. Polygalacece Mostly herbs with generally alternate leaves, and per- fect but irregular flowers with five sepals, the two late- ral ones petallike, large, and colored ; the others small. The three petals are connected with each other in a tube- like form ; the lower one is often crested at the tip. The generally eight stamens are more or less united into one or two sets and in part coherent with the lower petal, but free above. Stigma curved and broad ; the anthers generally cup-shaped and opening by a slit or hole at the apex. Cross-fertilization effected by the agency of bees and the beelike flies. An exceedingly dainty, low perennial Fringed Milk= pigi^-^g fi-Qni prostrate stems and roots wort or Flowering sometimes a foot long. The few broad, Wintergreen ovate, bright green leaves are crowded at Polygula the summit of the stems, the lower ones pancifoJia reduced to the size of a mere scale. The ^l^.^g leaves live through the winter and turn May-July a bronze red. The flowers, nearly | inch long, are generally magenta or crimson- magenta, and rarely white. The three petals are united in a tube, the lowest one terminating in a pouch con- taining the pistil and anthers, and furnished at the end with a fringe or beard. This last serves as a landing plat- form for bees who will naturally depress the pouch b}' their weight ; the rigid pistil and stamens, however, re- fusing to bend with the pouch are forced out through a slit at the top of the latter and come in direct contact with the under parts of the insect visitor. Thus cross- fertilization is in a large measure secured by the pollen- daubed bee brushing against the exposed stigma of the next flower visited. The honeybee and the ground bees of the genus Halictus and Andrenidce are the common- est visitors. The little plant often bears cleistogamous subterranean flowers on tiny branchlets. Erect stem 3-6 inches high. Common in damp, rich woods, from Me., south to Ga., and west to 111. and Minn. Found at Holderness, N. H. : white specimens near Bangor, Me. 240 Fringed Pojygala. Polygdia paucifolid. Seneca Snakepoot Polya^^la Senega. MILKWORT FAMILY. Polygalacese, Milkwort Polyydla pohjgama Dull crimson June-July The tinj^ gesthetic, dull crimson flowers of this species are borne in delicate long clusters at the tips of the leafy stems. The leaves are light dull green, lance-shaped, and crowded on the slender stem, tooth- less, and rather blunt, with a bristlelike tip. Rarely the flowers are nearly white ; the eight stamens are more or less conspicuous. The plant also bears cleistogamous flowers on subterranean horizontal branches, and these are numerous enough to justify the specific title, poly- gama, 5-15 inches high. Dry sandy soil common everywhere, but locallj^ abundant only. A much less sliowy species with white or greenish white flowers and fewer lance- shaped leaves, the lowest ones very small and scalelike. The small terminal flower- cluster dense. It bears no cleistogamous greenish white blossoms. Stem 6-12 inches high, simple May-June or slightly branched. In rocky woodlands, from western New Eng., south to N. Car., among the mountains, and west to Minn, and Mo. A branching and leafy species with globular or oblong, compact flower-clus- ters of deep or pale magenta blossoms ; rarely they are white. It is the calyx which contributes the ruddy magenta to the yellowish petals are hidden within. The stem is slightly angled. The little leaves are similar to those of P. polygania. 6-13 inches high. In moist and sandy fields and roadsides. New Eng., south to S. Car., and west to Minn., Ark., and La. Seneca Snakeroot Poly gala Senega White or Poly gala sanguinea Magenta June- September the flower 242 Milkwort. Polygala. polygdma. Polygala. 5d.nguinea. MILKWORT FAMILY. Polygalaceas An attractive species whose leaves are generally arranged in clusters of four — hence the specific title, crnciata. Stem square or almost winged at the angles, widely branched, and smooth. The deli- cate dull magenta flowers in heads like clover bloom, with the florets crowded. 3-13 inches high. Margins of swamps, or low^ ground, from Me., south, and west to Minn, and La. A species very similar to the last, but with a slenderer stem and shorter leaves more sparingly distributed. The flower- spikes much smaller and the flowers Dull magenta- stemmed. 3-10 inches high. A coastwise Polygala, common on the borders of brack- ish swamps, from R. I., Long Island, N. J,, and Del., south, A slender and smooth species with usu- ally many branches, and with long slender lance-shaped leaves tipped with a slight bristle, arranged in circles of 4-5, or scat- tered singly among the branches. The greenish white or magenta-tinged flowers are compactly clustered in conic spikes, nearly an inch long. The little florets are distinctly stemmed. A 11 the Polygalas are assisted in the process of fertilization by the bees and some of the smaller butterflies, notably Colias j^hilodice, yellow. 6-12 inches high. Common everywhere in fields or on roadsides. The var. ambigua is nearly the same in structure, but is taller, slenderer, and only the lower leaves are in circles ; the others are alternate. The flower-spikes are very long and loose, some of the lower flowers being isolated ; the blossoms are a trifle larger, and mostly a pale magenta. In dry soil, N. Y., N. J., and Pa., south to Ga., and southwest to Tenn. and La. Cross-leaved Milkwort PoJygald cruciatd Dull magenta pink July- September Short-leaved Milkwort Polygala brevifolia pink June- September Whorled Milkwort Polygala verticillata Magenta- tinged or whitish June- September 244 Cross-leaved Milkwort. PolygalA.cpuciata. SPURGE FAMILY. Euphorbiaceae. SPURGE FAMILY. EuplwrUacece. Plants with usually a milky and acrid juice, bearing staminate and pistillate flowers on one plant or exclu- sively either kind on one plant, so there sliall be stami- nate ones, and pistillate ones, hence they are largely dependent upon insects for fertilization. The flowers are irregularly or imperfectly constructed, i. e., in some instances without petals, and in others polypetalous or even monopetalous. Fruit generalh' a three-lobed cap- sule. Represented in the northern countries by the genus Euphorbia, but largely a tropical family. A prostrate, spreading weed common in Euphorbia ^^^^ sand of the seashore ; stem branched polygonifolia and smooth. Flowers inconspicuous and Whitish green usually solitar}' at the bases of the small ^"^y- linear oblong leaves. Seed-capsule round- ovoid, and ash gray-colored. Branches 3-7 inches long. Along the Atlantic coast from R. I., south, and on the shores of the Great Lakes. A prostrate weed common throughout Milk Purslane ]S[Qi-th America, in open places and on '^ ^" ^ roadsides. Stems usually dark red, hairy Euphorbia ^nd spreading radiately like common pus- macji/afa ley ; leaves toothed, red-blotched, and Whitish or dark green in color, oblong and obtuse, ruddy about 1 inch long. The whitish or ruddy June- . ^ ^ , , -^ September inconspicuous flowers growing at the bases of tlie leaves. Branches 3-12 inches long. Common everywhere. A smooth or slightly hairy annual, the Preslii oblique and three-ribbed leaves of which Whitish or are red-spotted and margined ; similar to ruddy those of the preceding species. The stem ^*y" branched and nearly upright. The insig- nificant flowers whitish or ruddy, and obo- void in shape. 8-20 inches high. Common everywhere in fields, by roadsides, and on the borders of thickets. 246 Spurge. Euphorbia Preslii. SPURGE FAMILY. Euphorbiaceas. A very handsome species cultivated for its ornamental white-margined leaves sur- rounding the rather insignificant flowers. An annual with bright green foliage, the leaves ovate-pointed, toothless and stalk- less. Stem stout 2-3 feet high. In dry soil, Ohio and Minn, west to Col. Also an escape from gardens in the east. An annual species naturalized from Europe, with a smooth, erect, stout stem, often branched from the base. Leaves obovate and finely toothed. The insignifi- cant flowers terminating the branchlets, of an indeterminate color, generally green and tan. 8-12 inches high. Common in waste places from N. Y. to Ohio, and along the Great Lakes. A perennial spreading by horizontal rootstocks, and an escape from gardens to roadsides and waste places in the east- ern States. Leaves bright light green, linear and almost filiform. The stems thickly clustered and very leafy, ter- minated by a large flower-cluster flat dome-shaped. The insignificant flowers indeterminate in color, but generally greenish dull yel- low, or tan, or russet red ; they are rather ornamental, with crescent-shaped glands. The plant is milky juiced, like all the Euphorbias, and it has become naturalized from Europe. It is poisonous if eaten in any quantity. Fertilized by bees and butterflies. 5-12 inches high. Common everywhere in the east. Found in Campton, N. H., near an old graveyard. White Mar= gined Spurge, or Snow on the Mountain Euphorbia mnrginata White May- September Sun Spurge Euphorbia Helioscopia Greenish and tan June- September Cypress Spurge Euphorbia Cyparissias Greenish and tan June- September 248 Cypress Spurge. Euphorbia Cyparissias Snow on the Mountain. Euphorbia marginata. CASHEW FAMILY. Anacardiaceas. CASHEW FAMILY. Anacardiacece. Trees or shrubs with alternate compound leaves, and small regular, generally polygamous flowers, i. e. pistil- late, staminate, and perfect flowers on the same plant or on different plants ; the flowers of five parts in gen- eral. . Fruit a berry. Cross-fertilized by bees, the beelike flies, and butterflies. The juice of some species is in- tensely poisonous. Dwarf Sumac ^ shrub with fine-hairy branches, and Rhus copalUna Compound dark green leaves of 9-21 ovate Green=white lance-shaped shining leaflets, toothless, July-August oj. ^^.j^-i^ fg^^. obscure teeth; the stem is wing-margined between the leaflets. The green- white flowers are polj'gamous, and collected in a cone- like terminal cluster, succeeded by the maroon-red hairy fruit. 1-7 feet high ; sometimes a tree 25 feet high. Common on rocky hillsides from Me., south, and west to Minn., Neb., Mo., and Tex. Staehorn '^ similar and very common shrub in Sumac thickets among the hills, with golden Rhus typhina brown twigs densely covered with velvety ''""^ hairs, and leaves of 11-31 lance-shaped, sharply toothed leaflets, dark green above and whitish, fine-hairy beneath ; turning a brilliant scarlet in the early fall. The leaf -stem not winged. The polygamous green- white or whitish green flowers similar to the pre- ceding ; the fruit very densely covered with maroon-red hairs. Dry, rocky soil, especially among the moun- tains, from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Mo. The wood is a dull greenish yellow handsomely grained ; the bark is used for tanning leather. A similar smooth-stemmed shrub with Smooth leaves of 11-31 toothed leaflets, dark green Rhus glabra above and whitis^i beneath ; the stem not winged. The flowers and fruit similar to those of the preceding species. 2-12 feet high, some- times 18 feet high. About the same distribution as the above. 250 Dwarf Sumac Rhus copa^llina. CASHEW FAMILY. Anacardiacese. s Poison Sumac "^^ e;xceedingly poisonous shrub with Rhi'.-i reueuata compound, smooth, Hghter green leaves. Whitish green green on both sides, of 7-13 thin obovate **""^ but pointed leaflets u'ithout teeth. More frequently found in swampj^ land, and irritatingly poisonous to the touch. The flowers are whitish green ^i and are borne in loose clusters at the angles of the leaves ; the}' are also polygamous. Fruit a green-gray i^ berry in slim clusters. 6-15 feet high, or sometimes 24 feet high. In wet, low grounds, from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Mo. „ . . A vine with a shrubbv character in its Poison Ivy i '^ i • • j^f^y^ more southern range, but pushing its way foxirochndroi, with rapidly running rootlets in the colder Whitish green northern region. A noxious poison, in- May-June deed, producing a painful, burning erup tion of the skin, if the latter comes m contact with any part of the plant ever so lightly ; some persons are far more susceptible to the poison than others, but it has been demonstrated that it acts only by contact. An excellent remedy to use until a physician can be con- sulted, is the well-known Extract of Witch-hazel (•'Pond's Extract") applied by saturating cloths and wrapping them about the inflamed parts. The triple leaf of Poison Ivy should never be mistaken for that of the Virginia Creeper, which has five leaflets strongly toothed. The leaflets of the poisonous plant are smooth, | but not shining, light green, toothless, and generally I ovate-pointed without lobes ; but sometimes the largei ^ leaves are shallowly notched or sinuous at the edge The flowers are whitish green, and with the fruit arej- similar to those of the preceding species. Climbing high on the trunks of trees, on stone walls, in thickets, or running over low ground, or meadows ; sometimes bushy, erect, with gray stems 2-3 inches thick, and 1-4 feet high. Me., south, and west to S. Dak., Utah, Ark., and Tex. Common in the Pemigewasset Valley, N. H. 252 j \' 'oison Sumac. Lhus venenata. Poison Ivy. Rhus toxicodendron. STAFF=TREE FAMILY. Celastracese, STAFF-TREE FAMILY. Celastracew. Shrubs with simple opposite or alternate leaves, and small regular, generally perfect flowers with 4-5 petals and as many stamens inserted on a disc set at the base of the ovary (or sometimes merged into it) and at the bot- tom of the calyx. Fruit a pod with 2-5 cells. Insect visitors commonly bees. A twining, shrubby vine common on old im ing 1 = gtone walls and roadside thickets, and tersweet ' Waxwork Sometimes climbing trees to a height of Celastrus twenty or more feet. The light green scandens leaves are smooth and ovate or ovate- reenis oblong, finely toothed, and acute at the white . ? , June tip ; they grow alternately and somewhat in ranks owing to the twisting of the stem. The tiny flowers are greenish white, and grouped in a loose, spikelike terminal cluster ; the five minute petals are finely toothed along the edge, and the five stamens are inserted on a cup-shaped disc, in the manner ex- plained above. The flowers are succeeded in September, by the beautiful orange fruit, a globular berry in loose clusters, but properly speaking a capsule whose orange shell divides into three parts, bends backward, and ex- poses the pulpy scarlet envelop of the seed within. The fruit is charmingly decorative, and if it is picked and placed in a warm room before the sliells open, it will ex- pand and remain in a perfect condition thoughout the winter. Climbing 6-25 feet. Along roadsides, streams, etc., from Me., south to N. Car., among the mountains, and west to the Daks., Kan., Oklahoma, and N. Mex. Rare in the White Mountain region of N. H. 254 t Bittersweet. Cddstrus scdndcns. JEWEL=WEED FAMILY. Balsaminaceae. JEWEL- WEED FAMILY. Balsaminacem. Juicy-stemmed herbs with smooth simple- toothed leaves and irregular perfect flowers whose sepals and petals are not clearly distinguished as such, the spurred sack being one of the three sepals ; the other two are lateral and small. Petals five, or three with two of them two-cleft into dissimilar lobes. The five stamens are short. Admirably adapted to fertilization by long- tongued insects, such as bumblebees. A common, translucent-stemmed plant Pale Touch= ^£ ^,^^ ^^^ shady situations in the north, JeweUweed especially on mountainsides. The sack of Impatiens the pale yellow, sparingly'' brown-spotted aurea honey-bearing flower is obtuse and rather Pale yellow short— in fact, somewhat bell-shaped, or September ^^ broad as it is long. The spur is scarcely 1 the length of the sack. It is a more ro- bust and a lighter green species than the next. Un- doubtedly it is assisted in the process of fertilization by the bumblebee and the honeybee. Throughout the north, and south as far as Ga., but by no means as common as I. biUora. The commoner one of the two species. Spotted Touch= ^g^g^Hy rudd}^ stemmed ; very variable in Impatiens color, with smaller flowers, sometimes biflora deeply freckled with red-brown over a Gold yellow deep gold-colored ground, and at other variable times pale buff yellow scarcely spotted. September ^^^^ ®^^^ ^^ deep, longer than it is broad, and terminates with an incurved spur nearly one half or fully one third of its length. In Pro- fessor Robertson's opinion it is especially adapted to the long bill of the hummingbird, but it is also visited by the honeybee, bumblebee, and the bees known as Melis- sodes bimacidata and Halictus confusus, as w^ell as the butterfly Papilio troilns. The flower develops its sta- mens first, and afterward its pistil, so cross-fertilization is almost an assured thing. 2-5 feet high. Me., south, and \(^est to Mo. Found in Camp ton, N. H. 256 Jewelweed Impa^tiens bj/lorai. BUCKTHORN FAMILY. Rhamnacese, BUCKTHORN FAMILY. Rhamnacece. Shrubs or small trees, often thorny, with simple, mostly alternate leaves, and small regular, perfect or polyga- mous flowers. There are 4-5 petals to the rather incon- spicuous flowers, or, in some cases, none at all. The fruit a berry, or a capsule. Visited by bees and flies. A shrub commonh^ cultivated for hedares Common . „ '' , . , Buckthorn ^^ ^^^ twigs are often armed with formida- Rhamnus ble thorns. A native of Europe and Asia, cathartica and an escape from cultivation in this coun- Ma'*!funr^^" try, particularly in New England and New York. The smooth deep green leaves are ovate and finely toothed ; they grow alternately. The flow^ers are clustered at the angles of the leaves, and are an inconspicuous white-green : they are staminate and pistillate on different plants, and scarcely measure a tenth of an inch across. The flower is succeeded by a black berry the juice of which is powerfully medicinal. 6-16 feet high. In dry soil along roadsides and near dwell- ings, froni Me., west to N. Y. A native species with thornless branches, alnifolia leaves Similar to those of the foreign spe- cies, and greenish flowers without petals, staminate and pistillate on different plants. There are five stamens and calyx lobes. In swamps, from Me. to N. J., Pa., Neb., and in Cal. A shrubby species with a coarse, woody ^ brown-green or bronzy stem, and dull green Ceanothiis ovate-pointed leaves, sharply but finely Americanus toothed, very fine-hairy, and conspicu- Cream white ously three-ribbed ; the stems short, and ay- u y ruddy. The tiny cream white flowers are set in small blunt cone-shaped clusters on long stems from the leaf angles. There are five slender petals and as many stamens. The rather pretty plumy flower-cluster is lightly odorous. In Revolutionary times the American soldiers brewed an indifferent-flavored tea from the dried leaves. Stems 1-4 feet high ; root reddish. In drj^ open woodlands, from Me., south, and w^est to Minn, and Mo 258 New Jersey Tea. Ceanothus Amencanus. VINE FAMILY. Vitaceae. VINE FAMILY. Vitacece. Climbing shrubs mostly with tendrils, and with a pro- fusion of sap. The joints rather thick and the bark generally shredded. The flowers are regular and per- fect or polygamous — some plants with perfect, others with staminate flowers. Petals 4-5, stamens the same. Fruit a berry, or grape. Commonly visited by bees and the beelike flies. ^, ^. ^ The familiar wild grape of the north Northern Fox , , , , , . , , , . , Grape bearing large black grapes with a bluish Vitis Lahrusca bloom, tough skin, and a sweet and musky Greenish flavor, | inch in diameter. The tendrils May-June ^^.^ forked, the bark shreddy, the young twigs and leaves very woolly and rust-tinged. The large light green leaves, opposite a tendril or flower-cluster, are slightly toothed, entire, or deeply lobed, and rustj'- wooUy beneath. The fertile greenish flowers are in a compact cluster ; the grapes, in scant numbers, ripen in September and October. This species is a parent of the Isabella, Catawba, and Concord grapes. Thickets, from Chesterville, Me., south to Ga., in the mountains, and west to Minn. Common at Saddle River, N. J. A species with smooth greenish branches, Kiyer rape ^^^ smooth, shining, light green leaves ; the tendrils in irregular occurrence. The leaves sharply three-lobed (sometimes more lobes) and sharply toothed. The blue-bloomed black grapes are less than ^ inch in diameter, and rather sweet ; they ripen from July to September. Banks of rivers or near water, from Me., south to Md., and west to Minn., S. Dak., and Ark. In the east the grapes are sour and ripen late. , . A familiar creeping or trailing vine ex- Creepe'r tensively cultivated, common in its wild Ampelopsis state on low, rich ground. It climbs by quinqnefoUa means of disc-beariiig tendrils, and aerial Whitish green rootlets. The deep green leaves are com- pound, with 5-7 (generally with flve) lance-shaped, sharply tootiied leaflets, much curved, troughed, and conspicuously veined. The insignificant yellow-green or whitish green flowers are perfect or 260 Norihern fox Grape. Vitis Labrusca. MALLOW FAMILY. Malvaceas, polygamous (staminate, pistillate, and perfect flowers occur on the same plant), and are borne in a rather broad cluster ; they are succeeded by the beautiful, small cadet blue berries early in October ; both leaf- and berrj^-stalks are deep red. The leaves turn a brilliant deep red in autumn. In thin woods and thickets, from Me,, south, and w^est to the Daks, and Tex. Not infrequently it is mistaken for poison ivy {Rhus toxicodendron), a needless error, as the latter bears th ree never five leaflets. MALLOW FAMILY. Malvacece. Herbs or shrubs with alternate, more or less cut or divided leaves. The flowers perfect, regular, and roUed- up in the bud ; rarely the staminate flowers are on one plant, and the pistillate on another, thus necessitating cross-fertilization ; or rarely there are all three kinds of flowers, showing a stage of development. There are generally five sepals and five petals ; the stamens are indefinite in number. The fruit generally a capsule. Fertilization assisted by bees and butterflies. An erect perennial plant with branching Marsh Mallow ^^^^^^ ^^^ velvety-downy, generally three- ^(,ffivin'(di^ lobed leaves. They are light green, ovate, Pale crimson= toothed, and stout-stemmed. The holly- pink hocklike flowers, an inch or more broad, August- pg^jg crimson-pink and veined ; the sta- ep em er niens monadelphous, that is, collected in one column or tube around the central pistil, which is characteristic of the family. Flowers borne in small terminal clusters or at the leaf-angles. The thick root mucilaginous and officinal; it is commonly used in confec- tionery. 2-4 feet high. In salt marshes on the coasts of Mass., N. Y., and N. J. Naturalized from Europe. -•; An exceedingly common weed, annual '^ 'Round=leav«d or biennial, creeping over the ground, with Mallow, or ornamental, dark green, round leaves, ^^j^^,^ having usually five shallow scalloped- rotnndifoUa shaped lobes, irregularly toothed ; the White stalks xerj long. Flowers clustered in 262 Common Mallow. Malva potundifolia. MALLOW FAMILY. Malvaceae, High Mallow Malva sylvestris Light magenta or pinkish June- September magenta= the leaf-angles, white or pale pinkish ma- yeined genta, magenta-veined ; in shape like a miniature hollyhock, but the five petals notched. Stems 4-10 inches long. Common in waste places and as a garden weed everywhere. The name is from the Greek, and refers to the soft character of the leaves (albeit they are hard !) ; the popular name, Cheeses, refers to the round, cheeselike form of the seed-receptacle. Naturalized from Europe. A common biennial with an erect branching stem, slightly fine-hairy or sometimes smooth. The leaves lighter green, rather long-stalked, toothed, and angularly five-lobed or occasionally seven - lobed. The flowers with the same family resemblance to the hollyhock, magenta- pink, or light magenta, the petals with about four deeper veins ; the clusters (few-flowered) at the leaf -angles. 18-30 inches high. A delicate-flowered plant common on roadsides and in waste places every where. Adventive from Europe. A very similar but perennial species, with the leaf division deeply slashed or cut. The medium green leaves with very narrow divisions and short stalks. The white or very pale magenta-pink flow^ers nearly two inches broad, flat, and borne in terminal clusters ; they are also veined. The leaves have a delicate odor of musk when crushed. 1-2 feet high. Common in the same situations as the above species, with the same distribution ; from Europe. A distinctly western flower, occasion- ally escaped from cultivation in the east, a perennial bearing large showy, purple- crimson or magenta flowers slightly re- sembling the Malvas. The leaves slashed like those of the preceding species, but not so deeply ; the lobes more obtuse. The stem hairy, and the flowers borne singly with long stalks. 1-2 feet high. In dry ground, from Minn., Neb,, and Utah, south. Musk Mallow Malva Moschata White or magenta-pink June- September Purple Poppy= mallow Callirrhce involucrata Magenta May-August 264 Musk Mallow. m Malvd moschata. MALLOW FAMILY. Malvaceas. Swamp Rose^ mallow Hibiscus Moscheutos Pale pink or white August- September A tall perennial with stout shrublike stems and large showy flowers. The leaves olive green, bright above and densely white woolly beneath ; ovate pointed and indistinctly toothed, with long stalks ; the lower leaves three-lobed. Flowers 4-6 inches across, with five broad petals con- spicuously veined, pale crimson-pink or white, with or without a crimson base. The flowers are borne singly or in scant clusters ; they show a strong family resemblance to the hollyhock. 4-6 feet high. The most frequent visitors of the genus Hibiscus are the honeybees and bumblebees. In marshes near the coast, and in brackish w^ater near saline springs in the interior, from eastern Mass., south, and west to 111. and Mo., especially near the shores of lakes. A similar but smooth species with the same period of bloom. The upper leaves often halberd-shaped, i. e., like an arrow- head with conspicuous flanges, the lower also halberd-shaped or plainly three-lobed. The flowers flesh pink, sometimes with a dark magenta centre ; 2-3 inches broad. Stem 2-5 feet high. On the banks of rivers and small streams from Pa., south, and west to Minn, and Neb. A species adventive from southern Eu- rope, with a singular and beautiful inflated calyx, resembling spun glass, five- angled, roundish, and hairy. An annual often escaping from gardens, with hand- some, large pure yellow, or sulphur-col- ored flowers, with a black-purplish centre, that quickly fade ; hence called Flower-of-an-hour. The leaves deeply cut, with 3-7 lobes. 1-2 feet high. Near dwellings from New Eng., south, and west to Neb. A handsome southern species, with large, deep red-scar let flowers over six inches broad, and deeply cleft leaves. Common in cultivation. 4-7 feet high. In deep marshes near the coast from S. Car., south. Halberd- leaved Rose- mallow Hibiscus )iiilifaris Flesh pink color Bladder Ketmia Hibiscus Trionum Sulphur yellow Hibiscus coccineus Red=scarlet 266 wamp Rose-mallow. Hibiscus Moscheutos. / ST. JOHN'S=WORT FAMILY. Hypericaceac. ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAMILY. HyperiGcicem. A small family of shrubs and herbs, with opposite, toothless leaves generally stemless, and dotted with black- ish jpots. The flowers perfect, with five (or four) parts, and often with numerous stamens. Fruita capsule. St.Peter's=wort ^ plant familiar in the pine barrens of Ascyriim stans New Jersey, with oval, stemless, thickish ^^"^'^ leaves and four-petaled lemon yellow flow- u y- ugus gj.g^ closely resembling the next species. The stem conspicuously two-edged. 1-2 feet high. In sandy soil, Long Island, N. Y., N. J., and Pa., south. ^^ ^ ^ , A low, branching, smooth plant with St. Andrew's , ui Qfoss small deep green leaves, oblong or narrowly Ascyrum Crux- obovate, stemless and thin, growing op- Andrecp positely. The lemon yellow flowers with Yellow four petals arranged in pairs in the form September of an X, in a final cluster, or at the leaf- angles ; petals numerous ; flower | inch broad. 5-10 inches high. Sandy soil, Nantucket, Mass., south, west to Neb., and Tex. ^ ^^ An erect and showv perennial with tall Great St. , , . , ^ ^ n ■, -, John's=wort branching stem, the branches four-angled. Hypericum Leaves ovate-oblong, pointed, stemless Ascyron and slightly clasping the plant-stem. The Deep yellow flowers large and showy, 1-2 inches broad, July-August , , * ,, .^^' ^ , deep lemon yellow, with five narrow petals; stamens numerous. 2-6 feet high. River-banks and meadows, Vt. to Conn., N. J., Pa., Iowa, and Minn. ^. . . ^ A shrubby species with stout, branching Shrubby St. ^ ^1 u 1 1 . . 1 1 11 i- John's=wort stem, the branchlets two-edged, and leafy. Hypericum Leaves deep green, lighter beneath, linear- prolificum oblong, and very short-stemmed ; several Jul^^^Au^^i's't'^ smaller leaflets^ at the junction of leaf with the stem. Flower-clusters thick, loose, and flat. The flowers golden yellow, with numer- ous deep golden yellow stamens. 1-3 feet high. In sandy soil N. J., south to Ga., and west to Minn. A simple-stemmed species blooming in ^l. „„„..«, the same season and with similar golden aapressuni ® yellow flowers. The deep green leaves (rather closely set upon the plant-stem) oblong or lance- -68 St Andrews Cross. Asc^^rum hypericoidea Ascypum Crux-Andpeje, unnaus. ST. JOHN'S=WORT FAMILY. Hypericaceas. shaped. The flowers in small terminal clusters, with deep golden yellow stamens. 1-2 feet high. In low ground, Nantucket, Mass., to N. J. and Pa., south to Ga. and La., and west to Mo. and Ark. Hypericum -^ Common St. John's-wort blooming in eJUpticinti the same season, with a simple, slightly Lighter gold four-angled stem. Leaves dull light green, yellow thin, elliptical (often perfectly so) or oval, obtuse, and stemless, sometimes narrowed at the base. Flowers pale gold yellow, about ^ inch broad ; stamens numerous and golden yellow. The pointed pods succeed- ing the flowers are pale terra-cotta color. 8-20 inches high. In wet places and along streams from Me., south to Conn., northern N. J., and Pa., west to Minn. A slender-stemmed species generally virgatum branched above, the stem somewhat four- Bright ochre angled. Leaves oblong lance-shaped, yellow acute, and stemless. Flowers numerous, *'"'y~ deep bright ochre yellow, coppery in tone ; September , , , stamens numerous, blossom same size as the preceding. 1-2^ feet high. In low grounds, pine barrens of central N. J., Del., south, and west to 111. This is, generally speaking, the com- ommon t. ^lonest species. A perennial naturalized John s=wort ^ * . « . • n Hi/perirum from Europe, and a native or Asia. Stem perfomtinii simple or much-branched. Leaves dusky Deep golden green, stemless, small, elliptical, or oblong- j^i***-^ linear, more or less brown-dotted. Flowers tember shiny, deep golden yellow, with numerous stamens ; the clusters terminal, on several branchlets. 1-2 feet high. Common everywhere. Spotted St, "^ species with the same season of bloom, John*s=wort remarkable for its spottiness ; its stem Hypericum slender and round, often tinged with dull maculatum ^.^^^ r^^^^ leaves ovate pointed, or oblong, thickly dotted with sepia brown, stemless or nearly so, and often flushed with a ruddy color. The golden yel- low flowers marked with thin blackish lines, more con- spicuous upon the back of the petal than on its face. 1-3 feet high. In moist places and damp thickets from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Tex. 270 St. Johns-wort [ypericum ellipticum. Hypericum pepforatum. ST. JOMN'S=WORT FAMILY, hypericacem. Hypericum mutihim Pale golden orange July-Sep= tember Hypericum Canadense Deep golden yellow An annual, and an extremely small- flowered species, diffusely branched, the branchlets four-angled, and slender. The leaves light dull green, oblong or ovate, blunt-pointed, and stemless. Flowers scarcely | inch broad, pale golden orange, or light orange j^ellow, with onlj^ 5-12 stamens. 6-24 inches high. In meadows and low grounds everywhere. A very similar species, but with linear leaves and tiny deep golden yellow flowers about J inch broad, withering early in the day. The leaves light dull green and ob- scurely three-veined, the two side veins scarcely visible. The branches wirj-, angular, and erect. The budlike, tiny pods succeeding the flowers are conspicuously ruddy, and exceed in length the five-lobed green calyx. In moist sandy soil, Me., south to Ga. and Ky., and west to Minn, and S. Dak. Found in Campton, N. H. Also an annual, with an entirely differ- ent aspect from that of the two preceding species, although it is tiny-flowered. The stem erect, diffusely branched, and appar- ently leafless; the branches like slender wires, and the leaves minute and scalelike, leaning closely to the branchlets. Flowers deep golden yellow, nearly stemless, and open only in the sunlight. 5-10 inches high. In sandy soil from Me., south, and west to Minn., Mo., and Tex. Found near Brattleboro, Vt. A perennial with an erect stem and stemless, close-set, light green, ovate leaves, sepia dotted, and with a slight bloom beneath. The stem, together with tlie leaves, late in the season (September) is more or less pinkish or crimson-stained, and the seed-vessels are magenta. The flowers are pinkish flesh-color, with orange glands separating the three groups of golden yellow stamens. Flowers in small terminal clusters. 1-2 feet high. In marshes, from Me., south, and west to Neb. Orange=grass or Pine=weed Hypericum nudicaide Deep gold«n yellow June-Sep= tember Marsh St. John's=wort Hypericum Virginicum Pinkish flesh=color July-Sep- tember 272 Marsh St. Johns-wort. Hvpericum Cs^nadensc. Hypericum Virginicum ROCK=ROSE FAMILY. Cistaceae. EOCK-ROSE FAMILY. Cistacece. Small shrubs or herbs with regular flowers, the five green sepals of unequal size, the two outer smaller ones resembling bracts, or small leaflets. Petals 3-5. But one style or none at all. Seed-receptacles (on slender stalks) opening at the top. Visited by butterflies and honeybees in particular. Frostweed ^ perennial, remarkable for the fact Helianthemum that ice-crystals form about the cracked Canadense bark of the root in late autumn. Lance- Yellow oblong dull green leaves hoary with fine hairs on the under side. With two kinds of flowers, the early ones solitary, one inch broad, with showy yellow petals which are more or less crumpled in the bud, which fade early and fall away ; these early blossoms have innumerable stamens. The later ones have few^, and are small and clustered at the bases of the leaves. Pods of the larger flower ^ inch long ; of the smaller one, not larger than a pin head. Low. In sandy soil from Me., south, and west to Minn. The name from the Greek words sun and flower : the flowers open only once in sunshine. Hudsonia ^ bushy little shrub with tiny awl- tomentosa shaped, scalelike leaves, oval or longer, Yellow downy, and set close to the plant-stem. May-June r^^ie small yellow flowers crowded along the upper branches ; they open only in sunshine. The stem 5-10 inches high, hoary with down. Sandy shores Me. to Md., and along the Great Lakes to Minn. Also on the sandy beaches of Lake Cham plain, Burlington and Apple Tree Bays. An insignificant, fine-hairy, perennial LJ!ZTminor ^^^^'^' ^^'^^^^ ^^"^ linear leaves, larger on the Greenish or upper parts of th^ plant, and very small niagenta=tlnted near the base. The three tiny, greenish •'""^~ (or magenta-tinted), narrow petals remain ..ep em er within the green sepals after fading. The pod nearly globose, and appearing like a pin head. The upright smooth (when old) stem 10-18 inches high. Common in dry, sterile ground. 