Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/indexofusvoluntaOOslat jpp.Zl -y^ y £^ /S U~~ &* ' UT ^ 4? i<7 SEP 3 01975 3&HTS COW^ ^ An Index of U.S. Voluntary Engineering Standards Supplement 2 Covering those Standards, Specifications, Test Methods, and Recommended Practices Issued by National Standardization Organizations in the United States William J. Slattery, Editor Engineering and Product Standards Division Institute for Applied Technology National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 °*ea\i <* U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Richard W. Roberts, Director Issued May 1975 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-607150 National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 329 Supplement 2 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 329, Suppl. 2, 472 pages (May 1975) CODEN: XNBSAV U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1975 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. C13.10:329 Suppl. 2). Price $9.35. Stock Number 0303-01362 Contents Page 1. Introduction V 2. List of organizations VI 2.1. Alphabetical by acronym VI 2.2. Alphabetical by organization with addresses VII 3. Stop list XIII 4. KWIC index 1 III An Index of U.S. Voluntary Engineering Standards Supplement 2 William J. Slattery. Editor This supplement contains the permuted titles nt more than 5.700 voluntary engineering standards, specifications, test methods, codes and recommended practices published by 164 U.S. technical socie- ties, professional organizations and trade associations. Each title can he found under all the significant key words which it contains. These keys words are arranged alphabetically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context. The date of publication or last revision, the standard number and an acronym designating the standards-issuing organization appear as part of each entry. Key words: Engineering Standards, index of: Index of standards, recommended practices, specifications. test methods: key- W ord-In-Context index of voluntary standards: KWIC index of standards: Standards. voluntary, index of. 1. Introduction This supplement to NBS Special Publication 329 contains the permuted titles of more than 5,700 voluntary engineering standards, specifications, test methods, codes and recommended practices pub- lished by 164 L.S. technical societies, professional organizations, and trade associations. The titles listed fall into three categories: (1) those pub- lished between January 1. 1972 and July 1. 1974; (2) those erroneously omitted from SP 329 and Supplement No. 1. and (3) those published prior to 1972 but not on file with the Standards Information and Analysis Section at the time of publication of SP 329. Standards Information Services, Engineering and Product Standards Division continues to serve as a technical library and referral activ- ity. Inquirers may write or visit the Center, which is located in the Technology Building. Rooms B151-B159, NBS, Gaithersburg. Maryland, about 20 miles northwest of Washington. D.C.; or call on Area Code 301-921-2587. Comments or suggestions concerning this supplement of SP 329 are welcome, and should be sent to the editor. Standards In- formation Services. Technology Bldg.. B163. National Bureau of Standards. Washington. D.C. 20234. To be placed on the announcement list of future supplements, please fill out the tear sheet at the end of this Index. This supplement, which like supplement No. 1 is noncumulative. should be used with both the basic index (NBS SP 329) and supplement No. 1. 2. List of Organizations 2.1. Alphabetical by Acronym AA Aluminum Association AACCH American Association of Cereal Chemists AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Asso- ciation AAPCC American Association of Poison Control Centers AATCC American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists ABS American Bureau of Shipping ABYC American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc. ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACI American Concrete Institute ACPA American Concrete Paving Association ADA American Dental Association AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, Inc. AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AHA American Hardboard Association AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers AI Asphalt Institute AIOA American Institute of Architects AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AITC American Institute of Timber Construction ALCA American Leather Chemists Association ALI American Ladder Institute AMCA Air Moving & Conditioning Association, Inc. ANS American Nuclear Society ANSI American National Standards Institute AOSA Association of Official Seed Analysts APA American Plywood Association API American Petroleum Institute ARI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers ASE American Society of Enologists ASHRA American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers ASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASPA American Sod Producers Association, Inc. ASQC American Society for Quality Control ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering ASSFE American Society of Safety Engineers, Inc. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATAA Air Transport Association of America ATI Asbestos Textile Institute AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute AWPA American Wood-Preservers Association AWPI American Wood Preservers Institute AWS American Welding Society, Inc. AWWA American Water Works Association, Inc. BAMI Barley and Malt Institute BCA Billiard Congress of America BCI Battery Council International BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association BIA Brick Institute of America BMA Bicycle Manufacturers Association of America BMI Book Manufacturers Institute CCTI Composite Can and Tube Institute CDA Copper Development Association CEMA Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association CFTMA Caster and Floor Truck Manufacturers Association CGA Compressed Gas Association CHI Chlorine Institute, Inc. CISCA Ceilings and Interior Systems Contractors Asso- ciation CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. CPAI Canvas Products Association, International CR Corn Refiners Association CRA California Redwood Association CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CSI Construction Specifications Institute CSMA Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association CTI Cooling Tower Institute DC DMA Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association DEMA Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association DFISA Dairy and Food Industries Supply Association, Inc. EASA Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. EEI Edison Electric Institute EIA Electronic Industries Association EOA Essential Oil Association of U.S.A., Inc. FCI Fluid Controls Institute, Inc. FHDA Fir and Hemlock Door Association FI Fertilizer Institute FMS Factory Mutual System GT Gravure Technical Association, Inc. HMI Hoist Manufacturers Institute HPMA Hardwood Plywood Manufacturers Association IAPMO International Association of Plumbing and Me- chanical Officials IATA International Air Transport Association ICBO International Conference of Building Officials IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IES Illuminating Engineering Society IFI Industrial Fasteners Institute IMACA International Mobile Air Conditioning Association, Inc. IME Institute of Makers of Explosives IPA Industrial Perforators Association IPC Institute of Printed Circuits IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association ISA Instrument Society of America ISIS Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel, Inc. ITA Industrial Truck Association ITE Institute of Traffic Engineers JIC Joint Industrial Council JPMA Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association. Inc. LBI Library Binding Institute MCA Manufacturing Chemists Association MMA Monorail Manufacturers Association MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manu- facturers VI NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NAPCA National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators NAPHC National Association of Plumbing-Heating Cooling Contractors NAR National Association of Rocketry NARM National Association of Relay Manufacturers NBBPV National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors NBHA National Builder's Hardware Association NCPA National Cottonseed Products Association NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements NCTA National Cable Television Association NEA National Education Association NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NESCA National Environmental Systems Contractors Asso- ciation NFLDP National Fluid Power Association NFORP National Forest Products Association NFP National Flaxseed Processors Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association NGPA Natural Gas Processors Association NHLA National Hardwood Lumber Association NIOP National Institute of Oilseed Products NMA National Microfilm Association NMTBA National Machine Tool Builders Association NPA National Particleboard Association NRA National Rifle Association of America NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association NRMCA National Ready Mixed Concrete Association NSA National Standards Association NSF National Sanitation Foundation NSPA National Soybean Processors Association NSPI National Swimming Pool Institute NWHA National Wholesale Hardware Association NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association PPC Paperboard Packaging Council PSA Photographic Society of America PSTC Pressure Sensitive Tape Council RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics RTI Resilient Tile Institute SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SAMA Scientific Apparatus Makers Association SBCC Southern Building Code Congress SDCE Society of Die Casting Engineers SIGMA Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association SJI Steel Joist Institute SMACN Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. SMI Spring Manufacturers Institute SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers SPI Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. SSI Scaffolding and Shoring Institute STDI Steel Door Institute SWA Specialty Wire Association SWI Steel Window Institute TAPPI Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry TCA Tile Council of America, Inc. TRA Tire and Rim Association, Inc. TTMA Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. USC U.S. Department of Commerce USGA U.S. Golf Association VESC Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission VRCI Variable Resistive Components Institute WCF Water Conditioning Foundation WRI Wire Reinforcement Institute WSC Water Systems Council WSFI Wood and Synthetic Flooring Institute of America WSTI Welded Steel Tube Institute, Inc. WWPA Western Wood Products Association 2.2. Alphabetical by Organization with Addresses Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) 1815 North Fort Myer Drive Arlington, Virginia 22209 Air Moving and Conditioning Association, Inc. (AMCA) 30 West Lniversity Drive Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Air Transport Association of America (ATAA) 1709 New York Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ASHTO) 341 National Press Building Washington, D.C. 20004 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) P.O. Box 12215 Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709 The Aluminum Association (AA) 750 Third Avenue New York, New York 10017 American Boat & Yacht Council. Inc. (ABYC) 15 East 26th Street, Room 1603 New York, New York 10010 American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACCH) 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55121 American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 45 Broad Street New York, New York 10004 American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) Nebraska Master Poison Control Center Children's Memorial Hospital Omaha, Nebraska 68105 American Concrete Institute (ACI) Box 4754, Redford Station 22400 West Seven Mile Road Detroit, Michigan 48219 VII American Concrete Paving Association (ACPA) 1211 West 22nd Street Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) P.O. Box 1937 Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 American Dental Association (ADA) 211 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) 1330 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20005 American Hardboard Association (AHA) 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 American Institute of Architects (AIOA) 1735 New York Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC) 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10020 American Institute of Timber Construction (AITC) 333 West Hampden Avenue Englewood, Colorado 80110 American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) 1000 16th St. NW. Washington, D.C. 20036 American Ladder Institute (ALI) 111 East Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 American Leather Chemists Association (ALCA) Tanners Council Research Laboratory University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) 1430 Broadway New York, New York 10018 American Nuclear Society (ANS) 244 East Ogden Avenue Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 American Petroleum Institute (API) 1801 K Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 American Plywood Association (APA) 1119 A Street Tacoma, Washington 98401 American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) 161 West Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) P.O. Box 229, 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 American Society of Enologists (ASE) Box 411 Davis, California 95616 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRA) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSFE) 850 Busse Highway Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) 960 Illuminating Building Cleveland, Ohio 44113 American Sod Producers Association, Inc. (ASPA) Garmo Inc., Association Building 9th & Minnesota Hastings, Nebraska 68901 American Water Works Association, Inc. (AWWA) 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, Colorado 80235 American Welding Society, Inc. (AWS) 2501 NW., 7th Street Miami, Florida 33125 American Wood-Preservers Association (AWPA) 1625 Eye Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 American Wood Preservers Institute (AWPI) 1651 Old Meadow Road McLean, Virginia 22101 Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, Inc. (AFBMA) 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association (AAMA) 410 N. Michigan Avenue, Ste. 960 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) 5055 South Chesterfield Road Arlington, Virginia 22206 VIII Asbestos Textile Institute (ATI) P.O. Box 471 131 N. York Road Willow Grove. Pennsylvania 19090 The Asphalt Institute ( AI) Asphalt Building College Park, Maryland 20740 Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. (AAFCO) Box 3160 College Station, Texas 77840 Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago. Illinois 60606 Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) P.O. Box 540 Benjamin Franklin Station Washington. D.C. 20044 Barley and Malt Institute (BAMI) P.O. Box 308 Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Battery Council International (BCI) 1801 Murchison Drive Burlingame. California 94010 Bicycle Manufacturers Association of America (BMA) 122 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Billiard Congress of America (BCA) 717 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago. Illinois 60611 Book Manufacturers Institute (BMI) 904 Ethan Allen Highway Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877 Brick Institute of America (BIA) 1750 Old Meadow Road McLean, Virginia 22101 Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 California Redwood Association (CRA) 617 Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94111 Canvas Products Association International (CPAI) 600 Endicott Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI) 2029 K Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 Caster and Floor Truck Manufacturers Association (CFTMA) 1717 Howard Street Evanston, Illinois 60202 Ceilings and Interior Systems Contractors Association (CISCA) 1201 Waukegan Road Glenview, Illinois 60025 Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute (CLFMI) One Stone Place, Box 515 Bronxville, New York 10708 Chemical Specialities Manufacturers Association (CSMA) 50 East 41st Street New York, New York 10017 Chlorine Institute, Inc. (CHI) 342 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10017 Composite Can and Tube Institute (CCTI) 1725 Eye Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 Compressed Gas Association, Inc. (CGA) 500 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10036 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) 228 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 1150 17th Street, NW., Ste. 300 Washington, D.C. 20036 Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA) 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20005 Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) 3003 Yale Street, Suite 107 Houston, Texas 77018 Copper Development Association (CDA) 57th Floor, Chrysler Building 405 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10017 Corn Refiners Association (CR) 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20036 Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. (CMAA) 1326 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Dairy and Food Industries Supply Association, Inc. (DFISA) Office of the Secretary 5530 Wisconsin Avenue Washington, D.C. 20015 Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association (DCDMA) 53 East Main Street Moorestown, New Jersey 08057 Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association (DEMA) 2130 Keith Building Cleveland, Ohio 44115 IX Edison Electric Institute (EEI) 90 Park Avenue New York, New York 10016 Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (EASA) 7710 Carondelet Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME) 420 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10017 Institute of Printed Circuits (IPC) 1717 Howard Street Evanston, Illinois 60202 Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 2001 Eye Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Essential Oil Association of U.S.A., Inc. (EOA) 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Factory Mutual System (FMS) 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 The Fertilizer Institute (FI) 1015 18th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Fir and Hemlock Door Association (FHDA) Yeon Building Portland, Oregon 97204 Fluid Controls Institute, Inc. (FCI) 12 Bank Street Summit, New Jersey 07901 Gravure Technical Association, Inc. (GT) 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Hardwood Plywood Manufacturers Association (HPMA) P.O. Box 6246 2310 South Walter Reed Drive Arlington, Virginia 22206 Hoist Manufacturers Institute (HMI) 1326 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 Industrial Fasteners Institute (IFI) 1505 East Ohio Building 1717 East Ninth Street Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Industrial Perforators Association (IPA) 739 Second Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 Industrial Truck Association (ITA) 1326 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel, Inc. (ISIS) 1729 H Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) 1815 N. Ft. Myer Drive Ste. 905 Arlington, Virginia 22209 Instrument Society of America (ISA) 400 Stanwix Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA) 192 Washington Street Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 International Air Transport Association (IATA) 500 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10036 International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) 5032 Alhambra Avenue Los Angeles, California 90032 International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) 5360 South Workman Mill Road Whittier, California 90601 International Mobile Air Conditioning Association, Inc. (IMACA) 6116 North Central Expressway Dallas, Texas 75206 Joint Industrial Council (JIC) 7901 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia 22101 Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JPMA) 53 East Main Street Moorestown, New Jersey 08057 Library Binding Institute (LBI) 50 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve & Fittings Industry (MSS) 1815 North Fort Myer Drive Arlington, Virginia 22209 Manufacturing Chemists' Association (MCA) 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20009 Monorail Manufacturers Association (MMA) 1326 Freeport Road Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania 15238 X National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) 1010 West Lake Street, Ste. 500 Oak Park. Illinois 60301 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) 2400 West Loop South Houston, Texas 77027 National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators (NAPCA) 2504 Flournoy-Lucas Road Shreveport. Louisiana 71108 National Association of Plumbing-Heating Cooling Contractors (NAPHC) 1016 20th Street. NW. Washington. D.C. 20036 National Association of Relay Manufacturers (NARM) P.O. Box 1649 Scottsdale. Arizona 85252 National Association of Rocketry (NAR) 1891 Massachusetts Avenue McLean, Virginia 22101 National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBPV) 1155 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43201 National Builder's Hardware Association (NBHA) 1815 N. Fort Myer Drive. Ste. 412 Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 National Cable Television Association (NCTA) 918 16th Street, NW. Washington. D.C. 20006 National Cottonseed Products Association (NCPA) P.O. Box 12023 2400 Poplar Avenue Memphis. Tennessee 38112 National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements (NCRPM) 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1016 Washington. D.C. 20014 National Education Association (NEA) 1201 16th Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20036 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 155 East 44th Street New York, New York 10017 National Environmental Systems Contractors Association (NESCA) 1501 Wilson Boulevard Suite 1101 Arlington, Virginia 22209 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 470 Atlantic Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02110 National Flaxseed Processors Association (NFP) P.O. Box 246 Littleton, North Carolina 27850 National Fluid Power Association (NFLDP) P.O. Box 49 Thiensville, Wisconsin 53092 National Forest Products Association (NFORP) 1619 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20036 National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) 59 East Van Buren St. Chicago. Illinois 60605 National Institute of Oilseed Products (NIOP) 111 Sutter Street San Francisco, California 94104 National Machine Tool Builders Association (NMTBA) 7901 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia 22101 National Microfilm Association (NMA) 8728 Colesville Road Suite 1101 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 National Particleboard Association (NPA) 2306 Perkins Place Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) 900 Spring Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 National Rifle Association of America (NRA) 1600 Rhode Island Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20036 National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) 1515 North Harlem Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) NSF Building Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 National Soybean Processors Association (NSPA) 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 National Standards Association (NSA) 1321 14th Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20005 National Swimming Pool Institute (NSPI) 2000 K Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 XI National Wholesale Hardware Association (NWHA) 1900 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 National Woodwork Manufacturers Association (NWMA) 400 West Madison Street Chicago, Illinois 60606 National Gas Processors' Association (NGPA) 1812 First Place Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) 1800 K Street, NW., Ste. 600 Washington, D.C. 20036 Photographic Society of America (PHA| 2005 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC) 1201 Waukegan Road Glenview, Illinois 60025 Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) 1771 H Street, NW., Ste. 655 Washington. D.C. 20006 Resilient Tile Institute (RTI) 26 Washington Street East Orange, New Jersey 07017 Scaffolding and Shoring Institute (SSI) 2130 Keith Building Cleveland, Ohio 441 15 Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI) 250 Park Avenue New York, New York 10017 Southern Building Code Congress (SBCC) 3617 8th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35222 Specialty Wire Association (SWA) 1625 Eye Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20006 Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI) P.O. Box 959 24 Stearns Street Bristol, Connecticut 06010 Steel Door Institute (STDI) 2130 Keith Building Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Steel Joist Institute (SJI) 2001 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, Virginia 22202 Steel Window Institute (SWI) 2130 Keith Building Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) One Dunwoody Park Atlanta, Georgia 30341 Scientific Apparatus Makers Association (SAMA) 1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20036 Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association (SIGMA) 202 South Cook Street, Ste. 209 Barrington, Illinois 60010 Tile Council of America, Inc. (TCA) Box 326 Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Tire and Rim Association, Inc. (TRA) 3200 West Market Street Akron, Ohio 44313 Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACN) 1611 North Kent Street Arlington, Virginia 22209 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE) Two Pennsylvania Plaza New York, New York 10001 Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc. (SDCE) 16007 West 8 Mile Road Detroit, Michigan 48235 Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association (TTMA) 2430 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20037 Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 207 East Ohio Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 U.S. Department of Commerce (USC) Standards Development Services Section National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 862 Scarsdale Avenue Scarsdale, New York 10583 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) 74 Trinity Place New York, New York 10006 U.S. Golf Association (USGA) Golf House Far Hills, New Jersey 07931 Variable Resistive Components Institute (VRCI) 1717 Howard Street Evanston, Illinois 60202 XII Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission (VESC) 1030 15th Street. NW. Washington. D.C. 20005 Welded Steel Tube Institute, Inc. (WSTI) 522 Westgate Tower Cleveland, Ohio 44116 Water Conditioning Foundation (WCF) 1780 Maple Street Northfield. Illinois 60093 Water Systems Council (WSC) 221 North LaSalle Street Chicago. Illinois 60601 Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia 22101 Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) 1500 Yeon Building Portland. Oregon 97204 Wood and Synthetic Flooring Institute of America (WSFI) 1201 Waukegan Road Glenview, Illinois 60025 3. 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SPECIALLY SPECIFIC SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIED SPENT STAND STANDARD STANDARDIZE STANDARDS STATE STD STDS STEPPED STUDY STYLE STYLES SUBJECTED SUCH SUFFICIENTLY SUGGESTED SUITABILITY SUITABLE SUPPLEMENT SUPPLIED TAKEN TAKING TECH TENDENCIES TENTATIVE TENT THAN THAT THEIR THEREIN THEREAFTER THEREFROM THESE THIRD THIS THOSE THROUGH THRU TIGHTLY TOGETHER TONS TOTAL TOTALLY TOWARD TRIPLE TYPE TYPES TYPICAL UL UNATTENDED UNCERTAINTY UNDER UNDERSTANDING UNIT UPON USA USE USED USING USUAL UNWANTED VARIATION VARIATIONS VARIOUS VERY VERSA VICE WATT WAY WHEN WHERE WHICH WITH WHO WHOLESALE WITHIN WITHOUT WORKED YD. ZERO XV National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards r the Pest Control Chemical 4-Chloro5-(Methylamino) -2- Std. Meth. of Measurement of the 1 Switches for Use in Hazardous Locations: Class I, Croups enclosures for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups ilitate. Demolish) (1973) (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) ust Ventilation Systems (19/ edules and Specs. (1961) g the District of Colu/ xt (1972) Uniform Code for the Index of Refraction, with Rec. Pract. for Definitions, Std. for Identification Codes and Std. for Uniform Building Code: Definitions and ber) (1973) Western Woods Use Book: Std. Meth. of Test for Heat of Std. Rec. Pract. for Internal Temperature Measurements in Liquids (1972) Safety Std. for h. for Determining the Resistance of Photographic Films to std. Test Meth. for Determining Resistance to Snagging and eum Wax or Wax Based Blends Appli/ 74) perature (1972) eels (1968) ANSI J2.26 le Materials: Accelerator Meth. (1970) Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Meth. of Test for ) (19/ Test Meth. for Color Change in Fabrics Due to Flat stnes/ Test Meth. for Color Change of Fabrics Due to Flat of Test for Resistance of Transparent Plasties to Surface Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Aluminum Oxide Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Silicon Carbide Std. for Checking the Size of Diamond Std. Test Meth. for Bulk Density of Diamond Std. Spec, for Grading of Std. for Surfaces of New Steel Airblast Cleaned with Sand Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene lvent Cements for Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 1973/ Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene or Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile— Butadiene-Styrene spec, for Socket Type Acrylonitrile- Butadiene-Styrene d. Spec, for Threaded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene spec, for Socket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile- Butadiene-Styrene Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile- Butadiene— Styrene Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene— Styrene K65.57 Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Std. Spec, for Rigid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene— Styrene 72.4 • Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. for Measurement of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for Procedure for Water Test Meth. for Meth. for Ink Meth. of Test for Shock Meth. of Test for Shock and Gamma Rays (1961) ic Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI / rous Sulfate Cupric Sulfate Dosim/ 1972) Std. Std. Is (Packaging) (1964) ANSI / s (1972) ups in Rubber Extender and Processing Oils by the Clay Gel i K90.10 Std. Meth. for Estimating the Thermal Neutron es (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ultraviolet n Mixes, Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions (Cere/ Ultraviolet eth. of Test for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels (Atomic Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and nstructions (1970) Std. Test Meth. for Water Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and ) Std. Meth. of Test for Oil 122 Std. Meth. of Test for Water Std. Meth. of Test for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminium in Iron Ores by Atomic . of Test for Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Ores by Atomic dex (/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Identification of Material by Std. for Gas Fired test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Static or Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Tumble Jar Dynamic Std. Meth. of Painting Ceiling Materials for Acoustical 1962) Table for Converting ts: Approximate Corrections for Changing as-is Farinograph Std. Meth. of Test for Water Meth. for Evaluation of White Mineral Oils by Ultraviolet std. Qualitative Classification of Surfactants by Infrared of Burn/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Porosity, Water nt Specific Gravity of Fire/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water b Test) (1973) - Std. Meth. of Test for Water Std. for Writing ation of Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic y Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Alloy Reinforced (a, a, a- Trifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 (2H)Pyridazinone Norfluraz AD Dimension of Aerosol Valve Dip Tubes (1972) AD, and Class II, Groups EG (1972) ANSI C33.29 /Rica AD, and Class II, Groups EG (1973) /It Breakers and A-D, Class II, Groups EG (1973) ANSI C33.30 / Control Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Repair, Vacate, Rehab Abbe Refractometer, in All Normal Oils and Liquid Fats Abbreviations and General Principles of Industrial Exha Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Builders Hardware Sch Abbreviations for States of the United States (Includin Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Text (1972) Te Abbreviations (1973) Abbreviations, Symbols, and Terminology (Lumber and Tim Ablation (1972) Ablative Materials (1968) Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Abrasion During Processing (1972) Std. for Met Abrasion of Automotive Bodycloth (1972) Abrasion Resistance of Glossy Smooth Coatings of Petrol Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces (19 Abrasion Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (1972) Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Tern Abrasion Resistance of Rubber Compounds for Soles and H Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics and Other Flexib Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (1971) Abrasion (Frosting): Every Meth. (Textile Colorfastness Abrasion (Frosting): Screen Wire Meth. (Textile Colorfa Abrasion (1973) ANSI K65.72 Std. Meth. Abrasive Grain and Crude (1971) Abrasive Grain and Crude (1971) Abrasive Grain (1971) Abrasive Grains (1973) Abrasive Microgrits (1972) Abrasive (1970) Test Meth. Visual (ABS) Composite Sewer Piping (1974) (ABS) Pipe and Fittings to Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pi (ABS) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings ( (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.23 /. F (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65 (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65 (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65 (ABS) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.3 (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 (1973) (ABS) Plastic Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.59 (ABS) Plastic Utilities Conduit and Fittings (1972) ANSI (ABS) Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.205 Absolute Calibration of Reflectance Std. (1971) ANSI Zl Absolute Viscosity of Asphalts (1966) Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtures of Neutrons Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Cer Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Fer Absorbed Gamma Radiation Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter ( Absorbency of Bibulous Papers (1972) Absorbency of Bleached Woven Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.115 Absorbency of Blotting Paper (1972) Absorbing Characteristics of Package Cushioning Materia Absorbing Properties of (Sports) Playing Surface System Absorption Chromatographic Meth. (1973) ANSI Z11.180 Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite (1971) Ans Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Concentrat Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Dry Vitami Absorption Meth.) (1972) ANSI Z11.317 Std. M Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (1973) ANSI A37.5 Absorption of Core Materials for Structural Sandwich Co Absorption of Fine Aggregate (1973) ANSI A37.6 Absorption of Pigments by Gardner-Coleman Meth. (1968 Absorption of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1969E) ANSI K65. Absorption Spectrometry (1973) Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) Std. Meth Absorption Spectroscopy, Using the ASTM Punched Card in Absorption Summer Air Conditioning Appliances (1973) Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.61, ASTM D583 Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, ASTM D583 /Meth. F Absorption Tests (1973) Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis (Cereal Chemistry) ( Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis (Constant Dough Weig Absorption (Static) of Leather (1970) ALCA E30 Absorption (1973) ANSI Z11.210 Std. Absorption (1974) Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity, and Bulk Density Absorption, Bulk Density, Apparent Porosity, and Appare Absorptiveriess of Nonbibulous Paper and Paperboard (Cob Abstracts (1971) Abundances (1970) ANSI N115 /Eth. of Test for Determin (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) ANSI C7.65 /C. for Concentric La ANSI K62.125 ASTM D3089 UL 894 UL 877 UL 698 ICBO UBC*6 AACCH 58-20 ACGIH *1 NBHA •3 ANSI X3.38 ANSI Yl.l ICBO UBC»3-4 WWPA •31-6 ASTM E458 ASTM E377 UL 142 ANSI PH4.35 SAE J948A ASTM D3234 ASTM C779 ASTM C6 ASTM C704 ASTM D1630 AATCC 93 ASTM D1175 AATCC 120 AATCC 119 ASTM D1044 ANSI B74.14 ANSI B74.15 ANSI B74.16 ANSI B74.17 ANSI B74.10 NACE TM-01-70 ASTM D2680 ASTM D3138 ASTM D2661 ASTM D2235 ASTM D2468 ASTM D2465 ASTM D2469 ASTM D2282 ASTM D1527 ASTM D2751 ASTM D2750 ASTM D1788 ASTM E306 ASTM D2171 NCRPM R25 ASTM D3001 ASTM D2954 ASTM D1671 TAPPI T432SU AATCC 79 TAPPI T431SU ASTM D1596 ASTM F355 ASTM D2007 ASTM C626 AACCH 86-01 AACCH 86-01 A ASTM D2788 ASTM C127 ASTM C272 ASTM C128 ASTM D1483 ASTM D2842 ASTM D3237 ASTM E507 ASTM E508 ASTM E204 ANSI Z21.40.1 AATCC 21 AATCC 70 ASTM C643 AACCH 82-21 AACCH 54-29 ASTM D1815 ASTM D2269 ASTM D2357 ASTM C20 ASTM C373 ASTM D3285 ANSI Z39.14 ASTM E267 ASTM B524 Engineering and Product Standards Division 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 2 National Bureau of Standards KWTC Index of Engineering Standards 14.1 . (1967) ANSI J5.1 essure Meth. (1973) ANSI J4.1 973) est Specimens (1974) Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Making, ing (1972) A/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Services by Means of Small Size Specimens/ Std. Meth. of of Woods (1970) Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Stability of Distillate Fuel Oil ide to Be Used for Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, Std. Specs, and Tests for Strain Gage Linear rec. for Operation and Maintenance of the Reliable Model B Rec. for Shielding for High Energy Electron esistance of Textile Fabrics and Other Flexible Materials: Rec. for Operation of Grimes AB Dry Pipe Valve for Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance Chromium Compounds (Air Contamination-Occupa/ Std. for Std. for luorocarbon 12) (1974) Std. Std. for lkyl Organo Compounds (1972) Std. for places (1974) Std. for uorocarbon 11) (1973) Std. luoroethane (Fluorocarbon 1)3) (1973) Std. nt as Received from Manufacturer (1969) ANSI C/ Guide for Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (19/ Std. Test Proc. and and Frame Assemblies (1972) Std. Test Proc. and Construction (1974/ Interim Guideline for Protection and ity Sampling (1969) ANSI Z1.12 Std. Rec. Pract. for grade (Nonreflux Me/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonamine Acid Std. Definitions and Symbols for Rec. Std. Minimum Test Meth. for Carpet (Rug) Soiling; mechanical Security Surveillance Sys/ Std. for Safety for power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.29 Std. Dimensions for code Std. for Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric Laths, and Metal Std. for Electrical Feeder and Plug in Busways and de for High Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch td. for Safety for Refrigerant-Containing Components and Billiard Tournament Table and and Containers (1972) Rec. Pract. for Std. Spec, for pecial Signs (Symbols) Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1 — 1972, ata Derived from the Investigation of Sc/ Std. Underwater ision Deformation (Damage) Classification (Highway Vehicle meth. of Recording and Measuring the Off-The-Job Disabling ion of Data Derived from the Investigation of Scuba Diving Guide Spec, for Std. for Analytical Procedures for Std. for Analytical Procedures for Architect's td. for Auditing Nuclear Materials Statements and Reports igurement of Paint Films by Fungal Growth or Soil and Dirt ater/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of the Terms Precision and Std. Meth. of Test for Spectral Bandwidth and Wavelength 972) Std. for Std. Spec, for Glass Reinforced and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric (1973) ANSI B72.12 Std. Spec, for Cellulose ANSI B72.4 Std. Spec, for Cellulose gs (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Cellulose Meth. of Test. Cellulose Acetate Propionate and Cellulose Std. Spec, for Amyl Std. for SodiunuTJetermination by the Uranyl Zinc ) Std. Meth. of Test. Cellulose Safe Handling and Use of Ethyl Std. Meth. of Test. Cellulose Std. Spec, for Normal Propyl Std. Spec, for Normal Butyl Spec, for Isopropyl mistry) (1962) Rapid (Magnesium Std. Meth. of ies and Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of de in Flour Bleaching Experiments in Laboratories (Cerea/ chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for ic Acids (Cereal / Van Dame Meth. of Analysis for Formic, Std. for cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe by ) (1971) Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of Std. Spec, for age and Handling of Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Safety Std. for and Cutting) (1973) Safety Std. for Accelerated Aging of Sulfur Dyed Textiles (1972) ANSI L Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Oven Meth Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Oxygen Pr Accelerated Aging of Wood Sash Face Glazing Compound (1 Accelerated Curing, and Test, of Concrete Compression T Accelerated Domestic and Commercial Washing and Launder Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine Accelerated Laboratory Test of Natural Decay Resistance (Accelerated Meth.) (1974) Acceleration of Concrete, Curing of Concrete, and Other Acceleration Transducers (Instrumentation) (1971) Accelerator for Dry Pipe Systems (Fire Protection) (197 Accelerator Installations (1964) Accelerator Meth. (1970) Test Meth. for Abrasion R Accelerator (1973) Accelerometer (1972) / Format Guide and Test Procedure Acceptable Concentration of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Acceptable Concentrations of Acetone (1971) Acceptable Concentrations of Dichlorodifluoromethane (F Acceptable Concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide (1972) Acceptable Concentrations of Inorganic Mercury and Nona Acceptable Concentrations of Toluene in the Air of Work Acceptable Concentrations of Trichlorofluoromethane (Fl Acceptable Concentrations of l,l,2-Trichloro-l,2,2trif Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipme Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Acceptance Criteria for Water Resistance on Steel Door Acceptance of Concrete Pavements Exposed to Rain During Acceptance of Evidence Based on the Results of Probabil Acceptance of Halogenated Organic Solvents, Degreasing Acceptance Sampling by Attributes (1971) ANSI Z1.6 Acceptance Values for Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Accerated Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.217 Access Control System Units (Electronic / Electrical / Accessories for Cataloged Square Head Industrial Fluid Accessories (Designed for Use as a Plaster Base) (1973) Accessories (1972) Accessories (1972) /Cturing Spec, and Application Gui Accessories, Nonelectrical (1973) Accessory Equipment Specs. (1971) Accident Prevention Signs for Display on Tank Trailers Accident Prevention Signs (1972) Accident Prevention Signs (1973) /, Directional, and S Accident Report Form (Acquisition and Codification of D Accident) (1972) Rec. Pract. for Coll Accidental Injury Experience of Employees (1973) /for Accidents) (1973) /Ort Form (Acquisition and Codificat Accordion Folding Partitions (1972) Accountability of Uranium Hexafluoride (1972) Accountability of Uranium Tetrafluoride (1972) Accounting Forms (1972) (Accounting) (1973) Accumulation (1973) /F Evaluating Deg. of Surface Disf Accuracy as Applied to Measurement of a Property of a M Accuracy of Fluorescence Spectrometers (1972) Acephate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1 Acetal Plastics for Molding and Extrusion (1972) Acetate Ashing Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) and Tubing Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (1973) Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittin Acetate Butyrate (1972) Std. Acetate Made from Fusel Oil (85 to 88% Grade) (1972) Acetate Meth. Pulp and Paper) (1973) Acetate Propionate and Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (1972 Acetate (Chemical Safety) (1972) Acetate (1972) ANSI K65.24 Acetate (90 to 92% Grade) (1972) Acetate (98% Grade) (1972) Acetate (98% Grade) (1972) Acetate) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour (Cereal Che Acetic- Acid Salt Spray (Fog) Test. (1974) ANSI Z118.2 Acetic Acid (1973) Propert Acetic Anhydride Meth. for Generation of Chlorine Dioxi Acetic, Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Rye Flour (Cereal Acetic, Propionic, Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, and Lact Acetochlor (Herbicide) (1971) Acetone-Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and Corn Oils ( Acetone Immersion) (1967) ANSI B72.9 /Eth. of Test for Acetone Peroxides in Milling Premixes (Cereal Chemistry Acetone (1971) Acetone (99.5 (Grade) (1972) Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning Fluids, Flammable Aerosols, Acetyl Content of Corn Starch (1968) Acetylene Generators, Portable, Medium Pressure (1973) Acetylene Generators, Stationary, Low Pressure (Welding AATCC 26 ASTM D573 ASTM D572 ASTM C741 ASTM C684 AATCC 61 ASTM D2481 ASTM D2017 ASTM D2274 ASTM D98 ISA S37.5 FMS 2-55 NCRPM R31 AATCC 93 FMS 2-56 IEEE 337 ANSI Z37.7 ANSI Z37.32 ANSI Z37.38 ANSI Z37.2 ANSI Z37.8 ANSI Z37.12 ANSI Z37.36 ANSI Z37.35 IEEE 64 STDI 116 STDI 115 ACPA TB17 ASTM E141 ASTM D2942 ASQC A2 STDI 112 AATCC 123 UL 294 NFLDP T3.6.8 ICBO UBCS47-4 NEMA BUI ANSI C37.32 UL 207 BCA *1 TTMA RP35 ANSI Z35.1 ANSI Z35.4 ANSI Z86.2 SAE J224A ANSI Z16.3 ANSI Z86.2 CSI 10623 ANSI N15.7 ANSI N15.6 AIOA F700 ANSI N15.ll ASTM D3274 ASTM E177 ASTM E388 ANSI K62.120 ASTM D2948 AACCH 40-55 ASTM D2446 ASTM D1503 ASTM D2560 ASTM D817 ASTM D554 TAPP1 T623 ASTM D817 MCA SD51 ASTM D871 ASTM D3130 ASTM D3126 ASTM D3131 AACCH 08-02 ASTM B287 MCA SD41 AACCH 48-30 AACCH 04-20 AACCH 04-23 ANSI K62.108 AACCH 58-35 ASTM D2152 AACCH 48-05 ANSI Z37.32 ASTM D329 ICBO UBCS10-1 CR C-2 UL 297 UL 409 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards mg and Cutting) (1973) Safety Std. for niform Fire Code: Welding and Cutting, Calcium Carbide and sing Grade (Nonreflux Me/ Std. Meth. of Te9t for Nonamine earing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric earing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric earing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric on-Occupa/ Std. for Acceptable Concentration of Chromic Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Lactic Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Lactic Std. Meth. for Analysis of Sulfuric atter in Fats and Shortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, High y) (1973) Meth. for Determination of Fatty Std. Spec, for and Rodent Hairs in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Analysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina (With Subsequent Std. Meth. of Test for Isophthalic (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric (1962) Quantitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Sulfuric (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Tartaric Meth. of Analysis for Total Phosphoric Meth. of Analysis of Lipoid Phosphoric Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Meth. for Determination of Arsanilic ntitative Determination of Both Nitrophenide and Arsanilic Meth. of Analysis for Benzoic Meth. of Analysis for Lactic ualitative Meth. of Analysis for Free or Combined Tartaric Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Volatile Official Meth. of Analysis for Total ice (1974) Std. for Determination of Capacity of Lead sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes (/ Perchloric s of Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Products (Boric r Determining Chromic Oxide Content in Leather (Perchloric id. Meth. of Test for Chromic Oxide in Leather (Perchloric d Meth. of Analysis of Monocalcium Phosphate and/or Sodium Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of Sodium hemistry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of erating Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Strong ry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Hydrocyanic Type Glass (1972T) Meth. of Test for er and Beverage Glass Containers/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Acetic - Meth. for Colorimeter or Spectrophotometer Analysis of Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Hydrochloric Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Lactic Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Sulfuric or Weight Loss of Sheet Steel During Immersion in Sulfuric ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfuric Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Perchloric ats. Tractors, Automotive and Industrial A/ Std. for Lead Meth. of Analysis of Pantothenic dophenol-Xylene Extraction Meth. of Analysis of Ascorbic Ethylenediaminetetraacetic (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic) Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of Acetic d. Including Guarantee Policy for Motor Vehicle Type (Lead Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Hydrochloric for Automated Separation and Collection of Particulate and their Admixtures (1974) ducts Obtained Fro/ ) 1952) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Tent. Meth. of Test for Total Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat General Meth. of Analysis for Fat Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis for Fat Meth. of Analysis for Titratable and Similar Industrial Aromatic / Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 5) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining roducts) (1955) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Yarn or Fabric to rine Oi/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Free Fatty Std. Meth. of Test for Total Rosin meth. for Preparation of Methyl Esters of Long Chain Fatty Meth. of Analysis of Free Fatty Meth. of Analysis for Citric and Isocitric Meth. of Analysis for Acetic, Butyric, and Lactic Std. Meth. for Identification of Oils and Oil Std. Meth. of Testing Fatty lysis for Fumaric, Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and Tartaric Acetic, Propionic, Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, and Lactic of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Wet Ashing with Nitric and Perchloric Meth. of Test for Pyridine Bases in Crude and Refined Tar 2) Acetylene Generators, Stationary, Medium Pressure (Weld Acetylene (1973) Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Organic Solvents, Degrea Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1960) /Other Protein B Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1962) /Other Protein B Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1962) /Other Protein B Acid and Hexavalent Chromium Compounds (Air Contaminati Acid and Salts Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1964) Acid and Salts Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1962) Acid as Used in Pulp and Paper Manufacture (1973) Acid Coconut Oil, etc.) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /E M Acid Composition by Gas Chromatography (Cereal Chemistr Acid Copper Chromate (1971) Acid Hydrolysis Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments Acid Hydrolysis) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /E Meth. of Acid in Alkyd and Polyester Re9ins (1973) Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) Acid in Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid in Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid in Dried Geeg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Meth. of Qua Acid in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid in Presence of Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Acid in Wine (Enology) (1972) Acid in Wine (Enology) (1972) Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for Motive Power Serv Acid Meth. of Analysis of Monocalcium Phosphate and/or Acid Modification) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Analysi Acid Oxidation) (1969) ASTM D2807 Meth. Fo Acid Oxidation) (1972) Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes (Cereal Chemistry) Acid Pyrophosphate (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid Reacting Materials Other Than Phosphates (Cereal C Acid Removal (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Op Acid Residues in Grains and Dried Foods (Cereal Chemist Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Architectural Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Returnable Be Acid Salt Spray (Fog) Test. (1974) ANSI Z118.2 Acid Soluble Manganese (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid Solution (1971) ANSI Z167.25 /Ive Meth. of Test F Acid Solutions Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971 Acid Titration (1973) /D. Meth. of Test for Total Base Acid Type Storage Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Motorbo Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) in Acid (EDTA) and Its Salts (C I0 H„|N,Oii (1973) Acid (1973) Properties and Acid) Storage Batteries (1972) / Domestic Marketing St Acid, HCI (1972) Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double Paper Acidity Alkalinity of Halogenated Organic Solvents and Acidity Content in Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Pro Acidity Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958 Acidity Content of Corn Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates ( Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel (1973) Acidity in Corn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acidity in Grain and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acidity in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acidity in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acidity in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acidity of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Solvent Naphthas, Acidity (Extractable) Content in Corn Starch (1955) Acidity (Extractable) Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (195 Acidity (Paste) Content in Corn Starch (Gelatinizable P Acids and Alkalis (1972) ANSI L14.2 Acids Content in Corn Oil and to Other Vegetable and Ma Acids Content of Coating Vehicles (1973) Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cereal Che Acids in Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Acids in Fruit and Its Products (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Acids in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acids in Solvent Type Paints (1972) Acids Used in Protective Coatings (1972) Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Ana Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Analysis for Formic, Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) /Tion of Methyl Esters Acids (Wood, Pulp, etc.) (1973) Acids (1972) ANSI Z107.4 Std. UL 408 ICBO UFC»2ART31 ASTM D2942 CR F-44 CR C-22 CR J-56 ANSI Z37.7 CR G-13 CR J-36 TAPPI T602 AACCH 44-30 AACCH 58-18 ASTM D1624 AACCH 28-41 AACCH 76-10 ASTM D2690 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 04-11 AACCH 04-14 AACCH 04-27 AACCH 04-13 AACCH 20-02 AACCH 04-25 AACCH 18-20 AACCH 18-26 AACCH 04-21 AACCH 04-26 AACCH 04-28 ASE •11 ASE *5 NEMA IB2 AACCH 40-51 AACCH 46-12 ALCA D10 ASTM D2807 AACCH 40-51 AACCH 02-34 AACCH 02-32 ASTM D3087 AACCH 60-20 ASTM C724 ASTM C735 ASTM B287 AACCH 40-45 AACCH 70-20 AACCH 70-30 AACCH 70-80 ASTM C694 CR R-30 ASTM D2H% SAE J537H AACCH 86-60 AACCH 86-10 ANSI PH4.185 MCA SD41 BCI *1.15 ANSI PH4.104 ASTM D3266 ASTM D2989 CR J-4 CR F-2 CR E-2 ASTM D3242 AACCH 02-03 AACCH 02-01 AACCH 02-02 AACCH 02-04 AACCH 02-31 ASTM D847 CR B-2 CR G-2 CR B-4 AATCC 6 CR H-22 ASTM D1469 AACCH 58-17 AACCH 58-16 AACCH 04-22 AACCH 04-20 ASTM D2245 ASTM D1467 AACCH 04-24 AACCH 04-23 AACCH 58-17 TAPPI UM-243 ASTM D2748 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Time of Tar i-Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Polythionic pract. for Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Apparent Viscosity of Std. for Std. for Stub Std. Dimensions for Flareless Std. for Procedures for Calibration of Underwater Electro Std. Meth. of Painting Ceiling Materials for test. Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Spec, for ) Std. Symbols and Definitions for Mechanical and Std. Meth. of Test for Airflow Resistance of semblies (1972) Std. s (1973) Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to niform Building Code Std. for Metal Suspension Systems for on for Determination of Sound Transmission Class (Building Western Woods Use Book: Sound Control g. Wall) (1972) Rec. for Sound Control meth. for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in Air ound Power Levels of Small Sources in Reverberation Rooms Uniform Building Code: Sound Transmission Control Std. for Psychoacoustical Terminology Structural Clay nvestigation of Sc/ Std. Underwater Accident Report Form (1972) ANSI S6./ Rec. Pract. for Qualifying a Sound Data head. Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, A286 st for Methyl Ether of Hydroquinone in Colorless Monomeric er Piping (1974) Std. Spec, for , Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1973/ Std. Spec, for and Fittings (1973) An/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cement for (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.3 Std. Spec, for fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Threaded fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) / Std. Spec, for Socket Type fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) / Std. Spec, for Socket Type Schedules 40 and 80 (1973) Std. Spec, for Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.59 Std. Spec, for 3) ANSI K65.205 Std. Spec, for Rigid ipe and Fittings (1971) Std. for Installation for d Vent Pipe and Fitting/ Materials and Property Stds. for to PolyfViny/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Joining Conduit and Fittings (1972) ANSI K65.57 Std. Spec, for . Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Butadiene • Safe Handling and Use of steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced nded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced num Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded Steel Reinforced, steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Positive Locking, Single Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Positive Locking, Double 1972) Std. Meth. for Determining the 8) Rec. Pract. for the Safe Safety Std. for Dry Pipe, Deluge, and Pre Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to d. Meth. of Test for Oxygen Content Using a 14 MeV Neutron Std. Cuide for Selection of Neutron rocedure (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Synthetic Anionic ) Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Flour and rophotometric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in f Test for Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum -99 istr/ Spectrophotometrie Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Meth. of Thiosulfate-Maltose (Diastatic Meth. of Analysis of Residual Urease Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Low Level Pressuremeter Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Test Meth. for Detection of Antibacterial Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Meth. of Analysis of Lipoxidase Meth of Analysis of Diastatic Meth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic ) Meth. of Analysis of Lipoxidase 62) Electrometric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Meth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Safety Requirements for Powder n, Mechanically Operated Type for 1/ Safety Std. for Heat ignaling Systems (1974) Std. for Safety for Manually Std. for Safety for Electrically t Products (Wheat, Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc.) to Determine Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of istry) (19/ I Chemistry) (1962) 25 ereal Chemistry) (1962) ) ) (1962) Acids (1972) ANSI Z78.23 Acids (1973) /Bility of Stainless Steels and Related N Acids (1973) API Bui D15 Rec. Acidulated Flour— Water Suspensions (Cereal Chemistry) ACME Screw Threads (1973) ACME Screw Threads (1973) Acorn Fitting End (1974) Acoustic Transducers (1972) Acoustical Absorption Tests (1973) Acoustical and Airflow Performance (1973) /. Meth. of Acoustical Ceiling Systems (1972) Acoustical Elements as Used in Schematic Diagrams (1972 Acoustical Materials (1973) Acoustical Performance Test for Steel Door and Frame as Acoustical Tests of Building Constructions and Material Acoustical Tile and for Lay in Panel Ceilings (1973) Acoustics Design and Construction) (1973) /Lassificati (Acoustics) in Buildings, Walls, and Floors (1973) (Acoustics) in Wood Building Construction (Floor, Ceilin (Acoustics) (1971) Std. (Acoustics) (1972) /or Meth. for the Determination of S (Acoustics) (1973) (Acoustics, Audiometry) (1973) Acoustile (Tech Notes) (1961) (Acquisition and Codification of Data Derived from the I Acquisition System for Vehicle Noise Sound Level Meters Acres, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /D. for Pan Acrylate Esters (1972) Std. Meth. of Te Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Composite Sew Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Drain Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Acrylonitrile— Butadiene— Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Sewer Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastics (197 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Drain, Waste and Vent P Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Plastic Drain, Waste an Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe and Fittings Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Plastic Utilities Acrylonitrile Rubbers (NBR) (1973) Std Acrylonitrile (1974) /Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) /Inum Coated (Aluminized) Stra Std. Spec, for Alumi /for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) St (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.47 (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.61 (ACSR) (1972A) ANSI C7.22 (ACSR) (1974) ANSI C7.60 Acting (1973) Acting (1973) Actinity or Photographic Effectiveness of Illuminants ( Action and Title Areas for Television Transmission (196 Action Valves for Fire Protection Service (1970) Activated Carbon (1974) Activation and Direct Counting Technique (1973) Activation Detector Materials (1973) Active Ingredient in Detergents by Cationic Titration P Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1968 Activity from Uranium -238 Fission (1972) /Td. Meth. O Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chem Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chem Activity in Flour) Conversion (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity in Soybean Meals, Soy Flour, Mill Feeds (Cerea Activity in Water (1972T) Activity of Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity of Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity of Fabrics: Agar Plate Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.1 Activity of Flour and Active Proteinase Preparations (C Activity of Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Activity of Flour with the Amylograph (Cereal Chemistry Activity of Ground Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity of Malt Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity of Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity of Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity of Semolina and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Activity (PH) in Flour and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Activity (PH) in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Activity, by Beta Amylase GBI (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Actuated Fastening Systems (1972) Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Statio Actuated Signaling Boxes for Use with Fire Protective S Actuated Transmitters (1974) Added Amounts of Malathion in Range of 0.2-2.0 p. p.m. ( Added Iron in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ASTM D2870 ASTM G35 NACE RP-02-73 AACCH 56-80 ANSI B1.5 ANSI B1.8 NSA 1760 ANSI SI. 20 ASTM C643 ASTM E477 CSI 09530 ANSI Y32.18 ASTM C522 STDI 114 ASTM C634 ICBO UBCS47-16 ASTM E413 WWPA *31-5 WWPA •27 ANSI SI. 13 ANSI SI. 21 ICBO UBC«3-35 ANSI S3.20 BIA 5 ANSI Z86.2 SAE J184 NSA 5100-6 ASTM D3125 ASTM D2680 ASTM D2661 ASTM D2235 ASTM D2282 ASTM D2465 ASTM D2468 ASTM D2469 ASTM D1527 ASTM D2751 ASTM D1788 IAPMO IS5 IAPMO PS17 ASTM D3138 ASTM D2750 ASTM D3187 MCA SD31 ASTM B341 ASTM B500 ASTM B232 ASTM B498 NSA 1333-46 NSA 1353-66 ANSI PH2.3 SMPTE RP8 UL 260 ASTM D2652 ASTM E385 ASTM E419 ASTM D1681 AACCH 22-60 AACCH 22-62 AACCH 22-63 ASTM E343 AACCH 22-62 AACCH 22-63 AACCH 22-17 AACCH 22-90 ASTM D3085 AACCH 22-11 AACCH 22-14 AATCC 90 AACCH 22-60 AACCH 22-15 AACCH 22-10 AACCH 22-41 AACCH 22-16 AACCH 22-01 AACCH 22-61 AACCH 22-40 AACCH 02-52 AACCH 02-51 AACCH 22-02 ANSI A10.3 UL 539 UL 38 UL 632 AACCH 60-30 AACCH 40-40 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) Meth. of Analysis of 1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Noncarbonized, Single Ply, ductivity of Aviation Fuels Containing a Static Dissipator Std. Meth. of Test. Anti Leak Antifreezes and Stop Leak r Chemical Analysis of Ferrovanadium and Vanadium Alloying Spec, for Self Std. Meth. of Test for er Cyclic Movement (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for to Solution Coil Coatings and S/ Spec, for Measurement of Test Meth. for Determination of Film Std. Meth. of Test for Extension Recovery and Std. Meth. of Test for Deg. Angle and Constant Stress (/ Std. Meth. of Test for itized Microfilm Carrier (Ape/ Std. Meth. for Determining 1) Std. Meth. of Test for Strap Peel Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for si J3.1 Std. Meth. of Test for everse Impacting (C/ Test Meth. for Determination of Film (1969) ANSI Z167.22 Std. Meth. for Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Bar and Rod Specimens for 3) Test Meth. for er. Board, Cloth, etc.) (1973) Test Meth. for sion Test for Resistance to Blistering, Wrinkling, Loss of 24 Std. Rec. Pract. for Atmospheric Exposure of (1970) Std. Test Meth. for Permanence of Std. Test Meth. for Flexural Strength of ec. Pract. for Preparation of Surfaces of Plastic Prior to nsi Z197.1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Std. Test. Meth. for Impact Strength of std. Meth. of Test for Cleavage Strength of Metal to Metal d. Meth. of Test for Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Std. Test Meth. for Tensile Properties of 974) ANSI C59.136 Std. Meth. of Test. Pressure Sensitive Std. Test Meth. for Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Dry Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Durability of 971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Durability of . for Determining Adhesion of Protection Sheet to Aperture Spec, for Mosaic Wood Parquet Flooring Set in d. Meth. of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of Dried N141 Rec. Pract. for Exposure of . Meth. of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of Liquid Std. Spec, for a Liquid Optical dation for Materials for Setting Ceramic Tile with Mortar, Mixing Operations (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer. Printing Ink. shear B/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Strength of ar by T/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Metal Surfaces for d. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Metal to Metal Rec. Pract. for Flexibility Determination of Hot Melt Z197.3 Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for Tack and Pressure Sensitive Fiberboa/ Std. Spec, for Water or Solvent Soluble Liquid g (1973) Std. Spec, for g (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for 1) Performance Spec, for er Interior (Dry Use) Exposu/ Std. Spec, for Protein Base e Under Exterior (Wet Use) Exposure Condi/ Std. Spec, for 1969) Std. Test Meth. for Apparent Viscosity of Std. Test Meth. for Density of ion Loadin/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of al) (1969) Std. Test Meth. for Creep Properties of ratures (M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of e Range Fr/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of mblies (19/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of (1972) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of (1969) Std. Test Meth. for Creep Properties of 1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Fatigue Properties of ion Loading (/ Std. Test Meth. for Strength Properties of n (1970) Std. Meth. of Test. ansi Z197.19 Std. Test Meth. for Resistance of 1972) __ Std. Spec, for 197.32 Std. Meth. of Test for Pressure Sensitive Tack of Std. Test Meth. for Viscosity of Std. Meth. of Test for Peel Resistance of Std. Meth. for Climbing Drum Peel Test for Std. Test Method for Penetration of Std. Test Meth. for Flow Properties of Std. Test Meth. for Amylaceous Matter in th. for Filler Content of Phenol, Resorcinol, and Melamine or Nonvolatile Content of Phenol, Resorcinol, and Melamine Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Resistivity of Conductive . of Testing Cross Lap Specimens for Tensile Properties of Added Lysine in Wheat and Bulgur (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Added Salt in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) ( Adding Machine Paper Rolls (1973) Addit Addit Addit Adhei Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhe Adhe Adhe Adhe Adhes Adhes Adh Adh Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhei Adhe Adhe: Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adh Adhes Adhe Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adh Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes Adhes / Test for Electrical Con Std. Meth. Fo St St Std e (1971) ANSI Z11.281 ves for Engine Coolants (1972) ves (1974) ng Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tile (1972) on After Impact of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1973) on and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Und on and Flexibility by the Wedge Bend (Applicable on by Cross Hatch Tape Test (Coil Coating) (1974) on of Latex Sealing Compound (1972) on of Metallic Coatings (1972) on of Pressure Sensitive Tape to Fiberboard at 90 on of Protection Sheet to Aperture Adhesive of Un on of Reinforcing Fabrics or Cords to Rubber (197 on of Vulcanized Rubber to Metal (1973) on of Vulcanized Rubber to Steel Cord (1973) on of Vulcanized Rubber (Friction Test) (1970) an on on All Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Test After R on or Cohesive Strength of Flame Sprayed Coatings on Tests (1969) on to Non Porous Flexible Substrates (Paper) (197 on to Porous Substrates (Subjective Ratings) (Pap on, or Other Failure of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, ve Bonded Joints and Structures (1970) ANSI Z197. ve Bonded Joints in Plywood Under Mold Conditions ve Bonded Laminated Assemblies (1969) ANSI Z197.2 ve Bonding (1969) ANSI Z197.25 Std ve Bonds in Shear by Compression Loading (1949) a ve Bonds to Chemical Reagents (1966) ANSI Z197.7 ve Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.14 ve Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.16 ve Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.18 ve Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.8 ve Coated Tapes Used for Electrical Insulation (1 ve Films (1970) ve Joints Stressed in Peel (1971) ANSI Z197.30 ve Joints Stressed in Shear by Tension Loading (1 ve of Unitized Microfilm Carrier (Aperture Card) ve Over Concrete Slab or Wood Subfloors (1962) ve Solids (1969) ANSI Z197.9 ve Specimens to High Energy Radiation (1970) ANSI ve (1951) ANSI Z197.10 ve (1970) ve, and Mastic (1973) Definition and Recommen ve, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Flammable Liquid vely Bonded Plastic Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in vely Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear Joints in She ves and Coating Materials (1973) ves Bonding (1967) ANSI Z197.28 ves by Compression Loading (Disk Shear) (1972) an ves by Mandrel Bend Test Meth. (1972T) ves by Means of Bar and Rod Specimens (1972) ANSI ves by Rolling Ball (1973) ves for Automatic Machine Sealing of Top Flaps of ves for Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framin ves for Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framin ves for Field Gluing Plywood to Wood Framing (197 ves for Structural Laminated Products for Use Und ves for Structural Laminated Wood Products for Us ves Having Shear Rate Dependent Flow Properties ( ves in Fluid Form (1969) ves in Plywood Type Construction in Shear by Tens ves in Shear by Compression Loading (Metal to Met ves in Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Tempe ves in Shear by Tension Loading in the Temperatur ves in Shear by Tension Loading of Laminated Asse ves in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal to Metal) ves in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal to Metal) ves in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal / Metal) ( ves in Two Ply Wood Construction in Shear by Tens ves Relative to Their Use as Electrical Insulatio ves to Cyclic Laboratory Aging Conditions (1970) ves Used in Nonstructural Glued Lumber Products ( ves Using an Inverted Probe Machine (1971) ANSI Z ves (R1970) ves (T-Peel Test) (1972) ANSI Z197.2 ves (1962) ANSI Z197.23 ves (1969) ves (1969) ves (1970) ves (1970) Std. Test Me ves (1970) Std. Test Meth. F ves (1972) ves (1972) ANSI Z197.21 Std. Meth AACCH AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM RTI ASTM ASTM NCCA NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM NMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM ASTM TAPPI TAPPI NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NMA WSFI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TCA FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO APA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 46-40 40-60 X4.8 D2624 D3147 E365 •18 C766 C719 TB II 10 TB-II-5 C736 B571 D2860 MS10 D2630 D429 D2229 D413 TB-II 16 C633 D2094 UM-541 UM-540 TB III 1 D1828 D1877 D1184 D2093 D905 D896 D950 D1062 D1151 D897 D1000 D1583 D2918 D2919 MS10 *7 D898 D1879 D899 D2851 *3 7-36 D3164 D3163 D3236 D2651 D2182 D3111 D2095 D3121 D1874 C557 UBCS47-2 AFG-01 D3024 D2559 D2556 D1875 D906 D2293 D2295 D2557 D3165 D1002 D2294 D3166 D2339 D1304 D1183 D3110 D2979 D1084 D1876 D1781 D1916 D2183 D1488 D1579 D1582 D2739 D1344 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards . Rec. Pract. for Conducting Creep Tests of Metal to Metal tent. Meth. of Test for Floating Roller Peel Resistance of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Uniform Building Code Std. for Rec. Pract. Meth. of Tests for Automotive Type Sealers, tion) (1971) Duct Liner, olumns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, Connectors, Nails, Staples, r and Semolina; Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and Their (1970) Std. for Std. for Clevis— Engine Control Rod, Std. for Machine Bolt, Crowned Hexagon Head, Std. for ortation (DOT) Special Permits for Radioactive / Std. for ioactive Materials (Safety) (1973) Std. for niques (1973) Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of ract. for Combustion Chambers, Fuel Oil Injection, and Gas 962) Trifructosan Meth. of Analysis for Rec. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Air Entraining Rec. Guide for Use of e Due To/ Std. Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Mineral idity Alkalinity of Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their luble Halide Ion in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Std. for water and Wastewater Treatment (Septic, Holding, Settling, graphic Film in Rolls, Including Leaders and Trailers, for Std. for Dimensions of ts and Tows (1973) Std. for Safety Requirements for for Dimensions of Containers for Packaging and Storage of Std. for in Dividual of Analysis of Thermophilic Spore Counts (Flat Sour, Total t Flying Insects/ Std. Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Std. Meth. of Test for Pressure in Glass Meth. of Drop Test, of Glass Std. Spec, for Tin Plate Fabricated Std. Rec. Pract. for Labeling Std. Meth. of Test for Solids Content of Std. Spec, for Safe Fill or Std. Rec. Pract. for Inspection of Glass Meth. of Test for Pressure in Metal Rec. Pract for Reporting Laboratory Results When Checking f Test for Effective Crimping on Outside Crimped Valves of Std. Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Std. Meth. of Test for Pickup Efficiency of Residual Std. Spec, for Simple Can Puncturing Device for Use in Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Definitions of Terms and Nomenclature Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Std. Meth. of Test for Delivery Rate of Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile Content of Std. Rec. Pract. for Storage of Std. Meth. of Test for Seepage Rate of Std. Meth. of Measurement of the AD Dimension of Std. Meth. of Test for Overrun of Food ne, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning Fluids, Flammable Meth. of Test for Explosive Reactivity of Lubricants with trasonic Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Wrought Products for or Nonvolatile Residue of Halogenated Solvent Extract from for Identification of Metallic and Fibrous Contaminants in d Lay) (1973) Std. for Gear Tooth Surface Texture for Std. Fastener Code SI Metric Units (1973) Std. for National d, Semi Finished and Rough Items (1971) 1974) National Std. Analytical Meth. Determining Iodine rability Requirements for Both Permanently and Temporarily 2) TLC Meth. of Analysis of Meth. for Detection of Antibacterial Activity of Fabrics: nd Shapes (1/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished g Weight Determination for Chromate Conversion Coatings on for Coating Weight Determination for Conversion Coating on Rec. for Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Spec, for Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Anhydrous) (Cleaning 4.79 Test Meth. for Evaluating Wetting Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Oxidizing Test Meth. for Evaluation of Commercial Rewetting Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Leavening Test Meth. for Evaluation of Wetting Uniform Fire Code: Explosives and Blasting orm Building Code Std. for Exterior Plaster Liquid Bonding ransportation. Storage, and Use of Explosives and Blasting 66) Rec. for Preplaced Rec. Guide for Structural Lightweight Uniform Building Code Std. for Rec. Spec, for Optimum Size Coarse Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z 197.22 Std ASTM Adhesives (1973) ASTM Adhesives (1973) ASTM Adhesives (1973) ICBO Adhesives, and Deadeners (1971) SAE Adhesives, and Fasteners Application Std. (Air Distribu SMACN Adhesives, Fiberboard, Particleboard) (1973) /Spaced C ICBO Adjuncts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /F Moisture in Flou AACCH Adjustable Face Vehicular Traffic Control Signal Heads ITE Adjustable (1973) NSA Adjusting (1973) NSA Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Plants (1972) ANSI Administrative Guide for Obtaining Departrhent of Transp ANSI Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting Rad ANSI Admiralty Metal by the Cast Pin and Point to Plane Tech ASTM Admission Systems (1972) Std. P DEMA Admixture of Rye and Wheat Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1 AACCH Admixtures for Concrete (1960) ACI Admixtures for Concrete (1973) ICBO Admixtures for Concrete (1973) ANSI A37.132 ASTM Admixtures in Concrete (1968) ACI Admixtures in Preventing Excessive Expansion of Concret ASTM Admixtures (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for AC ASTM Admixtures (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Water So ASTM Advertising of Books (1971) ANSI Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Mixing, Filter, Gr NSF Aerial and Related Uses (1973) /D and Perforated Photo ANSI Aerial Film Spools (1972) ANSI Aerial Passenger Tramways Including Ski and Surface Lif ANSI Aerial Photographic Film on Spools (1972) Std. ANSI Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plants (1970) NSF Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and Food Ingredi AACCH Aerosol and Pressurized Space Spray Insecticides Agains ASTM Aerosol Bottles (1972) ASTM Aerosol Bottles (1972) ASTM Aerosol Cans (1972) ASTM Aerosol Cans (1972) ASTM Aerosol Coatings (1972) ASTM Aerosol Containers (1972) ASTM Aerosol Containers (1972) ASTM Aerosol Containers (1972) ASTM Aerosol Containers (1972) Std. ASTM Aerosol Containers (1972) Meth. ASTM Aerosol Insecticides Against Cockroaches (1972) ASTM Aerosol Insecticides (1972) ASTM Aerosol Laboratories (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products for Delivered Mass (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Aerosol Valve Dip Tubes (1972) ASTM Aerosols (1972) ASTM Aerosols, etc. with a Flash Point Below 200 Deg. F) (19 ICBO Aerospace Alloys Under High Shear (1972) ANSI Z11.323 ASTM Aerospace Applications (1974) Std. Meth. for UL ASTM Aerospace Components (Using Rotary Flash Evaporator) (1 ASTM Aerospace Fluids (1970E) Std. Meth. of Test ASTM Aerospace Gearing (Surface Roughness, Waviness, Form an AGMA (Aerospace Lockbolts, Rivets, Bolts) (1973) NSA Aerospace Std. Documents Preparation and Maintenance in NSA Aerospace Std. Identification Marking Meths. on Finishe SAE Aerospace Stds. Documents Preparation and Maintenance ( NSA Affinity of Corn Starch (1973) CR Affixed Safety Signs for Construction and Industrial Eq SAE Aflatoxins in Corn and Soybeans (Cereal Chemistry) (197 AACCH Agar Plate Meth. (1970) ANSI L14. 125 Test AATCC Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars a ASTM Aged or Backed Aluminum Alloy Panels (Coil) (1974) /in NCCA Aged or Baked Aluminized Steel (Coil) (1974) Spec. NCCA Agent Systems (1973) FMS Agent) (1970) ANSI K60.20 Std. ASTM Agents in Caustic Soda for Mercerization (1971) ANSI LI AATCC Agents in Flour: Reaction with Potassium Iodide (Cereal - AACCH Agents on Cotton Textile Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.106 AATCC Agents (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ' AACCH Agents (Cotton Test Skein Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.ll AATCC Agents (1973) ICBO Agents (1973) Unif ICBO Agents (1973) ANSI Z271.1 /Code for the Manufacture, T NFPA Aggregate Concrete for Structural and Mass Concrete (19 ACI Aggregate Concrete (1964) ACI Aggregate for Masonry Mortar (1973) ICBO Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Paving (1972) ACPA D1780 D3167 D907 UBCS25-19 J243 •13 UBC*3-25 44-40 TR1 170 428 N18.7 N14.10.2 N14.10.1 E486 •1-2 06-10 60-64 UBCS26-9 C260 68-56 C441 D2989 D2988 Z39.13 41 PHI. 10 PHI. 2 B77.1 PHI. 46 40 42-40 D3088 D3063 D3071 D3061 D3066 D3062 D3068 D3073 D3074 D3067 D3076 D3095 D3093 D3058 D3097 D3064 D3065 D3069 D3072 D3090 D3094 D3089 D3075 UBCS10-1 D3115 B594 F331 F314 118.01 523 10000 AS478D 380 B-28 Jl 15 45-05 90 A564 TB-II-2 TB-II-8 4-8N D595 43 48-02 27 62-30 17 UFC*2ART11 UBCS47-1 495 66-65 64-39 UBCS24-22 15 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 9/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Classification of Soils and Their enting Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to the Alkali - Std. Meth. of Test for Surface Moisture in Fine Concrete eth. of Test for Specific Cravity and Absorption of Coarse Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine r Use in Waterproofing (Asphalt Cement, Mineral Filler and e (1973) AASHO T104,/ Std. Meth. of Test for Soundness of Rec. for Selection and Use of Uniform Building Code Std. for iform Building Code Std. for Perlite, Vermiculite and Sand Std. Spec, for Std. Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Uniform Building Code Std. for Lightweight Std. Meth. of Test for Potential Reactivity of iron Blast Furna/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Concrete and Its t for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Concrete Std. Meth. of Test for Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Uniform Building Code Std. for Mineral Roofing Std. Spec, for Concrete , Prepared Roofings, and Plast/ Spec, for Roof Membranes; s Applied Over Film Insul/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal est Meth. for Resistance of Adhesives to Cyclic Laboratory Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Weight Loss After Heat Std. Test Meth. for Laboratory Test Meth. for Accelerated i J5. 1 Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated (1973) ANSI J4.1 Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Std. Meth. of Test for Extrudability, After Package Truck Mixer and an Normal Engineering Services (1972) gn Services (1972) ces (1972) ruction Contracts Where Basis of Payment Is/ Std. Form of Std. Form of Std. Form of Std. for Std. Form of Std. Form of Std. Form of Joint Venture Std. for Safety for rill) Press, and Gage Wheel,/ Std. for Tires and Rims for 7/ Std. for Power Takeoff Definitions and Terminology for and Wheel Stds. for Motorcycles, Passenger Cars, Off Road, Uniform Building Code: Std. for Lighting and Marking of Std. for Operator Controls on Rec. Safety Alert Symbol for Std. for T-Hook Slots for Securement in Shipment of Rec. Pract. for Safety for Std. for Safety for 72) Thermal Properties of , Specific Gravity, and Weight-Moisture Relationships of ties (1968) Moisture Relationships of ty on Enclosed Mobile Tanks for Transporting and Spreading Rec. Safety Sign for Front End 971) (1971) H1971) 71) 972) SAE J720 Rec. Pract. for Liquid Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Std. Liquid Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Std. for Std. for Area Classification in Hazardous Dust Locations ion of Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Dust Locations Std. for Std. for Rim Contours for Rec. Pract. for Std. for . for Application of Hydraulic Remote Control Cylinders to ts (1971) Application of Remote Hydraulic Motors to t Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on t Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity op cedures and Performance R/ Std. for Protective Frame (For requirements) (1972) SAE J/ Std. for Protective Frame for requirements) (1972) / Std. for Protective Enclosures for Rec. Pract. for Power Off Definitions and Terminology for Std. for Operator Protection for Wheel Type nsi B114.2, Sa/ Std. for Symbols for Operator Controls on ng Coupler for Thre/ Std. for Attachment of Implements to or 3 Point Free Link Attachment for Hitching Implements to d. for 3 Point Free Link Hitch Attachment of Implements to mp and Slow Mo/ Std. for Mounting Brackets and Socket for . for Flashing Warning Lamp (Light) for Remote Mounting on Rec. for Hitch and Box Dimensions for J955 Std. for Full Shielding of Power Drive Lines for Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes (1 Aggregate Reaction (1969) ANSI A37.119 /Xtures in Prev Aggregate (1973) AASHO T142, ANSI A37.21 Aggregate (1973) ANSI A37.5 Std. M Aggregate (1973) ANSI A37.6 Std. Aggregate) (1941) ANSI A 109. 17 / for Asphalt Mastic Fo Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfat Aggregates for Concrete (1958) Aggregates for Grout (1973) Aggregates for Gypsum Plaster (1973) Un Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concrete (1973) Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concrete (1973) Aggregates for Structural Concrete (1973) Aggregates (Chemical Meth.) (1971) ANSI A37.133 Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Aggregates (1968) ANSI A37.76 Aggregates (1971) AASHO T27, ANSI A37.8 / Meth. of Tes Aggregates (1972) Aggregates (1973) Aggregates (1974) ANSI A37.124 Aggregates, Saturated Felts, Saturated and Coated Felts Aging Characteristics of Electrical Insulating Varnishe Aging Conditions (1970) ANSI Z197.19 Std. T Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Latex Sealing Aging of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) Aging of Sandwich Constructions (1970) Aging of Sulfur Dyed Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.1 Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Oven Meth. (1967) Ans Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Oxygen Pressure Meth. Aging of Wood Sash Face Glazing Compound (1973) Aging, of Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Agitator Stds. (Concrete Plant Equipment) (1973) Agreement Between Architect and Consultant for Other Th Agreement Between Architect and Engineer (1974) Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Interior Desi Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Special Servi Agreement Between Owner and Architect (1974) Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager (1973) Agreement Between Owner and Contractor (For Small Const Agreement (Form) for Design Professionals (1972) Agncu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu (Agricu (Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu Agricu trual Auger Conveying Equipment (1973) al and Industrial Steering, Drive, Planter (D al and Light Industrial Tractors (1972) SAE J al and Log Skidder, Truck, Bus. Bead Seat, in tural Buildings (1973) tural Equipment on Highways (1971) al Equipment (1972) tural Equipment (1972) tural Equipment (1972) tural Equipment (1972) tural Equipment (1973) ANSI B114.3 al Grain and Its Products (Flour, Starch) (19 tural Grain and Seed for Storage (1972) /Ensity tural Grain Storage Loads, Pressures, and Capaci al Grains (1968) al Liquids and Slurry (1973) /Improving Safe al Loaders (1972) al Machinery Data and Management Practices (1 al Machines (1971) al Machines (1972) al Planter Press Wheel Tires (Farm Machinery) al Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dusts) (1973) al Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dusts) (1973) al Press and Gage Wheel Tires (Farm Machinery al Press and Gage Wheels (Farm Machinery) (19 al Tractor Auxiliary Power Take Off Drives (1 al Tractor Belt Speed and Pulley Width (1971) al Tractor Test Code (1972) al Tractor Test Code (1972) SAE J708C al Tractors and Trailing Type Agricultural (F al Tractors and Trailing Type (Farm) Implemen al Tractors Equipped with 3 Point Hitch (1972 al Tractors Equipped with 3 Point Hitch (1972 al Tractors for Overhead Protection (Test Pro al Tractors (Test Procedures and Performance al Tractors (Test Procedures and Performance al Tractors (1972) al Tractors (1972) SAE J333 al Tractors, Machinery and Equipment (1971) a al Wheel Tractors Equipped with Quick Attachi al Wheel Tractors (1972) SAE J715 Std. F al Wheeled Tractors (1972) St al (Farm) and Industrial Equipment Warning La al (Farm) Equipment (1972) Std al (Farm) Grain Wagons (1972) al (Farm) Implements and Tractors (1972) SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ACI ICBO ICBO ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM NRCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NRMCA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA ASAE TRA ASAE TRA ICBO SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASAE ISA ISA ASAE ASAE SAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE REC. ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE D3282 C441 C70 C127 C128 D491 C88 58-24 UBCS24-24 UBCS47-3 C637 C638 UBCS26-3 C289 UBCS26-2 C125 C136 D3042 UBCS32-5 C33 *2-IV D3251 D1183 C732 C771 C481 26 D573 D572 C741 C731 *3 C431 C141 B707 B727 B141 B801 A107 C801 S361T 4 S205.2 7 UBC*3-15 J137A R335.1 R350 S356 J208A S318.3 D243.1 D241.1 D240 D245.1 R317 R355 D230.2 J884B S346 S224.1 S12.10 S12.ll S223 S222 J717C S210.2 J708C S209.4 S201.4 S316T S349 J283 S310.2 S306.3 S336.1 J722B S305.3 S304.4 S278.2 S217.8 J715D S277.2 S307.1 R239 S297T Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards equipment (1973) irements (1972) ntrol Cylinders to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Type e J711 Tire Selection Tables for ves (1972) Rec. for Std. for 540 Rpm Power Takeoff for 1000 Rpm Power Takeoff for . for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Rec. Hand Signals for Use in d. Spec, for Photographic Grade Aluminum Chloride Solution Std. Definitions of Navigation td. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven Filter for Reboarding from the Wa/ Stds. and Practice Guide for ctromagnetic Holders; Sliding Door Equipment; Installation Safety Std. for Oil Fired and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Std. for Rec. Pract. for Design Levels for Emergency Std. for Rec. Pract. for Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Forced for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Syste/ Rec. Pract. for particles (1972) Std. for Efficiency Test, of Std. for Sound Rating of Room Fan Coil Component Std. for Receiver Dehydrators for Vehicle Std. for Room Safety Std. for Room Safety Std. for ANSI H23.5 Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Tube for Std. for Central Station Air Handling Units Std. for Gas Fired Absorption Summer Std. for Safety for Refrigeration and Air Handling Spec, for Sheet Metal and procedures (1973) th. of Testing for Sound Rating Heating, Refrigerating and Std. for Unitary Std. for Recreational Vehicle Std. Meth. of Testing Automotive . and Test Equipment and R/ Std. for Recreational Vehicle conditioning System) (1966) What Makes a Good a Good Air Conditioning System (Information on Year Round Std. for Liquid Line Driers in Refrigerating and Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Std. for Ventilating and Minimum Installation Stds. for Residential Heating and Std. for Installation of Central Warm Air Heating and uction Line Filters and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and icating and Regulating Electrical Equipment for Control of eir Combination Duct System/ Std. for the Installation of ystems) (1972) Safety Std. for Limit Controls (1970) - Std. for tration of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Chromium Compounds eth. (1972T) ANSI A37.70 Tent. Meth. of Test for . for Concrete Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and asolin/ Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering the Installation of Std. for Forced Circulation Std. for Std. Std. for Air Outlets and Inlets Used in Duct Liner, Adhesives, and Fasteners Application Std. Std. for Safety for Factory Made Std. for Central Forced Std. Spec, for Engineering Data Sheets for the Design of electric Fans (Blower, Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, and Ventilation Syste/ Rec. Pract. for Air Cleaning Devices ne Bleach) 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum, Press or (19/ Std. Test Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Rec. Pract. for Make Up and Recirculated Contractors (1973) Ducted Electric Heat Guide for (1974) Std. for Central Station Std. for Direct Gas Fired Make Up Std. for Meth. of Test, for Rating Nonresidential Warm Std. for Safety for Electric 44.3 Std. for Installation of Central Warm Std. for Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Safety Std. for Electric Central ignition Properties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. Operating Limits for Central Station Units Std. Coil Face Areas for Central Station Units Std. for Certified Ratings Program Std. Test Code for sicai Measurements (19/ Std. Meth. of Test for Density in Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of Toluene in the Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Heat and res (1966) 132 4) Agricultural (Farm) Implements (1971) SAE J716 /Ote Co Agricultural (Farm) Machines of Future Design (1972) Sa Agricultural (Farm) Tractor Auxiliary Power Takeoff Dri Agricultural (Farm) Tractors (1973) SAE J718 Agricultural (Farjn) Tractors (1973) SAE J719 Agricultural, Land, and General Drainage (1973) ANSI Al Agriculture (1972) AICL, (1972) St Aid Terms (1971) Aid) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) Aids to Security (Safety) of Personnel on Boat Deck and Aids (1969) /Ers, Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Ele Air and Direct Fired Heaters (1973) Air and in Water for Occupational Exposure (1959) /Ns Air as an Electrical Insulating Material in Electrical Air Brake and Vacuum Brake Hose (1973) ANSI S2.10 Air Brake Reservoir Performance and Identification Requ Air Brake Systems (1971) Air Brake Tubing and Pipe (1970) Air Carbon Arc Gouging and Cutting (1974) Air Central Furnaces (1973) Air Cleaning Devices (Air Filters and Dust Collectors) Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Air Conditioners Delivering Less Than 1500 cfm (1971) Air Conditioners (1967) Air Conditioners (1972) ANSI Z234.1 Air Conditioners (1973) ANSI C33.14 Air Conditioners, Central Cooling (1972) ANSI B144.1 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service (1974) (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) (1974) Air Conditioning Appliances (1973) Air Conditioning Condensing and Compressor Units (1973) Air Conditioning Contractors (1973) Air Conditioning Equipment Selection and System Design Air Conditioning Equipment (1972) Std. Me Air Conditioning Equipment (1974) Air Conditioning Equipment (1974) Air Conditioning Hose (1968E) ANSI J2.27 Air Conditioning System Rating Definitions, Test. Meth. Air Conditioning System (Information on Year Round Air Air Conditioning System) (1966) What Makes Air Conditioning Systems (1971) Air Conditioning Systems (1972) Air Conditioning Systems (1973) Air Conditioning Systems (1973) ANSI B144.3 Air Conditioning Systems (1974) / and Application of S Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooking, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning, Heating, Exhaust, Ventilating, and Th (Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating and Processing S Air Containers for Entranceways in Food Establishments (Air Contamination-Occupational Health and Safety) (19 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure M Air Cooled Iron Blast Furnace Slag) (1973) /G Code Std Air Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Diesel and G Air Cooling and Air Heating Coils (1972) Air Data Computers Mps (1970) Air Density Ratios-At Various Altitudes and Temperatu Air Distribution Systems (1973) (Air Distribution) (1971) Air Duct Materials and Connectors (1974) Air Electric Heating Equipment (1974) Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete (1973) ANSI A37. Air Exchange Coolers for Packaged Compressor Units (197 Air Filtering Appliances Rated at 600 Volts or Less) (1 (Air Filters and Dust Collectors) for Industrial Exhaust Air Finish (1973) /Mmercial Wash-Whites (With Chlori Air Flow Through Closed Steel Door and Frame Assemblies Air for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Air Handling Spec, for Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Air Handling Systems (1971) Air Handling Units (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) Air Heaters (1972) Air Heaters (1972) Air Heaters (1973) Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (1973) ANSI Bl Air Heating Coils (1972) Air Heating Equipment (1973) ANSI C33.104 Air Ignition Furnace) (Fire Safety) (1973) /and Flash Air Intake and Exhaust Systems (1972) Std. Pract. (Air Moving and Conditioning) (1966) (Air Moving and Conditioning) (1966) Air Moving Devices (Performance) (1970) Air Moving Devices (1967) Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by Phy Air of Workplaces (1974) Air on Asphaltic Materials (Thin Film Oven Test) (1973) ASAE S201.4 ASAE R220.3 ASAE R333.1 ASAE S203.7 ASAE S204.6 ASTM D2417 ASAE R351 ANSI PH4.154 IEEE 172 CR E-42 ABYC A18 NBHA 8 UL 733 NCRPM R22 ASTM D3283 ASTM D622 SAE J10B SAE J263 SAE J844C AWS C5.3 ANSI Z21.47 ACCIH *1-11 ANSI N101.1 ARI 443 IMACA 309 AHAM RAC-1 UL 484 UL 465 ASTM B280 ARI 430 ANSI Z21.40.1 UL 303 SMACN *3 NESCA MAN K ASHRA 36 ARI 210 ARI 250 ASTM D1680 IMACA 400 NESCA MAN C NESCA MAN C ARI 710 SMACN *6 SMACN •10 NFPA 90B ARI 730 UL 873 NFPA 90A UL 353 NSF 37 ANSI Z37.7 ASTM C231 ICBO UBCS26-2 ABYC P10 ARI 410 SAE AS417A AMCA 402 ARI 650 SMACN *13 UL 181 ARI 280 ASTM C260 API UK UL 507 ACGIH *1-11 ANSI L24.4.13 STDI 116 ACGIH *l-7 SMACN *3 SMACN •12 ARI 430 ANSI Z83.4 ASHRA 45 UL 1025 NFPA 90B ARI 410 UL 1096 ICBO UBCS52-3 DEMA *l-8 AMCA 1401 AMCA 1402 AMCA 211 AMCA 210 ASTM C559 ANSI Z37.12 ASTM D1754 8 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1973) Std. for , Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, L/ edstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified Two Stage chemistry) (1962) eg. C (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Test Meth. for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in 9 Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Portland Cement by Std. Meth. of Test for of Test for Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Rec. Pract. for Exhaust Emission Controls n Systems (Instrumentation) (1970) Std. for n Systems (1967) Std. for fiers. Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suction Equipment, Room ) Std. for Identification of Std. Meth. of Test for Modulus of Rupture of 11.29 Std. Meth. of Test for Cold Bonding Strength of Uniform Fire Code: Tents and anufacturing Spec, and Application Guide for High Voltage Specifying Duct, Sheet Metal, Low Pressure, terns Designed to Streamline Supply Transactions Within the 3) Std. Meth. of Test for Percent std. Meth. for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in 197/ Std. Performance Requirements for Oil Powered Forced Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Paper to Passage of equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Std. for Driving and Spindle Ends for Portable Hand, m. Hydrogen, Krypto/ Uniform Fire Code: Cryogenic Fluids Spec, for Cabin Duct, Test Meth. Visual Std. for Surfaces of New Steel xtile) (1971) Measurement of Minimum Performance Stds. ithin the Radio Frequency R/ Minimum Performance Std. for Rec. Guide for the Prediction of the Dispersion of Rec. for th Emergency Locator Tran/ Rec. Basic Characteristics for 1, Ceiling, Floor, and Fl/ Uniform Building Code Std. for ery (1973) Std. for Test Procedure for Code Std. for Laboratory Determination and Measurement of (1970) Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Measurement of Minimum Operational Characteristics tional Characteristics Vertical Guidance Equipment Used in adio Frequency Range of 108/ Minimum Performance Std. for Uniform Fire Code: Airports, Heliports, Helistops and ology. Environment and Design Stds for (1972) ic Particle Inspection Procedure) (197/ Spec, for Premium Rec. Pract. for Spark Plug, Std. for Tires, Tubes, Rims and Valves for Std. for Tire Valves for All Vehicles Except y Steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. for 000 psi Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. for r Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical and Rec. Pract. for Automotive Engine Carburetor Std. Meth. of Test for ec. for Bearings, Ball and Roller, Rod End, Anti Friction, Std. for Tires, Tubes, Rims and Valves for Aircraft . for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for eous Perforated Bituminous Fiber Pipe Systems for Highway, 73) Uniform Fire Code: ment. Room Air Purifiers, Filters, Compressors, Artificial oods Use Book: Fire Protection and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Inspection of Laminators Quality Control by the ntral Station Protective Signaling Systems for Guard, Fire oprietary Protective Signalling Systems for Watchman, Fire Safety Std. for Central Stations for Watchman, Fire y Operated Type for 1/ Safety Std. for Heat Actuated Fire and Use of Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems for Fire Safety Std. for Household Burglar Std. for Safety for Proprietary Burglar d. for Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Vehicle Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire and Bank Burglar or Safety for Connectors and Switches for Use with Burglar Safety Std. for Holdup fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI / Std. for Safety for tective Signalling Systems for Fire Protection and Safety e of Local Protective Signaling Systems for Watchman, Fire Safety Std. for Key Locks (Burglar Std. for Safety for Antitheft and Maintenance of Systems and Appliances (Extinguishers, . Combustible and Flammable Materials: Reporting and False ermal Process (Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar and al Process Preservative Treatment of Western Red Cedar and Std. Meth. for Determination of Dichloromethane and ater in Engine Antifreeze-Coolant Concentrate (Glycol or Chemistry) (1962) Chloroform - Air Outlets and Inlets Used in Air Distribution Systems ARI Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour, Farina AACCH Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains and Fe AACCH Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Malt (Cereal AACCH Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture, Drying at 135 D AACCH Air Oven (Aluminum Plate) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture AACCH Air Particulate Matter (1971) ASTM Air Permeability Apparatus (1973) AASHO T153, ANSI Al.l ASTM Air Permeability of Asbestos Fibers (1972) ASTM Air Permeability (1972) Std. Meth. ASTM (Air Pollution) for Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) ITA Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmissio ISA Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmissio SAMA Air Purifiers, Filters, Compressors, Artificial Airways NSF Air Purifying Respirator Canisters and Cartridges (1973 ANSI Air Setting Plastic Refractories (1972) ASTM Air Setting Refractory Mortar (Wet Type) (1972) ANSI Al ASTM Air Supported Structures (1973) ICBO Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch Accessories (197 ANSI Air Transmission (1967) CSI Air Transport Industry (1974) /Ted Data Processing Sys ATAA Air Voids in a Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixture (197 ASTM Air (Acoustics) (1971) ANSI Air (Domestic and Light Commercial) Central Furnaces) ( ANSI Air (1958) TAPPI T460 ASTM Air (1972) /Ricated Reflective Insulation Systems for ASTM Air, and Electric Tools (1973) ANSI (Air, Argon. Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine. Heliu ICBO Air. Flexible and Semi Rigid (1972) NSA Airblast Cleaned with Sand Abrasive (1970) NACE Airborne Asbestos Fiber by the Membrane Filter Meth. (Te ATI Airborne ATC Transponder Equipment (1972) RTCA Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Operating W RTCA Airborne Effluents (1968) ASME Airborne Pulp Driers (1973) FMS Airborne Radio Homing and Alerting Equipment for Use Wi RTCA Airborne Sound Insulation Field Test of Partitions (Wal ICBO Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating Electric Machin IEEE Airborne Sound Transmission Class (Stc) of Building Par ICBO Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions ASTM Airborne VHF Omnirange (VOR) Systems (1972) RTCA Airborne Volumetric Navigation Systems (1972) /M Opera RTCA Airborne VOR Receiving Equipment Operating Within the R RTCA Aircraft Hangers (1973) ICBO Aircraft Instrument Stds. (Wording, Terminology, Phrase SAE Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness Requirements (Magnet SAE Aircraft Reciprocating Engine (1971) SAE Aircraft (Airplane, Helicopter) (1974) TRA Aircraft (1974) TRA Aircraft. Pan Head, Phillips Recess Full Threaded, Alio NSA Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160, NSA Airflow Performance (1973) /. Meth. of Test. Duct Line ASTM Airflow Reference Std. (1971) SAE Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials (1973) ASTM Airframe (1974) Sp NSA (Airplane, Helicopter) (1974) TRA Airport and Roadwork Drainage (1973) Std. Spec ASTM Airport, and Similar Drainage (1973) /Pec. for Homogen ASTM Airports, Heliports, Helistops and Aircraft Hangers (19 ICBO Airways, Appurtenances) (1973) /Rapy and Suction Equip NSF Aisle, Corridor, Building Construction and Test. (1973) WWPA AITC Inspection Bureau (1962) AITC Alarm and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3. 2 /of Ce NFPA Alarm and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.6 /of Pr NFPA Alarm and Supervisory Services (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 UL Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Station, Mechanicall UL Alarm Service (1972) ANSI SE3.4 /Llation, Maintenance NFPA Alarm System Units (1972) ANSI Se2.4 UL Alarm System Units (1974) ANSI Se2.9 UL Alarm Systems and Units for Protection Against Holdup a UL Alarm Systems for High-Rise BuiJdings (1973) ICBO Alarm Systems (1972) ANSI Se2.3 UL Alarm Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.6 Std. F UL Alarm Units and Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.7 UL Alarm Valves for Use in Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems for UL (Alarm) (1973) Rec. for Local Pro FMS Alarm, and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3. 3 /D Us NFPA Alarm, Door, Deposit and Collection Safes) (1973) UL Alarms and Devices (Burglary Protection) (1974) UL Alarms, Sandpipes), Building Construction, Basement Pip ICBO Alarm; Use of Equipment, Appliances, Devices and Vacant ICBO Alaska Yellow Cedar Poles) (1973) /Ole Butts by the Th AWPA Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber Poles (1973) / Length Therm AWPA Alcohol-Benzene Solubles in Wood (1973) TAPPI Alcohol Base) by the Iodine Reagent Meth. (1973) /or W ASTM Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye Flour (Cereal AACCH 650 44- ISA 44-18 44-20 44-19 44-16 D2682 C204 D2752 C721 6F1 S7.4 PMC2-5 48 K13.1 C491 C198 UFC*2ART30 C37.32 15836 200 D3203 SI. 13 Z91.1 D726 C667 B107.4 UFC»2ART36 1369 TM-01-70 *5 DO-150 DO-151 *1 7-20 DO-154 UBCS35-3 85 UBCS35-1 E90 DO-149 DO-152 DO-153 UFC*2ART33 AIR818B AMS2300B ARP590B 9 8 600 623 E477 J228 C522 661 9 D2418 D2818 UFC»2ART33 48 •31-4 202 71 72D 827 539 72B 1023 1076 904 UBCS18-1 681 634 636 193 5-5N 72A 437 1037 UFC«2ART13 UFC«2ART27 C7 C8 T5 D1123 42-55 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards lcohol, Versene, and Sodium Phosphate Solutions; Isopropyl Tent. Ebulliometer Meth. for Analysis of Tent. Hydrometer Meth. of Analysis for Tent. Pycnometer Meth. of Analysis for Std. Spec, for Methyl Properties, etc. of Isopropyl Std. Spec, for Diacetone andling of Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of formaldehyde; Gasoline; Herwig's, Pancreatin, Tween 80-60% for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Rec. Safety Rec. Basic Characteristics for Airborne Radio Homing and Test Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Von Meth. of Test for ksi Ftu, 450 Deg. F and 800 Deg. F (1/ Std. for Nut, Self Std. for Nut, Washer, Self tape Recording (1969) Rec. Pract. for Video ) Uniform opic Examination of Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Hard to Hydrate in Baked Goods, Ready To-Eat Cereals, and and Rodent Filth in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and std. Meth. of Test for Total Bromine Number of Unsaturated s in Preventing Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to the 72) ANSI L14.129 Test Meth. for L14. 1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Vegetable Matter and Other .20 Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Assay for s (1972) ANSI D14.2 Std. Meth. of Test for Reserve mixtures (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Acidity Std. Meth. of Test for est Meth. for Colorfastness of Yarn or Fabric to Acids and Std. Meth. of Test for Isophthalic Acid in h. for Quantitative Determination of Cellulose Nitrate in Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Fire Code: Bowling allic Gas Valves in Gas Distribution Systems Whose Maximum 974) Std. Meth. for Evaluating uide (Rec. for Garden Grades, Application and Design, Span Std. for Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, mperature Services (1974) ANSI G38.4 Std. Spec, for n) (1973) 4 6 iron nickel I nickel (6061-0)) (1973) (6061-T6))(1973) Std. for Std. for Spec, for Aluminum and Its Spec, for Copper and Its Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Its Spec, for Nickel and Its Spec, for Titanium and Its Std. Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Base-13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti- 1.6/ ase 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-1.4Al, Con/ Base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, C/ Spec, for Aluminum Base Spec, for Aluminum stant. Nickel Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-/ Spec, for ature Serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing heat Treated, 15./ Spec, for Corrosion and Heat Resistant istant. Nickel Base-15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) istant. Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La / istant, Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution H/ ase-35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l.lSI (1973) . Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Its Std. Spec, for Aluminum e and Other Structural Uses/ Std. Spec, for Rolled Copper Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum aded (1973) Spec, for Titanium ted. Roll Threaded (1973) Spec, for Titanium istant Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and Nickel Base es (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Base iographs for High Strength Copper Base and Nickel-Copper Std. Spec, for Titanium and Its Std. Spec, for Chromium Nickel ce (1974) ANSI G/ Std. Spec, for Chromium-Nickel-Iron Std. Spec, for Copper Base Std. Spec, for Copper and Its 19674 ANSI C7.15 Std. Spec, for Lead and Lead ) ANSI G54.16 Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Wire, 1 Sheet and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low 1972) ANSI G41.6 Std. Spec, for High Strength Low 4.42 Std. Spec, for Seamless Nickel and Nickel s and Heat Exchangers (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded 5005-H19 Aluminum Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl Blue and Green; Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) Alcohol (Methanol (99.850 (1972) Alcohol (1972) Alcohol (1973) Alcohol, Cleaning Fluids, Flammable Aerosols, etc. with Alcohol, Polyvinyl Butyral) (1973) Alcohol, Versene, and Sodium Phosphate Solutions; Isopr Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydrate; Chlorof Alert Symbol for Agricultural Equipment (19-72) Alerting Equipment for Use with Emergency Locator Trans Alfthan Shive Analyzer) (1973) Algal Resistance of Plastic Films (1972T) Aligning, Self Locking, Plate-Two Lug, Floating, 125 Aligning, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) Alignment Signal Spec, for a Quadruplet Video Magnetic Alignment Tests-NAS 900 Series Equipment Specs. (1972 Alimentary Pastes for Detection of Rodent Excreta, Inse Alimentary Pastes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Materials Alimentary Pastes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /R Insect Aliphatic Chemicals (1972) ANSI Z159.2 Alkali- Aggregate Reaction (1969) ANSI A37.119 /Xture Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide (19 Alkali Insoluble Impurities in Scoured Wool (1972) ANSI Alkali Resistance of Porcelain Enamels (1974) ANSI Z167 Alkaline Protease (1972T) Alkalinity of Engine Antifreeze, Antirusts, and Coolant Alkalinity of Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Ad Alkalinity of Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Alkalis (1972) ANSI L14.2 Alkyd and Polyester Resins (1973) Alkyd Lacquers by Infrared Spectrophotometry (1972) /T Alkyd Resins (1973) Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate in Water (1968) Alleys (1973) Allowable Operating Pressure Does Not Exceed 60 or 125 Allowable Properties for Grades of Structural Lumber (1 Allowances, Storage, Finishes and Nails and Fastenings) Alloy and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Ca Alloy and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Te Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum (1972 Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum (1972 Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.3 Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.6 Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire (1964) ANSI Z179.19 Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire (1974) Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forging Stock (Rolled or Draw Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.1 Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.1 Alloy Bars and Billets (1972) ANSI Z179.2 Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Alloy Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0.20Cr Alloy Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0.20Cr Alloy Bars, Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resi Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temper Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temper Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Base, Solution Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Heat Resistant, Iron B Alloy Bars, Rod, and Wire for Nuclear Application (1973 Alloy Bars, Rods and Wires (1974) ANSI H38.4 Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridg Alloy Billets for Reforging (1974) Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Heat Treated, Roll Thre Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, Heat Trea Alloy Castings for General Application (1972) ANSI G81. Alloy Castings for High Strength at Elevated Temperatur Alloy Castings (1967) ANSI Z166.17 Std. Reference Rad Alloy Castings (1969) ANSI Z179.16 Alloy Castings (1974) Alloy Castings (25-12 Class) for High Temperature Servi Alloy Centrifugal Castings (1973) Alloy Clad Steel Plate (1973) Alloy Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes ( Alloy Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972 Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium (1970) ANSI G24.32 /Ee Alloy Columbium Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality ( Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes (1972) ANSI H3 Alloy Condenser Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Condenser Alloy Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.50 AACCH 28-91 ASE *1 ASE »2 ASE *3 ASTM D1152 MCA SD98 ASTM D2627 ICBO UBCS10-1 ASTM D1396 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 28-91 ASAE R350 RTCA DO-154 TAPPI UM-241 ASTM G29 NSA 1765 NSA 1727 SMPTE RP10 NSA 985 AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-32 AACCH 28-31 ASTM E234 ASTM C441 AATCC 98 ASTM D1113 ASTM C614 ASTM D3048 ASTM Dl 121 ASTM D2989 ASTM D3100 AATCC 6 ASTM D2690 ASTM D3133 ASTM D2689 ASTM D2330 ICBO UFC*2ART4 ANSI B16.33 ASTM D2915 CRA 3A5 NSA 1352 ASTM A193 ANSI H35.1 SAE J993 AWS A5.3 AWS A5.6 ASTM B392 ASTM B387 SAE AMS2201J AWS A5.14 AWS A5.16 ASTM B348 SAE AMS5633A SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS4115C SAE AMS4117D SAE AMS5707D ASTM A637 ASTM A639 SAE AMS5750B SAE AMS5665H SAE AMS5711 SAE AMS5755B SAE AMS5716A ASTM B351 ASTM B211 ASTM B100 ASTM B385 SAE AMS7460C SAE AMS7461B ASTM A296 ASTM A567 ASTM E272 ASTM B367 ASTM A560 ASTM A447 ASTM B271 ASTM B432 ASTM B189 ASTM A547 ASTM A607 ASTM A572 ASTM B163 ASTM B171 ASTM B397 10 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards angers (1973) ANSI H38.6 3) ANSI H38.17 Spec. r Electrical Purposes (Bus Condu/ Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded 6201-T 81 Aluminum Std. Spec, for Copper Base Spec, for Nickel and Its Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Lead and Tin Std. Spec, for Zinc Std. Spec, for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Aluminum - for Tolerances of Aluminum Std. Spec, for Gold Copper Std. Spec, for Aluminum Tolerances Applicable to Titanium and Its Base i H38.5 Std. Spec, for Aluminum 70) ANSI H45.6 Std. Spec, for Magnesium pplications (1973) ANSI H38.18 Std. Spec, for Aluminum .16 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Std. for Welded Aluminum Std. Spec, for Annealed Aluminum Std. Spec, for Steel Castings, Heavy Walled, Carbon and Std. Spec, for Copper and Its 1967) ANSI N125 Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Std. Spec, for Copper Beryllium Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum ) (1973) Spec, for Aluminum t736) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (/ Aluminum 20 Std, Spec, for Aluminum Std. for Hardenability Bands for (1965) ANSI H38.23 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for U-Bend Seamless Copper and Its ded (1973) Bolts and Screws, Steel, Low Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Std. Spec, for Magnesium truction Manual Sect. 1) (1/ Spec, for Design of Aluminum Std. Spec, for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy (Copper ge for Heat Exchanger Tubing (1972/ Std. Spec, for Copper (1973) . Spec, for Self-Locking Corrosion Resistant or Chromate Conversion Coatings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Std. Spec, for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Aluminum ed on the Composition and Cryst/ Std. Meth. for Assigning hromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized nickel- Iron-Molydenium -Copper- Columbium Stabilized h52.1 Std. Spec, for Copper Nickel Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Std. Metn. for Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium . Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron— Molybdenum-Copper ice (1972) Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Std. Spec, for Nickel Copper Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper pec. for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Manganese-Molybdenum hromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Std. Spec, for Copper-Beryllium Std. Spec, for Copper Iron Std. Spec, for Copper— Zinc-Aluminum— Cobalt -Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel ec. for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper . of Tension Test. Wrought and Cast Aluminum and Magnesium Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper and Its for Concentric Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum 38.12 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Meth. of Shear Testing of Aluminum and Aluminum Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Std. Spec, for Copper Beryllium Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Silicon Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Iron Std. Spec, for Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Iron Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium . Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.52 Alloy Continuous Castings (1973) Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.ll Alloy Die and Hand Forgings (1973) ANSI H38.8 Alloy Die Castings (1952) ANSI H48.1 Alloy Die Castings (1971) ANSI H47.1 Alloy Die Castings (1972) Alloy Die Castings (1972) ANSI H38.22 Alloy Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) ANSI H7.10 Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exch Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes (1974) ANSI H38.3 Alloy Drawn Tubes for General Purpose Applications (197 Alloy Drawn Tubing (1973) Alloy Electrical Contact Material (1973) Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Pipe, and Structural Shapes Fo Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, and Shapes (1973) Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tube9 (1973) Ans Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and Wires (19 Alloy Extruded Round Coiled Tubes for General Purpose a Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube (1973) ANSI H38 Alloy Extrusions (1973) Alloy Field Erected Storage Tanks (1973) Alloy Foil for Flexible Barrier Applications (1973) Alloy for Pressure Vessels (1974) Alloy Forging Rod, Bar and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.1 Alloy Forgings and Extrusions for Nuclear Application ( Alloy Forgings and Extrusions (1972) Alloy Forgings (1972) Alloy Forgings (1972) Alloy Forgings (1974) Alloy Forgings (5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T6 Alloy Forgings, 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075- Alloy Formed and Arc Welded Round Tube (1974) ANSI H38. Alloy H Steels (1971) Alloy Hardeners Used in Making Zinc Die Casting Alloys Alloy Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) Alloy Heat Resistant, Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threa Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI G53.28 Alloy Investment Castings (1972) Alloy Load Carrying (Members) Structures (Aluminum Cons Alloy No. 175), Plate, Sheet, Strip and Rolled Bar (197 Alloy No. 260 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and Light Ga Alloy Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal Alloy Panels (Coil) (1974) /Ing Weight Determination F Alloy Permanent Mold Castings (1972) ANSI H45.2 Alloy Permanent Mold Castings (1974) ANSI H38.26 Alloy Phase Designations (Code) in Metallic Systems Bas Alloy Pipe (1973) /Td. Spec, for Seamless and Welded C Alloy Pipe (1974) / Electric Fusion Welded Chromium- Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels (1969) ANSI Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels (1973) Alloy Plate and Sheet (1971) ANSI H34.ll Alloy Plate and Sheet (1971) ANSI H34.12 Alloy Plate for Pressure Vessels (1971) ANSI H38.21 Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.19 Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip (1973) Std Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Temperature Serv Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.10 Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.6 Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) Std. S Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) ANSI H34.37 /or C Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) ANSI H34.40 Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) /Pper Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1974) /. Sp Alloy Products (1973) ANSI H46.1 Std. Meth Alloy Rectangular Waveguide Tube (1974) ANSI H37.1 Alloy Reinforced (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) ANSI C7.65 /C. Alloy Rivet and Cold Heading Wire and Rod (1973) ANSI H Alloy Rivets and Cold Heading Wire and Rods (1972) Alloy Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34.4 Alloy Rod and Bar (1971A) ANSI H7.7 Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34.18 Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34.22 Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) ANSI H34.39 Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H34.13 Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H34.14 Alloy Rod (1972) Alloy Rod (1972) Alloy Rod (1972) Alloy Rod (1973) Std ASTM ASTM AWS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM AA ASTM ASTM SAE NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM B399 B505 A5.ll B247 B102 B86 B94 B85 B283 B234 B210 B483 AMS2203G B596 B317 AMS2245 B221 B107 B491 B429 AMS2205L B96.1 B479 A643 B124 B356 B570 B564 B91 B384 AMS4126 AMS4131 B547 J407C B327 B395 AMS7455D B350 B403 •10 B534 B569 AMS7253A TB-II-2 B199 B108 E157 B464 B474 B402 B96 B333 B334 B548 B443 B582 A670 B168 B127 B575 B424 B590 B463 B409 B194 B465 B592 B122 B248 B557 B372 B524 B316 B565 B166 B196 B425 B446 B411 B408 B335 B336 B572 B573 B574 B581 Engineering and Product Standards Division 11 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards solution and Precipitation Treated (/ 7DANSIN124 Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Its Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Std. Spec for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Std. Spec, for Wrought Zirconium and Its Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its integral Fins (1974) Std. Spec, for Copper and Its ANSI H23.14 Std. Spec, for Copper and Its ransmission and Distribution Pip/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum nsi H38.7 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron . Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium ec. for Nickel Chromium Iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium with Integral Fins (1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Std. Spec, for Aluminum ckel Base-15.5Cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe (1973) 1973) ANSI N123 Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its tant, Nickel Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti/ Spec, for tant. Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1/ ling, 53Fe-29Ni-17Co (1973) Titanium Unhardened Steel and Standard for Wrought Copper and Its ec. Pract. for Conducting Bending Fatigue Tests for Copper Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum ANSI H38.10 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. for Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, 1 Requirements for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Carbon and ures (1971/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Std. Spec, for Carbon and Std. Spec, for Cold Finished Spec, for Tolerances of Low 25.9 Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Molybdenum td. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum es (1973/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic ves, Flanges, and Fittings for Low Temper/ Std. Spec, for si (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Hardened / Spec, for Low ed (1973) Spec, for Low si G24.19 Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low able for High T/ Std. Spec, for Martensitic Stainless and Std. Spec, for Heavy Walled Carbon and Low e Containing Parts Suitable for High Temp/ Std. Spec, for 4) ANSI G52.5 Std. Spec, for Low Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low o (0.38-0.46C) (SAE 4340 Modified) (1973) Low -0.35C) (1973) Low w3.5 Spec, for Low w Temperature / Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled 9% Nickel meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low .2 Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and 3) / Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and td. Spec, for Hot Worked, Hot Cold Worked, and Cold Worked r Generators (1970) ANSI G55.6 Std. Spec, for n Gears (1972) ANSI G55.8 Std. Spec, for Carbon and 73) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and er Pressure Vessel Components (1970) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for (1970) ANSI G55.15 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated 4) ANSI G55.14 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Carbon and environments (1974) Std. Spec, for High Strength Low nsi B125/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate td. for Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips Recess Full Threaded. raft, Pan Head, Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 Psi Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon and ature Service (1973) ANSI E38./ Std. Spec, for Carbon and nd Parts for High Temper/ Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled spec, for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Chromium Nickel spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic si B125.24 Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Spec, for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and t Elevated/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Std. Spec, for High Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Std. Spec, for Manganese Vanadium 1 Std. Spec, for Nickel Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) Std. Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.3 Alloy Round Welded Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.ll Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications (1973) Alloy Sand Castings (1972) ANSI H45.1 Alloy Sand Castings (1974) ANSI H38.24 Alloy Sand Castings (5.75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr (Ze63-T6) Alloy Seamless and Welded Pipe (1972) Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service (19 Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes (1970) ANSI H53.1 Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule. Stock (1974) Alloy Seamless Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas and Oil T Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (1973) a AUoy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.3 Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34. 