Ultjp 1. 1. BUI Cibrarg North. Carolina Statr llmopraitu, 'HENffrGEORG /6> LYON -A THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. 9 1 F % 100M/7-89— 891646 e*y&«*4c7 / THE ART OF PAPER MAKING WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Just ready. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. cloth. THE ART OF SOAP-MAKING : A Practical Hand- book of the Manufacture of Hard and Soft Soaps, Toilet Soaps, &c. Including many New Processes, and a Chapter on the Recovery of Glycerine from Waste Leys. With numerous Illustrations. "Really an excellent example of a technical manual, entering as it does, thoroughly and exhaustively, both into the theory and practice of soap manufacture. The book is well and honestly done," and deserves the con- siderable circulation with which it will doubtless meet."— Knowledge. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 9s. cloth. THE ART OF LEATHER MANUFACTURE : Being a Practical Handbook, in which the Operations of Tanning, Currying, and Leather Dressing are fully Described, and t lie Principles of Tan- ning Explained, and many Recent Processes Intioduced. With numerous Illustrations. "A sound, comprehensive treatise on tanning and its accessories The book is an eminently valuable production." — Chemical Review. Just Published. Third Edition, revised and much enlarged. 600 pp., crown 8vo, 9s. cloth. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION : A Practical Treatise on the Electrolysis of Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, and other Metals and Alloys. With descriptions of Voltaic Batteries, Magneto and 1 »ynamo- Electric Machines, Thermopiles, and of the Materials and Processes used in every Department of the Art, and several Chapters on ELEC- TRO-METALLURGY. With numerous Illustrations. " Eminently a book for the practical worker in electro-deposition. It contains minute and practical descriptions of methods, processes and ma- terials, as actually pursued and used in the workshop. Mr. Watt s book recommends itself to all interested in its subjects." — Engineer. Just Published. Ninth Edition, enlarged and revised, 12mo, 4s. cloth. ELECTRO -METALLURGY: Practically Treated. Ninth Edition, Enlarged and Revised, with Additional Matter and Illustrations, including the most recent Processes. " From this book both amateur and artisan may learn everything neces- sary for the successful prosecution of electro-plating." — Jioh. CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON, 7, Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.C. y THE ART OF PAPER-MAKING A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF THE MANUFACTURE OF PAPER FROM RAGS, ESPARTO, STRAW, AND OTHER FIBROUS MATERIALS, INCLUDING THE MANUFACTURE OF PULP FROM WOOD FIBRE (LSith a description of the ^tachineig ani Appliances ttsc t) f TO WHICH ABE ADDED DETAILS OF PROCESSES FOR RECOVERING SODA FROM WASTE LIQUORS By ALEXANDER WATT AUTHOR OP "THE ART OF S.OAP-MAKIXG," "LEATHER MANUFACTURE, " "ELECTRO f METALLURGY," " ELECTRO-DEPOSITION," ETC., ETC. LONDON CROSBY LOCK WOOD AND SON 7, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL 1890 [All rights reserved] LONDON : PU1NTED BY J. S. VIKTUK AND CO-, LIMITED- CITY ROAD. PEEFACE. In the present volume, while describing the various opera- tions involved in the manufacture of paper, the Author has endeavoured to render the work serviceable as a book of reference in respect to the processes and improvements which have from time to time been introduced, and many of which have been more or less practically applied either at home or abroad. The recovery of soda from waste liquors has been fully dealt with, and the details of several applied processes explained. Special attention has also been directed to some of the more important methods of producing pulp from wood fibre, since it is highly probable that from this inexhaus- tible source the paper-maker will ultimately derive much of the cellulose used in his manufacture. Indeed it may be deemed equally probable, when the processes for dis- integrating wood fibre, so largely applied in America and on the Continent, become better understood in this country, that their adoption here will become more ex- tensive than has hitherto been the case. vi PREFACE. To render the work more readily understood alike bv the practical operator and the student, care has been taken to avoid, as far as possible, the introduction of unexplained technicalities ; at the same time it has been the "writer's aim to furnish the reader with a variety of information which, it is hoped, will prove both useful and instructive. It is with much pleasure that the Author tenders his sincere thanks to Mr. Sydney Spalding, of the Horton Kirby Mills, South Darenth, for his kind courtesy in conducting him through the various departments of the mill, and for explaining to him the operations performed therein. To Mr. Frank Lloyd he also acknowledges his indebtedness for the generous readiness with which he accompanied him over the Daily Chronicle Mill at Sitting- bourne, and for the pains he took to supply information as to certain details at the Author's request. His best thanks are also due to those manufacturers of paper- making machinery who supplied him with many of the blocks which illustrate the pages of the book. Balhah, Sueeet, January, 1890. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. CELLULOSE. PAGE Cellulose — Action of Acids on Cellulose — Physical Characteristics of Cellulose — Micrographic Examination of Vegetable Fibres — Determination of Cellulose — Recognition of Vegetable Fibres by the Microscope ........•■ 1 CHAPTER II. MATERLALS USED LN PAPER-MAELNG. Raw Materials — Rags — Disinfecting Machine — Straw — Esparto Grass — Wood — Bamboo — Paper Mulberry 9 CHAPTER III. TREATMEXT OF RAGS. Preliminary Operations — Sorting — Cutting — Bertrams' Rag-cutting Macbine— Xuttall's Rag-cutter — Willowing — Bertrams' Willow and Duster — Dusting — Bryan Donkin's Duster or Willow — Donkin's Devil . ......... 19 CHAPTER IV. TREATMENT OF RAGS {continued). Boiling Rags — Bertrams' Rag-boiler — Donkin's Rag-boiler — Washing and Breaking — Bertrams' Rag-engine — Beniley and Jackson's Rug-eninne— Diamine: — Tl nance's Drainer . . . . '29 VllL CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. PAGE Preliminary Treatment — Picking — ■ Willowing Esparto — Boiling Esparto — Sinclair's Esparto Boiler — Boeckner's Boiler — Mallary's Process — Carbonell's Process — Washing Boiled Esparto — Young's Process — Bleaching the Esparto 40 CHAPTER VI TREATMENT OF WOOD. Chemical Processes — Watt and Burgess's Process — Sinclair's Process — Keegan's Process — American Wood-pulp System — Aussedat's Process — Acid Treatment of Wood — Pictet and Brelaz's Process — Barre and Blondel's Process — Poncharac'a Process — Young and Pettigrew's Process — Fridet and Matus- siere's Process .......... 53 CHAPTER VII. TREATMENT OF WOOD {continued). Sulphite Processes — Francke's Process — Ekman's Process — Dr. Mit- scherlich's Process ■ — Bitter and Kellner's Boiler — Partington's Process — Blitz's Process — M'Dougall's Boiler for Acid Pro- cesses — Graham's Process — Objections to the Acid or Sulphite Processes — Sulphite Fibre and Eesin — Adamson's Process — Sulphide. Processes — II. Mechanical Processes — Voelter's Process for preparing Wood-pulp — Thune's Process . . .68 CHAPTER VIII. TREATMENT OF VARIOUS FIBRES. Treatment of Straw — Bentley and Jackson's Boiler — Boiling the Straw — Bertrams' Edge-runner — M. A. C. Mellier's Process — Manilla, Jute, &c. — Waste Paper — Boiling Waste Paper — Ryan's Process for Treating Waste Paper 80 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER IX. BLEACHING. PAOE Bleaching Operations — Sonr Bleaching — Bleaching with Chloride of Lime — Donkin's Bleach Mixer — Bleaching with Chlorine Gas (Glaser's Process) — Electrolytic Bleaching (C. Watt's Process) — Hermite's Process — Andrcoli's Process — Thompson's Process — Lunge's Process — Zinc Bleach Liquor — Alum Bleach Liquor — New Method of Bleaching 89 CHAPTER X. BEATING OR REFINING. Beating — Mr. Dunbar's Observations on Beating — Mr. Arnot on Beating Engines— Mr. Wyatt on American Refining Engines — The Beating Engine — Forbes' Beating Engine — Umpherston's Beating Engine — Operation of Beating — Test for Chlorine — Blending 101 CHAPTER XL L OABING.— SIZING.— COL URING. Loading — Sizing — French Method of preparing Engine Size — Zinc Soaps in Sizing — Colouring — Animal or Tub Sizing — Prepara- tion of Animal Size — American Method of Sizing — Machine Sizing — Double-sized Paper — Mr. Wyatt's Remarks on Sizing . 1 14 CHAPTER XII. MAKING TAPER BY HAND. The Vat and Mould — Making the Paper — Sizing and Finishing . 129 CHAPTER XIII. MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. The Fourdrinier Machine— Bertrams' Large Paper Machine — Stuff Chests — Strainers — Revolving Strainer and Knotter — Self- CONTENTS. PA'iV. cleansing Strainer — Roeckner's Pulp Strainers — The Machine "Wire and its Accessories — Conical Pulp-Saver — The Dandy- Roll — Water-Marking — De la Rue's Improvements in Water- Marks — Suction Boxes — Couch Rolls — Press Rolls — Drying Cylinders — Smoothing Rolls — Single Cylinder Machines . . 133 CHAPTER XIV. CALENDERING, CUTTING, AND FLNI8EJNG. Web-Glazing — Glazing Calender — Damping Rolls — Finishing — Plate Glazing — Donkin's Glazing Press — Mr. Wyatt on Ame- rican Super-Calendering — Mr. Arnot on Finishing — Cutting — Revolving Knife Cutter — Bertrams' Single-sheet Cutter — Packing the finished Paper — Sizes of Paper .... 154 CHAPTER XV. COLOURED PAPERS. Coloured Papers — Colouring Matters used in Paper-making — American Combinations for Colouring — Mixing Colouring Ma- terials with Pulp — Colouring Paper for Artificial Flowers — Stains for Glazed Papers — Stains for Morocco Papers — Stains for Satin Papers . . .10-5 CHAPTER XVL MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Waterproof Paper — Scoffern and Tidcombe's Process — Dr. Wright's Process for preparing Cupro- Ammonium — Jouglet"s Process — Waterproof Composition for Paper — Toughening Paper — Mor- fit's Process — Transparent Paper — Tracing Paper — Varnished Paper — Oiled Paper — Lithographic Paper — Cork Paper — New Japanese Paper — BlottiDg Paper — Parchment Paper — Mill and Cardboard — Making Paper or Cardboard with two Faces by ordinary Machine — Test Papers 1 7 J CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER XVII. MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. PAGB Bentley and Jackson's Drum "Washer — Drying Cylinders — Self- acting Dry Felt Eegulator— Paper Cutting Machine— Single- web Winding Machine — Cooling and Damping Rolls — Reversing or Plate-glazing Calender — Plate-planing Machine — Roll-bar Planing Machine — Washing Cylinder for Rag Engine — Bleach Pump — Three-roll Smoothing Presses — Back-water Pump — Web-glazing Calender— Reeling Machine — Web-ripping Ma- chine — Roeckner's Clarifier — Marshall's Perfecting Engine . 184 CHAPTER XVIII. RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPENT LFQUORS. Recovery of Soda — Evaporating Apparatus — Roeckner's Evaporator — Porion's Evaporator — Yaryan's Evaporator — American Sys- tem of Soda Recovery 204 CHAPTER XIX. DETERMINING THE REAL VALUE OR PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SOLAS, CHLORIDE OF LIME, ETC. Examination of Commercial Sodas — Mohr's Alkalimeter — Prepara- tion of the Test Acid— Sampling Alkalies — The Assay — Estima- tion of Chlorine in Bleaching Powder — Fresenius' Method — Gay-Lussac's Method — The Test Liquor — Testing the Sample — Estimation of Alumina in Alum Cake, &c. . . . .221 CHAPTER XX. USEFUL NOTES AND TABLES. Preparation of Lakes— Brazil-wood Lake — Cochineal Lake — Lac Lake — Madder Lake — Orange Lake — Yellow Lake — Artificial Ultramarine — Twaddell's Hydrometer — Imitation Manilla from Wood-pulp — Testing Ultramarines — Strength of Paper . . 235 Xll CONTENTS. PAOK Tables. — Dalton's Table showing the Proportion of Dry Soda in Leys of different Densities — Table of Strength of Caustic Soda Solutions at 59° F. == 150° C. (Tunnertnan) — Table showing the Specific Gravity corresponding with the Degrees of Baume's Hydrometer — Table of Boiling Points of Alkaline Leys — Table showing the Quantity of Caustic Soda in Leys of different Densities — Table showing the Quantity of Bleaching Liquid at 6° Twaddell (specific gravity 1-030) required to be added to Weakf-r Liquor to raise it to the given Strengths — Compara- tive French and English Thermometer Scales — Weights and Measures of the Metrical System — Table of French Weights and Measures . 241 List of Works relating to Paper Manufacture . . . 246 THE ART OP PAPER-MAKING. CHAPTER I. CELLULOSE. Cellulose.— Action of Acids on Cellulose.— Physical Characteristics of Cellulose.— Micrographic Examination of Vegetable Fibres.— Deter- mination of Cellulose.— Recognition of Vegetable Fibres by the Microscope. Cellulose. — Vegetable fibre, when deprived of all incrust- ing or cementing matters of a resinous or gummy nature, presents to us the true fibre, or cellulose, which constitutes the essential basis of all manufactured paper. Fine linen and cotton are almost pure cellulose, from the fact that the associated vegetable substances have been removed by the treatment the fibres were subjected to in the process of their manufacture ; pure white, unsized, and unloaded paper may also be considered as pure cellulose from the same cause. Viewed as a chemical substance, cellulose is white, translucent, and somewhat heavier than water. It is tasteless, inodorous, absolutely innutritious, and is in- soluble in water, alcohol, and oils. Dilute acids and alkalies, even when hot, scarcely affect it. By prolonged boiling in dilute acids, however, cellulose undergoes a gradual change, being converted into hydro-cellulose. It is also affected by boiling water alone, especially^ under high pressure, if boiled for a lengthened period. Without going deeply into the chemical properties of cellulose, ^V) 2 CELLULOSE. Avhich would be more interesting to the chemist than to the paper manufacturer, a few data respecting the action of certain chemical substances upon cellulose will, it is hoped, be found useful from a practical point of view, especially at the present day, when so many new methods of treating vegetable fibres are being introduced. Action of Acids on Cellulose. — When concentrated sulphuric acid is added very gradually to about half its weight of linen rags cut into small shreds, or strips of un- sized paper, and contained in a glass vessel, with constant stirring, the fibres gradually swell up and disappear, with- out the evolution of any gas, and a tenacious mucilage is formed which is entirely soluble in water. If, after a few hours, the mixture be diluted with water, the acid neu- tralised with chalk, and after filtration, any excess of lime thrown down by cautiously adding a solution of oxalic acid, the liquid yields, after a second .filtration and the addition of alcohol in considerable excess, a gummy mass which possesses all the characters of dextrin. If instead of at once saturating the diluted acid with chalk, we boil it for four or five hours, the dextrin is entirely converted into grape sugar {glucose), which, by the addition of chalk and filtration, as before, and evaporation at a gentle heat to the consistence of a syrup, will, after rejDose for a few days, furnish a concrete mass of crystallised sugar. Cotton, linen, or unsized paper, thus treated, yield fully their own weight of gum and one-sixth of their weight of grape sugar. Pure cellulose is readily attacked by, and soon becomes dissolved in, a solution of oxide of copper in ammonia [cupr ammonium), and may again be precipitated in colourless flakes by the addition of an excess of hydro- chloric acid, and afterwards filtering and washing the precipitate. Concentrated boiling hydrochloric acid con- verts cellulose into a fine powder, without, however, alter- ing its composition, while strong nitric acid forms nitro- substitution products of various degrees, according to the strength of the acid employed. " Chlorine gas passed into water in which cellulose is suspended rapidly oxidises PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CELLULOSE. 3 and destroys it, and the same effect takes place when hypochlorites, such as hypochlorite of calcium, or bleach- ing liquors, are gently treated with it. It is not, there- fore, the cellulose itself which we want the bleaching liquor to operate upon, but only the colouring matters associated with it, and care must be taken to secure that the action intended for the extraneous substances alone does not extend to the fibre itself. Caustic potash affects but slightly cellulose in the form in which we have to do it, but in certain less compact conditions these agents decompose or destroy it." — Arnot* Physical Characteristics of Cellulose. — " The physical condition of cellulose," says Mr. Arnot, " after it has been freed from extraneous matters by boiling, bleaching, and washing, is of great importance to the manufacturer. Some fibres are short, hard, and of polished exterior, while others are long, flexible, and barbed, the former, it is scarcely necessary to say, yielding but indifferent papers, easily broken and torn, while the papers produced from the latter class of fibres are possessed of a great degree of strength and flexibility. Fibres from straw, and from many varieties of wood, may be taken as repre- sentatives of the former class, those from hemp and flax affording good illustrations of the latter. There are, of course, between these extremes all degrees and combina- tions of the various characteristics indicated. It will be readily understood that hard, acicular f fibres do not felt well, there being no intertwining or adhesion of the vari- ous particles, and the paper produced is friable. On the other hand, long, flexible, elastic fibres, even though com- paratively smooth in their exterior, intertwine readily, and felt into a strong tough sheet Cotton fibre is long and tubular, and has this peculiarity, that when dry the tubes collapse and twist on their axes, this property greatly assisting the adhesion of the particles in the pro- cess of paper-making. In the process of dyeing cotton, * Citntor Lectures, Journal of Society of Arts, vol. xxvi. p. 74. t Needle-shaped, slender and sharp-pointed. 4 CELLULOSE. the colouring matter is absorbed into the tubes, and is, as will be readily appreciated, difficult of removal therefrom. Papers made exclusively of cotton fibre are strong and flexible, but have a certain sponginess about them which papers made from linen do not possess." Linen — the cellulose of the flax-plant — before it reaches the hands of the paper-maker has been subjected to cer- tain processes of steeping or retting, and also subsequent boilings and bleachings, by which the extraneous matters have been removed, and it therefore requires but little chemical treatment at his hands. "Linen fibre," Arnot further observes, " is like cotton, tubular, but the walls of the tubes are somewhat thicker, and are jointed or notched like a cane or rush ; the notches assist greatly in the adhe- sion of the fibres one to another. This fibre possesses the other valuable properties of length, strength, and flexibility, and the latter property is increased when the walls of the tubes are crushed together under the action of the beating- engine." From this fibre a very strong, compactly felted paper is made ; indeed, no better material than this can be had for the production of a first-class paper. Ropes, coarse bags, and suchlike are made from hemp, the cellulose or fibre of which is not unlike that of flax, only it is of a stronger, coarser nature. Manilla * yields the strongest of all fibres. Jute, which is the fibre or inside bark of an Indian plant (Corchorus capsularis), yields a strong fibre, but is very difficult to bleach white. Esparto fibre holds an interme- diate place between the fibres just described and those of wood and straw. . . . The fibre of straw is short, pointed, and polished, and cannot of itself make a strong paper. The nature of wood fibre depends, as may readily be sup- posed, upon the nature of the wood itself. Yellow pine, for example, yields a fibre long, soft, and flexible, in fact very like cotton ; while oak and many other woods yield short circular fibres which, unless perfectly free from extraneous matters, possess no flexibility, and. in any case are not elastic. * Manilla hemp. DETERMINATION OF CELLULOSE. 5 Micrographic Examination of Vegetable Fibres. The importance of the microscope in the examination of the various fibres that are employed in paper manufacture will be readily evident from the delicate nature of the cellulose to be obtained therefrom.* Amongst others M. Girard has determined, by this method of examination, the quali- ties which fibres ought to possess to suit the requirements of the manufacturer. He states that absolute length is not of much importance, but that the fibre should be slender and elastic, and possess the property of turning upon itself with facility. Tenacity is of but secondary importance, for when paper is torn the fibres scarcely ever break. The principal fibres employed in paper-inakino- are divided into the following classes : — 1. Round, ribbed fibres, as hemp and flax. 2. Smooth, or feebly-ribbed fibres, as esparto, jute, phor- mium (New Zealand flax), dwarf palm, hop, and sugar-cane. 3. Fibro-cellular substances, as the pulp obtained from the straw of wheat and rye by the action of caustic ley. 4. Flat fibres, as cotton, and those obtained by the action of caustic ley upon wood. 5. Imperfect substances, as the pulp obtained from saw- dust. In this class may also be included the fibre of the so-called " mechanical wood pulp." Determination of Cellnlose. For the determination of cellulose in wood and other vegetable fibres to be used in paper-making Miiller recommends the following pro- cesses: f 5 grammes weight of the finely-divided sub- stance is boiled four or five times in water, using 100 cubic centimetres J each time The residue is then dried at 100° C. (212° Fahr.), weighed, and exhausted with a mix- ture of equal measures of benzine and strong alcohol, to * For this purpose, a microscope having a magnifying power of 120 to loO diameters will be found efficient, t "Commercial Organic Analysis." By A. H. Allen.F.C.S., vol.i.p. 316. X For Table of French Measures see end of this work. b CELLULOSE. remove fat, wax, resin, &c. The residue is again dried and boiled several times in water, to every 100 c.c. of which 1 c.c. of strong ammonia has been added. This treatment removes colouring matter and pectous* substances. The residue is further bruised in a mortar if necessary, and is then treated in a closed bottle with 250 c.c. of water, and 20 c.c. of bromine water containing 4 c.c. of bromine to the litre. t In the case of the purer bark-fibres, such as flax and hemp, the yellow colour of the liquid only slowly disappears, but with straw and woods decolorisation occurs in a few minutes, and when this takes place more bromine water is added, this being repeated until the yellow colour remains, and bromine can be detected in the liquid after twelve hours. The liquid is then filtered, and the residue washed with water and heated to boiling with a litre of water containing 5 c.c. of strong ammonia. The liquid and tissue are usually coloured brown by this treatment. The undissolved matter is filtered off, washed, and again treated with bromine water. TVhen the action seems com- plete the residue is again heated with ammoniacal water. This second treatment is sufficient with the purer fibres, but the operation must be repeated as often as the residue imparts a brownish tint to the alkaline liquid. The cellulose is thus obtained as a pure white body ; it is washed with water, and then with boiling alcohol, after which it may be dried at 100° C. (212° Fahr.) and weighed. Recognition of Vegetable Fibres by the Microscope. — From Mr. Allen's admirable and useful work on " Com- mercial Organic Analysis " + we' make the following ex- tracts, but must refer the reader to the work named for fuller information upon this important consideration of the subject. In examining fibres under the microscope, * Pectous, pertaining to or consisting of pectnae or pectin. Pectose is a substance contained in the pulp of unripe fle>hy fruit, also in fleshy roots and other vegetable organs. It is insoluble in -water, but under the influence of acids is transformed into pectin. t A litre equals 34 fluid ounces nearly. X " Commercial Organic Analysis." By A. H. Allen, F.C.S., vol. i. RECOGNITION OF VEGETABLE FIBRES. 7 it is recommended that the tissues should be cut up with sharp scissors, placed 011 a glass slide, moistened with water, and covered with a piece of thin glass. Under these conditions : — Filaments of Cotton appear as transparent tubes, flat- tened and twisted round their axes, and tapering off to a closed point at each end. A section of the filament some- what resembles the figure 8, the tube, oi'iginally cylindri cal, having collapsed most in the middle, forming semi tubes on each side, which give the fibre, when viewed in certain lights, the appearance of a flat ribbon, with the hem of the border at each edge. The twisted, or corkscrew form of the dried filament of cotton distinguishes it from all other vegetable fibres, and is characteristic of the ma- tured pod, JVL Bauer having found that the fibres of the unripe seed are simply untwisted cylindrical tubes, which never twist afterwards if separated from the plant. The matured fibres always collapse in the middle as described, and undergo no change in this respect when passing through all the various operations to which cotton is sub- ject, from spinning to its conversion into pulp for paper- making. Linen, or Flax Fibre, under the microscope, appears as hollow tubes, open at both ends, the fibres being smooth, and the inner tube very narrow, and joints, or septa* appear at intervals, but are not furnished with hairy appendages as is the case with hemp. When flax fibre is immersed in a boiling solution of equal parts of caustic potash and water for about a minute, then removed and pressed between folds of filter-paper, it assumes a dark yellow colour, whilst cotton under the same treatment remains white or becomes very bright yellow. When flax, or a tissue made from it, is immersed in oil, and then well pressed to remove excess of the liquid, it remains translu- cent, while cotton, under the same conditions, becomes opaque. * Septa, plural of septum, a partition, as the partitions of an orange, for example. 8 CELLULOSE. New Zealand Flax {Phormium tenax) may be distin- guished from ordinary flax or hemp by a reddish colour produced on immersing it first in a strong chlorine water, and then in ammonia. In machine-dressed Xew Zealand flax the bundles are translucent and irregularly covered with tissue ; spiral fibres can be detected in the bundles, but less numerous than in Sizal. In Maori-prepared phormiuni the bundles are almost wholly free from tissue, while there are no spiral fibres. Hemp Fibre resembles flax, and exhibits small hairy appendages at the joints. In Manilla hemp the bundles are oval, nearly opaque, and surrounded by a considerable quantity of dried-up cellular tissue composed of rectan- gular cells. The bundles are smooth, very few detached ultimate fibres are seen, and no spiral tissue. Sizal, or Sisal Hemp [Agave Americana), forms oval fibrous bundles surrounded by cellular tissue, a few smooth ultimate fibres projecting from the bundles ; is more trans- lucent than Manilla, and a large quantity of spiral fibres are mixed up in the bundles. Jute Fibre appears under the microscope as bundles of tendrils, each being a cylinder, with irregular thickened walls. The bundles offer a smooth cylindrical surface, to which the silky lustre of jute is due, and which is much increased by bleaching. By the action of hypochlorite of soda the bundles of fibres can be disintegrated, so that the single fibres can be readily distinguished under the micro- scope. Jute is coloured a deeper yellow by sulphate of aniline than is any other fibre. CHAPTER II. MATERIALS USED IN PAPER-MAKING. Raw Materials. — Rags. — Disinfecting Machine. — Si raw. — Esparto Grass. — Wood. — Bamboo. — Paper Mulberry. In former days the only materials employed for the manufacture of paper were linen and cotton rags, flax and hemp waste, and some few other fibre-yielding materials. The reduction of the excise duty, however, from 3d. to . l|d. per lb., which took effect in the first year of Her Majesty's reign — namely, in 1837 — created a greatly in- creased demand for paper, and caused much anxiety amongst manufacturers lest the supply of rags should prove inadequate to their requirements. Again, in the year 1861 the excise duty was totally abolished, from which period an enormously increased demand for paper, and consequently paper material, was created by the esta- blishment of a vast number of daily and weekly papers and journals in all parts of the kingdom, besides reprints of standard and other works in a cheap form, the copy- right of which had expired. It is not too much to say, that unless other materials than those employed before the repeal of the paper duty had been discovered, the abolition of the impost would have proved but of little service to the public at large. Beneficent Nature, however, has gradually, but surely and amply, supplied our needs through the instrumentality of man's restless activity and perseverance. The following list comprises many of the substances from which cellulose, or vegetable fibre, can be separated for the purposes of paper-making with advantage ; but the io MATERIALS USED IN PAFER-MAKIXG. vegetable kingdom furnishes in addition a vast number of plants and vegetables which may also be used with the same object. We have seen voluminous lists of fibre-yielding materials which have been suggested as suitable for paper- making, but since the greater portion of them are never likely to be applied to such a purpose, we consider the time wasted in proposing them. It is true that the stalks of the cabbage tribe, for example, would be available for the sake of their fibre, but we should imagine that no grower of ordinary intelligence would deprive his ground of the nourishment such waste is capable of returning to the soil, by its employment as manure, to furnish a'niate- rial for paper-making. Again, we have seen blackberries, and even the pollen (!) of plants included in a list of paper materials, but fortunately the manufacturer is never likely to be reduced to such extremities as to be compelled to use materials of this nature. Haw materials. Cotton rags. Cotton wool. Cotton waste. Cotion-seed waste. Linen rags. Linen waste. Hemp waste. Manilla hemp. Flax waste, etc. Jute waste, etc. China grass. Bamboo cane. Rattan cane. Banana fibre. Straw of wheat, etc. Bushes of various kinds. New Zealand flax. Maize stems, husks, etc. Espaito grass. Beed-. Woods of various kinds, espe- cially white non-resinous woods, as poplar, willow, etc. Wood shavings, sawdust, and chips. Barks of various trees, espe- cially of the paper mulberry. Peat. Twigs of common broom and heather. Mustard stems after threshing. Buckwheat straw. Tobacco stalks. Beetroot refuse from sugar works. 38, or "cane trash"— re- fuse of the sugar cane alter the juice has been extracted. Fern leaves. Tan waste. Dyers' wood waste. Old bagging. Old bast matting. Hop-bines. Bean- stalks. Old canvas. Old rope. Gunny bags. Waste paper. Binders' clippings, etc. RAW MATERIALS — RAGS. u Old netting. Silk cocoon waste. Sailcloth. Oakum. Sea grass {Zostera marina). Flax tow. Fibrous waste resulting from Ii;tg bagging. pharmaceutical preparations. Leather waste. Potato stalks. Tarpaulin. Stable manure. Etc., etc. Rags. — Linen and cotton rags are imported into Great Britain from almost all the countries of Europe, and even from the distant states of South America, British South Africa, and Australasia. The greater proportion, how- ever, come from Germany. The rags collected in England chiefly pass through the hands of wholesale merchants established in London, Liverpool, Manchester, and Bristol, and these are sorted to a certain extent before they are sent to the paper-mills. By this rough sorting, which does not include either cleansing or disinfecting, certain kinds of rags which would be useless to the paper-maker are separated and sold as manure. Woollen rags are not usually mixed with cotton rags, but are generally kept apart to be converted into " shoddy." The importance of disinfecting rags before they pass through the hands of the workpeople employed at the paper-mills cannot be over-estimated, and it is the duty of every Government to see that this is effectually carried out, not only at such times when cholera and other epidemics are known to be rife in certain countries from which rags may be imported, but at all times, since there is no greater source of danger to the health of communities than in the diffusion of old linen and cotton garments, or pieces, which are largely contributed by the dwellers in the slums of crowded cities. Respecting the disinfecting of rags, Davis * thus ex- plains the precautions taken in the United States to guard against the dangers of infection from rags coming from foreip-n or other sources. " When cholera, or other in- fectious or contagious diseases exist m foreign countries, or in portions of the United States, the health officers in charge of the various quarantines in this country- require * " Mauufacture of Paper." By C. T. Davis, Philadelphia, 1887. 12 MATERIALS USED IN PAPER-MAKING. that rags from countries and districts in which such diseases are prevalent shall be thoroughly disinfected before they are allowed to pass their stations. Rags shipped to London, Hull, Liverpool, Italian, or other ports, and re- shipped from such ports to the United States, are usually subjected to the same rule as if shipped direct from the ports of the country in which such diseases prevail. It is usually requisite that the disinfec- tion shall be made at the storehouse in the port of ship- ment, by boiling the rags several hours under a proper degree of pressure, or in a tightly-closed vessel, or disin- fected with sulphurous acid, which is evolved by burning at least two pounds of roll sulphur to every ten cubic feet of room space, the apartment being kept closed for several hours after the rags are thus treated. Disinfection by boiling the rags is usually considered to be the best method. In the case of rags imported from India, Egypt, Spain, and other foreign countries where cholera is liable to become epidemic, it is especially desirable that some efficient, rapid, and thorough process of disinfecting should be devised. In order to meet the quarantine requirements, it must be thorough and certain in its action, and in order that the lives of the workmen and of others in the vicinity may not be endangered by the liberating of active disease-germs, or exposure of decay- ing and deleterious matters, and that the delay, trouble, and exposure of unbaling and rebaling may be avoided, it must be capable of use upon the rags while in the bale, and of doing its work rapidly when so used." Disinfecting Machine. — To facilitate the disinfecting of rags while in the bale, Messrs. Parker and Blackmail devised a machine, for which they obtained a patent in 1884, from which the following abstract is taken. Formerly rags and other fibrous materials were dis- infected by being subjected to germ-destroying gases or liquids in enclosed chambers, but in order to render the disinfecting process effectual, it was found necessary to treat the material in a loose or separated state, no sue- DISINFECTING MACHINE. '3 cessful method having been adopted for disinfecting the materials while in the bale. " This unbaling and loosen- ing or spreading of the undisinfected material is abso- lutely unsafe and dangerous to the workmen, or to those in the vicinity, because of the consequent setting free of the disease germs, and the exposing of any decaying or deleterious matters which may be held in the material while it is compressed in the bale. The unbaling and neces- sary rebaling of the material for transportation also in- volves much trouble and expense and loss of time. Large and cumbrous apparatus is also necessary to treat large PH _PI Fig. 1. quantities of material loosened or opened out as hereto- fore." It is specially necessary that rags coming from Egypt and other foreign countries should be thoroughly disin- fected by some rapid and effectual means, which, while not endangering the health of workmen employed in this some- what hazardous task, will fully meet all quarantine re- quirements. The apparatus devised by Messrs. Parker and Klackman,* an abridged description of which is given below, will probably accomplish this much-desired object. * Patent dated 16th December, 1884, No. 539. i4 MATERIALS USED IN PAPER-MAKING. In the illustration, Fig. 1, a is the disinfecting cham- ber. At one end is an opening a 1 , and a door b, hinged at its lower edge and adapted to be swung up, so as to close the opening tightly. For supporting and carrying the bale c of material to be placed in the chamber is a carriage c 1 , consisting of a platform supported upon wheels or castors c c. While the carriage is wholly within the chamber a, as shown in Fig. 2, these wheels rest upon the false bottom b 2 ; when the carriage is rolled back and out of the chamber, as shown in Fig. 1, they roll upon the upper face of door b swung down. The carriage is provided with a clamping device d to hold the bale firmly and immovably. To cause the carriage to move into and out of the chamber, the inventors provide upon ^— 14',^ B" l\\\ \i 1 -, u B J U A" Fiff. 2 the under side of the platform a fixed sleeve e, interiorly threaded to fit the screw e 1 , journalled at one end near the opening in the chamber end in a stationary block e 2 fixed upon the false bottom b 2 . From this end the screw ox- tends along under the carriage through the screw sleeve and to the other end of the chamber. A collar e 2 on the screw bears against the inner end of this journal-bearing, and upon the end of the shank e bearing against the other end of the journal is fixed a pinion F, which is to be DISINFECTING MACHINE. 15 driven in either direction as desired. Above this journal- bearing is a series of similar bearings (live being shown), g g, passing through the wall of the chamber. Of these the middle one is in a line w r ith the centre of the bale, supported and held on the carriage. The others are arranged at the corners of a square. Journalled in these bearings are the hollow shanks h h of the hollow screws 1 1 pointed at i 1 I 1 . Each screw is perforated, i i, between the threads i l i 1 from the fixed collar k k. Upon the tubular shanks h h of the screws are fixed the gear- wheels l l. At a short distance from the end of the chamber, a is the hollow chamber or receptacle m, into which is to be forced the disinfectant liquid or gas. The tubular shanks h h of the screws project through the wall m, passing through stuffing-boxes m m, and their bores communicate with the interior of the chamber, the shank of the middle screw being continued through the opposite wall and a stuffing-box, its solid or projecting end being provided with two fixed pulleys, n n, and a loose pulley o. When a gaseous disinfectant is used, it can be forced by any desired means through the pipe s into the chamber. Where a liquid disinfectant is used, an elevated tank r containing the fluid may be used. As most fibrous materials, and especially rags, are baled so as to be in layers, it is preferable so to place the bale upon the carriage that the perforated screws may penetrate the material at right angles to the layers by which the gas or liquid issuing through the holes in the screws passes in all directions throughout the mass within the bale. In the upper part of chamber a are perforated shelves v v, upon which, if desired, the material can be spread out and subjected to disinfecting gas or vapour. On the top of the chamber is a tank w nearly filled with disin- fecting liquid. A passage w 1 extends from upper part of the chamber up into the tank above the level of the liquid therein, and is then carried at its end down below the sur- face of the liquid. At its other end the tank is provided at its top with a discharge opening x and a suitable pipe i6 MATERIALS USED IN PAPER-MAKING. x 1 , forming a continuation of the opening ; by this means all foul and deleterious vapours or gases passing out of the closed chamber a through the passage w must pass through the disinfecting liquid in the tank before escap- ing through the opening x and stack x l into the air, and are thus rendered harmless. When a sufficient amount of the disinfectant has been forced into and through the bale, the disinfectant is turned off, and cold dry air can be forced through chamber m, and out through the nozzles and bale, whereby the material within the bale becomes cooled and dried, and all the foul air from the chamber a driven out, so that it may be opened and entered with safety. Any suitable disin- fectant may be used with this apparatus, as, for example, sulphurous acid, in gas or solution, superheated steam, carbolic acid, or any solution or vapour containing chlorine. Straw. — Very large quantities of this material are used in the manufacture of paper, but more especially for news- papers, the straw from wheat and oats being mostly em- ployed. Although the percentage of cellulose in straw is about equal to that of esparto, the severe treatment it re- quires to effectually remove the silicious coating by which the fibre is protected, and to render the knots amenable to the action of the bleach, greatly reduces the yield of finished pulp. Manv processes have been introduced for the treatment of straw for paper-making, but the most successful of them appear to be modifications of a process introduced in 1853 by MM. Coupier and Mellier. Esparto Grass. — This important fibrous material is largely imported from Algeria, Spain, and other countries, and constitutes one of the most valuable fibre-yielding materials with which the manufacturer has to deal. Some idea of the amount of esparto and other fibres which find their wav to our shores may be gleaned from the fact that while the import of cotton and linen rags in the year 1884 was 36,233 tons, of the value of £487,866, that of esparto ORIGIN OF THE WOOD PULP PROCESS. 17 and other fibres amounted to 184,005 tons, of the value of £1,125,553. Wood. — As a paper-making material, the fibre obtained from various kinds of wood now holds an important posi- tion, since the sources of supply are practically inex- haustible. The first practical process for manufacturing pulp from wopd fibre was perfected and introduced by the author's father, the late Mr. Charles Watt, who, in con- junction with Mr. IT. Burgess, obtained a patent for the invention on August 19th, 1853. The process was after- wards publicly exhibited at a small works on the Regent's Canal, when the Earl of Derby (then Lord Stanley;, many scientific men and representatives of the press, were present, and expressed themselves well satisfied with its success. Specimens of the wood paper, including a copy of the Weekly Times printed thereon, were exhibited, as a No some water-colour drawings which had been produced upon paper made from wood pulp. Failing to get the process taken up in England, an American patent was applied for and obtained in 1854, which was subsequently purchased ; but with the exception of an instalment, the purchase-money was never paid to the inventor ! Thus the process " got " into other hands, the original inventor alone being unbenetited by it. It has been repeatedly stated,* no doubt unwittingly, that a person named Houghton first introduced the wood paper process into this country ; but considering that his patent was not obtained until 1857, or four years after the process above referred to was patented and publicly ex- hibited in England, it will be seen that the statement is absolutely without foundation. The first knowledge Mr. Houghton received concerning wood as a paper-making material was from the author's father, and lie Mr. Hough- ton), in conjunction with Mr. Burgess, introduced the "Watt and Burgess process into America in the year 1854. These are the facts. * "Forestry and Forest Products, " p. 501, and Cross and Bevan's " Text Buck of Paper-making, " p. 65. e 1 8 MATERIALS USED IN PAPER-MAKING. Bamboo {Batnbusa vulgaris). — The leaves and fresh-cut stems of this plant are used for paper material, but require to pass through a preliminary process of crushing, which is affected by suitable rolls, the second series of crushing rolls being grooved or channelled to split or divide the material, after which the stems are cut to suitable lengths for boiling. Paper Mulberry [Brous&onebia papyri/era). — The inner bark of this tree, and also some other basts, have long been used by the Japanese and Chinese in the manufacture of paper of great strength, but of extreme delicacy. CHAPTER III. TREATMENT OF RAGS. Preliminary Operations. — Sorting. — Cutting. — Bertrams' Rag-cutting Machine. — NuttalTs Rag-cutter. — Willowing. — Bertrams' Willow and Duster. — Dusting. — Bryan Donkin's Duster or Willow. — Donkin's " Devil." Preliminary Operations. — Before the rags are submitted to the various processes which constitute the art of paper- making, they are subjected to certain preliminary opera- tions to free them from dirty matters, dust, and even sand, which is sometimes fraudulently introduced into rags to increase their weight. This preliminary treatment may be classified under the following heads, namely : — Sorting ; Cutting ; Willowing ; Dusting. Sorting. — The rags being removed from the bags or bales in which they arc packed, require first to be sorted according to the nature and quality of the fabrics of which they are composed ; thus linen, cotton, hemp, wool, &c, must be carefully separated from each other ; the thickness of the substance, its condition as to the wear it has undergone, and the colour of the material, all these considerations are taken into account by the women and girls who are employed in the operation of sorting. The finer qualities are set aside for writing-paper, inferior sorts being used separately, or mixed, according to the requirements of the manufacturer. Blue rags are gene- rally separated from the rest and kept for the manufacture of blue paper, but most of the other coloured rags require bleaching. In sorting rags, a good deal of judgment and skill are required to avoid mixing the better qualities with those of an inferior class, which would occasion loss in the 2 o TREATMENT OF RAGS. manufacture. It is also important that those of inferior colour should not be mixed with the finer qualities, which would be liable to affect the colour and deteriorate the quality of the paper. Paper manufacturers generally classify the rags obtained from home sources, that is, from different parts of the United Kingdom, under the following heads : — Home Rags. New cuttings. Linen pieces. . Cotton pieces. Fines (whites). Superfines (whites). Outshots (whites). Seconds (whites). Thirds (whites). Colours or prints. Blues. Gunny, clean. Gunny, dirty. Rope (white). Eope (hard). Rope, bagging, etc. Foreign rags are distinguished as below : — Belgian Rags. White linens. Mixed fines (linens and cot- tons'. Grey linens. Strong linens. Extra fine linens Blue linens. Superfine white cottons. Outshot cottons. Seconds. Half jute and linen. Light prints. Mixed prints. Blue cottons. Fustians. Black calicoes. White hemp, strings, and rope. Tarred hemp, strings, and rope. Jute spinners' waste. Jute waste. New. White linens. Grey linens. Blue linens. Unbleached cottons. White linens and cottons. Print cuttings (free from black). Blacks. Fustians. French linens. White cotton. Knitted cotton. Blue cotton. Coloured co ton. French Rags. Black cotton. Marseilles whites. Light jn-ints. Mixed prints. N«w white cuttings. SORTING RAGS. German Rags. s. P. f. P. P. S. P. F. P. P. F. G. L. X. F. Trieste. p. p. white linen (first). i>. white linen (second). l. f. b. blue. c. 8. p. f. f. P. c. p. B. blue. c. f. x. coloured. s. fine greys. x. coloured cottons. Leghorn. p. l. linens. p. c. cottons. Whites. S. P. F. F. S. P. F. L. F. B. Turkey and Beyrout. Bright reds. Alexandria. Blues. Baltic and Russian. Colours. B. G. L. F. X. F. G. Woollen rao-s are only used to a very moderate extent in blotting and filtering papers and also in coarse papers and wrappers. Many attempts have been made to bleach woollen rags, but the severity of the treatment required invariably ended in a destruction of the fibrous substances mingled with them. It is customary to dispose of such material for re-making into common cloths, and tor shoddy. Rags collected in large cities, in consequence of the frequent bleacnings they have been subjected to, are considerably weakened in fibre, tearing easily and arc therefore subject to loss in process of manufacture into pulp. Country rags, being coarser and greyer because less bleached, are stronger in fibre and give a better body to the paper. In sampling rags it is necessary to take pre- cautions against the fraudulent "tricks of the trade, which are often resorted to to cheat the manufacturer. Samples should be taken from the interior ot the bags 22 TREATMENT OF RAGS. or bales, to ascertain if the material in the interior is equal in quality with that at the outside — that is to say, that the quality is fairly averaged throughout. It may also be found that the rags have been purposely wetted to increase their weight. If such is found to be the case, a few handfuls should be weighed, and then dried in a warm room, and afterwards re-weighed, when if the loss exceeds 5 to 7 per cent, it may be assumed that the rags have been fraudulently wetted. It is gene- rally found, however, that the merchants in the principal towns transact their business honourably and are therefore reliable. The sorting is generally performed by women, who not only separate the various qualities of the rags, which they place in separate receptacles, but also remove all buttons, hooks and eyes, india-rubber, pins and needles, &c, and loosen all seams, hems and knots. The rags are next carefully looked over by women called over- haulers, or over-lookers, whose duty it is to see that the previous operations have been fully carried out in all respects. Usually there is one over-hauler to every eight or ten cutters. Cutting. — In some mills it is preferred to have the rags cut into pieces from 2 to 4 inches square, but the actual size is not considered of much importance. The chief object is to have them in such a condition that they may be thoroughly cleansed in subsequent operations, and able to float throughout the water in the rag-engine, without twisting round the roller. If the rag pieces are smaller than is required to effect this it tends to create a loss of tibre in the operations of willowing and dusting. The process of cutting is performed by hand or by machinery. AYlien the rags are cut by hand, the operation, which is accomplished by women, is conducted as follows : — The cutter takes her place in front of an oblong box, as in Fig. 3, covered with coarse wire netting, containing three threads per inch, through which dust, &c, passes to a rec^taele beneath ; in the centre is fixed, CUTTING. =3 Fig. 3. in a slanting position, a large-bladed knife of peculiar form, with its buck towards the operator, who is sur- rounded by a number of boxes, corresponding- with the number of the dif- ferent qualities of rags ; those are lined at the bot- tom with coarse wire gauze. In the operation of cutting, if any foreign substances, such as but- tons, hooks, &c, which may have escaped the sorters are found, these are at once removed. The rags as they are cut are put into baskets to be conveyed to the rag-engine room. In some mills rags are cut by machinery, but hand cutting is usually adopted for the better kinds of paper, as it is obvious that the machine would not be able to reject, as is the case in hand cutting, unpicked seams and other irregularities which may have escaped observation by the sorters and overhaiders. Machine cutting is, therefore, generally adopted for the materials which are to be used for the coarser papers. There are several rag-cutting machines in use, of which one or two examples are given below. Bertrams' Rag-Cutting Machine. — The engraving, Fig. 4, represents a machine manufactured by Messrs. Bertrams, Limited, of St. Katherine's Works, Edin- burgh, to whose courtesy we are indebted for this and other illustrations of their machinery, which have been reproduced in outline from their illustrated cata- logue. The machine, which is suitable either for rags or ropes, has three revolving knives, and one dead knife, which is rendered reversible to four edges, and has self- acting feed gear, side frames, drum, and other connec- tions of substantial construction ; it is wood covered, and 2 4 TREATMEXT OF RAGS. furnished with sheet-iron delivery spout. The material passes into the machine along the table at a, where it Fig. 4. passes between the dead knife c and the knives b fixed to the revolving drum d. The cut rags fall into a receptacle beneath the drum. KTuttall's Rag Cutter. — Another type of rag cutter, and which is also suitable for cutting bagging, sailcloth, tarpaulin, Manilla and other fibres, is Nuttall's Rag Cut- ter, a drawing of which is shown in Fig. 5. This machine is manufactured by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson, of Bury, near Manchester, and is generally known as the "Guillotine Rag Cutter," from the principle of its action, which is that of chopping the material. Tin 1 machine is adopted at many mills, and a large-sized machine has recently been put down at the Daily Tele- graph mills, Dartford. A medium-sized machine will cut about one ton of rags in an hour. Willowing. — In some mills the cut rags are conveyed to a machine called the " willow," which in one form of machine consists of two cast-iron cylinders, 2^ feet in dia- WILLOWING. tneter and 3| feet wide, provided with numerous iron teeth, which project about 4 inches. These cylinders arc placed one behind the other, and beneath them is a semi- 1 circular screw, and above them a cover of the same form. This cover is also furnished with teeth, and is so adjusted that the teeth in the cylinders pass those in the cover at a distance of \ to § of an inch. . In front are a pair of rollers and revolving apron, which carry the rags into the cylinders, which rotate rapidly ; and the rags, which are thrown by the first into the second cylinder, are allowed to remain in them for about 20 seconds, when a sliding door, which rises three times per minute, allows the rags to be discharged into a duster. Each time the sliding door opens the revolving apron moves forward and re- charges the willow with a fresh supply. The rags, after being beaten and teazed in the willow, are considerably loosened in texture, and a good deal of dust and gritty matters fall through the screen beneath. Fig. 6 represents a combined willow and duster, speci- ally useful for waste rags and jute, but may be used for all fibres, manufactured by Bertrams, Limited, the main features of which are thus described: — "There are two drums, which have malleable-iron cross-bars and teeth, and malleable-iron harp motion below for escape of dust. 26 TREATMENT OF RAGS. The framework of the willow is of cast iron, and the sides are filled in with east-iron panel doors, the top being covered in with sheet iron. The gear is arranged so that the willow will deliver to the duster or otherwise by self- acting motion continuously or intermittently. The feed to the willow can also be made continuous or intermittent. The drums, framework, panels, and casing being made of iron, the chance of fire from the friction of its w< irking is reduced to a minimum. The duster, as a rule, is 12 feet 1 /Hv Fig. 6. long, about 5 feet in diameter, and has eight longitudinal bars of cast iron fitted between the front and end revolving rings. These bars are fitted with malleable-iron spikes, pitched and so arranged that the rags or fibres are delivered at the exit end automatically. The outside of the duster can be lined with wire-cloth, perforated zinc, iron, etc. It is driven by outside shafts and friction gear, so that there is no internal shaft to interfere with the delivery of the fibres." Dusting. — In Fig. 7 is shown a rag-dusting machine, manufactured by Messrs. Bryan Donkin and Co., of Ber- mondsey, London. The cylinder of this machine, which is conical in form, to enable the rags to travel from one end to the other, whence they are ejected, revolves, as also does a second cylinder of a skeleton form, but in the opposite direction. Each cylinder is fitted with knives, or spikes — those of the outer cylinder projecting DUSTING. -7 towards the centre; the knives of the centre cylinder 1: ring attached to its exterior surface: when the machine is in motion the two sets of blades pass each other so thai when the rags come between them the action is that ' Fig. 7. of scissors. When the rags are ejected at the end of the cylinder, they pass into another cylinder of wire, through which the dust falls and leaves them in a fairly clean condition, when they are lowered through a trap-door to the boiling room below. Donkin's " Devil."