SS . 3t ; / INTERNATIONAL FIELD YEAR FOR THE GREAT LAKES IFYGL BULLETIN NO.l 'S US IHD 1965 - 1974 JANUARY 1972 IFYGL BULLETIN No. 1 JANUARY 1972 INTERNATIONAL FIELD YEAR FOR THE GREAT LAKES « IFYGL US IHD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CANADA ENVIRONMENT CANADA WATER MANAGEMENT AND ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS Published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Rockville, Md. 20852 EDITORIAL NOTE The field operations phase of the International Field Year for the Great Lakes (IFYGL) will begin on April 1, 1972. The IFYGL Bulletin has been designed as a means of reporting on the planning, progress, and results of this joint Canadian-United States scientific effort. It will also serve as a vehicle for information exchange among IFYGL participants, as well as others who have an interest in the program and may wish to use IFYGL data. This first issue of the Bulletin gives a preliminary overview of the present status of the organization and planning for the scientific program to be conducted by the United States. IFYGL Bulletin No. 2 will provide similar coverage of Canadian participation. Subsequent issues will review status and results of both the United States and Canadian programs in relation to the Joint (U.S. -Canadian) Technical Plan now under development and will con- tain contributions both from the U.S. and Canadian participants. As the field operations get underway, announcements of general interest to the sci- entific community and to those directly engaged in the program will be made, and when data collected during the field operations become available, from individual scientists and IFYGL archives, their existence will be made known. Still later issues will report on experimental results and analyses of indi- vidual experiments and projects, both Canadian and United States. Contributions on all aspects of the IFYGL program are invited from par- ticipants in Canada and the United States, including comments and critiques pertinent to plans and to problems encountered as the program enters its active field phase. Such contributions should be sent to: IFYGL Centre Canada Centre for Inland Waters P.O. Box 5050 Burlington, Ontario or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Code EM^P-IFYGL, Room 805, Building 5 6010 Executive Boulevard Rockville, Md. 20852 li CONTENTS Page Editorial Note ii International Overview 1 IFYGL Basic Objectives 3 U.S. Organization and Participating Agencies 4 U.S. Scientific Program 9 U.S. Engineering and Testing 19 U.S. Field Operations 28 U.S. Data Management 35 in Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation INTERNATIONAL OVERVIEW Conceived as a part of the International Hydrological Decade (1965- 1975), the International Field Year for the Great Lakes is a joint Canadian- United States program of environmental and water resources research, with Lake Ontario and the Ontario Basin chosen for the field observations to be conducted between April 1, 1972 ; and March 31, 1973. As illustrated by the diagram in figure 1, with UNESCO in a coordinating role, the National Research Council in Canada and the National Academy of Sciences in the United States are responsible through the respective National Committees for general policy as related to the concentrated and cooperative studies of worldwide water resources called for by the International Hydro- logical Decade (IHD) . Members of these National Committees, IHD, include: Canada H.A. Young, Chairman I.C. Brown, Executive Secretary United States H.G. Hershey, Chairman L.A. Heindl, Executive Secretary W.H. Brutsaert, Liaison Member to IFYGL Dwight Metzler, Liaison Member to IFYGL The IFYGL Joint Steering Committee, on a more immediate level, is re- sponsible for overall policy and for providing advice and recommendations. Members of the Steering Committee are: Canada T.L. Richards, Chairman J. P. Bruce W.J. Christie A.K. Watt D.F. Witherspoon J. MacDowall, Coordinator UNESCO CANADA NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL UNITED STATES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA NATIONAL COMMITTEE, IHD CANADIAN AGENCIES UNITED STATES NATIONAL COMMITTEE, IHD IFYGL JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE CANADIAN COORDINATOR UNITED STATES COORDINATOR JOINT MANAGEMENT TEAM CANADIAN MANAGEMENT TEAM PROJECTS U.S. IFYGL PROJECT OFFICE PROJECTS PANELS - SUBCOMMITTEES JITED STATES AGENCIES Figure 1 . -2- United States W.J. Dresher, Chairman L.D. Attaway E.J. Aubert D.C. Chandler A. P. Pinsak C.J. Callahan, Coordinator Responsibility for policy implementation lies with the Joint Management Team, whose function is to work out problems