16 Std Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.20 Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.21 /D. Sp AUoy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI H26.3 Alloy Seamless Pipe Tube (1973) ANSI H34.41 Alloy Seamless Round Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes AUoy Sheet and Plate (1970) ANSI H45.3 Alloy Sheet and Plate (1971) ANSI H34.44 Alloy Sheet and Plate (1973) AUoy Sheet and Plate (1973) ANSI H38.2 AUoy Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Ni AUoy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application ( AUoy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resis AUoy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resis AUoy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Low Expansion, Glass Sea Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 6A1-4V Annealed (1973) Alloy Silver Brazing Joints (1973) Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings (1973) AUoy Spring Materials (1973) Std. R AUoy Std. Structural Shapes (1973) Alloy Std. Structural Shapes, RoUed or Extruded (1973) Alloy Steel and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJF-3A Thre Alloy Steel Bar (1973) ANSI G24.5 /D. Spec, for Genera Alloy Steel Bars for High Strength at Elevated Temperat AUoy Steel Bars for Springs (1974) Alloy Steel Bars (1964) ANSI G24.12 Alloy Steel Bars (1973) AUoy Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI Bl AUoy Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI Bl Alloy Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tub AUoy Steel Bolting Materials for Pressure Vessels, Val AUoy Steel Bolts and Screws, Heat Resistant, 195,000 P AUoy Steel Bolts and Screws, Heat Treated, Roll Thread Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (1971) an Alloy Steel by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Op AUoy Steel Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suit Alloy Steel Castings for Steam Turbines (1974) AUoy Steel Castings SpeciaUy Heat Treated for Pressur Alloy Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service (197 AUoy Steel Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Std. Spec, for AUoy Steel Castings, Investment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35M Alloy Steel Castings, Investment, 0.95Cr-0.20Mo (0.25 AUoy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI AUoy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Lo Alloy Steel for Boron by the Point to Plane Arc Techniq AUoy Steel for Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G46 Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures (197 Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging Billets for High Stren AUoy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings Fo AUoy Steel Forgings for Pinions and Gears for Reductio AUoy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components (19 AUoy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974) ANSI G AUoy Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Oth AUoy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotor Disks and Wheels Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts (197 Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in Marine Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) a Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. for Aire Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing (1973) ANSI G62.4 Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and Temper AUoy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves a AUoy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature Serv Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972) AUoy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (1973) Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (1973) an AUoy Steel Pipe (1972) ANSI B125.20 Std. AUoy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Strength a AUoy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding (1970E) ANSI G2 AUoy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) AUoy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G33 ASTM B249 ASTM B98 ASTM B313 ASTM B584 ASTM B80 ASTM B26 SAE AMS4425 ASTM B535 ASTM B353 ASTM B394 ASTM B359 ASTM Bill ASTM B345 ASTM B241 ASTM B167 ASTM B423 ASTM B444 ASTM B445 ASTM B315 ASTM B407 ASTM B404 ASTM B90 ASTM B434 SAE AMS2202K ASTM B209 SAE AMS5541B ASTM B3S2 SAE AMS5872 SAE AMS5873 SAE AMS7728C SAE AMS4911C SAE AMS2664C ANSI B16.29 ASTM B593 SAE AMS2204D ASTM B308 NSA 1351 ASTM A29 ASTM A458 ASTM A689 ASTM A331 SAE AMS2251E ASTM A209 ASTM A250 ASTM A213 ASTM A320 SAE AMS7459B SAE AMS7452K ASTM A490 ASTM E403 ASTM A217 ASTM A356 ASTM A389 ASTM A487 ASTM A609 SAE AMS5330A SAE AMS5336B AWS A5.5 ASTM A522 ASTM E404 ASTM A420 ASTM A234 ASTM A477 ASTM A289 ASTM A291 ASTM A541 ASTM A508 ASTM A336 ASTM A471 ASTM A470 ASTM A690 ASTM A199 NSA 600 NSA 623 ASTM A519 ASTM A 194 ASTM A 182 ASTM A409 ASTM A358 ASTM A426 ASTM A335 ASTM A530 ASTM A457 ASTM A514 ASTM A225 ASTM A203 12 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards .1 Std. Spec, for Molybdenum .15 Std. Spec, for Manganese Molybdenum and Its Nickel .4 Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum Pressure Vessels (1/ Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum, Vessels (1972/ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Chromium-Copper-Nickel- Aluminum Std. Spec, for Regular Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Std. Spec, for Drawing Quality Hot and Cold Rolled i B125.23 Std. Spec, for Seamless Intermediate red, Roll Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) / Spec, for Low Spec, for Low nsi B125.1/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Carbon and al Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Austenitic t Treated for High Temperature Service (1/ Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Carbon and Low n Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.16 Std. Spec, for 5.16 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Rec. Pract. for High Strength, Low td. for Screw, Machine, 100 Deg., Flat Head Full Threaded, 2.1 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Spec, for Fasteners, Std. for Rod End, Threaded, Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, 1973) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, a) ANSI G35.ll Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, 1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, ckel (1972A) Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, ckel (1972A) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, lybdenum-Chromi/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, 2A) ANSI G35.20 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWl Wing Recess, crew. Flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, , 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, (1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessels Plates, 5% Nickel d. Part Bolt, 100 Deg. Flush Tension Head Hi Torque Recess Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, 1972A) ANSI G35.3 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, k/ Spec, for Quality Assurance Sampling of Carbon and Low Std. for Chemical Compositions of Sae Analysis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium and High Std. Spec, for Copper Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum g41.4 Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Std. Spec, for Normalized High Strength Low spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Std. for Titanium Std. for Titanium (1973) Std. Spec, for Wrought Std. Spec, for Welded Copper and Its eneral Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper Std. Spec, for Copper nickel- Iron- Molybdenum-Copper-Columbium Stabilized spec, for Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Std. Spec, for Tantalum and Its Std. Spec, for Welded Copper h3/ Std. Spec, for Factory Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Std. Spec, for Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Its Spec, for Aluminum and Its 9 Spec, for Magnesium Spec, for Copper and Its Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Copper It Base-25.5Cr-10.5Ni-7.5W (1973) el Base-19.5Cr-18Co-2.5Ti-l.5Al (1973) ) Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum nsi C7.66 Std. Spec, for Aluminum i C7.49 Std. Spec, for Aluminum , Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium i C7.51 Std. Spec, for Aluminum oiled Bar (19/ Std. Spec, for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium sheet. Strip, and / Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc 1973) Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc td. Meth. Test for Electrodeposited Coatings of Tin-Lead Std. Spec, for Gold, Silver, Nickel Electrical Contact Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Titanium Std. Spec, for Gold Electrical Contact Std. Procurement Spec, for Fasteners, Titanium Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G34 Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35 Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1973) ANSI G35 Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered Chromium, for Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Alloy Steel Pressure Vessel Plates (1972) ANSI G33.3 Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.24 Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.25 Alloy Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) Ans Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Resistant, Normalized and Tempe Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Service (1972A) a Alloy Steel Tubes (1971A) ANSI B125.34 /Pec. for Gener Alloy Steel Tubes (1972) Alloy Steel Turbine Type Bolting Material Specially Hea Alloy Steel Using a Vacuum Spectrometer (1971) ANSI Z12 Alloy Steel Wire, Alloy Cold Heading Quality for Hexago Alloy Steel 5% Chromium, 0.5% Molybdenum (1972) ANSI G3 Alloy Steel (1970) ANSI G88.3 Alloy Steel (1973) Alloy Steel, Chromium Manganese Silicon (1972A) ANSI G3 Alloy Steel, Externally Threaded (1972) Alloy Steel, Flash Welding Type (1973) Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Nonlocking (1973) Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking ( Alloy Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Tempered (1972 Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking ( Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking ( Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 12% Ni Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 18% Ni Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Cobalt-Mo Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered 8 and 9% Nickel (197 Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Alloy Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /Bolt, Alloy Steel, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) /Ine S Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1973) /for Bolt Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking Alloy Steel, Specially Heat Treated (1972 A) Alloy Steel, 160,000 psi (1973) St Alloy Steel, 36% Nickel (1972) Alloy Steel, 9% Nickel Double Normalized and Tempered ( Alloy Steels (Wrought Products Except Forgings and Stoc Alloy Steels (1970) ANSI G88.2 Alloy Steels (1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical Alloy Strip for Flexible Metal Hose (1973) Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate (1972) ANSI Z179.1 Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate (1964) ANSI Z179.20 Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate (1974) Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium Steel (1970A) ANSI Alloy Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.2 Alloy Structural Steel (1973) • Alloy Structural Tubing (1973) Std. Alloy Stump Type Protruding Head Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Alloy Stump Type 100 Deg. Head Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Alloy Tool Steel Products (Including Dies and Fixtures) Alloy Tube (1973) Alloy Tube (1974) ANSI H23.4 Std. Spec, for G Alloy Tubes for Pressure Applications (1972) Alloy Tubes (1973) /or Seamless and Welded Chromium- Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temperatu Alloy Tubing (1972) ANSI H54.1 AUoy Water Tube (1973) Alloy Welding Fittings for Pressure Piping (1972) ANSI Alloy Welding Fittings (1973) ANSI H38.19 Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.1 Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.1 AUoy Welding Rods (1969) ANSI W3.7 Alloy Wire for General Purposes (1973) ANSI H30.1 AUoy Wire (1974) ANSI H30.2 AUoy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Coba AUoy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nick AUoy Wrought Products for Aerospace Applications (1974 Alloy 5005 Rolled Rods for Electrical Purposes (1972) a AUoy 5005-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes (1972A) Ans AUoy 6A1-4V, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /Head Alloy 6201 T 81 Wire for Electrical Purposes (1972) Ans AUoy (Copper AUoy No. 175), Plate, Sheet, Strip and R AUoy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel AUoy Plate, AUoy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel Rod and Bar ( AUoy (Solder Plate) (1973) Alloy (1972) AUoy (1972) Alloy (1973) AUoy (1973) AUoy (1973) Std. for ASTM A204 ASTM A302 ASTM A387 ASTM A542 ASTM A543 ASTM A410 ASTM A506 ASTM A507 ASTM A200 SAE AMS7458C SAE AMS7456G ASTM A334 ASTM A450 ASTM A669 ASTM A437 ASTM E415 ASTM A547 ASTM A357 SAE J410C NSA 514 ASTM A202 NSA 4002 NSA 5 NSA 5900-03 NSA 5600-06 ASTM A517 NSA 4104-16 NSA 6604-20 ASTM A590 ASTM A538 ASTM A605 ASTM A553 ASTM A533 NSA 5000-6 NSA 5300-06 NSA 4703-16 NSA 6203-20 NSA 4400-16 ASTM A645 NSA 583 ASTM A658 ASTM A353 SAE AMS2370A SAE J404G ASTM E352 ASTM B508 ASTM B265 ASTM B393 ASTM B386 ASTM A441 ASTM A242 ASTM A633 ASTM A618 NSA 2605 NSA 2705 ASTM A681 ASTM B543 ASTM B251 ASTM B469 ASTM B468 ASTM A608 ASTM B521 ASTM B586 ASTM B366 ASTM B361 AWS A5.10 AWS A5.19 AWS A5.7 ASTM B99 ASTM B250 SAE AMS5789 SAE AMS5829 ASTM B594 ASTM B531 ASTM B396 NSA 5200-06 ASTM B398 ASTM B534 ASTM B122 ASTM B151 ASTM B579 ASTM B477 NSA 1266-70 ASTM B541 NSA 621 NSA 2206 Engineering and Product Standards Division 13 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards t Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Stump Type, Titanium ock. Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Pull Type, Titanium ck, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Stump Type, Titanium ck, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Stump Type, Titanium ear, 100 Deg. Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium r. Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium n. Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium 00 Deg. Crown Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium eg. Head (MS20426), Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Irons (/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Carbon, Low Spec, for Fasteners, 6A1-4V Titanium Std. Spec, for Steel Forgings, Carbon and std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium for Screw, 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium 0.50C) V/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Low 6A1-4V Titanium Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum Std. for Pin,- Swage Locking, Aluminum Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium 100 Deg. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium 3) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum 3) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum 3) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum 73) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum lat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrovanadium and Vanadium d. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Thermionic Nickel Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Nickel-Base . Pract. for Preparation of and Electroplating on Aluminum Std. Spec, for Zinc castings (1973) ANSI H38.1 Std. Spec, for Aluminum castings (1966) ANSI H45.8 Std. Spec, for Magnesium spec, for Electrodeposited Coatings of Lead and Lead-Tin Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc-Tin he Susceptibility of Stainless Steels and Related Ni-Cr-Fe test for Explosive Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace n Susceptibility in 7XXX Series Copper Containing Aluminum Spec, for Conversion Coating of Titanium as/ Std. Meth. of Preparation of Micrographs of Metals and (1972) Std. Designations for Copper and Copper r Aluminum Alloy Hardeners Used in Making Zinc Die Casting oatings of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys on Steel and Ferrous Std. for Cast Copper Std. for Magnesium Casting Std. for Magnesium Wrought Std. Spec, for Modern Pewter trie Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Base Limits and Dimensional Tolerances of SAE Wrought Aluminum ergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel Rich, Chromium Bearing td. Spec, for Fire Refined Copper for Wrought Products and analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Base uate the Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Cu-Zn ting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-Iron Std. Spec, for White Metal Bearing Std. Meth of Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper and Its Std. Rec. Pract. for Heat Treatment of Aluminum emical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium . Pract. for Codification of Certain Nonferrous Metals and Safe Handling and Use of std. Rec. Pract. for Compression Molding Test Specimens of lding Code: Existing Buildings; Minimum Safety Requirement . for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water and Light: ess of Textile Fabrics to Water (High Humidity) and Light: . for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Carbon Arc Lamp, astness of Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light and Washing: ors (1972) Std. for Frame Assignments for ractional and Integral Horsepowe/ Std. for Dimensions for ractional and Integral Hor/ Std. for Application Data for ntegral Horsepower) (1/ Std. for Tests and Performance of al and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Std. for Ratings for Constant (Permittivity) of Solid/ Std. Meth. of Test for osures (1973) ANSI C37.13 Std. for Low Voltage Std. for Surge (Lightning) Arresters for Line Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Capacitor Switches for eth. of Test for Magnetic Shield Efficiency in Attenuating Std. Air Density Ratios-At Various chromium Potassium Sulfate CrK(S0 4 ) 2 : 12H 2 (Chrome minum Potassium Sulfate AlK(SO,) 2 : 12H 2 (Potassium Std. Meth. of Test for Average Particle Size of Uniform Building Code Std. for Machine Made and High Std. Classification of Fireclay and High Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Alloy (1973) Std. for Bol Std. for Bolt L Std. for Bolt Lo Std. for Bolt Lo Std. for Bolt Lock, Sh Std. for Bolt Lock, Shea Std. for Bolt Lock, Tensio Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 1 Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 D Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1971 A) ANSI Bl Alloy, and Silicon Electrical Steels, Ingot and Wrought Alloy, Externally Threaded (1972) Alloy, for General Industrial Use (1972) Alloy, Full Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Alloy, Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Alloy, Heat Resistant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40- Alloy, Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Alloy. Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension, Stump Type (1973) Alloy, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Alloy, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Alloy, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type (197 Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20426, Tension, Stump Type (197 Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Pull Type (197 Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Stump Type (19 Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) /, F Alloying Additives (1974) Std. Alloys by the Powder Direct Current Arc Technique (1961 Alloys by the Silver Chloride- Lithium Fluoride Carrie Alloys by Zincate Process (1973) ANSI G53.12 Std. Rec Alloys in Ingot Form for Die Castings (1964) ANSI H47.2 Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Alloys on Steel and Ferrous Alloys (1970) ANSI G53.8 Alloys Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Alloys to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Polythionic Acid Alloys Under High Shear (1972) ANSI Zl 1.323 /Meth. of Alloys (Exco Test) (1972) /St for Exfoliation Corrosio Alloys (Fluoride-Phosphate Type) (1973) Alloys (Including Recommended Practice for Photography Alloys (Wrought Products Only); Application Data Sheet Alloys (1965) ANSI H38.23 Std. Spec. Fo Alloys (1970) ANSI G53.8 /Spec, for Electrodeposited C Alloys (1971) Alloys (1971) Alloys (1971) Alloys (1972) Alloys (1972) Std. Photome Alloys (1972) /Mical Compositions, Mechanical Property Alloys (1972) ANSI G80.4 /Ecting Susceptibility to Int Alloys (1972) ANSI H23.12 Alloys (1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical Alloys (1973) /Alysis of High Temperature, Electrical, Alloys (1973) /F Mattsson's Solution of pH 7.2 to Eval Alloys (1973) /Mical Analysis of Stainless, Heat Resis Alloys (1973) ANSI H39.1 Alloys (1973) ANSI H39.3 Alloys (1974) Alloys (1974) Std. Meth. for Chemical and Spectroch Alloys, Cast and Wrought (1973) Std. Rec Allyl Chloride (Chemical Safety) (1973) Allyl Molding Materials (1972) Alterations (1973) Uniform Bui Alternate Exposure (1971) ANSI L14.227 Test Meth Alternate Exposure (1972) ANSI L14.228 /for Colorfastn Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14.169 /Meth Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14.171 /Lorf Alternate Sunlight Exposure (1965) ANSI L14.118 Test Alternating-Current Integral Horsepower Induction Mot Alternating and Direct Current Motors and Generators (F Alternating and Direct Current Motors and Generators (F Alternating and Direct Current Motors (Fractional and I Alternating Current and Direct Current Motors (Fraction Alternating Current Loss Characteristics and Dielectric Alternating Current Power Circuit Breakers Used in Encl Alternating Current Power Circuits (1972) ANSI C62.1 Alternating Current Systems (1972) /Closers, Automatic Alternating Magnetic Fields (1974) Std. M Altitudes and Temperatures (1966) Alum) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Alum) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Alu Alumina and Silica by Air Permeability (1972) Alumina Fireclay Refractory Bricks (1973) Alumina Refractory Brick (1970) ANSI A111.5 NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM NSA NSA SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM CDA ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM MCA ASTM ICBO AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA ASTM IEEE IEEE NEMA ASTM AMCA ANSI ANSI ASTM ICBO ASTM 2325 2105 2306 2315 2506 2406 2005 2125 2115 A450 E350 4004 A668 6100-3 5800-6 AMS6305 4304-16 6804-20 1525 1555 4903-16 4600-16 6403-20 1535 6915 1516 1546 5500-06 E365 E129 E483 B253 B240 B179 B93 B200 B591 C35 D3115 G34 AMS2486 E2 108/2 B327 B200 J462A J465B J466B B560 E62 J457J G28 B216 E38 E354 G37 E353 B23 B154 B597 C760 B275 SD99 D3027 UBC»3-13 125 126 16D 16F 83 MG13 MG111 MG1-14 MG1-12 MC1-10 D150 20 28 SG13 A698 402 PH4.151 PH4.150 C721 UBCS37-1 C27 14 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ight Determination for Conversion Coating on Aged or Baked eel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) / Spec, for Aluminum Coated d. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Calvanized) and Aluminum Coated ations (1973) ANSI H38.17 Std. Spec, for Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc ■ EEI Tdj/ Std. for Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or NEMA Cc/ Std. for Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or -0.20Cr (6061-T6)) (1973) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded 5005-H19 Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded 6201-T 81 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tolerances of Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. for Welded 1973) Std. Spec, for Annealed (7075-T6) (1973) Spec, for (7075-T736) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (/ ansi H38.20 Std. Spec, for g Alloys (1965) ANSI H38.23 Std. Spec, for inum Construction Manual Sect. 1) (1/ Spec, for Design of ination for Chromate Conversion Coatings on Aged or Backed 26 Std. Spec, for 38.21 Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Inspection of td. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, 3)ANSIH38.12 Std. Spec, for 972) Std. Meth. of Shear Testing of Aluminum and Std. Spec for heat Exchangers (1973) ANSI H38.6 shapes for Electrical Purposes (Bus Condu/ 1973) ANSI H38.5 purpose Applications (1973) ANSI H38.18 ANSI H38.16 and Oil Transmission and Distribution Pip/ (1973) ANSI H38.7 ger Tubes with Integral Fins (1973) Spec Std. Spec, foi Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for for Tolerances of Std. Spec, for ed (1973) ANSI H38.10 G33.3 Std. Spec, for Chromium-Copper-Nickel ons (1974) Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Inspection of (1972) ANSI C7.66 Std. Spec, for 972A) ANSI C7.49 Std. Spec, for 1972) ANSI C7.51 Std. Spec, for 73) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, 973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of and Electroplating on and Die Castings (1973) ANSI H38.1 Std. Spec, for Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX Series Copper Containing Property Limits and Dimensional Tolerances of SAE Wrought Std. Rec. Pract. for Heat Treatment of e and Rods (1972) Std. Meth. of Shear Testing of si W3.3 Spec, for k (Rolled or Drawn) (1973) Spec, for Tolerances of .19 Std. Spec, for Factory Made Wrought (1969) ANSI W3.10 Spec, for Std. Meth. of Tension Test. Wrought and Cast Spec, for Tolerances of ) Spec, for Tolerances of zl66.8 Std. Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Rec. Pract. for Metallizing with Rec. Pract. for Meth. for Cavitation Erosion Corrosion Characteristics of 973) ANSI C7.27 Std. Spec, for 28Cu-0.20Cr (6061-0)) (1973) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade si G53.21 Std. Spec, for um Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) / Spec, for uminum Condu/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) and Specs, for Operating Storm Windows for External Applicat/ Spec, for . Spec, for Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded EC Grade lid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV (Copper and c/6201) (1972) An/ Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded forced. (ACSR) (1972A) ANSI C7.22 . Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for spec, for Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for ) and Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Core for td. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminized Steel (Coil) (1974) Spec, for Coating We (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, St (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Tubes for General Purpose Applic Aluminum-Cobalt Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Aluminum-Copper Overhead Electrical Conductors (1973) Aluminum-Copper Overhead Electrical Connectors (1973) Aluminum Alloy Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu Aluminum Alloy Bars, Rods and Wires (1974) ANSI H38.4 Aluminum Alloy Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.50 Aluminum Alloy Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.52 Aluminum Alloy Die and Hand Forgings (1973) ANSI H38.8 Aluminum Alloy Die Castings (1972) ANSI H38.22 Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes (1974) ANSI H38.3 Aluminum Alloy Drawn Tubing (1973) Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Pipe, and Structural Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes ( Aluminum Alloy Extruded Round Coiled Tubes for General Aluminum Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube (1973) Aluminum Alloy Field Erected Storage Tanks (1973) Aluminum Alloy Foil for Flexible Barrier Applications ( Aluminum Alloy Forgings (5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr Aluminum Alloy Forgings, 56Zn-2.5Mg-l.6Cu-0.26Cr Aluminum Alloy Formed and Arc Welded Round Tube (1974) Aluminum Alloy Hardeners Used in Making Zinc Die Castin Aluminum Alloy Load Carrying (Members) Structures (Alum Aluminum Alloy Panels (Coil) (1974) /Ing Weight Determ Aluminum Alloy Permanent Mold Castings (1974) ANSI H38. Aluminum Alloy Plate for Pressure Vessels (1971) ANSI H Aluminum Alloy Reinforced (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) ANSI C Aluminum Alloy Rivet and Cold Heading Wire and Rod (197 Aluminum Alloy Rivets and Cold Heading Wire and Rods (1 Aluminum Alloy Round Welded Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.ll Aluminum Alloy Sand Castings (1974) ANSI H38.24 Aluminum Alloy Seamless Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas Aluminum Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube Aluminum Alloy Seamless Round Condenser and Heat Exchan Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate (1973) ANSI H38.2 Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural Shapes (1973) Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extrud Aluminum Alloy Steel Pressure Vessel Plates (1972) ANSI Aluminum Alloy Wrought Products for Aerospace Applicati Aluminum Alloy 5005 Rolled Rods for Electrical Purposes Aluminum Alloy 5005-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes (1 Aluminum Alloy 6201 T 81 Wire for Electrical Purposes ( Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension, Pull Type (19 Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension, Stump Type (1 Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Pull Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20426, Tension, Stump Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Pull Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Stump Aluminum Alloys by Zincate Process (1973) ANSI G53.12 Aluminum Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, Aluminum Alloys (Exco Test) (1972) /St for Exfoliation Aluminum Alloys (1972) /Mical Compositions, Mechanical Aluminum Alloys (1974) Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Rivets and Cold Heading Wir Aluminum and Its Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) an Aluminum and Its Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forging Stoc Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding Fittings (1973) ANSI H38 Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Products (1973) ANSI H46.1 Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Extrusions (1973) Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Sheet and Plate (1973 Aluminum and Magnesium Castings, Series II (1974) ANSI Aluminum and Zinc Protection of Iron and Steel (1967) Aluminum Applications for Boats and Yachts (1971) Aluminum Automotive Water Pumps with Coolants (1972) Aluminum Bar for Electrical Purposes (Bus Connector) (1 Aluminum Base Alloy Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0. Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.6 Aluminum Chloride Solution AICI, (1972) Aluminum Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971) an Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Alumin Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Core for Al Aluminum Combination Storm Doors (1971) Aluminum Combination Vertically Sliding or Horizontally Aluminum Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.53 Std Aluminum Conductors) (1972) /S for Single Conductor So Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Alloy Reinforced (Acar, E Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded Steel Rein Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded (1972) Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) Ans Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) Ans Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1974) Ans NCCA TB-II-8 ASTM B341 ASTM B500 ASTM B483 ASTM B592 NEMA C33 EEI TDJ162 SAE AMS4117D ASTM B211 ASTM B397 ASTM B399 ASTM B247 ASTM B85 ASTM B234 ASTM B210 SAE AMS2203G ASTM B317 ASTM B221 ASTM B491 ASTM B429 ANSI B96.1 ASTM B479 SAE AMS4126 SAE AMS4131 ASTM B547 ASTM B327 AA •10 NCCA TB-II2 ASTM B108 ASTM B548 ASTM B524 ASTM B316 ASTM B565 ASTM B313 ASTM B26 ASTM B345 ASTM B241 ASTM B404 ASTM B209 SAE AMS2204D ASTM B308 ASTM A410 ASTM B594 ASTM B531 ASTM B396 ASTM B398 NSA 1525 NSA 1555 NSA 1535 NSA 6915 NSA 1516 NSA 1546 ASTM B253 ASTM B179 ASTM G34 SAE J457J ASTM B597 ASTM B565 AWS A5.3 SAE AMS2201J ASTM B361 AWS A5.10 ASTM B557 SAE AMS2205L SAE AMS2202K ASTM E155 AWS C2.2 ABYC SI ASTM D2809 ASTM B236 SAE AMS4115C ASTM B150 ANSI PH4.154 ASTM A491 ASTM B341 ASTM B500 AAMA 1102.5 AAMA 1002.8 ASTM B400 IPCEA P-53426 ASTM B524 ASTM B232 ASTM B231 ASTM B341 ASTM BSOO ASTM B498 Engineering and Product Standards Division 15 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ctors (1973) EEI Tdj/ ctors (1973) NEMA Cc/ 73) re and Cable Inst/ Std. for Safety for Flexible Steel and sign of Aluminum Alloy Load Carrying (Members) Structures or the Design of Aluminum Formed Sheet Building Sheathing c. for Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction let Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, and Cast Rec. Procedure for Processing Hardware for Custom Code Words for Std. Spec, for nsi H38.25 Std. Spec, for truction Manual) (1969) Guide for the Design of Stds. for Forced Entry Resistant ereal Chemistry) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Minimum Std. for Design, Manufacture and Test of Std. for Dimensional Tolerances for Std. for Connectors for Use Between Std. for Connectors for Use Between Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis for Std. Meth. of Test for and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Air Oven assium Alum) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Spec, for Std. Spec, for Ec minum Construction Manual, Sect. 5) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Installation of Residential Std. Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Forced Entry Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sintered Uniform Building Code Std. for rical Power Cable Specs.) (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Copper Clad nsi C7.20 Std. Spec, for eth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of rior Perimeter Sealing Compound for Use with Architectural ectrochemical Analysis of High Purity Iron for Silicon and Std. for Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Std. for Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for eth. of Test for Spalling Resistance of Porcelain Enameled . Meth. of Test for Stain Resistance of Anodic Coatings on sulfochromate Etch Solution Used in Surface Preparation of Uniform Building Code: on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Test Meth. for Measurment of Impact Resistance of Painted secondary Cable (1966) IPCEA S-64-474 Std. for 1973) Minimum Std. for ems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Spur, Helical, Double Helical and Rack) (1971) d. for Graphic Representation of the Control Characters of Rec. Pract. for Units (Measurement-Metric and British - hylamino)4-(IsopropyIamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine - Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent Tolerance of istry) (1962) Linderstrom-Lang Meth. of Analysis of istry) (1962) Modified Sorensen Meth. of Analysis of istry) (1962) Van Slyke Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade P - fety Relief) (1/ Std. for Safety for Valves for Anhydrous Safety Std. for Pumps for Anhydrous afety for Liquid Level Gauges and Indicators for Anhydrous Safety Std. for Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Std. for ry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Definition and Test Procedures for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining er Latex (1972A) ANSI J8.12 Std. Spec, for Concentrated, ined Strainer or Filter for Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous ogen and Fertilizer Solutions Containing More Than 2% Free Safety Requirements for Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Std. for Driver Attended Loading of Anhydrous Operational Safety Manual for Anhydrous or Photographic Grade Ammonium Hydroxide, Nh 4 0H (Aqueous Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Urea and Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Meth. for Preparation of Rec. for Safe Use of Mixed Fertilizers Containing y) (1962) Qualitative Iodide Test Meth. for Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Nature of Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum Conduit for Safe Use as a Metal Raceway for Wi (Aluminum Construction Manual Sect. 1) (1971) /. for De (Aluminum Construction Manual) (1969) Guide F (Aluminum Construction Manual, Sect. 5) (1971) Spe Aluminum Covers (1973) /for Electrical Sheet Steel Out Aluminum Doors (1972) Aluminum Electrical Conductor (1972) Aluminum Foil for Capacitors (1974) ANSI C116.1 Aluminum for Use in Iron and Steel Manufacture (1960) a. Aluminum Formed Sheet Building Sheathing (Aluminum Cons Aluminum Horizontal Sliding Doors (1971) Aluminum in Baking Powder, in Presence" of Phosphates (C Aluminum in Water (1969E) Aluminum Irrigation Tubing (1972) Aluminum Mill Products (1973) Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper Overhead Electrical Condu Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper Overhead Electrical Conne Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Grain and Crude (1971) Aluminum Oxide Content of Titanium Dioxide Pigments (19 Aluminum Oxide in Iron Ores (1972) (Alumir.um Plate) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour Aluminum Potassium Sulfate AlK(SOj) 2 : 12H 2 (Pot Aluminum Prime Windows (1972) ANSI A 134.1 Aluminum Redraw Rod for Electrical Purposes (1974) Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction (Alu Aluminum Siding (1970) Aluminum Siding (1971) Aluminum Silicate Pigment (1973) Aluminum Sliding Glass Doors (1971) Aluminum Sliding Glass Doors (1972) ANSI A134.2 Aluminum Structural Parts (1973) Aluminum Structures (1973) Aluminum Underground Distribution Reference Book (Elect Aluminum Wire for Communication Cable (1969) ANSI C7.40 Aluminum Wire (1972) Aluminum Wire, EC-H19, for Electrical Purposes (1972) a Aluminum (1970) ANSI N 114 Std. M Aluminum (1971) Spec, for Exte Aluminum (3§71) ANSI Z128.35 Std. Meth. for Sp Aluminum (1972) Aluminum (1972) Aluminum (1972) Std. M Aluminum (1972) ANSI G53.30 Std Aluminum (1972) ANSI Z197.29 /D. Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum (1973) Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Steel (Coil Coating) (197 Aluminum, Triplex, Neutral Supported, Service Drop and Amateur Radio Antenna: Part 1-Base or Fixed Station ( Ambient Air (1972) /Ricated Reflective Insulation Syst American Drafting Manual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for American National Std. Code for Information Interchange American) in Published Scientific and Technical Work (1 Ametryn (1973) /E for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Et Amine Resins (1973) Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chem Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chem Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chem Aminophenol Hydrochloride HOQH.Nh., HCI (1972) Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (Other Than Sa Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (1972) Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (1973) /for S Ammonia and LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas (1973) Ammonia Compressors and Units (1973) Ammonia in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemist Ammonia Nitrate (1973) Ammonia Nitrogen Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1962) Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuged Natural Rubb Ammonia (Fertilizer Grade) in Residential and Commerica Ammonia (1970) Std. for Storage and Handling of Nitr Ammonia (1972) Ammonia (1972) Ammonia (1973) Ammonia) (1972) Std. Spec. F Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite (1971) ANSI 011.8 Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite (1971) ANSI 011.23 Ammonical Nitrogen (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) Ammonium Hydroxide, Nh,0H (Aqueous Ammonia) (1972) Ammonium Molybdate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ammonium Nitrate (1972) Ammonium Persulfate in Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistr Ammonium Persulfate in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) UL 1 AA •10 AA •11 AA •12 NEMA OS1 NBHA • 1 AA •31 ASTM B373 ASTM B37 AA • 11 AAMA 1302.3 AACCH 40-10 ASTM D857 ASAE S263.2 ANSI H35.2 NEMA C33 EEI TDJ-162 ANSI B74.14 ASTM D2701 ASTM E464 AACCH 44-16 ANSI PH4.150 AAMA 302.8 ASTM B233 AA •12 AAMA 1402.1 AAMA 1403.1 ASTM D718 AAMA 1303.3 AAMA 402.8 ASTM B595 ICBO UBCS28-1 AA 52 ASTM B314 ASTM B566 ASTM B230 ASTM E266 AAMA 808.2 ASTM E421 ANSI H35.1 SAE J993 ASTM C703 ASTM B136 ASTM D2674 ICBO UBC»3-28 ASTM B580 ASTM B580 NCCA TB-II6 EEI TDJ 180 EIA RS409 ASTM C667 ANSI Y14.7.1 ANSI X3.32 IEEE 268 ANSI K62.142 ASTM D1198 AACCH 46-30 AACCH 46-31 AACCH 46-32 ANSI PH4.129 UL 125 UL 51 UL 565 UL 132 ARI 510 AACCH 40-15 FI P40 CR J-12 ASTM D1076 UL 331 FI P145 FI P130 FI P135 FI P110 ANSI PH4.232 ASTM D1325 ASTM D1326 AACCH 46-50 ANSI PH4.232 AACCH 70-35 FMS LPD7-9 AACCH 48-61 AACCH 48-62 AACCH 40-16 AACCH 40-17 AACCH 40-18 16 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Spec, for Photographic Grade international and Domestic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Std. Meth. of Test for Trace ucts (Wheat, Flour. Bran, Shorts, etc.) to Determine Added starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Std. uctor Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35/ Std. s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 locking Grounding Type. Specific Purpose, 277 Volts Ac, 15 sions of Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Type 125 Volts, 15 ions of Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Type, 250 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 cles. Midget Locking Type, Specific Purpose, 125 Volts, 15 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 f Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 20 f Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles& Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts. 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 s of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Midget Locking Type, Specific Purpose, 125/250 Volts, 15 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 nsions of Receptacles Off Center Boss Type, 30, 50, and 60 Std. Test Procedure for Toroidal Magnetic io-Visual Equipment Use/ Std. Meth. for Measuring Audio n Detectors (1969) ANSI N42.2 Std. Test Procedure for Std. Meth. of Measurement for Audio Std. for Safety for Vending and 2) Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for Meth. of Analysis of Alpha ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Alpha 4.147 Test Meth. for Assay of Bacterial Alpha - Meth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity, by Beta Preparations Which Are Susceptible to Hydrolysis by Alpha Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Flour with the is of Thermophilic Spore Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, Std. for Requirements for Electrical ide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, real Chemistry) (1967) Qualitative Meth. of Std. Meth. for Calculating Coal and Coke content of the Atmosphere (196/ Std. Meth. for Continuous fferential Thermal Analysis, Thermogravimetry, Evolved Gas Std. Meth. for Obtaining Natural Gas Samples for ibution of Particulate Substances Of/ Std. Rec. Pract for nsi B93.30 Std. Meth. of Reporting Contamination or Radiation Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence lour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) chemistry) (1962) cU and Piecrust (Cereal Chemis/ Pigments (1973) Meth. of Trifructosan Meth. of Tent. Hydrometer Meth. of Tent. Pycnometer Meth. of Direct Trapping Meth. of Std. Meth. for Chemical Ammonium Thiosulfate Solution (NH,),S : >0.i (1973) ANSI Ammunition and Target Spec. (1973) /G Facility Plans: NRA Amounts of Lead in Gasoline (1972) ANSI Z11.324 ASTM Amounts of Malathion in Range of 0.2-2.0 p.p.m. (Cereal AACCH Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Emplo CR Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Emplo CR Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Emplo CR Ampacities Cables in Open Top Cable Trays (1972) IPCEA Ampacities with Effect of Shield Losses for Single Cond IPCEA Amperes 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole 3 Wire (1973) /Plugs and Receptacles, ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 1 Wire (1973) Std. Dimen ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimens ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimension ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimension ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. for Dimension ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) /S of Plugs and Recepta ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type 1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1972 ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1972 ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973 ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973 ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973 ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973 ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Typ ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Typ ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Typ ANSI Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Typ ANSI Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Nsions of ANSI Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire (1973) / Plugs and Receptacles ANSI Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire, Locking Type (1973) /Sions of ANSI Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) ANSI Amperes, 4 Wire (1966) /Tandard Mounting and Face Dime ANSI Amplifier Cores (Including Material Data) (1972) IEEE Amplifier Single Frequency Output for Institutional Aud ANSI Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiatio IEEE Amplifiers Used in Home Equipment (1971) EIA Amusement Machines (1974) UL Amyl Acetate Made from Fusel Oil (85 to 88% Grade) (197 ASTM Amylaceous Matter in Adhesives (1970) ASTM Amylase Activity of Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH Amylase Activity, by Beta Amylase GBI (Cereal Chemistry AACCH Amylase Enzymes Used in Textile Desizing (1973) ANSI LI AATCC Amylase GBI (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH Amylase) (Cereal Chemistry) (1969) /in Flour or Starch AACCH Amylograph (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and Food Ingredients (Cer AACCH Analog Indicating Instruments (1972) ANSI Analog Torque Balance Accelerometer (1972) / Format Gu IEEE Analsis of Benzoyl Peroxide with Diaminophenylamine (Ce AACCH Analyses from As-Determined to Different Bases (1974) ASTM Analysis and Automatic Recording of the Sulfur Dioxide ASTM Analysis and Detection (1973) / Reporting Data from Di ASTM Analysis by Gas Chromatography (1968) NGPA Analysis by Microscopical Meth. for Particle Size Distr ASTM Analysis Data of Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems (1973) a NFLDP Analysis Equipment (1971) NBS HB111 Std. F ANSI Analysis for Acetic, Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Rye F AACCH Analysis for Admixture of Rye and Wheat Flours (Cereal AACCH Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) ASE Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) ASE Analysis for All Baked Materials Except Chocolate Produ AACCH Analysis for Aluminum Oxide Content of Titanium Dioxide ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division PH4.252 •17 D3116 60-30 F-44 G-22 J -56 P-54-440 P-53-426 C73.85 C73.43 C73.31 C73.32 C73.70 C73.71 C73.69 C73.29 C73.82 C73.72 C73.73 C73.74 C73.75 C73.76 C73.77 C73.78 C73.79 C73.80 C73.81 C73.108 C73.109 C73.104 C73.105 C73.106 C73.107 C73.90 C73.91 C73.92 C73.93 C73.94 C73.95 C73.100 C73.101 C73.102 C73.103 C73.98 C73.99 C73.86 C73.87 C73.88 C73.89 C73.96 C73.30 C73.97 C73.83 C73.84 C73.67 106 PH7.2 301 RS234-C 751 D554 D1488 22-01 22-02 103 22-02 76-30A 22-10 42-40 C39.1 337 48-06A D3180 D1355 E472 2166 E20 T2.9.3 N43.2 04-20 0610 »2 *3 28-33 D2701 17 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 3 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1962) ) (1962) ry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 1 Chemistry) (1962) Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Rapid (2 Hr., 600 Deg.) Meth. o Rapid (Magnesium Acetate) Meth. o Basic Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. o 2) Meth. o istry) (1962) Sponge Dough, Pound Loaf Meth. o stry) (1962) Meth. o mistry) (1962) Meth. o chemistry) (1962) Meth. o try) (1962) Meth. o chemistry) (1962) Meth. o r (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. o 1 Chemistry) (1962) Straight Dough Meth. o ucts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. oi (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux for Meth Tent. Meth 1962) s Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ation of Carbon Dioxide (Cereal Chemistry) (196/ ers. Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in St/ 62) mistry) (1962) 962) 962) nt Tissues (Manual Procedures) (1973) nt Tissues (Semiautomated Meth.) (1973) c. Succinic, and Lactic Acids (Cereal / of Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (/ 2) rtaric Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ead (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 1 Chemistry) (1962) ady-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Past/ rina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry)/ (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) r (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) lour (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) lour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) lour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962/ Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Meth. o Sieving Meth. o Rapid Meth. o General Meth. o Rapid Meth. o Colorimetric Meth. o Tent. Meth. for Tent. Meth. o Van Dame Meth. o Qualitative Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Meth. o Electrometric Meth. o Colorimetric Meth. o Sieving Meth. o Flotation Meth. o Flotation Meth. o Iodine Meth. o Glass Plate Meth. o Acid Hydrolysis Meth. o Tween Versene Meth Fatting Digestion Meth. o Tent. Meth. o y) (1962) Meth. o mistry) (1962) . Meth. o ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pa/ Sieving Meth. o ereal Chemistry) (1962) Qualitative Meth. o als Other Than Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ Meth. o e: Monohydrate and Anhydrous (Cereal Chemistry)/ Meth. o phate (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ed Self Rising Flour (Cereal Chemistr/ icals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) icals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) cereal Chemistry) (1962) (1962) na, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry)/ als (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) als (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) eal Chemistry) (1962) Self Rising Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 1 Chemistry) (1962) y) (1962) 72) g Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. o Gustafson Meth. o Qualitative Meth. o Quantitative Meth. o Meth o Decantation Meth. o Decantation Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Official Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Special Techniques for Extraneous Matter Meth. o] Corn Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. o al Chemistry) (1971) Meth. o. 1962) Meth. for Colorimeter or Spectrophotometer 2) emistry) (1973) chemistry) (1962) o Plane Techniques (1973) mistry) (1972) istry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) hosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 71) Qualitative Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. for Spectrochemica TLC Meth. ol Tent. Ebulliometer Meth. for Std. Meth. for Chemica Meth. o Meth. o Qualitative Meth. o Std. Meth. of Chemica Std. Meth. o Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys for Ash in Cacao Products (Cereal Chemistry) ( for Ash in Dry Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry for Ash in Farina and Semolina (Cereal Chemist for Ash in Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 for Ash inTlour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) for Ash in Flour, Feeds, Feedstuffs, and Bread for Ash in Molasses, Sugars, and Syrups (Cerea for Ash in Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) for Ash in Starch, Dextrin, and Other Modified for Ash in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (196 for Baking Quality of Bread Flour (Cereal Chem for Baking Quality of Cake Flour (Cereal Chemi for Baking Quality of Cookie Flour (Cereal Che for Baking Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal for Baking Quality of Pie Flour (Cereal Chemis for Baking Quality of Rye Bread Flour (Cereal for Baking Quality of Self Rising Biscuit Flou for Baking Quality of Wheat Bread Flour (Cerea for Baking Test (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Prod for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium 238 Fission for Benzoic Acid in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) ( for Brix (Balling) of Wine (Enology) (1972) for Citric and Isocitric Acids in Fruit and It for Copper in Wine (Enology) (1972) for Correction Factors for Gasometric Determin for Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments, Hairs, Feath for Fat Acidity in Corn (Cereal Chemistry) (19 for Fat Acidity in Grain and Flour (Cereal Che for Fat Acidity in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1 for Fat Acidity in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1 for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Pla for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Pla for Formic, Acetic, Propionic, Butyric, Valeri for Free or Combined Tartaric Acid in Presence for Free Sulfur Dioxide in Wine (Enology) (197 for Fumarie, Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and Ta for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and Br for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour (Cerea for Insect and Rodent Filth in Baked Goods, Re for Insect and Rodent Filth in Meal, Grits, Fa for Insect and Rodent Filth in Popped Popcorn for Insect Eggs in White, Wheat, and Corn Flou for Insect Excreta in White, Wheat, and Corn F for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Flour for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Rye F for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Soy F for Iron in Wine (Enology) (1972) for Lactic Acid in Dried Geeg (Cereal Chemistr for Lactic Acid in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Che for Materials Hard to Hydrate in Baked Goods, for Nature of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (C for Neutralizing Value of Acid Reacting Materi for Neutralizing Value of Monocalcium Phosphat for Neutralizing Value of Sodium Acid Pyrophos for Original Ash in Phosphated and Freshly Mix for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chem for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chem for Residual Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder ( for Rodent Excreta in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) for Rodent Excreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, Fari for Sulfuric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemic for Tartaric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemic for Titratable Acidity in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cer for Total Acid in Wine (Enology) (1972) for Total Carbon Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and for Total Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs (Cerea for Total Reducing Substances (Cereal Chemistr for Total Sulfur Dioxide in Wine (Enology) (19 for Total (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in Bakin for Volatile Acid in Wine (Enology) (1972) in Cereal Chemistry (1962) of Acetone-Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and of Acetone Peroxides in Milling Premixes (Cere of Acid Soluble Manganese (Cereal Chemistry) ( of Added Iron in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (196 of Added Lysine in Wheat and Bulgur (Cereal Ch of Added Salt in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal of Admiralty Metal by the Cast Pin and Point T of Aflatoxins in Corn and Soybeans (Cereal Che of Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) of Alcohol, Polyvinyl Butyral) (1973) of Alpha Amylase Activity of Malt (Cereal Chem of Alpha Amylase Activity, by Beta Amylase GBI of Aluminum in Baking Powder, in Presence of P of Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Grain and Crude (19 of Aluminum Silicate Pigment (1973) AACCH 0810 AACCH 0811 AACCH 08-12 AACCH 0803 AACCH 08-02 AACCH 08-01 AACCH 08-14 AACCH 08-16 AACCH 08-17 AACCH 08-18 AACCH 10-11 AACCH 10-90 AACCH 10-50B AACCH 10-85 AACCH 10-60 AACCH 10-70 AACCH 10-31A AACCH 10-10 AACCH 10-20 ASTM E393 AACCH 04-21 ASE *4 AACCH 04-22 ASE *9 AACCH 12-29 AACCH 28-75 AACCH 02-03 AACCH 02-01 AACCH 02-02 AACCH 02-04 ASTM D3269 ASTM D3270 AACCH 04-23 AACCH 04-28 ASE *8 AACCH 04-24 AACCH 02-52 AACCH 02-51 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 28-51 AACCH 28-80 AACCH 28-44 AACCH 28-43 AACCH 28-41 AACCH 28-60 AACCH 28-70 ASE •10 AACCH 04-25 AACCH 04-26 AACCH 28-32 AACCH 40-17 AACCH 02-32 AACCH 02-33 AACCH 02-34 AACCH 08-15 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 04-11 AACCH 12-10 AACCH 28-42 AACCH 28-50 AACCH 04-14 AACCH 04-27 AACCH 02-31 ASE *5 AACCH 12-21 AACCH 04-13 AACCH 10-01 ASE *7 AACCH 12-20 ASE •11 AACCH 28-92 AACCH 58-35 AACCH 48-05 AACCH 40-45 AACCH 40-40 AACCH 46-40 AACCH 40-60 ASTM E486 AACCH 45-05 1 ASE •1 ASTM D1396 AACCH 22-01 AACCH 22-02 AACCH 40-10 ANSI B74.14 ASTM D718 18 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (196?) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) real Chemistry) (1962) 23 tn) (1962) strv) (1962) stry) (1962) ter Suspensions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ) (1968) chnique Using an Optical / real Chemistry) (1962) stry) (1962) liquid Chromatography (1973) y) (1962) 962) (1962) aining Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy F/ by Colorimetrv (1972) ) (1962) ) (1962) (1962) (1962) re (1970) ANSI A139.2 Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) ble Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) Linderstrom-Lang Meth. ot Modified Sorensen Meth. of Van Slyke Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. for Chemical Quantitative Meth. of Qualitative Meth. of Quantitative Meth. of Meth. of Meth. for Screen Indophenol-Xylene Extraction Meth. of Sampling Procedure for Semiquantitative Meth. of Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Qualitative Meth. of Qualitative Meth. of Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling and Std. Meth. for Meth. for Meth. Meth. Meth. Quantitative Meth. Qualitative Meth. Std. Meth. forChemic pectrometer (1971) ANSI 2/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemic teels. Ingot and Wrought Irons (/ Std. Meth. for Chemic Meth. for Std. Meth. for Chemic Std. Meth. Gravimetric Meth. Volumetric Meth. Qualitative Meth. Quantitative Meth. Meth. .. Std. Meth. of Chemica! Std. Meth. for Chemica Counting Meth o Gravimetric Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. of Laboratory Sampling an< Std. Meth. of Test for Proximati eal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. o y) (1962) Disk Meth. o y) (1962) Spectrophotometric Meth. o h Congeal or Solidifv Within Temperature Range / Meth. o io System (Cereal Che,.' try) (1962) Meth. o Meth. o Std. Photometric Meth. for Chemica Std. Meth. for Spectrochemica Std. Meth. for Chemica Std. Rec. Pract. for Applying Statistics t< npopped Popcorn, Dried Pea/ Meth. o Std. Meth. for Meth 71) ANSI Z12 ts (1973) s in Cereal Grains- 973) ry) (1962) ) istry) (1962) cereal Chemistry) (1962) Products Not Containing Fruit (Cereal Chemistr/ chemistry) (1962) (1962) Cooked Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) from Cottonseed. Soybeans, and Peanuts (Cereal / ins/ Improved Kjeldahl Meth. for Nitrate Free Samples fo egumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy P/ UDy Dye Meth. o al Chemistry) (1962) Improved Kjeldahl Meth. o cts (Boric Acid Modification) (Cereal / Kjeldahl Meth. o Micro Kjeldahl Meth. o Preparations Which Are Susceptible to Hydrolys/ Meth Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o try) (1962) try) (1962) ereal Chemistry) (1962) raph (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) emistry) (1962) mistry) (1962) henyls (1974) cereal Chemistry) (1962) ) on of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Pel nd Flour of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Other Grains, A/ Pressuremeter Meth. o Volumetric Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. . Digitonin Cholesterol Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. for Ether-Bicarbonate Meth. o Chloroform-Alcohol Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o ons of Terms Relating to Fatigue Test, and the Statistica Chemistry) (1962) Meth. o Std. Meth. for Chemica Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Am. .sis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis o Analysis r Analysis o Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys f Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina f Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina f Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina f Ammonia in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Ce f Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite (1971) ANSI Oil. f Ammonium Persulfate in Flour (Cereal Chemis f Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemi f Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemi f Apparent Viscosity of Acidulated Flour- Wa f Asbestos Fibers (1971T) f Ascorbic Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) f Bacteria (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) f Benzoyl Peroxide in Flour (Cereal Chemistry f Blast Furnace Iron by the Point to Plane Te f Bromates and Iodates in Flour Improvers (Ce f Bromates and Iodates in Flour (Cereal Chemi f Built Up Roofs (1972) f Calcium and Barium Petroleum Sulfonates by f Calcium Chloride Types I and II (1972T) f Calcium in Bread and Flour (Cereal Chemistr f Calcium in Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1 f Calcium in Mineral Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) f Calcium Peroxide in Dough Conditioners Cont f Calcium Peroxide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) f Carbon and Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.3 f Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Using a Vacuum S f Carbon, Low Alloy, and Silicon Electrical S f Casein (1972) f Cast Iron- All Types (1974) f CCA Treating Solutions and CCA Treated Wood f Chlorides in Ash of Bread (Cereal Chemistry f Chlorides in Ash of Bread (Cereal Chemistry f Chlorides in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) f Chlorides in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) f Choline (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) f Chromated Zinc Chloride (1970) ANSI 011.19 f Chrome Containing Refractories and Chrome f Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina (Cereal f Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina (Cereal f Cloud Point in All Edible Animal and Vegeta f C agulase Positive Staphylococcus in Cereal oal and Coke (1970) ANSI K18.1 f Coal and Coke (1973) f Coliform Bacteria in All Food Products (Cer f Color of Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistr f Color of Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistr f Congeal Point in Fats and Fat Mixtures Whic f Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni-Boras f Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni (1962) f Copper and Copper Base Alloys (1972) f Copper by the Briquet D-C Arc Technique (19 f Copper Phthalocyanine Blue and Green Pigmen f Corrosion Data (1971) ANSI G80.3 f Cracking Flotation Test for Internal Insect f Creosote and Oil Type Wood Preservatives (1 f Crude Fat in Baked Dog Food (Cereal Chemist f Crude Fat in Cocoa (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 f Crude Fat in Dry Milk Products (Cereal Chem f Crude Fat in Egg Yolk and Dried Whole Egg ( f Crude Fat in Flour, Bread, and Baked Cereal f Crude Fat in Grain and Stock Feeds (Cereal f Crude Fat in Soy Flours (Cereal Chemistry) f Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, Feeds and f Crude Fiber in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal f Crude Fiber in Soy Flour for Cake and Meal f Crude Protein in Bread, Wheat and Other Gra f Crude Protein in Cereal Grains, Oilseeds, L f Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cere f Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Produ f Crude Protein (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) f Damaged Starch (Granules in Flour or Starch f Diastatic Activity of Doughs (Cereal Chemis f Diastatic Activity of Doughs (Cereal Chemis f Diastatic Activity of Flour and Semolina (C f Diastatic Activity of Flour with the Amylog f Diastatic Activity of Malt Flour (Cereal Ch f Dried Egg Solids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) f Egg Solids in Macaroni Products (Cereal Che f Environmental Materials Polychlorinated Bip f Ergot in Rye and Wheat Flour and Semolina ( f Ergot in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 f External Insect and Rodent Hair Contaminati f Falling Number Determination of Both Meal a f Fatigue Data (1972) ANSI Z92.2 /. Definiti f Fecal Streptococci in Food Products (Cereal f Ferroalloys (1973) AACCH 46-30 AACCH 4631 AACCH 4632 AACCH 40-15 ASTM D1326 AACCH 48-62 AACCH 40-16 AACCH 40-18 AACCH 56-80 ASTM D2947 AACCH 86-10 AACCH 42-10 AACCH 48-07 ASTM E485 AACCH 48-40 AACCH 48-41 ASTM D2829 ASTM D2894 ASTM E449 AACCH 40-20 AACCH 40-21 AACCH 40-26 AACCH 48-51 AACCH 48-50 ASTM C560 ASTM E415 ASTM E350 TAPPI T607SU ASTM E351 AWPA A10-72 AACCH 40-30 AACCH 40-31 AACCH 40-32 AACCH 40-33 AACCH 86-45 ASTM D1033 ASTM C572 AACCH 28-01 AACCH 28-02 AACCH 56-10 AACCH 42-30A ASTM D271 ASTM D3172 AACCH 42-15 AACCH 14-20 AACCH 14-21 AACCH 58-12A AACCH 16-51 AACCH 16-50 ASTM E62 ASTM E414 ASTM D3256 ASTM G16 AACCH 28-22 AWPA Al AACCH 30-14 AACCH 30-12 AACCH 30-16 AACCH 30-18 AACCH 30-10 AACCH 30-20 AACCH 30-26 AACCH 30-25 AACCH 32-15 AACCH 32-17 AACCH 46-11 AACCH 46-14 AACCH 46-10 AACCH 46-12 AACCH 46-13 AACCH 76-30A AACCH 22-11 AACCH 22-14 AACCH 22-15 AACCH 22-10 AACCH 22-16 AACCH 20-01 AACCH 20-10 ASTM D3304 AACCH 42-56 AACCH 42-55 AACCH 28-20 AACCH 56-8 IB ASTM E206 AACCH 42-35 ASTM E31 Engineering and Product Standards Division 19 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys I Tent. Meth. for Chemical Analys Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys es (1974) Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys aasho T27, ANSI A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Sieve or Screen Analys 1.20 Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys cts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys (1967) Meth. of Analys ry)(1962) Meth. of Analys Std. Meth. for High Ionizing Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analys etry (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Types Analys Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling Atmospheres for Analys Std. Meths. for Chemical Analys try) (1967) Hand Washing Meth. of Analys try) (1962) Machine Washing Meth. of Analys Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys 1971) ANSI Z128.35 Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analys illary Gas Chromatography (1971) ANSI Zll/ Std. Meth. for Analys Other Similar Iron, Nickel, And/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys es and Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1968/ Meth. of Analys ed Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys eal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys stry) (1962) Meth. of Analys cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analys Quantitative Meth. of Analys Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys d (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys 72) ANSI K67.3 Std. Meth. of Chemical Analys 1 Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys gas Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. for Analys dy-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes for Del Meth. of Analys npopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans for Roden/ Meth. of Analys Std. Meth. of Analys (Wheat, Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc./ Colorimetric Meth. of Analys table Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Capillary Meth. of Analys e Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Wiley Meth. of Analys r Apparatus, Reagents, and Safety Precautions for Chemical Analys istry) (1962) Low Blank Meth. of Analys chemistry) (1968) Meth. of Analys tification and Qualitative (Including Optical Microscopic) Analys 4 Std. Meth. of Test for Sieve Analys al Chemistry) (1968) Meth. of Analys ortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, High Acid Coc/ Meth. of Analys (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) . Meth. of Analys (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analys ation with Toluene (Cereal C/ Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analys ation with Toluene (Cereal C/ Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analys istry) (1962) Air Oven (Aluminum Plate) Meth. of Analys stuffs, Ground Grains and / Modified Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analys Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas. L/ Air Oven Meth. of Analys hemistry) (1962) Modified Two Stage Air Oven Meth. of Analys ) Distillation Meth. (Brown-Duvel) of Analys ice, and Other Commodities For/ Dielectric Meter Meth. of Analys Air Oven Meth. of Analys r Liquid and Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Q/ Meth. of Analys ry) (1962) Meth. of Analys (1962) Electrical Meth. for Analys istry) (1962) Air Oven Meth. of Analys eal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys ission (1972/ Std. Meth. of Test for Fast Neutron Flux by Analys rophosphate in Prepared Mixes (/ Perchloric Acid Meth. of Analys ils and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analys graphy (1973) ANSI Zll. 238 Std. Meth. for Analys graphy (1968) Std. Meth. for Analys (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analys concentrates Used to Enrich Cereals (Cereal Che/ Meth. of Analys Microbiological Meth. of Analys -Lithium Fluoride Carri/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analys ron Alloys (1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical Analys revention of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis 1/ Meth. of Analys eth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analys eth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analys spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radio Chemical Analys spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analys oys (1974) Std. Meth. for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analys eth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analys Sys/ Trial Use Guide: General Principles for Reliability Analys Std. Meth. for Analys Preconcentration Spark T/ Std. Meth. for Spectroehmeical Analys tassium Iodide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys Meth. of Analys of Ferroboron (1974) of Ferrochrome- Silicon (1974) of Ferrochromium and Chromium Metal (1971T) . of Ferromanganese and Spiegeleisen (1974) of Ferromolybdenum (1974) of Ferrosilicon and Silicon Metal (1974) of Ferrovanadium and Vanadium Alloying Additiv of Fine and Coarse Concrete Aggregates (1971) of Fluor Chrome Arsenate Phenol (1971) ANSI 01 of Food Poisoning Staphylococcus in Food Produ of Free Fatty Acids in Fats (Cereal Chemistry) of Fungicide Residues in Grain (Cereal Chemist of Gas-Oil Saturate Fractions (1971) ANSI Zl of Gas Oil Aromatic Fractions by Mass Spectrom i of Gases and Vapors (1967) ANSI Z257.2 of Glass Sand (1972) of Gluten in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemis of Gluten in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemis of Gypsum and Products (1972) of High Purity Iron for Silicon and Aluminum ( of High Purity N -Heptane and Uooctane by Cap of High Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and of Hydration Capacity of Pregelatinized Starch of Hydrocyanic Acid Residues in Grains and Dri of Inorganic Bromide Residues in Grain and Cer of Iodine in Mineral Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemi of Iodine Number in All Edible Fats and Oils ( of Iron in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) of Lactose (Milk Sugar) in Mixed Feeds (Cereal of Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Milk in Brea of Limestone, Quicklime, and Hydrated Lime (19 of Lipoid Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs (Cerea of Lipoxidase Activity of Ground Wheat (Cereal of Lipoxidase Activity of Semolina and Flour ( of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) by Process of Macroscopic Examination of Baked Goods, Rea of Macroscopic Examination of Cereal Grains, U of Magnesium Silicate Pigment (1973) of Malathion Residues in Milled Wheat Products of Melting Point of All Normal Animal and Vege of Melting Point of Normal Animal and Vegetabl of Metals (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. Fo of Methoxychlor Residues in Foods (Cereal Chem of Micro Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cereal of Mineral Filler and Coating of Paper (1973) of Mineral Filler (1972) AASHO T37, ANSI A37.1 of Modified Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cere of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Fats and Sh of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soy Flours of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Yeast Foods of Moisture in Fats and Shortenings by Distill of Moisture in Feeds and Feedstuffs by Distill of Moisture in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chem of Moisture in Flour and Semolina; Bread; Feed of Moisture in Flour. Farina, Semolina, Bread, of Moisture in Grains and Feedstuffs (Cereal C of Moisture in Grains (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 of Moisture in Grains, Beans, Peas, Lentils, R of Moisture in Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) of Moisture in Massecuites, Molasses, and Othe of Moisture in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemist of Moisture in Whole Grain (Cereal Chemistry) of Moisture, Drying at 135 Deg. C (Cereal Chem of Mold and Yeast Counts in Food Products (Cer of Molybdenum -99 Activity from Uranium -238 F of Monocalcium Phosphate and/or Sodium Acid Py of Monoglycerides and Free Glycerol in Fats, O of Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromato of Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromato of Niacin and Nicotinamide in Cereal Products of Niacin in Enrichment (Vitamin and Mineral) of Niacin (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) of Nickel-Base Alloys by the Silver Chloride of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-I of Nitrophenide in Poultry Mashes (Feed) for P of Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Pu)0 2 ) (1 of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal (1973) /Ass of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions ( of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium All of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and P of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection of Oil Borne Wood Preservatives (1973) of Ores, Minerals, and Rocks by the Fire Assay of Oxidizing Agents in Flour: Reaction with Po of Pantothenic Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ASTM E371 ASTM E364 ASTM E363 ASTM E361 ASTM E368 ASTM E360 ASTM E365 ASTM C136 ASTM D1035 AACCH 42-30 AACCH 58-16 AACCH 60-01 ASTM D2786 ASTM D3239 ASTM D1605 ASTM C146 AACCH 38-10 AACCH 38-11 ASTM C471 ASTM E421 ASTM D2268 ASTM E354 AACCH 56-20 AACCH 60-20 AACCH 60-10 AACCH 40-35 AACCH 58-30 AACCH 40-41 AACCH 80-30 AACCH 80-31 ASTM C25 AACCH 20-02 AACCH 22-41 AACCH 22-40 ASTM D2888 AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-10 ASTM D717 AACCH 60-30 AACCH 58-40 AACCH 58-41 ASTM E50 AACCH 60-40 AACCH 56-63 TAPPI T421 ASTM D546 AACCH 56-62 AACCH 44-30 AACCH 44-31 AACCH 44-32 AACCH 44-51 AACCH 44-50 AACCH 44-16 AACCH 44-40 AACCH 44-15A AACCH 44-18 AACCH 44-53 AACCH 44-11 AACCH 44-20 AACCH 44-60 AACCH 44-52 AACCH 44-10 AACCH 44-19 AACCH 42-50 ASTM E343 AACCH 40-51 AACCH 58-45 ASTM D2597 NGPA 2165 AACCH 86-50 AACCH 86-49 AACCH 86-51 ASTM E483 ASTM E38 AACCH 18-25 ASTM C698 ASTM C697 ASTM C758 ASTM C759 ASTM C760 ASTM C696 IEEE 352 AWPA A5 ASTM E400 AACCH 48-02 AACCH 86-60 20 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards e Test) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Std. Meth. for Chemical Volumetric Bromine Meth. of Xylene Partition Meth. of Chemistry) (1969) Meth. of meth. of Test for Carbon Distribution and Structural Group stry) (1962) Meth. of chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric Acetate Ashing Meth. of chemistry) (1962) • Gravimetric Meth. of chemistry) (1962) Volumetric Meth. of 2) Colorimetric Modified Fiske— Subbarow Meth. of Std. Meth. for strv) (1962) Structural Relaxation Meth. of Extensigraph heat (1962) Meth. of nt to Plane Technique Usi/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical by the Point to Plane Arc/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quantitative Meth. of reparations (Cereal Chemistr/ Spectrophotometry Meth. of reparations (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ Colorimetric Meth. of oteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of try) (1962) Meth. of Test Meth. for Sieve ts-Emergency Monitoring (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ Meth. of Std. General Meth. for i Z258.1 Std. Meth. for Chemical d Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of ereal Chemistry) (1962) Schoorl Meth. of soy Flour, Mill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) meal. Flaked and Puffed Cereals, F/ Chemistry) (1962) 1 Chemistry) (1962) ds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) chemistry) (1962) try) (1965) try) (1962) Farinograph Meth. for Mixograph Meth. for Fluorometric Meth. of Microbiological Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Chemical Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Disk Meth. of try) (1962) trv) (1962) 962) 962) (1974) 971) 962) 62) ) Macro Scale Meth. of Micro Scale Meth. of Harland and Ashworth Meth. of Rowland Meth. of Std. Meth. for Chemical Std. Meth. for Chemical Std. Meth. of Chemical Sedimentation Meth. of Microscopic Meth. of Std. Meth. of Chemical Std. for eal Chemistry) (1962) Spindle Meth. of stry) (1962) Refractometer Meth. of 1962) Meth. ' ormed Deposits (Chemical Cleaning of Indus/ Std. 962) Baume of Sugar Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ ereal Chemistry) (1962) Oxygen-Bomb Meth. of ngs (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of her Similar Chromium-Nickel-/ Std. Meth. for Chemical nt Acid Hydrolysis) (Cereal Chemistry)/ Diastase Meth. of ight Modification, to Corn. Rve, B/ on (1973) real Chemistry) (1962) (1962) (1962) Preparation of Aluminum (1972) ANSI Z197./ ufacture (1973) Meth Meth Meth Polarimetric Meth. of Std. Meth. for Chemical Meth. of Bomb Meth. of Gravimetric Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. for ne Butadiene Copolymers (SBR) (1/ mistry) (1962) ansi L14.132 Std. Meth. for Chemical Meth. of Test Meth. for Quantitative Std. Meth. for Quantitative Guide for Statistical ct Current Arc Technique / Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and Foo/ Meth. of hole Grain Products, Corn Grits, Cor/ Thiochrome Meth. of gh Alloy Steels (1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical mistry) (1962) Std. Plate Count Meth. of Std. Meth. for Chemical Std. Meth. for Chemical Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Meth. of Meth. of Xanthydrol Test for Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) arrier DC Arc Technique / ry) (1965) rials (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ Analysis of Pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation Tim Analysis of Pentachlorophenol (1971) ANSI 011.22 Analysis of Pentosans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Analysis of Pentosans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Food Products (Cereal Analysis of Petroleum Oils by the n-d-M Meth. (1973) Analysis of Phosphates in Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemi Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Analysis of Phosphorus in Yeast (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Analysis of Phosphorus-32 (1962) ANSI N149 Analysis of Physical Dough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemi Analysis of Pigments in Flour, Semolina, Macaroni and W Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the Poi Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel for Boron Analysis of Potassium Bromate in White and Whole Wheat Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase P Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase P Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Flour and Active Pr Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Malt (Cereal Chemis Analysis of Pulpwood Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Analysis of Radioactivity (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Produc Analysis of Radioisotopes (1968) ANSI N148 Analysis of Reactor and Commercial Columbium (1968) Ans Analysis of Reducing and Nonredueing Sugars in Flour an Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Prepared Bakery Mixes (C Analysis of Residual Urease Activity in Soybean Meals, Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing (Cereal Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing (Cereal Analysis of Riboflavin in Whole Grain Products, Grits, Analysis of Riboflavin (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Analysis of Rope Spore Count in Cereal Products (Cereal Analysis of Rubber Products (1972A) ANSI J10.1 Analysis of Salmonella Bacteria in Food Products (Cerea Analysis of Salt Calculated from Total Chlorides in Fee Analysis of Saponification Value of All Normal Fats and Analysis of Sedimentation Test for Wheat Flour (Cereal Analysis of Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cereal Chemis Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemis Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemis Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemis Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Analysis of Silica Refractories (1970) ANSI A139.5 Analysis of Silicomanganese and Ferrosilicon Manganese Analysis of Silicon Carbide Abrasive Grain and Crude (1 Analysis of Smut in Wheat and Rye (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Analysis of Smut in Wheat or Rye (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Analysis of Soaps Containing Synthetic Detergents (1973 Analysis of Soda Ash (1972) Analysis of Solids in Juices, Syrups, and Molasses (Cer Analysis of Solids in Syrups and Molasses (Cereal Chemi Analysis of Soluble Mineral Matter (Cereal Chemistry) ( Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water F Analysis of Soy Flour in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Analysis of Specific Gravity, Degrees Brix, and Degrees Analysis of Stability in Fats, Oils, and Shortenings (C Analysis of Stability (AOM) of Fats, Oils, and Shorteni Analysis of Stainless, Heat Resisting, Maraging, and Ot Analysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina (With Subseque Analysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina; Also, with SI Analysis of Steel and Cast, Open Hearth, and Wrought Ir Analysis of Sucrose (Sugar) in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Ce Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) Analysis of Sulfochromate Etch Solution Used in Surface Analysis of Sulfuric Acid as Used in Pulp and Paper Man Analysis of Synthetic Elastomers for Use on Solid Styre Analysis of Test Weight Per Bushel of Grain (Cereal Che Analysis of Textiles (Moisture and Composition) (1971) Analysis of Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.132, AATCC 20A Analysis of Thermal Life Test Data (1972) Analysis of Thermionic Nickel Alloys by the Powder Dire Analysis of Thermophilic and Psychrophilic Bacteria in Analysis of Thermophilic Spore Counts (Flat Sour, Total Analysis of Thiamine in Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other W Analysis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium and Hi Analysis of Total Bacteria in Food Products (Cereal Che Analysis of Tribasic Lead Phosphosilicate (1973) Analysis of Tungsten (1973) Analysis of Undenatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat Analysis of Unsaponifiable Matter in Macaroni Products Analysis of Uranium Oxide (U,0„) by Gallium Oxide C Analysis of Urea and Ammonical Nitrogen (Cereal Chemist Analysis of Urea in Cloth Bags and Other Packaging Mate AACCH 56-50 ASTM D1274 AACCH 52-10 AACCH 52-11 AACCH 60-50 ASTM D3238 AACCH 40-50 AACCH 40-55 AACCH 40-57 AACCH 40-58 AACCH 40-56 ASTM E182 AACCH 54-11 AACCH 14-50 ASTM E403 ASTM E404 AACCH 48-42 AACCH 22-62 AACCH 22-63 AACCH 22-60 AACCH 22-61 TAPPI UM-21 AACCH 28-99A ASTM E181 ASTM E195 AACCH 80-60 AACCH 8068 AACCH 22-90 AACCH 54-21 AACCH 54-40 AACCH 86-70 AACCH 86-72 AACCH 42-20 ASTM D297 AACCH 42-25 AACCH 40-61 AACCH 58-50 AACCH 56-60 AACCH 56-61 A AACCH 66-40 AACCH 66-41 AACCH 66-42 AACCH 46-21 AACCH 46-22 ASTM C575 ASTM E362 ANSI B74.15 AACCH 42-71 AACCH 42-70 ASTM D820 TAPPI T612 AACCH 68-62 AACCH 68-60 AACCH 40-01 ASTM D2790 AACCH 06-11 AACCH 80-75 AACCH 58-55 AACCH 58-54 ASTM E353 AACCH 76-10 AACCH 76-20 ASTM E30 AACCH 80-50 AACCH 40-65 AACCH 40-66 ASTM D2674 TAPPI T602 ASTM D1416 AACCH 84-10 AATCC 20A ASTM D629 IEEE 101 ASTM E129 AACCH 42-45 AACCH 42-40 AACCH 86-80 ASTM E352 AACCH 42-11 ASTM D2742 ASTM E397 AACCH 46-20 AACCH 30-40 ASTM E402 AACCH 46-50 AACCH 28-86 Engineering and Product Standards Division 21 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nd Cereal/ Meth. of Urease Bromthymol Blue Test Paper for ) Meth. of and Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of ) (1962) Ultraviolet Absorption Meth. of ils, and Emulsions (Cere/ Ultraviolet Absorption Meth. of ry) (1967) Meth. of d Dry Milks (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ Carr-Priee Meth. of Microbiological Meth. of ) Chemical Meth. of ) Microbiological Meth. of Std. Meth. of Reporting Results of Std. Meth. for Chemical Std. Meth. of Chemical Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Particle Size tation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Drie/ Meth. of (1962) Meth. of Std. Meth. of Chemical eth. for Chemical, Ma9s Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture in the Std. Meth. of Test for Ash in the Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile Matter in the Std. Meth. of Test for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Std. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen in the Std. Meth. of Test for Total Sulfur in the de; Chloral Hydr/ Reagents for Extraneous Matter Meth. of r,l Apparatus or Materials for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Pekar Color Test (Slick) Meth. of Flour Test Meth. for Chip Length Test Meth. for Chip Length Std. Deviations for Specific Meth. of Cereal Chemistry pract. for Using Controlled Atmospheres in Spectrochemical Rec. Pract. for Meth. of Sampling Steel for Chemical Std. Meth. of Test for Nickel on Steel by Photometric Std. Meth. of Preparing Coal Samples for tandardization, and Storage of Std. Solutions for Chemical Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Thermal Std. Meth. for Sampling Pressurized Gas for Gas Definitions of Terms Relating to Atmospheric Sampling and of Assay of Di-T-Butyl Peroxide by Gas Chromatographic Calibration of Temperature Scale for Differential Thermal rties of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases from Compositional ydraulic Fluid Power System (For Particulate Contamination . Rec. Pract. for Reporting Data from Differential Thermal arch (1973) oups in Hydroxyethyl and Hydroxypropyl Starch Ether/ n Starch Which Is Gelatinized When Heated in a Boil/ rn Starch Which Is Substantially Insoluble in Water/ n Starch, Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Corn We/ Starch (1968) epwater and Most Other Liquid Products Obtained Fro/ n Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates (1952) n Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) content in Corn Starch (1955) content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1955) t in Corn Starch (Gelatinizable Products) (1955) nt in Steepwater (Corn) (1962) t of Corn Syrup. Refined and Crude Sugar (1967) n Syrup Unmixed and Corn Sugar (1954) n Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) arch, Dextrines and Other Modified Starch Products / 957) ffs (Corn) (1955) ter (Corn) (1964) gar (Crude and Refined) (1958) rup. Finished Sugar and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (/ syrup Unmixed and Its Syrups (1959) in and Corn Starch Products (1971) ntent in Corn Starch (1968) ator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) n Corn Starch (1963) n Feedstuffs (Corn) and Other Wet Milled Solid Frod/ n Starch (1960) n Syrup, Sugar and Other Carbohydrates (1957) etric) Content in Corn Starch (1973) etric) Content of Corn Syrup and Other Starch Hydro/ etric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), S/ ion Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1952) rn Starch (1966) in Industrial Waste Waters and Most Organic Compou/ rn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarifie/ rn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarifie/ rn Sugar (Crude and Refined), S;rups and Other Star/ orn Oil (1965) t of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) ric) Content in Corn Starch (1957) Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt Analyt s of Urea in Cloth or Sack Fibers, Whole or Grou s of Vital Wheat Gluten (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 s of Vitamin A and Carotene in Enriched Cereals s of Vitamin A in Concentrates (Cereal Chemistry s of Vitamin A in Dry Vita*min Mixes, Beadlets, O s of Vitamin A in Enriched Flour (Cereal Chemist s of Vitamin A in Nonfat Dry Milk and Instantize s of Vitamin B12 (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s of Vitamin B6 Complex (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 s of Vitamin B6 Complex (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 s of Water (1969E) s of White Lead Pigments (1973) s of White Pigments (1973) ANSI K15.1 s of White Zinc Pigments (1973) s of Whiteware Clays (1974) s of X-Ray Examination for Internal Insect Infes s of Yeast Strength of Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) s of Zirconia Refractories (1972) s Of, and Physical Tests On, Beryllium Oxide Pow s Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) s Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) s Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) s Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) s Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) s Sample of Coal and Std. Meth. Coke (1973) Cereal Chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachlori Cereal Chemistrv) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Pape Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Measurement) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Two Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) 1962) 1970) ANSI Z128.30 1971) 1972) 1972) ANSI K20.17 1972) ANSI Z159.1 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) ANSI Zl 1.239 (1972) ANSI B93.19 Std. Rec. / Meth. for Preparation, S Std. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. for /F Certain Physical Prope / Lines of an Operating H Thermogravimetry, Evolved Gas Analysis and De Meth. Determining Iodine Affinity of Corn St Meth. for Determination of Hydroxyalkoxyl Gr Meth. for Determination of pfl (Paste) of Cor Meth. for Determination of pH (Slurry) of Co Meth. for Determination of Phosphorus in Cor Meth. for Determining Acetyl Content of Corn Meth. for Determining Acidity Content in Ste Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Cor Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Cor Meth. for Determining Acidity (Extractable) Meth. for Determining Acidity (Extractable) Meth. for Determining Acidity (Paste) Conten Meth. for Determining Ammonia Nitrogen Conte Meth. for Determining Apparent Starch Conten Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of Cor Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of Cor Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Corn St Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Corn (1 Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Feedstu Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Steepwa Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn Su Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn Sy Meth. for Determining Baume Content of Corn Meth. for Determining Borax Content in Dextr Meth. for Determining Brabender Viscosity Co Meth. for Determining Bromophenol Blue Indie Meth. for Determining Bulk Density Content I Meth. for Determining Bulk Density Content I Meth. for Determining Calcium Content in Cor Meth. for Determining Calcium Content of Cor Meth. for Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrim Meth. for Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrim Meth. for Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrim Meth. for Determining Candy Color and Invers Meth. for Determining Carboxyl Content of Co Meth. for Determining Chemical Oxygen Demand Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Co Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Co Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Co Meth. for Determining Cold Test Content in C Meth. for Determining Color Stability Conten Meth. for Determining Color (Spectrophotomet AACCH 28-87 AACCH 38-20 AACCH 86-05 AACCH 86-01 AACCH 86-01 A AACCH 86-03 AACCH 86-02 AACCH 86-40 AACCH 86-30 AACCH 86-31 ASTM D596 ASTM D1301 ASTM D34 ASTM D3280 ASTM C775 AACCH 28-21 AACCH 22-13 ASTM C705 ASTM C699 ASTM D3173 ASTM D3174 ASTM D3175 ASTM D3178 ASTM D3179 ASTM D3177 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 28-90 AACCH 14-10 TAPPI UM-5 TAPPI UM-6 AACCH 78-50 ASTM E406 SAE J408C ASTM C715 ASTM D2013 ASTM E200 ASTM E473 ASTM F307 ASTM D1356 ASTM E475 ASTM E474 ASTM D2598 NFLDP T2.9.1 ASTM E472 CR B-28 CR C-30 CR C-42 CR C-44 CR B-47 CR C-2 CR J-4 CR E-2 CR F-2 CR B-2 CR G-2 CR B-4 CR J-12 CR E-60 CR E-4 CR F-4 CR B-8 CR A-4 CR G-4 CR J-14 CR F-6 CR E-6 CR E-8 CR D-10 CR B-9 CR R-55 CR B-16 CR G-8 CR B-10 CR E-10 CR B-ll CR E-ll CR F-8 CR E-12 CR C-22 CR K-24 CR E-14 CR E-15 CR F-10 CR H-10 CR E-20 CR B-14 22 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ric) Content of Corn Syrup (1957) Std. ric) Content in Feedstuffs and All Other Natural Dr/ Std. ric) Content in Corn Oil (1964) Std. on) Content of Corn Syrup (1954) Std. ectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and / Std. trophotometrie) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Re/ Std. Syrup Unmixed and Finished Sugars (1954) Std. Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup, and Other Starch/ Std. O.l^c Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Std. actables) Content in Corn (1958) Std. actables) Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) Std. les) Content in Corn Starch. Gluten, Cermand Finished Std. Corn and Other Grains, Foodstuffs Containing Veget/ Std. Feedstuffs (Corn) Containing Vegetable Material, C/ Std. rn Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyzates (1967) Std. ntent of Corn Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyzates (19/ Std. ntent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. ontent of Corn Syrup, Crude and Refined Sugar and 0/ Std. f Corn Syrup, Sugars, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1957/ Std. tation Content in Corn (1954) Std. nt in Corn Oil and to Other Vegetable and Marine Oi/ Std. f of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Dextrose (1956) Std. f Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other / Std. of Corn Starch and Ethers (1967) Std. e Point) Content in Corn Starch (1963) Std. tent (Radiographic Inspection) in Corn and Other Wh/ Std. th.) Content in Corn. Grain Sorghum and Other Veget/ Std. t of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Std. tarch Hydrolzates Including Syrups and Sugars, and / Std. ugar (Crude and Refined) (1961) Std. ine) Content of Corn Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates / Std. Corn Syrup (1970) Std. content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1964) Std. content in Steepwater (Corn) (1962) Std. r, 0.1f Engine Antifreezes or Antiru9ts Fo Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electrode (1974) Ashto Aqueous Solution' (1969) ANSI N116 Arabic Written L iguage (Transliteration) (1972) Arbor Assemblie (1972) Arc Cast, Stres: Relieved (1973) Arc Cutting (1973) Arc Erosion Test for Electrical Contact Materials (1973 Arc Gas Enthalpy by Energy Balance (1973) Arc Gouging and Cutting (1974) Arc Lamp Exposure with Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.224 /R Arc Lamp Exposure Without Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.225 Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14. Arc Lamp. Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14. Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.170 /Meth. Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 Arc Remelted (1973) /Gings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Hea Arc Remelted (1973) /Plate, Corrosion Resistant, 14.8C Arc Resistance of Solid Electrical Insulation (1973) Arc Technique Using an Optical Emission Spectrograph (1 Arc Technique (1961) ANSI Z128.2 /Ctrochemical Analysi Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.27 /Trochemical Analysi Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.29 / Analysis of Plain Arc Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.32 Std. Meth. Arc Welded Round Tube (1974) ANSI H38.20 Arc Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Transmission Se Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI A5.1 Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.12 Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.3 Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.5 Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.6 Arc Welding Machines (1972) ANSI C33.2 Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.17 Spe Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.18 Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.20 Arc Welding (1973) Arc (Gma) Welding Equipment (1974) Arc (Gta) Fusion Welding Equipment (1974) Arch Culvert. Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1971) Arches (Tech. Note) (1971) Arches (Tech. Notes) (1967) Architect and Consultant for Other Than Normal Engineer Architect and Engineer (1974) Architect for Interior Design Services (1972) Architect for Special Services (1972) Architect (1974) Architect's Accounting Forms (1972) Architectural Aluminum (1971) Architectural Design Competitions (1972) ASTM B352 EIA RS403 STDI 107 API 9B CRA 3A9 IEEE 321 ASTM F376 ABYC SI NCRPM R23 ASTM E235 ASTM D116 HMI 200 ASTM A578 ASTM B469 ASTM D3138 BCI •1.48 NEMA ST20 ASTM B550 ASTM F356 ASTM B584 ASTM B479 ASTM A678 EIA RS401 SAE J537H ASTM B483 ASTM B491 ASTM D2000 ASTM D2128 ASTM A345 ASTM A695 ASTM B594 ASTM B360 ANSI PH2.32 FMS 4430 NSF 48 ANSI PH4.232 ASTM D3321 ASTM D1176 ASTM E70 ASTM E318 ANSI Z39.12 ANSI B5.47 SAE AMS7801A AWS C5.2 AATM B576 ASTM E341 AWS C5.3 AATCC 111A AATCC 111C AATCC 16D AATCC 16F AATCC 16E AATCC 16A SAE AMS6305 SAE AMS5862 ASTM D495 ASTM E483 ASTM E129 ASTM E402 ASTM E404 ASTM E414 ASTM B547 ASTM A381 AWS A5.1 AWS A5.12 AWS A5.3 AWS A5.5 AWS A5.6 UL 551 AWS A5.17 AWS A5.18 AWS A5.20 AWS C5.1 NSA 959 NSA 961 ASTM C506 BIA 31C BIA 31A AIOA C431 AIOA C141 AIOA B707 AIOA B727 AIOA B141 AIOA F700 AAMA 808.2 AIOA J331 Engineering and Product Standards Division 27 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Std. of Glossary of er(1972) _ _ Rec. eth. of Test for Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Quality Stds. for Lumber Grades Quality Stds. for Exterior Sash Quality Stds. for Flush Solid and Hollow Core Doors Quality Stds. for Stile and Rail Doors Quality Stds. for Factory Finishing Quality Stds. for Plywood and Particleboard Crades Quality Stds. for Standing and Running Trim Quality Stds. for Flush Wall Paneling Quality Stds. for Misc. Ornamental Items Quality Stds. for Stairwork and Handrails Quality Stds. for Exterior Frames ality Stds. for Wood Screens for Window and Door Openings stds. for High Pressure Laminate Flush Type Wall Paneling for Blinds and Shutters Using Stile and Rail Construction rk: Cabinets, Cases, Counters and Enclosures of All Kinds work, Panelwork, Closet and Storage She/ Guide Specs, for Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagrams Used in Brick in Landscape 967) Brick in Landscape Brick in Landscape Glossary of Construction Industry Terms er Base (1973) Spec, for Photographic Film for e (1973) Std. Spec, for Photographic Film for Std. for Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid for Use Under ltural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dusts) (1973) Std. for motion Picture Film/ Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed ure Film, Perforate/ Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed perforated 1-4 (1971) Std. for Dimensions for Printed Std. Meth. of Test for Surface Std. Meth. of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit Std. Meth. of Measuring Std. Meth. of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit copy, and / Std. Meth. for Measuring Thickness of Buildup 1-3) (1973) Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed (1971) Std. Dimensions of Protectable Anamorphic Image r Instrument Panel Laboratory Impact Test Procedure-Head (1973) Std. Dimensions of Image oning) (1966) Std. Coil Face Std. Wheel Diameters and Outlet Petroleum Production / Rec. Pract. for Classification of Rec. Pract. for the Safe Action and Title strial Trucks (1973) ANSI B5/ Std. for Type Designations, Rec. Pract. for Homes and Camps in Forest Uniform Fire Code: Suppression and Control of Hazardous construction of Surface Drainage Systems on Farms in Humid drogen, Krypto/ Uniform Fire Code: Cryogenic Fluids (Air, verters for Motor Drives: Part 1-Converters for DC Motor Std. for Flash Points, Closed Cup, tent. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Oil nsi Z78.15 Std. Meth. of Test for Bromine Index of . Meth. of Test for Nonaromatic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Std. Test Meth. for Polynuclear ical Insulating Liquid) (1973/ Std. Spec, for Chlorinated ) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated toluene, Xylenes, Solvent Naphthas, and Similar Industrial ide and Sulfur Dioxide Content (Qualitative) of Industrial Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of Industrial . Meth. for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial chromatography (1972) ANSI Zl 1.27/ Std. Meth. of Test for y Mass Spectrometry (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Rec. Safeguards for Std. for Typewriter Keyboard Std. Drive Std. Drive Test for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Density of Cotton Fibers ing Resistivity of Silicon Slices with a Collinear 4 Probe istance of Thin Metallic Films with a Collinear Four Probe ance of Silicon Epitaxial Layers Using a Collinear 4 Probe Rec. Pract. for Spark Rec. for Lightning ANSI C62.1 Std. for Surge (Lightning) 2), Rec. Pract. for Spark petroleum Oil and Gasoline (19/ Std. for Safety for Flame Surge Meth. for Determination of th. of Quantitative Determination of Both Nitrophenide and Std. Spec, for Fluor Chrome Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Fluor Chrome ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Architectural Door Trim (1972) Architectural Ethical Practice (1972) Architectural Metal Terms (1973) Architectural Sheet Metal Spec. (1973) Architectural Spec, for Structural Glued Laminated Timb Architectural Type Glass (1972T) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Qu Quality Quality Stds. /Ality Stds. for Casewo Architectural Woodwork: Standing and Running Trim, Case Architecture and Building Construction (1972) /Graphic Architecture Garden Walls (Tech. Notes) (1968) Architecture Miscellaneous Application (Tech. Notes) (1 Architecture Terraces and Walks (Tech. Notes) (1966) (Architecture) (1970) Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Cellulose Est Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Polyester Bas Arctic Atmospheric Conditions (1972) Area Classification in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricu Area in Optical Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Area in Optical Reduction Printing on 35 mm Motion Pict Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm Motion Picture Film Area of Carbon Black (1973) Area of Dried Adhesive Solids (1969) ANSI Z197.9 Area of Leather Test Specimens (1968) ALCA E2 Area of Liquid Adhesive (1951) ANSI Z197.10 Area on Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Area on 16 mm Motion Picture Film, Perforated Super 8 ( Area on 5 mm Motion Picture Film (2.35:1) Aspect Ratio Area (1971) Rec. Pract. Fo Areas and Mounts for Slides and Opaques for Television Areas for Central Station Units (Air Moving and Conditi Areas for Centrifugal Fans (1966) Areas for Electrical Installations at Drilling Rigs and Areas for Television Transmission (1968) Areas of Use, Maintenance and Operation of Powered Indu Areas (1972) Areas (1973) Areas (1973) Rec. for Design and Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hy Armature Supplies (1973) ANSI C34.3 /for Thyristor Con Aromatic Chemicals and Isolates (1973) Aromatic Fractions by Mass Spectrometry (1973) Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Coulometric Titration (1974) a Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography (1968) ANSI Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air Particulate Matter (1971) Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Capacitors (Electr Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Transformers (1973 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1947) ANSI Z78.9 / of Benzene, Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1971) ANSI Z78.13 /Ydrogen Sulf Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1972) Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1973) ANSI Z106.1 Std Aromatic Traces in Light Saturated Hydrocarbons by Gas Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Oil Aromatic Fractions B Arrangement of Carpet Storage Racks (1972) Arrangement (1973) Arrangements for Centrifugal Fans (1966) Arrangements for Tubular Centrifugal Fans (1966) (Array Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.91 Std. Meth. of (Array Sample) (1973) ANSI L14.136 Array (1973) Std. Meth. for Measur Array (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sheet Res Array (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for Sheet Resist Arrester Test Procedure for Medium Size Engines (1972) Arresters and Grounds (1974) Arresters for Alternating Current Power Circuits (1972) Arresters Used on Multiposition Small Size Engines (197 Arresters (Fire) for Use on Vents of Storage Tanks for Arresters (1972) Arsanilic Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Arsanilic Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Me Arsenate Phenol (1971) Arsenate Phenol (1971) ANSI O11.20 Arsenic Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958 ANSI AIOA NAAMM SMACN AITC ASTM AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI ANSI BIA BIA BIA AIOA ANSI ANSI SAE ISA ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NMA ANSI ANSI SAE ANSI AMCA AMCA API SMPTE NFPA NFPA ICBO ASAE ICBO IEEE EOA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ANSI AMCA AMCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE FMS IEEE SAE UL NEMA AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM CR A 156.6 J330 ♦35 •1 6.5/AI C724 •1-100 •11000 •1-1300 •1-1400 •1-1500 •1-200 •1-300 •1-500 A •1-700 •1-800 •1-900 •1-1100 •1-500B •1-1200 •1-400 •1-1 Y32.9 29A 29B 29 •1 PHI. 28 PHI. 41 J1702D S12.10 PH22.180 PH22.179 PH22.153 D3037 D898 D2347 D899 MS9 PH22.181 PH22.106 J921B PH22.94 1402 2401 RP500B RP8 505 224 UFC*2E R302.2 UFC*2ART3( 444 FP-1 D3239 D1492 D2360 D2682 D2233 D2283 D847 D853 D2935 D1555 D2600 D3239 LPD8-30 X4.7 2404 2410 D1440 D1769 F84 F390 F374 J350A 5-11 28 J335A 525 LA 1 18-20 18-26 D1034 D1035 F-4 28 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining oluminescence and the Corresponding Composition of Gallium tors (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Std. Spec, for Ammoniacal Copper Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ammoniacal Copper Rec. for Crayons and Related electrical Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite est for Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite nnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel End Loaders and Dozers/ Std. for Steering Frame Lock for ction Equipment, Room Air Purifiers, Filters, Compressors, Spec, for Base Plate one Vibrators (1972) Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Aging Effects of w Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealing Compounds After Std. Dimensions for Graphic e Appraisal of Color Quality and Uniformity in the Graphic Std. Meth. for Calculating Coal and Coke Analyses from physical Dough Tests: Approximate Corrections for Changing Rec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl utional and Industrial Build/ No Wax Maintenance of Vinyl strial and Commercial Buil/ Std. for Maintenance of Vinyl Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Spec, for .3 Std. Spec, for 1973) ANSI A165.4 Std. Spec, for al65.2 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Linings for Std. Meth. of Test. 72) Std. Spec, for ds (1972) Std. for Std. Spec, for or Water and Fire Service (1973) Safety Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Corrugated Std. Spec, for Flat Std. Spec, for Corrugated weathering Tests of Latex and Emulsion Ex/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Woven Meth. of Test for Std nsiL14.141 Std. . for Special Purpose Roofs (Wood Shakes and Shingles with Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated'Organic Felt, Asphalt-Saturated 1971) Measurement of Airborne Std. Meth. of Sampling td. Meth. of Test for Bauer-McNett Wet Classification of Meth. for Screen Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Air Permeability of Spec, for Self Adhering Vinyl Spec, for Vinyl Std. Meth. of Test for Asbestos Content of Rec. Health Safety Practices for Handling and Fabricating Rec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl or Water Emulsion Floor Polish for Use on Asphalt or Vinyl Spec, for Cleaners for Use on Asphalt and Vinyl r Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Indophenol-Xylene Extraction Meth. of Analysis of dstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric Acetate c.) (1973) Wet spec, for Asphalt for Damproofing and Waterproofing (1973) , and Other Road Conditioning Purposes (1974) ANSI A37.37, rficial Hardness of Metallic Materials (1974) ANSI Z115.6, r Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement (1971) ANSI A1.8, or Specific Gravity of Hydraulic Cement (1972) ANSI A1.12, cement Content of Soil Cement Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37.58, ssive Strength of Bituminous Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37.103, or pH of Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electrode (1974) td. Meth. of Test. Emulsified Asphalts (1974) ANSI A37.42, real Chemistry) (1962) Harland and ty of Transformer Insulation and Construction Materials in Std. Meth. of Test. Boiling Homologues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for Capacitor (1973/ Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons s; Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant, Grape, anamorphic Image Area on 5 mm Motion Picture Film (2.35:1) nstruction of Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt, Spec, for Cleaners for Use on Std. Spec, for Asphalt Mastic for Use in Waterproofing and Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and ec. for Enamel Coating System Designations for Coal Tar or Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Solid Pitch Spec, for mll5, ANSI A109.16 Std. Spec, for (1971) ANSI A109.24 Std. Spec, for Arsenic Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Corn Sugar (1 Arsenide Phosphide Wafers (1973) /Elength of Peak Phot Arsenious Oxide Solution Content of Reagents and Indica Arsenite (1971) ANSI 011.8 Arsenite (1971) ANSI 011.23 Art Materials for School Use (1963) Articles at Room Temperatures (1969) ANSI K90.7 / for Articles by Physical Measurements (1969) ANSI K90.2 /T Articles by the Preece Test (Copper Sulfate Dip) (1973) Articulated Vehicles (Construction and Industrial Front Artificial Airways, Appurtenances) (1973) /Rapy and Su (Artificial Dentures) Wax (1971) Artificial Headbone for the Calibration of Audiometer B Artificial Weathering on Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Artificial Weathering (1972) /Td. Meth. of Test for Lo Arts Sheet Films (photography) (1973) Arts (1972) Std. for Viewing Conditions for Th As-Determined to Different Bases (1974) as-is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis (C Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Flooring (1973) Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors for Commercial, Instil Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors in Institutional, Indu Asbestos Cement and Related Products (1972) ANSI A130.1 Asbestos Cement Fiberboard Insulating Panels (1972) Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165 Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Small Diameter Sewer Pipe ( Asbestos Cement Perforated Underdrain Pipe (1973) ANSI Asbest09 Cement Pipe (1973) Asbestos Cement Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.1 Asbestos Cement Plastic Foam Core Insulating Panels (19 Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe for Water and Other Liqui Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.5 Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe, Couplings, and Gaskets F Asbestos Cement Roofing Shingles (1973) Asbestos Cement Sheets for Bulkheading (1974) Asbestos Cement Sheets (1972) ANSI A124.1 Asbestos Cement Sheets (1974) ANSI A125.1 Asbestos Cement Shingle Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Asbestos Cement Storm Drain Pipe (1973) Asbestos Cement Transmission Pipe (1973) Asbestos Cloth (1973) ANSI L14.133 Asbestos Content of Asbestos Textile Materials (1972) a Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Board Underlayment) (1973) /Td Asbestos Felt, Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) Asbestos Fiber by the Membrane Filter Meth. (Textile) ( Asbestos Fiber for Test. (1970) ANSI K91.2 Asbestos Fiber (1970) ANSI K91.1 Asbestos Fibers (1971T) Asbestos Fibers (1972) Asbestos Floor Tile (1972) Asbestos Floor Tile (1972) Asbestos Textile Materials (1972) ANSI L14.141 Asbestos Textile Products (1971) Asbestos Tile as a Wall Covering (1973) Asbestos Tile Floors (1969) Spec. F Asbestos Tile Floors (1970) Asbestos, Polymeric Poured Seamless, etc.) (1973) /Loo Ascorbic Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ashing Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Fee Ashing with Nitric and Perchloric Acids (Wood, Pulp, Et Ashto Ml 15, ANSI A109. 16 Std. /Celeration of Concrete, Curing of Concrete /St for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Supe Std. Meth. of Test Fo Std. Meth. of Test F Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Compre Std. Meth. of Test F Ashto M144 Ashto T080 Ashto T107 Ashto T133 Ashto T144 Ashto T167 Ashto T200 Ashto T59 Ashworth Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk (Ce Askarels (1973) /Th. for Investigating the Compatibili Askarels (1973) ANSI C59.62 Askarels (1974) / Chromatographic Estimation of Higher (Askarels) for Capacitors (Electrical Insulating Liquid) (Askarels) for Transformers (1973) Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling Trees and Shrubs Aspect Ratio (1971) Std. Dimensions of Projectable Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Asphalt and Vinyl Asbesto9 Tile Floors (1970) (Asphalt Cement, Mineral Filler and Aggregate) (1941) an Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) /Sphalt, Asphalt Asphalt Coatings (1972) Rec. Sp Asphalt Displacement Meth.) (1972) ANSI A37.72 Asphalt Floor Tile (1972) Asphalt for Damproofing and Waterproofing (1973) Ashto Asphalt for Use in Constructing Built Up Roof Coverings CR ASTM CR ASTM ASTM use ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE NSF ADA ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM AACCH RTI RTI RTI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWWA ASTM UL ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO UL ATI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM RTI RTI ASTM ATI RTI RTI RTI ASTM AACCH AACCH TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ICBO RTI ASTM ICBO NAPCA ASTM RTI ASTM ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division E-4 F358 R-5 D1325 D1326 R192 C611 C559 A239 J276 48 24 S3. 13 C732 C734 PHI. 16 PH2.32 D3180 54-29 •8 •16 •10 C460 C551 C428 C644 C508 C541 C500 C659 C400 C296 107 UBCS32-9 C746 C220 C221 D1911 C663 C668 D1571 D1918 UBCS32-14 55A »5 D2590 D2589 D2947 D2752 •18 *2 D1918 *4 •17 *6 *S F141 86-10 40-55 UM-243 D449 D98 E18 C151 C188 D806 D1074 E70 D244 46-21 D3255 D901 D3303 D2233 D2283 Z60.1 PH22.106 UBCS32-1 *5 D491 UBCS32-1 BUL 1 D71 »1 D449 D312 29 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ml 16, ANSI A 109.1 Std. Spec, for Primer for Use with s (1970) ANSI A109.18 Std. Spec, for , Mineral Filler and Aggregate) (1941) An/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Water Emulsion Floor Polish for Use on .48 Std. Spec, for ention Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multiply Felt and 73) Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Wind Resistance of Rec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos and ndustrial Build/ No Wax Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and mmercial Buil/ Std. for Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and ines (Wrapped Systems) (1972) Tent. Rec. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Cutback Std. Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Cationic Emulsified Uniform Building Code Std. for Roofing Std. Spec, for Emulsified use in Construction of Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped td. for Materials for Built-Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopping Std. Nomenclature Relating to Resilient Floor Coverings or Solubility of Bituminous Road Materials (Tar, Petroleum r Saturated Organic Felt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt nic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, aterials for Built-Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopping Asphalt. Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Heat and Air on a37.45 Std. Meth. of Test for Distillation of Cut Back Std. Meth. of Test for Specific or API Gravity of Liquid Std. Meth. of Test for Kinematic Viscosity of Std. Meth. of Test for Absolute Viscosity of Std. Meth. of Test. Emulsified Meth. of ile Desizing (1973) ANSI L14.147 Test Meth. for analysis (1973) Std. Meth. of chmeical Analysis of Ores, Minerals, and Rocks by the Fire requirements for Household Dishwashers (1971) ANSI A197.1, equipment (washer. Dryer, Combination) (1971) ANSI A197.2. or Household Food Waste Disposer Units (1971) ANSI A197.3, Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Masonry Std. Spec, for Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on ferred) (1974) Std. for Pan Head Screw and Power Generating Statio/ Std. for Electrical Penetration Industrial Control Apparatus-Controllers and Controller t Meth. for Flexural Strength of Adhesive Bonded Laminated and Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose and Hose Std. for Milling Machine Arbor Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Door Std. Thermal Performance Test for Steel Door and Frame Std. Acoustical Performance Test for Steel Door and Frame Safety Std. for Semiautomatic Fire Hose Rack . Std. for Seismic Restraint Direct Hung Suspended Ceiling ance Criteria for Water Resistance on Steel Door and Frame a for Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Steel Door and Frame Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Door Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Window Safety Std. for Oil Fired Boiler ical Power Control Apparatus-Control Circuit Devices and ties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading of Laminated Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Door Std. for Safety for Fire Tests of Door t of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Floor-Ceiling stc) of Building Partitions Such as Walls, Floor-Ceiling Std. for Electrical Harness icle Manufacturing Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at Plants Std. for Strap for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine les Including Tests for Static Load, Frame, Fork, Steering Std. for Forged Carbon Steel, Shoulder Nut Std. for Fuel Design, Manufacture, Inspection and ement Data; Group Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; chers, etc.) (1973) Uniform Fire Code: Places of Rec. Pract. for Diesel Fuel Injection Nozzle and Holder die. Latching Internal and External Release Components and Std. Consumer Safety Spec, for Components, General Requirements for Regular Bicycles Including Wheel Rod Ends (1973) Std. for Tube 1973) Std. for Tube d Rod Ends (1973) Std. for Tube threaded Rod Ends (1973) Std. for Tube Std. for Streamer stness to Light (1972) Ansi/ Test Meth. for Detection and dividual Observed Values) (1974) Std. ystems Based on the Composition and Cryst/ Std. Meth. for Asphalt in Dampproofing and Waterproofing (1973) AASHO Asphalt Insulating Siding Surfaced with Mineral Granule Asphalt Mastic for Use in Waterproofing (Asphalt Cement Asphalt or Vinyl Asbestos Tile Floors (1969) Asphalt Plank as Used for Bridge Floors (1970) ANSI A37 Asphalt Preferably with Gravel or Slag Surface) (1968) Asphalt Roll Roofing Surfaced with Mineral Granules (19 Asphalt Shingles (1972T) Asphalt Tile Flooring (1973) Asphalt Tile Floors for Commercial, Institutional and I Asphalt Tile Floors in Institutional, Industrial and Co Asphalt Type Protective Coatings for Underground Pipe L Asphalt with Cone and Plate Viscometer (1973) Asphalt with Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Asphalt (Medium Curing Type) (1972) Asphalt (Rapid Curing Type) (1972) Asphalt (Slow Curing Type) (1972) Asphalt (1973) Asphalt (1973) Asphalt (1973) ANSI A37.55 Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos, Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Solvents (1966) ANSI A37.12 Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) / Pitch, Coal-Ta Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt, Asphalt-Coated Glass F Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Ta Asphaltic Materials (Thin Film Oven Test) (1973) Asphaltic (Bituminous) Products (1973) AASHO T78, ANSI Asphalts by Hydrometer Meth. (1973) Asphalts (Bitumens) (1974) AASHO T201 Asphalts (1966) Asphalts ( 1974) ANSI A37.42. ASHTO T59 Assay for Alkaline Protease (1972T) Assay of Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes Used in Text Assay of Di—T— Butyl Peroxide by Gas Chromatographic Assay Preconcentration Spark Technique (1971) ANSI Z128 Asse 1006 Std. and Test Procedures for Plumbing Asse 1007 Std. and Test Procedures for Home Laundry Asse 1008 /Test Procedures for Plumbing Requirements F Assemblages (1972) Assembled Steel Products (1973) ANSI G8.18 Assembled Washers-Electrical Terminal Attachment (Pre Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Std. Std. for Std. Tes for Tests Rec Std. Test Proc. and Accept /. Test Proc. and Acceptance Criteri Std. for Industrial Electr /. Meth. of Test for Strength Proper Assemblies (Electronics) (1973) Assemblies (1969) ANSI Z197.20 Assemblies (1970) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1972) Assemblies (1973) Assemblies (1973) Assemblies (1973) Assemblies (1973) Assemblies (1973) Assemblies (1973) ANSI A2.2 Assemblies (1974) ANSI A2.2 Assemblies) in Existing Buildings (1973) /on Field Tes Assemblies, Doors, and Other Space Dividing Elements (1 Assembling Machine, Numerically Controlled (1973) Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab Houses Assembly-Tank (1973) Assembly and Equipment (1972) Std. Pract. Assembly and Tire Blowout (1972) /Ts for Regular Bicyc Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground Support Equipment) (1974) Assembly Identification in Nuclear Power Plants (1972) Assembly Manual for Fine Pitch Gearing (1973) Assembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Terminals (For Forei Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, Blea Assembly (17Mm Nominal Diameter) (1971) Assembly (1972) Std. for Han Assembly, and Use of a Trampoline (1974) Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle Braces, Pedal Clearance, Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Clevis and Threaded Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Threaded Rod Ends ( Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded and Threade Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis and Assembly, Warning (1972) Assessment of Colored Textiles to Photochromism Colorfa Assessment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing in Assigning Alloy Phase Designations (Code) in Metallic S ASTM ASTM ASTM RTI ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM RTI RTI RTI NACE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ICBO UL ASTM ASTM UL UL UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM AHAM AHAM AHAM ASTM ASTM NSA IEEE ANSI ASTM SAE ANSI NFPA STD1 STDI UL CISCA STDI STDI ICBO ICBO UL ANSI ASTM ASTM UL ICBO ICBO NSA FMS NSA DEMA BMA NSA ANSI AGMA BCI ICBO SAE NSA ASTM BMA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA AATCC ANSI ASTM D41 D1226 D491 *6 D517 1-47 D249 D3161 *8 »16 ♦10 RS*1 D3205 D3143 D2027 D2028 D2026 D2397 UBCS32-2 D977 UBCS32-1 55A F141 D2042 55A 55A 55A D1754 D402 D3142 D2170 D2171 D244 D3048 103 E475 E400 DW-2PR HLW-2PR FWD-2PR E447 A386 720 317 C19.7 D1184 J343A B5.47 252 113 114 47 *3 115 116 UBCS43-2 UBCS43-4 726 C19.6 D3165 E152 10B UBCS35-3 UBCS35-1 974 7-90 29 •1-5 6/4 1053 N18.3 370-01 *1.56 UFC*2ART J265 1637 F381 6/5 359 358 361 362 1091 139 N15.15 E157 30 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards values) (1974) cilities (1972) er Plants-Terms and Definitions (1973/ (1971) ght Products Except Forgings and Stock/ Std. Assessment of the Standard for Quality Std. for Quality Std. for Quality Spec, for Quality Minimum Performance Stds. Airborne Tent. Meth. for Analysis for Fluoride Content of the 3) Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Meth. of Test for Lead in the d. Meth. of Test for C, Through C 5 Hydrocarbons in the Std. for Gas Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Ozone in the meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Ozone in the rared Spe/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Monoxide in the llection of Particulate and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the of Particulate and Water Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the and Collection of Particulate and Gaseous Fluorides in the Std. Rec. Pract. for Planning the Sampling of the d Automatic Recording of the Sulfur Dioxide Content of the i Z257.2 Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling 8.30 Std. Rec. Pract. for Using Controlled f Dry Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum and Other Controlled Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Std. for Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid for Use Under Arctic ecimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Recording Data from ctures (1970) ANSI Z197.24 Std. Rec. Pract. for ANSI L14.54 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Performance Requirements for Pipe Applied er Fuel (1973) Safety Std. for ackflow Preventers in Water Supply Lines with Intermediate s Spectrometric Meth.) (1969) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for dymium-148 Meth.) (1969) ANSI Nil/ Std. Meth. of Test for h.) (1969) ANSI N107 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels Std. Meth. of Test for Lead in Gasoline by Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminium in Iron Ores by d. Meth. of Test for Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Ores by for Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw ucts and Rec. Pract. for L'se of These Terms on Permanently tus (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Formability of lements to Agricultural Wheel Tractors Equipped with Quick 1 Tractors (1972) SAE J715 Std. for 3 Point Free Link iding Tractors (1972) Std. for One Point Tubular Sleeve Equipped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Thre/ Std. for rs (1972) Std. for 3 Point Free Link Hitch Std. on Dimensions of Std. for Safety for Electrical pan Head Screw and Assembled Washers-Electrical Terminal Std. for H Type Mill Chains - Std. for Double Pitch Conveyor Roller Chains, Std. Malleable Iron Detachable Link Chain and Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Grapple, or Concrete Bucket 972) Std. for 700 Class Pintle Chains, Std. for Steel Detachable Link Chains. Std. Meth. of Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular th. of Test for Resistance of Glass Containers to Chemical Std. for Driver Tentative Manual for Driver Std. Meth. of Test for Magnetic Shield Efficiency in Spec, and Test Meth. for Fixed and Variable Std. for Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Std. Definitions and Symbols for Acceptance Sampling by Audio Amplifier Single Frequency Output for Institutional al Audio-Visual Equipment Use/ Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. of Measurement for tic Tape Quadruplex Recorded A/ Std. Dimensions of Video, Rec. Pract. and Std. for Electronic Equipment on Boats Std. for Power Output Ratings of Packaged Cable Connectors for Video Magnetic Tape Recorders Operati/ Std. Spec, for an ponse and Operating Level of Recorders and Reproducers for Magnetic Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact Cassette) for or Safety for Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment Std. for Artificial Headbone for the Calibration of Std. for Psychoacoustical Terminology (Acoustics, g of the Product (Receiving and Source Inspection. Product unting) (1973) Std. for ing Code: Minimum Facilities Required for School, Theater, Std. for Safety for Agricultrual changer Tubes (1973/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic and . for General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Spec, for Seamless Ferritic ve or High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Welded Large Diameter ry Service (1972) ANSI B36.39 Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual Observed ANSI N15.15 Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear Fa ANSI N101.4 Assurance Practices for the Construction of Nuclear Pow ANSI N45.2.10 Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants ANSI N45.2 Assurance Sampling of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Wrou SAE AMS2370A ATC Transponder Equipment (1972) RTCA DO-150 Atmosphere and Plant Tissues (Manual Procedures) (1973) ASTM D3269 Atmosphere and Plant Tissues (Semiautomated Meth.) (197 ASTM D3270 Atmosphere by Colorimetric Dithizone Procedure (1972T) ASTM D3112 Atmosphere by Gas Chromatrography (1972) St ASTM D2820 Atmosphere Generators (1971) ANSI Z83.2 Atmosphere Under High Humidities (1972) ANSI L14.238 AATCC 129 Atmosphere Under Low Humidities (1972) ANSI L14. 174 / AATCC 109 Atmosphere (Continuous Measurement by Nondispersive Inf ASTM D3162 Atmosphere (Double Paper Tape Sampler Meth.) (1973) /O ASTM D3266 Atmosphere (Filter and Impinger Meth.) (1973) /Lection ASTM D3267 Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Glass Tube and a ASTM D3268 Atmosphere (1957) ANSI Z257.1 ASTM D1357 Atmosphere (1967) /D. Meth. for Continuous Analysis an ASTM D1355 Atmospheres for Analysis of Gases and Vapors (1967) Ans ASTM D1605 Atmospheres in Spectrochemical Analysis (1970) ANSI Z12 ASTM E406 Atmospheres (1971) ANSI Z11.303 /Ear Characteristics O ASTM D2716 Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures (1972) ASTM A671 Atmospheric Conditions (1972) SAE J1702D Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of Metallic Coated Steel Sp ASTM G33 Atmospheric Exposure of Adhesive Bonded Joints and Stru ASTM D1828 Atmospheric Oxides of Nitrogen (Burnt Gas Fumes) (1972) AATCC 23 Atmospheric Sampling and Analysis (1973) ASTM D1356 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers (1970) ASSE 1001 Atmospheric Type Welded Steel Inside Tanks for Oil Burn UL 80 Atmospheric Vent (1972) /Erformance Requirements for B ASSE 1012 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mas ASTM E244 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neo ASTM E321 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Met ASTM E219 (Atomic Absorption Meth.) (1972) ANSI Z11.317 ASTM D2788 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (1973) ASTM D3237 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) ASTM E507 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) St ASTM E508 Attached Gypsum Wallboard and Backing Board (1971) /. ANSI A97.2 Attached Labels (1972) / Care of Consumer Textile Prod ASTM D3136 Attached Organic Coatings with Impact Wedge Bend Appara ASTM D3281 Attaching Coupler for Three Point Free Link Hitch (1971 ASAE S278.2 Attachment for Hitching Implements to Agricultural Whee ASAE S217.8 Attachment for Hitching Implements to Lawn and Garden R ASAE S348T Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Wheel Tractors ASAE S278.2 Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Wheeled Tracto SAE J715D Attachment Plugs and Receptacles (1973) ANSI C73 Attachment Plugs and Receptacles (1974) UL 498 Attachment (Preferred) (1974) Std. for NSA 720 Attachments and Sprocket Teeth (1971) ANSI B29.14 Attachments and Sprockets (1972) ANSI B29.4 Attachments (1971) ANSI B29.7 Attachments (1971) /Rope Supported Booms, Equipped for SAE J220 Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth (Power Transmission) (1 ANSI B29.13 Attachments, and Sprockets (1972) ANSI B29.6 Attack in Wrought Nickel Rich, Chromium Bearing Alloys ASTM G28 Attack (1973) Std. Me ASTM C225 Attended Loading of Anhydrous Ammonia (1972) FI P135 Attended Loading of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (1966) NGPA 8166 Attenuating Alternating Magnetic Fields (1974) ASTM A698 Attenuators, DC to 40 GHz (1973) IEEE 474 Attributes (MIL Std. 105D) (1971) ANSI Z1.4 Attributes (1971) ANSI Zl. 6 ASQC A2 Audio-Visual Equipment Used Primarily for Speech (197 ANSI PH7.2 Audio Amplifier Single Frequency Output for Institution ANSI PH7.2 Audio Amplifiers Used in Home Equipment (1971) EIA RS234-C Audio and Tracking Control Records on 2 In. Video Magne ANSI C98.6 (Audio Device, Automatic Pilot, Depth Determination Devi ABYC A21 Audio Equipment for Home Use (1967) EIA RS234B Audio Facilities for Radio Broadcasting (1970) EIA RS297-A Audio Level and Multifrequency Test Tape for Quadruplex ANSI C98.8 Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Ta ANSI C98.3 Audio Recording and Reproducing (1974) / Std. Coplanar EIA RS399 (Audio / Visual Communication) (1974) Std. F UL 1069 Audiometer Bone Vibrators (1972) ANSI S3. 13 Audiometry) (1973) ANSI S3. 