274 postweed. Helianthemum Canadense VIOLET FAMILY. Violaceae. VIOLET FAMILY. Violacece. A small faraih' of generally low herbs with perfect, but rather irregular flowers of five petals, the lowest of which is spurred. There are five perfect stamens whose anthers turn inward and lie touching each other around the pistil. It is a family of nectar-yielding flowers com- monly visited by man}' species of bees and a few butter- flies, and cross-fertilization is effected by their assistance and by structural contrivances. The name is Latin. _ . A beautiful violet, very common in the Bird-foot , „ , ' / . , t Yjjjjg^ southeast part of Massachusetts, mcluding Viola x)edata the Island of Nantucket. The plant is gen- Light violet erall}' smooth and tufted : the leaves, dull **^* . pale green, are cut into 3-5 segments, three of which are again cut and toothed, so that the average leaf possesses nine distinct points, or more. The pale blue-violet or lilac flowers, larger than those of any other species, are often an inch long. In the var. bicolor the two upper petals are deep purple : this form is found from Mass. to Md. and 111. : it is com- mon in the latter State. But the most familiar tint of the common Bird-foot Violet is blue-violet, more or less dilute, and never bine. Rarely there are white flowers. The lower, spurred petal is grooved, and partly white veined with violet ; the throat of the flower is obstructed with the orange anthers and the style, which bar the way to the nectar in the spur. The useful visitors which effect cross-fertilization are naturally long-tongued in- sects ; among them are the ever-present yellow butterfly {Colias philodice), and the bumblebees, Bonibus virginl- cus, and B. pennsylv aniens. 4-10 inches high. In dry sandy fields. Me., south, and west to Minn., S. Dak., and Mo. Found in the Middlesex Fells, Mass. A very common species, generally lo a pa ma a ^^^^qq^Xi, but sometimes fine-hairv, with April-May ' ' , heart-shaped or longer, deep green leaves. deeply lobed or cut especially on the sides. Flowers smaller, and bright light violet, or rarely white. Dry ground, mostly woodlands, from Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn. , Neb. , and Ark. 276 Bird-foot Violet. Viola pedatd. Viold. paclinata. VIOLET FAMILY. VIoIacex. The commonest violet of all, familiar on Viola paimuta I'oadsides and in fields. The leaves deep var. cuculata green, heart-shaped, scallop-toothed, and Light purple somewhat coiled, especially when yomig. ^^^' , Both stem and leaf are smooth. The flower varies in color from light purple to pale violet ; rarely it is white purple-veined ; the three lower petals are white at the base, and two of these— the lateral ones— are beautifully fringed or bearded at the throat of the flower. The leaf-stalks are usually a little longer than the flower-stalks. 3-7 inches high. In low grounds everywhere, especially in marshes where the flower- stalks exceed those of the leaves, and the flowers are much larger. This species is cross-fertilized mostly by bumblebees, the insect touching the stigma first. Arrow=leaved ^ ^'^^T small species with deep green, Violet arrow-shaped leaves with blunt points, iiola sagittata and scallop-teeth, but the upper part of Light violet ^}j^^ leaves sometimes plain-edged. A slight grayish bloom often characterizes the foliage when it is seen en masse. The small flower is light violet or deeper violet ; its lateral petals are bearded, as are also the upper ones ; the lower petal is veined, and its spur is short. 2-8 inches high. In wet meadows or dry borders from Me,, south to Ga., and west to Minn., Neb,, and Tex. It bears late cleistoga- mous flowers. „. , „„.... Selkirk's Violet is a rather uncommon, Vtola Selkirk! I n i • ,, ,. small, woodland species generally found among the hills. The stalks are erect and smooth, the leaves dark green and heart-shaped, deeply lobed at the base. The flowers are pale violet and beardless, with deep spurs. Moist soil, from Me. to Vt., Mass., and Pa., and westward to Minn. Also in Europe and Asia. A small smooth species whose flower- Marsh Violet gtalks generally exceed those of the leaves. LighVniac ' '* ^^'liich are broad heart-shaped and indis- May-July tinctly scalloped. Sometimes the leaves are kidney-shaped. The small flowers are Jight violet or lilac, with purple veins ; the petals are 278 Aprov\^J/^lea,ved Violet. Blue Violet. Viola sagittatd. Viola palmata var. cuculata. VIOLET FAMILY. Violaceas. nearly, if not quite, without beards. 3-6 inches high. In marshes and wet soil in the alpine region of the mountains of New England, and north ; also in the Rockies. A native of Europe. Found on Mt. Washing- ton and Mt. Moosilauke, N. H. ^ ,,,.... A small species with olive green, round Sweet White , , *, , ,.,,,,, Violet heart-shaped leaves slightly scalloped, and Viola blanda sweet-scented white flowers, very small, White with purple-veined petals, bearded, and April-May .^^^ broadly expanded ; fertilized mostly by the honeybees, and the bees of the genus Halictus. 3-5 inches high. In swamps, wet meadows, moist woodlands, and often in dry situations, from Me., south to Ga., and local westward. The var. renifolia is slight- ly soft-hairy, the leaves are round kidney-formed, and the flower-petals are usually beardless. From Me., Vt., and Mass., to western N. Y. and Minn. A smooth, remarkably narrow-leaved Lance=leaved . , , , , , Yijjjg^ species, the leaves lance-shaped or even Violalanceolata^i'neax laiice-shaped, indistinctly scalloped, White and generally blunt. The flowers white, April-June veined with dull purple, and the petals l)eardless ; they are slightly fragrant. Cross-fertilized by the aid of the small bees of the genus Halictus and Andrena. 2-5 inches high. Common in moist ground and on river-banks from Me., south, and west to Minn. It bears cleistogamous flowers. A very early and rather inconspicuous Round=Ieaved violet, most frequently found on woodland Viola rotundi- ^ooi's and rocky hillsides. The stalks are folia smooth, or very slightly fine-hairy, and Pale golden 2-4 inches high, generally the flower- yellow stalks exceed those of the leaves. The pri - ay smooth deep green leaves are round or long heart-shaped, indistinctly scalloped, and small in the flowering season; but by midsummer they lie flat upon the ground and attain a diameter of 2-4 inches. The small flowers are pale golden yellow, the lateral petals are bearded and veined with madder purple ; the lower petal is also strongly veined and has a short spur. In cool and somewhat damp, or even dry, situations 280 Sweet White Violet, Lance-leaved Violet. Viola blandd.. Viola Unceold.ta.. VIOLET FAMILY. Violaceas. from Me., south in the mountains of N. Car., and west to Minn. Found in Campton, N. H. ^ „ „ This is a rather tall and forking; species Downy Yellow , , . , , , ■ , • ^ n Violet lackmg the lowly habit of the common Viola pubesce US violet. The light green stem is fine-hairy Pale above, though usually smooth below. T^r-rmt^'"'^ The leaves are deep green, broad heart- shaped, slightly scallop-toothed, and some- what soft-hairy to the touch. The small flowers are pale golden yellow, veined with madder purple ; the lower petal, conspicuously veined, is short (set horizon- tally), with a two-scalloped tip and a short spur. The flowers grow singly on thin stalks from the fork of two leaf-stalks. The anthers and the style obstruct the throat of the flower, and the side petals, heavily bearded, compel the entering insect to brush against the stigma and finally against the anthers in the effort to obtain nectar. The commonest visitors are the small bees of the genus Halictus and Andrena, and the bee-fly Bom- bylius fratellus ; the yellow butterfly, Colias philodice, is an occasional caller. 6-17 inches high. In woodlands from Me., south to Ga., and west to S. Dak. and Iowa. The var. scahriiiscula is not so tall, the stems are slender, it is only slightly fine-hairy, and the leaves are generally acute at the apex, and distinctly scallop-toothed. 4-12 inches high. In moist thickets or woodlands from Me., south to Ga., and Tex., and west to Neb. A smooth sweet-scented species with a Viola Cana- ^^^^' ^^^^Y Stem resembling that of the densis foregoing. The heart-shaped, deep green Pale violet, leaves, broader or longer, with a slightly ^^^^^ toothed edge, on long stalks, growing ^^" " ^ alternately. The flowers springing from the forking leaf-stalks are lighter or deeper violet on the outside of the petals and nearly white on the inside, with the throat yellow-tinted; the three lower petals are purple- veined, the side petals bearded, and the middle petal is acutely tipped. Rarely the flowers are altogether white. 5-15 inches high, occasionally more. In hilly woods from Me., south to S. Car. and Tenn., among the mountains, west to Neb., S. Dak., and in the Rockies. 282 Downy Yellow Violet. Viola, pubescens. VIOLET FAMILY. Violaceas. ^ A handsome, somewhat western species, Pale Violet Viola striata '^^'^^^^ smooth, straight stems, and deep dull White or pale green, heart-shaped leaves, finely scallop- lavender toothed, and more or less curled at the April-May j^^gg when young, the tips acute. The moderately large flowers white, cream-coloi'ed, or very pale lavender, the lateral petals bearded, the lower one thickly striped with purple veins, and broad. The flower-stalk exceedingly long. The stigma of the flower projects far be^'ond the anthers, so self-fertilization is impracticable ; among the most frequent visitors (ac- cording to Prof. Robertson) are the bees of the genus Andrena, and the small bees, Osmia albiventris and Halictus coriaceus. Colias philodice, the butterfly who "puts a finger in everyone's pie," is also an occasional visitor. 6-16 inches high. In moist woods and fields from western New Eng., to Minn., and Mo., and south along the Alleghanies to Ga. A low creeping violet ; the light green Dog Violet ^ -^1 ^ ^1 J ^- , ^ i. Viola canina stems With many toothed stipules (leafy var. Muhlen- formations at the angles of the stems), bergii and small round heart-shaped yellow- Light purple green leaves, obscurely scalloped, and slightly pointed at the tip. Tlie pale pur- ple or violet flowers are small, with the side petals slightly bearded, and the lower petal purple- veined and long-spurred. Rarely the flowers are white. 2-6 inches high. Visited by the small bees of the genus Halictus. Common in wet woodlands and along shady roadsides, from Me., south to N. Car. and Tenn., and west to Minn. Viola canina var. puherula is characteristically fine-hairy, the leaves are ovate and small, and the stip- ules are deeply toothed. It bears cleistogamous flowers. In sandy soil from Me. and Vt., westward to Mich, and S. Dak. 284 Pale Violet. Viok stniata.. LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY. Lythraceae. LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY. Lythracece. Herbs or shrubs in our range, with four-sided branches and generally toothless, opposite leaves and perfect flowers, though these are occasionally in two or even three forms, i. e., with long filaments (the stem part of the stamen minus the anther) and a short style, or vice versa. Petals 4-7. Stamens 4-14, sometimes the petals are absent. Cross-fertilization effected in a number of instances through the agency of bees and butterflies. Hyssop ^ smooth branching annual, with pale Loosestrife green stem and leaves, the latter alternate Lythrum and lance-sliaped, with stemless base, at Hyssopifolia ^vhicli there are frequently little narrow Pale purple , r, , . magenta leaflets, growmg upon a separate stem of July- their own, which, lengthening, forms late- September ral, leafy branches above. The pale pur- plish magenta flowers usually have six petals and the same number of stamens, or less ; they grow singly in the angles of the leaves. 6-15 inches high. In salt marshes from Me. to N. J., also (according to Britton and Brown) in Cal., and along the coast of South America. A similar, paler flowered species with lineare linear leaves growing oppositely ; the tiny flowers grow in two forms, explained under the family description above. A perennial 2-8 feet high. Salt marshes from N. J., south along the coast to Fla. and Tex. A tall slim species with much darker alatum leafage and a smooth, much-branched, and angled stem. The leaves alternate (the lowest opposite), lance-shaped, pointed at the tip. and broader at the base. The flowers deep purple-magenta, \ inch or more broad, and dimorphous, that is, in two forms, as explained above ; the stamens very long in some blossoms. 1-3 feet high. In low moist ground, from Mass. (East Lexington, and Boston), Vt. (Char- lotte), south to Ky., and west to Minn., S. Dak., Col., and Ark. 286 Loosestrife. L V thrum alatum. LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY. Lythraceae. A most beautiful species naturalized s"nfe'd **'' ^^^"^ Europe and called by the English, Loosestrife Long Purples, Spiked Willow-herb, etc. Lythrum An erect, smooth, or slightly hairy slender salicaria perennial, generally much-branched. The Purple= medium green leaves lance-shaped with a magenta, light , , , , , • -. ■, June-August beart-shaped base, growmg oppositely or in circles of three, and stemless. The long-petaled, purple-magenta (light or deep) flowers, growing in circles, with 8-13 stamens, longer and shorter ; the flowers, in fact, trimorphous, that is, de- veloping three relative lengths of stamens and style. Unquestionabh' dependent upon insects for cross-fertili- zation ; the honeybee, the bumblebee, and many of the butterflies are common visitors ; Colias pliilodice is fre- quently among the number. 20-35 inches high. In wet meadows, and on the borders of swamps, from Me., Vt., and Mass., south to Del., and in eastern N. Y. Mrs. Dana says: "It may be seen in the perfection of its beauty along the marshy shores of the Hudson, and in the swamps of the Wallkill Valley." It is also abundant near Bedford, Mass.. and in Worcester Co., Mass. It responds readily to cultivation. Swamp "^ somewhat shrubby plant, nearly Loosestrife smooth, with reclining or recurved stems Decndon verti- of 4-6 sidcs, and lance-shaped leaves near- ^' '^'^"■'^ ly stemless, opposite-growing, or mostly in threes ; the uppermost with clusters of small, bell-shaped magenta-flowers, growing from their bases. Flowers with five wedge-lance-shaped petals half an inch long. Stamens 10, five short and five long. 2-8 feet long. Swampy places. N. Eng. south and west to Minn, and La. A cold and clammv, hairy, branching. Clammy , , i .^i^ ^ , i j Cuphea homely annual, with ovate-lance-shaped Cupkeavisco- dull green leaves, and small magenta- sissima pink flowers with ovate petals on short Ma^genta=pink ^layvs. Stem branching. 1-2 feet high. September ^^^ sandy fields from R. I. south to Ga. and west to Kan. and La, 288 Swamp Loosestrife Decodon verticillatus. MEADOW=BEAUTY FAMILY. Melastotnacese. MEADOW-BEAUTY FAMILY. Melastomacece. Herbs (in our range) with opposite leaves of 3-7 veins, and perfect, regular flowers having four petals, and as many calyx-lobes ; there are either four or eight promi- nent stamens ; in our species the anthers open by a pore in the apex. The stigma being far in advance of the an- thers, the flower is cross-fertilized, and mostly through the agency of butterflies and bees. The seed are in a four-celled capsule. „, ^ A stout-stemmed perennial, sometimes Meadow= , , n , , , beauty or branched (the stem rather square), with Deer=grass. smooth, light green, three-ribbed leaves, RhexiaVirginica sharp-toothed, ovate pointed or narrower. Magenta ^^^^ stemless. The flowers with four broad magenta or purple-magenta petals ; the golden anthers large. There are eight stamens slightly varying in length ; the pistil reaching beyond them secures the cross-fertilization of the flower ; the honeybee and Colias jjhilodice (the omnipresent yellow butterfly) are the only visitors I have happened to ob- serve. 10-18 inches high. In sandy marshes, from Me. south, and local west to 111. and Mo. A similar species, with square stem and Rhexia aristosa ^■, -,- ■, mi i narrow, small, linear leaves. The large magenta flowers with rounded petals are furnished with a tiny awnlike point. In sandy swamps, and the pine barrens of New Jersey, south to S. Car., local. A slender, round-stemmed species, rather Rhexia Mariana ^ . - .^, i ^^ , i t hairy, and with short-stemmed Imear- oblong, toothed leaves, three-ribbed, and acute. The flowers are light magenta and similar to those of Rhexia Virginica. In sandy swamps, and in the pine barrens of New Jersey, south and south w-est to Tex. The name, from the Greek prj^.i^, means a break or crevice, alluding to the situation of the plant. 290 Meadow Beauty. Rhexia Vipginica. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Onagracew. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Onagraceoe. Herbs, or sometimes shrubs. The perfect flowers commonly with four petals and four sepals (rarely 2-6), and with as many or twice as many stamens : the stigma with 2-4 lobes. Fertilized by moths, butterflies, and bees. A nearly smooth herb with many branches, and lance-shaped, toothless, op- posite-growing leaves which taper to a point at either end. The solitary light yellow, four-petaled flowers, about | inch broad, with sepals nearly as long as the petals. The seed-capsule is four-sided and wing-mar- gined, rounded at the base ; the seeds eventually become loose and rattle about when the plant is shaken. 2-3 feet high. Common in swamps, from Mass., to north- south, and west to Mich, and Kan. A less showy species with very narrow lance-shaped leaves, and tiny inconspicu- ous, stemless flowers whose rudimentary petals are pale green. The flowers grow at the junction of leaf-stem with plant- stem. The four-sided, top-shaped seed-capsule is fur- nished at the base with linear or awl-shaped leaflets. 1-3 feet high. In swamps from Mass. southwest to Ky., and west to Minn, and E. Kan. A common uninteresting aquatic species found in swamps and ditches. The tiny inconspicuous flowers without petals, or, when the plant grows out of water, with very small ruddy ones. The lance-shaped, opposite-growing, slender-stemmed leaves (with the flowers growing at their bases) an inch long or less. The elongated capsule indistinctly four-sided. Stems 4-12 inches long, creeping or float- ing. Shallow marshes, and muddy ditches everywhere. Named for C. G. Ludwig, a German botanist. Seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia Yellow June- September ern N. Y. Liidwigia polycarpn Green July September Water Purslane Ludwigia pal u stria Pale reddish June- September 292 r: ., , . ^ .-« .^.,^ , , ^ Willow Hepb. Lpilobium Angusti/olium. Epilobium hipsutum. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Onagraceas. A tall i^erennial herb with ruddy stem irewee , or ^^^ dark olive green, lance-shaped, white- Great Willow „ , O ' Jr- J Herb ribbed leaves without teeth or nearly so, Epilohium resembling those of the willow. The light angustifoUnm magenta or rarely white flowers in a ter- Light magenta j^^-^^^j showy spike with four broad and July-August , . , conspicuous petals, eight stamens, and a prominent pistil. The slender velvety, purple-tinged pods, gracefully curved, open lengthwise and liberate a mass of silky do%vn in late August and September, which gives the plant a wild and dishevelled appearance. 4-7 feet high. Common on newl}^ cleared woodland, es- pecially where the ground has been burned over. From Me., south to N. Car., and west to S. Dak. and Tex. A foreign perennial species which has Hairy Willow , ,- n , - . Hgj.jj become naturalized about towns near the Epilobium coast. The deep yellow-green leaves ob- hirsutum long lance-shaped, finely toothed and stem- Magenta jggg rpj^g four-petaled magenta flowers, July-August _.., J. , , ^ iii. ^ inch broad, in a short terminal cluster, or between leaf-stem and plant-stem. There are eight stamens. Seed-pod long and slender, the seed wafted by means of a long tuft of silky hairs at the tip. 3-4 feet high, densely soft-hairy, stout and branching. A small uncommon species. The stem Epilobium angled or marked with hairy lines, sparse- LU^f '^'^ ly finely hairy throughout. The broad July-August linear, obtuse leaves erect or ascending, and stemless, with curled-back margins. The seed-capsules extremely long and with scarcely ap- parent slender stems. 6-12 inches higli. Flowers the same as in the next species. White Mountains, N. H., and Pa., west to Minn. Found on Mt. AVashington. A very slender swamp species, with Epilohium small linear or narrow lance-shaped light linenre green leaves with a short but distinct stem, July-August ^^^'^ ^^''2/ lil^c or pale magenta flowers, scarcely \ inch broad. The whole plant minutely hairy together with the capsule. More branched than the next species. 1-3 feet high. In bogs from Me., southwest to Pa., and west to S. Dak. Epilobium lineare. Epilobium coloratum. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Onagracese. Epilobium strictum Lilac July-August Epilobium coloratuni Lilac July-August A similar species with densely soft white hairy stem, leaves, and seed -pod. The leaves broader and less acute than those of the last species, with short stems or none at all. The veins distinct. Flowers like those of the previous species. 1-8 feet high. In bogs from Me., south to Va., and west to Minn. A very common species in the north, with a minutely hairy branching stem, often ruddy, and lanceolate leaves, dis- tinctly but not conspicuously toothed, short-stemmed, and yellow-green in color, often ruddy-tinged. The tiny flowers pale lilac, and sometimes nodding ; in fact, all these small-flowered Epilobiums after being plucked show nodding blossoms. Seed-pod green, exceedingly long and slender, the seeds dark brown, the hairy plume, at first pale, finally cinna- mon brown. 1-8 feet high. In wet situations every whe'*e. Differs from the foregoing species in having erect flowers (though they may nod at first), broader, blunter, and less toothed leaves with shorter stems, and lighter colored seeds with a slight prolon- gation at the top. 1-3 feet high. In wet situations throughout the north ; not south of Pa. The silky plumes of the seeds of these few last small-flowered species described may become grayish white as in E. adenocaulon ; but at first they are absolutely icliite. At best the Epilohiums are a difficult genus to separate dis- tinctly, and are not a little puzzling to the botanist. A very familar biennial, and nocturnal species, with light green leaves more or less lance-shaped, sometimes broad, slight- ly resembling those of the fireweed, slightly toothed or toothless. Large showy pure yellow flowers, lemon-scented, M-ith eight prominent and spreading stamens ; Epilobium adenocaulon Lilac July-August Common Evening Primrose CEnothera biennis Pure yellow July- August 2y6 Evening Primrose. CEnothepa biennis. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Onagracese. the golden pollen is loosely connected by cobwebby threads, and is transported from flower to flower mostly by moths ; the Isabella tiger-moth {Pyrrharctic Isabella) is chief among the number. The blossoms are also fre- quented by the honeybee and bumblebee ; they usually open just before sundown, and fade in the strong sun- light of the following day ; the sudden opening of the flower in the twilight hour is interesting and remark- able. The soft-hairy plant-stem, leafy throughout, is 1-6 feet high. Roadsides and fields everywhere east of the Rocky Mountains. The flower of var. grandiflora, from the southwest, is very large ; the corolla is 3-4 inches in diameter. It is commonly cultivated. The var. cruciata has remarkably narrow petals linear and acute ; Mass., Vt., and N. Y. Oakes's Even= An annual, slenderer than the foregoing Ing Primrose species, and not hairy but covered with (Enothera ^ slight close woolliness. The calyx-tips PureyeUow ^^^^ conspicuously close together. Dry July-August situations Mass. and N. Y., w^est to Neb. CEnothera ^ lower slightly fine-hairy species with sinuata oblong or lance-shaped leaves wavy- Pure yellow toothed or often deep-cleft like those of May-July ^j-jg dandelion ; the small light yellow flowers borne at the bases of the leaves turn pinkish in fading. About 1 foot high. In sandy soil, from N. J. south, and west to S. Dak., Kan., and Tex. Also in Vt. according to Britton and Brown, but not recorded by Brainerd, Jones, and Eggleston, in Flora of Vermont. A small slightly hairy biennial, with di- (Enothera urnal, rather small- pure yellow^ flowers, pumil(t borne in a loose spike or at the bases of Pure yellow the leaves, the latter light dull green, May-July toothless and obtuse, lance-shaped but broader nearer the tip. 10-20 inches high. In dry sunny fields, from Me. to N. J. , and west to Minn, and Kan. 2yS Sundpop ;nothend.ypuiticosa CEnothePa pumila.. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Onagracese. A similar diurnal species with flowers CEnothera ^~^ inch broad, borne in a loose spike or fruticosa at the bases of the leaves ; the latter are Pure yellow oblong or lance-shaped and very slightly JVlay-July toothed. Cross-fertilized by butterflies and bees, especially those of the genus Andrena, and the brilliant little flies of the genus Syrphidoe.. The stigma extends far beyond the anthers, so self-fertiliza- tion is impossible except with the agency of insects. The seed-pods strongly ribbed and winged. Very varia- ble, 1-3 feet high. Common in flelds and on roadsides everywhere. The var. linearis is slender, has very nar- row, linear-lance-shaped leaves, and the less ribbed seed- pods taper into the slender stalk. From Conn, south, and west to Mo. Blooming from June to September. An inconspicuous perennial of damp and Nightshade shady woodlands, with opposite thin, frail Circoea deep green leaves, ovate pointed, remotely Lutetiana toothed, and long-stemmed. The tiny ^**'*^^ white flowers have two petals so deeply u y- ugus q\qI\^ that they appear as four ; they are borne at the tip of a long slender stem, which is set about with the little green burlike, white-haired, nearly round seed-pods. Fertilized by the beelike fly {Bonibyli- us), the brilliant green SyrpMd fly, and the mining bee {Andrena). Plant-stem very smooth and swollen at the joints. Common in cool and moist woodlands every- where. Named for the enchantress Circe. This and the next species are often found close together in Campton, N. H. (jiyccpd A smaller species, the stem of which is alpina watery and translucent, ruddy and White smooth. The thin and delicate heart- July-August shaped leaves are shiny, coarsely blunt- toothed, and distinctly different from those of the preceding species. Tiny leaflets, or bracts, are set im- mediately beneath the flowers. The burlike buds are club-shaped. 3-8 inches high. Common only in the north and among the mountains. 300 iircaea. Lutetia^na.. Cireaea a^lpina.. GINSENG FAMILY. Araliaceas, GINSENG FAMILY. Araliacece. Generally herbs in our range, with compound, mostly alternate leaves and tiny five-petaled flowers in crowded clusters ; stamens five, alternate with the petals ; the flowers perfect or more or less polygamous ; staminate and pistillate flowers occurring on the same plant. Fruit a cluster of berries, which with the root, bark, etc., are slightly aromatic. Visited by numerous woodland insects as well as the bees of the genus Halictus, and oc- casionally b}' butterflies. A tall, branching, smooth woodland ^y^ill^i herb, with a round, blackish stem, and racemosa large compound leaves of generall}^ 15-21 Green=white ovate leaflets, heart-shaped at the base, July-August finely double-toothed, and deep green with brownish stems. The greenish white flowers are ar- ranged in small round clusters which in the aggregate form a large, terminal, pointed spike, or perhaps several smaller spikes from the base of the leaves. Visited by the bees of the genus Halictus, and the beelike flies {Syrphidce). Fruit a round dull brown-crimson berry (in compact clusters) sometimes, when over-ripe dull brown-purple. The large roots are esteemed for their spicy and aromatic flavor. 3-5 feet high. Rich wood- lands from Me., south through the mountains to Ga., and west to Minn., S. Dak., and Mo. A characteristically fine-hairy jDlant, y ^ar- ^y\^\^ similar leaves generallv hair}^ on the saparilla or i i i Wild Elder veins beneath and irregularly double- AniUa inspida toothed ; they are perhaps longer and Dull white more pointed than those of Arcdia race- June early ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ rounded at tlie base. The tiny July dull white flowers are arranged in some- what hemispherical clusters, several of which crown the summit of the stem. The fruit is somewhat oblate-sphe- roidal in shape and dull brown-crimson when ripe. 12- 34 inches high. In rocky woods, from Me., south to N. C, through the mountains, and west to Minn, and 111. Found in Campton, N. H. 302 ^ „ 9m, '^^ #^ Bristly SaP5apanilla Aral'iA hispida. GINSENG FAMILY. Araliaceae. A so-called stemless Aralia, whose true saoariila plant-steni scarcely rises above ground, Aralia the leaf -stem and flower-stem apparently nudiccmlis separating near the root. There is a single Green=white long-stalked leaf rising 7-12 inches above the ground, with three branching divisions of leaflets ; there are about five ovate, finely toothed, light green leaflets on each division. The flower-stalk is leafless and bears 3-7 rather flat hemispherical clusters of greenish white flowers whose tiny petals are strongly reflexed ; the five greenish stamens are conspicuous. The fruit is a round purple-black berrj' in clusters. Com- mon in moist woodlands, from Me., south along the mountains to N. C, and west to Minn., S. Dak., and Mo. The aromatic roots are used as a substitute for the true Sarsaparilla {Smilax officinalis), of South America. The roots of Ginseng which , in the esti- Pf^^^^fJ. mation of the Chinese, are possessed of quinquefolium some potent medicinal virtue, are so much Pale green= in demand for export that through the as- yellow siduity of collectors the plant has become rare. The large deep green leaf has five thin, obovate, acute-pointed leaflets, sharply and ir- regularly toothed ; in arrangement it slightly resembles the horse-chestnut leaf. The plant-stem is smooth and green, and the compound leaves are borne three in a circle. The yellowish green flowers (the staminate lily- of-the-valley-scented) are crowded into a single hemi- spherical cluster ; they are polygamous. The fruit is a deep ruby red berry, in a scant cluster. The name is a corruption of the Chinese Jin-chen, meaning manlike (from the two-legged appearance of the root). The plant is small — 8-15 inches high. Rare in rich cold woods. Me., N. H., and Vt. to Conn., west to Minn, and Neb. ^ ^ ^. A tiny species with a spJierical root, gen- Dwarf Ginseng ,, ^, , / ^ » Panax tri- erally three compound leaves composed oi folium about three tootlied, ovate leaflets, and Dull white dull white flowers, staminate and pistil- May-June ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ same plant, borne in a single cluster. Fruit yellow. 4-8 inches high. Me., south to Ga., in the mountains, and west to Minn, and Iowa. 304 inseng. Panaix quinque/blium. PARSLEY FAMILY. IJmbelli ferae. PARSLEY FAMILY. Umbelliferce. Herbs with hollow stems, generalh^ deeply cut com- pound leaves, and tiny flowers in mostly broad flat-topped clusters, perfect (often polygamous), having five petals, as many stamens, and two styles. In some flowers the styles protrude from the yet undeveloped blossom, and the stigmas are touched by the visiting insect long be- fore the anthers are mature, thus securing cross-fertiliza- tion. Commonly visited by countless insects, including the honeybee, the bumblebee, and many butterflies, chief among which are the Black Swallowtails. The manj^ species are not easily distinguished apart, as the flowers are very similar ; in general, minute character- istics of the seed show the radical differences best. Strong-scented plants remarkable for their aromatic oil. One of our commonest weeds, natural- Wild Carrot j^ed from Europe, and familiar by every Anne's Lace wa3^side near a dwelling. A coarse and or Bird's Nest hairy -stemmed biennial with exceedingly Dancns Ccrota fine-cut leaves, yellowish green, and rough Dull white ^q ^j^g touch ; they are thoroughly decora- " ^. . five. The dull white flowers, in extremelv September ' flat-topped clusters, are gracefulh^ dis- posed in a radiating pattern as fine as lace ; in the cen- tre of the cluster is frequently found a single tiny deep purple floret. Visited bj- innumerable insects, flies, but- terflies, bees, and moths, most of which are attracted by the peculiarly strong odor. The aged flower-cluster curls up and resembles a bird's nest, from which circum- stance the plant derives that name. 2-3 feet high. In w^aste places and fields everywhere ; it is often a most troublesome weed. A near relative of the garden carrot. A smooth, perennial species somewhat em oc similar in appearance to wild carrot, but Conioselinum with a slender- branched flower-cluster Canadense composed of far less showy dull white Dull white flowers. The leaves similar, the lower "^"^ h long-stemmed, the upper quite stemless. The fruit or seed is smooth, flat, and prominently five-ribbed, the two side ribs exceedingly 306 .^^^if. Wild Carrot Dducus Capota. PARSLEY FAMILY. Umbelliferas. broad. 2-4 feet high. In cool swamps among the hills, from Me. and Vt. , southwest through the mountains to N. Car., west to Minn, and Mo. A tall and slender species, poisonous to Tiedemannia ^aste, and with large tuberiferous roots. rigida The leaves are deep green, and altogether Dull white different in form from those of the pre- August- ceding species ; they are long-stemmed and composed of 3-9 lance-shaped or broader, remotely toothed leaflets, more or less variable in shape. The tiny dull white flowers are in slender clusters. The seed is flat-sided, broad, and the ribs are not sharp or prominent ; the side ribs are broad. An- other denizen of the swamps; from N. Y., south, and west to Minn, and Mo. Named for Prof. Tiedemann, of Heidelberg. A common very tall perennial with a Cow Parsnip , , „ . , , . Heracleum stout, hollow, ridged Stem, sometimes lanntum stained lightly with dull brown-red. The Dull white leaves are dark green, compound — in three June-July divisions, toothed and deeply lobed, rather soft-hairy beneath, and with a leafy formation at the junction of the leaf-stem and plant-stem. The insignifi- ca*nt dull white flowers, in large flat clusters, have five petals, each of which is deeply notched and of unequal proportions. The seed is very broad, flat, and generally oval. 4-8 feet high. Wet ground, shady borders of moist thickets, from Me., south to N. Car., and west to S. Dak. and Mo. Named for Hercules. A common biennial familiar on waysides Wild Parsnip ^^^^ ^j^^ borders of fields, with a tough, Pastinaca , . , sativa Strongly grooved, smooth stem, and with Light gold dull deep green, compound leaves com- yellow posed of man}^ toothed, thin, ovate divi- ''""^~ sions. The dull (in effect greenish) light gold yellow flowers are gathered in small clusters set on slender stems, and form a broad, flat- topped cluster. The stem, 2-5 feet high, is extremely strong and difficult if not impossible to break. Seeds flat and thin. Common. Naturalized from Europe. 308 I Pastinacasativa. PARSLEY FAMILY, Umbelliferx. Sometimes called Golden Alexanders. P sniD ^ western species not very distant from Thaspium Zizia aurea. It has medium green lance- aureum shaped or ovate, toothed leaflets, three of Golden yellow which generally compose a leaf ; the root- une- ugus jg^ves are single, mostly distinctl}^ heart- shaped, the others simply rounded at the base. The golden yellow flowers are gathered in sparse flat-topped clusters. The seed is equally angled with deep flanges or ribs and is distinctly difi"erent in this respect from the flat seeds of Pastinaca saliva ; they mature in early au- tumn. 15-36 inches high. Found on the borders of thickets, and woodland roads, from Ohio, west to Mo., southwest to Tenn., and west to 111. The var. atropur- pureuni bears deep dull purple flowers, and is confined to the same range. T. barbinode is a similar species with stem- and leaf-joints and flowering stems more or less fine-hairy. Leaves with 3-6 leaflets. Flowers light gold yellow. Seed with seven prominent wings. Beside streams, commonest in the Mississippi Valley ; N. Y., west to Minn., and south. A stout and branching species often a er arsnip gj-Qvyj^g jn shallow water. The compound cicxiicefoUum leaves deep green, with 7-15 linear or lance- Dull white shaped leaflets sharply toothed ; the finely J"'y- cut lower leaves generally submerged. September r^j^^ ^^^^ ^^,j^.