/ .«*? 0F /°* NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 110 ft .<; vV^I^ GOES DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM - USER PROGRAMS Washington, D.C August 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Environmental Satellite Service NOAA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS National Environmental Satellite Service Series The National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) is responsible for ation of NOAA's environmental satellite systems. the establishment and oper- NOAA Technical Memorandums facilitate rapid distribution of material that may be preliminary in nature and so may be published formally elsewhere at a later date. Publications 1 to 20 and 22 to 25 are in the earlier ESSA National Environmental Satellite Center Technical Memorandum (NESCTM) series. The current NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS series includes 21, 26, and subsequent issuances. Publications listed below are available (also in microfiche form) from the National Technical Informa- tion Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Sills Bldg. , 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Prices on request. Order by accession number (given in parentheses). Information on memorandums not listed below can be obtained from Environmental Data and Information Service (D822), 6009 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852. M. H. 1966-75. Lushine , Satellite NESS 66 A Summary of the Radiometric Technology Model of the Ocean Surface in the Microwave Region. John C. Alishouse, March 1975, 24 pp. (COM-75-10849/AS) NESS 67 Data Collection System Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite: Preliminary Report. Merle L. Nelson, March 1975, 48 pp. (COM-75-10679/AS) NESS 68 Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Classifications for 1974. Donald C. Gaby, Donald R. Cochran, James B. Lushine, Samuel C. Pearce, Arthur C. Pike, and Kenneth 0. Poteat, April 1975, 6 pp. (COM-75- 10676/AS) NESS 69 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, NESS-1974. April 1975, 7 pp. (C0M- 75-10850/AS) NESS 70 Dependence of VTPR Transmittance Profiles and Observed Radiances on Spectral Line Shape Parame- ters. Charles Braun, July 1975, 17 pp. (C0M-75-11234/AS) NESS 71 Nimbus-5 Sounder Data Processing System, Part II: Results. W. L. Smith, H. M. Woolf , C. Hayden, and W. C. Shen, July 1975, 102 pp. (COM-75-11334/AS) NESS 72 Radiation Budget Data From the Meteorological Satellites, ITOS 1 and NOAA 1. Donald Flanders and William L. Smith, August 1975, 20 pp. (PB-246-877/AS) NESS 73 Operational Processing of Solar Proton Monitor Data (Revision of NOAA TM NESS 49). Stanley R. Brown, September 1975, 15 pp. (COM-73-11647) NESS 74 Monthly Winter Snowline Variation in the Northern Hemisphere From Satellite Records, Donald R. Wiesnet and Michael Matson, November 1975, 21 pp. (PB-248-437/6ST) NESS 75 Atlantic Tropical and Subtropical Cyclone Classifications for 1975. D. C. Gaby, J. B. B. M. Mayfield, S. C. Pearce, and K.O. Poteat, March 1976, 14 pp. (PB-253-968/AS) NESS 76 The Use of the Radiosonde in Deriving Temperature Soundings From the Nimbus and NOAA Data. Christopher M. Hayden, April 1976, 19 pp. (PB-256-755/AS) NESS 77 Algorithm for Correcting the VHRR Imagery for Geometric Distortions Due to the Earth Curvature, Earth Rotation, and Spacecraft Roll Attitude Errors. Richard Legeckis and John Pritchard, April 1976, 31 pp. (PB-258-027/AS) NESS 78 Satellite Derived Sea-Surface Temperatures From NOAA Spacecraft. Robert L. Brower, Hilda S. Gohrband, William G. Pichel, T. L. Signore, and Charles C. Walton, June 1976, 74 pp. (PB-258-026/AS) NESS 79 Publications and Final Reports on Satellite Service, June 1976, 10 pp. NESS 80 Satellite Images of Lake Erie Ice: June 1976, 15 pp. (PB-258-458/AS) NESS 81 Estimation of Daily Precipitation Over China and the USSR Using Satellite Imagery. Follansbee, September 1976, 30 pp. (PB-261-970/AS) NESS 82 The GOES Data Collection System Platform Address Code. Wilfred E. Mazur, Jr., October 1976, 26 pp. (PB-261-968/AS) NESS 83 River Basin Snow Mapping at the National Environmental Satellite Service. Stanley R. Schneider, Donald R. Wiesnet, and Michael C. McMillan, November, 1976, 19 pp. (PB-263-816/AS) NESS 84 Winter Snow-Cover Maps of North America and Eurasia From Satellite Records, 1966-1976. Michael Matson, March 1977, 28 pp. (PB-267-393/AS) NESS 85 A Relationship Between Weakening of Tropical Cyclone Cloud Patterns and Lessening of Wind Speed. James B. Lushine, March 1977, 12 pp. (PB-267-392/AS) NESS 86 A Scheme for Estimating Convective Rainfall From Satelliue Imagery. Roderick A. Scofield and Vincent J. Oliver, April 1977, 47 pp. (PB-270-762/AS) Contracts and Grants, NESS-1975. National Environmental (PB-258-450/AS) January-March 1975. Michael C. McMillan and David Forsyth, Walton A. (Continued on inside back cover) 03 9 NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 110 GOES DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM - USER PROGRAMS Merle L. Nelson Washington, D.C August 1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Philip M. Khitznick, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Richard A. Frank, Administrator National Environmental Satellite Service David S. Johnson, Director IP Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/goesdatacollectiOOnels GOES Data Collection User Programs CONTENTS Page Abstract 1. The GOES Data Collection System 1 2. Use of Data 1 2.1. Availability of Data 1 2.2. NESS Policy 1 2. 3. Procedures 3 3. User Programs 3 References 4 Alberta (1) 5 Argentina (2) 8 Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada (3) 14 Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, Department of the Army (4) 16 Bonneville Power Administration (5) 18 Brookhaven National Laboratory (6) 21 Bureau of Land Management (7) 23 Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center (8) 25 Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region (9) 28 California (10) 37 Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd. (Canmar) (11) 41 Chile (12) 43 Corps of Engineers (13) 46 Dames & Moore (14) 50 Department of Natural Resources, Washington (15) 52 Environmental Protection Agency (16) 54 Environmental Research Laboratories, Prototype Regional Observing and Forecasting Service (PROFS) (17) 56 Environmental Research Laboratories, Research Facilities Center (RFC) (18) 58 Environmental Research Laboratories, Space Environmental Laboratories (SEL) (19) 60 ESSO Resources Canada Limited (20) 63 Forest Service (21) 65 Geological Survey (22) 70 Handar (23) 73 Inland Waters Directorate (24) 75 Louis C. Adamo, Inc. (25) 79 Michigan State University (26) 81 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) (27) 83 National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) (28) 86 National Ocean Survey (NOS) (29) 88 National Park Service (NPS) (30) 90 National Weather Service (NWS) (31) 92 in Page New Zealand Meteorological Service (32) 103 New Zealand Ministry of Works and Development (33) 105 NOAA (ASDAR) (34) 107 NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) (35) 110 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (36) 114 Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (37) 116 Petro-Canada Exploration, Inc. (38) 118 Quebec, Department of Natural Resources (39) 121 Raytheon Company (40) 123 Texas Instruments, Inc. (41) 125 TransCanada Pipelines (42) 127 University of California, Department of Geography (43) 129 University of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (44) 131 IV GOES Data Collection System User Programs ABSTRACT. The National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) began services with the GOES Data Collection System (DCS) in 1974. Since that time, several organizations have become participants in this system. As of February, 1980, 50 different users are associ- ated with the system. Some of these users may have terminated their DCS program, or are in the process of being accepted into the system. Collectively, the active users have over 1100 DCP's in the program. This report describes these users and their vari- ous applications of the data. 1. THE GOES DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM NESS operates the GOES DCS for the purpose of collecting a large variety of environmental data in the Western Hemisphere. The data are transmitted from platforms on Earth to one of two GOES satellites, which in turn relay the data back to Earth. Figure 1 shows a picture of the GOES satellite. NESS has two GOES satellites in operation, one at longitude 75° West, and the other at longitude 135° West. Figure 2 shows the Coverage on the Earth's surface for reliable communication to these satellites. The major elements of the system are: the GOES DCS Control Center in the World Weather Building (WWB) near Washington, D.C., the NESS transmit and receive station at Wallops Island, Va. , the GOES satellites, and the Data Collection Platforms (DCP's). A detailed description of these elements can be found in "Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite/Data Collection System." 1/ NESS operates the satellites, GOES DCS Control Center, and the Command and Data Acquisition Station (CDA) at Wallops Island. The users of the system operate the DCP's and are responsible for retrieving the data. 2. USE OF DATA 2.1. Availability of Data GOES DCS data that are transmitted through the GOES satellites may be obtained from the GOES DCS Control Center, read directly from the satellite or from the users. If the data are to be acquired from the GOES DCS Control Center, a Copy of the User Interface Manual 2/ should be obtained. This manual is a technical document that describes the interface for obtaining DCS data from the World Weather Building. The report, "Some Considerations in the Design and Installation of a Receiving System to Receive DCS Data DireCtly from the SMS/GOES Family of Satellites," which can be found as Appendix D in reference 1 is helpful to users for establishing a satellite receiving station. 