-ms^j^,....^ W$. >i^ mi>^^ i-^m f^m m^> The Aiaddin Company Bay City, Mich. OFFICE OF O. E. Sovereign Secretary-Treasurer General Manager Dear Friend: There are many interesting things to tell you about each one of the houses illustrated in this book. But first, you must write us which house you are interested in. Before doing this, please refer to the Index of Subjects on the back cover, as you will find reference to many interesting facts about the different houses and our system of construction. We have spent fourteen years of study and work to make the homes shown here as nearly ideal as possible. Aladdin houses are built in thousands of cities and towns thruout the country. Wherever you live there are sure to be en- thusiastic Aladdin home owners that we will be very glad to put you in touch with. We anticipate the pleasure of working with you to the end that your home will be completed in a way that is pleasurable and satisfactory. • Inviting an early letter, we are Cordially yours. m u Sec'y, Treas. & Gen'l Mgr. o "^ Manufactuned bi^ Bai^ Citi^, Mich. ^rv # %► Svidence of ^laddms Jeadership Aladdin has been honored the past two or three years in different ways, but is most proud of the niedals awarded by two great expositions. The Pan- ania-Pacitic International Exposition, that most won- derful of all great World's Fairs, and the Michigan Agricultural Exposition granted "Les Grandes Prix,'* issuing diplomas as shown in photographs The Pan- ama-Pacific medal was issued upon the Model Cot- tage which Aladdin produced and erected for Uncle Sam, while the Michigan Exposition Medal was the result of our building a Kentucky bungalow at the fair for the Northeastern Michigan Development Bureau. Official record is made in the Diploma that The Alad- din Company originated, perfected and established the Readi-Cut System of Construction. These facts are quoted here merely as additional evidence of Aladdin's leadership in all things pertaining to Sci- entific Home Building. But the greatest test of leader- ship is the universal record of satisfaction to our customers. laadJnD HomQS' BuiIiinaDay Catalog No. 3 ' 919 }; S \yiladdin (ompan W. J. Sovereign - - O. L. Sovereign, Sec. Treas., Gen. JMgr, General Offices Bay City Michigan IMPORTANT: Read the fol- lowing introductory pages carefully. Address all communications direct to home offices at Bay City, Michigan. Cable Address: "Aladdin," Western Union Code. SECOND EDITION c / ney/lladdin house al a O lance Center sill foundation timber cut to fit. Joists, studding, rafters, and ceiling joists all accurately cut to fit. Sheathing lumber cut to fit. Sub-floors cut to fit. Joist bridging cut to fit. Building paper for all dwellings for side walls and floor linings. All bevel siding, every single piece guaranteed to be cut and to fit accurately. Shingles or siding for the side walls, whichever preferred, will be furnished for any house at no additional cost. Outside finishing lumber, all cut to fit. Flooring, cut to fit. Roof sheathing, cut to fit. Porch timbers, joists, flooring, columns, railing and posts, roof sheathing, all and every piece cut to fit except porch rail, uncut. Extra Star-A-Star Cedar Shingles or prepared roofing. Outside steps of all dwellings cut and shaped to fit. All doors mortised and with frame and trim inside and out. Windows and frame, sash, and glass, and trim inside and out. Moulded base board for rooms, not cut to fit. Weather moulding for trimming all outside doors and windows, cut to fit. Crown mould, cove mould and quarter round mould, etc. Stairways, treads, risers, stringers, newel posts, balusters, mouldings, etc., for all two-story houses cut to fit. All hardware. Mortise locks, knobs, and hinges, tin flashing, hip shingles, galvanized ridge roll, window hardware, etc. Nails of proper size for entire house. Paint for two coats outside body and trim (any colors), putty, oils, stains, and varnishes. Lath and plaster and grounds for lining entire house. Complete instructions and illustrations for doing all the work. (Aladdin houses are always shipped under the freight classification of lumber with hardware, etc., listed under their respective classifications. See page 8.) The floor plan of any house in this catalog will be re- versed without extra charge. siiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiriiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiiiii; TERMS T rWENTY-FIVE per cent. | sh with order, balance = ('. O. I>. This is not = = meant as a reflection on your | = tinaiuial standing, but is an = I invariable rule. A discount i = iif 't'Yc is allowed from list = = ]irices wliere full amount 'S E = sent with order. For your con- | I veiiience, we have shown the = E list price and the net price E = with each house on price list | I on inside front cover catalog, i i An illustration: List E I price of house, $1,000. = E 2.')% cash with order — = i .$L'50, balance %'r>0 C. O. = = D.. or G'/r discount for i = sending full amount — E = .^1%, if-IO from $1,000— = E .$!l.")0. if all sent with i I order. You save $.50 by = E sending full anioutit with = E onler on a .$LnOO house. E E other hiinses same in pro- E E portion, ("ash discount is = = often larce I'lioiigli to pay = = freight eliargi'S. | ^riiiiiiiiiiriiriiriiiiiiiiiriirijiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiP THE ALADDIN COMPANy General Offices, Bay City. Michigan REFERENCES: Any Bank in the T'nited States, Bradstrcct's or Dun's Commercial Agencies, First National B.ink of Bav Citv, Michigan; The Chemical National Bank, New York City; The First National Bank of Cliirago, and The First and Old Detroit National Bank of Detroit, any city official or other citizen of Bay City, and our customers. Address all communications Direct to Home Office at Bay City, Michigan. Copyright, 1918, by The Aladdin Company, Bay City, Michigan. Note.— This Copyright protects each and every part of this book— type matter, illustrations, and floor plans. I'.se by any one without specific per- mission is expressly forbidden. Anyone attempting to build or copy Aladdin houses with material not furnished bv this company will be .swiftly prosecuted to the full extent of the law. J The /IMDDIN Plan This is the Fourteenth Year of f^laddin Success ALADDIN Readi-Cut Houses — The Aladdin System of Construction — may be new to you, but the system was planned and put in operation fourteen years ago. Its merits, its wonderful simplicity, was immediately recognized by the American public. The result is that practically every year the history of the business shows a doubling and trebling in the volume and number of houses sold. You know that this wonderful growth would be impossible for any manufacturing institution, or any business house, unless customers became friends — unless real service was rendered — honest value, square business methods, and integrity pre- vailed. The United States Government has used The Aladdin Company's standard readi-cut specifications in advertising for bids for the construction of houses on government projects. This is not only official endorsement of the Readi-Cut system of construction, but recogni- tion of the 7iierit of The Aladdin Company's specifications. Integrity of the Aladdin Policy Integrity means moral soiiiuhiess ; it means hotiesty ; it means freedom from corrupting influence or practice ; it means strictness in the fulfilment ■of contracts, uprightness, square dealing. The Aladdin policy of doing business endeavors to live up to the strictest meaning of Integrity. The customer must be well served — must be satisfied — must be pleased — must be a friend. The Golden Rule must govern every transaction. You who read this are entitled to know the truth of the above statement. Well, then, demand of us that proof in whatever way you wish. Shall we give you bankers, congressmen, postmasters, city. State or National Govermnent officials, or, better than all, shall we refer you to customers who have tested our integrity, customers in your own neighborhood ? The proof is yours for the asking. The f^laddin System of Construction is Built on This Principle: Modern power-driven machines can do better work at a lower cost than hand labor. Then every bit of work that can be done b\ machine should be so done. The steel worker with a little hack-saw trying to cut and fit the steel girders of the modern skyscraper should be no more out of place than the modern carpenter cutting sills, joists, and rafters. The skyscraper framework is cut to fit by machines in the steel mills, marked and num- bered ready for erection. The lumber in the Aladdin house is cut to fit by machines in the Aladdin mills, marked and numbered ready for erection. The steel system is twenty-six years old — the Aladdin system fourteen years old. Tweniy feci of luiTiberfroin a sixteen fooi board- ..^i^^^ How its done 7V cut the slicitliDi;^ i or this gable: h 8-0"— A V- o.''0" A The carpenter usu- ally takes an eight- foot board, a six- foot board, a four- foot board and a tico-foot board and cuts them this loay : The carpenter requires tioenty feet of lumber for the job. Aladdin takes a sixteen-foot board, cuts it this K * i W^^ A. - : y / ' ^ . > /> iT "I TS ^ , » ~, ^y^ Largest conveyor of finished lumber in the world. It does the work of many men and horses. This Catalog Our Only Salesman WITH this catalog, you are able to keep the profits in your own pocket that you would ordinarily pay to your local dealers. Be- cause we do not sell thru dealers, they can't add their four or five hundred dollar profits to the goods you buy from us. You keep this money yourself. When your dealer says "Don't buy your lumber out of town," ask him where he buys the lumber he wants to sell you. You see he buys his lumber up here and the onlv money that stays in your town is the dealer's profit. \Vouldn't you rather have it in your pocket than in his? This catalog makes possible this saving — and manv others. Pick the house that meets your need, and write us. We have lots of interesting things to tell you about it. From "The Canada Lumberman*' "Year after year the price of carpenter labor has been advancing, thus making the cost of lumber higher when in position. Framing material will eventually have to come to the building trimmed to length, and I fail to understand why this fact is not more generally realized. The piece stuff of the future will be furni.shed to the building ready for position. This thing of cutting and cutting with a hand-saw at the building site until it fits, is too costly." The United States Government has given to The Aladdin Company the tight to apply to its product (Aladdin Houses) "Sold by the Golden Rule." It has given the Company the Exclusive Right, backed up by all the patent laws. This recognition, this rare priv- ilege, we are immenseh proud of. 11 General Specifications IMPORTANT NOTE. — The pictures slwi^'n in this catalog are all actual photo- graphs of Aladdin houses sent to us by our customers. There are no fanciful artists' drawings, or photographs of houses not built the Aladdin way. Every house shown in this catalog is erected in Bay City, the home of Aladdin, with just two or three exceptions. This cannot be said of any other similar catalog. No single organization in the world ever equaled the vast experience of this insti- tution in the designing and manufacturing of houses. The shipment of thousands of houses each year and covering a period of thirteen years at this work means exact knowl- edge — not theory — on the subject of material and construction. The grades of material, the sizes of timbers, their strength, location and installation in the building are deter- mined by well defined engineering standards and our own exact knowledge gained from years of experience. Below are given general specifications for the construction of Aladdin houses. The exact specifications for the house of your choice are sent you without cost just as soon as you write us about the house you like best. Quantities A binding guarantee is given to furnish suffi- cient material for the completion of each house in accordance with the specifications that follow. Condition of Material The company pledges itself to deliver your house to you without damage in shipment, or in transit. Anything damaged on arrival will be instantly made good at our expense. Sizes of Timbers All sizes of all timbers and lumber will be in accordance with well established engineering and architectural standards of safety and strength. Quality of Material All lumber is guaranteed to be of the highest grades ever marketed anywhere in the world. Every .