^^ flowers are in a flat dome- shaped cluster. The seeds are prominently ribbed, and the leaves are variable in form. 2-6 feet high. Through- out the country. A similar but smaller aquatic species 6- Berula 34 jj^ches high, with 7-19 leaflets, more or less lobed, and a dome-shaped cluster of white flowers. From N. Y. to 111. and Neb. Also in the Rockies and the far west. A very common smooth perennial, found ar y ea ow shaded roadsides or meadow borders. Parsnip Zizia aurea The medium light green leaves are doubly Light gold compound ; generally three divisions (or yellow leaflets, properly speaking) of 3-7 leaflets, ay- une ^^ narrow, pointed, and sharply toothed, 310 capiy neddow Paranip. Zizid. dupe^ PARSLEY FAMILY. Umbelliferse. but varying to broader types. The stem is often branched. The tiny dull light gold yellow flowers have prominent stamens, and are collected in many small clusters, each widely separated from the other, but all forming a thin radiating cluster. Visited commonly by many flies, small butterflies, and but few bees. Seeds slightly ribbed. 16-34 inches high. Everywhere. Me. to S. Dak. Caraway "^ common weed in the north, natural- Carum cnrui ized from Europe. Biennial or perennial ; Dull white the lower basal leaves long-stemmed, the June-July upper stemless ; all finely cut, and orna. mental ; deep olive gray -green ; the flowers grouped like those of wild carrot, but far less showy, dull white or gray-white, in scattered thin groups like Zizia. The seed is oblong, slightly curved, plainly ribbed, exceed- ingly aromatic, and is much used as a spice in cakes, and also in confectionery. The flowers are frequently visited by various flies and bees, the yellow butterfly Colias philodice, and also the white cabbage butterfly Pieris rupee. 1-2 feet high. Local from Me., west to Pa., Minn., S. Dak., and Col. Found in Campton, N. H. An erect, slender, usually much- Water Hein= branched and smooth perennial herb, very ted Cowbane poisonous to the taste. The stem marked Cicuta with dull magenta lines. The leaves deep maculata green, smooth, often tinged ruddy, with Dull white coarse sharp teeth, and conspicuously ugus Yeinetj^ the lower ones nearly a foot long. The 9-21 leaflets lance-shaped or broader. The incon- spicuous dull white flowers in a thin, flat, somewhat straggling cluster ; tliey are polygamous. The seed ovate, flat on one side, or nearly so, and inconspicuously ribbed on the other. 3-6 feet high. Visited by number- less bees, wasps, and butterflies. Wet meadows and borders of swamps, from Me. , south and west to S. Dak. A similar much-branched herb, from H^ *^"ck which is obtained a virulent poison, used Conium in medicine. It bears the name of the maculatum Hemlock employed by the ancient Greeks Dull white jj^ putting to death their condemned po- "° " ^ litical prisoners, philosophers, and crimi- 312 PARSLEY FAMILY. Umbelliferse. nals. Socrates died by this means. The dark green leaves are deeply dissected and toothed ; the leaf -stems are sheathed at the base, and the dull white flower-clus- ters are slender-branched. The ovate seeds are flat and irregularly ribbed. The stem is also spotted or marked with ruddy color like that of Cicuta. 2-5 feet high. In * waste places, Me. and Vt., south to Del., west to Minn, and Iowa ; also in Cal. Naturalized from Europe. The round, slightly silkv hairy stem (es- Sweet Cicely ' o ./ .- j \ Osmorrhiza pecially when young) of this familiar per- brevisfylis ennial herb is dull green often much stained Dull white with dull madder purple — a brownish pur- May-June pjg_ rpj^g compound leaf is cut and toothed similar to that of Poison Hemlock ; when young it is distin- guished by its fine-hairiness ; later that characteristic is less evident ; it is mostly three-divided, appears fernlike, deep green, and thin. The lower leaves are large, some- times considerably over a foot long. The stems of the dull white flower-clusters are slender and few, conse- quently there is no appearance of an aggregate flat- topped cluster such as generally distinguishes tne family Uvibelliferce. The flowers are staminate and perfect, the latter maturing the anthers first ; cross-fertilized by many flies and bees. The tiny blossom has five cloven white petals and a very short style, scarcely -^j inch long, which distinguishes it from the next species. 16-34 inches high. In moist rich woodlands, from Me., south through the mountains to N. Car., west to Minn, and Neb. The large aromatic roots are anise-flavored and edible, but the similar general appearance of the Poison Hemlock often leads to dangerous if not fatal results. This is so similar to the preceding that Os7norrhiza ^y^q differences are not obvious to tlie ongts I casual observer. The leaves and stem ai-e either very slightly hairy or smooth. The stjde under the magnifying glass shows a greatly superior length; it is fully yV iJ^ch long or more. The seeds of both species are nearly alike, linear, compressed, and bristly on the ribs. The roots of O. longistylis are more spicy than those of O. brevistylis. Me., south to Ala., and west to the Dakotas, 314 Sweet Cicely Osmoprhiza. brevistylis. PARSLEY FAMILY. Umbelliferae. A small, creeping marsh plant, with a Pennywort weak, pale greeu, smooth stem, which fre- Hydrocotyle quently takes root at the joints, and a Americana round-lieart-shaped, light green leaf, thin. Dull white smooth, and shining, tJie edge doubly scal- loped, and the stem about an inch long. The tiny white flowers, 1-5 in a cluster, are inconspicu- ous and grow at the angles of the leaves. In wet places. Me., south to Pa., and N. Car., west to Minn, and Mo. The green stem is smooth, light green, Sanicle or slightly grooved, and hollow- like most of Snakeroot the members of the Parsley Family. The Sauicula leaves are deep green of a bluish tone, Marylandica smooth, toothed, and palm-shaped, that is Greenish with radiating lance-shaped leaflets, ar- vdlo w Mav-July ranged like those of the horse-chestnut ; of the five leaflets the lower two are deeply cleft ; the upper leaves are in three divisions and stem- less. The tiny pale greenish yellow flowers are in very small clusters ; the five petals of each floret are curiously incurved toward the centre of the flower, and beneath them are the five stamens securely restrained from ac- complishing the process of self-fertilization ; later the petals unfold ; the flowers are both staminate and per- fect, intermixed. In the few perfect flowers the two mature styles protrude beyond the petals, and the visit- ing insect must brush against them, generally after hav- ing visited some staminate flower. Cross-fertilization now completed, the styles curve backward so that the withering stigmas are safely out of the way of the ma- turing stamens, which are not released from the enfold- ing petals until the anthers begin to shed their pollen. The long stamens of the sterile flowers mature early, and are a conspicuous factor in the green-yellow color- ing of the flower-clusters. The fruit, a tiny ovoid bur with many hooked bristles, often retains the recurved slender styles. Visited by the Syrphid flies, the bees, and a few butterflies. 18-38 inches high. In rich wood- lands. Me., south to Ga., w-est to Minn, and Kan. 316 I /atep Pennywort. Hydpocotyle Americana DOGWOOD FAMILY. Cornaceas. DOGWOOD FAMILY. Cornaceoe. Shrubs or trees, with opposite or alternate toothless leaves, and generally perfect flowers — sometimes they are dioecious ; that is, the two kinds of flowers grow on -Separate plants ; or polygamous, that is, perfect, stami- nate and pistillate flowers growing on the same plant or difl^erent plants. The genus Cornus, u'ithin our range, which is represented here by two species, has perfect flowers. Cross-fertilization is effected mostly by bees and the beelike flies. An exceedingly dainty little plant com- „^ . ^ mon on wooded hilltops, and remarkable Bunchberry ^ ' Cornus ^^r its brilliant scarlet berries which grow Canadensis in small, close clusters. The leaves are Greenish white light yellow-green, broadly ovate pointed, ^^" " ^ toothless, and deeply marked by about 5-7 nearly parallel, curving ribs ; they are set in circles. The flowers are greenish and tiny, closely grouped in the centre of four large slightly green-white bracts, or leaf- lets, having the semblance of petals, and imparting to the whole the appearance of a single blossom about an inch broad. The flowers are succeeded in late August by a compact bunch of exceedingly beautiful but insipid scarlet berries, of the purest and most vivid hue. The commonest visitors are the bees of the genera Andrena and Halictus, together with many woodland flies — bee- flies, and the familiar "bluebottle."' 3-8 inches high. In cool, damp, mossy woods ; frequently found on sum- mits over 4000 feet high, among the Adirondacks and the White Mountains. From Me., south to N. J., and west to Ind., Minn., Col., and Cal. . A tall shrub and often a tree, whose Dogwood familiar flowers, appearing just before or Cornus florida with the ovate deeper green leaves, have Greenish white four similar broad green-white or rarel}' Apr«i-June pinkish bracts, ribbed, and notched on the blunt tips. Fruit ovoid and scarlet, in small groups. 7-40 feet high. Vt. , Mass., south to Ky. and Fla., and west to Mo. and Tex. Name from cornu, a horn, in al- Insion to the hardness of the wood. 318 Flowering Dogwood Cornus flopi'dd. ^m-^''^ Bunchbeppy. Copnus Cana^densis. PYROLA FAMILY. Pyrolaceas, PYEOLA FAMILY. Pyrolacece. Formerly classed as a suborder under the Heath Fam- ily. Generally evergreen perennials with perfect, nearly regular flowers, the corolla very deepl}' five-parted, or five-petaled ; twice as many stamens as the divisions of the corolla ; the style short, and the stigma five-lobed. Fruit a capsule. Visited by numerous flies and bees, as well as smaller butterflies. A familiar and beautiful evergreen plant PHncfe^'TpMne ^^ *^^® deep woods, generally found under Chimaphila pines, spruces, or hemlocks. The dark umbellata green leaves are thick and shining, sharplj- Flesh or toothed along the upper half of the edge cream color ^^j indistinctlv toothed on the lower half: June-July they are blunt or abruptly dull-pointed at the apex, wedge-shaped at the base, short-stemmed, and arranged in circles about the buff-brown plant-stem. The flowers are dainty pale pinkish or waxy cream color ; the corolla has five blunt lobes which turn back- ward as the flower matures, and at the base, next to the dome-shaped green ovary, is a circle of pale magenta ; the ten short stamens have five double madder purple anthers ; the style is remarkably short — scarcely notice- able, and the gummy stigma is nearly flat and five- scalloped. The flowers are delicately scented. Mostly fertilized through the agency of the bees of the genera Halictus and Andrena, and the numerous small flies common in woodlands ; the stigma is very sticky and broad. Seed-pod a globular brown capsule. 6-12 inches high. In dry woods, from Me. , south to Ga. , west to Cal. Spotted ^ very similar species remarkable for Wintergreen its green-white-marked leaves. The leaves Chimaphila instead of being broad and blunt near the maculata ^-p j-j,^ ^^i^^e of C. umbellata, taper grad- ually to a point ; they are remotely toothed, dark green, and strongly marked with white-green in the region of the ribs. They are about two inches long. 3-9 inches high. Somewhat common in N. Y., and in the White Mountains, extending westward only as far as Minn. The name, from x^^M<^, winter, and tpiX^ao, to love. 320 Pipsissewa. ChimaphiU umbelldta. PYROLA FAMILY. Pyrolaceae. ^ ^, _. A very small plant, bearing a single One=flowered , , '' , ,1 , ? , Pyrola blossom, somewhat like that of tlie com- Moneses mon Shinleaf . The leaves are thin, deep grandiflora green, shining, round or nearl}^ so, with jLnTru^^'u^st ^'^^^^^^' ^"^^ indistinct teeth, and flat- stalked. The five petals of the cream- colored or ivory white flower are a bit pointed ; the ten white stamens have two-pointed dull yellow anthers, and the long green pistil bends downward ; not far be- low the flower on the stem is a tiny bract or minute leaflet. 2-5 inches high. In pine woods usualh" near brooks. From Me., south to R. I. and Pa., and west to Mich, and Ore. Also in the Rocky Mountains. South to Col. Small Pyrola ^ northern woodland plant with ovate P!/n>la secunda pointed deep green leaves, rather round- Greenish white toothed, and long-stemmed ; the leaves June-July circled near the base of the plant-stem. The leaf-stalks are also somewhat flat and troughed. The flower-stalk is tall, bracted or remotely set with minute leaflets, and bears a one-sided row of small greenish white flowers which finally assume a drooping position ; the corolla is bell-shaped and five-lobed ; the pistil is extremely prominent. The slender flower-stalk is often bent sideways. 3-9 inches high. In woodlands, from Me., south to Pa., and west to Minn. Found on the slopes of the White and Adirondack Mountains. The var. piimila is a tiny form 2-4 inches high, with rounded leaves, and but 3-8 flowers. Vt. (Bristol, Sutton, New- ark, and Fairhaven), Me., and N. H., but not common, and west to Mich., on the shores of Lake Superior. Blooms from July- August. Pyy.Qlf^ This is a small-leaved species with dainty chlonoitha drooping flowers, and a stem of verj' mod- Greenish white erate height without bracts or minute June-July leaflets, or at least possessing but one. TJie leaves are dull olive green, obscurelj^ scalloped- edged, rather round, and thicker than those of the com- mon Pyrola (Shinleaf). The nodding, greenish white flowers have obtuse, elliptical, convergent petals. They 322 I n^eaf f ., t "*' .,m!^ Leaf One-floweped Pyrola Moneses grand iflopa. PYROLA FAMILY. Pyrolaceas. are slightly fragrant. 4-9 inches high . But 3-9 flowers. Woods. Me., south to Md., west to Minn., and Col. g. . . ^, Perhaps the commonest of all the Py- PfiroJa dJiptica rolas, rather taller than P. cTdorantha, Greenish white with evergreen, dark olive green, ellipti- June-July ^.g^]^ j^l^jn, and obscurely shallow-toothed leaves, the stalks somewhat flat or troughed ; they ex- ceed their stalks in length. The greenish white waxy flowers nod ; they are very fragrant ; the five petals are thin and obovate. and form a protective cup about the pale ochre yellow anthers ; the pistil is extremely long, bends downward and then curves upward, exposing the tiny five-lobed stigma to the visiting insect wliich is most likeh^ to alight upon the invitingly exposed pistil. The flowers form a loose cluster, each on a ruddy pedicel (stemlet), and are borne on an upright stalk generally ruddy at the base, and having a tiny leaflet or bract half-way up. Commonly visited by the beelike flies {Syrpliidce), and the bees of the genera Halictns and Andrena. 5-10 inches high. Rich woods, from Me., south to Md.. and west to S. Dak. and 111. The name is from Pyriis or Pirum, a pear, in allusion to the shape of the leaf. A similar but much taller species, with Koun = eave j-^g^j.jy round or very broad oval leaves, Pyrola " *' Pyi-ola thick, very indistinctly toothed or tooth- rotnndifoUa less, and a deep shining green ; the stems White usually longer than the leaves, and nar- June- u y ^owly margined ; they are evergreen. The white waxy flowers are like those described above, but the roundish obovate petals spread open jnuch more : they are also very sweet-scented. 8-18 inches high. In dry or damp sandy woodlands, from Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn,, S. Dak., and Ohio. This similar species has pale crimson or ^'^^.?,. magenta flowers, and very round heart- asarifolia ,,, , ..,,.. , shaped leaves, rather wide, shmmg, and thick. The southern limit, northern N. Y. and New Eng. But both species are more frequently found northward. 324 ^A y Shin leaf. PypoUellipticd.. Pyrola asapifolia. PYROLA FAMILY. Pyrolacex. Indian Pipe Monotropa uni flora White or pinkish July-August A familiar clammy, white, parasitic plant, deriving its nourishment from roots and decayed vegetation, generally found in the vicinity of rotting trees. The stem is thick, translucent white, and without leaves, except for the scaly bracts whicli take their place. The white or delicately pink-salmon- tinted flower has five, or sometimes four, oblong petals. and the 10-12 stamens are pale tan color. The flower is in a nodding position, and is usually solitary, although rarely two may be found on one stem ; the latter is often pink-tinged and springs with several others from a mat of entangled fibrous rootlets. The enlarged ovary finally assumes an erect position, becoming a pale tawny sal- mon color : it is usually ten-grooved and five-celled, and forms a large, fleshy, ovoid seed-vessel. The plant is at home in the dim-lit fastnesses of the forest, and it quickly withers and blackens after being gathered and exposed to sunhght. country. False Beech= drops or Pine=sap Monotropd Hupopitys Tawny reddish, etc. June- September 3-9 inches high. Nearly throughout the A somewhat similar parasitic plant found most frequently over the roots of oaks and pines. The stems are in clusters, and are slightly downy ; they are whitish, pale tan color, or reddish, with many bracts. The small bracts are f-hin, papery, jellow- ish red, and the}^ turn black when wither- ing. The suiall vase-shaped flowers are light crimson-red more or less touched with yellow ; the tips of the flower are quite yellowish. The cluster of 3-10, or rarely more, drooping flowers is slightly fragrant. The fleshy vase-shaped seed-vessels become erect. 4-12 inches high. In dry woods from Me., south, and west to Ore. and Ariz. The generic name is from the Greek, and means turned one-sided, in allusion to the one-sided drooping method of flower- growth. 326 Indian Pipe. False Beech-drops. Monotpopa uni/lora. Flonotropa Hypopitys. HEATH FAMILY. Ericaceae. HEATH FAMILY. Ericacece. Mostly shrubs and a few perennial herbs with simple leaves and generally regular, perfect flowers, the corolla of 4-5 lobes or petals, and as many or twice as many stamens. Fruit a capsule or berry. Cross-fertilized by various bees, by the beelike flies, butterflies, and moths. To this family belong the blueberries, huckleberries, and cranberries. The daintiest member of the Heath Snowberrv Family, with (often terra-cotta-colored) Chiogenes roughish stems creeping closely over rocky serpylUfoUa and mossy ground. The stiff dark olive ^*^'*^ evergreen leaves are tiny, broad, ovate ^ pointed, and sparsely covered with brown- isli hairs beneath ; the margin of the leaves rolled back- ward. The tiny white flowers are bell-shaped with four rounded lobes. The\' grow at the angles of the leaves and assume a nodding position. The berr}' is shining china white, ovate, and about ^ inch long. Both leaf and berry possess a wintergreen flavor. Branches 3-11 inches long. In cool damp woods and peat bogs, fre- quent on hill-tops, from Me., south to N. Car., and west to Minn. Found in Campton, N. H. The name (Greek) means "snow-offspring" ; it is appropriatelj^ dainty. Also a trailing, hillside plant of a shrubby An-tos/a^ilos mature, with more or less ruddy, hairy- Ura-ursi rough branches. The toothless leaves are White or pink= thick, dark evergreen, round-blunt at the '^^i^^ tip, narrowed at the base, and flnely May-June reined. The white or rarely pinkish white flowers are bell-shaped or vase-shaped, and are borne in terminal clusters. The style extends far be- yond the anthers, and is touched first by the tongue of the visiting insect. The berry is an opaque red ; it is dry and insipid. In dry rocky soil, from Me., south to N. J., west to Minn., S. Dak., and Col. The name is from apxro'i, a bear, and dra(pvXr/, a berry ; the specific title is mere Latin repetition — Uva, a bunch or cluster of fruit, and U7\sus, a bear. 328 Creeping Snowbeppy, Beapbeppy Chiogenes sepp3/ili folia Apctostdphylos Uva-unsi HEATH FAMILY. Ericaceas. - The Mayflower of New England, com- Arbutus mon on the borders of rocky woods and Epujcea repens hillsides, and blooming beside the rem- White and pink nants of snow-drifts in early spring. It is April-May common in the vicinity of evergreen woodlands. The light brown stems are shrubby and tough, creeping close to the cold earth under decaj^ed leaves and grasses ; they are rough-hairy. The old dull light olive green leaves are more or less rusty-spotted ; the sides spread angularly from the central depressed rib. The new leaves develop in June. The surface is rough and netted with fine veins ; beneath it is rough- hairy and much lighter in color. The sweet-scented, white or delicately pink-tinted flowers are five-lobed, tubular, and possess a frosty sheen ; they are in general trimorphous, that is, the stamens and styles are of three relative and reciprocal lengths ; but commonly the flowers are dimorphous — confined to staminate and pis- tillate forms. The staminate blossoms contribute a touch of light 3'ellow to tlie delicate surrounding of pure pink and white. The commonest visitors are the early queen bumblebees, Bombus pennsylvanicus, Bombiis terricola, and Bombus bifarius. The flower is nectar bearing. Branches 6-13 inches long. Me., south to Fla., and west to Minn. The famihar Boxberry of the Middle Wintergreen or • ii in Checkerberry ^t^tes, common in wildernesses and all Guultheria evergreen woodlands. The broad, ovate, procuinhens evergreen leaf is stiff, tliick, and shiny ^*^'*® dark green, with few small teeth ortooth- u y- ugu \q^^^ and very nearly stemless. The younger leaves are yellow-green ; all are clustered at the top of the buff-brown or ruddy stem. The white, waxy flowers are vase-shaped and nodding ; they grow from the angles of the leaves. The dry but exceedingl}^ aromatic berry is pure red (a deep cherry color), often \ inch in diameter, and is formed of the calyx which becomes fleshy, surrounds tlie seed-capsule, and has all 330 Trailing Arbutus Fnin^r ''• lit r .^heckcpberry tpigaea repens. VU |i Gaulthena procumbc HEATH FAMILY. Ericacem. the appearance of a true fruit. 2-5 inches high. From Me., south, and west to Mich. The same aromatic essential oil exists in sweet birch as in this wintergreen. A stout and tall shrub in its south- Mountain e^ £ • ■ ill Laurel ^^^^ range, often formmg impenetrable Kalmia thickets. The stem and branches are ir- latifolia regular and angular in growth : the leaves White, pinkish ^j.g evergreen, shinj' dark green, elliptical, ^ firm, and toothless. The 3'oung leaves are a yellower green. The beautiful flowers are borne in large, dome-shaped clusters ; they are exceedingly con- ventional and ornamental in form, bowl-shaped with five lobes, waxy white, pinkish-tinged in maturity, and pure pink in the corrugated, cone-shaped bud. There are ten depressions or pockets in the sides of the corolla in which the tips of the anthers are securely held, their filaments forming a series of arching spokes from the centre of the flower which is stained with a tiny crimson star; the style is prominent and pale green. The insect visitor, commonly a moth, often a bee, struggling and pushing its waj^ to the heart of the flower, releases the stamens and these spring backward, showering pollen over the fuzzy bodj^ of the intruder. The pollen of Kalmia is more or less connected by webby threads, and its adhesive character is peculiarly adapted to the i)ur- pose of cross-fertilization ; the next blossom visited by the insect probably has a receptive stigma about which the pollen strings become quickly entangled. The flower-stalks are liairy-stickj^ thus preventing pilferers, such as ants, who would be useless as fertilizing agents, from entering the blossoms. The seed-capsule is some- what globular but five-lobed, and at first assumes a dull red hue, B-6 feet liigh, and in its southern range often attaining a height of 20-35 feet. In woodlands, prefer- ring sand}' soil or rocky slopes, from Me,, south, and west to Tenn. and Ohio. Named for Peter Kalm, a German botanist, who visited this country in the middle of the eighteenth century. 332 //7/y "''^/{lirfr' w Mounta^in Laurel Kdlmid. Is^tifolidu HEATH FAMILY. Ericacese. ^. . , A shrub of lesser proportions, and small, Sheep=Iaurel ^ i ,i- ^- i i or Lambkill narrow, drooping leaves, elliptical or lance- Kalmiaangusti- shsiped, evergreen, and dull olive green folia often rusty-spotted, lighter green beneath. JunTjiTl"'"'' ^^^^ flower is crimson-pink, small, but otherwise like that of Mountain Laurel, except that the filaments and all other parts are more or less pink-tinged. The stem is terminated by the newer leaves which stand nearly upright ; beneath these is the encircling flower-cluster ; below, the leaves droop. The foliage is poisonous to cattle. 8-36 inches high. Com- mon in swamps. Me., south to Ga., west to Wis. Pale Laurel ^ similar and even smaller species, Kaimia (jJdvca blooming about the same time, distin- Crimson-pink guished by its two-edged branches which or lilac seem to grow in sections set at right angles with one another. The narrow, evergreen leaves grow oppositely or are set in groups of three ; the edges are rolled back rather strongly ; they are conspicuously ivhite- green beneath. The crimson-pink or often light lilac flowers, I inch broad, terminate the stem. 6-20 inches high, confined to cold peat bogs and hillside swamps, from Me., south to northern N. J., and west to Mich. White Swamp "^^^^ wild Rhododendrons are also shrubs Honeysuckle which bear characteristically showy flow- Rhodudendron ers. This species has a much branched viscosuiyi stem, and obovate or blunt lance- shaped, June- July yello^v-green leaves, v%nth a few scattered hairs above. The twigs are hairy, and the stem almost bare of leaves. The flowers (expanding later than the leaves) are pure white or pink- tinged, with the outside surface covered with ruddy, sticky hairs ; they are very fragrant ; the stamens are prominent, the anthers yellow ; the pinkish pistil is longer than the stamens. Visited most frequently by bees, butterflies, and moths, and protected from creeping insects by the sticky-hairy outer surface of the corolla-tube. 3-7 feet high. In swamps from Me., south, west to Ohio and Ark ; gener- ally near the coast. The var. glaucum has much fighter colored leaves rather whitish beneath, and sometimes hairy. Me. to Va. The name (Greek) means rose-tree. 334 Pale Launel. Ralmia. glauca. HEATH FAMILY. Ericacese. Pinxter Flower ^ more leafy shrub with branching or Wild stem, characterized by its extremely golden Honeysuckle yellow-green foliage. The ovate leaf Rhododendron p^^^j.^ ^nd is pointed at both ends, the nudiflonun Pale or deep edge and surface are very shglitly hairy. pink The delicate and beautiful flowers are pale April-May or deep crimson-pink with the base of the tube a trifle stronger ; the broader corolla lobes do not curve back conspicuousl}' ; the stamens and pistil, all ex- ceedingly prominent, are light crimson. The flowers are delicately fragrant, grow in small terminal clusters expanding before or with the leaves, and when fading the corollas slide down the pistils, depend from them a while, and finally drop. The most frequent visitors are the honeybees and moths. 2-6 feet high. In swamps or in shady jjlaces, from Me., south, and west to 111. A most beautiful and showy species, Rhododendron entirely southern, but commonly culti- calendidarenni vated. The leaves are hairy and generally Orange=yellow oboA'ate, sometimes with only a few l\aZVn^^ scattered hairs above. The flower, ex- panding with or before the leaves, has five broad lobes scarcely if at all backward curved ; it is nearly flame color or orange-yellow more or less suffused with pink, has very little or no fragrance, and the outer surface of the tube is slightly fine-hairy and stick}^ The ruddy stamens prominent. 4-12 feet high . In dry wood- lands, southern N. Y. and Pa., in the mountains, to Ga. Rhodora "^ familiar flower of New England and Rhododendron one famous in the verses of the poet Rhodora Emerson. The leaves are slightly hairy, Light magenta ^^^^^ green, oval or oblong, and rather ^ obtuse ; the color deeper above and paler beneath. The flowers are narrow-lobed, light magenta, and formed somewhat like the honeysuckle, with the up- per lip slightly three-lobed, and the lower in two nearly separate sections ; they grow in thin clusters terminally, and precede the unfolding of the leaves or else expand with them. 1-3 feet high. AVet hillsides and cool bogs. Me . N. Y., N. J., and eastern Pa., in the mountains. 336 PinxtepFlowen Rhododendron nudiflopum. HEATH FAMILY. Ericaceas. _ ^ , , A tall shrub, or often a tree, with showy Great Laurel • i , • n i Rhododendron clusters of piiik-white flowers spotted with niaximinn gold oraiige, and greenish at the base, the Pink spotted five lobes of the corolla, broad, blunt, and orange substantially even in shape. The leaves June-July , . , , *' . ^ . , shmy dark green, 4-9 inches long, ever- green, leathery, drooping in the winter season, and spreading in summer. They are oblong, toothless, slightly rolled under at the edge, and dark beneath. The flower-stems are sticky-hairy, thus preventing the pilfering of creeping insects ; the flowers are mostly visited bj^ bees, but the honey they produce is said to be poisonous. 5-35 feet high. Damp woods, rare from Me. to Ohio, plentiful from Pa. to Ga. ; abundant through- out the Alleghany region, where, on the mountain sides, it forms impenetrable thickets. A species similar in many respects to Rhododendron ^, „ . , ^ „ ^ ^, Cataiobiense ^"® foregomg, but generally not more than Light purple 5 feet high. The leaves are broadly ob- or lilac long or oval, the tips with an abrupt very May- June small point, pale green beneath. The large flowers are light purple or lilac. This species is hybridized with other less hardy ones, notably the R. arboreum of the Himalayas, and from these proceed most of the Rhododendrons familiar in ornamental grounds. 3-6, or rarely 18 feet high. In the higher AUeghanies from Va. to Ga. A dwarf species confined to the summits Lapland Rose- n ■, ■ , ^ • • ^ , mi jj of high mountams in the north. The olive Rhododendron green leaves are small, oval or elliptical, Lapponicum and grouped in clusters on the otherwise Light purple bare stem. They are covered, together with the branches, with minute rusty scales. The flowers have a five-lobed corolla which is bell-shaped and light purple, dotted. There are 5-10 stamens. A prostrate branching plant that hugs the rocky slopes of the mountain. 2-12 inches high. Sum- mits of the White Mountains, N. H., and the Adiron- dacks, N. Y. Found at the head of Tuckerman's Ravine, Mt, Washington, N. H. 338 r-eat Laurel, Rhododendron maximum. DIAPENSIA FAMILY. Diapensiacex. DIAPENSIA FAMILY. Diapensiacece. Low perennial herbs, or tufted shrubs of a mosshke character, very closely related to the EricacecB — the at- tachment of the stamens to the corolla being the prin- cipal difference. — with five-parted tiny flowers whose style is tipped with a three-lobed stigma. Fruit a capsule. ^ . „. . An interesting and pretty mosslike little Pyxie or Flow= , , . , ering Moss plant common on the pine barrens of New Pyxidanthera Jersey. The linear or lance-shaped leaves, barbulata scarcely I inch long, are medium green, White or pink ^j^ ^^ ^j^^ ^- ^^^ j^^-^,^. ^^ ^-^le base when April-May ,, , \ , , young ; they are crowded toward the ends of the branches. The white or pale pink flowers are small, with five blunt lobes between which are curiously fixed the five conspicuous stamens ; they are numerous, and apparently stemless. Branches prostrate and creep- ing. 6-10 inches long. In sandy soil, dry pine barrens. From N. J., south to N. Car. Found at Lakewood, N. J. The name is from two Greek words, box and an- ther, referring to the anthers which open as if by a lid. PRIMROSE FAMILY. Primulaceff. Herbs with leaves variously arranged, and with per- fect, regular flowers. The corolla (usually five-cleft) is tubular, funnel-formed, or salver-formed. Stamens as many as there are lobes to the corolla and fixed opposite to them, but the corolla lacking in the genus named Ghmx. Seeds in a one-celled and several-valved capsule. F th rf "1 ^ peculiar aquatic plant of a somewhat Hottonia spongy nature, common in shallow stag- inflata nant water. Its strange appearance is White due to the cluster of inflated primarj" June-August flower-stalks which are about ^ inch thick, constricted at the joints, and almost leafless. The leaves are cut into threadlike divisions, and are beneath the water, densely distributed on the floating and root- ing stems. The insignificant whitish flower, \ inch long, has a corolla much shorter than the calyx. The seed-capsule is globular. Stems sometimes 18 inches long. Shallow ponds and ditches, from Mass., to cen- tral N. Y. , and south. Named for Peter Ilotton, botanist. 340 Enlarged blossom showing the alternate connection of stamens with the lobe6 of the copoIIa. Pyxie Moss. Pyxidanthera barbulaU PRIMROSE FAMILY. Primulaceas. A handsome wild flower, trequentlv culti- American . , , . ,. -,- ■, . , . /. Cowslip or vated, but conhiied in its natural state to the Shooting Star country west of Pennsylvania. The blunt Dodecatheon lance-shajied deep green leaves proceed Meadia from the root ; they are generally tooth- April-May ^®^^ ^^ nearly so, and their stems are long and margined. The tall primary flower- stalk is topped by a small cluster of delicate pendulous light magenta, pink-magenta, or white flowers, the five long corolla-divisions of which are strongly turned back- ward. The exposed stamens are close-clustered — grouped in a conelike figure ; the anthers are long, thin, and golden yellow ; the base of each is thickened and marked with magenta-purple. The flower is cross-fertilized by bees. According to Professor Robertson, a visiting bee to reach the nectar must force its tongue between the anther-tips and come more or less in contact with the mature stigma ; the anthers at this period are still immature. Among the visitors are the bumblebee Bom- bus amerieanorum, the bees of the family Andrenidce, and the clouded sulphur butterfly Culias phUodice. 8-20 inches high. Moist hillsides, cliffs, open woods, or prairies, from Penn. to S. Dak., south to Ga. and Tex. Name from the Greek, meaning twelve gods. A delicate little plant found only in the Dwarf Cana= ^, ^ ^ i • ^ dian Primrose northern part of our range, becring a fam- Primula il}' resemblance to the yellow English Mistassinica Primrose. The light green leaves are Pale magenta= |3iyj^^ lance-shaped, tapering to a distinct June-July stem, thin, green on both sides, rarely with a slightly meal}' appearance beneath, and shallow-toothed. The pale magenta-pink or lighter pink corolla is five-lobed, bluntly scallop-tipped, and stained with yellow in the centre (sometimes the yellow is absent). The few flowers are clustered at the top of the long slender stalk. This species is apt to intergrade with Primula farinosa, a taller one, with leaves white- mealy beneath (at least when young), and flowers with a more cuniform lobe, borne in thicker clusters. Con- fined to moist situations; Me., central N. Y., and Canada. 342 5te.r Flower TnentalisAmenca.nd Shooting 5Up DodecAtheon Heddia. PRIMROSE FAMILY. Primulacese. A delicate and interestinoj little wood- star Flower - , , ^ . . - , . Trientalis ^^^"^^ plant with a long horizontalh' creep- Americana ing root \^'hich sends upward an almost White bare or few-sealed thin stem terminating May-June j^^ ^ circle of sharp-pointed, lance-shaped, light green leaves, thin, shiny, and tapering to both ends. There are 5-9 leaves in the circle, from the centre of which proceed two threadlike stalks, each bearing a fragile, white, star-shaped flower with 6-7 pointed divi- sions. The stamens are long and delicate, with tiny golden anthers, which mature later than the stigma. Cross-fertilization effected mostly through the agency of the beelike flies (Bomhylius). 