■.■••.-. • • ■" , . . ...... It. • I - ■ • . - « • . - . ■: ■ ■■ • • . ■ ■ . . . . .... ■ ■ • • ..-..■-••.•.' (Die J. JL PtU pkarg ^Jcrrtlj (Eartflma JSiate College QH&TT C5 S0014 881 N r*i t% v a _£fc -* * ci E 77 1444 ilar ce, lcrc • DATE ISSUED TO giJan '3/- &/ w r/ / H/,/L. J9 TO »»"? jf " i^Ji^jj^ 17Mdr'6 U Library i.'urviu Cat. No. 1152 Iff* THE MICROSCOPE: BEING A fjpfe §mxi$m OF THE MOST INSTRUCTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL OBJECTS FOR EXHIBITION. BY L. LANE C L A R K E. \ " The eye sees no more than it brings with it t!ic power of seeing. ' LONDON: G. ROUTLEDGE & CO., FARRINGDON STREET] AND 18, BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK 1858. ( V/ie Author reserves the ri)idatioi\) <£ntmh at stationers' |)all. LONDON: EICHAED BAEEETT, PEINTEE, MARE LANE. P R E E A C E. The first thought of this little book was suggested by an Optician, who, having a large sale for Microscopic Objects, and being often perplexed by the questions of his customers, as to the nature of the objects before them, requested me to write a Catalogue of the Slides in his cabinet, to which he might refer the enquirer. It was a pleasant occupation ; and, as drawer after drawer was opened, and every slide examined, the description of each swelled the small pamphlet into this little book, whose object is solely to accompany the Object-box and explain its contents. There are no engravings, because the mounted objects are the truest and best illustrations, infinitely more interesting than the highest delineations of art. A little expense and a little trouble will procure them all. Microscope books there are many, and some of them most excellent ; such as " Quekett on the Microscope," 11 Carpenter on the Microscope," " Hogg on the Microscope," " How to Work with the Microscope," by Bcale ; but although they abound in illustrations, and give all necessary information for preparing objects, I have myself experienced how much more is learnt by the careful study of one slide, the dissection of one flower, than by many hours of mere reading and looking at pictures. *& WW PREFACE. That these works are not read attentively or well understood by many young persons, who now purchase Microscopes and collect objects, seems probable from the remarks which are made and the questions that are asked when looking at preparations from the Vegetable and the Animal Kingdom. We not unfrequently hear the section of an Echinus spine pronounced "very pretty, exactly like a crochet pattern" — the Echinus itself being an unknown thing. Spicules of Holothuria or Gorgonia are brilliant little clubs and crosses ; but what a Holothuria is they cannot imagine. The foot of a Dytiscus, with its cluster of suckers, is like the eye of a peacock's feather; cells of spiral fibre nothing more than coils of variegated wire ; and the head of Rhingia, with its wonderful eyes, is looked at as a beautiful piece of network. It is the design of this Catalogue to give simply that elementary know- ledge of vegetable and animal physiology, which will enable the young student to understand the Slides in the Object-box, and excite the desire to learn more from 1 letter books. It is also hoped that many will be led to purchase the preparations of Whole-mounted I?isects, and by the careful study of them take the first steps into the wide and pleasant field of Natural History. As the ear is educated by the study of music, so the eye is educated by a habit of observation. An artist's eye catches the faintest tint of colour, observes the minutest curve in an outline ; a physician's eye scans quickly, and reads deeply the confused or obscure diagnosis of disease, unperceived by others, and every line in the patient's face or movement of the body is to him an index of the inner life ; the natu- ralist's eye, quickened in all its powers by observation, sees the folding of a leaf, the spot upon the wall, the tract of an insect on his path, where the untrained eye sees PREFACE. Vll nothing. The Microscope gives this training, if it is lightly used, that is, with intelligent enquiry, with careful reading on the various subjects, as they are suggested by mounted objects,* and observation of the living creatures in this beautiful world around us. None but those who have enjoyed it can tell how refreshing and uplifting to the spirit is an hour at the Microscope — an hour of thoughtful reverent study of the wisdom, power and love of God in creation. Science, when it is merely "la grande curiosite," or when pursued for selfish pleasure and ambition, is not the end for wlrich the Microscope was given to us. There must be a link with the unseen and the eternal, a light from the true wisdom, if our ways are to be ways of pleasantness, and our paths to end in peace. Woodeaton Rectory, June lbth, 1858. * ''• Kirby & Spenee's Entomology." " Insccta Britannica." " Westwood's Introduction to Entomology.' " Balfour's Botany." " Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom." " Unger's Letters." " Johnson on Zoophytes." " Harvey on Seaweeds." TABLE OF CONTENTS. ON THE USE OP THE MICEOSCOPE. PAGE Directions for Mounting Objects 4 „ ,, Mounting in Balsam 5 PAET I. OBJECTS FROM THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. CHAPTER I. Shapes of Cells — Cell contents — Oil Cells — Hairs of plants — Cuti- cle and Stomata — Cuticle of Yucca, of Aloe, of Deutzia Scabra, of Amaryllis — Indian Corn — Cuticle of Saccalobium, of Elaeagnus, of Tillandsia, of Onosma, of Opuntia 7 Raphides. — Cuticle of Hyacinth — Raphides from Rhubarb — Anagallis — Spiral fibre — Spiral Cells of Oncidium — Spiral Vessels of Collomia — Spiral Cells of Balsam — Spiral Cells of Sphagnum — Scalariform Vessels 1 G Pollen. — Pollen of Mallow, of Hollyhock, of Passion-flower, of OEnothera — A Few Words more on the Pollen— Pollen- tubes — Stamens 20 Heeds. — Poppy — Sweet-William — Silene, or Stellaria — Orchis — Eccremocarpus or Calampelis 24 CHAPTER n. SECTIONS OF WOOD. Ruscus — Whanghae Cane — Asparagus — Section of Hazel, of Pine, of Yew — Cedar of Lebanon — Vegetable Ivory — Fossil Coni- ferous Wood — Pine Wood — Section of Cocoa-nut, of Cob-nut, of Snake-wood 26 Moss. — Slides of Dicranum, Funaria, &c, &c. — Spore-cases of Fern — Elaters of Equisetum — Elaters of Jungermannia — Jungermannia Bidentata 29 Viil CONTENTS. t\ge Fungi.— Slide of Puccinia, or Phragmidium— Blight of Wheat (Smut)— Uredo Foetida, or Bunt— Uredo, or iEcidium S6 CHAPTER III. INFUSORIAL EARTHS. Diatoms of Guano — Naviculse — Navicula Hippocampa — Pleurosig- ma — Meloseira — Meloseira Borreri — Achnanthes Longipes— Synedra Ulna — Bacillarise — Gomphonema — Licmophora — Rhabdonema — Grammatophora Marina — Biddulphia — Am- phitetras- — Isthmia Obliqua— Arachnoidiscus — Heliopelta — Actinocyclus— Asteromphalus Asterolampra — Coscinodiscus c c J Desmidiacece — Volvos Globator — Closterium — Conferva? — Zyg- nema — Achy la Prolifera 4 6 PAET IT. OBJECTS FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. CHAPTER I. OBJECTS FROM THE ARACHNIDA. Spider's Foot — Spider's Legs — Spider's Spinnarets — Spider's Eyes Spider's Jaws — Spider's Palpi — Epidermis of Spider 53 CHAPTER II. INSECT PARTS. Tongues of Insects. — Tongue or Proboscis of Hive Bee — Tongue of Wasp — Butterfly's Tongue or Proboscis — Proboscis or Tongue of Blow-fly — Proboscis of Tabanus, of Gnat, of Empis-fly, of Dioctria — Head of Conops, of Rhingia, or Syrphus, of Drone- fly, or Helophilus, of Eristalis, of Tipula, of Limnobia, of Hemcrobius, of Panorpa — Tongue of Cricket— Gizzard of Cricket — Mouth of Soldier Beetle. Calathus Castelloides, of Brachinus, of Onthophagus, of Anchomenus, of Crioceris, of Ladybird, of Stenopterus Rufus 60 Antenna;. — Antennre of Cockchafer, of Nitidularia, of Hydrophilus, of Elater, of Syrphus or of Blow-fly,*of Bee, of Ichneumon, of Argynnis — Palpi of Argynnis — Antennse of Dragon-fly, of Silkworm-moth 75 cont; ]X Spiracles and Trachece. — Spiracles ofDytiscus — Tracheae of Dytis- cus — Spiracles of Cockchafer, of Fly, of Tipula, of Water Larva? — Aerating Leaflet of Libellula — Abdomen of Ephe- mera, or Spiracles 79 Circulation of Blood 81 Spiracles of Larvae of Bat-fly 81 Wings of Insects. — Wing of Scatophaga, of House-fly, of Blue- bottle-fly, of Syrphus, of Midge, of Gnat, of Coleoptera, of Cricket 83 Scales of Insects. — Scales of Morpho Menelaus, of Polyommatus Argus, of Hipparchia Janira, of Pontia Brassica, of Silkworm- moth, of Clothes-moth, of Podura, ofLepisma Saccharina ... 88 Elytra of Diamond Beetle 91 Feet of Insects. — Foot of Syrphus — Leg ofDytiscus, or Dyticus — Foot of Wasp, of Ophion — Leg of Bee, of Gyrinus, of Brachinus, of Anchomenus, of Calathus Castelloides — Sting of Wasp and Bee, of Gnat, of Tabanus 91 Egg of Bot-fly, or CEstrus 95 CHAPTER III. INSECTS MOUNTED WHOLE. The Telephorus, or Soldier-beetle — Melophorus Granulans — Catheretes Urticse — Coccinella, or Lady -bird 97 Hemiptera. — Velia Rivulorum — Notonecta, or the Water Boatman — Reduvius or Bed-bug — Cimex, or Field-bug — Aphis — Aphrophora, or Cuckoo-spit — Thrips 106 Hymenoptera. — Tenthredo, or Saw-fly — Cypheus Pygmams — Ich- neumon-fly — Microgaster Glomeratus — Aphidius Avena? — Ephedras Plagiator — Ceraphron Carpenterii — Chelymorpha Phyllophora, or the Turtle-shaped Leaf-bearer Ill CHAPTER IV. DIPTERA. Culex Pipiens 117 Ptychoptera 121 Scatophaga. — The Family of the Brachycera — The Scatophaga — Lonchoptera — Bibeo — Dolichopus — The Opomyza — Chlorops — Phora — Leptis — Asilus — Empis — Empis Stercorca — Hilara — Syrphus Pyrastri— Borboras Equinus — Sepedon — Sepsis... 122 X CONTENTS. PAGE Halteres, Poisers, of Liptera. — Halteres of Blow-fly— Halteres of Tabanus 138 CHAPTER V. PARASITES. The Flea.— The Pygidium of a Flea 141 Pe'li-culus, or Louse 143 The Acari, or Ticks, Mites. — Acarus Domesticus, or Common Chese-mites — Acarus Passularum — Acarus Passerinus — Ixodes, or Dog-tick — Melophagus — Stenopteryx — Ornitho- myia — Nycteribia — Cbebfer — Acarus Gamasus — Trombidium Phalangii — Trombidium Autamnale — Water-mites— Entozoa 104 CHAPTER VI. PALATES. Palate of Helix Pomatia — Helix Aspersa — Limax — Helix Hortensis — Helix Nemoralis — Helix Rufescens — Helix Virgata — — Zonites, or Helix Nitida — Palate of Whelk, of Purpurea, of Nasa, of Trochus Ziziphinus, of Trochus Crassus, of Trochus Umbilicatus, of Periwinkle, of Haliotes, or Aumer of Pleurobrancb, of Aplysia, of Doris, of Limpet, of Chiton, of Yellow Nerite, of Neritina Fluviatilis, of Lymneus Stag- nalis, of Planorbis Cornea, of Paludina, of Cyclastoma 149 CHAPTER VII. SLIDES OF ZOOPHYTES. Sertularia Pumila — Sertularia Polyzonias— Sertularia Operculata — Sertularia Rosacea — Laomedea Geniculata — Laomedea Dichotoma — Plumularia Cristata — Plumularia Falcata 158 Polyzoa. — Gemicellaria — Gemmellaria Loriculata — Gemecelaria, or Notomia Bursaria — Cellularia Avicularia — Flustra Truncata Pustulipora Fossil — Flustra Chartacese — Cellularia Reptans — Cellularia Ciliata — Crisea Eburnea — Crisea Cornuta — Seria- 1 aria Tendigera 163 CHAPTER VIII. SEA-WEEDS — MARINE ALG.E. Marine Algae — Callithamnion — Ceramium — Ptilota Plumosa — Plocamium Vulgare, or Coccineum— Polysiphonia — Sphero- coccus — Griffithsia — Gracillaria — Laurentia — Odonthalia — Bonnemaisonnia — Delesseria — Rhodomela — Spyridia Fila- mentosa— Chaetospori Wiggii — Halymenia — Dasya — Dasya Arbuscula — Dasya Occellata — Dasya Venusta - — Goadby's Solution for Marine Algae 168 CONTENTS. XL TAOE CHAPTER IX. FORAMTNATED SHELLS. The Operculina — Fossil Foraminated Shells from Barbadoes — Orbitolites — Nummulites CHAPTER X. SPICULES OF SPONGES. Spicules of Sponge— Gemmules of Pachymatisma — Spicules of Grantia Nivea 18G CHAPTER XI. SECTIONS OF BONE. Man's Metacarpal — Fin-bone of Lepidosteos — Femur of Tetrao Urogallus 189 Section. 1 ! of Teeth. — Sections of Human Tooth 192 CHAPTER XII. HAIRS. Human Hair — Hairs of Dormouse and Common Mouse, of Mole, of Bats, of Elephant, of Camel, of Reindeer, of Ornithor- hynchus, of Larvae, of Dermestes 1 94 CHAPTER XIII. SPICULES OF HELOTHURIyE. Spicules of Synapta— Spicules of Chirodota — Calcareous Spicules of Doris — Calcareous Skeleton of Doris — Spicules of Gorgonia — Spicules of Alcyonium Digitatum — Section of Echinus Spine 197 CHAPTER XIV. SLIDES OF CRYSTALLIZATION. Selenite — Acetate of Copper — Sulphate of Copper — Alum— Oxa- lurate of Ammonia — Purpurate or Murexide of Ammonia — Hydrochlorate or Muriate of Ammonia — Oxalate of Am- monia — Salt of Brucia — Iododi-sulphate of Quinine — Borax, or Borate of Soda — Boracic Acid — Sulphate of Magnesia— Ammonio-Phosphato of Magnesia — Uric Acid, or Lithic Acid— Nitrate of Potash, or Nitre, Saltpetre— Salicine — Nitrate of Silver 202 A DESCEIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE MOST INSTRUCTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL OBJECTS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. " The microscope is an optical instrument by means of which we are enabled to see objects or parts of objects too minute to be seen with the naked eye ; the name being taken from two Greek words, fxiKp6v (mikron), a little thing, and cr/coWa) (skopeo), I look at." — Lardner. ON THE USE OF THE MICEOSCOPE. Although a minute description of the construction of the microscope would be out of place in this small work, and involve more of the science of optics than could be understood without diagrams, and much knowledge of the laws of light, jet it will be useful to give a few hints on the practical management of a newly -purchased instru- ment. Assuming the student to be desirous of obtaining an efficient instrument at a moderate cost, he cannot do better than procure one of those called " The Society of Arts Microscopes." They are made by Mr. Baker, 244, High Holborn,* and only cost £3 3s., complete in a neat mahogany cabinet. They are excellent working instru- ments, and for their utility and 'cheapness combined were * Mr. Baker, who has devoted a great deal of attention to the im- provement of philosophical instruments for educational purposes, also supplies a portable microscope for only 9s., which is very useful for botanical investigations. He makes several other patterns, varying in price up to £2 2s., which will exhibit Infusoria and other interesting obj ects. B N. C. State CoUtQB ON THE USE OF awarded a prize medal by the Society from which they derive their name. The microscope itself is illustrated in the accompanying engraving : it moves on the joints at a, so that the observer can incline it at any angle, to enable him to look through it with convenience. In a small brass box will be found the object glasses, attached to an adapter, which is to be screwed into the lower part of the body of the instrument at b. The object glasses are three in number, and when altogether their focus will be about a quarter of an inch ; that is to say, they will require to be about that distance from the object on the stage f. When the instrument is m use, by unscrewing the lower one e, the focus will be about half an inch, and by removing the next one d, the focus will be about one inch. The magnifying powers will be as under : — The one combination only, C, 1-in. focus, magnifies 6,400 times, ihetwo ditto, C and D, i-in. ditto, ditto 16,900 „ Ihe three ditto c,D, and E,|-in. ditto, ditto 122,500 „ THE MICROSCOPE. 3 Having inclined the microscope at such an angle that you can look through it conveniently, screw on the adapter, and remove the two object glasses d and e ; next turn the mirror g about, so as to reflect the light up into the body of the instrument, and illuminate the field of view equally ; then place an object on the stage f, and by turning the milled heads h raise or depress the microscope, until the distance between the lower lens and the object on the stage is about one inch. Now look through the instrument, and turn the milled heads h backwards and forwards until the most distinct view of the object is obtained : by adding the other lenses d and e, the magnifying power is increased and the focus shortened, as already explained. The slow motion i is used for the accurate adjustment of the focus, when the high powers are employed ; it offers the advantage of much greater delicacy and exactness than is attainable by the use of the milled heads h. Mr. Baker also supplies with these instruments a pair of forceps for dissecting, and another pair to attach to the stage for holding any minute substance for examination, the uses of which are too obvious to require any expla- nation. The cabinet also contains a capillary cage, or live-box; a very useful piece of apparatus for examining aquatic objects, such as Infusoria, &c. To use it, the cover being removed, a drop of water containing the object is placed on the glass plate ; the cover is then slid on and pressed down until the fluid is spread out, between the two glasses, conveniently for observation. In order to properly observe opaque objects, it will also be necessary to be furnished with a condenser, which is either fitted to the stage or as a separate stand, with the arm holding the lens adjustable to any position that is required: but it can only be used by the direct rays of the sun, lamp, or candle; the ordinary daylight being too much diffused for that purpose. I will but add a few practical hints on the management of the microscope : — Do not imagine that an expensive apparatus is neces- sary. The greatest discoveries have been made with the simplest instruments. b 2 4 ON THE USE OF Have good object glasses, and do not waste money on an elaborate stage. Use low powers in preference to liigb ones, unless abso- lutely necessary; and, remember, we do not want objects magnified so much as we want them defined. A clearly- defining low power is the best working glass. A few simple tools will be sufficient for all purposes of dissection and examination, viz. — Slides of glass. Circles and squares of thin glass. A pair of forceps. A lancet. A few needles, fixed in handles. Split one end of a match, and tie the needle in with some waxed silk. Two or three camel-hair pencils. Six watch glasses. These are all that are absolutely necessary for daily study. FOR MOUNTING OBJECTS. This need not be a difficult or expensive process ; but to succeed with insect preparations time and experience are essential. The easiest beginning is with vegetable specimens — cuticles, pollen, &c, — and with palates which are mounted in fluid. You must have a turn-table, price 6s. to 85., and make a cell on each glass slide you mean to use, with gold size or Brunswick black. It is better to see this done than to read the best description of "how to do it." A small bottle of gold size or Brunswick black costs 9J. Make a solution of salt and water — be careful that it is very clean, and better use distilled or filtered water — five grains of salt to one ounce of water. This is the best preservative for palates. Pure glycerine — a small bottle, Is. This is excellent for leaves of moss and cuticles ; but they also mount very well and more easily in Mr. Topping's liquid : one part of acetate of alumina to four parts of distilled water. Let your cells be quite dry ; it is better to make a dozen or more at once and keep them by you. When required, fix THE MICROSCOPE. the slide upon the turn-table, put a drop of the liquid in the cell with a camel-hair pencil, then lay the object in it. Have a thin glass cover ready, and let it gently fall over the cell. Remove the superfluous moisture with a little sponge or blotting paper ; and then, with a steady hand, take a brushful of Brunswick black, make the revolving table run round quickly, and, touching the edge of the cell, a circle of the varnish will safely fix it. Let the varnish be thin, and the circle also ; for it dries better, and there is less danger of its running into the cell- con- tents. The next day go over it again, making the circle thicker and wider. FOR MOUNTING IN BALSAM. Have a bottle of clear, pure Canada balsam — it costs Is. A little spirit of turpentine, 3d. Spirits of wine, one ounce, Is. A brass table or tripod. A spirit lamp. Solution of caustic potash. The use of balsam in preparing insect parts is not only to preserve, but to show the structure of the object. When properly applied, it enters into the minutest parts, dis- placing the air, and rendering the external tegument — hairs, spines, or suckers — perfectly transparent. For instance, many young students, anxious to see the leg of a fly, or of a beetle, clip it off, and put it under the microscope. They are somewhat disappointed at seeing indistinctly a row of black joints, and nothing more. Let that leg be first soaked for a few days in a little potash and water, to soften it and dissolve the internal substance : then washed in clean water and dried : then soaked for a few minutes in turpentine, and finally mounted in balsam : every joint will be clear, every hair visible, the pulvillus transparent, and the structure admirably displayed. The same results are obtained with the eyes, tongues, and wings of all insects. The actual mounting is a matter of experience : to keep out air bubbles is the great and only difficulty. Place a slide on the brass table, over the spirit lamp, and when heated moderately put a drop of balsam in the 6 OX THE USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. centre of it ; let this also become warm, but not very hot, and then lay the prepared object in it. As bubbles arise, skim them off with a needle, and take care that the balsam does not boil, or your specimen is lost ; — it will be full of obstinate air bubbles, irrevocably fixed in the tissue. When it looks clear, examine under the microscope, and if all right replace it on the table, and having previously warmed a thin glass cover, let it drop gently over the object. Dry it on the mantelpiece, or a stone slab, and then clean the slide by scraping off the balsam and washing it with a little turpentine ; or soda and water will clean it nicely ; only if it is left in the solution, it will unsettle the balsam. Try experiments for yourself, and do not be discouraged by a great many failures ; neither be satisfied with bad mounting, half-prepared objects, and untidy slides. PART I. OBJECTS FEOM THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. " Search out the wisdom of Nature, — there is depth in all her doings. She hath on a mighty scale a general use for all things ; Yet hath she specially for each its microscopic purpose. There is use in the prisoned air that swelleth the pods of the laburnum, Design in the venomed thorns that sentinel the leaves of a nettle, A final cause for the aromatic gum that congealeth the moss around a rose, A reason for each blade of grass that raiseth its small spine." Proverbial Philosophy. " On every herb on which you tread Are written words which, rightly 2'ead, Will lead you from earth's fragrant sod To hope and holiness and God." Anon. CHAPTER I. In every collection of objects for the microscope we find many preparations from the vegetable world — slides of cuticles, fibro-cells, pollen-grains, raphides, &c, &c. ; and few lose more in being hastily looked at, as merely pretty- objects, without that knowledge of flower-life which alone can enable us rightly to appreciate them. If we are wholly ignorant of the structure of plants, their uses, their variety, and the secret mechanism by which their life is renewed day by day, we are apt to look at these slides for mere amusement, for the lust of the eye, pleased as a child or as a savage with strange forms or brilliant colours. Therefore, before we take them up, it will not be unprofitable to learn if we do not know, and refresh our memory if we have once known, something of the mysteries of creation in vegetable life. Thousands of years have passed away since angel voices sang the praises of God when He had finished the fair work of creation, and — looking upon the lowliest herb of the field 8 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. as upon the birds of the air, the living creatures of the deep wide sea, the beasts of the earth, and man, the lord of all — " behold it was very good." Thousands of years have passed away : man has changed, it may be that the lower creatures have partaken of his fall ; but of the beau- tiful flowers and the stately trees we have no reason to believe that there is aught in them that offends their Maker — we fearlessly search into the recesses of their being, and behold they are wondrously beautiful and still " very good." A flower-plant has been likened by Unger,* a German botanist, to " a most skilfully planned chemical laboratory, a most ingenious mechanism for the display of physical forces, and one of the simplest, and consequently one of the most sublime, structures ever designed or executed." He also likens the growth of a plant to the building of a glorious edifice; he compares the cells of vegetable life, in their varied forms and sizes, to the stones of a building forming a kind of masonry. In some parts of a plant the cells are long, and form pipes or cylinders, or they are condensed and thickened into fibre. In the cuticle of leaf and flower we have flattened, oblong, or crenolated cells, which, as a tesselated pavement, protect the more delicate machinery within. We find, with the help of a microscope, not only this, but also the store chambers of cell-contents where the materials for the plant edifice are collected and preserved. Again, in the building of a plant there are air-passages resembling regularly-shaped rooms, or romantic caves, or microscopic grottos, terminating in what are called stomata; which stomata have folding doors or valves to open or shut at pleasure, so that the air circulates freely through the plant organism. These are mostly on the under side of a leaf, so the under cuticle is the one we mount for observation, and we shall notice these stomata more j>ar- ticularly when the slides are described. The origin of every plant is a single cell. The per- fection of a plant, from the . tiniest moss to the loftiest oak, is in a countless multitude of simple cells containing * TJnger's Letters. SHArES OF CELLS. \) various substances needful for its growth, and of an infinite variety of shape and substance: for some cells are very- thick ; some are dotted, to allow of the circulation of air in the deep recesses of a stem ; some have variegated walls produced by its secondary deposits, like fibre coiled around, and these fibro-cells are abundant in some plants. We have them from the Oncidium and Opuntia. Some cells of spiral fibre act as trachea or breathing organs, or give lightness and elasticity to a stem. They are abundant in strawberry leaves, vine leaves, rhubarb stems, spinach, and there are beautiful examples in the slide of spiral cells from the balsam. Much more can be learnt from the examination of the fresh plant, because of the difficulty of preserving cells and their contents. Is it not wonderful to think of a little plant having its store chambers secret- ing starch, sugar, gum, oils, raphides, colouring matter — aye, and beautiful crystals floating in the cell-fluid, or suspended, as are the cystolithes, in the cell- chambers of the nettle tribe ? The very knowledge that such things are, and that they may be seen in an infinite variety, will lead us first to look at these slides understandingly, then to seek further, by examination of living plants. This will induce us to study such books as Quekett's " Histology," " Carpenter on the Microscope," " Mohl on the Vegetable Cell," " Schlacht on the Microscope," " Unger's Letters," &c, &c, &c. Then shall we use our microscope worthily, and our cabinet of objects will cease to be a mere toy. SHAPES OF CELLS. As the object of this little book is to excite and not to satisfy the desire of an enquiring mind, let me here suggest that it is well to prove all things ; and before you quite believe that every flower and j^lant is made up of single cells of varied form, examine for yourself thus : — Take a flower, a few bits of stalk, a lily leaf, or small piece of rhubarb stalk, another of cucumber, a thin slice of raw potato, a wallflower or a primrose — any flower — macerate it in water for a day or two, until it begins to decompose, and the smallest portion placed under the microscope with a drop of water will show you the now separating cells of various shape : those in stalks oblong 10 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. or cylindrical; those in the surface of petals and leaves square, or round, or hexagonal, or irregular, with zigzag boundaries, or papilliforni, as in the Geranium, Sweet- william, &c, &c. ; those of the parenchyma or pulp of the leaf generally oval. In looking at these, you will certainly find a variety of contents which are seldom preserved for any length of time, and which you must, therefore, observe in the fresh and living plant. CELL-CONTENTS. In the slice of potato you will find every cell crowded with starch -granules, that is if it is a good potato ; for starch is to the potato what fat is to an animal, and if it is in "good condition" the cells should be full of it. The test of this is a drop of tincture of iodine, which turns the starch granules to a beautiful blue or violet colour ; and a diseased potato with empty cells will therefore be detected by a drop of that same iodine. In the stem of a lily you will find starch-grains, mixed with green granules of chlorophylle, a kind of vegetable wax, which gives the green colour to leaves. All our farinaceous plants contain abundance of starch, especially wheat, barley, oats, maize, rice, arrow-root; and the granules differ from each other in size and form so decidedly, that they cannot well be mistaken by a careful observer. They . are prepared for the microscope, and sold as polariscope objects, because the examination of a starch granule with polarized light shews it with a beau- tiful black cross, revolving with the polarizer; or, if over a selenite stage, a brilliant play of colours is obtained. Besides starch-grains and chlorophylle, you will find something else in the cells of that lily stem, which I select as an easy one to obtain in any garden. In some cells, not in all, you will probably observe a larger granule, with a lesser one within, or perhaps several lesser ones ; the large granule is the nucleus, the minute inner ones the nucleoli ; they are the supposed origin of new cells, and much that is exceedingly interesting has been written in the works before referred to: " Mohl on the Vegetable Cell ;" " Hafmeister's Die Enstehung des Embryo." These nuclei are to be observed in pollen-grains, in the hairs of Tradescantias, or Spider wort, especially in the pollen of the fir-tree tribe. HAIRS OF PLANTS. 11 OIL CELLS. Cells containing oil are beautiful objects when found as on rose-trees, on the stem of Saxifrage, Geraniums, Collomia, Drasena, raised upon delicate stalks, often brightly coloured, or glittering diamond-like in the sun- shine.* Sometimes the oil cells are sessile, in golden spots upon the back of a black-currant leaf; or white and silvery in the recesses of a Sage leaf, a leaf of Rue, or Hop, or Mulberry. Sometimes these oil cells are internal, as in the rind of an orange, where they are very large and most easily observed ; also, in the leaves of Myrtle and Magnolia, of Hypericum, St. John's wort, so common in woods and hedges, those little dark dots are the oil cells, and trans- parent, if you hold the leaf up against the light, and examine it with a pocket lens. HAIRS OF PLANTS. The hairs of plants will furnish you with abundant material for study and delight throughout the summer long, and the variety in their form will astonish you. Look, also, at the beautiful bead-like hairs of the Spiderwort — a rich purple chain of cells fringing each stamen. White, transparent, glittering rows of cells from the nocculent mass of hairs we see on the leaves and stem of the com- mon Groundsel. The common garden Verbena has the mouth of its corolla closed by a dense row of beaded hairs protecting its pistil. I cannot describe more, but look at these. Some are simple ; some are branched, or star-like, or tufted, and contain simply water : — Alyssum leaf. Draba verna leaf. Antirrhinum calyx. Tradescantia stamen. Verbena. Campanula. Nettle. Borage. Chrysophyllum. Verbascum. Ivy. Hibiscus. Deutzia scabra. Elaeagnus. Dolichos (cowage). Groundsel. These are called glandular hairs. 12 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Take the hair of a Borage stem or flower off at the base, and lay it on a slide with a drop of water covered with a bit of thin glass, and yon will be delighted. The hair of the Nettle, with its poison gland at the base, must be examined in the same way. The pain is caused by the breaking off of its point, and the acrid irritating liquid springing up into the wound. The reason why these hairs are mentioned immediately after the cells and cell-contents is, because they are only prolonged and varied cells rising from the cuticle, and when the cell- walls thicken into fibre these hairs become thorns. Sometimes they expand and form scales, as we see on the beautiful leaves of Hippophaa and Elaeagnus, which are mounted as detached scales for the polariscope, or in situ as opaque objects. CUTICLE AND STOMATA. The cuticle of plants is that transparent skin which we can easily peel off from various leaves, but especially from the Lily, the Candytuft, Iris, and the petals of flowers; and prove by examination under a piece of thin glass and with a drop of water that it is really composed of a single layer of cells, having pores, called stomata, thickly scattered over it. These slides are very useful to those persons who live in cities, or who have not yet studied plant-life for them- selves ; and I doubt not that they will lead many a careless eye to look for other examples, and to find an endless variety in the garden and the field. These pores, called stomata, are absolutely necessary to vegetable life. Leaves are the organs of respiration — the lungs of a tree, and the stomach also; for they send back nutrition to the trunk and stem, take up the sap which rises from the root, give it the needful quantity of carbon, expose it to the action of the air, and cause the super- abundant moisture to evaporate. All this is done by the agency of the little dots we call stomata. And this is the way in which they act : — We see that the cuticle is formed of a single layer of cells ; these contain air and not fluid, as do the cells of the pulp or parenchyma ; also they CUTICLE OF YUCCA. 13 are so closely fitted to each other as to confine that moisture, which otherwise would be too quickly evaporated by a hot sun, and the leaf soon dried up and withered; but at the same time, as air is necessary to the inner cells of a leaf or flower, these stomata, or openings, are placed in great numbers in the cuticle, acting like valves, which admit air freely, give out surplus fluid, and take in atmo- spheric moisture when required. They are bordered by cells of peculiar form, usually kidney-shaped, with an oval aperture in the centre; and these "guard cells" dilate and contract, closing or opening the passage accord- ing to the necessities of the plant. On a hot day they will close, to defend the inner cells from exhausting heat : in dry weather, when the stem does not give enough fluid for the nourishment of the leaves, then the stomata open at night and drink in the night- dew, but close again as soon as the cavities of the leaf are full. The number of pores in a square inch of surface is. amazing; e.g. we find that a square inch of the leaf of Hydrangea contains Iris ,, Houseleek , , Tradescantia , , Lilac , , Vine , , 160,000 under surface 12,000 both surfaces 10,710 upper surface 2,000 upper surface 160,000 under surface 13,000 under surface. The stomata are generally largest upon succulent plants, and abound on the under side of all leaves except grasses and upright leaves, such as the Iris and Tradescantia, where they are found equally on both sides. CUTICLE OF YUCGkA. In the cuticle of Yucca the stomata. are bounded by four cells, and are themselves somewhat quadrangular: there are about 40,000 of them in one square inch. The plant is a native of Peru; called also common Adam's needle, bearing a handsome flower in panicles on a stem eight or ten feet high when in its native soil; but in British gardens it scarcely reaches three feet high. 14 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. CUTICLE OF ALOE. The cells are somewhat different in shape, though the stomata are also bordered by four cells: they are more oblong, very prettily disposed, but require a power of 200 diameters to observe properly. First use the -J-inch, and then the J-inch. CUTICLE OF DEUTZIA SCABRA. This is a polariscope object. The cuticle is siliceous (see Indian Corn), and the wavy outlines of the cells and the starry clusters of siliceous hairs are very beautiful. When gathered from the tree, these stars are white upon the green cuticle, and those of the upper surface are many-rayed, whereas those of the lower surface have usually but four or five rays. This leads us to consider the use of those abundant hairs which clothe the living plant. They serve two purposes — for warmth to the tender bud, or for attracting: moisture. On many plants they rise up towards evening and catch the falling dew ; then bending downwards at noontide they form a close layer over the cuticle, and give it a pro- tecting shade, at the same time preventing a too rapid evaporation of the moisture they had attracted. There are many kinds of hairs on plants ; most beautiful are some of them, especially those which secrete oils or saccharine matter. These are called glandular hairs ; they rise up on a slender stem, and expand into a globular head, filled with coloured or white special secretions, such as we find on Sweet-briar and Moss-rose buds, or on the leaves and flowers of Collomia. CUTICLE OF AMARYLLIS. This example will show the two-\obed stomata, one kidney- shaped cell on each side ; it is from any part of leaf or stem of the common white Lily ; also compare the cells with those of the INDIAN CORN. This is what is called a siliceous cuticle. All the grass tribe and the plants called Equisetacea, or horse-tails, have, the property of attracting silex or flint from the soil in which they grow : the cell walls and stomata become so CUTICLE OF TILLANDSIA. 15 impregnated with it, that even soaking in nitric acid, which destroys the vegetable part, leaves the skeleton, or framework, perfect, as in this slide, which has been thus prepared. Observe the finely-toothed edge of each cell, as well as the peculiar shape of the four cells bordering the pores. The stomata are very abundant in grasses ; they cover every part of the stem, and both sides of the leaves. CUTICLE OF SACCALOBIUM. The Saccalobium is one of the orchis tribe, a native of Asia, found in the Indian Archipelago, and is cultivated in hot-houses in England. The spiral fibre in some of its cells forms a regular network on the inner surface. CUTICLE OF EL^: AGNUS. This is an opaque object ; the scales are very beautiful, and when detached from the leaf and mounted in balsam they polarize. The Ela?agnus is a native of all parts of the world, from the northern hemisphere down to the equator, which it rarely passes. The flowers of this species are highly fragrant, and abound in honey. CUTICLE OF TILLANDSIA. The under side of the leaves and the stem of this plant are adorned with delicate scales, as of the finest network. The plant itself is a native of South America and the West Indies. The whole tribe dislike water ; and Lin- naeus named the genus from a professor in Sweden, who, having once experienced a very rough passage from Stockholm to Abo, determined never again to cross the water; he even changed his own name to that of " Til- lands," which means on or by land; and actually, when obliged to return to Stockholm, preferred travelling 200 miles round by Lapland to going a direct road of eight miles by sea. One species of Tillandsia (utriculata) which grows upon old and decaying trees in the forests of Jamaica, has leaves a yard long, inflated at the base, which form a reservoir for water. Each leaf holds about a quart of fluid, and wild 1G THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. cattle seek refreshment there. Travellers, also, under the hottest sun, may turn aside and find a sweet pool of water in dry seasons, when all other supplies have failed. CUTICLE OF ONOSMA. The Onosma is a native of Tauria, near the Bosphorus. The plant is small, with handsome flowers, flourishing in sandy soil ; and this cuticle is very beautiful under polar- ized light. CUTICLE OF OPUNTIA. This beautiful cuticle is from the leaf of the Opuntia, a kind of Cactus, or Indian Fig, and on one of them the cochineal insect is found : this is from the Opuntia vulgaris, which bears a large purple juicy fruit, and is a spiny shrub, growing abundantly on Mount Etna amidst its lava. It is, however, a native of South America, and the way in which it has been naturalized and made most useful in Sicily is remarkable. As soon as a little fissure is per- ceived in the lava, a small branch or joint of Opuntia is stuck in; the latter pushes out roots, which are nourished by the rain which collects round them, or by whatever dust or remains of organic matter may have made a little soil. These roots spread out and ramify into the most minute crevices, breaking up the lava into small fragments, and finally rendering it fit for culture. KAPHID e s. These are crystals found in the cells of various plants. No better example can we have than the CUTICLE OF HYACINTH, in every cell of which we see a cylindrical crystal. Examined with polarized light they are most distinctly seen, and enable us to understand the position of raphides in other plants. The Cactus, the common Dock, and various other vegetables, have bundles of needle-shaped crystals in their cells. Turkey Rhubarb and the garden ANAGALLIS. 