\laddin liouse, regardless of size or price, comes under this binding guaranty. (K.xception: .Sheathing lumber is a fine No. 2 ciuality. and far better than the accepted standard for sheathing lumber.) General Detail Specifications Foundation. — Material for foundation is, of course, not included with Aladdin houses, as concrete, stone or brick can be secured in one locality as cheaply as in another. Complete foundation plans are furnished you with de- tailed in.structions for buying this material and building your foundation. Sills. — ^^Centcr sill, or sills, are, of cour.se, al- ways furnished to .set into your foundation of concrete, stone or brick. All sills are of a size to amply hold all strains and loads in accord- ance with engineering .standards and good practice. Joists.— M\ framed, dre.ssed and cut to fit. All joists arc of a size to amply hold all strains engmeermg and loads in accordance with standards and good practice. Flooring. — The flooring used in .-Maddin Houses is clear and knotless, tongucd and grooved, accurately matched. It has a beauti- fully figured grain. The face is steel scraped to give the very best appearance. Bridgings. — Wood bridging mitred and cut to length furnished for joists of first and second stories of all dwelling houses. Sub-Floors (for both first and second stories in all Aladdin dwellings). — Inch lumber, dressed, all cut to fit. Studding. — Size, 2.\4 inches, a dressed, and cut to fit and placed centers. Wall Sheathing. — Inch lumber, ; and cut to fit. framed, l()-inrh ire.ssed 12 General Specifications Rafters. — Size, Jx4 and 2x0 inches, all framed, mitred and beveled, dressed and, of course, guaranteed to be perfectly cut to fit. Roof Sheathing. — Inch lumber, all framed, mitred, beveled, dressed and guaranteed to be cut to_ fit perfectly. Shingles (Roof). — E.xtra Star .\ Star Cedar. Building Paper. — Pure White Fibre, tough and dense, fcr side walls and between sub- floors and finished floors of all Aladdin dwell- ings. Side Walls. — Dollar-.\-Knot Cedar Siding, every piece cut to fit perfectly; perfectly ma- chined surface and without sap, stain or any defects. Holds paint perfectly. Shingles for .<;ide walls instead of siding will be furnished for any Aladdin dwellings without extra charge. Porch Columns. — All Colonial columns and square columns are of clear material and built with a lock-joint. Outside Finish. — .\11 outside finish is of clear Yellow Pine or Fir (except 2-inch exposed work, which is always thoroughly sound stock). Window and Door Frames. — Complete, in- cluding jams, casings, stops and sills. Built of finest stock, beautifully machined and fin- ished. Windviv Sash. — Of finest clear fir, I. G. mold- ed, all edges and surfaces sanded and finished with great care. Doors. — Inside doors, size 2 feet 8 inches by 6 feet S inches, carefully built of clear stock, all panels selected for attractive, velvety grain and beautifully finished on surfaces and edges. All doors mortised to receive lock sets. (See photo- graphs, page 101.) All front doors of special design with glass in upper part. Double action door between kitchen and dining room. Stairs. — Built from selected clear stock with especial attention to selection of grain. Xewel post, molded cap and base, circle tread, steps, risers, railing and balusters carefully finished. .■Ml parts of stairs are framed, housed and ma- chined to fit and the whole is carefully boxed by itself to insure arrival in perfect condition. Interior Wood'xork. — Baseboard, base shoe door and window casing all selected clear, beautifully machined and ready to receive the oils, stains and varnishes. Casings are of molded and modem back band design. Lock Sets. — Frosted brass. Front door sets have night latch and two-way knobs. Hardware. — Window weights, sash lifts, hinges, nails of all proper sizes, glass, putty, tin flashing. Painis.—The highest priced paint on the mar- ket is furnished for all .\laddin houses. It is manufactured of pure white lead, and color. Thirty-two colors to choose from. Your selec- tions may follow your own tastes for body, trim, porch floor, sash, steps, etc. Send for color card. Stains. — The best manufactured, are supplied for inside work. You may secure any effects you desire for interior decoration. Stain and varnish, or oil and varnish if you wish to fin- ish in the natural wood, whichever you prefer. Lattice work under perch floors and shingle stain for roofs not included in prices. Lath and Plaster. — Improved Wood Fibre pat- ent plaster. Grounds furnished for lath and plaster. Outside Steps. — Steps of correct height and width for design of house. All cut to fit. Cellar stairs always included where shown on floor plan. All dimensions on floor plans are given outside to center for customers convenience. Send for foundation plan before starting your foundation. All of which is covered by our all inclusi'je guaranty. BUILDING PAPE' SHEATHING 13 HMDDIN SERVICE A COMPLETE HOME OR A COMPLETE CHY ►'^^ '^ ^ -»- kit a "''"^^fe^J'"' ■- Aladdin .Service is equal to any demand made of it. No matter what your requirements are — a single home or a complete city — the Aladdin organization is capable of handling it with the greatest despatch. The Aladdin Company has successfully solved the housing problems of many of the greatest corporations of the world, including the United States Government and the British Govern- ment. Aladdin literature contains descriptions and prices for com- plete cities of 300, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 population. Aladdin Cities— population of 300 to 3.000 Aladdin Cities are the result of a careful research work into the neces- sities of modern civic life. Every necessity which makes for health, com- fort, hygiene and expansion is included in these plans. Each city is com- plete and specifications include complete materials for homes of different .sizes, churches, .schools, public service buildinRs, such as stores, offices, hotels, banks, etc., all materials for water and sewage distributing systems, electric .service and generating plant, all materials for land.scape work, gutters, curbing, sidewalks, etc.,— in short, complete materials for each city. Send for Book "Industrial Housing** The Aladdin Sy.stcm means handling the erection of houses with des- patch. Each price includes complete material readi-cut— a feature which eliminates the necessity for skilled help in erection. Aladdin literature con- tains over 100 designs of homes from cottages of two rooms to dwellings of 18 rooms, store, hotel, church, school and other types of public buildings; industrial courts showing attractive arrangements of different numbers of workmen's homes; complete cities intended for populations of from 300 to 3,000. Copies of these books will be mailed to those interested. 'X3 ^-^-^^ ^Ke Svereri Floor Plan— The Everett vere\ See prices on inside of front cover. APPINESS, comfort and character are portrayed in the Everett, a new Aladdin Hhome which is fashioned on the new bungalow lines now so prevalent in Cali- fornia. The Everett represents the most modern science of home building and planning. In design it is strikingly attractive, rich and refined without a single trace of gaudiness. Side walls of rough cast or pebble dash cement stucco, Dutch type roof with wide eaves lend a pleasant touch to the very modest exterior of this home. The interior is delightful. The large room at the front — a combination living room and dining room — spacious kitchen, two good-sized bedrooms, with bathroom, size SxS feet, make an exceptionally good plan for the bungalow home. Still another feature that proves an advantage to the housewife is the closet space. A large closet off each bedroom and linen closet near bathroom, provide more than ample closet space for the average family. There is much information on the Everett that cannot be included here on account of limited space. It will be sent to you if you request it. For prices refer to inside of front cover. See terms on page 2 and general specifications on pages 12 and 13 15 vkrw: arren See prices on inside of front cover. ^^ TUDY the floor plan of the Warren and see if you ^^ can find an inch of waste space. It is the most ^^ practical of homes. There is much in the Warren 1^^ tiiat you cannot see at first glance. For instance, notice the short hallway inside the front door — just a dandy little place to hang the wraps of evening callers. The clothes closet built next to the hallway and opening into the bedroom is just ideal. Off the front hall- way is the living room, and that it is well lighted by three windows at the front is noticed the moment you enter, and the wide arch dividing the living room from the dining room really makes them one big room. Through a door in the dining room you enter a hallway. It leads directly to the fron* bedroom, bathroom and back bedroom, separates living rooms from sleeping rooms so that neither one is disturbed by the other. The woodwork and floors can be finished any way you like for our beautiful Oregon Fir is unsurpassed by any kind of interior finish. Both front and back bedrooms are compact. Now visit the home workshop — the kitchen. One can reach the dining room, basement or outdoors very easily. Now, have you found any waste space, or could you improve upon it in any way? The Warren has a great many friends. Will you be another? "I saved four hundred and seventy-five dol- lars on my 'Warren,' " wrote an owner re- cently, "and to say that I am delighted with it, is putting it mildly. My carpenter said the material was finer than we could get here at any price, and everything went together fine." For prices refer to inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifica- tions on pages 12 and 13. Floor PI The Warr,... 16 INSERT FOLDOUT HERE econd Floor — The New Eden First Floor Plan The New Eden See prices oa inside of front cover. HIS liome, the New Eden, shows the resuh of careful planning before building— and it is surely gratifying to its many owners among Aladdin cus- tomers. On a ground space of 20x20 feet, this home gives more room, more comfort, more con- venience than has before been obtained. Two stories, having two bedrooms upstairs, a hall, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, an open stairway, a porch, and above all, an attractive looking house. It is so well liked by its many happy owners, that it is common for them to call it the "Wonder Home" on account of its low price, abundance of space, and its convenience. Notice the exterior. A broad belt across the front of the house divides first and second stories, giving a pleasing and harmonious effect. The half-sheltered porch is a pleas- ant feature and is well built for strength, attractiveness and harmony. The full length column, fronted by pedes- tals, makes a comfortable porch. The diamond paned window to the left of the front door gives plenty of light to the stairway and adds attractiveness to the front of the house and porch. Living room and dining room are di- vided by a wide arch, making them practically one room. Both rooms are well lighted and of good size. Notice the double window in the dining room. Two men can erect and complete this house in about ten days. It can be done by any two men who are willing to work, assisted by our complete instructions and illustrations. For price of the New Eden refer to inside of front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications will be sent you on request. See Terms on page 2. 