/'\ . - NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 81 ^ T0Fc Q S ?AT ES O* ESTIMATION OF DAILY PRECIPITATION OVER CHINA AND THE USSR USING SATELLITE IMAGERY Washington, D. C. September 1976 noaa NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION / National Environmental Satellite Service NOAA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS National Environmental Satellite Service Series The National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) is responsible for the establishment and oper- ation of the environmental satellite systems of NOAA. NOAA Technical Memorandums facilitate rapid distribution of material that may be preliminary in nature and so may be published formally elsewhere at a later date. Publications 1 through 20 and 22 through 25 are in the earlier ESSA National Environmental Satellite Center Technical Memorandum (NESCTM) series. The current NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS series includes 21, 26, and subsequent issuances. Publications listed below are available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Sills Bldg., 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22151. Prices on request. Order by accession number (given in parentheses) . Information on memorandums not listed below can be obtained from Environmental Data Service (D831), 3300 Whitehaven St., NW., Washington, D.C. 20235. NESS 41 Effect of Orbital Inclination and Spin Axis Attitude on Wind Estimates From Photographs by Geosynchronous Satellites. Linwood F. Whitney, Jr., September 1972, 32 pp. (COM-72-11499) NESS 42 Evaluation of a Technique for the Analysis and Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Intensities From Satellite Pictures. Carl 0. Erickson, September 1972, 28 pp. (C0M-72-11472) NESS 43 Cloud Motions in Baroclinic Zones. Linwood F. Whitney, Jr., October 1972, 6 pp. (C0M-73- 10029) NESS 44 Estimation of Average Daily Rainfall From Satellite Cloud Photographs. Walton A. Follansbee, January 1973, 39 pp. (COM-73-10539) NESS 45 A Technique for the Analysis and Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Intensities From Satellite Pictures (Revision of NESS 36). Vernon F. Dvorak, February 1973, 19 pp. (COM-73-10675) ' NESS 46 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, 1972. NESS, April 1973, 10 pp. (COM-73-11035) NESS 47 Stratospheric Photochemistry of Ozone and SST Pollution: An Introduction and Survey of Se- lected Developments Since 1965. Martin S. Longmire, March 1973, 29 pp. (C0M-73-10786) NESS 48 Review of Satellite Measurements of Albedo and Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation. Arnold Gruber, July 1973, 12 pp. (COM-73-11443) NESS 49 Operational Processing of Solar Proton Monitor Data. Louis Rubin, Henry L. Phillips, and Stanley R. Brown, August 1973, 17 pp. (COM-73-11647/AS) NESS 50 An Examination of Tropical Cloud Clusters Using Simultaneously Observed Brightness and High Resolution Infrared Data From Satellites. Arnold Gruber, September 1973, 22 pp. (COM-73- 11941/4AS) NESS 51 SKYLAB Earth Resources Experiment Package Experiments in Oceanography and Marine Science. A. L. Grabham and John W. Sherman, III, September 1973, 72 pp. (COM 74-11740/AS) NESS 52 Operational Products From ITOS Scanning Radiometer Data. Edward F. Conlan, October 1973, 57 pp. (COM-74-10040) NESS 53 Catalog of Operational Satellite Products. Eugene R. Hoppe and Abraham L. Ruiz (Editors), March 1974, 91 pp. (COM-74-11339/AS) NESS 54 A Method of Converting the SMS/GOES WEFAX Frequency (1691 MHz) to the Existing APT/WEFAX Fre- quency (137 MHz). John J. Nagle, April 1974, 18 pp. (C0M-74-11294/AS) NESS 55 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, 1973. NESS, April 1974, 8 pp. (COM-74-11108/AS) NESS 56 What Are You Looking at When You Say This Area Is a Suspect Area for Severe Weather? Arthur H. Smith, Jr., February 1974, 15 pp. (COM- 74-11333/ AS) NESS 57 Nimbus-5 Sounder Data Processing System, Part I: Measurement Characteristics and Data Reduc- tion Procedures. W.L. Smith, H. M. Woolf, P. G. Abel, C. M. Hayden, M. Chalfant, and N. Grody, June 1974, 99 pp. (COM- 74-11436/ AS) S NESS 58 The Role of Satellites in Snow and Ice Measurements. Donald R. Wiesnet, August 1974, 12 pp. (C0M-74-11747/AS) (Continued on inside back cover) NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 