5=5=#iiS Width over all 51 ft. Depth over all .17 ft. Ceilliitr helKlit. 1st floor « ft. Oiling heiirhl. 'ind floor 8 ft. 2 in. Heittht of hascnient 7 ft. HERE, today, as in the century past, the old colonial home is preferred by many who appreciate its beautiful lines, its substantial comfort and its sentimental attractions. A view of this type of home brings forth thought of the colonial days when the love of home and woman were the most sacred emotions in the hearts of men. The environment of such a home can pro- duce only men and women of sterling worth. Size 24' 0"x2e' 0' Design 12638-B 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor, Sleei>ing Porch and Breakfast Nook A GREAT credit to this nation is the vast amount of home building. The knowledge that in this country there are millions of men who unselfishly spend to their last dollar for their families raises the standard of all citizens. But stop and think— it was but a natural law, as old as the age of man, which they followed. Each was amply repaid for his unselfishness by the happy wife and the congenial and loving environment of the contented family. DlME>fSIO>S Wdth OTer all... 30 ft. Depth OTer all 46 ft. 6 in. C'eilinE heieht, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling heipht, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of base- ment 7 ft. Our homes have proven to be com- fortable homes, which is a man's best asset. SLEEPING PORCH , 10'e."K8'3 Size 26' 0".\29' 3 " Design 12210-B G Kooins, Biitli and Siiii Room THIS liiime speaks for itself. The homelike air of the above design will cause many to renew their energies and strive harder to realize their ambitions for a home. nnrExsioNS Wi.ltli OUT ill! S3 ft. Dfpfli overall 47 f(. Ciiliiiir ticiirlit, reiliiie Iieiclit. 1st lloor s fl. « in. 2ii(l lloor s i|. Ileiij'lit of basoiuent. . . . 7 ft. I ■ I I Tell u.s the home you are interested in — so we ean give you an "eslimate of cost" to puide you in makinf^ suitable seleeliou. &ATH 9'6' X ic3\e" !□ CHAMDEIR 6' 9" X lO'o" cLP HALL T « 1 1 CHAMDEI2. ir3"xi3'6" CLP CHAM DC12_ IS'O'X lO'o" m i tt H ^ ^ M X- Size 27' () "x25' " Design 1401 2-B 6 Kuoiiirs and Kath Zl'e" DINING BOOM l2.'6"xlO'6' LIVING HOOM 23'0" X 13'o" ^ l i DEMEIVSIONS Widtli over all 3i» ft. 6 in. Depth OTer all 33 ft. Ceiling lieig-Iit, 1st lUior 'J ft. Ceiling height, 2nd tloor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. /^NL\ through home liberty and companion- ^"^ ship can men and women grow strong. It is around the harmonious hearth stones where the glow of mutual interest and understandings temper the finer senses, that men mould char- acter of sterling worth. CtiAM&LE. I5'6"xl0'8 CHAMDER iro"xs'o" l5'o"xll'^" 2 c7'0" Design 12591-B Size »(>■ 0"x4n' 0" ."> Rooms and Hath WHEN one has enjoyed tlie cordial hospitality of a friend's home, he is ever after craving an opportunity to reciprocate in his own home. The inviting hospitality of the above home will surely be approved by those who wish to share, unselfishly, their happiness with friends and guests. The floor plan is most thoughtfully arranged for convenience and comfort. Happv will be the occupants of this home. Plans Changed to Your Order Any plan in this book can be reversed to give the exposure desired. In oilier words, if a living room is shown on the left side of the house it can be placed on the right side tvithout any difficulty whatever. Let us knoiv ivhether you want your plans as shown in the book or ivliether reversed. He want to serve you. to meet your most exacting requirements. DIMENSIONS Width over all 31 ft. Kcptli over nil .">? ft. Ceiiintr lu'ltflit 9 «'t. lIciK'Iif of l)asenu'iil < ft. Size 26' "x2e' 0" 26'0" Design 12594-B 6 Rooms and Bath ilj^pJM" LIVING ^OOM 22'(b"x 13' 3" UP PORCH 2G,'o"x&'0" n n a DIMENSIONS Width over all 31 ft. Depth OTer all 40 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. MlLLIOiXS of people have happy homes within our borders and there are millions more who, with earnest desire and determination, can as well own their home as to pay rent to a landlord. Investment of money in a home pays in happy contentment in comfortable surroundings. The home illus- trated above is a modern type of the American story and a half bungalow so popular in all parts of our country. Homes of Comfort and Beauty and Economy — three prominent features of Our Houses Size 22'(Cx2rO" Design 12276-B <> liooiiis and B.ith Zt-'IO" _t I>I>IH\SI(>.\S Mldth uMv all •_»« ft. lU'pth «v In. (•(•illnu' iKJiflil, -'nd lloor 8 ft. Ilciu'lit of liasonK'nl < ft. THIS picture is sure to attract the attention of anyone interested in building a small home. Worked out in square, straight lines, using siding for the first story, shingles for the second and paneled stucco for the gables, make a pleasing contrast for this attractive design. All details have been carefully worked out to make this plan iDuiplele in every respect. Coiisiill ihr riiait V colored pictun's nl homes sIidhii so as Id select a color scliemc for your nru! home. 10 Size 36' 0'x20' " Design 14015-B 6 Kooms and Bath 3 6' O " DEtfEXSIOS Width over all 42 ft. 9 in. Depth over all 29 ft. 6 in. f'eilinff heieht. 1st floor 8 ft. 6 in. Ceiling heisrht. 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. "|V]"0 family can ever acquire that deep-seated love ^ and affection for a rented house which is naturally developed for a home they own. A home like the above will produce the incentive to adorn and beautify the lawn and garden — which all strengthens the family ties and gives happy con- tentment. / ^^ H A L L ° ''^ /ioiie- CHAMBER 9'o"xii'o' / Size 30' G".\29' 6 " Design 12687-B <> Rooms, Itutii uml Din Vest LIVING ROOM 2l'o"xi4'o" mMK>SIONS Mlclfli over till 42 fl. Urptli over nil SI ft. rellintf licliflit, 1st floor it ft. Ceiling lieiirht, I'lid floor 8 fl. 3 In. Heiplil of liiisement 7 ft. 6 In. Tm-: mm unequaled and phenomenal progress of this country is due mainly to the broad environment of the American home. This modernized Dutch colonial iiome has lost none of the old lines, while the unique front entrance, the exposed rafters, pergola porch and broad flower box have added to its beauty and effective- ness. Life in such a home could not be otherwise than happy. CHAM&ER I3b"xi2b'' IclP. Size 28' 0"x24' " Design 12848-B 6 Kooms, Bafli and Siin Parlor o i u Z8'-Q" DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM a7'-0"HI'-3" f 6UN P^RLOR DEffEJfSIOJfS Width over all 34 ft. Depth over all 36 ft. Ceiling: heigrht, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor S ft. Height of basement 7 ft. IN all ages the greatest achievements of man and his aspirations have been represented in building structures of habitations. Without homes in which to dwell in congenial happiness, comfort and kind- ness, the whole world is lost. Many a heartache is mended and many a family is held together by the loving embrace of the happy environment and culture developed in the home. This design is provided with slab shingles so much desired for the outside walls. Size 24'0"x33'0" Design 12208-B Koums and Ratli ^4-' O" THIS is an illustration of a modern home that appeals to prac- tical persons as well as those of artistic taste. The broad, low roof with its heavy overhang, exposed rafters and verge boards, supported with brackets, are very effective. The interior is designed to meet the demands of the most discriminating house- keeper. Convenience, hospitality and comfort were carefully con- sidered in the plnnninj: of this desirable house. 1H>IK>SM»\,S \\\M\ OUT all 31 ft. Kcplli ovir all 47 ft. Ct'iliiiu: lii>ii;lit. Is( lloor '.) ft (t'iliiii; Ik'Il'IiI. •Jiiil lliHir s l'(. Height uf basemeiil . 7 ft. He will filaitly quote you a prirr for all the ninlrridls to <<>n- slriKi aiiY It o in <• .shown in this booh- or in any other book of plans. 11 T ll'6"xa'3' :i Size 28' "x30' 0" Design 12528-B 7 Koonis and Bntli THE beautiful exterior of this jiouse is only matched by its pleasing interior. Note the large, comfortable, well arranged rooms and appointments. Plenty of windows proyide plenty of light, air and cheerful sunshine. Substantial of construction, yet desirably quaint and rustic. 