2.2. NESS Policy The GOES DCS program was developed to meet NOAA requirements. In the interest of efficiency, non-NOAA parties are invited to participate in the program. Figure 1. — GOES satellite Figure 2. — GOES communication coverage 2 In fact, most users of the system are outside of NOAA. This approach is possible as long as NOAA has an interest in the collected data. In view of this background, it is clear that NOAA users have priority use of all collected data. Any NOAA user interested in certain collected data shall be accommodated. Non-NOAA organizations, who may or may not be par- ticipants of the GOES DCS program, may also express an interest in obtaining Certain collected data. These organizations should expect to be accommodated; however, NOAA organizations will have preference to the system in the event that contention for data should arise. Considering the sizing of the computer system and the design features of the software, it is expected that legitimate requests for data can be accommodated. 2.3. Procedures NOAA organizations may request to obtain GOES DCS data by writing to NESS. The contact at NESS is: National Environmental Satellite Service Chief, Data Collection & Direct Broadcast Branch World Weather Building Mail Stop G Washington, D.C. 20233 Non-NOAA organizations should contact the particular user who is the collector of the data of interest. If the primary user finds the request acceptable, they should notify NESS so that their data can be made available to the other party. 3. USER PROGRAMS The general purpose of this publication is to provide information on the applications now found in the GOES DCS program. Hopefully, this effort will stimulate potentially interested organizations to consider using the data now available in this program. This type of response will serve to increase the usefulness of the system by bringing together a larger number of people for using the same data. Much of the information on the various applications were provided to me from several users upon my solicitation. Unfortunately, some time has elapsed between my reception of the information and the publication of this report. Although I tried to update data as much as possible, readers are cautioned not to rely solely on this report. If there is an interest in a program, the particular user should be contacted for verification of the information. Information is provided on 44 different applications of the GOES DCS. Each description is presented succinctly and yet as complete as possible. In order to facilitate finding particular information, the same format was used throughout. This format is given below for the convenience of the reader. X. NAME X. 1. Identification of the User X. 1.1. Name and Address X. 1.2. Contact X. 1.3. Type of Organization X. 1.4. Funding Organization X. 2. General Program Description X. 3. Features of the Program X. 3.1. Type of Program X. 3.2. Start of Program X. 3.3. Type of Data Collected X. 3.4. Parameters Measured X.3.5. Data Retrieval X. 4. Data Collection Platform Information X. 4.1. Number and Type X. 4.2. Special Operating Features X.4.3. Location of DCPs X. 5. Future Plans X. 6. Bibliography REFERENCES 1. Office of System Engineering, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite/Data Collection System, NOAA Technical Report NESS 78 , Washington, D.C., July 1979. 80 pp. 2. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA/NESS, GOES Data Colleciton System, User Interface Manual, Technical document, Washington, D.C., July 19, 1978. 69 pp. 3. Nagle, John J. , Some Considerations in the Design and Installation of a Receiving System to Receive DCS Data Directly from the SMS/GOES Family of Satellites, Technical document, Office of System Engineering, NESS/NOAA, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1978. 24 pp. Acknowledgment My appreciation is extended to those users who supplied me with information for this report. It is largely due to their cooperation that this report is possible. A special thanks is owed to Mr. Jack Ellis, Chief, Editorial Branch, Environmental Science Information Center, for editing and assisting in arrange- ment for the report. In addition, I am indebted to his staff who did the typing of the final draft and all of the final version. 1. ALBERTA 1.1. Identification of the User 1.1.1. Name and Address Alberta Environment Environmental Engineering Support Services Oxbridge Place 9820 106 Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2J6 1.1.2. Contact Mr. David R. Graham (same address as above) 1.1.3. Type of Organization Provincal Government in Canada 1.1.4. Funding Organization Province of Alberta 1.2. General Program Description The Alberta River Forecast Centre is responsible for the forecasting of runoff for the purposes of water management, flood forecasting, and reservoir regulation. It is to these ends in which we are developing a real time hydrometeorological network. The Alberta River Forecast Centre co-operates with several other agencies both in Canada and the United States. Some of the agencies whom we exchange data with are as follows: British Columba Ministry of Environment, Canadian Atmospheric Environment Services, United States National Weather Services, United States Conservation Services, Parks Canada, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment as well as many other agencies and com- panies within Alberta. The main purpose of this data is for real time flow forecasting. Because it will be collected in areas where little climatic data is currently avail- able it will also be very useful to many other people both historically and in real time. All data collected will be published and available to all users. Currently all hydrometric snow pack and precipitation data will be recorded in the field as well as telemetered. The only record of wind run, wind direction, humidity, and temperature will be that obtained through GOES. Therefore the data are extremely important during heavy rain situations. 1.3. Features of the Program 1.3.1. Type of Program Operational 1.3.2. Start of Program Fall, 1979 1.3.3. Type of Data Collected Hydrology Meteorology 1.3.4. Parameters Measured Wind Speed Temperature Wind Direction Precipitation Humidity River Level 1.3.5. Data Retrieval Initially the collected data will be obtained by 110 baud dial-up circuits. As the volume of data increases, we will provide for 300 and/or 1200 baud circuits. 1.4. Data Collection Platform Information 1.4.1. Number and Type We are proposing to install GOES DCP's in the South Saskatchewan River Basin over the next 5 years. One DCP will be located in the Paddle River Basin. It is also expected that approximately 10 additional DCP's will be required in the Red Deer River Basin during the next 2 to 3 years but no firm plan has been proposed yet. De- pending on the success of this project it is hoped that the network might be expanded to other areas of Alberta within the next 10 years. In summary we are proposing to install 29 GOES DCP's over the next 5 years with the possibility of expanding and/or accelerating this project. All platforms will be of the self-timed type. The proposed time scale for installation is as follows: 1979 - 4 DCP's, 1980 - 7 DCP's, 1981 - 6 DCP's, 1982 - 6 DCP's, 1983 - 6 DCP's 1.4.2. Speciax Operation Functions None 1.4.3. Location of DCP's All presently proposed platforms will be located in the South- western half of the province of Alberta. The following is a list of stations and where they will be located: STATION NAME LOCATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE PROPOSED YEAR OF INSTALLATION OF TELEMETRY Paddle Head Waters 54° 02' 115° 30' 1979 Bovin Lake 49 12 114 05 1979 Little Elbow Summit 50 44 114 59 1979 Burnt Timber Creek 51 39 115 01 1979 Akamina Pass 49 02 114 03 1980 Forget-Me-Not Mtn. 50 45 114 43 1980 Sheep Ranger Station 50 39 114 39 1980 Chief Mountain 48 47 113 36 1980 West Castle 49 17 114 23 1980 Sunshine 51 27 115 45 1980 Cuthead Lake 51 27 115 45 1980 Allison Pass 49 45 114 34 1981 Vicary Creek 49 47 114 28 1981 Bertha Lake 49 02 113 57 1981 Mist Creek 59 32 114 52 1981 Prairie Creek 50 51 114 55 1981 Shoki 51 32 116 01 1981 North Kootenay Pass 49 24 114 34 1982 Red Rock 49 08 113 38 1982 Burns Creek 50 37 114 53 1982 Cox Hill 50 59 114 56 1982 Mud Lake 50 47 115 20 1982 Divide Creek 51 40 115 52 1982 Cyclamen Ridge 50 01 114 35 1983 Chaffen Creek 50 04 114 15 1983 Lost Creek 50 12 114 41 1983 Evans Thomas 50 47 115 04 1983 Ghost Diversion 51 17 115 08 1983 Limestone Ridge 51 54 115 26 1983 1.5. Future Plans The plan for upgrading the existing data collection network in the head- quarters of the South Saskachewan River is a five year program. 1.6. Bibliography Hydrometeorologic Network Proposal for the Headwaters of the South Saskat- chewan River, D.R. Graham, W. Kuhuke, Alberta River Forecast Center, Novem- ber, 1975. 2. ARGENTINA 2.1. Identification of the User 2.1.1. Name and Address. National Comission on Space Research (CNIE) Avda. Comodoro Pedro Zanni 250 Capital Federal Republica Argentina 2. 1. 2. Contact. Juan Carlos Saez San Miguel Space Center Technical — Scientific Department 2.1.3. Type of Organization. Government (Air Force) 2.1.4. Funding Organization. National Comission on Space Research 2.2. General Program Description The CNIE plans for several stages of development for this advance technology in Argentina. First Stage ; Background and Feasibility Study of the Project. Enthusiasm for this project comes from the expansion of data collection networks in the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia and some experiments in Latin America. The large area of Argentina makes it difficult to implement conventional observation networks because of the high operational costs, the need for qualified personnel in areas which do not offer reasonable living conditions, the lack of adequate communications, and the inaccessibility of certain regions. These elements demand the search for new technology. Second Stage : Preparation and Development of Demonstration in Argentina. CNIE coordinated a demonstration with federal agencies operating the GOES and Landsat DCS. This demonstration took place in November, 1977 at Villa Ortuzar Province of Buenos Aires. Data from the Landsat receiving station in Chile and from the GOES Control Center at NOAA/NESS were received via telex thus showing the feasibility of the systems. Third Stage : Implementation of an Experimental Pilot Network in Argentina. After the demonstration, authorization was obtained to operate DCPs on an experimental basis during 1978. The DCPs were located in areas with severe climatological conditions and proximity to conventional DCS stations. Since 1978, DCPs have been operating at Chapelco, Mascardi Lake and Limay River. 2.3. Features of the Program 2.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 2.3.2. Start of Program June, 1978 2.