21 Z7he Sisundscr^ Y See prices on. inside of front cover. OU will agree with Aladdin customers and owners of the Standard in their claim that "it is the best square type house ever offered to home builders." Greatest in amount of space, best in point of design, most convenient in arrangement, and ail this at a price that is much lower than it would cost you if you were able to buy thru any other source. Notice the architectural detail under the eaves, porch, and the dormer. Close inspection of the illustration gives many pleasant surprises. The scrolled brackets which are especially machined for the Standard, add a finished touch to the sweeping eaves. Possibly you have noticed that this has been carried out on all eaves — dormer and porch included. The broad belt is also used to advantage here. The porch, distinct in type and attractive in appearance, contributes much to the general design of the Standard. Hip roof, heavy boxing and scrolled brackets, tapering porch columns and full length spindles, all form a delightful contrast to the ordinary. Two ideas of ar- rangement are shown in the photographs. In the large illustration, the steps are placed at one side con- necting with the walk that leads to grade or side entrance. The small illustration shows steps at front of porch. The inside arrangement of the Standard has appealed to many. Notice the vesti- bule entrance. This is a very useful feature in that it provides an excellent place for hanging wraps. Besides this, it is a valuable feature in cold weather. Thru the next door we enter what might be called a reception hall and the impression is very pleasing indeed. The handsome exposed staircase can be beautifully stained and varnished and gives one an idea of the rich effect on the interior. You will find that the living room and dining room are extra large — and that will suit you — roomy and especially well- lighted. The kitchen in the Standard home invites efficiency methods. First, the size is ample for working to advantage. Second, no wasted steps are necessary. Pantry at the rear is but a few steps away while the dining room is but another few steps through double action door. Either the reception hall or the grade entrance leading to base- ment or outside may be reached directly, meaning a saving of time. The second floor has model sleeping rooms and the arrangement with bath at the head of the hallway is perfect. Each of the four bedrooms shown on the plan are extra large and have excellent wall space for beds, dressers, etc. Three of the bedrooms have large closet space directly adjoining — the other bedroom is provided with the con- venient Aladdin closette. For com- plete information on the closette re- fer to page 106. All ceilings in bed- rooms are square and not hipped. You will be greatly pleased with your new home — The Standard. Refer to inside of front cover for price of the Standard. See General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. Complete detail specifications for the Standard will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. First Floor Plan The Standard Second Floor Flan The Standard ^^ M Vhe^ilhrd See prices on inside of front cover. V home! Delightfully attractive, substantially erected," practical in arrangement — nothing less could express the sentiments that form the tie between owner and home — the Willard. A personality that is unusual, marks the designer's work on this bungalow. It is correct in line, and harmonious in detail. Sidewalls of stucco will please the fastidious. Stucco or pebble dash cement walls seem to challenge summer's sun and defy the winds of winter. But where shingles or bevel siding are preferred to stucco, they can be furnished in place of the stucco at the same price. And the general ap- pearance of the Willard would be sure to please, no matter which sidewall treatment you selected. You will approve the designer's idea of a broad and roomy porch. It is par- tially covered, the open space which is usually planned for the spot located in the afternoon's shade, is bordered with shrubs. Much thought was expended in planning the interior. Every room has an attraction in its careful layout for light and convenience. The living room and dining room are both at the front of the home, being divided by French doors. Butler's pantry between dining room and kitchen, is mod- ern in thought and practical in effect. Both doors on but- ler's pantry are of the df)uble action type. Large kitchen, vjeW lighted, is another feature of the Willard. Notice the efficient layout — from the kitchen, direct access may be had to rear porch, hall leading to living room and front en- trance, cellar entrance, and to butler's pantry and dining room, and this with no sacrifice of necessary wall space for stove, work-table, kitchen cabinet, etc. The hallway from living room opens onto the large bedrooms, with closets, bathroom and linen closet. For price of the Willard, refer to inside of front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13, and Terms on page 2. 24 c/Ae Ji^arJJirt See prices on inside of front cover. ARE you pleased with the lines shown in the Frank- lin ? This home has appealed to a great many. It was first erected in Bay City, the home of Aladdin. The e.xcellent work of the designer is shown in the il- lustration. The keynote of the exterior plan is massive- ness. Note the two large columns. They add strength to the front of the home and harmonize with the wide and heavy barge board. These columns are two feet square accord- ing to the plan. Another feature that adds much to the attractiveness of the Franklin is the porch pedestals that carry the porch balusters, which you will note do not connect with the large supporting columns on the front. The pedestals — four in all — are a depar- ture from the usual type of porch arrangement used in bung.ilow architecture tending to add much to the principal idea of the plan — strength. Equal harmony is evident in the bay window in the front gable. This bay accommodates two single and one double case- ment windows. And the Franklin interior has much to interest you. You notice the room arrangement. The living room and dining room will appeal to you. As the front door is swung open a feeling of comfort is evident. The wide living room offers many ad- vantages in cosy and attractive arrangements and with the fireplace at one end gives all that can be desired in living room comfort. The dining room is separated from the living room by an arch with double French doors. This feature is proving popular and besides this is a convenience on many occasions. Another point that we desire to call to the housewives' attention is the abundance of light furnished the kitchen by a double window on one side and single window on rear. Ideal efficiency arrangements of work tables and cabinets can here be secured. The three good sized bedrooms are also well located. Each has plenty of light and wall space. The bathroom is situated off the hall at the rear. .Mthough the Franklin shown here is finished in stucco, it can be furnished with shingles or siding for sidewalls at the price quoted. Send today for complete information on the Franklin, also detailed speci- fications. For Price refer to inside front COVer. See General Specifications ■ on pages 12 and 13 and Terms on page 2. PORCH Floor Plan The Franklin t 25 26 Jhej. ^ D :3 rt J3 ij rl rt ^ rt ^ rt u t/] .0 c> rt rl* >. 'V ^ ,0 Pf-.'^ •^ ;S ^ -=: >. o c ^ S o r 3 s — o -u -SW-g yi /:; M > O "f^ ^ — 3 « C o c s a ?r u -^ u. ^ y- o - ^n C ^ t« ^ ^ C ^ -^ -= M o — si •= l: 3 ^5 ^ O 3 ~ ^ [/) u .jj a -- ^ ^ ^ 2 ^ £ •= y ^ — ■- V, -f= P — o ^ ^ g^ CJ rl ' ■^ u [/) i/i .^ Ul C ■- rt ■o ?= -n •- ^ ci -0 c 3 g >% ^ £ •2 Li 3 '~o ^ 3 U3 TD w ^ > >, C) > C -C u. ■^ C ~ O — ,>- "^ o •/■• •£ P 5 & o o .£ 3 a c u ^r; M .c 5: '^ •^ ■^ i/i u ^ n 3 rr c c P. rt ^ «*-. (/J X) CJ rft CJ Li rt CJ £ 0) F ^ 3 -v '" 2 o h .5 c .> 53 >> "^ C rt -C ^ U5 <- I V -^ -C rt § o t, CO c CJ r -3 3 -as Pi -g 3 !-H rt n: Ji h o t« c "o ® h CJ ^ -^ = S ■- 2 .^ ^ CJ — |_| 1^ ■a •-■ w c a; r-i "^ O .,- -3 .1:: c rt 5 _ & " 1-, _• o ■^ ^ ■'i~ ~ to ^ .~ g _£ 5 ti .3 "3 •^ 2 5 I S ° ^ -5 ^ ^ .5 a u u C < 4) 3 u Ui 60 'c "act _>1 _o C 3 p; CJ u rt u 'u C CJ CJ u: F. n 3 ^ ri C (/J 3 C 3 c L. -o CJ rrt 3 W rt U5 >. rl > zi CJ -a C; CJ s £ H C .J2 6U .X -. Floor Plan The Stanhope No. 2 / See prices on inside of front cover. RE you not pleased with the Stanhope? Can you con- ceive how with straight architectural lines any more pleasing or substantial style of construction could have been worked out? Notice what a strong yet artistic appearance is given the entire front by the heavy porch pedestals, square porch columns and porch rail. How in keeping are the small lights in bungalow door and the upper divided lights in all windows. And when it comes to interior plan, it would be very difficult to work out a more convenient arrangement. The wide arch between living and dining rooms gives an appearance of one large room. The double action door leading to a kitchen large enough, yet none too large, completes the living part of this compact, cosy home. Three well lighted, suitable sized bedrooms give as much sleeping room as is frequently found in a much larger home. For any one desiring a six-room modern house all on one floor, the .Stanhope is a great favorite. The Aladdin readi-cut system of construction offers you a big saving on this home. You are now able to dodge the high cost of building because you pay for no waste of materials or labor in erecting an Alad- din. :Match this against the excessive cost of waste in building on the old-fashioned method. Then compare market prices with Aladdin prices and you will realize the big advantage offered you in the Aladdin readi-cut system. It is estimated that 18% of the materials are wasted in' building on the saw-measure-on- the-ground method. This means $18 out of every $100 is paid for waste actually lost! The Aladdin system has reduced this waste to less than 2% — put the $18 in your pocket. Can you afford to build on any other plan? Do you care to make this saving? Ask us for names of customers — let them tell you in their own words. There are many owners of the Aladdin Stanhope throughout the country. Probably there is one near you. We will send you names of owners — you can pay them a visit and inspect their home and material. For price of the Stanhope refer to inside of front cover. Study General Specifica- tions on pages 12 and 13. Complete detail specifications will be sent you upon request. See Terms on page 2. Floor Plan The Stanhope No. 1 40 INSERT FOLDOUT HERE 'Uhe Garokixn. Second Pioor Plan — The Carolina First Floor Plan — The Carolina tco prices on inside of front cover. HERE is a strong, substantial-looking home that impresses everyone. It has some exceptionally desirable advantages not found in any other de- sign. In the first place, the price we have been able to place on it is truly astonishing for the