28 O' DINING ROOM '0'xl5'3" n to IVING ROOM Z7'o" X I3'3" Porch J terrace. 1 it is the kind of a home one desires to call his own. DDIEXSIOS Width oyer all 46 ft. Deptli over all 45 ft. 6 in. f eiliner height, 1st lloor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 'ind floor 8 ft. Height of basement 6 ft. 8 in. L^tl size 2(i' 0"x21' 0" Design 12628-B C liooms, Bntli aiul Sun Pnrlor CM IKITCHEN , io'3"xll'3"lDINING ROOM powN /\ I4'3"xir3" JtW' HALLI r J LIVING ROOM 18'0" X 11 '3" DIMENSIONS Width over nil 3!) ft, I>(|i(h in. Dcptli over all ;!<» ft. ('(■iliiiir hciiflil, 1st lloor !» ft. ('(■iliiii; licitrlil. inii lloor S ft. Ilcitrhl of basenioiit 7 ft. "/'('/ ith'ds ' (>l pTDs- pcctive home build- ers tcill be i;lailly developed by us. lirinp in a rouu,h sheteh oj your spe- cial planned home. Our service will ihen do full duly in shapinp, your plan\. so ihey are praelieal find eeonnmiial. ij CHAMBLB- I ir3°x9'3" ir?'xg'3' Size 30' e "x22' 0" Design 12207-B <> Kixiriis. liiitli and Sewing Kuom DDrE>SIO>S Width over all 33 ft, 6 in. Depth over all 34 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 8 ft. 6 in. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. T^ HE great progress of the American people is at- -'- tributed more than anything else to the freedom which American women enjoy in the home. When a woman selects a design like the above for her home in which to practice the principles of freedom and co- operation, a new star is established in the firmaments of civilization. 19 Size 24' 0"x29' 0" Design 10554-B G Koonis, Bulli uiid Don UP "^ LIVING ROOM PORCH 2 4'o"x7'o" ■1 a — D HERE is a modern home worthy of careful consideration. It offers large space at small cost, is handsome in appearance and very appropriate to any location. It is such homes as this that improves and increases values in the community. Tlie environment of such a pleasant home cannot fail to hring out the licst thoughts and deeds. DIMENSIONS WIcHli over all 2!» ft. Dflidi (.v(>r ill! 4G ft. ( clllni.' heiKliI, 1st fl. 9 ft. ( .llliiK iH'iirlit. 2ii(1 tl. S fl. IIcIkIiI of hiisciiiciit . 7 It. Our homes hiu-oinr a credit to yourself and your community . Size 25' "x24' 0" Design 12865-B 5 Rooms, Bath and Sun Porch 2 5'o" DIMENSIONS Width OTCr all 37 ft, 6 in. Depth OTer all 32 ft. 6 in. Ceiling height, 1st lloor 8 ft. 6 in. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. ^T 7"HEN viewing this modern Dutch cottage one feels as if he wanted to own it, for it is tasty, quite appropriate, and practical in every line. The lines of the old colonial design have been retained in pleasing proportions. This design furnishes an air of substantial dignity much to be admired by the home lover. CHAMBER Il'9"xir3"- CHAMBER l7'o"xli'3" 21 Size 22' x->4' ' Design 12253-B 6 Kooui!) uiul Uiitli ^"^111. hiliire welfare of the whole world is in ihe hearts of the children. Care and discrimination in the selection A ol the liou-^e is usually pracliced hy the paients who realize thai the child's lo\e for niaiikind i~ lirst learned in a well ajipointed home. 2.2.'o" DINING ROOM lO'3"xii'3" -\ I lilTCHEN IO'3"xir3" Dow L LIVING liOOM ^|'o" X II '3" POUCH lfi'o"y-]b' IHMK\,S10.\S WitUli over :ill 26 ft. 6 In. Ocplh over all 37 ft. 6 ill. (ciliiiir lieltrlil, 1st ll(>(»r 8 ft. 6 In. ('(•Hint; lu'iirlit. 2iiil lloor 7 ft. 4 in. Ilciu'lil "1" liiiseinciit li ft. 6 In. Xiilhinii is more plrdsiiiii lo us than hi h e 1 p ihluTS 1 o solve 1 li r i r liiiililini: [irohlnii. ) O II tin not nhlipale > oursflj ic li r n consult II li us. () II r service is | yours lor the (ish. iiii:. 22 Size 1:2' "xL»4' " Design 12211-B C Kuunis iiiid Bath s IMPLE, yet attractive and homelike, this suhstanlial home demands the immediate attention of him concerned with the financial problem of furnishing a desirable home for his family at the minimum cost. This home offers all the attractions and conveniences required by the economical builder. DIMENSIONS Width over all 27 ft. 6 in. Depfli over all 38 ft. Ceiling heig'ht, 1st tloor. 9 ft. C'eilingr height, 2nd lloor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. Our persona' building p I a n service makes l! easY for you to build a home to meet your re- quiremenls. Be sure to see us be- tore building. 23 Size 28' 0"x26' 0" Design 12367-B C Koonis. Kiifh :iii(l >(iiik THE (liscriniinaling builders so often prefer this type of American home. The low. broad roof, commodious porch and the symmetrical proportions furnish an air of attractive indi\ iduality so nuich admired. This is a home for a family who yearn* foi the peace and joy which possession alone will i;i\e. DIMENSIONS AVidtli over all 33 f«. Deiitli i>MT all 41 ft. 6 in. Ctiliiiir hciirlit. Isf lloor Jl ft. (Ciliiitr hciirlil, 2ii,|3'3" PORCH Ql6'0"x8'0" of thought — the promoter of mental growth — but of the many wav in which to select that which will meet your peculiar needs? Perhaps in this design you will find what you are seeking. It is an attractive, comfortable and pleasing home that will please any family. DIMENSIONS Width over all 32 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 42 ft. 6 in. Ceiling heig-ht, 1st lloor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd lloor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. l5'G"x9'3" CHAMBER^ l2'Q"xl5'3" -■^^ UHA/yibtK 27 Si/f 2f "x24' 0" Design 12649-B 6 Rooms. Ratli. Sun I'arlor and Slociiinir I'orcli 5UN PARLOR 9'o"x7'e" » W M fc 5T00P -^ Is no oilier way can a man show his appiecialioii of tlie woman he Jovcs and of his family as in the earnest endeavor to l)iiild for ihem a home. DlMKNSHtNS Wirilh owr all L'!t ll. (I hi. Itoptli ovtT ill! 12 11. (i in. Coilint; h<>ii;lit 1st tloor !S ft. 6 in. Ccillni; liriKlit •_>M(I Hour 8 ft, llt'i);lil (if liuscment 7 ft. 3LEE:PirCHAM5ER| |^ll'3"xl0'3l CHAMBER ll'3"xlo;a"| size 24' "x24' " M P Design 12175-B 6 Kooms iiiitl Hiitli PORCH l^'o"x6'o" THIS illustrates a modern type of Ameriran cottage whicli is popular in all sections of the country. Owning your own home will identify you as a determined and useful citizen who conforms to the hest practice ami thouglilful welfare of the family — the type of man uilli whom llic iDimnunitv wishes to maintain relations. I)IME\S101VS \\U\U\ (.».r all 27 ft. l»«'I>lli over all ;Mi It. Collliilf hclfrlit, 1st floor !» ft. CollIiiK licliflit, 2n(l lloor 8 ft. Height vf Ijasinieiit 7 (t. (all lit Diir o/liir (iiiil ^''' lull ill- tails "/ our sen- ice lo home hiiilil- \ ITS. )■ nu u ill hr surp ris ■i! Ill thr III II II y hrlps ur inn rrnilrr you. 30 Size 21' "x28' 0" Design 12575-B C liooms and Ba
  • S10XS Width over all 28 ft. 6 in. Deptli oyer all 40 ft, Ceiling heig:ht, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. 'r^Vnvl-R"'^^ S CHAMbER ir3"xl4'9" CHAMBER I ll'3xll'3" Size 22' 0"x24' 0" Design 12849-B 6 Rooms and Hulli A WELL designed and substantial home suitable to a small family, the exterior is very pleasing in appearance. This type of semi-bungalow is very popular. No greater event can come than the day you move into your own home, which you have so unselfishly and joyfully planned and care- fully followed to completion. :^2'o" DININ6 ROOM i3'0"xll'5" POROH 9'0'x6'0" 3^f QKITCHEN .— -■DOWN LIVING ROOM I7'G" xir3" II I v- ^m PORCH 2 2.'0'U&'0' O H DIMENSIONS Width ovor all 27 ft. Deptli over all 45 ft. C'eilinK lu"i(rlit, 1st lloor 9 ft Crilintr lll•i^'ll(, 2nd tloor 8 ft. Ilciifht of liasonicnt V ft, Sec us hcjore build- ing — our vast ex- perience and trade knowledge will be to your great benefit. 