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology Hydrology 2.3.4. Parameters Measured River Level Air Humidity Air Pressure Rainfall Wind Direction Air Temperature Wind Speed 2.3.5. Data Retrieval NESS forwards the data to the National Weather Service (NWS). The NWS places the data on the Global Telecommunications System which has a link to Buenos Aires. 2.4. Data Collection Platform Information 2.4.1. Number and Type CNIE has four self-timed DCP's. 2.4.2. Special Operating Features None 2.4.3. Locations of DCP's w 2 CJ 2 hJ t— l < H > oS OS o w cu H w 2 OS H O 2 H H OS O W 0-, g CjJ M H J H P£i < w Q H Cl, 2 O H w to o PM os E> PM CO OS o co 2 W CO 2 O H <3 H 00 O PM H CO w OS Q O CO e •H s o 1-3 o OS o w H U s w OS w w H OS M CO 13 2 CO «- •« £2 w ro O o Q — I CM H 2 ^ •^ o o H H s O O — i 2 CO (V CO 2 h!-* ^ W w 3 o W P CO *gj J o CL| • • O" O en a ^ * pa g w M CJ H OS • 1 <} CJ fcPQ Z hJ h w <: CO i-J cj vD u 3 O en ON -3- OS o >- o o o OS o w H s OS 2 O h-i CJ Q w w OS w H Cm Q CO e q 2 2 H M W OS => hJ CO w CO > w w OS J PM os . < o2 M OS w o OS <; cj CO 3 CO - - o os O o O . -> as w > OS > M OS CO - CM CM >-l CO S ° o I— ( O r-~ J CJ >-i O 2 H O 3 M CM O U^H H 2 H CO LtJ CO W5 W CO O" CO 050 iJ W hJ CJ 2 CJ s o OS H Q S W O I— I ■< Pm c o • •H c 4-> o cfl • •H r-t C 4-J r-l O cC CO -H rH 4J 4-) >-l 03 CO CO C H •U M r-( CD CO C 4J M • • CO W w c • a fe6 H H ^J ►J ^ M M O M Q Q CJ »J OS os j o o cu 'CD T3 CD c_> > o S- Q. 03 co UJ < O- O i — i C/") co cu T3 'CD E O s- >5 < - I— r- CO CD -o to CD O •r- > S_ CD CO cu •U 01 E CO eg *m;oA "V NWWNW ^^^"V^ , VW > v'%. > v%.' , v^>."S. > v > ^ , S. aa^unoo §UT 3t[§Tl \ cpdap mous %. (uoT^oaaxp) pUTM "V "V ^> \ (A^TDOJ 9A) puxM "S. ^ "V *-> uoT^B^Tdxoaaj ^> ^ ^ ^ %. ^^ M-i A^TpxuinH "V "V >* ajn^Basduiaj, ^ "V ^v "V %. %. J3A9]; aS^EW "V^^^^^^^^^v^^^^ ^^^^"V^^^^^^v^v CD _ to LOOt— LO «vf 00 ■— O ■ — in-vt-OM^coNLnot^ocO'vfOooo "O ' LO i — CM r — i — CM LO LO CO c <* tn ro^j-ni — nromo<*innc\i<*roi — 3 "O s- o o CO CT> ■ — CO LO CO 00 CM LO O CT> O 00 ■ — cnr^oooLoooLocvjcrioOi — en +■> z: r ~ ■^n^tirii — lo^-ojocvJi — lolo LOO^-LOCOi— OCOOLO«^-i — CO to- 9~ oo oooooo o o o o o ooooooooooooo _l 00 ooooooa^c»cocor^LOuDi^cx;LOCCcoLOLOi^ooo^a^cr>oco ^J-COLO^^^f^-"^^ <^-^-«^"«=i-^-^j-LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOtOLO CD -o- ro OONCDVDCMWN rocD^j-oin LOI^i — WCDNOCOOOOCC00 3 +-> «=t i — CM i — «^!" CO ^" LO CO ■ — loloolo<3-i — locmi — oooooocmcooooolo 4-> •1— to CD coooi — ai>vi-c\jcxic\JCTi LO CO O 0O i — COO^J-LO^-CO«3-! — LO^-CMCTi^j-i — o in ■sj- ^f- cm ro >* COCLOC\JCOOi — i — i — LO"vJ-COC\J o * — o o ooooooo o o o o o ooooooooooooo _l ^~ i — O CM CM CO CM CM i — UlNCON'* ■ — LD^t 00 CO. — i — ■ — CTii — i — CNJO r-^ r~- i — - r~- r^- i — . i — ~ r — i — . r^ r-^ r-. r~- to NC£COCDU3NNNlDNNNN o — - 4-> CD 3 +J r— C +-> 03 03 03 O •i- CD 4-> > E C > to E 3 to C 3 CD CD CD _J 3 •!- 3'i- S- O •i — << IO CD O 03 r— -o u O C O -Q 'CD JZ Q. >>~— O N JO CD O i — S- d) X -r- r t- D. U 3 -i- J= 03 to /CD •!— "O 4-> 03 CD to +-> C IO to -I- i — S- C t- C 'CD 3 E o S-033t03t0CDCD CD C 03 +-> 3 to CD CD Q-'i— 'CD 'CD 03 Q-T3 »r- i — CD O UJ lO 3 O A O lO-PH C t- C CD O CD CD CD 03 O-S: O- S- 03 3 i — i — 4- •?r coe+ j E+- , ->-o3 •i- O 03 C E -CS-S-.T-E Ot-03CDCD X CCIOWHJW4J+J +-> E CD 03 S- OOOC03XO CCEQ-X 3 O 03 JZ -i— SZ •!— CD CD 03 3 03 S- 03 3CDCD03S3O30303S-03CD3 «=c cqsuzosq-s: C_D Q s: O Q QOOOW< JJU i — u_ CTi^-ctr — U_C\JU_ea:r^CTiC\JC_3i — E -^ 00QUJUJU_U_OOi— i — CO CM CO CO ^j-LOLOtovor-»-.c\i^-LOLOtotor-» 3 C CD LO IXJCDCOCDUDCDCOW tO tO LO CD tO tototctototo^j-"^-«*"^-«*^-^i- Z (DT LO LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO LO LO LO LO LO LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO •i — ^1- "vt->^-<^-^l->vl->=d-«^--^-^-<*^l-^-'vJ- ^-«^-«^-^-^-^J-^l-<^-«^-^-<^-^-"* "O . 67 21.3. Features of the Program 21.3.1. Type of Program Operational 21.3.2. Start of Program October, 1978, represented the completion of the experimental and field evaluation program and the start of the operational phase. The Forest Service started using the GOES DCS on an experimental basis in 1976. The start of the operational field evaluation phase was June 1, 1978. 21.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology 21.3.4. Parameters Measured Rainfall Fuel Temperature Wind Speed Relative Humidity Wind Direction Battery Voltage Air Temperature Barometric Pressure (optional) 21.3.5. Data Retrieval The Collected data are retrieved by use of the 300 baud dial-in terminals. 21.4. Data Collection Platform Information 21.4.1. Number and Type The Forest Service has ten operational DCP's in the RAWS system, two non-operational DCP's on loan from USGS, and one operational DCP used for hydrological measurements. All are self-timed. 21.4.2. Special Operating Features None 21.4.3. Location of DCP's Honolulu, HI Plains, MT Hill City, MN Tallahassee, FL London, NH Catskill, NY New Philadelphia, OH Quenado, NM Santa Fe, NM Bend, OR Riverside, CA (2, non-operational) Petersburg, AK (hydrological) 68 21.5. Future Plans Future plans for the Forest Service Include procuring, locating, and operating additional RAWS nationwide as determined by the needs within the various Forest Service regions. The rate of activation and eventual quantities are unknown. This will depend upon the need, acceptance, and budgets of the Regional users. The regions are now being advised of the availability and capabilities of the RAWS. Quantities above 500 have been predicted for eventual dispersion. 69 22. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 22. 1. Identification of the User 22.1.1. Name and Address U.S. Geological Survey 460 National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, Virginia 22092 22.1.2. Contact Mr. William G. Shope (Same address as above) (703)860-6014 FTS 928-6014 22.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government 22.1.4. Funding Organization U.S. Geological Survey 22.2. General Program Description The Water Resources Division (WRD) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been utilizing the NOAA/NESS GOES DCS since approximately June 1976 to evaluate satellite communications for the telemetry of hydrologic data. The WRD is currently operating approximately 110 data collection plat- forms (DCP) in 20 States throughout the United States, including Alaska. Data telemetry equipment, antenna, DCP's, sensors, and power systems are cur- rently installed and operated by USGS field personnel. All facilities con- cerned with retrieval of data from NESS, including subsequent processing, are also operated by USGS personnel. In addition to the collection of data via satellite, the WRD is also evaluating the procedures and performance of the GOES System. Following an evaluation of GOES, plus other DCS alternatives, a decision will be made as to the approach for implementing a fully operational system that will involve several thousand real-time hydrologic data Collection sites. Data are normally transmitted to the GOES satellites at 3-hour intervals from automated remote hydrologic data Collection sites. These data are retrieved at 6-hour intervals by the USGS NOVA 840 minicomputer from the NESS <. ->mputers located in the World Weather Building, Suitland, Maryland. The fi :quency of data retrieval from NESS will be increased to hourly cycles in the very near future. Data retrieved by the USGS minicom- puter are immediately entered into the USGS WATSTORE (National Water Data Storage and Retrieval System) data base located in the Reston, Virginia, 70 based IBM 370/155 computers. The USGS field personnel utilize the WATSTORE System to evaluate performance of remote instrumentation and data telemetry equipment and to process the raw data for eventual publication. 22.3. Features of the Program 22.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 22.3.2. Start of Program June, 1976 22.3.3. Type of Data Collected Hydrology 22.3.4. Parameters Measured River Level Conductivity Wind Direction pH Rainfall Dissolved Oxygen Snow Cover Reservoir Level Air Temperature Seismic Data Water Temperature 22.3.5. Data Retrieval Data are used to evaluate the performance of the data collection network, including performance of the telemetry equipment and sensors. Data are also used, following Conversion to engineering units, to produce summaries which are then published in State reports or made available through WATSTORE to the water user community. Some WRD users access the NESS directly using a tele-type compatible terminal. Most WRD users obtain the data following entry into the USGS WATSTORE computer system. 22.4. Data Collection Platform Information 22.4.1. Number and Type Approximately 250 LaBarge self-timed platforms are now in the inventory of the USGS. The number of active platforms on a daily basis varies between 90 and 110. 22.4.2. Special Operating Features DCP's contain a microprocessor, a memory, a clock, and a radio transmitter. The microprocessor controls the operation of the sensors and also the transmission of data. Data are obtained by the DCP from the sensors and stored in a buffered memory. The type of memory is circular allowing redundant messages to be stored and transmitted. This feature 71 of the self-timed platforms allows for error correction in the case of missing transmissions. 22.4.3. Location of DCP's The following table shows the assigned time, transmission interval, NESS DCP ID, USGS station ID, station name, latitude/longitude, status (A- aCtive, D-deactivated), operating agency, funding organization, and the State location. ORIGINAL TABLES WILL BE INSERTED HERE. 22.5. Future Plans The WRD is currently working on a procurement activity that would allow for contractor support of satellite data relay activities. This con- tract will establish a hydrologic data service involving acquisition, col- lection, screening, and data dissemination. The contractor will be respon- sible for the sensors and all components of the system including the DCP, satellite links, Earth receiving sites, computer processing, formatting, identification, and data delivery to the USGS computer banks. As presently anticipated, the WRD will not specify the type of extra terrestrial communi- cation link to be used. The types of methods under consideration include GOES, commerical satellites, or meteor burst. 72 23. HANDAR 23. 1. Identification of the User 23.1.1. Name and Address Handar Company 3327 Kifer Road Santa Clara, California 95051 23.1.2. Contact Mr. Henry Fallek (Same address as above) (408)735-9544 23.1.3. Type of Organization Private Company 23.1.4. Funding Organization Handar Company 23.2. General Program Description The Handar Company is a NESS certified manufacturer of GOES Data Collection Platforms. They are also engaged in the development and production of new sensor interfaces, antennas, and receiver test sets for use with the GOES satellite system. This activity requires transmissions via the GOES DCS to support tests that are conducted within the laboratory and in the field. 