17 Rhubarb have rectangular prisms of carbonate of lime grouped in a stellate form. See the slide of RAPHIDES FROM RHUBARB. What their use is we do not know. Another kind, called cystolithes, are stalked and suspended in the cells of the nettle tribe. Their formation has been watched : first a little papillae or swelling is perceived at the upper part of a cell, which increases at the end into a clubbed form, from which crystals of oxalate of lime sprout forth. This is one of the mysteries of creation, how the cells of a plant so regularly secrete each its appointed store of needful substance for the plant life — how from the earth in which it grows, from the air in which it lives, from the light which quickens it, each tiny chamber receives exactly that portion of nourishment, and that kind of nourishment, which enables it to produce either the green wax which colours the leaf, or the white starch-grains, or the gum, the sugar, the oil, or the shining crystals, or that nucleus which is the reproductive cell — all this going on invisibly around us in every living plant, and having been thus going on for five thousand years at least, unseen, unknown by us, until the revelations of the microscope. Is there no deep thought stirred in our hearts by the manifest order and minute* care of Him who built up this living temple for His own pleasure and for ours ? Do we think of all that is contained in the flower we gather by the way-side, in the herb that bends beneath our feet ? Is no desire kindled to see these things as they are, and pass on from these slides to the examination of the plant itself? There are a thousand things more beautiful than raphides that cannot thus be mounted or preserved. Shall I give one example only for a summer hour's delight? ANAGALLIS. In the garden or the corn-field gather a little scarlet Pimpernel, the Anagallis, or the Poor Man's Weather- glass, that lowly and bright little flower which opens every morning at eight minutes past seven, and closes about three minutes past two in the afternoon. Examine it with a pocket-lens, and you will see that it belongs to the Primrose tribe, with its single-leaved calyx and c 18 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. corolla, wheel-shaped, deeply cleft into fine segments, fine slender filaments and heart-shaped anthers, one-thread- shaped and clubbed stigma. With the same lens you can examine the seed-vessel, a little globular capsule opening all round, and, raising the lid, observe the most beautiful dotted seeds lying closely pressed to the pitted receptacle ; and this, if once seen, will not be forgotten. Take it now to the microscope, and, with a low power, first look at one of the coloured segments of the corolla. Press it # lightly in a drop of water under a bit of glass, and you will then see that the edge of the petal is fringed with little bell-like glands, purple and white, and that hues of deeper colour radiate from the base of the petal. Put on a higher power, and you will find these are exquisite spiral vessels; not one only, but many in each line, short, and joined to each other by a delicate dove- tailing process. Think of the mechanism in that one small leaf, and those little oil cells fringing it so prettily, doubtless for use as well as beauty. Then take off one stamen and look at it in the same way. Half-way up the slender white stem are purple hairs, each jointed and like a row of tiny amethysts : above is the heart-shaped anther, with its golden store of pollen-grains, out of each of which will flow the life-giving germ to the future seed. Take the style and stigma, and examine them next; you will not soon be weary of the sight. Most likely you will find some pollen-grains upon the stigma throwing down their tubes invisibly ; for this is only seen with a high power, and by making a very thin section of a short style, such as that of a Cistus, or a Chickweed. After such an examination, that little flower will never be seen with the same careless eye which for years had passed it by unheeded, because unconscious of its beauty. SPIRAL FIBRE. Many specimens of these are sold prepared for the microscope, especially the following : — Spiral cells of Oncidium, Spiral cells of Sphagnum, Spiral vessels of Collomia, Scalariform vessels. Spiral fibre from Balsam, They require some little explanation. We have already seen, in the examination of cuticles and flower-stems, that SPIRAL CELLS OF BALSAM. 19 plants are made up of cells containing various substances, as starch, crystals, oil, or wax. These were for the nourishment of the plant ; but here are cells which are supposed to assist in the circulation of air and moisture throughout the system. Some of them strikingly resemble the trachea of insects, and seem to communicate with the stomata as the trachea do with the spiracles. SPIRAL CELLS OF ONCIDIUM. These beautiful little cells are obtained by macerating the pulp of those leaves which contain them, separating them with a fine sable brush, or mounted needle. The Oncidium is an orchis, a native of Peru, Mexico, and the West Indian Islands ; cultivated in hot-houses in England. They are curious and beautiful plants, with spotted yellow or jmrple and white flowers, one species much resembling a gorgeous butterfly. In all these plants the spiral cells abound immediately under the cuticle, and, viewed with polarized light, they resemble coils of coloured wire. SPIRAL VESSELS OF COLLOMIA. These fibre-cells are in the cuticle of the seed, and the examination of them is so easily made, that it is well worth doing. The cells which contain the fibre are in this instance so delicate, that a drop of water causes them to break, and the coil unrolls, shooting forth in long tubes, with an appearance of life as they spring across the field of sight. To see this, take a seed of Collomia, and cutting off a very small piece of its skin, place it with a drop of water on a slide under the thin glass, when you will perceive the fibre uncoiling in all directions. The Collomia is a native of America, but naturalised in our gardens, where it grows like a weed, having pretty buff or pink- coloured flowers, covered with glandular hairs. SPIRAL CELLS OF BALSAM. These are from the common Balsam of our garden, and show the bundles of long cells made up of spiral fibre, which often break and pass into annular fibre: you may perceive some of these in detached rings. These cells contain air, and are those which most resemble the trachea of insects. Those of the Leek are also very remarkable, c2 20 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. and the common garden Khubarb will furnish, you with abundant specimens. Take a little boiled Rhubarb, and pick it to pieces with a mounted needle in a little water, when bundles of spiral vessels will easily be found. SPIRAL CELLS OP SPHAGNUM. Sphagnum is a moss growing in marshy places, and its leaf shows a beautiful arrangement of spiral fibre in its large oval cells, whilst in the smaller ones you will see the granules of chlorophylle which colour the leaf. SCALARIFORM VESSELS, so called because they resemble the steps of a ladder, are peculiar to ferns and to asparagus. They are secondary deposits on the cell wall, and somewhat of the nature of spiral fibre. Under polarized light, they are very beautiful. When you pull up a common Bracken, or Fern, and cut the root across, the brown figure you see, called King Charles in the Oak, is made up of these scalariform vessels. They are very troublesome to prepare, but this is the easiest way that I know of: — Cut up the root and boil it until tender enough to peel ; put the centre part into a jam-pot with water and a little nitric acid; let it stand in boiling water for some hours, then pick the long white fibres carefully out, wash them in boiling water over and over again until perfectly clean and clear, which is only ascertained by examination under the microscope, then mount them in fluid or in balsam. If in balsam, dry them well first. POLLEN. POLLEN OF MALLOW. A beautiful object viewed as an opaque — more lovely far when taken fresh from the flower, and looked at upon one of its own crimson leaves, or the petal of a Geranium. It cannot be worthily described : rest not until you have seen it ; and also the POLLEN OF HOLLYHOCK, which is like it, only the golden grains are larger, and perhaps more easily preserved. I usually take a por- POLLEN OF OENOTHERA. 21 tion of the stamen, studded with the spiked globular grains, and dry them on a scarlet petal of the flower ; but they are well seen on a black ground, simply mounted, when dry, between two pieces of glass. POLLEN OF PASSION-FLOWER. These are not spiked, but have three plain valves and a reticulated cuticle. POLLEN OF OENOTHERA, curiously triangular, with pores at each corner. Pollen is always better observed fresh from the plant. The variety in shape and .structure is very great ; the interest will be unfailing in the examination of it, the deeper we go into the mysteries of plant-life. This golden dust, which, to the unassisted eye, is all alike in every flower, is fashioned with the most elaborate care for its great purpose, and sculptured with that ex- quisite finish which all creation bears as the signature of the gracious God who made all things well. This golden dust, contained by every flower in the few or many stamens which are the caskets of its wealth, is the fructifying principle which causes the seed to become fruitful, and without which no reproduction of a plant' could continue, as it does, from age to age. The purpose of this book being chiefly to explain the objects before us, I will not say more of the pollen-grain than that it must be examined both as a transparent object, with a drop of water or oil of lemon, and dry, as an opaque. Particularly observe the blue pollen of Epilo- bium ; the red pollen of Verbascum ; the black pollen of the Tulip ; the varied forms in the following flowers : — Cucumber Crocus Cactus Cruciferae Collomia Campanula Cobea Scandens Composite Geranium Heath Daisy London Pride Saxifrage Violet Oenothera Passion flower Lupin Acacia 22 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. A FEW WORDS MORE ON THE POLLEN. As I lay aside these slides, and desire you to seek for varieties of pollen in the fresh sweet flowers around, the thought arises that some who read thus far may wish to know a little more of the structure of the flower they gather, and the pollen they examine ; else the microscope lesson loses half its value, and the student more than half his pleasure. If it is possible, read some better book — Lindley's works, or Balfour's " Botany," where all is told, and illustrated by plates ; but if you cannot do this, then gather a flower and examine it thus : a Chickweed will be easily obtained, and is the best for a microscope lesson. The organs of generation in flowers are the stamens and the instil : the stamens varying in number from two to upwards of twenty ; and the pistil, which occupies the centre of the flower, having from one to many styles, the upper part of which is called the stigma. The base of the pistil, which is swollen and round, is the ovary. Cut it open with a penknife or lancet, and you will see tiny white cells on either side, which are the rudiments or beginning of the future seed. The pollen fructifies each seed whilst grow- ing in the ovary, and the way in which it is accomplished has only of late years been discovered. The stamens are filaments bearing at the top single or double caskets, called anthers, full of pollen-grains. When a flower first opens the anthers are closed all round ; but as soon as the air and the light have perfected the pistil and caused it to secrete a kind of gum, or viscid liquid, on the surface of its stigma, intended to hold fast the pollen-grain, the anthers open and the golden dust appears, falling on the ready channel which conveys it to the ovary beneath. The pollen-grain itself is not a simple cell, as we might at first suppose : minute as it is, there are many cells therein, and a subtle fluid, called fovilla, which is in reality the life- giving principle to the ovule. When a pollen-grain falls upon the stigma it presently opens one of its pores, and sends forth a tube more or less long, which descends through the tissues of the style, enters the ovary, reaches a tiny ovule, and pours into it the fovilla ; which fovilla forms the embryo or future plant that is preserved and nourished in the seed. POLLEN-TUBES. 23 Take a little pollen from a Cucumber plant or Passion- flower, and when it is fairly under the microscope, covered with thin glass, let a drop of water run in. The moisture is absorbed by the pollen-grain, and it throws out a tube and discharges the fovilla. It goes off like a little cannon, a cloud of fovilla waving on the slide. The quantity of pollen in a flower is astonishing. A flower of the Peony, for instance, has about 174 stamina, each containing 21,000 granules, — total 3, 654,000 pollen-grains. A single Dandelion has 243,000 pollen-grains. The contents of one anther are quite sufficient for the fructification of all the ovules ; but the superabundance is not wasted, for thousands of insects live on the golden store, and the busy bee fills her baskets hourly with these pretty cakes for her nurslings. POLLEN-TUBES. To see the actual pollen-tubes in their passage down the style is a more difficult matter ; nevertheless, with care and a good glass it may be managed. Put on the ^--inch and choose a flower with a very stout style, — a Cistus or this Chickweed ; the flower must have just faded, then you may be sure the ovules are fructified. With a sharp razor make a very thin section of the pistil, and lift it with a fine sable brush on to a slide in a drop of water, and cover as usual with thin glass ; focus carefully, have good light, and you will see the pollen -tubes actually descend- ing the tissue of the style. Now we are considering a great mystery. We see how varied are the lengths of styles and pistils, yet shorter or longer the pollen-tube stops not until it reaches the ovary, and when there, amidst the many rows of ovules, in many positions, it has to seek the one spot in each ovule by which alone it can enter, and there, and there only, it rests. Perhaps all but one have been fertilized and are closed — it seeks that one and perfects the work. Thus we see the all-directing, all-sustaining, life-giving power of the Omnipresent One ; we see His presence in the tiniest flower. He alone knoweth how this may be, — we only see that it is so ; and reverently let us ever search into the mysteries of creation, and find new and deep delight in 24 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. these revelations of His secret order, wisdom and care for the preservation even of the flower of the field. STAMENS. The shapes of stamens are also to be noticed. Some open lengthwise, some across; some have valves like folding doors, flying upward, as in the laurel tribe. The anthers of the barberry are on jointed filaments, which are exceedingly irritable, and, if touched by the smallest insect, spring up and scatter the pollen on the pistil. Euphorbia, or spurge, — a common weed in every gar- den, — has a pistil which hangs outward and downward, apparently out of reach of the pollen. The anthers rise up and shoot it out like little guns, one after the other, at the stigma of the flower. Nettles also have beautiful elastic filaments for scattering the pollen on the pistil, which is in a separate flower. Many plants have these organs thus separated, but pro- vision is ever made for their union, as in the case of our cucumbers, where bees and flies carry the pollen from one flower to the other. SEEDS. Having said a little on the beginning of the seed in the ovary, we shall be prepared to look at the seeds them- selves with greater interest. Here also we have an end- less variety of beautiful microscopic objects: — POPPY SEEDS, viewed as opaque objects, show a reticulated surface ; SWEET-WILLIAM SEEDS, oblong and dotted ; SILENE, OR STELLARIA, beautifully fretted and sculptured — Foxglove St. John's Wort Saxifrage Geranium Anagallis mm Portulacca Passion flower Begonia Scrophularia Hyoscyamus. ECCREMOCARPUS OR CALAMPELIS SEED. 25 Look at all these ; and, above all, get a prepared slide of the exquisite ORCHIS SEEDS. They are like little net-purses, with the seed in them : the loose net is the skin or cuticle of the seed. ECCREMOCARPUS OR CALAMPELIS SEED. This winged seed is a splendid object for the polariscope. The Eccremocarpus, a beautiful creeper, with large bright- coloured, trumpet- shaped flowers, is a native of the tropics. 26 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. CHAPTER II. SECTIONS OF WOOD. The use of these sections is to show the structure of the stem of plants, and the difference between the two great divisions of the vegetable world into endogens and exogens. An endogen is a plant which has long straight-veined leaves like a Palm, a Cane, a Lily, Iris, Daffodil, and all the grasses. The flowers are usually divided into three, or a multiple of three ; the embryo has only one seed-lobe, or cotyledon, and the stem is like the section of RUSCUS, or Butcher's-broom, a common shrub in waste and watery places, with very rigid dark-green leaves, tipped by a sharp spine : it blossoms in April, but is chiefly admired for its large scarlet autumn berries, one in the axil of each leaf. This pretty section, — apparently a fine lace- pattern, — shows the structure of an endogenous tree : it grows from within, and is composed of a dense mass of simple cells, in the midst of which, in varied patterns, run upwards bundles of denser cells called " fibro- vascular ;" and each bundle has one or more ducts, best seen per- haps in a section of whanghae cane. Sometimes the centre cells disappear and leave the stem hollow, as in the grasses and many of the water plants. Compare now this slide, and also a section of ASPARAGUS, with that of the Hazel or Apple. SECTION OF HAZEL. Here we see very distinct organisation on quite a different plan. The exogen has veined and reticulated leaves ; the seeds have two lobes, or cotyledons ; the flowers are arranged in four or five. The wood grows by the addition SECTION OF YEW. 27 of cells, in circles, to the exterior of that last formed, and we see distinctly the open cells of the pith in the centre ; the medullary rays running from the centre to the bark at intervals, with sap-vessels and cellular tissue in circles, as they were added on. CEDAR OF LEBANON, a firm, dense wood ; the cells are very minute, the circles very distinct ; each circle is a year's growth, and the medullary rays are very fine and numerous, radiating from the centre. Those dark bands forming the circles are made up of vascular tissue, or woody fibre, composed of long pointed cells, which overlap one another, and deposit internally a strengthening wall of a substance called scleragen, which is most abundant where not only density but great power of resistance is required. When young, these woody fibres conduct the sap with facility through both stem and branches, especially of the fir tribe ; but after they are thickened they only afford support, and become what carpenter's call "heart-wood." The sap- vessels of trees are those nearest to th* bark, which makes the barking of trees so dangerous to their life. SECTION OF PINE. Look next at this section, because it shows some pecu- liar dots on that same woody fibre, called glandular dots, and which are remarkable as belonging to that tribe, and also at one of the yew tree (Taxus). SECTION OF YEW. In this section, if vertical, there is a beautiful com- bination of spiral fibre with coniferous pits. These pitted structures require explanation, especially as those of the pine or common deal are used as tests of the defining power of the object glass. The pits in coniferous wood are surrounded by a broad rim. The origin of the pitted cell is in the unequal deposit of secondary matter inside the cell wall. Always remember- ing that a young cell is a simple sac of a single membrane, which, containing a certain fluid, is capable of secreting various substances, curiously separated from, or combined 28 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. with, the various gases and inorganic matter which form the soil in which it grows. These secretions are nsed for strengthening the cell walls as the young plant springs upward ; therefore, if the deposit inside the cell is uneven, it causes marks on the cell wall ; if the cell grows faster than the supply of deposit, the markings are spiral or arched, or waved, or dotted ; and these are best observed by comparing different cells from fresh plants. The anther of the vegetable marrow, if peeled and then examined with a drop of water, will give beautiful cells of arched fibre. But, to continue with this slide, — these pits are at first only dots in the secondary deposit ; then as the cell thickens these pits deepen, the primary membrane breaks, and they become channels from cell to cell,- as you may see in a section of vegetable ivory, where you perceive radiations from each cell, which are, in fact, these deep pits, and in a vertical section would look like the pitted cells of Fir, or Clematis, or Lime- wood, or Lauras sassafras, and many others. VEGETABLE IVORY. Vegetable ivory is the seed of a palm catted Phytelephas macrocarpa, and is composed of a large round mass of bony albumen, in which a small embryo is imbedded. Slices of this ivory-like albumen, placed under the micro- scope, affords very beautiful examples of these thickened cells. FOSSIL CONIFEROUS WOOD. Fossil coniferous wood, which is wood converted into lignite, or a kind of coal, when the vegetable matter is almost entirely removed and replaced by silex (flint), pre- serving all the peculiarities of structure. This fossil wood, from Tasmania, will show the pitted ducts, which prove it to be one of the Conifers, or family of firs. Always add to your collection sections of PINE WOOD, vertical, horizontal, and tangential. SECTION OF COCOA NUT. This is to give an example of thickened cells into very consolidated woody tissue. DICRANUM, FUNARIA, ETC. 29 SECTION OF COB NUT. The cob nut, or hog nut, is the seed of a plant (Omphalea,) belonging to the natural order of Euphorbiacea, native of Jamaica. SECTION OF SNAKE-WOOD. This is the wood of a plant called Ophioxylon,* from its twiste*d root and stem, resembling a serpent. It is found in the East Indies, sometimes as a climbing plant, bearing bright red and white flowers ; sometimes as a small shrub, the root of which is a famous nostrum with the native physicians. MOSS. SLIDES OF DICRANUM, FUNARIA, ETC., ETC. There is no season without its beautiful symbols of God's power and love, His wisdom and forethought. Spring flowers fade away ; the summer foliage withers and falls from the trees ; the autumn soon loses its crown and the last of its flowers : but hardly have the lingering Dandelion and little Daisy left us than on every old wall and knotted trunk we find, in rich profusion and variety, the capsules or seed-vessels of the pretty moss. They are our little way-side friends, — we often gather their trailing stems and leafy sprigs ; but few persons, comparatively speaking, pause to examine their exquisite seed-vessels ; therefore a few mounted specimens will be of great value in the collection for our microscope. Before I describe the growth of a moss or the slides before us, it is necessary to learn the several parts of its fructification, and, if possible, to procure specimens of each of them. A moss is a flowerless plant ; the fruit or seed-vessel is the only visible organ of reproduction, and consists of — The capsule, or urn-like body, which contains the spores. The operculum, or lid of the capsule, which shuts in the spores until they require light and air. The calyptra, or veil, which protects the young capsule. * Ophiloxylon, from o^)is, a serpent, and £vXov, wood ; because it has a twisted root and stem. 30 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. The peristome, or mouth of the capsule, which in most of the mosses is set round with a single or double row of teeth, such as you see in Dicranum or Bryum, and which are curiously regular in their number, varying from four to sixty-four, but always a multiple of four. Remark this in any you may examine ; there will be four or eight, sixteen or thirty-two, and one variety (Polytrichum,) has sixty-four ; but there will be no odd number. The inner peristome, or cilia, a fringe of delicate inner teeth, often rising like a cone in the centre of the capsule, pale yellow, or pure white, whereas the outer row is usually crimson or brown. The columella is a column in the middle of the cap- sule, round which the spores cluster, and which you will only see by carefully dividing an unripe capsule length- wise, making a thin section, and looking at it with a drop of water under a low power, when it will delight you. The growth of a little moss is so interesting that we shall do well to watch it in our winter walks, from Novem- ber to April. Botanists are not yet quite agreed about the green filaments, which are the first appearance of fructification, and whose different cells contain the germs of the future moss. They are called antheridia and pistillidia, analogous to the stamens and pistils of a flower, but very different in their structure and action. Read the chapter on the structure and reproduction of moss in " Carpenter on the Microscope ; " or, better still, read Hooker and Taylor's 11 Bryologia Britannica." i The part that we can daily observe with a simple pocket lens is this : The little capsule rises from its mossy stem wrapped in a delicate leaf, which breaks from its stalk, and is carried upwards in the growth of the tender bud it is to protect from the winter cold. This leaf forms the calyptra before described, and varies in colour, form, and substance : on some species of moss it is quite transparent, of bright green or pale yellow ; on some it is hairy and thick. By-and-bye the calyptra falls off, — splits up the side, or comes off whole, — and then the capsule is seen, wholly formed, but closed by its lid or operculum. This also varies much in form and colour ; sometimes, as in SLIDES OF DICRANUM, ETC. 31 the tiny Weissia on stone walls, it is bright apple-green, tipped with scarlet or crimson, very beautiful to look upon even thus ; but none could guess at the exceeding loveli- ness concealed beneath this pretty lid, nor without a microscope could we see further into its mysteries. If we take an unripe moss and divide it, we perceive the spores clustering round the columella, and growing in warmth and security within the closed capsule. But an appointed time comes, and then the operculum opens, falls back, and we see the peristome surrounded with a double or single row of teeth, — four, sixteen, thirty-two, or sixty- four, always an even number and multiple of four, as I have before observed, — the outer row rich crimson or brown, and the inner cilia pure white or pale yellow, forming an exquisite network as they bend protectingly over the mouth of the capsule, allowing the imprisoned spores both light and air, yet saving them from cold and wet, and tiny insects, until they are perfected and ripe for dispersion. When their work is accomplished the cilia opens, the little teeth unclose, and the spores fall to the ground, or are borne upon the winds hither and thither, to vegetate wheresoever it pleaseth God that they shall grow. All this care hath He taken of the spores of a tiny moss ! Yes ; and these mosses occupy no unimportant position in the economy of nature. They are, with lichens and fungi, called servi, or servants, because they are the earliest forms of vegetable life, and prepare the soil for higher plants. In the most desolate regions, in the coldest climate, the little moss is found. This very Dicranum, at least its species Dicranum bryoides, was once the friend of the great traveller, Mungo Park. He was bewildered in a desert, and, over-weary even unto death, had laid himself down despairingly to die. As he did so, a little Dicranum caught his eye ; the sight of its beauty touched him, the thought of God's care for it awakened the better thought of — " If God so cares for the grass of the field, which to- day is and to-morrow is not, does He not much more care for me?" He rose up, tried once more to find his way, and was saved. Mosses abound everywhere ; they fill even the rank bogs, and form rich mould for the aristocrats of creation ; they 32 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. cluster round the wild flowers, and protect them in their earliest state from cold and injury. Servants of creation, servants of God, they fill their appointed place, and do their Maker's will, beautiful in their lowliness as the state- liest oak of the forest. THE DICRANUM is found from November to April, in hedges on clay banks. FUNARIA HYGROMETRICA is to be viewed as an opaque object. The crimson peristome of twisted teeth and the white cilia gathered into a silvery knob in the centre is one of the loveliest objects we can look at. They are best gathered fresh, and all the winter long we find them on walls and hi hedges, or waste places, especially wherever wood has been burnt, or near railway stations. The leaves of mosses are made up of cellular tissue, and in a young leaf of Funaria we see the chlorophylle grains very distinctly. They want no preparation beyond placing under thin glass with a drop of water. The capsules of Dicranum and Weissia are better mounted in balsam ; and Funaria is best seen when simply gummed on a circle of black paper and protected by a cell of card- board and thin glass. There are upwards of forty genera and a thousand species of moss, of which 39 genera and 300 species are found in Great Britain. SPORE-CASES OF FERN. The fructification of ferns affords a great variety of micro- scopic objects, though we rarely find any but the spore-cases of the common Polypodium mounted in this way ; there- fore, after looking at the slide, we should by all means collect and examine as many varieties of fern as we can, not only for the shape of the thecas, as these little cases are called, but for their position on the frond. This Polypodium is a most common fern, growing upon old walls and hedgerows, and the round yellow spots on the underside of the frond are masses of these spore-cases called sori. SP0RE-CA6ES OF FERN. 33 Observe that each theca is clasped by an elastic ring or band, called the annulus, and the spores are kept safely during their growth, as in a golden casket ; but, as soon as they are fit for dispersion, the membrane which encloses them breaks, and the elastic band is seen with an empty little cup at each end. The spores themselves resemble pollen-grains, and are very prettily marked ; but will require a higher power, and had better be examined from a fresh frond, with a drop of water, or a drop of oil of lemon, which is an excellent assistant in the observation of pollen and spores of all kinds. The great profusion of these organs of reproduction is astonishing. If we take a leaf or frond of the common Hart's -tongue ( ' Scolopendrium), and count those brown lines on the under-side, which are the sori, we find at least fifty in a good-sized frond ; in each sorus 4,000 of these tiny thecal, sometimes 6,000 ; and the theca? themselves enclose about fifty spores : thus we shall find that a single leaf of the plant may give rise to no fewer than ten millions of young ferns. An interesting experiment may be made to learn the growth of a fern, by simply shaking some ripe spores on a saucerful of fine mould, covering it with a bell-glass or tumbler, and keeping it moist, warm and shaded. In a short time a thin green film will spread over the soil, which take up carefully on the point of a lancet, and examine under the microscope. The little spore first becomes swollen, angular, and bursts, throwing out a fine rootlet, which fixes in the soil and draws in nourishment. Then a number of delicate transparent cells are formed from the mother-cell in the spore, making a little green scale, which as it expands throws out many fibres or root- lets on the under side. The wonderful part is that this tiny green scale produces two kinds of cells, which fructify each other, as do the stamens and pistil of flowering plants. One set of cells, called antheridia, contain most curious spiral filaments, which move spontaneously, and wheel round and round until the cell breaks, and they escape to enter into the other kind of cells, called archegonta, or germ-cells, from which the real stem of the future fern D 34 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. is produced. This is difficult to watch, and it requires a power of 300 diameters to see these moving filaments, called antherozoides ; but the development of the little fern is in itself worth seeing and mounting for the micro- scope in its several stages. Ferns are amongst the flowerless plants, — very numerous, very useful ; not fewer than 2,000 species inhabit various parts of the world, from the tall Tree-fern of the tropics, more than fifty feet high, to the humble Spleenwort (Asplenium ruta-mnraria) which haunts our ruined walls. Their claim to usefulness rests on their medicinal pro- perties ; the thick mucilage from Adiantum capillus veneris being a famous cough nostrum ; a decoction of Polypodium is taken as an anti-rheumatic and sudorific beverage ; Osmunda regalis is given to ricketty children as a tonic ; and others are used as styptics and purgatives. The roots, when roasted and peeled, are eaten by the natives of New Zealand as we eat bread. Moore's "Handbook of British Ferns" is a most useful companion in a country walk, to assist us in recog- nising the different species. ELATERS OP EQUISETUM. This slide is useful chiefly in directing attention to the plant from which the elaters are taken, and as leading the student to an interesting experiment. The Equisetacese, or Horsetails, are leafless plants found on moist ground, in ditches and rivers, with whorls of long slender branches, and a hollow stem which gives the micro- scopist a very beautiful siliceous cuticle with stomata. The fructification is found in the Spring : a fertile scaly head rises from the earth, having circles round it of shield-like discs, beneath which the spore-cases and these spores, which then appear only as a fine green dust, lie concealed. Shake a little of the dust on a slide of glass, and innu- merable small bodies will be seen, each with four elastic filaments clasping and unclasping them in quick motion for several minutes. If dry and motionless, by lightly breathing on them the action will be repeated. These are the elaters of the Equisetum, and the mechanism by which the spores are dispersed. JUNGERMANNIA BIDENTATA. 35 ELATERS OF JUNGERMANNIA. Jtmgermannia, or Scale-moss, is a plant of lower rank in the vegetable world than the true moss, such as Dicra- num or Funaria. The elaters which are here mounted belong to that species called Jungermannia dilatata, which creeps over the bark of trees, and tints the trunk of an old elm or oak with a rich brown or crimson ; here and there a patch of this scaly plant encrusting the rugged surface, and requiring the aid of a pocket lens to see its fructification. Any time from November to March look closely at one of these dark masses, and you will see dotted over it tiny globes, white as of frosted silver, rising on a slender stem, and perhaps great numbers of exceedingly minute fawn- coloured flowers. If you gather one and examine it with a good glass, small tufts of spiral fibre will be seen on each segment of what seems to be a flower — these are the elaters. Now this is not a flower, but a simple spore-case. The little white globe before noticed splits into four valves, and these elaters of spiral fibre uncoil with a spring and scatter the ripe spores. There are seventy species of British Jungermannia, which have been admirably described and delineated by Sir William Hooker. We can find several of them in our country walks anywhere, and the leaves of cellular tissue are particularly worthy of observa- tion under the microscope. JUNGERMANNIA BIDENTATA. This is an example of the delicate toothed leaves of one species. We find another, Jungermannia furcata, very commonly on the same tree as J. dilatata ; it. has a narrow green frond forked at the extremity, and on the underside we may see the anthers, or antheridia, the male organs of the plant. They are small green globules, which cannot be properly observed without a microscope. The elaters are best seen when mounted in balsam ; the leaves either dry or in glycerine. d 2 36 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. FUNGI. SLIDE OF PUCCINIA, OR PHRAGMIDIUM. Before we appreciate this apparently simple object, it is needful to learn something of the vast extent and variety of the family to which it belongs ; but the limits of this catalogue will not allow of more than a very brief state- ment of necessary information. The Fungi are plants of low organization, of which the highest in rank is the common Mushroom, the lowest that fine mould or tiny spot which we find on dead leaves or decaying wood, or as a film upon our preserves, or a tiny forest on our stale paste. Everywhere, in short, we may gather specimens of fungi, and find beautiful life in death under the revealing power of our microscope. Few of them are at present mounted for the student, but this species may always be obtained ; it is a fungus parasitic on the Rose-tree. The Puccinia is a mildew which infests the straw of Wheat, the leaves of Roses, Blackberry, Potentilla, Box and Ground-ivy. We merely see small black spots, usually surrounded by a circle of orange-coloured cells, which if we scrape off and soak for a minute either in turpentine or diluted nitric acid, each particle of black dust (for it appears nothing more to the naked eye) is found to be a pear- shaped seed-vessel, divided into compartments containing spores. This Puccinia of the Rose or Blackberry has from five to seven compartments, or spore-chambers, and is the best specimen to collect for observation. Some botanists call it Phragmidium. If you wish to see the actual escape of the spore, scrape the fungus from the leaf, and let it soak in a little alcohol on the slide to disperse the air. Before the spirit has quite evaporated, add a drop of nitric acid under the thin glass cover, and warm it over a spirit-lamp, press the glass gently, and in all probability the inner cell of the spore - case will come out, enclosing the spore itself. To see the germination of Puccinia, you have only to scatter some of these spore-cases in the Spring on some moist flannel, or on a floating piece of cork, when they will UREDO, OR .ECIDIUM. 37 presently throw out long colourless filaments, at the end of which three or four septa will be seen filled with orange - coloured endochrome or pulp of granular matter ; then a spicule will rise on each septa, and expand into a globular head, into which the orange-coloured matter will pass, and these eventually fall off and begin to germinate on their own account. The spores of fungi, being light and excessively minute, float in the air, enter plants through the stomata, and germinate in the cell beneath. BLIGHT OF WHEAT (SMUT). This is a fungus of globular form, black and powdery, covering the young ears of corn like a coating of soot. It is called TJredo segetum. The spores are so exceed- ingly minute, that upwards of seven millions eight hundred and forty thousand of them would be required to cover a square inch of surface. UREDO FOETIDA, OR BUNT, is another species, also blighting the wheat, but found in the grain, which looks dark, though otherwise like the sound wheat, until it is crushed, when a foetid black powder is seen, the spores of which are larger than those of the smut. Nevertheless, each grain contains four millions of them. They are of an oily nature, so that they stick to the healthy grains, and, if sown with them, infect the next crop ; therefore farmers dress their wheat with potash to destroy this fungus. UREDO, OR ^CIDIUM. I mention this, although few specimens are mounted, because it is met with abundantly throughout the Autumn and Winter on the underside of the Coltsfoot leaf, on Spurge in our gardens, on the twigs of Fir-trees, and on almost every garden vegetable. These yellow spots on leaf or stem are beautiful microscopic objects. The orange -coloured spores form under the cuticle, which breaks sometimes like a cup, or coronet, full of golden dust, that is most interesting to the observer. I will only add that there are 4,000 species of fungi, 38 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. most of which are parasitic on plants and animals. The human body is also subject to their growth, — the internal parts, as well as the bulb of the hair, the tongue and palate. The tartar of our teeth is partly a fungus, and so is the thrush in infants. We can find a rich store of curious and beautiful forms on every dying leaf or decaying stem. Examine the mould on paste or jam ; the Puccinia on Rose-trees, Beans, Blackberries ; the iEcidiuni, growing in bright red spots, on Gooseberry and Barberry leaves in June and July ; also on the white film on leaves of the garden pea. iEcidium is called erysiphe, and has little spore-cases dotted over it. So also on the leaves of the willow, a lovely little erysiphe, each black dot fringed with hooked filaments. These will give some idea of the variety of fungi, and their invisible and unknown beauty. Look over Greville's work on the Fungi, and Mrs. Hussey on the Fungi; or get at Bulliard's fine old book on Microscopic Fungi, when your winter walks will abound with hitherto un- dreamt-of objects of delight. INFUSORIAL EARTHS. 39 CHAPTER III. INFUSORIAL EARTHS. These slides, which require high power and a good micro- scope to examine, consist of specimens of Diatomacese from different parts of the world. Their value is in proportion to the knowledge of their possessor concerning the Diato- maceaB generally and particularly. The Diatomaceai are minute vegetable forms, called also " brittleworts," from the almost unavoidable separation of their cells or frustules in handling them. Long have they caused disputes as to their animal or vegetable nature. Very eminent natu- ralists, such as Ehrenberg, seeing them gifted with spon- taneous motion,- — the little golden Navicular sailing slowly across the field of vision, apparently turning back when meeting with an obstacle, or whirling gently round as if by their own will, — decided that they were surely animal, and classed them with the Infusoria, which are microscopic animals, found in salt and fresh water. But later re- searches and patient investigation have placed beyond doubt the vegetable nature of these beautiful creations, to whose variety there appears no limit. As the wondering astronomer discovers the infinite worlds revealed in unfathomed space, and sees star after star arise in countless myriads within the dim and distant nebulae, — as his mind bows down overwhelmed by the sense of the omnipotent Creator's dominion and guidance of all those glorious orbs, — even so the microscopist bends in astonished awe before the infinitude of God's works in the uncountable varieties and exquisite beauty of the minute Diatoms. Bilin Slate. — Wherefore are they thus highly wrought, and why in such abundance ? Take up that slide of Bilin slate and know that in one single cubic inch 40,000 millions of these delicate forms are found ! Richmond. — Look at the earth from Richmond — it is a very small quantity of a marine deposit — eighteen feet 40 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. deep, underlying the whole city of Richmond, U.S., and extending over an area whose limits are not known. Algiers, Oran. — Observe the beautiful discs in that slide of earth from Algiers. Use the highest power that the art of man has yet constructed, and hardly will you see all the beauty which the finger of our God has traced on the circular valves of these little Diatoms, called Coscinodiscus, Actinocyclus, Arachnoidiscus, or Heliopelta. These names sound hard and perplexing to beginners, but they are full of meaning' to any one acquainted with Greek ; and there is this great advantage in such nomenclature — that it is understood alike by scholars of all nations. The difficulty of scientific names lies not in the names themselves, so much as in our deficient education, which wastes the time and the intellect of young ladies in acquiring accomplishments and modern languages without the solid foundation of Latin and Greek, which is acknowledged to be essential for men. These discs, and some others most commonly mounted as objects for the microscope, will be explained presently ; it is necessary previously to say somewhat more of the Diatomaceas generally. And, first : They are now decidedly placed in the vege- table kingdom. They are found to consist of simple cells, whose membrane is so thoroughly impregnated with silex (flint) that it is indestructible by those powerful acids or by such heat as would totally destroy a simple cell-mem- brane. They consist always of two valves united at the edges, like a bivalve shell, and containing endochrome, like the plant cell ; sometimes oil globules, and a granular substance which has been seen to circulate within. For a proper understanding of this read " Carpenter on the Microscope ;" " Smith on British Diatomacea;" " Prichard's Infusoria ; " Annals of Natural History, 1843 and 1848 ;" " Microscopic Journal, 1854." The markings upon the valves, and their shape and position, are the distinguishing characters which decide the species. They are found in the living state abundantly in every pond and ditch, ocean and rock-pool. They are in immense deposits in every part of the world. A mud-bank, 400 miles long and 120 broad, has been found on the flanks of NAVICULA HirPOCAMPA. 