^ S-S./3 : ^T/f^ Y&7 - /°/W?JL 3a NOAA Technical Report ERL 407-PMEL 32 +** '** \ .5 *>*r c sO«'' A Regional Surface Wind Model for Mountainous Coastal Areas James E. Overland Matthew H. Hitchman Young June Han June 1979 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Research Laboratories -sSgagjv NOAA Technical Report ERL 407-PMEL 32 A Regional Surface Wind Model for Mountainous Coastal Areas James E. Overland Matthew H. Hitchman Young June Han Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Seattle, Washington June 1979 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration a. 1600 ^s' - \ 1200 f\ 800 400 Land Elevation ~ ] l I I i i i I l I I A / 1 i i i i i i 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Distance (km) 16.0 _ Wind Direction Wind Speed 12.01- 8.0 2400 ~PBL Height ^N 2000 - \ - 1600 - ' \y 1200 - 800 r\ 400 - Land Elevation - II I I I I I I I I I -A - \ i i i i i i i 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Distance (km) Figure 7. — Onshore flow with coastal mountain. Offshore PBL height equals (a) 500 m, (b) 900 m, and (c) 1500 m. 8.0 o « 4.0 0.0 290 280 S 1 250 Inertia/Pressure Gradient Force Temperature Wind Direction 6.0- " 2.0 1200 800 400 Wind Speed PBL Height Land Elevation I l l l l I 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Distance (km) Figure 8. — Sea breeze circulation with coastal mountain. B 3.0 CD "" 0.0 1 280 S 1 200 "D 16.0 T 12.0- E 8.0 Inertia/Pressure Gradient Force /\ Wind Direction Wind Speed 1600 1200 800 400 PBL Height - Land Elevation i l l i J L 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Distance (km) Figure 9. — Offshore flow with coastal mountain. side of the mountain. They then recover to a near- frictional balance within 40 km of the lee side PBL minimum. Figure 8 shows the influence of the presence of the mountain on sea breeze circulation (10 K temperature contrast between land and sea). In this formulation the mountain acts as an effec- tive barrier to development and emphasizes the importance of low-level valleys in the mountain range for the development of sea breeze circula- tion. In addition to temperature contrasts, flows 8.0 4.0- 0.0 286 Inertia/Pressure Gradient Force 278 Temperature 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Distance (km) Figure 10. — Land breeze with coastal mountain. through valleys would be enhanced by the high pressure developed on the windward side of the ridge. Figures 9 and 10 show offshore flow and land breeze for a low coastal mountain. Unlike the onshore flow case with constant friction on the lee side of the mountain, , a pronounced minimum in the PBL height does not occur when there is a re- duction in friction on the leeward side of the mountain. This case strongly contrasts with the offshore flow case for flat topography in that there is virtually no variation in velocity seaward of the coastline. In the land breeze case, the temperature contrast reinforces the down-slope flow, resulting in a maximum wind speed of 9 m s -1 at the coast, reducing to 4 m s" 1 at 20 km offshore. Several important qualitative results can be inferred from the one-dimensional model runs. First, the length scale for frictional and thermody- namic equilibrium over water is several hundreds of kilometers; this is consistent with wintertime observations of outbreaks of cold continental air over the Atlantic Ocean along the northeastern coast of the United States. Second, in the vicinity of discontinuities, advective effects dominate. Third, the presence of even modest orography modifies the offshore flow pattern. One can antici- pate that alongshore variations in topography are also important. Finally, except for certain special cases, observations made right at the coast should be, at best, only qualitatively similar to the off- shore flow field. 5. SIMULATION FOR PUGET SOUND/STRAIT OF JUAN DE FUCA A matter of primary importance is determin- ing the transport mechanism of any petroleum spilled into the waters of Puget Sound or south- eastern Alaska. Since winds have a sizable effect on surface drift, direct measurements of winds over the water are being made as part of coastal assessment programs. A goal of the regional mete- orological model is to extend the usefulness of these observational data sets and to enhance the understanding of the mesoscale atmospheric response. We have selected for modeling three gener- alized examples of meteorological flow conditions for the Puget Sound system. Midwinter is charac- terized by a series of cyclonic storms (Section 5.3.1) with strong winds from the southwest carrying warm moist air inland over western Washington. Another frequent winter case is the lull between storms, with high pressure to the east of the region (Section 5.3.2) causing strong easterly winds along the axis of the Strait of Juan de Fuca with relatively light winds elsewhere. In the summer months, anticyclonic flow around a well-developed semi-permanent high pressure cell to the west of the region (Section 5.3.3) causes pre- vailing northwest winds offshore along the west- ern coasts of Washington and Vancouver Island. 