LIBRARY OF 1885-1056 THE ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET; BEING A NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH INSECTS. WITH PLATES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE PRINCIPAL FAMILIES AND I GENERA. SECOND EDITIO><'. 1 dc\^ \ By GEORGE SAMOUELLE, A.L.S., AVTHOR OF THE " ENTOMOLOGIST'S USEFUL C0MPEN1>1UM, ETC. LONDON: G. HEXDERSOr?, OLD BAILEY, LUDGATE-HILL. y- DCCC.XLl. LONDON ? J C. HESDERSOS, PRINTER, EAVKER SQPiRE PREFACE. The study of Natural History, within the last few years, has made a wonderful progress in England, much beyond what the author could have expected : and it is with heartfelt joy that he can perceive the still farther research that is now making by able> strong-minded and most worthy men, who have ta- ken up the subject, and are pursuing it with a warmth and a degree of fervour that it is well worthy of; for most certainly no works of the GREAT CREATOR exhibit so much wonder in their organ- ization as insects, or so much perfection in so small a space — the simple fact of the numerous eyes in the ^ common house-fly. — Insects, indeed, appear the most important agents in the work of creation — active, minute and numerous ; they are capable of produ- cing famine, pestilence and disease : they are also the Jigents far beyond our knowledge of the fructification of plants, — they are also the consumers of decompo- a2 IV PREFACE. sing animal and vegetable remains, that, without their invaluable assistance, would contaminate the air and render it death to breathe. We may further observe that insects in their transformations, and in the organ- ization of the larvae, present to the physician, facts, with respect to circulation, worthy of his obser- vation, and which no other class of animated nature would afford him, and thus offer to the physiologist an extensive field, in which his time will not be thrown away, should he direct his attention to it. Of the value and importance of insects we have yet no idea, from the little we know of them. Mr Kirby says, "We have heard that the vaccine disease is derived from the cow and the horse, and the small-pox is said to have originated in the heels of the camel : but neither the ingenious Dr . Jenner ; nor any other writer on this subject has informed us that the rein-deer is subject to the distemper last named. — The inoculator, in truth, is the gad-fly, the tumours it causes are the pustules, and its larvae are the pus." — The lives saved by vaccination would imply the importance of the study of insects. Insects are the most numerous, and equally perfect in their structure, with the higher orders of animals in the great scale of creation ; but this is only to be discovered by a close and accurate examination of the originals, collectively and in their several pai*ts ; and following up their adaptation to the habits and PREFACE. V manners of the respective species. If we contem- plate a painting or piece of sculpture, it pleases the eye and commands our attention, but it requires time to discover all its perfections — we only admire ac- cordmg to the extent of our knowledge of the sub- ject ; — so on viewing a map, those places interest us the most that we have visited, or where some peculiar circumstance has occurred, to impress the recollection on our minds, in a pleasing or a painful way. — Thus it is, ^'ith all other objects around us : a portrait of a departed friend whom we loved, or an individual whom we knew or respected, creates a more lively emotion than that of a total stranger, though he be celebrated in the annals of history. In all branches of human knowledge each individual sees with a different eye, and judges with a different mind, according to his knowledge of the subject, or the powers of his dis- crimination. CONTENTS. § 1. MANDIBULATA. Order COLEOPTERA. Fam. CicindelidtE. No. Fif^. Cicindela germanica . . .11 CarabidcB. Carabus hortensi* 3 1 Cychrus rostratus 25 1 Calosoma inquisitor . . . 25 2a sycophanta 25 2p HarpalidcB, Panageenus qnadripustnlatas . . . 26 1 a Crnx major 26 1b BrachinidcB. Lamprias cyanocephalns ... 4 1 Scaritido!. Clivina fossor 17 1 Pterosticus brunnipes . . . . 15 1 Bembidiidce. Tachypus Andreae 14 1 Elaphridce. Bletbisa multipunctata . . . 14 2 X>ifticid(e. Aciliss scoticns ...... 7 1 Vm CONTENTS. Fam. Gyrinida;. Gyrinus villosus Heteroceridce. Heteroceros leevigatus Limniidee. Georissus pygmaeus Helophoridce. Helophonis fennicus Kydrophilidos. Berosns apicalls SphaeridiidcB. Cercyon qnisquilinm . ScarabidcB. Copris lunaris . AphodiidcB, Aphodius Inridus TrogidcB. Trox sabulosus Geotrupidee. Bolbocerus testaceus MelolonthidcB. Melolontha vulgaris Cetonidce. CetODia aurata LucanidcB. Dorcus parallelipipedus HisteridcB. Onthophilas snlcatns Niiidulidts. Nitidula grisea Thymaluslimbatas . EngidiE. Ips quadripustulata . Tenebrionidce- Diaperis boleti , AnisotomidcB. Leoides hunieralis . 10 1 16 1 23 1 16 2 5 1 21 1 7 2 14 3 7 3 11 2 5 2 6 1 9 1 19 1 17 25 3 11 1 17 4 23 2 Kll CONTENTS. t\ini. MudUidce. Mutilla Europoea . . . . . 13 3 ScoUadcB. Tiphia femorata .... 19 5 Sapygidoe. Sapyga punctata .... . 14 5 Pompilidce. Pompilus viaticus . 19 6 Spliecida. Ammophila hirsuta . 5 LarridoB. Astata abdominalis . 12 2 CrahronidoB. Crabro cribrarius . . . , . 8 5 VespidcB. Vespa vulgaris .... . 23 6 Andrenidce. Andrena nigro-enea . . . . . 5 3 ApidoB. Nomada Goodeniaua 4 4 LibellulidoB. Gomphus vulgatissiinus . 3 4 Agrionidee. Calepteryx ludoviciana , . 20 3 Order NEUROPTERA.. Ephemeridce . Baetis bioculata .... . 24 1 PanorpidcB. Panorpa Germanica 8 4 Hemerobides. Chrysopa reticulata . . . ' . 2 I Psocidae. Psocus bipunctatus . . . 24 2 PJiaphidiidecimen from the pipet lark, (Alauda sepiaria) in Plaistow j>1arshes, some years since ; and if the bird, when killed, had not have been carefully wrapt up in paper, there is no doubt that the insect would have escaped, since parasites of this kind leave their subject as soon as it is cold, and much sooner than the apterous species, as they have the facility of flight. As yet, only two species have been detected in this country, the viridis and the present. The head is broad — the eyes set wide and prominent : a polished elevated suture runs up the front of the head close to the eyes, and joins at the summit, leaving a wide channel down the front of the head : the thorax is brown and highly polished and much larger than the body, which is very flat and of a dirty yellow colour, and furnished at its sides with long curved bristles ; its extremity terminates in a deep notch : the wings are slightly tinged with a lightish brown : the legs are robust and strong, and the feet are furnished with powerful curved claws. They run fast, have been known to suck the blood of man, and are capa- 2-4 6 samouelle's ble of sustaining great pressure. We could wish that Ornothologists and collectors would pay more at- tention to the parasites of birds, for, as yet, we know but little about them . _ 5 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ACANTHOSOMA PICTA. Newman's INISS. This genus was first proposed by Mr. John Curtis, in the fifth number of his elegant and accurate *' Illustrations of British Entomology," in his ob- servations on the species of Pentatoma: and, the cha- racters of this separate genus, with dissections of the parts, were given in plate 28 of the same volume. — " In Mr.ViGOKs's cabinet is a species which belongs to this last division, (Acanthosomq) received from Dr. Leach, with the name of P. picta. It agrees tolerably well with the description in Fabricius ; but I believe that Dr. L. was not satisfied of its authenticity as a British species." It may appear strange that this species should exist in Mr. Vigors's Cabinet, and not in that of Dr. Leach ; but this is easily explained : about twenty years ago, an exchange took place be- tween Mr. WiLKiNs and Dr. L. and as each was an- xious to complete certain groups of insects, it was agreed that they should give up to one another, the re- quired desiderata, and Dr. L. presented Mr.WiLKiNS with the whole of his collection of the order Hemiptera. It is somewhat singular, that Mr. Newman should have given the name oi picta to this newly discovered insect, and without the knowledge of the above fact, as we believe it to be the same species ; but we re- gret we have not had an opportunity of comparing them. The following is the specific character of the insect now ^gured.— Head and thorax of a dirty 2-5 samouelle's yellow green — scutellum large and extending to about the middle of the back — rather longer than broad, and a trifle darker than the thorax : elytra trans- parent on the outer margin, with a broad lunate crimson facia to the inner margin of the coriaceous part, and with three clusters of black and deep punc- tures, forming nearly a triangle : the extremity of the elytra membranaceous with a dark brown dot, and four smaller just below, forming a line, and of a paler colour : antennae dirty yellow, with the greater por- tion of the last joint black : legs and breast dirty yellow : under part of the body bluish green, with the last joint yellow : eyes black, with a circle of orange : length from the point of the head to the extremity of the elytra 5 lines — breadth of the thorax 2^ lines. The insects of this genus are seldom in the perfect state until the autumn, and a few live through the winter. We are indebted to our friend, Mr, Edmund Newman, of Deptford, for the only speci- men we possess, and for the following observations. «* On the 26th of March, 1831, I beat into my net, from a juniper-bush in Birch Wood, a beautiful, and to me entirely unknown, species of Acanthosoma. It is unknown as British to every Entomologist to whom I have shewn it. On returning to the same bush, a few hours subsequently, I procured five nioie specimens from the identical bough from which I obtained the first. In the course of the following fortnight, I visited Birch Wood three times, and on every occasion procured from two to six specimens, from the very sanie spot. During the summer, and until September, not one was to be found. In that ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. month I obtained twenty-one more specimens, and, singular enough, all of them from the same bough, off the same bush ; and although I carefully beat all the surrounding juniper bushes, I could never obtain a single specimen excepting from this one spot : so remarkable and confined a locality for an insect which Hies veiy readily, I have never before either witnessed or heard of. As I have supplied you with specimens, any description that I can give of the in- sect will be superfluous. I will however observe, that when the insect is living, the lunulate fascia on the superior wings is of a most brilliant crimson." 2-5 SAMOUELLE'S ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. TETTIGONIA SPUMARIA. Fabr. Cicada Spumaria. Linn. Cuckoo Spit, or Black-headed Froghopper. ** The larvae or grubs of this insect are well known as discharging from their bodies, upon the branches and leaves of plants, a kind of frothy matter called by most people Cuckoo-spit. In the midst of this they constantly reside, probably for shelter against the rapacity of such stronger insects as would other- wise prey upon them. Nature seems to have afforded this kind of defence to the insects, as their naked and soft bodies might otherwise very easily be in- jured ; perhaps also the moisture of this foam may serve to screen them from the sultry beams of the sun. On removing the foam the grub is discovered underneath ; but it will not remain long uncovered. It soon emits fresh foam that again hides it from the eye of observation. " It is in the midst of its foam that the larva goes through its metamorphosis to a chrysalis and a winged insect. This may be observed by any person who is careful enough to watch when the froth begins a little to subside. At this time he must put the insect with its leaf under a glass. The froth, degenerating to a white film, fixes the creature to the leaf: soon after this the fly may be seen first putting out its head, and afterwards by degrees its body. As soon as the fore-part is out; a small protuberance will be 2-6 samouelle's perceived on each side, wliich, every moment grow- ing larger, will soon aj)pear to be the wings of the fly unfolding by degrees. In about a quarter of an hour the whole change is completed, the fly is liberated, its wings are extended over its body, and the fine silver-like case of the larva, with all its legs and otlier apparatus, will be seen left behind. ** The perfect insect is of a brown colour, and has on tlie upper wings two lateral whitish spots. It is very common in gardens, meadows, and pastures, and is so agile that, when attempted to be caught, it will sometimes spring to the distance of two or three feGtJ'-r-Bmgley, ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CARABUS HORTENSIS. Fabr. Garden Carahus. Black, and generally apterous, or having only the rudiments of wings : the thorax black and convex, nearly of the breadth of the base of the elytra ; the margin purplish : the elytra are rough, with a triple row of bronzed excavated points. Length one inch. This strong, powerful and voracious insect, is one of the commonest species of the genus Carabus ; it inhabits most gardens, and will often be met with on ground, recently turned up by the spade, during the early spring months. In April and May they are also frequently to be seen in the pathways of our gardens, in the evening, in pursuit of the lan^ of insects, slugs, snails and worms, which they greedily devour, and destroy great numbers. During the day they may be found in dark and retired places, be- neath stones, dead leaves, and under the rubbish of gardens. The male insects of this genus have the anterior tarsi broad — in the females they are simple. So far as we have been enabled to observe the natural history of this species, the females deposit their eggs in the places they retire to during the day, and in holes in the earth — the larvae are equally voracious with the perfect insect, and will destroy all they can overcome : they are in the larva state during the summer and autumn, and appear to go deep into the 3-1 7 SAMOUELLE S earth to pass into the pupa state. Late in the autumn they may occasionally be found in the perfect state, but remain dormant during the winter. We would advise our young friends, when collect- ing these insects, to put them into separate pill boxes, or they will invariably eat one another : they are killed by being thrown into boiling water. This is a fine insect for the young student to make himself acquainted with the parts of the mouth, as they are large and prominent. ENTOMOLOCICAL CABINET. CLENIOCERUS AULICUS. Leach, MSS. Stephens. Elater Aulicus. Panzer, Head and thorax obscure brassy-green, deeply punctured and pubescent, the latter has a deep channel down the centre, the scutellum is nearly black, and very pubescent : elytra; testaceous deeply striated and the interstices punctate, and with a deep transverse impression at the base, extending across eight of the striae, they terminate acutely : the under parts of the thorax and body of a darker brassy-green, deeply punctate and pubescent : the antennae and legs are of the same colour : the palpi are black and shining. Length of the body 8 lines. We are indebted to our much valued and respected friend, Dr. William Elford Leach, for our speci- men of this rare insect, two specimens of which he brought to London with him, in 1826, and the last time he was in England ; the other specimen, with many other novelties, he gave to be incorporated in the indigenous collection of the British Museum. We believe the specimens to have been taken in Devonshire, not by the Doctor, but by some of his friends. Many of the Elaters feed in the bodies of dead trees during their larva state, and will be found in the perfect state, very often, several inches from the surface, in decayed wood. .V2 SAMOUELLE'i ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. GOMPHOCERUS RUFUS. Leach, MSS. Samou. Gomphoceros. Thunh. Gryllus Rufus. Linn. This genus separated from that extensive group of insects the Gryllus of Linn^ was first indicated by Thunberg ; adopted by Dr. Leach, and the charac- ters laid down, in the ** Entomologist's Useful Cotn- pendiiim" in 1819, and at that period only two species had been detected in this country. Gomphocerus is easily distinguished from other species of LocustidcB by the antennce being capitate ; and the club of the antennae being spoon-shaped in both sexes. G. Rufus. Body rufus ; wing cases pale brown, rather rufus on the inner margin ; wings with a very slight tinge of pink and the hinder thighs and the tibia red ; the latter furnished with a double row of spines, which are black at the tip. Length of the body 6^ lines. This very interesting species appears to be local, since we have never met with it but in one place in Battersea Fields, on the sloping bank above the Red House, in the month of August, where they are very plentiful. The GrylMce and LocustidcB may be collected in wide-mouthed bottles, with pieces of hay and grass introduced for them to crawl upon ; and, in some instances, perhaps it would be better to plunge them into bottles of spirits of wine ; and when this plan is adopted we recommend the collector to take the 3-3 SAMOU£LLE's earliest opportunity to pierce the insect, and abstract the spirit by blotting-paper j and should its size re- quire the inside to be removed, to do so while the insect is soft, in order to preserve the colour of the body, and supply its contents by a little cotton, as in preserving the larger species of Neuroptera. But little is yet known either of the history, or of the species, found in this country, except by our friend, J. C. Dale, Esq. of Dorset, who has paid much atten- tion to the subject, and has added, we believe, more species to our list than any other Entomologist. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. GOMPHUS VULGATISSIMUS. Leach, Libellula Vulgatissima. Linn. Common Dragon Fly. Head yellow, with three black transverse narrow streaks : thorax yellow, with three black streaks, one down the centre and one on each side : body yellow, with two black streaks down the back, gradually increasing in width and joining at the ter- mination of the sixth joint : wings light and iri- descent : legs black. This beautiful and splendid insect is by no means so common as its specific name might imply ; at least it is not so near London, or it must be confined to a very limited space -. Linn6 in all probability gave it this name from its being common in Sweden. We have never met with but one living specimen of this species, which was taken in the copse, north of the hill from Robin-hood Lane, adjoining Coombe Wood, Surrey, about twenty years since, in the month of June ; but in some parts of Epping Forest, from the observations of an old collector of insects, in certain seasons it is not imcommon. Insects of the Order Nruroptera will generally be local, not for want of powerful flight, but from situations congenial to the propagation of their species, and the attraction of water, their natural element in the infant state, and for the love of their offspring — a most beautiful pro- vision of nature. No insects are more powerful on the 3-4 samouelle's wing than the IJhellulcBy and they will often frustrate the most wary and active movements of the entomolo- gist when in pursuit of them. Leeuwenhoek reckons, in each eye of the Libellula, 12,544 lenses, or in both 25,088. The late Mr. Carpenter used to exhibit to his friends a small portion of them between glass, when they were magnified to the size of a sweet pea, and on each eye would be reflected the flame of the lamp, and the slightest movement of the flame could be observed on each eye : these will be found most in- teresting objects for the microscope. The larvae have six feet, and move with great activity in the water ; at the mouth they are fur- nished with an articulated forceps ; they are very voracious, and are the Crocodiles of aquatic insects ; The larva and pupa are not very different ; the latter has the rudiments of wings ; in a fine warm day in June, a person standing by a pond, may observe them approach the bank for the purpose of changing their element. Having crawled up upon a blade of grass, or bit of dry wood, the skin of the pupa grows parched, and splits at the upper part of the thorax. The insect issues forth gradually, throws off its slough, in a few minutes expands its wings, flutters, and then flies off. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SMERINTHUS TILIiE. Latreille. Sphinx Tiliae. Linn. Lime Hawk Moth. Thorax ash-colour, -with three olive-green bands, taking their origin from the head : body also ash- colour : the upper wings are of a pale brick red, but subject in different specimens to great variation ; about the middle of the wing and near the upper margin is an irregularly formed olive-green blotch — beneath this and somewhat nearer the body is a triangular spot of the same colour, and in some specimens they join, in others the lower spot is wanting : the outer margin has a broad facia clouded and of a less defined olive colour : the lower or in- ferior wings are a little darker than the upper, and have an undefined streak of a slight olive-green a little below the middle of the wing, and gradually decreasing in width to the inner angle : antennas and feet ash colour. The larva feeds on the lime-tree ; it is rough, tailed, attenuated before, and green, with oblique lateral striae of a red or yellow colour -. the pupa is dark brown. This insect is but seldom met with in the perfect state, and we would recommend the young ento- mologist, or those who do not possess specimens, to seek for the pupa at the roots of lime trees ; these may be met with at about two or three inches below 3-5 8 samouelle's the surface, and, in this state, are far from uncom- mon — they may be obtained during the months of March and April, and should be placed in breeding cages, on the surface of earth, and covered with moss, which must be sprinkled with water from time to time, and in the month of May the perfect insect will make its appearance. The Rev. W. Kirbt has observed that they invariably emerge from the pupa state at the hour of noon. All authors have described the caterpillars as solitary : we once met with a female of this species, a cripple, and the only specimen, and it was in all probability from this circumstance that it was cap- tured. This specimen deposited in the collecting box a number of eggs ; these were taken care of, and twenty-seven larvae were hatched ; they were placed in a breeding cage and supplied with lime leaves — they throve well for some time, but their number gradually diminished : in about three weeks, as they grew in strength, one or n)ore was always found dead in the bottom of the cage. This continued imtil a single specimen was left, and the solitary individual in all probability fell a sacrifice to the wounds he had received. Most caterpillars feed at night while there is dew on the leaves, and it is not impossible that, for the want of liquid, they may have glutted on each other; however, as they appear of a solitary nature in a natural state, they may be pugnacious in a confined one. The larrae may be beaten froui the lime-tree in August. The figure is of tlie natural size. ENTOMOJLOCICAL CABINET. REDUVIUS PERSONATUS. Fahr. Cimex Personatus. Linn. This insect is oblong, and its general colour is a sooty black : the antennae are situated contiguous to the eyes : the basal joints are cylindrical and gradu- ally increasing in thickness — the second joint is twice the length of the first, the third and fourth are as slender as a hair : the legs are of the same colour as the body and rather long. This insect is said to be " a great enemy to the bed-bug, and might be employed in extirpating them. It is amongst the largest species of the British Cimicidae. The larva is generally covered with dust and filth, but the moment it is touched it throws oflf its covering, as if it had worn it merely for concealment." This insect is not uncommon in the county of Norfolk, if we can judge from the Norwich Collectors, for most of our speci- mens have been received from them. One living specimen only has come under our observation, which was taken about sixteen years since, as early as the month of March, on palings near Chigwell Row, Essex, by the late Mr. Sharp, a most indus- trious collector of insects : the day was excessively wet, and the insect was in a spider's web, in the sheltered part from the rain. Length 8^ lines. 3-6 SAMOU£LL£'S TNTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. LAMPRIAS CYANOCEPHALUS. BoneUi. Samouelle. Stephens. Carabiis Cyanocephalus. Linn. Deep green, and verging to a blue green ; first joint of the antennae, thorax, breast and legs red : the head is widely and deeply punctured : elytra with the punctures in striae or lines, which are scarcely ob- servable without a magnifier. Length from two to three lines. Four species of Lamprias have been dis- covered in this country : they are found on the Broom in the months of May and June, and in some years are much more numerous than in others. They are by no means common, and appear very local being sometimes confined to a single tree. The usual method to obtain them is to hold the folding net be- neath the Broom when in bloom, and with a light stick beat the blossoms into the net, into which these and many other curious coleopterous insects will be collected and are easily captured. 