41 Victoria Land, wholly composed of these siliceous valves, or loricae. In Sweden and Norway they are used under the name of bergh-mehl, and mixed with the flour for bread. In the masses of guano these imperishable Diatpms are found in profusion, having been eaten by shell-fish, re- swallowed by the sea-bird, and passed through its diges- tive organs, to re-appear unharmed, in all their beauty, as you may see them on the slides sold as " discs from guano." DIATOMS OF GUANO. It is not possible to catalogue the contents of the slides sold as infusorial earths from various parts, because every slide has a different collection, and the student should carefully study each slide, and learn its contents, with the help of such a book as " Prichard's Infusoria." The earths from the following places contain some of the most beautiful forms :- Algiers Mull Lapland Bilin Gossa Italy Barbadoes Aiuergne Richmond (discs) Bangor New Durham Obero Habichtswald Tullamore Lock Mourne Premoray Wreatham NAVICUL^E. Virginia (discs) Piscataway Manchester Rappenhamia Shoekhoe Rugen Slieve Mor Hills Bermuda (discs) Some Diatomacea?, however, are mounted separately, either as test objects, from their delicate stria?, or for their peculiar markings ; and none more frequently so than the NariculaB, of which Navicula hippocampa, or Pleuro- sigma aigulatum, are favourite examples. NAVICULA HIPPOCAMPA. The Kaviculse comprise the largest section of the whole body of caatoms, and vary very much in form and markings, but the genus Navicular itself is so called from its resem- blance to a boat or little ship (Ncu'cr, a ship). They are found, both in the living and fossil state, of a bright golden colour, th& valves delicately striated, with or without a 42 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. central aperture. Some are striped longitudinally ; some transversely ; some waved or shaped like the letter S, as PLEUROSIGMA, in which the apparent striae are resolvable into hexagonal dots under a high power. These Navicular all multiply by division and conjugation, as do the diatoms generally, which cannot be explained without plates, and the student must refer to the works already mentioned. MELOSEIRA, From melos (a member), and seira (a chain), is found on marine algae, a composite plant of many frustules, joined together by siliceous hoops. MELOSEIRA BORRERI. No student should be without a slide of Meloseira, because it is a diatom very likely to be mistaken under a low power for a mass of confervas. In fact, it has been misunderstood even by eminent naturalists. Agardh, the Swedish botanist, found and classed it with the fresh-water algae ; Ehrenberg examined and removed it into the animal kingdom, under the name of Gallionella ; anc now it is replaced in the vegetable world as a diatom, its siliceous lorica being quite ascertained, and many beautiful species found both in salt and fresh water. If possible, obtain a specimen of Meloseira sub-Jlexilis, which is found off Friburg ; or Meloseira nummulites, found in the Baltic Sea ; but meanwhile observe this M. Borreri, which is abundant on marine algae. You see a mass of bead-like filaments, which towards the edge is better seen aid with a high power. The frustules, or valves, are quite appa- rent — cylindrical, round at the edges, and with a strongly - marked central line. Some of the frustules are larger than others ; in these most likely the process of self-eonjuga- tion has begun. ACHNANTHES LOXGIPES, From achne (chaff or down), and anthos (a flowa-). These now scattered frustules were connected in life by a stem, and the upper and lower frustules hid different LICMOrilORA. 43 markings. You may observe that some have a transverse line, forming a cross upon the valve ; this is one of the lower frustules. Achnanthes are common in sea- water, attached to alga?. There are several species, — some fossil, others found in fresh-water ; but this is the most beautiful. SYNEDRA ULNA, From sunedra (a sitting together), are common in fresh-water, sitting together in groups of golden wands, striated and open at the ends, which in age dilate, and three obtuse teeth are visible, with openings between them. These often occur in such numbers as quite to encrust the conferva?, or the stones in ponds and rivers. We need but to take a very little of the brown-looking vegetation which we find on the walls of wells or horse- troughs, or quiet ponds, and, placing it on a slip of glass, with a drop of water, cover with another piece of thin glass, to see many of these living microscopic plants. BACILLARLE. From baculus (a staff). These are much shorter than Synedra, and are found adhering together by one corner, in a zigzag manner, or free, like navicular, gliding about in a drop of water. They are so abundant as to cover the conferva? like felt. GOMPHONEMA, From gompJius (a wooden peg), is shaped like a wooden peg or wedge, and grows like a tree, on long filaments, attached to conferva? or stones in fresh-water, varying in shape, being sometimes round at the tip, or notched, or with a plain edge. LICMOPHORA, From likmos (a fan), and phora (bearing), grows likewise on a stalk, but in dense masses, and is a marine diatom, parasitic on sea-weeds. Its growth is different from that of the Gomphonema. The stalk widens in the process of multiplication, and so spreads out the frustules, like a fan. 44 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. RHABDONEMA. From rhabdos (a staff). These are marine also, and used as test objects, because, besides the striations, each frustule has two or four rows of marks called vittse. They were joined together when alive, forming a long tube ; but usually we only see the separated frustules here. GRAMMATOPHORA MARINA. From gramma (a letter). This is used as a test object to discover some very delicate strife on the borders of each valve, and is also remarkable for its vittae, which resemble letters ; especially this G. marina, which has four Greek gammas (y) on each frustule. The vittas are internal siliceous folds, and distinguish a large section of the Diatomacea?. There are fifteen species of Grammatophora. This one is found on seaweed in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. BIDDULPHIA. AMPHITETRAS. Biddulphia is one of the chain-like diatoms which adhere to one another by projecting angles, or horns. A band of minute cells forms a hoop round the valves, and when they multiply the young cells slip out from between the valves, and the hoop often becomes detached. Amphitetras is a square cellular diatom, which frequently has its frustules piled up one over the other, with a large cell in each corner of the frustules. They are found alive in the sea off Cuba and the Canary Islands, fossil in Bermuda earth and Barbadoes deposit. ISTHMIA OBLIQUA. A lovely diatom, found on seaweed on the English coast and in the Channel Islands. Its exquisite areolated structure is very remarkable, and will repay careful ex- amination. Its mode of increase is unlike all others. Two cells form within the valves, and as they enlarge ASTEROMPHALUS ASTEROLAMPRA. 45 break forth ; but still the siliceous hoop which once joined the new frustules to the old one remains attached for a time round one of them and alters its shape, causing some to appear truncated instead of round. The areolae of Isthmia are never well seen except with the parabolic illuminator : it is a beautiful object then. ARACHNOIDISCUS. From arachne (a spicier), and discus. This beautiful disc is one from the guano, and is also found attached to seaweed ; especially one species, which is much used by the Japanese in making soup. It does, indeed, somewhat resemble a spider's web. But how can we describe the wonderful delicacy of its tracery, or cease to wonder at the perfection of its form, when we learn that this double disc has two inner valves ; the outer one horny, upon which are the web-like marks, is indestructible in nitric acid : and the inner valve siliceous, supports the upper one upon fretwork like a gothic window. This should always be looked at with a Lieberkuhn, or a parabolic illuminator. HELIOPELTA. From helios (the sun), and pelta (a shield). This is found in the Bennuda infusorial earth. It has an undulating surface, which is the reason why some of its areola? seem larger than others in the radial divisions. It is distinguished by its marginal spines. ACTINOCYCLUS, From actin (a ray of light), and cyclus (a circle), has no marginal spines, and from eight to ten divisions. Is found alive at Cuxhaven ; fossil in Virginian earth. ASTEROMPHALUS ASTEROLAMPRA. From aster (a star), omphalos (the navel), and lampra (shining). Look for these in the slides of fossil guano, Bermuda earth, Virginia deposit, and Piscataway earth. They present beautiful umbilical rays, reaching only half-way towards the margin, and alternate rays proceeding from the margin, forming a bright star in the centre, having five areolae in each marginal division. 46 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. COSCINODISCUS, From coscinon (a sieve), lias no rajs or divisions, but resembles the Indian turn of a fairy watch." The structure is wholly cellular, and the species, of which there are forty, are known one from another by minute yet regular markings, tubercles, and variations in the size of the cells. They are found alive in the sea off Cuxhaven ; fossil in the Richmond, Virginia, and Bermuda earths, also in the chalk marl of Oram These are the specimens most commonly sold by opti- cians, and they show us what Diatomacea? are ; but to pursue the study, and learn the myriads which a little bog-water or a spray of seaweed would reveal, we must read Prichard's work on Infusoria ; or, if further interested in the manner of their propagation, — which is really won- derful, — read the article " Diatomacea" in the works on the Microscope by Carpenter or Hogg. desmidiacej:. These are minute plants, of green colour, found in fresh- water, shallow pools, and ditches. VOLVOX GLOBATOR. This is one of them, which, from its animalcule-like movement and extreme beauty, has long been considered as one of the Infusoria. If mounted, it may be beautiful, but is much more so in its living, moving state, in a drop of water ; revolving round and round, sometimes griding along, sometimes rolling through the water, a transparent globe, enclosing from one to seven, or even twenty, lesser and darker green globules, of various sizes. Each of these globules in time breaks from its parent cell, and becomes likewise a mother plant, producing young volvoces with such rapidity that ponds are often thronged with them, and the water is coloured to a deep green. There is a pond at Blackheath which, in the months of July and August, abounds with Volvox globator. CLOSTERIUM is a favourite specimen of Desmidiaceae. Its little half- moons, or ovals, sometimes joined together, are frequently found in all pools, especially on moors and in exposed places CLOSTERIUM. 47 Lately the Closterium has been closely examined with high powers, and a circulation of fluid was seen throughout the cell. This requires a power of 300 diameters and careful management of light. Then a peculiar whirling movement may be distinguished in the large round space at the end of the cell, as well as along both the concave and convex edges of the Closterium. It is like the cir- culation in Vallisneria, Chara, and Anacharis, which I do not describe, because I am only noticing those objects which are mounted for students, in the hope of leading them to examine the living plants for themselves, with other books of a higher order. (Read " Carpenter's Microscope," chap, vi, on the Desmidiaceas.) To find the Desniidiaceas, try small shallow pools, and not stagnant water. The Closterium, Euastrum, Micrasterias, &c, will be found as a gelatinous stratum at the bottom, on stones, or stems of water-plants. The Staurastrum, Pediastrum, and all the smaller species, float as a thin film on the water, or form a dirty-looking cloud round the aquatic plants. Raise the film with a small muslin net, or pour the water through your handkerchief, scrape off the deposit, and transfer it into bottles of fresh-water for examination at home. If on plants, strip the stem with your fingers, and in the same way drop the gelatinous mass in water. Let it settle, and the little plants will flourish and remain long enough for you to study, not only their lovely forms, but also their manner of propagation, which is threefold. They multiply by self-division, by conjugation, or by zoospores. The most common way is this : when a simple cell has come to its full growth, a partition forms in the middle ; the cell gradually separates into two halves, each of which speedily becomes a perfect species of Desmidiacea. The increase by conjugation, observed particularly in Closterium and Cosmarium, takes place thus : two fronds approach each other, and the outer cell-wall of each splits and throws out a connecting-tube which joins them toge- ther. Through this tube the contents of one cell is poured into the other, and mixing with the endochrome of the receiving-cell, forms a body called sporangium, which is afterwards set free by the breaking up of the pareut cell. 48 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Multiplication by zoospores has been observed in Cos- marium, Pediastrum, and many others. The endochrome divides into a number of granular particles called gonidia, which escape through the cell-wall, and develope into perfect cells. Or they are ciliated and have a spontaneous movement, both in the parent-cell and out of it, when they are called zoospores. CONFERVA . ZYGNEMA. This is mounted for the microscope, as an example of conjugation amongst the Confervaceas. Confervaceae are those plants which form the green or brown scum on ponds and ditches, and the long green, silky threads, that float in running water. Most beautiful are their ribbon-like filaments of varied pattern, and most useful their life on the stagnant water, which they purify by absorbing the noxious gases, and giving out the life- sustaining oxygen. Looking at this scum for the first time will probably surprise us as much as anything. It does seem so won- derful that what we have passed by unheeded for so many years, or even turned from in disgust, should be so very beautiful. The filaments are worked by the hand of God in such varied pattern, that every pool may furnish us with a new specimen, and read us a lesson of the infinite care that has been bestowed on the lowest orders of creation. The conjugation of Zygnema resembles that of Clos- terium, only as the filament is long and divided into many cells, every cell throws out a connecting tube, and one filament completely empties itself into the other, remaining colourless, whilst the recipient has a dark-green star of condensed endochrome in every division. ACHYLA PEOLIFERA. I have come reluctantly to the end of the vegetable slides, and upon each have said so little of all that there was to say, that I can only hope my few words may prove very unsatisfactory, and so send the reader to better works and to the study of that open volume which lies around us, the hieroglyphics of which our microscope deciphers for us. Only one more little plant I will men- ACHYLA PROLIFERA. 49 tion : it cannot be mounted, but you may raise it for yourself in a glass of water at any time. It is a parasitic plant on dead animal substances in water, and produces the zoospores of which we have been speaking. Throw two or three dead flies in a glass of water, and in a few days they will be covered with a cloudy film of minute colourless filaments ; that is the plant Achyla prolifera. I will describe what I saw the first time I examined it. I found one day in a small glass tank a dead larva of some aquatic insect, covered with a transparent mould, and on examining it with a half-inch object-glass, saw a mass of delicate white filaments. Some of these were filled with green granules in constant motion, and as I watched them the filament under observation began to expand into a club-shaped head, and the granules to form into small angular bodies, moving slowly round and round. The progress seemed so rapid, that I took out my watch to time the changes, which astonished me. It was a bright July evening. 20 min. to 7. The angular bodies were forming. 15 min. past 7. The gonidia, or zoospores as I should call them, were becoming oval. 20 min. past 7. The gonidia were in violent motion, re- volving and bounding against the end of the cell. 25 min. past 7. The end of the cell contracted and elon- gated, then suddenly opened like a beak, and out rushed the whole multitude of little zoospores, merrily swimming hither and thither, evidently ciliated, and always moving the small end foremost. The empty cell collapsed, and I forgot it in watching the other filaments, all progressing in the same Avay. The spores continued to move about rather more slowly for nearly half an hour, when the quasi-animal life seemed to cease, and they floated away to germinate upon the nearest decaying substance. I hope you will prove the truth of what I write ; it will afford much pleasure and a most useful lesson. E PART II. OBJECTS FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. C| The desire which tends to know The works of God, thereby to glorify The great Work-master, leads to no excess That reaches blame, but rather merits praise The more it seems excess ; For wonderful indeed are all His works, Pleasant to know, and worthiest to be all Had in remembrance alway with delight." Milton. The slides usually prepared from the animal kingdom consist of insect parts, palates of Molluscs, Zoophytes, and miscellaneous objects, rather difficult to classify, since they seem to be mounted chiefly to please the eye of the purchaser. The demand for " pretty objects" has been caused by the absence of any plan for the proper use of the micro- scope ; but now that we begin to find its real use, and appreciate its value as an educational instrument, the optician will have a better selection of slides on sale, and each object chosen as much for its usefulness as for its beauty. There is a class of slides now sold by several opti- cians,* which deserves especial recommendation. They are insects mounted ivhole ; one single preparation affording material for a day's study at least. Instead of isolated parts belonging to unknown insects, we have the perfect body of Fly or Beetle, displaying its external anatomy, and giving us such an insight into its structure as we should hardly acquire with much reading and the best- drawn illustration. Take, for instance, the slide of Scatophaga, or common * Baker, Smith and Beck, B,oss, Ladd, and Griffin. E 2 52 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Dung-fly, and read the description in this catalogue ; or the Telephorus Beetle ; and compare the two carefully in all their parts ; reading at the same time, from Cuvier, or Westwood's " Introduction to Entomology," the generic characters of the Coleoptera and Diptera, and the young entomologist will have received a lesson never to be for- gotten. For those who have not begun the study of natural history, a few words are added on the classification of insects generally, without which some descriptions may be unintelligible. Insects are so called from the word in-secta, their bodies being divided into many distinct segments. They are a class of invertebrate articulated animals. The head is always distinct and furnished with antennae ; the body usually consists of thirteen segments ; they breathe by means of tracheae ; possess a nervous system, a circulation of blood, and a digestive apparatus varying with the necessities and habits of the species. According to Cuvier' s arrangement, insects are divided into twelve orders. The four first orders have no wings. j Julus or Centipides, and 1. Myriopoda, example 2. Thysanura 3. Parasita 4. Suctoria 5. Coleoptera 6. Orthoptera 7. Hemiptera 8. Neuroptera 9 . Hymenoptera 10. Lepidoptera 1 1 . Strepsiptera 12. Diptera Woodlice Lepisma, or Sugar-louse Pediculus (Louse) Pulex (Flea) Beetles Grasshoppers, Crickets Bugs, Aphides Dragon-flies Bees, Wasps, Ichneumons Butterflies, Moths Stylops Flies The objects themselves will be the best illustrations of these orders. Preparations of animal tissues, blood, injected respira- tory and digestive organs, and other objects relative to the physiology of the human body, are reserved for a separate pamphlet. ARACHNIDA. 53 CHAPTER I. OBJECTS FROM THE ARACHNIDA. spider's foot, jaws, spinnarets, eyes, epidermis. spider's foot. This favourite object should always have three com- panions in its box — a preparation of Spider's eyes, Spider's jaws, and Spider's spinnarets, — therefore I shall say some- thing of each of these, and also a little of spiders them- selves. We are so familiar with them, so apt to dislike them in the house and overlook them in the garden, that it will be well to learn somewhat of their history. Few persons realize the dignified position they hold in the order of creation. They are called insects ; and are certainly not considered so aristocratic as Butterflies, or so grand as the great Beetles ; perhaps a little higher than the Fly they so cunningly ensnare. Therefore let us consider the Spider as a whole before we examine his foot. The Spider is not an insect. It ranks higher than any insect, no matter how large or how beautiful ; and this on good grounds. In all God's works a perfect plan and regular order are established, and the organization of living creatures is gradually perfected, from the lowest form of animal life in the simple ciliated monad, up to the elaborate anatomy of man. Now the Spider might be an insect if we strictly adhered to the meaning of the term in-secta, (divided into parts) ; but as internal anatomy is more perfect, its respiratory apparatus, its circulation, and mode of reproduction, superior to those in any of the twelve orders of insects, the Spiders are called ARACHNIDA, and placed above them in natural order. The Arachnida have oval or round bodies ; the head, which is joined to the thorax, has simple eyes, which in structure more nearly resemble the animal than the 54 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. insect eye. Sometimes there are eight, sometimes six, or only two. They have a mouth with jaws (maxillae), a tongue (ligula), remarkable palpi, and frontal claws often of great magnitude. But the nervous system is the great distinction. The organ of sensation, which is the brain in man and animals, is a series of knotted nerves called ganglia in insects, from which proceed nerves to all parts of the body. The imperfect insect, such as a Cater- pillar, has more ganglia than the perfect butterfly. And whereas the insect has generally from six to eight or ten ganglia, or little brains, in different parts of its body, the spider has but two, and they more brain-like, more con- centrated, and consequently of a higher order. Then again as to the circulation : we know that in all creatures the blood is the life ; it is the fluid which nourishes all parts of the body. Not always red ; it may be white, or yellow, or green ; but it is blood, and constituted more or less like our human blood, as the microscope reveals. All insects have a heart or dorsal vessel which pumps out the blood (as we shall see explained when examining the larvae of ephemera) that circulates loosely in the body, bathing the air vessels which supply it with oxygen ; but the Arachnida have a true heart ; long, indeed, like the insect heart, but furnished with arteries and veins which give it perfect circulation. This raises it another step higher. The respiratory system is different in various species; but the Spider whose foot we are looking at had lungs or pulmonary sacs, with two or four breathing orifices, situated just near the base of the abdomen, and inside those sacs a number of delicate white triangular plates which aerated the blood. This is more like animal respiration than the trachea of insects. {See Spiracles.) The Arachnida do not undergo metamorphosis. The female lays eggs, making very pretty cocoons or nests for them, and the young Spiders come forth perfect from the shell, with the exception of the two fore legs, which are not always developed until a few days after their birth. And if we read any good work on the Arachnida we shall not fail to be struck with the intelligence of their habits and the amount of their instinct. For instance, in the structure of their habitations, one species (Clotho*) * Uroctea. ARA1 pocket just under the costal and mediastinal nervures, called the Phialurn, into which a liquid is introduced at the will of the insect, which augments its powers of resistance in flight. The veins, or nervures, are so placed throughout this wing as to strengthen and stretch every part : at the same time to admit of its being closely and easily folded under the protecting elytron; a most necessary arrangement for crea- tures who live in the earth or under stones, or in the water, where the delicate texture of the wing would be in constant danger of destruction. Having thus examined one specimen of the Beetle tribe, we shall be able with increased interest to look at another one of the small Water-beetles — HELOPHORUS GRANULARIS. This is an abundant little creature in our ponds and ditches, feeding on decayed or vegetable matter, and, being easily procured, is selected as an example of a Pentamerous Coleoptera, but of the family of the Palpicomes, the an- tennas being very different from those of the Telephorus. These are clubbed, composed of nine joints, and carried backwards. It is a bad swimmer, and the legs are scarcely, if at all, feathered ; the striped pro-thorax and the beautifully dotted elytra make it a favourite and valuable object. The sculpture of the elytra of Beetles is most remark- able ; the ridges strengthen, the furrows lighten, the dots give air to the spiracles beneath. In the Helophorus alter- nate rows of large and small dots answer both purposes and usefulness as well as beauty write the wisdom of God upon the wing-case of this little creature. CATHERETES URTICE. This is a lovely little Beetle; as we see by its tarsi, it is one of the Pentamera, though at first sight easily mistaken for one of the four-jointed Coleoptera, as the fifth joint is very small, and only visible from beneath. The 102 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. antennae show that it belongs to the Clavicorne family, for they are clubbed. This particular little Beetle is one of a flower-loving group called Nitidulidoe^ always easily recog- nised by having eleven joints in the antennas, and the three last in a club, or strung like beads, with an interval between each. The spotted elytra are beautiful. The facetted eyes and the delicate mouth will require a higher power rightly to examine them. And this exquisite insect is one we may see in swarms upon nettles revelling in the pendent blos- soms any sunny Summer's day — very small black creeping things we pass unheeded by. COCCINELLA, OR LADY-BIRD. This familiar little visitor is not only a beautiful ob- ject for the microscope, but a real friend to the florist, who is apt to be disappointed and angered by what is called the " green blight" upon the roses, and is not perhaps aware that two or three Lady-birds would clear it all away much better than the usual means applied by gardeners. The Lady-bird is particularly fond of Aphides, and, in its larva state, pupa state, and perfect form, will greedily de- vour them, darting at an Aphis, and seizing it in those strong little jaws, shaking it as a terrier does a rat, and sucking its life away ; then dropping the empty body, and springing upon another and another. The little Cocci - nella has frequently saved our fir plantations from the host of destroying Aphis in the Spring ; and our bean-fields, when attacked by the black blight (Aphis faboa), are often cleared again in an incredibly short time by the avenger God has given us in this lovely little Beetle. It is one of the Trimera, three joints only in the tarsi. The antennae eleven-jointed, and terminated by a reversed conical club. I must not describe so fully any more of these beautiful slides ; but recommend you, if possible, to obtain the fol- lowing whole-mounted Coleoptera : — Lcecophilus Minutas ...remarkable for its feathered legs. Hattica, or Turnip-fly.. ,, ,, thick muscular thighs for leaping. NOTONECTA, OR THE WATER -BOATMAN. 103 Thy amis, or Grass- flea, also with muscular thighs and sculptured elytra. Dimonia cynoglossi ..one of the Tetramera, with thickened thighs and beautiful head. Haliplus conjimis ...one of the Hydrocantheri, or Swim- mers, with beautifully fringed i for swimming. Hyphidius ovatus one of the Water-beetles, with fringed legs for swimming, and a curious pine at the tip of each elytron. Gyrinas natator a Water-beetle. (This is described in leg of Gyrinus.) HEMIPTERA. These are sucking insects. Their mouth has a long retractile tube, and several fine lancets, forming a long pro- boscis, which is laid along the breast during repose, and may be seen in all the Field-bugs (Cimex) and the Aphides, which belong to this order. The wings are membranous, and covered with semi-transparent cases analogous to the elytra of Beetles. The tarsi are always three -jointed. A few of them inhabit the water, and of these the Velia rivu- lorum and Notonecta are mounted whole. VELIA RIVULORUM. Most people have observed groups of water insects sport- ing on the surface of small ponds, or swimming against small streams, walking lightly on the still water, and rest- ing on the stems of grass or water-weeds around. One species (Gerris) has a long thin black body and very long legs ; but Velia may be known by its scarlet spots on each side of its body. The two-jointed sucker and the wing- cases should be carefullv examined. NOTONECTA, OR THE WATER-BOATMAN, one of the Hemiptera, and a beautiful preparation, 104 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. exhibiting the retractile sucker, which is a formidable weapon, and pricks sharply ; the eyes very large, the hind legs fringed with long hairs and in the form of oars, which it uses, with great rapidity, rowing or swimming always on the back, and looking like a canoe propelled by a clever boatman. The eggs of this insect are found abundantly on the under side of Water-lily leaves, or of Potamageton ; small flask-like eggs through which, in an advanced state, the red eyes of the little Notonecta maybe seen, and when it comes forth, it only resembles its parent in its feathered legs and quick movements, having no wings until it has moulted several times, and changed from the larva to the pupa state, in which, however, it is by no means inactive, for the pupa? of Hemiptera feed as heartily as the perfect insect. This Notonecta is a fierce and power- ful enemy to all smaller aquatic insects, transfixing them with his sharp proboscis, and sucking their life away. REDUVIUS, OR BED-BUG, is one of this order, and the sucker, though short, is very strong, and capable of producing much pain. CIMEX, OR FIELD-BUG. These are beautiful objects when mounted. The head is prolonged like a snout, more or less triangular, and the sheath of the sucker is composed of four distinct joints; they prey upon other insects ; the body is often brightly coloured and spotted. We find them abundantly on long grass or field flowers in the hot days of Summer, and one species, Pentatoma griseus, is interesting from the care which the female takes of her young, not only in brooding over her eggs, but in leading her little family about as a hen does her chickens. APHIS. A specimen of the green or black blight will be very interesting to the florist, although the Aphis of the elder APHIS. L05 or the box are prettier in having variegated bodies. Thi are no less than 160 known species, and few insects have a more curious and interesting biography. " Kirby and Spence's Entomology," and " L'Histoire des Hemipter de MM. Serville and Amyot," will give abundant infor- mation to the student of natural history. I can only draw attention to the external form, and point out the remarkable long antennas thrown backwards ; the proboscis, fine and sharp, with which it pierces the young shoots of our rose-trees, or the fibres on the under side of our currant-trees and vines, causing them to curl up and turn red. Those two horns on the back are tubes from which exude small drops of saccharine matter or honey - dew, of which the ants are so fond, that, wherever tin Aphis abound, there the Garden Ant will follow, and may be seen sucking it from them. These Ants take absolute possession of some species. The Aphis radicum, which feed on the roots of plants, are kept by the Yellow Ants in their formicaries under- ground, and milked as we do cows. This may be watched on rose-trees or oak-trees, the little Ants following an Aphis, tapping them, and pressing their sides to make them jerk out the sweet fluid. The tarsi are only two-jointed, the eyes compound. They are both winged and wingless, and the Aphis win are always carried with the fan edges upward, and ha either a row of hooklets or a tuft of seven or eight hooks, which attach the wing-case and wing together, like t] hamuli of the Hymenoptera. The rapid increase of these insects is astonishing : a single Aphis may in one season become the parent of as many as 5,904,900,000 descendants. The fact that tin- are produced by females without more than one impregn: tion throughout nine generations long perplexed our natu- ralists. Bonnet isolated females most carefully, and obtained nine generations in three months. It is now ascertained that certain females couple and lay eggs only in the autumn, and that throughout Spring and Summer the young ones are produced alive by a process of gemma- tion from what are called Nurses. All through the winter, one solitary female A pi 106 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. whom I had placed in my bedroom window on the leaf of a tulip, continued to present me with pretty little pink-eyed staggering things, until the whole plant was covered with them ; and very curious it was to see the small Aphis keep close to its mother's side for some hours, whilst she seemed tenderly to caress it with her long antennas, until another required her care, and this one was able to join the group of sisters at a little distance, whose tiny suckers were plunged into the juices of my Van Tromp. For an account of their enemies and our avengers, see Hymenoptera, Aphidius avena. APHROPHORA, OR CUCKOO- SPIT. I suppose every florist will like to have this slide, because they so well know a certain frothy substance which abounds on their Carnation plants, Lychnis, Rose-trees and Willows, in which sits a little green creature with red eyes ; a soft, frightened, innocent looking little larva, which I never could help covering again with the white froth if I had blown it aside for a moment. And this was the defence of the young Aphrophora we are now looking at ; it passed from that larva into a pupa, and then into this perfect state with .wings and wing-cases, with a long sucking tube, which pierced the stems of our flowers and dried up the plant by abstracting the sweet fluids needful to its growth. Observe the mottled wing-case, all of uniform texture, which shows it to belong to the second division of Hemip- tera, called Homoptera ; the wing with longitudinal nerves forked at the tip. The legs, which leap wonderfully high, are remarkably circled at each tibia by a crown of spines. The mouth is better displayed in a specimen of Cimex. THRIPS. This is not now one of the Hemiptera, but belongs to a very small order called Thysanoptera. We find these very minute insects swarming in our flowers, especially in the Carnations and Lilies. They are long, black, active little TENTHREDO, OR SAW-FLY. [01 creatures, looking like small beetles, and turn up their tails in a quick impatient way that reminds us of the Staphy- linus, so fragile that we cannot handle them, except when mounted thus. The short antennae we see have eight joints, the terminal joints armed with a seta ; four wings of equal size deeply fringed with hairs on all sides, and usually unnoticed, because they lie horizontally upon the back, and we seldom see them in use. The tarsi are short, and terminated by a vesicle instead of a claw. The mouth has mandibles and palpi, as well as a rostrum, or beak, with which it pierces the delicate young leaves of our Cucumbers, Melons, Vines and fruit-trees, causing them to shrivel up. They also feed upon the pollen and pistil of the blossom, and often cause the failure of our fruit, and of the wheat crop, by creeping in between the valves of the green ear. Earwigs avenge us by preying upon them, which florists would do well to remember when they accuse the earwig of the destruction of their Carnations. HYMENOPTERA. TENTHREDO, OR SAW-FLY. Sometimes we find "the saws' ' only of this curious fly, mounted for the microscope ; but at Baker's, and Smith and Beck's, you will doubtless obtain the whole insect beautifully prepared, and it is worth any money in the naturalist's collection, both as an example of the Hymenoptera wing and head, and also for its complicated and wonderful ovipositor. Few of the Hymenoptera can be mounted whole, for the order comprises all our Bees, Wasps, Ants, Saw-flies, Ichneumon-flies and Gall-flies. It is a mosl interesting group in the insect world, extremely intelligent, and commissioned by its Creator to minister to our comfort and to defend us from injury in a way that is little known beyond the labours of the Honey-bee. The Hymenoptera are distinguished from all those which 108 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. are called flies, by having four wings instead of two, wholly membranous, veined, and divided into cells, but not assuming the appearance of network, as do those of the Dragon-fly, the Hemerobius, the Ephemera, or May- fly ; neither are they veined at all like the wings of the real fly (Diptera) — yet the plan is perfect, both to distinguish the group, and in that group the species from each other, as we shall presently prove. The eyes are large and compound in all the Hymenoptera ; they have generally three simple eyes, or ocelli, on the crown of the head ; the j aws are strong ; the tongue of varied structure {see tongue of Bee and Wasp), because the mouth organs are used not only for food, but for labour in the structure of nests, and in providing for their young. The feet are somewhat like those of the Diptera, but are sometimes terminated by toothed claws {see foot of Ophion) ; the tibia are often armed with spines, or very curious spur-like appendages, especially in these Saw-flies, and the tarsi are five-jointed. As a rule they all feed upon flowers, but I have found them very voraciously attacking insects in the hot sunshine of a June morning. Their metamorphosis is complete ; that is, they lay eggs, become larva? with six-hooked feet, spin a cocoon, and change to pupa - T then rise up and go forth winged and perfect. The wing of the Hymenoptera is the most important part in ascertaining the genera, for all the antenna? are long, varying from thirteen joints to as many as sixty or seventy. They vibrate with singular sensitiveness, but are not like those of the Diptera, where the antenna? alone will often decide a fly, and the minute differences of their structure is in itself a study. Here the index to God's order is in the wing, and if the wings of your specimen are crumpled, as often happens when the chief anxiety is to show the saws of the female, then you had better get a male Saw-fly, ( Cypheus pygmceus ) , where I doubt not they will be expanded and perfect. The first great rule is this : look at the costal nerve which bounds the fore part of every wing, and is the main support. Observe in all the Saw-flies and Ichneumons there is a dark horny spot called the stigma •; from that a nerve TENTHREDS, OR SAW-FLY. 109 or vein runs to the front tip of the wing, dividing the en- closure into one or two cells, called the marginal or radial cells. There is but one in Cypheus — a large oblong one Behind this cell, and running nearly parallel at a. little dis- tance, is a nerve which ends at the tip of the wing, and the intermediate space is divided into from one to four cells, called the sub marginal or sub-cubital cells, others in the centre aiv called discoidal cells, and others, long and narrow towards the base, are basal cells ; but the two former are those upon which the genera are founded. Is it not wonderful — this invariable order exhibited by the presence or absence of one tiny nerve ? — always present in every individual of a given species throughout the world ; varied perhaps slightly, yet unerringly in the adjacent species and the progress of neuration, designating the rank of the species more easily in this than in any other tribe of insects. The little Platygaster, a very small Ichneumon-fly, which is notice* I presently, has only the costal nerve and stigma — no cells at all. The pretty Chrysides, those scarlet and green or blue flies, which rush about restlessly on windows and walls in the hot sun, and are called the Humming-birds of insects, have only the front wings veined, and those with but a single cubital cell, and that not closed, and very imperfect sub-marginal ones. And then in other gener:i they, go regularly increasing, until the wing is perfected in the Saw-flies and Bees. It makes our microscope so much more valuable when it helps us thus to a personal acquaint- ance with the "winged things" around us — when the eve becomes educated to discern the letters of creation's alphabet ; for we are but children in the ' ' First Reading- book," and I doubt not there are volumes, countless and full of eternal wisdom, laid up in store for those who delight in the study of God's works. We can now return to the slide before us. The colour of the Saw-fly is necessarily lost in preparing it transpa- rently for our examination ; but it was a bright and beau- tiful fly, yellow, or scarlet, or light green dotted with black. They provide for their young thus. I had the pleasure of watching the motherly care of the Saw-liy of the r« (Tenthredo rosa?) last summer. A busy little fly with