5.1 Regional Description The area investigated includes western Wash- ington, the southern end of Vancouver Island, and southwestern British Columbia. Major features are the offshore ocean, Puget Sound, and the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Georgia (fig. 11). This region spans the coordinates 121 °W to 126 °W and 46 d N to 56 °N. Topographic data for the model were obtained from a master tape at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The mesh is a grid of 5 minutes latitude and longitude, with an average elevation computed for each square. The NCAR elevation data were smoothed in both directions (Shuman, 1957). Figure 12 pre- sents a view of the smoothed topographic grid as seen from the southwest. The Cascade Mountains form a north-south barrier to the east ranging from a low elevation of 916 m at Snoqualmie Pass to a high of 4392 m at Mt. Rainier, with an average height of 1800 m. The Olympic Mountains in the center of the re- gion rise gradually from the south and west to 2428 m at the summit of Mt. Olympus, with an average height of 1600 m, descending rapidly to the north and east. A significant area of higher ele- vation to the south is the Willapa Hills, 300 to 600 m high, between the Columbia River and the Chehalis River Valley. Vancouver Island is pri- marily mountainous, with heights averaging 900 m, reaching 1200 m in several locations. This topography establishes one main low- level north-south passageway, extending from the Columbia River Valley through Puget Sound, and two low-level east-west passageways, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Grays Harbor Inlet/Chehalis River Valley area. 5.2 Data Sources We obtained a set of data that adequately represent the regional wind field during the period November 1976 through January 1977. This set in- cludes data from routine meteorological station reports and from an array of recording anemom- eters at strategic locations. Figure 13 and table 2 provide station locations, sources, and National Weather Service (NWS) station symbols. Teletype data for NWS offices and Coast Guard stations were obtained from the Ocean Services Unit of the Seattle Weather Service Forecast Office. The Weather Service offices and ships from the North- east Pacific typically report every 6 h. The Coast Guard stations usually report every 3 h, but most do not report during the night. Three MRI Model 7092 Anemometers set out by the authors yielded strip charts, which were converted to 1-h averages and plotted every 6 h. Data from three vector- averaging anemometers in the Strait of Juan de Fuca were provided by the MESA Puget Sound project (Holbrook and Halpern, 1978). It should be noted that stations 10-17 in table 1 a. 2 well in- land; thus, local microtopography affects the air movement there more than at the shore stations, and makes them less indicative of the general flow. Station wind reports were mapped every 6 h from 0000 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on 27 November 1976 to 1800 GMT on 26 January 1977. From these regional maps, examples of typical weather events were selected. For each case selected, large-scale synoptic pressure maps centered on western Washington were prepared from North Pacific synoptic charts. In addition, objective sea level pressure analyses 125° 124° 123° 122° 125° 124° 123° 122° W Figure 11.— The Puget Sound/Strait of Juan de Fuca region. 10 Table 2. — Stations used on local wind maps Number Station Location Source Symbol 1 Transient Ships W 2 Columbia River Weather Ship W NNCR 3 Astoria w AST-791 4 Willapa Bay c 89S 5 Cape Shoalwater A 6 Westport c 84S 7 La Push c 87S 8 Quillayute w UIL-797 9 Cape Flattery c 93S 10 NorthPoint w 105 11 Snider w 109 12 South Olympic w 138 13 Dayton w 253 14 Wolf Point w 572 15 Round Mountain w 743 16 Lester w 450 17 Little Mountain w 432 18 Buoy 3 H 19 Buoy 4 H 20 Buoy 2 H 21 Port Angeles C NOW 22 New Dungeness c 96S 23 Point Wilson c 53S 24 Point Wilson A 25 Smith Island 26 Friday Harbor C S19 27 Victoria w VI-200 28 Patricia Bay w YJ-799 29 Cassidy Airport w CD-890 30 Comax w QQ-893 31 Vancouver w VR-892 32 Abbotsford w XX-108 33 Point No Point c 97S 34 West Point c 43S 35 West Point A 36 Alki Point c 91S 37 Sea-Tac Airport