3-7 inches high, or rarely more. In moist thin woods, from Me., west to Minn., and south to southern N. J, and the mountains of Va. Common in the thin woodlands of the White Mountains. A rather handsome perennial commonly Loosestrife found in low moist situations, particularly steironema on river flats. The smooth light green ciliatum leaves are ovate or ovate lance-shaped and Yellow sharply pointed; on the upper edge of the ~ " ^ stem is a fringe of erect hairs — hence the specific term, ciliatum. The leaves are in pairs which are set at right angles with each other. The pretty light golden yellow flowers, not far from a pure yellow tone, are five-lobed, the divisions oval and finished with an abrupt sharp point (called mucronate) ; these tips are somewhat twisted or puckered ; about the centre of the corolla is a terra-cotta-colored ring ; within this are five straw-colored stamens alternating with five abortive ones ; in the centre is the pale green pistil. The smooth, erect stem 18-22 inches high or more. Common in low ground and on the borders of thickets from Me. west to British Columbia, south to Ga., Ala., and to Ariz. Steironema ^ narrow-leaved species smaller and lanceolatum slenderer in every respect. The leaves Yellow are lance-shaped and linear, indistinctly June-July stemmed and smooth ; the lower ones are much shorter and broader, and the stems are distinct and long. The flowers are similar to those of S. cili- atum, but smaller— a little over | inch broad, 8-20 344 Steironemd. cilis^tum PRIMROSE FAMILY. Primulacese. inches high. Moist ground from Me., west to Minn., and south. The Steironemas are cross-fertilized, according to Prof. Robertson, by bees ; in Connecticut by Macroxjis ciliata and Macropis patellata, and in lUinois by Macro- pis steironematis. The name is from two Greek words, sterile and thread, in allusion to the abortive stamens. ^ . , A delicate and pretty species common Four=leaved n i i i • i, , • Loosestrife ^^ ^^^ ^^"^^^ lands, especially sand}^ river Lyiiiinachia banks. The light green leaves are pointed quadrifoUa lance-shaped or broader, and are arranged Yellow jjj ^ circle of generally four, but some- times three and six. Fi'om the bases of these leaves project slender long stems, each bearing a single star-shaped light golden yellow flower, prettily dotted around the centre with terra-cotta red, wdiich sometimes extends in faint streaks all over the corolla lobes. The stamens and pistil project in a cone-shaped cluster ; the stigma is advanced so far beyond the an- thers that self-fertilization rarely if ever occurs. The Lysimachias are visited by the bees of the genus Macro- pis, by bumblebees, and by hone3'bees evidently for the purpose of collecting pollen. Stem smooth or very min- utely hairy (under a glass), straight and round, 12-30 inches high, simple or rarely branched. Sandy soil or often moist ground, Me., ^vest to Minn., south to Ga. Lysimachia Along with preceding species bloom the stricia slender spirelike clusters of the simple- Yellow stemmed Lysimachia stricta, whose flow- June-August ^j.g g^j.g j-,Q^ appreciably different, though recorded by Dr. Gray and others as having slenderer corolla-divisions. This variation, however, is not so ap- parent ; but at the base of the divisions the red spots are double in L. stricta, while they are single in L. quadri- foUa. The slender floicer-sjnke is distinctly characteris- tic of L. stricta ; it forms an aggregation of misty yellow color (when a large colony of the plants is seen) which is never present with the other species. Often little elon- gated bulblets appear at the bases of the leaves. Leaves lance-shaped and sharp-pointed at either end ; in both species apt to be sepia-dotted. Stem 8-20 inches high. Moist and sandy soil. Me . west to Minn., south to Ga. 34^ LoosestPi/e.%y k^'£:^ b/simachia.strictd.'^^ I Lysimachia. quadp]/bli&. PRIMROSE FAMILY. Pnmuiaceas. A species closely allied to L. strict a. producfa ^"® smooth stem is simple or very slightly Light golden branched, the lance-shaped light green yellow leaves, pale green beneath, grow oppos- June-August j^^j^, ^^ ^^^ circles of 3-5, and the terminal flower-spike, loosely flowered, is sometimes 18 inches long. The corolla-divisions are dotted and striped with dark red, ovate-oblong and rounded at the tips. From this last fact it would seem as though the plant could not easily be confused with either L. stricta or L. quad- rifolia, for the flowers of both these species are de- cidedly pointed star-shaped. In low damp ground on the borders of thickets, from Me. and Mass., west to Mich. (Vide Rhodora, vol. i., pp. 131-134. M. L. Fernald on " Ambiguous Loosestrifes.'') An extremel}^ beautiful trailing vine Moneywort with a creeping, not climbing, habit, r„o,-..,.,^;,;,, which has become naturalized from Eu- l^yhlniilCfl lit nummularia rope. It takes kindly to cultivation, and Light golden is particularly decorative when planted in yellow rustic baskets in which it best displays the September graceful pendulous character of its stems. The leaves are dark green, shining, small, almost round, and short-stemmed. One rather large light golden yellow flower, with five ovate divisions to the corolla, grows from the junction of the leaf-stalk and plant-stem ; it is not spotted with terra-cotta like the other members of tiiis genus. Stems 6-20 inches long. In moist ground near dwellings, mostly an es- cape from gardens ; Eastern States. In many places it is reported as a troublesome weed. Found in Campton, N. H., and Amherst, Mass. A low, fleshy seaside plant with oblong, Glaux toothless, and stemless light green leaves, Purple=white fi'o^^^ the bases of which grow the solitary June dull purple-white or pinkish flowers witJi- out a true corolla, but with a five-scalloped calyx. The seaside from N. J. and Cape Cod north. 348 Moneywort. -ysimachia nummulapia. Glaux maritima. PLUMBAGO OR LEADWORT. Plumbaginacem, A low spreading annual ; the common Anagallis Poor Man's weather-glass of England, arvensis which has become naturalized in this coun- Red, pur= try. The small solitary flowers are a pie, etc. variety of colors, scarlet, purple, white, etc. The corolla has five broad divisions but hardl}^ any tube. The leaves are ovate, stemless, and toothless, and grow oppositely in pairs, or in circles. Stem 6 inches long. Waste sandy places, Eastern States, generally near the coast. The flowers open only in sun- shine, and close at 4 o'clock. PLUMBAGO OR LEADWORT FAMILY. Plumbaginacece. Perennial herbs with small, perfect, regular flowers of five parts— i. e., five-lobed corolla, five stamens, and five styles ; the flower-tube funnel-formed and plaited ; the ovary one-celled and bearing a solitary seed. Seaside plants. A seaside plant with a slender much- Sea Lavender branched stem growing from a thick Rosemary woody root very astringent in character, Statice the branches rather erect. The leaves, Limonium also starting from the root, are blunt lance- var.C«ro?/?iianagbaped or obovate, long-stemmed, tooth- j j^^" less or nearly so, and tipped with a bristly September point ; the mid-rib is prominent. The branches bear many solitary, or 2-3 (in a group) tiny lavender flowers with a curious tooth be- tween each of the five tiny lobes ; the lobes of the calyx are also very acute. The character of the plant is branchy and naked-stemmed, w4th flowers so insignificant that the delicate lavender color is much eclipsed by the rather light subdued green. 1-2 feet high. In salt marshes from Me., south. Found in Nantucket, Mass. 350 Marsh Rosemary. 5td.tice limonium vc\r. Carol iniana. GENTIAN FAMILY. Gentianacese. GENTIAN FAMILY. Gentianaceo'. Smooth herbs with generally opposite leaves, toothless and stemless; Menyanihes and Limnanthemum are two exceptions to this rule. Flowers regular and perfect. the corolla with 4-12 lobes; alternating with these are a corresponding number of stamens. Fertilized mostly by the bees and the beelike flies. An erect and smooth annual naturalized esser from Europe, with several short branches Erythrie.a above, and elliptical or oblong light green Centaurium leaves, somewhat acute ; the uppermost Light magenta rather linear. The small tubular light une- magenta flowers five-lobed and very nearlv September ^^ , rr^, , ,* stemless. ihey are numerously borne at the summits of the branches. 6-12 inches high. Waste places and the shores of the Great Lakes, from Quebec to Illinois. The name Erythrcea is from the Greek. meaning red. The flowers are weak in color, and the plants are really more delicate than beautiful. „ „ A small species from Europe similar in Erythrcea '■ ,/..,, ramosissima many respects to the foregomg, but the Magenta=pink stem very much branched, the leaves oval June or long-ovate, the larger lower ones blunt. September ^j^^ upper small and acute. The flowers are magenta-pink, and, with few exceptions, distinctly stemmed. The tube of the corolla is nearly twice as long as the flve lobes of the calyx. 3-8 inches high. Waste places or fields, wet or shady, from southern N. Y. to east Pa. and Md. An erect and smooth annual naturalized Spiked fj,Qj^^ ^l^g qJ^ country, with small, blunt, Erythrcea oblong, light green leaves ; the upper ones spicata rather acute, and all more or less close to Magenta=pink the generally forking stem. The very small magenta-pink, or crimson-magenta flowers tubular and five-lobed, stemless and also close to the plant-stem, the tube of the corolla a little longer than the calyx-lobes. 6-16 inches high. Shores of F-^ntucket, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H. 352 Spiked Centau py Erythraea spicata. GENTIAN FAMILY. Qentianaceas. A not very uncommon wild flower in Sabbatia ^^^® swamps of the pine barrens of New Sabhatia Jersey, with white, starlike, five-lobed lanceolata flowers, nearly an inch broad, which in ^*^**^ fading turn yellowish, and ovate or lance- ber *~ shaped light green leaves with 3-5 ribs. The plant-stem slender, somewhat four- sided, branched above, or sometimes simple. The branches are borne relativeh^ opposite. The flowers are numerous. 1-3 feet high. Pine barrens N. J., to Fla. Rose Pink T\\Q, stem of this species is decidedly and Sabbatia sharply four-sided, it is also rather thick angularis and much branched. The light green White or Pink i^^ves are five-ribbed, ovate, acute at the July-August tip, and somewhat clasping at the base. The delicately fragrant flowers are an inch or more broad, pale crimson-pink or sometimes white, and marked in the centre with a yellow-green star (a charac- teristic of many of the Sabhatias). The stjde is cleft at the tip — i. e., two stigmas. The calyx-lobes are about one third as long as the corolla. 2-3 feet high. Fertile ground, N. Y. and Pa., west to Mich., and south. Sea Pink A pretty species common on salt mead- Sabbatia ows, with crimson-pink flow^ers as large sfellaris , as or larger than a nickel. The light '*'"'* green leaves oblong lance-shaped or lin- u y- ugus ^^^^^ ^j^^ uppermost small and bractlike. The numerous flowers are borne solitary at the ends of the branches ; the linear calyx-lobes almost equal (the rule is flexible) in length the lobes of the pale crimson- pink or white corolla. More than half the style is two- cleft, the stamens are golden yellow, and the centre of the flower is green-yellow edged with ochre or some- times red, 6-20 inches. Along the coast from Me. to Fla, Closely allied to the next into which it appears to pass. Like the preceding. The stem exceed- qracilis i^gly slender and much branched. The Pink leaves linear or linear lance-shaped, the uppermost almost threadlike. The ex- ceedingly narrow lobes of the calyx equal in length the 354 Sea. Pink. Sa^bbatia stellaris. Sabbatia. gracilis. OENTIAN FAMILY. Gentianacese. lobes of the corolla (rarely they are appreciably shorter). The style is about half-cleft. 1-2 feet high. Marshes, Nantucket, Mass. to N. J. , south to Fla. and La. The largest-flowered and most beautiful pjj^. member of the genus. The basal leaves Sabbat in blunt-tipped and tapering toward the base, vhJoroides the upper light green leaves diminishing Crimson^pink ^^ lance-shape and linear. The few crim- July-August • 1 r, 1^-1 son-pmk nowers are nearly two inches broad, with generally ten obovate corolla lobes (an equal number of linear calyx, lobes), each marked with a three-pointed ochre-edged, green-yellow base which contributes to the beauty of the central star- figure of the flower ; the stamens are golden yellow, and the style is deeply two-cleft. The flower is visited most fre- quently by bees and the flies of the genus Syrphidce. The wiry stems, simple or branching very little, are 1-2 feet high. Rarely the flowers are white. On sandy margins of brackish ponds from Mass. to Fla. and Ala. , near the coast. Fringed The most famous member of the beauti- Gentian ful Gentian group, remarkable not so Gentiana much for its blue color as for the delicate. Pale violet= misty quality of that color, and the ex- biue pressiveness of the flower-form. The September- plant is an annual with a leafy, perpen- October dicular, branched stem, the branches erect, somewhat four-angled, and each bearing a single ter- minal flower. The flower is deep vase-shaped with four rounded, light violet-blue lobes deeply fringed and spreading horizontally only in the sunshine ; the color varies from pale to deep violet-blue, with occasionally a ruddy tinge, but never with a suspicion of true blue, though lines of a deeper blue- violet appear on the outer surface of the corolla. The large four-pointed calyx is four-sided, and generally a bronzy, yellow-green. The yellow-green leaves are ovate-lance-shaped or narrower, and they are conspicuouslj^ opposite. 1-3 feet high. In low moist ground from Me. to the Daks. , south to Iowa, and in the mountains of Ga. 356 Fringed Gentian. Gentiana cpinita. RosePinK Sabba^tiaangularis. GENTIAN FAMILY. Oentianaceae. „ .. A similar annual species with lance- serrata linear or linear leaves, a stem but little Light violet= branched with a few blunt wedge-shaped ^''"^ leaves at the base, and violet-blue flowers uly-Septem= j^g^^iy ^^ large as those of the preceding species with the fringe at the summit of the corolla short, or reduced to mere teeth. 4-18 inches high. Moist ground from western N. Y. to Minn, and Iowa. Also an annual ; the stem ridged and Gentiana four-sided. The leaves, in general, ovate, quinqneflora sharply pointed at the tip, slightly clasp- Light violet = ing at the base, and with 3-7 ribs. The **'"^ very light violet-blue or lilac flowers clus- o"t^b* tered at the apex of the branches in groups of 2-7 but generally 5. The flowers smaller, scarcely an inch long, tubular, and terminating in five triangular small bristle-j)ointed lobes. A common spe- cies in the west, attractive but not so beautiful as the Fringed Gentian. 8-22 inches high. Moist hillsides from Me., south, and west to Mich, and Mo., generally in the mountains ; it is found at an altitude of over 6000 feet on the peaks of N. Car. Occasional in Vt. , and absent in central N. H. A handsome perennial species with Downy Gentian „ • i i. n • ^ i Gentiana usually a smgle stem, generally mmutely puberida hairy and rough, and with narrow^ rigid, Blue^violet lance-shaped light green leaves, the up- August- permost nearly linear. The blue- violet flowers are bell-shaped with five triangu- lar lobes, rather open-spreading. The calyx has five linear lobes quite rough to the touch. The flowers are borne in terminal clusters or at the bases of the leaves, and are seldom if ever solitary. 8-17 inches high. On prairies and in fields from western N. Y. and Ohio to S. Dak. and Kan., south to Ga. and Ky. Common in the vicinity of Minneapolis, the Minnehaha Falls, and on the dry borders of the great wheat-fields of Minnesota. 358 k Downy Gentian. ^rGentianapubepula. GENTIAN FAMILY. Qentianacese. A familiar species of the Middle and Soap wort Western States closely resembling the Gentiana Bottle Gentian. The pale blue-violet, or Saponaria light lilac-blue flower is only parti}' open, Pale blue» the five lobes are blunt, erect, slightly cut ^'^'** at the tip, and the flower-cup is club- October shaped, the anthers within cohering in a ring. The light green leaves are com- monly ovate lance-shaped, three-ribbed, and pointed at either end, the edges rough. The flowers form a terminal cluster; a few grow from the leaf-angles. They are frequented by honeybees and bumblebees ; Bom- biis americanorum is a conmion visitor. Both this Gentian and the preceding one ripen their pollen before the stigma is receptive and cross-fertilization is there- fore inevitable. The smooth and slender stem is 12-27 inches high. The juice of the plant is soapj'. In wet woodlands from N. Y., west to Minn., and south. A perennial. In the east this is the ^, . r: -*• commonest of all Gentians; it is remark- Closed uentian Gentiana able for its tight -closed bottle -shaped Andreii'sii corolla, which is contracted by plaits white- Violet=blue striped, white at the base and an intense ugus - violet-blue at the apex ; sometimes the October ^ blue approaches ultramarine. The medium (sometimes rusty) green leaves are smooth, ovate lance- shaped, pointed at the tip, and generally narrowed at the base. The flowers are mostly crowded in a terminal cluster, but some grow from the leaf-bases; all are set close to the leaves, which are conspicuously arranged in pairs. Bumblebees not infrequently force an entrance into the corolla, and self-fertilization is sometimes ques- tionable. The smooth, round stem 1-2 feet high. Rich woodland borders, Me. to S. Dak., south to Ga. and Mo. A much less common Gentian frequent- Gentiana . . • i tj. • ^.i i linearis ^"^ mountam bogs. It IS a smooth, slen- Light blue- der-stemmed perennial, with light green violet linear or lance-linear leaves with three August- j.jijg^ acute at either end. The pale blue- p em er violet flower-cup is contracted to a funnel- form with rather scallop-shaped lobes ; the light green, 360 Bottle Gentian. Qentiana Andrewsii GENTIAN FAMILY. Gentianaceas. simple, round stem is 10-24 inches high. Wet situations among the mountains of N. Eng. and N. Y., south to Md. Found at high elevations of the Adirondack and Green Mountains. A greenish white-flowered species with Gentiana „ , ,. , . ... ochroleuca ^ corolla narrowly open, display mg withm Greenish white stripes of magenta-lilac on a greenish September- veined background, the lobes somewhat November triangular and with a tooth. The flowers are mostly in terminal clusters. The medium green leaves obovate, the uppermost acute at the tip, the lower ones blunt and short, all narrow at the base. Slender stem 8-16 inches high. Shaded woodland borders from southern N. J. and Pa., south. ^, ^. A smaller and exceedingly delicate and Gentiana . , ^ ■, , . angustifolia pretty species mostly confined to the pme Light ultra- barrens of the Southern States, with a marine blue simple or sometimes branching stem, and August- witli solitary, bright light ultramarine blue flowers (often speckled within) at the apex of the stem or its branches ; they are much larger than bluebells. The five lobes of the corolla are deeply cut, ovate, and open-spreading. The small linear leaves are less than 2 inches long. 6-15 inches high. In moist situations from southern N. J., south. An attenuated, slender, stiff-stemmed Yellow little plant, simple or with a few erect Bartonia branches, destitute of leaves, but with tenella small awl-shaped opposite-growing scales Greenish closely hugging the stem, which is a trifle yellow angled, all a yellow-green. The lower s ' ♦ scales are close together, the upper become more and more separated. The yello^v, bell-shaped flowers of a greenish tone, with four blunt (often slightly toothed) lobes, are arranged oppositely on the plant-stem, the peduncles (flower-stems) about as long as or longer than the flower. The flowers are mostly terminal but inconspicuous on account of their uncertain coloring. 4-14 inches high. In thin woods, pastures, and dry cranberry bogs, but mostly in damp soil, from Me., south, and west to Mich. 362 Gentiana angustifolia.. Baptoniatenella. DOGBANE FAMILY. Apocynacem, DOGBANE FAMILY. Apocyiiacece. Chiefly a tropical family with few representatives in our range. Plants with an acrid, milky juice, closely related to the Milkweed Family. Leaves opposite (gen- erallj') and toothless. Flowers perfect, five-parted : sta- mens as many as the lobes of the corolla (flower-cup), the latter rolled up in the bud. Fertilized mostly by butterflies and bees. A somewhat tall and shrublike plant, prea ing with a smooth, slender, branching stem, Apocynum generally reddish on the side exposed to androsoimi- sunlight. The opposite growing, lustre- folium Iggg light blue-green, ovate leaves are White=pink toothless, and ruddy short-stalked. The June-July delicate and beautiful little bell-shaped flowers are white-pink, five-lobed, and lily-of-the-valley- like, striped with pink on the inside of the cup. The clusters are small and terminate the branches ; their most frequent visitors are bees and butterflies, and among the latter are the ever-present little yellow Colias j)hilodicea.nd the handsome monarch {Anosiaplexippus). Miiller says the flower is fertilized by butterflies, and cements its pollen to their tongues. An insect insepara- ble from the dogbane is the so-called dogbane beetle {Chrysochus auratus), jewellike and resplendent in met- aUic red and green of incomparable lustre; it is scarcely i inch long (see Familiar Features of the Roadside, p. 178). 1-4 feet high. Common in half -shaded fleld bor- ders, or in thickets throughout the north, and south to Ga. A far less attractive species w4th green- Aioc^nmT^ ish white, tiny flowers erectly five-pointed. cannabinuvi Similar to the above in other respects, but Greenish white less spreading and more upright. The June-August leaves narrower and abruptly acute. 1-3 feet high. On sandy river-hanks, in fields, and in thick- ets everywhere. Both species found in Campton, N. H. The name is Greek in origin — a;ro, from, and hvgov, a dog. 364 Spreading Dogbane. Indian Hemp. ,. ,.^^ Apocynum andposaemifolium. Apocvnum cannabium^. MILKWEED FAMILY. Asclepiadaceae. MILKWEED FAMILY. Asclepiadacece. Milky- juiced plants with large leaves, and flowers deeply five-parted, the sepallike corolla segments turned absolutely back at the time of bloom ; the so-called co- rona within with its five concave parts thus fully ex- posed ; the anthers and stigma remarkably connected, and the pollen cohering in waxlike, granular, pear- shaped masses not unlike those of the Orchids. The masses quite frequently become attached to the feet of bees, and the entanglement causes tlieir death. The flowers are almost exclusivel}^ fertilized b}- bees and the beelike flies (see Miiller's Fertilization of Flower's). The handsomest member of the genus, with brilliant light orange or orange-yel- low flowers, in erect flat-topped clusters at the termination of the branches. Leaves light olive green, narrow oblong, or lance- shaped, hairy beneath, and veiny, nearly or quite stemless. The juice is very slightly if at all milky. The stem some- The slender pods are borne erect on a short stalk with an S curve. 1-2 feet high. Common in dry fields everywhere, especially south. Found on Cape Cod. A misnamed species, as its flowers are pure crimson or else crimson- magenta; but they are never purple. The stem is usu- ally simple, green, and magenta- tinged at the leaf junctures. Leaves ovate, and finely hairy beneath ; smooth above. The flowers are \ inch long, with broad horns abruptly pointed inward. 2-3 feet high. Common in dry fields and thickets. Me., south to Ga. ,* w^est to Minn. A similar, rather smooth species, the stem with two downy lines above and on the branches of the flower-stalks. The leaves narrow , or lance-shaped ; all short- stalked. The small flowers in small termi- nal flat-topped clusters, dull light crimson or dull crimson-pink. 2-4 feet high. Com- mon in swamps throughout our range. 366 Butterfly Weed or Pleu= risy Root Asclepias tuberosa Light orange June- September what rough. Purple Milkweed Asclepias purpiirascens Magenta= crimson June-August Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata Dull light crimson July- September Butterfly Weed U^ Asclepiastubeposa. MILKWEED FAMILY. Asclepiadaceae, The var. pulchra is more or less hairy, has broader, shorter-stalked leaves, and dull crimson or pink or even pink-white flowers. Common north, south to Ga. The commonest of all the Asclepias, and Common i , , n • i • , Milkweed remarkable for its cloymgly sweet, some- Asclepias what pendulous flower-cluster, which is Cornuti most aesthetic in color ; it varies from pale PaIebrown= brownish lilac to pale lavender-brown, July-August ^^^ from dull crimson-pink and pink-lilac to yellowish (the horns particularly) and brownish lavender. Gray's and Britton and Brown's "green-purple" is a misleading color description; the authors of Wild Flowers of the Northeastern States (p. 434) are quite correct in their description of this flower-color and all others. The broad oblong leaves and stem of the plant are verj^ finely hairy, the color is light yellow-green, and the ribs are yellowish. The rough-surfaced seed-pod is filled with the silkiest of white down, attached to flat yellow-brown seeds, over- lapping each other like the scales of a fish. The flower- clusters are borne at the junction of leaf-stem and plant-stem. The flowers are mostlj^ fertilized by bees, who not infrequently lose their lives by their feet be- coming inextricably entangled with the pollen masses, or caught in the fissures of tlie corona (described fully in William Hamilton Gibson's My Studio Neighbors, p. 232). 3-5 feet high. Common everywhere. Asclepias Fs\e magenta-purple-stained green flow- obtusifolia ers in a solitary terminal cluster. The ob- Lilac=green long, wavy leaves with a clasping base July-August somewhat heart-shaped. Rather uncom- mon northward, but frequent in the south. Found in sandy soil near Burlington, Vt. A rather tall milkweed with large ivory Milkweed o^' cream-wdiite flowers, whose reflexed Asclepias corolla-segments are green or magenta- phytolaccoides tinged on the outer surface ; the flowers Cream white looggU. clustered and drooping. The rather June-August , -i ^, . i -^ i . •., large leaves are thin and pointed at either end ; the stem is slender and 3-6 feet high. One of our most dainty and beautiful w^ld flowers. Common on 36S Common MilKweed. Asclepids Cornuti. CONVOLVULUS FAMILY. Convolvulaceae. the borders of thickets and woods throughout the north, and south to Ga. Found near Lake Dun more, Vt. _ . ^ An early-flowering species with deUcate Four=leaved . , r. , Milkweed magenta-pnik flowers, the reflexed lobes Asclepias of which are palest pink. The stem is quadrifoiia slender and generally leafless below, bear- Magenta=pink j^^^ about two circles of four leaves about the middle and two pairs of opposite smaller leaves at the upper part of the stem. The plant is delicate and small, with few flower-clusters. 1-2 feet high. Woods and copses, throughout the north, and south to N. Car. , , . An extremelv small narrow-leaved plant Asclepias • , , i "^ i ^ , verticillata with a slender stem leafy at the summit. Green=white The leaves smooth and very narrowly lin- J"ly- ear, generally grouped in circles of 4-7. September Flowers greenish white. 1-2 feet high. Common on dry hills, especially so south. Me., west to S. Dak., and south. CONVOLVULUS FAMILY. ConvolvulacecE. Herbs, in our range, with twining or trailing stems, alternate leaves, and regular, perfect flowers with gen- erally a bell-shaped or funnel-formed corolla, and five stamens. Flowers visited by the honeybee and bumble- bee. Self-fertilized as well as cross-fertilized. The name from the Latin convolvo, to roll together. A small, erect or slightly twining plant. Bindweed scarcely a foot long, with blunt, oval. Convolvulus light green leaves, heart-shaped at the spithariKxxis base, short -stemmed, about 1-2 inches White long. Funnel-formed white flowers about 2 inches long, borne singly. Calyx in- closed in two large leafy bracts. In sandy or rocky fields. Me., south and west. A smooth-stemmed vine with arrow- Bindweed shaped, triangular, grayish green leaves, Convolvulus slender - stemmed and acute - pointed. septum Handsome bell-shaped or funnel-shaped 370 poke MilKweed Asclepia^s phytoUccoides, Foup-leaved Milkweed. Asclepia^s quadrifolid. CONVOLVULUS FAMILY. Convolvulacese. White, pink= flowers ranging from pure white to pink- tmged tinged borne singly on long stems; the June-August r, , n ^i ,.-i nve stamens cream yellow, the pistil white. The five-parted calyx is inclosed in two pale green bracts. The flower generally closes before noon: it is sometimes over 2 inches broad and 3 long. Vine 3-10 feet long. Along moist roadsides and borders of fields, climbing over shrubbery, from Me., south to N. Car., west to S. Dak. and Utah. Also in Europe. A more or less fine-hairy, trailing species, Trailing with simple or slightly branched stem, and Bindweed ovate or oblong leaves, arrow-shaped or Jpimn^v&r. sliglitly heart-shaped at the base, 1-2 repens ' inches long. Flowers white or pink-tinged, White or pink= borne singly on long stalks, and about 2 *'"^^^ inches long. Calyx inclosed in two ovate ugus bj.j^cts. 1-3 feet long. Common. A smooth-stemmed, veiy slender species ^'"^" with oblong and arrow-shaped gray-green mdwee leaves, the lateral lobes of which are acute. Convolvulus arvensis Small flowers not over 1 inch long, white White or pink= or pink-tinged, and generally borne in tinged clusters of two. The calyx u'ithout leafy i""^' ^ bracts at the base. 1-2 feet long. In September , , , „ n.r i fields and waste places from Me., south to X. J. and Pa., and west to Kan. A miserable parasite often troublesome Dodder "^ gardens, but found in low, damp, shady Cuscuta situations. It climbs high upon other Gronovii plants by twining closely about their Dull white stalks and exhausting their juices through " ^~ a thousand tiny suckers. Its threadlike, twisting stem varies in color from dull yellow to dull orange, it is crowded with bunches of tiny dull white bell-shaped flowers having five lobes. The calyx is greenish white. All the dodders start at first from the ground, but finally securing a Convenient plant upon which to climb, the root in the earth dies and they be- come parasitic. Common everywhere. 372 Hedge Bindweed. *^ Convolvulus sepium. Common Dodder. Cu5cuta Oronovii BORAGE FAMILY. Boraginaceae. smooth stem, and dark green acute lance-shaped or oblong leaves, has escaped from cultivation in some of the east- ern States, and is established permanently in many lo- calities, generally adjoining old dwellings. 2-6 feet high. . ,, . . A smooth perennial with slender and Greek Valerian on t • -, Polemonixim weak stems nnaliy reclining, and com- reptans pound alternately growing leaves formed Light violet of 5-15 ovate lance-shaped leaflets ; the up- April-May permost leaves generally simple ; all tooth- less. Flowers about ^ inch long, liglit blue-violet oi- rarely white, in loose clusters and nodding — bluebell- like. 8-13 inches high. In thin w^oods, N. Y., south to Ga., west to Minn, and Mo. ^, . ^^ A much rarer species, found only bv the Jacob s Ladder ^ , . , n Polemonium mountain Streams and in the swamps of cceruleum. the north. It has a stout horizontal root Violet from which spread numerous rootlets, May-July ^^,-^j^ erect stems smooth and leafy to the top. Leaves compound like those of the preceding- species, the lower ones consisting of 15-19 nearly stem- less, ovate pointed leaflets. Flowers numerous in a somewhat long cluster, bright violet, and nearly 1 inch broad, with conspicuous stamens and style, the five lobes of the corolla rounded. 1-2| feet high. From Vermont and northern N. Y., south to Md. Common only in the far north. Found at Abby Pond, Ripton, Vt. BORAGE FAMILY. Boraginacece In our range annual or perennial herbs with rough- hairy stems and generally alternate, toothless, rough leaves. The blue-violet flower perfect and regular with a five-lobed corolla {Echiinn excepted), and five stamens. Flowers mostly in one-sided spikes, which at first are somewhat rolled up, straightening as the blossoms ex- pand. Cross-fertilized mostly by butterflies and bees. An ill-smelling biennial with a fiiie- TyZgioslunr^ ^i^i^T, stout, branching stem, and with officinale laiice-shaped leaves stemless, except the Magenta basal ones which are oblong and long J""^~ slender-stemmed. The small magenta September ^^ ^.^^.^^^ ^^,j^.^g flowers, five-lobed, and 37/(>.sofis escaped from cultivation, and found in palHstris wet ground or marshes. A perennial with Light blue slender, sprawling, fine-hairy steins, and ay- u y gray-green oblong lance-shaped leaves, stemless or nearly so. The small light blue flowers with a golden eye, in small clusters somewhat curved. 6-15 inches high. Beside brooks and in wet places from Me. , south to Pa., and west. A native of Europe and Asia. A species similar in many respects to Smaller ^Yiq foregoing, with the fine-hairiness Muosotis laxa lending close to stem and leaf, the leaves blunt and oblong, and the very small and pale light blue flowers on long stems, loosely clustered. The calyx lobes as long as the flower-tube. 6-19 inches high. Wet places. Me., south to Tenn., west to Wis. ^ , ^ An annual or biennial species, with very Spring For= , . , , . i , , , get=me=not bristly-hany stems and leaves, the latter Mi/osotis v^rna oblong and obtuse. The white flowers White small ; the calyx unequally five-cleft, April-June bristly, with some of the bristles hooked at the tips. 3-15 inches high. On dry banks from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Tex. ^ ^ ..A rough-hairv annual or biennial, with Corn Qrom well , , . " t /. ,• Lithospermum ^rect, branchmg stems and foliage resem- arvense bling that of MyosoHs, but a brighter White green. The small white flowers scattered May-August ^^^ ^^le spikes and stemless or nearly so. 6-18 inches high. Sandy roadsides and fields from Me., south to Ga., and west to Mich, and Kan. A similar taller species with a much- Lithospermum branched stem, gray-green, few-veined. Cream white I'ough, and stemless leaves rather broad lance-shaped. The cream white flowers with corollas funnel-formed and a little longer than the five-pointed hairy calyx. 1-3 feet high. New Eng., 380 Fopget-me-not. Myosotis palustrii. BORAGE FAMILY. Boraginacex. west to Minn. Both of tliese last species are naturalized from Europe. Litliospermum is formed of the Greek words stone and seed, referring to the hard seed. Lithospermum ^^ indigenous species, the so-called conescens Puccoon of the Indians. A perennial, Orange=yeIlow soft-hairy and rather hoary, with obtuse March-June linear-oblong leaves, stemless and hairy. The orange-yellow flowers w^ith a broad corolla, salver- formed and five-lobed, about | inch long. 6-18 inches high. Cross-fertilized by bees and butterflies ; some of the latter are Papilio ajax, PapiUo aster ias, Colias philodice, and Os)iiia cobaltina. In dry soil, Me., south to N. J. and Ala., and west to Minn., S. Dak., Kan., and Ariz. Rare in New Eng. The roots yield a red dye. A densely' harsh-hairy perennial herb, Qromwell ^^^® hairs of which lean toward stem and Onosmodium leaf, the stem slender and branching. The Virginionum light green leaves oblong lance-shaped. Cream white Flowers cylindrical, cream white, with five long sharp lobes ; the style threadlike and extending far beyond the mouth of the corolla ; the calyx with five sharp segments ; the flower-cluster at first curved, finally erect and long. Flowers i inch long. The flower matures the stigma before the anthers ; it is mostly cross-fertilized by the butterflies. 