conveniences included. Four good bedrooms — think of it ! One bedroom is downstairs. Every bedroom has a good closet, with an especially large extra closet in the front bedroom. Two grouped windows flood the living room with light and air. Wide arch separates the dining room and living room, giving a 26-foot vista across the house. The massive roof with heavy grouped columns on porch gives a very substantial appearance. This house is cer- tainly a credit to any owner. The Carolina has never failed to please its owners. One owner claims a saving of $284.00 in building the Aladdin way. These figures are the result of a compar- ison on bids received and give an example of the average saving for .Maddin owners. We have on file, names and addresses of many thousand Aladdin owners. There are some near you. Why not pay them a visit? Inspect their homes— the materials, etc. Then talk over with them their experiences building an Aladdin. You will enjoy this visit. Send for names of .Maddin owners near you. For price refer to inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 45 ariesTon See prices on inside of front cover, THERE are many good points in the Charleston, a modern square-type design. The first noticeable feature is the deep bay windows in front, both stories, also on one side. These give free sight in all directions and ample light. The interior arrangement is one for convenience. Front entrance is gained through a large reception hall with semi-open stairway and arched entrance to large living room. This feature has proven popular, as it can be used for one room and still retain the convenience of two. The kitchen has proved extremely attractive to busy housewives. A rear entrance leads to the back porch, while the grade entrance at the side leads to the out doors and basement, saving many steps. Four large bedrooms and bath are arranged on the second floor — plenty of light in all. All exterior walls of siding. Beautiful Colonial columns support porch roof and „. , ^, «, mi. <-iv 1 i Second Floor Plan — The Charleston First Floor Plan — The Charleston a three-quarter length glass door adds greatly to the appearance. The Charleston is a good, substantial, roomy home. There are a number of attractive arrangements for the Charleston interior. The room arrangement and sizes of each adapt themselves to comfortable furniture settings. Of particular note are the attractive bay windows. These add much to the four rooms, living room and dining room on the first floor and two bedrooms on the second floor. Cozy corners for the placing of easy chairs, cushions and pillows suggest them- selves and these features are popular with home-loving folks everywhere. The Aladdin Department of Service has a number of interesting suggestions on interior decorations, etc., for the Charleston. Also a number of practical color schemes for the exterior. Send for this information today— it is free. It will enable you to plan your new home in detail. Owners of the Aladdin Charleston home claim to save between $300 and $400 by building the Aladdin way. This is due to the Aladdin Readi-cut system. All the material is cut to fit in the mills and reaches you ready to be nailed in place. In this way you pay for no waste of lumber or labor— you pay for the material that is used and no more. From careful investigation it is estimated that the average waste of good lumber when building the old-fashioned way is between 18% and 257o. Do you care to pay big prices for lumber that is wasted? For price of the Charleston refer to inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on L;| M is=' pages 12 and 13. A Corner 6frhe Sheridan ^trin^ M 47 JKq Sheffield See prices on inside of front cover. DO not the roof and porch lines of the Sheffield please you? The heavy overhang and Japanese roof effect give an individuality to this attractive home that in- variably pleases its owner. Notice the heavy porch columns and exposed scrolled rafters. How well these carry out the general architectural lines. Ascending to the porch by the wide front steps, one is surprised with the size of the porch, 26x8 feet. An attractive front door and a French door lead into and through the vestibule to the living room. Notice the size, 26x15 feet, and the wide archway leading to the well lighted dining room. Arch A-1, page 106, is furnished for 48 DINING R. I4\IS ,\~/-^ KITCHEN First Floor Plan The Sheffield Second Floor Flcn The Sheffield this archway. A kitchen with pantry and stairs leading to basement and grade en- trance complete the first f^oor. From the living room our easily ascending semi-open stairs lead to a central hall on second floor. Opening off the hallway are three bed- rooms and a bath. While this picture of the Sheffield shows the side walls with the double shingled effect, yet when desired siding without extra cost will be substituted for shingles. For a substantial, convenient, attractive home, don't you think the Sheffield is one of the best? Refer to inside of front cover for price of the Sheffield. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. zlhol^Tnoerron ^ See prices on inside of front cover. HIS striking design has many delightfully original ideas. The pleasing propor- Ttion of its generous roof and the heavy timbered effects under caves and windows, give stability and strength to the general impression. Study the hooded front entrance supported by heavy brackets. A pergola type of porch covering just fits in the right way. Also note the heavy abutmcnt-likc porch piers. The ex- terior is rough cast stucco but is sometimes furnished with shingled walls, the shingles to be stained a pearl gray, or left to weather. The T.amberton is a genuine American home. Its lines are American — straight, simple and massive. Exterior trim .seems to be confined to small divided lights in windows with heavy false window sills supported by brackets. The brackets on the eaves are simple, and especially designed for this home. Notice the front entrance — a particular feature of this home. The front door has First Floor Plan The Lamberton Spcond Floor Plan The Lamberton 50 practically a full length glass which is divided in keeping with the general idea in the windows. The sidelights on each side of the front door are built to harmonize. And what a splendid arrangement of rooms. The reception hall is separated from living room by a wide columned arch with bookcases built in. The handsome staircase presents a very attractive appearance as you will note by referring to plan that a seat is arranged in front of the iower landing, the stairs being turned at the landing toward the living room. The reception hall is well lighted. The front door and sidelights with small case- ment window at the side give an even light to hall and stairway. The arched bookcase, which divides reception hall from living room, is fully de- scribed and pictured on page 106 of this book. French doors lead from living room to dining room. A breakfast room separates dining room and kitchen. Entrance to kitchen is from either breakfast room, grade entrance or reception hall. A large cloak closet is conveniently placed. The second floor has four good, light, airy bedrooms, closets and bath. The third floor gives an attic thirty by thirty feet. The bookcases shown in the illustration with fireplace on this page are not included with the Lamberton at the price quoted. Should you desire to include them in your home you will find them described on page 108. Could more conveniences be offered in any home of its size than are incorporated in the Lamberton ? Price of the Lamberton is quoted on inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. LIVING R. I \ DINING R. WX 8' 1 1 W'X8 PORCH 20^X6' D Floor Plan — The Bodney M See prices on inside of front cover. ANY good American families are living happily and comfortably in Rodneys. Its four cozy rooms are all well arranged and its generous porch serves in a delight- ful way the outdoor pleasures of summer. A handsome front door with glass in upper part and embellished with moldings would suitably fit a more costly home. The double window in the dining room, with English sash made to swing in appeals strongly to the housewife. All upper sash are divided into small lights. You have your choice of two sizes in the Rodney. No. 1 is 20x22 feet over all and has four 10x8 foot rooms. Price given on inside of front cover. No. 2 is 24x26 feet and has four 10x12 foot rooms. In both designs a wide arch separates the living room from the dining room. You will be delighted should you decide to own this cottage. Of course, you receive our famous Dollar-.\-Knot siding and all the materials entering the construction are positively the liighest grades found anywhere Frosted brass oak leaf design lock sets set off the beautifully grained doors and woodwork. In fact, you will have as finely finished a home as anyone. Two men can erect this house in four days. IMost owners of the Rodney did all the work themselves, easily. For prices on the Rodney refer to inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 'jL'MrrJl See prices on inside of front cover. AVE you ever seen a bungalow similar to The Merrill? Undoubtedly, you H haven't, as it is a most recent Aladdin design — one built on both bungalow and Colonial lines. The fact that this home is set close to the ground, built up but one story, finished with shingled sidewalls and heavy eaves supported by brackets, is an assurance of its bungalow nativity. But here the designer sought a departure from the customary, and Colonial archi- tectural lines were employed. Notice the front entrance with Colonial hood over front door. The side porch is also another Colonial feature which is a very desir- able one. The popularity of The Merrill is assured. Within sixty days' time after the plans were completed, and before it was given space in the Aladdin catalog, we had orders for thirty-two Merrill homes— a wonderful tribute to its practicability. The interior of this home is one for convenience and attractiveness. The cased arch which makes a wide opening between living room and dining room, offers many opportunities for tastv decorations and arrangements. The living room on the front of the house is well lighted, has' good wall space and offers the utmost in comfort to its occupants. The dining room is large, well arranged and offers the additional conveniences of the wide side porch. The plan shows three good-sized bedrooms, closets, bathrooms and kitchen with cellar entrance. For price of the Merrill refer to inside of front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Complete detail specifications for The Merrill will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. D COSCRETE PORCH ^ !