w SEA-793 38 Point Robinson c 99S KEY C Coast Guard station report A PMEL land-based anemometers H PMEL buoy-placed anemometers W National Weather Service station report on the Limited Area Fine Mesh Model (LFM) grid were obtained for the region from the National Meteorological Center. We will compare the ob- jective analyses on the 160-km mesh to the hand- drawn charts to determine whether LFM input is adequate for the regional model. Upper-air sound- ing data were available from Quillayute station on the Washington coast; weather ship Papa, located at 50 °N, 145 °W; Sea-Tac airport, south of Seattle; and Portage Bay in Seattle. The pressure analysis maps show pressure in millibars, written out to the units place on isobars and to the tenths place at stations. In the latter the first two digits are deleted; e.g., 236 = 1023.6 mbar. Wind is given on these maps as barbs (one full barb = 10 kn). On the local wind maps, direction and speed to- Figure 12. — Topographic grid used in the computations as viewed from the southwest. gether are given at stations; e.g., 2813 — wind from 280°, speed 13 kn. 5.3 Model Simulations Two basic regimes describe the general weather characteristics of Decembers in western Washington. As is typical of the latitude, a succes- sion of frontal passages from the west, varying in number and intensity, dominates, producing strong winds from the southwest. Between storms, high pressure builds up near the area, often in the continental interior, bringing clear skies and rela- tively low winds lasting for several days to a week or more. The fall and winter of 1976 were unusual in that a persistently recurring ridge of high pres- sure (500 mbar) over the Northeast Pacific, fre- quently extending almost to the pole, allowed only an occasional weakened frontal passage through the area. Surface high pressure associated with the 500-mbar pattern, but displaced eastward over the continent, dominated the Puget Sound Basin. We selected examples from the data set de- scribed above to model both of the basic winter regimes, the typical midwinter case (cyclonic storm system) and the frequent lull between win- ter storms (interior high pressure). In addition, we chose to use data from the same winter set to model the typical summer case (offshore high pressure), since, in all respects except temperature, the example selected is representative of the sum- mer pattern. 11 125° 124° 123° 122° 48° 47° — Fraser River Valley - 50° 49° 48° 47° N 125° 124° 123° 122°W Figure 13. — Locations of anemometer stations that collected data for December 1976-January 1977. 12 5.3.1 Cyclonic storm system The front that approached the coast at 0000 GMT, 8 December 1976 (fig. 14), turned into a cold front of respectable energy as the high re- treated far to the south. The even isobars and southwesterly geostrophic flow before this front are typical before the passage of a cold front. From the local wind vectors (fig. 15), one first notices that the flow is channeled by the Olympic and Cascade Mountains. Winds over Puget Sound are stronger and more southerly than offshore. A region of light winds is evident in the lee of the Olympic Mountains. There is also general steerage of the flow along the axis of the Strait of Georgia, more than a 90° deflection from the geostrophic wind. The temperature sounding at 1605 GMT on 7 December at Sea-Tac shows a relatively moist, deep, well-mixed PBL with near-neutral stability (fig. 16). This is illustrated further by the fact that the 850-mbar flow is very similar to the surface flow on the LFM maps (see figs. 17a and 17b). The hand-drawn and LFM surface maps agree well. Figures 18 and 19 for 0000 GMT, 15 December, show an additional example of strong winds from the southwest. The corresponding storm situation of 8 De- cember 1976 is simulated by a model run for PBL heights of 1800 m and 900 m (figs. 20a and 20b). Geostrophic wind is 14.7 m s" 1 from 251°. The overall wind pattern for a PBL height of 1800 m is much smoother than that suggested by observa- tions. The pattern for the lower height, however, is about as detailed as the observed pattern. An eddy has formed at the east end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca near Port Angeles in each simulation. The PBL height deviations show a gentle rise over the windward side of the mountains with a pro- nounced lee wave trough on the downwind side of the Olympics and Vancouver Island. With a low inversion height, increased winds flow through the low point in the mountains of Vancouver Is- land and spill out over the inland waters. Ob- served winds in the east end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca are less intense