1-2 feet high. Banks and hillsides from Me., south, and west to Kan. A rough-bristly annual species, natural- Small Bugloss . . . -c, VI u 1 Luconsis ^^^^ from Europe, with a branchmg stem arvensis and lance-sliaped leaves. The light blue- Light violet violet flowers in crowded clusters, the *'""^" calyx nearly as long as the curved corolla. ep em er ^^ ^^^^ high. In fields and on roadsides near dwellings, from Me. to Pa. and Va. The name Greek, Xvho<3, a wolf, and otpi^, a face : but the flower's face scarcely looks that way ! Sometimes called blueweed, and in fact Bueloss ^ flower sufficient!}^ approaching a blue Echium vulgare tone to justify the name: but the blos- Blue=violet soms actually range between lilac, purple, June-July ^^^^ violet of a bluish cast. It is a bien- exceedingly bristly-hairy stem, and hairy- 382 €^'«^ .^ ^J^ ('WO f , Viper's Bugloss, Echium vulgare VERVAIN FAMILY. Verbenacese, silvery light green leaves, linear lance-shai3ed, tootblesSj and stemless. The flowers are rather showy, tubular or vase-shaped with five rounded unequal divisions ; the four stamens, which, with the pistil, are pink, extend far beyond the limit of the corolla. The flower-spike one-sided, at first closely coiled, but finally long and but slightly curved ; the blossoms are pink, but the mature flower is light ultramarine violet. 1-2^ feet high. Road- sides and pastures from Me. to Va., and west to Nev. and S. Dak. Naturalized from Europe. The name Greek, exi^, meaning a viper. Rare in central N. H. VERVAIN FAMILY. Verbenaceo'. Generally herbs (at least in our range) with opposite leaves and perfect, more or less irregular flowers in ter- minal clusters. The corolla with united petals, uniform in shape, or two-lipped, the tube generally cylindrical and spreading into 4-5 lobes. Four stamens, two long and two short, or very rarelj^ only two. Probablj' self- fertilized, though cross-fertilization may occur, assisted by the honeybee, bumblebee, and the beelike flies. A troublesome annual weed with a four- European sided, slender, nearly smooth, brandling Verbena stem, and minuteh' hairy leaves, deeply ufflcinalis cleft and sharp-toothed ; the upper ones Purplish lance-shaped and toothless, the lower or white ovate and sharply divided; all deep green. September "^^^ small pale purple or white flow^ers in branching spikes about 5 inches long, in- conspicuous and uninteresting. 1-3 feet high. In waste places everywhei-e. Naturalized from Europe. A similar perennial species with white White y .^ flowers; usually with erect slightly rough- Verbena hairy stem four-sided and grooved, and xirticcefolia coarsely toothed, deep green leaves, all or White nearly all with distinct stems, acute, and " ^~ slightly hairy. The flower-spikes at length very long, the white flowers very small. 3-5 feet high. In fields and waste places, from Me., south, and west to Minn., S. Dak., and Tex. 38a White Vervain. I Verbena urticaefolia VERVAIN FAMILY. Verbenaceae. A small, rough-hairy species with a slen- Narrow=Ieaved ^^ • i ^ t t Vervain *^^^'' often simple stem. Leaves linear and Verbena lance-shaped, the lower ones broad at the angustifolia tip and wxdge-shaped at the base, all more Pale violet ^j. j^gg toothed and veiny. Flower-spikes few or single, densely clustered with pale violet flowers about j inch wide. 8-22 inches high. Diy borders of fields. Mass. , south, and west to Minn, and Ark. . One of the handsomest 3-et commonest Verbena members of the genus. The stem erect, hastata stout, four-sided and grooved, roughish^ Deep purple and dull green. The short-stemmed leaves **"'^~ dark green, lance-shaped or oblong lance- shaped, acutely incised with double teeth, and with a rough surface ; the lower leaves are more or less three-lobed. The flower-spikes are numerous and branch upward like the arms of a candelabra ; the flowers bloom from the foot of the cluster upw^ard, a few at a time, leaving behind a long line of purple- tinged calyx ; the tiny blossoms are deep purple or violet — either one hue or the other. The flowers never approach blue or any hue allied to it, so the common name is misleading. Verbena hastata is a special fa- vorite of the bumblebee, and it is also closely attended by the honej'bee and the bees of the genus Halictus. The smaller butterflies are also occasional visitors, among them the wdiite Pieris protodice. 3-7 feet high. In fields everywhere. Rare in central N. H. A tall plant. The stalk is four-sided, Phruma hollow^ and strong-fibred, branching di- leptostachya vergeiitly above. The deep green leaves Crimsoned ^re thin, coarsely toothed, and arranged magenta ^^^ pairs, each pair set at right angles with the next ; the upper leaves nearly stemless and ovate pointed ; the lower oval. The slender flower- i^pike bears little two-lipped flowers (the lower lip is three-parted) set in pairs at right angles with each other. The flowers are crimson-pink with a magenta tinge. The blackish seed-receptacle hook-pointed. In w^oods. Me., soutli, west to Minn, and Kan. 386 BlueVervd^in. Verbena. hdsta.t2L MINT FAMILY. Labiatas. MINT FAMILY. Labiatce. A large family of aromatic herbs, the foliage of which is covered with tiny glands containing a strong-scented volatile oil of a peppei-y character ; the different species superficially resemble one another. The flowers are usually small, tubular, with an entire or two-lobed upper lip and a three-lobed lower Up. The stem is generally square, and the leaves grow opposite each other. The tin}^ flowers are gathered in more or less conspicuous spikes, or are clustered at the base of the leaves ; tliey are honey-bearing, and are almost exclusively cross-fer- tilized by honeybees, bumblebees, and the smaller bees. The name from Ldbice, the lips. This is an annual species whose light vio- let, magenta-pink, or rarely white flow- ers are generally in pairs at the terminating branchlets of the somewhat woolly-sticky stiff stem. The leaves are narrowly oblong or lance-shaped, and a trifle sticky, with an aromatic pennyroyallike odor. The flowers are too scattered to form a panicle or cluster, and they are remarkable for the extraordinary length of the violet stamens which ex- tend in a curving line far beyond the five-lobed corolla, or flower-cup — hence the name Blue Curls. The Latin name also refers to the hairlike stamens. After the co- rolla fades and falls, the little nutlets within the calyx are in plain view. 6-20 inches high. In dry sandy fields, from Me., south, and west to Pa, and Ky. A very similar species with a slender woolly stem, ascending branches, and very narrow linear leaves, stemless and smooth. In sandy fields and dry pine barrens near the coast, from Long Island and Conn., south to La. A slender branching annual with lance- shaped, toothless or slightly toothed, conspicuously three-ribbed leaves, and ex- tremely regular-lobed flowers (for one of the family Labiatce), with five nearly equal, obovate, spreading divisions. The 388 Blue Curls or Bastard Pennyroyal Tricftostetna dichotomuni Pale violet or magenta July September Trichostema linear e Pale violet, etc. July-August False Pennyroyal Isanthus ccemleus Pale violet July- September Blue Curls. Tpjchostema dichotomum. MINT FAMILY. Labiatae. pistil greatly exceeds the stamens in length, the latter scarcely extending beyond the corolla ; it is evident, therefore, that the flower is cross-fertilized. The most frequent visitors are the bumblebees, the honej^bees, and the smaller butterflies, chief among which are Pieris rapce, w^hite, and Colias x>Mlodice, yellow. American -A- downy perennial with a stiff perpen- Germander dicular stem, and light green, unevenly or Wood Sage toothed leaves, lance-shaped and fine- eiu ) lum hairv , particularlv underneath. The rather Canadense ' ^ .^ . ■, , -, Pale purple long flower-spike with tlie large nearly |- or magenta inch-long flowers arranged in circles, pur- Ju'y- pie, deeper or paler, and sometimes ma- September genta, or a pinkish white. The lower lobe of the flower broad and prominent, forming a convenient landing for visiting bees. 1-2 feet high. Moist thicket borders, or marshes. Me., south, and west to Minn., S. Dak., Neb., and Kan. A stout-stemmed, yellow-flowered per- **R**h W d *^^^^^^1 species, tall and branching, with CoUinsonia large ovate shai'iily toothed leaves and a Canadensis nearly smooth stem. The pale yellow Pale yellow flowers with 2 long divergent stamens and " ^~ a prominent pistil, strongly lemon-scented. Flower-cluster very loose. Named for Peter CoUinson, an early amateur botanist. 2-4 feet high. In damp rich woodlands, from Me., south, west to Wis. and Kan. A coarse and aromatic perennial species ., introduced into the gardens of this coun- ocymoides » White trj' from China and India, and escaped to July- roadsides near dwellings. The large, ovate, September coarsely toothed leaves deep purple-tinged beneath, and with a bronze tone above, the green com- pletely suffused with the other color. Strongly scented. Plowers tiny, in terminal clusters, and dull white or pale magenta. 1-3 feet high. In waste places, southern N. Y. to 111. 390 Rich Weed Col 1 1 nson la Canadensis. MINT FAMILY. Labiatas. The genus Mentha is a tribe of odorous perennial herbs with httle tubular flowers mostly in close clusters ; the plant-stems square. Almost all the species are natural- ized from Europe, and there are many hybrids. Name from MivQr/ (of Theophrastus), a Nymph. The mints are commonly fertilized by the order Biptera (the flies), and particularly by the genera Syrpliidce and Bombylidce. u »/.. -L Flowers in rather crowded, slender, Horse Mint ' ' Mentha leafless spikes, sometimes disconnected. syh-estris Leaves ovate-oblong and ovate lance- Pale purple shaped, almost stemless, sharp-pointed July- ugus ^^^^ sharply tootlied, often smooth above, but the whole plant generally finely white-haired. Plant- stem square. 18 inches high. Roadsides and field- borders. Pa. and N. J. The var. alopecuroides with larger leaves, stemless, broadly oval and obtuse, often approaching heart-shape, coarsely toothed and more veiny. Southern N. Y., Pa., and N. J., west to Mo. Flowers variable in depth of color ; clus- Speartnint ^qj.^ crowded like those of the preced- Mentha viridis . • i . ■ n i p J J mg species, but especialh" narrow and July-August pointed. Plant-stem green, square, and nearly smooth. Leaves oblong or ovate lance-shaped, unevenly toothed and stemless or verj^ nearly so. 12-20 inches high or more. Wet places and roadsides in cultivated ground, everywhere. p rmint Flowers in narrow, loose, disconnected, Mentha leafless, terminal spikes, and often on a piperita rather long stem proceeding from between Pale purple ^\^q plant-stem and leaf-stem. Leaves u y- ugus long-ovate, deep green, smooth, and regu- larly toothed, slightly rough beneath, and very hot- tasting. Plant-stem purplish, 18-36 inches high. Along brooks and in cultivated ground everywhere. „, ^ ... The flowers in a roundish or nearly Water Mint , , . , , „ , , Mentha oblong terminal cluster ; frequently there aqnatira are ouc or more clusters between the Pale purple plant-stem and the upper leaf -stems. August- Leaves ovate or round-ovate. The plant is characterized by downy hairs (rarely it is smoothish) which generally point dowmcard. Wet 392 Peppermint. Mentha piperita. MINT FAMILY. Labiatae. Corn Mint Mentha arvi'ii>iis Light purple July-August Wild Mint Mentha arvensis vai Can((densiii White or lilac^white July-Sep= tember places from N. Eng. to Pa., Del., and Ga. Not com- mon. 18-28 inches high or more. In the var. crispa the plant is smooth, but the green flower-cup is hairy; it has also torn-toothed leaves somewhat curled. Swamps and roadside ditches. Southern N. Y., N. J., and Pa. The tiny bell-shaped flowers clustered in circles about the plant-stem at the junc- tion with leaf-stems. Leaves ovate, blunt- toothed, and distinctly stemmed. Not a common species. 6-20 inches long. Found in moist fields. N. Eng., N. Y., and Pa., south. The only native mint. The lilac-white or white flowers oblong bell-shaped, with a short-toothed edge ; the clusters ar- ranged as in the preceding species. Leaves conspicuously tapering from the centre toward both ends, coarsely toothed, ovate-oblong or lance-shaped, and rough- ish, or nearly smooth. The plant is more or less hairy throughout, and has the odor of Penny- royal. In wet places south to Va., and through the northern United States across the continent. 10-28 in- ches high. This mint, according to Prof. Charles Robert- son, is visited in Illinois b}^ the fly Jurinia smaragdina. A mintlike weed with small white flowers remotely suggesting a bugle shape. Stem slender, four-angled, and generally smooth. The light green leaves ovate lance-shaped and very coarsely toothed. The tiny flowers clustered at the bases of the leaves have but two perfect stamens ; the other two, if present, are quite abortive. Fertilized mostly by the beelike flies, and the small bees of the genus Halictiis. 6-24 inches high. Common. A similar species, with some leaves so deeply toothed that they appear incised, and others incised to an appearance of lobes. The stiff stem generally smooth, simple or branched. The flower-cup tiny and but little larger than its green calyx. 1-2 feet high. Common. Bugleweed LycopKs Virginicus White July-Sep= tember Cut^leaved Water More hound Locoyim nnuatns White June-Sep= tember ')4 Wild Mint, ^ Leafot 'iM.apvensis. Mentha arvensis var. Canadensis. MINT FAMILY. Labiatas. A coarse, stiff, aromatic perennial natu- Hyssopus ralized from Europe. Slender-stemmed officinalis and lance-leaved ; the leaves stiff and Pale violet pointed at either end. The tubular flowers June-Sep- with projecting stamens, crowded at the angles of the leaves at the upper part of the plant. 1-3 feet high. Waste places and roadsides near dwellings, from Me., south to N. Car., and west. This is a stout and stiff-stemmed species Mountain with a slight fragrance of mint ; but unlike PycLnthemum ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ *"^^ ^^'^'^^^ ^^^ ^orne in lanceolatum a somewhat flat-topped cluster. Leaves White stemless or nearly so, lance-shaped, tooth- purple=dotted iggg^ and slightly aromatic ; stem smooth " ^" or very slightly hairy, and very leafy. The flowers lilac-white, purjDle-spotted, standing out from the globular heads. 1-3 feet high. In dry fields, or pastures, or on the borders of thickets, from Vt. and Mass., south to Ga., west to Minn, and Neb. The name meaning crowded flower-clusters. A similar species, with smooth linear Pycnanthemum leaves, sharp-pointed and light green. White'"" ^^^^ ^^®"^ ^^^ ^^^^'^^ ^^^^- ^^^^ *^"^^ flowers purple^dotted '^^'hite, speckled or dotted with purple. 1- 2 feet high. Dry fields, N. H., south, and west to Minn, and Tex. Found in Campton, N. H., but rare ; occasional in Vt. A small annual, exceedingly odorous, American usually found in dry pastures. The stem He""onm^ erect, finely hairy, with upward-reaching pulegioides branches ; the small light olive-green Pale light leaves with few teeth, ovate lance-shaped. ^'***^* blunt-pointed, and narrowed at the base. tember**'" The tiny pale violet or lavender, tubular flowers with a three-lobed under lip. Fer- tilized mostly by bumblebees, honeybees, and the smaller bees. 6-15 inches high. Common in dry fields every- where, but not found in Campton, N. H., nor any-where in the vicinity of the White Mts. The essential oil of Pennyroyal is said to be efficacious in driving away mosquitoes. 39^ Mountain Mint PycnAnthemum liniyolium. MINT FAMILY. Labiatae. A slightly rough-hairy, slender plant, Sage with conspicuous light violet flowers Salvia lyrata nearly an inch long, which are cross-fer- Light violet tilized mostly b}' the bumblebees ; Bomhus June-July vagans and Bomhus pennsylvanicus being frequent visitors. The lower leaves are somewhat lyre- shaped, the upper pair (sometimes two pairs) mid- way up the stem, similar but less cut, or lobed ; the tubular flowers with a broad three-lobed lip which furnishes a convenient landing-platform for insect visitors ; 1-2 feet high. In dry woodlands, and beside thickets. N. J., south, and west to 111. and Ark. A brilliant and sliowv wild flower whose Oswego Tea or , i i . ' i ^• i i • Bee Balm scarlet-red color is strongh^ relieved by its Monarda usual background of shady woodland. cUdyma Commonly found beside streams on the Scarlet=red border of the woods. Seotember "^^^^ Moncirdas are peculiarly adapted to the visits of butterflies, although they are also commonly visited by bees, the bumblebee in particu- lar. The two anther-bearing stamens are prominent, as well as the two-parted stigma, and neither can be passed without friction by butterfly or bee, both of which have the long tongue necessaiy to reach the nectar. The bumblebees mentioned as visitors of the foregoing species also frequent this flower, together with the butterflies Colias jjliiloclice, yellow, and the large Danais archip- pus, black-and-tan. The sombre dark green leaves are broad lance-shaped, sharply toothed, and stemmed ; the small leaves just beneath the flower are often tinged ruddy. The stem, rather hairy-rough and square, is about 2 feet high, or more. Moist ground, N. Eng., south to Ga. , and west to Mich. A similar species with a smooth or spar- Wild Bergamot . , , , j ^ , i Monarda tif^fu- ^^^o^Y dowiiy, slender stem, and deep green losa leaves, the upper ones somewhat stained Magenta- with the pure pale lilac or whitish tint purple which characterizes the flower-bracts. The Seotember flowers with a less expanded throat; paler or deeper magenta-purple. 2-3 feet high. Dry ground. Me., south, and west to Neb. and S. Dak. 398 Oswego Tea. Monarda didyma. "% rry- Wild Bergamot. Monardafistulosai vAr. rubra. MINT FAMILY. Labiat3e. , ^ ^ A rather smooth form with handsome Monarda fistu- . . , , ^ „ , Zosa var. rubra crmisoii-pmk or rose red flowers finely Crimson-pink hairy over the tube and upper lip, and thin leaves rather smooth. On the borders of moist thickets, Me. and N. H. , south along the mountains to Pa. and Va. The var. media, with deep purple flowers. Alleghany Mts.. and w^est to Minn, The var. rubra is locally plentiful in parts of N. H., notably south of New- found Lake. It is unfortunately classified as Purple Bergamot, Monardamedia, in Britton and Brown, which is manifestly confusing. Monarda mollis is a less com- mon species ; flowers flesh pink and lilac ; in S. Dak. _, A woodland species rather similar in Downy '■ Blephiiia many respects to Monarda. The small BJephilia cili- tubular flowers about ^ inch long, with a "^''' three-lobed under lip, light purple or Light purple ^.-^jg^ ^^^ fine-hairy. The lance-shaped June-August , ' , / , , leaves almost toothless (except the lower ones), white-dow^ny beneath, and quite stemless, or nearly so. The stem downy and mostly simple. 1-2 feet high. Mass., south to Ga., and west to Minn, and Kan. Catnip -^^ exceedingly common weed to which Nepeta Cataria many of the animals of the tribe Felis are Lilac=white greatly attached. A favorite Manx cat of July-October j^^jj^^ vvould walk a mile every other day or so, from my Campton studio to a spot where it grew in plenty, notwithstanding the way was through the woods and over a hill of no small difficulty ! The stem is densely downy as well as the deeply round-toothed leaves, and both are sage green in color. The pale lilac or lilac-white and spotted flowers are also downy, and gathered in small terminal clusters, which are rarely 4 inches long. Leaves strongly aromatic. 2-3 feet high. Common everywhere. Naturalized from Europe. A small creeping plant, adventive from Ground Ivy or • n • i_ i, j i GilI=over=the= Europe, common in all moist shady places ; Ground it takes the place of our Trailing Arbutus Nepeta Gle- in the moist fields of .England in April. choma r^hQ p^^jg purple flowers, spotted darker Am-il-May ^ "^^^ ^^^^ throat, and often with the calyx magenta-tinged, has two lips, the upper 400 1- Catnip. Nepet-ACatapiA.'i'.^^i ^ |/2Gill-overli-the-gpouncL NepetalGlechoma. MINT FAMILY. Labiatx. one two-cleft, and the lower, three-cleft ; the deep green leaves, scalloped and rather heart-shaped, are often stained with magenta, as well as the stem ; the latter takes root at the joints, and reaches out sometimes fully 18 inches. Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn., Neb., and Kan. A bitter perennial herb, not aromatic. Skullcap with two-lipped tubular flowers, the four Scufelho-ia Stamens located under the upper lip, which lateriflora jg arched. Name from scutella, a dish, in Pa e purple allusion to the peculiar hump on the upper July-August section of the green calyx, w^hich, how- ever, does not even remotely suggest the shape of a dish. The Uttle flowers, about a quarter of an inch long, light or pale purple (rarely white), are borne in succession along the delicate stems which terminate the branches or spring from between leaf-stem and plant-stem. The flowers borne on one side of the stem which later is dec- orated with the odd little hoodlike green calyxes con- taining four white seeds. Plant-stem smooth, square, and sometimes slightly twisted, upright and much branched. Leaves narrowly ovate, veiny , coarse-toothed, pointed, rounded at the base, and slender-stemmed. 1-2 feet high. Common in damp and shady places, through- out the country The Scutellarias are fertilized by the smaller bees, Halictus, and the leaf-cutter bee, 2IegacJiUe. Scutellaria Light violet flowers almost an inch long, versicolor the whitish lower lip sometimes purple- Light violet stained. Leaves heart-sliaj ed, very veiny, July- August rough, round-toothed, rather blunt, and long-stemmed. Plant-stem soft-hairy. 1-3 feet higli. Banks of streams. Pa., south, and west to Minn, and Ark. Scutellaria Flower an inch long, narrow, and its serrata upper lip Only a trifle shorter than the Light violet lower one. Leaves ovate or long-ovate, May-June toothed, tapering at both ends, andsmooth. Green and nearly smooth, slender plant-stem, 1-2 feet high. In woods, southern N. Y. and Pa., south to N. Car., and west to 111. The most showy of all the genus. 402 Mad-dog Skull-cap. Scutellaria lateriflora. MINT FAMILY. Labiates. Scutellaria canescens Light violet July-August Scutellaria pilosa Light violet May July Scutellaria integrifolia Light violet June-August The flowers, stems, and under sides of the leaves covered with soft white down ; flower nearly one inch long. Leaves ovate or narrow-ovate, stemmed, and some slightly heart-shaped at the base. 2-4 feet high. River -banks from Ontario to 111., and south among the mountains to N. Car. Flowers half an inch long or a trifle more. Leaves distant, oval or long ovate, veiny, round-toothed, the longer-stemmed lower ones sometimes slightly heart- shaped, the upper on short, margined stems. Plant-stem with spreading hairs. Dry or sandy ground, or woods. 12-30 inches high. Southern N. Y. and Pa., south, and west to Mich. Flower bright light violet, and an inch long, in a striking terminal cluster. Leaves oblong lance-shaped, or narrower, mostly toothless, obtuse, short-stemmed, and downy together with the plant-stem. 6- 20 inches high. Dry ground, borders of fields, woods. The seaboard States from R. I. south. A handsome species, A low species with flowers | inch long, borne on very short stems at the junction of leaf-stem with plant-stem. Leaves op- posite-growing, toothless, round to lance- ovate or slightly heart-shaped, about ^ an Stem spreading, 3-10 inches high. Sandy banks and moist places, from N. Y, and N. J., south, and west to S. Dak., Minn., Neb., and Tex, Flowers | inch long, growing in the same position as those of the foregoing species. Leaves ovate lance-shaped, the lower sometimes with a slight heart-shaped base, toothed, and acute. Stem smooth 1-2 feet high. Common in wet shad}^ places and along streams, especially in the north, west to N. Dak. Scutellaria parvula Violet May-July inch long. Scutellaria galericulata Blue=-violet July-August and slender 404 Scutellaria papvula^ Skullcap. of pilosd>. Scutellaria integnTolia MINT FAMILY. Labiates. Scutellaria nervosa Pale blue° violet June-August Self-heal or HeaUall Prunella vul- garis or Brii- nella vulgaris Purple, light or deeper June- September Flowers a trifle more than ^ inch long. Leaves about an inch long, roundish or ovate, slightly toothed, and the lower ones shghtl}^ heart-shaped. The floral leaves toothless. Stem smooth and slender, 1-2 feet high. Moist woods and thickets, N. Y. and N. J., south to N. Car., and west to Mo. A very common low perennial with gen- erally a single stem, and tubular, two- lipped, hooded flowers proceeding from a spike or head of closely set, sometimes rusty colored green, floral bractlike leaves. The name (of uncertain origin) said to be from the German hrauney a throat dis- ease. Flower tiny, purple, but sometimes flesh color or white, the lower lip slightly fringed. Generally fertilized by the bumblebee, Bomhiis perinsylvanicus being a frequent visitor ; the common yellow butterfly Colias jJ^^i^odice is also a constant attendant. Leaves ovate-oblong, narrowing toward the tip, slightly or imperceptibly toothed, stemmed, with generally two small bractlike leaves at the base of the stems. Plant-stem slightly hairy. 6-13 inches high. Very common along roadsides, and on the borders of woods and fields. Across the continent. A smooth perennial with upright, slen- der stem, stemless lance-shaped leaves mostly toothed, and large, 1 inch long, showy flowers crowded in terminal, leaf- less spikes. Flower pinkish pale lilac, often variegated with white, and funnel-shaped, the upper lip a little hooded, the lower three-parted ; the throat inflated. Plant-stem smooth, 1-4 feet high. Wet grounds, from northern Vt., west- ward and southward. Very variable. The var. denticu- lata, slender and generally low, with scallop- toothed, or imperceptibly toothed leaves, and very slender flower- spikes. Moist situations, Vt., south, and west to S. Dak, and Neb. False Dragon- head Physostegia Virginiana Pink-lilac or lighter July-August 406 ^^^it'^'^- Self-hea.1. Prunella vulgaiPls. MINT FAMILY. Labiatae. Horehound Marrubium vulgar e White August- September Motherwort Leonurus Cardiaca Pale lilac June-August A white- wooll}^ bitter, and aromatic perennial, branched at the base, with small tubular dull white flowers circled about the plant-stem at the leaf junctions. Leaves round-ov^ate, stemmed, and scal- lop-toothed. 1-2 feet high. Cultivated, and escaped into waste places. Naturalized from Eu- rope. The name from the Hebrew marrob, a bitter juice. Perpendicular-growing decorative herbs, without any particular odor, with deeply cut leaves, and tiny flowers encircling the plant-stem at the point of junction with the leaves. The name from Xeaov, a lion, and ovpd, tail — lion's tail, alluding to the form of the flower-spike, but a poor simile. The upper lip of the tiny, tubular but shallow, pale lilac flower bearded. The green calyx characterized by five thornlike points; the base of the calyx, when the flower is gone, marked with a cross upon examination with a glass. The small leaves about the flower-clusters conventionally arranged around the tall stems, wedge-shaped toward the stem, and three- pointed at the tip. The lower leaves rounded, slashed, and long-stemmed, 2-4 feet high. A familiar peren- nial naturalized from Europe, and common everywhere in waste places about dwellings. Low spreading herbs found on waste grounds. With tubular, bell-shaped flow- ers, and small long-stemmed leaves below, heart-shaped ones in the middle of the stem, and others above directly connected with the circling flower-clusters; all round- toothed. The upper lip of the flower is bearded, the lower one spotted ; all magenta or pale pur- ple. A honey-bearing flower, cross-fertilized mostly by honeybees and bumblebees, and frequently visited by Boiiibus hifarius, commonly called the orange-banded bumblebee. The foliage of the dead nettle is not sting- ing to the touch. 6-18 inches high. Naturalized from Europe. Dead Nettle Lamium amplexicaule Pale purple= magenta April- September 408 Mothepwort. Leonurus Capdiaca. NIGHTSHADE FA/VIILY. Solanaceae. ^ . f. Like the foregoing, also naturalized, the purpureum leaves more heart-shaped, roundish, or ob- Magenta long, and all of them stemmed. Flowers ^^y- magenta. Less common, from N. Eng. to September p An annual, with spreading branches, Hemp Nettle ^^^ several circling clusters of small pale Gdleopsis n , Xtjirahit magenta flowers (the lower lip purple- Magenta= Striped) gathered at the stems of the floral purp'e leaves. Name from the Greek, iveasellike, July- from the fancied resemblance of the flower to the head of a weasel. The tiny flowers white-hairy, the flower-cup bristly. Leaves ovate, toothed, hairy, and pointed. Plant-stem square, very hairy, with hairs pointing downward, and conspicuously swollen below the joints. Cross-fertilized by the bum- blebees and smaller bees, Bombiis vagana a most frequent visitor. 10-18 inches high. Common in waste places and gardens, everywhere. Naturalized from Europe. Hairy perennial herbs, with tubular bell- "totrr*"'* shaped"^ flowers, clustered in circles, 6-10 pahistris ^^ each circle, and forming a terminal Magenta=pur= spike. The upper part of the light ma- ple, or paler genta-purple flower and its green cup (ca- y" lyx) hairy. Leaves stemless, or the lower ones short-stemmed, ovate lance-shaped or longer, scallop-toothed, downy-hairy, rather obtuse, and rounded at the base. Plant-stem square, 1-3 feet high. Wet grounds, N. Eng. to Pa. , and west. Like the foregoing, but with mostly Maffenta= smooth flowers, leaves sometimes smooth, purple and nearly all distinctly stemmed ; the July- plant-stem taller, commonly smooth on September ^j-^g g^^jg^^ jj^^ stiff-hairy at the angles. The flower-spike slender. Stem 2-4 feet high. Common on wet grounds, everywhere. NIGHTSHADE FAMILY. Solanacece. Mostly herbs with alternate leaves and regular, perfect flowers ; the five-lobed corolla with generally five sta- mens and a very small stigma. Foliage strongly scented. *^J«^ Bugle-weed. Lycopus Virginicus!^ CSeepageSOU) Hemp-nett|e. Gdleopsis Tetpahit NIGHTSHADH FAMILY. Solanaceae. The fruit, though often narcotic and extremely poison ous, is sometimes harmless and edible ; usually a many- seeded round berry with the calyx generally adhering to its base. The potato and the tomato are the widest- known members of the family. A tall, almost shrublike plant with vari- Bifte*r'swe?t°' ""^^^ "^""^^ ^''^^'^ ^^^^^^ ^''''"' ^''"^^^ *^ ^"■ Solanum angular in outline, some lobed and others Dulcamara formed of three leaflets, the two lateral Violet, purple ones quite small, all without teeth. The ""^" small flowers in diminutive loose clusters, with deeply five-cleft corolla, violet or purple, or sometimes lilac- white, the j^ellow conic centre colored by the five stamens. The fruit (at first green) an oval, translucent ruby red berry, hanging or droop- ing in small clusters. The flower is visited by honey- bees and the beelike flies. 2-8 feet high. In moist thickets and by w^aysides. Naturalized from Europe. Me., south to Del., and west to Kan. and Minn. A native species, -^vith an erect, smooth, P branching stem, and ovate, wavy-toothed, Nightshade , . , , , , , , Solanum tlun-stemmed leaves slightly unequal- nigrum sided. Flowers white in small side clus- White ters, the corolla deeply five-lobed ; the ^^~ calj'x adhering to the globose berr}^ which is black when fully ripe, and clustered on thin drooping stems. 1-24 feet high. In waste places, or near dwellings in cultivated ground, from Me., south, and west to the Northwest Territory and Tex. A tall, and late in its season a reclining Clammy ^^ sprawling species resembling Solanum, Ground Cherry . / ,. ^ . i i . \ Physalis with spreading, sticky-hairy stem, and heterophylla broad heart-shaped leaves coarsely toothed Green=yellow and pointed. Flower greenish yellow, *'"'^~ brown in the centre, with five triangular short lobes ; anthers and berry dull yellow, the latter enclosed within the enlarged calyx. 1-3 feet high. Common in rich soil from Me., south, and west to Col. and Tex. A variable species, not yet satisfacto- rily defined, but including perhaps more than one species. Found at Manchester, Vt., by Miss Mary A. Day. 412 Black Nightshade. Solanum nigrum. NIGHTSHADE FAMILY. Solanaceae. A branching and erect-stemmed species, irginia mostly smooth. The ovate lance-shaped Ground Cherry '' . , , , -, Fhusalis leaves tapering toward both ends very Virginiana slightly shallow-toothed and light green. Pale yellow The flower dull pale yellow with five brown- Ju'y- purple spots ; anthers deep yellow. The stigma matures before the anthers, and extends beyond them. Fertilized by the honeybee and the bees of the genus Halictus ; Halictus pectinatus is a common visitor (Prof. Robertson). The reddish berry enclosed within the enlarged calyx. 1-3 feet high. Rich soil, Vt. and N. Y., south to La., and west to Minn. Physalis pubescens, the strawberry tomato, is downy, with angular leaves. The flower light green-3'ellow. brown-spotted at the throat, with violet anthers. Fruit green-yellow. Escaped from cultivation eastward, A rank-smelling annual weed with a Thorn Apple smooth, green, stout stem, and thin ovate. or Jamestown ^^^^^^^ angularlv coarse-toothed leaves, orJimson ,. -, ^-t ■, • , , ■y^ggj shm-stemmed. The white trumpet-shaped Datura flowers about 4 inches long, with a light Stramonium green cals^x less than half the length of ^**'*® the corolla, which has five sharp-pointed September lobes. The green fruit -capsule, ovoid, about 2 inches long, and covered with stout prickles, the longest of which are at the tip of the capsule. 1-5 feet high. In waste places and vacant city lots, from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Tex. Naturalized from Asia. A similar species with a slenderer stem, Purple Thorn ^^^ darker green leaves both more or less D^atiira Tatula stained with magenta. Flowers like those Magenta= of the preceding species, but the flaring lavender tips of the corolla stained with magenta or ^^y- lavender, or the tube nearly white. All ep em er ^^^^ prickles of the capsule nearly equal in length. 1-5 feet high. In waste places from Vt., N. Y., and Minn., southward. Rare in Vermont. 414 Purple Thorn Apple. Datura Te^tula FIQWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceas. FIG WORT FAMILY. ScroplmlariacecB. Commonly herbs with opposite or alternate leaves, and perfect, irregular flowers with two sets of stamens, 2-5, longer and shorter ones ; corolla two-lipped or nearly regular. Fruit a two- celled and generally many-seeded capsule. A large family of bitter-juiced plants ; some are narcotic-poisonous. Cross-fertjlized by moths, but- terflies, and bees. A very common, picturesque, velvety- T. , leaved weed of rocky pastures and road- Thajjsus sides, naturalized from Europe. The basal Yellow leaves at first in the form of a rosette, June- large, ovate, thick- velvet}", and white- September green. The stem stout and erect, with a few smaller, acute-pointed leaves ; the terminal flower- spike cylindrical, woolly, and dotted with scattered light yellow flowers; corolla five-lobed, and anthers golden yellow. Rarely the flowers are white. 2-6 feet high. In barren fields and waste places, from Me. . south, and west to Minn, and Kan. A smaller species w^ith smooth stem and Moth Mullein j., . ,. , ^ , i i-i i Verbascum ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ green, glossy leaves, mostly ob- Blattaria long with deeply cut, notched, and toothed Yellow, white margins ; the upper leaves lance-shaped J""^- and clasping at the base. The flowers, Septem er similar in shape to those of the preceding species, are light yellow or white, tinged on the back with lavender, and set on slender stalks ; the five sta- mens are fringed with ruddy hairs, and the anthers are deep orange. The slender flower-spike is 1-2 feet long, and a trifle wooU}'. 