^J^^ The AiADDiN Company Bay City, Mich. OFFICE or O.E. Sovereign Secretar>' - Treasurer General Manager Dear Friend :- After you have selected the Aladdin Home you like best, you will want to know mora about it than can be told in this catalog. And we have many interesting things to tell you, too. We'll send you a more com- plete description of all tho materials. We'll send you estimates on the cost of shipping, erection and completion; and our Service Department will write you of the many ways we have to help you finish your home. But first, you must write us which house you are interested in. In the meantime, if you will refer to the index of subjects on this page, you will find reference to many interesting facts covered in this catalog. We anticipate the pleasure of work- ing with you to the end that your home will be completed in a way that is pleasurable and satisfactory. Inviting an early letter, we are Cordially yours , Seo'y, Treas. & Gen'l Mgr. AdditloM 116-116 Aladdin Belling Principle. 3 Aladdin Syitem of Con- ■truotloii 8 Arohea 117 Borna 108-109 Bathroom Fixture* 120 Built-in riitures 117-118- 119-121 Chimneys (tee MasonrT) . .11 Comparison with Bteel Construction 7 Index of Subjects Department of Serrioe . 72-7S Doors 74 Electric Light Fixtures . . 120 Foundation Plana (see Masonry) II Fi-eight 10 Fumaoea ISO Fumitura IM Oaragea US- 114 Industrial Housing 14 Interiors 86-49-76-85 Interior Finish 11 Lath and Plaster 11 Lumber 9-10 Kasonry 11 Materials used 2 Plaster Board 11 Reversing Floor Plans. ... 2 Bummer Cottages. 110-111-112 Terms 2 Waste 8-6-10 ^MDDIN HOMES ^ AiaimFacturcd by TmeAladdin Company of Br City Michigan Aladdin Offices at BayCit^Midiigan. • r'l •|M^iiiriiiiii)-» i-TiifrfiFiTTi"- tir, THEUHiTBD STATES OFAMERICA ' ' PANAMA-RVCIFKINTCRNATIONAL EXPOSITION DIPLOMAAWARDEDTO ALADDIN HOUSES. *«!«!V2?-»SEr Evidence of Aladdin's Leadership ALADDIN has been honored the ptist two or three years in different ways, but is most proud of the medals awarded by two great expositions. The Panama-Pacific International Elxposition, that most wonderful of all great World's Fairs, '<< ' -^ and the Michigan Agri- cultural Exposition granted "l.rsGranflcs '^ Prix," issuing diplomas as shown in photographs. The Panama-Pacific Medal was issuet: upon the Model Cottage which Aiad< produced and erected for Uncle Sam, while the Michigan Exposition Medal was the result of our building a Kentucky bungalow at the fair for the Northeastern Michigan Development Bureau. Official record is made in the Diploma that The Aladdin Company originated, perfected and established the Readi-Cut System of Con- struction. These facts are quoted here merely as addi- tional evidence of Aladdin's leadership in all things per- taining to Scientific Home Building. But the greatest test of leadership is the uni- versal record of satisfaction to our customers. ^tatr nf )^,rs>, fHirhiyan T .j..~~,ji^.,„„«mi^\.j,^»„.^.j^[.4.,^t^^ K .... .Trz S'jrztTJL'zr' — ' - ■■■ - — - ■"-*-■*-■-■ 1 ■k-w ri.. M.M. K... ,....,„,.J 1,, It, kuMi. «..nn I- Ik. 1 :: ir't.rrt.'irru!,"' -• -^— - •" •— '"^ .u,i::rj; -'^ -,r.ii *M^'*.n,' mi jIT!!^. I'.T^' " ' ' —'"'-' "^ —1**^ *. «-*<- 1 n. frtr* ."* ^ ^W» *»a-J .S.^ im.l,mt, .^ » r ,v^, "'^^■^r^^ i UK®; ^uiltinaDay CATALOG Ne 29, 19 The Aladdin Gompany ^rei>iQtishj the NORTH AMEmCAi^ CONSTRUCTION CQ W.J. SovereigiiV ^r&s . O. E. Sovereign, „SecTredS.Gen.Mgr. General OfficesABay City, Mich. . IMPORTANT: Read \ie following intro- ductory pages .carefully. Complete houses shipped'dyfect from our mills in Michigan, Louisiana, QK&ion, Florida.U. S. A., and Toronto, OttawyaBd Vancouver, Canada Address all communicafiahs direct to home offices at ^^ Bay City, Miclftfcn. Cable Address: Aladdin, " Western Union code Canadian Branch: 'Avereign Construction Co.. C. P. R. BldsAToronto, Ontario TERMS Center sill foundation timber cut to fit. Joists, studding, rafters, and ceiling joists all accurately cut to fit. Sheathing lumber cut to fit. Sub-floors cut to fit. Joist bridging cut to fit. Building paper for all dwellings for side walls and floor linings. All bevel siding, every single piece guaranteed to be cut and to fit accurately. Shingles or siding for the side walls, whichever preferred, will be furnished for any house at no additional cost. Outside finishing lumber, all cut to fit. Flooring, cut to fit. Roof sheathing, cut to fit. Porch timbers, joists, flooring, columns, railing and posts, moulding, roof sheathing, all and every piece cut to fit except porch rail, uncut. Extra Star-A-Star Cedar Shingles or prepared roofing. Outside steps of all dwellings cut and shaped to fit. All doors mortised and with frame and trim inside and out. Windows and frame, sash, and glass, and trim inside and out. Moulded base board for rooms, not cut to fit. Weather moulding for trimming all outside doors and windows, cut to fit. Crown mould, cove mould and quarter round mould, etc. Stairways, treads, risers, stringers, newel posts, bal- lusters, moulding, etc., for all two-story houses cut to fit. All hardware. Mortise locks, knobs, and hinges, tin fla.shing, hip shingles, galvanized ridge roll, window hardware, etc. Nails of proper size for entire house. Paint for two coats outside body and trim (any colors), putty, oils, stains, and varnishes. Lath and plaster and grounds or plaster board for lining entire house. Complete instructions and illustrations for doing all the work. (Aladdin houses are always shipped under the freight classification of lumber with hardware, etc., listed under their respective classifications. See page 10.) The floor plan of any house in this catalog will be reversed without extra charge. TWENTY FIVE p.-r cent, cash with order, balance C. O. D. This is nut nicaut as a re- flectiiin on your financial standing, but is an invariable rule. A dis- count of 5% is allowed from list prices where full amount is siur with order. For your convenicni !■. wo liave shown the list price ami tlie net price with each house. An illustration: List price of house, .$1,000, 25% cash with order — .f^.^O. balanci' $7.5(> V. 0. v., or 5% discount lor scndinK full amount — ^i'7, . .$.-)0 from .$1.000— .f9.-)0. If all sent with order. You save $.'")0 by sending fidl amount witli order on a $1,000 house, oilier houses same in pro- pnrtiou. Cash discount is often large enoiigli to pay freight charges. THE ALAOOIN COMPANY General Offices. Bay City. Michigan RKFKRENCES: Any Bank In the United States, Bradstreet's or Dun's Coniniercial Agencies, First National Bank of Buy City, Michigan; The Chemical National Bank. New York ("ity; Tlie First Nullonaf Bank of Chicago, and The First and Old Detroit National Bank of Detroit, any city official or other citizen of Bay City, and our customers. Address all coniniunlcations Direct to Home Ofliro at Bay City, Mli'higan. Coipyrlght, I'.llT, by The Aladdin Company, Bay City, Mich. Note.— This Copyright iiroti'cis each and every part of this book— type mat- ter, llliislriitions. and floor plans. Csi' by any one without specillc perndssion is expressly forbidden. Anyon<' attempting to l)uild or copv Aliiddin liouses with material not furnislied liy this company wili be suiftlv prosecuted to the f\dl extent of the law. This is the Twelfth Year of f^laddin Success ALADDIX Readi-Cut Houses — the Aladdin System of Construction — may be new to you, but the system was planned and put in operation twelve years ago. Its merit, its wonderful simplicity, was immediately recognized by the American public. The result is that each year the history- of the business shows a doubling and trebling in the volume and number of houses sold. You know that this wonderful growth would be impossible for any manufacturing institution, or any business house, unless customers became friends — unless real service was rendered — honest value, square business methods, and integrity prevailed. Integrity of the f^laddin Policy Integrity means moral somidncss; it means honesty; it means freedom from corrupting itifluetice or practice; it means strictness in the fulfillment of contracts, uprightness, square dealing. The Aladdin policy of doing business endeavors to live up to the strictest meaning of Integrity. The customer must be well served — must be satisfied — must be pleased — must be a friend. The Golden Rule must govern every transaction. You who read this are entitled to know the truth of the above statement. Well, then, demand of us that proof in whatever way you wish. Shall we give you bankers, congressmen, postmasters, city, State or National Gov- ernment officials, or, better than all, shall we refer you to customers ivho have tested our integrity, customers in your own neighborhood? The proof is yours for the asking. The f^laddin System of Construction is Built on This Principle: Modern power-driven machines can do better work at a lower cost than hand labor. Then every bit of work that C.A.N be done by — machines should be so done. The steel worker with a little hack-saw trying to cut and fit the steel girders of ". the modern skyscraper should be no more out of place than the modern carpenter cutting sills, joists, and rafters. The skyscraper framework is cut to fit by machines in the steel mills, marked and numbered ready for erection. The lumber in the Aladdin house is cut to fit by machines in the Aladdin mills, marked and numbered ready for erection. The steel system is twenty- five years old — the Aladdin system twelve years old. Master Desi^ers^Bidldeirs&Mannfactiiters BEFORE this Board of Seven comes every Aladdin house for the acid test of perfection. No detail escapes the keen and searching analysis of these ex- perts. The designer must prove his plans to the complete satisfaction of, First, the Master Designer, for accuracy; Second, the Master Builders, for practica- bility, strength, and structural harmony; Third, Factory Experts, for elimination of waste, standardization of lengths, and economy of costs. Unless the cost of these high-priced men's time could be spread over a hundred or more houses of each design the cost would be prohibitive. But when they spend two or more hours' valuable time on the design, drawings, and cutting sheets of an Aladdin house the cost is not all charged to that one house, but to sez'cral hundred houses of that same design sold during the year. No other organization — but the Aladdin organization — can afford a group of high-calibred men such as this Board of Seven, because no other organization in the world produces and sells the vast number of houses and buildings produced by The Aladdin Company. No other organization can afford to put such high quality into its goods — and no other or ganization does. No other lumber manufacturer ever dared back his lum- ber with a dollar- ;i-kiiot Kuaraiitcc. This organization was called upon by the United States Govern- (.iil to co-operate with it in the production of an Ideal Cottage. This Cottage was rccted for the Gov- ernment at the Pan- ama-Pacific Interna- tional E.xposition at an Francisco and was awarded the highest hon- or and granted a medal. Could higher recognition be received by any inslitu- ion than this which was ac- corded to the .Xladdin organ- '.ation. and to.Maddin houses? .Aladdin's Board of Seven is waiting to lu'ip yoit. Twenty feet of lumber from a/ixteen foot board -^^0^^^. How itjfdone To cut the sheathing for this gable: 8-0 »J ^^^k 1-0 '^ The carpenter usii- k ally takes an eight- foot board, a six- foot board, a four- foot board and a tivo-foot board and cuts them this way: The carpenter requires trcenty feet of lumber for the Job. Aladdin takes a sixteen-foot board, cuts it this way: and gets twenty feet of lumber at the cost of sixteen feet — and YOU get the saving. THE wonderful money saving results of the Aladdin Readi-Cut System will be understood after reading this page. Nowhere in the history of manu- facturing or building since history began can be found an example equal to that which is a part of every day's work in the Aladdin designing rooms and in the Aladdin mills. Think of taking a six-inch board sixteen feet long and getting t-wenty feet of six- inch board out of it! Think of applying this system of saving throughout all the lumber used in build- ing your home ! Think of your own good money it saves! To eliminate waste by scientific plan- ning, designing, and cutting of lumber is to save your money from the waste pile. W. J. Sovereign, president of The Alad- din Company, conceived this tremendous thought, originated, perfected, and estab- lished the system. Imitators have been many the past three or four years, but not one has yet even approached Aladdin effi- ciency, nor has one yet established a suc- cess. It took six years of Aladdin success before any one had the courage to even attempt to manufacture houses in the footsteps of this company. Machinery of the Most Modern types are used to manu- facture Aladdin Homes. This m a c h i n e houses and fits a staircase in less than five minutes. WASTE and what it Aeans to^Vbu "Big Ben": The most wonderful woodworking machine ever built. It does the work of 100 men every day. 'htceii "Only Thirty-five per cent of the original tree emerges iii the form of a building." — Saturday Evening Post. SPECIAL investigation of waste in the construction of dwellings resulted in the following statement by a writer in the Retail Ltimbernian: "A safe estimate of good lumber -wasted in course of construction is 25%." These two bare statements are quoted from such unquestionable sources to give especial weight to our very conservative statement : You will pay for 18% waste when you build the old way. Eighteen per cent of your money will pay for material you don't get dollars out of every hundred spent in your h.ome — wasted. When this statement was first made by us it was ridiculed by the lumbermcnr The passing years have wrought changes in their ideas until now, when pinned down, they will admit that it is conservative. We have reduced the item of waste to less than 2%. Tlie architect, in designing a house, seldom considers the subject of cutting material to waste. He lays out the dimensions of the house, places windows, doors, etc., without any thought of how the material will cut. The contractor orders so many thou- sand feet of siding, of flooring, of 2 x 4, of 2 x 6, etc., without any thought as to the utiliza- tion of mill-run lengths. You, of course, know that sawmills cut logs in certain lengths, 10 feet. 12 feet, 14 feet and 16 feet, and it comes through the planing mill in those same lengths. It also comes to the contractor in the same lengths. When the carpenter cuts the siding to fit between two windows, the windows may be 10 feet 1 inch apart. He has to take 14 pieces of siding each 12 feet long and cut each one of them 10 feet 1 inch, wasting 1 foot 11 inches, or about 18% of good lumber absolutely wasted. The principle is the same throughout the entire house. This waste is eliminated by the Aladdin designers and the Aladdin Readi-Cut system. Our buyers go actually into the woods, confer with the owners and cutters of the timber and buy the right lengths that will come out of the woods, through the sawmills and into our own mills in the right lengths. We don't take raw material in lengths and sizes as it chances to come, but as it should come to conform to our standards. In many in.stances the cross-cut saw in the hands of the woodsman is actually di- rected by our needs .so that no other saw is touched to the lumber at any time. Each one of our special gang cut-off saws is designed to cut 50.000 feet of studding and joists every day. It does the work that would require a veritable army of car- penters to do, and it docs it with the won- derful perfection and accuracy of high-class machinery. You can easily imagine the dollars saved to yoH in the co.st of your home, accom- plished by this remarkable system; a system of saving waste that reaches into the very forest and untiringly searches every item, every operation, every movement to cut out and to eliminate the waste of your money. Wlien the architect overlooks something or makes a mistake, you pay the bill; when the contractor overlooks something, or makes a mistake, you pay for that, too; and when tlic carpenter uses poor judgment, overlooks something or makes a mistake, you are the one to stand the cost of his mistake. It's always your money— not the other's, The more brains, the more organization, the more counsel given to any matter the less chance for mistakes, and the Aladdin Board of Seven, described on another page, is your safeguard. From ihe Pyvamidf to me WoolvOortfiBuildmp^ To him who says the Readi- Cut System is not possible or practicable, point to the Pyramids of EgA-pt, refer to Solomon's Temple as described in the Bible, or inspect Washington IMonu- ment, or the 57-story Woohvorth Build- ing in New York City. You will find that each was prepared, erected and completed by the Readi-Cut System. But it remained for W. J. Sovereign to first apply the sys- tem to your benefit in the building of a home. And thousands of American families scattered over this broad land will testify to its economy and practical success. The pyramids aren't portable, the Wool- worth Building is not portable, nor are Aladdin houses portable. If you attempted to tear apart, or dissect an Aladdin house, the most ex- pert contractor could not tell it from any other first class frame dwelling be- cause there is no dif- ference. Construction. At the bottom of this page is a striking illustra- tion of the Readi-Cut System of construction suc- cessfully used for twenty-five years in steel-builu- ing construction. Note the "studding" for the two side walls, all in position with the "joist hanger" placed. These studs are about thirty feet high. In the foreground are shown some of the rafters, witli the marks and numbers indicating their respective positions — "6201-16-Col-22." There is no fitting or cutting on the ground. The sawing, measur- ing, and fitting were done in the steel mills in Pittsburgh. How can they do this work? Why, the structural engineers know how. It's their particular business. It's their life-work. So it is with Aladdin Readi-Cut houses. The same principles govern each job. It's the same system. The Saturday Evening Post. The Ladies' Home Journal and The Country Gentleman are owned and published by the Curtis Publishing Co., of Philadelphia. The following statement was written, signed and published by them : "Today Aladdin's houses stand in every part of the world, from Saskatchewan to the Tahiti Islands, in hot and cold climates. There are whole communities built of Aladdin houses. As many as 200 homes have been sold in three months to the same purchasers — large industrial concerns which house their own employes. In the offices 120 girls are employed to handle the correspondence, which has amounted to more than 300,000 pieces of mail in one month. The business is growing tre- mendously. The lumber mills (some of which it owns) are working at top speed, producing forty houses a day, at prices ranging from $138 to $8,000 each." And this from "The Canada Lumberman** labor has been advancing, thus making Framing material will eventually have and I fail to understand why this fact Wy it fM f a u a urn n^^vvvsv " ?