20 Audit) (1969) /C. Pract. for Quality Control Monitorin ASQC RP5 Auditing Nuclear Materials Statements and Reports (Acco ANSI N15.ll Auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Office Building, Manuf ICBO UPC*1-C Auger Conveying Equipment (1973) ASAE S361T Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat Ex ASTM A213 Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1971A) ANSI B125.34 /Pec ASTM A450 Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1972) ASTM A669 Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosi ASTM A409 Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes for Refine ASTM A271 Austenitic Gray Iron Castings (1972A) ASTM A436 Engineering and Product Standards Division 31 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Welded Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded g37.8 Std. Spec, for Wrought B36.38 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded 1973) ANSI B125.15 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded nd Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Welded (1972) ANSI G52.2 Std. Spec, for Ferritic and ion Service (1973) ANSI B125.25 Std. Spec, for Seamless 2) ANSI B125.39 Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast ength, Materials with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to perature Service (/ Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded er. Road, Hydrant, Drivew/ Uniform Fire Code: Protection, , Ashto T107 Std. Meth. of Test for 1972) Std. for acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmospher/ Tent. Meth. for . Guide for the Application, Operation, and Maintenance of ers and Oil Filled Capacitor Switches for Alter/ Std. for for Combustion Chamber in Heating Appliances (Regulators, Std. for Household hazards and Protection Rec. for Low Water Fuel Cutoffs and Uniform Building Code Std. for Installation of Std. for ems (1972) Std. for Relief Valves and woven or Knit Text/ Test Meth. for Dimensional Changes in Std. for Safety for switches for Alter/ Std. for Automatic Circuit Reclosers, d. Spec, for Water or Solvent Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Std. Meth. for 72) ANSI B93.28 Std. Meth. for Calibration of Liquid wn Systems and Components for Particulate Contamination by and Std. for Electronic Equipment on Boats (Audio Device, e Atmosphere (196/ Std. Meth. for Continuous Analysis and Rec. Pract. for han 75,000 Btu Per Hr.) (Vol/ Std. for Gas Water Heaters ers: Volume III, Circulating Tank, Instantaneous and Large Safety Std. for Rec. Pract. for Std. for (1974) Std. for Safety for Use of Shears (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Semi and for Heat and Smoke Roof and Window Vents Designed to Open Guide for Centralized Control and t of Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger for Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Uniform Fire Code: ndling Plants (1973) Uniform Fire Code: vehicular. Ignition, Lighting, and Starting) for Passenger s2.10 Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Testing torage Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Motorboats, Tractors, ity Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners Used in cal and Quality Requirements for Machine Screws for Use in assification System for Elastomeric Materials (Rubber) for th. for Determining Resistance to Snagging and Abrasion of Rec. Pract. for n (1972) Rec. Pract. for pract. for Determination of Brake Fluid Temperature in the 71) Rec. Pract. for Std. for the Test Meth. for Wicking of Safety Std. for (1971) Rec. Pract. for Std. for Emergency Std. Spec, for Safety Std. for Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. h. (1972) Rec. Pract. for Flammability of rs (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Training of s (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Training of for Electroplating of Nickel and Chromium on Metal Parts - Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Life Test for Rec. Pract. Spec, for Cast Iron Sealing Rings for ology (1970) Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for est Procedure (1972) Rec. Pract. for SAE No. 2 pecimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, Coated Fiberboards, and Other ning Blocking Resistance and Associated Characteristics of Std. for ) Rec. Pract. Meth. of Tests for Std. for Trailer Couplings and Hitches: Mobile Radio Telephone for Rec. Pract. for Cornering Lamps (Light) for r Cavitation Erosion Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminum pression Ignited) Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine Engines and Std Austenitic Manganese Steel Castings (1973) ANSI G52.4 Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes (1973 Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe (1972A) ANSI B125.16 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings (1973) ANSI Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitacy Tubing (1973) ANSI Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service ( Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, a Austenitic Steel Castings for High Temperature Service Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central Stat Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (197 Austenitic Steels (1970) ANSI G38. 12 • /20 KSI Yield Str Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Tern Authority, Departmental Regulations and Controls, Barri Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement (1971) ANSI A1.8 Automated Machine Lay Up Composite Filament Tape Reel ( Automated Separation and Collection of Particulate and Automatic Circuit Reclosers (1973) ANSI C37.61 Automatic Circuit Reclosers, Automatic Line Sectionaliz Automatic Damper Controls, Fans) (1973) /Aft Equipment Automatic Electric Storage Type Water Heaters (1972) Automatic Feedwater Regulators for Boilers (1974) /Re Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) Automatic Gas Ignition Systems and Components (1971) Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Syst Automatic Home Laundering of Durable (Permanent) Press Automatic Ice Makers (600 Volts or Less Rating) (1974) Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Capacitor Automatic Machine Sealing of Top Flaps of Fiberboard Sh Automatic Particle Counter Size Setting (1972) Automatic Particle Counters Using AC Fine Test Dust (19 Automatic Particle Monitor Meth. (1972) /G Gas Blow Do Automatic Pilot, Depth Determination Device and Fish Fi Automatic Recording of the Sulfur Dioxide Content of Th Automatic Reset Internal Mounted Circuit Breaker (1971) (Automatic Storage Type Water Heaters with Inputs Less T Automatic Storage Type (1974) Std. for Gas Water Heat Automatic Transfer Switches (1972) Automatic Transmission Functions Terminology (1969) Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances (1974) Automatic Water Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service Automatic, and Manually Powered) (1973) /On, Care, and Automatically in Case of Fire (1974) Approval Std. Automation of Ship's Steam Propulsion Plant (1970) Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tires in the Diagon Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tires (1971T) Automobile Tire Rebuilding Plants (1973) Automobile Wrecking and Junk Yards or Waste Material Ha Automobiles, Commercial Vehicles, Golf Car, and Other D Automotive Air Brake and Vacuum Brake Hose (1973) ANSI Automotive Air Conditioning Hose (1968E) ANSI J2.27 Automotive and Industrial Applications (1973) / Type S Automotive and Related Industries (1971) /Cal and Qual Automotive and Related Industries (1972) / for Mechani Automotive Applications (1973) ANSI J8.15, SAE J200 /L Automotive Bodycloth (1972) Std. Test Me Automotive Brake Definitions and Nomenclature (1971) Automotive Brake Disc and Drum Thermocouple Installatio Automotive Braking System of Vehicles Equipped with Dis Automotive Engine Carburetor Airflow Reference Std. (19 Automotive Fabrics and Fibrous Materials (1972) Automotive Fuel Tanks (1973) Automotive Gasoline Performance and Information System Automotive Gasoline (1973) Automotive Gasoline (1974) Automotive Glass Tube Fuses (1973) Automotive Gray Iron Castings (1972) Automotive Hydraulic Brake Hose (1972) ANSI J2.9 Automotive Interior Trim Materials: Horizontal Test Met Automotive Mechanics for Buses, Heavy Trucks and Traile Automotive Mechanics for Passenger Cars and Light Truck Automotive Ornamentation and Hardware (1970) Automotive Printed Circuits (1967) Automotive Storage Batteries (1972) Automotive Transmission and Hydraulic Systems (1972) Automotive Transmission Hydraulic Control System Term in Automotive Transmission Terminology (1969) (Automotive Transmission) Clutch Friction Test Machine T Automotive Trim Materials (1972) / Matched to Master S Automotive Trim Materials (1972) /St Meth. for Determi Automotive Tube Fittings (1971) Automotive Type Sealers, Adhesives, and Deadeners (1971 Automotive Type (1972) Automotive Use (HS 27) (1968) Automotive Vehicles (1965) Automotive Water Pumps with Coolants (1972) / Meth. Fo Auxiliaries (Boats) (1972) /Onstruction of Diesel (Com /Est Std. ASTM A128 ASTM A688 ASTM A3 12 ASTM A403 ASTM A270 ASTM A269 ASTM A249 ASTM A351 ASTM A376 ASTM A451 ASTM A453 ASTM A358 ICBO UFC»2ART13 ASTM C151 NSA 992 ASTM D3266 IEEE 321 NEMA SG13 UL 378 ANSI C72.1 FMS 12-37 ICBO UBCS381 ANSI Z21.20 ANSI Z21.22A AATCC 135 UL 563 NEMA SG13 ASTM D1874 ASTM F321 NFLDP T2.9.6 ASTM F327 ABYC A21 ASTM D1355 SAE J258 ANSI Z21.10.1 ANSI Z21.10.3 UL 1008 SAE J649B ANSI Z21.21 UL 199 ANSI B11.4 FMS 4430 SNAME 3-23 ASTM E503 ASTM E445 ICBO UFC*2ART2 ICBO UFC»2ART3 BCI •1.48 ASTM D622 ASTM D1680 SAE J537H SAE J429F SAE J82 ASTM D2000 SAE J948A SAE J656F SAE J79 SAE J291 SAE J228 SAE J913A UL 395 SAE J282 ASTM D439 ASTM ESI UL 275B ASTM A159 ASTM D571 SAE J369A ANSI D18.2 | ANSI D18.1 SAE J207 SAE J771A SAE J240A SAE J281 SAE J648A SAE J645B SAE J286 SAE J361A SAE J912A SAE J512F SAE J243 SAE J684D SAE J797 SAE J852B ASTM D2809 1 ' ABYC P15 32 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards covering the Installation of Air Cooled Marine Engines and e Fueled Inboard, Liquid Cooled Marine Engines (Boats) and Thyristor Power Supplies for Metal Rolling Mill Std. for Safety for Wireways, wiring) (1973) ANSI C33.45 Std. for Safety for Wireways, Std. for Std. for or Safe Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Rec. Pract. for Agricultural Tractor Rec. for Agricultural (Farm) Tractor ervice (19/ Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of by Radio/ Std. Meth. of Test for Neutron Flux Density and eability (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for std. Rec. Pract. for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Facilities for Motor Vehicles (1971) Rec. Pract. for (1971)/ Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Conductivity of Std. Meth. of Test for Water Reaction of Tent. Meth. of Test for Total Acidity in ) Tent. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Std. Meth. of Test for Smoke Point of Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Stability of std. Meth. of Test for Water Separation Characteristics of Tent. Meth. of Test for Undissolved Water in Guidance Material for Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Particulate Contaminant in Meth. of Test for Mercaptan Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, coa/ Std. Performance Requirements for Cotton Woven Tent, d. Performance Requirements for Woven Man Made Fiber Tent, Light Diffusers in Ceilings, Partitions, Exterior Veneer, Reinforced Brick Masonry Std. for Reel Packaging of Components with Code Std. for Wood Members Subjected to Both Flexural and d Cores (1974) Std. Test. Procedure for urring Channels for Screw Applic/ Std. Spec, for Nonload . Spec. Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single cement (1972) Std. Spec, for G57.12 Std. Spec, for Untreated Carbon Steel Railway 1 Products Manual: Wrought Steel Wheels and Forged Railway se (1973) ANSI G57.ll Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Meth. for Determination of Quality, Description, and Grade of Palmkernels; Std. Meth. of Test for Distillation of Cut Test Meth. for Rug Performance Requirements for Double Check Valve Type Std. for Determination for Chromate Conversion Coatings on Aged or t Hand Rub Test for the Determination of Deg. of Cure of A Std. Spec, for Tetrafluoroethylene nee Requirements for Double Check Valve Type Back Pressure iate Atmospheric Vent (1972/ Performance Requirements for rs, Camp Cars and Trailer Coaches (1970) Std. for rmining the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Hoe Dipper ing Members to Receive Screw Attached Gypsum Wallboard and Std. Spec, for Gypsum Uniform Building Code Std. for Water Resistant Gypsum Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Std. for Dimensions of 126 Size Cartridges, Film, and Std. Meth. of Test for Coating Thickness by the Beta Std. for Meth. of Analysis of Coliform Std. Plate Count Meth. of Analysis of Total Meth. of Analysis of Salmonella Meth. of Analysis of Thermophilic and Psychrophilic Std. Meth. of Test for Iron Sampling Procedure for Analysis of ing (1973) ANSI L14.147 Test Meth. for Assay of and Electrical Characteristics of 8 Watt T5 Preheat Start and Electrical Characteristics of 15 Watt T8 Preheat Start nd Electrical Characteristics of 30 Watt, T8 Preheat Start Std. for Criteria for Film Std. for Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for Paper Test Meth. for Determination of Useful Fiber in nal Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Fork Lift Truck, Boat, raviolet Light Examination for Presence of Rodent Urine on 1/ Meth. of Xanthydrol Test for Analysis of Urea in Cloth Test Meth. for Drop Tests for Paper Shipping Sacks and IStd. Meth. of Drop Test for s (Bonding Appliances, Casters, Face Masks and Rebreathing ing Weight Determination for Conversion Coating on Aged or ( istr/ Meth. of Analysis of Crude,Fat in Flour, Bread, and Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in 1956) (1952) hemistry) (1971) rformance ansi A37.45 ply/ 974) Auxiliaries (Diesel and Gasoline) (Boats) (1972) /Td. Auxiliaries (1972) /Design and Construction of Gasolin Auxiliary Drives (1972) Auxiliary Gutters and Associated Auxiliary Gutters, and Associated Fittings (Electrical Auxiliary Locks (Hardware) (1971) Auxiliary Low Beam Lamp (Headlamp— Light) (1973) Auxiliary Machinery (Boats) (1973) /Pract. and Stds. F Auxiliary Power Take Off Drives (1972) Auxiliary Power Takeoff Drives (1972) Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems for Fire Alarm S Average Energy from : ,H (D, N),He Neutron Generators Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Air Perm Average Quality of a Lot or Process (1972) ANSI Zl.ll Average Vehicle Dimensions for Use in Designing Docking Aviation Fuels Containing a Static Dissipator Additive Aviation Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.82 Aviation Turbine Fuel (1973) Aviation Turbine Fuels by Setaflash Closed Tester (1973 Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.137 Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.148 Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.301 Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) ANSI Z11.204 Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) ANSI Zl 1.264 Aviation Turbine, and Distillate Fuels (Potentiometric Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Laminated ( Awnings and Patio Covers, Greenhouses, Canopies) (1973) (Axial Design) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Axial Leads (1972) ANSI C83.55 Axial Loading Combined (1973) Uniform Building Axial (End to End) Compression Composite Cans, Tubes an (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs. Runners (Track) and Rigid F Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance Accelerometer (1 Axle Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinfor Axles for Export and General Industrial Use (1971) ANSI Axles (1973) Stee Axles, Non Heat Treated and Heat Treated, for Railway U (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Corn Starch (1956) (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Corn (1955) (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) ( (Azeotropic Distillation) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed Azodicarbonamide Content in Commercial Premix (Cereal C Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame, Safflower, Oleic, an Back Asphaltic (Bituminous) Products (1973) AASHO T78, Back Floor Staining on Vinyl Tile (1973) Back Pressure Backflow Preventers for Potable Water Sup Back Window Location for Roll Film Cameras (1973) Backed Aluminum Alloy Panels (Coil) (1974) /Ing Weight Backed Paint Film (Coil Coating) (1974) /Ting a Solven Backed Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1 Backflow Preventers for Potable Water Supply Lines (197 Backflow Preventers in Water Supply Lines with Intermed (Backflow Preventers) and Relief Valves in Travel Traile (Backhoe Bucket) (1972) Std. for Uniform Meth. of Dete Backing Board (1971) /. for Installation of Steel Fram Backing Board (1972) Backing Board (1973) Backing Board (1973) Backing Paper (Photography) (1972) Backscatter Principle (1972) Backwater Valves (1971) Bacteria in All Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bacteria in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bacteria in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bacteria in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bacteria in Water and Water Formed Deposits (1972) Bacteria (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes Used in Textile Desiz Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional a Badge Performance (Nuclear Radiation) (1972) Bag and Sack Manufacture (Packaging) (1974) Bagasse (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Mobile Home, Garden Trac Bags and Other Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemistry) ( Bags and Other Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemistry) ( Bags (Containers) (1973) Bags (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.6 Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Mattresses and Pads, S Baked Aluminized Steel (Coil) (1974) Spec, for Coat Baked Cereal Products Not Containing Fruit (Cereal Chem Baked Dog Food (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ABYC P10 ABYC P4 NEMA PV2 UL 370 UL 870 BHMA 501 SAE J582A ABYC PI SAE J717C ASAE R333.1 NFPA 72B ASTM E496 ASTM C721 ASTM E122 SAE J699A ASTM D2624 ASTM D1094 ASTM D3242 ASTM D3243 ASTM D1322 ASTM D1660 ASTM D2550 ASTM D3240 IATA •1 ASTM D1655 ASTM D2276 ASTM D3227 ANSI L24.1.1 ANSI L24.1.10 ICBO UBC»3-52 BIA 17B EIA RS296C ICBO UBCS25-16 CCTI CT107 ASTM C645 IEEE 337 ASTM A617 ASTM A383 AISI 11 ASTM A21 CR B-34 CR A-12 CR G-14 CR E-40 AACCH 48-71 A NIOP *1 ASTM D402 AATCC 137 ASSE 1015 ANSI PH3.1 NCCA TB-II2 NCCA TB II 18 ASTM D2686 ASSE 1015 ASSE 1012 IAPMO TSC8 SAE J296 ANSI A97.2 ASTM C442 ICBO UBCS47-13 ICBO UBCS47-6 ANSI PHI. 40 ASTM B567 IAPMO PS8 AACCH 42-15 AACCH 42-11 AACCH 42-25 AACCH 42-45 ASTM D932 AACCH 42-10 AATCC 103 ANSI C78.1200 ANSI C78.1201 ANSI C78.1202 ANSI N13.7 ANSI Z259.1 TAPPI UM-3 TRA 5 AACCH 28-85 AACCH 28-86 TAPPI UM-806 ASTM D959 UL 1067 NCCA TB-II8 AACCH 30-10 AACCH 30-14 Engineering and Product Standards Division 33 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 4 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 4) s for De/ Meth. of Analysis of Macroscopic Examination of Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in sieving Meth. of Analysis for Materials Hard to Hydrate in (Cereal Chemis/ Direct Trapping Meth. of Analysis for All mistry) (1962) Meth. of Compression Test with Std. Safety Requirements for Schoorl Meth. of Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Prepared Glossary of Terms Used in Uniform Fire Code: Industrial Std. for Commercial Gas Meth of Analysis for Residual Carbon Dioxide in meth. of Analysis for Total (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in try) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum in Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Quantitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Meth. of Analysis for Sulfuric Acid in Meth. of Analysis for Tartaric Acid in Meth. of Analysis of Ammonia in Sponge Dough, Pound Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Meth. of Analysis for ) Meth. of Analysis for 962) Meth. of Analysis for Meth. of Analysis for 962) Meth. of Analysis for mistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for (1962) Straight Dough Meth. of Analysis for chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for rocedure for Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Std. for Marine Steam Power Plant Heat Std. Rec. Pract. for Solar Simulation for Thermal Std. Meth. Measuring Plasma Arc Gas Enthalpy by Energy ndustrial. Utility and Recreational Type Vehicles, Counter Test Meth. for Fiber Bundles in al, Flax, Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Rec. for Std. Spec, for Carbon-Chromium s) Conform/ Std. Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial ) Spec, for Bearings, Std. Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Std. and Test Procedure for Water Closet Flush Tank 72) Std. Meth. of Test for Pneumatic of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Fluids (Four rvice (1972) Std. Pract. for Test for Tack and Pressure Sensitive Adhesives by Rolling 974) Spec, for Steel Gate, Plug, (1972) Std. Liquid (1971) Rec. Pract. for Liquid Std. Definitions for High Intensity Discharge Lamp Std. Spec, for Mercury Lamp Reference Specs, for Fluorescent Lamp Std. Meth. of Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp Std. Spec, for Fluorescent Lamp Reference Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Brix or Eastern White and Red Pine, Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, d. for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Uniform Fire Code: Fruit Ripening Process Std. for Low Power Wide Std. for Hardenability Rec. Pract. for Hardenability rometers (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Spectral and Mercantile and Safety Std. for Surveillance Cameras for Std. Spec, for Cartridge Brass Sheet, Strip, Plate, 973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Steel Rec. Pract. for Preparation of eth. of Test for Tensile Strength of Adhesives by Means of Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Forging Rod, C7.27 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Rec. Pract. for Draw Std. Meth. for Notched Std. Pract. for Fabrication of Reinforcing Steel Std. Pract. for Estimating Reinforcing Steel Rec. for Concrete Reinforcing Spec, for Placing Reinforcing Steel (1970) Spec. Steel Wire Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy Rod and Std. Spec, for Nickel Rod and Std. Spec, for Copper Beryllium Alloy Rod and . for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Rod and ec. for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Rod and td. Spec, for Leaded Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Std. Spec, for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Silicon Alloy Rod and pec. for Copper Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled r Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Paste Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Paste Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Paste Baked Materials Except Chocolate Products and Piecrust Baker Compressimeter for Staleness of Bread (Cereal Che Bakery Equipment (1971) Bakery Mixes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking and Cereal Chemistry (1962) Baking and Drying Ovens (1973) Baking and Roasting Ovens (1971) Baking Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Powder, in Presence of Phosphates (Cereal Chemis Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Quality of Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Quality of Cake Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Quality of Cookie Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Baking Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Baking Quality of Pie Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Baking Quality of Rye Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Baking Quality of Self Rising Biscuit Flour (Cereal Che Baking Quality of Wheat Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) Baking Test (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Products (Cereal Balance Accelerometer (1972) / Format Guide and Test P Balance Classification for Flexible Gear Couplings (197 Balance Practices (1972) Balance Test, of Spacecraft (1973) Balance (1973) Balanced Fork Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type T Baled Flash Dried Pulp (1973) Baled Textile Fiber Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sis Ball and Roller Bearing Steel (1970) ASTM G56.2 Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Roller Bearing Ball and Roller, Rod End, Anti Friction, Airframe (1974 Ball Bearings (1972) ANSI B3.15 Ball Cocks (1968) Ball Impact Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting (19 Ball Meth.) (1971) ANSI Z11.309 /Eth. for Measurement Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt Welding for General Se Ball (1973) Std. Meth. of Ball, and Check Valves for Petroleum Pipeline Valves (1 Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Machines Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Machines Ballasts and Transformers (1971) Ballasts (1971) Ballasts (1972) Ballasts (1972) Ballasts (1972) (Balling) of Wine (Enology) (1972) Balsam Fir and Tamarack Lumber (1973) /Ing Code Std. F Balsam Fir; Northern Pine and White Cedar Lumber (1973) (Banana, Citrus Fruit) (1973) Band Transformers (Less Than 100 Watts Power) (1971) Bands for Alloy H Steels (1971) Bands for Carbon H Steels (1971) Bandwidth and Wavelength Accuracy of Fluorescence Spect Bank Burglar Alarm Systems (1972) ANSI Se2.3 Bank Safes and Vaults (1971) ANSI Se 2.1 Banks and Mercantile Premises (1973) ANSI Se2.5 Bar and Disks (1973) Bar and Rod Mats (Sheets) for Concrete Reinforcement (1 Bar and Rod Specimens for Adhesion Tests (1969) Bar and Rod Specimens (1972) ANSI Z197.3 Std. M Bar and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.1 Bar for Electrical Purposes (Bus Connector) (1973) ANSI Bar for Forestry Tractors (1970) Bar Impact Test, of Metallic Materials (1972) Bar Materials and Service (1968) Bar Materials and Service (1970) Bar Splices (1971) Bar Supports in Concrete Construction (1970) Bar Supports Used to Position Reinforcement in Concrete Bar (1970) ANSI H34.4 Bar (1970) ANSI H34.7 Bar (1971A) ANSI H7.7 Bar (1972) ANSI H34.18 Std. Spec Bar (1972) ANSI H34.22 Std. Sp Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Std. S Bar (1973) Std. Spec. Fo AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 28-32 AACCH 28-33 AACCH 74-10 ANSI Z50.1 AACCH 80-68 AACCH 36-01A ICBO UFC«2ART25 ANSI Z21.28 AACCH 12-10 AACCH 12-20 AACCH 40-10 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 04-11 AACCH 04-14 AACCH 04-27 AACCH 40-15 AACCH 10-11 AACCH 10-90 AACCH 10-50B AACCH 10-85 AACCH 10-60 AACCH 10-70 AACCH 10-31A AACCH 10-10 AACCH 10-20 IEEE 337 AGMA 515.01 SNAME 3-11 ASTM E491 ASTM E341 TRA 5 TAPPI UM-239 FMS 8-7 ASTM A295 AFBMA 7 NSA 661 AFBMA 9 ASSE 1002 ASTM D3099 ASTM D2783 MSS SP72 ASTM D3121 API 6D ASAE S346 SAE J884B ANSI C82.9 ANSI C82.5 ANSI C82.1 ANSI C82.2 ANSI C82.3 ASE *4 ICBO UBCS25-5 ICBO UBCS25-8 ICBO UFC*2ART16' IEEE 111 SAE J407C SAE J776D ASTM E388 UL 681 UL 609 UL 983 ASTM B19 ICBO UBCS26-5 ASTM D2094 ASTM D2095 1 ASTM B124 ASTM B236 SAE J194 ASTM E23 CRSI •1.5.3 CRSI •1.5.1 CRSI •3 CRSI •1.3.5 CRSI •1.3.1 ASTM B166 ASTM B160 ASTM B196 ASTM B425 ASTM B446 ASTM B121 ASTM B36 ASTM B411 ASTM B465 ASTM B194 34 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards copper- Zinc-Tin Alloys Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled osphor Bronze (Copper Tin) Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled -Aluminum-Cobalt Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled 1-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel Rod and loy (Copper Alloy No. 175), Plate, Sheet, Strip and Rolled and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled ts for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Carbon and Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Std. Spec, for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate and Rolled Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) Paste and ht Copper and Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled steel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connector, and Std. Spec, for Free Cutting Brass Rod, general Requirements for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Rod, Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Rod, Std. Spec, for Copper Rod, Std. Spec, for Manganese Bronze Rod, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Std. Spec, for Copper Bus Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy rposes (Bus Condu/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded 73) Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Its Alloy ilding Code: Masonry or Concrete Chimneys, Fireplaces, and under the Uniform Building Code: Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Steel Spec, for Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding Rods and Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Welding Rods and ting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Welding (1969) ANSI W3.17 Spec, for 972) Std. for Consumable Electric Covered Spec, for Nickel and Its Alloy Spec, for Titanium and Its Alloy 3) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur Oxides inr Flue Gase9 ield, Getter Gas Content, and Getter Sorption Capacity for Std. Meth. of Test for Radioactive Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of 973) Std. Meth. for Analysis of Calcium and apacity for Barium Flas/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining td. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux for Analysis for number Determination of Both Meal and Flour of Wheat, Rye, nd Semolina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye, Std. for Retainer-Floating . Std. for Flashing and Steady Burn Std. Spec, for Annealed Aluminum Alloy Foil for Flexible Spec, for Fire Std. Meth. of Test for Residual Solvents in Flexible Rec. Pract. for Electrostatic Charge Mobility on Flexible inology)/ Std. for Safety for Bullet Resisting Equipment tection, Authority, Departmental Regulations and Controls, Std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Vapor Std. Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Spec, for Steel ase-13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-1.6/ Alloy Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Con/ Alloy Base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, C/ Alloy t, 12.5Cr Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free Machining / Steel t, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat T/ Steel t, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Heat Treated, 1/ Steel t, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Equalized and T/ Steel 0)) (1973) Spec, for Aluminum Base Alloy t6)) (1973) Spec, for Aluminum Alloy essels/ Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Finished Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel 17/ Std. Spec, for Hot Worked and Cold Finished Zirconium Std. Spec, for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Std. Spec, for Rail Steel Deformed Std. Spec, for Axle Steel Deformed and Plain Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel . Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Billets and Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and ainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Std. Gravure Color Steel Spec, for Steel Std. Spec, for Cold Finished Alloy Steel Std. Rec. Pract. for Macroetch Test, of Tool Steel Id Finished Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed Concrete Reinforcing Std. Spec, for Std. Quality Cold Finished Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Machined Flat and Square Tool Steel Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Reinforcement Spec, for Tolerances of Low Alloy Steel copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) Bar (1973) ANSI G24.5 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for pH Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc Std. Spec, for Copper-Nicke /. Spec, for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Al /Pper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) /D. Spec, for General Requiremen Bar (1973) ANSI H34.39 Bar (1973) ANSI H7.9 Bar (1974) Bar (1974) /. Spec, for General Requirements for Wroug Bar) (1973) /E Std. for Material Spec, for Structural Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Machines (1972) Bar, and Shapes (1973) Std. Spec, for Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.3 Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.4 Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.5 Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.6 Bar, Rod, and Shapes (1974) ANSI C7.25 Bar, Rod, and Wire (1964) ANSI Z179.19 Bar, Rod, and Wire (1974) Bar, Rod, Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Electrical Pu Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forging Stock (Rolled or Drawn) (19 Barbecues (1973) Uniform Bu Barbecues (1973) Dwelling Construction Barbed Wire (1973) ANSI G8.10 Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.10 Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.19 Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.9 / for Corrosion Resis Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Bare Straight and Coiled Welding Electrodes and Rods (1 Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.14 Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.16 (Barium Chloranilate Controlled Condensation Meth.) (197 Barium Flash Getters (1972) ANSI Z173.50 /Ing Barium Y Barium in Water (1973) ANSI N155 Barium Lactate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Barium Petroleum Sulfonates by Liquid Chromatography (1 Barium Yield, Getter Gas Content, and Getter Sorption C Barium 140 Produced by Uranium 238 Fission (1973) Barley, Other Grain9, and Malted Cereals (Cereal Chemis Barley, Rice, Grain Sorghum, and Buckwheat (Cereal Chem Barrel Nut (1973) Barricade Warning Lights (1971) Barrier Applications (1973) Barrier Gypsum Board Membrane (1972T) Barrier Materials (1972) Barrier Materials (1973) Tent. (Barrier) for Protection Against Robbery or Holdup (Crim Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Driveway Clearance, Installatio Barriers for Thermal Insulations (1973) Bars and Billets (1972) ANSI Z179.2 Bars and Forgings (0.18-0.23C) (SAE 1022) (1973) Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Iron B Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistan Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistan Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistan Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistan Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061- Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061- Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure V Bars and Shapes (1972) / Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Bars and Wire for Nonnuclear Applications (1972) ANSI Z Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Bars for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) Bars for Reforging (1972) ANSI G81.13 Std Bars for Springs (1974) Bars for Structural Use (1972) ANSI G24.4 /Ements for Bars Including Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, and Shapes- Bars Subject to Mechanical Property Requirements (1972) Bars (Printing) (1973) Bars (0.95Cr-0.20Mo-0.05Te (0.38-0.45C) ) (1973) Bars (0.95Cr-0.20Mo-0.05Te (0.40-0.53C)) (1973) Bars (1964) ANSI G24. 12 Bars (1971) ANSI G60.9 Bars (1972) /Mifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and Co Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars (1973) ANSI H17.1 Std. Spec, for Lake ASTM B591 ASTM B103 ASTM B592 ASTM B151 ASTM B534 ASTM B122 ASTM A29 ASTM B408 ASTM B152 ASTM D2955 ASTM B248 ICBO UBCS27-1 ASTM B16 ASTM B249 ASTM B98 ASTM B133 ASTM B138 ASTM B150 ASTM B187 ASTM B392 ASTM B387 ASTM B317 SAE AMS2201J ICBO UBC«3-37 ICBO UBC'8-6 ASTM A121 AWS A5.10 AWS A5.19 AWS A5.9 AWS A5.17 NEMA EW 2 AWS A5.14 AWS A5.16 ASTM D3226 ASTM Fill ASTM D2038 AACCH 70-10 ASTM D2894 ASTM Fill ASTM E393 AACCH 56-81B AACCH 76-20 NSA 578 ITE *7 ASTM B479 ASTM C707 ASTM F151 ASTM F365 UL 752 ICBO UFC»2ART13 ASTM C755 ASTM B348 SAE AMS5070D SAE AMS5633A SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS5610H SAE AMS5743D SAE AMS5744A SAE AMS5745A SAE AMS4115C SAE AMS4117D ASTM A479 ASTM A564 ASTM B550 ASTM A615 ASTM A616 ASTM A617 ASTM A458 ASTM A3 14 ASTM A689 ASTM A6 ASTM A429 ASTM A663 GT *1 SAE AMS6378A SAE AMS6379A ASTM A331 ASTM A561 AISI 1 ASTM A108 ASTM A575 ASTM A685 ICBO UBCS26-4 SAE AMS2251E ASTM B4 Engineering and Product Standards Division 35 mmm National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot opper Zinc Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Std. Spec, for Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper Wire Std. Spec, for Oxygen Free Electrolytic Copper Wire 73) ANSI H17.1 Std. Spec, for Lake Copper Wire 73) ANSI H/ Std. Spec, for Chemically Refined Copper Wire 73) ANSI H17.2 Std. Spec, for Electrolytic Copper Wire lily, for Pressure Piping Component/ Std. Spec, for Steel wer Applications (1974) Std. Spec, for Steel Nickel Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-/ Spec, for Alloy serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy td. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy -l.0Mo-0.12V (0.43-0.49C)) (1973) Spec, for Steel -1.82Ni-0.40Mo-0.07V (0.41-0. 46C)/ Spec, for Steel reated, 15./ Spec, for Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloy , Nickel Base-15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) Alloy , Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La / Alloy , Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution H/ Alloy 35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l.lSI (1973) Alloy 49-0.55C)) (1973) Spec, for Steel -4.0Mo-l.2V (1.10-1.20C), Premium Bearing Qu/ Steel 095Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40-0.50C) V/ Spec, for Steel .11-0.17C) (SAE 8615) (1973) Steel 0.04V-B (0.38-0.43C) (Modified 98Bv40) (1973) Steel 38-0.43C) (SAE 4340), Premium Quality, Consumabl/ Steel 38-0.43C) (SAE 4340) (1973) Steel 07-0. 13C) (SAE 9310), Premium Quality, Vacuum Co/ Steel 07-0. 13C) (SAE 9310), Premium Quality (1973) Steel gs (1.3Mn-1.5SI -0.30Cr-1.8Ni-0.4/ Spec, for Steel (0.48Cr-8.0Ni-4.0Co-0.48Mo-0.09/ Spec, for Steel esistant (15Cr-26Ni-l.3Mo-2.lTi-/ Spec, for Steel te Heat Resistant, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed (1973/ Steel 5Mo-0.20V (0.32-0. 38C), Special Grade (1973) Steel (0.28-0.33C) (1973) Steel . for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy erances Applicable to Titanium and Its Base Alloy Extruded Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Extruded slant, 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum Induct/ Steel el: Semifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Hoy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Iron Hoy Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel et. Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel oy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel AUoy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Cobalt Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Heat Resistant, Iron Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel e Under Interior (Dry Use) Exposu/ Std. Spec, for Protein 20Cr (6061-0)) (1973) Spec, for Aluminum n Resistant Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and Nickel ratures (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Copper Tolerances Applicable to Titanium and Its Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium arri/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Nickel • otometric Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper ical. Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt 6.17 Std. Reference Radiographs for High Strength Copper Std. Meth. of Test for Detecting Glycol Std. Spec, for Oil and Resin hed Stone, Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Macadam n Lamps (1972) Std. for Medium Prefocus Std. Meth. of Test. Bituminous 1 Std. Meth. of Evaluating the Properties of Wood and Industrial Filament Yarns, Made from Man Made Organic d. Test Meth. for Simulated Service Test, of Wood and Wood Std. for ) Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Std. for R-40 Bulb (Hard Glass) Mogul Screw Std. for Strip-High Temperature Terminal Block, Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of an Oil Std. for Physical Characteristics of T-2 Telephone Slide Std. Test Meth. for Specific Gravity of Wood and Wood Std. Meth. of Conducting Machining Tests of Wood and Wood afety Code for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings: ectric Wire Rope Hoists (Lug, Hook, TroUey Suspended, and chloric Acid Titration (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Total Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba B. Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base (1973) ANSI H17.2 Std. Spec, for Electrolytic (1973) ANSI H23.12 /Spec, for ChemicaUy Refined , and Shapes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Std. Spec, for C , and Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.31 , Billets, and Cakes (1972) , Billets, and Cakes (1972) ANSI H23.ll , Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (19 , Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (19 , Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (19 , Carbon, Hot Rolled and Cold Finished, Special Qua , Carbon, Hot Rolled, Special Quality, for Fluid Po , Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, , Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature , Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature , Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature , Forgings, and Mechanical Tubing (1.05Cr-0.55Ni , Forgings, and Mechanical Tubing (1.62SI -0.82Cr , Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Base, Solution Heat T , Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant , Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant , Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant , Forgings, and Rings, Heat Resistant, Iron Base- , Forgings, and Tubing (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0. , Forgings, and Tubing, Corrosion Resistant, 14.5Cr , Forgings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Heat Resistant ( , Forgings, and Tubing, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.20Mo (0 , Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-0.85Ni-0.20Mo- , Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0. , Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0. , Forgings, and Tubing, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0. , Forgings, and Tubing, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0. , Forgings, Mechanical Tubing, and Flash Welded Rin , Forgings, Rings, and Mechanical Tubing (Annealed) , Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat R , Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Modera , Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, 0.78Cr-1.8Ni-0.3 , Forgings, Tubing, 0.88Cr-1.8Ni-0.42Mo-0.08V , Rod, and Wire for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI , Rods and Wires (1974) ANSI H38.4 , Rods, and Shapes (1973) Tol , Rods, Shapes, and Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.5 , Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and Wires (1970) ANSI H45.6 , Wire, Forgings, and Forging Stock, Corrosion Resi ; Hot Rolled Deformed Concrete Reinforcing Bars (19 -13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-l.6Al- -15.5Cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe (1973) 15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) Alloy Bars, 15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1973) /Bars, 15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1973) /Y She 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-1.4Al, Consuma 19.5Cr-18Co-2.5Ti-1.5Al (1973) 25.5Cr-10.5Ni-7.5W (1973) -35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l.lSI (1973) -5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution Heat Treated (1 Adhesives for Structural Laminated Products for Us Alloy Bars and Rings (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0. AUoy Castings for General Application (1972) ANSI AUoy Castings for High Strength at Elevated Tempe AUoy Centrifugal Castings (1973) AUoy Continuous Castings (1973) AUoy Extruded Bars, Rods, and Shapes (1973) AUoy Extrusions (1973) AUoy Sheet and Plate (1973) AUoys by the Silver Chloride-Lithium Fluoride C AUoys (1972) Std. pH AUoys (1973) /Alysis of High Temperature, Electr and Nickel-Copper AUoy Castings (1967) ANSI Z16 Antifreeze in Used Lubricating Oils (1973) Caulking Compound for Building Construction (1972) Courses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec, for Crus Down Type, Single Contact Motion Picture Projectio Emulsions for Use as Protective Coatings (1973) Fiber and Particle Panel Materials (1972) ANSI 08. Fibers (1972) /Th. of Testing Tire Cords, Fabrics Finish Flooring (1969) St for GM Counter Tubes (1971) for Veneer Plaster and Gypsum Veneer Plaster (1973 Incandescent (1966) Insulating (1973) Knife Grade Channel Glazing Compound (1972) Lamp (1973) Materials (1969) Materials (1970) Mounted Drum Hoists (1971) Mounted Types (1971) Std. Spec, for El Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Per ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM SAE AISI SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ICBO ANSI NSA ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI HMI ASTM B5 B442 B140 A276 B379 B170 B4 B442 B5 A696 A695 AMS5707D A637 A638 A639 AMS6432A AMS6416A AMS5750B AMS5665H AMS5711 AMS5755B AMS5716A AMS6424 AMS5749 AMS6305 AMS6270J AMS6422 AMS6414B AMS6415H AMS6265D AMS6267B AMS6418E AMS6540B AMS5735H AMS5627B AMS6430B AMS6427E B351 B211 AMS2245 B221 B107 AMS5617A 1 AMS5633A AMS5541B AMS5665H AMS5711 AMS5873 AMS5738C AMS5829 AMS5789 AMS5716A AMS5755B D3024 AMS4115C A296 A567 B271 B505 AMS2245 AMS2205L AMS2202K E483 E62 E354 E272 D2982 C570 D694 PH22.85 D2939 D1037 D885 D2394 N42.5 UBCS47-14 C78.255 1063 C713 C78.397 D2395 D1666 B30.7 100 D2896 36 / Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Minimum Std. for Amateur Radio Antenna: Part 1 - Tent. Rec. Pract. for Direct Injection of Solvent c. Pract. for Vacuum Distillation of Solvents from Solvent Spec, for for Hygroscopic Properties of Fire Retardant Wood and Its Uniform Building Code Std. for Fiberboard Nail 3.4 Std. Spec, for Iron .27 Std. Spec, for Copper igh Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Iron oy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel , Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Im for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Polyester Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Cellulose Ester engine Antifreeze— Coolant Concentrate (Glycol or Alcohol Std. Spec, for Cellulosic Fiber (Wood aths, and Metal Accessories (Designed for Use as a Plaster std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for and Heat Resistant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings (Nickel et, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel or Less (1973) ANSI C33.95 Safety Std. for Electric Reclamation, Curtain and Building Foundation Drain, Under (Extinguishers, Alarms, Sandpipes), Building Construction, nuclear Power Ge/ Std. Criteria for Preparation of Design Std. Meth. of Test for Pyridine ing Coal and Coke Analyses from As-Determined to Different Rec. Pract. for Construction of Concrete Pavements and Std. for Punches: er Bearings (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conforming to ; Knobs and Handles: Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick / rting Equipment for Use with Emergency Locator Tran/ Rec. projectors (1973) Std. devices Used in Treating Wastewater (1970) Std. for buttress Inch Screw Threads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 Pitch Std. Spec, for uffs, and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ic Fluid Power Pumps / Std. Meth. of Test, and Presenting Std. for Std. Spec for TFE -Fluorocarbon Resin Molded shings (1972) Std. for Punches - (1972) Std. for Punches ■ spec, for Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch ner and Contractor (For Small Construction Contracts Where verlay Projects (1973) Recommendations for t. AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Table for Converting Absorption to 14.0% Moisture eth. for Correction of Analytical Values to 14.0% Moisture plication Factors for Correcting Weights to a 14% Moisture or Changing as-is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moisture gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current ircuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical and a Total Current or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical circuit Breaker External Insulation Rated on a Symmetrical gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Std. Meth. of Test. Twine Made from wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) real Chemistry) (1962) Tent. Spec, for Concrete Made by Volumetric Safety Std. for Electric Dry Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Std. Spec, for Ceramic Tile Panels for starch Which Is Gelatinized When Heated in a Boiling Water Test Meth. for Alkali in Bleach Test Meth. for Hydrogen Peroxide in Bleach Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile or Nonmetallic Shower Receptors, Stall Showers Lavatories, 70) Rec. Pract. for Storage Determination of Capacity of Lead Acid Industrial Storage omotive and Industrial A/ Std. for Lead Acid Type Storage Safety and Health Rec. for Changing and Charging Storage Spec, for Dry Cells and Std. Test Proc. for Storage Rec. Pract. for Life Test for Automotive Storage uarantee Policy for Motor Vehicle Type (Lead Acid) Storage meth. for Determination of Specific Volume of Creams, Cake and Std. for the Design, Construction and Installation of Safety JStd. for Uniform Plumbing Code: and Starting) (1972) Std. for Dimensions for Photographic Flashcubes 1973) Std. for Safety for Base or Fixed Station (1973) Base Paints into a Gas Chromatograph (1973) Base Paints (1973) Tent. Re Base Plate (Artificial Dentures) Wax (1971) Base Products (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test Base Sheathing and Structural Insulating Board (1973) Base Sintered Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1970) ANSI G6 Base Sintered Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1973) ANSI H9 Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for H Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumabl Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-1.4Al) Consumab Base (1973) Std. Spec, for Photographic Fi Base (1973) Spec, for Photographic Film for Base) by the Iodine Reagent Meth. (1973) /or Water in Base) Loose Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) Base) (1973) /E Std. for Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric L Base, Binder, Leveling, and Surface Courses (1967) Base, Solution Heat Treated, 15.5Cr-16Mo-3.8W-5.5 Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti-0.45Al Solution Hea Baseboard Heating Equipment (Portable and Fixed) 600 V Basement Floor, Sump Conductor, Downspout Runoff, Swimm Basement Pipe Inlets (1973) /F Systems and Appliances Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Functions in Bases in Crude and Refined Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z107.4 Bases (1974) Std. Meth. for Calculat Bases (1974) Basic Angle Head Type and Related Quill Bushings (1972) Basic Boundary Plans (1972) ANSI B3.17 / Ball and Roll Basic Builders' Hardware: Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks Basic Characteristics for Airborne Radio Homing and Ale Basic Construction Requirements for Photographic Slide Basic Criterial for Evaluation of Special Processes or Basic Hardboard (1973) Basic Height of Thread Engagement (1973) Std. for Basic Lead Silico Chromate (1974) Basic Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour, Feeds, Feedst Basic Performance Data for Positve Displacement Hydraul Basic Requirements for Cargo Containers (1971) Basic Shapes (1974) Basic, Combination Angle Head Type and Related Quill Bu Basic, Cylindrical Head Type and Related Quill Bushings Basins and Manholes (1973) ANSI A73.1 Std. Basis of Payment Is a Stipulated Sum) (1974) /Tween Ow Basis of Payment on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement O Basis When Rated for Out of Phase Switching (1973) ANSI Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) Meth. for Multi Basis (Constant Dough Weight Meth. Only) (Cereal Chemis Basis (1971) ANSI C37.072 / Recovery Voltage for AC Hi Basis (1971) ANSI C37.0721 /Recovery Voltage for AC Hi Basis (1972) / Electrical Control of AC High Voltage C Basis (1972) /Ings for Capacitance Current Switching F Basis (1972) /Test Values for Outdoor AC High Voltage Basis (1972) ANSI C37.073 /Current Switching for AC Hi Basis (1972) ANSI C37.076 /Surized Components of AC Hi Basis (1972) ANSI C37.078 /Nsulation for Outdoor AC Hi Basis (1973) ANSI C37.0731 /Urrent Switching for AC Hi Basis (362 kV and Above) (1972) ANSI C37.074 /Rength F Bast and Leaf Fibers (1973) Batch Meth. of Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Batch Meth. of Experimental Milling for Durum Wheat (Ce Batching and Continuous Mixing (1973) Bath Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.75 Bath Mats (Institutional Textile) (1973) Bath Tub Recess (1972) Bath (1973) / for Determination of pH (Paste) of Corn Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.129 Baths (1972) ANSI L14.145 Bathtub Walls (1973) Bathtubs and Combination Tank and Shower Receptor Units Batteries for Construction and Industrial Machinery (19 Batteries for Motive Power Service (1974) Std. for Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Motorboats, Tractors, Aut Batteries in Motive Power Service (For Electric Trucks) Batteries (1972) Batteries (1972) Batteries (1972) Batteries (1972) / Domestic Marketing Std. Including G Batters, and Icings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Battery Chargers on Boats (1973) Rec. Pract. Battery Chargers (1972) Battery Drainage System (1973) Battery Materials Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting (Battery Operated) (Photography) (1972) Battery Powered Emergency Lighting Equipment (Indoor) ( EIA RS409 ASTM D3271 ASTM D3272 ADA 24 ASTM D3201 ICBO UBCS2524 ASTM B439 ASTM B438 ASTM A638 SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5707D ANSI PHI. 41 ANSI PHI. 28 ASTM D1123 ASTM C739 ICBO UBCS47-4 ASTM D1753 SAE AMS5750B SAE AMS5872 UL 1042 ASTM D2311 ICBO UFC*2ART13 ANS N18.8 ASTM D2748 ASTM D3180 ACI 316 ANSI B94.41 AFBMA 7 NBHA 8 RTCA DO-154 ANSI PH3.65 NSF C-9 use PS58 ANSI B1.9 ASTM D1648 AACCH 08-01 NFLDP T3.9.17 ANSI MH5.1 ASTM D3294 ANSI B94.39 ANSI B94.44 ASTM C139 AIOA A 107 ACPA TM-6 IEEE 417 AACCH 82-21 AACCH 82-22 AACCH 82-24 AACCH 54-29 IEEE 327 IEEE 328 ANSI C37.ll ANSI C37.0732 ANSI C37.0781 IEEE 341 IEEE 340 IEEE 343 IEEE 342 IEEE 339 ASTM D1233 AACCH 26-21 AACCH 26-30 ASTM C685 UL 875 ANSI L24.2.1 TCA 8701 CR C-42 AATCC 98 AATCC 102 TCA 150 IAPMO TSC11 SAE J930A NEMA IB2 SAE J537H ITA 8K1 ANSI C18.1 BCI *l-66 SAE J240A BCI •1.15 AACCH 72-10 ABYC A20 UL 1236 ICBO UPC*1-H BCI •1.41 ANSI PH3.51 UL 924 Engineering and Product Standards Division 37 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Safety for Electric ec, and Ratings; Assembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Ter/ earance Dimensions on the Mating Plates (Patterns) Used in ing) for Passenger Automobiles, Commercial Vehic/ Storage 70) ANSI K91.1 Std. Meth. of Test for 9) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining of Analysis of Specific Gravity, Degrees Brix, and Degrees and Double Screened Ground Refractory Materials (Calcined Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and Log Skidder, Truck, Bus, n Steel Tubing Normalized for Bending, Double Flaring, and ption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Dry Vitamin Mixes, . of Test for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Glass by Std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Rec. Horizontal Shoring Std. Spec, for Ultrasonic, Angle building Code Std. for Structural Floor and Roof Plank and Std. for Dimensional Spec, for Sealed ec. Pract. for Service Performance Requirements for Sealed rent or Opaque Metal Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double on Silicon Wafers and Metallization Thickness by Multiple Std. for Auxiliary Low ar Strength of Parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Short Rec. Horizontal Shoring a/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Bituminous Mixture Std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Std. Meth. for Preparation and Use of Bent Rec. Pract. for Semiautomatic Headlamp (Light) tes for Special Applications (19/ Std. Spec, for Straight e Vessels (1973) ANSI / Std. Meth. and Spec, for Straight 1 Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Std. Spec, for Longitudinal h. of Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple of Test for Stiffness of Plastics by Means of a Cantilever and Stiffness Computations (1973) Rec. for Wood Concrete Construction Design Handbook Tent. Rec. for Design of Concrete Composite Plywood Lumber Design Spec, for Plywood uilt Up Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, ination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and ion in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and and ination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and insects in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and in Flour, Farina, Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Dielectric Meter Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains, y to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel Rich, Chromium Std. Spec, for White Metal other Structural Uses/ Std. Spec, for Rolled Copper Alloy atic Load on Spread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for ings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Fo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Hollow Load Std. Spec, for Hollow Nonload Std. Spec, for Solid Load Uniform Building Code Std. for Hollow Load Uniform Building Code Std. for Solid Load Uniform Building Code Std. for Hollow Nonload ar (Crude and Refined), Syrups, Starches and Other Protein dstuffs (Corn), Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein rn) Feedstuffs, Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein n Content in Corn Starch, Sugars. Syrups and Other Protein n Resistant, I4.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.10-1.20C), Premium channels for Screw Applic/ Std. Spec, for Nonload (Axial) Std. Spec, for Carbon-Chromium Ball and Roller Std. Spec, for Structural Clay Nonload Fire Resistance Requirements Relating to Brick Contemporary Contemporary (1964) Contemporary stru/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Clay Load Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Clay Nonload Contemporary Contemporary Engineered Design of the Contemporary Std. for Cam Follower, Needle . Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Std. Spec, for Iron Base Sintered Std. Spec, for Copper Base Sintered Std. Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Std. Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Std. for In. and Metric Radial Needle Roller sintered Powder Metal Structural Parts and OU Impregnated ric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Roller rame (1974) Spec, for Std. for Design of Components: Enclosed Gear Drives - Test Meth. for mers in Dry Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Battery Powered Industrial Trucks (1972) ANSI B56.3 UL Battery Replacement Data; Group Numbers, Dimensional Sp BCI Battery Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.53 Std. for CI EIA Battery Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting, and Start BCI Bauer-McNett Wet Classification of Asbestos Fiber (19 ASTM Baume Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Its Syrups (195 CR Baume of Sugar Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /. AACCH Bauxite, Calcine, Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Canister ASTM Bead Seat, Industrial and Bicycle Tires (1974) /Senger TRA Beading (1972) / for Welded Flash Controlled Low Carbo SAE Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) AACCH Beam Bending (1972) Std. Meth ASTM Beam Deflection Composite Tubes and Cores (1972) CCTI Beam Erection Procedure (1972) SSI Beam Examination of Steel Plates (1973) ANSI G35.24 ASTM Beam Framing (1973) Uniform ICBO Beam Headlamp Units (1972) SAE Beam Headlamp (Light) Units for Motor Vehicles (1973) SAE Beam Interference Microscope Technique (1973) /Transpa ASTM Beam Interference (Tolansky Meth.) (1973) /E Thickness ASTM Beam Lamp (Headlamp-Light) (1973) SAE Beam Meth. (1972) /of Test for Apparent Horizontal She ASTM Beam Safety Rules (1972) SSI Beam Specimens by Means of the California Kneading Comp ASTM Beam Strength Fibre Tubes and Cores (1972) CCTI Beam Stress Corrosion Metal Specimens (1973) ASTM Beam Switching Devices (1972) SAE Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Pla ASTM Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates for Pressur ASTM Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Stee ASTM Beam with Center Point Loading) (1968) ANSI A37.84 /Et ASTM Beam (1970) ANSI K65.13 Std. Meth. ASTM Beam, Joint and Rafter Span, Load, Deflection, Strength WWPA (Beam, Slab, Footing, Column and Other Members) (1973) ACI Beams and Girders for Building (1957) ACI Beams Fabrication Spec. (1971) APA Beams (1972) APA Beams, and Components (1973) /. for Structural Glued B ICBO Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Damage on Kernels, Roden AACCH Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ernal In9ect Infestat AACCH Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Nd Rodent Hair Contam AACCH Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /on Test for Internal AACCH Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Rolled Oat AACCH Beans, Peas, Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities for W AACCH Bearing Alloys (1972) ANSI G80.4 /Ecting Susceptibilit ASTM Bearing Alloys (1973) ANSI H39.1 ASTM Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and ASTM Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Foot ASTM Bearing Capacitv of Soil for Static Load on Spread Foot ASTM Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A79.1 ASTM Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A80.1 ASTM Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A81.1 ASTM Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) ICBO Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) ICBO Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) ICBO Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulf CR Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulf CR Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulf CR Bearing Materials (1952) /Determining Protein Nitrogen CR Bearing Materials (1956) / Determining Protein Nitroge CR Bearing Quality, Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted (19 SAE Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track) and Rigid Furring ASTM Bearing Steel (1970) ASTM G56.2 ASTM Bearing Tile (1971) ANSI A76.1 ASTM Bearing Wall Buildings (Tech. Notes) (1969) BIA Bearing Wall Detailing (Tech. Notes) (1968) BIA Bearing Wall Detailing (Tech. Notes) (1968) BIA Bearing Wall Example of Shear Wall Design (Tech. Notes) BIA Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. ICBO Bearing Wall Tile (1973) ICBO Bearing Wall Types and Properties (Tech. Notes) (1969) BIA Bearing Wall (For High Buildings) (Tech. Notes) (1970) BIA Bearing Wall (Tech. Notes) (1966) BIA Bearing, High Strength Stud (1973) NSA Bearings (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conforming to AFBMA Bearings (OU Impregnated) (1970) ANSI G63.4 ASTM Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1973) ANSI H9.27 ASTM Bearings (1972) AFBMA Bearings (1972) ANSI B3. 15 AFBMA Bearings (1973) ANSI B3. 18 AFBMA Bearings (1973) ANSI H9. 14 /Nterconnected Porosity of ASTM Bearings) Conforming to Basic Boundary Plans (1972) Ans AFBMA Bearings, Ball and Roller, Rod End, Anti Friction, Airf NSA Bearings, Bolting Keys and Shafting (1974) AGMA Beating Control (Simons Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI FMS Bed (Fire Protection) (1973) /Lication of Plastic Poly 583 •1.56 RS156B •1.48 D2589 E-8 80-75 C316 7 J356A 86-01 A C598 T-113 *8 A577 UBCS25-22 J571C J32 B588 F388 J582A D2344 •7 D3202 T114 G39 J565C A578 A435 A609 C293 D747 •30 SP17 57-29 BB-8 •3PDS2 UBCS25-18 28-10 28-21 28-20 28-22 44-15A 44-11 G28 B23 B100 D1194 D1194 C90 C129 C145 UBCS24-4 UBCS24-5 UBCS24-6 F-44 G-22 J-56 E-52 B-48 AMS5749 C645 A295 C56 16A 24G 24G 24D UBCS24-8 UBCS24-9 24H 24 24B 562 7 B439 B438 11 9 18 B328 7 661 260.02 UM-17 7-27 38 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ed Curled Hair (or Cushioning Materials for Upholstery and Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Face Glazing and Std. Nomenclature for Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Text/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Decorative t for Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Returnable (1972) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Differential Dyeing Std. Spec, for Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay 2.20 Std. Spec, for Rec. for Fire Protection for Std. Motor Positions for Agricultural Tractor 73) Spec, for Lineman's Climbing Equipment (Body Test for Heavy Cotton Fabrics for Manufacture of Hose and ng Rules (1974) Std. Procedure for Construction Spec, for Rifle Implants) (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Static formability of Attached Organic Coatings with Impact Wedge flexibility Determination of Hot Melt Adhesives by Mandrel Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Std. Rec. Pract. for Static . for Measurement of Adhesion and Flexibility by the Wedge Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Seamless Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for welded and Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Std. for Fiberboard Crease test for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Glass by Beam Casing Joint Strength with Combined Internal Pressure and Std. Test Meth. for Determining Stiffness (Modulus of ed Flash Controlled Low Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Test Meth. for Smoothness of Paper and Paperboard Std. Meth. for Preparation and Use of 72) Std. for 972) Std. Meth. of Test for Purity and ansi 011.13 Std. Meth. of Test for . Meth. for Determination of Dichloromethane and Alcohol ■ Std. Meth. of Test for Alkyl Std. Spec, for Refined Std. Spec, for Industrial Grade Std. Meth. of Test for Acidity of Meth. of Analysis for Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Semiquantitative Meth. of Analysis of Qualitative Meth. of Analsis of r Industrial Aromatic / try) (1967) Vines and Ground Covers tions (1972T) 73) trip and Rolled Bar (19/ Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits Spec, for Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Copper - Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Copper-Cobalt ■ and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests On, Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade t. Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products -Film Thickne/ Spec, for Steel Spring Wire, Meth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity, by Std. Meth. of Test for Coating Thickness by the cereal Chemistry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis of Radioactivity ustrial Waste Wate/ Std. Meth. of Test for Measurement of ron Volts (1954) Rec. for Protection Against e Measurement for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and Spiral ling Tower Fan Drives (1972) Info Sheet for Spiral d Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Returnable Beer and ec. Pract. for Determining Effect of Packaging on Food and Conditions for Laboratory Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Rec. Spec, for Steel Std. for Double Race or station Wagons, and Multipurpose Passenger Vehi/ Std. for c Substrates (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for -Pr) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter/ Std. Spec, for Procedure for Water Absorbency of articulate and Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ether ■ ral and Log Skidder, Truck, Bus, Bead Seat, Industrial and or Tires and Rims for Motorcycle, Side Car, Mini Bike, and intenance and Rules of the Road / Safety Std. for Regular steel Safety Std. for Structural Requirements for Regular braces,/ Safety Std. for General Requirements for Regular Test Procedures for Regular Safety Std. Definitions for Regular Test Procedures for the Safety Std. for Regular topping Power, Traction and Steering Stability for Regular ghts (1972) Safety Std. for Lighting for Regular nary Dies/ Std. Pract. for Preparation of Invitations for s and Shortenings by Distillation with Toluene (Cereal C/ ds and Feedstuffs by Distillation with Toluene (Cereal C/ / for Weld Std Bedding Applications (1973) ANSI J8.8 /C. for Rubberiz Bedding Compounds on Metal Sash (1974) Bedding Sizes (Mattresses and Sheets) (1971) Bedspreads (Institutional Textile) (1973) Bedspreads, Pillows, and Bolster Fabrics (Institutional Beer and Beverage Glass Containers (1972T) /Th. of Tes Behavior of Cotton (Raw Fiber, Yarn and Textile Fabric) Bel] and Spigot Pipe (1972A) Bell End Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe (1973) ANSI B7 Belt Conveyors (1972) Belt or Chain Drive Centrifugal Fans (1966) Belt Speed and Pulley Width (1971) SAE J720 Belt, Safety Strap, Lanyard, Pole and Tree Climber) (19 Belts (1942) ANSI L14.283 Std. Spec, and Meth. of Bench Calibration of Tank Level Gaging Tapes and Soundi Bench Rest (Portable and Permanent) (1967) Bend and Torsion Test, of Intramedullary Rods (Surgical Bend Apparatus (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Bend Test Meth. (1972T) Rec. Pract. for Bend Test, of Bone Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) Bend Test, of Nail Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) Bend (Applicable to Solution Coil Coatings and Single C Bendability of Pipeline Coatings (1972) Bending and Flaring (1972) Bending and Flaring (1972) Std. for Bending Fatigue Tests for Copper Alloy Spring Materials Bending Test (1972) Bending (1972) Std. Meth. of Bending (1972) Bui. on Round Thread Bending) of Fiberboards (1972) Bending, Double Flaring, and Beading (1972) (Bendtsen Tester) (1973) Bent Beam Stress Corrosion Metal Specimens (1973) Bentazon (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical (19 Benzene Content of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (1 Benzene Insoluble Matter in Creosote (1973) AASHO T81, Benzene Solubles in Wood (1973) Benzene Sulfonate in Water (1968) Benzene 485 (Nitration Grade) (1971) ANSI Z78.2 Benzene (1971) ANSI Z78.3 Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Solvent Naphthas, and Simila Benzoic Acid in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Benzotriazole, C„H,NHN:N (1,2,3) (1972) Benzoyl Peroxide in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) Benzoyl Peroxide with Diaminophenylamine (Cereal Chemis (Berry, Currant, Grape, Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Se Beryllia Ceramics for Electronic and Electrical Applica Beryllium Alloy Forgings and Extrusions (1972) Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (19 Beryllium Alloy Rod and Bar (1971A) ANSI H7.7 Beryllium Alloy (Copper Alloy No. 175), Plate, Sheet, S Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972) ANSI N140 / Spectrometri Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972A) Best Meth. for Measurment of Dry Film Thickness of Pain Best Quality Music (1973) Beta Amylase GBI (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Beta Backscatter Principle (1972) (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Products-Emergency Monitoring ( Beta Particle Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Ind Betatron Synchrotron Radiations Up to 100 Million Elect Bevel Gear Drives (1973) Std. for Sound (Nois Bevel, Helical and Herringbone Gear Units for Water Coo Beverage Glass Containers (1972T) /Th. of Test for ACI Beverage Products During Storage (1972) Std. R Beverages (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Establishing Bi-Fold Closet Doors and Frames (1972) Bi-Level Swivel and Rigid Industrial Casters (1973) Bias and Radial Ply Tires and Rims for Passenger Cars, Biaxial Flexure Strength (Modulus of Rupture) of Cerami Biaxially Oriented Polyethylene (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDR Bibulous Papers (1972) Bicarbonate Coated Glass Tube and a Particulate Filter Bicarbonate Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye and Wheat Bicycle Tires (1974) /Senger Cars, Off Road, Agricultu Bicycle (1974) Std. F Bicycles Including Selection, Purchase, Preparation, Ma Bicycles Including Tests for Static Load, Frame, Fork, Bicycles Including Wheel Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle Bicycles (1972) Bicycles (1972) Bicycles (1972) Bicycles (1972) /D. for Performance Requirements for S Bicycles, Including Reflectivity, Headlights and Tailli Bids and Detailed Spec, for Low and Medium Speed Statio Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Fat Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Fee ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS AMCA ASAE EEI ASTM ANSI NRA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM SAE SAE ASTM SAE ASTM API SAE SAE TAPPI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ANSI AACCH AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA SAE AACCH ASTM AACCH ASTM NCRPM AGMA AGMA ASTM ASTM ASTM STDI ANSI TRA ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM AACCH TRA TRA BMA BMA BMA BMA BMA BMA BMA BMA DEMA AACCH AACCH D2128 D2376 L27.1 L24.2.8 L24.1.2 C735 D1464 C425 D2672 7-11 2407 S210.2 AP-2 D181 B88.2 •9 F383 D3281 D3111 F382 F384 TB-II-10 G10 J524B J525B B593 J119A C598 BUL 5C4 J949A J356A UM-535 G39 K62.129 D3054 D367 T5 D2330 D835 D836 D847 04-21 PH4.204 48-07 48-06A Z60.1 F356 B570 B194 B196 B534 C699 C708 TB-II-4 AMS5112F 22-02 B567 28-99A D1890 R14 297.01 490.02 C735 E460 E480 104 MH11.1 1 F394 D3287 T432SU D3268 42-56 7 6 6/7 6/4 6/5 6T 6/2 6/6T 6/3 6/6 • 1-24 44-51 44-50 Engineering and Product Standards Division 39 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1 Chemical Methyl 5(2,4- Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoate Std. for Tires and Rims for Motorcycle, Side Car, Mini Std. Spec, for Deformed and Plain Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel d Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Std. Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bars and Std. Spec, for Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper Wire Bars, Std. Spec, for Oxygen Free Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Std. Spec, for Lake Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, td. Spec, for Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, ec. for Chemically Refined Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Glossary of . (1971) forms and Information Flow Used in Ordering, Shipping, and Rec. for Deep, Cast in Place Concrete (Storage) / Rec. for Indoor General Storage (Solid, Palletized and cal Control and Data Terminal Equipment Employing Parallel pec. for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Std. for Handbook for Library Binding (Rec. for Good Book Handbook for Library th. of Test for Density and Specific Gravity of Liquids by r Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical and s (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Experimental Test, for packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated Std. for Program for Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: hie Estimation of Higher Boiling Homologues of Chlorinated h. for Analysis of Environmental Materials Polychlorinated on Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylthio) -4,6- (197/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4- etry/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4- 2) Summary of Meth. for Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Self Rising Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Meta - Rec. Pract. for Hole Placement on Bulldozer (Dozer) End Std. Part Std. Meth. of Test for Quantitative Extraction of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts .1 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous .2 Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall d, and General Drainage (1/ Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall ork Drainage (1973) Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated (1973) ANSI A17/ Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Perforated s (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. Std. for Safety for Septic Tanks, Std. Meth. of Test for Density of ) Rec. Pract. for Reinforced Similar Drainage / Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated for Inspection and Test. Agencies for Concrete, Steel and Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration of ornia Kneading Compa/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of pactor (/ Std. Meth. for Preparation of Test Specimens of eth. of Test for Resistance to Deformation and Cohesion of Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for Percent Air Voids in a Compacted Std. Spec, for Mineral Filler for for Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Meth. of Test for Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Std. Meth. of Test for Steam Distillation of ) in Organic Solven/ Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility of sampling and Test. Felted and Woven Fabrics Saturated with . Spec, for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete ng and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient std. Meth. of Test for Distillation of Cut Back Asphaltic terproofing, and R/ Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to b 1 25 . 1 Std. Spec, for Welded and Seamless d Seamless Steel Pipe for Ordinary Uses (/ Std. Spec, for Rec. Pract. for the Density and Contrast Range of Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent Extractable Material in Std. Spec, for Extra Heavy Duty ansi C8.32 Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Std. Meth. of Test for Relative Density of Std. Test Meth. for Heating Loss of Carbon stating the Precision of ASTM Test Meth. Related to Carbon f Test for Discoloration of Orthodichlorobenzene by Carbon Std. Meth. of Test for Surface Area of Carbon Std. Meth. of Test for Tint Strength of Carbon Std. Spec, for Slate Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Carbon Bifenox (1973) /D. for Common Name for the Pest Contro ANSI K62.138 Bike, and Bicycle (1974) TRA 6 Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ASTM A615 Billets and Bars for Reforging (1972) ANSI G81.13 ASTM A314 Billets for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (197 ASTM A477 Billets for Reforging (1974) ASTM B385 Billets (1972) ANSI Z179.2 ASTM B348 Billets, and Cakes (1972) ASTM B379 Billets, and Cakes (1972) ANSI H23.ll ASTM B170 Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H>7.1 ASTM B4 Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.2 ASTM B5 Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H23.12 /Sp ASTM B442 Billiard Terms (1971) BCA *2 Billiard Tournament Table and Accessory Equipment Specs BCA *1 Billing of Merchandise Within the Hardgoods (Hardware) NWHA *1 Bin and Silo Wall Design and Construction (1965) ACI 65-37 Bin Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 FMS 8-25N Binary Data Interchange (1973) /Terface Between Numeri EIA RS408 Binder, Leveling, and Surface Courses (1967) Std. S ASTM D1753 Binding Post-Terminal Board, Electrical (1973) NSA 192 Binding Practices) (1971) LBI *2 Binding (Rec. for Good Book Binding Practices) (1971) LBI »2 Bingham Pycnometer (1968) ANSI Zll. 96 Std. Me ASTM D1217 Biological Applications (1960) Rec. Fo NCRPM R23 Biological Compatibility of Metals for Surgical Implant ASTM F361 Biological Materials (Safety) (1973) Std. for ANSI N14.3 Biological Shielding in Nuclear Reactor Plants (1972) ANSI N18.9 Biomechanics (1972) ANSI Z94.1 Biphenyls for Capacitor Askarels (1974) / Chromatograp ASTM D3303 Biphenyls (1974) Std. Met ASTM D3304 bis (Isopropylamino) Striazine) (1973) /Ropetryn (Comm ANSI K62.135 bis (Isopropylamino)-6-Methoxy-S-Triazine-Prometon ANSI K62.144 bis (Isopropylamino)-6— (Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Prom ANSI K62.143 Biscuit and Cracker Flour Test. (Cereal Chemistry) (196 AACCH 10-30 Biscuit Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 10-31A Bisulfite Na 2 S 2 0, (1972) ANSI PH4.276 Bit Supports (1972) SAE J63 Bit, Screwdriver, Tri Wing Recess (1972) NSA 4005 Bit, Screwdriver, Tri Wing, Spec, for (1972) NSA 4001 Bitumen from Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1972) ASTM D2172 Bitumen (1970) ANSI A37.3 ASTM D4 (Bitumens) (1974) AASHO T201 ASTM D2170 Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176 ASTM D1861 Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176 ASTM D1862 Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Agricultural, Lan ASTM D2417 Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Airport and Roadw ASTM D2418 Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Disposal Fields ASTM D2312 Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Disposal Fields ASTM D2313 Bituminous Base Emulsions for Use as Protective Coating ASTM D2939 Bituminous Coated Metal (1974) ANSI A162.1 UL 70 Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Meth. (1974) ASTM D2950 Bituminous Concrete Overlays (Welded Wire Fabric) (1962 WRI RB80 Bituminous Fiber Pipe Systems for Highway, Airport, and ASTM D2818 Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction (1972) Ans ASTM E329 Bituminous Materials (1973) ANSI A37.1 ASTM D5 Bituminous Mixture Beam Specimens by Means of the Calif ASTM D3202 Bituminous Mixtures by Means of California Kneading Com ASTM D1561 Bituminous Mixtures by Means of Hveem Apparatus (1971) ASTM D1560 Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus (1973) ASTM D1559 Bituminous Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37. 103, Ashto T167 ASTM D1074 Bituminous Paving Mixture (1973) ASTM D3203 Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1970) ANSI A37.41 ASTM D242 Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37. 102 /Spec. ASTM D995 Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1972) Std. ASTM D2172 Bituminous Protective Coatings (1970) ANSI A109.ll ASTM D255 Bituminous Road Materials (Tar, Petroleum Asphalt, etc. ASTM D2042 Bituminous Substances for Use in Waterproofing and Roof ASTM D146 (Bituminous Type) (1971) ANSI A37. 101 Std ASTM D994 Bituminous Types) (1973) ANSI A37.113 /R Concrete Pavi ASTM D1751 (Bituminous) Products (1973) AASHO T78, ANSI A37.45 ASTM D402 Bituminous, and Other Organic Materials for Roofing, Wa ASTM D1079 Black and Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel Pipe (1973) ANSI ASTM A53 Black and Hot Dipped Zinc Coated (Calvanized) Welded an ASTM A120 Black and White Films and Slides for Television (1970) SMPTE RP7 Black Oxide Treatment (Part Coating) (1973) SAE AMS2485F Black Pigments (1972) ASTM D305 Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ASTM D2819 Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ASTM D752 Black Smoke (Ringelmann Meth.) (1973) ASTM D3211 Black (1972) ASTM D1509 Black (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for ASTM D3051 Black (1972A) Std. Meth. O ASTM D1618 Black (1973) ASTM D3037 Black (1973) ASTM D3265 Blackboards (1967) ASTM C543 Blacks in Natural Rubber (Nr) (1973) ASTM D3192 40 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Carbon Std. Classification System for Carbon ds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Low struction Buildings (1970) / Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber ion of the Thermal Resistance of Low Density Mineral Fiber Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Meth. of Test for Resiliency and Thickness of Roller Turner Type (1972) Std. for Carbide Std. for Carbide x and Emulsion Ex/ Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Shingle g an Optical / Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of ggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Uniform Fire Code: Explosives and acture. Transportation, Storage, and Use of Explosives and t Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Electric Rec. Safe Pract. for Thermal Spraying and ace Preparation of Steel and Other Hard Materials by Water 14.129 Test Meth. for Alkali in Test Meth. for Hydrogen Peroxide in Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No lass Fiber Curtain Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F— No or Blend Fabrics, Commercial Wash-Whites (With Chlorine Test Meth. for Ash Content of Test Meth. for Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose Form Test Meth. for Noncotton Content of Test Meth for Reflectance, Blue, and Whiteness of Test Meth. for pH of the Water Extracted from Test Meth. for Absorbency of rs. Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildings, Reviewing Stands, aces of Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing Stands, Crandstands, nhydride Meth. for Generation of Chlorine Dioxide in Flour Test Meth. for Cotton and Linen Textile Colorfastness to Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Loss by Retained Chlorine Std. Meth. of Test for Oil Migration or Plasticizer 1 and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or 1 and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Std. Spec, for Petroleum for ce of Glossy Smooth Coatings of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Fuel Oil for Measuring Flat Spring Test for Hot Tack of Wax Polymer pose. Flush Head, Self Locking) (1972/ Std. for Fastener Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Serrated Head Std. for 450 Deg. F Closed End Self Locking Serrated Head Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Elliptical Head Std. for Protruding Head, Locked Spindle td. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Protruding Head Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Self Plugging td. for Bulbed Spindle Mechanically Locked Protruding Head for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Std. for Drive Pin Std. for Break Mandrel Closed End std. for Structural Flush Break Pull Mandrel Self Plugging Sandwich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Sandwich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking ight Floating, Sandwich Pane/ Std. for Insert, Molded In, rpose. Protruding Head, Self Locking)/ rature. Protruding Head, (1972) rature. Flush Head, Self Locking) (1972) ht. Protruding Head, Self Locking) (1/ hi, Millable Head Self Locking) (1972/ ng) (1972) Std. for Fastener Std. for Fastener Fastener for Fastener for Fastener for Fastener Std. for Quality Stds. for Std Std Spec architectural Woodwork) (1973) tairwork and Handrails, Exterior Frames and Sash, Screens . for Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Sitka Spruce Doors and (1972) Meth. for Measuring re/ Std. Meth. for Water Immersion Test for Resistance to Std. Spec, for Cellular Glass Std. Meth. of Test. Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soil Std. for Terminal Std. Spec, for Creosoted End Grain Wood Std. for Laminated Hardwood g Nume/ Std. for Interchangeable Perforated Tape Variable 4) Interchangeable Perforated Tape Std., Variable a-Dielectric Capacitors (1971) / Std. Spec, for Natural i C59.27 Std. Spec, for Natural Muscovite oints (1970) Std. Meth. of Conducting Shear erties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using W/ Soil Std. Meth. of Test. Cellular Glass Insulating Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Partition Tile or Std. for Strip-High Temperature Terminal utomotive Trim Materials/ Std. Test Meth. for Determining Coil Co/ Test Meth. for Determining Pressure Marking and Interior Floors Exposed to W/ Std. Spec, for Wood Paving Blacks in Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) (1973) Blacks Used in Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J8.6 Blank Meth. of Analysis of Methoxychlor Residues in Foo Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and Light Con Blanket Type Building Insulation (1970) ANSI Z98.35 /T Blankets (Institutional Textile) (1973) Blankets (Textile) (1973) Blanks and Cutting Tools, Single Point, Carbide Tipped, Blanks for Tipping Circular Saws (1972) Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Weathering Tests of Late Blast Furnace Iron by the Point to Plane Technique Usin Blast Furnace Slag) (1973) /G Code Std. for Concrete a Blasting Agents (1973) Blasting Agents (1973) ANSI Z271.1 /Code for the Manuf Blasting Caps (1971) ANSI C95.4 Safeguards Agains Blasting Equipment (1973) Blasting Prior to Coating or Recoating (1972) /for Surf Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide (1972) ANSI L Bleach Baths (1972) ANSI L14.145 Bleach (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Ven Glass Fiber Bleach (Institutional Textiles) (1973) /Ts for Woven G Bleach) 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum, Press or Bleached Cellulosic Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.114 Bleached Cotton Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.117 Bleached Cotton Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.128 Bleached Fabric (1972) ANSI L14.175 Bleached Textiles (1969) ANSI L14.116 Bleached Woven Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.115 Bleachers, and Grandstands) (1973) /Uilding Code: Stoi Bleachers, etc.) (1973) Uniform Fire Code: PI Bleaching Experiments in Laboratories (Cereal Chemistry Bleaching with Chlorine (1972) ANSI L14.57 Bleaching with Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.146 Bleaching (1971) ANSI L14.180 Test Meth. for Multiple Bleed Out of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) Blend Fabrics, Commercial Wash-Whites (With Chlorine / Institutiona /Esistan Meth. Std. Std. Blend Fabrics, Dryeleanable Only (1973) Blending with Creosote (1971) Blends Applied to Paper and Paperboard (1973) Blends by Spot Test (1972) ANSI Z11.315 Blends (1972) (Blind Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Pur Blind Nut (1974) Blind Nut (1974) Blind Nut (1974) Blind Rivet (1972) Blind Rivet (1974) Blind Rivet (1974) Blind Rivet (1974) Blind Rivet (1974) Blind Rivet (1974) Blind Rivets (1973) Blind Rivets (1973) Blind Rivets, Type 2A (1973) Blind Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Blind Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Blind Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, Light We (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Pu (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Tempe (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Tempe (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weig (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weig (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Self Locki Blind, 100 Deg. Flush Head, Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) Blinds and Shutters Using Stile and Rail Construction ( Blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and Rail Doors, Fact Blinds (1972) Industry Std Blister Resistance of Coated Paper in Heatset Printing Blistering, Wrinkling, Loss of Adhesion, or Other Failu Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (1973) Block Cultures (1970) Block Electrical Stud (1974) Block Flooring for Interior Use (1970) ANSI 010.1 Block Flooring (1971) Block Format for Contouring and Contouring-Positionin Block Format, for Numerically Controlled Equipment (197 Block Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in Fixed Mic Block Mica and Thins Based on Visual Quality (1971) Ans Block Test for Quality Control of Glue Bonds in Scarf J Block Test: Std. Meths. for Test, the Preservative Prop Block (1972) Block (1973) Block, Base Insulating (1973) Blocking Resistance and Associated Characteristics of a Blocking Resistance of Organic Coatings When Applied to Blocks for Exposed Platforms, Pavements, Driveways, and ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO NFPA IME AWS NACE AATCC AATCC ANSI ANSI ANSI AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC ICBO ICBO AACCH AATCC AATCC AATCC ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA IFI IFI IFI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA AWI AWI FHDA TAPPI NCCA ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM HPMA EIA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM NWMA ASTM ICBO NSA SAE NCCA ASTM D3191 D1765 60-40 C665 C653 L24.2.9 L24T3 B94.37 B94.42 D1911 E485 UBCS26-2 UFC*2ART11 495 20 C2.1 RP-01-72 98 102 L24.1.9 L24.1.3 L24.4.13 78 82 97 110 81 79 UBC*3-33 UFC*2ART26 48-30 3 101 114 C772 L24.4.13 L24.4.14 D1859 D3234 D2781 T683SU 1670 1731 1732 1734 1398 1738 1740 1768 1739 1769 123 126 119 1832 1836 1835 1669 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1399 ♦1-1200 *1-1 4-72 T526SU TB III 1 C552 D1413 1002 D1031 LF-71 RS274-B 955 D748 D351 D1759 M-l-70 C240 UBCS24-11 1063 J912A TB-II-17 D52 Engineering and Product Standards Division 41 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Precision In. Gage Std. Meth. of Test for Polystyrene Std. for Fire Doors, Windows, Shutters, and Glass Meth. for Ink Absorbency of Std. Tooling Nomenclature for Solid Die Two ination by Manual Meth. (197/ Std. Meth. for Sampling Gas ination by Automatic Particle/ Std. Meth. of Sampling Gas . Meth. of Test for Drop Impact Resistance of Polyethylene Std. Test. Procedure for the emoval or Conveying (1973) / Std. for the Installation of Safety Std. for Vacuum Cleaning Machines and Rec. Pract. for Electric Std. for or Removal (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for ng Appliances Rated at 60/ Safety Std. for Electric Fans for Compatible Operation of Forage Harvesters, Wagons and s for Static Load, Frame, Fork, Steering Assembly and Tire Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Copper Phthalocyanine lutions; Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl 1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Bromophenol 1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Methylene metric Meth. for Measuring Residual C/ Std. for Methylene th. of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas (Methylene ibers. Whole or Ground Cereal/ Meth. of Urease Bromthymol 175 Test Meth for Reflectance, . of Test for Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings Meth. for Measuring Color of Paper and Paper gid Boards (1970) ANSI C83/ Std. Spec, for Printed Wiring a Std. General Document for Printed Wiring essel Inspectors (1973) (National Spec, for Fire Barrier Gypsum Rec. Safeguards in Particle Suggested Cuide Lines for Printed Wiring ofs (Wood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Design Guide for Wood Composition 72) Std. Spec, for Insulating 72) Std. Meth. of Test. Insulating ers to Receive Screw Attached Gypsum Wallboard and Backing Std. Spec, for Gypsum Backing Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Roof Insulation Std. Spec, for Perlite Thermal Insulation Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Backing Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Sheathing form Building Code Std. for Water Resistant Gypsum Backing r Fiberboard Nail Base Sheathing and Structural Insulating Std. for Cellulosic Fiber Insulating and Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Application of Gypsum adhesion to Porous Substrates (Subjective Ratings) (Paper, Std. for Binding Post-Terminal design Values, Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress of board Dimensions and Tolerances Single and Two Sided Rigid Std. for Safety for Printed Wiring n of End Product Description Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring actice Guide for Aids to Security (Safety) of Personnel on td. and Rec. Pract. for Buoyancy in the Event of Swamping Rec. Pract. for Std. for Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Non Commercial Rec. Pract. for Outboard Motor reational Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Fork Lift Truck, d Rec. Meth. of Identifying AC and DC Electrical Wiring on Rec. Pract. for Aluminum Applications for ation of Power Transmission Units Penetrating the Hull for Std. and Rec. Pract. for Level Flotation of on Devi/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for Electronic Equipment on Std. for Electrical Bonding of Direct Current Systems on Rec. Pract. and Std. for Cathodic Protection Systems on sign, Construction and Installation of Battery Chargers on , Size, and Installation of Propeller Shafting Systems for ipment for Anchoring, Mooring, Docking, Towing and Lifting ly Installed Fuel Systems for Inboard and Outboard Powered r Outboard Motor Boat Transom and Motor Well Dimensions on of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, Liquid Cooled Marine Engines Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Marine Engine Mountings Rec. Pract. for Outboard Motor Dimensions nd Stds. for Location and Visibility of Navigation Lights covering Design and Construction of Cockpits and Scuppers stating the Horsepower Rating of Inboard Gasoline Engines Holding and/or Treatment Devices for Marine Toilet Waste uel Systems and Portable Containers for Flammable Liquids s, Outboard Water Strainers, Water Scoops and Drain Plugs ted) Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries oled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Diesel and Gasoline) ncluding Their Installation, Operation and Maintenance (On of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery d Installation of Plumbing, Head/ Std. for Mobile Homes: Std. Me Meth Blocks for Length Measurement (Thru 20 In.) (1973) Blocks in Sbr Rubbers and Latices (1974) Blocks (1973) ANSI A2.7 Blotting Paper (1972) Blow Cold Headers (1972) Blow Down Systems and Components for Particulate Contam Blow Down Systems and Components for Particulate Contam Blow Molded Containers (1970) Std Blow Off Pressure of Composite Cans (1973) Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor R Blower Cleaners (1973) ANSI C33.36.1 Blower Motor Switch for Vehicles (1971) Blower Pipe and Connecting Flange Dimensions (1972) Blower, Fan, and Exhaust System for Dust, Stock and Vap (Blower, Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, and Air Filteri Blowers (1972) Std. Dimensions Blowout (1972) /Ts for Regular Bicycles Including Test Blue and Green Pigments (1973) Blue and Green; Mineral Oil; Urease Tablets; Xanthyrol) Blue Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators ( Blue Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators ( Blue Meth. for Measuring Thiosulfate and Silver Densito Blue Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z77.10 Blue Test Paper for Analysis of Urea in Cloth or Sack F Blue, and Whiteness of Bleached Fabric (1972) ANSI L14. (Blunt Rod) (1972) Std. Board by Hunter L, A, B Colorimetry (1972) Board Dimensions and Tolerances Single and Two Sided Ri Board Electric Connectors (1974) ANSI C83.88, Ipc C-405 Board Inspection Code) Manual for Boiler and Pressure V Board Membrane (1972T) Board Plants (1972) Board Repairs (1973) Board Underlayment) (1973) /Td. for Special Purpose Ro Board Wall Panels (1973) Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Decorative (19 Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Decorative (19 Board (1971) /. for Installation of Steel Framing Memb Board (1972) Board (1972) Board (1972) Board (1973) Board (1973) Board (1973) Uni Board (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Fo Board (1973) ANSI A149.1 Board (1974) /L) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track) Board, Cloth, etc.) (1973) Test Meth. for Board, Electrical (1973) Board, Timber, Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decking, Floori Boards (1970) ANSI C83.98 /. Spec, for Printed Wiring Boards (1973) ANSI C33.46 Boards) in Numeric (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, Mag Boat Deck and for Reboarding from the Water (1973) /Pr (Boat Flotation) (1973) Boat Hull Identification Numbers (1973) Boat Load Capacity (Under 26 Ft. in Length) (1973) Boat Trailer (1972) Boat Transom and Motor Well Dimensions on Boats (1974) Boat, Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Mobile Home, Garde Boats and Engines (Color Code) (1973) Requirements an Boats and Yachts (1971) Boats Equipped with Outdrives, Jet Drives and/or Bow Th Boats When Swamped (1973) Boats (Audio Device, Automatic Pilot, Depth Determinati Boats (1972) Boats (1972) Boats (1973) Rec. Pract. and Std. for the De Boats (1973) /Guide to Design, Construction, Materials Boats (1973) /Ion and Installation of Fittings and Equ Boats (1973) /Instruction and Installation of Permanent Boats (1974) Rec. Pract. Fo (Boats) and Auxiliaries (1972) /Design and Construction (Boats) (1971) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) (Boats) (1972) Boats) (1973) (Boats) (1973) Rec. Pract. a Rec. Pract. and Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining and Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Sewage / Construction and Stowage of Portable F /on of Seacocks, Through Hull Connection /Onstruction of Diesel (Compression Igni /Td. Covering the Installation of Air Co /Lammable (Combustible) Gas Indicators I /Pract. and Stds. for Safe Installation Body and Frame Design and Construction Requirements, an ANSI B89.1.9 ASTM D3314 NFPA 80 TAPPI T431SU IFI 118 ASTM F308 ASTM F327 ASTM D2463 CCTI C110 NFPA 91 UL 1017 SAE J235 ASAE S347T ICBO UBCS10-3 UL 507 ASAE S328.1T BMA 6/4 ASTM D3256 AACCH 28-91 CR R-55 CR R-65 ANSI PH4.8 ASTM D2725 AACCH 28-87 AATCC 110 ASTM G17 TAPPI T524SU IPC D300E EIA RS406 NBBPV *1 ASTM C707 FMS LPD7-10 IPC R-700 ICBO UBCS32-14 HPMA CB-SG-73 ASTM C208 ASTM C209 ANSI A97.2 ASTM C442 ASTM C726 ASTM C728 ICBO UBCS47-6 ICBO UBCS47-9 ICBO UBCS47-13 ICBO UBCS25-24 use PS57 ASTM C645 TAPPI UM-540 NSA 192 WWPA •24 IPC D300E UL 796 IPC D-350 ABYC A18 ABYC H8A ABYC S10 ABYC H5 ABYC A15 ABYC S12 TRA 5 ABYC E3 ABYC SI ABYC P16 ABYC H8B ABYC A21 ABYC El ABYC E2 ABYC A20 ABYC P6 ABYC A5 ABYC H24 ABYC S12 ABYC P4 ABYC P5 ABYC Sll ABYC A16 ABYC H4 ABYC S6 ABYC A8 ABYC H25 ABYC H27 ABYC P15 ABYC P10 ABYC A14 ABYC PI NFPA 501B 42 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (/ .7 ) (1973) Spec, for Lineman's Climbing Equipment radionuclides in Air and In/ Rec. for Maximum Permissible thing) (1972) Std. for ermining Resistance to Snagging and Abrasion of Automotive (National Board Inspection Code) Manual for Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Medium Carbon Steel r Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Safety Std. for Oil Fired Temperature Service Conforming to ISO Recommendations for ace Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natural Gas Fired Watertube urnace Explosions in Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple Burner Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel td. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel s (1973) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Steel inless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Std. for Gas Fired High Pressure Steam and Hot Water Std. for Gas Utilization Equipment in Large Std. for Gas Fired Single Firebox Std. for Gas Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water sting Procedures and Maintenance of Steam Safety Valves on Std. Spec, for Refractories for Incinerators and Water Fuel Cutoffs and Automatic Feedwater Regulators for . Meth. for Rapid Gas Chromatographic Estimation of Higher (1973) Std. Spec, for Low servative Solutions Such as Pent/ Std. Spec, for for High pract. for Performing Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests in A Std. Meth. of Test for s Chromatography (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for aste) of Corn Starch Which Is Gelatinized When Heated in A requirements for Woven Decorative Bedspreads, Pillows, and hread (1973) Std. for 1973) Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for istant (1973) Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type Protruding Head Shear Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type 100 Deg. Head Shear ull Type. Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for 1 Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for um Alloy (1973) Std. for ize. Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for tanium Alloy (1973) Std. for versize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for , Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for , Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Std. for Hexagon Head Modified Short Thread Shear Std. for Full Threaded, 160 KSI Steel, Drilled Head Std. for Shear Hexagon Head Std. for Self Locking, Hexagon Head Shear . Close Tolerance Head and Shank, 160,000 psi Short Thread 73) ksi (1973) ue, 180 KSI (1973) ad, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) ead. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) s. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) d, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972/ , Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (19/ Recess, Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking An/ Recess, Alloy Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocki/ ze (1973) (1973) y Steel, 160,000 psi (1973) alloy Steel, Long Thread. Self Locking and Nonl/ alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self-Locking and Non/ a286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlo/ erance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Nonlocking (/ erance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Nonlocking (19/ Std. for Std. for Machine Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. Part Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for , AiUU V>1CS, . [IUII 1 lilt dU. . ' "111')' l'.lll£ (17/ ^IU. 1UI Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocki/ (Body Belt, Safety Strap, Lanyard, Pole and Tree Climber Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Body Measurements for the Sizing of Girls' Apparel (Clo Bodycloth (1972) Std. Test Meth. for Del Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (1973) Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High Pressure Service Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.10 Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.13 /. Fo Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.9 Boiler Assemblies (1973) Boiler Construction (1972) / Tubular Products for High Boiler Furnaces with One Burner (1972) /Ention of Furn Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protection) (1973) /Vention of F Boiler Tubes for High Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125 Boiler Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.6 Boiler, Superheater, and Heal Exchanger Tubes (1973) an Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tube Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G81.29 Boilers (Inputs Not Over 400,000 Btu Per Hr.) (1972) Boilers (1971) Boilers (1971) Boilers (1972) Boilers (1972) Te Boilers (1972) ANSI A111.8 Boilers (1974) /Re Hazards and Protection Rec. for Low Boiling Homologues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for Capacit Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Oil Borne Preservatives Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Oil Borne Pre Boiling Magnesium Chloride Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Boiling Point of Engine Antifreezes (1972) ANSI D14.1 Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Fractions by Ga Boiling Water Bath (1973) / for Determination of pH (P Bolster Fabrics (Institutional Textiles) (1973) /Ance Bolt-Close Tolerance, Hexagon Head, Titanium, Short T Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Steel 1/4-28 Thru 1-1/8-12 ( Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Steel, 1.2500-12 (1973) Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Steel, 1.3750-12 (1973) Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Steel, 1.5000-12(1973) Bolt-Machine, Hexagon Head, Nonmagnetic, and Heat Res Bolt-Shear, Close Tolerance (1973) Bolt-TEE Head (1973) Bolt- 100 Deg. Close Tolerance, High Strength (1973) Bolt Lock (1974) Bolt Lock (1974) Bolt Lock, Shear, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, P Bolt Lock, Shear, 100 Deg. Head, Std. and Oversize, Pul Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Stump Type, Titani Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Std. and Overs Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Stump Type, Ti Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Std. and O Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Stump Type Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Pull Type, Bolt Lock, Tension. 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Stump Type Bolt (1972) Bolt (1972) Bolt (1973) Bolt (1974) Bolt (1974) Std. for 100 Deg Bolt, Brazier Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (19 Bolt, Crowned Hexagon Head, Adjusting (1973) Bolt. Flat, 100 Deg. Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 Bolt, Flat, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Torq Set and Hi Torq Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thre Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thr Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Thread Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Threa Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Titanium Alloy (1972) Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Bolt, Shear, Hexagon Head, 180 KSI (1973) Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Head-Oversi Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Head (1973) Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head-Oversize Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head (1973) Bolt, 100 Deg. Flush Tension Head Hi Torque Recess Alio Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, (1972) Bolt. 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, (1972) Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tol Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tol Bolt, 100 Deg. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V EE1 AP-2 NCRPM R22 use PS54 SAE J948A NBBPV •1 ASTM A226 ASTM A210 ASTM A250 ASTM A209 UL 726 ASTM A520 NFPA 85 FMS 6-2 ASTM A 192 ASTM A178 ASTM A213 ASTM A249 ASTM A479 ANSI Z21.S9 ANSI Z21.33 ANSI Z21.52 ANSI Z21.13 FMS LPD12-59 ASTM C64 FMS 12-37 ASTM D3303 ASTM D3225 ASTM D2604 ASTM G36 ASTM D1120 ASTM D2887 CR C-42 ANSI L24.1.2 NSA 653 NSA 144 NSA 172 NSA 174 NSA 176 NSA 1003 NSA 464 NSA 28 NSA 333 NSA 2605 NSA 2705 NSA 2406 NSA 2506 NSA 2005 NSA 2206 NSA 2125 NSA 2325 NSA 2115 NSA 2315 NSA 2105 NSA 2306 NSA 1103-20 NSA 563-572 NSA 1303-20 NSA 1223 NSA 1202 NSA 1982 NSA 428 NSA 1972 NSA 1992 NSA 6604-20 NSA 6203-20 NSA 6704-20 NSA 6303-20 NSA 1266-70 NSA 6804-20 NSA 6403-20 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5000-6 NSA 1953 NSA 1729 NSA 1728 NSA 1725 NSA 1724 NSA 583 NSA 4104-16 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4400-16 NSA 4500-16 NSA 4703-16 NSA 4803-16 NSA 4600-16 Engineering and Product Standards Division 43 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ght / Uniform Building Code Std. for Timber Connector and ode Std. for High Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts, Washers, and or Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) for Design of Components: Enclosed Gear Drives-Bearings, ature Service (1/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Turbine Type ansi G38.4 Std. Spec, for Alloy and Stainless Steel , and Fittings for Low Temper/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel d Strength, Materials with Expansion Coef/ Std. Spec, for a) Tensile Strength, Hardened / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Spec, for Low Alloy Steel ened and Tempered, Roll Threaded (1973) 1973) Spec, for Titanium Alloy oil Threaded (1973) Spec, for Titanium Alloy in. Series (1971) Std. for Design Parameters for Std. Spec, for High Strength Nonheaded Steel ansi E38./ Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel uts and Plain Hardene/ Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Specifying Rock Spec, for Structural Steel Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 , Medium High Carbon Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head oy Steel Wire, Alloy Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Std. Fastener Code (Aerospace Lockbolts, Rivets, ng Code Std. for Timber Connector and Bolted Joints, Drift e Treatment, Poles, Piles, Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, in/ Western Woods Use Book: Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Uniform Building Code Std. for High Strength Steel bs and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick Plates; oss Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Isothermal Jacket shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Oxygen - al Chemistry) (1962) nuity of Steam Turbine Oil Oxidation Stability by Rotating taining 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para-Cresol by Rotating 1972) Test Meth. for ) Test Meth. for Internal ing Surface Strength of Coated Papers Using the Interfiber d Laminate/ Std. Meth. of Test. Delamination, Strength of Strength of Bond, Appearance, and Shrinkage Propensity of 1 Std. Spec, for Performance of Test Meth. for Bond Strength of Std. Rec. Pract. for Atmospheric Exposure of Adhesive Std. Test Meth. for Permanence of Adhesive Std. Test Meth. for Flexural Strength of Adhesive td. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Strength of Adhesively td. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Strength of Adhesively 1) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Measuring the Wear Life and Uniform Building Code Std. for Exterior Plaster Liquid nd Materials for Use in Flammable Anesthetizing Locations (1972) ANSI C33.8 Std. for Safety for Grounding and Std. for Electrical type) (1972) ANSI A111.29 Std. Meth. of Test for Cold ater Mass of Material (1970) ANSI Z/ Std. Rec. Pract. for ec. Pract. for Preparation of Metal Surfaces for Adhesives . for Preparation of Surfaces of Plastic Prior to Adhesive Loss Prevention Data on of Conducting Shear Block Test for Quality Control of Glue 1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesive Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Adhesive Std. Test. Meth. for Impact Strength of Adhesive . of Test for Cleavage Strength of Metal to Metal Adhesive of Test for Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Adhesive Std. Test Meth. for Tensile Properties of Adhesive Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of for Dimensions and Tolerances for Screw Holes and Slots in for Artificial Headbone for the Calibration of Audiometer by Surgeons in the Treatment of Fractures of the Skeletal Handbook for Library Binding (Rec. for Good Std. for Aluminum Underground Distribution Reference Std. for Title Leaves of A Std. for Advertising of Manufacturing Std. and Spec, for Textbooks nd Timber) (1973) , Corridor, Building Construction and / n Properties and Design Loads, Timber,/ d Floors (1973) plates, Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pin/ Western Woods Use Western Woods Use Western Woods Use Western Woods Use Western Woods Use Western Woods Use Western Woods Use Rec. Pract. for Radius of Load and AH Mobile Construction Type Cranes Having Rope Supported rope Supporte/ Rec. Pract. for Performance Std. for Crane Safety Std. for Fire Extinguisher and Apparatus ow and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gauge meth. of Analysis of Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni - Bolted Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Li Bolted Parts (1973) Uniform Building C (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide Field and Compound Mi Bolting Keys and Shafting (1974) Std. Bolting Material Specially Heat Treated for High Temper Bolting Materials for High Temperature Services (1974) Bolting Materials for Pressure Vessels, Valves, Flanges Bolting Materials, High Temperature, 50 to 120 KSI Yiel Bolts and Screws, Heat Resistant, 195,000 psi (1,345 Mp Bolts and Screws, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Bolts and Screws, Steel, Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Hard Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded ( Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, Heat Treated, R Bolts and Screws; External Wrenching, Unified Threaded Bolts and Studs (1973) Bolts for High Pressure and Temperature Service (1973) Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (1971) ANSI G24.19 Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable N Bolts (1966) Bolts (1970) Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.15 Std. Spec, for Steel Wire Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.16 Std. Spec, for All Bolts) (1973) Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Metal Plate Conne Bolts, Connectors, Nails, Staples, Adhesives, Fiberboar Bolts, Lag Screws, Plates, Nails and Spikes, Washers, P Bolts, Nuts, Washers, and Bolted Parts (1973) Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key Control S Bomb Calorimeter (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Gr Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Stability in Fats, Oils, and Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods (Cere Bomb (1967) ANSI Z11.230 Std. Meth. of Test for Conti Bomb (1973) ANSI C59.113 / Mineral Insulating Oils Con Bond Strength of Bonded and Laminated Textile Fabrics ( Bond Strength of Paperboard (Z-Direction Tensile) (1973 Bond Tester (1973) /or Coating Pick Tests for Determin Bond, Appearance, and Shrinkage Propensity of Bonded an Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics (Textile) After Dr Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.29 Bonded and Laminated Textile Fabrics (1972) Bonded Joints and Structures (1970) ANSI Z197.24 Bonded Joints in Plywood Under Mold Conditions (1970) Bonded Laminated Assemblies (1969) ANSI Z197.20 Bonded Plastic Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in Shear by Te Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear Joints in Shear by Tensi Bonded Solid Film Lubricants in Oscillating Motion (197 Bonding Agents (1973) (Bonding Appliances, Casters, Face Masks and Rebreathing Bonding Equipment (Internal Electrical Wiring Systems) Bonding of Direct Current Systems on Boats (1972) Bonding Strength of Air Setting Refractory Mortar (Wet Bonding Thin Spectrochemical Samples and Stds. to a Gre Bonding (1967) ANSI Z197.28 Std. R Bonding (1969) ANSI Z197.25 Std. Rec. Pract Bonds and Guarantees for Roof Installations (1973) Bonds and Patterns in Brickwork (Tech. Notes) (1967) Bonds in Scarf Joints (1970) Std. Meth. Bonds in Shear by Compression Loading (1949) ANSI Z197. Bonds to Chemical Reagents (1966) ANSI Z197.7 Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.14 Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.16 Std. Meth Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.18 Std. Meth. Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.8 Bone Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) Bone Plates (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. Bone Vibrators (1972) Std. (Bone) System (1973) /R Hip Nail-Jewett Type for Use Book Binding Practices) (1971) Book Numbering (1973) Book (Electrical Power Cable Specs.) (1973) Book (1971) Books (1971) (Books) (1973) Book: Abbreviations, Symbols, and Terminology (Lumber a Book: Fire Protection and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Aisle Book: Lumber Std., Grading Rules, Design Values, Sectio Book: Sound Control (Acoustics) in Buildings, Walls, an Book: Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, Book: Wood Preservation (Preservative) (1973) Book: Wood Tanks, Vats, and Pipe (1973) Boom Angle Measuring System (1972) Booms, Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Grapp Boomstop of All Mobile Construction Type Cranes Having Booster Hose (1973) Borads, Protective Devices, and Instrumentation (1972) Borasio System (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ICBO ICBO AACCH AGMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CSI AISC ASTM ASTM NSA ICBO ICBO WWPA ICBO NBHA ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM AATCC TAPPI TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO UL UL ABYC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS BIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM LBI ANSI AA ANSI ANSI BMI WWPA WWPA WWPA WWPA WWPA WWPA WWPA SAE SAE SAE UL DEMA AACCH UBCS25-17 UBCS27-7 28-90 260.02 A437 A193 A320 A453 AMS7459B AMS7452K AMS7455D AMS7460C AMS7461B AS1132A A687 A 194 A490 A325 02980 S314 A546 A547 523 UBCS25-17 UBC*3-25 •31-1 UBCS27-7 8 D3286 58-55 40-65 D2272 D2112 136 UM-528 UM-534 D2724 D2724 D3135 136 D1828 D1877 D1184 D3164 D3163 D2981 UBCS47-1 1067 467 El C198 E401 D2651 D2093 1-47S 30 D1759 D905 D896 D950 D1062 D1151 D897 F382 F367 S3. 13 F369 ♦2 Z39.21 52 Z39.15 Z39.13 *1 •31-6 •31-4 •31 •31-5 •31-1 •31-3 •31-2 J375A J220 J220 92 •1-17 16-51 44 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) Std. Analytical Meth. (or Determining Spec, for Powdered Hand Cleaner (Soap with Dimensional Identification Code, and Mounting Dime/ Std. ion Code, and Mounting Dimensions for 3/4. 1 and 1 1/8 In. nalysis of Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Products td. for Numerically Controlled Horizontal and Vertical Jig Std. for Horizontal Std. for Numerically Controlled Horizontal for for High Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Oil Std. Spec, for Low Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Oil Std. Meth. for Analysis of Oil Std. for Hydrocarbon Solvents for Oil ochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel for Tent. Spec, for Nuclear Grade evices (1972) Std. Spec, for Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Type 58 ard Mounting and Face Dimensions of Receptacles Off Center Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting ) Std. Meth. for Open Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock Test on Class Containers Std. Meth. of Sampling Class Containers Std. Spec, for Dimensions and Tolerances of Plastic Std. Meth. of Test for Pressure in Glass Aerosol Meth. of Drop Test, of Glass Aerosol Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat spec, for Crushed Stone, Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water rings (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conforming to Basic Hull for Boats Equipped with Outdrives, Jet Drives and/or r Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures (Lavatory, Water Closet Uniform Fire Code: 72) Rec. for Hitch and type Sealants (1972) Std. Meth. Test for UV Cold h. of Determining Interior Dimensions of Fiberboard Boxes s. for Post Tensioned Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Std. Inlet rec. for Indoor General Storage (Solid, Palletized and Bin ctrical Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Std. for Safety for Electrical Outlet Safety Std. for Underwater Lighting Fixtures and Junction 974) Std. for Safety for Manually Actuated Signaling td. Meth. of Determining Interior Dimensions of Fiberboard s (/ Std. for Electrical Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Device aluminum Covers (/ Std. for Electrical Sheet Steel Outlet Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining lar Bicycles Including Wheel Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle 1973) Std. for Integrity and Test Spec, for Selected Rec. for Protection Against Radiation from Std. for Leak Test. Radioactive Spec, for Gamma-Ray ial Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow Mo/ Std. for Mounting oving Vehicle (SMV) Identification Emb/ Std. for Mounting Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Air Rec. Pract. for Automotive lever Operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and Load Rec. Pract. for Automotive (1972) Std. for Motor Vehicle m of Vehicles Equipped / Rec. Pract. for Determination of Std. for Motor Vehicle Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Hydraulic Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Air Brake and Vacuum Rec. Pract. for Gogan Hardness of requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Motor Vehicle ents (1972) Std. for Air ar (1971) Rec. Pract. for Service uses, and Combination Vehicles F/ Rec. Pract. for Service , Buses, Trucks, and Combination Vehicles with Any Type of Rec. Pract. for Design Levels for Emergency Air Std. for Air e Automotive Braking System of Vehicles Equipped with Disc equirements for Construction, Care, and Use of Power Press nguards, Saddle Braces, Pedal Clearance, Steering Control, Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tires in the Diagonal determination of Brake Fluid Temperature in the Automotive malathion Residues in Milled Wheat Products (Wheat, Flour, Std. Spec, for ansi H33.1 Std. Spec, for Copper Zinc Lead (Leaded Red Std. Spec, for Seamless Red Std. Spec, for Leaded Std. Spec, for 972) Std. Spec, for Free Cutting Std. Spec, for Cartridge changer Tubing (1972/ Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy No. 260 Std. Spec, for Sintered Std. Spec, for Seamless Borax Content in Dextrin and Corn Starch Products (1971 CR D-10 Borax) (1972T) ASTM D3046 Bore and Rod Size Combinations, Rod End Configurations, NFLDP T3.6.11 Bore Cataloged Square Head Tie Rod Type Industrial Flui NFLDP T3.6.U (Boric Acid Modification) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / a AACCH 4612 Boring Machines (1974) NSA 963 Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine (1974) NSA 910 Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine (1974) NSA 954 Borne Preservative Solutions Such as Pentachlorophenol ASTM D2604 Borne Preservatives (1973) ASTM D3225 Borne Wood Preservatives (1973) AWPA A5 Borne Wood Preservatives (1973) AWPA P9 Boron by the Point to Plane Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z ASTM E404 Boron Carbide Powder (1973) ASTM C750 Boron Deoxidized Copper in Wrought Forms for Electron D ASTM F107 Boron in Water (1972T) ASTM D3082 Borosilieate Sealing Glass (1972) ANSI Z173.47 ASTM F105 Boss Type, 30, 50, and 60 Amperes, 4 Wire (1966) /Tand ANSI C73.67 Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, ORing (1973) NSA 1595 Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, ORing (1973) NSA 1596 Bottle Tap Sampling of Noncryogenic Fluid Systems (1972 ASTM F301 (Bottle, Jar) (1971) ASTM C149 (Bottle, Jar, etc.) (1956) ASTM C224 Bottles (1972) ASTM D2911 Bottles (1972) ASTM D3063 Bottles (1972) ASTM D3071 Bottom Drop Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) CCTI C125.1 Bound Macadam Base Courses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. ASTM D694 Boundary Plans (1972) ANSI B3.17 / Ball and Roller Bea AFBMA 7 Bow Thrusters (1973) /Ansmission Units Penetrating the ABYC P16 Bowl, Urinal) (1973) Std. Fo ANSI A112.19.2 Bowling Alleys (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART4 Box Dimensions for Agricultural (Farm) Grain Wagons (19 ASAE R239 Box Exposure of One Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Release ASTM C718 (Box Gage Meth.) (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.19 /.Met ASTM D2658 Box Girder Bridges Design and Construction) (1969) /EC CRSI *2 Box Positions for Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2405 Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. FMS 8-25N Box Supports, and Cast Aluminum Covers (1973) /for Ele NEMA OS1 Boxes and Fittings (1974) UL 514 Boxes for Swimming Pools (1972) UL 676 Boxes for Use with Fire Protective Signaling Systems (1 UL 38 Boxes (Box Gage Meth.) (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12. 19 ASTM D2658 Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, and Cast Aluminum Cover NEMA OS1 Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, and Cast NEMA OS1 Brabender Viscosity Content in Corn Starch (1968) CR B-9 Braces, Pedal Clearance, Steering Control, Brakes, Tire BMA 6/5 Brachytherapy Sources (Medical Radiation-Radiology) ( ANSI N44.1 Brachytherapy Sources (1972) NCRPM R40 Brachytherapy Sources (1973) ANSI N44.2 Brachytherapy Sources (1974) NCRPM R41 Brackets and Socket for Agricultural (Farm) and Industr ASAE S277.2 Brackets and Socket for Warning Lamp (Light) and Slow M SAE J725D Brake and Vacuum Brake Hose (1973) ANSI S2. 10 ASTM D622 Brake Definitions and Nomenclature (1971) SAE J656F Brake Designs (1971) Std. Spec, for Manually HMI 300 Brake Disc and Drum Thermocouple Installation (1972) SAE J79 Brake Fluid for Use Under Arctic Atmospheric Conditions SAE J1702D Brake Fluid Temperature in the Automotive Braking Syste SAE J291 Brake Fluid (Used Under Nonarctic Conditions) (1972) SAE J1703B Brake Hose (1972) ANSI J2.9 ASTM D571 Brake Hose (1973) ANSI S2. 10 ASTM D622 Brake Lining (1972) SAE J379A Brake Linings (1966) Minimum Performance VESC V-3 Brake Reservoir Performance and Identification Requirem SAE J10B Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure-Passenger C SAE J229 Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure for Trucks, B SAE J294 Brake System (1972) /, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles SAE J299 Brake Systems (1971) SAE J263 Brake Tubing and Pipe (1970) SAE J844C Brakes (1972) /Nation of Brake Fluid Temperature in Th SAE J291 Brakes (1973) Std. for Safety R ANSI B11.3 Brakes, Tires and Controls (1972) /Heel Assembly, Chai BMA 6/5 Braking Mode (1973) / Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger ASTM E503 Braking System of Vehicles Equipped with Disc Brakes (1 SAE J291 Bran, Shorts, etc.) to Determine Added Amounts of Malat AACCH 60-30 Brass Die Castings (1970) ANSI H49.1 ASTM B176 Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars, and Shapes (1972) ASTM B140 Brass Pipe, Std. Sizes (1972) ASTM B43 Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) ASTM B121 Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) ASTM B36 Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Machines (1 ASTM B16 Brass Sheet, Strip, Plate, Bar and Disks (1973) ASTM B19 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and Light Gage for Heat Ex ASTM B569 Brass Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.8 ASTM B282 Brass Tube (1971) ANSI H36.1 ASTM B135 Engineering and Product Standards Division 45 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Welded Std. Spec, for d, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Flat (Rectangular and Square) Std. for Std. Spec, for Copper Std. for Bolt, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Unhardened Steel and Alloy Silver for Safety for LP Gas Torches for Heating, Soldering, and Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Buhler Meth. of Experimental Milling for Batch Meth. of Experimental Milling for White Pan Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Rye raight Dough Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Wheat Dough, Pound Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Meth. of Sensory Perception Test for Staleness of eth. of Analysis of Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Milk in meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour, Feeds, Feedstuffs, and ompression Test with Baker Compressimeter for Staleness of h. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and cereal Chemistr/ Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Flour, Products, Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farina, Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour, Farina, Semolina, for Nitrate Free Samples for Analysis of Crude Protein in n Grits, Cor/ Thiochrome Meth. of Analysis of Thiamine in Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Semolina; Std. for Std. Meth. of Measuring (1973) Std. for Structural Flush Std. Meth. of Measuring Break Pattern of Leather stivity of Silicon Epitaxial Layers by the 3 Probe Voltage ommercial Power Freque/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric n Using VDE Electrodes/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric n Under Impulse Condit/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric d. for Safety for Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit dielectric Test Values for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Rec. Pract. for Automatic Reset Internal Mounted Circuit ns, and Related Requirements for Low Voltage Power Circuit Std. for Safety for Molded Case Circuit Class I, Groups AD, and Class / Safety Std. for Circuit irements for Electrical Control of AC High Voltage Circuit t of Phase / Std. Meth. for Test. AC High Voltage Circuit Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit se Voltage Insulation Strength for AC High Voltage Circuit for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit ents for Pressurized Components of AC High Voltage Circuit Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit or External Insulation for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Std. for Test Procedures for Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Std. for Low Voltage Alternating Current Power Circuit rs (1973) Std. for Carbide Chip ance Requirements for Pipe Applied Atmospheric Type Vacuum Related Required Capabilities for AC High Voltage Circuit Rec. Pract. for Circuit Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and in Oil Circuit ral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and Oil Circuit Corn Meal, Corn Grits. Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, tant Rate of Extension Instrument/ Std. Meth. of Test for rs (Flat Bundle Meth.) (1972) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Knot Configurations (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for erapy and Suctio/ Std. for Respiratory Therapy Equipment Std. for Safety for Household Electric Coffee Makers and old Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Refractory Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. te Treatment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) sanitary Structures (Tech. Notes) (1969) nt Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) t Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) Reinforced ) (1972) Guide Specs, for Std. Meth. of Test for Warpage of Refractory ) (1966) Construction Details, 6 In. Heat Transmission Coefficients of Moisture Control in clay (Properly Constructed Masonry) Insulated Cavity 6 In. Moisture Control in Std. St Sponge Basic Meth. of C Electrometric Met St Brass Tube (1973) Brass Wire (1971) ANSI H32.1 Brass Wire (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Roun Brazed Double Wall Low Carbon Steel Tubing (1972) Brazed Steel Tubing (1970) ANSI B125.33 Brazier Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Brazing Filler Metal (1969) ANSI W3.8 Brazing Filler Metals for Electron Devices (1972) Brazing Joints (1973) Brazing Purposes (1973) ANSI Z250. 1 Bread and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread and Soft Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread and Soft Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread Flour Spec. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bread, and Baked Cereal Products Not Containing Fruit ( Bread, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / in Whole Grain Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Cor Bread, Wheat and Other Grains, and Yeast Foods (Cereal Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products, Cor Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and Their Adjuncts (Ce Break Mandrel Closed End Blind Rivets (1973) Break Pattern of Leather (Break Scale) (1973) ALCA E64 Break Pull Mandrel Self Plugging Blind Rivets, Type 2A (Break Scale) (1973) ALCA E64 Breakdown Meth. (1972) ANSI Z173.47 / of Test for Resi Breakdown Voltage and Strength of Insulating Gases at C Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origi Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origi Breaker Enclosures (1972) Breaker External Insulation Rated on a Symmetrical Basi Breaker (1971) Breakers and AC Power Circuit Protectors (1973) Breakers and Circuit Breaker Enclosures (1972) Breakers and Enclosures for Use in Hazardous Locations, Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical and a Total Current Bas Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis When Rated for Ou Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (1972) /Ings for Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (362 kV and Above Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1971) an Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1971) an Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) an Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) an Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) an Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1973) an Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973) Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973) ANSI C37.13 Breakers Used in Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type Holde Breakers (1970) Perform Breakers (1971) /Ransient Recovery Voltage Ratings and Breakers (1972) Breakers (1973) Std. Spec, for Uninhibited Mineral Breakers (1973) /D. Spec, for Oxidation Inhibited Mine Breakfast Cereals (Except Those Which Are Sugar Coated) Breaking Load and Elongatoin of Elastomeric Yarns (Cons Breaking Strength and Elongation of Cotton Textile Fibe Breaking Strength of Ceramic Tile (1971) ANSI A173.1 Breaking Tenacity of Man Made Textile Fibers in Loop or (Breathing Devices, Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Th Brewing Type Appliances (1972) ANSI C33.11.1 Brick and Shapes (1972) ANSI A111.17 /H. of Test for C Brick and Structural Clay Tile (1973) Brick and Tile Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Industrial Was Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Miscellaneous Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Sewage Treatme Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Water Treatmen Brick and Tile Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1964) Brick and Tile Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part III Execution Brick and Tile Metal Tied Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Brick and Tile or Deviation from a Plane Surface (1972) Brick and Tile Walls for 1 Story Buildings (Tech. Notes Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1961) Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Structural Brick and Tile Walls, Condensation (Tech. Notes) (1965) /Dati, ASTM ASTM ICBO SAE ASTM NSA AWS ASTM SAE UL AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH IFI ASTM IFI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ANSI SAE ANSI UL UL ANSI IEEE ANSI IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE ANSI IEEE ANSI ASSE ANSI SAE ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSF UL ASTM ASTM BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA CSI BIA ASTM BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA B587 B134 UBCS32-13 J527B A254 1982 A5.8 F106 AMS2664C 147 40-20 26-20 26-21 34-01 10-70 10-10 10-11 40-30 40-31 62-05 74-30 80-31 08-01 74-10 02-52 30-10 86-70 44-15A 46-11 86-80 44-40 126 D2941 119 D2941 F108 D2477 D1816 D3300 489 C37.0781 J258 C37.16 489 877 C37.ll 417 C37.0732 339 327 328 340 341 343 342 C37.50 20 B94.47 1001 C39.0722 J553C D1040 D3146 44-15A D2653 D1445 C648 D3217 48 1082 C133 C67 21A 34B 34C 34A 34 17H 11B 25 C154 26A 4 7B •26 7C 46 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Drip Slag Test. Refractory Std. Meth. of Load Test, for Refractory Fire Resistance Requirements Relating to Ceramic Glazed es) (1968) on (Tech. Notes) (1967) h. Notes) (1966) ) eral Forces) (Tech. Notes) (1968) 72) Structural Design of Semicircular Structural Design of Reinforced 4 In. Reinforced Design Tables for Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Guide Specs, for Early Strength of Estimating Modular Guide Spec, for Engineered High Lift Grouted Reinforced Rec. Pract. for Engineered Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Lime Mortar for Rec. Spec, for Prefabricated Design and Construction of Flat and Sloped . Notes) (1966) niform Building Code Std. for Building, Facing, and Hollow Std. Spec, for Sewer and Manhole Salvaged Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for High Duty Fireclay Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Super Duty Fireclay or Size and Bulk Density of Refractory and Insulating Fire Std. Classification of Insulating Fire td. Classification of Fireclay and High Alumina Refractory Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Refractory Std. Spec, for Concrete Building Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Fire Std. Spec, for Vitrified Clay Paving Uniform Building Code Std. for Sand-Lime Building Uniform Building Code Std. for Sampling and Test. Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Building nt Specific Gravity, and Bulk Density of Burned Refractory Ornamentation, Protectio/ Uniform Building Code: Veneer std. for Machine Made and High Alumina Fireclay Refractory Bonds and Patterns in ite; Gravel/ Uniform Building Code: Weights of Materials 1) Spec, for Electric Overhead processes (1973) Std. for Lumber, Timbers, d Copper Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Rec. Pract. for Concrete Highway Std. Spec, for Asphalt Plank as Used for Tensioned Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Girder Std. Specs, for Welding of Structural Steel Highway Std. Spec, for Steel Castings for Highway Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Tube, ve Radiance of Paper and Paperboard Containing Fluorescent observation) (1972) Meth. for Measuring .5 Std. Meth. of Test for ardness Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Copper by the al Work / Rec. Pract. for Units (Measurement-Metric and test for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the us Effects of Dyes, Finishes, and Finishings (Sublimation, Std. Meth. for Determining the mpact (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Tent. Meth. of Analysis for istry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis of Specific Gravity, Degrees Cable Connectors for Audio Facilities for Radio hade and Flowering Trees; Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and std. for Hotel and Restaurant Gas Ranges (Stoves) and Unit y) (1962) Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Potassium ry) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of hemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Inorganic itration (1974) ANSI Z78.15 Std. Meth. of Test for c Titration (1972) ANSI Zl 1.248 Std. Meth. of Test for y) (1962) Volumetric ) ANSI Z159.2 Std. Meth. of Test for Total indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining the Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dibromobenzilate - h or Sack Fibers, Whole or Ground Cereal/ Meth. of Urease Std. Spec, for Steam or Valve 1971) Std. Std. Spec, for Composition Std. Spec, for Manganese Brick at High Temperature (1973) Brick at High Temperatures (1970) ANSI Alll.l Brick Bearing Wall Buildings (Tech. Notes) (1969) Brick Facing for Exterior Walls (Tech. Notes) (1962) Brick in Landscape Architecture Garden Walls (Tech. Not Brick in Landscape Architecture Miscellaneous Applicati Brick in Landscape Architecture Terraces and Walks (Tec Brick Masonry Arches (Tech. Note) (1971) Brick Masonry Arches (Tech. Notes) (1967) Brick Masonry Columns and Pilasters (Tech. Notes) (1965 Brick Masonry Curtain and Panel Walls (In Resisting Lat Brick Masonry Flexural Members (Tech. Notes) (1967) Brick Masonry Retaining Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Brick Masonry Swimming Pools (Tech. Notes) (1967) Brick Masonry (Axial Design) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Brick Masonry (Flexural Design) (Tech Notes) (1964) Brick Masonry (Inspectors Guide) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Brick Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part I and II Products) (19 Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1969) Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1971) Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) Brick Masonry (1969) Brick Masonry (1972) Brick Masonry (1974) Brick Soffits (Tech. Notes) (1970) Brick Veneer; New and Existing Frame Construction (Tech Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973) Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973) ANSI A100.1 Brick (Tech. Notes) (1962) Brick (1970) ANSI A111.14 Brick (1970) ANSI A111.16 Brick (1970) ANSI A111.18 Std. Meth. of Test F Brick (1970) ANSI A111.22 Brick (1970) ANSI A111.5 Brick (1971) ANSI A111.32 Brick (1971) ANSI A75.1 Brick (1972) ANSI A111.28 Std. Brick (1972) ANSI A37.15 Brick (1973) Brick (1973) Brick (1973) Brick (1973) ANSI A111.3 /Ty, Water Absorption, Appare (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Tile, Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Bricks (1973) Uniform Building Code Brickwork (Tech. Notes) (1967) (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Gran Bridge and Gantry Multiple Gerder Traveling Cranes (197 Bridge and Mine Tie Preservative Treatment by Pressure Bridge and Other Structural Uses (1972) ANSI H31.1 /Le Bridge Deck Construction (1974) Bridge Floors (1970) ANSI A37.48 Bridges Design and Construction) (1969) /Ecs. for Post Bridges (1974) Bridges (L974) ANSI G52.3 Bright Annealed (1973) ANSI H23.2 Brighteners (1973) /Spectrophotometric Test for Relati Brightness of Pulp (Diffuse Illumination and Zero Deg. Brir.ell Hardness of Metallic Materials (1973) ANSI Z115 Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Rockwell Superficial, an Briquet DC Arc Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.32 British-American) in Published Scientific and Technic British Portable Tester (1974) Std. Meth. of Brittleness and Chlorine Retention) (Institutional Text Brittleness of Photographic Film (1973) Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by I Brix (Balling) of Wine (Enology) (1972) Brix, and Degrees Baume of Sugar Solutions (Cereal Chem Broadcasting (1970) Broadleaf Evergreens; Rose Grades; Vines and Ground Cov Broilers (1973) Bromate in White and Whole Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemistr Bromates and Iodates in Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemist Bromates and Iodates in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Bromide Residues in Grain and Cereal Products (Cereal C Bromine Index of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Coulometric T Bromine Index of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Electrometri Bromine Meth. of Analysis of Pentosans (Cereal Chemistr Bromine Number of Unsaturated Aliphatic Chemicals (1972 Bromophenol Blue Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Bromopropylate (1973) Std. Common Name for Bromthymol Blue Test Paper for Analysis of Urea in Clot Bronze Castings (1974) Bronze Flanges and Flanged Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) ( Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings (1974) Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.5 ASTM C768 ASTM C16 BIA 16A BIA 13 BIA 29A BIA 29B BIA 29 BIA 31C BIA 31A BIA 171 BIA 17L BIA 17J BIA 17E-C BIA 17K BIA 17B BIA 17A BIA 17C CSI 11A BIA 35 BIA 10 BIA 11C-11D BIA 17D BIA •43 BIA Ml BIA 40A BIA 36A BIA 28 ICBO UBCS24-1 ASTM C32 BIA 15 ASTM C107 ASTM C122 ASTM C134 ASTM C155 ASTM C27 ASTM C202 ASTM C55 ASTM C182 ASTM C7 ICBO UBCS24-2 ICBO UBCS24-25 ICBO UBCS24-3 ASTM C20 ICBO UBC»3-30 ICBO UBCS37-1 BIA 30 ICBO UBC»3-23 CMAA 70 AWPA C2 ASTM B100 AC I 345 ASTM D517 CRSI »2 ASHTO *6 ASTM A486 ASTM B68 TAPPI UM-460 TAPPI T525SU ASTM E10 ASTM E140 ASTM E414 IEEE 268 ASTM E303 ANSI L24.7.2 ANSI PHI. 31 ASTM D746 ASE *4 AACCH 80-75 EIA RS297-A ANSI Z60.1 ANSI Z21.3 AACCH 48-42 AACCH 48-40 AACCH 48-41 AACCH 60-10 ASTM D1492 ASTM D2710 AACCH 52-10 ASTM E234 CR R-55 ANSI K62.151 AACCH 28-87 ASTM B61 ANSI B16.24 ASTM B62 ASTM B138 Engineering and Product Standards Division 47 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards per Water Tube (1973) ms (1973) (1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. for Wrought Copper and Std. for Cast Std. for Cast Std. Spec, for Sintered Std. Cast Std, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Phosphor Std. Spec, for Phosphor Std. for Bushing-Clamp Up, Std. for Bushing-Flanged, Pres9 Fit, Steel and . Spec, for Copper Zinc Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware arent Viscosity of Gear Oils at Low Temperatures Using the 1 Chemistry) (1962) Distillation Meth. Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using ract. for Determining Hermeticity of Electron Devices by A alants (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for ped for Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Grapple, or Concrete ruck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Dragline the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Hoe Dipper (Backhoe the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Clam dification, to Corn, Rye, Barley, Rice, Grain Sorghum, and Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. for Std. for Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Std. for Butts and Hinges for Doors forcement-Application) (1972) Rec. Spec, for Rec. Locations for s and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick / Basic uggested Noise Measurement Techniques for the Machine Tool ssification for Determination of Sound Transmission Class Rules for Std. Spec, for Concrete Uniform Building Code Std. for Sand-Lime Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Southern buildings and Other Structures (1972) 1) ANSI A89.1 e (1972) ANSI A169.1 e (1972) ACI 322 allboard to Wood Framing (1973) 73) test of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Fl/ of Unburned Clay Masonry Units (1973) (1973) for Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) ck (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973) g Systems (1973) Film (1973) ing the Density of Smoke from the Burning or Dec/ ing Plants or Systems (1973) meth. of Grading for All Species of Lumber (1973/ -Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (Nor/ te Reinforcement (1973) ire Extinguishment) (1973) et (Roll) and Shingles) (1973) ed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furna/ 3) trodeposited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromiu/ e Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders (1973) coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; And/ onderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pine/ hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine An/ em Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamarack / ation and Painting of Structural Steel (1973) esults in Field Concrete Cylinders (1973) 973) agents (1973) nd Structural Insulating Board (1973) (1973) se Buildings (1973) erials (1973) ion and Materials (1973) 973) Std. for Std. Std. for Std. for Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.6 Bronze Solder- Joint Pre99ure Fitting for Use with Cop Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Solvent Drainage Syste Bronze Solder Joint Pre99ure Fittings (1972) Bronze Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.6 Bronze Threaded Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1971) Bronze Trolley Wire (1974) ANSI C7.5 Bronze Wire for General and Spring Purposes (1972) Bronze (Copper Tin) Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar Bronze (1973) Bronze (1973) Bronze) Rod, Bars, and Shapes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Std Brookfield Viscometer (1972) ANSI Zl 1.321 /Est for App (Brown-Duvel) of Analysis of Moisture in Grains (Cerea Bubble Emission Techniques (1974) Bubble Test (1972) Std. Rec. P Bubbling of 1 Part, Elastomeric Solvent Release Type Se Bucket Attachments (1971) /Rope Supported Booms, Equip Bucket (Construction and Industrial Machinery) (1972) Bucket) (1972) Std. for Uniform Meth. of Determining Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (Construction and Industria Buckle, Web Strap, Light Duty (1972) Buckwheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /O, with Slight Mo Buffer Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Buhler Meth. of Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Builders Cabinet Hardware (1971) Builders Door Controls (Closers) (1971) Builders Hardware Schedules and Specs. (1961) (Builders Hardware) (1970) Builders' Hardware on Std. Steel Doors and Frames (Rein Builders' Hardware (1964) Builders' Hardware; Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knob Builders' Industry (1970) (Building Acoustics Design and Construction) (1973) /La Building and Classing Steel Vessels (1972) Building Brick (1971) ANSI A75.1 Building Brick (1973) Budding Brick (1973) Building Code for Dwelling House Construction (1973) Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (197 Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concret Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concret Building Code Std. for Adhesives for Fastening Gypsum W Building Code Std. for Adhesives (1973) Building Code Std. for Admixtures for Concrete (1973) Building Code Std. for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar (19 Building Code Std. for Aggregates for Grout (1973) Building Code Std. for Airborne Sound Insulation Field Building Code Std. for Aluminum Structures (1973) Building Code Std. for and Meth. of Sampling and Test. Building Code Std. for Asbestos Cement Roofing Shingles Building Code Std. for Blower, Fan, and Exhaust System Building Code Std. for Building, Facing, and Hollow Bri Building Code Std. for California Redwood Lumber (1973) Building Code Std. for Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishin Budding Code Std. for Cast Building Stone (1973) Building Code Std. for Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Building Code Std. for Chamber Meth. of Test for Measur Building Code Std. for Class II and Class III Dry Clean Building Code Std. for Classification, Definition, and Building Code Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir Building Code Std. for Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concre Building Code Std. for Combination Standpipe Systems (F Building Code Std. for Composition Roofing (Class C She Building Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates (Sand, Crush Building Code Std. for Concrete Building Brick (1973) Building Code Std. for Concrete Reinforcement Bars (197 Building Code Std. for Concrete Te9ts (1973) Building Code Std. for Corrosion Resistant Metals (Elec Building Code Std. for Determining the Splitting Tensil Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; P Building Code Std. for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Building Code Std. for Eastern White and Red Pine, East Building Code Std. for Erection, Fabrication, Identific Building Code Std. for Evaluation of Compression Test R Building Code Std. for Expansion Index Test for Soil (1 Budding Code Std. for Exterior Plaster Liquid Bonding Budding Code Std. for Fiberboard Nail Base Sheathing a Building Code Std. for Field Tests for Grout and Mortar Building Code Std. for Fire Alarm Systems for High-Ri Budding Code Std. for Fire Dampers (1973) Budding Code Std. for Fire Retardant Roof Covering Mat Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Building Construct Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies (1 ASTM B150 ANSI B16.22 ANSI B16.32 ANSI B16.18 ASTM B255 ANSI B16.15 ASTM B9 ASTM B159 ASTM B103 NSA 74 NSA 77 ASTM B140 ASTM D2983 AACCH 44-53 ASTM E515 ASTM F98 ASTM C712 SAE J220 SAE J67 SAE J296 SAE J67 NSA 1284 AACCH 76-20 AACCH 70-15 AACCH 26-20 BHMA 201 BHMA 301 NBHA *3 ANSI A156.1 STDI 107 NBHA »9 NBHA 8 NMTBA *1 ASTM E413 ABS *5 ASTM C55 ICBO UBCS24-2 ICBO UBCS24-3 SBCC *18 ANSI A58.1 ACI 318 ACI 322 ANSI A169.1 ICBO UBCS47-2 ICBO UBCS25-19 ICBO UBCS26-9 ICBO UBCS24-22 ICBO UBCS24-24 ICBO UBCS35-3 ICBO UBCS28-1 ICBO UBCS24-15 ICBO UBCS32-9 ICBO UBCS10-3 ICBO UBCS24-1 ICBO UBCS25-7 ICBO UBCS38-2 ICBO UBCS24-14 ICBO UBCS48-2 ICBO UBCS52-2 ICBO UBCS10-2 ICBO UBCS25-1 ICBO UBCS25-2 ICBO UBCS24-16 ICBO UBCS38-3 ICBO UBCS32-3 ICBO UBCS26-2 ICBO UBCS24-3 ICBO UBCS26-4 ICBO UBCS26-10 ICBO UBCS32-6 ICBO UBCS26-12 ICBO UBCS25-3 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-8 ICBO UBCS25-5 ICBO UBCS27-2 ICBO UBCS26-11 ICBO UBCS29-2 ICBO UBCS47-1 ICBO UBCS25-24 ICBO UBCS24-23 ICBO UBCS18-1 ICBO UBCS43-7 ICBO UBCS32-7 ICBO UBCS43-1 ICBO UBCS43-2 48 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1973) azing (1973) nd Gypsum Veneer Plaster (1973) 1973) compound (1973) Washers, and Bolted Parts (1973) onry Units (1973) masonry Units '1973) es (1973) xtinguishing Systems (1973) indows (1973) (Weatherproofing) (1973) surement of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (S/ tural Concrete (1973) ity Pole Preservative Treatment by Pressure Proc/ reclay Refractory Bricks (1973) s (1973) 973) eel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connec/ n of Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt/ ustical Tile and for Lay in Panel Ceilings (1973/ s, and Metal Accessories (Designed for Use as a / ry Units (1973) ) ils (1973) asonry Other Than Gypsum (1973) 3) als Test. (1973) 3) gregates for Gypsum Plaster (1973) aulic Cements (1973) e for Concrete Construction (1973) 1973) purposes (1973) recast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms / Flat (Rectangular and Square) Brass Wire (1973) ) es (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ig/ or Composite Construction (1973) ive Signalling Systems (1973) ction and Industrial (1973) ring Purposes (1973) nry Units (1973) g Joists, and Rafters (1973) steel Structural Members (1973) cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (/ es and Shingles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Boa/ for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) e Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol,/ phic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose Films (1973) sal Design of Structural Steel Members (1973) ) 1 Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Stru/ wall Tile (1973) and Beam Framing (1973) s-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Bea/ r (1973) rs: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole / d Wood Products (1973) te (1973) ated Lumber (1973) tg, Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light / Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. Uniform Building Code Std. . for Fire Tests of Window Assemblies . for Glass, Its Defects and Safety Gl . for Gypsum Backing Board (1973) . for Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster a . for Gypsum Lath (1973) . for Gypsum Molding Plaster (1973) . for Gvpsum Partition Tile or Block ( . for Gypsum Plastics (1973) . for Gypsum Sheathing Board (1973) . for Gypsum Wallboard Tape and Joint . for Gypsum Wallboard (1973) . for Gypsum (1973) . for Hand Split Shakes (1973) . for High Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts, . for Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Mas . for Hollow Nonload Bearing Concrete . for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purpos . for Impact Sound Insulation (1973) . for in Place Density of Soils (1973) . for Installation of Automatic Fire E . for Installation of Fire Doors and W . for Keene's Cement (1973) . for Kraft Waterproof Building Paper . for Laboratory Determination and Mea . for Lightweight Aggregates for Struc . for Lime (1973) . for Lumber, Timber, Plywood and Util , for Machine Made and High Alumina Fi . for Masonry Cement for Use in Mortar . for Mat Formed Wood Particleboard (1 . for Material Spec, for Structural St , for Materials for Use in Constructio . for Metal Suspension Systems for Aco for Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric Lath . for Meth. of Test for Concrete Mason . for Mineral Roofing Aggregates (1973 . for Moisture Density Relations of So for Mortar for Unit and Reinforced M . for Natural Slate Roof Shingles (197 for Noncombustible Elementary Materi for Open Web Steel Joist Design (197 for Perlite, Vermiculite and Sand Ag . for Plastic Materials (1973) for Portland Cement and Blended Hydr for Prestressed Steel Strand and Wir for Processed Pulverized Quicklime ( for Proscenium Curtains (1973) for Quicklime (Lime) for Structural for Ready Mixed Concrete (1973) for Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and P for Roofing Asphalt (1973) for Roofing Tile (1973) for Round Timber Piles (1973) for Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and for Sampling and Test. Brick (1973) for Sand- Lime Building Brick (1973 for Sawn Wood Shingles (1973) for Self and Flash Ignition Properti for Shear Connectors (Steel Studs) F for Sheet Metals (1973) for Smoke Detectors for Fire Protect for Softwood Plywood Lumber, Constru for Soils Classification for Enginee for Solid Load Bearing Concrete Maso for Southern Pine Lumber (1973) for Spaced Column Design (1973) for Span Tables for Floor and Ceilin for Spec, and Design of Cold Formed for Spec, and Design of Light Gauge for Special Purpose Roofs (Wood Shak for Steel Bar and Rod Mats (Sheets) for Storage and Handling of Flammabl for Storage and Handling of Photogra for Stress Variation or Stress Rever for Structural Clay Floor Tile (1973 for Structural Clay Load Bearing Wal for Structural Clay Nonload Bearing for Structural Floor and Roof Plank for Structural Glued Built Up Member for Structural Glued Laminated Timbe for Structural Glued Laminated Timbe for Structural Rivet Steel (1973) for Test for Glue Joints in Laminate for Test. Gypsum Plasters and Concre for Tests for Structural Glued Lamin for Timber Connector and Bolted Join ICBO UBCS43-4 ICBO UBCS54-1 ICBO UBCS47-6 ICBO UBCS47-14 ICBO UBCS47-7 ICBO UBCS47-12 ICBO UBCS24-11 ICBO UBCS47-8 ICBO UBCS47-9 ICBO UBCS47-5 ICBO UBCS47-10 ICBO UBCS24-12 ICBO UBCS32-8 ICBO UBCS27-7 ICBO UBCS24-4 ICBO UBCS24-6 ICBO UBCS24-19 ICBO UBCS35-2 ICBO UBCS70-2 ICBO UBCS38-1 ICBO UBCS435 ICBO UBCS4711 ICBO UBCS17-1 ICBO UBCS3S-1 ICBO UBCS26-3 ICBO UBCS4715 ICBO UBCS25-12 ICBO UBCS371 ICBO UBCS2417 ICBO UBCS2S-2S ICBO UBCS27-1 ICBO UBCS32 1 ICBO UBCS4716 ICBO UBCS47-4 ICBO UBCS24-7 ICBO UBCS32-5 ICBO UBCS70-1 ICBO UBCS24-21 ICBO UBCS32-10 ICBO UBCS4-1 ICBO UBCS27-4 ICBO UBCS47-3 ICBO UBCS52-1 ICBO UBCS26-1 ICBO UBCS26-7 ICBO UBCS24-20 ICBO UBCS6-1 ICBO UBCS24-18 ICBO UBCS26-13 ICBO UBCS24-13 ICBO UBCS32-2 ICBO UBCS32-12 ICBO UBCS25-14 ICBO UBCS3213 ICBO UBCS24-25 ICBO UBCS24-2 ICBO UBCS32-11 ICBO UBCS52-3 ICBO UBCS27-8 ICBO UBCS32-4 ICBO UBCS43-6 ICBO UBCS25-9 ICBO UBCS29-1 ICBO UBCS24-5 ICBO UBCS25-6 ICBO UBCS2515 ICBO UBCS25-21 ICBO UBCS27-9 ICBO UBCS27-10 ICBO UBCS32-14 ICBO UBCS26-5 ICBO UBCS10-1 ICBO UBCS48-1 ICBO UBCS27-3 ICBO UBCS24-10 ICBO UBCS24-8 ICBO UBCS24-9 ICBO UBCS25-22 ICBO UBCS25-18 ICBO UBCS25-10 ICBO UBCS2S-11 ICBO UBCS27-5 ICBO UBCS2520 ICBO UBCS24-26 ICBO UBCS25-23 ICBO UBCS25-17 Engineering and Product Standards Division 49 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 5 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) oard (1973) ire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete / lexural and Axial Loading Combined (1973) a Preservative Treatment (1973) cation of Building Materials (1973) 3) moving Walks (1973) walls (1973) (1973) Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Southern Std. Build Guide for Ceramic Tile in Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build rement Alterations (1973) Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build and X-Ray Nitrocellulose) (1973) Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build itting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth / Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build d Projections Over Public Property (Pedestrian P/ Uniform Build 1973) Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build ow Unit, Cavity / Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build 1973) Uniform Build Uniform Build ngs. Reviewing Stands, Bleachers, and Grandstand/ Uniform Build Uniform Build terproofing) (19/ Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build tal, Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Protectio/ Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Uniform Build 3) Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Build cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel/ Uniform Build r, Plywood and Components, Timber, Preservative / Uniform Build ansi A10.21 Std. for Safeguarding Against Fire During Build Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Build Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Fire Tests of Build Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Build re Protection and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Build ct. 5) (1971) Spec, for Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Build Rec. for Sound Control (Acoustics) in Wood Build re Processes) (19/ Std. for Round Poles and Posts Used in Build Std. Spec, for Oil and Resin Base Caulking Compound for Build Std. Steel Doors and Frames for Modular Masonry Build trical Wiring and Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and Build systems and Appliances (Extinguishers, Alarms, Sandpipes), Build Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Build Std. for Installation PVC Build Manual of Std. Pract. for Welded Wire Build d Pipe for General Drainage (Land Reclamation, Curtain and Build ermal Resistance of Low Density Mineral Fiber Blanket Type Build Test Meth. of Surface Burning Characteristics of Build ec, Inspection)/ ning Detector (1/ , and Barbecues (1973) fication (1973) pire) (1973) Lathing (1973) ng Code Std. for Tin Clad Fire Doors and Shutters ng Code Std. for Veneer Application Dampers (1973 ng Code Std. for Water Resistant Gypsum Backing B ng Code Std. for Welded Steel Wire and Deformed W ng Code Std. for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal ng Code Std. for Welding (1973) ng Code Std. for Wood Members Subjected to Both F ng Code Std. for Wood Poles That Are to Be Given ng Code Std. Test. Meth. for Fire Hazard Classifi ng Code (1973) ng Code (1973) ng Code (1973) ng Codes (1972) ng Code: Agricultural Buildings (1973) ng Code; Aluminum (1973) ng Code: Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues (197 ng Code: Concrete (1973) ng Code: Definitions and Abbreviations (1973) ng Code: Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and ng Code: Excavation and Grading (1973) ng Code: Excavations, Foundations, and Retaining ng Code: Existing Buildings; Minimum Safety Requi ng Code: Exits and Stairs (1973) ng Code: Film Storage and Handling (Photographic ng Code: Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) ng Code: Fire Resistive Std. (1973) ng Code: Fire Zone Requirements (1973) ng Code: Flooring (1973) ng Code: Foundations and Retaining Walls (1973) ng Code: Framing-General (1973) ng Code: Glass and Glazing (1973) ng Code: Interior Walls and Ceiling Finish (1973) ng Code: Legal Requirements (Permit, Plans and Sp ng Code: Light, Ventilation, Sanitation, Fire War ng Code: Location on Lot (1973) ng Code: Masonry or Concrete Chimneys, Fireplaces ng Code: Masonry (1973) ng Code: Motion Picture Projection Rooms (1973) ng Code: Occupancy and General Requirement Classi ng Code: Patio Covers (1973) ng Code: Penthouses and Roof Structures (Tower, S ng Code: Permanent Occupancy (1973) ng Code: Permits and Inspections (1973) ng Code: Plastering and Installation of Wallboard ng Code: Plastering (1973) ng Code: Plastics (General, Exterior Light Transm ng Code: Prefabricated Construction (1973) ng Code: Private Garages and Carports (1973) ng Code: Regulations for Use of Public Streets an ng Code: Regulations Governing Fallout Shelters ( ng Code: Roof Construction and Covering (1973) ng Code: Roof Coverings (1973) ng Code: Roof Framing (1973) ng Code: Skylights (1973) ng Code: Softwood Plywood Paneling (1973) ng Code: Solid, Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Holl ng Code: Sound Transmission Control (Acoustics) ( ng Code: Stages and Platforms (1973) ng Code: Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildi ng Code: Steel and Iron (1973) ng Code: Valley Flashing (Sheet Metal for Roof Wa ng Code: Veneer (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Tile, Me ng Code: Veneered Walls (1973) ng Code: Wall and Ceiling Coverings (1973) ng Code: Wall Framing and Weather Protection (197 ng Code: Wallboard (1973) ng Code: Weights of Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; ng Code: Wood Members and Their Fastenings (Lumbe ng Construction and Demolition Operations (1973) ng Construction and Materials (1972) ng Construction and Materials (1973) ng Construction and Materials (1973) ng Construction and Test. (1973) /S Use Book: Fi ng Construction (Aluminum Construction Manual, Se ng Construction (Floor, Ceiling, Wall) (1972) ng Construction (Preservative Treatment by Pressu ng Construction (1972) ng Construction (1972) ng Construction (1972) /Graphic Symbols for Elec ng Construction, Basement Pipe Inlets (1973) /F ng Constructions and Materials (1973) ng Drain Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) ng Fabric (1972) ng Foundation Drain, Under Basement Floor, Sump C ng Insulation (1970) ANSI Z98.35 /Tion of the Th ng Materials (1972) ICBO UBCS43-3 ICBO UBCS30-1 ICBO UBCS47-13 ICBO UBCS26-6 ICBO UBCS26-8 ICBO UBCS27-6 ICBO UBCS25-16 ICBO UBCS25-13 ICBO UBCS42-1 ICBO UBC*3 ICBO UBC«8 SBCC •6 TCA *4 ICBO UBC*3-15 ICBO UBC»3-28 ICBO UBC«8-6 ICBO UBC»3-26 ICBO UBC*3-4 ICBO UBC'3-51 ICBO UBC*3-70 ICBO UBC'3-29 ICBO UBC»3-13 ICBO UBC*8-13 ICBO UBC*3-48 ICBO UBC'3-38 ICBO UBC*3-43 ICBO UBC*3-16 ICBO UBC*8-8 ICBO UBC*8-5 ICBO UBC*8-7 ICBO UBC*3-54 ICBO UBC*3-42 ICBO UBC*8-1 ICBO UBC*8-3 ICBO UBC*8-2 ICBO UBC*3-37 ICBO UBC*3-24 ICBO UBC*3-40 ICBO UBC»3-5 ICBO UBC*3-49 ICBO UBC*3-36 ICBO UBC»3-45 ICBO UBC*3-3 ICBO UBC*8-14 ICBO UBC»8-15 ICBO UBC*3-52 ICBO UBC*3-50 ICBO UBC*8-4 ICBO UBC*3-44 ICBO UBC»3-57 ICBO UBC'3-32 ICBO UBC»8-18 ICBO UBC*8-9 ICBO UBC*3-34 ICBO UBC*8-17 ICBO UBC*8-11 ICBO UBC*3-35 ICBO UBC*3-39 ICBO UBC*3-33 ICBO UBC*3-27 ICBO UBC«8-19 ICBO UBC*3-30 ICBO UBC*8-12 ICBO UBC*3-47 ICBO UBC*8-10 ICBO UBC»8-16 ICBO UBC»3-23 ICBO UBC*3-25 NFPA 241 NFPA 251 ASTM E176 ICBO UBCS43-1 WWPA •31-4 AA *12 WWPA •27 AWPA C23-72 ASTM C570 STDI 110 ANSI Y32.9 ICBO UFC»2ART13 ASTM C634 IAPMO IS9 WRI MP100 ASTM D2311 ASTM C653 NFPA 255 50 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Noncombustibility of Elementary ng Code Std. Test. Meth. for Fire Hazard Classification of Organic Materials for Roofing, Waterproofing, and Related Uniform Building Code Std. for Kraft Waterproof Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (Stc) of oratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Lo9s of Standard Specification for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber Plastic Drain and Installation for Non Metallic ) Guide for the Design of Aluminum Formed Sheet Uniform Building Code Std. for Cast Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Natural ec. for Design of Concrete Composite Beams and Girders for Plywood Construction Guide for Residential hale) (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for r School, Theater, Auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Office 73) Rec. for Prevention of Roof Collapse of for Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in vention of Collapse Due to Weak Construction and Design of Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Rec. Against Roof Leakage of 3) Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous nstruction Details, 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls for 1 Story ire Resistance Requirements Relating to Brick Bearing Wail Hardware for School t Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and Light Construction onstruction Systems (Specs.) for Commercial and Industrial h. of Test for Transparent Safety Glazing Material Used in It Tile Floors in Institutional, Industrial and Commercial Std. Meth. for Floor Measurement of Office Rec. Against Weak Construction and Design of Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Ga9 Engine Power Plant Rec. for Fire Safety in High Rise Uniform Building Code: Agricultural Building Code Std. for Fire Alarm Systems for High-Rise eiling. Floor, and Floor-Ceiling Assemblies) in Existing t Tile Floors for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Spec, for Structural Concrete for Contemporary Bearing Wall (For High Uniform Housing Code (Residential se Alarm; Use of Equipment, Appliances, Devices and Vacant Industrial Cost Trends for Uniform Building Code: Stairs. Exits and Occupant Loads Western Woods Use Book: Sound Control (Acoustics) in ) Uniform Building Code: Existing camera. Copy, and / Std. Meth. for Measuring Thickness of Std. for Particleboard Decking for Factory els, Bea/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Glued Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Use in Constructing uilding Code Std. for Materials for Use in Construction of Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling and Analysis of aturated Organic Felt, Coa/ Safety Std. for Materials for Std. for R-40 Lamp (Light, d Rivet (1974) Std. for rivet (1974) Std. for blind Rivet (1974) Std. for blind Rivet (1974) Std. for d Rivet (1974) Std. for Lamps (1971) Std. Nomenclature for Glass , Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Meth. of Analysis of Added Lysine in Wheat and Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Rolled Oats, rec. for Terminal Facilities for Pneumatic Transfer of Dry heres (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Milled Solid Prod/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining porosity. Water Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity, and Std. Test Meth. for 970) ANSI All 1.18 Std. Meth. of Test for Size and gravity of Fire/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption, Std. for Classification and Definitions of std. for Inspection, Sampling and Measuring Procedures for Std. Spec, for Corrugated Asbestos Cement Sheets for Std. for Hole Spacing for Scraper and Rec. Pract. for Hole Placement on inst Robbery or Holdup (Criminology)/ Std. for Safety for Construction of Indoor Rifle and Pistol Ranges and ts in Steel Pipe (1974) Rec. Pract. for ) Spec, for Rope Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having ing Strength and Elongation of Cotton Textile Fibers (Flat Test Meth. for Fiber r Safety Buoyant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Horseshoe and Ring 3) Std. and Rec. Pract. for Building Materials (1973) Building Materials (1973) Uniform Buildi BuUding or Industrial Uses (1973) ANSI A109.29 /Other Building Paper (Weatherproofing) (1973) Building Partitions Such as Walls, Floor-Ceiling Asse Building Partitions (1970) Std. Rec. Pract. for Lab BuUding Sandstone (1968) ANSI A192.1 BuUding Seals (1973) BuUding Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) BuUding Sewers (1971) BuUding Sheathing (Aluminum Construction Manual) (1969 BuUding Stone (1973) BuUding Stones (1974) BuUding (1957) Tent. R BuUding (1971) BuUding, Facing, and Hollow Brick (Made from Clay or S BuUding, Manufacturer, Restaurant, and Dwelling or App Buildings and Other Structures Caused by Snow Loads (19 Rec. Std. for Pre Co Blanke Std. Pract. for Low and Uniform /on Field Test of Partitions (Wall, C /Tenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphal BuUdings and Other Structures (1972) BuUdings and Other Structures (1973) BuUdings and Structures (1970) ANSI A9.1 BuUdings Not Due to Hail or Wind (1972) BuUdings (Repair, Vacate, RehabUitate, Demolish) (197 BuUdings (Tech. Notes) (1966) BuUdings (Tech. Notes) (1969) BuUdings (1957) BuUdings (1970) ANSI Z98.36 /for Mineral Fib. BuUdings (1971) Plywood C BuUdings (1971) Std. Performance Spec, and Met BuUdings (1971) /Ntenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Aspha BuUdings (1972) BuUdings (1972) BuUdings (1972) BuUdings (1973) BuUdings (1973) BuUdings (1973) BuUdings (1973) BuUdings (1973) BuUdings (1973) ANSI A138.1 BuUdings) (Tech. Notes) (1970) Buildings) (1973) BuUdings) (1973) /Mmable Materials; Reporting and Fal Buildings, Machinery and Equipment (1974) (BuUdings, Reviewing Stands, Bleachers, and Grandstands BuUdings, Walls, and Floors (1973) Buildings; Minimum Safety Requirement Alterations (1973 BuUdup Area on Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, BuUt Housing (1972) BuUt Up Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Pan BuUt Up Roof Coverings (1971) ANSI A109.24 BuUt Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt an BuUt Up Roofs (1972) BuUt-Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-S Bulb (Hard Glass) Mogul Screw Base Incandescent (1966) Bulb) (1973) Bulbed MechanicaUy Locked Spindle Protruding Head Blin Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Self Plugging Blind Bulbed MechanicaUy Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Bulbed MechanicaUy Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Bulbed Spindle Mechanically Locked Protruding Head Blin Bulbs Intended for Use with Electron Tubes and Electric Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers; Christmas Tree Std. (1973) Bulgur (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) Bulgur, RoUed Wheat, Breakfast Cereals (Except Those W Bulk Chemicals and Plastics (1972) Bulk Density and Packing Factor of Hollow Glass Microsp Bulk Density Content in Corn Starch (1963) Bulk Density Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) and Other Wet Bulk Density of Burned Refractory Brick (1973) ANSI All Bulk Density of Diamond Abrasive Grains (1973) Bulk Density of Refractory and Insulating Fire Brick (1 Bulk Density, Apparent Porosity, and Apparent Specific Bulk Materials (1970) ANSI MH4.8 Bulk Shipments and Transfers of Soybean Oil (1973) Bulkheading (1974) BuUdozer (Dozer) Cutting Edges (1972) BuUdozer (Dozer) End Bit Supports (1972) BuUet Resisting Equipment (Barrier) for Protection Aga BuUet Stops (1973) BuUetin for Nondestructive Test. Terminology for Defec Bumper Evaluation Test Procedure (1971) Bunch Stranded Members, for Electrical Conductors (1971 Bundle Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.96 /H. of Test for Break Bundles in Baled Flash Dried Pulp (1973) Buoy) (1973) ANSI Z243.1 / Marine Special Purpose Wate Buoyancy in the Event of Swamping (Boat Flotation) (197 ASTM ICBO ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IAPMO AA ICBO ASTM ACI APA ICBO ICBO FMS ANSI FMS NFPA FMS ICBO BIA BIA NBHA ASTM APA ANSI RTI ANSI FMS DEMA FMS ICBO ICBO ICBO RTI ACI BIA ICBO ICBO FMS ICBO WWPA ICBO NMA NPA ICBO ASTM ICBO ASTM UL ANSI ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI ANSI AACCH AACCH MCA ASTM CR CR ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM CEMA NSPA ASTM SAE SAE UL NRA API SAE ASTM ASTM TAPPI UL ABYC E136 UBCS42-1 D1079 UBCS171 UBCS35-1 E90 C616 C717 D2852 IS1 ♦11 UBCS24-14 C119 57-29 •2 UBCS24-1 UPC*1-C 1-54 A58.1 1-55 101 LPD1-4 UBC'6 26A 16A •5 C665 • 1 Z97.1 •10 Z65.1 LPD1-3 •1-20 1-3 UBC*3-15 UBCS18-1 UBCS35-3 •16 301 24 UBC*5 UFC»2ART27 9-3 UBC*3-33 •31-5 UBC*3-13 MS9 2-70 UBCS2518 D312 UBCS32-1 D2829 55A C78.255 C79.255 1738 1740 1739 1769 1768 C79.1 Z60.1 46-40 44-15A TC18 D3101 B-16 G-8 C20 B74.17 C134 C373 550 '4 C746 J737B J63 752 *1 BUL5T1 J980A B172 D144S UM-239 1123 H8A Engineering and Product Standards Division 51 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Tentative Meth. of Test for Density of Class by (19/ Safety Std. for Marine Special Purpose Water Safety nuclides in Air and In/ Rec. for Maximum Permissible Body ction of Laminators Quality Control by the AITC Inspection Safety Std. for Household Std. for Safety for Proprietary and Bank Std. for Safety for Connectors and Switches for Use with 3) Safety Std. for Key Locks Safety Std. for Intrusion Detection Units for Std. for Safety for Antitheft Alarms and Devices Std. for Safety for Safety Std. as a Substitute for Plate Class Show Wi/ Safety Std. for nerating Stations (Flood, Surface Water, Rigging Collapse, onding Characteristics of Pipeline Coatings by Direct Soil Std. for Flashing and Steady on of Furnace Explosions in Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple td. for Atmospheric Type Welded Steel Inside Tanks for Oil 1 and Natural Gas Fired Watertube Boiler Furnaces with One Std. for Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Safety Std. for Oil Std. for Draft Hoods for Gas Std. for Safety for Pumps for Oil Test Meth. -of Surface Uniform Fire Code: Oil al Vehicles (1973) ANSI A147/ Safety Std. for Liquid Fuel by / Std. Meth. of Test for Rate of Burning or Extent of Meth. of Test for Measuring the Density of Smoke from the a Supported Specimen by / Std. Meth. of Test for Rate of Safety Std. for Oil : General Precautions for Prevention (Incinerator and Open onia (Fertilizer Grade) in Residential and Commerical Fuel lorfastness of Textiles to Atmospheric Oxides of Nitrogen ent (1972) ANSI / Std. Meth. for Verifying the Collapse / Std. Test. Procedure for Internal Std. Spec, for Copper Rod, Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Electrical Purposes Std. Spec, for Aluminum Bar for Electrical Purposes Minimum Requirements for School Minimum Requirements for Type II School Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Proper Location of pec, and Application Guide for High Voltage Air Switches, Safe Operating Condition of Truck, Trailer and enger Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and Log Skidder, Truck, Std. for Nomenclature-Truck, Std. for Tires and Rims for Truck, used in the Selection of Tires (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Rec. Minimum Stds. for School Rec. Pract. for Exterior Sound Level for Heavy Trucks and Std. for Inspection Procedures for School vice Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure for Trucks, erminals (For Foreign and Domestic Passenger Cars, Trucks, ) (1972) Std. for Training of Automotive Mechanics for , and Demountable Rims Intended for Highway Use on Trucks, stance of Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Meth. of Analysis of Test Weight Per Std. for Std. for r (1973) Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Sleeve Std. for Punches: Basic Angle Head Type and Related Quill for Punches-Variable. Angle Head Type and Related Quill r Punches-Basic, Cylindrical Head Type and Related Quill hes-Basic, Combination Angle Head Type and Related Quill Std. for Jig Std. Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Std. Rec. Pract. for Image Evaluation of Electrostatic Std. for Electrical Feeder and Plug in Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile - t Pipe and Fittings (1973/ Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile 73) An/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile le 80 (1973) Ans/ le 40 (1973) / le 80 (1973) / ansi B72.3 d 80 (1973) gs (1973) ANSI K65.59 cable (1973) ANSI C8.28 Std. Spec, for Threaded Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Socket Type Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Socket Type Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Rigid Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Styrene ■ Buoyancy (1971) ASTM C693 Buoyant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) UL 1123 Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radio NCRPM R22 Bureau (1962) Inspe AITC 202 Burglar Alarm Syste/n Units (1972) ANSI Se2.4 UL 1023 Burglar Alarm System Units (1974) ANSI Se2.9 UL 1076 Burglar Alarm Systems (1972) ANSI Se2.3 UL 681 Burglar Alarm Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.6 UL 634 (Burglar Alarm, Door, Deposit and Collection Safes) (197 UL 437 Burglary Protection Systems (1969) ANSI C33.70 UL 639 (Burglary Protection) (1974) UL 1037 Burglary Resistant Electric Door Strikes (1974) UL 1034 Burglary Resistant Safes (1972) ANSI Se 4.1 UL 687 Burglary Resisting Glazing Material for Use Principally UL 972 Burglary, and Roof Collapse) (1974) /Ls at Electric Ge FMS 9-10 Burial (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Disb ASTM G19 Bum Barricade Warning Lights (1971) ITE *7 Burner Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protection) (1973) /Venti FMS 6-2 Burner Fuel (1973) Safety S UL 80 Burner (1972) /Ention of Furnace Explosions in Fuel Oi NFPA 85 Burners (1971) ANSI Z21.8 Burners (1973) UL 296 Burning Appliances (1971) ANSI Z21.12 Burning Appliances (1974) ANSI B130.1 UL 343 Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (1972) NFPA 255 Burning Equipment (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART24 Burning Heat Appliances for Mobile Homes and Recreation UL 307A Burning of Cellular Plastics Using a Supported Specimen ASTM D1692 Burning or Decomposition of Plastic Materials (1973) ICBO UBCS52-2 Burning or Extent of Burning of Cellular Plastics Using ASTM D1692 Burning Stoves (Room Heaters and Ranges) (1973) UL 896 Burning, Combustible and Flammable Materials; Reporting ICBO UFC»2ART27 Burning, Dispensing, and Handling Facilities (1974) Ans UL 331 (Burnt Gas Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 Test Meth. for Co AATCC 23 Burst Resistance of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Elem NFLDP T3. 10.8.5 Bursting of Composite Tubes and Cores (1974) CCTI Tl 12 Bus Bar, Rod, and Shapes (1974) ANSI C7.25 ASTM B187 (Bus Conductor) (1973) ANSI C7.45 / Alloy Extruded Bar, ASTM B317 (Bus Connector) (1973) ANSI C7.27 ASTM B236 Bus Construction and Equipment (1972) VESC V-6 Bus Construction and Equipment (1973) VESC V-10 Bus Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI C7.26 ASTM B188 Bus Stops for Freeway Operations (1971) ITE *9 Bus Stops (1967) ITE »10 Bus Supports, and Switch Accessories (1972) /Cturing S ANSI C37.32 Bus Type Tires (1973) VESC V-9 Bus, Bead Seat, Industrial and Bicycle Tires (1974) /S TRA 7 Bus, Trailer (1972) SAE J687C Bus, Trailer, and Multipurpose Vehicle (1974) TRA 2 Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose Passenger and Recreational V TRA XXI Buses (1970) NEA *1 Buses (1971) SAE J366A Buses (1972) ANSI D7.4 Buses, and Combination Vehicles for Roadway Use Over 10 SAE J294 Buses', Coaches, Tractors, Industrial Road and Misc Equi BCI * 1.56 Buses, Heavy Trucks and Trailers (Course of Instruction ANSI D18.2 Buses, Trailers, and Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles (1 SAE J267 Buses, Trucks, and Combination Vehicles with Any Type O SAE J299 Bushel of Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 84-10 Bushing-Clamp Up, Bronze (1973) NSA 74 Bushing-Clamp Up, Steel, Cadmium Plated (1973) NSA 73 Bushing-Flanged, Press Fit-Undersize Inside Diamete NSA 538 Bushing-Flanged, Press Fit, Steel and Bronze (1973) NSA 77 Bushing-Plain, Press Fit, Steel (1973) NSA 75 Bushing, Press Fit, Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) NSA 537 Bushings (1972) ANSI B94.41 Bushings (1972) Std. ANSI B94.38 Bushings (1972) Std. Fo ANSI B94.44 Bushings (1972) Std. for Punc ANSI B94.39 Bushings (1974) ANSI B94.33 Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads (1971) ANSI B16.14 Business Copies (1972) ASTM F360 Busways and Accessories (1972) NEMA BUI Butadiene-Acrylonitrile Rubbers (NBR) (1973) ASTM D3187 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Composite Sewer Piping (1974) ASTM D2680 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Ven ASTM D2661 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (19 ASTM D2235 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedu ASTM D2465 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedu ASTM D2468 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedu ASTM D2469 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ASTM D2282 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 an ASTM D1527 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Sewer Pipe and Fittin ASTM D2751 Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.205 ASTM D1788 Butadiene-Synthetic Rubber (SBR) Jacket for Wire and ASTM D866 52 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Analysis of Synthetic Elastomers for Use on Solid Styrene matography (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for luation of and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in Styrene - h. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Solution Poly • for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Pigmented Styrene ■ evaluation of and Test Formulas for Nonpigmented Styrene - d Fitting/ Materials and Property Stds. for Acrylonitrile Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Joining Acrylonitrile ittings (1972) ANSI K65.57 Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Safe Handling and Use of hedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.160 Std. Spec, for hedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.159 Std. Spec, for (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1973) Std. Spec, for olar/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Glass-Metal Std. for Steel Std. Pract. for Ball Valves with Flanged or s of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Fats and Shortenings Std. for Safety for Std. Pract. for h. of Test for Fusion Flow of Porcelain Enamel Frits (Flow . for Symbols for Machine Tool Indicator Plates or Control tep Relief (1972) Std. for Die tch Basic Height of Thread Engagement (1973) Std. for Columns, Piers, Pilasters, and Std. for rn White/ Std. for Preservative Treatment of Incised Pole Std. for Std. Factory Made Wrought Steel Std. Spec, for Normal New Mineral Insulating Oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiary - Std. Meth. of Assay of Di-T- c8.37 Std. Spec, for Ozone Resisting Std. Spec, for Para Tertiary for the Pest Control Ch/ Std. for Propargite 2-(P-Tert - Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Alcohol, Poly(Vinyl ansi B72.12 Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate 2.4 Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate ) A/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Cellulose Acetate f Test. Cellulose Acetate Propionate and Cellulose Acetate y) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Acetic, Van Dame Meth. of Analysis for Formic, Acetic, Propionic, Std. Rec. Pract. for Making and Using the 2 Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate Spec, for Solvent Cements for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate Spec, for Std. for Builders of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes/ Std. Spec, for Moist r Construction and Performance Std. for Kitchen and Vanity architectural Woodwork) (197/ Quality Stds. for Casework: 23 Std. Meth. of Test for Gas Content of sting (1970) al Energy (197/ Std. for Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and ossed Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Metal Floor Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wire and minum Conduit for Safe Use as a Metal Raceway for Wire and td. for Safety for Electrical Metallic Tubing for Wire and Underground Distribution Reference Book (Electrical Power y of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Low Pressure of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for High Pressure Std. for Link, Std. for Precision Coaxial Connectors for CATV Std. on Subscriber Visual Carrier Level Std. Ampacities Cables in Open Top 0/ Std. for Nonshielded Single Conductor Electrical Power quipment) (1974) Std. for Wire Shield Losses for Single Conductor Solid Dielectric Power urn, Triplex, Neutral Supported, Service Drop and Secondary Std. Spec, for Aluminum Wire for Communication Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Insulated Wire and for Polyethylene Jacket for Electrical Insulated Wire and 7 Conductor Electrical Connector for Truck Trailer Jumper eral Purpose Ethylene Propylene Rubber Jacket for Wire and extra Heavy Duty Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Std. Spec, for Natural Rubber Jacket for Wire and e-Butadiene-Synthetic Rubber (SBR) Jacket for Wire and c. for General Purpose Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and . for Heavy Duty Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and td. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Jacket for Wire and und Installation for Communication and Electrical Wire and Std. Spec, for Ozone Resisting Insulation for Wire and . for Ozone Resisting Butyl Rubber Insulation for Wire and Rubber Heat or Moisture Resisting Insulation for Wire and d Copper Concentric Neutrals (Underground Electrical Power Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Wire and for Natural Rubber Heat Resisting Insulation for Wire and Butadiene Copolymers (SBR) (1972) / Meth. for Chemical Butadiene Purity and Hydrocarbon Impurities by Gas Chro Butadiene Rubber (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Eva Butadiene Rubbers (BR) (1973) Std. Met Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Std. Me"th. Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Butadiene Styrene Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe an Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe and Fittings to Polyfvinyl Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Plastic Utilities Conduit and F Butadiene (1974) Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Sc Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Sc Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Butt Seals and Test, for Expansion Characteristics by P Butt Welding End Valves (1973) Butt Welding for General Service (1972) (Butter, Oleomargarine, High Acid Coconut Oil, etc.) (Ce Butterfly Valves for Fire Protection Service (1974) Butterfly Valves (1970) Button Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z167.10 Std. Met Buttons (1972) Std Buttons, Variable, Press Fit, Headless and Head Type, S Buttress Inch Screw Threads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 Pi Buttresses (Tech. Notes) (1962) Butts and Hinges for Doors (Builders Hardware) (1970) Butts by the Thermal Process (Western Red Cedar, Northe Buttwelding Ends (1972) Buttwelding Fittings (1971) Butyl Acetate (98% Grade) (1972) - Butyl Para-Cresol by Rotating Bomb (1973) ANSI C59.I1 Butyl Peroxide by Gas Chromatographic Analysis (1973) Butyl Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI Butylphenol 98 (1972) ANSI Z78.24 Butylphenoxy) Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite (Common Name Butyral) (1973) Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) and Tubing (1973) Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI B7 Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings (1973 Butyrate (1972) Std. Meth. O Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistr Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, and Lactic Acids (Cereal Ch C-Ring Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Specimen (1973) (CAB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) and Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.1 (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI B72.4 (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65 Cabin Duct, Air, Flexible and Semi Rigid (1972) Cabinet Hardware (1971) Cabinets and (Specimen Storage) Rooms Used in the Test. Cabinets (1973) Rec. Fo Cabinets, Cases, Counters and Enclosures of All Kinds ( Cable and Capacitor (Insulating) Oils (R1969) ANSI C59. Cable Connectors for Audio Facilities for Radio Broadca Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Cable Installation (1973) ANSI C33.58 /Ty for Cellular Cable Installation (1973) ANSI C33.92 /E Steel and Alu Cable Installation (1973) ANSI C33.98 Cable Specs.) (1973) Aluminum Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.69 / Spec, for Continuit Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.70 /Spec, for Continuity Cable Take Up (1973) (Cable Television) Application (75 Ohms) (1973) (Cable Television) (1970) Cable Trays (1972) Cable with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulation, 20 Cable Wrought Steel Heavy Thimble (For Ground Support E Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV (Copper and Aluminum Conducto Cable (1966) IPCEA S-64-474 Std. for Alumin Cable (1969) ANSI C7.40 Cable (1972) Cable (1972) Cable (1972) Cable (1972) Cable (1973) Cable (1973) ANSI C8.25 Cable (1973) ANSI C8.28 Cable (1973) ANSI C8.31 Cable (1973) ANSI C8.32 Cable (1974) Cable (1974) Cable (1974) ANSI C8.29 Cable (1974) ANSI C8.37 Cable (1974) ANSI C8.38 Cable) (1973) Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation (1974) ANSI C8.24 Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation (1974) ANSI C8.27 /D. Spec. Std. Spec. Rec. Pract. for Std. Spec, for Gen Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Styren Std. Spe Std. Spec / for Plastic Utilities Duct for Undergro Std. Spec Std. Spec, for Synthetic Spec, for Tinne ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IAPMO ASTM ASTM MCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI MSS AACCH UL MSS ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI BIA ANSI AWPA ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA BHMA ASTM ANSI AWI ASTM EIA NEMA NEMA UL UL UL AA ASTM ASTM NSA EIA NCTA IPCEA NEMA NSA IPCEA EEI ASTM ASTM ASTM TTMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM AA ASTM ASTM D1416 D2593 D3191 D3189 D3186 D3185 PS17 D3138 D2750 SD55 D2610 D2611 D3261 F140 B16.34 SP72 44-30 1091 SP67 C374 B5.46 B94.43 B1.9 12 A156.1 C7 B16.25 B16.9 D3126 D2112 E475 D1352 D2871 K62.131 D1396 D2446 D1503 D2560 D817 04-20 04-23 G38 D2446 D1503 D2560 1369 201 C511 A161.1 •1-400 D831 RS297-A WC5 WC7 209 1 797 52 D1818 D1819 511 RS403 001B-0670 P-54-440 WC8/7 1045 P-53-426 TDJ-180 B314 D1351 D2308 RP40 D2768 D2819 D532 D866 D753 D752 D1047 TC6 D574 D1352 D1520 52-1 D754 D469 Engineering and Product Standards Division 53 ■■ National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards rubber Heat and Moisture Resisting Insulation for Wire and Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Wire and Std. Ampacities ethylene Propylene Rubber Insu/ Std. for Electrical Power tant Ethylene-Propylene-Ru/ Std. for Electrical Power 973) IPCEA S68-516 Std. for Mine Power or Portable Single and Multiple Conductor Electrical Power Safety Std. for Varnished Cloth Wires and all Thermoplastic Type MTW 600 Volt Machine Tool Wires and r Conduit for Use as Raceway for Installation of Wires and ation Pract. for Underground Electrical Power Distribution Std. for Color Coding of Electrical Wires and ings for Underground Installations of Electrical Wires and Std. for Safety for Nonmetallic Sheathed Electrical Meth. of Analysis for Ash in pectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium • Std. Meth. of Test for Lead and Std. for Bushing-Clamp Up, Steel, Std. for Plating, High Strength Steels, sited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromium, Lead, Zinc, or ereal / Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Soy Flour for Meth. for Determination of Specific Volume of Creams, Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Meth. for Use of Layer . for Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and or Oxygen Free Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and si H17.1 Std. Spec, for Lake Copper Wire Bars, si H/ Std. Spec, for Chemically Refined Copper Wire Bars, si H17.2 Std. Spec, for Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, le Screened Ground Refractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, of Single and Double Screened Ground Refractory Materials oncrete (1973) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for Fly Ash and Raw or atography (1973) Std. Meth. for Analysis of Spectroscopy (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Fire Code: Welding and Cutting, on, Ice Removal, Acceleration of Concrete/ Std. Spec, for Meth. for Analysis of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Prefaced Concrete and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining . of Calculation of Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs Meth. of Calculation of Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Salt o Different Bases (1974) Std. Meth. for ure (1967) ANSI B72.10 Rec. Pract. for Petroleum (LP) Gases from Compositional / Std. Meth. for ool. Top, and Noil for Various Comm/ Std. Rec. Pract. for alculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) (C/ Meth. of ated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) (Cereal/ Meth. of ematie Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids and the tes) (1969) late Fuels (1971) ANSI Z11.313 2) Hydrocarbons (1973) ANSI Z106.1 tional Units) (1972) 1971) ntation) (1974) ion of Machines (1974) ANSI Zl 15.2 rates (1957) lyceride, Salts, Soy F/ 73) de and Refined), S/ other Starch Hydro/ Std. Meth. for Meth. of Std. Meth. for Rec. Pract. for Design Std. for Representation for Rec. Pract. for Std. Std. Meth. of Std. for Artificial Headbone for the Std. Meth. for Coupler AC Fine Test Dust (1972) ANSI B93.28 Std. Meth. for Z104.1 Std. Meth. for Verification and Std. for Guide for the Dynamic Std. Meth. for Absolute optical Pyrometer (1972) ANSI N144 es (1974) al Analysis (1973) Spec, and Rec. (1972) Std. Std. Meth. for Std. Procedure for Bench Std. Meth. for Pract. for Installation and Std. for Procedures for Rec. Pract. for Rotameter Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation (1974) ANSI J8.4 /Ynthetic Cable, 90 Deg. C Operation (1974) ANSI C8.40 Cables in Open Top Cable Trays (1972) Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Resistant Cables Rated 2000 Volts and Less and Having Ozone Resis Cables with Ethylene- Propylene-Rubber Insulation (1 Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulation (1 Cables (1971) ANSI C33.73 Cables (1972) Safety Std. for Cables (1972) ANSI C33.37 Std. (or Safety for Fibe Cables (1973) Install Cables (1974) Cables (1974) /R and Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Fitt Cables (1974) ANSI C33.56 Cacao Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cadmium Alloys (1974) Std. Meth. for Chemical and S Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Surfaces (1972) Cadmium Plated (1973) Cadmium (1973) Cadmium) (1973) /Rrosion Resistant Metals (Electrodepo Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, and Peanuts (C Cake Batters, and Icings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cake Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cake Measuring Template (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cakes (1972) Std. Spec Cakes (1972) ANSI H23.1 1 Std. Spec. F Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) an Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) an Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) an Calc (Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc ation of Test Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of ation of Bituminous Mixture Beam Specimens by Means of the s and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch, Uniform Building Code Std. for 73) Std. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Std. for Safety for Hospital Signaling and Nurse bomb Calorimeter (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Gross ne, Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Canister Quarzite ned Bauxite, Calcine, Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, ned Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement C um and Barium Petroleum Sulfonates by Liquid Chrom um and Magnesium in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption um Carbide and Acetylene (1973) um Chloride to Be Used for Dustlaying, Stabilizati um Chloride Types I and II (1972T) um Content in Corn Starch (1960) um Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar and Other Carbohyd um in Bread and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) um in Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) um in Mineral Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) um or Zinc in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) um Peroxide in Dough Conditioners Containing Monog um Peroxide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) um Silicate Masonry Units (1973) um (Egta-Titrimetric) Content in Corn Starch (19 um (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Sugar (Cru um (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Syrup and (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) (Cereal C (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) (Cereal C Calculated from Total Chlorides in Feeds and Feedstuffs Calculating Coal and Coke Analyses from As-Determined T Calculating Stress in Plastic Pipe Under Internal Press Calculation of Certain Physical Properties of Liquefied Calculation of Commercial Weight and Yield of Scoured W Calculation of Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs (C Calculation of Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour (Calcul Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity (1972) ANSI Z11.107 Calculation of Heat Gain Through Opaque Walls (Tech. No Calculation of Liquid Heat Capacity of Petroleum Distil Calculation of Percent Moisture (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Calculations for Oil Sucker Rod Pumping Systems (Conven Calendar and Ordinal Date for Information Interchange ( Calibration and Format for Nuclear Logs (Record, Docume Calibration Instruments for Verifying Time Load Indicat Calibration of Audiometer Bone Vibrators (1972) Calibration of Earphones (1973) Calibration of Liquid Automatic Particle Counters Using Calibration of Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers (1972) ANSI Calibration of Pressure Transducers (1972) Calibration of Reflectance Std. (1971) ANSI Z172.4 Calibration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an Calibration of Tank Level Gaging Tapes and Sounding Rul Calibration of Temperature Scale for Differential Therm Calibration of Turbine Flowmeters (1972) Calibration of Underwater Electro Acoustic Transducers Calibration (1973) California Kneading Compactor (1971) ANSI A37.138 /Par California Kneading Compactor (1973) /Ract. for Prepar California Redwood and Hardwood Timber (1973) / Dougla California Redwood Lumber (1973) Caliper of Resilient Floor Covering with Foam Layer (19 Call Equipment (Audio / Visual Communication) (1974) Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Isothermal Jacket ASTM D1679 ASTM D1523 IPCEA P-54-440 NEMA WC8 NEMA WC8/1 NEMA WC8/5 NEMA WC8/6 UL 133 UL 1063 UL 543 AA 52-2 NEMA WC30 NEMA TCI UL 719 AACCH 08-10 ASTM C760 ASTM C738 NSA 73 NSA 672 ICBO UBCS32-6 AACCH 32-17 AACCH 72-10 AACCH 10-90 AACCH 1091 ASTM B379 ASTM B170 ASTM B4 ASTM B442 ASTM B5 ASTM C316 ASTM C316 ASTM C618 ASTM D2894 ASTM E508 ICBO UFC*2ART31 ASTM D98 ASTM E449 CR B-10 CR E-10 AACCH 40-20 AACCH 40-21 AACCH 40-26 ASTM D2613 AACCH 48-51 AACCH 48-50 ASTM C744 CR B-ll CR F-8 CR E-ll AACCH 46-18 AACCH 46-19 AACCH 40-61 ASTM D3180 ASTM D2153 ASTM D2598 ASTM D2720 AACCH 46-18 AACCH 46-19 ASTM D445 BIA 4A ASTM D2890T AACCH 44-01 ASTM D1555 API 11L ANSI X3.30 API RP33 ASTM E74 ANSI S3. 13 ANSI S3. 7 NFLDP T2.9.6 ASTM E77 ANSI B88.1 ASTM E306 ASTM E452 ANSI B88.2 ASTM E474 ISA RP31.1 ANSI SI. 20 ASTM D3195 ASTM D1561 ASTM D3202 ICBO UBCS25-11 ICBO UBCS25-7 ASTM F387 UL 1069 ASTM D3286 54 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. for Design and Use of a Thin Skin ring Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) alorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Isothermal Jacket Bomb Std. for Std. Dimensions of 35 mm Motion Picture s. Outline for Monochrome Cctv (Closed Circuit Television) etermining Speed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Reversal Color for Dimensions for Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, of Buildup Area on Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, e 2.5 Safety Std. for Surveillance Std. for Shutter Tests for Still Picture Std. for Dimensions for Front Lens Mounts for Sizes for Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 mm Film Still Picture markings for Variable Speed Shutters Used in Still Picture Recording Instruments and for Microfilm and Still Picture Std. for Back Window Location for Roll Film backflow Preventers) and Relief Valves in Travel Trailers, 50 Ft. Summer Recreational Vehicles (Travel and Camping Trailers, Truck a Spec, for Flame Resistant Materials Used in le Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab Houses, Motor Homes, and tion of Plumb/ Std. for Recreational Vehicles (Travel and Rec. Pract. for Homes and 1972) Std. Spec, for Simple r Flexible Polyfvinyl Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for Pond, (1952) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. for Identification of Air Purifying Respirator s, Exterior Veneer, Awnings and Patio Covers, Greenhouses, erformance Requirements for Cotton Woven Tent, Awning, and ce Requirements for Woven Man Made Fiber Tent, Awning, and Std. for Loose Metal End Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Citrus Std. for Safety for Metal Waste (Trash, Garbage) Std. Spec, for Tin Plate Fabricated Aerosol Std. Rec. Pract. for Labeling Aerosol td. Test. Procedure for the Blow Off Pressure of Composite Std. Test. Proc. for Pressure Collapse Test of Composite General Rules and Formulae for Fibre td. Test. Procedure for Oil Wicking of Composite Motor Oil Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Drop Composite edure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Composite Motor Oil Industry Std. for Loose Metal End Dimensions of Composite d. Test. Proc. for Measuring Inside Diameters of Composite Composite est. Procedure for Measuring Wall Thicknesses of Composite st. Procedure for Axial (End to End) Compression Composite t. Procedure for Measuring Lengths or Heights of Composite std. Meth. of Test for Stiffness of Plastics by Means of A Std. Wet Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Meth. of Measuring Water Vapor Transmission Through Screw king, Alloy and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, alloy Steel and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJF-3A Thread, it Breakers R/ Std. for Schedule of Preferred Ratings for it Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical/ Std. Requirements for it Breakers Rated on a Symmet/ Std. Application Guide for td. Meth. for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Std. for Measurement of Smell Values of Transistor Agricultural Grain Storage Loads, Pressures, and Tower Silos: Unit Weight of Silage and Silo of Higher Boiling Homologues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for it Reclosers, Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Std. Meth. of Test for Gas Content of Cable and Line Compensation (Including Safety Req/ Std. for Series Std. for Paper, Paper/Film, Film Dielectric spec, for Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for ronic Instruments) (1/ Std. Requirements for Electrolytic Std. for Molded and Dipped Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in Fixed Mica-Dielectric Requirements for Power Line Coupling Std. for Fixed Electrolytic Tantalum Std. for Fixed Composition Safety Std. for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Foil for ers (1972) Std. for ning Barium Yield, Getter Gas Content, and Getter Sorption for Uniform Meth. of Determining the SAE Rating and Struck for Uniform Meth. of Determining the SAE Rating and Struck Std. Meth. of Test for Load Carrying motive Power Service (1974) Std. for Determination of 313 Std. Meth. for Calculation of Liquid Heat (Cereal Chemistry) (1968/ Meth. of Analysis of Hydration Std. Meth. of Testing Flow d on Spread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing 72) Std. Meth. of Test Fo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing / Std. Test Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force std. for Test Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Std. /Ess Calorimeter for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate (1972) Calorimeter (1972) Std. Meth. for Measu Calorimeter (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Gross C Cam Follower, Needle Bearing, High Strength Stud (1973) Camera Aperture Images (Photography) (1974) Camera Equipment (1974) /Ec. Std. for Engineering Spec Camera Films Intended for Direct Projection in Motion P Camera, Copy and Image Cards) (1972) Camera, Copy, and Image Cards) (1973) ANSI PH5.12 Cameras for Banks and Mercantile Premises (1973) ANSI S Cameras (Photography) (1972) Cameras (1972) Cameras (1972) Std. Picture Cameras (1972) Std. Exposure Time Cameras (1972) /M 100 Ft. and 70 mm 100 Ft. Spools for Cameras (1973) Camp Cars and Trailer Coaches (1970) Std. for ( Camp Rifle Range Plans (1972) Campers, Motor Homes): Installation of Plumbing, Heatin Camping Tentage (Tent) (1974) Camping Trailers) (1974) /Ds at Plants Assembling Mobi Camping Trailers, Truck Campers, Motor Homes): Installa Camps in Forest Areas (1972) Can Puncturing Device for Use in Aerosol Laboratories ( Canal, and Reservoir Lining (1972T) Spec. Fo Candy Color and Inversion Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed Canisters and Cartridges (1973) Canopies) (1973) /Ght Diffusers in Ceilings, Partition Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Coated (Inst Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Laminated (Institutiona Cans 202 (52 Mm) Diameter) (1973) Rec. Cans (For Combustible Materials) (1974) ANSI Z221.1 Cans (1972) Cans (1972) Cans (1973) Cans (1973) Cans (1973) Cans (1974) Cans (1974) Cans (1974) Std. Test. Proc Cans (211 (66 Mm) Diameter), Citrus Style (1974) Rec. Cans, Tubes and Cores (1973) St Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. T Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Te Cans, Tubes, and Cores (1974) Std. Tes Cantilever Beam (1970) ANSI K65.13 Cap and Pin Type) (1971) Cap Closure Liners (1973) Std. Cap Screw (1972) /Lied and Drilled, Plain and Self Loc Cap Screw (1972) /Nd Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circu Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circu Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circu Capacitance (Slug) Calorimeter (1972) Capacitance (1972) Capacities (1968) Capacities (1972) Capacitor Askarels (1974) / Chromatographic Estimation Capacitor Switches for Alternating Current Systems (197 Capacitor (Insulating) Oils (R1969) ANSI C59.23 Capacitors for Electrical Transmission and Distribution Capacitors for Power Semiconductor Applications (1973) Capacitors (Electrical Insulating Liquid) (1973) ANSI C Capacitors (For Use Primarily in Transmitters and Elect Capacitors (Wire Lead Styles) (1972) Capacitors (1971) ANSI C59.26 Capacitors (1972) Capacitors (1972) Capacitors (1972) ANSI C83.89 Capacitors (1973) Capacitors (1974) ANSI CI 16.1 Capacity Designation for Fertilizer Hoppers and Contain Capacity for Barium Flash Getters (1972) ANSI Z173.50 Capacity for Hoe Dipper (Backhoe Bucket) (1972) Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Dragline B Capacity of Fluid Gear Lubricants (1973) ANSI Z11.161 Capacity of Lead Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for Capacity of Petroleum Distillate Fuels (1971) ANSI Zll. Capacity of Pregelatinized Starches and Cereal Products Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes (1972) Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings (19 Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings (19 Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Point Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Point /for Natural Block Mica Std. ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA ANSI EIA ANSI ANSI NMA UL ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI IAPMO NRA NFPA CPAI FMS NFPA NFPA ASTM ASTM CR ANSI ICBO ANSI ANSI CCTI UL ASTM ASTM CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI ASTM ANSI ASTM NSA NSA ANSI IEEE IEEE ASTM EIA ASAE ASAE ASTM NEMA ASTM ANSI EIA ASTM EIA EIA ASTM ANSI EIA EIA UL ASTM ASAE ASTM SAE SAE ASTM NEMA ASTM AACCH ASHRA ASTM ASTM ASAE SAE E459 E457 D3286 562 PH22.59 RS312 PH22.146 PH5.8 MS9 983 PH3.48 PH3.14 PH3.39 PH3.32 PHI. 33 PH3.1 TSC8 *16 501C 84 7-90 501C 224 D3058 D3083 E-12 K13.1 UBC-3-52 L24.1.1 L24.1.10 E202.1 32 D3061 D3066 C110 C133 *1 C124 C125 C125.1 E211.1 CT102 CT111 CT101 CT107 CT104 D747 C29.8 D3199 1352 1351 C37.0732 341 342 E457 RS398 D240 D252 D3303 SG13 D831 C55.2 RS401 D2233 RS205 RS153B D748 C93.1 RS228B RS335A 810 B373 S281.1 Fill J296 J67 D1947 IB2 D2890T 56-20 28 D1194 D1194 S349 J283 Engineering and Product Standards Division 55 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Ai/ ulent Flow (1974) ) Std. for Flow Std. for Control Valve Std. for Control Valve Std. for Boat Load h. for Analysis of High Purity N-Heptane and Isooctane by Std. Spec, and Operating Instructions for Glass mal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) membrane Apparatus (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for h23.8 Std. Spec, for Hard Drawn Copper Std. Meth. of Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Std. for Nut, Std. Meth. of requency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Electric Blasting neral Purpose Semi-Tubular, Full Tubular, Split Rivets and etrachloroethyl) Thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l,2-Dicarboximide - elated Documentation Practices: Chassis Frames-Passenger Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature for Passenger Rec. Pract. for Passenger Rec. Pract. for Passenger echniques for Exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement (Passenger r Test. Machines for Measuring the Uniformity of Passenger Tires Including Tire Treads Depth Requirements (Passenger Rec. Pract. for Passenger Rec. Pract. for Passenger Rec. Pract. for Passenger vice Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure— Passenger ting) for Passenger Automobiles, Commercial Vehicles, Golf ng and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Std. for Tires and Rims for Motorcycle, Side Definitions and Terms Used in the Selection of Tires me for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Silicon Uniform Fire Code: Welding and Cutting, Calcium Tipped, Roller Turner Type (1972) Std. for Std. for mp Type Holders (1973) Std. for Tent. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Boron e Holders (1973) Std. for Std. for Carbide Blanks and Cutting Tools, Single Point, Meth. of Test for Transverse Rupture Strength of Cemented Std. Spec, for Methyl Isobutyl determining Calcium Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar and Other astm G56.2 Std. Spec, for era/ Std. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Std. Spec, for Steel Castings, Heavy Walled, for General Requirements for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Std. Spec, for 3) ANSI G46.2 Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought atures (1973) / Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought as/ or Reduction Gears (1972) ANSI G55.8 Std. Spec, for ponents (1973) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered 974)/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated shafts (1974) ANSI G55.14 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated 2.4 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Temperature Service (1973) ANSI E38./ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Specialized e (1972A) ANSI B125.1/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Std. Spec, for Steel Forgings, nery Service (1972) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Low . Meth. of Test for Electrical Resistivity of Manufactured 19/ Std. Meth. of Test for Density in Air of Manufactured i K90.12 Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Diffusivity of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Manufactured coke (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for que Usi/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain (1974) Std. Spec, for Heavy Walled Std. Spec, for Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of ane Arc/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain (1971) ANSI Z/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of rgings and Stock/ Spec, for Quality Assurance Sampling of Rec. Pract. for Air eather Resistance of Textile Materials and Coated Fabrics: 4.225 Test Meth. for Weather Resistance of Textiles: si LI/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light, Std. Test Meth. for Heating Loss of t. for Stating the Precision of ASTM Test Meth. Related to meth. of Test for Discoloration of Orthodichlorobenzene by Std. Meth. of Test for Surface Area of Std. Meth. of Test for Tint Strength of Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for ) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Std. Classification System for 2) ANSI G54.15 Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Medium High Std. on Capacity Rating and Application of Suction Line Filters ARI 730 Capacity Test Procedure for Compressible Fluids in Turb ISA S39.4 Capacity Test Procedure for Incompressible Fluids (1972 ISA S39.2 Capacity (Under 26 Ft. in Length) (1973) ABYC H5 Capillary Gas Chromatography (1971) ANSI Zl 1.262 / Met ASTM D2268 Capillary Kinematic Viscometers (1972) ANSI Zll. 275 ASTM D2515 Capillary Meth. of Analysis of Melting Point of All Nor AACCH 58-40 Capillary Moisture Relationships for Soils by Pressure ASTM D3152 Capillary Tube for Restrictor Applications (1974) ANSI ASTM B360 Capillary Tubes (1972) ASHRA 28 Capitive Washer, Shear Type, 450 and 800 Deg\ F (1973) NSA 1726 Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (1973) ASTM C617 Caps (1971) ANSI C95.4 Safeguards Against Radio F IME 20 Caps (1972) Std. for Ge ANSI B18.7 Captafol(1973) /Est Control Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2,2t ANSI K62.146 Car and Light Truck-Ground Vehicle Practices (1974) ANSI Y14.32.1 Car and Light Truck Exhaust System Parts (1972) SAE J97 Car and Light Truck Muffler Parts Nomenclature (1971) SAE J261 Car and Light Truck Resonator Parts Nomenclature (1971) SAE J262 Car and Light Truck) (1971) /Ory Instrumentation and T SAE J254 Car Tires (1972) Rec. Pract. Fo SAE J332A Car Type Tires) (1971) Safe Operating Condition of VESC V-7 Car Vehicle Identification Number Systems (1972) SAE J273 Car Windshield Defrosting Systems (1971) SAE J902B Car Windshield Washer Systems (1972) SAE J942B Car (1971) Rec. Pract. for Ser SAE J229 Car, and Other Diversified Off the Highway Applications BCI *1.48 Car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, TRA 3 Car, Mini Bike, and Bicycle (1974) TRA 6 (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose P TRA XXI Carbanilate (Ester) Desmedipham (1973) / for Common Na ANSI K62.139 Carbide Abrasive Grain and Crude (1971) ANSI B74.15 Carbide and Acetylene (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART31 Carbide Blanks and Cutting Tools, Single Point, Carbide ANSI B94.37 Carbide Blanks for Tipping Circular Saws (1972) ANSI B94.42 Carbide Chip Breakers Used in Indexable Inserts for Cla ANSI B94.47 Carbide Powder (1973) ASTM C750 Carbide Seats Used with Indexable Inserts for Clamp Typ ANSI B94.46 Carbide Tipped, Roller Turner Type (1972) ANSI B94.37 Carbides (1973) ANSI H9.23 Std. ASTM B406 Carbinol (1972) ASTM D2635 Carbohydrates (1957) Std. Analytical Meth. for CR E-10 Carbon-Chromium Ball and Roller Bearing Steel (1970) ASTM A295 Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Machine Parts and Gen ASTM A284 Carbon and Alloy for Pressure Vessels (1974) ASTM A643 Carbon and Alloy Steel Bar (1973) ANSI G24.5 /D. Spec. ASTM A29 Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for Springs (1974) ASTM A689 Carbon and Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Service (197 ASTM A420 Carbon and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temper ASTM A234 Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pinions and Gears F ASTM A291 Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Com ASTM A541 Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1 ASTM A508 Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and ASTM A470 Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing (1973) ANSI G6 ASTM A519 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure ASTM A194 Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe (1972) ANSI B125.20 ASTM A530 Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Servic ASTM A334 Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial Use (1972) ASTM A668 Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes for Refi ASTM A 161 Carbon and Graphite Articles at Room Temperatures (1969 ASTM C611 Carbon and Graphite Articles by Physical Measurements ( ASTM C559 Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Pulse Meth. (1972) Ans ASTM C714 Carbon and Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.3 ASTM C560 Carbon and Graphite (1972) ASTM C709 Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and ASTM D3178 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the Point to Plane Techni ASTM E403 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings for Steam Turbines ASTM A356 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 ASTM A609 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel for Boron by the Point to PI ASTM E404 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Using a Vacuum Spectrometer ASTM E415 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Wrought Products Except Fo SAE AMS2370A Carbon Arc Gouging and Cutting (1974) AWS C5.3 Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure with Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.2 AATCC 111A Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure Without Wetting (1972) ANSI LI AATCC 111C Carbon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) an AATCC 16D Carbon Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 AATCC 16A Carbon Black (1972) ASTM D1509 Carbon Black (1972) Std. Rec. Prac ASTM D3051 Carbon Black (1972A) Std. ASTM D1618 Carbon Black (1973) ASTM D3037 Carbon Black (1973) ASTM D3265 Carbon Blacks in Natural Rubber (Nr) (1973) ASTM D3192 Carbon Blacks in Styrene -Butadiene Rubber (SBR) (1973 ASTM D3191 Carbon Blacks Used in Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J8.6 ASTM D1765 Carbon Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (197 ASTM A546 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems (1972) NFPA 12 56 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Uniform Building Code Std. for 2) Meth of Analysis for Residual 2) Meth. of Analysis for Total (Gasometric) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Total sis for Correction Factors for Gasometric Determination of troleum Oils by the n-d-M Meth. / Tent. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Rec. Pract. for Hardenability Bands for els (1972) ANSI G35.14 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated, rvice (1972) Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, bes (1973) ANSI B125.9 Std. Spec, for Seamless bes (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded e (1972) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Low Carbon and nt by Nondispersive Infrared Spe/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Krypto/ Uniform Fire Code: Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, nd Strip (1972) Std. Spec, for Low Std. Spec, for Low therefrom (1972A) Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Steel Products Manual for for Railway Use (1973) ANSI G57.ll Std. Spec, for ements (1972) sure Service (/ 125.10 73) ANSI B125.7 siGSO.l Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Std. Spec, for Std. Quality Cold Finished Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Std. Spec, for Seamless Medium Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Std. Spec, for Mild to Medium Strength igh Temperature Service (1974) ANSI G37.2 steners (1968) ANSI G38.5 tting. Valve, etc.) (1973) ANSI G17.3 ansi B125.30 B125.38 5.2 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Weldless Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Electric Welded Low Std. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Std. Spec, for Structural 24./ Std. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.7 Std. Spec, for d Higher Temperature Service (1972) ANSI / Std. Spec, for wer Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G35.1/ Std. Spec, for trial Use (1971) ANSI G57.12 Std. Spec, for Untreated Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled 3.4 Std. Spec, for (Steel Products Manual) Std. Spec, for Cold Rolled 73) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless sical Properties and Meth. of Test, for Helical Spring and 972) Std. for Seamless Low 972) Std. for Welded and Cold Drawn Low ing, and Beading (1/ Std. for Welded Flash Controlled Low Std. for Welded Low Std. for Brazed Double Wall Low y Requirements for Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded ) ANSI G39.2 Std. Spec, for Wrought Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality 71) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality k91.3 Std. Spec, for 1971) ANSI G54.1/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Service Piping (1969) Std. Pract. for High Strength ract. Meth. and Controls to Prevent in Service Cracking of Rivets, lates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1/ (Steel Products Manual) 8 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Support Equipment) (1974) Std. for Forged Rec. Pract. for Resistance Welding Coated Low Std. for Chemical Compositions of Sae cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled D/ (Steel Products Manual) neous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Alcohol; Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Oil Tempered orgings. Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr Low ommercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled rip. Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel, Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Activated Carbon Dioxide Fire extinguishing Systems (1973) ICBO UBCS38-2 Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (196 AACCH 12-10 Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (196 AACCH 12-20 Carbon Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and Self Rising Flours AACCH 12-21 Carbon Dioxide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Th. of Analy AACCH 12-29 Carbon Distribution and Structural Group Analysis of PE ASTM D3238 Carbon Graphite Mechanical Materials (1971) ANSI K90.6 ASTM C565 Carbon H Steels (1971) SAE J776D Carbon Manganese Silicon Steel Plates for Pressure Vess ASTM A299 Carbon Manganese Silicon (1972A) ASTM A537 Carbon Manganese, for Moderate and Lower Temperature Se ASTM A662 Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater tu ASTM A209 Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater tu ASTM A250 Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Servic ASTM A161 Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Continuous Measureme ASTM D3162 Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, ICBO UFC»2ART36 Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, a ASTM B575 Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Rod (1972) ASTM B574 Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbon Products and Images Made ASTM F221 Carbon Refractories (1973) ASTM C767 Carbon Sheet Steel (coils and Cut Lengths) (1974) AISI 5 Carbon Steel Axles, Non Heat Treated and Heat Treated, ASTM A21 Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Property Requir ASTM A663 Carbon Steel Bars (1973) ASTM A 108 Carbon Steel Bars (1973) ASTM A575 Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High Pres ASTM A226 Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B ASTM A210 Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High Pressure Service (19 ASTM A192 Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes (1973) ANSI B 125.6 ASTM A178 Carbon Steel Castings for General Application (1973) an ASTM A27 Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for H ASTM A216 Carbon Steel Chain (1972) ANSI G61.2 ASTM A413 Carbon Steel Chain (1973) ANSI G61.4 ASTM A466 Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Std. Fa ASTM A307 Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Components (Flange, Fi ASTM A 105 Carbon Steel Nuts (1972) ANSI G24.30 ASTM A563 Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972) ASTM A660 Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972A) ASTM A106 Carbon Steel Pipe for Process Piping (1972A) ASTM A524 Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical Industry (1971) ANSI ASTM A587 Carbon Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G3 ASTM A285 Carbon Steel Plates for Structural Applications (1973) ASTM A678 Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness (1973) ASTM A573 Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality (1970) ANSI G ASTM A283 Carbon Steel Plates with Improved Transition Properties ASTM A442 Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Plates for Intermediate an ASTM A515 Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Plates for Moderate and Lo ASTM A516 Carbon Steel Railway Axles for Export and General Indus ASTM A383 Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality (1972) ASTM A570 Carbon Steel Sheets for Pressure Vessels (1971) ANSI G3 ASTM A414 Carbon' Steel Strip (0.68-0.80C) (SAE 1074) (1973) SAE AMS5120G Carbon Steel Strip (0.90-1. 04C) (SAE 1095) (1973) SAE AMS5121D Carbon Steel Strip (1971) AISI 6 Carbon Steel Strip (1972A) ANSI G47.1 ASTM A109 Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes (19 ASTM A500 Carbon Steel Structural Tubing (1973) ANSI G24.22 ASTM A501 Carbon Steel Tooth Lock Washers (1972) /Intensions, Phy ANSI B18.21.1 Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flaring (1 SAE J524B Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flaring (1 SAE J525B Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Bending, Double Flar SAE J356A Carbon Steel Tubing (1972) SAE J526B Carbon Steel Tubing (1972) SAE J527B Carbon Steel Tubular Products for High Temperature Serv ASTM A520 Carbon Steel Tubular Spring Pins (1973) SAE AMS7205D Carbon Steel Water Well Pipe (1972A) ASTM A589 Carbon Steel Wheels for Locomotives and Rail Cars (1971 ASTM A504 Carbon Steel Wire for Machine Screws (1971) ANSI G54. 14 ASTM A545 Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or Sheet Metal Screws (19 ASTM A548 Carbon Steel Wire of Scrapless Nut Quality (1972) ANSI ASTM A544 Carbon Steel Wire Rods and Uncoated Coarse Round Wire ( ASTM A510 Carbon Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for High Pressure MSS SP63 Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds in Corrosive Petroleum Refinin NACE RP-04-72 Carbon Steel (1973) SAE AMS7225D Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor P AISI 2 Carbon Steel, High Strength Manganese (1972A) ANSI G35. ASTM A455 Carbon Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground NSA 1053 Carbon Steels (1970) AWS CI. 3 Carbon Steels (1970) ANSI G88.1 SAE J403F Carbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and AISI 1 Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydrate; Chloroform; Form AACCH 28-91 Carbon Tool Steels (1973) ASTM A686 Carbon Valve Spring Quality (1971) ANSI G54.4 ASTM A230 Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free Machining (1973) /Bars and F SAE AMS5610H Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent) Steel Sheet and Strip, C ASTM A569 Carbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Rolled Sheet and St ASTM A659 Carbon (1974) ASTM D2652 Engineering and Product Standards Division 57 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards s (197] A) ANSI B/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for for Pressure Piping Component/ Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, plications (1974) Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, and Wrought Irons (/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of ity (1973) Std. Spec, for Steel, Std. Spec, for Steel, Cold Rolled Sheet, Std. Spec, for Steel Tubes, Low Rec. for the Disposal of Std. Meth. of Test for Insoluble Residue in Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed Wool Textiles to Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Stress Strain of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Meth. of Test. Sodium Rec. Pract. for Automotive Engine aterial by Absorption Spectroscopy, Using the ASTM Punched Tent. Meth. of Test for Grading Cotton Aperture Adhesive of Unitized Microfilm Carrier (Aperture Std. for Magnetic Stripe Encoding (Code) for Credit tized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy and Image ized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and Image rinted Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digital) Form on Punched Rec. for the (1973) Rec. Pract. for e (Rtrp) (1972) Rec. Pract. for 973) Std. for Glossary of Rec. Terms for se of These Terms / Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to 2) Std. for Std. for Safety Requirements for the Construction, achin/ Std. for Safety Requirements for the Construction, Std. for Safety Requirements for Construction, ic. Semi / Std. Safety Requirements for the Construction, Rec. Pract. on Application, Std. for Basic Requirements for Std. for Requirements for Closed Van Type s (1970) Guide for Supplementary Ventilation in a Ship's ng) (1973) Spec, for emistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A and ile, and Rail Doors, Factory Finishing, Rough and Finished Rec. Safeguards for Arrangement of Test Meth. for Visual Rating Meth. of 17 Test Meth. for Test Meth. for . for Shampooing: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings (Rug, Test Meth. for Electrostatic Propensity of ction Under the Uniform Building Code: Private Garages and ry Milk and Instantized Dry Milks (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ el-Base Alloys by the Silver Chloride-Lithium Fluoride ical Analysis of Uranium Oxide (U,0„) by Gallium Oxide teady State Surface Pho/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Minority ing-Materials Handling) (1973) Shipper-Motor 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magneti/ Rec. Pract. for Reference Std. -on Subscriber Visual rotection Sheet to Aperture Adhesive of Unitized Microfilm Std. for Forks and Fork ) Std. for Dimensions for Unitized Microfilm Measuring Thickness of Buildup Area on Unitized Microfilm Std. Test Proc. for Determining the Load zl 1.161 Std. Meth. of Test for Load nual Sect. 1) (1/ Spec, for Design of Aluminum Alloy Load fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Std. for Training of Automotive Mechanics for Passenger fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Std. for Sound Level for Passenger for New Tires for Passenger Uniform Test Procedures for Retreaded Tires for Passenger low Preventers) and Relief Valves in Travel Trailers, Camp Hopper Std. Spec, for Structural Steel for Locomotives and . for Wrought Carbon Steel Wheels for Locomotives and Rail Std. for Tire and Rim Equipment for 1974 Passenger nd Combin/ Rec. Pract. for Stopping Distance of Passenger and Fill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Facilities (Passenger s, Bead S/ Rim and Wheel Stds. for Motorcycles, Passenger Std. for Bias and Radial Ply Tires and Rims for Passenger Layouts and Terminals (For Foreign and Domestic Passenger 3) Std. Spec, for Std. for Low Voltage Safety Std. for Class H Std. for Low Voltage Safety Std. for 2 1/2 Gal. ding An/ Std. for Dimensional Std. Coplanar Magnetic Tape r Identification of Air Purifying Respirator Canisters and ) Std. for Dimensions of 126 Size 972) Std. for Safety for Molded f Drilling Tapping Screws and Rec. Technique for Measuring Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tube ASTM A450 Carbon, Hot Rolled and Cold Finished, Special Quality, ASTM A696 Carbon, Hot Rolled, Special Quality, for Fluid Power Ap ASTM A695 Carbon, Low Alloy, and Silicon Electrical Steels, Ingot ASTM E350 Carbon, Strip, Cold Rolled Hard, Untempered Spring Qual ASTM A680 Carbon, Structural (1972) ASTM A611 Carbon, Tapered for Structural Use (1973) ASTM A595 Carbon-14 Wastes (1953) NCRPM R12 Carbonate Aggregates (1972) ASTM D3042 Carbonates in Coated Paper (Qualitative) (1973) TAPPI UM-531 Carbonizing (1972) ANSI L14.3 AATCC 11 Carbons and Graphite (1973) ASTM C749 Carboxyl Content of Corn Starch (1966) CR C-22 Carboxymethylcellulose (1972) ANSI K65.30 ASTM D1439 Carburetor Airflow Reference Std. (1971) SAE J228 Card Index (1972) /Rec. Pract. for Identification of M ASTM E204 Card Webs for Appearance (1973) ASTM D3216 Card) (1973) ANSI PH5.14 /Esion of Protection Sheet to NMA MS10 Cards (1973) ANSI X4.16 Cards) (1972) Std. for Dimensions for Uni ANSI PH5.8 Cards) (1973) ANSI PH5.12 /Ess of Buildup Area on Unit NMA MS9 Cards, Magnetic Tape and Punched Paper Tape (1972) / P IPC D-350 Care and Preservation of Wood Floors (1962) WSFI »2 Care and Use of Casing and Tubing (Petroleum Drilling) API 5C1 Care and Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pip API RP5L4 Care Labeling Textile Products (Launder or Dryclean) (1 ANSI L28.1 Care of Consumer Textile Products and Rec. Pract. for U ASTM D3136 Care of Fire Hose (Including Couplings and Nozzles (197 NFPA 198 Care, and Use of Die Casting Machines (1973) ANSI B152.1 Care, and Use of Packaging and Its Related Converting M ANSI B155.1 Care, and Use of Power Press Brakes (1973) ANSI B11.3 Care, and Use of Shears (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumat ANSI Bl 1.4 Care, and Use of Wire Rope for Oil Field Service (1972) API 9B Cargo Containers (1971) ANSI MH5.1 Cargo Containers (1971) ANSI MH5.1.1 Cargo Hold During the Use of Internal Combustion Engine SNAME 4-14 Cargo Unit Load Devices (Materials Transport and Handli NSA 3610 Carotene in Enriched Cereals and Mixed Feeds (Cereal Ch AACCH 8605 Carpentry, Flooring, Shingles, Exposed Roof Decking, Dr AWI *1-1 Carpet Storage Racks (1972) FMS LPD8-30 Carpet (Rug) Soiling (1973) ANSI L14.215 AATCC 121 Carpet (Rug) Soiling; Accerated Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.2 AATCC 123 Carpet (Rug) Soiling; Service Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.216 AATCC 122 Carpet) (1972) Test Meth AATCC 138 Carpets (1969) AATCC 134 Carports (1973) Dwelling Constru ICBO UBC*8-4 Can- Price Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Nonfat D AACCH 86-02 Carrier DC Arc Technique Using an Optical Emission Spe ASTM E483 Carrier D-C Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.27 /Trochem ASTM E402 Carrier Diffusion Length in Silicon by Measurement of S ASTM F391 Carrier Dock Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and Receiv ANSI MH8.1 Carrier Frequencies and Deemphasis Characteristics for SMPTE RP6 Carrier Level (Cable Television) (1970) NCTA 001B-0670 Carrier (Aperture Card) (1973) ANSI PH5. 14 /Esion of P NMA MS10 Carriers for Powered Industrial Fork Lift Trucks (1973) ANSI MH11.4 Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy and Image Cards) (1972 ANSI PH5.8 Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and Image Cards) (197 NMA MS9 Carrying Ability of Farm Wagon Running Gear (1973) ASAE S360T Carrying Capacity of Fluid Gear Lubricants (1973) ANSI ASTM D1947 Carrying (Members) Structures (Aluminum Construction Ma AA *10 Cars and Light Trucks Using the Enclosure Technique (19 SAE J171A Cars and Light Trucks (Course of Instruction) (1972) ANSI D18.1 Cars and Light Trucks (1972) / for the Measurement of SAE J170A Cars and Light Trucks (1972) ANSI S6.3 SAE J986A Cars and Station Wagons (1965) VESC V-l Cars and Station Wagons (1966) /Mance Requirements and VESC V-2 Cars and Trailer Coaches (1970) Std. for (Backf IAPMO TSC8 Cars for Malt and Grain Service (1964) BAMI *1 Cars (1970A) ANSI G39.1 ASTM A113 Cars (1971) ANSI G39.2 Std. Spec ASTM A504 Cars (1974) TRA 1-17 Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Buses, Trucks, a SAE J299 Cars, Multipurpose Vehicles, and Light Duty Trucks) (19 SAE J398A Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and Log Skidder, Truck, Bu TRA 7 Cars, Station Wagons, and Multipurpose Passenger Vehicl TRA 1 Cars, Trucks, Buses, Coaches, Tractors, Industrial Road BCI *1.56 Cartridge Brass Sheet, Strip, Plate, Bar and Disks (197 ASTM B19 Cartridge Fuses (1972) NEMA FU 1 Cartridge Fuses (1973) UL 198.1 Cartridge Fuses, 600 Volts or Less (1972) ANSI C97.1 Cartridge Operated Water Type Fire Extinguishers (1973) UL 715 Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact Cassette) for Audio Recor EIA RS399 Cartridges (1973) Std. Fo ANSI K13.1 Cartridges, Film, and Backing Paper (Photography) (1972 ANSI PHI. 40 Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker Enclosures (1 UL 489 Case Depth (1972) Std. for Steel Sel SAE J78 58 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ke Roof and Window Vents Designed to Open Automatically in Meth. for Analysis of rmance Requirements for Woven Window Curtain Fabrics (Sash Std. Meth. of Test. Large Shipping omatic Machine Sealing of Top Flaps of Fiberboard Shipping ral Woodwork) (197/ Quality Stds. for Casework: Cabinets. cs. for Architectural Woodwork: Standing and Running Trim, 11 Kinds (Architectural Woodwork) (197/ Quality Stds. for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Maximum Std. Meth. of Test for Cashmere Coarse Hair Content in Std. Spec, for Maximum Cashmere Coarse Hair Content in Spec, for Grade C-75 and C-95 Rec. Pract. for Care and Use of Spec, for Oil Well nd Bending (1972) Bui. on Round Thread re Oil Well Service) (1972) Thread Compounds (For 73) Spec, for 73) Spec, for High Strength for Threading. Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Petroleum Rec. for Manufacture and Placement of Reinforced Concrete Std. Coplanar Magnetic Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact h46.1 Std. Meth. of Tension Test. Wrought and 1 Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, and ANSI A21.ll Std. for Rubber Gasket Joints for Electrolytes (1973) ANSI H44.1 Std. for for Codification of Certain Nonferrous Metals and Alloys, (1972) ANSI B125.39 Std. Spec, for Centrifugally systems (1973) Std. for Std. for Std. Uniform Building Code Std. for 72) Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Std. for Std. Spec, for Centrifugally vice (1973) Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Std. Sizes for Industrial Centrifugal Fans with gn and Construction (1965) Rec. for Deep, Rec. for Precast Concrete Units Used as Forms for Specifying Portland Cement Terrazzo, Rec. for 171.1 Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of ssure Application at High T/ Std. Spec, for Centrifugallv n./S for Water and Other Liquids (1971) ANSI A2/ Std. for Safety Std. for Gasketed Joints for c. Pract. for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile i / Std. for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Std. for Enameled (1972) Spec. Data for Hubless Hydraulic Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Std. Spec, for Guide Spec, for Std. Std. Spec, for Welding Rods and Covered Electrodes for Welding Std. Meth. of Impact Testing of avel/ Uniform Building Code: Weights of Materials (Brick; th. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Admiralty Metal by the Meth. and Definitions for Mechanical Test, of Wrought and Std. Spec, for Std. for Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Steel and Molybdenum Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Arc Std. Spec, for Sizes for Threaded d. for Double Race or Bi-Level Swivel and Rigid Industrial Std. for Demountable Tired Wheels for Industrial Trucks, in Flammable Anesthetizing Locations (Bonding Appliances, spec, for Aluminum Alloy Hardeners Used in Making Zinc Die Std. for Magnesium Std. Spec, for Gypsum Std. Spec, for Fire Refined Die ty Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Die Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Shrinkage of Thermosetting Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and Nickel Base Alloy Std. Spec, for Mild to Medium Strength Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Sand 73) A/ Std. Spec, for Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Base Alloy Std. Spec, for Ferritic and Austenitic Steel Std. Spec, for Steel d. Rec. Pract. for Production and Preparation of Gray Iron Case of Fire (1974) Approval Std. for Heat and Smo FMS 4430 Casein (1972) TAPPI T607SU Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutional Texti ANSI L24.1.4 Cases and Crates (Packaging) (1953) ANSI MH12. 11 ASTM D1083 Cases (1970) /Solvent Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Aut ASTM D1874 Cases, Counters and Enclosures of All Kinds (Architectu AWI « 1-400 Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Storage Shelving, Misc. AWI *1-1 Casework: Cabinets, Cases, Counters and Enclosures of a AWI *l-400 Cashmere Coarse Hair Content in Cashmere (1971) ASTM D2816 Cashmere Coarse Hair Content in Cashmere (1971) ASTM D2817 Cashmere (1971) ASTM D2816 Cashmere (1971) ASTM D2817 Casing and Tubing (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) API 5AC Casing and Tubing (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) API 5C1 Casing Centralizers (1973) API 10D Casing Joint Strength with Combined Internal Pressure a API BUL 5C4 Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe Connections in High Pressu API BUL 5A2 Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (19 API 5A Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (19 API 5AX Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads (1974) Spec. API 5B Casings for Irrigation Wells (1972) ASAE R266 Cassette) for Audio Recording and Reproducing (1974) EIA RS399 Cast Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Products (1973) ANSI ASTM B557 Cast Aluminum Covers (1973) /for Electrical Sheet Stee NEMA OS1 Cast and Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1972) A WW A Oil Cast and Wrought Galvanic Zinc Anodes for Use in Saline ASTM B418 Cast and Wrought (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. ASTM B275 Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service ASTM A451 Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Solvent Drainage ANSI B16.32 Cast Bronze Solder Joint Pressure F'ittings (1972) ANSI B16.18 Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1971) ANSI B16.15 Cast Building Stone (1973) ICBO UBCS24-14 Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (19 ASTM A660 Cast Copper Alloys (1971) SAE J462A Cast Dual Metal Cylinders (1972) ASTM A667 Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Ser ASTM A426 Cast Flat Bottom Drop Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) CCTI CI25.1 Cast Flat Drop Composite Cans (1974) CCTI C125 Cast Housings (1966) AMCA 2403 Cast in Place Concrete (Storage) Bin and Silo Wall Desi ACI 65-37 Cast in Place Concrete (1966) ACI 66-66 Cast in Place Floors (1967) CSI 09410 Cast in Place Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1966) ACI 66-22 Cast in Place Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1970) ANSI a ACI 346 Cast Iron- All Types (1974) ASTM E351 Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pre ASTM A608 Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Fittings, 2 In. Through 48 I AWWA C110 Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings (1973) UL 194 Cast Iron Pipe for Water or Other Liquids (1972) /. Re ASTM A674 Cast Iron Piping for Water and Other Liquids (1972) Ans AWWA C105 Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures (1973) ANSI A112.19.1 Cast Iron Sanitary System (Plumbing Pipe and Fittings) CISPI 301 Cast Iron Sealing Rings for Automotive Transmission and SAE J281 Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) CISPI HS Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) CISPI HSN Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A112.5.1 ASTM A74 Cast Iron Soil Pipe (1972) CSI 15062.1 Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings (1971) ANSI B16.12 Cast Iron Threaded Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1972) ANSI B16.4 Cast Iron (1969) ANSI W3.15 AWS A5.15 Cast Irons (1972) ASTM A327 Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gr ICBO UBC*3-23 Cast Pin and Point to Plane Techniques (1973) Std. Me ASTM E486 Cast Steel Products (1973) ANSI G60.1 Std. ASTM A370 Cast Steel Wheels for Railway Service (1973) ASTM A583 Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand Lined Molds for Gas (1971) ANSI A21.52 Cast, Open Hearth, and Wrought Iron (1973) ASTM E30 Cast, Stress Relieved (1973) SAE AMS7801A Caster Stems (1965) CFTMA STEM Casters (1973) St ANSI MH11.1 Casters, Conveyors, and Other Equipment (1966) CFTMA W7 Casters, Face Masks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hos UL 1067 Casting Alloys (1965) ANSI H38.23 Std. ASTM B327 Casting Alloys (1971) SAE J465B Casting and Molding Plaster (1973) ANSI A49.4 ASTM C59 Casting Copper (1972) ANSI H23.9 ASTM B72 Casting Machine Stds. (1972) SDCE *1 Casting Machines (1973) Std. for Safe ANSI B152.1 Casting Systems During Cure (1969) ANSI K65. 181 ASTM D2566 Castings for General Application (1972) ANSI G81. 10 /T ASTM A296 Castings for General Application (1973) ANSI G50.1 ASTM A27 Castings for General Applications (1973) ASTM B584 Castings for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (19 ASTM A567 Castings for High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G52.2 ASTM A351 Castings for Highway Bridges (1974) ANSI G52.3 ASTM A486 Castings for Porcelain Enameling (1970) ANSI Z167.23 ASTM C660 Engineering and Product Standards Division 59 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ■ h T/ Std. Spec, for Martensitic Stainless and Alloy Steel Temperature Service (1974/ Std. Spec, for Ferritic Steel Std. Spec, for Heavy Walled Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Std. Spec, for Gray Iron Parts Suitable for High Temp/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel re Service (1974) ANSI G37.2 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel 5 Std. Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Std. Reference Radiographs for Steel 4330 Modified) (1973) Spec, for Steel Sand Std. Spec, for Lead and Tin Alloy Die Std. Spec, for Zinc Alloys in Ingot Form for Die ium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die hs for High Strength Copper Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Std. Spec, for Titanium and Its Alloy 1 Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Brass Die Std. Spec, for Pearlitic Malleable Iron Std. Spec, for Zinc Alloy Die Spec, for Automotive Gray Iron Std. Spec, for Ductile Iron Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Investment Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Die ation of Procedures and Personnel for the Welding of Steel Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Die Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Sand Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Permanent Mold rence Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4 i/2 to 12 In.) Steel Std. Spec, for Austenitic Gray Iron Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Iron Std. Spec, for Copper Base Alloy Centrifugal Std. Spec, for Copper Base Alloy Continuous Std. Spec, for Austenitic Manganese Steel num Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Std. Spec, for Chromium Nickel Alloy Std. Spec, for Steam or Valve Bronze Std. Spec, for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sand Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Permanent Mold 74) ANSI G/ Std. Spec, for Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy d Precipitation Treated (/ Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Sand essels (1974) Std. Spec, for Steel 36C) (SAE 4330 Modified) (1973) Steel 46C) (SAE 4340 Modified) (1973) Low Alloy Steel 973) Low Alloy Steel rence Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium eluding Lacquers (1973) Std. Spec, for Test Meth. for Description, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed; (1972) ANSI B93.29 Std. Dimensions for Accessories for ode, and Mounting Dimensions for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore terials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and terials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and terials When Suitable Amounts of Sample. Sulfuric Acid and Std. Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Std. Spec, for Electrolytic receiving Applia/ Std. for Safety for Implosion Protected Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. Pract. and Std. for td. Meth. of Test for Operating Performance of Particulate Std. Spec, for t for Synthetic Anionic Active Ingredient in Detergents by Meth. of Test for Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by and Water Requirements of Farm Livestock (Poultry, Swine, Std. for Precision Coaxial Connectors for Std. Spec, for Oil and Resin Base Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Std. Meth. of Test for Staining of Std. Meth. of Test for Tack Free Time of Structural Clay Differential Movement Test Meth. for Evaluating Wetting Agents in ies and Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of mating Maturity and Linear Density of Cotton Fibers by the std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Erosion of Solids by m Automotive Water Pumps with Coolan/ Std. Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Vibratory (1972) Std. Recommendations for Die Rec. for Stopping Powers for Use with ing Code: Solid, Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Structural Clay Insulated Brick and Tile Structural Clay (Properly Constructed Masonry) Insulated welding Wire, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (18Cr-llNi- Std. Meth. of Analysis of CCA Treating Solutions and try (1972) Std. Meth. of Analysis of Rec. Std. for Engineering Specs. Outline for Monochrome Std. Spec, for Magnes Std. Reference Radiograp Std. Spec, for Longitudina /. Rec. Pract. for Qualific Std. Refe Std. Spec, for Alumi Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Hig Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Low Castings for Steam Turbines (1974) Castings for Structural Purposes (1973) ANSI G52.1 Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings (1973) Castings Specially Heat Treated for Pressure Containing Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Temperatu Castings Suitable for Pressure Service (1974) ANSI G52. Castings Up to 2 In. in Thickness (1972) ANSI Z166.28 Castings (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0.36C)) (SAE Castings (1952) ANSI H48.1 Castings (1964) ANSI H47.2 Castings (1966) ANSI H45.8 Castings (1967) ANSI Z166.17 Castings (1969) ANSI Z179.16 Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Castings (1970) ANSI H49.1 Castings (1971) ANSI G48.2 Castings (1971) ANSI H47.1 Castings (1972) Castings (1972) Castings (1972) Castings (1972) Castings (1972) ANSI G52.6 Castings (1972) ANSI H38.22 Castings (1972) ANSI H45.1 Castings (1972) ANSI H45.2 Castings (1972) ANSI Z166.19 Castings (1972 A) Castings (1972A) Castings (1973) Castings (1973) Castings (1973) ANSI G52.4 Castings (1973) ANSI H38.1 Castings (1974) Castings (1974) Castings (1974) Castings (1974) ANSI H38.24 Castings (1974) ANSI H38.26 Castings (25-12 Class) for High Temperature Service (19 Castings (5.75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr (Ze63-T6) Solution an Castings, Heavy Walled, Carbon and Alloy for Pressure V Castings, Investment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0. Castings, Investment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.38-0. Castings, Investment, 0.95Cr-0.20Mo (0.25-0.35C) (1 Castings, Series II (1974) ANSI Z166.8 Castor Oil for Use in Resins and Protective Coatings in Castor Oil Penetration of Paper (1972) Castor, Sesame, Safflower, Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Cataloged Square Head Industrial Fluid Power Cylinders Cataloged Square Head Tie Rod Type Industrial Fluid Pow Catalyst Are Employed (1960) /Other Protein Bearing Ma Catalyst Are Employed (1962) /Other Protein Bearing Ma Catalyst Are Employed (1962) /Other Protein Bearing Ma Catch Basins and Manholes (1973) ANSI A73.1 Cathode Copper (1972) ANSI H23.10 Cathode Ray Tubes (Picture and Display) for Television Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings (1972) Cathodic Protection Systems on Boats (1972) Cation Exchange Materials (1972) ANSI Z111.4 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt (1973) Cationic Titration Procedure (1974) Std. Meth. of Tes Cationic Titration (1972T) Cattle, Sheep) (1968) /Heat and Moisture Loss and Feed CATV (Cable Television) Application (75 Ohms) (1973) Caulking Compound for Building Construction (1972) Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) (Cause and Effect) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Caustic Soda for Mercerization (1971) ANSI L14.79 Caustic Soda (1974) Propert Causticaire Method (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Esti Cavitation and Impingement by Liquid or Solid Particles Cavitation Erosion Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminu Cavitation Erosion Test (1972) Cavity and Cutoff Die Sizes for Cold Forging Equipment Cavity Chambers (1961) Cavity Wall, and Stone Masonry (1973) /E Uniform Build Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1964) Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Cavity 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) (Cb+Ta) (1973) Spec, for Steel CCA Treated Wood by Colorimetry (1972) CCA Treating Solutions and CCA Treated Wood by Colorime Cctv (Closed Circuit Television) Camera Equipment (1974 Std. Refe ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM TAPPI NIOP NFLDP NFLDP CR CR CR ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ABYC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM BIA AATCC MCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IFI NCRPM ICBO BIA BIA BIA SAE AWPA AWPA EIA A217 A352 A356 A148 A 126 A389 A216 A487 E446 AMS5329B B102 B240 B93 E272 B367 A609 B176 A220 B86 A159 A536 B403 B94 A488 B85 B80 B199 E280 A436 A644 B271 B505 A 128 B179 A 560 B61 B62 B26 B108 A447 AMS4425 A643 AMS5328A AMS5330A AMS5336B E155 D960 T462 *1 T3.6.8 T3.6.11 F-44 G-22 J-56 C139 B115 492.8 G8 E2 D1782 D2397 D1681 D3049 D249.2 RS403 C570 D2202 D2203 D2377 18 43 SD9 D2480 G40 D2809 G32 121 R27 UBC*8-11 21 21A *26 AMS5680D A 10-72 A10-72 RS312 60 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards of Nitrophenide in Poultry- Mashes (Feed) for Prevention of faquinoxaline in Poultry Feeds and Premixes for Control of by the Thermal Process (Western Red Cedar, Northern White ngth Thermal Process Preservative Treatment of Western Red ite. Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Western nd Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine and White (Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Alaska Yellow servative Treatment of Western Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow of Incised Pole Butts by the Thermal Process (Western Red rosa and Western White Pines, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Western douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Coast Hemlock; Western Red Rec. Std. for Seismic Restraint Direct Hung Suspended ield Test of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Floor - Class (Stc) of Building Partitions Such as Walls, Floor - Uniform Building Code: Wall and Uniform Building Code: Interior Walls and Uniform Building Code Std. for Span Tables for Floor and ) Std. Meth. of Painting Spec, for Acoustical board. Timber, Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decking, Flooring, Airborne Sound Insulation Field Test of Partitions (Wall, Control (Acoustics) in Wood Building Construction (Floor, Decorative and Protective Covering for Permanent Wall and uspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for Lay in Panel skylights. Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, Light Diffusers in ry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; numbers. Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; Assembly Numbers, Spec, for Dry Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. al Wire and Cable Installation (1973/ Std. for Safety for Std. Spec, for Preformed for Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor of Expanded Meth. of Test for Rate of Burning or Extent of Burning of Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption of Rigid Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Rigid Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Properties of Rigid Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Rigid Std. Spec, for Sponge and Expanded and Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.12 Std. Spec, for 40 (1973) ANSI B72.4 Std. Spec, for and Fittings (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Std. Meth. of Test. Cellulose Acetate Propionate and rate (1972) Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Cellulose and graphic Film for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on 7 Test Meth. for Fluidity of Dispersions of photometry/ Std. Meth. for Quantitiative Determination of Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Fire Code: Uniform Fire Code: Std. Spec, for Soluble Std. for ion (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Insulating Board Std. Meth. of Test. Insulating Board Std. Spec, for Structural Insulating Formboard Made from std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Content of Oil Impregnated Test Meth. for Ash Content of Bleached Uniform Building Code Std. for Portland d Interior (1971) Std. Spec, for Portland d Interi/ Std. Spec, for Lathing and Furring for Portland Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Asbestos ANSI A 1.19 Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Portland Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Hydraulic Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Portland Recommendations for Basis of Payment on Portland Rec. Spec, for Optimum Size Coarse Aggregate for Portland and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland 58, Ashto T144 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Asbestos astic Pipe and Fittings (1973) An/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Uniform Building Code Std. for Masonry Std. Spec, for Portland (1971) Std. Spec, for Portland Cement and std. Spec, for Lathing and Furring for Portland Cement and Std. Meth. of Wetting and Drying Tests of Compacted Soil Std. Meth. of Test for Cement Content of Soil Std. Meth. of Test for Length Change of Hardened of Test for Length Change of Drilled or Sawed Specimens of ater Pipe (4 In. and Larger, Shop Applied) (197/ Std. for Std. Spec, for Latex-Portland Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Hydraulic Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis in Chickens (Cereal Ch AACCH 18-25 Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis (Cereal Chemistry) (19 AACCH 18-35 Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Poles) (1973) /Ole Butts AWPA C7 Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber Poles (1973) / Le AWPA C8 Cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pine Fir; and Mountain Hemlo ICBO UBCS25-4 Cedar Lumber (1973) /for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, a ICBO UBCS25-8 Cedar Poles) (1973) /Ole Butts by the Thermal Process AWPA C7 Cedar Timber Poles (1973) / Length Thermal Process Pre AWPA C8 Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Pol AWPA C7 Cedars (North) (Lumber) (1973) /M-Fir (North), Ponde ICBO UBCS25-2 Cedar; White Fir; and Sitka Spruce (Lumber) (1973) /R ICBO UBCS25-3 Ceiling Assemblies (1972) CISCA "3 Ceiling Assemblies) in Existing Buildings (1973) /on F ICBO UBCS35-3 Ceiling Assemblies, Doors, and Other Space Dividing Ele ICBO UBCS35-1 Ceiling Coverings (1973) ICBO UBC'3-47 Ceiling Finish (1973) ICBO UBC*3-42 Ceiling Joists, and Rafters (1973) ICBO UBCS25-21 Ceiling Materials for Acoustical Absorption Tests (1973 ASTM C643 Ceiling Systems (1972) CSI 09530 Ceiling, and Partition (1973) /Ies, Weight, Stress of WWPA *24 Ceiling, Floor, and Floor-Ceiling Assemblies) in Exis ICBO UBCS35-3 Ceding, Wall) (1972) Rec. for Sound WWPA «27 CeUings (1969) /for Vinyl Coated Fabric Coverings for CSI 09951 Ceilings (1973) /Niform Building Code Std. for Metal S ICBO UBCS47-16 CeUings, Partitions, Exterior Veneer, Awnings and Pati ICBO l'BC*3-52 Ceding; Partitions; Plaster; Roofing) and Earthquake R ICBO UBC'3-23 Cell Layouts and Terminals (For Foreign and Domestic Pa BCI » 1 .56 Cells and Batteries (1972) ANSI C18.1 Cellular Glass Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C552 Cellular Glass Insulating Block (1972) ASTM C240 Cellular Metal Floor Raceways and Fittings for Electric UL 209 Cellular Plastic Pressure Relief Joint Fillers (1973) ASTM D3204 Cellular Plastics Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) ASTM D1673 Cellular Plastics Using a Supported Specimen by a Horiz ASTM D1692 Cellular Plastics (1969E) ANSI K65. 122 ASTM D2842 Cellular Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.32 ASTM D1623 Cellular Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.31 ASTM D1621 Cellular Plastics (1974) ASTM D3014 Cellular Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J2. 