and more westerly than either model run suggests. It may be that the posi- tion of the eddy and the magnitude of the pressure gradient that develops along the axis of the Strait of Juan de Fuca are very sensitive to the volume of air channeled through Puget Sound, which de- pends in turn on the orientation of the offshore flow. Inflow along the southern boundary is not handled satisfactorily by arbitrary specification of inversion height, especially at the land-water in- terface. However, this does not appear to unduly influence the flow in the central basin. In the previous section it was noted that inertia plays a dominant role in mesoscale circula- tions. The main difference between the two model runs lies in whether the flow goes over the moun- tain or around it. Since observations resemble more the case with a lower inversion, perhaps the effective cross-sectional height of the mountains is higher than the model-assumed average eleva- tions; the light stable stratification of the PBL shown in the Sea-Tac sounding may contribute to increased channeling. 5.3.2 Interior high pressure A good example of interior high pressure oc- curred at 0000 GMT on 1 December 1976. For several days before and after this time, high pres- sure prevailed over southeastern British Columbia, extending north and south over the interior plateau (fig. 21). In areas of flat topog- raphy, widely spaced isobars would suggest a weak flow outward from the high pressure center westward over the area. However, the local wind shown in fig. 22 reveals a complex pattern with easterly winds at the coast and calm or light northerly winds in Puget Sound. A very interest- ing feature is seen in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. In sharp contrast to the weak and variable winds elsewhere on the inland waters, there is a strong flow out the Strait, reaching 20 kn at Cape Flattery. This isolated jet was reported by Reed (1931) but is not specifically mentioned in more re- cent literature. Associated with these low-level wind vectors are temperature soundings over the area that reveal a strongly stratified regime throughout the planetary boundary layer. The Sea-Tac sounding at 1610 GMT on 30 November 1976 is shown in fig. 23. Lines of constant poten- tial temperature are also shown, indicating stable stratification throughout the boundary layer. In the objective analyses from the National Meteorological Center, the absence of horizontal air flow seen at 850 mbar in fig. 24a for 1 Decem- ber, 0000 GMT, contrasts with the surface pattern (fig. 24b), which shows a light pressure gradient east-west through the region in agreement with the hand-drawn map. The spacing on the surface LFM map is 1 mbar, approximately equivalent to the 10-geopotential meter spacing of the 850-mbar LFM map. The decoupling of the 850-mbar and surface layer is consistent with the strong vertical stratification observed at Sea-Tac. Stability re- stricts the flow to regions below the mountain tops where the air is accelerated along the east-west pressure gradient out through the Strait of Juan de Fuca and west through the Cowlitz Valley south of the Olympic Mountains. The winds are stronger in the strait than along the southern Washington 13 Figure 14. — Sea level pressure chart, 8 December 1976, 0000 GMT. 14 Figure 15.— Local wind observations, 8 December 1976, 0000 GMT. 15 3042 N. I I I \ \ \ * '•• I I i E x \ r 1483 — \ "\ > _ sz \ •• \ V \

\ninnn , /////////rmnrinnnn, //////////rrnnhnintn ////////////m/r/rmr ; ////////rrrmnini]' /////////////;; rKrtn' ////////////;;; n \u T /////////////;// r tin J //////////// rmij\\\ ////////////// Mi/n\V /////////////// / .•!, , \ \ \}«w ///////////////, , V^UM ////////////^^, , ,./n0 10ms" Figure 20.— Velocity vector plots of model winds for southwest flow. Offshore PBL height equals (a) 1800 m and (b) 900 m. coast because the down-gradient acceleration is uninhibited by surface friction. Another curious feature is that the winds in Puget Sound proper flow south, in the opposite direction to those in- ferred from the surface geostrophic wind. A sec- ond example of winds under the high pressure re- gime is seen in figs. 25 and 26, where high pressure has built up rather rapidly between frontal pass- ages. The local stations again reflect the widely spaced isobars with easterly winds on the coast, calm in the sound, and acceleration along the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Figure 27a shows the wind pattern generated by the model corresponding to the case of 1 De- cember 1976. Although the boundary layer is not well mixed as assumed in Section 2, we believe that we can simulate the forced channeling for the east