black thorax and yellow abdonu c 110 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. was at work upon a rose-tree so intently that she did not stir when I drew near to see what she was about. She bent her abdomen as you see here, and had protruded a pair of cutters such as these. They are, in fact, finely toothed saws with about eighteen teeth each, and run backwards and forwards in a grooved back-piece, which fits on each like a carpenter's tennon saw. They worked alternately, and presently she changed her position : she had been cut- ting down deep, now she wanted to make a long groove, and straightened her body, sawing quite fast and steadily, making a furrow about half-an-inch long. Then she paused, and a little greenish egg was laid on one side, another on the opposite side, all along until a double row had been depo- sited of about twenty eggs ; she then gave out a frothy glue which seemed to fix and protect them, drew in her ovipositor, and flew off to a neighbouring tree, where I took her for exa- mination of the saws. The little eggs I looked at with a pocket-lens, and found they were separated up the middle of the groove by a fibre left on purpose. From day to day I watched them, and they increased in size, which is different from all other eggs ; the edges of the furrow became black and swollen, but did not close, and about ten days after I found all the little eggs empty, and several tiny green and black-dotted caterpillars wandering about, very like true caterpillars, which they are not, and may always be known by counting their feet eighteen or twenty, whereas the larvae of butterflies and moths, which are real caterpillars, have only from ten to sixteen, and never more. Frequently our gooseberry trees are stripped bare by hosts of these young Saw-flies in larvae ; they spin cocoons and remain coiled up in them all through the winter, remaining but a few days in the pupa state, and emerging in May and June. CYPHEUS PYGM.EUS, another Saw-fly. It will be most interesting to the farmer, because its larva is very troublesome in the wheat and rye- fields, especially in France, where it often destroys a great part of the crop. The fly itself is black and yellow ; the ICHNEUMON-FLY. 1 1 I male, as usual, differs from the female in colour and size ; that is, he is of a brighter yellow, and the wings clearer and more irridescent ; hers are clouded, and the yellow of her body and legs more ochreous. The larva is singular in having no legs at all, but a kind of tube at the end of its body with a telescope movement by which it progresses along its tunnel, for it feeds in the stem of wheat or rye ; and its history is interesting. The female Saw-fly may be seen in a warm April day sawing a hole just beneath a knot in the tender stem of the young wheat and depositing one egg in each straw. This is soon hatched, and forthwith the larva begins to gnaw, with some exceeding strong though tiny mandibles, the juicy inside cells of the stem, which of course disturbs the economy of the plant, and prevents the upward flow of all the nourishment which is needful for the growing ear. As soon as it can, it proceeds to grind away the interior of the knot also, and ascend the stem. As it grows and thrives, the plant withers ; but in the month of July it begins to descend towards the earth, and a few days before harvest-time it settles itself near the root of the wheat, cuts the straw regularly round inside, so that it breaks off under the first puff of wind, and the little crea- ture spins a warm cocoon and lays itself up for the winter, fat and happy, unless a certain little cousin, one of the Ichneumon-flies, has found it out, when his life will not have reached this period, or its mischief have been so fatal. ICHNEUMON-FLY. ( Pachymerus calcitrator.) Always have several of these in your collection ; they ai i beautiful and most interesting; they have been appointed to do a certain work, they have been gifted with wonderful instinct, and provided with fit instruments to perform it, and they are one of our many examples of obedience to the order of God, which we would do well to pause and con- sider. This little unheeded fly, — watch for it and learn its habits ; examine it here as it is prepared for you. It was black and reddish, with brown edging, and whit, lines across the segments of the abdomen. This we cannot 112 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. see here ; but we can see the antenna?, its first needful instrument for work, with twenty-two joints, each with a bristle inside, the wings large, transparent and irridescent, the stigma yellowish brown, the one marginal cell elongated. (Compare it with the wing of Cypheus, which has two marginal and four sub-marginal cells) and one sub-mar- ginal large cell, with a little nerve running into it. The thighs are thick, and the tibia? spurred. They abound often on Umbellifera?. And this is its use in the world ; to find out the larva? of Cypheus pygmceus, wherever it may be, and destroy it by laying one of its own eggs inside its body, which, when hatched, will feed upon the fat of the destroying insect, and finally kill it, by preventing its further development. Now, considering that the Saw-fly maggot is carefully con- cealed in the wheat- stalk, the work is not so easy ; for the stem must be pierced at precisely the spot where it lies, and the Ichneumon must ascertain that no other fly has preceded her, or the fife of her own offspring will fail. The antenna? ascertain this for her ; they vibrate inces- santly as she runs rapidly up and down every stem, and whether they hear the gnawing of the little maggot within, or feel the consequent vibration, or smell the larva through the pores of the stomata, I cannot tell ; but it may by all these, find out the precise spot, and then with its long ovi- positor, which is barbed and works like an auger, a hole is pierced and the egg laid just where it ought to be. The great and unaccountable marvel is, how it knows whether the larva has been touched before or not. But so it is, and thus it avenges us of our tiny enemy. MICROGASTER GLOMERATUS. These you will always find mounted at Baker's, Smith and Beck's, and Ladd's. They are exquisite little creatures and some of our best friends. Observe its large eyes, its beau- tiful antenna?, the last joint sculptured so delicately that it can only be well seen with a ^-inch lens. The ovipositor is partly drawn out, and if the insect is well prepared, you may see the mechanism by which it acts,: — two powerful APHIDUS AVEISME. H3 elastic springs, braced across by three loops or tendons on each side, which keep the instrument in place during its rapid action. This fly is metallic green and gold ; the s wings have but two cubital cells, and, owing to their want of nerves, can seldom be properly displayed. So they should be examined on the unprepared insect, which is abundant on our windows and in our gardens. The first time I saw the transformation of this Ichneumon was a great surprise, — a child's wonder never forgotten. I had kept some Cabbage Caterpillars in a box, feeding them duly, and expecting the white butterflies whose pretty eggs I had read of and longed to see ; when, one day as I was considering my largest caterpillar, now full-grown and ceasing to eat ; instead of preparing as usual to suspend itself for transformation, I saw in one moment that it was dying, and a host of tiny worms sud- denly pierced from its inside in all directions, wriggled out and began to spin so fast that in about ten minutes nothing could I see but a heap of small yellow silk cocoons, and the skin only of my poor fat caterpillar. What it meant I could not tell, nor had I then read the account of it in Kirby and Spence ; but I took the cocoons, put them in a glass, covered with muslin, and in about a -fortnight from that time the cocoons were pierced and empty, and twenty of these pretty green and gold flies were out. I learnt their name afterwards, and that they are our ap- pointed avengers to check the depredations of the Cabbage Caterpillar — the Microgaster glomeratus. APHIDIUS AVENJE, EPHEDRUS PLAGIATOR, CERAPHRON CARPE&TERII. These Ichneumon-flies defend us in the same way from the Aphides which disfigure our rose-trees. The two first lay an egg in the body of the Aphis, which is inwardly devoured by the larva and dies ; we may see them turned brown and still adhering to the leaves. If the fly has escaped, there will be a small round hole in the side of the Aphis, and a little circular door attached by an uncut por- tion of the skin. The Ceraphron, a most lovely little fly, destroys not the Aphis, but the larva of the Ephedras i 114 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. inside the Aphis. It is able to find out even in an appa- rently healthy Aphis, that an egg has been deposited by its sister Ichneumon, and that the larva is hatched, when it immediately pierces the already smitten insect and provides for its own offspring in laying its egg inside the internal parasite. Thus, in preparing many of the brown and black dead bodies of Aphides, we may obtain specimens of each of these beautiful Ichneumons. CHELYMORPHA PHYLLOPHORA, OR THE TURTLE-SHAPED LEAF- BEARER. This most curious insect is the pupa of Chelymorpha, an insect discovered by the Eev. J. Thornton, on the leaves of the Maple (Acer campestris) ; it is intermediate between the Aphis and the Coccus. The singular leaf- like appen- dages round the body and attached to the legs require a half-inch object glass. DIPTERA. 115 CHAPTER IV. DIPTERA. happy living things ! no tongue Your beauty may declare ; A spring of love gushed from my heart, And I blessed you unaware." Ancient Mariner. Of all the insect tribes in that world which lies about us, and of which we know so little, with all our learning and research, there is none which has been more neglected than the numerous and interesting one of the Diptera, or two- winged flies. Most strange that it should be so ; for they are the least harmful and the most truly beneficial to man of any small creatures ; few of them assault us, and as a body they are so important that the world could as easily do without flowers or sunlight as without Flies ! They are beautiful. Who has not unconsciously paused to admire the metallic lustre of an unknown Beris or Doli- chopus, as it rested on the laurel-leaf beside us ; or the golden Leptis sitting on the grey bark of some old tree ; or the variegated Syrphus and the pretty Empis thronging the umbelliferous plants by the wayside? Who lias not, in the listless heat of a Summer's day, watched the merry dance of the little House-fly, and wondered if there was not more intelligence in that world of flies than we had dreamed of ? They are useful ; for the Diptera in their larval state feed upon the dung of animals and decaying substances, and we should perish from the noxious vapours or gases which arise from dead matter without these little- scavengers. We are indeed in a world visible yet unknown, the per- fection and order of which no human eve had ever seen without this help from God, whose directing providence gave man the microscope. His world it is ; His creatures these, and of all the countless host of " creeping things, the Diptera seem to come most nearly and constantly i 2 116 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. within our reach. Other insects we must seek abroad in woods and meadows and by the river-side, and only at some seasons of the year do we meet with them ; but the Diptera are ever within reach — our little home friends. The invalid may sit all the year round within the shelter of his room, yet seldom fail of finding a few of these to watch and to admire. The little Phora lingers through the winter on our window-panes, and the pretty Midge hops to and fro in December days ; whilst with the earliest sun of February the quiet heavy -looking Musoa rudis appears in numbers long before the active merry little Musca domestica, or House-fly, awakes from its long nap in some snug un- suspected hiding-place. Those who have not learnt to know and love the living- things around us, walk to and fro amidst many untasted pleasures. I often think the difference between such igno- rance and the knowledge we might easily attain resembles that which we feel when walking alone and friendless in the crowded streets of London with' a stream of fellow-creatures hurrying past, of whose life-history we know nothing, and for whom we care nothing ; and the same walk taken in our native village or island home, where every one we meet is an acquaintance, relative, or friend, or friend's friend, striking unconsciously the electric chain of sympathy. Even if we know but a name, it is something that is akin to brotherhood. Thus also before we know the structure, habits, and names of insects, what are they to us ? Every worm is a worm ; a beetle is a beetle ; every fly is a fly — nothing more. But take the trouble to examine one little insect — the humblest, the commonest — learn how wonderfully it is fashioned, how gifted with happy instincts, and how obe- dient in its work — learn its name, and give it a kindly look just once, and a little friend is gained for life ; you will never again catch a sight of that small insect without a feeling akin to brotherhood — you know it, and it may be association of place and time will enhance the pleasure ten- fold. There is not any small work that I know of on the classification of the Diptera : the best manual of British Flies is that of the " Insecta Britannica," in three volumes — CULEX PIPIBNS. 117 too expensive and too scientific for popular use.* There- fore these slides of whole -mounted Diptera, with the brief descriptions of this catalogue, will be the more valuable, as giving the young student his first introduction to a family he will become better acquainted with hereafter. Very briefly let me preface the examination of the first slide with a list of the principal families into which naturalists have divided the Diptera. As the Coleoptera are known by the joints of their tarsi and structure of their antennas, so the Diptera are classed according to the form of the antennas and the veining of the wings. There are two great groups, Nemocera and Brachyura. The Nemocera comprises all the Tipulas, Gnats, Midges, &c, which have long antennas, from six to ten -jointed, and inserted in front of the head between two large compound facetted eyes. The slides of head of Tipula and head of Gnat will illustrate this better than any description, and enable us at once to recognise one of the Nemocera. A slide of a whole Gnat and of a Ptychoptera will give a better lesson on their general structure, if carefully exa- mined, than any book. culex ririENS. The common Gnat, both male and female, should be mounted, as the former only has the beautiful plumed an- tennas, and the latter only the apparatus called the sting of the Gnat, and (iescribed under " Head of Gnat." Its wing is often mounted as a separate object, to show the scales, and has therefore been noticed Avith the wings of other insects, (page 85). But as this little fly is one of our most common acquaintance, though not a very pleasant one, a slight sketch of its habits will be interesting. The female Gnat is that blood-thirsty little creature whose shrill clarion sounds an attack upon man and beast throughout the warm Summer's day and night. She flies silently in the Spring, and seldom thirsts for bl<>< •Such is the history of the pretty microscopic object on the slide before us. Of its structure it is necessary to know that all the Diptera are distinguished from other orders of insects by their having only two wings, and a pair of stout organs, called halteres, which are supposed to represent the posterior wings of the four-winged tribes, and respecting which ento- mologists are much divided. They have been specially noticed at page 138. The Diptera have mouths variously constructed for their necessities. Their food is essentially fluid ; the juices of plants or of insect bodies, and of decom- posing matter, forming their nourishment : and therefore, instead of the strong horny mandibles of a Beetle, we find in such flies as Tabanus a pair of lancet-like organs for plunging into the skin of the aniinal whose blood it delights in, and beneath these another pair to which are attached large palpi, exactly corresponding to the maxilla? and max- illary palpi of the Coleoptera ; a labium or lower lip, which in all flower-haunting and honey-loving flies is very long and beautiful, as in Ehingia, Syrphus, ConOps, and many of the Muscida? ; a labium or horny borer prolonged in the predacious flies and very remarkable, in the Empida? and Asilida?, which have also a beautiful lower lip or labrum, used first for steadying the lancets in their descent through the skin, and then for sucking up the fluid. This may be watched by any one who will permit this little Gnat quietly to take a meal on the hand ; and once fixed it is not easily alarmed, but will allow the approach of a pocket lens, and observation of her proceedings. The Diptera have also a tongue (lingua) ; it is not the organ usually so-called, but a lancet, which with four others He concealed within the horny lip or labrum of Tabanus. 120 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. The part we so much admire in the proboscis of the Blow- fly, Tipulse, and others, is the lower Up or labium, with its lobes striated by radiating trachese. The head of a fly is attached to the thorax by a very slender neck, and appears to move upon a pivot, having the power of turning quite round. The thorax is compact, and gives support to the wings, halteres, and three pairs of legs. The abdomen is composed of from five to nine segments, and females are provided with ovipositors, sometimes of great length, and consisting of a series of little tubes sliding one into another, like a telescope. The legs have always five tarsi, two claws, and two or three membranous lobes, or pulvilli. Of the internal ana- tomy of flies, I must not allow myself to say much ; but it may interest many to know that they possess the dorsal vessel or heart which insures the circulation of blood, an alimentary canal for the digestion of food, provided with salivary vessels, biliary tubes, and a chylific stomach which seems to supply the whole intestinal canal with a power of digesting food when necessary. Flies have a crop or gizzard, situated just above the stomach, and appended by a long narrow neck to the throat or oesophagus ; but it is used chiefly as a reservoir for food, when the insect takes more than is needful for its immediate wants. This was proved by that great anatomist Hunter, who kept a fly twelve hours without food, and then gave it milk and killed it ; he found no milk in the crop, but it had got through almost the whole tract of intestines ; the animal had imme- diate occasion for food, and therefore the milk was not de- tained in the crop, the intestines having the power of digesting it. Another time, Hunter allowed some flies to feed plen- tifully, and then found the crop quite full, as well as the intestines. Insects have no absorbents ; the chyle, which is a clear greenish fluid with round oval corpuscles, is supposed to transude through the coats of the intestine into the abdomen, where it meets with the blood in the ill-defined veins that permeate the body. {See " Owen's Lectures on Comp. Anat.")* * The stomach of the Fly, mounted in balsam, is an interesting object, and kept in most collections for sale. PTYCHOPTERA. 121 The tracheal vessels or breathing organs have been noticed in the chapter on spiracles and tracheae. The nervous system is similar to that of other insects, consisting of two spinal cords or threads, exhibiting a series of knots or ganglions. The Fly has one in the head, a very large one in the thorax, and one, or sometimes two, in the abdomen ; these give out nerve-branches to the wings, halteres and legs. In looking at a slide of Culex observe the length of the coxa, and the small joint called trochanter, between the coxa and femur. If possible, obtain the male of Culex annulata with its magnificent antennae and feathered palpi, and the female of Culex pijnens for the display of the suctorial mouth. PTYCHOPTERA. This is one of the family o£ Tipula?, Crane-flies, or Daddy-long-legs, which abound in the neighbourhood of water, and' are recognised by their black and yellow bodies and spotted wings. The larva is an aquatic worm, and the pupa has a curious long thread-like appendage through which it breathes. We find it in shallow water at the brink of muddy ponds. The wing is a good study after that of the Gnat, as an example of wings without scales, and of the peculiar veining of the Nemocera. The costal vein is the one which borders the forepart of the wing, ending at the tip. The next to that is the sub-costal, which here is prolonged to five- sixths of the length of the wing, and connected with the radial by a very short veinlet close to the tip ; the radial and cubital spring from a common petiole, which is about one -sixth of their length, and proceeds from the sub-costal at half the length of the wing ; it is connected with the externo -medial by a transverse veinlet at a little before its fork ; the cubital is forked at half its length ; the externo -medial also forked. These two veins being distinguished thus, help the eye in determining the others. Observe also that faint streak or spurious vein between the forked veins. This wing has no discal areolets, such as are always found in the true Tipulse, or Daddy-long-h i L r s. 122 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. These numerous parallel veins in a solitary wing would enable us to ascertain the division to which the fly belonged, even if the long antennas and peculiar palpi were unseen. A collection of wings alone from this group would be highly interesting for comparison, and for their beautiful delicate forms. The halteres also should be carefully mounted and the clusters of nerve-vesicles observed, especially those of Tipula gigantea, T. Oleracea, Limhobia and Bibio. SCATOPHAGA. This brings us to the second great group of the Diptera, in which the common House-fly, the Blow-fly, the Horse- fly, and others well-known, are found. THE FAMILY OF THE BRACHYCERA. in which the antennas are short, never exceeding ten joints, more frequently having only from three to six. • The wings also have branched veins, and are fewer in number than those of the Nemocera. Their bodies are stouter, and the palpi short, projecting above the proboscis, or lying on it. These are the flies which throng our flowers, haunt the woods, fhe meadows, the leaves of trees, or act as scaven- gers to remove the noxious substances in the field, or by the way -side. There are twenty-eight families, each containing many genera and species, which can only be learnt by long and careful study, with the help of such works as " Walker's British Diptera;" but we can very easily become familiar with those which are thus mounted, and, through them, with others which flit as yet unheeded around us. Nor will it be long, I hope, before some small manual of the Diptera is published, more attainable to the young student than the one already mentioned. THE SCATOPHAGA, (Stercoraria,) is the common Dung-fly, seen all the year round, but especially in Summer, resting upon cow-dung and deposit- SCATOPHAGA. 123 ing its eggs therein. It is also often on the window - panes. The male has a round hairy abdomen, the female a naked pointed one. They are yellowish or olive -green flies, the head yellow between the eyes, and with black drooping antenna? ; thorax brownish above with four darker stripes ; the wings are greyish, with a tawny tinge along the veins. This preparation is very valuable, as showing the antenna? well. We perceive the very different structure f|om those of the Ghat or Tipula. There are only five joints visible, although six are reckoned by naturalists. The third joint (reckoning from the base) is twice as long as the second, the fourth obsolete, fifth and sixth seated upon the third like a bristle, and called the arista. The head of Scatophagy is very bristly, as you see ; and so also are the legs, which we may next observe. The eye and tongue of a fly are fully described under the slide of Head of Ehingia, or Syrphus. The joint of the leg nearest to the body is the coxa, the next to that the femur, or thigh, then the tibia, or shank, and then the tarsi, or small joints immediately above the foot. To see the foot well requires a higher power, that the delicately fringed pulvillus may be seen edged with glandular hairs, open at the point, and secreting a glutinous substance, which enables the fly to attach itself firmly to glass or ceiling, whilst those two strong hooks are used to detach it from the surface to which it clings. The wing is next to be observed. It is the most important to the naturalist. Those small winglets at the base are called the alula?; they distinguish some families, and generally cover or protect two small organs, the halteres, supposed to be the seat of smell, described at page 138. The wing itself consists of a double membrane, more or less transparent, attached to nervures or veins, which are hollow tubes containing spiral air-vessels, communi- cating with the spiracles or lungs in the trunk. This construction is wonderful for lightness and for strength; the larger and heavier the body is, the more of tin strengthening veins the wing has. And as by breathing only these vessels are filled with air, or some subtle fluid, the very act of flying may be but the palpitating of a 124 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. joyous little heart. We know that the tracheal are filled with air, and that the dorsal vessel is in truth the heart, sending forth streams of the life-blood throughout the body and into the wings, as may be distinctly seen in the transparent veins of a newly-hatched fly. But to learn the names of the nervures or veins of a fly, — a most useful lesson, — no wing is better than this simple one of the Dung-fly. That strong vein bordered with hairs on the foreside is the costal vein, it runs round the tip of the wing, and ends where it meets the cubital vein. T^e sub-costal is a pale short vein nearest to the fore-border, and ending at one -third of its length. The mediastinal is the next and a stouter vein, ending at beyond half the length of the wing. The radial forks at its base, and the farthest branch is the cubital vein, joined to the praibracliial vein by a clouded transverse vein. The upper transverse vein, which unites the pr&brachial to the pobrachial, is called the discal transverse. The membrane itself is exquisitely 'dotted with fine hairs and fringed all round with longer ones. The Scatophagy feed on smaller Diptera and deposit their eggs in dung, and these eggs are so shaped that whilst they are warmed and nourished in the soft excre- ment they cannot sink, two little horns on either side sup- porting them in it, which enable the young larva safely to escape. LONCHOPTERA. Small flies, very active and abundant in marshy woods and grassy spots. You can observe a difference here in the antennae ; the roundness of the fifth joint and long arista ; the first three joints are scarcely seen in this specimen. The wings will give a good example of a simple veining, no transverse vein at all, and the praabrachial forked ; each vein is fringed with delicate hairs. This is a male fly, and has two hairy lamellae at the base of the abdomen. D0LICH0PU8. 12.") BIBEO. (One of the Gnat tribe.) Look at the very different antennae projecting fiercely forward, with nine joints ; the palpi on each side of the tongue with five joints. The wings, how different from the true Fly or Musca ! It has many veins, and thirteen areolets, but so faint, that we cannot see them all in this preparation ; only the costal, sub-costal, and mediastinal being distinctly marked. The legs are worthy of observation. The, fore-tibia, with a circle of spines at the joint ; the fore-femur, very stout, and the coxa and trochanter are dis- tinctly seen in this specimen. The larva of Bibeo lives in the earth, feeding on decayed vegetable matter; it has rows of short hairs which it uses for locomotion, and twenty spiracles for breathing. The pupa is found naked in an oval cell with a very gibbous or horny thorax. There are twelve species of Bibeo. DOLICHOPUS. A very curious fly, and one of our common garden friends, in the neighbourhood of Oxford or anywhere near ponds and rivers ; for it is a water-loving insect, though we find it on our window-panes, and basking in the hot sun at noonday, on rose-trees and other shrubs. It is quickly noticed from its long legs and metallic round-backed body, carrying its head low, and sometimes found with another fly in its mouth, being very predacious. There are fourteen genera of the Doliehopidaj, each con- taining many species ; and some parts of their internal anatomy present peculiarities so great that much has been written about them by Latreille, Harris, Dufour and others. Their habit is to run along the surface of still water like the Velia rivulorum (see Velia), and they catch smaller flies, aquatic worms, and even small gasteropods, the little Physa, and smaller Planorbis ; there is a gaping orifice at the end of the proboscis, which admits and holds the prey until the juices are sucked out. We know not where they lay their egg*, but the larva- 126 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. are found as white slender worms of twelve segments in May, underground in damp earth, and in June they change to pupse, casting their skin. The head of the pupa is armed with several points, the ends of the legs in their sheaths, somewhat detached from the body, and a process resem- bling an S is on each side of the thorax probably for respiration. The Dolichopus emerges from the pupa in about three weeks' time. Now let us examine the slide. The head is broad ; the eyes large, and in life were very brilliant. The antennae stand fiercely out and require examination with the ^-inch ; they are quite unlike any we have yet seen. Observe three distinct joints besides the arista or spine, which points forward ; the second joint, the shortest, fringed with spines and intromiting a slender tube obliquely into the base of the third ; you can see a kind of loop or dark spot where it is inserted ; the third is so Temarkable that whenever you see this compressed and peculiar shape you need not doubt that you have a Doli- chopus. The arista is two-jointed, and in some species it is ciliated. The proboscis is short, directed downwards ; the head itself is armed with long bristles. The abdomen has. five segments, and on each of them you see a double row of white spots, which are the spiracles ; the end of the abdomen, bends suddenly inwards, and these two last segments are called the hypopygium which has an outer pair of appendages like fringed plates : they seem to be concave and join together to protect a number of internal organs of varied shape which we see projecting beneath, and the use of which has been largely considered by Dufour. (" Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 3 me serie, tome i.") The wings furnish us with a good lesson, and an easy one, for becoming familiar with the nerves or veins. The costal vein is fringed and strong, ending where the prasbrachial meets it. The sub- costal is very short and stout. The radial and cubital spring together from a dot at the base of the wing, and the prcebrachial, after passing the transverse vein, makes a slight curve towards the cubital. Now, that very slight curve is of the utmost importance. THE OPOMYZA. 127 both as to position and shape ; it serves to assure you of this being a true Dolichopus ; it is never wanting in the species — never altered — no not even by a microscopic line. But in one of the same family, a cousin, called Psilopus, there will be a little branch at the angle of the curve, and in another relation, Dolichopus diadema, the curve is rectan- gular, with a little branch. This Fly is common on pools overgrown with plants. So is Dolichopus nobilitatus, which is a gilded green fly easily known by its white tipped wings, and when examined with a lens you will observe that the arista is long and very hairy ; the wing very narrow, and sloping away without any lobe, or even angle, the anterior lines being waved within the dark patch. No Dolichopus ever has an axillary lobe to the wing. That vein beyond the probrachihl is the pobrachial ; but the base of the wing offers the particular marks of the group, and ought to be examined in a separated wing. I dwell upon this, because the careful study of one wing is a most valuable lesson : the eye learns what to look for ; it learns accuracy of observation ; it learns what it never for- gets; — the vast importance of little things, and what the eye sees often the heart feels. Find out, therefore, a very short and oblique vein, between the cubital and the pro3- brachial, down close to the dot of the radial, and the space thus bounded at the base is called the praibrachial areolet, ' and its minute size and position in every one of the genera is decisive of the family. Pass on now to the legs, and remark the spines on the femora and metatarsus ; they will also serve to show the species, for in some Dolichopus there is invariably but one spine, in others four or two, and in some there are a double row. THE OPOMYZA is one of a family group called Geomizides ; they frequent recent or decaying vegetable substances, also our windows. and are very present little unknown friends. We may know these by their spotted wings, by the tawny body, yellow head, thorax striped with three pale lines ; the al>- 128 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. domen has a dark dorsal stripe or dark bands ; they abound in herbage. Now examine its head and wings. Its head is broad and eyes large ; the antennas, like those of a true Musca, three joints drooping, the third round and large ; the arista long, slender, hairy, and with a small joint you will hardly see unless the head is in profile. The thorax is bristly ; the abdomen has seven segments — a little hairy ; and then pause to look at the wings, and compare them with those of Dolichopus. You will first observe two transverse veins slightly clouded ; the proEbracliial straight ; the discal transverse hindermost, and joining the pobrachial vein to the prce- brachial ; the cubital and radial veins are quite straight. CHLOROPS. A mischievous little Fly ; and the farmer will be inte- rested in seeing the parent of that larvae which sometimes commits such havoc in his wheat-field. In England there is a disease known as the gout, from the swelling it occasions in the stems of wheat and barley, but which is called the frit in Sweden, where it occasions enormous loss — as much as one hundred thousand pounds sterling annually. This is caused by the little innocent-looking Chlorops on the slide. It effects this by simply depositing its eggs early in June on the stem of the young wheat, which being as yet low in the sheath, the little maggot hatches and feeds in the shelter of a leaf, mines into the stem, but does not enter the hollow part. It is well that it does not do so ; for we know that if the cells of a j)lant are destroyed in the channel of its life, which is the stem, of course it presently withers, or brings forth but imperfect fruit. More harm would this insect do if its propagation was not checked by a good little Ichneumon-fly (CosliniusJ, which is commissioned to destroy its larva? by laying its own egg inside the maggot of Chlorops, just as the Microgaster does in the caterpillar of the Cabbage Butterfly, and thus defends us from our tiny foe. These Chlorops frequent our windows, often in swarms — known by their large green eyes ; their yellow and black PHORA. 129 bodies, and beautiful wings lying along the body and ex- tending beyond it. You can rarely mistake it ; and then if you have this mounted specimen you will observe its pecu- liar antennas, the third joint knobbed, the arista seated sideways upon it, and like a fine long bristle. The thorax striped ; three broad stripes and one slender line on each : outside of these a black dot on the side of the breast. The scutellumwas yellow; the abdomen short, broad, with dark bands, and itself pale greenish-black. Observe, in the wings, how the sub-costal and medias- tinal are joined in one strong vein, which meets the costal at nearly half its length ; the cubital ending at the tip of the costal; the radial ending at three-fourths of its length; the prmbrachial ending on the hind border, near the tip ; the pobrachial ending at beyond half the length. There are two transverse veins. This slide will help us to recognise both our enemy, Chlorops teniopo3, and our little window -friend, Chlorops lineata. The abdomen of the latter has a yellow tip and base, also three black spots on the pectus, or fore part of the thorax. PHORA. All the year round the little Phora is upon our windows and in our stables, when no other flies are to be seen, but perhaps some eccentric little Midges, hopping diagonally here and there — scarcely a living thing to study ; yet we shall always find a Phora running restlessly but happily to and fro, with a bent body and depressed head ; the antenna? very short, but with a long slender arista carried backwards, the third joint quite round, the first and second very small. The wing has no transverse veins at all ; it is of the simplest form, strengthened at the base by the stout costal vein, which ends however before half the length of the wing, and is ciliated; the mediastinal vein, also stout, ends at two-thirds the length of the costal ; the cubital vein and radial vein in one, and forked at the end of -the costal, all the other veins represented by four veinlets, often indistinct. Now compare this with the Leptis wing. K 130 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. LEPTI8. (Tringaria.) A splendid preparation of a fly that is easily found and captured by any rambler in woods, because it has a quiet habit of sitting upon trunks of trees with its head downwards, and will allow a wine-glass to be capped over it without any alarm. It may be useful to mention here that most flies may be caught by a small tumbler, or stemless wine-glass, and a handkerchief, or piece of card- board. I prefer the handkerchief. The Leptis may thus be recognised : it is a large fly with long pointed abdomen, tawny coloured, and having three rows of black spots. The wings are spotted. The thorax is that part which supports the wings and legs, and in the Leptis it has three fawn- coloured stripes. The legs are tawny and clothed with short black hairs. This fly appears in the early part of the Summer, and haunts meadows and hedges as well as woods. It feeds on smaller insects, having a stout short labrum and slender sharp maxilla?, with which to kill, as well as a thick broad labium (called the tongue), to suck the food. The larva lives in the earth, in sand or manure, or decayed wood. The pupa is brown, bare, with eleven segments, of which the five posterior are furnished with a series of little teeth. As it is quite impossible to prepare insects so as equally to display all parts, we may find some difference in the slides, even of the same insect. The Leptis I am now looking at shows the beautiful eye and tongue, but not the antenna?, and yet they are to be observed as indicative of its individuality, for the veining of the wing is, at first sight, so like that of another family (the Stratio- mida?) that we might mistake it if we did not read its name in the antenna?. They are small and seated side by side in the middle of the face, four -jointed, the first short and cylindrical, second transverse, third cyathiform, or cup-shaped, and a long fine bristle makes the fourth joint. Here we cannot but admire the delicate network of its compound eye ; in life it was of a bright green, and the facets numerous and small. The labium, or under- lip, furrowed in the centre, and beautifully marked with tracheal ASILUS. 131 vessels, acts also in contracting and dilating the tongue in the act of drinking.. The palpi, or feelers and tasters, are remarkably large and hairy, projecting on each side of the tongue. The wings are .to be the chief lesson ; comparing them with the simply veined wings of the Phora, as an indication of farthest remove in relationship, whilst they also show us that the Leptis is a near cousin to the Tabanus, or Horse-fly, and to all flies whose wing-veins are crowded together near the fore-border ; the costal vein ending at the tip of the wing, the cubital vein deeply forked, and the fore-branch having a small areolet. There is a discal areolet, large, and emitting three veins to the border, and the anal areolet is open. Eight families, comprising many genera and numerous species, have wings upon this plan, and are known by the variation in the joints of their antennae. {See head of Tabanus and slide of Pachygaster and of Beris). No better example can we have of the leg and foot of the fly than this slide presents ; for we see very distinctly the coxa, or hip-joint ; the trochanter, a small joint by which the thigh or femur fits into the coxa ; the tibia, or shank -joint, which here is armed with two spines, and the tarsi, or ankle-bones, as some think analogous to our instep-bones, having two claws and pulvilli, or cushions, set with glandular hairs. (See foot of fly in Scatophaga.) Here observe the Leptis has three instead of two lobes. ASILUS. These are the most powerful and ferocious of the Diptera, destroying Beetles and Ichneumon-flies, and may be seen on the sunny side of woods, silently darting about, or resting with a huge meal in their mouth, and then they are pretty easily caught. They- are bright tawny -col on red flies, very hairy ; the antennas erect and long, curved upwards, and the proboscis standing forward. This is an example of relationship with Leptis as to the wing- veins, and yet with a difference. You see the cubital vein is forked, but simply so ; the discal areolet gives out k 2 132 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. but two veinlets, and is joined to the cubital by a short- transverse vein. The foot also observe — two deep lobes with a spine between them. Then look carefully at the antennas, and compare them with those of Leptis ; you see they are slender and styliform, and indicate an approach to the tribe of Empis-flies, which, as they abound in our gardens and may easily be procured, should have a place in our object box. i EMPIS. (Snipe-fly.) Either the black Empis livida we see so often on our laurels or flowers in the months of May or June ; or the Empis stercorea, which swarms on the umbelliferous plants by the wayside ; or the pretty little Hilara that plays over the water-meadows or great ponds : — any of these will give a remarkable proboscis and a very pretty wing. EMPIS STERCOREA. A small shining yellowish fly, clothed with a few black hairs or bristles ; the thorax with a black linear stripe ; abdomen with three black stripes ; legs long, slender and yellow ; tarsi of a darker hue. The Empidas are a large and very distinct family, containing twenty -three genera, and are inhabitants of woods, hedges, fields and gardens, where they find their prey — smaller Diptera, and all kinds of lesser insects. They are fierce and voracious, trans- fixing their prey with their long proboscis, and sucking out the juices with their beautiful up-curved tongue. The eyes of a male Empis touch one another ; those of the female are parted by a narrow front, a distinguishing mark of the sexes in most flies. The antennas of the Empis always stand forward, and observe how different they are from those of either Dolichopus or Scatophaga. It is only by thus comparing one slide with another that we learn our lesson well. The antennas are five-jointed, close to each other at the base, porrect, that is standing out ; the first and second EMPIS STERCOREA. 