2-5 feet high. In waysides, waste places, and pastures. Me. , south, west to Minn, and Kan. An extremely slender and smooth an- Linaria nual or biennial species with few^ small, Canadensis thickish, linear, light green leaves, tooth- Lavender less, stemless, smooth, and shining. The *^""^" small pale violet or lavender flowers about ^™ i inch long, two-lipped, and spurred ; the lower lip large and three-lobed, with a white, convex, two-ridged palate ; the upper lip with two acute divi 416 Moth Mullein. Vepbascu m Thapsus. Verbascum Blatta^ia FIGWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceae. Toad=flax or Butter=and= Eggs Linaria vulgaris Yellow and orange July-October sions ; the spur curving and threadlike. 5-30 inches higli. Common in dr^-, sandy soil, from Me., south, and local west to the Pacific coast. The name from Linuin, flax. A very common but beautiful perennial weed naturalized from Europe, with erect smooth stem, and gray-green linear, stem- less and toothless leaves growing alter- nately but near together. The flowers are about an inch long including the slender spur, and two-lipped, the upper lip two- lobed, light yellow, the lower lip three- lobed and pouch-shaped, tapering to the tip of the slender spur, and furnished above with a protruding gold-orange palate which nearly closes the throat of the corolla ; the four stamens are tipped with ochre yellow anthers ; the style is greenish. The flowers are assisted in the process of fertilization by bumblebees and butter- flies ; among the latter, Colias 2^1iilodice (yellow) and Melitcea x>haeton, the Baltimore (brown), are frequent visitors. 1-3 feet high. In fields, pastures, and city lots, everywhere. A smooth annual with erect stem and light green linear leaves. The flowers light purple or white, showy, solitary, and with a sac-shaped, two-lipped corolla ; the upper lip two-lobed, the lower three-lobed. Al)out 1 foot high. In fields and waste places near dwellings, New Eng. and N. Y. Adventive from Europe. A smooth perennial with a slender four- sided, grooved stem and slender-stemmed, ovate lance-shaped, toothed, light green leaves. Flowers small, sac-shaped, and clustered on long, nearly leafless branch- lets; the two-lipped corolla green without, and shiny brown-m^genta within, 3-7 feet high. In thin woods and thickets, south to N. Car. and Tenn., and west to Small Snap= dragon Antirrhinum Orontinni Light purple June-August Figwort Scrophularia nodosa, var. Marilandica Green= magenta July- September from N Kan. 418 Blue Toad-flax. Linapia Canadensis. FIQWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceas. A smooth-stemmed plant superficially ]ZZn^gkLa resembling the Bottle Gentian, with White, pink= smooth, bright deep green, toothed, short- tinged stemmed, lance-shaped leaves 3-6 inches •'"'y" long. The flower not unlike a turtle's ep em er head, about an incklong, white, and deli- cately tinged at the tips with magenta-pink or crimson- pink ; the corolla two-lipped, the upper lip arched over the low^er one. The stamens dark and woolly. 1-^ feet high. On w^et banks, in swamps, and beside brooks, from Me., south, and west to Minn., Kan., and Tex. A perennial with slender and straight Pentstemon or ^^^^^ woolly almost to the base. Leaves Beard-tongue .. , ^ i- wi n ui Pentstemon lig^^* green, slightly woolly, oblong to puhescens lance-shaped, slightly toothed, the upper Magenta- ones toothless, the lower ovate and ^^^^^ stemmed. The flowers whitish, tinged with dull magenta, the corolla trumpet- shaped, two-lipped, two lobes on the upper, three on the lower lip, and the throat nearly closed by a palate on the lower lip covered with long hairs. There are four stamens and a sterile stamen or so-called filament, which is hairy or bearded a little more than half its length. Cross-fertilized mostly by butterflies. 1-3 feet high. Me., south, and west to Minn, and Tex. Found in Campton, N. H., by Carroll S. Mathews. A very similar species, smooth except Pentstemon ^-^q somewhat sticky-hairy top of the stem bearing the flowers ; the latter f inch long, whitish wuth a magenta-tinged base, the corolla as in the foregoing species, but the throat wider open, and scarcely or not at all hairy ; the sterile fllament liairy on the up- per side only. The stem ruddy, and the light green leaves more or less so at the edge. 2-3 feet high. In thickets or moist fields, from Pa,, south, and west to Ky. and La. , where according to Gray the common form is the var. Digitalis, with stem-leaves ovate lance-shaped, the lower longer and wider. The flowers white, larger, and the corolla abruptly inflated. 2-5 feet high. Me. and N. Y., south to Va. and Ark., and west to 111. Prob- ably escaped from cultivation in the west. P. pubescens 420 Tuntle-head. Chelone cjlabra. FIG WORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceas. and P. Icevigatus have been found in the fields and rocky hills of Vermont by Wild, in Roxbury, Conn., by C. K. Averill ; P. loevigatus has been found by H. G. Palfrey in Haverhill, Mass. ; and P. Icevigatus var. Digitalis has been found in Middlesex Co., Mass., by Mabel P. Cook. A smooth perennial with an upright on ey= square stem often considerably branched, f lower T ,. , , , , , Mimulus ^^^ light green, smooth, lustreless leaves ringens with irregular obscure teeth, lance-shaped Purple or oblong, opposite-growing and clasping ^"^~ the stem. The flowers are a rich clear purple ; the corolla two-lipped, the upper lip erect and two-lobed, the lower with three wide- spreading lobes ; there are two yellow spots near the narrow throat. The pistil and four stamens are white ; the five-pointed, green calyx is stained with dull purple. The few flowers are long-stalked and spring from the angles of the upper leaves. 1-3 feet higli. In swamps and beside brooks, generally in meadows, from Me., south to Va. and Tenn., and west to S. Dak., Minn., Neb., and Tex. Rarely the flowers are white. Found near Langdon Park, Plymouth, N. H. The name from the Greek for ape, or buffoon, in allusion to the fancied grin on the face of the corolla. A branching and spreading little annual ^* . with rounded ovate or oblong, smooth Pimpernel , , . , , , liijsanthes leaves, scarcely toothed, the upper ones riparia stemless and clasping the plant-stem Pale dull lilac slightly. The pale dull lilac flowers \ inch *'"'^" long ; the upper lip of the corolla two- lobed, the lower three-lobed and flaring not unlike Mimulus. 4-9 inches high. Common in low, wet ground, everywhere. A very tall, smooth, perennial species, Culver's Root ^ ■ ^i ^ ^i • i T- ^^.v.^ commonest m the west, with simple, Veronica ' ^ ' Virginica straight stem, and lance-shaped or oblong White leaves growing in circles about the plant- ''"'y" stem, sharply toothed and smooth. Flow- ep em er ^^,^ small, white or pale lavender, with rather a long tube to the corolla, and with prominent stamens, in dense terminal spikes 3-6 inches long. 2-7 422 Monkey Plowen Mimulus ringens. FIQWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceas. feet high. In meadows and moist woods. Not recorded in Vermont by Brainerd and Eggleston. N. Y., south to Ala., and west to Mo. and Neb. A perennial species with a hollow, merican smooth stem, which creeps over the Brooklime '■ Veronica ground and finally becomes erect and Americana branching. The leaves long-oval or ob- Lavender=blue long lance-shaped, light green, slightly ^ ^^~ ^ toothed, with short, flat stems. The tiny September ^ .' , , ' . , . , . flower IS lavender-blue violet-striped, with a white centre ; the corolla four-lobed, the lower lobe narrower than the others, the two divergent stamens light purple. The frail, quickly fading flowers are set on slender stems, in loose terminal spikes. 6-15 inches high. On banks of streams and in damp places ; com- mon from Me., south to Pa., and westward. Found in the Catskill Mountains near the Mountain House. A similar species. The flowers on rather ^^^ zig-zag stems, and with linear, acute, Veronica shallow-toothed leaves, slightly clasping scutellata the Stem. Fruit capsule flat, notched, and Lavender=blue broader than it is long. 6-20 inches high. ^*^~ In swamps, from Me., south to southern N. Y., and west to Minn. Local in Cal. Also in Europe and Asia. A woolly species with prostrate but Common ^ ,, -^ i r Speedwell finally erect stem. Leaves liglit green, Veronica oval or obovate, toothed, and narrow at officinalis tiie basc. The flowers light lavender, J ' ne^A^'^^us?'^ striped Avith light violet ; corolla four- lobed. The flowers are set closely on slen- der spikes, rising from the leaf-angles. 8-10 inches high. Common in dry fields and wooded uplands. Me., south to S. Car., west to Mich. Also in Europe and Asia. A small mountain species with the same Veronica time of blooni ; the slender stem generally ^^^ simple, the leaves indistinctly toothed or toothless, elliptical or ovate. Lavender flowers in short clusters. 2-12 inches high. On Mt. Washington and the high mountains of New Eng., also in the Rockies. The seed-capsules of Veronica are in efl^ect notched. 424 American Brooklime. VeronicaAmericana. FIGWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceae. lavender April-May A small species, generally found in the S eeT ^' iT^^ grass, with a slender branching stem and Veronica small oval leaves, toothless, short- serpyllifolia Stemmed, and opposite-growing. Flowers White, pale ji^e those of American Brooklime but white or pale lavender with deeper stripes: they are less frail than those of the other Veronicas. 2-10 inches high. In fields and thickets, from Me., south to Ga., and westward. Also in Europe and Asia. Named for St. Veronica. A handsome annual or biennial species Fern=leaved ^^,^^^ ^ rather sticky fine-hair v, leafy, False Foxglove -^ . ' j» Gerardia branching stem, round in section. The pedicidaria light green leaves are fernlike, and deeply Pure yellow cut into many toothed lobes ; they are August^ stemless or nearly so. The showy, pure light lemon yellow flowers are bell-shaped with five broad, spreading, rounded lobes. The blos- soms measure a full inch or more in diameter. The outer surface and the throat of the corolla, the stamens, and the toothed lobes of the calyx are fine-hairy. Both flower and fruit are very beautiful, and the plant would be worthy of cultivation if its character permitted ; but the Gerardias are more or less parasitic on the roots of other plants, 1-3 feet high. Visited frequent!}' by the bumblebee and the light brown butterfly, Junonia ccenia. On the borders of dry woodlands and thickets, from Me., south, and west to Minn, and Mo. ^ ^ . A handsome species with a simple stem, Downy False , „ , , Foxglove ^^^ j^ellow-green leaves, ovate lance- Geravdia flava shaped, broadest at the base, slightly Pure yellow coarse dull-toothed or toothless, the edge July-August ^vavy. Both stem and leaves are velvety downy with soft hairs, the leaves with their stalks ma- genta-tinged. The showy, pure yellow or light lemon yellow flowers about H inch long, trumpet-shaped like foxglove, with five lobes, the broad throat down}' on the inside. Stamens four, two short and two long ; hairy. The flowers set in a close terminal cluster, rather one- sided. Cross-fertilized mostly by butterflies and bumble- bees : the Peacock butterfly {Junonia cceuia), light brown 420 Downy False Foxglove Oepardia flava. FIG WORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceas. darker spotted, is one of the frequent visitors. 2-4 feet high. Thin woodlands. Me. , south to Ga. , west to Wis. Smooth False -^ similar species with flowers a little Foxglove larger and the same pure yellow ; but the Gernrdia whole plant smootJi and with a slight quercifoUa bloom ; the leaves cut or plain-edged, ob- long lance-shaped, the lower ones cut quite deeply, with the outline wavy and toothed. 3-6 feet high. New Eng., south, west to 111. and Minn. One of the daintiest of the Gerardias : G*^^ d* ^^ annual with a generally smooth stem, (ierardia slim, straight, and rigid, the branches purpurea wideh' spreading. The leaves are yellow- Magenta= jsh green, small, and linear, with acute purple J.- rpj_^^ downv, lighter or deeper ma- August- ^ , r. September genta-purple flowers are cup-shaped, with five wide, flaring lobes ; there are four stamens bearing rather large deep golden yellow anthers. The flower is commonly visited by various bees, the yel- low butterfl}', C alias philodice, and the brown butterfly, Junonia camia. Seed-capsule spherical. 12-26 inches liigh. In moist soil, generally near the coast, or in the vicinity of the Great Lakes, from Me., south, and west to Minn. The \?iV. pauper cida, not quite as tall, has a smooth, simple or branched stem, and the smaller flower is about I inch long ; seed-capsule prolate-spheroidal. 6-17 inches high. N. Y. and N. J., west to Wis. Sea=side ^ similar and even lower species con- Gerard ia fined to the salt marshes of the coast. The Geraniid " linear leaves are rather fleshy, and obtuse maritima ^^ ^^le tips ; the upper ones are unusually short. The light magenta flowers, about the same size as those of the preceding species, are not down}^ but smootli. 4-14 inches high. From Me,, south. Slender ^ "^'^O' slender species with linear, acute- Gerard ia pointed leaves. The light magenta flow- Crerardia ers have two of the five lobes not so fully tenuifoiia expanded as the others ; the calyx-lobes are short and acute. 10-20 inches high. In dry fields and along roadsides. Common. Named for John Ge- rarde, a celebrated herbalist. 428 Purple Gepardia Gerard i A purpurea. FIQWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceas. A tiny annual with ovate or lance-shaped Euphrasia leaves slightly resembling Castilleja in as- offlchiah's pect, confined to the coast of Maine and White, yelIow= southern Canada. The pale olive green ish, etc. leaves are indistinctly dull-toothed and small on the lower part of the plant, and the upper, floral leaves are somewhat jagged and bristly toothed. The inconspicuous flowers are whitish or yellowish green. The corolla is two-lipped and a trifle notched, the lower lip three-lobed and spreading, the upper two-lobed (with reflexed sides), beneath it are the four stamens, 4-10 inches high. Possibly introduced from Europe. Found at Great Cranberry Island, Me., by Mr. E. F. Williams. Euphrasia Oakesii {Euphrasia officinalis var. Tartarica of Gray's Manual, Sixth Ed.) is a very dwarf form scarcely attaining a height of 2| inches, with tiny yellowish flowers, and more rounded leaves with rounded teeth, growing in the Alpine regions of the White Mountains (under the crest of Mt. Monroe), and along the north shore of Lake Superior. „ „ ^ ^^. A slightly similar taller annual confined Yellow Rattle , ^, .^ ^. ,, , , Rhina n thus ^^ ^^^® same Situations, with lance-shaped or Crista-gaUi oblong, dull green leaves coarsely toothed, Yellow and growing oppositely, the floral ones July-August deeply cut and with bristle-tipped teeth. The flowers Naples j^ellow (straw color), and crowded on a one-sided leafy spike. The corolla two-lipped, the upper lip without lobes but slightly toothed on either side part way down, the lower three-lobed. Four stamens. Fruit-capsule round but flattened ; the seeds, when ripe rattle in the inflated pod. 6-20 inches high. Rocky soil, coast of New Eng., and the Alpine regions of the White Mountains, west to Lake Superior. Also known as Wood Betony. A very Beefsteak slightly hairv species with simple stem. Plant or % L , ■ " i i n i i Louse wort ^^^ soft-hairy leaves, dull dark green, and Pedicular is finely lobed, growing on grassy slopes or Canadensis in cojjses. The lower leaves are feather- ^e^r^eiio"" ^^^^P^*^ ^^^^ ^^^^'^ stained with dull ma- May-July genta, as is also the rather stout plant-stem ; the upper leaves are sparse and grow al- 432 ^■3^ a -M^^: ^Ji»> \\\ Wood Betonv. Pedicularis Canadensis. FIGWORT FAMILY. Scrophulariaceae. ternately. The flower-cluster is terminal and dome- shaped, the flower two-lipped, the prominent upper lip dull dark whitish-opaque magenta, and strongly curved in a hook-shape with a two-toothed tip ; the lower is three-lobed and dull green-yellow. The coarse and hairy, light green calj^x is tinged at the edge with dull crimson-magenta. Bractlike leaves are set close in the flower-cluster, which lengthens to an oblong shape as the flowers develop. The four stamens are under the hooded upper lip admirably protected from rain or other pollen-destroying agents ; the flower is fertilized mostly by bees ; the bumblebees and the bees of the genus Halictus are common visitors. 5-12 inches high. Com- mon everywhere. Me., south, west to S. Dak. Found on the Campus of Smith's College, Northhampton, Mass. Pedicularis ^ species with less crowded flowers, few lanceolata of which blooni together, and a simple, Light Naples nearly smooth light green stem. The deep yellow green leaves are broad lance-shaped and finely cut in the semblance of a fern ; they grow op- positely, or nearly so. The upper and lower lips of the corolla are pale dull Naples jellow, and press against each other nearly closing the throat of the flower. The same bees are common visitors. 12-34 inches high. In swampy places, Conn., south to Va., west to S. Dak. A delicate, low annual commonlj- found Melampyrum "^ ^^^® half -shaded borders of woods espe- Americannm cially in the northeastern States, with Greenish white slender, wiry, gray -green, branching stem, July-Septem= .^^-^^ yellow-green, lance-shaped leaves, the ^^ lower ones toothless and the upper with generally 2-4 bristlelike teeth or lobes near the base, all set in pairs, and growing oppositely. The frail greenish white flowers are cylindrical, opening into two lips, the lower lip three-lobed, and tinged straw yellow. The flow- ers grow singly from between the leaves, and are less than I inch long ; their common visitors are the yellow butter- fly Colias pliilodice, che spotted brown one, Junonia ccenia, and the white cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapoi ; they are also visited by various bees. 4-10 inches high. The name from the Greek, meaning black u'heat. 434 ^M Cow-NA/heat. Melampypum lineare. Fielampypunn Americanum.Michaux. BROOM=RAPE FAMILY. Otobanchaceas. BROOM-RAPE FAMILY. Orohanchaceca. Fleshy parasitic herbs having yellowish scales instead of leaves ; the flowers perfect, or pistillate and staininate on the same plant. Stamens four. The tiny seeds borne in a capsule. Visited by various flies and bees. A parasitic plant which draws its suste- Beech=drops or ^^^^^^ fj-^^^^ tj^e roots of the beech tree. E^phlcjiT ^^^^ st^'^^ i^ tough, straight, almost up- Virginiana right-branched, stained with brown mad- Dull magenta der, and set with -a, few small, dry scales. buff=brown rj^j^^ curved tubular, dull magenta and October buff-brown upper flowers are purple- striped ; although generally sterile they are complete in every part, the style slightly protruding beyond, and the stamens just within the throat. The tiny lower flowers are cleistogamous — closed to outward agencies and self-fertilized. A few of the upper flowers are cross-fertilized by bees. 6-20 inches high. Beech w^oods, Me., south and west to Wis. and Mo. The name means on the heech. A pale parasitic plant, the stem hidden cZophou! ^y t^i® overlapping, light tan-colored, Americana lance-shaped or ovate pointed scales ; the Pale dull flowers perfect, set in a many -scaled dense yellow spike, the upper lip hooded, the lower May-July small and three-lobed, the stamens pro- truding ; the lips are pale ochre yellow fading toward the corolla. 3-8 inches high. In rich woods over tree roots, Me., south, and west to Mich. A beautiful little parasitic plant bearing Naked Broom= ^ ^^^ brownish ovate bracts near the flowe^red"^ root, and sending up 1-4 erect, slender. Cancer Root one-flowered stalks ; the curved tubular, (h-obanche five-lobed flower is purplish or light violet, nniflora ^^ rarely cream white, f inch long, ex- A"ril'june ternally fine-hairy, and delicately fragrant. Cross-fertilized mostly by the smaller bees (Halictus) and the bumblebees. 3-6 inches high. In moist woods. Me. , south to Va. 436 Beech- drops. EpiphegusVipginiana PLANTAIN FAMILY. Plantaginacem. PLANTAIN FAMILY. Plantaginacece. Homely herbs — weeds — generally with coarse, strong- ribbed leaves springing from the root, and insignificant flowers in long narrow spikes, perfect, or polygamous — that is, staminate and pistillate on the same plant or different plants — and even cleistogamous — that is, fer- tilizing in the bud. The familar weed of unkempt dooryards Plantain ^^^ grass-plots, with ovate, dark green, Piantago slightly hairy or smooth leaves, the long major stems trough-sliaped, the ribs conspicuous, Dull white g^j^^ ^YiQ edge generally toothless, or rarely September coarse-toothed. The flowering spikes are cylindrical, blunt-tipped, and closely set with the dull, greenish white, four-lobed, perfect florets which mature the threadlike style before the corolla \^ fully open, the former projecting. The four stamens mature much later and thus insure cross-fertilization. Seed-capsule ovoid and opening near the middle, the seeds reticulated. Flowering stalks 6-18 inches high. Common everywhere, indigenous northwestward but naturalized from Europe on the Atlantic seaboard. Piantago Similar to the preceding ; the leaves Eugelii thinner, the flowering spikes less dense June- and attenuated above, and the seed-cap- September sules cylindrical-oblong ; the latter open below the middle and quite within the four lobes of the calyx. The seeds are not reticulated. Common from Vt., south to Ga. and Tex., west to S. Dak. ^ .. , ^. A similar more or less fine-hairv Euro- English PIan= ,. , , ' tain. Ribgrass P63,n species, naturalized and very com- Phintago mon. The leaves are long lance-shaped, lanceolata nearly erect, generally three-ribbed, acute Dull white j^j^j toothless ; at the base of tlie leaves April-October .... . , , , mi n the hairiness is dark rust-color. 1 he flower- spike is dense and sliort, bearing similar dull white flow- ers. But the conspicuously grooved stalk is 8-23 inches high. Old fields and waste places throughout our range. 438 English Plantain Plantago lanceolata. MADDER FAMILY. Rubiaceas. MADDER FAMILY. RubiacecB. Shrubs or herbs with toothless leaves growing oppo- sitely or in circles ; the regular flowers perfect, or stam- inate with rudimentary pistils, or pistillate with rudimentary stamens ; the corolla funnel-formed with 4 (sometimes 5) lobes and as many stamens. Cross- fertihzed mostly bj^ bees and butterflies. A large family in the tropics, to which belong the Coffee, the Cinchona tree from which is obtained quinine, and the Madder {Ruhia tinctorum) whose roots furnish the red dye and the artist's permanent pigment of that name. . A familiar little wayside flower also Bluets called Quaker Ladies and Innocence ; Houstonia communistic in manner of growth and ccerxdea frequently covering large spaces with its White and white bloom. It is a perennial, and forms lilac etc. April-July dense tufts of oblong lance-shaped, tinj^ light green root-leaves and slender, thread- like stems sparingly set with minute opposite leaflets. The little four-lobed corolla is about | inch in diameter, white, or white tinged on the lobes with lilac, or pale violet (the nearest approach to blue) ; the centre is stained with golden yellow. The flowers are pistillate and staminate as above described. Cross-fertilized mainly by the bees of the genera Halictus and Andrena, and the smaller butterflies — the Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice), the Meadow Fritillary {Brenthis hellona), and the Painted Lady (Pyrameis Cardui). 3-6 inches high. In moist grassy places or sandy waysides, from Me., south to Ga. and Ala., west to Mich. Named for William Houston an early English botanist . ' A taller southern species. The stem h*''^* . smooth or slightlv hairy, the light green Houstonia , , ' , / , Houstonia leaves pointed broad ovate (the upper ones purpurea smaller and narrower), with 3-5 ribs, the Lilac or deep largest nearly 3 inches long. The deep ' . lilac or pale lilac, long-tubed flowers in May-July small clusters : the thin lobes of the calyx longer than the globular seed-pod. 6-16 inches high. In thin or open woodlands, from Md., south (especially 440 Bluets. Houstonia caerulea. MADDER FAMILY. Rubiacew. in the mountains) to Ga. and Ala., and west to Ark. The var. ciliolata has thicker leaves | inch long, with the edges conspicuously hairs- -fringed, and flowers in small clusters. 5-7 inches high. On the rocky shores of the Great Lakes, and south in woodlands to Pa., West Va., Ky., and Ark. ; with various intergrading forms passing to the var. longifolia, which has thinner, linear and acute leaves, often a full inch long ; the root- leaves are not hairy-fringed. 5-18 inches high. From Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn, and Mo. Frequent in the Lake Champlain Valley. A little trailing vine with dark green Twinberrv evergreen leaves green-white-veined and MitcheUa wide, slightly heart-shaped at the base. repens The commonly four-lobed twin flowers Cream white (sometimes conjoined with 8-10 lobes) are ^'" '^, cream white and flne-hairv inside, but May-June " ' faint crimson-pink and smooth outside ; they terminate the short branches, and are two-formed, i. e., staminate (with abortive pistil) and pistillate (with abortive stamens). Cross-fertilized by the same insects which visit the Mayflower and Houstonia. 6-12 inches long. In w^oods from Me., south, and west to Minn., Ark., and Tex. Named for Dr. John Mitchell. A slender, rather erect, perennial herb Bedstraw naturalized from Europe, with a smooth, Galium vei-um squarish stem a trifle woody at the base. Yellow The narrow, linear, rough, light green May-August ig^ves, in circles of 6-8, are about an inch long. The tiny, yellow, four-lobed flowers are in small terminal clusters, or at the leaf-angles. 8-30 inches long. In dry waste places and borders of fields. Me., occasional in Vt., south to N. J., near the coast. An annual species with the usual weak Qoosegrass recUning stem characteristic of the Gali- Galiumnparineums, which hangs upon shrubbery by White means of the backward-hooked prickles of May-August ^^^^i leaf and stem. The blunt lance- shaped, light green leaves with roughened edge and rib are nearly 2 inches long, and set in a circle of 6-8. About two tiny white flowers are borne on a stalk. Fruit 442 Paptridgebepry. liitchella repens. MADDER FAMILY. Rubiaceae. burlike, in pairs, and covered with short, hooked bristles which facilitate transportation. 2-5 feet long. Shady thickets and roadsides. Me., south, and west to S. Dak., Kan., and Tex., The following Galiums are perennials. „,..... . A smooth or slightlv downy species with Wild Liquorice . i * ^.i i i ^ Galium broad, ovate leaves ni fours, three-ribbed, circoi.zans and about an inch long. The greenish Greenish white white flowers, with four pointed lobes May-July hairy on the outside, are borne on stalks usually forked but once. 1-2 feet high. Common in rich dry woods. Me., south, west to Minn., and Tex. A smooth species with acute lance- Northern shaped or narrower leaves almost smooth Bedstraw , -, r^,, . , . Gidiv^i boreale ^^ the edge. The numerous tmy white flowers set in close clusters. 15-30 inches high. Near streams, among rocks. Me., south to N. J., and west to S. Dak., Neb., and Cal. S^gll A very small, delicate, variable species, Bedstraw often much entangled among bushes. The Galium minute stem-prickles are scarcely visible. trifidum jj^^ linear blunt-tipped or wedge-shaped, deep green leaves, ^ inch long, set in fours. The minutG usually three-lobed, white flowers, with three stamens, are in tiny thin clusters. 6-18 inches high. Common in sphagnum bogs and wet woodlands everywhere. A very common, weak, and reclining Bedstraw species, with the usual square stem set Galium with backward-hooked prickles. The light asprellum green leaves slightly blunt lance-shaped. White ^j^^ prickly-rough on edge and rib, are set June-August . . % < T t-i f 4-- i 4. in circles of 4-6. The profuse tmy white flowers are in thin, aiiy, terminal clusters ; they are pe- culiarly, perhaps unpleasantly, odorous. 2-6 feet long. In damp soil. Me., south to N. Car., west to Neb. Sweet=scented ^ similar species with the flowers usu- Bedstraw ally borne in clusters of three, and with Galium the same bristly rough stem ; the leaves triflorum broad lance-shaped, bright shining green, bristle -pointed, slightly rough-edged, and set usually in sixes. The foliage fragrant after drying. 1-3 feet long. Rich woodlands throughout our range; south only to Ga, 444 Bed straw. Galium asprellum. Wild Liquopice. Galium cipcaezans. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Capri foliaceae. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Caprifoliaceoe. Shrubs, vines, or sometimes herbs with opposite leaves, and perfect regular (occasionally irregular) flowers, with generally a funnel-shaped corolla, five-lobed, or some- times two-lipped. Cross-fertilized by the larger long- tongued bees, moths, butterflies, and the humming-bird. A common smooth-stemmed shrub with Sambucus ^ compound deep green, smooth leaf Canadensis of 5-11, usually 7, fine-toothed, acute- Cream white pointed, ovate leaflets. The tiny cream- June^uly white flowers, in broad flat clusters (with five prominent white stamens), are fertilized mostly bj^ honeybees who come for pollen, the blossoms 34elding little or no nectar. The purple-black berries, in broad clusters, ripen in August. 4-10 feet high. Borders of fields and copses, in low ground, throughout our range. A similar shrub with twigs and leaves EiA^f slightly fine-hairy, and warty gray bark. Sambucus There are 5-7 fineh' toothed ovate lance- racemosa shaped leaflets which are a trifle downy Dull white beneath. The fine dull white flowers with pri - ay yellowish stamens are borne in a sugar- loaf-shaped cluster. The extremely beautiful small, scarlet-red, or rarely white berries, in a compact cluster, ripen in June. 2-12 feet high. In rocky woodland bor- ders. Me. , south to Ga. (among the hills), and westward. A shrub with coarse, light green, veiny. Wayfaring Tree sharp-toothed, heart-shaped leaves, rusty- Viburnum wooUy on the ribs beneath, together alnifoUum with the young branchlets. The flat ^•^'^^ flower-cluster is composed of two kinds May-June ^^ flowers ; the marginal dull white broad- petaled neutral— that is, stamenless and pistilless — flowers (the petals are really the five flaring, rounded divisions of the corolla), and the central, smaller, perfect flowers. Fruit a coral red berry, set in a scant cluster. Stem 3-10 feet high, reclining ; the branches often take root and trip up the " wayfarer." The commonest visitors are the bees of tbe genera Andrena and Halictiis. In low or moist woods. Me., in the mountains to N, Car., west to Mich, 446 Red-berpied Elder. Sambucus racemosa. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Caprifoliacese. Feverwort A coarse perennial, sometimes called HorleOentian Tinker's-weed and often Wild Coffee, Triosteum common in rich woodlands. The stout, perfoliatum simple stem is rather sticky-fine-hairy, Madder purple ^^^^ ^Y\q opposite-growing, light green or medium green, ovaljeaves are acute at the tip, and narrowed at the hase to a flaring margin either side of the coarse midrib ; the edge is toothless and somewhat undulating. Tlie flowers are an inconspicu- ous purplish brown or madder purple ; they grow at the junction of the leaves with the plant-stem ; the corolla is five-lobed, tubular, and scarcely longer than the long- lobed calyx, which remains attached to the mature fruit ; this is ^ inch long or less, orange-scarlet, densely fine-hairy, and contains three hard nutlets. 2-4 feet high. In rich soil, from Me., south to Ala. and Ky.. and west to Minn., Iowa, and Kan. „ . ., A delicate and beautiful trailing vine Twin=flower ^ Linncea common in the northern woodlands, with horeah's a terra-cotta-colored, somewhat rough- Crimson-pink woody stem, and a rounded, about 8- June-August gcallop- toothed, short-stemmed, light ever- green leaf with a rough surface. The fragrant little bell-shaped flowers, in pairs, terminate a 3-4 inches long- stalk, and nod ; they are delicate crimson-pink, graded to white on the margins of the five lobes. The tiny calyx divisions are threadlike. Branches 6-20 inches long. Common in rich moist mossy woods, particularly in the mountains. Me., to Long Island and Staten Island. N. Y., and N. J., west to S. Dak., Wash., and Col. A shrub with erect, generally madder Indian Curran*! ^rown branches very slightly woolly-hairy Symphoricarpos on the younger growths. The dull gray- vulgaris green leaves are ovate, toothless (rarely Pink and white gome of the larger leaves are coarsely " ^ toothed), and have distinctly short stems. The five-lobed flowers are tiny bell-shaped, and grow in small clusters at the angles of the leaves, or terminally : the corolla pink graded to white, and somewhat filled by the fine hairiness of style and stamens. Tlie small berries in small terminal clusters are first coral red and 448 Twin Flowep. Linnaea. boreal IS- Indian Currant. SymphoHcarpos vulgaris HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Capri foh'aceas. finally dull crimson -magenta. The smaller bees and honeybees are common visitors. 2-5 feet high. Rocky slopes. Mass. , banks of the Delaware River in N. J. , and Pa., south to Ga. and Tex., west to the Daks. ^ ^ A familiar shrub of old-fashioned gar- Snowberry , , , n .,, , , . Syniphoricarpos dens and door-yards still commonly culti- racemosus vated, with smooth, erect, gray-brown Pink and white branches, and oval, dull gray -green leaves June-August ligj^ter beneath, toothless, and a trifle wavy -margined. The young shoots are ochre brown. The tiny, five-lobed, bell-shaf)ed flowers are pink graded to white, and are borne in terminal and leaf -angle clus- ters. The corolla is conspicuously tine-hairy within ; and the stamens and style almost protrude. The honey- bee is a constant visitor, and the flowers continue to bloom even after the large snow-white waxy berries ap- pear ; the latter are a conspicuous feature of the bush in early September. 3-4 feet high. On roadsides, escaped from cultivation, and on rocky banks, from Me., south to Pa. and Ky., and west to Minn., S. Dak., and Cal. A thin straggling bush with smooth, suckle brownish stems. The thin leaves bright Lonicera light green on both sides, ovate lance- ciliata shaped, sometimes very broad at the Naples yellow ^j^gg^ toothless, short-stemmed, and hair}- edged. The Naples yellow or honey yellow, five-lobed flower, about f inch long, is funnel- formed and borne in pairs at the leaf-angles. Fruit two small ovoid red berries. 3-5 feet high. Moist woods, from Me., south to Pa., and west to Minn. A similar species but with thickish, hon"ys^uckle^~ blunt ovate leaves fine-hairy beneath. Lonicera The Naples yellow flowers in pairs, al- ccerulea most united. The ovaries unite and form one two-eyed, gray-black ovate berry, 1-3 feet high In boggy woods, the same distribution. 450 Fly-honeysuckle. Lonicepa citiata. VALERIAN FAMILY. Valerianaceae. „ A scentless, but beautiful species, com-. Trumpeter i^- ^- ^ • • i i- i • Qjj^g, mon in cultivation, twining and climbing Honeysuckle high, and evergreen southward. The Lonicera large deep green oblong leaves are whit- semjyervtrens jgj-^ beneath ; the top ones are united, and yellow seemingly perforated by the stem, which April-August terminates in a small cluster of large, tu- bular, deep Naples yellow flowers, often deeply tinged outside with scarlet. The most frequent and useful visitor is the humming-bird, though many bees and butterflies assist in the transfer of pollen. 