4-1 samouelle's \jtr ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. NECROPHORUS ANGLICUS. Leach. Stephens. Oblong and black, antennae clavated, the club per- foliated and imbricated, consisting of small concave pieces, connected in the middle^ the three last of which are red : the basal joints moniliform, the an- tennae are inserted at the base of the clypaeus, and from their form appear to be well adapted to catch the effluvia arising from dead animals. The head is broad, black and punctured ; the thorax is con- siderably broader than the head, and the form ex- hibits great muscular power : the elytra are short and do not cover the last joints of the body, (which are capable of great extension) they are black and marked by two red transverse and undulated fascia : the body, and outward parts of the hinder thighs, are covered by long stiff hair of a biilliant yellow colour— the thorax round the margin is also clothed in a similar niannen ' This species approach in ap- pearance the Vespillo, but may be distinguished by the comparative breadth of the thorax, which is con- siderably broader in angUcus. This is a raic insect, and the specimens we possess were captured in marsh meadows, in the months of August and September. To illustrate the history of those useful insects and ** scavengers of nature," we shall quote the following observations en N. J^espUlo by M. Gleditsch. " He begins by informing us that he had often re- marked that dead moles when laid upon the ground, 4-2 SAMOUELLE S especially upon loose earth, were almost sure to dis- appear in the course of two or three days, often in twelve hours. To ascertain the cause, he placed a mole upon one of the beds in his garden. It had vanished by the third morning ; and on digging where it had been lain, he found it buried to the depth of three inches, and under it four beetles which seemed to have been the agents in this singu- lar inhumation. Not perceiving any thing particular in the mole, he buried it again ; and on examining it at the end of six days he found it swarming with maggots apparently the issue of the beetles, which M. Gleditsch now actually concluded had buried the carcase for the food of their future young. To de- termine these points more clearly, he put four of these insects into a glass vessel half tilled with earth and properly secured, and upon the surface of the earth two frogs. In less than twelve hours one of the frogs was interred by two of the beetles : the other two ran about the whole day as if busied in measuring the dimensions of the remaining corpse, which on the third day was also found buried. He then introduced a dead linnet. A pair of the beetles were soon engaged upon the bird. They began their operations by pushing out the earth from under the body so as to form a cavity for its reception ; and it was curious to see the efforts which the beetles made by dragging at the feathers of the bird from below to pull it into its grave. The male having driven the female away continued the work alone for five hours. He lifted up the bird, changed its place, turned it and arranged it in the grave, and from time to time 4-2 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. came out of the hole, mounted upon it and trod it under foot, and then retired below and pulled it down. At length, apparently wearied with this un- interrupted labour, it came forth and leaned its head upon the earth beside the bird without the smallest motion as if to rest itself, for a full hour, when it again crept under the earth. The next day in the morning the bird was an inch and a half under ground, and the trench remained open the whole day, the corpse seeming as if laid out upon a bier, surrounded with a rampart of mould. In the evening it had sunk half-an-inch lower, and in another day the work was completed and the bird covered. — M. Gleditsch continued to add other small dead animals, which were all sooner or later buried ; and the result of his experiment was, that in fifty days four beetles had interred in the very small space of earth allotted to them, twelve carcases : viz. four frogs, three small birds, two fishes, one mole, and two grasshoppers, besides the entrails of a fish, and two morsels of the lungs of an ox. In another experiment a single beetle buried a mole forty times its own bulk and weight in two days. It is plain that all this labour is incurred for the sake of placing in security the future young of these industrious insects along with a necessary provision of food. One mole would have sufficed a long time for the repast of the beetles themselves, and they could have more conveniently fed upon it above ground than below. But if they had left thus exposed the carcase in which their eggs were deposited, both would have been exposed to the imminent risk of being destroyed at a mouthful by the first fox or kite that chanced to espy them." 4-2 samouelle's ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CHRYSIS STROUDERA. Jurine. Ruby Tail or Golden JVasp. Head, thorax, legs, antennae and the first two joints of the body of an intense blue ; the last two joints pink and shining. This species of Chrysis is very rare, for in all our excursions we have only met with two specimens, one of which was given to Dr. Leach many years since, and is now in the indigenous col- lection of the British Museum. Our specimens were found in a sand-pit, at Bexley, Kent, in June or July. The Chrysidae are the most splendid insects of the order Hymenoptera, and are usually found in the warmest and brightest weather, and the commonest species may frequently be observed in gardens enter- ing the perforations made by bees in posts and rails ; also in sandy banks and old brick walls with a Southern aspect ; these, no doubt, are in quest of the larvae of bees, as all authors believe, as far as observation has been made, that they are parasitic. Both Mr. KiKBY and M.Latreille are of opinion, " that the brilliant colours in which many insects are arrayed, may decorate them with some other view than that of mere ornament : they may dazzle their enemies, as these animals lay their eggs in the nests of such Hymenopteray wasps, bee-wasps {Bembex L.) and bees, as are redoubtable for their stings, and therefore have the utmost occasion for protection against these murderous weapons. Amongst other 4-3 samouelle's defences the golden wasps are adorned with the most biiiriant colours, which, by their radiance, es- pecially in the sunny situations frequented by these insects, may dazzle the eyes of their enemies, and enable them to effect the purpose for which they were created." ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. NOMADA GOODENIANA. Kirhy. Black, the tubercules on the thorax and at the base of the wings yellow -. the body with alternate bands of black and yellow : wings pale red : antennae and legs reddish yellow : the thighs black at the base. This variable but not uncommon insect was dedi- cated by the illustrious author of " MonograpMcB Apum AngUce" to the late Doctor Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle. The insects of this genus of bees are found in the months of April, May and June, in lanes and against sunny banks — they are numerous and well deserving observation : they are silent in flight and are supposed to be parasitic. 4-4 10 samouelle's ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET, iEGERIA ASILIFORMIS. Fahr Memythrus Vespiformis. Newman: Clear underwing. Haworth. Bluish -black : head with a white spot before the eyes ; the collar yellow : palpi with the base black, the apex yellow : antennae bluish, beneath fulvous at the base : thorax with a spot at the base of the wings, and a line on each side yellow : abdomen glossy, with the second, fourth and sixth segments on their posterior part yellow : tuft of the tail black : thighs black, the hinder part yellow at the base : tibiae yel- low, with a black spot externally : feet fulvous : upper wings above brown, with two transparent streaks, the nervures and costa bluish ; beneath pale tawny, with an indistinct central tawny lunule ; lower wings transparent, with a lunular mark in the centre ; the nervures and margin fuscous : fringe of all the wings ashy-brown. In the male the antenna? are strongly pectinated nearly to the apex. This is a very rare insect ; but has been occasion- ally taken on poplars near London, in June and the beginning of July. The caterpillar feeds on the wood of the poplar tree and also on the willow. The caterpillar of ^geria TipuUformis may, at this season, be observed in gardens, and its destruc- tive operations seen by the cuttings from the currant trees lopped off by the gardener ; and upon examina- tion of these shrubs they will be found to have been perforated immediately through the centre of the 4-5 samouelle's stem, and the caterpillars may be detected often iu the shoots that are thrown aside. INIr. Kirby says, ** Sir Joseph Banks lately showed me a branch of this shrub perforated down to the pith by the cater- pillar of Sesia tipuUformis, F. : the diminished size of the fruit points out," he observes, " where the enemy has been at work. In Germany, where per- haps this insect is more numerous, it is said to destroy at times the larger bushes of the red currant." We feel obliged to Mr. Newman for the loan of his specimen of the S. Asiliformis of Fahrmus, from which our drawing has been mad,e, and it has been the means of furnishing us with facts, by a comparison with the " Sphinx Vespiformis of Linne in the Linnsen Cabinet/' that English Entomologists may yet entertain the hope, and we have little doubt that, by *' industry and per- severance" the true Vespiformis will be discovered to be an inhabitant of our fertile isle. Our figure is a faithful representation, and we beg to observe, that the .S'. Vespiformis of Linn£ will be found to have the last three segments of the body terminated by yellow rings and the superior wings semi-transparent : and is near to the Hylaeiformis of Dr. Leach, pre- served in the exotic collection of the British Museum, and from which it only differs by having four instead of three bands : of the locality of the specimen we are ignorant — it may possibly be the other sex of vespiformis. In asiJiformis as described above, the second, fourth and sixtli segment of the body bearing a yellow ring, will readily distinguish it, and is agree- able to the accurate cliaracters as laid down by Fabricus. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. BREPHA PARTHENIAS. Huhner. Curtis. Stephem. Orange under wing. Light brown ; upper wings brown, sprinkled with ash colour, with several very obscure whitish streaks, of which two towards the posterior margin are most distinct, and arise from two somewhat lunular whitish spots on the costa ; anterior to the first is a small bluish-ash stigmatiform spot with a dusky margin, between which and the base of the wing, on the costa, is a pale asliy spot : posterior wings pale orange, witli tJie base and inner margin broadly black, with an angulated and sometimes interrupted narrow black fascia in the middle reaching to the costa, and an irregular fimbria of the same colour : cilia of the wings fuscus, slightly clouded with cinereous, female paler. The caterpillar feeds upon poplars and willows : it is yellowish -green, with a bluish-black line, and some black spots. The perfect insect appears towards the end of INIarch and begin- ning of April, and may occasionally be found against the trunks of trees ; but the best method of taking this desirable insect is to search the sallows when in blossom, on which the insect feeds, and they will afford in fine weather, at this season of the year, good sport to the entomologist. This insect flies high — they mostly inhabit woods. We have occasionally seen them in Coombe Wood, Surrey ; they have also been taken at Coiney Hatch Wood, near Finchley. 4-(; SAMOUELl.t*fc S - I ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. BEROSUS APICALIS. Rudds MSS. Oblong and of a dull ochreus colour above ; head and thorax deeply punctured ; the apex of the elytra deeply notched and spined : legs of the same colour as the elytra : palpi and antennae of a pale yellow : under part of the body deep black. Length 2^ lines. We are indebted to our much friend respected the Rev. G. T. Rudd, F. L. S. for specimens of this very interesting species, who in a communication says, ** My brother found the berosus, specimens of which I have had the pleasure of giving you, and which appear to be a new species, (having a strong charac- ter of distinction from the hitherto known indige- nous species, in the spined apex of the elytra) in profusion in some deserted salt pans near Lyming- ton, he tells me it occurred throughout the year.'* Three species of this genus has been discovered since Mr. Marsham published his Entomologia Bri- taunica in 1802. What we have been able to ob- serve respecting their habits is, that they appear to be fond of such pools of water as are sometimes formed in woods after heavy rains, and so shallow as to do little more than cover the grass ; we once met with csriceps in the greatest profusion at Dul- wich in such a situation, and were obliged to break the ice which covered the surface, this was early in the year. We would wish to impress on the mind of the voung collector that he may always collect 5-1 U samouelle's insects and at all seasons of the year, certain weather, under peculiar circumstances is more favourable, but still insects may be found if diligent search be made. ^ ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. MELOLONTHA VULGARIS. Fahr. Scarabaeus Melolontha. Linn. Common Cockchafer, Antennae, ehtra and legs testaceus or of a brick red : thorax and srutellum black and villons : the body black and covered with grey hairs. The larvae or grubs of this species of Beetle, so well known in England by the name of Cock-chafer, are more voracious, and more destructive to vegetation, than those of almost any of the insect tribes. The eggs are deposited in the ground by the winged insect, whose fore-legs are very short, and well calculated for burrowing. From each of these pro- ceeds, after a short time, a whitish worm with six legs, a red head, and strong claws, and about an inch and a half long, which is destined to live in the earth under that form for four years, and there undergo various changes of its skin, until it assumes its chrysalid form. It subsists, during its subter- raneous abode, on the roots of trees and plants, committing ravages often of the most deplorable nature. These creatures, sometimes in immense numbers, work between the turf and the soil in the richest meadows, devouring the roots of the grass to that degree that the turf rises, and will roll up with almost as much ease as it it had been cut with a turfing-spade : and underneath the soil appears turned into a soft mould for about an inch in depth, 5-2 samouelle's like the bed of a garden. In this the grubs lie in a curved position, on their backs, the head and tail uppermost, and the rest of the body buried in the mould. Mr. Arderon, of Norwich, mentions his having seen a whole field of fine flourishing grass, in the summertime, become in a few weeks withered, dry, and as brittle as hay, by these grubs devouring the roots, and gnawing away all those fibres that fastened it to the ground, and through which alone it could receive nourishment. The larvae, as I have said, continue four years in the ground ; and when, at the end of this period, they are about to underiio their change, they dig deep into the earth, sometimes five or six feet, and there spin a smooth case, in which they change into a chrysalis. They remain under this form all winter till the month of February, when they become perfect beetles, but with their bodies quite soft and white. In May the parts are hardened, and they then come forth out of the earth. This accounts for our often finding the perfect insects in the ground. Cock-chafers fly in the evening towards sunset, and particularly about places where there are trees. They eat the leaves of the sycamore, the lime, the beech, the willow, and those of all kinds of fruit- trees. In its winged state this insect exhibits not less voracity on the leaves of trees than it before did in its grub state in the earth ; for, such is the avidity with which it devours its food, and so im- mense are sometimes the numbers, that, in particular districts, they have become an oppressive scourge, ENTOiMOLOCilCAL CABIM-.T, which has produced much calauj'ity among the [)eople. In the year 1688, the Cock-ch:ifers appeared on the liedges and trees of the south-west coast of the county of GaUvay, in clusters of thousands, clinging to each others' backs in the manner of bees when they swarm. During the day they continued quiet, but towards sun-set the whole were in motion ; and the humming noise of their wings sounded like distant drums. Their numbers were so great that, for the space of two or three square miles, they entirely darkened the air. Persons travelling on the roads, or who were abroad in the fields, found it difficult to make their way home, as the insects were continually beating against their faces, and caused great pain. In a very short time the leaves of all the trees for some miles round were destroyed, leaving the whole country, though it was near midsummer, as naked and desolate as it would have been in the middle of winter. The noise that these enormous swarms made in seizing and devouring the leaves, was so loud as to have been compared to the distant sawing of timber. Swine and poultry destroyed them in vast numbers. These waited under the trees for the clusters dropping, and devoured such swarms as to become fat from them alone. Even the native Irish, from the insects having eaten up the whole of the produce of the ground, adopted a mode of dressing them, and used them as food. Towards the end of summer they dis- appeared so suddenly that in a few days there was not a single one left. samouelle's About sixty years ago a farm near Norwich was so infested with Cock-chafers, that the farmer and his servants affirmed that they gathered eighty bushels of them ; and the grubs had done so much injury that the court of that city, in compassion to the poor fellow's misfortune, allowed him 251. MoufFet informs us, that in the month of February 1574 there were such multitudes of them in the western parts of England, that those which fell into the river Severn completely cloged the water-wheels of the mill. The rooks and gulls devour immense numbers of the grubs of this destructive insect, by which they render a most essential service to mankind, and great care ought to be taken to cherish and protect them. The sole employment of rooks, for nearly three months in the spring of the year, is to search for insects of this sort for food ; and the havoc that a numerous flock makes among them must be very great. A cautious observer, having found a nest of five young jays, remarked that each of these birds, while yet very young, consumed at least fifteen of these full-sized grubs in a day ; and averaging their sizes, it may be said that each consumed twenty : this for the five makes a hundred : and if we suppose the parents to devour between them the same number, it appears that the whole family consumed about two hundred every day ; this in three months amount to twenty thousand. But as the grub continues in the same state for four years, this single pair, with their family alone, without reckoning their descen- ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. dants of the first year, would destroy as many as eighty thousand grubs. Now, supposing that forty thousand of these may be females, and that each fe- male lays, as is the case, about two hundred eggs, it will appear that no less than eight millions of grubs have been destroyed, or at least prevented from being hatched, by this single family of jays. It is true that in these labours of the rooks, jays, and some other birds, they sometimes do mischief to man ; yet there can be little doubt that the damage they thus commit is amply repaid by the benefit that results from these their unceasing exertions. Some farmers plough the ground in order to ex- pose the grubs to the birds ; and others take the pains to dig deeper wherever the rooks point them out by their attempts to reach them. — When the insects are in their winged state, to shake the trees at noon, when they are all either asleep or in a state of in- active stupor, and gather or sweep them up from the ground, seems the most eligible method. One per- son has been known to kill in a day, by this method, above a thousand ; by which, though in so short a space of time, at a fair calculation, he prevented no fewer than a hundred thousand eggs from being laid. The dead bodies of these insects afford a very ac- ceptable food to ducks, turkies, and other poultry. Swine, as I have before observed, will likewise gree- dily devour them, particularly when bruised and mixed with their other food; and cats catch and eat them with great avidity. A person near Blois, in France, employed in the year 1785 a number of children and poor persons to 5-2 SAMOUn.LK'S destroy the Cock-chafets, at the rate of two Hards a hundred. In a few days fourteen thousand were brought to him. Thus, for the moderate sum of about seven shillings and eight-pence sterling, he de- stroyed, according to his calculation, near a million and a half of the grubs ; which, had they been al- lowed to be hatched, might, in the course of four years, have done damage to the amount of many thousand ponnds.-^Bingley, ./ ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ANDRENA NIGRO-iENEA. Kirby. Body black and densely covered with fulvus hair : head, front covered with tawny hair, on the summit may be seen the ocelli placed in a triangle, the an- tennae are black : thorax black and covered with rufus hair : wings transparent and slightly irredes- cent towards their extremities, the nervures testa- ceous : legs black and covered with brown hair ; the thighs and shanks of the hinder legs beneath cover- ed with long white hair. This bee is not uncommon in April and May. We have figured it in order to re- mind the entomologist of the very curious parasite that is occasionally found on it, namely the Stylops. As so many species have been added since the disco- very of the Rev. W. Kirby, we could wish for the credit of British entomologists that they will still persevere in the pursuit of this singular order of in- sects. Mr. Curtis, in his '* Guide to an arrangement of British insects," has enumerated six species of Siylops, and since the completion of his Ch/ide has added not only another specie to the order, but a new gentis. Our friends J. C. Dale, Esq. of Dorset, the Rev. G. T. Rudd, and those successful and indefatig- able collectors of the minute hyraenoptera, the Mr. Walkers, of Southgate, have been most fortunate in their researches, the result of which, we have great hopes, will soon be made public. It may not be amiss to state the method of detecting the Stylops melittce and we cannot do better than quote from the Rev. author of ** Monographia Apum Anglice.'* 5-3 12 SAMOUELLE S ** Upon this insect I discovered, last spring, a very singular animal, which seems appropriated to the present genus. 1 had previously more than once ob- served upon other species something that I took to be a kind of Acarus^ which appeared to be immoveably fixed just at the inosculations of the dorsal segments of the abdomen : at length, finding three or four upon a specimen of M. nigro-csnea, I determined not to lose that opportunity of taking one off to examine and describe; but what was my astonishment when upon my attempting to disengage it with a pin, I drew forth from the body of the Melitta a white, fleshy larva a quarter of an inch in length ; the head of which I had mistaken for an Acarus. "After I had examined one specimen 1 attempted to extract a second, and the reader may imagine how greatly my astonishment was increased, when after I had drawn it out a little way, I saw its skin burst, and a head as black as ink, with large staring eyes and antennae consisting of two branches, break forth, and move itself briskly from side to side. It looked like a little imp of darkness just emerging from the infernal regions. My eagemess to set free from its confinement this extraordinary animal may be easily conjectured. Indeed I was impatient to become bet- ter acquainted with so singular a cieature. When it was completely disengaged, and I had secured it from making its escape, I set myself to examine it as accurately as possible ; and I found, after a careful inquiry, that I had not only got a non-descript, but also an insect of a new tienus, whose very class seemed dubious." Kirbf/. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. PIERIS CRATiEGI. Schrank. Steph. Kirhy. Black-veined fVhite Butterfly. Wings rounded entire and white with the veins black : the under side resembles the upper, except that the black veins are somewhat stronger. The caterpillar of this species feeds on the white thorn but is not common. We have occasionally taken the pupae attached to this plant as represented beneath the figure of the underside, (5-5) of this elegant spe- cies ; and we have seen the perfect insect in some profusion near Brockenhurst, in the new forest in the month of June; and J. G. Children, Esq. has received a great number of specimens from Wittlesea mere. It appears that the caterpillar is occasionally found on other trees, as Mr. Kirby says '* in 1791, in some parts of Germany, they stripped the fruit-trees in general of their foliage." At this season most of the garden species of white butterflies make their appearance and the walks in our garden on a fine morning will enable us to *' ob- serve the motions of that common white butterfly which you see flying from herb to herb. You per- ceive that it is not food she is in pursuit of; for flow- ers have no attraction for her. Her object is the discovery of a plant that will supply the sustenance appropriated by Providence to her young, upon which to deposit her eggs. Her ovm food lias been honey drawn from the nectary of a flower. This, 5-4-5 therefore, or its neighbourhood, we might expect would be the situation she would select for them. But no : as if aware that this food would be to them poison, she is in search of some plant of the cabbage tribe. But how is she to distinguish it from the sur- rounding vegetables ? She is taught of God ! Led by an instinct far more unerring than the practised eye of the botanist, she recognises the desired plant the monent she approaches it, and upon this she places her precious burthen ; yet not without the further precaution of ascertaining that it is not pre- occupied by the eggs of some other butterfly! Having fulfilled this duty, from which no obstacle short of absolute impossiblity, no danger however threaten- ing, can divert her, the affectionate mother dies." / ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CECOPHORA LINNEELLA. Latr. Leach. Sam. Steph. Glyphypteryx Linneella. Curtis. Phalaena Lineella. Clerck. Head, thorax and body very glossy, dull violaceous : Antennae black, white at the apex : upper wings bright orange, purple and metallic at the base and apex ; a line on the costal edge interrupted in the middle ; a small spot near the base and three raised silver spots forming a triangle in the middle of each wing : lower wings purple and slightly metallic, the fringe of all the wings very long and blackish. Length from tip to tip of the expanded wings from 5 to 6 lines. We are indebted to our esteemed friend, Mr. Wm. Bentley for the loan of this splendid insect : he in- formed us that specimens were taken last July on willows in Battersea Fields. Clerck was the first who figured and named it after the celebrated Linn^, and as it is exactly 100 years since this illustri- ous Swede began his Lapland Tour, a brief biogra- phical notice may be acceptable to some of our young friends. ''Charles Linnaeus, the most eminent of modern naturalists, was born May 13th, old style, 1707. The family of Linnaeus had been peasants ; but some of them, early in the 17th century, had followed literary pursuits. In the beginning of that century, regular and hereditary surnames were first adopted in Sweeden. A remarkable Linden-tree, 5-6 13 samouelle's Tilia europ^a, growing neai* the place of their resi- dence, is reported to have given origin to the name of Linnasus. Of the taste which laid the foundation of his happiness as well as his celebrity, his worthy father was the primary cause. Residing in a delight- ful spot, on the banks of a fine lake, surrounded by hills and valleys, woods and cultivated ground, his garden and his fields yielded him both amusement and profit, and his infant son imbibed, under his auspices, that pure and ardent love of nature for its own sake, with that habitual exercise of the mind in observation and activity which, ever after, marked his character, and which were enhanced by a recti- tude of principle, an elevation of devotional taste, a warmth of feeling, and an amiableness of manners, rarely united in those who so transcendently excel in any branch of philosophy or science. We must pass briefly his more juvenile days, by stating that, in 1717, he was removed to the grammar school of Wexio, where hi& progress was slow. In 1722, he proved competent, nevertheless, to be ad- mitted to 9, form. In 1724, being 17 years of age, he was removed to the superior seminary, and was des- tined to the church. His literary reputation however made so little progress, that, when his father paid a visit to Wexio, in 1726, his tutors, like the sapient instructors of Newton at Cambridge, gave him up as a hopeless dunce. Fortunately, the disappointed parent met with a better counsellor in Dr. Rothmann, who encouraged him to hope much from the inclina- tion of his son to natural knowledge and practical observation, and recommended that he should be directed to the study of medicine. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. In 1727, Linnaeus was matriculated at the uni- versity of Lund. In 1728 he was induced to quit this university for Upsal, as a superior school of medicine and botany. But the slender support which his father could afford him — a capital of eight pounds sterling being totally inadequate, he was, in this new situation, reduced to the greatest necessity. Private pupils were not to be procured by a poor un- known student. He was obliged to trust to chance for a meal ; and when he relates that he had no way of mending his shoes but by folded paper, he seems to have felt the want even of the cobbler's education which had been recommended to him. After strug- gling with various difficulties, in which he never re- laxed from his studies, we find him, in 1732, with an appointment to travel through Lapland, under the Royal authority, and at the expence of the academy. ** I set out alone from the city of Upsal^ on Friday, May 12, 1732, old style, at eleven o'clock, being at that time within half a day of twenty-five years of age." He travelled on horseback, but slenderly pro- vided with baggage ; and, after visiting the Lapland Alps on foot, and descending to the coast of Norway, returned by Tornea, and the East side of the Bothnian Gulf, to Abo, and so to Upsal, which he reached on the 10th of October, having performed a journey of nearly 4000 English miles. Disappointed in his views of medical advancement, Linnseus turned his attention to mineralogy, and gave lectures on the art of assaying ; and having scraj)ed together about fifteen pounds, now entered on his travels. After a stay of eight days at Amsterdam, he proceeded to 5-6 SAMOUELLE's Haderwyck, where, having offered himself as a can- didate, and undergone the requisite examinations, he obtained his degree June 23, 1735. In Holland, Linnaeus became acquainted with Dr. Gronovius, who assisted him in publishing the first edition of the celebrated Systema Naturce, consisting of eight large sheets, in the form of tables ; which edition is now become a great biblical curiosity. He also procured access to the illustrious Boerhaave, who introduced him to Mr. George Clifford, an opu- lent banker, whose garden at Hastecamp was one of the richest in the world, and who thought himself happy in the opportunity of procuring such a man to study and superintend his collection, as well as to make known to the world any novelties it might con- tain. Linnaeus was therefore removed to Hastecamp, where, he says, " he lived like a prince ;" more glorious, no doubt, than an Asiatic despot, in the innumerable vegetable tribes which daily offered their homage at his feet. With an ample library, as well as garden, at his command, in both which he had unlimited powers to supply any defects that he might discover. He had now the means of cultivating his beloved science without restriction or impediment, and appears to have been truly sensible of the happi- ness of his lot. He now wrote and printed his admirable Flora Laponica. This work, one of the happiest literary compositions of its author, is strik- ingly characteristic of the state of his mind at the time it was written. In 1736, after having written his Musa Cliffortiana, Linnaeus was sent by Mr. Clifford to England, and ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. was introduced to the scientific, at Oxford and Lon- don more especially. Of his observations on the na- tural history of this country, nothing is preserved but a tradition, that the golden bloom of the furze on the commons near London, especially Putney Heath, de- lighted him so much, that he fell on his knees in a rapture at the sight. In 1737, he returned to Holland, and remained at Leyden till the spring of 1738 when he left for France where he inspected the botanic gardens, the herb- ariums of Tournefort, Vaillant, &c. formed the ac- quaintance with Reaumur and other distinguished naturalists, and was admitted a corresponding mem- ber of the Academie des Sciences. After leaving Paris, Linnaeus took his passage at Rouen for Sweden, and ultimately settled ot Stock- holm. The death of professor Rudbeck in 1740, and resignation of Roberg at the same time — Rosen ob- tained the professorship of botany and Linnaeus that of medicine, and by an amicable adjustment, which was confirmed by authority, the two new professors afterwards divided their official duties between them so as best to suit the talents of each. About 1751 the queen of Sweden, Louisa Ulrica, sister to the great Frederick of Prussia, having a taste for natural history, which her royal consort, King Adolphus Frederick, also patronised, showed much favour to Linnaeus. On the 27th of April, 1753, he received from the hand of his sovereign, the order of the Polar Star, an honour which had never before been conferred for literary merit. And in 1786 when he was raised to the rank of Swedish nobility, and took the name of Von Linne. samouelle's The emoluments of Linn6 by his various publi- cations were not great. He is reported to have sold the copy-right of most of them for a ducat, (about nine and sixpence,) a printed sheet. His different appointments, however, had raised him to a con- siderable degree of opulence. He purchased the estate ofHaramarley and Sofja in 1758, for 80,000 dollars, about i:'2330. sterling. As the habits of Linn6 were temperate and regular he retained his health and vigour in tolerable perfec- tion, notwithstanding the immense labours of his mind, till beyond his 60th year. After two severe attacks of apoplexy, one in 1 774 and the other in 1776, he died from an internal com- plaint on the 10th of January 1778, in the 7l8t year of his age. His remains were deposited in a vault near the West end of the cathredial of Upsal, where a monument of Swedish porphyry was erected by his pupils. His obsequies were performed in the most respectful manner, by the whole university — the pall being supported by sixteen doctors of physic, all of whom had been his pupils. A general mourning took place on the occasion at Upsal. His sovereign Gustavus III, commanded a medal to be struck, ex- pressive of the public loss. The Linnaen society of London was founded ten years after his death, and this appellation was given as the museum of Linn^ had fallen into the hands of the late Sir J. E. Smith, the original projector of the society and of which he remained president untill his decease : the whole of the collection is now in pos- session of the society, being purchased by them from ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. the executor of the late Sir J. E. Smith. The anni- versary of this society is held on the 24th of May, being in the new style the birth day of this once great and universal naturalist," Smith. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CETONIA AURATA. Fahr. Rose-chafer. There are scarcely any of the English Coleopterous insects more beautiful than this. The upper parts of this insect are of a splendid shining greeu colour, and varying from a blue green to a copper colour : the head and thorax are slightly punctured : the scu- tellum large : elytra sinuated at the sides and shorter than the body, with a jflexnous band and spots of an ochre colour ; the sculpture is curious, being conical markings, as if made by the nib of a dry pen : the under part is also of a burnished green or copper colour ; the breast hairy as are also the legs ; the body is terminated by yellow hair. This insect is not uncommon in the month of June, and may be found feeding on flowers, particularly those of the rose and peony. The caterpillar of this insect feeds under ground, generally at the roots of trees, and seldom appears on the surface unless disturbed by digging, or some other accident. They are considered to be injurious to the gardener, from their devouring the roots of his plants and trees. The female deposits her eggs in the middle of June. For this purpose she bur- rows into soft light ground, hollowing out and form- ing for them a proper receptacle. When the operation is over she returns to the surface and flies off, but seldom lives more than a few weeks. The cater- 6-1 14 samouelle's pillars are produced in about fourteen days and im- mediately seek out for food, which the parent always takes care to have near the place where she lays her eggs. As soon as they have attained sufficient strength, the young grubs separate, each burrowing a different way in search of roots. They remain four years in this state, annually changing their skins till they become of full growth, when they are of a cream colour, with brown head and feet. About the month of March of the fourth year, the caterpillar forms a case of earth about the size of a pigeon's egg, somewhere near the surface, within which it changes into a pupa. In this state it remains until the beginning of June, when the perfect insect is formed and then emerges from the earth to feed on flowers . * ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. PTINUS IMPERIALIS. Linne. Brown ; the thorax with an elevated ridge down the centre, and with the head covered with long and dense grey hair : the eyes are large and very prominent : the scutellum is white : the elytra are covered with long hair, and from the shoulder is a s.treak of grey hair that makes a curve and, running along the suture of the elytra about a third of the way, terminates in a large white spot — the apex is of the same colour : the legs and antennae are of a light brown. This insect is not common : we have met with but two specimens, which were beaten from a white-thorn hedge some years since. The caterpillars inhabit hedge-stakes and feed on the wood, perforating them in every direction and greatly accelerating their decay. Linne gave the name of Imperialis to this species of Ptinus, from the mark- ings on the elytra resembling the eagle of the imperial standard. Mr. Kirby has alluded to this species in his intro- duction to Entomology, and says, ** In variegation insects certainly exceed every other class of animated beings. Nature, in her sportive mood, when paint- ing them, sometimes imitates the clouds of heaven ; at others, the meandering course of the rivers, of the earth, or the undulations of their waters : many veined like beautiful marbles ; others have the sem- blance of a robe of the finest net-work thrown over 6-2 SAMOUELLE'S them ; some she blazons with heraldic insigna, giv- ing them to bear in fields sable — azure— vert— gules — argent and or, fesses— bars— bends — crosses — cres- cents — stars, and even animals." From the very large and prominent hexagons of the eyes of this species, if we could reason by analogy, we should infer that this insect is not far- sighted; and indeed the motions of its antennae, when in walking, are such that at every step the insect makes, the antennae are alternately touching the ground or substance on which the insect is walking. In this instance perhaps the antennae may be the organs of smell to catch the odour of wood in a certain state of decay, or in seeking the other sex. ENTOMOLOGICAL CARINET. PSILURA MONACHA. Steph. Bombyx Monacha. Linne. Black Arches Moth. Wings white, with black undulations ; the seg- ments of the body of a lake red. The caterpillar of this elegant insect is of a ciner- ous brown colour, with red tufts upon the back ; the second segment has a black heart-shaped spot ; it feeds on the bramble, willow, apple, oak, larch and pine trees ; in the middle of June it spins a web and changes to the pupa state ; in about a month afterwards the moth is produced, which is not common. It has been found at Coombe Wood, in Surrey, and Darenth and Birch Wood, Kent. 6-3 15 ^amouelle's ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. TORTRIX VIRIDANA. Limi. Pea-green Tortrix. Wings of a rhomboid shape, the upper ones green and without spots, the lower wings of a dirty white colour. It inhabits the oak and is very common about the end of June. The caterpillar is naked, green, with black dots ; the hinder feet yellow : it feeds spun up in the leaves of the oak. About the beginning of June it changes to a brown pupa, with a bifid stylus at the hinder part, within the oak leaves wrapped up and fastened by a vveb, and after remaining so for fourteen days, the moth appears. In some years these cater])illars are so numerous as to completely devour the foliage of the oaks ; they feed at night, and at break of day they may be heard eating. In capturing the smaller Lepidopterous insects, we have always found pill boxes to answer best, and not more than one specimen should be put in each box : as many insects may be taken in a short time, of course, the collector must take two or three dozens of boxes with him in his excursions. In killing the smaller moths, the lid of the pill boxes should be opened a little way and then placed beneath a bason or tumbler, and a lighted match, or a little sulphur on paper, placed under the bason will kill the 6-4 samouelle's specimens in a few minutes ; they should then be put on a piece of cork and a pin passed through the thorax and the specimen then displayed by means of braces. ^s ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. (ESTRUS BOVIS. LinnL Ox Bot or Gad-fly, This insect is represented in the plate of the natural size, and is of a pale yellowish brovm colour, with the thorax marked by four longitudinal dusky streaks, and the body by a black bar across the middle^ the tip being covered with tawny or orange- coloured hairs : the wings are pale brown and unspotted. " The female of this species, when ready to deposit eggs, fastens on the back of a heifer or cow, and piercing the skin with the tube situated at the tip of the abdomen, deposits an egg in the puncture : she then proceeds to another spot at some distance from the former, repeating the same operation at intervals on many parts of the animal's back. This operation is not performed without severe pain to the animal on which it is practised ; and it is for this reason that cattle are observed to be seized with such violent horror, when apprehensive of the approaches of the female CEstrus ; flying with uncontrollable rapidity, and endeavouring to escape their tormentor by taking refuge in the nearest pond ; it being observed that this insect rarely attacks cattle when standing in water. In the punctures of the skin thus formed by the gad-fiy the several eggs hatch, and the larvae by their 6-5 samooelle's motion and suction cause so many small swellings or abscesses, beneath the skin, which growing gradually larger, become externally visible, exhibit- ing so many tubercles an inch or more in diameter, with an opening at the top of each, through which may be observed the larva, imbedded in a purulent fluid : its appearance is that of an oval maggot, of a yellowish white colour while young, but growing gradually darker as it advances in age, till at the time of its full growth it is entirely brown. It is chiefly in the months of August and September that the eggs are laid, and the larvae remain through the ensuing winter and till the latter part of the next June before they are ready to undergo their change into chrysalis. At this period they force themselves out from their respective cells, and falling to the ground, each creeps beneath the first convenient shelter, and lying in an inert state becomes con- tracted in an oval form, but without casting the larva skin, which dries and hardens round it. When the included insect is ready for exclusion, it forces open the top of pupa or chrysalis coat, and emerges in its perfect form, having remained within the chrysalis souiewhat more than a month." Shaw. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. STOMOXYS IRRITANS. LinnL Body cinerous, somewhat hairy, the back with black spots. This insect sits on the back of cattle, who en- deavour to sweep it off by their tail, which, for that purpose, is continually in motion ; it bites severely at the approach of rain. It greatly resembles the common house-fly, but its black and projecting rostrum sufficiently points out the difference. We once met with this species plentifully on palings near Wandsworth Common, Surrey, as late as the month of November. G-Q SAMOUELLE'o / 7-1 J^i^zshed. bj.' &. StimoLw2U, J^J^ 2, JS32. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ACILIUS SCOTICUS. Curtis. (l'^hgd. hv r. ''.rjrr,.rr^^7M..Ai'.^' I Ifi32. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CUABRO CRIBRARIUS. Leach. Head, thorax and body black, the latter with six yellow bands, the first very narrow, the second tri- angular at the sides, and meeting in the centre by its points, the remaining bands broader than the first : the antennae short and black ; the anterior feet in the male palmated, the tarsi very short ; thighs of the four posterior feet black, the tibia and tarsi yel- low. Length of the body 6| lines. Inhabit sand- banks in June, July and August. This insect is remarkable for the sexual varia- tions of the joint of the leg, which may be seen in the male of crahro cribrarius F and several other species of the same family, in which these tibiae are dilated externally into a concavo-convex plate, or rather have one fixed to them and part of the thigh, of an irregular and somewhat angular shape, with numerous transparent dots, so as not badly to resemble a sieve ; whence the trivial name of the species. Rolander, who first described it, fan- cied that this plate was really perforated, and that by means of it the animal actually sifted the pollen : but it is most probably for sexual purposes. 8-5 samouelle's samouelle's S -2 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. DORCUS PARALLELIPIPEDUS. Mac Leay. ( S ) Dorcus tuberculatus. Mac Leay, ( ^ ) Lucanus parallelipipedus. Linne. Black : mandibles or jaws extended, and curved with a strong obtuse protuberance near the middle, on the upper part : head much broader than long : the eyes small, placed on the sides of the head^ with an elevated ridge running nearly through to the hinder part, so that each eye appears nearly divided : antennae clavated, the club pectinated or divided on the inner side like a comb, the basal joint curved and as long as all the others taken together : the palpi are short and black : thorax larger than the liead, and nearly quadrate with the posterior part, rounded : the elytra elongate and covering the abdo- men : the legs are black, the anterior tibia have numerous teeth or dents, the middle and posterior have a single tooth externally near the tarsi, the tarsi beneath are furnished with red hairs. The males of this species are generally much larger than the females, and the jaws larger in pro- portion : the whole of the upper part of the head and thorax, to appearance, are smooth and some- what silky, but with a powerful lens, they will be found to be minutely punctured with numerous larger punctures : the elytra are deeply and roughly 9-1 20 SAMOUELLE'S punctured. The female of this species is black, shining ; the head, thorax and elytra are covered with deep and coarse punctures, the head has two raised tubercles placed near each other on the front. Length from. 10 lines to 1 inch 2 lines. Mr. W. Mac Leay established the genus DorcuSy the characters of which he gave in his valuable work the Horae Entomologicae : this book is now, unfor- tunately for the student, very rare and difficult to ob- tain, as nearly the whole impression was consumed by fire at his publisher's, soon after the appearance of the second part : in this work, Mr. Mac Leay considered the female as another species, and gave the name of tuherculatus , which he afterwards cor- rected. Some years since, on digging into the stump of a decayed oak, in a lane at Charlton in Kent, in the month of June, we met with as many as seventy-six specimens, and nearly an equal proportion of each sex, which were just ready to emerge into active life. At the same time we took also a dead and an old specimen of the female, which it is possible was the parent of the whole brood. 