5 V % i % •' ST * • S>*-v » > — ' <_: LIBRARY OF I885- IQ56 ISrtKJWl Nils ^ ! LIST SPECIMENS HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION i BRITISH MUSEUM. BV J FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S., &c SUPPLEMENT. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1858. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWAED NEWMAN, 9, Devonshire Street, Eishopsgate. INTRODUCTION The object of the present Supplementary Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Homopterous Insects contained in the collection of the British Museum, received since the printing of the former Catalogue, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variation of character, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. "With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters a, b, c, &c, following the name of the species and its synonymes, and a description is given, if it appears to have been before undescribed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum. , March, 1858. LIST OF I SKS HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. SUPPLEMENT. Order I. CICADINA. Fam. 1. STRIDULANTIA. In the ' List of Homoptera,' the Dames of the areolets and veins of the fore wing of the Stridulantia were accidentally omitted in the description of the Plates, and are therefore here inserted, in order that the following descriptions may appear more clear. Part 4, pi. 2, l. r Primitive areolet. 12. 2. Front areolet. 13. 3. First discoidal areolet. 14. 4. Second discoidal areolet. 15. 5. Third discoidal areolet. 16. 6. Fourth discoidal areolet. a. 7. Fifth discoidal areolet. b. 8. Sixth discoidal areolet. c. 9. First marginal areolet. d. 10. Second marginal areolet. e. 1 1. Third marginal areolet. fig. I. Fourth marginal areolet. Fifth marginal areolet. Sixth marginal areolet. Seventh marginal areolet. Eighth marginal areolet. First transverse vein. Second transverse vein. Third transverse vein. Fourth transverse vein. Fifth transverse vein. B I «. LIST OF HOMOPTEROLS INSECTS. L Genus PLATYPLEURA, Cat. Horn. 2. Platypleura pexicjllata. gra, caput fulvo trifasciatum ; prothorax lifuris mar- ue fid vis; mesothorax lineis quatuor arcuatis fulvis ; minis segmenta testaceo marginata ; opcrcvJa testaeea ; a testacei,nigro strigati ; alee antica albidce strigis pluri- misramosis nigris, venis transversis \a et2a nigra marginatis ; postica nigricantes, fascia interrvpta testaeea, linea transversa nigricante, apice lactece. Male. Black, with whitish tomentum beneath. Head with three irregular tawny bands, the first and the third interrupted. Prothorax with several tawny marks, and with a tawnv border which is edged with black on each sirfel Mesothorax with four tawnv loops, the middle pair short ; hind ridges tawny, with three black marks. Abdominal segments with testaceous hind borders. Oper- cula testaceous. Legs testaceous, with black streaks. Fore wings whitish, with a ramose black streak on each areolet; primitive areo- let black; veins tawny, black towards the tips; first and second transverse veins bordered with black. Hind wings blackish ; api- cal part milk-white, divided by a blackish line from a whitish tes- taceous band, which is narrower and interrupted hindward. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 32 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Bartlett's collection. Genus ZAMMARA, Cat. Horn. 33. Mexico. Zammaea imbellis. Viridis (mas) aut testaeea (fern.); caput nigra bifasciatum ; prothorax vitla strigisque qnatvor nigris. laterrbus parum dilatatis nigro marginatis ; mesothorax rittis qvatuor obconi- cis, strigis duabus gvttisqve dvabvs nigris : abdomen fasciis interrupts nigris ; pedes ex parte nigri ; alee vitrece ; antica maculis plurimis fuscis ; posticce vena \a transversa margine- que exteriore fusco nebulosis. Green (male) or testaceous (female). Head with two black hands, which emit several streaks. Prothorax with a black middle stripe, and with two black streaks on each side ; sutures also black ; LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 3 ides bordered with black, less dilated than in most species <*f ihis jenus, and forming an obtuse angle. Mesothorax with fou$ short >bconical black stripes, the middle pair longer than the outer pair, md having behind them two somewhat triangular black streaks, which are succeeded by two black dots. Abdomeu with a flblack interrupted band on the fore border of each segment. Legs partly black. Wings vitreous ; veins pale green, black towards the tips. Fore wings with an oblong brown spot on each transverse vein, on each marginal vein, and on each transverse marginal veinlet ; first and second transverse veinlets oblique, parted from each other by much more than the length of the first, which is much longer than the second. Hind win^s with the first transverse vein and the ex- terior border clouded with brown. Length of the body 11 — 12 lines ; of the wings 36 — 40 Hues. a, b. Mexico. From Mr. Cuming's collection. West Indies. j Zammara vacillans. Foem. Testaceo-viridis ; caput striga arcuata lineaque antica nigris ; prolhorax tinea mar ginali vittaque nigris ; mesothorax vittis quatuor latis lituraque postica transversa anyulata nigris ; abdomen rufescente-fulvum, vitta lata, strigisque dun- bus apicalibus nigris, subtus testaceum ; alee vitrea, venis viridibus apice nigris ; antica strigis submarginalibus fuscis, venis transversis fusco nebulosis ; postica venulis transversis marginalibus fusco subnebulosis . Female. Testaceous-green. Head with a curved black streak on the vertex, and with a black line in front. Prothorax with a slight black marginal line, and with a black stripe; sutures blackish. Mesothorax with four broad black stripes; the middle pair shortened hindward, and succeeded by an angular transverse black mark ; outer pair excavated. Abdomen reddish tawny, with an irregular broad blackish stripe, and with two black apical streaks ; under side testaceous. Wings vitreous ; veins green, black towards the tips. Fore wings with the marginal areolets slightly streaked with brown ; a brown streak on each marginal vein ; 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th trausverse veins clouded with brown ; 1st much shorter and less oblique than the 2nd, from which it is parted by more than thrice its length ; 3rd and 4th slightly curved. Hind wings slightly tinged with brown along the trans- B2 4 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. verse marginal veinlets. Length of the body 11 lines ; of the wings 30 lines. «, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. i South America. J Zammara nigriplaga. Mas. Picea, subtus testacea aut viridis ; caput lituris quatuor anticis margineque testaceis ; prothorax lituris duabus obli- quis anticis testaceis unaque postica viridi, hujus disco nigro, margine viridi ; mesothorax vittis quatuor testaceo-viridibus ; abdomen maculis duabus testaceo-viridibus, marginibus posti- cis operculisque viridibus ; alee vitrece maculis strigisque plurimis nigro-fuscis. Male. Piceous, testaceous or green beneath. Head with a testaceous border, and with four testaceous marks in front of the ocelli. Prothorax with two oblique testaceous marks in front, and with a transverse green hindward mark, which has a black disk ; border green, with a black mark in the middle ; sides mode- rately dilated, forming a right angle, in front of which there is a large black spot. Mesothorax with four testaceous green stripes, the middle pair slender and interrupted ; hind ridges bright green. Abdomen slightly covered with pale yellow silky pubescence, with a testaceous-green spot on each side; hind borders of the segments and opercula green. Wings vitreous ; veins mostly black. Fore wings with a lurid tinge along the interior border towards the base ; transverse veins and forks of most of the longitudinal veins broadly bordered with brown ; marginal veins with brown streaks which ex- tend to the border, and are much dilated at each end. Hind wings clouded with blackish brown on the marginal transverse veinlets at the tips and along the adjoining part of the border; transverse veins mostly clouded with blackish brown. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 42 lines. a. South America. From Mr. Purdie's collection. Zammara calochroma. Q Mas. LcPte smaragdina ; caput facie fasciaque angulata et gut- tata nigris ; prothorax vitta strigisque sex nigris ; mesothorax nigro quadrivittatus ; abdomen nigrum, basi testaceo varium, segmentis viridi marginatis, guttis ventralibus lateralibu§ albis ; aim vitrea?, fascia maculisque nigris. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Male. Very bright emerald-green. Head black in front, and with an irregular black band, which contains an oblique green streak on each side, and two intermediate green dots; some black hinder dols. Piothorax black along the fore border, with a black middle stripe, which is dilated hind ward, and with three black streaks on each side; border only slightly dilated on each side, where it forms a very obtuse angle, which is black, and has a black dot near it. Mesothorax with four black stripes, the middle pair oblanceolate, the outer pair excavated. Abdomen black, with a green band on the hind border of each segment; basal segments partly testaceous ; under side with a row of white dots on each side. Wings vitreous ; veins black, red towards the base. Fore wings with a black spot on the front areolet, and with a black obli([ue irregular band which conceals the transverse veins ; a black apical spot and a biack dot at the tip of the second marginal vein, and a black spot on the bind border; first transverse vein very ob- lique, parted by more than twice its length from the second, which is also very oblique, but not in the usual direction. Length of the body 11 lines ; of the wings 30 lines. a. Bogota. From Mr. Stevens' collection. q Genus THOPHA, Cat. Horn. 42. Thopha interclusa. Mas. Testacea, viridi varia ; caput nigro bifasciatum, facie fer- ruginea, strigis Lateralibus nigris ; prothorax strigis quatuor lateralibus ramosis vittisque duabus intermediis nigris ; meso- thorax vittis quinque gutthque duabus nigris, vitlis lateralibus obconicis ferrugineo marginatis ; abdomen nigrum, seg mentis fuh'o marginatis ; opercula dorsalia maxima, pallide viridia albo tomentosa ; ventralia parva ; alee vitrei, venis viridibus. Thopha, n. s., List Homopt. pi. 1, f. 6. Male. Testaceous, partly green. Head with two black bands ; face ferruginous, with black streaks on each side. Piothorax with two black stripes, and on each side with two ramose black streaks. Mesothorax with five black stripes ; the middle one attenuated in front, with a black spot on each side behind ; the other four obco- nical, with ferruginous borders, the inner pair short. Abdomen black; hind borders of the segments lawny. Dorsal opercula pale green, with white tomentum, very large, covering the sides of ilia abdomen ; ventral opercula small. Wings vitreous ; veins pale B 3 O LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. green, darker towards the tips. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins very oblique, almost straight, parted from each other by rather more than their joint length ; third and fourth very slightly undulating. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Genus DUNDUBIA, Cat. Horn. 47. D. chlorogaster, page 47, and the species indicated as such are distinct, and the latter may be the female of D. varians, page 48. D. Dorei, page 47, is the same as D. phceophila, page 52. D. linearis, page 48, is probably a variety of D. cinctimanus, page 49. Hindostan. DlJNDUBIA SATURATA. Mas et ftem. Ferrugineo-fulva ; caput fasciis duabus interruptis nigris ; prothorax vittis octo nigris ; mesothorax linea,vittis guatuor maculisque duabus nigris; abdomen lateribus basi albido tomentosis ; ala? subtestacece, basi ferrugineo-fulva ; anticce venis marginalibus apice fusco strigatis, venis transver- sis fusco nebulosis. Mas. — Opercula fulva, acuminata, ab- dominis bis triente non breviora. Male and female. Ferruginous-tawny. Head with two inter- rupted black bands. Prothorax with eight irregular black stripes ; the middle pair curved and dilated hindward. Mesothorax with a black line, and with four broader black stripes, which are more or less excavated ; the inner pair shorter than the outer pair, and joining the line ; the outer pair joining two black hind spots. Abdomen with whitish tomentum on each side towards the base. Wings with a slight testaceous tinge, ferruginous-tawny at the base ; veins tawny, partly black. Fore wings with a brown streak at the tip of each of the marginal veins; transverse veins clouded with brown ; first transverse vein longer and more oblique than the second, from which it is parted by more than twice its length. Male. — Opercula tawny, about two-thirds of the length of the abdo- men, much acuminated towards the tips. Length of the body 18 — 19 lines ; of the wings 50—54 lines. a. North India (Sikkim Himalaya). From Dr. Hooker's collection. LIST OF HOMOPXEROUS INSECTS. ft DlJNDUBlA SIN'GULARIS. Mas. Testaeea, gracilis, ex parte viridis ; caput guttis duabus anticis lateralibus nigris ; prothorax guttis duabus posticis nigris ; mesotkorax vittis duabus ubliquis viridibus ; abdomen e maculis trigonis fuscis quadrivittatum ; opercula parva ; alee vitrea, strigis marginalibus testaceis ; antica? angusta?, venis transversis venarumque furcis testaceo nebulosis, strigis guttisque submarginalibus testaceis. Male. Testaceous, slender, partly green, very pale beneath. Head black between the ocelli, and with a black dot on each side in front. Prothorax with two black dots by the border, which is nar- row behind, but much dilated on the hind part of each side; the latter is notched in the middle. Mesothorax with an oblique green stripe on each side. Abdomen with four rows of triangular brown spots. Opercula small. Wings vitreous, with testaceous streaks between the transverse marginal veinlets and the border; veins green or testaceous. Fore wings narrow, with the transverse veins and the forks of the longitudinal veins clouded with testa- ceous ; a testaceous spot at the tip of each marginal vein commu- nicating with a slight testaceous streak on each marginal areolet ; a testaceous dot on the hind side of the third discoidal areolet, with distinct indications of two transverse veins, the one joining the fifth transverse vein, the other ending on the front areolet near the base of the second discoidal areolet; a few minute testaceous dots on some of the marginal and discoidal veins ; first transverse vein straight, very oblique, but not in the usual direction, parted by much mure than its length from the second, which is much curved and almost upright ; third and fourth oblique, slightly curved ; third a little shorter than the fourth. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 30 lines. a. Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Ceylon. Vj DONDUBIA LARUS. Foem. Testaeea ; caput nigro bifasciatum ; prothorax tubercu- latus, vittis duabus connexis, strigis quatuor, fascia postica mar gi nib usque lateralibus nigris; mesothorax nigro quinque vittatus ; abdomen ferrugineuin, subtomenlnsum ; ala vitrei ; antica? longce, angusta, acuminata, venis la et 2a transversis subrectis subobliquis. £ LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. Female. Testaceous. Head with two irregular black bands. Prothorax somewhat tuberculate, with two black stripes, which slightly approach each other in the middle, and are connected at each end ; two black streaks on each side; border with a black stripe ; its sides partly edged with black, with a short spine on each in front. Mesothorax with five black stripes; the middle one attenuated in front; the inner pair interrupted; the outer pair abbreviated at each end. Abdomen ferruginous, slightly covered with pale silky tomentum. Wings vitreous ; veins ferruginous, black towards the tips. Fore wings long, narrow, acuminated ; first and second transverse veins nearly straight, slightly oblique, parted from each other by more than twice the length of the first, which is longer than the second ; third oblique, undulating, longer than the second, which is slightly curved and nearly upright. Length of the body 14 lines; of ibe wings 48 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. Celebes. T\DUNDUBIA IXSULARIS. Mas. Testacea ; caput nigro fasciatum ; prothorax vittis duabus strigisque sex nigris ; mesothorax vitta, strigis quatuor guttis- que duabus nigris ; abdomen lituris transversis anticis guttis- que later alibus nigris; aloe vitrece ; anticce venis \a et 2a transversis obliquis nigro nebulosis. Male. Testaceous. Head with black transverse streaks on each side of the face, and with a black band on the vertex. Pro- thorax with two black stripes which are dilated in front and behind, and with six black lateral streaks ; sides edged with black, denticu- late in the middle. Mesothorax with a black stripe, which is widened hindward, and accompanied by a black dot on each side ; four lateral streaks, the inner pair short. Abdomen with black transverse marks near the base, and with a row of black dots on each side. Wings vitreous ; veins tesiaceous, black towards the tips. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins ob- lique, shaded with black, parted from each other by a little more than their joint length; third and fourth very oblique, of equal length. Length of the body 1 1 lines ; of the wings 28 lines. a. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. (J DUNDUBIA MACULOSA. Mas. Testacea ; caput fasciis duabus, postica guttata, nigris ; protlwrax vittis duabus strigisque quatuor nigris, margine ex parte viridi ; mesothorax vitta, strigis sex maculisque duabus nigris; abdomen maculis lateralibus fasciisque nigris ; oper- cuta abdomine vix breviora, postice viridia ; ala? vitrece, venis testaceis apice nigris; antica? venis la et 2a transversis obli- quis nigra nebulnsis. Male. Testaceous. Head with two black bands, the hinder one containing four testaceous dots. Prothorax with two black stripes, which are curved hindward; two black lateral streaks ; bor- der partly green, edged with black on each side, which is denticu- late. Mesothorax with a black stripe, which has a black spot on each side hindward ; three black streaks on each side in front, the inner pair obclavate, the middle pair short, the outer pair augulose. Abdomen with short black dorsal bands, and with a row of black spots along each side. Opercula green hindward, extending to five- sixths of the length of the abdomen. Wings vitreous ; veins testa- ceous, black towards the tips. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins oblique, clouded with black, parted from each other by much more than their joint length ; first much less oblique than the second ; third and fourth oblique, hardly curved. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. a. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pieiffer's collection. Ceram. ^ DUNDUBIA BICAUDATA. Mas. Testacea ; caput fascia interrupts nigra ; prothorax vittis duabus strigisque sex nigris ; mesothorax vittis quatuor inter- ruptis unaque integra nigris ; abdomen comubus duobus api- calibus ; ala vilrea, venis testaceis nigra varius ; anticce venis la 2aque transversis obliquis fusco subnebulasis. Male. Testaceous. Head with a black interrupted band on the vertex, and with black streaks on each side of the face. Pro- thorax with two black stripes, which diverge in front, and are curved hindward; three black streaks on each side; border very slightly denticulated on each side. Mesothorax with five black stripes; the two pairs interrupted, the exterior pair irregular. Abdomen with 10 LIST OF HOMOI'TEROUS INSECTS. two short apical horns. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous, partly black. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins ob- lique, slightly clouded with brown, parted by much more than their joint length ; first less oblique than the second; third and fourth slightly curved; a brown spot near the tip of each marginal vein. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 38 lines. a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. Feejee Islands. ^ DrjNDUBIA DISTANS. Mas. Viridis ; caput antice nigro fasciatum ; pro thorax guttis quatuor lateralibus fuscis testaceo marginaiis, macula testacea gutlisque duabus nigris posticis ; mesothorax viltis quatuor obconicis incompletes, exterioribus viridi ramosis, plaga pos- tica fusca ; abdomen testaceum, fasciis duabus macularibus apiceque nigris ; opercula viridia, luteo marginata, abdominis dimidio non breviora ; alee vitrea, venis nigris basi t.estaceis ; anlicce areolis marginalibus subobsolete strigatis, venis \a 2aque transversis obliquis vix arcuatis. Male. Green. Head black about the ocelli, and with a black band in front. Prothorax with two brown testaceous-bordered dots on each side, and with a testaceous hindward spot, which is accom- panied by two black dots ; border narrow, much dilated on each side, not dentated. Mesothorax with indications of the four usual obcouical stripes ; a large brown patch behind the interior pair, which are only represented by their exterior border ; exterior pair much divided by green ramifications. Abdomen testaceous, with two black macular bands; the two last segments black above. Opercula green, with luteous borders, extending to half the length of the abdomen, somewhat dilated towards the tips, which are rounded. Wings vitreous ; veins black, testaceous towards the base. Fore wings with almost obsolete streaks on the marginal areolets ; first and second transverse veins oblique, hardly curved ; first shorter than the second, from which it is parted by more than thrice its length ; third almost straight, more oblique than the fourth, which is curved. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. a. Ovalau, Feejee Islands. From Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 11 T) DUNDUBIA SUBFASCIA. Mas. Testacea ; caput fascia arcuata nigra ; prothorax vitta strigisque lateralibus obscurioribus nonnunquam obsolelis ; abdomen lineis quatuor nonnunquam obsoletis nigris ; abdo- men guttis duabus aut quatuor basalibus fasciaque postica in- terrupta duplicata nigris ; opercufa abdominis triente non brexiora ; alai vitrea, venis testaceis apice nigris ; antica? an- gusla acuminata. Male. Testaceous. Head black about the ocelli, and with a curved black band in front. Prothorax with the middle stripe and the oblique lateral streaks somewhat darker, hut occasionally obso- lete; a black dot on the middle of the border. Mesothorax with four black slender lines, which are occasionally obsolete, or are accompanied by indications of the usual obconical stripes. Abdo- men with two or four black dots near the base, and with a double interrupted black baud beyond the middle. Dorsal opercula coni- cal, with a green spot on each ; ventral segments extending to two- thirds of the length of the abdomen, not attenuated, sometimes partly green. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous, black towards the tips. Fore winys narrow, acuminated ; first and second transverse veins oblique, very slightly curved, parted from each other by about thrice the length of each ; third and fourth almost straight. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 38 lines. a. Feejee Islands. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. Feejee Islands. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. Voyage of H. M.S. Herald. c. d . Isle Ovalau. Voyage of H.M.S. Herald. Presented by Sir John Liddell. New Hebrides. ADlJNDUBIA PCECILOCHLOBA. Mas et foem. Pallide viridis, testaceo subvaria ; vertex lituris tribus nigris; prothorax vittis duabus postice conjunctis nigris; mesothorax vittis quinque guttisque duabus posticis nigris, vittis exterioribus incompletis interruptis ; abdomen testaceum, fasciis incompletis fuscescenlibus, basi viride ; alee vitrea?, ve?iis viridibus apice nigris, stigmate albo, venis \a laque transversis obliquis nigro nebulosis. Mas. — Opercula dorsalvi magna, cornea ; ventralia longiconica, abdominis bis- triente longiura. Foem. — Abdomen apice compressum. 12 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. Male and female. Bright pale green, here and there slightly- testaceous. Head with the usual black streaks on each side in front ; vertex with three Mack marks. Prothorax with two black stripes, which form a circle hindward. Mesothorax with five black stripes ; the outer pair very incomplete and widely interrupted ; two black dots hindward. Abdomen testaceous, with incomplete brownish bands, green at the base. Wings vitreous ; veins pale green, black towards the tips ; costa bright green ; stigma white ; first and second transverse veins oblique, clouded with black ; first parted from the second by about thrice its length ; third and fourth nearly straight. Male. — Dorsal opercula large, conical ; ventral opercula elongate-conical, full two-thirds of the length of the abdomen. Female. — Abdomen compressed at the tips. Length of the body 10 — 11 lines ; of the wings 28 — 30 lines. a. New Hebrides. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b, c. Aneiteum, New Hebrides. Presented by the Admiralty. d, e. ? Presented by Sir John Liddell. Oceania. , venis testaceis basi nigro mavginatis ; anticce venis nonnisi apices versus nigro mavginatis, transversis nigro lute mavginatis, maculis submargiualibus nigris. Fawn-colour. Head with a darker stripe. Prothorax with a testaceous stripe, which is bordered with black on each side ; sides c 3 18 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. excavated, denticulated in front. Mesothorax with three testaceous stripes ; hind ridges also testaceous. Abdomen with a white pubescent spot on each side. Wings white, stout, rugulose; veins testaceous, bordered with black at the base. Fore wings more slightly bordered with black from the base to the transverse veins, which, like the veins between them, are deeply bordered with black ; a large black spot on the tip of each marginal vein. Length of the body 10 — 11 lines ; of the wings 24 — 26 lines. a, b. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collecion. Country unknown. Q> FlDICINA DlOMEDEA. Foem. Obscure fulva, latissima, subtus ex parte teslacea ; caput nigro bifasciatum ; prothorax vitta testacea, margine viridi ; mesothorax vittis quatuor maculisque duabus nigris ; abdomen nigro -piceura ; alee vitrece, venis viridibus ; anticce acuminata, intus et apice fuscescentes, basi virides, venis la tt 2a fusco nebulosis ; posticce basi opalince fusco strigatce. Female. Dark tawny, very broad, partly testaceons beneath. Head with two black bands, one on the vertex, the other on the front ; face black in the middle. Prothorax with a testaceous stripe, which has some black marks on each side ; border dull green, testaceous along each side. Mesothorax with four black stripes ; the outer pair much shorter than the inner pair ; two black spots behind the latter. Abdomen blackish picebus. Wings vitreous ; veins green. Fore wings much acuminated, with a pale brown tinge at the tips, and towards the base, which is green ; first and second transverse veins very oblique, clouded with brown ; first much longer than the second, from which it is parted by more than twice its length ; third and fourth undulating, oblique ; fourth much longer than the third. Hind wings with opaline lustre and streaked with brown at the base. Length of the body 20 lines ; of the wings 66 lines. a. ? From the Zoological Society's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEUOUS INSECTS. 19 FlDICINA UMBRILINEA. Mas. Testacea, viridi varia ; caput fascia, vitta anlica maculis- que sublus nigris ; prothorax fascia postica nigra ; abdomen vitlis qualuor maculisque duabus nigris, viltis interioribus ab- breviatis, exterior ibus nonnunquam obsoletis ; abdomen nigrum, segmentis rufo marginatis ; ala? vitrece, basi nigra 3 ; antica venis transversis et marginalibus venulisque transversis margi- nalibus fusco nebulosis ; postica margine exteriore plicaque fusco nebulosis. J-- Male. Testaceous, partly greenish. Head with an irregular black band ; some black spots on each side beneath ; face with a black stripe. Prothorax with a slender black band behind. Mesothorax with four black stripes ; a black spot behind the inner pair, which are short ; the outer pair occasionally obsolete. Abdo- men black ; hind borders of the segments red. Wings vitreous, black at the base; veins tawny, darker towards the tips. Fore wings with the transverse veins, transverse marginal veinlets and marginal veins clouded with brown ; first transverse vein much shorter than the second ; third shorter than the fourth. Hind wings clouded with brown along the exterior border and on the fold. Length of the body 15 — 16 lines; of the wings 46 — 52 lines. a. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. b. ? V FlDICINA FIGURATA. Ftem. Nigra, subtus fulva ; caput maculis duabus lineaque an~ tica fulvis ; prothorax rufescens, nigro lineatus, vitta dupli- cata margineque fulvis ; mesothorax vittis quatuor obliquisj strigis duabus, lateribus carinisque posticis fulvis ; pedes fulvi ; ala? vitrea ; anticce angustce, acuminata, basi testacece, venis la et 2a transversis subarcuatis nigro nebulosis. Female. Black, mostly tawny beneath. Head with a large tawny spot on each side in front between the eyes; face with a tawny middle line, and with tawny ridges on each side. Protho- rax reddish, black in front and behind, with a double tawny stripe ; border tawny, with a black streak on each side. Mesothorax with four oblique tawny stripes; the middle pair recurved inward; the lateral pair enclosed at each of their tips by a lateral tawny streak ; sides and hind ridges tawny. Legs tawny. Wings vitreous. 20 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. Fore wings narrow, much acuminated, testaceous at the base, and with a testaceous streak along the sixth discoidal areolet; primitive aveolet black ; veins piceous ; costa testaceous to the tip of the front areolet ; first and second transverse veins slightly curved, clouded with black, parted from each other by thrice the length of the first ; third almost upright, less undulating than the fourth. Hind wings with testaceous veins. Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 44 lines. a. Genus CICADA, Cat. Homopt. p. 102. Europe. Cicada lineola. Cicada lineola, Mus. Berol. Hagen, Ent. Zeit. Stett. xvii. (1856) 66,7. Syria. Persia. Cicada aegentata. Cicada argentata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. v. 759, 64. Lair. Hist. Nat. xii. 307, 8. Hagen, Ent. Zeit. Stett. xvii. 131, 14. Cicada sericans, Herr.-Schaff. Nomencl. 104. South France. Sicily. Spain. Portugal. C. argentata, Germar {Cat. Homop. 110), must receive a new name, or must be separated from this genus. Cicada dimissa. j Cicada dimissa, Hagen, Ent. Zeit. Stett. xvii. 133, 15. Balkan. North America. Cicada brunneosa. Cicada brunneosa, Wild, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. x. Bull. xviii. United States. Cicada superba. / Cicada superba, Fitch, Fourth Report, New Yorh. State Cab. Nat. Hist. 1851,41. Creek Indian Territory. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 21 Cicada Robertsonii. Cicada Robertsorlii, Filch, Fourth Report, New York. State Cab. Nat. Hist. 1861,41. Creek Indian Territory. » Mexico. Cicada nigriventris. Mas. Testaceo-virulis ; caput fascia nigra ; mesothorax mttis quatuor talis nigris, interioribus abbreviatis, exterioribus in- terrupts, lateribus ferrugineis ; abdomen nigrum, segmento- rum marginibus ventreque ferrugineis ; opercula dorsalia et venlralia magna subaqualia ferruginea ; alee albce, subopacce, venis nigris basi viridibus ; anticce venis la et 2a transversis obliquis subrectis. Male. Allied to C. Passer. Pale testaceous-green, partly whitish beneath. Head with a black vertical band. Sides of the prothorax concave, angular in front. Mesothorax with four broad black stripes ; the inner pair short, obconical; the outer pair inter- rupted ; sides mostly ferruginous. Abdomen black above ; hind borders of the segments and under side ferruginous. Dorsal oper- cula ferruginous, full as large as the ventral opercula, which occupy one-third of the length of the abdomen. Wings white, rather opaque ; veins black, green towards the base. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins oblique, almost straight ; first parted by nearly four times its length from the second ; third straight, very much shorter than the fourth, which is slightly undu- lating. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 30 lines. a. Mexico. From Mr. Cuming's collection. -a Cicada marginella. Foem. Viridis, tcstaceo varia ; caput fascia postica nigra ; pro- thorax vittis duabus marginalibus nigris ; abdomen sublus nigro trivittatum ; aim vitrea, venis nigris basi testaceis ; anticce venis la et 2a transversis rectis non obliquis. Female. Green, partly testaceous. Head almost as broad as the prothorax, with a black band behind the ocelli. Prothorax with a black stripe on each side ; border narrow. Abdomen with 22 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, j three black stripes beneath. Wings vitreous ; veins black, testa- ceous towards the base. Fore wings with the; first and second transverse veins short, straight, upright ; first J parted from the second by about five times its length ; third and fiurth straight, ob- lique. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wing's 16 lines. a. Orizaba, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. { Cicada signifera. j Mas. Testacea, subtus nigra varia; caput supra nigrum, fulvo biguttatum ; prothorax nigra trivityeltus ; mesothorax vitta lata vittisque duabus lateralibus obifonicis intersectis nigris ; abdomen vitia brevi nigra; opercula' testacea, basi nigra; alaz vilrea ; anticce vena la marginali venisque \a et 2a transver* sis nigro nebulasis. Male. Testaceous, partly black beneath. Head above black, with a tawny dot on each side in front. Prothorax with a black stripe, which is widened in front and behind; a slender black stripe on each side ; border narrow, a little broader on the hind part of each side, where it is blackish. Mesothorax with a broad black stripe, on each side of which there is a black obconical intersected stripe. Abdomen with a short black stripe, extending from the base. Opercula testaceous, black at the base. Wings vitreous ; veins black, testaceous towards the base. Fore wings with the first marginal vein, and the first and second transverse veins clouded with black ; costa testaceous as far as the stigma, which is black ; first and second transverse veins straight, upright, about equal in length ; first parted from the second by about thrice its length ; third and fourth straight, oblique; third much shorter than the fourth. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Orizaba, Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. West Indies. ■> O Cicada tomentosa. FcDm. Pallide viridis, testaceo varia, albo tomentosa ; prothorax maculis tribus posticis fuscis ; alee vitrece, venis testaceis ; an- ticoe maculis strigisque fuscis. Female. Allied torC. Chariclo. Pale green, partly testaceous, covered with silvery white tomentum. Prothorax with three brown LIST OF HOMOPTEROl'S INSECTS. 23 spots by the hind border ; sides somewhat rounded. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous. Fore wings with brown spots on the transverse veins, and on the marginal transverse veinlcts, and with paler brown streaks on the marginal veins ; first transverse vein parted by nearly six times its length from the second, which slants as usual, whereas the first is oblique in the opposite direction ; third and fourth straight and nearly upright. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 24 lines. a. Isle St. Thomas. From Mr. Cuming's collection. South America. "' Cicada Duvancelii. Cicada Duvancelii, Guer. Icon. Regn. Anim. Ins. pi. 58, f. 1. Voy. de la Coquille, Zool. 1 84. Brazil. Cicada eulvoviridis. Fcem. Viridis ; fulvo varia ; caput vittis duabus posticis unaque antica nigris ; prothorax vittis duabus interruptis nigris ; mesothorax fascia media arcuata vittis duabus lateralibus in- terruptis guttisque quatuor posticis fuscis; abdomen supra fulvum, segmentorum margmibus viridibus, striyis duabus apicalibus fuscis ; alee vitrece ; antica areolis marginalibus fuscescente linearis, venis marginalibus fusco strigatis,venarum furcis venisque transversis nigris, his nigro nebulosis. Female. Nearly allied to C. Chariclo and to C. tomentosa. Green, varied with tawny, paler beneath. Head with two black stripes on the vertex, and with one on the face. Prothorax with two black interrupted stripes ; under side black on each side. Mesotho- rax with a brown semicircle in the middle, and with a brown inter- rupted stripe on each side ; four brown dots towards the hind bor- der. Abdomen tawny above ; hind borders of the segments green ; a brown streak on each side at the tip. Winy;s vitreous; veins green, black towards the tips. Fore wings with a very indistinct pale brown line on each marginal areolet; transverse veins and forks of the veins black, the former clouded with black ; a brown streak on each marginal vein and on each transverse marginal vein- let; first and second transverse oblique, like those of C. lomentosa, the first parted from the second by more than four times its length ; 24 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. third straight and almost upright ; fourth oblique and slightly un- dulating. Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wings 27 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bales' collection. T\ Cicada temperata. Mas. Rtifo-ferruginea, subtus viridis ; caput testaceum, ferrugi- neo varium, fusco trimaculatum ; prothorax testaceo yanus, fusco bivittatus; mesothorax vittis quatuor testaceo-viridibus ; alee vitrea, venis nigris basi fulvis ; anlicce apice nigra, mar- gine exteriore lurido, costa fulva, vena 2a transversa vix nebulosa. * Male. Nearly allied to C. Terminus. Reddish ferruginous, with pale vellow silky tomentum, pale green beueath. Head testa- ceous, varied with ferruginous, with three brown dots on the vertex, a little broader than the thorax. Protborax partly testaceous, with two brown stripes, which are dilated iu front; sides straight Me- sothorax witb two testaceous-green stripes on each side. Wings vitreous; veins black, tawny at the base. Fore wings b t ack at the tips, lurid along the exterior border; costa tawny ; first transverse vein straight, almost upright, parted by nearly twice its length from the second, which is slightlv oblique and hardly clouded; third and fourth oblique. Length of'the body 7 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. O Cicada blandula. Fcem. Fulva ; caput antice sat convexum ; prothorax fusco bivit- tatus; mesothorax vittis quatuor latis obconicis maculaque magna postica fuscis ; ala vitreoe ; anticce apice venisque la et 2a transversis nigro nebulosis. Female. Tawny. Head as broad as the prothorax, somewhat convex in front, brownish about the ocelli. Prothorax with two brown stripes, which diverge in front and behind ; border very nar- row slightly dilated on each side. Mesothorax with four broad ob- conical brown stripes ; the inner pair shorter, joining a large brown hind spot. Wings vitreous; veins black, tawny towards the base. Fore wings black at the tips ; first and second transverse veins straight, upright ; first clouded with black, longer than the second, from which it is parted by a little more than twice its length ; LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS TNSECTS. 25 second hardly clouded with black ; third and fourth straight, oblique. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Q Cicada hastifera. Fcem. Pallide ferruginea, subtus viridis ; caput apud ocellos nigrum ; fades valde convexa ; prothorax vitia margineque viri- dibus ; mesolhorax viridis, vittis quatuor obconicis ferrugi- neis ; abdominis segmenta viridi marginata ; oviductus vagina abdomen superantes ; alee vitrea? ; anticce venis trans- versis rectis. Female. Pale ferruginous, mostly green beneath. Head full as broad as tbe thorax, black about the ocelli ; face very convex. Eyes prominent. Prothorax with a green stripe, which is widened in front and behind; border green, narrow, slightly widened on each side. Mesothorax green, with four obconical ferruginous stripes ; inner pair short. Abdomen with a green band on the hind border of each segment. Sheaths of the oviduct extending some distance beyond the abdomen, with black tips. Wings vitreous ; veins green, black towards the tips. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins short, straight, upright; first a little shorter than the second, from which it is parted by much more than twice its length ; third and fourth straight, oblique. Hind wings clouded with black at the tip of the fold. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Cicada frontalis. Fcem. Fulva ; caput fasciis duabus vittaque antica furcala nigris ; prothorax slrigis duabus posticis nigris, margine tes- taceo : mesothorax strigis quatuor anticis maculaque trifur- cata postica nigris ; abdomen atlenuatum ; oviductus vagina abdomen superantes. Female. Tawny. Head as broad as the prothorax, promin en in front, with two black bands; the fore one short; face with a black stripe, which is forked towards the front. Prothorax with two black hindward streaks ; border narrow, testaceous, slightly dilated on each side. Mesolhorax with four short black streaks in front," and with a three-lobed black spot behind. Abdomen attenuated ; 26 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. sheaths of the oviduct extending some distance beyond the tip. Wings vitreous ; veins Mack, testaceous towards the hase. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins straight, upright : first shorter than the second, from which it is parted by about thrice its length ; third and fourth veins oblique, almost straight. Hind wings clouded with brown at the tip of the fold. Length of the body 6 — 7 lines; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. b. ? Cicada telifera. Fcem. Fulva, gracilis, subtus viriclis ; caput nigra trimaculatum ; fades valde conica ; prothorax vitta viridi nigro marginata, strigis lateralibus nigris, margine viridi ; mesothorax postice viridis ; abdominis segmenta viridi marginata; oviductus vagina? abdomen superantes ; alee vitrece ; anticce angusta?. Female. Tawny, slender, mostly pale green beneath. Head as broad as the prothorax, with three black spots on the vertex ; face very conical. Eyes very prominent. Prothorax with a green stripe, which is accompanied by two black stripes; the latter are widened in front and behind ; several minute black streaks on each side ; border green, narrow, slightly widened on each side. Meso- thorax green about the hind border. Abdomen with a pale green band on the hind border of each segment. Sheaths of the oviduct extending some distance beyond the abdomen. Wings vitreous; veins testaceous, black towards the tips. Fore wings narrow ; first transverse vein oblique, hardly curved, parted by full twice its length from the second, which is straight, short and upright ; third and fourth straight, oblique ; third longer than the fourth. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. Africa. Cicada excludens. Mas. Picea, robvsta ; fades svlcis fulvis ; prothorax margine angusto vix dilatato ; opercula ventralia fulva ; alee vitrei, venis piceis ; antica acuminata?, fusco apud marginem exte- riorem subtincta, venis ]a et 2a transversis rcctis obliquis. Male. Piceous, stout. Furrows of the face tawny. Border LIST OF HOMOPTEKOUS INSECTS. 27 of the prothorax narrow, very slightly dilated ou each side. Meso- thorax hardly excavated on the hind border. Drums large ; no dorsal opercula ; ventral opercula tawny, of moderate size. Wm£S vitreous ; veins piceous. Fore wings acuminated, very slightly tinged with brown along the exterior border, with a dark brown hind basal streak ; first and second transverse veins oblique, straight; first about half the length of the second, from which it is parted by about thrice its length ; third and fourth straight, oblique, about equal in length. Fold of the hind wings brown towards the base. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 26 lines. a. West Africa. From Mr. Fraser's collection. *v Cicada albivenosa. Mas. Nigra, dense pubescens ; caput parvum ; prolhoracis margo perangustus, lateribus valde dilatatis ; abdomen subtus ferru- gineum ; opercula testacea ; pedes picei ; alee vitrecc, venis ulbis. Male. Black, thickly pubescent. Head small, narrower than the prothorax, hardly convex in front. Prothorax with a very nar- row ferruginous border, which is much dilated on each side. Abdo- men ferruginous beneath. Opercula testaceous. Legs piceous. Wings vitreous ; veins white. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins slightly curved, nearly upright ; first parted from the second by nearly thrice its length ; third and fourth oblique, slightly curved. Length of the body o^ lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Cicada viridula. "^ Mas. Pallide viridis ; caput angustum; abdomen crassum ; pedes breves, graciles ; femora antica subspinosa ; alee parva, vitrece, venis pallide viridibus. Male. Pale grass-green. Head narrower than the prothorax, very slightly convex in front. Eyes prominent. Prothorax narrower in front ; border very narrow, hardly dilated on each side. Abdo- men thick, broader than the thorax. Legs short, slender ; fore femora thick, with very minute spines. Wings small, vitreous; veins very pale green. Fore wings with the first and second veins D 2 28 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. straight, upright ; first about twice the length of the second, from which it is parted by twice its length ; third and fourth straight, ob- lique ; third shorter than the fourth. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Asia. Cicada viridissima. ~ Mas et foem. Pallide viridis, testaceo varia ; mesothorax vittis quatuor subobsoletis ; alee vitrece, venis viridibus ; anticce venis la et 2a transversis obliquis subrectis. Male and female. Pale green, here and there slightly testa- ceous. Prothorax somewhat broader than the head, with a ridge on each side ; border nigulose, dilated on each side. Mesothorax with the usual four stripes slightly indicated. Wings vitreous ; veins pale green. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins oblique, nearly straight, parted from each other by about their joint length ; first longer than the second ; third and fourth oblique, slightly undulating ; fourth longer than the third. Length of the body 9—10 lines; of the wings 28—30 lines. a—e. Bagdad. Presented by W. K. Loftus, Esq. o Cicada hemiptera. v Cicada hemiptera, Guer. Voy. Belanger, Ind. Orient. 500. Hindostan. Cicada maculicollis. Cicada maculicollis, Guer. Voy. de la Coquille, Zool. 183. Bengal. Cicada ndbifurca. Fcem. Ferruginea, subtus testacea; caput brevissimum, subtus nigricans, prothorace paullo latius ; prothorax vitta testacea ; abdominis segmenta testaceo marginata ; alee vitrei ; anticce areola \icuis ; pedes virides, femoribus anti- cis extus ferrvgineis, tibiis tarsisque anticis nigris; alee vitrece ; anticce areolis marginalibus fuscescente substrigalis. Male. Reddish, pubescent, pale green or testaceous beneath. Head blackish about the ocelli ; face with a black stripe, which is divided in front by a testaceous line. Prothorax with some black marks in the disk ; border narrow, mostly black. Mesothorax with the outlines of the four usual obconical black stripes slight and in- complete. Legs pale green ; fore femora ferruginous on the outer side; fore tibiae and fore tarsi black. Wings vitreous ; veins red- dish, black towards the tips. Fore wings with an indistinct brown- ish streak on each of the marginal areolets ; first and second trans- verse veins short, almost straight and upright ; first parted from the s< cond by more than thrice its length ; third and fourth straight ; third longer and more oblique than the fourth. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 39 Genus MOGANNIA, Cat. Horn. p. 248. MOGANNIA RECTA. J) Mas. Ferrujinea ; abdominis seymenta rufo maryinaia ; aim vitrete, bxsi rufee, anticce fascia fusca, iatus fulvce ; posticce margins postico basali fasco. Male. Ferruginous. Border of the prothorax very narrow ; its sides much dilated landward. Abdomen with a red band on the hind border of each segment. Wiugs vitreous, red at the base ; veins tawny. Fore wings tawny for more than one-third of the length from the base ; a brown upright band dividing the tawny colour from the vitreous part ; first and second transverse veins straight ; first upright, parted by about thrice its length from the second, which is oblique ; third longer and more oblique than the fourth. Hind wings brown along the basal part of the hind border. Length of the body oh lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Hindustan. From the East India Company's collection. MOGANNIA OBLIQUA. Foem. Viridis, subtus rufescens ; caput fascia postica nigra ; thorax vitta nigra liturisque testaceis ; abdomen rufescens maculis duabus fasciaque pallida tomentosis, fasciis duabus subapicalibus viridibua ; pedes antici femoraque posteriora pice a ; aloe vitreje ; anticce costa rufa, fascia obliqua fusca. Female. Green, mostly reddish beneath. Head black along the hind border. Prothorax with some testaceous marks, and with a black stripe, which is widened hindward ; border much widened on each side. Mesothorax with some testaceous marks, and with a black stripe, which is widened in front and behind. Abdomen red- dish, with a spot on each side near the base, and a short band hind- ward of pale sericeous tomentum ; two green bands near the tip. Legs piceous ; posterior tibiae and posterior tarsi pale green. Wings vitreous, red at the base ; veins green, black towards the tips. Fore wings with a red costa ; a brown band extending from the tip of the front areolet obliquely to the hind border, where it is continued ob- liquely towards the base of the wing ; first and second transverse veins straight ; first oblique, parted by more than four times its length from the second, which is upright; third and fourth straight; E2 40 LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. third shorter than the fourth. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. MOGANNIA CYANEA. Mas. Cyaneo, nigro hirta ; alee vitrece, venis luteis apice nigris ; anlicce dimidio basali flaw, macula antica magna nigra. Var. — Viridescenie-cyanea ; alee antica striga cos tali fas ciaqut fuscis. Male. Blue, clothed with short black hairs. Wings vitreous; veins luteous, black towards the tips. Fore wings bright yellow for half the length from the base, marked with black at the base, and with a large black spot et the base of the first and second discal areolets. Var. — Greenish blue. Fore wings with a brown costal streak before the middle, and with the black spot developed into a brown band. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Genus HUECHYS, Cat. Horn. p. 251.1- HlJECHYS TRANSVERSA. O Mas. Nigra; alee anlicce costa venisque transversis rufis, fascia testacea, vena la transversa subarcuata vix obliqua. Male. Black. Fore wings with the costa and transverse veins red, and with a testaceous band, which extends from the tip of the front areolet to the middle of the eighth marginal areolet ; rirst transverse vein very slightly curved, nearly upright, parted by more than four times its length from the second, which is oblique ; third and fourth straight, oblique. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 30 lines. a. Hindustan. From Mr. Stevens' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS TNSECTS. 41 Fam. II. FULGORTNA. Subfam. I. FULGORELL.E. Tribe I. FULGORITES. ^ Subiribe 1. FULGOROTDES. Genus HOTINUS, Cat. Horn. p. 265. V <- HOTINUS FULVIROSTRIS. Niger ; caput fuloum thorace paullo brevius ; prothorax lituris marginalibus albidis aut testaceis ; meso thoracis discus plus minusve testaceus aut albidas ; abdomen testaceum aut albidum, fasciis incompletis nigricantibus ; alee anlicce fasciis quatuor incompletes macular ibus albidis aut straminea ; postica basi albidec. Black. Head tawny, abruptly curved and ascending, a little shorter than the body, blackish on each side at the base. Prothorax with some dingy whitish or testaceous marks on each side. Meso- thorax more or less testaceous or whitish in the disk ; hind border and abdomen whitish or testaceous, the latter with some irregular and incomplete blackish bands. Fore wings with about twenty whitish or straw-coloured spots and dots, some of them connected, forming four very irregular bands. Hind wings white, or dingy whitish towards the base. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 28 lines. Hotinus may be diyjded into two groups, H. candelarius being the type of the first, and H. clavatus the type of the second. The first group will form two subgroups ; the first containing H. cande- larius and others ; the second with H. maculatus and the present species, which are distinguished by the much curved and ascending horns of their heads and by the hind wiugs, where the pale colour blends more or less with the black borders, whereas in the first sub- group the orange and the black of the hind wiugs are clearly defined. a, b. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's collection. E 3 42 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. HOTINUS COCCI NEUS. Testaceus ; caput subascendens, corpore paullo brevius, guttis dua- bus basalibus lateralibus, lineis tribus strigaque inferiore nigris ; prothorax nigro decern guttatus ; mesothorax nigro sex guttatus; abdomen covcineum, guttis lateralibus albis, fasciis ventralibus interrupts nigris ; ala? antica? annulis viginti, guttis plurimis apicibusque nigris ; poslica coccinea nigro marginatum. Testaceous. Head slightly ascending, a little shorter than the body, with a black dot on each side at the base, with a black line above, and one on each side, and with a black streak beneath by the proboscis. Prothorax with four black dots in a transverse line above, and with three, two of them connected on each side. Meso- thorax with six black dots. Abdomen crimson, with white dots along- each side; under side with interrupted black bands. Fore wings red, with about twenty black-bordered ocelli, and with very numerous black dots ; tips wholly black, except the veins. Hind wings crimson, with broad black tips and narrow black hind bor- ders. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 18 lines. This species will form a third group in the genus, distinguished from the first by the more compressed horn of the head, and by the narrow fure wings. o. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's collection. ^ HOTINUS SEMIANNULUS. Viridis ; caput subascendens, non arcuatum, corpore paullo bre- vius, apice nigrum ; prothorax subtus nigro biyuttatus ; meso- thorax nigro biguttatus ; abdomen subtus testaceum ; ala antica guttis plurimis luteis ex parte nigro marginatis, apud marginem exteriorem nigro lineala ; posticcp lacteo-vitrea, venis viridibus. Grass-green. Head somewhat ascending, not curved, a little shorter than the body, black at the tip. Prothorax with a black dot on each side beneath. Mesothorax with a black dot on each side. Abdomen testaceous beneath. Fore wings with a black dot at the base, and with above thirty luteous partly black-bordered dots on each; a black line along the exterior border. Hind wings vitreous, with a slight milky tinge ; veins green. Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 43 This species and //. gemmulus, page 257, will form a fourth group, distinguished from the third by the more compressed horn of the head and by the broader wings. a. Noith India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Genus PYROPS, Cat. Horn. p. 267. >/ Pyrops intricata. Fulva ant livida ; caput subcarinatmn, subtuber culatum, corpora vix brevius ; abdomen supra nigrum segmentorum marginibus posticis testaceis, subtus testaceum fascia lata nigra ; al POIOCERA MACULOSA. Rufo-testacea ; frons subcarinata, lineis duabus transversis eleva- tis ; fades nigro maculata ; prothorax nigro quadrimacu- latus, subcarinatus, antice dilatatus ; mesothorax nigro octo- maculatus ; pectus nigro quadrimaculatum ; abdomen fasciis apiceque rufis ; alee anticce testacece nigro bifasciata, apices versus vilrea? subluridce ; posticce vitrece. Reddish testaceous. Front with a very slight keel, which joins a curved transverse ridge near the face ; another curved transverse ridge on the upper part parallel to the border of the vertex ; borders not elevated ; sides and fore margin hardly concave. Face with a black spot which extends to the front. Prothorax dilated in front, with a slight keel ; two black spots of varying size on each side. Mesothorax with four black spots on each side. Pectus with two black spots on each side. Abdomen with the hind borders of the segments and the tip bright red. Fore wings testaceous, with a concave outline for more than half the length, vitreous and slightly lurid from thence to the tips ; the testaceous part contains two incomplete black bands, and is occasionally red hindward ; veins testaceous or green, black towards the tips. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. b. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. c. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. POIOCERA ABDOMINALIS. Foem. Nigra; vertex quadrituberculatus ; frons subrugulosa, vix carinata ; prothorax subrugulosus, quadrituberculatus, sulco transverso ; mesothorax carinatus ; abdomen rufum, subtus rufo marginatum ; ala antica apices versus cinereo vitrei lituris obscurioribus ; postica apice vitrece. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 53 Female. Black. Vertex rather short, with two tubercles on eaeh. side, and with a transverse ridge in front. Front slightly rugulose, with an indistinct and incomplete middle keel, and with a depression on each side in front. Face like that of'/ 3 , discrepant. Prothorax slightly rugulose, with four tubercles in front, a slight transverse furrow, and a slight hindward transverse ridge. Mesu- tliorax with a middle keel, and in front a transverse curved ridge, which forms an angle on each side. Abdomen red above, and with a red border beneath. Wings like those of P. discrepans, vitreous towards their tips, but the apical part in the fore wings is slightly grayish, and contains some darker marks. Length of the body (5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Constaucia, Province of Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. PoiOCERA DISCREPANS. Nigra; vertex brevissimut ; frons subrugulosa, carinis tribus vie conspicuis ; fades scite rugulosa, carinis duabus antice con- nexis ; prothorax subrugulosus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; alfp anticce apices versus confertissime venosce et nonnunquam subvitrece ; posticce nigricantes. Mas. — Caput latum ; abdo- men subtusjlavum. Black. Vertex very short. Front slightly rugulose, with three almost obsolete keels. Face more minutely rugulose, with two slight smooth keels, which converge and are united towards the proboscis. Prothorax slightly rugulose, slightly furrowed trans- versely. Mesothorax with three slight keels. Fore wings with very numerous veins and veinlets on the apical third part. Hind wings blackish. Male. — Head much broader than that of the female- Prothorax more distinctly furrowed. Abdomen yellow beneath Var. /3. — Abdomen with a broad black stripe beneath. Fore wings vitreous, and slightly grayish towards the tips. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 11 — 12 lines. a, b. Constaucia, Province of Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. f3 54 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. POIOCERA HUGULOSA. Fcem. Nigra; vertex tricarinatus, bituberculalus ; from plana, carinulis transversis subangulosis ; facies vix carinata ; thorax subtuberculatus ; metathorax lateribus ex parte rufis ; abdo- minis latera rufescentia, nigro maculata ; alee anticce subru- gulosee, testaceo guttata et punctatce ; posticee apud costam coccinea?, guttis apicalibus et posticis albis. Female. Black, nut shining. Vertex with three slight keels, which enclose two tubercles. Front flat, except two or three very slight angular transverse ridges ; borders not elevated, hardly con- cave. Face hardly keeled. Thorax slightly tuberculate, hardly keeled. Prothorax somewhat convex in front. Metathorax partly red on each side. Sides of the abdomen, except towards the base, reddish, with black spots. Fore wings slightly rugulose, with many testaceous dots or points. Hind wings crimson along the costa for nearly two-thirds of the length, with some white dots towards the tips and along the hind border. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. POIOCERA FICTA. Mas. Nigra; caput fuivum ; from plana, subpunctata ; facies breviuscula, non carinata, linea margineque rufescentibus ; thorax scite rugulosus ; prothorax subcarinatus ; pectus rufo bimaculatum ; abdomen femoraque postica rufa ; alee postica basi rufo slrigatee, fascia interiore sordide vitrea, macula sub- apicali oblonga vitreo-albida. Male. Black. Head tawny ; vertex very short ; front flat, minutely punctured, with the borders not concave, and hardly elevated ; face rather short, not keeled ; border and middle line reddish. Prothorax finely rugulose, with a slight keel. Mesotho- rax very finely rugulose. Pectus with a large red spot on each side. Abdomen, hind coxae, hind femora, and the base of the hind tibiae, red. Hind wings with some red streaks at the base, near which there is a vitreous slightly dusky band ; an oblong whitish vitreous spot near the tip. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 13 lines. This species has much resemblance in structure and colour to P. perspicillata. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 55 PoiOCERA SPECTABILIS. Mas. Nigra ; caput teslaceum ; frons subpunctata, cdrinis tribus indistinctis antice connexis ; fades sulco lato basali ; pro tho- rax subcarinatus, teslaceo binotatus ; mesothorax lineis quinque margineque testaceis ; abdomen apice cyaneum, subtus rufum ; femora rufa ; alee anlicce viridi venosa, dimidio apicali vitreo venis nigris ; posticce vilrece, basi venisque nigris. Male. Black. Head testaceous ; vertex with the border more elevated than in most species of the genus ; front very minutely punctured, with three indistinctly elevated lines, which are connected towards the face, and with a depression on each side in from, very slightly concave on each side ; face with a broad shallow basal groove. Prothorax rather convex in front, with a testaceous mark on each side, and with a very slight keel. Mesothorax with a tes- taceous border, and with five testaceous lines, the outer pair forked. Abdomen bright blue at the tip ; under side, coxae and femora bright red. Fore wings with green veins ; the black part divided by a slightly concave outline from the vitreous slightly lurid part, which occupies nearly half the length from the tips, and has black veins. Hind wings vitreous, black towards the base, and with black veins. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. POIOCERA L^TABILIS. Mas. Picea, subtus testacea; caput angustum ; frons tricarinata ; fades subcarinata ; thorax carinatus, mesothoracis disco testa- ceo ; abdomen supra nigrum, viridi bivittalum, segmentorum marginibus cyaneis subtus viridibus ; alee antica. postice sub- lurida, fascia fulva, extus vitrea nigro venosce fusco unima- culatce; posticce basi viridi- cyanece, macula antica fusca. Male. Piceous, testaceous beneath. Head much narrower than the thorax ; vertex very short in the middle ; front with a trans- verse ridge or keel near the vertex, and with three longitudinal ridges, the pair very oblique, and joining the middle one near the face; borders not elevated, slightly convex on each side, concave in front ; face with a slight keel. Prothorax with a distinct keel ; middle part rather broad, and convex in front. Mesothorax with a more slight keel ; disk testaceous. Abdomen black above, with a green stripe on each side ; hiud borders of the segments blue, green beneath. Fore wings with a lurid tinge along the hind border, and 56 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. with an irregular tawny band along the border of the opaque part ; vitreous part with black veins, occupying more than one-third of the length from the tips, and including a brown spot on the hind bor- der. Hind wings vitreous, bright pale greenish blue towards the base, and with a large brown spot on the fore border. Length of the body 4£ lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. y ' PoiOCERA EUFISPARSA. Pallide viridis, rufo notata ; frons fusco fasciata, antice nigra ; fades disco nigra ; meso thorax guftis strigisque fuscis aut nigricantibus ; pectoris latera nigro notata; abdomen lituris ptucis nigris ; pedes testacei, libiis apice iarsisque nigris ; alee vilrece, venis nigris fulvisque. Pale green. Head and prothorax with some slight red marks. Front with a brown band on the upper part, black towards the face, whose disk is mostly black. Mesothorax with brown or blackish dots and streaks. Abdomen with numerous minute bright red marks, and with a few black marks. Pectus marked with black on each side. Legs testaceous ; tarsi and tips of the tibiae black. Wings vitreous; veins black, partly tawny. Fore wings with the basal areolets more than twice the length of the middle areolets ; apical areolets very little shorter than the middle areolets, with forked veins, some of which are forked again at the tips. Hind wings with few veius, and with only two transverse veinlets. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 10 — 11 lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. b. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. POIOCERA TERMINALIS. Foem. Viridis, subtus albida ; vertex valde impressus ; frons nitens, sub punctata, carinis tribus antice connexis ; fades breviuscula, latiuscula, maculis tribus. margineque antico nigris ; thorax tricarinatus ; abdomen supra rufum, apice viride, subtus apicem versus nigrum ; pedes virides, nigro no- tati ; femora postica nigra, apice viridia ; ala antica rufo- rosece fusco notata, apice vitrece fusco notatce, costa pallide fusca, margine intcriore viridi ; postica vitrea, busi rufce. Female. Green, whitish beneath. Head with the vertex much impressed; front shining, very minutely punctured, with three LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS 57 slight ridges, which are united towards the face ; bordev slightly elevated, not concave ; face rather short and broad, black towards the proboscis, and with three black spots by the front. Thorax with three distinct keels. Abdomen bright red above, green at the tip ; under side black towards the tip. Legs pale green, with black marks ; hind femora black, with green tips. Fore wings rosy red, with brown marks for nearly two-thirds of the length from the base, pale brown along the costa, and green along the interior border ; apical part vitreous, with a few brown marks, of which the largest and darkest extends from the red part to the interior angle. Hind wings vitreous, bright red at the base. Length of the body 3£ lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus EDDARA. Caput thoracis latitudine ; vertex brevis, concava ; frons con- vexa, laevis ; facies bisulcata. Prothorax subimpressus, inargine antico subimpresso. Mesothorax plana, triangularis. Alae auticae transverse subrugulosae ; venae apices versus plurimae, in ordine col- locatae. Alae posticae basi latissimae, venis apice ramosis, venulis vagis. Head as broad as the thorax ; vertex short, concave, or with elevated borders ; front convex, quite smooth, face triangular, with a furrow along each side. Prothorax slightly convex in front, slightly impressed in the disk ; its breadth about four times its length. Mesothorax flat, triangular. Abdomen as broad as the thorax ; appendages of the male forming a furrowed loop on eaeh side. Tibiae furrowed ; hind tibiae spinose. Fore wings slightly rugulose transversely; veins of the apical third part more numerous and regular than those elsewhere. Hind wings very broad between the base of the costa and the interior angle ; veins somewhat ramose towards the tips ; veinlets irregular. This genus seems to replace at the Cape the South American genus xPoiocera, which is represented by the following genus in Australia. 58 LIST OF HOMOPTEROl'S INSECTS. Eddara EUCHROMA. Viridis, nitens iestaceo notata ; mesothorax niger, testaceo frimacu- latus ; abdomen nigrum, dimidio apiculi et segmentorum mar- ginibus rufis ; pedes rufi, coxis ftmoribusque nigris ; al Elidiptera basistigm a. Pallide viridis ; vertex transversus, vix concavus, antice truncatus, lateribus subelevatis ; frons plana, oblonga, heptagona, lateri- bus elevatis ; prothorax transversus, bicarinatus ; mesothorax planus ; alee anticce macula basali nigricante tuberculum viride includente, margine interiore apicem versus areolisque apicalibus basi nigro notatis ; posticce albee. Dull pale green. Vertex much broader than long, hardly concave, truncate in front ; the borders very slightly elevated ; front heptagonal, much longer than broad, quite fiat, but with elevated borders. Prothorax much broader than long, with a curved keel on each side. Mesothorax flat. Fore wings with a large blackish basal spot, which contains a large pale green tubercle, with some minute black marks along the apical part of the interior border and about the subapical part of the exterior border; subcostal and adjoining vein deeply undulating exteriorly. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 70 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Elidiptera HUMERALIS. Obscure viridis ; vertex transversus vix concavus, antice truncatus ; frorts heptagona, oblonga, plana, lateribus elevatis ; prothorax transversus, bicarinatus ; mesothorax planus ; alee anticce sub- tuberculatoe, tuberculo magno distincto basali, costa valde dilatata, basi non obliqua. Dull green. Vertex much broader than long, hardly concave, truncate in front ; the hind border more elevated than the lateral borders ; front heptagonal, much longer than broad, quite flat, but with elevated borders. Prothorax much broader than long, with a curved keel on each side. Mesothorax flat. Fore wings slightly tuberculate, and with a large dictinct tubercle near the base ; costa much dilated, forming a broad shoulder at the base of each wing. Hind wings vitreous, with pale green veins. Length of the body 3£ lines; of the wings 9 lines. This species much resembles the preceding one in structure, but may be distinguished from it by the broader and less oblique basal part of the costa. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Elidiptera obliqua. Pallidissime albido-viridis ; vertex transversus, concavus, antice truncatus ; frons transversa, carinis duabus latis abbreviatis, margine elevato ; prothorax transversus, arcuatus ; mesothorax planus ; alee anticce subrugulosa, basi tuberculata, margine inter iore apicem versus venulisque nonnullis transversis fusces- centibus, costa basi perobliqua ; posticce albidce. Very pale whitish green. Vertex concave, broader than long, truncate in front; front very much broader than long, with an elevated border, and with two short broad keels. Prothorax trans- verse, convex along the fore border and equally concave behind. Mesothorax flat. Fore wings slightly rugulose, with a few minute tubercles at the base, with a slight brown tinge along the apical part of the interior border and on some of the transverse veinlets ; costa much dilated, very oblique near the base. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 71 West Indies. Elidiptera punctifera. Testacea ; vertex transversus, carina transversa, margine antico subconvexo; frons plana, margine subelevato ; prolkorax transversus, brevis, arcuatus, pallidus, nigro biguttatus ; mesothorax planus, nigro quadriguttatus ; ala? antica nigro guttatce, costa apicem versus vix dilatata, margine exteriore subuuadrato ; postica albidce, venis testaceis. Testaceous. Vertex much more than twice broader than long, slightly convex along the fore border, near which there is a trans- verse ridge ; front flat, not longer than broad, with a slightly elevated border. Prothorax pale, with two black discal dots, about four times broader than long, convex in front, less concave behind. Mesothorax flat, with four black dots. Fore wings with some black dots, which are mostly along the costal part, and are most regular along the exterior border; costa much dilated towards the base, very slightly dilated near the tip ; exterior border subquadrate. Hiud wings whitish, with testaceous veins. Length of the body '2h — 3£ lines ; of the wings 8 — 10 lines. a — e. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. / South America. Elidiptera docilis. Pallide viridis, carinis marginibusque testaceis ; vertex et protho- rax carinati ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; alee antica pallide testacece, semihyalince, apnd costam dilatata, venis venulisque plurimis, areolis apud marginem exteriorem in ordine dis- positi. Pale green. Keels and borders of the vertex and of the thorax testaceous. Vertex twice broader than long, conical in front and equally concave behind, with a keel and with elevated borders; front hardly keeled, its borders not elevated. Prothorax like the vertex, but more conical in front ; its sides attenuated. Mesothorax with three strongly marked keels, the lateral pair very slightly curved. Fore wings pale testaceous, semihyaline ; costal part dilated, convex ; veins and veinlets rather numerous ; areolets rather irregular, except those aloDg the exterior border. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Constancia, Province of Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. 72 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 6 Elidiptera dorsisigna. Pallide testacea ; vertex transversus, nigra quadripunetatus, mar- gine antico convexo ; frons plana, oblonga, margine sub- elevato ; prothorax transversus, brevis, arcuatus, nigro quadri- guttatus ; mesothorax planus, maculis quatuor lateralibus nigricantibus ; alee anticce nigro punctatce, macula apud mar- ginem inter? orem fu sea, venulis subapicalibus infuscatis ; pos- ticus subalbida, venis pallide testaceis. Pale testaceous. Vertex more than twice broader than long, with four black points, convex along the fore border; front flat, longer than broad, with a slightly elevated border. Prothorax with four black dots, about four times broader than long, convex in front, less concave behind. Mesothorax flat, with two blackish spots on each side. Fore wings with many black points over the surface, and with a brown spot on the interior border at one-third of the length ; veinlets of the apical areolets clouded with brown ; costa much dilated, forming a rather broad shoulder at the base. Hind wings slightly whitish ; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. Elidiptera debilis. Pallide viridis ; vertex transversus, nigro subnotatus, guttis quatuor lateralibus nigris, margine antico convexo ; frons plana, late- ribus non elevatis ; prothorax transversus, subarcuatus, lituris duabus anticis fuscis ; mesothorax tricarinatus, nigro notatus; aim anticce nigro guttatce, fascia subapicali tenui undulata, margine exteriore quadra to ; posticee cinereo-albidce. Pale dull green. Vertex more than twice broader than long, convex on the fore border, slightly marked with black, and with two black dots on each side by the eye ; front flat, not longer than broad, its borders not elevated. Prothorax full thrice broader than long, convex along the fore border, slightly concave behind, with two brown marks in front. Mesothorax with some black marks and with three keels. Fore wings with several black dots scattered irre- gularly over the surface, and with a regular row of black dots along the exterior border, which is quadrate ; a slender brown undulating subapical band ; costa much dilated near the base, very slightly LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. dilated near the tip. Hind wings grayish white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Asia. Elidiptera Emersoniana. Testacea, ex parte viridis ; vertex oblongus, vix concavus, margine vix elevato, antice angulatus ; frnns transversa, subrugulosa, faciem versus dilatata ; prothorax antice truncatus ; meso- thoracis discus depressus ; alee anticce pallide virides, subtu- berculatoe, subrugulosa, fascia media lata pallide ferruginea ; posticce cinereo-albidce, venis fuscis subnebulosis. Elidiptera Emersoniana, White, MSS. Testaceous, partly pale green. Vertex much longer than broad, hardly concave, and with a hardly elevated border, angular in front ; front very much broader than long, widened towards the face, not keeled nor with an elevated border, slightly rugulcse transversely. Prothorax truncate in front, not keeled nor elevated along the border. Disk of the mesothorax depressed. Fore wings pale dull green, slightly tuberculate and rugulose, with abroad irre- gular pale ferruginous middle band, which is broadest in front; costa much dilated. Hind wings grayish white; veins browu, slightly clouded. Length of the body 4|- lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by It. Templeton, Esq. Elidiptera puncticeps. 1 Testacea; vertex conicus, oblongus, subsulcatus. nigro bipunctatus, margine subelevato ; frons oblonga, carinata> margine ele- vato ; prothorax conicus ; mesothorax litura cruciformi nigra ; alee anticce te sta ceo -vir ides, subrugulosce, subtuberculatce, fusco subnotatce, strigis duabus nigris, una posiica marginali, altera antica ; posticce albce, venis testaeeis. Testaceous. Vertex conical, much longer than broad, slightly grooved, with a slightly elevated border, and with two black points in front ; front very much longer than broad, with a distinct keel, and with elevated borders. Prothorax conical, not keeled. Meso- H 74 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. thorax with a cruciform black mark. Fore wings pale testaceous- green, slightly and minutely marked with brown, somewhat rugu- lose and tuberculate ; a black mark on the subcostal vein near the base, and another on the interior border at two-thirds of the length ; costa much dilated. Hind wings white; veins testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 6 lines. n. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. " ElIDIPTEEA IN&QUALIS. Pallide rdridis ; vertex subdepressus, non transversus, antice coni- cus, lineis duabus mediis liturisque lateralibus nigris ; frons plana, oblonga, apud verticem nigra, lateribus elevatis ; pro- thorax transfer sus, antice truncatus, vitlis duabus lateralibus latis unaque media tenui nigris; mesothorax planus, vittis duabus lateralibus abbrevialis unaque media duplicata nigris ; alee anticce striga basali apud marginem interiorem tuberculis- que nigris, vitta discali interiore liturisque exterioribus fuseis ; poslicce alba?, venis viridibus. Var. — Vitta nonnulla ob- solete. Pale green. Vertex slightly depressed, not longer than broad, conical in front, with two black middle lines, and some black marks ion each side ; front flat, much longer than broad, with elevated bor- ders, black along the vertex. Prothorax transverse,- truncate in it, concave behind, with a slender black middle stripe, and with a broad black stripe on each side. Mesothorax flat, with a double black stripe in the middle, and with a shorter black stripe on each £ide. Fore wings with a black streak along the interior border at the base, with several black tubercles over the surface, with a brown stripe extending from the base to the middle of the disk, and with some exterior brown marks ; costa dilated. Hind wings white ; veins green. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Var. The dark marks of the thorax and of the fore wings mostly obsolete. a, b. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 75 j Elidiptera PRUINOSA. Sordide testacea ; caput et prothorax nigro subnotata ; vertex 1 transversus, carinatus, antice subangulatus, margine elevato A frons oblonga, carinis duabus subobsoletis, margine subelevato A prothorax sub carinatus, antice subtruncatus ; mesothoracis', discus niger ; ala cinereo subpruinosce ; antica lituris non-] nullis parvis fuscis aut nigris ; posticce cinerascentes, venis' obscurioribus. Dingy testaceous. Head and prothorax slightly marked wit black. Vertex much broader than long, slightly angular in frori with a slight keel, and with elevated borders ; front a little long* than broad, with two almost obsolete keels and with slightly elevate 1 borders. Prothorax somewhat truncate in front, with a very sligl keel. Disk of the mesothorax mostly black. Wings with a sligl grayish bloom. Fore wings with slight small irregular and variab brown or black marks ; costa much dilated. Hind wings grayish^ with darker veins. Length of the body 3| lines; of the wings 10J lines. a — d. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Subtribe CIXIOIDES. Genus CLADODIPTERA, Cat. Horn. p. 337. v s Cladodiptera virilis. Testaceo-cervina ; vertex fascia smaragdina ; frons et fades virides prothorax smaragdinus, margine postico testaceo-cervino ; me* sothorax apice maeulisque quatuor smaragdinis ; pectus albido— testaceum, maculis lateralibus nigris ; abdomen late viride, vitta nigra basi interrupta postice dilatata ; pedes virides, femoribus posticis nigro strigatis ; alee vitrece ; antica? stig- mate nigro, areolis apicalibus nigro-fuscis, linea media venu- larum transversarum fusco nebulosis. Testaceous fawn-colour. Head with an emerald green band on the vertex ; front and face grass-green. Prothorax arched, emerald-green, except the hind border. Mesothorax emerald-green hindward, and with two emerald-green spots on each side. Pectus whitish testaceous, with black spots on each side. Abdomen bright H-2 76 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. grass-green, with a black stripe, which is interrupted near the base and dilated hindward ; under side black hindward. Legs green ; hind wings paler than the others, their femora streaked with black. \ Wings vitreous. Fore wings with a black stigma; apical areolets [blackish brown ; middle Hue of transverse veinlets slightly clouded [with brown. Length of the body 3| lines ; of the wings 12 lines. \a. Kio Janeiro. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. \° Cladodiptera muliebris. Rvfescens ; vertex fascia smaragdina ; frons et fades fiavescente virides ; prothorax smaragdinus, rnargine postico rufescente ; mesothorax maculis smaragdinis ; abdomen late rufum, late- ribus smaragdinis, maculis lateralibus nigris ; tibia postica smaragdina ; alee vitrea, venis testaceis ; antica stigmate strigaque postica exieriore fuscis. Reddish. Head with an emerald-green band on the vertex : front and face yellowish green. Prothorax hardly arched, emerald- Igreen, except the hind border. Mesothorax with emerald-green spots. Abdomen bright red ; sides emerald- green ; dorsum with )lack spots along each side. Posterior tibiae emerald-green. r ings vitreous ; veins testaceous. Fore wings with a brown stigma, which is paler at each end; a brown streak extending from the tip ilong part of the interior border, darkest along its interior side, jength of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. -- Cladodiptera scriptiventris. Pallide viridis ; vertex nigro biguttatus ; frons nigro bivittata ; prothorax nigro biguttatus ; mesothorax maculis lateralibus nigris ; abdomen nigrum, vittis tribus lateribusque testaceis ; pedes antici fusco fasciati ; ala vitrea, venis nigris basi tes- taceis ; anticaz stigmate strigaque subapicali nigro-fuscis ; postica slriga brevi marginali subapicali nigra. Pale green. Vertex with a black dot on each side ; front with two broad black stripes. Prothorax with two black dots. Meso- thorax with black spots on each side. Abdomen black, with three testaceous stripes ; sides also testaceous. Fore legs with brown bands. Wings vitreous ; veins black, testaceous towards the base. Fore wings with a blackish brown stigma, and with a blackish LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 77 brown irregular streak, which occupies the tip, and extends from thence to the disk, near and parallel to the interior border. Hind wings with a short black streak behind the tip. Length of the body 2^- lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. / o Cladodiptera rufimanus. Pallide viridis ; vertex elongatus, linearis; frons elongata, sub- carinata ; fades nigra; prolhorax brevissimus ; mesothoratf rufo bivittatus ; abdomen segmentis rufo marginatis, lateribus nigris ; genua tibiceque apice nigra ; pedes antici rvfi, sub- dilatati ; alcealbce, venis pallide viridibus ; alee anticce fasciis' duabus viridi marginatis st.igmateque nigris, margine apicali viridescente, macula apicali guttisque nonnullis subapicalibus : fuscis ; postica striga marginali subapicali nigricante. Pale green. Vertex linear, about twice longer than broad ; front with a slight keel, full twice longer than broad, slightly increasing in breadth towards the face, which is black. Prolhorax very short. Mesothorax with two red stripes. Abdomen with a red band on the hind border of each segment; sides mostly black. Knees and tips of the tibiae black. Fore legs red, slightly dilated. Wings white; veins pale green. Fore wings with two black greenish bordered bands along the transverse veinlets, and with a greenish tinge along the apical border; first band joining the black stigma ; second obsolete in front ; a large brown apical spot and some brown subapical dots ; basal veinlets black. Hind wings with a blackish marginal subapical streak. Length of the body 2| lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus CIXIUS, Cat. Horn. p. 239. South America. ClXIUS FULVDS Fulvus ; vertex concavus, oblongus,antice angustus ; frons et fades elongates, carinata, marginibus elevaiis ; oculi exf antes ; pro- thorax brevissimus ; mesothorax quinque carinatus; alee vitrece, venis lestaceis ; antica stigmate fuscescente. . h3 78 LIST OF HOMOPTEROLS INSECTS. Tawny. Vertex concave, a little narrower in front, much longer than broad ; front and face forming a fusiform compartment, with a distinct keel and with elevated borders. Eyes prominent. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax with five distinct keels. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous. Fore wings with a pale brownish stigma ; veinlets somewhat irregular. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. ClXIUS CITRINUS. Pallide citrinus ; vertex minimus ; frons subcarinata, marginibus elevatis; oculi extantes ; prothorax brevissimus ; mesothorax planus; alee anlicce subhyalina, strigis quinque costalibus obliquis nigris, fascia interiore margineque exteriore fuscis, maculis exlerioribus albis, guttis marginalibus nigris ; posticce vitrece. Pale lemon-yellow. Vertex very small ; front with the borders very highly elevated between the eyes, and with a slight middle keel. Eyes prominent. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax flat. Fore wings nearly hyaline, with five black oblique costal streaks; the second streak joining the fore end of a brown band, which extends to the hind border; the fourth and fifth streaks enclosing part of a row of white spots ; exterior border brown, with a few black dots ; transverse veinlets forming two irregular lines, the inte- rior one incomplete. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr, Bates' collection. Africa. ClXIUS D1VIDENS. Niger; capitis thoracisque segmenta testaceo marginata; vertex concavus, perangustus ; frons subplana, carina testacea ; oculi magni ; prothorax arcuatus, apud medium brevissimus ; meso- thorax quinque carinatus ; abdominis segmenta testaceo mar- ginata ; femora nigra, testaceo lineata ; alee vitrece, venis nigris ; antica stigmate nigro linea transversa alba diviso. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 79 Black. Segments of the head and of the thorax with testaceous borders. Vertex concave, very narrow ; front nearly flat, straight on each side, widening from the vertex to the face, wiih a testaceous keel. Eyes large. Proihorax arched, very short in the middle. Mesothorax with five keels. Hind borders of the abdominal seg- ments testaceous. Femora black, with testaceous lines. Wings vitreous ; veins black. Fore wings with a black stigma, which has a white transverse line near its base. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. St. Helena. From M. Boheman's collection. Cixius DIVISUS. Fuscus ; capitis thoracisque .tegmenta testaceo marginata ; vertex minimus; fronset fades carinata?, perangus tee ; f runs sub- producta ; prothorax brevissimus ; mesothorax planus ; abdo- men testaceum ; pedes testacei, tibiis et tarsorum articulis apice nigris ; aim anticce fuscce, fasciis duabus nigris, una perobliqua, altera subarcuata vix obliqua, litura costali guttis- que marginalibus albidis, lituris duabus apud marginem interiorem nigris, margine exteriore fuseo ; posticce cine- rascentes. Brown. Segments of the head and of the thorax with testa- ceous borders. Head prominent beyond the eyes. Vertex very small ; front and face keeled, very narrow. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax flat. Abdomen and legs testaceous ; tips of the tibiae and of the joints of the tarsi black. Fore wings brown, with two black bauds; the first very oblique, extending from the base of the costa to the interior border ; the second slightly curved, hardly oblique, nearly contiguous to the first on the interior border ; a whitish mark on the costa joining the exterior side of the second band, and a row of whitish dots extending from thence round the tip of the wing to the interior border, where they are terminated by two black marks ; the spaces between these dots are brown. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 1^ line; of the wings 4^ lines. a. Port Natal. From Mr. Plant's collection. 80 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Asia. ClXIUS NUB1LUS. Testaceus ; vertex et from valde compressa, marginibux elevatis ; prothorax brevissimus ,• mesothorax bicarinatus ; alee antiae subcinerascentes, latiusculce, maculis nonnullis magnis con- fluentibus fuscis , lineis duabus transversis interioribus strigis- que nonnullis submarginalibus nigris ; poslicce albidce. Testaceous. Vertex and front much compressed, with elevated borders. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax with two slight keels. Fore wings slightly grayish, rather broad, with several large con- fluent brown spots ; two black transverse lines before the middle, and some submarginal black streaks along the veins. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. ClXIUS PUSTULATUS. Cixius pustulatus, Walk. Jowrn. Linn. Soc. i. 87, 16. a, b. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. O ClXIUS PERPLEXUS. Cixius perplexus, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 147, 22. a. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Cixius simplex. Cixius simplex, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 147, 34. a. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Cixius nexus. Cixius nexus, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 148, 37. a. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 81 ClXIUS FINITUS. Cixius fioitus, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 149, 43. a, b. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. New Zealand. ClXIUS PUNCTIMARGO. Pallide slramineus ; vertex depressus, margine elevato ; from ob- longa, carinata, marginibus elevatis ; prothorax brevissimus ; mesothorax planus ; alee vitrei, venis pallide Jlavis ; anticts venis apicalibus apice nigro notatis, venulis transversis nigris. Pale straw-colour. Vertex depressed, with elevated borders ; front oblong;, with elevated borders, with a distinct keel, and form- ing a small triangular compartment, which adjoins the vertex. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax somewhat depressed. Wings vitreous ; veins pale yellow. Fore wings with black transverse veinlets, and with a black mark at the tip of each apical vein ; transverse veinlets forming two incomplete lines. Length of the body l£ line; of the wings 4 lines. a — e. New Zealand. Presented by Colonel Bolton. ClXIUS FINITIMUS. Pallide luteus aut testaceus, vertex elongatus tricarinatus, carinis lateralibus antice angulum acutum Jingentibus ; from facies- gue disco piceo, hac lanceolata, ilia unicarinata ; thorax non- nunquam niger ; abdomen supra nigricans ; pedes nigro fas- ciati ; ala anticce cinereo vitrecc, venis pallide testaceis nigro annulatis ; posticce cinerece, venis nigris. Pale luteous or testaceous. Vertex longer than broad, with three keels, the lateral pair converging towards the front, where they are connected and form an acute angle; front longer than broad, smooth, shining, with a slight middle keel, widening towards the face ; disk piceous, as is also that of the face, which is lanceo- late. Thorax sometimes black. Prothorax transverse, conical in front. Abdomen blackish above. Legs with black bands. Fore wings greyish vitreous ; veins pale testaceous, with black wings. Hind wings gray, with black veins. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Colonel Bolton. 82 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ClXIUS MAEGTNALIS. Niger; capitis thoracisque segmenta testaceo marginata ; vertex subdepressus, suboblongus, antice angnstior ; frons plana, marginibus arcuatis, carina furcata testacea ; prothorax arcu- atus, brevissimus ; mesothorax quinque carina tus ; segmento- rum abdominalium margines lateribus testaceis ; tibia tar- sique testacea; aim vitrece. ; anticce stigmate nigro guttaque alba conjunctis, venis testaceis nigro guttalis ; poslicce venis nigris. Black. Segments of the head and of the thorax with testa- ceous borders. Vertex slightly depressed, somewhat narrower in front, a little longer than broad ; front flat, convex on each side, broader towards the face, with a testaceous keel, which is forked towards the vertex. Prothorax arched, very short. Mesothorax with five keels. Hind borders of the abdominal segments testa- ceous on each side. Tibia? and tarsi testaceous. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with a black stigma, which has a white dot at its inner end ; veins testaceous, with black dots. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 1\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Colonel Bolton. ClXIUS INTERIOR. Testaceus ; vertex angustus, concavus, disco obscuriore ; frons et fades carinaia, margine subelevalo ; prothorax brevissimus, valde arcuatus ; mesothorax tricar inatus ; abdomen f us cescens, segmentis albido marginatis ; aim vitrece, venis testaceis apice nigris; anticce litura discali transversa interior e fuse a, stig- mate albido. Testaceous. Vertex narrow, concave, with a darker disk ; front and face with a distinct keel, their borders slightly elevated. Prothorax very short, much arched. Mesothorax with three keels. Abdomen pale brown ; hind borders of the segments whitish. Wings vitreous ; veins pale testaceous, black towards the lips. Fore wings with a brown transverse discal mark before the middle ; transverse veinlets forming two lines, the interior one incomplete; stigma whitish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Colonel Bolton. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 83 ClXIUS ASPILUS. Pallide testaceus ; vertex angustus, concavus ; from et fades cari- nalcc, marginibus subelevatis ; prothorax brevissimus, valde areuatus; mesotlwrax bicarinalus ; alee vitrece, venis testaceis apice niyris ; anticce stigmate testaceo basi albido. Pale testaceous. Vertex narrow, very concave; front and face with a distinct keel, their borders slightly elevated. Prothorax very short, much arched. Mesothorax with a slight keel on each side. Wings vitreous ; veins pale testaceous, black towards the tips. Fore wings with a pale testaceous stigma, which is whitish at the base; transverse veinlets forming two lines, the interior one incomplete. Length of the body If line; of the wings 5 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Colonel Bolton. ClXIUS RTJFIFRONS. Fulvus ; caput testaceum ; vertex angustus, concavus ; frons et fades carinatce, marginibus subelevatis, hac et illius disco rufis , prothorax brevissimus, valde areuatus ; mesothorax tri- carinatus ; abdomen lutescens ; alee vitrece, veuis testaceis api- ces versus nigro punctatis, stigmate testaceo guttam nigricantem includente. Tawny. Head testaceous ; vertex narrow, concave ; front and lace with a distinct keel, their borders slightly elevated ; face and disk of the front red. Prothorax very short, much arched. Meso- thorax with three keels. Abdomen somewhat luteous. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous, with black points towards the tips ; stigma pale testaceous, with a blackish dot. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Colonel Bolton. Genus DELPHAX, Cat. Horn. p. 350. Delphax flavescens. Delphax flavescens, Signoret. «, b. France. Presented by M. Signoret. 84 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus ASIRACA, Cat. Horn. p. 360. AsiRACA STEIGULOSA. Picea, subtus testacea ; frons angusta, bicarinata ; oviductus niger, abdomen sat superans ; alee sordide vitrece, venis nigris ; antica? apud murginem interiorem nigro strigata>, stigmate testaceo minimo. Piceous, mostly testaceous beneath. Front narrow, with two high keels. Oviduct black, extending some distance beyond the abdomen. Wings dingy vitreous ; veins black. Fore wings with some black streaks along the interior border to the tips ; stigma tes- taceous, very small. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus GADORA. Corpus parvum, lineare. Caput laeve. Antennae lineares, corporis dimidio longiores. Pedes graciles, longissimi. Ala? antica? angustae, longissimae, apud medium contracta?, extus subfal- catse, margine interiore convexo, venis paucis. Body small, linear. Vertex and front smooth. Antenna? linear, more than half the length of the body. Legs slender, ex- tremely long. Fore wings narrow, almost twice the length of the body, contracted in the middle ; the exterior part somewhat falci- form, convex on the interior border; veins few. Gadora capensis. Nigra ; caput nitens ; pedes testacei ; ala antica vitrea, apices versus nigra maculis duabus vitreis. Black. Head shining. Legs testaceous. Fore wings vitreous as far as the contraction ; exterior part black, with the exception of two vitreous spots on the costa. Length of the body 1£ line ; of the wings 6 lines, -a, b. Port Natal. From Mr. Plant's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 85 Genus JERALA. Corpus parvum. Vertex depressus, conicus; frons laevis, con- vexa. Antennae corpore non breviores; articuli I us et 2us dilatati, subsetosi ; 2us lo longior, apicem versus angustior; 3us setifonnis. Prothorax sat longus, subarcuatus. Mesothorax planus. Pedes longiusculi, sat graciles. Alee anticae angustae. Body small. Vertex flat, conical, moderately broad. Front smooth, convex. Antennae as long as the body; first and second joints dilated, minutely setose ; second longer than the first, much dilated along half the length, slightly dilated from thence to the tip ; third setiform. Prothorax moderately long, slightly arched. Mesothorax flat. Legs rather long and slender. Fore wings rather narrow ; veins much like those of Delphax. Jerala singula. Testacea ; antenna picece ; mesothorax fusco bivittatus ; abdomen ex parte nigrum ; alee anticce vitrea, apice oblique nigricantes, venis testaceis nigro punctatis ; posticce subcinerece, venis nigris. Testaceous. Antennae piceous. Mesothorax with a brown stripe on each side. Abdomen partly black. Legs pale testaceous. Fore wings vitreous, obliquely black at the tips ; veins testaceous, with black punctures. Hind wings slightly grayish ; veins black. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. Genus BIDIS. Bidis, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 88. Bidis PICTULA. Bidis pictula, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 150, 47. o. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. 86 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. BlDIS PUNCTIFROXS. Bidis punctifrons, Walk. Joum. Linn. Soc. i. 150, 48. a — c. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Genus OSTAMA. OsTAMA JUNCTA. Ostama juncta, Walk. Joum. Linn. Soc. i. 151, 50. a, b. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. V Genus RHOTALA. Rhotala DELINEATA. Rhotala delineata, Walk. Joum, Linn. Soc. i. 152, 52. a, b. Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. V ° Tribe ISSITES. \A Subtribe ISSOIDES. >/ O Genus ISSUS, Cat. Horn. p. 361. Mexico; r " Issus CASSIDOIDES. Sordide viridis, nigro autfusco varius ; vertex transversus, depres- sus ; from subobliqua, tricarinata, lateribus productis ; pro- thorax antice subconicus ; mesothorax bicar hiatus ; pedes robusti ; alee anticce submetallica, venis fulvis, costa basi sub- gibbosa; posticus cinerascentes. Dingy green, marked with black or brown, mostly black beneath. Vertex depressed, nearly twice broader than long ; front depressed, with three indistinct keels, slightly sloping forward, narrowest towards the vertex, notched in the middle towards the face, beyond which it is produced on each side. Prothorax more than twice broader than long, very convex in front, extending partly over the LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 87 vertex. Mesothorax with a keel on each side. Legs very stout. Fore win^s with the costa somewhat gibbous near the base ; areolets with a slight metallic tinge ; veins tawny. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 3 lines j of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. A ISSUS CLYPEATUS. Viridis aut viridi-fuscus, nigro notatus ; vertex transversus, depressus ; frons tricarinata; pro thorax antice convexus; mesothorax bicarinatus ; alee anticee submetallicee> costa basi subgibbosa ; posticce drier as rentes. Green, or greenish brown, marked with black, especially be- neath. Vertex depressed, twice broader than long ; front flat, with three indistinct keels, a little narrower towards the vertex, slightly notched in the middle by the face. Prothorax more than twice broader than long, convex in front, hardly extending over the vertex. Mesothorax with a keel on each side. Fore wings with a slight metallic tinge; somewhat gibbous along the costa; veins green. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. This species may be distinguished from the preceding by the front, which is not sloping, and not produced on each side by the face. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. " T ISSUS CASSIDIFORMTS. Niger; vertex transversus, de pre ssas ; frons oblonga, tricarinata ; prothorax ajitice convexus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; tibia tavsique Jlavo fasciata, alee antica testaceo varies, guttis duabus aut tribus plagaque albidis ; postica obscure ci- nerea. Black. Vertex depressed, hardly twice broader than long ; front much longer than broad, with three indistinct keels, a little narrower towards the vertex, with a slight transverse ridge towards the face. Prothorax more than twice broader than long, convex along the fore border, which extends slightly over the vertex. Mesothorax with three indistinct keels. Tibise with a yellow band 12 88 LIST OP HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. near the tip ; tarsi with a yellow band. Fore wings varied with dingy testaceous ; a large whitish spot on the protuberance of the costa near the base, and two or three whitish dots on the disk. Hind wings dark gray. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. ISSUS OVATIPENNIS. Fulvus; vertex transversus, carina marginibusque elevatis fulvis ; frons fusca, Icevis, nitens, oblonga, tricarinata, fades striyulis transversis nigris; prothorax testaceus, brevissimus ; meso- thorax parvus, trigonus, niger, testaceo marginatus ; abdomen nigrum, subtus apicem versus viride ; alai anticce nigrce, an- gusta, basi lituraque poslica fulvis ; posticce cinereo vitrea, venis nigris. Tawny. Vertex transverse, with a testaceous keel and with testaceous elevated borders ; front mostly brown, smooth, shining, much longer than broad, with three slight keels, a little broader towards the face, which has black transverse marks on each side. Prothorax testaceous, very short. Mesothorax small, triangular, black, with a testaceous border. Abdomen black, green beneath towards the tip. Fore wings black, narrow, tawny towards the base, and with a tawny mark on the interior border ; borders rounded towards the tip. Hind wings grayish vitreous; veins black. Length of the body l^ line ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. /o South America. ISSUS INFIXUS. Ferrugineus ; vertex transversus, concavus ; frons lavis, nitens, disco nigro, vitta teslacea ; prothorax antice convexus ; meso- thorax parvus, trigonus, depressus ; pedes nigri ; tibia ante- riores ferruginem, postica? viridi fasciata ; alee antica sub- tuber culata, fascia media maculisque exterioribus discalibus nigris. Var. — Rufescens ; frons disco piceo ; alee anticce vix nigro signata?. Ferruginous. Vertex transverse, concave; front smooth, shining, with a black disk and with a testaceous stripe towards the LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 89 vertex. Prothorax transverse, short-conical, covering part of the vertex. Mesothorax small, triangular, depressed. Femora and tarsi black. Hind tibia? pale green, black towards the base and at the tips. Fore wings slightly tuberculate, with a black middle band, which is abbreviated hindward, and with some black exterior discal marks. Var. Reddish. Disk of the front piceous. Fore wings with the black parts almost obsolete. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a, b. Constancia, Province of Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Africa. ISSUS LONGIFROXS. Testaceus ; vertex transversus, lateribus elevatis, frons longissima, bicarinata, piceo varia, lateribus elevatis ; fades nigra, uni- carinata; alee anticce nigricantus, lateribus dejlexis, plaga basali magna fasciaque lata obliqua exteriore testaceis, venis testaceis bene determinatis ; posticce subcinerea. Testaceous. Vertex broader than long, with elevated borders ; front vertical, four times longer than broad, hardly broader towards the face, partly piceous, with two keels and with elevated borders ; its sides well developed ; face black, with one keel. Prothorax transverse, conical in the middle. Mesotborax small, flat. Fore wings blackish, vertical on each side, with a large testaceous patch near the base, and with a broad oblique testaceous band ; veins testaceous, strongly marked. Hind wings slightly grayish. Length of ihe body 2\ lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Port Natal. From Mr. Plant's collection. Asia. T V^ ISSUS BYRRHOIDES. Cervinus,nonnunquam viridi varius ; caput et thorax tuberculata; vertex transversus, lateribus vix elevatis ; frons elongata, per- obliqua, tricarinata, subtus abruple retracta ; facies elongata, Icevis, convexa, nigro varia ; thorax subcarinatus ; mesothorax carinis duabus obliquis ; pedes nigro lineati ; alee anticce sub- fusiformes, subconvexce, venis elevatis, venulis plurimis, costa basi subexcavata ; posticce nigricanles, reticulatcp, venulis rufescentibus. Mas. — Abdomen apice subtus bitubercu- latum. I 3 90 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Fawn-colour, sometimes partly tinged with green. Head and thorax tuberculate ; vertex transverse, flat, its borders hardly elevated ; front very oblique, not twice longer than broad, slightly concave on its fore border, with three keels, the lateral pair slightly curved; under side abruptly retracted; face elongate, smooth, convex, not keeled, mostly black. Thorax slightly keeled. Prothorax trans- verse, convex along the fore border. Mesothorax triangular, with an oblique keel on each side. Legs with black lines. Fore wings subfusiform, slightly convex; veins elevated; veinlets very nume- rous; costa slightly excavated near the base. Hind wings blackish, reticulated; veins reddish. Male. — Abdomen with a tubercle on each side at the tip beneath. Length of the body 4 — 4£ lines ; of the wings 8—9 lines. a, b North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. * ° ISSUS BRUCHOIDES. Cervinus ; caput p'oductum; vertex longissimus, antice obliquus ferrugbieus ; frons elongata, laieribus elevatis, subtus retracta ; fades lanceolata ; oculi magni, ovati ; prothorax subcarinatus ; mesothorax lateribus subreticulatis ; pectus testaceum; alee anticce sat angustce, subfusiformes, inter venas subluberculatce ; posticus obscure cinerete, apices versus subreticulatce, venis nigris. Fawn-colour. Head produced much in advance of the eyes; vertex with elevated borders, about thrice or four times longer than broad, linear and horizontal between the eyes, oblique, ferruginous and slightly widening before the eyes; front much longer than broad, with elevated borders, retracted beneath towards the face, which is lanceolate. Eyes large, oval. Prothorax transverse, very short-conical along the fore border, with a slightly middle keel. Mesothorax triangular, very slightly reticulated on each side. Pectus testaceous. Fore wings rather narrow, subfusiform, slightly tuberculate between the veins. Hind wings dark gray, somewhat reticulated towards the tips ; veins black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Raffles' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS 91 T 1SSUS SPECTANS. Piceus, lavis, nitens, subtus testaceus ; capitis latera fulva ; vertex transversus, postice excavatus, lateribus subelevatis ; frons elongata, subcarinata, lateribus subelevatis ; fades postice sub- sulcata, antice carinata ; oculi (estacei, 7na Var. Tesiacea ; abdomen album ; alee anticee rosece, apud discum albce fasciis duabus roseis ; posticce albce. Var. Testaceous. Front slightly widening towards the face, with a slight middle keel and with slightly elevated borders. Ab- domen white. Fore wings rosy, with a black dot in the disk near the base ; disk white, except towards the base, and including two rosy bands, the exterior one slightly curved, almost parallel to the rosy exterior border, which contains a paler line. Hind wings white. Length of the body 6 — 7 lines ; of the wings 20 — 22 lines. «— c. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. N t? P(ECILOPTERA COMBINATA. Albida ; vertex brevissimus ; frons tricarinata, lateribus sub- elevatis ; tarsi nigri ; alee anticce macula guttaque luteis gut- taque nigra ; posticce albce. Whitish. Vertex very short ; front with three very slight keels and with slightly elevated borders. Tarsi black. Wings, in struc- ture, much like those of P. Helena. Fore wings with a luteous spot and a luteous dot in the disk near the base, the spot nearly in a line behind the dot, and partly including a black dot. Hind wings white. Length of the body 4 — 6 lines ; of the wings 16 — 20 lines. a. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Ill y PCECTLOPTERA GUTTULARIS. Var. Testacea, albo tomentosa, nonnunquam pallide viridis ; frons subcarinata, lateribus subconvexis subelevaiis ; prolhorax sub- carinatus ; mesothorax carinis tribus non bene determinatis ; abdomen scepissime album; alee anticce guttis oclodecem nigris, costa subconvexa raro viridescente, margine exteriore subrecto ; posticce albce. Nephesa guttularis, Walk. Var. Much larger than the specimen from Borneo. Testaceous, with white tomentum, rarely pale green. Front longer than broad, with a slight middle keel ; lateral borders slightly convex, slightly elevated. Prothorax arched, with a distinct keel. Mesothorax with three slight keels, the middle obsolete hindward, the lateral pair obsolete in front. Abdomen generally white. Fore wings rarely tinged with green towards the base and along the costa, adorned with about eighteen minute black dots ; costa slightly convex ; exterior border almost straight, forming two right angles with the costa and with the interior border. Hind wings white. Length of the body 4£ — 5 lines; of the wings 15 — 16 lines. a — e. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. PcECILOPTERA TeNNENTINA. Lcete prasina ; caput subtestaceum ; prothorax arcuatus, fasciis duabus angulatis testaceis ; mesothorax testaceo bivittatus ; abdomen album ; alee anticce fusco biguttatce, apud costam valde convexce, margine exteriore subconvexo, angulis rotunda- tis, venis pallidis ; poslicce alba. Flata Tennentina, White, MSS. Bright grass-green. Head slightly testaceous ; vertex and front with a very indistinct middle keel and with elevated borders ; vertex transverse, front longer than broad. Prothorax arched, with two angular testaceous bands. Mesothorax with two testaceous stripes. Abdomen white. Fore wings very convex along the costa, slightly convex along the exterior border, the angles quite rounded ; a brown dot in the disk, and a smaller one on the exterior border near the interior angle ; veins and veinlets pale, very numerous. L2 U2 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Hind wings white. Length of the .body 4 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. * ,:d Pceciloptera ocellifera. Luteo-viridis ; prolhorax arcuatus, carinatus, bipunctulatus ; me- sothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen albidum ; alee anticte annulis plurimis minutis rufis, apud costam subconvexai, apice rotun- data, margine exteriore subrecto, angulo interiore peracuto ; posticcB alba. Luteous-green. Vertex and front with a slight keel ; front a little longer than broad, narrower towards the face, with a slight and short keel on each side, the borders hardly elevated. Prothorax arched, with an impression on each side of the slight middle keel. Mesothorax with three slight keels. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings with many small red ringlets of various size, slightly convex along the costa, almost straight along the exterior border ; tips rectangular, but rounded ; interior angle very acute. Hind wings white. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. This species, like the following, is one of the links which con- nect Colobesthes and Nephesa with Pceciloptera, to which genus the other two should be united. a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. V O Pceciloptera areolifera. Viridescente-alba ; prothorax arcuatus, carinatus, subtuberculatus ; mesothorax bicarinatus ; alee antiea apud costam valde con- vexa, apice angulatce, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore peracuto, margine interiore undulato, venis paucis, venulis plurimis ; postica alba?. Greenish white. Vertex very short; front flat, longer than broad, slightly widening towards the face, with three very slight keels and with hardly elevated borders. Prothorax arched, slightly tuberculate, with a distinct keel. Mesothorax with two slight keels. Fore wings with the costa very convex, the tips rectangular and not rounded, the exterior border straight, the interior angle very acute, the interior border undulating ; veins few ; veinlets very numerous ; LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 113 areolets irregular. Hind wings white. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. ^ 6 PoZCILOPTERA CALOCHROMA. Mas. Late viridis ; caput, abdomen et pedes ochracea ; prothorax subcarinatus ; mesothorax tricarinalus ; alee anticce guttis plurimis pallide luteis, linea marginali coccinea apud costam basalem ochracea, apud costam subconvexce, apice rectangulata, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore acuta, venis paucis ramosis, venuiis transversis plurimis ; posticce alba. Male. Bright pale green. Head orange ; vertex very short ; front flat, a little longer than broad, with a slight middle and slightly elevated borders. Prothorax with a slighvfceel. Mesotho- rax with three slight keels. Abdomen and legs orange. Fore wings with numerous pale luteous dots, which are larger in the disk than about the borders ; a crimson line along the border replaced by an orange line from the base to the middle of the costa, which is slightly convex; tips rectangular ; exterior border straight ; interior angle acute ; veins few, ramose ; marginal veinlets very short ; transverse veinlets rather numerous. Hind wings while. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. » PcECILOPTEUA VARIPENNIS. Testaceo -viridis ; prothorax subtuberculatus, tricarinatus, antice convexus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen testacewn ; pedes testacei ; alee anticce Icetissime virides, ex parte nigra marginata, apud costam valde convexce, apice anguloque inte- riore rotundatis, margine exteriore convexo, venis paucis, venu- iis transversis plurimis ; posticce alba. Testaceous-green. Vertex not longer than broad, with elevated borders and with three slight keels, the lateral pair converging towards the face. Prothorax minutely tuberculate, convex in front, with three slight keels. Mesothorax with three keels. Abdomen and legs testaceous. Fore wings very bright grass-green ; costa very convex ; tips very much rounded ; interior angle much rounded ; a very slender interrupted black line along the convex exterior bor- l3 114 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. der and along the adjoining part of the costa and of the interior border; veins few; no marginal veinlets ; transverse veinlets nume- rous. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. ® PffiCILOPTERA DISTINCTISSIMA. Pallide viridis, aut albida, aut testacea ; prothorax subcarinatus, valde arcuatus ; mesothorax tricarinatus, luteo aut testaceo quadrivittatus ; abdomen et pedes pallide testacea; alee anticce ex parte rufescente marginatce, apud costam subconvexce, apice ang it toque interiore rotundatis, margine exteriore recto, mar- gine interiore basi tuberculato, venis venulisque transversis plurimis ; posticce albce. Pale green or whitish, or testaceous. Front flat, much longer than broad, with a keel, which is obsolete towards the face and with elevated borders. Prothorax much arched, with a slight keel. Mesothorax with three slight keels, and with four more or less dis- tinct luteous or testaceous stripes. Abdomen and legs pale testa- ceous. Fore wings with a reddish marginal line extending from the apical part of the costa to the base of the interior border, which is slightly tuberculate ; costa slightly convex; tips and interior angles rounded, especially the former ; exterior border straight ; veins and transverse veinlets testaceous, numerous; marginal veins short. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3| lines; of the wings 10 lines. a—f. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. J PcECILOPTERA SUBLINEA. Viridescente-testacea, robusta; prothorax subcarinatus, antice coni- cus ; mesothorax tricarinatus; abdomen albidum ; cristis testaceis ; alee antica pallide prasince, ex parte nigro mar- ginatce, costa convexa pallide testacea, apice et angulo interiore valde rotundatis, margine exteriore vix convexo, venis paucis, venulis transversis plurimis ; posticce albce. Stout, pale greenish testaceous. Front flat, a little broader than long, with a very indistinct keel and with hardly elevated bor- ders. Prothorax conical in front, with a slight middle keel. Me- sothorax with three slight keels. Abdomeu whitish ; crests LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 115 testaceous. Fore wings pale grass-green ; costa convex, pale testa- ceous ; tips and interior angles much rounded ; exterior border hardly convex, with an interrupted black line extending along it and along the adjoining part of the costa and of the interior border; veins few ; transverse veinlets irregular, rather numerous. Hind wings white. Leugth of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9£ lines. a, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. POECILOPTERA PALLIDICOSTA. Pallide prasina ; prothorax arcuatus ; mesothorax subcarinatus ; alee anticce apud costam albidce subrectce, apice roiundatce, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore distincto, venis venu- lisque transversis plurimis, vetiulis marginalibus longiusculis plerumque furcatis ; posticce albce. Pale grass-green. Vertex broader than long, narrower in front, with slightly elevated borders and with a very slight middle keel. Prothorax arched. Mesothorax with a slight middle keel. Fore wings whitish and almost straight along the costa, straight along the exterior border; tips and interior angles rectangular, the former rounded ; veins and transverse veinlets numerous ; marginal veinlets rather long, mostly forked. Hind wings white. Length of the body 2-| — 4 lines; of the wings 8—11 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. y P(ECILOPTERA UMBRIMARGO. Teslacea ; frons lineis duabus lateralibus obscuris ; thorax non carinatus ; metathorax pallide viridis ; abdomen pallide tes- taceum, cristis viridibus ; alee anticce apud discum albidce, vitta subcostali nigricante basi indistincta, fascia apud margi- nem exleriorem rectum cinerea, costa vix convexa, apice et angulo interiore rotundatis, margine interiore tuberculato ; posticai limpidce, cinereo marginatce, venis albis. Testaceous. Front a little broader than long, with a dark line along each side, with very slightly elevated borders and with an almost obsolete keel. Thorax not keeled. Metathorax pale green. Abdomen pale testaceous, with pale green crests ; dorsal apical appendage loDg, slender, curved, furrowed. Fore wings mostly whitish in the disk, with a blackish subcostal stripe, which is 116 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. indistinct for half the length from the base ; a gray band along the exterior border, which is straight ; tips and interior angles rounded ; costa hardly convex ; interior border tuberculate. Hind wings lim- pid, with white veins and with gray borders, which are broadest about the interior angle. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Raffles' collection. 4 PffiCILOPTERA INTRACTA. Pallide prasina ; thorax tricarinatus ; prothorax arcuatus ; abdo- men pallide testaceum ; pedes ex parte rufescentes ; alee anticce linea marginali pallide testacea, costa convexa, apice et angulo interiore subrotundatis, margine exteriore vix convexo, margine interiore tuberculato, venis venulisque transversis plurimis ; postica? alba. Bright pale grass-green. Front hardly longer than broad, with three very slight keels, slightly widening towards the face, the borders not elevated. Prothorax and mesothorax with three slight keels, the former arched. Abdomen pale testaceous. Legs partly reddish. Fore wings with a pale testaceous marginal line ; costa convex ; tip and interior angle somewhat rounded, especially the former; exterior border hardly convex ; interior border tuberculate ; veins and transverse veinlets numerous. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines a. Punjaub. Presented by General Hearsay. G Pgeciloptera rufilinea. Pallide prasina ; caput et thorax vittis tribus viridi-cyaneis dua- busgue rufis ; prothorax arcuatus ; mesothorax vittis duabus exterioribus indistinctis rufescentibus ; alee anticce ex parte rufescente marginatum, apice rectangulata?, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore acuto, venis venulisque transversis vix plurimis ; posticce alba. Pale grass-green. Head and thorax with three greenish blue stripes and two red stripes ; front transverse, a little wider towards the face, with a slight keel and slightly elevated borders. Protho- rax arched. Mesothorax with two iudistiuct exterior reddish stripes. Fore wings with a reddish line along the interior border and along the straight exterior border ; tip rectangular ; interior LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 117 angle acute; veins and transverse veinlets hardly numerous; mar- ginal veinlets rather long. Hind wings white. Length of the body 2\ — 3 lines ; of the wings 6 — 7 lines. West Africa. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. J PcECILOPTERA LAURIFOLIA. Testacea ; prothorax bifoveolatus, vix arcuatus ; mesothorax vix carinatus ; alee anticte viridescente subvarice, linea marginali gracili testacea nigro guttata, costa convexa, apice et angulo interiore valde rotundatis, margine exteriore subconvexo, vents paucis, venulis transversis sat plurinv's ; posticm albce. Testaceous. Front hardly longer than broad, with a middle keel and with slightly elevated borders. Prothorax with an impres- sion on each side, hardly arched. Mesothorax hardly keeled. Fore wings partly and very slightly tinged with green, with a slender testaceous black-dotted marginal line ; costa convex ; exterior bor- der slightly convex ; tip and interior angle much rounded, espe- cially the former ; veins few ; transverse veinlets irregular, rather numerous. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. 9 P<.o, M ™u l0 T E SC EN , Mas. Testacea ; prothorax arcuatus, subcarinatus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; alee anticce apud costam vix convexce, apice rotundatte, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore bene deter- minalo, margine interiore tuber culato , venis venulisque pluri- mis, venulis marginalibus longiusculis ; posticce albce. Male. Testaceous. Vertex a little broader than long, with slightly elevated borders and with three indistinct keels. Prothorax arched, with a slight keel. Mesothorax with three indistinct keels. Abdominal appendages like those of P. umbrimargo. Fore wings very slightly convex along the costa ; tip rounded ; exterior border straight, forming a well-defined right angle with the interior border, which is tuberculate ; veins and transverse veinlets rather nume- rous ; marginal veinlets rather long. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. 118 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. / PoECILOPTERA PUNCTIFRONS. Ferrugineo-fulva,subtus testacea; frons nigro biguttata ; prothorax arcuatus ; mesothorax piceus, tricarinatus ; alee anticee apice et apud angnlum interiorem rotundatce, costa margineque exte- riore subrectis, margine interiore basi tuberculato, venulis qostalibus plurimis obliquis parallelis, venulis apud marginem exteriorem paucis. Ferruginous-tawny, testaceous beneath. Front transverse ; sides convex, not elevated ; two black dots near the vertex. Pro- thorax arched. Mesothorax mostly piceous, with three slight keels. Fore wings almost straight along the costa and along the exterior border ; tip and interior angle rounded ; interior border tuberculate at the base ; costal veinlets oblique, parallel and very numerous ; veinlets along the exterior border comparatively few ; veins and transverse veinlets not numerous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. V PCECILOPTERA GLAUCESCENS. Picea, sublus testacea ; caput testaceum ; thorax non carinatus ; prothorax subarcuatus ; ala anlica glaucescente tomentosce, costa testacea, subrecta, apice anguloque interiore rotundatis, margine exterior e subrecto, venis plurimis, venulis transversis paucioribus, venulis marginalibus longiusculis, nonnunquam furcalis ; posticce cinerece. Piceous. Head and under side pale testaceous. Front trans- verse, a little narrower towards the face, with a short and very slight keel ; sides hardly elevated. Thorax not keeled. Prothorax slightly arched. Fore wings with slightly glaucous tomentum ; costa testaceous for two-thirds of the length from the base, almost straight, as is also the exterior border ; tip and interior angle rounded ; veins very numerous ; transverse veinlets hardly nume- rous ; marginal veinlets rather long, several of them forked. Hind wings gray. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 119 / PCECILOPTERA PAUPERA. Ferruginea, subtus testacea ; frons pallide viridis ; prothorax sub- arcualus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen pallide viride, apicem versus supra nigricans ; alee macula subapicali albida ; alee antica fusco-cinerece, basi et apud marginem interiorem tuberculata, apud costam subconvexa, apice angulata?, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore bene determinate, venis venu- lisque marginalibus plurimiSj venulis transversis puueis ; pos- twar cinereai. Ferruginous, testaceous beneath. Front pale green, longer than broad, with a middle keel, its borders not elevated. Prothorax slightly arched. Mesothorax with three slight keels. Abdomen pale green ; apical half blackish above. Wings with a whitish sub- apical spot. Fore wings brownish cinereous, tuberculate at the base and along part of the interior border, slightly convex along the costa ; exterior border straight, forming a right angle with the costa and another with the interior border ; veins and marginal veinlets numerous; transverse veinlets few. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4^ lines. a St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. PCECILOPTERA INSTANS. Testacea; arista longa; prothorax brevis ; mesothorax tricarina- tus ; aim vilrea ; antica apud costam convexa, apice et angulo interiore rotundaiis, venis plurimis pallide viridibus, venulis transversis nigris paucis ; postiea? venis paucis. Testaceous. Vertex about twice broader than long, slightly concave in the disk ; front very much longer than broad, with a keel and with elevated borders. Arista long. Prothorax short. Meso- thorax with three keels. Wings vitreous. Fore wings convex along the costa; tip and interior angle much rounded ; veins pale green, numerous ; transverse veinlets black, irregular, not nume- rous. Hind wings with few veins. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 6 lines. This species recedes very much from the typical form of Pceciloptera. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 120 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. V Genus CROMNA. Cromna, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 85. Cromna peracuta. Mas et foem. Pallide viridis ; caput elongatum, ascendens, acute conicum ; frons elongata, rufescens, tricarinata ; prothorax valde conicus ; mesothorax non carinatus ; abdomen ex parte testaceum ; pedes rufescentes ; alee antica apud costam sub- convexa, apice angulata, margine exteriore recto obliquo, angulo interiore bene determinato , venis non multis, venulis transversis nullis ; posticce albce. Male and female. Pale green. Head elongate, ascending, acutely conical ; front elongate, reddish, with three keels. Protho- rax very conical in front. Mesothorax not keeled. Abdomen partly testaceous. Legs reddish. Fore wings very slightly convex in front, almost rectangular at the tip and on the interior angle ; exterior border straight, oblique ; veins not numerous ; no trans- verse veinlets. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Male. Fore wings with a rosy border. a. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection. b, c. Moreton Bay. Presented by — Gibbons, Esq. ^ "* Cromna nasalis. Prasina ; caput testaceum, sub conicum ; frons tricarinata ; pro- thorax conicus, carinatus, bene determinates, subtuberculatus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen supra album ; pedes tes- tacei ; alee anticce linea marginali indistincta testacea, apud costam vix convexa, apice rotundatce, margine exteriore recto perparum obliquo, angulo interiore rotundato, margine inte- riore tuberculato, venis venulisque transversis plurimis ; pos- ticce albce. Grass-green. Head testaceous, slightly conical in front; ver- tex with one keel; front with three keels, a little longer than broad. Prothorax conical, well-developed, slightly tuberculate, with one keel. Mesothorax with three keels. Abdomen white, pale green beneath. Legs testaceous. Fore wings with an indis- LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 121 tinct testaceous marginal line, hardly convex along the costa, rounded at the tips and at the interior angle ; exterior border straight, very slightly oblique ; interior border tuberculate ; veins and transverse veinlets very numerous. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Adelaide. From Mr. Cuming's collection. V o Genus CYARDA. Caput thorace paullo angustius ; vertex transversus, subarcua- tus; frons laevis, nitens, vix obliqua; facies lanceolata. Prothorax transversus, subarcuatus. Ala? anticae perangustae, basi sat latae ; costa basi convexa, apicem versus peracutum recta ; margo exterior brevissimus, perobliquus, subconcavus. Head a little narrower than the thorax. Vertex transverse, slightly arched. Front very slightly oblique, smooth, shining. Face lanceolate. Prothorax transverse, slightly arched. Fore wings very narrow, except towards the base ; veins moderately nu- merous, undulating towards the tip, where the wing is contracted ; transverse veinlets very few; costal veinlets numerous, moderately long; costa convex for half the length from the base, straight from thence to the tip, which is very acute ; exterior border very short and oblique, slightly concave ; interior angle oblique, distiuct. ^ CVAIiDA DIFFORMIS. Mas. Testacea, cano tomentosa, subtus albida ; vertex subcarina- tus ; frons subtransversa, non carinata, marginibus non elevatis ; prothorax non carinatus ; mesothorax carinis duabus indis- tinctis ; alee antica pallide virides, venis nigricantibus ; pos- ticat subcinerea?. Male. Testaceous, with hoary tomentum, mostly whitish beneath. Vertex with a slight keel; front a little broader than long, not keeled, nor with elevated borders. Prothorax not keeled. Mesothorax with a very slight keel on each side. Fore wings pale green ; veins blackish. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 3 lines : of the wings 8 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. M 122 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. %< J Genus BUCA. Caput thorace multo angustius ; vertex conicus; frons elon- gata, faciem versus latescens ; facies lanceolata. Prothorax trans- versus, parvus, antice conicus, carinis tribus distinctis. Mesothorax non carinatus. Alas vitreae ; anticae angulis nullis, venis paucis arcuatis, venulis sex transversis. Head much narrower than the thorax. Vertex conical. Front much longer than broad, slightly widening towards the face, which is lanceolate. Prothorax transverse, small, conical in front, with three distinct keels, the lateral pair oblique. Mesothorax not keeled. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with the angles quite rounded ; veins few and curved ; about six transverse veinlets. This genus has some resemblance to Dictyophora. * O Btjca simplex. Foem. Viridis, ex parte testacea ; vertex carinatus, marginibus e/evatis, nigro biguttatus ; frons subcarinata, marginibus ele- vatis ; alee vitrea, venis fulvis ; antica venis quinque, duabus inlegris, tribus furcatis, costa subconvexa, margine exteriore convexo. Female. Green, partly testaceous. Vertex with elevated bor- ders, with a black dot on the keel, and with another on the fore border ; front with a slight keel and with elevated borders. Wings vitreous ; veins tawny. Fore wings with five longitudinal veins ; two of them simple ; three divided, and two subdivided ; border slightly convex along the costa, convex exteriorly, and from thence to the interior border ; the angles quite obsolete. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus EUPILIS. Eupilis, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 93. - Eupilis albtlineola. Eupilis albilineola, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 93, 43; 162, 110. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 123 LUPILIS HEBES. Eupilis hebes, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 162, 111. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Fam. MEMBRACINA, Burm? Genus MEMBRACIS, Cat. Horn. p. 473. - Membracis continua. t) Nigra, M. zonatae affinis; vitta prothoracis pallide Jlava, attenuata, supra recta, antice convexa, subtus apice concava. Black. Prothorax with a pale yellow stripe, which is at- tenuated at each end, straight above, convex in front and concave hindward beneath, occupies the tip and extends nearly to the fore border. This species is nearly allied to^f. zonat.a, Fairm., but dif- fers in the shape of the yellow stripe. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Membracis divisa. Nigra ; prothorax antice conicus, postice rectus, fasciis tribus albis, \a marginali, 2a discali, 3a subapicali. Black. Prothorax conical in front above, straight hindward, with three white marks ; the first extending for a short space along the fore end of the edge ; the second forming a large spot in the lower part of the disk ; the third forming a broad subapical band. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Membracis mimica. Nigra ; prothorax altissimus, wide convexus, fasciis tribus late- ralibus testaceis, 2a antice angulata, 3a longi-ovata ; tarsi testacei. Black. Prothorax very high and convex; each side with three pale testaceous bands ; the first band long, linear, slightly curved ; the second much shorter, obtusely angular on its fore side; the M 2 124 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. third elongate-oval, much shorter thaij the second. Tarsi testa- ceous. This species much resembles y M. lunata, but may be dis- tinguished by its prothorax, which is rather lower, less vertical in front and more vertical hindward along the keel; the first and second bands are more oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines, a, b. Kio Janeiro. Presented by the Eev. Hamlet Clark. A larva of this genus from Rio Janeiro, presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark, is green, varied with testaceous, and has a dark line along each side of the prothorax, which is divided into eleven lan- ceolate segments ; the first and second segments are united, except towards their tips ; the third is much larger than the others, and the fourth much smaller than the others. Genus ENCHOPHYLLUM, Cat. Horn. p. 480. Enchophyllum decoratum. . Enchophyllum decoratum, Erichson, Schomb. Reisen, 615. Guiana. Genus ENCHENOPA, Cat. Horn. p. 481. 5 EncHENOPA IGNIDORSUM. Nigra ; prothoracis carina ochraceo vittata, cornu antico obliquo compresso lanceolato ; tarsi fulvi aut albidi ; alee posticce nigricantes. Black. Prothorax with an orange stripe on the ridge, ex- tending from on a line with the eyes nearly to the tip ; fore part forming an oblique lanceolate compressed horn, which has two ridges on each side, and is about one-third of the whole length of the prothorax. Tarsi tawny or whitish. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 4% lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. ENCHENOPA QUAD RIM AC U LATA. Ferruginea ; prothorax vitta brevi lata maculisque tribus flavis, cornu porrecto compresso lanceolato arcuato ; abdomen ful- vum ; pedes fulvi; alee anticce apice fulva; postica sub- cinerece. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUTS INSECTS. 125 Ferruginous. Prothorax with a short broad yellow stripe on the ridge, and with three yellow spots in front adjoining the head, the middle spot elongate, the lateral pair round ; fore part porrect, compressed, lanceolate, curved, ridged on each side, lull one-third of the whole length of the prothorax. Abdomen, legs and fore wings at the tips tawny. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 2§ lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Sautarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Enchenopa bifusifera. O Ferruqineo-fusca ; 'prothorax strigis duabus Jlavis, cornu brew obliquo compresso lanceolato ; abdomen ferrugineum ; tarsi testacei ; alee posticce subcinerece. Ferruginous-brown. Prothorax with two somewhat fusiform yellow streaks on the ridge; fore part forming a short ridged lanceolate compressed obliquely ascending horn. Abdomen ferrugi- nous. Tarsi testaceous. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Vera Cruz. From M. Salle's collection. „ /) Enchenopa arcuata. Nigra ; capitis cornu arcuatum, compression, acutum, oblique ascendens, lateribus bicarinatis, maculis duabus albis una an- tica, 2a dorsali. Black. Horn of the prothorax curved, compressed, acute, ob- liquely ascending, with two keels on each side, its length rather exceeding the breadth of the prothorax; the latter has a white spot in front adjoining the head, and another on the keel a little behind the shoulders. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines. o. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by k the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Enchenopa gracilis, Cat. Horn. p. 482. a. Constancia, Proviuce of Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. M 3 126 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. Enchenopa feigida, Cat. Horn. p. 490. * Var. Fulva ; pi'o thoracis cornu oblique ascendens, valde compres- sum, apice rotundatum, lateribus carinatis; pectus, abdomen et femora nigra; alee antica albidce, cinereo notata?, costa basali fulva punctata, venis testaceis ; posticce vitrece. Var. Tawny, with pale pubescence. Horn of the prothorax obliquely ascending, much compressed, rounded at the tip, ridged as usual on each side, rather shorter than the hind keel from the base of the abdomen. Pectus, abdomen and femora black. Fore wings whitish, tawny and punctured along some part of the costa ; veins testaceous ; some gray marks along the interior bor- der and a gray stripe along the exterior border. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 2f lines ; of the wiugs 5 lines. a. Canada. Presented by W. W. L. Walcott, Esq. t> Genus PHILYA. Enchenopa affinis. Corpus longum, gracile. Prothorax cari- natus; cornu longum, compressura, porrectum, subascendens, apice subrecurvum margine transverso elevato ; carina postica longa, gra- cilis, ante medium subcontracta, apice subarcuata et subattenuata. Tibiae anteriores dilatatae. Alae anticae angustae. Body long and slender. Prothorax keeled. Horn compressed, long, porrect, slightly ascending, tapering to its tip, which is slightly recurved and has a transverse ridge. Hind part long, slen- der, extending a little beyond the abdomen, slightly contracted be- fore the middle, slightly curved and attenuated towards the tip. Anterior tibiae dilated. Fore wings narrow, nearly uncovered. Philya bicolor. ^ Ferruginea nigro notata, aut nigra ferrugineo varia, cornu carina postica vix brevius ; alee anticce nigra aut lurida costa ferru- ginea; posticce subcinerece. Ferruginous, with some black marks on the horn, or black and more or less varied with ferruginous. Prothorax roughly punc- tured ; horn prismatic, nearly as long as the hind part of the pro- thorax. Fore wings black or lurid, punctured along the costa, which is ferruginous wheu the rest of the wins: is lurid. Hind LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 127 wings grayish. Length of the body 4— 4£ lines; of the wings 4£ — b\ Hues. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Genus SPHONGOPHORUS, Cat. Horn. p. 496. Sphongophorus ballista, Cat. Horn. p. 497. a — d. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Sphongophorus paradox a, Cat. Horn. p. 497. a, b. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Genus PTERYGIA, Cat. Horn. p. 499. Pterygia quadridens, Cat. Horn, p. 499. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. D Pterygia tripodia, Cat. Horn. p. 499. Stoll's figure, pi. 15, f. 77, is of this species, not of P. cruciata. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. Pterygia crassicornis, Cat. Horn. p. 499. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. ^ Pterygia hispidA, Cat. Horn. p. 500. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. This specimen differs somewhat from the description of P. hit' pida ; the prolhorax behind the lateral horns has three testaceous stripes, and two more hindward testaceous bands ; the legs also are partly testaceous. Pterygia tileata, Cat. Horn. p. 501. a, 6. 128 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. . Pterygia subsimilis. (? Nigra, albo tomentosa ; prothorax tuberculatus, antice subcarinatus, cornubus duobus brevissimis ascendentibus subobliquis ferru- gineo notatis apice truncatis ; carina postica basi et apud medium gibbosa ; tarsi testacei, apice nigri ; alee anticce linea apud marginem interiorem fulva. Black. Head, fore part of the prothorax, two bands on the hind part, tibiae, and some marks on the fore wings of white tomen- tum. Prothorax tuberculate, with a slight ridge in front, and with two very short ascending slightly diverging horns, which are trun- cate at their tips, and are partly ferruginous in front ; a rounded hump on the prothorax just behind the lateral horns and another more hindward, a little larger than the first. Tarsi testaceous, with black tips. Fore wings with a lawny line along the interior border. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by John Gray, Esq. Genus OXYRHACHIS, Cat. Horn. p. 503. \J OXYRHA.CHIS INDICANS. ^ Fusca, subpubescens, scite punctata ; prothorax subcarinatus, cor- nubus duobus protensis subobliquis subascendentibus supra subtuberculatis apice truncatis spinaque armatis, postice Ian- ceolatus abdomine multo brevior ; pedes fulvi; aloe anticce lurida, apud costam fusca et punctata ; postica subcinerea. Brown, slightly pubescent, very minutely punctured. Prothorax slightly keeled, armed with two advancing slightly ascending and diverging horns, which are minutely tuberculated above and trun- cate at each tip, whose outer side isprolonged into a much diverging spine ; hind part lanceolate, extending to about half the length of the abdomen. Legs tawny. Fore wings lurid, brown and punc- tured along the costa. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings b\ lines. a. Ceylon. From Mr. Purdie's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 129 Genus HOPLOPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 510. Div. 1. Fairm. HOPLOPHORA SEMITECTA. f Obscure rufescens ; caput parvum ; prothorax inermis, convexus, dense pubescens, rude punctatus, subcarinatus, postice trigonus, abdominis dimidium superans, marginibus rujis subexcavatis ; tarsi nigri ; alee fuscescentes. Dull reddish. Head small. Prothorax unarmed, convex, thickly pubescent, very roughly punctured ; dorsal keel very slight ; hind part elongate-triangular, extending to rather beyond half the length of the abdomen ; its sides bright red, slightly excavated on each side behind the shoulder. Tarsi black. Wings brownish ; veins black. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. b. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. Hoplophora cinerea, Cat. Horn, p. 513. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Genus UMBONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 517. Umbonia multiformis. „. Rufa; caput testaceum; prothorax rude punctatus, vittis tribus anticis Jlavis apud dorsum connexis ; cornua lateralia plana abbreviata, trigona, obtusa, apice nigra ; cornu dorsale obli- quum, acutum, apice nigrum ; carina postica lituris duabus vittisque duabus Jlavis, apicem versus valde attenuata ; abdo- men sat superans ; tarsi nigri ; ake cinerascentes J antica? sub- luridce. Var. (3. — Vittm antica obsolete. Red. Head testaceous. Prothorax roughly punctured, with three yellow converging stripes in front ; lateral horns horizontal, short, triangular, obtuse and black at the tips ; dorsal horn acute, black at the tip, much inclined backward, straight in front, concave along its hind side ; hind part with a yellow mark on each side and with two yellow stripes, much attenuated towards the very acute lip, 130 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. which extends some distance beyond the abdomen. Tarsi black. Wings grayish. Fore wings with a lurid tinge. Var.'fi. — Protho- rax without yellow stripes in front ; dorsal horn slightly curved in front, more acute than in var. J a. ^Var. y. — Like var.