8-15 feet high. Copses, Mass. and Conn., south, west to Neb. A very common shrubby species with Bush Honey- ^. \ , , "^ , ^ ,. , suckle smooth stem and leaves and exceedingly Diervilla small honev-colored or Naples yellow flow- trifida ers, with five recurving, rather equal Naples yellow ^^^ marked sHghtlv with dull rusty May-June ^.i o "^ ■ ^ ^^ orange. Inere are nve prominent yellow stamens. The deep olive green leaves are ovate, sharp- pointed, and fine-toothed. The flowers grow in small ; clusters, terminally, and at the junction of leaf- and plant-stem. The fruit is an oblong capsule with beaked tip. 3-4 feet high. In dry woodlands or in thickets, from Me., south to N. Car., and west to Mich, and Minn. Named for Dr. Dierville who carried the plant from Canada to France. VALERIAN FAMILY. Valerianacece. Herbs with opposite leaves, and perfect, or sometimes staminate and pistillate, flowers ; the corolla tube nar- row and five-lobed : stamens 1-3. Commonly visited by bees. The genus Valeriana is remarkable for its strong- scented roots. An erect, smooth plant, with compound V lerian leaves of from 5-11 (rareh^ less) deep green, Valeriana lance-shaped, obtuse leaflets, indistinctly sylvatica shallow-toothed or toothless: the root-leaves Pale niagenta= ^^^ long-stemmed, ovate, and rarely small- j'" J . lobed. The dull magenta-pink or paler pink or white flowers are tiny, and clus- 452 Swamp Valepian. Valeriana sylvatica QOURD FAMILY. Cucurbitaceae. tered in a loose terminal spike ; the three stamens very prominent. 10-30 inches high. In wet or swampy- ground, from Me., south to southern N. Y., west to S. Dak., and in the Rocky Mountains to Ariz. A common cultivated species, often .**" ^Qreat^" escaping to roadsides and margins of cul- Wild Valerian, tivated fields. A native of Europe. The or VandaUroot stein more or less fine-hairy especially at Valeriana ^\^^ joints, and the compound leaves with officinalis ^^2^ lance-shaped, sharply toothed leaf- lets, the upper ones toothless. The flowers are pale ma- genta-crimson or white, set in compact, rather rounded clusters terminating the stout stem. The strong-scented roots are medicinal. 2-5 feet high. Mass. south to Del., west to N. Y. and Pa. Name from valere, to be strong. A smooth forking-stemmed annual with VaUrianella succulent wedge-shaped leaves, and insig- Woodsiana nificant dull white flowers funnel-formed Dull white and five-lobed, gathered in small terminal May-July clusters. 18-34 inches high. In moist places, from N. Y., west to Ohio and Tex. ValeriaueUa olitoria, a species from Europe, naturalized in the Mid- dle States and south, has similar leaves, but pale violet flowers. 6-13 inches high. Southern N. Y., and south- ward. GOURD FAMILY. CuciirUtacew.. Climbing vines generally with tendrils, and with lobed leaves growing alternately. The flowers staminate and pistiUate on the same plant or different plants. Sta- mens mostly three. Cross-fertilized by bees and flies in general, and possibly by many beetles and butterflies. A beautiful, rapid-growing, and luxu- Climbing Wild j.j3j^^ annual cUmber ; the light green, Cucumber or , . , •,.»,-.. i ,. s , Wild Balsam ^^^^" leaves, with 6-1 (mostly five) sharpl}^ Apple angular lobes, are rough on both sides. Echinocystis The smaU, sharply six-petaled staminate J? " ^^. . . . flowers are borne in many loose clusters, Greenish white ,,..,, r. • i july_ and the pistillate flowers singly or in twos, September at the angles of the leaves ; the petals and the three prominent stamens with 454 Climbing Wild Cucumber. Echinocystis lobata. BELLFLOWER FAMILY. Campanulacese. yellowish anthers are greenisli white. The spiral tend rils are three-forked. Cross-fertilized mostly by bees and wasps. The cucumberlike fruit is 2 inclies long or less, green, ovoid, and thickly covered with slender, weak prickles. 15-20 feet long. Beside rivers and in waste places. Me., south to Pa. and west to S. Dak., Kan. , and Tex. Found in the Pemigewasset Valley at Ply- mouth and Campton, N. H. The name (Greek), means hedgehog and bladder ; in allusion to the armed fruit. Also an annual climber with branching Burlcucumber tendrils and a fiVe-lobed, far less deeply Sicyos cut light green leaf ; the stem is sticky- angidatus hair}^ angular, and coarse. The small Greenish white flye-lobed flowers are likewise staminate s t ber ^^^^ pistillate ; the former are borne, five or six, in a cluster on a long stalk, the latter are almost stalkless ; both are set in the angles of the leaves. The yellowish frait, 3-10 together, is armed with fine tough bristles ; a single fruit contains but one seed. 15-25 feet long. In moist places and along rivers, from Me., south, and west to Minn., Kan., and Tex. The name is Greek, for Cucumber. BELLFLOWER FAMILY. Campanulacece. Herbs, in our range, with alternate leaves and acrid, generally milky, juice ; the perfect flowers in a spike or solitar\\ The corolla usually bell-shaped and five-lobed. Stamens five, alternating with the corolla-lobes. Fruit a many -seeded capsule. Cross-fertilized mostly by bees and the beelike flies {Syrphidce). A tribe now included in Lobeliacece by Engler and Prantl, but one which, in our range, lacks those connecting links which make the close relationship evident. An annual with a simple, wandlike stem, , , . , weak and disposed to recline, and small, Looking=glass . srtecidaria curved, shell-shaped, light green, scallop- jKi-foliata toothed leaves clasj^ing the rough, angled Magenta= plant-stem. The purple-violet or magenta- purple purple flowers, set at the hollows of the June-August , leaves, have deeply five-lobed corollas 45^ Leaf of Sicyos angulatus. Venus's Looking-glass. Specularia perfo] iata. BELLFLOWER FAMILY. Campanulacese. with five stamens and a three-lobed pistil. There are also earlier flowers which are cleistogamous — closed to all outward agencies and self -fertilized. Stem 5-22 inches long. Common in poor soil on hills and in dry open woodlands. Me., south, west to Ore. and Utah. A common garden perennial, natural- Bellflower ■ -, . t? ^ * Campanula ^^^^ from Europe, and a frequent escape rapuncuioich's from cultivation. The simple, erect, and Purple rigid stem is light green and slightly rough - July-August hairy ; the leaves are thin, fine-hairy, and light green, the uppei; ones broad lance-shaped, the lower arrow-head-shaped with a heart-shaped base ; all are ir- regularly scallop-toothed. The bell-shaped purple flow- ers have five acute lobes, and hang downward mostl}^ on one side of the stem : the pistil is white and protruding ; the stigma three-lobed and purple-tinged ; the linear lobes of the green calyx are strongly turned backward. The common visitors of the flower are the honeybee and bumblebee. 1-3 feet high. In fields and on roadsides. Me., to southern N. Y., Pa., and Ohio. A most dainty and delicate perennial Harebell or plant, yet one so remarkably hardy that it Bluebell ^ . , , ^ , , n Campanula survives the cold and storms of mountam- rotundifolia tops over 5000 feet above sea-level. It is Light violet common in the Chasm of the Ausable June- River and on the summits of the White September _, ^ . ^ ,, , ,. , Mountanis. In spring the plant displays a tuft of round leaves (hence the name rotundifolia), small and sparingly toothed ; these wither before the time of flowering (rarely they remain until that time), and are succeeded by a tall wiry stem, with linear, pale olive green leaves and a succession of airy blue- violet bells depending from threadlike pedicels (flower-stems). The corolla is five-lobed, and graded in color from light violet or pale lavender to white at its base ; the promi- nent pistil is tipped with a three-lobed stigma, which is at first green and finally white ; the five anthers are a delicate lavender tint. The chief visitor is the bumble- bee, who must clasp the prominent stigma before he can enter the inverted bell ; in the bustling endeavor to reach the base of the blossom some of the pollen obtained from 45S '-^- Cd.inpa.nu la rdpunculoides. f^ Bellflowep. BELLFLOWER FAMILY. Campanulaceae. a previously visited flower is brushed off and cross-ferti- lization is effected. The harebell is also visited by the bees of the genus Halictus and the beelike flies. 6-18 inches high. On rocky cliffs, dry or moist, in barren, sandy fields or grassy places, and in shade or sunshine, on mountain-top or meadow. Me., south to N. J., west to S. Dak., Neb., and in the Rocky Mountains south to Ariz ; also in the mountains of Cal. A native of Eu- rope and Asia as w^ell, and identical vrith the bluebell of Scotland. A degenerate mountain form mistakenly thought to be the var. arctica is a much smaller plant bearing a single flower. A species common in grassy swamps, ^J? with branching, slender, weak, reclining Campamda stems, bristly rough on the angles, like uparinoides Galium asprellum. The light green, lin- White or ear lance-shaped leaves are rough on edge lavender ^^^ midrib ; indistinctly shallow-toothed, and stemless. The single white or pale lavender flowers scarcely ^ inch broad, deeply cleft into five acute lobes spreading open like a deep saucer, are arranged terminalh* . 6-20 inches high. In wet grassy ground everyw^here, west to S. Dak., Neb., and Col. TUB iifi ^ ^^^^ annual or biennial with a slightly Campanula fine-hairy, erect, slender, green stem, Americana rarely branched. The ovate or ovate Light violet lance-shaped, stemless, light green leaves " ^' are long and drooping ; the lower ones are narrowed at the base like a stem ; all are acute-pointed and toothed. The dull- toned light violet or nearly white flowers grow from the angles of the leaves and form a slender terminal spike ; the one inch wide corolla has five long, acute, spreading lobes ; the style curves downward and then upward (as in the Py- rola), extending far beyond the mouth of the flower. The commonest visitors are the honeybee, the bumble- bee, and the " Yellow- Jacket " hornet. Flower-stalk frequently 18 inches tall. In moist shady places, in- land, from N. Y., south to Fla., and west to S. Dak., Kan., and Ark. The name is from the Italian Cam- pana, a bell, in allusion to the shape of the corolla. 4t)U Harebell CajnpaLnula rotund ifolia.. LOBELIA FAMILY. Lobeliaceae. LOBELIA FAMILY. Lobeliacece. A family of perennial herbs with milky acrid juice. The perfect but irregular flowers with a five-lobed tube- shaped corolla ; the five stamens united in a tube. Cross-fertilized by bees, the beelike flies, and the hum- ming-bird. Named for De L'Obel, an early Dutch herb- alist : it now includes the tribe Campanulacece. A most beautiful species, remarkable for *^ ^'. its rich, deep red which largely influences cardinalis the color of stem and foliage. The Deep red leaves are dark green, smooth or nearly August- gQ^ oblong lance-shaped, and slightly ep em er toothed ; the upper ones are stemless. The showy flower-spike is loosely set with deep cardinal red flowers, the triple-lobed lips of which are a rich velvety color. Rarely the plant produces deep pink or white flowers. Fertilized by humming-birds, and rarely by bumblebees ; but the long tongue of the humming- bird is the only practicable means of cross-fertilization. The length of the flower-tube is too great for the tongue, and the pendant lip too inconvenient for the feet of the average insect. The plant multiplies mostly by perennial offshoots. 2-4 feet high. Common everywhere in low moist ground. Found in Campton Bog, N. H, A slightlv hairv plant with a stout, leafy, Great Lobelia . ^ ,/ . ", ^ ^, , ^^ tl Lobelia ^^^ usually Simple stem ; the leaves light syphilitica green, 2-6 inches long, pointed at both Light blue= ends, nearly if not quite smooth, irregu- Y^^^^ larly toothed, and stemless. The light September blue-violet or rarely white flowers nearly an inch long ; the cahx stiff-hairy. 1-3 feet high. Common in low moist ground, from Me., south to Ga. and La. , and west to Kan. , Neb. , and S. Dak. A similar species with similarly colored owny Lobelia flQ,^ygj.g in long somewhat one-sided spikes. Lobelia i • o mi i • pubenila ^^^ With fine sof t-hairv leaves. The hairy tube of the corolla is less than | inch long, and the lobes of the lip are rather broad and smooth. 1-3 feet high. In moist sandy soil. Southern N. J., south, and west to Kan. and Tex. 462 Cardinal Flower. Lobelidcardinalis. Indian Tobacco. Lobelia inflata. LOBELIA FAMILY. Lobeliaceae. A still smaller-flowered species, bearing Pale Spi e ^^^^^ j^^^^ ^^.^^^ spikes of pale blue-violet Lobelia spicata flowers with a Usually smooth short calj^x. Pale blue= The stem simple and leafy, the light green yio\et leaves nearly toothless, lance-shaped (ab- July-August j.^jp^i^, gQ ^^ ^l^y Ijj^gg of the plant), or oblong, obtuse, but the upper ones nearly linear. 1-4 feet high. In dry sandy soil from Me., south to N. Car., and southwest to Ark. and La. A small species generally found beside ^ ^ J. T' / ■• brooks, or on wet banks, with slender Lobelia kaliiiu ' ' Light blue= branching stem, and narrow, blunt-tipped violet leaves sparingly toothed or toothless ; the J"'y- upper ones linear. The light blue-violet ep em er flow^ers less than ^ inch long and scattered loosely over the spikes. The fruit-capsule not inflated (as Lobelia inflata), but small, and top-shaped or nearly globular. 6-18 inches high. On wet meadows and wet river-banks. Me., south to N. J., and west to Ohio and S. Dak. . ^. ^ ^ The commonest species ; growing every- Indian Tobacco , . ^ ^ ., . , . f "^ , Lobelia inflata ^^'li^re in dry or wet soil, within the wood Light blue= or out on the meadow. An annual with a violet simple or branching slightly hairy stem. July-October ^j^^ ^j^j^^ jj^j^^ ^^,^^^ leaves oval pointed, and sparingly wavy-toothed, the uppermost very small, narrow, and acute. The tiny flowers scarcely I inch long, varying in color from light blue-violet to pale lilac and even white. The caWx smooth, the inflated, prolate- spheroidal fruit-capsule about ^ inch long. Very acrid and poisonous to taste, and commonly used in medicine. Me., south to Ga., and w^est to Ark. and Neb. An aquatic species, smooth, slender, and Water Lobelia yij^-^pi^ stemmed. Leaves all submerged, Lobelia i • i t o t i Dortmanna thick, linear hollow, and tufted at the base of the stem. Flowers in a loose termi- nal spike, light violet, i inch long. 6-18 inches high. Borders of ponds. N. Eng. to Pa., and northwestward. 464 ^ale Spiked Lobelia; -obelia spicatd. Water Lobelia. Lobelia Dortmanna. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Compositas. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Compositoe. Mostly perennial herbs. A great family remarkable for its compound flower-heads which are often radiate in character, with a central disc composed of tiny tubular florets surrounded by brightly colored rays ; in some cases the florets are strap-shaped. They are variously perfect, polygamous, and staminate and pistillate on the same or different plants ; in chicory and dandelion the florets are perfect and strap-shaped ; in coneflower and sunflower the tubular florets of the central disc are per- fect and the ray-flowers neutral (without stamens and pistil) ; in aster and golden-rod the inner' tubular florets are perfect and the outer ray-florets are pistillate ; in thistle and burdock the florets are all tubular and perfect but lacking rays ; in Antennaria the tubular florets are staminate and pistillate on different plants, and in rag- weed the staminate and pistillate florets are on the same plant. The family is largely dependent upon insects for cross-fertilization . A tall smooth-stemmed plant found in Tall Ironweed p^oigt situations, with lance - shaped, altissima toothed, deep green leaves and a terminal Madder purple cluster of brownish purple or madder August- purple flowers remotely resembling bache- September iQj,'g buttons without petals ; the small flower-heads appear hairy or chaffy. 5-8 feet high. Penn., south, and west to 111. and La. The common species eastward, differing New York Ironweed from the tall ironweed in its usually slightly Vernonid rough stem, longer lance-shaped deep Xoveboracensis green leaves, and acute, bristle-tipped, Madder purple brown-purple scales of the flower-heads. Seirtember "^^^ sesthetic dull purple (rarely white) flowers resemble petalless bachelors but- tons, or at a distance asters. 3-7 feet high. In moist ground, oftenest near the coast, from Mass., soutli to Ga., and west to Minn, and eastern Kan. Found near Englewood, N. J. Named for Wm. Vernon, an early English botanist. 466 L '^i\ :wYopk Ironweed. VepnoniaNovebopacensis. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Compositse. Climbing Hempweed or Boneset Mikdiiin scan del IS White flesh pink July September Joe=Pye=Weed Enpatoritini piirpiiiyinii Magenta= crimson August- September An attractive, twining vine generally climbing over bushes on damp river banks. The ligiit green leaves triangular heart- shaped, and the bristly, dull white or flesh- colored floM-ers resembling those of bone- set. 5-15 feet long. Mass., south, and west to Ind. and Tex. Named for Prof. Mikan of Germany. A familiar, tall plant with a stout stem on Wiiicli the roughish, pointed ovate, toothed, light green leaves are grouped in circles at intervals. The dense terminal flower-clusters with many soft-bristly, tes- thetic-toned dull magenta-crimson florets, lighter or deeper, or sometimes dull white. Frequented by the honeybee. 3-12 feet high. Common everywhere on borders of swamps or low damp ground. Named for Eupator Mithridates, and for a New England Indian who used the plant in some concoction for the cure of fevers. A similar, but small, rough-hairy species with white flowers, the scales of which are very long and wiiite. The light green, veiny leaves are stemless or nearly so. 1-3 feet high. In sandy soil and pine barrens, from Long Island, N. Y., to Fla. and La. A hillside species with generally smooth, opposite, ovate lance-shaped, horizontally spreading leaves tapering to a sharp point. The white flowers, with long, slender but blunt scales, are in flat clusters. 2-6 feet high. In woods or on wooded banks. Mass., south, and west to 111, The common, familiar species whose leaves have been used in a bitter tonic de- coction or tea. Leaves very light green, pointed, opposite, and so closely joined that two appear as one perforated by the plant-stem, which with the leaves is re- markably wool-hairy. Tlie very dull white 468 White Thoroughwort Eupainrinm album White August- September Upland Boneset Eupator ill m sessilifolium White August- October Boneset or Thoroughwort Eiipatorium perfoUatum Dull white July September .-^ ""l v^hite nakeroot upatorium yepatoide5 ^'^ COMPOSITE FAMILY. Compositse. florets, in terminal clusters, furnish an abundance of nectar for the visiting honeybee — the rule with all Eii- patoriums and Venionias. 2-5 feet high. Common everywhere on wet ground. The most attractive and graceful mem- White Y)QY of this generally coarse genus. The Snakeroot , i i , , Eupatorium large-toothed leaves are deep green, ageratoides smooth, thin, slender-stemmed, and nearly White heart-shaped. Flowers white (not dull) V*^^~ . and peculiarly downy, like the garden September ^ ^, /. ^ ^ V • r, -o- i -, Ageratiim. 1-4 feet high. Rich woods and copses. Me., south to Ga., and west to S. Dak., Neb., and La. A very similar species with short- Eupatorium stemmed leaves, dull-toothed and blunt- pointed ; the flowers a trifle larger. Near the coast, from Mass. to Ga. The name is misleading — it is not aromatic. A tall, stout, liandsome species belong- Tall^Blazing -^^ ^^ ^ beautiful genus. The showy Liaf/Ks«ca//osaflo^^er-spike set with magenta-purple to Magenta= pale violet, tubular, perfect flowers, the purple heads sometimes | inch broad. Leaves ugust- deep green, hoarv, narrow lance-shaped, September / , " . ^i /i and alternate- growing. The flowers ex- hibit many aesthetic and variable tints. 2-6 feet high. In drj' situations, by roadsides and in fields. Me.,, south, and west to S, Dak. and Tex. A lower species (beginning to bloom in Liatris June) with smooth or often hairy, stiff, squarrosa ,, '• ,.,,n n linear leaves, and with the few flowers on the spike bright magenta-purple and fully an inch long ; the scales enveloping them are leaflike wuth sharp, spread- ing tips. 6-22 inches high. Pa., south, and west to S. Dak. and Tex. A commoner species, smooth or nearly '^^ *''^ so, with linear leaves and a closelv set spicata flower-spike sometimes fulh^ 14 inches long ; the flowers, about ^ inch broad, range from pur- ple to violet or rarely to white. 2-5 feet high. Moist low ground. Mass. , south, and west to S. Dak. and Ark. 470 Blazing Sta.p. Liatpis scapiosa. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Compositse. An asterlike but golden yellow flower Qrass=leaved growing in dry soil generally near the **^.?" t^*^ coast. The shining leaves linear, soft, and or Silver Grass '^ ' Chrijsopsis grasslike, but silvery green-gray with fine- (jraminifoUa hairiness, the lower ones long. The small Golden yellow flowers ^ inch broad, solitary at the tips of Augus - ^^^^ branches, the rav-flowers pistillate. October ^ ^ i , the disc-flowers perfect. The slender stem 1-3 feet high. Del. , south, and southwest to Tex. A much lower species with larger flow- GolXn iltlr'* ers, also found in the coastwise States. Chrvsopsis "^^^^ stems very woolly, and the small lin- faicata ear leaves gray-green and crowded to- Golden yellow gether. The pretty, rich golden yellow Late July- flowers are an inch broad. 4-10 inches high. From Cape Cod, Mass., to the pine barrens of N. J. Found on Nantucket. A stout, showy species, the stem and Chrysopsis , » i . , -n • , n. ■, • Mariana leaves of which are silky with soft hairs Golden yellow when young, but become smooth with August- age. The gray-green leaves are lance- September shaped and stemless, and the golden yel- low flower-heads are nearly an inch across, the scales below somewhat sticky and hairy. The commoner golden aster of New York and the south, found on dry sandy roadsides near the coast. 1-2 feet high. From southern N. Y. and Pa., south. The genus Solidago includes about 85 species, of which about 25 are commonly found throughout the northern United States. These are readily distinguished by differences in stem, leaf, and flower ; the stem may be rough, smooth, covered with hairs, or with bloom, or angular, or round ; the leaf may be triple-ribbed, feather- veined, or more or less distinctly ribbed or toothed ; the flowers may have few or many large or small rays. The central tubular florets are perfect, and are cross-fertil- ized by many insects of many orders, chief among wliicl: are the butterflies and the beelike flies ; the flowers fur- nish an abundance of honey for all. The Latin name, Solidago, means to make whole, alluding to some cura- tive quality of the plant. There are some hybrid forms. 472 Golden Aster Chrysopsis Mariana. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Composite. A. not very common species, the stem ou o en- Y^^ij-y above and rarely branched, with Solidago large, broad, coarsely toothed, feather- squarrosa veined leaves, and with rather showy Golden yellow flowers ; the 10-16 rays nearly i inch long, ugus - J tubular florets 15-24 in a single flower- October *= head the scales of which are strongly curved outward. The flower plume generally straight. Plant 2-5 feet high. On rocky hillsides, and the mar- gins of woods. Me., south to the mountains of Va., and west to Vt., the Catskills, N. Y., Penn., and Ohio. A late-blooming, graceful, slender, wood- Golden=rod ^'^^d golden-rod, with a distinct bluish or Solidago purplish, plumlike bloom on the bending ccesia stem. The leaves dark green, feather- Late August- veined, smootli, sharply toothed, lance- shaped, and sharp-pointed. The flowers in small oblong clusters at the junction of leaf-stem witli plant-stem, and not in a distinct terminal cluster ; 3-5 rays in a single flower-head, ^^ inch broad, quite long, and very light golden yellow. 1-3 feet high, tommon on shaded banks, and margins of woods, everywhere. ^ . ^ A similar species, but with broad, olive Broad=leaved „ , . ■. , ■ -, Golden=rod green, feather-vemed leaves pomted at Solidago both ends; the stem lighter green, zig-zag, latifolia angled in section, and rarely branched. August- rpj^g j.gj^^ golden yellow flowers in small clusters (like S. ccpsia), with but 3-4 rays. 1-3 feet high. Rich, moist, wooded banks. Me., south to Ga. , west to S. Dak. Found in the Catskill Mountains. «,.-.^ ^ .. -^ very common species; the onlv one White Golden= ., , .. r, -r ,,\. , rod or Silver= ^^^^^'^^ white flowers. Leaves elliptical, rod feather-veined, rough-hairy, very lightly Solidago bicoior tootlicd, and dark olive green above, the s"^"**h ^^^^ beneath hairy. Stem simple or branched, upright, and gray-hair}'. Tubu- lar florets cream yellow, surrounded by 3-12 white rays ; flower-clusters mignonettelike, small, and at the leaf- junctions or crowded in a cylindrical terminal spike. 10-30 inches high. On diy barren ground. Me., south to Ga., and west to Minn, and Mo. A yellow-flowered 474 Fea^ther- veined leaf as in S.rugosa. Three -veined leaf, as m S sePotinA Solidago caesia COMPOSITE FAMILY. Composite. form, var. concolor, has yellow rays, and densely woolly stem and leaves. Commoner far north, south to Ga., Wis., and Minn. A northern species mostly confined to Golden-?o7'' ^^"^P' ^^^^^ woods. The deep green Solidago leaves are ovate, thin, sharply toothed, macrophylla feather- veined, and very long-stemmed. July- Leaf- and plant-stem usually smooth, but September ^^^^ latter sometimes fine-hairy at the top. Flower-heads nearly ^ inch long, with 8-10 long golden yellow rays. 1-4 feet high. Wooded hillsides. Me. (Aroostook Co.), to northern N. H. and N. Y., south to the Catskill Mountains, and west to Lake Superior. A dwarf alpine form confined to moun- pine o en- ^g^j^_^Qpg ^^^^\ about 8 inches high. The Solidago Vir- large flowers, thickly clustered at the sum- srawreovar. mit of the stout simple stem, with about alpina 12 rays. Leaves usually obovate and finely August- toothed. Mountain summits of Me., N. September H. (Mt. Washington), and N. \., and shores of Lake Superior. A species frequenting salt-marshes and Seaside i c^ Golden=rod sea-beaches. Stem stout and smooth ; Solidago flower-cluster large, leafy, short, and sempervirens straight, with large showy flowers having August- i^_iQ deep golden yellow rays. Leaves ovem er lance-shaped, smooth, toothless, and with 3-5 obscure nerves. 2-8 feet high. Me. to Fla. The stem stout and smooth ; leaves BogGolden=rod ., , , i i i Solidago smooth, lance-shaped, obscurely seven- uliginosa veined, slightly toothed or toothless ; those August- at the root very long. The flowers are September ^j^j-^^ golden yellow, with 5-6 small rays, and are crowded on the wandlike or straight stem 2-4 feet high. Me. to northern N. J. and Pa., west to Minn. A handsome, stocky plant with a ruddy. Snowv '^ ^ Golden-rod stout, smooth, round (in section) stem, and Solidago large, smooth, firm, feather-veined, olive speciosu green leaves, rough-edged or obscurely August- toothed ; the upper ones oblong lance- shaped, the lower ovate. Flower-heads 476 Seaside Qolden-pod. Solidago sempervirena COMPOSITE FAMILY. Composite. with about 5 large golden yellow rays and prominent stamens ; the show}^ flower-cluster is dense, branched, and somewhat pyramidal in outline. 3-6 feet high. Rich ground and copses. Me., south to N. Car. and Ky., and west to Minn, and Neb. An anise-scented species, very odorous G^ld^n-rod when crushed. Leaves bright green, Soiidago adorn smooth, indLstinctly three-ribbed, shining, August- and dotted. The slender stem, often re- September clining, is usually smooth, and nearly cylindrical in section. Flower-heads small, with 3-4 golden rays nearly i inch long. The flower-cluster one- sided. 2-3 feet high. In dry sandy soil. Me. . south, and west to N. Y., Ky., and Tex. Very common in swamps : with stout q\^ l"od stem (angled in section) and spreading Solidago patula^rsinches. The large, rough, fine-toothed, August- feather-veined leaves smooth beneath. October Flower-clusters small ; the rather large flowers with obtuse green scales and small rays. Me. , south to Ga.. and west to Minn., Mo., and Tex. An exceedingly hairy or rough golden- * "^ " rod, very common on wooded roadsides Golden=rod ^^^ margins of fields. Leaves dark green , Solidago feather-veined, very hairy, and deeply rugoaa toothed. Stem hairy, straight, cylindri- ^"^^ cal, and thickly set with leaves. The flower-clusters small, weak in color, and terminating several branches also thickly set with leaf- lets ; the flower-heads light golden yellow ; 6-9 rays and 4-7 tubular florets. The plant often branched like an elm at the top, but presenting a variety of forms. 1-7 feet high. Dry ground everywhere. Eltn^leaved ^ ^^^® species with but few differences, Golden=rod viz.: Stem slender, smooth or woolly at Solidago the summit, leaves thin, pointed, and ta- ulmifoUa pering toward the base. Flowers with about four deep yellow rays, the scales long lance- shaped. 2-4 feet high. Common in low moist copses or woods, from Me., south to Ga., west to Minn.. Mo., and Tex. 4/8 Solidd^go pugosa^. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Compositas. A^mooth species common in swamps in Qolde'n-rod *^^® north. The upper leaves long lance- Solidago shaped, few-veined, and nearly toothless, neglecta the lower ones sharply toothed, broader, August- and tapering to a stem. The flower elus- ep em er ^^^^ rather thick and short, with crowded flowers of 3-8 small rays. 2-4 feet high. Me., south to Md.. and west to Wis. and 111. A common and very graceful species : Go?den=rod *^"® ^^ ^^^^ earliest golden-rods, with very SoUdago light golden yellow flowers having 5-7 arguta • large rays and small, light green, obtuse J"'y- scales. The flower-cluster plumelike and ep em er reclining. The stem angled, smooth, and angular in section, sometimes ruddy brown. Leaves deep green, indistinctly feather-veined, large, thin, and sharply coarse-toothed, generally elliptical lance-shaped, the upper ones nearly if not quite toothless. 2-4 feet high. Copses and rich thin woods, from N. H., south to Va. , and west to S. Dak. Another very common, slender species Golden=rod often found in companj^ with tlie forego- Solidagojnnrea ing and blooming a little later. Leaves July- smooth, yellow olive green, and slightly September three-ribbed, the upper ones toothless, the lower broad lance-shaped, with sharp and spreading teeth ; a tiny leaf- wing grows at either side of each leaf- stem. The flower-clusters are spread somewhat like an elm in larger plants ; but in the smaller ones they are one-sided. The golden yellow flowers about ^ inch long, with 8-12 small rays. 2-4 feet high. On dry rocky banks and roadsides. Me., south toN. Car., west to Mo. A common but by no means a late-flow- Qolden=rod ®""S golden-rod, generally distinguished SoUdago for the plumlike lilac bloom (but some- nerotina times light green) of its straight, smooth, August- dignified stem, which is perfectly cylindri- October ° . ^. ' -. -^ - , • , cat in section. Leaves dark green, plainly three-ribbed, smooth, and toothed only along the upper half of the edge, narrow and sharp-pointed. The stems of the flower-heads are covered with tiny white hairs ; 480 •i8. ,4rnica Charnissonis, 518. Aroostook Co.. Me., 78. Arrowhead. 6. .4r/t'»u/i-/a, ioO. Artemisia Absinthium, 518. .Ir^;)n5;a caudata. 516. Artemisia vulgaris. 51O. Artichoke. Jerusalem. 512. Arum. Arrow. 12. Arum, Dragon, 10. Arum Family, 10. Arum. Water, i 2. 537 INDEX. Asarum arifolium, 98. Asarum Canadense, 98. ASCLEPIADACE^, 366. Asclepias Cormiti, 368. Asclepias incarnata, 366. Asclepias incarnata, var. pul- chra, 368. Asclepias obtusifolia, 368. Asclepias Phytolacca ides, 36S. Asclepias purpurascens, 366. Asclepias quadrifolia, 370. Asclepias tuberosa, 366. Asclepias verticillata, 370. .45r_vTzl5/<7r paniciilatus, 494. ^5/t'r patens, 488. As/er prenanthoides, 494. Aster puniceus, 494, 496. .45/(?r puniceus, var. compactus, 496. Aster puniceus, var. firmus, 496. Aster puniceus, var . l-Hcidulus ,4g6 . Aster, Purple-stemmed, 496. yl5ter radula, 486. Ulster radula, var. str ictus, 486. Aster, Rough-leaved, 486. /Ister sagittif alius, 490. Aster, Sharp-leaved Wood, 496. Aster, Showy, 486. Aster, Small White, 492. Aster, Smooth, 490. Aster spectabilis, 486. Aster, Spreading, 488. Aster subulatus, 498. .45ter tenuijolius, 498. ,4ster Tradescanti, 492. Aster, Tradescant's, 492. .4ster umbellatus, 496. .45ter undulatus, 488. .4ster vimineus, 492. j Aster vimineus, var. foliolosus. 492. Aster, Wavv-leaved, 488. Aster, White Woodland. 484. Aster, Willow-leaved Blue, 494 Astragalus Canadensis, 214. Avens, Long-plumed, 194. Avens, Purple, 194. Avens, Rough, 194. Avens, White, 192. Azalea, Flame, 336. Balm, Horse, 390. Balsaminace/e, 256. Baneberry, Red, 150. Baneberry, White, 150. Bangor, Me., 240. Baptisia australis, 208. Baptisia tinctoria, 208. Barbarea vulgaris, 172. Barberry Family, 152. Barton ia tenella, 362. Bartonia, Yellow, 362. Bath, Me., 122. Bean, Wild. 226. Bearberry, 328. Beard-tongue, 420. Bedford, Mass., 288. Bedstraw, Northern, 444. Bedstraw, Rough, 444. Bedstraw, Small, 444. Bedstraw, Sweet-scented, 444= Bedstraw, Yellow, 442. Bee Balm, 398. Beech-drops, 326, 436. Beefsteak Plant, 432. Beggar-ticks, 512. Belamcanda Chinoisis, 64. Bellflower, 458. Bellflower Family, 456. I Bellflower, Marsh, 460. Bellflower, Tall, 460. I Bellwort, 38. Bellwort, Large-flowered, 38. ! Berberidace.'E, 152. Bergamot, Purple, 400. j Bergamot, Wild, 398. I Berula angustifolia, 310. I Bethlehem, N. H., 70. Betony, Wood, 432. Bidens cernua, 512. Bidens Chrysanthemoides, 514. Bidens frondosa, 512. Bindweed, Hedge, 370. Bindweed, Small, 372. Bindweed, Trailing, 372. 538 INDEX. Bindweed, Upright, 370. Bird's Nest, 306. Birthroot, 40. Birthwort Family, 98. Bishop's Cap, 184. Bittersweet, 412. Black-eved Susan, ^oS. Black Medick, 216/ Black Sampson, 506. Bladder Ketmia, 266. Blazing Star, 46. Blazing Star, Tall, 470. Blcphilia ciliata, 400. Blephilia, Downy, 400. Bloodroot, 156. Bluebell. 458, 460. Blueberries, 328. Blue Curls, 388. Blue-eyed Grass, 6(). Blue-eyed Grass, Eastern, 66. Blue-eyed Grass, Stout, 66. Blue Flag, Larger, 62. Blue Flag, Slender, 64. Blue Lupine, 210. Bluets, 440. Boneset, 468. Boneset, Upland, 468. Borage Family, 376. BORAGINACE^E, 376. Boston, Mass., 154, 286, 524. Bottle Gentian, 420. Bouncing Bet, 116. Boxberry, 330. Brass ica alba, 174. Brassica nigra, 172. Brassica Sinapistrum, 172. Brattleboro, Vt., 272. Brooklime, American, 424, 426. Broom-rape Family, ^36. Broom-rape, Naked, 436. Brtmclla vulgaris, 406. Buckthorn, Common, 258. Buckthorn Family, 258. Buckwheat, 108. Buckwheat, Climbing False, 108. Buckwheat Family, 102. Buda rubra D., 126. Bugleweed, 394. Bugloss, Small, 382. Bugloss, Viper's, 382. Bunchberry, 318. Bunch Flower, 46. Bur-cucumber, One-seeded, 456. Burdock, 520. Burdock, Smaller, 520. But Marigold, Larger, 514. Bur Marigold, Smaller, 512. Bur Reed, Branching, 4. Bur Reed Family, 4. Bur Reed, Great, 4. Bur Reed, Smaller, 4. Butter-and-Eggs, 418. Buttercup, Bulbous, 142. Buttercup, Creeping, 142. Buttercup, Early, 140. Buttercvip, Swamp, 140. Buttercup. Tall. 144. Butterfly Weed. ^06. Butterweed, 4().S. Calamus, lO. Calla palustris, 1 i . Callirrhtv i)ivoliit:rata, 264. Calopofion ptikhi-llns, 80. Caltha palustris, 144. Cambridge, Ma.ss.. i.s8. C.\Mi'.\Nri.AiK.-i';, 45(). Cam pan 11 Uuecc, 40 2 . Campanula Americana. 460. Campanula aparinoides, 460. Campanula rapunculoides. 4.S8. Campanula rolundifolia, 4%^. Campion, Bladiler. iiS. Cami)ion, Starry. iiS. Campion, White, 120. Cami)ton. N. H , 54. 70, .S4. 1 i^ 120, 132, 224, 230, 272. 2.S2, 300, 302, 312, 328, 34.S, 3()4, 306, 420, 4.i;6, 488. 512 Campton Bog, N. H , 462. Canada Mayflower, 34 Cancer Root, 436- Cancer Root, One-flowered. 436. Cape Cod, Mass., 472. Caprifoliace.-k, 446. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, 174. Caraway, 312. Cardamine hirsuta, i()8. Cardaminc rhomboidi-a, i<)<>. Cardamine rhomboidea, var. pur- purea, 166. Cardinal Flower, 462. Carlinville. 111., S4- Carrion Flower, 24. Carrot, Wild, 30O, 312. Carum Carui, 312. Cakyophyllace.-k, 1 K). Cashew Family, 250. Cassia Chamcccrisla. 