23.3. Features of the Program 23.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 23.3.2. Start of Program July, 1978 23.3.3. Type of Data Collected Test data 23.3.4. Parameters Measured Test data 73 23.3.5. Data Retrieval The test data are retrieved by use of the dial-in capability of the GOES DCS Control Center. 23.4. Data Collection Platform Information 23.4.1. Number and Type One self-time unit for test purposes. 23.4.2. Special Operating Features The Handar DCP's do have some unique operating features. Inquiries on these features should be made to the Company. 23.4.3. Location of DCP's Santa Clara, California 23.5. Future Plans DCP and related equipment will stay in production. Improvements will continue to be sought to meet new user requirements. 74 24. INLAND WATERS DIRECTORATE 24.1. Identification of the User 24.1.1. Name and Address Environmental Management Service Department of Fisheries and Environment Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E7 24.1.2. Contact For policy decisions: P. I. Campbell, Chief Applied Hydrology Division (819)997-1472 Telex 053-3799 For operational information: I. A. Reid, Engineer Applied Hydrology Division (Same address as above) (819)997-1934 Telex 053-3799 24.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government 24.1.4. Funding Organization Department of Fisheries and Environment 24.2. General Program Description The Environmental Management Service (EMS) provides support and leadership for the conservation, management and continued productivity of Canada's forests, inland waters, wildlife and lands. The service also takes part in environmental assessments which are concerned with the protection of the quantity of the environment. In an effort to monitor the occurrence, quantity, quality, distribution, utilization, and flow of water, this Service has deployed data collection platforms (DCP's) at widely located remote locations in Canada. The numbers of DCP's will increase with the growing need for real time data and industry's ability to competitively manufacture DCP's and related sensors. 75 24.3. Features of the Program 24.3.1. Type of Program Operational 24.3.2. Start of Program 1976 24.3.3. Type of Data Collected Hydrology Meteorology 24.3.4. Parameters Measured Water Level Temperature (air and water) Water Velocity Precipitation Dissolved Oxygen Chloride Concentrations 24.3.5. Data Retrieval pH Conductance Snow Water Content (snow pillow) Relative Humidity Lightning Strikes The Applied Hydrology Division operates a passive receiving station (LANDSAT and GOES) at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Data are available in engineering units by dial-up on Telex, and 110,300 baud teletype. 24.4. Data Collection Platform Information 24.4.1. Number and Type LANDSAT /GOES GOES GOES/ARGOS Self-timed 33 2 5 on order 24.4.2. Special Operating Features None 76 • r-H O m -vf r-» oo vO CM en o oo m ^£> 60 O CO en ^ OA O CM CM n n r>> O <-H o m v£> o CM vjO rH 00 m CM H <-£> o 4-1 cn •—< H CO H m \D m - v£> ■ 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4-1 CO 00 00 N 00 N ^o m m 00 N vO m oo cri 3 r-~ r>- r~x r^ r-^ r^ r^ r-» r—~ r-~ r~~ r-^ r^ Q M o> o> 0"\ CT» <3\ o> cx* CT\ O^i o^ m comw oo o o •— I ^ o I I I I I r^. ^h r^ -i S S Z Z SZ 2 4-1 cd co x) 3 co W 4-) cd co X) CO c w 3 3 o 4J cd co CO T3 W 3 O cd 4-1 cd CO X) 3 cd W XI XI 3 33 cd co 'O CO CO CO CO CO " O O " , Q O O O O o co co CO WWW o o o o o o CD cd w CD co ^ r-{ rH CD w -^ X ^ r-i CD ^ CD CD cd u CO XI V-i U CD o •H CD CD cd w 3 O CJ o u CO cd CD rH 1-4 u CD o •rH X 3 CD cd CD rH cd y-i CD V-i CD PQ >H X <-i > 3 •-{ •H -Q 00 CO <-i Vj CD XJ ^i o cd CO X VJ o X 3 cd C Vj X CD rJ3 •H CD CD CD CD 3 co CD PQ cd •rH CD •rH O cd •H e > XI CD CO M-l V cd CD 3 co CD CD 00 y 3 CO CD CD y •>-t O cd 14 •rH O •rH 3 o 4-> O 3 rH y M V-l •H 60 3 4J y co H Vj 6 u E > CD •H u ^ 3 CO •rH cd 3 •rH > •rH CD 3 •H .— 1 CM CD 4-) X Vj X > cd 3 CD 3 > W O > V-l CD 3 CO CO 4-1 > 4-J 4-> E 4-) CD 4-1 CD O Vj X cd 1 <-t O X u XI CD r-{ CD CD •rH Vj c 4-1 cn 3 V-i rH 3 CO x: cd CD CD u X •H 4-1 CD CD 3 CD co r-H 3 X r-H 4-J CD CD u Vj CD 5-( < 4-) O 4-J H CO r-A a cd 4H 3 CO 5-4 cd > •H w CO co CO 60 CO 3 O H X 3 S3 1 3 00 Vj •H CD cd O cd V-i o 1 > Vj CD y 3 X s « W a o O 3 | 3 CD -C o 3 S 1 o PQ X a) CD 3 V-i •H r-l 1 •H CO o >. cd 3 CD cd S O W 3 CO •H Vj X cd >^ V-i 4-1 CD cd 60 Vj *■ •H 5 u Vj Cm o 4-> X 3 M cd o > CD CD co 4-> V-l 14-1 3 1— 1 rH O rC co PQ PM 4-1 O cd cd rH cd 4-1 cd 0) CD 3 CD -3 3 Vj 4H X 3 CU cd V-I cd B O D O CO <-{ y 3 u cd T-i CD oo 3 CD 4-1 x: X cd > o CD 3 4H cd > CD 00 33 co y O V-i cd 3 o 4-1 CD c i-H o X Vh Vj 4-1 4-1 4-1 O 4-) •H co rH 4-1 o V-i > t-H V-i Vj •H V-i cd 4H O C/3 XI cd I-l CD cd O Vj 4-J X cd 4-J V-i 4J -Q CD •H cd 4-J CD cd c O CD 4H rH 14-1 Vj u CD J-i > CD Vj CD o cd cd 1 4H cd o cd > Pi u cd E 4H CD CD CO O CD o Vj CD X CD •H c CO cd > u 4J cd CD •H W 03 3 V-i 4H CU X CD > cn > psS CD CD •H cn Vh CD 3 cn 3 co V4 Pi •rH co 5-j :o CD pi co X X X X X X c > •H CD ^ Si Vi u 3 Pi CD CD > CD CD -^ CD CD c CD CD 4-J V-i V-i 4-J g 0) Vj CD CD CU 0) CU CD o •rH c2 u a) CO CD o u > •H E u CD 5-i u > CD 3 V-i > cd CD CD y CD Vj CD > > > > > > •H c*i O CD •rH > 4-1 Vj X o •H Pi 3 o CD CD o •H C cd O •H > > CD 00 U O > •rH •rJ •H •H •H •rH 4-1 CD 4-1 V4 ex o •H CO CD O 4-J Pi V-i 4-1 U > 4-' pi •H X 4H Pi V-i •H •rH ^ 3 •rH 4-J •rH CU y CU CU CU CU cd Vj •H CO u E c M > 4-1 CO U 4-J CO CJ> •H CO o cd CO CD Pi Pi w •H w CO Pi y y y y y y t> CD N cd cd •H cd CD O CO Pi >. X z 4= > rH CU CD CU CU CU CD o CD c C >^ O u CD c Pi rH 3 XI oO 3 3 CD c u •rH 3 CO •H CO CO CO -O 4-1 c CD Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi hJ Q CD M CD •H w O r-H 4J t-i y CD M r-H rH 3 r-H 3 3 -c rH •rH Pi •H •H CD E CO r-H 60 ^ c 4-1 •H 4-J cd c V-i •i-l cd X •H 4H r-i V-i Vj E CD CD XJ 4-1 j-j 4H 4_) 4-J 4_) X) O V4 CD • rH o X cd o 4H o 3 CO 3 OOXI 3 3 V-i CO Vj •rH co CO CO co CO co • ^ cd cd X 4-> rH o cd r-i o cd rH A CO O 3 CD O O CD CO O Vj 3 3 3 3 3 3 • • orf S u CJ> CO W Pi a P3 S PQ CO <-i -} >o "1 ^> 1—1 CM cn r^ OO crs o r-l CM cn t n r- i m m o ooooooooo CiCTicTiC^vOl^vO^CTs CM o NfnHHfnHHHNfO-JNO-* oooooooooooooo inmooiAiniomin^'nifivOinio OO0O0O0O0OOO0O i— i co oo o> m m>jvt mo o o o o o m in 1/1 m n OCOON(NinN^vOO (SHHfn-*cn>j-jOO0\IN -tf v£> O CO 00 m P>» CM w w r^ O cj CO CM MO O MO r^ MO m co o in CM o co CO o MD CM o O oo 00 CTi MO w Q O Q CJ Q O Q o a CJ Q c> CJ o cj CJ CJ CJ m m in in m m m m m m m in m m m m m m co oo cj CJ cj c_> . m m m in m m w CJ < H02i-J(i ) Ooco M M M H H < h pi cj pl, > o M Pi o cj re cm Pm h Pm CJ P 4 MM M O CO o o c ^ « o CJ CJ o w ^> ^ 0S M 4-> O 3 N #» o o cj s § Pxj CJ CJ § ts *g •H M CO rH o < 2 (fl ■"-! 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CO •J3* •> • ,£ cj -O • Pi PS O C c PS CO O • 4-1 PS CO o S 5 J CD PS PS o N 4-» X HX^ 4J 4-1 4-1 O H ftE CD 0) 0> CJ OJ 0J CO CO 00 co Mm H 00 co *o 0) O 4-1 CO CO i-l 3 O ^ CO > PQ PQ PQ X H ■o x .3 0) CM X O U 4-» CO oj s o o »-> u X E-i 00 c •H CO CO o »-l CO OJ B m r-i CO CO •o o t> >> fi B H 3 CO P -i Ph X H «X co H ^ co CM a* CO ^ S 4-1 CO 4= N 00 < CO tH S CO CO fa p CO Vh i-l CO e m j-{ CO CO PQ $u 2: CO o o- B Q. CO 3 95 31. 1.5. Future Plans It is expected that DCP's will be added in the future 96 31.2. TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM (TWS) 31.2.1. Identification of the User Name and Address National Weather Service 8060 13th Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Contact Mr. Mark Spaeth, W161 (same address as above) Type of Organization Federal Government Funding Organization NWS 31.2.2. General Program Description The Tsunami Warning System (TWS) has operational DCP's that can provide tide and seismic data to the TWS on demand. 31.2.3. Features of the Program Type of Program Operational Start of Program Fall, 1974 Type of Data Collected Seismology Tide Parameters Measured Seismic Tidal 97 Data Retrieval The collected data are forwarded from NESS to the NMC on a dedicated circuit. 31. 2. A. Data Collection Platform Information Number and Type The TWS presently has three operating platforms. Two units collect tide data and the third measures seismic activity. All units are the interrogation type. Special Operating Features None Location of DCP's The tide DCP's are located at San Diego, CA, (32°43'N, 117°10 f W) and Wake Island (19°17'N, 166°37'E). The seismic unit is located at the Albuquerque SeismologiCal Center (34°57'N, 106°27'W). 31.2.5. Future Plans The TWS is in the process of building and deploying four or five more tide DCP's, all slated for installation in South America. Approval from the host countries is presently being sought. 98 31.3. RAMOS/S 31.3.1. Identification of the User Name and Address National Weather Service 8060 13th Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Contact Mr. Larry Murphy, W521X1 (same address as above) Type of Organization Federal Government Funding Organization NWS 31.3.2. General Program Description The National Weather Service, as part of its Surface Weather Observing Program, operates a network of 100 automatic weather stations. Among these automatic systems are 48 Remote Automatic Meteorological Observing Systems (RAMOS). 31.3.3. Features of the Program Type of Program Operational Start of Program Fall, 1975 Type of Data Collected Meteorology Parameters Measured Temperature Pressure Dewpoint Peak Wind Wind Speed Precipitation Wind Direction 99 Data Retrieval The data are relayed from NESS to NMC. There the reports are reformatted into the standard Aviation Code and relayed to the Federal Aviation Administration's Weather Message Switching Center in Kansas City. The reports are transmitted on the Service A telecommunications circuit. 