— For removing the dust and dirt from coarse and very dirty rags, oakum, rope, etc., the presence of which would seriously injure the quality of the paper, a still more powerful machine has been in- 28 TREATMENT OE RAGS. troduced, called the " devil," which is constructed on the same principle as the willow, but revolves at a lower speed. The revolving axle of this machine is conical, and is provided with teeth, arranged in a spiral form. The case in which it rotates is fed continuously, instead of intermittently ; and although it facilitates the subsequent treatment of the fibre, it is said to be wasteful, while also consuming a considerable amount of power. A machine, or "devil," for cleaning rags or half stuff is manufactured by Messrs. Donkin and Co., a representation of which is shown in Fig\ 8. CHAPTER IT. TREATMENT OF RAGS {continued). Boiling Rags. — Bertrams' Rag Boiler. — Donkin's Rag Boiler. — Washing and Breaking. — Bertrams' Rag Engine. — Bentley and Jackson's Rag Engine. — Draining. — Torrance's Drainer. Boiling Rags. — To remove greasy matters, and also to dissolve out the cementing- substances from the stems of tlax and shell of the cotton, the rags are next boiled in a solution of caustic soda, caustic lime, or a mixture of car- bonate of soda and lime. The boiling has also the effect of loosening the dirt contained in the rags, whereby the colour of the material is greatly improved, while at the same time it is rendered more susceptible to the action of the bleaching agent. Strong linen rags will sometimes lose from one-third to one-fifth of their weight by the process of boiling. The vessels for boiling rags are of various construction, and have been the subject of nume- rous ingenious patents. These boilers are either cylin- drical or spherical, and are also stationary or rotary — the latter form being devised for the purpose of keeping the caustic alkali solution freely diffused throughout the mass of fibre during the boiling. Bertrams' Bag Boiler.— An illustration of a spherical boiler, as manufactured by Bertrams, Limited, of Edin- burgh, is given in Fig. 9. The shell of this boiler is made from malleable iron, is 8 feet in diameter and 9 feet deep. The boiler is constructed on what is termed the "vomiting" principle, by which a free circulation of the alkaline liquor is constantly maintained. These boilers are made to withstand any pressure of steam, but the size 3<> TREATMENT OF RAGS. given is usually worked at from 35 to 4-3 Lbs. press and carries about 30 cwt. of dry esparto. Donkin's Rag Boiler. — The spherical boiler of M< Bryan Donkin and Co. is shown in Fig\ 10. Beim? of a spherical form, it is twice as strong as a cylindrical boiler of the same diameter and thickness. The plates used are, notwithstanding, of the usual substance, thus rendering it perfectly safe, durable, and suitable for high- pressure steam. The spherical shape also allows the rugs to fall out by themselves when the boiler is revolving with the cover off. Within the boiler are strainers to carry oft' the dirt, and lifters to agitate the rags during the process of either boiling or washing. To avoid cement, or even lead joints, the gudgeons and the boiler are turned true in the lathe to tit each other, the joints being simply made with red lead. These boilers are usually about 8 feet in diameter, and are capable of boil- ing from 20 cwt. to 26 cwt. of rags. The idea of giving motion to the boiler, so as to insure a perfect mixture of the rags and the caustic liquor, is of American origin, and was first introduced into this country bv 31 DaVA'/X'S RAG BOILER. 3' Bryan Donkin and Co. It is usual to fix the boiler so that it can be fed with rags through a trap in the floor above, while the boiler is in a vertical position and the lid removed. The trunnions are hollow, to admit the intro- duction of steam, aDcaline ley, or water, and its rotary Fis:. 10. motion, which is about three times in two minutes, is given by the gearing on the left of the illustration. The alkalies used for boiling rags are either caustic soda, soda ash, slaked lime, made into a cream and silted, or ;i mixture of slaked lime and carbonate of soda. A description of the preparation of caustic scda lev will be 3 2 TREATMENT OF RAGS. found in another chapter. It has been customary at most of the larger paper-mills to purchase their caustic soda direct from the alkali manufacturers, who Bupply it in a solid form enclosed in iron drums, hermetically closed, which are broken and the contents removed and dissolved when required for use. As to the strength of caustic soda liquor to be used for boiling rags, this is regulated according to the nature and condition of the material, and the quality of the paper it is intended for (see p. 34). For the finest papers the caustic soda should be perfectly pure, and as there are various grades of this chemical substance sold by the alkali makers, only the purer qualities are used for the better kinds of paper. The proportion of caustic soda per cwt. of rags varies to the extent of from 5 to 10 per cent, of the former to each cwt. of the latter, the coarser mate- rials, of course, requiring more alkali than those of finer quality. In cases where rags are boiled in an open boiler— as was formerly the case — a much larger propor- tion of caustic soda would be required than when the boiling is conducted under high pressures, as is now very generally the custom. In boiling the finer qualities of rao-s, less pressure of steam is required than for the coarser qualities, and the heat being proportionately lower, there is less destruction of the fibre. Some paper-makers prefer to boil the rags with caustic lime only, in which case the lime, after being slaked in the usual way, is mixed with water until it attains a milky consistence, when it is passed through a sieve to separate any solid particles which may be present. About the same percentage of lime may be used as in the former case. "When a mixture of lime and carbonate of soda is used, a method much adopted on the Continent, the lime should be well screened from lumps before being mixed with the soda. The usual method of preparing this mixture is as fol- lows : — A wooden tank, 15 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 4 feet deep is divided into three compartments, each of which has a false bottom perforated with 5-inch holes to keep BOILING RAGS. y> back lumps, stones, pieces of coal, etc., which frequently abound in the lime. The fresh lime is put into the first compartment, where it is slaked with water in the usual way ; the resulting powder is then put into the next com- partment together with sufficient water, where it is agitated until converted into what is technically termed " milk of lime." In the partition which separates the second from the third division is a movable sluice, through which the milk of lime flows into the third compartment ; in this is titled a revolving drum, .similar to the drum-washer of the breaking-engine, through which the milk of lime which flows from the sluice becomes strained, and is lifted in the same way as water is lifted by the drum-washer of the breaking-engine, and is thence discharged through a pipe into the rag boilers ; an additional straining can he effected by placing a fine wire strainer over the mouth of this pipe leading to the boiler, which will prevent objec- tionable particles from entering the boiler. Each com- partment is provided with a large waste pipe, through which, by the aid of a sufficient supply of water, all im- purities which have been rejected by the drum are carried away. The soda solution is prepared by dissolving the required proportion in water, and the resulting liquor, after careful straining, is introduced into the boiler to which the charge of rags has been given ; the head of the boiler is then fixed in its position and steam turned on, until a pressure of about 20 to 30 lbs. to the square inch is attained, and the boiling kept up for two to six hours, according to the quality of the rags. By the Continental system of boiling rags, for No. 1 stuffs, 216 lbs. of lime and 114 lbs., of 48 per cent,, soda ash are used for every 4,000 lbs. of rags; for Nos. 3 and 5 stuffs, 824 lbs. of lime and 152 lbs. of soda ash are used; and lor No. I stuff 378 lbs., of lime and 11)0 lbs. of soda ash, and the boiling in each case is kept up for twelve hours, under a pressure of 30 lbs., the operation being conducted in boilers which revolve horizontally. In boiling the finest qualities of rags, it is considered i) Si TREATMENT OF RAGS. preferable to boil with lime alone, which is believed to be less injurious to delicate fibres than caustic soda. Dunbar * gives the following proportions of 70 per cent, caustic soda per cwt. of rags : — 5. p. f. f. f. is boiled with lime alone, then washed in the boiler, and again boiled with 2 per cent, of soda ash. s. p. f. f. is boiled with 12 lbs. of (70 per cent.) caustic soda per cwt. S. P. F ,, „ 14 Fines , , „ -7 Seconds ,, „ 6 L. F. X. ,, .. 20 C. L. F. X. ,, .. .7 C. C L. F. X. .. „ 30 F. F. ,, >. lo These are all boiled at a pressure of from 20 to 25 lbs. for 10 hours, in stationary boilers without vomit, and also in boilers revolving horizontally. In some mills, where the Lest qualities of paper are made, iron boilers are objected to, as small particles of oxide of iron are apt to become dislodged from the interior of the boiler, and produce dis- colouration of the paper. In such cases wooden vats, with mechanical stirrers, are employed ; sometimes a jacketed boiler is used. Washing and Breaking. — The removal of the dirty water resulting from the boiling is effected in the washing and breaking engine, or "rag engine," as it is commonlv called, which is constructed on the same principle as the beating engine, but is provided with an extra drum, called the drum-washer, which, being covered with wire gauze, allows the washing waters to escape without permitting the fibrous stuff to pass through. The rag engine, having been invented by a Dutchman, acquired, and still retains, the name of the Hollander, and although it has been con- siderably improved upon, its principle is still retained in the modern engines, of which there are many different forms. The ordinary rag engine, Figs. 11 and 12, consists * " Practical Paper Maker," by James Dunbar. Mackenzie and rie, Leith, 18S7. RAG ENGINE. 35 of a cast-iron trough a, about 10 feet long, 4h feet wide, and 2 1 feet deep, and rounded at the ends, and is firmly bolted to a wooden foundation. It is provided with a partition termed the mill feather b, of such a length as to have the trough of uniform width round it. A cylinder, or roll, c, famished with a series of steel knives, rotates in one of the divisions formed by the midfeather, and the floor of the trough in this division is inclined in such a manner as Figs. 11 and 12. to cause the pulp, as it travels, to pass under the roll. Beneath the roll is the bed-plate, which is fitted with a series of steel knives c c similar to those on the exterior of the roll. The distance between the knives of the roll and the bed-plate is regulated by levelling screws, which are so adjusted that both ends of the roll are raised at the same time, which is a great improvement upon the older types of breaking engines in which only one end of the roll was raised, whereby the knives became unequally worn. By 36 TREATMENT OF RAGS. the present method of regulating the distance between the respective sets of knives, any required degree of fineness can be given to the fibrous substances treated. The roll is generally caused to rotate at a speed of about 230 revolutions per minute, causing the water and rags to cir- culate in the engine and to be constantly under the action of the knives. In the other division f f of the trough is the drum-washer h, which, being covered with fine gauze wire, allows the water to enter, but keeps back the fibrous material. The ends of the drum are formed of two discs of wood, generally mahogany, upon which the coarse gauze is fastened as a backing, and this is covered with the fine wire gauze. The interior of the drum is sometimes furnished with a series of buckets, which con- duct the water to a trough in the axis of the drum, by which it is led away. This is also accomplished by dividing the interior of the cylinder into compartments by means of a partition. The drum-washer is so arranged that it can be wholly raised out of the trough, which is necessary in certain parts of the operation, when the removal of the liquid is not required ; or it can be partially raised, or otherwise, according to requirement. The floor of the compartment containing the roll c is inclined at r>, so as to cause the pulp to pass directly under the roll, and at ]>' is the back/all, over which the pulp travels to the oppo- site side of the midfeather. In working the rag engine, it is first partly filled with Mater, and then set in motion ; the boiled stuff is then gradually put in, and a constant supply of clean water is run in from a cistern provided with means of preventing sand or other impurities from finding their way into the engine. It is of the utmost importance that the water shoidd be abundant and of good quality, more especially as the material (rags) is mostly required for making the finer qualities of paper. In this respect the county of Kent and a few other localities on the chalk formation are considered specially suitable for this par- ticular manufacture. BERTRAMS' RAG ENGINE. 37 With respect to the driving of the engines, this was formerly effected by what is called toothed gearing, but cog- whorls were afterwards replaced by iron spur-wheel gearing, which enabled manufacturers to drive four or more engines from one source of power, by continuing the line of shafting and spur-wheels; but even with small rolls the wear and tear on this system was considerable, while it was quite inadequate to the driving of a number of large rolls of 30 inches in diameter, such as are now used. The' introduction of belt-gearing, by Messrs. Gr. and W. Bertram, proved to be a great improvement on the older system, and it is found that the rags are broken not only more uniformly, but in less time, as the rolls work more steadily on the plates than with any system of wheel- gearing, while the various working parts of the engine hist longer than when subjected to the vibrating action of wheel-gearing. , . Bertrams' Rag Engine.— This engine, of which a drawing is shown in Fig. 13, may be used either as a Fie. 13. washing and breaking engine, potcher, or beater. It is provided with double lifting gear, and has "all sweeps, curves, and angles " of the most improved design to save 38 TREATMENT OF RAGS. lodgments and ensure steady and thorough travelling of the pulp. The drum- washer is shown lifted by rack and pinion and worm gear, and empties down the midf eather direct to mouthpiece. The emptying can be done by spout and pipe, or by a chamber cast on the engine, down back or front side, as well as through the midfeather ; but it is not advisable that it should be emptied down the midfeather if the rag engine is to be used as a beater. Bentley and Jackson's Rag Engine. — This form of engine is shown in Fig. 14. The trough is of cast-iron, and made whole, and the engine can be obtained of any Fiar. 14. required dimensions. The trough is provided with a sand- well, cast-iron grate, and cock in front of the roll, and a sand- well, cast-iron grate, and brass valve on the back of the midfeather, a brass let-off valve and a brass waste- water valve. The bottom of the trough is " dished," to prevent the stuff from lodging. There are two movable bridge trees, fitted with pedestals and brass steps, and wrought -iron lifting links and screws, worm-wheels, worms, cross-shaft and hand-wheel for simultaneously lifting the roll on both sides. The roll is covered by a polished pitch-pine cover. The drum-washer may have either iron or wooden ends, has strong copper brackets, and is covered with brass backing and covering wires, mounted on a wrought-iron shaft, and carried by cast- BRE'AKING HALF-STUFF — DRAINING. 39 iron stands, fitted with improved lifting gear, driving- wheels, and pulley. When the engine is set in motion by the revolving shaft or spindle, the combined action of the knives of the roll and bed- plate causes the rags, which circulate in the water, to be gradually cut into small fragments, and the operation is kept up until the rags are converted into what is technically termed half- stuff. While this process is going on, fresh water is constantly supplied by a pipe at the end of the washins'-eno-me • and when it is found that nothing but clear water escapes from the drum- washer, this is raised, and the spindle bearing the roll is lowered, so as to bring the respective knives closer together, to enable them to cut the reduced material still finer. Draining. — When the material is sufficiently broken, as it is termed, the engine is then emptied by means of its valves, and the contents run into large vats or drainer*, furnished with perforated zinc floors, in which it is allowed to drain thoroughly ; and in order to remove the water more effectually, the pulp is afterwards pressed, either by an extractor or a centrifugal- drainer, which dries it sufficiently for gas-bleaching, or for treatment in the potcher or poacher. This is a larger engine than the washer, and instead of the cylinder and bars, has a hollow drum which carries on its periphery a number of cast- iron paddles, which thoroughly agitate the pulp, and thus render it more susceptible of being freely and uniformly acted upon by the bleaching agent. The drum-washer of this engine should have a finer wire than is used for the breaker. Torrance's Drainer. — This machine, which has been extensively used, is manufactured by Messrs. J. Bertram and Son, of Edinburgh. It consists of a perforated cylin- drical box, enclosed in a fixed case, which revolves at about two hundred and fifty revolutions per minute. The machine is capable of treating about 4 cwt. of pulp per hour. CHAPTER V. TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. Preliminary Treatment. — Picking. — Willowing Esparto. — Boiling- Es- parto. — Sinclair's Esparto Boiler. — Rieckner's Boiler. — Mallary's Process. — Carbon ell's Process. — "Washing Boiled Esparto. — Young's Proce.-s. — Bleaching the Esparto. Preliminary Treatment: Picking. — Esparto is im- ported in bales or trusses, tightly compressed by hydraulic- presses, and bound with twisted bands of the same material, much in the same manner as hay, except that which comes from Tripoli, which is bound with iron bands. The bands being cut, the loosened material is then spread out upon tables, partly covered with iron, or galvanised-iron, netting, to allow earthy matter or sand to pass through to a receptacle beneath. Here it is care- ful ly picked by women and girls, who remove all roots, other kinds of grass, weeds, and heather. The material thus cleansed from impurities is transferred to the boiling- room. This careful preliminary treatment has been found necessary, since pieces of root and other vegetable matters which may be present are liable to resist the action of the bleaching liquor to a greater extent than the grass itself, and therefore produce specks, or " sheave" as they are termed at the mill, in the manufactured paper. At some mills, however, as at the Horton Kirby Mills of Messrs. Spalding and Hodge, at South Darenth, for example, the cleaning of esparto is admirably effected by means of a willow, or esparto-cleaner, constructed by Messrs. Masson, Scott, and Bertram, which entirely supersedes the system of hand-picking. Having recently visited the mill referred to, we were enabled, through the B0IL1XG ESPARTO. 41 courtesy of Mr. Sydney Spalding, to witness the action of this willow, which appeared to perform its functions with perfect uniformity, and to clean the grass most effectually. The rationale of the operation of willowing esparto may be thus described : — Willowing Esparto. — A bale of the grass is unbound at a short distance from the machine, and the grass, which is in the form of small bundles or sheaves, tied with bands of the same material, is thrown by a woman on to a table or platform placed by the side of the willow, and a second woman, standing near the hopper of the machine, takes the bundles, a few at a time, and drops them into the hopper. The machine being in motion, in a few moments the grass, freed from its bands and dirty matters, appears in a perfectly loose con- dition at the wider end of the drum, and passes upward along a travelling-table to a room above, in the floor of which are the man-holes of a series of esparto boilers. During the passage of the loosened fibre, women standing on steps or platforms at the sides of the travelling-table are enabled to examine the material, and to remove any objec- tionable matters that may be present. Beneath the drum of the machine is a pipe, through which the dust and dirty matters are drawn away by means of a fan. Boiling Esparto. — In the boiling-room at the millreferred to is a scries of vertical stationary boilers, each about twenty feet high, and capable of holding about three tons of grass. The man-holes of these boilers pass through the floor of a room above, being nearly level with it, into which the cleaned esparto is conveyed, as described, by the travelling- table of the willowing machine. In this room is a series of compartments in which the willowed esparto is stored until required for boiling, when it is fed into the boilers by means of two-pronged forks provided for the purpose. The boiler being partially charged with caustic ley at 14° Twad., the esparto is introduced, and steam also, by which the esparto becomes softened, and thus a larger quantity of the fibre can be chai'ged into the vessel. "When the 4 2 TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. full charge of ley and esparto have been introduced the head of the boiler is securely fixed by means of its bolts, and steam then turned on until a pressure of about 20 lbs. to the square inch has been reached, which pressure is kept up for about three hours, when the steam is shut off and the blow-off tap opened. -When the steam is blown F12:. 15. off', the spent liquor is run off, and hot water then run into the boiler, steam again turned on, and the boiling kept up for about twenty minutes to half an hour, at the end of which time the steam is shut off and the blow-pipe opened. As soon as the steam has blown off, the washing water is run off by the bottom pipe, and the grass allowed SINCLAIR'S BOILER. 43 to drain as thoroughly as possible. A door at the lower end of the boiler is then opened, and the grass emptied into trucks and conveyed to the washing-engines. Sinclair's Esparto Boiler. — Another form of boiler, known as Sinclair's boiler, of the vertical cylindrical type, is shown in Figs. 15 and 16. It is constructed on what is termed the " vomiting" principle, but without the central vomiting-pipes generally used, and is fitted with one or Fig. 16. more vomiting-pipes close to the side, two diametrically opposite pipes being used by preference. Steam jet pipes, with upwardly-directed nozzles, are fitted into the vomit- ing-p'ipes at points a little above the bends, between the vertical and horizontal parts. The liquid or ley thrown up the vomiting-pipes by the action of the steam is deli- vered from the upper ends of the pipes over a diaphragm or plate fixed near the top of the boiler, and the liquid is 44 TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. retained at a certain depth on the diaphragm by a number of small tubes fixed in it, and the liquid becomes well heated by the steam before overflowing down the tubes, which tubes also serve to distribute it uniformly over the fibrous materials in the boiler. A casing is formed at the bottom of the boiler, and in some cases extended more or less up the sides, and is supplied with steam, which should be superheated, or of high pressure. With this arrange- ment the heat in the boiler is maintained without the excessive condensation of steam and consequent dilution and weakening of the liquors which occurs in ordinary boilers. Figs. 15 and 16 are horizontal and vertical sec- tions of one form of this boiler. The boiler is made with a vertical cylindrical shell, 1 ; with a flat top, 2 ; and flat bottom, 3 ; and there is an inner or second bottom, 4 ; the space between it and the bottom, 3, being for steam to assist in heating the contents of the boiler. At a little distance above- the inner bottom, 4, there is the usual per- forated horizontal diaphragm, 5, down through which the liquid or ley drains from .the fibre. Two diametrically opposite vertical vomiting-pipes, 6, are formed by the attachment of curved plates to the cylindrical shell, 1, and these vomiting-pipes, 6, have their upper ends above a horizontal diaphragm, 7, attached by stays to the boiler top, 2. This diaphragm is perforated, and short tubes, 8, are fixed in the perforations so as to project upwards, by which arrangement the liquid, rising up the vomiting- pipes, 6, lies on the diaphragm to the depth of the tubes, 8, and overflows down through them all equally, so as to be uniformly distributed over the materials in the boiler. Steam jet nozzles, 9, are fitted in the lower parts of the vomiting-pipes, being supplied with steam by pipes, 10, from one of which a branch, 11, supplies steam to the double bottom, 3, 4. The steam jets cause the liquid to be drawn from under the perforated diaphragm, 5, and thrown up the pipes, 6, whereby a constant circulation of the liquid through the fibre is maintained. The liquors are drawn off by the pipe, 15. In another form of boiler ROECKXER'S BOILER. 45 Mr. Sinclair employs vomit-pipes formed of thin steel plates riveted to opposite sides of the boiler, and the liquid which drains through the perforated double bottom is forced upward through the vomit-pipes to the perforated plates above, through which it distributes over the mate- rial in fine jets. The boiler is capable of holding- from 2 to 3 tons of esparto, and under a pressure of from 40 to 50 lbs. the boiling occupies about two hours. Roeckner's Boiler. — This boiler, of which an illustra- tion of two in series is given in Fig. 17, has been exten- i±Hp(=» Pis. 17. sively adopted by paper manufacturers. It will be noticed thai the vomit-pipe a is placed outside the boiler, and the steam enters at the cock b, forcing the liquor up the vomit-pipe A and distributing it over the esparto. A pipe c is used for heating the liquor by means of Waste steam at the commencement of the operation. The grass is fed into the boiler at the opening d. At e e are gauges for showing the height of the liquor in the boiler. F F F are pipes for the supply of steam, strong ley, and water, and the door g is for the discharge of the boiled grass. Each boiler is capable of holding 3 tons of esparto, and the boiling is completed in about two and a half hours, at 46 TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. a pressure of from 35 to 40 lbs. per square inch. It is said that the boiler effects a saving both in time and the amount of soda used. Mallary's Process. — By this process the inventor savs that he obtains the fibre in greater length, and gets rid of the gunimy and resinous matters in a more economical way than by the present system. The materials used form a species of soap, with which and with the addition of water, the esparto is boiled. To carry out his process, he places in a boiler a suitable quantity of water, to which caustic soda, or a ley of the required strength to suit the nature of the. fibre, is added; magnesite, or carbonate of magnesia, in the proportion of about 2 per cent, of the fibrous material, or a solution of sulphate of magnesia, is then added and mixed with the ley. He next adds " an improved saponaceous compound " to produce the required result, and when the boiling is completed, the stuff . is treated as ordinary stock, to be applied for paper-making or other uses. The proportions are as follows : — 2 gallons of petroleum or its products, 1 gallon of mustard oil,' 10 to 15 lbs. of caustic soda, and 1 per cent, of boracic acid. These are placed in a copper and heated for 1 to 2 hours, until properly saponified. From 3 to 6 gallons of the " saponaceous compound " are added to the ley and mag- nesite, previously placed in the boiler with the fibre, and the boiling is kept up for the usual length of time, when the fibre will be found " beautifully soft, and the greater portion of the gum, silica, and resinous matters removed, or so softened as to be no hindrance to the perfect separa- tion of the fibres, whilst the strength, silkiness, and soft- ness are preserved in all their natural integrity." Con- sidering that caustic soda ley " of the required strength " forms an essential part of this process, we should imagine that the auxiliaries mentioned would scarcely be necessary. Carbonell's Process. — Iu this process, devised by M. Carbonell, of Paris, 200 lbs. of raw esparto are placed in a wooden vat furnished with a perforated steam-pipe, 20 lbs. of soda and 30 lbs. of quicklime being mixed with it : CARBONELUS PROCESS. 47 the vat is then supplied with cold water until the esparto is completely covered. Steam is then turned on, and the materials boiled for 4 hours. The spent liquor is then drained off, and the esparto submitted to hydraulic pres- sure. It is afterwards washed and broken in a rag engine, and in about 15 minutes is reduced- to half-stuff. 20 lbs. of chloride of lime dissolved in water are then introduced, and the cylinder kept in motion as usual. In another vessel, lined with lead, I5 lb. of sulphuric acid is dissolved in 3 lbs. of water, and this gradually added to the pulp, which immediately assumes a reddish colour ; but in the course of about three quarters of an hour it becomes perfectly white, when the pulp is ready for the paper- maker. In the boiling of esparto, several important points have to be considered. The kind of esparto to be treated is the hrst consideration, since this grass differs materially in character in the different countries from which it is im- ported. Spanish esparto is considered the best for paper- making, as it is stronger in hbre and yields a whiter pulp than other varieties. Of the African espartos there are several varieties, which are known respectively as Oran, Tripoli, Sfax, Gabes, and Susa. Of these, the first-named (Algerian esparto) is held in highest estimation amongst paper-makers, since it more closely resembles Spanish esparto than the other varieties, though not so hard and stiff as the latter. These grasses usually have a length of about 10 to 12 inches. Tripoli esparto has an entirely different growth, being sometimes as long as ;2g or 3 feet, and proportionately stouter, and is also softer than Oran esparto, which is not so hard as the Spanish variety. Tripoli esparto does not yield a strong paper by itself, but in conjunction with Oran esparto gives more favourable results. Sfax and Gabes espartos have a closer resem- blance to Oran than Tripoli, but are not so strong as ( )ran, being green and spongy, and not so dry as the latter variety. Susa esparto of good quality is said to equal Oran, but not to yield so high a percentage of fibre. 48 TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. The next important consideration is to determine the percentage of caustic alkali which should be used per hundredweight of the particular variety of esparto to be treated, and we cannot do better than give the following- proportions recommended by Mr. Dunbar. Fine Spanish. . 18 to 20 lbs. of 70 per cent, caustic soda per cwt. Medium Spanish 16 to 18 Fine Gran . . 18 Medium Oran . 16 to 17 Susa . . . - . 18 Tripoli . . . 19 to 20 Sfax . . . . 20 to 21 Mr. Dunbar says that the above figures " insure a first- class boil, with the steam pressure of 25 lbs. and not exceeding 30 lbs., but are liable to alteration according to circumstances — such as the form of boilers, quality of the water for boiling purposes, and steam facilities, which ought at all times to be steady and uniform to get the absolute regularity required." Respecting the strength of caustic ley used for boiling esparto, as indicated by Twaddell's hydrometer, this appears to range from 7° to 15°, some preferring to boil with stronger liquors than others. The time occupied in boiling also varies at different mills, and depends greatly upon the character of the boiler used. We are informed that a Sinclair boiler will turn out, on an average, three boils in twenty-four hours, including filling, boiling, dis- charging, &c., the boiling occupying about four hours for each batch of grass. The boiling being completed, the liquor is run off into tanks, to be afterwards treated for the recovery of the soda, and the esparto is then subjected to a second boiling with water only for about 20 minutes. The liquor from the second boiling is sometimes thrown away, even when the soda from the first liquor is recovered ; but a more economical method is to use this liquor, in lieu of water, strengthened with soda for a first boiling ; or to mix it with the first liquors and evaporate the whole together. WASHING BOILED ESPARTO. 49 The second boiling being finished, the steam is turned off, and water then run in and steam again turned on for a short time, and the water then run off and the esparto allowed to drain thoroughly. The boiled grass is then discharged into trucks which convey it to the washing engines. The liquor resulting from the boiling of esparto, which is of a dark brown colour, contains nearly all the soda originally used, but it also contains silicious, resinous, and other vegetable matters which it has dissolved out of the glass, the silica taking the form of silicate of soda. The esparto liquor, Avhich was formerly allowed to run to waste, polluting our rivers to a serious extent, is now treated by several ingenious methods for the recovery of the soda with considerable advantage alike to the manu- facturer and the public. The process consists essentially in boiling down the liquor to dryness, and incinerating the residue. During the process of incineration the car- bonaceous matter extracted from the grass is converted into carbonic acid, which, combining with the soda, re- converts it into carbonate of soda, which is afterwards causticised with lime in the usual way, and the caustic soda thus obtained is again used in the boiling of esparto. Although one or other of the " recovery " processes is adopted at a good many of our paper-mills, the recovery of the soda is by no means universal as yet, but the time will doubtless soon arrive when the economical advan- tages of the process will be fully recognised. Indeed, we know it to be the fact that some manufacturers are watching, with keen interest, the progress of some of the newer systems of soda recovery, with the full intention eventually of adopting one or other of them. Washing Boiled Esparto. — This operation is usually performed in engines similar to those used in washing rags, but in some mills the boiled grass is washed in a series of tanks, so arranged that water Hows in at one end of the series, thence passing in succession through each batch of grass in the other tanks, and finally issues E 50 TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. at the farthest end of the series as a very concentrated liquor. 13v this arrangement there is great economy of water, while at the same time no loss of fibre occurs. The concentrated washing liquors thus obtained may be evaporated, and the alkali recovered, which would be an undoubted saving, since these liquors obtained in the ordinary way by washing in the boilers are genet ally run oil* as waste. The engines used for washing esparto and converting it into half-stuff are generally of large size, and capable of treating a ton of boiled esparto. In this engine, however, there is no bed-plate, as the action of the roll alone is sufficient to reduce the boiled and softened esparto to half- stuff. A drum-washer is also furnished to the engine, which carries off the dirty wash- ing water, while an equivalent proportion of clean water is kept constantly running into the engine from an elbowed pipe at its end. In charging the washing-engine, it is first about three parts filled with water, when the washing cylinder is lowered, and the esparto is then put in, care being taken not to introduce more of the material than will work freely under the action of the roll ; if the mass be too stiff, portions of the material may be imper- fectly washed. While the washing is in progress, the workman, armed with a wooden paddle, constantly stirs the esparto, clearing it away from the sides of the engine, so that none of the material may escape a perfect washing. At the bottom of the engine is a " sand-trap," covered with perforated zinc, through which any sand or other solid particles which may be present escape. When the washing is complete, the fresh water supply is shut off, and the drum-washer allowed to run until enough water has been removed to make room for the bleaching liquor. Young's Process. — By this process the boiled and strained esparto is passed through elastic covered rollers, so adjusted as to split up and squeeze out the dissolved matters or liquid from the fibres, thus leaving them clean and open for the access of the bleaching liquor. Bleaching the Esparto. — It is usual to bleach esparto BLEA CUING ESPAR TO. 5> in the washing engine, for which purpose a tank of bleach- ing liquor of the required strength (about 6° T. for Spanish) is placed close to the engine, which is provided with a pipe leading to the engine and another pipe pro- ceeding from the tank in which the bleaching liquor is stored. The supply tank is furnished inside with a gauge, divided into inches — each inch representing so many gallons of liquor — by means of which the workman is enabled to regulate the quantity of bleaching liquor he is instructed by the manager or foreman to introduce into the engine. About half an hour after the bleach has become well incorporated with the fibre, sulphuric acid in the proportion of six ounces of the acid (which must be well diluted with water) to each hundredweight of the fibre. The dilute acid should be added gradually, and the proportions given must not be exceeded. The bleach- ing being completed, the half-stuff is next treated in a machine termed the presse-pdte, which not only cleanses the material from sand and dirt, but also separates all knots and other imperfections from the fibre in a most effectual and economical manner. Indeed, we were much struck with the excellent working of this machine at Messrs. Spalding and Hodge's mill, at South Darenth, and the remarkably fine quality of the finished pulp obtained through its agency. The presse-pate was formerly used in the preparation of pulp from straw, but its advantages in the treatment of esparto are now fully recognised. The apparatus and method of workino- it may be thus briefly described : — The machine is on the principle of the wet end of a paper machine, and consists of several stone chests for holding the bleached half -stuff, in which are fitted agita- tors to keep the stuff in suitable condition. From these chests the stuff is pumped into a mixing box, and from thence over a series of sand traps made of wood, and with slips of wood fixed in the bottom, in which any sand present is retained. The stuff then passes into a series of strainers, which, while allowing the clean fibre to pass 5 2 TREATMENT OF ESPARTO. through, retain all impurities, such as knots, &c, and the clean stuff is allowed to flow on to the wire-cloth in such a quantity as to form a thick web of pulp. A greater portion of the water escapes through the wire-cloth, but a further portiori is removed by the passage of the pulp across two vacuum boxes, connected with four powerful vacuum pumps, which renders the half-stuff sufficiently drv to handle ; but to render it still more so, it now passes between couch rolls, and is either run into webs, or, as is sometimes the case, it is discharged into boxes, the web of pulp thus treated being about an inch in thick- ness. CHAPTER VI. TREATMENT OF WOOD. Chemical Processes. — "Watt and Burgess's Process. — Sinclair's Process.— Keegan's Process. — American Wood Pulp System. — Aussedat's Pro- cess. — Acid Treatment of Wood. — Pictet and Brelaz's Process. — Barre and Blondel's Process. — Poncharac's Process. — Young and Pettigrew's Process. — Fridet and Matussiere's Process. The advantages of wood fibre as a paper material have been fully recognised in the United States and in many Continental countries, but more especially in Norway, Sweden, and Germany, from whence large quantities of wood pulp are imported into this country. There is no doubt that our home manufacturers have recently paid much attention to this material, and it is highly probable that wood, as an inexhaustible source of useful fibre, will at no distant date hold a foremost rank. Indeed, the very numerous processes Avhich have been patented since the Watt process was first made known, indicate that from this unlimited source of fibre the requirements of the paper- maker may be to a large extent satisfied, provided, of course, that the processes for reducing the various suitable woods to the condition of pulp can be economically and satisfactorily effected. The great attention which this material has received at the hands of the experimentalist and chemist — the terms not being always synonymous — shows that the field is considered an important one, as in- deed it is, and if successfully explored will, it is to be hoped, yield commensurate advantages both to inventors and the trade. The object of the numerous inventors who have devised processes for the disintegration of wood fibre — that is, the 54 TREATMENT OF WOOD. separation of cellulose from the intercellular matters in which the fibres are enveloped — has necessarily been to dissolve out the latter without injury to the cellulose itself, but it may be said that as yet the object has not been folly attained by either of the processes which have been intro- duced. To remove the cellular matter from the true fibre or cellulose, "without degrading or sacrificing a portion of the latter, is by no means easy of accomplishment when practised on an extensive scale, and many processes which present apparent advantages in one direction are often found to exhibit contrary results in another. The field, however, is still an open one, and human ingenuity may yet discover methods of separating wood fibre from its surrounding tissues in a still more perfect manner than hitherto. The various processes for treating wood for the extraction of its fibre have been classified into : (1) chemical processes ; and '2) mechanical processes. We will give precedence to the former in describing the various wood pulp processes, since the pulp produced by the latter, although extensively used, is chiefly employed, in combination with other pulps, for common kinds of paper. In reference to this part of our subject Davis says : — " Experience has dictated certain improvements in some of the details of those earlier methods, by which so-called ' chemical wood pulp ' is manufactured very largely on the Continent of Europe. .... It is possible to obtain a pulp of good quality, suit- able for some classes of paper, by boiling the chipped wood in caustic soda, but when it is desired to use the pulp so prepared for papers having a perfectly white colour it has been demonstrated in practice that the action of the caustic soda solution at the high temperature which is required develops results to a certain degree in weakening and browning the fibres, and during the past five years much labour has been expended in the endeavour to overcome the objections named. Ihe outcome of these efforts has been a number of patents, having for their object to pre- vent oxidation and subsequent weakening of the fibres." WATT AXD BURGESS'S WOOD- PULP PROCESS. 55 Id several of these patents, to which we shall refer here- after, bisulphite of lime is employed as the agent to pre- vent oxidation and consequent degradation of the fibres, and in other processes bisulphite of magnesia has been used for the same purpose. Davis further remarks : " Although a common principle runs through all these methods of preparing cellulose from wood, they differ in detail, as in the construction of the digesters employed, methods of treating the wood stock before boiling it in the sulphurous acid solution, and also as regards pressure, blowing off the sulphurous acid gas, etc., but all these pro- cesses present a striking similarity to the method patented by Tilghmann in 1867." There can be no doubt that the action of caustic soda, under high pressures, is highly in- jurious both to the colour and strength of the fibres, and any process that will check this destructive action in a thoroughly practical way will effect an important desi- deratum. I. Chemical Processes : Watt and Burgess's Process. — This process, which, with some modifications, is extensively worked in America, consists in boiling wood shavings, or other similar vegetable matter, in caustic soda ley, and then washing to remove the alkali ; the wood is next treated with chlorine gas, or an oxygeneous compound of chlorine, in a suitable vessel, and it is afterwards Avashed to free it from the hydrochloric acid formed. It is now treated with a small quantity of caustic soda in solution, which instantly converts it into pulp, which only requires to be washed and bleached, and beaten for an hour and a half in the beating engine, when the pulp is ready for the machine. The wood-paper process as carried out in America has been described by Kofmann, from whose work* we have abridged the following : — The wood, mostly poplar, is brought to the works in 5-feet lengths. The bark having been stripped off by hand, it is cut into |-inch slices by a cutter which consists •"Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Paper." By Carl Hof- nutini, Philadelphia, 1873. 56 TREATMENT OE WOOD. of four steel knives, from 8 to 10 inches wide by 12 to 15 inches long-, which are fastened in a slightly inclined posi- tion to a solid cast-iron disc of about 5 to 7 feet diameter, which revolves at a high speed, chopping- the wood — which is fed to the blades through a trough — into thin slices across the grain. The trough must be large enough to receive the logs, usually 10 or 12 inches thick, and it is set at such an angle that the logs may slide down towards the revolving cutters ; this slanting position only assists the movement of the logs, while a piston, which is pro- pelled by a rack, pushes them steadily forward until they are entirely cut up. The piston, or pusher, then returns to its original position, fresh wood is put into the trough, and the operation repeated. In this way many tons of wood can be chopped up by one of these cutters in a day. The sliced wood is conveyed by trucks to an elevator by which it is hoisted up two storeys to a floor from which the boilers are filled. The boilers are upright cylinders, about 5 feet in diameter and 16 feet high, with semi-spherical ends. provided inside with straight perforated diaphragms, be- tween which the chips from one cord of wood are confined. A solution of caustic soda, at 12° B., is introduced with the chips, and fires are started in a furnace under- neath. At other works the boilers are heated by steam circulating through a jacket which covers the bottom and sides of the boiler. The boiling is continued for about six hours, when the digestion is complete, and the contents of the boilers are emptied with violence, under the pressure of at least 65 lbs. of steam, which had been maintained inside. A large slide valve is attached to the side of each boiler for this purpose close to the perforated diaphragm, and connected by a capacious pipe with a sheet-iron cylinder of about 12 feet diameter and 10 feet high, which receives the contents — pulp, liquor, and steam. The object of these large cham- bers — one of which serves for two boilers — is to break the force of the discharging mass. The steam passes through a pipe on the top of each, and from thence through a WATT AXD BURGESS'S PROCESS. 