32 CHAMBER ir3"K9'9" ,s CLo CHAMBER 14.'0"k7'9" Size 24' 0'x21' " Design 12534-B 6 Rooms and Bath ET no duly, however small or seeming I family. Providing a home for them 2-4' 0" ly of little importance, be neglected in looking after the welfare of the s the first duty. There is no excuse for the man, whose income is sufiS- cient. to deny the family that which should be theirs by all the rights of humanity — a home of their own. Perhaps the above comfortable and substantial design will cause serious reflection and the will to do better things. i)orE>sio\s Width over all 28 ft. Depth over all 41 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9- ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. These Homes were selected not only for their beauty of exterior and interior design and convenience of plans but — above all. they were selected because of their moderate building costs. Size 2t' ".\24' 0" Design 12544-B 5 Kocms, Bntli and Sun I'arlor zap' DINING ROOM Z'6"X1I'5" Porch g.'oxa'i LIVING ROOM 23'o"xii'r A N ideal cottage of the bungalow type which ofTers -'-^ large, comfortable rooms, all modern conveniences, an abundance of air and sunshine and a well arranged kitchen to make housekeeping easier. The large living room, cheerful fireplace, sun parlor and pleasing dining room are worthy of niciilion. Do not overlook the con- venient second floor. IHMKNSKOS Middi (.v(-|itli incr all »» ft. CiIIImu' Iu'IcIiI, 1st lloor !) (t. ( oil i III; IkIuOiI, 2iiiI Hour H ft. Il(>i;;lil uf basriiicnt 7 ft. 34 Size 30' 0".\26' 0" Design 12864-B 5 Kuums, Bath und Storage DINING ROOM ir-CMI-O" LIVING ROOM IT-6"x|r-0" DIMENSIONS Width orer all 82 ft. Depth OTer all :U ft. 6 in. Ceiling height, 1st floor 8 ft. 4 In. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. THE general attitude of most of us is one of indefinite expectancy towards days and years to come, in the course of which life will unfold the things most worth while. Very often we are blind to facts which are always clearly in front of us. A home in which the family can live in cheerful comfort and happiness is surely worth while; for example, a well designed, handsome and con- venient New England cottage like the above. CHAMBER I6'6"'^IO'-0" 35 size 24' 0".\2«' 0" Design 12733-B 6 Rooms nnti Dalh PORCH O xto O r NING i2'o';.io'8;"'LJ ROOM I CONVENIENCE, stability and modern design arc well com- bined to create this desirable and comfortable liome. With its pleasant living room, three bedrooms and two large porches, the above design is an ideal home for entertainment and household happiness. An epoch — the day when the family leaves the old abode with its unsightly, dreary surroundings and with thrills and jovous anticipation moves into its own home. i)niE>sio\s width over all... 28 ft. I><'l>tli over all. . . 47 ft. C in. rpllliig licl|;ht, 1st lliior lift. Oilini; iK-klil. 2ii(l lloor S ft. II<'l);hl of Imsp- iiwiit 7 fl. Ask jor complete prices on any house shown in our hook. Size 24' 0"x26' 0" I — n N 24'o' Design 12745-B 6 Rooms and Bath w ^ |DININ6R00M 7ii'o"xn'(S" PORCH 24!Q'x7'0" CHAMBER 9 I. 'OxIO'Sr HALL OLO CHAMBER Size 2V 0".\25' 0" Design 12523-B 5 KoDiiis and Katli H OW lo huild inexpensively — that's the problem a good many mm and women have to face. It is tiir problem of a limited income versus a satisfactory and comforlal)ie home for the family. Here is an attractive American cottage planned definilelv to solve that problem to the last detail. It offers large rooms. conveni<'nce. exterior beauty and substantial construction — a value extraordi- nary. DIMKNSIONS WIdfli over nil 'JS ft. Dt'lith o\(T ill! 3V ft. C in. (ciliiitr \H'iKM. 1st floor S ft. t in. Ceiling lieii;lil, iiid lloor s ft. Height of biisemeiit 7 ft. 38 Size 20' ".\24' " Design 12241- B 6 Roomie and Batli ^ I ^HE desire to own a home is a natural, primitive instinct of any re -*- incentive in all ages. The ahove design may meet some ambition L _ zo'o eal man and woman. It has been mans sublime man s dream of wife, child and home. ni.irKNSioxs Width over all 2.'. ft. Depth overall .S6ft.6in. fViliii? height, Tst floor. i» ft. (Viliiis: height, 2nrt tloor. S ft. Basement heifj-lit. . . . (> ft. s in. MODERN KITCHEN CASES OR CABINETS ARE ESSENTL4L IN YOUR NEW HOME. WE HAVE MANY STYLES TO SELECT EROM. size 22 "x24' 0" Design 12639-B 5 Koonis, Kiitli and Sim Tarlnr 2'2'0 1/^" DINING ROOAkitchen lOLO 5UN I Lll/ING ROOM PARLOR ^ I7'9"x ll'g" SVxll'o" UP-i=* 5T00P PIMEJfSIOXS Width ovcT all 36 «. I»ep(li 'ook 30'0' DniEXSIOS VtiHh oyer all 35 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 40 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, Snd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. SL\IPLICIT\ of outline combined with attractive de- tails in design were used to make this dwelling the desirable home it is. A day, as great as a memorial of great events, is the day when one moves into ones own home. 41 Size 20' 0".\20' 0" Design 12275-B Koonis iiikI lt:illi IHMKNSIONS \\u\tU our iill 24 ft. r»<'|>lli tivrr all a; f(. 4 III. « cillmr liciirhl, 1st ihior 8 fl. '. In. < cllliii,' hclifht, 211(1 lloor S ft. iiticlll of IlilSCIIK'llf 7 ft. TT' 1\ E large, comfortahle and well ijlaniied rooms wliicli *- reijuire a foundalioi) of only 20 feet by 20 feel. Think wlial ihis means to the builder who appreciates the elimina- lion of su])erfluous costs. This is a home of solid and substantial conslniclion which is also very attractive and modern. CHAMbEll 8'o"xl6'o" lO'6'x 1 r3" Size 24' 0"x22' 0" Design 12760-B 6 Kuoms and Bath HERE is an opportunity for the man or woman of moderate means merit, the kind of home that offers all the modern conveniences, sunshine. The exterior is unique, attractive and homelike — a suitable for any community. LIVING ROOM PORCh I&'0"x5'0" to save substantially in a home of exceptional comfort, large rooms and plenty of light and design for a fair sized family and appropriate DLWENSIOXS Width over all 28 ft. 3 in. l»Pl>th over all 24 ft. 3 in. Oilint; heiffht. 1st floor 9 ft. Oiliiig- licig-lit, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of Inisenient 7 ft. 43 g^l. . c.lV»MLM N .1 Size 22' 6 "xSC 0" Design 12681-B 6 liodiiis :iii*l Hath o en UKITCHLN 10'-0"Mr-6" DINING ROOM l3'-0"Mr-6" A SELECT, roomy, semi-bungalou" designed to strictly modern lines. The seclusive front porch and comfort- al)le. large rooms are notable features. Friends and neighbors will enjoy the hospitalil\ offered by such a home. Moving into the new bungalow must indeed be a great event in the life of a hajijiy family. HALL LIVING ROOM PORCH 22:-6"x7'-0" DIMENSIONS Width over nil 32 ft. y IJepth over all :,\ ft. PORC^f Ollingr height. 1st I floor i» ft. J rplllng height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Ilcltrlil «if liiiscnicnl . 7 ft. To ever) wise, man and woman comes the natural desire to own a home. CHMvlBLR :2'-o"MO'3" 1 eip cwmhm 12-0"x|l-9' Clf? - 4 .'H:, *W^t'*^ -.- ' • ■> -^.W^j|^4tJWvJ^IBf^. ' ll!M B |!-l ' ^i^^ ' ^i^m^i^it^j j Pi'jgM^ ' -i i PgJ i iai Design 11646-B Size 24' 0"x28' 0" 6 Rooms and Batli HERE is one solution of your problem of how to get the best results on the investment of your money. In this house you will have the compactness of the bungalow and still retain the privacy afforded by a second story. The pleasing impression gained from the outside is retained upon entering, for directly facing the front is the big fireplace and to the left the opening into the dining room. Careful consideration of this home will bring out many other pleasing features. Our plans provide for good economical construction and prevent costly DniEXSIOJfS Width oyer all 29 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 43 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. — N CLO CHAMBEU \0'-0\\\-'.SIO>S MiiKli nrr nil 41 ff. l>(|ini (mr nil »« f(, « In. Ci-lliiik' li<-ii;lil. 1st floor H U. (i hi. Cflliiiir Iii-IkIiI, l'ihI lloor 8 il. Iltlitlil of liiiM'iritiil 7 ft. CALL AT OL R OF LICK AMJ It E II ILL SHOW YOU HOir YOU C./.V ERECT Tins lU ILDIXC IT I MIMMIV COST. Size 30' 0".\21' 0" Design 12859-B Itddiiis and itatli HETHER one conceives his errand here to be chiefly one of enjoyment, or chiefly one of such higher plan as ntelligence. can do no 30' O" W better suits man's intelligence, this day's share of life should be lived in full — for itself as well as for tomor- row. A man. therefore, can do no better than to build for himself a home in which he can conveniently and com fortably live according to his conceptions. in.