4 ASTM D1056 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) ASTM D2446 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Schedule ASTM D1503 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Tubing, ASTM D2560 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (1972) ASTM D817 Cellulose Acetate Propionate and Cellulose Acetate Buty ASTM D817 Cellulose Acetate (1972) ANSI K65.24 ASTM D871 Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives (1972) ANSI K64.6 ASTM D1695 Cellulose Derivatives (1972) ANSI K64.6 ASTM D1695 Cellulose Ester Base (1973) . Spec, for Photo ANSI PHI. 28 Cellulose Form Bleached Cotton Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.ll AATCC 82 Cellulose Nitrate in Alkyd Lacquers by Infrared Spectro ASTM D3133 Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film (1973) ICBO UBCS48-2 Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART5 Cellulose Nitrate Plastics (Pyroxylin) (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART6 Cellulose Nitrate (1972) ANSI K65.22 ASTM D301 Cellulosic Fiber Insulating Board (1973) ANSI A149.1 USC PS57 Cellulosic Fiber (Wood Base) Loose Fill Thermal Insulat ASTM C739 (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Decorative (1972) ASTM C208 (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Decorative (1972) ASTM C209 Cellulosic Fibers (1966) ASTM C532 Cellulosic Insulation (1973) ASTM D3277 Cellulosic Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.114 AATCC 78 Cement and Blended Hydraulic Cements (1973) ICBO UBCS261 Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) an ANSI A42.2 Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) an ANSI A42.3 Cement and Related Products (1972) ANSI A130.1 ASTM C460 Cement by Air Permeability Apparatus (1973) AASHO T153, ASTM C204 Cement by No. 325 (45-?M) Sieve (1973) ASTM C430 Cement by the Turbidimeter (1973) ANSI A1.7 ASTM CHS Cement Concrete Pavement Overlay Projects (1973) ACPA TM-6 Cement Concrete Paving (1972) ACPA 15 Cement Concrete (1973) ANSI A37.122 /Spec, for Fly Ash ASTM C618 Cement Content of Soil Cement Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37. ASTM D806 Cement Fiberboard Insulating Panels (1972) ASTM C551 Cement for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) PI ASTM D2235 Cement for Use in Mortars (1973) ICBO UBCS2417 Cement Lime Mortar for Brick Masonry (1972) BIA Ml Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior ANSI A42.2 Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior ANSI A42.3 Cement Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37.51 ASTM D559 Cement Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37.58, Ashto T144 ASTM D806 Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974) ANSI A37.78 ASTM C157 Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974T) Std. Meth. ASTM C341 Cement Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel W AWWA C205 Cement Mortar (1973) ANSI A118.4 TCA 9D Cement Mortars in Chemical Resistant Masonry (1965) ASTM C398 Cement Mortars (Using Portions of Prisms Broken in Flex ASTM C349 Engineering and Product Standards Division 61 m National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Std. Meth. of Test for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Asbestos i A165.4 Std. Spec, for Asbestos Std. Spec, for Asbestos Std. Spec, for Linings for Asbestos Std. Meth. of Test. Asbestos Std. Spec, for Asbestos Std. for Asbestos Std. Spec, for Asbestos and Fire Service (1973) Safety Std. for Asbestos Uniform Building Code Std. for Asbestos Std. Spec, for Corrugated Asbestos Std. Spec, for Flat Asbestos Std. Spec, for Corrugated Asbestos g Tests of Latex and Emulsion Ex/ Std. Spec, for Asbestos Std. Spec, for Asbestos Specifying Portland Std. Spec, for Asbestos Std. Meth. of Test for False Set of Portland 1 Fiber Hydraulic Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Masonry Std. Meth. of Test for Autoclave Expansion of Portland Std. Meth. of Test for Optimum So3 in Portland Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Portland Uniform Building Code Std. for Keene's Std. Meth. of Test for Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Std. Meth. of Test for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Natural Std. Meth. of Sampling Hydraulic spec, for Asphalt Mastic for Use in Waterproofing (Asphalt Std. Meth. of Test for Transverse Rupture Strength of fittings (1973) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Solvent 71) Installation Std. for Solvent nd (Specimen Storage) Rooms Used in the Test, of Hydraulic pe. Tubing, and Fittings (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Solvent s) Pipe and Fittings to Poly(Viny/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.16 Std. Spec, for Solvent gs (1972) Std. Spec, for Solvent Std. Spec, for Blended Hydraulic ilding Code Std. for Portland Cement and Blended Hydraulic or Estimating the Thermal Conductivity of Leather with the Standard Mounting and Face Dimensions of Receptacles Off 73) Std. for System Design of Fine Pitch on for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Std. for Directories of Libraries and Information es (Packaging), and References (Dosage) for Poison Control Safety Std. for Electric Safety Std. for Air Conditioners, Std. for Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Forced Air Safety Std. for Oil Fired for Oil Powered Forced Air (Domestic and Light Commercial) d Refrigeration) (1974) Std. for Fire Alar/ Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature 66) 66) ry Services (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 1973) ANSI B144.3 ulsion Plant (1970) products (1974) 6) Std. Operating Limits for Std. Coil Face Areas for Safety Std. for Rec. Pract. Tests for Std. for Std. for Installation of Guide for Spec, for Oil Well Casing Sanitary Stds. for Std. Spec, for Copper Base Alloy Std. Preparation of Std. Sizes for Industrial Std. Wheel Diameters and Outlet Areas for Std. Sizes for Industrial Std. Drive Arrangements for Std. Inlet Box Positions for Std. Designations for Rotation and Discharge of Std. Motor Positions for Belt or Chain Drive Std. Flue Gas Densities for Forced and Induced Draft Std. Drive Arrangements for Tubular Rec. for 74) Std. for rature Service (1972) ANSI B125.39 Std. Spec, for re Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for emperature Service (1973) Std. Spec, for tubing for Pressure Application at High T/ Std. Spec, for for Gas (1971) Std. for Ductile Iron Pipe, Cement Mortars (Using 2 In. (50 Mm) Cube Specimens) (19 ASTM C109 Cement Mortars (1972) ASTM C348 Cement Nonpressure Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.3 ASTM C428 Cement Nonpressure Small Diameter Sewer Pipe (1973) Ans ASTM C644 Cement Perforated Underdrain Pipe <1973) ANSI A165.2 ASTM C508 Cement Pipe (1973) ASTM C541 Cement Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.1 ASTM C500 Cement Plastic Foam Core Insulating Panels (1972) ASTM C659 Cement Pressure Pipe for Water and Other Liquids (1972) AWWA C400 Cement Pressure Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.5 , ASTM C296 Cement Pressure Pipe, Couplings, and Gaskets for Water UL 107 Cement Roofing Shingles (1973) ICBO UBCS32-9 Cement Sheets for Bulkheading (1974) ASTM C746 Cement Sheets (1972) ANSI A124.1 ASTM C220 Cement Sheets (1974) ANSI A125.1 ASTM C221 Cement Shingle Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Weatherin ASTM D1911 Cement Storm Drain Pipe (1973) ASTM C663 Cement Terrazzo, Cast in Place Floors (1967) CSI 09410 Cement Transmission Pipe (1973) ASTM C668 Cement (Paste Meth.) (1972) ANSI Al. 27 ASTM C451 Cement (1964) ANSI Z98.33 Std. Spec, for Minera ASTM C449 Cement (1971) ANSI Al. 28 ASTM C219 Cement (1971) ANSI A1.3 ASTM C91 Cement (1971) ANSI A1.8, ASHTOT107 ASTM C151 Cement (1972) ASTM C563 Cement (1972) ANSI Al. 12, ASHTOT133 ASTM C188 Cement (1973) ASTM C150 Cement (1973) ICBO UBCS47-11 Cement (1973) AASHO T129, ANSI Al. 11 ASTM C187 Cement (1973) ANSI ALIO ASTM C186 Cement (1973) ANSI Al. 18 ASTM C10 Cement (1973) ANSI A1.2 ASTM C183 Cement, Mineral Filler and Aggregate) (1941) ANSI A109. ASTM D491 Cemented Carbides (1973) ANSI H9.23 ASTM B406 Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and ASTM D2855 Cemented PVC Pipe for Water Service and Yard Piping (19 IAPMO IS8 Cements and Concretes (1973) /Ec. for Moist Cabinets a ASTM C511 Cements for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pi ASTM D2560 Cements for Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (AB ASTM D3138 Cements for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and ASTM D2564 Cements for Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Pipe and Fittin ASTM D3122 Cements (1973) ASTM C595 Cements (1973) Uniform Bu ICBO UBCS26-1 Cenco Fitch Apparatus (1970) ALCA E60 /Meth. of Test F ASTM D2214 Center Boss Type, 30, 50, and 60 Amperes, 4 Wire (1966) ANSI C73.67 Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. Involute Spur Pinions (19 AGMA 203.03 Center Point Loading) (1968) ANSI A37.84 /Eth. of Test ASTM C293 Centers (1971) ANSI Z39.10 Centers (1972) Std. for Rec. Antidotes, Suppli AAPCC *1 Central Air Heating Equipment (1973) ANSI C33. 104 UL 1096 Central Cooling (1972) ANSI B144.1 UL 465 Central Forced Air Electric Heating Equipment (1974) ARI 280 Central Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z21.47 Central Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z96.1 UL, 727 Central Furnaces) (1972) /D. Performance Requirements ANSI Z91.1 Central Station Air Handling Units (Air Conditioning an ARI 430 Central Station Protective Signaling Systems for Guard, NFPA 71 Central Station Service (1973) ANSI B125.25 Std. Spe ASTM A376 Central Station Units (Air Moving and Conditioning) (19 AMCA 1401 Central Station Units (Air Moving and Conditioning) (19 AMCA 1402 Central Stations for Watchman, Fire Alarm and Superviso UL 827 Central System Fluids (1970) SAE J72 Central System Humidifiers (1974) ARI 610 Central Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems ( NFPA 90B Centralized Control and Automation of Ship's Steam Prop SNAME 3-23 Centralizers (1973) API 10D Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Pumps for Milk and Its DFISA 0206 Centrifugal Castings (1973) ASTM B271 Centrifugal Fans and Parts for Protective Coatings (196 AMCA 2601 Centrifugal Fans with Cast Housings (1966) AMCA 2403 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2401 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2402 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2404 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2405 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2406 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2407 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2409 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2410 Centrifugal Fire (Water) Pumps (NFPA 20) (1974) FMS 3-7N Centrifugal Water Chilling Packages (Refrigeration) (19 ARI 550 Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Tempe ASTM A451 Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperatu ASTM A660 Centrifugally Cast Dual Metal Cylinders (1972) ASTM A667 Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High T ASTM A426 Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium- Nickel High Alloy ASTM A608 Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand Lined Molds ANSI A21.52 62 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards . Meth. of Test for Sediment in Water Emulsion Polishes by td. Spec, for Concentrated, Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Std. for Household Electric Ranges (Stove) with Glass / Meth. of Test for Acid Resistance of Tentative Meth. of Test for Sulfide Resistance of ss Containers/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Acid Resistance of ic Constant (Permittivity) and Dissipation Factor of Solid otes) (1962) si C59.73 Std. Meth. of Test. Vitrified std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Porcelain Enamel and Test for Biaxial Flexure Strength (Modulus of Rupture) of . Meth. of Test for Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Recommendation for Installation o! Recommendation for Installation o recommendation for Installation of Thresholds, Saddles foi Recommendation for Installation Performance Levels o: Recommendation for Installation of Interio: Recommendation for Installation of Exterio Recommendation for Installation of Chemical Resistan Recommendation for Installation of Conductive Recommendation for Installation of Waterproo Guide fo Std. Spec, fo Recommendation for Installation o Recommendation for Installation o Recommendation for Installation o Recommendation for Installation o Std. Test Meth. for Resistance o Recommendation for Installation o Recommendation for Installation of Interio Recommendation for Installation of Exterio Recommendation for Renovation of Interio Definition and Recommendation for Materials for Setting Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Strength o: Std. Meth. for Measuring Warpage o Definition and Recommendation for Materials for Grouting Expansion, Control, Contraction, and Isolation Joints fo , and Definitions) (1961) Public Works Spec, fo us. Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio for Glass and Glass 72T) Spec, for Beryllia Std. Meth. of Flexure Test, of Glass and Glass Definitions of Terms Relating to Surface Imperfections on Std. Deviations for Specific Meth. of Glossary of Terms Used in Baking and eial Techniques for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis in Definitions of Statistical Terms Used in 1 Hydr/ Reagents for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis atus or Materials for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Corn Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain meth. of Analysis for Total Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs Meth. of Analysis for Benzoic Acid in Flour Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Dried Geeg Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Nonfat Dry Milk Meth. of Analysis of Soy Flour in Macaroni Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Cacao Products Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Dry Milk Products Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Farina and Semolina meth. of Analysis for Ash in Molasses, Sugars, and Syrups Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Soy Flour Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Yeast Foods Meth. of Analysis for Total Reducing Substances Summary of Meth. for Biscuit and Cracker Flour Test. Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Cookie Flour Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Pie Flour Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Rye Bread Flour Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Cake Flour Meth. for Use of Layer Cake Measuring Template Pekar Color Test (Slick) Meth. of Flour Analysis Disk Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Products Meth. for Determination of Arsanilic Acid in Feeds Meth. for Determination of Nitrosal in Poultry Feeds meth. of Analysis of Lipoid Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs Meth. of Analysis of Egg Solids in Macaroni Products Meth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity of Malt Meth. of Analysis of Yeast Strength of Doughs Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Malt Flour eth. of Ferricyanide-Maltose-Sucrose Conversion Table Meth. of Analysis of Lipoxidase Activity of Ground Wheat Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Malt Batch Meth. of Experimental Milling for Durum Wheat Meth. of Experimental Wheat Milling: Temper Table decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Flour Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Cocoa eram eram ieram ieram eram eram eram eram ieram eram eram eram eram eram eram am am Std ic Decorations on Glass (1974) ic Decorations on Returnable Beer and Beverage Gla ic Dielectrics at Frequencies to 10 MHz and Temper ic Glazed Brick Facing for Exterior Walls (Tech. N ic Materials for Electrical Applications (1969) an ic Metal Systems (1973) ANSI Z167.1 ic Substrates (1974) Tentative Meth. of ic Surfaces (1972) Std ic Tile Bathtub Walls (1973) c Tile Countertops (1973) ic Tile Flooring (1973) ic Tile Floors (1973) ic Tile Floors (1973) ic Tile Floors (1973) ic Tile Floors (1973) ic Tile Floors (1973) ic Tile Floors (1973) ic Tile in Building Codes (1972) ic Tile Panels for Bath Tub Recess (1972) ic Tile Refrigerator Rooms (1973) ic Tile Shower Receptors (1973) ic Tile Steam Rooms (1973) ic Tile Swimming Pools (1973) ic Tile to Chemical Substances (1971) ANSI A174.1 ic Tile Tubs (1973) ic Tile Walls (1973) ic Tile Walls (1973) ic Tile Walls, Floors, and Stairs (1973) c Tile with Mortar, Adhesive, and Mastic (1973) ic Tile (1971) ANSI A173.1 ic Tile (1973) ic Tile (1973) c Tile (1973) /Ecommendation for Installation of _...jc Veneer (Sampling, Test. Finishing, Installation amies by Resonance (1971) /F Test for Young's Modul amies for Electronic and Electrical Applications (19 amies (Determination of Modulus of Rupture) (1972) ■amies (1973) Std. eal Chemistry Analysis (1962) eal Chemistry (1962) eal Chemistry (1962) Spe 'eal Chemistry (1967) Chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chlora Chemistry) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide Fi Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) ASTM D1290 ASTM D1076 AHAM ER-2 ASTM C724 ASTM C777 ASTM C735 ASTM D2149 BIA 13 ASTM D116 ASTM C286 ASTM F394 ASTM C738 TCA 150 TCA 307-308 TCA 306 TCA •3-2 TCA 101-106 TCA 107109 TCA 110-111.1 TCA 112 TCA 114 TCA •4 TCA 8701 TCA 310 TCA 309 TCA 311 TCA 302 ASTM C650 TCA 304 TCA 201-208.1 TCA 209-210 TCA 400-600 TCA »3 ASTM C648 ASTM C485 TCA •3-1 TCA 300 BIA •28 ASTM C623 ASTM F356 ASTM C158 ASTM F109 AACCH 78-50 AACCH 36-01A AACCH 28-92 AACCH 78-40 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 28-90 AACCH 02-02 AACCH 02-03 AACCH 02-04 AACCH 04-13 AACCH 04-21 AACCH 04-25 AACCH 04-26 AACCH 06-11 AACCH 08-10 AACCH 08-11 AACCH 08-12 AACCH 08-14 AACCH 08-16 AACCH 08-18 AACCH 10-01 AACCH 10-30 AACCH 10-50B AACCH 10-60 AACCH 10-70 AACCH 10-85 AACCH 10-90 AACCH 10-91 AACCH 14-10 AACCH 14-20 AACCH 18-20 AACCH 18-27 AACCH 20-02 AACCH 20-10 AACCH 22-01 AACCH 22-13 AACCH 22-16 AACCH 2218 AACCH 22-41 AACCH 22-61 AACCH 26-30 AACCH 26-95 AACCH 28-42 AACCH 30-12 Engineering and Product Standards Division 63 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Baked Dog Food Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Dry Milk Products Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Grain and Stock Feeds Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Soy Flours Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Feeds and Feedstuffs White Pan Bread Flour Spec. Meth. of Analysis of Vital Wheat Gluten Meth. of Analysis of Soluble Mineral Matter Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Bread and Flour Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Feedstuffs Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Mineral Feeds ravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Bread volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Bread qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Foods uantitative Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Foods Meth. of Analysis of Iodine in Mineral Mixed Feeds Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Added Iron in Flour Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Iron in Flour Meth. of Analysis of Phosphates in Flour Improvers Meth. of Analysis of Added Salt in Feeds and Feedstuffs Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods Sampling Procedure for Analysis of Bacteria Meth. of Analysis of Rope Spore Count in Cereal Products meth. of Analysis of Salmonella Bacteria in Food Products Meth. of Analysis of Fecal Streptococci in Food Products Microscopic Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat or Rye Sedimentation Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat and Rye Meth. of Calculation of Percent Moisture Electrical Meth. for Analysis of Moisture in Whole Grain Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Malt Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Nonfat Dry Milk Micro Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein Rowland Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide Meth. for Particle Size Distribution of Wheat Flour Volumetric Bromine Meth. of Analysis of Pentosans Xylene Partition Meth. of Analysis of Pentosans Meth. of Analysis of Sedimentation Test for Wheat Flour Meth. of Analysis of Fungicide Residues in Grain Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Bread Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Dried Eggs Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Feeds and Feedstuffs meth. for Preparation of Sample: Fruit and Fruit Products Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Leavening Agents Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Macaroni Products Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Malt Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Semolina Meth. for Preparation of Sample:- Wheat Meth. for Sampling of Fats and Shortenings Meth. for Sampling of Solid Feeds and Feedstuffs Meth. for Sampling of Wheat and Other Whole Grains Disk Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni Indices of Refraction of Sucrose Solutions at 20 Deg. C Meth. for Preparation of Indicator Solutions Meth. for Preparation of Ammonium Molybdate Solution Meth. for Preparation of Potassium Thiocyanate Solution Meth. for Preparation of Silver Nitrate Solution Meth. of Sensory Perception Test for Sta >ness of Bread emperature Corrections for Refractometer Readings (Sugar) emperature Corrections for Saccharimeter Readings (Sugar) Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Milk Sugar) in Mixed Feeds Table for Converting Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis Meth. of Analysis of Test Weight Per Bushel of Grain Chemical Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Complex Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Complex Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B12 Meth. of Analysis of Choline Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Niacin Meth. of Analysis of Pantothenic Acid Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin gitonin Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Dried Egg Solids th. of Analysis for Titratable Acidity in Nonfat Dry Milk th. of Analysis of Coliform Bacteria in All Food Products th. of Analysis of Mold and Yeast Counts in Food Products Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture, Drying at 135 Deg. C oroform -Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye Flour eral Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain and Flour eral Extensigraph Meth. for Physical Dough Tests of Flour I. of Analysis of Ammonia in Baking Powders and Chemicals h. of Analysis of Sucrose (Sugar) in Feeds and Feedstuffs id (Magnesium Acetate) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour umetric Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Doughs h Meth. of Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Wheats blank Meth. of Analysis of Methoxychlor Residues in Foods o Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea 1 Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea 1 Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea 1 Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistrv) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1 >62) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-14 AACCH 30-16 AACCH 30-20 AACCH 30-26 AACCH 32-15 AACCH 34-01 AACCH 38-20 AACCH 40-01 AACCH 40-20 AACCH 40-21 AACCH 40-26 AACCH 40-30 AACCH 40-31 AACCH 40-32 AACCH 40-33 AACCH 40-35 AACCH 40-40 AACCH 40-41 AACCH 40-50 AACCH 40-60 AACCH 40-65 AACCH 40-66 AACCH 42-10 AACCH 42-20 AACCH 42-25 AACCH 42-35 AACCH 42-70 AACCH 42-71 AACCH 44-01 AACCH 44-10 AACCH 44-20 AACCH 44-52 AACCH 46-13 AACCH 46-22 AACCH 48-50 AACCH 50-10 AACCH 52-10 AACCH 52-11 AACCH 56-60 AACCH 60-01 AACCH 62-05 AACCH 62-15 AACCH 62-20 AACCH 62-25 AACCH 62-30 AACCH 62-40 AACCH 62-50 AACCH 62-60 AACCH 62-70 AACCH 64-40 AACCH 64-50 AACCH 64-70 AACCH 66-40 AACCH 68-61 AACCH 70-25 AACCH 70-35 AACCH 70-55 AACCH 70-60 AACCH 74-30 AACCH 80-20 AACCH 80-21 AACCH 80-30 AACCH 82-21 AACCH 84-10 AACCH 86-30 AACCH 86-31 AACCH 86-40 AACCH 86-45 AACCH 86-51 AACCH 86-60 AACCH 86-72 Di AACCH 20-01 Me AACCH 02-31 Me AACCH 42-15 Me AACCH 42-50 Air AACCH 44-19 Chi AACCH 42-55 Gen AACCH 02-01 Gen AACCH 54-10 Met AACCH 40-15 Met AACCH 80-50 Rap AACCH 08-02 Vol AACCH 22-14 Bate AACCH 26-21 Low AACCH 60-40 Macr AACCH 66-41 64 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards of Analysis for Residual Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder . of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Flour and Semolina . for Preparation and Standardization of Buffer Solutions o Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni r Meth. of Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Wheats of Analysis of Lipoxidase Activity of Semolina and Flour of Analysis of Crude Fat in Egg Yolk and Dried Whole Egg tative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods tative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates in Flour itative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Persulfate in Flour d and Ashworth Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk of Analysis of Unsaponifiable Matter in Macaroni Products of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soy Flours remeter Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Doughs tative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods (2 Hr., 600 Deg.) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Feedstuffs or Determination of Phenothiazine in Feeds and Feedstuffs or Preparation of Sample: Yeast Foods and Flour Improvers f Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity, by Beta Amylase GBI ometer Meth. of Analysis of Solids in Syrups and Molasses Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina ol-Xylene Extraction Meth. of Analysis of Ascorbic Acid washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and Semolina r Preparation and Standardization of Lactic Acid Solution r Correction of Analytical Values to 14.0% Moisture Basis Analysis for Baking Quality of Self Rising Biscuit Flour Analysis of Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Milk in Bread otometric Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Products c Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs c Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs preparation and Standardization of Sulfuric Acid Solution nalysis for Sulfuric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals nalysis for Tartaric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals nalysis of Food Poisoning Staphylococcus in Food Products meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing th. of Analysis of Solids in Juices, Syrups, and Molasses n Meth. (Brown-Duvel) of Analysis of Moisture in Grains Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina reparation and Standardization of Barium Lactate Solution alysis for Acetic, Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Rye Flour alysis for Baking Test (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Products alysis of Diastatic Activity of Flour with the Amylograph n Meth. of Analysis for Admixture of Rye and Wheat Flours meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing lysis for Neutralizing Value of Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate . of Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Prepared Bakery Mixes ount Meth. of Analysis of Total Bacteria in Food Products absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Concentrates f Analysis for Ash in Flour, Feeds, Feedstuffs, and Bread meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour aration and Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid Solution sis of Pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation Time Test) ulfate— Maltose (Diastatic Activity in Flour) Conversion Analysis for Insect Eggs in White, Wheat, and Corn Flour ration and Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate Solution is for Total (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder is of Hydrocyanic Acid Residues in Grains and Dried Foods ide Test Meth. for Ammonium Persulfate in Flour Improvers h. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates in Flour Improvers meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Wheat Bread Flour h. for Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in Physical Dough Tests of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Popped Popcorn s for Ash in Starch, Dextrin, and Other Modified Products s of Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni-Borasio System s of Undenatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat Dry Milk . of Analysis for Nature of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina for Citric and Isocitric Acids in Fruit and Its Products of Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars in Flour and Semolina ion Test with Baker Compressimeter for Staleness of Bread . of Analysis of Stability in Fats, Oils, and Shortenings eth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs n for Weight of Flour to Give 100 Grams at 14.0% Moisture on and Standardization of Potassium Permanganate Solution or Fumaric, Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and Tartaric Acids f Inorganic Bromide Residues in Grain and Cereal Products Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Bread Flour f Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Yeast Foods late) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Semolina r or Spectrophotometer Analysis of Acid Soluble Manganese Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, Feeds and Cooked Feeds Thermophilic and Psychrophilic Bacteria in Food Products on of Specific Volume of Creams, Cake Batters, and Icings oxidizing Agents in Flour: Reaction with Potassium Iodide fiske-Subbarow Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Yeast pparent Viscosity of Acidulated Flour- Water Suspensions (Cerea [ Chemistry) (Cerea [ Chemistry) (Cerea 1 Chemistry) (Cerea 1 Chemistry) (Cerea 1 Chemistry) (Cerea [ Chemistry) (Cerea [ Chemistry) (Cerea ! 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AACCH 22-40 Meth. AACCH 30-18 Quali AACCH 40-16 Quali AACCH 48-41 Quant AACCH 48-62 Harlan AACCH 46-21 Meth. AACCH 30-40 Meth. AACCH 44-31 Pressu AACCH 22-11 Quanti AACCH 40-18 Rapid AACCH 08-03 Meth. F AACCH 18-30 Meth. F AACCH 62-80 Meth. O AACCH 22-02 Refract AACCH 68-60 Counting AACCH 28-01 Indophen AACCH 86-10 Machine AACCH 38-11 Meth. Fo AACCH 70-30 Meth. Fo AACCH 82-22 Meth. of AACCH 10-31A Meth. of AACCH 80-31 Spectroph AACCH 14-21 Volumetri AACCH 40-58 Gravimetri AACCH 40-57 Meth. for AACCH 70-80 Meth. of a AACCH 04-14 Meth. of a AACCH 04-27 Meth. of a AACCH 42-30 Mixograph AACCH 54-40 Spindle Me AACCH 68-62 Distillatio AACCH 44-53 Gravimetric AACCH 28-02 Meth. for P AACCH 70-10 Meth. of an AACCH 04-20 Meth. of an AACCH 10-20 Meth. of an AACCH 22-10 Trifructosa AACCH 06-10 Farinograph AACCH 54-21 Meth. of Ana AACCH 02-34 Schoorl Meth AACCH 80-68 Std. Plate C AACCH 42-11 Ultraviolet AACCH 86-01 Basic Meth. O AACCH 08-01 Colorimetric AACCH 02-51 Meth. for Prep AACCH 70-20 Meth. of Analy AACCH 56-50 Meth. of Thios AACCH 22-17 Iodine Meth. of AACCH 28-44 Meth. for Prepa AACCH 70-75 Meth. of Analys AACCH 12-20 Meth. of Analys AACCH 60-20 Qualitative Iod AACCH 48-61 Qualitative Met AACCH 48-40 Straight Dough AACCH 10-10 Extensigraph Met AACCH 54-12 Flotation Meth. AACCH 28-80 Meth. of Analysi AACCH 08-17 Meth. of Analysi AACCH 16-51 Meth. of Analysi AACCH 46-20 Qualitative Meth AACCH 40-17 Van Slyke Meth. AACCH 46-32 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 04-22 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 80-60 Meth. of Compress AACCH 74-10 Oxygen-Bomb Meth AACCH 58-55 Improved Kjeldahl M AACCH 46-10 Meth. for Correctio AACCH 82-23 Meth. for Preparati AACCH 70-50 Meth. of Analysis F AACCH 04-24 Meth. of Analysis O AACCH 60-10 Sponge Dough, Pound AACCH 10-11 Vacuum Oven Meth. O AACCH 44-32 Air Oven (Aluminum P AACCH 44-16 Meth. for Colorimete AACCH 40-45 Meth. of Analysis of AACCH 30-25 Meth. of Analysis of AACCH 42-45 Meth. for Determinati AACCH 72-10 Meth. of Analysis of AACCH 48-02 Colorimetric Modified AACCH 40-56 Meth. of Analysis of a AACCH 56-80 Engineering and Product Standards Division 65 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 6 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards itamin a and Carotene in Enriched Cereals and Mixed Feeds f Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Flour nalysis for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and Bread t Calculated from Total Chlorides in Feeds and Feedstuffs of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina lysis for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals of Analysis of Ergot in Rye and Wheat Flour and Semolina of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina en Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains and Feedstuffs lysis for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals lysis of Potassium Bromate in White and Whole Wheat Flour alysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Rye Flour g Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs standardization of Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide Solution 1 Carbon Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and Self Rising Flours Meth. for Sugar Determination: Schoorl's Reduction Table ytic Activity of Flour and Active Proteinase Preparations 1 Urease Activity in Soybean Meals, Soy Flour, Mill Feeds s of Aluminum in Baking Powder, in Presence of Phosphates of Extensigraph Analysis of Physical Dough Tests of Flour , Propionic, Butyric, Valeric. Succinic, and Lactic Acids n Wheat and Flour Mill Products (Boric Acid Modification) sphate and/or Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes on and Classification in Cereal Grains and Grain Products robic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and Food Ingredients feedstuffs (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) lina, and Similar Products: Feeds and Feedstuffs in Sacks its, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farina, Bread, etc. nee of Rodent Urine on Bags and Other Packaging Materials nal Ash in Phosphated and Freshly Mixed Self Rising Flour mination of Both Nitrophenide and Arsanilic Acid in Feeds for Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, and Peanuts Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and Flour revention of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis in Chickens ommodities for Which Conversion Charts Have Been Prepared ng Value of Acid Reacting Materials Other Than Phosphates avity, Degrees Brix, and Degrees Baume of Sugar Solutions lysis of Urea in Cloth Bags and Other Packaging Materials o 14.0% Moisture Basis (Constant Dough Weight Meth. Only) ur, Bread, and Baked Cereal Products Not Containing Fruit els, Rodent Excreta, Other Filth, and Extraneous Material alysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Soy Flour , Breakfast Cereals (Except Those Which Are Sugar Coated) , Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in Starch ings (Butter, Oleomargarine, High Acid Coconut Oil, etc.) h in Flour and Semolina (With Subsequent Acid Hydrolysis) Liquid and Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Quartz Sand) s for Detection of Rodent Excreta, Insects, Webbing, etc. cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and and Beans value of Monocalcium Phosphate: Monohydrate and Anhydrous lina; Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and Their Adjuncts onoglyceride, Salts, Soy Flour, and Other Cereal Products our Milling: Equipment, Sample Preparation, and Tempering Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes protein in Bread, Wheat and Other Grains, and Yeast Foods of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans ge Mixing Characteristics of Flour (Physical Dough Tests) ture in Feeds and Feedstuffs by Distillation with Toluene ture in Fats and Shortenings by Distillation with Toluene to Corn, Rye, Barley, Rice, Grain Sorghum, and Buckwheat ect and Rodent Filth in Meal, Grits, Farina, and Semolina and Flour (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans of Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations Premixes for Control of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis 11 Baked Materials Except Chocolate Products and Piecrust Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes ine Added Amounts of Malathion in Range of 0.2-2.0 p. p.m. Free or Combined Tartaric Acid in Presence of Phosphates ground Cereal Grains, Whole or Chopped Nuts, Spices, etc. on Factors for Gasometric Determination of Carbon Dioxide odent Excreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semolina Meth. of Analysis of Urea and Ammonical Nitrogen Meth. of Analysis of Sedimentatoon Test for Wheat on Factors for Correcting Weights to a 14% Moisture Basis Meth. of Analysis of Free Fatty Acids in Fats Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Enriched Flour washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and Semolina of Analysis of Iodine Number in All Edible Fats and Oils of Analysis of Niacin and Nicotinamide in Cereal Products nalysis of Stability (AOM) of Fats, Oils, and Shortenings lysis of Saponification Value of All Normal Fats and Oils is of Cloud Point in All Edible Animal and Vegetable Fats h. of Analsis of Benzoyl Peroxide with Diaminophenylamine of Acetone-Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and Corn Oils ysis of Melting Point of Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1965) (Cerea Chemistry) 1965) (Cerea Chemistry) 1965) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) (Cerea Chemistry) 1967) Meth. of Analysis of V Acid Hydrolysis Meth. Electrometric Meth. of a Meth. of Analysis of Sal Modified Sorensen Meth. Qualitative Meth. of Ana Ether-Bicarbonate Meth. Linderstrom-Lang Meth. Modified Two Stage Air Ov Quantitative Meth. of Ana Quantitative Meth. of Ana Tween Versene Meth. of an Colorimetric Acetate Ashin Meth. for Preparation and Meth. of Analysis for Tota Volumetric Copper Reduction Meth. of Analysis of Proteol Meth. of Analysis of Residua Qualitative Meth. of Analyst Structural Relaxation Meth. / Analysis for Formic, Acetic / Analysis of Crude Protein I / Analysis of Monocalcium Pho / and Radiographic Illustrati / Counts (Flat Sour, Total Ae / Crude Protein in Feeds and / for Sampling of Flour, Semo / in Whole Grain Products, Gr / Light Examination for Prese / Meth. of Analysis for Origi / Meth. of Quantitative Deter / of Crude Fiber in Soy Flour / Other Whole Grain Products, / Poultry Mashes (Feed) for P /, Lentils, Rice, and Other C /. of Analysis for Neutralizi /. of Analysis of Specific Gr /. of Xanthydrol Test for Ana /-Is Farinograph Absorption T /Analysis of Crude Fat in Flo /and/or Insect Damage on Kern /Auing Digestion Meth. of an /D Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat /Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments /E Matter in Fats and Shorten /E Meth. of Analysis of Stare /Ecuites, Molasses, and Other /Ereals, and Alimentary Paste /Ernal Insect Infestation in /F Analysis for Neutralizing /F Moisture in Flour and Semo /Gh Conditioners Containing M /H. for Experimental Wheat Fl /Materials Hard to Hydrate in /Mples for Analysis of Crude /Nd Rodent Hair Contamination /Nfat Dry Milk Solids to Chan /Ng Meth. of Analysis of Mois /Ng Meth. of Analysis of Mois 10, with Slight Modification, /on Meth. of Analysis for Ins /on of Crude Protein in Wheat /on Test for Internal Insects /Otometric Meth. of Analysis /Oxaline in Poultry Feeds and /Ping Meth. of Analysis for a /R Insect and Rodent Filth in /Ran, Shorts, etc.) to Determ /Tative Meth. of Analysis for /Th or Sack Fibers, Whole or /Th. of Analysis for Correcti /Tion Meth. of Analysis for R Meth. for Multiplicati Hand Meth. Meth. Meth. of a Meth. of Ana Meth. of Analys Qualitative Met Meth. of Analysis Wiley Meth. of Anal AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH 86-05 28-41 02-52 40-61 46-31 04-10 42-56 46-30 44-18 04-11 48-42 28-60 40-55 70-70 12-21 80-69 22-60 22-90 40-10 54-11 04-23 46-12 40-51 28-95 42-40 46-18 64-60 86-70 28-85 08-15 18-26 32-17 86-80 18-25 44-11 02-32 80-75 28-86 54-29 30-10 28-10 28-70 44-15A 28-75 44-30 76-10 44-60 28-30 28-21 02-33 44-40 48-51 26-10 28-32 46-11 28-20 54-20 44-50 44-51 76-20 28-51 46-19 28-22 22-62 18-35 28-33 28-31 60-30 04-28 28-87 12-29 28-50 46-50 56-61 A 82-24 58-16 86-03 38-10 58-30 86-50 58-54 58-50 56-10 48-06A 58-35 58-41 66 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards th Abbe Refractometer, in All Normal Oils and Liquid Fats lycerides and Free Glycerol in Fats, Oils and Shortenings of Melting Point of All Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Vitamin and Mineral) Concentrates Used to Enrich Cereals eth. of Analysis of Modified Sedimentation Test for Wheat Meth. of Analysis of Micro Sedimentation Test for Wheat h. of Triangle Test Taste Panel for Food Flavor Detection antitative Meth. of Analysis of Benzoyl Peroxide in Flour oilseeds, Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy Products n Capacity of Pregelatinized Starches and Cereal Products 1 Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal 1 Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal altose. Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextrans, and Starch r of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and Malted Cereals of Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations ne Dioxide in Flour Bleaching Experiments in Laboratories Meth. of Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Food Products ons Which Are Susceptible to Hydrolysis by Alpha Amylase) eth. of Analysis of Acetone Peroxides in Milling Premixes mination of Azodicarbonamide Content in Commercial Premix eal or Solidify Within Temperature Range of 25 to 45 Deg. of Vitamin A in Nonfat Dry Milk and Instantized Dry Milks TLC Meth. of Analysis of Aflatoxins in Corn and Soybeans Meth. of Analysis of Added Lysine in Wheat and Bulgur rmination of Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Chromatography s of Coagulase Positive Staphylococcus in Cereal Products ty (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Products-Emergency Monitoring min a in Dry Vitamin Mixes, Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions g Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids Hair, and Radiographic Illustration and Classification in nd Dairy P/ UDy Dye Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in is of X-Ray Examination for Internal Insect Infestation in or Roden/ Meth. of Analysis of Macroscopic Examination of alysis of External Insect and Rodent Hair Contamination of nalysis of Cracking Flotation Test for Internal Insects in Analysis of Urea in Cloth or Sack Fibers. Whole or Ground y) (1/ Meth. of Analysis of Radioactivity (Beta Gamma) in ilic Spore Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Flour, Bread, and Baked Meth. of Analysis of Rope Spore Count in th. of Analysis of Inorganic Bromide Residues in Grain and ners Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy Flour, and Other Meth. of Analysis of Niacin and Nicotinamide in lysis of Hydration Capacity of Pregelatinized Starches and Meth. of Analysis of Coagulase Positive Staphylococcus in Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A and Carotene in Enriched richment (Vitamin and Mineral) Concentrates Used to Enrich and Flour of Wheat. Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and Malted , Corn Grits. Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, Breakfast is of Macroscopic Examination of Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat s for Insect and Rodent Filth in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat for Materials Hard to Hydrate in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Other Whole Grain Products, Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed in in Whole Grain Products, Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed st for Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the ce Requirements for Permanent Labels, Detachable Tags, and Requirements for the Construction and olderless Wiring Devices-Recommended Procedures for User act. Meth. for Determining GAWR and GVWR for Truck Trailer ce) (1970) Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Radioactive Std. Meth. for Radiochemical Determination of f Room Fan Coil Air Conditioners Delivering Less Than 1500 Std. Malleable Iron Detachable Link Spec, for Oil Field Std. Motor Positions for Belt or (Cereal / Meth. for Preparation of Methyl Esters of Long Std. Spec, for Hand Operated ns (1971) Std. Spec, for Manually Lever Operated Std. Spec, for Electric Std. Spec, for Aluminum Coated Steel Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Steel Spec, for Galvanized Steel Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Steel Conveyor Std. Spec, for Machine and Sprocket Coil Std. Spec, for Weldless Carbon Steel nnecting Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch, Safety equirements for Regular Bicycles Including Wheel Assembly, Std. for H Type Mill d. for Heavy Duty Offset Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Std. for Heavy Duty Roller Type Conveyor Std. for Double Pitch Conveyor Roller sion) (1972) Std. for 700 Class Pintle Std. for Steel Detachable Link Voluntary Safety Std. for High (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce (Ce Ce Ce Ce C C C Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Ceric Certi Certi Certi Certi Certi Chemistry) (1967) Chemistry) (1967) Chemistry) (1967) Chemistry) (1967) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1968) Chemistry) (1969) Chemistry) (1969) Chemistry) (1971) Chemistry) (1971) Chemistry) (1971) Chemistry) (1971) Chemistry) (1972) Chemistry) (1973) Chemistry) (1973) Chemistry) (1973) Chemistry) (1973) Chemistry) (1973) Chemistry) (1973) Index of Refraction, Wi Meth. of Analysis of Monog Capillary Meth. of Analysis /Sis of Niacin in Enrichment Met Semiqu /E Protein in Cereal Grains, /Eth. of Analysis of Hydratio /Fat or Extracted Flakes, Ful /Fat or Extracted Flakes, Ful /Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (M /Nation of Both Meal and Flou /Orimetric Meth. of Analysis /Th. for Generation of Chlori /in Flour or Starch Preparati Meth. for Deter / and Fat Mixtures Which Cong /R-Price Meth. of Analysis Meth. for Dete Meth. of Analysi /. of Analysis of Radioactivi /on Meth. of Analysis of Vita /Tion of Methyl Esters of Lon Grains and Grain Products (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Grains, Oilseeds, Legumes, Forages, and Animal a Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and and Bea Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans F Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans ( Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans ( Grains, Whole or Chopped Nuts, Spices, etc. (Cer Products-Emergency Monitoring (Cereal Chemistr Products and Food Ingredients (Cereal Chemistry) Products Not Containing Fruit (Cereal Chemistry) Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Me Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Gh Conditio Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Eth. of Ana Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) s and Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) /Sis of Niacin in En s (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Nation of Both Meal s (Except Those Which Are Sugar Coated) (Cereal C s. and Alimentary Pastes for Detection of Rodent s, and Alimentary Pastes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 s, and Alimentary Pastes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 s. Farina, and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s. Farina, Bread, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sulfate Dosimeter (1-971) ANSI K65.230 /Th. of Te ication of Fabrics or Products (Institutional Tex ication of Freight Containers (1968) ication of (1962) ANSI C83.79 /Ools, Crimping, S ication (1972) Rec. Pr ied Ratings Program Air Moving Devices (Performan Cesium in Water (1972) Cesium-137 in Nuclear Fuel Solutions (1970) ANSI N117 cfm (1971) Std. for Sound Rating O Chain and Attachments (1971) Chain and Sprockets (1970) Chain Drive Centrifugal Fans (1966) Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids Chain Hoists for Industrial Applications (1971) Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and Load Brake Desig Chain Hoists (1971) Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971) ANSI G53.21 Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971A) ANSI G53.20 Chain Link Fence Fabric (1973) Chain (1972) ANSI G61.2 Chain (1972) ANSI G61.3 Chain (1972) ANSI G61.5 Chain (1973) ANSI G61. 4 Chain, Lighting) (1973) /Ehicle (Recreational Type) Co Chainguards, Saddle Braces, Pedal Clearance, Steering C Chains-Attachments and Sprocket Teeth (1971) Chains and Sprocket Teeth (1972) St Chains and Sprocket Teeth (1973) Chains, Attachments and Sprockets (1972) Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth (Power Transmis Chains, Attachments, and Sprockets (1972) Chairs (Children's) (1972) AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ABS EIA TTMA AMCA ASTM ASTM ARI ANSI API AMCA AACCH HMI HMI HMI ASTM ASTM CLFMI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM VESC BMA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI JPMA 58-20 58-45 58-40 86-49 56-62 56-63 33-50 48-07 46-14 56-20 46-23 46-24 80-10 56-8 IB 22-63 48-30 60-50 76-30A 48-05 48-71 A 58-12A 86-02 45-05 46-40 58-18 42-30A 28-99A 86-01 A 58-17 28-95 46-14 28-21 2810 28-20 28-22 28-87 28-99A 42-40 30-10 42-20 60-10 48-51 86-50 56-20 42-30A 86-05 86-49 56-8 IB 44-15A 28-30 28-31 28-32 86-80 86-70 D3001 L24.5.1 • 17 RS270 RP39 211 D2577 E320 443 B29.7 7F 2407 58-17 200 300 400 A491 A392 •5 A413 A454 A467 A466 V-5 6/5 B29.14 B29.10 B29.15 B29.4 B29.13 B29.6 •1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 67 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. for Measuring mper Cont/ Safety Std. for Draft Equipment for Combustion e from the Burning or Dec/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Effective Pumping Speed of Vacuum Id on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental om Temperature (1966) An/ Std. Spec, for Enclosures, Cold Rec. for Stopping Powers for Use with Cavity Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Mixing, Filter, Grit Wastewater Treatment (Septic, Holding, Settling, Aeration (1972) Std. Pract. for Combustion (1973) Std. Meth. for Determining the Dimensional y Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (19/ Test Meth. for Color Std. Meth. of Test for meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to nd Concrete (1974T) Std. Meth. of Test for Length en Wire Meth. (Textile Colorfastnes/ Test Meth. for Color Std. Meth. of Test for Reheat si A37.78 Std. Meth. of Test for Length tile) (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Relaxation Dimensional Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Color ent) Press Woven or Knit Text/ Test Meth. for Dimensional ept Wool (1972) ANSI L14.138,/ Test Meth. for Dimensional . of Test for Pilling Resistance and Other Related Surface (1972)/ Test Meth. for Relaxation and Felting Dimensional Service (For Electric Trucks/ Safety and Health Rec. for meth. of Physical Dough Tests: Approximate Corrections for ough 30,000/40,000/50,000/ Std. Requirements for Load Tap ec. for Large Power Transformers, with or Without Load Tap Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of an Oil Base Knife Grade f Test for Volatility of Oil and Resin Based, Knife Grade, al) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track) and Rigid Furring g Rounds. Squares, Hexagons, and Shapes-Angles, TEES and Std. for Print Spec, for Magnetic Ink ) ANSI C83.95 Std. for Dimensional and Electrical Oils by the Clay Gel Absorption / Std. Meth. of Test for 972) Minimum Operational of Solid/ Std. Meth. of Test for Alternating Current Loss (Du/ Std. Performance Requirements and Claims for Special ium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gaseous Fuel reference Glass-Metal Butt Seals and Test, for Expansion erence Glass-Metal Sandwich Seal and Test, for Expansion equipment for Use with Emergency Locator Tran/ Rec. Basic c. Pract. for Reference Carrier Frequencies and Deemphasis nt (1972) Ansi/ Std. Meth. for Verifying the Flow Fatigue Coolan/ Std. Test Meth. for Cavitation Erosion Corrosion s (1973) Std. for Electrical and Mechanical t Meth. for Determining Blocking Resistance and Associated 11.301 Std. Meth. of Test for Water Separation Test Meth. of Surface Burning (Electronics) (1974) Std. for the Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Cross Sectional Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Friction and Wear ied Over Film Insul/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Aging 1.320 Std. Meth. of Test for Oxidation ty of Roller Dried Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Std. for Dimensional and Electrical 124 Std. Meth. of Test for Water Washout Std. Meth. of Test for Foaming Meth. of Analysis of Cooking Meth. of Analysis of Cooking Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance Std. Meth. of Test for Knock Std. Meth. of Test for Knock ing) (1964) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Shock Absorbing Std. Meth. for Determining the Dimensional Change ial (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Disbonding Std. for Guide for Describing the a Tempera/ Std. Test Meth. for Evaluating Low Temperature er (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Viscosity and Curing Std. for Physical 1 Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional and Electrical al Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional and Electrical the Designation of Mercury Lamps: Physical and Electrical Std. Physical and Electrical Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional and Electrical er System Design-Fire Protection / Earthquakes (General borne Volumetric Navigation Systems / Minimum Operational and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Fuel Oil Redwood Plywood Guide (Spec, for Texture and Grade, Panel de on Solid State Devices: Varactor Measurements Part II - Test Meth. for Colorfastness to Washing: on Interc/ Std. for Graphic Representation of the Control Tent. Rec. Pract. for Electrostatic Std. Meth. of Test for Electrostatic . for the Design, Construction and Installation of Battery emistry) (1962) tio (CR) Technique for Rese/ tio (CR) Technique for Moto/ Chalk Resistance of Exterior Coil Coatings (1974) Chamber in Heating Appliances (Regulators, Automatic Da Chamber Meth. of Test for Measuring the Density of Smok Chamber Systems (1972) Chamber (1973) /of Test for Resistance to Growth of Mo Chambers and Serving Units for Tests Above and Below Ro Chambers (1961) Chambers, and Flotation) (1973) /C, Holding, Settling, Chambers, Chemical Storage, Mixing, Filter, Grit Chambe Chambers, Fuel Oil Injection, and Gas Admission Systems Change Characteristics of Photographic Films and Papers Change in Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Ever Change in Properties of Elastomeric ANSI J2.7 Change Mixing Characteristics of Flour (Physical Dough Change of Drilled or Sawed Specimens of Cement Mortar a Change of Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Sere Change of Fireclay Nozzles and Sleeves (1972) Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974) an Change (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Knit Wool Fabrics (Tex Change (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Changes in Automatic Home Laundering of Durable (Perman Changes in Laundering of Woven and Knitted Textiles Exc Changes of Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.198 /. Meth Changes (Shrinkage) of Woven and Knitted Wool Textiles Changing and Charging Storage Batteries in Motive Power Changing as-is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Changing Transformers 138,000 Volts and Below, 3750 Thr Changing (1971) Std. for Guide for Preparation of Sp Channel Glazing Compound (1972) Channel Glazing Compounds (1973) Std. Meth. O Channels for Screw Application of Gypsum Board (1974) Channels (1972) ANSI G81.18 /Anese Steel Bars Includin Character Recognition (1970) Characteristic Defining Dual in Line Type Sockets (1974 Characteristic Groups in Rubber Extender and Processing Characteristics Airborne VHF Omnirange (VOR) Systems (1 Characteristics and Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) Characteristics and Finishes of Institutional Textiles Characteristics and General Spec. (1972) / Low and Med Characteristics and General Spec. (1972) /for Low and Characteristics by Polarimetric Meth. (1973) / Making Characteristics by Polarimetric Meth. (1973) /King Ref Characteristics for Airborne Radio Homing and Alerting Characteristics for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tap Characteristics of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Eleme Characteristics of Aluminum Automotive Water Pumps with Characteristics of Antennas for Satellite Earth Station Characteristics of Automotive Trim Materials (1972) /S Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Z Characteristics of Building Materials (1972) Characteristics of Class a Closure Interchange Circuits Characteristics of Cotton Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.95 Characteristics of Dry Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum Characteristics of Electrical Insulating Varnishes Appl Characteristics of Extreme Pressure Oils (1972) ANSI Zl Characteristics of Flour (Physical Dough Tests) (Cereal Characteristics of Fluorescent Lamps (1972) Characteristics of Lubricating Greases (1973) ANSI Zl 1. Characteristics of Lubricating Oils (1972) ANSI Z11.78 Characteristics of Macaroni-Borasio System (Cereal Ch Characteristics of Macaroni (1962) Characteristics of Microcontacts (1972) ANSI Z55.15 Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compression Ra Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compression Ra Characteristics of Package Cushioning Materials (Packag Characteristics of Photographic Films and Papers (1973) Characteristics of Pipeline Coatings by Direct Soil Bur Characteristics of Resilient Mountings (1972) Characteristics of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by Characteristics of Rubber by the Shearing Disk Viscomet Characteristics of T-2 Telephone Slide Base Lamp (1973) Characteristics of 15 Watt T8 Preheat Start Bactericida Characteristics of 30 Watt, T8 Preheat Start Bactericid Characteristics of 40 Watt, H45 (1972) Std. Meth. for Characteristics of 50 Watt, H46 Mercury Lamps (1972) Characteristics of 8 Watt T5 Preheat Start Bactericidal Characteristics Of, Rec. Construction and Water Sprinkl Characteristics Vertical Guidance Equipment Used in Air Characteristics (1972) Std. Pract. for Low Characteristics, Material Composition, Use, Application Characterization of Large Signal Devices (1972) /. Gui Characterization of Textile Colorants (1972) Characters of American National Std. Code for Informati Charge Mobility on Flexible Barrier Materials (1973) Charge (1973) Chargers on Boats (1973) Rec. Pract. and Std NCCA TB-III-8 UL 378 ICBO UBCS52-2 ASTM E294 ASTM D3273 ASTM E197 NCRPM R27 NSF 41 NSF 41 DEMA •1-2 ANSI PHI. 32 AATCC 120 ASTM D471 AACCH 54-20 ASTM C341 AATCC 119 ASTM C605 ASTM C157 ASTM D1284 AATCC EP1 AATCC 135 AATCC 96 ASTM D1375 AATCC 99 ITA 8K1 AACCH 54-29 ANSI C57. 12.30 ANSI C57.97 ASTM C713 ASTM C681 ASTM C645 ASTM A429 ANSI X3.2 EIA RS415 ASTM D2007 RTCA DO-149 ASTM D150 ANSI L24.7.1 DEMA • 1-12 DEMA •1-15 ASTM F140 ASTM F144 RTCA DO-154 SMPTE RP6 NFLDP T3. 10.8.7 ASTM D2809 EIA RS411 SAE J912A ASTM D2550 NFPA 255 EIA RS410 ASTM D1444 ASTM D2716 ASTM D3251 ASTM D2893 AACCH 54-20 ANSI C78 ASTM D1264 ASTM D892 AACCH 16-51 AACCH 16-50 ASTM B326 ASTM D2722 ASTM D2723 ASTM D1596 ANSI PHI. 32 ASTM G19 ANSI S2.8 ASTM D1329 ASTM D1646 ANSI C78.397 ANSI C78.1201 ANSI C 78. 1202 ANSI C78.1323 ANSI C78.1324 ANSI C78.1200 FMS LPD 1-2 RTCA DO-152 DEMA *M4 CRA 3A9 IEEE 351 AATCC 36 ANSI X3.32 ASTM F365 ASTM D2679 ABYC A20 68 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Safety Std. for Battery for Division Services (Individuals, Clubs, and Exhibition Electric Trucks/ Safety and Health Rec. for Changing and r Pressure Vessels (1972) Std. Spec, for Rec. Pract. for Lubrication valuation Procedure of Chromatic Transference Scale (Color Std. for Operation and Flow Process Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities for Which Conversion Microfont Std. Filler Metal Comparison tions. Symbols, Formulas, and Tables for (Quality) Control r Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices: ment (Production Valves, Ring Joint, Segmented, Production potable Water Supply/ Performance Requirements for Double Spec, for Steel Gate, Plug, Ball, and Std. Rec. Pract for Reporting Laboratory Results When Std. for Rec. Safe Pract. and Proc. (Industrial Plant Safetv m Dioxide Pigments (1973) Std. Meth. for ) Std. Meth. for crude (1971) Std. Meth. of ansi 011.23 Std. Meth. for 0.3 Std. Meth. for ctrical Steels, Ingot and Wrought Irons (/ Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for i 011.19 Std. Meth. of Chrome Ore (1970) ANSI A139.2 Std. Meth. for 2) Std. Photometric Meth. for en Pigments (1973) 1971T) 974) 74) g Additives (1974) ) ANSI O11.20 Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Tent. Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. Meth. Meth. Meths. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. etic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, And/ Lime (1972) ANSI K67.3 Std. Meth. of pract. for Apparatus, Reagents, and Safety Precautions for omium-Iron Alloys (1973) Std. Meth. for al, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radio 22 1968) ANSI Z258.1 39.5 anganese (1974) Crude (1971) nts (1973) g, and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-/ rought Iron (1973) lid Styrene Butadiene Copolymers (SBR) (1/ urn and High Allov Steels (1973) 3) Meth. for Meth. for Meth. of Meth. for Meth. for Meth. of Meth. of Meth. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth Std. Meth. Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. f ( for for for for for for of of Rec. Pract. for Meth. of Sampling Steel for ration. Standardization, and Storage of Std. Solutions for Std. Meth. for silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Glass Containers to ohexene-l,2-Dicar/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water Formed Deposits Std. Test Proc. for the Locking Ability Performance of 88.2 Std. for g88.1 Std. for imensional Tolerances of SAE Wrought Aluminum A/ Std. for desmedipham (1/ Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control te Hydroprene / Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control d. Spec, for Electric Welded Low Carbon Steel Pipe for the e (1973) Std. Common Name for the Pest Control ate (1973) Std. Common Name for the Pest Control 1 Chemistry) (1962) std. Meth. of Test for Potential Reactivity of Aggregates e Bifenox (197/ Std. for Common Name for tbe Pest Control Std. Meth. for Examination of Water Formed Deposits by -N-Propyl-Ptoluid/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control itro-N-Propyl-Pto/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control 1973/ Std. for Ethoprop (Common Name for the Pest Control Std. for Methidathion (Common Name for the Pest Control Chargers (1971) Std. for Interrelationship of Quartz Chargers (1972) Charges) (1974) Uniform Pract. for Fee Determination Charging Storage Batteries in Motive Power Service (For Charpy V-Notch Testing Requirements for Steel Plates Fo Chart-Construction and Industrial Machinery (1971) Chart / Textile Colorfastness) (1972) Rec. E Charts and Symbols (Mechanical Engineering) (1972) Charts Have Been Prepared (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /, Charts (1969) Charts (1971) Charts (1971) ANSI Z1.5 Std. Defini Chassis Frames— Passenger Car and Light Truck— Ground Check Flanges and Gaskets; Drilling Through, Multiple C Check Valve Type Back Pressure Backflow Preventers for Check Valves for Petroleum Pipeline Valves (1974) Checking Aerosol Containers (1972) Checking the Size of Diamond Abrasive Grain (1971) Checkl Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem (Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem (Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem s)(1973) Analysis for Aluminum Oxide Content of Titaniu Analysis of Alcohol, Polyvinyl Butyral) (1973 Analysis of Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Grain and Analysis of Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite (1971) Analysis of Carbon and Graphite (1969) ANSI K9 Analysis of Carbon, Low Alloy, and Silicon Ele Analysis of Cast Iron- All Types (1974) Analysis of Chromated Zinc Chloride (1970) Ans Analysis of Chrome Containing Refractories and Analysis of Copper and Copper Base Alloys (197 Analysis of Copper Phthalocyanine Blue and Gre Analysis of Ferroalloys (1973) Analysis of Ferroboron (1974) Analysis of Ferrochrome-Silicon (1974) Analysis of Ferrochromium and Chromium Metal ( Analysis of Ferromanganese and Spiegeleisen (1 Analysis of Ferromolybdenum (1974) Analysis of Ferrosilicon and Silicon Metal (19 Analysis of Ferrovanadium and Vanadium Alloyin Analysis of Fluor Chrome Arsenate Phenol (1971 Analysis of Glass Sand (1972) Analysis of Gypsum and Products (1972) Analysis of High Temperature, Electrical, Magn Analysis of Limestone, Quicklime, and Hvdraled Analysis of Metals (1973) Std. Rec. Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chr Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal (197 Analysis of Pentachlorophenol (1971) ANSI Oil. Analysis of Reactor and Commercial Columbium ( Analysis of Rubber Products (1972A) ANSI J10.1 Analysis of Silica Refractories (1970) ANSI Al Analysis of Silicomanganese and Ferrosilicon M Analysis of Silicon Carbide Abrasive Grain and Analysis of Soaps Containing Synthetic Deterge Analysis of Stainless, Heat Resisting, Maragin Analysis of Steel and Cast, Open Hearth, and W Analysis of Synthetic Elastomers for Use on So Analysis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medi Analysis of Tribasic Lead Phosphosilicate (197 Analysis of Tungsten (1973) Analysis of White Lead Pigments (1973) Analysis of White Pigments (1973) ANSI K15.1 Analysis of Zirconia Refractories (1972) Analysis (1971) Analysis (1972) ANSI Z159.1 / Meth. for Prepa Anaylsis of Ferrocolumbium (1974) and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Attack (1973) cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetrachloroethyl) Thio)-4-Cyel Cleaning of Industrial Equipment) (1973) /of Coated Lock Screws (1973) Compositions of SAE Alloy Steels (1970) ANSI G Compositions of SAE Carbon Steels (1970) ANSI Compositions, Mechanical Property Limits and D Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbanilate (Ester) Ethyl (E,E)3,7,1 l-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoa Industry (1971) ANSI B125.38 St Isopropyl 4,4'dibromobenzilate — Bromopropylat Isopropyl 4,4'dichlorobenzilate-Chloropropyl Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Complex (Cerea Meth.) (1971) ANSI A37.133 Methyl 5(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoat Microscopy (1973) N-(2Chloroethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Din O-Ethyl S,S-Dipropyl Phosphorodithioate) ( 0,0-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S-Ester Wi ANSI UL PSA ITA ASTM SAE AATCC ASME AACCH NMA AWS ASQC ANSI API ASSE API ASTM ANSI MCA ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM IF1 SAE SAE SAE ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI AACCH ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI N42.6 1236 11 8K1 A593 J753A EP3 101 44-11 MS101 A5.0 Al Y14.32.1 6A 1015 6D D3067 B74.16 SG20 D2701 D1396 B74.14 D1326 C560 E350 E351 D1033 C572 E62 D3256 E31 E371 E364 E363 E361 E368 E360 E365 D1035 C146 C471 E354 C25 E50 E38 C758 D1274 E195 D297 C575 E362 B74.15 D820 E353 E30 DU16 E352 D2742 E397 D1301 D34 C705 J408C E200 E367 C760 C225 K62.146 D2790 125 J404G J403F J457J K62.139 K62.136 A587 K62.151 K62.150 86-30 C289 K62.138 D1245 K62.140 K62.152 K62.133 K62.134 Engineering and Product Standards Division 69 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Dioxaearb (1973) ost Organic Compou/ (1972) ,4-Dodeeadienethi/ Std. riazine-Prometry/ -Propazine (1973/ adienoate Kino/ hio)-S-Triazine -/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Chem Rec. for Chem Std. for Tubular Heat Exchanges in Chem Loss Prevention Data on Sight Glasses for Chem Std. Meth. of Test for Physical and Chem Std. for Permissible Variations from Specified Ladle Chem Detonation Protection) (1973) Manual of Hazardous Chem Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Adhesive Bonds to Chem Std. Test Meth. for Chem Recommendation for Installation of Chem Std. Spec, for Resin Chem Std. Spec, for Chem Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Hydraulic Cement Mortars in Chem Std. Spec, for Chemically Setting Silicate and Silica Chem Spec, for Chem Std. Spec, for Chem Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chem Rec. Pract. for Chem Rec. Pract. for Use of Chemically Setting Chem Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Safe Handling and Use of Ethyl Acetate (Chem Safe Handling and Use of Allyl Chloride (Chem r Treatment (Septic, Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chem Std. Test Meth. for Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Chem Std. Meth. for Sampling Leather for Physical and Chem coating) (1974) Spec, for Detection of Mill Chem a Technical Guide for Landfill Disposal of Solid Chem phosphorothioa/ Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chem ne-Prometon (197/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem a/ Std. for Dipropetryn (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem s-Triazine-Terb/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem thio)-S-Triazine / Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chem o-M-Tolyl) -3 / Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Bentazon (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Tetramethrin (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Fospirate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Disugran (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Crufomate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Chlorbromuron (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Chlordimeform (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Fluorodifen (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Prynachlor (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Glyphosine (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Mexacarbate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Dinoseb (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Acephate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Ethiolate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Glyphosate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Oxamyl (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Picloram (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem Std. for Nitrapyin (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem ohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem yl -2,4-Dodeeadienoate) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chem sis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powd/ Std. Meth. for Chem sis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Po/ Std. Meth. for Chem sis of Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Pu/ Std. Meth. for Chem sis Of, and Physical Tests On, Beryllium / Std. Meth. for Chem and Radio Chemical Analysis of Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chem and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chem ets. Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H/ Std. Spec, for Chem ca Mortars (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chem nt Mortars (1974) Std. Spec, for Chem Std. for Flash Points, Closed Cup, Aromatic Chem for Terminal Facilities for Pneumatic Transfer of Dry Bulk Chem Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Chem Rec. for Hazardous Chem fate and Silver Densitometric Meth. for Measuring Residual Chem Meth. of Analysis for Sulfuric Acid in Baking Powders and Chem Meth. of Analysis for Tartaric Acid in Baking Powders and Chem Meth. of Analysis of Ammonia in Baking Powders and Chem eth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chem eth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chem of Test for Total Bromine Number of Unsaturated Aliphatic Chem Uniform Fire Code: Hazardous Chem cation in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chem uments in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chem Std. Deviations for Specific Meth. of Cereal Chem Glossary of Terms Used in Baking and Cereal Chem chniques for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis in Cereal Chem Definitions of Statistical Terms Used in Cereal Chem Reagents for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Che 0-1,3-Dioxolan -2-Ylphenyl Methylcarbamate- Oxygen Demand in Industrial Waste Waters and M Plants (1974) Process Service (1971) Processing Equipment (Vessel) (1974) Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Resins Ranges and Limits for SteeU (1972) Reactions (Incandescence, Fire, Explosion, and Reagents (1966) ANSI Z197.7 Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (1972) Resistant Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) , Resistant Grouts (1974) Resistant Masonry Units (1972) ANSI A103.1 Resistant Masonry (1965) Resistant Mortars (1974) Resistant Resin Monolithic Surfacings (1972T) Resistant Resin Mortar9 (1974) Resistant Resin Mortars (1974) Resistant Resin Tile Grouts (1972T) (1972T) Resistant Silicate and Silica Mortars (1974) S-Ethyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2 Safety) (1972) Safety) (1973) Storage, Mixing, Filter, Grit Chambers, and Fl Substances (1971) ANSI A174.1 Tests (1971) ALCA Jl Treatments on Galvanized Steel Surfaces (Coil Waste (1974) 0,0 Dimethyl 0-(3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridyl) 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-Methoxy-S-Triazi 2,4- Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-T 2-Chloro-4,6bis (Isopropylamino) -S-Triazine 2-Propynyl(E,E)-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodec 2-(Ethylamino)4-(Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylt 2— (Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis (Isopropylamino) Stri 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)- 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-(Ethylamino)-6-(Methyl 4-Chloro5-(Methylamino) -2-(a,a,a- Trifluor (1972) ) (1971) ) (1971) ) (1971) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1972) ) (1973) /Rgite 2-(P-Tert-Butylphenoxy) Cycl ) (1973) /(E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimeth , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy , Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear , Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, cally Refined Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Bill cally Setting Chemical Resistant Silicate and Sili cally Setting Silicate and Silica Chemical Resista cals and Isolates (1973) cals and Plastics (1972) Rec. cals by Closed Up Meth. (1973) cals Data (Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) cals in Films, Plates, and Papers (1971) cals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) cals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) cals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) cals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) cals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) cals (1972) ANSI Z159.2 cals (1973) cals. Metal Dusts) (1973) cals, Metal Dusts) (1973) stry Analysis (1962) stry (1962) stry (1962) stry (1967) stry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydra /Thiosul Qualitative M Quantitative M Std. Meth. Std. for Area Classifi /on of Electrical Instr Special Te ANSI K62.147 CR K-24 FMS 7-43 ANSI B78.1 FMS 7-3 ASTM D2187 SAE J409C FMS 7-2 IN ASTM D896 ASTM G20 TCA 110-111.1 ASTM C658 ASTM C279 ASTM C398 ASTM C466 ASTM C722 ASTM C395 ASTM C399 ASTM C723 ASTM C397 ANSI K62.141 MCA SD51 MCA SD99 NSF 41 ASTM C650 ASTM D2813 NCCA TB-II-11 MCA SW-1 ANSI K62.130 ANSI K62.144 ANSI K62.143 ANSI K62.145 ANSI K62.137 ANSI K62.142 ANSI K62.135 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.148 ANSI K62.125 ANSI K62.129 ANSI K62.106 ANSI K62.ll 1 ANSI K62.112 ANSI K62.110 ANSI K62.113 ANSI K62.114 ANSI K62.115 ANSI K62.116 ANSI K62.117 ANSI K62.118 ANSI K62.119 ANSI K62.120 ANSI K62.123 ANSI K62.124 ANSI K62.126 ANSI K62.127 ANSI K62.128 ANSI K62.131 ANSI K62.132 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C698 ASTM C699 ASTM C758 ASTM C759 ASTM B442 ASTM C397 ASTM C466 EOA FP-1 MCA TC18 ASTM E502 FMS 7-23N ANSI PH4.8 AACCH 04-14 AACCH 04-27 AACCH 40-15 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 04-11 ASTM E234 ICBO UFC*2ART19 ISA S12.10 ISA S12.ll AACCH 78-50 AACCH 36-01A AACCH 28-92 AACCH 78-40 AACCH 28-91 70 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Materials for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Corn Meth. of Analysis for Benzoic Acid in Flour Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Dried Geeg Meth. of Analysis of Soy Flour in Macaroni Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Cacao Products Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Dry Milk Products Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Farina and Semolina Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Soy Flour Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Yeast Foods Meth. of Analysis for Total Reducing Substances Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Pie Flour meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Cake Flour Meth. for Use of Layer Cake Measuring Template Pekar Color Test (Slick) Meth. of Flour Analysis Meth. for Determination of Arsanilic Acid in Feeds eth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity of Malt Meth. of Analysis of Yeast Strength of Doughs Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Malt atch Meth. of Experimental Milling for Durum Wheat Meth. of Experimental Wheat Milling: Temper Table Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Cocoa Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Baked Dog Food eth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Dry Milk Products Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Soy Flours White Pan Bread Flour Spec. Meth. of Analysis of Vital Wheat Gluten Meth. of Analysis of Soluble Mineral Matter Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Bread and Flour Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Feedstuffs Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Mineral Feeds meth. of Analysis of Iodine in Mineral Mixed Feeds Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Iron in Flour meth. of Analysis of Phosphates in Flour Improvers Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods Sampling Procedure for Analysis of Bacteria Meth. of Calculation of Percent Moisture Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Malt Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Nonfat Dry Milk Micro Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein rowland Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide eth. for Particle Size Distribution of Wheat Flour Volumetric Bromine Meth. of Analysis of Pentosans Xylene Partition Meth. of Analysis of Pentosans Meth. of Analysis of Fungicide Residues in Grain Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Bread Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Dried Eggs Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Leavening Agents meth. for Preparation of Sample: Macaroni Products Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Malt Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Semolina Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Wheat Meth. for Sampling of Fats and Shortenings Meth. for Sampling of Solid Feeds and Feedstuffs meth. for Sampling of Wheat and Other Whole Grains Meth. for Preparation of Indicator Solutions Meth. for Preparation of Silver Nitrate Solution Chemical Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Complex Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B12 Meth. of Analysis of Choline Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Niacin Meth. of Analysis of Pantothenic Acid Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin sk Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Products th. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Nonfat Dry Milk th. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Cookie Flour th. for Determination of Nitrosal in Poultry Feeds th. of Analysis of Egg Solids in Macaroni Products th. for Preparation of Ammonium Molybdate Solution th. of Analysis of Test Weight Per Bushel of Grain alitative Meth. of Analysis of Added Iron in Flour mmary of Meth. for Biscuit and Cracker Flour Test. h. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Malt Flour h. for Preparation of Sample: Feeds and Feedstuffs roscopic Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat or Rye Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni imetric Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain es of Refraction of Sucrose Solutions at 20 Deg. C of Analysis for Baking Quality of Rye Bread Flour of Analysis for Baking Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk of Analysis of Crude Fat in Grain and Stock Feeds of Analysis of Added Salt in Feeds and Feedstuffs of Analysis of Sedimentation Test for Wheat Flour for Preparation of Potassium Thiocyanate Splution (Cerea Chemistry) (Bolting (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea. 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AACCH 10-70 Meth. AACCH 10-85 Meth. AACCH 30-20 Meth. AACCH 40-60 Meth. AACCH 56-60 Meth. AACCH 70-55 Engineering and Product Standards Division 71 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards of Sensory Perception Test for Staleness of Bread biological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Complex for Converting Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis ical Meth. for Analysis of Moisture in Whole Grain etric Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Foods of Analysis of Lipoxidase Activity of Ground Wheat of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Feeds and Feedstuffs of Analysis of Rope Spore Count in Cereal Products of Analysis of Fecal Streptococci in Food Products of Analysis of Lactose (Milk Sugar) in Mixed Feeds ntation Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat and Rye tion Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Flour or Preparation of Sample: Fruit and Fruit Products f Analysis for Total Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs f Analysis for Ash in Molasses, Sugars, and Syrups f Analysis of Lipoid Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs f Analysis of Salmonella Bacteria in Food Products tive Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Foods ric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Bread ric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Bread Ferricyanide-Maltose-Sucrose Conversion Table tive Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Foods ure Corrections for Refractometer Readings (Sugar) ure Corrections for Saccharimeter Readings (Sugar) Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Dried Egg Solids analysis for Titratable Acidity in Nonfat Dry Milk analysis of Coliform Bacteria in All Food Products analysis of Mold and Yeast Counts in Food Products eth. of Analysis of Moisture, Drying at 135 Deg. C -Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye Flour tensigraph Meth. for Physical Dough Tests of Flour th. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain and Flour nalysis of Ammonia in Baking Powders and Chemicals nalysis of Sucrose (Sugar) in Feeds and Feedstuffs nesium Acetate) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Doughs of Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Wheats eth. of Analysis of Methoxychlor Residues in Foods Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni lysis for Residual Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder reparation and Standardization of Buffer Solutions alysis of Diastatic Activity of Flour and Semolina Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni of Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Wheats lysis of Lipoxidase Activity of Semolina and Flour lysis of Crude Fat in Egg Yolk and Dried Whole Egg meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates in Flour Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Persulfate in Flour shworth Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk ysis of Unsaponifiable Matter in Macaroni Products ysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soy Flours Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Doughs meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods 600 Deg.) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Feedstuffs rmination of Phenothiazine in Feeds and Feedstuffs aration of Sample: Yeast Foods and Flour Improvers sis of Alpha Amylase Activity, by Beta Amylase GBI meth. of Analysis of Solids in Syrups and Molasses of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina lene Extraction Meth. of Analysis of Ascorbic Acid Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and Semolina ction of Analytical Values to 14.0% Moisture Basis ration and Standardization of Lactic Acid Solution is for Baking Quality of Self Rising Biscuit Flour is of Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Milk in Bread ic Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Products of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs tion and Standardization of Sulfuric Acid Solution for Sulfuric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals for Tartaric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals of Food Poisoning Staphylococcus in Food Products or Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing analysis of Solids in Juices, Syrups, and Molasses (Brown-Duvel) of Analysis of Moisture in Grains of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina ion and Standardization of Barium Lactate Solution for Acetic, Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Rye Flour for Baking Test (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Products of Diastatic Activity of Flour with the Amylograph of Analysis for Admixture of Rye and Wheat Flours or Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing or Neutralizing Value of Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate alysis of Reducing Sugars in Prepared Bakery Mixes th. of Analysis of Total Bacteria in Food Products (CerejL Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea ■ Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) (1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea Chemistry) 1962) (Cerea. 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AACCH 26-20 Meth. of Ana AACCH 22-40 Meth. of Ana AACCH 30-18 Qualitative AACCH 40-16 Qualitative AACCH 48-41 Quantitative AACCH 48-62 Harland and a AACCH 46-21 Meth. of Anal AACCH 30-40 Meth. of Anal AACCH 44-31 Pressuremeter AACCH 22-11 Quantitative AACCH 40-18 Rapid (2 Hr., AACCH 08-03 Meth. for Dete AACCH 18-30 Meth. for Prep AACCH 62-80 Meth. of Analy AACCH 22-02 Refractometer AACCH 68-60 Counting Meth. AACCH 28-01 Indophenol-Xy AACCH 86-10 Machine Washing AACCH 38-11 Meth. for Corre AACCH 82-22 Meth. for Prepa AACCH 70-30 Meth. of Analys AACCH 10-31A Meth. of Analys AACCH 80-31 Spectrophotometr AACCH 14-21 Volumetric Meth. AACCH 40-58 Gravimetric Meth. AACCH 40-57 Meth. for Prepara AACCH 70-80 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 04-14 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 04-27 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 42-30 Mixograph Meth. F AACCH 54-40 Spindle Meth. of AACCH 68-62 Distillation Meth. AACCH 44-53 Gravimetric Meth. AACCH 28-02 Meth. for Preparat AACCH 70-10 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 04-20 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 10-20 Meth. of Analysis AACCH 22-10 Trifructosan Meth. AACCH 06-10 Farinograph Meth. F AACCH 54-21 Meth. of Analysis F AACCH 02-34 Schoorl Meth. of an AACCH 80-68 Std. Plate Count Me AACCH 42-11 72 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ion Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Concentrates sis for Ash in Flour, Feeds, Feedstuffs, and Bread f Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid Solution pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation Time Test) -Maltose (Diastatic Activity in Flour) Conversion is for Insect Eggs in White, Wheat, and Corn Flour and Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate Solution total (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder ydrocyanic Acid Residues in Crains and Dried Foods t Meth. for Ammonium Persulfate in Flour Improvers nalysis of Bromates and Iodates in Flour Improvers f Analysis for Baking Quality of Wheat Bread Flour quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in Physical Dough Tests ysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Popped Popcorn sh in Starch, Dextrin, and Other Modified Products oking Characteristics of Macaroni-Borasio System denatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat Dry Milk alysis for Nature of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Foods ysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina trie and Isocitric Acids in Fruit and Its Products ucing and Nonreducing Sugars in Flour and Semolina t with Baker Compressimeter for Staleness of Bread alysis of Stability in Fats, Oils, and Shortenings Analysis of Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs eight of Flour to Give 100 Grams at 14.0% Moisture standardization of Potassium Permanganate Solution ric. Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and Tartaric Acids anic Bromide Residues in Grain and Cereal Products eth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Bread Flour sis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Yeast Foods eth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Semolina ectrophotometer Analysis of Acid Soluble Manganese fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, Feeds and Cooked Feeds philic and Psychrophilic Bacteria in Food Products pecific Volume of Creams, Cake Batters, and Icings ng Agents in Flour: Reaction with Potassium Iodide Subbarow Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Yeast Viscosity of Acidulated Flour-Water Suspensions a and Carotene in Enriched Cereals and Mixed Feeds sis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Flour for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and Bread lated from Total Chlorides in Feeds and Feedstuffs ysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina or Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals lysis of Ergot in Rye and Wheat Flour and Semolina ysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina . of Analysis of Moisture in Grains and Feedstuffs or Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals f Potassium Bromate in White and Whole Wheat Flour for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Rye Flour of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs dization of Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide Solution n Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and Self Rising Flours for Sugar Determination: Schoorl's Reduction Table tivity of Flour and Active Proteinase Preparations e Activity in Soybean Meals, Soy Flour, Mill Feeds uminum in Baking Powder, in Presence of Phosphates nsigraph Analysis of Physical Dough Tests of Flour onic. Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, and Lactic Acids and Flour Mill Products (Boric Acid Modification) and/or Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes classification in Cereal Grains and Grain Products anaerobic) in Cereal Products and Food Ingredients ffs (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) nd Similar Products: Feeds and Feedstuffs in Sacks al. Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farina, Bread, etc. rodent Urine on Bags and Other Packaging Materials in Phosphated and Freshly Mixed Self Rising Flour n of Both Nitrophenide and Arsanilic Acid in Feeds ke and Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, and Peanuts rits. Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and Flour on of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis in Chickens ies for Which Conversion Charts Have Been Prepared e of Acid Reacting Materials Other Than Phosphates degrees Brix, and Degrees Baume of Sugar Solutions f Urea in Cloth Bags and Other Packaging Materials Moisture Basis (Constant Dough Weight Meth. Only) ad, and Baked Cereal Products Not Containing Fruit dent Excreta, Other Filth, and Extraneous Material for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Soy Flour fast Cereals (Except Those Which Are Sugar Coated) , Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in Starch utter, Oleomargarine, High Acid Coconut Oil, etc.) our and Semolina (With Subsequent Acid Hydrolysis) and Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Quartz Sand) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce r ea Chemistry) (Ce r ea Chemistry) (Ce r ea Chemistry) (Ce 'ea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce rea Chemistry) (Ce r ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce ■ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce -ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce •ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Ce ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea Chemistry) (Cei ea! 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O ) (1962) Meth. for Preparation ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of ) (1962) Meth. of Thiosulfate ) (1962) Iodine Meth. of Analys ) (1962) Meth. for Preparation ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of H ) (1962) Qualitative Iodide Tes ) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of a ) (1962) Straight Dough Meth. ) (1962) Extensigraph Meth. for ) (1962) Flotation Meth. of Anal ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for a ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Co ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Un ) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of an ) (1962) Van Slyke Meth. of Anal ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Ci ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Red ) (1962) Meth. of Compression Tes ) (1962) Oxygen-Bomb Meth. of an ) (1962) Improved Kjeldahl Meth. of ) (1962) Meth. for Correction for W ) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Fuma ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Inorg ) (1962) Sponge Dough, Pound Loaf M ) (1962) Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analy ) (1962) Air Oven (Aluminum Plate) M ) (1962) Meth. for Colorimeter or Sp ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Crude ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Thermo ) (1962) Meth. for Determination of S ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Oxidizi ) (1962) Colorimetric Modified Fiske- ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Apparent ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin ) (1962) Acid Hydrolysis Meth. of Analy ) (1962) Electrometric Meth. of Analysis ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Salt Calcu ) (1962) Modified Sorensen Meth. of Anal ) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis F ) (1962) Ether-Bicarbonate Meth. of Ana ) (1962) Linderstrom-Lang Meth. of Anal ) (1962) Modified Two Stage Air Oven Meth ) (1962) Quantitative Meth. of Analysis F ) (1962) Quantitative Meth. of Analysis ) (1962) Tween Versene Meth. of Analysis ) (1962) Colorimetric Acetate Ashing Meth. ) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and Standar ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Total Carbo ) (1962) Volumetric Copper Reduction Meth. ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic AC ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Residual Ureas ) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Al ) (1962) Structural Relaxation Meth. of Exte ) (1962) / Analysis for Formic, Acetic, Propi ) (1962) / Analysis of Crude Protein in Wheat ) (1962) / Analysis of Monocalcium Phosphate ) (1962) / and Radiographic Illustration and ) (1962) / Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, ) (1962) / Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstu ) (1962) / for Sampling of Flour, Semolina, a ) (1962) / in Whole Grain Products, Grits, Me ) (1962) / Light Examination for Presence of ) (1962) / Meth. of Analysis for Original Ash ) (1962) / Meth. of Quantitative Determinatio ) (1962) / of Crude Fiber in Soy Flour for Ca ) (1962) / Other Whole Grain Products, Corn G ) (1962) / Poultry Mashes (Feed) for Preventi ) (1962) /, Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodit ) (1962) /. of Analysis for Neutralizing Valu ) (1962) /. of Analysis of Specific Gravity, ) (1962) /. of Xanthydrol Test for Analysis O ) (1962) /-Is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% ) (1962) /Analysis of Crude Fat in Flour, Bre ) (1962) /and/or Insect Damage on Kernels, Ro ) (1962) /Atting Digestion Meth. of Analysis ) (1962) /D Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, Break ) (1962) /Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments, Hairs ) (1962) /E Matter in Fats and Shortenings (B ) (1962) /E Meth. of Analysis of Starch in Fl ) (1962) /Ecuites, Molasses, and Other Liquid AACCH 8601 AACCH 0801 AACCH 02-51 AACCH 70-20 AACCH 56-50 AACCH 22-17 AACCH 28-44 AACCH 70-75 AACCH 12-20 AACCH 60-20 AACCH 48-61 AACCH 48-40 AACCH 10-10 AACCH 54-12 AACCH 28-80 AACCH 08-17 AACCH 16-51 AACCH 46-20 AACCH 40-17 AACCH 46-32 AACCH 04-22 AACCH 80-60 AACCH 74-10 AACCH 58-55 AACCH 46-10 AACCH 82-23 AACCH 70-50 AACCH 04-24 AACCH 60-10 AACCH 10-11 AACCH 44-32 AACCH 44-16 AACCH 40-45 AACCH 30-25 AACCH 42-45 AACCH 72-10 AACCH 48-02 AACCH 40-56 AACCH 56-80 AACCH 86-05 AACCH 28-41 AACCH 02-52 AACCH 40-61 AACCH 46-31 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 42-56 AACCH 46-30 AACCH 44-18 AACCH 04-11 AACCH 48-42 AACCH 28-60 AACCH 40-55 AACCH 70-70 AACCH 12-21 AACCH 80-69 AACCH 22-60 AACCH 22-90 AACCH 40-10 AACCH 54-11 AACCH 04-23 AACCH 46-12 AACCH 40-51 AACCH 28-95 AACCH 42-40 AACCH 46-18 AACCH 64-60 AACCH 86-70 AACCH 28-85 AACCH 08-15 AACCH 18-26 AACCH 32-17 AACCH 86-80 AACCH 18-25 AACCH 44-11 AACCH 02-32 AACCH 80-75 AACCH 28-86 AACCH 54-29 AACCH 30-10 AACCH 28-10 AACCH 28-70 AACCH 44-15A AACCH 28-75 AACCH 44-30 AACCH 76-10 AACCH 44-60 Engineering and Product Standards Division 73 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards election of Rodent Excreta, Insects, Webbing, etc. (Cerea grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and and Beans (Cerea f Monocalcium Phosphate: Monohydrate and Anhydrous (Cerea read; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and Their Adjuncts (Cerea eride, Salts, Soy Flour, and Other Cereal Products (Cerea ling: Equipment, Sample Preparation, and Tempering (Cerea goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes (Cerea in Bread, Wheat and Other Grains, and Yeast Foods (Cerea eal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans (Cerea ng Characteristics of Flour (Physical Dough Tests) (Cerea Feeds and Feedstuffs by Distillation with Toluene (Cerea Fats and Shortenings by Distillation with Toluene (Cerea n. Rye, Barley, Rice, Grain Sorghum, and Buckwheat (Cerea Rodent Filth in Meal, Grits, Farina, and Semolina (Cerea our (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) (Cerea eal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans (Cerea eolytic Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations (Cerea es for Control of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis (Cerea d Materials Except Chocolate Products and Piecrust (Cerea goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes (Cerea ed Amounts of Malathion in Range of 0.2-2.0 p. p.m. (Cerea r Combined Tartaric Acid in Presence of Phosphates (Cerea cereal Grains, Whole or Chopped Nuts, Spices, etc. (Cerea ors for Gasometric Determination of Carbon Dioxide (Cerea xcreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semolina (Cerea Meth. of Analysis of Urea and Ammonical Nitrogen (Cerea Meth. of Analysis of Sedimentatoon Test for Wheat (Cerea ors for Correcting Weights to a 14% Moisture Basis (Cerea Meth. of Analysis of Free Fatty Acids in Fats (Cerea Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Enriched Flour (Cerea Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and Semolina (Cerea lysis of Iodine Number in All Edible Fats and Oils (Cerea ysis of Niacin and Nicotinamide in Cereal Products (Cerea of Stability (AOM) of Fats, Oils, and Shortenings (Cerea f Saponification Value of All Normal Fats and Oils (Cerea loud Point in All Edible Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cerea nalsis of Benzoyl Peroxide with Diaminophenylamine (Cerea tone-Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and Corn Oils (Cerea Melting Point of Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cerea Refractometer, in All Normal Oils and Liquid Fats (Cerea es and Free Glycerol in Fats, Oils and Shortenings (Cerea ting Point of All Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cerea n and Mineral) Concentrates Used to Enrich Cereals (Cerea of Analysis of Micro Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cerea Analysis of Modified Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cerea riangle Test Taste Panel for Food Flavor Detection (Cerea ive Meth. of Analysis of Benzoyl Peroxide in Flour (Cerea s. Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy Products (Cerea ity of Pregelatinized Starches and Cereal Products (Cerea nd Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cerea nd Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cerea Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextrans, and Starch (Cerea eat, Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and Malted Cereals (Cerea eolytic Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations (Cerea ide in Flour Bleaching Experiments in Laboratories (Cerea of Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Food Products (Cerea ch Are Susceptible to Hydrolysis by Alpha Amylase) (Cerea Analysis of Acetone Peroxides in Milling Premixes (Cerea n of Azodicarbonamide Content in Commercial Premix (Cerea solidify Within Temperature Range of 25 to 45 Deg. (Cerea min a in Nonfat Dry Milk and Instantized Dry Milks (Cerea th. of Analysis of Aflatoxins in Corn and Soybeans (Cerea h. of Analysis of Added Lysine in Wheat and Bulgur (Cerea on of Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Chromatography (Cerea agulase Positive Staphylococcus in Cereal Products (Cerea a Gamma) in Cereal Products-Emergency Monitoring (Cereal n Dry Vitamin Mixes, Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions (Cerea Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cerea eed) for Prevention of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis in Voluntary Safety Std. for High Chairs Std. for Centrifugal Water (1964) Design and Construction of Masonry Design and Construction of ec. for the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Uniform Building Code: Masonry or Concrete Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Std. for ) Std. Glossary of Terms Relating to rinal) (1973) Std. for Vitreous holders (1973) Std. for Carbide 3) Test Meth. for 73) Test Meth. for 3) Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Sampling of Wood Test Meth. for Moisture in Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem: Chickens (Children's ChUling Pi Chimneys Chimneys Chimneys Chimneys, Chimneys, stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry strv stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry 9try 9try stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry stry (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1965) (1965) (1965) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1967) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1969) (1969) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1972) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) /Ereals, and Alimentary Pastes for D /Ernal Insect Infestation in Cereal /F Analysis for Neutralizing Value O /F Moisture in Flour and Semolina; B /Gh Conditioners Containing Monoglyc /H. for Experimental Wheat Flour MIL /Materials Hard to Hydrate in Baked /Mples for Analysis of Crude Protein /Nd Rodent Hair Contamination of Cer /Nfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixi /Ng Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in /Ng Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in /O, with Slight Modification, to Cor /on Meth. of Analysis for Insect and /on of Crude Protein in Wheat and Fl /on Test for Internal Insects in Cer /Otometric Meth. of Analysis of Prot /Oxaline in Poultry Feeds and Premix /Ping Meth. of Analysis for All Bake /R Insect and Rodent Filth in Baked /Ran, Shorts, etc.) to Determine Add /Tative Meth. of Analysis for Free /Th or Sack Fibers, Whole or Ground /Th. of Analysis for Correction Fact /Tion Meth. of Analysis for Rodent E Meth. for Multiplication Fact Hand Washing Meth. of Ana Meth. of Anal Meth. of Analysis Meth. of Analysis Meth. of Analysis of C Qualitative Meth. of a Meth. of Analysis of Ace Wiley Meth. of Analysis of Index of Refraction, with Abbe Meth. of Analysis of Monoglycerid Capillary Meth. of Analysis of Mel /Sis of Niacin in Enrichment (Vitami Meth. Meth. of Meth. of T Semiquantitat /E Protein in Cereal Grains, Oilseed /Eth. of Analysis of Hydration Capac /Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat a /Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat a /Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, /Nation of Both Meal and Flour of Wh /Orimetric Meth. of Analysis of Prot /Th. for Generation of Chlorine Diox Meth. /in Flour or Starch Preparations Whi Meth. of Meth. for Determinatio / and Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or /R-Price Meth. of Analysis of Vita TLC Me Met Meth. for Determinati Meth. of Analysis of Co /. of Analysis of Radioactivity (Bet /on Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A I /Tion of Methyl Esters of Long Chain / Poultry Mashes (F Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (1972) ckages (Refrigeration) (1974) For Residential and Industrial) (Tech. Notes) Tech. Notes) (1964) 1969) ANSI A 158.1 Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Vents (1972) ANSI A52.1 Chimneys, Gas Vents and Heat Producing Appliances (1972 China Plumbing Fixtures (Lavatory, Water Closet Bowl, U Chip Breakers Used in Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type Chip Classification (Hand Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (197 Chip Length Analysis (Measurement) (Pulp and Paper) (19 Chip Length Analysis (Two Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (197 Chip Resistance of Coatings (1973) Chips from Conveyor (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Chips (Moister Teller) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Sp AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-21 AACCH 02-33 AACCH 44-40 AACCH 48-51 AACCH 26-10 AACCH 28-32 AACCH 46-11 AACCH 28-20 AACCH 54-20 AACCH 44-50 AACCH 44-51 AACCH 76-20 AACCH 28-51 AACCH 46-19 AACCH 28-22 AACCH 22-62 AACCH 18-35 AACCH 28-33 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 60-30 AACCH 04-28 AACCH 28-87 AACCH 12-29 AACCH 28-50 AACCH 46-50 AACCH 56-61 A AACCH 82-24 AACCH 58-16 AACCH 86-03 AACCH 38-10 AACCH 58-30 AACCH 86-50 AACCH 58-54 AACCH 58-50 AACCH 56-10 AACCH 48-06A AACCH 58-35 AACCH 58-41 AACCH 58-20 AACCH 58-45 AACCH 58-40 AACCH 86-49 AACCH 56-63 AACCH 56-62 AACCH 33-50 AACCH 48-07 AACCH 46-14 AACCH 56-20 AACCH 46-23 AACCH 46-24 AACCH 80-10 AACCH 56-8 IB AACCH 22-63 AACCH 48-30 AACCH 60-50 AACCH 76-30A AACCH 48-05 AACCH 48-71 A AACCH 58-12A AACCH 86-02 AACCH 45-05 AACCH 46-40 AACCH 58-18 AACCH 42-30A AACCH 28-99A AACCH 86-01 A AACCH 58-17 AACCH 18-25 JPMA *1 ARI 550 BIA 19B BIA 19A ACI 307 ICBO UBC«3-37 ICBO UBC»8-6 NFPA 211 NFPA 97M ANSI A112.19.2 ANSI B94.47 TAPPI UM-13 TAPPI UM-5 TAPPI UM-6 ASTM D3170 TAPPI UM-4 TAPPI UM-8 74 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) Test Meth. for Density and Moisture of Test Meth. for Dirt Count of Wood Test Meth. for Sieve Analysis of Pulpwood Test Meth. for Density of Wood Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood lp and Paper) (19/ Test Meth. for Density and Moisture of Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood round Tool Mountings (Farm Machinery) (1973) Std. for analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; ent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases (Barium 1) (1972) Std. for 1) (1972) Std. for trochemical Analysis of Nickel-Base Alloys by the Silver up9 and Other Star/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining and Other Clarifie/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining and Other Clarifie/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining n9 of Electrical W/ Std. for Styrene Rubber and Polyvinyl it and Electrical Metallic Tubing (19/ Std. for Polyvinyl ar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolzates (Silver-Silver ng Tape (1973) ANSI C59.91 Std. Spec, for Vinyl ng Tape (/ Std. Spec, for Low Temperature Resistant Vinyl . Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Plasticizers in Vinyl th. of Test for Volatile Matter (Including Water) of Vinyl Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Aluminum ing Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests in a Boiling Magnesium removal. Acceleration of Concrete/ Std. Spec, for Calcium Meth. for Analysis of Calcium Safe Handling and Use of Allyl Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl . Pract. for Making Solvent Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Chromated Zinc Std. Spec, for Chromated Zinc sential Information for the Safe Handling and Use ol Vinyl Std. Spec, for Sodium s., and Materials Application for Thermoplastic (Polyvinyl Std. Spec, for Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Poly(Vinyl i/ Std. Meth. of Test for Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Std. Spec, for Poiy(Vinyl ir Lining (1972T) Spec, for Flexible Polyvinyl Std. Spec, for Poly(Vinyl (1973) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Polyvinyl le Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe and Fittings to Poly(Vinyl Std. Spec, for Bell End Polyvinyl fittings (1973) ANSI K65.56 Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl 73) Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl 72.16 Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for PolyfVinyl 3) Std. Spec, for Socket Type Poly(Vinyl 3) ANSI K65.166 Std. Spec, for Threaded Polyvinyl 3) Std. Spec, for Socket Type Poly(Vinyl (1973) ANSI B72.7 Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Std. Spec, for Poly(Vinyl Std. for Rigid Polyvinyl Std. Spec, for Poly(Vinyl Std. Spec, for Type PSP Polyvinyl Std. Spec, for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Std. Spec, for Filled Poly (Vinyl oxylamine Hydrochloride, (Nh-_,OH . Hci) (Hydroxylammonium Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Potassium Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of 962) Meth. of Analysis of Salt Calculated from Total Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of tors (Electrical Insulating Liquid) (1973/ Std. Spec, for ormers (1973) Std. Spec, for chromatographic Estimation of Higher Boiling Homologues of er Distribution Systems (1973) Std. Spec, for for Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Std. for Safety for Swimming Pool Pumps, Filters, and Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Commercial Wash-Whites (With Multiple Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Loss by Retained Std. Meth. of Test for Total Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrolyzable ratories (Cerea/ Acetic Anhydride Meth. for Generation of Handling Std. Meth. of Test for Residual Maintenance Instructions for Container Procedure for ) (1974) Rec. for Electrolytic es, Finishes, and Finishings (Sublimation, Brittleness and Piping and Equipment for Use with Dry or Single Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Loss by Retained r Cotton and Linen Textile Colorfastness to Bleaching with Std. Meth. of Test for Mercury in Liquid (1973/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- Chips (Presoak Before Immersion) (Pulp and Paper) (1973 Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Chips (Sheet Machine Mold) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Chips (Steam Oven) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Chips (Submersion with Correction for Cracks; etc.) (Pu Chips (Two Liter Graduate) (1973) Chisel Plow, Field and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and G Chloral Hydrate; Chloroform; Formaldehyde; Gasoline; He Chloranilate Controlled Condensation Meth.) (1973) Chlorbromuron (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemica Chlordimeform (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemica Chloride-Lithium Fluoride Carrier DC Arc Technique U Chloride Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syr Chloride Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar Chloride Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar Chloride Ducts and Fitting9 for Underground Installation Chloride Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Condu Chloride Indicator) (1971) /Yrup Unmixed, Finished Sug Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulati Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulati Chloride Plastics Under Compression (1974) Std Chloride Resins (1972) Std. Me Chloride Solution AICL, (1972) Chloride Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Perform Chloride to Be Used for Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Chloride Types I and II (1972T) Chloride (Chemical Safety) (1973) Chloride (PVC) Jacket for Wire and Cable (1974) Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.55 /C Chloride (1970) ANSI 011.19 Chloride (1971) ANSI 011.4 Chloride (1972) Properties and Es Chloride (1972) ANSI A37.56 Chloride) Duct Construction (1974) Stds., Guide Spec Chloride) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insula! Chloride) Plastic Pipe by Acetone Immersion) (1967) Ans Chloride) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.2 Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for Pond, Canal, and Reservo Chloride) Resins (1972) ANSI K65.207 Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot Water Distribution Systems Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings for Nonpressure Appli Chloride) (PVC) Pipe (1973) ANSI B72.20 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Line Couplings, Socket Type (19 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (197 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (197 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (197 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.22 Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Wall Siding (1972) Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1972) Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe (1972) Chloride) (1973) ID. Spec, for Photographic Grade Hvdr Chloride, KCI (1972) Chloride, Nacl (1972) Chlorides in Ash of Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chlorides in Ash of Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chlorides in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Chlorides in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chlorides in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Capaci Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Transf Chlorinated Biphenyls for Capacitor Askarels (1974) / Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot Wat Chlorinated Pool Water (1972) ANSI L14.149 Test Meth. Chlorinators (1972) Chlorine Bleach) 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum, Chlorine Bleaching (1971) ANSI L14.180 Test Meth. for Chlorine Content of Epoxy Resins (1973) Chlorine Content of Liquid Epoxy Resins (1973) Chlorine Dioxide in Flour Bleaching Experiments in Labo Chlorine in Tank Motor Vehicles (1973) Chlorine in Water (1968) Chlorine Institute Std. Excess Flow Valves (1972) Chlorine Packaging (1973) Chlorine Processes (Explosion Hazard During Manufacture Chlorine Retention) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Dy Chlorine (1971) Chlorine (1971) ANSI L14.126 Test Meth. F Chlorine (1972) ANSI L14.57 Test Meth. Fo Chlorine (1973) Chloro-4,6bis (Isopropylamino) S-Triazine-Propazine TAPPI UM-16 TAPPI UM-11 TAPPI UM-21 TAPPI UM-9 TAPPI UM-7 TAPPI UM-20 TAPPI UM-10 ASAE S225.1 AACCH 28-91 ASTM D3226 ANSI K62.113 ANSI K62.114 ASTM E483 CR F-10 CR E-14 CR E-15 NEMA TCI NEMA RN1 CR E-15 ASTM D2301 ASTM D3005 ASTM D3291 ASTM D3030 ANSI PH4.154 ASTM G36 ASTM D9fc ASTM E449 MCA SD99 ASTM D1047 ASTM D2855 ASTM D1033 ASTM D1032 MCA SD56 ASTM D632 SMACN *11 ASTM D3150 ASTM D2152 ASTM D2241 ASTM D3083 ASTM D1755 ASTM D2846 ASTM D3138 ASTM D2672 ASTM D2665 ASTM D3036 ASTM D2564 ASTM D2466 ASTM D2464 ASTM D2467 ASTM D1785 ASTM D2740 use PS55 ASTM D2729 ASTM D3033 ASTM D3034 ASTM D2836 ANSI PH4.187 ANSI PH4.202 ANSI PH4.203 AACCH 40-30 AACCH 40-31 AACCH 40-61 AACCH 40-32 AACCH 40-33 ASTM D2233 ASTM D2283 ASTM D3303 ASTM D2846 AATCC 105 UL 1081 ANSI L24.4.13 AATCC 114 ASTM D1847 ASTM D1726 AACCH 48-30 CHI 49 ASTM D1253 CHI 42 CHI 7 FMS 7-34 ANSI L24.7.2 CHI 6 AATCC 92 AATCC 3 ASTM E506 ANSI K62.145 Engineering and Product Standards Division 75 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4- flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ies and Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydrate; Soft Medium Firm h. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for General Purpose he Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dichlorobenzilate - 3 / Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 4- dimethyl 0-(3,5,6-Triehloro-2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothioate Std. for Trapping Meth. of Analysis for All Baked Materials Except water Wellhead, and Christmas Tree Equipment; Flow Control al Chemistry) (1962) Digitonin Meth. of Analysis of Friction Coefficients of th or Sack Fibers, Whole or Ground Cereal Grains, Whole or ol. Screwed and Flanged Wellhead, Underwater Wellhead, and tock; Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers; Alloy Panels/ Spec, for Coating Weight Determination for ) Spec, for Spot Test Solution for Detecting d Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolyzates (Potassium Std. Spec, for Acid Copper Std. Spec, for Basic Lead Silico Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for orfastness) (1972) Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Test Meth. for Identification of Lignin (Paper ct. for Direct Injection of Solvent Base Paints into a Gas Std. Meth. of Assay of Di-T-Butyl Peroxide by Gas of Chlorinated Biphenyls for C/ Std. Meth. for Rapid Gas er Extender and Processing Oils by the Clay Gel Absorption Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides Meth. for Determination of Fatty Acid Composition by Gas . Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas eth. for Obtaining Natural Gas Samples for Analysis by Gas ic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas s of High Purity N-Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary Gas Test for Purity and Benzene Content of Cyclohexane by Gas for Aromatic Traces in Light Saturated Hydrocarbons by Gas analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) by Process Gas est for Butadiene Purity and Hydrocarbon Impurities by Gas lysis of Calcium and Barium Petroleum Sulfonates by Liquid r Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Fractions by Gas . Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas . Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides (Gas Liquid . Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides (Gas Liquid or C, Through C-, Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere by Gas Grade Chromium Potassium Sulfate CrK(SO,) 2 : 12H;.0 Std. Spec, for Fluor Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Fluor si A139.2 Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of or Chemical Analysis of Chrome Containing Refractories and ed Ground Refractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine, tamination-Occupa/ Std. for Acceptable Concentration of tion) (1969) ASTM D2807 Meth. for Determining 972) Std. Meth. of Test for ure Vessel Plates (1972) ANSI G33.3 Std. Spec, for t and Strip (1973) Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel siH34.10 Std. Spec, for Nickel 4 Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum h. for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel nd Strip (1973) Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron tube (1972) ANSI H34.16 Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron ium Stabilized Alloy / Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded ium Stabilized All/ Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded or High Temperature Service (1974) ANSI G/ Std. Spec, for of Stainless, Heat Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar ation at High T/ Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Iron - 9) ANSI W3.4 Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium and s (1969) Ansi/ Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum - Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum 40 Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron - Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron ■ Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum - Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron - ectrodes (1969) ANSI W3.4 Spec, for Corrosion Resisting are Electrodes (1969) Ansi/ Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Spec, for Flux Cored Corrosion Resisting rip for Fusion Welded Until Std. Spec, for Heal Resisting Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Nickel • 2 Std. Spec." for Carbon - Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)-S-Triazine-Terbuthylazine (19 Chloroform— Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye Chloroform (1974) Propert Chloroform; Formaldehyde; Gasoline; Herwig's, Pancreati Chloroprene— Rubber Sponge (1973) Chloroprene-Rubber Sponge (1973) Chloroprene Rubber Sponge (1973) Chloroprene Rubbers (CR) (1973) Std. Met Chloropropylate (1973) Std. Common Name for T Chloro5-(Methylamino) -2-(a,a,a- Trifluoro-m-tolyl)- Chlorpyrifos Methyl (1973) /Pest Control Chemical 0,0 Chlorpyrifos (Insecticide) (1971) Chocolate Products and Piecrust (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Chokes; and Water Sampling Devices) (1974) /Ead, Under Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Dried Egg Solids (Cere Choline (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chopped Forages (Grass, Corn, Hay, Straw) (1968) Chopped Nuts, Spices, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Christmas Tree Equipment; Flow Control Chokes; and Wate Christmas Tree Std. (1973) /, Asparagus); Lining Out S Chromate Conversion Coatings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Chromate Films on Galvanized Sheet (Coil Coating) (1974 Chromate Indicator) (1954) /Orn Syrup Unmixed, Finishe Chromate (1971) Chromate (1974) Chromated Zinc Chloride (1970) ANSI 011.19 Chromated Zinc Chloride (1971) ANSI 011.4 Chromatic Transference Scale (Color Chart / Textile Col Chromatogram) (1973) Chromatograph (1973) Tent. Rec. Pra Chromatographic Analysis (1973) Chromatographic Estimation of Higher Boiling Homologues Chromatographic Meth. (1973) ANSI Zl 1.180 /Ups in Rubb (Chromatographic) Content of Corn Syrup (1957) Chromatography (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) Chromatography (1968) Std Chromatography (1968) Std. M Chromatography (1968) ANSI Z164. 1 / Test for Nonaromat Chromatography (1971) ANSI Z11.262 / Meth. for Analysi Chromatography (1972) Std. Meth. of Chromatography (1972) ANSI Z11.279, IP 262 /. of Test Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. for Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. of T Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. for Ana Chromatography (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test Fo Chromatography (1973) ANSI Z11.238 Std Chromatography) Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar, and Stare Chromatography) Content of Corn Sugar, Starch Molasses Chromatography (1972) • Std. Meth. of Test F (Chrome Alum) ( 1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Chrome Arsenate Phenol (1971) Chrome Arsenate Phenol (1971) ANSI O11.20 Chrome Containing Refractories and Chrome Ore (1970) an Chrome Ore (1970) ANSI A139.2 Std. Meth. F Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Ganister Quarzite, Grog, K Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Chromium Compounds (Air Con Chromic Oxide Content in Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxida Chromic Oxide in Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1 Chromium-Copper-Nickel-Aluminum Alloy Steel Press Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Plate, Shee Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Rod (1973) Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1970) an Chromium-Iron Alloy Sheet and Plate (1971) ANSI H34.4 Chromium- Iron Alloys (1973) Std. Met Chromium-Manganese-Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, a Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Seamless Pipe and Chromium- Nickel-Iron- Molybdenum-Copper-Columb Chromium- Nickel-Iron- Molydenium-Copper-Columb Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy Castings (25-12 Class) F Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloys (1973) /Mical Analysis Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Applic Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (196 Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrode Chromium Alloy Plate and Sheet (1971) ANSI H34.12 Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) ANSI H34. Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) ANSI H34.39 Chromium Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H34.14 Chromium Alloy Rod (1972) Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe Tube (1973) ANSI H34.41 Chromium and Chromium- Nickel Steel Covered Welding El Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and B Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Electrodes (1974) Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and St Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (1973) Chromium Ball and Roller Bearing Steel (1970) ASTM G56. ANSI K62.149 AACCH 42-55 MCA SD89 AACCH 28-91 SAE AMS3197H SAE AMS3198H SAE AMS3199H ASTM D3190 ANSI K62.150 ANSI K62.125 ANSI K62.130 ANSI K62.103 AACCH 28-33 API 6A AACCH 20-01 AACCH 86-45 ASAE D251 AACCH 28-87 API 6A ANSI Z60.1 NCCA TB-II-2 NCCA TB-II-9 CR E-14 ASTM D1624 ASTM D1648 ASTM D1033 ASTM D1032 AATCC EP3 TAPPI UM-19 ASTM D3271 ASTM E475 ASTM D3303 ASTM D2007 CR E-62 AACCH 58-18 NGPA 2165 NGPA 2166 ASTM D2360 ASTM D2268 ASTM D3054 ASTM D2600 ASTM D2888 ASTM D2593 ASTM D2894 ASTM D2887 ASTM D2597 CR E-63 CR F-50 ASTM D2820 ANSI PH4.151 ASTM D1034 ASTM D1035 ASTM C572 ASTM C572 ASTM C316 ANSI Z37.7 ALCA D10 ASTM D2807 ASTM A410 ASTM B582 ASTM B581 ASTM B168 ASTM B434 ASTM E38 ASTM B590 ASTM B423 ASTM B468 ASTM B474 ASTM A447 ASTM E353 ASTM A608 AWS A5.4 AWS A5.9 ASTM B334 ASTM B575 ASTM B409 ASTM B408 ASTM B336 ASTM B574 ASTM B407 AWS A5.4 AWS A5.9 AWS A5.22 ASTM A240 ASTM E38 ASTM A295 76 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards eptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel Rich, or Acceptable Concentration of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent r to Conversion C/ Test Meth. for Detection of Hexavalent Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel Molybdenum h34 3 Std. Spec, for Nickel ess Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34./ Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Tent. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrochromium and Std. Spec, for sels (1973) ANSI C35.4 Std. Spec, for mpered, for Pressure Vessels (1972/ Std. Spec, for Nickel rip (1972) ANSI H34.19 Std. Spec, for Nickel ansi H34.22 Std. Spec, for Nickel ube (1972) ANSI H34.20 Std. Spec, for Nickel p (1972) ANSI H34.17 Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron iH34.18 Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Std. Spec, for Nickel empered Chromium, for Pressure Vessels (1/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for temperat/ Std. Spec, for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic ervice (/ Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Autenitic r/ Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resistant Iron Chromium, Iron ized Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973)/ Std. Spec, for ized Alloy Pipe (1973/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Stainless and Heat Resisting Spec, for Flux Cored Corrosion Resisting Chromium and n Welded Unfi/ Std. Spec, for Heat Resisting Chromium and (1972) ANSI B36.39 Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic hardware (1970) Std. for Electroplating of Nickel and ome Alum) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron 81.6 Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resisting 2 Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting teel. Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Cobalt— Molybdenum • mium Molybdenum, Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered stings for Gener/ Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resistant Iron stant Metals (Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel 5% Std. for Chucks and Std. for (1962) Counting Meth. of Analysis of (1962) Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of orm Building Code: Weights of Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; Std. for Safety for Molded Case Circuit Breakers and dule of Dielectric Test Values for Outdoor AC High Voltage Rec. Pract. for Automatic Reset Internal Mounted mendations, and Related Requirements for Low Voltage Power Std. for Safety for Molded Case cations. Class I, Groups AD, and Class / Safety Std. for td. Requirements for Electrical Control of AC High Voltage d for Out of Phase / Std. Meth. for Test. AC High Voltage ings for Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage ng Impulse Voltage Insulation Strength for AC High Voltage rements for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage n Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage requirements for Pressurized Components of AC High Voltage ents for Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage uide for Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Voltage ements for External Insulation for Outdoor AC High Voltage Std. for Test Procedures for Low Voltage AC Power Std. for Low Voltage Alternating Current Power ings and Related Required Capabilities for AC High Voltage Rec. Pract. for Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and in Oil ted Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and Oil or Industrial Electrical Power Control Apparatus-Control Safety Std. for Fused Power Safety Std. for Ground Fault ements for Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power r the Application, Operation, and Maintenance of Automatic 1 Filled Capacitor Switches for Alter/ Std. for Automatic for Engineering Specs. Outline for Monochrome Cctv (Closed Performance Spec, for Flexible Multilayer Wiring (Printed ing Systems (1969) ANSI SE3.7 Std. for Interconnection Rec. for Protective Grounding of Electrical Electrical Characteristics of Class a Closure Interchange Rec. Pract. for Automotive Printed Surge (Lightning) Arresters for Alternating Current Power use Std. Criteria for Separation of Class Ie Equipment and Design and Construction of Std. for Carbide Blanks for Tipping rage Type (1974) Std. for Gas Water Heaters: Volume III, Std. for Forced Rec. for Thermoplastic Piping for Swimming Pool Water ,2-Dicar/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Chromium Bearing Alloys (1972) ANSI G80.4 /Ecting Susc Chromium Compounds (Air Contamination-Occupational He Chromium Containing Treatments on Galvanized Steel Prio Chromium Iron Alloy Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34.4 Chromium Iron Alloy Rod (1972) # Chromium Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970) ANSI Chromium Iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Seaml Chromium Manganese Silicon (1972A) ANSI G32.1 Chromium Metal (1971T) Chromium Metal (1973) ANSI G75.1 Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Ves Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Te Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet and St Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Seamless Pipe and T Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Stri Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) Ans Chromium Molybdenum Iron Alloy Rod (1972) Chromium Molybdenum, Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and T Chromium Nickel Alloy Castings (1974) Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature S Chromium Nickel and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for Gene Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabil Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabil Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars Including Rounds, Chromium Nickel Steel Electrodes (1974) Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusio Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Service Chromium on Metal Parts-Automotive Ornamentation and Chromium Potassium Sulfate CrK(SO,)._, : 12H 2 (Chr Chromium Silicon Alloy Seamless and Welded Pipe (1972) Chromium Steel Clad Plate Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI G Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81. Chromium (1972) ANSI G35.26 /Re Vessel Plates, Alloy S Chromium, for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35. 