57 water reservoir, while the liquid containing the pulp flows through a side opening and short pipe into movable boxes, or drainers, mounted on wheels, and each capable of hold- ing the contents of one boiler; these boxes are pushed along a tramway up to the collecting chambers, where the pulp is received. In a building 132 feet long and 75 feet wide, ten digesting boilers are arranged in one straight line, and parallel with the boilers runs the main line of rails, side tracks extending from it to each of the chambers, and a turn-table is supplied at every junction. By this arrangement the drainer waggons can be pushed from the side tracks on to the main line, which leads to the washing- engines in an adjoining room. A system of drainage is established below the tramways, by which all the liquid which drains from the waggons is carried away and col- lected for treatment by evaporation ; these carriers remain on the side tracks until the pulp is ready for the washing- engine. When the greater portion of the liquor has drained off, warm water is sprinkled over the pulp from a hose for the purpose of extracting all the liquid which is suffi- ciently concentrated to repay the cost of evaporation — the most advantageous method of recovering the soda. The contents of the wag'S-ons — from the same number of boilers — are then placed in two washing-engines, each capable of holding 1,00(1 lbs. of pulp. After being suffi- ciently worked in these engines the pulp is transferred to two stuff-chests, and from thence conveyed by pumps to two wet-machines. The screens (strainers) of the wet- machines retain all impurities derived from knots, bark, and other sources, and the pulp, or half-stuff, obtained is perfectly clean and of a light grey colour. The pulp is bleached with solution of bleaching powder like rags, then emptied into drainers and allowed to remain therein with the liquid for twenty-four to fort} r -eight hours, or long enough to render the use of vitriol in the bleaching un- necessary. The portion of the white pulp which is to be worked up into paper in the adjoining mill is taken from 58 TREATMENT OF WOOD. the drainers into boxes running on tramways in the moist state, but all the pulp which has to be shipped to a dis- tance is made into rolls on a large cylinder paper-machine with many dryers. The object being merely to dry the pulp, a very heavy web can be obtained, since the water leaves this pulp very freely. The wood pulp thus obtained is perfectly clean, of a soft, white spongy fibre, and a greater portion of it is mixed with a small proportion of rag pulp and worked into book and fine printing papers. Sometimes the wood pulp is used alone or mixed with white paper shavings for book paper. The fibres are rather deficient in strength, but as a material for blotting paper they are said to be unsurpassed, while the wood paper is much liked by printers. The wood from poplar, which is generally preferred, furnishes a very white fibre, and is easily digested, but since the fibres are short it is sometimes found advan- tageous to mix them with longer fibres, as those of the spruce or pine, although the latter wood requires a mucn more severe treatment in boiling with alkali than the former. In reference to this process the following re- marks appeared in The Chemist,* 1855 : — " The process occupies only a few hours ; in fact, a piece of wood may be converted into paper and printed upon within twenty- four hours." An interesting verification of this was published a few years since in an American paper, the Southern Trade Gazette, of Kentucky, which runs as fol- lows: — " At a wood-pulp mill at Augusta, Ga., a tree was cut down in the forest at six o'clock A.M., was made into pulp, and then into paper, at six o'clock in the evening, and distributed amongst the people as a newspaper by six o'clock the next morning. From a tree to a newspaper, being read by thousands, in the brief round of twenty-four hours!" The wood-paper process referred to has given rise to many sid>equent modifications, some of which we will briefly describe. Sinclair's Process. — The wood is first cut into pieces * The Chemist. Edited by Charles and John Watt, p. 552 ; 1855. SINCLAIR'S PROCESS. 59 about 1 inch broad, £th inch thick, and from 2 to 3 inches long. It is then placed in a boiler and a solution of caus- tic soda, in the proportions of 600 gallons to 10 cwts. of dry wood, is poured over it. The boiler having been se- curely closed, the heat is raised till a pressure of 180 to 200 lbs. on the square inch is obtained, when the fire is withdrawn and the boiler allowed to cool, after which the ley is blown off, the top door removed, and the contents scalded. The discharge door is now opened and the pulp transferred to a poaching-engine to be washed with pure water, when the resin, &c., are easily removed and the clean fibres ob- tained, which, it is said, are longer and firmer than those obtained by other methods. Keegan's Process. — By this method soft deal or pine is sawn up into pieces from 6 to 12 inches long and i inch thick, it being preferable that all the pieces should be of an equal size, but the smaller they are the more rapid, of course, will be the operation. The pieces of timber are placed in a cylindrical boiler, turning upon a horizontal axis while the digestion is progressing. In a second boiler is prepared a solution of caustic soda of about 20 J B. (specific gravity 1*161), which is introduced through a pipe into the first boiler, this being afterwards hermetically closed, and the soda is forced into the pores of the wood by means of a pump. "When the wood is not more than half an inch in thickness a pressure of 50 lbs. on the square inch is sufficient, and the injection of the caustic soda solution is completed in half an hour. The superabundant liquor is pumped back into the second boiler for the next operation. The excess of liquor having been removed from the wood as stated, steam is introduced between the double sides of the first boiler, and the temperature of the wood raised from 150° to 190° C. (334 c to 438° F.). The wood is next washed in the usual way until the liquor runs off perfectly limpid, and the half-stuff thus produced may be converted into pulp either before or after bleaching, according to the quality and colour of the paper to be produced. 60 TREATMENT OF WOOD. American Wood-Pulp System. — Another method of carrying out the wood-pulp process lias recently been de- scribed by Mr. E. A. Congdon, Ph.B.,* from which we extract the following: — -"Poplar, pine, spruce, and occa- sionally birch, are used in the manufacture of chemical fibre. Pine and spruce give a longer and tougher fibre than poplar and birch, but are somewhat harder to treat, requiring more soda and bleach. Sticks of poplar, freed from bark, and cleansed from incrusting matter and dirt, are reduced to chips by a special machine having a heavy iron revolving disc set with knives, and are then blown by means of a Sturtevant blower into large stove chambers after passing over a set of sieves having lj-inch for the coarse and l|-inch mesh for the fine sieves, from whence they pass to the digesters, which are upright boilers 7 by 27 feet, with a manhole at the top for charging the chips and liquor, and a blow-valve at the bottom for the exit of the boiled wood. A steam-pipe enters at the bottom, be- neath a perforated diaphragm, and keeps the liquor in per- fect circulation during the boiling of the wood by means of a steam-ejector of special construction." Boiling. — The average charge of wood for each digester is 4*33 cords,t giving an average yield of 4,140 lbs. of finished fibre per digester. A charge of 3,400 gallons of caustic soda solution of 11° B. is given to each digester charged with chips, and the manhead is then placed in position and steam turned on. Charging the digester occupies from thirty to forty-five minutes, and steam is introduced until the gauge indicates a pressure of 110 lbs., which occupies about three hours. This pres- sure is kept up for seven hours, when it is reduced by allowing the steam to escape into a large iron tank which acts as a separating chamber for the spent liquor it carries, the steam entering in at one end and passing out at the other through a large pipe, the liquor remaining in the * School of Mines Quarterly, a Journal of Applied Science. Jan., 18S9. t The cord is a pile containing 128 cubic feet, or a pile S feet lung, 4 feet high, and 4 feet broad. AMERICAN WOOD-PULP SYSTEM. 61 tank. The steam is allowed to escape until the pressure is reduced to 45 lbs., when the digester is blown. The blow-cap being removed, the blow- valve is raised and the contents of the digester are discharged into a pan of iron covered with a suitable hood. The contents strike against a dash-plate placed midway in the pan, which thoroughly separates the fibres of the wood. The time occupied in the foregoing operations is from eleven to eleven and a half hours. It takes from nine to ten hours to free the pans from alkali, when they are removed to washing-tanks with perforated metal bottoms, where the material receives a final washing before being bleached. Washing. — Each of the three digesters has a pan into which its contents are discharged, and there are also four iron tanks used for holding the liquors of various strengths obtained from the cleansing of the pulp and a fifth tank is kept as the separating-tank before mentioned. When the digester is blown, the pulp is levelled down with a shovel, and the liquor from the separating-tank is allowed to flow into it. The contents of the next strongest pan are pumped upon it, while at the same time the strongest store tank flows into this pan. This flowing from the tank to the pan, pumping from here to the pan just blown, and from there to the evaporators, is kept up until the liquor is not weaker than 6°B. hot (130° F.). The second pan is now down to 4° B. hot, and the process of " pumping back " is commenced. The two weakest tanks are put upon this pan and pumped out of the bottom of it into the two tanks in which are kept the strongest liquors. The two weak tanks have been filled in the process of complet- ing the cleansing of the third pan (the weakest) on which water was pumped until the last weak tank stood at only i B. This pan, now cleaned, is hosed and pumped over to the washing tanks. A fresh blow is now made in this- pan, and the same treatment kept up as with the first pan. The foregoing system is thus illustrated by Mr. Conxion : — 62 TREATMENT OF WOOD. Pan A. — Just blown. ,, 13. — Partly cleaned. ,, C. — Almost cleaned. Tank 1.— 3¥ B. hot. O 9° )> "• - ») >> „ 3.-1° „ „ „ 4.-i° „ „ Separating tank, strong. a is levelled clown ; contents of separating-tank allowed to flow upon it ; b is pumped on to a ; at the same time liquor from the two strong store tanks is put on it (b), and this continued to be sent from a to the evaporator until it is now weaker than 4° B. hot ; the process of " pumping back" is then commenced. The two weakest are allowed in succession to flow on to it, and the liquor purified from the bottom of b into the two strong tanks, filling jNFo. 1, the stronger, before ~No. 2. The weakest are filled in the process of completing the cleansing of c, on which water is pumped until the last tank from it tests only |° B. c is now hosed and pumped over to the washing tanks. A fresh digester is blown in c, and the process repeated as with a. The above system has been modified by having an extra pan into which the liquor from the last pan blown (after sending to the evaporators until down to 6° hot, and bringing down to 4° hot, by the stored liquor) is pumped. When the strength is reduced to 4° the pumping is stopped. The liquor from this pan is put in the next pan blown, after the liquor from the separating-tank has been put upon it, whereby an economy in time is effected. The pulp, after being partially cleaned in the pans, still contains an appreciable quantity of soda. It is hosed over to the washing-tanks and receives a final washing with hot water. When the pulp is thoroughly free from alkali, and the water flowing from under the tank is colourless, the contents are hosed down by hot water into the bleaching-tanks. The superfluous water is removed by revolving washers, and about 1,000 gallons of a solu- AUSSEDAT'S PROCESS. 63 tion of chloride of lime at 4° B. are then introduced, and the contents agitated as usual. The bleaching occupies about six or seven hours, when the pulp is pumped into draining tanks, where it is left to drain down hard, the spent bleach flowing away. The stock is then hosed and pumped into a washing-tank, where it acquires the proper consistency for the machine. From here it is pumped into the stuff chest, whence it goes over a set of screens and on to the machine, from which the finished fibre is run off on spindles. The rolls are made of a convenient size to handle, averaging about 100 lbs. each. The fibre is dried on the machine by passing over a series of iron cylinders heated by steam. The finished product is a heavy white sheet, somewhat resembling blotting paper. The whole of the foregoing operations are stated to occupy forty-five hours. Aussedat's Process. — By this method the wood is dis- integrated by the action of jets of vapour. In one end of a cylindrical high-pressure boiler, about 4J feet in diame- ter and 10 feet high, is fixed a false bottom, whereby the wood placed upon it may be removed from the liquor result- ing from steam condensed in the chamber, the whole being mounted on lateral bearings which serve for the introduc- tion of the vapour, and the wood is fed through a manhole at the upper end of the boiler. Taps are fixed at the upper and lower ends for the liquid and uncondensed vapour. The wood having been placed in the boiler, the jet is gradually turned on in such a way that at the end of three or four hours the temperature becomes about 150° C, the pressure being about five atmospheres, which point is maintained for an hour. As the slightest contact between the wood and the condensed water would at once discolour the former, it is essential that the liquid be removed from time to time by one of the outlets provided for the pur- pose. The treatment above described is said to be suitable for all kinds of wood, and although it is the usual practice to introduce it in logs about a yard long, any waste wood, as 64 TREATMENT OE WOOD. chips, shavings, etc., maybe used. It is preferable, though not necessary, to remove the bark, but all rotten wood may be left, as it becomes removed in the condensed water. The logs, after the above treatment, by which the fibre is disintegrated and the sap and all matters of a gummy or resinous nature are removed, are afterwards cut up by any suitable means into discs of about an inch, according to the nature of the fibre required. These are then intro- duced into a breaker, in which they become converted into half- stuff, which, after being mixed with a suitable quan- tity of water is passed through mills provided with conical stones, in which it becomes reduced to whole- stuff. The pulp thus prepared is principally used in the manufacture of the best kinds of cardboard, but more particularly such as is used by artists, since its light brownish shade is said to improve the tone of the colours. Bourdillat says that in the above process the vapour has a chemical as well as a mechanical action, for in addition to the vapour travers- ing the cellular tissues of the wood and dissolving a con- siderable portion of the cell-constituents, acetic acid is liberated by the heat, which assists the vapour in its action on the internal substance of the wood. Acid Treatment of Wood. — A series of processes have been introduced from time to time, the object of which is to effect the disintegration of wood fibre by the action of acids. The first of these "acid processes" was devised by Tilo-hmann in 1866, in which he employed a solution of sulphurous acid ; the process does not appear to have been successful, however, and was subsequently abandoned, the same inventor having found that certain acid sulphites could be used more advantageously. Other processes have since been introduced, in which wood is treated in a direct way by the action of strong oxidising acids, as nitric and nitro-hvdrochloric acids, by which the intercellular matters of the "wood become dissolved and the cellulose left in a fibrous condition. Pictet and Brelaz's Process. — By this process wood is subjected to the action of a vacuum, and also to that of a PICTETS PROCESS. 65 supersaturated solution of sulphurous acid at a tempera- fcure not exceeding 212° F. Iu carrying out the process a solution of sulphurous acid is used, consisting of, say from \ to J lb. avoirdupois of sulphurous acid to each quart of water, and employed under a pressure of from three to six atmospheres at 212° F. Under these conditions the cementing substances of the wood " retain their chemical character without a trace of decomposition of a nature to show carbonisation, while the liquor completely permeates the wood and dissolves out all the cementing constituents that envelop the fibres." In carrying out the process practically, the wood is first cut into small pieces as usual and charged into a digester of such strength as will resist the necessary pressure, the interior of which must be lined with lead. Water is then admitted into the vessel and afterwards sulphurous acid, from a- suitable receiver in which it is stored in a liquid form until the proportion of acid has reached that before named, that is, from 100 to 150 quarts of the acid to 1,000 quarts of water. The volume of the bath will be determined by the absorbing capacity of the wood, and is preferably so regulated as not to mate- rially exceed that capacity. In practice it is preferable to form a partial vacuum in the digester, by which the pores of the wood are opened, when it will be in a condition to more readily absorb the solution and thereby accelerate the process of disintegration. AY hen disintegration is effected, which generally occurs in from twelve to twenty-four hours, according to the nature of the wood under treat- ment, the liquor, which is usually not quite spent in one operation, is transferred to another digester, a sufficient quantity of water and acid being added to complete the charge. In order to remove the liquor absorbed by the wood, the latter is compressed, the digester being connec- ted with a gas- receiver, into which the free gas escapes and in which it is collected for use again in subsequent opera- tions. The bath is heated and kept at a temperature of from 177° to 194" F. by means of a coil in the digester supplied with steam from a suitable generator. The wood, F 66 TREATMENT OF WOOD. after disintegration, undergoes the usual treatment to con- vert it into paper pulp, and may thus be readily bleached by means of chloride of lime. The unaltered by-products contained in the bath may be recovered and treated for use in the arts by well-known methods. Barre and Blondel's Process consists in digesting- the wood for twenty-four hours in 50 per cent, nitric acid, used cold, by which it is converted into a soft fibrous mass. This is next boiled for some hours in water and afterwards in a solution of carbonate of soda ; it is then bleached in the usual way. Poncharac's Process. — Iu this process cold nitro-hydro- chloric acid (aqua regia) is employed for disintegrating wood in the proportions of 94 parts of the latter to 6 parts of nitric acid, the mixture being made in earthen vessels capable of holding 175 gallons. The wood is allowed to soak in the acid mixture for six to twelve hours. 132 lbs. of aqua regia are required for 220 lbs. of wood. When it is desired to operate with a hot liquid, 6 parts of hydro- chloric acid, 4 parts of nitric acid, and 240 parts of water are used in granite tubs provided with a double bottom, and it is heated by steam for twelve hours and then washed and crushed. Young and Pettigrew's Process. — These inventors use either nitric or nitrous acids, and the acid fumes which are liberated are condensed and reconverted into nitric acid. Pridet and Matussiere's Process. — This process, which was patented in France in 1865, consists in treating wood with nitro- hydrochloric acid, for which purpose a mixture of 5 to 40 per cent, of nitric acid and 60 to 95 per cent, of hydrochloric acid is used, which destroys all the ligne- ous or intercellular matter without attacking the cellulose. After the wood (or straw) has been steeped in the acid mixture, the superfluity is drawn off, and the remaining solid portion is ground under vertically revolving mill- stones. The brownish-coloured pulp thus obtained is afterwards washed and bleached in the usual way. FRIDET'S PROCESS. 67 It is quite true that cellulose can be obtained from wood and other vegetable substances by treatment with nitric acid alone, or with a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, but it will be readily seen that the employment of such large quantities of these acids as would be required to effect the object in view on a practical scale, would be fraught with incalculable difficulties, amongst which may be mentioned the insuperable difficulty of obtaining ves- sels that would resist the powerful corrosive action of the acids. Moreover, since nitric acid forms with cellulose an explosive substance (.ryloidin) of the gun cotton series, the risk involved in the drying of the cellulose obtained would be quite sufficient to forbid the use of processes of this nature. CHAPTER VII. TREATMENT OF WOOD {continued). Sulphite Processes. — Prancke'a Process. — Ekman's Process. — Dr. Mi'- scherlich's Process. — Hitter and Kellner's Boiler. — Partington's Pro- cess. — Blitz's Process. — McDougall's Boiler for Acid Processes. — Graham's Process. — Objections to the Acid or Sulphite Processes. — Sulphite Fibre and Kesin. — Adamson's Process. — Sulphide Pro- ■ ■ Bses. — Mechanical Processes. — Voelter's Process. — Thune's Process. Sulphite Processes — An important and successful method of treating wood has been found in employing sulphurous acid, combined in certain proportions with soda, lime, or magnesia, whereby a bisidphite of the alka- line or earthy base is obtained. One of the principal attributes of these agents is that in boiling wood at high pressures oxidation and consequent browning of the fibres is prevented. Of these sulphite, or more properly bisul- phite, processes, several of those referred to below have been very extensively adopted, and vast quantities of so- called " sulphite pulp " are imported into this country from Norway, Germany, .Scandinavia, &c.,. the product from the latter source being considered specially suited for the English market. Some of these processes are also being worked in this country, but more particularly those of Partington, McDougall, and Ekman. Francke's Process. — In this process, which is known as the " bisulphite process," the active agent employed for the disintegration of wood is an acid sulphite of an alkaline or earthy base, as soda or potassa, lime, &c, but it is scarcely necessary to say that the process has since been modified by others. The invention is applicable to the treatment of wood, esparto, straw, etc., and may FRAXCKE'S PROCESS. 6q be thus briefly described: — A solvent is first prepared, which is an acid sulphite of an alkali or earth, that is, a solution of such sulphite with an excess of sulphurous acid. As the cheapest and most accessible base the inventor prefers lime. It has long been known that a solution of sulphite of lime, combined with free sulphurous acid, would, at a high temperature, dissolve the intercellular portions of vegetable fibres, leaving the fibres in a suitable condition for paper manufacture ; but Mr. Francke claims to have determined the conditions under which this can be effected with rapidity, and in such a way as to preserve the strength of the fibres, and to have obtained a practical method of preparing pulp by his process. For his purpose he employs a moderately strong solution of the solvent at a high temperature, with gentle but constant agitation. The acid sulphite is produced by this process at small cost and at a temperature nearly high enough for use in the following way : — A tower or column is charged with frag- ments of limestone, which are kept wetted with a shower of water ; fumes of sulphurous acid, produced by burning sulphur, or by roasting pyrites, etc., are then passed through the tower. The liquid which collects at the bottom of the tower is the desired solvent, w T hich should have a strength of 4° to 5° B. It is not essential that the limestone should be pure, as magnesian limestone, etc., will answer equally well. The soluble alkalies, as soda and potassa, may also be used when their greater cost is not an objection. But for these alkalies the treatment is modified, as follows : — The tower is charged with inert porous material, such as coke, bricks, etc., and these are kept wetted by a shower of caustic alkali at 1° to 2° B., while the sulphurous acid fumes are passed through the tower. In like manner car- bonate of soda or potassa may be used, but in this case the solution showered on the porous material should be stronger than that of the caustic alkali, so that it may contain ap- proximately the same amount of real alkali. Whichever alkaline base be employed, the liquid collected at the bot- tom of the tower should have a strength f 4° to 5 C B. ; ;o TREATMENT OF WOOD. this being the acid sulphite of the base is used as the sol- vent employed for the manufacture of pulp. When "wood is to be treated, it is freed as much as possible from resin- ous knots by boring and cutting them out, and is then cut — by preference obliquely — into chips of a \ to* f of an inch thick. Esparto, straw, and analogous fibres are cut into fragments. The fibrous material and solvent are charged into a digester heated by steam at a pressure of four or five atmospheres, and consequently capable of rais- ing the temperature of the contents to about 300° F. As agitation greatly promotes the pulping of the materials, Mr. Francke employs a revolving cylindrical boiler, which is allowed to revolve while the charge is under treatment. Ekman's Process. — In this process, which in some respects bears a resemblance to the preceding, native car- bonate of magnesia (magnesite) is first calcined to convert it into magnesia ; it is then placed in towers lined with lead, and sulphurous acid gas, obtained by the burning of sulphur in suitable furnaces, is passed through the mass, a stream of water being allowed to trickle down from the top of the towers. The supply of gas is so regulated that a continual formation of a solution of bisulphite of mag- nesium, of an uniform strength, is obtained ; great care, however, is necessary to avoid excess and consequent loss of sulphurous acid by its conversion into sulphuric acid. In boiling, the fragments of wood, previously crushed by heavy rollers, are placed in a jacketed, lead-lined, cylin- drical boiler, suspended on trunnions, so that it can be inverted to remove the charge. The pressure in the outer jacket is 70 lbs per square inch, and that within the boiler is 90 lbs. per square inch. The boiling occupies twelve hours. This process has been extensively worked by the Bergvik and Ala Company, of Sweden, for many years with great success, and we understand that the com- pany has been turned over to an Enp-lish company — the Bergvik Company, Limited. The Ilford Mill and JNorth- fleet Works have been largely supplied with sulphite pulp from the Swedish works. EKMAN'S rROCESS, 71 One great drawback to the bisulphite processes is that th<> boiling cannot be effected in iron boilers unless these be lined with some material which will protect the iron from the destructive action of the bisulphite, which, being an acid salt, would exert more action upon the iron than upon the fibre itself, and the solution of iron thus formed would inevitably prove injurious to the colour of the fibre. In several of the systems adopted iron boilers lined with lead have been used, but the heavy cost of this material and its liability to expand unequally with the iron, especially at the high temperatures which the solvent necessarily attains under pressure, causes the lead to separate from the iron, while it is apt to bulge out in places, and thus becomes liable to crack and allow the acid liquor to find its way to the interior of the iron boiler which it was destined to protect. To overcome this objection to the simple lead lining, Dr. Mitscherlich patented a process which has been extensively adopted in Germany, and is now being carried out by several companies in different parts of America. This process is briefly described below. Dr. Mitscherlich's Process. — The digester employed in this process is lined with thin sheet lead, which is cemented to the inner surface of the boiler by a cement composed of common tar and pitch, and the lead lining is then raced with glazed porcelain bricks. In this process a weaker bisulphite of lime is used than in Francke's, and the time of boiling is consequently considerably prolonged. Hitter and Kellner have proposed to unite the inner surface of the boiler to its lead lining by interposing a soft metal alloy, fusible at a temperature lower than that <>t either metal, and it is claimed that the iron and lead are thus securely united, while the alloy being fusible under the normal working temperature of the digester, the lead lining can slide freely on a boiler shell. Partington's Process. — This process, which has been for some time at work at Barrow, and for the further de- velopment of which a private company, entitled the Hull Chemical Wood Pulp Company, Limited, has been formed, 72 TREATMENT OF (FOOD. consists in the employment of sulphite of lime aa the dis- integrating agent. The process consists in passing gaseous sulphurous acid — formed by burning sulphur in a retort, into which is forced a current of air at a pressure of 5 lbs. to the square inch — through a series of three vessels, con- nected by pipes, the vessels being charged with milk of lime. The first two of these vessels are closed air-tight, and the gas is then introduced, while the third vessel remains open ; from this latter a continuous stream of nitrogen escapes, due to the removal of the oxygen by the burning sulphur from the air passed into the retort. This process is said to be a very economical one, so far as relates to the cost of materials used. Blitz's Process. — This process consists of employing a mixture composed of bisulphite of soda 2 parts, caustic soda 1 part ; and vanadate of ammonia 1 gramme, in hy- drochloric acid 4 grammes to every 6 kilogrammes of the bisulphite. The wood, after being cut up in the ordinary way, is submitted to the action of the above mixture, under a pressure of three or four atmospheres, for from four to eight hours, and the pulp is then ground ; it is said to possess' some of the qualities of rag pulp and to look much like it. McDougall's Boiler for Acid Processes. — This in- vention is intended to obviate the difficulties which arise in using lead-lined boilers, owing to the unequal expansion and contraction of the lead and the iron on their being alternately heated by steam and cooled, on the discharge of each successive batch of pidp. This invention consists in constructing the boilers with an intermediate packing of felt, or other compressible and elastic material, so that when the interior leaden vessel is heated, and thereby enlarged and pressed outwards by the steam, the com- pressible and elastic packing yields to the pressure and expansion. Also in the cooling of the vessels the packing responds to the contraction, and approximates to its origi- nal bulk and pressure between the two vessels, and so prevents the rupture or tearing of the lead and consequent MC DOUG ALUS BOILER. 73 leakage and other inconveniences. Another part of this invention consists in the construction of the outer iron or steel vessel in flanged sections, which are fitted to incase the interior leaden vessel with a space between the two vessels, into which the compressible and elastic materials are packed. In the construction of these vessels the iron »>r steel flanged sections are placed on to the leaden vessel and packed with the compressible and elastic lining in succession. As each section is packed it is screwed close up to the adjoining section by the screw bolts, fitted into corresponding holes in the flanges of the contiguous sec- tion until completed. This method of construction secures economy by the retention of the heat, which is effected by the packing between the two vessels. The materials used for the packing are caoutchouc, felt, flocks, asbestos, etc., and a space of about two inches between the vessels is pre- ferred, into which the packing is filled. Graham's Process. — This process consists in boiling fibrous substances in a solution of sulphurous acid, or a sulphite or bisulphite of soda, potash, magnesia, or lime, or other suitable base and water. The boiling is preferable conducted in a closed boiler, lined with lead, to protect it from the action of the chemical substances used, and is fitted with a valve which can be opened to allow the gases and volatile hydrocarbons contained in and around the fibres to escape. The method of carrying out the process has been thus described : — " In carrying out the process there is a constant loss of sulphurous acid gas going on, and consequently a continual weakening of the solution employed, to avoid which it is preferable to employ mono- sulphite of potash, soda, magnesia, lime, or other suitable base, and water. Either of these substances, or a suitable combination of them, and water are placed in the boiler with the fibrous substances to be treated, and the tempera- ture raised to the boiling point. After the hydrocarbons, air, and gases natural to the fibrous substances have been driven out by the heat and allowed to escape, sulphurous acid, in its gaseous or liquid state, or in combination with -• TREATMEN1 OF WOOD. either of the bases referred to, is pumped or injected into the boiler. There is thus forming in the closed boiler a solution containing an excess of sulphurous acid above that required to form, in combination with the base, a mono- sulphite. The operation of injecting sulphurous acids, or the sulphites, may be repeated from time to time during the boiling, so as to fully maintain, and if necessary in- crease, the strength and efficiency of the chemical solu- tion. It is said that by this process a saving of the chemicals employed is effected, as little or no sulphurous acid gas is lost during the time the gaseous hydrocarbons, air. and other gaseous matters are being expelled from the fibrous materials. If an open vessel is used instead of a closed boiler, it will be necessary to keep the solu- tion at a fairly uniform strength, and if necessary to increase the strength, but the result will be substan- tially the same : but as it is evident that, when using an open boiler, the excess of sulphurous acid supplied during the boiling will be constantly driven off as gas, it must be replaced by further injections, while the acid fumes may be conveyed away and condensed, so as to be available for further use. TThen the fibrous substances are boiled as above, with the addition of potash, soda, etc., during the boiling, the result will be equally beneficial. The inventor prefers to inject the sulphurous acid or its combinations into the t oiler at the bottom, and to cause it to come in contact with the solution therein before reaching the fibrous materials. For this purpose there is formed a kind , of chamber beneath the boiler, but separated from it by a perforated disc or diaphragm of lead or other suitable material not acted upon by the solution, so as to allow the latter to fill the chamber, to which is connected a pipe, through which the sulphurous acid or solutions of the sul- phites is forced by any suitable apparatus. Objections to the Acid cr Bisulphite Processes. — While the various methods of boiling wood in caustic soda at high temperatures are well known to be open to serious objections, the acid treatment of wood also presents OBJECTIONS TO ACID PROCESSES. 75 many disadvantages, which it is to be hoped may be yet overcome. In reference to this, Davis makes the follow- ing observations : — " In the acid treatment of wood for the purpose of converting the fibres into pulp for use in paper manufacture, the general practice has been to use alkaline solutions of soda, combined in various proportions with certain acids, such, for instance, as sulphurous acid, hydrochloric acid, etc. These solutions have been heated in digesting vessels, and the high temperature resulting from this process of heating developing a pressure "of from six to seven atmospheres, the wood being disin- tegrated by the action of the boiling solutions, the gum, resinous constituents, and other incrustating or cementing substances that bind the fibres together are decomposed, destroyed, or dissolved, while pure cellulose, which con- stitutes the essential element of the ligneous fibres, is separated therefrom. To this end high temperatures had to be emploj^ed, otherwise the disintegration was found to be only partial, the wood remaining in a condition unfit for further treatment. The high temperature not unfrequently converts a large proportion of the resinous and gummy constituents of the wood into tar and pitch — that is to say, carbonaceous bodies that penetrate into the fibre and render its bleaching difficult, laborious, and costly, while the frequent washing and lixiviation neces- sary to bleach such products seriously affect the strength of the fibre and its whiteness, and also materially reduce the percentage of the product, in some instances to the extent of 18 per cent. These difficulties and detrimental results materially enhance the cost of production, while the fibre itself suffers considerably in strength from the repeated action of the chloride of lime. . . . The difficulties are chiefly due to the carbonisation of certain constituent parts of the fibres under temperatures exceeding 212° F., such carbonised matters being insoluble and in- capable of being bleached, and as they permeate the fibre, cannot be entirely removed. " To overcome these difficulties, the wood should be ;6 TREATMENT OF WOOD. chemically treated at a temperature sufficiently low to ensure that the decomposition of the connecting >ubstances of the fibres will remain chemically combined with the other elements, such as hydrogen, oxvgen, and nitrogen, in order to obtain an increased product of superior quality and render the process more economical." Sulphite Fibre and Resin. — A German manufacturer sent the following communication to the Papier Zeitung, which may be interesting to the users of sulphite pulp : — "In making [disintegrating] cellulose by the soda or sul- phite process, the object in boiling is to loosen the incrust- ing particles in the wood, resin included, and to liberate the fibres. The resin is dissolved both in the soda and sulphite processes, but in the former it is at the same time saponified, and is consequently very easily washed out. In the case of sulphite fibre, however, the resin attaches itself by its own adhesiveness to the fibres, but can also be removed by as hot washing as possible, and adding a little hydrochloric acid, which produces a very great effect. At the same time, however, sulphite fibre loses in whiteness by thorough washing, and assumes a reddish-grey shade. As the paper manufacturer insists upon white fibre, the manufacturer of sulphite fibre not only often omits washing, but adds some sulphite solu- tion bisulphite of lime). This not only enables him to give his customers white fibre, but he also sells a quantity of the incrusting particles and sulphite residuum as cellulose. " So long as the manufacturer looks more to white than to well-washed cellulose, or does not wash it well before working up the fibre, these annoyances cannot be avoided. Not only this, but other disadvantages will be added in the course of time, as the action of the sulphurous acid in the pulp will have very injurious consequences on metals — [and on the fibre itself?] especially iron — coming in contact with it. This should be the more avoided, as the whiteness of the unwashed cellulose is of very short duration. The paper made from it soon turns yellow and becomes brittle. AVell-washed sulphite fibre, on the other SULPHIDE PROCESSES. :j baud — provided no mistakes have been made in the boil- ing process — makes a strong, grippy paper, which can withstand both air and sunlight. I have made no special studies as to resin, but believe that piue and fir act dif- ferently, especially with solvents." Adamson's Process. — Mr. W. Adamson, of Phila- delphia, obtained a patent in 1871 for the use of hydro- carbons in the treatment of wood. His process consisted in treating the wood with benzine in closed vessels, under a pressure of 5 to 10 lbs., according to the nature of the wood. His digester consisted of an upright cylinder, in which the wood-shavings were placed between two per- forated diaphragms. The mass was heated beneath the lower diaphragm by a coil through which steam was passed. The vapours which were given off were allowed to escape through a pipe on the top of the digester, to which was connected a coil immersed in a vessel of cold water, and the condensed liquid then returned to the lower part of the digester. The remaining portion of the benzine in the digester, which was still liquid but saturated with the extracted matters, was drawn off through a faucet at the bottom. Benzine being a very cheap article in America, a similar process was recom- mended in another patent by the same author for extrac- tion of pitch and tar from rags [tarpaulin, ropes, &c. ?], and for removing oil from rags and cotton waste. Sulphide Processes. — Many attempts were made about thirty years ago, and in subsequent years, to employ the soluble sulphides as a substitute for caustic soda in boiling wood and other fibres, but these processes do not appear to have been very successful. Later improvements in the construction of boilers or digesters, however, seem to have induced further experiments in this direction, and we understand that several sulphide processes arc being worked on the Continent, the processes of MM. Dahl and Blitz being amongst them. One of the supposed advan- tages of these sulphides over caustic soda is tbat by evaporation and calcination of the liquors, or leys, by which the organic matters become destroyed, the original 78 TREATMENT OF WOOD. product would be recovered, which merely requires to be dissolved out for further use. There are, however, several important objections to the use of sulphides in this way, amongst which may be mentioned the deleterious vapours which they emit ; and this alone would doubtless prevent their employment — at all events in this country. II. Mechanical Processes. — Besides the various chemi- cal methods of separating cellulose from woody fibres, before described, certain processes have been devised for reducing wood to the condition of pulp directly by mecha- nical means without the aid of any chemical substance whatsoever. In this direction Heinrich Yoelter, of Wur temburg, appears to have been the first to introduce a really practical process for the conversion of wood into pulp for paper-making, although, as far back as 1756, Dr. Schaeffer, of Bavaria, proposed to make paper from saw- dust and shavings mechanically formed into pulp : the pro- cess was not successful, however, with the machinery then at his command. Voelter's Process for Preparing Mechanical Wood Pulp. — In 1860-65 and 1873 Yoelter obtained patents in this country for his methods of treating wood mecha- nically, and the process may be thus briefly described : — Blocks of wood, after the knots have been cut out by suitable tools, are pressed against a revolving grindstone, which reduces the material to a more or less fine condi- tion, but not in a powdery form, and the disintegrated fibre is caused to press against a wire screen, which allows the finer particles to pass through, retaining the coarser particles for further treatment. The apparatus employed, which is shown in Fig. 17a, consists of a pulping apparatus a, with vat k, in ■which the revolving stone s is placed ; the blocks of wood are held against the stone at p p, and water is introduced at g, and the revolving stone carries the pulp against the screen e, which admits the passage of the finer particles of the wood, while the coarser particles are led by the trough f to the first refining cylinder b, after passing through an oscillating basket, INSERT FOLDOUT HERE MECHANICAL PROCESS. 79 which retains the coarser particles. From thence it is led through a distributing apparatus and hopper c, to be uni- formly supplied to the refining cylinder d, these cylinders being of the ordinary construction, and, as usual, covered with fine sjauze wire sieves. The ground material which fails to pass through the sieves is transferred by an elevator to the millstones e, which are of ordinary construction, and after leaving these unites with the finer fibres which pass through e, the whole now entering a mixing reservoir f, whence it is thrown on to the cylinder g, and the pulp which passes into this is distributed on to a similar cylinder n, the contents of which then passes through the last cylinder i, which is differently constructed to the others, inasmuch as its lower part is surrounded by an imper- vious leather jacket, so that the pulp ascends in order to enter it. The disintegrated fibres that are retained by the wires of the cylinders pass into the refiners, which con- sist of a pair of horizontal cylinders of sandstone, one of which (the upper one) only revolves, and by the action of these the coarser fibres become further reduced, the finer particles, as before, passing through the wire gauze of the cylinders, the operation being repeated in the same order until the whole of the fibres have passed through the sieves. Thune's Process. — Mr. A. L. Thune, of Christiana, U.S.A., has recently patented an apparatus for disinte- grating wood, which consists of a grinding apparatus connected to a turbine. In this arrangement the grind- stone, fixed on a shaft, is worked by a turbine, and the wood, which is used in small blocks, is pressed against the stone by means of a series of hydraulic presses. The fine pulp is afterwards made into thick sheets by means of a board-machine, the pulp, mixed with water, passing down a shoot into a vat beneath, in which is a revolving cylinder covered with wire-cloth, which in its revolution carries with it a certain quantity of pulp in a continuous sheet ; this is taken on to an endless travelling belt by means of a small couch-roll, and passes on to a pair of rolls, round the upper one of which tbc sheet be- comes wound, and is removed when sufficiently thick. CHAPTER VIII. TREATMENT OF VARIOUS FIBRES. Treatment of Straw. — Bentley and Jackson's Boiler. — Boiling the Straw. — Bertrams' Edge-runner. — M. A. C. ^Ieliit-r's Proc Manilla, Jute, etc.— Waste Paper.— Bulling Was ie Paper. — Ryan's Process for reating Waste Paper. Treatment of Straw. — As a paper-making material, the employment of straw is of very early date, a patent for producing paper from straw having been taken out by Matthias Koops as far back as 1801. The material, how- ever, was used in its unbleached state, and formed a very uo-ly paper. White paper was not obtained from straw until 1841, but no really practical method of treating this material was devised until about ten years later, in France, when MM. Coupler and Mellier introduced a process Avhich, with subsequent modifications, has been exten- sively adopted. A great advance in the manufacture of paper from straw has since been effected by the introduc- tion of various boilers, specially constructed for boiling the material at high pressures, and for keeping the alka- line liquors freely circulated amongst the fibre during the progress of the boiling. These boilers are of different forms — being either cylindrical or spherical — and are pre- ferably of the revolving type, which causes the caustic ley employed in the boiling to become uniformly mixed with the fibre. Sometimes the vomiting boilers described elsewhere are used by paper-makers in preference to those referred to. Bentley and Jackson's Boiler. — This boiler, a repre- sentation of which is shown in Fig. 18, is 7 feet in BENTLEY AND JACKSON'S BOILER. 81 diameter, 18 feet long on the cylindrical surface, with hemispherical ends of Martin-Siemens steel plate ^ inch thick in the shell, and \ inch thick in the ends. It is double riveted in the longitudinal seams, has two man- holes 3 x 2, forged out of solid steel plate. Inside are two perforated lifting plates or shelves, each 1 foot wide, | inch thick, the full length of the shell, and secured to the ends by strong angle-irons ; it is supported on two turned cast-iron trunnions. These boilers are tested by hydraulic pressure to 120 lbs. per square inch. The varieties of straw generally used for paper-making in this country are wheat and oats, though rye and barley straws are also used, but in a lesser degree. The treat- Fig. 18. ment of straw differs greatly at different mills, some makers using strong liquors and boiling at a lower pres- sure, while others prefer to use less caustic soda and boil at a higher pressure. There can be little doubt, however, that the high temperatures resulting from boiling at very high steam pressure must deteriorate the fibre consider- ably, causing subsequent loss of fibre in the processes of washing and bleaching. Boiling the Straw. — The straw is first cut into short lengths of one or two inches by means of a chaff-cutter, or by a machine similar to a rag-cutter, and the cut material is then driven by an air-blast through a wooden tube into a chamber having coarse wire-gauze sides : a G TREATMENT OF VARIOUS FIBRES. second .chamber surrounds this, in which the dost from the straw collects as it passes through the wire gauze. The winnowed straw, freed from dost and dirt, is then conveyed in sacks to the boilers. In charging the boilers, a certain quantity of ley is first introduced, and steam also, and the cut straw then added, which soon becomes softened, and sinks to the bottom of the boiler, when further quantities of the material are added, until the full charge has been given. The requisite proportion of ley and water is then run in and the head of the boiler secured in its place. Steam is now turned on, until a pressure of 20 to 40 lbs., or even more, has been reached, when the boiling is kept up for 3-j to 8 hours, according to the pressure used and the strength of the alkaline liquor, which varies from 9° to'Kr T\v. From 10 to 20 lbs. of caustic soda per cwt. of straw are generally required to boil the material thoroughlv. The boiling being complete, steam is turned off, and when the boiler has somewhat cooled, the material, which is in the form of a pulp, is discharged by the pipes beneath into a large tank or strainer, the bottom of which is fitted with a scries of plates having long narrow openings or slit-. through which the liquor drains. The pulp is then washed with water, and again allowed to drain thoroughly, after which it is dug out and transferred to the potcher to be again washed and bleached. At some mills the straw is boiled whole and not subjected to any preliminary cut- ting In such cases the boiled straw, not being so folly pulped as when cut into short lengths, is emptied from the boiler through the manholes used for charging the material into the boiler. Bertrams' Edge-runner. — For the purpose of ci ing the knots of the straw, and other hard particles d< - rived from weeds, etc., a machine termed the "koller- gang " or '-'edge-runner " is sometimes employed. This machine, which is manufactured by Bertrams, Limited, and of which an illustration is given in Fig. 19, con- sists of two large millstones, made from hard red BERTRAMS' EDGE-RUXXER. 83 granite, the surfaces of which are sometimes grooved with V-shaped equidistant grooves. These stones are worked by a horizontal spindle, and are caused to re- volve very rapidly in an iron basin, in which the washed pulp is placed, and by this means the knots and harder Pie. 19. portions of the fibre not fully acted upon by the caustic- alkali, become so reduced as to be more readily accessible to the action of the bleach, and thus a very superior straw pulp is produced. In using this machine in the way indicated, the washed pulp is mixed in a chest pro- 84 TREATMENT OF VARIOUS FIBRES. vided with agitators, with water, is then pumped into a second chest above it, from whence it flows into the basin shown in the engraving, while the stones are revolving-. M. A. C. Meliier's Process. — By this method the straw is first cut into small lengths as usual ; it is then steeped for a few hours in hot water, and afterwards placed by preference in a jacketed boiler, the object being to heat the materials without weakening the ley by the direct introduction of steam into the body of the material. The boiler is to be heated to a pressure of 70 lbs. to the square inch, or to a temperature of about 310° F., by which means, it is said, a considerable saving of alkali is effected, as also time and fuel, as compared with the ordinary prac- tice of boiling. The alkaline lev which M. Mellier prefers to use is from 2~ to '6 C B., or of the specific gravity of from l'Olo to 1/020, and in the proportion of about 7<» gallons of such solution to each cwt. of straw. The boiler should revolve very slowly, making about 1 or 2 revo- lutions per minute. The boiling occupies about 3 hours, at the pressure named, when the steam is turned off and cold water passed through the jacket of the boiler, which assists in cooling the pulp, the water thus used being afterwards employed in washing the pulp. The pulp is then thoroughly washed until the last water runs off quite clear, when it is next steeped for about an hour in hot water acidulated with sulphuric acid, in the proportion of about 2 per cent, of the weight of the fibre. The pulp is then washed with cold water, when it is ready for bleach- ing in the usual way. Manilla, Jute, etc. — Previous to boiling these fibres it is usual to cut them into short pieces by a machine such as is used for cutting straw, after which they are cleaned in a willowing and dusting machine. The boiling is then conducted in the same way as for esparto. Manilla fibre is not so much used in this country as in the United States, where its employment forms an important feature in the manufacture of certain kinds of paper. Some idea of the extent to which it is used by the paper-makers of MAXILLA, JUTE, ETC. 85 America may be gleaned from the following statement of Mr. "Wyatt : — "Another large and important branch of the American paper trade are the mills running on news and Manilla paper. Many of these mills turn out a vast quantity of paper, running up to two hundred tons per week, besides making their own ground wood pulp. The American news is composed mainly of ground wood pulp, with an admixture of about 15 to 25 per cent, of sulphite wood or jute fibre, and not much loading, and the machines are run at high speed. "What is termed Manilla paper is very largely used in the States, and much more so than with us for common writings, envelopes, and wrapping papers. The paper is composed of Manilla, jute fibre, old papers, etc., and is highly finished at the machine. I was told of one mill belonging to a large company running altogether six mills on news and Manilla, turning out, with one 96-inch machine and beater capacity of 1,800 lbs., and one Jordan, 10 to 12 tons of 2,000 lbs., of Manilla paper per day at an average speed of 200 feet per minute." Jute is seldom reduced to the condition of a fine white pulp since the treatment necessary to obtain that condi- tion would result in a weak fibre ; it is usual, therefore, to only partially reduce the material, when a strong fibre is obtained, which, lacking in whiteness, is used for coarse papers. 