^'y fi•i^s:cc^" "Year after year the price of carpenter the cost of lumber higher when in position to come to the building trimmed to length, is not more generally realized. The piece stuff of the future will be furnished to the building ready for position. This thing of cutting and cutting with a hand- saw at the building site until it fits, is too costly." The United States Government has given to The Aladdin Company, the right to apply to its product (yMaddin Houses) "Sold By the Golden Rule." It has given the Company the Exclusive Right, backed up by all the patent laws. This recognition, this rare privilege, we arc immensely proud of. This Catalog Our Only Salesman With this catalog, vou arc able to keep the jirofits in your own pocket that you would ordinarily pay to your local dealers. Because we do not sell thru dealers, they can't add their four or five hundred dollar profits to the goods you buy from us. You keep this money yourself. When your dealer says "Don't buy your lumber out of town," ask him where he buys the lumber he wants to sell you. You see he buys his lumber up here and the only money that stays in your town is the dealer's profit. Wouldn't you rather have it in your pocket, than in his? This catalog makes possible this saving— and many others. Pick the house that meets your need, and write us. We have lots of interesting things to tell you about it. Lari;csl conveyor of finished lumber in the world, ll does the work of many men and horses. 8 Lji MBER WE Use Every piece of framing and sheathing lumber in every Aladdin house has been carefully selected from the highest grade. Clear and knotless Oregon Fir and Yellow Pine is used for all inside finish at the Bay City mills. From our Florida and Louisiana mills we use yellow pine. From our Oregon mill we ship all material in Fir. It is carefully inspected by experienced men, and if not up to a high standard is not used. This is an extremely important point and you should consider it carefully. Our facilities for buying high grades are unequaled by any manufacturer of lumber in the country. This means much to the purchaser — to know the quality of all materials used, to know that the lumber and timber are the best; that it is well seasoned, sound, and of first quality throughout. All the interior finish, doors, etc., are put through three separate sanding ma- chines, making a beautiful finish. Scores have written. "It would have been impossible to obtain locally, finish at any price to equal that furnished in my Aladdin." [Such names and addresses gladly furnished on request.] What you Get When You Buy an Aladdin House Material that is not equalled by any other concern in the country, and it is not only perfectly cut to fit, but cut with a view of saving all waste which means a direct saving to you. But the saving Shingle Mountain, over 20 Million Shingles in the Yards. all does not stop there. We mortise doors to receive the lock sets, all in- terior finish sanded, and flooring steel scraped. Bear in mind that when you buy an .Maddin house that the foundation sill, floor joists, the sub flooring, the regular tongued and grooved flooring, the stud- ding, the wall sheathing, the siding, the window and door frames, the outside finish, the rafters, the roof sheathing, the steps, the stairs, all porch framing, is rcadi-cut, ready to nail into place. Just think, is it any wonder that we can save you such a big percentage of your labor cost. And then again the enormous quantities in which we buy our building paper, lock sets, double acting door hinges, window weights, nails, paints, varnishes, oils, stains, hip shingles, tin flashing, etc., sets them down at your door for less than a hardware dealer can buy them from the jobber. Direct from the Forest to the Home Stop and think what that means— "direct from the forest to you." It means that you are buying your house at the same price it costs if you lived right here — right where the timber grows — to build a house. It means that your house costs you no more than if you could go direct to a mill at the edge of the forest and buy the timber and lumber. It means that you are really doing that ver>' thing— buying it from the mill at the edge of the forest. It means that you are not paying a profit to the big jobber, a profit to the big it'liolcsalcr, and a profit to the local lumber dealer at your home, and. on top of all that, the freight for shipping the lumber to the several places where each does business. The hou.se is shipped to you "direct from the forest to the home." Another thing, each of the above lumber dealers, or middlemen, sells on credit. They all add from 59f to 10"^ to make up for bad accounts— losses which are charged up in your bill. We sell for cash only— we have no bad accounts, and are, therefore, not obliged to add enough charges into your bill to make up for the man who doesn't pay. 9 ^^^.^^^ j ^^^m ^^^^i^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^\ *T\\ Pay $1.00 for Every Knot" any customer ran find in our Red Ced:ir Sidin.^ sliippcd from Bay City. I stand ready to prove to you in this way tliat tlie lumber in Aladdin Readi-Cut Houses is Higher in grade throughout than is regularly carried by any seller of lumber in America. Clear and Knotless Siding, Clear and Knolless Flooring, Clear and Knotless Interior Finish, Clear and Knotless Shingles, and Clear and Knotless Outside Finish, are furnished for every Aladdin Dwelling House. Every piece of exposed lumber on Aladdin houses in 1915 and l^lo was Clear and Knotless and will be Clear and Knotless in 1917. O. E. SOVEREIGN, Gen. Mgr., The Aladdin Company. ^^^^^^ l^i^^gi^'^^ f)laddin*s Famous a: Dollar-A-Knot** Guaranty NEW standard of lumber quality has been given to the world by Aladdin's famous _ "Dollar- A-Knot" Guaranty. The "Good-enough" lumber grades, the "Any- thing-\vill-do" grades and the multitudes of evasive substitutions for Clear Knotless lumber have been shown up. You cannot be expected to fathom the intrica- cies of lumber associations' manual of grading rules; how many circles, hearts, rings and barks make a good log, nor how many knots, spots, pitch pockets or worm holes there will be to a board. There are none of these defects in your dollar, and there should be none in what you trade your dollar for. Knotless Means Just What It Says "A dollar a knot !" Could any guaranty be plainer, or more forceful, or more effective? You know a knot when you see it, and you know it makes a board less valuable. And when we guarantee Aladdin lumber to be knotless or guarantee "A Dollar-A-Knot" you know that your lumber is going to be the very highest grade taken from the forest. "Hunting for Pieces**-Contractor Of course, the Aladdin Readi-Cut System receives adverse criticism from some contractors, lumber dealers, and others. This criticism comes chiefly from those who have had no experience with or knowledge of Aladdin houses. Self-interest, here prompted by loss of profit, begets the antagonism. One of the most amusing remarks made is that the builder of an Aladdin house will lose as much time hunting out his material and finding the right piece as he will save by the Readi-Cut System. Of course, this remark on the face of it is an admission that time is saved by the Aladdin System. However, any thought about time lo.st in hunting for pieces is immediately dispelled when you see the simple system of laying out materials that accompanies the instructions for every house. About Freight One of the big advantages in buying an .Maddin house is the big amount you save on the item of freight alone. Your local dealer very rarely buys his lumber from the forest. He gets it shipped to him from his wholesaler at some near-by distributing point. The wholesaler usually gets it from some other middleman, who g('ts it from the sawmill. Every time the lumber is moved in its zigzag course through the middlemen, the freight charges pile up and your local dealer must add them all into the price you pay. When your Aladdin house reaches you the freight is the very lowest that is possible to move the goods to your station. It reaches you in a straight line from the forest. We use great care in quoting the freight and great rare in routing it the most direct way. It costs no more to pay the freight uitoii arrival of your car than to send us the money with which to iirepay it. 10 Lath and Plaster or Aladdin Plaster Board-Your Choice You may choose either lath and plaster or Aladdin plaster board for your in- terior walls. Our plaster is the highest grade manufactured and never fails to give the best results; a hard, smooth and lasting wall, is quick drying and impervious to moisture. Aladdin plaster board is easily and quickly put on ; its construction gives pro- tection against extremes in weather ; it is fireproof. It will not crack with age, nor loosen from dampness. It comes in sheets 32x36 in. in size and is nailed directly to the studding. We also furnish a special Plasto-filler, which, when mixed with water, is used to fill all joints of the plaster board, or, as we sometimes recommend, you can put a putty coat or hard-plaster finish directly onto the board. We will furnish either lath and plaster or plaster board, whichever is specified by the customer. The plaster that we furnish is an improved wood fibre patent plaster. This does away with the work of preparing plaster through the old fashioned method. It not only shortens the labor but when the wall is finished it is a great deal more durable and less liable to pit. It also effects another saving as the time required to set and dry out is much shorter, so that the interior finish can be put on without the usual delay. For quick work or for use in cold weather it is preferable to any other plaster as it will set and harden much more rapidly. Painting With every Aladdin house, paint of any color for two coats outside is furnished, oils, stains, and varnishes or paints for inside. You will be sent, on request, our large color card of many beautiful colors. You may select as many different colors as you wish to choose for body, trim- mings, porch floor, porch ceiling, window sash, etc., and you may have either paint, oil and varnish, stain and varnish, or stain and wax, for the interior finish. Where houses are furnished with shingles for the side walls, shingle stain is fur- nished instead of paint. Masonry Of course, all excavation and masonry work must be done on the ground. No money would be saved by including stone or brick or concrete, for every section of the country produces this material and prices vary but little. We furnish you with the foundation plan and will give you figures on the amount of material required for whatever kind of founda- tion material you decide to use — concrete, stone or brick. Fireplaces or chimneys may l.c 'jiult iiisKle or outside and placed wherever desired or omitted. The opening for the chimney is not cut, so that the chimney may be omitted or its location changed from wherever it may be shown in our photographs. Aladdin Houses Sold by the Golden Rule Ten years of square dealing with our customers earned for us the expression, "I know that you do business very much on the Golden Rule basis." This came in the mail voluntarily from a customer who had tested our business principles over a period of several years, and who has reason to know whereof he speaks. This principle has been governing the work of this organization constantly, and it is surely gratifying to have it come to us in this way. We have, therefore, adopted the expression and know that we have a real right to its use — as you will know when you join the big Aladdin family. 11 (^nera citjons IMPORTANT NOTE. — The piclurcs shozcn in this catalog arc all actual photographs of Aladdin houses sent to us by our customers. There are no fanci- ful artists' draicings, or photographs of houses not built the Aladdin way. Every house shown in this catalog is erected in Bay City, the home of Aladdin, with just two or three exceptions. This cannot be said of any other similar catalog. No single organization in the world ever equalled the vast experience of this institution in the designing and manufacturing of houses. The shipment of thou- sands of houses each year and covering a period of twelve years at this work means exact knowledge — not theory — on the subject of material and construction. The grades of material, the sizes of timbers, their strength, location and installation in the building are determined by well defined engineering standards and our own exact knowledge gained from years of experience. Below are given general specifications for the construction of .\laddin houses. The exact specifications for the house of your choice arc sent j'ou without cost just as soon as you write us about the house you like best. Quantities A binding guaranty is given to furnish suf- ficient material for tlic completion of each house in accordance with the specifications that follow. Condition of Material The company pledges itself to deliver your house to you without damage in shipment, or in transit. .Xnything damaged on arrival will be instantly made good at our expense. Sizes of Timbers .Ml sizes of all timbers and lumber will be in accordance with well established engineer- ing and architectural standards of safety and .strength. Quality of Material .\\\ lumber is guaranteed to be of the high- est grades ever marketed anywhere in the world. Every Aladdin house, regardless of size or price, comes under this binding guar- anty. (Exception: Sheathing lumber is a fine No. 2 quality, and far better than the ac- cepted standard for sheathing lumber.) General Detail Specifications /■"oM/ida/iou.— Material for foundation is, of cour.se, not included with .Vhiddin hou.scs. as concrete, stone or brick can be secured in one locality as cheaply as in another. Com- plete foundation plans are furnished you with detailed in.structions for buying this material and building your foundation. Si7/,r.— Center sill, or sills, are, of course, always furnished to set into your foundation of concrete, stone or brick. .Ml sills arc of a si/e to amply hold all strains and loads in accordance with engineering standards and good practice. Joists.