■ '. -.. At :3 ^f &^ ■ r j'r It t \ 1 Ejcample of Plan Furnished by Landscape Branch 67 G8 s^ne ^Lg ore nee See prices on inside of front cover. PRIDE of ownership! The very attitude of every member of the family in this picture denotes pleasure and satisfaction with their home : even to the extent of painting a small, neat name, that all who pass may know. The Florence is quite extraordinary in the almost universal appeal it has on observers. It is as clean in outline as a Greek temple and surely as pleasant to look upon as any home could be. To the lover of simplicity the Florence has a strong attraction, its well balanced and commodious porch, finely proportioned roof and dor- mer window, wide front windows and shingled gables all being in perfect harmony. And the material from which the whole is moulded is all as perfect as can be taken out of the forest. The owner has no lingering memories of paint covered defects to spoil his pride of ownership. The siding, the trim, the shingles, and the porch work are entirely free from knots or other defects. The interior will appeal to the housewife. It rather surprises you to learn that there are three fine bedrooms, giving a large family ample accommodations. Living room is centrally located, which is much desired by many families. The bathroom is well placed, while the kitchen is made more roomy by a light pantry. Well placed cellar stairs give access to the basement from the kitchen. Beautiful floors and wood- work distinguish all Aladdin houses and of course give the finished effect to the Florence as to all our other designs. Refer to inside of front cover for prices. See Terms on page 2, and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. First Floor Plan The Yale HE full realization of a complete home is gratified in the Yale. The judgment Tof Aladdin designers has been wonderfully approved in the hundreds of sales of this design. When you fully comprehend all that it offers, you will be as enthusiastic about it as every customer who is living in it. Harmony of design and proportion first strikes the eye. With a width of twenty feet, making it adaptable to narrow lots, it accomplished a two-story plan without its height being apparent. Four gables afford a surprising amount of room in the second story. Concrete pedestals support square porch columns and the long balusters of the porch railing are different from the usual type. .\ beautiful front door leads into the living room which extends full width of the house, .\rched opening separates living room from dining room. See photos bottom page 63. Kitchen, cellar way and rear porch complete the first story. On the second story are found the bed- rooms, bath and closet. You will be delighted by the selection of the Yale and especially the surpassing beauty of the interior woodwork which lends itself to the most interest- ing decorative schemes. Our Wood Stains and varnish permit your taste to be realized to the fullest extent. For price of the Yale, refer to inside of front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Complete detail specifications for the Yale will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. See prices on inside of front cover, Floor Plan The Sunshine HIS charming bungalow nestling in this setting of trees represents one of the Tbest pieces of work of our master designers. Individuality is portrayed in all its lines and it is distinctly American in character. E.xtreme simplicity is the motif behind the planning of this hojiie. Simplicity implies character, quality and taste. Sunshine implies cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity and light. Could a more fitting name than "Sunshine" be given to this home? It radiates that sweet, simple home atmosphere everyone wishes to secure in their home and to see in the homes of others. The roof lines are particularly graceful, the main roof extending down over the porch, it being evenly balanced by a dormer of just the right proportions. A study of the interior reveals an exceptionally well laid and thought out plan. Light in any home is an essential feature and we have provided an abundance of it for every room. The large living room gives access to the dining room and front bedroom, as well as small clothes closet. See page 35. The opening between the living room and dining room is a prepossessing cased archway. The fireplace and outside chimney are shown in the photograph and floor plan although it is not necessary that you build these should you favor this house. The two back bedrooms have regular closets built off of them. .\t the rear of the bungalow one of our regular Addition No. 4 is furnished, this providing for a combined cellar and rear entrance. If the "Sunshine" appeals to you, write us so we can send you still further details. Refer to inside of front cover for prices. ' See Terms on page 2. Specifications on pages 12 and 13. See prices on inside of front cover. 71 iUti' I ^ ^ 4 T See prices on inside of front cover. HIS modern home with its distinctive features has a large number of ad- mirers. The general appearance, both design and arrangement of detail, place it in a class of its own. The general lines are taken from New Eng- land and Southern Colonial architecture, while many original ideas are added. The windows, with divided lights and simple dormers breaking the front roof, are purely of New England origin, and are often referred to as "severe, simple and quaint." Credit is due Southern designers for the semi-circle porch and front entrance de- tail. By closer inspection you will notice that the heavy front door is balanced on either side by side-lights. The detail in both door and side-lights harmonize, as both have glass in upper half. Besides the decorative value of this feature it is prac- tical in that it provides a flood of light in the reception hall, lighting stairs and j.assageways. The semi-circle porch with balcony effect is supported by four large turned columns. The broad and spacious side porch is also of interest. It is one of the most typical features of Colonial architecture. The balusters and rail are extended around the porch, entrance to be hafl from th.e two side doors in the living room on either side of the fireplace or from the stcp.s at the side. 72 The Colonial is shown here with terrace breaking abruptly a short distance from the front. This is another Southern feature that is proving very popular among builders of better class homes today. The interior expresses modern ideas. The large size porch is an excellent summer season auxiliary to the living room, as both run parallel, with entrance doors on either side of the fireplace. The living room is arranged at one end of the home. The size, 15 feet wide by 30 feet long, offers many opportunities for different and tasty arrangement of furniture. The fireplace which is shown in the plan adds much to the comfort and attractiveness of the room and is well located. The library which directly adjoins living room has excellent wall space for bookcases and library furni- ture. The location of this room makes it suitable for either library or den. The ar- rangement of dining room and kitchen is ideal. The dining room at the front right corner and kitchen at the rear are divided by butler s pantry. The kitchen in this design has received considerable thought. Notice that you are able to reach front entrance through the hall to reception hall without passing through the other rooms. Double action doors prove convenient between kitchen and dining room. From the reception hall you can pass directly into the living room or dining room or into the kitchen. Four corner bedrooms on second fioor are well ventilated and easily accessible to hallway and bathroom. This home is fascinating in appearance and has much of the sought-for distinction. Of course you will want to know a great many things about the Colonial, if this handsome home appeals to you ; things that there is not enough space to tell about here. Upon request we will send complete de- tail specifications and go into all the interesting facts. Write us about your ideas. For Prices of Colonial refer to inside of front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. See Terms on page 2. zJKq SiraxkrrxoTQ See prices on inside of front cover. THE Strathmore is different in design — it is a home of individual tastes. By noticing the photograph you will find that the special details are arranged in groups — double doors in front entrance, double windows balanced on each side, triple windows in dormer above. The double door feature owes its origin to architecture that was real popular in Colonial days. Today it is again com- ing into general favor in the largest and highest class homes on account of the pleasing effect it gives to both the interior and exterior of the home. The pergola porch at one side is another feature that pleases the average home-builder with modern ideas. The interior arrangement will please you — notice the floor plan. The large living room is graced with a beautiful staircase. From the living room thru wide arch you enter the dining room with kitchen to the rear. One bedroom downstairs with three more and bath on the second floor make just an ideal home. This design gives plenty of opportunity for home-loving folks to express personal- ity and character in the decorations. Tliis one pictured here was painted in white and trimmed in green. Excellent effects could be had by painting the hou.se a lead gray or a yellow with white trim, or house painted in brown and trimmed with white. The living room — the one room that belongs to the entire family — could be papered or Second Floor Flan — The Strathmore First Floor Plan — The Strathmore 74 frescoed in deep brown with white ceiling. Space alongside of stairway would make a handsome setting for a davenport, wide seat, or a piano. Of course, everyone has ideas for the decoration of their new home, and to help them, the Aladdin Department of Service will gladly send many more — and this free of charge. Let us help you plan this ideal home — the Strathmore — for your home. By referring to page 101 you will note the style of interior door that is furnished for Aladdin Homes. These doors, as well as the interior fin- ishing material for all Aladdin houses, are made from the most select of stock which is the beautifully grained Oregon Fir. Possibly no other wood is as attractively grained as Fir, and few other materials can be decorated as richly. Many different stains can be used on Aladdin Fir with great success, among which are light and dark oak and dark mahogany. Send for complete detailed specifications of the Strathmore which are sent upon request. A complete itemized list is given of everything entering into the Strathmore home. For prices of the Strathmore refer to inside front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. 75 BED R. /Ox/O' - -^ '* - ^^^^H BED R 1 /rxto' 1 ROOF ^hjQ Tucson Second Floor Plan The Tucson First Floor Plan The Tucson See prices on inside of front cover. WHEN it comes to much in a small space the Tucson certainly leads. Five convenient, well lighted, at- tractive rooms, with good sized front porch make up this snug and cosy little home. Sash front door, semi-open stairs and wide arch between liv- ing room and dining room add materially to the attract- iveness of the Tucson. Where the exterior is painted either a French gray or seal brown and trimmed with white or cream, and the beautifully grained interior fir trim is either finished with oil or stain and then varnished, the Tucson presents a fresh, attractive appearance that in- variably brings pleasure and satisfaction to its owner. (Rear addition shown in photograph not included. See pages 104-105.) The Tucson is one of the first Aladdin designs and has always proven exceptionally popular. The first year it was listed in the Aladdin catalog it was sold to four different parties who have built the Tucson again after the first one was complete. A number of companies have erected this house in large numbers. One customer in 1913 erected sixty-four. At the price quoted in price list you save between $150 to $275 on the material and erection of the Tucson. The material is prepared from carefully drawn plans — and without waste. Hence you pay for no lumber that is wasted in sawing or fitting on the ground. Your car- penters will be able to erect it much faster. This saving is also noticeable, as it usually cuts down time of erec- tion a third. Send for complete detailed specifications of the Tucson which will be sent to you upon request. For Prices refer to inside front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. ,-3K^ -" INSERT FOLDOUT HERE JKq iJirdey See prices on inside of front cover. WHILE the Finlcj' is popular with the owner of any sized lot, yet it finds special favor in cities where lots are sometimes as nar- row as 30, or even 25 feet. The Fihley can be built very nicely on a 25-foot lot and still leave ample space for a walk on either side. In the Finley the designer has followed through- out plain, straight lines, yet when painted French gray or leather brown and trimmed in white, tlie owner of the Finley is invariably delighted. A large, pleasant front porch, si.x rooms, bath and closettes are found in this remarkably low priced house. The ever popular plan is followed of a large livin First rioor Plan The Finley Second Floor Flan The Finley room across the entire front with wide archway leading to dining room. By a double-action door one enters the kitchen direct from the dining room. An attractive semi-open stairs leads from living room to second floor where there are to be found three sleeping rooms, bath and closettes. Those wanting a six-room, two-story plain house are invariably pleased with the Finley. On an average, owners of the Finley claim savings of $200 to $325 on their hom.es. These estimates include savings on cost of material, also savings on cost of labor. When you receive the material it is entirely cut-to-fit, ready for erection. You pay for only the actual material used in building your home — no more. Xow, think of the good lumber that is wasted in building the old-fashioned way. .And you also pay for the extra labor which is unnecessary building an .