>iE>sio>s Width over all 33 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 42 ft. 6 in. Telling height, 1st floor 8 ft. 4 in. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. PORCH I2'fe"x&'6" '"'''"'"'Y7_ r?r; DINING ROOMl *^BATrt *ir9"xl2'0" HALL v_y h Liy'lNG ROOM CHAMBER 9'3"xll'7" ,^ VESTIBULE PORCH 26'0"x&'0" O Design 12855-B Size 26' 0"x42' 0" Koniiis iliiil Uiitli TT is our duty as a people, acting on principles of univeisal ■*- application, to convince mankind by concrete examples that the power and strength of a nation first takes seed in the homes of citizens, where the child receives its first impressions of truth and love of mankind. The parents who select this attractive home in which to bring up their children may well pay the debt In litmi;iiiilv wliich all citizens owe. The Best Investment of All .\o matter ichat home you may select that is sh-own in this booh-, your choice means a sound investment — jor the lionics tliat lie illustrate here represent the best la be had as lo attractiveness, practicability and eco- nomical construction. Width our ill! 31 ft. Depth over all 56 ft. Vv\\\\\^ lieltrlit 9 ft. ]Irlglit of baseiiieiif 7 ft. 52 2(3'0' Design 12588-B CHAMBER CHA/VIBER ^ 9'3"xll'0" DINING ROOM O 1 LIVING ROOM 1 PORCH Size 26' "x36' 0" 5 Knoms and Bath ^ I ^HIS quaint design expresses true architectural -*- values. The exterior is pleasing and homelike. The well planned interior will appeal to the model housewife who appreciates modern conveniences and labor-saving arrangements. When man accedes to the longings of his wife and provides for her the home she desires he is creating an empire of happiness as enduring as life itself. Remember our special service! If plans or dimensions of homes shown in this book dont meet your requirements, please call and ive ivill re-arrange plans to meet your needs, or if necessary have plans prepared to suit your pel ideas. DOIENSIOIVS Width over all 30 ft. Depth over all 41 ft. 6 in. Ceiling lieiglit 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. siitf aa' .\::g' u" Design 12239-B Booms and Bnth THE (.Colonial l)pe ot home i? trul\ American in every feature. This design speaks cheerful hospitality and good will. The interior is ideally arranged for happy home life A home which ap- peals to those whose thoughts go back to the ("olonial days, when love of home and women were the sacred emotions. DI.MKNSIONS M'idtli over all 3« ft. l><'ptli over all !17 U. ( cilhnr IicIkIiI, rsl Hour 9 ft. riilinir iKiiflil. •-•nil Hour 8 ft. Ilriu'lll "I" l>iisriiii'n( 7 ft. Size 33' 0"x2i' " Design 14019-B 6 Kooms, Bath. Breakfast Xook and Sleeping I'oreli H OMES of substantial simplicity and proportion are always considered of good architecture, and appropriate for anv location. This picture offers a comfortable, hospitable and attractive dwelling. The large, cheerful living room, breakfast room and sleeping porch are ■^^ '-' -J modern features worthy of attention. The home- like air of the above design will cause many to renew their energies and strive harder to realize their ambitions for a home. DDIEXSIONS Width OTer all 35 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 42 ft. 3 in. CeiliniBr height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling' height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. Z4-'o" Si/.o 24' O'xSiC 0" Design 12641-B 5 Kuoms :iii(l Kiitli TO the luisljand whose duties are elsewhere, the home is a place for rest and recreation, but to the wife and children it is their kingdom. With maternal longings for belter conditions for the culture and refinement of their children, the hearts of many wives will go out to the above home. Floor plans can be changed to suit our customers* needs or wishes. Ask about our special plan service. PIMKNSIONS Width tner all 2!) ft. (! in. Depth over all .'>» ft. 6 In. ( clllni; h.'i»rhl 9 fl. IIi'IltIiI of Itasemenl 7 fl. Size 24' "x40' 0" Design 12333-B 5 Kooms and Bath NATIONAL equality and rights of men, as men and citizens, depend entirely upon national integrity, which is in itself founded firmly on the home. Children seldom become burdens in society whose home life have been that of happiness and contentment. This beautiful bungalow is an ideal selection of a home for loving parents who show their children the way to happiness and right living. Our Room Dimensions All dimensions shown on ifie plans of the homes in this book are to the inside of the plastered wall. Bear this in mind ivhen comparing the size of the rooms in our homes ttith those of others. For any other particulars please call at our office. niMENSIOIVS Widtli oyer all 29 ft. 6 in. Depth oyer all 54 ft, 6 in. Celling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. Size 22' 0"x2r 0" Design 12679-B and Bntli T 00 much praise cannot be given this plea nside rooms, and ihe low cost have made it iing dwelling. Its appearance, the satisfactory arran-ienienl of the extremely popular. A careful study of the interior will reveal .he fact that large cheerful rooms, plenty of windows and 'on- venienl closet space are all offered by this substantial heme. The exterior is |i( rfect in proportion and is hotli atlrartive and homelike. nniKNsiONS Width incr all 25 if. I)f)ilh o».T all 3e it. ( ciliiitr hviKhU Isl Hour » ft. (Viliiii; lu-ifTht, 2iid lloor S ft. « in. Heijtlit of biiscnieiit " ft. ) fiirs ()/ stiidy aiitl nork were spriil to make I It r homes slioirn here as nearly ideal as possihle. c HAM E)ERlK.\S10>S Width over all 2!) ft. Depth (»er all 40 it. Ceiling: heiurht, 1st Jloor S ft. 6 in. Ceiliiifr lieitrht, iwi floor 8 ft. lleiglit of basement 7 ft. Complete build- ing plans a n d specifications are furnished free iihen we supply the materials to erect any of these homes. 59 size 2S' 0"x30' " Design 12442-B 4 Rooms iiiid na(1i I N this design you see another hne bungalow — one of the many excellent j)lans which have been so carefully developed for the selection of those who apiircciate happs home life. Every housewife who studies this plan will be interested in the perfect arrangements to lessen household work. Unnecessary work is unfair work. It is unfair for the housekeeper to be forced to take hundreds of unnecessary steps in her daily routine work. Z8'o" / hair alutiys jell thai the icsl scciirily for civilizalion is llif ilicetling. and thai upon properly appointed and becoming diicll- infis depends more than auythuif^ rise the imprnvenirnt of manhind. DISR IFl.l. DIMEXSIO'S Wl.llli our nil 32 ft. r. In. I»i|itli oxT all 3."> ft. (! in. (.IIInK Ii.IkIH 9 ft. llclu'lit of liiisiiiinil 7 ft. Design 11545-B Size 24' "x32' " o Kooms and Bath THIS has proved to he a most popular bungalow, both because of its attractive exterior and because of its convenient interior. All rooms on one floor is a feature always appreciated by the housewife who has the care of the home. And, best of all, this home can be built for a very reasonable sum. Artistic designs without increase in cost is the work of master architects. He who erects this home will receive not only full value for his investment but also the blessings of the contented wife and the happy family. Very latest designs of "BUILT-IN FURNITURE;' such as bookcase colonnades, buffets, china closets, kitchen cabinets, etc., are jurnislied by us. Call at out office and let us show you illustrations of many patterns. DEffENSIOiVS Width OTer all 30 ft Depth over aU 53 ft. Celling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. size 22'0"x300" Design 14016-B lidoms, Halli anil Sleepini; I'orcli ea'o' ALL gooil lueii and women of llii^ generation are striving to separate business from liomc life by tlic elimination of unneces- sary work and drudgery, and the aim of all is to make home a place of comfort and happiness. A iiome like the above will meet all tiicir recjuirements. DIME>SIO\S Width over all ■Hi it. 4 in. Dcplli