81 ESTIMATION OF DAILY PRECIPITATION OVER CHINA AND THE USSR USING SATELLITE IMAGERY Walton A. Follansbee Washington, D. C. September 1976 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M White, Administrator National Environmental Satellite Service David S Johnson, Director Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/estimationofdailOOfoll CONTENTS Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Assumptions 2 Cloud motion models 2 Development of the technique 12 Procedure 13 Tests and verification 16 Future investigations 24 Acknowledgments 29 References 30 in ESTIMATION OF DAILY PRECIPITATION OVER CHINA AND THE USSR USING SATELLITE IMAGERt Walton A. Follansbee National Environmental Satellite Service, NOAA, Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT. This memorandum describes a technique for estimating precipitation over China and the USSR in late autumn, winter, and early spring, using satel- lite data. The data consisted of NOAA-4 infrared imagery taken at approximately 9 a.m. and 8 p.m., local time, and visual pictures taken near 9 a.m. local time, all with one-half mile resolution. The major human input to the technique is identification of precipitating clouds in the infrared imagery, aided by inspection of the visual pictures. The technique consists of three steps: (1) delineate the area(s) covered by precipitating clouds in each of two consecutive infrared images taken at approxi- mately 12-hour intervals; (2) using cloud motion models developed for the purpose, delineate the envelope of precipitation and isopleths of duration of precipitation in hours; (3) using an empirically derived relationship between duration of precipita- tion and the percentage of monthly normal precipita- tion, estimate amounts of precipitation for the 12- hour period at each grid point in the area of inter- est. The relationship is P 12 = 0.0075 DP N , where D is duration in hours, Pj^ is monthly normal precipita- tion, and Px2 is total precipitation in the 12-hour period. Satellite data for the period November 21, 1974, to February 28, 1975, were used to develop the technique and to establish the relationships. The technique was then tested in a quasi-operational mode for the months of March and April, 1975. For March 1975, the ratio of total error to total observed precipitation for the USSR was 0.55, and the ratio of algebraic error to total observed precipitation was 0.01. This degree of accuracy and the absence of significant bias was repeated in the April estimates for the USSR. A similar test over 24 States in the central United States for April 1976 gave ratios of 0.46 and -0.28. This underestimate is due largely to frequent thunderstorms over the U.S. in April 1976. INTRODUCTION The problem of estimating precipitation using satellite data has received increasing attention by a number of investigators in recent years. To date the emphasis has been on convective rain over the tropics and in summer in the subtropics, usually for mesoscale areas. The technique described herein was prompted by the need for estimting pre- cipitation over vast agricultural regions of Asia in autumn, winter, and spring. Convective rain is far less prevalent in these Asiatic areas during the colder months than in regions investigated in previous studies. This has both advantages and disadvantages. Except in well-defined frontal sys- tems, nimbostratus is more difficult to identify than cumulonimbus. On the other hand, precipitation from nimbostratus is far more uniformly distributed than that from cumulonimbus. ASSUMPTIONS An examination of climatological records led to the assumption that, in a normal month over the middle latitudes of Asia, two storms per week or nine storms per month could be expected. If the storms were of uniform intensity, each might contribute 11% of the monthly normal precipitation. Assuming that 11% fell in a 24-hour day, about 6% could be expected in a 12-hour period, provided the precipitation was continuous throughout the 12 hours. An analysis of the data showed that for a given point the duration of precipi- tation is usually less than 24 hours, suggesting that normally more than 6% would occur in a continuous 12-hour rain or snow period. In the interest of simplicity, the precipitation rate in all parts of a rain