\laddin. """'^ ~ ' See Prices on inside front cover. Also Terms, page 2, and General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. 81 ^ne^ynplex See prices on inside of front cover. THE Aladdin two-family house. The Duplex is produced as the result of a large demand we have had for a double house. The double house has some very attractive features. It enables its owner to live in one part and secure a good rental from the other, his return is consequently much greater than if he had built two separate houses. Besides this, the double or two-apartment is a necessity where ground space is costly and homes scarce. The Duplex design has none of the dis- agreeable features so common in two-apartment homes. Both first and second floors arc complete homes in them- selves with separate front and rear entrances. The floor plan gives one an idea of the convenience and com- fort to be had for both occupants of the Duplex. Both floors contain living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, pantry, front and rear porches. One Aladdin customer who has erected three Duplex apartment houses says the completed cost of each of his Aladdin buildings showed a net saving of ^560 each. For Prices on the Duplex see inside front cover. See Terms, page 2, General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. ===^ S2 f7Ae Heating Plants build better homes through our system of construction. It is our conviction that our duty to you has not been fulfilled until your home is completed in a most satisfactory manner and is ready foi occupancy. That is why we offer you these home-building fixtures so that you may secure as high a quality as you have purchased in an Aladdin Home and at an equal saving. Send us a post card request for a copy of this book. It will be sent by return mail. I Complete Baihrootn Ouitfits #r sJ J^Ke JxjochjQszer See prices on inside of front cover. HERE is much to interest the home builder in the Rochester home — a very T popular Aladdin design. Covering a period of live years' time since it was tirst included in the Aladdin liook, its popularity has been widespread. It was first erected in northern ]\Iinnesota in the spring of 1911. The owner of this Rochester is very high in his praise of the warmth of Aladdin construction and the handsome appearance of this design. Since that time, the Rochester has been erected many times in nearly every state in the Union. One state now has nineteen Rochester homes within its borders. In design the Rochester is truly American — simple, strong and substantial. Con- servative lines bespeak dignity and personality of whicii this design is a shining ex- ample. Its features are not composed 'of novelties that come and go, but are made up of the careful touches that have stood the test with home builders for many years. The Rochester has the added advantage in point of design of l)eing square in shape, v;hich always expresses niassiveness and strength. While the exterior is simple in design, yet it is not commonplace or uninviting. The scrolled rafter ends First Floor Plan The Rochester 8G Second Floor Plan— The Rochester studding the eaves of house, dormer and porch roofs, add an artistic touch without giving it an overburdening of trimmings. Still another distinction noted in the Rochester is the window arrangement. Grouped in pairs in most cases they add strength to the design of the exterior and provide an abundance of light to all rooms on the interior. In planning a home, the housewife, besides giving deep thought to the exterior appearance, takes a greater interest still in the interior arrangement. Housewives in general have placed their stamp of approval on the interior of the Rochester. The arrangement is ideal — convenient and comfortable, minimizing housework. Note the vestibule, large living room with cozy bedroom having projecting bay window, group window in dining room, large pantry attached to kitchen, and rear exit grade cel- lar entrance. On a one-thousand dollar lot the Rochester would normally sell for at least $5,500. You can easily comprehend the profit available to th.e owner should conditions arise that he would want to sell it. Owners of Aladdin houses find that the high quality of finish, material, both inside and outside, helps make quick sales when a sale is desired. For Prices of the Rochester, refer to inside front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. INSERT FOLDOUT HERE INSERT FOLDOUT HERE jKe ^lyrrvouiK w See prices on inside of front cover, SI^IPLE square lines have been here transformed into a charming home. The plan is quite different from any- thing else shown in our book, yet the arrangement of rooms, conven- ience and access, one rodm with another, is excellent. Note that the entrance hall gives access to three different rooms and is but a step from the kitchen. The living room is separated from the dining room by the hall, with a vista of two arches. Light is admitted to hall by windows on each side of front door. Two bedrooms, bath and kitchen complete this snug design. The exterior is shin- gled, and shows very wide eaves with expose* rafters. Although the chimney is shown on the outside of the house, it can be placed in any part of the home. The most noticeable features to visitors of the Plymouth is the beautiful interior finish. When stained and oiled in the rich tones of oak the attractive grain in the fir finishing mate- rial contrasts handsomely with the delicate YXoor Plan— The Plymouth shades used for interior decoration. All the fir material used for interior finish in every .\Iaddin Home is carefully selected for the finest grain patterns. For prices of the Plymouth refer to inside front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Detailed specifications of the Plymouth will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. 1 \ HALL ; LIVING R. DINING R. Q'xii- PORCH 1 5-.V6' 1 12x1 r l-p r-1 1 1 jke Gkasii er BSee prices on inside of front cover. RO\\'X shingles trininicd with white distinguish this little home from the ordinary looking cottages found in most communities. The Chester is a trim, neat, compact and pretty bungalow. Its five rooms are nicely arranged, its porch roomy and every room is well lighted. Xotc the spacious, airy living room that stretches the full width of the house and gives a view in both dirc'ctions as well as in front. .\reh separates (lining room while two bedrooms and kitchen complete the home. You are jjrivileged to choose any colors of paint and stain for shingles and trimming for tiie e.xtcrior, and you can have the most modern ideas worked out in your interior decorations with the wide variety of stains, varnishes and paints illustrated on our color cards. ^Fost owners of the Chester write us about the i)leasurc they derived from erect- ing and completing it themselves. You can do this easily. With every .Maddin House we send comjilete instructions and illustrations for erecting. These instructions arc so carefully written that anyone not a carpenter could easily uuder.stand them. It tells you how to start the work, kinds of material to use and in most cases gives illustrations of different stages of the erection. This information is sent to you in book form — over 100 pages — and includes informa- tion on every part of the erection from the diggi:ig of foun- 'aalion to the lime it is ready for occuiiancy. I'or Prices see inside front roxcr. See Terms on page 2 a!id rirniral Specifications on jKiges 12 and l.S. wr • ^tif-.^tv ^he .J^i 'resaert See prices on inside of front cover. HE DRESDEN will appeal to you as be- Ting an ideal home. The picture, which was taken on a midsummer's day, shows a number of features that are not found in the average home. Notice the porch — the shelter and relief it provides from the hot summer sun. Every inch of the one hundred and twenty square feet of floor space on this porch seems to hold a charm for the comfort seeker. And as much can be said of the inside of the home. Notice the picture, showing windows raised. It is possible to practically open up the home on four sides giving the utmost in ventilation, making all rooms light and airy, cool and pleasant. Before reading further, look over the floor plan carefully. What do you think of it? Isn't it just right for convenience — doesn't it appeal to your ideas of "home?"' Notice the long stretch — practically twenty-four feet — thru living room and dining room. The daylight rooms are arranged on one side of the home and possess every desired feature — plenty of light and air, spaciousness and ease in accessibility ; adapted to any arrangement or setting of furniture. Plenty of space in the bed rooms with good closets in each, makes a home that will give you great satisfaction and much convenience. Your friends will agree with your judgment in selecting this home of homes — the Dresden. Turn to page 75 and notice the interesting views of the interior. For price of the Dresden refer to price list on inside of front cover. See General Specifications, pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications for the Dresden will be sent on request. See Terms on page 2. 95 -^mk Floor Plan The Dresden f Mi^u^^i^m ^yAe Ca^ai/ia ac See prices on inside of front cover. 1- n '^r- t'^^ HIS bungalow is worthy of consideration because it was planned by one of our T superintendents for a home of his own. It was made exactly as he planned it to suit his experienced sense, fitness and ideas. Thus an individuality was brought about that attracts the attention of every passer-by. It is a home that is pleasant and has an abundance of space within for comfortable living and would give to anyone that possessed it a great pride of ownership. The exterior is artistic and pleasing to the eye. The broad sweep of the roof carried out over the porch adorned with a dormer, breaking the wide expanse, is perfect in proportion and balance. The square divided lights in the upper sash of the windows lend an added charm to the exterior. The main floor comprises a large living room entered directly from the porch. Off of this is a spacious dining room and den. .Attractive French glass doors enable the owner to combint these rooms in one. The fireplace .'