iivir ill! 15 It. (> ill. ('('iliiKr iH'iulil, l>l lloor s It. i; ill. Olliiii; liei)th over all 28 ft. 6 in. Ceiling height, 1st floor 8 ft. 2 in. felling height, 2n(l tloor 7 ft. 6 in. Height of basement 7 ft. NO matter whether a home is small and compact it can be made as artistic, comfortable and homelike as the most expensive. A view of the above picture will convince the most skeptical. This is a neat example of a colonial cottage which ever will be popular. The interior provides large living rooms, cheerful chambers, plenty of windows and a very convenient arrangement, so much appreciated by the discriminating housewife. CHAMBER il'o'Vio'o" CHAME.ER>LoMHAMBER llO'0'xl2'6"IJ,o'o';c|l'oi 2.6'-Q" PINIHG ROOM ia:-o-ir-o cJcHAMBtR LIVING POO' Z5'-0"xll'-0" PO PCh 2.5-0"- g'-o' ^ Design 12746-B Size 2«' O'xSS' 0" r> ItiKims iiiKl Kiith A PURELY American type of home. It is such designs of character and substantial appearance that force a man to stop and consider whether he has done his utmost to provide for his family that which it needs most — its own home. The prosperity of a nation is rated hy its greatest number of privately owned homes. Our Prompt Service! Rcincnibcr thai your carpenter's liriir is very lalii- able. l/iaJ's ivfiere our quick service means a tre- mendous saving to you. The materials for your home are delivered in plenty oj time so as to avoid wnsle oj lalxtr or untirrcssnr\ drla\s. 1HME>SI0N8 Width OTPr all 31 ft. 6 In. ncptli over all 54 ft. (clliiiir lii'iuMK 9 ft. llciKlit of liasemcnt < ft. size 36' 0".\26' 0" Design 12665-B 7 Rooms, Batli, Toilet and Sun Room T HIS home brings to the owner settled comfort and sunshine. This correctly designed dwelling with its attractive Sun Parlor and broad eaves is distinctive and harmonious in every detail. The rooms are all well laid out. Not a bit of space is wasted. Every dollar you invest will show 3^'0" in the beautiful exterior or the comfort and convenience DINING ROOMf"! of the interior. bRARYV „., V LI VI N DIMENSIONS Width OTer all 40 ft. 6 in. Depth oyer all 49 ft. Ceiling' height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. 4 in. Height of basement 7 ft. Size 21' 0"x2«' 0" Design 12672-B 6 Kooms uud Batli LIVING ROOM 25'0"xl3'3" '^P PORCH 24'0"x5'0" m M — rr i»iMi;\sio>s WIdtli over all 27 It. l)»'|i(li over all 12 ft. (cllliiir hciirht, Isl lloor !M"t. Olllni; licliflil, 2ii(l lloor s ft. t; In. Ilfliflit of ItasciiK'iit 7 ft. r I "1 HIS home will appeal to the family interested in a permanent abode tliat shall combine refined architecture with utility. The low, broad roof, the lookout dormer with four windows and the modern sun room all blend to make the perfect design. The interior will reveal arrange- ments that will please the housewife who supervises the household and who knows practical conveniences. / lune aliiays jelt that ihf hcsl security for civilhalioii is ifw dwelling, and that upon properly appointed and becoming dwellings de- pends more than anything fisr the iin/irorernrni or iniinkind. "Disraeli. " lOHAMBER "^"xl3'3" CHAMBER li'G'Vg'fe" Size 24' 0"x36' 0" Design 12669-B Kooins and Bath 24'0' LIVING ROOM IG'0"xl3'3" PORCH 2ro"x&'o" n=jia THIS type of home offers efficient arrangement for interior rooms as will be seen by referring to the floor plans. Plenty of windows to insure plenty of air and sunshine are provided. It is perfectly ap- parent that this attractive structure was designed as a complete home- one which gives comfort, joy and happiness to the proud possessor. DIMENSIONS Width OTer all 28 ft. 6 in. Depth OTer all 40 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. Information! Please call at our office if there is any particulars you want about any home shown in this or any other book of plans. Size 21' 0"xl'«' 0" Design 12287-B a I!ooms niid B:itli ZA-'O" ■( > KITCHEN ir9"xl2'3" L^ Fining cooiv, I0'9"xl^'3" ' LIVING EOOM HALL -^^ '^^•-' I . 1 J I III II I J- "pv ISCRIMINATING Builders are much in favor of this '-^ modern, practical and attractive appearing home. Aside from its pleasing exterior — its completeness, hospitable com- fort and efficiency of interior arrangemenis magnifv ils inher- ent charm. Tiie kitchen is complete in its a|)pointniciits. uhicli will please the woman of the house. POBCH i4'0'x 8'o" SME3= I l»IMKNSIO\S Width over all IHI ft. I>i-|iili (ncr all :t!l it. Olllntf hclifht. Isf Hour » ft. Ollliiif lificlil. L'liil lloor S ti. Ilciirlil (if liMMMiiciit I ft. Remeniher! Our Plans provide for good economical construc- tion and prevent costly errors Size 19' "xlO 0' Design 12662-B & ISooiub, UatJi and Slei'imii; I'urtli H ERE is a pleasing home, something different than the ordinary, yet very handsome and effective in appearance. It is of plain, simple construction and is built on the American straight line plan, with no frills nor unsightly curves, yet strength, proportion and beauty show in every line. The interior will show that it is designed to meet requirement of the modern happy home. Do not overlook the sleeping porch on the second floor. DIMEJJSIOXS Width oyer all 33 ft. K in. Depth OTcr all 50 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor.. !) ft. Ceiling height, 2n(l tloor S f t. 6 in. Height of basement 7 ft. REVERSED FLOOR PLANS FOR ANY HOME IN THIS BOOK CAN BE FURNISHED WITHOUT EXTRA COST 3LEEPIN6 PORCH I5'0'x6'0" Size 21' 0"x2C' 0" Design 12658-B 7 Rooms and Bath > 2A'0" ^^5^: DmiN6 B ROOM i:2'9xio'd KITCHEN ir3'xl0'0'^ LIVING ROOMicLo I ~ II 111/'" i5'5xl4'G" PORCH 2o'o"xa'o" l>IMK.\SIO>S width .11 ir all L'!» il. !l in. Ilcplh incr all :ts i(. Ci-illiit; li pniflr you in niahinfi suilnlilr sclccliitn CHAMBER 9'G'UlO'O" CHAMBER 9'(b"KlO'9' CHILD'S ROOM HALL DovvN J CHAMBER 9'G">clO'9 Size 24' "a36' 0" Design 12670-B 6 Kooms and Bath 24.' O" IF your desires lead toward a home beautiful, yet modest withal, containing every convenience for modern living, you will study this design with enthusiasm. Though quite different in its styling, it is unburdened with fuss and feathers. The roof treatment with dormer windows adds much to the artistic appeal of the home. The broad veranda adds to the smart effect. Splendidly designed, sturdily built — vou will find'this home will meet your future as well as present desires. DnrExsio>s Width over all 29 ft. Depth over all 55 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor S ft. Height of basement 7 ft. PORCH 24'0"x&'O"* To enjoy the best of happiness and prosperity every man should own his Home, < a: CLO| lii CHAMBER/ S ll'0xl3'3JH, I if)'' II I II I I size 30' 0".\26' 0" Design 12677-B 7 Kooiiis and lliitli IMME>SIOXS >VI«ini n>.r ill! V2 ft. I»cplli over iill :i7 It. (i In. Cellliiiir lielcht. 1st ll(p»r !l ft. Cellliigr ]iel)(iil, -Jnil lloor K ft. li In. Mfiirlil of liiixcMHiit 7 ft. A N impressive Colonial hoinc. vet of simjile lines. ■^ *- This design breathes the cheerfulness, peace and quietness of a home and the gentle elegance of a man- sion. The large living room will accommodate many liap[)y guests. All rooms are commodious and each is provided with many windows. The side porch is pleasing and desirable. Design 12872-B 7 Koom!^ uiid liuth 3:2.'o" I KITCHEN, ^^^^^^ in.li I /^l•a."/''ANTRl( r 1 DINING ROOM '3'UI4'3' pSTOOPn DIMENSIONS Width over all 34 ft. Depth oyer all 32 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 9 ft. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. 6 in. Height of basement 7 ft. LARGE rooms with plenty of windows assure good health and happy living. This type of Colonial has become very popular in all America. The most discriminating cannot fail to be pleased with the external beauty and the practical comforts and conveniences offered by the interior. The old-fash- ioned chimney, the divided-light windows, and the classical front entrance lend an air of desirable seclu- sion to the entire structure. The interior is arranged for convenience, comfort and pleasant hospitality. [CHAMBER ll'3"xiro" !■ I H II \,—^ CHAMBER bathB ll'3"xiro"^ cr Size 22' O'.