cloud has been considered constant in most cases, especially during the development of the technique. On the other hand, it is assumed that an experienced satellite meteorologist will have the capability of determining, in most cases, which clouds or parts of clouds are in fact precipitating, and at times, of assigning different intensities to various parts of the cloud. CLOUD MOTION MODELS While it is usually not difficult to identify a precipitating cloud mass in succeeding 12-hour pictures, the duration of precipitation along its path during the 12 hours presents problems. Motion models were developed to cope with these problems. One of the simplest of such models would be a rectangular cloud with major axis oriented north-south, moving from west to east at uniform speed, and traveling in 12 hours a distance equal to its minor axis, without changing shape or size. That is, at the end of 12 hours its trailing edge will reach a line occupied by the leading edge at the beginning of the 12-hour period, as shown in figure 1. Let us assume that the cloud is 100 miles long and 60 miles wide, and the satellite pictures have been taken at midnight and noon on a given day. Then at 2 a.m. the trailing edge of the cloud will have MEAN DURATION OF PRECIPITATION (HOURS): 1 3 5 7 9 AT NOON 11 \- x 2 Q 2 9 7 5 3 1 o o o o o h- o o o o o o o o o o <^ o o o o o CM "* to 03 o C3 CM ■* (fl CO o O o o o <— Q LU o o o o •— I- h- I- H H LU o H I- H h- H < < < < < C3 2 < EC s a LU a 2 a < LU —I < < < < < ss y Ss> ._^v*. J CLOUD BAND AT MIDNIGHT CLOUD BAND AT NOON Figure 1. --Cloud motion model, case 1. Rectangular, no overlap or underlap moved 10 miles east of its midnight position, and a strip 10 miles by 100 miles will have cleared. Precipitation will have ended at midnight along the western edge of this strip but will end at 2 a.m. along the eastern edge; therefore the average duration of precipitation within the entire strip will be 1 hour. But during this period all of the area extending 50 miles east of the strip will have received precipitation throughout the 2 hours. In the same way it can be shown that between 2 and 4 a.m. the 10-mile wide strip immediately east of this first strip will have an average duration of 1 hour, for a total of 3 hours duration from midnight to 4 a.m. Likewise, the next strip to the east will have an average duration of 5 hours, and the next three strips will have 7, 9, and 11 hours, respectively. In like manner, following the progress of the leading edge of the cloud mass, we see there would be six more strips 10 miles wide with average dura- tion values in hours of 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1, decreasing eastward. A second case, shown in figure 2, is similar to the first, but traveling in 12 hours a distance equal to twice its minor axis. At this speed, it can be shown that duration of precipitation will not exceed 6 hours at any point MEAN DURATION OF PRECIPITATION (HOURS): 1 3 5 6 6 6 5 h- 1- I X U o 2 o 2 2 o Q a 2 ^ § o o O 1- o < o o \- o o o H O H o *T ^ > ^* ■>l o o 2 < UJ a a LU (J 2 5 < J CLOUD BAND AT MIDNIGHT CLOUD BAND AT NOON Figure 2. --Case 2. Rectangular, under lap equal to width of band, along the cloud's track. This case has an underlap* equal to the width of the cloud band, or the cloud band's minor axis. Figure 3 presents a third case of a rectangular cloud, moving in the direc- tion of its major axis a distance of half the length of the major axis in 12 hours. This case provides a 50% overlap of the original cloud position and the cloud position 12 hours later. If the major axis is 120 miles and the minor axis 100 miles, the entire envelope of precipitation will be the perimeter of a rectangle 100 by 180 miles. If, as before, the cloud is moving from west to east, we could divide the entire precipitation area into 18 rectangular strips 10 miles wide and 100 miles long, such that the average duration of precipitation in hours, beginning with the westernmost and ending with the easternmost strip, would be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1. Figure 4 shows cases similar to cases 1, 2, and 3, but for circular cloud masses rather than rectangular. *Underlap=the distance between the leading edge of the cloud mass at initial time and the trailing edge of the same cloud mass at the end