133 joints bristly : first cylindrical; second cyathiform ; or cup- shaped ; about half the length of the first ; third, subulate, compressed ; the fourth very minute ; the fifth like a style, pointed sharply. The thorax has a broad black stripe ; abdomen three black stripes, and every segment is punc- tured with a double row of light dots. The legs are long ; the coxa shorter than the femur, the trochanter very distinct ; the third joint of the leg, femur, or humerus, is usually the largest and most conspicuous ; generally speaking, the anterior pair are shorter and smaller than the posterior pair. If the insect leajts, the thighs of the hind legs are very much thickened for the development and action of its muscles. This is particularly seen in the legs of the small beetle called Turnip-flea (Haltica), in the flies Ascia podagrica, one of the Syrphida?, and also in Syritta pipiens, which should be mounted as examples of the thickened and toothed femur, and of a curved tibia joint. The Ascia is very common in the month of June, hovering over the long grass, and may be recognised by its black and yellow body, and peculiar darting to and fro from flower to flower. The fore-tarsi are often dilated in the male Empida?, but those of E. stercorea are not so. The Wing. — The wing of Empis stercorea will give an excellent example of the veining peculiar to the family. They are distinguished by these three variations : — 1. — The costal vein vanishes suddenly at the tip of the wing, just where it meets the cubital vein. 2. — The cubital vein is forked. 3. — The discoidal areolet emits three veins to the interior border. The wings of Leptis and of Asilus have also a forked cubital vein, and three branches from the discal areolet ; but they have other veins crowded together, which are wanting in the Empis wing, and as the antennae are quite as important to the entomologist in determining a genus as the veining of the wing, by comparing those of a Leptis with those of the Empis a striking illustration will be given of the progressive order and variety of likeness, and yet of distinct difference, between the families. 134 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. HILARA. By the wing and the antennae we recognize one of the Empis-flies, but a variation in the form of the third joint and the shortness of the two first joints is the first remove from the true Empis. Observe also the stout short pro- boscis, and if it is a male Hilara the fore meta- tarsi are much dilated, forming quite a disk on that part of the leg. How beautifully the wing is ciliated, the cubital vein forked, the discoidal areolet emitting three veins, and a spot upon the costal vein called the stigma, which in this wing is marked by a broad brown shade. These Hilarse feed upon smaller insects, and also on the nectar of flowers. They assemble in swarms and dance together over a rivulet or river on fine warm Summer evenings. We have often seen them rejoicing in merry play, rising and falling in graceful evolutions, sometimes by one common impulse sweeping off down the stream, as if a breeze had suddenly wafted them away, or invisible beings had chased them ; then slowly and prettily they re-flitted back again to commence their gambols. SYRPHUS PYRASTRI. Many of the Syrphidse are mounted whole, they offer a great variety in the structure of the antennae, the mouth and the legs. Some are so large that the head only is mounted, to shew the beautiful eyes and labium, as Rhingia, Helophilus, Eristalis, &c. They are our prettiest and commonest flies ; honey-loving, flower-haunting, harmless little creatures. Most of them are striped or banded black and yellow, and love to hover in the air, over one spot, their wings almost invisible with rapid vibration, accompanied by a shrill hum ; if alarmed, they dart away with astonishing velocity, and are somewhat difficult to catch. The family contains thirty -one genera ; some of them so unlike the others as to require microscopic observation and comparison. The Eristalis, for instance, is often mistaken for a Bee. The Helophilus also, and Rhingia, — the two former abound in the Autumn on the 8YRPHUS PYBA8TRI. 135 Michaelmas Daisy, and the latter frequents the woods and hedges, darting like a Wild Bee into the flower-bells, with a long proboscis, looking to the unassisted eye like a Be< 'e tongue. The two distinguishing characters of this large family are these : — the coalescence of the palpi with the maxillae, and the spurious veins of the wing, one before the prcebrachial the other behind the pobrachial. The wing alone will decide a Syrphus for a young entomologist ; therefore, in examining this slide let the chief attention be given to its veining, also collect a few varieties, comparing the wing of the common Helophilus with this one of Syrphus pyrastri, the type of the family. The costal vein ends at the tip of the wing, where it receives the cubital. Mediastinal vein distinct, ending about the middle of the cos ta. Sub- costal, continued nearer to the tip, and ending separately in the margin. Prazbrachial vein connected with the cubital by a trans- verse vein near the margin, and between the two is a faint streak or spurious vein crossing a second transverse vein nearer the base. The mediastinal areolet is coloured in this wing, and appears like a narrow stigma between the sub- costal and mediastinal veins. Areolets are enclosures formed by the branching and crossing veins ; they are important in the wings of the Syrphidse, and must be observed. All the Syrphidse have alulae, which are membranous scales at the base of the wings, protecting and sometimes quite covering the halteres. They are particularly beau- tiful in Rhingia and Eristalis, and deserve to be mounted separately. In the wing of Helophilus the cubital vein curves sud- denly inwards, forming a loop in the centre of the areolet. The feet of Syrphus are beautiful, and from the trans- parency of the preparation we see the articulation of the tarsal joints distinctly, the spine at each tarsus, and the strong hooks and delicate pulvillus of the foot. Some of the Syrphidse have their abdomen nearly filled 136 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. with air, and partly diaphanous or transparent, when by careful management the circulation of their blood may be seen, and the pulsations of the dorsal vessel or heart may be counted. Place the fly in a live box with just sufficient pressure to keef) it still, and between the segments the fluid may be seen. The following extract from " Walker's British Diptera," (vol. i., page 285), will be interesting to the student : — " The dorsal vessel of this fly (S. pi/rastri) instead of the usual form which it had in the larvae, assumes the shape of a flask, having its long end directed towards the thorax ; the pulsation and transmission of the fluid in it is manifest. This vessel extends in length from the junc- tion of the trunk with the abdomen to about the termina- tion of the second segment. The included fluid is propelled at intervals by drops, first from the wide end towards the trunk, and then in the contrary direction. It is conjectured that the neck of this vessel is composed of two or more approximated tubes, and that the blood is conveyed forward by the outward ones, and backward by the intermediate one ; also that there is a secondary heart, at the extremity next the thorax, for the purpose of causing the reflux." BORBORUS EQUIXUS. These are v'cry abundant everywhere in rank grass, and near decaying vegetable matter, upon which the larva? feed. They are small black flies, remarkable for their thick fleshy labium, and a broad bellying sheath below, which should be seen in profile. Antennae rather distant, short, and turn outwards with a long slender arista ; the first joint so small as to be scarcely perceptible, the second nearly as large as the third, which is obliquely compressed and ciliated. The legs are long, and fore-femora thickened ; there is a curious spine at the end of the hind tibia and the tarsi are short and broad. The wing, being very simply veined, is an easy study ; the chief mark of this family being in two small areolets near the base of the wing, close to the hind border, which are called anal areolets, and in this wing they are complete. The discal transverse vein is also near the border ; it joins the pr wbrachial an&pobrachial SEPSIS. 1 together, the latter does not continue beyond it. The radial and cubital are branches from one common vein at the base. There is a full account of this species and its larvae in the "Entomological Magazine," (vol. iii., p. 32o.) SEPEDON. A most beautiful specimen for the shape of the antennae and the structure of the tongue. The wing closely resem- bles that of Borborus, — the same transverse veins and anal areolets ; but the antennas separate the genera entirely. Instead of the short second joint in Borborus, that of Sepe- don is very long and spiny, with a conical and convex third joint, from which springs the three -jointed arista. The labium is set round with double hooks and curiously dotted, — a most interesting variety in the proboscis of flies. The legs are rather long, hind femora thickened, and armed with a double row of spines. These flies are found amongst water-plants ; they are black, shining, slightly metallic, with bright red legs ; the halteres, also red, with a whitish band. Thorax with four black stripes ; wings grey, with a lurid tinge in front. SEPSIS. The pretty little fly which we find upon our laurels, walking about with raised and quivering wings. The larvae feed on decaying matter. The antennae are drooping and short, with the third joint oval and larger than the first or second ; the arista bare. Proboscis broad and large ; the wings simply veined, but very delicate and beautiful, and with a black spot at the tip, without alulae. The legs are remarkable for the large spines in the fore-femora of the male, and for the spiny meta-tarsi. In all flies, as a rule, the fewer the veins the smaller the body, and the more sluggish the flight ; the comparison between the veins of Leptis, Tabanus, and Phora, or Sepsis, will prove this. The Sepsis wing has a costal vein running quite round 138 THR ANIMAL KINGDOM. the tip of the wing, and ending on the hind border ; sub- costal ending before one-third of the length ; mediastinal ending before half the length ; radial ending near the tip of the wing ; cubital ending quite at the tip. There are two transverse veins. This list of the Diptera, though by no means complete, is sufficient to shew how very instructive and interesting these preparations are, and to encourage the young ento- mologist to mount insects in this way for himself. The method is easy, but requires patience and experience. Soak the insects in liquor potassi for a longer or shorter period, impossible to fix, because it varies necessarily with the size and texture of the insect. A beetle may require months, a fly but a few weeks or days, to render it trans- parent, by dissolving its inward parts, and giving flexibility to its integument. It is then washed in cold water, and laid out upon a glass slide in the desired position. When perfectly dry it should be soaked in oil of turpentine, which may be applied with a camel-hair pencil, and afterwards mounted in balsam. In this last and most difficult part let the balsam be very fluid, and the warmth gentle, that the air may be quietly dispersed, and the bubbles removed before the final covering with thin glass. I recommend the Borborus and Empis stercorea as the easiest specimens to begin with. When caught, if immersed in hollands or spirits of wine, they will keep any length of time until wanted for mounting. THE HALTERES OR POISERS, OF DIPTERA. These small organs, which are very apparent as little knobs on a stalk, like drumsticks, just behind the wings of Blow-flies and the Tipulae (especially the Tipula olacea, which flutter against our window-panes) are rudimen- tary wings. We only find them in the Diptera, which all possess these much disputed organs. They are called poisers, or balances, because it was formerly supposed that the insect used them as the rope- dancer does his pole, to steady itself in the air. Some HALTERES OF BLOW- FLY. 139 naturalists fancied that they produced the humming noise in flight by beating against two little scales at the base of the wing, called alulae ; but that can hardly be the case, seeing how many insects buzz who have no halteres, such as Bees, Cockchafers, Dung-beetles, &c, and that so many flies who do possess them fly silently. They certainly do move very rapidly, quivering as the insect flies, and even when at rest I have seen the vibration. They are placed immediately on the margin of the great thoracic spiracle, and the late discoveries of certain organs inside these hal- teres lead us to suppose they are organs of smell, as the antennas may be of hearing. HALTERES OF BLOW-FLY. These, if mounted carefully in balsam, have become transparent ; we see that they consist of three parts, the base, shaft, and head. The organs in question are at the base, two distinct groups of vesicles which look like dots arranged in rows. The upper group is in spiral lines, the lower is on a broad flat surface, and onlv on one side. Each vesicle is a small sac, filled with fluid, and over-arched by a protecting hair, and when a good side view is obtained they are seen to be quite spherical. The two naturalists, Dr. Hicks and Mr. Purkiss, who have noticed these organs suppose them to be olfactory vesicles. There is a very large nerve given off from the great thoracic ganglion into the halteres, larger even than those branches which pass into the wings and legs of flies, which makes it very likely that in these very small appendages lie a great sensitiveness of some kind. No less than 360 of these vesicles are found in the halteres of Rhingia ; and for what purpose ? Dr. Hicks justly remarks, that it is scarcely for hearing, as they are so near the buzz of the wings, and themselves in constant motion, so that other sounds would be drowned ; but that the current of air produced by this very fluttering, and also the position of the halteres near the largest thoracic spiracle, make it extremely probable that they receive the floating odours in the air, and communicate them to the brain, or cephalic ganglion, directing thus the Blow-fly to the carrion, the Rhingia to the flowers. 140 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. HALTERES OF TABANUS. " These are very similar to those of the Rhingia, with the addition of seven vesicles on the shaft of the halteres to the upper part of the facet of the ridge, and another group of eight or nine beneath the ridge opposite the broader facet."* The shaft of the halteres is tubular, and is the channel for the branch of the nerve which passes up and expands in the head. The head of the halteres contains cellular substance ; there is also a groove on one side lined with a very delicate membrane, and beneath which there is a group of hairs. * See Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, November, 1856. THE FLEA. 141 CHAPTER V. PARASITES. A great many objects are sold for those who are curious in learning the forms of those " living creatures ' which are nourished on the bodies of higher animals. Every animal, from man downwards, is a pasture land for many fellow-creatures. So surely we may call them, formed as they are by the Almighty hand which fashioned our own wonderful body. However repugnant it may be to our refined tastes to examine a flea or a louse, this arises from no inherent ugliness in these creatures, but rather from our association with them of scenes of dirt and misery, of personal discom- fort also. Very probably they are the avengers of our evil habits, the consequences of our fallen state, and yet merci- fully ordered to do us good, rather than harm, by compelling the careless and the poor to that watchfulness and cleanli- ness which might otherwise be neglected. THE FLEA, man's great annoyance, is nevertheless a beautifully formed creature. It has to be prepared by long soaking in turpentine, and mounted in balsam, before we can see its various parts. The flea belongs to the order of the Suctoridae. The head bears antennse four -jointed, eyes small, round and simple. The proboscis is composed of two long mandibles, with serrated edges. Two long narrow plates with fine teeth and longitudinal ribs, these are the lancets ; two leal-like plates nearly triangular, which arc the maxillae ; two labial palpi, two maxillary palpi, one slender suctorial organ 142 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. called labrum. The thorax is composed of three segments, and the abdomen of seven segments ; the female has nine, and both sexes on the last segment have that beautiful breathing apparatus called THE PYGIDIUM OF A FLEA. This must be mounted separately to be seen well, and it forms an excellent test object. Topping mounts it beau- tifully. There are twenty-five disk-like areolae, in the centre of each of these a long hair, and round them a ring of rect- angular rays. It must be seen rather than described. The legs of the Flea, are long and many -jointed, the hind pair having thick muscular thighs, formed for extra- ordinary leaps, and terminated by five tarsi, and two curved and toothed claws. Every part is worthy of observation. The coxa, or first joint, is very thick ; the trochanter is very small, the femur long and thick, the tibia hairy. There are many species of fleas, each of them parasitic on various animals, with some difference in structure. The most curious are the Pulex talpcej or Mole-flea, with its rows of spines on the neck. Pulex GullincB, or Fowl's-flea, which does not leap, but runs swiftly, and has a most tormenting bite, driving hens from their nests, and compelling their masters to keep the hen-house clean. Pulex Columba?, or Pigeon' s-flea, very curious. The antennae should be particularly noticed, the male carries his erect, and the female has hers partly concealed in a furrow near her eyes. The form is beautiful, — eight cup-like joints set one within another, and surrounded by a circle of stout bristles. Pulex vespertilionis, or Bat' s-flea, has a row of dark spines just over its proboscis, called its cephalic setae, and a collar of spines, called its proto-thoracic setae. Pulex felis, the Cat' s-flea, which has a prettily spotted head, and in which we can see the spiracles on every seg- ment of the abdomen, and also the pygidium, is one of the best to mount for observation. The dots on the head, and PEDICULUS, OR LOUSE. 1 [3 the femora being without hairs, distinguish it from the human Flea. The eggs of fleas are white, long, and viscid or stick}' ; the larvae vermiform, with thirteen segments ; the pupa is enclosed in a silken cocoon. PEDICULUS, OR LOUSE, a genus of anoplurous insects. Man is infested by three kinds of Louse ; but the common head-louse is the one usually mounted for observation. It has a flat and nearly transparent body, three pairs of legs, terminated by a claw or hook, and a head which has two simple eyes, and a long sucker concealed in a little fleshy tubercle or snout. They multiply prodigiously, two females producing no less than 10,000 eggs in eight weeks. Leuwenhoek described them minutely, and seems to have watched their manner of feeding and propagating with great interest. Certainly their eggs are curiously formed, with a little moveable lid on a hinge, which opens for the escape of the young larvae, and the egg of the Pheasant- louse is beautifully striated and dotted, giving it the appear- ance of worked net. Some parts of the internal organisation of a Louse are well worthy of attention and dissection ; being naturally transparent, a little soaking in oil of turpentine will dissolve the fat and render many of the organs apparent. The nerves of a Louse are remarkable, as forming a thick spinal cord without breaks or intervals, after the ganglia of the head, and from the end of which several rays or nerves are given out to lower parts of the body, a slight constriction only marking the united ganglia. These are visible when the insect is properly prepared. The ovaries also are in ten branches of bead-like threads. All the internal apparatus is as perfect as in more beautiful insects, so little reason is there for shrinking from or thinking meanly of even a loathsome louse. Birds have many varieties. The Pheasant-louse ; The Parasite of the Rook and Chaffinch, called Bicinus pavoniSj are interesting objects. 144 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. THE ACARI, OR TICKS, MITES. These parasites are found on animals, birds and insects. They belong to the lowest order of Arachnida, the Spider tribe, and many of them are beautiful microscopic objects. The Acarus scabici, or itch insect, is a very valuable pre- paration. It is the occasion of that disgusting disease the Itch, and is exceedingly difficult to obtain. It lodges in a burrow near the pustule ; but, being scarcely visible to the naked eye, is rarely extracted in a perfect state. When examined under the microscope it is found to have an oval body, a mouth of conical form, and eight feet terminated by bristles. The head has five strong mandibles, with which it cuts out a little nest under the skin, lays many eggs, and is most difficult to eradicate. ACARUS DOMESTICUS, OR COMMON CHEESE-MITES. The dust of decayed cheese is composed entirely of these mites, — their eggs and their excrement. Mounted properly, we should see their oval body with a head from which extends two large mandibles, somewhat resembling the claws of a lobster. When the insect is in repose it crosses these mandibles over its head, forming a kind of roof over the mouth. The legs are reddish, and inserted in two different groups, the anterior pair considerably larger in the male. These Acari are both viviparous and oviparous. ACARUS PASSULARUM, found abundantly in dried figs, is like the cheese-mite, but has very long bristles at the sides of the mouth. ACARUS PASSERINUS. Found on all young birds. IXODES, OR DOG-TICK, a curious parasite, it has no perceptible eyes, but a toothed beak which it fixes in the skin of the dog and of STENOPTEHYX. 14") the hedgehog and holds so tightly, that it can scarcely be de- tached alive. They deposit a prodigious number of eggs, and are so voracious as to cause the death of some animals from exhaustion. MELOPHAGUS. (Sheep-tick. J This parasite belongs to the Diptera, though it is wing- less. They abound on sheep, are easily taken and prepared. Let them soak in potash for at least a month, then press them, and wash them well ; when dry, soak in turpentine before mounting in balsam, and their structure will be well seen. They are very brilliant objects when viewed with polarized light. The Melophagus is one of the family Hippoboscidce, of which there are six genera, and all of them parasites of mammalia and birds, feeding on the substance at the roots of the hairs and feathers. The species pass their egg and larva state in the body of the mother, who produces only a single egg at a time, which is in reality a jmpa. This pupa- egg is nearly as large as its parent, and has a slight motion, with spiracles, or rather spiraculiform points, down each side, and in a short time they change to perfect Flies. This Melophagus has no wings, but six stout bristly legs with very long curved and toothed claws, which they fix in the wool of the sheep. The head is very large, broader than the thorax ; the antennae are mere tubercles ; the eyes small, oblong, and bare. The mouth consists of a pair of short hairy valves, in which a long sucking-tube is con- cealed ; it usually uncoils in mounting, and is well seen as a very fine hair, protruding from between the valves. STENOPTERYX. This should be looked for on swallows : you may find them abundantly in nests of the young birds. They run very quickly, but do not attempt to fly, although they have wings, and are good examples of another genus of the Hippoboscidse. Here we find a difference in the male and female ; the L 146 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. former having long narrow wings, ciliated in front, the costal vein more than two thirds the length of the wing, and longitudinal veins crowded close to the costal. The female has short triangular wings ; the rest of the body very like that of Melophagus. ORNITHOMYIA. {Parasite on Birds). A green and tawny fly, more perfectly winged than the preceding genera, but seldom, if ever, using the wings, and running with great swiftness amongst the feathers of all birds. NYCTERIBIA. This is a rare parasite, but quite worth seeking, upon bats. The head is thrown back in an extraordinary manner ; the mouth has a large bulb-like organ, from which proceeds a horny style ; it has no wings ; the claws are strong, dilated beneath ; and the abdomen terminated by two styles. There are specimens of these in the British Museum. CHELIFER. This parasite attacks flies. I have seen a common fly run wildly about upon the window-pane, shaking itself violently, and apparently in great distress. Upon catching it, I found a small scorpion -like creature fixed upon one of its thighs, by a pair of tremendous claws, — hardly could it be detached for examination, and then it ran quickly, like a crab, sideways. The Chelifer belongs to the Trachean Arachnida, that is, they breathe by means of trachea and spiracles, and not, as the higher order of spiders, by lungs, or internal gills. They have eight legs, two long palpi armed with claws ; the eyes are at the side of the thorax, and the flat abdomen is jointed. ACARUS GAMASUS, found abundantly on the Dung-beetle, which it infests. This has a trifid labium, mandibles cheliform, denticulate, WATER-MITES. 147 the tarsi terminated by two claws, and an elegant pul- villus, which make it worth mounting. Scottish peasants have a habit of examining the Dung- beetles in the Spring, and observing the position of the acari on their bodies : if the parasites are clustered near the head, there will be a fine harvest, if towards the end of the abdomen, a late one. TROMBIDIUM PHALANGII. A pretty little parasite, winch attaches itself to the Phalangium, or Harvest-spider. These Spiders have small oval bodies and very long legs, with two eyes on their backs, and always run upon the ground ; we find these little scarlet mites attached to their legs and bodies. TROMBIDIUM AUTUMNALE. (Harvest-bug.) This troublesome little parasite is found in corn-fields in August, and burrows in the skin, causing much painful irritation. The best way of catching it is to tie pocket- handkerchiefs round the legs, and walk through a stubble- field, when we are nearly certain of finding specimens enough in the folds of the handkerchief. They are mounted in balsam. In all the Trombidium, observe the form of the cheliceras, with their moveable claw, and the palpi, which have a singular appendage or finger beneath each extremity, winch distinguishes them from the common Acari, and shew their relationship to the pretty scarlet Water-mites, the Hydrachna. WATER-MITES. ( ' Hydrachnidas.) The beautiful Hydrachna and Limnochares are parasites upon the Water-beetle (Dytiscus), and Water- scorpion (Nepa), and worthy of attention in their metamorphosis, also when mounted thus as objects for the microscope. There are several species ; some bright scarlet (Hy- drachna), others dotted with black, haying blue legs (Atax), l 2 148 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. some parti-coloured black and scarlet (Diplodontus), one, bright green (Arrenus) ; but all of them to be found in livers and ponds merrily swimming about, and laying millions of small red eggs on leaf and stem of water plants. They seize on small crustaceans, such as the Cyclops and Daphnia, and suck them. The metamorphosis is as follows : — The eggs are laid in great abundance throughout May and June, six weeks after a curious larva comes out, having a long blunt snout and two large round eyes. We do not know how long it remains free in the water, but towards the end of the Summer we find it changed into a scarlet oblong pupa, fixed by a strong hook to the tail of the Water- scorpion, or under the elytra of Dytiscus. These- pupa were once mistaken for eggs ; but the French naturalist Duges watched them well, and saw every stage of the metamor- phosis. From the pupa emerges a six-legged mite, which moults and becomes perfect with eight ciliated legs for swimming. The claws and palpi should be particularly noticed, and the epidermis of the green mite Arrenus, mounted for its dotted appearance. ENTOZOA. These are parasites attached to the internal parts of the animal body, and consist of intestinal worms, some extremely minute, burrowing in the skin, others of larger size infesting the viscera. No part of the human body is free from their attacks, the liver, the kidneys, the intes- tines and the brain, are their food and abiding place. There is scarcely one animal, especially of the vertebrate classes, which is not infested by several species. The human body has eighteen internal parasites, and those which inhabit one animal are rarely found in one of another genus. Those who desire further knowledge of these parasites, had better read " Owen's Hunterian Lectures," vols, iv., v., vi. PALATE OF HELIX POMATIA. 149 CHAPTER VI. PALATES. PALATE OF HELIX POMATIA. Helix pomatia? is that very large snail found in -woods and hedges on chalky soil and oolite formations in the Southern and Midland Counties of England. The shell is often two inches high, of pale tawny colour. They were highly esteemed in the olden time by the imperial gourmands of Rome, who preferred them fried in oil of almonds, and then delicately grilled on a silver gridiron. When previously fattened upon bran and wine, they grew to an enormous size ; three snails, two eggs and a lettuce, being a favourite supper of Pliny the younger. At one period in England, we feasted upon them ourselves, boiled in spring- water and seasoned with oil, salt and pepper, and highly relished them as a foreign luxury, introduced for that purpose about the middle of the sixteenth century, and first cultivated in Surrey, afterwards in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire. Of later years they have been used medicinally in cases of consumption, as also the common garden snail, Helix aspersa, which is exported from England yearly for this very purpose, sent to America packed in old casks. The glassmen at New- castle have still a snail-feast yearly, and generally collect the snails themselves on the Sunday previous to the feast. We may also care to know that this edible snail, which abounds in the neighbourhood of Mount Sinai, has been thought to have supplied the Israelites with food in that part of their journey towards the land of Canaan ; for the whole sides of that valley between Mount Deouchi and 150 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Mount Torah is covered with shrubs of tamarisk, broom, and with clover and saintfoin ; and the herbage beneath is so thronged with these snails that travellers say it is diffi- cult to walk without crushing them. So much for the general interest of the snail ; but the palate chiefly relates to its depredations, and shows us the cause of its mischief-making in our gardens. HELIX ASPERSA. The mouth of the snail is armed with two horny lips, sufficiently powerful to bite the tender stalks of lettuce and other young vegetables ; and is further provided with this palate, which is not in the mouth, but lying far back in a kind of pouch which opens in front, and is capable of pro- jection forward and backward, as may be well observed in the Water- snails kept in aquariums. We can there see the opening lips and the palate thrown forward, rasping away the conferva spores on the surface of the glass. The palate of Helix aspersa is broad and short, set with about 150 rows of stout serrated teeth — altogether no less than 21,000 in this single palate. LIMAX, (Black-slug,) is nearly the same, but contains yet more teeth. A full- sized and aged slug has 26,000 teeth, which accounts for its power of destruction in our gardens. HELIX HORTENSIS. Helix Hortensis is a variety of the common garden snail, reddish, yellowish, or pale grey. HELIX NEMORALIS. Helix nemoralis is the pretty banded black and yellow snail, which, if long lying in the warm sun, often turns rose-coloured or fine pink, to the great admiration of little shell collectors. PALATE OF WHELK. 151 HELIX RUFESCENS. Helix rufescens, a reddish brown snail, flattish, and in the middle of the largest whorl it has a narrow white line or band, which distinguishes it. HELIX VIRGATA. These pretty small brown and white banded snails are most abundant on our sandy sea-coasts, quite covering the marine plants there ; also they are often in great numbers on sandy commons or the wayside turf. The palates of all these terrestrial gasteropods are upon the same plan — broad, short, and with long rows of teeth ; the prettiest variety is found in the palate of ZONITES, OR HELIX NITIDA. This small snail is a species passing out of the genus Helicidas ; it is small, transparent, pale-yellow or light- brown, with five whorls, and the under side clouded with white ; found under stones, and in violet beds at the roots of the plants, also in cellars and yards in cities. The side teeth slope towards the centre, which is occupied by what may be called double teeth, or teeth with several projec- tions. There are few prettier palates than this of the common little Zonites, or Cellar-snail. PALATE OF WHELK. (Buccinurn undatum.) Compare this with the palate of any of the terrestrial gasteropods — snails or slugs — and the difference of struc- ture will be apparent : instead of that broad short mem- brane thickly set with rows of nearly uniform teeth, we have here a ribbon-like tongue, having strong serrated teeth at the edges, and rows of small finer ones between them, better observed by polarized light, which makes it a 152 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. splendid object. This tongue is contained in a long fleshy proboscis with which the Whelk bores through the shell of those molluscs which serve it for food, and the muscles by which it moves this tongue are immensely strong, not only drawing it backwards and forwards, but raising or depressing the teeth. The Whelk is largely consumed in London ; it is dredged off every part of the British coast. Dr. Johnston tells us that at the enthronisation feast of William Warham, archbishop of Canterbury, in 1504, 8,000 Whelks were dressed as side-dishes for the lordly epicures of those days. PALATE OF PURPUREA. The Purpurea, or Dog-whelk, is a small species of Buc- cinum very abundant on our rocks : it has a white shell, and is often found with a little semi-transparent flask beside it, or a cluster of them filled with eggs, which are most interesting microscopic objects, as the development of the little mollusc is easily watched. The palate is pretty, and resembles that of the larger Buccinum. It was from this shell-fish that the Tyrians procured their famous purple dye, making a bath of the liquid in the proportion of two pounds of Buccinum liquor to one pound of the pur- purea. The process being tedious, and the needful quantity of these little creatures very great, the price of the wool so dyed was enormously high, no less than 1000 Roman denarii, or thirty -six pounds sterling, per pound. NASSA. . A smaller species of Buccinum. PALATE OF TROCHUS ZIZIPHINUS. This is the palate of that very pretty variegated spiral shell called u Tops," which we delight to find on the rocks at low water under the thick hanging masses of sea- weed. PALATE OF HALIOTES. 153 No palate is so beautiful, or requiring such careful exami- nation ; for when we have had a general view, we should always use a higher power, and explore further the won- derful workmanship displayed in this tiny tongue. Not only triple rows of finely notched teeth arching over towards the centre, but the intermediate space is thronged with delicate leaf-like teeth, curved downwards, with minutely serrated edges — a powerful instrument for rasping the sur- face of the sea-weed upon which it feeds. The mouth of the Trochus has no upper horny plate, and therefore probably needed this elaborately toothed tongue. PALATE OP TROCHUS CRASSUS. Trochus Crassus is a variety of the same family, having a large grey shell, and the tongue less beautiful. PALATE OF TROCHUS UMBILICATUS. Trochus umbilicatus, a smaller and more abundant shell, also of grey colour. PALATE OF PERIWINKLE. (Littorina.) The periwinkle is too well known to need description, and the palate is very like that of the Trochus Crassus. PALATE OF HALIOTES, OR AUMER. The Haliotes is that beautiful univalve mollusc found in the Channel Islands under stones at low tide — the fleshy foot is sold in the market there, and highly esteemed as an article of food, either stewed or fried in batter. The shell is brought to England, and sold to manufacturers of works inlaid with so-called mother-of-pearl, which is really the beautiful interior of this shell. The palate is one of the finest prepared for the microscope, and yet more com- 154 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. plicated than that of Trochus ziziphtnus, which it resembles. The central band here has rows of teeth, having nearly straight edges instead of points ; there is on each side a lateral band consisting of large teeth, shaped like those of a shark ; and beyond this, again, another lateral band on either side, composed of several rows of smaller teeth. {See " Carpenter on the Microscope," p. 605.) The Haliotes are carnivorous as well as vegetarian, often found feeding on dead bodies. PALATE OF PLEUROBEANCH. The Pleurobranch is a lemon-coloured oval- shaped mol- lusc, found under stones in tide-pools, and breathing by a beautiful branchial plume, which is thrown out on the right side, as it glides along, and protected, when at rest, by a thin shell inside the mantle. This palate is quite unlike any of the others, more resembling a tesselated pavement, with a single tooth in each lozenge -shaped division. PALATE OF APLYSIA. Aplysia is a sea-slug, found in deep rock-pools gliding about with a thick humpbacked body, olive brown, and tentacles like ears, causing it to resemble a hare. If handled or frightened it jerks forth a deep purple liquid, which stains the hand or discolours the water : this is evi- dently its defence, and conceals it from the pursuit of ravenous crustaceans. It belongs to the family of the Pleurobranchs, which have their breathing organs con- cealed within the mantle, but always on the right side, and the palate is broad and short, resembling that of the garden snail, only very much larger. PALATE OF DORIS. (Tuberculata.) Another variety of sea-slug, much more beautiful, and the palate curiously set with strong hooked teeth like a PALATE OF CHITON. 155 harrow ; it has forty-four rows, each with 140 of these curved teeth, used for rasping sea-weed. There are many species of Doris usually found under stones at low tide, or beneath tufts of sea-weed ; they are orange-coloured, or pale yellow, and vary in size from our largest garden slug to a very small one ; on their backs they carry a plume of branchial organs, and are therefore called Nudibranchs, or naked-gilled animals. PALATE OF LIMPET. Who does not know the limpet, clinging to the wave- beaten rock, and seemingly as motionless as its native cliff? — who has not jerked it off for bait or for the variety of colour in its pretty shell, and in so doing may have noticed a long slender thread attached to its head, and many times longer than its body ? That was the tongue we are looking at. It has, we see, alternate rows of four hooked teeth, and two notched large teeth all the whole length of that thread- like palate, which lies coiled up loosely inside its body, and is thrown forward like a scythe to mow down the lichen upon which it feeds. When the front row of teeth wears away, a second is brought forward, and so the length of the tongue only provides for the little creature's necessities and duration of life. PALATE OF CHITON. Not so abundant, and very different in formation, is the Chiton, which we find hidden in crevices of the same rock to which the Limpet clings. The Chiton is the only mol- lusc which has many shells in one : this little creature has eight plates or shells overlapping each other, round the external edges of which the breathing organs lie, — a row of triangular leaflets vibrating in the water, and resembling gills in structure. The palate we see is long and ribbon- like, with dark brown teeth on either side, and smaller in the centre ; they are set in a kind of double arch, jointed, and capable of elevation or depression, and used, like that of the Limpet, for vegetable food. 156 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. PALATE OF YELLOW NERITE is very pretty, and somewhat like the Periwinkle. The Nerite is that bright yellow shell so common on our sandy coasts. Children call them " yellow tops." PALATE OF NERITINA FLUVIATILIS is a fresh-water mollusc, found in slow rivers adhering to stones, the shell very prettily chequered with spots or bands of white, brown, purple or pink. PALATE OF LYMNEUS STAGNALIS. The three following palates belong to fresh- water molluscs. Lymneus is a large snail, whose shell, making six or seven whorls, terminating in a fine point, is found in all ponds and stagnant water, floating or gliding foot upwards, and feeding voraciously on all kinds of vegetable matter. The palate resembles that of the garden snail. PALATE OF PLANORBIS CORNEA. Planorbis is a flat snail with a shell in horizontal coils, the size of a shilling ; other species being smaller, the tongue is oblong, and set with many rows of fine teeth. PALATE OF PALUDINA. Paludina is a remarkable fresh-water shell, more resem- bling a large Periwinkle, but banded black and yellow, with a strong operculum. It brings forth its young alive, and they may be found in all stages of life in the space be- tween the mantle and the shell. The tongue of the Palu- dina differs much from those of Lymneus and Planorbis, being long and slender, and the teeth like horny plates laid over one another — more like those of the land- snail, Cyclastoma, and showing that it is in truth, as La Mark conjectured, the family which links the two great divisions of land and water molluscs. Here then we have a very interesting palate, and proof of the usefulness of microscopic PALATE OF CYCLASTOMA. 