presented by the interdependent roles played by Canada and the United States, to inform the Joint Steering Committee of such problems, as well as progress, and to effect as close pro- gram coordination as possible. The "executive arm" of this team in the United States is the U.S. IFYGL Project Office; in Canada, the Canadian Management Team. Cochairmen are T.L. Richards, Environment Canada, and E.J. Aubert, NOAA. IFYGL BASIC OBJECTIVES The central objective of IFYGL is the development of a sound scientific basis for water resource management on the Great Lakes as an aid in solving problems of water quality and quantity. Lake Ontario and the Ontario Basin were selected as representative of physical characteristics typical of the Great Lakes, and, more generally, as offering the opportunity for investigat- ing typical water resource problems. A series of hydrological and limnological studies, as well as special phenomenological investigations associated with the effects of ice and lake storms, will serve to meet management requirements for environmental factors pertinent to navigation, hydropower, public water supply, waste disposal, recreation, fish productivity, highway transportation, and the operation of port facilities. Undertaken during a period when the currents and thermal structure of the lake will be known in some detail, IFYGL will offer an opportunity for important chemical and biological studies. It is anticipated not only that all the interlocking scientific programs as now planned will yield better knowledge of the physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in Lake Ontario,but that this knowledge will be useful in resolving water resource problems as they apply to Lake Ontario and to other, smaller or larger, lakes. U.S. ORGANIZATION AND PARTICIPATING AGENCIES Within the international framework shown in figure 1, the responsibility as lead agency for the U.S. part of the IFYGL program rests with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) , where an IFYGL Project Office has been established. The relationship of this office to the NOAA management is shown in figure 2. Other participating units within NOAA are the Environ- mental Data Service, the Environmental Research Laboratories, the National Environmental Satellite Service, the National Ocean Survey, and the National Weather Service. Important roles in the cooperative effort that IFYGL represents are played by several other United States Government agencies, as well as by pri- vate institutions and universities. Participating Federal agencies, and units within them, include the following: the U.S. Air Force Air Weather Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Department of Defense; the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior; the U.S. Coast Guard and the Federal Aviation Agency, Department of Transportation; the En- vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) ; and the National Science Foundation. The various functions within the IFYGL Project Office organization are schematically illustrated in figure 3. Eugene J. Aubert, NOAA, as IFYGL Project Office Director, has the overall planning, executive, and fiscal responsibility for IFYGL, delegating functional responsibilities to each of the supporting groups as required. Direct assis- tance to the Project Office Director is given by Terry C. de la Moriniere, NOAA, in the area of System Integration and Management and by Carl F. Jenkins , NOAA, in the area of Scientific Program Coordination and Management. The primary purpose of the system integration and management effort is to coor- dinate the financial and technical planning, the field operations, data man- agement, and engineering and testing activities with the scientific studies program and field operations plans. Scientific program coordination and management consists primarily of program planning, documentation, and contract initiation, monitoring > and review. Norman R. Glass, EPA, as Associate Director for Biological and Chemical Programs, is responsible for the planning and operations of the chemical and biological projects that are an important part of IFYGL, and he also serves as chief liaison between EPA and NOAA. Dr. Glass is supported in this role by Tudor Davis 3 EPA. On advice related to technical plans, particularly as they pertain to hydrological aspects, the Project Office is supported by M.A. Kohler, NOAA, and E. Harbeck 3 U.S. Geological Survey, Consultants for Hydrological Studies. To ensure close coordination between United States and Canadian efforts, and in support of the Joint Steering Committee and the Joint Management Team, Cornelius J. Callahan, NOAA, serves as U.S. IFYGL