9-1 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ZEUGOPHORA FLAVICOLLIS. KunzL Auchenia Flavicollis. Marsham. Antennae filiform, and somewhat thicker towards their extremities, the three basal joints yellow, the remainder black : head black and punctured, front and under part of the head reddish yellow -. eyes large, prominent and black : thorax of the same co- lour and deeply punctured, with the sides from the head, increasing to about the middle, where it termi- nates in an obtuse spine ; the posterior part is cylin- drical : elytra bluish, black and deeply punctured : body black and shining, legs and breast reddish yellow. Length 1^ lines. This pretty insect is very nearly allied to the Z. suhspinosa, from which it differs by being nearly a third larger in size : the thorax has less punctares, and the black head will easily distinguish it : the species figured is very rare, and we believe that very few cabinets possess it. We have been for- tunate in having taken two specimens, (one of which is now in the indiginous collection of the British Museum) at a period of some years between, and both on the same spot, the N. W. comer of Bexley Wood, Kent, in the month of June : the last speci- men was taken, when in company with our friend Mr. Edward Allen. Mr. Marsham was the first who described this very local insect, Major Gyllenhall, in 9-2 samouelle's the third volume of his hisecta Suecica^ considers it merely a variety, or the female of his Lejna subspi- nostty an insect not uncommon on various shrubs round London ; but the slightest comparison will soon convince the student of its being a good and a well-marked species. Many rare and local insects have been taken from time to time, in the wood near Bexley ; but we must caution the collector, who may be a stranger to this part of Kent, to be careful where he walks, as in this wood there are numerous pits, some of considerable depth, the mouths of which are small, and over- grown by brambles which soon give way, and ren- der it. somewhat dangerous collecting. Kunzcy in his Entomologische Fragmente^ Halle, 1818, has separated the species of this genus from the Crioceris of Fabricius, and the Auchenia of Marsham. Au- chenia has been established by Illiger, and adopted by most writers as a genus of quadrupeds of the lama kind, this name must therefore be rejected in en- tomology. We may observe that the insects of this genus, when beaten into the net, simulate death, by lying on their backs, the antennas falling on their breasts, and the drawing up of their legs. ^ 3 Pablishf^bj G.SantoiUUe-Sepri'^^M32. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. (EDEMERA PODAGRARIiE. (?) Necydalis Podagrariae. Linne. Necydalis simplex. Marsham. (?) Head yellow brown : eyes large, black and reni- form, or kidney-shaped : palpi filiform : the jaws prominent : antennae long and setaceous, or gradu- ally decreasing in thickness : thorax a little longer than the head, nearly flat, rounded on the anterior part, and truncate behind, of the same colour with the head, with a large dark brown oval spot on the side and nearly meeting in the centre: elytra soft, nearly transparent and of a pale brown, with two elevated lines, one extending to within one-third of the length of the elytra, the other near the suture, reaching about half way and gi-adually disappearing ; these longitudinal lines are connected by an elevated transverse line at a short distance from the base of the elj-tra : breast yellow brown, the sides of a dirty brown : the first three joints of the body of the same colour, the last two of a yellowish brown : legs pale brown, the base of the thighs yellow brown, much thickened in the male and arcuate, in the female sim- ple : the anterior tarsi of the male are dilated. Inhabits umbelliferous plants in the month of June. Length from 8 to 9 lines. Mr. Marsham in his Entomologia Britannica, des- 9-3 21 samouelle's cribed the two sexes as species, the males with the thick thighs he considered as the Podagrarioe, and the female he has described under the name of simplex. We have never seen this species alive, but we are indebted to the Rev. C. S. Bird, and our young friend Walter Burrell, Esq. for specimens of this scarce and local species ; the latter gentleman informs us that they were invariably taken in out-houses at Burgh- field. 9-4- PubUsfud, by C. SamoictlU. . Sept'JJS3)2 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINFT. THYMELE ALVEOLUS. Stephens. Papilio Malvae. Haworth. The Grizzle Skipper Butterfly. Wings blackish brown, and in the superior, with numerous square and oblong yellowish white spots ; the inferior or lower with six spots on the margin, one on the outer edge, and one on the disk, or mid- dle of the wing, the cilia or fringe of both wings are brown with whitish spots : beneath^ the superior wings resemble the upper surface, but are somewhat paler ; the lower or inferior wings are yellowish brown with whiti&h spots : head large : the palpi covered at the base with close dense scales, the front with long greyish hair : antennae moderately long and clubbed, black, with beautiful narrow lines of yellow : the whole length of the under part yellowish white, the club curved, the front somewhat com- pressed, reddish and apparently without scales : the basal joint has a curious tuft of hair reaching nearly across the eyes : the eyes are prominent and the hexagons large. Inhabits dry-banks the end of May. Width from tip to tip of the wings 10 lines to 1 inch. The scales of this pretty insect are of several kinds, some are of a great length and terminate by 9-4 SAMOUELLB'S three teeth or spines, and a few may be observed with four teeth : the scales of the Lepidoptera de- serve examination, they are curious objects for the microscope. ^^^^ -s Published bv C.SarrvoueI]r, SizicT I,132>2. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ANTHROCERA FILIPENDULiE. Stephens. Sphinx Filipendulae. Linne. Zygsena Filipendulae. Fabr. The Six-spotted Burnet Moth. Superior wings, blue and blue-green, to a golden- green, with six crimson-red spots, the lower of the same red with a blue border, the under resembles the upper surface, except that the six spots are less defined : antennae the length of the body and gradu- ally thickened, the club curved, the whole lengh co- vered with steel-blue minute scales. Inhabits chalk -pits in various parts of Kent, and appears early in the month of June. Expansion of the wings from 1 to 1§ inch. The insects of this genus are remarkably sluggish in their flight, and in the evening set in numbers together on grass, when they are easily captured, as tliey do not oifer to fly away. Mr. Stephens has enu- merated several species of the Anthrocera, in which he may be correct : but in a group of insects that are subject to vary in themselves, it requires a very inti- mate knowledge of the larvae, and their economy, to decide on the species. 9-5 22 samouelle's .9 - 6 J^ublisfufJ ''}■ G.Sa^n<>izyUUSe/j''/"r'fJ> ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SESIA BOMBYLIFORMIS. Fahr. Narrow-bordered Bee-Hawk Moth. Haworth. Thorax covered with long tawny-coloured hair : the upper part of the body somewhat brighter, with two bands of black ; below these is a bright reddish yellow, with the extremity terminated by a thick bunch of black hair on each side, and the centre tawny : the under part of the body is a pale yellow, with a broad belt of black at the base of the abdo- men, the remainder is a pale yellow with a slight in- dication of the two black external 'tufts : antennae prismatic and fringed with hair beneath : wings transparent, except the costal edge, the nervures and the margin, which is covered with coarse scales. The insects of this genus are rare, but may be oc- casionally met vdth the end of May, in moist woods, flying and taking their food whilst on the wing from various flowers during the day. Expansion of the wings 1 inch 10 lines. Mr. Curtis, in his "British Entomology," says "the larvae, which have erroneously been stated by some authors to feed upon the wood of willows, have been bred from the eggs by my friend, J. C. Dale, Esq. to whom I am indebted for a drawing and account of the caterpillars : when about ten days old they have several furcate spines upon each segment of the abdomen, that entirely disappear when they are full fed, at which period they vary exceedingly." 9-6 SAM<^U£{.L£^) f 10-/ Aillshe^. bv G . S>i^/-u>ioeUe . Occ '' 2 . Iif3S . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. GYRINUS VILLOSUS. Jlliger. Gyrinus Modeeri. Marsham. Scarce Water-flea. Upper part black and shining : head nearly trian- gular, projecting and slightly reflexed, with a deep notch before the eyes : eyes widely divided, giving the appearance of four eyes, two being above and two below : mouth dark tawny : antennae short, cylindrical and stout : thorax the breadth of the elytra : the elytra very convex, punctured, shining and covered with fine tawny pile or hair, of a beautiful silky appearance. The under part of this is of a dark tawny, and shining : anterior feet long, the middle and posterior short, flat, and when extended scarcely reaching beyond the margin of the elytra. Inhabits rivers and running sti-eams, but has not been found near London. Length from 3 to 3| lines. The GyrindcB frequent lakes and still waters, run- ning swiftly in circles on the surface, and when they dive, carrying along with them a bubble of air, which appears like quicksilver. The female deposits her eggs in rows on the leaves of water grasses, which are hatched in three weeks ; the larva is at first transparent, afterwards dark coloured with a light fascia. About August it creeps to the tops of aquatic plants, and weaves about itself a web like paper, in which it turns to the pupa. 10-1 23 samouelle's Mr. Kiiby in his letter on the Societies of Insects, says, ** The little beetles called whirl wigs (Gj/rinus, L.), — which may be seen clustering in groups, under warm banks in every river and in every pool, wheeling round and round with great velocity, at your approach, dispersing and diving under water, but as soon as you retire resuming their accustomed movements — seem to be under the influence of the social principle, and to form their assemblies for no other purpose but to enjoy together, in the sun beam, the mazy dance." JNIostofthe Gyrinidce emit when taken a whitish fluid of a rancid smell, but Mr. Kirby has observed that this species is without it. The specimens that we possess were obtained, some years since, from our much respected and valued friend Dr. Leach ; who received them from Norwich, where we believe they are found in brack- ish waters. ltJ-2 /iiili.iked by O . Surruiu^U^., (/ri^ /. JgJZ . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. BYRRHUS PILULA. LinnL Pill, or Horse-bean Beetle. Brown and covered with short shining tawny hair, each elytron, or wing case, with two or three black and interrupted longitudinal streaks, from hair of that colour : the under part is black, without hair, and shining : head nearly vertical : antennae short and clavated, the club perfoliated : legs short,*, the thighs and tibia, or shanks, flattened for the purpose of lying close to the body. Inhabits sandy situations, fields, foot-paths and the sides of roads. Length 3| to 4 lines. This curious insect is not uncommon in the months of April and May, in the above enumerated situations ; and, in the spring excursions of the Ento- mologist, will occasionally engross his attention from its singular construction, in having excavations in the body for protecting and concealing the legs : the antennae, and even the head are capable, to a certain degree, of being retracted v^dthin the thorax, which is singular in its form, as the sternum is produced like a neckcloth : when alarmed or handled, the head i« bent down into the sternum, and the legs are drawn close to the body, so that it resembles a seed or horse-bean, more than an animal ; besides this it is frequently covered with dust or dirt, and it is only 10-2 SAMOUELLE* the experienced eye of the collector that would de- tect it. This species is subject cto variety in its markings, and from the circumstance of the hair being rubbed off, it will be found quite black and with the elytra striated. The ByrrhidcB feed on skins and other animal mat- ter in a state of decomposition. We are not ac- quainted with the larvae, and it would be desirable to know if, as in the kindred genus Anthrenus, the hair has any peculiar termination ; we may infer that it has, as belonging to the same family. The hair from the larvae of Anthrenus is a most beautiful ob- ject for the microscope. ]\Ir. Kirby, who has made a curious observation on the means of defence of insects, says, "That little destructive beetle, Anthrenus Museorum, F., which so annoys the entomologist, if it get into his cabinet, when in the larva state, being covered with bunches of diverging hairs glides from between your fingers as if it were lubricated with oil. The two tufts of hairs near the tail of this are most curious in their stiiic- ture, being jointed through their whole length, and terminating in a sharp halberd-shaped point." Jif-.3 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. LYCUS MINUTUS. Gyllenhall. Lampyris pusillus. Marshatn. Black : covered with a fine pubescence : thorax subquadrate ; black, with six deep excavations, giv- ing it a very rugose appearance : elytra of a bright tile red, with four elevated lines on each, the inter- stices with a double series of punctures within, giving a beautifiil reticulated appearance : antenuse mod- erately long, compressed and serrated on the internal edge, the last joint testaceous, head inclined and black : body oblong, depressed and dark brown : elytra very flexible, a [little dilated behind : legs slightly compressed and robust. Length 3 to 4 lines. Inhabits the oak. Lycus minutns is certainly a rare insect. In the course of our excursions we have met with but three specimens ; the first we took from an oak, in the lane leading to Coomb Wood ; the second we saw at Bexley, in August, but it fell amongst the grass and we lost it ; the third occurred at Wester- ham, Kent, in September. 10-3 24 'SAyi6tl£.LLt*i ■^ r I{/-4 I'ulilLsheJ, Ify C. S,utwiaV^ Osc'l' I JS3i'. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CRYPTOCEPHALUS SEXPUNCTATUS. Fahr, Chrysomela Sexpunctata, Linnd. Black : head with a yellowish spot between the antennae, and a white spot on each side beneath the eyes, and two spots under the mouth : thorax, yel- lowish red, with two black spots and a black varying line at the base : elytra punctured and of the same colour with the thorax, the margins and suture black, with one small and two large black spots on each elytron : legs black with a white spot on the tip of the four hinder thighs : antennae black with the basal joint yellowish : body black and shining. Length 2f to 3$ lines. Inhabits the sallow, hazel and birch. Tliis scarce and beautiful species we met with many years since in the wood, near Bexley, Kent, in the month of June. At that period it was not con- sidered by Dr. Leach to be indigenous, although he possessed specimens, yet he had a doubt as to the authenticity of his being British specimens, as he had never taken the insect himself, or had seen a living specimen ; since then it has been taken repeatedly, but is by no means a common insect. The Crypto- cephali are certainly very local insects and many of the species very rare : they inhabit shrubs and flow- ers in chalk-pits and are active on the wing during fine, hot and dry weather. 10-4 samouelle's JOS ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ACRIDA VIRIDISSIMA. Kirby. Conocephalus viridissimus . Leach. Sarnott. Gryllns viridissimus. Linne. Green : head somewhat acuminated and of a light green : eyes large and prominent : antenna? setace- ous and as long as the body : thorax deflexed, con- vex and rounded behind : elytra green and in the male with a transparent membranaceous ocellus in the right elytron near the base, and an opaque one on the left : wings large and transparent : body green : legs, the anterior and middle of moderate length, the hinder twice the length of the body and adapted for leaping : the vertex of the head, tlie mid- dle of the thorax and the suture of the elytra of a pale reddish brown. Length of the body 1 inch 4 lines, expansion of the wings 2% inches. Inhabits hedges in meadows and marshy places. This insect is the largest species of the Gryllidce that is found in this country — it is not uncommon, and fortunately not too common. It is an interesting insect from its form and beauty, and to the lover of fields and a retired life an amusing animal, from the loud chirping that it is capable of raakingj in the calm and quiet months of August and September. We have often been diverted during our excursions in the marshes of Essex, when the swallows have been too high to hear their *' twit twit," and not a bush to give shelter to a sparrow, when slowly walking to be suddenly aroused by the loud chirp- ing of this insect. It requires caution and gentle movement to watch their manoeuvres. When we 10-5 samouelle'* liave observed two males with tlieir elytra in rapid movement striving to charm and enamour the silent female, who was listening with evident anxiety to the loud music of the rivals. " Brunelli kept and fed several males of this species in a closet, which were very merry, and continued singing all the day ; but a rap at the door would stop them instantly. By practice he learned to imitate their chirping ; when he did this at the door at first, a few would answer him, in a low note and then the whole party would take up the tune and sing with all their might. He once shut up a male in his garden and gave the fe- male her liberty, but as soon as she heard the male chirp she flew to him immediately." ** Jackson observes, that when he was in Barbary in 1799, dishes of locusts were generally served up at the principal tables and esteemed a great delicacy. They are preferred by the Moors to pigeons ; and a person may eat a plateful of two or three hundred without feeling any ill effects. They usually boil them in water half an hour (having thrown away the head, wings and legs,) then sprinkle them with salt and pepper and fry them, adding a little vinegar." In a note Mr. Kirby observes ** that the Rev. R. Sheppard caused some of A viridissima to be cooked in the way here recommended, only substituting but- ter for vinegar, and found them excellent." Some years since we gave specimens of this insect to the late Sir H. Davey, to have artificial ones made for fly fishing, but never heard the result of the experiment. As the insect is found in sedges that grow by the sides of streams they may possibly be a favourite food and prove a good bait for some of the larger fishes. %:*"^ 10-6 fUhUslud by a. S.uKoudU. Octr 2 1832 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. BISTON PRODROMARIA. (?) Leach. Samou. Geometra Prodromaria. Havmrth. Oah-heauty Moth, Head white or ash-coloured : antennae strongly pectinated in the males, in the females simple, black with white rings : thorax covered with coarse scales of ash colour with blackish brown dots : body speck- led with black and white irregular minute dots : wings ash coloured, delicately sprinkled with black- ish brown ; two transverse flexuous, light brown bands edged with black, one near the base, the other near the hinder margin of the wing, the margin with dark triangular spots : lower wings pale at the base with a light undulating fascia in the middle ; below this, darker with more or less of small black spots : legs black, annulated with white. Expansion of the wings in the ( uelU. Aoy:t,mz. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ACHETA DOMESTICUS. Fabr. Gryllus domesticus. LinnL House Cricket. Pale yellowish brown : head with a pale brown band reaching from eye to eye, and another at the junction of the thorax: antennae setaceous, longer than the body and of a pale brown : thorax nearly square with darker brown irregular spots : elytra yellowish brown, transparent and shorter than the body : wings folded, and when at rest projecting nearly half the length of the oviduct : legs, the two fore of moderate length, the hinder with the thighs thick and formed for leaping, tibia? armed with strong spines, the tarsi long and simple. Length of the body 7 to 8 lines. Inhabits new-built houses, kitchens and bakers' ovens. We have often observed the house crickets, in the months of July and August, in the evenings, migrat- ing in prodigious numbers, from the Circus in Black - friars Road to the bridge, and from Westminster, on the Surrey side a considerable way down the Lam- beth Road. ** Tender insects that live abroad (says Mr. White) either enjoy only the short period of one summer, or else doze away the cold uncomfortable months in profound slumbers ; but these, residing as it were in a torrid zone, are always alert and merry ; a good Christmas fire is. to them what the heats of the dog- 11-4 SAMOUELLE S days are to others. — ^Though they are frequently heard by day, yet their natural time of motion is only in the night. As soon as it becomes dusk, the chirp- ing increases, and they come running forth, and are to be seen often in great numbers from the size of a flea to that of their full stature. Around in sympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries. The cricket chirrups in the hearth, The crackling faggot flies. " As one would suppose from the burning atmo- sphere which they inhabit, they are a thirsty race, and show a great propensity for liquids, being found fre- quently drowned in pans of water, milk, broth, or the like. Whatever is moist they are fond of, and therefore often gnaw holes in wet woollen stockings and aprons that are hung to the fire. These crickets are not only very thirsty but very voracious ; for they will eat the scummings of pots, yeast, salt, and crumbs of bread, and any kitchen ofFal or sweepings. ** In the summer they have been observed to fly, when it became dusk, out of the windows, and over the neighbouring roofs. This feat of activity accounts for the sudden manner in which they often leave their haunts, as it does also for the method by which they come to houses where they were not known before. It is remarkable that many sorts of insects seem never to use their wings but when they wish to shift their quarters and settle new colonies. — When in the air, they move in waves or curves, like wood-peckers, opening and shutting their wings at every stroke, and thus are always rising or sinking." s //■ Iiif>!ish^d hy a. S kni^i/tUla. M>y.'~J.I^3i ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ECHINOMYIA GROSS A. Dumeril. Musca grossa. LinnL Hairy and black : head dirty yellow : eyes mode- rately large and brown : thorax and body black and shining and closely covered with long and sharp spines : legs black and spinous : -wings fulvous fer- ruginous at the base. Length 8 lines, expansion of the wings If inch. Inhabits open parts in woods and warrens in the Autumn. The larvae is said to be bred in cow-dung. E. grossa is the largest species of the Muscidce and is a scarce insect. 