31.3.4. Data Collection Platform Information Number and Type There are 17 RAMOS stations that transmit their reports via GOES. All of these units are the interrogation type. Special Operating Features None Location of DCP's SITE Mount Desert Rock, ME Frying Pan Shoals, NC Clayton Lake, ME Clines Corners, NM Salt Point, LA Tenneco Oil Platform, LA Lukeville, AZ Rome, OR Point Retreat, AK Eldred Rock, AK Andreafski, AK Anakturak, AK Nikolski, AK Cape Spencer, AK Cape Decision, AK Shungnak, AK French Frigate Shoals, HI PLATFORM ADDRESS 15D0A3AC 15D4F6EA 15D57204 15CEA05A 15DOC64A 15CFA2A0 15CF24B4 15D025B8 15CE86B6 15CF4152 15CF844C 15CFB1D6 15D01022 15D50494 15D56172 15D591F6 15D58208 LATITUDE 43°58'N 33°29'N 46°37'N 34°55'N 29°17'N 28°00'N 31°52'N 42°50'N 58°24»N 58°58 f N 62°03'N 68 o 08'N 52°57'N 58°12'N 56°00»N 62°52'N 23°52'N LONGITUDE 68°08'W 77°35'W 69°32'W 105°35'W 91 18'W 93°00'W 112°52 , W 117°53 f W 134°57 , W 135°13'W 163°10 ( W 151°45'W 168°51'W 136°38'W 134°08'W 157°09'W 166°17'W 31.3.5. Future Plans There are no plans for expansion of the network at this time 100 31.4. OVERSEAS OPERATIONS 31.4.1. Identification of the User Name and Address Overseas Operations Division National Weather Service 8060 13thStreet Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Contact Mr. Larry Eide, W13 (same address as above) 427-7787 Type of Organization Federal Government Funding Organization NWS 31.4.2. General Program Description A GOES DCP is used in conjunction with the radar station on Galapagos Islands. Upper air data are obtained with weather balloons that transmit to the facility on the Islands. The data are then translated and fed by paper tape into the DCP. This program was developed in cooperation with Ecuador. 31.4.3. Features of the Program Type of Program Experimental Start of Program Spring, 1980 Type of Data Collected Upper air 101 Parameters Measured Air Pressure Wind Speed Temperature Wind Direction Data Retrieval The data are placed on the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) at NMC. The data also reaches Quito, Ecuador, by the use of the Aero- nautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN). 31.4.4. Data Collection Platform Information Number and Type One self-time DCP is used. Special Operating Features A paper tape input is used as interface to the DCP. Location of DCP's The DCP is located at the radar station on Galapagos Island. 31.4.5. Future Plans Pending the outcome of this equipment, there will be plans for similar operations in different areas. 102 32. NEW ZEALAND METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE 32.1. Identification of the User 32.1.1. Name and address New Zealand Meteorological Service P.O. Box 722 Wellington, New Zealand 32.1.2. Contact R. A. Pannett Superintendent Instrument Development New Zealand Meteorological Service P.O. Box 722 Wellington, New Zealand 32.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government of New Zealand 32.1.4. Funding Organization New Zealand Meteorological Service 32.2. General Program Description The purpose of this program is to investigate the use of satellite systems for the collection of meteorological data from fixed land-based automatic weather stations to support a synoptic reporting network. 32.3. Features of the Program 32.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 32.3.2. Start of Program Summer, 1979 32.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology 32.3.4. Parameters Measured Wind Direction and Speed Dew point Pressure Accumulated Rainfall Temperature 103 32.3.5. Data Retrieval The collected data are retrieved by 1200 baud dial-in circuits. 32.4. Data Collection Platform Information 32.4.1. Number and Type Two self-timed DCP's 32.4.2. Special Operating Features None 32.4.3. Location of DCP's New Zealand Mainland 32.5. Future Plans The future plans call for expanding the network to service areas that are difficult to access and sparsely populated. 104 33. NEW ZEALAND MINISTRY OF WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT 33.1. Identification of the User 33.1.1. Name and Address Water and Soil Division Ministry of Works and Development P.O. Box 1479 Christchurch, New Zealand 33.1.2. Contact Mr. G. Latimer Ministry of Works and Development P.O. Box 1479 Christchurch, New Zealand 33.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government of New Zealand 33.1.4. Funding Organization Water and Soil Division Ministry of Works and Development P.O. Box 12041 Wellington, New Zealand 33.2. General Program Description The Ministry of Works and Development is experimenting with the GOES DCS to determine the suitability of the system for collecting hydro- logical data in New Zealand. 33.3. Features of the Program 33.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 33.3.2. Start of Program Fall, 1979 33.3.3. Type of Data Collected Hydrology 33.3.4. Parameters Measured Water level 105 33.3.5. Data Retrieval The 1200 dial-in baud circuit to NESS is used for obtaining data. 33.4. Data Collection Platform Information 33.4.1. Number and Type Two self-time DCP's are used. 33.4.2. Special Operating Features None 33.4.3. Location of DCP's East Longitude South Longitude DCP #1 172° 33' 42° 48' DCP #2 173° 09 » 42° 38' 33.5. Future Plans New Zealand is interested in future expansion if the system proves acceptable for collecting hydrological data. 106 34. NOAA (ASDAR) 34.1. Identification of the User 34.1.1. Name and Address National Oeeanie and Atmospheric Administration RD-4 Rockville, Maryland 20852 34.1.2. Contact Mr. James Giraytys ASDAR Program Manager NOAA, OA-2 6010 Executive Boulevard Rockville, Maryland 20852 (301)443-8811 Mr. George Smidt NWS 8060 13th Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (301)427-7881 Telex: WU (domestic) 89-406 RCA 248-376 ITT 440-108 WUI 642-40 34.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government 34.1.4. Funding Organization Department of Commerce 34.2. General Program Description An Aircraft to Satellite Data Relay (ASDAR) electronics package is a special type of Data Collection Platform, utilizing the data relay capabilities of geostationary meteorological satellites. Land-based DCPs, almost without exception, use a low-powered transmitter (6-8 watts), and a high gain, usually helical, antenna to beam signals to an apparently motionless satellite. ASDAR by contrast, has an 80 watt transmitter, because it must use a small, low- gain, flat-plate antenna, mounted flush on top of an aircraft, radiating signals more or less evenly in all directions above the horizon. With omni- directional transmissions (in all upward directions), ASDAR messages will reach a satellite from any aircraft location within the satellites' field of view. 107 Most DCP's include sensors, which are Considered a part of the platform installation. An ASDAR unit, when installed in the electronics bay of a large jet airliner, needs no sensors. Rather it has cables tied to the aircraft's Inertial Navigation System, and to a signal processor feeding data to the Crash Recorder, called a Flight Data Acquisition Unit. From these two avionics boxes, ASDAR selects out digital values for aircraft position, wind speed and direction, altitude and "static" air temperature (i.e., calculated "true" air temperature). Over a long period, Commercial airliners fly about 13 hours daily, at about 900 km/hr. ASDAR' s hourly transmissions of eight data points, give data spaced about 125 km along the flight track. Data is collected during altitude changes, as well as during horizontal flight, along a track averaging 12,000 km long, daily. 34.3. Features of the Program 34.3.1. Type of Program Operational 34.3.2. Start of Program February, 1977 34.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology Upper Air 34.3.4. Parameters Measured Air Temperature Wind Speed Wind Direction Altitudes 34.3.5. Data Retrieval ASDAR data is fed, in real time, over existing circuits, to the U.S. National Meteorological Center (NMC), Washington, and to the U.S. Air Force Global Weather Central at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. After processing, ASDAR reports are forwarded from NMC via the World Meteorological Organization's Global Telecommunications System links to meteorological data users throughout the Earth. Incoming ASDAR messages, relayed by satellites operated by Japan and the European Space Agency, will also be used locally, and disseminated via the GTS. Other users, sueh as ASDAR program managers, obtain ASDAR reports (1) via NESS's dial-in terminals, and (2) via NMC's remote computer terminals. 108 34.4. Data Collection Platform Information 34.4.1. Number and Type Seven self-timed ASDAR platforms are presently in use. An additional 11 are nearing completion by a local manufacturer, and should be deployed during December 1978 and the first weeks of 1979. 34.4.2. Special Operating Features Because ASDAR units are earried in and out of any satellite's field of view, non-reporting cannot be taken as an assurance that a platform has failed. The aircraft may be out of sight, or undergoing renovation within a hanger. 34.4.3. Location of DCP's Deployment of ASDAR units, and their customary routes, are as follows: Pan Am - "Clipper Arctic" (N657PA) - Europe, South America, Southwest Pacific, and Asia, including circumnavigation. KLM - "River Donau" (PH-BUB) - Europe to North America, South America, Africa and South East Asia. SAS - (LN-RNA) - Copenhagen to Montreal, New York and Chicago. Lufthansa - (D-ABYL) - Europe to North America, and elsewhere. QANTAS - Five aircraft - Australia to Japan, U.S. West Cost, Africa, South Asia and Europe via Middle East. USAF - MAC C-141 - Charleston to Europe and other terminals. Singapore Airlines - Three aircraft - Singapore to Japan, U.S. West Coast, and Europe via Middle East. British Airways - Two aircraft - World-wide flights. 34.5. Future Plans It is expected, on the basis of growing airline interest, and data-user enthusiasm for ASDAR, that the system will continue as an operational part of the global observing network for weather analysis and prediction. A first step toward operational status will be redesign of the ASDAR unit to bring it more into conformity with accepted commercial avionics standards. This will permit an expansion of the ASDAR fleet to numbers in the hundreds, and perhaps as large as 500. Should demand warrant the step, miniaturization of the unit would then permit it to be installed on smaller aircraft, such as inter-island commuter aircraft in the Pacific. 109 35. NOAA DATA BUOY OFFICE 35.1. Identification of the User 35.1.1. Name and Address NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) National Space Technology Laboratories NSTL Station, MS 39529 35.1.2. Contact Mr. Ray Roten (Same address as above) (601)688-2836 FTS 494-2836 35.