\2o' 0" Design 12657-B liuoins iiiid Itatii L 2.:2'o' DINING ROOM I0'0xl2'3" J'6 X LIVING ROOM l^ " I I I -3 " IU>IK\SI(>.>S Width ovrr all 2(! ft. (i in hcptli ovor all :t(> ft. C in Ccllliiif InlKlit. 1st lloor !l fl (ViliiiK li<'lt;lit. 2nil lloor s f( llclirhl of Itascintiit 7 fl /^HEERFUr, fomfort anil liappiness for llie family in a Iiome of llieir ^-^ own is surely worth strivins for. A home like the above for exam- ple. Here is an opportunity for the man or woman of moderate means to save substantially in a home of exceptional merit, the kind of home that offers all the modern conveniences, comforts, large rooms and ]>lenty of light and sunshine. The exterior is attractive and homelike. quote on the materials lo htiiltl homes shown in the f>lan hooks of "out of /()/(■«"' ronrerns. If e guarantee Your "Dollar poes as far" with us as iiith (Uiy concern on earth. CHAMBER l3'G'xl2'3i_^ OLO CLO CHAMBER 14'0";.ll'3" MCLo 2.G'-0" Design 12671-B Size 26' 0"x36' " 7 Booms, Bath and ^Vasli Koom HERE is a handsome, substantial farm home with all the charm and conveniences of a city house. As is desirable in the coun- try, the bath room is on the ground floor and connects conveniently with the washroom. The kitchen is equipped with work tables, bins and cabinets so much preferred by the housekeeper. DDIEXSIONS Width OTer all 30 ft. Depth over all 61 ft. Ceiling lieight. 1st floor. !l ft. Ceiling height. 2nd floor S ft. 6 in. Height of basement. LIVING DOOM 2.5'-0"M:i'-4" J. k:lJ4 POD m PORCH m These homes are modern and practical and ha c e proven so in actual con- struction. DINIKG A.Lj»i»«r-r>v ROOM C H ^^ABER" I 1^' o"* \5' O" ii'6"xe"e" I LIVING ROOM 25"0"x ||'3' Design 12585-B Size 21' 0"x38' 0" 5 Kooms and B««li npHIS altractivo bungalow will solve the problem that a •*• great many folks have to face — how to build that com- fortable and satisfactory home for a family on a limited in- come. This pleasing bungalow, in all details, will solve that proI)leni. It offers large rooms, convenience, exterior beauty and substantial construction at exceedingly low cost. ^ The Best Investment of All! \ () inaltcr tvfial home you may select thai is slunin in this hook, your choice means a sound investment for the homes that we illustrate here represent the best to he had as to attractiveness, praclicahility. and econom- ical construction. POKCH l9'O"x8*0" iita=t.=f=rai i)iMi;\si((\s WliKli (Her all SO It. (! In. Di'plh oxT all :>l (t. IvUUiK hpitfhl 9 ft. Iliiu'lit ol liii«irnicn( 7 ft. Size 26' "x39' 0" Design 12744-B 5 Rooms and Bath DINING ^1— f/ ROOM „,iyCHAME>ER ''-" ''-lo'lO'xIO'G" I2.'0"xl2'0" _I10 ll CLol Lll/ING ROOM N W M e A NYONE who determines to build the above beautiful home -'-^ will surely secure a modern attractive bungalow at exceed- ingly low cost. A careful study of this design will reveal to you many pleasing features which words cannot express. It is such homes that generate love, kindness, toleration and charity to all. Plans Reversed! // you desire, any of the plans in this book can be re- versed without extra charge. This is a feature of our service that permits you to locale your home to best ad- vantage on your lot, giving each room the exposure you desire. PORCH 2ro"x9'0" DIMENSIONS Widtli OTPr :ill 31 ft. C in. Depth over all 59 ft. Ceiling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. 2G'G' Design 12651-B Size 26' 0"x39' 6" 6 liunms and Bath CHAMBER la'IOxQ'G" r-^c-^. DINING ROOM t I2.'2"xir6" LIVING ROOM 15'2"xll'3 PORCH I9'0"xl0'0'' CHAMBER ,,^,„| 1I'4"k9'3" THIS liome always receives merited attention. Every (Iclail of this bungalow has been carefully planned lo promote the welfare of the housekeeper and family convenience. The exterior is designed in beautiful and cfTective lines. The interior olTers complete comfort and cheerful hospitality. Any community will be proud to have lliis home within its midst. THE PniCH.lSI.XG roll ER OF vol R DOL- LAR IS AS GREAT WITH US AS 11 ITU A.\) OTHER CO.\CER.\. Gil E is A CHANCE TO DEMONSTRATE THE AIIOI E STATEMENT IS ALL WE ASK. itni i:\sio\s MMlli our all 3(i ft. 3 in. Depth o^.T all .*.« fl. CcillnK hciu'hl fl fl. Height of hiiM'iiunI 7 ft. 2A'0" Size 24' 0'x38' " Design 12656-B 5 Kooms and Bath CHAMBER 12'(o"x9'3" DINING ROOM 10'0aI2'9' REC; LIVING ROOM hALL l4'G"xl2'9" •I PORCH 23'Ox9'0" M ^^ TTOL SEX'S I\ES will be pleased with the comfort and conve- nience offered by this model bungalow home. A survey of the plans will rev-eal many pleasing features so much demanded for the modern home. The opportunity to enlarge the house at some future date, by simply finishing the attic floor, is an im- portant feature to many families. Color Scheme For Your New Home! Consult the many colored pictures of homes shown so to select a color scheme for your new home. DIMENSIONS Width oyer all 29 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 5.S ft. 6 in. Ceiling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. ls >Vi(llli our all 29 ft. I»(lilli o>or all 56 ft. r.Iliinf liclclil 9 ft. IIi'IltIiI of liiisniifiit. . . 7 ft, ON m Design 11914-B Size 29' 0"x39' 0" 5 Koonis. Bath and Den TTTELL designed six room one-story Bungalow, econom- ' ^ ical, substantial, and suitable to any climate. All rooms are large and well lighted. Closets are conveniently arranged. At small expense the attic space can be utilized for rooms. A stair to attic can easily be arranged. This modern home is very popular in all sections of the country. LIVING Our Special Service! If plans or dimensions of homes shown in this book don't meet your requirements, please call and we ivill rearrange plans to meet your needs, or if neces- sary have plans prepared to suit your pet ideas. PORCH 29-0">'8'-0" DIMENSIONS Width OTer all 32 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 56 ft. 8 in. Ceiling heig'ht 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. C9 Design 11939-B Size -Hi' 0"\W 0" o Kiioiiis, Itatli and .\0(i:, Al'OPL LAR type of modern Bunjialow (if suhstantial frame con- struction suitable to any climate or location. All rooms large, well ventilated and with the maximum light. Other features are the fireplace, buffet, breakfast nook and the massive front porch. Harmony, stability and inviting hospitality are all expressed by this beautiful home. tl DINING t: ROOM ''4 LIVING ROOM i 2.5'-o">^i3'-3" ^ r Our "Built-in" Furniture! \l()(lrni hltrhcii cases or rahirirts arc cssi-nlial in your urn lioiiic. It !■ hair inaiiY styles to select from. PORCH 2.5'-4"'^8'-6" 1^ i>niK>sio>s Wlilth tmr all 80 ft. Di'plli o^pr all C.'> ft. 10 In. (Cllliik' liplKht " ft. lU-Iglit «f liasfiiient < ft. Design 12189-B Size 24' ".\34' 0" 5 Rooms and Bath "DEAUTIFUL homes are the product of creative thought "^'^ plus years of experience in architectural design. A home like the above leaves neither room for discontent nor lonesomeness The housewife will appreciate the simple con- venience and economy of all rooms on one floor. We will gladly quote you a price for all the materials to construct any home shown in this book or in any other book of plans. DIMENSIONS Width OTer all 28 ft. 6 in. Depth OTer all 51 ft. 6 in. CeiUng height 9 ft. Height of basement 6 ft. 8 in. 28'- 0' Size 28' "x42' 0" Design 11966-B 5 Sooms and Kiitli MODKL Buiigaluw. neat, altraclive aiul ])lamietl with live rooms and bath. Suitable to any location. All rooms are large anil utill lighted. Large closets are conveniently arranged. Notice the l>road, comfortable front porch, the fireplace and the stairway to ihe attic. The broad front porch, that spacious living room with its cheerful mantel and the convenience offered by the general arrange- ment of rooms places this home in a class by itself. This type of (li'sign is a mark of progress in lioiiic liuilding. (..//,/. .IT (UR OFFICE i.M) GET FILL DEI AILS OF OIR SERI ICK TO HOME liUILDERS. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED n THE M t\) HELP S HE C.{.\ RESDF.R 1 ynu. niME>SIO>'S AVIdtli oxr nil 29 ft. Ilcplli in.r all <».'{ ft. <> 111. (ciliiii; luik-lil !