11-5 samouelle's // 6 lt/J>7j..f?i^^f f>y cr. SajTt^rzjciie , f/t?yr2.M?2 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. VELIA RIVULORUM. Latr. Black : sides of the thorax and margins of the ab- domen red : thorax with two anterior punctures : each elytron with one small and three large spots of white ; interior sides of the body spotted with black. Length 4 lines, expansion of wings 6 lines. Inhabits running streams and is not uncommon ; but with the wings is certainly rare. We have met with this species in a running stream above Fulham Bridge, on the Surrey side, in the month of July. 11-6 samouelle's J2-] TubUshed hv G^. Sarn^iLeU-eJJec.l.lSSZ. ENTOMOIOGICAL CABINKT, XYPHYDRIA DROMEDARIUS. Black : head large, deeply punctured in front, glob- ular, but truncated behind : eyes moderately large, the hexagons very minute : stemmata three, placed in a triangle between the eyes : above the eyes the head is smooth, shining, with two white crescent- shaped markings : antennae short and filiform : neck long and curved upwards, thorax elevated with coarse and deep punctures, and two minute white dots behind : body black, the third, fourth and fifth joints red, the eighth with a yellowish white oblong spot on each side : in the female the oviduct is ex- erted, the under part resembles in colour the upper, except the three joints, which are red above : be- neath a chesnut brown ; the legs are of a pale red : the tibia and tarsi at the base are of a pale yellow. Length of the \ lines. Inhabits the tlowers of umbelliferous plants, and in the larvai state, most probable, decayed or dead wood. Our specimen was taken from a park paling on Putney Common in the month of May, when seeking shelter from the rain, and is the only one we have ever met with of this pretty and rare insect. On examining this species, the form is so curious, 13-1 29 samouelle's that the mind must ask for what purpose its singular legs are constructed — certainly not for leaping, for they are the reverse of such insects as are capable of this action, may they not possibly assist the an- imal in accelerating the expansion of the uings, in its sudden and rapid flight ? The metamorphosis, and the larva? have not yet been described. ( \ rm 13-2 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. GAI.LERUCA RUSTICA. Fabr. Black : thorax and elytra of a ytliovvish brown antennae black, friiform and not so long as the body the head and the whole of the under part is black the thorax shining and coarsely punctured : elytra large, and in the males covering the body ; punc- tures numerous and deep. Length 34 lines. Inhabits plants in marshes in the montli of June. This species was first discovered to be an inhabit- ant of this country by Mr. B. Standish, who met with it in the neighbourhood of Wittlesea Mere, some years since, with many other rare and interestinsr novelties which this fertile jdace produces, both in birds and insects ; the former, no doubt, being at- tracted by the vast quantities of aquatic insects, which are to be found in the ditches and fens con- tiguous to the Mere. 13-2 SAMOUELLE S .73-3 'Publi^ked hy C.Sa^nwjceUe , Janif 1,23:33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. MUTILLA EUROPE A. Linne. Male and Female. Black : head of a moderate size, the eyes small : antennce filiform, short and slightly curved : scutel- lum and thorax red : on the upper side, of a brick- red ; wings in the male of a smoky colour : body of a bluish tinge, deeply punctured and covered with long black hair, and with bands of short yellow hair on the margins of the first three segments : legs black : the females in colour resemble the males, but want the wings and ocelli. Length of the male 6, of the female 7 lines. Inhabit chalky and sandy places in June and July. Mr. Curtis has observed, *' Although the Mutil- lidcB bear considerable resemblance to the FormicadcB their economy is totally different — the latter living in societies exliibiting males, females and neuters, which last only are apterous ; the former being soli- tary, having no neuters, the males only being furnished with wings." It is unnecessary to go any further into the differences of the two families. The female Mu- tillcB want the stemmata or little eyes uj)on the crown of the head, as well as the wings with which the males are furnished, and the eyes and thorax are very differently formed. Jurine has justly observed, ** What is the object of Nature in establishing such disparities, and where is the utility of it ? These are problems tliat we cannot resolve, because of our 13-3 30 samouelle's ignorance of the history of these insects, but which well deserve the attention of naturalists." It is well known that they inhabit sandy districts, and it is probable the females form their nests and deposit their eggs in such situations, which employment would render wings and ocelli of little use ; whereas the males, which may be less numerous than the other sex, are supplied with wings to enable them to go in search of the females, as is frequently the case amongst the Lepidoptera and other orders." Mr. Kirby, on the means of the defence of insects, in a note, observes, *' the females of Mutilla coccinea L. are most plentiful in Maryland, in the months of July and August, but are never very numerous. They are very active, and have beeu observed to take flies by surprise. A person stung by one of them lost his senses in five minutes, and was so ill for several days that his life was despaired of." m^- t ^1^-4 JUblishAui hv (^ . Siunou^TJ^. Jan-Jj333. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ZEUZERA ^SCULI. Latr. ? fFood Leopard Moth. Female. Wliite : the wings with numerous bluish-hlack spots, six or eight on the thorax : antennas short, very plumose from the base to the middle, end in a fine point ; in the female white and very downy at the base and terminating gradually in a point. Expansion of the wings in the female, 2 inches 7 lines. Inhabits the lime tree the end of June and begin- in g of July. The caterpillar is yellow with black dots, with a black homy head, and is very injurious to fruit trees ; it feeds on the wood of the oak, apple, pear and horse-chesnut ; it makes a case of the dust of the wood, which it gnaws and cements together. The moth makes its appearance late in June or early in July, and is generally considered a rare insect. About four years ago, however, Mr. Marshall found, early in the morning in the month of July, about the trees in St. James's Park, as many as sixty specimens, but all of them more or less injured by birds. Our figure exhibits the female with its long ovi- positor, admirably adapted to deposit its eggs in the deep interstices of fissures in the trunk or bark of trees. 13^ samouelle's 13-S AJiHshed hu li. Jam.on.elU . Ja/i.V 1, JSJ3. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ODONTOMYIA ARGENTATA. Meigan. Stratiomys argentata. Panzer. Black : head large, the front covered with long glossy yellow hair : eyes with the hexagons mode- rately large, with three stemmata : antennae long, inserted immediately below the eyes, the basal joints contiguous and long, the second short and bell- shaped, the third long and terminated by a hook : thorax black and covered with tawny hair, scutellum furnished with two spines : body black and covered with silver hair, the segments at the sides yellow : wings transparent, the nervures yellowish : thighs black, as is also the tarsi, the tibia yellow with a black spot. Length of the body 4§ lines, expansion of the wings 10 lines. Inhabits the sides of ponds and ditches in May. The insects of this family, the Stratiomydce, in- habit, in the larvae state, waters, and are very local. We are indebted for our specimens of this rare and beautiful species, to the Rev. C. S. Bird and Walter Burrell, esq. who took them near Burghfield, in Berkshire. 13-5 SAMOUELLR 5 i?-e TuiKthed iy b. SamovuMe .Jan? 1J833. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CONOPS FLAVIPES. LinnL Black : head larger and wider than the thorax : the antennae long, black and clavated, the club acu- minated below their insertion, between, and beneath the eyes covered with long hair of a bright golden colour : thorax black with a large yellow tubercle on each shoulder, poisers or balancers large and of the shape of a battledore : body black, with the margins of the segments yellow : wings slightly tinged with black : legs yellow. Length of the body 5 lines, expansion of the wings 7§ lines. Inhabits lanes in and near woods, in June^ July and August. The Conopidas are as troublesome to man as other animals, dropping suddenly ou such parts as are exposed or the least covered, and without a move- ment of their feet, to give notice, immediately plunge their jointed and lengthened rostrum into the skin, and unperceived sucking the blood, not causing that burning pain at the instant which is common to many of the dipterous insects : fortunately we have not many species in this country, and these are gen- erally found in retired places in woods and lanes, and occasionally by the road side. 13-6 SAMOUELLES Jt-l PublUhtd hij i:.Snm.>,ulU hL-hfl ISM. XNTOMOLOGICAL > CABINET. TACHYPUS ANDRE.«. Stephem. Carabus Andreae, Fabr. Shining, greenish-copper : head rather deeply punctate, especially on the sides : thorax with the disc smooth, faintly channelled, the base trans- versely impressed and punctate : elytra short, broad oval, somewhat convex, regularly punctate striated, the striae diminishing before the tip, the interstices very smooth ; entirely of a pale whitish ochraceous, glossed with greenish round the scutellum, and a little behind the middle a waved, dentate, transverse fascia, common to both elytra, glossed with greenish in certain positions, and not touching either mar- gins ; in the middle of each elytron it inclines towards the thorax : legs and antennae entirely pale testaceous. Length 2| to 24 lines. We are indebted to N. A. Vigors, Esq. M. P. &c. for specimens of this pretty and very local insect, we believe, they were found near Dublin ; they have also been taken in England, on the Norfolk Coast. 14-1 31 samouelle's 14 -Z r>(l'lLiK:J h> i:.Sum.meUf /•['.'• /XV. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. BLETHISA MULTI PUNCTATA. BonHli. Helobiuiu nuiltipunctatum. Leach. Black and bronzed : head longei- than broad : eyes large and prominent : antennae of moderate length and filiform : thorax rounded on the anterior part, truncate behind, with an impressed line down the centre : elytra bronzed striated, and with large and deep impressions in lines : legs black. Length 5 lines. Inhabits damp places at the roots of grass. This elegant insect we have occasionally met with in Battersea fields, in the months of April and jMay. It also occurs at Wittlesea Mere, but is by no means a common insect. All the Elaphridce appear fond of running oa the mud during sun-shine. 14-2 samouelle's 14 "3 '/O- l-/!h}' 1.1833. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. APHODIUS LURIDUS. Fahr. Black : head without tubercles and punctured : tliorax punctured : elytra yellowish brown striated, the interstices with black streaks or square spots : legs vary from a pitchy to a dark black. Length 4 lines. Inhabits the dung of horses and cattle in the spring months, and is subject to great variety. Mr. Kirby observes of this species, tliat ** colour alone, especially in insects inhabiting the same dis- trict, only indicates a casual variety. Thus Aphodius Inridus F. has sometimes pale elytra with the striae black (ScarahcBUs nigro-sulcatus E. B.) : at others it has black spots between the striae, as in the type : in a third variety, the elytra are black at the base and pale at the apex (Sc. varius E. B.) : and lastly, in a fourth they are entirely black (Sc. gagates E. B.) ; — yet all these in every other respect precisely cor- respond. But the converse of this will scarcely hold good ; for doubtless minor differences of structure are sometimes produced by a different food and cli- mate : whieh may probably account for some varia- tions observable in the individuals apparently of the same species obtained from different countries." 14-.3 32 samourlle's 14- 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. PHLOIOTRYA RUFIPP:S. Stephens. Lynsexylon laevigatum. Panzer. Pitchy-brown, slightly pubescent : head thickly punctured : mouth and palpi rufo-testaceous : thorax with the anterior margin rusty-testaceous, the mid- dle rugose punctate, and an obsolete impressed line on each side at the base : elytra finely punctured, and generally of a deep chesnut brown : body be- neath reddish brown : legs and antennaj of the same colour. Length 6| lines. Inhabits the wood of decayed oak trees. Our specimens were taken in the New Forest, in the year 1817, when in company, on an entomolo- gical excursion, with Mr. John Chant ; we were fortunate enough to capture four specimens, two of which were given to Dr. Leach. I also met with one specimen of the larva, which is described by IMr. W. Mac Leay, and of which we here give a figure be- neath the perfect insect which is very rare. "Larva whitish, elongate, scaly, with few hairs ex- cept about the last segment of the abdomen : body thickest at the middle and tail, ir^»^er side rather convex, under concave -. head semiglobular, with vestiges of eyes : antennae triarticulate, short, with tlie first joints greatest : mandibles short, strong and sharp : maxillary palpi acute at point, and labial 14-4 samouellf/s excessively juinute : second segment of the body large, subthoraciform and composed apparently of two segments : anterior feet large, compressed, hooked, extending nearly to the top of the head; the two posterior pairs of the same shape, but so short as scarcely to reach beyond the coxa of the first pair, besides being in some measure hid in the concavity of the body : the third segment of the body is short- est, and the others lengthen gradually to the twelfth which is convex, and marked with strongly im- pressed points : but the singular part of the body is tlie tail or thirteenth segment, at the end of which is an anal aperture ; this segment is slightly convex above and flattish below, but armed at the extremity with two sharp horny appendages, curved upwards ; in colour and appearance this forked process resembles the caudal appendage of certain Forficuloe." HorcB EntomologicB, Page 464, Note, 14-^ ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SAPYGA PUNCTATA. Klug. Sapyga sexpunctata. Leach. Black : head large and as wide as the thorax and punctured : eyes large and kidney shaped : ocelli three, placed in a triangle : head and thorax black and punctured : antennae black and gradually in- creasing towards their extremity : wings irridescent, w'ith one marginal and four submarginal cells : body black, the second and third segments of a dirty red colour, the fourth and fifth with a yellow spot on each side, and with one on the last segment : legs moderately long and black. Length 5§ lines. Inhabits flowers and nidificates in dry wood. This is not a plentiful or common insect. We have occasionally met with it near barns and other out- liouses, settling on the wood and generally on the sunny side : they are usually found in the month of Jiilv. 14-5 SAMOUELIE'S 24-6 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. PTEROPHORUS GALATODACTYLUS. Steph. The Spotted White Plume. Haworth, Wings white ; upper pair cleft and spotted with brown : lower pair with three divisions with long silvery fringe : antennae, body and legs white. Expansion of the wings 11 lines. This beautiful species of Plume Moth is very local and appears rare near London. We are indebted for specimens, and the following curious fact, to the Rev. G. T. Rudd, M.A. F. L.S. "Towards the latter end of May, the larvae occur on the under side of the leaves of the burdock, in woods, in chalky situations, in Hampshire ; it is white, downy and oniciform. The pupae differ but little from the larvae : the perfect insects appear in June." Mr. R. observes, that although the larvae abounded in the woods near Kimpton he was not able to discover a single speci- men of the insect, or even a vestige of one notwith- standing the most diligent search. Mr. R.'s attention was first directed to the larvae by Messrs. Curtis and Dale, who had previously detected them elsewhere. 14-6 samouelle's 15-1 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET, PTEROSTICUS BRUNNIPES. Samouelle. Stephens. Black and shining : the head is large, smooth, and longer than broad; the thorax is nearly heart-shaped, wide in the front and narrowed considerably at its junction with the elytra; it has a deep channel down the centre and nearly a straight line on each side ; at the base or posterior part it has two nearly trian- gular impressions : elytra striated, the stria; without punctures, but with three impressions on the third from the stuture, and an irregular series near the margin, the colour metallic and of nearly a steel blue : legs black, the tarsi brown : antennce with the first three joints black, the remainder reddish brown and hairy. Length 7 lines. Inhabits ? This species was first discovered to be indigenous by Dr. Leach, who in 1826, delivered to our care for the Museum Cabinets, with several other species of the same genus, and other novelties : Mr. Curtis, when he published his guide, introduced our species with an italic letter, signifying doubtful as British, since then, Mr. Wailes, of Newcastle, has found it not uncommon ; and it is to his liberality, we are indebted for the specimen figured. 51-1 66 fAMOUELLE'S 15- Z AU>u.thaci bi/ o.^uvnji^, ''inA L,JS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. DERMESTES MURINUS. Linne. Black, oblong and hairy : thorax very convex, deeply punctured, the sides covered with coarse and long hair, scutellum nearly triangular, with yellow shining hair : elytra punctured and covered with light brown hair ; legs strong, the claws very large but simple ; the under part of the body and thorax covered with silvery hair : antennae with the basal joints of a reddish brown ; the club consists of three joints. Length 4 lines. Inhabits the thied skins of moles and other animals. The Dermestidce, although a pest to museums, in the oeconomy of nature, are of vast importance, as they appear to feed on those dead and dry animal substances which the Silphiadae would reject as un- suitable for the food of its larvae ; neglected skins and specimens in museums, without proper precau- tion, are invariably destroyed by those insects. We may observe, that the skins of Mammalia are more often subject to their attacks than those of birds ; in fact, it would appear, that they chiefly feed on the more oily and fat substances contained in the skin. Commerce has most certainly tended to distribute them to all habitable parts of the globe, since the covering of trunks or boxes with leather, the importation of hideS; and the exportation of bacon 15-2 samouelle's and other fiat meats, all of which are subject to be infested by the larvae of the insects of this family. We suspect that the ovae, or eggs, may remain for some months dormant, and that the larvae, or cater- pillars, can sustain both excessive heat and cold, possibly buried in a substance that repels damp and cold. v JS-^ hJfi^h'.l hi/ (■ SamovfUe Mar(fi l.J»:i ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SPH.'ERIESTES QUADRIPUSTULATUS. Kirby. Stephens. Dark pitchy brown, sometimes of a chesnut blown ; head and thorax ferruginous, the latter thickly punc- tured ; with the lateral margins finely crenulated in the middle ; elytra black, striated witli two ferru- ginous spots, one placed at the base, the other to- wards the apex, a little behind the middle : abdomen black : antennce dusky at the apex : legs ferruginous. Length If line. Inhabits old palings. Our specimens of this pretty insect we obtained many years since from wood palings in Camberwell Grove, and it was then considered a rare insert. We have never found it since. 15-3 34 SAMOUCLLE'i 4** -**' . ■ '. J:^4" 25-4 Bihlishexi by Cr.Sanwueile .Mtvch 1.IS3^. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SETLNA IRROIIELLA. Stephens. Antennae, legs, head, thorax and abdomen bhick -^ the tip of the latter, the collar and petagias orange yellow ; the back with a large yellowish spot : an- terior wings of a clear orange yellow, with three transverse rows of black spots, two of which are towards the middle ; and the third, somewhat irre- gularly waved, on the hinder margin : cilia bright orange yellow : posterior wings pale orange yellow, with two or three black s|)Ots towards the iiinder margin anteriorly : caterpillar black, with yellow dorsal lines and lateral stripes ; it feeds on the common lichen and changes to a red brown pupa : the perfect insect appears in June. Many species of the Lithosiidae in certain years appear common, but local : the pretty species figured was taken last summer, in the greatest profusion, near Leith Hill^ by our esteemed friend^ John Wal- ton, Esq. who most liberally 5ui)plicd us with specimens. 15-4 SAMOUSLI K',* 15-5 AivUshed by cr. SamoiulU.Mnrc/i 12S33. f.NTOMOtOOlCAt. CAlJlHF.t. CIMEX LECTL'LARIUS. Linne. Common Bed Bug. Of a red brown colour and without wings : antenna? composed of four joints, the l)asal joint very short, the second thick and three times the length of the tirst, the third and fourth very long and setacious. Length 3 to 34 lines. Inhabits the houses in London and secretes itself behind the paper of bedrooms, furniture, beds and books. We have taken the liberty to quote from Mr. Kirby the following curious anecdotes. "Though now too common and well known, in this country it was formerly a rare insect. Had it not, two noble ladies, mentioned by Mouffet, would scarcely have been thrown into such an alarm by the appearance of bug-bites upon them ; which, until their fears were dispelled by their physician, who happened also to be a naturalist, they considered as nothing less than symptoms of the plague. Being shown the living cause of their fright, their fears gave place to mirth and laughter. Commerce, with many good things, has also introduced amongst us many great evils, of which noxious insects form no small part; and one of her worst presents were doubtless the disgusting animals now before us. They seem, indeed, as the above fact proves, to have been productive of gi cater alarm at lirst than mis- l.-)-5 SAMOIBII e's chief, at least if we may judge from the change of name which took place upon their becoming com- mon. Their original English name was Chinche or frail-louse; and the term Bug, which is a Celtic word, signifying a ghost or goblin, (and for the in- formation we are indebted to that learned antiquary, F. Douce, Esq. in his Illustrations of Shakspeare) was applied to them after Ray's time, most probably be- cause they were considered as 'terrors by night.' But however horrible bugs may have been in the estima- tion of some, or nauseating in that of others, many of the good people of London seem to regard them with the greatest apathy, and take very little pains to get rid of them ; not generally, however, it is to be hoped, to such an extent as the predecessor to a cor- respondent in Nicholson's Journal, who found his house so dreadfully infested by them, that it resembled the Banian hospital at Surat, all his endeavours to destroy them being at first in vain. And no wonder; for, as he learned from a neighbour, his predecessor would never suffer them to be disturbed or his bed- steads to be removed, till, in the end, they swarmed to an incredible degree, crawling up even the walls of his drawing-room ; and after his death millions were found in his bed and chamber furniture." JS-ff fUilis/uJ by (?.SaifUjuiiU.Mar(9i 1.1333, ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. NOTONECTA GLAUCA. Linn^. Boat Fly. Head and eyes large : thorax at the junction of the head rather narrow, but gradually increases in width and is of a half yellowish brown : scutellum triangular, large and of a glaucus or blue green colour, the elytrae are more or less of a pale ochre colour : feet formed for swimming; body beneath flat and of a tawny brown. Length 7 lines. Inhabits ponds and may be found at nearly all sea- sons of the year. The Notonectidfs are not numerous in the varieties of its species, they inhabit waters feeding on aquatic aniraalciila ; the larvae and pupae have each six feet and resemble the perfect insect, the former want wings, the latter has the rudiments of them. This insect swims on its back, (which is com- pletely boat shaped) and in that situation with its legs spread like oars, will dart with great velocity on water insects, which are its food, and like the other species of Hemiptera live by suction ; it would also appear, that they are capable of instilling a secretion of a peculiar nature, and, as we have experienced the pain, resembles the puncture of a hot needle, which however goes off in a short time. It is amusing to observe these insects floating on the surface of ponds, and the rapidity with which they move when dis- 15-6 SAMOUELLE S turbed, or in pursuit of their ])rey : the propelling of a boat was no doubt derived from the action of this insect. It is said they drop their eggs in the water, which are so heavy, that they fall to the bottom and remain till the larvae appear. 15-J jRidlisked by G.Samourllf ^ril l.lS3o ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. HETEROCERUS LiEVIGATUS. Fabr. Fuscus, glossy, finely punctured and slightly hairy : head and thorax without spots : elytra with the mar- gin and several large, subquadrate, pale reddish spots, disposed in three irregular bands : these spots are very variable in form and size ; they are sometimes nearly confluent, at others distinct, and are usually placed two longitudinally towards the scutellum, two others behind these, near the suture, and a third pair towards the apex of each elytron ; the pale outer margin of the latter is indented opposite the inter- mediate space : the body is frequently red beneath, and the legs pale testaceous, with the tibia sometimes dusky. Length 2 lines. Inhabits the muddy banks of ponds. Mr. Stephens has enumerated five species of Hete- rocerus which are found in this country ; they are by no means common, but may occasionally be found during the spring months on the mud of ponds and rivers, and may be obtained by ti-ampling on the ground, when these insects, aroused by the sudden shock, make their appearance on the surface, but soon again retire beneath the mud, or hide themselves in the crevices formed by the drying of the latter. One of our specimens was found near a pond on the Southgate Road, and another on Wandsworth Cora- 16-1 35 samouelle's mon — the first in April and the second in May. We believe that hitherto the larvae of the insects of this genus are unknown ; but Mr. Kirby has classed them with the aquatic and pedate or walking ones. 15-2 J%tlis-hed by C.JarrwueUt.