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government 35.1.4. Funding Organization NOAA Data Buoy Office 35.2. General Program Description Since June, 1972 the NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) has deployed environ- mental reporting data buoys in various gulf and ocean regions to provide synoptic data for weather reports and for scientific data archives. As of December, 1978, 19 moored buoys will be reporting environmental data on a routine basis. Our satellite program has evolved from a simple checkerboard test message transmission to the establishment of UHF GOES telemetry stand-alone platforms. Presently, all NDBO buoys are operating via UHF GOES telmetry. There are two general Categories of communication requirements for NDBO programs. The first requirement is brought about by the timeliness feature that is required for various weather forecasting groups, including the National Weather Service (NWS). The NDBO weather message is approximately 10 seconds long when transmitted at a 100 bit per second rate, and includes air pressure and temperature, wind speed and direction, sea surface temperature, and wave data. NDBO buoys are deployed in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, North Pacific, and Gulf of Alaska. The second communication requirement is governed by the needs of the scientific community. These applications generally do not require the time- liness feature of the first type, although processed data occasionally is desired in a matter of hours. An important example of user applications would be oceanographers , who have for many years mapped ocean Currents through 110 Lagrangian tracking techniques. These oeeanographers are interested in obtain- ing position fixes from drifters that follow ocean currents. The length of the position-fixing message is about 1 second. Another example of scientific users would be investigators concerned with wave data. The U.S. Navy's Fleet Numerical Weather Central (FNWC) Currently utilizes NDBO's wave speetral data from moored buoys as calibration points for their formulation of prediction models used to forecast sea states for the entire northern hemisphere. The length of the spectral wave data message is approximately 40 seconds. There are other im- portant applications of buoys for scientific uses, including oil spill tracking and the first worldwide Global Weather Experiment. 35.3. Features of the Program 35.3.1. Type of Program Primarily operational (90%) Experimental (10%) 35.3.2. Start of Program June, 1972 35.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology Oceanography 35.3.4. Parameters Measured Air Pressure and Temperature Sea Surface Temperature (redundant pairs) Wave Data Wind Speed and Direction (redundant pairs) Future parameters will include ocean current and direction, and sub- surface temperature. 35.3.5. Data Retrieval Two principal routes are available for obtaining data from the DCS: a. Operational data are sent to NMC (F0B-4) on the NWS modem in near real time. NMC processes, formats, and distributes weather and wave messages via the NWS communication network. NMC also stores all data. It is transmitted over a 2400 baud leased line to NDBO's terminal at NSTL. b. Test data are transmitted via a 2400 baud "dial in" port to NDBO's terminal at NSTL. Ill 35.4. Data Collection Platform Information 35.4.1. Number and Type NDBO operates self-timed only, simple interrogate, and command repertoire platforms. The simple interrogate platforms can operate in the self-timed mode and can be interrogated via UHF to request a recent data frame. The command repertoire platforms are capable of decoding flexible command schedules via GOES in addition to providing self-timed and simple interrogate capabilities. A matrix of the operations is as follows: Type Number Remarks Self-timed only 7 1 is a special purpose platform - UHF only Simple interrogate 11 These units also possess HF Capability Command repertoire 2 UHF only 35.4.2. Special Operating Features See 35.4.1. 35.4.3. Location of DCP's NDBO's platforms are deployed from 50 to 300 miles off the various coasts as follows: a. Seven platforms are loeated in the Atlantic Ocean. b. Four platforms are located in the Gulf of Mexico. c. Eight platforms are loeated in the North Pacific and Gulf of Alaska. All operational stations are ocean data buoys. NDBO also maintains bench systems at NSTL; Fort Wayne, Indiana; and San Diego, California. The buoys deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean operate with the West GOES. The buoys deployed in the Atlantic Ocean use the East GOES. 35.5. Future Plans The following events are planned for the near future. a. All NDBO simple interrogate platforms will be converted to command repertoire platforms. b. All NDBO self-timed only platforms will be upgraded to include a receive capability to provide simple interrogate operation. 112 c. NDBO plans to add the following stations: three in the Atlantic Ocean; one in the Gulf of Mexico; three in the Great Lakes; one in the North Pacific Ocean. d. A special test platform, using self-timed only, will be added in the Gulf of Mexico (for ocean Current sensor testing and acoustic telemetry tests). e. NDBO plans to add a basic meteorological sensor suite with a synoptic reporting capability to approximately 10 existing Large Navigational Buoys. These buoys are on station at entrances to all major harbors in the United States. f. A thermistor string buoy. 113 36. ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES 36.1. Identification of the User 36.1.1. Name and Address Ministry of Natural Resources Room 5628 Whitney Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 1W3 36.1.2. Contact R. J. Burgar, Director Conservation Authorities and Water Management Branch (Same address as above) 36.1.3. Type of Organization Provincial Government of Canada 36.1.4. Funding Organization Ministry of Natural Resources 36.2. General Program Description In Ontario, the Conservation Authorities Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources is the Provincial agency responsible for issuing flood forecasts for the entire Province. The Ministry is in the process of developing a centralized, real time streamflow data acquisition and pre- diction system. A mini-computer will be purchased for processing collected data and for streamflow forecast computation. 36.3. Features of the Program 36.3.1. Type of Program Operational 36.3.2. Start of Program Fall, 1979 36.3.3. Type of Data Collected Hydrology 36.3.4. Parameters Measured Precipitation Water Level 114 36.3.5. Data Retrieval The computer in Toronto will retrieve the data from NESS by dial-in circuits. 36.4. Data Collection Platform Information 36.4.1. Number and Type Two self-time DCP's have been purchased. 36.4.2. Special Operating Features None 36.4.3. Location of DCP's Exact locations have not been selected but the 2 DCP's will be installed near Toronto. 36.5. Future Plans We expect to purchase 2 or 3 GOES DCP's per year. 115 37. PACIFIC MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY 37.1. Identification of the User 37.1.1. Name and Address Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Environmental Research Laboratories 3711 15th Ave. , N.E. Seattle, Washington 98105 37.1.2. Contact R. Michael Reynolds (Same address as above) 37.1.3. Type of Organization Federal Government 37.1.4. Funding Organization Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) 37.2. General Program Description The Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory plans to conduct research in the mesoseale distribution of surface winds along coastlines. With the use of data from meteorological buoys, wind fields will be delineated in the region as a function of larger scale forcing and thereby achieve a link between the larger scale climatology and the local wind fields. 37.3. Features of the Program 37.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 37.3.2. Start of Program January, 1980 37.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology 37.3.4. Parameters Measured Wind Speed Air Temperature Wind Direction Ocean Bulk Temperature 116 37.3.5. Data Retrieval The data are retrieved from NESS via the 300 baud dial-in line. 37.4. Data Collection Platform Information 37.4.1. Number and Type A total of eight buoys are expected to be used. 37.4.2. Special Operating Features None 37.4.3. Location of DCP's Deployment Dates 15-31 Dec. 1979 10 Jan. - 10 Feb. 1980 15-28 February 1980 10-31 March 1980 20 April - 20 May 1980 June 1980 July 1980 Location Seattle, Washington Hawaii Seattle Puget Sound, WA Cook Inlet, Alaska Hawaii Norton Sound, AK Purpose of Data System calibrations Remote Sensor calibrations Calibrations Mesoscale model verification and wind field study Oil spill, environmental as- sessment wind field patterns Mesoscale model verification Wind field patterns 37.5 Future Plans It is planned to eventually apply the collected information toward the assessment of oil spills. 117 38. PETRO-CANADA EXPLORATION INC. 38.1. Identification of the User 38.1.1. Name and Address Petro-Canada Exploration Inc. 650 Guinness House 727 - 7th Avenue, S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 0Z6 38.1.2. Contact Mr. R. W. Craig Environmental and Technical Coordination Department (Same address as above) (403)232-8699 38.1.3. Type of Organization Private company 38.1.4. Funding Organization Petro-Canada Exploration Inc. 38.2. General Program Description Petro-Canada has established a Western Sverdrup Basin Data Buoy Program for use with the GOES DCS. The collected data are primarily intended to allow a closer monitoring and correlation of ice motion and motivating forces in this area of "fast" ice and to permit the evolution of a forecasting model for ice motion in the area. Semi-concurrent analysis of data and evolution of the forecasting model would not be possible without real-time delivery of data. Five data buoys will be used within the triangle of High Arctic Weather Stations at Resolute, Isachsen and Mould Bay. These Atmospheric Envi- ronment stations are the only data points for operational weather forecasting in the western portion of the High Arctic Islands. Therefore, considering the type of data being collected and the cost thereof, Petro-Canada has offered these data to the Canadian Atmospheric Environment Service for operational weather forecast purposes. The data are likely to cause significant upgrading of the quality of forecasts available in this portion of the High Arctic. 38.3. Features of the Program 38.