— M\ framed, dressed and cut to fit. All joists are of a size to amply hold all strains and loads in accordance with en- gineering standards and good practice. Flooring. — The flooring u.sed in Aladdin Ilou.ses is clear and knotless, tongued and grooved, matched fir llooring. It has a beautifully figured grain. The face is steel scraped to gi\e the \iiy best appearance. Biiilf^inf^s. Wood bridging mitred and cut to length furnished for joists of first and .second stories of all dwelling houses. Sub-Floors (for both first and second stories in all .Maddin dwellings;. — Inch lumber, dressed, all cut to fit. Studding. — Size, 2x4 inches, all framed, dres.sed and cut to fit and placed on 16-inch tenters. Wall Shrathiiig.— Inch lumber, all dressed and cut to fit. Rafters.— Size, 2x4 and 2x6 inches, all framed, mitred and beveled, dressed and, of course, guaranteed to be perfectly cut to fit. Roof Sliratking.- Ituh lumber, all framed, mitred, beveled, drcs.scd and guaranteed to be cut to fit perfectly. Sliinglcs (Roof).— Extra. Star .•\ Star Cedar. luiildin.i; Paper.— Vnrc White I'ibre, tough 12 Mjons and dense, for side walls and between sub- floors and finished floors of all Aladdin dwellings. Side TFa/?5— Dollar-A-Knot Cedar siding, every piece cut to fit perfectly; perfectly ma- chined surface and without sap, stain or any defects. Holds paint perfectly. Shingles for side walls instead of siding will be fur- nished for any Aladdin dwelling without extra charge. Porch Columns. — All Colonial columns and square columns are of clear material and built with a lock-joint. SHEATHING SHINCL£i CROWN MOl BUILDING PAPEi Outside Finish.— AW outside finish is of clear and Knolless Yellow Pine or Fir. Window and Door Frames. — Complete, in- cluding jams, casings, stops and sills. Built of finest clear fir, beautifully machined and finished. Window Sash.— Of finest clear fir O. G. moulded, all edges and surfaces sanded and finished with great care. Doors. — Inside doors, size 2 feet 8 inches by 6 feet 8 inches, carefully built of clear fir, ail panels selected for attractive, velvety grain and beautifully finished on surfaces and edges. All doors mortised to receive lock sets. (See photographs, page 74.) All front doors of special design with glass in upper part. Double action door between kitchen and dining room. Stairs. — Built from selected clear fir stock with especial attention to selection of grain. Xewel post, moulded cap and base, circle tread, steps, risers, railing and balusters care- fully finished. All parts of stairs are framed, housed and machined to fit and the whole is carefully boxed by itself to insure arrival in perfect condition. Interior Woodwork. — Baseboard, base shoe door and window casing all selected clear, beautifully machined and ready to receive the oils, stains and varnishes. Casings are of molded and modern back band design. Lock Sets. — Frosted brass. Front door sets have night latch and two-way knobs. Hardware. — Window weights, sash lifts, hinges, nails of all proper sizes, glass, putty, tin flashing. Paints. — The highest priced paint on the market is furnished for all Aladdin houses. It is manufactured of pure white lead, and color. Thirty-two colors to choose from. Your selections may follow your own tastes for body, trim, porch floor, sash, steps, etc. Send for color card. Stains. — The best manufactured, are sup- plied for inside work. You may secure any effects you desire for interior decoration. Stain and varnish, or oil and varnish if you wish to finish in the natural wood, .whichever you prefer. Lattice work under porch floors and shingle stain for roofs not included in prices. Lath and Plaster.— You may have either lath and plaster or plaster board for inside walls, whichever you choose. Grounds are furnished where lath and plaster are supplied. Outside Steps.— Steps of correct height and width for design of house. .Ml cut to fit. Cellar stairs always included where shown on floor plan. .All dimensions on floor plans are given outside to center for customers convenience. Send for foundation plan before starting your foundation. All of which is covered by our all inclusive guaranty. Industrial Housing Problems A cottage designed especially f ir : project recently comiilcicil. A SPECIAL study of housing problems as related to industrial institutions has been made by the Aladdin organization. This study has been based on actual experience in building six new cities with Aladdin houses, and in furnishing groups of houses for many manufacturing concerns, mines in many localities and government projects. We have handled almost every situation arising out of industrial housing necessities from a thirty-five room hotel furnished complete for operation; the building itself, heating, lighting, plumbing, furniture, stoves, dishes, silver, linen, carpets, rugs and dec- orations. We have on file, plans from which we have built dormitories, bunk houses, community dining halls, guard houses, bath houses, school houses, churches, offices and gymnasiums. Our organization includes experienced landscape architects, engineers, construc- tion superintendents, and all other factors for laying out, constructing and com- pleting communities. See index page for pictures of Aladdin communities. If interested, send for special information on this subject. f^laddln House Plans in Perspective Drawings Walk into the homes, inspect the living rooms, notice the placing of dining room furniture, then peep into the bedrooms of the Aladdin Homes shown on the following pages. Yes, even the kitchen shows an arrangement for efficiency. This is the result of Aladdin's tirelesss efforts to bring complete information on Aladdin Homes to you, to make it possible for you to visit each Aladdin Home and mark its distinctive features, compare them and then select the home of your liking. In a few instances, it was impossible to include perspective floor plans. How- ever, they will be sent to you upon request. The Auvodin Co. /^v~Si^ BAY CITY- i-i»^" ANNOUNCEMENT f n order to avoid along e^stta«corf>^ion^f^^ 1 names ii™™?'^ SfffeiSit f~m rtiaf/'our com- Sfourproductbemg diHermtiram __ ^j^ Th E AlADD I N COM PANY Mb"^iness wm infttm-e^'^«nSdun^rtW i^?^^e^^tio-er»\r'^- THEAlADOINeOMPANY 14 ^^^ #itS»«' r^?r-- The Raymond $585.20 FOR compactness, convenience and modern designing, the Raymond is among the leaders. When enter- ing the front through the attractively designed bungalow door, one is at once impressed with the roominess of this apparently small house. This long stretch of nearly 25 ft. is secured because of the wide arch separating the living and dining rooms. In this, as in all Aladdin houses, the designer has kept prominently in mind the thought of modern arrange- ments, which in Aladdins is only another way of saying, "doing one's work with the least pos- Price, $616.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $585.20 Floor Plan — The Raymond sible effort." Notice how the kitchen, apparently in the remote part of the house, is conveniently accessible to the dining room and pantry. These "step-saving arrangements" are the things that help to make "doing one's own work" a real pleasure. What housewife would not be delighted with the plan of the Raymond? Of course, the ex- posed rafters, casement windows and porch all con- tribute their part to make this little bungalow complete, attractive and modern. If desired, siding can be sub- stituted for wall shingles without e.xtra cost. Refer to page 74 and note the beautiful two panel door that is furnished for all Aladdin Houses. These doors are built of Fir and finish beautifully when stained natural or dark oak. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. IS An Autumn Day with The Maples THE MAPLES is of the more conservative type of bungalow. At first glance, you will notice that simple lines are here made into a practical, substantial home. It has found great favor among Aladdin cus- tomers. The low roof, wide eaves, odd windows, exposed rafter ends and al- together attractive simplicity make a very pretty exterior without going to extremes in decoration. Much credit for the convenient arrangement of the in- terior is due to the fact that the house is square. Notice the manner in which the sleeping rooms occupying one side of the house are separated from the living rooms. The spacious living room at the front has an abundance of light and comfort with outside entrance, entrance to front sleeping room and wide entrance to the dining room. Dining room is easily reached from back bedroom, living room and kitchen, and is well lighted on all sides. The kitchen is i)laced opposite dining room with outside entrance to the rear. Owners of the Maples claim for it the most convenient and com- fortable arrangement. Ask us for names of Maples owners near you and let them tell you in their own words. See General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. Detail specifica- tions for the Maples will be sent you on request. See Terms on i)age 2. ten Floor Flan — The Maples $726.75 Price, $765.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $726.75 16 INSERT FOLDOUT HERE The Carolina $1,140.00 SSSToo HERE is a strong, substantial-looking home that impresses everyone. It has some exceptionally desirable advantages not found in any other design. In the first place, the price we have been able to place on it is truly astonishing for its conveniences. Four good bedrooms — think of it ! One bedroom is downstairs. Every bedroom has a good closet, with an especially large extra closet in the front bedroom. Two grouped windows flood the living room with light and air. Wide arch separates the dining room and living room, giving a 26-foot vista across the house. The massive roof with heavT grouped columns on porch gives a very substantial appearance. This house is certainly a credit to any owner. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Second Floor Flan — The Carolina First Floor Plan — The Carolina 21 The Lamberton $1,995.00 Price, $2,100.00 Cash discount, 5'^'c Net price, $1,995.00 THIS striking design has many delightfully original ideas. The pleasing proportion of its generous roof and the heavy timbered effects under eaves and windows, give stability and strength to the general impression. Study the hooded front entrance supported by heavy brackets. A pergola type of porch covering just fits in the right way. Also note the heavy abutment-like porch piers. The exterior is rough cast stucco but is sometimes furnished with shingled walls, the shingles to be stained a pearl gray, or left to weather. The Lamberton is a genuine American home. Its lines are American — straight, simple and massive. Exterior trim seems to be confined to small divided lights in windows with heavy false window sills supported by brackets. The brackets on the eaves are simple, and especially designed for this home. Notice the front entrance — a particular feature of this home. The front door has practically a full length glass which is divided in keeping with the general idea in the windows. The sidelights on each side of the front door are built to har- monize. And what a splendid arrangement of 22 First Floor Plan— The Lamberton rooms. The reception hall is separated from living room by a wide columned arch with bookcases built in. The handsome staircase presents a very attractive appearance as you will note by referring to plan that a seat is arranged in front of the lower landing, the stairs being turned at the landing toward the living room. The reception hall is well lighted. The front door and sidelights with small casement window at the side give an even light to hall and stair- way. The arched bookcase, which di- vides reception hall from living room, is fully described and pic- tured on page 117 of this book. French doors lead from living room to dining room. A break- fast room separates dining room and kitchen. Entrance to kitchen is from either breakfast room, grade entrance or reception hall. A large cloak closet is conveniently placed. The second floor has four good, light, airy bedrooms, closets and bath. The third floor gives an attic thirty by thirty feet. The bookcases shown in the illustra- tion with fireplace on this page are not mcluded with the Lamberton at the price quoted. Should you desire to in- clude them in your home you will find them described on page 119. Could more conveniences be offered in any home of its size than are incor- porated in the Lamberton? See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Second Floor Plan— The Lamberton 23 26 The Dresden $817.00 Price, $860.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $817.00 THE DRESDEN will appeal to you as being an ideal home. The picture, which was taken on a midsummer's day, shows a number of features that are not found in the average home. Notice the porch — the shelter and relief it provides from the hot summer sun. Every inch of the one hundred and twenty square feet of fioor space on this porch seems to hold a charm for the comfort seeker. And as much can be said of the inside of the home. Notice the picture, showing windows raised. It is possible to practically open up the home on four sides giving the utmost in ventilation, making all rooms light and airy, cool and pleasant. Before reading further, look over the f^oor plan care- fully. What do you think of it? Isn't it just right for convenience — doesn't it appeal to your ideas of "home?" Notice the long stretch — practically twenty-four feet — thru living room and dining room. Now inspect the interior photographs of the Dresden shown on this page. The three views shown give you an idea of the attractiveness of this exceptional home. Can you wonder why hundreds of builders over the country have selected it for their home? 28 The interior photograph at the top was taken from the front entrance. It shows a portion of the living room, the cased arch which separates the dining room shown to the left of the picture. At the bottom of the page views of the living room and dining room are shown. The daylight rooms are arranged on one side of the home and possess every desired feature — plenty of light and air, spaciousness and ease in accessi- bility ; adapted to any arrangement or setting of furniture. Plenty of space in the bedrooms with good closets in each, makes a home that will give you great satisfaction and much convenience. Your friends will agree with your judgment in selecting this home of homes — the Dresden. All of the pic- tures shown in the Aladdin catalog are from photo- graphs sent us of actual Aladdin homes erected in different parts of the country by our customers. This is true of practically no other catalog. The photo- graphs show what you can do with .Aladdin's Readi- Cut System of Construction and Aladdin's Dollar-A- Knot lumber. See General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications for the Dresden will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. Floor Plan — The Dresden Exclusive Aladdin Advantages Originators of the Readi-Cut System of Constiuction; Eight years longer in the business than any other concern; Dollar-A- Knot Guaranty; Highest Award at World's Fair; Customers in almost every community in the Country; Indorsed by Uncle Sam. 1 he I 9.16 t4)Z7«jT-.OvJ *^eV price," $934 80 THE full realization of a complete home is gratilied in the Yale. The judgment of Aladdin designers has been wonderfully approved in the hundreds of sales of this design. When you fully comprehend a'l that it offers, you- will be as enthusiastic about it as every customer who is living in it. Harmony of design and proportion first strikes the eye. With a width of twenty feet, making it adaptable to narrow lots, it accomplished a two-story plan without ^.^^^ ^^-p^^^ Second Jloor its height being apparent. Four gables afford a sur- xhe Yalo The Yale prising amount of room in the second story. Concrete pedestals support square porch columns and the long balusters of the porch railing are different from the usual type. A beautiful front door leads into the living room which extends full width of the house. Arched opening separates living room from dining room. Kitchen, cellar way and rear porch complete the first story. On the second story arc found the bedrooms, bath and closet. You will be delighted by the selec- tion of the Yale and espe- cially the surpassing beauty /of the interior woodwork which lends itself to the most interesting decorative schemes. Our \\ood Stains, and varnish permit your taste to be realized to the fullest extent. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Complete detail specifications for the Yale will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. The Plaza $1,499.10 T Price, $1,578.00 Cash discount, 69; Net price, $1,499.10 'HIS magnificent bunga- low secures inspiration from one of the best known bungalows in Pasadena, California. An interesting effect is secured by the treatment of gables composing the roof. This is highly typical of the true California bungalow. To the lover of large porches the Plaza has an especially strong ap- peal. The front section of porch ex- tends twenty-six feet from the entrance to the left, and thirty-one feet from the front along the side. Over the rear section of the side porch a timbered pergola gives opportunity for vines. 