?ho\vn in the floor plan could be built in the opposite end of the living room, if desired, or could be omitted entirely. Two bedrooms furni.shed with closettes as well as bath and kitchen finish the floor plan. Directly at the rear of the kitchen is a very convenient and modern grade cellar entrance addition, giving access to the kitchen and cellar. For price of the Cadillac refer to inside front cover. See General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Detail specifications for The Cadillac will be sent upon request. See Terms on page 2. iyhe G)cLis isorc See prices on inside of front cover. EFORE reading this description, what did you think of the Edison? Well, Bit has impressed others the same way — as being one of the prettiest little bungalows ever built. And every owner is more pleased with the Edison after it is completed. When the beautiful lines of this home are fully realized — then it is possible to see the broad and e.xpansive porch sweeping across the entire front of the house, also the careful formation of the roof covering the porch. And did you notice the broad eaves with exposed rafters? This feature seems to belong to this home alone. And the diamond divided lights in the upper sash are in complete harmony with the balance of the beautiful home. Study the interior, the arrangement of rooms. Isn't it ideal? The living-room and dining-room, divided bv an archwav, are reallv one big room, but still they retain the convenience of two. Each sleeping room affords plenty of air. The bathroom is well planned and is large enough for bathroom fixtures with plenty of space to spare. For design, convenience and price, don't you think the Edison is the preUiest little bunga- low you have seen? .\nd when this bungalow is stained a dark brown and trimmed in pure white you have a most artistic and beautiful result. For price of the Edison refer to inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. Floor Plan— The Edison 97 ID you ever see a more beautiful picture of its kind than the one shown here? DA mass of lights and shadows softening the greens, browns and grays of the foHage; shingles and cobbles delight the eye. You can almost feel the touch of the sunbeams patterning the lawn, and you just want to stroll up the steps and into the inviting shade of the porch. Most effectively has the pure white that borders every outline been used to contrast the deep brown of the shingled upper story. The exterior of the Shadow Lawn is one that has appealed greatly to our customers. A slight diversion from the customary is had in the wide sided first-story with second story shingled. Notice also the detail of the front of the Shadow Lawn. On both first and second stories grouped or triple w^indows are used in perfect harmony and balance. The wide porch stretching across the front of the house is another feature that is desirable in a home of comfort. See prices on inside of front cover. 98 Examining further we find a living room of expansive dimensions, twenty-eight feet one way and fourteen feet the other. ^Matching the size of the hving room is a dming room sixteen feet in depth and twehe feet broad; large enough for a real banquet. The kitchen, pantry and grade entrance occupy the other rear half. The second story illustrates four bedrooms, bath and closets. Each bedroom is on a corner of the house giving free ventilation and an abundance of light. The Shadow Lawn eaves project four feet, rather a Swiss idea, and are supported. by well proportioned brackets. The porte cochere at the left is not included in the price quoted. Should you desire it added to the home it is furnished readi-cut at the extra price of $103.00. The Shadow Lawn is surely a home of most striking individuality. For Price of the Shadow Lawn refer to inside of front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Specifications on pages 12 and 13. First Floor Plan — Shadow Lawn Second Floor Plan — Shadow Lawn Floor Plan — TTie Sheridan No. 2 Jke SheridsLn no, i See prices on inside of front cover. AN unusuiilly attractive exterior and a sense ot roominess are features that make the Sheridan one of our most popular bungalows. The low, sloping roof, the scrolled eaves and shingled porch and step rails, together with the siding, permit a great latitude in the decorative scheme and with the use of harmonious painting and staining materials, these features can be developed in a most pleasing manner. The expansive porch, which extends across the entire front, is well shaded by the broad, over- hanging roof. The convenient and inviting arrangement of the several rooms are outlined at the left. Your attention is called to the square and good dimensions of all the rooms, especially the living room, with its attractive group windows and arch leading to the dining roon^. Divided square lights are furnished for upp. r square sash of all windows, although they will W furnished with single large glass if preferred. The kitchen is of ample size and has proven very popular among iiousewives. Pantry with window is situated off the kitchen. Three good sized bedrooms with closets complete the plan of the Sheridan No. 2. See bottom of page 47 for interior photographs of the Sheridan living room antl dining room. Few moderately priced bungalows offer so n\any real home comforts as can be found in the Sheridan. For Trices of the Sheridan No. 2 refer to inside front cover. See Terms on page 2 and General Speci- fications on pages 12 and 13. inn Interior Doors an^ Lock Sots Furnished with Every Aladdin Home THIS bt-autiful perfectly grained door with two panels and the five cross panel type door are furnished for every Aladdin House. A real hard- wood, but softer than oak or birch. Hard enough to take a hardwood polish, but soft enough to work easily. Aladdin houses are finished bet- ter than most new houses in your neighborhood. We guarantee all your inside finish to be of exactly the same high-class material that this picture was taken from — clear lumber, beautiful grain — the best obtainable. Any stain furnished. Here are some of the many beautiful details that are to be found in Aladdin Homes. On careful inspection you will find that money cannot buy a better quality. Fir is distinguished for the wonder- fully silky texture and softness of grain. You will never find two panels of the same design of grain and each one is an in- teresting study in itself. The lock set trimmings for the interior doors are of the richest finished brushed brass. The design on the escutch- eon is an oak leaf pattern that stands in relief on the frosted background. This beautiful lock set is made exclusively for Aladdin Houses. 101 ^u. ■■3K*'a^ irgiraa. furnisliod at the following jiriies. Mention side voii desire — right or left of illustrations shown here. Yellow I'ine $20.00 Seleetod Oak 21.00 .Side and head jambs and side and head casings are charged for extra as follows: Yellow Pine, $2.60; Selected Oak, $3.65. The simplicity of the design of the Colonnade coupled with the extremely low price makes it a very popular one. Made of Y'ellow Pine, Oregon Fir or Red Oak, by skilled workmen. The price quoted does not in- clude jambs or trim. 2A-60— Yellow T'ine or Fir, net $12.85 2A-62— Oak, not 14.50 For Jambs and Trim add, for Yellow Pine. $2,60; Oak, $3,65. A plain column Colonnade, For smaller homes or ones where extreme simplicity is desired. We furnish these made of Yellow I'ine, Oregon Fir or lied Oak. Shipped in the white, that is, unfinished, from Bay City or Chicago. 2A-64~Y'ollow Pino or Fir, net $8.00 2A-66— Oak. not 10.00 For Jambs and Trim add. Yellow Pino, $2,60; Oak, $3,65. Aladdin Closette Modern ideas in relation to closets are changing and while the housewife has always spoken of the need of good closet room, a little reflection will disclose the .^surprising fact that most closets devote nearly thrcc-quailcrs of the space to doors, elbow room and ability to walk into them, and one- quarter of the space to actual storage space. Here is a practical plan than utilizes just A'/i square feet of floor space and vet gives more hanging space and storage space than the usual four by six loot closet that occupies 24 square feet of floor space! By the use of coat hooks, costing about 5 cents a dozen at notion stores, it is easily possible to hang twelve suits or robes in this space, each one being easily found and removed. Can greater capacity be gained in the average good sized closet? Above the large conu>a''tnient is space for hats, bedding or other things of like characlci, and below a wide, deep space for shoes and the many other articles that may require a place out of the way. The cabinet is six feet high and. as in many instances, it can be inset into the bedroom j /* I /^ wall, so that it utilizes the six inches of wall 1 (^ L.W thickness and really takes up but one fool of bedroom floor space 1 106 ALADDIN Built-in Buffets Homecraft Built-in Buffet A well proportioned "Homecraft" built-in side board or buffet has been very popular wherever offered. It is 4 ft. 6 in. wide and 7 ft. high, 14 in. deep. Has a bevel plate mirror back in opening over counter shelf, four drawers and one closet space in bottom section. No. 2A-24 — Yellow Pine, glazed, clear double strength glass $26.50 No. 2A-25 — Yellow Pine, glazed leaded Crystal glass 28.75 No. 2A-26 — Selected Oak. glazed, clear double .strength glass 28.50 No. 2A-27— Selected Oak, glazed leaded Crystal glass 31.50 If side casing, base blocks and cap trim, as shown are wanted, add for Vellow Pine. 7()c: Oak. $1.4.5. Aladdin Homecr£ift Buffets are designed with the object of giving the most con- venience combined with the m' barns through- out the country. All of the material is dressed so that the inside of each building presents a finished appearance and is not merely of rough, unfinished lumber. We furnish all the different kinds and sizes of nails required in the erection of the building; heavy barn door tracks and rollers for the large doors to slide upon; hinges and locks for the smaller doors. The windows have the glass already in them. We will furnish any colors of paint that you may desire for the outside of the buildings, two coats; shingles or roofing, whichever your prefer, for the roof of the building. We have quoted the prices on the barns so that you can purchase either the barn itself, or so that you can leave out the first and second floors and the stalls, or so that you can purchase the building with the first floor added, or with the second floor added, or with both floors added. We have also quoted the price .separate on the stalls, so that you can add any number of stalls you desire with the building. For example, a gambrel roof barn, size 20.x -10 ft., without first or sec- ond floors or mangers would cost $545.00. First floor furnished with tlie barn would cost $106.27 extra, or $651.27 for barn and first floor complete. For a gambrel barn, size 20x40 ft., with first and adding second floors and mangers, for two stalls the cost would be $705.51 complete. Each bam as we furnish it, and as li.sted in the cost on the barns, will include a second floor at one end above the stalls. This second floor will be twelve feet long and the width of the end of the barn,- and is always included in the first cost of the bam. Many people prefer to purchase the barn without the first floor, which is really unnecessary in many cases, where hay and grain are intended to be stored itito mows. Others prefer to put in either a part or the entire first floor in cement, so that we have quoted the price of the barn exclusive of both floors and stalls, and have listed .separate the cost of each. This will enable you to purcha.se the barn itself and add either the first or second floor or any number of stalls desired. The Aladdin Special Barn was built to meet the great demand for a barn large enough to shelter two or three hor.scs with wagons, etc. Plenty of room on the first floor for three stalls, ^yith a large mow on second floor for hay, straw and grain. At the price quoted, the second floor is included, but the first floor is omitted, as many owners prefer a cement or concrete first floor on account of the convenience in cleaning stalls, etc. SPECIFIC.'