'lhis also applies to Adamsonia, or Baobab, another description of bast obtained from the West Coast of Africa. These fibres are chiefly used for papers which require strength rather than whiteness of colour, such as wrapping papers, &c. "Broke" paper is a term applied to paper which lias been imperfectly formed on the paper machine or damaged while passing over the drying cylinders. Imperfect sheets when they are not sold as retree, and clean waste paper, also come under this designation and are re-converted into pulp after undergoing the treatment described below. Waste Paper. — In treating waste paper for conversion into pulp for paper-making, it is doubtless advisable to 86 TREATMENT OF VARIOUS FIBRES. • separate, as far as can be done economically, papers which have been written upon with common ink, as old letters, documents, &c, from printed papers, siuce the latter require a more severe treatment than the former. While simple boiling in water containing a little soda-ash will discharge ordinary writing ink, printer's ink can only be extracted by using rather strong solutions of soda-ash or caustic soda ; and even with this treatment it can only be rendered serviceable for an inferior paper, owing to the grey colour of the resulting pulp, due to the carbon of the printer's ink, upon which the alkali has no solvent effect. Boiling Waste Paper. — This is sometimes effected in iron vats, about 8 feet deep and 8 feet in diameter at the bottom, and about 6 inches wider at the top. At the bottom of each vat is a false bottom, closety perforated with small holes. Steam is introduced by a pipe below the false bottom, which passes through the perforations and thus becomes uniformly distributed to all parts of the vat. To facilitate the emptying of the vats, the false bottoms have connected to them three or four iron rods, to the tops of which iron chains are hooked, and by this mean's the false bottom, carrying the mass of boiled paper can be raised by a steam hoisting engine or crane and deposited where desired. When the boiling is commenced, the vat should first be about one-fourth filled with a solu- tion of soda-ash, and the steam then turned on. Whui the liquor boils, the papers having been previously dusted, are introduced gradually, and well distributed through the liquor ; if they are thrown into the vat in large quan- tities at a time, and especially if they arc in a compact state, the portions in contact may not be reached by the liquor, and an imperfect boiling will be the result. To en- sure a uniform distribution of the boiling liquor over the surface of the material, an iron pipe extends from the centre of the false bottom to nearly the top of the vat, and this pipe is covered with a hood, which causes the soda liquor to be evenly spread over the whole mass. The vats are either cased with wood or coated with asbestos to prevent BOILING WASTE PAPER. 87 the escape of heat, and the vessel is covered with a flat iron cover, which is generally in two halves. The steam enters the tubs at the side, below the false bottom, and tlif exhausted liquor is drawn off through a valve con- nected to the bottom of the vat. In some mills the liquor is not drawn off after each boiling-, but the boiled paper is hoisted from the vat as before described, and the liquor strengthened by the addition of from 10 to 20 lbs. of soda-ash for each 100 lbs. of the paper to be next boiled. Paper that is thickly coated with printing- ink requires an extra dose of soda-ash. The boiling is continued for twelve to twenty-four hours according to the nature and condi- tion of the waste paper under treatment. Waste papers are frequently boiled,. after dusting, in revolving boilers, in a solution of soda-ash or caustic soda, but it not unfrequcntly happens that some portions of the material become so agglomerated or half pulped during the boiling that the alkali fails to reach all the ink, and as this cannot be removed by the after processes of washing and breaking, it remains in the body of the pulp and necessarily forms a constituent part of the paper to be produced from it. The mass, when discharged from the boiler and drained is then conveyed to the washing-engine, in which it becomes broken and freed from alkali and so much of the ink as may have been dissolved or loosened, and it is afterwards treated in the beater and mixed with varying portions of other paper stock, according to the quality of paper to be produced. In some mills the boiled waste paper is disintegrated after boiling, by means of the edge- runner (Fig- 1^)- Ryan's Process for Treating Waste Paper. — The fol- lowing process for treating waste paper so as to produce a "first-class clean paper" therefrom, was patented by Mr. J. T. Ryan, of Ohio. The waste paper is first passed through a duster in the usual way, all thick old books being previously torn apart to separate the leaves. The papers are then boiled in a hot alkaline liquor without pulping them, whereby the alkali acts on the surfaces of 88 TREATMEXT OF VARIOUS FIBRES. the papers, and dissolves off, carrying away all the ink into the liquor. The papers, which are still in sheet form, are then drained as free as convenient from the alkaline liquor, and are next washed in the washing-engine, which leaves the material perfectly clean. It is then pulped in the beating-engine ; and it is claimed that it can be formed into first-class paper without the addition of any new or expensive paper stock. The details of the process are thus given by the patentee : "Into a bucking-keir put a soda-ash solution having a density of 5° B., at l(i<> F., put in the stock, and shower for eight hours at a temperature of 160° F., without pulping the paper, then lift and drain, and cleanse well in the washing- engine ; then pulp and form into paper. As the draining will always be imperfect, each charge removed will carry away some of the soda-ash solution, and leave the re- mainder of impaired strength. After each drainage add water to make up for loss in quantity of the solution, and add enough soda-ash solution at a density of 13° B., to bring all the liquor up to 5° B. at 160° F. In about eighteen working days the liquor will have accumu- lated considerable ink and other matter. Then blow one half of the liquor, and restore the quantity for proper working. None of the soda-ash solution is wasted, except such as falls to drain and what is blown out as last mentioned." In carrying out this process every care must be taken to guard against pulping before the alkali is washed out. CHAPTER IX. BLEACHING. Bleachipg Operation. — Sour Bleaching.— Bleaching -with Chloride of Lime. — Donkin's Bleach Mixer. — Bleaching with Chlorine Gas (Glaser's Process). — Electrolytic Bleaching (C. Watt's Process). — Herroite's Process. — Andreoli's Process. — Thompson's Process. — Lunge's Process. — Zinc Bleach Liquor. — Alum Bleach Liquor. — New Method of Bleaching. Bleaching Operation. — The half -stuff treated in the breaking-engine is run into the potcher, and the water it contains is lifted out as far as practicable by the washer ; the spent liquor from the presses or drainers is then run in in lieu of water, and as much fresh bleaching-liquor as may be required is then measured in, and in from two to six hours the pulp becomes perfectly white. " However well managed a mill may be," says Mr. Arnot, " it is scarcely possible to avoid having" a small residue of unused chlorine in the liquid which drains from the bleaching stuff." The rule, therefore, is to use this liquor in the way above indicated, by which the unexhausted chlorine, operating- upon fresh half-stuff, becomes available, and is, therefore, not wasted. " That as little of this residual chlorine as possible may remain in the stuff," Mr. Arnot further observes, " when put into the beating-engine, powerful hydraulic presses are employed to compress the stuff and squeeze out the liquid. These presses should be large enough to contain easily the whole contents of a poaching-engine, and of unexceptional workmanship. The perforated lining especially should be carefully prepared and properly secured. I have seen much trouble from negligent workmanship in this respect. Recently I ex- 90 BLEACHIXG. . amined a number of samples of press drainings, and found the unexhausted chlorine to vary very much — from a few grains of bleaching powder per gallon to about one ounce." Sometimes it is the practice to partly fill the potcher with water, and the engine being set in motion, the half- s + uff is gradually introduced until the full charge has been given, and the stuif is then washed for some time, after which the drum-washer is raised, and the bleaching liquor then run in, care being taken that the necessary quantity is not exceeded, otherwise the fibre will suffer injury from the chemical action of the bleaching agent. "When vitriol is employed to liberate the hypochlorous acid, the vitriol, previously diluted with water, should be placed in a small lead-lined tank in such a position that the acid liquor may slowly trickle into the engine at the rate of 1 lb. of sulphuric acid in twenty minutes. As soon as the bleaching is complete the stuff is emptied into large stone chests, each of which will hold the contents of two engines. On the bottom of these chests are perforated zinc drainers, while a similar drainer runs up the back of each chest. The bleached stuff is allowed to remain as long as may be convenient in these chests, after which it is removed to the beating: or refining engines. In some mills the bleaching is effected in the breaking- engine, while at other mills the operation is performed in the beating-engine. In bleaching it is considered to be more advantageous to employ moderately strong liquors rather than weaker ones, inasmuch as the object is effected in less time than when weaker liquors are employed. An extreme in the opposite direction, however, must be avoided, since a very strong bleach will inevitably cause injury to the fibre. Sometimes the potchers are fitted with steam-pipes, in order that the diluted bleaching liquor may be heated, if required, to facilitate the operation. If the temperature be raised too high, however, the effect upon the fibre will be at least as injurious as if too strong a bleach were BLEACHING. 91 employed. It must also be borne in mind that in either case, after the pulp has beeu bleached and the liquor .allowed to run oft', the mass has to remain some time — even if pressed to remove as much of the liquor as possible — in direct contact with the products resulting from the decomposition, and probably some undecomposed hypo- chlorite also, which will continue their chemical action upon the fibre until removed by washing, or neutralised by one or other of the agents employed for the purpose. Sour Bleaching. — AVhen the bleaching liquor, after acting upon the half-stuff for some time, has become partially exhausted, dilute sulphuric acid — about one part acid to fifteen parts of water — is added, which, by liberating hypochlorous acid, hastens the bleaching considerably, and when the chemical action resulting from this treatment is nearly complete, the spent liquor is allowed to drain away, and fresh bleaching liquor is introduced, the strength being regulated by the progress made in the first case, which will depend upon the character of the fibre treated. In the second application of the bleach no acid is used. When sulphuric acid is added to the bleaching liquor, as above, the process is termed sour bleaching. Sometimes hydrochloric acid is used for this purpose, but in either case it is necessary to avoid employing the acid in too concentrated a state, or in too great a quantity, otherwise free chlorine will be liberated, which, besides being in- jurious to the health of the workmen and the surrounding machinery, also involves loss, while the colour and strength of the fibre itself will also be impaired. In some mills the bleaching is effected in the beating-engine, the bleach- ing liquor being pumped in while the machine is in motion. Respecting the time which the bleaching operation should occupy, there appears to be some difference of opinion, or, at all events, the practice seems to vary in different mills, but there is, no doubt, an advantage, so far as ultimate yield is concerned, in moderately slow bleaching at a moderate temperature, inasmuch as there 92 BLEACHING. is less risk of chemical action upon the cellulose itself than when strong liquors are used, at a higher tempera- ture, with a view to hasten the operation and economise the bleaching powder. Bleaching with Chloride of Lime (Preparation of the Bleaching Liquor). — Chloride of lime, or hypochlorite of lime, commonly called bleaching powder, when well pre- pared, contains from 32 to 35 per cent, of active chlorine. Being readily decomposed by the air, and also by heat, this substance should always be stored in a cool and dry Fig. 20. place until required for use. A solution of bleaching powder is generally prepared in large tanks lined with lead, which are provided with agitators or stirrers, so that the powder, when added to the water, may be freely diffused, and its active material dissolved in the liquid. A machine, or " bleach-mixer," manufactured by Messrs. Bryan Donkin and Co., of Bermondsey, is shown in Fig. 20, which is so constructed that the strong bleach liquor does not destroy it. The device for agitating the contents of the tank explains the principle of the machine. To prepare the bleaching liquor, about \ lb. BLEACHING WITH CHLORINE. 93 of chloride of lime to each gallon of water is used, which yields a liquor at about, 6° T. When the re- quired quantity of bleaching powder and water have been introduced into the mixer and sufficiently agitated, the vessel is allowed to rest until the residue, which chiefly consists of free lime and its carbonate, has subsided, when the clear liquor may be run off for use. When all the clear liquor has been drawn off the residue should be washed with water, and after again settling, the wash- ing water run off, and fresh water added, these wash- ings being repeated as often as necessary to remove the last traces of the "bleach," as it is technically called. The washing waters may be used in lieu of water in the preparation of fresh bleaching liquors. In some mills the bleaching powder is mixed with from 2 to 3 times its weight of water ; the mixture is then well agitated and the residue afterwards allowed to settle, the clear solution being afterwards drawn off and the residue then washed as before. In either case the residual matter is afterwards well drained and then cast aside. The bleaching liquor is stored in large tanks ready for use, from which it is with- drawn as required by means of a syphon or otherwise. Bleaching with Chlorine Gas (Glaser's Process). — This method of bleaching is not so much adopted in England as formerly, but has found much favour in Germany ; in- deed, within the past few years, namely, in March 3rd, 1880, a process was introduced by Mr. F. Cail Glaser for treating straw, in which, after boiling with caustic soda as usual, the pulp is bleached by the action of chlorine gas. The straw, after being separated from weeds by a slight or superficial picking, is cut into pieces of from ^ to § of an inch in length. The cut straw is then placed in a rotary boiler for about four hours, at a pressure of about 4 to 4^ atmospheres, in a solution composed of 29 lbs. of caustic soda at 71°, and 48 lbs. of calcined soda at 90°, rendered caustic, for every 220 lbs. of straw. After boil- ing, the dirty ley is drawn off, and the boiled straw sub- jected to two washings with water. It is then conveyed 94 BLEACHIXG. to the washing-engine, where it is washed for an hour ; the drum of the machine should have a sieve or sifter, the apertures of which are about 60 to the square inch. The washed straw is next dried by centrifugal force in a hydro- extractor, until it contains about 70 per cent, of water, which is necessary for the action of the chlorine gas. To effect this, so as to obtain not very solid or close cakes of straw, the holes of the wire of the hydro-extractor should not be more than 50 to the square inch. The calces of straw thus formed are then exposed' to the action of chlorine in leaden chambers of the ordinary kind, in which they are. placed* in layers upon hurdles, or upon shelves. If the chlorine is produced by hvdrochloric acid, for every 220 lbs. of unboiled straw, 51| lbs. of the acid at 20° B., and a corresponding quantity of 7Q per cent, peroxide of manganese are used. After the bleaching operation, the acid formed is removed by washing in a washing-engine. If a complete reduction of the fibres has not been effected by the bleaching, this may be completed by the aid of well-known machines, and either before or subsequent to the after-bleaching there is used for 220 lbs. of straw about 4| lbs. of chloride of lime, at 35° [per cent. ?] The patentee then gives the following explanation : — "As pine wood or fir is chemically freed from its colouring principle and transformed into fibres as well as cellulose, the object of the intense action of the chlorine is to destroy the mu- cilage of the straw, as well as the incrusting matters which have not been destroyed by the boiling with caustic soda, and consequently to strip or expose and open the fibres." It will be readily seen that this process bears a close resemblance to Mr. C. Watt's wood-pulp jorocess. Electrolytic Bleaching (C. Watt, jun.'s, Process). — At the present time, when the means of obtaining the electric current for practical purposes in the arts have so far exceeded that which would have been deemed probable some forty years since, we find that many ingenious processes, which were found to be unpractical at that time from the want of cheap electrical 'power, ELECTROLYTIC BLEACHING. 95 have since reappeared in the form of patented inven- tions, which would seem to possess every merit — but originality. So long ago as September 25th, 1851, the author's bro- ther, Mr. Charles Watt, obtained a patent for, amongst other claims, decomposing chlorides of sodium and potas- sium, and of the metals of the alkaline earths into hypo- chlorites by electricity. It may be well to make a few extracts here from his specification in order that some of the subsequent patents, to which we shall refer, may be traced to what may, perhaps, be considered their true origin. In the specification in question, the inventor says : — " The third part of my invention consists of a mode of converting chlorides of potassium and sodium, and of the metals of the alkaline earths, into hypochlorites and chlorates, b.y means of a succession of decompositions in the solution of the salt operated upon, when induoed by the agency of electricity Electricity first decom- poses the chloride, the chlorine being eliminated at one of the electrodes, and the alkaline or earthy metallic base at the other electrode The liberated chlorine will, when it is set free, combine with a portion of alkali or alkaline earth in the solution, and a hypochlorite will be formed. The hypochlorite thus formed will, by the con- tinued action of heat, be resolved partly into a chlorate of the alkali or alkaline earth, and partly into a chloride of the metallic base, and the chloride will again be subjected to decomposition, and a hypochlorite formed. ... If I desire to produce a hypochlorite of the alkali or earth, I merely keep the vessel warm . . . and continue the pro- cess until as much of the saline matter has been converted into a hypochlorite as may be required for the purpose to which the solution is to be applied. This mode of form- ing a hypochlorite of the alkalies and alkaline earths may be used for preparing a bath for the purpose of bleaching various kinds of goods, and the bath may be strengthened [recuperated] from time to time by the action of the electric current." 96 BLEACHING. Thus it will be seen that this specification clearly de- scribed a process by which the chlorides of sodium and potassium, and of the metals of the alkaline earths (chlo- ride of magnesium, for example), may be converted into hypochlorites by electrolysis, and the hypochlorite solu- tion obtained used for the purposes of bleaching. It would appear difficult to conceive how any subsequent patent for accomplishing the same thing, and using essentially the same means, can claim originality in the face of such "prior publication" as was effected by the usual "Blue- book," which any person can buy for eightpence. Hermite's Process. — The following description of this process has been furnished by the engineers engaged in connection with the process to the Paper Trade li> >:>< w ; — ■' Briefly described, the Hermite process consists in manu- facturing a solution of high bleaching power by electro - lv>ing an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride. The salt is decomposed by the current at the same time as the water. The nascent chlorine, liberated from the magne- sium chloride, and the nascent oxygen, liberated from the water, unite at the positive pole, and produce an unstable oxvgen compound of chlorine of very high bleaching power. The hydrogen and magnesium go to the negative pole ; this last decomposes the water and forms magne- sium oxide, whilst the hydrogen is disengaged. If in this liquid coloured vegetable fibre is introduced, the oxygen compound acts on the colouring matter, oxidising it. Chlorine combines with the hydrogen to foim hydrochloric acid, which finding itself in the presence of magnesium in the liquid combines with it, and forms the initial chloride nt magnesium." Andreoli's Process. — This process consists, avowedly, in bleaching pulps " by means of hypochlorite of sodium, produced by electrolytical decomposition of a solution of chloride of sodium." In carrying out his process. M. An- dreoli uses as an electrolyte " concentrated or non-concen- trated sea-water, or a solution of chloride of sodium, the specific gravity of which varies according to the quality THOMPSON'S PROCESS. 97 and nature of the materials to be treated. Generally the solution to be electrobysed works better with a density of 0 c (French alkalimeter) . . '2"22 ,, Water " . .100 Theoretically speaking, only 2 "45 parts of alum would be required to precipitate the resin ; but the waters, which are almost always calcareous, neutralise part of the alum. ENGINE SIZING. 117 Crystals of soda are much more expensive than soda ash, but on account of their greater purity they are sometimes preferred to the latter. At the present day the resin soap is preferably made by dissolving ordinary resin with a solution of carbonate of soda under boiling heat in a steam- jacketed boiler, the class of paper to be made governing the quantity of resin to be employed. The boiling usually requires from two to eight hours, according to the rela- tive proportions of soda ash and resin used — the greater the proportion of soda used the less time is required for boiling — the process being completed when a sample of the soap formed is completely soluble in water. . . . About 3 lbs. of resin to 1 lb. of soda is the usual proportion. The resin soap is cooled after boiling by running it into iron tanks, where it is allowed to settle, the soap forming a dense syrup-like mass, and the colouring matters and other admixtures of the resin rising to the top are easily removed. It is important to run off the mother liquor (ley) containing the excess of alkali, for. when the soap is used it consumes the alum to neutralise it." When the impurities and ley have been removed the soap is dissolved in water, and if, from imperfect boiling, a portion of the resin is found not to have been saponified, a small quantity of a strong solution of soda crystals is added to the water used for dissolving the soap. Where starch is used for stiffening purposes, the soap is mixed with a quantity of starch paste in the proportion ot 1 r, part of starch to 1 part of resin soap. Some manufac- turers, Mr. Davis states, mix the starch paste with the kaolin in lieu of mixing it with the resin soap. In either case the materials should be thoroughly strained before being added to the pulp. From 3 to 4 lbs. of the mixture of resin soap and starch paste to each 100 lbs. of dry pulp are about the proportions in which the size is generally used, but the quantity added to the pulp in the beater de- pends upon whether the paper is to be soft-sized or hard- sized. Sizing is chiefly applied to papers which are to be writ- 1 1 8 L OADIXG. — SJZIXG. — COL O I 'RIXG. ton upon with ordinary inks, and also, with a few excep- tions, to printing papers, the object being to close the ] lores of the paper and render it non-absorbent, by which the spreading or running of the ink is effectually pre- vented. AVhile the finest lines may be written upon a well-sized paper (as ordinary writing paper, for example; without spreading in the least degree, a similar stroke of the pen upon blotting paper, tissue, or unsized printing paper would spread in all directions, owing to the highly absorptive property of the cellulose. The sizing of the pulp is conducted as follows : — After the loading material has been introduced and well mixed, the resin soap, previously dissolved in water, a little carbonate of soda being sometimes added, is mixed with a paste of starch prepared by dissolving starch in boiling water, and the mixture of soap and starch is then passed through a fine sieve to keep back any particles or lumps that may be present. The proportion of the materials used in sizing vary at the different mills, each manufacturer having formula? of his own ; about 1 part of resin size to 3 of starch paste, and, say, from 9 to 12 lbs. of the mix- ture, may be used for 300 lbs. of pulp ; and, if preferred, the respective ingredients may be put into the engine separately, a method adopted at some mills. Some manu- facturers of the finest papers, instead of dissolving the starch in hot water, make it into a thin paste with cold water, in which condition it is introduced into the pulp, the object being to impart to the paper a particular feeling to the touch which is not obtainable bv other means. The mixture of resin size and starch paste, with or without the addition of water, is added to the pulp in the beater, in which the pulp is circulating, and the engine allowed to run until the materials are well incorporated in the pulp. At this stage a solution of alum (about 28 to ■j0 lbs. for 800 lbs. of pulp), or of sulphate of alumina. *is introduced, which causes the resin soap to become " si] a- * Sometimes called " concentrated alum," "pearl alum," etc. •ENGINE SIZING. 119 rated," the sulphuric acid of the alum uniting with the alkali of the soap and setting the resin and alumina free in the form of minute particles; the resin in the subse- quent drying on the calenders becomes fused, as it were, and thus cements the fibres and alumina together, at the same time rendering them non-absorbent and improved in whiteness by the precipitated alumina. Sometimes ordi- nary soap is added to the resin soap, which is said to impart a higher finish to the paper in the operation of calendering. The so-called " concentrated alum," which contains a higher percentage of sulphate of alumina than the crystallised alum, is considered the most economical in use, being proportionately cheaper, and the variety known as " pearl alum " is specially recommended. " Aluminous cake " is another preparation which has found favour in many mills, but since it sometimes contains a large excess of free sulphuric acid it requires to be used with caution, since this acid, although it will brighten the colour of some aniline dyes, will discharge the colour from others, while at the same time it may injuriously affect the brass- wire cloths of the paper machine. The alum solution should be prepared in a lead-lined tank, fitted with a steam pipe for heating the contents when required. The proportions of the materials used in sizing differ ronsiderably in different mills, but the following may be taken as an average for common writing and printing papers : — Per 100 parts of dried pulp 10 to 12 parts of resin. ,, ,, ,, 20 „ 30 ,, . starch. ,, ,, ,, 10 „ 12 ,, aluin. To the sizing solution is generally added from 30 to 50 parts of kaolin. "When a colour is present on which alum would have a prejudicial effect this is usually replaced by about one-third of its weight of sulphate of zinc. Many mineral substances have from time to time been added to paper stock, principally to increase its weight, and in 1858 Sholl took out a patent for adding carbonate of lime, 1 20 L OADIXG. — SIZ1XG. — COLOUR JXG. a substance which, however, had long been fraudulently used in order to increase the weight, but he found it to have the property of fixing the ink in the pores of the paper, thus rendering it immovable. The only useful addition is kaolin, or some similar aluminous compound, as it attaches itself to the fibre, and, while giving the required opacity and a good surface, takes both printing and writing ink well, and has the advantage, from a manufacturer's point of view, of increasing the weight. It has been proposed that small quantities of glycerine be added to the pulp, in order to give the paper greater flexibility, and especially to give copying-paper the quality of taking up colour readily." French Method of Preparing Engine Size. — Thirteen pails of water are boiled in a copper- jacketed pan capable of holding about 150 gallons ; 90 lbs. of soda crystals are then introduced and allowed to dissolve, when 200 lbs. of finely-powdered resin are gradually introduced, with con- stant stirring, and the boiling is sustained for about two hours after the last portion of resin has been added. A further addition of water is now made by putting in five pails of cold water, and the water is then boiled for an hour and a half longer. The resin soap is then transferred to stock-chests, in which it is allowed to remain for ten days or longer, fresh batches being prepared in rotation, to meet the requirements of the mill. To determine whether an excess of resin soap or of alum has been added to the pulp, red and blue litmus papers should be employed, the former turning blue if an excess of resin soap be present, and the latter red when alum or sulphate of alumina is in excess. For uncoloured papers the aluminous material should be added until the pulp becomes faintly acid, which will be indicated by the blue litmus paper turning slightly red when immersed in the pulp. Besides resin soap, various substances have been pro- posed as sizing materials, including wax dissolved in a * Muspratt's " Chemistry Applied to the Arts." ZINC SOAPS IN SIZING. 121 strong solution of caustic soda and precipitated with alum, but the cost would be an objection to the use of this mate- rial except for the highest classes of paper. It is stated that 12 lbs. of gum tragacanth to each 500 lbs. of resin has been used in preparing some kinds of engine- sized papers, and is said to impart to them an appearance equal to that of tub-sized papers. Zinc Soaps in Sizing. — According to a paragraph in the Papermakers' Monthly Journal, a somewhat novel method of sizing is employed in Germany, which consists in the pre- cipitation in the stock of zinc soaps. Cottonseed oil soap or Castille soap is worked up in the engine with the stuff, and after it has become well mixed with the pulp a solu- tion of sulphate of zinc is added, which results in the formation of a white and heavy zinc soap, which is inso- luble, and adheres well to the fibres. The weight and whiteness of the zinc soap are the main points in favour of this method, which is said to yield good results. Colouring. — The pulp, after passing through the various processes described, although apparently white, invariably presents a yellow tinge when converted into paper. To obviate this it is usual to " kill " the yellow tint by adding to the pulp small quantities of blue and pink colouring matters. The blue colours generally used are ultramarine, smalts, and various aniline blues, and the pinks are usually prepared from cochineal, either in a liquid form or as "lakes" (compounds of cochineal and alumina) or aniline dyes, the former being preferable, as it is not injuriously affected by the alum used in sizing. The ultramarine should be of good quality, otherwise it will become decom- posed, and its colouring property destroyed by the action of the alum, but more especially so if the alum contains an excess of free acid. Smalts blue, which is a kind of coloured glass, is not affected by acids. In preparing the colouring matters for mixing with the pulp they must first be mixed with water, and the liquid should then be strained, to keep back any solid particles that may be pre- sent in the material. Aniline blues should be dissolved 122 LOA DIXG. — SIZING. — CO I O I 'RING. in hot water, or alcohol, and then diluted. Samples of the pulp are examined from time to time until the desired effect is produced, which the practised eye of the beatei - man can readily determine. Animal or Tub-sizing. — Another process of sizing, termed "animal-sizing," "tub-sizing," or " surface-sizing," is also adopted in the manufacture of certain classes of paper, and is either accomplished by hand or on the ma- chine. The former method having been elsewhere described (p. 132) we will now describe the operation of sizing on the machine, to which the term tub-sizing is also applied. The size employed, which is prepared from what are called "glue pieces," or clippings of "limed" and unhaired skins of animals, requires to be as colourless as possible, in order that the colour of the paper may not be injuriously affected by it. Preparation of Animal Size. — This operation is gener- ally conducted at the null, the materials from which the size is produced being the cuttings or parings of animal skins and hides, or pelts, which have undergone the pro- cesses of "liming" and unhairing preparatory to being tanned. The cuttings, or pates, commonly called " glue pieces," are first soaked in a mixture of lime and water, placed in large tubs for several days, after which they are put into a wooden cylinder, or drum, five or six feet in diameter, and about ten feet in length, which revolves upon a horizontal shaft, which, being hollow, admits the passage of water to the interior of the drum. The drum is per- forated, and revolves in a large tank, while a continuous stream of water is allowed to pass through it, and the dirty water escapes through the perforations in the drum. TThen the cuttings are sufficiently cleansed in this way, they are transferred to an iron copper, furnished with a false bottom and steam-pipe, or a jacketed pan. The cuttings are next covered with water; steam is then turned on, and the liquid brought to a temperature below boiling point, or say, about 180° to 190° F., it being very im- portant that the liquid should not actually boil. This ANIMAL SIZE. 123 operation is carefully kept up for twelve to sixteen Louis, according to the nature of the cuttings, by which time all the material excepting any membranous or fatty matters that may be present, will have become dissolved and a solution of gelatine obtained. The liquor is then allowed to settle for a short time to allow fatty matters to rise to the surface and membranous substances to deposit, and the fatty matters must afterwards be carefully removed by skimming-. The liquor should next be strained to separate any floating' particles of a membranous character. Some- times the gelatine solution is clarified by adding a small quantity of powdered lime, which is thoroughly mixed by stirring, after which it is allowed to rest. When it is found that the impurities and lime deposit too slowly, a little weak sulphuric acid is added, which, forming an insoluble sulphate of lime, the solid matters quickly sub- side, leaving the liquor quite clear. The solution is next filtered through felt, and is afterwards treated with a solution of alum, which at first causes the liquid to thicken and become nearly solid, but it becomes fluid again, how- ever, on the addition of more alum solution. When this condition is finally attained, the liquid is ready for use in the process of sizing. The addition of the alum (which should not contain any free acid) to the gelatine greatly improves its sizing property, besides preserving it from decomposition. The treatment of the glue pieces for the purpose of obtaining gelatine solutions is fully de- scribed in the author's work on " Leather Manufacture," p. 401.* American Method of Sizing. — Another method of pre- paring size, and which is adopted in America, is the follow- ing : — In large paper mills the size is generally prepared in a room devoted to the purpose, and is commonly situated near the machine. The finest grades of light hide and skin clip- pings are used for No. 1 letter papers, but less costly stock is employed for the lower grades of animal-sized papers. *"Art of Leather Manufacture." By Alexander Watt. Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1885. i2 4 LOADING. — SIZIXG. — COLOURING. To preserve the glue pieces the tanners and tawers macerate the clippings in milk of lime and afterwards dry them. xVs the clippings require to be freed from the lime, the first treatment they receive at the paper-mill is to put them in large wooden tubs partly tilled with water, in which they are allowed to soak for several days. They are afterwards more perfectly cleansed by means of a drum- washer, such as we have before described. Fresh hide and skin clippings, that is, those which have not been limed and dried at the tanneries, and which are occasionally purchased by the paper manufacturers, require to be used as soon as possible after they arrive at the mill as they readily decom- pose, and are placed in tubs partly filled with water, -in which 2 per cent, by weight of caustic lime has been dis- solved. The pieces, if from calfskins, are allowed to remain in the lime bath for ten to fifteen days, clippings of sheepskins fifteen to twenty days, and trimmings from heavy hides, as ox, etc., twenty-five to thirty days, the milk of lime being renewed once or twice a week, and the material well stirred from time to time. The glue-stock, as it is sometimes termed, is afterwards thoroughly washed in the drum-washer, and when this operation is complete the material is spread out in the yard to drain, and when sufficiently dried is ready for boiling, or may be stored until required for use. To prepare size from the material treated as described, it is placed in a boiler of cast or wrought-iron or copper, furnished with a perforated false bottom, and capable of holding from 100 to 400 lbs. of the raw material, accord- ing to the requirements of the mill. Several such boilers may be placed close to each other. At the bottom of the boiler is a stop- cock for drawing off the gelatine solution when required. "When the requisite charge of glue-stock has been introduced into the boiler, water is poured over it and steam turned on, which passes through a pipe fixed beneath the false bottom, and care is taken that the tem- perature of the contents of the boiler should not exceed "J DO" F., which heat is kept up for ten to eighteen hours, ANIMAL SIZE. 125 according to the nature of the materials treated. The gelatine solution is drawn off from the boiler as it is formed, into wooden tubs, and at the same time carefully strained to remove membranous matters and suchlike- impurities. Several boilings are made from the same batch of glue-stock, and all the solutions are afterwards mixed together in the receiving tubs, and a solution of alum is added in such proportions as to be recognised by tasting the liquor. One object in adding the alum being to prevent the gelatine from decomposing, more of this substance should be added in warm than in cold weather. When the solutions are cool they are ready for use, and the gelatine is removed from the receiving tubs and dis- solved in a separate tub as required for use, the dissolving tub being provided with a steam-pipe. The proportion of water — which should only be lukewarm — used in dissolving the gelatine varies from a quarter to half the bulk of the latter, the nature of the fibre and thick- ness of the paper regulating the proportion of water to gelatine, the strength of the size liquors being greater for thin papers and weak fibres than for thick papers and strong fibres. The operation of sizing is considered one of the most difficult and uncertain with which the paper-maker has to deal, since the material (gelatine) is greatly influenced by the conditions of the atmosphere, both as regards its tem- perature and humidity, while the temperature of the liquid size itself has also an important influence on the success of the operation. The condition of the paper, again, also affects the result, for if it be highly porous it will probably be weak, and consequently there may be considerable waste during the process of sizing from the necessary handling it is subjected to ; moreover, should the paper have been blued with ultramarine, a strongly offen- sive odour is often imparted to it ; this, however, may be obviated by employing fresh size and drying the paper as completely as possible. There are two systems of animal- sizing employed at the mill, namely, hand-sizing and 126 LOADING. — SIZING. — COLOURING. machine-sizing, which is also called tub-sizing, the former being applied to papers of the finest quality. Papers that have been made by the machine, after being cut into sheets, are hand-sized, as described in the next chapter. Machine- Sizing. — The lower-priced papers, to be ma- chine-sized, are first partly dried over a few cylinders, after which the paper passes through a tank containing liquid size, from whence it passes between two rollers, which squeeze out the superfluous size ; it is then wound on to a reel on which it remains some time to enable the size to thoroughly permeate the paper, after which it is wound on to another reel, and from thence it passes over a series of wooden drums or cylinders, each of which is furnished with a revolving fan ; by this means the paper becomes- dried slowly, whereby a more perfect sizing of the material is effected. Double-Sized Paper. — This term is applied to paper which, after being sized in the engine in the usual way, is afterwards " surface sized," as it is called, with animal size in the manner described. Respecting the drying of paper after it has been tub- sized there seems to be some difference of opinion as to whether it is best to hang it in a loft to dry or to dry it over the cylinders of a drying machine. Upon this point the New York Paper Trade Journal makes the following remarks : — " When the paper is passed through the size- tub, it is again wet ; the fibres expand, and their hold on each other is relaxed. Xow it must make a difference to the subsequent strength and quality of this paper whether it be hung up in a loft to dry or run over a drying ma- chine. If it is hung in the loft no strain is put upon it and the fibres are at liberty to shrink, or slowly contract, in all directions ; whereas if it is rim over a drying machine, consisting of from 50 to 100 reels, the longitudinal strain prevents the fibres from shrinking and reassuming their normal position in that direction. Attempts have been made to obviate this defect by regulating the speed of each section of the machine in such a manner as to MR. WYATT ON SIZING. 127 allow for the shrinking, but this only remedies the evil by preventing the paper from breaking as it travels over the machine. Everything else being equal, it would seem that loft-dried paper must be superior to that dried over the drying machine. Our home manufacturers endorse this view, inasmuch as they continue to prefer the system of loft-drying to the less expensive machine methods." Mr. "Wyatt's Remarks on Sizing. — Mr James W. Wyatt, in a paper on the "Art of Paper-making,"* makes the following observations on engine-sizing and ani- mal-sizing which will be read with interest: — "Engine- sizing renders the paper fully as non-absorbent as animal size. The latter penetrates the sheets only slightly and forms a coating or skin on each surface, whereas the engine size surrounds each fibre and impregnates the whole mass. Surface- sizing, however, produces a stronger, firmer sheet, and is smoother for the pen to travel over ; the manufacturer also gets the benefit in the price of the paper of the additional weight of the size, amounting to 7 per cent, on the average. On the other hand, as the animal size is mostly a skin on the surface, if the coating be broken anywhere by the use of a knife in scratching, the paper will only imperfectly resist ink in that place, a great disadvantage for account and office-books and ledgers. Engine-sized paper is much cheaper to produce than animal sized, and is therefore used principally for the lower qualities of writings and for almost all kinds of printings where firmness and smoothness is not so much a desidera- tum. Mos1 tub-sized papers have a certain portion of engine Bize mixed with the pulp. This not only ensures the thorough sizing of the sheet, but also is a measure of economy in reducing the absorbing power of the paper for the animal size. Papers for ledgers and office-work are best given an extra proportion of engine size to ensure their ink-resisting properties, and they are also sized by hand in animal size and loft dried." The following rough estimate of the comparative cost in materials and wages » •• Proceedings of the Society of Civil Engineers," vol. lxxix. p. 245. 128 LOA DING. — SIZING. — COL O URING . of engine-sizing and animal- sizing paper may be of interest : Engine-sizing, per 20,000 lbs. : — £ a. d. Materials . .520 Wages . . 12 6 Total. . £5 14 6 Cost per lb. = 0063 Animal-sizing, per 20,000 lbs. : — £ s. d. Materials . . 36 Wages . . . 4 10 Total . . £40 10 CHAPTER XII. MAKING PAPER BY HAND. The Vat and Mould. — Making the Paper. — Sizing and Finishing. Under the old system of making paper by hand, the rags' were reduced to a fine state of division by a process of retting, or slow putrefaction. The rags were first washed in water, and then piled in heaps, in which condition they were allowed to remain until they became tender, that is, readily pulled asunder by the fingers. During the decom- position the rags not unfrequently became rotten in some portions of the heaps, thus involving considerable loss of fibre. The rags were next placed in a strong chest, in which iron-shod stamping rods were fitted, and these by their continued action gradually reduced them to a pulp. The stampers were eventually superseded by the lica ting-engine, the invention of a Dutchman, which received and still retains the name of the " Hollander." ( >ther machines, as the duster, washing and breaking engines, and the beating engine, have entirely taken the place of the older system, which required the work of forty paiis of stamps for twenty-four hours to produce one hundredweight of paper. The Vat and Mould. — The pulp being prepared, is conveyed from the beaters to the working vat, where it is diluted with water. The vat is a wooden or stone vessel about 5 feet square and 4 feet deep, being somewhat wider at the top than at the bottom. A steam-pipe is supplied to the vat, so that the pulp and water may be heated to a convenient temperature for working, and an agitator is K ISO MAKING PAPER BY HAXD. also furnished to keep the pulp and water uniformly mixed. The mould in which the pulp is raised from the vat to form a sheet of paper, consists of a wooden frame, neatly joined at the corners, with wooden bars running across, about 1^ inch apart, and flush with the top edge of the frame. Across these again, in the length of the frame, wires are laid, about fifteen or twenty in an inch, which are placed parallel to each other. A series of stronger wires are laid along the cross-bars, to which the other wires are fastened ; these give to what is termed "laid" paper, the ribbed or "water-marked" lines noticeable in hand-made paper. Upon the mould is fitted a movable frame, called the deckle or deckel, which must fit very neatly or the edges of the paper will be rough. The mould and deckle form together a kind of shallow tray of wire. Sometimes the mould is divided by narrow ribs of wood, so that two or four sheets of paper may be made in one operation. Connected with the vat is a slant- ing board, called the bridge, with copper fillets attached lengthwise upon it, so that the mould may slide easily along the bridge. Making the Paper. — When preparing for work, the vat- man stands on one side of the vat, and has on his left hand a smaller board, one end of which is fastened to the bridge, while the other rests on the side of the vat. An assistant, called the voucher, is at hand, whose duty it is to handle the frames or moulds containing the pulp after they have passed through the hands of the vat-man or maker. The latter now takes in his hand a mould, and lays it upon the deckle ; he then dips the mould, with its deckle in its proper place, into the vat of agitated pulp, and lifts up as much of the pulp as will form a sheet of paper. This, as will be readily seen, requires the greatest dex- terity, since the workman has nothing but his sense of feeling to guide him. It is said, however, that practice gives him such a nicety of feeling in this respect that he can make sheet after sheet of the largest-sized drawing papers with a difference in weight of not more than one MAKING THE PAPER. 131 or two grains in any two of them. Great skill is also required to hold the mould in a perfectly horizontal posi- tion, otherwise during- the felting and settling of the pulp the sheet of paper would be thicker on one part than another. The mould being held lengthwise, that is, with t he long parallel wires running from right to left hand, he gives the mould a gentle shake from his chest forward and back again, which is called the. fore- right shake; this shake takes place across the wires, not in the direction of their length. He next gives a shake from right to left, and back again, the respective movements thus propelling the pulp in four directions. The vat-man now pushes the mould along the small board on his left, and removes the deckle, which he connects to another mould and proceeds to form another sheet of paper, and so on. The coucher, taking the first mould in hand, turns it upside down upon a piece of woollen felt- cloth, then removing the mould, he takes another piece of felt and lays it over the sheet and returns the mould by pushing it along the bridge to the vat-man, when he receives in return a second mould to be treated as before. In the above way felts and paper are laid alternately until a pile of six or eight quires is produced, which is afterwards submitted to pressure in a very powerful press.