wind case by assuming a very shallow PBL in the model, capped by very strong stability. Input parameters are summarized in table 3. The model was initialized by a geostrophic wind of 4.8 m s" 1 from 144° and a low PBL height of 0.6 km as rep- resentative of stable conditions throughout the lower troposphere. The major features are light winds in the central basin, weak easterly flow along the coast, and accelerating easterly flow down-gradient through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Table 3. — Model input parameters 1 Wind Date Geostrophic Wind hi Ad T a Type (1977) Speed (m/s) Direction (km) (K) (K) E 1 Dec 00Z 4.8 144° 0.6 9.8 273.0 SW, 8 Dec 00Z 14.7 260° 1.8 7.0 289.5 sw 2 8 Dec 00Z 14.7 260° 0.9 7.0 289.5 NW 9 Dec 12Z 16.2 321° 1.0 5.2 280.1 'The influence of temperature in the form of land-water tem- perature differences was neglected in all Puget Sound cases. Thus, it was not necessary to carry the heat equation in the calculations. 19 Figure 21. — Sea level pressure analysis, 1 December 1976, 0000 GMT. 20 Figure 22.— Local wind observations, 1 December 1976, 0000 GMT. 21 3149 E ~ 1720 I - I I I i § i - \1 V \ - v2» I X 1 - ( V ^ ( >^ v > - \ \/f - -> [ I i \ 1 700 750 800 ~ E 850 - 900 S IX 950 1000 1029 -15 -10 -5 5 10 Figure 23. — Temperature sounding (• • • •), dew point ( ), and potential temperature ( ) at Sea-Tac for 1610 GMT and wind at Portage Bay for 2015 GMT, 30 November 1976. a b Figure 24. — Objective analysis of (a) 850-mbar heights and (b) sea level pressure on 1 December 1976, 0000 GMT. 22 Figure 25.— High pressure to the northeast of Puget Sound, 21 December 1976, 1800 GMT. 23 Figure 26. — Local wind observations for pressure field shown in fig. 25. 24 10 m s~ 1 Figure 27a . — Velocity vector plot of model run for east wind case . similar to the conditions shown in figs. 22 and 26. As the flow in all channels is out of the Puget Sound basin, this case could not be run to steady state. In the prototype the outflowing air is re- placed by subsidence associated with the synoptic high pressure. Subsidence is not included in the model to balance the falling PBL height; fig. 27a is the model-estimated wind field when the interior PBL height has reached 400 m after 4 h and is fall- ing at a constant velocity. To increase the resolu- tion in the main area of interest, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the grid length was reduced to one-half of its previous value in the north-south direction, and the domain was also reduced to see whether the model could be sectionalized (fig. 27b). Good agreement is obtained in the strait. Contrary to the inference from observations, at the east end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca a more geostrophic flow occurs if the southern end of Puget Sound is not included in the model domain. 25 10 ms -1 Figure 27b.— Velocity vector plot of model run for east wind case with increased north-south resolution. 5.3.3 Offshore high pressure The front depicted in fig. 25 was the weakest of four crossing the region in December 1976. For a day following the 8 December front and a day following the 22 December front, a cell of high pressure existed off the coast of Oregon and Northern California and brought strong north- westerly winds through Washington as part of an anticyclonic circulation. Except for temperature effects, this pattern is typical of summertime con- ditions in the region. The hand-drawn pressure map of 1800 GMT, 23 December 1976, shows a relatively uniform pressure gradient from offshore inland to Vancouver, B.C. (fig. 28). The local ane- mometer readings (fig. 29) reveal the effect of topography on a northwesterly geostrophic wind. Strong channeling is indicated in the Strait of Juan de Fuca with variable winds in the lee of the Olympic Mountains. It is interesting that for this case and for 1200 GMT, 9 December 1976 (figs. 30 and 31), there is a southerly flow in lower Puget Sound in the lee of the Olympics, but only at the surface. Figure 32 shows the wind sounding for 1400 GMT, 9 December, at McChord Air Force Base, and the Quillayute temperature sounding. The LFM maps (figs. 33a and 33b) concur with the hand analysis in showing a northwesterly geo- strophic flow. Figure 34 shows the model velocity field for northwest winds. Channeling is indicated in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and especially in the Strait of Georgia. Height deviations are less intense than for the southwest wind case, although the velocity field indicates that the lee wave eddy is still a major feature. A southerly tendency is indicated in the lower Puget Sound trough where the flow is parallel to the pressure gradient below the ridge crests. 