1-jitering the front door you have a view through the living room and dining room for thirty feet. Just off the dining room, and with direct entrance to the kitchen, is a dainty breakfast room. This room can, of course, be used as a den or sewing room, at the owner's discretion. Grade cellar entrance from the kitchen, three fine bedrooms, bath and closets complete this splendid floor plan ar- rangement. A true craftsman front door, and our famous Arch A-1 illustrated in back of catalog are included in the price. This arch may be used as bookcases, facing the living room, or china closets facing tlie dining room. Owners of the Plaza are delighted with it, as you cannot fail to be should you select it. It will save you from S-IOO to $900 under what could be built by the old way of building, with inferior mate- rials. Send for complete detail specifications. See General Specifications, page 12 and 13. Floor Plan The Plaza The Colonial $1,898.10 Price, $1,998.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $1,898.10 THIS modern home with its distinctive features has a large number of admirers. The general appearance, both design and arrangement of detail, place it in a class of its own. The general lines are taken from New England and Southern Colonial architecture, while many original ideas are added. The windows, with divided lights and simple dor- mers breaking the front roof, are purely of New England origin, and are often re- fer r ed to as "severe, simple and quiet." Credit is due Southern design- ers for the semi- circle porch and front entrance de- tail. By close in- spection you will notice that the heavy front door is balanced on either side by side- lights. The detail in both door and rirst Floor Plan The Colonial side-lights harmonize, as both have glass in upper hall. Besides the decorative value of this feature it is practical in that it provides a flood of light in the reception hall, lighting stairs and pas- sageways. The semi-circle porch with balcony effect is supported by four large turned columns. The broad and spacious side porch is also of interest. It is one of the most typical features of Colonial architecture. The balusters and rail are extended around the porch, entrance to be had from the two doors in the living room on either side of the fireplace or from the steps at the side. The Colonial is shown here with ter- race breaking abruptly a short distance from the front. This is another South- ern feature that is proving very popular among builders of better class homes today. The interior expresses modern ideas. The large size porch is an excellent sum- mer season auxiliary to the living room, as both run parallel, with entrance doors on either side of the fireplace. The living room is arranged at one end of the home. The size, 15 feet wide by 30 feet long, offers many opportunities for different and tasty arrangements of furniture. ' The fire- place which is shown in the plan adds much to the comfort and attractiveness of the room and is well located. The library which directly adjoins living room has excellent wall space for book-cases and library furniture. The location of this room makes it suitable for either library or den. The arrangement of dining room and kitchen is ideal. The dining room at the front right corner and kitchen at the rear are divided by butler's pantry. The kitchen in this design has received considerable thought. Notice that you are able to reach front entrance through the hall to reception hall without passing through the other rooms. Double action doors prove convenient between kitchen and dining room. From the reception hall you can pass directly into the living room or dining room or into the kitchen. Four corner bedrooms on second fioor are well ventilated and easily accessible to hallway and bathroom. This home is fascinating in appearance and has much of the sought-for distinction. Of course you will want to know a great many things about the Colonial, if this handsome home appeals to you ; things that there is not enough space to tell about here. Upon request we will send complete detail specifica- tions and go into all the interesting facts. Write us about your ideas. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. See Terms on page 2. 33 The Herford $836.00 Price, $880.00 Cash discount, 59f. Net price, $836,00 First Floor Plan. The Herford Second Floor Plan The Herford THE Herford is an achievement in building a two-story, four-bedroom house at a price less than nine hun- dred dollars, yet the convenience and at- tractive appearance of this design is not im- paired in the least. A large living room across the entire front, large square dining room and kitchen make an exceptionally convenient and roomy first floor plan. The second floor has four bedrooms and bath, with clothes closets. The large porch across the front and the grade cellar entrance, are features of this design seldom found in a house at this price. Handsome front door with three-quarter length glass and wide window front the house. You couldn't possibly better the design and arrangement of the Herford, try as you might and it would be utterly im- possible to find better lumber than is furnished, for it doesn't grow in any forest. The carefully built semi-open stairway with circle first step, newel post and beau- tifully grained Fir lumber add a pleas- ing tone to the in- terior woodwork. A 1 1 woodwork is very carefully sanded and ready to receive the stains and varnish. The Herford would show up beautifully if painted like the Charleston, which is shown in colors on another page. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 34 35 The Suburban $1,075.40 Price, $1,132.00 Cash discount, 5' , Net price, $1,075.40 First Floor Plan The Suburban Second Floor Plan The Suburban THE Suburban is well named, because how attractively this modern home will adorn the most desirable lot in the residential part of any of our progress- ive cities! Simple in construction, yet it is thoroughly modern in every line. Exposed scrolled rafters, cornice brackets, divided lights in the upper sash, attractive front door, combined with a suitable grouping of different style and sized windows furnish the distinguishing features in exterior design. The shingled gable tends to remove the plain appearance so often found in this style of house. The large living room, 24x12 feet, with semi-open stairs, a well lighted dining room separated from living room with wide archway ; and convenient kitchen reached from dining room by a double action door make up the living apart- ments of the Suburban. /Vsccnding the semi-open stairs, one reaches a central hall on second floor. No floor space has been wasted by our architect here as can be easily seen by noting the convenient bath and four large sized sleeping rooms, each one of which has a large clothes closet in connection. And please note that the lowest points in the bedrooms on the second floor of the Suburban are six feet in height. Remember our price includes every- thing above the foundation except the brick for the chimney. Brick costs about the same in every section of the country, hence we cannot save you any money on the brick. We can save every builder of a Suburban several hundred dollars. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 36 ^The Rodney— A Comfortable Little Home $340.10 M Price, No. 1, $358.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $340.10 Floor Plan — The Rodney ANY good American families are living hap- pily and comfortably in Rodneys. Its four cosy rooms are all well arranged and its generous porch serves in a delightful way the out- door pleasures of summer. A handsome front door with glass in upper part and embellished with mouldings would suitably fit a more costly home. The double casement window in the dining room, with English sash made to swing in appeals strongly to the housewife. All upper sash are divided into small lights. You have your choice of two sizes in the Rodney. No. 1 is 20x22 feet over all and has four lOxS foot rooms. Price given above. No. 2 is 24x26 feet and has four 10x12 foot rooms. Price, $426.00, cash discount 5%. Net price, $404.70. In both designs a wide arch separates the living room from the dining room. You will be delighted should you decide to own this cottage. Of course, you receive our famous Dollar-A-Knot siding and all the materials entering the construction are positively the highest grades found anywhere. Frosted brass oak leaf design lock sets set off the beautifully grained doors and woodwork. In fact, you will have as finely finished a home as anyone. Two men can erect this house in four days. Most owners of the Rodney did all the work themselves, easily. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifica- tions on pages 12 and 13. I am very proud of my bungalow and want to say that I received much better ma- terial than I could have bought here. It is admired by all. You may be sure when I build again you will get the order, for I saved nearly $600 on this deal. — S. R. Bartlett. 37 The Sheffield $1,482.00 Price, $1,560.00 Cash discount, 5^^ Net price, $1,482.00 DO not the roof and porch lines of the Sheffield please you? The heavy overhang and Japanese roof effect give an individuality to this attractive home that invariably pleases its owner. Notice the heavy porch columns and exposed scrolled rafters. How well these carry out the general architectural lines. Ascending to the porch by the wide front steps, one is surprised with the size of the porch, 26.x8 feet. An attractive front door and a PVench door lead into and through the vestibule to the living room. Notice the size, 26.xl5 feet, and the wide archway leading to the well lighted dining room. Arch A-1, page 117, is furnished for this archway. A kitchen with pantry and stairs leading to basement and grade entrance complete the first floor. From the living room our easily ascending semi-open stairs lead to a central hall on second floor. Opening off the hallway are three bedrooms and a batli. While this picture of the Sheffield shows the side walls with the double shingled effect, yet when desired siding wthout extra cost will be substituted for shingles. For a substantial, convenient, attractive home, don't you think the Sheffield is one of the best? See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. BED R. lO'xIZ' J_ \TH DINING R. t4%15' y\'^^ KITCHEN i2\ir BED R. t4-'x9'4" ■> Ix BED R. fO"x.M' 1 ■ ■ 1 xf / \ / ROOF \ / \ \ Second Floor Plan— The Sheffield First Floor Plan The Sheffield 38 The Rochester $1,387.00 li>irE& THE Rochester is of the strong, substantial American type. Square lines give the advantage of utilizing every inch of space to good advantage, while this particular house incorporates some features distinctive to itself. Note the vestibule, large living room with cosy bedroom having projecting bay window ; group window in dining room ; large pantry attached to kitchen and rear exit grade cellar entrance. Three bedrooms, sewing room, bath and closets complete the second story. ]Most of the windows are grouped in pairs. Scrolled rafter ends embellish the eaves. Taken altogether, the Rochester is a most satisfying home. On a one-thousand-dollar lot the Rochester would normally sell for at least $5,500. You can easily comprehend the profit available to the owner should conditions arise that he would want to sell it. Owners of Aladdin houses find that the high quality of finish, material, both inside and outside helps make quick sales when a sale is desired. The Rochester was first built up in Northern Minnesota ajid the owner is high in his praise of the warmth of Aladdin con.struction. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. First Floor Plan The Hochester Second Floor Plan — The Rochester 39 The Castle $518.70 Price, $546.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price. $518.70 W Floor Plan — The Castle 'HERE have you seen a home that was better adapted to a corner lot or a lot between streets than the Castle? Notice the living room and dining room. Both are located at the front of the house, and both are sep- arated from the kitchen, with no incon- venience to the housewife. But now, notice the price. Have you ever heard of a like bargain? It is hard to realize that this home can be purchased at this low figure. Think of it, complete material at a price that would not ordinarily buy a three-room house at the local lumber dealers. In addition to your getting this home at one-half the usual cost, you get a better home. The Aladdin Readi-Cut System of Home Building is better than the old saw-measure- fit-on-the-ground system because it accomplishes the work better, quicker, and cheaper. Every piece of material in the house — siding, flooring, studding, joists, rafters, etc., is cut-to-fit in our mills by the finest machines. The result is accuracy of joints, and your house is stronger, warmer and tighter than if built by ordinary cut-to-fit methods. Waste in material cannot occur. Every inch of lumber you pay for is actually in and a part of your house. You know the lumber that's wasted costs just as much as the lumber that's used. The average house built by the old way wastes 18 per cent of the lumber — $18 out of every $100 of your money is wasted — burned up for kindling wood. The Castle is shown here setting the narrow way on the lot. It can, of course, be placed the wide way to the street without changing the plans. In this case the steps would be placed on the other side of the porch. Let us tell you more about this home. Write us today and we will send you complete detail descriptions and specifications. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 40 INSERT FOLDOUT HERE The Princeton — A Complete Cottage A COSY, comfortable, convenient, warm home; that exactly describes this remark- able house. It is as good a building in every sense of the word for its size as money can buy, and when erected is worth $1,200 to SI. 400. It is designed and built exactly like any good contractor would build it. Identically the same beautiful interior finish and knotless lumber goes into the construction of the Prince- ton as into our most expensive houses. It simply cannot be surpassed. This house can be put up p / and completed by two inexperienced men ready to be papered and painted in about ten days. This is possible because every stick is cut the right size and ready to be nailed in place, and because our instructions and drawings are so complete that no sawing, figuring or fussing is necessary,'. Every piece in the house is marked to correspond with the drawings. Study the floor plan and see how conveniently the house is laid out. Note the arch between living room and dining room, large porch, the cellar en- trance, etc. A careful study of the arrangement of rooms will show con- venience at every point. Price of Princeton No. 2. S720.00. Cash dis- count, 5%. Net price. $684.00. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Floor Plan The Princeton No. 1 Floor Plan The Princeton No. 2 $598.50 Price, No. 1, $630.00 Cash discount. 5% Net price, $598.50 45 The Virginia (g) $1,197.00 Price, $1,260.00 Cash discount, 5"% Net price, $1,197.00 HERE'S a home. From every view it breathes a welcome, inviting you into its big, strong, protecting walls to find comfort, pleasure, and satisfaction. From the front it strikes you pleasingly, and, as you approach, the im- pression is heightened by the finished detail of roof, eaves, columns, and porch work. The exterior of the Virginia always pleases — the design being founded on con- servative lines. The wide porch stretching across the front is always a popular feature, espe- cially the one designed for the Virginia. Slender spin- dles are ex- tended from the rail to the ground creat- ing a very neat appear- ance. The bay at the side breaks the long straight sidcwall, thus adding at- tractiveness to the exte- rior and pro- viding a cosy corner for the interior. The special ' 1 , DINING R. A^JS^' > 1 illJE i ii LIVINQ, '/?. PORCH 22'xS' O o u First Floor Plan — The Virginia Second Floor Plan — The Virginia 46 scrolled bracket which is used for decoration under eaves of house roof and dormer roof add a touch of beauty to the home. The Virginia as shown here is painted gray with white trim. Many other at- tractive schemes could be used with equal or greater success. The belt dividing first and second stories suggest a dark color — possibly brown for second story and cream for first story, with white trim. The Virginia is a popular design among Aladdin customers. It has been erected many times thruout the country. Owners are loud in their praise of it. Dr. Corn of Ohio, writes as follows : "The material was excellent and every piece fitted exactly." Mr. J. F. Kugler of Pennsylvania, in a letter says: "I saved between $300 and $500. I have a fine home — The Virginia." Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, of Florida, who has erected two Aladdins, in a letter says : "Everything went together like clock-work. My Virginia is a fine home." Just inspect the arrangement of the interior. A living room that stretches from the bay window on one side of the house to the other, twenty-two feet, with the dining room separated by a wide arch — a freedom and expanse usually found only in much larger houses. One of the most interesting features on the interior is the bay window. This is most usually converted into a cozy corner and fitted with window seat, sofa cushions, etc., making it the most popular part of the home. The cozy corner in bay window and handsome open stairway make a pleasing impression on entering the home. Kitchen, four bedrooms, bath, and closets complete this beautiful home. It is built to satisfy the hardest to please. It is a continual delight to every owner. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 47 The New Eden $645.05 THIS home, the New Eden, shows the result of careful planning before building — and it is surely gratifying to its many owners among Aladdin customers. On a ground space of 20x20 feet, this home gives more room, more comfort, more convenience than has ever be- fore been obtained. Two stories, having two bed- rooms upstairs, a hall, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, an open stairway, a porch, and above all, an attractive looking house. It is so well liked by its many happy owners, that it is common for them to call it the "Wonder Home" on account of its low price, abundance of space, and its con- venience. Notice the exterior. A broad belt across the front of the house divides first and second stories, giving a pleasing and harmonious effect. The half- sheltered porch is a pleasant feature and is well built for strength, attractiveness and harmony. The full length column, fronted by pedestals, makes a comfortable porch. The diamond paned window to the left of the front door gives plenty of light to the stairway and adds attractiveness to the front of the house and porch. I^iving room and dining room are divided by a wide arch, making them practically one room. Both rooms arc well lighted and of good size. Notice the double window in the dining room. Two men can erect and complete this house in about ten days. It can be done by any two men who are willing to work, assisted by our complete instructions and illustrations. See General Specifi- cations on pages 12 and 13. Detail si)ecificati()ns will be sent you on request. See Terms on page 2. Price, $679.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $645.05 \ KITCHEN I DINING R. 8'X10' V > /2x/0' Second Floor — The New Eden 48 49 The Hudson $1,098.20 ^i§r^.,o CAN you imagine a better utilization of space than is obtained in the plan of the Hudson? The constant thought of Aladdin designers is toward giving a maximum of convenience and comfort for the lowest possible cost. It is doubtful if this result has been exceeded by any other Aladdin house. The exterior will please you, we are sure, as this home has a greater number of admirers. The Design i s {jractical and conserva- tive with no sign of over- trimming bc- i n g evident. Simple lines in the porch construc- tion, heavy o verhead boxing, a n d roof are in perfect har- mony w i t h the balance of the home. The windows of both first First Floor Plan— The Hudson Second Floor Plan — The Hudson SO and second story are treated somewhat differently from the average. On the first floor the windows are capped by the wide belt dividing first and second floor. The windows on the second floor line up to the trim board under eaves. The wide belt dividing first and second stories adds much to the general appear- ance of the Hudson. Notice the hip roof dormer on the front roof. It helps break up the flat plain roof. Study the location of rooms and the placing of doors and windows. Hud- sons have been erected in many cities and towns about the country and you may be sure that each creates much favorable comment by friends and neighbors of the owners. The arches dividing hall, living room and dining room give an impression of size and space that is most desirable. The reception hall permits direct access to kitchen, living room, or second floor. Ample light for hallway and stair- case is provided by full size window and three-quarter length glass in front door. By referring to the plan you will find there is a stretch of space twenty-eight feet thru living room and dining room. The large living room, size 14x16 feet will prove inter- esting to you with the many possibil- ities for attractive furniture arrangements Entrance from hall to kitchen saves the housewife many steps. Four good bedrooms, closets and bath are arranged on the second floor. Four Colonial columns support the porch roof and a beautiful glass front door throws light into the hall, in addition to the side window, and the woodwork and floors are of the beautiful grained Western fir which is subject to any treatment you like. To lovers of simplicity in home architecture the Hudson always appeals strongly. We have many interesting letters from Hudson owners telling of their experiences, cost of erection, and length of time in building. We will be glad to send you copies of these letters or will send you names and addresses of owners nearest you. In this way you can write and learn at first hand of their complete satisfaction. See Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 20° Below Zero — Hudson Warm and Comfortable My "Hudson" purchased last year was very warm and comfortable this winter when the thermometer was twenty degrees below zero. The lumber was first-class and I am more than satisfied w^ith my home. Everything was found as represented and no knots to be seen. If I were to build again I would build another Aladdin. — H. M. Pierce. 51 The Brentwood $2,185.00 Price, $2,300.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $2,185.00 T 'HIS most charming dwelling has a host of admirers. Its individuality is apparent in many ways. The broken roof, second story balcony, hooded front entrance, semi - enclosed porch, pergola porte-cochere with French doors leading to dining- room, casement windows in front and full attic, form a delightfully at- tractive whole. The house will be n . 1 1 n ti n i r • u J • iU Keception Hall — 1 he brentwood furnished with either siding, shingles, or stucco exterior. The bay window projects three feet and is ten feet wide. The pergola at the side is furnished with tin roof, giving protection against snow and rain. This pergola can be furnished with floor, giving a side veranda instead of porte-cochere. A most unusual and distinctive idea is the little balcony with double French doors from the upper sewing room. First Floor Plan — The Brentwood 52 Note the sleeping room leading from sitting or dressing room on second floor. This gives all the advantages of the sleeping porch, -with none of its inconveniences. This sleeping room has four windows. Linen closet is arranged in hall, a very large closet from the sewing room, and each bedroom has a closet. The hall, both first and second story, is commodious, while a stairway of pure Colonial type is furnished. Built-in buffet in dining room affords room for dishes, linen, and silver. A Tennessee owner (name upon request) writes about his Brentwood: "My Brent- wood is the admiration of the town. It was ready for plastering two weeks after the first nail was driven. I saved about $700 with Aladdin's help." Could you wish for greater as- surance of your own satis- faction than from the pen of this owner? The Brentwood is erected in many states over the country. It is also erected in Bay City, Michigan, the Home office of Aladdin houses. We invite you to pay a visit to one of the Brentwood homes nearest you, or if you should visit near Bay City we would be pleased to arrange a visit for you. This remarkable home will surely interest you and we are positive you would be delighted with an in- spection of it. Should you desire to write an owner of the Brentwood ask- ing him his experiences we will be glad to furnish names. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. The Sunshine $1,096.30 Price, $1,154.00 Cash discount, 5' ; Net price, $1,096.30 THIS charming bungalow nestling in this setting of trees represents one of the best pieces of work of our master designers. Individuality is portrayed in all its lines and it is distinctively American in character. Extreme simplicity is the motif behind the planning of this home. Simplicity implies character, quality and taste. Sunshine implies cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity and light. Could a more fitting name than "Sunshine" be given to this home? It radiates that sweet, simple home atmosphere everyone wishes to secure in their home and to see in the homes of others. The roof lines are particularly graceful, the main roof extending down over the porch, it being evenly balanced by a dormer of just tlie right proportions. A study of the interior reveals an exceptionally well laid and thought out plan. Light in any home is an essential feature and we liave provided an abundance of it for every room. The large living room gives access to the dining room and front bedroom, as well as small clothes clo.-cl. The opening between the living room and dining room is a prepossessing cased archway. The fireplace and outside chimney are shown in the photograph and floor plan although it is not necessary that you build these should you favor this house. One of the closcttcs as shown on page 131 is furnished for the front bedroom. The two Ijack bedrooms have regular closets built off of them. At the rear of the bungalow one of our regular Addition No. 4 is furnished, this pro- \iding for a combined cellar and rear entrance. If the ".Sunshine" ap- peals to you, write us .so we can send you still further details. See Terms The Sunshine "" P^ge 2. .Specifications Floor Plan on pages 12 and 13. The Boulevard $898.70 I Price, $946.00 Cash discount, 50^ Net price, $898.70 THE Boulevard is the wonder home to many prospective home-builders. The design in both exterior appearance and interior convenience is the result of deep thought in planning. Stop and think of it — three large bedrooms, large living room and dining room with good sized kitchen, bath and closets — and all on one floor ! Of course, this number of rooms may be included in otlier one-story designs, but look again at the sizes of the rooms! In point of design. The Boulevard is one of the most attractive. Designed on con- servative lines, this home is marked by a number of pleasant architectural features. The dormer in the front roof gives light and air to attic and adds much to its beauty. The porch is formed under the main roof — its wide dimensions provide comfort and add much to the general effect of this home. A wide belt divides the siding on the first story and shingles in gable — the treat- ment used here is excellent, white belt, brown stained shingles and sidewalls. The interior will appeal to every house- wife who has a desire to make the home beautiful and com- fortable. The arrangement of rooms and size of each permit excellent decoration and the ut- most in convenience. See Interior Illustra- tions page 75. Study General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Complete detail speci- fications will be sent you upon request. Floor Plan ^ "^ i Terms on The Boulevard page 2. 1^ ■ ^^mf^ _^ . Hi ]o PORCH [pi tjji Shadow Lawn $1,539.00 Price, $1,620.00 Cash discount, 5';; Net price, $1,539.00 DID you ever see a more beautiful picture of its i7b5.70 ^itv'^^cri^J.^s WHILE the Finley is popular with the owner of any sized lot, yet it finds special favor in cities where lots are sometimes as narrow as 30, or even 25 feet. The Finley can be built very nicely on a 25-foot lot and still leave ample space for a walk on either side. In the Finley the architect has followed throughout plain, straight lines, yet when painted French gray or leather brown and trimmed in white, the owner of the Finley is invariably delighted. A large, pleasant front porch, six rooms, bath and closettes are found in this remarkably low priced house. The ever popular plan is followed of a large living room across the entire front with wide archway leading to dining room. By a double-action door one enters the kitchen direct from the dining room. An attractive semi-open stairs leads from living room to second floor where there are to be found three sleeping rooms, bath and closettes. Those wanting a six-room, two-story jjlain house arc invariably pleased with the Finley. See Terms, page 2 and General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. First Floor Plan The Finley Second Floor Plan The Finley 60 The Tucson $495.90 Price, $522.00 Cash discount, 6% Net price, 1495.90 WHEN it comes to much in a small space the Tucson certainly leads. Five convenient, well lighted, attractive rooms, with good sized front porch make up this snug and cosy little home. Sash front door, semi-open stairs and wide arch between living room and dining room add mate- rially to the attractiveness of the Tucson. Where the exterior is painted either a French gray or seal brown and trimmed with white or cream, and the beautifully grained interior fir trim is either finished with oil or stain and then varnished, the Tucson presents a fresh, attractive appearance that invariably brings pleasure and satisfaction to its owner. (Rear addition shown in photograph not included. See page 116.) The Tucson is one of the first Aladdin designs and has always proven excep- tionally popular. The tirst year it was listed in the Aladdin catalog it was sold to four different parties who have built the Tucson again after the first one was complete. A number of companies have erected this house in large num- bers. One customer in 1913 erected sixty-four. At the price quoted you save be- tween $150 to $275 on the material and erection of the Tucson. The material is prepared from carefully drawn plans — and without waste. Hence you pay for no lumber that is wasted in sawing or fitting on the ground. Your carpenters will be able to erect it much faster. This saving is also noticeable, as it usually cuts down time of erection a third. Send for complete detailed speci- fications of the Tucson which will be sent to you upon request. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. BED R /6'x/O t ^ B /3 ED R xlO' ROOF First Floor Plan The Tucson 61 Second Floor Plan The Tucson The Hamilton $1,092.75 Price, $1,150.00 Cash discount, 5'^/r Net price, $1,092.75 THIS is a very popular type of house in the smaller cities. It is of the half- shingled style, with a gable roof, porch, and split-roof dormer. A wide belt separates the shingled second story from the sided first story. Attic is ventilated by a small gable window. Square columns rest on solid sided porch rail. It is one of the simplest and easiest to build of any of our two-story designs. The living room is of generous dimensions, and open stairway at the rear. Living room, b e d - room, dining room, and kitchen are down stairs, and four bed- rooms w i t h closets and bath are up- stairs. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Complete detailed specifications for the Ham- ilton will be sent to you upon request. First Floor Plan The Kamllton Second Floor Plan The Hamilton 62 The Gretna $450.30 Price, $474.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $450.30 HERE is a complete five-room dwelling with all the beauty of simplicity of de- sign. It has appealed so strongly to home builders and has met their needs so satis- factorily that you will find Gretnas scattered throughout the length and breadth of the land. It has been and is one of our very best sellers. The demand for it is constant. It is particularly desirablel where ground space is not too expensive, as its width' of thirty feet really requires a lot of forty feet or wider. Its long porch, sash door and casement win- dows give charm to the exterior, while the large living room, bedrooms, dining room and kitchen furnish as convenient and desirable an interior arrangement as can be had in a home costing nmch more money. Throughout you have the same excellent construction that is found in every Aladdin house, yet the lines of construction are so simple that scores of Gretna owners have built their entire house without any assistance from carpenters. The Gretna is distinctly a house for the home-loving man of moderate means, because without sacrificing attractiveness, con- venience, or essentials, the cost has been brought within the reach of all. Either floor plan shown will be supplied at the same price. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13 and Terms on page 2. Floor Plan The Gretna, No. 2. Floor Plan The Gretna No. 1. 63 The Pomona E;; $1,296.75 Price, $1,365.