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 118 38.3.2. Start of Program Fall, 1977 38.3.3. Type of Data Collected Oceanography Meteorology 38.3.4. Parameters Measured Wind Speed Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure Wind Direction Current Speed Water Temperature Current Direction 38.3.5. Data Retrieval It is planned to recover the data at the Canadian Satellite Receiving Station at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. That facility is presently being expanded by installation of a fixed eight meter dish antenna devoted to GOES. We will recover data from the mini-computer memory bank at Prince Albert via a 110bps dial-in circuit. Petro-Canada will interrogate that facility once per business day and build the master file of project data. Arrangements are progressing towards Atmospheric Environment Service, Arctic Weather Central, forecasting office separately interrogating the memory file at Prince Albert in order to recover the weather data for forecasting purposes. In the event of a breakdown of the facility at Prince Albert, Petro-Canada would plan to inter- rogate the World Weather Building file using a dial-in 110bps circuit on a once per business day basis. Under these circumstances data would not be delivered in real-time to the Atmospheric Environment Service for forecasting purposes. 38.4. Data Collection Platform Information 38.4.1. Number and Type Five data buoys are used. 38.4.2. Special Operating Features. The data buoys will measure position by means of an acoustic bottom reference system, will measure 2 levels of wind speed and direction (at 10 meters and 2 meters), 2 levels of temperature (at 10 meters and 2 meters), sea level atmospheric pressure, and 2 levels of ocean current speed and direction (at 2 meters and 50 meters beneath the ice). A string of 20 thermistors will be used in an attempt to remotely record the growth of ice. One of the 20 thermisistors will be sampled in sequence hourly. The five buoys will be located in areas with maximum exposure to prevailing winds. Three buoys are intended for areas where a significant "open pack" situation exists in the summer season. The precise location of these three buoys will be determined at the time of fall installation. 119 38.4.3. Location of DCP's The five platforms are all located in offshore areas of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, District of Franklin, Canada. Specifically, the stations will be located as follows: Station A : In the Prince Gustaf Adolf Sea at 78° 30'N, 108° 00 'W. Station B : In Hazen Strait at 76° 50'N, 111 20'W. Station C : In Byam Martin Channel. As previously described, this station will be specifically located at the time of implantation according to ice distribution. It will lie within the area bounded as follows: 77° 00'N, 107° 30*W 77° 00'N, 106° 00'W 76° 30'N, 107° 00'W 76° 30'N, 106° 00'W Station D : Maclean Strait in the area described by: 76° 40'N, 104° 30'W 76° 40'N, 102° 30'W 76° 10'N, 103° 30'W 76° 10'N, 102° 00'W Station E : Edinburgh Sea, in the area described by: 76° 40'N, 99° 00'W 76° 40'N, 99° 00'W 77° 10'N, 99° 00'W 77° 10'N, 97° 00»W 38.5. Future Plans Three automatic weather stations are planned for the summer of 1980. These units will be deployed in the North Baffin Bay - Landcaster Sound area. Additional DCP's will be used in the North Labrador Sea region. 120 39. QUEBEC, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 39.1. Identification of the User 39.1.1. Name and Address Quebec, Department of Natural Resources Waters Branch 1640 Boul. de l'Entente Quebec City, Canada G15 4N6 39.1.2. Contact Mr. Claude Pesant Hydrometry Service (Same address as above) (418)643-4553 Telex: 05131584 39.1.3. Type of Organization Provincial Government 39.1.4. Funding Organization Quebec, Department of Natural Resources 39.2. General Program Description The ultimate objectives for our telemetry network are: 1. To inventory the surface water and climate in Northern Quebec. 2. To improve hydro-electric production and make better use of reservoir dams for flood reduction. 3. To develop short term flood forecasting in Southern Quebec with the help of operational hydrological models. With the implementation of the real time data acquisition program, we intend to automate all phases of the program. A minicomputer obtains the data directly from NESS, processes the raw data, and sends out hydrological information instantly to users. 39.3. Features of the Program 39.3.1. Type of Program Operational 121 39.3.2. Start of Program May, 1977 39.3.3. Type of Data Collected Hydrology 39.3.4. Parameters Measured Water Level Wind Direction Air Temperature Relative Humidity Precipitation Lightning Counter Wind Speed Battery Voltage The stations that monitor these parameters are shown in table 1 . 39.3.5. Data Retrieval Data are obtained from NESS via the 300 and 1200 baud lines. The data are processed every 3 hours with a TI 990 computer. 39.4. Data Collection Platform Information 39.4.1. Number and Type At the end of November, 1978, 30 self-time DCP's were in use. 39.4.2. Special Operating Features None 39.4.3. Location of DCP's See Table 1. 39.5. Future Plans Approximately 20 new platforms were to be added in 1979. By the end of 1982, the network will consist of 115 DCP's. 39.6. Bibliography Pesant, Claude, "Telemetry at the Service of the Hydrologist". 122 40. RAYTHEON COMPANY 40.1. Identification of the User 40.1.1. Name and Address Raytheon Company Oeeanographic and Environmental Services P.O. Box 360 Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871 40.1.2. Contact Mr. Ron Franklin (Same address as above) (401)847-8000 40.1.3. Type of Organization Private company 40.1.4. Funding Organization Bureau of Land Management 40.2. General Program Description The Bureau of Land Management is sponsoring a multi-disciplined environ- mental study of the New Englad Outer Continental Shelf in order to satisfy the National Environmental Policy Act in relation to potential oil recovery at Georges Bank. Raytheon Company was awarded a contract to collect physical oCeanographic data on the New England OCS, and our program involves three types of data-col- lecting activities; deployment of moored instrumentation, aerial photography of surface Current tracers, and hydrographic cruises. Seven buoys will be deployed along a north-south line bisecting Georges Bank. Approximately 130 sensors of various parameters are distributed among the buoys. Continuously recorded data is to be processed in-situ into 30 minute averages and telemetered every half hour from each buoy. BLM's objective is to acquire data over a period of approxi- mately 3 years, reduce the data, and characterize Georges Bank as a dispersive model. 40.3. Features of the Program 40.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 40.3.2. Start of Program Fall, 1977 123 40.3.3. Type of Data Collected Oceanography 40.3.4. Parameters Measured Current Conductivety Temperature Bottom Pressure 40.3.5. Data Retrieval Raytheon uses the 1200 baud dial-in circuits to NESS. 40.4. Data Collection Platform Information 40.4.1. Number and Type Seven interrogation type of DCP's are used in this program. 40.4.2. Special Operating Features The commanding feature is frequently used. 40.4.3. Location of DCP's All platforms will be located in the Georges Bank region of the Atlantic Ocean approximately 150 miles from Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. LOCATIONS OF MOORINGS Latitude Longitude 41° 59' N 67° 59. 5» W 41° 55' N 67° 58' W 41° 53. 5 1 N 67° 57' W 41° 31. 5 1 N 67° 46' W 40° 55.5' N 67° 28' W 40° 45. 5» N 67° 23' W 40° 30.5* N 67° 15' W 40.5. Future Plans For 1980, 3 DCP's will be deployed off Nantucket Island with similar application as in the past. 40.6. Bibliography LOBECKER, R. N. , et al. , "A Buoy System for Acquiring, Processing and Telemetering Real Time OCS Oceanographic Data". Paper presented at the 10th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, May 8-11, 1978. Raytheon Company. LOBECKER, R. N. , et al. , "Real Time Oceanographic Data From Georges Bank". Raytheon Company, 1978. 124 Number Depth (M) 1 200 2 100 3 80 4 40 5 80 6 100 7 200 41. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 41.1. Identification of the User 41.1.1. Name and Address Texas Instruments, Incorporated P.O. Box 226015 Dallas, Texas 75266 41.1.2. Contact Mr. Tom Brophy (Same address as above) (214)424-9511 X2265 FTS 749-1011 41.1.3. Type of Organization Private company 41.1.4. Funding Organization NOAA Data Buoy Office U.S. Department of Commerce 41.2. General Program Description Texas Instruments, Inc. (TI) is under contract with NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) to integrate, test at sea, and evaluate a Current Measurement System (CMS) to provide ocean current data in near real time. To accomplish this work, the contract provides for TI to install dial-up eommu nidations equipment and software in our plant in Piano (Dallas), Texas, to receive and process test data from a buoy-installed GFE GOES Data Collection Platform (GDCP) At the present time, a data buoy (06N11) has been delivered to TI for modifications, and NDBO has installed a GDCP which has been certified for use with the SMS/GOES system. The GDCP is presently providing meteorological data via SMS/GOES in special test (NDBOST) on channel 79 at minute 36 in the self- initiate mode. After our CMS is interfaced with the GDCP on or about January 1, 1979, the data frame will be expanded to include the current measurements. At that time we expect to begin system end-to-end checkout and operation under a multiple queue arrangement where TI will be assigned the primary user queue and NDBO the secondary. The Complete system will be deployed in the Gulf of Mexico on or about March 1, 1979, for a 10-month at-sea evaluation. In June 1979, a receiver will be installed in the GDCP to provide command Capability, and TI plans to period- ically request commands be sent to the buoy to evaluate system operational features. 125 41.3. Features of the Program 41.3.1. Type of Program Research and Development 41.3.2. Start of Program February, 1979 41.3.3. Type of Data Collected Oceanographie Test Data 41.3.4. Parameters Measured Ocean Current 41.3.5. Data Retrieval Dial-up to NESS will be the method used for obtaining the collected data. 41.4. Data Collection Platform Information 41.4.1. Number and Type One interrogation type DCP 41.4.2. Special Operating Features None 41.4.3. Location of DCP's The test buoy will be evaluated at sea in the Gulf of Mexico for a 10-month period. 41.5. Future Plans This contract effort does not call for any plans beyond a one-year period. 