of the time period under consideration. MEAN DURATION OF PRECIPITATION (HOURS): 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 12 2 o o I 2 1 1- 1 12 12 12 12 12 11 I- I a 2 Q 2 9 7 5 3 1 o o o o o < I I- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I CM »* 9 CO o CM ^- (0 CO o o © o o LU O o o o *— I- h- \- t- I- o H I- K H H I < < < < < 2 _l 1 < 1 GC 1 1- J Q HI 2 a < hi < < < < < *SS \ »" — >l J ?S 1 zir CLOUD BAND AT MIDNIGHT CLOUD BAND AT NOON Figure 3. --Case 3. Rectangular, overlap equal to 50% of band width. Obviously, not many cloud masses retain a rectangular or circular shape of uniform size for 12 consecutive hours. It is possible, however, to adapt cases 1 through 6, singly or in combination, to many cloud masses as they appear in satellite imagery. Figure 5 shows a somewhat idealized frontal system moving uniformly with little change in shape or size. The upper third is fairly circular and shows approximately 50% overlap; therefore it may be treated like case 6. The middle third is fairly rectangular, with little overlap or underlap, and may be likened to case 1. The lower third remains nearly rectangular and averages an underlap approximately equal to its width; thus it may be treated like case 2. The isopleths of precipita- tion duration have been smoothed in regions of transition from one case to the next . Figure 6 shows examples of three cloud systems, cases 8, 9, and 10, which either expand or contract without any other lateral motion. The concentric isopleths of precipitation duration are drawn the same way regardless of whether the system is contracting or expanding. Figure 7a shows a slightly more complex but more realistic motion pattern, case 11. The cloud band is diminishing as it moves along a diagonal. Positions are shown at 3-hour intervals beginning at 0000, ending at 1200 hours. Beginning and ending times of precipitation are indicated for various points and lines. Based on these and additional beginnings and endings (not shown), isopleths of duration of precipitation are outlined in figure 7b. The underlap in case 11 is approximately equal to the width of the cloud band at initial time. Case 12, figure 8a, is similar to case 11 except that there is p small overlap equal to one-third of the cloud band width at final 5 5 5 5 5 5 TRAILING EDGE AT MIDNIGHT LEADING EDGE AT NOON 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TRAILING EDGE AT MIDNIGHT LEADING EDGE AT NOON TRAILING EDGE AT MIDNIGHT LEADING EDGE AT NOON Figure 4. --Circular cloud motion models. Top: Case 4, no overlap or under-- lap at line of centers. Center: Case 5, underlap at line of centers equal to diameter. Bottom: Case 6, 50% overlap along line of centers. CASE 6 CASE 2 Figure 5. --Case 7. Composite cloud motion model, combining cases 1 , 2 , and 6. (a) (b) (c) Figure 6. --Cloud motion models for systems which either expand or contract without any other lateral motion. (a) Case 8, circular; (b) Case 10, vortical; (c) Case 9, oval. OHRS Figure 7a. --Case 11. Oval, contracting and moving on a diagonal to major axis, with under lap approximately equal to width of cloud band at initial time. B12 B12 Figure 7b. --Case 11. Duration of precipitation analysis. 10 EOO Figure 8a. --Case 12. Oval, contracting and moving on a diagonal to major axis, with overlap equal to one-third of cloud band width at terminal time. Figure 8b. --Case 12. Duration of precipitation analysis. 1 1 time. Isopleths of duration of precipitation, based on beginning and ending times from figure 8a, are outlined on figure 8b. Figure 9 is an actual case over mainland China on March 14, 1975. The heavy solid line in figure 9a is the cloud outline at 9 a.m. local time; the heavy dashed line is the cloud outline at approximately 8 p.m. local time. (Because of orbital factors, there is not exactly a 12-hour interval between northbound morning and southbound evening local picture-taking time. How- ever, for this study the interval has been assumed to be 12 hours. Thus for figure 9b, initial time is given as 0000, and terminal time as 1200 hours.) ( J v / 1 8 P.M. y f V. / -J Figure 9a. --Cloud positions over China at 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. local time, March 14, 1975. B00E03 B03E06 \ B09E1; B06E09 •••o-oo Jfo°° o ^^o .