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $1,296.75 I F there is such a thing as personality in a home the Pomona surely expresses the feeling in every angle and line. Bathed in a hot summer sun's rays, its wide eaves, shady porch and many windows offer cooling protec- tion; or blanketed by win- ter's snows it nestles snugly compact, and inviting the traveler to its protection. Walls of siding and shingles, building paper; sheathing, studding and lath and plas- ter are equally good non- conductors of heat and cold. Externally, many interesting ideas are worked out and Living Room — The Pomona each blends naturally into the whole. Observe the tapered porch pillars of stucco, surmounted by clean lined columns of the same design. The chimney outline matches this plan, as does the rafter ends and the pro- Dining Room —The Pomona (Panehng not included) 64 NOTE — There is no dif- ference in outside dimen- sions of either Pomona plan. The only difference being a re-arrangement of the rooms and a second floor added providing two extra bedrooms. The Pomona jecting ends of belt encircling the hoiise above the water table. Brackets supporting the eaves are shaped differently than any other bungalow you ever saw, while the porch rail is embellished by a band running midway between the upper and lower rails. An especially notable feature of the interior arrangement is the abundance of unbroken wall spaces in all rooms. Can't you just imagine where you would place each piece of furniture ? Two plans are illustrated, one-story and two-story. In the one-story, the front room is adaptable to use as den or bedroom, in the latter case giving three bedrooms. Good closets are observable in both designs. Price, two-.story, $1,510. Xet price, $1,-134.50. See General Specifi- cations on pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications for the Pomona will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. Floor Plan The Pomona One Story >> A J3_ -S C ■■3 c-a g o j^ o m1 ""m^k^ ^SI- 'S 2 ^•a;;jifc£^o|j;: D r. go ijqw-p c o ■" _ SpagH... S||||E-g j; c S*^ 2 M-^ u^ (u'a o 0;=; CivH S — ^ (;()■";« 'Cb'Si^ _ft"d-0 ..„ ^ 'y. d *-* ^ 'n > -t-* Cf»h ijiL) :5 p = 'y) ^ r- -i: E o *^ C •" u] CJ TD G lU -S C rt jz; OJ art rt M a, ■" -— -G "U "t: C OJ 3 O ^ > =^ -^ t« -=^ (U <" — ;G J-; ?^ '- so o Ui o -a o ' U u m >. ^ J F— t« M -H bC 3 in -^ ^ O w -G •" rt t-H c "S < - S"' r- ^ C rt g ^ 'O ° a; in n .1-; ,__, (T| o CJ «^ u Tl ^ ^ -t: P 5 D< - O 3 T3 .G '^ S .S ^ " 3 -n •= "^ (^ y H -2 .S .2- O -a " rt Ti y c a ~ " >. T? U H ^ rt p U) J3 O in >. G n 2 o e "5 -a -5 .G _ c ;::,' ■o o - -^ - I £i ^ G &" p — oil account of its con- venience. The grade cellar entrance makes it possible to enter the basement from the outside of the house without passing through the kitchen. The pleasant and cozy rooms in the Georgia are made very attractive when finished in the beautiful Oregon Fir. This beautiful wood is furnished for interior finish in all Aladdin Homes. Photograph of the interior of the Georgia will be found on page 85. One purchaser alone erected ten Georgias in 1915, an unusual tribute to its popularit\'. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. (t}f\/^^ 1 f\ Price, Size No. 2, $1,018.00 Detail specifications for the Georgia will be tSy O / X \J '^^^^ discount, 5' ; sent on request. See Terms on page 2. Kyxyy^ fl • V*' -^^^ price, $967.10 Second Floor Plan — The Georgia No. 2 First Floor Plan — The Georgia No. 2 The Cadillac $997.50 Price, $1,050.00 Cash discount, b'^r Net price, $997.50 T IHIS bungalow is worthy of consideration because it was planned by one of our superintendents for a home of his own. It was made exactly as he planned it to suit his experienced sense, fitness and ideas. Thus an individuality was brought about that attracts the attention of every passer-by. It is a home that is pleasant and has an abundance of space within for comfortable living and would give to anyone that possessed it a great pride of ownership. The exterior is artistic and pleasing to the eye. The broad sweep of the roof carried out over the porch adorned with a dormer, breaking the wide expanse, is perfect in proportion and balance. The square divided lights in the upper sash of the windows lend an added charm to the exterior. The main floor comprises a large living room entered directly from the porch. Off of this is a spacious dining room and den. Attractive French glass doors enable the owner to combine these rooms in one. The fireplace shown in the floor plan could be built in the opposite end of the living room, if desired, or could be omitted entirely. Two bedrooms furnished with closettcs as well as bath and kitchen finish the floor plan. Directly at the rear of the kitchen is a very convenient and modern grade cellar entrance addition, giving access to the kitchen and cellar. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications for The Cadillac will be sent upon request. See Terms on page 2. I Floor Plan The Cadillac diifti BB ...^iL, ,_L«fBW £2 ^ ^ The Leota $475.00 C Price, $500.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $475.00 t RAFTSMAN" front door, casement windows gi'ouped in pairs and side walls shingled are the particular ideas moulded into The Leota. Another new thought is the side entrance to the porch. The porch posts should be very heavy and built of concrete as well as the porch floor. The interior arrange- ment is well illustrated by the floor plans shown below. This little gem of a bungalow- will match, in both material and construction, homes of many times its cost. Beauti- fully grained interior- wood work, frosted brass hardware fittings and the finest stains and varnishes to be bought combine to give you a most interesting bungalow. Note the casement windows with divided lights and exposed rafter ends. When erected this bungalow is worth very nearly two thousand dollars, without the lot. You'll like every feature of it. The Leota is built of the same materials and in identically the same way as the Aladdin house which was erected at the Panama-Pacific International Ex- position, and which was awarded the highest prize by the International Jury of Awards. It is built of the same material and in identically the same way as the homes of the President and the other officers of The Aladdin Company. The same beautiful, clear and flawless lumber, high priced paints, stains, varnishes and hardware are furnished as in all Aladdin houses. While no cellar is shown under The Leota from which this picture is taken, you can of course have a full cellar, as in any other home. Remember, you can erect your own Aladdin home ^/ and save the cost of skilled ZZ Z Z ZZZ^^^^^^^m^^ labor. Hundreds of Alad- din customers have erected their Leota homes from the complete instructions for erection that are sent with every order. Ask for names of customers —let them tell you in their own words. i See General Specifica- tions on pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications for The Leota will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. LIVING R 20':k 10' CO.VCRF.TE PORCH 16' X 6' a Floor Plan— The Leota Price, $1,250.00 Cash discount, 5'~', Net price, $1,187.50 Close inspection of gives many pleasant The Standard $1,187.50 YOU will agree with Aladdin customers and owners of the Standard in their claim that "it is the best square type house ever offered to home builders." Greatest in amount of space, best in point of design, most convenient in arrangement, and all this at a price that is much lower than it would cost you if you were able to buy thru any other source. Notice the architectural detail under the eaves, porch, and the dormer. the illustration surprises. The scrolled brackets which are especially machined for the Standard, add a finished touch to the sweeping eaves. Possibly you have noticed that this has been carried out on all eaves — dormer and porch in- cluded. The broad belt is also used to advantage here. riie inside arrangement has appealed to many. Notice the vestibule entrance. This is a very useful feature in that it provides an exxellent place for hanging wraps. Besides this, it is a valuable feature in cold weather. Thru the ne.xt First Floor Plan The Standaj-d Second Floor Plan The Standard door we enter what might be called a reception hall and the impression is very pleasing indeed. The handsome exposed stair- case can be beautifully stained and varnished and gives one an idea of the. rich effect on the interior. You find that the living room and dining room are extra large — and that will suit you — roomy and espe- cially well-lighted. The kitchen in the Standard home invites efficiency methods. First, the size is ample for working to advantage. Second, no waste steps are necessary. Pantry at the rear is but a few steps away while the dining room but another few steps through double action door. Either the reception hall or the grade entrance leading to basement or outside may be reached directly, meaning a saving of time. The second floor has model sleeping rooms and the arrangement with bath at the head of the hallway is perfect. Each of the three bedrooms shown on the plan are extra large and have excellent wall space for beds, dressers, etc. Two of the bedrooms have large closet space directly adjoining — the other bedroom is provided with the convenient Aladdin closette. For complete information on the closette refer to page 121. All ceilings in bedrooms are square and not hipped. You will be greatly pleased with your new home — The Standard. See General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. Complete detail specifications for the Standard will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. Living Room — The Standard 105 The Thelma $495.90 If /iriLs The Thelma seems to be really more than a home. It is really an additional member to the family that offers pleasure for the lonely, rest and comfort for the tired, and shelter when it's stormy. Study the floor plan again. Imagine furniture, carpets and curtains in place, and a happy family seated comfortably in the living room or on the porch. It would be hardly possible to get a better plan. The room arrangement is just right. Dining room, living room, kitchen and two bedrooms — and each with plenty of light. Note that both dining and living rooms have double windows facing the front. The delightful exterior, the interior with its coziness and the low price quoted for the complete material are your assurances of the highest satisfaction. If you decide now, one month from today you can be living in the Thelma. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. rioor Plan— The Thelma 106 The Plymouth $649.80 |?S"£a SIMPLE square lines have been here transformed into a charming home. The plan is quite different from anything else shown in our book, yet the arrangement of rooms, convenience and access, one room with another, is excellent. Note that the en- trance hall gives access to three different rooms and is but a step from the kitchen. The liv- ing room is separated from the dining room by the hall, with a vista of two arches. Light is admitted to hall by windows on each side of front door. Two bedrooms, bath and kitchen com- plete this snug design. The exte- rior is shingled, and shows very wide eaves with exposed rafters. Although the chimney is shown on the outside of the house, it can be placed in any part of the home. The most noticeable features to visitors of the Plymouth is the beautiful interior finish. When stained and oiled in the rich tones of oak the at- tractive grain in the fir finishing material contrasts handsomely with the delicate shades used for interior decoration. All the fir material used for interior finish in every Aladdin Home is care- fully selected for the finest grain patterns. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Detailed speci- fications of the Plymouth will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. Floor Plan — The Plymouth 107 Aladdin Readi-Cut Barns :*HE word Aladdin means as much to barns as it does to homes. Alad- din barns are built for strength and durability. The quality of the material is far superior to that found in the average barn. We have quoted the prices on the barns so that you can purchase either the barn itself, or so that you can leave out the first and second floors and the stalls, or so that you can purchase the building with the first floor added, or with the second floor added, or with both floors added. We have also quoted the price separate on the stalls, so that you can add any number of stalls you desire with the building. For example, a gambrel roof barn, size 20.X-40 ft., without first or second floors or mangers, would cost $421.08. First floor furnished with the barn would cost $82.12 extra, or $503.20 for barn and first floor complete. For a gambrel barn, size 20x-10 ft., with first and adding second floors and mangers, for two stalls the cost would be $550.70 complete. Each barn as we furnish it, and as listed in the cost on the barns, will include a second floor at one end above the stalls. This second floor will be twelve feet long and the width of the end of the barn, and is always in- cluded in the first cost of the barn. Many people prefer to purchase the barn without the first floor, which is really un- necessary in many cases, where hay and grain are intended to be stored into mows. Others prefer to put in either a part or the entire first floor in cement, so that we have quoted the price of the barn excRisive of both floors and stalls, and have listed separate the cost of each. This will enable you to purchase the barn it.self and add either the first or sec- ond floor or any number of stalls desired. Flach Aladdin Barn is very strongly constructed, in fact, stronger than it is usual to build barns of the same size erected by usual methods. The timber in every barn is heavier and ■9,. i^^^gi^ stronger than it is •iP*B^^^ really necessary to : f^^i^^^ use in a building of the same size. We appreciate the great weight and strains that are put in farm barns at times, and each barn is constructed so as to stand a greater weight than it will ever be called upon to hold. They are not only constructed of very heavy timber, but are braced and counter- braced wherever this bracing will increase the strength of the building. Each barn has material cut to fit ready to nail in place the same as all our other reg- ular dwellings and houses. In fact, they are better finished than it is usual to build ordi- nary barns throughout the country. All of the material is dressed so that the inside of each building presents a finished appearance and is not merely of rough unfinished lumber. We furnish all the different kinds and sizes of nails required in the erection of the build- ing; heavy barn door tracks and rollers for the large doors to slide upon; hinges and locks for the smaller doors. The windows have the glass already in them. We will furnish any colors of paint that you may desire for the outside of the build- ing, two coats; shingles or roofing, whichever you prefer, for the roof of the building. Aladdin Special Barn $275.50 Price, $290.00 Cash discount. Sr^ Net Price, $275.50 The Aladdin Special was built to meet the great demand for a barn large enough to shelter two or three horses with wagons, etc. Plentv of room on the first floor lor three stalls, with a large mow on second floor for hav, straw and grain. At the price quoted, the second floor is included, but the first floor is omitted, as manv owners prefer a cement or concrete first floor on account of the convenience in cleaning stalls, etc. SPECIFIC.\TIONS: Size, 16 x 24 ft. See Terms on page 2. Sills, 6 X 6 in. Studding, 2x4 2 X 4 in. Second floor joists, 2 x 8 in. _ _ „. 7^ in., matched; roof sheathing, 1 in., dressed. Flooring, .second floor, 1-in. lumber. Shingles or roofing for roof. Large door, 8 ft. 4 in. x 9 ft. 6 in. Small door, 3 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 2 in. Windows, sliding .sash, glass in place. Paints, any colors, two coats, outside. All hardware, nails, barn-door tracks, hinges. At the price nuotfd above, second floor is included. Add $39.42 to the above price for first floor of 2-in. planks, including first floor joists of 2 x 8 in. 108 Rafters, Siding, The Gable Barn THE Ganibrel and Gable Roof Barns are here shown. The construction and material of both barns are exactly the same, the only difference being in size and design. These barns have given the greatest satisfaction and service on the western plains of Nebraska and Kansas, where they are subjected to the heaviest strains of wind and storms. This goes to prove the great strength and stability of the construction. Gambrel and Gable Barn Specifications Sills, 6 X ,s in. Studding for the side walls and galdes of barn. 2 x 6 in. Rafters, 2 x 6 in. Collar beams. 2 x 6 in. Cross braces in outside walls. 2x6 in. Anchor brace. 