^/3., but smaller, darker, and with the dorsal horn more acute and more in- clined. Length of the body 5£ — 6 lines; of the wings 10 — 11 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Umbonia picta. U Testacea; caput nigro notatum; prothorax Icete viridis, rude punctatus, fascia antica, carina villisque sex luteis ; cornua lateralia luteo marginata ; cornu dorsale suberectum, striga antica apicali nigra; alee fusco-cinerea. Testaceous, Head with some black marks. Prothorax bright green, roughly punctured, with a luteous band in front, a luteous keel, and on each side with three luteous stripes, which converge to- wards the dorsal horn ; lateral horns short, triangular, horizontal, with luteous borders ; dorsal horn long, acute, nearly erect, but slightly curved backward, with a black streak near the tip in front, its hind side very concave ; hind part very acute at the tip, extend- ing some distance beyond the abdomen. Wings brownish gray ; veins black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Umbonia decorata. Testacea; caput nigrum, testaceo notatum; prothorax Icete viridis, antice rufus, vittis sex luteis qualuorque nigris, carina rufa ; cornua lateralio apice nigra; alaz fuscescentes. Testaceous. Head black, with some testaceous marks. Pro- thorax bright green, roughly punctured, mostly red in front and with a keel ; each side with three luteous stripes and two black stripes, which converge towards the dorsal horn ; the hind black stripe mostly red for half its length; lateral horns black towards their tips, bordered with red behind; dorsal horn very acute, longer and more erect than that of the preceding species, from which this species differs also in the longer hind part of the prothorax. Wings brownish. Length of the body \\ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 131 Genus TRIQUETRA, Cat. Horn. p. 521.0 Triquetra oppugnans. Testacea ; prothorax viridis, nitens, punctatus, nigro carinatus, teslaceo notatvs et marginatus ; cornna lateralia nigra, longa, lanceolata, subplana, apice subrotundata ; cornu dorsale ahum, erectum, acutnm, valde compressum ; alee anticce nigro-cinerea, posticcB subcinerece. Testaceous. Prothorax green, shining, strongly punctured, with some testaceous marks, with testaceous borders, and with a black keel ; dorsal horn high, erect, acute, much compressed ; lateral horns long, lanceolate, black, almost horizontal, smooth, and somewhat rounded at the tips. Fore wings blackish gray ; veins black. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. Triquetra testacea, Cat. Horn. p. 522. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Genus CERESA, Cat. Horn. p. 525.^ Cebesa Bubalus, Cat. Horn. p. 531. a. New York. From Dr. Fitch's collection. " Ceresa uniform is, Cat. Horn. p. 533. a. Mexico. From Mr. Gleunie's collection. Ceresa taurina.\) Testacea ; prothorax testaceo-viridis ; prothorax cornubus apice nigris, carina nigricante, lateribus albido guttatis ; alcevitrea, venis pallidis. Ceresa taurina, Harris. a. New York. From Dr. Fitch's collection. 132 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Cerasa FORTIS. Fulva ; prothorax valde punctatus, antice subconvexus et subcari- natus, cornubus duobus lateralibus abbrevialis acutis sub- planis apice nigris, postice carina maculisque duabus nigris, apice attenuatus peracutus abdomen superans ; ala? lurida nitidce, venis pallidis. Tawny. Prothorax strongly punctured, very slightly convex above the head, with two short, acute, almost horizontal lateral horns, which are black towards their tips ; dorsal keel slight in front, black along the hind part, which has a black spot on each side, and is attenuated towards the very acute tip, which extends somewhat beyond the abdomen, but not so far as the fore wings. Wings lurid, very shining ; veins pale. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Teluja, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. TCeresa curvjlinea. Teslacea ; cornua lateralia plana, peracuta, sat brevia, postice sub- arcuata, spatio intermedio piano latiusculo ; carina dorsalis conversa, apicem versus subattenuata, abdomen paullo superans ; ala vitrecB, venis pallide testaceis. Testaceous. Prothorax not rising above the lateral horns, convex along the keel. Lateral horns horizontal, very acute, rather short, slightly curved hindward ; the space between them rather broad and flat. Dorsal keel commencing behind the lateral horns, slightly attenuated towards the acute tip, which extends a little beyond the abdomen. Wings vitreous; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Rio Negro. From Mr. Wallace's collection. b. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. ^ Genus SMILIA, Cat. Horn. p. 534. Smilia vaginata, Cat. Horn. p. 534. a, b. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. c — e. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. /. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. 133 Smilia LEPIDA. t> Testaceo-viridis, nitens ; caput macula antica nigra; prothorax subpunctatus, antice convexus, postice glauco-viridis nigra carinatus, apice peracutus abdomen vix superans ; pedes pal- lide testacei ; alee vitrei, venis pallidis ; anlicce sublurida apud costam nigra. Testaceous-green. Head and thorax shining. Vertex trian- gular, almost smooth, with a black spot in front. Prothorax minutely punctured, convex in front, pale sea-green hindward, with a deep black keel, whose very acute tip hardly extends beyond the abdomen, and not near so far as the fore wings. Legs pale testa- ceous. Wings vitreous ; veins pale testaceous. Fore wings with a slight lurid tinge, black along the costa. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Constancia. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Smilia iEQUALis. Luteo-fulva ; prothorax punctatus, inermis, sat altus, valde con- vexus, nigro carinatus, apice peracutus, abdomen sat superans ; ala postica vitrece. Luteous-tawny. Prothorax unarmed, rather high and convex, minutely punctured in front, roughly punctured hindward ; keel black from between the shoulders to the tip, which is very acute and abruptly declining, and extends rather far beyond the abdomen. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Smilia Castanet. /) Flava ; prothorax fuscus, punctatus, carinatus, inermis, vix attenuatus, abdomen superans, margine antico lateribusqve anterioribus flavis ; alec antica fuscce, margine jiavo, fascia lata vitrea ; postica vitrea. Smilia Castaneae, Fitch, United States Agricultural Reports. a. New York. From Dr. Fitch's collection. X 134 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. Smilia INOBNATA. Citrina ; prothorax punctatus, carinatus, inermis, vix atlenuatttJS, abdomen paullo superans ; aim vitrea, venis pallidissime citrinis. Smilia inornata, Say, fyc. Fitch, United States Agricultural Reports. a. New York. From Dr. Fitch's collection. Genus ACONOPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 536. ACONOPHOEA LINEOSA. Pallide ferruginea ; prothorax fortiter punctatus, piceo varius, piceo carinatus, cornu longum, compresswn, ascendens, sub- obliquum, sat latum, apice rotundatum ; alee subcinerea, apice fuscce, venis fulvis, costa basali ferruginea punctata. Pale ferruginous. Prothorax strongly punctured, varied with piceous ; keel piceous ; horn long', ascending 1 , compressed, slightly inclined forward, rather broad, slightly tapering to the tip, which is rounded; hind part extending a little beyond the abdomen. Wings slightly grayish, brown at the tips ; veins tawny. Fore wings ferruginous and punctured towards the base of the costa. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wirjgs 8 lines. a. North America. ACONOPHORA LATICOENE.r Fusca; prothoracis cornu nigricans, valde compressum, e latere latissimum, apice rotundatum, lateribus bicarinatis ; carina postica apice peracuta, abdomen paullo superans ; pedes fulvi, femoribus ex parte nigris ; ala antica basi punctatce, margine postico apicem versus lurido ; postica? subcinerea. Brown. Horn of the prothorax blackish, much compressed, very broad laterally, rounded at the tip, rather more than half the breadth of the prothorax between the eyes ; each side with two slight ridges, which converge towards a smooth spot near the tip. Hind part very acute at the tip, extending a little beyond the tip of the abdomen. Legs tawny ; femora partly black above. Fore LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 135 wings punctured towards the base, lurid along the apical part of the hind border. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. c. Mexico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. ACONOPHORA STABILIS. Fulva ; prothorax subpunctatus, apice peracutus, abdomen noa superans ; cornu ferrugineum, longum, valcle compressum, sat latum, apice rotundafum, lateribus carinatis ; abdomen nigrum, apice fulvum ; ala antica lurida, strigis duabus fuscis ; postica subcinerea. Tawny. Prothorax very minutely punctured; horn ferrugi- nous, long, much compressed, rather broad, not tapering, keeled on each side, rounded at the tip ; hind part very acute at the tip, which does not extend beyond the abdomen. Abdomen black, tawny at the tip. Fore wings lurid, with a brown streak near the tip and another by the hind border. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body o lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. ACONOPHORA CALIGINOSA. Nigra ; prothorax subpunctatus, abdomen vix superans; cornu Ion- gum, compressum, vixascendens, sat latum, apice rotundatum ; tarsi fulvi ; tibia anteriores fulva, sat lata ; ala antica apud marginem interiorem lurida ; postica subcinerea. Black. Prothorax minutely punctured ; horn long, com- pressed, hardly ascending, rather broad, tapering to the tip, which is rounded ; hind part hardly extending beyond the abdomen. Tarsi and anterior tibiae tawny, the latter rather broad. Fore wings lurid along the interior border. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Guatiraala. From M. Deby's collection. N 2 136 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus NESSORHINUS, Cat. Horn. p. 542. ' Nessorhinus vulpes, Cat. Horn. p. 542. ' The fore horn of the prothorax of this species is composed of two divisions, which are generally so closely applied together as to appear like one with a longitudinal groove. a—e. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. Genus POLYGLYPTA, Cat. Horn. p. 542. POLYGLYPTA STRIGATA.f \) Nigra, P. maculatse simillima; prothorax longior, magis at- tenuata, strigis daabus liturisque quatuor Jlavis ; pectus flavo bistrigatum ; tarsi fulvi. Black, very nearly allied to P. maculata, but with the prothorax longer and more attenuated hindward. Prothorax with a short slender stripe on each side, commencing at a little in front of each eye, and extending to somewhat beyond each shoulder ; beyond it there are two slight yellow marks on each side. Pectus with a short yellow streak on each side behind the eye. Knees and tarsi tawny. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. POLYGLYPTA ABBREVIATA. * Flava ; prothorax punctis fulvis el fuscis ; comu breve, non ascendens ; carina postica sat brevis ; alee subcinerece, anticce apud costam flava punctatce. Yellow. Prothorax with the usual ridges; punctures tawny, mostly brown on the horn, which is quite horizontal, much shorter than in most species of the genus, and very little longer than the breadth of the head between the eyes ; hind part also shorter and less attenuated than in most species. Wings grayish. Fore wings yellow and punctured along the costa. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. LIST OF HOMOJ'TEROUS INSECTS. 137 Genus ENTYLIA, Cat. Horn. p. 546. Entylia impedita. q Testacea, subpunctata; prothorax cornu erecto brevi lato obtuso compresso ; carina dorsalis basi concava, poslice convexa abdo- men superans ; alee vitrece, venis testaceis ; antica costa basalt fuscescente punctata. Testaceous, minutely punctured. Prothorax with no lateral horns, armed above the shoulders with a short broad obtuse erect compressed horn, which has two ridges on each side; behind it the keel is concave for a space, and thence convex to the tip, which ex- tends beyond the abdomen. Wings vitreous; veins testaceous. Fore wings brownish and punctured along the basal half of the costa. Length of the body 1£ line ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Orilla, West "Cauada. From Mr. Bush's collection. Genus OXYGONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 550. Oxygon ia fig u rata. D Testacea, nonnunquam rufo varia, O. zebrinae affinis ; caput macula guttaque nigris ; prothorax pallidejlavus, vittis tribus anticis fasciisque quatuor vagis poslicis niyris ; pedes nigri, femoribus anticis apice fulvis ; alee anticce nigrce, guttis costa- libus fiavis, maculis duabus subapicalibus vitreis ; posticce vitrece, fasciis duabus nigris. Testaceous, nearly allied to O. zebrina. Head with a black spot between the eyes and a black dot in front. Prothorax pale yellow, with three black stripes in front and with four irregular black bands hindward. Legs black ; fore femora tawny towards the tips. Fore wings black, with several pale yellow dots along the costa towards the base, and with two large vitreous spots towards the tip. Hind wings vitreous, with two black bands. Length of the body 2-j — 2% lines ; of the wings 4^ — 5 lines. Var. Head and sides of the prothorax reddish ; a reddish spot on the keel. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. n3 ]«38 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus THELTA, Cat. Horn. p. 554. Thelia centrotoides. Fulva, rude punctata ; prothorax sat altus, subpilosus, vix carina- tus, comubus duabus lateralibus brevissimis planis supra fuscis, lineis duabus lateralibus impressis arcuatis, lateribus testaceis, abdomen paullo superans ; alee vitrece, vix luridce, venis pallidis. TawDy. Head and prothorax roughly punctured. Prothorax moderately high, slightly pilose, hardly keeled, armed with two stout very short diverging horizontal horns, which are brown above ; hind part mostly testaceous along the borders, with a curved impressed line on each side, attenuated towards the tip, which is very acute and extends a little beyond the tip of the abdomen. Wings vitreous, with a very slight lurid tinge ; veins pale. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Napo River, S. America. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Thelia viridissima. -' Testacea ; prothorax Icete prasinus, punctalus, nitens, testaceo varius, carina nigro notata, supra rotundata, postice recta, apice acuta, abdomen longe super ante ; comubus lateralibus longiusculis, obliquo planis, apice rotundatis ; alee vitrea, yenis testaceis. Testaceous. Prothorax punctured, shining, bright brass-green, mottled with testaceous, wholly testaceous in front, vertical and rather high above the head to its crest, which is rounded, and from whence it is straight and slopes gradually to its tip, which is acute, and extends far beyond the abdomen ; lateral horns rather long, directly diverging, hozizontal, though oblique with regard to the thorax, rounded at the tips ; keel with minute black marks ; sides somewhat compressed. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. Presented by Mrs. Rouquette. b. Mexico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 139 Thelia CONFICITA. & Fulva, robusta ; caput sat magnum ; prothorax puncturis optime deter minatis, antice vix carinatus, postice carinalus et com- pressus, apicem versus peracutum subarcuatus et valde at- teyiuatus ; cornua laterdlia plana, subarcuata, peracuta ; Latcra lestacea, fulvo univUtata ; tibia posticce subserratce ; alee vilrece ; antica basi fulva el punctatce, apice luridce. Tawny, stout. Head rather large. Prothorax very strongly punctured, nearly vertical and hardly keeled in front, keeled and compressed hind ward, much attenuated and slightly curved towards the tip, which is very acute, and extends somewhat beyond the ab- domen; horns moderately long, horizontal, very acute and slightly curved backward ; an oblique tawny stripe on each side, which is testaceous. Abdomen testaceous. Hind tibiae minutely serrated. Wings vitreous. Fore wings tawny and punctured at the base, somewhat lurid towards the tips; veins tawny, very stout. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Rio Negro. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Thelia perfecta. Testacea, longiuscula, sat gracilis ; caput nigro notatum ; protho- rax rufescens, punctatus, carinatus, dorso angulatus, nigro carinatus ; cornua Lateralia Lata, brevia, plana, vix acuta ; alee anticce luridce, dimidio basali punctato rufescente ; posticce subcinerece. Testaceous, rather long and slender. Head with some black marks. Prothorax reddish, very roughly punctured, oblique from the head to the angle of the keel, and very oblique from the angle to the tip, which extends some distance beyond the abdomen ; lateral horns broad, short, horizontal and directly diverging, hardly acute ; keel black, forming a slightly obtuse angle ; ridges along each side strongly marked. Fore wings lurid, reddish and punc- tured for nearly half the length from the base. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Napo River, S. America. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 140 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Thelia exaltata. C Testacea ; pro thorax Icete viridis, valde compressus, dense punctatus, antice testaceus, valde elevatus, et fusco bivittatus, postice sub- convexus, apice acutus ; cornu dorsale breve, erectum ; alee vitrece ; anticce basi virides et punctatce. Testaceous. Prothorax bright pale green, much compressed, thickly punctured, testaceous, vertical, and rising very high above the head in front, where there are two converging brown stripes; crest forming a short erect very thin horn, which is convex in front and straight behind, and has a brown tip; no lateral horns ; hind part rather high, slightly convex along the keel, acute at the tip, which extends rather far beyond the abdomen. Wings vitreous ; veins testaceous. Fore wings green and punctured at the base. Length of the body 2% lines ; of the wings 4£ lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Thelia com pacta, j T. citrinae affinis, pallide Jlava, pubescens, subpunctata, subtus tes- taeea ; prothorax inermis, convexus, vix compressus, viridi subnotatus, apice vix acutus, abdomen sat super ans ; alee vitrece, venis albidis, areolis paucis. Allied to T. citrina. Testaceous. Head and prothorax pubes- cent, pale yellow, very minutely punctured. Prothorax unarmed, slightly marked with green, hardly compressed, nearly vertical above the head to the crest, which is rounded, convex from thence along the keel to the tip, which is hardly acute and extends some- what beyond the abdomen. Wings vitreous ; veins whitish ; areo- lets few and irregular. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Thelia Darnioides. Testaeea, nitens, subpunctata; prothorax viridi varius, antice con- vexus humeris subdilatatis, postice carinatus compressus lateri- bus impressis, apice attenuatus acutus abdomen super ans, tinea dorsali nigra antice fusca ; alee vitrece ; anticce subluridce striga apicali nigra. Testaceous. Head and prothorax shining, very minutely punctured. Prothorax tinged with green, convex in front, slightly LIST OF HOJIOPTEROUS INSECTS. 141 dilated on each shoulder, keeled, compressed, and with an undu- lating impressed Hue on each side hindward, attenuated towards the tip, whicli is very acute, and extends some distance beyond the ab- domeu ; a brown dorsal line, black where it passes along the keel. Wings vitreous. Fore wings slightly lurid, with a black streak at the lip of the costa. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Constaucia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Genus ERECHTIA. Corpus breve, latum. Caput magnum. Prothorax antice convexus, antice subcarinatus, carinis tribus dorsalibus parallelis, lateralibus abbreviatis. Pedes breviusculi, sat validi ; tibia? posticae serratae, latiusculas. Alae auticae breviusculae, areolis discalibus distinctis. Body short, broad. Head large. Prothorax convex and hardly keeled in front, with three parallel dorsal keels ; the lateral pair abbreviated ; the middle one continued to the acute tip. Legs rather short and stout ; hind tibiae serrated and rather broad. Fore wings rather short; discal areolets distinct. Erechtia bicolor. ^ Picea ; prothorax testaceo bifasciatus ; cornu posticum abdomen perpaullo superans ; abdomen testaceum, fascia basali nigra ; pedes testacei, femoribus anticis basi piceis, tibiis piceo nota- tis ; alee vitrece, venis pallidis ; anticce apices versus fusco subnebulosce. Piceo us. Prothorax with two pale testaceous bands, which are united on each side ; hind keel extending very little beyond the tip of the abdomen. Abdomen testaceous, with a black band near the base. Legs testaceous ; fore femora piceous towards the base ; a piceous mark on each of the tibiae. Wings vitreous ; veins pale. Fore wings slightly clouded with brown towards the tips. Length of the body If line ; of the wings 3£ lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. •* 142 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus HEMIPTYCHA, Cat. Horn. p. 567. Div. 1. Fairm. Subdiv. 1. Fairm. Hemiptycha bigutta. Testaceo-flava, robusta ; prothorax altissimus, pubescens, rude punctatus, vix carinalus, apicem versus nigrum peracutum attenuatus, vittis duabus anticis piceis, lateribus depressis, guttis duabus lateralibus nigris ; cornua tateralia plana, breviuscula, apice nigra ; aim anticee ferruginea, punctata ; postica? subcinerece. Testaceous-yellow, very stout. Prothorax roughly punctured, pubescent, vertical and rising very high above the bead; lateral horns horizontal, directly diverging, rather short, black at each tip, whence a piceous stripe proceeds to each shoulder ; hind part hardly keeled, flattened and with a black dot on each side, attenuated near the tip, which is black and very acute, and extends rather far beyond the abdomen. Fore wings ferruginous, punctured. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Guatimala. From M. Scherzer's collection. Hemiptycha gibbosa. Obscure fulva, ex parte testacea, valde robusta ; caput brevissi- mum, latissimum; prothorax altissimus, subpubescens, rude punctatus, cornubus duabus lateralibus planis trigonis obtusis nigro marginatis ; carina dorsalis obtusa, tuberculis duabus, fascia postica testacea, abdomen sat superans ; pedes testacei ; alee cinerece. Dull tawny, partly testaceous, very stout. Head very broad and short. Prothorax slightly pubescent, roughly punctured, verti- cal and very high above the head, armed on each side with a short horizontal triangular obtuse black-bordered horn; dorsal keel ob- tuse, slightly concave between the two protuberances, of which the hind one is broader and lower than the fore one ; hind part with an irregular testaceous band, acute at the tip, which extends some dis- tance beyond the abdomen. Legs testaceous. Wings gray Length of the body \\ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 143 Hemiptycha DIFFUSA. O Valida, obscure testacea ; caput breve, latum ; prothorax rude punc- tatus, sabcarinatus, fascia antica lata interrupta ferruginea nigro marginata, supra gibbosus compressus, laieribus nigro et piceo notatis, apice acuto ; cornua lateralia plana, brevissima ; femora nigro vittata; ala subcinerece, anticce basi testacea et punctata, macula apicali fusca. Dull testaceous, stout. Head short, broad. Prothorax roughly punctured, slightly keeled, with a broad interrupted black-bordered ferruginous band on the fore part, which is convex, and has an extremely short horizontal horn on each side ; keel mostly black ; hind part forming for full one-third of the length from its base a high compressed obliquely truncated protuberance, whose ridge is slightly excavated hindward ; sides with irregular black and piceous marks : tip acute, extending some distance beyond the ab- domen. Femora striped with black. Wings grayish. Fore wings testaceous and punctured at the base, with a brown apical spot. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Orilla, West'Canada. From Mr. Bush's collection. Hemiptycha nigeo-eufa.O Testacea, vix robusta ; caput sirigis transversis nigris ; prothorax rufescens, rude punctatus, subcarinatus, apice acutus, abdomi- nis apicem non attingens ; cornua lateralia brevissima, ob- liquo plana, supra nigra ; cornu dorsale erectum, convexum, valde compresswn ; femora nigro strigata ; alee fuscescentes ; antica basi rufo nigroque varice. Testaceous, hardly stout. Head with transverse black streaks. Prothorax reddish, roughly punctured, slightly keeled, convex in front, not high ; lateral horns very short, directly diverging, obliquely horizontal, mostly black above ; dorsal horn a little behind the shoulders, erect, much compressed, rounded at the tip ; hind part acute, not extending to the tip of the abdomen. Legs streaked with black. Wings brownish ; veins black, strongly marked. Fore wings black and red at the base. Length of the body 3j lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. 144 LIST OF H0M0PTER0US INSECTS. Div. 2. Fairm. Hemiptycha pubescens. V Picea ; caput ferruginosum; prothorax subcarinatus, dense punc- tatus, cinereo pubescens, antice ferruginosus ; cornua lateralia brevissima, apice rectangulata ; carina postica lata, convexa, apicem versus attenuata et subrecta, abdomen sat superans ; pedes ferruginei ; tarsi iestacei ; ala antica punctatce ; pos- tica subcinerea. Piceous. Head and fore part of the prothorax vertical, some- what ferruginous, the latter with a very slight keel. Prothorax thickly punctured, with gray pubescence ; lateral horns extremely short, rectangular at their tips, with a concave space on each side behind them ; hind part broad and convex for half the length, attenuated and almost straight from thence to the tip, which extends rather far beyond the tip of the abdomen. Legs ferrugi- nous ; tarsi testaceous. Fore wings punctured. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. HeMIPTYCHA APRIFORMIS. H. pubescenti simillima, iuberculis lateralibus brevioribus. Nigra, valde pubescens ; prothorax rude punctatus, non carinatus, lateribus oblique depressis ; tibice picea; tarsi fulvi ; aid postica cinerea. This is very nearly allied to H. pubescens, and may be the male of that species, but the lateral protuberances are shorter. Black, very pubescent. Prothorax roughly punctured, not keeled ; horns rudimentary ; hind part much obliquely depressed on each side, in shape like that of "H. pubescens. Tibiae piceous. Tarsi tawny. Hind wings gray. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Hemiptvcha attenuata. «" ; Nigra, sat gracilis; prothorax rude punctatus, valde pubescens, subcarinatus, antice piceus et ulrinque impressus, postice at- tenuatus, apice peracutus, abdomen longe superans; coimua lateralia brevissima, plana ; pedes fulvi, femoribus piceis ; ala antica picea ; postica cinerea. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 145 Black, rather slender. Prothorax roughly punctured, very pubescent, slightly keeled, vertical and piceous above the head, slightly depressed on each side between the horns, which are hori- zontal and extremely short ; hind part much attenuated, tapering from the base to the tip, which is very acute and extends very far beyond the abdomen. Legs tawny. Fore wings piceous. Hind wings gray. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by ? Hemiptycha yiridistriga. Obscure fulva, subtus testacea ; caput breve, latum ; prothorax rude punctatus, non altus, antice convex us et rix carinatus, postice compressus nigro carinatus viridi unistriyatus ; cornu dorsale breve, erectum, compressum, rotundatum ; alee anficce fuscescente luridce, basi punctata ; posticce subcinerea?. Dull tawny, testaceous beneath. Head short, broad. Protho- rax roughly punctured, not high, convex and very slightly keeled in front ; hind part keeled, compressed, black along the keel, forming at some distance behind the shoulders a short upright compressed rounded horn, behind which there is a green streak. Fore wings brownish lurid, punctured towards the base. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Hemiptycha cumulata. Testacea, lata, crassa, nitens, subpunctata ; caput et prothorax anticus rufescentia ; prothorax convexus, angulis humeralibus obtusis, lateribus planis nigro unimaculatis , apice albido non acuto ; alee antics linea transversa nigra, apice vitrece. Testaceous, broad, thick, shining, very minutely punctured. Head and fore part of the prothorax mostly reddish. Head some- what arched in front. Prothorax convex, obtusely angular by each shoulder, flattened and with a large black spot on each side hind- ward ; tip whitish, not acute. Fore wings vitreous towards their tips ; a transverse black line bounding the testaceous part. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 146 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ' Hemiptycha viridissima, Cat. Horn. p. 572. This name must be cancelled, the species described being iden tical with (i iriquetra valida, Cat. Horn. p. 524. Genus DARNIS, Cat. Horn. p. 574. & Darnis lineola. $ Testacea, nitens, gracillima ; prothorax subpunctatus, valde at- tenuatus, lutescente marginatus, liners duabus lateralibus impressis, disco apiceque viridibus ; alee vitrea ; anticct. striga obliqua apicali nigra. Testaceous, very slender. Head and prothorax shining, very minutely punctured. Prothorax much attenuated, with an impressed line along each side, green in the disk and at the tip, which is very acute and extends rather far beyond the abdomen ; borders some- what luteous. Wings vitreous. Fore wings almost uncovered, with a black oblique streak on each tip. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Mexico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. Darnis flaviceps, Cat. Horn. p. 574. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. b. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. c. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Darnis lateralis, Cat. Horn. p. 575. a. Rio Negro. From Mr. Wallace's collection. b — d. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. 6 Daenis teifasciata, Cat. Horn. p. 575. a. Brazil. Presented by ? b. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. c. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 147 Daenis capistbata, Cat. Horn. p. 576. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. Deanis limacodes, Cat. Horn. p. 578. a ' Ckik^' Pr °* inCe ° f Ri0 ' Preseuted h y ^ Be*. Hamlet Daenis squaeus, Cat. Horn. p. 578. Darnis robusta ? Cat. Horn. p. 579. Daenis brevis, Cat. Horn. p. 578. V ' dY l f 2 StaCe °'1 ridi % Sat an9USta ; Vrothoracu latera posteriora pallida ; pectoris discus niger ; alee subcinerece. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Darnis olivacea, Cat. Horn. p. 579. This species varies much in size and colour; the latter varies from green to luteous. ' aiies C "ciark! ,nStanCia ' Pr ° VinCe ° f Ri °* Presented b 7 the Rev. Hamlet i. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Q Darnis laticauda, Cat. Horn. p. 579. This may be the male of V D. olivacea. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet b. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Darnis latilinea. * Ferrugineo-fusca, D. affini simillima ; caput testaceum ; prothorax nitens subpunctatus valde attenuate, vittis duabus lateralibus subdiatatis pallide Jlavis; pedes flavi, femoribus nigZ vittatis ; alee anticce luridce. y 02 148 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Ferruginous-brown. Head testaceous. Prothorax minutely punctured, very shining, much attenuated hindward ; a pale yellow stripe ou each side, beginning by each eye, somewhat dilated in the middle, attenuated towards the tip, which it does not reach. Legs yellow ; femora with black stripes. Fore wings lurid. This species much resembles D. afjinis, but the latter is black and shorter, and the yellow stripe on each side does not extend to the eye. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. • a, b. Constancia, Province of Bio. Presented by the Kev. Hamlet Clark. Darnis transversa lis. O Testaceo-fulva ; caput tinea transversa abbreviata discali picea, margine postico nigro ; prothorax niger, lineis tribus anticis transversis (una Integra duabusque interruptis) flavis, vittis duabus lateralibus subdilatatis flavis ; femora piceo varia ; alee anticce luridce. Testaceous-tawny. Head with an abbreviated transverse piceous line in the disk, and with a black line along the hind bor- der. Prothorax black ; fore part with a slender yellow marginal line, behind which in front there are two much abbreviated trans- verse yellow lines on, each side ; hind part with two yellow lateral stripes like those of D. latilinea, to which and to^D. affinis this species is nearly allied. Femora partly brown above. Fore wings lurid. Length of the body 3^- lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Darnis indeterminata. Testacea ; prothorax nitens, subpunctatus, postice attenuatus, apice piceus, abdomen sat superans ; pedes validi, fulvi; femora postica piceo notata ; alee vitreas, subcinerece, venis fulvis. Testaceous. Prothorax shining, very minutely punctured, tapering from the shoulders to the tip, which is piceous, and extends some distance beyond the abdomen. Legs stout, tawny ; fore femora with a piceous mark on each. Wings vitreous, slightly grayish; veins tawny. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTERODS INSECTS. 149 Dabnis INCERTA. Testacea, prcecedente brevior, subtus fulva ; prothorax nitens, sub- punctatus, strigis duabus anticis transversis fuscis, apice fus- cescens, abdomen superans; alee subcinerece. Testaceous,' much shorter than the preceding species, tawny beneath. Prothorax shining, very minutely punctured, with a transverse brown streak on each side in front, tapering more ab- ruptly than that of .D. indeterminata, brownish at the tip, which ex- tends beyond the abdomen. Wiugs grayish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Darnis ixfixa. 6 D. olivacea?, var.P Testacea ; prothorax viridis, nitens, subpunc- tatus, antice testaceo varius, postice attenuatus ; alee sub- cinerece. This species much resembles D. olivacea, and is possibly a variety of it, but may be distinguished by its larger head, which is also more convex along the fore border. Testaceous. Prothorax green, shining, very minutely punctured, less abruptly attenuated than in the two preceding species, partly testaceous in front. Wings grayish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. ' Genus TRAGOPA, Cat. Horn. p. 580. ' Tragopa coccinella, Cat. Horn. p. 580. a. Sautarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. "' Tragopa Dohrni, Cat. Horn. p. 580. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Tragopa annulata, Cat. Horn. p. 580. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 3 150 LIST OF HOMOPTEKOUS INSECTS. T XRA.GOPA BIFACIES. Nigra, latissima ; prothorax obscure testaceus,fusco confertissime reticulatus, lateribus anticis dilatatis, cornubus lateralibus acutis longiusculis subplanis ex parte nigris, vix carinatus, apice rotundatus ; pedes testacei, femoribus nigris ; alee an- ticce nigra:. Black, very broad. Head above and prothorax dull testaceous. Prothorax very minutely and intricately reticulated with brown, dilated on each side in front, and armed with two lateral, acute, rather long-, directly diverging and almost horizontal horns, which are black beneath and partly black above ; hind part rounded ; keel very slight. Legs testaceous ; femora black. Fore wings black. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. Tragopa discrepans. C Ferruginea, latissima ; prothorax antice testaceus, lateribus anticis angulatis, humeris angulatis, postice iestaceo confertissime punctatus ; pedes fulvi ; alee cinerea: ; anticce apud costam ferruginea, stigmate nigro, macula postica fusca. Var. — Nigra; prothorax punctis testaceis confluentibus, maculis tribns magnis trigonis nigris; ala anticce apud costam nigra. Ferruginous, very broad. Prothorax testaceous and acutely angular on each side in front, forming an angle also by each shoul- der ; hind part thickly sprinkled with testaceous points. Legs tawny. Wings gray. Fore wings ferruginous along the costa from the base to the large black stigma, behind which there is a brown spot. &Var. — Black instead of ferruginous. Prothorax with the testaceous points mostly confluent; three large triangular wholly black spots ; one on each side in front and one on the disk. Fore wings black along the costa from the base to the stigma Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4£ lines. a — c. Santarera. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEItOUS INSECTS. 151 ♦ m ft Tragopa fenestrata. v Nigra, latissima, obscura, densissime punctata; prothorax non carinatus, lateribus anticis ferrugineis angulatis, humeris an- gulatis, margine postico subferrugineo ; alee anticce fuscce, apud costam nigra, macula postica fusca, macula magna dis- cali trigona vitrea ; postica subcinerece. Black, very broad. Head and prothorax dull, very thickly and minutely punctured. Prothorax not keeled, ferruginous and angu- lar on each side in front, angular also by each shoulder; hind bor- der somewhat ferruginous. Fore wings brown, black along the costa as far as the stigma, which is also black, and has a dark brown spot behind it; a large triangular vitreous spot in the disk. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 L lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Tragopa prominens. " Ferruginea aut picea ; caput, porrectum, sat prominens, nigro binotatum ; prothorax long i-el lip ticus, convexus, punctatus, valde pubescens, non dilatatm ; pedes nigri ; alee subcinerece ; anticce maculis costalibus nigris aut fuscis, apice nigra. Ferruginous or piceous. Head porrect, rather prominent, with a black mark on each side in front. Prothorax elongate-elliptical, convex, punctured, very pubescent; shoulders very slightly promi- nent. Legs black. Wings grayish; veins black. Fore wings with black or brown spots along the costa ; tips black. Length of the body 2^ Hues ; of the wings 5 lines. a — c. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Tragopa aspera. v Cinereo-nigra, robusta, elongata ; caput longiusculum ; prothorax tuberculis variis, poslice fulvus, cornubus humeralibus acutis brevissimis ; pedes picei ; ala anticce nigricantes, basifulvce. Cinereous-black, stout, elongate. Head somewhat elongate in front. Prothorax tuberculate ; tubercles of various size ; hind part mostly tawny ; a very short acute horn on each shoulder. Legs piceous. Fore wings blackish, tawny at the base. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. 152 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Tragopa BILINEA. Picea, valida, elongata; caput longiusculum ; prothorax nitens, punctatus, non dilatatus, marginibus anticis Jlavis, lineis duabus donalibus fasciaque lata subinterrupta luleis ; pedes ferruginei ; alte cinerea ; anticce nigro notatce. Piceous, stout, elongate. Head somewhat pointed. Prothorax shining, rather largely punctured, with a yellow line on each side in front, not dilated by the shoulders ; two luteous dorsal lines joining a broad slightly interrupted luteous baud, which is excavated in front. Legs ferruginous. Wings gray. Fore wings with black marks. Length of the body 2\ lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus PARMULA, Cat. Horn. p. 585. Parmula munda. • O Nigra, nitens, subpunctata, antice obscure rufa, Jlavo unifasciata, upicem versus peracutum valde attenuata ; abdomen testa- ceum ; alee vitrea? ; anticaz subluridce, basi nigra punctatce. Black, shining. Head and fore part of the prothorax dark red, very minutely punctured ; hind part of the prothorax more roughly punctured, with a pale yellow band, much attenuated towards the very acute tip, which extends very little beyond the abdomen. Abdomen testaceous. Wings vitreous. Fore wings slightly lurid, black and punctured towards the base. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. b. Guatimala. From M. Deby's collection. Parmula curvispina. Testacea, nitens, subpunctata ; caput fulvum ; prothorax niger, convexus, Jlavo quinque vittatus, lateribus anticis fulvis, pos- tice compressus carinatus et valde attenuatus, apice peracutus ; vitta media apice fur cata ; vittce intermedia? brevissima ; vittai marginales ex parte duplicate; ala? vitrei; anticai margine exteriore lurido. Testaceous. Head and prothorax shining, minutely punc- tured. Head tawny. Prothorax black, tawny on each side in LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 153 front, slightly convex longitudinally, compressed, keeled and much attenuated towards the very acute tip, which extends a little beyond the abdomen ; five pale yellow stripes in front ; middle one ex- tending along three-fourths of the length, where it is forked; inner pair very short ; outer pair marginal, looped. Wings vitreous ; veins very pale. Fore wings almost uncovered, with a lurid tinge along the exterior border. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 4-^ lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Parmula punctifera. & Testacea, robusta, longi-trigona ; prothorax Icevis, nilens, olivaceo- viridi varius, fascia subapicali albida, apice nigro peracuto ; abdomen prothoracem superans ; tibia et tarsorum articuli apice nigra ; alee vitrecs, venis pallidis. Testaceous, stout, elongate-triangular. Prothorax smooth, shining, tinged partly with olive-green ; a whitish band near the black and very acute tip, which does not extend so far as the tip of the abdomen. Tips of the tibiae and of the joints of the tarsi black. Wings vitreous ; veins pale. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Genus HORIOLA, Cat. Horn. p. 585. G HORIOLA STRIGULOSA. Ferruginea, valida, nitidissima, subtrigona, s ub Icevis ; prothorax convexus, vix carinatus, apice acutus, abdomen sat superans, lituris quatuor transversis posticis albidis ; aim antica? picea, fasciis duabus exterioribus subvitreis. Ferruginous, stout, nearly triangular, very shining, almost smooth. Prothorax convex, hardly keeled, acute at the tip, ex- tending somewhat beyond the abdomen, with two transverse whitish marks on each side towards the tip. Fore wiugs piceous, with two nearly vitreous bands near each tip. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. 154 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. HORIOLA DISCALIS. ' Pallide flava t nitens, subpunctata, elongata, trigona ; prothorax disco antico luteo, fascia postica latissima nigra ; ala vitrece, venis nigris. Pale yellow, elongate-triangular, shining, very minutely punc- tured. Prothorax with a luteous disk on the fore part, black hind- ward, excepting the acute tip, which does not extend to the tip of the abdomen. Wings vitreous ; veins black. Length of the abdo- men 1^ line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Vera Cruz. From M. Salle's collection. Genus HETERONOTUS, Cat. Horn. p. 592. Heteronotus reticulatus, Cat. Horn. p. 595. The specimens recorded as H. nodosus, p. 594, belong to this species. Heteronotus nodosus, Cat. Horn. p. 594. a — c. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. d. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. Heteronotus delineatus. " Fulvus ; caput albidum; prothorax inermis, subscabrosus, alas anticas longe superans, vittis quinque anticis albidis, postice undulatus, petiolatus, apice piceus areolatus albido fasciatus subius dilatatus ; alee vitrece ; anticce vitta costali apicali obscure fusca, margine exteriorefusco. Allied to H. Jlavilineatus. Tawny. ' Head whitish. Protho- rax unarmed, minutely scabrous, more than twice the length of the rest of the body, extending far beyond the fore wings ; fore part with five whitish stripes, of which the inner pair are abbreviated; hind part forming a long undulating petiole, of which the apical part is piceous, largely areolated, much dilated beneath, and has a whitish band. Wings vitreous. Fore wings brown along the exte- rior border, and with a dark brown stripe along the apical part of the costa. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 155 Heteeonotus LEUCOTELUS. & Niger aut piceus ; caput albido marginatum et univittatum ; pro- thorax subpunctatus, alas anticas non superans, antice bispi- nosus, margine et fascia arcuata albidis, postice biglobosum petiolo intermedio subundulato, spinis tribus longis apicalibus lateralibus albis ; pedes ferruginei, nigro vittati ; alee luridce ; anticat nigricante marginata. Black or piceous. Head bordered with white and with a white stripe. Prothorax very minutely punctured, extending as far as the fore wings ; fore part with a white border, with a curved white band in front, armed with two long acute diverging and ob- liquely ascending spines ; hind part globose at the base and at the tip, the intermediate part forming a short stout slightly undulating petiole ; apical part with three long spines, the one beneath longer than the lateral pair, which are white, except at the base. Legs ferruginous ; femora and fore tibiae striped with black. Wings lurid. Fore wings with blackish borders. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Heteeonotus stipatcs. O Fcem. — Ferrugineus ; caput testaceo bimaculatum,albo marginatum et univittatum ; prothorax rude punctatus, antice bispinosus viltis quinque albis nigro marginatis, postice biglobosus alboque bifasciatus, petiolo intermedio, spinis tribus apice albis ; pedes fulvi; ala vitrea? ; antica ex parte nigro marginatce, protho- racem super antes. Mas. — Niger; prothorax inermis ; globi postici pedesque ex parte ferruginei ; alee antica nigro latis- sime marginatce. Female. — Ferruginous. Head with a white stripe and with a white border, and with a testaceous spot on each side. Prothorax largely punctured, not extending so far as the fore wings ; fore part with two lateral long acute diverging and obliquely ascending spines, and with five white black-bordered stripes, of which the inner pair are abbreviated ; hind part globose at the base and at the tip, with an intervening petiole ; each globose part with a white in- terrupted band ; the apical one roughly areolated, and armed with three stout white-tipped spines, of which the one beneath is much longer than the lateral pair. Legs tawny. Wings vitreous. Fore 156 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. wings with the borders partly black. Male. — Black. Prothorax unarmed ; its hind part and the legs partly ferruginous. Fore wings with very broad black borders. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a — c. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. d. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Hetekonotus diviscs.D Luteus, subtus fiavus ; caput flavum, nigro bivittatum; prothorax nitens, sublcevis, antice bispinosus et nigro guadrivittatus , postice biglobosus et nigro bifasciatus, petioio intermedio elon- gate, spinis tribus apicalibus ; pectus nigro binotatum ; alee vitrece ; anticce prothoracem superantes, apices versus sublurida, venis basi nigris. Luteous, yellow beneath. Head yellow, with two black stripes. Prothorax shining, almost smooth, mostly yellow on each side ; fore part with two spines and with four irregular black stripes ; hind part globose and with a black band at the base and at the tip, the intermediate petiole much longer than in H. tridens and in H. armatus ; apical part with three spines, the spine beneath longer than the lateral pair. Pectus with a black mark on each side. Wings vitreous. Fore wings somewhat lurid towards the tips, extending far beyond the prothorax ; veins black towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus CYPHONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 596.0 Cyphonia eectispina, Cat. Horn. p. 597. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Cyphonia hispida."0 Nigra, nitens, Icevis, hirsuta ; prothorax antice lateribus globosis et spinis duabus ferrvgineis armatus, postice triglobosus spinis tribus fiavis apice nigris armatus ; pedes Jlavi, tibiis posticis basi femoribusque posticis nigris; aim anticce lurides, basi fuscce gattis duabus luridis ; poslicce subcinerece. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 157 Black, smooth, very shining, beset with stout hairs. Protho- rax on each side globose and armed with a short stout ferruginous spine ; hind part with two short erect spines at the base, beyond which it is globose and trifurcate, the lateral forks very globose, ending in yellow black-tipped slightly curved spines ; middle fork forming a long slightly undulating spine, which is yellow from its middle to its tip. Legs yellow ; hind femora black ; hind tibia? black at the base. Fore wings lurid, brown towards the base, excepting the hind border and two small spots. Hind wino-s grayish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. O Cyphonia guttipes. Testacea, nitens, snbleevis, vix pubescens ; prothorax antice laieri- btts globosis et urrispinosis, postice biglobosus, spina apicali tonga subarcuata ; tibice gutta basali apiceque nigris ; alee vitreee; anticcc ex parte luridce, venis subcostalibus nigro binotatis. Testaceous, shining, almost smooth, hardly pubescent. Pro- thorax on each side globose and armed with a short horizontal and directly diverging spine; beyond this there are two globose parts in succession, and a small pale yellow compartment on each side, the second globose part is armed with a long slightly curved apical spine. Tibia; with a black dot near each base and with black tips Wings vitreous. Fore wings with a lurid tinge about some of the veins in the disk, and with two black marks on the veins bv the costa. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Napo River, S. America. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Genus COMBOPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 598. COMBOPHORA DISCONTINUE. ' Pallide testacea ; caput nigro quadrivittatum ; prothorax lituris aut annulis variis nigris, postice globosum truncatum et. trispinosum, laleribus anticis impressis ; alee vilrece, venis pallide tesiaceis ; anticee costa basali nigra. Pale testaceous. Head with four black stripes. Prothorax with various black marks, some of which form more or less complete 158 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. or confluent ringlets, impressed on each side in front, globose and truncated hindward, where it has three spines, of which the hind one is much longer than the lateral pair. Wings vitreous; veins pale testaceous. Fore wings with the costa black towards the base. Length of the body 2f lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus BOCYDIUM, Cat. Horn. p. 600. Bocvdium kufiglobum, Cat. Horn, p. 601. a — /. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. g, h. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Genus CENTROTUS, Cat. Horn. p. 602. Centeotus rugosus. Centrotus rugosus, Montrouzier, Annales des Sciences, fyc. de Lyon, 2m e Ser. Ire Par tie. Woodlark. Centrotus Taurus, Cat. Horn. p. 602. ■ Var. ? Centrotus terminalis, Cat. Horn. p. 604. Var. P Centrotus reponens, Cat. Horn. p. 604. O Centrotus leucaspis. Niger; prothorax subpunctatus, antice vix carinatus, cornubus lateralibus longis lanceolatis acutis vix ascendentibus postice recurvis, plaga postica duabusgue lateralibus albo tomentosis, cornu postico gracili arcuato apice acuto abdomen vix super- ante ; tarsi ferruginei ; ala anticce testaceo-vitrea, apud cos- tam nigrce. Centrotus leucaspis, MSS. This species is erroneously recorded as C. Taurus, Cat. Horn. p. 602. LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 159 Q Centrotus gazella, Cat. Horn. p. 602. a, b. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Centrotus hamifer, Cat. Horn. p. 603. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueiuzius' collection.! Centrotus curvidens, Cat. Mom. p. 6L0. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Centrotus laminifer. Centrotus laminifer, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 93, 45. a, b. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Centrotus latimargo. Centrotus latimargo, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 163, 117. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Centrotus densus. Centrotus densus, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 163, 118. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Centrotus opponens. v? Fulvus, punctatus ; prothorax nigro unifasciatus, cornubus late- ralibus acutis breviusculis subascendentibus postice sub- arcuatis; spina postica recta, atlenuata, acuta, basi testacea; abdomen prothoracem superans ; pedes testacei; ala? cinereo- vitrece; anticcefusco subnotatce, basi fulvce et punctatce. Tawny, distinctly punctured. Prothorax vertical, moderately high, and slightly marked with black above the head, with a black band between the horns; the latter are acute, rather short, very slightly ascending and curved backward; hind part straight, attenuated, acute, testaceous at the base, not extending to the tip p2 160 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. of the abdomen. Legs testaceous. Wings grayish vitreous. Fore wings slightly marked with pale brown, tawny and punctured at the base. Length of the body 1\ lines ; of the wings 5^ lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Centbotus oppugnans. V Niger; prothorax obscurus, subcarinatus, rude punctatus, cornubus lateralibus crassis longi-conicis, oblique ascendentibus ; spina, postica subrecla, attenuata, apice acuta ; abdomen prothoracem vix superans ; pedes toti nigri ; alee anticce nigrce, opacce ; postica nigricantes. Black. Prothorax dull, roughly punctured, slightly keeled ; horns very stout, elongate- conical, directly diverging, obliquely ascending; hind part attenuated, almost straight, acute at the tip, exteuding nearly to the tip of the abdomen. Legs wholly black. Fore wings opaque black. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. o. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Centrotus niveiplaga. (} Niger ; prothorax rude punctatus, subcarinatus, sat altus, cornu- bus lateralibus validis lanceolatis acutis oblique ascendentibus postice arcuatis ; spina postica gracilis, acuta, undulata, maculis duabus basalibus niveis ; abdomen prothoracem vix superans; tavsi ferruginei aut testacei ; alceluridoe; antica apud costam nigrce, macula basali sublutea. Black. Prothorax roughly punctured, slightly keeled, as- cending rather high above the head ; horns lanceolate, stout, acute, diverging, curved backward, obliquely ascending, with a ridge on the inner side; hind part slender, acute, extending nearly as far as the tip of the abdomen, undulating beneath, so as to leave two spaces between it and the fore wings ; a snow-white spot on each side of it at the base. Tarsi ferruginous or testaceous. Wings lurid. Fore wings black along the costa, with a dull luteous spot on each near the base. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 6. Guatimala. From M. Scherzer's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 161 Centrotus HUMILIS. u Niger ; prothorax subnitens, sat humilis, dense punctatus, vix carinatus, cornubus lateralibus validis lanceolatis acutis sub- ascendentibus poslice subarcuatis ; spina postica gracilis, acuta, maculis duabus basalibus, unajlava, altera alba ; abdo- men prothoracem superans ; tibice ferruginece ; tarsi fulvi ; alee cinerece, apice subluridce. Black. Prothorax rather low, thickly punctured, hardly keeled, slightly shining ; horns stout, lanceolate, acute, diverging, very slightly curved backward, slightly ascending ; a yellow spot and behind it a white spot at the base of the hind part, which is slender and acute, and does not extend to the tip of the abdo- men. Tibia? ferruginous. Tarsi tawny. Wings gray, with a lurid tinge towards the tips. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Centrotus fasciatus. •- Fulvus ; prothorax punctatus, nigro notatus, linea antica trans- versa pallida, cornubus lateralibus longiusculis sat acutis subarcuatis subascendentibus supra nigris ; cornu postieum nigrum, gracile, attenuatum, rectum, basi testaceum ; abdomen nigrum, prothoracem superans ; pedes nigro substrigati ; alee vitrece, subluridce, venis fulvis ; antica basi fulvx et punc- tata. Tawny. Head and fore part of the prothorax punctured, with several small black marks; a transverse paler line in front of the horns, which are rather long and acute, mostly black above, directly diverging, slightly curved and ascending ; hind horn black, slender, attenuated, straight aud applied to the abdomen, testaceous at the base, not extending so far as the tip of the abdomen. Abdo- men black. Legs slightly streaked with black. Wings vitreous, somewhat lurid ; veins tawny. Fore wings tawny and punctured at the base of the costa. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. p3 162 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Centrotus asperulus. Niger, validus, obscurus, subpubescens, subpunctatus, inermis ; comu poslicum attenuatum, acutum ; abdomen cornu posti- cum superans ; pedes picei ; alee anticce nigricantes, fascia subapicali vitrea. Black, stout. Prothorax dull, slightly pubescent, very minutely punctured, not dilated ou each side, attenuated hindward to the acute tip, which does not extend to the tip of the abdomen. Legs piceous. Fore wings blackish, with a vitreous transverse line by the tip of each. Length of the body If line; of the wings 2 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Centrotus varius. X> Niger, subpunctatus ; caput inter oculos excavatum ; prothorax carina tus, antice inermis, humeris sat acutis ; cornu posticum gracile, acutum, undulatum, apud medium testaceum, abdomen non superans ; pedes picei, genubus tibiis apice tarsisque ful- vis ; alee anticce bast punctatce, lituris variis posticis plagaque costali subapicali vitreis. This species differs much from the typical form of Centrotus, and may form a new genus. Black, minutely punctured. Head somewhat excavated between the eyes. Prothorax keeled, unarmed on each side, with a' smooth shining spot on each side in front; shoulders somewhat acute ; hind horn slender, acute, undulating, testaceous in the middle, not extending beyond the tip of the abdo- men. Legs piceous; knees, tarsi and tips of the tibiae tawny. Fore wings punctured towards the base, with various vitreous marks hindward and with a large vitreous patch near the tip of the costa. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. Birmah. From Mr. Waring's collection. Centrotus obstans. Niger, validus ; prothorax rude punctatus, antice vix carinatus, cornubus lateralibus abbreviatis, conicis acutis planis, guttis duabus pectorisque lateribus testaceo tomentosis ; cornu posticum attenuatum, carinatum, subarcuatum, apice acutum, abdomen vix superans ; tibia: tarsique ferruginea ; alee cinereo-vitrea?, venis ferrugineis ; anticce basi picea? et punctata. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 163 Black, stout. Prothorax roughly punctured, hardly keeled in front ; lateral horns short, conical, acute, horizontal, directly diverging ; hind part attenuated, keeled, very slightly curved, acute at the tip, hardly extending beyond the tip of the abdomen ; a tes- taceous tomentose dot on each side at the base ; pectus with testaceous tomentum on each side. Tibice and tarsi ferruginous. Wings cinereous-vitreous ; veins ferruginous. Fore wings piceous and punctured at the base. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 Hues. a. Tasmania. Centrotus trifoliaceus. Niger, validus ; prothorax subpuncfatus, carinatus, lineis elevatis fulvis, cornubus laleralibus lalissimis irigonis subascendenti- bus, apice acutis postico vix arcuatis ; cornu posticum altis- simum, valde convexum, apice acutum ; abdomen cornu posticum superans; alee anlicce fuscee, macula basali litura- que discali testaceis, maculis duubus marginalibus vitreis ; posticce subcinerece. Black, stout. Prothorax minutely punctured, distinctly keeled in front; ridges tawny ; lateral horns very broad, triangular, diverging, slightly ascending, acute at the tips, hardly curved back- ward; hind horn compressed, keeled, very deep and convex, acute at the tip, not extending to the tip of the abdomen. Fore wings brown, with a testaceous spot near the base, a testaceous mark in the disk, and two vitreous spots on the exterior border. Wings tawny. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Centrotus acer. -■ Niger, subpunctatus, valde pubescens ; prothorax cornubus lalerali- bus longis lanceolatis acutis oblique ascendentibus ; cornu posticum attenuatum, acutum, rectum, abdomen non superans ; femora apice, tibia? tarsique ferruginea ; alee cinereo-vitrea ; antica basi nigra punctata?, venis ferrugineis. Black, minutely punctured, very pubescent. Prothorax hardly keeled in front ; lateral horns long, lanceolate, acute, diverging, obliquely ascending ; hind horn attenuated, acute, quite straight, 164 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. extending as far as the tip of the abdomen. Tibiae, tarsi and tips of the femora ferruginous. Wings grayish vitreous. Fore winys black and punctured at the base ; veins ferruginous. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5^ lines. a. Malacca. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Centrotus bitubris. Niger; prothorax alius, scaler, cornubus lateralibus prismalicis crassis latissimis ascend end bus extus arcualis apice truncatis subexcavatis ; cornu posticum gracile, attenuatum, subarcua- tum, abdomen superans ; alee anticce cinerea, basi nigra? et punctata, venis piceis ; posticce subcinerece. Black. Prothorax high, scabrous, slightly keeled in front ; lateral horns prismatic, thick, very broad, ascending, slightly diverging, curved outwards towards their tips, which are truncated and almost excavated ; hind horn slender, keeled, attenuated, slightly curved downward towards its acute tip, which extends beyond the tip of the abdomen. Fore wings gray, black and punc- tured at the base; veins piceous. Hind wings grayish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6^ lines. o — e. New Hebrides? Presented by Sir John Liddell. Genus MICREUNE. Micreune, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 94. MlCEECNE FORMIDEXDA. Micreune formidenda, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 94, 49. a, b. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. ' Micreune metuenda. Micreune metuenda, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 164, 124. a. 6. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. b. Malacca. From Mr. Wallaces collection. c. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 165 Geuus STEGASPIS, Cat. Horn. p. 634. Stegaspis bellicosa. > Ferruginea, dense punctata ; cornu dorsale crassum, erectum, brevis- simwn, subcompressum, furcis duabus ditatalis obliquis acu- tis ; cornu vosticum undulatum valde compressum, abdomen non superans ; alee antica ferruginea, semihyalince ; postica pallidiores. Ferruginous. Prothorax thickly punctured, forming a dorsal thick very short and slightly compressed horu, which has two obliquely diverging subfusiform acute branches ; the hiud horn which proceeds from behind the base of these branches is undu- lating and much compressed, and hardly extends to tbe tip of the abdomen. Fore wings ferruginous, semihyaline. Hind wings paler. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. b. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Genus M IN A. Caput parvura, spinis duabus robustis obliquis lanceolatis armatum. Proboscis longa, robusta. Thorax subglobosus. Meta- thorax cornu compresso erecto armatum. Abdomen non elongatum. Pedes longi ; postici brevissimi. Alae vitreae, deftexae ; anticae areolis tribus discalibus. Head small, armed with two stout lanceolate diverging spines. Proboscis long, stout. Thorax somewhat globose. Metathorax armed with an erect compressed horn. Abdomen moderately long. Legs long ; hind legs much longer than the others. Wings vitreous, derlexed. Fore wings with three discal veins. 1. MlNA A LIEN A. Nigra; caput antice, proboscis basi et tarsi posteriores ferruginea ; ala vitrea ; anticte fasciis duabus {una lata discali), altera angusta marginaii nigris, venis pallidis. Black. Head ferruginous in front. Proboscis ferruginous towards the base. Posterior tarsi ferruginous. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with a broad black band, which joins by the interior 166 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. angle a more narrow black band along the exterior border ; veins pale. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Fam. CICADELLINA, Burm. Genus EURYMELA, Cat. Horn. p. 638. •? EtJRYMELA DISCOIDALIS, Cat. Hom. p. 648. '' Var. ? Cupreo-nigra ; caput margine postico fulvo, strigis dua- bus lateribusque anticis pallide testaceis ; prothorax fulvo marginatus ; scutellum rufescente marginatum ; pectus testa- ceum, nigro bimaculatum ; abdomen rufum, apice nigrum ; pedes nigri, coxis femoribusque testaceis, his apice nigris, tarsis posticis basi testaceis ; alee anticce linea costali testacea bast diiatata ; posticce nigro-fusccs. • Var. ? Cupreous-black. Head tawny along the hind border, with two testaceous streaks towards the face, which is pale tes- taceous on each side. Prothorax with a tawny border. Scutellum with a reddish border. Pectus testaceous, with a black spot on each side. Abdomen red, black at the tip. Legs black ; femora except towards the tips and coxae testaceous ; hind tarsi testaceous at the base. Fore wings with a testaceous costal line, which is widened near the base. Hind wings blackish brown. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Moreton Bay. Presented by — Gibbons, Esq. EURYMELA LIGNOSA. $ Fusca, testaceo conspersa, subtus testacea; prothorax fascia antica interrupta vittaque lata strigam nigram includente albido- testaceis ferrugineo notatis, scutello obscure fusca ; abdomen testaceum ; pedes testacei, nigro fasciati ; alee anticce lituris posticis, striga subcostali, vitta lata exteriore costali fasciaque subapicali testaceis ; posticce vitrece. Brown, speckled with testaceous, testaceous beneath. Protho- rax whitish testaceous, with ferruginous marks along each side of the fore border, and with a broad stripe of the same hue, includ- ing a black streak. Scutellum dark brown. Abdomen and legs testaceous, the latter with black bands. Fore wings with testaceous marks along the interior border, and with a testaceous subcostal LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 167 streak, which joins a broad exterior costal testaceous stripe, the latter united to a testaceous subapical band. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings \\ lines. a. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Genus iETHALION, Cat. Horn. p. 646. iETHALION PARVICEPS. / iEthalion parviceps, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 67], I, pi. 14, f. 6. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. jEthalion Latreillii. / iEthalion Latreillii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 672, 2. Chili. iETHALION UNICOLOR. iEthalion unicolor, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 672, 3. Chili. iETHALION SEMIANNULATUM. ^Ethalion semiannulatum, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 673, 4. Brazil. iETHALION SIMILE. iEthalion simile, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 674, 5. Brazil. ^ ./Ethalion vicinum. iEthalion vicinum, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 674, 6. Colombia. iElHALION albinervosum. • jEthalion albinervosum, Blanch. Voy. oVOrbigny, 221, 780, pi. 31, f. 6. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 675, 7. iEthalion bivittatum, Cat. Horn. 649. 168 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2ETHALION MULTICOLOR. .Ethalion multicolor, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 675, 8, pi. 14, f. 7. Chili. .ZEthalton paeallelum. JEthnlion parallelum, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 677, 10. Para. 2Ethalion nigrum. iEthalion nigrum, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 677, 11. Brazil. - 2Ethalion curvatum. ^Ethalion curvatum, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 678, 12, pi. 14, f. 9. jEthalion punctatum ? Cat. Horn. 646. Bogota. 2Ethalion Servillei. Schvzia Servillei, DeLap. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. i. 224, pi. 6, f. 3. 'Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. 199. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 109. jEthaliou Servillei, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. ix. 678, 13, pi. 14, f. 8. JEthalion fissum, Var.? Cat. Horn. 648. Brazil. Bogota. 2ETHALION NERVOSO-PUNCTATUM. /Ethalion nervoso- pun eta turn, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Sir. ix. 679, 14, pi. 14, f. 10. Mexico. iETHALION SUBFASCIA. Rufescens, subtus testacenm ; caput testaceum, fascia tenui inter- rupta nigra ; proth&racis margo anticus, carina, scutellum et abdomen testacea ; pedes nigro fasciati ; alee anticce basi punctatce et nigro strigatce, fascia interior e vitrea, apices ver- sus luridce venis nigro marginatis. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 169 Reddish, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous, with a slender interrupted black band. Prothorax thickly punctured, testaceous, and with an impression on each side in front; keel testaceous, very slight ; scutellum and abdomen testaceous. Legs with black bands. Fore wings with a black basal streak, punctured towards the base, with an irregular vitreous band before the middle, beyond which they are lurid, with black-bordered veins. Hind wings slightly iurid. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Colombia. From Mr. Turner's collection. iETHALION GRATUM. U Viride, subtus albido-testaceum ; caput liluris anticis nigris, tinea transversa lutea; prothorax luteo marginatus, vittis tribus luteis nigro marginatis ; scutellum apice et abdomen lutea ; pedes nigro fasciati ; alee vitrei; anticce bast virides punc- tata et luteo vitiates, venis nigris ex parte testaceis. Green, whitish testaceous beneath. Head with some black marks on the front and with a transverse luteous ridge on the vertex. Prothorax with three luteous black-bordered stripes, and with a luteous border; the lateral stripes diverging hindward ; scu- tellum luteous towards the tip. Abdomen luteous. Tibia and tarsi with black bands. Wings vitreous. Fore wings green and punctured, and with a luteous stripe at the base ; veins black, partly testaceous. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. .. Black. Head red, slightly acute. Prothorax red along each side, and with a short broad red stripe in front. Femora and hind tibiae red. Fore wings red at the base, whence proceeds a red stripe which joins a red band at one-fourth of the length ; beyond this there are two red stripes, which do not extend to the tip. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3 Hues ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. R2 384 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Sphenorhina selecta. Nigra ; caput et prothorax viridi-nigra, pubescentia ; pectus pos- iicum, abdomen, coxa, femora postica tibiaque postica basi late rufa ; alee anticce basi rufa, fascia maculisque duabus (una costali, altera postica) ochraceis ; postica cinereo-vitrea . Black. Head and prothorax greenish black, pubescent. Coxae, hind femora, hind tibiae at the base, hind part of the pectus and abdomen bright red. Fore wings red at the base, with an orange band at one-third of the length, and with two orange spots at two-thirds of the length, one on the costa, the other on the hind border. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a — c. Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. s PHENORHINA ALBIFASCIA. Nigra; caput acutum ; prothorax lurido-fuscus ; abdomen sub tus Icete rufum ; pectus et femora, postica testacea ; ala anticce triente basali fasciaque exteriore pallide Jlavis ; postica cinereo-vitrece. Black. Head acute. Prothorax mostly lurid-brown. Abdomen bright red beneath. Pectus and hind femora testaceous. Fore wings pale yellow for almost one-third of the length from the base, and with a pale yellow band at two-thirds of the length. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. (} Sphenorhina semivitrea. Fulva, subtus testacea; caput subacutum ; antenna nigra ; abdo- men rufescens ; pedes testacei ; tarsi nigri, postici basi testacei ; ala vitrea ; antica basi late rufa, costa, fascia venisque exterioribus pallide f us cis. Tawny, testaceous beueath. Antenna? black. Head slightly acute. Abdomen reddish. Legs testaceous ; tarsi black ; hind tarsi testaceous at the base. Fore wings vitreous, with strongly marked pale brown veins, bright red towards the base, pale brown along the costa, and with a pale brown band adjoining the red part. LIST OF H0M0PTEROUS INSECTS. 185 Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Hewitson's collection. ™ Sphenorhina braconoides. Mas. Testacea, gracilis; caput aculum ; abdomen lateribus apiceque nigricantibus ; tibiae posticce apice, genua et tarsi nigra ; femora antica nigro strigata ; libice anteriores nignc, basi testacece ; alee anticce lurido-vitrea, basi testacece, apices versus obscure fusca? ; posticce vitrece. Male. Testaceous, slender. Head acute. Abdomen blackish along each side and at the tip, which is armed with two long for- ceps. Kuees and tarsi black ; fore femora streaked with black ; anterior tibiae black, testaceous towards the base ; hind tibiae with black tips. Fore wings lurid-vitreous, testaceous at the base; nearly one-third of the apical part dark brown. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Birmah. From Mrs. Waring's collection. Sphenorhina approximans. Atra, gracilis ; caput acutum, pubescens ; alee posticce vitrece, mar- gine fuscescente. Mas. — Abdomen basi marginibusque anticis albis ; alee anticce guttis duabus albis, macula costali exteriore rufa. Fcem. — Abdomen basi testaceum ; alee anticce fasciis duabus, una maculari alba, altera attenuata et nonnunquam inierrupta rufg^ Closely allied to S. contigua, intermedia ana proxima. Deep black, slender. Head acute, pubescent. Hind wings vitreous, brownish along the borders. Male. — Abdomen white at the base and on the hiud borders of the three basal segments ; apical appen- dages very long. Fore wings with two while dots placed in an ob- lique line near the base ; a red spot by the costa at two-thirds of the length. Female. — Abdomen testaceous at the base. Fore wings with a white band composed of two hardly divided spots, and with an irregular red band, which is attenuated and sometimes in- terrupted hindward. Length of the body 3 — 4 lines ; of the wings 8—9 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. R 3 186 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus APHROPHOEA, Cat. Horn. p. 697. Aphrophora memorabilis. Pallide fulva ; caput subtus carinis lateribus nigricantibus, sulcis transversis bene determinatis ; prothorax subpunctatus, guttis quatuor anticis pallidis ; tibice anteriores obscure fulvce ; tarsi apice nigri; alee anticce basi punctata, fascia fusca indis- tincta subobliqua, gutta discali albida ; posticce cinereo- vitrece. Pale tawny. Head and thorax flat, with a very slight keel. Head beneath blackish along each side of the keel, on each side of which there is a row of finely sculptured transverse ridges. Pro- thorax very miuutely punctured, with two pale dots on each side in front. Anterior tibiae dark tawny. Tarsi with black tips. Fore wings punctured towards the base, with a brown indistinct slightly oblique band, beyond which there is a whitish dot iu the disk. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 'i\ lines; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Aphrophora notabilis. Pallide testacea ; proboscis apicem versus nigra ; abdomen ru~ fescens ; tarsi apice nigri; alee anticce fascia lata obliqua abbreviata albida nigro ex parte marginata, gutta postico nigra, plaga exteriore elongata costali albida ; posticce cinereo- vitrecB. Pale testaceous. Proboscis black towards the tip. Abdomen reddish. Tarsi with black tips. Fore wings with a broad abbre- viated oblique whitish baud partly bordered with black, which forms a conspicuous dot on the outer side of the band near the hind border; an elongated costal whitish patch beyond the band. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3% lines; of the wings 9 Hues. a — c. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 187 * Aphrophora SEMIFLAVA. Flava, robusla, subtus nigra; caput e lineis transversis fulvis bivittatum ; pectus ex parte testaceum ; abdomen nigrum; pedes nigri, genubus antieis testaceis ; alee anticee castaneo- fitscce, fasciis duabus antieis latis abbreviatis pallide testa- ceis ; posticce cinereo-vitrece. Yellow, stout, black beneath. Head with two tawny stripes composed of short transverse lines. Pectus partly testaceous. Abdomen and legs black. Fore knees testaceous. Fore wings chestnut-brown, with two short broad pale testaceous bands in front. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. New Hebrides ? Presented by Sir John Liddell. ^ Aphrophora inclyta. Atra ; caput conicum; pectus ex parte luteum; abdomen apice luteum ; pedes lutei ; alee anticee apud costum basalem luteee, fascia exteriore lata obliqua abbreviata alba ; posticce cinereo- vitrece. Deep black. Head conical. Pectus partly luteous. Abdomen luteous at the tip. Legs luteous. Fore wings luteous along the costa for a short space from the base, and at two-thirds of the length with a broad oblique abbreviated white band, which is somewhat narrower towards the costa. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 2£ lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Aphrophora madra. Atra, depressa ; caput conicum ; pedes fulvi ; alee posticce cinereo- vitrece, margine obscuriore. Deep black, like the preceding species in shape. Head conical. Legs tawny. Hind wings grayish vitreous, with darker borders. This and the preceding species may be distinguished from the others by the elongated head and the very flat body, and will form a section in the genus. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a — c. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. 188 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus PTYELUS, Cat. Horn. p. 702. Ptyelus ornatus. Aphrophora ornata, Cat. Horn. 702, 13. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. O Ptyelus vittiger. Testaceus ; caput vitta media furcata facieque nigris, vittis duabus lateralibus fuscis ; prothorax fusco quadrivittatus ; scutellum pectus et pedes fulva ; abdomen nigrum, segmentorum mar- ginibus posticis pallide testaceis ; alee anticcs nigricante-fusca, apud discum exteriorem lurido-fusca?, fascia interiore lutea, macula elongata exteriore subcostali pallide lutea, guttis duabus albis subapicalibus albis, una nonnunquam obsoteta ; postica: fusco-vitrece, apud discum nigro-fusca. Testaceous. Head with a black middle stripe, which is forked hindward, and with a brown stripe on each side; under side black. Prothorax with four brown stripes. Scutellum, pectus and legs tawny. Abdomen black; hind borders of the segments pale testa- ceous. Fore wings blackish brown, lurid-brown in the exterior part of the disk, with a luteous band before the middle, with an exterior elongated subcostal pale luteous spot, and with one or two white subapical dots. Hind wings vitreous-brown, blackish brown in the disk. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Ptyelus variolosus. Obscure fulvus ; fades nigra; prothorax et scutellum lineis trans- versis fuscis, hoc nigro fas datum ; pedes nigri ; alee antica nigricantes, e lituris variis minutis discalibus fulvis vix bifasciatae ; posticoe nigricante-vitrea. Dark tawny. Head black beneath towards the proboscis. Prothorax and scutellum with slight transverse brown lines, the latter with a black band. Legs black. Fore wings blackish, with various minute tawny discal marks, which form two indistinct and incomplete oblique bands. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 189 A U Ptyelus TENEBRIFER. Fuscus, tomentosus, subtus niger ; caput et thorax anticus trans- verse subimpressa; pedes nigri ; alee anticce apices versus subobscuriores ; posticce nigricantes. Brown, tomentose, black beneath. Head and fore part of the prothurax slightly impressed transversely. Legs black. Fore wings slightly darker towards the tips. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. O Ptyelus subnigricans. Nigricante-piceus ; caput linea aniica transversa interrupta tes- tacea ; abdomen ex parte coxaque posticce testacea ; femora postica basi aut vitta testaceis ; ala antica apud discum exteriorem subluridce, posticce nigricante-vitrete. Resembles P. reticularis, but with the head less prominent. Blackish piceous. Head with an interrupted transverse testaceous line in front. Abdomen partly dull testaceous. Hind coxa? dull testaceous. Hind femora testaceous towards the base, or with a testaceous stripe. Fore wings slightly lurid in the exterior part of the disk. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines, a, b. New Hebrides? From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. Voyage of H.M.S. Herald. & Ptyelus dolosus. Nigricans ; caput et prothorax vittis tribus indistinctis testaceis ; genua testacea; femora postica et tibice posticce testacea, apice nigra ; alee anticce apud costam exteriorem lurida ; postica cinereo-vitrece. Resembles P. obscurus, but with the head more conical in front. Blackish. Head and prothorax with three indistinct dull testaceous stripes. Knees testaceous. Hind femora and hind tibiae testaceous, with black tips. Fore wings lurid along the exterior part of the costa. Hind wings vitreous-gray. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7^ lines. o. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 190 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ^ Ptyelus COMMA. Niger, subtus albo bivittatus ; caput margine antico testa ceo ; pedes obscure fulvi ; femora posteriora nigro vittata ; alee anticce gutta postica testacea, striga subcostali subapicali alba ; pos- ticus nigricante-vitrece. Black. Head testaceous along the fore border above ; under side with two white stripes, which extend along the pectus. Legs dark tawny ; posterior femora with black stripes. Fore wings with a testaceous dot in the middle near the hind border, and with a white subcostal and subapical streak, which is slightly curved towards one end. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Raffles' collection. Ptyelus planakis. Pallide testacea; caput et prolhorax vittis nonnullis indistinctis fulvis, ilium conicum; alee anticce gutta postica subapicali nigra ; postica vitrsco. Distinguished from the preceding species by the pale colour, and by the head, which is more conical in front. Pale testaceous. Head and prothorax with several indistinct tawny stripes, the former very conical. Fore wings with a black dot on the hind border near the tip. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 2-§ lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. Genus LEPYRONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 725. C Lepyronia Bufo. Picea; capitis vertex albido biguttatas, linea antica transversa albida valde arcuala ; alee anticce lituris tribus costalibus testaceis, plagis variis discalibus cinereo tomentosis, venis obscure viriclescentibus ; posticce nigricante-vitrece. Piceous. Head with a whitish dot on the vertex, and with a transverse much arched whitish line in front. Fore wings with three dull testaceous marks along the costa, and with various patches of cinereous tomentum in the disk ; veins dull greenish. Hind LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 191 wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7£ lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Lepyronia Rana. Fusca ; caput atbido subvittal urn , inter oculos viride, macula antica magna testacea ; prothorax fascia antica lata interrupta pal- lide viridi ; abdomen apice testaceum; pedes obscure testacei ; alee antica lituris variis discalibus pallide viridibus, maculis duabus coslalibus guttaque discali testaceis ,• posticus cinereo- vitretB. More slender than the preceding species. Brown. Head with a slight whitish stripe, mostly pale green between the eyes, with a large testaceous spot in front. Prothorax with a broad interrupted pale green band in front. Abdomen testaceous at the tip. Legs dull testaceous. Fore wings with various pale green marks in the disk, and with two irregular testaceous spots on the costa; a testaceous dot in the disk near the second spot. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3£ lines; of the wings Q\ lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. O Lepyronia albigutta. Testacea ; caput subtus sulcis transversis nigris ; prothorax mar- gine postico albido ; pectus albo bivittatum ; pedes nigro vittati ; alee anticce nigra, fascia arcuata strigaque costali albis. Testaceous. Head and prothorax slightly mottled with darker colour. Head beneath with transverse black furrows. Prothorax whitish along the hind border. Pectus with a white stripe along each side. Legs striped with black. Fore wings black, with a white curved band, which is near to a white costal streak beyond it. Length of the body '2\ lines ; of the wings 4i lines. a. Melbourne. From Mr. Edwards' collection. (J Genus PERINOIA, Cat. Horn. p. 729. Perinoia exclamans. Perinoia exclamans, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 166, 139. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. c 192 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ' Genus CHALEPUS, Cat. Horn. p. 731. (J Chalepus aconophoroides. Ferrugineus ; caput lanceolatum, subascendens, subtus piceum ; alee antica? longiuscula, sat angustce, fusco subnotatce y apice acuta ; poslica cinereo- vitrei. Nearly allied to C. hastatus, but with the head less attenuated and less ascending-. Ferruginous. Head lanceolate, slightly ascending, piceous beneath. Fore wings rather long 1 and narrow, minutely mottled with brown, attenuated towards the tips, which are acute. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 5| lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Subtribe SERRIPEDES. Group TETTIGONIDES. Genus TETTIGONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 732. Europe. Tettigonia yiridis, Cat. Horn. p. 768. Tettigonia arundinis, Cat. Horn. 769. Tettigonia melanchloa, Cat. Horn. 778. Tettigonia ^qualis. Tettigonia aequalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 20, 169, pi. 2, f. 6. Dahuria. North America. Tettigonia bifida, Cat. Horn. p. 1158. Tettigonia tenella, Cat. Horn. 770, 97. Tettigonia Noveboeacensis, Cat. Horn. p. 115S. Tettigonia prasina, Cat. Horn. 768. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 193 Tettigonia LINEATA. Tettigonia lineata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 21, 172, pi. 2, f. 9. United States. Tettigonia tripunctata. Tettigonia tripunctata, Cat. Horn. 1158. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 23, 175, pi. 2, f. 12. Var. Tettigonia nigrifascia, Cat. Horn. 776, 110. Var. Tettigonia pallida, Cat. Horn. 776, 111. Var. Tettigonia albida, Cat. Horn. 777, 112. Tettigonia gothica. Tettigonia gothica, Sign. Ami. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 345, 188, pi. 11, f. 6. United States. Tettigonia septentrionalis. Nigra, robvsta ; caput crassum, supra impressum; prothorax transverse rugulosus, antice impressus ; genua ferruginea ; ala antica basi punctata ; posticce nigricantes. Black, stout. Head thick, rather prominent, impressed above. Prothorax transversely rugulose, impressed in front. Knees ferru- ginous. Fore wings punctured at the base. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Arctic America, Region of the Mackenzie River. Presented bv Dr. Rae. Mexico. Tettigonia multicolor. Tettieonia multicolor, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 363, 86, pi. 11, f. 15. Mexico. Tettigonia cosmopolita. Tettigonia cosmopolita, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 364, 87, pi. 11, £ 16. Mexico. Brazil. a Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. s 194 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ^ Tettigonia punctulata. Tettigonia punctulata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 345, 52, pi. 9, f. 15. Mexico. Tettigonia areolata. Tettigonia areolata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 355, 73, pi. 11, f. 4. Mexico. Tettigonia lugubris. Tettigonia lugubris, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 13, pi. 1, f. 13. Mexico. Tettigonia sagata. Tettigonia sagata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 27, 180, pi. 2, f. 15. Mexico. Tettigonia lunata. Tettigonia lunata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 349, 196, pi. 11, f. 13. Mexico. Tettigonia 5-signata. Cupreo-nigra, subtus pallide flava ; caput et prothorax flaw bifas- ciata ; abdomen Icete rufum ; pedes pallide flavi ; femora postica nigro subvittata ; alee anticce cupreo-rufa>, fasciis quatuor subobliquis pallide flavis, apices versus fuscce, fascia subapicali vitrea ; postica vitrece, apice fmcai. Cupreous-black, pale yellow beneath. Head with two pale yellow bands, the hind one interlined with black on each side ; under side with black transverse lateral furrows. Prothorax with two pale yellow bands; scutellum pale yellow. Abdomen bright red. Legs pale yellow ; hind femora slightly striped with black. Fore wings cupreous-red, with four pale yellow slightly oblique bands, brown at the tips, where there is a vitreous band. Hind wings vitreous, brown towards the tips. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 195 ^ Tettigonia METALLESCENS. Testacea ; caput nigro quadripunctatum ; tibia post'ca apice nigrce ; alee anticce cupreo -nigra, basi testacea:, fascia oclira- cea ; postica nigricantes. Testaceous. Head with a black point on each side between the eyes hindward, and with two more in front near the antennae. Hind tibiae with black tips. Fore wings cupreous-black, testaceous for one-third of the length from the base, with an orange band just within the black part. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. TETTIGONIA CANDIDA. Alba ; caput punctis duobus guttisque tribus nigris ; prothorax nigro biguttalus, marginis antici lateribus flavescentibus ; scutellum Jlavescens, nigro biguttatum ; abdominis discus sub- tus nigricans ; ala anticce puncto marginali nigro ; posticce cinereo-vitrece. White. Head with two black points between the eyes and with three black dots in a line on the fore border. Prothorax with two black dots near the fore border, which is yellowish on each side. Scutellum yellowish, with a black dot on each side. Abdomen blackish in the disk beneath. Fore wings with a black point on the hind border at three-fourths of the length. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 2$ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. CJ Tettigonia granulata. Rufa; caput vittis nonnullis variis interruptis Jlavis ; thorax maculis plurimis Jlavis ; pectus testaceum, gultis lateralibus nigris ; alee anticce guttis plurimis maculisque paucis Jlavis, apices versus sordide vitrece, fascia margineque fuscis ; posticce nigricante-vitrea?. Red. Head with several irregular and interrupted yellow stripes. Thorax with many yellow spots. Pectus testaceous, with black dots on each side. Fore wings with numerous yellow dots and with a few yellow spots ; apical part dingy vitreous, with a brown s2 196 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. band and with brown tips. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Tettigonia ruficeps. Nigra ; caput rufum, margine postico nigro ; prothorax lineis dua- bus transversis albis ; coxee et femora rufa ; alee anticee fas- ciis duabus angustis albis. Black. Head red, black along the hind border. Prothorax with two transverse white lines. Coxag and femora red. Fore wings with two slender white bands. Hind wings black. Length of the body 4£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Mexico. a. Guatimala. From M. Deby's collection. Tettigonia detrahens. Testacea ; caput luteo bimaculatum, nigro sexguttatum, subtus nigro bivittatum ; prothorax lituris nonnullis indistinctis nigricantibus ; scutellum pallide luteum, nigro biguttatum ; pedes fusco strigati ; alee anticce vittis tribus {una interlineata) fuscis ; posticee nigricante-vitrea. Testaceous. Head with a luteous spot on each side by the eye, with two black dots above, and with four black dots in front ; under side with two black stripes. Prothorax with some iudistinct blackish marks ; scutellum pale luteous, with two black dots in front. Legs streaked with pale brown. Fore wings with three brown stripes, the broadest one interlined. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 21 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Mexico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. 6 Tettigonia suavipennis. Late rufa, subtus pallidior ; caput semiannulo nigro lineisque duabus anticis e punctis nigris ; prothoracis discus albus nigro marginatus ; pectus pallide testaceum ; pedes pallide testacei ; alee antica maculis duabus albis nigro marginatis, apice nigra ; posticm nigricantes. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 197 Bright red, paler beneath. Head with a semicircular black mark on the vertex, and with two stripes of black points on the front. Disk of the prothorax white, bordered with black. Pectus and legs pale testaceous. Fore wings with two white black- bordered spots, the exterior one elongated and oblique; tips and hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. n, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Tettigonia rufimargo, Pallide Jlava, subtus Jlavescente-alba ; caput conicum, strigis dua- bus lateralibus obliquis viridibus, gutta antica nigra; protho- rax cyanescente-viridis^fusco varius, margine antico scutelloque pallide Jlavis ; abdomen supra nigrum, lateribus rufis ; alee antica virides, fmco varice, vilta discali cyanescente-viridi, costa pallide Jlava ; posticce iridescente-nigrce. Pale yellow, yellowish white beneath. Head conical, with a black dot in front, and with an oblique green streak on each side. Prothorax pale bluish green, mottled with brown ; fore border and scutellum pale yellow. Abdomen black above, red on each side. Fore wings green, varied with brown, with a pale bluish green dis- cal stripe; costa pale yellow. Hind wings iridescent black. Length of the body If line ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. West Indies. Tettigonia sanguinicollis. Tettigonia sanguinicollis, Latr. Voy. de Humboldt, i. 191, pi. 17, f. 11. Sign. Ann. Sot: Eat. Fr. 3me Ser.i.371, 100, pi. 12, f. 12. Tettigonia farinaria, Cat. Horn. 733. Cuba. Tettigonia sanguinea. ^Cicada sanguinea, Drury, Ins. ii. 73, pi. 38, f. 5, 6. Tettigonia sanguinea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 6S6, 145. Jamaica. S3 198 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. v Tettigonia reticulata. Tettigonia reticulata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 22, 173, pi. 2, f. 10. Cuba. O Tettigonia fausta. Pallide testacea ; caput nigro quadrivittatum ; "pectus pallide luteum, nigro notatum ; abdomen supra rufum, subtus e gut- tis nigris bivitlatum ; ala anticce purpurascente-rufce, nigro lineata, apud costam cinerea, apice sordide vitrece fascia obliqua abbreviata margineque nigricantibus ; postiea nigri- cantes. Pale testaceous. Head with four black stripes ; the middle pair abbreviated, the outer pair converging, connected on the face and extending in a single stripe to the proboscis. Pectus pale luteous, with black marks. Abdomen bright red above ; under side with two rows of black dots. Fore wings purplish red, with black lines ; costa gray for more than half the length ; tips dingy vitreous, with an abbreviated oblique blackish band, and with a blackish bor- der. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. \) Tettigonia constans. Nigra ; caput albo quadrivittatum, vitta subtus furcata ; prothorax vittis quinque albo-viridibus ; scutellum viridi univittatum ; abdomen cupreo -nigrum, subtus Jiavo fascia turn ; pedes fiavi ; ala antica fused, vittis interruptis viridibus, fascia alba sub- apicali, apice nigricantes ; posticm nigricantes. Black. Head above with four white stripes, the outer pair continued beneath, the middle one succeeded by another white stripe, which is forked hindward ; two white marks on each side be- neath. Prothorax with five green partly white stripes. Scutellum with one green stripe. Abdomen cupreous-black ; under side with pale yellow bands. Legs yellow. Fore wings brown, with green interrupted stripes, and with a white subapical band ; tips and hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 199 South America. ^ Tettigonia myopa. Cicada myopa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 33, 27 ; Syst. Rhyn. 73, 53. Tettigonia myopa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3rne Ser. i. 31, 6. Cayenne. Tettigonia exaltata. ^ Cicada exaltata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 71, 44. Tettigonia exaltata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 32, 8, pi. pi. 2, f. 6. Para. Tettigonia vicina. Tettigonia vicina, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 35, 12, pi. 2, f.9. Brazil. U Tettigonia fastuosa. --- Cicada fastuosa, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 70, 43. Tettigonia fastuosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 37, 13, pi 2, f. 10. Cayenne. Tettigonia demissa. ^ Cicada demissa, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 73, 54. Tettigonia demissa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sir. 3me i. 29, 4, pi. 2, f. 4. O Tettigonia cephalotes, Walk. Cat. Horn. 759, 74. J Tettigonia multicolor, Walk. Cat. Horn. 760, 75. (j Tettigonia discoidea. ^ Cicada discoidea, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 73, 55. Tettigonia discoidea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 30, 5. South America. Tettigonia vespifoemis, Cat. Horn. p. 742. ! Proconia vespiformis, Cat. Horn. 783. 200 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Tettigonia MODESTA. Cicada modesta, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 70, 40. Tettigonia modesta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me. Ser. i. 324, 16, pi. 8, f. 1. Rio Negro. Cayenne. Tettigonia aurulenta. Cicada aurulenta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 33, 26 ; Syst. Rhyn. 71, 45. Coqueb. Icon. pi. 18, f. 13. Tettigonia aurulenta, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 191, 13. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. i. 325, 17. Brazil. Cayenne. Tettigonia pulchra. O Cicada pulchra, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 69, 39. Tettigonia pulchra, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 326, 19, pi. 8, f. 3. Brazil. Rio Negro. ^ Tettigonia decora. O Cicada decora, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 69, 38. Tettigonia decora, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 327, 20. South America. 5 ™ ^ Tettigonia Schaumii. Tettigonia Schaumii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 327, 21, pi. 8, f. 4. . Brazil. Tettigonia resecta. Tettigonia resecta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 327, 22. pi. 8, f. 5. Cayenne. Tettigonia unifasciata. Cicada unifasciata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 72, 49. Tettigonia unifasciata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3ine Ser. i. 328, 23, Amazon Region. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 201 Tettigonia bifasciata, Cat. Horn. p. 735, 16. ^ Tettigonia bicincta, Cat. Horn. 735, 20. Tettigonia Servillei. $ Tettigonia trifasciata, Cat. Horn. 733 (nomen bis lectum). Tettigouia Servillei, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 330, 26, pi. 8, f. 8. O Tettigonia septemfasciata. Tettigonia septemfasciata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. i. 332, 29, pi. 8, f. 11. Laguayra. . Tettigonia episcopalis. Tettigonia episcopalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 332, 30, pi. 8, f. 12. Para. a, b. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. O Tettigonia venosa. Tettigonia venosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3meSer. i. 334, 33, pi. 8, f. 15. Bolivia. Tettigonia mirabilis. Tettigonia mirabilis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3>ne Ser. i. 334, 34, pi. 8, f. 16. Colombia. ~ ^ Tettigonia concinna. Tettigonia concinna, Perty, Del. An. Art. 180, pi. 35, f. 16. Blanch. Hist. Nut. iii. 191, pi. 14, f. 7. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 335, 35, pi. 9, f. 1. Brazil. Tettigonia monstruosa. Tettigonia monstruosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. i. 335, 36, pi. 9, f. 2. St. Paul. 202 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ~, TETTIGONIA RUFIPES. Cicada rufipes, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 68, 32. Tettigonia rufipes, Sign. Ann. Soc. JEnt. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 336, 37, pi. 9, f. 3. Tettigonia decora, Cat. Horn. 744, 41. Tettigonia elegantissima. Tettigonia elegantissima, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 190, 6. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 339, 39, pi. 9, f. 5. Tettigonia albofasciata, Cat. Horn. 756, 68. Tettigonia tbilineaticeps. Tettigonia trilineaticeps, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 328, 40. Brazil. G Tettigonia assimilis. Tettigonia assimilis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 340, 42, St. Paul. 6 Tettigonia leucampix. Tettigonia leucampix, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.3me Ser. i. 340, 43, pi. 9, f. 7. St. Paul. Tettigonia contaminata. Cicada contaminata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 72, 52. Tettigonia contaminata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 341, 45, pi. 9, f. 9. C Tettigonia ruficauda, Cat. Horn. 763, 81. " Tettigonia pruinina. Tettigonia pruinina, Sig?i. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 342, 46. Brazil. list of homopterous insects. 203 (> Tettigonia transversa. Tettigonia transversa, Sign. 'Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. i. 342, 47, pi. 9, f. 10. Brazil. Tettigonia dubia. Tettigonia dnbia, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. i. 343, 48, pi. 9, f. 11. Brazil. Tettigonia gratiosa. Tettigonia gratiosa, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 191, 9. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. i. 343, 49. Brazil. Tettigonia oculata. Tettigonia oculata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 344, 50, pi. 9, f. 13. La Guayra. " Tettigonia limitata. Tettigonia limitata, Germ. Coll. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 344, 51, pi. 9, f. 14. Cayenne. Tettigonia segmentalis. Tettigonia segmentalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 345, 53, pi. 10, f. 1. St. Paul. 6 Tettigonia solitaris. Tettigonia solitaris, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 346, 54, pi. 10, f. 2. Para. O Tettigonia coronata. Tettigonia coronata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 348, 58, pi. 10, f. 6. Brazil. 204 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Tettigonia dorsalis. Tettigonia dorsalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 349, 60, pi. 10, f. 8. St. Paul. Tettigonia flavomaculata. Tettigonia flavomaculata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 350, 61, pi. 10, f. 9. Brazil. Tettigonia flavicollis. Tettigonia flavicollis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 350, 6'2, pi. 10,' f. 10. Brazil. (3 Tettigonia flavifeons. Tettigonia flavifrons, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 350, 63, pi. 10, f. 11. Brazil. Tettigonia crocipennis.} Tettigonia crucipennis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 351, 64. Brazil. Tettigonia geniculata. Tettigonia eeniculata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 351, pi. 10, f. 13. Brazil. ' Tettigonia elegantula. Tettigonia elegantula, Gvrm. Mag. Ent. iv. 67, 15. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 352, 68, pi. 10, f. 15. Brazil. O Tettigonia phosnicea. Tettigonia phcenicea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sfo. i. 353, 69, pi. 10, f. 10. Tettigonia elegantula, Cat. Horn. 735, 21. LIST OP HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 205 Tettigonia DIVISA. Tettigonia divisa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 354, 71, pi. 11, f. 2. Brazil. Tettigonia quadriguttata. Cicada quadriguttata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 38, 48 ; Syst. Rhyn. 77, 73. Tettigonia quadriguttata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 356,75, pi. 11, f. 6. a. Venezuela. Tettigonia sexguttata. Cicada sexguttata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 75, 63. Tettigonia sexguttata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 357, 76, pi. 11, f. 7. St. Paul. & Tettigonia circularis. Cicada circularis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 75, 62. Tettigonia circularis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 357, 77. South America. Tettigonia moesta. J Cicada rnoesta, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 74, 61. Tettigonia moesta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 358, 79. South America. Tettigonia Germari. Tettigonia Germari, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 359, 80, pi. 11, f. 9. Brazil. ^ Tettigonia fasciata. ^ Cicada fasciata, Linn. Syst. Nat. 706,9. Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 51, 17 ; Syst. Rhyn. 72, 51. Deg. Ins. iii. 225, 21, pi. 33, f. 11. Stall, Icon. f. 114. Tettigonia l'asciata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 359, 81. pi. U,f. 10. T 206 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Tettigonia miniata, Cat. Horn. 734, 10. Tettigonia quadrivittata, Cat. Horn. 735, 22. Brazil. Tettigonia proxima. Tettigonia proxima, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 361 , 83, pi. 11, f. 12. La Guayra. Tettigonia cruciata. Tettigonia cruciata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 361, 84, pi. 11, f. 13. La Guayra. Tettigonia Westwoodi. Tettigonia Westwoodi, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. i. 364, 88, pi. 12, f. 1. Brazil. V Tettigonia Spinoue. Tettigonia Spinolse, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 365, 90, pi. 12, f. 3. Brazil. Tettigonia albostriata. Tettigonia albostriata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 366, 91. Brazil. Tettigonia semiguttata. Tettigonia semiguttata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 367, 92, pi. 12, f. 4. Brazil. Tettigonia Dallasi. Tettigonia Dallasi, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 367, 93, pi. 12, f. 5. Brazil. j Tettigonia humeralis. Tettigonia humeralis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. i. 369, 6, pi. 12, f. 8. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 207 Tettigonia VERTICALIS. Tettigonia verticalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 369, 97, pi. 12, f. 9. Bogota. ■- Tettigonia nigripes. Tettigonia nigripes, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 370, 98, pi. 12, f. 10. Brazil. Tettigonia costata. Tettigonia costata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 372, 102, pi. 12, f. 14. La Guayra. Tettigonia pellucida. Tettigonia longipes, Cat. Horn. 748 (nomen bis ledum). Tettigonia pellucida, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 373. 104. £ Tettigonia auroguttata. Tettigonia auroguttata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 373, 105, pi. 12, f. 16. Brazil. G Tettigonia macro ptera. Tettigonia macroptera, Latr. Vo>/. DeHumb. Zool. ii. 57, pi. 3, f. 12. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 661, 107. South America. O Tettigonia lurida. Tettigonia lurida, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3tne Ser. i. 662, 108, Pi. 21, f. 1. Brazil. Tettigonia tristis. L Cicada tristis, Fabr. Syst. Rhi/n. 74, 60. Tettigonia tristis, Sign. Ann. Sue. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 665, 114. South America. Tettigonia mutabilis. Tettigonia mutabilis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3;ne Ser. i. 633, 140, pi. 22, f. 10. Brazil. Colombia. T 2 208 list of homoptebous insects. & Tettigonia bisguta. Tettigonia biscuta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 684, 142, pi. 22, f. 12. St. Leopold, Brazil. t E3 C Tettigonia Fairmaieii. Tettigonia Fairmairii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me S6r. i. 685, 143, pi. 22, f. 13. Brazil. £ Tettigonia cardinalis. Cicada cardinalis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 71,46. Tettigonia cardinalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 686, 146, pi. 22, f. 15. Tettigonia edbripennis. -, Stoll, Ciyales, f. 108. Tettigonia rubripennis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 5, 148, pi. 1, f. I. St. Paul. •'■ Tettigonia bigutta. Tettigonia bigutta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 6, 149, pi. l,f. 2. Bahia. £' Tettigonia fenestrata. Tettigonia fenestrata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 9, 154, pi. 1, f. 7. Chili. Tettigonia illustris. Tettigonia illustris, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.3me Ser. ii. 11, 157, pi. 1, f. 10. St. Paul, Brazil. Tettigonia ignicolor. Tettigonia ignicolor, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ser. 3me ii. 8, 152, pi. 1, f. 5. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 209 Tetitgonia XANTHOGRAMMA. Tettigonia xanthogramma, Sign. Ann. Soc.Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 9, 153, pi. 1, f. 6. Brazil. Tettigonia geometrica. Tettigonia geometrica, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 12, 159, pi. 1, 1'. 12. Colombia. Tettigonia variabilis. Tettigonia variabilis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent.Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 14, 161, pi. 1, f. 14. Colombia. Brazil. Tettigonia obsoleta. Tettigonia obsoleia, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 15, 163, pi. l,f. 16. La Guayra, O Tettigonia impressifrons. Tettigonia impressifrons, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 16, 164, pi. 2, f. 4. Quito. Tettigonia pcnctatissima. Tettigonia punctatissima, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 16? 165, pi. 2, f. 2. Colombia. Tettigonia hectica. Tettigonia hectica, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 20, 170, pi. 2, f. 7. Colombia. Brazil. Tettigonia ventralis. Tettigonia ventralis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 21, 171, pi. 2, f. 8. Brazil. Colombia. t3 210 LIST OF HOMOPTEKOUS INSECTS. O Tettigonia flavipes. Tettigonia flavipes, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 22, 174, pi. 2, f. 11. Bolivia. * Tettigonia albinervosa. Tettigonia albinervosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 25, 178, pi. 2, f. 14. Chili. Tettigonia distincta. Tettigonia distincta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 'Sme Ser. ii. 27, 18J, pi. 2, f. 16. Colombia. i Tettigonia melanocephala. Tettigonia melanocephala, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '3me Ser. ii. 341, 182, pi. 11, f. 1. New Grenada. Tettigonia variolosa. Tettigonia variolosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 341, 183, pi. 11, f. 2. Cayenne. Tettigonia pilipennis. Tettigonia pilipennis, Sig?i. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 342, 184, pi. 11, f. 3. Bolivia. Tettigonia nebulosa. Tettigonia nebulosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. ii. 343, 185. Pernambuco. . Tettigonia stylata. Tettigonia stylata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. ii. 344, 186, pi. 11,1.4. Para. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2 LI ^ Tettigonia RUBRICAUDA. Tettigonia rubricauda, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 351, 199, pi. 11, f. 16. Paraguay. ^ Tettigonia marginella. Cicada marginella, Fabr. Mant. Ins. 27, 37; Ent. Syst. iv. 38, 49 ; St/st. Rkyn. 68, 38. Tettigonia marginella, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 346, 191, pi. 11, f. 8. £> Tettigonia ruficaput, Cat. Horn. 766, 87. ^ Tettigonia trivittata. Tettigonia trivittata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 349, 195, pi. 11, f. 12. Tettigonia pallipes, Cat. Horn. 765, 86 (noinen bis lectum). Tettigonia xanthonota. Tettigonia xanthonota, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 350, 197, pi. 11, f. 14. Brazil. G Tettigonia rhinetta. Tettigonia rhinetta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 352, pi. 12, f. 1 . Brazil. Tettigonia atropunctata. Tettigonia atropunctata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 354, 205, pi. 12, f. 3. Brazil. Tettigonia flavoguttata. Tettigonia flavoguttata, Lair. Voy. Humb. Zool. 171,22, pi. 16, f. 12. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 356, 208, pi. 12, f. 6. Brazil. 212 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Tettigonia PUDICA. Cicada pudica, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 65, 17. Tettigonia pudica, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 352, 201. South America. Tettigonia elaveola. Cicada flaveola, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 65, 16. Tettigonia fluveola, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 353, 202. South America. & Tettigonia virginea. Cicada virginea, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 66, 18. Tettigonia virginea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 353, 203. South America. Tettigonia sanguinans. Nigra ; caput, thorax et alee anticce maculis guttisque plurimis plus minusve elongatis coccineis ; caput breve, supra impressum, antice obtusion ; alee antica? maculis duabus elongatis albis. Allied to Proconia. Black. Head, thorax and fore wings with very numerous blood-red spots or dots, which are more or less elongated. Head short, impressed above, flattened in front. Fore wings with two spaces without crimson marks, but each containing an elongated white spot, one in the middle of the disk, the other near the tip of the costa. Hind wings black. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. ft Tettigonia discrepans. Nigra, subtus flava ; caput supra Jlavo quadrinotatum, viltis tribus anticis jiavis ; prothorax litura postica maculisque tribus anticis flavis, disco nonnunquam ferrugineo ; scutellum ma- cula trigona flava ; abdominis segmenta luteo submarginata ; alee anticce rufce, maculis duabus basalibus viiiisque tribus albidis, apice nigrce. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 213 Black, yellow beneath. Head with a yellow dot on the hind border, with an irregular yellow mark on each side, and with a yel- low spot on the fore border; front with three yellow stripes. Pro- thorax with a yellow mark on the hiud border, and with three yellow spots in front ; disk sometimes ferruginous. Scutelluui with a tri- angular yellow spot. Hind borders of the abdominal segments more or less luteous. Fore wings red, with one or two whitish basal spots, and with three whitish variable stripes ; tips and hind wings black. Length of the body 3^ — 4 lines ; of the wings 8 — 9 lines. a, b. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. " Tettigonia bifacies. Nigra, nitens ; caput ochraceum, macula antica trigona nigra ; pro thorax gutta antica maculisque duabus magnis nonnunquam connexis ochraceis ; pectus ochraceum, strigis duabus obliquis nigris ; abdomen rufum, subtus nigrum segmentis rufo fas- ciatis ; pedes lutei, tibiis tarsisque posticis nigris ; alee antica macula costali subapicali rufa ; postica nigro-vilrea. Black, shining. Head orange, with a black triangular spot in front. Prothorax with an orange dot adjoining the head, and with two large orange spots, which are sometimes counected. Pectus orange, with an oblique black streak on each side. Abdomen red ; under side black, with a red band on the hind border of each seg- ment. Legs luteous ; hiud tibiae and hind tarsi black. Fore wings with a red spot on the costa near the tip. Hind wings vitreous- black. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Tettigonia instans. Fusca, subtus albido-testacea ; caput pallide Jlavum, fasciis duabus ferrugineis ; scutellum margine antico fasciaque albidis ; abdomen supra rufum ; pedes albidi ; aUi anticce vittis duabus vix furcatis fasciaque obliqua luteis, apice sordide vitrece. ; posticce sordide vitrea? apice fusca. Brown, whitish testaceous beneath. Head pale yellow, with two ferruginous bands. Scutellum whitish in front, and with a whitish band towards the tip. Abdomen red abuve. Legs whitish. Fore wings with two hardly forked luteous stripes, which 214 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. extend a little more than half the length, and have beyond them an oblique luteous band ; tips and the hind wings dingy vitreous, the latter with browu tips. Length of the body 3h lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. . Tettigonia albicans. Alba, tomentosa ; caput breve, latum; abdomen cyanescente-nigrum ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce apices versus subobscuriores ; posticce nigricante-vitrece . White, tomenlose. Head short, broad. Abdomen bluish black. Legs tawny. Fore wings slightly darker towards their tips. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 1\ lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. \j Tettigonia aukiplena. Nigra ; caput fascia vittaque Icete Jlavis ; pro thorax fascia inter- rupta Jlava ; abdomen coccineum ; pedes pallide rufi, tibiis piceis, tarsis nigris ; aim anticce maculis quinque Icete Jlavis, 4a, baque exterioribus elongatis transversis. Black. Vertex of the head with a bright yellow band, which is curved on each side ; front with a yellow stripe. Prothorax with an interrupted yellow band. Abdomen bright crimson. Legs pale red ; tibiae piceous ; tarsi black. Fore wings with five bright yellow spots; the fourth and fifth exterior, elongated and transverse. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 1\ lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. t Tettigonia melanopyrrha. Nigra, nitens ; caput breve ; abdomen basi et metathorax rufes- centia ; pedes albidi, tibiis tarsisque apice nigris ; alee anticce vittis duabus fasc Usque tribus coccineis. Black, shining. Head short. Abdomen at the base and meta- thorax reddish. Legs whitish ; tips of the tibiae and of the tarsi black. Fore wings with two crimson stripes, which are connected LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 215 together by three crimson bands ; third band sometimes interrupted Hind wings black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5i lines. ° a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Tettigonia argentigutta. Nigra, subtus alba ; caput fascia vittaque antica albis ; prothorax albo fasciatus ; abdomen late rufum ; pedes fuscescentes, femoribus pallidioribus ; ala cupreo -nigra subpurpurascentes ,' antica maculis tribus fasciisque duabus exterioribus abbre- viatis albis. Black, white beneath. Head with a white stripe in front and with a white band on the vertex. Prothorax with a white band Abdomen bright red. Legs brownish; femora paler. Win^s cupreous-black, with a purplish tinge. Fore wings with three white spots, and with two abbreviated exterior white bands; the anterior spot elongated. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Constancia, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Tettigonia reversa. Atra ; caput vitta furcata guttisque duabus coccineis ; prothorax coccineo bimaculatus ; pedes fuscescentes; ala antica basi apud costam, apice fasciisque duabus coccineis ; postica nigricantes. Deep black. Head with a crimson stripe, which is forked between the eyes ; a crimson dot on each side. Prothorax with two large crimson spots, forming an interrupted band. Legs brownish. Fpre wings crimson, black at the base of the costa, at the tips, and' with two irregular black bands. Hind wings blackish. Lennh of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Q Tettigonia extricans. Late rufa, subtus albida ; caput margine postico guttaque nigris ; prothorax nigro bifasciatus ; scutellum nigrum, apice rufum '; ala antica vitta, strigis duabus basalibus unaque costali exte- riore nigris ; postica nigricantes. 216 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Bright red, whitish beneath. Head with a black dot on the vertex; hind part black. Prothorax with two black bands; scutellum black ; tip red. Fore wings with a black stripe along the hind border, with two black streaks at the base, and with one by the exterior part of the costa. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. ;J Tettigonia configtjrata. Ochraceo-rufa, subtus albida ; caput macula transversa subquadrata guitisque duabus nigris ; -prothorax nigro bimaculatus el an- tice fasciatus ; abdominis discus niger ; pedes rufescente-albi ; aim antica vittis tribus plus minusve integris nigris ; postica? nigricantes. Scarlet, whitish beneath. Head with a black transverse sub- quadrate spot on the hind border, and with two black dots in front. Prothorax black across the middle of the fore border, and with two large black spots. Abdomen above with a black disk. Legs white, tinged with red. Fore wings with a black stripe, a black hindward streak and a black subapical dot. Hind wings blackish. Var. (3. — The black hue more prevalent on the head and on the thorax. Fore wings with three irregular black stripes. Length of the body 1\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Tettigonia mactata. Nigra ; caput conicum, maculis quatuor coccineis ; prothorax fascia lurida maculisque tribus coccineis ; scutellum coccineo biguttatum ; pedes fusci ; ala antica maculis guttisque pluri- mis coccineis ; posticm nigricantes. Black. Head with four crimson spots, conical in front. Pro- thorax with a lurid band, and with three elongated crimson spots in a transverse line ; scutellum with two crimson dots. Legs brown. Fore wings with many crimson spots and dots, the largest along the costa. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 1\ lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 217 Tettigonia leucopa. Nigra, nitens ; caput puncto antico fasciaque subtus albis ; pedes albi; abdomen album, subtus basi nigro fasciatum ; alee anticw linea costali alba. Black, shining. Head white towards the face, and with a white point in front. Antennae and legs white. Abdomen white, with black bands beneath towards the base. Fore wings with a white costal line, somewhat dilated towards the tip, which it does not reach. Length of the body 2h lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Napo Kiver, South America. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Tettigonia leucospila. T. splendidae affinis. Cuprea, subtus alba ; caput et prothorax plaga conica alba; abdomen supra late rufum; pedes albi; aim antica? purpurascente-cupre Peoconia ixsolita. Fulva, nigro conspersa, subtus sordide albida vittis duabus laterali- bus Jlavo-albis ; caput long i- conicum, subexcavatum ; discus subhis pallide rufescens, sulcis obliquis lateralibus nigris ; scutellum nigro bimaculatum. ; pectus nigro bistrigatum ; abdomen supra nigrum, disco subtus rufescente ; pedes rufes- centes, tihiis tarsisque supra nigris ; ala anticce rufescentes, punctata, apice luridce ; posticce cinereo-vitrece. Tawny, dingy whitish beneath. Head above, thorax aud scu- tellum with minute black speckles. Head above elongate-conical, very slightly excavated ; disk beneath pale reddish, with slight oblique black-marked lateral furrows ; a yellowish white stripe ex- tending on each side from the front of the vertex nearly to the tip of the abdomen. Scutellum with a black spot on each side at the base. Pectus with a black sireak on each side. Abdomen black above, reddish in the disk beneath. Legs reddish ; fore tibiae and fore tarsi black above. Fore wings reddish, punctured, lurid at the tips. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. 228 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Proconia aurigena. Fulva, subtus tesiacea ; caput et thorax testaceo punctata; caput conicum, subsulcatum ; frons sulcis transverais lateralibus ; abdominis discus ater, antice attenuates, lateribus anticis aurato-Jlavis ; ala vitrece, apice lurida, plaga obscure fusca maculisque duabus nigris. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head above and thorax with tes- taceous punctures. Head conical, slightly furrowed longitudinally and transversely ; front hardly depressed, with very slight transverse furrows on each side. Abdomen with a deep black disk, which is attenuated towards the base, which is bright yellow on each side. Wings vitreous. Fore wings lurid at the tips, beyond the middle with a dark brown patch, which does not extend to the hind border, and which is connected with two small black spots. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8^ Hues. a. Vera Cruz. From Mr. Cuming's collection. South America. Proconia congregata. Tettigonia congregata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 358, 209, pi. 12, f. 7. La Guayra. O Proconia circumducta. Tettigonia circumducta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 360, 211, pi. 12, L9. Colombia. Proconia flavolimbata. Tettigonia flavolimbata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 360, 212, pi. 12, f. 10. St. Paul. Brazil. Proconia stipata. Tettigonia stipata, Cat. Horn. 749, 52. 1 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 229 Peoconia CINCTA. ' Tettigonia cincta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Str. ii. 363, 21 fci pi. 12, f. 13. Brazil. Peoconia. personata. Tettigonia personata, Sign. Ann. Sov. Ent. Fr. Sme. Ser. ii. 364, 217, pi. 12, f. 14. St. Paul, Brazil. ft P ROC ONI A CAUDATA. Tettigonia caudata, Cat. Horn. 749, 51. Peoconia fulvopunctata. Tettigonia fulvopunctata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 484,222, pi. 17, f. 2. Bahia. Proconia xanthocephala. Tettigonia xanthocephala, Cat. Horn. 734, 14. Peoconia facialis. Tettigonia facialis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 489, 228. Brazil. Peoconia majob. Tettigonia major, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 491, 232, pi. 17, f. 8. Guatemala. Peoconia tchthyocephala. Tettigonia ichthvocephala, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3tne Ser. ii. 494, pi. 17, f. 11. Mosquitos. Proconia fusca. Tettigonia fusca, Cat. Horn. 741, 35. 230 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. o PROCONIA QUADEIMACULATA. Tettigonia quadrimaculata, Cat. Horn. 741,36. Tettigonia pruinosa, Cat. Horn. 743, 39. Proconia elongata. * Tettigonia elongata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. ii. 495, 238, pi. 17, f. 15. Bolivia. Proconia latipennis. Scaris latipennis, Cat. Horn. 833, 3. Tettigonia latipennis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 496, 239, pi. 17, f. 16. Proconia truncatipennis. Scaris obliqua, Cat. Horn. 833, 4. Tettigonia truncatipennis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. ii. 717, 240, pi. 21, f. L. Brazil. Proconia eubeolimbata. Tettigonia rubrolimbata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 718, 241, pi. 21, f. 2. Bolivia. Peoconia imbricata. Tettigonia imbricata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 719, 242, pi. 21, f. 3. Brazil. Proconia? diadema. : Pihaphirhinus diadema, Cat. Horn. 805, 3. • Tettigonia diadema, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 719, 243, pi. 21, f. 4. Brazil. This species may form a new genus. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 231 Proconia PHYSOCEPHALA. Tettigouia physocephala, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Sir. ii. 720, 244, pi. 21, f. 5. Brazil. Proconia Laboulbenii. Tettigonia Laboulbenii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 52, 267, pi. 6, f. 6. Colombia. £ Proconia limpida. Tettigouia limpida, Sign. Ann. Soc. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 512, 309, pi. 21, f. 7. Bahia. Proconia nigra. Tettigonia nigra, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 513, 310, pi. 21, f. 8. Amazon Region. • Proconia aurea. Cicada aurea, Fabr. Syst. Rkyn. 69, 10. Tettigouia aurea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 514, 311, pi. 12, f. 15. Guatemala. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. b. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. C Proconia persistans. Flava; caput nigro varium, vittis duabus fasciaque anticis nigris ; pro thorax fascia antica angusta angulata margineque postico nigris ; scutellum nigrum ; pectus nigro notatum ; abdomen nigrum, subtus luteum ; alee antica rufescentes, guttis pluri- mis jlavis, apice lurido-vitrece nigro fasciatee ; poslica cinereo- vitrea?, margine nigricante. Yellow. Head varied with black, with two black stripes in front, and with a black band by the face. Prothorax black hind- ward, and with a slender angular black band in front. Scutellum x2 232 LIST OP HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. black. Pectus with black marks. Abdomen black, luteous beneath. Fore wings reddish, with very numerous yellow dots, with a black band near the tips, which are lurid-vitreous. Hind wings grayish vitreous, blackish towards the tips and along the hind border. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 8£ lines. a. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. b, c. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Proconia insistans. Nigra ; caput maculis quatuor anticis fl,avis, subtus flavum vitta lata strigaque nigris ; prothorax flavus, maculis tribus con- nexis, gultis duabus margineque postico nigris ; scutellum jlavo bimaculatum ; pectus flavum, nigro notatum ; abdomen apice subhisque luteum ; pedes flavi ; alee anticce rufescentes flavo maculata, apice nigroe ; posticce cinereo-vitrece, apice nigricantes. Black. Head thick, with four yellow spots along the border above ; under side yellow, with a broad black stripe, which is dilated towards the face, the latter with a black streak. Prothorax yellow, black along the hind border, and with a black dot on each side in front; between these there are three black spots, which are con- nected by a slender transverse angular line. Scutellum with two yellow spots, one in front, the other behind. Pectus yellow, with black marks. Abdomen luteous at the tip and beneath. Legs yel- low. Fore wings reddish, black at the tips, with six or seven pale yellow spots or dots. Hind wings grayish vitreous, blackish towards the tips. Length of the body 3f — 4 lines ; of the wings 8 — 8£ lines. Var. (3. — The yellow part of the prothorax is divided into three large spots. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. b, c. Petropolis, Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Proconia anntjligera. Flava ; caput supra subtusque nigro unimaculatum, macula verticis quadriramosa ; prothorax fascia antica angulata utrinque furcata vitta margineque postico niyris ; scutellum nigrum, flavo bimaculatum; pectus disco liturisque later alibus nigris ; abdomen nigrum, apice maculisque luteralibus flavis ; alee anticce pallide viridescentes, annulis liturisque variis rufescenti- bus, apice fuscce ; posticce cinereo-vitrece, apice nigricantes. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 233 Yellow. Head with a black spot on the vertex, emitting four branches ; under side with a large black spot adjoining the face. Prothorax black along the hind part, with a black stripe, and in front with a black angular band, which is forked on each side. Scutelluin black, with two yellow spots, one behind the other. Pectus with a black disk and black marks on each side. Abdomen black, yellow at the tip, and with yellow spots along each side. Fore wings pale metallic-green, with various reddish marks, which mostly form ringlets ; tips brown. Hind wings grayish vitreous, blackish towards the tips. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. Australasia. Proconia trita. i Tettigouia trita, Cat. Horn. 750, 53. Genus DIEDROCEPHALA. Diedrocephala, Spinola, Tav. Sinotica, 57 (1850). North America, Diedrocephala mollipes. Tettigonia mollipes, Cat. Horn. 1156, 103. Vat. Tettigonia producta, Cat. Horn. 772, 102. Var.? Tettigonia minor, Cat. Horn. 772, 101. Var.? Tettigonia innotata, Cat. Horn. 770, 98. Mexico. Cuba. - Diedrocephala angultfera. Tettigonia angulifera, Cat. Horn. 771, 99. Var.? Tettigonia antica, Cat. Horn. 771, 100. Tettigonia mollipes, var.? Signoret. } Diedrocephala septemguttata. Tettigonia septemguttata, Cat. Horn. 773, 104. x3 234 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Mexico. DlEDROCEPHALA TYPHLOCYBOIDES. Tettigonia tvphlocyboides, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. ii. 725.250, pi. 21, f. 11. Mexico. Central and South America. DlEDROCEPHALA ULCERATA. Tettigoniaulcerata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 722, 246, pi. 21, f. 7. Brazil. DlEDROCEPHALA SPATULATA. Tettigonia spatulata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. 722, 247, pi. 21, f. 8. New Grenada. DlEDROCEPHALA SUBFLAVA. Tettigonia subflava, Cat. Horn. 762, 80. DlEDROCEPHALA VARIEGATA. Cicada variegata, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 684, 15; Sp. Ins. 325, 19; Mant. Ins. 270, 25 ; Ent. Syst. \v. 35, 35 ; Syst. Rhyn. 67, 24. Tettigonia pulcherrima, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 192, 16. Tettigonia variegata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 723, 248, pi. 21, f. 9. Brazil. DlEDROCEPHALA BICOLOR. Cicada bicolor, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 65, 15. ( Tettigonia bicolor (var. variegata), Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. 725, 251. South America. DlEDROCEPHALA VIRIDESCENS. Tettigonia viridescens, Cat. Horn. 765, 85. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 235 ^ DlEDROCEPHALA ? PLANA. Fulgora plana, Fabr. Mant. 261, 14; Ent. Syst. W. 5, 14; Syst. Rhyn. 66,21. Tettigonia plana, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 729, 257. Cayenne. DlEDROCEPHALA ? PALLIPES. Fulgora pallipes, Fabr. Mant. 261, 15 ; Ent. Syst. iv. 5, 15; Syst. Rhyn. 66, 22. Tettigonia pallipes, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 730, 258. Cayenne. Madagascar. DlEDROCEPHALA LINEATOCOLLIS. Tettigonia lineatocollis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. ii. 728, 255, pi. 21, f. 16. Madagascar. Country unknown. DlEDROCEPHALA PUBESCENS. Tettigonia pubescens, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '3me Ser. ii. 721, 245, pi. 21, f. 6. Genus HELOCHARA, Cat. Horn. p. 1156. Helochara communis, Cat. Horn. p. 1156. J Tettigonia similis, Cat. Horn. 769, 96. Nee Tettigonia herbida, Cat. Horn. 769, 95. Genus AULACIZES, Cat. Horn. p. 790. AULACIZES IGNOTA. Tettigouia ignota, Cat. Horn. 766, 89. Bolivia. 236 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Aulacizes Amblardii. Tettigonia Amblardii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 53, 268, pi. 6, f. 7. Bolivia. Aulacizes sepaeata. Tettigonia separata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. iii. 54, 269. Brazil. Aulacizes Dufourii. Tettigonia Dufourii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 55,270, pi. 6, f. 8. Caraccas. 2? Aulacizes sulcicollis. Tettigonia sulcicollis, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 62, 8. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 56, 272, pi. 6, f. 10. Brazil. l> Aulacizes atom aria. Aulacizes atoraaria, Cat. Horn. 792, 5. Tettigonia atomaria, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. iii. 57, 273, pi. 6, f. 11. Aulacizes linearis, Cat. Horn. 791, 4. Aulacizes confusa. Tettigonia confusa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 58, 274, pi. 6, f. 12. Mexico. v Aulacizes sulcata. Tettigonia sulcata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Sir. iii. 58, 275, pi. 6, f. 13. Bolivia. Aulacizes irrorata. Cicada irrorata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 33, 24 ; Syst. Rhyn.] 62, 6. Coqueb. lit. Icon. i. 32, pi. 8, f. 3. Tettigonia irrorata, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 192, 17. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 59, 276, pi. 6, f. 14. £ Aulacizes rufiventris, Cat. Horn. 796, 12. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 237 AULACIZES REPANDA. - Tettigonia repanda, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Sir. iii. 60, 278, pi. 16, f. 16. Brazil. AULACIZES CORTICATA. Tettigonia corticata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. iii. 226, 280, pi. 12, f. 1. Peru. AULACIZES AFFIN1S. Aulacizes terminalis, Cat. Horn. 793, 8. Aulacizes muculata, Cat. Horn. 793, 7. Tettigonia atfinis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 227, 282. Aulacizes mutans. Tettigonia mutans, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 228, 283, pi. 12, f. 3. Mexico. Aulacizes intersecta. Tettigonia intersecta, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 60, 4. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. dine Ser. iii. 229, 284, pi. 12, f. 4. Brazil. & Aulacizes canaliculata, Cat. Horn. p. 795, 10. d Tettigonia viridivitta, Cat. Horn. 794, 9. -. Tettigonia canaliculata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Zme Ser. iii. 230, 285, pi. 12, f. 5. 6 Aulacizes Fitchii. Tettigonia Fitchii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 230, 286, pi. 12, f. 6. Cayenne. 238 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. AULACIZES TREDECIM-PUNCTATA. Tettigonia tredecini-punctata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 231,287, pi. 12, f. 7. Brazil. AULACIZES IRREGULARIS. Tettigonia irregularis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 232, 288, pi. 12, f. 8. Bolivia . AULACIZES QUADRIPUNCTATA. Tettigonia quadripunctata, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 192, 23. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 233, 289, pi. 12, f. 9. Diestostemina termiualis, Cat. Horn. 798, 2. ^ AULACIZES STELLARIS. Rufescens aut nigricans ; caput supra breviconicum, carinis duabus nigricantibus ; frons depressa, longa, linearis; thorax disco nigricante, lituris later alibus nigris ; scutellum apice testa- ceum ; alee antica guttis sex punctisque nonnullis albidis ; poslicoe nigricanti-vitrea?. Beddish or blackish. Head short-conical above, with two blackish longitudinal ridges ; front flat, long and narrow. Thorax blackish in the disk, and with some black marks on each side ; scutellum testaceous at the tip. Legs with minute black marks. Fore wings with about six whitish dots and with several points. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. AULACIZES MAGNIFRONS. Testacea, lata, robusla, subtus nigra ; caput breve, antice obtusum; vertex maculis duabus connexis nigris ; frons maculis duabus lanceolatis connexis nigris ; fades nigra ; thorax lituris dua- bus anticis nigris ; scutellum basi apiceque nigrum ; pedes pallide flavi, femoribus basi libiis apice tarsisque nigris ; aloe antic ce gutta postica slrigaque subapicali nigris ; posticce cinereo-vitrece. LIST OF HOMOPTEItOUS INSECTS. 23 9 Testaceous, broad, stout, black beneath. Head short, obtuse in front; vertex with two black spots, which are connected hind- ward ; front flat, with slight transverse furrows on each side and with two lanceolate black spots, which are connected by a short band ; face black. Thorax with two black marks in front; scutel- lum black along the base and with a black tip. Abdomen black, pale yellow along each side and at the tip. Legs pale yellow ; femora towards the base, tarsi and tips of the tibiae black. Fore wings with a black dot on the exterior part of the hind border, and with a subapical black streak, which extends across two-thirds of the breadth from the costa. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3^- lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Petropolis, Province of Rio. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. AULACIZES OBTUSA. Testacea, sal lata ; caput disco nigro subexcavato, antice obtusum strigis dnabus lateralibus vittaque media connexis nigris, fascia anteriore nigra ; thorax lituris duabus anticis furcatis margineque postico nigris ; scutellum nigrum, apice testa- ceum ; pectus nigro binotatum ; abdominis segmenta nigro marginata ; alee anticce lituris quinque albis ; posticce cinereo- vitrece. Testaceous, rather broad. Head black, and slightly excavated on the disk of the vertex, obtuse in front, where there are two slender black streaks connected with a broad middle stripe, which does not extend to the vertex, but is dilated into a band on the face. Tho- rax with a black forked mark on each side in front, and with a black hind border; scutellum black, testaceous at the tip. Pec- tus with a black mark on each side. Abdominal segments with black bauds on the hind borders. Fore wings with five white marks of various size and shape. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. AULACIZES OBLIQUA. Picea, subtus testacea ; caput brevi-conicum, subexcavatum, frontis disco depresso, carina media marginibusque subelevatis, fascia antica nigra; thorax testaceo punctatus, gutlis tribus anticis fasciaque postica testaceis ; ala antica guttis nonnullis tes- taceis ; postica nigricantes. 240 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Piceous, mostly luteous beneath. Head above short-conical, with a shallow excavation, which widens in front ; disk of the front flat, with a slight middle ridge, and with slightly elevated borders ; a black band where it joins the face. Thorax with very numerous testaceous points, with three testaceous dots in front, and with a testaceous hind border. Fore wings with ten or twelve testaceous dots, five of which form a slight oblique streak near the base. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Fcem. Picea, subtus pallide jftava ; caput nigrum, conicum, jlavo sexnotatum, lituris subtus lateralibus flavis ; thorax maculis quatuor anticis liturisque posterioribus Jlavis ; scutellum apice Jlavum ; pectus nigro notatum; abdomen supra lurido-rufum, fascia subtus postica nigra, vaginis albidis apice nigris ; ala. anticce strigis plurimis guttisque conjiuentilus pallide Jiavis ; posticce lurido-vitrece. Female. Piceous, pale yellow beneath. Head black, conical, slightly depressed above, where there are four yellow marks hind- ward and two in front ; under side with the disk slightly concave, and with various yellow marks on each side. Thorax with four yel- low spots, forming a band in front, and some yellow marks between them and the hind border ; scutellum with a pale yellow tip. Pectus with some black marks on each side. Abdomen lurid-red above; under side with a black band at the base of the vagina?, which are whitish, with black tips. Fore wings with numerous pale yellow streaks and confluent dots, some of the former parallel. Hind wings lurid-vitreous. Length of the body A\ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. o. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. Genus DIESTOSTEMMA, Cat. Horn. 798. " DlESTOSTEMMA NIGROPU NCTATA. Tettigonia nigropunctata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 527, 325. Mexico. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 241 DlESTOSTEMMA BITUBERCULATA. TettigODia bituberculata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 528, 326, pi. 21, f. 19. Rio Negro. V DlESTOSTEMMA NERVOSA. Tettigonia nervosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 524, 321, pi. 21, f. 16. Colombia. ' DlESTOSTEMMA CUSPIDATA. Tettigonia cuspidata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 525, 322, pi. 21, f. 17. Brazil. DlESTOSTEMMA RUGICOLLIS. Tettigonia rugicollis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 525, 323, pi. 21, f. 18. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Genus CICCUS, Cat. Horn. p. 799. C? Ciccus adspersus, Cat. Horn. 799, 1. Ciccus obliquus, Cat. Horn. 800, 6. Ciccus diversus. Tettigonia diversa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 49, 262, pi. 6, f. 1. Cayenne. Ciccus flammeus. Tettigonia flammea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 50, 263, pi. 6, f. 2. Cayenne. V 242 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ClCCUS AUEANTIACUS. 6 Tettigonia aurantiaca, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 225' 279, pi. 6, f. 17. Mexico. ClCCUS LUCERNEUS. -, Stoll, Cigal. 56, pi. 13, f. 68. Fulgora brevirostris, Oliv. JEnc. Meth. 117, 570, 14. Tettigonia lucernea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 238, 296, pi. 12, f. 16. Non ProcoDia lucernea, Cat. Horn. 785, 10, at ejus Synon. ClCCUS EKYTHROCEPHALUS. Tettigonia Jerythrocephala, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 192, 21. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 234, 290, pi. 12, f. 10. Brazil. ClCCUS CLYPEATUS. Tettigonia clypeata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 234, 291, pi. 12, f. 11. Brazil. $ ClCCUS MACULIFBONS. Tettigonia maculifrons, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 235, 292, pi. 12, f. 12. Cayenne. ClCCUS SIMILATUS. Tettigonia similata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 236, 294. Brazil. ClCCUS COLUMBICUS. t Tettigonia Columbica, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 236? 293, pi. 12, f. 13. Colombia. LIST OP HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 243 ClCCUS FOSSULA.TUS. Tettigonia fossulata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. iii. 237, 295, pi. 12, f. 14. Colombia. ClCCUS LUCICOLA. Tettigonia lucicola, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 239, 298, pi. 12, f. 18. Mexico. ^ ClCCUS CONTROLINEATUS. Tettigonia controlineatus, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Se'r. iii. 239, 299, pi. 12, f. 19. Mexico. ^ClCCUS PUSTULATCS. Cicada punctata, Fabr. Syst. RJiyn. 64, 12. Tettigonia pustulata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 240, 300. South America. J ClCCUS TRIQUETRA. Cicada triquetra, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 63, 9. Tettigonia triquetra, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Se'r. iii. 240, 301. South America. - ClCCUS TRIANGULARIS. Ciccus triangularis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 63, 11. Tettigonia triangularis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 507, 302. South America. -- ClCCUS NIGRICEPS. Tettigonia nigriceps, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 508, 303, pi. 21, f. 1. Guatemala. ^ - ClCCUS SPARS0TUS. . Tettigonia sparsuta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Sir. iii. 508, 304, pi. 21, f. 2. La Guayra. y2 244 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ClCCUS ROSTRATUS. Tettigonia rostrata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 509, 305, pi. 21, f. 3. Bahia. ClCCUS FLAVOSCUTELLATUS. Tettigonia flavoscutellata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 509, 306, pi. 21 , f. 4. America ? ClCCUS RUTILANS. Cicada rutilans, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 64, 12. Tettigonia rutilans, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 511, 308, pi. 21, f. 6. Ciccus raaculatus, Cat. Horn. 801,8. Ciccus diminutus, Cat. Horn. 801, 9. ClCCUS EXCAVATUS. Proconia excavata, LSp. et Serv. Enc. Meth. x. 611, 1. Ciccus pervirgatus, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 573, 2, pi. 11, f. 1 . Cat. Horn. 799, 3. Ciccus fulvo-fasciatus, Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd. ii. pi. 109, f. 4. Ciccus intermedius, Cat. Horn. 803, 11. Ciccus cinctipes, Cat. Horn. 803, 12. Ciccus rufifacies, Cat. Horn. 802, 11. f\ Tettigonia excavata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 518, 314, pi. 21, f. 11. ClCCUS ORNATUS. Tettigonia ornata, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 193, 22. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 519, 315. Ciccus testaceus, Cat. Horn. 800, 7. Brazil. ClCCUS OCHRACEUS. Miniatus, subtus albus ; frons disco longo pallide rufescente, late- ribus subelevatis transverse sulcatis, carina media nigra, facie nigro biguttata ; thorax et scutellum nigro biguttata ; abdo- men supra fuscum ; alee anticce upice margineque postico nigricantibus ; postica? nigricantes. £IST OF HTOMOPTEEOUST INSECTS. 245 Ked-lead colour, white beneath. Head above conical, with a shallow excavation in the fore disk ; front with a long narrow pale reddish disk, which has a slight middle ridge and slightly elevated borders, the latter have transverse ridges on each side ; a black dot on each side of the face. Thorax punctured, with a black dot on each side in front ; scutellum with a black dot on each angle. Ab- domen brown above. Fore wings blackish at the tips and along the adjoining part of the hind border. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. V ClCCUS SAGITTARIUS. Cervinus, gracilis, subtus flavo-albus ; caput pallide luteum, longi- conicum, guttis nonnullis punclis strigaque antica furcata nigris, subtus antice lutescens lateribus sulcatis ; thorax antice lutescens ; scutellum litura transversa nigra ; abdomen fusees- cens, apice rufescens ; alee anticce angustce ; postica cinereo- vitrece. Fawn-colour, slender, yellowish white beneath. Head above elongate-conical, pale luteous, with black points, with two black dots on the hind border, with one on each side of the middle, and with a black forked streak in front ; under side pale luteous towards the tip, with a flat disk, and with slight transverse ridges on each side. Thorax pale luteous in front ; scutellum with a trans- verse black mark. Abdomen brownish, reddish at the tip. Fore wings narrow. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. } ClCCUS HAST AT US. Niger, fiavo notatus, subtus pallide luteus, C. Sagittarii structura ; abdomen valvulis apicalibus foliaceis obscure rufis ; pedes lutei ; alee angusta, cinereo-vitrea, venis nigris. Black, pale luteous beneath, in structure like C. Sagittarius. Head above, thorax and scutellum with numerous minute various yellow marks. Abdomen with dark red foliaceous apical appen- dages. Legs luteous. Wings narrow, grayish vitreous ; veins black. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. y3 246 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. ClCCDS NIGRILUX. Atra; caput longi-conicum, jlavo univittatum ; thorax vittis dua- bus lateralibus albis unaque dorsali rufa ; abdominis latera albo maculata ; alee nigricantes ; antica bad cinereo-vitrece. Deep black. Head elongate-conical, with a slightly furrowed pale yellow stripe, which is attenuated in front. Thorax with a red stripe which covers tbe scutellum, and is attenuated towards the head, and there contains a yellow spot ; a white stripe on each side. Abdomen with white spots along each side ; appendages tawny. Wings blackish. Fore wings cinereous-vitreous towards the base. Length of the body 4A- lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. d ClCCUS PUNCTOSUS. Foem. Niger, subtus pallide fiavus ; caput longi-conicum, fiavo notatum, subtus disco piano subfusiformi fasciisque duabus nigris ; thorax punctis plurimis ex parte confluentibus macu- lisque tribus anticis pallide Jlavis ; scutellum punctis apicali- bus pallide Jlavis ; pectus fasciis obliquis nigris ; abdomen pallide Jlavwn, maculis lateralibus apiceque nigris, subtus nigro fascialum ; tibiae tarsique apice nigra; alee antica picece, flavo punctata? ; postica? nigricantes . Female. Black, pale yellow beneath. Head elongate-conical, with a distinct furrow, and with various pale yellow marks above ; under side with a subfusiform flat disk, and with two black bauds, the fore one interrupted. Thorax with very numerous and partly confluent pale yellow points, except on the fore part, which has a pale yellow mark in the middle and a large pale yellow spot on each side ; scutellum with a few pale yellow points towards the tip. Pectus with black oblique bands on each side. Abdomen pale yel- low, black towards the tip, and with black spots along each side ; under side with black bands, the dorsal segments forming a broad border on each side. Tibiae and tarsi with black tips. Fore wings piceous, with very numerous pale yellow points, except at the tips. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 6£ lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Tejuca, Province of Rio. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 247 Genus RHAPHIRHINUS, Cat. Horn. p. 804. : Rhaphibhinus fasciatus, Cat. Horn. p. 804, 1. Tettigonia flammea, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 570. Tettigonia fasoiata, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 193, 25. Amyotet Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 573, I . Tettigonia Fabricii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. iii. 521, 316, pi. 2i, f. 12. Raphirhincs phosphoreus, Cat. Horn. 805, 2. Raphirhinus cupriventris, Delap. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. i. 414, 2. Raphirhinus angustus, Cat. Horn. 806, 5. Tettigonia phosphorea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 522, 317. P Raphirhinus rugosus. ^ Tettigonia rugosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 522, 318, pi. 21, f. 13. Brazil. Raphirhinus attenuatus, Cat. Horn. 806, 6. Tettigonia reflexa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 524, 320, pi. 21, f. 15. Raphirhinus acuminatus. Fulgora acuminata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 571, 18. Tettigonia acuminata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sine Ser. iii. 803, 387. Rhaphirhinus phosphoreus, var. P Sign. Genus PELTOCHEIRUS. Peltocheirus, Spinola, MSS. Peltocheirus bigibbosus. Tettigonia bigibbosa, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 510, 307, pi. 21, f. 5. Cayenne. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. C 248 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Var. ? Testacea ; abdomen rufo-luteum ; pedes albidi, tibiis tarsis- que apice nigris ; alee anticce rufescente ccmspersce, fascia exteriore fusca ; posticce vitrea, apice f usees. Var. ? Testaceous. Abdomen reddish luteous. Legs whitish ; tibia? and tarsi with black tips. Fore wings with reddish speckles for two-thirds of the length from the tips, where there is a brown band. Hind wings vitreous, brown along the apical border. Length of the body A\ lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. Peru. From M. Degand's collection. Genus WOLFELLA. Wolfella, Spinola, Tav. Sinottica, 122. Wolfella Caternaultii. Wolfella Caternaultii, Spin. Tav. Sinott. 122. Tettigonia Caternaultii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 768, 329, pi. 23, f. 3. Guinea. Genus DILOBOPTERUS, Cat. Horn. p. 808. Diloboptebus dispar. Tettigonia dispar, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 71,23. Sign. Ann. Soc. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 27, 2, pi. 2, f. 2. Diloboplerus decoratus, Sign. olim. Proconia ? dispar, Cat. Horn. 783. Dilobopterus fervens, Cat. Horn. p. 809, 8. Tettigonia laeta, Cat. Horn. 748, 49. Tettigonia fervens, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. i. 35, 11, pi. 2, f. 8. A> Group SCARIDES, Cat. Horn. p. 809. / (pGenus LKDRA, Cat. Horn. p. 809. i/^Ledra conifera. ^t-edra conifera, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 98, 67. Borneo. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 249 ^ Ledra PUNCTIFERA. Viridi-testacea, subtmalbido-testacea ; caput depressum, brem-coni- cum ; thorax utrinque subimpressus ; alee anticce venis ramo- sis, puncto discali nigro ; posticce vitrece. Greenish testaceous, pale green ? when alive, very minutely punctured, whitish testaceous beneath. Head flat, short-conical, very slightly impressed on each side above, and with a very slight keel beneath. Thorax with a very slight impression ou each side. Fore wings with ramose veins, and with a black point in each disk towards the hind border. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wiugs 12 lines. a. Dhargeeling. From Mr. Stevens' collection. * ° Ledra quadbicarina. Fulva, subtus pallide testacea ; caput breve, lateribus angulosis subdilatatis, margine antico rotundato nigricante, linea sub- tus transversa arcuata nigra ; thorax subnigricante varius, carinis quatuor, duabus intermediis parvis abbreviatis ; alee anticce cinerece, reticulata, fasciis duabus diffusis incompletis nigricantibus, venis ex parte albis ; posticce subcinereo-vitrece. Tawny, pale testaceous beneath. Head short, angular, and slightly dilated on each side, blackish along the fore border, which is rounded ; under side with a black transverse curved line in front. Thorax here and there slightly blackish, with a protuberant slightly diverging keel on each side, and with two less conspicuous middle keels, which are abbreviated hindward. Fore wings cinereous, much reticulated, with two diffuse and incomplete blackish bands ; veins very numerous, partly white. Hind wings vitreous, slightly grayish, veins black. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. v u Ledra audit ura. Fulva, subtus albido-testacea ; caput breve, lateribus angulatis sub- dilatatis, antice rotundatum, subtus nigrum lituris duabus lateralibus transversis strigaque albido-testaceis ; thorax ex parte nigricans, carinis quatuor, exterioribus albis, interiori- bus minoribus parallelis ; alee anticce cinereo-vitrece, reticulatce, basi albido-lestacece, fascia obliqua fusca ; posticce vitrece. 250 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Tawny, whitish testaceous beneath. Head short, angular and slightly dilated on each side, rounded in front ; under side black, with a transverse whitish testaceous mark on each side, and a lan- ceolate whitish testaceous streak towards the mouth. Thorax partly blackish, with two high lateral slightly diverging ridges, and with two intermediate parallel keels. Fore wijigs much reticulated, vitreous and slightly grayish, whitish testaceous at the base, with an oblique brown band, which is irregular and accompanied by some dots on the outer side ; veins black. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. V o LeDRA DELINEA.TA. Testacea, fusco punctata; caput brevissimum, valde arcuatum, lateribus anticis impressis, vitta media nigro-fusca, lituris duabus lateralibus fuscis, subtus margine antico liturisque tribus posticis nigris ; thorax lineolis duabus transversis lineo- lisque duabus lateralibus arcuatis nigris, lituris quatuor fer- rugineis ; scutellum fusco quadrinotatum; abdomen vitta ventrali lata nigra; femora posteriora et tibiae posticce apice nigra ; alee anticce fulva, apice cinereo-vitrece, vitta discali ferruginea ; postica cinereo-vitrece. Testaceous, punctured with brown, whitish testaceous beneath. Head above very short and much arched, slightly impressed on each side of the fore border, with a blackish brown middle stripe, and with a brown mark on each side; under side irregularly black along the fore border, and with three black marks towards the mouth. Thorax with very minute transverse furrows, with a little black line in front and another hindward, with two ferruginous marks on each side, one of them adjoining a very short curved black line. Scutellum with two minute curved brown marks in the disk, and with two brown dots on each side by the angle. Abdomen beneath with a broad black stripe. Tips of the posterior femora and of the hind tibiae black. Fore wings tawny, grayish vitreous towards the tips, with an irregular ferruginous discal stripe, which is partly bordered with black. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. South Australia. From Mr. Stevens' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEBOCS INSECTS. 251 */^Ledba OBLIGENS. Rufescens, convexa, longissime subfusiforme, subtus testacea ; caput longi-conicum, subtus concavum disco perangusto lanceolato antice nigro ; abdomen compressum, carinatum ; alee antica fulva, reticulata, venis plurimis, lituris nonnullis albidis ; postica cinereo-vi treat. Reddish, very elongate subfusiform, testaceous beneath. Head convex, elongate-conical, much longer than broad; under side con- cave, with a very broad border, the middle compartment lanceolate, black towards the tip of the vertex. Thorax convex. Abdomen compressed, with a dorsal ridge. Fore wings tawny, reticulated ; veins very numerous, with some whitish marks. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Hindostan? ^° Genus STENOCOTIS. ^Stenocotis, Stal. Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Some of the Australian species of 'Ledra in the Catalogue belong to this genus. i/ Stenocotis planiuscula. * Stenocotis planiuscula, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Australia. V Stenocotis subvittata. ^Stenocotis subvittata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254; 1856, 68, pi. 1, f. 7. Australia. VO Genus EP1CLINES, Cat. Horn. p. 831. Epiclines antica. Testacea, subpunctata; caput antice conicum productum ; pro- thorax lateribus dilatatis angulatis, fascia postica lata viridi ; alee antica virides, basi et apud costam lutea ; postica vitrea. 252 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Testaceous, minutely punctured. Head produced and conical in front. Prothorax dilated and forming a right angle on each side; a broad green band on the hind border. Fore wings green, luteous at the base and along part of the costa. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Var. ? Testacea ; caput et thorax nigro marginata; caput margine antico excavato viridi ; thorax fascia postica viridi ; aim anticce semihyalince, apud costam obscures ; posticm cinereo- vitrea. /Var. P Testaceous, paler beneath, minutely punctured. Head and thorax edged with black. Fore part of the head with a green border, which is much excavated in front and less so on each side. Thorax with a broad green band on the hind border; sides dilated and rectangular. Fore wings semihyaline, except along the costa. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. / Genus SCAEIS, Cat. Horn. p. 832. SCARIS MULTILINEA. /0 Fuscescente-fulva, sultus pallide testacea; caput vitta guttisque qvatuor anterioribus albidis ; thorax albido quinque vittatus ; abdomen testaceum, segmeniis fusco marginatis ; aim anticce fulvce, costa fasciaque subapicali nigricantibus, fascia media angulosa, gutta costali exteriore apicibusque albidis, venis albido punctatis ; postica cinerea, nigricante marginata. Brownish tawny, pale testaceous beneath. Head with a whitish stripe, in front of which there are four whitish dots. Thorax with five whitish stripes. Abdomen testaceous; hind borders of the segments brown. Fore wings tawny, blackish along the costa, and with a blackish subapical band, with a whitish zigzag middle band, with a whitish costal dot near the tip, and with whitish tips ; veins with whitish points. Hind wings gray, with blackish borders. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 1\ lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 253 ~" SCARIS AUSTRALIS. Rufa; alee antices cupreo-rufa?, apice nigricantes ; postica? nigri- cante viirecE. Red. Head somewhat brighter than the thorax. Fore wings cupreous-red, somewhat blackish at the lips. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 6 Genus BIZA. Corpus gracile. Caput parvum ; vertex subtransversus, antice rotundatus ; irons longiuscula, convexa. Antennarum arista gracil- lima, corpore longior aut non brevior. Thorax transversus, laevis, vix arcuatus. Abdomen conicum. Tibiae posticoe dense spinosae. Alae anticae deflexae, venis paucis. Fcem. — Abdomen apieem versus compressum. Oviductus subarcuatus. Body slender. Head small; vertex rounded in front, a little broader than long ; front convex, longer than broad. Seta of the antennas very slender, as long or longer than the body. Thorax transverse, smooth, hardly arched. Abdomen conical. Hind tibiae densely spinose. Wings deflexed ; veins few. Female. — Abdomen compressed towards the tip, longer than that of the male. Oviduct slightly curved. BlZA CROCEA. Pallide lutea, subtus albido-testacea ; aim anticce gutta apud marginem posticum interiorem nigra ; posiicce vitrea. Mas. — Abdomen supra rufescens ; alee antica fascia media fusca, extus fuscescente-cinereec. Fcem. — Ala antica apice luridee, fascia subapicali fusca, gutta apud marginem posticum exteriorem fusca. Pale luteous, whitish testaceous beneath. Fore wings with a black dot by the hind border near the base. Hind wings viireous. Male. — Abdomen reddish above. Fore wings brownish gray for half the length from the tips, and with a brown middle band. Female. — Oviduct ferruginous, black at the tip. Fore wings with a black dot by the hind border beyond the middle, and with a brown band near the tips, which are slightly lurid. Length of the body 2\ — 3 lines ; of the wings 5 — 6 lines. a, b. Villa Neva. From Mr. Bates' collection. c. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. z 254 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. J»T Genus GABKITA. Corpus robustum. Caput parvum ; vertex perangustus ; frons lata, brevis, subconvexa. Thorax transversus, subconvexus, lateribus contractis. Pedes antici breves, femoribus tibiisque dilatatis ; pos- tici longi. Alas anticae deflexae, apices versus latiores. Body stout. Head small ; vertex very narrow ; front broad, short, slightly convex. Antennae short, very slender. Thorax trans- verse, slightly convex, contracted on each side. Fore legs short ; femora and tibiae dilated. Middle legs moderately long. Hind legs long; tibiae with very numerous and rather long spines. Fore wings deflexed, somewhat broader towards the tips, which are rounded. Gabrita annulivena. Nigra; vertex testaceus, guttis guatuor lateralibus nigris ; frons gutlis nonmtllis fasciisque duabus obliquis albis ; thorax con- fertissime albo punctatus, lituris duabus anticis nigris ; pectus album nigro maculatum ; femora antica albo bifasciata ; tibia antica albo signata ; pedes posteriores albidi, nigro subvarii ; ala antica fascia inieriore y macula costali exteriore strigague marginali postica albis, venis albo punctatis ; postica nigricantes. Black. Vertex testaceous, with two black dots on each side ; front with some white dots ; a white oblique band on each side of the face. Thorax with very numerous white points, which are inter- rupted by a black mark on each side in front. Pectus white, with various black spots. Abdomen with white spots along each side. Fore femora with two white bands ; fore tibiae with a white mark on each. Posterior legs whitish, slightly marked with black. Fore wings with a white band at one-third of the length, with a white costal spot at two-thirds of the length, and with a white marginal streak behind the tips ; veins with very numerous white points. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. ^Geuus PETALOCEPHALA. Petalocephala, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1853, 266. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 255 » Petalocephala Afzelii. Petalocepliala Afzelii, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 251. * Petalocephala Wahlbergi. Petalocephala Wahlbergi, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 251. Caffraria. V'^Petalocephala Bohemanni. Petalocephala Bohemanni, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 251. Java. jj>* ""Petalocephala Paykulli. Petalocephala Paykulli, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Senegal. \/ ^Genus GYPONA, Cat. Horn. p. 834. ^ \j fchMfY 5 ' Gypona sordida. Gypona sordida, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Minas Geraes. V ^jYPONA adspersa. Gypona adspersa, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Brazil. * Gypona interspersa. Gypona interspersa, Stal, Ofv. K.V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Brazil. ^^Gypona venosa. Gypona venosa, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Minas Geraes. S'- Gypona pr^usta. Gypona prausta, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Brazil. > "TjYPONA sanguineosparsa. Gypona sanguineosparsa, Stal. Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Brazil. z2 256 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. u Gypona albidosparsa. 1 Gypona albidosparsa, Stal, Ofo. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Brazil. V ' Gypona nigrina. uGypona nigrina, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 252. Buenos Ayres. s^ Gypona nigronervosa. "txypona nigronervosa, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. Minas Geraes. + Gypona diluta. .Gypona diluta, Stal, Ofv. K.V.A. Fork. 1854, 253. Peru. Gypona vittulata. Gypona vittulata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. Kio Janeiro. VV Gypona flavilineata, Cat. Horn. p. 1159. a. New York. Presented by Dr. Asa Fitch. VVGypona subtacta. Fulva ; caput breve, subarcuatum, subtus ferrugineum, bisulcatum ; pedes validi ; tibia posticce spinis crassis ; alee anticce fusco conspersce, lineis duabus obliquis fuscis, venis transversis sub- apicalibus nigro nebulosis ; posticce cinerea. Tawny. Head short, slightly concave behind and somewhat more convex in' front ; under side ferruginous, with two slight furrows. Legs stout; hind tibia) with very stout spines. Fore wings sprinkled with brown, with two slight oblique lines ; trans- verse veins towards the tips clouded with black. Hind wings gray. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. list of homopterous insects. 257 Gypona viridescens. Viridis, nitens, ex parte testacea, subtus albido-viridis ; ala antica lurido subvitrece, margine postico interiore ferrugineo-fusco, venis viridibus apice nigris ; posticce vitrece. Green, shining, partly testaceous, whitish green beneath. Head with a black line along the fore edge. Thorax with numerous very minute transverse furrows. Fore wings nearly vitreous, with a slight lurid tiuge, ferruginous-brown along the hind border for a short space from the base ; veins green, black towards the tips. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. Gypona fusiformis. Testacea, subfusiformis, viridi varia, subtus pallidior ; caput valde arcuatwn, subtus impressum, linea marginali nigra ; alee anticce semihyaliiiG, subluridce, striga brevi apicali nigricante ; postica cinereo-vitrea, margine postico nigricante. Testaceous, subfusiform, more or less varied with green, paler beneath. Head much arched iu front, slightly concave behind, with a black line along the fore edge ; under side with three impressions in front, and with two very slender longitudinal furrows. Thorax with numerous very minute transverse furrows. Fore wings semihyaline, slightly lurid, with a short blackish apical longitudinal streak between two veins. Hind wings grayish vitreous, blackish along the hind border. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 10 — 12 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Gypona thoracica. Testacea, valida, ex parte viridis, subtus nigra ; caput arcuatum, guttis duabus anticis lateralibus nigris ; scutellum basi im- pressum ; abdomen supra nigrum, segmentis teslaceo margina- tis ; pedes fulvi, femoribus nigro strigatis ; alee anticce fusces- cente luridce, semikyalina^^ costa apiceque obscurioribus ; yosticce cinereo-vitrece. z3 258 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Testaceous, stout, partly green, black beneath. Head mode- rately arched in front, very slightly coucave behind, with a black dot on each side in front. Thorax with numerous very minute transverse furrows. Scutellum impressed at the base. Abdomen black above ; hind borders of the segments testaceous. Legs tawny ; femora slightly streaked with black. Fore wings brownish lurid, semihyaline, somewhat darker along the costa and at the tips. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. / -"Gypona postica. Testacea ; caput arcuatum, linea marginali nigra ; alee anticce vitrece, subcinerea, fasciis duabus incompletis, una interiore, altera subapicali ; postica vitrece. Testaceous, paler beneath. Head moderately arched iu front, slightly concave behind, with a black line along the fore edge ; un- der side with two slight ridges which are united towards the face. Thorax furrowed as in the preceding species. Fore wings vitreous, slightly grayish, with two incomplete and irregular black bands, one before the middle, the other subapical. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection. -" Gypona PEASINA. Viridis, sat angusta ; caput breve, subarcuatum, subtus lave ; tho- rax linea antica transversa arcuata impressa ; alee antica sub- hyalina, apice fuscescentes ; postica vitrece. Green, paler beneath. Head short, concave behind and more convex in front; its breadth with the eyes about four times its length ; under side smooth. Thorax with a curved transverse im- pressed line, near and parallel to the fore border. Fore wings nearly hyaline, brownish at the tips. Hind wings quite vitreous. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by K. Templeton, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 259 \ Genus XEROPHLOCA, Cat. Horn. p. 840. \Z^~' Xerophloca sordidula. ^Xerophloca sordidula, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. ^ Xerophloca virescens. ' Xerophloca virescens, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. Minas Geraes. / Genus PENTHIMIA, Cat. Hum. p. 840. I^^Penthimia aurifascia. Atra, caput brevissimum ; thorax ochraceus, fascia antica abbre- viata nigra ; ala poslica niyricantes, iridescentes. Deep black. Head very short, under side with two oblique furrows, which converge towards the face. Thorax orange, with au abbreviated black band in front. Hind wings blackish, irides- cent. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6% lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. ^Penthimia vinula. Tenthimia vinula, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. PENTHIMIA BELLA. ^Penthimia bella, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Caffraria. v pGenus CLASTOPTERA, Cat. Horn. p. 842. Clastoptera testacea, Cat. Horn. p. 1160. Qa. New York. Presented by Dr. Asa Fitch. Clastoptera Pini, Cat. Horn. p. 1160. Qa. New York. Presented by Dr. Asa Fitch. 260 LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. OClastoptera Proteus, Cat. Horn. p. 1160. a. New York. Presented by Dr. Asa Fitch. £> Clastoptera Sahlbergi. Clastoptera Sahlbergi, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. Brazil. O Clastoptera lineatocollis. Clastoptera lineatocollis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. California. O Clastopteea fuscomaculata. Clastoptera fuscomaculata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854,253. Minas Geraes. ^Clastoptera obtusata. Clastoptera obtusata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. Brazil. O Clastoptera funesta. Clastoptera funesta, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 253. Honduras. Group IASSIDES, Cat. Horn. p. 843. O Genus EUPELIX, Cat. Horn. p. 843. *> Eupelix fuliginosa. Eupelix fuliginosa, St. Farg. et Serv. Enc. Mkth. x. 612, 1. France. Eupelix flavescens. Eupelix flavescens, Guer. Voy. Belanger, 502. Java. LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 261 Genus ACOCEPHALUS, Cat. Horn. p. 846. ACOCEPHALUS DISCIGUTTA. Acocephalus discigutta, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 171, 172. Borneo . A ^ Acocephalus punctiger. Acocephalus punctiger, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Caffraria. *£) Acocephalus vitticollis. Acocephalus vitticollis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. * [ Acocephalus missellus. Acocephalus missellus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. O Acocephalus blennus. Acocephalus blennus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. O Acocephalus funebris. Acocephalus funebris, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. Acocephalus viduus. Acocephalus viduus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. Acocephalus peominens. Fcem. Testaceus ; caput brevi-conicum, antice arcuatum nigri- cante sublineatum, postice subconcavum ; thorax depressus ; abdomen supra nigricans; alee antic ce sub hyalince ; posticce vitrece. Female. Testaceous. Head short-conical, slightly concave behind ; its breadth a little less than twice iis length ; tore border much arched, with a blackish line. Thorax almost flat. Abdomen 262 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. blackish above. Fore wings semihyaline. Hind wings quite vitreous. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Gambia. Presented by W. Mackenzie Skues, Esq. ACOCEPHALUS PORRECTUS. Fcem. Viridescente-testaceus ; caput supra conicum ; oviductus rufus ; pedes albidi ; alee anticce viridescente-alba, venis pal- lidis ; postica albo-vitrece. Female. Pale greenish testaceous. Head conical in front, where it fonns a very thin edge. Oviduct red. Legs whitish. Fore wings white, with a slight greenish tinge ; veins pale. Hind wings white, vitreous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. Genus SELENOCEPHALUS, Cat. Horn. p. 852. Selenocephalus punctato-nervosus. Selenocephalus punctato-nervosus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Turkey. Q Selenocephalus African us. Selenocephalus africanus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Sierra Leone. O - Selenocephalus decurtatus. Selenocephalus decurtatus, Stal % Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. r v** Genus C^ELIDI A, \Cat. Horn. p. 852. CvElidia venosa, Cat. Horn. p. 852. a. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. Celidia pcecila, Cat. Horn. p. 852. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. b. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. LIST OP HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 263 L C^LIDIA VARIEGATA. Cat. Hom. p. 852. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates' collection. CjELIDIA maculinervis. Caelidia maculinervis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Sierra Leone. _ ' C.ELIDIA SPARSA. Cailidia sparsa, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Manilla. O " CAELIDIA ADSPERSA. Caelidia adspersa, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Montevideo. O C.ELIDIA NIGRINA. Ceelidia nigrina, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 254. Monte Video. ^ CiELIDIA LINEOLIGERA. Caelidia lineoligera, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 98. Natal. ^ C^LIDIA FDSCO-VARIA. Ceelidia fusco-varia, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Natal. CiELIDIA DIRIGENS. Caelidia dirigens, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc i. 172, 172. a, o. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. V C^LIDIA PARDALIS. Caelidia pardalis, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 173, 173. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. 264 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Celidia FERRIPLENA. Ferruginea, subtus testacea ; vertex parvus, transversus ; frons plana, elongaia ; alee anticce fascia obliqua maculari exteriore nigra, apices versus fuscescente-cinerea, venis albis nigro punc- tatis ; posticoe obscure cinerece. Ferruginous, testaceous beneath. Head short, rounded in front ; vertex small, transverse ; front flat, elongate, scutcheon- shaped. Fore wings widening towards the tips, with an oblique macular black band beyond two-thirds of the length, brownish cinereous from thence to the tips ; veins white, with black points. Hind wings dark cinereous. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. C.ELIDIA DISINTEGRANS. Testacea ; vertex parvus, depressus, margine elevato ; caput subtus fuscum, .subcarinatum, albo fasciatum ; thorax antice fusces- cens ; ala anticce obscure fusca, maculis duabus costalibus liturisque discalibus albis, venis albis nigro punctatis ; posticce nigricantes, vitta postica abbreviata alba. Testaceous, paler beneath. Vertex small, depressed, with ele- vated borders; under side brown, with a slight keel, and with a broad white band towards the face. Thorax brownish in front. Abdomen pale. Fore wings dark brown, with two white costal spots, and with two or three white marks in the disk ; veins white, with black points. Hind wings blackish, with an irregular whitish stripe along part of the hind border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus STEG ELYTRA. Stegelytra, Muls. et Key, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 224. ^ Stegelytra alticeps. is, Mu Languedoc. Provence. Stegelytra alticeps, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 225. . LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 265 Genus BYTHOSCOPUS, Cat. Horn. p. 856. - BYTHOSCOPUS USTULATUS. Bythoscopus ustulatus, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 217. Lyons. Bythoscopus ocularis. Bythoscopus ocularis, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 220. Hyeres. Bythoscopus sincatus. Bythoscopus sinuatus, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 222. Avignon. Marseilles. u Bythoscopus flayofasciatus. Bythoscopus fiavofasciatus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 255. Brazil. Bythoscopus olivacescens. Bythoscopus olivacescens, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Caffraria. Bythoscopus bimaculicollis. Bythoscopus bimaculicollis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 100. Natal. Bythoscopus muscabius. Bythoscopus rauscarius, Heer, Tertiavinsekten, 113, 39, 58. " Bythoscopus biarcuatus. Bythoscopus biarcuatus, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 174, 181. Borneo. Bythoscopus testaceus. Bythoscopus testaceus, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 173, 177. Borneo. 2 A 266 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ^Bythoscopus APEBIENS. Testaceus, subtus albido-testaceus ; prothorax anticus et vertex lineis albido-testaceis ; abdomen supra nigrum, segmentis tes- taceo marginatis ; aim anticce vitrea, strigis pallide fuscis, plaga costali apicali fusca, macula costali media nigra, venis pallidis nigro variis ; posticm limpida?. Testaceous, whitish testaceous beneath. Vertex and fore part of the prothorax with whitish testaceous lines. Abdomen black above ; hind borders of the segments pale testaceous. Fore wings vitreous, with pale brown streaks in the disks of some of the areo- lets, and with a pale brown patch at the tip of the costa; a black oblong spot in the middle of the costa ; veins pale, here and there black. Hind wings quite vitreous. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 6 Bythoscopus indicates. Tcslaceus ; caput linea transversa interrupta nigra ; ala antica? punctata, gutta apud marginem interiorem nigra ; posticce vitrei. Testaceous. Head with a black interrupted line along the fore border of the vertex, which is longer and more conical in front than in most species of the genus. Fore wings punctured on most of the surface, with a black dot on the interior border at a little beyond two-thirds of the length. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 1 1 lines. a, b. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. c. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. Bythoscopus ineffectus. Testaceus ; caput lineis duabus transversis nigris .; prothorax nigro subpunctatus ; scutellum nigro notatum ; alee antica nigro subvaria?, fascia media incompleta alba, macula apicali fusees - cente-cinerea, lituraque postica obliqua nigra ; postica? nigri- cante-vitrea. Testaceous, paler beneath. Head with two black transverse lines in front of the vertex. Prothorax minutely punctured with black. Scutellum with rather larger black marks. Fore wings LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 267 very minutely mottled with black, with a slight incomplete white middle band, and with a brownish cinereous apical spot, along which the costa is black ; a slight oblique black mark on the hind border. Hind wings blackish vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. V £* Bythoscopus repletus. Testaceus, nigro dense conspersus ; caput linea transversa pallide testacea, fascia anteriore nigra ; abdomen supra nigrum, seg- mentis testaceo marginatis ; pedes testacei, uigro vittati ; alee antica- maculis duabus oblongis discalibus vitreis ; postica cinereo-vitrecB, apice margineque postico fusee scentibus. Testaceous, thickly speckled with black. Head black across the front adjoining the vertex, where there is a pale testaceous transverse line. Abdomen black above ; hind borders of the seg- ments testaceous. Legs testaceous, striped with black. Fore wings thickly mottled with black ; two oblong vitreous spots in the disk, the interior one much larger than the exterior one. Hind wings grayish vitreous, brownish towards the tips and along the hind border. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Melbourne. From Mr. Edwards' collection. Bythoscopus obliquus. Pallide testaceus; scutellum guttis tribus anticis unaque postica nigricantibus ; alee vitrece, venis pallidis. Pale testaceous. Scutellum with three blackish dots in front and one hindward. Wings vitreous ; veins pale. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by the Rev. T. Ewing. C Bythoscopus absconders. Pallide testaceus ; vertex brevissimus ; scutellum guttis quatuor anticis pallide fuscis ; ala vitrece ; anticee sublimpidce, venis pallide testaceis. 2 a 2 268 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Pale testaceous. Vertex extremely short. Scutellum with two pale brown dots on each side in front. Wings vitreous. Fore wings almost colourless ; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3£ lines. a, b. Tasmania. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith. O Genus ATHYSANUS. Athysanus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). . w Athysanus quadrinotatus. Athysanus 4-notatus, Muls. et Beg, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 232. Mountains of Beaujolais. Athysanus plebeius. Athysanus plebeius, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. Athysanus lineigerus. Athysanus lineigerus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. v Athysanus stylatus. Athysanus stylatus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. Athysanus sever us. Athysanus severus, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Caffraria. Athysanus capicola. Athysanus capicola, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Caffraria. ^ Genus DELTOCEPHALUS. Deltocephalus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). LIST OF HOilOPTEROUS INSECTS. 269 Or. Deltocephalus ventralis. Deltocephalus ventralis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. ^ Deltocephalus collinus. Deltocephalus collinus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. O Deltocephalus impictifrons. Deltocephalus impictifrons, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1S51 (1853). Sweden. _ Deltocephalus medius. Deltocephalus medius, Muls. ec Reg, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 234. Lyons. O * Deltecophalus lutens. Deltocephalus lulens, Mais, et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 235. Basses Alpes. ^ Deltocephalus flavovirescens. "Deltocephalus flavoviresceus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Natal. 9 Genus THAMNOTETTIX. Thamnotettix, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). ^Thajinotettix nervosus. Thamnotettix nervosus, Bohl. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. 2 A 3 270 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. vQ Thamnotettix Malaya. Thamnotettix Malaya, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 192. Malacca. GenusTLATYMETOPIUS. Platymetopius, Burm. 1 Platymetopius modestus. Platymetopius modestus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 255. North America. - Platymetopius rubrolineatus. Platymetopius rubrolineatus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Natal. Genus, IASSUS, Cat. Horn. p. 876. ^ IaSSUS CYCLOPS. Iassus cyclops, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 227. Provence. U Iassus h^ematoceps. Iassus hsematoceps, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 229. Hyeres. Iassus didymus. Iassus didymus, Muls. et JRey. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 230. Fiance. Q Iassus prasinus. Iassus prasinus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. Iassus hyalinipennis. Iassus hyalinipennis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 255. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS IN9ECTS. 271 T Iassus lineatipexnis. Iassus lineatipennis, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 255. Brazil. Iassus rorulentus. Iassus rorulentus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Natal. Iassus am .en us. Iassus amaenus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Natal. Iassus dilectus. Iassus dilectus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 99. Caffraria. Iassus setifer. Albidus ; vertex maculis duabus pallide fuscis ; antenna setis lon- gissimis , prothorax maculis nonnullis pallide fuscis ; abdo- men nigrum ; femora postica apice nigra ; tibia posticce nigro vittatts valde setosce ; alee anticce vitrece, fuscescente vix nebulosce, venis albis nigro punctatis ; postica cinereo -vitrece, apice nigricantes. Whitish. Head with two pale brown spots on the vertex, which is moderately long. Seta of the antennae very long. Protho- rax with several pale brown spots. Abdomen black. Hind femora with black tips ; hind tibiae striped with black, very bristly. Fore wings vitreous, very slightly clouded with pale brown ; veins whitish, with black points. Hind wings grayish vitreous, blackish towards the tips. Length of the body l£ line ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Iass us detractus. Testaceus, nigro subconspersus ; frons nigricans; pectoris latera nigra ; abdomen nigrum, segmentis testaceo marginatis ; femora nigro vittata ; alee antica testacece, venis pallidis lineisque interruptis nigris ; postica cinereo-vitrea. 272 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Testaceous, minutely speckled with black; front blackish. Pectus black on each side. Abdomen black ; hind borders of tbe segments testaceous. Femora striped with black. Fore wings testaceous, with pale veins, which are bordered by interrupted black lines. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith. Iassus leucomelas. Niger ; vertex albo marginatus ; frons ferruginea, lineis duabus lateralibus albis ; prothoracis margo albus, antice interruptus ; scutellum testuceum, nigro fasciatum ; pedes testacei ; alee anlicce fusees centes, venis nigris ; posticce fuscescente-vitrea. Black. Vertex with a white border; front ferruginous, with a white line on each side. Prothorax with a white border, which is interrupted in front. Scutellum testaceous, with a black band. Legs testaceous. Fore wings brownish, with black veins. Hind wings brownish vitreous. Leugth of the body If line ; of the win^s 3£ lines. a. North America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Tassus lineola. Testaceus ; vertex albido-teslaceus, fascia nigra; pectoris latera nigra ; abdomen supra nigricans ; femora nigro vittata ; ala< vitrea ; anticce vix subtestaceai, venis ex parte fuscis. Testaceous. Vertex whitish testaceous, with a black band ; front darker than the face. Pectus black on each side. Abdomen blackish above. Femora striped with black. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with a slight testaceous tinge; veins partly brown. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Gambia. Presented by W. Mackenzie Skues, Esq. O Iassu S VITREICOSTA. Fulvus, subtus albidus; vertex ex parte niger, antice albidus, pos- tice albido punctatus ; prothorax lituris duabus lateralibus nigricantibus ; scutellum albidum, fuscescenle notatum ; pedes albidi ; aim anticce apud costam vitrece, linea intermedia inter- rupta venisque ex parte nigris ; posticce cinereo -vitrei. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 273 Tawny, whitish beneath. Vertex partly black, whitish in front, and with some minute whitish marks hindwanl. Prothorax with a blackish mark on each side. Scutellum whitish, with pale brown marks. Legs whitish. Fore wings irregularly vitreous and colourless along the costa, the vitreous part with an interrupted black border ; some of the veins partly black. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Genus PROCEPS. o "Proceps, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 18o5, 237. ■p, ROCEPS ACICULARIS. y Proceps acicularis, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 238. Hyeres. Genus TYPHLOCYBA, Cat. Horn. p. 895. Typhlocyba lunaris. ' Typhlocyba lunaris, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 240. Hyeres. Typhlocyba bisignata. Typhlocyba bisignata, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 241*. Hyeres. Typhlocyba rorida. Typhlocyba rorida, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 243. Hyeres. ' Typhlocyba stigmatipennis. Typhlocyba stigmatipennis, Muls. el Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 245. ' South France. 274 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Typhlocyba nivea. Typhlocyba nivea, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 246. Avignon. Typhlocyba punctulum. Typhlocyba punctulum, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 248. Avignon. Typhlocyba fdlva. Typhlocyba fulva, Herr.-Schcejf. a, b. Europe. Presented by M. Signoret. ^ Typhlocyba gratiosa. Typhlocyba gratiosa, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. Typhlocyba misella. Typhlocyba misella, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1851 (1853). Sweden. Typhlocyba? obscurus. Cicadellites obscurus, Heer, Tertiavinsekten, 39, 59. Order PHYTOPHTHIRIDES. Family PSYLLID^. Genus PSYLLA, Cat. Horn. p. 912. PSYLLA ANNULICORNIS. Chormes annulicornis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Akad. 1851 (1853). Sweden.. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 275 PSYLLA AcETOSELL.E. Psylla Acetosellce, Haliday. a, 6. Ireland. Presented by A. H. Haliday, Esq. Psylla Molluginis. Psylla Molluginis, Haliday. a — c. Ireland. Presented by A. H. Haliday, Esq. Psylla Fedi^. Psylla Fedia?, Kaltenbach. a. Prussia. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Psylla basalis. Nigra, subpxibescens ; tibia? teslaeecc, apice nigra; ala vitrea, venis albis ; antica fascia basali subinlerrupta nigra. Black, slightly pubescent. Antenna? slender, as long as the thorax. Tibiae testaceous, except towards the tips. Wings vitreous ; veins whitish. Fore wings with a blackish nearly inter- rupted baud near the base. Length of the body f line; of the wings 3 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Mr. Warwick's collection. Psylla Eucalypti. Psylla Eucalypti, Dobson. « — c. Larva-cases, Tasmania. Presented by T. Dobson, Esq. Psylla fracticosta. Tes/acea, robnsta; antenna? sat valida, thorace breviores ; abdomen piceum ; ala anticce fusees, margine apicali fasciague pnstice abbreviata albidis, venis albis, casta basali subangulata ; pos- ticus vitrea. Testaceous, stout. Antennae ratber stout, shorter than the thorax. Abdomen piceous. Fore win^s brown, whitish along the apical border, and with a whitish band, which is abbreviated hind- 276 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ward; costa convex and almost angular towards the base; veins white. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body l£ line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Tasmania. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. Genus TRIOZA, Cat. Horn. p. 924. Trioza Galii, Cat. Horn. p. 928. a, b. Ireland. Presented by A. H. Haliday, Esq. Genus APHALARA, Cat. Horn. p. 929. Aphalara Polygoni, Cat. Horn. p. 930. a — c. Prussia. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Fam. APHIDINA. Genus CHAITOPHORUS. Chaitophorus, Koch, Pjlanzenlause, 1. Aphis, Groups 1,11 and 20 (p.), Cat. Horn. 934, 950, 962. Aphis Aceris may be considered as the type of this genus ; some of the species included in it differ much from the typical form. 1. Chaitophorus xanthomelas. Chaitophorus xanthomelas, Koch, PJfanzenl. 1, 1, pi. 1, f. 1. Chaitophorus Aceris, var. (Kaltenbach), Cat. Horn. 950. 2. Chaitophorus coracinus. Chaitophorus coracinus, Koch, Pflanzenl. 2, 2, pi. 1, f. 2—4. Chaitophorus Aceris, var. (Kalt.), Cat. Horn. 950. On Acer platanoides. 3. Chaitophorus leucomelas. Chaitophorus leucomelas, Koch, Pflanzenl. 4, 3, pi. 1, f. 5, 6. On Populus italica and P. nigra. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 277 4. Chaitophorus Ononidis. Chaitophorus Ononidis, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 5, 4, pi. 1, f. 7. Aphis Ononidis, Cat. Horn. 999. 5. Chaitophorus Capre#;. Chaitophorus Capreae, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 6, 5, pi. 2, f. 8, 9. Aphis Capreae, Cat. Horn. 980. 6. Chaitophorus annulatus. Chaitophorus annulatus, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 7, 6, pi. 2, f. 10, 11. On leaves of Betula. 7. Chaitophorus Tremul^;. Chaitophorus Tremulae, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 8, 7, pi. 2, f. 12. Aphis Populi, var. ? (Kalt.) Cat. Horn. 948. 8. Chaitophorus tricolor. Chaitophorus tricolor, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 9, 8, pi. 2, f. 13. Aphis betularia? (Kalt.) Cat. Horn. 1006. On leaves of Betula. 9. Chaitophorus versicolor. Chaitophorus versicolor, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 10, 9, pi. 3, f. 14, 15. Aphis Populi, var. P (Kalt.) Cat. Horn. 948. On Populus nigra. 10. Chaitophorus Populi. Chaitophorus Populi, Koch, Pjlanzenl. 12, 10, pi. 3, f. 16, 17. Aphis Populi, Cat. Horn. 948. 2b 278 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 11. Chaitophorus GRANULATUS. Chaitophorus granulatus, Koch, Pfianzenl. 13, 11, pi. 3, f. 18. Aphis Platanoides ? (Kalt.) Cat. Horn. 934. On Acer campestre. 12. Chaitophorus Aceris. Chaitophorus Aceris, Koch, Pfianzenl. 14, 12, pi. 3, f. 19, 20. Aphis Aceris, Cat. Horn. 950. Genus HYALOPTERUS. Hyalopterus, Koch, Pfianzenl. 16. Aphis, Group 20, p., Cat. Horn. 962. 1. Hyalopterus Spondylii. Hyalopterus Spondylii, Koch, Pfianzenl. 17, 1, pi. 4, f. 21, 22. On Heracleum Spondylium. 2. Hyalopterus Abrotani. Hyalopterus Abrotani, Koch, Pfianzenl. 18, 2, pi. 4, f. 23, 24. 3. Hyalopterus Aquilegle. Hyalopterus Aquilegiae, Koch, Pfianzenl. 19, 3, pi. 4, f. 25, 26. On Aquilegia vulgaris. 4. Hyalopterus Arundinis. Hyalopterus Arundinis, Koch, Pfianzenl. 21,4, pi. 4, f. 27, 28. Aphis Arundinis, Cat. Horn. 988. On Phragmiles communis. 5. Hyalopterus Pruni. Hyalopterus Pruni, Koch, Pfianzenl. 22, 5, pi. 4, f. 29, 30. Aphis Pruni, Cat. Horn. 988. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 279 Genus KHOPALOSIPHUM. Rhopalosiphum, Koch, PJianzenl. 23. Aphis, Group 20, p., Cat. Horn. 962. 1. Rhopalosiphum Cicut^e. Rhopalosiphum Cicutae, Koch, PJianzenl. 24, 1, pi. 5, f. 31, 32. On Cicuta virosa. 2. Rhopalosiphum Nymph.e,e. Rhopalosiphum Nymphseae, Koch, PJianzenl. 26, 2, pi. 5, f. 33 — 35, 44, 13, pi. 8, f. 57. Aphis Nymphseae, Cat. Horn. 984. 3. Rhopalosiphum Naiadum. Rhopalosiphum Naiadum, Koch, PJianzenl. 45, 14, pi. 8, f. 58. Aphis Nymphseae, Cat. Horn. 984. 4. Rhopalosiphum Hippophaes. Rhopalosiphum Hippophaes, Koch, PJianzenl. 28, 3, pi. 5, f. 36, 37. On Hippophae Rhamnoides. 5. Rhopalosiphum Berberidis. Rhopalosiphum Berberidis, Koch, PJianzenl. 30, 4, pi. 6, f. 38, 39. Aphis Berberidis, Cat. Horn. 996. 6. Rhopalosiphum Staphyle^e. Rhopalosiphum Staphyleae, Koch, PJianzenl. 32, 5, pi. 6, f. 40, 41. On Staphylea pinnata. 7. Rhopalosiphum Xylostei. Rhopalosiphum Xylostei, Koch, PJianzenl. 33, 6, pi. 6, f. 42, 43. Aphis Xylostei, Cat. Horn. 992. 2 B 2 280 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 8. Rhopalosiphum erraticum. Rhopalosiphum erraticum, Koch, Pfianzenl. 35, 7, pi. 6, f. 44, 45. 9. Rhopalosiphum CaprEjE. Rhopalosiphum Caprese, Koch, Pfianzenl. 37, 8, pi. 7, f. 46, 47. Aphis Caprese, Cat. Horn. 980. 10. Rhopalosiphum Lonicer^. Rhopalosiphum Lonicerse, Koch, Pfianzenl. 38, 9, pi. 7, f. 48, 49. 11. Rhopalosiphum Ribis. Rhopalosiphum Ribis, Koch, Pfianzenl. 39, 10, pi. 7, f. 50,51. Aphis Ribis, Cat. Horn. 975. 12. Rhopalosiphum Pastinace^:. Rhopalosiphum Pastinaceee, Koch, Pfianzenl. 41, 11, pi. 7, f. 52—54. Aphis Pastinaceae, Linn. Aphis Capreae, Cat. Horn. 980. On Pastinaca sativa. 