157 observation ; for nowhere but in the palate do we find the very marked distinction between the Paludina and Lymneus, both inhabitants of the same stream, and at the same time the close relationship to the little Cyclastoma, which lives high and dry upon the chalky hills, and under the hedge- rows of a limestone district. PALATE OF CYCLASTOMA. The Cyclastoma elegans has a white and finely striated shell ; its palate should be mounted in fluid, as indeed all these are. Simple salt and water well preserves them. 15S THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. CHAPTER VII. SLIDES OF ZOOPHYTES. " Lord, how manifold are thy works ! in wisdom hast thou made them all : the earth is full of thy .riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable." Psalm civ. 24, 25. " Look who list thy gazeful eyes to feed With sight of that is fair : look on the frame Of this wide universe, and therein read The endless kinds of creatures which by name Thou canst not count, much less their natures aim, All which are made with wondrous wise respect, And all with admirable beauty deckt." Spenser. An explanation of these useful slides to every sea- side student seems necessary, from the fact that many persons enquire, "What is a Zoophyte?" and if shown one of these under the microscope, will presently declare that it certainly may be an animal, for it moves. This has happened to myself more than once, and an explanation required to prove that this is a post-mortem examination, and that we only see the body, or rather the framework, which supported the once living polype. These are the skeletons of Zoophytes mounted to show the beauty of their structure, and the variations of form which determine the species. If we would see them alive, we must gather them at the sea- side fresh from their native element, on the sea-weed or the rock, and by placing them in a watchglassful of water under the microscope, the question "What is a Zoophyte" zoorHYTKs. 159 will be answered far better than any tongue can tell or pen describe. Nevertheless, to appreciate these slides we must explain that Zoophytes are, with one exception, marine animals, varying in size from the little microscopic creatures mounted here, to the large tree-like Gorgonias, and the huge Madrepores and Corals of the tropical seas. They are plant-like animals, often mistaken for sea-weeds, requiring minute attention and microscopic study to un- derstand; but even the careful observation of those speci- mens on our list will open a wide field of interest, and help the young student considerably in his first researches. The number of British Zoophytes amounts to about 35 genera, and 240 species. These are divided into two great divisions, and hold very different ranks in the scale of creation ; for the Zoophytes called Polyzoa, being much more highly organized than those called Anthozoa, they are placed with the Tunicate Molluscs (Ascidians, &c, &c), and above the Radiata (Starfish and Echini); whereas, the Anthozoa are only just above the Infusoria, or lowest form of animal life. These slides contain specimens of both these orders, which will be further explained when under the microscope. Those of the Anthozoa are : — Sertularia. Plumularia. Laomedea Campanularia Tubularia. Coryne. Halecium. Thuiaria. Antennularia. Their bodies are globular, contractile in every part, symmetrical, mouth and vent one, gemmiparous and oviparous. The Polvzoa are : — Gemellaria. Cellularia. Crisea. Flustra. Pustulipora. Lepralia. If we describe the Sertularia as an example of Anthozoa, and Gemellaria as one of the Polyzoa, the student will understand each of the others, and when at the sea-side will have "Harvey's Sea-side Companion," or " Landes- borough on Zoophytes," to teach the variety of the specieE and direct to their particular habitat. 160 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. SERTULARIA PUMILA. This little branch of zigzag cells was once creeping along the Fucns, or common sea-weed, on rocks at low- water mark, often so thickly crowded together as to cover the alga. The cells are opposite each other, and at inter- vals large capsules or ovarian vesicles rise from the base of a smaller cell. In life this horny skeleton was filled with a living pulp, and each tiny tube right and left was the abode of a beautiful white creature called a Polype, which rose up and threw out eight or ten fine tentacula, or feelers, drawing food into a mouth placed in the centre of these tentacles. From the mouth there was a digestive sac, or stomach, communicating with the stem, and a cir- culation of fluid went on throughout the polypidom, that is to say, the branch of cells we have described, though each Polype had an independent life. It has been observed, that at the base of the Zoophyte stomach there is an orifice closed by a contracting and dilating sphincter muscle, and through this the digestive food is propelled to the stem, after enough has been appro- priated by that Polype, besides which a spiral movement of particles is seen in the stem, somewhat resembling the rotation in Chara v The manner of propagation and of growth is very remarkable. Those ovarian pear- shaped vesicles you may see here and there on the branches contain buds, or gemma?, which when mature escape and swim freely in the great ocean. Their form is most unlike that of their parent ; they are called Medusoides, and in turn produce fertilized ova ; these being edged with cilia? move for several hours in the water, and then fixing on sea-weed, rock, or stone, develope into a polypidom like this spray of Sertularia. When the ovule fixes, minute fibres are observed to proceed from the under side, and the pulp dilates, ascends, covered by the horny substance, inside which the dark pulp runs like a thread. At a certain fore- ordained point it stops, becomes bulbous, a tube or cup (according to the species) forms gradually, whilst the pulp is fashioned into the Polype with little knobs length- ening into tentacula?, which no sooner are complete than SERTULARIA ROSACEA. 1(51 they are thrown forth for food ; and the nourishment, instead of increasing its own size, is passed to the stem, and a second cell buds forth on the opposite side, or the stem is prolonged a little, according to the plan of the specie^. Look at the next slide — SERTULARIA POLYZ02JIA8. You see here that the Polype cells are not opposite each other, but alternate and far apart. There are two varieties of this Zoophyte, the one upright, the other spreading and branching ; it is found on shells and sea-weed, espe- cially on branches of Halidrys. These little creatures are very phosphorescent in the dark ; if we shake or strike the sea-weed upon which it rests, a shower of diamond sparks seem to be scat- tered over the frond ; each cell on the delicate spray is a fairy lamp, a moment seen and gone, or sometimes shining on with a faint gentle light, showing where the little zoophyte is dwelling. Often when, having gathered a quantity of Sertularia pumila during the day, I have handled it at night, the flashing out of a thousand tiny stars has astonished me. What must it be if the tossing wave shakes glory thus from the dark weed in the stormy night, and the ocean depths are illuminated by their living- lamps ? SERTULARIA OPERCULATA, or Sea-hair Coralline, shows the sharp tooth-like cells peculiar to this species, and the vesicles with a rounded operculum on the top. This zoophyte is abundant on the coast, often thrown up on the beach in tufts as much as six or eight inches long, especially after a storm. SERTULARIA ROSACEA, Called the Lily or Pomegranate Coralline, will give you a good specimen of varieties in species, and show you what to observe ; for the cells are not so unlike those of the common Sertularia pumila (the upper part of the cells M 162 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. bend outwards and downwards slightly), but the vesicles are most unlike. You see they are pear-shaped, wrinkled, cleft at the top, and more silvery in hue. This coralline grows on shells in deep water, and is parasitic on other zoophytes, small white clusters being often found on Plumularia falcata and Sertularia argentea. LAOMEDEA GENICULATA, the Knotted-thread Coralline — a very common and beau- tiful zoophyte, one of the family of Campanularidas, and worthy of minute examination. In this species we are successful in preserving the polypes themselves inside those tiny cups. The fibres are twisted in a network on the sea-weed — usually a frond of Laminaria or Fucus, and slender threads bristle thickly from the stem — a zigzag hue, on each side of which rise winged stalks bearing the polype cell ; here and there are large vesicles containing Medusoides. The peculiar interest of these Laomedea is the wonderful adaptation of their structure to the element in which they live. — How would this fragile cup and slender stem resist the wild storms of the ocean if it had not been provided with that jointed pedicle, which bends to and fro on every side in ease and safety, whilst the little inhabitant stretches forth its single row of tentacles, and draws food into its probosciform mouth ? The vesicles also, though apparently sessile, are fixed upon a footstalk like a screw, which enables them to resist the shocks of a stormy sea. LAOMEDEA DICHOTOMA. Laomedea dichotoma, or Sea-thread Coralline, is found in long, filiform, zigzag branches, on old shells or stones, or sea-weed, within tide-mark. PLUMULARIA CRISTATA. Observe this both with reflected and transmitted light. It is the Feather Coralline picked up as sea-weed by chil- dren on the sea-coast, after a gale of wind has cast up trea- GEMICELLARIA. 1 63 sures of the deep within our reach. It belongs to a family (Plumularia) which has several species, but none so beautiful as this. We find it twined round the stems and pods of Halidrys siliqiiosa ; sometimes a mussel- shell will have a feathery plume upon its rich blue surface, and tens of thou- sands of tiny creatures spring forth from those sessile cups, ranged all along the pinna? ; they are shaped somewhat like lilies of the valley, with a projecting spine beneath each, and the vesicles are oblong, pod-like, and banded with cristated ribs — the more of these, the better the specimen ; but it should be examined when fresh, and is more easily found, perhaps, than any other zoophyte. PLUMULARIA FALCATA, is another species, in which you may observe the polype cells seated in close array along the pinnae oT the branches ; these when, dry bend inwards like a sickle, and give the name of Sickle Coralline to this zoophyte. It is dredged in deep water and common on oyster beds. A wavy branch of it will not unfrequently be found on the back of some old crab, which has served as its perambulator, and carried it into rich stores of Diatoms and Infusoria, such as it delights in. POLYZOA. GEMICELLARIA. This is one of the Polyzoa, moro highly organised than Sertularia, &c, and therefore ranking considerably higher in the scale of creation. The difference in the skeleton here prepared is, that we have a calcareous cell instead of a horny one. Almost all the Polyzoa have calcareous sheaths, or polyzoaries as this skeleton is called — instead of polypi - dom, which belongs to the lower class of zoophytes. The difference between the two is this : a polypidom is ;i sepa- rate horny case, which is formed before the indwelling and connected polype, and the polype itself is part of a common central mass, having a simple stomach, thread-like tenta- m 2 164 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. culas which seize food and draw it to the mouth, and which multiply by ovarian vesicles containing medusoides. The polyzoary is a case or tunic investing the body of a distinct and separate polype, which is either horny or cal- careous, sometimes forming a dense hard crust on stones and shells. The polype within is quite different from those of the Anthozoa. It has ciliated tentacles. The Polyzoa is a part of the polype itself, investing it as a tunic or case, which is sometimes horny, but most frequently calcareous, even forming dense crusts upon shells, stones, or sea- weeds. Though always found in a mass, the Polyzoa are strictly solitary individuals without inward connection ; each polype, perfect in itself, distinguished from the Anthozoa by their ciliated tentacles, which do not seize the prey, but create currents in the water whereby food is carried into the mouth. This is a great distinction, and must be observed, of course, in the living animal ; a very curious sight it is to watch the shoals of little golden fish-like naviculas whirled into the vortex of a hungry polype, the currents running along the cilia or delicate fringe winch edges each tentacle. Some of them have two stomachs, one a kind of gizzard, triturating the food, and the other digesting and discharg- ing the refuse. There is even a rudimentary liver — a valve at the pyloric opening ; the stomach itself is lined with cilia ; in short, the living polype you are now looking at in its dead state was a wonderfully organized little creature, though scarcely visible to the naked eye. Instead of ovarian vesicles of the Anthozoa we find, especially on Flustra and Lepralia, little pearly cells, which are gemmae, or buds, thrown forth from the body of the polype. They have two methods of propagation, one by gemmation, the other by a true sexual generation. {See " Carpenter on the Microscope," p. 575.) GEMMELLARIA LORICULATA. This Gemmellaria loriculata is an example of the branched, half-horny, half-calcareous polyzoary ; it is a splendid object with polarized light if mounted in balsam, the cells FLUSTRA TRUNCATA. 165 ])ale pink, with a framework of carbonate of lime, giving a fine orange tint. We find Gemmcllaria abundantly on the south-western coast, or thrown up on the beach after a gale in bunches, easily distinguished by the position of the cells back to back in pairs. GEMECELARIA, OR NOTOMIA BURSARIA, a rare but lovely zoophyte, always to be looked at as opaque, and the singular appendages to its lid observed. The triangular cells are in pairs, each capped by an organ resembling a tobacco-pipe, or, some say, a bird's head. It is also called the Shepherd's Purse Coralline, from its resemblance to the seed-capsules of that plant. We only find it in very small tufts, para- sitic on other zoophytes ; but, minute as it is, the tiny creature has the same highly organized body as the rest of the Polyzoa. CELLULARIA AVICULARIA, is the true Bird's -head Coralline found on stones in deep water or at very low tides, growing in spiral fan-like tufts about an inch high. This is a calcareous polyzoary : the cells have a spine at each upper angle, and an appendage called the bird's head. With a little management of light you will see the muscular lines by which the neck opens and shuts ; when alive it snaps in all directions, seizes any passing animal, and holds it fast until death. Now, as they have no inward connection with the stomach of the polype, neither give the food to the tentacles, it is doubtless for protection that they are placed over the otherwise de- fenceless zoophyte — a sensitive and ever-ready police to keep the cities of the great deep. Cities they are indeed ; for examine a piece of Flustra — FLUSTRA TRUNCATA. On one specimen you may count 18,000 inhabitants, each rejoicing in the life bestowed upon them, and all in 166 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. obedience and harmony performing their task in the ocean world. Yes, they all have an appointed work — they had it long ago in the ages beyond out own existence — before the green earth had arisen from the chaos of waters, or even before the Saurian age of reptiles in the calm clear ocean of the earliest formations the little polyzoaries of these zoophytes existed, and their fossil forms are found with those of the lonely Trilobite. PUSTULIPORA FOSSIL, of which the present species are Pustulipora, Deflexa and Proboscidia ; calcareous, erect Polyzoas, with tubes half immersed ; found on shells in deep water off Plymouth and Zetland ; whilst the fossil slides sold by Tennant are from the chalk of Kent and Wilts. FLUSTRA CHARTACE.E, abounds at Hastings ; thin, glistening, and scarcely two inches high, of a light straw colour ; the cells are an oblong figure, protected by a helmet-like operculum. Called also the Paper Sea mat. The name Flustra is from a Saxon word jlustrian, to weave ; and wonderful, truly, is the living web which the Almighty hand has woven in the deep sea ! CELLULARIA REPTANS. (Creeping Cellulavia.) The Cellularia polyzoa has a mixture of horny and cal- careous matter ; the cells have an oblique opening each with four or five short spines : it is a very common species on fucus, in circular branched tufts. CELLULARIA CILIATA. A delicate little pearly -white coralline, often found amidst the bunches of red sea-weed — the Ptilota sericea espe- cially. The cells are at the tips of the branches, and armed with five very long calcareous spines, which are so brittle SERIALARIA LENDIGERA. 1G7 that you seldom get them mounted perfectly ; and over the mouth a most exquisite little operculum, transparent yet firm, closes the door against intrusion, and falls back when the twelve or sixteen ciliated .tentacles come forth for food. CRISEA EBURNEA. The Ivory-tufted Coralline common on such sea-weeds as Delesseria and Dasya, also on the roots of the Laminaria which has been thrown by a rough sea upon the beach : finely granulated pear-shaped vesicles are often scattered over its branches ; it is strongly calcareous ; the cells tubular, with circular apertures looking towards oppo- site sides. CRISIA CORNUTA. The Goat's-horn Coralline, more rare, and parasitical on other zoophytes. This is a very minute species, with long tubular cells, shaped like goat's horns, and placed one over the other. A fine hair-like bristle projects from the side of each cell, and specked oval- shaped gemmae are often found on the branches. SERIALARIA LENDIGERA. The Nit coralline. Large tangled masses of Serialaria often lie upon the sea-sand after a storm, or come ashore clinging to the up-torn branches of Halidrys. It looks to the naked eye but as some knotted thread ; yet even with a pocket lens we find each knot to be a little pan pipe, with from eight to twelve polype cells seated side by side on the fine silken thread which runs on a little space, and again a small pan pipe or family group makes what is called the Nit on the coralline. 168 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. CHAPTER VIII. SEA-WEEDS,— MARINE ALG.E. " The gentleness of Heaven is on the sea. Listen ! the mighty Being is awake, And doth with his eternal motion make A sound like thunder — everlastingly. Wordsworth. " The water is calm and still below, For the winds and waves are absent there, And the sands are bright as the stars that glow In the motionless fields of upper air ; There, with its waving blade of green, The Sea-weed streams through the silent water, And the crimson leaf of the Dulse is seen To blush like a banner bathed in slaughter." Percival. These slides of Sea-weeds will surely be very popular objects ; the student at the sea- side will refer to them again and again for the verification of his own specimens, and for instruction in the varied tissues and parts of fructification. The student at home and far inland will bend over them in delight until he hears the booming wave, and feels the spray of an up-rushing tide — until, on the wide, wild coast, after a storm, he seems to see the tangled treasures of these beautiful plants cast up to perish. Or, as slide after slide is examined and learned, the strong yearning will come for a wandering by the sea- side — a rest beside a rock-pool. If the sea-side has ever been a Home — if our childhood's joy has been to patter on the sands with naked feet, and chase the scrambling crab into its cranny — or, later, with eager hand to gather Zoophyte and Weed, with an understanding heart and loving eye for the great works of the Almighty, then these beautiful specimens SEA- WEEDS. 169 will come with the power of association and memory, as well as with their scientific value. A slide of that exquisite Ptilota plumosa sent my spirit far away from the quiet country home. A sound of a gushing tide was in mine ears, the vast expanse of a sunlit sea before mine eyes — my feet were slipping and bounding from rock to rock, down to the edge of a retreat- ing wave, a long way from the shadow of the Serk cliffs. Suddenly, as in a dream, a deep rock-pool lay before me, on the outer side of which a forest of Laminaria and Chorda-filum was streaming out into the sea ; all round the interior margin were thick clusters of olive sea- weeds and the dense foliage of Lichina, Cystoseira, and Furcel- laria. Here and there beautiful tufts of the jointed Catanella, the delicate Ceramium, Laurentia, Plocamhim , and in one dark corner some fronds of the crimson Rho- dt/menia, whilst in the deepest shadow grew the purple Chondms crispus turning green and olive in the sunny side of the pool. The water was clear and untroubled, when with little splash a Cabot* darted across from crevice to cranny beneath a boulder in the pool ; a Prawn, gracefully poised, and waving its long feelers, was lurking under the weeds, and a green, greedy Crab, was watching a purple, passive Mussel gaping in the warmth and quietude : myriads of living creatures, tiny Molluscs and Cytherida?, were rejoicing in that little world — one single tide-pool. Not to dream on, but to explore deeper still into the mysteries and beauties of the sea-flowers — as they should be called — not weeds. " Call us not weeds — we are flowers of the sea : For lovely, and bright, and gay-tinted are we, And quite independent of culture or showers ; Then call us not weeds — we are ocean's fair flowers." Landesborough. We must consider steadily their microscopic parts, and learn their place in creation. * The Guernsey name for the Bleimius, or Blenny 170 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. MARINE AhGM, or Sea-weeds, are in the ranks of the lower Cryptogamia ; yet the range is very wide, from the fructification of the simple Ulva to the highly organized antheridia and antherozoides of the Fucus platycarpus. The greatest interest of the Sea-weed slides will be lost unless we are acquainted with their fructification ; for no slide is of much value unless it displays either the Tetra- spores, or Favellce, or Ceramidium, or Sori, or Nemathecia, or Antheridia of the various plants. It is best to look at these preparations first with the lowest power, a two-inch object glass, which gives a large clear field, and displays the general form to the greatest advantage. Then raise the power successively to examine the fructification, in doing which we may find some beautiful specimens of Diatomaceas attached to the Algaa. In looking over a slide of Ptilota I observed a chain of the frustules of Grammatophora depending from one of the pinna?, and two or three beautiful Isthmia obliqua entangled in another part of the frond ; some Licmophora were attached to the stem, and this single slide gave long and delightful study, with the use of all the powers of the microscoj)e. The fructification of Sea-weed, which is the most im- portant part, can only be understood by having a collection of about twelve slides, of the following varieties : — Two slides of Ptilota, which will shew either an involucre, containing three spores, or a lacinia, or little leaf, bearing numerous tetraspores, that is, cases containing four spores or seeds. Two of Plocamium, which give branches bearing tubercles containing tetraspores, or stichidia containing spores. One of Polysiphonia gives an example of a Ceramidium, an elegant urn-shaped capsule, open at the top, and contain- ing a group of crimson pear-shaped spores. Two of Odonthalia, which has two kinds of fructification ; and on the slide should be either capsular fruit, somewhat like that of Polysiphonia ; or stichidia, long, delicate pod- like receptacles, enclosing crimson spores in separate chambers or cells. MARINE ALG.E. 171 Two of Callithammion, -which has capsules seated along its pinnae, or branchlets with bi-lobed Favellce. Phyllophora shews quite a different kind of fructification, called nemathecia, or warts, concealed under leafy processes composed of delicate moniliform or bead-like filaments. Rhodyrnenia gives an example of embedded tubercles containing spores called coccidia. Nitophyllum is spotted with sort, each of which con- tain a number of tetraspores. Polsiphonia fastigiata abounds with antheridia at the tips of its filaments amongst spiral fibres. The fructification of the highest order is that of Fucus serratus and platycarpuB^ which should be examined fresh from the plant, and is seen in perfection between the months of December and April. It has a truly sexual character, and as the receptacles of this Fucus contain both the " sperm-cells" and the " germ-cells," it is considered an hermaphrodite plant. In the common Fucus vesiculosus (Bladder-wrack) the receptacles containing antheridia are found on one plant, and those containing sporangia on a separate individual ; it is best, therefore, to obtain the F. platycarpus or serratus, which latter is found abundantly at half-tide, and easily recognized by the toothed edges of its frond, when both organs are observable in the same plant. Choose a mature receptacle, which may be known by its discharging little gelatinous masses adhering round its orifice. Make a section through it, and yau will see a globular cavity lined •with filaments, some of which project through the pore. These filaments are jointed, or rather are composed of cells containing what are called anthero- zoides ; these are yellow dots with two long thread-like appendages, which, when liberated by the breaking of the cell, have a spontaneous and rapid motion, and they imme- diately swarm around the sporangia, and fecundate them. The sporangia are pear-shaped bodies lying amongst these filaments near the walls of the cavity, and they are the parent cells of the germ cells, which produce the spores or seeds. Each of these sporangia gives forth a cluster of eight cells, and are therefore also called octospores. In the hermaphrodite fuci the spores do not leave the 172 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. receptacle until after their fecundation ; but in Fucus vesi- culosa, which is a diaecious plant, the antherozoides meet the spores in the water directly after they issue from the receptacle. To observe this, take an olive-green receptacle, which is the female, and set free a few spores in a drop of sea-water in a shallow cell ; then liberate a few ripe filaments from an orange-yellow receptacle, which will contain the anther- ozoides, and the whole process of fertilization may be watched with a power of 250 diameters. Then, if you further wish to prove the subsequent pro- cess of germination, a little care and patience will enable these very spores to grow from the cell of what is called a " growing slide," or even in a tumbler of water, taking precautions to keep the water fresh and still, by drawing it off with a sijDhon, and renewing it daily in the same gentle way. The fructification of the RhodosjDermeaj, or red Sea- weeds, has not yet been so thoroughly investigated, and the varied forms of the spore-cases will be the chief beauty as well as value of the following preparations. CALLITHAMNION. There are twenty-five species of this plant, and most of them are common on the shores of Great Britain ; its name is derived from two Greek words, signifying " beautiful little shrub," and it is very beautiful, with a rosy or brown- ish-red frond, or rather filament, jointed and branching, bearing two kinds of fructification : — 1, External tetraspores seated upon the branches. 2, Roundish or lobed berry-like receptacles, called favelke, seated on the main branches, and containing many spores. Callithamnion delights in mud- covered rocks. C. ro- seum is found at Torquay ; also G. gracillimum growing along the mud-covered base of the harbour. In fact the collector must often content himself with a handful of mud, showing merely a few red filaments, and then on washing these carefully he will find not only one, but perhaps many, species of this lovely Sea- weed. PT1L0TA PLUMOSA. 17 CERAMIUM. •> Fourteen species are on the list of British Algae. The filaments are of varied colour, from red and purple to white, jointed and dichotomous, which means regularly and repeatedly cleft ; it has two kinds of fructification — 1, Capsules, with a membranous pericarp or outer skin, containing numerous angular seeds. 2, Oblong granules partly imbedded in the joints of the filaments called favellce. The name is from a Greek word signifying " little pitcher,' 1 '' which the capsules nevertheless do not resemble. Ceramium botrycarpum is found in fruit from August to November, with clusters of favellae on all the branches — most beautiful. Its chief habitat is Torquay and Bristol. Ceramium rubrum is common everywhere in tide-pools between water-mark. PTILOTA PLUMOSA. This lovely little plant, rightly named Ptilota, from a Greek word signifying "pinnated," from its innumerable small branches or pinnce, is one of our best preparations ; for, even without the fruit, its cellular tissue being very transparent, the cells containing the crimson endochrome are distinctly seen, and render it a favourite object. The stem is closelv branched right and left with branchlets called pinnm* and these again cut into exceedingly fine divisions called pinnulo? ; at the tip of the latter we find the fructi- fication. This consists of two or three minute capsules called favello?, each of which contains three or four oval seeds, and they are themselves surrounded and apparently protected by several linear segments bending over them. When fresh-gathered for observation, these favellce are of a rich crimson with a pellucid border, and, seated in their little cage of crimson pinnulse, are really beautiful. Another kind of fructification is found on Ptilota*, but on distinct individuals; the pinnule are broader at the tips, and covered with oval bodies called tetraspores, from their containing four seeds. 174 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Ptilota is a perennial plant found in Summer and Autumn frequently growing on the stems of Laminaria digitata, and therefore our best specimens may be gathered on the beach after the autumnal equinoctial gales. At Torquay it is found on rocks, but Ptilota sericea is often mistaken for it ; this is very abundant on the rocks at Moulin Huet in Guernsey, hanging in rich silky masses on the sheltered side of the rocks, and thronged with that minute but lovely zoophyte Eucratia chelata. PLOCAMIUM VULGARE, OR COCCINEUM. Plocamium, coccineum it is called from its fine crim- son colour, and the word Plocamium means, in Greek, " braided hair," which the fine divisions of the frond resemble. A small branch of this lovely weed has been thus hap- pily described in a French botanical work, and will direct the eye in examining this slide. I shall therefore tran- scribe it : — " Sa tige est tres-rameuse, et toujours dans le menie plan ; l'ordre des ramifications est tres-remarkable ; chaque rameau est legerement flexueux, et n'emet de ramifications que du cote convexe : la premiere est un filet simple et pointu ; la deuxieme est un filet qui a trois dents du cote anterieur ; la troisieme est un filet qui a deux dents, et qui au lieu de la troisieme dent pousse un filet muni d'une dent en dehors ; la quatrieme est un filet qui n'a qu'une dent, la deuxieme dent est devenue une filet a une dent, et la troisieme un filet rameux. " Apres ces quatre ramifications il y a une espace vide, et la tige emet des rameux semblables du cote oppose." The fructification is of two kinds : — 1 , The stichidia, or oblong vesicles containing spores in separate divisions or cells — very beautiful. 2, Spherical capsules, seated upon the branches, contain- ing a cluster of spores. This is a common Sea-weed everywhere in Summer and Autumn. SPHEROCOCCUS. 1 ? ."> POLYSIPHONIA. There are twenty-four species of this Sea-weed, some of them inhabitants of the rock-pool, some of the wide wild ocean, on the stems of Laminaria, and therefore often found upon the beach after a storm, or obtained by dredging on all the British coasts. It also loves to grow upon Melo- besia on the steep sides of rock-pools. Of all these the P. urceolata and P. elongella are the best for microscopic observation. The former has a beau- tiful fructification ; an urn-shajDed capsule called a cera- midium, furnished with a pore or opening like the mouth of a vase, and containing a tuft of pear-shaped spores. A second form of fruit is met with on the same plant — the tip of a branch expands, and a row of tetraspores is embedded in it ; also on Polysiphonia fastigiata such an abundance of antheridia is found as to give a yellow colour to the plant, quite visible to the naked eye, and de- serving particular microscopic observation. SPHEROCOCCUS. A common plant, often cast ashore after a gale, and found all along the coast of Cornwall and Devonshire, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands. It is difficult to obtain perfect specimens of the beautiful fructification, they are so often destroyed by the violence of the waves ; but a careful dissection of it freshly gathered would be both delightful and instructive. We find minute spherical capsules supported on slender stalks and mucronate, that is, having a little spine ob- liquely projecting from their apex ; upon opening this, bj making a section through it, we see a cluster of crimson seeds, also stalked. The structure of the branches should be noticed ; they are obscurely but perfectly veined, a faint narrow midrib and lateral parallel veins may be distinctly seen. 176 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. GRIFFITHSIA, so named in honour of Mrs. Griffiths of Torquay, found on the coast of Devonshire, and other parts of the southern coasts of England. The frond is rose-red, filamentous, and jointed. The fructification of two kinds : — 1, Tetraspores affixed to whorled involucral ramuli or small branches. 2, Favellee, or gelatinous receptacles, surrounded by an involucre, and containing a mass of minute angular spores. There is a beautiful species, called Griffithsia coralinw, the filaments of which resemble a string of fine glossy crimson beads, found on rocks at low-water-mark, or in deep pools during Summer. This should be mounted, if possible, with its tetraspores. GRACILLARIA, one of the Sphserococcoidre, named from a Latin word signifying " slender." Gracillaria erecta is found on sand-covered rocks at Sidmouth and Torquay ; it fruits in Winter,* when it should be gathered and mounted ; for both kinds of fructification are beautiful, especially the coccidia, of which sections should be made to show the spores imbedded in the outer skin, and the delicate hexagonal cells of the interior. The coccidia are pod-like receptacles at the tips of the filaments, and, when magnified, appear to be dotted with crimson spots. Make a transverse section to observe the position of the spores. The other kind of fructification is a frond covered with sessile capsules, about the size of a poppy- seed, containing a cluster of oblong red seeds. Gracillaria compressa is sometimes cast ashore attached to coral and algee at Sidmouth, where it was found by Mrs. Griffiths, and also in the Channel Islands by other collectors. It is not generally known that the Island of Alderney is famous for its rare and beautiful Sea- weeds, many of them made known by Mrs. Gaudion, wife of the late judge of Alderney, an indefatigable collector and * February and March. odontSalia. 17? admirable preserver of Sea-weeds, to whom I am greatly obliged for some excellent specimens. LAURENTIA. There are several species of this abundant and pretty Sea-weed. It varies much in colour and size; some species, L. pinnatiftda, being of a dark purple and even olive colour, whilst the Laurentia obtusa has a fine pink colour, though in rock-pools much exposed to the sun it hangs in dirty yellow bunches, and for that reason is often unrecognized. The rare Laurentia tenuissima is found plentifully in the Channel Islands. The fructification of Laurentia is both various and remarkable, requiring microscopic investigation. 1. They have broadly ovate capsules, about the size of a poppy-seed, containing red pear-shaped seeds, supported upon narrow stalks. A section must be made through the capsule to show them well. 2. Ternate granules imbedded in the ramuli, or tips of the short branches. Simply magnified they appear to be dotted. A transverse section should be made. Then, again, on some specimens of the same plant may frequently be found swollen tips, forming large spurious capsules, and these are very curious. Some of them have only a minute pore ; others are spread out more like the shield of a Lichen, and edged with pink. On making a section through these, numerous transparent linear bodies are seen pressed closely together ; they are composed of minute filaments surrounding a slight column, and termi- nate in several round pellucid lobes. In the round capsules they are also present, and by a gentle pressure under the microscope are seen to issue in numbers from the pore. Laurentia is found in perfection from June to Septemb< r ODONTHALIA. This is only found on the Northern coasts of England, Yorkshire, and Scotland. It comes on shore from the deep sea finely dotted with fruit in the month ofNovemlx The beautiful stichidia, reddish purple, and the ceramidium — both kinds are on this plant. 178 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. BONNEMAISONNIA, named after Bonnemaison, a celebrated French Algologist. Nothing can be more graceful and beautiful than this ex- quisite little plant ; the fronds so delicately ciliated, of a bright rose colour, and dotted all along with tiny capsules — the true ceramidium ; each urn-like vase containing a group of stalked spore-cases, in which are numerous seeds. The texture of the plant also is a beautiful microscopic object. It is found from June to September all round the English and Scottish coast. DELESSERIA is only microscopic in its fructification, and as an example of Sori. It has two kinds of fructification : — 1. Capsules, containing spores, and these are always found upon the midrib and stem of the plant. 2. Sori, or masses of granules collected into little spots or lines in the substance of the frond, or in little leaflets or distinct pod-like leafy processes, which form a sort of fringe on the midrib and margin of the plant. We never find more than one kind of fruit on any individual. Delesseria is a well-known and abundant Sea-weed, a favourite in all collections, from its beautiful colour and broad fronds. Delesseria limosa is found after storms attached to the stems of Laminaria digitala. Specimens have been gathered in which the frond measured four inches across. There is one species, Delesseria tmscifolia, which de- serves microscopic attention from its substance between the midrib and margin being transversed by white pellucid branched veins composed of a single row of elongated cellules. The colour is a fine rose pink ; it is foimd from May to September, at Yarmouth, Torquay, Bognor, Ilfracombe, &c. RHODOMELA. This is a large, bushy plant, beautifully tufted in the Spring, and bearing feathery tufts of Hamuli of fight HALYMENIA. 179 brown purplish colour. In early summer, about June, the fruit is found, and is of two kinds : — 1. Nearly globular capsules, full of free, pear-shaped seeds. 2. Stichidia, pod-like receptacles, with ternate granules imbedded in the substance. Sections of a ripe pod and of the stem are beautiful under the microscope. The external appearance is as if it was ribbed, or jointed ; but upon examination we find a tissue of hexagonal cells, each with a red dot in the centre, and if we make a longitudinal section we find oblong cells, through which runs a red filament. It is found upon the drifted stems of Laminaria, and upon rocks in the sea. There are several species, of which Rhodomela ivjnastroides is the most common. SPYRIDIA FILAMENTOSA. This is rare in England, but found on the coast of Devon- shire, the Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands. The name is derived from a Greek word signifying u basket," which the receptacles resemble ; for the stalked gelatinous receptacles have a membraneous pericarp often surrounded by an involucre of short ramuli, containing two or three masses of roundish granules ; it is these which look like baskets. CHAETOSPORA WIGGII is very beautiful, but rarely obtained in fruit, and has not yet been thoroughly investigated ; therefore it is men- tioned rather to induce observation when the plant is' found in perfection. It is gathered on the coast of Normandy, and in the Channel Islands ; Sidmouth, Brighton, and Yarmouth also yield it occasionally, of a fine rose colour, and Avith very delicate filiform fronds. HALYMENIA. A compressed frond, pinky red, consisting of a very delicate membrane, which when in fruit is dotted with Sori, and a transverse section should be made, which will shew N 2 180 THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. the spores, called in this plant " favellidia" attached to the inner surface of the membrane. It is found abundantly on the coast on rocks and stones in the sea during Summer. DASYA. There are four species of this lovely Sea-weed. The name is taken from a Greek word signifying hairy. The commonest of them, Dasya coccinea, is often mistaken for Ptilota plumosa, being found in long crimson feathery sprays on the coast after storms, or dredged in deep water. It is a great favourite with collectors of sea-weed for orna- mental purposes, and is equally valuable for the microscope, yielding two kinds of fructification ; the Ceramidium, con- taining pear-shaped spores, and the Stichidia, containing tetraspores ranged in transverse bands. A delicate section of the lower part of the stem will shew the internal structure, which is of numerous parallel tubes surrounding a central cavity, and edged with a circle of the short stout hairs which clothe the stem. Sections of the fruit and of the stem are often indispen- sable for determining the species, and give innumerable varieties of beautiful objects. DASYA ARBUSCULA. A delicate and not uncommon plant at the verge of low- water mark in many parts of Scotland and in the Channel Islands ; remarkable for its beautiful and abundant stichidia, clustered amidst the fine ramuli, which cover the frond densely, and are forked at the tip, jointed, and of a clear crimson-lake colour, sometimes more or less brown, and always discharging its fine colour if left in fresh-water. DASYA OCCELLAT.E, is of a purple colour, and the dense tufts of ramuli at the tips of the branches give it a dotted appearance, like an eyelet on each delicate feathery stem. The stichidia are very long slender pods, full of tetraspores. goadby's solution. 