^^oo° o° o o B03E09 (JB09E12 o° »+t^^N °°°o ' BD6EVU o0 B 2 9 o E ooo°° / o° X_- y nOOOO° 000000 ! — -" B03E06 B"l2__J r A /" 0< > - q ° ■■-./:. \ -^ 5 B06E09 B09E12 Figure 9b. --Cloud positions at 3-hour intervals (from Fig. 9a). In figure 9b the cloud position at 0300 hours is outlined in a light solid line; at 0600 hours, in a light dashed line; and at 0900 hours, in a line of small circles. These intermediate positions have been "eyeballed," taking 12 Figure 9c. --Duration of precipitation analysis (from Fig. 9b) into account a gradual evolution of the salient features of the cloud mass. The envelope of motion is a dotted line. As in figure 7, beginning and ending times for various points and lines are indicated. Isopleths of duration of precipitation are shown in figure 9c. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNIQUE The original assumption, that a point remaining under a precipitating cloud for 12 hours should produce 6% of the monthly normal for that point, was tested over the USSR for late November and early December 1974. When this resulted in general underestimates, the figure was raised to 12%. This produced overestimates of comparable magnitude. The figure ultimately adopted was 9%. All subsequent tests, covering the period from November 24, 1974, to April 30, 1975, show little or no bias using 9% of the monthly normal for precipitation durations of twelve hours. The assumption that all portions of a precipitating cloud mass produce equal precipitation intensities is, of course, an oversimplification. For example, in bright (cold) cloud masses seen in infrared imagery taken over middle latitudes, little or no surface precipitation occurs under that part of the cloud shield lying east (downwind) of the upper level ridge line, but considerable precipitation occurs to the west (upstream) of this line. Therefore, whenever this ridge line could be located with reasonable accu- racy, it was drawn as the eastern or downwind terminus of precipitating cloud. One frontal system, obviously deepening rapidly, was assigned much larger percentage values in its more active portions, with percentage assignments tapering off toward the storm periphery. In general, precipitation was considered less intense near the lateral edges of the cloud mass--for example, near the northern and southern edges of a system moving eastward. It seemed unwise, however, in the early stages of the investigation and development, to introduce too much subjective judg- ment. Therefore, with the above-mentioned exceptions, the rule adopted was to assign equal intensities to all parts of a precipitating cloud. 13 Figure 10. --Infrared imagery taken at approximately 9 a.m., local time, March 22, 1975, over Asia. Figure 11 . --Infrared imagery taken at approximately 8 p.m., local time, March 22, 1975, over Asia. 14 60N 55N 50N 45 N CI rsi CM O u Oh CO o +-> e Oi -a o •H f-> (D Oh o aj t— i C X 0) o -^ u 03 aj +-> S X - U e 0) Jh aj c Ph • cj 00 -H t/) X< fn +-> 3 aj bO £ •H O LO QhOI 0_,<-l aj 4-> O Oj r— I C X CD O aj aj X - o g bO-H aj +j £ £ ■H Ph 19 LO 4-> oo c •H o a, T3 r^ ■H ^ O vD to o o 3 to Ol «tf r^a^rH cm en r^ t-i v£> LO o ^ o n- en cm rsj^-t^r^i— t <3- oo *3- cm oo lo o LO oo o lo ■rj-r^ooaii— i logics oo en LO o v0 lo oo oo r^ N O^ Ol (N \0 to oo t-» ^ o r-H LO 00 CT> CM <— I O CM CM ,— I O 00 o I— I o to o o LO o to o o CN o to 00 i— I LO L0 oo CM 00 a> -3- vo lo ■-1 o \0 CM O tO r-H •>3" Cn Cn Cn to O vO vO i-H CM 00 00 ^ vO t*> cm oo to .— i rt oo oo cm to cn oo so \D LO O to cn i— i cm oo oo cn to rj- cn lo i— ivo V0 o «tf \D t0 "* CN lo cn cn cn cm looo(n cn r^ LO O t^-oor^crii— ii— i^ovOtNi— ilo r^ LO O i— I Ch 00 rt to i— l f*> to i— 1 O \D "tf o to o o to o to o o "3- o o CM o ■— icMto-3-LOvor-^-ooenOi— i cn to Tt aj g i— I I— I .—I +-) f-| +J O O W H Z UJ LO r- ^o y CD CD a> 4-> o LW rt c ■H u o o Ph M o +-> > ~c •H 4J % -3 3 O ^H fn 'J TJ c c • H 3 X * LO c 1 ■H CT> r— 1 t/1 O - 4-J cr, d i-H 6 ■H o fJ +-S V) o to ^H c o 1— 1 •H •H «-) F-l cti ft 4-> < •H Ph FH ■H o U U-i O 'm Ph >. 1 — 1 -^ o o o - 22 130E 50N 120E 25 N 100E 110E Figure 18. --Weekly precipitation estimates in hundredths of an inch for China for April 13 to 19', 1975, inclusive. 