• >"'• IIpIkIiI 111" liasi'iiK'iit < ft. 84 Size 38' 0"x26' Design 11213-B 6 Kooins and Batli THIS home is something different from the ordinary. The broad, low roof projections, together with the shingled walls, add their portion in producing this beautiful bungalow. Do not overlook the beam effect of the porch, so ingeniously worked out. This bun- 3© O' _j galow will make a convenient, com- fortable and happy home for those who appreciate all rooms on one floor. HOMES OF COMFORT AND BEAUTY AND ECON- OMY ~ THREE PROMI- NENT FEATURES OF OUR HOUSES. DIMENSIONS Width over all 50 ft, 6 in. Depth over all 46 ft. Ceiling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. Size 30' 0"x21' 0" Design 12320-B 5 Itoonis iiiid Kiitli A LOW cost home, compactly designed with the necessary numher of rooms required by ihe lamily, is more desir- able than one of high cost where there is space wasted. The material and construction of this dwelling is the same as that furnished for the most expensive 30'0" ^ '''''^"'- riie rooms are large, well placed, and have the maximum amount of windows. Econ- omy of space and material was used in planning this home, to enable us to offer it at an extremely low price. It is attractive, liomc-like, cozy, and is suitable for any climate. Our personal hiiildiny. plan scrvicr makes it easily for you to build a home to meet your requirements. Be sure to see us before buiblinp. 1)1MF.>SI0XS »i'l. CellinK lioiclit 9 tt Size 22' ".\34' 0" Design 12525-B (> Rooms and Uatli EXAMINE closely the picture of this home. It is bright, homelike, artistic and inviting — all that one would desire. The porch itself is a creation of symmetrical de- sign. The shingled walls with the hanging rafters are effective in producing this bungalow home. Six large rooms are planned for the interior. This simple arrange- ment of rooms is offered as being the most economical and the most convenient for your money. We figure Plans of others! In event you favor a house design from some other plan book or any publication, bring picture or plan to us and we will gladly quote price on material to construct the home. DraENSIOTfS Width over all 28 ft. Depth OTer all 44 ft. 6 in. Celling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. 8V DINING POOM^../-^^^ 9'3" K l6'o" \ ID Design 12204-B Size IS' 0'.\2(i' 0" i liodins iiiid Itiitl! T TNNECESSARY work is always unfair work. Il is unfair ^-'^ for the housewife to be forced to take Inindreds of un- necessary steps in the daily house-keeping routine, because she was not considered in planning the house. In designing the plans of the above home the architect consid- ered ease and economy for ihe wife who iloes her own work. Our Room Dimensions! Ill <|itli iiM-r ill! :tl fl. <> ill. Crilliik' liiiirlit S ft. 1 ill. Size 20' ".\28' " Design 12205-B 5 Rooms HAPPY are those who are monthly placing their earnings on a new home of their own and their spare time in beautifying the lawn and garden. The possession of a home like the above design brings a glorious peace which cannot be gained even in a stone house owned by a landlord. NOTHING IS MORE PLEASING TO US THAN TO HELP OTHERS TO SOLVE THEIR BUILDING PROBLEMS. YOU DO NOT OBLIGATE YOURSELF WHEN CONSULTING US. OUR SERVICE IS YOURS FOR THE ASKING. DnrE>'Sio>'S Width oyer all 24 ft. 4 in. Depth over all 38 ft. 3 in. Ceiling height 8 ft. 1 in. 2:i'o" Size 22' 0"\HV 0" Design 10315-B 5 Koonis iiml Hath ^-KITCHEN J lii'O'Wo" DINING ROO/^ I3''o' =a — Plans Changed to Your Order Iny ploji in tliis hook can he reversed to give lite exposure desired. As exanipU: if a liiing room is shoiin on the left side of the house it can he placed on the riphi side without any difficulty uhaleier. Let IIS know whether you want your plans as shown in the hook or whether reversed, if'e want to .serve you to meet your most exacting ref^uirements. u I>IMK\.SIO\S Wiillh < it. a ill. I>ei»lli ovor all 48 ft. Olllnsr Jiolirlit 9 ft llc'Iirlil (if liiisoiiii'iit 7 ft. Z14'o Design 14010-B Size 24' 0"xl2' 0" 5 Rooms and Batli ARTISTIC design without increase in cost is the work of master architects. In convenient homes like the above design, life is far longer because there is little labor and the hearts are lighter. Dodging drudgery in housework is the secret of bright eyes and round cheeks. Pet ideas of prospective home builders will be gladly developed. Bring in a rough sketch of your special planned home. Our service will then do full duty in shaping your plans, so they are practical and economical. DDIETfSIONS Width oTcr all 30 ft. 6 in. Depth over all 48 ft. 6 in. Ceiling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. t^ Dovy^^ kitchenA^: -n8'o"xir3 D 2,A^o STOOP Size 24' 0"x34' " Design 12629-B Rooms and Bath DINING ROOM ir3"x9'6" - — I -^ LIVING ROOM 113 X II 3 CHAMBER ir3"xl0'3" PORCH 2 3'o"x6'o" ^ D^ _L THE leading archilects advocate plain construction, but at the same time they advocate uniformity and stability of design. Hy combining tliese features with carefully studied arrangement of doors, windows, porches and roof projection, we produce a very pleasing bungalow dwelling at an exceptionally low cost. The entire building expresses strengtii and inili\ iduality. Much of the beauty and comfort of your new home depends upon the way it is built. Use our practical plans, guaranteed materials and employ only skilled labor. I)IMK>SIONS W.IHi (M.T ill! 2Sfl. 6 in. Ih'plh o».r all 49 ft. fi In. r.ilhiu li.iis'lil 9 fi- ll ciu'lit of liiispinent 7 ft. Design 12193-B Size 24' 0"x24' " 4 Rooms and Bath A SMALL, comfortable home like the above design makes -'■ *-life more clieerful and housekeeping a pleasure. The happiest families are not those that rest in the lap of luxury, but rather those who express mutual sympathy in homes of simplicity. There is as much fun in planning as in building your new home, and in any event you must plan before you build, so come in now and get our sug- nestions and ideas. DDIENSIOTfS WidOi OTcr all 29 ft. 6 in. Depth OTer all 41 ft. 8 in. Ceiling height S ft. 6 in. ^8'q" Size 28' "x3S' " Design 12321-B ItiMinis and Kalh THIS illustration shows a compact, well-proportioned, medium-priced bungalow, and a more home-like or more pleasing structure is hard to find. The interior is convenient and comfortable, the rooms are large and have plenty of windows and all chambers are pro- vided with .spacious clothes closets which will please the housewife. The exterior is pleasing and will be an attractive addition to any neighborhood. Note the large, comfortable front porch. II 7) V experiinenl with the only home you may ever build? Avoid possible mistakes or costly errors by usiup our practical and proven plans, guaran- Irril materials and sliilled lalior. niMENSIOS Uiillh oxr all 33 ff. C h. Doplh OXT all ">« ft. « i !. (Vlllmr h.-lirlit » fl, lllllllll (if llilMIIll'lll 7 ft. 94 KITCHEN lZ's"xS'6" ^^^ DINING ROOM i4'o"xir6" LIVING ROOM ir3"xi4'o" Size 24' "x36' 0" Design 11583-B 5 Kooms and Bath PORCH ZAlo\Q'o" m=n n=jik\ THIS home will appeal particularly to those we are trying to reach; people of moderate means. The front porch with heavy square pillars which support the wide projecting roof is attractive. This building, besides being economical, is of first-class construc- tion in every point. There are five large rooms besides the bath- room, pantry and comfortable front porch. Your Rent Receipts are Worthless! Are you a renter, complaining, dissatisfied, a slave to the landlord? Or are you a luippy, contented, independent homeowner? Have you realized tliat you pay for the house you live in whether you own it or rent it? Your rent receipts are worthless. Then ivhy not own your home? DraENSIONS Width over all 28 ft. Depth over all 56 ft. Ceiling height 9 ft« Height of basement 7 ft. Sizp 24' "x32' 0" Design 12067-B 5 Hooiiis iinil Ralli A PRACTICAL liome wliich meets llie usual requirements. It is home-like, pleasing, compact and possesses that expansive front porch so desirable to those who like genuine comfort. Be- sides the five large rooms, there is a well-arranged bathroom and plenty of closet space. At the rear there is a convenient grade entrance to basement as well as to the kitchen. Construction is substantial, vet economical and of first-class material. Do it today— not tomoi row! I'lan In slarl your building or improviuji right note to fCe/ / u'lu'jit of same. See us for help at hrginning of your pldtininii. KIMKNSIOXS Mlddi ">'o'^ ia A TYPICALLY American dwelling that is in great demand as it meets all requirements of city or country use. Note the large rooms, convenient closets, and general arrangements. The entrance to basement is planned to be from both the outside and inside. In fact, all space is utilized for comfort and convenience. Study the plan and you will find other points of interest. Always At Your Command! Without obligation, you are invited to call and talk over plans, financial arrangements, letting of contracts and other details. From our variety of designs you can easily pick one that fits your needs, your desire and your pocketbook. It will pay you to visit us. DDIEJfSIONS Width over all 28 ft. 9 in. Depth oyer all 51 ft. 6 in. Ceiling height 9 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. 