- When sufficiently compressed, the machine is relaxed, and the felts are then drawn out, on the opposite side, by an operative, called a layer, who places the felts one by one upon a board, and the sheets of paper upon another board. The coucher then uses the felts again for fur- ther operations. Two men and a boy only are employed in this part of the work. In the evening all the paper made during the day is put into another press, and sub- jected to moderate pressure to obliterate the felt marks and expel a further portion of the water. On the fol- lowing day the paper is all separated, which is called parting, again pressed, and is then transferred to the drying-loft. The drying is effected by suspending the sheets of paper upon a series of ropes, attached to wooden 132 MAKING PAPER BY HAXD. supports ; ropes of cow-hair are used for the purpose, as this material does not stain the paper. Sizing and Finishing. — When the paper is dry, it is taken down and laid carefully in heaps ready for sizing, which is the next operation to which the paper is sub- jected. The preparation of the size from animal skins, etc., is described in Chapter XI. "When preparing to size the paper, the workman takes several quires of the paper, and carefully spreads the sheets out in the liquid size, which is placed in a large tub, taking care that each sheet is uniformly moistened before introducing the next. The superfluous size is afterwards pressed out, and the paper then "parted" into separate sheets, which are again subjected to pressure, and finally transferred to the drying-room, where they are allowed to dry slowly. When dry, the paper is conveyed to the finishing-house, to be again pressed and looked over by women, who, being furnished with small knives, pick out knots and other imperfections and separate the perfect from the imperfect sheets. The paper is now again pressed, and then handed to the finisher, to be counted into reams and packed, the reams being afterwards pressed and finally tied up and conveyed to the warehouse for sale. When the paper is required to be hot -pressed, this is done by placing each sheet of paper alternately between two smoothed sheets of pasteboard, and between each group of fifty pasteboards is placed a hot plate of iron, and the pile then submitted to heavy pressure, whereby the surface of writing paper acquires a fine,, smooth surface. CHAPTER XIII. MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. The Fourdrinier Machine.— Bertrams' Large Paper Machine.— Stuff Cheats.— Strainers.— Revolving Strainer and Knotter. — Sclf-clean- sing Strainer.— Roeckner's Pulp Strainers.— The Machine Wire and its ^Accessories.— Conical Pulp Saver.— The Dandy Poll.— Water Marking.— De la Rue's Improvements in Water-marks. — Suction Boxes.— Couch Rolls.— Press Rolls.— Drying Cylinders.— Smoothing Rolls.— Single Cylinder Machine. The Fourdrinier Machine. — It is just ninety years since Louis Robert, a Frenchman, devised a machine for making a continuous web of paper on an endless wire-cloth, to which rotary motion was applied, thus producing a sheet of paper of indefinite length. The idea was subsequently improved upon by Messrs. Fourdrinier, who adopted and improved upon M. Robert's machine, and with the valuable aid of Mr. Bryan Donkin, a young and gifted machinist, in the employ of Mr. Hall, engineer, of Dartford, con- structed a self-acting machine, or working model, in 1803, which, from its effectiveness and general excellency of workmanship, created at the time a profound sensation. This machine was erected at Frogmore, Hertfordshire ; and in 1804 a second machine was made and put up at Two- Waters, Herts, which was completely successful, and the manufacture of continuous paper became one of the most useful and important inventions of the age. From that period the " Fourdrinier," with some important im- provements introduced by Mr. Donkin, gradually, but surely, became established as an absolutely indispensable machine in every paper-mill all over the world. Although the machine has been still further improved from time to 134 MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. time, those of recent construction differ but little in prin- ciple from the original machine. An illustration of the machine is .shown in Fig. 25, the detailed parts of which are expressed on the engraving. Bertrams' Large Paper Machine. — The principal aim in the construction of the paper-making machine has been to imitate, and in some particulars to improve, the operations involved in the art of making paper by hand, but apart from the greater width and length of paper which can be produced by the machine, the increased rapidity of its powers of production are so great that one machine can turn out as much paper in three minutes as could be accomplished by the older system in as many weeks. The drawing represents the modern paper-machine as manu- factured by Bertrams, Limited, who supplied one of these machines to Mr. Edward Lloyd, for the Daily Chronicle Mill, at Sittingbourne, which runs a wire 40 feet long by 126 inches wide, this being, we believe, the largest and widest paper-machine in the world. It is provided with 20 cylinders, chilled calenders, double-drum reeling motion, with slitting appliance for preparing webs to go direct to the printer's office without the assistance of a re-reeling machine, and is driven by a pair of coupled condensing steam-engines. On our recent visit to Mr. Lloyd's mill we were much struck with the excellent working of this splendid machine. In the illustration, as will be seen, there are two sets of drying cylinders, while small cylinders, or felt drying-rolls, from 16 to 24 inches in diameter, are introduced to the felts of the cylinders, before the smoothing- rolls, which discharge the moisture with which the felts are impreg- nated from the damp paper, whereby a considerable -saving in felts is effected. Messrs. Bertram state that' the highest speed yet attained has been by their own machinery, and is 270 feet of paper per minute. The progress of the pulp after it leaves the beating- engines for conversion into paper may be described as follows : — The valve at the bottom of the beating-engine PAPER MACHINE. h 136 MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. is opened, when the pulp flows through a pipe into the stuff-chests, which are generally situated below the level of the engines. The beaters are then rinsed with clean water to remove any pulp that may still cling to them, the rinsing water passing also into the stuff-chests. Stuff-chests. — These are large vessels of a cylindrical form, so that the pulp may have no corners to lodge in, and are generally made of wood, though sometimes they are made 6f cast-iron plates bolted together. The chests are of various dimensions, according to the requirements of the mill, being usually about 12 feet in diameter and 6 feet deep, having a capacity for 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. of stuff. To keep the pulp well mixed in the stuff-chest, of which two are usually employed for each machine, a ver- tical shaft, carrying two horizontal arms, each extending nearly across the interior of the chest, are provided, which are only allowed to revolve at a moderate speed, that is, about two or three revolutions per minute, otherwise the pulp would be liable to work up into knots, and thus form a defective paper. Motion being given to the shaft, the rotating arms keep the pulp and water uniformly mixed, at the same time preventing the pulp from sinking to the bottom of the stuff- chest. The pulp is next transferred to a regulating box, or " supply box," by means of a pump called the stuff-pump. The regulating-box, which has the effect of keeping a regular supply of pulp in the machine, is provided with two overflow pipes, which carry back to the stuff- chests any superfluous pulp that may have entered them, by which the stuff in the regulating-box is kept at a uni- form level, while the machine is supplied with a regular and uniform quantity of the diluted pulp. The stuff- pump conveys the pulp through a valve in the bottom of the regulating-box in a greater quantity than is actually required, the superfluity returning to the stuff-chests by the overflow pipes ; thus the supply-box, being always kept full, furnishes a regular and uniform supply of pulp to the sand-tables, or sand-traps as they are sometimes STRAINERS. 137 called. Sand-tables are large wooden troughs, vary- ing in size at different mills, but Mr. Dunbar gives the following proportions for a first-class sand-trap ; namely, 14 feet long by 8 feet wide, and 8 inches deep. The bottom of the trap is covered with felt, sometimes old first- press felt being used, and is divided into several compart- ments by thin bars of lead or iron, or strips of wood, which keep the felt in position, and also retain any par- ticles of sand or other heavy solid matter that may be accidentally present in the pulp. For the purpose of diluting the pulp for the machine, there is, attached to the inlet of the sand-traps, a box with two supply-taps, one for the delivery of pulp, and the other for water ; and these being turned on, the pulp and water flow over the sand-traps, and the diluted pulp then falls into the strainers, which, while allowing the fine pulp to pass freely, keep back all lumps of twisted fibre, and. particles of unboiled fibre, which latter, if not removed, would appear as specks on the surface of the finished paper. The Strainers are formed of brass or bronze plates, in which are cut a very large number of narrow slits, which gradually widen downward, so as to prevent the pulp from lodging. Each plate has about 510 slits, and several plates, connected together by bolts, constitutes the com- plete strainer. When in use, the strainer receives a jogging motion, which is communicated to it by means of small ratchet wheels keyed on shafts passing be- neath the machine ; this causes the fibres to pass more freely through the slits. There are many different forms of strainers, which have been the subject of numerous patents. It will be sufficient, however, to give one or two examples of improved strainers which have been more recently adopted by manufacturers. Revolving Strainer and Knotter. — The revolving strainer, which was invented by the late senior partner in the firm of Messrs. G. and W. Bertram (now Bertrams, Limited), has since been extensively adopted, and the present firm have introduced a patent knotter in conjunc- 13? MAKIXG PAPER BY MACHIXERY. tion with the apparatus, the complete arrangement of which is shown in Fig. 26. The standard size for these revolv- ing strainers is 7 feet long by 18-2- inches wide on each side of the four surfaces. The vats are of cast iron, and Fig. 20. the apparatus is supplied with driving gear, bellows, regu- lating boxes and spouts, as necessary. The firni also supply these strainers with White's patent discs, and Annandale and "Watson's arrangement. A a are two revolving strainers, as applied to the paper-machine, showing gear- SELF-CLEANSING STRAINER. 139 ing for strainers and bellows, b is the patent knotter as used for two strainers, c is the counter- shaft overhead. d d is the back shaft of the machine, and e e the wire of the paper-machine. Self-cleansing Strainer. — The same firm also intro- 140 MAK'IXG PAPER BY MACHIXERY. duced this form of strainer, an illustration of which is given in Fig. 27. The action of the strainer is described as follows : — The pulp flows on to the strainer at a, and passes away through the pipes b b. At c is a valve for the discharge of waste pulp. The strainer plates have an inclination of about 1 inch in the direction of their length, and in those which are nearest to a, where the pulp enters, the slits are wider, the knots being pushed forward by the energy of the flow. The vacuum pumps, d d, are worked from the shaft e. The tubes f f are for supplying water to the plates, by which the coarser particles of the pulp are pushed forward, and the slits are thus kept clean. The strainer will pass from 18 to 20 tons of the finest paper per week. Roeckner's Pulp Strainers. — This invention consists in constructing boxes, with one or both ends open, forming the strainers, fixed, or to slide in or out, so as to be readily iff T W W Fig. 28. W tt" r ti h, &^ cleaned. One or more fans are fitted in these boxes, and are put in motion from the outside, so as to cause what is called " suction " through the strainers. One or a num- ber of such boxes are fixed into a vat, the open ends dis- charging the pulp which has passed through the strainers ROECKNER'S PULP STRAINERS. 141 to the paper-machine, and can be so arranged that all the fans are worked on one shaft. The vat may be divided into compartments, so that the stuff flows from one to the other. Instead of boxes, the strainers may be formed of tubes, in which suitable slits or perforations have been provided. The tubes will be perfectly closed at one end, and the strained pidp, after passing through them, will be delivered to the paper-machine from their open ends, which may fit into a ring, so that when cleaning is re- quired they may be easily lifted out or in. The suction is provided inside these tubes by the fans, which are oscillated by suitable gear from the outside of the vat. The strainers may. instead of being stationary, be attached to the fans and oscillate with them, in which case the open ends L. ® n u u u y SIDE ELEVATION Fig. 29. would have to be attached to the vat by an indiarubber or cloth ring, or the strainers may oscillate whilst the fans are stationary. Any number of these strainers may be fixed into vats, disposed vertically or otherwise. In the vat a, Fig. 28, which receives the pulp to be strained, are several tubes, p pp } with one end open, having slits in them similar to strainer plates. Inside of these are two, three, or more plates,/./'/; Fig. 29, running the full length of the tube fixed to the shafts, s s s, and to the sides of the tubes, which serve as fans, besides giving strength to the tubes. The shafts s s s are carried in bearings at each end, and have each one end projecting through, upon which are keyed levers, h h h, which, being connected to a rod r, worked by an eccentric, e, at the end, gives an oscillating motion to the tubes and fans. Any number of tubes may 142 MAKIXG PAPER BY MACHINERY. be in the vat, and may either work separately or divided. With several tubes it is preferable to have them arranged as shown in the drawing by division plate d, so that the accumulated "knots," &c, may flow finally into the end compartment (which will form an auxiliary strainer), and may be mixed with more water, so that the fine pulp still contained in the stuff can flow away through the slits and the knots, &c, be taken out when necessary. The tubes should be placed so far apart that a workman can get his hand between. The closed ends work free in the stuff, while the open ends run through indiarubber sheet or SECTION AT A.B. Fi?. 30. other material, fitted so well to the tube that the fibre can only get through the slits of the tube to flow on to the paper-machine through the channel at side by the sluice v. The arrows indicate the direction of the flow of pulp. Mr. Dunbar says, "the straining power necessary to pass and clean pulp in an efficient manner for 25 tons of finished paper per week is two revolving strainers, con- sisting of four rows of plates, or 7 feet by 18 inches of straining surface on each of the four sides, the plates being cut No. 2^ Watson's gauge." After passing through the strainers the pulp should be absolutely free from knots or objectionable particles of any kind, and in a proper condition for conversion into paper. The Machine Wire and its Accessories. — On leaving the strainers the pulp passes into a vat, in which is a horizontal agitator, which causes the pulp and water to become well mixed, and ready to flow on to the endless wire-cloth of the machine. The wire-cloth is made CONICAL PULP-SAVER. 143 of exceedingly fine wire, the meshes ranging from 60 threads and upwards to the inch, there being some- times as many as 1,900 holes per square inch, but the meshes usually employed run from 2,000 to 6,000 per square inch. The ends of the cloth are united by being- sewn with very tine wire. The width of the wire-cloth varies considerably, the greatest width being, we believe, that supplied for the large machine at Mr. Edward Lloyd's mill at Sitting-bourne, which is 126 inches. The length of the wire-cloth is generally from 35 to 40 feet , the latter being considered preferable. Beneath the wire is placed a shallow box called the " save-all," which receives the water as it flows through the wire cloth from the pulp. In order to effect a further saving of pulp which escapes through the meshes of the wire-cloth, a machine called a " pulp-saver " is used at some mills, through which the backwater, as it leaves the box or save-all referred to, is passed. The wire-cloth is supported by a series of brass tube rolls, which are so placed as to render the layer of pulp on the wire absolutely uniform, by which a regular thick- ness of the finished paper is ensured. The wire is attached to a malleable iron frame, having a sole-plate of cast iron, and carries a brass or copper breast-roll, 18 inches in diameter, a guide-roll 7 inches in diameter, and four brass or copper rolls 5 inches in diameter under the wire, with shafts extending through the rolls, and furnished with brass bushes and brackets, and a self-acting guide upon the 7-inch guide-roll. The tube-rolls or " carrying tubes " are carried upon brass bearings. Attached to the sole- plate of the wire framing are three cast-iron stands on each side for supporting the save-all beneath the wire. To regulate the width of the paper there is on the top of the wire a set of brass " deckles," carried on a brass frame passing over the first suction box, of which there are two, and supported on the wire frame by iron studs fixed in the frame. At each end of the deckle-frame is a pulley for carrying the deckle-strap, with three similar pulleys i 4 4 MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. for expanding it. The deckle-frame is furnished with two endless straps of india-rubber, these straps keeping the pulp to the width required for forming ledges at the sides of the web. The Conical Pulp-saver, which is shown in Fig. 31, was invented by the late Mr. George Bertram and Mr. Paisley, and is manufactured by Bertrams, Limited. Its use is to extract fibres from the washing water before going into the river or otherwise. For the water from the drum- washer, washing and beating engines, and for the water from the paper-making machine, save-all, &c, it has Fig. 31. proved itself of great utility. It is simple in construc- tion, small in cost, takes up little room, and is easily repaired. When placed to receive the washings from the beaters or paper-machine, the pulp saved, if kept clean, can always be re-used, a is a conical drum which is covered with wire-cloth, and it is made to revolve slowly by suitable gearing. The water enters by the pipe k, which is perforated, as shown, and passes through the meshes of the gauze, while the pulp gradually finds its way to the wider end of the drum, where it escapes into the box c, and can be conveyed again to the beating- engines. _The Dandy-roll . — When it is required to produce a design or name, termed a water-mark^ upon the paper, this is done by means of a roll called the dandy-roll, which DANDY ROLLS. '45 consists of a skeleton roll covered with wire-cloth, upon which the design is worked by means of very fine wire. 1 1' the paper is required to be alike on both sides, without any specific pattern or name upon it, the roll is simply covered with wire-cloth, the impressions from which upon ICNZTH OF^- JOURNAL LENGTH OF BODY BETWEEN SHOULDERS Fig. 32. the moist pulp correspond with those of the machine-wire on the under surface. By this means paper known as "wove" paper is produced. A dandy-roll of this cha- racter" is shown in Fig. 32. "Laid" paper, as it i.s termed, is distinguished by a dandy-roll having a series of equidistant transverse wires on the upper surface of the wire cylinder, as shown in Fig. 33, the effect of which is to produce parallel lines on the paper, caused by the pulp being thinner where the moist paper is impressed by the raised wires, which renders the lines more transparent than the rest of the paper. The dandy-roll, which is usually about 7 inches in diameter, corresponds in length L 1 46 MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. to the width of wire on which it rests, and is placed over the wire-cloth between the suction-boxes. The journals of the roll turn in slits in two vertical stands, one behind the machine frame and the other in front of it. The rolI L however, rests with its whole weight on the w ire, and revolves by~~flie progressive motion of the w ire. The "stands which support the roll prevent it from being influenced by the lateral motion of the wire. By thus running over the surface of the pulp when the wire is in motion, this roll presses out a considerable quantity of water, at the same time rendering the paper closer and finer in texture. Dandy-rolls of various lengths, and bearing different designs or patterns, are kept at the paper- mills, and great care is exercised to preserve them from injury. Water-Marking. — Dr. Ure describes the following pro- cesses for producing a design for a line water-mark: — 1. The design is engraved on some yielding surface in the same way as on a copper-plate, and afterwards, by im- mersing the plate in a solution of copper sulphate, and producing an electrotype in the usual way, by which all the interstices become so filled up as to give a casting of pure copper. This casting, on being removed from the sulphate bath, is ready for attaching to the wire gauze of the dandy-roll. 2. The design is first engraved on a steel die, the parts required to give the greatest effect being cut deepest ; the die, after being hardened, is forced by a steam hammer into some yielding material, such as copper, and all of this metal which remains above the plain surface of the steel is subsequently removed by suitable means ; the portion representing the design being left untouched would then be attached to the wire-gauze as before. Light and shade can be communicated to the mark by a modification of the above process, for which purpose an electrotype of the raised surface of a design is first taken, and afterwards a second electrotype from this latter, which consequently will be identical with J I 'A TER -MARKING. 1 4 7 tlio original surface. These two are then mounted on Lead or gutta-percha, and employed as dies to give impres- sion to tine copper-wire gauze, which is then employed as a mould. Thus absolute uniformity, such as could not be attained by the old system of stitching wires together, is now attained in bank-notes by the adoption of the above method. It may be mentioned that when the moulds were formed by stitching the line wires together to form a design, no less than 1,056 wires, with 67,584 twists, and involving some hundreds of thousands of stitches, were required to form a pair of £5 note moulds, and it was obviously impossible that the designs should remain absolutely identical. Sometimes water-marks are produced by depressing the surface of the dandy-roll in the form of a design, which causes the paper to be thicker where the design is than in the rest of the sheet of paper. This modification was invented by Dr. De la Hue. De La Rue's Improvements in Water-marks. — 13 v one method, patented in 18G9, dandy-rolls, having a sur- face of embossed wire-gauze, are used ; the indentations in the gauze are inwards, causing a thickening of the paper where they are brought in contact with it. These thickenings correspond in form to the configuration of the design or water-mark. The inventor has also affixed wire to the surface of such dandy-rolls so as to form projec- tions, in order to thin the paper where the projections come in contact with it, by which means light lines are obtained in the water-mark, strengthening the effect of the thickened opaque design. By another patent, dated May, 1884, No. 8348, the inventor forms the surface of the dandy-roll of wire- gauze embossed in such a manner that parts of the surface of the gauze, corresponding to the configura- tion of the design of the water-mark, are raised, and project out from the general surface, and other parts corresponding to the line shading of the design are de- 148 MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. pressed below the level of the general surface. The accom- panying drawing, Fig. 34, shows dia grammatically, and greatly enlarged, a section of a portion of the surface of a dandy-roll made in accordance with this invention. a Fig. 34. represents the section of a ridge or projection raised on the surface of the gauze ; b represents the section of a groove or depression in the wire-gauze, which, with other similar grooves, serves to produce an opaque shading to the design, c is an auxiliary ridge or projection, serving to define the shading line, ami to intensify it by driving the pulp into the groove or depression b. Further effects may be obtained by attaching wires to the dandy-roll, either in the usual way, where the surface is unemDossed, or upon the raised parts r/, which give the configuration to the water-mark. In place of forming the ridges or projections a, which produce the configuration of the water-mark, by raising portions of the wire-gauze above the general surface, they may be formed by sewing on suitably shaped slips of wire-gauze, or of sheet metal perfo- rated all over with fine holes, on to the surface of the gauze which is embossed with the grooves b, but it is much to be preferred that both the ridges a and the grooves b should be produced by embossing the gauze. Water-marks may also be produced by placing sheets of finished paper in contact with plates of copper or zinc, bearing a design in relief, and submitting them to heavy pressure. S uction-B oxes^ — These boxes, which are fitted under the wire, are made of wood, and are open at the top, the edges being lined with vulcanite. The ends of the boxes are movable, so that they may be adjusted to suit the width of the paper required ; they are also provided with VACUUM PUMPS. 149 air-cocks for regulating the vacuum, which is obtained by means of two sets of vacuum pumps, having three 6-inch barrels to each set : a vacuum pump of this form is shown in Fig. 35. As the wire travels over these boxes, the ac- tion of the pumps • 1 raws the wire upon them with sufficient pressure to render them air-tight ; by this means a large portion of the water which the pulp still retains at this point becomes exh'acted, thereby giving to it such a degree of consistency that it can stand the pres- sure of the couch- rolls without in- jury. The back- water extracted by the suction-boxes, as also that col- lected in the save- all, is added to a fresh supply of pulp before it flows on to the sand-tables. Couch-Rolls. — At the extreme end of the wire-cloth from the breast-roll, and inside the wire, is the under couch-roll, from which the wire receives its motion. This roll, which is of brass, is usually about 14 inches in dia- meter, is carried upon a cast-iron framing with brass bearings, and is ground to a working joint with the top 150 MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. roll, winch is also of brass, and 20 inches in diameter. Both these rolls are covered with a seamless coating of woollen felt. The upper roll rests upon the lower one, and the wire-cloth, and the web of paper upon it, pass between the rolls, receiving gentle pressure, by which the paper be- comes deprived of more water, rendering it still more com- pact. It is at this stage that the web of paper leaves the wire-cloth, and passes on to a continuously revolving and endless web of woollen felt, termed the " wet felt," from the moist condition of the paper. This felt, which is car- ried on wooden rollers, is about 20 feet long, and is manu- factured with considerable care. The Press-Rolls. — The paper now passes on to the first press-rolls, which deprive it of a still further quantity of water, and put it in a condition to bear gentle handling without injury. The upper roll is fitted with a contrivance termed the "doctor," which keeps the roll clean hj remov- ing fragments of paper that may have become attached to it. The doctor is furnished with a knife which passes along the entire length of the roll, pressing against it from end to end. These rolls are generally of iron, jacketed with brass, the under one being 14 inches in diameter, and the top roll 16 inches. Sometimes this roll is made of fine- grained cast-iron. When the roll is of iron the doctor blade is steel ; but when this roll is brass the knife is of the same material. The under surface of the paper, which has been in contact with the felt, and necessarily being in a moist condition, receives more or less an impression from the felt over which it travelled, while the upper sur- face, on the other hand, will have been rendered smooth by the pressure of the top roll of the first press. To modify this, and to render both surfaces of the paper as nearly uniform as possible, the paper passes through another set of rolls, termed the second press-rolls, in which the paper becomes reversed, which is effected by causing it to enter at the back of the rolls, which rotate in a reverse direction to those of the first press, by which the under or wire side of the paper comes in contact with DRYING CYLINDERS. 151 the top roll of the press. By this arrangement the under- side' of the paper is rendered equally smooth with the upper surface. The second set of press-rolls is provided with an endless felt of its own, which is usually both stronger and thicker than that used in connection with the first press-rolls. In some mills each set of press-rolls is provided with a doctor, to prevent the web of paper from adhering to the metal. Sometimes the doctor knives are made from vulcanite, a material which would seem specially suited for a purpose of this kind. From this point the paper passes to the first set of drying cylinders. The Drying Cylinders. — The invention of the steam drying cylinder is due to Mr. T. B. Crompton, who, in the year 1821, obtained a patent for this useful addition to the paper-machine. Since that period, however, the system of drying the paper by steam-heat has been brought to a high state of perfection ; not only this, but the number of cylinders has gradually increased, while the heat to which they are raised has proportionately decreased, and as aeon- sequence the size, which is injuriously affected by rapid dry- ing, is gradually deprived of its moisture, and thus renders the paper closer and stronger, while at the same time a very rapid speed can be maintained. The drying cylinders in the machine shown in the engraving are 4 feet in dia- meter and 12 in number, being arranged in two groups of S and 4 cylinders respectively, and in the aggregate present a very large drying surface, it being very important that the operation should be effected gradually, more especially at iis earlier stages. There is a passage between the second press-roll and the cylinders, through which the machine- men can pass from one side of the machine to the other. The first two or three of the first section of cylinders are only moderately heated, and having no felt on them, allow the moisture from the paper to escape freely. The next five cylinders, however, are provided with felts, which press the paper against the heated surfaces, by which it be- comes smooth and flattened, thus putting it into a proper condition for passing between the smoothiny-rolk. The MAKING PAPER BY MACHINERY. cylinders are heated by steam, and are generally of de- creasing diameter, to allow for the shrink- ing of the paper dur- ing the drying. Smoothing-Rolls. — These consist of highly polished cast- iron rolls, heated by steam. The paper being in a somewhat moist condition when it passes through these rolls, they have the effect of produc- ing a fine smooth surface. The paper next passes over the last four drying cylinders, all being provided with felts, to keep the paper closely pressed against their heating surfaces, by which the remaining moisture becomes ex- pelled and the paper rendered perfectly dry. The paper now 38 8 through the calender rolls, and is then wound on to reels at the extreme end of the machinery. The operation of calendering will be treated in the next chapter. Single Cylinder Machine. — For the manufacture of thin papers, as also for papers which are required to be glazed on one side only, a single cylinder machine, called the Yankee machine, has been introduced, a representation SINGLE CYLINDER MACHINE. 153 of which is shown in Fig. 36. It is constructed on the same principle as the larger Fourdrinier machine up to the couching-rolls, when the paper leaves the wire-cloth and passes on to an endless felt running round the top couch-roll, and passes from thence to a large drying cylinder, which is about 10 feet in diameter and heated by steam, the surface of which is highly polished, giving to the surface of the paper in contact with it a high gloss. There is attached to the machine an arrangement for Mashing the felt for the purpose of cooling and opening it out after passing through a cold press-roll and the hot drying cylinder. This machine, as manufactured by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson, for cap, skip, and thin papers, consists of a rocking frame, and wrought-iron side bars, fitted with brass bearings, the necessary brass and copper tube-rolls, couch-rolls, with driving shaft, stands and pulley ; self-acting wire guide, brass deckle sides and pulleys, brass slice, vacuum boxes, pipes and cocks ; wet felt frame, with the necessary water pipes and cocks, and carriages to carry the couch-rolls and felt-rolls ; the necessary wet felt-rolls and a felt washing apparatus ; one bottom press-roll carried by brass steps, and fitted with compound levers and weight ; one large cast-iron drying cylinder about 10 feet in diameter, and fitted with a cen- tral shaft, steam admission and water delivery nozzles, two water lifters and pipes, a manhole and vacuum valve, a large spur driving wheel, spur pinion, driving shaft and pulley ; massive cast-iron framework, with pedestals to carry the cylinder ; traversing steel doctor and frames ; copper leading roll and carriages, a pair of reeling stands fitted with brass steps, friction pulleys and plates, regulat- ing screws, etc. ; a wooden platform and iron guard rail, all carried by strong cast-iron framing ; the necessary pulp and backwater pumps, shake, knotter, stuff chests, service cistern, pipes and valves, shafting, pedestals, change wheels, pulleys, &c. These machines can be obtained of any desired width. CHAPTER XIV. CALENDERING, CUTTING, AND FINISHING. S- :zir.g — Glazing Calender. — Damping-Roll*. — Finishing. — Plate /ins. — Dorkin's Glazing Pivs.-. — Mr. "Wyatt on American Super-calendering. — Mr. Arnot on Finishing. — Cutting — Revolving Knife Cutter. — Bertrams' Single-sheet Cutter. — Packing the Finished Paper. — Sizes ot Paper. To impart a higher gloss, or, as it is technically termed " glaze," to paper after it leaves the machine, it has to be subjected to further calendering, which is accomplished either in the web, or in sheets, according to the quality of the paper. Web-Glazing. — G^iz'-nrj Calender. — "When paper has to be glazed in the web, it is passed between a series of rolls, which are constructed upon several different systems. In one form of this machine the rolls are alternately of finely polished iron, and compressed paper, or cotton, the iron rolls being bored hollow to admit of their being connected to steam pipes, for heating them when necessary. In this machine there are eight rolls, the centre pair being both ] aper rolls, which have an effect equivalent to reversing the paper, by which both sides are made alike. Another form of glazing calender, of American origin, but which has been improved upon by our own engineers, consists of a stack of rolls made from chilled iron, the surfaces of which are ground and finished with exqui-ite precision upon a system adopted in America. A representation of this calender as manufactured by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson is given in Fig. 37. Such rolls as require heat- ing are bored through, and their ends fitted with brass junctions and cocks, to regulate the admission of steam. DAMPING ROLLS. iJ5 The standards are of east iron, planed and fitted with phosphor bronze bearings ; the bearings to carry the top roll of the stack are furnished with wrought-iron screws and hand wheels, and wrought-iron lifting links can be attached to raise one or more of the rolls, according to the finish required on the paper. Com- pound levers are also supplied, to regulate and adjust the pres- sure on the ends of the rolls. Damping Rolls. — An import- ant improvement in connection with the calendering of paper was introduced by Messrs. G. years since, by which a higher finish is given to the paper than had previously been attainable. This con- and "W. Bertram a few Fig. 38. sists of a damping apparatus a (Fig. 38) which is placed between the last diving cylinders B of the machine and the glazing calenders C. The damping-rolls consist of 156 CALENDERING, CUTTING, AXD FINISHING. two brass or copper rolls, about 14 inches in diameter, through which a constant stream of cold water is passed, while a line of steam jets, issued from finely-perforated pipes, plays over the face of the rolls. The cold water within the rolls condenses the steam, thereby imparting a uniform moisture to the under surface of the paper, which enables it to take a better surface when passing through the glazing rolls. The steam-pipes can be regu- lated so as to give any amount of dampness required by adjusting the steam cocks accordingly. By reference to the engraving, it will be observed from the disposition of the rolls that the web of paper is reversed, thus equalising the moisture on both sides, by which the paper-maker is enabled to produce an evenly- finished paper. The chilled-iron glazing-rolls, as originally introduced, were fitted up in stacks of seven, and sometimes as many as nine rolls, but it was found in practice that so large a number of rolls gave unsatisfactory results ; the heavy pressure, acting on the paper immediately after leaving the (hying cylinders, had the effect of " crushing" the paper, Fig. 39. giving it a thin feel. It is now considered preferable to use calenders having not more than four, or at most five rolls. An arrangement of this description, manufactured by Bertram-, is represented in Fig. 39. The system recommended by Mr. Dunbar is to employ three sets of FINISHING. 157 rolls, disposed as follows : — " First, a set of three rolls ; second, a set to consist of four rolls, and a stack of five to give the finishing or dry surface. With this arrangement of calenders, and the assistance of the damping apparatus, any desired surface can be got by varying and regulating the drying of the paper, which any careful machine-man can do with ordinary attention." Finishing. — To »ive a still higher finish to the paper, it is subjected to what is termed "friction-glazing," which consists in passing it through a stack of rolls, formed alternately of small iron rolls and larger paper ones, the iron rolls revolving at a much higher speed than the paper-rolls. The effect of this final glazing operation gives the paper a very fine surface. Plate-Glazing. — Donkin's Glazing Press. — This term, which is also called " super-calendering," is applied to a method of glazing hand-made paper, and is also adopted for the better qualities of machine-made paper. It con- sists in placing sheets of paper between highly polished plates of either copper or zinc, the latter being more generally used. The metal plates, with the sheets of paper placed alternately between them, are made up into packs or "handfuls" (the operation being usually performed by women), and these are passed between two powerful rolls, giving a pressure of from twenty to thirty tons, and each pack, consisting of about forty plates and as many sheets, is passed through the rolls several times, the pressure being regulated by means of screws or levers and weights acting on the ends of the top roll. A machine for glazing paper in packs, manufactured by Messrs. Bryan Donkin and Co., is shown in Fig. 40. Some descriptions of paper, as " antique" and " old style," for example, arc surfaced with good cardboard instead of copper or zinc plates. As soon as the handful has passed through the rollers, the motion of the machine is reversed, by which means the pack is made to pass forwards and backwards repeatedly, accord- ing to the extent of gloss or smoothness required. Mr. Wyatt on American Super - calendering. — 15S CALENDERING, CUTTING, AXD FINISHING. Mr. Wyatt, on a recent visit to America, had many opportunities of witnessing the systems of manufacture adopted there, and subsequently delivered an interesting address to the members of the Paper- Makers' Club,* in which he acknowledged the superiority of the high-class printing papers for book-work, which has so often been the subject of recognition in this country. Indeed, if we compare the surface of the paper used even for ordinary technical journals in America and that generally adopted for our own periodicals of a similar class, we are con- strained to admit that the difference is in favour of our transatlantic competitors. "In the manufacture of high- class snper-calendered printing papers," Mr. Wyatt ob- serves, "for fine book- work, or as they call them book papers, the Americans certainly excel. "Whether this be * Paper-Makers' Monthly Journal, April 15th, 18S9. SUPER-CALENDERING. 159 due to the kind of raw material used, to the almost uni- versal use of the refining-engine, which renders the pulp very soft and mellow, or to the state of perfection to which they have brought the art of super-calendering, or perhaps due to all three, I could not exactly determine. The material generally used for this class of paper is poplar chemical hbre and waste paper to the extent of 50 per cent., and even up to 75 and 80 per cent, of the total fibre, the balance being rags, or, in cheaper quali- ties, sulphite wood pulp ; the stuff is all mixed together in large beaters, holding from 800 lbs. up to 1,500 lbs. of pulp, where it is about .half beaten, and then finished in one or other form of refining-engine. " The Americans have, I think, more thoroughly studied the question of super- calendering paper than we, and in this respect get better results and better work. The paper is mostly slit and trimmed on the paper-machine, and reeled up in from two to four widths by an ingenious contrivance called the Manning-winder, which automati- cally keeps the tension constant on each of the reels, whatever the diameter, and is super-calendered in narrow widths on small calenders. These calenders are from 36 inches to 42 inches wide, and consist of a stack of 9 to 11 rolls, alternately chilled iron, and cotton or paper ; the paper is passed through the rolls two or three times, never less than twice, under great pressure applied bv hand-screws. The power required is very high, being from 40 to 50 h.p. for each calender, and the speed from 450 feet up to 600 feet per minute. The paper is not usually damped before calendering, but is left rather under-dried from the machine ; neither is steam heat used in the rolls, which get very warm, owing to the high speed at which they run. The rolls are driven entirely by straps, the arrangements for the fast and slow speed and tor reeling on and off the paper being well designed and worked out; the main strap, running at high speed, runs on a loose pulley on the shaft of the bottom roll, by means of a powerful friction clutch ; this pulley can be made a l6o CALENDERING, CUTTING, AND FINISHING. tight one. On this same bottom shaft is keyed a multiple V-shaped grooved friction pulley. Another, and inde- pendent shaft, driven from the main shaft by a crossed belt, has a small grooved pulley keyed on it, which can be thrown in and out of gear with the large grooved pulley. Strap-driving is thus secured throughout, and the speed can be increased gradually without jerks, from the starting up to the fastest speed by working the levers, gearing the friction clutch and pulleys slowly." In reference to the high finish of American papers, we are disposed to attribute this mainly to the nature of the chief raw material used — wood fibre. In the year 1854, when specimens of Mr. Charles Watt's wood-fibre paper were first printed upon, the remarkable gloss of the wood paper attracted much attention, and it was noticed that the impression of the ink appeared to be well on the sur- face of the paper, and not, as was often the case with ordinary printing papers of the time, partially absorbed by the paper itself. Mr. Wyatt states that poplar chemical fibre and waste paper to the extent of 50 per cent., and even up to 75 and 80 per cent., are used, the balance being rags ; now since the waste paper in all probability would be composed largely of wood fibre, and as, in the cheaper qualities, sulphite wood pulp is used in lieu of rags, it will be fair to assume that the chief basis of the highly-finished papers for which the Americans are justly famous is wood fibre, and we believe that there is no other variety of cellulose which is so susceptible of producing a naturally glossy paper as that which is ob- tained from wood by the soda process. Mr. Arnot on Finishing.— Mr. Arnot makes the following observations respecting the finishing of pa- per; — "The paper may be slit into widths, suitable for wet calenders, or may be cut up into sheets, and glazed by the plate or board calenders. The former method of surfacing or finishing has come extensively into use in recent times, the labour involved being much less than in the older method of finishing in sheets. Still, CUTTING. I6i however, the plate calenders are kept at work upon the higher classes of goods, it being possible to give almost any degree of surface to good paper by that means. There is little doubt, too, that the paper glazed by the plate rolls retains its original softness to a greater degree than that passed through web calenders. In the latter il is exposed in one thickness to great pressure, and is thinned in consequence; whereas, when the sheets are made up into piles, along with copper or zinc plates, there is a certain amount of spring or elasticity in the treatment which largely counteracts the crushing action of the rolls. The web calenders consist of a series of rollers erected in a vertical frame, and between these the paper winds, be- ginning at the top and coming downwards, so that the pressure gradually increases as the paper moves on its journey. It will be observed that the under rolls have to bear the weight of the upper ones, and that consequently the pressure on the paper will be greater the lower down it descends. Many of the rollers themselves are now made of paper, and as these possess a slight degree of elasticity, and take a high polish, they are alternated with iron rollers with good effect. The paper-rolls are made by sliding an immense number of circular sheets, per- forated in the centre, on to an iron core or shaft, pressing these close together by hydraulic action, and trimming them off on the lathe. The plate or broad calenders con- sist only of two rollers, the upper one heavily weighted, preferably by compound levers. Between these rollers the sheets of paper, alternated with plates of copper or zinc, and made up into bundles about an inch in thick- ness, are passed backwards and forwards, the reciprocating action being produced by the movement of a lever in the hand of an attendant. The metal and paper sheets of different bundles may be interchanged, and the proa ss repeated with the effect of increasing the beauty and equality of the finish. " Cutting. — Revolving Knife. — When paper is to be used in a continuous printing-machine, or, as is often the ease, M 162 CALENDERING, CUTTING, AND FINISHING. has to be exported in the web, it is supplied in rolls ; other- wise it is cut into sheets before leaving the mill. The form of cutter generally used is what is termed the revolving knife-cutter, an illustration of which, as manufactured by- Bertrams, Limited, is shown in Fig. 41. At a is shown a series of webs, the paper from which is drawn forward by the rolls, b, and is then slit into suitable widths, and Fig. 41. the margin at the same time pared by circular knives, one of which is shown at c. It then passes through a pair of leading-rolls, after which it comes in contact with a knife, i), attached to a revolving drum, e, pressing against a dead knife not shown in the engraving. The sheets, as they are thus cut, drop upon a travelling felt or apron, f, from which they are lifted and placed in piles, by boys or girls standing on each side of the felt. These machines will cut eight webs at one time. Bertrams' Single-sheet Cutter. — In cases where it is necessary that the sheets should be cut with great uni- formity, as in the case of paper bearing a water-mark, in which it is requisite that the design should appear exactly in the centre of the sheet, the ordinary cutter is not found to be sufficiently reliable ; a machine termed a " single- PACKING THE FINISHED PAPER. l6 , aWt f rom the paper-^So'L^^^^ t ^'s^lnJl 118 ' A 5 af te J ^ ft P asses ^K urciuai slittmg-knives, b; from here it is led by the roller c to a large wood-covered drum, d, and at the front knivew dri ^ the She f S are CUt ^ the cross-cutting knives, e There are two cast-iron tapered cones with belt guide for adjusting the speed ; Ay^Z To I o mote steadiness in working; \ series of wiothl Son iatpg the travel of paper and the cut of the honour 1 kmves; a smaU pasting table is also fitted across 4e machine for mending broken sheets Packing the Finished Paper.-The paper after it eaves the cutting-machine, is conveyed to £j£SL to* where it is carefully examined by women/who la^ aside aU defective or damaged sheets/ which, under the 1 64 CALENDERING, CUTTING, AND FINISHING. trade names of "imperfections" or "retree," are sometimes disposed of, at a lower rate, to the customer for whom the order is executed. In the warehouse these imperfections are marked with a capital R on the wrapper, or two crosses, thus XX. If the paper is broken, it is sometimes marked B X X ; it is not generally the custom, however, to sell imperfections, but to return them to the beater-man, to be re-converted into pulp. The perfect sheets are then counted, and packed up in reams consisting of 480 to 516 sheets. Sizes of Paper. — The various sizes of paper are known in the stationery trade under different designations, as demy, crown, double crown, royal, imperial, etc. As paper is generally purchased according to weight, the various weights per ream are also distinguished with the size of the paper, as 16 lb. demy, 22 lb. double crown, and so on. The following table shows the sizes of some of the waiting and printing papers in common use : — Name. Writing Papers. Printing Papers. Small post (or post) . . Imperial Double royal Inches. 17 xl3i 18f X15J Inches. 17xl3± 18f x \h\ 20 x 16 30x20 22ixl7f 25x20 30x22 40x25 CHAPTER XV. COLOURED PAPERS. Coloured Papers. — Colouring Matters used in Paper-Making. — American Combinations for Colouring. — Mixing Colouring Materials with Pulp. — Colouring Paper for Artificial Flowers. — Stains for Glazed Papers. — -Stains for Morocco Papers. — Stains for Satin Papers. Coloured Papers. — There are several methods by which any desired shade of colour may be imparted to paper, which are as follows : — 1. By blending with the pulp in the beating-engine some insoluble substance, such as smalts blue — a kind of glass coloured by oxide of cobalt — ultramarine, yellow ochre, etc. 2. By adding a coloured liquid, which simply dyes or stains the fibre. 3. By using rags which are already coloured, in propor- tions to give the required shade, in which case of course the process of bleaching must be omitted. 4. By employing two substances, as yellow prussiate of potash (ferrocyanide of potassium) and a per salt of iron, for example, which, when combined, yield the requisite blue tint — Prussian blue. By this latter method the buff shade given to what is termed toned paper is effected, by using a solution of cop- peras (sulphate of iron) and an alkaline solution, or by using a solution of pernitrate of iron. In experimenting in this direction we have found that a mixture of solutions of sul- phate of iron and bichromate of potassa produce an agree- able and permanent buff tint. The solutions may be added to the pulp alternately, or may be first mixed and then at i 6b COLOURED PAPERS. once put into the beater. From 2 to 3 ozs. of each salt for each gallon of water may be used if the solutions are to be mixed before using ; but when applied separately the solutions may be used in a more concentrated condition. Colouring Matters used in Paper-Making. — The fol- lowing substances, used either alone or mixed in suitable proportions, are employed in colouring pulp for paper- making : — Smalts blue. Chrome yellow and orange Prussian blue. chrome. Indigo blue. Orange mineral Aniline blues. Copperas, for mixing with other Aniline reds, including eosine. substances. Cochineal, for pink, etc. Venetian red. Brazil wood, which imparts either Yellow ochre. a fine red or orange-browr Quercitron, or oak-bark. colour, according to the treat- ^"utgalls ment it has undergone. Lamp black. Logwood, for violet colours. Blue. — The coarser kind of paper used for packing is prepared from rags blued with indigo, which, when reduced to pulp, are not subjected to the process of bleaching. The finer kinds of paper are blued in various ways, but the chief material used is what is known as artificial ultra- marine, of which there are many qualities in the market, to which reference is made in another chapter. Prussian blue is also used, but this is usually produced directly in the beating-engine by adding in solution, 95 parts of sul- phate of iron and 100 parts of ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of potash . Smalts blue, which was for- merly much used before the introduction of artificial ultra- marine, is still preferred for high-classed papers as the colour is more permanent. To obtain smalts in an ex- ceedingly fine state of division the best plan is to grind the colour in a little water, and then to separate the finest particle by the process of elutriation, that is, by diffusing the reduced mass through a large volume of water, and after allowing the larger particles to subside, pouring off" the liquor in which the finer particles are suspended, to a separate vessel, in which they are allowed to subside. If COMBINATIONS FOR COLOURING. 