^pril J 2833 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. HELOPHORUS FENNICUS. Dusky ferruginous : head with the forehead ob- soletely impressed : thorax broad, ratlier convex, broadest anteriorly, the lateral margins sinuated, the disk rugose, punctnted with five sulci, the central one straight, the rest more or less flexuous : elytra somewhat convex, griseus, punctate-striated, the alternate interstices elevated and smooth ; a little be- yond the middle are some oblong elevated dusky or black spots on the carinae ; and near the scutellum is an abbreviated punctate stiola : body beneath pitchy-brown ; the abdomen pale ferruginous ; legs, palpi and antennas pale testaceous ; the tip of the latter rather obscure. Length 2| lines. Inhabits ponds during the spring months. The insects of this genus are amongst the first Coleoptera that offer themselves to the collector. Many of the species are common and may be found walking on the grass under water, in cart ruts and the shallowest pools ; they appear rather to walk or paddle through the water, for their action is not swimming as in the Hydrophili and Dyticidce ; in fact, they are incapable of giving that stroke by the hinder feet so well displayed by the regular diving and swim- ming insects. The species are not numerous, but many of the allied genera are beautifully sculptured 16-2 samouelle's and are interesting objects for the microscope. We liave met with tliis species covered with clay and nnid for concealment, amongst the regectamenta left by the retiring of the waters, in the fields of Batter- sea, also in the Hackney Marshes, early in the year. 16-3 /iitUfhed bif S. SamcueUe . Apf ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CASSIDA VITTATA. Fabr. Black, above red : thorax with four black spots, one minute over the head, behind which is a large one at the ba.>e and two others on the posterior angles -. elytra obsoletely rngulose transversly, with the suture and an interrupted black streak on each, and a spot of similar hue at the base -. antennie with the base ferruginous. Length 3^ lines. This species is rare near London. We are indebted to Walter Burrell, Esq. and the Rev. C. S. Bird for a series of this pretty insect, which is found on the Ragwort at Burgfield. The Cassidae, or tortoise beetles are usually found in the months of May and June. Several species feed on the nettle, whitethoni, mint, and thistles, on which the larvae may be found. They are broad, oval and depressed, with spines on the sides and a forked tail ; their legs are short, each furnished with a scaly hook ; they feed on the leaves of plants and void their excrement upon their furcate tail, upon which they, in the course of time, form a complete covering to the body by this singular process, and when the mass becomes too large, or gets removed by acci- dent, it is reproduced. The larva often changes its skin, the fragments of which are sometimes found 16-3 samouelle's in the above-mentioned mass. The pupa is broad, flat and almost oval, surrounded by a number of fringe-like appendages. It is said that in about fif- teen days the perfect insect appears. ie-4 hiilished /rt, t;. SamaufUf. JlprU JJ833. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SCYDMiENUS TARSATUS. Kunze. Denny's Monographia. Plate xi. fig. 1. " Head pitch -coloured, shining, and finely pubescent ; the anterior part a little attenuated and truncated : antennae testaceous, pubescent, and rather thick ; the first joint long and cylindrical, having a long excava- tion on the internal side, proceeding from the in- sertion of the second joint ; the last three joints the largest; the fifth, from the base a little elongated; the eleventh ovate, with its base truncated : palpi obscure testaceous [,and thickly pubescent ; the third joint large and pyriform ; the fourth short and thick, and scarcely perceptible : eyes black, prominent and finely granulated -. thorax pitch-coloured, shining, and finely pubescent, about twice the length of the head, and neaily ovate ; the base abruptly truncated, with four foveolse transversely situated : elytra pitch - coloured, but lighter than the thorax, shining and finely pubescent ; elongate-oval, with two deep de- pressions at the base ; apex rounded : abdomen shining and ovate : legs pale testaceous and thickly pubescent ; thighs long and abruptly elevated ; tibiae and tarsi thickish ; the anterior tarsi much dilated. '* Length rather more than one line and a quarter. '* Habitat, moss at the roots of trees in moist places and under stones. " Svy(lmcB7tus HeUwigii is the type of this genus, and has been described as a British species by most authors. 1 have never seen a British specimen of it, although I have examined all the principal cabinets 16-4's in London and Norfolk : the specimens which are there named Hellwign are the true Tarsatus of Kunze, which have been described as HeUwigii by Latrcilie and Gyllenhall. One species, however, is clearly distinguished from the other, not only by the four foveola; at the base of the thorax, and the dilated tarsi, but by the general form — HeUwigii being a much narrower insect about the thorax, and the base of the elytra, than Tarsatus. " Tliis insect is also standing in many cabinets under the name of PiceuSy in consequence of Marsham having described it as Lytta Picea. This appears to be the only species of Scydmcenus known by him. For a figure of this species I am indebted to Mr. J. Sparshall, who very liberally granted me free access to his cabinet on all occasions : it is also in the cabinets of the Rev. W. Kirby, J. F. Stephens, Esq. A. H. Haworth, Esq. and in the British Museum. It has been taken in London and Bristol by Dr. Leach." We are indebted to our worthy and ingenious friend, Mr. Henry Denny, the author of the Mono- gvaphia Pselaphidarmn et ScydmcBnidarum BritannicBy for the original sketch of this species, and from his valuable and now scarce work we have extracted its character and his observations on the species. We believe that but little or no additions have been added to those families since 1825, when the Monograph was published, which is one proof of the great re- search and care of its author. The work, as a speci- luen of typogrophy, does great credit to the press of Noiwicii and is a fair specimen of the chaste taste of our much -respected friend Mr. S. Wilkin. 16-5 J'ubUj}ud. by G-. ScancuMe , April 1.1^^ ENTOMOLOGICAL CABIN El. PELTASTES NECATORIUS. Fahr. Curtis. Ichneumon V^espoides. Panz. Black : body with the extremity of the first, third, fourth and fifth segments yellow : antennae longer than the thorax, and black ; legs also black, but the tibia and tarsi yellow : the superior wings fuliginous or of a smoky colour, the upper and lower wings on the upper surface are slightly irredescent. Length of body 7 lines, expansion of wings 1 inch. This rare and interesting insect we found, many years since, on an umbelliferous plant in Plaistow Marshes, in the montli of August. We quote from the valuable work of Mr. Curtis the following ob- servations on the family of the Ichneumonidae. " The insects of this genus, like those of the whole family, are parasitic, depositing their eggs in the larvae of Lepidoptera, wliich as soon as they hatch begin to feed upon the muscles of their victim , until the whole internal substance of the caterpillar, with the exception of the alimentary canal, is consumed. In this diseased state it changes to a chrysalis, fre- quently assuming the natural form, although the colour is sometimes altered ; and the lepidopterist is otten disappointed in his hopes, when instead of a valuable moth or butterfly, one of these singular in- sects is the reward of all his care and attention. " The Ichneumonidae, however, are eminently use- ful, employed as they are to keep witliin bounds a 16-5 36 samouelle's tribe of caterpillars which otherwise in all proba- bility would swarm to a degree that would deprive vegetation of its beauty and utility : — An extraordi- nary instance occurred in the year 1782; for a further account of which I must refer the reader to ' A short History of the Brown-tail Moth,' by W. Curtis. '* Peltastes takes its generic name from the simili- tude of the clypeus to an escutcheon or shield ; and I have given this species the name of Pini, from its being invariably found in pine groves. Like the rest of the genus (indeed of the family I might say) it is extremely variable; some having the antennas en- tirely orange, others with the clypeus, palpi and all the thighs black ; and yellow bands to all the seg- ments except the first. There are but three species of this genus (proposed by Illiger) at present known to inhabit Britain, viz. P. necutorkis Fab. which is the least rare, and has been bred from the chrysalis of Stauropus Fagi by Mr. Stephens ; P. dissectorius Pz. taken by myself in the North of Devon in Septem- ber, 1822 ; and the species figured in the plate, which far exceeds the others in size, and was taken in June near Ringvvood, Hampshire, flying in the sunshine amongst pine-trees, by Mr. Bentley, a zealous entomologist who has added many rare and interesting species to the British Fauna." No work has hitherto been published iu this coun- try for accuracy in delineation, and in the beauty of its execution, to equal the British Entomology by JNlr. Curtis : indeed we may say, that no continental work to our knowledge has exceeded it. J6-6 ^u^iL>/u-J, t^y If. ^anu:u^iL£ April 2.IS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ASOPIA FARINALIS. Curtis. Pyralis farinalis. Hubn. Meal Moth. Haworth. Wings dusky brown, witli a very broad wavy sea- green band in the middle, margined on both sides with white ; second pair with two wavy white streaks in the middle, having a darker-coloured space be- tween them ; on the hinder margin oftentimes an incomplete row of black spots, larger towards the posterior angle. Expansion of the wings 1 inch 3 lines, The perfect insect appears in August, and is gene- rally in and near stables. The caterpillar is said to feed on grain, pollard and all farinaceous substances. U'6 samouelle's 27-1 TiiOuhed. In S-. SjTrwiutOe. Itau 2.2833. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CLIVINA FOSSOR. Leach. Tenebrio fossor. Linne. .. Carabus distans. Marsham. Black : head moderately large and nearly trian- gular, with a deep puncture in the centre ; from the eyes to the clypaeus is a broad expanded margin, the latter is transverse and with a slight curve : the jaws are large prominent and curved : palpi reddish brown : antennae of the same colour, the first three joints are nearly cylindrical, the remainder thicker, round, and forming almost a moniliform club : tho- rax much longer than broad, marginated, and with an impressed line down the centre : elytra twice the length of the thorax and covering the body, mar- ginede striated and the striae punctured ; the margin is of a reddish brown ; under part of the body black ; legs pitchy red, the fore ones dilated and adapted for digging. Length 3 lines. Inhabits the roots of grass during the spring months. This pretty insect is by no means scarce, but at the same time is far from common, from the circum- stance that but few specimens are to be found at one place : this obser\'ation, so far as we can remem- ber, will hold good with respect to the Scaratidce in general, for we have had many boxes of insects from 17-1 37 samouelle's India, the Cape of Good Hope and New Holland, the Brazils and other parts of South America, yet the insects of this family have always been of rare occurrence. They are known to inhabit most parts of the world. They bury themselves, and seek their food immediately beneath the surface of the earth, which may possibly account for their rare appear- ance in collections. 17-2 .PuhRihed. iy &. SajrwueZU 2Suf 1.1S33 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SCAPHIDIUM QUADRIMACULATUM. Oliv. Black and shining : head punctured : eyes mode- rately large : antennae as long as the head and thorax, with an abrupt club composed of five some- what hemispheric joints : thorax gradually increasing from the head to the elytra, shining and deeply punctured : elytra convex and broadest about the middle, truncate behind and shorter than the abdo- men, which is pointed ; each elytra has a somewhat lunate or irregular red spot at the base and apex, the punctures are deep and are in lines : the legs are of a pitchy brown. Length of the body 2| lines. Inhabits fungi and wet rotten wood. We have seen this rare insect taken from the stumps of trees at Coombe Wood, Surrey, in the spring of the year ; our specimen we captured many years since, in the stump of an oak rotted by damp, in the New Forest, Hants, and at least eighteen inches from the surface of the earth. The Rev. G. T. Rudd informs us that Scaphidium quadrimaculatum is by no means uncommon near York, and is gen- erally found when the weather is extremely wet, a fact we believe hitherto unnoticed : to our friends in the north we may say that this insect is very rare near London. 17-2 samouelle's l.^-^> 17-3 Puilishai iu S. SixnwwJle ,Mm/ 2 J.S33 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. NITIDULA GRISEA. Marsham. Reddish yellow : head small and exerted, jaws projecting and curved : eyes moderate, but the hemispheres very large : antennae reddish yellovv^, the basal joint large, globular, and in size equalling the club, which is composed of three joints, two deep cup-shaped, and the third nearly globular : thorax convex, broader than long, with a wide margin, a large brownish black spot in the centre, and an angulated line between the middle and the margin which increases in width and reaches the posterior margin, it then turns and terminates in a large spot near the central one : elytra twice the length of the thorax, slightly convex ; margined with three interrupted lines of black, and elevated striae : legs and the whole of the under part reddish yellow. Length of the body 2 to 2§ lines. The NitiduUdce follow in a most natural manner the SilphidcB, both in their appearance and ceco- noray; the latter feed on carrion, and the former on the more muscular and dried parts that may adhere to bones when left by the Silphidce and other carnivorous feeders. Nitidida grisea is found be- neath the bark of the willow, poplar and birch trees, generally in the early spring months, and the wood of those trees it is said they eat ; it is however cer- tain that those places are their hibernating (|uarters, 17-3 38 samouelle's as we have frequently found them in the above situa- tions and also under moss during the vs^inter months. They are not rare, many of the speicies may be taken in gardens in the month of May, on bones, if placed under a garden pot, as the scent will attract them. 17-4 PuilUhed. ^ y G- SajnoiidU.Junel.lS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. DRILUS FLAVESCENS. OUvipr. Cantharis serratlcornis. 3Iarsh. Black: head small: antennae serrated and placed hi front, immediately beneath the eyes : thorax nearly .square and covered with tawny-coloiired hair: elytra tawny and soft : thighs blacU, the tibiae and tarsi fulvous. Length 2^ lines. Inhabits grassy places and hedges, in the months of jMay and June. This little, but, interesting and scarce insect, is the only species of the genus yet found in this country ; and the only specimens we have ever seen were cap- tured in a lane near Darenth Wood, Kent. It is said the female is apterous and resembles a larva, and that they feed on the snail and slug. 18-1 39 samouelle's JS—2 AtiZuhed ii/ c^.S/iTtuvtilU Jiim IJf.JJ. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET, BRUCHUS PISI. Linnd. Black, head nearly triangular, the jaws prominent: eyes large, kidney-shaped and deeply notched for the insertion of the antennae : antennae with the first four joints small and red, the others gradually in- creasing in size, and black : thorax black, punctured and covered, more or less, with short yellow hair : elytra black and variegated with spots of yellowish grey hair : the abdomen is inflexed, covered with greyish hair, with two blackish spots : anterior pair of legs redish brown, the second and hinder black, the thighs of the latter very large. Length 2| lines. Inhabits pea fields. Mr. Kirby says, ** In a late stage of growth, great havoc is often made in peas by the grub of this in- sect, which will sometimes lay an egg in every pea of a pod, and thus destroy it. In this country, how- ever, the mischief caused by the Bnichus is seldom very serious ; but in North America is most alarm- ingly destructive, its ravages being at one time so universal as to put an end in some places to the cultivation of that favorite pulse. No wonder then that Kalm should have been thrown into such a tre- pidation upon discovering some of these pestilent insects just disclosed in a parcel of peas he had brought from that country, lest he should be the Instrument of introducing so fatal an evil into his 18-2 samouelle's beloved Sweden. In the year 1780, an alarm was spread, in some parts of France, that people had been poisoned by eating worm-eaten peas, and they were forbidden by authority to be exposed for sale in the market ; but the fears of the public were soon removed by the examination of some scientific men, who found the cause of the injury to be this insect." 18-3 fuhUshfd bu &.Samj)ioe21i Jiuu. Ll?33 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. Cy\cUJUS ATER. Olivier. Deep brown to black : the head flattened in front, jaws exerted : antennae liliform and longer than the head and thorax taken together : thorax nearly quad- rate, shining and deeply punctured : elytra punctate, hairy, and each with a wide sulci near the margin, legs short and somewhat paler than the upper part of the insect. Length ^ of a line. Inhabits beneath the bark of trees. We are indebted to the Rev. G. T. Rudd, M. A. and F. L. S. for the specimen from which our draw- ing has been made, the insect was captured in the Month of April, at Coomb Wood, Surrey, the dis- covery was first made of the insect by Mr. Stephens, and who directed the attention of our friend, during an entomological excursion to this celebrated spot, which has been a favourite resort for collectors of insects for the last half centurv. 18-3 40 $AMOUELLE S IS -4- PiibUihid. hj C-. Sjjrru-vieiL-.Juiifl,lB3S. F.NTOiMOLOGICAL CABINET. COCCINELLA OBLONGO-GUTTATA. Linne. Black : head yellowish red, with a triangular blackish mark in the centre : thorax redish brown, the sides with a wide and pale margin : elytra pale red, with lines and dots (subject to great variety) the suture and margins yellow. Length 3| lines. Inhabits pine trees, but is far from common. The Coccinellidae Lad^ Birds and Lady Cotoft feed both in the larvai and perfect state on the Aphides, or plant-lice, and appear universally distributed. Of their vast importance in the economy of nature, we can have no idea ; but, the following account by Rusticits, in the Entomological Magazine for April, will give room for reflection on those minute objects of creation in the affairs of man. " In the year 1802, on the 14th of May, the old hop duty was laid at 100,000/. ; the fly, however, appearing pretty plentifully towards the end of the month, it sunk to 80,000/. ; the fly increased ; and, by the end of June, the duty had gone down to 60,000/. ; by the end of July, to 30,000/. ; by the end of August, to 22,000/. ; and by the end of De- cember to 14,000/. ; the duty actually paid this year was 15,463/. 10*. hd. In 1825, the duty commenced at 130,000/., but, owing to the excessive increase of the fly, had in July fallen to 16,000/. ; at the begin- ning of September it rose to 29,000/., but towards 18-4 samouelle's the end fell again to 22,000/. j the amount paid was 24,317/. 0*. lid. In the following year, the sum- mer w^as remarkably dry and hot ; we could hardly sleep of nights with the sheets on ; the thermometer for several nights continued above 70° all the night through : the crop of hops was immense, scarcely a fly was to be found, and the betted duty, which began in May at 120,000/., rose to 265,000. ; the old duty actually paid was 269,331/. 0*. 9d. ; the gross duty, 468,401/. I6s. Id., being the largest amount ever known. From this it will appear that, in duty alone, a little insignificant looking fly has a control over 450,000/. annual income to the British Treasury; and supposing the hop-grounds of England capable of paying this duty annually, which they certainly are, it is very manifest, that in 1 825, these creatures were the means of robbing the Treasury of 426,000/. This seems a large sum, but it is not one-twentieth part of the sums gained and lost by dealers during the two years in question." 18 -S Jlthbj/i^d hu .' . .foTTu'iulU Jun^ 1, 1S33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. TINEA TAPETZELLA. Linne. Black-cloaked Woollen Moth. Haworth. Wings hoary, blackish brown at tlie base, with nu- merous irregular markings on the upper wings of the same colour, lower wings of a pale lead colour and shining : thorax black : head large and of a snow- white : the scales that cover the wings very large : antenuce setaceous : legs of a moderate length. Expansion of the wings 10§ lines. Inhabits the skins of quadrupeds. This is a fatal and destructive insect to furs, tip- pets, muffs and other articles of dre.ys made from the skins of quadrupeds. We have found that cam- phor readily destroys the perfect insect ; but the boxes should be secured, or the camphor soon es- capes ; tallow will also keep these insects off. We should therefore advise, when such articles of dress are put by for the season, to introduce a tallow candle, which may be wrapped in paper to prevent its soiling, and also several lumps of camphor, which should be replenished from time to time. Clothes Moths will make their appearance in February, and indeed throughout the year. 18-5 samouellk's 18-6 IkhUshtd by J. Samou^lU June 1,1333. RNT()IM(>I.O<;iCAL CABINET. liKUIS CLAVIPES. Latreille. Head of a moderate size : anteiinie very long and inserted in tlie front, thorax black, abdomen redish yellow ujuch depressed : legs of the same colour, th6 tarsi black : wmgs of a dark soot colour. Expansion of the wings 5^ lines. Inhabits palings during the spring months. All tiie species tliat we have yet met with, have been taiien from the above situations. There are several species, and are well deserving the atteutioa of entomologists. 15-C samouelle'» 13-2 x\J:Ush£d iy & . SamoiLelie , 7uh/ 1.JS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ONTHOPHILUS SULCATUS. Leach. Hister sulcatus. Fahr. Dull black : head punctured, considerably nar- rower than the thorax, in which it is partly re- tractile : mouth of a ferruginous colour, the mandi- bles or jaws strong and excerted : the antennse of the same colour, with the basal joint black : thorax punctured, as broad as the elytra, with five longi- tudinal elevated lines, the three intermediate not reaching the whole length : elytra with the suture and three elevated lines on each, the interstices with fine striated lines and a series of minute punctures on each side of the elevated lines : the body beneath black and finely punctured : legs pitchy black, the femurs or thighs somewhat compressed and grooved beneath for the reception of the tibia or shank which is very broad, flat, slightly curved and toothed ex- ternally ; internally furnished with very fine spines ; the tarsi or toes short and very slender. Length of the body 1| to 1§ lines. Inhabits beneath the dung of cattle and horses during the spring months. Dr. Leach was the first who established the genus Dendrophihis from the Histeridre or Hister of Linne, the characters of which were published in the third volume of the Zoological Miscellany, and was fol- lowed by us in the Entomologists' Useful Compen- 19-1 41 SAMOUELl.E ti d'luyn. Of this genus only two species have yet been found in this country, the one now figured and a smaller species, not uncommon, the H. striatus of Fabricius. Dendrophilus sulcatus must be considered a scarce insect and very local. Our specimens we received many years since from our friend, Dr. Leach, who met with them in Devonshire. Mr. Millard found them also near Bristol ; they have been taken at Coombe Wood by Mr. Ingpen, and in Nottingham by Dr. Howitt. D. striatus is common some years under dung in Battersea Fields, and also in Epping Forest. The whole of the HisteridcB, like the Byrr- hidcB, when alarmed, retract the antenna? and legs close to the body : of this species Mr. Kirby remarks, "that it appears like the seed of an umbelliferous plant." 2^ ~2 Published iy f;iCAI. CABINET. BLAPS OBTUSA. Fabr. Blaps Icthifera. Marsh. Black and shining : head thickly and minutely punctured : eyes placed far back on the head, small, transversely elongate, the hexagons large but not numerous, the greater portion placed beneath : an- tennae but little longer than the head, the basal joint nearly pear-shaped, the second short and cup-shaped, the third four times the length of the second, the others moniliform or bead shaped, with the last four much compressed : jaws and upper lip exerted beyond the clypeus and slightly furnished with red- dish hair : thorax finely and thickly punctured, the anterior angles rounded, posteriorly transverse and of the breadth of the base of the elytra, with a slight margin and less shining than the latter : eh-tra vei'y broad, convex, accuminated at the apex, thickly but coarsely punctured : the legs and whole of the under part black and shining. Inhabits houses, cellars and dark damp places. Length of the body 11 lines. Blaps obtnsa is by no means a common species, but may be found occasionally in houses and cellars. The B. mortisaga is smaller, narrower and is a common species, and often does much mischief in wine cellars. A gentleman once applied to us with specimens of the larvae of the latter species, which 20-1 43 SAMOUELLE S had committed much havoc to his wine by eating the corks of the bottles, by which a great quantity was lost, and appeared to be eagerly sought after by these insects. It has a very foetid scent, and has been regarded by the superstitious as an omen of mis- fortune. It is most tenacious of life, one having lived upwards of three years with Mr. Baker without food and revived after having been kept in spirits of wine a whole night. Latreille informs us that Blaps sulcata is employed by the Turks to alleviate pain of the ear, and to cure the sting of the scorpion. The women of Turkey also cook this insect in butter to fatten themselves. 