181 DASYA VENUSTA. A most beautiful and rare little plant, found in the Channel Islands in Summer and Autumn. The shape of the stichidia, which have long acute points, and the repeatedly forked rarnuli, distinguish it from Dasyaarbuscula, which it other- wise much resembles. These marine Algae are prepared in Paris, by Bourgogne, and sold by Baker, of High Holborn. A collection of even a few would be most useful to a young student, who thus learns what to mount for himself at the sea- side. As to the method ; when the form only of the plant is desired I find Canada balsam a good medium. The Sea- weed being perfectly dry, it only requires placing in warm, not hot, Balsam, and covering with a previously warmed thin glass cover. But for the display and preservation of the fructification the following liquid is preferable : — GOADBY'S SOLUTION FOR MARINE ALG.E. Four oz. bay-salt, two oz. alum, four grains corrosive sublimate, two quarts of boiling water. The cells to be made on the revolving table with Bruns- wick black, and thoroughly dried. The specimen then laid in the cell with enough of the solution to fill the cell, and the glass cover carefully laid on. Let it stand for a few minutes, and dry the surrounding glass with blotting paper before the varnish is applied, which hermetically seals it. The Sea- weed must be mounted fresh from the sea. 182 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. CHAPTER IX. FOKAMLNATED SHELLS. I believe that every one is surprised and delighted with these lovely little shells ; so minute that they resemble grains of the finest sand ; and so perfect in structure that they seem to be the habitation of a more highly organized animal than they really are. There are two kinds of foraminated shells, calcareous and siliceous. The calcareous shells are found alive in marine deposit, and on sea-weed ; the siliceous are also dredged up from the depths of the sea, and found in stalata formed of fossil deposits. The animals which dwell in these beautiful little shells are of the lowest order in the scale of animal creation, not yet perfectly understood, and are variously placed by scientific men. Formerly they were considered as belong- ing to the family of Cephalopods, or Cuttle-fish. Ehrenberg, a great naturalist, regarded them as polypes, and placed them amongst the Bryozoa, or Zoophytes. Du Jardin, a French naturalist, and most modern authors, agree in the relationship of foraminifera to those very curious animals, Amceba and ' Actinophrys sol, which are found in fresh- water, and may be studied from our aquariums. Their internal organization is a simple body of what is called sarcode, a kind of pulp which has the power of assimilating and digesting food in all its parts. The body has no particular mouth, stomach, or intestine, neither has it eyes or other senses, except feeling ; but it can put forth long feelers through the perforations in the shell, and can entangle and draw in its appointed food, which, whenever it enters, is presently digested, and the residue ejected, not always out of the shell, for the cavities are sometimes choked up by these undigested atoms. Now in some of the Foraminifera the body is single and jointed, in others the chambers of the cells are so distinct that the sarcode body may be considered as compound, THE OPERCULINA. 183 and one tiny shell to contain a family, the members of which have been produced as gemmse or buds, one from the other. The subject is still under investigation by scientific men, therefore I shall not enter further into it, but recommend the student, if desirous of further information, to read " Weaver's Abstract of Foraminif era " in " Annals of Nat. Hist., 1841;" "Williamson Trans. Micros. Soc, vol.ii.," and " Micr. Journal, vol. i.;" also " Carpenter on the Micro- scope, chap, x." The structure of the shell itself is various, some being single-chambered (Lagena, Miliolina, and Gromia) ; the greater number are compound shells, with cells arranged lengthwise or circular, or spiral, all of them dotted with numerous foramina, or holes, from whence they are named foraminated shells. We should have at least three slides of these in our collection : one of the mixed specimens, one of the beau- tiful Cristellaria, or Operculina, and one of the siliceous Foraminifera from the Barbadoes deposit. THE OPERCULINA, is the best example of a compound shell, to shew the divi- sion into chambers ; it is like a tiny nautilus, and if we saw the interior, would find each chamber separated from the other by double walls, or septa, containing tubes, and which give off lateral branches, and a network of minute veins for circulation of fluid. A large syphon or tube forms the margin of the shell, and is the medium of com- munication between the cells. The shells of this Foraminifera being calcareous, are easily dissolved by muriatic acid ; and a recent specimen may be examined by placing it in a watchglassful of water with one drop of strong acid, when, in a very short time. the shell will dissolve, leaving the animal naked and perfect with every mark of its habitation left upon its plastic body. On examining a mixed slide you will find that Borne are starlike (Astoma), some in complex whorls (Cassidulina), some straight and yet chambered (Verneucilina) — the variety is immense. They are dredged from the depths of the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, and iEgean Seas, and on our own coast they are found also plentifully in the white 184 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. drifted sand, or amongst the corallines in rock-pools. The Cassidulina and Eosalina are the most common in the Channel Islands. The ouze of oyster beds also abound with some species. FOSSIL FORAMINATED SHELLS FROM BARBADOES. These are of a different kind ; the shells are siliceous ; the variety even on this one slide is probably amazing, and the delicacy of form and workmanship truly worth a long and careful examination. They were first discovered by Professor Ehrenberg at Cuxhaven on the Xorth Sea, after- wards found by him in collections made in the Antarctic Seas. Fancy these fragile and lovely little creatures have been brought up by the sounding lead at the depth of 2000 fathoms ! Such are the beautiful forms which the hand of God has fashioned in His wisdom, where human eye never sees and foot of man never treads, and which, but for our microscope, had remained unknown to us as they have been for the ages past. Nothing do we examine thus, but it reveals such perfect finish, such loving design of adaptation to the creature's necessities, that we have deeper thoughts than our tongue can utter, and learn lessons that philosophy has never taught. Xothing is done carelessly ; nothing is isolated or loose in the scale of creation ; the plan is seen ever wider, deeper, higher, but complete and in perfect order, whatever part is presented to our finite mind. We see very little, we know very little ; but we gaze on, and our hearts are directed upward even by a slide of microscopic shells sculp- tured with hieroglyphics of the Creator. The Barbadoes deposit alone furnishes 282 varieties ; and when we consider that in a single ounce of sand 6000 of these shells were picked out, and in another ounce from the shores of the Antilles no less than 3,840,000 were dis- covered ; when we learn that these little shells are increas- ing so fast as to block up navigable channels, obstruct gulfs, and fill up harbours, we feel how little we can know of that Infinite Mind who has so ordered the multiplicity, and so elaborately worked these foraminated shells. NUMMULITES. 185 ORBITOLITES are circular fossil shells, varying in size from a sixpence to very minute species, found in all foraminiferous sand. It is the habitation of a composite animal, often found alive on sea- weed, but more abundant in the fossil state. The chambers or cells are arranged in circles — the shell not sculptured. The animal is of a less high order than the true Foraminifera. Perforations in the shell are doubtless for the Pseudopodia ; their habits and mode of propaga- tion are not known. NUMMULITES. These are a species of Foraminifera, but only in the fossil state ; they are much larger, too, varying in size from a four- penny piece to half-a-crown ; they are the habitations of a composite animal, and the structure of the shell very com- j)licate ; the chambers arranged in spirals round the centre in great numbers. They abound in the United States, where a mountain 300 feet high seems to be entirely formed of these shells. The crystalline marble of the Pyrenees and the limestone ranges of the Adriatic Sea are wholly com- posed of small Xummulites. The Great Pyramid of Egypt is built upon blocks of limestone consisting of these fora- minated shells — habitations of beings who lived long before the age of man, and were, amongst others, God's instru- ments for preparing the earth for the perfection of his creation. 186 THE AN DIAL KINGDOM. CHAPTER X. SPICULES OF SPONGES. SPICULES OF SPONGE. These slides, although useful, and to a certain extent interesting, are very far from what is wanted to illustrate the nature of a sponge. They are isolated siliceous spicula of the horny skeleton of the sponge ; very various in form, but all for the same purpose of strengthening the framework of the animal. Sponges in their living state are by no means like the dried specimens sold for domestic purposes ; these are but the dead form, the mere skeleton of what was once a living creature. When alive it possesses a firm, fleshy substance, composed of cells about the T ^ ^ of an inch in diameter ; the horny skeleton is developed in the inter-cellular sub- stance, and within cells of horny matter these spicula are secreted. Sponges present a great variety in their external ap- pearance ; some being soft as jelly, whilst others are as hard as flint ; some very large, and others exceedingly minute. The nature of the body closely resembles that of the Foraminifera and Amoeba?, having no distinct organs, and capable of assimilating food in all its parts. There is a current flowing in and out through the whole sponge, entering the small apertures or oscula, and being expelled by the animal through the large apertures or oscula. The channels through which the currents are drawn and ex- pelled are furnished with ciliated cells, which promote the circulation of the water from whence the sponge derives its needful supply of oxygen and food for the maintenance of its life. This action may be observed by the sea- side student on carefully removing Grantia ' ciliata, or Halichondria SPICULES OF GRANTIA NIVEA. 187 panicece from its native rock, and placing it in a basin of fresh sea-water, when they will presently ponr forth streams of the fluid from their oscula, and give full evidence of life. Their propagation is by gemmation, or by winter-ova, for a full description of which we must refer to Mr. Bowcrbank's papers in " Trans. Micro. Soc, 1840," and " Johnson on British Sponges." What we particularly want for an educational box is a good section of sponge, shewing the spicula in situ. The following slides are, however, very useful, because after examining the tri-radiate spicula of Grant ia, the stellate pin-shaped spicula of Tethea, the anchor-headed spicula of Pachymatisma, and the peculiar bi-rotulate spicula of the fresh-water sponge, Sjiongilla fluviatilis, we are able to understand many of the miscellaneous contents of fossil earth or recent sand, and discern not only the remains of a sponge, but to what particular family an isolated spiculum belongs. GEMMULES OF PACHYMATISMA. These are young sponges or gemmules ; they grow from the sarcode body, and occur in great numbers towards the base or root of the sponge ; at first they appear as little knobs, arising from the cellular tissue, their stem lengthens, they become detached, ciliated, and soon escape from the parent sponge to whirl for some time in the water, and finally fix upon their appointed habitat and grow into a sponge. SPICULES OF GRANTIA NIVEA. These are tri-radiate spicula of carbonate of lime. Without sections of the sponge itself, or engravings, it is not possible to explain or understand the beautiful arrange- ment of these spicula for support and fur defence, many of them project into the cavities of the sponge to prevent the entrance of foreign bodies, which would assuredly injure the delicate fibres of its frame. Grantia compressa is an abundant animal in the caves , 188 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. at Tenby, and the Gouliot Caves in Serk. Grantia ciliata is found in rocky pools hanging like a little bottle with a circle of silvery spicule round its mouth. Spicules of Pachyniatisma (crutches). Halichondria incrustans. , , Griffithsia. Dysidea fragilis. Tether. Spongillae fluviatilis. Geodia. Sponge Spicules, Thames. Serk. Pin- shaped. Parallel-spined. Anchor- shaped. Truncated. Clubs. Stars. Sponges from the Phillipine Islands. ■ man's metacarpal. 189 CHAPTER XI. SECTIONS OF BONE. These are favourite objects for the polariscope, and are usually selected from their brilliancy under polarized light ; but the structure of bone is a most interesting study as connected with comparative anatomy and geological re- searches, opening a wide field of observation. Bone is formed, like all other parts of the body, by the development of cells, in which secondary deposits of earthy or inorganic matter consolidate the tissue and form the substance. Chemically, bone consists of gelatine, with phosphate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, fluoride of cal- cium, small quantities of carbonate of lime, and a little oxide of iron. The marrow or medullary tissue of bones consists of ordinary fatty tissue, a particular liquid, and cells, with vessels and nerves. The structure will only be understood by the examina- tion of a few of these slides. Take, for example, a section of human bone, man's metacarpal. The first thing we notice is the number of apertures sur- rounded by laminae or layers of substance in circles. These are the Haversian canals which serve for the trans- mission of blood-vessels to the interior of the bone. The numerous black spots with radiating fibres are (.'ailed lacuna, or bone cells, and the fine lines are little tubes called canaliculi, or calcigerous canals. They are dark, because filled with air, and their shape and size are most important matters to the naturalist, who thereby can determine u> what class of Bird, Beast, Reptile, or fish, any given bone belongs. Not only so, but by the arrangement of the Haversian canals and bone-cells, differing in every bone <>t' the body, from the bones of man to those of the smallest creature, 190 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. there is an infinite variety of structure adapted to the necessities of the animal, more or less of strength, or of lightness, or of flexibility. A knowledge of this has enabled Owen, the great osteo- logist, to ascertain the order and exact position of an ante- diluvian reptile from a mere fragment of fossil bone. By microscopic examination of bone the existence of Reaper reptiles in old red sandstone has been determined, and the supposed reptile Saurocephalus been removed into the class of fishes. It is marvellous to observe in the section of a fossil bone which belonged to an animal of ex- tinct race, such as the huge Mastodon and Megatherium, the very same structure and proportionate size of bone-cells that we find in our domestic animals and in man himself; to compare a section of bone from the colossal Iguanodon with one from the timid Lizard, and find them modelled after the same type, and by the peculiar form and large size of the lacunae and canaliculi to recognize the reptile ; or a section from the fossil bones of the gigantic Dinornis, whose species has been extinct for ages, and yet find in the still existing Apteryx a continuance of the race, and the unmistakeable small lacunae of Birds. It was from a fossil bone of the Dinornis and micro- scopical examination that Professor Owen ascertained that it was the femur or thigh-bone of a Bird — that the bird was large, heavy, sluggish — of the ostrich tribe, and therefore probably with the habits of that bird. After- wards, when a few more bones were sent to the naturalist, he not only discovered that they belonged to nine different species, but was able to determine that one Dinornis was a bird ten feet six inches high, another nine feet, another five feet, and so on. With a very moderate knowledge of the structure of bone, and a habit of observation and comparison, the stu- dent of geology or of natural history may be able to ascer- tain to which class of vertebrate animals any bone, fossil or recent, belongs. A collection of the jaws and small bones of Moles, Rabbits, Weasels, and Rats, will give beautiful preparations. Nor are they difficult to mount ; all we require is a small web saw, a good hone, and patience. Slice a thin bit of bone with the saw, and rub it on the hone with BONE-CELLS. 191 water until transparent ; towards the end of the operation, fasten the section with balsam to a glass slide, and finish the grinding carefully, when it may be dried and mounted like any other object. The whole jaw of a Mole well ground down is very beau- tiful, showing the Haversian tubes like a tree branching out between the fangs of the molar teeth. Longitudinal sections generally show the structure best. In the position and use of a bone, the size and number of the lacunas and Haversian canals are modified to give the required strength or lightness. The wing-bones of a Birds abound in Haversian canals and lacuna?, which give both elasticity and strength, and there is an interesting paper on this subject by the Rev. J. B. Dennis, in the " Microscopical Journal" for 1843. For the guidance of the student who may wish to collect specimens and prepare sections of bone, the following table of the relative size of bone cells in Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Man, will be useful : — Measurement of bone- cells in 'parts of an English inch. (transverse sections.) f Long diameter { onc °™ ie ,ar ^ st 4 *** Human bone ] one of he smallest „W ( Short diameter one °™ le lar ^ st ">» v ( one ol the smallest -% q *§■§ ( Long diameter { one of *j ie ""^J* "***■ Ostrich \ I one of the smaliest T5T 4 *** v ( one ol the smallest -g^y Turtle ( Long diameter { one °£ *[ ie lar § 1 e 1 st 4 rfy \ ° { one ol tne smallest -^^ Reptile 1 Short diameter j one of &e largest ^ v one oi the smallest Wnp } Pj1 , 5841) ! T -,. , one oi the larn-i's: . 1 .. Long diameter < „., ■ ,, ^o I one of the smallest^ c-i . r a. one oi the largest — ', ohort diameter < ,,, ,, ±Tov [ one ol tin' smallesl . i ._ See " Transactions of the Microscopical Society," v«.l. ii. part ii., p. 4G. 192 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. The following preparations of bone may be obtained at Baker's and most other opticians :- Femur of Poliocephalus Edwardsi. Femur of Monkey. Femur of Eagle. Bone of Alligator. Bone of Turtle. Rib of Python. Rib of Tortoise. Horn of Rhinoceros. Seal bone. Bone of Antelope. FIN-BONE OF LEPIDOSTEOS. A genus of fishes belonging to the family of Clupeidae, natives of tropical America. They are remarkable for their long rasp -like teeth and the hard scales like stone. They are, with the genus Polypterus, the only living representa- tions of the vast numbers of extinct voracious fishes whose remains are found in various secondary formations. FEMUR OF TETRAO UROGALLUS. Tetrao urogallus, one of the Grouse tribe, an English species of bird called Cock of the Wood. SECTIONS OF TEETH. These are brilliant polariscope objects, and offer the same interesting subjects for observation and comparison in various animals, fish, reptiles, and mammalia. The teeth of Mammalia consist of a crown, or that por- tion above the jaw-bone and gum; and a neck, or narrower intermediate portion. The substance of human teeth consists of three parts ; the ivory or dentine, which is white, and of a silky appear- ance, composed of numerous tubes or canaliculi, called ivory tubes ; the cement, or bony portion, which forms the outer coating of the fangs, and is like other bone with lacunae, but rarely with any Haversian canals ; the enamel, which covers the ivory, and is extremely hard, brittle, and fibrous. The fibres of enamel, separated by muriatic acid, are found to be six-sided prisms, about l-6000th in breadth. HUMAN TEETH. 10.°) and transversely striped, which are well seen under the polariscope. • SECTION OF HUMAN TOOTH, (Perpen dicular, ) will show the enamel on the crown, like a narrow border running round ; the ivory in a broad band round the pulp- cavity ; and the cement round the fang, dotted with lacuna?. SECTION OF HUMAN TOOTH,. (Transverse,) will only show the enamel and the ivory. Tooth of Saw-fish. Sperm Whale. Jaw of Myliobates, or Eagle Ray-fish. Wolf-fish. • Elephant's tooth. Tusk of Sus Indicus. 194 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. CHAPTER XII. HAIRS. HUMAN HAIR. The interest of these slides is greatly increased by view- ing them with polarized light, as they give beautiful colours over the selenite stage. But, besides the mere play of colour, it is worthy of observation that the hairs of animals and insects are" so variously fashioned and so delicately finished, that each species have in some cases a distinct form, though to unassisted eyes they are perfectly alike. The structure of hair is cellular, like every other part of the body, and if it is soaked in acetic acid, or soda, that ap- parent tube is found to be made up of scales outwardly, pigment cells, linear cells, and nucleated cells within ; growing from the skin in which it is planted, having a bulb-like root, nourished by ducts and follicles, or small pouches on either sides of the hair-bulb. When a human hair is young and healthy, it has abun- dant pigment cells, and therefore is coloured ; but, when old or diseased, either the pigment cells become empty, or only filled with air, or it is preyed upon by fungi, several species of which infect the human hair. HAIRS OF DORMOUSE AND COMMON MOUSE shew a beautiful arrangement of air-cells, and if soaked in potash these become more visible, with the medullary cells in two rows. HAIR OF MOLE The cells in the medulla very distinct. HAIR OF LARV.E OF DERME8TES. 1 !>.") HAIRS OF BATS. These are very remarkable, that of the Indian Bat pre- senting whorls of scales at regular intervals along the shaft ; others give variety in the medullary structure. HAIR OF ELEPHANT. This is a transverse section, shewing groups of empty cells here and there, and other's in dense clusters contain- ing pigment. Examine with polarized light. HAIR OF CAMEL. More nearly resembling wool, soft and flexible, with distinct cortical cells, giving it the appearance of being jointed. HAIR OF REINDEER. In the Deer there are few cortical cells, but the medul- lary cells are so developed, that they resemble the cellular tissue of vegetables. HAIR OF ORNITHORHYNCHUS. A whole hair of this curious little animal presents a com- bination of wool and of hair. The base, which is long and slender, being quite woolly, and the upper part enlarged considerably, and shewing imbricated scales on the surface. The Ornithorhynchus is a most singular little animal, about one foot and a half long, with a head somewhat like a duck ; a body like a mole, and yet so unlike any other animal that it was at first disbelief <1 such a genus existed. It is a native of New South Wales, and called by the colonists the Water-mole. HAIR OF LARV.E OF DERMESTI>. This is used as a test object, and, when viewed with a good clear J-inch object glass, should shew the si ia ft thickly o 2 * 196 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. covered with minute spines or scales, placed on whorls up to the tip, where the last whorl is composed of broader hairs or scales, somewhat resembling the petals of a flower, and each scale terminated by a little knob. The Dermestes lardarius is a small black beetle, very destructive to bacon ; it has a broad grey band, spotted black at the base of the elytra. It belongs to the Pentamera, having five joints in the tarsi, and to the Clavicornes, having clubbed antennas. The larva? are most mischievous in insect collections. So, also, another of the family Anthremis, whose hairs are mounted as test objects. We find the larva? of Anthremis under the bark of old elm- trees in February ; of light brown colour, with tufts of long hairs on the three lower joints of the abdomen. These hairs are wonderfully beautiful. Soak them a few minutes in turpentine, and mount in balsam. SPICULES OF OHIRODOTA. 197 CHAPTER XIII. SPICULES OF HOLOTHURLE. . Holothuri.e are marine animals nearly related to the Star-fish and Echini, being one of the Radiata, but very unlike them in appearance ; they are outwardly like a simple tough sac, with a plume of delicate feelers or tentacula at its head. It is divided, like the Sea-urchin, into five parts, having five avenues of suckers, and the plume, though more or less plumose, is always a multiple of Jive. They glide about in sunny rock-pools, or lie under stones, and have a curious habit of ejecting all their intestines if irritated or alarmed, yet live a long time perfectly empty, and have the power of reproducing their very complicated internal parts. They possess, though outwardly of such a simple form, heart, liver, intestines, a wondrous system of circulation, and are so prolific that an individual has been known to lay 5000 eggs in one night. The spicules we mount for the microscope form a kind of skeleton, being deeply imbedded in the skin, and their form varies with the species. SPICULES OF SYNAPTA. A species of Holothuria found in the Adriatic Sea : these calcareous plates are embedded in the skin and per- forated each with ten or fifteen holes, in one of which an anchor-like spine is fitted with a hinge, by which it is erected or depressed at the will of the animal. These are best observed with the blackground illumi- nation. SPICULES OF CHIRODOTA. Another species inhabiting the Mediterranean, and the plates remarkable for their delicate wheel-like markings. 198 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. CALCAREOUS SPICULES OF DORIS. The Doris is a soft-bodied animal, often called a sea- slug : it is one of the Nudibranch mollusca, having its breathing organs outside its body, and like a starry plume on its back. It is often seen gliding about in sunny rock- pools, or sheltered under loose stones — feeding on sponges and also on dead fish. The tongue is very beautiful, and has been noticed amongst the palates. CALCAREOUS SKELETON OF DORIS. The skin appears to be strengthened by these calcareous spicules as a kind of skeleton, and their position is better viewed when thus mounted. The shape of the sjricules varies a little with the species. SPICULES OF GORGONIA. These slides present a variety of calcareous spicules, which, when examined with the -|~inch power and dark- ground illumination, or simply with polarized light, show curious shapes and beautiful colours. They are found in the skin of the Gorgonia, and each species has its peculiar shape and colour. Gorgonias are zoophytes ; when drawn up from the ocean, as they live at a great depth, they look like a shrub or small tree of bright salmon colour ; the branches are spotted with little depressions, but have no appearance of life. If, however, it is quickly replaced in sea- water, a lovely sight is seen — from every dot, on every branch, comes forth a living creature, flower-like, pearly white, and spreading forth a circle of delicate pinna 3 , or filaments, edging eight petal-like tentacula. They are feeling for their prey, and drawing in shoals of marine infusoria, like other zoophytes. When the animals die, the petals shrink in and the skin hardens, and these spicules are found in masses through- out. Some — the Gorgonia cristata — have spicules shaped like double crosses ; some are of a rich purple ; others crimson ; others again of golden hue even by natural trans- mitted light and with moderate power. BECTION OF ECHINUS SPINE. L99 SPICULES OF ALCYONIUM DIGITATTM. These are likewise abundant in that polype so common in some parts of our coast, the caves at Tenby, and the Gouliot caves in Serk, or are often washed up on the sea-shore after a storm. Fishermen call them dead me fingers, and they do look like a large yellow ringer or thumb, tough and ugly, until, as with the Gorgonia, we replace it in sea-water, when the same kind of beautiful zoophytes appear from the multitude of little spots which stud the surface. These spicules give firmness to the skin, and form a sort of skeleton. SECTION OF ECHINUS SPINE. This beautiful purple or golden star, with fretwork and circles in many varieties, is a section or very thin slice of one of the spines of the Echinus, Sea-urchin, or Sea-hedge- hog, as it is sometimes called at the sea-side by fishermen and boys, who either dredge them up from the depths of the ocean, on oyster-beds, or find them at low tide in the crannies of rocks. There are many species ; some very large and bristled over with small spines; some exceeding small, scarcely larger than a marrowfat pea ; othei again, about the size of a hen's egg, with fewer but much longer spines, the Cidaris. The common Echinus has no less than four thousand spines for its defence, the structure of each spine presenting these beautiful varia- tions. The centre is usually occupied by a net-work, bounded by a row of what appear to be transparent spaces, but are really sections of those strengthening pillars which run up the spine and form the exterior of every layer. Sometimes these sections of Echinus have annular bands, dividing a finely reticulated space, and some have hollow spaces. They should be seen on the dark illumi- nated ground with the dotted lens, or the parabolic illuminator, when the effect is quite magical. Also using the blue selenite the structure is better seen by polarized light. A 6hort account of the animal to which tlii- spine belongs may be interesting to those who cannot read it - 200 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. perfect history in the work of Forbes on the Radiata. It belongs to the same division as the Star-fish, the Holothurias, the Medusae, or Jelly-fish, the Intozoa, Polypes, and Infusoria, in all of which the external or internal parts radiate like a star, and are therefore called the Radiate. In all these, but especially in the Star-fish an'd Sea-urchin, the parts are divided and formed by the number five in a most remarkable manner, and few things would afford a pleasanter study than one of these Sea- urchins, easily procured in every fish-market in London, or at the sea- side. The animal is easily killed in cold fresh-water, and then the spines may be examined, with their curious ball and socket joint, so firmly fixed, yet so easily bending on every side at the will of the Echinus, who uses them not only for defence, but for burrowing in the sand. Between the spines are multitudes of minute organs, the uses of which are as yet unknown, called pedecilariae ; they are of three kinds, pearly white with dotted and toothed beaks, and move about when the Echinus is alive, opening and shutting their trifid beaks as if each had an independent life. They are beautiful objects mounted in balsam, and viewed with a low power. When the spines have been examined they are easily removed by dipping the shell into boiling water and brushing them off ; then fresh beauty appears in the tesselated wall of that wonderful house, built up by the Almighty for this Sea-urchin according to a certain plan, and with such contrivance for its comfort as it is worth while to examine quietly. First we notice double rows of very minute holes, dividing the shell into five divisions ; through each hole a small sucker protruded by which it walked, or attached itself to rocks or stones ; 1860 of these suckers occupying each two of these pores. The plates between each double row of pores are studded with the balls which fitted into the socket of each spine ; these fine plates are called ambulacral plates, and are not in one piece ; closely examined each plate consists of many smaller ones, no less than 300 of them in those five divisions, and again in the avenues between the pores there are 300 more. 600 plates, besides the 4000 spines and countless pedecilarise in the outward form of the common Sea-urchin ! ECHINUS. 201 The structure of the mouth is one which has long been the wonder and admiration of naturalists, and was com- pared by Aristotle to a lantern without a skin, from whence it has derived the name of Aristotle's Lantern. Again we see the number Jive, in five jaws, each with a long sharp tooth converging in the centre, close to the mouth, and the framework of these jaws consists of Jive times Jive pieces, moved by six times Jive muscles, working with great power the jaws of this little animal, who feeds on any dead, fish or flesh it can attain, eating also young crabs with great greediness, and catching them with the suckers which surround the mouth The opposite end of the shell is occupied hj Jive ovarian plates, in each of which there is an aperture by which the ^ggs are excluded ; they are strengthened by transverse bands inside, and again sepa- rated hj Jive smaller plates which bear each a little red eye. The internal anatomy I shall not enter upon ; enough is written here to give much interest to the various sections of Echinus spines which we purchase as microscopic objects, and which are sometimes glanced at as very pretty crochet patterns. 202 CRYSTALLIZATION. CHAPTER XIV. SLIDES OF CRYSTALLIZATION. These are beautiful polariscope objects, and extremely useful to the young student as first lessons in crystallo- graphy and incentives to experimental knowledge of the various forms of mineral substances. Crystals are con- stantly met with in the examination of both animal and vegetable tissues ; it is therefore necessary to become ac- quainted with the most common forms, if we use our microscoj^e under standingly. In the cuticle of onion we find crystallized oxalate of lime ; in rhubarb also, but varied in form, as it is combined with tartaric, citric, or malic acid. Every crystallizable mineral substance has a definite form of crystallization, and often many accidental or secondary forms. Carbonate of lime — a substance well known as forming chalk, marble, &c, and abundant in animal structures — is found in hundreds of secondary forms ; in groups of radiating needles, in hexa- gons, in rhombohcdral forms, as in the shell of the oyster ; thus the perfect knowledge of the laws and accidents of crystallization is a deep study ; in fact, it is to mine- ralogy what mathematics is to common arithmetic, and cannot be entered upon in a mere catalogue of slides. The following preparations are recommended for beauty and utility, when examined with polarized light ; a plate of selenite is frequently indispensible for the display of colour and accurate observation of outline. SELENITE is itself a form of crystallization ; native crystallized hy- drated sulphate of lime, called also satin gypsum or quarry- glass. It is found in the quarries on Shotover-hill, Oxford ; but the finest crystals are met with at Montmartre, near Paris. The primary form is that of an oblique rectangular prism, SELENITE. 203 with ten rhomboidal faces, two of which are larger than the rest. It is split into thin lamina?, and mounted on glass slides for the polariscope, and upon the thickness of the film de- pends the colour. The following list of crystals may direct the student to many interesting specimens* — (Blue Acetate of Copper. Acetate of Manganese. Acetate of Soda. Acetate of Zinc. Acetate of Lead. Agate, transparent sections. Alum. Arseniate of Potass. Bicarbonate of Potass. Bichromate of Potass. Borax, or birate of Soda. Boracic Acid. Bismuth. Carbonate of Potass. Carbonate of Lime. Carbonate of Soda. Chlorate of Potass. Chloride of Barium. Chloride of Cobalt. Chloride of Sodium. Deut-iodide of Mercury. Citric Acid. Granite, transparent sec- tions. Hydrochlorate or Muriate of Ammonia. Iodide of Potassium. Iodide of Quinine. The formation of crystals under the microscope may be watched with the greatesl facility. A little common Bait (chloride of sodium dissolved in water, and a drop of tin' solution placed on a glass slide gently heated over a spirit lamp, or by applying the corner of the slide to the candle, Nitrate of Ammonia. Nitrate of Baryta. Nitrate of Bismuth. Nitrate of Copper. Nitrate of Soda. Nitrate of Uranium. Oxalic Acid. Oxalate of Lime. Oxalate of Ammonia. ( Oxalate of Potass. Oxalate of Soda. Phosphate of Ammonia Phosphate of Soda. S ali cine. Sulphate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Copper Vitriol). Sulphate of Iron. Sulphate of Magnesia (Epsom Salts). Sulphate of Soda. Sulphate of Zinc. Sulphate of Nickel. Sulphate of Cadmium. Tartaric Acid. Uric Acid. These are mounted for the Polariscope by Mr. Topping. / 204 CRYSTALLIZATION. will show the formation of crystals in primitive cubes, ter- minated by quadrangular pyramids. The water slowly evaporates, and the atoms held in solution return to their natural form. ACETATE OF COPPEB, is made by dissolving common verdigris in excess of diluted acetic acid, and when crystallized on the slide will exhibit the phenomena of dichromism or double colour, deep blue and yellowish-green. SULPHATE OF COPPER. Blue vitriol dissolved in water, and likewise treated with a gentle heat, will show the formation of beautiful blue crystals in oblique rhomboidal prisms. ALUM does not polarize, but gives crystals of the octohedral form. OXALURATE OF AMMONIA. This is most beautiful in the formation of its crystals ; they appear on the slide as circular discs or very flat spheres, consisting of minute needles radiating from the centre, and sometimes projecting beyond the circumference of the disc. Without the selenite stage these discs are like brilliant little white stars, traversed by a black cross ; with the selenite they are splendid objects, the colours often disposed in concentric rings. MUREXIDE OR PURPURATE OF AMMONIA. is an artificial product of the decomposition of uric acid. The crystals are flattened, short, four-sided prisms of bright ruby red by transmitted common light, and the two broad surfaces are emerald green by reflected light. HYDROCHLORATE OR MURIATE OF AMMONIA. This salt crystalizes in cubes, octohedra, and trapezo- hedra. A very little of the powdered salt dissolved upon a slide and heated gives a beautiful exhibition of feathery crystals darting across the field of sight, and breaking into stars and crosses. They do not polarize. IODO-DTSULT'HATE OF QUININE. 205 OXALATE OF AMMONIA. This is obtained by neutralizing a solution of oxalic acid with ammonia or its carbonate, and evaporating, which gives long slender needles belonging to the right rhombic prismatic system, and very brilliant crystals under polar- ized light. SALT OF BRUCIA. Using a solution of ammonia with certain salts will give an infinite variety of beautiful crystals; for instance, a little salt of brucia, diluted and mixed with ammonia, will produce delicate star-like groups of crystals ; and if a solution of sulphocyanide of potassium is used instead of ammonia, the crystals are more feathery, and resemble sheaves of brilliant little lances. Solution of hydrochlorate of strychnine with ammonia gives an immediate precipitate of minute prismatic crystals well defined. A solution of quinine with ammonia gives a perfectly amorphous precipitate : with sulphocyanide of potassium it gives very pretty irregular groups of circular crystals ; but it is well to allow twenty-four hours for the formation of these, as if hurried they are extremely minute, and not so perfect. IODO-DISULPHATE OF QUININE. This is sold prepared for examination : the crystals possess a more intense polarizing power than any other known substance. They are difficult to mount, though the formation is an interesting process, and may be attempted. The salt is prepared by dissolving disulphate of quinine in strong acetic acid, warming the solution and dropping into it an alcoholic solution of iodine in small quantities at a time, and placing the mixture aside for crystallization. They dissolve in hot alcohol, but are not soluble in cold alcohol or ether. To prepare for mounting, a little of the liquid containing the crystals should be placed on the slide, and the liquid removed with blotting paper. When the crystals are dry the Canada balsam, previously made thin srith ether, may be applied without heat. 206 CRYSTALLIZATION. BORAX, OR BI-BORATE OF SODA is soluble in twelve times its weight of cold, and twice its weight of boiling water, and crystallizes in very perfect forms of oblique octohedral prisms. Dissolved in alcohol, and dropped on a slide, it crystallizes immediately. BORACIC ACID is the acid of the salt borax, and is prepared by mixing three parts of borax dissolved in twelve parts of boiling- water with one part of sulphuric acid. When a little phosphoric acid is added to the boracic acid, and the solution dropped upon a slide, then laid upon a warm iron plate, most beautiful discs are obtained, which exhibit the cross and coloured rings under polarized light. From the simple solution of boracic acid we obtain crystals belonging to the doubly oblique prismatic system, having two optic axes. Sometimes, when rapidly crystal- lized, the boracic acid forms arborescent crystals on the slide. SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. (Epsom Salts.) The solution will deposit crystals belonging to the rhombic system, and varying in form according to the treatment in crystallizing. They polarize brilliantly with the selenite stage. AMMONIA-PHOSPHATE OF MAGNESIA is a salt frequently met with in animal secretions which have undergone decomposition ; they belong to the rhombic system, but their varieties 'are endless. Stellate and penniform crystals are frequently found in urine. URIC ACID, OR LITHIC ACID. This acid abounds in animal secretions, in the excrement of birds, serpents, &c, and the urine of mollusca and NITRATE OF SILVER. 207 carnivorous mammalia. The crystals belong to the right rhombic prismatic system, but are various in form and size. They polarize light splendidly. NITRATE OF POTASH, NITRE, OR SALTPETRE. This salt is dimorphous ; it crystallizes in various forms, but they all belong to the right rhombic prismatic system ; sometimes six-sided prisms with dihedral summits are on the slide, and sometimes obtuse rhombohedral crystals resembling those of nitrate of soda ; but they all polarize, and exhibit the phenomena of analytic crystals. Analytic crystals are those -which possess the power of analyzing light, like the tourmaline used in the ordinary polariscope. SALICINE, an alkaloid extracted from the bark of the willow tree, and crystallizing in beautiful forms, either in discs exhibiting the cross and concentric circles of colour, or in prismatic crystals in stellate and irregular groups, polarizing ad- mirably. NITRATE OF SILVER, crystallized on a slide, shoots over the glass in most bril- liant feathery crystals, and is also a splendid .object viewed with a spotted lens or parabolic reflector. t recommend the following objects as the conti of a qood Educational Box: — Cuticles of Lily, Candytuft, and one or two others, show cells and stomata. Cuticle of Indian Corn, or Equisetum, to show siliceous cuticle. Cuticle of Hyacinth, to show raphides. „ Cells of spiral fibre. Scalariform vessels. 