24-' O ^ KITCjIEN '"3"x9'0" DINING ROOM 12'9'xlO'O'' LIVING ROOM Il'3"xl5'0" Size 24' 0"x36' 0" Design 12653-B 5 Hooms and Rath CHAMBER ir3"xl2'0"^ PORCH i4'Ox&'o" DIGNITY and good design can be expressed just as well in a bungalow as in a two-story house, especially when it is built of solid construction. There is always an air of solid per- manence about such a bungalow which affects its market value very favorably. The interior arrangement is very practicable, and suitable for any family of ordinary size. Whatever time you use in examining this plan will not be wasted. The cost is low, while the material is first-class, and the construction standard. Our Interests Are Mutual! Consider us your partners in every building enterprise and our service to you will he a jxirlmr interested in yniir hellermenl and ■merrs^. ItlMKNSIOXS WIdlli oxr all -Jit it. (! in. Dcptli oier all .">! ft. (! in. CVIllnir lii'iiflif !l II. Il LIVING DOOM ,A / PORCH I8-0'''8'-0' ^^1 DIMENSIONS Width over all 28 ft. 6 In. Uepdi over all 43 ft. Ceiliiit,' lieiglit 9 ft. Height of liaNenient 7 ft. IT COSTS no more to own this compact, neat, and avpH planned bungalow than it does an unsightly old fashioned cottage. The front porch is attractive and inviting, and the roof projections are treated with exposed rafters and sawed verge boards. The living room is of ample size for a small family. The kitchen is provided with the neces- sary cabinet, while closets are placed in both chambers. I)Imi:nsio>s MIdlh our all L':t ft. C, in. Ucplli our ill! :t.'> It. (> ill. ( illlnir heliflil s II, 2 in. liclirhl of liaseiiient . . . . 7 f(. Si/.c •_'(!' (I \L'I' 0" Design 12103-H rplllS liiin^MJcju iiomc is arlislic in every exleridi line. Tlif p.iiui.'d uablc. .xpoMil rafters anil hcavv verge -L boards all blend harmoniously into a complete individual structure suitable for any locality. The combined livmg and dining room is of ample size. All rooms are convenient and provided with the maximum amount of win- dows for light and \rntilalion. 104 size 20' 0"xlG 0" Design 12541-B 4 Booms DIMENSIONS Widdi over all 23 ft. 3 In. Depth over all 28 ft. 6 in. Partition height ... 8 ft. G in. HEALTH and comfort and pleasure are yours on the shore of a placid inland lake. There is every reason why you should own your cottage and spend your summer at the lake in a summer HOME that you will love. Ask us for detailed information about this cottage. We think you will find it entirely satisfactory in every detail. A SUMMER cottage or, as called by many, "seashore cottage," with rooms on the second floor is very desirable to those who appreciate healthful rest in tlie vacation seasons. A cottage like the above, situated on the banks of a beautiful lake will make living worth while for the tired housewife or business man. DOIENSIONS Width oyer all 28 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 8 ft. 4 in. Partitions, 2nd floor 8 ft. size 26' 0'x48' 0" Design 12688-B Enrli Floor Has 5 Koonis and Itatli Two Apartments 2.e'o" AN aparlmenl like this design will pay for itself and continue to bring in returns long afterwards. Always easy to rent, for the floor plans are excellent, with their separate entrances, porches, secluded bedrooms, and abundance of windows. Notice the number of closets, unusual in apart- ments, and the ])rolected rear entrances. DLMENSIONS Width over all 31 ft. (i in. Depth over all OS ft. (•••iliiiK hciifhi. Isl lloor 9 ft. CciliMK height, LMid lloor 9 ft. lielgrht of hasement 7 ft. /■(•If individuals ulio design their own Iwnies know how to arrive at the cost of material and labor. IT'e stand ready to aid you in all matters pertaining to costs of ma- Irriiih mid erection. size 26' "x50' 0" Design 12452-B Each Floor Has 5 Rooms and Bath Two Apartments 2.6'- O" KITCHLN 3'-3"'^l0'-fa.' ^!-°J LIVING DOOM 17-rM3'-0' A LARGE porch for each apartment makes this house especially desirable. Plenty of bedrooms and closets certainly appeal to tenants. Notice the convenient bathroom and enclosed rear stairs. Cabinets are provided for the efficient kitchen. DIOTEIVSIONS Width oyer all 31 ft, 6 in. Depth OTer all 66 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor 8 ft. 8 in. Ceiling height, 2nd floor 8 ft. 8 in. Height of basement " ft. Our building plan ser- vice makes it easy as possible for you to own your Home. Ii'-3"'15'-C( DINING DOOM LIVING l^OOM Size 28' "x52' "0 Design 12454-B Kacli Floor Has 6 Booms and Bath A\^ ELL planned home for two families which, on account of its harmonious and attractive design, is suitable to any good neighborhood. The tenants will ap- preciate tlie modern and convenient ar- rangements offered by this apartment. Notice the large well lighted comfortable rooms, the inviting porches, the essential rear porches and the practical rear en- trances. I»!>IK\SI0>S Widlli over all :W ft. « In. Depth over all 70 it. Vvl\ln\i iw\\:M. Isl floor ,S ft. 8 in. (cillnir \ui\!\\i, '-'nd lloor 8 ft. 8 in. Ilcitrhl of has< iMcnt 7 f(. Two Apartments Before You Build Conic in and lalh the nutttcr over wilh us. H e will give you real, practical help and suggestions thai will make llw work less ex- pensive for you. CLP' I C L9 DINING CHAMBE.RI .ROOM Living hoom music PORCH J I5-6'k8'-o; Size 28' O'xoi' 0" Design 12453-B Each Floor bas 6 Booms and Bath Two Apartments THIS modern design is very attractive and possesses an inviting hos- pitality so much admired. The desirable arrangement of both apart- ments makes it a fine investment. A veranda for each family and the well arranged sleeping rooms are always liked by tenants. DEHENSIONS Width over all 39 ft. Depth oyer all 66 ft. Ceiling height, 1st floor. . .8 ft 8 in. Ceiling height, 2nd floor. ..8 ft- 8 in. Height of basement 7 ft. 31 Bear in mind that econ- omy in building is based on one general principal — use the correct material for a certain purpose — no more — no less. . DINING ROOM CHAMBER! ,fe'9'\ini" ir3"xlO'0"l LIVINQ ROOM l'5'Q"xl6'0" .Size 2S' "xlO' 0" Design 14001-B Each Fiiniily Has 6 Jiuoiiis and Itntli Tmo I'uiuilj House THE above design is a masterpiece in a double or two-family house and will make liomes of exeeplioiial advan- tages and refinements for those whose experience and education have tauglit them the \alue of neighborly kindness ?.fl'Q" DINING COOM is'o'xii'o" DINING EOOM i3'0"xiro" and good fellowship. DIMEIVSIONS >Vi(l(li over all 34 ft. 9 in, Ueplli (Her all .'.(( ft. Ceilini; liei);lit, 1st lloor 8 ft. (> in. Cellini; lieii;lil. -.>nviT all 48 ft ( eilint!: Iiciirlit. 1st floor. ... 9 ft. I)«|>th OTOr all 60 ft. reiliiiK lieitrht, 2iid floor. . . 8 ft. Height of basement 7 ft. Build a Modern & Economical Garage Below We Show Two of Our Most Popular Designs. Ask for Our Booklet Illustrating Many More Styles. Improve Your Home At Small Expense! See Us for Particulars and "Estimate of Cost"