20-2 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. HELOPS STRIATUS. Olivier. Blaps spartii. Marsharn. Brown, liead projecting finely and deeply punc- tured : antennae filiform and longer than the thorax : eyes nearly kidney-shaped, and rather a lighter brown than the head, the hexagons large : thorax large, nearly quadrate with the sides, rounded, deeply and thickly punctured. Elytra striated punctured, with numerous fine punctures between the interstices, nearly elliptical at the base, of the same breadth as the thorax, the apex acuminated : the whole of the upper part brown, with a somewhat brassy appear- ance : beneath brown and shining, the legs also brown ; in the male the four anterior tarsi are dilated. Length of the body 5^ lines. Inhabits beneath the bark of trees during the win- ter months : hedges and oak trees in spring and summer. The late IMr. Marsharn appears to have been the first British Entomologist who described this species, and it appears rather singular that his then friend Mr. Olivier, who was in correspondence with Mr. M. and had seen his collection, should not have pointed out to him this insect as having been described under the name we have adopted above. This pretty but very common insect is frequently met with congregating together in great numbers beneath the loose bark of trees, and under moss 20-2 SAMOUELLE ? during the greater part of the winter months and in various situations, not being confined to trees in woods but generally dispersed ; but when the trees are in leaf we frequently beat them out of oalis, white thorns, &c. 20-3 Euiliifhe^ by ir .■>jnwu^Ue.^dugy^J.1833. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. RHIPIPHORUS PARADOXUS. Fabr. Mordella paradoxus. Linne. Black : head small, inflexed and scarcely obser\'ed from above, shining and punctured : eyes small and projecting : antennae inserted immediately beneath the eyes at the base of the clypaeus, bipectinate in the males ; in the females flabellate or like the sticks of a fan. Thorax black, arched of the breadth of the head, in front deeply channelled down the centre, the sides gradually increasing, and with three lobes behind, the centre lobe produced in the place of a scutellum, the two outer lobes red. Elytra black, elongated, shorter than the body, gaping and acumi- nated at the apex ; in the females the colour is often testaceous : breast and legs black, abdomen pale orange, the last joint black. Length of the body 5 lines. Inhabits umbelliferous plants, but is rarely found. The only specimens we possess we obtained some years since from the Rev. F. W. Hope. We select from our friend, Mr. J. Curtis, the fol- lowing observations. " This beautiful and interest- ing insect, which is the only species that inhabits Britain, was considered, a few years back, one of our most valuable acquisitions, being only met with accidentally, from our ignorance of its habits and economy ; but having been discovered in its natural habitation by my friends , Dr. Leach and W. S. Mac SAMOUELLE S Leay, Esq., the attention of naturalists was called to the subject, and it has since been taken in profusion in Shropshire, by the Rev. F. W. Hope ; and at Southgate, not uncommonly, by Mr. Edwin Walker, in August and September, 1823 ; and this gentleman observed, that the individuals taken in August were smaller than those that were captured later in the autumn. 1 have seen this insect alive in Norfolk : it lias also been taken in Somersetshire ; and my friend, Mr. Dale, found one in his orchard in Dor- setshire, which induced us to search for a wasps' nest, which we found in the neighbourhood; and having destroyed and dug it up at night, it was con- veyed home in a vessel closely covered, and upon examination the next morning, I had the gratification of releasing a male from one of the cells, the external figure of which was sexagonal, but the operculum was circular ; and the same structure is exhibited in one that Mr. Stephens received from Mr. Hope. ** The eggs must be deposited in the cells of the wasps, for which purpose the acute abdomen of the female is well adapted ; and the larvae, when hatched, are probably nourished by the wasps as their own offspring : — the perfect insect, from the smallness of its mouth and the weakness of its organs, cannot however be a very formidable enemy. When it emerges from the chrysalis, it leaves the nest and re- sorts to neighbouring flowers, like the rest of the MordelUdcB : the wasps therefore can sustain no other injury than that which arises from the few cells occupied by the larva}." 2^-4 jumotuUe. AiLO^ l.2S3^ ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CALEPTERYX LUDOVICIANA. Leach. Libellula Virgo. LinnL Blue to a silky green ; head large, broader than long, with the stemmata placed in the form of a triangle near the summit of the head : the mouth is large and furnished with strong and powerful jaws : the eyes are placed far distant from each other, large and hemispherical, in the dead speci- mens of a dingy brown ; the hexagons are very nu- merous, amounting to many thousands, and form a most delightful object for the microscope : antennae short, placed between the eyes, the basal joints stout and terminating in a hair : thorax broad at the base, much elevated behind, but narrower and a deep line down the centre : wings of a deep blue, brownish towards the apex : body cylindrical, with the first six segments nearly of equal length, the seventh, eighth and ninth gradually shortening ; above of a rich silky-gieen, beneath bluish-black : legs blue- black and furnished with fine and long spines. Length of the body 2 inches, expansion of the wings 2f inches. Inhabits the banks of rivers and running streams in June. This very beautiful species of Dragon-fly is by no means uncommon on the banks of the Lea and other Rivers. 20-4 samouellk's 20 -S . ^oTtioiucUf . Auii^l 7A5.; ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CILEX COM PRESS A. Leach. Bombyx conipressiis. Fabr. Goose-egg Moth. Harris. Chinese Character. Haworth. Wings wliite, the upper pair near the middle with a yellowish oval spot joining to a brownish band that widens as it reaches the inner edge of the wing near the body -. in this band are various minute silvery markings ; the outer edge of the wings has a series of pale lunules, surrounded by silveiy white arcings, surmounted by lead-coloured lunules ; the under wings are white and dark tinge from the body to the middle of the wing, and on the outer margin five large dots of the same colour. Expansion of the wings 11 to 13 lines. Inhabits hedges near London, and is not uncom- mon the end of May and beginaing of August. 20^5 44 SAMOU£LL£'S 20 -6 fuJ>lished by (^. ScizrumeJU,Ju^.''I.1333. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ACROCERA GLOBULA. Meigan. Acrocera gibbosa. Sam. Pale yellow : head small, eyes large, forming nearly the whole of the head : antennae with four or five joints, the first nearly globose, second, third and fourth filiform and terminated by a seta of twice the length of the basal joints. Thorax nearly globular, downy on the back : scutellum large and yellow : the scales at the base of the wings beneath large and inflated like bladders : abdomen globose, convex with the last joint pointed, the base black and lobated : legs yellow. This rare and curious insect was taken many years since by our late and much-respected friend, Thomas Carpenter, Esq. of Tottenham ; we believe he took it in the lanes near his residence. Our specimen has unfortunately lost the antennae ; but we have des- cribed it from a figure given by Meigan. 20-6 SAMOUELLE S 21-1 hiiUsked bu ('. SjmjuelU, JctTl JJ33 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. CERCYON QUISQUILIUM. Stephens. Scarabaeus quisquilius. Linne. Dermestes quisquilius. Marsham. Nearly oval : head black, convex and closely punc- tured : antennae clavated, the club solid and black, the basal joints are reddish yellow : thorax black, punctured, and with the side margins of a reddish yellow, broader in the female than in the male : elytra of a reddish yellow, the suture and nearly a diamond-shaped spot, beyond the middle, black, which in size is subject to a little variation ; the elytra are striated, the striae punctured and the in- terstices are finely punctured : beneath the breast or sternum is blaek, the abdomen reddish brown : thighs and tibiae broad and flat, the latter are fur- nished with numerous fine spines on the outer edge, the tarsi are short and nearly black. Length of the body If lines. Inhabits the dung of horses and cattle. The males of this species are in general smaller and narrower than the females, and are very com- mon during the spring months about London, on heaths, roads, pathways and meadows, and may often be observed on the wing after mid-day in sunny weather. Of this genus Mr. Curtis has enu- merated 54 species in his " Guide ;" they are for the most part minute. Mr. Kirby says some are found 21-1 45 SAMOUELLE S also on the sea-shore under Zostera and Fuci. The genus was first established by Dr. Leach, and has been adopted by all later entomologists. Mr. Ste- phens observes *' that they are unquestionably very closely allied to the Hydrobii." 21-2 iiiJ>UshAi bu o-SumcuaUf r ■ ' Iffi3 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SCOLYTUS DESTRUCTOR. Leach, Curtis. Stephens. Ips scolytus. Marsham. (iuUe.0ct'I.2633. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ANTHICUS ANTHERINUS. Fabr. Black : head as large as the thorax, inflexed and connected by a slender neck, black and punctured : antennae filiform and inserted beneatli the eyes and near the mouth, slightly increasing towards their extremities : eyes moderate in size but very pro- minent and the hexagons large : thorax nearly oval, black, punctured, covered with a fine pubescence and with a margin on the posterior part : elytra black, punctured, covered with a fine yellowish hair like the thorax, with two oblique ferruginous fasciae or bands, one from the shoulder to the suture, and the second behind the middle, broadest at the su- ture, but in this respect is subject to considerable variation, as in some specimens the apex of the elytra has only a minute black spot at the suture. Length of the body 1§ line. Inhabits banks and hedges. This species is only occasionally met with, in the months of June and July, on grassy banks and flowery hedges. Several of the species are also found near stables, when the sun is in full power. They are very active on the wing, and run with great velocity : the singular attachment of the head to the thorax by extended muscles give the form of a neck to the singular circular head, as in 21-3 46 samouelle's the Cantharis. Mr. Stephens has constituted the Notoxus and the present genus under the family name of Notoxidce. 22 -4 HiilusKed bu S.JamaiuUe. Oct'l,lS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. MELOE VARIEGAtUS. Leach. Meloe scrabosus. Stephens* Catalogue. Head coppery black— the sides tinted with purple- violet with more or less confluent punctures : thorax transverse, brassy or coppery black, punctured, the punctures frequently confluent, the margins elevated and violaceus : elytra brassy black, with elevated confluent shining points, the interstices obscure : abdomen of the male entirely scabrous, with the dorsal segments anteriorly golden-green and poste- riorly violaceous red copper, beneath variegated with purple and gold ; of the female black, with a large scabrous patch on each segment, anteriorly golden- green, posteriorly rufous-violet, beneath variegated with purple, gold and green : legs black, obscurely violaceous, femora shining purple-violet : antennae dull brassy-violet. Abundant in the Isle of Thanet in the spring, especially in the vicinity of Ramsgate and Broad- stairs, where it was taken in profusion some years since by G. Milne, Esq. There appears to be either some strange miscon- ception amongst entomologists of note respecting the larvae of these insects, or otherwise their economy is very anamalous. They seem to be produced from a mass of clear yellowisli eggs, and almost immediately to attach themselves to bees, flies, &c. but others doubt the fact : the Imago feeds upon chirkweed, 21-4 samouelle's ranunculi and other herbaceous plants. Tlic insects of this genus are found in spring, particularly in open sandy fields, feeding on the different species of ranunculus, &c. ; its ovae are said to have an agree- able smell J when touched, there issues from it a very limpid yellowish oil, which is exceedingly diu- retic, and when mixed with honey or oil has been recommended in cases of hydrophobia. It mil be necessary co inform the young entomologist that the insects of this genus require to have the abdomen opened, and the contents removed and replaced by cotton, or the body shrinks and the colours soon fade. 11 'O tuiitstiU iy e.Jiwuiuiii^.octri./sx^. ENTOMOLOGICAL CAB1N£T. RHAGIO SCOLOPACEUS. Leach. Sam. Musca Scolopacea. LinnL Ash coloured : head comparatively small : eyes elliptical, large, the hexagons very numerous and minute, when dead of a golden colour : as in most dipterous insects the sexes are easily determined by the distance of the eyes from each other, they are for the most part separated by a very narrow line in the males, and in the females by a broad one : antennae moniliform, terminated by seta : proboscis or trunk exerted when at rest and terminated by two large lips : thorax ash coloured, with three blue black lines ; scutellum large, inflated and with the thorax furnished with strong black setae : wings with strong and powerful nervures, with spots and maculae varying in size and colour : body long, yel- low and spotted with black : legs a dirty yellow, tarsi black. Length of the body § an inch, expansion of the wings 1 inch. Inhabits the trunks of trees and palings, in June and July. The insects of this well-marked genus will soon become familiar to the entomologist, by their sud- den, rapid and powerful flight, and their equal and instantaneous settlement on the trunks of trees and palings, generally with the head downwards ; for this mode of attachment their tarsi and claws seem most 21-5 SAMOU£LLE'S admirably adapted, as the cushions in the last joint with the short and curved claws must have a me- chanical power, much beyond the conception of man and his yet applicating means. Much may yet be learnt from the structure of insects, they possess powers of which we have no conception, their vision is no doubt according to their nature beyond all cal- culation, and we have no hesitation in saying that in some insects, the organs of scent exceeds that of all other animals. 21 — 6 liiiUshed by J-- Samoit^lU. OecT 2,lt33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. THEREVA PLEBIA. Leach. Sam. Stephens. Musca plebia. Lmid. Ash coloured and very hairy : head large, as broad as the thorax : eyes large, widely set in the female, on the summit of the head are three stemmata, ar- ranged in a triangle -. antennae longer than the head, the last joint ovoid-conic, with a distinct style ter- minated by a seta : thorax a dark ash colour, with lighter lines and very hairy : body dark ash colour, with the margins of the rings lighter, gradually de- creasing towards the apex : wings very irredescent and with strong nervures : legs pale brown, with long spines. Length of the body 5§ lines, expansion of wings 8 lines. Inhabits the trunks of trees in woods and lanes during the months of May, June and July. 21-6 SAMOUELLE'S '' NayrJ.JS33. ENTOMULOGICAL CABINET. ATOPA CEUVINA. Paykul. Dascillus Ceivina. Latr. Crioceris Cinerea. Marsh. Antennce inserted on each side the nasus before the eyes, longer than the thorax, filiform, pubescent, composed of cylindric articulations : head rather small : eyes small and globular : thorax consider- ably broader than the head, dark fuscous ; narrowed before, the hinder angles acute, the posterior margin slightly sinuated and covered with a soft down : elytra varying from a pale black to yellow, faintly striated, punctured, and covered also with down : body black and dovmy, the last two segments and all the legs of a reddish brown. Length of the body 5 lines. Inhabits hedges and is found in June. This interesting species is occasionally met with in Kent, and in some seasons appears rather plenti- ful, it is the only species yet found in this country and subject to vary from nearly a black to a bright yellow. Mr. Curtis says, " Mr. A. Mathews, A. L.S. has informed me, that while he was collecting Orchideae in Kent, on the 29th of May, 1825, he found three specimens of this insect at the roots of the Orchis ustulata, about four inches beneath the surface of the ground, which induced him to suspect 22-1 47 SAMOCELLE S that the laivas might feed upon the roots of that plant. The Dwarf Orchis was in flower upon the spot where I met with two or three specimens as- cending Arthur's Seat." ZZ-2 rubUtlied hv as ■-aiwlU. NmriMAS. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ELODES DORSALIS. Latr. Cyphon dorsalis. Stephens. Antennae filiform and slender, above half the length of the body, black with the exception of the third and fourth joints which are yellow, inserted immediately beneath the eyes : eyes large globose : head small : thorax nearly square, black with the margins yellow : elytra elongate, yellow with the margins and suture nearly black and covered with a fine down : body soft villose and black with a broad triangular band, yellowish at the basal segments : thighs large, brown, the tibia and tarsi yellow. Length of the body 2 lines. Inhabits the alder in May and June : and accord- ing to the List of Insects found at Swansea by Lewis W. Dillwyn, Esq. has been taken by Mr. Jeffreys on Crwnlyn Sand Hills. Mr. Stephens has enumerated fifteen species of this genus. They are found in hedges, and many in the blossoms of the white thorn ; they are also found on umbelliferous plants in marshes and meadows during the early spring months : wc believe the larvae are vet unknown. 22-2 samouellk's 22-3 r.NTOM-OLOGICAL CABINET. TELEPHORUS ALPINUS. Gyllenhal. Testaceous : head lengthened and narrowed be- hind, the front testaceous but black from between the eyes to the hinder part : eyes large, black and very globose : antenncB filiform, testaceous with the end of each joint from the fifth with a ring of black : thorax nearly quadrate, marginated, testaceous with the margins paler : elytra long, soft and somewhat paler than the thorax : legs pale testaceous, abdo- men black, with posterior part of each segment pale testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines. Inhabits the oak in Darenth and Coombe Woods, in May and June. The insects of this genus are very numerous and many of the species common : alpinus is compa- ratively rare. The Telephoridae are for the most part carnivorous, and will even devour their own species ; we would recommend that when collecting them to put each specimen loose in a separate pill-box, for if pinned and put into the general collecting box, from the softness of their elytra they are liable to injury. The larvae are elongate, somewhat flattened below, composed of twelve rings, and a flat scaly head fur- nished with two stout mandibles, two small antenna; and four palpi ; the body is soft ; the three first joints liavc each a pair of long, scaly, three-jointed legs, 22-3 48 samouelle's terminated by a slightly curved hook, and in the last segment a fleshy tubercle answering the purpose of a seventh leg : they reside in damp earth, and are carnivorous according to the observation of De Geer. 22—4- -C imaueOe . Iftn'T 2.2833. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. RAPHIDIA LONDONENSIS. Leach. Stephens. Curtis. Black, shining : head nearly triangular, slightly punctured with a deep impression above the eyes : antennae long filiform : clypaeus and jaws yellow : thorax long, narrow and cylindrical : wings trans- parent and without a stigma : legs and under part of the body of a dirty yellow. Length of the body 3^ lines, expansion of the wings 7 lines. Inhabits hedges near London, but is very rare. The larvae are described by Latrielle as very nimble and voracious, living upon smaller insects and con- cealing themselves in the crevices in the bark of trees ; the pupae like the rest of the order have the power of locomotion. The perfect insect also feeds on small insects, its long moveable thorax enabling it to seize its prey in any direction with great facility ; and it is able to bite with considerable force with its acute mandibles which are capable of great expan- sion. Mr. Curtis has remarked that **the ovepositor of the female is exceedingly dissimilar to those of any other insects : by Latrielle's description and my own observations, it appears to be formed of two canals, united with a space between, being composed of transverse rings, which enable the insect to propel 22-4 SAMOUELLBS the eggs to the apex, where they are received and deposited by the two appendages in clusters like fly- blows." The insects of this genus are certainly rare, the species that we have met with have always been found in June, and generally in the neighbourhood of streams of water. nelU. J!ravrj.JJS3 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET, DIOCTRIA CELANDICA. Meigan Leach Asilus (Elandica. Linnl. Sylvicolae lugubris. Harris. Blaek and shining ; front of the head between the eyes of a golden yellow, eyes large ; the hemispheres very numerous but minute : antennae between the eyes and composed of four joints, the basal ones globose, the second long and cylindrical and upright, the last two diverging. Thorax broader than the head, black and shining : wings black at the base and clouded throughout, but darker near the costal edge, halteres and legs yellowish, the tarsi black. Length of the body 8 lines, expansion of the wings 15 lines. Inhabits lanes and the skirts of woods in May and June. This insect is the largest of the genus as respects the indigenous species, and is by no means un- common both in the woods of Kent and Surrey; they are strong, powerful and voracious ; many of the species are very rare, and have their eyes when in a living state banded by the most beautiful colours, but these soon fade after death. 22-5 samouelle's "^C^ 22- e ;^.i',..,i nu L-. ,' ,'ir'it.ntflle,}l'ov.''I.JS-.'' ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. COREUS DENTICULATUS. Scop. Coieus hirticornis. Fahr. Panz. Yellowish brown : head longer than broad : eyes small, globose and very prominent : antennae very robust and covered with long and coarse hair. Thorax a little broader than the head, and covered with yellowish hair ; scutellum large and of the colour of the thorax, elytra pale brown at the base, transparent towards the apex, the nervures slightly but prettily spotted, under wings transparent ; legs of the colour of the body. Length of the body 4^ lines. Expansion of the elytra 6§ lines. Inhabits sandy places. We have never met with but one specimen of this pretty insect, indeed all the species are rare except marginatus, which is very abundant in the lane leading from the Robin Hood to Coombe Wood, in June and July. Our specimen of denticulatus was found in a large sand pit, near Bexley, many years since. 22-6 SAMOUELtE*S 23 —J Viiblisked bu C .SjjnauMf . Decl 1JS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. GEORISSUS PYGMiEUS. Stephens. Black and minute: head inflexed, with the front unequally rugose : palpi short and unequal: antennae nine jointed, terminated by a nearly solid or slightly perforated club : eyes large and globose : thorax shining, narrow before and dilated on the sides beyond the middle, the base slightly sinuated, the middle or disc smooth with a transverse impression beyond the middle, and towards the sides somewhat rugose : elytra more brilliant than the thorax and very convex, with the shoulders prominent, striated with large and deep impressions, the interstices smooth : body rather short and globose and black beneath, finely punctured: legs moderate, tibiae slen- der, tarsi elongate and filiform. Length of the body ^ line. Inhabits moist places; rare near London, more abundant in Norfolk and Suffolk. This little insect is seldom met with from the cir- cumstance of its inhabiting the muddy banks of ponds and covering itself over with sand or dirt, most probably to evade the numerous CarabidcB which feed on other insects and are common in the above places. They are found during the spring months, and possibly amongst sedges (at the roots) during the winter. 23-1 49 SAM0U£LLE'» 23 -Z liii/ishfd bv v. SamoiLfUc. Dc^' 1.JS33. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. LEOIDES HUMERALIS. Sam, Curtis. Stephens. Black, oval and convex : head inflected, black, the front with a broad irregular streak of red, reaching to the clypaeus which is of the .same colour : palpi and basal joints of the antennae red, the club fuscus or of a light sooty black : eyes large and white : thorax nearly globular, black shining and finely punctured : elytra convex with a red humeral spot, punctured and shining -. body beneath and legs red. Length of the body 1| lines. Inhabits boleti or fungi attached to trees. Our specimens of this interesting insect we cap- tured in June, in a sand-pit, at Bexley in Kent. Mr. Curtis has observed, when describing Leoides cennamomea, that *' In 1807, M, Sturm published in the 2nd vol. of his Deutchland's Fauna the following series of genera which he considered allied to each other : namely, Sphaeridiura, including Cercyon ; Anisotoma, comprising Leoides, followed by Agathi- (lium and Phalacrus ; if therefore any credit be due for the discovery of this arrangement, which has lately been adopted in another work, it is due to tlie entomologist of Neuremburg. No good system, however, ought to be disturbed without solid rea- sons ; and I am convinced that nothing can be proved without accurate figures of the trophi, an- tennae and other organs." 23-2 SJAMOUELLI/S 23-3 euillshtJ bu e.Sanu. S.VTu-utMc. ffe-:!' 'iJS33- ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. FORMICA FUSCA. Lm«€. Common Ant. Blackish brown : head large, nearly oval, of a dark brown, with a deep excavation behind near the neck : eyes remarkably small and black ; stemmata or little eyes three, placed in a triangle and distant : antennae reddish brown, the basal joint minute, the second very long, as long as the succeeding eleven joints : mandibles red : thorax dark bro^vn, and with the body covered by a silvery pile, which changes its hue as exposed to the light : legs red- dish : wings fuscus at the base, but transparent and irredescent from the middle to the apex. Expansion of the wings 1 inch, length of the body 3$ lines. Inhabits gardens, and swarms in July and August. All the species of this genus are of three sorts — males, females and neuters. The neuters alone la- bour : they form the ant-hill, bring in the provisions, feed the young, bring them to the air during the day, cari7 them back at night, defend them against attacks, &e. The females are retained merely for laying eggs, and, as soon as that is accomplished, they are discarded. The males and females perish with the first cold ; the neuters remain torpid in their nest. 23-5 51 samouelle's We copy from Mr. Kirby the following interesting account of which we were a witness on the 24th of last July. *'In the warm days that occur from the end of July to the beginning of September, and sometimes later, the habitations of the various species of ants may be seen to swarm with winged insects, which are the males and females, preparing to quit for ever the scene of their nativity and education. Every thing is in motion ; and the silver wings contrasted with the jet bodies which compose the animated mass, add a degree of splendour to the interesting scene. The bustle increases, till at length the males rise, as it were by a general impulse, into the air, and the females accompany them. The whole swarm alternately rises and falls, with a slow movement, to the height of about ten feet ; the males flying obliquely with a rapid zigzag motion, and the fe- males, though they follow the general movement of the column, appearing suspended in the air, like balloons, seemingly with no individual motion, and having their heads turned towards the wind. *' Sometimes the swarms of a whole district unite their infinite myriads, and, seen at a distance, pro- duce an effect resembling the flashing of an aurora borealis. Rising \vith incredible velocity in distinct columns, they soar above the clouds. Each column looks like a kind of slender net- work, and has a tremulous undulating motion, which has been ob- served to be produced by the regular alternate rising and falling just alluded to. The noise emitted by myriads and myriads of these creatures does not ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. exceed the hum of a single wasp. The slightest zephyr disperses them ; and if in their progress they chance to be over your head, if you walk slowly on, they will accompany you and regulate their motion by yours. The females continue sailing majestically in the centre of these numberless males, who are all candidates for their favour, each till some for- tunate lover darts upon her, and, as the Roman youth did by the Sabine virgins, drags his bride from the sportive crowd, and the nuptials are consum- mated in mid-air; though sometimes the union takes place on the summit of plants, but rarely in the nests." Of the astonishing numbers that occasionally swarm, the following extract from a letter of Dr. Bromley to Mr. Mac Leay will be interesting. "In September 1814, being on the deck of the hulk to the Clorinde, my attention was drawn to the water by the first Lieutenant (now Captain Haver- field) observing there was something black floating down with the tide. On looking with a glass, I dis- covered they were insects. The boat was sent, and brought a bucket full of them on board ; — they proved to be a large species of ant, and extended from the upper part of Saltpan Reach out towards the Great Nore, a distance of five or six miles. The column appeared to be in breadth eight or ten feet and in height about six inches, which I suppose must have been from their resting one upon another." SAMOUELLE*S ■J3 —f Huh fished bv O. SamajulU. Uec'/'i ,1833 ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. VESPA VULGARIS. Authors. Common wasp. Black : head black, front between the eyes yellow : clypaeus and jaws of the same colour : antennae black : eyes large brown aud kidney-shaped ; stem- mata three : thorax black, with two yellow streaks from the neck to the wings : wings yellow : body yellow, with the base of each ring black, and with two black spots on each yellow band : legs yellow. Length of the body 8 lines, expansion of the wings 15 lines. Inhabits trees, and sometimes builds in the earth, especially in chalky places. **The economy of a nest of wasps differs from that of bees, in that the eggs are laid not] by a single mother or queen, but by several ; and that these mothers take the same care as the workers in feed- ing the young grubs : indeed those first hatched are fed entirely by the female which produced them, the solitary founder of the colony. The sole sunivor probably of a last year's swarm of many thousands, this female, as soon as revived by the warmth of spring, proceeds to construct a few cells, and de- posits in them the eggs of working wasps. The eggs are covered with a gluten, which fixes them so strongly against the sides of the cells, that it is not easy to separate them unbroken. These eggs seem to require care from the time they are laid, for the wasps many times in a day put their heads into the 23-6 52 samouellb's cells which contain them. When they are hatched, it is amusing to witness the activity with which the female runs from cell to cell, putting her head into those in which the grubs are very young, while those which are more advanced in age thrust their heads out of their cells, and by little movements seem to be asking for their food. As soon as they receive their portion, they draw them back and remain quiet. These she feeds until they become pupae ; and within twelve hours after being excluded in their perfect state, they eagerly set to work in construct- ing fresh cells, and in lightening the burthen of their parent by assisting her in feeding the grubs of other workers and females which are by this time born. In a few weeks the society will have received an accession of several hundred workers and many females, which without distinction apply themselves to provide food for the growing grubs, now become exceedingly numerous. With this object in view, as they collect little or no honey from flowers, they are constantly engaged in predatoi7 expeditions. One party will attack a hive of bees, a grocer's sugar hogshead, or other saccharine repository ; or, if these fail, the juice of a ripe peach or pear. You will be less indignant than formerly at these auda- cious robbers now you know that self is little consi- dered in their attacks, and that your ravaged fruit has supplied an exquisite banquet to the most tender grubs of the nest, into whose extended moutl is the successful marauders, running with astonishing agi- lity from one cell to another, disgorge successively a small portion of their booty in the same way that 24--J RiiUshtd ly L'.Su.tlU.Feh}! J.JS34. ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. ORYSSUS CORONATUS. Fabricim. Black sliagreencd -. head orbicular, with a crowii' of tubercle on the top: ei/es fuscous, with a white line on cacli side the face, more remote before than behind : ocelli three placed in a triangle : antenncB tiliform : abdomen smooth and rufous, except the two basal joints, sessile, nearly cylindric and slightly clavate, conical at the apex : ovipositor concealed in a groove beneath -. wings rather short, the upper with one long marginal and three imperfect submar- ginal cells, with a fuscous band towards the apex ; legs rather small, the anterior stout, outside the tibae white ; tarsi and inside of the posterior tiba? subfeniginous. Expansion of the wings 10 lines ; length of the body 7 lines. Inhabits sandy places. Two specimens of this very rare and interesting insect are preserved in the indigenous collection in the British Museum : the male is smaller than tl)e female, and was taken in Devonshire by Dr. Leach ; he was also so fortunate, as to take the female in Darent Wood, in the month of July. Latreille says, these insects are lively and restless : they repose in preference upon old trees, exposed to tlie sun. They run over a portion of their height 24-4 SAMOUELLE S with rapidity in a straight line, taking, when they are alarmed, a lateral or retrogade direction. Scopoli found them upon fir trees, and Latreille upon old hornbeams, in the spring. 24- -J AJrlijh^d by v . J.vru iiMU ,1-tb^J J334 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. FCENUS JACULATOR. Linn. Black, slightly glossy : head orbicular, attached by an elongated neck, thickly and minutely punctured : eyes oval and placed on the sides of tlie head : an- tenncB inserted below the middle of the face, black and filiform : ocelli three in the form of a triangle : thorax narrow and compressed and much elevated in the centre : abdomen compressed, very long and narrow, clavate, slightly arched, and very slender at the base, with the second, third and fourth joints reddish yellow : ovipositor the length of the whole insect : wings short, marginal cells large, and two large submarginal cells — the lower wings with a few fine nervures : legSy the four anterior short, the hinder long ; the tib(S clavate, with a minute spine : tarsi all five jointed. Expansion of the wings 6§ lines ; length of the body 7 lines. Inhabits sandy places in June. Latreille observes, the insects of this genus live upon flowers, and often elevate their abdomens in a state of repose : during the night, or when bad weather prevents them from flying, they fix them- selves by their mandibles to the stalks of different plants, and are then almost in a perpendicular po- sition. They are often met with in dry and sandy districts, flying with solitary bees aud spheges, in 24-5 samouelle's order to discover their nests and take ))ossession ot them, or to deposit their eggs hy the side of those of the above insects, or upon larvao, which become their prey. The larvae undergo the metamorphoses in the same nest. samocelle's the windows and are easily collected. They form most beautiful objects for the microscope, more es- pecially the wings and the antennae, which are truly wonderful, from their elegant variety and structure. Mr. F. Walker has furnished the Entomological Magazine witli many valuable and interesting papers, as Monographs on this family of insects. 25-1 Riiiished ij, C-.Jamozi^lU.Jpril 7. /g34. KNTOMOLOGICAL CADINBT. CYCHRUS. Fabricius. Family CARABIDM. Mac Leay. Generic Character. AntenncB setaceous, first joint stout, second and fourtli shortest : external palpi elongated, the first joint minute, second long and clavate, third half the length of the second, fourth dilated, compressed, triangular and concave ; internal with the last joint somewhat oval ; labial with the last joint likewise spoon-shaped, the penul- timate long and spinose ; mandibles narrow exerted, and having two teeth a little below the apex : thorax much narrower than the elytra, the hinder angles not projecting ; elytra oval, the sides deflexed and embracing the abdomen : wings wanting : anterior tarsi simple in both sexes. Sp. 1. Cy. rostratm. — Black, the upper surface granulated ; head narrow and elongate, the elytra carinated on both sides. Tenebrio rostratus. Linne. Carabus rostratus. Marsham. Cychrus rostratus. Leach. Sam. Curtis. Stephens. Length from 8 to 10 lines. Head long and narrow, somewhat rugosely punc- tate, with an elevated line over the base of the an- tennae ; labrum long, smooth and bifid ; mandibles ferruginous ; the first four joints of the antennae black and shining, the remainder pubescent : thorax small, somewhat rounded on the sides and behind, 2.S-1 56 samouelle's where the margin is considerably elevated, the sur- face rugosely punctate, marked with a slender dorsal line, and a transverse impression near the base : elytra ovate, much widened in the middle, very convex, granulated, with a few tubercular elevations along the outer margin, which has a smooth elevated line, and a broad granulated portion beneath it, bent inwards and embracing the abdomen ; the latter black and shining : legs long and black. The larva of this insect is yet unknown, we sus- pect that they feed in the stumps of decayed trees, as we once observed a considerable quantity of the elytra that had been rejected from the stomach of a bird, which had no doubt met with the brood ; this was many years since in a Wood at Bexley, in Kent. The perfect insects are generally met with in the months of May and August in plantations, and will occasionally be found crawling slowly along and sometimes secreted under moss, dry leaves, and un- der the trunks of decayed trees lying on the ground, and loose bark. We have also found them at Coombe Wood, in Surrey, and on Plumstead Heath, in Kent. Two other species have crept into our lists of British Insects, but we believe that as yet no ca- binet possesses them : the C. elongatus is very near to rostratuSy and may possibly be only a variety ; but the attennatuSf should it be found, is readily dis- tinguished by the bright red colour of the tibiae. 23 JPubUsTied. by S. SamouMe^pril 2. J834 ESroMOLOGICAL CABINET. Genus CALOSOAIA. Fabricius. Family CARABID^. Mac Leay. Generic Character. Lahrum deeply emargi- nate : mandibles arcuate, with a tooth at their base : majcillcB increased towards the tip : palpi with the basal joint minute, second elongate clavate, third and fourth equal, the latter subsecuriform truncate : labial palpi with the two basal joints short, third elongate, fourth securiform, truncate : labium short, broad, the upper margin setose, acuminated : men- rurc sublinear, rounded laterally, unidentate in the middle : antenncB linear, second joint shortest, third longest, compressed : thorax transverse suborbicu- late : abdomen subquadrate, convex : wings two, anterior tarsi of the males dilated. Sp. 1 . Cal. inquisitor. Coppery or brassy bronzed black : elytra margined with green, striated and reticulated : abdomen shining green : antennae and feet bbck. (25. 1. A.) Carabus inquisitor. Linne. Calosoma inquisitor. Fabricius. Leach. Sam. Curtis. Stephens. Length from 8 to 10 lines. Head, thorax and elytra deep coppery or bronzed black, the latter with a green margin, and about sixteen reticulated striae, each elytron having three rows of deep impressions placed between the fourth, eighth and twelfth striae from the suture : the body beneath shining green, glossed with violet : legs and 25-2 SAMOUELLE S antennae black : thorax finely punctured with a deep impression near the posterior angles. Inhabits the oak and whitethorn the end of May and beginning of June, feeding on the larvae of Lepi- dopterous insects. This rare and interesting species we have met with early in the morning on the oaks in Epping Forest, it has likewise been found at Nor- wood; and at Windsor by Mr. Griesbach. Sp. 2. Cal. Sycophanta. Violet black, antennae and feet black, elytra bright green and coppery, stri- ated and punctured, (25. 2. B.) Carabus Sycophanta. Linne. Cal. Sycophanta. Fabr. Leach. Kirhy. Sam. Curtis. Stephens. Length from 10 to 14 lines. Head and thorax deep blue black, the margin of the latter greenish : elytra brilliant golden green, externally glossed with bright copper, the margins bluish, finely punctate-striated, each elytron with three rows of impressed dots placed between the fourth, eighth and twelfth striae from the suture : legs and antennae black : abdomen a deep blue black. Mr. Curtis observes, " I have always suspected that this beautiful insect, like Papilio Podalirius, t^anessa Antiope, Melolontha Fullo and many others, is only an occasional visitor of our island, for it has always been captured upon or near the sea coast, and I believe invariably in an exhausted state. The one found in Norwich, in June, was the furthest from the sea of any I liave heard of, and there the distance is inconsiderable : I saw this specimen soon after it was taken, it was then quite dead though not stiff. Last year (1829) a considerable number were ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. found along the coast of Norfolk, Suffolk and Sus- sex : Mr. Hewitson obtained some from Lowestoft ; Mr. Waller Clifton picked up a fine specimen floating off Hastings; another was brought to Yarmouth, found thirty miles from the shore ; and Mr. Spar- shall writes me word that some were found in the wash of the sea, near that town, and several were taken on the shore feeding on putrid fish. It has also been met with at Aldborough and Southwold, in Suffolk, and at Dartmouth^ in Devon." SAMOUELLE*!s m 2j-3 PuHLskai. by u^Ue. JuU/ J, li3^ . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. LIMENITIS. Fahricivs. Family NYMPH ALIDM. Swainson. Generic Character. Palpi longer than the head, not contiguous, clothed with scales and slight- ly hairy ; three-jointed, basal joint small oval ; se- cond long, cylindric, slightly bent ; third longer than the basal, elongate ovate : antenncB long, gradually clubbed; club slender, round, obconic: idngs some- what triangular, the hinder slightly scolloped : eyes pubescent : anterior legs short in both sexes, slen- der, with a minute claw ; posterior long with double claws. Caterpillar elongate, with obtuse spines on the back, and bundles of hair on the sides. Chrysalis subangular, gibbous beneath, head case beaked, suspended fi-om the tail. JVhite Admiral Butterfly. Sp. 1. Lim. Camilla. Wings above brownish black, indented with a central whitish band, between which and the base is an ashy crescent of obscure black marginal spots ; beneath, the central areolet is inscribed with zigzag black markings, the lower wings like the upper. Expansion of the wings 2 inches to 2 inches 6 lines. Inhabits woods in July. Mr. Haworth in bis Lepidoptera Britannica, a work that is now become very rare, observes, "The 26-4 samouelle's graceful elegance displayed by this charming species, when sailing on the wing, is greater perhaps than can be found in any other we have in Britain. There was an old Aurelian of London, so highly delighted at the inimitable flight of Camilla, that long after he was able to pursue her, he used to go to the woods, and sit down on a stile, for the sole purpose of feasting his eyes with her fascinating evolutions." This species was plentiful in the year 1812, at Bedstile Wood, near Finchley ; and the last speci- men we ever saw on the wing was at Coombe Wood, Surrey, in the year 1813, since which period it has not appeared near London. 26-5. J%b2ir7ud ij, &.Sa7ru>iieile.Jub/ 2,J834 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. SATURNIA. Schrank. Family BOMBYCIDjE. Stephens. Head small, scarcely visible from above : antenncB short of the male, strongly bipectinated, the pecti- uations divergent and diminishing in length to the end of the antennae, each joint of which bears two ramifications fringed externally and internally ; fe- male with each joint bidentate, and each tooth ter- minated by two setae or short spines : thorax short, broad, and densely covered with long fine down or soft hair : abdomen short in the males ; in the females broad, stout and slightly tufted at the apex : wings broad, horizontally expanded during repose, fringe very short : larvce naked, with a coloured ring on each segment, with several pencils of hair placed upon distinct tubercles : pupa enclosed in a strong, hard, and coarse pear-shaped coccoon. Sip.l. Sat.Pavoniaminor. Leach. Emperor Moth. Antennae yellowish brown : the male with the thorax and abdomen tawny, the former with a broad white band on the anterior part : upper wings co- vered with variegated scales and whitish streaks ; the first oblique, abbreviated, purplish and edged with black ; the second, beyond the middle, undu- lating ; the third, or outer, on the hinder margin, whitish ; the extremity dusky ; bet«veen the two an- terior streaks is an elongate whitish patch, in which is a nictitating ocellus, or half-closed eyelet, and a black pupil with a whitish iris, apex of the wings with one or two black, white, and reddish spots : posterior wings reddish tawny, w'ith a half-closed ocellus as in the upper, a greyish band and the hinder margin purplish : females largest and paler. 26-5 60 SAMOUELLE S Expansion of the wings in the males ^ 2 inches 6 to 10 lines ; female $ 2 inches 6 lines to 3 inches. The caterpillars of this fine species when young are black, and afterwards in the changes of their skin be- come of a beautiful green, annulated with black, and pencils of hair on the red and yellow warts which ornament the black bands. They feed on the alder, oak, &c. In Autumn change to the pupae state; after remaining the winter, the perfect insect appears in the month of April. Pavonia minor is the only species of Saturnia found in this country : the males are very active ; the females sluggish, and like the rest of this genus of insects produce an immense quantity of eggs. The strongly pectinated antennae in the males, greatly as- sist them in detecting the latter ; and, as a curious instance of the distance which the males will fly in pursuit of the females, we quote from Dr. Roxburgh's description of the Tussek and Arrindy silk-worms of Bengal, published in the 7th volume of the Transac- tions of the Linnaen Society. '* The accounts given by the natives of the distance to which the male insects fly, are very astonishing. I have put, at different times and occasions, innumerable questions to them on this subject, and they assure me that it is no uncommon practice amongst them to catch some of the male moths, and put a mark on their wings previous to letting them fly. The marks of different districts be- ing known, I am told that it has been ascertained that male moths have come from a distance equal to a hundred miles and upwards. I of course cannot vouch for the truth of this, but have no hesitation in declaring that I believe it." yo 26-6. JiidlisTud bi/ o-. SamciteUe .July JM34 . ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET. •-^LEDRA. Fabr. Leach. Family CERCOPIDM. Leach. Antennce setaceous, three-jointed, inserted be- neath in the frontlet before the eyes ; the two first joints of a neaily equal length ; the third elongate, conic : head broad, flat, and nearly semi-circular : eyes large, globose and prominent : ocelli two : tho- rax convex and dilated behind on each side, into two compressed horns or ear -like processes : scutel- lum large, rounded in front, angulated behind with an inflated point : elytra meeting in a straight suture down the back, semi-transparent, reticulated and covering the abdomen : legs of moderate length and much compressed. ^^^Sp. 1. L. aurita^ of a brownish olive green, deep- ly punctured and variegated with minute reddish spots. 1^0 Cicada aurita. Linne. Length B to 9 lines. Inhabits oak trees in the months of August, and September. Of this genus only one species has yet been ob- served in this country. The pupa is active, it has a scaly appearance, and resembles the perfect insect, but is destitute of wings ; in this state we have taken it from the oak in the month of August, when in the entomologist's net it lies close, and looks like a piece of the rind of a tree. They are not common. 26-6 SAMOUELLE S The female is furnished with a long and strong ovi- positor, which, in a state of rest, is contained in a fissure of the last joint of the abdomen. The eggs are probably deposited beneath the cuticle of the leaves of plants.