208 Starch, grains. Hairs of Deutzia leaf. Scales on leaf of Ela?agnus or Tillandsia. Pollen of Hollyhock or Mallow. Stamens. Sections of wood, Endogens and Exogens. A capsule of Moss. Spore-cases of Fern. Elaters of Equisetum. Elaters of Jimgerrnannia. Leaf of Moss or Jimgerrnannia. Specimens of Fungi. Mould, Arsyria, Phragmidium, or Puccinea, blight of Wheat. Heads of Insects. — Bee, Wasp, Beetle, Butterfly, Hymenoptera, Blow-fly, Panorpa, Tipula, to show the tongues and eyes, and study them comparatively. Antenna? of Syrphus, of Cockchafer. Leg of Dytiscus, Gyrinus, a Fly, . a Beetle, a Saw-fly. Wing of Wasp, for hamuli ; wing of Syrphus, of Hemip- tera, of Moth, to show scales. Spiracles of Dytiscus ; Trachea of ditto, or Silkworm ; Aerating leaflets of Libellulte, or Ephemera. Sting of Wasp or Bee, of Gnat, of Horse-fly. Elytra of Diamond-beetle, of Hemiptera. Saws of Saw-fly. Egg of Breeze-fly. Acarus of Sugar. Palate of Whelk and Helix, Limpet, Doris. Zoophytes. — Sertularia, Laomeda, Notamia, Gemellaria, Cellularia, Flustera, Plumularia. Sections of Bone and Teeth. — Human bone, reptile bone ; one of fish, of bird, of quadruped. Hairs of Animals — Elephant, Mouse, Bat. Spicules of a Sponge. Spicules of Gorgonia and Holothuria. Section of Echinus spine. Infusorial Earths, three or four specimens, especially Discs from Guano and Navicular Sea-weeds, Callithamum. Ptilota Polysiphonia. INDEX. ACARI, or Ticks, 144. Achyla prolifera, 48. Achnanthes, 42. Actinocyclus, 4 5. Alcyonium spicules, 199. Amphitctras, 44. Anagallis, 17. Aphis, 104. Aphidius avense, 113. Arachnida, 53. Arachnoidiscus, 45. Asteromphalus, 45. Asilus, 131. Antennae, 75. of Cockchafer, 76. of Nitldularia, 76. of Iivdrophilus, 76. ofElater, 76. of Wild Bees, 77. of Saw-flies, 77. ' of Blow-fly, 77. of Bee, 78. of Ichneumon, 78. of Argynnis, 78. of Dragon-fly, 79. of Silkworm moth, 79. Bacillaria, 43. Balsam, Canada, 43. spinal fibre, 19. Bee, head of, 60. sting of, 94. antenna;, 77. leg, 92. Beetles, anatomy, 99. classification, 98. wings, 100. mouth, 71. elytra, 91. Bibco, 125. Brain of insects, 67. Brachinus, leg, 93. mouth, 73. Blow-fly, tongue, 63. Blow-fly, antennae, 77. wing, 84. Bone sections, 189. Bone cells, measurement of, 191. Borborus, 136. Bug, 104. field, 104. Butterfly, tongue of, 62. Catheretes, 101. Cells, shapes of, 9. contents, 10. oil, 11. spiral, 19. Ceraphron, 113. Circulation of blood, 80. Cimcx, 104. Ch enter, 146. Chelyinorpha, 114. Coccinella, 102. Coniferous wood, 28. Conferva, 48. Chlorops, 128. orium, 46. Coscinodiscus, 46, Cricket's tongue, 69. gizzard, 70. wing, 87. Crystallization, 202. Crystals of selenite, 202. Acetate of copper, 204. Sulphate of copper, 203. Alum, 203. Oxaluratc of ammonia, 203. Murexide or purpurate of ammonia, 2o3. Ilydrochl orate of ammonia. 203 ' Oxalate of ammonia, 205. Salt of brucia, 205. Iododi-sulpliate of quinine, 205. Borax or bi-borabe of soda, 206 Boracic acid, 206. 210 INDEX. Crystals, Sulphate of magnesia, 20 6 Ammonia-phosphate of mag- nesia, 206. Uric acid, 207. Nitrate of potash, 207. Salicine, 207. Nitrate of silver, 207. Cuckoo-spit, 106. Culex pipiens, 117. Cuticle and stomata, 12. Cuticle of Yucca, 13. of Aloe, 14. of Deutzia scabra, 14. • of Amaryllis, 14. — «- of Indian corn, 14. of Saccalobium, 1 5. of Elaeagnus, 15. of Tillandsia, 1 5. of Onosma, 16. of Opuntia, 16. of Hyacinth, 16. Desmibiace-e, 47. Vol vox globata, 47. Closterium, 47. Diatomacese, 89. fossil, 40. recent, 41. Naviculse, 41. Pleurosigma, 42. Meloseira, 42. ■ Achnanthes, 42. Synedra, 43. Bacillaria, 43, Gomphonema, 43. Licmophora, 43. Rhabdonema, 44. Grammatophora, 44. Biddulphia, 44. Isthmia obliqua, 44. Arachnoidiscus, 45. Heliopelta, 45. Actinocyclus, 45. Asterompha 1 us, 45. Asterolampra, 45. Coscinodiscus, 46. Dolichopus, 125. Echinus spine, section of, 199. Egg of (Estrus, or Bot-fly, 95. Elaters of Jungermannia, 35. I Elaters of Equisetum, 34. ; Elytra of Diamond-beetle, 91. Empis-fly, 132. Entozoa, 148. Fern (spore cases), 32. Flea, human, 141. Pygidium, 142. Mole, 142. — — Fowl, 142. Pigeon, 142. Bat, 142. Cat, 142. Foot of Syrphus, 91. Dytiscus, 92. Wasp, 91. Ophion, 92. Bee, 92. Foraminated Shells, 182. Fossil Coniferous Wood, 28. Funaria, 32. Fungi, 36. Puccinea, 36. Blight of wheat, 37. Uredo foetida, 37. G^cidium, 37. Gemmules of Sponge, 187. Grammatophora, Grantia, 187. Gyrinus, 93. Hairs of plants, 11. animals, 194. Hair, human, 194, Dormouse, 1 94. Mouse, 194. Mole, 194. Bat, 195. Elephant, 195. Camel, 195. Reindeer, 195. Orrjithorlrvnchus, 195. Devmestes, 195, Halferes of Diptera, 148. Blowfly, 139. ■ Tab anus, 140. Haliplus, 103. Head of Conops, 66. of Rhingia, 67. of Drone-fly, 68. INDEX. 21 1 Head of Eristalis, 68. of Tipula, 68. of Limnobia, 69. of Hemerobius, 69. of Panorpa, 69. Helophorus, 108. Hemiptera, 103. Hilara, 134. Hyphidius, 103. Hymenoptera, 107. Hydrachnida, 147. Holothuria spicules, 197. Ichneumon Fly, 111. Microgaster, 112. Ephedras, 113. Infusorial earths, 39. Insects, classification of, 52. Isthmia obliqua, 44. Leg of Gyrinus, 93. Brachinus, 93. Anchomenus, 94. Calathus, 94. Leptis, 130. Licmophorse, 43. Limnobia, 69. Limpet tongue, 155. Lonchoptera, 124. Louse, human, 143. bird, 143. rook, 143. Meloseira, 42. Melophagus (sheep tick), 145. Microgaster, 112. Moss, 29. Mouth of Beetle, 71. Calathus, 73. Brachinus, 73. Onthophagus, 73. Anchomenus, 74. Crioceris, 74. Lady-bird, 74. Stenopterus, 75. Naviculse, 41. Notonecta, 103. Nummulites, 185. Opomyza, 127. Operculina, 183. Orbitolites, 185. Palates of Molluscs, 149. Helix pomatia, 149. Aspersa, 150. Hortensis, 150. Nemoralis, 150. Rufescens, 151. Virgata, 151. Nitida, 151. Limax (slug), 150. Whelk, 151. Purpurea, 152. Nassa, 152. Trochus, 152. Trochus crassus, 153. Periwinkle, 153. Haliotes, or aumer, 153. Plourobranch, 1 54. Aplysia, 154. Doris, 154. Limpet, 155. Chiton, 155. ' Nevite, 156. Lymneus, 156. Planorbis, 156. Paludina, 156. Cyclastoma, 157. Phora, 1 29. Phragmidium, 36. Pleurosigma, 42. Pollen, 20. Mallow, 2. Hollyhock, 20. Passion-flower, 21. (Enothera, 21 . Epilobium, 21. Tulip, 21. Pollen tubes, 23. Proboscis of Bee, 60. of Wasp, 61. of Butterfly, 62. of Blow-fly, 63. of'T:ibanus, 63. of Gnat, 64. of Asilus, 65. of Enipis, 65. of Dioctria, 66. of Conops, 66. of Rhingia, 67. 212 INDEX. Ptychoptera, 121. Puccinia, 36. Pus tulip ora (fossil), 166. Raphides, 17. Reduvius, or bed bug, 104. Salt of brucia, 205. Saw-fly, 107. Scatophaga, 122. Scalariform vessels, 20. Seeds, Poppy, 24. Sweet-william, 24. Silene, 24. Seaweeds, 168. ■ fructification of, 170. Fucus, 171. .Callitliamnion, 172. Ceramium, 173. Ptilota plumosa, 173. Plocamium, 174. Polysiphonia, 175. Sphaerococcus, 175. Griffithsia, 176. Gracillaria, 166. Lauren tia, 177. Odonthalia, 177. Bonneraaisonnia, 178. Delesseria, 178. Rodomela, 178. Spyridia, 179. Chsetospora, 179. Halcymenia, 179. Dasya, 110. „ arbuscula, 180. — — „ occellata, 180. „ venusta, 181. Scales of butterflies, 88. Morpho menelaus, 81. Polyammatus, 81. Hipparchia, 89. Pontia brassica, 88. Silkworm moth, 90. >'Lepisma, 90. Diamond beetle, 91. Selenite, 202. Sepedon, 137. Sepsis, 137. Spider's foot, 56. spinnarets, 57. eyes, 58. Spiders jaws, 59. palpi, 59. epidermis, 59. Spicules, Synapta, 197. Chirodota, 197. Holothuria, 197. Doris, 198. Gorgonia, 198. Alcyonium, 199. Spiracles of insects, 79. D3 r tiscus, 80. Cockchafer, 80. Fly, 80. Tipula, 80. ■ Water larvae, 81. Ephemera, 86. Sponges, 186. spicules of, 186. gemmules of, 187. Stenopteryx, 145. Stamens, 24. Spiral fibre, 18. Spiral cells, 19. of Oncidium, 19. of Collomia, 19. of Balsam, 19. of Sphagnum, 20. Stings of Wasp or Bee, 94 of Gnat, 95. ■ of Tabanus, 95. Syrphus (fly), 134. (foot), 91. Tabanus, head of, 63. Teeth, sections of, 192. Tenthredo, 107. Telephorus, 97. Ticks, or mites, 144. Tick, sheep, 145. Thrips, 106. Tipula (head), 68. Trachea?, 79. of Dytiscus, 79. Tongue of insects — See Proboscis and head, 60. Uredo foetida, 37. Uric acid, 207. Velia rivuloruni, 103. INDEX. 213 Water-mites, 147. Wings of insects, 83. — — of Scatophaga, 83. of House-fly, 84. of Blue-bottlesfly, 84. of Svrphus, 14. of Midge, 85. of Gnat, 86 . of Coleoptera, 86. of Cricket, 87. Wood, section of, 26. Kuscus, 26. WhanghsB cane, 26, Asparagus, 26. Hazel, 26. Cedar, 27. Pine, 27. Yew, 27. > " Vegetable ivory, 28. Cocoa nut, 28. — — Snake wood, 28. Zoophytes, 158. Sertularia pumila, 160. Sertularia polyzonias, 161. Sertularia operculata, 161. Sertularia rosacea, 161. Laomedea geniculata, 162. Laomedea dichotoma, 161. ■ Plumularia cristata, 162. plumularia falcata, 163. Gemicellaria, 163. Gemicellaria loriculata, 164. Notamia bursaria, 165. Cellularia avicularia, 165. Flustra truncata, 165. Flustra chartacca, 166. Cellularia reptans, 166. - Cellularia, ciliata, 166. Serialaria tendigeria, 167. Crisia eburnea, 167. Crisia cornuta, 167. Zygnema, 48. A LIST OF MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS, AS PREPARED BY THE MOST ESTEEMED MAKERS, SOLD BY CHARLES BAKER, OPTICIAN, &c, No. 244 & 245, HIGH HOLBOKN, LONDON. s^@^m-^ TEST OBJECTS. Hyalodiscus subtilis Crrammatophorasubtillissima » marina » serpentina Campylostilus striatus Amician Tripoli Oeretoneis faschiola Navicula cuspidata gracilis Spencerii sygmoidea angulata quadratum lineata elongata strigosa anceps Waltonii Balticuin J5 }) Navicula hippocampus „ form os u oi „ strigilate Scales of Meadow-brown Pontia brassica ?, raphse Menelaus Azure-blue Clot lies Moth Papilio Paris „ Io Amathusia Podura Lepisma Sair of Indian Bat Mouse Mole Babbit Seal Larvae of Dermestes Pygidiuni of a Flea >> ?> » j> j) jj » 5? 216 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. jj ?> 5J V FOSSIL DIATOMACE.E, from Aberdeenshire Albany Africa Australia Anvergne Baden Bangor Banks of the Spey Barbadoes, Chalky Mount Mount Hillough- by Scotland District Springfield Bermuda Bilin Blue-hill Pond, Maine Cartel de Piano, Italy Chalk, Gravesend Moudon Palermo Dolgelly, North Wales Egar, Bohemia Fraunzebad, Bohemia Georgia, South Carolina Gossa, Bohemia Hartford, Connecticut Island of Mull Kritchelberg, Bohemia Laplan d Leicestershire Lunenberg Lough Mourne Magdeberg Manchester, U. S. A. Mourne Mountain, Ireland New Zealand Obero, Germany Oran Oregon Peat Petersberg, Virginia Peterhead Piseataway, Maryland Premnay, Aberdeenshire RappanhannahCliff, Virginia Jiassay Richmond, North America Shockhoe-hill, U. S. A. Tarrytown, New York Tripoli, Italy Tuscany Wreath am, Massachusetts Yorkshire Zante DIATOMACEiE, from Atlantic, various depths Australia Blaekheath Elchies Gomera G uano (varieties) Hull — Sping Dyke Jamaica Kew Gardens Norwich Southampton The Humber Med way Naze Orwell Seine Thames MISCELLANEOUS DIATOMACE.E. Actinocyclus undulatus Surirella constricta Gomphouema geminatum Meridion circulare Aclinanthes longipes Cocconeis Grevillii Meloseira Orthoseira Dickeii Poilocrytis Schomburkii Rhopalocanium ornatum Haliomma Hnmboldtii Ainphitetras MICROSCOPIC PRK1'ARATI< 217 Biddulphia Trieeratium (various) Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergii „ Japonicus Heliopelta Cocconema Coscinodiscus, fossil „ centralis „ concavus ,, concinnus Navicula Bombus Pandura Grandis 5; jj Starch from Alstromelialictu Bitter Cassava Sweet Cassava Buck Yam Canna (Tous les mois) Colcliicum Cycas revoluta Ginger Indian Corn Maple Plantain Potato Bice Wheat Arrow Root. African „ Bermuda „ East Indian „ Portland Tahiti J) J> JJ 55 55 55 55 55 SECTIONS OF FLINTS, containing Ammonites, &c. Sponge Xanthidia SECTIONS OF LIME STONE, from Bath Bristol East Indies Honduras Gal way Germany Lyme Regis Warwickshire Oolite — Clifton, Bristol SECTIONS OF COAL, from America Armiston Darlaston Derbyshire Durham Heraclea Lesmahagow Monkland Newbattle Newcastle Oldbury Torebane Hill Jet Fossil Fern-seeds from Coal SECTIONS OF FOSSIL WOODS, from Allen Bank Antigua Australia Bilston Bristol CI ay cross, Derbyshire Clay don Craigleith Cromer Darlaston Dudley East Indies Egypt Folkestone Harwich Honduras 218 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. Isle of Portland „ Sheppy „ Thanet „ Wight Leniiel Braes Loudon Clay Lough Neagh Newcastle New Holland Norway Oldburgh Rotherham Scarborough Tweed Mill Van Diemen's Land Warwick Whitby Petals of Geranium Heart's Ease Pelargonium » « Pollen of Acacia Cobse scandens Cineraria Cycas Fuchsia Geranium „ Hollyhock „ Jasmine Lily Mallow Passion Flower Sunflower Pine SILICEOUS CUTICLES of Aloe Auricaria excelsa „ imbricata Bamboo Box Cactus Deutzia scabra Equisetum Indian Grass „ Grass Seed „ Corn Ivy Oleander Kice „ Straw Rochea falcata Straw — Barley Canary Oat Wheat Yucca j) Petals of Balsam Deutzia gracilis scabra » 55 55 Eaphides from Aloe Cactus Garlic Hyacinth Lime Bark Onion Pear Rhubarb Squill 5' 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Section of Leaf of India Rub- ber Tree Oleander Orchis 55 55 55 Spiral vessels from Asparagus Balsam Banana Buck Yam Cactus Canna-bicolor Collomia Hyacinth Li'ly Palm Rhubarb 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS . 219 Stomatas from Auricaria ex- celsa „ imbricata Box Equisetum Hyacinth Ivy Oleander Palm Straw, Barley Oat Eice Wheat Yucca 7} V J' )> 5' )1 Hard Tissues — Cone of Cedar Larch Pine Pear Seeds of Croton Tiglium „ Star-anise Shells of Brazil-nut Cocoa-nut Hazel-nut Ivory-nut „ Sago Palm „ Walnut Stone of Apricot Cherry Damson Date Grape Peach Plum Tamarind Smut of Barley Oat Bye 5) }■> 5' Wheat Fibro-cellular Tissue Simple Cellular Tissue Stellate Tissue Scalariform Tissue SECTIONS OF WOODS, &c. Alder Aloe, flower-stalk Balsam Poplar Banksia grandis „ speciosa Beech Birch Buckthorn Camphor Tree Cane — Bamboo „ Dragon „ Waoghie Cedar Chestnut Cobse Scandens Clematis Cork-wood Cycas Elder Elm Fern-root Fir Lurch Lime Mahogany Maple Mazerion Oak Palm, Date „ Dragon „ Fan Pepper Poplar Savin Stone Pine Sugar-cane Sycamore Upas Willow Yew &c, &c, &c. 220 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. HAIRS OF ANIMALS. Ant-eater, transverse section Bat, Indian „ various Beaver Dormouse Elk Hare Human American Indian Negro Foetal Transverse sections >? V » Mole 5) Mouse, Indian Shrew Sea White Musk Deer „ Eat Musquash Nutria Opossum Ornithorhyncus Otter Eabbit Seal Squirrel Tiger, whisker Walrus „ Water-rat &c. &c. &c. WHALEBONE SECTIONS. Finland Greenland South Sea Horn of Antelope „ Goat Ibex Horn of Ox Ehinoceros Sheep Stag » ?> Hoof of Ass „ Camel Deer Elephant Horse Ox Pig Ehinoceros Sheep Quill of Cassowary Duck Eagle Goose Ostrich Swan Turkey >3 }) SECTIONS OF SHELLS. Anomia ephippium Avicula Margaritacse Belemnite Cidaris „ sj)ines Cowrie Crab „ claw Cuttle-bone Echinus „ spines Haliotis splendens Lima scabra Lingula anatina Lobster Malleus albus Mya arenaria MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. 221 Onio occidens Ostrich Ostrea edulis „ malleus Pentacrinite Pinna marina nigrina squamosa „ fibres of Prawn Shrimp Spatangus JJ Star-fish spines SPICULES OF GORGONIA. Anceps Ampla Crista Galli Decussata Fileata Gelata Miniata Muricata Rugosa Pinnata Placonius Purpurea Tricolor Verrucosa Zingiber &c, &c, &c. spicule: and gemmttles of SPONGE. Dysidea Geodia Grantia compressa Halichoudrea panicea Pachymatisnia Johnstonia Tethea cranium „ lyncurium Spongilla fluviatilis ) fragilis > British lacustris ) alba Meyneii Bombay plumosa JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ Spiculae of Alcyonium „ Synapta DISSECTIONS OF INSECTS. A Set of Slides (12), to illus- trate the anatomy of the Blow Ply JAWS AND PKOBOSCES of Ant Asilus Bee Bee Fly Beetles Blow Fly Boat Fly Breeze Fly (larvee) Bug Butterfly Chameleon Fly Cicada Crane Fly Cricket Drone Fly Empis Fly Field Bug Flea Gnat Hornet House Fly Ichneumon Fly 222 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. » >» Mason Wasp Moth Mosquito, African American East Indian West Indian Ophion Ryngia Sand Bee Saw Fly Scorpion Fly Spider „ Water Tabanus (?) Tick Wasp &c. &c. &c. PARASITES. Acarus folliculorum Albatross Ass Bat Bug „ exuvia of Cat Dog Eagle Fish Flea, Bat Bed Cat Dog Fowl Hedgehog Squirrel Fowl Guinea Fowl Horse Partridge Peacock Pediculi, Human Pig » if Pigeon Pheasant * Rabbit Rat Raven Rook . Sandpiper Snipe Sparrow Swallow Tick of Dog Ox Polecat Sheep Water Rat &c. &c. &c. Spiracles of Bee Blow Fly „ Larva Breeze Fly Caterpillars Cockchafer „ Larva Dog Tick Drone Fly „ Dytiscus &c. &c. &c. j> ?? Trachese of Bees Blow Fly „ Larva Caterpillars Cockchafer ,, Larvse Dytiscus ,, Larvse Hydrophilus „ Larvse Silkworm » 35 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. Stings of Ant Bee Hornet Ichneumon Fly Ophion Wasp &c. &c. &c. « 5> Stomachs of Bee Beetles Blow Fly Cricket Wasp &c. &c. &c. )> 55 55 5> 55 55 Ovipositors of Crane Fly Cricket » Field Drone Fly Grasshopper House Fly Ichneumon FJies » Saw Flies &c. &c. &c. Feet of Asilus Bee » 35 33 33 33 Blow Fly Caterpillars Crane Fly Cricket, House Field Curculio Diamond Beetles Drone Fly Dytiscus Hornet House Fly Ophion Feet of Saw Fly » Scorpion Fly Spiders Tabanus Wasp & c &c. &c. 33 33 Antennae of Ant Bee Fly 33 33 33 35 35 33 33 33 &C &c. Beetles* Blow Fly Cockchafer Drone Fly- Moths Gnat Mide &c. s e Fly Eyes of Bees » Butterfly » Cockchafer Crane Fly Dragon Fly Drone Fly Dytiscus House Fly Moth » Spider n Wasp &c. &c. &c. 33 33 35 33 Gastric Teeth of Beetles Bee Cricket Fly H ornet » Spider » Wasp 33 223 224 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. POLARISCOPE. Selenite, Red and Green Blue and Yellow various Starch, Tous les mois Buck Yam Cycas Potato Arrow-root » 11 11 11 11 11 Hairs from Cactus Deutzia gracilis „ scabia Dolichos Durio zebethinus Elseagnus Fern (various) Bhanmus Eose Tabaiba » n ii ii it ii »> ii Cotton Gun-cotton Flax Fibres of Palm Silk Vegetable Ivory Cuticle of Aloe „ Equisetum ii ii TRANSVERSE & VERTICAL SECTIONS of Horn of Antelope Ox Earn Ehinoceros Hoof of Antelope „ Camel Deer Elephant Horse Pig Ehinoceros Sheep ii ii ii ii SECTIONS OF SKIN t Alligator Boa Constrictor Elephant Man Ox Ehinoceros Human Corn Nail Tooth ii ii ii Hair of Brahmin Bull Horse Pig Grey Human Hair Eaphides of Cactus Wing-case of Beetle Fibres of Pinna Whalebone Whisker of Walrus Spicules of Gorgonia Palate of Whelk Quill Feather of Bird Bissus of Pinna Egg-shell of Ostrich Fish-bones Papyrus Bladder of Sturgeon Scale of Eel Perch Sole Oyster-shell Young Oysters Skin of Prawn „ Shrimp Tendon of Ox „ Sheep Sections of Agate Black Marble White ii ii ii ii V Brighton Pebble Granite (various) Labrador Spa MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. Sections of Lime-stone Sand -stone Quartz » » Tremolite Satin Spa Zeolite Sulphate of Lime -Asparagine Boracic Acid Borate of Ammonia Borax Bi-chromate of Potash Bi-tartrate of Potash „ Ammonia „ Lime Carbonate of Lime Chlorate of Potash Cholesterine Citric Acid Epsom Salt Gallic Acid Hippuric Acid Iodide of Quinine Lithic Acid Murexide Oxalate of Ammonia „ Lime Oxalurate of Ammonia Plates from Star-fish Quinine Salicine Sulphate of Cadmium „ Lime „ Nickel Tartrate of Ammonia Lime &c. &c. &c. » MISCELLANEOUS. A Set of Slides (12), to illus- trate the Process of Felting Fibres of Sponge Flax Fibres of Cotton „ Silk Feather of Ibis Humming Bird Love Bird Parrot Penguin n » Pigeon J) J) JJ TRANSVERSE SECTIONS of Hairs of Ant-eater Elephant Eyelash of Whale Hedgehog Human Rhinoceros Pecan Porcupine Walrus Marine Algos, various Palate of Whelk n Periwinkle » Slug » Snail » Limpet Lancets of Flea Pygidium of Flea Hairs of Leaf of Buckthorn Deutzia Elreagnus Ferns Teeth and Claws of Star-fish Spines of Star-fish Scales of Butterflies, various » Moths Coccoon of Moth Scale of Eel „ Sole n Perch Hair of Lame of Dermestes Myriapod Bee Caterpillars „ Spiders Foetal, Human Q >> 99fi MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. Siliceous Sponge Sporules of Equisetum „ Fern „ „ Australian Tanned Human Skin „ Skin of Alligator „ Boa Constrictor „ Elephant „ Ox Cystic Oxide Carbonate of Lime Murexide Exuvia of Larvae of Beetle Petal of Pelargonium Negro Skin* Moss Agate Spine of Silurus Section of Organ Coral Red Coral White Coral Pearls Madrepores Wing of Butterfly „ Moth Skins of Caterpillars Fibres of Pinna Shell Fibrous Fossil Wood Fibres of Cotton Grass Bone of Egyptian Mummy Sections of Chinese Rice Paper „ Indian do. Suckers from Foot of Beetle Poisers of Crane Fly Spine of Pay Fish „ Turbot Skin of Spider Spinneret of Spider Ovipositor of Spider Wings of Bee, with Hooklets Saw Fly, with do. Wasp, with do. Wing of Blow Fly „ Gnat „ Midge Fly Tendon of Ostrich Section of Human Lung 5J )} 5» J) JJ Section of Human Skin „ Lung of Whale Pigment-cells of eye of Sheep Crystalline-lens of eye of Fish Larvae of Bot-fly in the egg Larvae of Flea Spicules of Alcyonium „ Gorgonia Sphagnum Capsules of Moss Papyrus Talc, with Crystals of Carbo- nate of Iron Head of Caterpillar Spinnerets of Silkworm Scale of Silkworm Moth Woody Fibre of Rice Mouth of Tadpole, Frog „ „ Toad Skin of Frog „ Toad „ Eel, with Scales Scale of Pangolin „ Turtle Yeast Plant Section of Truffle Sporules of Truffle Cheese Mite Sugar Mite Meal Mite Bark of Lace Tree Glands of Sweet Briar Calcined Bone Carbonate of Magnesia Bone of Cuttle-fish &c. &c. &c. OPAQUE. Antimony Red Sulphuret Needle Australian Gold-dust Sand from Gold-diggings- Crystals from Indigo Ruby Copper Ore » » MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. 227 » ?j Peacock Copper Ore Copper Dross „ Moss Native Copper Pollen of Hollyhock » Lily Mallow- Pass ion-flower Sunflower Leaf of Deutzia „ Elagagnus „ Fern Seeds of Orchis Skin of Dog-fish „ Shark „ Sole Wing of Menelaus „ Papilio Paris n » Io Skin of Diamond Beetle Wing-case of Diamond Beetle „ Curculio Feet of Beetles Spicules of Gorgonia Spines of Star-fish Fossil Shells, Barbadoes „ Bohemia Crystallized Silver Electrotyped Silver ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS. A set of Urinary Deposits (1 2) A set of Slides (12) to illus- trate the growth and struc- ture of Human Bone. TRANSVERSE & VERTICAL SECTIONS OF BONES. Albatross Alligator Ass Bear Beaver Boa Constrictor Boar Cat Cat-Fish Chimpanzee Crocodile Deer Dog Dugong Eel Elephant Elk Flying Fish Fox Fowl Frog Horse Hippopotamus Human „ from a Bog Lepidosteus Lion Monkey Mouse Miliobates Newt Ostrich Opossum , Ox Rat Ray-fish Rhinoceros Saw-fish Sheep Shark Silurus Snake Sword-fish Tiger Toad Tortoise Tnrbot Turtle &c. &c. &c. Q 2 228 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. TRANSVERSE AND VERTICAL SECTIONS OF FOSSIL BONE. Bear Dinornis Dugong Elk Hippopotamus Hyena Ichthyosaurus Iguanodon Mammoth Man Mastodon Plesiosaurus Pterodactyle Bhinoceros Seal Tortoise Whale &c., &c., &c. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF FOSSIL TEETH. Myliobates Shark TRANSVERSE AND VERTICAL SECTIONS OF TEETH. Alligator Bear Beaver Boar Cat Chimpanzee Cod-fish Crocodile Deer Dog Dolphin Dugong Elephant Fox Hippopotamus Horse Human Monkey Mouse Miliobates Ox Pike Porpoise Eat Saw-fish Seal Sheep Shark Sword-fish Whale &c, &c, &c. RETE-MTJCOSTJM IN SKIN. Eel Negro Frog Toad Larvae of Beetle SCALES OF FISHES. Cetenoid scale of Perch Cycloid scale of Carp Eel Ganoid scale of Lepidosteus „ „ Sturgeon Placoid scale of Dog-fish BLOOD DISCS. Human Eeptile Bird Fish Lepidosyren Syren &C, &C, &C. MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. r» /» *J SPERMATOZOA. Elephant Bull Horse Human Rhinoceros VOLUNTARY MUSCULAR FIBRE. Blow Fly Cod-fish Cricket „ Mole Deer Dytiscus Eel Elephant Fowl Frog Horse Lobster Man Newt Ostrich Oyster Pig Salmon Scorpion Shrimp Siren Skate Snail Snake Spider Swallow Whale INVOLUNTARY MUSCULAR ' FIBRE. ^Esophagus, upper part „ middle „ cardiac end Stomach, great end „ pylorus Duodenum Ccecum Rectum Heart, Human •— 3J Ox 5) Turtle >> Bird )) Fish MISCELLANEOUS. Sarciua ventriculi Pigment-cells of Human Eye » Eye of Sheep „ Eye of Ox Transverse section of Human Muscle Transverse and vertical sec- tions of adult Human Car- tilage Transverse and vertical sec- tions of Foetal Human Car- tilage Transverse and vertical sec- tions of Cartilage of Reptile „ „ Fish v „ Bird Transverse section of Human Tendon Fibro-cartilage, Human Sections of Human Skin Scalp of Negro Human Tongue Human Lip, hair- follicles Hydatids from Human Liver Artificial Calculi Yellow Elastic Tissue White Fibrous Tissue Nerve Epithelium, various Fibrous Membrane of E DO shell Section of Human Lung Adipose Tissue Crystalline Lens of Human Eye 230 MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. }) 73 37 [ INJECTED PREPARATIONS. Human — Lung, Adult „ Foetal „ Tubercle Stomach „ Sections Small Intestine Large ditto Peyer's Gland Solitary Placenta Muscle, voluntary „ involuntary „ sections Kidney, Adult Foetal Tubuli Bright's Mesentery Synovial Membrane Trachea Tongue „ Sections Liver Bladder Glands, Penis Adipose Tissue Skin, Surface Finger „ Sections Sole of Foot „ Sections Heel „ ■ Sections &c. &c. &c. Monkey — Lung „ Tubercle Stomach Intestine, small „ large Muscle Kidney Tubuli ji 77 » 35 77 33 33 77 33 33 37 77 37 33 33 77 73 33 >3 J) 33 33 57 37 33 J? • 33 3) 33 33 33 53 33 33 75 33 33 33 3? 33 33 33 77 33 57 3) 77 Tongue 33 Sections Monkey — Adipose Tissue" Skin „ Sections . &c. &c. &c. Lung of Foetal Puppy Gill of Eel Intestine of Rhinoceros Turtle — Lung . „ Intestine Porpoise — Lung Kidney Intestine Skin Bear — Lung „ Kidney „ Intestine Giraffe — Kidney Boa Constrictor — Lung „ Sections Kidney Intestine Rattlesnake — Lung „ Sections Kidney Intestine Oviduct Skin Alligator — Lung- Crocodile — Lung Turtle — Lung „ Intestine Frog — Lung, inner surfac * „ outer surface Tongue Palate Stomach Intestine, small 73 31 n 77 33 37 33 73 73 33 33 large Toad- 33 33 Skin Kidney -Luno-, inner surface „ outer surface Palate Tongue Stomach Intestine. small MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS. 231 Toad — Intestine, large „ Skin „ Poison Glands Tortoise — Lung „ Stomach Intestine Lung Intestine, small „ large Kidney Uterus Muscle Stomach Eabbit — Lung Liver Intestine, small » large Rectum Section of Lip Muscle Uterus Lion — Lung „ Kidney Intestine, small Pad of Foot „ Sections Cheta — Lung „ Kidney „ Intestine Pig- — Lung Intestine, small „ large Kidney „ „ Tubuli „ Stomach &c. &c. &c. Sheep — Lung Intestine, small large Guinea-Pig »> 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Sheep — Stomachs (3) Kidney Tubuli 55 55 55 Goose — Lung j> Sections Intestine Skin Fowl — Lung „ Sections Intestine Pectum Skin Foot „ Sections Craw Oviduct Ox — Lung Intestine, small » »> jj 55 55 55 5) „ „ large „ Ciliary processes Choroid „ Kidney Dog — Lung „ Intestine, small „ „ Sections „ Stomach „ „ Sections „ Kidney „ Skin of Foot „ „ Sections Cat — Lung „ outer surface Intestine, small „ Sections Kidney „ outer surface Tubuli Skin &c. &c. &c. 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 MICRO-PHOTOG-RAPHS IN GREAT VARIETY. RICTTABD BARRKTT, PKIK N. C. Slat, 9 (LtVJ"'Af GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & Co.'s NEW AM) POPULAR WORKS. P: In 1 vol. demy 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth gilt, or 3s. limp cloth. UJEIOSITIES OF INDUSTRY.— THE APPLIED VJ SCIENCES. By George Dodd, Author of " Days at the Factories." "The title 'Curiosities of Industry' will pretty clearly explain itself. Many pro- cesses are curious without being novel, many are both novel and curious. Many reveal to us the store of strange and valuable things which Balance presents to th<>Be who know how to apply it in aid of industry; many arise out of the discovery of new materials, and many more by new applications of old materials. Of all such are these ' Curiosities' composed." Or each Treatise sold separately, sewed in wrappers, 3d. each. Contents of the Series — viz: — 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Glass and its Manufacture. Iron and its Manufacture. Wood and its Application. Calculating and Registering Machines. India- Rubber and Gutta Percha. Industrial Applications of Electricity. Gold in the Mine, the Mint, and the Workshop. Paper, its Applications and its Novel- ties. 9. Printing, its Modern Varieties. 10. Cotton and Flax, a Contrast. 11. Corn and Bread, what they owe to Machinery. 12. A Ship in the 19th Century. 13. Fire and Light — Contrivances for their Production. 14. 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For all purposes of education and information, the most useful book that can possibly be possessed is a popular Cyclopaedia, embracing, as it does, in one work the substance of many ; and of all the Cyclopaedias in existence, it would be impossible to find a better one than the National Cyclopaedia of Charles Knight, founded on the • Penny Cyclopaedia, ' a work of immense labour and research, on the pro- duction of which the most eminent men in every department of Literature, Science and Art, were engaged. This truly National Cyclopaedia is a Cyclopaedia of Alphabetical Reference for every subject of human inquiry, embracing — Ancient and Modern Literature — History, Civil and Ecclesiastical — Chronology — Biography — Geography and Topo- graphy — Law and Government — Social Economy — Philosophy — Mathematics — Phy- sical Science — Chemistry— Geology and Mineralogy — Zoology — Botany — Music— Me- dicine, Surgery, and Anatomy — Arts, Manufactures, and Trade — Painting and Engraving — Agriculture — Architecture — Sculpture, Astronomy, &c. HISTORY. Three Editions of Robertson and Prescott's Char'es the Fifth. PEESCOTT AND EOBEETSOX'S HLSTOl OF CHARLES the FIFTH, being Robertson's History of his R With important original additions by W. H. Prescott. New Index, B Steel Portrait. Uniform with the editions of Mr. Prescott's ot ! Works published by R. Bentley. 1. Library Edition, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth lettered, with a Portrait, price 21s. 2. Cabinet Edition, 2 vols, 8vo, with a Portrait, price 12s. 3. The 1 vol. Edition, in crown 8vo, price 5s. " In this edition Mr. Prescott has given a brilliant sketch and minute accou- the latter days of Charles the Fifth." — limes. " Robertson's Charles the Fifth is only a history of that reign, less than three pages being devoted to Charles's life subsequent to his abdication. Yet thia is the most curious and interesting portion of that monarch's existence. The n Mr. Prescott's examination of the Archives of Sirnancas has been to exhibit, m a very different aspect, the monastic life of Charles, from that in which it hitherto been written, and to give great completeness to the original work Robertson." Each in 2 vols, boards, 4s. ; or in cloth, 5s. pEESCOTT'S (W. H.) HISTOEICAL WOEKS. -L Cheap Complete Edition. Viz : FERDINAND AND ISABELLA. 2 vols. CONQUEST OF MEXICO. 2 vols. CONQUEST OF PERU. 2 vols. PHILIP THE SECOND. 2 vols. Also, uniform, CHARLES THE FIFTH. 2 vols. By Robertson, with a continuation by Prescott. %* This issue of Mr. Prescott's Historical Works is the onI- A CATALOGUE OF : tjprjratatic gpomirjp BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, TELESCOPES, OPERA GLASSES, dec. dec. MADE AND SOLD BY C. BAKER, Nos. 243 & 244, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1765. RICHARD BARRETT, PRINTER, MAI'.K LANE. No. 1. —Compound Microscope. |t '§zhh%w 6 [ OF ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPES. MADE AND SOLD BY C_ IB A. IKE DR, 243 a^d 244, HIGH HOLBORX LONDON. t. d. No. 1a. — Highly finished large Compound Microscope, with all the latest improve- ments, having double supports to prevent vibration, Avith quick and slow motion, for the most delicate optical adjustment, a mechanical stage with one-inch motion in opposite directions, a sliding and revolving object holder, wheel of diaphragms, appa- ratus for the reception of the polariscope, achromatic condenser, &c, large plain and concave adjusting mirror, with two huyghenian eye pieces of the best con- struction 13 10 Solid Spanish Mahogany Portable Case for ditto, with drawer beneath, and packed complete for apparatus 2 10 Ditto ditto, beautifully finished with pan- elled door, a series of drawers to receive the apparatus, and arranged so as to receive the Microscope in a vertical position, packed complete 3 10 4 Catalogue of Achromatic Microscopes, £ s. d. No. 1b. — A Smaller Microscope, having me- chanical stage, quick and slow motions, double mirror, two huyghenian eye pieces, &c., &c, and similar in all parts to No. 1a 11 10 Ditto ditto, without mechanical stage, but having all the other motions complete, with one huyghenian eye piece 7 15 Solid Spanish Mahogany Portable Case for ditto, with drawer beneath, packed com- plete 2 2 No. 2. — Ditto ditto, one size smaller, without mechanical stage, having slow motion, sliding object holder, double mirror and one huyghenian eye piece 6 15 Solid Spanish Mahogany Case for ditto, with drawer beneath, and packed complete for apparatus 1 10 No. 3. — A beautifully finished Student's Microscope, with sliding stage, quick and slow motion, one-inch, half-inch, and quarter-inch achromatic object glass, live box, with stage and dissecting forceps, all packed in a neat mahogany case 6 10 Ditto ditto, without slow motion 5 15 N.B. — This instrument is strongly recommended to Surgeons and others for its completeness, as it answers the purpose of a more expensive instrument for physiological and general purposes. No. 4. — A Portable Microscope, with lever or rack motion to the stage, and fitted com- plete as No. 3 4 15 No. 5. — The Society oe Arts Microscope. This exceedingly cheap Achromatic Micro- scope, which is so strongly recommended by the Society of Arts, has quick and slow motion, sliding stage, live box, stage forceps, dissecting ditto, with quarter, half, and one-inch achromatic lenses, all packed in a neat mahogany case, price 3 3 Sold by C. Baker, 243 & 2-14, llion Holbobb 5 No. 6. — A superior finished Microscope, -with- out joints to the stand, but having a delicate optical adjustment, with one-and- a-half-inch, one- inch, and half-inch achro- matic object glasses, in mahogany case ... 2 2 No. 7. — A Compound Microscope, (not achro- matic) with six various powers, live box, condenser, forceps, stage forceps, and other apparatus, packed complete in a mahogany case 2 10 Also a large assortment of Botanical and Dissecti.^i Microscopes, from Is. 6d. each. ACHROMATIC OBJECT GLASSES. Angular Aperture. Two-inch 12 degrees 1 10 One-and-a-half-inch 20 „ 1 17 6 One-inch 13 „ 1 10 Ditto 23 „ 1 17 6 Half-inch, with adjustment Go „ 3 5 Quarter-inch, with adjustment 75 „ 3 5 Ditto . ditto 95 „ 3 15 One-eighth ditto, with adjustment 115 „ 5 5 Ditto ditto 125 „ 6 6 A beautifully-defining combination of German Powers, half-inch, dividing so as to form one-inch and one-and-a-half-inch, mounted in a superior form 1 2 6 Ditto ditto, of quarter-inch power, and forming if divided one-third-inch 1 5 X.B. — These Object Glasses are the finest that can be made, and for defining and penetrating power cannot be surpassed. APPARATUS FOR ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPES . Polariscope, with extra large pair of prisms, fitted and attached complete 1 12 G Ditto ditto, for Student's Microscope... 15 Extra Eye pieces from Gs. to 12 6 6 Catalogue of Achromatic Microscopes, £ Achromatic Condenser (mechanical part) for the better definition of delicate structures, fitted complete 1 Ditto ditto, for Students Large Condenser for illuminating opaque objects, with universal motion and divid- ing stand Ditto ditto, for Students Ditto ditto, for adapting to stage Camera Lucida, for drawing the magnified image 15s. to 1 Stage Forceps from 3s. 6d. to Dissecting Forceps „ Is. to Micrometer, for stage Ditto, for eye-piece, mounted in brass Ditto Ditto, unmounted Dark-ground Illuminator from Parabolic Condensers from 1 Silver Eeflector from 6s. to Animalcula? Cages „ 4s. to Frog Plate Glass Troughs for viewing circulation of plants yfrom Hollow Glass Slides Compressoriums Glass Stage Plates from a. 2 6 7 6 15 6 12 6 / 6 5 6 1 9 4 6 8 6 6 7 6 5 lo 10 5 3 6 4 15 1 HAND MAGNIFIERS FOR DISSECTING, &c. Pocket Magnifier, with one lens, horn mounting, front Is. to Ditto ditto, two lenses Ditto ditto, three lenses Ditto ditto, one lens,tortoiseshell mounting Ditto ditto, two lenses Ditto ditto, three lenses Double and Treble ditto, in tortoiseshell, with diaphragm from 6s. to Stanhope Lenses, in ivory mounting Coddington ditto ditto Ditto ditto, in silver box case, from 6s. to Ditto ditto, in German silver 2 2 3 3 6 4 6 6 10 2 6 3 12 6 7 6 Sold by C. Baker, 243 & 244, High IIolborn. 7 CABINETS FOR MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. Plat French polished mahogany Case, to hold three dozen objects 3 G Ditto ditto, with lock and key, to hold six dozen objects 7 6 Ditto ditto, twelve dozen 12 6 Superior French polished mahogany Cabinet, with drawer to hold 480 objects, in a vertical position, and flat drawer for in- jections 2 Ditto ditto, with twenty-two drawers, to hold 276 objects, in a horizontal position from £2 10s. Od. to 4 LARGER CABINETS MADE TO ORDER AND KEPT IN STOCK. PREPARED MOUNTED OBJECTS. Every variety of Physiological, Entymological, Vegetable, Becent and Fossil Infusoria, Wood, and other Sections, and Polariscope Objects, by Topping, and the most es- teemed Continental preparers, from 9d. to 1 6 Anatomical Injected Preparations, fvmls.Sd .to 2 3 MATERIALS AND INSTRUMENTS. Air Pumps, with receiver, complete 18 6 Injecting Syringe, with stop cocks 8 6 Writing Diamond 5 6 Diamond for cutting slips of plate glass from 8 Instrument for cutting circles of thin glass to any size 10 Valentine's Knife, for cutting thin sections of soft animal and vegetable substances 10 Machines for cutting sections of wood from 10 Revolving Tables for cementing cells with gold size, kc.,from 5 Needle Holders, with ivory handles 2 6 Dissecting Knives, with ditto 1 9 Fine Scissors from 2 Thin Glass in squares per ounce 3 6 Ditto in circles 5 9 Plate Glass Slides for mounting per dozen 3 Ditto ditto, ground edges 8 Canada Balsam per bottle 6d. and 1 o GoldSize ,, ] Asphalte 10 Cells of all kinds for injections per d "0m 1 •". SUPERIOR MICROSCOPE LAMPS, from 16*. 8 Catalogue of Achromatic Microscopes, TELESCOPES. A portable six-draw Telescope, four inches long when closed and sixteen inches when drawn out ; of great magnifying power, sufficient to show the satellites of Jupiter 1 5 Ditto ditto, with German silver mounting 1 15 The above in brass mounting, fitted with a portable stand and extra eye-piece, for astronomical purposes, all packed in a neat morocco case, 4 \ by 3 \ .... 2 5 Ditto ditto, in German silver 3 10 A portable E-econnoitering powerful Military or Tourist's Telescope, fitted with leather caps, and sling ; when drawn out sixteen inches, and closed eight inches, the object glass one-and-a-half inches clear aperture 1 13 6 Ditto ditto, of less power, for general pur- poses 17 6 A very superior three-draw Military or Recon- noitering Telescope, thirty inches when drawn out, and nine inches when closed, the object glass of two inches clear aper- ture, giving an amount of power and brilliancy of definition not to be sur- passed ; leather covered and leather caps, and sling 3 3 Ditto ditto, with 2 draws 2 15 A beautifully finished portable four-draw German silver Telescope, with sliding sun shade and whalebone body, when drawn out twenty-eight inches, and closed eight inches, object glass one-and-five-eighth inch diameter ; the most powerful of its size that can be manufactured 3 Ditto ditto, fitted with an Astronomical eye-piece, and portable stand for the observation of celestial objects, in ma- hogany case 5 5 Ditto ditto, with 3 draws 2 15 Leather Case, with sling, for ditto 8 6 Sold by C. Baker, 243 & 244, High Hoi/born 9 £ 3. d. Midshipman's Naval Telescopes, with Flag Signals, leather covered, with sling, from 1 15 A well finished three-draw brass mounted Telescope, covered with leather, sliding sun shade, and pancratic eye piece for any increase of power ; 30 inches when drawn out, and 10 inches when closed, object glass one-and-five-eighth diameter 2 2 Ditto ditto, without pancratic eye piece or sun shade 1 15 Ditto ditto, with mahogany or rosewood body 1 12 6 A great variety of second-hand Astronomical and Day Telescopes at every variety of price and size always in stock. BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS. . Beautifully finished exposed tube rosewood pediment Barometer, ivory scale, with sliding vernier 1 7 6 Ditto ditto, with large column of mercury, and adjusting rack vernier, massively mounted in oak frame 2 Ditto ditto, in mahogany or rosewood frame 2 2 Massively mounted oak Barometer, with extra large column of mercury, having a double scale, with double rack verniers 2 7 ( i Ditto ditto, in rosewood or mahogany 2 10 Ditto ditto, in carved mahogany or rose- wood frames, beautifully executed, with very large columns of mercury 4 4 The improved aneroid and metallique Barom- eter, with case and stand complete, from 2 5 Ditto ditto, with Thermometer attached, from 2 10 Ditto ditto, and silver dial from 2 15 Registering Thermometer, mounted in Ivory, with japan or zinc case 1 (J 6 Ditto ditto, in box, with similar cases from lis. to 13 6 Bath Thermometers from 2 < i Box ditto from 1 10 Catalogue of Achromatic Microscopes, SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &c. Plain steel Spectacles, strongly made 2 6 Ditto ditto, with double temples 3 Superior ditto, extra quality glasses 3 9 Very superior ditto, the best made 5 6 Ditto ditto, with pebbles 8 6 Tortoiseshell Eye Glasses, all kinds 1 9 Beautifully finished tortoiseshell Hand Spec- tacles, with double and counter springs... 10 6 Ditto ditto, with plain spring 7 6 Every variety of Gold and Silver Spectacles at equally low prices. OPERA OR RACE GLASSES. Tourist's exceedingly portable double achro- matic Opera, having additional Lens for increase of power, beautifully finished, with morocco case complete 1 7 6 Ditto ditto, covered with morocco leather, and bronzed '. . 1 10 The best ivory mounted and gilt double achro- matic Operas, by the finest makers of Vienna and Munich from 110 Ditto ditto, in buffalo, tortoiseshell, or japan mountings from 15 Extra powerful double achromatic Tourist's Eace or Eeconnoitring Operas, covered with morocco leather, and having sliding sun shade and portable morocco case ; the most powerful made 2 15 Ditto ditto, having achromatic eye piece, whereby great portability is obtained with the same degree of power from 2 Ditto ditto, with a jointed frame, to lessen the distance between the axis of vision ... 3 12 6 Japanned leather Cases to ditto, with a sling 10s. and 12 Elegant Duchesse 12-glass Operas of every variety from 1 15 Sold by C. Baker, 243 & 21 i, IIioli Holbo^t. 1 1 MAGIC LANTERNS AND DISSOLVING VIEWS. £ ... d. No. 1. — Best improved Phantasmagoria Lan- tern, with two-and-a-half-inch Lenses, lamp, reflector, &c, complete 1 5 No. 2. — Ditto ditto, with three-inch Lenses 1 15 No. 3. — Ditto ditto, with three-and-a- half-inch ditto 2 5 No. 4. — Ditto ditto, with four-and-a- half-inch ditto 3 3 No. 2. — In pairs, for Dissolving Views, with the dissolving apparatus and case, complete 4 17 6 No. 3.— Ditto ditto ditto 6 No. 4.— Ditto ditto ditto 9 A Microscope attached to either of the above from £1 Is. to 1 10 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SLIDERS OF EVERY VARIETY OF SUBJECT, BOTH NEW AND SECOND-HAND, CAN BE SELECTED FROM, AT THE LOWBST PRICES. Every Article manufactured on the Premises by Superior Workmen, and Repairs and Alterations will receive immediate attention at the Lowest Price. An extensive assortment of every description of Optical, Mathe- matical, Astronomical, Surveying, and other Scientific Instruments, both new and second-hand, at very low prices. N. B. — Second-hand Instruments of all kinds. Purchased or taken in Exchange. Illustrations f ot Not. Zand 5 Microscope* tee over. X V.?i»VK Ji Jill , > > > > ' ) ■ i - ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ - . - - . ■ .- . . ■ . - ■ - ••'-■ -■■-