C<3.0/*t working paper <^0 Information CImIiaISaa ofafisTics A Topical Bibliography U.S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/informationprivaOOdale working paper iai i uuiui'Oidll Rate— Book I COM-202 • A#r * ■• If- in n "'" ne t ' t ' es listed below are available in printed copies or on microfiche. The date in parentheses following the WUllvllllJ title indicates year of publication. Copies of recent papers may be reviewed and/or ordered at district offices DdDGTS 0T tne Department of Commerce located in principal cities throughout the United States. Additional information, including prices, may be obtained by writing to Subscriber Services (ASD), Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Raw Materials in the United States Economy: 1900-52 (Preliminary) (1954) The Role of the 1954 Census of Manufactures in Overcoming Problems of Industry Data (1956) Tract Data Compared for a 25-Percent Sample and a Complete Census (1956) Sampling in the 1950 Census of Population and Housing (1956) Occupational Trends in the United States: 1900 to 1950(1958) Raw Materials in the United States Economy (1964) Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, December 29, 1958 (1959) No. 8. Materials on the Preparation and Conduct of the U.S.S.R. All-Union Population Census of 1959 (1959) No. 9. Historical Comparability of Census Manufactures Industries: 1929-1958 (1959) No. 10. Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, December 29, 1959 (1960) No. 11. Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, August 25, 1960(1960) No. 12. Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, August 28, 1961 (1962) No. 13. Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, September8, 1962(1962) No. 14. The Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series (1963) No. 15. Methodology and Scores of Socioeconomic Status (1963) No. 16. Procedural Report on the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing (1963) No. 17. Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, September 5, 1963 (1964) No. 18. The Measurement of Performance Potential in Manu- facturing Establishments (1965) No. 19. Tests of Use of Post Office Resources to Improve Coverage of Censuses (1965) No. 20. Industry Classification and Sector Measures of In- dustrial Production (1965) No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 No. 26 No. 28 No. 29 No. 30 No. 31. A Spectral Study of "Overadjustment" for Sea- sonality (1965) Papers Presented at the Census Tract Conference, December 29, 1964 (1965) Spectral Analysis and Parametric Methods for Sea- sonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series (1965) Self-Enumeration as a Method for the 1970 Census of Housing (1966) Measuring the Quality of Housing (1967) Changes in the Structure of Manufacturing Employ- ment (1968) No. 27. Methodology of Consumer Expenditures Survey (1968) Metropolitan Area Definition (1968) Survey Applications of Social Psychological Ques- tions (1969) Raw Materials in the United States Economy: 1900-1966(1970) Price Variation in New FHA Houses: 1959-1961 (1971) Pretests and Dress Rehearsals of the 1970 Census of Population and Housing: A Procedural History (1972) An Estimate of A Quasi-Stable Age-Sex Distribution for Ghana in 1960(1972) Investigation of Census Bureau Interviewer Char- acteristics, Performance, and Attitudes: A Summary (1972) Raw Materials in the United States Economy: 1900-1960(1972) Response Variance in the Current Population Survey (1972) Who's Home When (1973) Economic Censuses of the United States: Historical Development (1973) Population and Housing Inquiries in U.S. Decennial Censuses, 1790-1970 (1973) Studies in Occupational and Industrial Classification (1974) No. 32. No. 33 No. 34 No. 35 No. 36 No. 37 No. 38 No. 39 No. 40