23 4-> ■H Ph ■H O o Ph o X o fH o in 4n +J (3 LO ■H r^ O G> PL, I— I 13 ■ H 'M h M ft < OJ CO C to •H 3 (/) •M >. cd rt 13 "3 O o fJ > m •H s +J ■H 3 4-J O t/} O O t/1 c V) o ti •J 5 4h o M o rC o SO •H 24 The above ratios are based on daily errors, a rigorous test. The ratio of monthly error to total monthly precipitation is far less exact, but useful. The grand total of monthly error divided by the grand total of monthly precipitation gives, for the full sample, a ratio of 0.46 (compared with 0.55 for the USSR in March 1975). The ratio for the primary source stations is 0.49; this is the sole statistic favoring the entire sample. A categorical rain-no- rain test has been applied to the estimates. The results are shown in table 1 for the full sample, and in table 2 for the primary source stations. The primary source estimates outscore the entire sample estimates 75% to 73% in percent correct, 0.47 to 0.42 in skill score, 0.49 to 0.4 5 in threat score, 0.54 to 0.50 in post agreement, 0.83 to 0.80 in prefigurance, and 1.53 to 1.58 in bias. For the entire sample, rain was estimated for 80% of the actual rain cases, and no rain was estimated for 70% of the non-rain cases. The comparable figures for the primary source stations are 83% and 71%. Inspection of the day-by-day estimated and observed precipitation for each of the 547 stations in the sample provides a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the technique than can be had from the above statistics. Table 3 shows two of the most successful cases, table 4 two of the least successful, and table 5 two in the middle of the accuracy spectrum. The most serious failures of the technique were due to the high frequency of thunderstorms over most of the area under study during April 1976. The technique is tailored to less convective precipitation regimes, and should perhaps be restricted to the cooler months from October to March. (Even March 1976 yielded a record-breaking count of 211 tornadoes with copious convective rains over the United States. The normal count is in the low forties, however.) Goliad, Texas, highlights the problem (table 4). The observed amounts are much greater than the technique can estimate. In addition, thunderstorms can originate, mature, and decay well within the time interval between successive 12-hour pictures. No doubt this happened at Goliad on April 7 and 19. In contrast, the overestimates for parts of Louisiana and Arkansas may be due to mistaking thick debris from Texas and Oklahoma thunderstorms for rain-producing clouds. FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS It should be possible to increase the accuracy of the method by developing or adapting various models of precipitation patterns. Oliver (personal communication 1974) has suggested a model that should apply to most middle latitude storms. The essentials of the model (Fig. 20) are generally not difficult to identify in either visible or infrared satellite cloud imagery. The location of the jet axis has been described in a number of papers. Its role in the model is crucial. Normally the heaviest precipitation occurs in the area where the jet crosses the frontal band near the point of occlusion. Significant precipitation is also found in the cold frontal band not far south of the point of occlusion. Little or none occurs under that part of the jet which has a northerly component (that is, on the east side of the upper level ridge line) . Table 1 . --Categorical rain-no rain verification of esti- mates for 547 stations over central United States. 25 Total cases (T) = 16410 Total correct (7?) = 11961 Percent correct = 73% Expected correct by chance (E) = (q+fc)(a+e) + (c+d)(fe+d) = (4519) (7154)+(11891) (9256) T 16410 „,.,, R-E 11961-8677 .. Skill score = ^ = 16410 _ 8677 = -^ 3612 Estimated Rain None Total Rain 3612(a) 907(&) 4519(a) None 3542(e) 8349(d) 11891(0+0") .0 o Total 7154(a+e) 9256 (W) 16410 (a+&+e+d) 8677 Threat score = Post agreement 3612+907+3542 3612 = .45 7154 ,50 Prefigurance = ,,., „ = .80 7154 4519 4519 = 1.58 Table 2. --Categorical rain-no rain verification of esti- mates for first order and airport stations (162) . Estimated Rain None Total Total cases (T) = 4860 -Q Rain 1185(a) 243(fo) 1428 (a+Z?) Total correct (/?) = 3621 > None 996(e) 2436(d) 3432 (e+d) Percent correct = 75°6 X> Expected correct o Total 2181 (a+e) 2679 (£>+ d) 4 860(a+&+e+d) by chance (E) (1428) (2181)+(3432) (2679) 4860 Skill score = Threat score = Post agreement Prefigurance = R-E _ 3621-2533 T-E ~ 4860-2533 1185 = 1185+243+996 1185 2533 .47 .49 2181 I is.. 1428 .54 3ias = 2181 1428 = 1.53 26 Table 3. --Estimated and observed daily rainfall for selected stations in the United States, April 1976. (Best cases.) 