Coordinator. Public Information affairs are handled by Roland Paine of NOAA. OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF NOAA ADMINISTRATOR R.M. WHITE DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR H.W. POLLOCK ASSOCIATE ADMINISTRATOR J.W. TOWNSEND, JR. ASSOCIATE ADMINISTRATOR FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND PREDICTION R.E. HALLGREN IFYGL PROJECT OFFICE E.J. AUBERT Figure 2. ■5- OO CO E-, LU C5 CO OS o: »— < CO i — i CO PJ /-^ O Q 3 LL. LU CQ C3 Ll. => 1 — ' t 1 l-H 3 2 I— h- Q < >-l 1— CO ^i <3 IO P-c z a u LU I— • u «=C _l u. tq i— i CO "D < i— < I-; ea CO ■ ^--' _iu a 2 CO u ID t— I c < CO CD i* ^ O x LU O _l • > UO S UJ i— i o; 1— CO q - a: co z in ! — • — i < co > <_> •-H a; < i^ LU > i— i CO Q a. ce: co s: LU S i — i c > d_ i— i 1-5 l-j LU i- <_ > o _i LL. o3 1— 1 o Ll i i— co C_) < 1— • LL, 1— 1— ■ H LU 1 — 1 Oh lu a: C_> CO C i ce: cd cr s: pj i— i O LlI O PJ i — i LU < I c_> o ""3 Ll 1— OQ Q a: 3= CO co o cm l- CO 3 LU < LU O CO Ll. CO CO D. Q£ 1— Q < LL i — i - Ll PLl o i • LU H- 1— 1 2: LU Ll. cj 1 CO < 2 \— -Z. 2 i— i CD 2 i — i i — CO CO ■ZL LU i— i a: ^ 03 Ll <£ 1— i >-> s: os LU >— < hH • Ll CD LU o LU |— OS co C O CO CD 2 Z CO u • 1 2I<=C i— I LU CO Z3 o LU «3 < CD I— t—t H- c£ J ^ . CO co s: >- UJ a: e~ i LU o3 CO o3 Q DINATI AHAN a: j O J o < co u CO CO cc CO u (-H • O < Z3 K— 1 LL. UJ 1— LL. 2 >t et M c£ LU < LU CO (X a. s i — i o < _l CQ CO oc Q =D _l Q. LU i— I Ll. s to 0) <3i f*4 Of the four task groups that play a central role both in the planning and operational phases of the IFYGL program, Engineering and Testing, headed by Orville Scribner of NOAA, is responsible for the system engineering of data acquisition systems to be used in IFYGL, such as weather radars, rawinsondes, buoys, aircraft, and ships. As chief of Field Operations , William S. Barney, NOAA, carries the responsibility for those aspects of the IFYGL field opera- tions that are under the control of the Project Office and for coordinating the total field operations with the Canadian operations staff - particularly for the scheduling, procurement, installation, maintenance, and operations of the data acquisition systems and associated platforms. Data Management is directed by Joshua Z. Holland, NOAA, and includes planning for data flow and communications, data processing locations and schedules, and data reduction, quality control, archiving, retrieval, and dissemination. This will include the development of computer program specifications for IFYGL data processing. Scientific Studies are the concern of a multidisciplinary group of scientists who will synthesize the analyses and scientific studies to ensure that the data developed in IFYGL are relevant to the needs and decision-making functions of water resource managers, and to contribute to the development of a scien- tific basis for resource management of the Great Lakes. The scientific projects are discussed in the section that follows. As indicated earlier in figure 1, advice is provided to both the Canadian Management Team and the U.S. IFYGL Project Office by scientific panels. Ameri- can cochairmen of these panels are: Terrestrial Water Balance B.E. DeCooke 3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Energy Budget A. P. Pinsak 3 NOAA Lake Meteorology and Evaporation E.M. Rasmusson 3 NOAA Boundary Layer J.Z. Holland, NOAA Water Movement J. Saylor 3 NOAA Biology and Chemistry N. Jaworski 3 Environmental Protection Agency The gross schedule established by the IFYGL Project Office for American participation is shown in figure 4. •7- 10 r-^ en LO r-~ cr> >3- r-> ct> ro r-^ cr> C\J r^ r-% l-H Q co Q c_> t/ ■) —1 ■z. CO a; : uj o «3Z - UJ UJ < -4 C LU i— s: c n j < Q = co ^ L J Q- _l •— i >- =t 1 _i > UJ LU CD CO 1— «= X. U J o£ ►— i ^ +2 cm/ 'sec + 5 C > + l' 'C +0. ,05 ly/min +0, .05 ly/min +0, .05 ly/min +0, .05 ly/min +0, .025 cm +0 .02 cm Shipboard Data System The basic data system to be used aboard the two U.S. ships - NOAA's Researcher and the Advance II of the Cape Fear Technical Institute - is shown in figure 5. The Researcher will have the additional capability of acquiring water samples with a Rosette-type multisampler, monitoring dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll, and automatically obtaining humidity, wind speed, wind direc- tion, and air temperature data. The ships will be equipped with electrobathy- thermographs for profiling from the surface to the bottom of the lake and with a separate towed transducer for continual measurement of water surface tempera- ture. After the signals are sensed by the transducer, they enter a sensor acquisition module (SAM), a device located close to the sensor for