2 x 6 in. Plates of top walls, doubled, 2 x 6 in. First floor joist, 2 x 12 in. First floor flooring, 2-in. plank. Second flour joist, 2x8 in. Second floor flooring, inch luuilier. Stall studding, 2 x 4's. Stall siding, inch lum- ber, dressed. Mangers, attached to stalls, inch lumber, dressed. Feed boxes, inch lum- ber, dressed. Roof sheathing, inch lumber, dressed. Roofing or Cedar shingles for roof. Siding. perpendicular barn boards or hori- zontal matched sid- ing, whichever you prefer. Windows, 18 x 24, glazed, glass meas- urement. Doors, double and single. Barn door tracks and rollers for sliding doors. Hinges and locks for swinging doors. All nails of various sizes for entire build- ing. Two coats of paint, any color desired for outside. Complete instructions and illustrations for the erection. Total height of sid' walls, 12 ft. gam brel, 15 ft. gable. Below we have listed the prices for both designs, gambrel and gable roofs, with specifications that include either the gambrel or the gable design. The gambrel barn is illustrated at the bottom of Gambrel and Gable Barns Height of Side Walls of Gambrel Barn is 12 feet inches, and of Gable Barn is 15 feet inches. Prices Given are for Either Style. Gable Roof Barn Illustrated on Following Page. Stall with Size Iti X 24 20 x 80 2<> X 40 20 X .'iO 20 X HO 20 X 70 20 X SO 20 X 00 20 X 100 24 X 80 24 X 40 24 X .^0 24 X «0 80 X 40 HO X .50 80 X 00 30 X 70 80 X SO 80 X 90 8(» X 100 Price First Floor Second Floor Manger Net Cash Extra Extra Extra $250.20 3530.42 $11.04 $5..50 330.90 61.60 23.46 5.50 421.08 82.12 36.. 50 5..50 502.02 102.07 40.. 54 5..50 584.76 123.20 62.. 58 5.. 50 060.60 143.78 75.62 5.50 748.44 164.27 88.67 5..50 831.60 184.80 101.71 5.50 912.45 205.83 114.75 5. ,50 386.10 73.92 28.15 5.50 476.85 08.56 43.70 5.50 569.25 123.20 50.43 5.50 660.00 147.01 75.07 5.50 561.00 123.20 54.74 5.50 6(56.60 1.54.00 80.81 5.50 770.55 184.80 106.87 5.50 874.50 215.60 132.94 5.50 080.10 246.40 1.5!t.01 5.50 1,084.. 87 277.20 173.19 5.50 1.1S9.0S 308.00 ]!l!>.-JO ."i .50 109 HE many pleasures and advantages of summer cottage life need no argument here. Thousands and thousands of American families enjoy this stimulating life for several weeks or months each summer. Sovereign Readi-Cut Summer Cottages are distinguished from most summer cottages by the superiority of materials and construction and, while being wonderfully low in price, give every service demanded over a long period of years. Not the least of the pleasures derived by our customers many times is that of actually erecting the cottage them- selves. Their vacation is planned with the arrival of the material and the joy of creating and building their own cottage lends a keen appreciation to its use in future years. The frames of all summer cottages are of good, clean No. 1 dressed lumber; of proper size and design, not greatly dissimilar to dwelling houses. The siding is prac- tically clear Yellow Pine or Oregon Fir, tongued and grooved. The rooms are all open to the rafters, the parti- tions being of clear Yellow Pine or Orgeon Fir. Ceiling partition lumber finished both sides. The flooring is clear Yellow Pine or Oregon Fir. Specifications for Sovereign Summer Cottages The following specifications apply generally to all summer cot- tages, but vary slightly in some cases, according to tlie si/e of the cottage; that is, in relation to size of sills, joists, and rafters Foundation sil Joists, 2 X 6 in. Studding, 2 x 4 in. Rafters, 2 x 4 in. .Siding, ^-in. tongued and grooved, bevel face. . Flooring, matched. Partitions, matched ceiling. The Asbury $144.40 T Roof, sheathing yg in. Shingles or roofing. Doors, windows (glazed). Hardware, paint for two coats outside, any color, nails, locks, hinges. No plaster or plaster board fur- nished. Price, $152.00 Cash discount. 5' ; Net price, $144.40 It', .\sbury is a cosy little summer cottage of i)leasing lines- built for two. The porch can be screened in to give an outdoor living room. The front door lias glass in the upper portion, giving additional light to tlie living room. This is one of the old original Floor Plan summer cottages and has The Asbury been erected in hundreds of towns and cities throughout the country. At price quoted you get nails, paints, glass— everything to complete the Asbury. Sec general summer cottage specifica- tions above and Terms on page 2. 110 The Betcone The Genesee $297.35 Price, $313.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $297.35 $312,55 T large each HE plan of The Betcone is a five- room cottage with ample porch. The three bed rooms are plenty enough for a double bed in The living room is also used as a dining room. Kitchen, with rear door, is at rear. Here is one of our best sell- ers and always gives the great- est pleasure to owners. Easily Floor Plan- The Betcone ^^^ quickly put up. See general summer cottage specifi- cations, page 110 and Terms on page 2. Price, $329.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $312.55 WHEREVER erected this cottage has had the most favorable com- ment. You will save a least $150 in purchasing this cottage, and at the same time have as strongly built house as is ever erected for s u m m er cottage purposes. Bed rooms are one side of house and dining room and kitchen on other. A splendid tvpe of cottage. See General Specifications, page 110 and Terms on page 2. Floor Plan — The Genesee The Statler $267.90 You can erect the Statler yourself this vacation. And you can do it in a few days' time and save the cost of carpenter work. Just the right size for the fam- ily of four or five. Plentv of The Shoreview $294.50 Price, $282.00 Cash discount, 5'r, Net price, $267.90 ventilation throughout — bed rooms plenty large enough for double bed or two cots. The porch is large and airy, afford- ing an opportunity for out-door sleep- ing. Enjoy a few T Floor Plan The Statler days' time this vacation building your own summer home. See General Specifications on page 110 and Terms on page 2. Floor Plan The Shoreview Price, $310.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $294.50 'HE Shoreview is a comfortable summer home of five rooms. A good 10 X 16 ft. living room is located at the front. Behind the living room are two bed rooms, dining room, and kitchen, making a most complete floor plan with the porch across the front. See General Specifications on page 110 and Terms on page 2. Ill The Luna The Seaford A' Floor Plan — The Xnna Price, $410.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $389.50 BUND ANT space in this trim little summer cottage. Well screened porch of good size. Three sleeping rooms, living room and kitchen on inside. You will note that it can be set on a very narrow lot. Gives splendid satis- faction. See general specifications, page 110, for further information. See Terms on page 2. $463.60 A Price, $488.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $463.60 COSY summer home. Plenty of space on front porch — can be used for open-air dining room or sleeping room. Three bedrooms, dining room, living room and kitchen on inside. Plenty of light and air — an abundance of space. Is really one of the neatest cottages imaginable. See gen- eral summer cottage specifications, page 110 and Terms on page 2. Floor Plan The Seaford The Drayton $207.10 "•HE Drayton $210.00. When Price, $218.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $207.10 sells for less than you consider that this price includes ab- solutely everything needed for the erection and com- pletion of the entire building you will appreciate the sur- prising price. Two bed rooms can be arranged by combin- ing living room and dining room. See Gen- eral Specifications on page 110 and Terms on page 2. Aladdin Hunter's Lodge This building is designed for .settler's house or hunter's lodge. It is built just like other houses, strong and substantial. One door in front and four windows, two on each side. Height of side wall, 7 ft. 6 in. No plaster board or lath and plaster are furnished with this house at the juice riuoted. Size, 12 X 16 ft. Price, $133.00. Cash Dis- count, 5%. Net Price, $126.35. See Terms on page 2. The Shasta $486.40 A Price, $512.00 Cash discount, 5% Net price, $486.40 BIG summer cottage at a small jirice. Note the 36-ft. porch run- ning all the way across the front of the building. .\nother one of our pioneer designs. .\ 1 w ays makes a good impression and saves a good deal of money. See General Specifications, page 110 and ■Terms on Floor Plan— The Shasta P^ge 2. 112 Popular Aladdin Garages ALADDIN Garages are staunchly built of the same splendid grades of material entering into the construction of our dwellings. Quick shipment, simply and easily erected, paints of colors to match your house included. Walls and roof furnished in metal 25% extra. A special feature is made of quick shipment. Standard material is always carried in stock so that your garage is loaded very quickly. The Buick Garage Complete $5415 ALADDIN Garages have led the market for ten years. Staunch con- struction, high grade material and rock bottom prices have made an irresistible appeal upon automobile owners throughout the land. The Buick, illustrated on this page, is rrvade in two standard sizes, the 8x14 ft. size being designed for Ford cars. It is just large enough to admit a Ford touring car with the top either up or down. Any garage of smaller dimensions will not admit the Ford car. This size sells complete with all material cut to fit, paints to match the colors of your house, hard- ware, locks, nails and roofing at $57.00. Cash discount, 5%. Net price, $54.15. Size 10x16 ft. is of the same construction and sells for $72.00. Cash dis- count, 5%. Net price, $68.40. This will admit a car of 110 inch wheel base. All garages shown are furnished without floors, as practically all auto owners prefer to build floor of concrete. 113 F^^pJl^^i^ ll m^ liii nil B ■■■■ ilH The Winton Size, 12x20 ft. Price, complete, $136.00. Cash Discount, 5%. Net Price, $129.20. See Terms on Page 2. THE Winton will take the largest car on the market, with ample room at sides for working about car and for supplies. It has swinging glass doors and one window on each side. It is of a splendid type and always looks good wherever it may be erected. Painted to match your house. The Pierce Arrow Size, 20x18 ft. (two cars). One door. Price, $258.00. Cash Discount, SVt,. Net Price, $245.10. Extra for double doors, $11. See Terms on Page 2. THE PIERCE-ARROW is one of our most attractive garages. Will accommodate two cars without crowding. Side walls are shingled. The dormer adds much light to interior of garage. Double doors are regularly fur- nished. Sufficient space is available at end for work bench. Price includes paint for trim and stain for shingles. The Mcixwell The Peerless Cash Discount, See Terms on Size. 10x16 ft. Price, $117.00. 5%. Net Price, $111.15. Page 2. A SHINGLE-COVERED Garage that nicely matches any house. Roof extends in front to afford protection during inclement weather. Eaves have exposed rafters. Good, wide double doorway. Compact, but conveni- ent in every respect. Plenty of light. Size, 20x20 ft. (two cars). One door. Price, $260.00. Cash Discount, 5%. Net Price, $247.00. Extra for double doors, $11. See Terms on Page 2. DISTINCTIVE and attractive. The Peerless will do credit to any sur- roundings. It is furnished with siding half-way up and shingles on up- per part of wall. Very wide eaves with supporting brackets set off building ex- cellently. Large door with glass, together with windows on two sides, give plenty of light. The Packard 1 Size, 20x20 ft. (two cars). One door. Price, $210.00. Cash Discount, 5%. Net Price, $199.50. Extra for double doors, $11. See Terms on Page 2. Size, 30x20 ft. (three cars). Two doors. With double .sliding doors. Price, $284.00. Cash Discount, 5%. Net Price, $269.80. See Terms on Page 2. •H.E broken roof lines of the Packard give it an individuality immediately apparent. The building is furnished with five windows, large glass door, and small door. 114 ^L^DIN Additions to Aladdin Houses Designed for use on any House THE additions shown on this page were designed to meet the demands which we have had in the past for additions to dwelling houses. Several different designs are shown so the purchaser may select one that will be best adapted to his requirements. The exterior finish of these additions will be furnished to harmonize with the appearance of your house without extra cost. The prices are quoted with and without lath and plaster or plaster board, and interior finish of the enclosed part. Addition No. 1 Addition No. 1 can be used as a kitchen with pantry, or as an extra bedroom, as de- sired, or will be very well adapted for an cntryway, with either pantry or bath. P Floor Plan Addition No. 1 Size Net Price without Plastering Net Price with Plastering 8 X 10 $64.00 $72.00 8 X 16 82.00 91.00 10 X 16 130.00 140.00 10 X 18 138.00 150.00 10 X 20 147.00 160.00 10 X 24 162.00 198.00 Addition No. 2 Addition No. 2 has an enclosed part, which is suit- able for a pantry or bath, and has an open porch. Floor Plan Addition No. 2 Size 6x14, enclosed part, 6.x 8 open part, 6x 6 8.\16, enclosed part, 9x 8 open part, 7x 8 10x18, enclosed part, 10x10 open part, lOx 8 Net Price Net Price without with Plastering Plastering $68.00 $72.00 94.00 101.00 127.00 137.00 Addition No, 2 lis Floor Plan Addition No. 4 Addition No. 4 Addition No. 5 Addition No. 6 Addition No. 4 Addition No. 4 is a simple enclosed, rear entrance with cellar stairs. It can. of course, be attached to any house as all material necessary to complete the addition is included. Paints for two coats of any color to match balance of house as well as nails, hardware, etc., are furnished at the price quoted. See floor plan herewith. Price, net, $42.90. Addition No. 5 To meet the popular demand for sleeping porches and sun rooms, arranged for screen- ing in summer and sash in winter, we are offering in Additions Xos. 5 and 6 two very convenient and practical designs which have found especial favor with our customers. The Addition No. 5 is furnished in size 10 X 6 ft., two stories high. This size is excellently adapted for average usage. The upper porch is large enough for a double bed. or two single beds, or three cots. The popularity of the sleeping porch needs no comment here. This makes a splendid addition to any home. Screens are fur- nished for all openings and screen door. The price, net, $100.00, includes paints for two coats outside, oils, stains, and varnishes for inside finish. Any colors of paints can be furnished for outside body and trim to correspond with balance of house. $1 Addition No. 6 Addition No. 6 is furnished in size 14 x 7 ft. The sleeping porch will accommodate two double beds, nicely, while below you have, in addition to the open porch, an en- closed part, size 8x7 ft., which can be used for a pantry, bath, store, or fuel room, door to open into the enclosed part, either from porch or kitchen. Price, net, with screens for all openings and screen door, $149.50. This price includes inside walls finished with matched material. Price also includes paints for two coats outside and oils and stains for inside finish. .Any colors of paints can be furnished to correspond with balance of house. If enclosed part is wanted finished inside with lath and plaster, or plaster board, add $12 to above price. Prices on glazed sash for sleeping room to l)e used in winter will be furnished upon application. 116 Aladdin Colonnades and Arches The simplicity of the design of the Colon- nade coupled with the extremely low price makes it a very popular one. Made of Yel- low Pine, Oregon Fir or Red Oak. by skilled workmen. The price quoted does not include jambs or trim. 2A-60— Yellow Pine or Fir. net ..$12.85 2A-62— Oak, net 14.50 For Jambs and Pine, $2.60; Oak, $ Trim 1.65. add, for Yellow A plain column Colonnade. For smaller homes or ones where extreme simplicity is desired. We furnish these made of Yellow Pine. Oregon Fir or Red Oak. Shipped in the white, that is, unfinished, from Bay City or Chicago. 2A-64— Yellow Pine or Fir, net... $8. 00 2A-66— Oak, net 10.00 For Jambs and Trim add. Yellow Pine. $2.60; Oak. $3.65. This "Homecraft" Bookcase Arch has been used in thousands of homes and in every case has given perfect satisfaction. The eases are 21/2 ft. wide, the columns, 8 inches square. Made of Yellow Pine, Oregon Fir or Selected Oak, sent out un- finished, but complete with hardware and leaded glass doors, as shown. No. 2A-1— Yellow Pine Arch $37.50 No, 3A-1— Selected Oak Arch 40.50 If you desire only one side of the book- case it can be furnished at the following prices. Mention side you desire — right or left of illustrations shown here. Yellow Pine $20.00 Selected Oak 21.00 Side and head jambs and side and head casings are charged for extra as follows: Yellow Pine, $2.60; Selected Oak, $3.65. The Colonnade illustrated to the left is very similar to our No. 2A-1, with a few iletails changed, principal of these being single door, plain glass and round col- umns in place of the square, as furnished with No. 2A-1. Furnished without jambs or trim but with hardware. 