1976 Youngstown, Ohio Est Obs E-0 Rockford, Illinois Est Obs E-0 ril 1 0.07 0.10 -0.03 2 .04 .04 3 4 .07 .17 - .10 5 6 .04 .01 + .03 7 .04 -.04 8 T 9 10 11 .04 .03 + .01 12 13 14 15 16 .04 .04 17 .04 + .04 18 19 20 21 .29 .38 - .09 22 .11 .32 -.21 23 .04 + .04 24 .18 .17 + .01 25 .40 .26 + .14 26 .04 .08 -.04 27 T 28 29 30 Tot?} 1.40 1.64 0.78* Ra t i o : 0.48 -0.24# 0.04 T + 0.04 .04 - .04 .03 - .03 .04 .16 - .12 .08 .05 + .03 .35 .86 - .51 .12 T + .12 .08 .04 + .04 .12 .02 + .10 .19 .51 -.32 .35 .35 .38 .50 - .12 .62 .75 - .13 .35 .17 + .18 .08 .12 - .04 2.80 3.60 1.82* atio: 0.51 -0.80# *Total of daily errors, disregarding sign. #Algebraic sum of daily errors, which equals total estimated minus total observed. Table 4. --Estimated and observed daily rainfall for selected stations in the United States, April 1976. (Worst cases.) 11 1976 Jennings, Louisiana Est Obs E-0 Goliad, Texas Est Obs E-0 April 1 2 1! 3 (1 4 (1 ii 5 .87 + .87 <: .27 .07 + .20 7 .38 + .38 8 .05 - .05 9 10 1 i 12 '.i 13 .33 + .33 14 .02 - .02 15 .16 + .16 16 .11 + .11 , 7 IS (! l ! '< 20 .27 + .27 21 .42 - .42 22 25 (i 24 .27 + .27 25 .11 .30 - .19 26 (' 27 28 li 29 .49 + .49 50 .16 + .16 Total 3.42 0.86 3.92* Ratio : 4.56 +2.56# 0.03 + 0.03 .13 + .13 ii 1) .42 .31 + .11 .03 1 .18 -1.15 .16 + .16 .18 .08 + .10 1 .75 -1.75 .03 + .03 n o .05 T + .05 .10 .17 - .07 .03 + .03 .08 + .08 (i .39 - .39 () o .23 5 .00 -4.77 3 .35 -3.35 .16 .72 - .56 .03 + .03 .16 + .16 .42 + .42 .13 .15 -.02 I) .10 .01 + .09 .31 1 .11 - .80 .03 .01 + .02 2.81 14 .23 14.30* .atio : 1 .00 -11.42# *Total of daily errors, disregarding sign. #Algebraic sum of daily errors, which equals total estimated minus total observed. 28 Table 5. --Estimated and observed daily rainfall for selected sta- tions in the United States, April 1976. (Average cases.) 1976 Ridgeland, Wisconsin Est Obs E-0 Cherokee, Oklahoma Est Obs E-0 April 1 2 3 .09 T + .09 4 5 6 7 8 9 .03 + .03 10 .11 .22 - .11 1 1 12 13 14 .03 .69 - .66 15 .03 + .03 L6 .09 + .09 17 .20 .04 + .16 18 .90 - .90 19 20 .09 + .09 21 .26 .26 11 .03 .01 + .02 2 3 .09 .24 - .15 24 .40 .27 + .13 2 5 .11 + .11 26 27 28 29 30 T Total 1.56 2.63 2.57* Ra t i o : 0.98 -1.07# .21 T + .21 .30 .02 + .28 .03 + .03 .46 - .46 .09 T + .09 .18 .69 - .51 .06 .60 - .54 .15 + .15 .30 .59 -.29 .06 + .06 .09 .20 - .11 .06 T + .06 .09 T + .09 .36 .91 - .55 .12 .34 - .22 2.10 3.81 3.65* atio : 0.96 -1.71* *Total of daily errors, disregarding sign. #Algebraic sum of daily errors, which equals total estimated minus total observed. 29 VERY LITTLE PRECIPITATION EAST OF RIDGE LINE P = POINT OF OCCLUSION. TIGHT TEMPERATURE GRADIENT AT "P" UNDER JET. ALTOSTRATUS MOVING NNW ACCROSS JET AXIS ENCOUNTERS MAXIMUM UPWARD MOTION; THEREFORE HEAVIEST PRECIPITATION. Figure 20. --Middle-latitude storm model showing zones of greatest intensity of precipitation (from Oliver) . Smith and Younkin (1972) have shown that for "digging" polar jets over the central United States, heavy rainfall tends to occur in an ellipsoidal pattern east of the jet stream. Their composite model for forecasting 12-hour heavy rainfall should be tested, both over the central United States and other parts of the globe, for possible use in this technique. Other investigations by Younkin and his collaborators (1968, 1970) and by Fawcett and Saylor (1965) should be tested in the same way. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Vincent J. Oliver and Dr. Norton D. Strommen for valuable suggestions for improving the paper; Paul Lehr for his editorial review; and Peg Follansbee, his personal secretary, who helped so much. 30 REFERENCES Browne, Richard F., and Younkin, Russell J., "Some Relationships Between 850-Millibar Lows and Heavy Snow Occurrences Over the Central and Eastern United States," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 98, No. 5, May 1970, pp. 399-401. Fawcett, E. B. , and Saylor, H. K. , "A Study of the Distribution of Weather Accompanying Colorado Cyclogenesis," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 93, No. 6, June 1965, pp. 359-367. Goree, Paul