13. Rhopalosiphum Dianthi. Rhopalosiphum Dianthi, Koch, Pfianzenl. 42, 12, pi. 8, f. 55, 56. Aphis Dianthi, Cat. Horn. 990. 14. Rhopalosiphum Ligustri. Rhopalosiphum Ligustri, Koch, Pfianzenl. 46, 15, pi. 8, f. 59, 60. Aphis Ligustri, Cat. Horn. 999. 15. Rhopalosiphum Calth^;. Rhopalosiphum Calthae, Koch, Pfianzenl. 48, 16, pi. 8, f. 61, 62. On Caltha palustris. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 281 Genus APHIS. Aphis Koch, Pflanzenl. 49 Aphis, Group 20, p., Cat. Horn. 962. Aphis Lapp.1 Testaceus, robustus ; caput depressum, marginibus elevatis, fronte longa angusta nigra carinata ; prothorux valde arcuatus, ver- ticem ex parte tegens ; alee anticce costa basali vittisque duabus obliquis nigris, costa media valde dilatata. Testaceous, stout. Head depressed, with elevated borders; front long and narrow, wiih a black keel and with parallel sides! Prothorax much arched, extending over part of the vertex. Fore wings black along the costa towards the base, and with two oblique black stripes, the second one along the exterior part of the costa, which is very much dilated in the middle. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 329 Genus HYSTEROPTERUM, Cat. //om. p. 373. A> * Hysteropterum arctum. Hysteropterum arctum, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. Miuas Geraes. HTSTEROPTERUM V1TRIPENNE. Hysteropterum vitripenne, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. California. Hysteropterum dissimulans. Mas. Teslaceum, latum; caput vertice brevissimo, fronte sub- quadrata subcarinata ; prolkorax subarcuatus, verticern ex parte, tegens ; mesotkorax tricarinatus ; pectus nigro bimacu- latwn ; alee anticce fasciis duabus latis abbreviatis obliquis fmcis, costa recta fusco punctata, margine postico valde dilatato. Male. Testaceous, broad. Head broad; vertex very short; front subqutdrate, with a slight keel and with slightly elevated bor- ders. Prothorax slightly arched, extending over part of the vertex. Mesothorax with three slight parallel keels. Pectus with a black spot on each side. Abdominal appendages much developed. Fore wings with two short broad oblique brown bauds; costa straight, with brown points; tips rectau^ular; hind border much dilated. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings \\ lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Guienzius' collection. ' Hysteropterum maculifrons. Hysteropterum maculifrons, Muls. et Reg, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1«55, 201. Provence. Languedoc. ^ Genus CONOSIMUS. CoQosimus, Muls. et Reg, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 203. 2 F 3 330 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Vtf CoNOSIMUS CCELATUS. Conosimus co3latus, Muls. et Rev, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 204. Marseilles. Hyeres. Genus EURYBRACHYS, Cat. Horn. p. 381. ^ '*&** EURYBRACHYS SANGUIFLUA. Nigra, subtus rufa ; vertex testaceo biguttatus ; from ferruginea ; metathorax et abdomen Icete rufa ; femora basi rufa ; alee antica obscure fusca, albido notatce ; postica nigra, basi rufce, maculis duabus apicalibus albis. Black, red beneath. Vertex with two testaceous dots. Front flat, ferruginous, transverse, very minutely punctured. Metathorax and abdomen bright red. Femora red towards the base. Fore wings dark brown, with irregular small whitish marks, which mostly form two very incomplete bands. Hind wings black, bright red at the base, with two white apical spots. Length of the body 4 — 5 lines; of the wings 11 — 12 lines.. a, b. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. Genus DERBE, Cat. Horn. p. 396. Derbe Wahlbergi. Derbe Wahlbergi, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 93? Natal. Derbe Natalicola. Derbe Natalicola, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 93. Natal. Derbe lanius. Derbe lanius, Sial, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855. Natal. Genus ELASMOSCELIS, Cat. Horn. p. 403. Elasmoscelis tagalica. Elasmoscelis tagalica, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork, 1854, 248. Manilla. LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. 331 ^ i s- ELASMOSCELIS? FUSCOFASC1ATA. Elasmoscelis ? fuscofasciata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 248. Hindostan. Genus BIDIS, Cat. Horn. p. 85. BlDIS INTERCEPTA. Tesiacea ; caput oblique ascendens ; vertex angustus, marginibus elevatis antice connexis ; frons et facies longissimce, perangustcc cariaatce ; abdomen supra rufescens ; alee subcinereo-vitrece. Testaceous. Head obliquely ascending ; vertex narrow, with elevated borders, which are united in front; front and face very long and narrow, with a middle keel and with elevated borders ; a red spot on each side. Abdomen reddish above. Wiugs vitreous, with a slight cinereous tinge ; veins black, testaceous towards the base. Length of the body 2i lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Raffles' collection. Genus EURIA. Euria, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 87. & Euria lurida. Eurida lurida, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 88. Q> Serida fervens, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 158, 87. Genus RICANIA, Cat. Horn. p. 422. * O Ricania Malaya. Ricania Malaya, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. Malacca. 3 Ricania Mellerborgi. Ricania Mellerborgi, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. Java. y & Ricania seria. Ricania seria, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. Anjonana. 332 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. v KlCANIA ZONaTA. Ricania zonata, Stat, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 94. Natal. V RlCANIA LCGENS. Ricania lugens, Slal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. Genus CYSTINGOCEPHALA. Cystingocephala, Stal, Hem. f ran Kafferl. 266. Cystingocephala marginelineata. Cystingocephala marginelineata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Sierra Leone. Natal. • V Genus DALAPAX, Cat. Horn. p. 433. yj Dalapax truncatella. Testacea ; caput porrectum, longi-conicum ; abdomen compressum, subgibbosum ; pedes brevissimi ; tibiae posticce spinosce ; ales anticce virides, lata, reticulata, apud costam convexce, apice rotundatce, margine exteriore recto, angulo interiore bene deter- minato, venis venulisque transversis plurimis, areolarum discis fuscescentibus ; postica vilrece. Testaceous. Head elongate-conical, porrect ; vertex and front much longer than hroad ; front with a slight keel, and with indis- tinct traces of two lateral keels. Abdomen compressed, somewhat gibbous. Legs very short ; hind tibiae somewhat spinose. Fore wings green, broad, reticulated, convex along the costa, very much rounded at the tips, straight along the exterior border, which forms a right angle with the interior border ; veins and transverse vein- lets numerous, irregular; disks of the areolets brownish. Hind wings vitreous ; veins testaceous. Length of the bodv 3 lines j of the wings 5^ lines. a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus FLATA, Cat. Horn. p. 434. Y c) Flata albata. Flata albata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. Malacca. Flata? rostrata. Flata rostrata, Montrouzier, Ann. des Sci. de Lyon, 2me SSr. vii. 112. Woodlark. c Genus COLOBESTHES, Cat. Horn. p. 439. V O COLOBESTHES WaLKERI. Colobesthes Walkeri, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 94. Caffraria. V Colobesthes bellulus. Colobesthes bellulus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 94. Natal. ^ Genus PCECILOPTERA, Cat. Horn. p. 442. V O PCECILOPTERA FIMBRIOLATA. Poeciloptera fimbriolata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854,247. Malacca. PCEC1LOPTERA CERERIS. Poeciloptera Cereris, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 247. China. ]/ PCECILOPTERA LIMBELLATA. Poeciloptera limbellata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854,248. Chili. ' O PCECILOPTERA VIDUA. Poeciloptera vidua, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 248. Hindostan. 334 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. PoSCILOPTERA PRIMARIA. Pallide viridis ; vertex brevissimus ; frons plana, subquadrata, carinis tribus valde indistinctis, margine subelevato ; prothorax brevis, subarcuatus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen album ; alee anticce latce, rectangulatce, apud costam vix con- vexa, margine exteriore recto, venis venulisque plurimis ; pos- ticce alba. Bright pale green. Vertex very short. Front flat, subquad- rate, rather narrower towards the face, with slightly elevated bor- ders and with three very indistinct ridges, which are obsolete towards the fore border. Prothorax short, slightly arched. Meso- thorax with three slight ridges. Abdomen and hind wings white. Wings broad. Fore wings hardly convex along the costa, straight along the exterior border ; tips and interior angle rectangular, the latter more acute; transverse veins very numerous ; veins extremely numerous along the costa and in the exterior compartment, which is much widened hindward. Length of* the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Tejuca, Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. O PcECILOPTERA REPLETA. Rufescens ; vertex arcuatus, brevissimus; frons transversa, subca- rinata, marginibus subelevatis ; prothorax transversus, arcua- tus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; ala antica pallide testacece, apud costam convexa, apice rolundata, punctis plurimis, guttis sex discalibus nigris, margine exteriore recto obliquo ; posticce vitrea, obscure cinerece. Reddish, paler beneath. Vertex arched, extremely short; front transverse, with a slight keel, and with slightly elevated bor- ders. Prothorax transverse, arched. Mesothorax'with three very slight keels. Fore wings pale testaceous, with very numerous red points, and with six black discal dots, convex along the costa, rounded at the tips, straight and oblique along the exterior border ; costal transverse veinlets numerous, short, regular, oblique. Hind wings vitreous, dark cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 335 8d rt) X' '#1 U PCECILOPTERA CONSTELLARIS. Fuscescens, sublusfulva ; vertex minimus ; from longissima, cari- nata, faciem versus lutescens ; prothorax arcuatus, verticem ex parte tegens ; mesotfwrax tricarinalus ; alee anticce tes- tacece fasciis duabus fuscis unaque vitrea, apicem versus f us co marginata, gutta postica lutea, strigis basalibus nigris, plaga discali nigra albo quadripunctata. Brownish, tawny beneaih. Vertex very small; front very long, widening towards the face, with a keel and with much elevated borders. Prothorax arched, concealing part of the vertex. Meso- thorax with three keels. Fore wings testaceous, bordered with brown towards the tips, with a vitreous band beyond the middle, and with two exterior brown bands, which converge hindward, and have behind them a luteous dot; basal half with some blackish streaks, and with a blackish patch which contains four white points. Hind wings dark cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. ~ PCECILOPTERA ELEVANS. Fulva, subtus testacea ; caput subascendens, vertice angusto margi- nibus eleratis, fronte longa subcarinata faciem versus lutes- cente ; prothorax arcuatus, verticem ex parte tegens; mesotho- rax subtuberculatus ; alee anticce angustce, subvitrece, apice fuscescentes ; postica cinereo-vitrece. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head slightly ascending ; vertex narrow, with elevated borders ; front long, widening towards the face, with a slight middle ridge and with slightly elevated bor- ders. Prothorax arched, extending over part of the vertex. Meso- thorax with a few slight tubercles. Fore wings narrow, nearly vitreous, brownish towards the tips ; costal veinlets regular, short, not numerous, hardly oblique. Hind wings cinereous, vitreous. Length of the body 2\ lines: of the wings b lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. P(ECILOPTERA DEPLANA. ^ Pochazia deplana, Walk. Journ. Linn. Soc. i. 162, 108. o, b. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. 336 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genns PHLEBOPTERUM:. Phlebopterum, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 248. ^ Phlebopterum pr^emoesum. Phlebopterum pragmorsum, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork 1854 248 • 1856,67, pi. 1, f. 8. ' ' Sierra Leone. ^ Genus TROPIDUCHUS. Tropiduchus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 248. (PTropiduchus sobrinus. Tropiduchus sobrinus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 248. Sierra Leone. Genus TETTIGOxMETRA, Cat. Bom. p. 471. Tettigometea obliqua, Cat. Horn. p. 472. a. Europe. Presented by M. Signoret. b. Europe. Presented by M. Goureau. Tettigometea sulphueea. Tettigoraetra sulphurea, Muls. ei Hey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, Nismes. Tettigometea impressifrons. Tettigometra impressifrons, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn Lyon 1855,211. y ' Languedoc. Tettigometea funesta. Tettigometra funesta, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 249, Sierra Leone. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 337 TETTIGOMETRA PATRUELrS. Tettigometra patruelis, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 100. Natal. Tettigometra ? bicolor. Nigra; vertex brevissimvs ; frons plana, mbquadrata, carina tenuissima, margine subelevato ; fades albido fasciata ; thorax tricarinatus, margine postico Jlavo ; scute! lum parvum ; alee anticce casta basali et media obscure luteis, margine postico basali pallide Jlavo, venis paucis, venulis paucissimis. Black. Vertex very short. Front flat, subquadrate, with a very slight ridge, and with slightly elevated borders. Face with a whitish band. Thorax with three ridges, yellow along the bind border ; scutellum small. Pectus luteous in front. Fore wings with the costa at the base and along the middle part dull luteous ; a bright pale yellow streak along the basal part of the hind border; veins few ; veinlets very few. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus PELTONOTUS. Peltonotus, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 206. Peltonotus raniformts. Peltonotus raniformis, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 207. Basses Alpes. Genus ENCHENOPA, Cat. Horn. p. 481. & Enchenopa aperta. Ferruginea ; prothorax cornu ascendente obliqno valde compresso, spina postica abdominis apicem fere attingente ; alee anticce basi punctata, plaga elongata costali nigro marginaia ; pos- tico? vitrea, cinerece. Ferruginous. Prothorax forming a much compressed as- cending and slightly advaucing horn ; hind part produced into 2 G 338 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. a spine, which extends nearly as far as the abdomen. Fore wings punctured at the hase, with an elongated vitreous patch which occupies most of the costa, and is angular and hordered with hlack on its inner side. Hind wings vitreous, slightly cinereous. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Tejuca, Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Genus UMBONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 517. ° Umbonia funesta. O Umhonia funesta, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 249. Central America. Genus CERESA, Cat. Horn. p. 525.- Ceresa inteacta. Testacea, robusta, punctata; caput transversum, brevi-conicum ; pmthorax ex parte viridis, cornubus duobus planis latis sub- acutis armaius ; scutellum trigonvm ; alee anticce albido- vitrece, ban punctata, apud marginem posticum interiorem virides ; posticce vitrece. Testaceous, stout. Head and thorax punctured. Head short- conical, broader than long. Prothorax partly green, forming a broad short horizontal slightly acute horn on each side. Scutellum triangular. Fore wings whitish vitreous, punctured towards the base, green about the interior part of the hind border. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Tejuca, Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Genus SMILIA, Cat. Horn. p. 534. v -■f- Smilia persistens. Ruj "a, punctata, vitta tenui nigra ; pmthorax compressus, convexus, carinatus, abdomen longe superans, postice attenuatus, apice peracutus ; alee anticce luridce, semihyalincc, macula poslica nigra ; posticce cinereo -vitrece. Nearly allied to S. vaginata. Red, punctured, with a black stripe, which extends from the front of the head to the end of the LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 339 prothorax ; the latter compressed, convex, keeled, much attenuated towards its tip, which is very acute, and extends much beyoud the abdomen. Fore wings lurid, semihyaline, with a black spot on the hind border. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Tunantins. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus HETERONOTUS, Cat. Horn. p. 592. Heteronotus leucotelus. ' Testacea ; vertex nigro bivittatus ; prothorax nigro bivitialus, spinis duabus longis areuatis ; curnu posticum triglobosum, nigro quadrinotatum, apice trispinosum ; alx vitrece, antica subluridce. Testaceous. Head with two black stripes on the vertex. Prothorax with two black stripes between the long curved spines ; hind part forming three globules; the second with a black mark on each side; the third with a black band, a black hind mark, and armed with three long spines, of which two have whitish lips. Wings vitreous. Fore wings slightly lurid. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Heteronotus xanthome las. Flava ; caput nigro bivittatum ; prothorax disco, strigis duabus lateratibus margineque nigris, gutta postica flava, spinis longis areuatis nigris ; cornu posticum triglobosum, nigra bimacu- latum, apice trispinosum ; alee vitrece, anticce luridce. Yellow. Head with two black stripes. Prothorax with black borders, which are connected by two black streaks with the black disk ; the latter contains a yellow dot hindward ; spines long, curved, black ; hind part forming three slightly elongated globules ; the second and third with black disks; the third armed with three long spines, of which two have whitish tips. Wings viireous. Fore wings lurid. Lengih of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Tunantins. From Mr. Bates' collection. 2 G 2 340 LIST OF H0MOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus COMBOPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 598. ^ CoMBOPHORA INCONGRUA. O Ferruginea, punctata, nigro varia, subtus nigra; caput brevi- conicum, subtransversum, vitta lata media liturisgue duabus laleralibus albis ; prothorax compressus, convexus, tricari- natus, spinis duabus lateralibus planis robustis subarcuatis, spina apicali longiore graciliore abdomen su per ante ; pedes nigri, tarsis fulvis apice nigris ; alee vitrece ; anticce basi fasciaque postice abbreviata nigris. Ferruginous, black beneath. Head and thorax punctured, varied with black. Head short-conical, slightly transverse, with a broad white middle stripe, and with a white mark on each side. Prothorax compressed, convex, with three whitish black-bordered patches on each side, and with three keels, armed hindward with two lateral horizontal stout slightly curved spines ; the apical part with a white band forming a longer and more slender spine, and extending beyond the abdomen. Legs black ; tarsi tawny, with black tips. Wings vitreous. Fore wings black at the base, and with a black band, which is before the middle, and is abbreviated hindward. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a, b. Tunantins. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus CENTROTUS, Cat. Horn. p. 602.^ Centrotus validicornis.O Centrotus validicornis, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. Centrotus bilineatus. Centrotus bilineatus, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. Centrotus spinicornis. ) Centrotus spinicornis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. Centrotus quadripunctatus. Centrotus quadripunctatus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. LIST OF HOUOPTEROUS INSECTS. 34 L Genus STEGASPIS, Cat. Horn. p. 634. O Stegaspts galeata. Enchenopa galeata, Cat. Horn. 486. Genus .ETHALION, Cat. Horn. p. 646. iETHALION ? OBLIQUUM. Testaceum, subtus fuscum ; caput latum ; vertex brevis,fusco sub- notatus ; frons et fades brevissimce ; thorax maculis duabus lateralibus ferrugineis ; pedes pallide testacei ; alee anticce basi punctata et nigro subnotata, apices versus vitrea, fascia tenui arcuata strigaque postica nigris. Testaceous, brown beneath. Head broad ; vertex about twice broader than long, slightly marked with brown in the disk and in front; front and face very short. Thorax punctured, pubescent, with a ferruginous and smoother mark on each side in front. Legs pale testaceous. Fore wings punctured towards the base, slightly marked with black at the base, and with a slender curved black band before the middle, vitreous beyond this band, with an oblique black streak by the hind border. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 2| lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. - Uroxiphus, Fitch. Genus UROXIPHUS. 1. Uroxiphus Cary^:. Uroxiphus Caryae, Fitch. a. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitch. Uroxiphus?? patulus. Testaceus,brevis, lalus,robustus ; vertex brevissimus ; frons magna, transversa, plana ; scutellum magnum, trigonum, guttis quatuor lateralibus oblongis nigris; alee antica plana, semihyalince, subfusi formes, costa fusca, venis venulisque paucis ; postica vitrea, subcinerece. 2g3 342 LIST OF H0M0PTEROUS INSECTS. Testaceous, broad, short, stout. Head as broad as the thorax ; vertex extremely short; front large, transverse, flat. Scutum about thrice broader than long. Scuiellura large, triangular, with two oblong black dots on each side. Fore wings semihyaline, horizontal, subfusiform ; costa brown to beyond half the length ; veins and veinlets few. Hind wings vitreous, grayish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus ULOPA, Cat. Horn. p. 650. Ulopa sordida. Ulopa sordida, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 249. Cape. Genus CERCOPIS, Cat. Horn. p. 651. D «n Cercopis sumtuosa. Cercopis sumtuosa, Stal, Of v. K.V. A. Fork. 1854, 249. Cercopis pictilis. Cercopic pictilis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 249. Hindostan. Genus RHIXAULAX, Cat. Horn. p. 667. Khinaulax lugens. @ Cercopis tnaura, Thnnb. Hem. i. 4. 'Rhiuaulax lugens, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. Khinaulax analis, Cat. Horn. p. 667. - Cercopis trifurca, Thunb. Hem. i. 4. Rhinaclax sericans. Rhinaulax sericans, Stal. Hem. Cap. 199, 12. Cape. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 343 Genus TRIECPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 667. Triecphora cavata. Testacea, sat gracilis ; caput atrum, antice excavatum ; prothorax ater, fascia anlica testacea ; ales antica angusta, strtga obliqua subapicali nigra, stigmate albido ; posticce vitrei, a pice fuscescentes. Testaceous, rather slender. Head deep black, somewhat con- cave in front. Prothorax deep black, with a broad testaceous band in front. Fore wings narrow, with a black streak, which extends for a short space from the tip along the costa, and then descends obliquely into the disk; a whitish costal mark is connected with this streak. Hind wings vitreous, brownish at the tips. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Triecphora subpusttjlata. Fulva ; caput nigrum, brevi-conicum, guttis duabus lateralibus fulvis; thoracis fascia aniica abbreviata, scutellum basi, pectus, pedes anteriores, tibice posticce apice tarsique postici nigra ; alee anticce subpunctata>, apice rufce, tuberculo parvo discali interiore ; posticce cinereo-vitrece. Tawny. Head black, short-conical, with a tawny dot on each side in front of the eye. Thorax with an abbreviated black band alono- the fore border. Scutellum black towards the base. Pectus and "anterior legs, hind tarsi and tips of hind tibiae black. Fore wino-s minutely punctured, red towards the tips, with a slight tubercle in the disk before the middle. Hind wings grayish vitreous. Length of the body 1\ lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace's collection. Genus MONECPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 674. ° MONECPHORA VINULA. ^ Monecphora vinula, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 249. Brazil. Monecphora semilutea. Monecphora semilutea, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 249. Minas Geraes. 344 LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. MONECPHORA SEMIFLAVA. Monecphora semiflava, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Brazil. Monecphora flavopicta. Monecphora flavopicta, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250, Brazil. Monecphora rufobivulata. Monecphora ruforivulata, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Brazil. Monecphora fembriolata. Monecphora fimbriolata, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Minas Geraes. Monecphora transversa. Cercopis transversa, Thunb. Hem. i. 4. Monecphora fuscicollis, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 95. Natal. 9 Monecphora rubida. Monecphora rubida, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. 7 Monecphora postica. Monecphora postica, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. Z Monecphora funebbis. Monecphora funebris, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. Monecphoba rubella. Monecphora rubella, Stal. Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. O Monecphoba vidua. Monecphora vidua, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. i LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 345 O Genus APHROPHORA, Cat. Horn. p. 697. Aphrophora africana. Aphrophora africana, Stal, Of v. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. Aphrophora spumifera. Aphrophora spumifera, Heer, Tertiar-insekten, 105, 39, 56. Aphrophora pinguicula. Aphrophora pinguicula, Heer, Tertiar-insekten, 106, 39, 57. Aphrophora admittens. ))j£- Fulva, lata, brevis, punctata; vertex brevis, subarcuatus ; frons iituris duabus lateralibus sulcisque nigris ; scute llum lanceo- laf.um, abdominis medium superans ; pedes testacei, ex parte nigri ; alee anticce nigricantes, fascia latissima vitrea nigra subnotata postice abbreviata ; posticce vitrece. Tawny, broad, short. Head and thorax punctured. Vertex slightly arched, about four times longer than broad. Front with a black mark on each side by the eye, and with black furrows. Scutellum lanceolate, extending to beyond the middle of the abdomen. Legs testaceous, partly black. Fore wings blackish, with a very broad vitreous baud, which is slightly marked with black and does not extend to the hind border. Hind wings vitreous. Length of the body 1\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. Aphrophoba? are o lata. Nigra, brevis, robusta, rude punctata ; vertex brevis, subarcuatus, antice testaceo varius ; frons convexa, sulcis transversis, vix carina ta ; pectoris et abdominis tatera testacea ; alee anticce sordide vitrece, basi nigrce punctatce, fascia apicali fusca. Black, short, broad. Head and thorax roughly punctured. Vertex slightly arched, more than lour times broader than long, partly testaceous in front. Front convex, with transverse ridges, and with a very slight keel. Pectus and abdomen testaceous on 346 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS [NSECTS. each side. Fore wings dingy vitreous, black and punctured at the base, and with a brown band along the apical border. Hind win^s vitreous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by the Kev. T. Ewing. Genus PTYELUS, Cat. Horn. p. 702. ° Ptyelus frenulatus. Ptyelus frenulatus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Java. Ptyelus lemniscatus.' Ptyelus lemniscatus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Java. Ptyelus phaleratus. Ptyelus phaleratus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Ptyelus bipunctipennis. Ptyelus bipunctipennis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Java. Ptyelus caffer. Ptyelus caffer, Sta/, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 250. Cape. Ptyelus vi ridicans. " Ptyelus viridicans, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 251. Java. Ptyelus Linnei. Ptyelus Linnei, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. Ptyelus Fabricn. ( Ptyelus Fabricii, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. Ptyelus hottentottus. ') Ptyelus hottentottus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 347 Ptyelus hyalinipennis. Ptyelus hyalinipennis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 96. Natal. Ptyelus actuosus. O Ptyelus actuosus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 97. Natal. Ptyelus Natalensis. O Ptyelus Natalensis, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 97. Natal. Ptyelus umbrosus. U Ptyelus urabrosus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 97. Natal. Ptyelus latiusculus. Ptyelus latiusculus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 97. Natal. Ptyelus prolixus. Ptyelus prolixus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 97. Natal. Ptyelus peragrans. Ptyelus peragrans, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 97. Natal. Ptyelus patruelis. Ptyelus patruelis, Stal, Hem. Cap, 199, 13.J Cape. Ptyelus callifer. Ptyelus callifer, Stal, Hem. Cap. 199, 14. Cape. Ptyelus notatus. Ptyelus notatus, Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1855, 213. Provence. c 348 LIST OF HOMOPTEKOUS INSECTS. Pttelus brevistriga. Testacea ; caput margine antico sulcisque subtus nigris ; vertex subarcvatus ; thorax vix carina tus ; pedes nigro fasciati ; alec antico; subpunctata?, linea discali bis interrupta lituraque apicali nigricantibus ; postiece vitrei, subcinerea. Testaceous. Head black along the fore border and along the furrows beneath ; vertex slightly arched, somewhat longer in the middle than on each side. Thorax with a very slight middle ridge. Legs with black bands. Fore wings very minutely punctured, with a slight blackish discal line, which is twice interrupted, and with a blackish mark by the tip of the costa. Hind wings vitreous, slightly cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Genus LEPYRONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 725. *> ^Lepyronia CON' c inn a. Lepyronia concinna, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854, 251 Brazil. $ Lepyronia mosrens. Lepyronia mcerens, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1854,251. Australia. Genus CHALEPUS, Cat. Horn. p. 731. ^ Chalepus pugionatus. Chalepus pugionatus, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 251. Australia. Genus TETTIGONIA, Cat. Horn. p. 733. *> North America. Tettigonia Cdrtisii. Amblycephalus Curtisii, Fitch. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitch. LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 349 ^ Tettigonia? COMES. Tettigonia comes, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 343, 5. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 804, 390. Missouri. Tettigonia ? trifasciata. Tettigonia trifasciata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 343, 6. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 805, 391. Missouri. Tettigonia hieroglyphica. Tettigonia hieroglyphica, Sag, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. vi. 303, 6. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 805, 392. Arkansaw. * * Tettigonia octolineata. Tettigonia octolineata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 340, 6. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 804, 389. Missouri. Mexico. Tettigonia rubkiventris. Tettigonia rubriventris, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 52. 266, pi. 6, f. 5. Mexico. Tettigonia nigroguttata. Tettigonia nigroguttata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 772, 335, pi. 23, f. 8. Mexico. fj Tettigonia 14-punctata. Tettigonia 14-punctata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 782, 351, pi. 23, f. 19. Mexico. 2h 350 LIST OF HOMOFTEROUS INSECTS. Tettigonia Stalii. Tettigonia Stalii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 787, 361, pi. 24, f. 5. Mexico. Tettigonia Mexicana. Tettigonia Mexicana, Sign. [Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me SSr. iii. 789, 363, pi. 24, f. 7. Mexico. Tettigonia flava. Tettigonia flava, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 799, 378, pi. 24, f. 19. Mexico. Tettigonia rufipennis. Tettigonia rufipennis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 797, 375. Mexico. Tettigonia Dohrnii. Tettigonia Dohrnii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '3me Ser. iii. 792, 369, pi. 24, f. 13. Mexico. West Indies. Tettigonia inteeeupta. Tettigonia interrupta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 785, 356, pi. 24, f. 3. Port-au-Prince, West Indies. JTettigonia? marginata. Tettigonia marginata, Pal. de Beauv. 169. [Hem. pi. 19, f. 5. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 803, 388. St. Domingo. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 351 South America. TETTIGONIA RUBROT.ENIATA. Tettigouia rub rot® niata, Stal, Ofo. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 192. Honduras. Tettigonia CINCTIVITTATA. Tettigonia cinctivittata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 192. Minas Geraes. Tettigonia Drewseni. Tettigouia Drewseni, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 192. Minas Geraes. Tettigonia 6-pustulata. Tettigonia 6-pustulata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. A. Fork. 1855, 192. Minas Geraes. Tettigonia. sanguinolenta. Cicada sanguinolenta, Coqueb. III. Icon. 79, pi. 18, f. 12. Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 67,27. ... Tetti°-onia sanguinolenta, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. in. 191, 14. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Sir. iii. 50, 264, pi. 6, 1. 3. Tettigonia rubriguttata, Cat. Hoin. 763, 82. Brazil. Tettigonia Guerinii. Tettigonia Guerinii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 51, 265> pl.6, f.4. Cayenne. Tettigonia tarsalis. Tettigonia tarsalis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 769, 330, pi. 23, f. 4. Brazil. 2H 2 352 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. ^ Tettigonia INSPERGATA. Tettigonia inspergata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 770 332. Brazil. Tettigonia bilunata. Tettigonia bilunata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii 771 333, pi. 23, f. 6. Brazil. Tettigonia Aubei. a Aubei, i 3, f. 7. Colombia Tettigonia Aubei, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii 771 334 pi. 23, f. 7. V Tettigonia lutea. Tettigonia lutea, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 773, 336. Guatemala. v Tettigonia flavopunctata. Tettigonia flavopunctata, Blanch. Gay, Hist. Chile, 285, 5. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 773, 337. Tettigonia leucomelas, Cat. Horn. 764, 83, var. ? Chili. A Tettigonia nigrocincta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 774, 338, Tettigonia nigrocincta »nia nigrocinc :8. Brazil. Tettigonia lepida. Tettigonia lepida, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 775 340 pi. 23, f. 10. Peru. Iettigonia circumcincta. Tettigonia circumcincta, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser iii 775, 341, pi. 23, f. 11. ' ' Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 35.) Tettigonia maculicollis. Tettigonia maculicollis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 770, 342, pi. 23, f. 12. J Colombia. Tettigonia sanguineovittata. Tettigonia sanguineovittata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 777, 343, pi. 23, i*. 14. Brazil. Tettigonia Chevrolatii. Tettigonia Chevrolatii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 778, 344, pi. 23, f. 15., Venezuela. Tettigonia Lucasii. Tettigonia Lucasii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 778. 345, pi. 23, f. 16. Guatemala. Tettigonia Pereisii. Tettigonia Perrisii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 779, 346, pi. 23, f. 17. Brazil. Tettigonia Edwardsii. Tettigonia Edwardsii, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Sme Ser. iii. 780, 347. Guatemala. Tettigonia geographica. Tettigonia geographica, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 780, ' 348, pi. 23, f. 18. Brazil. Tettigonia icterica. Tettigonia icterica, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 781, 349. Para. 2h 3 354 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. O Tettigonia sordida. Tettigonia sordida, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 781, 350. Surinam. Tettigonia yulnerata. Tettigonia vulnerata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3mt Sir. iii. 782, 352, pi. 23, f. 20. Guatemala. Tettigonia nigriventris. Tettigonia nigriventris, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 784. 354, pi. 24, f. 1. Brazil. Tettigonia alboparallela. Tettigonia alboparallela, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 784, 355, pi. 24, f. 2. Colombia. Tettigonia vermiculata. Tettigonia vermiculata, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 785, 357. Brazil. Tettigonia Gayi. Tettigonia Gayi, Spinola, Gay, Hist. Chile, 285, 4. Sign. Ann . Soc. Ent. "Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 786, 358. Chili. (/ Tettigonia lineiceps. Tettigonia lineiceps, Spinola, Gay, Hist. Chile, 283, 2. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 786, 359. Tettigonia Ga)i, var.P Cbili. Tettigonia Saxamandra. Tettigonia Salamandra. Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 787, 360, pi. 24, f. 4. Colombia. LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. 355 Tettigonia INTERSTITIALIS. Tettigonia interstitialis, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3me Ser. iii. 789, 304, pi. 24, f. 8. Brazil. Lessonii, 170 ieucampix, 202 leucaspis, 158 leucomelas, 272, 270, S9t leucopa, 217 leucospila, 217 leucotelus, 155, 339 lignosa, 166 ligustri, 280 ligustrinellum, 298 limacodes 1 47 limbellata, 333 limitans, 99 limitata, 68, 203 limpida, 2:31 linarite, 291 linearis, 236, 305 lineata, 51,193, 356 lineatipennis, 271 lineatocollis, 235, 260 lineatus, 92 lineiceps, 354 lineifera, 12 lineigerus, 268 lineola, 20, 146, 272 lineoligera, 263 lineosa, 134 Linnei, 346 longa, 218 longicaudata, 288 longifrons, 89 lougipes, 207, 356 longula, 311 loniceree,280, 307 Lucasii, 353 lucernea, 225, 242 lucicola, 243 luctuosa, 311 lugens, 224, 325, 326, 332, 342 lugubris, 194 lunaris, 273 lunata, 194 lurida,60,207, 331 luridescens, 240 lutea, 352 lutescens, 117 luteus, 269 lychnidis, 282 Lystra, 316 lystroides, 44 M. macrophthalma, 309 inacroptera, 207 mactata, 216 macula, 179 maculata, 237 raaculatus, 244 maculella, 2!S'J 2 K 3(j(i INDEX. maculicollis, 28, 353 maculifrons, 242, 329 maculinervis, 263 maculipes, 355 maculosa, 9, 52 madagascariensis, 218 magnifrons, 238 mahaleb, 286 major, 229 malaya, 270, 331 malayus, 328 mali, 281,285 malifoliae, 285 malvae, 286, 293 marginalis, 82 marginata, 175, 225, 350 marginatus, 303 marginelineata, 332 margineUa, 21, 211, 224, 289 marmorata, 224 marsupialis, 300 maura, 187, 342 medicaginis, 284 medius, 269 melanchloa, 192 melanocephala, 210 melanogona, 63 melanopyrrha, 214 Mellerbo'rgi,331 Membracina, 123 Membracis, 123 memorabilis, 186 mesomela, 324 metallescens, 195 metuenda, 164 mexicana, 350 mi cans, 356 Micreune, 164 raillefolii, 292 Mindanus, 300 mimica, 123 Mina, 165 miniata, 206 minor, 233 mira, 321 mirabilis, 201 misella, 274, 310 misellus, 261 modesta, 200 modestus, 270 moerens, 348 moesta, 205 moestus, 322 Mogannia, 39 mollipes, 233 molluginis, 275, 284 Mouecphora, 176,343 monoceros, 323 Monophlebus, 306 monstruosa, 201 muliebris, 76 multicolor, 168, 193, 199 multiformis, 129 multilinea, 252 multipars, 220 multireticulata, 318 munda, 152 muscarius, 265 mutabilis, 207 mutans, 237 mutilatum, 94 Myopa, 199 Myosotidis, 281 Mysidia, 97 N. naiadum, 279 nasalis, 120 nasturtii, 287, 294 natalensis, 318, 321, 347 natalicola, 330 nebulosa, 97, 210 Nephesa, 107 nervosa, 241 nervoso-punctatum, 168 nervosus, 269 Nessorhinus, 136 nexus, 80 niger, 95 nigra, 23 nigricans, 225, 311 nigriceps,243 nigri fascia, 193 nigrifrons.101,221 nigrilux, 246 nigrina, 256, 263 nigripes, 207 nigriplaga, 4 nigri ventris, 21, 354 nigrocincta, 108, 352 nigroguttata, 349 nigroirrorata, 316 nigronervosa, 256 nigropunctata, 241 nigrorufa, 143 nigrum, 168 nitida, 356 nivea, 274 niveiplaga, 160 nodosus, 154 norma, 221 notabilis, 181, 186 notata, 176 notatus, 347 notula, 323 noveboracensis, 192 imbifurca, 28 nubilus, 80 nubivena, 17 nymphaeae, 279 obligens, 251 obliqua, 39, 70, 230, 239, 336 obliquus, 267 oblongus, 296 obscur a, 218,274,291 obscuripennis, 324 obsoleta, 209 obstans, 162 obtecta, 356 obtusa, 37, 225, 239 obtusata, 260 ocellatus, 315 ocellifera. 112 occidentis, 36 ocbraceus, 244 ochrina, 34 ochropus, 286 octolineata, 349 ocularis, 265 oculata, 203 olivacea, 147 olivascens, 265 ononidis, 277 ononis, 292 operosa, 46 opponens, 159 oppugnans, 131, 160 orbona, 225 ornata, 244 ornatus 188 osmyloides, 104 ( tstama, 86 ovalis, 91 ovatipennis, 88 Oxyacanthse, 281 Oxygonia, 137 Oxypleura, 308 Oxyrhacbis, 128 Pachypappa, 300 pacifica, 357 padi, 385 pallens, 323 pallida, 193 pallidicosta, 115 pallipes, 211,235 papaveris, 287 paradoxa, 127 parallel a, 225 parallelum, 168 pardalis, 263 Paricana, 106 Parmula, 152 parviceps, 167 pastinaceae, 280 patruelis, 308, 337, 347 INDEX. 367 patulus, 341 paullula, 219 paupera, 119 pavo, 218 Paykulli,255 pelargonii, 293 pellucida, 207 Peltocheirus, 2-17 Peltonotus,337 Pemphigus, 300, 301 penicillata, 2 Penthimia,259 peracuta, 120 peragrans, 347 perfecta, 139 Perinoia, 191 perplexus, 80 perpulchra, 309 Perrisii, 253 persics, 282 persistans, 231, 338 personata, 229 perspicillata, 49 pervigatus, 244 petalocephala, 254 phaleratus, 346 Phalaenomorpba, 321 Philya, 126 phcenicea, 204 Phlebopterum,336 phosphoreus, 247 Phrictus, 315 Phyllaphis, 298 physocephala, 231 Phytopbthirides, 274 picta. 130 pictibasis, 31 pictilis, 342 pictula, 85 pilifera, 314 pilipennis, 210 pimpinellse, 285 pineti, 296, 298 pineticola, 296 pinguicula, 345 pini, 259, 297, 304 pinicorticis, 305 pisi, 293 placabilis, 46 placida, 325 plagiata, 225 plana, 235 planaris, 190 plauiuscula, 251 plantaginis, 285 platani, 295 platanoides, 278, 294 Platymetopius, 270 Platypleura, 2, 308 plebeius,268 Plegmatoptera, 59 plenipenais, 104 plicata, 127 Pocbazia, 107 pcecila, 262 pcecilochlora, 11 Pceciloptera, 109, 333 Poiocera, 49, 316 Polyglypta, 136 Polygoui, 276 ponderosus, 315 populeus, 298 populi, 277, 298 populneus, 302 porrectus, 262 postica.177,258, 344 posticata, 176 pramorsum, 336 . prsestans, 106 praeusta, 255 prasina, 59, 192, 258 prasinus, 270 primaria, 334 Proceps, 273 Procipbilus, 300 Proconia, 224, 359 producta, 233 Prolepta, 315 proletella, 307 prolixus, 347 prominens, 151 , 261 proponens, 312 Proteus, 260 proxima, 206 pruinosa, 75; 230 pruni, 278, 282 pruni folia? , 289 pruni na, 202 psittacus,59 Psylla, 274 Psyllidae, 274 Pteridis, 324 Pterygia, 127 Ptyelus, 188, 346 pubescens, 144, 235, 303 pudens, 212 pudica, 174 pugionatus, 348 pulchella, 310 pulcherrima, 234, 310 pulchra, 200, 316, 325 pullula, 324 punctata, 316 punctatella, 289 punctatissima, 209 punctato-nervosus, 262 punctato-vittata, 97 punctatus, 243 puncticeps, 73 punctifera, 71 , 153, 249 punctifrons, 86, 118 punctiger, 261 punctimargo, 81 punctosus, 246 punctulata, 194 punctulum, 274 pustulatus, 80, 243 pyri, 282, 285, 302, 305 Pyrops, 43 pyrrhotelus, 224 quadricarina, 249 quadridens, 127 quadrifascia, 97 quadriguttata, 205 quadrilineata, 218 quadrimacula, 124 quadrimaculata, 238 quadrinotatus, 268 quadripunctata, 238 quadripunctatus, 340 quadrivittata, 206 qu atuordecem - punctata, 349 quercus, 295 quinque-signata, 194 E. radicis, 303 rana, 191 raniformis, 337 ranunculi, 302 recta, 39 Reichii, 356 rectispina, 156 reducta, 218 reflexa, 247 repanda, 237 repleta, 334 repletus, 267 resecta, 200 resima, 44 respiciendus, 322 reticulata, 198 reticulatus, 154 retractus, 91 retrahens, 327 reversa, 215 revertens, 327 rhamni, 287 Rhaphirhinus, 247 rbei, 286 Rhinaulax, 342 rhiuetta, 211 Rbinortha, 47 Rhinotettix,326 Rhi/.oterus, 303 Rbopalosipbum, 279 Rhotala, 86 ribicola, 293 i ibis, 280, 293 368 INDEX. Ricania, 104,331 Itobertsonii, 21 roboris, 296 rorea, 304 rorida, 273 rorulentus, 271 rosea?, 292 rosarum, 292 rostrata, 333 rostratus, 244 rotundata, 174 rubella, 344 rubi, 293 rubida, 344 rubiginosa, 226 rubra, 109 rubricanda, 211 rubriceps, 317 rubriyuttata, 351 rubripenms, 208 rubriventris, 349 rubrolimbata, 230 rubroliueatus, 270 lubromaculata, 218 rubromarginata, 355 rubrorivulata, 344 rubrotseniata, 351 rudis, 13 ruficaput, 211 ruficauda, 202 ruficeps, 196 ruficollis, 311 rufifacies, 244 rufifrons, 83 rufiglobum, 158 rufilinea, 116 rufimanus, 77 * rufiraargo, 197 rufipenuis, 350 rufipes, 202 rufisparsa, 56 ruiiventris, 96, 236 ruforivulata, 344 rufovarius,95 rugicollis, 241 ru^osus, 158, 247 rugulosus, 54 rumicis, 283, 286, 287, 288 ruptiliuea, 107 rutilans, 244 S. sagata, 194 Sagittarius , 245 Sahlbergi, 260, 310 Salamaudra, 354 salicarice, 288 Sarabuci, 283 sanguiflua, 224, 330 sanguinans, 212 sanguinea, 197 sancuineo-sparsa, 255 sanguineovittata, 353 sanguinicollis, 197 sanguinipes, 316 sanguinolenta, 351 saturata, 6 Scariles, 248 Scans, 252 Schaumi, 94 Schaumii, 200 Schizoneura, 298, 299 scissa, 226 scriptiventris, 76 scutellata, 225 Sedi, 287 segmentalis, 203 selecta, 184 selenocephalus, 262 semiannulatum, 167 semiannulus,42 semicircularis, 219 semiclara, 220 semirlava, 187, 344 semiguttata, 206 semi nigra, 325 semilutea, 343 semipellucida, 316 • semirosea, 170 semitecta, 129 semivitrea, 184, 222 separata, 236 septemfasciata, 201 septemguttata, 233 septentrionalis, 193 sepulchralis, 317 seria, 331 Sericans, 20, 309 Serida, 106 Serpylli, 284 Serripedes, 192 Servillei, 168, 201 setifer, 271 setinervis, 321 severa, 310 severus, 268 sexguttata, 205 sexlineata, 355 sexpustulata, 351 signifera, 22 Signoreti, 357 Sii, 287 similans, 328 similatus, 242 simile, 167 similis, 182, 235 Simotettix, 317 simplex, 80, 92, 122 simulans, 183 singula, 85 singularis, 7 sinuatus, 2(55 Siphonophora, 289 smaragdiliuea, 318 smaragdinum, 294 smaragdula, 323 Smilia, 132, 338 sobrina, 109,308,359 sobrinus,336 solidaginis, 293 soligena, 177 solitaris, 203 somptuosa, 217 Sonchi, 293 Sorbi, 284 sordida, 255, 342,354 sordidula, 259, 324 sparsa, 263 sparsutus, 243 Spartii, 291 spatulata, 234 spectabilis, 55 spectans, 91 speilinea, 68 sphenorhina, 179 Sphengophorus, 127 spinicornis, 340 Spinolae, 206 spoliata, 36 Spondylii, 278 spumifera, 345 squarus, 147 stabilis, 135 Stagana, 301 Stalii, 350 staphylese, 279 Stegaspis, 165 Stegelytra.264,341 stellar is, 238 Stellata, 220 Stenocotis, 251 Steveni, 311 stigmatipenrris, 273 stipata, 228 stipatus, 155 Stridulantia, 1 strigata, 136 strigulosa,84, 153 strongylodoemas, 319 stupidus, 99 stylata, 210 stylatus, 268 suavipennis, 196 sub fascia, 11, 168 subflava, 234 subguttata, 105 sublinea, 114 submacula, 297 submaculata, 172 subnigricaas, 189 subpustulata, 343 subsimilis, 128 subtacta, 256 subtaugens, 319, 320 I M.I \. 369 subterranea, 290 subvittata, 251 suffusa, ISO sulcata, 236 sulcicollis, 286 sulphurea, 338 sumtuosa, 342 sumtuosum, 317 superba, 20 suturalis, 317 sutuvella, 358 symphiti,282 tteniatus, 297 tanacetaria, 293 tanaceti, 200 tagalica, 330 tarsalis,351 taurina, 131 taurus, 158 telii'era, 20, 84 temper ata, 2 V tenebrifer, 189 tenebrosa, 225 Teunantina, 111 tenuistriga, 31 1 terminalis, 56, 237 tessellata, 44, 355 testacea, 131, 2S9 testaceus, 244, 265 testudinarius, 328 Tetraneura,301 Tettigometra, 336 Tettigonia, 192, 348 Tettigonides, 192 thalictri,283 Thamnotettix, 269 Thecabius, 302 Thelaxes, 299 Thelia, 138 Thopha, 5 thoraeica, 257 Tbracia, 98 tibialis, 102 tiliffi, 294, 295 Titonii, 358 __ Tomaspis, 175 tomentosa, 22 torpidus, 95 Toxoptera, 299 Trama, 303 Tragopa, 149 translucidus, 360 transversa, 40, 'M>, 203, 344 transversalis, 14* tredecimpunctata tremul*, 297,298 triangularis, 21:; tricolor, 213 Triecpbora, 343 trifasciata, lit', 201,349 trit'oliaceus, 163 trigutta, 104 trilineaticeps, 202 trioza, 276 Tripodia, 127 tripunctata, 193 Triquetra, 131, 243 tristis, 207 trita, 233 trivittata, 211 troglodytes, 203 Tropidocephala, 327 Tropiduchus, 336 truncatella, 332 truncatipennis, 2:10 truncatum, 93 tuberculata, 315 tuberipenuis, 326 tumidil'rons, 65 tussilaginis, 290 Tychea, 302 Tvphlocyba, 273 Typhlocyboides, 234 typicus, 96 V- vacca, 303 vacillans, 3 Vacuna, 299 vagans, 300 vacrinata, 132 validicornis, 340 variabilis, 209 varicolor, 224 variegata, 234 variegatus,321 variolosa, 210 variolosus, 188 varipennis, 98, 113 varius, 162 venosa, 201, 255, 262 ventralis, 209, 269 veruriculata, 354 versicolor, 277 verticalis, 207 vesicalis, 300 vespiformis, 199 vibuvni, 285, 286 vicise, 293 vicina, 199 vicinum, 167 vidua, 333,344 viduus, 261 vinula.259,309,317, 313 virescens, 259 virginea, 212 viridescens, 231, 257 viridicans, 346 viridis, 192 viridissima, 28, 138, 1 16 virpiistrigu, 1 15 ■> iridivitta, 237 viridula, 27 virilis, 75 vitreicosta, 272 vitripenne, 32 I vitripennis, 225 vitticollis, 261,326 vittit'acies, 358 vittiger, 188 vittulata, 250 volens, 108 vulnerata, 354 vulpes, 136 ulcerata, 234 ulmaria;, 291 ulmi,299,30l Ulopa, 342 Umbonia, 120. 338 umbellatarum, 286 umbrilinea, 19 umbriniar.no, 32, 1 15 umbrosus, 347 uadata, 22") unicolor, 167 unifascia, 48 unit'asciata, 200 uniformis, 131 unimaculata, 219 Uroxiphus, 341 urticae, 290 urticaria, 285 Urvillei, 170 ustulatus, 265 W. Wahlbergi, 255, 308, 317, 330 Walkeri, 333 Westwoodi,206 Wol fella, 248 xanthocephala, 1 "< xanthogramma, 209 xantbomela, 180 xauthomelas, 276, 339 xanthonota, 211 xanthorhina, 170 Xerophloca, 259 xylostei, 259, 279, 301 zamise, 305 Zaramara, zonata, 332 •2 L LONDON : PRINTED BY E. NEWMAN, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. % o* pfy * :^(4i sv • • ^ i.-