2B-70— Yellow Pine or Fir, net $30.50 2B-72— Oak. net 31.50 For Jambs and Trim add Yellow Pine, $2.60: Oak. $3.65. 117 Aladdin Built-in Buffets Homecraft Built-in Buffet A well proportioned "Homecraft" built-in side board or buffet has been very popular wherever offered. It is 4 ft. 6 in. wide and 7 ft. high, 14 in. deep. Has a bevel plate mirror back in opening over counter shelf, four drawers and one closet space in bot- tom section. No. 2A-24— Yellow Pine, glazed, tie";; double strength glass $26.50 No. 2A-25— Yellow I'lne, glazed lMd*:>l Crystal glass $28.75 No. 2A-26— Selected Oak, glazed, c'^-^n double strength glass $28,50 No. 2A-27— Selected Oak, glazed If"'!'"'! Crystal glass $31.50 If side casing, base blocks and cap trim, as shown are wanted, add for Yel- low Pine. 70c: Oak. .$1.4.5. Homecraft Built-in Buffet A "Homecraft" Buffet which is just what the name indicates. The result of a Crafts- man's labor. It stands 7 ft. high and is 5 ft. wide; depth, top section, 14 in.; bot- tom section, 18 in. Has four large linen drawers in center of base section and two smaller drawers on the sides, suitable for silverware, etc. One large and two small bevel plate mirrors in each buffet. Weight, 300 1! No. 2A-30 — Yellow Pine, glazed with clear doiihlc strength glass $37.25 No, 2A-31 — Yellow Pine, glazed with leaded Crystal gla.ss $39.00 No. 2A-32 — Selected Oak. glazed with clear double strength glass $39.75 No. 2A-35— Selected Oak, glazed with leaded Crystal glass $41.75 If side casing, base blocks and cap trim, as shown, are wanted, add for Yellow Pine, 70c; 0:ik. SI. 45. Aladdin Homecraft Buffets are designed with the object of giving the most convenience combined with the most artistic effects. They are made either of clear yellow pine or oak, and are sent out by us in the white, that is, unfinished. We furnish all hardware as shown. Finished glazed with leaded glass as shown or with plain double strength glass. Size, 6 ft. 6 in. wide by 5 ft. 6 in. high; depth, 18 in. This cabinet has three large and four small drawers and two doors, three strong shelves in each side section. Best quality bevel plate glass mirror above shelf. No. 2A-20— Yellow Pine i; 1 a z e d clear d o ii li 1 e s t r e n tr t li glass $39.75 No. 2A-21— Vell(.w Pine. (! laze d I>'aded Crvstal Klass $42.75 This case when finished to conform with the other woodwork in a home will harmonize with nearly any style of furniture. Price, F. O. B. shipijing point ; weight, 375 lbs. No. 2A-22— Select- ed Oak. C.lazed Double Stri>ngth glass $41.25 No. 2A-23— Select- ed Oak, Olazed Ijoaded Crystal glass $44.75 118 The space next the fire place has long been devoted to use as a con- venient nooU for the book shelves. Aladdin designers have struck a happy combination in the cases illustrated here. It is planned to be adaptable to a twelve or fourteen foot room as priced by the widening or narrowing of the trim boards at sides. For anything be- tween a fourteen foot and a sixteen foot room add $5. Note that the top of bookcase continue: across the top of fireplace, incorporating the mantle shelf. Prices of Book Cases including Mantle Shelf Double doors, three shelves and two drawers No. 2A-40 — -As shown in photographs one on each side, plain glass . . . No. 2 A-42 — Same as above, but with leaded glass No. 2A-44--AS illustrated, but without drawers below, plain glass No. 2A-46 — Same as No. 2A-44, but with leaded glass All of above prices in Yellow Pine or Fir. If desired in Oak, add $3.00. below. .$43.50 . 49.50 . 34,25 . 40.00 Aladdin Bathroom Cabinet and Medicine Chest A splendid com- bination for instal- lation in your bath- room. Gives gener- ous drawer space for linens, tewels, bedding and the many bathroom accessories. Comes i n combination with medicine chest and mirror door. The cabinet is 4 feet from floor to top, 12 inches deep and 26 inches wide. A cupboard, two nar- row drawers and four wide drawers complete the cab- inet, while the medicine chest at the top has strong plain mirror door and shelves inside. The whole combi- nation is strongly built, neatly fin- ished and easily installed. 2B-80 — Price, com- plete with all hardware. Yel- low Pine,. $21, 80 119 Aladdin Medicine Chest A very convenient addition to any bathroom. Made to be placed in a recess in the well, the face to come flush with the plaster. The complete chest includes all hardware, trim, mirror door, etc. This door has a 14x20 inch best quality French plate mirror. Size of recess required In wall is 20 Inches wide, 26 inches high. 4\i. inches deep. Has three ad- justable wood shelves. 2B-88— Medicine Chest, each $4.95 for a Gmplete FURNACE ^4611 for a Complete Bathroom Outfit Cet a Copy of the AIADDIN Book of Merchandise A complete heating plant for any ordinary home for only .$47.50. Guaranteed to he.lt any home containing 15,0(J0 cu. ft. of air space, or less. This is not an experiment but a demonstrated success. Many thousands of them in operation all over the country — no doubt in your city. If you need a furnace let us tell you about this one or any other kind of a heating plant that you prefer. Above Tve show one of our popular electric fix- ture combinations which contains complete fix- tures for a seven-room home, (nine fixtures in all), the price for this combination finished in any of the standard finishes is $22.00. We show ni.Iny other combinations in our catalog, some less :iii(l some more expensive than this. Priced coiiiplcte in sets or singly for those who do not wisli a complete set. Oiilv one of our modern batliroom cumbinn- timis ' The jirlce for this is .$40.2.^1. We show a Ml. .St cDiiii.l.'le line »( liathmom fixtures and nuxl- ,.iii pliiniliiiig :ipi.li:inces i.f all kimls. If .vou ;irc biiildiiit; yi>i> laiimt afford to lie without '..ur M.-nhaiidisc CMlali.g. Send for Your Copy Today 120 ORDER TO THE ALADDIN COMPANY BAY CITY, MICHIGAN Your money will be instantly returned if what you purchase from us is not found to be entirely satisfactory in every particular and exactly as represented. Safe arrival of all material is guaranteed. President THE ALADDIN CO. The following order is placed under the absolute guarantee of complete satisfaction to purchaser, which is printed above. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHIPPING MY HOUSE Date- Ship to- Street County. Via Town. -State- -R. R. Is there a Freight Agent there?. ORDERED BY Street 5 County. C Town. _ State. ^ Enclosed please find $. s =— — — -for which ship me at once Style of House. Shown on Catalog Page. SIDING OR r. r\ u •^ \T/ n SHINGLES rorUutside Walls. LATH AND PLASTER r- i • j it/ n OR PLASTER BOARD ror Inside Walls. SHINGLES OR ROOFING ror Koot. What Kind of a Foundation will you Use?- Color Paint or Stain for Side Walls. Color Porch Floor Inside Finish Tri EXACT WORDS OF OWNERS IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllOllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill^^^ New York. Would say I am more thau ple;isecl with my Kentucky bungalow which is built ou Laurel Ave. It comes up to all the requirements of my needs. A number of my friends wonder how a bungalow like it can be cut at the fac- tory and then constructed ; or as you say, Readi-cut. But I can understand it as I am a carpenter. Am enclosing two views of my liungalow. EDWARD C. SAYRE. Ohio. I am very thankful to say I am well pleased with my house in every respect. We are now comfortably fixed up with all modern conveniences and you can think of us as a happy little family in :» beautiful, little Aladdin bunsalow. So ninny others could be proud owners of Aladdin homes if they only knew what a good, honest firm you are to deal with. You surely have been loyal to me in every respect and if I ever build again I will prove to you I appreciate your interest and kindness. J. L. SANDERS. Ohio. I am sending you a small picture of the 2 "Denver" bungalows we got from you over a year ago. We had some ver.v cold weather last winter but were kept very comfortable in our new homes. They were very easy to keep warm. We are still improving our homes and when we get them iip to our ideas we will send you good pictures of them. Yours truly, J. L. and H. W. SANDERS. -V Indiana. We are glad to recommend you to others, as we are so well satisfied with our house and all our dealings with you. We have had so many to admire our little cottage the "Chester" and are very Iiroud of it. All the material was "No. 1," every piece fitted well and saved carpenters bills. ORUS J. WHITE. Pennsylvania. I think the Aladdin Readi-cut system is the only way to build a house, because you save a lot on both labor and lumber. I saved at least $500.00 on my Iiouse. People came to see it from a distance of 60 miles and all liked it very much. I am always glad to show it to anyone as I am proud of it. Ours is the Oak- land bungalow. Yours very truly, CLAYTON W. FARBER. Ohio. We surely are pleased with our Maples bungalow and cannot say enough to praise it. Kverytliing fit fine and am pleased to say I s.aved l)etween .$()00.0<) and $700.00 in building by the readi-cut method. Yours respectfully, FRED WENT. Ohio. The material in my Winthroi) was Just ns represented and I am well I)leased with it in over.v wa.v. I have considered neither time nor workman- sliip on it and it has gone to^^ether per- fectly. The painter told nie that lie found the joints more perfect in (his house than any he h;is ever worked on and he has painted some of the higliest priced ones in this city. I assure you that anyone who wishes to see It will l>e allowed that privilege. I estimate that I saved more than .f.SOO.OO on my home. Yours truly, H. W. SIEFER. Oklahoma. I am more than pleased with my "Forsyth" bungalow. The carpenters didn't use a saw in putting up the frame and everything went together perfectly. It is an ideal little home — not only a house. Everyone who has seen it praises the beautiful finishing lumber. We only had the pleasure of living in our Aladdin three mouths when I was called to this city where I am teaching. I hope in the next few years I can build another Aladdin. There's a pleasure or pride which accompanies the Aladdin home that we cannot get away from. I figure I saved .$600.00 by buildiug by this method. THOS. R. STE.MEN. Massachusetts. I have found everything in all my dealings with you just as represented and I also know for a fact that on the lumber bill alone I saved easily $500.00. All the lumber was there and had plent.v of everything. I shall take great pleas- ure in showing my bungalow, the "Bur- bank" to others and feel ready to recommend you to all. Yours truly, GEO. S. HARDY. Maryland, My Denver is completed and to say that I am pleased is putting it very mild indeed. My house is built upon a knoll and raised three feet above ground. The picture in the catalog entirely fails to do it justice. During its construction it was visited and watched by scores of people and was fairl.v commented upon by our local newspaper on two occasions as to its appearance and the material entering into its construction. "Denver" is the password and all is well. PATRICK REEDY. Penns.vlvania. We believe our "Marsden" is second to none; are more than satisfied both with the house and your Golden Rule business methods. We wish you in- creasing prosperity. If we were to build again, we would surely have another Aladdin. J. A. McHUGH. Penns.vlvania. My experience in building m.v Roch- ester has been very beneficial to me, not only from a financial viewpoint, but from a practical side, as I have followed the mode of construction from founda- tion up, and tried to find the weak points with the result that I can truly say that neither my carpenters or my- self can say today that there are any. Tlie entire transaction was completed in a pleasant businesslike way and I feel assured we are mutually benefited by same. Your method of dealing with a customer makes it impossible to be any- thing else thau genuine boosters for Aladdin. T. J. McDEK.MOTT. Indiana. I have just finished building one of your Readi-cut houses, tlie Stanhope, and want to express my gr.ititude to you for making it possil>le for a poor man to have a luuue. Having made a personal investigation and inspection of the Ready-cut houses of the largest mail orders in the world, I am satisfied that the Aladdin Readi-cut material is far superior to theirs and tlie prices the most reasonable. Rev. C. C. CRIPE. lAMDDINBuilt-IaRxtures Aladdin Closette ?^°^^y". >^^^« in relation to closets are rapidly changing and while the housewife has always spoken of the need of good closet room, a little reflection will disclose the surprising fact that most closets devote nearly three-quarters of the space to doors, elbow room and ability to walk into them, and one- quarter of the space to actual storage and hanging space. Isn't that exactly true? Aladdin discovered this fact in his continuous hunt for economy and waste-saving. Now then, here is a practical plan that utilizes just 4^/2 square feet of floor space and yet gives more hanging space and storage space than the usual four by six foot closet that occupies 24 square feet of floor space! Think of it ! And how much more con- venient it is than entering a dark closet and rummagins aroimd among hooks and shelves ! By the use of coat hooks, costing about 5 cents a dozen at notion stores, it is easily possible to hang twelve suits or robes in this space, each one being easily found ajid removed. Can greater capacity be gained in the average good sized closet? Above the large compartment is space for hats, bedding or other thirgs of like character, and below a wide, deep space for shoes and the many other articles that may require a place out of the way. The cabinet is six feet high and, as in many instances, it can be inset into the bed- room wall, so that it utilizes the six inches of wall thickness and really takes up but one foot of bed- room floor space! Counting the combined shelf space, it gains 13^ square feet while actually using but the afore- mentioned six square feet of flQ»r space. Aladdin Buffet The photograph on this page shows the Aladdin craftsman buffet, with the white enamel finish conforming to the white wood- work of this particular room. This buffet is very roomy, having four sets of shelves with divided light glass door for each sec- tion and five drawers for linen and silver. The two drawers at the bottom are espe- cially large for use as table-cloth receptacles. Aladdin Buffet, size 4 ft 6 in. by 7 ft. high by ief:.!.^.'!!!: $33.00 DC 31 Every house shown in the Aladdin catalos is erected in Bay City with two or three ex- ceptions. This includes all of the largett, The Villa, The Brentwood, The Colonial and The Lamberton. You will find whole streets of Aladdin Houses, whole subdivisions on v^hich only Alad- din Houses are erected. Bay City is truly called Aladdin Town, and Bay City people seem very proud of it. A most interesting trip could be arranged visiting the Aladdin Mills and inspecting the Aladdin Homes in Bay City. Anyone planning on coming to Bay City or vicinity is earnestly invited to call on us while here. j^^ ALADDIN COMPANY 3RGANIZE0 1664 'Hie nusT Xatioxai. 1 Vvxk seco ooo°J BP1.US s^oo ooo""-? Dec. 1. TO Aladdin Cuatcera: ^^^ ^^^^^_ we are pleaeed " ^^f„^/^o assure you ^re perfectly "=P°"fuy%no«n to us. as is the wise, are all P«" ^ t,u3lne8S policy. integrity and uprign -erfected and ,^,3 company orl|inat^^./,,„,ruct;^n, eetatUshed the Rf f/^^u Is the largest manor "d is the Pi°""lt we^no, of. urer of houses that we resentat up to. houses tna^ -- j.gp. Vou n.y have f"^^„/:f,i'^re"fuUy Uved ,ions of this company "H \ve very truly yours. / C^ier. Addition! 116-116 Boms 108-109 Boulevard 66 Brentwood 62-63 Built-in Fixtures 117-118-119-121 Borbank 89-90 Cadillac 102 Carolina 21 Castle 40 Charleston 68-69 Chester '81 Colonial 32-33 Detroit 79-80 Doors 74 Dresden 28-29 Duplex Houses 07-98-99 New Eden 48 Edison 66 Electric Fixtures 120 Erie 88 Finley 60 Florence 91-92 Franklin 86 Furnaces 120 INDEX Furniture 120 Garages 118-114 Georgia 100-101 Gretna 63 Hamilton 62 Herf ord 84 Hudson 60-51 Interiors 35-49-76-86 Introductory pages 2-14 Kentucky 24-26 Lamherton 22-23 La Salle 94-95 Leota 103 Maples 16 Marsden 41-42 Merchandise 120 Merrill 84 Michigan 96 Paints 120 Plaza 81 Plumbing 120 Plymouth 107 Pomona 64-66 Princeton 46 Raymond 16 Richmond 70-71 Rochester 39 Rodney 37 Roseland 19-20 Selwyn 88 Service Department 72-73 Shadow Lawn 56-57 Sheffield 38 Sheridan 58-59 Standard 104-105 Stanhope 76-77-78 Strathmore 82-83 Suburban 36 Summer Cottages ...110-111-112 Sunshine 64 Thelma 106 Tucson 61 Venus 43-44 VUla 26-27 Virginia 46-47 Warren 93 Wenonah 87 Wilmont 17-18 Winthrop 67 Yale 30