A., and Younkin, Russell J., "Synoptic Climatology of Heavy Snowfall Over the Central and Eastern United States," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 94, No. 11, November 1966, pp. 663-668 Smith, Warren, and Younkin, Russell J., "An Operationally Useful Relationship Between the Polar Jet Stream and Heavy Precipitation," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 100, No, 6, June 1972, pp. 434-440. Oliver, Vincent J., National Environmental Satellite Service, Washington, D.C., 1974, personal communication. Younkin, Russell J., "Circulation Patterns Associated With Heavy Snowfall Over the Western United States," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 96, No. 12, December 1968, pp. 851-853. (Continued from inside front cover) NESS 59 Use of Geostationary-Satellite Cloud Vectors to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity. Carl. 0. Erickson, September 1974, 37 pp. (C0M-74-11762/AS) NESS 60 The Operation of the NOAA Polar Satellite System. Joseph J. Fortuna and Larry N. Hambrick, November 1974, 127 pp. (COM-75-10390/AS) NESS 61 Potential Value of Earth Satellite Measurements to Oceanographic Research in the Southern Ocean. E. Paul McClain, January 1975, 18 pp. (COM-75-10479/AS) NESS 62 A Comparison of Infrared Imagery and Video Pictures in the Estimation of Daily Rainfall From Satellite Data. Walton A. Follansbee and Vincent J. Oliver, January 1975, 14 pp. (COM-75- 10435/AS) NESS 63 Snow Depth and Snow Extent Using VHRR Data From the N0AA-2 Satellite. David F. McGinnis, Jr., John A. Pritchard, and Donald R. Wiesnet, February 1975, 10 pp. (COM-75-10482/AS) NESS 64 Central Processing and Analysis of Geostationary Satellite Data. Charles F. Bristor (Editor), March 1975, 155 pp. (COM-75-10853/AS) NESS 65 Geographical Relations Between a Satellite and a Point Viewed Perpendicular to the Satellite Velocity Vector (Side Scan). Irwin Ruff and Arnold Gruber, March 1975, 14 pp. (COM-75-10678/AS) 10678/AS) NESS 66 A Summary of the Radiometric Technology Model of the Ocean Surface in the Microwave Region. John C. Alishouse, March 1975, 24 pp. (COM-75-10849/AS) MESS 67 Data Collection System Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite: Preliminary Report. Merle L. Nelson, March 1975, 48 pp. (COM-75-10679/AS) NESS 68 Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Classifications for 1974. Donald C. Gaby, Donald R. Cochran, James B. Lushine, Samuel C. Pearce, Arthur C. Pike, and Kenneth 0. Poteat, April 1975, 6 pp. (COM-75- 1-676/ AS) NESS 69 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, NESS-1974. April 1975, 7 pp. (COM- 75-10850/AS) NESS 70 Dependence of VTPR Transmittance Profiles' and Observed Radiances on Spectral Line Shape Parame- ters. Charles Braun, July 1975, 17 pp. NESS 71 Nimbus-5 Sounder Data Processing System, Part II: Results. W. L. Smith, H. M. Woolf, C. M. Hayden, and W. C. Shen. July 1975, 102 pp. NESS 72 Radiation Budget Data From the Meteorological Satellites, ITOS 1 and NOAA 1. Donald H. Flanders and William L. Smith, August 1975, 22 pp. NESS 73 Operational Processing of Solar Proton Monitor Data. Stanley R. Brown, September 1975. (Re- vision of NOAA TM NESS 49), 15 pp. NESS 74 Monthly Winter Snowline Variation in the Northern Hemisphere from Satellite Records, 1966x75. Donald R. Wiesnet and Michael Matson, November 1975, 21 pp. (PB248437) NESS 75 Atlantic Tropical and Subtropical Cyclone Classifications for 1975. D. C. Gaby, J. B. Lushine, B. M. Mayfield, S. C. Pearce, and K. 0. Poteat, March, 1976, 14 pp. NESS 76 The Use of the Radiosonde in Deriving Temperature Soundings From the Nimbus and NOAA Satellite Data. Christopher M. Hayden, April 1976, 21 pp. (PB-256755) NESS 77 Algorithm for Correcting the VHRR Imagery for Geometric Distortions Due to the Earth's Curva- ture and Rotation. Richard Legeckis and John Pritchard, April 1976, 30 pp. NESS 78 Satellite Derived Sea-Surface Temperatures From NOAA Spacecraft. Robert L. Brower, Hilda S. Gohrband, William G. Pichel, T. L. Signore, and Charles C. Walton, in press, 1975. NESS 79 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, 1975. NESS, June 1976. NESS 80 Satellite Images of Lake Erie Ice: January-March 1975. Michael C. McMillan and David Forsyth, June 1976. 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