167 this operation is carefully conducted the smalts may be obtained in an exceedingly tine state of division, and we have found that in this state the colour blends well with the pulp, and has little or no disposition to sink through it, but produces a uniform colouring throughout. American Combinations for Colouring. — Hofmann gives the following examples of the combination of colours which have been adopted by American manufacturers : — Yellow Gold Envelope of fine .quality is made of — Bichromate of potash 10 lbs. Nitrate of lead . . . . . . . . 18 ,, Orange mineral . . . . . . • 56 ,, Porous alum . . . . . . . . 30 ,, each substance being separatelv dissolved and added to 400 lbs. of pulp. Orange- red Gold Envelope : — Bichromate of potash ....... 7 lbs. Nitrate of lead 10$ „ Orange mineral . . . . . . . . 60 ,, Porous alum . . . . . . . . 20 ,, These substances are dissolved separately and added to 400 lbs. of pulp. Buff Envelope of fine deep shade is made from — Bichromate of potash . 3 lbs Nitrate of lead 5 „ Orange mineral 10 „ Ameiican ochre '20 „ Porous alum 30 ,, Some half -stuff of red jute bagging. For 400 lbs. of pulp. Tea-Colour is made from a decoction of quercitron bark, the liquid being poured into the engine, and 2 lbs. of cop- peras in solution are added for every gallon of the bark extract. A little ultramarine may be used to brighten the colour. Drab. — Venetian red, well washed, added to a pulp of tea-colour made as above will give a fine drab. Brown is composed of several colours, or a very fine 1 68 COLOURED PAPERS. (1 irk green tea-colour brown, containing tea, buff, drab, and ink-grey, may be made of — Quercitron bark liquid Bicarbonate of soda Venetian red Extract of nutgalls Copperas . Porous alum 15 gals. 2 lbs. 4 ., 2i L8 .. 30 .. The above proportions are for 400 lbs. of pulp. The large proportion of alum prescribed in all the above examples serves as a mordant, and also, with the addition of resin soap, for sizing. All the above mixtures should be passed through a Xo. 60 wire-cloth into the beating- engine. Mixing Colouring Materials with Pulp. — It will be readily understood that when paper is sized in the pulp, as Mr. Hofmann points out, the resinous alumina sur- rounds the fibres and prevents the colouring materials from penetrating them. In such cases the colouring materials are only loosely held, and a portion must there- fore be lost in the machine. If added to the pulp before it is sized they become thoroughly mixed with the fibres, and with them enveloped by the size. The pulp should always be coloured before it is sized, except in cases where the alum or resin soap would injure the colours, or be injured by them. TThile the pulp is being sized and coloured, the finishing touch is given by the engine-man, who examines it and empties it into the stuff-chest. Colouring Paper for Artificial Flowers. — Davis gives the following recipes for colouring one ream of paper of medium weight and size, sap colours only being used, and principally those containing much colouring matter. The gum arabic given in the recipes is dissolved in the sap- liquor. Blue (dark) 1. — Mix 1 gallon of tincture of Berlin blue with 2 ozs. each of wax soap and gum tragacanth. 2. Mix \ gallon of tincture of Berlin blue with 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 4± ozs. of gum tragacanth. STAINS FOR GLAZED PAPERS. lt>9 Crimson. — Mix 1 gallon of liquor of Brazil wood com- pounded with borax, 2 ozs. wax soap and 8f ozs. of gum arabic. Green. — 1. Take | gallon of liquor of sap-green*, 4£ ozs. of indigo rubbed up tine, 1 oz. of wax soap, and 4| ozs. of gum arabic. 2. \ gallon of sap-green liquor, 4| ozs. of distilled verdigris, 1 oz. of wax soap, and 4^ ozs. of gum arabic. Yellow (golden). — Mix 6| ozs. of gamboge with 2 ozs. of wax soap. Yellow (lemon). — 1. Compound 1 gallon of juice of Persian berries with 2 ozs. of wax soap and &£ ozs. of gum arabic. 2. Add to 1 gallon of quercitron liquor, com- pounded with solution of tin, 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 8^ ozs. of gum arabic. Yellow (pale). — Mix 1 gallon of fustic, 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 8f ozs. gum arabic. Yellow (green). — Compound 1 gallon of sap-green liquor with 2 ozs. each of distilled verdigris and wax soap, and 8-j- ozs. of gum arabic. Red (dark). — 1 gallon of Brazil-wood liquor, 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 8^- ozs. of gum arabic. Rose Colour. — Mix 1 gallon of cochineal liquor with 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 8-f ozs. of gum arabic. Scarlet. — 1. Mix 1 gallon of Brazil wood liquor com- pounded with alum and a solution of copper, with 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 8-f- ozs. of gum arabic. 2. Mix 1 gallon of cochineal liquor compounded with citrate of tin, with 2 ozs. of wax soap, and 8-J ozs. of gum arabic. Stains for Glazed Papers. — Owing to the cheapness of these papers glue is used in lieu of the more expensive gums ; 1 lb. of glue dissolved in 1| gallon of water ; the proportions of colouring materials are given for 1 ream of paper of medium weight and size. Black. — 1. Dissolve 1 lb. of glue in 1^ gallon of water; triturate this with lampblack (1 lb.) previously rubbed up in rye whiskey ; Frankfort black, 2 J lbs. ; Paris blue, 2 ozs.; * The berries of Rhamnus catharticus made into a decoction by boiling. i;o COLOURED PAPERS. wax soap, 1 oz. ; then add liquor of logwood, 1^ lb. 2. 1| gallon of liquor of logwood compounded with sul- phate of iron, 1 oz. of wax soap, and 4| ozs. of gum arabic. Blue (azure). — 1^ gallon of glue liquor, as before, mixed with 1| lb. Berlin blue, 2 J lbs. powdered chalk, 2j ozs. of light mineral blue, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. Blue (dark . — Mix with 1| gallon of glue liquor, 4| lbs. of powdered chalk, 4^ ozs. of Paris blue, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. Blue (pale)= — 1. Mix \ gallon of tincture of Berlin blue and 1 oz. of wax soap with 3j ozs. of solution of gum tragacanth. 2. Take 1^ gallon of glue liquor and mix with. 4. lbs. of jnowdered chalk and 2 ozs. each of Paris blue and wax soap. Broun (dark). — 1. 11 gallon of glue liquor, mixed with 6 lbs. each of colcothar (jewellers' rouge) and Eng- lish pink, lj lb. of powdered chalk, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. 2. Dissolve i oz. of wax soap and 4| ozs. of gum arabic in | gallon of good Brazilwood liquor, and add a like quau- tity of tincture of gallnuts. Green 'copper). — Mix in 1^ gallon of glue liquor 4 lbs. of English verdigris, lj> lb. of powdered chalk, and 4 ozs. of wax soap. Green (pale). — Mix with 1\ gallon of glue liquor 1 lb. of Bremen blue, 8| ozs. of whiting, 1 oz. of pale chrome yel- low, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. Lemon Colour. — Mix in 1\ gallon of glue liquor 13 ozs. of lemon chrome, 2 lbs. of powdered chalk, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. Orange-Yellow. — Mix in 1^ gallon of glue liquor 2 lbs. of lemon chrome, 1 lb. of Turkish minium, 2 lbs. of white lead, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. Bed (cherry). — Mix in 1^ gallon of glue liquor 8| lbs. of Turkey red, previously mixed up with j gallon of Brazil-wood liquor, and 2 ozs. of wax soap. Bed (dark). — Mix £ gallon of Brazil-wood liquor with wax soap 1 oz., and gum arabic 4| ozs. STA/XS FOR MOROCCO PAPERS. 171 Reel (pale). — To 1\ gallon of glue liquor is to be added 8j lbs. of Turkey red previously rubbed up with 2 ozs. of wax soap. Violet. — 4^ ozs. of gum arabic, and 1 oz. of wax soap are to be mixed with § gallon of good logwood liquor. When the gum is dissolved, mix with it enough potash to form a mordant. Stains for Morocco Papers. — For 1 ream of paper of medium size and weight the following recipes are re- commended : — Black. — 8f ozs. of good parchment shavings are dis- solved in li gallon of water; into this liquid is to be stirred lampblack, 1 lb., Frankfort black, 3 lbs., and Paris blue, 1^- oz. Blue (dark). — Dissolve parchment shavings, as before, and mix in 8| lbs. of white lead and 4^ lbs. of Paris blue. Blue (light). — Dissolve parchment shavings, as be- fore, and mix in 8-f- lbs. of white lead and 2j ozs. of Paris blue. Green (dark). — Dissolve 13 ozs. of parchment shavings in 2 § gallons of water, and mix in 10 lbs. of Schweinfurth green. Green (pale). — Prepare solution of parchment as in the last, and mix with &| lbs. of Schweinfurth green and 1 lb. of fine Paris blue. Orange-Yellow. — 8-f- ozs. of parchment shavings arc to be dissolved in H gallon of water, and then mixed with 1 2 lb. of lemon chrome, 8f ozs. of orange chrome, and 1 lb. of white lead. Red (dark). — To the same quantity of parchment liquor as the last is to be added 7^ lbs. of line cinnabar, and 1 lb. of Turkey red. Red (pale). — To the same quantity of parchment liquor add 8f ozs. of Turkey red. Violet (light). — To H gallon of parchment liquor add 4\ lbs. of white lead, 13 ozs. of light mineral blue, and 8^ ozs. of scarlet lake. 172 COLOURED PAPERS. Violet (dark). — To \\ gallon of parchment liquor add • >f lbs. of white lead, 1 lb. of pale mineral blue, and < s j ozs. of scarlet lake. Yellow pale. — To \\ gallon of parchment liquor add '2 lb-, of light chrome yellow and 8-3- ozs. of white lead. Stains for Satin Papers. — For each ream of paper of medium weight and size the following recipes are given : — Blue (azure). — 13 ozs. of parchment are dissolved in 2j gallons of water and mixed with 3 lbs. of Bremen blue, If lb. of English mineral blue, and 4| ozs. of wax soap. Blue (light). — 8f ozs. of parchment are to be dissolved in J § gallon of water, and to be mixed with light chrome yellow, 13 ozs. ; colcothar, 6| ozs. ; Frankfort black, 2 ozs. ; powdered chalk 3 lbs., and wax soap, 3i ozs. Brown (reddish . — lj> gallon of parchment liquor as the last, to which is added yellow ochre, 1 lb. ; light chrome yellow, 4i ozs. ; white lead, 1 lb. ; red ochre, 1 oz., and wax soap, 3| ozs. Brown (light). — 1\ gallon of parchment liquor, as be- fore, to which is added 13 ozs. of light chrome yellow, t' ? ozs. of colcothar, 2 ozs. of Frankfort black, 3 lbs. of powdered chalk, and o\ ozs. of wax soap. Grey 'li^ht . — 1\ gallon of parchment liquor is mixed with 4j lbs. of powdered chalk, 8f ozs. of Frankfort black, 1 oz. of Paris blue, and 3i ozs. of wax soap. Grey 'bluish . — To the above quantity of parchment liquor add 4| lbs. of powdered chalk. 1 lb. of light mineral blue, 4^ ozs. of English green, If oz. of Frankfort black, and 31 ozs. of wax soap. Green (brownish). — To the same quantity of parchment liquor add Schweinfurth green, 1 lb. ; mineral green, 8f ozs. ; burnt umber and English pink, of each 4j ozs. ; whiting, 1 lb., and wax soap, 3J ozs. Green light. — To the same quantity of parchmert liquor add English green and powdered chalk, of each '2f lbs., and 3| ozs. of wax soap. STAINS FOR SATIN PAPERS. 173 Lemon Colour. — To the same quantity of parchment liquor add lemon chrome, \\ lb. ; white lead 1 lb., and wax soap, 3| ozs. Orange-Yellow. — Parchment liquor as before, H gallon, to which is added lemon chrome, 4^ lbs. ; Turkey red, 8f ozs. : white lead, 1 lb., and wax soap, 3| ozs. Rose Colour. — i\ gallon of parchment liquor as before, to which is added ^ gallon of rose colour prepared from Brazil wood and chalk, and 6| lbs. of wax soap. Violet (light). — 1| gallon of parchment liquor as above, mixed with light mineral blue and scarlet lake, of each lj lb. ; white lead, 1 lb., and wax soap, 3| ozs. White. — To 1^- gallons of parchment liquor is added fine Kremnitz white, 8-J lbs., Bremen blue, 4| ozs., and wax soap, 3^- ozs. Silver White. — 1^ gallon of parchment liquor mixed with Kremnitz white, 8-j- lbs., Frankfort black, 8^- ozs., and wax soap, 31 ozs. Pale Yellow. — 11 gallon of parchment liquor, to which is added 41 lbs. of light chrome yellow, 1 lb. of powdered chalk, and 31 ozs. of wax soap. CHAPTER XVI. HIS CELL AXE US PAPERS. Waterproof Paper. — Scoffern and Tidcombe's process. — Dr. Wright's process for preparing Cupro-Ammonium. — Jouglet's process. — Waterproof Composition for Paper. — Toughening Paper. — Morfit's process.— Transparent Paper. — Tracing Paper. — Varnished Paper. — Oiled Paper. — Lithographic Paper. — Cork Paper. — New Japanese Paper. — Blotting Paper.— Parchment Paper — Test Papers. Waterproof Paper. — Scoffern and Tidcombe's Process. — In this process, for which, a patent was granted in 1875, the well-known solubility of cellulose in cupro-animoniuni is taken advantage of, for the purpose of producing water- proof paper by destroying its absorptive properties. After the paper is made and dried in the usual way by the paper- making machine, it is led through a bath of cupro-arnino- nium, having a roll or rollers therein, or in connection therewith, either on reels on which the paper is reeled, or from the continuous web of paper itself directly from the machine, and from this bath it is led over a table of wire- cloth, or india-rubber, or over a series of rollers forming a table, under which steam-pipes are placed for the purpose of " setting," or partially drying, the web ; it is then led over suitable reels in a hot-air chamber to season or finish the treated paper, which is then cut as the paper runs, by the ordinary cutting machine, into the required sheets. The chamber in which the paper is treated is ventilated as follows : — Over the bath and hot-air chamber is another chamber having openings leading into the hot-air cham- ber, and at these openings a steam-blast, or fan-blast, is applied, which ventilates the chamber in which the paper WATERPROOF PAPER. 175 is heated, and drives the ammonia into contact with either sulphurous or hydrochloric acid, and by this means the ammonia is recovered in a solid form which would other- wise be wasted. The inventors also incorporate hydrated oxide of copper with paper pulp, so that after it is made into paper it lias only to be subjected to the action of ammonia, as ordi- narily done, or to the action of gaseous ammonia mingled with steam. Brown papers are strengthened and glazed by passing them through a bath of pulp containing cupro- ammonium, either with or without pitch, tar, or other resinous matters. It is well known that by passing paper through a cupro-ammonium bath it is surface dissolved and glazed by its own material, and if it be desired to unite two or more sheets together this is the most econo- mical way of conducting the operation ; but if it be desired to strengthen and glaze a single thickness of paper' or millboard, it is considered undesirable to make the glaze by dissolving a portion of the paper itself. In this case the inventors pass the web or sheet of paper through a bath, not of cupro-ammonium simply, but of cupro-am- monium in which ligneous material is already dissolved ; and when the glazing of brown paper is to be effected, they prefer to fortify the bath with tar, pitch, marine glue, or other resinous materials. By this process, panels and tiles may be manufactured from millboard, or thick sheets of ligneous material made from pulp already incor- porated with hydrated oxide of copper. The panels, etc., are passed, by means of an endless web, through a bath of ammoniacal solution, or the vapour of ammonia and steam, and the tiles or panels may be surface-glazed by exposing them while moist to the action of fluo-silicic acid gas, by which silica is deposited in the material and on its surface. Dr= Wright's Process for preparing Cupro-ammonium. — This process, which has been adopted at the "NVillesden Paper Mills, may be thus briefly described : — In the first part of the process, metallic copper, in small lumps, solid metal, or clippings, etc., is covered with a solution of am- i ;b MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. monia in water, or with a -weak solution of cupro-ammo- nium hydrate, containing an amount of free ammonia in solution dependent upon the strength of the copper solu- tion ultimately required ; a current of air is then caused to pass through the whole by means of an air-pump, in such a manner that the bubbles of air pass over and amongsl the fragments of metallic copper, which, if in small parti- cles, may be advantageously kept in suspension by any convenient agitator. In a few hours the liquid becomes saturated with as much copper as it can dissolve, the rate of solution varying with the form of the vessel containing the materials, the strength of the ammoniacal fluid, and the rate of the passage of the stream of air. To carry this process into effect, metallic copper in fragments of convenient size is loosely piled inside a vertical tube or tower, and water is allowed to trickle from a pipe over the copper so as to keep its surface moist. At the base of the tower a current of air, mixed with ammonia gas, is caused to pass into the tower, so as to ascend upwards, meeting the descending water as it trickles over the copper. Under these conditions the copper becomes oxidised, and the water dissolves firstly the ammonia gas, and, secondly, the oxide of copper formed, so that the liquor which passes out at the base of the tower is a solution of cupro- ammonium hydrate, the strength of which depends on the proportions subsisting between the bulk of the mass of copper, the quantity of water trickling over it, and the amount of air and ammonia gas supplied in a given time. As an example of the method of carrying out the above process, the inventor proceeds as follows : — He constructs a vertical iron tower which may be ten inches in internal diameter and ten feet in height, and this is filled with scraps of sheet copper. On this water is allowed to trickle, whilst at the base of the tower a mixture of air and gaseous am- monia is allowed to pass upwards through the tower, by which a solution of cupro-ammonium is formed, which is allowed to trickle out at the base of the tower into a tank. It has been found advantageous to use a scries of towers, WATERPROOF COMPOSITION. i 77 allowing the air and ammonia gas that pass out at the top of the first tower to enter at the bottom of the second tower, and so on successively throughout the series. The weaker solutions produced in the later towers of the series are used instead of water in the earlier towers, so that practically all the ammonia gas originally used is obtained m the form of cupro-ammonium hydrate solution, issuing from the first tower of the series. The cupro-ammonium process, as carried on at the Wil- Jesden Mills, is applied to ropes, netting, etc., by immers- ing them m a solution of cupro-ammonium, which, when they are subsequently dried, gives them a varnished ap- pearance, while at the same time, the fibres ha vino- become cemented together by the action of the cupro-ainmonium their strength is increased. By the same process paper' canvas, and other manufactured articles are rendered waterproof. A concentrated solution of cupro-ammonium may also be used for securing envelopes, whereby the adhesion of the surfaces of the paper is rendered perfect and the only means of opening the envelope is bv cutting or tearing the paper. " ° m Jouglet's Process.— This process, which with modifica- tions has been adopted by others, is based on the solvent action on cellulose of a solution of oxide of copper in am- monia. A quantity of this solution is placed in a tank, and the paper rapidly passed over and in contact with the surface of the liquid, by means of suitable rollers in motion. The paper is afterwards pressed between a pair of rolls and dried by the ordinary drying cylinders. The brief contact of the paper with the' liquid occasions just sufficient aetion on the cellulose to have the effect of an impermeable varnish. Waterproof Composition for Paper.— The following composition for rendering paper waterproof for roofing and flooring purposes has been patented in America.* By preference good, hard manilla paper is selected, and a composition of the following ingredients is applied with a * Paper Trade Journal, New York, April 20th, 1889. N 1:8 MISCELLAXEOUS PAPERS. brush, or by means of rollers: — Glue, 2 lbs., is dissolved in 3 gallons of crude petroleum, of about tlie density of 33° B. at 60° F. ; 35 gallons of resin oil, and about half a pint of oil of eucalyptus, which will have the effect of destroying the objectionable odour of the resin oil. To this mixture is further added about 4 gallons of any ordi- nary drier. The above ingredients are to be thoroughly mixed by agitation, and the composition brushed over the paper in a room heated to about 80" F., and allowed to dry. It is said that paper thus coated will exclude wind, cold, dampness, and du^t. Toughening Paper. — lEorfifs Process. — The object of the following process is to produce a paper " toughened in a degree and quality distinctively from any other in the market," and is applicable to all kinds of paper, but more particularly to those made with inferior grades of pulp for printing newspapers, and for wrapping papers. The means emploved are the seaweeds which form glutinous liquors with water, such as Carrageen, or Irish moss, Agar-agar, and the like. Any of such seaweeds may be emploved, either separately or mixed with another of its kind, accord- ing to the judgment of the operator and the sort of paper to be manufactured, but some seaweeds are superior to others for this purpose. The raw seaweed is first washed, and then boiled with water until all the soluble matter has been extracted, and the resulting liquor is then strained. The hot strained liquor forms the bath in whieh sheets of paper or pulp are to be treated. If desired, resin soap and aluminous cake may be added to the glutinous liquor, but these " serve rather to size and make the paper rustle than increase its toughness." If the paper is to be treated in the form of sheets or web, it is to be passed, as it leaves the wire-cloth in which it is formed, through a hot solu- tion of the seaweed alone, or mixed with resinous soap and aluminous cake, and dried by means of suitable machi- nery. To apply it to the pulp, the latter is to be diffused in the hot liquor, and the sheets or web made therefrom in the usual manner. The proper proportions of seaweed, VARNISHED PAPER. 170 resinous soap, and aluminous cake will vary with the kind of pulp and sheets under treatment, and must be adjusted as the judgment of the operator determines best for each operation. Transparent Paper. — There are several methods of rendering paper transparent, amongst which the following has been recommended : — Boiled and bleached linseed oil .... 120 parts. Lead turnings . . . . . . . . 6 , , Oxide of zinc . . , . . . . . 30 ,, Venice turpentine . . . . . . . 3 , , The above ingredients are placed in an iron or other suit- able vessel, in which they are thoroughly mixed, and the whole then boiled for about eight hours. The mixture is then allowed to cool, when it is again well stirred and the following substances added : — White copal, 30 parts ; gum sandarac, 2 parts, these ingredients being well incor- porated by stirring. Tracing Paper.— Sheets of smooth unsized paper are laid flat on a table, and then carefully coated on one side only with a varnish composed of Canada balsam and oil of turpentine. The brush used for this purpose must be a clean sash tool, and when the first sheet has been var- nished in this way it is to be hung across a line to dry. The operation is then to be applied to fresh sheets in suc- cession until the required quantity of paper has been treated. In the event of one coating of the varnish not rendering the paper sufficiently transparent, a second coat- ing may be applied when the first coating has become quite dry. Varnished Paper. — When it is desired to varnish the surface of paper, card-work, pasteboard, etc., it must first be rendered non-absorbent with two or three coatings of size, which will also prevent the varnish from acting upon any colour or design which may be impressed upon the paper. The size may be made by dissolving isinglass in boiling water, or by boiling clean parchment cuttings in water until a clear solution is formed, which, after strain- i8o MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ing, i> ready for use. If necessary, for very delicate pur- ] Bes, the >ize thus prepared may be clarified with a little white of egg. The >ize should be applied, as in the former with a clean Bash tool, but the touch should be light, especially for the first coating, lest the inks or colours should run or become bleared. When dry, the varnish may be applied in the usual way. Oiled Paper. — Sheets of paper are brushed over with boiled linseed oil, and then hung up to dry. Paper thus prepared is waterproof, and has been used as a substitute for bladder and gut >kin> for covering jam pots, etc., but the introduction of parchment paper has almost entirely superseded it. Lithographic Paper. — This paper, which is written upon with lithographic ink, may be prepared by either of the following formulae: — 1. Take starch, G ozs.: gum arabic. 2 ozs. : alum, 1 oz. Make a strong solution of each separately in hot water, then mix the whole and strain the liquor through gauze. It must be applied to one side of the paper while still wann by means of a soft brush or sponge ; a >f cond or third coating may be given as the preceding one becomes dry. The paper is finally pi to render it smooth. 2. The paper must first receive three coats of thin size, one coat of good white starch, and one coat of a weak solution of gamboge in water. The ingredients are to be applied cold with a sponge, and each coat allowed to dry before the next is applied. Cork Paper. — A paper under this title was patented in America by Messrs. II. Felt and Co. ; it is prepared by coat- ing one side of a thick, soft, and flexible paper with a mix- ture composed of glue. 20; gelatine, 1; and molasses, 3 parts, and covering with finely-powdered cork, which is afterwards lightly rolled in. The paper thus prepared is said to be used for packing bottles. New Japanese Paper. — According to the Bulletin inir or Plate Glazing Calender. — Plate Planing Machine. — Roll Bar Planing Machine.— Washing Cylinder for Rag Engine. — Bleach Pump. — Three-roll Smoo'hine Presses. — Back-water Pump. — Web Glazing Calender. — Reeling Machine. — Web Ripping Machine. — Roeckner's Clatifier. — ZUarihalTs Perfecting Engine. Apart from the mechanical contrivances which are re- ferred to in vaiious parts of this work, in which their application is explained, it will be necessary to direct attention to certain machines and appliances which are adopted at some of the more advanced paper-mills in this country and in America ; but since the various makers of paper-makers' machinery are constantly introducing im- provements to meet the requirements of the manufacturer, we must refer the reader to these firms for fuller informa- tion than can be given in the limited scope of this treatise. 31 any of the improvements in paper-making machinery consist in modifications — sometimes of a very important nature — in the construction of certain parts of a machine, whereby the efficiency of the machine as a whole is in some cases considerably augmented. AVithout offering any critical remarks upon the merits of the respective improvements which have been introduced, it will be sufficient to direct attention to the manufacturer's own description of the principal features of the special me- chanical contrivance which he produces for the use of the DRUM WASHER. 18: paper-maker. It may also be said that innumerable patents have been obtained for various improvements in machinery, or parts of maehines, engines, etc., which can readily be referred to at the Library of the Patent ( )tnce, or any of the public libraries throughout the King- dom. Bentley and Jackson's Drum-Washer. — This drum- washer, for use in the rag-engine, is shown in Fig. 4 ; i. It has cast-iron ends, strong copper buckets, shaft, stands, lifting-gear, and driving-wheel, but instead of the drum Fi?. 43. being covered with the ordinary strong brass backing-wire, it is covered with their improved " hone} r -comb " backing- plates, over which the fine wire is wrapped as usual. The honey-comb backing consists of tough rolled brass or copper plates, curved to suit the diameter of the drum, and secured to its ends by cross-bars. It is practicably indestructible, strengthens the drum, and by maintaining its cylindrical form, adds considerably to the durability of the line covering-wire. Drying Cylinders. — These cylinders, by the same firm, for which patents were obtained in 1872 and 1887, are made with concave and convex ends, the latter type being shown in Fig. 44. The cylinder body is made 1 86 MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKIXG . of hard cast-iron, turned and polished on outside surface. The ends and trunnions are of tough cast iron, turned to fit into their places, and there secured by bolts and nuts by a patented method, whereby no bolts (excepting for the manhole) are put through the metal, an unbroken surface is preserved, and the annoyance of leakage through the bolt-holes is avoided. A manhole and cover is fitted to all cylinders 3 feet in diameter and upwards, and a water-lifter and pipe to remove the condensed steam. The trunnions are bored to receive nozzles or junctions for admitting steam, and the whole, when completed, is carefully balanced and tested by steam pressure to 35 lbs. per square inch. The firm state that they have made cylinders from 2 to 10 feet in diameter by this system. Self-acting Dry Pelt Regulator. — This contrivance, which is manufactured by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson, is represented in front and side elevation in Fig. 45. a is the framing of the paper-machine, b the felt-rollers, c the dry felt ; d is a slide carrying one end of the felt guide-roller b ; c is a shaft across the machine, with a pulley f, two-keyed on one end, and a bevel pinion two- keyed on the other end. The pulley r and pinion h are TA PER -CUTTING MA CIIIXE. 187 keycd together, and run loose upon the shaft g ; 1 is a bevel-wheel, gearing into the pinions h and 2. The wheel 1 is connected by a spindle and a pair of bevel- wheels to a screw e, which works through a threaded Front Elevation 1 . Side Elevation. Fur. 45. bush. When the machine is at work, if the felt c should run on one side, it will pass between the pulley f and the guide-roller b, causing the pulley to revolve, and turning the screw e in the threaded bush, thereby moving the slide fixing d and the guide-roller b, which causes the felt to run back. Should the felt run to the other side, it will run in contact with the pulley r 2, and thus reverse the motion of the guide-roller b. Paper-cutting Machine. — This machine (Fig. 46), ■which is manufactured by the same firm, is constructed to cut from one to eight webs simultaneously, in sheets of any required length, from 8 to 60 inches. It is built on the " Yerny " principle, and its operation is as follows : — The webs of paper from the reel-rolls are carried by an endless felt, and the paper is drawn off the rolls by travelling cast-iron gripper beams, which firmly grasp the 1 88 MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKIXG. felt and the webs of paper to be cut, the travel of the beams being equal to the length of the sheet of paper to be cut. "When the required length of the sheet is drawn Fig. 46. from the rolls, a cast-iron clamp, placed close to the dead cross-cut knife, descends and firmly holds the paper until the movable cross-cut knife has cut off the sheets, which fall on a second endless felt, and are placed by the catchers in the usual manner. As soon as the sheets are cut, the clamp is released, and the travelling-grippers are again ready to seize the paper and repeat the operation. Single Web Winding Machine. — This machine Tig. 47 j is constructed for preparing webs of paper for continuous printing-presses. The roll of paper to be prepared is carried by brass bearings having vertical and horizontal screw adjustments attached to standards mounted on a slide, and movable by a screw transversely on the machine to accommodate the deckle edges. The paper web is taken through a pair of iron draw-rolls, carried by brass bearings, fitted in cast-iron stands ; there are two pairs of ripping- knives with bosses, springs, and collars, mounted on turned wrouo-ht-iron shafts runnino; in brass bearings carried bv cast-iron stands ; a wrought-iron leading- roll and carrying COOLING AND DAMPING ROLLS. 189 brackets fitted with brass bushes ; a copper measuring roll counter, geared to indicate up to 10,0<»0 yards, with dis- engaging apparatus to cease measuring when the paper breaks ; a friction-drum 2 feet in diameter, made of wood, " Fig. 47. mounted on cast-iron rings, and a wrought-iron shaft, all carefully turned and balanced ; two cast-iron swivelling arms, with brass sliding bearings to carry the mandrel on which the prepared web is to be wound, with screws, struts, wheels and shaft to regulate the angular pressure of the roll of paper against the wood drum, according to its weight and the quantity of paper. Cooling and Damping Rolls. — The illustration (Fig. 48) represents an apparatus, constructed by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson, for cooling and damping paper after leaving the drying cylinders and before passing through the calenders. It consists of two brass rolls bored and fitted with cast-iron ends, brass nozzles, and regulating taps, through which the rolls are supplied with a constant flow of water. The rolls are carried by cast-iron standards, fitted with brass steps and cast-iron caps. Jets of steam IQO MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. are blown on each of the rolls froni a perforated copper pipe running parallel with, and at a little distance from, the body of the roll. The steam is condensed on the cold Fig. 48. surfaces of the brass rolls, and absorbed by the web of paper, which passes around and in contact with their sur- faces, and is consequently damped on both sides. The perforated steam-pipes are enclosed by copper hoods, to prevent the steam from spreading, and the supply of steam is regulated by ordinary brass valves or cocks. The rolls are geared together by a pair of spur-wheels, and driven by a pulley of suitable diameter. Reversing or Plate-glazing Calender. — This machine, ^^gy igs which is shown in Figs. 40 and 50, is also made by the firm referred to, and consists of two hammered iron rolls, each about twelve inches in diameter, of any suitable length, care- fully turned and car- lo ' ' ried by strong cast- iron standards, fitted with bell-metal steps. The top roll is provided with setting-down blocks and brasses, com- PL A TE-PLANING MA CHINE. 191 pound levers and weights to regulate the pressure re- quired. The two rolls are geared together by strong shrouded wheels, and driven by a strong cast-iron spur- wheel and pinion, a driving- shaft, fast and loose pulleys, carried by cast-iron stands and pedestals fitted with brass stops. The machine is fitted with two metal feed- tables, and a self-acting ap- paratus for returning the sheets to the rolls, and a handle-lever, slide-bar, and strap-forks for starting and reversing. Plate -planing Machine. — This machine, which is manu- factured by Messrs. Bryan Donkin and Co., of Ber- mondsey, is shown in Fig. 51. By its aid the plates of rag-engines can be sharpened without being taken to pieces. The slide of the machine is made exactly like the roll-bar planing machine (see below), and is so arranged that it can easily be taken off and used for sharpening roll-bars. Roll-Ear Planing Machine. — In the accompanying 192 MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. engraving (Fig. 52) is shown an apparatus fitted to a rag-engine for sharpening rag-engine roll-bars, and it will be seen that by means of it the operation can be per- WASHING CYLINDER. 10. funned without removing the roll from its usual position. The edges of the bars are first planed by a tool supplied by the manufacturers to render the whole cylindrical before sharpening them ; the bevelled sides are then planed by suit- able tools, two of which accom- pany the apparatus. This method of sharpening renders the bars uniform in shape, the roll is kept in better working order, and it can be dressed in considerably less time, and at less expense, than can be done by chipping by hand. Washing-Cylinder for Rag- Engine. 53 —The illustration at represents the machine as manufactured Brvan Donkin Fig Messrs and Co. It is so made that the water is delivered on the driving side of the rag-engine, thus avoiding any trough across the en- gine, and admitting of the midfeather being thin, as is usual in cast-iron en- gines. It is all self-con- tained, and the driving apparatus is wholly on the outside of the engine. The raising and lowering are effected by a worm and worm-wheel, so that the cylinder will stop at any point required. Bleach Pump. —In the accompanying engraving by Fie. 54. (Fig. 54) is shown a pump, '94 MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. manufactured by Bryan Donlun and Co., which is ar- ranged expressly for the purpose of pumping up bleach- lquor. Fig. 55. Each pump is all self-contained, and merely requires a drum and £3l strap to drive it. The live and dead riggers upon the pump allow it to be started and stopped at pleasure. " In all paper-mills," say the manufacturers, " the bleach-liquor should be used over and over again, not only to save bleach, which amounts to a con- siderable sum in the of a year, Fic\ 66 course but also to keep the paper clean." Tliree-Roll Smoothing-Presses. — The engraving fFii BACK-WATER PUMP. 195 55) shows a damp smooth- ing-press, with rolls for smooth- ing the paper between the two sections of dry- ing cylinders of a paper-ma- chine. The mak- ers are Messrs. Bryan Donkin and Co. A three- roll smooth- ing press, for smoothing the paper at the end of a paper-ma- chine, also by the same makers, is shown inFig.56. Back-water Pump.— The en- graving (Fig. 57) shows a pair of back or size- water pumps, manufactured by Bertrams, Limited. The barrels are of cast-iron, lined with copper. The suction and discharge valves are each con- tained in a cham- ber with covers, Fig. .37. I MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. so that every valve could be easily got at by simply re- leasing the cover. The valve-seats are of brass, with brass guards and rubber clacks. The plungers are of brass, with cup-leathers. All is fitted up on a cast-iron sole- plate, with tall standards, disc-cranks, and driving-pulley between frames. Web-glazing Calender. — Fig. 58 represents Bertrams' web-glazing calender, with steam-engine attached. The illustration shows the machine in front elevation. The Fig. 58. steam-engine is specially designed for this class of work, having two cylinders 10 inches in diameter by 16 inches stroke, fitted on a double-hooded sole-plate, with double- throw crank-shaft, fly-wheel, two eccentrics, wrought-iron piston-rods, connecting-rods and valve-rods, steam and exhaust branch pipes with one inlet valve, . lubricators, REELING MACHINE. 197 and the cylinders cased with teak legging and brass hoops. Reeling Machine. — One form of reeling machine manufactured by Bertrams, Limited, is shown in Fig. 59, and is used for slitting and re- reeling webs of paper, especially where large webs are requi- site for web-calender- ing, web-printing, and suchlike. The reel of paper from the paper- machine is placed on a sliding-carriage ar- rangement, the brack- ets of which are planed and fitted to a planed sole, with wedge or dove-tail corners, and controlled by screws, hand-wheel, etc., so that the reel can quickly and easily be moved forward or back- ward to suit any un- equal reeling that may have taken place on the paper or the ma- chine. A hot cast-iron is provided for mend- ing breaks in the web, and a measuring-roll and counter is also applied. The ma- MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAK1XG. chine has an important application of drawing-in or regulating rolls of cast iron, with arrangement of expanding pulley for regulating the tension on the paper. Slit- ting-knives, regulating, dancing, or leading-rolls, of cast iron, etc., are applied for separating the edges and guiding the webs after they are slit. The reeling is performed by a 3-feet diameter drum, cross- shafts, and amis, to which regulat- ing heads are fitted, so that several webs can be run up at one opera- tion. Web-Ripping Machine. — This machine, which is manufactured by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson, is shown in Fig. 60, and is con- structed to divide webs of paper into two or more widths. It con- sists of two brass bearings on cast-iron standards, with screw adjustments, a break-pulley and friction-regulator, all mounted on cast-iron slides, movable trans- versely by means of a screw, geared-wheels, shaft and hand- wheel ; a wood guide-roll, about 7 inches diameter, with wrought- iron centres, carried by brass bear- ings with screw adjustment ; three skeleton drums, each 2 feet in dia- meter, on wrought-iron shafts, carried by brass bearings, and driven by spur-wheels and pinions ; two wrought-iron leading - rolls, with brass bearings and cast-iron ROECK'XER'S CLARIFIER. lOg stands ; a pair of strong wrought-iron ripper shafts with circular steel knives, bosses, springs, and collars ; cast- iron stands and brass bearings, spur-wheels and driv- ing-pulley ; two (or more) changeable wood drums 1 foot 6 inches in .diameter, each with wrought -iron shaft and catch-box, carried by brackets fitted with brass steps for easily changing, driven by wrought-iron shafts with pedestals and friction-pulleys, 2 feet in dia- meter, with regulating screws and lock-nuts, all carried by strong cast-iron framing and standards, and driven by a wrought-iron driving-shaft, with fast and loose driving-pulleys, strap-fork and levers for starting and stopping. Roeckner's Clarifier. — In this apparatus, of which an illustration is given in Fig. 61, Mr. Eoeckner has taken advantage of the fact that if a column of liquid is ascend- ing very slowly and quietly within a vessel, it will not be able to carry up with it the solid particles which it con- tains, which will gradually fall back and sink to the bottom under the action of gravity, without ever reaching the top of the vessel, provided this be of sufficient height. The illustration shows the arrangement of the apparatus on a small scale ; the liquor to be clarified is run into a well or reservoir b ; into this dip a wrought-iron cylinder c, which is open at the lower end, but hermetically closed at the top by means of the casing d. From this casing air can be withdrawn through a pipe, //, by means of an air-pump i. As soon as this is done the liquid will begin to ascend the cylinder c, and if the height of this is below that to which the water will rise at the atmospheric pressure (say 25 feet , the liquid will ascend until it fills the cylinder and the casing. Into the pocket at the side of the casing there dips a pipe g, which passes out through the opposite side of the casing, descends below the level of the water in the tank, and ends in a discharge- cock. When this cock is opened, the cylinder c and the pipe g form between them a syphon, of which, however, the descending leg is of very small diameter compared with the ascending leg. In con- 200 MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. sequence, the liquid will rise in the cylinder c very slowly. The sediment it contains will sink back and collect in the bottom of the tank b, and clear water will flow out at the outlet. A sludge-cock at the bottom of the tank allows the solid matter to be drawn off at intervals and conveyed to any convenient place for drying, etc.* For drawing clear water from a river, the clarifier would simply be * Sanitary World, March 29th, 18S4. MARSHALL'S PERFECTING EXGJNE. 201 placed in the river, dipping 2 or 3 inches into it below the lowest water-level. The clear water will then be drawn through the clarifier, while the heavier matters will fall down and be carried away by the river current. It is stated that this has proved a great advantage to a paper- mill which used a river, and had, prior to its use, been much troubled through the dirt being pumped with the water. The clarifier to receive the waste from paper- machinery, or from washings in the engines, can be placed in any convenient corner, and by its action the water can be re-used, and the otherwise lost fibres collected, without its action ever being stopped. Marshall's Perfecting Engine — This engine, a longi- tudinal section of which is shown in Fig. 62, has been introduced into this country by Messrs. Bentley and Jackson, and is described in Industries* as follows : — "The machine, which is the invention of Mr. F. Marshall, of Turner's Falls, Mass., U.S.A., is used in one of the processes of paper manufacture, and has foritspurposethe more effectual draw- ing of the pulp fibre, the clearance of knots from the pulp previous to its delivery on to the paper-making machine, and the saving of time in the treatment of the material. As will bo seen in the illustration (Fig. 62), the machine con- sists essentially of a cast-iron conical casing, bored, and fitted with about two hundred elbowed steel knives, g, placed in sections. At the large end of this conical casing is placed a movable disc, also fitted with about two hun- dred and ten steel knives, f, and capable of adj ustment by means of a screw, worm, worm-wheel, and hand-wheel, E. The revolving cone and disc are of cast iron, fitted with st might steel knives firmly keyed upon a hammered iron shaft, and carefully balanced to prevent vibration. The knives of the revolving cone and disc are brought into • • • contact with the stationary knives by means of the hand- wheel K, and the disc-knives can bo independently ad- justed by means of the hand- wheel c, which actuates a screw on the conical casing by means of the worm and * Industries, January 25th, 1889. MACHINERY USED IN PAPER-MAKING. worm-wheel shown. The machine is driven by means of a pulley a, and the whole machine is mounted on a cast- iron base-plate. The pulp material enters the engine in the direction indicated by the arrow, b, at the small end of the cone, and is, by the rotary and centri- fugal action of the revolving cone, pro- pelled to its large end, and during its passage is reduced to a fine pulp by the action of the knives. It then passes through the knives, f, of the stationary and ro- tating discs, by which the fibres are further crushed or split up, all knots or strings rubbed out, and the pulp effectually cleared previous to its exit through the passage ix" We are inform- ed that the machine is capable of treat- ing from 9001bs. to l,2001bs. of pulp per hour. The power required to drive it is estimated at from fcO PERFECTING MACHINE. 203 40 i.h.p. to 50 i.h.p. when making 300 revolutions per minute. This, however, is dependent on the amount of friction caused between the surfaces of the fixed and Fie. 63. revolving knives. "The flow space occupied is 12ft. 6in. in length, and 4ft. in width. The perfecting machine, in its complete form, is shown in Fig. 63. CHAPTER XVIII. RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPENT LIQUORS. Recovery of Soda. — Evaporating Apparatus. — Eoeckner's Evaporator. — Porion's Evaporator — American System of Soda Recovery. — Yaryan Evaporator. Recovery of Soda. — Probably one of the most important improvements in modern paper-making, at least from an economical point of view, is the process of recovering one of the most costly, and at the same time most extensively used, materials employed in the manufacture — soda. While not a great many years since (and in some mills is still the case even now), it was customary to allow the spent soda liquors resulting from the boiling of various fibres to run into the nearest rivers, thus not only wasting a valuable product, but also polluting the streams into which they were allowed to flow, means are now adopted by which a considerable proportion of the soda is recovered and rendered available for further use. The means by which this is effected are various, but all have for their object the expulsion of the water and the destruction of the organic matters dissolved out of the fibrous substances in the process of boiling with caustic soda solutions. One of the main objects of the various methods of recovering the soda from spent liquors is to utilise, as far as prac- ticable, all the heat that is generated from the fuel used, whereby the process of evaporation may be effected in the most economical way possible. The principle upon which the most successful methods are based is that the flame and heat pass over and under a series of evaporating pans, and through side flues, by which time the heat has become EVAPORATING APPARATUS. 205 thoroughly utilised and exhausted. When all the water has been expelled, the resulting dry nias< is ignited and allowed to burn out, when the black ash that remains, which is carbonate of soda, is afterwards dissolved out, and the alkaline liquor caustieised with lime in the usual manner. According to Dunbar, 8 cwt. of recovered ash and \\ cwt. of good lime will produce 900 gallons of caustic ley at 11° Tw. The liquor is then pumped into settling tanks, from which it is delivered to the boilers when required. Evaporating Apparatus. — An ordinary form of evapo- rator for the recovery of the soda is shown in Fig. 64. It consists of a chamber a, of the nature of a reverberator)* Tin; en Fig. 64. furnace, lined with fire-brick, the bottom of which is slightly hollowed. Above this is a tank B containing the liquor, which is run down into the chamber as required by means of a pipe c, provided with a tap. At one end of the chamber is a furnace D, the flame of which passes through the chamber and over the surface of the liquor lying upon the floor, heating the chamber, evaporating, and at last incinerating, its contents, and at the same time warming the liquor in the tank above, and evaporating some of its water. The products of the combustion in the furnace, and of evaporation, pass by the Hue into a chim- ney, and escape thence into the air. There is a door e in the side of the furnace mar the level of the floor of the chamber, and this is opened from time to time to enable 206 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPENT LIQUORS. the workmen to stir and move about the contents of the chamber, and finally, when the process is sufficiently advanced, to draw out the residue. The first effect pro- duced is the reduction of the liquor to the consistence of tar. Later on, a white crust, which is the incinerated material, forms on the surface, and is drawn on one side by the workmen, so as to allow of fresh crust being formed. When all the charge has become solid it is drawn. The charge is usually withdrawn before the conversion into carbonate is completed ; it is then raked out into barrows and placed in a heap, generally in a shed or chamber, open on one side, but sometimes in a closed brick-chamber or den, where the combustion continues for several weeks. The result is the fusion of the material into a grey rocky substance, which consists chiefly of carbonate and silicate of soda. Various modifications of the esparto evaporator and cal- ciner have, however, been introduced since the recovery of soda has become more general, and are in use at various wprks, all having for their main object the economising of fuel and the utilising of the waste heat of the fire, which in the old-fashioned calciner goes up the chimney and is lost. The leading principle, of all of them is to use the waste heat in concentrating the liquor preparatory to its being run into the part where the calcination is to be effected. This is done by so extending and widening out the flue as to cause the heated air and flame, after they have performed their function in the calcination, to pass over or. under their layers of liquor, lying upon shelves or floors in such a way that the liquor shall become more and more concentrated as it approaches the calciner by suc- cessive steps or gradations.