2 2i'>. Cassia Marilandica, 228. Cassia tiictitans, 22S. Castilleja, 432. Caslilleia coccinea, 430. Castilleja pallida, var. seplen- trionalis, 430. Catchflv, Night-flowenng, 1 20. Catchfly, Sleepy, 118. Catnip. 400. Catskill Mountains, 424. Cat-tail, 3- Cat-tail Family, 3- Cat-tail, Xarnnv-leaved, 3- Caulophyllum thaliclroides, 152. Ceanothus Aniericanus, 258. Celandine, 158- Cei.astrace/i:, 234. Celastrus scandeus, 254. Centaury, Lesser, 3.S2. Centaury, Spiked, 3.S2. Cerastnim arvcnsc, 124. Cerastiur.i vulgatum, 124. Chamiclirium Carohniavum, 40 539 INDEX. Chamomile, 514. Charlock, 172. Charlotte. Vt., 286. Checkerberry, 330. Cheeses, 262. Chelidonium majus, 158. Chelone glabra. 420. Chenopodiace.«, 1 10. Che no podium album, no. Chenopodium album, var. viride, 1 10 Chenopodium ambrosioides, no. Chenopodium Botrys, no. Chickweed, 124. Chickweed, Field, 124. Chickweed, Larger Mouse-ear, 124. Chicory, 524. Chintaphila maculata, 320. Chimaphila umbellata, 320. Chiogenes serpyllifolia, 328. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemiim, Chrysanthemum Parthcninm, 516. Chrysopsis falcata, 472. Chrysopsis graminifolia, 472. Chrysopsis Mariana, 472. Chrysosplenium Amerieanum, 186. Cicliorium Intybus, 524. Cicuta maculata, 312. Cimicifiiga racemosa, 150. Cinchona, 440. Cinquefoil. 202. Cinquefoil, Marsh Five-finger, 200. Cinquefoil, Norway, 198. Cinquefoil, Purple, 200. Cinquefoil, Rough-fruited, 198. Cinquefoil, vShrubby, 200. Cinquefoil, Silvery, 198. Circcea alpina, 300. Circcea Lutetiana, 300. Cirsium altissimum, var. dis- color, 522. Cirsium arvense, 522. Cirsium lanceolatum, 520. Cirsium muticum, 522. Cirsium pumilum, 522. CiSTACE.-E, 274. Clarendon Hills, Mass., 14, 518. Claytonia Caroliniana, ii6. Claytonia Virginica, 114. Cleavers, 442. Clematis verticillaris, 130. Clematis Viorna, 130. Clematis Virginiana, 128, 130. Climbing Bittersweet Waxwork, ^,- ^54- Chntoma, 26. Clintonia borealis, 26. Clinton ia umbellata, 26. Cloudberry, 192. Clover, Alsatian, 212. Clover, Alsike, 212. Clover, Hop, 212. Clover, Low Hop, 214. Clover, Red, 210. Clover, Stone, 210. Clover, Trailing Bush, 220, Clover, White, 212. Clover, Yellow, 212. Coffee, 440. Cohosh, Blue, 152. Collinsonia Canadensis, 390. Columbine, 146. Comfrey, Wild, 378. CO.MMELIMACE^, I 8. Co>nmelina hirtella, i8. Commeliyia Virginica, 20. COMPOSITyC, 466. Composite Family, 466. Concord, Mass., 154, Cone-flower, 508. Cone-flower, Purple, 506. Cone-flower, Tall. 508. Conioselinum Canadcnse, 306. Conium niaculatum, 312. Conopholis Americana, 436. Convallaria majalis, 34. CONVOLVULACK.-E, 370. Convolvulus arvensis, 372. Convolvulus Family, 370. Convolvulus sepium, 370. Convolvulus sepium., var. repens, 372. Convolvulus spithamcBUS, 370. Coolwort, 184. Coptis trijolia, 146. Coral-berry. 148. Corallorhiza innata, 70. Ccrallorhiza multiflora, 70. Corallorhiza odontorhiza, 70. Coral Root, Early, 70. Coral Root, Large, 70. Coral Root, Small-flowered, yes. CORNACE.«, 318. Corn Cockle, 120. Cornel, Dwarf, 318. Corn Salad, 454. Cornus Canadensis, 318. Cornus, florida, 318. Corydalis aurea, 164. Corydalis glauca, 162. Corydalis, Golden, 164. Corydalis, Pale, 162. Cowbane, 308. Cowbane, Spotted, 312. Cowslip, American, 342. Cowslip, Virginia, 378. Cowslips, 144. Cow-wheat, 434. Cranberries, 328. Cranesbill, 230. Crassulace.'E, 180. Cress, Hairy Rock, 168. Cress. Small Bitter, 168. Cress, Spring, 166. Cress, Winter, 172. Critikleroot, 166. Crotalaria sagittalis, 208. Crowfoot, Bristly, 142 540 INDEX Crowfoot Family, 128. Crowfoot, Hooked, 140. Crowfoot, Small-flowered, 1.58. Crucifer.«, 166. Cuckoo Flower, 122. Cucumber, Climbing Wild, 454. CUCURBITACE.-E, 454. Cudweed, Low, 504. Cudweed, Marsh, 504. Culver's Root, 422. Cuphea, Clammy, 288. Cuphea viscosissima, 288. Currant, Indian, 448. Ctiscu ta Gro n ov ii, 372. Cynoglossum officinale, 376. Cynoglossum Virginicum, 378. Cypripedium, 68. Cypripedium acaule, q6. Cypripedium candidum, 94, 96. Cypripedium parviflorum, 94. Cypripedium pubescens, 94, 96. Cypripedium, spectabile, 96. Daisy, Michaelmas, 490. Daisy Oxeye, 516. Dalibarda re pens, 192. Dandelion, Common, 532. Dandelion, Dwarf, 524. Dandelion, Fall, 524. Dandelion, Red-seeded, 532. Datura Stramonium, 414. Datura Tatula, 414. Daucus Carota, 306. Day Flower, 18. Decodon verticillatus, 288. Deer-grass, 290. Delphinium Ajacis, 148. Delphinium Consolida, 148. Delphiniiwi exallatum, 148. Dentaria diphylla, 166. Dentaria lacniiata, 166. Desmodium acuminatum, 218. Desmodium Canadense. 218. Desmodium Dillenii, 218. Desmodium nudiflorum, 21O. Desmodium paniculatum, 218. Desmodium rotundi folium, 218. Devil's Bit, 46. Dianthus Armeria, 116. Dianthus deltoides, 116. DlAPENSIACE/E, 34O. Diapensia Family, 340. Dicentra Canadensis, 160. Dicentra Cucullaria, 160. Dicentra exima, 162. Diervilla trifida, 452. Dock, Bitter, 104. Dock, Cvirled, 102. Dock, Golden, 104. Dock, Great Water, 102. Dock, Patience, 102, Dock, Swamp, 102. Dodder, Common, 372. Dodecatheon Meadia, 342- Dogbane Family, 364- Dogbane, Spreading, 364. Dogwood Family, ji8. Dogwood, Flowering. 31S, Dover, Me., 138. Draba CaroHuiana, 168. Draba vcrna. 170. Dragon, Green, 10. Drag(jn-head, False, 406. Dragi )n-root, 10. DROS«:RACE.4i, 178. Droscra filiform is, 178. Droscra intermedia, var. Am*T' icana, 178. Drosera linearis, 178. Drosera rotundifolia, 178. Dublin, N. H., 70. Dutchman's Breeches. i6o. Dutchman's Pipe, 100. East Lexington, Mass., 286. Echinacea pallida, 508. Echinacea purpurea, 50O. Echinocystis lobata. 454. Echinospcrmum Lappula, 37S. Echinosprrmum Virginicum, 378 Echiiim, 37O. Echium vulgare, 382. Elder, 446. Elder, Red-berried, 440 . Elder, Wild, 302. Elecampane, 504. Enchanter's Nightshade, 300. Epigcra repcns, 330. Epilobium adenocaulon, 296. Epilobium angustifoliiim, 294. Epilobium coloratum, 296. Epilobium hirsutum, 294. Epilobium lincare, 294. Epilobium palustre, 294. Epilobium sirictum, 296. Epiphegus Virginiana, 436. Erechtites hieracifolia, 518. Ericace.«, 328. EricacecT, 340. Erigeron annuus, 498. Erigeron bcllidifolius, 500. Erigeron Canadensis, 498. Erigeron Philadclphicus, 500. Erigeron strigosus, 408. Erythrcca Cenlaurium, 352. Erythrcea ramosissima, 352. Erythrcca spicata, 352. Erythronium albidum, 54. Erythroniitm American um, 54. Eupatorium ageratoidcs. 470. Eupatorium album, 468. Eupatorium aromaticum, 470. Eupatorium prrfoliatum, 468. Eupatorium purpurcum, 468. Eupatorium scssilifolium, 468. EUPH0RB!ACE/C, 246. Euphorbia Cyparissias, 248. Euphorbia Hclioscopia, 248. Euphorbia maculala, 246. Euphorbia marginata, 24S. Euphorbia polygimifotici, 246. Euphorbia Prcslii, 246.-;' 541 INDEX. Euphrasia Oakesii, 432. Euphrasia officinalis, 432. Euphrasia officinalis, var. Tar- tar ica, 432. Evening Primrose, Common, 296. Evening Primrose Family, 292. Evening Primrose, Oakes's, 298. Everlasting, 500. Everlasting, Clammy, 504. Everlasting, Pearly, 502. Everlasting, Sweet, 504. Eyebright, 430. Fagopyrum esctdentum, 108 False Foxglove, Downy, 426. False Foxglove, Fern-leaved, 426. False Foxglove, Smooth, 428 False Mermaid, 232. False Spikenard, 30. Farmer's Curse, 516. Farmington, Me., 502. Featherfoil, 340. Feather Geranium, no. Feverfew, 516. Feverwort, 448. Figwort, 418. Figwort Family, 416. Fireweed, 294, 518. Five-finger, 202. Flax, Common, 238. Flax Family, 238. Flax, Wild Yellow, 238. Fleabane, Common, 500. Fleabane, Daisy, 498. Fleur-de-lis, 62. Floerkea proserpinacoides, 232. Flower-of-an-hour, 266. Fly-honeysuckle, 450. Fly-honeysuckle, Mountain, 450. Foamflower, 1S4. Forget-me-not, 380. Forget-me-not, Smaller, 380. Forget-me-not, Spring, 380. Fragaria Americana, 196. Fragaria Virginiana, 196. Franconia, N. H., 502. Frostweed, 274. FUMARIACE.^, 158. Fumaria officinalis, 164. Fumitory, 164. Fumitory, Climbing, 160. Galeopsis Tetrahit, 410. Galium aparine, 442. Galium asprellum, 444, 460. Galium, boreale, 444. Galium circcszans, 444. Galium trifldum, 444. Galium triflorum, 444. Galium verum, 442. Gall of the Earth, 530. Garden Orpine, 180. Gaultheria procumbens, 330. Gentian, Bottle, 360. Gentian, Closed, 360. Gentian, Downy, 358. Gentian Family, 352. Gentian, Fringed, 356. Gentian, Horse, 448. Gentian, Soapwort, 360. Gentianace.^, 352. Gentiana, Andreusii, 360. Gentiana angustifolia, 362. Gentiana crinita, 356. Gentiana linearis. 360. Gentiana ochroleuca, 362. Gentiana puberula, 358. Gentiana quinqueflora, 358. Gentiana Saponaria, 360. Gentiana serrata, 358. Geraniace^, 230. Geranium Bickncllii, 230. Geranium, Carolinianum, 232. Geranium Family, 230. Geranium maculatum, 230. Geranium Roberiianum, 230. Geranium, Wild, 230. Gerardia flava, 426. Gerardia maritima, 428. Gerardia pedicularia, 426. Gerardia. Purple, 428. Gerardia purpurea, 428. Gerardia purpurea, var pauper* cula, 428 Gerardia querci folia, 42S. Gerardias, 430. Gerardia, Seaside, 428. Gerardia, Slender, 428. Gerardia tenuifolia, 428 Germander, American, 390. Geum album. 192. Geum radtatum, var. Peckii, 194. Geum rivale, 194. Geum strictum, 194 Geum triflorum, 194. Geum Virginianutn, 194. Gill-over-the-ground, 400. 'Ginseng, 304. Ginseng, Dwarf, 304. Ginseng Family, 302. Glaux, 340. Glaux maritima, 348. Gnaphalium decurrens, 504. Gnaphalium polycephalum, 504. Gnaphalium uliginosum., 504. Goat's Beard, 190 Golden Aster, Curved-leaved. 472. Golden Aster, Grass-leaved, 472. Golden Club, 16. Golden-rod. Alpine, 476. Golden-rod. Blue-stemmed, 474. Golden-rod, Bog, 476. Golden-rod, Broad-leaved, 474. Golden-rod, Canada, 482. Golden-rod, Early, 480. Golden-rod, Elm-leaved, 478. Golden-rod, Gray, 482. \ Golden-rod, Hard-leaved, 482. 1 Golden-rod, Lance-leaved, 484. 542 INDEX. Golden-rod, Lar^c-leaved, 47(). Golden-rod. Late, 480. Golden-rod, Rough-stem nu-d, 478. Golden-rod, Seaside, 470. Golden-rod, Sharp-leaved, 480. Golden-rod, Showy, 476. (lolden-rod, Slender, 484. (rolden-rod. Spreading, 47S. Golden-rod, Stout, 474. (rolden-rod, Swainp, 4S0. (rulden-rod. Sweet, 478. Golden-rod, White, 474. Goldthread, 146. Goodyera Menzicii, 78. Goodycra pttbesceits, yS Goodyera re pens, 76. Goodyera repens, ya,r. aphides, 76. Goodyera tesselata, 76. Goosefoot Family, no. Goosegrass, 442. Gourd Family, 454. Grape, Northern Fox, 260. Grape, River, 260. Grass-of-Parnasstxs, 186. Grass Pink, So. Great Cranberry Island, Me., 432. Green Adder's Mouth, 68. Green Brier, 24. Grim the Collier, 526. Gromwell, 382. Gromwell, Corn, 380. Ground Cherry, Clammy, 412. Ground Cherry, Virginia, 414. Ground Moss, 374. Ground Nut, 224. Habcnaria hlephari glottis, 90. Haboiaria bracteata, 84. Habcnaria ciliaris, 88. Habenaria cristata, 88. Habenaria dtlatata, 86. Habenaria fimbriata, 92. Habenaria Hooker iana, 86. Haboiaria hyperborea, 86. Habenaria integra, 84. Habenaria lacera, 90. Habenaria leucophcca, 88. Habenar-ia nxvea, 84. Habenaria peramcena, 92. Habenaria psycodes. 90, 92. Haboiaria tridentata, 84, 90. Habcnaria virescens, 84. Hardhack, 188. Harebell, 458, 460. Hartford, Conn., 76. Haverhill, Mass., 422. Hawkweed, Canada, 526. Hawkweed, Tawny, 526. Heal-all, 406. Heath Family, 320, 328. Hedcoma pulegwtdes, 396- Hclcniiini antiimnale, 514. Hcliauthcnuitn Canadense, 274. Helianthus annuus, 510. HchanlliHS dccapetalus, .sij. I Helianthus divaricatus, 510. I Hrlia}illuts giganlfus, sio. I Helianthus pan. Hibiscus Moschcutos, 26(1. Hibiscus Trionum, 2()b. Hieracium aurantiacum, 52O. j Hieracium Canadense, 52<>. Hieracium GronovH, 528 Hieracium paniculatum, 52(1. Hieracium scabrum, 528. Hieracium venosum, '528. Hobble-bush, 446. Hogwecd, 50(1. Holderness, N. H., 240. Honeysuckle, Bush. 452. Honeysuckle, Coral, 45; 2. HoncN'suckle Family, 446. Honeysuckle, Trumpet, 452 Honeysuckle, White Swamp. 334- Honeysuckle, Wild, .i.!,(>. Horehound, 408. Horehound, Cut-leaved Water, ^ 394- Horseradish, 170. Horseweed, 498. Hottonia inflata, 340. Hovmd's tongvie, 376. Houstonia cccrulea, 440. Houstonia, Large, 440. Houstonia purpurea, 440. Houstonia purpurea, var. cilio- lata, 442. Houstonia, purpurea var. longi- folia, 442. Huckleberries, 328. Hudsonia tomcntosa, 274. Hydrastis Canadensis, 150. Hydrocotyle Americana, 3«'>- HVPERICACE.-K, 268. Hypericum adprcssiim, 208. Hypericum Ascyron, 2O8. Hypericum Canadense, 272. Hypericum elltpttcum, 270. Hypericum maculatum, 270. Hypericum muttlum, 272. 543 INDEX. Hypericum nudicaule, 272. Hvpcricum perforatum, 270. Hypericum prolificum, 268. Hvperjctim virgatum, 270. Hypericum Virginicum, 272 Hypoxis erect a, 60. Hyssop, 396. Hyssopus officinalis, 396. Hysanihes riparia, 422. Indigo, Blue False, 20S Indigo, Wild, 208. Impaiiens aiirea, 256. hnpatiens bifiora, 256. Indian Cucumber, 44. Indian Hemp, 364- Indian Pipe, 326. Indian Poke, 46. Innocence, 440. Inula Hclenium, 504. Iridace.'E, 62. Iris, Crested Dwarf, 64. Iris cristata, 64. Iris, Dwarf, 64. Iris Family, 62. /rz5 prismatica, 64. /r75 verna, 64. /rz5 versicolor, 6 2 . Ironweed, New York, 468. Ironweed, Tall, 466. Isanthus cceruleus, 388. Ivy, Ground, 400. Jack-in-the-pulpit, 10. Jackson, N. H., 68. Jacob's Ladder, 376. Jafifrey, N. H , 84, 492. Jamestown Weed, 414. Jefferson, N. H., 144. Jeffersortia diphylla, 152. Jerusalem Oak, no. Jewel-weed, 256. Jewel- Weed Family, 256. limson Weed, 414. Joe-Pye-Weed, 468. Kalmia angustifolia, 334. Kalmia glauca, 334. Kalmia latifolia, 332. Knotgrass, 106. Knotweed, Erect, 106. Krtgia ample xicaulis, 524. Krigia Virginica, 524. Labiate,, 388. Lactuca, 506. Lactuca Canadensis, 532, 534. Lactuca hirsuta, 534. Lactuca integrifolia, 532. Lactuca leucophcea, 534. Lady's Slipper, Showy, 96 Layd's Slipper, Stemless, 96. Lady's Slipper, White, 94. Lady's SHpper, Yellow, 94. Lady's Thumb, 106. ' Ladies' Tresses, 72 Ladies' Tresses, Grass-leaved, 74 Ladies' Tresses, Slender, 74. Lake Champlain, N. Y., 132. Lake Dunmore, Vt., 370. I Lake Huron, 178. Lake of the Clouds, Mt. AVash- ington. N. H , 200. Lake Superior, 178. Lakewood, N, J., 340. Lambkill, 334. Lamb's-quarters, no. Lamium amplexicaule, 408. Lamium purpureum, 410. Langdon Park, Plymouth, N.H., 192, 422. Larkspur, Field, 148. Larkspur, Tall. 148. Lathyrus maritimus, 224. Lathyrus palustris, 244. Laurel, Great, 338. Laurel, Mountain, 332, 334. Laurel, Pale, 334. Laurel, Sheep-, 334. Leadwort, 350. Leather Flower, 130. Lechea minor, 274. Leguminos/E, 188, 208. Leontodon autumnalis, 524. Leontodon autumnalis, var. pra^ tens IS, 524. Leonurus Cardiaca, 408. Lepidium Virginicum, 174. Lespedeza capitata, 222 Lespedeza polystachya, 220. Lespedeza procumbens, 220. Lespedeza reticulata. 220. Lespedeza violacea, 220. Lettuce, Smooth-stemmed White, 528. Lettuce, Tall Blue, 534- Lettuce, Tall White, 530. Lettuce, White, 528. Lettuce, Wild, 532. Lexington, Mass., 116. Liatris scariosa, 470. Liatris spicata, 470. Liatris squarrosa, 470. LlLIACE.^, 24. Lilium Canadense, 50. Lilium Philadelphicum, 48. Lilium tigrinum, 52. Lilium superbum, 52 Lilium superbum, var. Carolini- anum, 52. Lily, Atamasco, 60. Lily, Blackberry, 64. Lily, Canada, 50. Lily, Carolina, 52. Lily, Day, 58. Lily Family, 24. Lily of the Valley, 34. Lily, Tiger, 52. Lily, Turk's Cap, 52. Lilv, Wild Orange-red, 48. Lilv, Wood, 48. 544 INDEX. Lily. Yellow Day, 58. Lily, Yellow Meadow, 50. Litnnanthemum, 3^2. Linage.^, 238. Linaria Canadensis, 416. Linaria vulgaris, 418. Lincoln, Neb., 170. Linncca bon-alis, 448. Linum snlcatntn, 238. Linum usitatissimum, 238. Linum Virginiajium, 238. Lion's-foot, 530. Liparis liliifolia, 70. Liquorice, Wild, 444. Listera convallarioides. 72. Lister a cordata, 72. Lithospcrmum arvensc, 380. Lithospermum canesccns. 382. Lit hos per mum officinale, 380. Live-forever, 180. Liverwort, 134. Lobelia cardinalis, 462. LoBEI,IACE/E, 462. Lobelia Dortmanna, 464. Lobelia, Downy, 462. Lobelia Family, 462. Lobelia, Great, 462. Lobelia inflata. 464. Lobelia Kalmii, 464. Lobelia, Kalm's, 464. Lobelia. Pale Spiked, 464. Lobelia puberttla, 462. Lobelia spicata, 464. Lobelia, syphilitica, 462. Lobelia, Water, 464. Long Purple.s, 288. Lonicera cceruiea, 450. Lonicera c Hi at a, 450. Lonicera sempervirens, 452. Loosestrife Family, 286. Loosestrife, Four-leaved, 346. Loosestrife, Fringed, 344. Loosestrife, Hyssop, 286. Loosestrife, Purple or Spiked, 288. Loosestrife, Swamp, 288. Lopseed, 386 Louse wort, 432 Lower Cabut, Vt., 190. Lucerne, 214. Ludwigia alternifolia, 292. Ludwigia palustris, 292. Ludwigia po! year pa, 292. Lupinus perennis, 210. Lychnis alba, 120. Lychnis, Evening, 120. Lychnis, Flos-cuculi, 122. Lycopsis arvensis, 382. Lycopus sitiuatus, 394. Lycopus Virginicus, 394. Lysimachia nunimularta, 348. Lysimachia prodticta, 34S. Lysimachia qiiadrifolia, 346. Lysimachia stricta, 346- Lythrace.^, 286. Lythrwn alatum, 286. Lythrum Hyssopifolia, 286. Lythrum lincarc, 280. Lythrum salicaria, 288. Madder, 440. Madder Family. 440. Maianlhrmum Canadcnsc, 34. Mallow Family, 2O2. Mallow, High,' 264. Malliiw, Marsh, 2^2. Mallow, Musk. 2O4. Mallow. Round-leaved. 2O2. Malvace.*:, 262. Malva Moschata. 2(^4. Malva rotundijolia, 202. Malva sylvcstris, 264. Manchester, Vt., 412. Mandrake, i S4. Marigold, NLar.^h, 144. Marrubium vulgarc, 408. May Apple. 154. Mayflower, 330, 442. Mayweed, 514. Meadow-beauty, 290. Meadow-beauty Family, 290. Meadowsweet, 188. Medicago lupulina, 2i<> Medicago saliva, 214 Mcdcola Virginica, 44. Melampyrum Amcricauum, 434. Mclanthium V irginicum, 46. Melastomace.*, 290. Melilot, Yellow, 214. Melilotus alba. 214. Melilotus officinalis, 214. Mentha aqiiatica, 392. Mentha arvensts, 394- Mentha arvensis, var. Canaden- sis, 394. Mentha piperita, 392. Mentha sylvestris, 392. Mentha viridis, 392. Menyanthcs, 352. Mertcnsia Virginica, 378. Microstylis ophioglossoidcs, 68. Middlesex Fells, Mass., 276. Middletown, Conn., 122. Mikania scandens, 468. Milfoil, 5 14. Milk Purslane, 240. Milk Vetch. 214- Milkweed, Common, iG&. Milkweed Family, 3^4. ,^<»6. Milkweed, Four-leaved, 370- Milkweed. Poke, ^u>^. Milkweed. Purple. 3<>'>- Milkweed, Swamp, 366. Milkwort, 2.^2. Milkwort, Cross-leaved, 244. Milkwort Family. 240. Milkwort, Fringed. 240. Milkwort, Short-leaved. 244. Milkwort. Whorled. 244. Mimiilus ringens, 422. Mint. Corn. 394 Mini Family. 3S8 545 INDEX. Mint, Horse, 392. Mint, Mountain, 396. Mint, Water, 392. Mint, Wild, 394. Mitchella repens, 442. Mitella diphylla, 184. Mitella nuda, 184, 186. Mitrewort, 184. Mitrewort, False, 184. Mitrewort, Naked, 184. Moccasin Flower, 96. Monarda didyma, 398. Monarda fistulosa, 398. Monarda fistulosa, var. media, 400. Monarda fistulosa, var. rubra, 400. Moneses grandiflnra, 322. Moneywort, 348. Monkey-flower, 422. ' Monkshood, 148. Monotropa Hypopitys, 326. Monotropa iimfiora, 326. Moss, Flowering, 340. Motherwort, 408 Mount Agassiz, N. H., 70. Mountain Daisy, 122. Mountain Fringe, 160. Mt. Desert Island, 122. Mt. Eouinox, Vt., 4. Mt. Katahdin, Me., 530. Mt. Monroe, N. H., 432. Mt. Moosilauke, N. H., 280. Mt. Washington, N. H., 72, 122, 200, 280, 424, 430. Mud Plantain, 22. Mugwort, S16. Mullein, Moth, 416. Mustard, Black, 172. Mustard Family, 166. Mustard, Field, 172. Mustard, Hedge, 172. Mustard, White, 174. Myosotis laxa, 380. Myosotis palustris, 380. Myosotis verna, 380. Myrtle, 348. Nantucket, Mass., 4, 48, 116, 126, 208, 268, 270, 350, 352, 356, 472, 524- Nasturtium Armoracia, 170. Nasturtium officinale, 170. Nasturtium terrestre, 170. Nepeta Cataria, 400. Nepeta Glechoma, 400. Nettle, Dead, 408. Nettle, Hedge, 410. Nettle, Hemp, 410. Newfane, Vt., 494. New Jersey Tea, 258. New York, N. Y., 154. Nightshade, 412. Nightshade, Black, 412. Nightshade Family, 410. Nonesuch, 216. North Easton, Mass., 24. Nuphar advena, 126. Nuphar advena, var. minus. 128. Nuphar Kalmianum, 128. Nymph.«ace.«, 126. Nyniphcsa odorata, 126. Nvmphcea odorata, var. minor, 126. Nymphcea odorata, var. rosea, 126. Oakcsia, 38. Oakcsia sessilifolia, 38. Oakes's Gulf, Mt. Washington, N. H., 530. Old Man's Beard, 130. Onagrace.^, 292. 0)wsmodium Virginianum, 382. Orange-grass, 272. Orangeroot, 150. Orchidace.*;, 68. Orchid Family, 68. Orchis, Green Round - Leaved, 86. Orchis, Green Wood, 84. Orchis, Hooker's, 86. Orchis, Large Purple Fringed, 92. Orchis, Purple, 92. Orchis, Ragged Fringed, 90. Orchis rotundifolia, 82. Orchis, Showy, 82. Orchis, Smaller Purple Fringed, 92. Orchis spcctahilis, 82. Orchis, White Fringed, 88. Orchis, Yellow Crested, 88. Orchis, Yellow Fringed, 88. Ornithogalum umbellatum, 56. Orobanchace^, 436. Orobanche uniflora, 436. Orono, Me., 138. Orontium aquaticum, 16. Orpine Family, 180. Osmorrhiza brevistylis, 314. Osntorrhi^a longistylis, 314. Oswego Tea, 398. Oxalidace>e, 234. Oxalis Acetosella, 234. Oxalis cymosa, 236. Oxalis stricta, 236. Oxalis violacea, 234. Oxeye, 506. Painted Cup, 430. Panax quinquefolium, 304. Panax tri folium, 304. Papaverace^, 156, 158 Papoose Root, 152. Parnassia Caroliniana, 186. Parsley Family, 306. Parsley, Hemlock, 306. Parsnip, Cow, 308. Parsnip, Early Meadow, 310. Parsnip, Meadow, 310. 546 INDEX. Parsnip, Water, 310. Parsnip, Wild, 308. Partridgeberry, 442, Pastiyiaca saliva, 308, 310. Pea, Beach, 224. Peacham, Vt., 190. Peanvit, Hotj, 226. Peanut, Wild, 226. Pea Partridge, 228. Pedicularis Canadensis, 432. Pedicularis lanceolata, 434. Peltandra undulata, 12. Pemigewasset Valley, N. H.. 252, 456. Pennyroyal, American, 306. Pennyroyal, Bastard, 388. Pennyroyal, False, 388. Penthorum sedoides, 180. Pentstemon, 420. Pentstemon IcBvigatus, 420, 422. Pentstemon Icevigatus, var. digi- talis, 420, 422. Pentstemon pubesccns, 420. Pepper-grass, Wild, 174. Peppermint, 302. Perilla ocymoides, 3qo. Persicaria, Pennsylvania. 106. Phaseoliis perennis, 226. Phillip's Beach, Marblehead, Mass., 120. Phlox divaricata, 374. Phlox, Downy, 374. Phlox Family, 374 Phlox paniculata, 374. Phlox pilosa, 374. Phlox subulata, 374. Phlox, Wild Blue, 374- Phryma Icptostachya, 386. Phy salts heterophylla, 412. Phy salts pubescens, 414. Physalis Virginiana, 414. Physostegia Virginiana, 406. Physostegia Virginiana, var. denticulata, 406. Pickerel Weed, 22. Pickerel Weed Family, 22. Pigweed, no. Pimpernel, 350. Pimpernel, False, 422. Pine-sap, 326. Pine-weed, 272. Pink, 354- Pink, Deptford, 116. Pink Family, 116. Pink, Ground, 374. Pink, Large Marsh, 356. Pink, Maiden, 116. F^ink, Rose, 354. Pink, Sea, 354. Pink, Wild, 118. Pinweed, 274. Pinxter Flower, 336. Pipsissewa, 320. Pitcher Plant, 176. Pitcher Plant Family, 176. Pl.ANl aGINACE/E, 438. Plantago lanceolata. 438. Plautago major, 438. Plantago Rugelii. 438. Plantain, Common. 4^8. Plantain. English, 43H, Plantain Family, 438. Plantain, Rubin's, 500. Pleurisy Root, 366. PlumbacinacE/K. 350. Plumbago, 3 so Plymouth, N. H., 158. 448. Podophyllum, 152 Podophyllum peltatum, 154. Pogonia. Ntjddini.', 80. Pogo)ua ophioglossoidcs, 78, 80. Pogonia pendula, 80 Pogonia vcrtictllata. 82. Poison Ivy 252. POLEMONIACE.K, 374. I Polcmonium cirrulcum, 376. ^ Polcmonium reptans, 376. I Polygala brcvijolia, 244. POLYC.ALACE.t, 240. Polygala cruciata. 244. Polygala pancijolia, 240. Polygala polygama, 242. Polygala sanguinea, 242. Polygala Senega, 242. Polygala verticillata, 244. Polygala verticillata, var. am- bigua, 244. POLYGONACE.«, I02. Polygonatum biflortim, 36. Polygonatum giganteum, },(>. Polygonum, 104. Polygonum arijolium, 108. Polygonum avuulare, 106. ' Polygonum dumetorum. var. scandois, 108. I Polygonum crcctum, 106. j Polygonum hydropiperoidcs, 106. I Polygonum P enn sylvan icum,\o<\. Polygonum Persicaria. io<). ', Polygonum sagittatum, 108. Poiid-Lily, Small Yellow. 12S. Pond-Lily, Yellow. 126. PONTEDERIACE.*. 22. Pontederia cordata, 22. Poor Man's Weather-glass, 3.'»o. Poppy, Celandine, i.sft. Poppy Family, 150. Poppv-mallow, Purple, 2O4. Poppy, Prickly. 158. PORTULACACE.^i. II4. Portulaca oleracca. i 14 Potentilla Anserina, 202. Potent ilia argent :a, iij8 Potentilla Canadensis, 202. Potentilla jrigida, 200. Potentilla jruticosa, 200. Potentilla Xorvegiia, 108. Potentilla palustris. 200. Potentilla recta, m8. Potentilla simplex, 202. Potentilla tridcntata, 200. Pownal. Vt., 208. 547 INDEX. Prenanihes alba, 528, 530. Prenanthes altissima, 530. Prenanthes Bootii, 530. Prenanthes racemosa, 528. Prenanthes serpentaria, 530. Prenanthes trifoliolata, var. nana, 530. Primrose, Dwarf Canadian. 342. Primrose Family, 340. Primulace.'E, 340- Primula farinosa, 342. Primula Mistassinica, 342. Prince's Pine, 320. Profile House, Franconia Notch, N. H., 202. Profile Lake, Franconia Notch, N. H. 234- Prunella vulgaris, 406. Puccoon, 382. Pulse Family, 208. Purple Flowering - Raspberry, 190. Purslane Family, 114. Purslane or Pusley, 114. Pussy-toes, 500. Pycnantliemum lanceolatum, 396. Pycnanthemum linifolium, 396. Pyrola asarifolia, 324. PVROLACE.C, 320. Pyrola chlorantha, 322, 324. Pyrola elliptica, 324. Pyrola Family, 320. Pyrola, One-flowered, 322. Pyrola rotundifolia, 324 Pyrola, Round-leaved, 324. Pyrola secunda, 322. Pyrola, Small, 322. Pyxidanthera barbulata, 340. Pyxie Moss, 340. Quaker Ladies, 440. Queen Anne's Lace, 306. Queen-of-the-Prairie, 190. Rabbit-foot, Clover, 210. Ragged Robin, 122. Ragweed, Great, 506. Ragwort, Golden, 518. Randolph, Vt., 190. Ranunculace^, 128. Ranunculus abortivus, 138. Ranunculus abortivus, var. eucy- clus, 138. Ranunculus acris, 142, 144. Ranutieulus acris, var. Steveni, 144. Ranunculus ambigens, 138. Ranunculus bulbosus, 142. Ranuyiculus fascicularis, 140. Ranunculus Pennsylvanicus, 142. Ranunculus recurvatus, 140. Ranunculus re pens, 142. Ranujicidus septentrionalis, 140, 142. Raspberry, Mountain, 192. Rattlebox, 208. Rattlesnake Plantain, 76. Rattlesnake-root, 1528. Rattlesnake-weed, 528. Rhamnace.b, 258. Rhamnus alnifolia, 258. Rhamniis cathartica, 258. Rhexia aristosa, 290. Rhexia Mariana, 290. Rhexia Virginica, 290. Rhinanthus Crista-galli, 432. Rhododendron calendulaceum, 336 Rhododendron Catawbtense, 338. Rhododendron Lapponicum, 338. Rhododendron maximum, 338. Rhododendron nudiflorum, 336. Rhododendron Rhodora, 336. Rhododendrons. 334. Rhododendron viscosum, 334. Rhodora, 336. Rhus copallina, 250. Rhus glabra, 250. Rhus toxicodendron, 252. Rhus typhina, 250. Rhus venenata, 252. Ribgrass, 438. Richard ia, 12. Rich Weed. 390. Rock-rose Family, 274. Rosa blanda, 204. Rosa canina, 206. Rosa Carolina, 204. Rosa humilis, 206. Rosa liicida, 204. Rosa mtida, 206. Rosa rubiginosa, 206. ROSACE.-E, 182, 188. Rosebay, Lapland. 338. Rose, Dwarf Wild, 204. Rose Family, 188. Rose-mallow, Halberd-leaved, 266. Rose-mallow. Swamp. 266. Rosemary, Marsh, 350. Rose, Northeastern, 206. Rose, Pasture, 206. Rose, Smooth, 204. Rose, Sw^amp, 204. Roxbury, Conn., 422. Roxbury, Mass., iio. RUBIACE.-E, 438. Rubia tinctorum, 440. Rubus Chamcemorus, 192. Rubus odoratus, 190. Rudbeckia hirta, 508 Rudbeckia laciniata, 506. Rudbeckia triloba, 508. Rue, Early Meadow, 136. Rue, Purplish Meadow, 138. Rue, Tall Meadow, 136. Rumex Acetosella, 104. Rumex Britannica, 102. Rumex crispus, 102. Rumex obtusif alius, 104. Rumex Patientia, 102. 548 INDEX. Rumex per sic ario ides, 104. Rumex verticillatus, 102. Sabbatia angularis, 354. Sabbatia chloroides, 356. Sabbatia gracilis, 354. Sabbatia, Lance-leaved, 354. Sabbatia laitccolata, 354. Sabbatia stellar is, 354. Saddle River, N. J., 260. Sage, Lyre-leaved, 398. Sage, Wood, 390. Sagittaria Engelmanniana, 8. Sagittaria lati folia. . Sisyri>ichium angusliiolium, 66. Sisyri>ichiu»i Atlanlicum, (>'». Sium cicntcriolium, mo. Skullcap, Mad-dog. 402. Skunk Cabbage, 14, 154. Smartweed, 106. Smilacina racemosa. 30. Smilacina stcllata, 32. Smilacina tri folia, 32. Stvilax herbacea. 24. Smilax officinalis. 304. Smilax rotundifolia, 24. Smilax rotundifolia, var. quad- rangiilaris, 24. Smith's College, Northampton, Mass., 434- Snake Mouth, 80. Snakeroot, Black. 150,316. Snakeroot, White, 470. Snap-dragon, Small, 418. Sneczeweed, 514. Snowberry, 450. Snowberry, Creeping. 32S. Snow on the Mountain, 248. Soapwort, 116. Solanace.-k, 410. Solanum Dulcamara, 412. Solanum nigrum, 412. Solidago, 472. Solidago arguta, 4^°- Solidago bicolor, 474. Solidago ccEsia, 474- Solidago Canadensis, 482. Solidago juncea. 480. Solidago lanceolata. 484. Solidago latifolia. 474- Solidago macrophylla, 476. Solidago neglect a. 480. Solidago nemoralis. 482. Solidago odora. 47 S. Solidago patula. a1^- Solidago rigida. 482. Solidago rugosa. 478. Solidago sempervirens, 476. Solidago serolina, 480. Solidago speciosa, 476- Solidago squarrosa. 474- Solidago tenui folia. 484. Solidago uliginosa, 47<>- So'idago ulmifolia, 47^- Solidago Virgaurea, var. alpina, 470. 54«J INDEX. Solomon's Seal, 36. Solomon's Seal, False, 32. Solomon's Seal, Three-leaved False, 32. Sonchus as per 534. Sonchus oleraceus, 534. Sorrel Family, 234- Sorrel, Field or Sheep, 104. Sorrel, Lady's, 236. Sorrel, Violet Wood, 234- Sorrel, Wood, 234. Sorrel. Yellow Wood, 236. Southbury, Conn., 374- Sparganiace/e, 4. Sparganiuni androcladum, 4. Sparganium eurycarpum, 4. Sparganiuni simplex, 4. Spatter-dock, 126. Spearmint, 302. Spiderwort Family, 18. Spikenard, 302. Specularia perfoliata, 456. Speedwell, Common, 424. Speedwell, Marsh, 424. Speedwell, Thyme-leaved, 426. Spiderwort, 20. Spircea Aruncus. 190. Spircea lobata, igo. Spircea salicifolia, var. latifolia, 188. Spircea tomentosa, 188. Spiranthes cernua, 72, 74. Spiranthes gracilis, 74. Spiranthes prcrcox, 74. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana, 76. Spring Beauty, 114. Spurge, Cypress, 248. Spurge Family, 246. Spurge, Seaside, 246. Spurge, Spotted, 246. Spurge, Sun, 248. Spurge, White Margined, 248. Squawroot, 436. Squirrel Corn, 162. Siachys as per a, 410. ' Stachys palustris, 410. Staff-Tree Family, 254. St. Andrew's Cross, 268. Star Flower, 344. Star Grass, 60. Star-of-Bethlehem, 56. St at ice Limonium, var. Caro- liniana, 350. Steeplebush, 188. Steironema cHiatum, 344. Steironema lanceolatum, 344. Stellar ia gr amine a, 124. Stellar ia longifolia, 124. Stellaria media, 124. Stenanthium robustum, 48. Stenanthium. Stout, 48. Stickseed, European, 378. Stickseed, Virginia, 378. Stick-tight, 512. Stitchwort, Lesser. 124. Stitch wort. Long-leaved, 124. St. John River, Fort Kent, Me.. 132.^ St. John's-wort, Common, 270. St John's-wort Family, 268. St. John's-wort, Great, 268. St. John's-wort, Marsh, 272. St. John's-wort, Shrubby, 268. St. Tohn's-wort, Spotted, 270. St. Libory, St. Clair Co., 111., 158. Stonecrop, Ditch, 180. Stonecrop, Wild, r8o. St. Peter" s-wort, 268. Strawberry, American Wood, 196. Strawberry, Wild Virginia, 19b. Streptopus amplexijolius, 28. Streptopus roseus, 28. Strophostyles angulosa, 226. Stylophorum diphyllum, 156. Succory, 524. Sumac, Dwarf, 250. Sumac, Poison, 252. Sumac, Smooth, 250. Sumac, Staghorn, 250. Sundew Family, 178. Sundew, Long-leaved, 178. Sundew, Round-leaved, 178. Sundew, Slender, 178. Sundew, Thread-leaved, 178. Sundrops. 298, 300. Sunflower, Small, 510. Sunflower, Tall, 510. Sunflower, Ten-petaled, 512. Sunflower, Thin-leaved, 512. Sunflower, Woodland, 510. Sweetbrier, 206. Sweet Cicely, 314. Sweet Flag, 16. Sweet Scabius, 498. Symphoricarpos racemostis, 450. Symphoricarpos vulgaris, 448. Symplocarpus jcetidus, 14. Tanacetum vulgare, 516. Tansy, 516. Taraxacum erythrospermum, 532. Taraxacum officinale, 532. Tearthumb, Arrow-leaved. 108. Tearthumb, Halberd - leaved, 108. Teucrium Canadense, 390. Thalictrum dioicum, 136. Thalictrum polygamum, 136. Thalictrum purpurascens, 138. Thaspium aureum, 310. Thaspium aureum, var. atro- purpureum, 310. Thaspium barbinode, 310. Thimble-berry, 190. Thimble-weed, 130. Thistle, Canada, 522. Thistle, Common, 520. Thistle, Pasture, 522. Thistle, 'Sow, 534. Thistle, Swamp, 522. Thistle, Tall, 522. 550 INDEX. Thistle, Yellow, 520. Thorn Apple, 414. Thorn Apple, Purple, 414. Thoroughwort, 468. Thoroughwort, White, 468. Tiarella cordifolia, 184. Tick Trefcjil, 216. Tick Trefoil, Canadian. 218. Ticdemannia rigida, 308. Tinker' s-weed, 448. Tissa rubra L , 126. Toad-flax, 418 Toad-flax, Blue, 410. Tobacco, Indian. 464. Tooth wort, 1 6b. Toothwort. Cut-leaved, 16O. Touch-me-not, Pale, 256. Touch-me-not, Spotted, 256. Tradescantia rosea, 20. Tradescantia Virginica, 20. Trichosicma dichotomum, 388. Truhostcma lineare, 38S. Tricutalis Americana, 344- TrijoUiim agrarium, 212. Tnjoliitm arvoisc, 210 Tmolium hybridiim, 212. Trifolium pralcnse, 210. Trifolium procunibens, 214. Trjfolium rcpcns, 212. TrdUum cernumn, 42. Trillium, Dwarf White, 42- Trillium erectum, 40. Trillium grandifloruni, 42. Trillium, Large Flowering, 42. Trillium nivale, 42. Trillium, Nodding, 42. Trillium, Painted, 42. Trillium recurvatum, 40. Trillium, sessile, 40. Trillium, Stemless, 40 Trillium undulatum, 42. Triosteiim perfolialum, 448. Tuckerman's Ravine, Mt. Wash- ington, N. H., 338. Tumble Weed, 112. Turtle-head, 420. Twayblade, Broad-lipped, 72. Twayblade, Heart-leaved, 72. Twayblade, Large, 70. Twinberrv, 442. Twin-flower, 448. Twinleaf , 152. Twisted Stalk, 28. Typha angustifolia, 3. Typha latifolia, 3. Typhace^, 3- Umbelliferce, 306. Umbrella Leaf, iS4- Uvularia grandiflora, 38. Uvular ia pcrfoliata, 38. Uxbridge, Mass., 132. Valerianace^, 452. Valeriana officinalis, 454- Valeriana sylvatica, 452. Valerian Family. 453. Valerian. Garden, 454. Valerian, Great Wild, 454. Valerian, (in-ck. 3 7(). Valerian, Swamp, 452. Valcriaiiclla Woodsiana, 454 Vandal-root. 454. Venus's Looking-glass. 456. Veratrum virtdc, 40. Verbascum /-ilaltana, 41O. Verbascum Thapsus, 414. Verbenace.-e. 3H4 Verbena angustifolia, 3H0. Verbena hastata, .iH(> Verbena officinalis, 384 Verbena urticisjolia. 384 Vernonia altissima. 4(10. Vernonia Novcboraccnsis, 40'>. Vernonias. 470. Veronica alpino, 424. Vero7iica Americana, 424 Veronica officinalis, 424. Veronica scutellaia, 424. Veronica serpyllijolia, 420. Veronica Virginica, 422. Vervain, Blue, 386 Vervain, European, 384. Vervain Family, 384. Vervain, Narnnv -leaved, 380. Vervain, White, 384. Vetch, Common, 222. Vetch, Cow, 222. Viburnum alnifolium, 440. Vicia Americana, 222. Vicia Cracca, 222. Vicia sativa, 222. Vine Family, 260. Viola blanda, 280. Viola Canadensis, 282. Viola canina, var. Muhlenbergii, 284. , . Viola canina, var. pubcruia, 284 ViOLACE.-E, 276. Viola lanceolata, 280. Viola palmata, 27b. Viola palmata, var. cuculata, 278. Viola palustris, 278. Viola pedata, 276. Viola pubesccns, 2^2. Viola rotundifolia, 280. Viola sagittata, 278. Viola Sclkirkii, 278. Viola striata, 284. Violet, Arrow-leaved. 278. Violet. Bird-foot, 27'). Violet, Canada, 282. Violet, CommoiT. 278. Violet. Dog. 284. Violet. Dogtooth. 54- Violet. Downy Yellow, 282. Violet Family, 270. Violet. Lance-leaved, 2 Ho. Violet, Marsh. 278. Violet, Pale, 284. Violet, Round-kaved, 280. 551 INDEX. Violet, Sweet White. 280. Virginia Creeper, 260. Virginia Day Flower, 20. Virginia Snakeroot, 100. Virgin's Bower, 128. Virgin's Bower, Purple, 130. VlTACE.-E, 260. Vitis Labrusca, 260. Vitis vulpina, 260. Wake-robin, 40. Watercress, 170. Watercress, Marsh, 170. Water-Lily, 126. Water-Lily Family, 126. Water Pennywort, 316. Water Pepper, 106. Water Plantain, 6. Water Plantain Family, 6. Water Plantain Spearwort, 138. Water Purslane, 292. Waterville, Me., 138. Waxwork, Climbing Bittersweet, 254- Wayfaring Tree, 446. White Mt. Notch, 7°; Whitlow-grass, Carolina, 168. Whitlow-grass, Common, 170. Wild Balsam Apple, 454. WiJd Coffee, 448. Wild Garlic, 56. Wild Ginger, 98. Wild Leek, 56- Wild Lemon, 154. Willoughby Lake, Vt., 132. Willow Herb, Great, 294. Willow Herb, Hairy, 294. Willow Herb, Spiked. 288. Wind Flower, 132. Wintergreen, 330. Wintergreen, Flowering, 240. Wintergreen, Spotted, 320. Wormwood, 518. Wormwood, Roman, 506. Wormwood, Tall. 516. Xyridace,^. 18. Xyris Caroliniana, 18. Xyris fiexuosa, 18^ Xyris fiexuosa, var. pusilla, 18. Yarrow, 514. Yellow-eyed Grass, 18. Yellow-eyed Grass, Carolina, li Yellow-eyed Grass Family, 18. Yellow Melilot, 214. Yellow Rattle, 432. Yellow Rocket, 172. Zephyranthes Ataniasco, 60. Zizia aurea, 310. 312. 552 BOOKS FOR THB COUNTRY WILD FLOWERS OF THE NORTHEASTERN STATES Drawn and carefully described from life, without undue use of scientitic nomenclature, by Kllkn Mili.kk ami Margakkt C. Whitinc;. W ith 308 illustrations the size of life. S'\ )iU, $3.00. FIELD BOOK OF AMERICAN WILD FLOWERS With a short description of their Character and Habits, a Concise Definition of their Colors, and Keferences to the Insects which Assist in their Fertilization. By F. Schuyler Mathews, Member of the New Eng'- iand Botanical Club, and author of " Familiar Flowers of Field and Garden." " Familiar Trees and their Leaves," etc. 16°. 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