\TIOXS: Size, 16x24 ft. Price, $375.00. Cash discount, 5%. Net price, $356.25. See Terms on page 2. Sills, 6x6 in. Studding, 2x4 in. Rafters, 2x4 in. Second floor joists, 2x,S in. Siding, "s in., matched; roof sheathing, 1 in., dressed. Flooring, second floor, 1-in. lumber. Shingles or roofing for roof. Large door, S ft. 4 in. x 9 ft. 6 in. Small door, 3 ft. 6 in x 7 ft. 2 in. Windc.ws, sliding sa.sh, glass in place. Paints, any colors, two coats, outside. .■Ml hardware, nails, barn-door tracks, hinges. At the price quoted above,, second floor is included. Add $39.42 to the above price for first floor of 2-in. planks, including first floor joists of 2x8 in. See prices on inside of front cover. 114 The Gable Barn T HE Gambrel and Gable Roof Barns are here shown. The construction and material of both barns are exactly the same, the only difference being in size and design. These barns have given the greatest satisfaction and service on the western plains of Nebraska and Kansas, where they are sub- jected to the Below we have listed the prices for both designs, gambrel and gable roofs, with specifications that include either the gambrel or the gable design. The gambrel barn is illustrated at the bottom of the page. Gambrel and Gable Barns heaviest strains of wind and storms. This goes to prove the great strength and stability of the construction. Gambrel and Gable Bam Specifications Sills. 6x8 in. Studding fur the side walls and gables of barn. 2 x 6 in. Rafters. 2x6 in. Collar Beams. 2 x 6 in. Cross braces in outside walls, 2x6 in. Anchor brace, 2x6 in. Plates of top walls, doubled, 2x6 in. First floor joist, 2 x 12 in. First floor flooring, 2-in. plank. Second floor joists, 2 x 8 in. Second floor flooring, inch lum- ber. Stall studding. 2 s 4's. Stall sitliug, inch lumber, dressed. Mangers attached to stalls, inch. lumber, dressed. Feed boxes, inch lumber, dressed. Roof sheathing, inch lumber, dressed. Roofing or Cedar shingles for roof. Siding, periiendicular barn boards or horizontal matched siding, whichever you prefer. Windows. 18 x 24, glazed, glass measurement. Doors, double and single. Barn door tracks and rollers for sliding doors. Hinges and locks for swinging doors. All nails of various sizes for entire building. Two coats of paint, any culur desired for outside. Complete instructions and i trations for the erection. Total height of side walls ft. gambrel, 15 ft. gable. Height of Side Walls of Gambrel Bam is 12 feet inches, and of Gable Barn is 15 feet inches. Prices Given are for Either Style. Gable Roof Barn Illustrated on Following Page, Stall with Price First Floor Second Floor Manger Size Net Cash Extra Extra Extra 16 X 24 ft.. . . $324.00 $51.00 $15.45 $7.00 20 X 30 ft.. . . 430.00 79.72 30.33 7.00 20 X 40 ft.. . . 545.00 106.27 47.24 7.00 20 X 50 ft.. . . 649.00 132.86 64.10 7.00 20 X 60 ft.. ., 7.55.00 159.44 80.08 7.00 20 X 70 ft.. . . 861.00 186.00 97. S6 7.00 20 X SO ft.. . . . 907.00 212.58 114.74 7.00 20 X JM) ft.. ...1.075.00 239.06 131.62 7.00 20 X 100 ft.. ...1,180.00 265.65 148.49 7.00 24 X 30 ft.. . . . 499.00 95.66 36.42 7.00 24 X 40 ft.. . . 615.00 127..53 56.66 7.00 24 X 50 ft.. . . . 735.00 159.44 76.91 7.00 24 X 60 ft.. . . . 854.00 191.41 97.14 7.00 30 X 40 ft.. . . . 726.00 159.44 70.84 7.00 30 X 50 ft., . .. 861. GO 199.30 104.. 58 7.00 30 X 60 ft.. . . . 997.00 239.17 1.SS.29 7.00 30 X 70 ft.. . ..l.L-^O.OO 279.00 172.04 7.00 30 X SO ft.. ...1.268.00 318.87 205.78 7.00 30 X HO ft.. . . .1.402.00 358.73 224.12 7.00 30 X 100 ft.. ...1,538.00 398.59 257.86 7.00 ■^ "'• "~ h^ *- '^Vl^ The Gambrel Bam 115 Aladdin Buffet i i i I I The Aladdin Craftsman Buffet is an original Aladdin design that has proven very popular with our home builders. In design it is possibly the most pleasing and serviceable of any offered to the home builder. Roomy and well arranged, it has four sets of shelves with a divided light glass door for each section. The lower section consists of five drawers for linen and silver. The two drawers at the bottom will please the housewife. Being especially large they provide an excellent space for tablecloths and other large pieces. The illustration here shows the Aladdin Buffet finish in ]\Iahogany and trimmed in White Enamel. It takes an enamel finish as readily as it does the stain finish. .\laddin Buffet, .size 4 ft 6 in. by 7 ft. high by 1 ft. 6 in. deep, net $41.25 Homecraft Kitchen Cabinets Tl lIII.S .\lMililiii •llniMcciaff kitrlicn caln- iiil is 7 11. liisli and .1 11. wiilc. has tlircc iliawcrs, a llniir bin and a iluscl in liiitloiii Sfctiim aiul twn larf;c glazed ilcjor.s ciivcriii); three sliclves in tup seitinn. Top wet ion Is TJ in. deep. Iiollnni scitiim 10 in. dri p. ("(irnpli'lc witli liardwarc, as sliciwn. Si'iit ii, till- wliiti' t>> III' tinislii'd t nrnnii with the iithcr wiMidwurk in llii' rijuni. No. 2-35— YoIIow IMne. Weiirht. .TJ.'i llis.$35.00 No. 2-36— Sidi-fled OaU. WidKht. :{.-.(» llis. 67.00 Li -XKCr; built in UitclnMi CaliiiU't. width over all IJ I'li'i. hidsht 7 feet; depth nl top section 12 in., of Imttoiu section Id 'inihes. The shelf spaee has two shelves as shown riMinin;; full width of (^abinet. Hottoin serlion is eipiipiM'd with .5 drawers, one riipboard .'md one larfie Hour bin. This Cabinet is built for eorner of a rooin Willi ciMi- end against the side wall. No. 2132-VeUow rine $41.00 No, 2-134 Oak 42.00 IIG EXACT WORDS OF OWNERS The complete address of any Aladdin owner listed here will te sent to anyone upon request. Massachusetts. I Lave found everything in all my dealins's with you just as represented and I also know for a fact that on the lumber bill alone I saved easily ^.100.00 All the lumber was there and had plenty of everything. I shall take great pleas- ure in showing my bungalow, the "Kur- bank" to others and feel ready to i-e(omniend you to all. GEO. S H.\RDY. Ohio. I am very thankful to say I am well nleased with ray house in every respect. \Ve are now comfortably fixed up with :ill modern conveniences and you can think of ns as a happy little family in a beautiful, little Aladdin bungalow. So many others rould be proud owners of -■Vladdin homes if they only knew what a good, honest firm you are to deal with. You surely have been loyal to me in every respect and if I ever build again I will prove to you I appreciate vour interest and kindliness. J. L. SANDERS. Indiana. We are glad to recommend you to others, as we are so well satisfied with our liou^e and all i)ur dealings witli you. \\'e have had so many to admire our little cottage the "Chester" and are very proud of it. All the material wa.s "No. 1." every piece fitted well and saved carpenters bills. ORUS J. WHITE. Ohio. We surely are pleased with our Maples Bungalow and cannot say enough to praise it. Everything fit fine and am iilcased to say I saved between .S(!(M).00 and ifTOO.OO in building bv the rcadi-cut method. FED WENT. Ohio. The material in my Winthrop was just as represented and 1 am well pleased with it in every way. I have considered neither time nor workman- ship on it and it has gone together per- fectly. The painter told me that he found the .ioints more perfect in this liousf" than any he has ever worked on aiile came to see it from a distance of een very beneficial to me, not only from a financial viewpoint, but from a practical side, as I have followed the mode of construction from founda tion up, and tried to find the weak points vvith the result that I can truly say that neither my carpenters or my- self can say toda.v that there are an.v. The entire transaction was completed in a pleasant businesslike way and I feel assured we are mutually benefited by same. Your method of dealing with a customer makes it impossible to be any- thing else tlian genuine boosters for Aladdin. T. .T. McDERMOTT. New York. Would say I am more than pleased with my Kentucky bungalow which is built on I^aurel Ave. It coincs up to all the requirements of my needs. A number of uiy friends won> ^ J AT/ 11 • , SHINGLES r ^r t JiU«in*=' Walls •• i' LATH AND PLASTER r- i • j \y/ 11 OR PLASTELR BOARD r or Inside WalLs SHINGLES OR IT or ROOFING ror Koor What Kind of a Foundation will you Use?. Color Paint or Stain for Side Walls. Color Porch Floor Inside Finish Trii ^''Vo: win find whole SI o/Ala-ddin Houses, whole subdivisions on which on.. Aiaddin "X atrrttly caned Aladdin Town, and Bay City people seen, very proud of it. A most interesting trip could be arranged visiting the Aladdin M.lls and mspect.ng the Aladdin Homes in Bay City. .^ ^^ ^^j, ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Anyone planning on commg to Bay City or vic.mty ea ^^^ alADDIN COMPANY, here. ORGANIZED 166 TkiE F^RST Xati4»xal. Raxk 'Cvrr.^naam. Dec 1, 1919 To Aladdin Cuatomore: Ve are pleaaed to testify to ouz oonfl- decca In the Aladdin Company, and to aaeuxe you that any oonfldonoe you extend then will be honorably treated. The men behind this organliatlon, who are perfectly reeponalble financially and other- wlee, are all pereonally known to ue, aa is their Integrity and upright bualneae policy. ThlB coirpany originated, perfected and eatabllahed the Readl-Cut eyatem of Construction, and la the pioneer ae well as the largest manufact- urer of housee that we know of . reeentat up to You may have full confidence that the rep- lone of thlB company will be fully lived Very truly youra, INDEX ¥^ Additions 104-105 Aladdin Cities 14 Built-in Fixtures 106-1 07-lOS Barns 114-115 Brentwood 29 Boulevard 30 Bnrbanlj 43-44 Carolina 45 Charleston 46-47 Colonial 72-73 Chester 94 Cadillac 96 Doors 101 Dept. of Service 66-67-84-85 Duplex Houses S2-S3 Duplex 82 Devon S3 Detroit 91-92 Dresden .... 95 Everette 15 Eleanor 36 Erie 61 Edison 97 Franliiin 25 Florence , 69 Fioley 81 Oarages 112-113 fieorpia 56-57 Gretna 65 Herford 58 59 Hudson 62-63 Introductory Pages 2-14 Industrial Housing 14 Interiors 60-6S-S8 Kentucky 38-39 Laniberton 50-51 INDEX OF Additions 104-105 Aladdin Cities 14 Aladdin Selling Principle.. 3 Aladdin System of Con- struction 3 Arches 106 Bams 114-115 Bathnjom Fixtures 84-85 Built-in Fixtures. . . . 106-107-108 Chimneys (see Masonry).. 9 Comparison with Steel Construction 6 Dept. of Service 66-67-84-85 Doors 101 Electric Light Fixtures. . .84-85 Foundation Plans (see Masonry) 9 Leota 54 Lock Sets 101 Merchandise 84-S5 Michigan 34-35 Maples 37 Merrill 53 Marsden 79-80 21 .19-20 31 .32-33 64 93 28 52 New Eden. Pasadena . Plaza Pomona . . . Princeton . Plymouth .. Raymond . Rodney ... Rochester 86-87 Roseland 89-90 Sheridan loO Summer Cottases 109-110 111 Stanhope 40-41-42 Sheffield 48-49 Selwyn 61 Sunshine 71 Strathmore 74-75 Shadow Lavsu 98-99 Standard 22-23 Thelma 55 Tucson 76 Two-ApartD»efflt Houses 82-83 Virginia 102-103 Venus 17-18 Villa 26-37 Warren 16 Willard 24 Winthrop 77-78 Yale 70 SUBJECTS Freight '. . . . 8 Furnaces 84-85 Furniture 84-85 Garages 112-113 Industrial Housing 14 Interiors 60-68-88 Interior Finish 9 Lath and Plaster 9 Lumber 7-8 Masonry 9 Materials Used 2 . Merchandise 84-85 'Reversing Floor Plans 2 Summer Cottages 109-110-111 Terms 2 W.iste 4-5-8