* — Dr. Ballard. Roeckner's Evaporator. — This apparatus, an illustration of which is shown in Fig. 65, is thus described by Dr. Ballard, medical officer of the Local Government Board, who was specially appointed by the board to investigate the effluvium nuisances which arise in connection with * " Seventh Annual Report of Local Government Board," 1877-8. ROECKNER'S EVAPORATOR. 207 certain manufacturing industries. " In this apparatus there is above the calcining floor a series of shelves or shallow pans, alternating in such a manner that the liquor flowing from the tank above into the uppermost of them, flows, after a partial evaporation, over the edge of the shelf into the shelf or shallow pan next below, and in this way from shelf to shelf, still becoming more and more concentrated until it reaches the final floor, over which the flame from the actual fire plays, and where the first part Fisr. 65. of the calcination is effected. The heated air, in passing to the chimney, passes over each of these shelves in suc- cession, heating them and concentrating the liquor upon them. There is between the lower shelves an arrange- ment for causing the liquor to pass from the upper to the lower by means of a pipe, instead of its running over the edge. At the top of all is a covered tank, where the tem- perature of the liquor is raised before it is run into the evaporator.' In order to promote the heating of the liquor in this tank, the lower part of the tank is made to com- municate by side pipes with tubes passing across the evaporator near the fire, as, for instance, at the bridge and at the further end of the calcining floor. In this way a circulation of liquor is set up which serves to heat the 208 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPEXT LIQUORS. liquor in the tank more effectually. A pipe from the top of the tank leads to the ehimey-shaft, conducting any vapours into it. As the incinerated crust forms it is raked on one side, and when sufficient of it has accumulated it is drawn to an opening (provided with a damper) at the side or end of the floor, and discharged down this open- ing into a brick chamber below, which is inclosed by iron doors, and from which a flue conducts the vapours that arise during the final fusion through the fire in such a way as to consume them. - ' By recent improvements Mr. Pioeckner has constructed an apparatus for condensing and rendering inoffensive the vapours eliminated from the liquor during its evaporation on the successive shelves of his evaporator. Porion's Evaporator. — This evaporator and incinerating furnace much resembles in principle an ordinary rever- beratory furnace, except that it is provided with paddle agitators, which project the liquid upwards, causing it to descend in a spray, thus increasing the surface of the liquid coming in contact with the hot air and current of smoke traversing the furnace. By this method the expense of fuel is greatly reduced. The residue is in a state of ignition when it is withdrawn from the furnace, and is piled in heaps so that it may burn slowly. When the combustion is complete, the resulting calcined mass is treated with water, and the carbonate of" soda formed is afterwards causticised in the usual way. About two-thirds of the soda is thus recovered. The Yaryan Evaporator. — Mr. Homer T. Taryan, of Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A., has introduced some important improvements in evaporating apparatus, which have been fully recognised in America, and appear to have been attended with success. The principle involved is that of multiple effects, in which the evaporation takes place while the liquid is flowing through heated coils of pipe or conduits, and in which the vapour is separated from the liquid in a chamber, at the discharge end of the coils, and is conducted to the heating cylinders urrounding the THE YARYAN EVAPORATOR. 209 evaporating coils of the next effect, from the first to the last effect. The objects of the invention are : (1) to provide extended vaporising coils or conduits and increased heat- ing surface for each liquid feed supply in the heating cylinders, and provide improved means for feeding the liquid, whereby each set or coil of vaporising tubes will receive a positive and uniform supply of liquid without danger of the feed ducts being clogged by extraneous matter ; (2) to positively control the amount of liquid fed by the pump to the evaporating coils, and make it more uniform than heretofore, regardless of the speed of the pump ; (3) to provide improved separating chambers at the discharge ends of the vaporising coils so as to better free liquid and solid particles from the vapours ; (4) to provide for the successful treatment of the most frothy liquids by causing the vapours carcying solid and liquid particles to pass through catch-all chambers, where they are arrested and precipitated and then returned to the evaporating coils ; (5) to secure a more positive flow and circulation of liquid from the evaporating cylinder of one effect to another, under the influence of a better vacuum than heretofore in multiple-effect vacuum evaporating apparatus ; (6) to provide for transferring a better con- centrated liquid into the separating chamber containing cooler concentrated liquid in direct connection with the condenser and vacuum pump, so as to equalise the tem- perature of the two liquids, and then draw off both by one tail pump. The present invention comprises a series of important improvements on an apparatus described by Mr. Yaryan in a former English patent, No. 14,162 (1886), and covers a number of important modifications in construction, whereby improved results are secured. It is only neces- sary, therefore, to give the details of the new patent, No. 213 (1888), since it embodies the latest improvements which practical working of the apparatus has suggested. In reference to the accompanying illustrations the follow- ing details are given: Fig. 66 represents a side. elevation of p 2io RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPEXT LIQUORS. the apparatus ; Fig. G7, the front elevation ; Fig. 68, a top Kg. 66. plan view ; Fig. 69. a vertical section of a cylinder showing f££i* f*U*3F> Fkr. 67. the evaporating coils and separating chamber ; Fig. 70 is a horizontal section: and Fig. 71, a vertical section of the THE YARYAN EVAPORATOR. Fig. 70. Fief. 71. 212 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPENT LIQUORS. separating chamber shown in Fig. 69, both on reduced Fig. 73. Fig. 74. scale ; Fig. 72 is a broken section of. the cylinders for THE YARYAN EVAPORATOR. 2I 3 showing the connections of the liquid pipe from the first to the third effect evaporator ; Fig. 73 is a rear end view of a cylinder with manifold, the feed pump and a sectional view of the feed box and supply devices ; Fig. 74 represents a sectional view, on enlarged scale, of the manifold and a feed duct ; Fig. 75 is an inside view of a return bend- head ; Fig. 76 an inside view of a section of the head ; Fig. 77, a vertical cross section thereof on enlarged scale, and showing the partitions forming cells for connecting the ends of the evaporating tubes ; Fig. 78 is a vertical Fig. 75. Fig. 76. Fig. 77. longitudinal section of a catch-all chamber; Fig. 79, a cross section thereof ; Fig. 80 is a vertical longitudinal section of new form of separating chamber; and Fig. 81 represents a side view and Fig. 82 an end view of the cylinders for showing the pipe connection between the separating chambers of the third and fourth effect evaporators. The evaporating cylinders are mounted upon a frame- work t, supported upon columns x x, or other suitable supports. The apparatus is shown arranged as quadruple 2i 4 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPENT LIQUORS. effect,, with four connected cylinders, but multiple effect apparatus may be constructed with an increased number of cylinders up to ten or twelve. The heating cylinders B 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 , containing the evaporating tubes or coils, are preferably arranged in the same horizontal plane, and are provided at the discharge ends of the evaporating coils \S' Fie. 79. Fie:. 80. with separating chambers, a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 , of enlarged diame- ter, and at the supply ends of the coils with the coils with return bend ends, c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 . From each separating cham- ber, a 1 , a 2 , valve pipe d 1 d 2 d 3 leads into the shell of the next heating cylinder, as b 2 , b 3 , b 4 , and vapour pipe n 4 leads from the last separator a 4 to the condenser h, and the vacuum pump h 1 . A cylindrical catch-all chamber THE YARYAN EVAPORATOR. 215 e 1 , e 2 ,e 3 , e 4 , is connected in each vapour pipe between each separator and each successive heating cylinder, as shown in Figs. 66, 67, and 68, and in detail in Fig. 75. Gauge glass and liquid receiving chambers, g 1 , g 2 , g 3 , g 4 , connect with the bottom of each separating chamber for receiving the liquid as it is separated from the vapour, and a gauge glass g is applied to each of such chambers. Liquid dis- charge and transfer pipes t, t 1 , having valves h, h l , as best shown in Figs. 66, 68, and 72, lead respectively from cham- bers g 1 , g 2 , of the first and second effect to the manifold feed pipes leading into the cylinders b 3 , b 4 , of the third and fourth effect for the purpose hereafter described. The 210 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPEXT LIQUORS. main steam supply pipe f, having a safety valve / and stop valve/' 1 , Figs. 66, 67, and 68, connects with the heating cylinder b 1 of the first effect. The evaporating tubes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, are expanded or otherwise secured in the tube sheets d and e" at opposite ends of the cylinders, and are properly connected at the ends in sets of five to form coils. The outer rear retum-bend head c 1 c 2 , etc., are provided on their insides with numerous short intersecting partition plates c, forming single and double cells, pro- perly arranged for connecting the evaporating tubes in sets of five, as shown in Figs. 75, 76, 77. The heads are pierced with holes c for connecting the liquid supply pipes M of the manifolds l. The inner retum-bend head x in the separating chambers are formed like heads c 1 c 2 , etc., with intersecting partition plates .r, and are provided with discharge openings t" for every fifth tube, as shown in Fig. 69. Tube sheet d is made of con- siderably larger diameter than cylinders b 1 b 2 , etc., and acts as a vibrating diaphragm, to accommodate the expan- sion and contraction of the tubes. The separating chani- tx ra may be constructed with dash plates L L, two or more in number, having openings g g alternately upon opposite sides for the passage of vapour, and opening a at the bottom for the passage of liquid, as shown in Fig. 80. Here a tube sheet z is provided near the openings of the evaporating tubes, and in such sheet are set numerous small horizontal tubes n. which discharge against a vertical arresting plate V set near their open ends. "Water and solid matter are impelled against the plate and thereby arrested and caused to flow down to the bottom of the chamber. The liquid feed apparatus consists of a supply tank k, stand-pipe j, feed box k 1 , double pump i, manifold l, and connecting pipes and valves. The liquid to be evaporated flows from tank k, through pipe /.-, to stand-pipe j and box k 1 , the flow being constant and uniform, and of the desired quantity, by means of a valve k having a lever handle r which is connected by a cord or chain passing over a pulley j with float q in stand- THE YAR YAN E VAPOR A TOR. 2 1 7 pipe j. The valve opening in pipe k being properly adjusted by means of the float, etc., the liquid is admitted to the stand-pipe j while the column of liquid is automa- tically maintained at any desired height and pressure regardless of the quantity in the supply tank, by means of the float q, which, as it rises, tends to close valve k', and as it falls, to open the valve. From the bottom of the stand-pipe j, nozzle,/' discharges a constant and uniform stream of liquid into feed box k 1 . The suction pipe 1" of pump 1 extends into box k 1 , where it terminates in a turned-down nozzle provided with valve i having a lever handle and float s. As a given amoimt of liquid is con- stantly running into the box, should the pump run too fast the float lowers, partially closing the valve and lessening the amoimt of liquid drawn at each stroke of the pump, and preventing air from being drawn in, since the end of the suction pipe is always sealed by the liquid. The liquid is forced by pump 1 into the manifolds l, from which it flows through the contracted ducts / into the enlarged feed pipes m, as shown in Figs. 73 and 74. Ducts / are of about one-half inch diameter, and the upper and lower sections thereof are connected by a union coupling, one portion of which /' has a reducer with opening one- quarter inch diameter, more or less, according to the amount of liquid it is desired to feed. The catch-all chambers e 1 e 2 , etc., Figs. 66, 78, and 79, are provided each at its inlet end c, with tube sheet o extending across its diameter a short distance in front of the opening of vapour pipe d 1 , and in such sheet are fixed numerous longitudinal tubes p extending to near the opposite head e, so that vapours carrying watery or solid particles are impelled against the head and arrested. Liquid and solid matter, arrested in the catch-all chambers, flow through pipes v v' v" down into the fluid transfer pipe tt' (Figs. 67, 68, and 72), and thence into the evaporating coils and through pipe v" directly to the tail pump w, Fig. 67. By use of the catch-all chambers the most frothy liquids can be readily and economically managed. A 2i8 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPENT LIQUORS. liquid transfer pipe s, having a valve //', leads directly from receiving chamber g 3 of the third effect to the separating chamber a 4 of the fourth effect, the latent heat being carried off in the vapours drawn by the vacuum pump h 1 into the chamber h, and the finished liquid of both effects is drawn off through pipe w by one and the same tail pipe pump w. The water of condensation accu- mulating in the heating cylinders b 1 b 2 , etc., is transferred from one to the other through connecting pipes u a u" having valves y, shown in Figs. 66, 67, and 68 ; and finally from cylinder b 4 through pipe u'" directly into condenser h. The specification of the patent, which those interested will do well to consult, next describes the operation of the apparatus. American System of Soda Recovery. — Mr. Congdon gives an exhaustive description * of the method of recover- ing soda in the United States, from whose interesting paper we extract the following : — The spent liquors are delivered to the Taryan evaporator from the pans at a densitv of 6° to 7° B. at 130° F. Here they are concentrated to 34° to 42° at 140° F. At this density they are fed into furnaces of a reverberatory type, where they are burnt to a cherry-red heat,- and the ash then raked out. This ash, which averages 50 per cent, of soda, is weighed in iron barrows on suitable scales, and wheeled into the leaching-room for lixiviation. The system of leaching, as it is termed in the States, is conducted as fol- lows : — Iron tanks are used, with suitable piping, that allows pumping from one tank to another, and also to pump from any one of them up to the causticising tanks in the alkali-room. There is also a water-line by which water may be pumped into any of the tanks, and there is a spout used in washing away the black ash sludge. The leaching-tanks have false bottoms of 2in. by 2in. stuff, placed crosswise, over which is a layer of gravel, on which lies a layer of straw, by which the liquor is filtered. The * School of Mines Quarterly Journal of Applied Science, January, 1889, Xew York. SODA RECOVERY, AM ERIC AX SYSTEM. 219 gravel is removed every few clays, and the straw with every charge. When one of the tanks is filled with black ash, it is "wet down" with the stored liquor (the strongest of the stored weak liquors), and also with the strongest weak liquors from the tanks, and with weak liquors obtained from these tanks by pumping water upon them and keeping them full. This is all pumped up to the causticising-tank until the strength is reduced to 2" or 1J° B. The remaining liquor is then drained into a tank known as the " clear-liquor " tank, owing to there being no black ash in it. The liquor from the next weakest pan is then pumped upon the pan containing the black ash, and the next weakest liquor pumped upon this. The weaker pans are then in succession pumped upon the stronger, and the water pumped upon these, and thus a very perfect washing is obtained. The sludge left behind is nothing but charcoal, with a slight trace of carbonate of soda. Mr. Congdon illustrates the above system thus. The tanks stand as follows : — No. 1. Clear liquor, 1° to 2° B. (strongest). No. 2. Black ash sludge (weaker than No. 3). No. 3. Black ash, after sending up to causticising-tank (strongest sludge). No. 4. Fresh black ash. No. 5. Weaker than No. 2 (sludge only). No. 6. Weaker than No. 5 (sludge and weakest liquor). The method of procedure is as follows : — Liquor from No. 3 drained into No. 1 (now full). No. pumped on to No. 2 (No. 6 sludge thrown away . Liquor from No. 2 drained upon No. 3. Water put on No. 5. No. 5 pumped upon No. 2 (No. 5 sludge thrown away). The black ash is treated thus : — No. 4, full of black ash, is wet down with Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and pumped up to the causticising-tank. Water is pumped out to Nos. 2 and 3, and then drained upon No. 4, the liquor still being pumped up from No. 4 while the water is being pumped upon Nos. 2 and 3, 220 RECOVERY OF SODA FROM SPEXT LIQUORS. which are kept full. This is continued until the liquor tests only 2° to 1° B. No. 4 is now drained upon No. 1. No. 3 pumped upon No. 4, and this drained into No. 1 (now full). No. 3 pumped upon No. 5. ^Vater punrped upon No. 2 (No. 2 the next to be thrown away). No. 5 is by this time full of fresh black ash, and the same process is carried out with No. 4. CHAPTER XIX. DETERMINING THE REAL VALUE OR PERCENT- AGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, CHLORIDE OF LIME, ETC. Examination of Commercial Sodas.-Mohr's Alkalimeter. -Preparation of the Test Acid.-Samplin- Alkalies.— The Assay.— Estimation of Chlorine in Bit aehin* Powder.— Fresenius' Method.— Gay-Lussac s Method.- The Test Liquor.— Testing the Sample.— Estimation of Alumina in Alum Cuke, etc. In a manufacture such as paper-making, which involves the consumption of enormous quantities of materials of variable quality, as soda ash, caustic soda, and bleaching powder, for example, it will be readily seen that some means should be at the command of the consumer who does not avail himself of the services of a practical chemist at his works, by which he can ascertain the actual value of the various substances he uses. An art which, up to a certain point in its progress, is mainly a chemical opera- tion, it would undoubtedly be more safely and economically conducted when supervised by persons well acquainted with chemical principles and reactions, and less dependent upon individual judgment, than is, perhaps, too frequently the case. Under such supervision more perfect uniformity of results— a consideration of the greatest importance in a manufacture of this kind— would be ensured. Examination of Commercial Sodas. — The methods of determining the percentage of real alkali in the commer- cial products which have received the name of Alkal- imetry are fortunately of a simple character, and such as a person of ordinary intelligence and skill can readily 222 PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. manipulate and render thoroughly reliable by exerting the necessary care. He must, however, be provided with a few indispensable appliances, which will be described, and with these he should make several trials upon various samples until he finds that his results are uniform and his manipulation easy and reliable. He will require a chemical balance,* capable of weighing to the tenth of a grain ; a few glass "beakers" (Fig. 80) of various sizes, capable of holding from four to eight or ten ounces of fluid ; several glass stirrers; a bottle of litmus solution, made by dissolving **v? Fis?. 83. Fig. 84. FL. 8i litmus in hot water ; books of litmus and turmeric papers ; and several glass flasks (Fig. 84) of various sizes, capable of holding from four to eight ounces. Besides these accessories, certain measuring instruments, termed alkali- meters or hurdtes, are employed, of which either of the two following may be employed. These instruments are of glass, and hold up to or zero exactly 1,000 grains. The scale is graduated in a hundred divisions, which are again subdivided into tenths. Bink's burette is shown in Fig. 85, and Mohr's burette in Fig. 86. The latter, being- provided with a stand, enables the operator to add the test * These balances may be obtained from Mr. Oertling, Coppice Row London, or of any philosophical intsrument maker. ALKALIMETER. 223 Fig. 87. Hquor — with which the burette is charged — drop by drop, when the alkaline solution to be tested is near the point of saturation, without engaging the hands. Mohr's Alkalimeter. — This useful instrument (Fig. 80) and the method of using it is thus described by Mohr : — " I have succeeded in substituting for expensive glass stop-cocks an arrangement which may be constructed by any person with ease, which remains absolutely air and water-tight for an indefinite period, which may be opened and regu- lated at will by the pressure of the fingers, and which costs almost nothing. It consists of a small piece of vulcanized indiarubber tube, which is closed by a clamp of brass wire (Fig. 87). The ends of this clamp, which I call a pres- sure-cock, are bent laterally at right angles in opposite directions and furnished with knobs, so that when both ends are pressed the clamp is opened, and a single drop or a continuous current of liquid may be allowed to escape at pleasure. The measuring-tube is a straight glass cylinder, as uni- form as possible, graduated to 02 or 0"1 cubic centi- metres, and somewhat contracted at its lower end, so as to fit into the indiarubber tube. A small piece of glass tube inserted below the pressure-cock forms the spout. The pressure-cock has the advantage of not leaking, for it closes itself when the pressure of the fingers is re- moved. The measure, furnished with the pressure-cock, 224 PERCEXTAGE OE COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. is fastened upon an appropriate stand, which can be placed at any required height. AVhen used, it is filled above the zero point with test liquor, the cock opened for an instant, so as to let the air escape from the spout, and the level of the solution is then adjusted. This is done by bringing the eye level with the zero point, and applying a gentle pressure to the cock until the liquid has sunk so low that the inferior curve of the liquid touches the graduation like the circle of a tangent ; the cock is then closed, and at the same moment the liquid remains at zero, and continues to do so for weeks if evapo- ration is prevented. The test-measure being normally filled, the experiment may be commenced ; this is done sitting, while the filling of the measure is done standing. " The weighed sample of alkali is first placed in a beaker- glass, and the test-liquor is allowed to flow into it by gently pressing the cock. Both hands are set at liberty, for when the pressure-cock is released it closes of itself. The volumetric * operation may be interrupted at pleasure, in order to heat the liquid, shake it, or do whatever else may be required. The quantity of liquid used may be read off at any moment, and in repeating an experiment, the limit of the quantity used before may be approached so near that the further addition of liquid may be made drop by drop." The test-acid to be used rolumetricalhj — that is, with the alkalimeter, has a specific gravity of 1*032 at 60° F., and 1,000 grains by measure contain exactly 40 grains of real or anhydrous 'that is, without water) sulphuric acid. The chemical principles involved in the process of alkali- testing may be thus briefly stated : — According to the laws of chemical combination defined by the atomic theory of Dart on, all substances combine in definite proportions or " equivalents " ; thus, 1 part by weight of hydrogen com- bines with 8 parts by weight of oxygen to form water. * There are two principal methods of analysing or assaying alkalies hy means of the test-acid, namely, volumetric, or hy volume, and gravimetric, or by weight, in which a specific gravity bottle, capable ot holding exactly 1,000 grains of distilled water, is us.d. PREPARATION OF TEST-ACID. 2^5 The equivalent number of hydrogen, therefore, is 1, and of oxygen 8, and that of water 9. Again, 3 equivalents of oxygen combine with 1 equivalent of sulphur (16) to form sulphuric acid ; thus, sulphur 16, oxygen 24, equals anhydrous sulphuric acid 40 ; therefore 40 is the equivalent or combining number of this acid, and it cannot be made to unite with alkalies or other bases in any other propor- tion. For example, 40 grains by weight of pure sul- phuric acid will neutralise exactly o3 grains of dried car- bonate of soda, 31 grains of pure anhydrous soda, or 40 grains of hydrate of soda (caustic soda). This being so, it is only necessary to have exactly 40 grains of real sul- phuric acid in 1,000 grains of water to form a test-acid, which, when employed to neutralise an alkaline solu- tion, will show, by the proportion of dilute acid used to saturate the alkali, the absolute percentage present in the sample. Preparation of the Test- Acid or Standard Solution. — As there is. some trouble involved in the preparation of the test-liquor, it is advisable to prepare a sufficient quan- tity at a time to last for many operations. It may be readily made by mixing 1 part of concentrated sulphuric acid witK 11 or 12 parts of distilled water, the mixture being made in what is termed a " Winchester " bottle, which holds rather more than half a gallon, and is provided with a glass stopper. The acid solution must be adjusted or brought to the proper strength after it has cooled down to 60° F. ; and it should be faintly tinged with litmus, which will give it a pinkish hue. The acid, to be of the proper strength, should exactly neutralise 53 grains of pure carbonate of soda, previously ^calcined at a red heat, or 31 grains of pure anhydrous soda. To prepare the anhydrous carbonate of soda, a few crystals of carbonate of soda are placed in a Berlin porcelain crucible, and this must be heated over a spirit-lamp or Bunsen burner. AVhenall the water of crystallisation has become expelled, the calcination is continued until the mass is at a bright red heat, when the vessel may be allowed to cool. 03 « 225 PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. grains of the calcined carbonate are now to be carefully weighed, and next dissolved in a glass beaker, in about 2 ounces of distilled water. The alkalimeter is now to be charged with the test-acid to the level of zero, and (if Mohr'a burette be used) the beaker containing the alkaline solution is to be placed upon the stand immediately beneath the exit-tube. Now press the knobs of the pressure -cock, and allow a portion of the liquor to flow into the beaker. "When the effervescence which immediately sets up sub- sides, make further additions of the test-liquor from time to time, until the effervescence becomes sluggish, at which period the acid must be added with greater caution. When the solution approaches saturation it acquires a purplish tint (due to the litmus with which the acid is tinged), which it retains until the point of saturation is reached, when it suddenly changes to a pink colour. After each addition of the acid the solution should be stirred with a thin and clean glass rod ; and before the final change from purple to pink, the end of the glass rod should be applied to a strip of blue litmus paper, when, if the moistened spot touched assumes a red colour, the saturation is com- plete ; if, on the contrary, the paper is unchanged, or has a violet or reddish hue, add the test-liquor, one or two drops at a time, with continued stirring, until a drop of the solution applied with a glass rod reddens litmus paper, when the saturation is finished. If any test -liquor remain in the burette, this indicates that there is excess of acid in the test-liquor ; consequently more distilled water must be added to the bulk, the burette emptied and refilled with the reduced liquor, and another 53 grains of anhydrous carbonate of soda treated as before, until 1,0U0 grains of the acid liquor exact/// neutralise the solution. Should the whole contents of the burette in the first trial be used before saturation is complete, a little more sulphuric acid must be put into the Winchester or test-acid bottle, and a 53-grain solution of carbonate of soda treated as before. A very little practice will enable the operator to adjust his test-liquor with perfect accuracy ; and, to prevent SAMPLING ALKALIES. 227 mistakes, the bottle should be labelled " Test-acid," and always be kept closed by its stopper. Sampling Alkalies. — Soda-ash of commerce is usually packed in wooden casks, and in order to obtain a fair average sample from a large number of these casks, which may represent one consignment, it is important to take small samples, as near the centre of each cask as possible, from as many of the casks as time will permit. Each sample, as drawn from the cask, should be at once placed in a rather wide-mouthed bottle furnished with a well- titting cork. Each sample should be numbered and marked with the brand which distinguishes the cask from which it was taken. The duty of sampling should be placed in the hands of a person of known integrity and intelligence. "When about to test a sample of soda-ash, the contents of the bottle should first be emptied upon a sheet of dry paper, and the larger lumps then crushed to reduce the whole to a coarse powder, and this must be done as quickly as possible ' to prevent absorption of moisture from the atmosphere. 100 grains of the alkali must now be accu- rately weighed and put into a glass flask (Fig. 84), and the remainder of the alkali returned to the bottle and the vessel securely corked. About half an ounce of distilled water is then to be put into the flask and gentle heat applied, with an occasional shaking, until the alkali is all dissolved. The flask is then to be set aside for a few minutes, until any insoluble matter present has subsided, when the clear liquor is to be carefully poured into a beaker glass; the sediment must be Mashed several times with small quantities of distilled water, and the washings added to the solution in the beaker. This washing is of great importance and must be performed several times, or until the last washing liquor produces no effect upon yellow turmeric paper, which even slight traces of alkali will turn a brown colour. So long as this brown tint is given to the turmeric paper the presence of alkali is assured, and the washing must be continued. It is important, after each washing, to pour off the last drop of the liquor above the sediment, by which the operation is more effectual, and is 228 PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. effected with less water than when this precaution is not observed. In order to ensure perfect accuracy in the result, every particle of the washings must be added to the con- tents of the beaker-glass in which the assay is to be made. The Assay. — The alkalimeter is first to be filled with the test-acid exactly to the line or zero of the scale as described, and the beaker containing the solution to be tested then placed immediately beneath the dropping tube of the instrument ; a thin glass rod should be placed in the beaker as a stirrer. The acid liquor is then allowed to flow gradually into the alkaline solution (which should be repeatedly stirred with the glass rod), by pressing the knobs of the pressure-cock, until the solution assumes a purple tint, which it will retain until the exact point of saturation has been arrived at, when, as before stated, it will suddenly change to a pink colour. Before the latter stage is reached the beaker - should be placed over a spirit lamp or Bunsen burner, and the liquid heated to expel the carbonic acid which is evolved, and partly absorbed by the solution during the process of saturation. When the neutralisation is complete, the alkalimeter is allowed to repose for a iew moments, so that the acid liquor may. drain from the interior of the glass tube into the bulk of the fluid, and the quantity of test-acid used is then deter- mined by reading off the number of divisions of the alka- limeter that have been exhausted, every one of which represents To^th part, or 1 per cent, of alkali, whenever the equivalent weight is taken for assay. Every tV^ P art of an alkalimeter division represents yVth °^ 1 P er cen t-> and the result is thus obtained without the necessity of any calculation. The following table shows the equivalent or combining proportions of soda with 40 grains of real that is, anhydrous) sulphuric acid : — .,,. -j .231 grains soda (unhvdrous). 40 -rams of sulphuric acid . - 4Q - { h ^ - f ^ ( 1,000 grams ol dilute sulphuric , J c | ugtic ^ acid (sp. gr 1033) . . f | 53 [qs carbonate of 8oda (an . 1.000 grains oi dilute sulphuric acid y hvdou^ (water-grain measure) sp. gr. \ J 14; /\ rain V crvst allized carhouate 1032 J < of soda, ' ASSAYING ALKALIES. 229 Mr. Arnot recommends the following method for alkali testing : " The sample, which should be a fair average of the drum or cask from which it is drawn, should, in the case of caustic soda, be quickly crushed into small fra fo- ments, and returned to the stoppered bottle in which it was collected for testing. It need not be finely ground, and, indeed, should not be, as it very readily attracts moisture from the air. The contents 'of the drum are usually pretty uniform, and the crushing recommended will give the operator a sample quite fit to work upon. Samples of soda-ash and soda crystals will, of course, be fairly representative of the casks from which they are drawn. One hundred grains of the prepared sample must be weighed out upon a watch-glass or slip of glazed paper, and transferred to a porcelain basin, with at least half a pint of boiling water. The watch-glass is preferable for caustic soda, and the weighing in the case of that agent must be done expeditiously. While the sample is dissolving the burette will be charged with the standard acid. To the soda solution a few drops of solution of litmus, sufficient to colour it distinctly, will be added. The acid will then be run into the blue soda liquor ; at first, within reasonable limits, this may done rapidly, but towards the close of the operation the acid must be added cautiously, and the solution kept well stirred. In the case of caustic, when the blue has distinctly changed to red, the operation may be considered completed, and the measures may be read off the burette ; and this is, without calculation, the result required. When the soda in the sample is a carbonate, the blue colour of the litmus will be changed to pink before all the soda is neutralised, owing to a portion of the liberated carbonic acid remaining in the solution ; this must be eliminated by placing the basin over a liunsen burner and boiling the solution. The blue colour will thus be restored, and more acid must be added, repeating the boiling from time to time, until the red colour becomes permanent. It is sometimes necessary to filter the soda solution before testing ; this applies specially 230 PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. to recovered soda, and, although in a less degree, to soda- ash." When the soda solution is filtered, it will be neces- sary to thoroughly wash out the liquor absorbed by the filtering paper, the washings being added to the bulk of the liquor as before. The best plan is to allow the soda solution to stand for some time until all the sediment has deposited, and then to pour off as much of the liquor as possible, and then to wash the sediment into a very small filter, in which it will receive further washing, until no trace of alkali can be detected in the last wash water. Estimation of Chlorine in Bleaching Powder. — It is desirable that the manager or foreman of a paper-mill should have at his command some ready means by which he may test the percentage of chlorine in samples of bleaching powder, or chloride of lime, delivered at the mill, not alone to enable him to determine the proportions to be used in making up his bleaching liquors, but also to ensure his employers against possible loss in case of inferior qualities being delivered at the mill. Bleaching powders being purchased according to percentage; it is absolutely necessary that the purchaser should have this determined to his own satisfaction before either using or paying for the material. Good chloride of lime should contain 35 per cent, of available chlorine, but the powder should not be accepted which contains less than 32 per cent. There are several methods of esti- mating the percentage of chlorine in bleaching powder, which is composed of hypochlorite of lime, chloride of calcium, and hydrate of lime, the latter substances being of no service in the bleaching process. According to Fresenius, in freshly prepared and per- fectly normal chloride of lime, the quantities of hypochlo- rite of lime and chloride of calcium present stand to each other in the proportion of their equivalents. When such chloride of lime is brought into contact with dilute sul- phuric acid, the whole of the chlorine it contains is liber- ated in the elementary form. On keeping chloride of lime, however, the proportion between hypochlorite of FRESBNIUS* METHOD. 231 lime and chloride of calcium gradually changes: the for- mer decreases, the latter increases. Hence from this cause alone, to say nothing of original difference, the commercial article is not of uniform quality, and on treatment with acid giyes sometimes more, and sometimes less, chlorine. As the yalue of bleaching powder depends entirely upon the amount of chlorine set free on treatment with acids, chemists have devised very simple methods of determining the available amount of chlorine in any given sample, these methods having received the name of chhrimetry. The method of Fresenius is generally considered both practicable and reliable. Presenilis' Method of preparing the solution of bleach- ing powder to be tested is as follows : — Carefully weigh out 10 grains of the sample, and finely triturate it in a mortar with a little cold water, gradually adding more water ; next allow the liquor to settle, then pour the liquid into a litre flask, and triturate the residue again with a little water, and rinse the contents of the mortar carefully into the flask, which should then be filled with water up to the graduated mark. Now shake the milky fluid and proceed to examine it while in the tivrbid state ; and each time, before measuriug off a fresh portion, the vessel must be again shaken to prevent the material from deposit- ing. The results obtained with the solution in its tur- bid condition are considered more accurate and reliable than when the clear liquid alone is treated, even though the deposit be frequently washed. This may be proved, Fresenius says, by making two separate experiments, one with the decanted clear liquor, and another with the resi- duary turbid mixture. In an experiment made in his own laboratory the decanted clear fluid gives 22'6 of chlorine, the residuary mixture 25'0, and the uniformly mixed tur- bid solution 'J4--5. One cubic centimetre of the solution of chloride of lime so prepared corresponds to - 01 gramme of chloride of lime. Gay-Lussac's Method. — This method, which is known as the arscnious acid process, has been much adopted for 232 PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. the determination of chlorine in bleaching powders, and is conducted as follows : — The Test-liquor. — This is prepared by dissolving 100 grains of pure arsenious acid in about 4 ounces of pure hydrochloric acid, and the solution is to be diluted with water until, on being poured into a graduated 10,000 grains measure- glass, it occupies the volume of 700 grains measure marked on the scale. Each 1,000 grains measure of this liquid now contains 14 - 29 grains of arsenious acid, corresponding to 10 grains of chlorine, or -^ grain of chlorine for every division or degree of the scale of the chlorimeter, for which purpose a Mohr's burette of the above capacity may be used, or a graduated tube of the form shown in Fig. 85 may be employed. Testing the Sample. — 100 grains of the chloride of lime to be tested are next dissolved in water, and poured into a tube graduated up to 2,000 grains measure. The whole must be well shaken in order to obtain a uniformly turbid solution, and half of it (1,000 grains measure) transferred to a graduated chlorimeter, which is, therefore, thus filled up to 0°, or the zero of the scale, and contains exactly 50 grains of the chloride of lime under examination, whilst each degree or division of the scale contains only \ grain. • 1,000 grains measure of the arsenious acid test-liquor are now poured into a glass beaker, and a few drops of a solu- tion of sulphate of indigo added, in order to impart a faint, but distinct, blue colour to it ; the glass is then to be shaken so as to give a circular movement to the liquid, and whilst it is whirling round the chloride of lime solution from the chlorimeter is gradually and cautiously added until the blue tinge given to the arsenious acid test-liquor is destroyed, care being taken to stir the mixture well with a glass rod during the whole process, and to stop as soon as the decoloration is complete. We will assume that in order to destroy the blue colour of 1,000 grains measure of the arsenious acid test-liquor 90 divisions or degrees of the chloride of lime solution have been employed. These 90 divisions, therefore, contained the 10 grains of chlorine EXAMINATION OF ALUMINA. 233 required to destroy the colour of the test solution ; and since each division represents \ grain of chloride of lime, 45 grains of chloride of lime (10 grains of chlorine) were present in the 90 divisions so employed, from which the percentage strength may be ascertained : — For 45 : 10 : : 100 : 22-22. The chloride of lime examined, therefore, contained 22J- per cent, (nearly) of chlorine. This method is extremely simple and trustworthy when properly employed, but to ensure accuracy certain precautions must be adopted. In- stead of pouring the test liquor into the solution of the sample (as in alkalimetry), the solution of the sample must be poured into the test-liquor. If the contrary plan were adopted the hydrochloric acid of the test-liquor would liberate chlorine gas so fast that much would be lost, and the result rendered incorrect. By pouring, on the con- trary, the chloride of lime solution into the arsenious acid solution the chlorine is disengaged in small portions at a time, and meets with an abundance of arsenious acid to react on. The mixture of chloride of lime should also be employed turbid. Estimation of Alumina in Alum Cake, etc. — Mr. Row- land Williams, F.C.S., in a paper read before the Chemical Society in June, 1888, describes a method of estimating the alumina in alums, alum cakes, and sulphate of alumina, bv which he obtained more accurate results than are ob- tained by the ordinary ammonia method of estimation. After pointing out several objections to the method of pre- cipitating the alumina by ammonia, he proceeds : — " There is another method for the estimation of alumina which is not so well known as the above. This is by means of sodium thiosulphatc. Having had a very extensive and successful experience of this process, I can recommend it with confidence. Considerable practice is, however, neces- sary in order to secure good results, as certain conditions must be carefully attended to, otherwise the precipitation will be incomplete. The estimation is made in a mode- rately dilute solution. In the case of alum cake and sul- 234 PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL SODAS, ETC. pliate of alumina I dissolve 400 grains in water, filter, dilute to 10,000 grains. I use 1,000 grains of this solution (equal to 40 grains of the sample) for estimating the alumina. If any free acid is present it is neutralised by a few drops of carbonate of soda solution, and the whole diluted to about 8 ounces measure. A large quantity of crystallized thiosul pliate of soda is then added, and the liquid boiled for at least half-an-hour, constantly replacing the water lost by evaporation. By the end of that time all the alumina will be precipitated in a finely-divided form, along with more or less free sulphur. The precipi- tate is then filtered off and washed well with boiling water. The filtration and washing take place very rapidly, and may generally be accomplished in about twenty minutes, this being a great saving of time in comparison with the long and tedious washing by decantation, which is necessary in the case of gelatinous alumina. Before filtration, it is advisable to add a drop or two of carbonate of soda solution, lest the liquid should have become slightly acid during boiling." CHArTER XX. USEFUL NOTES AND TABLES. Preparation of Lakes. — Brazil-wood Lake.—; ^Cochineal Lake. — Lac Lake. — Bladder Lake. — Orange Lake. — Yellow Lake. — Artificial Ultra- marine. — Twaddell's Hydrometer. — Dalton's Table showing the pio- portion of Dry Soda in Leys of Different Densities. — Table of Strength of Caustic Soda Solutions at 59° P. — Table showing the Specific Gravity corresponding with the degrees of Baume's Hydro- meter. — Table of Boiling Points of Alkaline Leys. — Table showing the Quantity 7 of Caustic Soda in Leys of Different Densities. — Table showing the Quantity of Bleaching Liquid at 6° Twaddell required to be added to Weaker Liquor to raise it to the given Strength. — Comparative French and English Thermometer Scales. — Weights and Measures of the Metrical System. — Table of" French Weights and Measures. — List of Works relating to Paper Manufacture. Preparation of Lakes. — These are prepared by either of the following processes: — 1. By adding a solution of alum, either alone or partly saturated with carbonate of potassa, to a filtered infusion or decoction of the colouring substance, and after agitation precipitating the mixture with a solution of carbonate of potash ("salt of tartar"). 2. By precipitating a decoction or infusion of the colour- ing substance made with a weak alkaline ley, by adding a solution of alum. 3. By agitating recently precipitated alumina with a solution of the colouring matter, prepared as before, until the liquid is nearly discoloured, or the alumina acquires a sufficiently dark tint. The first method is usually employed for aciduous solutions of colouring matter, or for those whose tint is injured by alkalies ; the second for those that are brightened, or at least uninjured, by alkalies ; the third, those colouring matters that have a great affinity for gelatinous alumina, and readily combine with it by men' agitation. By attention to these general rules, lakes may be prepared from almost all animal and vegetable colouring substances that yield their colour to water, many of which will be found to possess great beauty and permanence. 23 r > USEFUL NOTES AXD TABLES. The precise process adapted to each particular substance may be easily ascertained by taking a few drops of its infusion or decoction, and observing the effects of alkalies and acids on the colour. The quantity of alum or of alumina employed should be nearly sufficient to decolour the dye-liquor, and the quan- tity of carbonate of potassa should be so proportioned to the alum as to exactly precipitate the alumina, without leaving free or carbonated alkali in the liquid. The first portion of the precipitate has the deepest colour, and the shade gradually becomes paler as the operation proceeds. A beautiful " tone " of violet, red, and even purple may be communicated to the colouring matter of cochineal by the addition of perchloride of tin ; the addition of arsen- iate of potassa (neutral arsenical salt) in like manner gives shades which may be sought for in vain with alum or alumina. After the lake is precipitated it must be carefully collected, washed with cold distilled water, or the purest rain-water, until it ceases to give out colour. Brazil-wood Lake. — 1. Take of ground Brazil wood 1 lb.., water 4 gallons ; digest for 24 hours, then boil for JiO or 40 minutes, and»add of alum 1^ lb., dissolved in a little water ; mix, decant, strain, and add of solution of tin \ lb. ; again mix well and filter ; to the clear liquid add, cautiously, a solution of salt of tartar or carbonate of soda, as long as a deep-coloured precipitate forms, care- fully avoiding excess. 2. Add washed and recently preci- pitated alumina to a strong and filtered decoction of Brazil wood. Inferior to the last. Cochineal Lake. — 1. Cochineal (in coarse powder) 1 oz. ; water and rectified spirit, of each, *2\ ozs. ; digest for a week ; filter and precipitate the tincture with a few drops of solution of tin, added every 2 hours, until the whole of the colouring matter is thrown down ; lastly, wash the precipitate in distilled water and dry it ; very fine. 2. Digest powdered cochineal in ammonia water for a week, dilute the solution with a little water, and add the liquid to a solution of alum, as long as a precipitate falls, which is the lake. Equal to the last. 3. Coarsely powdered MADDER LAKE. 237 cochineal 1 lb., water 2 gallons ; boil 1 hour, decant, strain, add a solution of salt of tartar, 1 lb., and precipitate with a solution of alum. By adding the alum first, and preci- pitating the lake with the alkali, the colour will be slio-htlv varied. All the above are sold as carminated or Florence lake, to which they are often superior. Lac Lake. — Boil fresh stick-lac in a solution of car- bonate of soda, filter the solution, precipitate with a solu- tion of alum, and proceed as before. A tine red. Madder Lake. — 1. Take of Butch grappe or crop mad- der 2 oz., tie it in a cloth, beat it well in a pint of water in a stone mortar, and repeat the process with freshwater (about 5 pints) until it ceases to yield colour ; next boil the mixed liquor in an earthen vessel, pour it into a large basin, and add of alum 1 oz., previously dissolved in boiling water, 1 pint ; stir well, and while stirring, pour in gradually of a strong solution of carbonate of potassa (salt of tartar) 1^ oz. : let the whole stand until cold, then jjour off the supernatant liquor, drain, agitate the residue with boiling water, I quart (in separate portions), decant, drain, and dry. Product, \ oz. The Society of Arts voted their gold medal to the author of the above formula. 2. Add a little solution of acetate of lead to a decoction of madder, to throw down the brown colouring matter, filter, add a solu- tion of tin or alum, precipitate with a solution of carbonate of soda or of potassa, and otherwise proceed as before. 3. Ground madder, 2 lbs. ; water, 1 gallon ; macerate with agitation for 10 minutes, strain off the water, and press the remainder quite dry ; repeat the process a second and a third time ; then add to the mixed liquors, alum, § lb., dissolved in water, 3 quarts ; and heat in a water-bath for 3 or 4 hours, adding water as it evaporates : next filter, first through flannel, and when sufficiently cold, through paper ; then add a solution of carbonate of potassa as long as a precipitate falls, which must be washed until the water comes off colourless, and lastly, dry. If the alkali be added in 3 successive doses, 3 different lakes will be obtained, successively diminishing in beaut}-. 23S USEFUL NOTES AXD TABLES. Orange Lake. — Take of the best Spanish, annotta 4 oz& : pearlash, § lb. ; water, 1 gallon ; boil it for half an hour, strain, precipitate with alum, 1 lb., dissolved in water, 1 gallon, observing not to add the latter solution when it ceases to produce an effervescence or a precipitate. The addition of some solution of tin ■ turns this lake a lemon yellow ; acids redden it. Yellow Lake. — 1. Boil French berries, quercitron bark, or turmeric, 1 lb., and salt of tartar, 1 oz., in water, 1 gallon, until reduced to one half ; then strain the decoc- tion and precipitate with a solution of alum. 2. Boil 1 lb. of the dye-stuff with alum, \ lb. ; water, 1 gallon, as be- fore, and precipitate the decoction with a solution of car- bonate of potash. Artificial Ultramarine. — This is obtained by several processes, of which the following are examples : — 1. Take kaolin, 37 parts ; sulphate of soda, 15 ; carbonate of soda, 22; sulphur, 18; and charcoal, 8 parts ; mis these inti- mately, and heat in large covered crucibles for twenty- four to thirty hours. The resulting product is then to be again heated in cast-iron boxes at a moderate tempera- ture, until the required tint is obtained ; it is finally pul- verised, washed in a large quantity of water, and the floating particles allowed to subside in a separate vessel ; the deposited colour is now collected and dried. 