126 42. TRANSCANADA PIPELINES 42.1. Identification of the User 42.1.1. Name and Address TransCanada PipeLines Limited P. 0. Box 54 Commerce Court West Toronto, Canada M5L 1C2 42.1.2. Contact Mr. L. M. Etchegary (same address as above) (416)869-2111 42.1.3. Type of Organization Private Company 42.1.4. Funding Organization TransCanada PipeLines Limited 42.2. General Program Description TransCanada PipeLines Limited has implemented an experimental GOES DCP station for the purpose of obtaining engineering data to assist in the design of an Arctic Port Facility. This port will support the operation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ice breaking carriers. This port will be in the Ellef Ringnes Island region which has several large natural gas fields. This area has no weather station within 250 miles. The National Weather Service also has requirements for this data. 42.3. Features of the Program 42.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 42.3.2. Start of Program May, 1979 42.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology 127 42.3.4. Parameters Measured Ambient Temperature Wind Speed Wind Direction 42.3.5. Data Retrieval The data are forwarded to the NWS for passing to the Atmospheric Environment Service in Toronto, Canada. 42.4. Data Collection Platform Information 42.4.1. Number and Type One self-time DCP is used. 42.4.2. Special Operating Features None 42.4.3. Location of DCP's The unit is located on Ellef Ringnes Island in the Northwest Territories. 78°13'North, 101°00'West 42.5. Future Plans The plans eall for the present station to be replaced in 1985 by a complete meteorological station. 128 43. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY 43.1. Identification of the User 43.1.1. Name and Address Southern Sierra Snowmelt Project Geography Department University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106 43.1.2. Contact Dr. Jeff Dozier (Same address as above) (805)961-2309 43.1.3. Type of Organization University 43.1.4. Funding Organization This project is funded by NASA and NOAA. 43.2. General Program Description The data from the DCP are used to measure the parameters necessary to drive an energy budget snowmelt model and to calibrate atmospheric cor- rections for remote sensing. These efforts are directed toward improving runoff forecasts for the southern Sierra snowpack. 43.3. Features of the Program 43.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 43.3.2. Start of Program Fall, 1978 43.3.3. Type of Data Collected Micrometeorology Hydrology 129 43.3.4. Parameters Measured Variables to be measured are: Solar radiation in 280-2800 nm and 700-2800 nm bands long-wave radiation (4000-50,000 nm), Air Temperature Relative Humidity Wind Speed Snow/Soil Interface Temperature 43.3.5. Data Retrieval The collected data are delivered over dial-in circuits from NESS to the PDP 11/45 computer located in the Computer Systems Laboratory. 43.4. Data Collection Platform Information 43.4.1. Number and Type One self-time DCP is used for this program. 43.4.2. Special Operating Features None 43.4.3. Location of DCP's The DCP is located on Charlotte Ridge in the Kings River drainage, between Bullfrog Lake and Charlotte Lake, at an elevation of 10,900 feet, lati- tude 36° 46»N, 118° 25 'W. 43.5. Future Plans This program will continue for two more years. 43.6. Bibliography MARKS, D. and DOZIER, J., A clear-sky longwave radiation model for remote alpine area. Archiv fur Meteorologie Geophysik und Bioklimatologie 130 44. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABORATORY 44.1. Identification of the User 44.1.1. Name and Address Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Biomedical & Environmental Sciences Divisions University of California P.O. Box 5507 Livermore, California 94550 44.1.2. Contact Bruce Clegg (Same address as above) Principal Investigator: William Robison 44.1.3. Type of Organization University 44.1.4. Funding Organization This program is funded by the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. 44.2. General Program Description This program calls for the use of GOES DCP's in the Marshall Island Radiological Survey. The DCP's will collect environmental data that will assist in the prediction of the fate of radionuclides in the Atoll ecosystem. Speci- fically, the data will permit the characterization of coralline hydrology and consequently, the fate of water-borne radionuclides. The collection will not be in a standard format; however, the data will be available after conversion to engineering units by LLL computers. 44.3. Features of the Program 44.3.1. Type of Program Experimental 44.3.2. Start of Program Summer, 1979 44.3.3. Type of Data Collected Meteorology 131 44.3.4. Parameters Measured Wind Speed and Direction Air and Soil Temperatures Evaporation Pan Level Rain Gauge Accumulation 32 Soil Moisture Readings (conductivity process) Cummulative and Instantaneous Solar Radiation Rain-Water Conductivity 44.3.5. Data Retrieval Data are obtained by dial-in to NESS on a 1200 baud circuit. 44.4. Data Collection Platform Information 44.4.1. Number and Type Two self-timed DCP's will be used. 44.4.2. Special Operating Features None 44.4.3. Location of DCP's The Enewetak Atoll DCP will be located at Engebi Island (11° 39. 9N, 162° 14.5'E) and the Bikini Atoll DCP at Enyu Island (11° 31.0'N, 165° 33.5'E) during the period of July 1979 through August 1981. Once every six hours, 108, 8-bit ASCII bytes, data transmissions are planned by each DCP. 44.5. Future Plans The two DCP's will be operated through August, 1981. 132 o U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 311-046/217 (Continued from inside front cover) NESS 87 NESS 88 NESS 89 NESS 90 NESS 91 NESS 92 NESS 93 NESS 94 NESS 95 NESS 96 NESS 97 NESS 98 NESS 99 NESS 100 NESS 101 NESS 102 NESS 103 NESS 104 NESS 105 NESS 106 NESS 107 NESS 108 NESS 109 Atlantic Tropical and Subtropical Cyclone Classifications for 1976. D. C. Gaby, J. B. Lushine, B. M. Mayfield, S. C. Pearce, K.O. Poteat, and F. E. Torres, April 1977, 13 pp. (PB-269-674/AS) National Environmental Satellite Service Catalog of Products. Dennis C. Dismachek (Editor), June 1977, 102 pp. (PB-271-315/AS) A Laser Method of Observing Surface Pressure and Pressure-Altitude and Temperature Profiles of the Troposphere From Satellites. William L. Smith and C. M. R. Piatt, July 1977, 38 pp. (PB- 272-660/AS) Lake Erie Ice: Winter 1975-76. In-Orbit Storage of NOAA-NESS 1977, 3 pp. (PB- 283-078/ AS) Publications and Final Reports on Jenifer H. Wartha, August 1977, 68 pp. (PB-276-386/AS) Standby Satellites. Brtce Sharts and Chris Dunker, September Contracts and Grants, 1976. Catherine M. August 1977, 11 pp. (PB-273-169/AS) Computations of Solar Insolation at Boulder, Colorado. Joseph H. Pope, 13 pp. (PB-273-679/AS) A Report on the Chesapeake Bay Region Nowcasting Experiment. Roderick A. E. Weiss, December 1977, 52 pp. (PB-277-102/AS) The TIROS-N/NOAA A-G Satellite Series. Arthur Schwalb, March 1978, 75 pp. (PB- 283-859/ AS) Frain (Compiler), September 1977, Scofield and Carl Satellite Data Set for Solar Incoming Radiation Studies. J. Emmett Bragg, and Marshall P. Waters, III, May 1978, Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants , August 1978, 13 pp. (PB-287-855/AS) Quantitative Measurements of Sea Surface Temperature J. Dan Tarpley, Stanley R. Schneider, 36 pp. (PB-284-740/AS) 1977. Catherine M. Frain (Compiler), at Several Locations Using the N0AA-3 Very High Resolution Radiometer. Laurence Breaker, Jack Klein, and Michael Pitts, September 1978, 28 pp. (PB-288-488/AS) An Empirical Model for Atmospheric Transmittance Functions and Its Application to the NIMBUS-6 HIRS Experiment. P.G. Abel and W.L. Smith, NESS, and A. Arking, NASA, September 1978, 29 pp. (PB-288-487/AS) Characteristics and Environmental Properties of Satellite-Observed Cloud Rows. Samuel K. Beckman (in consultation). A Comparison of Satellite Observed Middle Cloud Motion With GATE Rawinsonde Data. Leroy D. Herman, January 1979, 13 pp. (PB-292-341/AS) Computer Tracking of Temperature-Selected Cloud Patterns. Lester F. Hubert, January 1979, 15 pp. (PB-292-159/AS) Objective Use of Satellite Data To Forecast Changes in Intensity of Tropical Disturbances. Carl 0. Erickson, April 1979, 44 pp. (PB-298-915) Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants. Catherine M. Frain, (Compiler), September 1979. (PB 80 122385) Optical Measurements of Crude Oil Samples Under Simulated Conditions. Warren A. Hovis and John S. Knoll, October 1979, 20 pp. (PB 80 120603) An Improved Model for the Calculation of Longwave Flux at 11 m. P. G. Abel and A. Gruber, October 1979, 24 pp. Data Extraction and Calibration of TIROS-N/NOAA Radiometers. Levin Lauritson, Gary J. Nelson, and Frank W. Porto, November 1979. Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants. Catherine M. Frain, (Compiler). Catalog of Products, Third Edition. Dennis Dismachek, July 1980, 130 pp. NOAA SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was established as part of the Department of Commerce on October 3, 1970. The mission responsibilities of NOAA are to assess the socioeconomic impact of natural and technological changes in the environment and to monitor and predict the state of the solid Earth, the oceans and their living resources, the atmosphere, and the space environment of the Earth. The major components of NOAA regularly produce various types of scientific and technical informa- tion in the following kinds of publications : PROFESSIONAL PAPERS — Important definitive research results, major techniques, and special inves- tigations. CONTRACT AND GRANT REPORTS — Reports prepared by contractors or grantees under NOAA sponsorship. ATLAS — Presentation of analyzed data generally in the form of maps showing distribution of rainfall, chemical and physical conditions of oceans and at- mosphere, distribution of fishes and marine mam- mals, ionospheric conditions, etc. TECHNICAL SERVICE PUBLICATIONS — Re- ports containing data, observations, instructions, etc. A partial listing includes data serials; prediction and outlook periodicals; technical manuals, training pa- pers, planning reports, and information serials; and miscellaneous technical publications. TECHNICAL REPORTS — Journal quality with extensive details, mathematical developments, or data listings. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS — Reports of preliminary, partial, or negative research or technol- ogy results, interim instructions, and the like. Information on availability of NOAA publications can be obtained from: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE INFORMATION CENTER (D822) ENVIRONMENTAL DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 6009 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 NOAA— S/T 80-25