26 Figure 28.— Sea level pressure chart, 23 December 1976, 0800 GMT. 27 125° 124° 123° 122° 50° 49° 48° 47° 50° 49° 48° 47° N 3212 125° 124° 123° 122°W Figure 29. — Local wind observations, 23 December 1976, 1800 GMT. 28 Figure 30.— Sea level pressure chart, 9 December 1976, 1200 GMT. 29 Figure 31.— Local wind observations, 9 December 1976, 1200 GMT. 30 3000 — 1475 165 _A i i l i i \ ^^ _ \ v\ ^ V \ _\ \ V *• x sS X - ^ : ^ I \ \ - - / K - - y i i i i IX 700 750 - 800 900 £ Q_ 950 1000 1015 -10 10 Figure 32. — Temperature sounding (....), dew point ( ), and potential temperature ( ) at Quillayute (Washing- ton coast) for 1200 GMT and wind at McChord Air Force Base (Puget Sound) for 1400 GMT, 9 December 1976. a b Figure 33. — Objective analysis of (a) 850-mbar heights and (b) sea level pressure on 9 December 1976, 1200 GMT. 31 7. REFERENCES Brown, R. A. (1974): A simple momentum integral model. /. Geophys. Res. 79:4076-4079. Holbrook, J. R., and D. Halpern (1978): Variability of near-surface currents and winds in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca. Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington. Unpublished manuscript. Keyser, D., and Anthes, R. (1977): The applicability of a mixed-layer model of the planetary boundary layer to real-data forecasting. Mon. Wea. Rev. 105:1351- 1371. Lavoie, R. (1972): A mesoscale numerical model of lake-effect storms. /. Atmos. Sci. 29:1025-1040. Lavoie, R. (1974): A numerical model of tradewind weather on Oahu. Mon. Wea. Rev. 102:630-637. Ogura, Y., and N. W. Phillips (1962): Scale analysis of deep and shallow convection in the atmosphere. /. Atmos. Sci. 19:173-179. Reed, J. (1931): Gap winds of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Mon. Wea. Rev. 59:373-376. Shuman, F. G. (1957): Numerical methods in weather prediction, II: smoothing and filtering. Mon. Wea. Rev. 85:357-361. Stull, R. B. (1976): Mixed-layer depth model based upon turbulent energetics. /. Atmos. Sci. 33:1268- 1278. 10ms" 1 Figure 34. — Velocity vector plot of model winds for northwest flow. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported jointly by the Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Puget Sound Project and the Outer Continental Shelf Environ- mental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) to assist in providing wind field information for oil spill trajectory calculations, and by the Marine Ser- vices Program at the Pacific Marine Environ- mental Laboratory (PMEL), which aids National Weather Service marine prediction along the west coast and the Gulf of Alaska. We wish to thank Robert Anderson and his colleagues at the Seattle National Weather Service Forecast Office for their collaboration in the field program and in compiling the routine observation data sets, and Jim Holbrook of PMEL for making available his anemometer observations and dis- cussing their implications. 32 APPENDIX: Derivation of Boundary Layer Equations We shall write the equations of motion for deviation from a steady reference state. If the ref- erence state changes only very little with height, it is possible to use the Boussinesq approximation, but with potential temperature as the thermal variable (Ogura and Phillips, 1962). The momentum equation is dv _ _ Jt +V '* V W -r- + fkxv + CpOoVir oz dz (v'w') (Al) where «&■ R/c p . The hydrostatic equation is - p "dz = -g- The equation of continuity is dw V«u + dz 0. (A2) (A3) The first law of thermodynamics is approximated by dd , _ _ fl , 86 d ,— — + v-ve + w— = - - (w at dz dz '). (A4) In these equations v is Reynolds' averaged hori- zontal velocity vector, v ' is the deviation ve- locity, 6 is potential temperature, and 6 is the potential temperature of the reference state (con- stant). The other terms are defined in the usual meteorological sense. We simplify the hydrostatic equation (A2) in the following way: c ^=_1= .I (i±"\ where 0"'= 6 - d . If we define t such that - p dz d ' dir" g 6' - p ~di ' Wo do then where -k" = tt-ttq. Since 7T is a function of z only, we can rewrite eq. (Al) — + u-Vu + w — 3f 3z + fkxv + CpdoVir ' d (A6) dw {v'w'). We shall use eqs. (A3), (A4), (A5), and (A6) for describing the flow field in the well-mixed layer. We now integrate (A4) and (A6) through the mixed layer. The basic equations then become dv , r — + v-W + fkxv + dt -pvo h -o / -" : - {v'w' h- v'w ' s )/(h-D), ^ + v.ve = -(w 7 i at dz (A7) w'6 s ')/(h-D). (A8) In addition, the mass continuity equation, by defi- nition, can be written ^+V(h-D)v=E (A9) where E is the net entrainment rate at which the well-mixed layer gains mass from the free at- mosphere. Using the hydrostatic equation, we evaluate the vertically integrated pressure gradient force: Cpdo f Vir" dz = - c p doVir H D + | (H-fi)v0 H "-f (B h "-8")Vh + | Vi(h-D)V6" (A10) vo where subscript H denotes the top of the model atmosphere. For the convenience of finite differencing, eq. (A8) is written in a flux form: dt (h-D)d + V.