2. Expose to a low red heat, in a covered crucible as long as fumes are given off, a mixture composed of : kaolin, 2 parts ; anhydrous carbonate of soda and sulphur, of each 3 parts. Some persons use one-third less carbonate of soda. T-waddell's Hydrometer, which is much employed for ascertaining the strength of soda and chloride of lime solu- tions, etc., is so graduated and weighted that the or zero mark is equal to 1,000, or the specific gravity of distilled water at the temperature of 60 c F., and each degree on the scale is equal to "005 ; so that by multiplying this number by the number of degrees marked on the scale, and adding 1*, the real specific gravity is obtained. Thus 1Q° Twaddell indicates a specific gravity of 1050, or 1*05, and so on. TESTING ULTRAMARINES. 239 Imitation Manilla Pulp from Wood. — Mr. George E. Marshall, of Turner's Falls, Mass., patented a process some years back by which wood, under the action of hot water, and under a heavy pressure, acquires the characteristic colour of manilla. The wood, having been cut as usual, is placed in a closed vessel or tank capable of resisting high pressure, if necessary, of 450 lbs. to the square inch, the material being closely packed. At the bottom of this tank is an opening with a valve, through which the water, previously heated to a point above boiling, and below 280°, is forced by a hydraulic press to such an extent as to saturate and to completely permeate the wood, and to soften and drive out of the pores the gum, resins, and acids ; and if the temperature is kept sufficiently hot, it gives the pulp the desired colour belonging to a finely- made manilla paper. This may be aided somewhat by the introduction of a small quantity of some alkaline substance to act on the acids. The water may be heated in a coil outside, and forced into the tank by a hydraulic press. The water thus heated and forced in leaves the wood or the pulp in the most desirable condition for work and for colour. Pulp made from wood treated below the boiling point will be white ; but this process is said to secure the desired manilla colour by raising the temperature to 240° or 250° for a light pulp, and as high as 280° for a dark pulp. No pressure is required from the steam above three atmospheres, but the press may give from 450 to 500 lbs. to the square inch, and practice has shown that the greater the pressure the more speedy is the operation on the WOod.* Testing Ultramarines. — The sample of ultramarine should be examined as to its power of resisting the action of alum solutions, which may readily be done by the method suggested by Mr. Dunbar : — " Dissolve the same amount of each sample in water, and mix in this water about \ lb. of pulp. When thoroughly mixed, and each lot of pulp is well and evenly coloured, add one glassful * New York Paper Trade Journal, 1878. 240 USEFUL NOTES AND TABLES. of the ordinary mill- alum liquor, either from pure alum, or aluminous cake to each, losing no time over the opera- tion. Stir each well and continuously with a glass rod, and note the glasses carefully as to the length of time each sample keeps its colour." To ascertain the staining poirer, so called, of the ultramarine, and at the same time the tone, or tint, which it will impart when mixed with pulp, 25 grains of each sample should be mixed with 100 of kaolin or sulphate of lime (pearl hardening) and the several mixtures then worked up into a paste with a little water by means of a spatula, when the differences in the staining power of the respective samples will at once become apparent if either be of inferior quality. To make the test more complete, a like amount of commercially rrnre ultramarine should be mixed with 100 grains of kaolin for the purpose of comparison. In this way a ready judgment may be formed as to the quality of the sample under examination. Strength of Paper. — The comparative strength of samples of paper may be determined by cutting strips an inch in width from each sample, and suspending these from a rigid iron bar. Weights are then cautiously attached to each until the sample breaks, when the differ- ence in the weights sustained by the respective samples before the breaking point is reached will determine the comparative strength of the samples tested. Mr. Parkin- son, of St. George's Road, Preston, furnishes a simple contrivance for determining the breaking points of paper, and so comparing their value. USEFUL TABLES. -4' TABLES. I. -Dalton's Table showing the Proportion of Dry Soda in Leys of different Densities. Specific gravity of solution. 1-85 1-72 1-63 1-56 1-50 1-47 1-44 ■ 1-40 Dry Soda per cent, by weight. 63-6 538 46-6 . 41-2 36-8 34-0 310 29-0 Boiling points. 600° 400° 300° 280° 265° 255° 248° 242° Specific gravity of solution. 1-36 1-32 1-29 1-23 1-18 1-12 1-06 Dry Soda per cent. by weight. 26-u 23-0 19-0 1G-0 13-0 9-0 47 Boiling points. 235° 228° 224° 220° 217° 214° 1\V IT. -Table of Strength of Caustic Soda Solutions at 59° F. = 150° C. (TiiNNERMAN). Specific Gravity Degrees Per cent, of Equivalent per cent, of 60 per cent. Caustic Soda. \ Water 1,000). Twaddell. Soda. 1-0040 0-80 0-302 0-503 1-0081 1 62 0-601 1 001 1-0163 3 26 1-209 2 015 1-0246 4 92 1-813 3 021 1-0330 6 60 2-418 4 030 1-0414 8 28 3-022 5 037 1-0500 10 00 3-626 6 043 1-0587 11 74 4-231 7 051 1-0675 13 50 4-835 8 059 1-0764 15 28 5-440 9 067 1-0855 17 10 6-044 10 073 •1-0948 18 96 6-648 11 0*0 1-1042 20 84 7-253 12 090 11137 22 74 7-857 13 095 1-1233 24 66 8-462 14 103 1-1330 26 60 9-066 15 110 1-1428 28 66 9-670 16 117 1-1528 30 56 10-276 17 12a 1-1630 32 60 10-879 18 131 1-1734 34 68 11-484 19 140 1-1841 36 82 12-088 20 147 1-1948 38 96 12-692 21 153 1-2058 41 16 13-297 22 1G1 1-2178 43 56 13-901 23 170 1-2280 45 60 14-506 24 177 1-2392 47-84 15-110 25-170 242 USEFUL NOTES AND TABLES. III. — Table showing the Specific Gravity corresponding with the Degrees of Baume's Hydrometer. Liquids denser than Water. De- Specific De- Specific De- Specific grees. Gravity. grees. 26 Gravity. grees. Gravity. 1-0000 1-2063 52 1-5200 1 1-00(56 27 1-2160 53 1-5353 2 1-0133 28 1-2258 54 1-5510 3 1-0201 29 1-2358 55 1-5671 4 1-0270 30 1-2459 56 1-5833 5 1-0340 31 1-2562 57 1-6000 6 1-0111 32 1-2667 58 1-6170 7 10483 33 1-2773 59 1-6344 8 1 -0556 34 1-2881 60 1-6522 9 1-0630 35 1-2992 61 1-6705 10 1-0704 36 1-3103 62 1-6889 11 10780 37 1-3217 63 1-7079 12 1-0857 38 1-3333 64 • 1-7273 13 1-0935 39 1-3451 65 1-7471 14 1-1014 40 1-3571 66 1-7674 15 1-1095 41 1-3694 67 1-7882 16 1-1176 42 1-3818 68 1-8095 17 1-1259 43 1-3945 69 1-8313 18 1-1343 44 1-4074 70 1-8537 19 1-1428 4"> 1-4206 71 1-8765 20 1-1515 46 1-4339 72 1-9000 21 1-1603 47 1-4476 73 1-9241 22 1-1692 1 48 1-4615 74 1-9487 23 1-1783 49 1-4758 75 1-9740 24 1-1875 1 50 1-4902 76 2-0000 25 1-1968 1 51 1-4951 1 USEFUL TABLES. 243 IV. — Table of Boiling Points of Alkaline Leys. Alkaline Specific rercentage of Boils at degrees Fahrenheit. Ley. Gravity. Alkali. Soda .... MS 13 217° Potash .... 1-23 • 19-5 220 Soda .... 1-23 16 220 Potash .... 1-28 234 224 Soda .... 1-29 19 224 Soda .... 1-32 23 228 Potash 1-33 26-3 229 Soda .... 1 36 26 235 !Soda .... 1-40 29 242 Potash .... 1-42 34-4 246 Soda .... 147 34 255 Potash.... 1-44 36-8 255 Soda .... 1-6 36 8 265 P< (ash 1-52 42 9 276 Potash 1-6 46-7 290 Soda .... 1-63 46-6 300 Potash 1-68 51-2 329 V.- -Table showing the Quantity of Caustic Soda in Leys of different densities (water 1,000). Specific Soda BpecMo Soda gravity. per cent. gravity. per cent. 1-00 o-co 1-22 20-66 1-02 207 1-24 22-58 1-04 4-02 L-26 2 1 • 1 7 1-06 5-89 1-28 26-33 1-08 769 1-30 28-16 1-10 9-43 \--vi 29-96 1-12 11-10 1-34 31-67 114 12-81 1-35 32-40 1-16 1473 1-36 33-08 118 16-73 1-38 34-41 1-20 18-71 244 USEFUL NOTES AND TABLES. VI. — Table showing the Quantity of Bleaching Lio_riD at 6° Twah- dell (Specific Gravity 1-030) required to be added to Weaker Liquor to raise it to the giyex Strengths. Proportions Required. Strength of Sample in -& . Required Strength. Given Sample. Liquor at 6°. Water II o 18 parts. 8 part. 1 2 H 11 3 131 4 17" 5 23 1 6 35 7 71 1 Water fV 11 1 1 m 2 17" 3 23 4 35 5 71 Water fV° 17 1 23 o 35 3 71 Water tV 23 1 35 2 71 VII. — Comparative French and English Thermometer Scales. French or Centigrade Cent, or C. 10 15 20 25 30 j» 35 40 45 5) >» 50 . 55 equals English or Fahrenheit, 32 Fahr. or F. 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104 113 122 131 USEFUL TABLES. 245 Comparative French and English Thermometer Scales — continued. French or Centigrade. English or Fahrenheit. 60 Cent. orC. equals 140 Fahr. or F. 65 „ 55 149 >> 70 „ »» 158 j> 75 „ >» 167 ,, 80 J * 176 »» 85 M 185 it 90 ts 194 >> 95 )> 203 !> 100 ("Water boils) 212 >) (Water boils) 200 ,, 392 J) 300 1J 572 )» 356 „ (Mercury boils) )> 662 )» (Mercury boils) VIII. — Weights and Measures of the Metrical System. (From tbe British Pharmacopoeia.) weights. 1 Milligramme = the thousandth part of one gramme, or 0-001 gramme. 1 Centigramme = the hundredth „ „ - 01 ,, 1 Decigramme =z the tenth „ „ - l „ 1 (iramme = weight of a cubic centimetre of water at 4° C. TO „ 1 Deeagramme = ten grammes .... 10*0 „ 1 Hectogramme = one hundred grammes . . 100-0 „ 1 Kilogramme = one thousand grammes . . . 1,000-0 „ MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 1 Millilitre = 1 cubic centimetre, or the measure of 1 gramme of water. 1 Centilitres 10 „' „ 10 „ 1 Decilitre =100 ,, ,, 100 „ 1 Litres 1,000 „ ,, 1,000 MEASURES OF LENGTH. 1 Millimetre = the thousandth part of one metre, or 0-001 metre. 1 Centimetre = the hundredth „ „ - 01 ,, 1 Decimetre — the ten tli „ „ 0-1 ,, 1 Metre = the ten-millionth part of a quarter of the meridian of the earth. IX. — Table of French Weights and Measures. Kilogramme, 1,000 grammes, equals 2 lbs. 3| ozs. nearly. Gramme (the unit) equals 15-432 grains. FRENCH MEASURE OF VOLUME. 1 Litro (the unit) equals 34 fluid 01s. nearly. 246 USEFUL XOTES AXD TABLES. LONG MEASURE. Metre (the unit) equals 39-371 inches. Decimetre (10th of a metre) ,, 3-9371 ,, Centimetre (100th of a metre) ,, 0-3937 ,, Millimetre (1,000th of a metre) ,, 0-0393 „ List of Works relating to Paper Manufacture. "Practical Eemarks on Modern Paper." J. Murray. Edinburgh, 1829. " Manuel du Fabricant des Papiers." L. S. Le Xormand. Paris, 1834. "L'lDdustrie de la Papetrie." G. Planche. Paris, 1853. " Die Fabrikation des Papiers." L. Miiller. Berlin, 1855. '■ Manufacture of Paper and Boards." A. Proteaux. Philadelphia, 1866. " Manufacture of Paper." C. Hofmann. Philadelphia, 1873. " Pflanzenfasir." Hugo Miiller. Leipzig, 1ST '■'>■ "Bamboo Considered as a Paper-making Material." London, 1875. " Etudes sur les Fibres Yesetales." Yetillart. Paris, 1876. ' ■ Technology of the Paper Trade " (Cantor Lectures). Arnot. Journal Society of Arts. 1877. "The Practical Paper-maker." J. Dunbar. London, 1S81. •• Forestry and Forest Products." Edinburgh, 1884. " A Treatise on Paper." E. Parkinson. Preston, 1886. ■■Manufacture of Paper." C. T. Davis. Philadelphia, 1887. " Manufacture of Paper." Tomlinson. " Text Book of Paper-making." C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan. Articles on paper-making will also be found in the following encyclo- paedias, journals, etc : — "Encyclopaedia Britannica," vol. xvii. : " Encyclopedia Metropoli- tana," 1845; " Tomlinson' s Cyclopaedia;" "New American Cyclopae- dia;" "British Manufacturing Industries;" "English Cyclopadia ; " " Encyclopaedia Americana;" "Penny Cyclopadia;" Taper Makers' Monthly Journal ; Paper Makers' Circular; Paper Trade Journal; Ameri- can Paper Trade Journal. INDEX. A CETIC acid, 64, 98 •**- Acid, arsenious, process, 231 or bisulphite processes, ob- jections to, 74 boracic, 4(5 carbonic, 97 fluo-silicic, 175 hydrochloric, 55, 232 hypochlorous, 98 nitric, 66 nitrous, 66 nitro-hydrochloric, 64 oxalic, 98 processes, McDougall's boiler for, 72 sulphuric, 47, '^ anhydrous. 225 sulphurous, 55, 175 test, 224 test, preparation of, 225 treatment of wood, 64 Acids, action of, on cellulose, 2 Aciculai fibres, 3 Action of acids on cellulose, 2 Adanisonia, 85 Adamson's process, 77 African esparto, 47 Ajralite. 115 Agar-agar, 178 Agave Americana, 8 Alexandria rags, 21 Algerian esparto, 17 Alkali, caustic, 48 testing, L'_l Alkalimeter, Modi's, 223 Alkalimetera, 222 Alkalimetry, 221 Alkaline leys, l.uilincr points of, 243 Alkalis, sampling, 227 Alum, 116 Alum, bleach liquor, 100 cake, estimation of alumina in, 233 concentrated, 119 crystallised, 119 liquor. 240 pearl, 119 porous, 167 Alumina, estimation of, in alum, &c, 233 sulphate of, 100 Aluminium, chloride of, 100 hypochlorite of, 100 Aluminous cake, 119 American combinations for colouring, 167 method of sizing, 123 ochre, 167 refining engines, Mr. Wyatt on, 103 system of soda recovery 218 wood pulp, 60 Ammonia, 233 Ammoniacal water, 6 Andreoli's electrolytic bleaching pro- cess, 96 Anhydrous soda, 22"> sulphuric acid, 225 Aniline blues, 166 reds, 166 sulphate of, 8 triethyl rose, 98 Animal size, preparation of, 120, 122 sized papers, 123 or tub-sizing, 122 Annotta, Spanish', 238 Antichlor. 109 Antique paper, l. r >7 Apparatus, disintegrating, 72 evaporating, 205 2 4 3 IXDEX. Aqua regia, 66 Arnot, Mr., on beating-engines, 102 on finishing, loO Arnot's method of alkali testing. 229 Artificial flowers, colouring paper for, 168 ultramarine, 238 Arsenious acid process, 231 Asbestos, 73, 115 Ash, black, 219 Aussedat's process, 63 Azure blue, 170 BACK-WATER pump, Bertrams', 195 Bagging, old. 10 Balsam, Canada, 179 Baltic rags, 21 Bamboo cane, 10, 18 Bambusa vulgaris, 18 Banana fibre, 10 Bank-notes, water-marking, 147 Baobab, 85 Bark fibres, 6 oak, 166 paper mulberry, 10 Barre and Blondel's process, 66 Bast bagging, 10 Baume's hydrometer, 242 Beakers, 222, 224 Beater, 37 Jordan, 103, 104 Kingsland, 104 Beating, 101 Dunbar's observations on, 102 engine, 103 Bertrams', 105 Forbes', 105 Umpherston's, 105 engines, Arnot on, 10:} operations of. 107 or refining, 101 Bolgian rags, 20 Beiuley and Jackson's boiler, SO cooling and damping rolls, 189 drum-washer, 185 dry felt self-acting regulator, 1S6 glazing calender, 155 rag-cutter, 24 engine, f 8 single-cylinder machine, 153 web-ripping machine, 19S Benzine. 5, 77 1 •• rlin blue, 168 Bertrams' back-water pump, 195 beating-engine, 105 Bertrams' conical pulp-saver, 144 damping-rolls, 155 edge-runner, 82 esparto-cleaner, 40 large paper machine, 134 rag boiler, 29 cutting-machine, 23 engine, 37 revolving strainer and knotter, 137 revolving knife-cutter, 162 reeling machine, 197 single-sheet cutter, 162 web-glazing calender, 196 willowing and dusting machine, 26 Beetroot refuse, 10 Beyrout rags, 21 Bichromate of potassa, 165 Binders' clippings, 10 Birch, 60 Bisulphite of lime, 71 magnesium, 70 process, Blitz'-. 72 Francke's, 68 Graham's, 73 Mitscherlich's, 71 objections to, 74 Black ash, 219 calicoes. 20 cotton, 20 Frankfort, 171 lamp, 166 Blacks, 20 Bleach, 93 liquor, alum, 100 Wilson's, 100 zinc, 99 mixer, 92 pump. Donkin's, 193 Bleaching, 89 agent, 90 with chloride of lime, 92 chlorine gas, Glaser's pro- cess, 93 C. Watt, jun.'s, electrolytic pro- cess, 94 electrolytic, Andreoli's process, 96 Hermite's process, 96 esparto, 50 liquid, table showing quantity to to be used, 244 liquor, 50, 91 preparation of, 92 IXDEX. 249 -Bleaching liquors, 3 Lunge's process of, 98 new method of, 100 operations, 89 powder, 92 estimation of chlorine in, 230 Fresenius' method, 231 Gay-Lussac's method, 231 Bleaching, sour, 91 Thompson's process, 97 Young's method, 100 Blending, 112 Blitz's process, 72 Blotting-papers, 21, 181 Blue, I06 azure, 170 Berlin, 168 Bremen, 170 cottons, 20 dark, 170 indigo, 166 linens, 20 mineral, 171 pale, 170 paper, 19 Paris, 169 Prussian, 165 rags, 19 smalts, 165 Blues, 20 aniline, 166 Boiler, Bentley and Jackson's, 80 Roeckner's, 45 Boiling, American, 60 esparto, 41 rags, 29 straw, 81 waste paper, 86 Boracic acid, 46 Borax, 169 Boxes, suction, 148 Brazil wood, 166 lake, 236 Breaking half-stuff, 39 points of paper, method of deter- mining, 240 Breaking and washing, 34 Breast-roll, 149 Bremen blue, 170 " Broke " paper, 85 Bromine, 6 water, 6 Broom, 10 Bruussonetia papyrifera, IS Brown, 167 brown, dark, 170 reddish, 172 Bucking-keir, 88 Buckwheat straw, 10 Buff envelope, 167 Bunsen burner, 225 Burettes, 222 pALCINED soda, 93 ^ Calciner, 206 Calcium, acetate of, 98 chloride of, 109, 230 hypochlorite of, 3 salts, 99 Calender, glazing, 154 Calendering, 154 super, Mr. Wyatt on, 158 Calicoes, black, 20 Canada balsam, 179 Cane, bamboo. 10 rattan, 10 Caoutchouc, 73 Carbonate of lime, 119 magnesia, 46 potassa, 235, 236 soda, 31 Carbonell's esparto process, 46 Carbonic acid, 97 Carbonisation, 75 Cardboard, 182 with two faces by ordinary ma- chinery, 182 work, 179 Carminated lake, 237 Carrageen moss, 1 78 Carrying tubes, 143 Castile soap, 121 Caustic alkali, 48 potash, 3, 7 soda, 31 ley, 31 table showing quantities of in leys of different den- sities, 243 Cauticising soda, 32, 205 tanks, 218 Cellulose, 1 action of acids on. 2 determination of, 5 of flax, 4 physical characteristics of, 3 white, 76 Chemical combination, 224 processes, 55 IXDEX. Chemical wood pulp. 54 Chilled-iron glazing-rolls, 156 China clay, 114 grass, 10 Chloride of aluminium, 100 calcium, 101,230 lime, 47, 230 bleaching with, 92 testing samples of, 232 magnesium, 06 potassium. 95 sodium, 95, 109 zinc, 99 Colorimeter, 232 Chlorimetrv, 231 Chlorine, 2*, 90, 232 gas, bleaching with, 93 in bleaching powder, estimation of, 230 test for, 110 Chrome, lemon. 170 orange, 166 yellow. 166 Cinnabar, 171 Citrate of tin, 169 Clarifier, Roeckner's, 199 Clay, China. 114 Clogging, 116 '• Close " paper, 112 Cobalt, oxide of, 165 Cochineal, 121, 166 lake, 236 Colcothar, 170 Coloured cotton. 20 papers, 165 Colouring, 1:21 American combinations for, 167 materials, mixing, with pulp, 16S matters used in paper making, 166 paper for artificial flowers, 168 Commercial sodas, examination of, 221 Comparative cost of animal and engine sizing, estimate of. 128 French and English thermometer scales. 244 Composition for waterproof paper, 177 Concentrated alum, 119 Conical pulp-saver, 144 Cooling and damping rolls, Bentley and Jackson's, 1S9 Copal, white, 179 Copper, green, 170 Copper, liydrated oxide of, 175 sulphate, 146 Copperas, 165 Copying-paper, 120 Corchorus capsularis, 4 Cork, 180 paper 180 Cost of animal and engine sizing, com- parative estimate of, 12S Cotton fibre, 3 filaments of, 7 pieces, 20 rags, 10 seed waste, 10 oil soap, 121 superfine whites, 20 waste, 10 wool, 10 Cottons, blue, 20 outshot, 20 unbleached, 20 Coucher, 130 Couch-rolls, 149 Coupier and Mellier's process, 80, 84 Crop madder, 237 Crystallised alum, 119 Cupro-ammonium, 2, 174 Wright's process of preparing, 175 Cutting, 22, 161 machine, 23 Verny's. 187 Cutter, single-sheet, 162 Cutters, 22 Cylinder, drying, 185 machine, single, 152 washing. 193 Cylinders, drying, 151 y "T\ALTON"S table showing proportion -L' of dry soda in leys of different densities, 241 Damping-rolls, Bertrams', 155 /Dandv-roll, 144 Deckle, 130 frame. 143 strap, 143 De la Rue's improvements in water marks, 147 Determination of cellulose, 5 Determining the real value or per- centage of commercial sodas,chloride of lime, Ac, 221 Devil, Donkms, 27 Dextrin, 2 INDEX. 251 Diana's process for making paper or cardboard with two faces by ordinary machinery, 182 Digester, 65 Disinfecting machine, 12 Disintegrating apparatus, 79 Doctor, the, 150 Donkin's bleach -mixer, 92 pump, 193 glazing machine, 157 press, 157 plate-planing machine, 191 rag boiler, 30 dusting machine, 26 washing cylinder for rag-engine, 193 Double crown, 164 demy, 164 royal, 164 Double-sized paper, 126 Drab, 167 Drainers, 39 Draining, 39 Dr. Mitscherlich's process, 71 Drum-washer, 34 Bentley and Jackson's, 185 Dry-felt regulator, self-acting, 186 Drying cylinder, 185 cylinders, 151 Dunbar's method of treating esparto, 48 observations on beating, 102 Duster, 26 Dusting, 26 Dutch grappe madder, 237 Dyers' wood waste, 10 EDGE-RUNNER, Bertrams', 82 Ekm an's process, 70 Elastic fibres, 3 packing, 72 Electrolytic bleaching process, An- dreoli s, 06 Hermite's, 96 C. Watt's, 94 Electrotypes for water-marking, 146 Engine, beating, 103 Bertrams', 105 Forbes', 105 Umpherston's, 105 Marshall's perfecting, 201 size, French method of prepar- ing, 120 sizing, 115 Engines, heating, Mr. Arnot on, 102 refining, American, Mr. W\att on, 103 English green, 172 pink, 172 Envelope, buff, 167 orange-red gold, 167 yellow gold, 167 Eosine, 166 Equivalents, chemical, 224 Esparto, African, 47 Algerian, 47 bleaching, 50 boiler, Sinclair's, 42, 43 boiling, 41 cleaner, Bertrams', 40 Dunbar's treatment of, 48 fibre, 4 Gabes, 47 grass, 10, 16 Mallary's process for, 46 Oran, 47 picking, 40 preliminary treatment of, 40 Carbonell's process for, 46 Sfax, 47 Spanish, 47 Susa, 47 Tripoli, 47 washing boiled, 49 willowing, 41 Young's process for boiling, 50 Estimation of alumina in alum cake, &c, 233 of chlorine in bleaching powder, 230 of commercial sodas, 221 Eucalyptus, oil of, 178 Evaporating apparatus, 205 Evaporator, esparto, 206 Porion's, 208 Roeckner's, 206 Yaryan's. 208 Evaporators, American, 61, 208 Examination of commercial sodas, 221 "PEEBLY-RIBBED, or smooth fibres, Felt, 72, 101 Felting, 131 Fern leaves, 10 Ferrocyanide of potassium, 165 Fibre, banana, 10 cotton, 3 2 52 IXDEX. Fibre, esparto, 4 flax, 7 hemp, 8 jute, 4, 8 linen, 4 Manilla, 4 sulphite, and resin, 76 yellow pine, 4 Fibres, acicular, 3 bark, 6 elastic, 3 round-ribbed, 5 smooth, or feebly-ribbed, 5 spiral, 8 straw, 4 various, treatment of, 80 vegetable, micrographic exami- nation of, 5 vegetable, recognition of, by the microscope, 6 Fibrous waste, 11 Finished paper, packing the, 163 Finishing, 157 Arnot on, 160 house, 163 and sizing, 132 First press-roll, 150 Flask, 227 Flax, cellulose of, 4 fibre, or linen, 7 New Zealand, 8, 10 tow, 11 waste, 10 Flocks, 73 Florence lake, 237 Foolscap, 164 Forbes' beating-engine, 105 Foreign rags, 20 Fourdrinier machine, 133 Franeke's bisulphite process, 68 Frankfort black, 169 French and English thermometer scales, comparative, 244 measure of volume, 2 -J 5 rags, 20 weights and measures, table of, 245 Fresenius' method of estimating bleach- ing powder, 231 Friction-glazing, 157 Fridet and Matussiere's process, 66 Furnace, incinerating, 208 Fustians 'J I Fustic, 100 rjABES esparto, 17 " Gaine's process for making parch- ment paper, 182 Gamboge, 169 Gas, chlorine, bleaching with, 93 receiver, 65 Gay-Lussae's method of estimating bleaching-powder, 231 German rags, 21 Glaser's process for bleaching with chlorine gas, 93 Glauber's salt, 10^ Glazing calender, 154 press, Donkin's, 1">7 rolls, chilled-iron, 156 web, 154 Glucose, 2 Glue pieces, 122 stock, 121 Glycerin, 120 Graham's process, 73 Grass, China, 10 esparto, 10, 16 sea, 11 Green, copper, 170 English. 172 pale, 170 Schweinfurth, 171 Grey linens, 20 Ground madder, 2:'>7 wood pulp, 85 Guillotine rag-cutter, 24 Gum arabic, 169 sandarac, 179 trau'acauth, 168 Granny, 20 bags, 10 Gutta-percha, 147 HALF jute and linen, 20 stuff, 39, 101 breaking, 39 Hemp fibre, 8 Manilla, 4, 10 sizal, 8 tarred, 20 waste, 10 white, 20 Hermite's electrolytic bleaching pro- cess, 96 Hii, r h-pressure boiler, 63 Hollander, or rag-engine, 34, 129 Home rau's, 20 Hop-bines, 10 INDEX. Hydrate of soda, 2 f> Hydrated oxide of copper, 175 Hydro-cellulose, 1 Hydrochloric acid, 55, 232 Hydro-extractor, 94 Hydrometer, Baume's, 242 Twaddell's, 288 Hypochlorite of aluminium, 1(0 calcium, X lime, 92, 98, 230 soda. 8 sodium, 96 Hypochlorous acid, 98 Hyposulphite of soda, 110 TODIDE of potassium, 111 J- Imitation Manilla pulp from wood, 239 Imperial, 164 Incinerating furnace, 208 Indiarubber. vulcanised, 223 Indigo, 98, 166 sulphate of, 232 Ink, lithographic, 180 Introduction of wood pulp, 17 Irish moss, 178 Iron, oxide of, 34 Iron, pernitrate of. 165 sulphate of, 170 Isinglass, 179 JAPANESE paper, new, 180 Jordan's beating engine, 103, 104 Jouelet's process for waterproof paper, 177 Jute fibre, 4, 8 ' Manilla, etc., 84 spinners' waste, 20 waste, 10, 20 TTAOLIN, 114, 182 ■**- Keegan's process, 59 Killing thi' colour, 121 Kingsland beating-engine, 104 Knife, revolving, 161 Knottier and strainer, revolving, 137 Kollergang, or edge- runner, 8 J T AC lake, 237 -L* Laid paper, 130 Lake, Brazil-wood, 236 carminated, 237 cochineal, 236 Florence, 237 Lake, lac, 237 madder, 237 orange, 238 scarlet, 171 Lakes, preparation of, 235 Lamp-black, 166, lu9 Leaching, 218 tanks, 218 Lead, nitrate of, 167 white, 171 Leather waste, 11 Leghorn rags, 21 Lemon chrome, 170 Leys, alkaline, boiling point of, 243 of different densities, table show- ing quantities of caustic soda in, 243 Lime, bisulphite of, 71 carbonate of, 119 chloride of, 23, 47, 110 bleaching with, 92 testing, 232 hypochlorite of, 92, 98, 230 milk of, 33, 72, 110 sulphate of, 100 Limed skins, 1^2 Linen, 4 fibre, 4 or flax fibre, 7 pieces, 20 rags, 10 waste, 10 Linens, blue, 20 extra fine, 20 grey, 20 strong, 20 white, 20 Liquor, bleaching, preparation of, 92 Liquors, bleaching, 3 spent, recovery of soda from, 21S Lithographic ink, 1*80 paper, 180 Litmus paper, 183 Lixiviation, 75 Loading, 114 Logwood, 166 Long measure, French, 246 Lunge's bleaching process, 9 MACHINE, Bentlev and Jackson's perfecting-, 20*1 web-ripping, 198 Bertrams' large paper, 13 rag-cutting, 23 reeling, 197 2 54 IXDEX. Machine, Bertrams' web-glazing, 196 willowing and dusting, 26 disinfecting, 12 ' Donkin's plate-planing, 191 rag-dusting, 2 J Fourdrinier, 133 rag-cutting. 23 roll-bar planing. 191 single-cylinder, 152 web-winding, 188 sizing. 126 Verny's paper-cutting, 187 wire and its accessories, 142 Yankee, 152 Machinery, making paper by. 133 used in paper-making, 1^4 Machines, wet, 57 Madder. Dutch, 237 ground. 237 lake. 237 Magnesia, carbonate of, 46 sulphate of, 46 Magnesfan limestone, 69 Magnesite, 46, 70 Magnesium, bisulphite of, 70 chloride of, 96 Maize husks and stems, 10 Making the paper, 130 paper or cardboard with two faces bv ordinary machinery, 182 paper by hand, 129 machinery, 133 Mallary's process for esp irto, 46 Manganese, peroxide of, 94 Manilla fibre, 4 hemp. 4, 10 jute. &c, 84 paper, 85 Manilla, imitation, from wood pulp, 139 Manning winder, 159 Maori-prepared phormium, 8 Materials, raw, 10 used in paper-making. 9 Marking, water, 146 Marshall's perfecting engine, 201 McDougall's boiler for acid processes, Mechanical process a, 7 - wood pulp, 113 Voe Iter's process of pre- paring. 7 s Megass, or cane trash, 10 Mellier's process, 8t Method of sizing, American. 123 Metrical system, weights and measures of. 245 " Micrographic examination of vegetable fibres, 5 Microscope, recognition of vegetable fibres by, 6 Midfeather, 35 Milk of lime. 33, 72. 110 Millboard. 17" Mincing the fibre, 102 Mineral blue, 171 orange, 166 Miscellaneous papers, 174 Mixed tines 2 > prints, 20 Mixing colouring materials with pulp, 168 Moiir's alkalimeter, 223 Molasses, 180 MoruVs process for toughening paper, 17S Morocco papers, stains for, 171 Mucilage, 94 Mustard oil, 46 stems, 10 ]U"ASCENT chlorine. 96 ^ Netting, old. 11 New Japanese paper. 180 method of bleaching, 100 New racs. 2< ' New Zealand flax, S, 10 Nitric acid. 66 Nitro-hydrochloric acid, 64 Nitrous acid, Notes and tables. 235 Nutgalls, 166 Nuttall's rag-cutter, 24 OAK-BARK. 166 Oakum. 11 Objections to the acid or bisulphite process. 74 Ochre, American, 167 yellow, 165. 166 Oil, boiled. 17i< cotton-seed, soap. 121 of eucalyptus, 17;> linseed. 179 mustard. 46 resin, 178 of turpentine, 179 of vitriol, 100 Oiled paper, 180 IXDEX. 255 Old bagging, 10 bast bagging, 10 canvas, L0 netting, 11 rope, 10 style, 157 Operation of beating, 107 Oran esparto, 47 Orange chrome, 166 lake, 2:;S mineral, 166 red gold envelope, 167 yellow, 171 Organic acid, 99 Outshot cottons, 20 Outshots (whites), 20 Overhaulers, 22 Oxalic acid, 98 Oxide of cobalt, 165 iron, 34 zinc, 99 PACKING the finished paper, 163 Pale blue, 170 Panels, millboard, 175 Pasteboard, 179 Paper, animal sized, 123 antique, 157 blotting, 21, 181 blue, 19 breaking points of, method of determining, 240 "broke," 85 or cardboard with two faces made by ordinary machinery, 182 colouring, for artificial flowers, 16S copying, 120 cork, 180 cutting machine, Verny's, 1S7 double sized, 126 hand-made, 129 new Japanese, 180 machine, Bertrams' large, 134 Fourdrinier's, 133 Yankee, 152 making by hand, 129 by machinery, 133 machinery used in, 184 materials used in, 9 manilla, 85 imitation manilla, from wood, 239 Mnrfit's process for toughening, 178 mulberry, 18 bark, 10" Paper, oiled, 180 old style, 157 parchment, 181 shavings, 58 sizes of, 164 strength of, 240 Parkinson's contrivance for determining, 240 toned, 165 toughening, ITS tracing, 179 transparent. 179 turmeric, 183 varnished, 179 vegeto-mmeral, 115 waste, 85 boiling, 86 Ryan's process for treating, "87 water-marked, 130 waterproof, 174 Jouglet's process, 177 for windows, lt>l coloured, 165 miscellaneous, 174 Morocco, stains for, 171 printing, 164 satin, stains for, 172 test, 183 wrapping, 178 writing, 164 Parchment Liquor, 171 paper, 181 shavings, 171 Paris blue, 169 Parker and Blackman's disinfecting machine, 12 Parting, 131 Partington's process, 71 Pearl alum, 119 Pearlash, 238 Pearl hardening, 114 Peat, 10 Pectin, 6 Pectose, 6 Perchloride of tin, 236 Perfecting engine, Marshall's, 201 Pernitrate of iron, 16") Peroxide of manganese, 94 Petroleum, 178 Phormium tenax, 8 Physical characteristics of cellulose, 3 Picking esparto, 40 Pictet and Brelaz's process, 64 Pieces, cotton, 20 2^6 IXDEX. Pieces, linen, 20 l'ink, 166 English, 172 Plate-glazing, 157 calender, reversing, 191 planing machine, 190 Poplar, 10, 60 Porion's evaporator, 203 Porous alum, 167 Potash, 74 carbonate of, 235 caustic, 3, 7 yellow prussiate of, 16-3 Potassa, carbonate of, 235 Potassium, chloride of, 95 iodide of, 111 ferrocvanide of, 165 Potcher, 37" Poucher, 39 Poumarede and Figuier's process for parchment paper, 181 Preliminary operations, 19 treatment of esparto, 40 Preparation of animal size, 122 bleaching liquor, 92 lakes, 235 test acid, 225 Press, glazing, Donkin's, 157 Press-rolls, 150 Presse-pate, 51 Printing-paper, 103 papers, 164 Prints, light, 20 mixed, 20 Process, Adamson's, 77 American wood pulp, 60 Andreoli's electrolvtic bleaching, 96 arsenious acid, 231 Aussedat's, 63 Barre and Blondel's, 66 Blitz's, 72 Carbonell's esparto, 46 Coupier and Mellier's, 80 C. Watt's electrolvtic bleaching, 94 Diana's, for making paper with two faces by ordinary ma- chinery, 1S2 Dr. Mitscherlich's, 71 Eckman's, 70 Francke's bisulphite, 68 Fridet and Matussiere's, 66 Gaine's, for making p .rchment paper, 182 Process, Graham s, 73 Hermite's electrolvtic bleaching, 96 Jouglet's, for preparing water- proof paper, 177 Keegan's, 59 Lunge's bleaching, P8 Mallarv's esparto, 46 Mellier's. 84 Morfit's, 178 Partington's, 71 Pictet and Brelaz's, 64 Poumarede and Figuier's, 1S1 retting, 129 Bitter and Kellner's, 71 Byan's. 57 Scoffern and Tidcombe's, 174 Sinclair's, 58 Thompson's, 97 Thune's, 79 Voelter's, 78 Watt and Burgess's, 55 Wright's, 175 Young's, 50 Young and Pettigrew's, 66 Processes, acid or bisulphite, objec- tions to, 74 McDougall's boiler for : 72 chemical, 55 mechanical, 7S sulphide, 77 sulphite, 68 Prussian blue, lt ; 5 Prussiate of potash. 165 Pulp, ground wood. B5 long-fibred, 111 mechanical wood, 113 mixing colouring matter with, 168 rag, 72 Pulp saver, 143 conical. 144 strainers, 137 Bertrams' revolving, 137 Boeckner's, 140 Pulp, sulphite, 6S, 160 wood, American, 60 first introduced bv Mr. C. Watt, 17 imitation Manilla from, 239 Pump, vacuum, 149 Q UEBCITEON, 166 JXDEX. 257 RAG bagging, 11 boiler, Bertrams', 29 Donkin's, 30 cutter, Nuttall's, 24 cutting-machine, Bertrams', 23 Donkin's, 26 engine. 34 Bentley and Jackson's, 38 Bertrams', 37 pulp, 72 Rags, 11 Alexandria, 21 Baltic, 21 Belgian, 20 Bevrout, 21 blue, 19 boiling, 29 cotton, 10 country, 21 disinfecting, 12 foreign, 20 French, 20 German, 21 home, 20 Leghorn, 21 linen, 10 new, 20 Russian, 21 sorting, 19 treatment of, 19 Trieste, 21 Turkey, 21 woollen, 21 Rattan cane, 10 Raw materials, 10 Recognition of vegetable fibres by the microscope, 6 Recovery of soda, American system, 218 from spent liquor, 204 Bed, cherry, 170 dark," 170 litmus paper, 183 ochre, 172 pale, 171 Turkey, 170 Venetian, 166 Heels, aniline, 166 Reeds, 10 Reeling machine, Bertrams', 197 Refining or beating, 101 engine, 159 Jordan's, 103 engines, American, Mr. Wvatt on, 103 Regulating box, 136 Resin, (3, 115 oil, 178 size, 118 soap,. Ht> Resinous soaps, 179 Retree, 85, lu'4 Retting, 4 process of, 129 Reversing or plate-glazing calender, 190 Revolving knife, 161 cutter, 162 strainer and knotter, 137 Rhamnus catharticus, 169 Ritter and Kellner's process, 71 Roeckner's boiler, 45 clarifier, 199 evaporator, 206 pulp strainers, 140 Roll-bar planing machine, 191 Rolls, couch, 149 press, 150 smoothing, 151, 152 Rope, 20 bagging, 20 hard, 20 tarred, 20 white, 20 Round-ribbed fibres, 5 Royal, 164 Russian rags, 21 Ryan's process for treating waste paper, 87 OAILCLOTH, 11 U Salt of tartar, 235 Sampling alkalies. 227 Sandarac, gum, 179 Sand-table, 136 tables, 149 trap, 50, 136 Sap green, 169 Satin papers, stains for, 172 Save-all, 143 Sawdust, 10 Scarlet lake, 171 Schweinfurth green, 171 Scoffern and Tidcombe's process for waterproof paper, 174 Pea grass, 11 Seaweeds, 178 Second press-roll, 150 Seconds rags, 20 Seconds, whites, 20 2 5 8 INDEX. Self-acting dry felt regulator, 186 cleansing strainer, 139 Separating tank, 61 letting. 174 Settling of the pulp, 131 Sfax esparto. 47 Shavings, paper, 58 parchment. 171 wood, 10, 55 Shoddy, 11 > ilk cocoon waste, 11 Silver white, 173 s inclair's esparto boiler, 42, 43 process, 5S Single-cylinder machine, 152 Single-sheet cutter, 162 web-winding machine, 18S Sizal, or sisal hemp, 8 Size, animal, preparation of, 122 engine, French method of pre- pariner. 120 resin, 118 Sizes of paper, 164 Sizing, 115 American method of, 123 and finishing. 132 machine, 126 tub or animal, 122 Mr. Wyatt's remarks on. 127 zinc soaDS in, 121 Skip. 153 Small post, 164 Smalls blue, 121, 165 Smoothing presses, three-roll , 194 rolls, 151, 152 l-Miap, Castile, 121 cotton-seed oil, 121 resin, 116 Soaps, zinc, in sizing, 121 Soda, anhvdrous. 225 ash, 31, 227 calcined. 93 carbonate, 31 caustic, 31 table showing the quan- tities of levs of different densities. 243 dry, Dalton's table, showing the proportion of, in leys of diffe- rent densities 241 hydrate of. 225 hypochlorite of. 8 hyposulphite of, 110 ley, caustic. 31 recovery of, 104 Soda, recovery of, American system of, 218 solutions, caustic, table showing strength of. 241 sulphite of, 110 thiosulphite of, 110, 233 Sodas, commercial, examination of, 221 Sodium, chloride of, 95, 109 hypochlorite of, 96 thiosulphite of, 233 Sorting rags, 19. 22 Sour bleaching, 91 Souring, 99 Spanish annotta, 238 esparto, 47 Spent liquors, recovery of soda from, 204 liquors, 218 Spiral fibres, 8 Spruce, 60 Stable manure, 11 Staining power of ultramarines, 240 Stains for Morocco papers, 171 satin papers. 172 Standard test-acid solution, 225 Starch paste, 117 Strainer and knotter, Bertrams' re- volving, 137 self-cleansing, 139 Stiainers, 57, 137 Eoeckner's pulp, 140 Straw, 16 boiling, SI buckwheat, 10 fibres, 4 wheat, 10 Strength of paper, determination of 240 Strings, 20 Strong linens, 20 Stuff-chests, 57. 112, 136 pump, 136 Sturtevant blower, 60 Suction boxes, 148 Sulphate of alumina, 100 aniline, 8 copper, 146 indigc. -■ 2 iron. 1 , lime, 1( magnesia, 46 zinc, 99, 119 Sulphide processes, 77 Sulphite fibre. 76 INDEX. 259 Sulphite fibre and resin, 76 processes, (j'S pulp, 68 of soda, 110 wood pulp, 160 Sulphur, 72, 225 Sulphuric acid, 47,91, 99 anhydrous, 115 Sulphurous acid, 175 gas, 55 Super-calendering, 157 American, Mr. Wyatt on, 157 Superfine white cotton, 20 Supertines, white, 20 Supply-box, 136 Surface-sizing, 122 Susa esparto, 47 TABLE of boiling points of alkaline leys, 243 French and English thermometer scales, 244 French weights and measures, 245 showing proportion of dry soda in levs of different densities, 241 showing the quantity of bleach- ing liquid to be used, 244 showing the quantity of bleach liquor required to be added to weaker liquors, 244 showing the quantity of caustic sodas in leys of different den- sities. 243 showing the specific gravity cor- responding with the degrees of Baume's hydrometer, 242 of strength of caustic soda solu- tions, 241 of weights and measures of the metrical system, 245 Tables and notes, 235 sand, 149 Tan waste, 10 Tarpaulin, 11, 77 Tarred hemp, 20 rope, 20 string, 20 Tartar, salts of, 235 Tea colour, 167 Test acid, preparation of, 224, 225 for chlorine, 110 liquor, 232 papers, 1S3 Testing chloride of lime, 232 ultramarines, 239 Thermometer scales, comparative French and English, 244 Thiosulphite of soda, 110 sodium, 233 Thirds, whites, 20 Thompson's bleaching process, 97 Three-roll smoothing process, 194 Th une's process, 79 Tiles, paper, 175 Tin, citrate of, 169 perchloride of, 236 Tobacco stalks, 10 Toned paper, 165 Torrance's drainer, 39 Toughening paper, 178 Tracing paper, 179 Tragacanth, gum, 168 Transparent paper, 179 Treatment of esparto, 40 rags, 19, 29 various fibres, 80 wood, 53, C8 Triethyl rose aniline, 98 Tripoli esparto, 47 Tub-sizing, 122 Turmeric paper, 183 Turkish minium, 170 Turkey rags, 21 red, 170 Turpentine, oil of, 179 Venice, 179 Twaddell's hydrometer, 238 TTLTRAMARINE, 121, 165 U artificial, preparation of, 238 Ultramarines, staining power of, 240 testing, 239 Umpherston's beating-engine, 105 Unbleached cottons, 20 yACUUM pumps, 149 ' Vanadate of ammonia, 72 Various fibres, treatment of, 60 Varnished paper, 179 Varrentrapp's zinc bleach liquor, 100 Vat for hand paper-making, 129 Vegetable fibres, micrograpic examina- tion of, 5 Vegetable fibres, recognition of, by the microscope, 6 Vegeto-mineral paper, 115 Venetian red, 166 Venice turpentine, 179 260 IXDEX. Verdigris, 169 Verny's paper-cutting machine, 187 Yiole't, 171 dark, 172 light, 171 Vitriol, oil of, 57, 90, 106 Voelters process for preparing mecha- nical wood pulp, 78 Volumetric assaying, -24 Vulcanised india-rubber, 223 Vulcanite, 1-18 WASHING, American, 61 boiled esparto, 49 and breaking. 34 engine, 37 cylinder for rag-engine, 193 Waste, cot: m, 10 cotton seed, 10 flax, 10 hemp. 10 jute, 10 linen, 10 liquors, recovery of soda from,204 paper, 10, 85 boiling, 86 Ryan's process for, 87 tan, 10 Water-marked paper, 130 Water-markin. Water-marks, De la Rue's improve- ments in, 147 Waterproof composition for paper, 177 paper, 174 for flooring. 177 Jouglet's process, 177 for roofing, 177 Watt and Burgess's wood-paper process, 55 Watt's electrolvtic bleaching process, 94 Wax, 6, 120 soap, 169 _. rang, 154 calender, Bertrams', 196 Web-ripping machine, 198 ■Weights and measures, French table :. 245 - and measures of the metrical ;:. 245 Wet machim White cellul - copal, 179 hemp, 20 lead, 171 White linens, 20 Willow and duster, Bertrams'. 25 Ma-son, Scott, and Co.'s, 40 Willowing. 24 esparto. 41 Wilson's bleach liquor, 100 Winding machine, single-web, 188 Wood, acid treatment of, 64 fibre, 53 paper, Watt's patent for, 17 pulp, American method of pre- paring, 60 pulp, chemical, 54 mechanical, 113 shavings, 10, 55, 77 pulp, sulphite, 160 treatment of, 53, 68 pulp, Voelters mechanical pro- cess for preparing, 78 waste, dyers', 10 Woollen rags, 21 Wrapping papers, 178 Wright's process for preparing cupro- ammonium, 175 Writing paper-. L64 Wyatt, Mr., on American refining en- gines, 103 on American super-calendering, 157 Wyatt, Mr., on sizing, 127 VYLOIDIN, 67 YANKEE machine. 152 Yaryan evaporator, 208 Yellow chrome, 166 gold envelope, 167 lake, 238 ochre, 165, 166 pale. 172, 173 pine fibre, 4 Young's method of bleaching, 100 Young and Pettigrew's process, 66 Young's process for cleaning esparto, 50 ZINC bleach liquor, 99 chloride of, 99 oxide of. 99, 100 salts, 100 soaps in sizingr, 121 sulphate of, 99, 119 Zostera marina, 11 PBIXTEU UY J. S. VIETUK AND CO., LIMITED, CIT5T EOAD, LONDON 7, Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.C. May, 1894. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS INCLUDING NEW AND STANDARD WORKS IN ENGINEERING: CIVIL, MECHANICAL, AND MARINE; ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING; MINING, METALLURGY; ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING, INDUSTRIAL AND DECORATIVE ARTS; SCIENCE, TRADE AND MANUFACTURES; AGRICULTURE, FARMING, GARDENING ; AUCTIONEERING, VALUING AND ESTATE AGENCY; LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS. PUBLISHED BY CROSB Y LOCKWOOD & SON. 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Mathematical Tables. — Measurement of Surfaces and Solids. — English Weights and Measures. — French Metric Weights and Mea- sures. — Foreign Weights and Measures. — Moneys. — Specific Gravity, Weight and Volume — Manufactured Metals. — Steel Pipes. — Bolts and Nuts. — Sundry Articles in Wrought and Cast Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead, Tin, Zinc. — Strength of Materials. — Strength of Timber. — Strength of Cast Iron.— Strength of Wrought Iron. — Strength of Steel. — Tensile Strength of Copper, Lead, etc. — Resistance of Stones and other Build- ing Materials. — Riveted Joints in Boiler Plates. — Boiler Shells — Wire Ropes and Hemp Ropes. — Chains and Chain Cables.— Framing. — Hardness of Metals, Alloys and Stones. — Labour of Animals. — Mechanical Prin- ciples. — Gravity and Fall of Bodies. — Accelerating and Retarding Forces.— Mill Gearing, Shafting, etc. — Transmission of Motive Power. — Heat. — Combustion: Fuels. — Warming, Ventilation, Cooking Stoves. — Steam. — Steam Engines and Boilers. — Railways. — Tramways. — Steam Ships. — Pumping Steam Engines and Pumps. — Coal Gas, Gas Engines, etc. — Air in Motion. — Compressed Air.— Hot Air Engines. — Water Power — Speed of Cutting Tools. — Colours. — Electrical Engineering. *** Opinions of the Press. 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It is, in fact, an agri- cultural library of itself."- North British Agriculturist. " A compendium of authoratative and well-ordered knowledge on every conceivable branch of the work of the live stock farmer ; probably without an equal in this or any other country." Yorkshire Post. " The best and brightest guide to the practice of husbandry, one that has no superior — no equal we might truly say— among the agricultural literature now before the public. . . . Irt every section in which we have tested it, the work has been found thoroughly up to date."— Sell's Weekly Messenger. British Farm Live Stock. FARM LIVE STOCK OF GREAT BRITAIN. By Robert Wallace, F.L.S., F.R.S.E., &c, Professor of Agriculture and Rural Eco- nomy in the University of Edinburgh. Third Edition, thoroughly Revised and considerably Enlarged. With over 120 Phototypes of Prize Stock. Demy 8vo, 384 pp., with 79 Plates and Maps, 125. 6d. cloth. 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Every ..operation on the farm is dealt with. The work may be taken as thoroughly accurate, the whole of the tables having been revised by Dr. Fream. ,We cordially recommend it."— Bell's Weekly Messenger^, AGRICULTURE, FARMING, GARDENING, etc. 45, The Management of Bees. BEES FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT: A Guide to the Manipulation of Bees, the Production of Honey, and. the General Manage- ment of the Apiary. By G, Gordon Samson. With numerous Illustrations, Crown 8vo, is. cloth. " The intending bee-keeper will find exactly the kind of information required to enable him to make a successful start with his hives. The author is a thoroughly competent teacher, and his- book may be commended." — Morning Post. Farm and Estate Book-keeping. BOOK-KEEPING FOR FARMERS &■ ESTATE OWNERS. A Practical Treatise, presenting, in Three Plans, a System adapted for all Classes of Farms. By Johnson M. Woodman, Chartered Accountant. Second Edition, Revised. 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" The most valuable compendium of kitchen and market-garden work published." — Farmer. Cottage Gardening. COTTAGE GARDENING; or, Flowers, Fruits, and Vegetables for Small Gardens. By E. Hobday. i2mo, is. 6d. cloth limp. " Contains much useful information at a small charge." — Glasgow Herald. 46 CROSBY LOCK WOOD & SON'S CATALOGUE. AUCTIONEERING, VALUING, LAND SURVEYING ESTATE AGENCY, e tc. Auctioneer's Assistant. THE APPRAISER, A UCTIONEER, BROKER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT AND VALUER'S POCKET ASSISTANT, for the Valua- tion for Purchase, Sale, or Renewal of Leases, Annuities and Reversions, and of property generally; with Prices for Inventories, &c. By John Wheeler, Valuer, &c. Sixth Edition, Re-written and greatly extended by C. N orris, Surveyor, Valuer, &c. Royal 321110, 5s. cloth. " A neat' and concise book of reference, containing an admirable and clearly-arranged list of prices for inventories, and a very practical guide to determine the value of furniture, ic" — Standard. " Contains a large quantity of varied and useful Information as to the valuation for purchase, sale, or renewal of leases, annuities and reversions, and of property generally, with prices for inventories, and a guide to determine the value of interior fittings and other effects." — Builder. A^nction eeri u o AUCTIONEERS: THEIR DUTIES AND LIABILITIES. A Manual of Instruction and Counsel for the Young Auctioneer. By Robert Squibbs, Auctioneer. Second Edition, Revised and partly Re- written. Demy 8vo, 12s. 6d. cloth. *** Opinions of the Press. " The standard text-book on the topics of which it treats." — Athenaum. " The work is one of general excellent character, and gives much information in a compen- dious and satisfactory form." — Builder. 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POLE PLANTATIONS AND UNDERWOODS: A Practical Handbook on Estimating the Cost of Forming, Renovating, Improving, and Grubbing Plantations and Underwoods, their Valuation for Purposes ot Transfer, Rental, Sale, or Assessment. By Tom Bright, Author of "The AgriculturalValuer's Assistant,'' &c. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. cloth, " To valuers, foresters and agents it will be a welcome aid." — North British Agriculturist. "Well calculated to assist the valuer in the discharge of his duties, and of undoubted Interest and use both to surveyors and auctioneers in preparing valuations of all kinds.' — Kent Herald. AUCTIONEERING, VALUING, LAND SURVEYING, etc. 47 Hudson's Land Valuer's Pocket-Book. THE LAND VALUER'S BEST ASSISTANT: Being Tables on a very much Improved Plan, for Calculating the Value of Estates. With Tables for reducing Scotch, Irish, and Provincial Customary Acres to Statute Measure, &c. By R. Hudson, C.E. New Edition. Royal 32010, leather, elastic band, 4s. 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Law of Patents. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS, AND HOW TO PROCURE THEM. Compiled for the Use of Inventors, Patentees and others. By G. G. M. Hardingham, Assoc. Mem. Inst.CE., &c. Demy 8vo, is. 6d. cloth. JLabour Disputes. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION : An Historical Sketch, with Practical Suggestions for the Settlement of Labour Disputes. By J. S. Jeans, Author of "Railway Problems," "England's Supremacy," &c. Crown 8vo, 200 pp., 2s. 6d. cloth. [Just published. Pocket-Book for Sanitary Officials. THE HEALTH OFFICER'S POCKET-BOOK : A Guide to Sanitary Practice and Law. For Medical Officers of Health, Sanitary In- spectors, Members of Sanitary Authorities, &c. By Edward F. Willoughby, M.D. (Lond.), &c, Author of " Hygiene and Public Health." Fcap. 8vo' 7s. 6d. cloth, red edges, rounded corners. [Just published. " A mine of condensed information of a pertinent and useful kind on the various subjects of which it treats. The matter seems to have been carefully compiled and arranged for facility of reference, and it is well illustrated by diagrams and woodcuts. The different subjects are succinctly but fully and scientifically dealt with." — The Lancet. " Ought to be welcome to those for whose use it is designed, since it practically boils down a reference library into a pocket volume. ... It combines, with an uncommon degree of efficiency, the qualities of accuracy, conciseness and comprehensiveness." — Scotsman. " An excellent publication, dealing with the scientific, technical and legal matters connected with the duties of medical officers of health and sanitary inspectors. The work is replete with information." — Local Government Journal. 48 CROSBY LOCK WOOD &■ SON'S CATALOGUE. A Complete Epitome of the Laics of this Country. EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER: A Handy-Book of the Principles of Law and Equity. By A Barrister. Thirty-first Edition, care- fully Revised, and including the Legislation of 1893. 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There are many wrongs and grievances which persons sub- mit to from time to time through not knowing how or where to apply for redress ; and many persons have as great a dread of a lawyer's office as of a lion's den. With this book at hand it is believed tluxt many a Six-and-Eightpence may be saved; many a wrong redressed ; many a right reclaimed ; many a law suit avoided ; and many an evil abated. The work has established itself as the standard legal adviser of all classes, and>has also made a reputation for itself as a useful book of reference for lawyers residing at a distance from law libraries, who are glad to have at hand a work embodying recent decisions and enactments. •** Opinions of the Press. " It Is a complete code of English Law, written In plain language, which all can understand, . . . Should be in the hands of every business man, and all who wish to abolish lawyers bills.' — ffeeily Times. 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With the Statutes and a Digest of Cases. By H. C. Folkard, Esq., Barrister-at Law, Fcap. 8vo, 3s. 6d. clotb. The Law of Contracts. LABOUR CONTRACTS : A Popular Handbook on the Law of Contracts for Works and Services. By David Gibbons. Fourth Editicn, Appendix of Statutes by T. F. Uttley, Solicitor. Fcap. 8vo, 3s. 6d. cloth. The Factory Acts. SUMMARY OF THE FACTORY AND WORKSHOP ACTS (1878-1891). For the Use of Manufacturers and Managers. By Emile Garcke and J. M. Fells. (Reprinted from " Factory Accounts") Crown Svo, 6d. sewed. CGDEN, SMALE AND CO. LIMITED, PRINTERS. GREAT SAFFRON HILL. E C. WleaU'fi aXutumeMaru Series. LONDON, 1862. THE PRIZE MEDAL Was awarded to the Publishers of "WEALE'S SERIES." A NEW LIST OF WEALE'S SERIES RUDIMENTARY SCIENTIFIC,EDUCATIONAL, AND CLASSICAL. Comprising nearly Three Hundred and Fifty distinct works in almost every department oj Science, Art, and tzaucatiun, recommended to the notice of Engineers, Architects, Builders, Artisans, and Students generally, as well as to those interested i" H'oriwen's Libraries, Litriary and Scientific Institutions, Colleges, Schools, Scietue 'lasses, fs*c, &-c. IS 3 * " WEALE'S SERIES includes Text-Books on almost every branch of Science and Industry, comprising such subjects as Agriculture, Architecture and Building, Civil Engineering, Fine Arts, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Physical and Chemical Science, and many miscellaneous Treatises. The whole are constantly undergoing revision, and new editions, brought up to the latest discoveries in scientific research, are constantly issued. The prices at which they are sold are as low as their excellence is assured." — American Literary Gazette. 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THE PRIZE MEDAL Was awarded to the Publishers for Books : Rudimentary, Scientific, "WEALE'S SERIES," ETC. CROSBY LOCKWOOD &. SON, 7, STATION EKS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. WE.-'.LE'S RUDIMENTARY SERIES. WEALE'S RUDIMENTARY SCIENTIFIC SERIES. %* The volumes of this Series are treely Illustrated with Woodcuts, or otherwise, where requisite. Throughout the fol- lowing List it rmist be understood that the books are bound in limp cloth, unless otherwise stated ; but the volumes marked •with a % may also be had strongly bound in clcth boards for 6d. extra. N.B. — In ordering from this List it is recommended, as a means of facilitating business and obviating error, to quote the numbers affixed to the volumes, as "well as the titles and prices. CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, ETC. 31.' WELLS AND WELL-SINKING. By Johw Geo. Swindell, A.R.I.B.A., and G. R. Blrnell, C.E. Revised Edition. With a New Appendix on the Qualities of Water. Illustrated. 2s. 35. 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Containing History of Iron Manu- facture, Methods of Assay, and Analyses of Iron Ores, Processes of Manu- facture of Iron and Steel, &c. By H. Bauermajj, F.G.S. Sixth Edition, revised and enlarged. 5s. t 180. COAL AND COAL MINING. By the late Sir Warxngton W. Smyth, M.A., F.R.S. Seventh Edition, revised. 3s. Cd.t 195. 7 HE MINERAL SURVEYOR AND VALUER'S COM- PLETE GUIDE. By W. Lintern, M.E. Third Edition, including Mag- netic and Angular Surveving. With Four Plates. 3s. 6d.t 214. SLATE AND SLATE QUARRYING, Scientific, Practical, and Commercial. By D. C. Davies, F.G.S., Mining Engineer, &c. 3s.! 164. A FIRST BOOK OF MINING AND QUARRYING, with the Sciences connected therewith, for Primary Schools and Self Instruction. By J. H. Collins, F.G.S. Second Edition, with additions, is. 6 Scott. With 138 Illustrations. 2s. 245. AGRICULTURAL SURVEYING. A Practical Treatise or. 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