performing the following functions: -22- Signal-condition the incoming data from 15 data channels. Amplify the signal to a level of 5 v D.C. Digitize the amplified signal to a 12-bit word and feed a serial digital data stream to a high-density analog recorder. Calibrate the data system by substituting precise voltage levels for the incoming data signals. Upper Air (Rawinsonde) System Three U.S. rawinsonde stations will be operated in support of the atmos- pheric water balance program and other IFYGL scientific studies. The three stations will be located near Stony Point, Sodus Bay, and Point Breeze, N.Y. The ground equipment to be used is basically the LORAN-C LOCATE Navaid Integrated Upper Air Sounding System manufactured by Beukers Laboratories, Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y., with a compatible radiosonde unit, AUTOMET Sonde Model 1223, made by the VIZ Manufacturing Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. The expected performance (system RMS error) of the integrated system is as follows: Winds Vector error +_ 0.5 mps for 1-min averages Temperature +_0.2°C Relative humidity +_ 5% Pressure +_ 2 mb Wind data and meteorological data (pressure, temperature, humidity, and calculated heights) will be correlated by the common parameter of elapsed time from balloon release. The overall system concept is illustrated in figure 6, and a block diagram of the system is shown in figure 7. Meteorological data will be conveyed by frequency modulation of the 403-MHz transmitted carrier frequency of the radiosonde. The modulation frequency varies from 50 to 2,000 Hz as a function of the sensed parameters, and the transmitter power is about 1/2 W. Specially selected carbon hygris- tors and ceramic rod thermistors will sense humidity and temperature respec- tively. Pressure will be obtained from an aneroid cell that drives a pen-arm contact over a strip on which 180 contacts are printed, each representing a discrete pressure. Each contact places one of three resistors in the modulator circuit in a fixed pattern so that each contact can be identified in the data output; recovery will be possible in the event of temporary interruption in the data stream. Intermediate pressures between the beginning edge of adjacent contacts can be determined by interpolation in the data reduction process. ■23- a3 U Sh •M 4-> CD 03 C E C • O Ph ■l-> •H -H G o £3 4-> P 5 Ph p u a o Xi "^ O ^4 -H ft O WO •H P •H O 3 P P -H CD i—l 10 P o cr PC Q Q 03 — i • • U E- /W /v /v N/ \ ' V' CX < H U I CX < 2 W hJ / V A \ / u \/ X bo T3 (j s •H O X W i-H o y" 0) i—l XJ O > •H O CO 1—1 O / •H ^ \ V ,C V O M C o3 o u u bO I o > •H •r~ . 13 < (D CM CC * O C I OS * CD O OS u / k / > / V / * / V /I 1 ) 1 i 1— 1 i—l i—i i—l 03 1— 1 03 r— 1 o3 03 P 03 +-> 03 +-> •H •H H •H •H •H fn bO 5h bO fn bo 0) •H CO < S •H i— 1 ^ CO < s ■ ' -? J ^ 03 03 / V / V / V / k / V / \ / ^ " / V / k / \ • S. / \ P. h E 0) fH CD e +j •P o •H 03 bO ( D 0) -H i-l •H C 03 to o T) O H -»-) ?-(-»-> +J •H T3 4-> i-H c 03 • 0) 0> o 3 a3 P P •H -P 0) 03 O o <4-l P CD U >, 03 -1 J CM 5 O (/) OS a> T3 C •H f-l 6 P- ■H +-> <4H ( \3 O Ph X co i— ( oS oS (/) +-> XI P < U ,P • O X P CM oS X •H T3 -p •H I/) 1 Dn p to 4-> p O i-l Ph P-, Ph CU 3 o T) oj J-l C P P X 2 P-i 10 P 10 w •H •H ■H E C 03 JHB E- CJ E- < H Q < UJ h PJ rt Q a, J t-i 2 O i—i UJ uuu • CC E- M < UJ H E- Q 2 CC * A •H •H E- 3= L a; 2 O UJ uu W ^ 2 2 fc u 5* h a, h I Q 2 i O < U o o I w o a> (N) K E- o 1 < U — ' < t ~7 \ /"> CO Sh 3 -25- CO U U 0> oo u 0) ex oo o o O « u *-> t- co f-. h < *J U T3 < ID CO tie +J o v u C 1) do e- t/> c C CD 3 S u o (- J a. k - 4^ 01 u c O f~> f-> o V +-> <4-< V) f-l w J= f-« oo X c o CD 4-» o U C *j «J CO f- O cO -a u <_. u u o CO -rt *J O O E C -H -H U oo g O *-> - a LU LU LZ LU ^ o o < — ii UJ < cj z DC < < , o 3 . o o g (A en u CC J u fr- s it) o u 2 H o 3 _1 (-, fc-t < ^ 1° 1° I I Jo Mo 30 ■8 ft) 05 s ^1 to CO LU 1 _i CO S LU i> _j h" LU < _) D h- < ^00 00 H or or DDD ID * /• - ^1 / • ^ 3 O O O A-- 2 CO o o o P * \"S ii ^ \ s % % t « k 1 Ul 4^> ** \ — ) f. 03 CO j y^^\ K + 1/ v o '^ f „ o n 3 \ * * / t/5 OS U E- U to u s o UJ, o — a '• s a / / 3 \ J *k / O < ■ 2 p3 J^ T^L / ) iC H J"«s / en 1° 1 jo CO / ] / „ r CM / \ / 1 ° \ — 3 / O (33 r 'i 3 \ fe. / 3 \ ■ ■ a CTi < ii i / \ ■ S'-N \ o> //v> _JW -11 ~z£* i ^ . . FIELD Y HE AKES o CC < 1— \ i \ i \NIA GAR^itatJ pfjv V o, "41 O < ■- -J 2 < \ • -of UJ ZKI- O O < — u. "jJ O UJ /r < o < Jz ITA D_ 1 "" or UJ _j " H V ~7~ r- y 2 V \\/c i * O CO r^ 8 e a I L 1 — 1 ■^ -J 34 U.S. DATA MANAGEMENT Proper data management from planning through archiving is a vital part of the comprehensive IFYGL program. NOAA's Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis (CEDDA), working in close cooperation with NOAA's Environmental Data Service, Lake Survey Center, and National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center, the NASA Mississippi Test Facility, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Geological Survey, is responsible for meeting the needs of those who are responsible for acquiring the data, those who process the data, and those who use the data. Major functions of this data management group are: • Project-wide planning to ensure awareness of all data sources 3 data requirements 3 and data reduction facilities. • Project-wide reporting procedures for data handling, and inventory and documentation standards . • Review and solution of problems related to instrumentation used by participants within NOAA, including calibration procedures s reduction specifications , and hardware and software systems. • Assigning responsibility to appropriate data processing facilities for reduction of the various types of data to a level suitable for scientific analysis. • Preparation of monthly data inventory reports during the Field Year to maintain current awareness among all U.S. participants . • Exchange of data among the U.S. and Canadian data centers and U.S. participants. • Transfer of data, after format review, to appropriate national archives for distribution to the scientific community . The most elementary aspects of the data management plan are illustrated in the flow diagram in figure 13. Management of the raw data to be acquired from the various observation platforms will include responsibility for system development, hardware acquisition, testing, and installation in terms of high-quality data acquisition. This means determining the overall suitability of particular instrumentation for its intended purpose, arranging for proper use of observation platforms, and providing for system integration, operator training, calibration measurements, recording and transmittal of data, and supporting documentation. These aspects of data management will not be the sole responsibility of CEDDA. Other agencies and institutions, as well as the individual investigators, will play a vital role in ensuring that data acquired for their various projects will suit user needs. -35- u Cfl < 2 PJ H KH 1— 1 < CO H o CO l-H PJ nJ • u h-l w O U D < PL, to OB 1*4 ■36- Processing of the raw data will be done at NOAA's Lake Survey Center, Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis, and Environmental Data Service, as well as by the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA's Mississippi Test Facility and the U.S. Geological Survey. During this phase, calibration corrections will be applied, data will be reduced to scientific units, veri- fied, and converted to scientifically convenient formats. In addition to the government units responsible for this task, principal investigators will also participate both in the reduction and analysis of data acquired for their individual projects. The U.S. Data Centers, consisting of NOAA's Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis and Lake Survey Center, and the Environmental Protection Agency (STORET system) , constitute switching networks through which the data will flow from the processing to the analysis phase. These centers will be concerned with identifying and resolving problems presented by the data and providing overall assistance where needed to assure that all planned data requirements are being met. They will also be the channel tor exchange of data with the Canadian participants. After further processing, IFYGL data, with supporting documentation, will be permanently stored in archives, which will also maintain long-term custody of edited raw data. These archives - the Great Lakes Data Center, now being planned, the National Oceanographic Data Center, the National Climatic Data Center, and the Environmental Protection Agency - will retrieve data upon re- quest and will also provide referral service to all IFYGL data sets. Analytical results as well as fully processed data of various types will be reported both by individual investigators through media of their choice and in official IFYGL publications. An effort will be made to create current awareness on the part of each participant concerning the relationship of individual data acquisition activi- ties to the overall IFYGL program. To this end, block diagrams that de- scribe in detail the data management plans are being prepared. These, as well as fuller discussion of all aspects of the IFYGL program, will be pub- lished in later Bulletins. -37- PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES III ADQDQ75Qmb73 J