(h-D)v6-6E = -(w'd'h + (W'd')s (All) 33 In deriving the equation, eq. (A9) was used. The where Av = v + '-v- and Ad = 6+ - 6-. momentum equation (A7) was also put in flux form. The flux form of (A9) with the substitution of Integrating eq. (Al) and (A4) across the jump (A10), equations (A9) and (All), and entrainment between the PBL and inversion layer using Leib- relations (A12) and (A13) form a closed set of nitz' rule, we obtain relations equations, (1), (2), and (3) in the text, given that the entrainment rate can be parameterized in (v'w')h = -EAv (A12) terms of the mixed layer variables. and (w'6') h = -EA6 (A13) 34 •if U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1 9 7 9-0-67 7-0 7 2/1 29 6 / LABOR AT ORIES The mission of the Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) is to conduct an integrated program of fundamental research, related technology development, and services to improve understanding and prediction of the geo- physical environment comprising the oceans and inland waters, the lower and upper atmosphere, the space envi- ronment, and the Earth. The following participate in the ERL missions: W/M Weather Modification Program Office. Plans and coordinates ERL weather modification projects for precipitation enhancement and severe storms mitigation. NHEML National Hurricane and Experimental Meteor- ology Laboratory. Conducts research on tropical meteorology such as hurricanes and cumulus systems, to improve understanding and fore- casting accuracy and to develop methods for beneficial modification of these tropical weather systems. RFC Research Facilities Center. Operates instru- mented aircraft for environmental research pro- grams, and provides scientific measurement tools, logged data, and associated information for airborne and selected surface research programs. AOML Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories. Studies the physical, chemical, and geological characteristics and processes of the ocean waters, the sea floor, and the atmosphere above the ocean. PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Moni- tors and predicts the physical and biochemical effects of natural events and human activities on the deep-ocean and coastal marine environments of the Pacific region. AL Aeronomy Laboratory. Studies the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the stratosphere and the surrounding upper and lower atmosphere. GLERL Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Studies hydrology, waves, currents, lake levels, biological and chemical processes, and lake-air interaction in the Great Lakes and their water- sheds: forecasts lake ice conditions. APCL Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory. Conducts research on mesoscale meteorology related to atmospheric pollution and inadvertent weather modification, and to the prediction of mesoscale weather phenomena. Research subjects include cloud and precipitation physics, diagnosis and numerical models of mesoscale weather events, secular changes in atmospheric chemical and particulate composition, and radia- tive heat transfer applications. WPL Wave Propagation Laboratory. Studies the propa- gation of sound waves and electromagnetic waves at millimeter, infrared, and optical fre- quencies to develop new methods for remote measuring of the geophysical environment. ARL Air Resources Laboratories. Studies the diffusion, transport, and dissipation of atmospheric pollu- tants; develops methods of predicting and con- trolling atmospheric pollution; monitors the global physical environment to detect climatic change. NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory. Studies severe-storm circulation and dynamics, and develops techniques to detect and predict tor- nadoes, thunderstorms, and squall lines. GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Studies the dynamics of geophysical fluid systems (the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the cryo- sphere) through theoretical analysis and numer- ical simulation using powerful, high-speed digital computers. SEL Space Environment Laboratory. Studies solar- terrestrial physics (interplanetary, magneto- spheric, and ionospheric); develops techniques for forecasting solar disturbances; provides reat time monitoring and forecasting of the space environment. V U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES lllllllllllll II ADDDD72D2n72