18 /Hro Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and Nickel Base Alloy Ca Chromium, Lead, Zinc, or Cadmium) (1973) /Rrosion Resi Chromium, 0.5% Molybdenum (1972) ANSI G35.16 Chuck Jaws (1972) Chucks and Chuck Jaws (1972) Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) Cinder and Sand Particles in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; Grani Circuit Breaker Enclosures (1972) Circuit Breaker External Insulation Rated on a Symmetri Circuit Breaker (1971) Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit Protectors (1973) Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker Enclosures (1972) Circuit Breakers and Enclosures for Use in Hazardous Lo Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical and a Total Cur Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis When Rate Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (1972) Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (362 kV a Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis ( Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis ( Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis ( Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis ( Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis ( Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis ( Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973) Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973) ANSI C37.13 Circuit Breakers (1971) /Ransient Recovery Voltage Rat Circuit Breakers (1972) Circuit Breakers (1973) Std. Spec, for Uninhibited Circuit Breakers (1973) /D. Spec, for Oxidation Inhibi Circuit Devices and Assemblies (1973) Std. F Circuit Devices (1973) Circuit Interrupters (1972) Circuit Protectors (1973) /Dations, and Related Requir Circuit Reclosers (1973) ANSI C37.61 Std. Guide Fo Circuit Reclosers, Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Oi Circuit Television) Camera Equipment (1974) /Ec. Std. Circuit) (1972) Std. Circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Protective Signal] Circuits and Equipment (1974) Circuits (Electronics) (1974) Std. for the Circuits (1967) Circuits (1972) ANSI C62.1 Std. for Circuits (1974) ANSI N41.14 Trial Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures (1967) Circular Saws (1972) Circulating Tank, Instantaneous and Large Automatic Sto Circulation Air Cooling and Air Heating Coils (1972) Circulation Systems (1972) cis-N((l,l,2,2tetrachloroethyl) Thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l ASTM C28 ANSI Z37.7 NCCA TBII-7 ASTM B166 ASTM B573 ASTM B167 ASTM B445 ASTM A202 ASTM E363 ASTM A481 ASTM A387 ASTM A543 ASTM B443 ASTM B446 ASTM B444 ASTM B424 ASTM B425 ASTM B572 ASTM A542 ASTM A560 ASTM A409 ASTM A358 ASTM A296 ASTM B463 ASTM B464 ASTM A429 AWS A5.22 ASTM A240 ASTM A271 SAE J207 ANSI PH4.151 ASTM B535 ASTM A263 ASTM A176 ASTM A605 ASTM A542 ASTM A296 ICBO UBCS32-6 ASTM A357 ANSI B5.8 ANSI B5.8 AACCH 28-01 AACCH 2802 ICBO UBC»3-23 UL 489 ANSI C37.0781 SAE J258 ANSI C37.16 UL 489 UL 877 ANSI C37.ll IEEE 417 ANSI C37.0732 IEEE 339 IEEE 327 IEEE 328 IEEE 340 IEEE 341 IEEE 342 IEEE 343 ANSI C37.50 IEEE 20 ANSI C39.0722 SAE J553C ASTM D1040 ASTM D3146 ANSI C19.6 UL 977 UL 943 ANSI C37.16 IEEE 321 NEMA SG13 EIA RS312 IPC ML-990 NEMA SB3 FMS 5-10 EIA RS410 SAE J771A IEEE 28 IEEE 384 ACI 67-40 ANSI B94.42 ANSI Z21.10.3 ARI 410 SPI PPI TR17 ANSI K62.146 Engineering and Product Standards Division 77 m National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium ereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Rec. Std. for Loose Metal End Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Uniform Fire Code: Fruit Ripening Process (Banana, 1 End Dimensions of Composite Cans (211 (66 Mm) Diameter), Std. Spec, for Copper Uniform Building Code Std. for Tin Safety Std. for Swinging Hardware for Std. Tin Std. for Safety for Tin d. for Sliding Hardware for Std., Horizontally Mounted Tin Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium Steel Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy pec. for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Spec, for Nickel Coated Copper Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal propert/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Examination of Fuel Element itutional Textiles (Du/ Std. Performance Requirements and ning the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Std. for Carbide Seats Used with Indexable Inserts for d. for Carbide Chip Breakers Used in Indexable Inserts for Std. for Bushing ■ Std. for Bushing - Std. for Hose ranes Having Rope Supported Booms, Equipped for Hook Work, de Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other de Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other ANSI MH4.8 Std. for 971) Std. Meth. of Test for Flame Propagation class (Building Acoustics Design and Construction) / Std. Uniform Building Code Std. for Soils Std. for Balance erials (1973) Std. Insects, Rodent Hair, and Radiographic Illustration and 1 Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dusts) (1973) Std. for Area Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Production / Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Test for Bauer-McNett Wet Uniform Building Code Std. Test. Meth. for Fire Hazard Std. brick (1970) ANSI Alll. 5 ^ Std. Radiographic Std. for Std. Std. for Voltage Std. for Voltage Std. Tables of Std. Std. ractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine. Chrom/ Std. r Highway Construction Purposes (19/ Std. Rec. Pract. for 974) Std. Qualitative Std. for products (1973) ANSI J8.6 Std. ) for Automotive Applications (1973) ANSI J8.15, SAE J20/ ce in Ionizing Radiation (1971) ANSI N4.1 Std. Test Meth. for Chip Rec. Pract. for Collision Deformation (Damage) Rec. for Flammable Liquid Drum Storage, Dispensing, and Uniform Building Code: Occupancy and General Requirement 1 Species of Lumber (1973/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Tent. Hazard (1971) ASTM D2047, C/ Test. Std. (Procedure) for Products eir Hazardous Potentialities (Safety) (19/ Std. Guide for s and Parts Made Therefrom (1970) ANSI K/ Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Lighting Cotton Rules for Building and Structural Std. Spec, for Compression Joints for Vitrified Structural Structural Structural Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural istic Groups in Rubber Extender and Processing Oils by the Structural Std. Spec, for Vitrified nd Test. Stru/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Principles of Structural Code Std. for and Meth. of Sampling and Test, of Unburned Radiation Protection with Painting Flashing Modular Std. Spec, for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural ode Std. for Building, Facing, and Hollow Brick (Made from 1.22 quipment (1973) NEMA SH3 Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-133 si L14.192 tes) (1963) tes) (1963) notes) (1963) Citrate, Dihydrate Na : ,C„H,0 7 : 2H.O (1972) Citric and Isocitric Acids in Fruit and Its Products (C Citrus Cans 202 (52 Mm) Diameter) (1973) Citrus Fruit) (1973) Citrus Style (1974) Rec. Industry Std. for Loose Meta Clad Aluminum Wire (1972) Clad Fire Doors and Shutters (1973) Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A133.1 Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A142.1 Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A143.1 ' Safety St Clad Plate Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.6 Clad Steel Plate (1973) Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications (1971) ANSI Clad Steel Wire for Electronic Application (1972) Clad Switchgear (1971) ANSI C37.24 Std. Guide for Cladding Including the Determination of the Mechanical Claims for Special Characteristics and Finishes of Inst Clam Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (Construction and Indu Clamp Type Holders (1973) Clamp Type Holders (1973) St Clamp Up, Bronze (1973) Clamp Up, Steel, Cadmium Plated (1973) Clamps (1971) Clamshell, Magnet, Grapple, or Concrete Bucket Attachme Clarified Starch Hydrolyzates (Potassium Chromate Indie Clarified Starch Hydrolzates (Silver-Silver Chloride Classification and Definitions of Bulk Materials (1970) Classification Flooring and Floor Covering Materials (1 Classification for Determination of Sound Transmission Classification for Engineering Purposes (1973) Classification for Flexible Gear Couplings (1974) Classification for Metal Working Fluids and Related Mat Classification in Cereal Grains and Grain Products (Cer Classification in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultura Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations at Classification of Asbestos Fiber (1970) ANSI K91.1 Classification of Building Materials (1973) Classification of Coppers (1973) ANSI H34.43 Classification of Fireclay and High Alumina Refractory Classification of Fusion Weld Discontinuities (1972) Classification of Insulating Fire Brick (1970) ANSI All Classification of Luminaires Used in Roadway Lighting E Classification of Luminaires Used in Street and Highway Classification of Man Made and Natural Fibers (1971) an Classification of Mullite Refractories (1972) Classification of Pig Tin (1972) ANSI H42.1 Classification of Single and Double Screened Ground Ref Classification of Soils and Their Aggregate Mixtures Fo Classification of Surfactants by Infrared Absorption (1 Classification of Unirradiated Plutonium Scrap (1972) Classification System for Carbon Blacks Used in Rubber Classification System for Elastomeric Materials (Rubber Classification System for Polymeric Materials for Servi Classification (Hand Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Classification (Highway Vehicle Accident) (1972) Classification (1972) Classification (1973) Classification, Definition, and Meth. of Grading for Al Classifications for Spark Resistant Construction (1966) Classifications of Organic Peroxides (Plastic) (1974) Classified as to Slip Resistant (Floor Polish and Wax) Classifying and Labeling Epoxy Products According to Th Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced Laminate Classing Rooms for Color Grading (1971) Classing Steel Vessels (1972) Clay Acoustile (Tech Notes) (1961) Clay Bell and Spigot Pipe (1972A) Clay Differential Movement (Cause and Effect) (Tech. No Clay Differential Movement (Expansion Joints) (Tech. No Clay Differential Movement (Flexible Anchorage) (Tech. Clay Facing Tile (Tech. Notes) (1965) Clay Floor Tile (1973) Clay Gel Absorption Chromatographic Meth. (1973) ANSI Z Clay Insulated Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1964) Clay Liner Plates (1972) Clay Load Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling Clay Masonry Construction: Student's Manual (I960) Clay Masonry Process (Tech. Notes) (1966) Clay Masonry Units (1973) Uniform Building Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1961) Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1961) Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1962) Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1963) Clay Nonload Bearing Tile (1971) ANSI A76.1 Clay Nonload Bearing Wall Tile (1973) Clay or Shale) (1973) Uniform Building C ANSI PH4.179 AACCH 04-22 CCT1 E202.1 ICBO UFC*2ART16 CCTI E211.1 ASTM B566 ICBO UBCS43-3 UL 14C UL 10A UL 14B ASTM A263 ASTM B432 ASTM A578 ASTM B559 IEEE 144 ASTM E453 ANSI L24.7.1 SAE J67 ANSI B94.46 ANSI B94.47 NSA 74 NSA 73 SAE J536B SAE J220 CR E-14 CR E-15 CEMA 550 UL 992 ASTM E413 ICBO UBCS29-1 ACMA 515.01 ASTM D2881 AACCH 28-95 ISA S12.10 API RP500B ASTM D2589 ICBO UBCS42-1 ASTM B224 ASTM C27 NSA 1514 ASTM C155 EEI TDJ-133 NEMA SH3 ASTM D2368 ASTM C467 ASTM B339 ASTM C316 ASTM D3282 ASTM D2357 ANSI N15.10 ASTM D1765 ASTM D2000 ASTM D2953 TAPPI UM-13 SAE J224A FMS 8-5 ICBO UBC*3-5 ICBO UBCS25-1 AMCA 401 FMS 7-81 CSMA BUL 12 ANSI K68.1 ASTM D2563 ASTM D1684 ABS '5 BIA 5 ASTM C425 BIA 18 BIA 18A BIA 18B BIA 22 ICBO UBCS24-10 ASTM D2007 BIA 21 ASTM C479 ICBO UBCS24-8 BIA •44 BIA 27 ICBO UBCS24-15 BIA 3 BIA 6 BIA 7A BIA 10A ASTM C56 ICBO UBCS24-9 ICBO UBCS24-1 78 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Std. Spec, for Vitrified hooting Facility Plans: International and Domestic-Trap, Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Spec, for Compression Couplings for Vitrified Cleaning Glossary of Terms Relating to Structural Structural Std. Rec. Pract. for Installing Vitrified Meth. for Viscosity of Coating Guide Spec, for Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Brick and Structural Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Structural Structural in. Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Structural Floors and Pavements of Structural Std. Meth. for Particle Size Analysis of Whiteware fractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine, Chrome Ore, Std. Meth. of Test for Spec, for Powdered Hand Spec, for Powdered Hand Std. Definition of the Term Vacuum ors (1970) Spec, for Safety Std. for Vacuum Cleaning Machines and Blower Std. Spec, for Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Anhydrous) f Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics (Textile) After Dry Std. Spec, for industrial Exhaust Ventilation Syste/ Rec. Pract. for Air td. for Safety Requirements for Commercial Laundry and Dry f Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, 6.1 Safety Std. for Vacuum Std. for Safety for Commercial Dry .33 Std. Rec. Pract. for ontainers / Std. Procedure for Qualifying and Controlling ing Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants / Std. for ms (1971) Rec. Pract. for Flushing and ystems Used for Removal of Water Formed Deposits (Chemical en Pumps for Marine Ser/ Rec. Pract. for the Flushing and hydroelectric Equipment / Rec. Pract for the Flushing and Std. Household Electric Range Pyrolytic Self Uniform Building Code Std. for Class II and Class III Dry Std. Spec, for Hydrocarbon Dry Std. Rec. Pract. for Descaling and Std. for Efficiency Test, of Air Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparing, Spec, for Premium Aircraft Quality Steel Std. Meth. of Test. Meth. for Measurement of Color of Low Colored Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Std. Meth. for Establishing or Grain Sorghum Starch Which Are Substantially Optically ed in Battery Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.53 Std. for regulations and Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Driveway (1972) Std. for ncluding Wheel Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle Braces, Pedal ice for Use by Vehicle Manufacturers in Designing for Tire 2) ANSI Z197.16 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Flash and Fire Points by Std. for Std. for Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Std. for Tube Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Std. equipment (Body Belt, Safety Strap, Lanyard, Pole and Tree 23 Std. Meth. for ole and Tree Climber) (1973) Spec, for Lineman's ) Test Meth. for Electrostatic ices (1971) Rec. Std. Practices for Std. for Safety for Hair Std. for Safety for Household Electric Std. for Screw-100 Deg. Std. for Rivet-100 Deg. Countersunk Head Hi Shear d Bolt (1974) Std. for 100 Deg. Std. for Hi Shear 100 Deg. Flush Std. for Rivet-Flat Head, Hi Shear, Std. for Bolt-Shear, Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, and Nonl/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, (/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, g and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, g and Non/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, 9/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, 1972) ANSI G81.16 icles (1972) ) ANSI G80.1 procedure) (197/ (1972T) Clay or Shale) (1973) ANSI A100.1 Clay Paving Brick (1972) ANSI A37.15 Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Target Spec. (19 Clay Pipe (1972) ANSI A106.5 Clay Plain End Pipe (1973) Clay Products Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1964) Clay Products (Tech. Notes) (1961) Clay Protective Construction (Tech. Notes) (1962) Clay Sewer Pipe (1972) ANSI A106.2 Clay Slurry (1972) Clay Tile and Concrete Slabs (Tech. Notes) (1962) Clay Tile Roofing (1972) Clay Tile (1973) Clay Tile (1973) /Td. for Structural Clay Load Bearing Clay Wall Tile (Tech. Notes) (1966) Clay (Properly Constructed Masonry) Insulated Cavity 6 Clay (Tech. Notes) (1962) Clays (1974) Clays, Diaspore, Canister Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, Magn Cleanability of Surface Finishes (1973) Cleaner (Soap with Borax) (1972T) Cleaner (Soap with Vegetable Scrubber) (1972T) Cleaner (1974) Cleaners for Use on Asphalt and Vinyl Asbestos Tile Flo Cleaners (1973) ANSI C33.36.1 (Cleaning Agent) (1970) ANSI K60.20 Cleaning and Laundering (1972) ANSI L14.269 /Pensity O Cleaning Clay Products Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1964) Cleaning Compound, General Purpose (1972) Cleaning Devices (Air Filters and Dust Collectors) for Cleaning Equipment and Operations (1972) Cleaning Fluids, Flammable Aerosols, etc. with a Flash Cleaning Machines and Blower Cleaners (1973) ANSI C33.3 Cleaning Machines (Class Iv) (1974) Cleaning Metals Prior to Electroplating (1968) ANSI G53 Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Fluid Power Fluid Sample C Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components Dur Cleaning of Gas Turbine Generator Lubricating Oil Syste Cleaning of Industrial Equipment) (1973) /of Solvent S Cleaning of Lubricating Systems of Various Turbine Driv Cleaning of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of Cleaning Ovens (Stove) (1974) Cleaning Plants or Systems (1973) Cleaning Solvents (1971) ANSI Z11.42 Cleaning Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems ( Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Part Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimens (1972 Cleanliness Requirements (Magnetic Particle Inspection Clear and Pigmented Lacquers (1973) Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Color Difference Mete Clear or Pigmented Coatings (1973) Clear Wood Strength Values (1973) Clear (1959) /Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from Corn Clearance Dimensions on the Mating Plates (Patterns) Us Clearance, Installation and Maintenance of Systems and Clearance, Side Marker and Identification Lamps (Light) Clearance, Steering Control, Brakes, Tires and Controls Clearances (1974) / Dimensions for Grown Tires in Serv Cleavage Strength of Metal to Metal Adhesive Bonds (197 Cleveland Open Cup (1972) AASHO T48, ANSI Z11.6 Clevis-Engine Control Rod, Adjustable (1973) Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Clevis Pins and Cotter Pins (1972) Climber) (1973) Spec, for Lineman's Climbing Climbing Drum Peel Test for Adhesives (1962) ANSI Z197. Climbing Equipment (Body Belt, Safety Strap, Lanyard, P Clinging of Textile Fabrics Fabric to Metal Test) (1973 Clinical Research Protocol for Dental Materials and Dev Clipping and Shaving Appliances (1973) ANSI C33.36.2 Clocks (1974) ANSI C33.47 Close Tolerance Flat Head 160,000 psi (1973) Close Tolerance Head and Shank (1973) Close Tolerance Head and Shank, 160,000 psi Short Threa Close Tolerance Head Rivet (1972) Close Tolerance Shank (1973) Close Tolerance (1973) Close Tolerance (1972) Close Tolerance (1972) Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Nonlocking Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self Lockin Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self-Lockin Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Threads, Self Locking Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1 ASTM C32 ASTM C7 NRA •17 ASTM C301 ASTM C594 BIA 20 BIA 2 BIA 3A ASTM C12 TAPPI T648SU BIA 14A CSI 07350 ASTM C67 ICBO UBCS24-8 BIA 22A BIA •26 BIA 14 ASTM C775 ASTM C316 ASTM C756 ASTM D3046 ASTM D3047 ASTM F395 RTI •5 UL 1017 ASTM D595 ASTM D2724 BIA 20 ASTM D2815 ACGIH •1-11 ANSI Z8.1 ICBO UBCS10-1 UL 1017 UL 664 ASTM B322 NFLDP T2.9.2 ANSI N45.2.1 ASME LOS-4C1 ASTM D2790 ASME LOS-2C1 ASME LOS-5C1 AHAM ER-3 ICBO UBCS10-2 ASTM D484 ASTM A 380 ANSI N101.1 ASTM Gl SAE AMS2300B ASTM D333 ASTM E450 ASTM D2697 ASTM D2555 CR F-14 EIA RS156-B ICBO UFC*2ART13 SAE J592E BMA 6/5 TRA 113 ASTM D1062 ASTM D92 NSA 170 NSA 359 NSA 362 ANSI B18.8.1 EEI AP-2 ASTM D1781 EEI AP-2 AATCC 115 ADA •1 UL 1028 UL 826 NSA 517 NSA 525 NSA 1202 NSA 1055 NSA 529 NSA 464 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 6604-20 NSA 4703-16 NSA 6203-20 NSA 4400-16 NSA 6704-20 NSA 4803-16 Engineering and Product Standards Division 79 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nd Nonlo/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Std. for Bolt • Std. for Bolt-100 Deg. Std. for Pan Head, Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Std. for Pan Head, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head and Nonlocking (1972) 1973) 1972) m Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking An/ teel. Self Locking and Nonlocki/ res. Self Locking and Nonlocking (197/ If Locking and Nonlocking (1972/ elf Locking and Nonlocki/ Bolt, 100 Deg. Tri Wing Recess, self Locking and Nonlocking (19/ Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, . Std. for Engineering Specs. Outline for Monochrome Cctv Std. for Flash Points, Std. for Break Mandrel Std. for 450 Deg. F proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Through est for Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Setaflash amel. Lacquer, Varnish, and Related Products) by Setaflash Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Chemicals by Std. for Requirements for Std. for Door Controls • Std. for Builders Door Controls handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Quality Stds. for Woodwork: Standing and Running Trim, Casework, Panelwork, std. for Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures (Lavatory, Water Rec. Spec, for Steel Bi-Fold Std. and Test Procedure for Water Std. for the Electrical Characteristics of Class A h. of Measuring Water Vapor Transmission Through Screw Cap h. of Measuring Application and Removal Torque of Threaded try) (1/ Meth. of Xanthydrol Test for Analysis of Urea in Urease Bromthymol Blue Test Paper for Analysis of Urea in Std. Spec, for High Temperature Glass Std. Spec, for Wire Std. for Laundering of ) (1973) Std. Performance Requirements for Terry Safety Std. for Varnished Test Meth. for Absorbency of Bleached Woven Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose Form Bleached Cotton Std. Spec, for Woven Asbestos n to Porous Substrates (Subjective Ratings) (Paper, Board, neous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) (Bolting 81 Style Fabric, Self Extinguishing (1973) d, 181 Style Fabric, Self Extinguishing (1973) Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Std. for Volume I, Type I, Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Safety for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Safety Std. for Electric Home Laundry Equipment Std. for Safety for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial . Performance Evaluation Procedure for Household (laundry, ANSI L14.69, ASTM D1230 Test Meth. for Flammability of for Appearance of Seams in Wash and Wear Items (Textile / st Meth. for Appearance of Creases in Wash and Wear Items d. for Body Measurements for the Sizing of Girls' Apparel s (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Garments s (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Garments s (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Garments imation of Water Insoluble Impurities in Refined Phenol by real Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of for Fee Determination for Division Services (Individuals, Rec. Pract. for SAE No. 2 (Automotive Transmission) Std. for Industrial Power Take Offs for Overcenter nd Relief Valves in Travel Trailers, Camp Cars and Trailer s (For Foreign and Domestic Passenger Cars, Trucks, Buses, ereal Chemistry) (1973) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Rec. Pract. for bases (1974) Std. Meth. for Calculating Std. Meth. of Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Proximate Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture in the Analysis Sample of Std. Meth. of Test for Ash in the Analysis Sample of Std. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen in the Analysis Sample of eth. of Test for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of of Test for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of Std. Meth. for Ultimate Anaylsis of . Meth. of Test for Total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Rec. for Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Pulverized Safety Guide for Respiratory Protection Against Std. Meth. of Preparing es, Poles, and Timbers for Marine, Land, / Std. Spec, for Rec. Pract. Meth. for Lining Lease Production Tanks with Test Meth. for Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking Close Tolerance, Hexagon Head, Titanium, Short Thread ( Close Tolerance, High Strength (1973) Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Torq Set Machine Screw ( Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titaniu Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, Alloy S Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, A286 AC Close Tolerance, Titanium Alloy (1972) Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Thread, Se Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, S Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, (Closed Circuit Television) Camera Equipment (1974) /EC Closed Cup, Aromatic Chemicals and Isolates (1973) Closed End Blind Rivets (1973) Closed End Self Locking Serrated Head Blind Nut (1974) Closed Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) /. Test Closed Tester (1973) Tent. Meth. of T Closed Tester (1973) /Lash Point of Liquids (Paint, En Closed Tester (1973) ANSI Z11.7 Closed Up Meth. (1973) Closed Van Tvpe Cargo Containers (1971) Closers (1972) (Closers) (1971) Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key Control Systems; Closet and Storage Shelving (1973) Closet and Storage Shelving, Misc. Ornamental Items, St Closet Bowl, Urinal) (1973) Closet Doors and Frames (1972) Closet Flush Tank Ball Cocks (1968) Closure Interchange Circuits (Electronics) (1974) Closure Liners (1973) Std. Met Closures (1973) Std. Met Cloth Bags and Other Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemis Cloth or Sack Fibers, Whole or Ground Cereal Grains, Wh Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) Cloth Sieves for Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI Z23.1 Cloth Toweling (1970) Cloth Towels (Single and Double) (Institutional Textile Cloth Wires and Cables (1971) ANSI C33.73 Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.115 Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.117 Cloth (1973) ANSI L14.133 Cloth, etc.) (1973) Test Meth. for Adhesio Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide Field and Compound Microscope Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 1 Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Polyester Resin Impregnate Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Straw, Spanish Moss, Exc Clothes Dryers (1972) Clothes Dryers, Volume II, Type 2 (1974) Clothes Drying Equipment (Laundry Dryer) (1974) (Clothes Washer and Dryer) (1972) ANSI C33.13 Clothes Washing Equipment (Laundry Washer) (1974) Clothes) Washer (1971) ANSI Z224.1 Clothing Textiles (1962) Clothing) After Home Laundering (1973) ANSI L14.172 (Clothing) After Home Laundering (1973) ANSI L14.173 (Clothing) (1972) (Clothing), Commercial Wash- Whites 190 Deg. F, Colors (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Commercial W (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Drycleanable Cloud Point Depression (1968) ANSI Z78.21 /Ion ; Cloud Point in All Edible Animal and Vegetable Fats (Ce Clubs, and Exhibition Charges) (1974) Uniform Pract. Clutch Friction Test Machine Test Procedure (1972) Clutches (1971) Coaches (1970) Std. for (Backflow Preventers) a Coaches, Tractors, Industrial Road and Misc Equipment) Coagulase Positive Staphylococcus in Cereal Products (C Coagulation Flocculation Jar Test of Water (1974) Coal and Coke Analyses from As-Determined to Different Coal and Coke (1970) ANSI K18.1 Coal and Coke (1972) ANSI K20.6 Coal and Coke (1973) Coal and Coke (1973) Coal and Coke (1973) Coal and Coke (1973) Coal and Coke (1973) Std. M Coal and Coke (1973) Std. Meth. Coal and Coke (1974) Coal and Std. Meth. Coke (1973) Std Coal Fired Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protec Coal Mine Dust (1972) Coal Samples for Analysis (1972) ANSI K20.17 Coal Tar Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of Pil Coal Tar Epoxy (1972) Std /. /E St nd Est NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA EIA EOA IFI NSA STDI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI BHMA NBHA AWI AWI ANSI STDI ASSE EIA ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM NSF ANSI UL AATCC AATCC ASTM TAPPI AACCH SAE SAE ICBO ANSI ANSI UL UL UL AHAM AATCC AATCC AATCC use ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM AACCH PSA SAE SAE IAPMO BCI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ANSI ASTM ASTM NACE 4500-16 6303-20 653 333 1131-38 5200-06 5000-6 5100-6 1266-70 6804-20 4600-16 6403-20 RS312 FP-1 126 1732 116 D3243 D3278 D93 E502 MH5.1.1 A156.4 301 8 •1-600 *1-1 A112.19.2 104 1002 RS410 D3199 D3198 28-86 28-87 D2754 Ell 34 L24.2.5 133 79 82 D1571 UM-540 28-90 AMS3821 AMS3827 UFC*2ART7 Z21.5.1 Z21.5.2 1240 560 1206 HLW-1 33 88B 88C PS54 L24.4.12 L24.4.13 L24.4.14 D2147 56-10 11 J286 J621C TSC8 •1.56 42-30A D2035 D3180 D271 D121 D3172 D3173 D3174 D3179 D3175 D3178 D3176 D3177 6-2 Z88.4 D2013 D390 RP-03-72 80 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Spec, for Enamel Coating System Designations for ped Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, ings: Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, f Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt and Std. Spec, for Creosote me and Specific Gravity Correction Tables for Creosote and Std. Meth. for Collection of a Gross Sample of Relating to Lithologic Classes and Physical Components of Determination of Volume Percent of Physical Components of ctance of the Organic Components in a Polished Specimen of g Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt. Coal Tar Pitch, 972) Rec. Spec, for Optimum Size Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of td. Meth. of Test for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Std. Meth. of Test for Cashmere Std. Spec, for Maximum Cashmere ANSI K42.1 Std. Meth. of Test for neral Requirements for Carbon Steel Wire Rods and Uncoated Std. for rs and Laminations Before Gluing of Southern Pine, Pacific orm Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West ite Fir; And/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir, n Hemlock-Tamarack (Nor/ Uniform Building Code Std. for edge Bend (Applicable to Solution Coil Coatings and Single n (1972) Spec, for Nickel overing for Permanent Wall and Ceilings / Spec, for Vinyl Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Permeance of Rubber Std. Meth. of Test. test Meth. for Weather Resistance of Textile Materials and roof Membranes; Aggregates, Saturated Felts, Saturated and sual Color Matched to Master Specimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, tallic Tubing (19/ Std. for Polyvinyl Chloride Externally 1 Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt nd Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate test Proc. for the Locking Ability Performance of Chemical Rec. Pract. for Resistance Welding ocking Resistance of Organic Coatings When Applied to Coil Std. for Safety for Septic Tanks, Bituminous ven Man Made Fiber Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Meth. for Measuring Blister Resistance of Test Meth. for Carbonates in Test Meth. for Sulfides in Test Meth. for Amount of Coating on Mineral for Coating Pick Tests for Determining Surface Strength of ansi C7.15 Std. Spec, for Lead and Lead Alloy Std. Spec, for Silver Std. Spec, for Nickel oil Co/ Meth. of Preperation and Evaluation of Painted or Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Zinc rrosion (1972T) Meth. of Test. ecording Data from Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of Metallic Std. Spec, for Zinc Std. for Welding Zinc C59.136 Std. Meth. of Test. Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Std. Meth. of Low Temperature Impact Test for Fabrics tors. Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) / Spec, for Aluminum ndu/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) and Aluminum randed Steel Core for Aluminum Condu/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Spec, for Steel Sheets for Culverts and Underdrains, Zinc eets of Structural Quality in Coils, and Cut Lengths, Zinc (1971) ANSI G8.21 Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Lock Forming Quality, Zinc g8.2/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Drawing Quality, Zinc Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc quality (1971) ANSI G8./ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc ad Right of Way Wire Fencing (1973) / Std. Spec, for Zinc Std. Spec, for Zinc tors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Zinc ordinary Uses (/ Std. Spec, for Black and Hot Dipped Zinc nt. Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl led Wheat, Breakfast Cereals (Except Those Which Are Sugar Meth. for Viscosity of plied) (197/ Std. for Cement Mortar Protective Lining and . Spec, for E-CTFE- Fluoroplastic Molding, Extrusion, and . of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and luding Optical Microscopic) Analysis of Mineral Filler and (1973) Spec, for Conversion Spec, for Coating Weight Determination for Conversion test for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Test Meth. for Amount of Steel and Other Hard Materials by Water Blasting Prior to coated Papers Using the Interfiber Bond T/ Test Meth. for Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test/ Std. Meth. of Test. tings (1972) Rec. Spec, /or Enamel Coal Tar or Asphalt Coatings (1972) Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Mat (197 Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, Asphal Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and a Coal Tar Solution (1974) ANSI 011.2 Coal Tar (R1970) Std. Volu Coal (1972) Coal (1972) Std. Definitions of Terms Coal (1972) Std. Meth. for Microscopical Coal (1972) / Microscopical Determination of the Refle Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbe Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Paving (1 Coarse Aggregate (1973) ANSI A37.5 Coarse Concrete Aggregates (1971) AASHO T27, ANSI A37.8 Coarse Hair Content in Cashmere (1971) Coarse Hair Content in Cashmere (1971) Coarse Particles in Pigments, Pastes, and Paints (1972) Coarse Round Wire (1971) ANSI G54.12 /Td. Spec, for Ce Coarse Threaded Stud (1973) Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock by Pressure Proce Coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; and Sitka Coast Region; West Coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; Wh Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Easter Coat Organosols Only) (1974) /and Flexibility by the W Coated Copper Clad Steel Wire for Electronic Applicatio Coated Fabric Coverings for Decorative and Protective C Coated Fabrics (1973) Coated Fabrics (1973) ANSI J2.12 Coated Fabrics: Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure with Wetting ( Coated Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Plastic Roll Mater Coated Fiberboards, and Other Automotive Trim Materials Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Electrical Me Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) /Sphalt, Asphalt and Coa Coated Glass Tube and a Particulate Filter Meth.) (1973 Coated Lock Screws (1973) Std. Coated Low Carbon Steels (1970) Coated Metal (1974) /Termining Pressure Marking and Bl Coated Metal (1974) ANSI A162.1 Coated or Laminated (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Wo Coated Paper in Heatset Printing (1972) Coated Paper (Qualitative) (1973) Coated Paper (Qualitative) (1973) Coated Paper (1973) Coated Papers Using the Interfiber Bond Tester (1973) Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (19674 Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire (1974) ANSI C7.38 Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire (1974) ANSI C7.48 Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments (C Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971) ANSI G53.21 Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971A) ANSI G53.2 Coated Steel Specimens Dynamically for Resistance to Co Coated Steel Specimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for R Coated Steel Wire Strand (1972A) ANSI C7.46 Coated Steel (1972) Coated Tapes Used for Electrical Insulation (1974) ANSI Coated with Flexible Polymeric Materials (1973) Coated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conduc Coated (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Co Coated (Galvanized) and Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) St Coated (Calvanized) by Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.2 Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.2 Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process for Roofing Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process (1973) ANSI Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, Commercial Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Farm Field and Railro Coated (Galvanized) Steel Barbed Wire (1973) ANSI G8.10 Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conduc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Coated (Institutional Textiles) (1973) /Otton Woven Te Coated) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /D Oats, Bulgur, Rol Coating Clay Slurry (1972) Coating for Steel Water Pipe (4 In. and Larger, Shop Ap Coating Materials (1973) Std Coating Materials (1973) Std. Meth Coating of Paper (1973) /Fication and Qualitative (Inc Coating of Titanium Alloys (Fluoride-Phosphate Type) Coating on Aged or Baked Aluminized Steel (Coil) (1974) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece Test (C Coating on Mineral Coated Paper (1973) Coating or Recoating (1972) /for Surface Preparation of Coating Pick Tests for Determining Surface Strength of Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical Coating System Designations for Coal Tar or Asphalt Coa NAPCA BUL 1 ICBO UBCS32-1 UL 55A ICBO UBCS32-1 ASTM D391 ASTM D347 ASTM D2234 ASTM D2796 ASTM D2799 ASTM D2798 UL 55A ACPA 15 ASTM C127 ASTM C136 ASTM D2816 ASTM D2817 ASTM D185 ASTM A510 NSA 183 AWPA C28 ICBO UBCS25-3 ICBO UBCS25-3 ICBO UBCS25-2 NCCA TB-II-10 ASTM B559 CS1 09951 ASTM D815 ASTM D751 AATCC 11 1A NRCA *2-IV SAE J361A NEMA RN1 ICBO UBCS32-1 ASTM D3268 IFI 125 AWS C1.3 NCCA TB-II17 UL 70 ANSI L24.1.10 TAPPI T526SU TAPPI UM-531 TAPPI UM-532 TAPPI UM-542 TAPPI UM-534 ASTM B189 ASTM B298 ASTM B355 NCCA TB III 3 ASTM A491 ASTM A392 ASTM D2933 ASTM G33 ASTM A475 AWS D19.0 ASTM D1000 ASTM D2137 ASTM B341 ASTM B500 ASTM B500 ASTM A444 ASTM A446 ASTM A361 ASTM A527 ASTM A528 ASTM A525 ASTM A526 ASTM A116 ASTM A121 ASTM B498 ASTM A120 ANSI L24.1.1 AACCH 44-15A TAPPI T648SU AWWA C205 ASTM D3275 ASTM D3236 TAPPI T421 SAE AMS2486 NCCA TB-II-8 ASTM A239 TAPPI UM-542 NACE RP-01-72 TAPPI UM-534 ASTM D3214 ASTM D3214 NAPCA BUL 1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 81 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 7 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards on and Preparation of Test Panels for Use in Test. Organic uperstructure (1973) 72) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for ross Secti/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Std. Meth. of Test for Total Rosin Acids Content of atings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Alloy Panels/ Spec, for aged or Baked Aluminized Steel (Coil) (1974) Spec, for zed Steel (Coil) (1/ Spec, for Determination of Phosphate Spec, for Determination of Phosphate taining Treatments on Galvanized Steel Prior to Conversion si G8.18 Std. Spec, for Zinc Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Diffusion Black Oxide Treatment (Part mination of Relative Pencil Hardness of a Paint Film (Coil ermination of Film Adhesion by Cross Hatch Tape Test (Coil ill Chemical Treatments on Galvanized Steel Surfaces (Coil ion for Detecting Chromate Films on Galvanized Sheet (Coil film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes on Mild Steel (Coil tance of Painted Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Steel (Coil coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments (Coil als by Cross Hatch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting (Coil ted Products —Film Thickness of 0.3 MIL or Greater (Coil determination of Deg. of Cure of a Backed Paint Film (Coil (1971) Test Meth. for Exterior (1967) Test Meths. for Interior Panel flexibility by the Wedge Bend (Applicable to Solution Coil Standard for Quality Assurance for Protective . Meth. of Test for Disbonding Characteristics of Pipeline hickness of Transparent or Opaque Metal Oxide and Metallic . Meth. of Test for Moisture Vapor Permeability of Organic 1972) Tent. Rec. Spec, for Asphalt Type Protective or Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior std. Spec, for Castor Oil for Use in Resins and Protective code Std. for Corrosion Resistant Metals (Electrodeposited rous Alloys (1970) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Electrodeposited td. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Glossy Smooth Std. Meth. Test for Electrodeposited Std. Spec, for Electrodeposited . for Coating Weight Determination for Chromate Conversion Std. Meth. of Test for Stain Resistance of Anodic de Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Std. Meth. for Condensation-Humidity Test, of Organic er Failure of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Organic Spec, for Film Thickness Determination of Nonconductive r Nondestructive Measurement of Film Thickness of Pipeline . for Infrared Determination of the Temperature of Applied ation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. Coating Powders and Their h. of Test/ Std. Meth. of Test. Coating Powders and Their mining Pressure Marking and Blocking Resistance of Organic Std. Meth. of Test for Formability of Attached Organic Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline ible Liquids A/ Uniform Fire Code: Manufacture of Organic inment Facilities (1972) Std. Protective . Preparation of Centrifugal Fans and Parts for Protective . Meth. for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Flame Sprayed h. of Test for Steam Distillation of Bituminous Protective Std. for Protective Pipe Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Metallic Std. Meth. of Testing Fatty Acids Used in Protective Std. Meth. of Test for Solids Content of Aerosol Std. Meth. of Test for Bendability of Pipeline Std. Test Meth. for Chemical Resistance of Pipeline Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Pipeline Std. Meth. of Test for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Std. Meth. of Test for Water Penetration into Pipeline eth. of Test for Effects of Outdoor Weathering on Pipeline enamel Coating System Designations for Coal Tar or Asphalt td. Meth. of Measurement of Microhardness of Electroplated Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of Porcelain Enamel Std. Meth. of Test for Chip Resistance of . of Test. Bituminous Base Emulsions for Use as Protective f Test for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Weathering Tests of Latex and Emulsion Exterior Paints or Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Kinetic Friction for Wax std. Meth. for Measuring Chalk Resistance of Exterior Coil environment Test, of Spacecraft Thermal Control Materials ion (75 Ohms) (1973) Std. for Precision Sheet, Strip and Rolled Bar (19/ Std. Spec, for Copper ■ vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched an d Tempered Nickel • Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc-Aluminum ■ Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Coating Systems (Coil) (1974) Guidelines for Selecti Coating Systems (Paint) Guide for Ship Hull, Deck and S Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Principle (19 Coating Thickness by X-Ray Spectrometry (1972) Coating Thicknesses by Microscopical Examination of a C Coating Vehicles (1973) Coating Weight Determination for Chromate Conversion Co Coating Weight Determination for Conversion Coating on Coating Weight on Hot Dip Galvanized and Electrogalvani Coating Weights on Steel (Coil) (1974) Coating (Coil) (1974) /Tion of Hexavalent Chromium Con Coating (Hot Dip) on Assembled Steel Pro. Vets (1973) an Coating (1970) ANSI Z167.24 Coating) (1973) Coating) (1974) Spec, for Deter Coating) (1974) Test Meth. for Del Coating) (1974) Spec, for Detection of M Coating) (1974) Spec, for Spot Test Solut Coating) (1974) Test Meth. for Measurement of Coating) (1974) / Meth. for Measurment of Impact Resis Coating) (1974) /Eration and Evaluation of Painted or Coating) (1974) /Rmination of Film Adhesion on All Met Coating) (1974) /S of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Rela Coating) (1974) /Ting a Solvent Hand Rub Test for the Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood Coatings and Single Coat Organosols Only) (1974) /and Coatings Applied to Nuclear Facilities (1972) Coatings by Direct Soil Burial (1972) Std Coatings by Double Beam Interference Microscope Techniq Coatings Films (1972) Std Coatings for Underground Pipe Lines (Wrapped Systems) ( Coatings in an Environmental Chamber (1973) /of Test F Coatings Including Lacquers (1973) Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromium, Lead, Zinc, or Ca Coatings of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys on Steel and Fer Coatings of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Blends Applied T Coatings of Tin-Lead Alloy (Solder Plate) (1973) Coatings of Tin (1972) Coatings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Alloy Panels (Coil) Coatings on Aluminum (1972) ANSI G53.30 Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxi Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Metallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) Coatings on Metallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) /N, or Oth Coatings on Nonferrous Substrate (Coil, Instrumentation Coatings on Steel (1972) Std. Meth. Fo Coatings on Wood Products During the Curing Cycle (1973 Coatings Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) / Insul Coatings Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Met Coatings When Applied to Coil Coated Metal (1974) /Ter Coatings with Impact Wedge Bend Apparatus (1973) Coatings (Blunt Rod) (1972) Coatings (Falling Weight Test) (1972) Coatings (Limestone Drop Test) (1972) Coatings (Paint), and Handling of Flammable and Combust Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor Conta Coatings (1966) Std Coatings (1969) ANSI Z167.22 Std Coatings (1970) ANSI A109.ll Std. Met Coatings (1971) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Coatings (1972) Std. M Coatings (1972) Rec. Spec, for Coatings (1973) Coatings (1973) Coatings (1973) Coatings (1973) Std. Meth Coatings (1973) Std. Meth. Coatings (1973) /Hingle Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Coatings ( 1973) ANSI Zl 1 .222 Std. Coatings (1974) (Coatings) with Electromagnetic and Particulate Radiatio Coaxial Connectors for CATV (Cable Television) Applicat Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy (Copper Alloy No. 175), Plate, Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium (1972) ANSI G35.26 /Re Cobalt Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Cobalt Base-25.5Cr-10.5Ni-7.5W (1973) Cobalt Base Alloys (1973) /Alysis of High Temperature, NCCA SNAME ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA ASTM ASTM SAE NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA APA APA NCCA ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA NCCA NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ANSI AMCA ASTM ASTM IAPMO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NAPCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM TB-III-5 4-10 B567 B568 B487 D1469 TB-II-2 TB-II-8 TB-II-3 TBII1 TB-II-7 A386 C664 AMS2485F TB-II-12 TB-II-5 TB-II-11 TB-II-9 TB-II-15 TB-II-6 TB-III-3 TB-II-16 TB-II-4 TB-II-18 •4 *5 TB-II-10 N101.4 G19 B588 D1653 RS*1 D3273 D960 UBCS32-6 B200 D3234 B579 B545 TB-II-2 B136 B580 B580 TB-III-6 TBIII-1 TB-II-14 G12 D3259 D3214 D3214 TB-II-17 D3281 G17 G14 G13 UFC»2ART34 N101.2 2601 C633 D255 PS22 B571 D1467 D3062 G10 G20 G6 G8 G9 Gil BUL 1 B578 C743 D3170 D2939 D2697 D1911 D2534 TBIII-8 E512 RS403 B534 A605 B592 AMS5789 E354 82 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ck for High Tempe/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Std. Meth. of Test for Determination of h at Elevated Temperatures (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Iron, Water Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Paper and Paperboard ultry Mashes (Feed) for Prevention of Cecal and Intestinal try Feeds and Premixes for Control of Cecal and Intestinal Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Design and Construction of of Test for Effectiveness of Aerosol Insecticides Against Std. and Test Procedure for Water Closet Flush Tank Ball Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in in Fats and Shortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, High Acid ic, and Sunflower Seeds: Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Std. for Engine Test U.S. Model Rocket Sporting and Safety Std. for Engine Rating Std. Test se Mounted Drum Hoists (1971) s (Electronics) (1973) ANSI C57. 12.90 orms (1972) ) Safety Std. Test Std. Test Southern Building Safety tation of the Control Characters of American National Std. Std. Safety Color Std. for Lighting Inspection Std. for Std. on Systems (1974) Std. ctures (1970) ANSI A9.1 Safety vacate. Rehabilitate. Demolish) (1973) use of Explosives and Blasting Agents (1973) ANSI Z/ aterials (Fire Protection) (1973) and Comments on the National Electrical and Other Structures (1972) 89.1 ansi A169.1 aci 322 to Wood Framing (1973) artitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Fl/ ed Clay Masonry Units (1973) Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) from Clay or Shale) (1973) (1973) 73) ensity of Smoke from the Burning or Dec/ s or Systems (1973) grading for All Species of Lumber (1973/ north). Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (Nor/ rcement (1973) guishment) (1973) and Shingles) (1973) Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furna/ ted Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromiu/ h of Molded Concrete Cylinders (1973) lock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; And/ Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pine/ Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine An/ e and Hemlock. Balsam Fir and Tamarack / Painting of Structural Steel (1973) Field Concrete Cylinders (1973) 973) ural Insulating Board (1973) ngs (1973) 973) aterials (1973) Uniform Std. Rec. Rec. Std. Safety Code (NFPA 70) and Std. for Bu Std. Bu Std. for Bu Std. for Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Uniform Bu Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Sto Cobalt in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) Cobalt, and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for High Strengt (Cobb Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Coccidiosis in Chickens (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Po Coccidiosis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Oxaline in Poul Cockpits and Scuppers (Boats) (1972) Cockroaches (1972) Std. Meth. Cocks (1968) Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kap Cocoa (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Coconut Oil, etc.) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /E Matter Coconut, and Palm Oils) (1974) /Sesame, Safflower, Ole Code-Spark Ignition and Diesel (1971) Code and Engine Std. (1973) Code Diesel (1971) Code for Air Moving Devices (1967) Code for Architectural Design Competitions (1972) Code for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings: Ba Code for Direct Current Machines (1973) Code for Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformer Code for Dwelling House Construction (1973) Code for Fabricated Stage and Scaffold Planks and Platf Code for Identification of Piping Systems Content (1973 Code for Information Interchange (1973) /Phic Represen Code for Marking Physical Hazards (1971) Code for Motor Vehicles (1973) Code for Power Piping (1973) Code for Pressure Petroleum Refinery Piping (1973) Code for Pressure Piping: Liquid Petroleum Transportati Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Stru Code for Semiconductor Power Converters (1973) Code for Shipboard Hull Vibration Measurements (1969) Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Repair, Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Code for Transportation, Storage and Use of Explosive M Code for Vertical Shoring (1968) Code Requirements by OSHA (1973) Rec. Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (1971) ANSI a Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete (1972) Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete (1972) Code Std. for Adhesives for Fastening Gypsum Wallboard Code Std. for Adhesives (1973) Code Std. for Admixtures for Concrete (1973) Code Std. for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar (1973) Code Std. for Aggregates for Grout (1973) Code Std. for Airborne Sound Insulation Field Test of P Code Std. for Aluminum Structures (1973) Code Std. for and Meth. of Sampling and Test, of Unburn Code Std. for Asbestos Cement Roofing Shingles (1973) Code Std. for Blower, Fan, and Exhaust System for Dust, Code Std. for Building, Facing, and Hollow Brick (Made Code Std. for California Redwood Lumber (1973) Code Std. for Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems Code Std. for Cast Building Stone (1973) Code Std. for Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film (19 Code Std. for Chamber Meth. of Test for Measuring the D Code Std. for Class II and Class III Dry Cleaning Plant Code Std. for Classification, Definition, and Meth. of Code Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch ( Code Std. for Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinfo Code Std. for Combination Standpipe Systems (Fire Extin Code Std. for Composition Roofing (Class C Sheet (Roll) Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Code Std. for Concrete Building Brick (1973) Code Std. for Concrete Reinforcement Bars (1973) Code Std. for Concrete Tests (1973) Code Std. for Corrosion Resistant Metals (Electrodeposi Code Std. for Determining the Splitting Tensile Strengt Code Std. for Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Coast Hem Code Std. for Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Code Std. for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock- Code Std. for Eastern White and Red Pine, Eastern Sprue Code Std. for Erection, Fabrication, Identification and Code Std. for Evaluation of Compression Test Results in Code Std. for Expansion Index Test for Soil (1973) Code Std. for Exterior Plaster Liquid Bonding Agents (1 Code Std. for Fiberboard Nail Base Sheathing and Struct Code Std. for Field Tests for Grout and Mortar (1973) Code Std. for Fire Alarm Systems for High-Rise Buildi Code Std. for Fire Dampers (1973) Code Std. for Fire Retardant Roof Covering Materials (1 Code Std. for Fire Tests of Building Construction and M Code Std. for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies (1973) Code Std. for Fire Tests of Window Assemblies (1973) ASTM A639 ASTM D2373 ASTM A567 ASTM D3285 AACCH 18-25 AACCH 18-35 ABYC H4 ASTM D3095 ASSE 1002 ICBO UFC*2ART7 AACCH 30-12 AACCH 44-30 NIOP »] SAE J316B NAR *] SAE J270 AMCA 210 AIOA J331 ANSI B30.7 IEEE 113 IEEE 262 SBCC •18 ALI •1 FMS 9-9 ANSI X3.32 ANSI Z53.1 SAE J599C ANSI B31.1 ANSI B31.3 ANSI B31.4 NFPA 101 NEMA PV 3 SNAME C-l ICBO UBC*6 NFPA 495 FMS 7-28 SSI »2 FMS 5-7S ANSI A58.1 ACI 318 ACI 322 ANSI A 169.1 ICBO UBCS47-2 ICBO UBCS25-19 ICBO UBCS26-9 ICBO UBCS24-22 ICBO UBCS24-24 ICBO UBCS35-3 ICBO UBCS28-1 ICBO UBCS24-15 ICBO UBCS32-9 ICBO UBCS10-3 ICBO UBCS24-1 ICBO UBCS25-7 ICBO UBCS38-2 ICBO UBCS24-14 ICBO UBCS48-2 ICBO UBCS52-2 ICBO UBCS10-2 ICBO UBCS25-1 ICBO UBCS25-2 ICBO UBCS24-16 ICBO UBCS38-3 ICBO UBCS32-3 ICBO UBCS26-2 ICBO UBCS24-3 ICBO UBCS26-4 ICBO UBCS26-10 ICBO UBCS32-6 ICBO UBCS26-12 ICBO UBCS25-3 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-8 ICBO UBCS25-5 ICBO UBCS27-2 ICBO UBCS26-11 ICBO UBCS29-2 ICBO UBCS47-1 ICBO UBCS25-24 ICBO UBCS24-23 ICBO UBCS18-1 ICBO UBCS43-7 ICBO UBCS32-7 ICBO UBCS43-1 ICBO UBCS43-2 ICBO UBCS43-4 Engineering and Product Standards Division 83 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) Veneer Plaster (1973) (1973) and Bolted Parts (1973) s (1973) nits (1973) ing Systems (1973) 973) roofing) (1973) of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (S/ crete (1973) preservative Treatment by Pressure Proc/ fractory Bricks (1973) ron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connec/ t Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt/ ile and for Lay in Panel Ceilings (1973/ tal Accessories (Designed for Use as a / (1973) ) her Than Gypsum (1973) (1973) for Gypsum Plaster (1973) ents (1973) crete Construction (1973) (1973) abs, and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms / ctangular and Square) Brass Wire (1973) ratures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ig/ ite Construction (1973) lling Systems (1973) Industrial (1973) oses (1973) (1973) and Rafters (1973) uctural Members (1973) ed Stainless Steel Structural Members (/ ingles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Boa/ ete Reinforcement (1973) (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol,/ x-Ray Nitrocellulose Films (1973) n of Structural Steel Members (1973) d Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Stru/ (1973) framing (1973) od Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Bea/ as and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole / oducts (1973) er (1973) Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light / Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Std. Std. Std. Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Codt Cod< Codt Cod« Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Cod< Cod< Cod< Cod< Cod< Codt Cod* Cod< Cod* Cod< Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Cod« Cod< Cod< Code Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Code Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. : Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. or Glass, Its Defects and Safety Glazing (19 or Gypsum Backing Board (1973) or Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster and Gypsum or Gypsum Lath (1973) or Gypsum Molding Plaster (1973) or Gypsum Partition Tile or Block (1973) or Gypsum Plastics (1973) or Gypsum Sheathing Board (1973) or Gypsum Wallboard Tape and Joint Compound or Gypsum Wallboard (1973) . or Gypsum (1973) or Hand Split Shakes (1973) or High Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts, Washers, or Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Unit or Hollow Nonload Bearing Concrete Masonry U or Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes (1973) or Impact Sound Insulation (1973) or in Place Density of Soils (1973) or Installation of Automatic Fire Extinguish or Installation of Fire Doors and Windows (1 or Keene's Cement (1973) or Kraft Waterproof Building Paper (Weatherp or Laboratory Determination and Measurement or Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Con or Lime (1973) or Lumber, Timber, Plywood and Utility Pole or Machine Made and High Alumina Fireclay Re or Masonry Cement for Use in Mortars (1973) or Mat Formed Wood Particleboard (1973) or Material Spec, for Structural Steel and I or Materials for Use in Construction of Buil or Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical T or Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric Laths, and Me or Meth. of Test for Concrete Masonry Units or Mineral Roofing Aggregates (1973) or Moisture Density Relations of Soils (1973 or Mortar for Unit and Reinforced Masonry Ot or Natural Slate Roof Shingles (1973) or Noncombustible Elementary Materials Test. or Open Web Steel Joist Design (1973) Perlite, Vermiculite and Sand Aggregates Plastic Materials (1973) or Portland Cement and Blended Hydraulic Cem or Prestressed Steel Strand and Wire for Con or Processed Pulverized Quicklime (1973) or Proscenium Curtains (1973) or Quicklime (Lime) for Structural Purposes or Ready Mixed Concrete (1973) or Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and Precast SI or Roofing Asphalt (1973) or Roofing Tile (1973) or Round Timber Piles (1973) or Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Flat (Re or Sampling and Test. Brick (1973) or Sand-Lime Building Brick (1973) or Sawn Wood Shingles (1973) or Self and Flash Ignition Properties (Tempe or Shear Connectors (Steel Studs) for Compos or Sheet Metals (1973) or Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signa or Softwood Plywood Lumber, Construction and or Soils Classification for Engineering Purp or Solid Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units or Southern Pine Lumber (1973) or Spaced Column Design (1973) or Span Tables for Floor and Ceiling Joists, or Spec, and Design of Cold Formed Steel Str or Spec, and Design of Light Gauge Cold Form or Special Purpose Roofs (Wood Shakes and Sh or Steel Bar and Rod Mats (Sheets) for Concr or Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids or Storage and Handling of Photographic and or Stress Variation or Stress Reversal Desig or Structural Clay Floor Tile (1973) or Structural Clay Load Bearing Wall Tile an or Structural Clay Nonload Bearing Wall Tile or Structural Floor and Roof Plank and Beam or Structural Glued Built Up Members-Plywo or Structural Glued Laminated Timber (1973) or Structural Glued Laminated Timbers: Dougl or Structural Rivet Steel (1973) or Test for Glue Joints in Laminated Wood Pr or Test. Gypsum Plasters and Concrete (1973) or Tests for Structural Glued Laminated Lumb or Timber Connector and Bolted Joints, Drift or Tin Clad Fire Doors and Shutters (1973) ICBO UBCS54-1 ICBO UBCS47-6 ICBO UBCS47-H ICBO UBCS47-7 ICBO UBCS47-12 ICBO UBCS24-11 ICBO UBCS47-8 ICBO UBCS47-9 ICBO UBCS47-5 ICBO UBCS47-10 ICBO UBCS24-12 ICBO UBCS32-8 ICBO UBCS27-7 ICBO UBCS24-4 ICBO UBCS24-6 ICBO UBCS24-19 ICBO UBCS35-2 ICBO UBCS70-2 ICBO UBCS38-1 ICBO UBCS43-5 ICBO UBCS47-11 ICBO UBCS17-1 ICBO UBCS35-1 ICBO UBCS26-3 ICBO UBCS47-15 ICBO UBCS25-12 ICBO UBCS37-1 ICBO UBCS24-17 ICBO UBCS25-25 ICBO UBCS27-1 ICBO UBCS32-1 ICBO UBCS47-16 ICBO UBCS47-4 ICBO UBCS24-7 ICBO UBCS32-5 ICBO UBCS70-1 ICBO UBCS24-21 ICBO UBCS32-10 ICBO UBCS4-1 ICBO UBCS27-4 ICBO UBCS47-3 ICBO UBCS52-1 ICBO UBCS26-1 ICBO UBCS26-7 ICBO UBCS24-20 ICBO UBCS6-1 ICBO UBCS2418 ICBO UBCS26-13 ICBO UBCS24-13 ICBO UBCS32-2 ICBO UBCS32-12 ICBO UBCS25-14 ICBO UBCS32-13 ICBO UBCS24-25 ICBO UBCS24-2 ICBO UBCS32-11 ICBO UBCS52-3 ICBO UBCS27-8 ICBO UBCS32-4 ICBO UBCS43-6 ICBO UBCS25-9 ICBO UBCS29-1 ICBO UBCS24-5 ICBO UBCS25-6 ICBO UBCS25-15 ICBO UBCS25-21 ICBO UBCS27-9 ICBO UBCS27-10 ICBO UBCS32-14 ICBO UBCS26-5 ICBO UBCS10-1 ICBO UBCS48-1 ICBO UBCS27-3 ICBO UBCS24-10 ICBO UBCS24-8 ICBO UBCS24-9 ICBO UBCS25-22 ICBO UBCS25-18 ICBO UBCS25-10 ICBO UBCS2511 ICBO UBCS27-5 ICBO UBCS25-20 ICBO UBCS24-26 ICBO UBCS25-23 ICBO UBCS25-17 ICBO UBCS43-3 84 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards c for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) and Connections in Reinforced Concrete / nd Axial Loading Combined (1973) ative Treatment (1973) Building Materials (1973) Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Line Color Std. Fastener National Std. Plumbing Rec. and Comments on the National Electrical aintenance of Heating, Ventilating, C/ Uniform Mechanical Uniform Housing Std. Lifeboat Rec. Pract. for Lighting Identification Structural Welding Flammable and Combustible Liquids Std. for Agricultural Tractor Test Agricultural Tractor Test National Electrical Safety Uniform Swimming Pool Uniform Building Uniform Sign Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing Std. for Instrumentation Symbols and Identification Southern Std. Cas Southern Std. Building Std. for Magnetic Stripe Encoding cryst/ Std. Meth. for Assigning Alloy Phase Designations (1973) (National Board Inspection tion Intercha/ Std. for Structure for the Identification es for the Radio Installations (National Electrical Safety ric Supply Lines and Equipment (National Electrical Safety ng AC and DC Electrical Wiring on Boats and Engines (Color upply and Communications Lines (National Electrical Safety ations. Rod End Configurations, Dimensional Identification e of Electrical Supply Statio/ National Electrical Safety (Including the District of Colu/ Std. for Identification nstructions, and Conta/ Rec Pract. for Symbols and Color Guide for Ceramic Tile in Building Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing L'niform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Building LTniform Plumbing Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building LIniform Building rs (1973) , Lacquer, Stain, etc.) (1973) ial Handling Plants (1973) uterium. Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypto/ Iks (1973) 73) terations (1973) Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Fire Nitrocellulose) (1973) Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing Uniform Fire Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building 73) Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing ) Uniform Fire Uniform Fire nd Open Burning. Combustible and Flammable / Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Fire cial Wastes (1973) Uniform Plumbing Code Std. for Veneer Application Dampers (1973) Code Std. for Water Resistant Gypsum Backing Board (197 Code Std. for Welded Steel Wire and Deformed Wire Fabri Code Std. for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts Code Std. for Welding (1973) Code Std. for Wood Members Subjected to Both Flexural a Code Std. for Wood Poles That Are to Be Given a Preserv Code Std. Test. Meth. for Fire Hazard Classification of Code System for Welding Wire Identification (1973) Code System for Welding Wire Identification (1973) Code Words for Aluminum Electrical Conductor (1972) Code (Aerospace Lockbolts, Rivets, Bolts) (1973) Code (Including Definitions) (1973) Code (NFPA 70) and Code Requirements by OSHA (1973) Code (Requirements for the Installation, Control, and M Code (Residential Buildings) (1973) Code (1968) Code (1971) Code (1972) Code (1972) Code (1972) Code (1972) SAE J708C Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) Code (1973) (Code) for Credit Cards (1973) (Code) in Metallic Systems Based on the Composition and Code) Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (Code) of the Countries of the United States for Informa Code) (1940) Rul Code) (1973) Rules for the Operation of Elect Code) (1973) Requirements and Rec. Meth. of Identifyi Code) (1973) /Nd Maintenance of Underground Electric S Code, and Mounting Dimensions for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Code, Part 1: Rules for the Installation and Maintenanc Codes and Abbreviations for States of the United States Codes for Lubricant and Fluid Requirement Maintenance I Codes (1972) Code: Agricultural Buildings (1973) Code: Airports, Heliports, Helistops and Aircraft Hange Code: Aluminum (1973) Code: Application of Flammable Finishes (Paint, Varnish Code: Automobile Tire Rebuilding Plants (1973) Code: Automobile Wrecking and Junk Yards or Waste Mater Code: Battery Drainage System (1973) Code: Bowling Alleys (1973) Code: Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film (1973) Code: Cellulose Nitrate Plastics (Pyroxylin) (1973) Code: Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Code: Compressed Gases (1973) Code: Concrete (1973) Code: Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxide, De Code: Definitions and Abbreviations (1973) Code: Drainage Systems (1973) Code: Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Wa Code: Excavation and Grading (1973) Code: Excavations, Foundations, and Retaining Walls (19 Code: Existing Buildings: Minimum Safety Requirement Al Code: Exits and Stairs (1973) Code: Explosives and Blasting Agents (1973) Code: Film Storage and Handling (Photographic and X-Ray Code: Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) Code: Fire Resistive Std. (1973) Code: Fire Zone Requirements (1973) Code: Fireworks (1973) Code: Fixtures (1973) Code: Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1973) Code: Flooring (1973) Code: Foundations and Retaining Walls (1973) Code: Framing-General (1973) Code: Fruit Ripening Process (Banana, Citrus Fruit) (19 Code: Fuel Gas Piping (1973) Code: Fumigation and Thermal Insecticidal Fogging (1973 Code: Garage (1973) Code: General Precautions for Prevention (Incinerator a Code: Glass and Glazing (1973) Code: Hazardous Chemicals (1973) Code: High Piled Combustible Stock (Storage) (1973) Code: Indirect Waste Piping, Wet Vented Systems and Spe ICBO UBCS30-1 ICBO UBCS47-13 ICBO UBCS26-6 ICBO UBCS26-8 ICBO UBCS27-6 ICBO UBCS25-I6 ICBO UBCS25-13 ICBO UBCS42-1 SAE AMS2815M SAE AMS2816K AA •31 NSA 523 NAPHC ♦1 FMS 5-7S ICBO UMC»7 ICBO UBC*5 SNAME 4-2A SAE J759B AWS Dl.l NFPA 30 SAE J708C ASAE S209.4 ANSI C2 IAPMO •1 ICBO UBC*3 ICBO UBC«4 ICBO UBC»8 ICBO UFC*2 ICBO UPC*1 ISA S5.1 SBCC *1 SBCC »6 ANSI X4.16 ASTM E157 NBBPV »1 ANSI X3.31 ANSI C2.5 ANSI C2.4 ABYC E3 ANSI C2.3 NFLDP T3.6.I1 ANSI C2.1 ANSI X3.38 SAE J223 TCA •4 ICBO UBC»3-15 ICBO UFC*2ART33 ICBO UBC*3-28 ICBO UFC*2ART14 ICBO UFC»2ART2 ICBO UFC»2ART3 ICBO UPC*1-H ICBO UFC*2ART4 ICBO UFC»2ART5 ICBO UFC*2ART6 ICBO UBC*8-6 ICBO UFC*2ART8 ICBO UBC*3-26 ICBO UFC*2ART36 ICBO UBC*3-4 ICBO UPC*14 ICBO UBC*3-51 ICBO UBC»3-70 ICBO UBC*3-29 ICBO UBC*3-13 ICBO UBC*8-13 ICBO UFC*2ART11 ICBO UBC*3-48 ICBO UBC'3-38 ICBO UBC*343 ICBO UBC*3-16 ICBO UFC*2ART12 ICBO UPC«l-9 ICBO UFC*2ART15 ICBO UBC-8-8 ICBO UBC'8-5 ICBO UBC»8-7 ICBO UFC*2ART16 ICBO UPC»1-12 ICBO UFC*2ART17 ICBO UFC'2ART18 ICBO UFC*2ART27 ICBO UBC«3-54 ICBO UFC«2ART19 ICBO UFC*2ART35 ICBO UPC » 1-6 Engineering and Product Standards Division 85 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards A/ Code: Industrial Baking and Drying Ovens (1973) Code: Interior Walls and Ceiling Finish (1973) Code: Joints and Connections (1973) Code: Legal Requirements (Permit, Plans and Spec., Insp Code: Light, Ventilation, Sanitation, Fire Warning Dete Code: Liquefied Petroleum Gases (1973) Code: Location on Lot (1973) Code: Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants (1973) Code: Magnesium (1973) Code: Maintenance of Exit Ways (1973) , Code: Manufacture of Organic Coatings (Paint), and Hand Code: Masonry or Concrete Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Bar Code: Masonry (1973) Code: Matches (1973) Code: Mechanical Refrigeration (1973) Code: Medium Pressure Gas Piping Systems (1973) Code: Minimum Facilities Required for School, Theater, Code: Mobile Home (Trailer) Parks (1973) Code: Motion Picture Projection Rooms (1973) Code: Motion Picture Projection (1973) Code: Occupancy and General Requirement Classification Code: Oil Burning Equipment (1973) Code: Patio Covers (1973) Code: Penthouses and Roof Structures (Tower, Spire) (19 Code: Permanent Occupancy (1973) Code: Permits and Inspections (1973) Code: Places of Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing Stands, G Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Plastering and Installation of Wallboard Lathing Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Plastering (1973) nels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth / Uniform Building Code: Plastics (General, Exterior Light Transmitting Pa Uniform Building Code: Prefabricated Construction (1973) Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Plumbing Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Fire Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing Uniform Plumbing Uniform Plumbing Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Fire ection)/ ctor (1/ ling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids becues (1973) auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Office/ (1973) 73) randstands, Bleachers, etc.) (1973) (1973) Uniform Fire Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building nd Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Drivew/ Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing 73) Uniform Plumbing m Corrosion for Underground Pipe, Fittings / Uniform Fire ection and Tanks Containing Flammable or Co/ Uniform Fire ions Over Public Property (Pedestrian P/ Uniform Building Uniform Building d Wall Furnaces, Floor Furnaces, and / Uniform Mechanical Uniform Fire Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Plumbing Uniform Building Uniform Fire Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing Uniform Fire Uniform Plumbing ng) (19/ Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building tic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Protectio/ Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Plumbing Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Uniform Plumbing Uniform Plumbing Uniform Building Uniform Fire Uniform Building Std. Rec. Pract. for cavity / ewing Stands, Bleachers, and Grandstand/ n, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow/ Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel/ concrete e (1973) d and Components, Timber, Preservative / ast and Wrought (1973) sc/ Std. Underwater Accident Report Form (Acquisition and Industry Quality Std. Format and Std. for Color Std. for Service Time e Fittings (1972) Rec. Pract. for Code: Prevention of Dust Explosions (1973) Code: Private Garages and Carports (1973) Code: Protection, Authority, Departmental Regulations a Code: Rainwater Systems, Roof Drains and Piping (1973) Code: Rec. Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System (19 Code: Recommended Guide to Safe Practice Protection Fro Code: Recommended Safeguards and Practices for the Prot Code: Regulations for Use of Public Streets and Project Code: Regulations Governing Fallout Shelters (1973) Code: Requirements for Vented Decorative Appliances, an Code: Rifle Ranges (1973) Code: Roof Construction and Covering (1973) Code: Roof Coverings (1973) Code: Roof Framing (1973) Code: Sewers and Private Sewage Disposal Systems (1973) Code: Skylights (1973) Code: Smoking (1973) Code: Softwood Plywood Paneling (1973) Code: Solid, Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Code: Sound Transmission Control (Acoustics) (1973) Code: Stages and Platforms (1973) Code: Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildings, Revi Code: Steel and Iron (1973) Code: Storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres (Cotto Code: Suppression and Control of Hazardous Areas (1973) Code: Swimming Pools (1973) Code: Tents and Air Supported Structures (1973) Code: Traps and Interceptors (1973) Code: Valley Flashing (Sheet Metal for Roof Waterproofi Code: Veneer (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Tile, Metal, Plas Code: Veneered Walls (1973) Code: Vents and Venting (1973) Code: Wall and Ceiling Coverings (1973) Code: Wall Framing and Weather Protection (1973) Code: Wallboard (1973) Code: Water Distribution (1973) Code: Water Heaters and Vents (1973) Code: Weights of Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Code: Welding and Cutting, Calcium Carbide and Acetylen Code: Wood Members and Their Fastenings (Lumber, Plywoo Codification of Certain Nonferrous Metals and Alloys, C Codification of Data Derived from the Investigation of Coding for Computer Output Microfilm (1971) Coding of Electrical Wires and Cables (1974) Coding of Propulsion Engine Items (1971) ANSI B141.8 Coding System for Identification of Tube, Pipe, and Hos Rec. Std. Door Type Nomenclature (Coding) (1972) (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Hall Mobility and Hall Coefficient in Extrinsic Semiconductor Single Crystals Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum / Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Friction and Wear Characteristics of Dry Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Friction, Yarn to Metal (1972T) ANSI Z11.222 Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Kinetic Friction for Wax Coatings (1973) fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid fiberboard (Inclined Plane Meth.)/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Glass Stress Optical Coefficient (1973) re, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Strength, Materials wkh Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Steels (1970) Ans ICBO UFC*2ART25 ICBO UBC»3-42 ICBO UPC*l-8 ICBO UBC'8-1 ICBO UBC*8-3 ICBO UFC*2ART20 ICBO UBC*8-2 ICBO UFC»2ART21 ICBO UFC*2ART22 ICBO UFC»2ART10 ICBO UFC*2ART34 ICBO UBC»3-37 ICBO UBC*3-24 ICBO UFC»2ART23 ICBO UFC»2ART28 ICBO UPC*1-F ICBO UPC*1C ICBO UPC'1-E ICBO UBC»3-40 ICBO UFC»2ART32 ICBO UBC«3-5 ICBO UFC»2ART24 ICBO UBC*3-49 ICBO UBC'3-36 ICBO UBC*3-45 ICBO UBC'3-3 ICBO UFC'2ART26 ICBO UBC»814 ICBO UBC»8-15 ICBO UBC*3-52 ICBO UBC*3-50 ICBO UFC-2ART9 ICBO UBC*8-4 ICBO UFC*2ART13 ICBO UPC*1-D ICBO UPC*1-A ICBO UFC*2B ICBO UFC»2A ICBO UBC*3-44 ICBO UBC*3-57 ICBO UMC*7-1 ICBO UFC*2C ICBO UBC*3-32 ICBO UBC*8-18 ICBO UBC*8-9 ICBO UPC*1-11 ICBO UBC»3-34 ICBO UFC*2ART29 ICBO UBC*8-17 ICBO UBC*8-11 ICBO UBC*3-35 ICBO UBC*3-39 ICBO UBC»3-33 ICBO UBC»3-27 ICBO UFC*2ART7 ICBO UFC*2E ICBO UPC*1-G ICBO UFC*2ART30 ICBO UPC*l-7 ICBO UBC*8 19 ICBO UBC*3 30 ICBO UBC»8 12 ICBO UPC*1 5 ICBO UBC*3 47 ICBO UBC'8 10 ICBO UBC'8 16 ICBO UPC»1 10 ICBO UPC»1 13 ICBO UBC*3 23 ICBO UFC*2ART31 ICBO UBC*3-25 ASTM B275 ANSI Z86.2 NMA MS2 NEMA WC30 SAE AS1105 SAE J846C STDI 106 ASTM F76 ASTM D2716 ASTM D3108 ASTM D2534 ASTM D3247 ASTM D3248 ASTM C770 ASTM A453 86 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1) Heat Transmission w) (1968) Friction Std. Meth. of Test for Kinetic 33,11.1 Std. for Safety for Household Electric Griddles, etc.) (1973) Std. for Gas Counter Appliances atu/ Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Deformation and ement (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion and Z167.22 Std. Meth. for Adhesion or 71) Std. for Sound Rating of Room Fan Std. Meth. of Salt Spray (Fog) Test, for Spec. Purposes Std. Spec, for Machine and Sprocket nd Blocking Resistance of Organic Coatings When Applied to determination of Relative Pencil Hardness of a Paint Film r Determination of Film Adhesion by Cross Hatch Tape Test of Mill Chemical Treatments on Galvanized Steel Surfaces solution for Detecting Chromate Films on Galvanized Sheet t of Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes on Mild Steel resistance of Painted Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Steel d or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments 1 Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting Related Products —Film Thickness of 0.3 MIL or Greater the Determination of Deg. of Cure of a Backed Paint Film and Flexibility by the Wedge Bend (Applicable to Solution Std. Meth. for Measuring Chalk Resistance of Exterior nd Conditioning) (1966) Std. radation of Electrical Insulating Varnishes by the Helical Safety Std. for Room Type Fan . for Determination of Phosphate Coating Weights on Steel -Humidity Test, of Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces for Conversion Coating on Aged or Baked Aluminized Steel n of Test Panels for Use in Test. Organic Coating Systems Weight on Hot Dip Galvanized and Electrogalvanized Steel nversion Coatings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Alloy Panels acquer, and Related Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces reatments on Galvanized Steel Prior to Conversion Coating troleum) Gas Cyli/ Std. for Safety for Pigtail, Expansion ination of Nonconductive Coatings on Nonferrous Substrate Std. for Smooth Wall si H38.18 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Round Std. for Consumable Electric Covered Bare Straight and Std. Part Pins, Spring, Slotted and Rec. for Std. for Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Air Heating tem9 for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form Wound Stator Di/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets of Structural Quality in laundry Dryer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Electric (Laundry Washer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Electric Meth. for Top Side of Filled Paper as Indicated by Silver 74) Std. Meth. for Calculating Coal and std. Meth. of Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Std. Meth. of Drop Shatter Test for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Coal and Std. Meth. of Test for Proximate Analysis of Coal and d. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and Porosity of Lump . Meth. of Test for Ash in the Analysis Sample of Coal and h. of Test for Moisture in the Analysis Sample of Coal and h. of Test for Nitrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and est for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal and for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Std. Meth. Std. Meth. for Ultimate Anaylsis of Coal and 3) ANSI A149.12 (Wet Type) (1972) ANSI A111.29 ease Type Sealants (1972) ow Room Temperature (1966) An/ tory Brick and Shapes (1972) Ansi/ condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125/ and Flaring (1972) ANSI A50.3 g Steel Bars and Shapes (1/ 4/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. Test for Uv Std. Spec, for Enclosures, Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. for Welded and Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Std. Spec, for al) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Hot Rolled and Std. Spec, for Std. Quality kel Manganese Steel Bars 1/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and re for Nuclear Application/ Std. Spec, for Hot Roiled and plications (1972) ANSI Z17/ Std. Spec, for Hot Worked and ponent/ Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled and d. Recommendations for Die Cavity and Cutoff Die Sizes for orm Building Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Light Gauge Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Tubing in Rounds and Shapes (1973) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Manual of Std. Tooling Nomenclature for Solid Die Two Blow ws (1971) ANSI G54.14 Std. Spec, for Coefficients of Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (196 Coefficients of Chopped Forages (Grass, Corn, Hay, Stra Coefficients of Friction of Plastics (1972) Coffee Makers and Brewing Type Appliances (1972) ANSI C (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food Dish Warmers, Hot Plates and Cohesion of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of Hveem Appar Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Mov Cohesive Strength of Flame Sprayed Coatings (1969) ANSI Coil Air Conditioners Delivering Less Than 1500 cfm (19 (Coil Coating) (1974) ASTM B117 Coil Chain (1972) ANSI G61.5 Coil Coated Metal (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) (Coil Coating) (1974) /Termining Pressure Marking a Spec, for Test Meth. Fo Spec, for Detection Spec, for Spot Test Test Meth. for Measuremen / Meth. for Measurment of Impact /Eration and Evaluation of Painte /Rmination of Film Adhesion on Al /S of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and /Ting a Solvent Hand Rub Test for Coil Coatings and Single Coat Organosols Only) (1974) Coil Coatings (1974) Coil Face Areas for Central Station Units (Air Moving a CoU Meth. (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Deg CoU Units (Heating and Cooling) (1973) ANSI Z25.1 (Coil) (1974) Spec (Coil) (1974) Std. Meth. for Condensation (Coil) (1974) Spec, for Coating Weight Determination (Coil) (1974) Guidelines for Selection and Preparatio (Coil) (1974) /. for Determination of Phosphate Coating (Coil) (1974) /Ing Weight Determination for Chromate Co (CoU) (1974) /N, or Other Failure of Paint, Varnish, L (Coil) (1974) /Tion of Hexavalent Chromium Containing T Coil, and Flexible Connector Fittings for LP (Liquid PE (Coil, Instrumentation) (1974) /R Film Thickness Determ Coilable Polyethylene Electrical Plastic Duct (1972) Coiled Tubes for General Purpose Applications (1973) an Coiled Welding Electrodes and Rods (1972) Coiled, Heavy Duty (1973) Coiling Polyethylene Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1972) Coils (1972) Coils (1972) ANSI C50.26 /Ion of Sealed Insulation Sys Coils, and Cut Lengths, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Drying Equipment ( Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Washing Equipment Coin Test (1973) Coke Analyses from As-Determined to Different Bases (19 Coke (1970) ANSI K18.1 Coke (1972) ANSI K20.24 Coke (1972) ANSI K20.6 Coke (1973) ' Coke (1973) Coke (1973) Coke (1973) Std Coke (1973) Std Coke (1973) Std. Meth. Coke (1973) Std. Meth. of Test Coke (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Coke (1974) Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) (197 Cold Bonding Strength of Air Setting Refractory Mortar Cold Box Exposure of One Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Rel Gold Chambers and Serving Units for Tests Above and Bel Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Refrac Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Cold Finished Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Resistin Cold Finished Alloy Steel Bars (1964) ANSI G24.12 Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed Concrete Reinfo Cold Finished Carbon and Alloy Steel Bar (1973) ANSI G2 Cold Finished Carbon Steel Bars (1973) Cold Finished Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nic Cold Finished Zirconium and Its Alloy Bars, Rod, and Wi Cold Finished Zirconium Bars and Wire for Nonnuclear Ap Cold Finished, Special Quality, for Pressure Piping Com Cold Forging Equipment (1972) Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (1973) Cold Formed Steel Structural Members (1973) Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Cold Formed Welded Structural Steel Tubing (1974) Cold Headers (1972) Cold Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Machine Sere Test St Std Met Met ofT St BIA ASAE ASTM UL ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ARI NCCA ASTM NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA AMCA ASTM UL NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA UL NCCA NEMA ASTM NEMA NSA SPI ARI IEEE ASTM UL UL TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM AISI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IFI ICBO ICBO ASTM WSTI IFI ASTM 4 D251 D3028 1082 Z21.31 D1560 C719 C633 443 TBIII-2 A467 TB-II-17 TB-II-12 TB-II5 TBII-11 TB-II-9 TBII15 TB-II-6 TB-III-3 TBII-16 TB-II-4 TBII-18 TBII-10 TBIII-8 1402 D3145 883 TB-II-1 TBIII-6 TBII-8 TBIII5 TB-II-3 TB-II-2 TB-II1-1 TBII-7 569 TBII-14 TC 7 B491 EW 2 561 PPI TN6 410 429 A446 1240 1206 UM-533 D3180 D271 D3038 D121 D3172 D167 D3174 D3173 D3179 D3175 D3178 D3177 D3176 D2416 C198 C718 E197 C133 A 199 J525B A82 UBCS2416 A564 A331 1 A29 A108 A429 B351 B550 A696 121 UBCS27-10 UBCS27-9 A500 »1 118 A545 Engineering and Product Standards Division 87 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards heet Metal Screws (1971) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec, for C54.15 Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Medium High Carbon C54.16 Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Wire, Alloy ansi C54.18 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Rivet and of Shear Testing of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Rivets and .24 Std. Spec, for Regular Quality Hot and .25 Std. Spec, for Drawing Quality Hot and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon, Strip, Std. Spec, for Steel, d S/ General Spec. Applicable to Electromagnet Iron (EMI) vanadium (/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot and arent Viscosity of Motor Oils at Low Temperature I'sing the Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining in.) (1971) Std. for Std. for Direct Reading Remote Registration Systems for Rec. Pract. for 68) notes) (1967) ted Temperatures (1971/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and r High S/ Std. Spec, for Hot Worked, Hot Cold Worked, and h Strength at Elevated/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and ent (1972) ANSI G45.2 Std. Spec, for orging Billets for High S/ Std. Spec, for Hot Worked, Hot h at Elevated Temperatures (1971/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot ip for High Strength at Elevated/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Meth. of Test for Oil Absorption of Pigments by Gardner - y) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of gs and Other Structures (1973) Rec. for Prevention of ow Loads (1973) Rec. for Prevention of Roof Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic Std. Test. Proc. for Pressure filter Element (1972) ANSI / Std. Meth. for Verifying the flood. Surface Water, Rigging Collapse, Burglary, and Roof lectric Generating Stations (Flood, Surface Water, Rigging Std. for Gages, Pins and bolts (1973) Std. for Std. for Pins and 73) Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. for n the Atmospher/ Tent. Meth. for Automated Separation and atmosphere (Sodium Bicarb/ Tent. Meth. for Separation and orides in the / Tent. Meth. for Continuous Separation and afety Std. for Key Locks (Burglar Alarm, Door, Deposit and rec. Pract. for Air Cleaning Devices (Air Filters and Dust Std. for Drill Drivers, Split Sleeve, of Test for Sheet Resistance of Thin Metallic Films with A . Meth. for Measuring Resistivity of Silicon Slices with A t for Sheet Resistance of Silicon Epitaxial Layers Using A vehicle Accident) (1972) Rec. Pract. for evaluating Confor/ Rec. Pract. for Selecting and Defining ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Candy Std. Gravure Std. Meth. of Specifying for Determining Speed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Reversal : Every Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (19/ Test Meth. for . Screen Wire Meth. (Textile Colorfastnes/ Test Meth. for Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for rec. Evaluation Procedure of Chromatic Transference Scale Std. Safety ) ntifying AC and DC Electrical Wiring on Boats and Engines ance Instructions, and Conta/ Rec. Pract. for Symbols and Std. for h Permanentl/ Rec. Pract. for Signal Words, Letter Sizes, of Color of Low Colored Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Std. Rec. Pract. for Lighting Cotton Classing Rooms for medical Use in the United States (Safety) (1973) Std. oated Fiberbo/ Std. for Test Meth. for Determining Visual Whiteness and Yellowness of Near White, Opaque Materials Std. Meth. of Test for Phthalate Ester color Difference Meter (1972T) Meth. for Measurement of Disk Meth. of Analysis of Spectrophotometric Meth. of Analysis of metry (1972) Meth. for Measuring nant Wavelength and Excitation Purity/ Meth. of Measuring eserv/ Meth. for Spectral Reflectance, Transmittance, and Colorimeter (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Viewing Conditions for the Appraisal of ric Exposure and Evaluation Meth. for Determining Speed of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining istry) (1962) Pekar Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 1 Other Natural Dr/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Cold Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or S Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI Cold Heading Quality Steel Wire for Wood Screws (1971) Cold Heading Wire and Rod (1973) ANSI H38.12 Cold Heading Wire and Rods (1972) Std. Meth. Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24 Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24 Cold Rolled Carbon Steel Strip (1972A) ANSI G47.1 Cold Rolled Hard, Untempered Spring Quality 41973) Cold Rolled Sheet, Carbon, Structural (1972) Cold Rolled Strip for Magnetic Application in Relays an Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Cold Spanking Simulator (1972) ANSI Zl 1.280 /T for App Cold Test Content in Corn Oil (1965) Cold Water Meters (Displacement Type 5/8 In. Through 6 Cold Water Meters (1972) Cold Weather Concreting (1966) ANSI A 144.1 Cold Weather Masonry Construction (Protection Rec.) (19 Cold Weather Masonry Construction. Introduction (Tech. Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Strength at Eleva Cold Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging Billets Fo Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Hig Cold Worked Deformed Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcem Cold Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and F Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Strengt Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Str Coleman Meth. (1968) Std. Coliform Bacteria in All Food Products (Cereal Chemistr Collapse Due to Weak Construction and Design of Buildin Collapse of Buildings and Other Structures Caused by Sn Collapse Strength of Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Collapse Test of Composite Cans (1973) Collapse / Burst Resistance of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Collapse) (1974) /Ls at Electric Generating Stations ( Collapse, Burglary, and Roof Collapse) (1974) /Ls at E Collar Inspection (1973) Collar, Swage Locking for Pull Type and Stump Type Lock Collars, Swage Locking (1973) Collection and Identification of Corrosion Products (19 Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal (1972) Collection of Particulate and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride I Collection of Particulate and Gaseous Fluorides in the Collection of Particulate and Water Soluble Gaseous Flu Collection Safes) (1973) Collectors) for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems Collet Type (1972) Collinear Four Probe Array (1973) Tent. Meth. Collinear 4 Probe Array (1973) Std Collinear 4 Probe Array (1974) Tentative Meth. of Tes Collision Deformation (Damage) Classification (Highway Color and Gloss Tolerances of Opaque Materials and for Color and Inversion Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1952 Color Bars (Printing) (1973) Color by the Munsell System (1968) Color Camera Films Intended for Direct Projection in Mo Color Change in Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting) Color Change of Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting) Color Change (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 (Color Chart / Textile Colorfastness) (1972) Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards (1971) Color Code System for Welding Wire Identification (1973 (Color Code) (1973) Requirements and Rec. Meth. of Ide Color Codes for Lubricant and Fluid Requirement Mainten Color Coding of Electrical Wires and Cables (1974) Color Combinations, and Durability Requirements for Bot Color Difference Meter (1972T) Meth. for Measurement Color Grading (1971) Color Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Intended for Color Matched to Master Specimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, C (Color Measurement of Textiles, Paints, Plastics, etc.) Color of High Gravity Glycerin (1973) Color of Low Colored Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Color of Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Color of Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Color of Paper and Paper Board by Hunter L, A, B Colori Color of Paper and Paperboard in C1E Y; X, Y or Y, Domi Color of Paper and Pulp (Using Spectrophotometer with R Color of Raw Cotton Using the Nickerson-Hunter Cotton Color Quality and Uniformity in the Graphic Arts (1972) Color Reversal Films for Still Photography (1972) /Met Color Stability Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) Color Test (Slick) Meth. of Flour Analysis (Cereal Chem Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn Oil (1964) Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn Starch (1957 Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in Feedstuffs and Al ASTM A548 ASTM A546 ASTM A547 ASTM A549 ASTM B316 ASTM B565 ASTM A506 ASTM A507 ASTM A109 ASTM A680 ASTM A611 NARM 121 ASTM A607 ASTM D2602 CR H-10 AWWA C700 AWWA C706 ACI 306 BIA 1A BIA 1 ASTM A458 ASTM A477 ASTM A457 ASTM A496 ASTM A477 ASTM A458 ASTM A457 ASTM D1483 AACCH 4215 FMS 1-55 FMS 1-54 ASTM D3102 CCTI C133 NFLDP T3. 10.8.5 FMS 9-10 FMS 9-10 NSA 1563 NSA 1080 NSA 1413 NACE RP-01-73 ASTM D2234 ASTM D3266 ASTM D3268 ASTM D3267 UL 437 ACGIH »1-11 ANSI B94.35 ASTM F390 ASTM F84 ASTM F374 SAE J224A ASTM D3134 CR E-12 GT *1 ASTM D1535 ANSI PH22.146 AATCC 120 AATCC 119 AATCC EP1 AATCC EP3 ANSI Z53.1 SAE AMS2816K ABYC E3 SAE J223 NEMA WC30 SAE Jl 15 ASTM E450 ASTM D1684 CGA C9 SAE J361A ASTM E313 ASTM D1728 ASTM E450 AACCH 14-20 AACCH 14-21 TAPPI T524SU TAPPI T527SU TAPPI T442SU ASTM D2253 ANSI PH2.32 ANSI PH2.21 CR E-20 AACCH 14-10 CR H-12 CR B-14 CR G-6 88 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Tent. Meth. for Grading Soybean Oil for Sugar (Crude and / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ugar (Crude and Re/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining for Colorfastness to Washing: Characterization of Textile nee Meter (1972T) Meth. for Measurement of Color of Low y the AATCC Croekmeter M/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of ater (1972) ANSI L14.149 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of 114.151 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Test Meth. for Colorfastness of t (1972) Ansi/ Test Meth. for Detection and Assessment of eking (Rubbing) by the AATCC Croekmeter M/ Test Meth. fo hlorinated Pool Water (1972) ANSI L14.U9 ater (1972) ANSI L14.I51 ) ANSI L14.56 washing and Shrinkage: Rapid Control Test/ 105 Deg. F: Rapid Control Test (1969) loving (1972) ANSI L14.9 ing (1972) ANSI L14.5 2) ANSI L14.3 here Under Low Humidities (1972) ANSI L14/ ternate Exposure (1971) ANSI L 14.227 2) ANSI L14.148 y) and Light: Alternate Exposure (1972) A/ ubbing) (Rotarv Vertical Croekmeter Meth./ (1972) ANSI L14.150 ommercial Washing and Laundering (1972) A/ ogen (Burnt Gas Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 972) ANSI L 14. 146 ng)(1973) ISO 105-4 4.241 Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Test Meth. fo Meth. of Test fo Meth. of Test fo Test Meth. fo te Sunlight Exposure (1965) ANSI L14.118 si L14.168 1) ANSI L14.168 ntinuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 i L14.168 ternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI LI/ arc Lamp. Continuous Light (1971) ANSI LI/ arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1/ der High Humidities (1972) ANSI L14.238 L14.240. ISO 105-4 ) (1973) (1973) 972) ANSI L14.2 4.57 Test Meth. for Cotton and Linen Textile Test Meth. for Dyed Silk Yarn ection and Assessment of Colored Textiles to Photochromism L-7 (1971) ANSI L14.264 Test Meth. for olorants (1972) Test Meth. for . Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Staining (Textile aluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Color Change (Textile ue to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Screen Wire Metn. (Textile rics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Every Meth. (Textile ure of Chromatic Transference Scale (Color Chart / Textile le Manganese (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for or Color of Raw Cotton Using the Nickerson-Hunter Cotton orus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ons (1969) ANSI N116 Std. Meth. for Meth. of Test for Lead in the Atmosphere by (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y (PH) in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milled Wheat Products (Wheat, Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc./ in Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ s of Phosphorus in Yeast (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) measuring Color of Paper and Paper Board by Hunter L, A, B analysis of CCA Treating Solutions and CCA Treated Wood by Std. Meth. of Test for Methyl Ether of Hydroquinone in Garments (Clothing), Commercial Wash-Whites 190 Deg. F, ommercial Wash-Whites (With Chlorine Bleach) 190 Deg. F, for States of the United States (Including the District of Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum 20 Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Z179.19 Std. Spec, for (ANSI H53.1 Std. Spec, for 1964) ANSI Z179.20 Std. Spec, for t and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy i Z179.17 Std. Spec, for Primary ube (1972) ANSI H34./ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron seamless and Welded Chromium Nickel Iron MolybQepper on Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron— Molydenium-Copper - Std. Spec, for Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper nd Welded Chromium-Nickel— Iron-Molybdenum-Copper - Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy 19 3)/ ansi G41.6 Color (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Syrup (1957) Color (Visual Comparison) Content of Corn Syrup (1954) Color (1973) Color, Reflectance (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn , Solutions (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn S ants (1972) Test Meth. ed Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Color Differe ed Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) B ed Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Chlorinated Pool W ed Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Water (1972) ANSI ed Textiles to Perspiration (1972) ANSI L14.56 ed Textiles to Photochromism Colorfastness to Ligh fastness of Colored Textile Yarn and Fabric to Cro fastness of Colored Textile Yarns and Fabrics to C fastness of Colored Textile Yarns and Fabrics to W •fastness of Colored Textiles to Perspiration (1972 fastness of Cotton and Linen Textiles to Combined fastness of Dyed or Printed Textiles to Washing at fastness of Dyed Textile Yarns to Sulfur Dioxide S fastness of Dyed Wool Fabric and Yarn to Mill Full fastness of Dyed Wool Textiles to Carbonizing (197 fastness of Textile Fabrics to Ozone in the Atmosp fastness of Textile Fabrics to Water and Light: Al fastness of Textile Fabrics to Water Spotting (197 fastness of Textile Fabrics to Water (High Humidit ■fastness of Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (R ■fastness of Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Sea Water ■fastness of Textiles to Accelerated Domestic and C fastness of Textiles to Atmospheric Oxides of Nitr fastness of Textiles to Bleaching with Peroxide (1 fastness of Textiles to Dry Heat (Excluding Pressi fastness of Textiles to Drycleaning (1973) ANSI LI fastness of Textiles to Hot Pressing (1973) ■fastness of Textiles to Light and Washing: Alterna ■fastness of Textiles to Light (Daylight) (1971) an ■fastness of Textiles to Light (General Meth.) (197 ■fastness of Textiles to Light, Carbon Arc Lamp, Co ■fastness of Textiles to Light, Sunlight (1971) Ans ■fastness of Textiles to Light: Carbon Arc Lamp, Al ■fastness of Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon fastness of Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon •fastness of Textiles to Ozone in the Atmosphere Un ■fastness of Textiles to Steam Pleating (1971) ANSI ■fastness of llpholstery Fabrics to Solvent (Textile fastness of Upholstery Fabrics to Water (Textile) ■fastness of Yarn or Fabric to Acids and Alkalis (1 fastness to Bleaching with Chlorine (1972) ANSI LI fastness to Degumming (1972) ANSI L14.4 fastness to Light (1972) ANSI L14.271 /H. for Det ■fastness to Light: Determination of Fastness Above fastness to Washing: Characterization of Textile C fastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Rec •fastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Rec. Ev fastness) (1970) /. for Color Change of Fabrics D fastness) (1970) /T Meth. for Color Change in Fab fastness) (1972) Rec. Evaluation Proced imeter or Spectrophotometer Analysis of Acid Solub imeter (1971) Std. Meth. of Test F imetric Acetate Ashing Meth. of Analysis of Phosph imetric Determination of Lfranium in Aqueous Soluti imetric Dithizone Procedure (1972T) imetric Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain imetric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activit imetric Meth. of Analysis of Malathion Residues in imetric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity imetric Modified Fiske-Subbarow Meth. of Analysi imetry (1972) Meth. for imetry (1972) Std. Meth. of •ss Monomelic Acrylate Esters (1972) 160 Deg. F Maximum Hot Head Press (300-330 Deg v.un.15 160 Deg. F Maximum, Press or Air Finish (1973) Columbia) for Information Interchange (1972) /Iations Columbium Alloy Plate. Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI H34. Columbium Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34.22 Columbium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34. Columbium and Its Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire (1964) ANSI Columbium and Its Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes (1970 Columbium and Its Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate ( Columbium and/or Vanadium (1970) ANSI G24.32 /Eel Shee Columbium Metal for Consolidation or Melting (1964) Ans Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Seamless Pipe and T Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1973) /Td. Spec, for Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1974) / Electric Fusi Columbium Stabilized Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (197 Columbium Stabilized Alloy Tubes (1973) /or Seamless a Columbium Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality (1972) Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo: Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colo Colors Colo CR E-16 CR E 18 NSPA »5 CR F-16 CR F-14 AATCC 36 ASTM E450 AATCC 8 AATCC 105 AATCC 107 AATCC 15 AATCC 139 AATCC 8 AATCC 105 AATCC 107 AATCC 15 AATCC 72 AATCC 68 AATCC 9 AATCC 2 AATCC 11 AATCC 109 AATCC 125 AATCC 104 AATCC 126 AATCC 116 AATCC 106 AATCC 61 AATCC 23 AATCC 101 AATCC 117 AATCC 132 AATCC 133 AATCC 83 AATCC 16C AATCC 16 AATCC 16A AATCC 16B AATCC 16D AATCC 16E AATCC 16F AATCC 129 AATCC 131 ANSI L24T7 ANSI L24T6 AATCC 6 AATCC 3 AATCC 7 AATCC 139 AATCC 16G AATCC 36 AATCC EP2 AATCC EP1 AATCC 119 AATCC 120 AATCC EP3 AACCH 40-45 ASTM D2253 AACCH 40-55 ASTM E318 ASTM D3112 AACCH 02-04 AACCH 02-51 AACCH 60-30 AACCH 22-63 AACCH 40-56 TAPPI T524SU AWPA A10-72 ASTM D3125 ANSI L24.4.12 ANSI L24.4.13 ANSI X3.38 ASTM B443 ASTM B446 ASTM B444 ASTM B392 ASTM B394 ASTM B393 ASTM A607 ASTM B383 ASTM B445 ASTM B464 ASTM B474 ASTM B463 ASTM B468 ASTM A572 Engineering and Product Standards Division 89 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Reactor and Commercial oncrete Construction Design Handbook (Beam, Slab, Footing, Uniform Building Code Std. for Spaced for Distillation of Crude Petroleum (15 Theoretical Plate Reinforced Brick Masonry ents, Timber, Preservative Treatment, Poles, Piles, Spaced (1962) (1972) Std. for Punches-Basic, air Conditioning, Heating, Exhaust, Ventilating, and Their erature and Energy Consumption of Household Refrigerators, 73) ■ Uniform Building Code Std. for Specs, for Aluminum c Shower Receptors, Stall Showers Lavatories, Bathtubs and structural Integrity Test Procedure for Trucks, Buses, and Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Buses, Trucks, and g Storm Windows for External Applicat/ Spec, for Aluminum test Procedures for Home Laundry Equipment (washer. Dryer, C33.97 Safety Std. for Receptacle-Plug anentl/ Rec. Pract. for Signal Words, Letter Sizes, Color ification Code, and Mounting Dime/ Std. Bore and Rod Size Std. for Terminology for (1973) ANSI Z240.1 Safety Std. for Tests for Precautions for Prevention (Incinerator and Open Burning, es, Hemp, Tow/ Uniform Fire Code: Storage and Handling of se (1972/ Safety Std. for Tube Fittings for Flammable and (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for of Organic Coatings (Paint), and Handling of Flammable and Flammable and tices for the Protection and Tanks Containing Flammable or afety Std. for Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable and Uniform Fire Code: Flammable and Safety Std. for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and ards and Protection Std. for Rack Storage of Flammable and std. for Safety for Metal Waste (Trash, Garbage) Cans (For Uniform Fire Code: High Piled n, Operation and Mai/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for Flammable utomatic Damper Cont/ Safety Std. for Draft Equipment for ion Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for tilation in a Ship's Cargo Hold During the Use of Internal of Total Sulfur in Volatile Organic Liquids (Oxy Hydrogen Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Sealed on) (1974) Std. Manual for Electric code Requirements by OSHA (1973) Rec. and Safety Std. for Plywood Construction Systems (Specs.) for g (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Present in Ordinary Industry Standard for Household Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Non s and Asphalt Tile Floors in Institutional, Industrial and 74) Std. for Safety for Electric Coin Operated and 1974) Std. for Safety for Electric Coin Operated and Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Reactor and eight and Yield of Scoured Wool, Top, and Noil for Various Std. for Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for nalytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content in Std. for ty Std. for High Pressure Gas Manifolds for Industrial and tion9 (1972) Std. for Safety Requirements for trie Breakdown Voltage and Strength of Insulating Gases at Meth. for Determination of Azodicarbonamide Content in el Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, lied Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent) Steel Sheet and Strip, arbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Rolled Sheet and Strip, Safety Std. for 1971) ANSI L14.106 Test Meth. for Evaluation of Std. Meth. of Test for Wool Content of Raw Wool ■ Std. for Pot, Pan, and Utensil nition, Lighting, and Starting) for Passenger Automobiles, for Institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 1 Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Fabrics, for Colorfastness of Textiles to Accelerated Domestic and oil for Various Comm/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Calculation of pie Fiber (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for 1 Rec. Pract. for Grounding of Industrial and equirements for Oil Powered Forced Air (Domestic and Light Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors for nd Anhydrous Ammonia (Fertilizer Grade) in Residential and Moisture in Grains, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Rice, and Other Preparation of Methyl Esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids in ,2tetrachloroethyl) Thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l,2-Dicar/ Std. ycarbanilate Carbanilate (Ester) Desmedipham (1/ Std. for 7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Hydroprene / Std. for 'dichlorobenzilate-Chloropropylate (1973) Std. Columbium (1968) ANSI Z258.1 Column and Other Members) (1973) Column Design (1973) Column) (1973) ANSI Z11.314 Std. Meth. Columns and Pilasters (Tech. Notes) (1965) Columns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, Connectors, Nails, Stap Columns, Piers, Pilasters, and Buttresses (Tech. Notes) Combination Angle Head Type and Related Quill Bushings Combination Duct Systems (1973) ANSI B144.2 /Ation of Combination Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers (1974) Combination Standpipe Systems (Fire Extinguishment) (19 Combination Storm Doors (1971) Combination Tank and Shower Receptor Units (1972) /Lli Combination Vehicles for Roadway Use Over 10,000 Lb. (4 Combination Vehicles with Any Type of Brake System (197 Combination Vertically Sliding or Horizontally Operatin Combination) (1971) ANSI A197.2, Asse 1007 Std. and Combinations for Use in Hazardous Locations (1973) ANSI Combinations, and Durability Requirements for Both Perm Combinations, Rod End Configurations, Dimensional Ident Combines and Grain Harvesting (1971) Combustibility of Sweeping Compounds (Fire Protection) Combustible and Flammable Materials; Reporting and Fals Combustible Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jut Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine U Combustible Gases in Electrical Apparatus in the Field Combustible Liquids and Solids and Potential Dust Explo Combustible Liquids Code (1972) Combustible Liquids in Locations That May Be Flooded (1 Combustible Liquids (1972) Combustible Liquids (1973) Combustible Liquids (1973) ANSI B137.1 Combustible Materials (Fire Safety) (1974) Fire Haz Combustible Materials) (1974) ANSI Z221.1 Combustible Stock (Storage) (1973) (Combustible) Gas Indicators Including Their Installatio Combustion Chamber in Heating Appliances (Regulators, a Combustion Chambers, Fuel Oil Injection, and Gas Admiss Combustion Engines (1970) Guide for Supplementary Ven Combustion Meth.) (1972) /F Test for Trace Quantitites Combustion System Wall Furnaces (1972) Comfort Conditioning (Heat Loss, Gain, Energy Consumpti Comments on the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and Commercial-Industrial Gas Heating Equipment (1973) Commercial and Industrial Buildings (1971) Commercial and Industrial Samples of Wool by Oven Dryin Commercial and Portable Exchange Water Softeners (1972) Commercial Boat Trailer (1972) Commercial Buildings (1971) /Ntenance of Vinyl Asbesto Commercial Clothes Drying Equipment (Laundry Dryer) (19 Commercial Clothes Washing Equipment (Laundry Washer) ( Commercial Columbium (1968) ANSI Z258.1 Commercial Compositions (1972) ANSI L 14.263 /Mercial W Commercial Cooking Equipment Exhaust Systems (1970) Commercial Dry Cleaning Machines (Class Iv) (1974) Commercial Electric Cooking Appliances (1972) Commercial Electric Dishwashers (1973) ANSI C33.96 Commercial Feedstuffs (Corn) (1957) Std. a Commercial Gas Baking and Roasting Ovens (1971) Commercial Gas Cylinders (1972) Safe Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipment and Opera Commercial Power Frequencies (1974) /F Test for Dielec Commercial Premix (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Commercial Quality (1971) ANSI G8.24 /D. Spec, for Ste Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for Hot Ro Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel, C Commercial Refrigerators (1973) Commercial Rewetting Agents on Cotton Textile Fabrics ( Commercial Scale (1972) Commercial Spray Type Washing Machines (1970) Commercial Vehicles, Golf Car, and Other Diversified of Commercial Wash-Whites 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Commercial Wash-Whites (With Chlorine Bleach) 190 Deg Commercial Washing and Laundering (1972) ANSI L14.81 Commercial Weight and Yield of Scoured Wool, Top, and N Commercial Weight of a Shipment of Yarn or Man Made Sta Commercial (Electrical) Power Systems (1972) ANSI C114. Commercial) Central Furnaces) (1972) /D. Performance R Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings (197 Commerical Fuel Burning, Dispensing, and Handling Facil Commodities for Which Conversion Charts Have Been Prepa Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cereal Chemistry) ( Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2 Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl Mhydrox Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl (E,E)3, Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4 ASTM ACI ICBO ASTM BIA ICBO BIA ANSI NFPA AHAM ICBO AAMA IAPMO SAE SAE AAMA AHAM UL SAE NFLDP ASAE UL ICBO ICBO UL ASTM ICBO NFPA ICBO UL ICBO UL FMS UL ICBO ABYC UL DEMA SNAME ASTM ANSI NEMA FMS UL APA ASTM WCF ABYC RTI UL UL ASTM ASTM NSF UL UL UL CR ANSI UL ANSI ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM UL AATCC ASTM NSF BCI ANSI ANSI AATCC ASTM ASTM IEEE ANSI RTI UL AACCH AACCH ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI E195 SP17 UBCS2S-15 D2892 171 UBC*3-25 12 B94.39 90A HRF-2-ECFT UBCS38-3 1102.5 TSC11 J294 J299 1002.8 HLW-2PR 1010 J115 T3.6.11 S343 41 UFC»2ART27 UFC*2ART7 109 D3284 UFC*2ART34 30 UFC«2A 142 UFC*2ART15 58 8-33N 32 UFC»2ART35 A14 378 •1-2 4-14 D2747 Z21.44A HE1 5-7S 795 *1 D1576 S-100 A15 *10 1240 1206 E195 D2720 33 664 197 921 G-16 Z21.28 407 Z8.1 D2477 48-71A A526 A569 A659 471 27 D1334 26 •1.48 L24.4.12 L24.4.13 61 D2720 D2494 142 Z91.1 •16 331 44-11 58-17 K62.146 K62.139 K62.136 K62.150 90 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards dibromobenzilate-Bromopropylate (1973) Std. Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoate Bifenox (197/ Std. for yl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluid/ Std. methyl)-A. A. A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Pto/ Std. -Dipropyl Phosphorodithioate) (1973/ Std. for Ethoprop 1 Phosphorodithioate S-Ester Wi/ Std. for Methidathion an -2-Ylphenyl Methylcarbamate-Dioxacarb (1973) Std. )-ll-Methoxy-3.7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienethi/ Std. 0-(3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothioa/ Std. for propylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Prometry/ Std. propylamino)-6-Methoxy-S-Triazine-Prometon (197/ Std. bis (Isopropylamino) -S-Triazine-Propazine (1973/ Std. e. E)-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Kino/ Std. for oV4-(Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine -/ Std. ) -4,6-Bis (Isopropylamino) Stria/ Std. for Dipropetryn amino)-4-(Ethylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine / Std. amino)-4-Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)-S-Triazine-Terb/ Std. methylamino) -2-(a,a,a- Trifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 / Std. for Std. for Bentazon Std. for Tetramethrin Std. for Fospirate Std. for Disugran Std. for Crufomate Std. for Chlorbromuron Std. for Chlordimeform Std. for Fluorodifen Std. for Prynachlor Std. for Glyphosine Std. for Mexacarbate Std. for Dinoseb Std. for Acephate Std. for Ethiolate Std. for Glyphosate Std. for Oxamyl Std. for Picloram Std. for Nitrapyin te 2-(P-Tert-Butylphenoxy) Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite e)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) tool Software (1972) Definitions of or Plastic Utilities Duet for Underground Installation for (R1970) Std. Spec, for Minimum Std. for Land-Mobile Std. Spec, for Aluminum Wire for y Between Data Terminal Equipment and Non-Synchronous Data Minimum Stds. for Land Mobile or the Installation and Maintenance of Electric Supply and ospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment (Audio / Visual Minimum Std. for Land Mobile llation and Maintenance of Underground Electric Supply and ensional Std. Coplanar Magnetic Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (1974) ANSI C7.59 Std. Spec, for Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.53 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Percent Air Voids in A Std. Meth. of Wetting and Drying Tests of ens of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of California Kneading mixture Beam Specimens by Means of the California Kneading ationship of Quartz Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Safety Std. for Tests for Meth. of Test for Density of Glass by the Sink Float (1972) ANSI B93.23 Std. Meth. of Verifying the Material si Zl 1.315 Std. Meth. of Test for Intensity Meth.) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Rec. Pract. for Experimental Test, for Biological s Under Compression (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for n Materials in Askarels/ Std. Meth. for Investigating the / Rec. Pract. for Defining Conditions for Evaluating the lowers (1972) Std. Dimensions for pacitors for Electrical Transmission and Distribution Line Code for Architectural Design or Informational, Directional, and Special Signs (Symbols) tion Check Flanges and Gaskets; Drilling Through, Multiple ctrieal Insulating Materials at Micr/ Std. Test Meth. for Chemical Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Rec. Pract. for Instrumentation for Motor Vehicle and Its Std. Test Meth. for Passive Electronic Conditioners (1967) Std. for Safety for Refrigerant-Containing Std. for Handle, Latching Internal and External Release ed and Cold Finished. Special Quality, for Pressure Piping lants / Std. for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated article/ Std. Meth. of Sampling Gas Blow Down Systems and . (197/ Std. Meth. for Sampling Gas Blow Down Systems and r Electronic Equipment / Std. for Safety for High Voltage roscopical Determination of the Reflectance of the Organic ply and Installation Contract (1968) Suggested- Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4 Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Methyl 5(2,4- Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical N-(2Chloroeth Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical N(Cyclopropyl (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical O-Ethyl S,S (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0-Dimethy Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0-1,3— Dioxol Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl (E, E Common Name for the Pe9t Control Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (ISO Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (ISO Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Chloro-4,6 Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Propynyl ( Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylamin (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2— (Ethylthio Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutyl Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutyl Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 4-Chloro5-( (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1971) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1971) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1971) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1973) /Rgi (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1973) /(E, Common Words Related to Numerically Controlled Machine Communication and Electrical Wire and Cable (1974) / F Communication and Signal Pin Type Lime Glass Insulators Communication Antennas: Part Il-Vehicular (1972) Communication Cable (1969) ANSI C7.40 Communication Equipment (1973) /Art-Stop Signal Qualit Communication FM or PM Receivers 25-470MHz (1972) Communication Lines (1960) Safety Rules F Communication) (1974) Std. for Safety for H Communications FM or PM Transmitters 25-470 MHz (1970) Communications Lines (National Electrical Safety Code) (Compact Cassette) for Audio Recording and Reproducing ( Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conouctors Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded EC Grade Aluminum Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixture (1973) Compacted Soil Cement Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37.51 Compactor (1971) ANSI A37.138 /Paration of Test Specim Compactor (1973) /Ract. for Preparation of Bituminous Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1971) Std. for Interrel Comparative Flammability of Liquids (1972) Comparator (1972T) Compatibility of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element Compatibility of Fuel Oil Blends by Spot Test (1972) an Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Oxygen (Reaction Compatibility of Metals for Surgical Implants (1972) Compatibility of Plasticizers in Vinyl Chloride Plastic Compatibility of Transformer Insulation and Constructio Compatibility of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with Compatible Operation of Forage Harvesters, Wagons and B Compensation (Including Safety Requirements) (1973) /a Competitions (1972) Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1-1972, Accident Prevention Completion, and Flowline Valves; Drilling Through Contr Complex Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Solid Ele Complex (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Complex (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Component Impact Tests (1971) Component Parts (1972) Component Std. for Receiver Dehydrators for Vehicle Air Components and Accessories, Nonelectrical (1973) Components and Assembly (1972) Components and Other Pressure Containing Parts (1974) Components During Construction Phase of Nuclear Power P Components for Particulate Contamination by Automatic P Components for Particulate Contamination by Manual Meth Components for Television Receiving Appliances and Othe Components in a Polished Specimen of Coal (1972) / Mic Components of a Concrete Reinforcing Steel Material Sup ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NMTBA NEMA ASTM EIA ASTM EIA EIA ANSI UL EIA ANSI EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI UL ASTM NFLDP ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASAE ANSI AIOA ANSI API ASTM AACCH AACCH SAE EIA IMACA UL "NSA ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM UL ASTM CRSI K62.151 K62.138 K62.140 K62.152 K62.133 K62.134 K62.147 K62.141 K62.130 K62.143 K62.144 K62.145 K62.137 K62.142 K62.135 K62.148 K62.149 K62.125 K62.129 K62.106 K62.ll 1 K62.112 K62.110 K62.113 K62.114 K62.115 K62.116 K62.117 K62.118 K62.119 K62.120 K62.123 K62.124 K62.126 K62.127 K62.128 K62.131 K62.132 *2 TC6 D879 RS329-1 B314 RS404 RS204A C2.2 1069 RS152-B C2.3 RS399 B496 B400 D3203 D559 D1561 D3202 N42.6 340 C729 T3. 10.8.6 D2781 F371 F361 D3291 D3255 J398A S328.1T C55.2 J331 Z35.4 6A D2520 86-30 86-31 J211A RS186D 309 207 1637 A696 N45.2.1 F327 F308 492.3 D2798 •1.9.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 91 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards a Symmetrical Current/ Std. Requirements for Pressurized tions of Terms Relating to Lithologic Classes and Physical Microscopical Determination of Volume Percent of Physical Std. for Reel Packaging of 17.3 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping tile Residue of Halogenated Solvent Extract from Aerospace d. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Epoxy Resins and Related gings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel Std. for Automatic Gas Ignition Systems and rmance Requirements for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and y for Thermal Cutoffs for Use in Electrical Appliances and bers-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Beams, and mpered Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel ransformer, Multiplier, Deflection Yoke, Picture Tube Neck Std. Consumer Safety Spec, for de: Wood Members and Their Fastenings (Lumber, Plywood and ys and Shafting (1974) Std. for Design of Tent. Rec. for Design of Concrete Std. Test. Procedure for the Blow Off Pressure of Std. Test. Proc. for Pressure Collapse Test of Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Drop 74) Rec. Industry Std. for Loose Metal End Dimensions of Std. Test. Proc. for Measuring Inside Diameters of Std. Test. Procedure for Measuring Wall Thicknesses of Std. Test. Procedure for Axial (End to End) Compression Std. Test. Procedure for Measuring Lengths or Heights of Building Code Std. for Shear Connectors (Steel Studs) for ntroUed (1973) Spec, for Std. for Automated Machine Lay Up Std. Test. Procedure for Oil Wicking of Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) ansi W3.21 Spec, for Std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Beam Deflectidn Std. Test. Proc. for Side to Side Crush Std. Test. Procedure for Internal Bursting of Std. Test. Procedure for Torque Strength of (483) Tensile M/ Spec, for Graphite Fibers for Structural Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Oriented Fiber Std. Meth. of Test for Fiber Content of Reinforced Resin phase Designations (Code) in Metallic Systems Based on the Design Guide for Wood Std. Spec, for 973) Meth. for Determination of Fatty Acid Std. for Fixed wavelength of Peak Photoluminescence and the Corresponding (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for rmic Temperature of Reacting Thermosetting Resins (Plastic Meth. for Quantitative Analysis of Textiles (Moisture and ec. for Texture and Grade, Panel Characteristics, Material physical Properties of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases from Std. for Chemical Std. for Chemical ield of Scoured Wool, Top, and Noil for Various Commercial 1 Tolerances of SAE Wrought Aluminum A/ Std. for Chemical ubber Products (1972) ANSI Jl.l Std. Meth. of Std. Spec, for Oil and Resin Base Caulking Spec, for Exterior Perimeter Sealing al Chemistry) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide Field and Test for Slump of an Oil Base Knife Grade Channel Glazing Test for Extension Recovery and Adhesion of Latex Sealing std. Meth. of Test for Degree of Set for Wood Sash Glazing orm Building Code Std. for Gypsum Wallboard Tape and Joint h. of Test for Accelerated Aging of Wood Sash Face Glazing Std. Spec, for Cleaning . of Test for Low Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealing Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Caulking Std. Meth. of Test for Staining of Caulking Std. Meth. of Test for Tack Free Time of Caulking eth. of Test for Apparent Density of Refractory Metals and Std. Spec, for Liquid Membrane Forming td. Materials, Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Rubber Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Rubber Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Face Glazing and Bedding able Concentration of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Chromium Safety Std. for Tests for Combustibility of Sweeping in High Pressure Oil Well Service) (1972) Thread Oxygen Demand in Industrial Waste Waters and Most Organic Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Shrinkage of Latex Sealing le Concentrations of Inorganic Mercury and Nonalkyl Organo t for Extrudability, After Package Aging, of Latex Sealing ring the Spiral Flow of Low Pressure Thermosetting Molding or Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Latex Sealing eth. of Test for Extrudability of Unvulcanized Elastomeric ility of Oil and Resin Based, Knife Grade, Channel Glazing Components of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on Components of Coal (1972) Std. Defini Components of Coal (1972) Std. Meth. for Components with Axial Leads (1972) ANSI C83.55 Components (Flange, Fitting, Valve, etc.) (1973) ANSI G Components (Using Rotary Flash Evaporator) (1972) /Ola Components (1968) ANSI K65. 183 • St Components (1970) ANSI G38.7 /Pec. for Alloy Steel for Components (1971) Components (1972) Rec. PracJ. for Service Perfo Components (1972) ANSI C33.88 Std. for Safet Components (1973) /. for Structural Glued Built Up Mem Components (1973) ANSI G35.21 /Ec. for Quenched and Te Components) (1974) /Er Electronic Equipment (Flyback T Components, Assembly, and Use of a Trampoline (1974) Components, Timber, Preservative Treatment, Poles, Pile Components: Enclosed Gear Drives-Bearings, Bolting Ke Composite Beams and Girders for Building (1957) Composite Cans (1973) Composite Cans (1973) Composite Cans (1974) Composite Cans (211 (66 Mm) Diameter), Citrus Style (19 Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1973) Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Composite Cans, Tubes, and Cores (1974) Composite Construction (1973) Uniform Composite Filament Tape Laying Machine-Numerically Co Composite Filament Tape Reel (1972) Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) Composite Sewer Piping (1974) Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) Composite Tubes and Cores (1972) Composite Tubes and Cores (1973) Composite Tubes and Cores (1974) Composite Tubes and Cores (1974) Composites (GF 220 (1517) Tensile Strength, 70,000,000 Composites (1972T) Composites (1973) Composition and Crystal Lattice of Each (1970) ANSI Z30 Composition Board Wall Panels (1973) Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings (1974) Composition by Gas Chromatography (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Composition Capacitors (1972) ANSI C83.89 Composition of Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Wafers (1973) Composition Roofing (Class C Sheet (Roll) and Shingles) Composition) (1971) ANSI K65.182 /Time and Peak Exothe Composition) (1971) ANSI L14.132 Test Composition, Use, Application, Finishes and Other Techn Compositional Analysis (1973) ANSI Zl 1.239 /F Certain Compositions of SAE Alloy Steels (1970) ANSI G88.2 Compositions of SAE Carbon Steels (1970) ANSI G88.1 Compositions (1972) ANSI L14.263 /Mercial Weight and Y Compositions, Mechanical Property Limits and Dimensiona Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Test, of R Compound for Building Construction (1972) Compound for Use with Architectural Aluminum (1971) Compound Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funn Compound (1972) Std. Meth. of Compound (1972) Std. Meth. of Compound (1973) Compound (1973) Unif Compound (1973) Std. Met Compound, General Purpose (1972) Compounds After Artificial Weathering (1972) /Td. Meth Compounds and Sealants (1973) Compounds and Sealants (1973) Compounds and Sealants (1973) Compounds by the Scott Volumeter (1970) ANSI H9.15 / M Compounds for Curing Concrete (1973) ANSI A37.87 Compounds for Preparing Vulcanized Test Sheets (1973) Compounds for Soles and Heels (1968) ANSI J2.26 Compounds on Metal Sash (1974) Compounds (Air Contamination-Occupational Health and Compounds (Fire Protection) (1973) ANSI Z240.1 Compounds (For Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe Connections Compounds (1966) /Tical Meth. for Determining Chemical Compounds (1972) Compounds (1972) Std. for Acceptab Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Tes Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Measu Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Test F Compounds (1973) Std. M Compounds (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Volat IEEE ASTM ASTM EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI SAE UL ICBO ASTM UL ASTM ICBO AGMA ACI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI ICBO NSA NSA CCTI CCTI ASTM AWS CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM HPMA ASTM AACCH EIA ASTM ICBO ASTM AATCC CRA ASTM SAE SAE ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM AAMA AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI UL API CR ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 340 D2796 D2799 RS296C A 105 F331 D2393 A336 Z21.20 J256A 1020 UBCS25-18 A541 492.3 F381 UBC*3-25 260.02 57-29 C110 C133 C125 E211.1 CT102 CT101 CT107 CT111 CT104 UBCS27-8 990 992 C124 C125.1 D2680 A5.21 T-113 T108 T112 T116 AMS3892/5 D3039 D3171 E157 CB-SC-73 B62 58-18 RS335A F358 UBCS32-3 D2471 20A 3A9 D2598 J404G J403F D2720 J457J D15 C570 808.2 28-90 C713 C736 C742 UBCS47-5 C741 D2815 C734 D2202 D2203 D2377 B329 C309 D3182 D1630 D2376 Z37.7 41 BUL 5A2 K-24 C733 Z37.8 C731 D3123 C732 D2230 C681 92 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. for Cutting Oils and o the Preparation of Precautionary Labeling and Marking of e United States (Safety) (1973) Std. Color Marking of Safety Std. for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Rec. for Storage and Handling of Uniform Fire Code: Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Std. Control Valve Sizing Equations for ) (1962) Meth. of Compression Test with Baker Std. Test. Procedure for Axial (End to End) (1973) Std. Spec, for Stds. and Pract. for Design and Construction of Diesel ipe (1972A) Std. Spec, for est for Strength Properties of Metal to Metal Adhesives by . Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by test for Strength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by erials (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for of Test for Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the of Test for Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Std. Spec, for Lubricant for Installation of Preformed 973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Evaluation of al46.1 Rec. Pract. for Evaluation of meth. of Making. Accelerated Curing, and Test, of Concrete s of Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of ture (R1973) Std. Meth. of Rec. Procedure for Std. Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Radial Meth. for test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial atibility of Plasticizers in Vinyl Chloride Plastics Under Std. for Spherical Sleeve aterials. Specs. Terminology,/ Handbook of Spring Design: Id Conditions (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for or Mechanical Properties of Elastomeric Vulcanizates Under ) ANSI K65.31 Std. Meth. of Test for A37.103. Ashto T167 Std. Meth. of Test for (1972) AASHO T22, ANSI A37.18 Std. Meth. of Test for 70) Std. Test Meth. for Edgewise 2 In. (50 Mm) Cube Specimens) (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Portions of Prisms Broken in Fie/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for Flatwise Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic K90.ll Tent. Meth. of Test for fety for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Condensing and sheets for the Design of Air Exchange Coolers for Packaged Std. for Ammonia Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Sealed (Hermetic Type) Motor herapy and Suction Equipment, Room Air Purifiers, Filters. and Rafter Span, Load, Deflection. Strength and Stiffness Std. for the Protection of Electronic Industry Quality Std. for Industry Quality Std. Format and Coding for e Engine Steady State Performance Presentation for Digital Std. Meth. of Test for Wear Resistance of Inked guidelines for Describing Information Interchange Formats ons and Process Input-Output (1972/ Std. for Industrial c. for Location. Construction and Protection of Electronic Rec. for Fire. Heat, and Smoke Damage of Electronic Std. for Std. for Air Data Rec. Pract. for Hardware Test, of Digital Process Rec. for d. Meth. for Test for Water in Engine Antifreeze-Coolant d Natural Rubber Latex (1972A) ANSI J8.12 Std. Spec, for of Analysis of Niacin in Enrichment (Vitamin and Mineral) Ultraviolet Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in ompounds (Air Contamination-Occupa/ Std. for Acceptable Std. Test Meth. for Hydrogen Ion Std. Meth. for Determination of Low . Meth. of Test for Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Std. for Acceptable 12) (1974) Std. Acceptable Std. for Acceptable Compounds (1972) Std. for Acceptable r Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible 4) Std. for Acceptable 11) (1973) Std. Acceptable (Fluorocarbon 113) (1973) Std. Acceptable lloy Reinforced (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) An/ Std. Spec, for Hard, or Soft (1972) ANSI C7.8 Std. Spec, for 7.59 Std. Spec, for Compact Round 972) ANSI C7.53 Std. Spec, for Compact Round ) ANSI C7.22 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Std. Compounds (1974) Compressed Gas Containers (1971) Guide T Compressed Gas Cylinders Intended for Medical Use in Th Compressed Gas Service (1973) Compressed Gases in Cylinders (1974) Compressed Gases (1973) Compressibility of Leather (1970) ALCA E45 Compressible Fluids in Turbulent Flow (1974) Compressible Fluids (1973) Compressimeter for Staleness of Bread (Cereal Chemistry Compression Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Compression Couplings for Vitrified Clay Plain End Pipe (Compression Ignited) Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine Engin Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Bell and Spigot P Compression Loading (Disk Shear) (1972) ANSI Z197.4 /T Compression Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Std Compression Loading (1949) ANSI Z197.ll /Td. Meth. of Compression Molding Test Specimens of AUyl Molding Mat Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Motor Meth. Rating Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Research Meth. Rat Compression Seals in Concrete Pavements (1972) Compression Test Results in Field Concrete Cylinders (1 Compression Test Results of Field Concrete (1965) ANSI Compression Test Specimens (1974) Compression Test with Baker Compressimeter for Stalenes Compression Test, of Metallic Materials at Room Tempera Compression Testing of Scaffolds and Shores (1967) Compression Type Piston Rings (1973) ANSI B93.32 Compression Wood Identification in Pulpwood (1972) Compression (1972) Std. Meth. of Compression (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Comp (Compression) Tube Fittings (1971) Compression, Extension, Torsion, Flat, and Hot Wound (M Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete Under Fie Compressive or Shear Strains by the Mechanical Oscillog Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1973 Compressive Strength of Bituminous Mixtures (1974) ANSI Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Compressive Strength of Flat Sandwich Constructions (19 Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Compressive Strength of Masonry Assemblages (1972) Compressive Strength of Sandwich Cores (1970) Compressive Strength of Syntactic Foam (1972A) Compressive (Crushing) Strength of Graphite (1971) ANSI Compressor Units (1973) Std. for Sa Compressor Units (1974) Engineering Data Compressors and Units (1973) Compressors for Process Industries (1972) Compressors (1972) ANSI BI43.1 Compressors, Artificial Airways, Appurtenances) (1973) Computations (1973) Rec. for Wood Beam, Joint Computer and Data Processing Equipment (1972) Computer Output Microfilm (1971) Computer Output Microfilm (1971) Computer Programs (1970) Computer Ribbons (1972) (Computer Software Documentation and Terminology) (1972) Computer System FORTRAN Procedures for Executive Functi Computer Systems (1972) Re Computer Systems (1973) Computer Type (Square Loop) Pulse Transformers (1970) Computers Mps (1970) Computers (1971) Computing Electrical Demands for Farms (1972) Concentrate (Glycol or Alcohol Base) by the Iodine Reag Concentrated, Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuge Concentrates Used to Enrich Cereals (Cereal Chemistry) Concentrates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Concentration of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Chromium C Concentration of Dry Adhesive Films (1970) Concentration of Lead in Paint (1973) Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances (1970) ANSI Nl 15 Concentrations of Acetone (1971) Concentrations of Dichlorodifluoromethane (Fluorocarbon Concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide (1972) Concentrations of Inorganic Mercury and Nonalkyl Organo Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Concentrations of Toluene in the Air of Workplaces (197 Concentrations of Trichlorofluoromethane (Fluorocarbon Concentrations of l,l,2Trichloro-l,2,2trifluoroethane Concentric Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum a Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conouctors (1974) ANSI C Concentric Lay Stranded EC Grade Aluminum Conductors (1 Concentric Lay Stranded Steel Reinforced, (ACSR) (1972A Gas Turbin FMS CCA CGA UL FMS ICBO ASTM ISA ISA AACCH CCTI ASTM ABYC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ACI ASTM AACCH ASTM SSI NFLDP TAPPI ASTM ASTM SAE SMI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL API ARI ANSI UL NSF WWPA NFPA NMA NMA SAE ASTM ANSI ISA FMS FMS IEEE SAE ISA ASAE ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NCRPM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 7-37 C7 C9 404 7-50 UFC»2ART8 D2213 S39.4 S39.3 74-10 CT107 C594 P15 C425 D2182 D2293 D905 D3027 D2723 D2722 D2835 UBCS26-11 214 C684 74-10 E9 *10 T3.19.18 T20 D3148 D3291 J246 *3 C683 D945 D1621 D1074 C39 C364 C109 C349 E447 C365 D2736 C695 303 UK 510 B19.3 984 48 '30 75 MSI MS2 ARP681B F153 X10.1 S61.1 LPD5-32 5-32 272 AS417A RP55.1 R294 D1123 D1076 86-49 86-01 Z37.7 D1583 D2088 E267 Z37.32 Z37.38 Z37.2 Z37.8 R22 Z37.12 Z37.36 Z37.35 B524 B8 B496 B400 B232 Engineering and Product Standards Division 93 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ors (1972) ANSI C7.50 tors (1972) ANSI C7.52 ) (1973) 973) Std. Spec, (or Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Spec, for Tinned Copper Std. for Glossary of Terms Rec. Std. Meth. of Test for Surface Moisture in Fine r Cooled Iron Blast Furna/ Uniform Building Code Std. for h. of Test for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Prefaced Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to hragms / Uniform Building Code Std. for Reinforced Gypsum 1) Std. Spec, for Reinforced ma, Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Grapple, or Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Tent. Meth. of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Rec. for Manufacture and Placement of Reinforced Spec, for the Design and Construction of Reinforced Uniform Building Code: Masonry or ) Tent. Rec. for Design of Std. Meth. of Making, Accelerated Curing, and Test, of ing, Column and Other Members) (1973) Spec, for Placing Reinforcing Steel Bar Supports in ilding Code Std. for Prestressed Steel Strand and Wire for forcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Std. Spec, for Reinforced e Std. for Evaluation of Compression Test Results in Field for Determining the Splitting Tensile Strength of Molded Std. Spec, for Reinforced Std. Spec, for of Mineral Admixtures in Preventing Excessive Expansion of e (1972) Std. Spec, for Reinforced Rec. Pract. for Suggested Design Procedures for Combined Spec, for Structural Rec. for Preplaced Aggregate Rec. Safety Requirements for Shoring Suggested Design and Construction Procedures for Rec. Pract. for Rec. for Erosion Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Density of Bituminous Rec. for Materials and Meth. for Durability of Rec. Guide for Making a Condition Survey of 3) Std. Spec, for Nonreinforced Sta. Spec, for Reinforced ing (1973) Tent. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Precast Reinforced and Manholes (1973) ANSI A73.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hollow Load Bearing Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Std. Spec, for Hollow Nonload Bearing Std. Spec, for Solid Load Bearing Uniform Building Code Std. for Hollow Load Bearing Uniform Building Code Std. for Solid Load Bearing Uniform Building Code Std. for Hollow Nonload Bearing Uniform Building Code Std. for Meth. of Test for Tent. Rec. for Std. Meth. of Test for Time of Setting of Design Criteria for Reinforced Rec. Pract. for Reinforced Bituminous Guide Spec, for Specifying: Precast Recommendations for Basis of Payment on Portland Cement Rec. Pract. for Construction of (1974/ Interim Guideline for Protection and Acceptance of Rec. Guide for Design of Foundations and Shoulders for bricant for Installation of Preformed Compression Seals in ng / Std. Spec, for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Model Specs, for SmaD pec. for Optimum Size Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Porous Std. Meth. of Test. Rec. for Cast in Place Nonreinforced Spec, for Cast in Place Nonreinforced Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for Prestressing Truck Mixer and Agitator Stds. 6) A37.134 and Other Liquids (1972) Std. for Prestressed Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Std. Spec, for Rail Steel Deformed Bars for Std. Spec, for Axle Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concentric Lay Stranded 5005-H19 Aluminum Alloy Conduct Concentric Lay Stranded 6201-T 81 Aluminum Alloy Conduc Concentric Lay Stranded (1972) Concentric Neutrals (Underground Electrical Power Cable Concerning Letter Symbols (1972) Concerning Storage of Expanded Rubber (1972) Concrete Aggregate (1973) AASHO T142, ANSI A37.21 Concrete Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and Ai Concrete Aggregates (1971) AASHO T27, ANSI A37.8 / Met Concrete Aggregates (1974) ANSI A37.124 Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units (.1973) Concrete and Its Aggregates (1968) ANSI A37.76 Concrete and Precast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Roof Diap Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (197 Concrete Bucket Attachments (1971) /Rope Supported Boo Concrete Building Brick (1971) ANSI A75.1 Concrete Building Brick (1973) Concrete by the Pressure Meth. (1972T) ANSI A37.70 Concrete Casings for Irrigation Wells (1972) Concrete Chimneys (1969) ANSI A158.1 Concrete Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Concrete Composite Beam9 and Girders for Building (1957 Concrete Compression Test Specimens (1974) Concrete Construction Design Handbook (Beam, Slab, Foot Concrete Construction (1970) Concrete Construction (1973) Uniform Bu Concrete Construction (1973) /De Std. for Welding Rein Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) Concrete Cylinders (1973) Uniform Building Cod Concrete Cylinders (1973) Uniform Building Code Std Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1 Concrete Drain Tile (1972) Concrete Due to the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (1969) Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pip Concrete Floor and Slab Construction (1969) ANSI A157.1 Concrete Footings and Mats (Foundation) (1963) Concrete for Buildings (1973) ANSI A 138.1 Concrete for Structural and Mass Concrete (1966) Concrete Formwork (1972) Concrete Foundation Piers (1969) Concrete Highway Bridge Deck Construction (1974) Concrete in Hydraulic Structures (1952) Concrete in Place by Nuclear Meth. (1974) Concrete in Service (1959) Concrete in Service (1965) Concrete Irrigation Pipe with Rubber Gasket Joints (197 Concrete Low Head Pressure Pipe (1973) Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous Mix Concrete Manhole Sections (1973) Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A79.1 Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A84.1 Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A80.1 Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A81.1 Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Concrete Members Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons (196 Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance (1970) ANSI Concrete Nuclear Power Containment Structures (1969) Concrete Overlays (Welded Wire Fabric) (1962) Concrete Panels (1973) Concrete Pavement Overlay Projects (1973) Concrete Pavements and Bases (1974) Concrete Pavements Exposed to Rain During Construction Concrete Pavements (1965) Concrete Pavements (1972) Std. Spec, for Lu Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextrudi Concrete Paving Jobs (1973) Concrete Paving (1972) Rec. S Concrete Pipe for Irrigation or Drainage (1973) Concrete Pipe for Use in Underdrains (1973) Concrete Pipe or Tile (1973) Concrete Pipe (1966) Concrete Pipe (1970) ANSI A171.1 Concrete Pipe (1973) Concrete Plant Equipment Std9. (1973) (Concrete Plant Equipment) (1973) Concrete Plant Mixer (Equipment) Stds. (1973) Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type, for Water Concrete Radiation Shields (1972) Concrete Reinforcement Bars (1973) Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ASTM B397 ASTM B399 ASTM B231 ! AA 52-1 ANSI Y10.1 FMS LPD8-2 ASTM C70 ICBO UBCS26-2 ASTM C136 ASTM C33 ASTM C744 ASTM C125 ICBO UBCS24-13 ASTM C506 SAE J220 ASTM C55 ICBO UBCS24-3 ASTM C231 ASAE R266 ACI 307 ICBO UBC»3-37 ACI 57-29 ASTM C684 ACI SP17 CRSI •1.3.5 ICBO UBCS26-7 ICBO UBCS26-8 ASTM C76 ICBO UBCS26-11 ICBO UBCS26-12 ASTM C655 ASTM C412 ASTM C441 ASTM C507 ACI 302 ACI 63-49 ACI 301 ACI 66-65 ssi- *9 ACI 69-42 ACI 345 ACI 52-18 ASTM D2950 ACI 59-57 ACI 65-67 ASTM C505 ASTM C361 ASTM C685 ASTM C478 ASTM C139 ASTM C90 ASTM C140 ASTM C129 ASTM C145 ICBO UBCS24-4 ICBO UBCS24-5 ICBO UBCS24-6 ICBO UBCS24-7 ACI 66-8 ASTM C403 ACI 69-2 WRI RB80 CSI 03410 ACPA TM-6 ACI 316 ACPA TB17 ACI 65-43 ASTM D2835 ASTM D1751 AI CL-2 ACPA 15 ASTM C118 ASTM C654 ASTM C497 ACI 66-22 ACI 346 ASTM A648 NRMCA »1 NRMCA *3 NRMCA *2 AWWA C301 ANSI N101.6 ICBO UBCS26-4 ASTM A615 ASTM A616 ASTM A617 94 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concre Std. Spec, for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concre Std. Spec, for Cold Worked Deformed Steel Wire for Concre Std. Spec, for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concre Uniform Building Code Std. for Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concre building Code Std. for Steel Bar and Rod Mats (Sheets) for Concre de Std. for Welded Steel Wire and Deformed Wire Fabric for Concre Rec. for Concre ng; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed Concre lion Contract (1968) Suggested Components of A Concre Spec, for Perlite Insulating Concre oirs, etc. for Water and Waste Treatment) (1968/ Rec. for Concre Std. Spec, for Concre Rec. for Concre el Splined Continuous Strip Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Concre sleeper Construction with Nailers and Finish Flooring Over Concre truction with Nailers, Subflooring or Finish Flooring Over Concre ith Mastic Set Subflooring and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concre pec. for Mosaic Wood Parquet Flooring Set in Adhesive Over Concre Clay Tile and Concre Tent. Test Meth. for Critical Dilation of Concre eth. of Test for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concre std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concre Std. Meth. of Capping Cylindrical Concre Stds. for Construction of Concre Rec. Pract. for in Place Concre Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concre 6/ Rec. for Correct Preparation, Finishing and Testing of Concre Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concre 37.81 Std. Meth. of Making and Curing Concre Tent. Spec, for Molds for Forming Concre Uniform Building Code Std. for Concre Std. Spec, for Perforated Concre ive Meth. of Test for Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concre Guide Spec, for Concre (1966) Rec. for Precast Concre Std. Spec, for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concre construction)/ Std. Specs, for Post Tensioned Prestressed Concre ction (1965) Rec. for Deep, Cast in Place Concre (1968) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Flexural Strength of Concre Rec. for Selection and Use of Aggregates for Concre Rec. for Admixtures for Concre Rec. Guide for Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concre Std. Rec. Pract. for Selecting Proportions for No Slump Concre pract. for Evaluation of 'Compression Test Results of Field Concre . for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete for Structural and Mass Concre for Precast Concrete Units Used as Forms for Cast in Place Concre Specifying Tests, Plastic Concre Rec. Guide for Use of Admixtures in Concre ract. for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concre Steel Wire Bar Supports Used to Position Reinforcement in Concre Rec. Pract. for Selecting Proportions for Normal Weight Concre Rec. Pract. for Curing Concre Std. for Preparation of Notation for Concre Std. Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concre Std. Rec. Pract. for Curing Concre Std. for Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concre Std. for Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concre Rec. Pract. for Consolidation of Concre Std. Meth. for Physical Test, of Gypsum Plasters and Concre Std. Spec, for Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concre Uniform Building Code Std. for Test. Gypsum Plasters and Concre Uniform Building Code Std. for Ready Mixed Concre Uniform Building Code Std. for Admixtures for Concre Uniform Building Code: Concre Structural Deck (Roofing); Gypsum Concre c. Pract. for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concre ilding Code Std. for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concre ture of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concre Std. Meth. of Test for Organic Impurities in Sands for Concre w or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Concre Std. Spec, for Air Entraining Admixtures for Concre td. Spec, for Liquid Membrane Forming Compounds for Curing Concre h. of Test for Length Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Concre Change of Drilled or Sawed Specimens of Cement Mortar and Concre Rec. Pract. for Hot Weather Concreting (Concre lization, Ice Removal, Acceleration of Concrete, Curing of Concre or Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, Acceleration of Concre s/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Inspection and Test. Agencies for Concre ntation, Protectio/ Uniform Building Code: Veneer (Brick, Concre Storage) Rooms Used in the Test, of Hydraulic Cements and Concre ing Code: Weights of Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concre Rec. Pract. for Hot Weather Concre Rec. Pract. for Hot Weather Concre Rec. Pract. for Cold Weather Concre Std. Rec. Pract. for Hot Weather Concre Uniform Uniform Building Co /Mifinished for Forgi Tentat e Reinforcement (1972) ANSI A50.3 e Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.1 e Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.2 e Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.3 e Reinforcement (1973) e Reinforcement (1973) e Reinforcement (1973) Reinforcing Bar Splices (1971) e Reinforcing Bars (1972) e Reinforcing Steel Material Supply and Installa e Roof Decks (1973) e Sanitary Engineering Structures (Tanks, Reserv e Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (1973) e Shell Structures (1973) e Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Ste e Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Rubber Cushion e Slab Floors (1962) /for Mastic Cushioned Cons e Slab Floors (1962) /Tic Nailed Construction W e Slab or Wood Subfloors (1962) e Slabs (Tech. Notes) (1962) e Specimens Subject to Freezing (1972T) e Specimens (1971) ANSI A37.121 Std. M e Specimens (1972) AASHO T22, ANSI A37.18 e Specimens (1973) e Stave Farm Silos (1969) e Strength Evaluation (1970) e Structures (1967) e Subfloor Surfaces to Receive Wood Flooring (19 e Surfaces (1974) e Test Specimens in the Laboratory (1969) ANSI a e Tests Cylinders Vertically (1973T) ANSI A37.95 e Tests (1973) e Under Drainage Pipe (1973) e Under Field Conditions (1974) e Unit Masonry (1971) e Units Used as Forms for Cast in Place Concrete e (Bituminous Type) (1971) ANSI A37.101 e (Post Tensioned Box Girder Bridges Design and e (Storage) Bin and Silo Wall Design and Constru e (Using Simple Beam with Center Point Loading) e (1958) e (1960) e (1964) e (1965) e (1965) ANSI A146.1 e (1966) e (1966) e (1967) e (1968) e (1969) ANSI A164.1 e (1970) e (1970) ANSI A167.1 e (1971) ANSI A168.1 e (1971) ANSI A188.1 e (1971) ANSI A89.1 e (1972) ACI 308 e (1972) ACI 322 e (1972) ANSI A169.1 e (1972) ANSI A185.1 e (1973) e (1973) e (1973) e (1973) e (1973) e (1973) e (1973) e (1973) Re e (1973) Uniform Bu e (1973) Std. Descriptive Nomencla e (1973) AASHO T21, ANSI A37.19 e (1973) ANSI A37.122 /Spec, for Fly Ash and Ra e (1973) ANSI A37.132 e (1973) ANSI A37.87 e (1974) ANSI A37.78 e (1974T) e) (1972) ANSI A170.1 e, and Other Road Conditioning Purposes (1974) a e. Curing of Concrete, and Other Road Conditioni e, Steel and Bituminous Materials as Used in Con e. Stone, Tile, Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Orname es (1973) /Ec. for Moist Cabinets and (Specimen e; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limes ing (Concrete) (1972) ANSI A170.1 ing (1959) ing (1966) ANSI A144.1 ing (1972) ACI 305 Rec. Rec Rec. Rec. P Spec. Std. Met Std. Meth. of Test for Length ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO CRSI AISI CRSI CSI ACI ASTM ACI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI BIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSLO NRMCA ACI WSFI ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM CSI ACI ASTM CRSI ACI ASTM ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI CSI ACI ACI CRSI ACI ACI ACI ACI ANSI ANSI ACI ACI ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO NRCA ACI ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ACI ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ICBO ACI ACI ACI ANSI A82 A185 A496 A497 UBCS2416 UBCS26S UBCS26-6 •3 1 •1.9.1 03521 68-50 C14 334 •5 •4 •8 •6 •7 14A C671 C496 C39 C617 •1 •133 6740 •1 C779 C192 C470 UBCS26-10 C444 C683 04220 66-66 D994 •2 65-37 C293 58-24 60-64 64-39 211 214 66-65 66-66 03303 68-56 211.2 •1.3.1 211.1 308 104 318 A168.1 A169.1 322 309 C472 C637 UBCS24-26 UBCS26-13 UBCS26-9 UBC*3-26 •2-113 304 UBCS26-3 C638 C40 C618 C260 C309 C157 C341 305 D98 D98 E329 UBC*3-30 C511 UBC*3-23 305 605 306 A170.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 95 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards tallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) Std. Meth. for ulfur Oxides in Flue Gases (Barium Chloranilate Controlled Moisture Control in Brick and Tile Walls, Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Instability of Confined 1974) Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Seamless 1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Round Std. Spec, for Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy heat Exchangers (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Seamless or U-Bend Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Heat Exchanger and Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and ess Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Titanium Tube for . for Copper Alloy Condenser Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Std. Meth. of Testing for Rating Water Cooled Refrigerant Std. for Safety for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning ents (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1971) Safe Operating Safe Operating Rec. Guide for Making A uantitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide in Dough Std. for Sound Rating of Room Fan Coil Air Component Std. for Receiver Dehydrators for Vehicle Air Std. for Room Air Safety Std. for Room Air Safety Std. for Air i H23.5 Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Std. for Central Station Air Handling Units (Air Std. for Gas Fired Absorption Summer Air Std. for Safety for Refrigeration and Air Air Handling Spec, for Sheet Metal and Air edures (1973) Air of Testing for Sound Rating Heating. Refrigerating and Air Std. for Unitary Air Std. for Recreational Vehicle Air Std. Meth. of Testing Automotive Air ppi T402 Std. Meth. of celeration of Concrete, Curing of Concrete, and Other Road d Test Equipment and R/ Std. for Recreational Vehicle Air itioning System) (1966) What Makes a Good Air ood Air Conditioning System (Information on Year Round Air Std. for Liquid Line Driers in Refrigerating and Air brous Glass Duct Construction Std. for Ventilating and Air minimum Installation Stds. for Residential Heating and Air Std. for Installation of Central Warm Air Heating and Air on Line Filters and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Air 974) ANSI L14.205 Std. Rec. Pract. for 4) Std. Manual for Electric Comfort Coil Face Areas for Central Station Units (Air Moving and operating Limits for Central Station Units (Air Moving and ing and Regulating Electrical Equipment for Control of Air combination Duct System/ Std. for the Installation of Air ms) (1972) Safety Std. for Limit Controls (Air fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with / Rec. Pract. for Defining nd Beverages (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Establishing ance (1973) / Std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Geometric rmity in the Graphic Arts (1972) Std. for Viewing permanence of Adhesive Bonded Joints in Plywood Under Mold th. for Resistance of Adhesives to Cyclic Laboratory Aging nts. Driveways, and Interior Floors Exposed to Wet and Dry motor Vehicle Brake Fluid for Use Under Arctic Atmospheric . of Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained ed Wood Products for Use Under Exterior (Wet Use) Exposure minated Products for Use Under Interior (Dry Use) Exposure ombustible Liquids and Solids and Potential Dust Explosion Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete Under Field ltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Under Impulse Std. for Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid (Used Under Nonarctic s (1972) Std. Meth. of n of Deg. of Cure of a Backed Paint Film (Coil/ Spec, for g Materials (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for 2) ANSI Z197.22 Std. Rec. Pract. for 973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Safety Std. for Hose for als (1970) Std. Meth. of Std. Rec. Pract. for Bonds in Scarf Joints (1970) Std. Meth. of Tent. Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Resistivity of Recommendation for Installation of Anesthetizing Location/ Std. for Safety for Electrically Rec. for Electrically Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Resistance of ipator Additive (1971)/ Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Std. Meth of Test for D.C. Electrical Condensation-Humidity Test, of Organic Coatings on Me Condensation Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for S Condensation (Tech. Notes) (1965) Condensed Phase Systems (Confinement Test) (1973) Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins ( Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins ( Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes (1972) ANSI H34.42 Condenser Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Condensers and Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock (1974) ANSI H23.14 Condenser Tubes (1973) Std. Spec. F Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.32 • / Spec, for Welded Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.8 /D. Spec, for Seaml Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1965) ANSI H50.2 Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1973) Std. Spec Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1973) ANSI H38.6 Condensers (1971) Condensing and Compressor Units (1973) Condition of Tires Including Tire Treads Depth Requirem Condition of Truck, Trailer and Bus Type Tires (1973) Condition Survey of Concrete in Service (1965) Conditioners Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy Flour Conditioners Delivering Less Than 1500 cfm (1971) Conditioners (1967) Conditioners (1972) ANSI Z234.1 Conditioners (1973) ANSI C33.14 Conditioners, Central Cooling (1972) ANSI B144.1 Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service (1974) Ans Conditioning and Refrigeration) (1974) Conditioning Appliances (1973) Conditioning Condensing and Compressor Units (1973) Conditioning Contractors (1973) Conditioning Equipment Selection and System Design Proc Conditioning Equipment (1972) Std. Meth. Conditioning Equipment (1974) Conditioning Equipment (1974) Conditioning Hose (1968E) ANSI J2.27 Conditioning Paper and Its Products for Test. (1973) Ta Conditioning Purposes (1974) ANSI A37.37, Ashto M144 Conditioning System Rating Definitions, Test. Meth., an Conditioning System (Information on Year Round Air Cond Conditioning System) (1966) What Makes a G Conditioning Systems (1971) Conditioning Systems (1972) Fi Conditioning Systems (1973) Conditioning Systems (1973) ANSI B144.3 Conditioning Systems (1974) / and Application of Sucti Conditioning Textiles and Textile Products for Test. (1 Conditioning (Heat Loss, Gain, Energy Consumption) (197 Conditioning) (1966) Std. Conditioning) (1966) Std. Conditioning, Heating, Cooking, Refrigeration, and Humi Conditioning, Heating, Exhaust, Ventilating, and Their Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating and Processing Syste Conditions for Evaluating the Compatibility of Vehicle Conditions for Laboratory Sensory Evaluation of Foods a Conditions for Measurement of Reflectance and Transmitt Conditions for the Appraisal of Color Quality and Unifo Conditions (1970) Conditions (1970) ANSI Z197.19 Conditions (1970) ANSI 09.1 Conditions (1972) Conditions (1972) Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197.27 Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197.33 Conditions (1973) Conditions (1974) Std. Test Meth. for Std. Test Me /Exposed Platforms, Paveme Std. for Std. Meth /for Structural Laminat /Ives for Structural La /T), and Handling of Flammable and C Tentative Meth. of Test for Conditions (1974) /of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Vo Conditions) (1972) Conducted Controlled Velocity Laboratory Corrosion Test Conducting a Solvent Hand Rub Test for the Determinatio Conducting Bending Fatigue Tests for Copper Alloy Sprin Conducting Creep Tests of Metal to Metal Adhesives (197 Conducting Exterior Exposure Tests of Paints on Wood (1 Conducting Gasoline (1973) Conducting Machining Tests of Wood and Wood Base Materi Conducting Natural Light Exposures Under Glass (1973) Conducting Shear Block Test for Quality Control of Glue Conducting Wear Test on Textile Garments (1973) Conductive Adhesives (1972) Conductive Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Conductive Equipment and Materials for Use in Flammable Conductive Floors (1973) Conductive Resilient Flooring (1972) Conductivity of Aviation Fuels Containing a Static Diss Conductivity of Carbon Refractories (1973) Conductivity of Hydrocarbons Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.322 NCCA ASTM BIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASHRA UL VESC VESC ACI AACCH ARI IMACA AHAM UL UL ASTM ARI ANSI UL SMACN NESCA ASHRA ARI ARI ASTM ASTM ASTM IMACA NESCA NESCA ARI SMACN SMACN NFPA ARI ASTM NEMA AMCA AMCA UL NFPA UL SAE ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM SAE AWPA NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TCA UL FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TBIII-6 D3226 7C E476 B359 B404 B163 B171 Bill B395 A249 A199 B338 B171 B234 22 303 V-7 V-9 65-67 48-51 443 309 RAC-1 484 465 B280 430 Z21.40.1 303 *3 MAN K 36 210 250 D1680 D685 D98 400 MAN C MAN C 710 »6 •10 90B 730 D1776 HE1 1402 1401 873 90A 353 J398A E480 E179 PH2.32 D1877 D1183 D52 J1702D D3080 D2559 D3024 UFC*2ART34 C683 D3300 J1703B M 14-72 TB-II-18 B593 D1780 D1006 330 D1666 G24 D1759 D3181 D2739 112 1067 5-9 F150 D2624 C767 D3114 96 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 28 Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal (1970) Ale/ Std. Meth. of Test for Estimating the Thermal Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Cable (1972) Rec. Pract. for 7 ene-Rubber Insulation, 200/ Std. for Nonshielded Single lene-Rubber Insu/ Std. for Portable Single and Multiple Std. Meth. of Test for Resistivity of Electrical Std. Ampacities with Effect of Shield Losses for Single Code Words for Aluminum Electrical , Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Electrical Purposes (Bus and Building Foundation Drain, Under Basement Floor, Sump 1 Conductors (1971) Spec, for Rope Lay Stranded Copper r Conductors Having Bunch Stranded Members, for Electrical Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded 5005-H19 Aluminum Alloy spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded 6201-T 81 Aluminum Alloy or Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded jDiinUnaim tions of Terms Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Electrical Rec. Pract. for Determining Solderability of Thick Film Between Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper Overhead Electrical ctric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV (Copper and Aluminum 1972) An/ Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded Aluminum acsr) (1972A) ANSI C7.22 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum minum Coated (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum olyvinyl Chloride Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Plastic Utilities ble Inst/ Std. for Safety for Flexible Steel and Aluminum d Cables (1972) ANSI C33.37 Std. for Safety for Fiber Std. for Safety for Rigid Nonmetallic Tent. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Asphalt with si All 1.4 Std. Meth. of Test for Pyrometric Test for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous Propellants by the Meth. for Std. for Wrenching eaking Tenacity of Man Made Textile Fibers in Loop or Knot unting Dime/ Std. Bore and Rod Size Combinations, Rod End 73) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Instability of r Thermal Instability of Confined Condensed Phase Systems nd Gloss Tolerances of Opaque Materials and for Evaluating f Analysis of Congeal Point in Fats and Fat Mixtures Which Solidify Within Temperature Range / Meth. of Analysis of m (1971) ANSI Z11.61 Std. Meth. of Test for m (1972) Meth. for ck: Deciduous Shade and Flowering Trees; Deciduous Shrubs; ltivator. Edger-Trimmer, Hedge / Std. for Safety for Cord safety for Test for Polymeric Enclosures for Portable Cord Safety Std. for Electric Cord s. Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Metal Plate minimum Requirements for Motor Vehicle (Recreational Type) Std. for Blower Pipe and Std. for Water Thread Compounds (For Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe code Std. for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Std. for Metric Thread Fuel Injection Tubing Uniform Plumbing Code: Joints and Drain P/ Std. for Installation of Seacocks, Through Hull lag Screws; Light / Uniform Building Code Std. for Timber Std. for Safety for Pigtail, Expansion Coil, and Flexible Rec. Pract. for 7 Conductor Electrical Std. for Receptacle Dummy Storage, Electrical Std. Spec, for Aluminum Bar for Electrical Purposes (Bus for Structural Steel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, ems (1973) ANSI Se2.6 Std. for Safety for (1970) Cable ohms) (1973) Std. for Precision Coaxial Std. for Supply Gas urn) Gas (1972) UL 567 Safety Std. for Pipe Std. for Metal 71) Std. for Gas Hose 971) Std. for Gas Hose r Overhead Electrical Connectors (1973) NEMA Cc/ Std. for r Overhead Electrical Conductors (1973) EEI Tdj/ Std. for Appliances (1971) Std. for Flexible ations (1973) Std. for Electrical Plugs, Receptacles and 73) Uniform Building Code Std. for Shear Std. for Flexible Copper Water est Procedures for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electrical Std. for Electric Power Between Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper Overhead Electrical Std. for Safety for Factory Made Air Duct Materials and Std. Test Proc. for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electric Conductivity of Insulating Fire Brick (1972) ANSI All], Conductivity of Leather with the Cenco Fitch Apparatus Conductivity of Liquids (1971) ANSI Zl 1.304 Conductivity of Refractory Brick (1971) ANSI A111.32 Conductivity of Unfired Monolithic Refractories (1972) Conductor Electrical Connector for Truck Trailer Jumper Conductor Electrical Power Cable with Ethylene-Propyl Conductor Electrical Power Cables with Ethylene-Propy Conductor Materials (1972A) ANSI C7.24 Conductor Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 Conductor (1972) Conductor) (1973) ANSI C7.45 / Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod Conductor, Downspout Runoff, Swimming Pool, etc.) (1973 Conductors Having Bunch Stranded Members, for Electrica Conductors (1971) Spec, for Rope Lay Stranded Coppe Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.50 Std. Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.52 Std. Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.53 Std. Spec. F Conductors (1972A) Std. Defini Conductors (1972T) Conductors (1973) EEI TDJ-162 / for Connectors for Use Conductors) (1972) /S for Single Conductor Solid Diele Conductors, Aluminum Alloy Reinforced (Acar, EC/6201) ( Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded Steel Reinforced, ( Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded (1972) Conductors, Hard, Medium Hard, or Soft (1972) ANSI C7.8 Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.47 Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.61 Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) (1974) ANSI C7.60 Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing (1974) /. for P Conduit and Fittings (1972) ANSI K65.57 Std. Spec. F Conduit for Safe Use as a Metal Raceway for Wire and Ca Conduit for Use as Raceway for Installation of Wires an Conduit (1972) ANSI C33.91 Cone and Plate Viscometer (1973) Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Refractory Materials (1972) an Cone Penetration Meth. (1972) ANSI Z11.319 /. Meth. of Cone Penetration of Petrolatum (1972) Configuration, Spline Drive Threaded Fasteners (1971) Configurations (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Br Configurations, Dimensional Identification Code, and Mo Confined Condensed Phase Systems (Confinement Test) (19 (Confinement Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test Fo Conformance (1972T) /or Selecting and Defining Color a Congeal or Solidify Within Temperature Range of 25 to 4 Congeal Point in Fats and Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatu Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatu Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens; Rose Grades; Vines Connected Electric Gardening Appliances (Lawn Mower, Cu Connected Electrical Appliances (1973) Std. for Connected Indoor Signs (1971) ANSI C33.35 Connected Wood Truss Design; and Nails and Staples (197 Connecting Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch, S Connecting Flange Dimensions (1972) Connection Flanges (1971) Connections in High Pressure Oil Well Service) (1972) Connections jn Reinforced Concrete Construction (1973) Connections (1971) Connections (1973) Connections, Outboard Water Strainers, Water Scoops and Connector and Bolted Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wood and Connector Fittings for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Cylind Connector for Truck Trailer Jumper Cable (1972) Connector (1972) Connector) (1973) ANSI C7.27 Connector, and Bar) (1973) /E Std. for Material Spec. Connectors and Switches for Use with Burglar Alarm Syst Connectors for Audio Facilities for Radio Broadcasting Connectors for CATV (Cable Television) Application (75 Connectors for Exterior Use on Mobile Homes (1972) Connectors for Flammable Liquids and LP (Liquid Petrole Connectors for Gas Appliances (1967) Connectors for Portable Indoor Gas Fired Appliances (19 Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas Fired Appliances (1 Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum- Coppe Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum-Coppe Connectors of Other Than All Metal Construction for Gas Connectors of the Pin and Sleeve Type for Hazardous Loc Connectors (Steel Studs) for Composite Construction (19 Connectors (1971) Connectors (1971) ANSI C83.63B Connectors (1972) Connectors (1973) NEMA CC3 Connectors (1974) Connectors (1974) ANSI C83.63C Std. T /Td. for Connectors for Use ASTM C182 ASTM D2214 ASTM D2717 ASTM C202 ASTM C417 TTMA RP40 NEMA WC8/7 NEMA WC8/6 ASTM B193 IPCEA P-53-426 AA •31 ASTM B317 ASTM D2311 ASTM B172 ASTM B172 ASTM B397 ASTM B399 ASTM B400 ASTM B354 ASTM F357 NEMA C33 IPCEA P-53-426 ASTM B524 ASTM B232 ASTM B231 ASTM B8 ASTM B341 ASTM B500 ASTM B498 NEMA RN1 ASTM D2750 UL 1 UL 543 UL 651 ASTM D3205 ASTM C24 ASTM D2884 TAPPI T663 SAE AS1159A ASTM D3217 NFLDP T3.6.11 ASTM E476 ASTM E476 ASTM D3134 AACCH 58-12A AACCH 58-12A ASTM D938 TAPPI T662 ANSI Z60.1 UL 82 UL 746.51 UL 48 ICBO UBCS25-17 VESC V-5 ASAE S347T SAE J535A API BUL 5A2 ICBO UBCS26-8 SAE J242 ICBO UPC»l-8 ABYC H27 ICBO UBCS25-17 UL 569 TTMA RP40 NSA 1196 ASTM B236 ICBO UBCS27-1 UL 634 EIA RS297-A EIA RS403 IAPMO TSC9 ANSI B148.1 ANSI Z21.24 ANSI Z21.2 ANSI Z21.54 EEI TDJ-162 NEMA C33 ANSI Z21.45 NEMA FB11 ICBO UBCS27-8 IAPMO PS14 EIA RS364-2 NEMA CC 1 EEI TDJ-162 UL 181 EIA RS364-3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 97 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 8 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. General Document for Printed Wiring Board Electric Washers, Pin/ Western Woods Use Book: Timber Fasteners ment, Poles, Piles, Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, td. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Meth. of Test for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified lion and Maintenance of Terrace (Erosion Control and Water of Fixed Partitions of Light Frame Type for the Purpose of Al.ll Std. Meth. of Test for Normal Std. Meth. of Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Rec. Pract. for Std. Spec, for Primary Columbium Metal for astics Used for Electr/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Std. Spec, for Mercury Lamp Transformers, ging as-is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis Std. Meth. of Test for Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Std. for Safety for est for Breaking Load and Elongatoin of Elastomeric Yarns meth. of Test for Elastic Properties of Elastomeric Yarns trength of Woven Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rip) Meth. pressure Sensitive Tape to Fiberboard at 90 Deg. Angle and Ceramic Dielectrics A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric or Alternating Current Loss Characteristics and Dielectric icr/ Std. Test Meth. for Complex Permittivity (Dielectric rete (1973) Std. Descriptive Nomenclature of ing Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at PI/ Rec. for Factory ile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Structural Clay (Properly 4 Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Use in 968) Requirements for the Uniform Building Code: Roof 21 Std. for Safeguarding Against Fire During Building Std. for Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists es (1973) Rec. for Prevention of Collapse Due to Weak Rec. Against Weak Minimum Requirements for School Bus Minimum Requirements for Type II School Bus use of Electric Motors and Generators (1/ Safety Std. for Both Permanently and Temporarily Affixed Safety Signs for Rec. Pract. for Instrument Face Design and Location for nee Instructions, and Container and Filler Identification s/ Std. for Steering Frame Lock for Articulated Vehicles Rec. Pract. for Storage Batteries for Rec. Pract. for Lubrication Chart • Std. for Dimensional Spec, for Sealed Lighting Unit for Rec. Pract. for Electrical System for acity for Shovel Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (ROPS) and Falling Object Protective Structures (FOPS) of Uniform Building Code Std. for Softwood Plywood Lumber, ats (1973) Rec. Pract. and Std. for the Design, for Anchori/ Std. and Pract. Rec. for Selection, Design, d. and Rec. Pract. for Requirements for Design, Materials, 1 and Water Conservation) (1972/ Rec. for Design, Layout, Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Building Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Building d. Definitions of Terms Relating to Fire Tests of Building y Cabinets (1973) Rec. for ems (1972) Rec. for Location, ortable Containers for Flam/ Stds. and Pract. for Design, tion and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Building rotection / Earthquakes (General Characteristics Of, Rec. Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and Light Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor (For Small mn and Other Members) (1973) Concrete story Buildings (Tech. Notes) (1966) electrical Wiring Identification System for Industrial and Std. for Flexible Connectors of Other Than All Metal Plywood Test Meth. for Packaging Film and Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Plywood Type meth. for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Two Ply Wood Glossary of Std. Form of Agreement Between Owner and luminum Alloy Load Carrying (Members) Structures (Aluminum Laminators Quality Control System (Timber sign of Aluminum Formed Sheet Building Sheathing (Aluminum uminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction (Aluminum estigating the Compatibility of Transformer Insulation and Std. Page Format of the ed Lumber and Plywood) Foundation System: House Design and halt/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Materials for Use in 73.1 Std. Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units for Design and s (1967) Design and Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Design and Rec. Pract. for Stds. for quid Cooled Marine Engin/ Stds. and Pract. for Design and Connectors (1974) ANSI C83.88, Ipc C-405A (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, Plates, Nails and Spikes Connectors, Nails, Staples, Adhesives, Fiberboard, Part Conouctors (1974) ANSI C7.59 Conradson) (1973) ANSI A149.12 Std. Conservation) (1972) /Ec. for Design, Layout, Construe Conserving Their Sound Insulation Efficiency (1973) / Consistency of Hydraulic Cement (1973) AASHO T129, ANSI Consolidated Drained Conditions (1972) Consolidation of Concrete (1972) ANSI A185.1 Consolidation or Melting (1964) ANSI Z179.17 Constant and Dissipation Factor of Expanded Cellular PI Constant Current (Series) Supply Type (1971) (Constant Dough Weight Meth. Only) (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Constant Internal Pressure (1974) ANSI B72.6 Constant Level Oil Valves (1974) ANSI B127.1 (Constant Rate of Extension Instruments) (1972) ANSI L14 (Constant Rate of Extension Machines) (1972) ANSI L14.28 (Constant Rate of Traverse Tensile Test. Machine) (1971) Constant Stress (1972) /Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Constant (Permittivity) and Dissipation Factor of Solid Constant (Permittivity) of Solid Electrical Insulating Constant) of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at M Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Cone Constructed Housing and Recreational Vehicle Manufactur Constructed Masonry) Insulated Cavity 6 In. Brick and T Constructing Built Up Roof Coverings (1971) ANSI A109.2 Construction and Certification of Freight Containers (1 Construction and Covering (1973) Construction and Demolition Operations (1973) ANSI A10. (Construction and Demolition Operations) (1973) Construction and Design of Buildings and Other Structur Construction and Design of Buildings (1972) Construction and Equipment (1972) Construction and Equipment (1973) Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Construction and Industrial Equipment (Machinery) (1971 Construction and Industrial Equipment (Machinery) (1971 (Construction and Industrial Equipment) (1971) /Aintena (Construction and Industrial Front End Loaders and Dozer Construction and Industrial Machinery (1970) Construction and Industrial Machinery (1971) Construction and Industrial Machinery (1972) Construction and Industrial Machinery (1972) (Construction and Industrial Machinery) (1972) /Uck Cap Construction and Industrial Vehicles and Equipment (197 Construction and Industrial (1973) Construction and Installation of Battery Chargers on Bo Construction and Installation of Fittings and Equipment Construction and Installation of Permanently Installed Construction and Maintenance of Terrace (Erosion Contro Construction and Materials (1972) Construction and Materials (1973) Construction and Materials (1973) St Construction and Performance Std. for Kitchen and Vanit Construction and Protection of Electronic Computer Syst Construction and Stowage of Portable Fuel Systems and P Construction and Test. (1973) /S Use Book: Fire Protec Construction and Water Sprinkler System Design-Fire P Construction Buildings (1970) ANSI Z98.36 /for Mineral Construction Contracts Where Basis of Payment Is a Stip Construction Design Handbook (Beam, Slab, Footing, Colu Construction Details, 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls for 1 Construction Equipment (Machinery) (1971) /Pract. for Construction for Gas Appliances (1971) Construction Guide for Residential Building (1971) Construction Identity Tests (Paper) (1973) Construction in Shear by Tension Loading (1964) ANSI Zl Construction in Shear by Tension Loading (1970) /Test Construction Industry Terms (Architecture) (1970) Construction Manager (1973) Construction Manual Sect. 1) (1971) /. for Design of a Construction Manual) (1962) Construction Manual) (1969) Guide for the De Construction Manual, Sect. 5) (1971) Spec, for Al Construction Materials in Askarels (1973) /Th. for Inv Construction Message (1974) Construction Meth. (1972) /Eather Wood (Pressure Treat Construction of Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asp Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes (1973) ANSI a Construction of Chimneys (Tech. Notes) (1964) Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structure Construction of Cockpits and Scuppers (Boats) (1972) Construction of Concrete Pavements and Bases (1974) Construction of Concrete Stave Farm Silos (1969) Construction of Diesel (Compression Ignited) Inboard Li EIA RS406 WWPA •31-1 ICBO UBC'3-25 ASTM B496 ASTM D2416 ASAE R268.1 ASTM E497 ASTM C187 ASTM D3080 ACI 309 ASTM B383 ASTM D1673 ANSI C82.7 AACCH 54-29 ASTM D1598 UL 352 ASTM D2653 ASTM D2731 ASTM D2262 ASTM D2860 ASTM D2149 ASTM D150 ASTM D2520 ASTM C638 FMS 7-90 BIA •26 ASTM D312 ABS "17 ICBO UBC*3-32 NFPA 241 ANSI A10.4 FMS 1-55 FMS LPD1-3 VESC V-6 VESC V-10 NEMA MG2 SAE J115 SAE J209 SAE J223 SAE J276 SAE J930A SAE J753A SAE J572A SAE J821A SAE J67 SAE J397A ICBO UBCS25-9 ABYC A20 ABYC A5 ABYC H24 ASAE R268.1 NFPA 251 ICBO UBCS43-1 ASTM E176 ANSI A161.1 FMS LPD5-32 ABYC H25 WWPA •31-4 FMS LPD 1-2 ASTM C665 AIOA A107 ACI SP17 BIA 26A SAE J210 ANSI Z21.45 APA ♦2 TAPPI UM-537 ASTM D906 ASTM D2339 AIOA »1 AIOA B801 AA *10 AITC 201 AA •11 AA *12 ASTM D3255 CSI MP-2E NFORP RP7 ICBO UBCS32-1 ASTM C139 BIA 19A ACI 67-40 ABYC H4 ACI 316 NSLO •1 ABYC P15 98 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards tes) (1970) Design and Construction marine Engines (/ Rec. Praet. and Std. for the Design and Construction Safety Rules, Procedures For, and Construction et Stops (1973) Construction ndustrial) (Tech. Notes) (1964) Design and Construction sive Service (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Design and Construction ents for Instrumentation and Electric Equipment During the Construction lions (1973/ Std. for Quality Assurance Practices for the Construction i A158. 1 Spec, for the Design and Construction mid Areas (1973) Rec. for Design and Construction ections Over Public Property (Pedestrian Protection During Construction Std. for Housekeeping During the Construction cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components During Construction ns of Inspection, Examination, and Test. Personnel for the Construction and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction th. for Establishing Rec. Design Stresses for Round Timber Construction 1969) Suggested Design and Construction Specifying Construction fication of Soils and Their Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction tors (1973) Std. Basic Construction , Heati/ Std. for Mobile Homes: Body and Frame Design and Construction tion Systems (1974) Rec. Pract. for Construction ermanent) (1967) Construction systems (1972) Fibrous Class Duct Construction rial Buildings (1971) Plywood Construction Procedure (1971) Rec. Pract. for Mobile Construction act. for Performance Std. for Crane Boomstop of All Mobile Construction Dwelling Construction Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Dwelling Construction Stairs (1973) Dwelling Construction (1973) Dwelling Construction ns and Retaining Walls (1973) Dwelling Construction General (1973) Dwelling Construction uirements (Permit, Plans and Spec, Inspection)/ Dwelling Construction ntilation, Sanitation, Fire Warning Detector (1/ Dwelling Construction on Lot (1973) Dwelling Construction g and Installation of Wallboard Lathing (1973) Dwelling Construction g (1973) Dwelling Construction arages and Carports (1973) Dwelling Construction rings (1973) Dwelling Construction ing (1973) Dwelling Construction plywood Paneling (1973) Dwelling Construction outed. Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Cavity / Dwelling Construction ashing (Sheet Metal for Roof Waterproofing) (19/ Dwelling Construction walls (1973) Dwelling Construction ing and Weather Protection (1973) Dwelling Construction (1973) Dwelling Construction ish Flooring Over Concrete Slab / Spec, for Mastic Nailed Construction rete Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Rubber Cushion Sleeper Construction ng Over Concrete Slab Floors / Spec, for Mastic Cushioned Construction 971) Spec, for Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction quality Stds. for Blinds and Shutters Using Stile and Rail Construction Rec. for Sound Control (Acoustics) in Wood Building Construction expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction Rifle Range Construction ses) (19/ Std. for Round Poles and Posts Used in Building Construction Cold Weather Masonry Construction Structural Clay Protective Construction Brick Veneer; New and Existing Frame Construction t in Place Concrete (Storage) Bin and Silo Wall Design and Construction Std. Classifications for Spark Resistant Construction Rec. Pract. for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction ec. for Placing Reinforcing Steel Bar Supports in Concrete Construction arbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Machine Parts and General Construction Rec. Spec, for (Nonelectric) Farm Fence Construction Std. Steel Doors and Frames for Modular Masonry Building Construction Spec, for Golf Putting Green Construction pec. for Oil and Resin Base Caulking Compound for Building Construction ature Service Conforming to ISO Recommendations for Boiler Construction ring and Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction es for Concrete, Steel and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction Std. for Pressure Treated Piles and Timbers in Marine Construction Uniform Building Code: Prefabricated Construction Southern Building Code for Dwelling House Construction vative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Wood for Highway Construction code Std. for Shear Connectors (Steel Studs) for Composite Construction de Std. for Prestressed Steel Strand and Wire for Concrete Construction teel. Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete Construction Rec. Pract. for Concrete Highway Bridge Deck Construction Manual of Practice: Multiple Contract Construction Is Application for Thermoplastic (Polyvinyl Chloride) Duct Construction nd Acceptance of Concrete Pavements Exposed to Rain During Construction sed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Girder Bridges Design and Construction) of Sound Transmission Class (Building Acoustics Design and Construction) hock Test. Machine for Lightweight/ Spec, for the Design, Construction, fety to Life-Property from Explosion and Fire in Design, Construction, of Flat and Sloped Brick Soffits (Tech. No of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, Liquid Cooled of High Power Rifle Ranges (1972) of Indoor Rifle and Pistol Ranges and Bull of Masonry Chimneys (For Residential and I of Nonmetallic Enveloped Gaskets for Corro of Nuclear Power Generative Stations (1971 of Nuclear Power Plants-Terms and Defini of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys (1969) Ans of Surface Drainage Systems on Farms in Hu or Demolition) (1973) /C Streets and Proj Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) /or Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) /Tio Phase) (1972) /Pping, Receiving, Storage Poles (1974) Std. Spec, and Me Procedures for Concrete Foundation Piers ( Progress Photographs (1967) Purposes (1973) AASHO M145 /T. for Classi Requirements for Photographic Slide Projec Requirements, and Installation of Plumbing Spec, for Local Industrial Exhaust Ventila Spec, for Rifle Bench Rest (Portable and P Std. for Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems (Specs.) for Commercial and Indust Type Crane Overload Indicating System Test Type Cranes Having Rope Supported Booms, E Under the Uniform Building Code (1973) Under the Uniform Building Code: Chimneys, Under the Uniform Building Code: Exits and Under the Uniform Building Code: Flooring Under the Uniform Building Code: Foundatio Under the Uniform Building Code: Framing- Under the Uniform Building Code: Legal Req Under the Uniform Building Code: Light, Ve Under the Uniform Building Code: Location Under the Uniform Building Code: Plasterin Under the Uniform Building Code: Plasterin Under the Uniform Building Code: Private G Under the Uniform Building Code: Roof Cove Under the Uniform Building Code: Roof Fram Under the Uniform Building Code: Softwood Under the Uniform Building Code: Solid, Gr Under the Uniform Building Code: Valley F] Under the Uniform Building Code: Veneered Under the Uniform Building Code: Wall Fram Under the Uniform Building Code: Wallboard with Mastic Set Subflooring and Nailed Fin with Nailers and Finish Flooring Over Cone with Nailers, Subflooring or Finish Floori Aluminum Construction Manual, Sect. 5) (1 Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Floor. Ceiling. Wall) (1972) Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Typ Part Time and Special) (1971) Preservative Treatment by Pressure Proces Protection Rec.) (1968) Tech. Notes) (1962) Tech. Notes) (1966) 1965) 1966) 1969) ANSI A157.1 1970) 1970) ANSI G24.7 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) Std. S 1972) / Tubular Products for High Temper 1972) /Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wi 1972) ANSI Z267.1 /Tion and Test. Agenci 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1974) 1974) 1974) 1974) (1969) (1973) Rec. for Deep, Cas Sp /Ate Tensile Strength C Std. for Preser Uniform Building Uniform Building Co /De Std. for Welding Reinforcing S Stds., Guide Specs., and Materia /Nterim Guideline for Protection a /Ecs. for Post Tensioned Prestres /Lassification for Determination and Operation of Class Hi (High Impact) S and Operation of Solvent Extraction Plant BIA ABYC NRA NRA BIA ASTM IEEE ANSI ACI ASAE ICBO ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ACI CSI ASTM ANSI NFPA ACCIH NRA SMACN APA SAE SAE ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO WSFI WSF1 WSFI AA AWI WWPA ASTM NRA AWPA BIA BIA BIA ACI AMCA ACI CRSI ASTM ASAE STDI USG A ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM AWPA ICBO SBCC AWPA ICBO ICBO ICBO ACI CSI SMACN ACPA CRSI ASTM ANSI FMS 36A P4 •3 •1 19B F336 336 N45.2.10 307 R302.2 UBC»3-44 N45.2.3 N45.2.1 N45.2.6 N45.2.2 D3200 69-42 1018 D3282 PH3.65 501B •1-8 *9 •6 »1 J248 J220 UBC*8 UBC'8-6 UBC*8-13 UBC'8-8 UBC»8-5 UBC*8-7 UBC*81 UBC»8-3 UBC*8-2 UBC*8-14 UBC»8-15 UBC*8-4 UBC*8-18 UBC*8-9 UBC*8-17 UBC'8-11 UBC*8-19 UBC*8-12 UBC»8-10 UBC*8-16 •6 *4 *8 • 12 • 1-1200 »27 D1751 •10 C23-72 1A 3A 28 65-37 401 302 ♦1.3.5 A284 R250.2 110 •1 C570 A520 Y32.9 E329 C18 UBC*3-50 •18 C14 UBCS27-8 UBCS26-7 UBCS26-8 345 MP-2A3 •11 TB17 •2 E413 S2.15 7-30N Engineering and Product Standards Division 99 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards I Std. Guidelines for Thesaurus Structure, Construction, and I'se (1971) ANSI Z39. 19 nd Appliances (Extinguishers, Alarms, Sandpipes), Building Construction. Basement Pipe Inlets (1973) /F Systems a ICBO UFC*2ART13 73) Std. for Safety Requirements for the Construction. Care, and I'se of Die Casting Machines (19 ANSI B152.1 d Converting Machin/ Std. for Safety Requirements for the Construction. Care, and I'se of Packaging and Its Relate ANSI B155.1 ) Std. for Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and I'se of Power Press Brakes (1973 ANSI B11.3 aulic. Pneumatic, Semi / Std. Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and I se of Shears (Mechanical. Hydr ANSI B11.4 Drying Farm Crops (1971) Std. for Construction. Installation, and Rating of Equipment for ASAE S248.2 Cold Weather Masonry Construction. Introduction (Tech. Notes) (1967) BIA 1 smission I nits Penetrating the H/ Rec. Guides for Design. Construction, Materials, and Installation of Power Tran ABYC P16 eller Shafting Sys/ Std. and Rec. Pracl. Guide to Design, Construction, Materials, Size, and Installation of Prop ABYC P6 rm Systems and Units for Protection Agai/ Safety Std. for Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Vehicle Ala I'L 904 initions of Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Building Constructions and Materials (1973) Std. Def ASTM C634 Std. Meth. of Tension Test of Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise Plane (1970) ASTM C297 td. Meth. of Shear Test in Flatwise Plane of Flat Sandwich Constructions or Cores (1970) ASTM C273 Std. Meth. of Flexure Test of Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) ASTM C393 Std. Test Meth. for Flexure Creep of Sandwich Constructions (1970) ASTM C480 Std. Test Meth. for Laboratory Aging of Sandwich Constructions (1970) ASTM C481 t Meth. for Edgewise Compressive Strength of Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) Std. Tes ASTM C364 eth. for Density of Core Materials for Structural Sandwich Constructions (1970) Std. Test M ASTM C271 water Absorption of Core Materials for Structural Sandwich Constructions (1970) Std. Test Meth. for ASTM C272 td. Meth. of Test. Veneer. Plywood, and Other Glued Veneer Constructions (1972) ANSI 07.1 ASTM D805 Principles of Clay Masonrv Construction: Student's Manual (1960) BIA *44 1972) Std. Form of Agreement Between Architect and Consultant for Other Than Normal Engineering Services ( AIOA C431 lding Electrodes and Rods (1972) Std. for Consumable Electric Covered Bare Straight and Coiled We NEMA EW 2 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi. Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated (1973 SAE AMS5617A i-4.5Co-l.0Mo-0.09V (0. 17-0.23C). Premium Quality, Consumable Electrode Melted, Annealed (1973) /R-9.0N SAE AMS6523A ant. Nickel Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al) Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1825-19 SAE AMS5707D tant. Nickel Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted. 1975 D SAE AVIS5709B nt. Nickel Base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted. 1975 D SAE AMS5738C 1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE 4.340). Premium Quality. Consumable Electrode Remelted (1973) /I'bing. 0.80Cr- SAE AMS6414B 0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C) (SAE 9310). Premium Quality. Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted (1973) /1.2Cr-3.25Ni- SAE AMS6265D . Corrosion Resistant. 14.8Cr-4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta). Consumable Electrode Vacuum Arc Remelted (1973) /Plate SAE AMS5862 cr-4.0Mo-l.2V (1.10-1. 2()C). Premium Bearing Quality. Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted ( 1973) /Stant. 14.5 SAE AMS5749 ecorder/ Std. for Simulated Shipping Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Products (Radio. Television. Tape R EIA RS41 t Guide for Protective Relaying of Utility - Consumer Interconnections (1973) IEEE 357 of a Trampoline (1974) Std. Consumer Safety Spec, for Components. Assembly, and Use ASTM F381 ese Terms / Std, Definitions of Terms Relating to Care of Consumer Textile Products and Rec. Pract. for Use of Th ASTM D3136 Procedure to Determine the Freezer Temperature and Energy Consumption of Household Refrigerators. Combination Ref AHAM HRF-2-ECFT deuterium Oxide (1968) ANSI N154 Std. Meth. of Test for Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in ASTM D2033 for Electric Comfort Conditioning (Heat Loss. Gain. Energy Consumption) ( 1974) Std. Manual NEMA HE1 Std. Spec, for Gold. Silver. Nickel Electrical Contact Alloy (1972) ASTM B 177 Std. Spec, for Gold Electrical Contact Alloy (1973) ASTM B5H act/ Std. Meth. of Test for Diffusion Stain of Rubber and Contact and Migration Stain of Organic Finishes in Cont ASTM D925 Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Contact Inspection of Weldments (1965) ANSI Z166.23 ASTM E164 Std. for Prescription Requirements for First Quality Contact Lenses (1972) ANSI Z80.2 Std. Spec, for Gold Copper Alloy Electrical Contact Material (1973) ASTM B596 general Requirements for Wrought Precious Metal Electrical Contact Materials ( 1972) Std. Spec, for ASTM B 176 Std. Meth. of Test for Hardness of Electrical Contact Materials (1972) ANSI Z155. 12 ASTM B277 r Designing a High Current Arc Erosion Test for Electrical Contact Materials (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. Fo A ATM B576 Std. for Medium Prefocus Base Down Type. Single Contact Motion Picture Projection Lamps (1972) ANSI PH22.85 Std. Meth. for Contact Uniformity Test for Photographic Contact Printers ( 1971 ) ANSI PH3.45 Std. Spec, for Masks (Separate) for Use in Photographic Contact Printing of Roll Film Negatives (1972) ANSI PH3.9 r Location of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film. Perforat ANSI PH22.180 rs (1971) Std. Meth. for Contact Uniformity Test for Photographic Contact Prime ANSI PH3.15 ber and Contact and .Migration Stain of Organic Finishes in Contact with Rubber (1973) ANSI J7.3 /Ion Stain of Rub ASTM D925 Std. for Safety for Elevator Door Locking Devices and Contacts ( 1973) I'L 104 Std. for Self Contained Humidifiers (197H ARI6 20 pec. for Petroleum Drilling Rig Packaging for Minimum Self Contained Platforms (1973) API 2E nh\drous Ammonia (Fertilizer Gr/ Std. for Safety for Self Contained Strainer or Filter for Flammable Fluids and a UL 331 Iers (1973) ANSI Al/ Std. for Drinking Fountains and Self Contained. Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking Water Coo ARI 1010 Std. for Terminology for Pressure Relief Devices (Container and Equipment Protection) (1972) ANSI B95.1 ricant and Fluid Requirement Maintenance Instructions, and Container and Filler Identification (Construction and I SAE J223 73) Std. for Steel Shipping Container Industry Glossary (Packaging, Vocabulary) (19 ANSI MH2.18 Container Procedure for Chlorine Packaging (197.3) CHI 7 dot-/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Tight Head Universal Pails (Container) (Dot- 17E. I'fc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260. ANSI MH2.9 Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80. Dot-37Aa6(). Ufc-Rule 40, N ANSI MH2.15 Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80. Dot-37A60. Ufc-Rule 10, N'm ANSI MH2.10 Std. for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dol-37C80) (1974) ANSI MH2.17 . Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (1970 Std ANSI MH2.16 ting. Liquid Withdrawal Only/ Rec. Pract for LP Gas Fuel Container. Quickly Demountable Type for Horizontal Moun ITA 6A1 Vertical Mounting). Liquid / Rec. Pract. for LP Gas Fuel Container. Quickly Demountable I niversal (Horizontal or ITA 6A2 td. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers by Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12. ASTM D1276 0) Std. for Air Containers for Entranceways in Food Establishments (197 NSF 37 Iruction and Stowage of Portable Fuel Systems and Portable Containers for Flammable Liquids (Boats) (1972) / Cons ABYC H25 Sanitary Stds. for Fillers and Sealers of Single Service Containers for Milk and Its Fluid Products (Packaging E DFISA 1704 phic Film on Spools (1972) Std. for Dimensions of Containers for Packaging and Storage of Aerial Photogra ANSI PHI. 16 or Fire Protection of Small Nonpressurized and Pressurized Containers of Flammable Liquids (1973) Rec. F FMS 7-29 Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Glass Containers to Chemical Attack (1973) ASTM C225 ations for Animal Feed and Food Labelling. Ingredients and Containers (Also Includes Terms and Definitions) (1974) AAFCO *1 Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock Test on Class Containers (Bottle. Jar) (1971) ASTM C149 Std. Meth. of Sampling Glass Containers (Bottle. Jar. etc.) (1956) ASTM C224 8) ANSI MH12.3. TAPPI T800 Std. Meth. of Test. Shipping Containers (Packaging) in Revolving Hexagonal Drum (196 ASTM D782 Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Cylindrical Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.7 ASTM D997 d. Meth. of Test for Penetration of Liquids into Submerged Containers (Packaging) (1951) ANSI MH12.8 St ASTM D998 Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1 961) ANSI MH1 2.2 ASTM D775 td. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.10 ASTM D1008 1 00 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Incline Impact Test for Shipping Std. Meth. of Vibration Test for Shipping irements for the Construction and Certification of Freight est for Drop Impact Resistance of Polyethylene Blow Molded Std. for Basic Requirements for Cargo Std. for Requirements for Closed Van Type Cargo act. for Nomenclature and Terminology of Tank Trailers and on of Precautionary Labeling and Marking of Compressed Gas Spec, for International (Iso) Freight Std. for Capacity Designation for Fertilizer Hoppers and Std. Spec, for Safe Fill or Aerosol Std. Rec. Pract. for Inspection of Glass Aerosol Meth. of Test for Pressure in Metal Aerosol act for Reporting Laboratory Results When Checking Aerosol or Effective Crimping on Outside Crimped Valves of Aerosol accident Prevention Signs for Display on Tank Trailers and ling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Fluid Power Fluid Sample Ceramic Decorations on Returnable Beer and Beverage Glass Rec. Pract. for Determining Permeability of Thermoplastic st Meth. for Drop Tests for Paper Shipping Sacks and Bags . for Water Leak Test for Paper Shipping and Refuse Sacks eth. of Test for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation Fuels high Tempe/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX Series Copper Rec. for Safe Use of Mixed Fertilizers 973) Std. for Safety for Refrigerant • Std. for Efficiency Test, of Air Cleaning Systems on from Corrosion for Underground Pipe, Fittings and Tanks nded Safeguards and Practices for the Protection and Tanks ometric Test for Relative Radiance of Paper and Paperboard f Crude Fat in Flour, Bread, and Baked Cereal Products Not Test Meth. for Alkali in Bleach Baths eth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide in Dough Conditioners Storage and Handling of Nitrogen and Fertilizer Solutions artensitic Stainless and Alloy Steel Castings for Pressure r Alloy Steel Castings Specially Heat Treated for Pressure 1974/ Std. Spec, for Ferritic Steel Castings for Pressure quality, for Pressure Piping Components and Other Pressure .2 Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Chrome Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Soaps ersion C/ Test Meth. for Detection of Hexavalent Chromium . for Determining Crude Fiber Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) g Crude Fiber Content in Corn and Other Grains, Foodstuffs est for Oxidation Stability of New Mineral Insulating Oils otective Coatings (Paints) fo'r Light Water Nuclear Reactor sts of Continuous Duty Class I Motors Installed Inside the ing Statio/ Std. for Electrical Penetration Assemblies in Practice and Test Requirements for Leakage Rate Test, of Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Power Std. Photographic Film Exposure Guide (Also 64 Std. Meth. of Test for Particulate ulating Materials (1973) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid . Meth. of Test for Identification of Metallic and Fibrous act. and Nomenclature for Identification of Structures and Std. for Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively ion of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Chromium Compounds (Air stems (1973) ANSI B93.30 Std. Meth. of Reporting an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Power System (For Particulate pling Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for Particulate pling Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for Particulate Rec. for Control and Removal of Radioactive Pe/ Meth. of Analysis of External Insect and Rodent Hair ) ) (Tech. Notes) (1964) otes) (1969) otes) (1970) Engineered Design of the Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Std. Spec, for Copper Base Alloy trode (1973) Std. Meth. for tainment of Nuclear Po/ Trial Use Guide for Type Tests of astness of Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, . for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light, Carbon Arc Lamp, tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere Tent. Spec, for Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and n (1971) ANSI L14.84 Test Meth. for Water Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the / Tent. Meth. for e Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Steel Splined ning Speed of Photographic Negative Materials (Monochrome, e Perforated Tape Variable Block Format for Contouring and std. for Milling Machine-Tracer Controlled Profiling and low Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C5/ high Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C/ rotating Bomb (1967) ANSI Zl 1.230 Std. ur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (196/ Containers (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.4, TAPPI T801 Containers (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.9 Containers (1968) Requ Containers (1970) Std. Meth. of T Containers (1971) Containers (1971) Containers (1971) Rec. Pr Containers (1971) Guide to the Preparati Containers (1972) Containers (1972) Containers (1972) Containers (1972) Containers (1972) Containers (1972) Std. Rec. Pr Containers (1972) Meth. of Test F Containers (1972) Rec. Pract. for Containers (1972) ANSI B93.20 / Qualifying and Control Containers (1972T) /Th. of Test for Acid Resistance of Containers (1973) Std. (Containers) (1973) Te (Containers) (1973) Test Meth Containing a Static Dissipator Additive (1971) ANSI Zll Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for Containing Aluminum Alloys (Exco Test) (1972) /St for Containing Ammonium Nitrate (1972) Containing Components and Accessories, Nonelectrical (1 Containing Devices for Removal of Particles (1972) Containing Flammable Liquids (1973) /Practice Protecti Containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids in Location Containing Fluorescent Brighteners (1973) /Spectrophot Containing Fruit (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Analysis O Containing Hydrogen Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.129 Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy Flour, and Other C Containing More Than 2% Free Ammonia (1970) Std. for Containing Parts Suitable for High Temperature Service Containing Parts Suitable for High Temprature Service ( Containing Parts Suitable for Low Temperature Service ( Containing Parts (1974) /D and Cold Finished, Special Containing Refractories and Chrome Ore (1970) ANSI A 139 Containing Synthetic Detergents (1973) Containing Treatments on Galvanized Steel Prior to Conv Containing Vegetable Material, Corn and Other Grains, F Containing Vegetable Materials, Flours and Meals (1964) Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para-Cresol by Ro Containment Facilities (1972) Std. Pr Containment of Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power General Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors (1972) Containment Structures (1969) Contains Suggested Techniques for Photography) (1973) Contaminant in Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) ANSI Zll. 2 Contaminant, Inclined Plane Tracking and Erosion of Ins Contaminants in Aerospace Fluids (1970E) Std Contaminants Seen on Specular Silicon Surfaces (1972T) Contaminated Biological Materials (Safety) (1973) Contamination-Occupational Health and Safety) (1973) Contamination Analysis Data of Hydraulic Fluid Power Sy Contamination Analysis) (1972) ANSI B93.19 / Lines of Contamination by Automatic Particle Monitor Meth. (1972 Contamination by Manual Meth. (1973) /D. Meth. for Sam Contamination in Laboratories (1951) Contamination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Contemporary Bearing Wall Detailing (Tech. Notes) (1968 Contemporary Bearing Wall Detailing (Tech. Notes) (1968 Contemporary Bearing Wall Example of Shear Wall Design Contemporary Bearing Wall Types and Properties (Tech. N Contemporary Bearing Wall (For High Buildings) (Tech. N Contemporary Bearing Wall (Tech. Notes) (1966) Continuity of Porcelain Enamel Coatings (1973) Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Continuity of Steam Turbine Oil Oxidation Stability by Continuous Analysis and Automatic Recording of the Sulf Continuous Castings (1973) Continuous Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion Elec Continuous Duty Class I Motors Installed Inside the Con Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.170 /Meth. for Colorf Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 Test Meth (Continuous Measurement by Nondispersive Infrared Spectr Continuous Mixing (1973) Continuous Scouring Wool Using Std. Raw Grease Wool Yar Continuous Separation and Collection of Particulate and Continuous Strip Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Concret Continuous Tone) (1972) Std. Meth. for Determi Contouring— Positioning Numerically Controlled Machine Contouring— Vertical (1973) ASTM D880 ASTM D999 ABS •17 ASTM D2463 ANSI MH5.1 ANSI MH5.1.1 TTMA RP36 CGA C7 ANSI MH5.4 ASAE S281.1 ASTM D3068 ASTM D3073 ASTM D3074 ASTM D3067 ASTM D3076 TTMA RP35 NFLDP T2.9.2 ASTM C735 ASTM D2684 TAPPI UM-806 TAPPI UM-529 ASTM D2624 ASTM A639 ASTM G34 FMS LPD79 UL 207 ANSI N101.1 ICBO UFC*2B ICBO UFC*2A TAPPI UM-460 AACCH 30-10 AATCC 98 AACCH 48-51 FI P145 ASTM A217 ASTM A389 ASTM A352 ASTM A696 ASTM C572 ASTM D820 NCCA TB-II-7 CR G-12 CR A-8 ASTM D2112 ANSI N101.2 IEEE 334 IEEE 317 ANSI N45.4 ACI 69-2 ANSI PH2.7 ASTM D2276 ASTM D2303 ASTM F314 ASTM F154 ANSI N14.3 ANSI Z37.7 NFLDP T2.9.3 NFLDP T2.9.1 ASTM F327 ASTM F308 NCRPM R8 AACCH 28-20 BIA 24G BIA 24G BIA 24D BIA 24H BIA 24 BIA 24B ASTM C743 ASTM D1818 ASTM D1819 ASTM D2272 ASTM D1355 ASTM B505 ASTM D2791 IEEE 334 AATCC 16E AATCC 16A ASTM D3162 ASTM C685 AATCC 64 ASTM D3267 WSFI •5 ANSI PH2.5 EIA RS274-B NSA 914 Engineering and Product Standards Division 101 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Interchangeable Perforated Tape Variable Block Format for Std. for Numerically Controlled Profiling and achinery) (1971) Std. for Rim Manual of Practice: Multiple oncrete Reinforcing Steel Material Supply and Installation 3/ Recommendation for Installation of Expansion, Control, s of Payment Is/ Std. Form of Agreement Between Owner and Air Handling Spec, for Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning ement Between Owner and Contractor (For Small Construction television (1970) Rec. Pract. for the Density and (1970) Guide for Centralized binary Data Interch/ Std. for Interface Between Numerical oratories (1951) Rec. for , Layout, Construction and Maintenance of Terrace (Erosion ies (1973) Std. for Industrial Electrical Power es (Electronics) (1973) Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial Electrical Power 1973) Std. for Industrial Electrical Power Std. for Symbols for Machine Tool Indicator Plates or Inspection of Laminators Quality , Supplies (Packaging), and References (Dosage) for Poison nformation Interc/ Std. for Graphic Representation of the . Definitions, Symbols, Formulas, and Tables for (Quality) •4-Cyclohexene-l,2-Dicar/ Std. Common Name for the Pes (Ester) Desmedipham (1/ Std. for Common Name for the Pes Std. for Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. for Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. for Ethoprop (Common Name for the Pes' Std. for Methidathion (Common Name for the Pes' cadienoate Hydroprene / propylate (1973) ropropylate (1973) obenzoate Bifenox (197/ Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluid/ 2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Pto/ ioate) (1973/ ester Wi/ bamate-Dioxacarb (1973) methy!-2,4-Dodecadienethi/ yridyl) Phosphorothioa/ -Triazine-Prometon (197/ io)-S-Triazine-Prometry/ triazine-Propazine (1973/ 4-Dodecadienoate Kino/ (Methylthio)-S-Triazine ■/ Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. for Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes Std. for Common Name for the Pes Std. Common Name for the Pes no) Stria/ Std. for Dipropetryn (Common Name for the Pes lamino)-S-Triazine-Terb/ Std. Common Name for the Pes (Methylthio)-S-Triazine / Std. Common Name for the Pes trifluoro-M-Tolyl) -3 / Std. for Common Name for the Pes Std. for Bentazon (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Tetramethrin (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Fospirate (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Disugran (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Crufomate (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Chlorbromuron (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Chlordimeform (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Fluorodifen (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Prynachlor (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Glyphosine (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Mexacarbate (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Dinoseb (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Acephate (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Ethiolate (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Glyphosate (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Oxamyl (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Picloram (Common Name for the Pes Std. for Nitrapyin (Common Name for the Pes xy) Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite (Common Name for the Pes Trimethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) (Common Name for the Pes d. Underwater Wellhead, and Christmas Tree Equipment; Flow Std. for Industrial Electrical Power Control Apparatus - Type Agricultu/ Std. for Application of Hydraulic Remote I, Groups AD, Class II, Gro/ Safety Std. for Industrial Moisture tes) (1965) Moisture Rec. Pract. for Ventilation for Heat d. Simulated Space Environment Test, of Spacecraft Thermal Inspection, Product Audit) (196/ Rec. Pract. for Quality symmetrical and a Total/ Std. Requirements for Electrical erature Indicating and Regulating Electrical Equipment for tion of Sulfaquinoxaline in Poultry Feeds and Premixes for ed Metallic Piping Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. for c. for Star Model F Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Flow 72) Rec. Pract. Inspection and Quality Safety Std. for Electrically Operated Valves for the d (1972) ANSI Z270.1 Std. for Std. Meth. of Conducting Shear Block Test for Quality Uniform Fire Code: Suppression and t. for the Purification of Oil Systems for Lubrication and C Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con ouring and Contouring-Positioning Numerically Con ouring Milling Machine (1974) ours for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheels (Farm M ract Construction (1974) ract (1968) Suggested Components of a C raction, and Isolation Joints for Ceramic Tile (197 ractor (For Small Construction Contracts Where Basi ractors (1973) racts Where Basis of Payment Is a Stipulated Sum) ( rast Range of Black and White Films and Slides for and Automation of Ship's Steam Propulsion Plant and Data Terminal Equipment Employing Parallel and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Lab and Water Conservation) (1972) /Ec. for Design Apparatus-Control Circuit Devices and Assembl Apparatus-Controllers and Controller Assembli Apparatus-Enclosures (Electronic) (1973) Apparatus-General (1973) Apparatus-Switching and Controlling Devices ( Buttons (1972) by the AITC Inspection Bureau (1962) Centers (1972) Std. for Rec. Antidotes Characters of American National Std. Code for I Charts (1971) ANSI Zl. 5 Std Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetrachloroethyl) Thio) Chemical Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbanilate Chemical Ethyl (E,E)3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dode Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dibromobenzilate-Bromo Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dichlorobenzilate-Chlo Chemical Methyl 5(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitr Chemical N-(2Chloroethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6- Chemical N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro- Chemical O-Ethyl S,S-Dipropyl Phosphorodith Chemical 0,0-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S- Chemical 0-1,3-Dioxolan -2-Ylphenyl Methylcar Chemical S-Ethyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Tri Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl 0-(3,5,6-Trichloro-2-P Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-Methoxy-S Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylth Chemical 2-Chloro-4,6bis (Isopropylamino) -S- Chemical 2-Propynyl (E,E)-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2, Chemical 2-(Ethylamino)4-(Isopropylamino)-6— Chemical 2-(Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis (Isopropylami Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-Chloro-6-(Ethy Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-(Ethylamino)-6— Chemical 4-Chloro5-(Methylamino) -2-(a,a,a- Chemical (1972) Chemical) (1971) Chemical) (1971) Chemical) (1971) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1972) Chemical) (1973) Chemical) (1973) /Rgite 2-(P-Tert-Butylpheno /(E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll- /Ea Chokes; and Water Sampling Devices) (1974) Circuit Devices and Assemblies (1973) Cylinders to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class in Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) in Brick and Tile Walls, Condensation (Tech. No in Industrial Exhaust Systems (1974) Materials (Coatings) with Electromagnetic and P Monitoring of the Product (Receiving and Source of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a of Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooking, Refriger of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis (Cereal Che of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerg of Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) of First Generation Silver Habide Microfilm (19 of Fluids (1973) of Gas Hazards on Vessels (Ships) to Be Repaire of Glue Bonds in Scarf Joints (1970) of Hazardous Areas (1973) of Hydroelectric Equipment (1971) Re Re Prac EIA RS274-B NSA 913 ASAE S222 CSI MP-2A3 CRSI •1.9.1 TCA 300 AIOA A107 SMACN •3 AIOA A107 SMPTE RP7 SNAME 3-23 EIA RS408 NCRPM R8 ASAE R268.1 ANSI C19.6 ANSI C19.7 ANSI C19.4 ANSI C19.3 ANSI C19.5 ANSI B5.46 AITC 202 AAPCC •1 ANSI X3.32 ASQC Al ANSI K62.146 ANSI K62.139 ANSI K62.136 ANSI K62.151 ANSI K62.150 ANSI K62.138 ANSI K62.140 ANSI K62.152 ANSI K62.133 ANSI K62.134 ANSI K62.147 ANSI K62.141 ANSI K62.130 ANSI K62.144 ANSI K62.143 ANSI K62.145 ANSI K62.137 ANSI K62.142 ANSI K62.135 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.148 ANSI K62.125 ANSI K62.129 ANSI K62.106 ANSI K62.111 ANSI K62.112 ANSI K62.110 ANSI K62.113 ANSI K62.114 ANSI K62.115 ANSI K62.116 ANSI K62.117 ANSI K62.118 ANSI K62.119 ANSI K62.120 ANSI K62.123 ANSI K62.124 ANSI K62.126 ANSI K62.127 ANSI K62.128 ANSI K62.131 ANSI K62.132 API 6A ANSI C19.6 ASAE S201.4 UL 698 BIA 7B BIA 7C ACGIH *l-3 ASTM E512 ASQC RP5 ANSI C37.ll UL 873 AACCH 18-35 NACE RP-01-69 FMS 2-88 NMA MS 104 UL 429 NFPA 306 ASTM D1759 ICBO UFC2E ASME LOS-5P1 102 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards e Flushing and Cleaning of Oil Systems for Lubrication and . Pract. for the Design of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Rec. Pract. for Evaluating the Quality Recordings (1970) Rec. Pract. Spec, of Tracking Recorded A/ Std. Dimensions of Video, Audio and Tracking Rec. Pract. for Quality Std. for Clevis-Engine Std. for Adjustable Face Vehicular Traffic e Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes and Quality (1973) Std. for Tube Assembly, Std. for Tube Assembly, ons (1973) ANSI N41.17 IEEE Trial Use Guide for Class IE Rec. Pract. for Automotive Transmission Hydraulic cal Security Surveillance Sys/ Std. for Safety for Access Laminators Quality ractice) (1971) Std. for Nuclear Material de to Practice) (1974) Std. for Nuclear Material Std. for Residential Controls Direct Electric Ignition Std. Proposal for Solid State Load Switches for Traffic kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key f Dyed or Printed Textiles to Washing at 105 Deg. F; Rapid nd Linen Textiles to Combined Washing and Shrinkage: Rapid ems (1972) ANSI C33.90 Std. for Safety for fluids in Turbulent Flow (1974) Std. for e Fluids (1972) Std. for (1973) Std. s (1972) Std. for e Requirements for Individual Anti Scald Type Water Shower for 4 Way General Purpose Industrial Pneumatic Directional 73) Western Woods Use Book: Sound r. Ceiling, Wall) (1972) Rec. for Sound Uniform Building Code: Sound Transmission Test Meth. for Beating Efflorescence, Prevention and Rec. Pract. for Monitoring Special Process of Quality Rec. Pract. for Vendor Rating System for Quality Rec. List of Terms and Definitions Related to Quality Pract. for Vendor Product Improvement Program for Quality Std. for Record and Reporting Units for Nuclear Materials Std. Glossary of General Terms Used in Quality ndustrial Engineering Terminology: Production Planning and Rec. for Scrubbers for Pollution Std. for Resistance Welding Human Relations in Vendor-Vendee Relationships (Quality in the Radio Frequency Range of 960-1215 Megahertz (Flight niform Mechanical Code (Requirements for the Installation, bly, Chainguards, Saddle Braces. Pedal Clearance, Steering tile (1973/ Recommendation for Installation of Expansion, multiple Completion, and Flowline Valves; Drilling Through Std. for Rod ■ (1973) Std. for Tube Assembly, od Ends (1973) Std. for Tube Assemblv, 0) ANSI Z128.30 Std. Rec. Pract. for Using teristics of Dry Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum and Other Test for Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases (Barium Chloranilate Std. for Numerically rforated Tape Std., Variable Block Format, for Numerically (1974) Std. for Numerically ine (1974) Std. for Numerically ng, Double Flaring, and Beading (1/ Std. for Welded Flash Definitions of Common Words Related to Numerically at for Contouring and Contouring-Positioning Numerically oriented Polyethylene (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on spec, for Polyethelene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Std. Meth. of Test for Uranium by Std. for Milling Machine-Tracer Std. for Numerically Std. for Numerically Std. Meth. of Conducted td. for Electrical Harness Assembling Machine, Numerically for Composite Filament Tape Laying Machine-Numerically Std. for Industrial Control Apparatus-Controllers and Std. for Industrial Control Apparatus - Std. for Air Pressures for Pneumatic Std. for Air Pressures for Pneumatic uid Sample Containers / Std. Procedure for Qualifying and Rec. for ustrial Electrical Power Control Apparatus-Switching and 166.7 Std. Meth. for Std. for Residential Std. for Door 72) Spec, for Safety as Fired Equipment (1972) Std. for Residential (1972) Std. for Residential Std. for Administrative Std. for Operator 74) 73) (1970) Control of Hydroelectric Equipment (1971) /Ract for Th ASME LOS-5C1 Control of Hydroelectric Equipment (1972) Rec ASME LOS-SD1 Control Program (1969) ASQC RP3 Control Record for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape SMPTE RP16 Control Records on 2 In. Video Magnetic Tape Quadruplex ANSI C98.6 Control Records System (1969) ASQC RP6 Control Rod, Adjustable (1973) NSA 170 Control Signal Heads (1970) ITE TR1 Control Std. (1973) /, Timber - , Plywood and Utility Pol ICBO UBCS25-12 Control Steel with Welded Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends NSA 359 Control Steel with Welded Threaded Rod Ends (1973) NSA 358 Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating Stati IEEE 420 Control System Terminology (1970) SAE J648A Control System Units (Electronic / Electrical / Mechani UL 294 Control System (Timber Construction Manual) (1962) AITC 201 Control Systems for Conversion Facilities (A Guide to P ANSI N15.4 Control Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (A Gui ANSI N15.13 Control Systems for Gas Fired Equipment (1972) NEMA DC 21 Control Systems (1973) NEMA TS2 Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat De NBHA 8 Control Test (1969) Test Meth. for Colorfastness O AATCC 68 Control Test (1969) /Th. for Colorfastness of Cotton a AATCC 72 Control Units for Indoor Fire Protective Signaling Syst UL 864 Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Compressible ISA S39.4 Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Incompressibl ISA S39.2 Control Valve Sizing Equations for Compressible Fluids ISA S39.3 Control Valve Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluid ISA S39. 1 Control Valves (1973) Performanc ASSE 1016 Control Valves (1973) ANSI B93.33 Std. Interfaces NFLDP T3.21.1 Control (Acoustics) in Buildings, Walls, and Floors (19 WWPA '31-5 Control (Acoustics) in Wood Building Construction (Floo WWPA *27 Control (Acoustics) (1973) ICBO UBC*3-35 Control (Simons Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-17 Control (Tech. Notes) (1970) BIA 23A Control (1969) ASQC RP4 Control (1969) ASQC RP7 Control (1969) ASQC *1 Control (1969) Rec. ASQC RP8 Control (1971) ANSI N15.2 Control (1971) ANSI Z1.7 ASQC A3 Control (1972) Std. for I ANSI Z94.10 Control (1974) FMS 10-11 Control (1974) NEMA IS5 Control) (1967) Rec. Pract. for Ethics and ASQC RP1 Control) (1972) /Suring Equipment (DME) Operating with RTCA DO-151 Control, and Maintenance of Heating, Ventilating, Cooli ICBO UMC*7 Control, Brakes, Tires and Controls (1972) /Heel Assem BMA 6/5 Control, Contraction, and Isolation Joints for Ceramic TCA 300 Control, Screwed and Flanged Wellhead, Underwater Wellh API 6A Control, Solid Steel (1973) NSA 354 Control, Steel, with Flash Welded and Threaded Rod Ends NSA 361 Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis and Threaded R NSA 362 Controlled Atmospheres in Spectrochemical Analysis (197 ASTM E406 Controlled Atmospheres (1971) ANSI Zl 1.303 /Ear Charac ASTM D2716 Controlled Condensation Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of ASTM D3226 Controlled Drilling Machines (1974) NSA 960 Controlled Equipment (1974) Interchangeable PE NSA 955 Controlled Horizontal and Vertical Jig Boring Machines NSA 963 Controlled Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Milling Mach NSA 954 Controlled Low Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Bendi SAE J356A Controlled Machine Tool Software (1972) NMTBA *2 Controlled Machines (Information Processing) (1974) /M EIA RS274-B Controlled Outside Diameter (1973) /Ec. for Biaxially ASTM D3287 Controlled Outside Diameter (1974) Std. ASTM D3035 Controlled Potential Coulometry (1970) ANSI N106 ASTM E217 Controlled Profiling and Contouring- Vertical (1973) NSA 914 Controlled Profiling and Contouring Milling Machine (19 NSA 913 Controlled Spar Mill (1973) NSA 912 Controlled Velocity Laboratory Corrosion Tests (1972) AWPA M14-72 Controlled (1973) NSA 974 Controlled (1973) Spec NSA 990 Controller Assemblies (Electronics) (1973) ANSI C19.7 Controllers and Controller Assemblies (Electronics) (19 ANSI C19.7 Controllers and Transmission Systems (Instrumentation) ISA S7.4 Controllers and Transmission Systems (1967) SAMA PMC2-5 Controlling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Fluid Power Fl NFLDP T2.9.2 Controlling Cupping of Wood Floors (1962) WSFI »3 Controlling Devices (1973) Std. for Ind ANSI C19.5 Controlling Quality of Radiographic Test. (1972) ANSI Z ASTM E142 Controls-Class 2 Transformers (1973) NEMA ST2 Controls- Closers (1972) ANSI A156.4 Controls and Signaling Devices for Printing Presses (19 ANSI B65.1 Controls Direct Electric Ignition Control Systems for G NEMA DC 21 Controls for Low Voltage, Wall Mounted Room Thermostats NEMA DC 3 Controls for Nuclear Power Plants (1972) ANSI N18.7 Controls on Agricultural Equipment (1972) ASAE R335.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 103 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ent (1971) ANSI B114.2, Sa/ Std. for Symbols for Operator (P-l) Welds in Corrosive Petroleu/ Rec. Pract. Meth. and ocessing Systems) (1972) Safety Std. for Limit (1973) Rec. Pract. for Exhaust Emission Std. for Builders Door Hot-Water Immersion aces, Pedal Clearance, Steering Control, Brakes, Tires and Code: Protection, Authority, Departmental Regulations and hamber in Heating Appliances (Regulators, Automatic Damper or Design Calculations for Oil Sucker Rod Pumping Systems ineering Drawing and Related Documentation Pract. for Line Std. for Installation of Domestic Gas eans. Peas, Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities for Which hate Type) (1973) Spec, for oil) (1974) Spec, for Coating Weight Determination for hromium Containing Treatments on Galvanized Steel Prior to nels/ Spec, for Coating Weight Determination for Chromate Std. for Nuclear Material Control Systems for Meth. of Ferricyanide— Maltose— Sucrose ell, Vickers, Rockwell and Rockwell Superf/ Std. Hardness th. of Thiosulfate-Maltose (Diastatic Activity in Flour) nd Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology, Gauge, Metric ements for Thyristor Converters for Motor Drives: Part 1 - Motor Armatu/ Std. Pract. and Requirements for Thyristor ngle Phase Rural Distribution Service for Motors and Phase Std. for AC -DC Transfer Instruments and Safety Code for Semiconductor Power hemistry) (1962) Table for e Construction, Care, and Use of Packaging and Its Related Std. for Safety for Agricultrual Auger and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal or Std. Spec, for Steel Std. for Heavy Duty Roller Type ) Std. for Double Pitch Test Meth. for Sampling of Wood Chips from Safety Stds. for Std. for Screw Std. for Screw Rec. for Fire Protection for Belt oning Std. and Terminology for Permanently Installed Screw r Demountable Tired Wheels for Industrial Trucks, Casters, of Analysis of Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, Feeds and Std. for Gas Fired Kettles, Steam Safety Std. for Household Type Pressure Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Safety Std. for Commercial Electric ereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Commercial Std. for Household Std. for Recreational Vehicle Std. for Outdoor for Household Electric Ranges (Stove) with Glass / Ceramic trical Equipment for Control of Air Conditioning, Heating, ine/ Std. Meth. for Test for Water in Engine Antifreeze - Rec. Pract. for Engine Preheaters Std. for layed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Std. Meth. of Test for Foaming Tendencies of Engine . Anti Leak Antifreezes and Stop Leak Additives for Engine on Characteristics of Aluminum Automotive Water Pumps with or Reserve Alkalinity of Engine Antifreeze, Antirusts, and h. of Test for Simulated Service Corrosion Test, of Engine meter for Determining the Freezing Point of Aqueous Engine afety Related Systems, Structures, and Equipment for Water r Concrete Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air onstruction of Diesel (Compression Ignited) Inboard Liquid in/ Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering the Installation of Air design and Construction of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, Liquid Std. Rec. Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Std. Meth. of Testing for Rating Water Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Water Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Water r-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Treated, Sub Zero ty Std. for Electric Fans (Blower, Humidifier, Evaporative Engineering Data Sheets for the Design of Air Exchange Std. Meth. of Testing for Rating Liquid Safety Std. for Drinking Water d Self Contained, Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking Water Std. for Forced Circulation Air spiral Bevel, Helical and Herringbone Gear Units for Water r Redwood Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water uglas Fir Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water hern Pine Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water sure Preservative Treatment of Lumber for Industrial Water for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Controls on Agricultural Tractors, Machinery and Equipm ASAE S304.4 Controls to Prevent in Service Cracking of Carbon Steel NACE RP-04-72 Controls (Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating and Pr UL 353 Controls (Air Pollution) for Powered Industrial Trucks ITA 6F1 Controls (Closers) (1971) BHMA 301 Controls (1972) NEMA DC 12 Controls (1972) /Heel Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle Br BMA 6/5 Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Driveway Clearance, I ICBO UFC*2ART13 Controls, Fans) (1973) /Aft Equipment for Combustion C UL 378 (Conventional Units) (1972) Rec. Pract. F API 11L Conventions and Lettering (1973) Std. for Eng ANSI Y14.2 Conversion Burners (1971) ANSI Z21.8 Conversion Charts Have Been Prepared (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 44-11 Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys (Fluoride-Phosp SAE AMS2486 Conversion Coating on Aged or Baked Aluminized Steel (C NCCA TB-II-8 Conversion Coating (Coil) (1974) /Tion of Hexavalent C NCCA TB-II-7 Conversion Coatings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Alloy Pa NCCA TB-II-2 Conversion Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1971) ANSI N15.4 Conversion Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 22-18 Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brin ASTM E140 Conversion (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Me AACCH 22-17 Conversions) (1972) /Sion, Extension, Torsion, Flat, a SMI *3 Converters for DC Motor Armature Supplies (1973) ANSI C IEEE 444 Converters for Motor Drives: Part 1-Converters for DC IEEE 444 Converters (1972) Rec. for SI ASAE R329 Converters (1973) ANSI C100.4 Converters (1973) NEMA PV 3 Converting Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis (Cereal C AACCH 82-21 Converting Machinery (1973) /Afety Requirements for Th ANSI B155.1 Conveying Equipment (1973) ASAE S361T Conveying (1973) ANSI Z33.1 /He Installation of Blower NFPA 91 Conveyor Chain (1972) ANSI G61.3 ASTM A454 Conveyor Chains and Sprocket Teeth (1973) ANSI B29.15 Conveyor Roller Chains, Attachments and Sprockets (1972 ANSI B29.4 Conveyor (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-4 Conveyors and Related Equipment (1972) ANSI B20.1 Conveyors (Materials Handling) (1971) ANSI MH4.7 CEMA 350 Conveyors (1971) ANSI MH4.7.1 CEMA 300 Conveyors (1972) FMS 7-11 Conveyors (1972) Dimensi ASAE S334T Conveyors, and Other Equipment (1966) Std. Fo CFTMA W7 Cooked Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. AACCH 30-25 Cookers and Generators (1971) ANSI Z21.46 Cookers (1973) UL 136 Cookie Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 10-50B Cooking Appliances (1972) UL 197 Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni-Borasio System (C AACCH 16-51 Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni (1962) AACCH 16-50 Cooking Equipment Exhaust Systems (1970) NSF 33 Cooking Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.1 Cooking Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.57 Cooking Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.58 Cooking Tops (1974) Std. AHAM ER-2 Cooking, Refrigeration, and Humidity (Humidistat, Therm UL 873 Coolant Concentrate (Glycol or Alcohol Base) by the Iod ASTM Dl 123 (Coolant Heaters) (1971) SAE J226 Coolant System Hoses (1971) SAE J20D Coolant Water During Reactor Operation (1970) ANSI N 163 ASTM D2470 Coolants in Glassware (1973) ASTM D1881 Coolants (1972) Std. Meth. of Test ASTM D3147 Coolants (1972) / Meth. for Cavitation Erosion Corrosi ASTM D2809 Coolants (1972) ANSI D14.2 Std. Meth. of Test F ASTM D1121 Coolants (1973) Std. Met ASTM D2570 Coolants (1974) /. Rec. Pract. for Use of the Refracto ASTM D3321 Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants (1 ANS N18.10 Cooled Iron Blast Furnace Slag) (1973) /G Code Std. Fo ICBO UBCS26-2 Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Boats) (1972) ABYC P15 Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Diesel and Gasol ABYC P10 Cooled Marine Engines (Boats) and Auxiliaries (1972) ABYC P4 Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) ASTM E509 Cooled Refrigerant Condensers (1971) ASHRA 22 Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (19 AATCC 16F Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14 AATCC 16E Cooled, Equilized, and Over Tempered (1973) /Nt, 15.5C SAE AMS5743D Cooler, and Air Filtering Appliances Rated at 600 Volts UL 507 Coolers for Packaged Compressor Units (1974) API UK Coolers (1971) ASHRA 24 Coolers (1972) ANSI C33.82 UL 399 Coolers (1973) ANSI A112.ll. 1 /R Drinking Fountains an ARI 1010 Cooling and Air Heating Coils (1972) ARI 410 Cooling Tower Fan Drives (1972) Info Sheet for AGMA 490.02 Cooling Towers (1971) Std. Fo CTI 103 Cooling Towers (1971) Std. for Do CTI 114 Cooling Towers (1971) Std. for Sout CTI 115 Cooling Towers (1971) Std. Spec, for Pres CTI 112 Cooling Water Systems (1972) Std. Pract. DEMA »1-10 104 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Safety Std. for Air Conditioners, Central Safety Std. for Room Type Fan Coil Units (Heating and llation. Control, and Maintenance of Heating, Ventilating, erical Designation (Identification System) of Modular Grid rec. Pract. for Image Evaluation of Electrostatic Business ssette) for Audio Recording An/ Std. for Dimensional Std. of Synthetic Elastomers for Use on Solid Styrene Butadiene d Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for ). Plate, Sheet. Strip and Rolled Bar (19/ Std. Spec, for trie Fusion Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron-Molydenium • eamless and Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron-Molybdenum - plates (1972) ANSI G33.3 Std. Spec, for Chromium • Std. Spec, for -Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet. Strip, and / Std. Spec, for -Nickel Rod and Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and spec, for Copper-Nickei-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and trip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for led Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for r Bridge and Other Structural Uses/ Std. Spec, for Rolled nee Radiographs for High Strength Copper Base and Nickel ■ ndensers and Heat Exchangers (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Gold ar (19/ Std. Spec, for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy ight Gage for Heat Exchanger Tubing (1972/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum • Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum ■ 73) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Nickel-lron-Chromium-Molybdenum • Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Bending Fatigue Tests for Std. Spec, for . for General Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Welded Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Sheet (1972) Std. Designations for Copper and Std. for Cast onductor Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV se with Copper Water Tube (1973) Std. for Wrought Bar (19/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Seamless cation Data Sheet (1972) Std. Designations for Std. Photometric Meth. for Chemical Analysis of W3.6 Spec, for Std. Spec, for ansi H7.10 Std. Spec, for ANSI H7.1 Std. Spec, for (1973) Std. Spec, for U-Bend Seamless ansi H37.1 Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought ger Tubes with Integral Fins (1974) Std. Spec, for le Stock (1974) ANSI H23.14 Std. Spec, for 73) Standard for Wrought Std. Spec, for Welded Spec, for Std. Meth. of Mercurous Nitrate Test for Std. Spec, for Ammoniacal Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ammoniacal Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for std. Photometric Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Copper and nsi Z166.17 Std. Reference Radiographs for High Strength ansi H9.27 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Hard Drawn Std. Spec, for Acid Std. Spec, for ) Spec, for Nickel Coated c. for Seamless and Welded Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum ip (1973)/ Std. Spec, for Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum r Cable) (1973) Spec, for Tinned ectrical Conductors (1971) Spec, for Rope Lay Stranded si C7.8 Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded Std. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded st for Exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX Series , and Other Starch/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining s (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 8 32 ) ANSI H23.8 / Elec /or S Std. Spec Cooling (1972) ANSI B144.1 Cooling) (1973) ANSI Z25.1 Cooling, Refrigeration Systems, Incinerators and Other Coordinates (1971) Std. for Num Copies (1972) Std. Coplanar Magnetic Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact Ca Copolymers (SBR) (1972) / Meth. for Chemical Analysis Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolle Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy (Copper Alloy No. 175 Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1974) Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy Tubes (1973) Copper-Nickel-Aluminum Alloy Steel Pressure Vessel Copper-Nickel-Silicon Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled B Copper-Nickel Rod and Bar (1973) Copper-Zinc-Aluminum-Cobalt Alloy Plate, Sheet, S Copper-Zinc-Tin Alloys Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rol Copper Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets Fo Copper Alloy Castings (1967) ANSI Z166.17 Std. Refe Copper Alloy Condenser Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Co Copper Alloy Electrical Contact Material (1973) (Copper Alloy No. 175), Plate. Sheet, Strip and Rolled B Copper Alloy No. 260 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and L Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip (1973) Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.6 Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1974) Copper Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34.18 Copper Alloy Rod (1973) Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications (19 Copper Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.16 Copper Alloy Spring Materials (1973) Copper Alloy Strip for Flexible Metal Hose (1973) Copper Alloy Tube (1974) ANSI H23.4 Std Copper Alloy Tubes for Pressure Applications (1972) Copper Alloy Water Tube (1973) Copper Alloy Wire (1974) ANSI H30.2 Copper Alloys (Wrought Products Only); Application Data Copper Alloys (1971) (Copper and Aluminum Conductors) (1972) /S for Single C Copper and Bronze Solder- Joint Pressure Fitting for U Copper and Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Copper and Copper Alloy Tube (1974) ANSI H23.4 Copper and Copper Alloys (Wrought Products Only); Appli Copper and Copper Base Alloys (1972) Copper and Its Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI Copper and Its Alloy Clad Steel Plate (1973) Copper and Its Alloy Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) Copper and Its Alloy Forging Rod, Bar and Shapes (1974) Copper and Its Alloy Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes Copper and Its Alloy Rectangular Waveguide Tube (1974) Copper and Its Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchan Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferru Copper and Its Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings (19 Copper and Its Alloy Tube (1973) Copper and Its Alloy Welding Rods (1969) ANSI W3.7 Copper and Its Alloys (1973) ANSI H39.3 Copper Arsenite (1971) ANSI 011.8 Copper Arsenite (1971) ANSI 011.23 Copper Base Alloy Centrifugal Castings (1973) Copper Base Alloy Continuous Castings (1973) Copper Base Alloys (1972) Copper Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings (1967) a Copper Base Sintered Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1973) Copper Beryllium Alloy Forgings and Extrusions (1972) Copper Beryllium Alloy Rod and Bar (1971A) ANSI H7.7 Copper Brazed Steel Tubing (1970) ANSI B125.33 Copper Bus Bar, Rod, and Shapes (1974) ANSI C7.25 Copper Bus Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI C7.26 Copper by the Briquet DC Arc Technique (1971) ANSI Z12 Copper Capillary Tube for Restrictor Applications (1974 Copper Chromate (1971) Copper Clad Aluminum Wire (1972) Copper Clad Steel Wire for Electronic Application (1972 Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1973) /Td. Spe Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Str Copper Concentric Neutrals (Underground Electrical Powe Copper Conductors Having Bunch Stranded Members, for El Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium Hard, or Soft (1972) an Copper Conouctors (1974) ANSI C7.59 Copper Containing Aluminum Alloys (Exco Test) (1972) Copper Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup Copper Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished Sugar UL UL ICBO ANSI ASTM EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CDA SAE IPCEA ANSI ASTM ASTM CDA ASTM AWS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM AWS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CR CR 465 883 UMC»7 A62.8 F360 RS399 D1416 B194 B534 B474 B468 A410 B411 B122 B151 B122 B151 B592 B591 B100 E272 B171 B596 B534 B569 B582 B127 B424 B248 B425 B581 B584 B423 B593 B508 B251 B469 B586 B250 108/2 J462A P-53-426 B16.22 B248 B251 108/2 E62 A5.6 B432 B283 B124 B395 B372 B249 B359 Bill B16.29 B543 A5.7 B154 D1325 D1326 B271 B505 E62 E272 B438 B570 B196 A 254 B187 B188 E414 B360 D1624 B566 B559 B464 B463 52-1 B172 B8 B496 G34 F-18 E-22 Engineering and Product Standards Division 105 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for 12 Std. Spec, for Fire Refined Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Std. Spec, for Boron Deoxidized 1973) Std. Spec, for borne Preservative Solutions Such as Pentachlorophenol and s (1969) ANSI H52.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Seamless std. for Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum - std. for Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum • Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Threadless Std. Spec, for Seamless flatwire and Strip) (1973) Std. Spec, for Flat 's Reduction Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Volumetric Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Std. Spec, for 7.9 Std. Spec, for Is (1973) Std. Spec, for 7.3 Std. Spec, for H26.3 Std. Spec, for nsi H30.1 Std. Spec, for si G63.1 Std. Spec, for Iron Design Rules, Guidelines, and Drawings for Std. Spec, for Sintered zed) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece Test Std. Spec, for Phosphor Bronze d Service (1974) ANSI H23.5 Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Welded Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. for Flexible Std. Spec, for Seamless er and Bronze Solder-Joint Pressure Fitting for Use with Std. Spec, for Phosphorus Deoxidized Std. Spec, for Oxygen Free Electrolytic got Bars (1973) ANSI H17.1 Std. Spec, for Lake got Bars (1973) ANSI H/ Std. Spec, for Chemically Refined got Bars (1973) ANSI H17.2 Std. Spec, for Electrolytic Std. Spec, for Lead and Lead Alloy Coated Soft Std. Spec, for Soft or Annealed Std. Spec, for Tinned Soft or Annealed Std. Spec, for Silver Coated Soft or Annealed Std. Spec, for Nickel Coated Soft or Annealed rod, Bars, and Shapes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Electrolytic Cathode Std. Spec, for Fire Refined Casting Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Embrittlement of r Corrosion Resistant Metals (Electrodeposited Coatings of Std. Classification of ensions for Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, dup Area on Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrostatic r, Cultivator, Edger-Trimmer, Hedge / Std. for Safety for for Safety for Test for Polymeric Enclosures for Portable Safety Std. for Electric Tent. Tolerances for Tire Fabrics (Textile) Other Than 974) Std. Meth. of Test. Tire Cords, Tire Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for . Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber to Steel of Test for Strap Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing Fabrics or Safety Std. for Cord Sets and Power Supply Man Made Organic Base Fibers/ Std. Meth. of Testing Tire rom Steel (1974) Std. Meth. of Test. Tire Quality Stds. for Flush Solid and Hollow Std. and Nomenclature for Diamond alvanized) and Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Plastic Foam td. Test Meth. for Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Type 970) Std. Test Meth. for Density of 970) Std. Test Meth. for Water Absorption of Std. Test Meth. for Shear Fatigue of Sandwich 973) ANSI C83.92 Std. for Iron ■ Std. Meth. of Te9t for Elastic Moduli of Rock sr) (1972) / Spec, for Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Steel sr) (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Steel Spec, for Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux steel Electrodes (1974) Spec, for Flux al) (1971) Std. Dimensions for Std. Test Procedure for Toroidal Magnetic Amplifier Std. Meth. for Measurement of Thickness of Sandwich . Test Meth. for Flatwise Compressive Strength of Sandwich r Test in Flatwise Plane of Flat Sandwich Constructions or Procedure for End Supported Beam Strength Fibre Tube9 and Copper Drainage Tube (DWV) (1974) ANSI H23.6 ASTM B306 Copper for Wrought Products and Alloys (1972) ANSI H23. ASTM B216 Copper in Wine (Enology) (1972) ASE *9 Copper in Wrought Forms for Electron Devices (1972) ASTM F107 Copper Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar ( ASTM B465 Copper Naphthenate (1973) / Solvent for Preparing Oil ASTM D2604 Copper Nickel Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessel ASTM B402 Copper Nickel Pipe and Tube (1973) ANSI H26.4 . ASTM B466 Copper Overhead Electrical Conductors (1973) EEI TDJ-16 NEMA C33 Copper Overhead Electrical Connectors (1973) NEMA CC3 EEI TDJ-162 Copper Phthalocyanine Blue and Green Pigments (1973) ASTM D3256 Copper Pipe (1974) ANSI H26.2 ASTM B302 Copper Pipe, Std. Sizes (1972) ASTM B42 Copper Products with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Edges ( ASTM B272 Copper Reduction Meth. for Sugar Determination: Schoorl AACCH 80-69 Copper Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.4 ASTM B133 Copper Rods for Electrical Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.7 ASTM B49 Copper Rods for Locomotive Staybolts (1973) ANSI H7.2 ASTM B12 Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate and Rolled Bar (1973) ANSI H ASTM B152 Copper Silicon Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vesse ASTM B96 Copper Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H ASTM B98 Copper Silicon Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI ASTM B315 Copper Silicon Alloy Wire for General Purposes (1973) a ASTM B99 Copper Sintered Metal Powder Structural Parts (1970) an ASTM B222 Copper Solvent Single Stack Plumbing System (1973) CDA *1 Copper Steel Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63.3 ASTM B426 (Copper Sulfate Dip) (1973) AASHO T66 / a Zinc (Calvani ASTM A239 (Copper Tin) Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) ASTM B103 Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Fiel ASTM B280 Copper Tube (1974) ASTM B447 Copper Tube (1975) ANSI H23.3 ASTM BT5 Copper Tube, Bright Annealed (1973) ANSI H23.2 ASTM B68 Copper Water Connectors (1971) IAPMO PS14 Copper Water Tube (1972) ANSI H23.1 ASTM B88 Copper Water Tube (1973) Std. for Wrought Copp ANSI B16.22 Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Cakes (1972) ASTM B379 Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Cakes (1972) ANSI H23.ll ASTM B170 Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and in ASTM B4 Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and in ASTM B442 Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and in ASTM B5 Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (19674 ANSI C7. 15 ASTM B189 Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.1 ASTM B3 Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.4 ASTM B33 Copper Wire (1974) ANSI C7.38 ASTM B298 Copper Wire (1974) ANSI C7.48 ASTM B355 Copper Zinc Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) ASTM B140 Copper (1972) ANSI H23.10 ASTM B115 Copper (1972) ANSI H23.9 ASTM B72 Copper (1973) ASTM B577 Copper, Nickel, Chromium, Lead, Zinc, or Cadmium! (1973 ICBO UBCS32-6 Coppers (1973) ANSI H34.43 ASTM B224 Copy and Image Cards) (1972) Std. for Dim ANSI PH5.8 Copy, and Image Cards) (1973) ANSI PH5. 12 /Ess of Buil NMA MS9 Copying (1972B) ASTM F335 Cord Connected Electric Gardening Appliances (Lawn Mowe UL 82 Cord Connected Electrical Appliances (1973) Std. UL 746.51 Cord Connected Indoor Signs (1971) ANSI C33.35 UL 48 Cord Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.243 ASTM D122 Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Strands Made from Steel (1 ASTM D2969 Cord Reels (1973) ANSI C33. 18 UL 355 Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords (1972) ANSI C33.3 UL 817 Cord (1973) Std ASTM D2229 Cords to Rubber (1971) Std. Meth. ASTM D2630 Cords (1972) ANSI C33.3 UL 817 Cords, Fabrics and Industrial Filament Yarns, Made from ASTM D885 Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Strands Made F ASTM D2969 Core Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) AWI *1-1300 Core Drill Equipment (1973) ANSI B104.1 DCDMA 3 Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) ( ASTM B500 Core Insulating Panels (1972) ASTM C659 Core Material (1970) ASTM C363 Core Materials for Structural Sandwich Constructions (1 ASTM C271 Core Materials for Structural Sandwich Constructions (1 ASTM C272 Core Materials (1970) ASTM C394 Core Power Filter Inductors for Electronic Equipment (1 EIA RS197A Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression (1972) ASTM D3148 Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (AC ASTM B341 Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (AC ASTM B498 Cored Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.20 AWS A5.20 Cored Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel AWS A5.22 Cores for Photographic Film Rolls (Plastic, Wood or Met ANSI PHI. 13 Cores (Including Material Data) (1972) IEEE 106 Cores (1970) ASTM C366 Cores (1970) Std ASTM C365 Cores (1970) Std. Meth. of Shea ASTM C273 Cores (1972) Std. Test. CCTI T114 106 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards dure for End Supported Beam Deflection Composite Tubes and td. Test. Proc. for Side to Side Crush Composite Tubes and or Measuring Inside Diameters of Composite Cans, Tubes and Composite Cans, Tubes and test. Procedure for Torque Strength of Composite Tubes and st. Procedure for Internal Bursting of Composite Tubes and or Measuring Wall Thicknesses of Composite Cans, Tubes and r Axial (End to End) Compression Composite Cans, Tubes and measuring Lengths or Heights of Composite Cans, Tubes, and menclature Relating to Resilient Floor Coverings (Asphalt, agus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs, ar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from alytical Meth. for Determining Waxy and Nonwaxy Content in ontent in Feedstuffs (Corn) Containing Vegetable Material, d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fiber Content in ng Insect Infestation Content (Radiographic Inspection) in TLC Meth. of Analysis of Aflatoxins in ine Meth. of Analysis for Insect Eggs in White, Wheat, and Meth. of Analysis for Insect Excreta in White, Wheat, and ine in Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products, d. Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, olina. Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, , Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products, Corn Grits, alytical Meth. for Determining Free Fatty Acids Content in eth. for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Cold Test Content in of Analysis of Acetone-Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and e and Refined) and All Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from analytical Meth. for Determining Hydroxyalkoxyl Content of d / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron Content in lytical Meth. for Determining Borax Content in Dextrin and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of pH (Paste) of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of pH (Slurry) of nalytical Meth. for Determining Acidity (Paste) Content in 1 Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content in std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Total Fat Content in cal Meth. for Determining Acidity (Extractable) Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Solubles Content in d. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH (Slurry) Content in analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content in nalytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content in Determining Moisture (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in td. Analytical Meth. for Determining Phosphorus Content in eth. for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in td. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH (Paste) Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium Content in alytical Meth. for Determining Waxy and Nonwaxy Content in . Analytical Meth. for Determining Bulk Density Content in for Determining Inherent Viscosity (One Point) Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Carboxyl Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Acetyl Content of tical Meth. for Determining Brabender Viscosity Content in td. Analytical Meth. for Determining Phosphorus Content of Std. Analytical Meth. Determining Iodine Affinity of h. for Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content in ts / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in eth. for Determining Crude Fat / Extractables) Content in alytical Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of Phosphorus in termining Color, Solutions (Spectrophotometric) Content of nalytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron Content of analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content of rmining Color, Reflectance (Spectrophotometric) Content of 1 Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content of nalytical Meth. for Determining Reducing Sugars Content of tical Meth. for Determining Dextrose Equivalent Content of lytical Meth. for Determining Specific Rotation Content of h. for Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Copper Content of . Analytical Meth. for Determining Heavy Metals Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Hyd/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content of alytical Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content of for Determining Arsenic Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Paper) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Unbleached Crude rmining Saccharides iGas Liquid Chromatography) Content of . Analytical Meth. for Determining Total Sugars Content of rmining Sulfate Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Dextrose Content of tical Meth. for Determining Dextrose Equivalent Content of h. for Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of eth. for Determining Iron (Orthophenanthroline) Content of Cores (1972) Cores (1973) Cores (1973) Cores (1974) Cores (1974) Cores (1974) Cores (1974) Cores (1974) Cores (1974) Std. Test. Proce Std. Test. Proc. F Std. Std. Te Std. Test. Procedure F Std. Test. Procedure Fo Std. Test. Procedure for Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos, Polymeri Corms, and Tubers; Christmas Tree Std. (1973) /, Aspar Corn and Grain Sorghum Starch (1960) /Tent of Corn Sug Corn and Grain Sorghum, and Their Mixtures (1959) / an Corn and Other Grains, Flours, and Meals (1964) /Ber C Corn and Other Grains, Foodstuffs Containing Vegetable Corn and Other Whole Grains (1958) /Eth. for Determini Corn and Soybeans (Cereal Chemistry) (1972) Corn Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Iod Corn Flour (1962) Glass Plate Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and Flou Corn Grits, Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, Breakfas Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Whea Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and Flour (Cereal Ch Corn Oil and to Other Vegetable and Marine Oils and Ani Corn Oil (1964) Std. Analytical M Corn Oil (1965) Corn Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. Corn or Grain Sorghum Starch Which Are Substantially Op Com Starch and Ethers (1967) Std. Corn Starch Hydrolzates Including Syrups and Sugars, an Com Starch Products (1971) • Std. Ana Corn Starch Which Is Gelatinized When Heated in a Boili Corn Starch Which Is Substantially Insoluble in Water a Com Starch (Gelatinizable Products) (1955) Std. a Corn Starch (Unmodified) (1961) Std. Analytica Corn Starch (1955) Corn Starch (1955) Std. Analyti Com Starch (1956) Corn Starch (1956) St Corn Starch (1956) Std. Corn Starch (1956) Std. a Corn Starch (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Corn Starch (1957) Corn Starch (1957) Std. Analytical M Corn Starch (1958) Corn Starch (1960) Corn Starch (1960) Std. an Corn Starch (1963) Std Corn Starch (1963) Std. Analytical Meth. Corn Starch (1966) Corn Starch (1968) Corn Starch (1968) Std. Analy Corn Starch (1969) Corn Starch (1973) Com Starch (1973) Std. Analytical Met Corn Starch, Dextrines and Other Modified Starch Produc Corn Starch, Gluten, Germand Finished Std. Analytical M Corn Starch, Sugars, Syrups and Other Protein Bearing M Corn Starch, Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Corn Wet Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) and All Hydrolyzates Sol Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (Crystalline) (1959) /a Com Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) Com Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1961) Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1961) Std. Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1963) / Meth. for Dete Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1966) Std. Analytica Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. a Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. Analy Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Dextrose, Syrup and Sta Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup and Other Starch Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup, and Other Starch Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Hydrol Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups, Starches and Ot Com Sugar (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. Corn Sugar (1956) /R Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Corn Sugar, Starch Molasses and Hydrolyzates (1971) /E Corn Sugars (Crude and Refined), Starch Molasses (1972) Com Sugars (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete Corn Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyzates (1967) Corn Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyzates (1968) /. Analy Com Syrup and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1973) /L Met Com Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates and All Starches and CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI ASTM ANSI CR CR CR CR CR AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH CR CR CR AACCH CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR T-113 T108 CT102 CT111 T116 T112 CT101 CT107 CT104 F141 Z60.1 F-26 A-28 G-12 A-8 A-ll 45-05 28-44 28-43 86-80 44-15A 44-15A 86-80 H-22 H-12 H-10 58-35 F-14 C-20 B-30 D-10 C-42 C-44 B-4 B-36 B-20 B-2 B-56 B-44 B-58 B-38 B-34 B-46 B-14 B-42 B-10 B-64 B-16 B-61 C-22 C-2 B-9 C-46 B-28 B-ll B-8 B-18 B-48 B-47 F-14 F-34 F-2 F-4 F-6 F-28 F-54 F-16 F-32 F-48 F-22 F-52 F-8 F-18 F-26 F-10 F-42 F-44 E-4 E-44 F-50 F-58 E-64 E-24 E-26 E-ll E-32 Engineering and Product Standards Division 107 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of nalytical Meth. for Determining Heavy Metals Content of of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfate Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Copper Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Baume Content of h. for Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Paper) Content of meth. for Determining Candy Color and Inversion Content of Determining Moisture (Azeotropic Distillation) Content of nalytical Meth. for Determining Color Stability Content of eth. for Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Aid) Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content of meth. for Determining Color (Visual Comparison) Content of td. Analytical Meth. for Determining Phosphorus Content of eth. for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content of . for Determining Saccharides (Chromatographic) Content of 1 Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content of d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron (TPTZ) Content of ical Meth. for Determining Extraneous Materials Content of lytical Meth. for Determining Specific Rotation Content of s (/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content of nalytical Meth. for Determining Apparent Starch Content of mate/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content of alytical Meth. for Determining Refractive Index Content of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium Content of rmining Saccharides (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of . Analytical Meth. for Determining Fermentables Content of alytical Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content of osphorus in Corn Starch, Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in h. for Determining Filth and Insect Infestation Content in Determining Moisture (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in feedstuffs and All Other Natural Dry Products Derived from for Determining Crude Fat (Ccl, Extractables) Content in cal Meth. for Determining Viability (Sprouting) Content in in Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Products Obtained from in Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Products Obtained from Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Starch Content in Meth. for Determining Bulk Density Content in Feedstuffs 1 Meth. for Determining Crude Fiber Content in Feedstuffs . for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Steepwater, ytical Meth. for Determining Starch Content in Feedstuffs ical Meth. for Determining Solubles Content in Feedstuffs ing Crude Fat (Ccl, Extractables) Content in Feedstuffs analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content in Feedstuffs nalytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Feedstuffs r Determining Acidity (Extractable) Content in Feedstuffs Moisture (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Feedstuffs ermining Moisture (Oven) Content in Commercial Feedstuffs h. for Determining Ammonia Nitrogen Content in Steepwater r Determining Lactic Acid and Salts Content in Steepwater nalytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Steepwater Meth. for Determining Xanthophylls Content in Feedstuffs th. for Determining Reducing Sugars Content in Steepwater r Determining Lactic Acid and Salts Content in Feedstuffs determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content in Steepwater h. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Feedstuffs eth. for Determining Iodine Number (Wijs Meth.) Content in Friction Coefficients of Chopped Forages (Grass, alytical Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in in Flour and Semolina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Deg. F (1973) Std. for Nut, Self Locking, Plate ■ Rec. Pract. for hway Vehic/ Std. Meth. of Test. Tires for Wet Traction in Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Dow ical Insulating Materials Subjected to Partial Discharges . for the Detection and Measurement of Partial Discharges 3/ Std. Meth. for Detection and Measurement of Discharge subfloor Surfaces to Receive Wood Flooring (196/ Rec. for istry) (1965) Meth. for Multiplication Factors for on Dioxide (Cereal Chemistry) (196/ Meth. of Analysis for Test Meth. for Density of Pulpwood (Submersion with t Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chips (Submersion with 0% Moisture (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Std. Volume and Specific Gravity o 14.0% Moist/ Meth. of Physical Dough Tests: Approximate chemistry) (1962) Temperature chemistry) (1962) Temperature . of Test for Wavelength of Peak Photoluminescence and the e Book: Fire Protection and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, rings (Nickel Base, Solution Heat Treated, 15./ Spec, for ti-/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corn Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates (1952) Corn Syrup Unmixed and Corn Sugar (1954) Corn Syrup Unmixed and Dextrose (1956) Std. a Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished Corn Sugars (1954) Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished Sugars (1954) Corn Syrup Unmixed and Its Syrups (1959) Corn Syrup Unmixed and Unbleached Crude Corn Sugar (195 Com Syrup Unmixed (1952) • Std. Analytical Corn Syrup Unmixed (1952) Std. Analytical Meth. for Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) Std. a Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) , Std. Analytical M Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Corn Syrup (1952) Std. Corn Syrup (1954) Std. Analytical Corn Syrup (1957) Corn Syrup (1957) Std. Analytical M Corn Syrup (1957) Std. Analytical Meth Corn Syrup (1966) Std. Analytica Corn Syrup (1970) St Corn Syrup, Crude and Refined Sugar and Other Materials Corn Syrup, Dextrose and Starch Hydrolyzates (1971) /a Corn Syrup, Finished Sugar and Other Starch Hydrolyzate Corn Syrup, Refined and Crude Sugar (1967) Std. a Corn Syrup, Starch Hydrolyzates and a Variety of Other Corn Syrup, Sugar and Dextrose (1956) Std. an Corn Syrup, Sugar and Other Carbohydrates (1957) Corn Syrup, Sugar, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1967) /Ete Corn Syrup, Sugars, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1957) /Td Corn Syrup, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Corn Wet Milling Process (1973) /R Determination of pH Corn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Corn (1954) Std. Analytical Met Corn (1955) Std. Analytical Meth. for Corn (1957) Corn (1957) /Ng Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn (1958) Std. Analytical Meth. Com (1959) Std. Analyti Corn (1963) /Al Meth. for Determining Acidity Content Corn (1963) /Lytical Meth. for Determining pH Content Corn (1964) (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn (Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn and Other Wet Milled Solid Products (1963) Containing Vegetable Material, Corn and Other Gra Feedstuffs, Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Pr /Ical (1954) Std. Anal (1954) Std. Analyt (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determin (1955) Std. (1955) Std. a (1955) Std. Analytical Meth Fo (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining (1957) Std. Analytical Meth. for Det (1962) Std. Analytical Met (1962) Std. Analytical Meth. Fo (1964) Std. a (1964) Std. Analytical (1964) Std. Analytical Me (1964) Std. Analytical Meth. Fo (1966) Std. Analytical Meth. for Syrups. Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Beari Grain Sorghum and Other Vegetable Fats and Oils ( Hay, Straw) (1968) Other Grains and Plant Materials of Comparable Co Rye, Barley, Rice, Grain Sorghum, and Buckwheat ( Corner, Counterbored, Floating, 125 KS1 Ftu, 450 and 80 Cornering Lamps (Light) for Automotive Vehicles (1965) Cornering Without Driving Torque Application, Using Hig Corning Leather Tester (1970) ALCA E55 /H. of Test for (Corona) /of Test for Voltage Endurance of Solid Electr (Corona) During Dielectric Tests (1973) Rec. Pract (Corona) Pulses in Evaluation of Insulation Systems (197 Correct Preparation, Finishing and Testing of Concrete Correcting Weights to a 14% Moisture Basis (Cereal Chem Correction Factors for Gasometric Determination of Carb Correction for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Correction for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Correction for Weight of Flour to Give 100 Grams at 14. Correction of Analytical Values to 14.0% Moisture Basis Correction Tables for Creosote and Coal Tar (R1970) Corrections for Changing as-is Farinograph Absorption T Corrections for Refractometer Readings (Sugar) (Cereal Corrections for Saccharimeter Readings (Sugar) (Cereal Corresponding Composition of Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Corridor, Building Construction and Test. (1973) /S Us Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Corrosion and Heat Resistant (15Cr-26Ni-1.3Mo-2.1 CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR AACCH CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR ASAE CR AACCH NSA SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM WSFI AACCH AACCH TAPPI TAPPI AACCH AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM WWPA SAE SAE E-2 E-4 E-30 E-64 E-22 E-8 E-44 E-12 E-40 E-20 E-42 E-14 E-15 E-66 E-18 E-50 E-16 E-62 E-46 E-33 E-27 E-58 E-6 E-60 E48 E-54 E-10 E-63 E-28 E-52 B-47 0203 A-10 A-12 A-4 G-6 A -6 A-24 J-4 J-48 A-20 G-8 G-12 J-56 G-28 G-26 G-10 G-20 G-4 G-2 G-14 G-16 J 12 J-36 J-14 G-40 J-58 G-13 J-44 G-22 H-32 D251 A-18 76-20 1766 J852B F376 D2098 D2275 454 D1868 *1 82-24 12-29 UM-2 UM-20 82-23 82-22 D347 54-29 80-20 80-21 F358 •31-4 AMS5750B AMS5735H 108 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) (1973) .5N1-7.5W (1973) Torque, All Metal, 1/ Torque, All Metal, 1/ -5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-1.6/ 4Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe (1973) OFe (1973) .2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La / .2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1/ .5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, C/ co-2.5Ti-l.5Al (1973) 5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution H/ co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Con/ 5Co-4.3Mo-/ -5.9Mo-2.2Ti/ Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, Spec, for Steel Tubing, Welded, Alloy Wire, Welding, Spec, for Self Locking Steel Nut9, Spec, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Alloy Bars and Forgings, Alloy Sheet and Strip, Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Alloy Bars and Forgings, Alloy Wire, Welding, Alloy Bars, Forgings. and Rings, Alloy Bars and Forgings. Spec, for Alloy Bars. Forgings and Rings, Spec, for Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solu/ Studs, Steel, p, and Plate (13Cr-2.0Ni-3.0W) (1973) Spec, for 1.6Co-1.8Mo-0.32V) (1/ Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, n (SAE 51416F), Free Machining / Steel Bars and Forgings, 2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Tre/ Steel Sheet and Strip, 2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Treated (1973/ Steel Plate, 2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat T/ Steel Bars and Forgings. 2.9Mo-0.10N, Heat Treated, 1/ Steel Bars and Forgings. 2.9Mo-0. ION, Equalized and T/ Steel Bars and Forgings, 2.9Mo-0.1N (1973) Steel Wire, Welding, Annealed (1973/ Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, pumps with Coolan/ Std. Test Meth. for Cavitation Erosion of Stainless Steels and Related Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress se of Mattsson's Solution of pH 7.2 to Evaluate the Stress Std. Rec. Pract. for Making and Using the C-Ring Stress e Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Performing Stress Std. Rec. Pract. for Applying Statistics to Analysis of e Code: Recommended Guide to Safe Practice Protection from Std. Meth. for Preparation and Use of Bent Beam Stress ystems (1972) Rec. Pract. for Control of External Rec. Pract. for Collection and Identification of ng Torque, All Metal (1973) Spec, for Self-Locking and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for Gener/ Std. Spec, for f Copper, Nickel, Chromiu/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. for Solid 100 Deg. Flush Shear Head A286 urn Induct/ Steel Bars. Wire, Forgings. and Forging Stock. c). Premium Bearing Qu/ Steel Bars. Forgings, and Tubing, , Consumable Electrode Va/ Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 1 Covered Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.4 Spec, for 1 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) Ansi/ Spec, for electrodes (1974) Spec, for Flux Cored Strip (1972) ANSI G81.6 Std. Spec, for r Undrilled and Drilled. Plain and Self Locking, Alloy and illed and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy Steel and ng Aluminum Alloys (E/ Std. Meth. of Test for Exfoliation s Tested in Glassware (1970) ANSI D14.9 Std. Meth for Std. Rec. Pract. for Making and Using U-Bend Stress Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparing. Cleaning, and Evaluating Std. Meth. of Test for Simulated Service Test Meth. for Laboratory Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Immersion Std. Rec. Pract. for Recording Data from Atmospheric Std. Meth. of Conducted Controlled Velocity Laboratory test. Coated Steel Specimens Dynamically for Resistance to and Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to e Diameter Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for prevent in Service Cracking of Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds in sign and Construction of Nonmetallic Enveloped Gaskets for d Deposits (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for ectrical Meth. (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Meth. for Inefficient of Static Friction of Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for Ply Separation (Wet) of Solid and Meth. for Flat Crush Test of Industrial Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: sties (1971) Std. for Meth. of Measuring Frequency and tone, and Marble Masonry: Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Std. for Std. Clevis Pins and Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Tent. Meth. of Test for Grading Std. Rec. Pract. for Lighting th. for Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose Form Bleached Test for Color of Raw Cotton Using the Nickerson-Hunter ANSI L14.283 Std. Spec, and Meth. of Test for Heavy 972) 2) (1972) 4) h Chlorine (1972) ANSI L14.57 kage: Rapid Control Test/ Corrosion and Heat Resistant (18Cr-llNi-(Cb+Ta) (19 Corrosion and Heat Resistant (25Cr-20Ni) (SAE 30310) Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Cobalt Base-25.5Cr-10 Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Iron Base-13.3Cr-38Ni Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.5Cr-2. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.5Cr-8. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15 Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15 Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-19.5Cr-13 Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-19.5Cr-18 Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base 19.5Cr-13.5 Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base (19.5Cr-13. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base, 20Cr-20Co Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded After Heat Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant Steel Sheet, Stri Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant (11.8Cr-2.8Ni- Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr Low Carbo Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni- Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni- Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr— 4.5Ni— Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni- Corro9ion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni- Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni- Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminum Automotive Water Corrosion Cracking in Polythionic Acids (1973) /Bility Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Cu-Zn Alloys (1973 Corrosion Cracking Test Specimen (1973) Corrosion Cracking Tests in a Boiling Magnesium Chlorid Corrosion Data (1971) ANSI G80.3 Corrosion for Underground Pipe, Fittings and Tanks Cont Corrosion Metal Specimens (1973) Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping S Corrosion Products (1973) Corrosion Resistant Alloy Nuts, High Strength, Prevaili Corrosion Resistant Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel Corrosion Resistant Metals (Electrodeposited Coatings O Corrosion Resistant Steel and Monel Rivet (1974) Corrosion Resistant, 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi. Vacu Corrosion Resistant, 14.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.10-1.20 Corrosion Resistant. 14.8Cr-4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta) Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Corrosion Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate Sheet and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Cap Screw (1 Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJF-3A Thread, Cap Screw (1 Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX Series Copper Containi Corrosion Test on Metal Specimens for Engine Antifreeze Corrosion Test Specimens (1972) Corrosion Test Specimens (1972) ANSI G80.1 Corrosion Test, of Engine Coolants (1973) Corrosion Test, of Metals for the Process Industries (1 Corrosion Test, of Metals (1972) Corrosion Tests of Metallic Coated Steel Specimens (197 Corrosion Tests (1972) Corrosion (1972T) Meth. of Corrosive Environments (Coil Coating) (1974) /Eration Corrosive or High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B125. Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environment (1972) /S to Corrosive Service (1971) ANSI Z261.2 /C. Pract. for De Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for Removing Water Forme Corrosivity of Water in the Absence of Heat Transfer (El Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth. Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth. Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Inclined Plane Meth.) Corrugated Asbestos Cement Sheets for Bulkheading (1974 Corrugated Asbestos Cement Sheets (1974) ANSI A125.1 Corrugated Fiberboard (1969) Corrugating Medium (Paperboard) (1971) ANSI P3.24 Cost Trends for Buildings, Machinery and Equipment (197 Cost (1972) Cost, and Recording Patron and Nonemployee Injury Stati Cotta Timber Water Ceiling Partitions Plaster Roo Cotter Pins (Split) (1972) Cotter Pins (1972) Cotton and Linen Textile Colorfastnes9 to Bleaching Wit Cotton and Linen Textiles to Combined Washing and Shrin Cotton Card Webs for Appearance (1973) Cotton Classing Rooms for Color Grading (1971) Cotton Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.117 Test Me Cotton Colorimeter (1971) Std. Meth. of Cotton Fabrics for Manufacture of Hose and Belts (1942) SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM NACE NACE SAE ASTM ICBO NSA SAE SAE SAE AWS AWS AWS ASTM NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE ASTM ASTM AWPA ASTM NCCA ASTM NACE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI FMS ANSI ANSI ICBO SAE ANSI AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM AMS5680D AMS5577C AMS5789 AMS7250C AMS7251B AMS5633A AMS5541B AMS5665H AMS5711 AMS5873 AMS5738C AMS5829 AMS5755B AMS5709B AMS5707D AMS5872 AMS7482 AMS5508B AMS5823 AMS5610H AMS5547C AMS5549C AMS5743D AMS5744A AMS5745A AMS5774A AMS5627B D2809 G35 G37 G38 G36 G16 UFC*2B G39 RP-01-69 RP-01-73 AMS7253A A296 UBCS32-6 1200 AMS5617A AMS5749 AMS5862 A5.4 A5.9 A5.22 A263 1352 1351 G34 D1384 G30 Gl D2570 TM-01-69 G31 G33 M14-72 D2933 TB-III3 A409 RP-04-72 F336 D3263 D2776 D3247 T816SU D3248 C746 C221 D1028 T809 OS 9-3 Z94.2 Z108.1 UBC*3-23 J487A B18.8.1 3 72 D3216 D1684 82 D2253 D181 Engineering and Product Standards Division 109 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards )/ Std. Meth. of Test for Length and Length Uniformity of eth. of Test for Estimating Maturity and Linear Density of Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling Std. Meth. of Test for Length and Length Distribution of Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Density of Std. Meth. of Test for Cross Sectional Characteristics of Std. Meth. of Test for Number of Neps in 1972) ANSI L14.289 Std. Meth. for Spinning Tests on the Std. Spec, for Woven Test Meth. for Evaluation of Wetting Agents est Meth. for Evaluation of Commercial Rewetting Agents on std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Test Meth. for Noncotton Content of Bleached (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Color of Raw dustrial Use Garm/ Std. Performance Requirements for 100% Printed, or Vinyl Coa/ Std. Performance Requirements for Test Meth. for Mercerization in Std. Meth. for Grading / Std. Meth. of Test for Differential Dyeing Behavior of ool) (1974) Rec. for Baled Textile Fiber Storage orm Fire Code: Storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres (1970) ANSI C59.31 Std. Meth. of Test. Varnished nalysis of Crude Fiber in Soy Flour for Cake and Meal from eth. of Test for Bromine Index of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Std. Meth. of Test for Uranium by Controlled Potential Meth. of Analysis of Rope Spore cts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Plate Test Meth. for Dirt mers, Hot Plates and Griddles, etc.) (1973) Std. for Gas ms for Industrial, Utility and Recreational Type Vehicles, Std. Meth. for Automatic Particle Std. for Base for Gm (1973) Std. for Nut, Self Locking, Plate-Corner, dwork) (197/ Quality Stds. for Casework: Cabinets, Cases, Std. Meth. for Calibration of Liquid Automatic Particle Std. Test Procedure for Geiger Muller k (1973) Std. for Rivet-100 Deg. Std. for Std. for Nut Spacer, Plate - Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Test for Twist in Yarns (Direct , Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, Rot Fragment xygen Content Using a 14 MeV Neutron Activation and Direct Std. for Structure for the Identification (Code) of the Meth. of Analysis of Mold and Yeast products and Foo/ Meth. of Analysis of Thermophilic Spore Std. Meth. for Agricultural Wheel Tractors Equipped with Quick Attaching Std. for Requirements for Power Line e (Recreational Type) Connecting Devices and Towing Meth. Std. for Trailer Std. for Care of Fire Hose (Including Std. Spec, for Compression Std. for Keys and Keyways for Industrial Flexible Gear Std. for Balance Classification for Flexible Gear ) Safety Std. for Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe, Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Line Automotive Mechanics for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks automotive Mechanics for Buses, Heavy Trucks and Trailers ar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, Leveling, and Surface tone, Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Macadam Base (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable Head, Lug Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug Std. for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug 7A60, Ufc-Rule/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug 7Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, / Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug ray Standardization Probe, Rot Fragment Counting Plate and Spec, for Mild Steel Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Rods (1972) Std. for Consumable Electric .15 Spec, for Welding Rods and Spec, for Nickel and Its Alloy r Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel rs (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. and Std. inyl Coated Fabric Coverings for Decorative and Protective Marine Deck Safety Std. for Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof st for Flame Propagation Classification Flooring and Floor Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Retardant Roof Std. for Safety for Wind Resistance of Prepared Roof Rec. Pract. and Std. rine Toilet Waste (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. and Std. and Auxiliaries (Diesel and Gasolin/ Rec. Pract. and Std. Std. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Caliper of Resilient Floor Cotton Fibers by Fibrograph Measurement (Textile) (1972 Cotton Fibers by the Causticaire Method (1971) Std. M Cotton Fibers for Test. (1972) Cotton Fibers (Array Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.91 Cotton Fibers (Array Sample) (1973) ANSI L14.136 Cotton Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.95 Cotton Samples (1971) ANSI L14.97 Cotton System for Measurement of Spinning Performance ( Cotton Tapes for Electrical Purposes (1972) (Cotton Test Skein Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.ll Cotton Textile Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.106 . Cotton Textile Fibers (Flat Bundle Meth.) (1972) ANSI L Cotton Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.128 Cotton Using the Nickerson-Hunter Cotton Colorimeter Cotton Woven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and in Cotton Woven Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Cotton Yarns and Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.124 Cotton Yarns for Appearance (1972) ANSI L14.164 Cotton (Raw Fiber, Yarn and Textile Fabric) (1972) ANSI (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Flax, Synthetic Fibers, W (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Cottonfabrics and Tapes Used for Electrical Insulation Cottonseed, Soybeans, and Peanuts (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Coulometric Titration (1974) ANSI Z78. 15 Std. M Coulometry (1970) ANSI N106 Count in Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Count Meth. of Analysis of Total Bacteria in Food Produ Count of Wood Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Counter Appliances (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food Dish War Counter Balanced Fork Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Specia Counter Size Setting (1972) Counter Tubes (1971) Counterbored, Floating, 125 KS1 Ftu, 450 and 800 Deg. F Counters and Enclosures of All Kinds (Architectural Woo Counters Using AC Fine Test Dust (1972) ANSI B93.28 Counters (1970) ANSI N42.3 Countersunk Head Hi Shear Close Tolerance Head and Shan Countersunk Type Finishing Washer (1973) Countersunk (1973) Countertops (1973) Counting Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles Counting Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.234 Counting Plate and Cover) (1962) /Y Funnel, Trap Flask Counting Technique (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for O Countries of the United States for Information Intercha Counts in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Coupler Calibration of Earphones (1973) Coupler for Three Point Free Link Hitch (1971) SAE J909 Coupling-Tubes, Flared Fitting, Female Thread (1973) Coupling Capacitors (1972) (Coupling, Hitch, Safety Chain, Lighting) (1973) /Ehicl Couplings and Hitches: Automotive Type (1972) Couplings and Nozzles (1972) Couplings for Vitrified Clay Plain End Pipe (1973) Couplings (1974) Couplings (1974) Couplings, and Gaskets for Water and Fire Service (1973 Couplings, Socket Type (1973) (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Training of (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Training of Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid T Courses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec, for Crushed S Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (1974) Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (1974) Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-3 Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-3 Cover) (1962) /Y Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X- Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI A5.1 Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.5 Covered Bare Straight and Coiled Welding Electrodes and Covered Electrodes for Welding Cast Iron (1969) ANSI W3 Covered Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.ll Covered Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.4 Spec. Fo Covering Design and Construction of Cockpits and Scuppe Covering for Permanent Wall and Ceilings (1969) /for V Covering Guide (1969) Covering Material (1973) Covering Materials (1971) Std. Meth. of Te Covering Materials (1973) Covering Materials (1973) ANSI A195.1 Covering Non Commercial Boat Trailer (1972) Covering Sewage Holding and/or Treatment Devices for Ma Covering the Installation of Air Cooled Marine Engines Covering with Foam Layer (1973) ASTM D1447 ASTM D2480 ASTM D1441 ASTM D1440 ASTM D1769 ASTM D1444 ASTM D1446 ASTM D2811 ASTM D335 AATCC 17 AATCC 27 ASTM D1445 AATCC 97 ASTM D2253 ANSI L24.4.12 ANSI L24.1.1 AATCC 89 ASTM D2255 ASTM D1464 FMS •8-7 ICBO UFC'2ART7 ASTM D295 AACCH 32-17 ASTM D1492 ASTM E217 AACCH 42-20 AACCH 42-11 TAPPI UM-11 ANSI Z21.31 TRA 5 ASTM F321 ANSI N42.5 NSA 1766 AWI * 1-400 NFLDP T2.9.6 IEEE 309 NSA 525 NSA 391 NSA 500 TCA 307-308 AACCH 28-01 ASTM D1423 AACCH 28-90 ASTM E385 ANSI X3.31 AACCH 42-50 AACCH 42-40 ANSI S3. 7 ASAE S278.2 NSA 424 ANSI C93.1 VESC V-5 SAE J684D NFPA 198 ASTM C594 AGMA 512.03 AGMA 515.01 UL 107 ASTM D3036 ANSI D18.1 ANSI D18.2 ASTM D1753 ASTM D694 ANSI MH2.8 ANSI MH2.16 ANSI MH2.17 ANSI MH2.10 ANSI MH2.15 AACCH 28-90 AWS A5.1 AWS A5.5 NEMA EW2 AWS A5.15 AWS A5.ll AWS A5.4 ABYC H4 CSI 09951 SNAME 4-11 UL 790 UL 992 ICBO UBCS32-7 UL 997 ABYC A15 ABYC A8 ABYC P10 ASTM F387 110 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Uniform Building Code: Roof Construction and Rec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos Tile as a Wall rmanent Wall and Ceilings / Spec, for Vinyl Coated Fabric 1 Asbestos/ Std. Nomenclature Relating to Resilient Floor avel or Slag Surf/ Loss Prevention Data on Elastomer Roof Test Meth. for Shampooing: Washing of Textile Floor d. Spec, for Asphalt for Use in Constructing Built Up Roof Std. Meth. of Test for Embossed Depth of Resilient Floor Uniform Building Code: Wall and Ceiling welling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Roof td. for Materials for Use in Construction of Built Up Roof ic Felt, Coa/ Safety Std. for Materials for Built-Up Roof td. for Electrical Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Uniform Building Code: Patio , Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, and Cast Aluminum n Ceilings, Partitions, Exterior Veneer, Awnings and Patio us and Broadleaf Evergreens; Rose Grades; Vines and Ground Std. for Guide-Fastener, Low Form, or Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (200 or Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (800 ic Tape for Information Interchange (9-Track 200 and 800 r Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (1600 ion Interchange (9-Track 200 and 800 cpi, NRZI, and 1600 Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) Spec, for Thermoplastic Line Pipe (PVC and Summary of Meth. for Biscuit and grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Pea/ Meth. of Analysis of ess Steels and Related Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress Corrosion leu/ Rec. Pract. Meth. and Controls to Prevent in Service Std. Meth. of Dynamic Test, for Ply Separation and sson's Solution of pH 7.2 to Evaluate the Stress Corrosion c. Pract. for Making and Using the C-Ring Stress Corrosion (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Performing Stress Corrosion h. for Density of Pulpwood (Submersion with Correction for sity and Moisture of Chips (Submersion with Correction for aving Rope Supporte/ Rec. Pract. for Performance Std. for Rec. Pract. for Mobile Construction Type er. Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Spec, for Underhung ce Std. for Crane Boomstop of All Mobile Construction Type Spec, for Welding Industrial and Mill ctric Overhead Bridge and Gantry Multiple Gerder Traveling Spec, for Rated Loads Offshore Ou Rec. Pract. for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Std. for Monorail Systems and Underhung Std. for Mobile Hydraulic hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings: Portal, Tower and Pillar tal. Tower and Pillar Cranes (1973) Safety Std. for d Drum Hoists (1971) Safety Code for Std. Meth. of Test. Large Shipping Cases and Rec. for Safety Std. for Ice si J8.12 Std. Spec, for Concentrated, Ammonia Preserved, 62) Meth. for Determination of Specific Volume of Std. for Fiberboard undering (1973) ANSI L14.17/ Test Meth. for Appearance of Std. for Magnetic Stripe Encoding (Code) for Std. Test Meth. for Flexure oading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Std. Test Meth. for ng (Metal to Metal) (1969) Std. Test Meth. for ANSI MH12.15 Std. Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for 7.22 Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Std. Volume and Specific Gravity Correction Tables for Std. Meth. for Analysis of Std. Spec, for , and Timbers for Marine, Land, / Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for Moisture and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Std. Spec, for Petroleum for Blending with Std. Meth. of Test for Benzene Insoluble Matter in e (1970) ANSI 010.1 Std. Spec, for insulating Oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para - cators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Improved Std. Designs for Pressure Treated Timber ipment (Barrier) for Protection Against Robbery or Holdup 26 (1972) Std. for Splice, Electric, Permanent, Meth. of Test for Effective Crimping on Outside s (1972) Meth. of Test for Effective dures for User Certification of (1962) A/ Std. for Tools, chronous Machines (1972) Std. power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generat/ Trial Use Std.: for Prime Movers, W/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance (1972) Std. for ) Std. for Guide to Principal Design Covering (1973) Covering (1973) Coverings for Decorative and Protective Covering for PE Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Viny Coverings (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Gr Coverings (Rug, Carpet) (1972) Coverings (1971) ANSI A109.24 St Coverings (1973) Coverings (1973) Coverings (1973) Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Sat Coverings: Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organ Covers and Box Supports, and Cast Aluminum Covers (1973 Covers (1973) Covers (1973) /for Electrical Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes Covers, Greenhouses, Canopies) (1973) /Ght Diffusers I Covers; Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant Cowl, Dzus Type (1973) cpi, NRZI) (1973) Std. F cpi, NRZI) (1973) Std. F cpi, NRZI, and 1600 cpi, PE) (1973) /Unrecorded Magnet cpi, PE)( 1973) Std. Fo cpi, PE) (1973) /Unrecorded Magnetic Tape for Informat (CPVC) Plastic Hot Water Distribution Systems (1973) CPVC) (1972) Cracker Flour Test. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cracking Flotation Test for Internal Insects in Cereal Cracking in Polythionic Acids (1973) /Bility of Stainl Cracking of Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds in Corrosive Petro Cracking of Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J2.6 Cracking Susceptibility of Cu-Zn Alloys (1973) /F Matt Cracking Test Specimen (1973) Std. Re Cracking Tests in a Boiling Magnesium Chloride Solution Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Test Met Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) /T Meth. for Den Crane Boomstop of All Mobile Construction Type Cranes H Crane Overload Indicating System Test Procedure (1971) Crane, and Shovel (1974) /T Haul); Grader, Loader, Doz Cranes and Monorail Systems (1973) Cranes Having Rope Supported Booms, Equipped for Hook W Cranes (1970) Cranes (1971) Spec, for Ele Cranes (1972) Cranes (1972) Cranes (1973) Cranes (1973) Cranes (1973) Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooki Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings: Base Mounte Crates (Packaging) (1953) ANSI MH12.11 Crayons and Related Art Materials for School Use (1963) Cream Freezers and Soda Fountain Units (1973) Creamed and Centrifuged Natural Rubber Latex (1972A) an Creams, Cake Batters, and Icings (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Crease Bending Test (1972) Creases in Wash and Wear Items (Clothing) After Home La Credit Cards (1973) Creep of Sandwich Constructions (1970) Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Compression L Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loadi Creep Properties of Package Cushioning Materials (1968) Creep Relaxation of a Gasket Material (1971) Creep Tests of Metal to Metal Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z19 Creosote and Coal Tar (R1970) Creosote and Oil Type Wood Preservatives (1973) Creosote Coal Tar Solution (1974) ANSI 011.2 Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of Piles, Poles Creosote Petroleum Solution (1970) Creosote Type Preservative in Wood (1970) Creosote (1970) ANSI 011.9 Creosote (1971) Creosote (1973) AASHO T81, ANSI 011.13 Creosoted End Grain Wood Block Flooring for Interior Us Cresol by Rotating Bomb (1973) ANSI C59.113 / Mineral Cresol Red Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and Indi Crib Walls (1969) (Criminology) (1974) ANSI Se4.6 /R Bullet Resisting Equ Crimp Style, Pre Insulated, (Class 2) Wire Sizes 12 to Crimped Valves of Aerosol Containers (1972) Crimping on Outside Crimped Valves of Aerosol Container Crimping, Solderless Wiring Devices-Recommended Proce Criteria and Definitions for Excitation Systems for Syn Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Criteria for Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) Criteria for Film Badge Performance (Nuclear Radiation) Criteria for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (1973 Safety Std. for Cranes, Derricks, , Jacks, and Slings: Por ICBO RTI CSI ASTM FMS AATCC ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO UL NEMA ICBO NEMA ICBO ANSI NSA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM API AACCH AACCH ASTM NACE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI TAPPI SAE SAE TRA MMA SAE AWS CMAA API API ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM use UL ASTM AACCH SAE AATCC ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CR AWPI UL NSA ASTM ASTM EIA IEEE IEEE SAE ANSI ANSI UBC«3-32 •17 09951 F141 1-47 138 D312 F373 UBC*3-47 UBC'8-18 UBCS32-1 55A OS1 UBC»3-49 OS1 UBC«3-52 Z60.1 67 X3.14 X3.22 X3.40 X3.39 X3.40 D2846 5LP 10-30 28-22 G35 RP-04-72 D430 G37 G38 C36 UM-2 UM-20 J220 J248 3 •2 J220 D14.1 70 2C 2D B30.ll B30.15 B30.4 B30.4 B30.7 D1083 R192 621 D1076 72-10 J119A 88C X4.16 C480 D2293 D2294 D2221 F38 D1780 D347 Al D391 D390 D1858 D1860 D38 D1859 D367 D1031 D2112 R-60 *4 752 1388 D3076 D3076 RS270 421 387 J231 N13.7 N101.3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 111 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Earthquake Instrumentation at Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Ge/ Std. and Frame Assemblies (19/ Std. Test Proc. and Acceptance ent Structures (1969) Design ype Tractors and Fro/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance front End Loaders An/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Prime Movers (Heavy/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Std. for Fire Protection Trial Use Std. Std. Nuclear Safety Std. for Trial- Use Test Proc. and Acceptance Basic uipment for Water Cooled and Mo/ its (1974) ANSI N41.14 Reactor Plants (1973) ting Station Protection Systems (19/ ssemblies (1972) Std s Used in Treating Wastewater (1970) Trial Use Guide for the Application of the Single Failure zing (1972T) Tent. Test Meth. for ops) and Falling Object Protective Struc/ Rec. Pract. for d. Spec, for Photographic Grade Chromium Potassium Sulfate h. for Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarn and Fabric to test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Yarn and Fabric to textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) by the AATCC ile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) (Rotary Vertical machinery) (1973) Std. for Chisel Plow, Field and Row ion, Installation, and Rating of Equipment for Drying Farm oard (1972) Meth. for Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion on All Metals by Test Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion by (1972) ANSI Z197.21 Std. Meth. of Testing Std. Meth. for Estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption Std. for General Purpose Uniform xide Coating Thicknesses by Microscopical Examination of A ANSI L14.95 Std. Meth. of Test for e and Cable for the Transmission and Distributi/ Std. for Rec. Pract. for a Program for School t Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insula/ Std. Spec, for rical Insulation (1972) Std. Spec, for Rec. for Operation of y (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Std. for Machine Bolt, pi 2561 Std. Meth. of Test for Sediment in or Determining Extraneous Materials Content of Corn Syrup, Std. Meth. of Test for Pyridine Bases in lor. Solutions (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar th. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content of Corn Sugar nalytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn Sugar tical Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Corn Sugar tical Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of Corn Sugar alytical Meth. for Determining Iron Content of Corn Sugar eth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content of Corn Sugar r. Reflectance (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn Sugar th. for Determining Reducing Sugars Content of Corn Sugar for Determining Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn Sugar . for Determining Specific Rotation Content of Corn Sugar meth. for Determining Total Sugars Content of Corn Sugars mining Calcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Sugar ytical Meth. for Determining Copper Content of Corn Sugar Meth. for Determining Heavy Metals Content of Corn Sugar ical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Corn Sugar analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content of Corn Sugar h. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Sugar filter Paper) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Unbleached Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of ) Meth. of Analysis of stry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of t Containing Fruit (Cereal Chemistr/ Meth. of Analysis of 1962) Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining corn) (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining en, Germand Finished Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining s Containing Veget/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining etable Material, C/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining (1962) Meth. of Analysis of eed. Soybeans, and Peanuts (Cereal / Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Salt in Rec. for Std. Meth. of Test for Water and Sediment in si Z11.314 Std. Meth. for Distillation of ed Kjeldahl Meth. for Nitrate Free Samples for Analysis of ges, and Animal and Dairy P/ UDy Dye Meth. of Analysis of percentage of Total Nitrogen) (C/ Meth. of Calculation of ) (1962) Improved Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants (1974) Criteria for Preparation of Design Bases for Systems Th Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Steel Door Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Power Containm Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure for Track T Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure for Weeled Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Criteria for Safety Related Systems, Structures, and Eq Criteria for Separation of Class Ie Equipment and Circu Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Criteria for the Periodic Test, of Nuclear Power Genera Criteria for Water Resistance on Steel Door and Frame a Criterial for Evaluation of Special Processes or Device Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Protectio Critical Dilation of Concrete Specimens Subject to Free Critical Zone for Laboratory Evaluation of Roll Over (R CrKfSOJ, : 12H.0 (Chrome Alum) (1972) St Crocking (Rubbing) by the AATCC Crockmeter Meth. (1972) Crocking (Rubbing) (Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Meth.) ( Crockmeter Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.72 /Tness of Colored Crockmeter Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.212 /Astness of Text Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool Mountings (Farm Crops (1971) Std. for Construct Cross Directional Internal Tearing Resistance of Paperb Cross Hatch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting (Coil Coa Cross Hatch Tape Test (Coil Coating) (1974) Cross Lap Specimens for Tensile Properties of Adhe9ives Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.10 Cross Section Spiral Retaining Rings (1972) Cross Section (1973) ANSI G53.51 /Ement of Metal and O Cross Sectional Characteristics of Cotton Fibers (1972) Crossed Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wir Crossing Protection (1973) Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Polyvinyl Chloride) Hea Crosslinked Polyolefin Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Elect Crowder Dry Pipe Valves, Model a (1973) Crown Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alio Crown Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Crown Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Crowned Hexagon Head, Adjusting (1973) Crude and Fuel Oils by Extraction (1969) ANSI Z11.58, a Crude and Refined Sugar and Other Materials Soluble in Crude and Refined Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z107.4 (Crude and Refined) and All Hydrolyzates Solutions Deriv (Crude and Refined) (Crystalline) (1959) /Analytical Me (Crude and Refined) (1958) Std. a (Crude and Refined) (1958) Std. Analy (Crude and Refined) (1958) Std. Analy (Crude and Refined) (1961) Std. an (Crude and Refined) (1961) Std. Analytical M (Crude and Refined) (1963) / Meth. for Determining Colo (Crude and Refined) (1966) Std. Analytical Meth. for (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. Analytical Me (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. Analytical Meth. (Crude and Refined), Dextrose, Syrup and Starch Hydrolyz (Crude and Refined), Starch Molasses (1972) /Nalytical (Crude and Refined), Syrup and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (Crude and Refined), Syrup, and Other Starch Hydrolyzate (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Hydrolyzate (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Hydrolyzate (Crude and Refined), Syrups, Starches and Other Protein Crude Corn Sugar (1956) /R Determining Moisture (Oven Crude Fat in Baked Dog Food (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Crude Fat in Cocoa (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Crude Fat in Dry Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Crude Fat in Egg Yolk and Dried Whole Egg (Cereal Chemi Crude Fat in Flour, Bread, and Baked Cereal Products No Crude Fat in Grain and Stock Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) ( Crude Fat in Soy Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, Feeds and Cooked Feed Crude Fat (Ccl, Extractables) Content in Corn (1958) Crude Fat (Ccl, Extractables) Content in Feedstuffs ( Crude Fat (Ccl, Products Such as Feeds and Meals (195 Crude Fiber Content in Corn and Other Grains, Foodstuff Crude Fiber Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) Containing Veg Crude Fiber in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) Crude Fiber in Soy Flour for Cake and Meal from Cottons Crude Oil (Electrometric Meth.) (1973) Crude Oil (1972) Crude Oils (1973) ANSI Z11.8 Crude Petroleum (15 Theoretical Plate Column) (1973) an Crude Protein in Bread, Wheat and Other Grains, and Yea Crude Protein in Cereal Grains, Oilseeds, Legumes, Fora Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Calculated from Crude Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry ANSI N18.5 ANS N18.8 STDI 116 ACI 69-2 SAE J395A SAE J394A SAE J320B ANS N18.10 IEEE 384 ANSI N18.2 IEEE 338 STDI 115 NSF C-9 IEEE 379 ASTM C671 SAE J397A ANSI PH4.151 AATCC 8 AATCC 116 AATCC 8 AATCC 116 ASAE S225.1 ASAE S248.2 TAPPI T496SU NCCA TB-II16 NCCA TB-II-5 ASTM D1344 ASTM C626 ANSI B27.6 ASTM B487 ASTM D1444 NEMA WC7 ITE RP3 ASTM D3150 ASTM D3149 FMS 213 NSA 2125 NSA 2325 NSA 6935 NSA 428 ASTM D473 CR E-27 ASTM D2748 CR F-14 CR F-34 CR F-6 CR F-2 CR F-4 CR F-28 CR F-54 CR F-16 CR F-32 CR F-48 CR F-22 CR F-52 CR F-58 CR F-8 CR F-18 CR F-26 CR F-10 CR F-42 CR F-44 CR E-44 AACCH 30-14 AACCH 3012 AACCH 30-16 AACCH 30-18 AACCH 30-10 AACCH 30-20 AACCH 30-26 AACCH 30-25 CR A-6 CR G-10 CR B-18 CR A-8 CR G-12 AACCH 32-15 AACCH 32-17 ASTM D3230 FMS 8-4 ASTM D96 ASTM D2892 AACCH 46-11 AACCH 46-14 AACCH 46-18 AACCH 46-10 112 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards cid Modification) (Cereal / Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of ntage of Total Nitrogen) (Cereal/ Meth. of Calculation of Micro Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of rmining Apparent Starch Content of Corn Syrup, Refined and of Chemical Analysis of Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Grain and of Chemical Analysis of Silicon Carbide Abrasive Grain and 1972) Std. for ic Weight, Durability and M/ Std. for Wafers, Pellets and Std. Test. Proc. for Side to Side si P3.24 Meth. for Flat Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates (Sand, macadam Base Courses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec, for brick and Shapes (1972) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test for Cold Tent. Meth. of Test for Compressive m. Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypto/ Uniform Fire Code: Std. Rec. Pract. for Evacuated Reflective Insulation in ns (Code) in Metallic Systems Based on the Composition and ic Grade Sodium Thiosulfate, Anhydrous (Na 2 S 2 :1 ) and moisture (Oven) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) 1 Etch Techniques (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for ity and Hall Coefficient in Extrinsic Semiconductor Single Std. for Washer, Plain and o Slip Resistant (Floor Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, erials (1973) Std. Spec, for E- o Evaluate the Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 In. (50 Mm) nery) (1973) Std. for Chisel Plow, Field and Row Crop Cord Connected Electric Gardening Appliances (Lawn Mower, meth. of Test. Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soil Block Std. Spec, for Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Arch Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete ot Dip Process (1971) An/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets for Mechanical Demand Registers Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Liquids by Tag Open . of Test for Flash Point of Cutback Asphalt with Tag Open Meth. of Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Std. for Flash Points, Closed Rec. for Controlling gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate g a Solvent Hand Rub Test for the Determination of Deg. of r Linear Shrinkage of Thermosetting Casting Systems During iscometer (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Viscosity and ANSI A37.81 Std. Meth. of Making and Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Spec, for Liquid Membrane Forming Compounds for emperature of Applied Coatings on Wood Products During the ing. Stabilization. Ice Removal, Acceleration of Concrete, Safety Ventilation Requirements for Direct Fired Powder Std. Spec, for Liquid Asphalt (Slow Std. Spec, for Liquid Asphalt (Medium Std. Spec, for Liquid Asphalt (Rapid s (1974) Std. Meth. of Making, Accelerated Std. Meth. for Determining the Test Meth. for Sizing of Paper (Reverse Bedding Applications (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Rubberized and Ground Covers; Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, ral Horsepower) (1972) Std. for Ratings for Alternating Is (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Designing a High Analysis of Thermionic Nickel Alloys by the Powder Direct or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical oltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical and a Total or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical or AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical ign. Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Std. for Direct Std. for Industrial and Other Direct Std. for Frame Assignments for Alternating - ermittivity) of Solid/ Std. Meth. of Test for Alternating Std. Test Code for Direct horsepowe/ Std. for Dimensions for Alternating and Direct hor/ Std. for Application Data for Alternating and Direct 72) Std. for Ratings for Alternating Current and Direct Std. for Tests and Performance of Alternating and Direct Std. for Direct Std. for Stabilized Power Supplies Direct ) ANSI C37.13 Std. for Low Voltage Alternating Std. for Surge (Lightning) Arresters for Alternating r/ Std. for Schedule of Preferred Ratings for Capacitance rated on a Symmetrical/ Std. Requirements for Capacitance Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Products (Boric a AACCH 46-12 Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour (Calculated from Perce AACCH 4619 Crude Protein (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 4613 Crude Sugar (1967) Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete CR E-60 Crude (1971) Std. Meth. ANSI B74.14 Crude (1971) . Std. Meth. ANSI B74.15 Crufomate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) ( ANSI K62.110 Crumbles-Definitions and Meth. for Determining Specif ASAE S269.2 Crush Composite Tubes and Cores (1973) CCTI T108 Crush Test of Corrugating Medium (Paperboard) (1971) an TAPPI T809 OS Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furnace ICBO UBCS26-2 Crushed Stone, Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water Bound ASTM D694 Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Refractory ASTM C133 (Crushing) Strength of Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.ll ASTM C695 Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Deuteriu ICBO UFC*2ART36 Cryogenic Service (1973) ASTM C740 Crystal Lattice of Each (1970) ANSI Z30. 10 /Designatio ASTM E157 Crystalline (Na 2 S 2 : ,.5H 2 0) (1973) /Photograph ANSI PH4.250 (Crystalline) (1959) /Analytical Meth. for Determining CR F-34 Crystallographic Perfection of Germanium by Preferentia ASTM F389 Crystals (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Hall Mobil ASTM F76 CSK, 1200 Deg. F (1973) NSA 1587 CSMA Bui 308-70 /Ocedure) for Products Classified as T CSMA BUL 12 CTFE- Fluoroplastic Molding, Extrusion, and Coating Mat ASTM D3275 Cu-Zn Alloys (1973) /F Mattsson's Solution of pH 7.2 T ASTM G37 Cube Specimens) (1973) / Meth. of Test for Compressive ASTM C109 Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool Mountings (Farm Machi ASAE S225.1 Cultivator, Edger-Trimmer, Hedge Trimmer, etc.) (1974) UL 82 Cultures (1970) Std. ASTM D1413 Culvert Pipe (1973) ASTM C14 Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1971) ASTM C506 Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1972) ASTM C507 Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) ASTM C655 Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) ASTM C76 Culverts and Underdrains, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by H ASTM A444 (Cumulative and Pointer Forms) EEI MSJ-4 NEMA EI 14 Cup Apparatus (1972) ASTM D1310 Cup Apparatus (1972) Std. Meth ASTM D3143 Cup (1972) AASHOT48, ANSI Z11.6 Std. ASTM D92 Cup, Aromatic Chemicals and Isolates (1973) EOA FP-1 Cupping of Wood Floors (1962) WSFI *3 Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.229 /Bsorbed ASTM D2954 Cure of a Backed Paint Film (Coil Coating) (1974) /Tin NCCA TB-II-18 Cure (1969) ANSI K65.181 Std. Meth. of Test Fo ASTM D2566 Curing Characteristics of Rubber by the Shearing Disk V ASTM D1646 Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory (1969) ASTM C192 Curing Concrete (1971) ANSI A168.1 ACI 308 Curing Concrete (1972) ACI 308 ANSI A168.1 Curing Concrete (1973) ANSI A37.87 ASTM C309 Curing Cycle (1973) /R Infrared Determination of the T ASTM D3259 Curing of Concrete, and Other Road Conditioning Purpose ASTM D98 Curing Ovens (1973) FMS 7-27S Curing Type) (1972) ASTM D2026 Curing Type) (1972) ASTM D2027 Curing Type) (1972) ASTM D2028 Curing, and Test, of Concrete Compression Test Specimen ASTM C684 Curl of Photographic Film (1971) ANSI PHI. 29 Curl) (1973) TAPPI UM-459 Curled Hair for Cushioning Materials for Upholstery and ASTM D2128 Currant, Grape, Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling ANSI Z60.1 Current and Direct Current Motors (Fractional and Integ NEMA MG1-10 Current Arc Erosion Test for Electrical Contact Materia AATM B576 Current Arc Technique (1961) ANSI Z128.2 /Ctrochemical ASTM E129 Current Basis (1971) ANSI C37.072 / Recovery Voltage F IEEE 327 Current Basis (1971) ANSI C37.0721 /Recovery Voltage F IEEE 328 Current Basis (1972) / Electrical Control of AC High V ANSI C37.ll Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.073 /Current Switching F IEEE 341 Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.076 /Surized Components IEEE 340 Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.078 /Nsulation for Outdo IEEE 343 Current Basis (1973) ANSI C37.0731 /Urrent Switching F IEEE 342 Current Deep Groundbeds (1972) Rec. Pract. Des NACE RP-05-72 Current Generators (Large Apparatus) (1972) NEMA MG1-24 Current Integral Horsepower Generators (1972) NEMA MG1-15 Current Integral Horsepower Induction Motors (1972) NEMA MG13 Current Loss Characteristics and Dielectric Constant (P ASTM D150 Current Machines (1973) IEEE 113 Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral NEMA MG1-11 Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral NEMA MG1-14 Current Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (19 NEMA MG1-10 Current Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (19 NEMA MG1-12 Current Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) NEMA MG1-23 Current Output (1972) NEMA PY 1 Current Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973 IEEE 20 Current Power Circuits (1972) ANSI C62.1 IEEE 28 Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers ANSI C37.0732 Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers IEEE 341 Engineering and Product Standards Division 113 565-533 O-LT - 75 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards rated on a Symmet/ Std. Application Guide for Capacitance Std. for Electrical Bonding of Direct nalizers and Oil Filled Capacitor Switches for Alternating agnetic Saturation (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Eddy Std. for Leakage Std. Spec, for Mercury Lamp Transformers, Constant ion (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for High Voltage, Low of Power Factor Measurement for Low Voltage Inductive Test Rec. Electric Motor Starting nd Perforated Pipe for General Drainage (Land Reclamation, lech. Notes) (1968) 4 In. Reinforced Brick Masonry (Ins/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber ) (Instit/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Window d. Performance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Drapery 1 Texti/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Drapery Meth. of Test for Seam Strength of Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Shower Uniform Building Code Std. for Proscenium Design Spec, for Plywood Fabrication Spec, for Plywood uctural Glued Built Up Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and ooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Rubber ish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors / Spec, for Mastic tions (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Rubberized Curled Hair for Std. Meth. of Test. Package th. of Test for Shock Absorbing Characteristics of Package Std. Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Package Rec. Procedure for Processing Hardware for rofessional Photographic Sheet and Roll Films (SI and U.S. nsmission and Distribution Facilities and Interruptions to 78, ANSI A37.45 Std. Meth. of Test for Distillation of Steel Products Manual for Carbon Sheet Steel (coils and spec, for Steel Sheets of Structural Quality in Coils, and Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Std. Recommendations for Die Cavity and Fire Hazards and Protection Rec. for Low Water Fuel Std. for Safety for Thermal Std. for Tool and Std. Spec, for Free Std. for Grader Std. for Hole Spacing for Scraper and Bulldozer (Dozer) Spec, for Metal Rec. for Std. for Carbide Blanks and Std. Terms and Definitions for Welding and Std. for Safety in Welding and Rec. Pract. for Plasma Arc Rec. Pract. for Air Carbon Arc Gouging and cetylene Generators, Stationary, Low Pressure (Welding and ylene Generators, Stationary, Medium Pressure (Welding and Uniform Fire Code: Welding and Std. Meth. of Test for est for Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers by Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Permeability of Packages by ure of Applied Coatings on Wood Products During the Curing Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Std. Test Meth. for Resistance of Adhesives to Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Std. Meth. of Test for Purity and Benzene Content of Std. Spec, for control Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetraehloroethyl) Thio)-4- control Ch/ Std. for Propargite 2-(P-Tert-Butylphenoxy) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Std. for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel Std. Color Marking of Compressed Gas Std. for Application of Hydraulic Remote Control Tent. Spec, for Molds for Forming Concrete Tests Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Dual Metal h Pressure Gas Manifolds for Industrial and Commercial Gas cessories for Cataloged Square Head Industrial Fluid Power Cataloged Square Head Tie Rod Type Industrial Fluid Power r Evaluation of Compression Test Results in Field Concrete ermining the Splitting Tensile Strength of Molded Concrete Flexible Connector Fittings for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Rec. for Storage and Handling of Compressed Gases in Std. Meth. of Test for Splitting Tensile Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Std. Meth. of Capping Std. for Punches-Basic, MH12.7 Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Rules for the Measurement and Inspection of Hardwood and est for Neutron Flux Density and Average Energy from ,H 2) ANSI Z11.322 Std. Meth of Test for e Alloys by the Silver Chloride-Lithium Fluoride Carrier lysis of Uranium Oxide (U.]0») by Gallium Oxide Carrier (197/ (1972) ANSI C33.88 nines (1972) ner Type (1972) (Safety) (1973) ricultu/ 37.18 Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Current Systems on Boats (1972) Current Systems (1972) /Closers, Automatic Line Sectio Current Test, of Steel Tubular Products (Tubing) with M Current (Electricity) for Appliances (1973) Current (Series) Supply Type (1971) Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid Electrical Insula! Currents (1972) ANSI C37.26 Std. Guide for Meth. Currents (1972) EEI 62-27 Curtain and Building Foundation Drain, Under Basement F Curtain and Panel Walls (In Resisting Lateral.Forces) ( Curtain Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach Curtain Fabrics (Sash Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Curtain) Fabrics (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutiona Curtains and Draperies (Textile) (1973) Curtains (Institutional Textile) (1973) Curtains (1973) Curved Panels (1968) Curved Panels (1971) Curved Panels, Beams, and Components (1973) /. for Str Cushion Sleeper Construction with Nailers and Finish Fl Cushioned Construction with Nailers, Subflooring or Fin Cushioning Materials for Upholstery and Bedding Applica Cushioning Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.13 Cushioning Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.14 Cushioning Materials (1968) ANSI MH12.15 Custom Aluminum Doors (1972) Customary Units) (1973) Std. Dimensions for P Customer Service (1973) /Zing Outage of Electrical Tra Cut Back Asphaltic (Bituminous) Products (1973) AASHO T Cut Lengths) (1974) Cut Lengths, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Proces Cutback Asphalt with Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Cutoff Die Sizes for Cold Forging Equipment (1972) Cutoffs and Automatic Feedwater Regulators for Boilers Cutoffs for Use in Electrical Appliances and Components Cutter Grinding Machine (1973) Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Mac Cutting Edge (1972) Cutting Edges (1972) Cutting Machine Tool Weldments (1971) Cutting Oils and Compounds (1974) Cutting Tools, Single Point, Carbide Tipped, Roller Tur Cutting (1969) Cutting (1973) Cutting (1973) Cutting (1974) Cutting) (1973) Safety Std. for a Cutting) (1973) Safety Std. for Acet Cutting, Calcium Carbide and Acetylene (1973) Cyanides in Water (1972) Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.12 /Eth. of T Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.18 Std. Cycle (1973) /R Infrared Determination of the Temperat Cyclic Immersion of Syntactic Foam at Pressure (1972) Cyclic Laboratory Aging Conditions (1970) ANSI Z197.19 Cyclic Movement (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (1972) Cyclohexane 995 (1972) Cyclohexene-1,2-Dicarboximide-Captafol (1973) /Est Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite (Common Name for the Pest Cyclohexylamine in Water (1974) Cylinder Lock Nut (1974) Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids (1972) Cylinders Intended for Medical Use in the United States Cylinders to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Type Ag Cylinders Vertically (1973T) ANSI A37.95 Cylinders (1972) Cylinders (1972) Safety Std. for Hig Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.29 Std. Dimensions for AC Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.34 //4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cylinders (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Fo Cylinders (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Det Cylinders (1973) /Ety for Pigtail, Expansion Coil, and Cylinders (1974) Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (1971) ANSI A37.121 Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (1972) AASHO T22, ANSI a Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (1973) Cylindrical Head Type and Related Quill Bushings (1972) Cylindrical Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1950) ANSI Cypress Lumber (1971-75) (D, N) 4 He Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniq D.C. Electrical Conductivity of Hydrocarbons Fuels (197 DC Arc Technique Using an Optical Emission Spectrograp DC Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.27 /Trochemical Ana IEEE 342 ABYC El NEMA SG13 ASTM E309 ANSI C101.1 ANSI C82.7 ASTM D495 IEEE 330 NEMA 151 ASTM D2311 BIA 17L ANSI L24.1.3 ANSI L24.1.4 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI L24.1.5 ANSI L24T2 ANSI L24.2.10 ICBO UBCS6-1 APA •3PDS1 APA CP-8 ICBO UBCS25-18 WSFI •4 WSFI »8 ASTM D2128 ASTM D1372 ASTM D1596 ASTM D2221 NBHA *1 ANSI PHI. 18 IEEE 346 ASTM D402 AISI 5 ASTM A446 ASTM D3143 IFI 121 FMS 12-37 UL 1020 NSA 973 ASTM B16 SAE J739B SAE J737B AWS D14.2 FMS 7-37 ANSI B94.37 AWS A3.0 ANSI Z49.1 AWS C5.2 AWS C5.3 UL 409 UL 408 ICBO UFC*2ART31 ASTM D2036 ASTM D1276 ASTM D1251 ASTM D3259 ASTM D2735 ASTM D1183 ASTM C719 ASTM D3054 ASTM D3055 ANSI K62.146 ANSI K62.131 ASTM D2909 NSA 699 AWWA C301 CGA C9 ASAE S201.4 ASTM C470 ASTM A667 UL 407 NFLDP T3.6.8 NFLDP T3.6.11 ICBO UBCS26-11 ICBO UBCS26-12 UL 569 FMS 7-50 ASTM C496 ASTM C39 ASTM C617 ANSI B94.44 ASTM D997 NHLA '1 ASTM E496 ASTM D3114 ASTM E483 ASTM E402 114 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards eth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Copper by the Briquet Std. Test Meth. for Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Rec. Lighting for Cereal Grains, Oilseeds, Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Rec. for Fire, Heat, and Smoke ped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Rec*. for Prevention of tion: Fossil Fue/ Rec. Pract. for the Prevention of Water ) Rec. Pract. for Collision Deformation s Which Are Susceptible to Hydrolys/ Meth. of Analysis of le) (1973) Std. Performance Requirements for Std. Performance Requirements for Table Napery Other Than utyric. Valeric, Succinic, and Lactic Acids (Cereal / Van stion Chamber in Heating Appliances (Regulators, Automatic Uniform Building Code Std. for Veneer Application Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Safety Std. for Fire es)(1961) al09.1 Std. Spec, for Primer for Use with Asphalt in 109.16 Std. Spec, for Asphalt for lish) (1973) Uniform Code for the Abatement of of Textiles to Light: Carbon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Std. Meth. for Determining Safety Times of Photographic eters (1972) ANSI S6./ Rec. Pract. for Qualifying a Sound Agricultural Machinery uality Between Data Terminal Equipment and Non-Synchronous Std. for Air ater Accident Report Forrn (Acquisition and Codification of rators (Fractional and Integral Hor/ Std. for Application pe and Fittings) (1972) Spec. ps / Std. Meth. of Test, and Presenting Basic Performance Spec, d Steel Specimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Recording ry. Evolved Gas Analysis / Std. Rec. Pract. for Reporting trol and Data Terminal Equipment Employing Parallel Binary Std. Meth. of Reporting Contamination Analysis 73) Loss Prevention halt Preferably with Gravel or Slag Surf/ Loss Prevention Prevention ) Loss Prevention Dielectric) (1973) Loss Prevention (Vessel) (1974) Loss Prevention Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Std. for the Protection of Electronic Computer and ransactions Within the Air Tra/ Spec, for Std. Integrated Std. for Safety for Electronic Std. for Sprinkler Irrigation (For Farms) Technical per and Copper Alloys (Wrought Products Only); Application packaged Compressor Units (1974) Engineering ication Equip/ Std. for Start-Stop Signal Quality Between interch/ Std. for Interface Between Numerical Control and Std. Synchronous Signaling Rates for Rec. for Hazardous Chemicals record Formats for Transmission of End Product Description c. Pract. for Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion Guide for Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test g to Fatigue Test, and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue for Toroidal Magnetic Amplifier Cores (Including Material uide (Spec, for Installation, Finishes and Other Technical omposition, Use, Application, Finishes and Other Technical sembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Ter/ Battery Replacement Std. for Representation for Calendar and Ordinal Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light Safety Std. for meth. of Tests for Automotive Type Sealers, Adhesives, and hollow Metal Door Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Series o Test the Statistical Significance/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for ur (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 1, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry)/ Std. Meth. for Accelerated Laboratory Test of Natural coniferous and Broadleaf Evergre/ Std. for Nursery Stock: d. for Nursery Stock: Deciduous Shade and Flowering Trees; e Guide for Aids to Security (Safety) of Personnel on Boat Coating Systems (Paint) Guide for Ship Hull, Rec. Pract. for Concrete Highway Bridge Marine Rec. for Insulated Steel Structural Std. Test Meth. for Structural Insulating Roof Std. for Particleboard Std. for Particleboard for Mobile Home h and Finished Carpentry, Flooring, Shingles, Exposed Roof D-C Arc Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.32 Std. M ASTM E414 D-C Volume Resistivity of Glass (1972) ASTM C657 D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) ASTM C655 Dairy Farms and the Poultry Industry (1971) ASAE R344 Dairy Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /E Protein in AACCH 46-14 Damage of Electronic Computer Systems (1973) FMS 5-32 Damage on Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Other Filth, and Ext AACCH 28-10 Damage to Property from Surface Water (1973) FMS 9-2 Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Genera ASME TWDPS-1 (Damage) Classification (Highway Vehicle Accident) tl972 SAE J224A Damaged Starch (Granules in Flour or Starch Preparation AACCH 76-30A Damask Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Texti ANSI L24.2.7 Damask (White or Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Te ANSI L24.2.11 Dame Meth. of Analysis for Formic, Acetic, Propionic, B AACCH 04-23 Damper Controls, Fans) (1973) /Aft Equipment for Combu UL 378 Dampers (1973) ICBO UBCS30-1 Dampers (1973) ICBO UBCS43-7 Dampers (1973) ANSI Z233.1 UL 555 Dampproofing and Waterproofing Masonry Walls (Tech. Not BIA 7 Dampproofing and Waterproofing (1973) AASHO M116, ANSI ASTM D41 Damproofing and Waterproofing (1973) Ashto Ml 15, ANSI a ASTM D449 Dangerous Buildings (Repair, Vacate, Rehabilitate, Demo ICBO UBC*6 Darkness (1971) ANSI L14. 169 /Meth. for Colorfastness AATCC 16D Darkness (1971) ANSI L14. 171 /Lorfastness of Textiles AATCC 16F Darkroom Illumination (1971) ANSI PH2.22 Data Acquisition System for Vehicle Noise Sound Level M SAE J 184 Data and Management Practices (1971) ASAE D230.2 Data Communication Equipment (1973) /Art-Stop Signal Q EIA RS404 Data Computers Mps (1970) SAE AS417A Data Derived from the Investigation of Scuba Diving Ace ANSI Z86.2 Data for Alternating and Direct Current Motors and Gene NEMA MG1-14 Data for Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary System (Plumbing Pi CISPI 301 Data for Positve Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power Pum NFLDP T3.9.17 Data Formats for Fine Pitch Gear Drawings (1973) AGMA 114.02 Data from Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of Metallic Coate ASTM G33 Data from Differential Thermal Analysis, Thermogravimet ASTM E472 Data Interchange (1973) /Terface Between Numerical Con EIA RS408 Data of Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems (1973) ANSI B93. 3 NFLDP T2.9.3 Data on Bonds and Guarantees for Roof Installations (19 FMS 1-47S Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multiply Felt and Asp FMS 1-47 Data on Flood Losses (1973) FMS 10-10 Data on Fundamental Defects in Fires Over 050,000 (1973 FMS 10-9 Data on High Frequency Heating Equipment (Induction and FMS 6-3 Data on Sight Glasses for Chemical Processing Equipment FMS 7-3 Data Processing and Systems (1972) ANSI Z94.3 Data Processing Equipment (1972) NFPA 75 Data Processing Systems Designed to Streamline Supply T ATAA 200 Data Processing Units and Systems (1972) UL 478 Data Sheet (1972) ASAE S262T Data Sheet (1972) Std. Designations for Cop CDA 108/2 Data Sheets for the Design of Air Exchange Coolers for API UK Data Terminal Equipment and Non-Synchronous Data Commun EIA RS404 Data Terminal Equipment Employing Parallel Binary Data EIA RS408 Data Transmission (1969) ANSI X3.1 Data (Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) FMS 7-23N Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digit IPC D-350 Data (1971) ANSI G80.3 Std. Re ASTM G16 Data (1972) IEEE 101 Data (1972) ANSI Z92.2 /. Definitions of Terms Relatin ASTM E206 Data) (1972) Std. Test Procedure IEEE 106 Data) (1973) Redwood Interior G CRA 3A7 Data) (1973) /Grade, Panel Characteristics, Material C CRA 3A9 Data; Group Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; as BCI * 1 .56 Date for Information Interchange (1971) ANSI X3.30 (Daylight) (1971) ANSI L14. 168 AATCC 16C Dead Front Distribution Switchboards (1972) NEMA PB2 Dead Front Switchboards (1972) UL 891 Deadeners (1971) Rec. Pract. SAE J243 Deadlock Strikes (1973) Spec, for ANSI A115.5 Dealing with Outlying Observations in Samples and How T ASTM E178 Decade Transformer Dividers (Voltage Type) (1972) ANSI C 100.1 Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Flo AACCH 28-42 Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Mea AACCH 28-50 Decay Resistance of Woods (1970) ASTM D2017 Deciduous Shade and Flowering Trees; Deciduous Shrubs; ANSI Z60.1 Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens; ANSI Z60. 1 Deck and for Reboarding from the Water (1973) /Practic ABYC A 18 Deck and Superstructure (1973) SNAME 4-10 Deck Construction (1974) ACI 345 Deck Covering Guide (1969) SNAME 4-11 Deck Roofing (1972) FMS 1-28 Deck (Roofing); Gypsum Concrete (1973) NRCA «2-I13 Deck (R1970) ASTM D2164 Decking for Factory Built Housing (1972) NPA 2-70 Decking (1973) NPA 1-71 Decking, Drop Siding, Structural Roof Trusses and Rafte AWI «1-1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 115 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Patterns (or Wood Paneling, Weight, Stress of Board, Timber, Lumber, Siding, Framing, Spec, for Perlite Insulating Concrete Roof isc Records (1974) Stds. for est for Measuring the Density of Smoke from the Burning or Meth. of Test for Acid Resistance of Ceramic Tentative Meth. of Test for Sulfide Resistance of Ceramic iners/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Acid Resistance of Ceramic nd Ceilings / Spec, for Vinyl Coated Fabric Coverings for s, and / Uniform Mechanical Code: Requirements for Vented stitutional Text/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven meth. of Test for Light Transmittance of Woven Class Fiber th. of Test for Effect of Handwashing on Woven Glass Fiber replaces (1973) Stdv for Std. for Vented c. for Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Test. Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and agneti/ Rec. Pract. for Reference Carrier Frequencies and Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints Std. for Hotel and Restaurant Gas tallation. Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Std. Spec, and Load Tables for Open Web, Longspan, and 1 Design and Construction (1965) Rec. for whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Uniform Building Code Std. for Glass, Its Loss Prevention Data on Fundamental erefrom (1970) ANSI K/ Rec. Pract. for Classifying Visual Bulletin for Nondestructive Test. Terminology for and for Evaluating Confor/ Rec. Pract. for Selecting and Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with / Rec. Pract. for Std. for Dimensional and Electrical Characteristic g Ceramic Tile (1973) Ceramic Tile with Mortar, Adhesive, and Mastic (1973) 3) Service for Use by Vehicle Manufacturers in De/ Std. for Std. ber (1973/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Classification, Uniform Building Code: durability and M/ Std. for Wafers, Pellets and Crumbles • Rec. Pract. for Automotive Brake ibutes (1971) ANSI Z1.6 Std. industrial Tractors (1972) SAE J 7/ Std. for Power Takeoff 1972) Rec. Pract. for Power Off quipment (1971) Std. Std. for Pallet ar. Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose Pas/ ines (1972) Std. Criteria and and Transformers (1971) • Std. sed in Schematic Diagrams (1972) Std. Symbols and eel Products (1973) ANSI G60.1 Std. Meth. and Rec. Pract. of Std. for Std. Safety Std. s (1972) Rec. for Terminology and ) Std. Pract. Std. Terms and entiometers (1970) Std. for Terms and including Terms for Reporting and Analyzing Outage / Std. Std. for Classification and rolled Machine Tool Software (1972) Std. tion) (1972) ry (1967) ol Products (1972) pectroscopy (1972A) ANSI Z128.7 ilding Constructions and Materials (1973) ) s (1971) ANSI Z138.1 lated Products (1972) ANSI A130.1 nd Analysis (1973) organic Materials for Roofing, Waterproofing, and R/ Ribbon Products and Images Made Therefrom (1972A) le Products and Rec. Pract. for Use of These Terms / e Derivatives (1972) ANSI K64.6 nsi K20.6 gates (1968) ANSI A37.76 nl05 liquids and Gases (1974) (1973) (1972B) avitation and Impingement by Liquid or Solid Partic/ /Ies, Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Me Std. Spe Meth. of Decking, Flooring, and Siding (1970) Decking, Flooring, Ceiling, and Partition (1973) Decks (1973) Decoders (Type I) for Reproducing Matrix Quadraphonic D Decomposition of Plastic Materials (1973) / Meth. of T Decorations on Architectural Type Glass (1972T) Decorations on Glass (1974) Decorations on Returnable Beer and Beverage Glass Conta Decorative and Protective Covering for Permanent Wall a Decorative Appliances, and Wall Furnaces, Floor Furnace Decorative Bedspreads, Pillows, and Bolster Fabrics (In Decorative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Decorative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Decorative Gas Appliances for Installation in Vented Fi Decorative Gas Appliances (1973) Decorative (1972) Decorative (1972) Std Deemphasis Characteristics for 2 In. Quadruplex Video M Deep DLJ and DLH Series (1970) Deep Fat Fryers (1971) Deep Groundbeds (1972) Rec. Pract. Design, Ins Deep Longspan Steel Joints (1974) Deep, Cast in Place Concrete (Storage) Bin and Silo Wal Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Defects and Safety Glazing (1973) Defects in Fires Over 050,000 (1973) Defects in Glass Reinforced Laminates and Parts Made Th Defects in Steel Pipe (1974) Defining Color and Gloss Tolerances of Opaque Materials Defining Conditions for Evaluating the Compatibility of Defining Dual in Line Type Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.95 Definition and Recommendation for Materials for Groutin Definition and Recommendation for Materials for Setting Definition and Test Procedures for Ammonia Nitrate (197 Definition of and Maximum Dimensions for Grown Tires in Definition of the Term Vacuum Cleaner (1974) Definition, and Meth. of Grading for All Species of Lum Definitions and Abbreviations (1973) Definitions and Meth. for Determining Specific Weight, Definitions and Nomenclature (1971) Definitions and Symbols for Acceptance Sampling by Attr Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural and Light Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural Tractors ( Definitions and Terminology for Relays for Electronic E Definitions and Terminology (1972) Definitions and Term9 Used in the Selection of Tires (C Definitions for Excitation Systems for Synchronous Mach Definitions for High Intensity Discharge Lamp Ballasts Definitions for Mechanical and Acoustical Elements as U Definitions for Mechanical Test, of Wrought and Cast St Definitions for Motorcycles (1972) Definitions for Motors and Generators (1972) Definitions for Power Switchgear (1972) Definitions for Regular Bicycles (1972) Definitions for Soil Tillage and Soil Tool Relationship Definitions for Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972 Definitions for Welding and Cutting (1969) Definitions for Wirewound and Nonwirewound Trimming Pot Definitions in Electrical Power Operations Terminology Definitions of Bulk Materials (1970) ANSI MH4.8 Definitions of Common Words Related to Numerically Cont Definitions of Navigation Aid Terms (1971) Definitions of Relay Terms (Electromagnetic Instrumenta Definitions of Statistical Terms Used in Cereal Chemist Definitions of Terms and Nomenclature Relating to Aeros Definitions of Terms and Symbols Relating to Emission S Definitions of Term9 for Antennas (1973) Definitions of Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Bu Definitions of Terms Relating to Activated Carbon (1974 Definitions of Terms Relating to Adhesives (1973) Definitions of Terms Relating to Appearance of Material Definitions of Terms Relating to Asbestos Cement and Re Definitions of Terms Relating to Atmospheric Sampling a Definitions of Terms Relating to Bituminous, and Other Definitions of Terms Relating to Building Seals (1973) Definitions of Terms Relating to Carbon Paper and Inked Definitions of Terms Relating to Care of Consumer Texti Definitions of Terms Relating to Cellulose and Cellulos Definitions of Terms Relating to Coal and Coke (1972) a Definitions of Terms Relating to Concrete and Its Aggre Definitions of Terms Relating to Dosimetry (1968) ANSI Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical Insulating Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical Insulation Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrostatic Copying Definitions of Terms Relating to Erosion of Solids by C WWPA WWPA CSI EIA ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM CSI ICBO ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM SMPTE AISC ANSI NACE SJI ACI AACCH AACCH ICBO FMS ASTM API ASTM SAE EIA TCA TCA FI TRA ASTM ICBO ICBO ASAE SAE ASQC ASAE REC. ANSI ANSI TRA IEEE ANSI ANSI ASTM SAE NEMA ANSI BMA ASAE DEMA AWS VRCI IEEE CEMA NMTBA IEEE NARM AACCH ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM •28 •24 03521 RS418 UBCS52-2 C724 C777 C735 09951 UMC*7-1 L24.1.2 L24T4 L24T1 Z21.60 Z21.50 C208 C209 RP6 S316-1 Z21.27 RP-05-72 5 65-37 46-23 46-24 UBCS54-1 10-9 D2563 BUL5T1 D3134 J398A RS415 •3-1 •3 P40 1-13 F395 UBCS25-1 UBC*3-4 S269.2 J656F A2 S205.2 J722B C83.16 MH1.1.2 XXI 421 C82.9 Y32.18 A370 J213A MG1-1 C37.100 6/2 R291.1 •1-1 A3.0 T110 346 550 •2 172 •2 78-40 D3064 E135 145 C634 D2652 D907 E284 C460 D1356 D1079 C717 F221 D3136 D1695 D121 C125 E170 D2864 D1711 F335 G40 116 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data (1972) ANSI Z9/ Construction and Materials (1973) ts (1971) )ANSIA1.28 Z166.25 1, ANSI Z109.3 71) ANSI K67.8 ction (1974) ANSI Z166.16 Physical Components of Coal (1972) ection (1974) ANSI Z166.15 d Graphite (1972) d Pavements (1971) ANSI A37.33 nsi Z30.4 s (1974) ed Products (1972) r, and Related Products (1973) 65.51 eramic Metal Systems (1973) ANSI Z167.1 si A111.9 Materials (1973) ents (1974) ) 2) on Ceramics (1973) 3) ANSI L14.12 lectrical Conductors (1972A) 70) ANSI 07.2 ed Materials (1973) ing Station Stds. (1972) nsi H9.5 (1973) 1972) Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Rec. List of Terms and Std. Thermal Spraying Terms and Rec. Pract. Industrical Truck s for the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants-Terms and or Suffix Letters Used in Tire Size Designations and Their ramie Veneer (Sampling, Test. Finishing, Installation, and Std. for Photo Instrumentation Glossary (Terms, National Std. Plumbing Code (Including Uing. Ingredients and Containers (Also Includes Terms and dustrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (19/ Rec. Pract. for ) Control Charts (1971) ANSI Z1.5 Std. d. for Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioning System Rating Std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Beam (1972) ANSI K65.222 Std. Meth. of Test for her Electronic Equipment (Flyback Transformer, Multiplier, Rec. for Wood Beam. Joint and Rafter Span, Load, s of Hveem Apparatu/ Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Rec. Pract. for Meth. of Determining Plastic Meth. of Test for Permanent cident) (1972) Rec. Pract. for Collision 2) Std. Spec, for Axle Steel orcement (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Rail Steel for Forging: Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled 1972) ANSI G45.3 Std. Spec, for Welded nsi G45.2 Std. Spec, for Cold Worked Uniform Building Code Std. for Welded Steel Wire and Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car Windshield elical Coil Meth. (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Nonamine Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Organic Solvents, Test Meth. for Dyed Silk Yarn Colorfastness to Std. for Safety for Component Std. for Receiver 1970) Std. Test Meth. for ge Propensity of Bonded and Laminate/ Std. Meth. of Test. sublimation. Brittlene/ Std. Performance Requirements for Std. Meth. of Test. Aerosol Products for Std. for Sound Rating of Room Fan Coil Air Conditioners eel Plate, Sheet/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for and Bars for Str/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Std. Meth. of Test for ansi K90.8 Std. Meth. of Test for ng Systems (1973) Rec. for Star Model F Hidromatic ce (1970) Safety Std. for Dry Pipe, (Safety) (1973) Rec. for Water ou/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Chemical Oxygen -4 Mechanical Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Test, and the Definitions of Terms Relating to Fire Tests of Building Definitions of Terms Relating to Gaskets (1972) Definitions of Terms Relating to Glass and Glass Produc Definitions of Terms Relating to Hydraulic Cement (1971 Definitions of Terms Relating to Iron Castings (1972A) Definitions of Terms Relating to Leak Test. (1971) ANSI Definitions of Terms Relating to Leather (R1972) ALCA X Definitions of Terms Relating to Lime and Limestone (19 Definitions of Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant Inspe Definitions of Terms Relating to Lithologic Classes and Definitions of Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Insp Definitions of Terms Relating to Manufactured Carbon an Definitions of Terms Relating to Materials for Roads an Definitions of Terms Relating to Metallography (1973) a Definitions of Terms Relating to Microscopy (1972) Definitions of Terms Relating to Natural Building Stone Definitions of Terms Relating to Naval Stores and Relat Definitions of Terms Relating to Paint, Varnish, Lacque Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastics (1973) ANSI K Definitions of Terms Relating to Porcelain Enamel and C Definitions of Terms Relating to Refractories (1973) an Definitions of Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber Like Definitions of Terms Relating to Soaps and Other Deterg Definitions of Terms Relating to Space Simulation (1972 Definitions of Terms Relating to Statistical Meth. (197 Definitions of Terms Relating to Surface Imperfections Definitions of Terms Relating to Textile Materials (197 Definitions of Terms Relating to Thermal Analysis (1973 Definitions of Terms Relating to Ultrasonic Test. (1974 Definitions of Terms Relating to L'ninsulated Metallic E Definitions of Terms Relating to Veneer and Plywood (19 Definitions of Terms Relating to Water (1972) Definitions of Terms Relating to Wax Polishes and Relat Definitions of Terms LTsed in IEEE Nuclear Power Generat Definitions of Terms Used in Powder Metallurgy (1972) a Definitions of Textile Terms for Institutional Textiles Definitions of Trade Terms Commonly Used in Packaging ( Definitions Related to Quality Control (1969) Definitions (1970) Definitions (1972) Definitions (1973) /Td. for Quality Assurance Practice Definitions (1974) Std. F Definitions) (1961) Public Works Spec, for Ce Definitions) (1969) Definitions) (1973) Definitions) (1974) /Ons for Animal Feed and Food Labe Definitions, Abbreviations and General Principles of in Definitions, Symbols, Formulas, and Tables for (Quality Definitions, Test. Meth., and Test Equipment and Rating Deflection Composite Tubes and Cores (1972) Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load Deflection Yoke, Picture Tube Neck Components) (1974) Deflection, Strength and Stiffness Computations (1973) Deformation and Cohesion of Bituminous Mixtures by Mean Deformation in Sheet Metal Stampings (1972) Deformation of Elastomeric Yarns (1972T) Deformation (Damage) Classification (Highway Vehicle AC Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (197 Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinf Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Deformed Concrete Reinforcing Bars (1972) /Mifinished Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement ( Deformed Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) a Deformed Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Defrosting Systems (1971) Degradation of Electrical Insulating Varnishes by the H Degreasing Grade (Nonreflux Meth.) (1974) /of Test for Degumming (1972) ANSI L14.4 Dehumidifiers (1973) ANSI Z253.1 Dehydrators for Vehicle Air Conditioners (1967) Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Type Core Material ( Delamination, Strength of Bond, Appearance, and Shrinka Deleterious Effects of Dyes, Finishes, and Finishings ( Delivered Mass (1972) Delivering Less Than 1500 cfm (1971) Delivery of Flat Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting St Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, Delivery of Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) Delivery Rate of Aerosol Products (1972) Delta in Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite (1971) Deluge Valve for Water Flow Control of Fire Extinguishi Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Fire Protection Servi Demand for Sprinkler System for Private Fire Protection Demand in Industrial Waste Waters and Most Organic Comp Demand Registers (Cumulative and Pointer Forms) EEI Msj ASTM E206 ASTM E176 ASTM FU8 ASTM C162 ASTM C219 ASTM A644 ASTM E425 ASTM D1517 ASTM C51 ASTM E270 ASTM D2796 ASTM E269 ASTM C709 ASTM D8 ASTM E7 ASTM E175 ASTM CI 19 ASTM D804 ASTM D16 ASTM D883 ASTM C286 ASTM C71 ASTM D1566 ASTM D459 ASTM E349 ASTM E456 ASTM F109 ASTM D123 ASTM E473 ASTM E500 ASTM B354 ASTM D1038 ASTM D1129 ASTM D2825 IEEE 380 ASTM B243 ANSI L24.6.1 ANSI MH15.1 ASQC »1 AWS C2.9 ITA 1B2-19 ANSI N45.2.10 TRA XIII B1A *28 SMPTE »1 NAPHC *] AAFCO »1 ACGIH *1 ASQC Al IMACA 400 CCTI T-113 ASTM D648 UL 492.3 WWPA *30 ASTM D1560 SAE J863C ASTM D3106 SAE J224A ASTM A617 ASTM A615 ASTM A616 AISI 1 ASTM A497 ASTM A496 ICBO UBCS26-6 SAE J902B ASTM D3145 ASTM D2942 AATCC 7 UL 474 IMACA 309 ASTM C363 ASTM D2724 ANSI L24.7.2 ASTM D3097 ARI 443 ASTM A480 ASTM A6 ASTM A20 ASTM D3069 ASTM C624 FMS 2-88 UL 260 FMS 3-26 CR K-24 NEMA EI 14 Engineering and Product Standards Division 117 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. for Water Sprinkler and Hydrant Sy9tem / Pressure Requirements for Pipe Schedule System Sprinkler Rec. for Computing Electrical ment of Dangerous Buildings (Repair, Vacate, Rehabilitate, safeguarding Against Fire During Building Construction and safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists (Construction and lie Property (Pedestrian Protection During Construction or or Practical Minimum Rec. Tolerances of Spolte Type Wheels, Test Procedures for Production Disc and Spoke Wheels, and , Conveyors, and Other Equipment (1966) Std. for awal Only/ Rec. Pract. for LP Gas Fuel Container, Quickly , Liquid / Rec. Pract. for LP Gas Fuel Container, Quickly (1966) Std. Flue Gas Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Std. Positive Gravure Methylene Blue Meth. for Measuring Thiosulfate and Silver Generators by Radio/ Std. Meth. of Test for Neutron Flux Slides for Television (1970) Rec. Pract. for the metal Structural Parts and Oil Im/ Std. Meth. of Test for ) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Test Meth. for on for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (19/ Test Meth. for (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Bulk ometer (1968) ANSI Z11.96 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Bulk ed Solid Prod/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Bulk Std. for Medium cles by Physical Measurements (19/ Std. Meth. of Test for ct. for the Determination of the Thermal Resistance of Low Std. Test Meth. for . (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Relative ity, Water Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity, and Bulk ructions (1970) Std. Test Meth. for 1) Std. Meth. of Test for Estimating Maturity and Linear .136 Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Std. Test Meth. for Bulk Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Tentative Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Test Meth. for Meth. of Test for Size and Bulk Std Meth. of Test for Apparent ding Code Std. for Chamber Meth. of Test for Measuring the Uniform Building Code Std. for in Place per) (1973) Test Meth. for lp and Paper) (1973) Test Meth. for (1966) Std. Air Uniform Building Code Std. for Moisture ty of Fire/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption, Bulk onships of Agricultural Grain and Seed for Storage (1972/ Safety Std. for Medical and Spec, for Rec. Std. Practices for Clinical Research Protocol for Std. for Intraoral Spec, for Base Plate (Artificial Std. Spec, for Boron Std. Spec, for Phosphorus Std. for Administrative Guide for Obtaining Uniform Fire Code: Protection, Authority, th. for Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having Shear Rate Safety Std. for Key Locks (Burglar Alarm, Door, Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Examination of Water Formed alysis of Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water Formed Std. Meth. of Test. Water Formed Meth. of Test for Iron Bacteria in Water and Water Formed r Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for Removing Water Formed ater Insoluble Impurities in Refined Phenol by Cloud Point ctronie Equipment on Boats (Audio Device, Automatic Pilot, Std. Meth. of Test for Embossed Safe Operating Condition of Tires Including Tire Treads lling Tapping Screws and Rec. Technique for Measuring Case . Definitions of Terms Relating to Cellulose and Cellulose er and Pillar Cranes (1973) Safety Std. for Cranes, oists (1971) Safety Code for Cranes, and Systems (1972) ANSI G81.16 Std. Rec. Pract. for ftware Documentation and Terminology) (19/ Guidelines for 1972) Std. for Guide for 1) ANSI Z128.31 Std. Rec. Pract. for . Spec, for Record Formats for Transmission of End Product d;/ Oilseed Products Trading Rules (Performance, Quality, ing to Forensic Sciences (1972) Std. for Radiation Shielding Concrete (1973) Std. cks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) ansi A111.18 Std. Volumeter (1970) ANSI H/ (1972) radioactive / ydrant, Drivew/ Demand Tables (Fire Safety) (1973) Demand (1974) R -. for Water Dow Demands for Farm9 (1972) Demolish) (1973) > t.iform ( ude for the Abate Demolition Operations (1973) ANSI A10.21 Std. for Demolition Operations) (1973) Std. for Demolition) (1973) /C Streets and Projections Over Pub Demountable Rims and Rim'Spacers (Manufactures' Guide) Demountable Rim9 Intended for Highway Use on Trucks, Bu Demountable Tired Wheels for Industrial Trucks, Casters Demountable Type for Horizontal Mounting, Liquid Withdr Demountable Universal (Horizontal or Vertical Mounting) Densities for Forced and Induced Draft Centrifugal Fans Densities of Pressurized Products (1972) Densities (Printing (1973) Densitometric Meth. for Measuring Residual Chemicals in Density and Average Energy from : ,H (D, N) 4 He Neutron Density and Contrast Range of Black and White Films and Density and Interconnected Porosity of Sintered Powder Density and Moisture of Chips (Presoak Before Immersion Density and Moisture of Chips (Submersion with Correct! Density and Packing Factor of Hollow Glass Microspheres Density and Specific Gravity of Liquids by Bingham Pycn Density Content in Corn Starch (1963) Density Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) and Other Wet Mill Density Fiberboard (1973) Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Arti Density Mineral Fiber Blanket Type Building Insulation Density of Adhesives in Fluid Form (1969) Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Meth Density of Black Smoke (Ringelmann Meth.) (1973) Density of Burned Refractory Brick (1973) ANSI All 1.3 Density of Core Materials for Structural Sandwich Const Density of Cotton Fibers by the Causticaire Method (197 Density of Cotton Fibers (Array Sample) (1973) ANSI L14 Density of Diamond Abrasive Grains (1973) Density of Elastomeric Yarn (1972) Density of Glass by Buoyancy (1971) Density of Glass by the Sink Float Comparator (1972T) Density of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1972) Density of Leather (1968) ALCA E62 Density of Metal Powders (1948) ANSI H9.1 Density of Pulpwood (Submersion with Correction for Cra Density of Refractory and Insulating Fire Brick (1970) Density of Refractory Metals and Compounds by the Scott Density of Smoke from the Burning or Decomposition of P Density of Soils (1973) Density of Wood Chips (Sheet Machine Mold) (Pulp and Pa Density or Volume of Small Specimen (HgPycnometer) (Pu Density Ratios-At Various Altitudes and Temperatures Density Relations of Soils (1973) Density, Apparent Porosity, and Apparent Specific Gravi Density, Specific Gravity, and Weight-Moisture Relati Dental Equipment (1972) Dental Gypsum Products (1971) Dental Materials and Devices (1971) Dental Radiographic Film (1972) Dentures) Wax (1971) Deoxidized Copper in Wrought Forms for Electron Devices Deoxidized Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Cakes (1972) Department of Transportation (DOT) Special Permits for Departmental Regulations and Controls, Barrier, Road, H Dependent Flow Properties (1969) Std. Test M Deposit and Collection Safes) (1973) Deposit Forming Impurities in Steam (1971) ANSI Zl 1 1.5 Deposits by Chemical Microscopy (1973) Deposits (Chemical Cleaning of Industrial Equipment) (1 Deposits (1972) Deposits (1972) Std. Deposits (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test Fo Depression (1968) ANSI Z78.21 /Ion and Estimation of W Depth Determination Device and Fish Finder, Loran or Ot Depth of Resilient Floor Coverings (1973) Depth Requirements (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1971) Depth (1972) Std. for Steel Self Dri Derivatives (1972) ANSI K64.6 Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings: Portal, Tow Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings: Base Mounted Drum H Desealing and Cleaning Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment Describing Information Interchange Formats (Computer So Describing the Characteristics of Resilient Mountings ( Description and Performance of the Microphotometer (197 Description Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Nu Description, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxsee Descriptions of Qualifications and Scopes of Work Relat Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggregates Std FflS 2-76 FMS 2-77 ASAE R294 ICBO UBC»6 NFPA 241 ANSI A10.4 ICBO UBC»3-44 SAE J851 SAE J267 CFTMA W7 ITA 6A1 ITA 6A2 AMCA 2409 ASTM D3096 GT •2 ANSI PH4.8 ASTM E496 SMPTE RP7 ASTM B328 TAPPI UM-16 TAPPI UM-20 ASTM D3101 ASTM D1217 CR B-16 CR G-8 NPA 4-73 ASTM C559 ASTM C653 ASTM D1875 ASTM D2950 ASTM D3211 ASTM C20 ASTM C271 ASTM D2480 ASTM D1769 ANSI B74.17 ASTM D2591 ASTM C693 ASTM C729 ASTM D2935 ASTM D2346 ASTM B212 TAPPI UM-2 ASTM C134 ASTM B329 ICBO UBCS52-2 ICBO UBCS70-2 TAPPI UM-9 TAPPI UM-18 AMCA 402 ICBO UBCS70-1 ASTM C373 ASAE D241.1 UL 544 ADA 25 ADA *1 ANSI PH8.1 ADA 24 ASTM F107 ASTM B379 ANSI N14.10.2 ICBO UFC»2ART13 ASTM D2556 UL 437 ASTM D2186 ASTM D124S ASTM D2790 ASTM D2331 ASTM D932 ASTM D3263 ASTM D2147 ABYC A21 ASTM F373 VESC V-7 SAE J78 ASTM D1695 ANSI B30.4 ANSI B30.7 ASTM A380 ANSI X10.1 ANSI S2.8 ASTM E409 IPC D-350 NIOP »1 ASTM E444 ASTM C638 118 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (eristics Of. Rec. Construction and Water Sprinkler System ssure Treated Lumber and Plywood) Foundation System: House ) e Structures (1967) ) (1972) Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine Engin/ Stds. and Pract. for s (Tech. Notes) (1970) uid Cooled Marine Engines (/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for the ntial and Industrial) (Tech. Notes) (1964) s for Corrosive Service (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for (1969) ANSI A158.1 Spec, for the farms in Humid Areas (1973) Rec. for ion Piers (1969) Suggested of Plumbing, Heati/ Std. for Mobile Homes: Body and Frame r Deep, Cast in Place Concrete (Storage) Bin and Silo Wall ed Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Girder Bridges ermination of Sound Transmission Class (Building Acoustics ipment (Machinery) (1971/ Rec. Pract. for Instrument Face Tent. Rec. Pract. Guidelines for Driveway Rec. Pract. for Drill Stem Std. for Fundamentals Governing the Std. Meth. for Heat Transfer Rate (1972) ons in Nuclear Power Ge/ (Conventional Units) (1972) s (1973) ontainment Structures (1969) 73) members) (1973) Std. Criteria for Preparation of Rec. Pract. for Code for Architectural Std. for Guide to Principal Rec. Pract. for Exhaust Hood Structural Concrete Construction Rec. Pract. for Std. for Building Code Requirements for Minimum std.. Grading Rules, Design Values, Section Properties and units (1974) Engineering Data Sheets for the ures (Aluminum Construction Manual Sect. 1) (1/ Spec, for minum Construction Manual) (1969) Guide for the Structural c. for Prevention of Collapse Due to Weak Construction and Rec. Against Weak Construction and Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, and bolting Keys and Shafting (1974) Std. for ding (1957) Tent. Rec. for Rec. for nvolute Spur Pinions (1973) Std. for System Std. for System nts (1965) Rec. Guide for tural Members (/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, and droelectric Equipment (1972) Rec. Pract. for the a Policy on Geometric ) (1971) Structural s) (1968) Structural 1973) Std. Nuclear Safety Criteria for the building Code Std. for Stress Variation or Stress Reversal 1966) Engineered ing, Unified Threaded In. Series (1971) Std. for terns (1974) Rec. Pract. for ts (Foundation) (1963) Suggested Air Conditioning Equipment Selection and System Joint Venture Agreement (Form) for nt Single Stack Plumbing System (1973) form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Interior (1971) National Plywood Stds. (Wording, Terminology, Phraseology, Environment and 74) Std. Spec, and Meth. for Establishing Rec. Tent. Test Meth. for Establishing bers (Tech. Notes) (1967) Rec. for of Bo/ a Product Use Manual: Grade Selection, Std. Size, ber,/ Western Woods Use Book: Lumber Std., Grading Rules, rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Maintenance of Residential Fireplace Contemporary Bearing Wall Example of Shear Wall election Tables for Agricultural (Farm) Machines of Future Uniform Building Code Std. for Spaced Column Uniform Building Code Std. for Open Web Steel Joist Reinforced Brick Masonry (Flexural Reinforced Brick Masonry (Axial rs on Boats (1973) Rec. Pract. and Std. for the quipment for Anchori/ Std. and Pract. Rec. for Selection, ms and Portable Containers for Flam/ Stds. and Pract. for Design-Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) /Al Charac Design and Construction Meth. (1972) /Eather Wood (Pre Design and Construction of Chimneys (Tech. Notes) (1964 Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concret Design and Construction of Cockpits and Scuppers (Boats Design and Construction of Diesel (Compression Ignited) Design and Construction of Flat and Sloped Brick Soffit Design and Construction of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, Liq Design and Construction of Masonry Chimneys (For Reside Design and Construction of Nonmetallic Enveloped Gasket Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys Design and Construction of Surface Drainage Systems on Design and Construction Procedures for Concrete Foundat Design and Construction Requirements, and Installation Design and Construction (1965) Rec. Fo Design and Construction) (1969) /Ecs. for Post Tension Design and Construction) (1973) /Lassification for Det Design and Location for Construction and Industrial Equ Design and Location (1972) Design and Operating Limits (Petroleum) (1974) Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems (1971) Design and Use of a Thin Skin Calorimeter for Measuring Design Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Functi Design Calculations for Oil Sucker Rod Pumping Systems Design Competitions (1972) Design Criteria for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilitie Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Power C Design for Industrial Ventilation Systems (1974) Design Guide for Hardwood Plywood (1971) Design Guide for Wood Composition Board Wall Panels (19 Design Handbook (Beam, Slab, Footing, Column and Other Design Levels for Emergency Air Brake Systems (1971) Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures (1972) Design Loads, Timber, Plank and Laminated Flooring and Design of Air Exchange Coolers for Pa^!:2ged Compressor Design of Aluminum Alloy Load Carrying (Members) Struct Design of Aluminum Formed Sheet Building Sheathing (Alu Design of Brick Masonry Arches (Tech. Notes) (1967) Design of Buildings and Other Structures (1973) Re Design of Buildings (1972) Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural Members (1973) Design of Components: Enclosed Gear Drives-Bearings, Design of Concrete Composite Beams and Girders for Buil Design of Farm Waste Storage Tanks (1973) Design of Fine Pitch on Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. I Design of Fine Pitch Wormgearing (1973) Design of Foundations and Shoulders for Concrete Paveme Design of Light Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Steel Struc Design of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hy Design of Rural Highways (1965) Design of Semicircular Brick Masonry Arches (Tech. Note Design of Serpentine Walls, Non Loadbearing (Tech. Note Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants ( Design of Structural Steel Members (1973) Uniform Design of the Contemporary Bearing Wall (Tech. Notes) ( Design Parameters for Bolts and Screws; External Wrench Design Procedure for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Sys Design Procedures for Combined Concrete Footings and Ma Design Procedures (1973) Design Professionals (1972) Design Rules, Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper Solve Design Services (1972) Std. Design Spec, for Flat Plywood Sandwich Panels (1970) Design Spec, for Plywood Beams (1972) Design Spec, for Plywood Curved Panels (1968) Design Spec, for Plywood Stressed Skin Panels (1972) Design Spec, for Stress Grade Lumber and Its Fastenings Design Spec. (1966) Design Stds for (1972) Aircraft Instrument Design Stresses for Round Timber Construction Poles (19 Design Stresses for Round Timber Piles (1970) Design Tables for Reinforced Brick Masonry Flexural Mem Design Values for Livestock Fallout Shelters (1973) Design Values, Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress Design Values, Section Properties and Design Loads, Tim Design Voltage in Snowmobile Electrical Systems (1971) Design (Tech. Notes) (1963) Design (Tech. Notes) (1964) Design (1972) SAEJ711 Tire S Design (1973) Design (1973) Design) (Tech Notes) (1964) Design) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Design, Construction and Installation of Battery Charge Design, Construction and Installation of Fittings and E Design, Construction and Stowage of Portable Fuel Syste FMS LPD 12 NFORP RP7 BIA 19A ACI 67-40 ABYC H4 ABYC P15 BIA 36A ABYC P4 BIA 19B ASTM F336 ACI 307 ASAE R302.2 ACI 69-42 NFPA 501B ACI 65-37 CRSI •2 ASTM E413 SAE J209 ITE •8 API 7C ANSI Z9.2 ASTM E459 ANS N18.8 API UL AIOA J331 ANSI N101.3 ACI 69-2 ACG1H • 1-4 HPMA HP-SG-71 HPMA CB-SC-73 ACI SP17 SAE J263 ANSI A58.1 WWPA •31 API iik AA »10 AA *n BIA 31A FMS 1-55 FMS LPD1-3 ICBO UBCS27-9 AGMA 260.02 ACI 57-29 ASAE R345.1 AGMA 203.03 AGMA 374.04 ACI 65-43 ICBO UBCS27-10 ASME LOS-5D1 ASHTO GD-2 BIA 31C BIA 33 ANSI N18.2 ICBO UBCS27-3 BIA 24B SAE AS1132A ACGIH •1-6 ACI 63-49 NESCA MAN K AIOA C801 CDA •1 AIOA B707 APA •3PDS4 APA •3PDS2 APA •3PDS1 APA •3PDS3 NFORP ♦4 APA ♦3 SAE AIR818B ASTM D3200 ASTM D2899 BIA 17J ASAE R282.1 WWPA •24 WWPA •31 SAE J277 BIA 19 BIA 24D ASAE R220.3 ICBO UBCS25-15 ICBO UBCS27-4 BIA 17A BIA 17B ABYC A20 ABYC A5 ABYC H25 Engineering and Product Standards Division 119 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards mpact) Shock Test. Machine for Lightweight/ Spec, for the 9 for Safety to Life-Property from Explosion and Fire in wer Transmission Units Penetrating the H/ Rec. Guides for of Propeller Shafting Sys/ Std. and Rec. Pract. Guide to ation Equipment (1972) Minimum Requirements for the y Valve Systems for Petroleum Industry U/ Rec. Pract. for ressed Current Deep Groundbeds (1972) Rec. Pract. (Erosion Control and Water Conservation) (1972/ Rec. for ing (1972) Minimum Std. for Fine Pitch Gearing (1973) manently Insta/ Std. and Rec. Pract. for Requirements for d Landscape Guide (Rec. for Garden Grades, Application and ies Pertaining to Photographic Lenses (197/ Std. Meth. of ) Std. for Capacity Std. for Std. Meth. for the haracteristics of 40 Watt, H45 (1972) Std. Meth. for the electrodes in Multiple Electrode Semiconductor Devices and Std. for Alloy and Temper Std. for Alloy and Temper rdinates (1971) Std. for Numerical Std. for Suffix Letters Used in Tire Size Rec. Spec, for Enamel Coating System ucts Only): Application Data Sheet (1972) Std. fans (1966) Std. mposition and Cryst/ Std. Meth. for Assigning Alloy Phase f Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) ANSI B5/ Std. for Type . Pract. Safety Requirements for Industrial Rotary Mowers Std. for Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric Laths, and Metal Accessories Approval Std. for Heat and Smoke Roof and Window Vents ir Tra/ Spec, for Std. Integrated Data Processing Systems 1 Contact Materials (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Average Vehicle Dimensions for Use in grown Tires in Service for I'se by Vehicle Manufacturers in 973) Test Meth. for Drycleaning Durability of Applied Improved Std. operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and Load Brake wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology,/ Handbook of Spring ood and Lag Screws; Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss assay of Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes Used in Textile rol Chemical Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbanilate (Ester) Std. Malleable Iron Std. for Steel Performance Requirements for Permanent Labels, Std. Pract. for Contemporary Bearing Wall Contemporary Bearing Wall Rec. Std. Rec. Louver Rec. Std. Rec. Std. Steel Door Frame Construction Spec, for Spot Test Solution for dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Is (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for ught Nickel Rich, Chromium Bearing Alloys / Std. Meth. of romism Colorfastness to Light (1972) Ansi/ Test Meth. for in Refined Phenol by Cloud Point Dep/ Std. Test Meth. for in Evaluation of Insulation Systems (1973/ Std. Meth. for ) During Dielectric Tests (1973) Rec. Pract. for the nder, Loran or Other Line of Position Device, Radar, Radio ate Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.125 Test Meth. for on Galvanized Steel Prior to Conversion C/ Test Meth. for el Surfaces (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for ked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes for 73) Fire Std. for Safety for Fire ansi C33.70 Safety Std. for Intrusion Meth. of Triangle Test Taste Panel for Food Flavor ermal Analysis, Thermogravimetry, Evolved Gas Analysis and Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak . Meth. of Test for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Std. Guide for Selection of Neutron Activation Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Devices with a Helium Ma9s Spectrometer Leak uilding Code: Light, Ventilation, Sanitation, Fire Warning Uniform Building Code Std. for Smoke Std. Test Procedure for Semiconductor Radiation r Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiation ; Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Rec. Pract. for . Meth. of Test for Synthetic Anionic Active Ingredient in . Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Soaps Containing Synthetic 2) ts(/ Std. gs (Tech. Notes) (1966) ing) (1974) Design, Construction, and Operation of Class Hi (High I Design, Construction, and Operation of Solvent Extracti Design, Construction, Materials, and Installation of Po Design, Construction, Materials, Size, and Installation Design, Installation and Performance of Sprinkler Irrig Design, Installation, and Operation of Subsurface Safe! Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Imp Design, Layout, Construction and Maintenance of Terrace Design, Manufacture and Test of Aluminum Irrigation Tub Design, Manufacture, Inspection and Assembly Manual for Design, Materials, Construction and Installation of Per Design, Span Allowances, Storage, Finishes and Nails an Designating and Measuring Apertures and Related Quantit Designation for Fertilizer Hoppers and Containers (1972 Designation of Apertures of Photographic Lenses (1973) Designation of High Intensity Discharge Lamps (1972) Designation of Mercury Lamps: Physical and Electrical C Designation of Units in Multiple Unit Semiconductor Dev Designation Systems for Aluminum (1972) Designation Systems for Aluminum (1972) Designation (Identification System) of Modular Grid Coo Designations and Their Definitions (1974) Designations for Coal Tar or Asphalt Coatings (1972) Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys (Wrought Prod Designations for Rotation and Discharge of Centrifugal Designations (Code) in Metallic Systems Based on the Co Designations, Areas of Use, Maintenance and Operation O (Designed for Operation with Tractors Having at Least 20 (Designed for Residential Use) (1962) (Designed for Use as a Plaster Base) (1973) /E Std. for Designed to Open Automatically in Case of Fire (1974) Designed to Streamline Supply Transactions Within the a Designing a High Current Arc Erosion Test for Electrica Designing Docking Facilities for Motor Vehicles (1971) Designing for Tire Clearances (1974) / Dimensions for Designs and Finishes on Textiles and Other Materials (1 Designs for Pressure Treated Timber Crib Walls (1969) Designs (1971) Std. Spec, for Manually Lever Design: Compression, Extension, Torsion, Flat, and Hot Design; and Nails and Staples (1973) /Ift Bolts, and W Desizing (1973) ANSI L14.147 Test Meth. for Desmedipham (1973) / for Common Name for the Pest Cont Detachable Link Chain and Attachments (1971) Detachable Link Chains, Attachments, and Sprockets (197 Detachable Tags, and Certification of Fabrics or Produc Detailing Reinforcing Materials (1970) Detailing (Tech. Notes) (1968) Detailing (Tech. Notes) (1968) Details for Dutch Doors (1972) Details for Std. Steel Doors (1972) Details for Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Details (1972) Details, 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls for 1 Story Buildin Detecting Chromate Films on Galvanized Sheet (Coil Coat Detecting Embrittlement (1972) ANSI G8.13 /Ent of Hot Detecting Glycol Base Antifreeze in Used Lubricating Oi Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wro Detection and Assessment of Colored Textiles to Photoch Detection and Estimation of Water Insoluble Impurities Detection and Measurement of Discharge (Corona) Pulses Detection and Measurement of Partial Discharges (Corona Detection Finder, Radio Telephone) (1973) /and Fish Fi Detection of Antibacterial Activity of Fabrics: Agar PI Detection of Hexavalent Chromium Containing Treatments Detection of Mill Chemical Treatments on Galvanized Ste Detection of Rodent Excreta, Insects, Webbing, etc. (Ce Detection System (Grinnell Protomatic Release F100) (19 Detection Thermostats (1974) ANSI Z220.1 Detection Units for Burglary Protection Systems (1969) Detection (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) Detection (1973) / Reporting Data from Differential Th Detector in the Detector Probe Mode (1973) Std. Detector in the Inside Out Te9t. Mode (1973) Std Detector Materials (1973) Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe M Detector Probe Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. Detector (1972T) Detector (1973) /Ling Construction Under the Uniform B Detectors for Fire Protective Signalling Systems (1973) Detectors for Ionizing Radiation (1969) ANSI N42.1 Detectors (1969) ANSI N42.2 Std. Test Procedure Fo Detectors; Electromagnetic Holders; Sliding Door Equipm Detergent Resistance of Floor Polish Films (1973) Detergent Resistance of Organic Finishes (1973) Detergents by Cationic Titration Procedure (1974) Std Detergents (1973) Std ANSI S2.15 FMS 7-30N ABYC P16 ABYC P6 ASAE R264.1 API RP14B NACE RP-05-72 ASAE R268.1 ASAE S263.2 ACMA 370-01 ABYC H24 CRA 3A5 ANSI PH3.29 ASAE S281.1 ANSI PH3.33 ANSI C78.380 ANSI C78.1323 EIA RS321B ANSI H35.1 SAE J993 ANSI A62.8 TRA XIII NAPCA BUL 1 CDA 108/2 AMCA 2406 ASTM E157 NFPA 505 SAE J232 use CS243 ICBO UBCS47-4 FMS 4430 ATAA 200 AATM B576 SAE J699A TRA 1-13 AATCC 86 AWPI *4 HMI 300 SMI »3 ICBO UBCS25-17 AATCC 103 ANSI K62.139 ANSI B29.7 ANSI B29.6 ANSI L24.5.1 CRSI ♦1.6.1 BIA 24G BIA 24G STDI 111-B STDI 111-C STDI 111 STDI 111-A BIA 26A NCCA TB-II-9 ASTM A 143 ASTM D2982 ASTM G28 AATCC 139 ASTM D2147 ASTM D1868 IEEE 454 ABYC A21 AATCC 90 NCCA TB-II7 NCCA TB-II-11 AACCH 28-30 FMS LPD 2-92 UL 521 UL 639 AACCH 33-50 ASTM E472 ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E419 ASTM E498 ASTM E499 ASTM F134 ICBO UBC»8-3 ICBO UBCS43-6 IEEE 300 IEEE 301 NBHA 8 ASTM D3207 ASTM D2248 ASTM D1681 ASTM D820 120 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Soap9 and Other ssion Class (S/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Laboratory Paper) (1973) Std. for Sodium c Equipment on Boats (Audio Device, Automatic Pilot, Depth or Backed Aluminum Alloy Panels/ Spec, for Coating Weight luminized Steel (Coil) (1974) Spec, for Coating Weight , and Exhibition Charges) (1974) Uniform Pract. for Fee Official Meth. of Ph Premix (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Meth. for ley, Other Grains, A/ Meth. of Analysis of Falling Number n Feeds (Cereal Chemistry/ Modified Meth. of Quantitative ive Braking System of Vehicles Equipped / Rec. Pract. for ge Batteries for Motive Power Service (1974) Std. for Meth. of Analysis for Correction Factors for Gasometric Infrared Spectrophotometry/ Std. Meth. for Quantitiative 1970) ANSI N117 Std. Meth. for Radiochemical 1973) Std. Meth. of Test for oil/ Spec, for Conducting a Solvent Hand Rub Test for the solubles in Wood (1973) Std. Meth. for s. Whole or G/ Nitrogen Solubility Index (NSI): Meth. for , Whole Or/ Protein Dispersibility Index (PDI): Meth. for Test Meth. for Colorfastness to Light: graphy (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) Meth. for (Coil Coating) (1974) Test Meth. for atch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting (C/ Test Meth. for r Fuels (1973) Tent. Meth. for Spectrophotometric ric by the Sealed Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L/ Test Meth. for ric Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.179 Test Meth. for t Meth. (1972T) Rec. Pract. for Flexibility and Hydroxypropyl Starch Ether/ Std. Analytical Meth. for 73) Std. Meth. of Test for 73) Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Flexure Test, of Glass and Glass Ceramics Std. for istry) (1962) Meth. for ubstrate (Coil, Instrumentation/ Spec, for Film Thickness atinized When Heated in a Boil/ Std. Analytical Meth. for bstantially Insoluble in Water/ Std. Analytical Meth. for (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for lvanized and Electrogalvanized Steel (Coil) (1/ Spec, for il) (1974) Spec, for ugar Obtained from the Corn We/ Std. Analytical Meth. for n Water (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Rapid Pressure lm (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Ferroalloys for ) Std. Meth. for Continuous minals, and Other Terminations (Soft Solde/ Test Std. for Reverberation Rooms (Acoustics) / Std. for Meth. for the ustics Design and Construction) / Std. Classification for s, and Icings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for premixes for Control of Cecal and Intestinal C/ Meth. for ct. for Examination of Fuel Element Cladding Including the nts in a Polished Specimen / Std. Meth. for Microscopical Wood Products During the / Std. Rec. Pract. for Infrared mineral Fiber Blanket Type Buil/ Std. Rec. Pract. for the nd Isotopic Abundances (1970) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for siN116 r) (1973) of Coal (1972) Materials (Paper) at High Te/ try) (1962) ry) (1962) Std. Meth. for Colorimetric Test Meth. for Std. Meth. for Microscopical Std. Meth. for Gravimetric Volumetric Copper Reduction Meth. for Sugar Meth. for Test Meth. for Insect Pest us Chemical Reactions (Incandescence, Fire, Explosion, and Std. Spec, for for Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Std. Meth. of Test for Fire Code: Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Meth. of Test for Warpage of Refractory Brick and Tile or sis (1962) Std. Boats (Audio Device, Automatic Pilot, Depth Determination m Covers (/ Std. for Electrical Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Std. Spec, for Simple Can Puncturing Std. List of Values to Be Used in Semiconductor panic (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Opening Door Releasing . Pract. and Std. for Electronic Equipment on Boats (Audio Std. for Locking on Device and Fish Finder, Loran or Other Line of Position of (1962) A/ Std. for Tools, Crimping, Solderless Wiring y Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in trial Electrical Power Control Apparatus-Control Circuit ervice Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle Lighting Std. for Safety for Elevator Door Locking umbering of Electrodes in Multiple Electrode Semiconductor uirements for Motor Vehicle (Recreational Type) Connecting Detergents (1974) Determination and Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmi Determination by the Uranyl Zinc Acetate Meth. Pulp and Determination Device and Fish Finder, Loran or Other Li Determination for Chromate Conversion Coatings on Aged Determination for Conversion Coating on Aged or Baked a Determination for Division Services (Individuals, Clubs Determination in Wine (Enology) (1972) Determination of Azodicarbonamide Content in Commercial Determination of Both Meal and Flour of Wheat, Rye, Bar Determination of Both Nitrophenide and Arsanilic Acid I Determination of Brake Fluid Temperature in the Automot Determination of Capacity of Lead Acid Industrial Stora Determination of Carbon Dioxide (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Determination of Cellulose Nitrate in Alkyd Lacquers by Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear Fuel Solutions ( Determination of Cobalt in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. ( Determination of Deg. of Cure of a Backed Paint Film (C Determination of Dichloromethane and Alcohol-Benzene Determination of Dispersible Nitrogen in Ground Soybean Determination of Dispersible Protein in Ground Soybeans Determination of Fastness Above L-7 (1971) ANSI L14.264 Determination of Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Chromato Determination of Film Adhesion by Cross Hatch Tape Test Determination of Film Adhesion on All Metals by Cross H Determination of Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclea Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Re9in Treated Fab Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated Fab Determination of Hot Melt Adhesives by Mandrel Bend Tes Determination of Hydroxyalkoxyl Groups in Hydroxyethyl Determination of Lead in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. (19 Determination of Low Concentration of Lead in Paint (19 (Determination of Modulus of Rupture) (1972) Determination of Moisture Content of Forages (1972) Determination of Nitrosal in Poultry Feeds (Cereal Chem Determination of Nonconductive Coatings on Nonferrous S Determination of pH (Paste) of Corn Starch Which Is Gel Determination of pH (Slurry) of Corn Starch Which Is Su Determination of Phenothiazine in Feeds and Feedstuffs Determination of Phosphate Coating Weight on Hot Dip Ga Determination of Phosphate Coating Weights on Steel (Co Determination of Phosphorus in Corn Starch, Syrup and S Determination of Precision of Meth. of Committee D-19 O Determination of Pressurized Products (1972) Determination of Relative Pencil Hardness of a Paint Fi Determination of Size (1970) ANSI G85.1 Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion Electrode (1973 Determination of Solderability of Solid Lead Wires, Ter Determination of Sound Power Levels of Small Sources in Determination of Sound Transmission Class (Building Aco Determination of Specific Volume of Creams, Cake Batter Determination of Sulfaquinoxaline in Poultry Feeds and Determination of the Mechanical Properties (1972) ANSI Determination of the Reflectance of the Organic Compone Determination of the Temperature of Applied Coatings on Determination of the Thermal Resistance of Low Density Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations a Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Solutions (1969) an Determination of Useful Fiber in Bagasse (Pulp and Pape Determination of Volume Percent of Physical Components Determination of Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Determination: Schoorl's Reduction Table (Cereal Chemis Determination of Arsanilic Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemist Deterrents on Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.65 Detonation Protection) (1973) Manual of Hazardo Deuterium Oxide (1968) ANSI N153 Deuterium Oxide (1968) ANSI N154 Std. Meth. of Test Deuterium Oxide (1972) Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane Deviation from a Plane Surface (1972) Std. Deviations for Specific Meth. of Cereal Chemistry Analy Device and Fish Finder, Loran or Other Line of Position Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, and Cast Aluminu Device for Use in Aerosol Laboratories (1972) Device Specs, and Registration Formats (1974) Device) (1973) Safety Std. for Device, Automatic Pilot, Depth Determination Device and Device, Positive Index (1973) Device, Radar, Radio Detection Finder, Radio Telephone) Devices— Recommended Procedures for User Certification Devices and Appliances (1973) Std. for Safet Devices and Assemblies (1973) Std. for Indus Devices and Components (1972) Rec. Pract. for S Devices and Contacts (1973) Devices and Designation of Units in Multiple Unit Semic Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch, Safety Chain ASTM D459 ICBO UBCS35-1 TAPPI T623 ABYC A21 NCCA TB-II-2 NCCA TB-II-8 PSA 11 ASE *6 AACCH 48-71 A AACCH 56-81B AACCH 18-26 SAE J291 NEMA IB2 AACCH 12-29 ASTM D3133 ASTM E320 ASTM D2373 NCCA TB-II-18 TAPPI T5 AACCH 46-23 AACCH 46-24 AATCC 16G AACCH 58-18 NCCA TBII-5 NCCA TB-1I16 ASTM E495 AATCC 112 AATCC 113 ASTM D3111 CR C-30 ASTM D2374 ASTM D2088 ASTM C158 ASAE S358 AACCH 18-27 NCCA TB-II-14 CR C-42 CR C-44 AACCH 18-30 NCCA TB-II-3 NCCA TB-I11 CR B-47 ASTM D2777 ASTM D3070 NCCA TB-II-12 ASTM A610 ASTM D2791 EIA RS178-B ANSI SI. 21 ASTM E413 AACCH 72-10 AACCH 18-35 ASTM E453 ASTM D2798 ASTM D3259 ASTM C653 ASTM E267 ASTM E318 TAPPI UM-3 ASTM D2799 TAPPI T464 AACCH 80-69 AACCH 18-20 AATCC 28 FMS 7-21N ASTM D2032 ASTM D2033 ASTM D2184 ICBO UFC*2ART36 ASTM C154 AACCH 78-50 ABYC A21 NEMA OS1 ASTM D3058 EIA RS419 UL 305 ABYC A21 NSA 1193 ABYC A21 EIA RS270 UL 94 ANSI C19.6 SAE J256A UL 104 EIA RS321B VESC V-5 Engineering and Product Standards Division 121 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ; Reporting and False Alarm; Use of Equipment, Appliances, Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Hermeticity of Electron std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Hermeticity of Electronic Safety Std. for Power Operated Dispensing Std. for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff . Pract. and Std. Covering Sewage Holding and/or Treatment Spec, for Safety Controls and Signaling d. for Efficiency Test, of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Std. for Quick Disconnect tic Material for Use in Housings of Motor Vehicle Lighting Basic Criterial for Evaluation of Special Processes or 1972T) 1 Exhaust Ventilation Syste/ Rec. Pract. for Air Cleaning Std. for Safety for Antitheft Alarms and Std. for Terminology for Pressure Relief Std. for Exit Std. Croove Dimensions for Fluid Power Exclusion Spec, for Cargo Unit Load Std. for Certified Ratings Program Air Moving afety Std. for Marine Special Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Std. Test Code for Air Moving es for Clinical Research Protocol for Dental Materials and Std. Spec, for Brazing Filler Metals for Electron Std. for Specific Purpose Wiring Safety Std. for Relocking . Pract. for Semiautomatic Headlamp (Light) Beam Switching for Boron Deoxidized Copper in Wrought Forms for Electron nts, Terminology, and Test Procedure for Neutral Grounding or Measurements Part Il-Characterization of Large Signal es and Designation of Units in Multiple Unit Semiconductor Safety Std. for Fused Power Circuit trical Power Control Apparatus-Switching and Controlling ydrolytic Stability of Plastic Encapsulants for Electronic Std. for Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (Two-State as Tree Equipment; Flow Control Chokes; and Water Sampling Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gauge Borads, Protective s for Film in Rolls for Phototypesetting or Photocomposing re: Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit suctio/ Std. for Respiratory Therapy Equipment (Breathing ated Type for 1/ Safety Std. for Heat Actuated Fire Alarm on of Large Signal D/ Trial Use Std. Guide on Solid State e in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Borax Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Solubles Content in nalytical Meth. for Determining Reducing Sugars Content in (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Starch, alytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Corn Starch, . for Determining Specific Rotation Content of Corn Syrup, tes (1967) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining fined) (1972) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining h Hydrolyzates (19/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ermining Heavy Metals Content of of Corn Syrup Unmixed and ermining Refractive Index Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar and ecific Rotation Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined). Test Meths. for Interior Panel Coatings and Overlays on Test Meth. for Exterior Coatings and Overlays on Std. Spec, for passenger Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tires in the (/ Std. Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout i Y32.14 Std. for Graphic Symbols for Logic or Mechanical and Acoustical Elements as Used in Schematic Std. Large Rivets (1/2 In. Nominal Std. Small Solid Rivets (7/16 In. Nominal r Corrosive or High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Welded Large tion (1972) ANSI L14.143 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Small Std. for Sleeve Bushing. Press Fit, Undersize Inside Std. for Bushing-Flanged, Press Fit-Undersize Inside Std. for High Speed Steel End Mills, .125 Thru 3.000 r Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SDRPR) Based on Outside ne (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDRPR) Based on Controlled Outside ene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDRPR) Based on Controlled Outside ne (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Based on Outside el Fuel Injection Nozzle and Holder Assembly (17Mm Nominal etal End Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Citrus Cans 202 (52 Mm) Loose Metal End Dimensions of Composite Cans (211 (66 Mm) Std. Wheel Std. Test. Proc. for Measuring Inside Qualitative Meth. of Analsis of Benzoyl Peroxide with Std. for Checking the Size of Std. Test Meth. for Bulk Density of Std. and Nomenclature for Rec. Pract. for Fuel Pump Mountings for Gypsum Concrete and Precast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Roof y Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine, Chrome Ore, Clays, ina (With Subsequent Acid Hydrolysis) (Cereal Chemistry)/ Rec St /Ty of Plas Devices and Vacant Buildings) (1973) /Mmable Materials Devices by a Bubble Test (1972) Devices by Dye Penetration (1972) Devices for Flammable Liquids (1974) ANSI Z216.1 Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems (1972) Devices for Marine Toilet Waste (Boats) (1972) Devices for Printing Presses (1972) Devices for Removal of Particles (1972) Devices for Use with Gas Fuel (1971) Devices Including Reflex Reflectors (1973) Devices Used in Treating Wastewater (1970) Devices with a Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector ( Devices (Air Filters and Dust Collectors) for Industria Devices (Burglary Protection) (1974) Devices (Container and Equipment Protection) (1972) Devices (Doors) (1972) Devices (In. Series) (1972) ANSI B93.35 Devices (Materials Transport and Handling) (1973) Devices (Performance) (1970) Devices (Vest, Jacket, Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) (1973) Devices (1967) Devices (1971) Rec. Std. Practic Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1972) Devices (1973) Devices (1973) Devices (1973) Rec Std. Spec. Std. Requireme /. Guide on Solid State Devices: Varact /Multiple Electrode Semiconductor Devic Std. for Industrial Elec Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining H Devices) (Electronics) (1973) ANSI Y32.14 Devices) (1974) /Ead, Underwater Wellhead, and Christm Devices, and Instrumentation (1972) / and Medium Speed Devices, or Both (Photography) (1972) /. for Dimension Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; H Devices, Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Devices, Single and Multiple Station, Mechanically Oper Devices: Varactor Measurements Part II-Characterizati Dextrans, and Starch (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Glucos Dextrin and Corn Starch Products (1971) Dextrin (1970) Dextrin (1970) Std. a Dextrin, and Other Modified Products (Cereal Chemistry) Dextrines and Other Modified Starch Products (1955) /N Dextrose and Starch Hydrolyzates (1971) /Alytical Meth Dextrose Content of Corn Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyza Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Re Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn Syrup and All Stare Dextrose (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Det Dextrose (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Det Dextrose, Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates (1971) /Ing Sp DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood (1967) DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood (1971) Diacetone Alcohol (1973) Diagonal Braking Mode (1973) / Paved Surfaces Using a Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction Diagrams (Two-State Devices) (Electronics) (1973) Ans Diagrams (1972) Std. Symbols and Definitions F Diameter and Larger) (1972) Diameter and Smaller) (1972) Diameter Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe Fo Diameter of Wool and Other Animal Fibers by Mrcroprojec Diameter Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.4 Diameter (1973) Diameter (1973) Diameter (1973) Diameter (1973) Std. Spec. Fo Diameter (1973) /Ec. for Biaxially Oriented Polyethyle Diameter (1974) Std. Spec, for Polyethel Diameter (1974) Std. Spec, for Polyethyle Diameter) (1971) Rec. Pract. for Dies Diameter) (1973) Rec. Std. for Loose M Diameter), Citrus Style (1974) Rec. Industry Std. for Diameters and Outlet Areas for Centrifugal Fans (1966) Diameters of Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1973) Diaminophenylamine (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Diamond Abrasive Grain (1971) Diamond Abrasive Grains (1973) Diamond Core Drill Equipment (1973) ANSI B104.1 Diaphragm Type Pumps (1971) Diaphragms (1973) /M Building Code Std. for Reinforced Diaspore, Canister Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, Magnesite, Diastase Meth. of Analysis of Starch in Flour and Semol ICBO UFC'2ART27 ASTM F98 ASTM F97 UL 87 ANSI Z21.22A ABYC A8 ANSI B65.1 ANSI N101.1 ANSI Z21.41 SAE J29 NSF C-9 ASTM F134 ACGIH • 1-11 UL 1037 ANSI B95.1 ANSI A156.3 NFLDP T3.19.7 NSA 3610 AMCA 211 UL 1123 AMCA 210 ADA •1 ASTM F106 NEMA WD5 UL 140 SAE J565C ASTM F107 IEEE 32 IEEE 351 EIA RS321B UL 977 ANSI C19.5 ASTM F74 IEEE 91 API 6A DEMA *1-17 ANSI PHI. 44 NBHA 8 NSF 48 UL 539 IEEE 351 AACCH 8010 CR D-10 CR D-56 CR D-52 AACCH 08-17 CR B-8 CR E-58 CR E-24 CR F-22 CR E-26 CR E-30 CR E-54 CR F-52 APA *5 APA *4 ASTM D2627 ASTM E503 ANSI Y32.9 IEEE 91 ANSI Y32.18 ANSI B18.1.2 ANSI B18.1.1 ASTM A409 ASTM D2130 ASTM C644 NSA 537 NSA 538 NSA 986 ASTM D3000 ASTM D3287 ASTM D3035 ASTM D2447 SAE J265 CCTI E202.1 CCTI E211.1 AMCA 2401 CCTI CT102 AACCH 48-06A ANSI B74.16 ANSI B74.17 DCDMA 3 SAE J625A ICBO UBCS24-13 ASTM C316 AACCH 76-10 122 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWLC Index of Engineering Standards ry) (1962) Meth. of Thiosulfate-Maltose Pressuremeter Meth. of Analysis of Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of try) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of 62) Meth. of Analysis of Std. for cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetrachloroethyl) Thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l,2- Std. Acceptable Concentrations of (1973) Std. Meth. for Determination of or Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Methyl 5(2,4- Std. for Meth. for Preparation of Potassium ) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy e. Step Relief (1972) Std. for td. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Hardeners Used in Making Zinc safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Std. Spec, for Lead and Tin Alloy Std. Spec, for Zinc Alloys in Ingot Form for gnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Std. Spec, for Brass Std. Spec, for Zinc Alloy Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy luminum Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and ent (1972) Std. Recommendations for Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Std. Recommendations for Die Cavity and Cutoff Std. Tooling Nomenclature for Solid Cases at Commercial Power Freque/ Std. Meth. of Test for oleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes/ Std. Meth. of Test for oleum Origin Under Impulse Condit/ Std. Meth. of Test for ons (1973) Std. for Paper, Paper/Film, Film block Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in Fixed Mica ■ cellular Plastics Used for Electr/ Std. Meth. of Test for or of Solid Ceramic Dielectrics A/ Std. Meth. of Test for . of Test for Alternating Current Loss Characteristics and erials at Micr/ Std. Test Meth. for Complex Permittivity s. Beans, Peas, Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities For/ es with Effect of Shield Losses for Single Conductor Solid uit Breaker External Insulation Rat/ Std. for Schedule of tion and Measurement of Partial Discharges (Corona) During Std. for Solid and Semi Solid on Data on High Frequency Heating Equipment (Induction and ant (Permittivity) and Dissipation Factor of Solid Ceramic td. Spec, for Wrought Alloy Tool Steel Products (Including equirements for Duplex and Single Face Flat Thread Rolling Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Practices for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Std. Pract. Definitions for Stationary Pract. for Scavenging and Supercharging of Stationary gine-Generator Units for Low and Medium Speed Stationary ids and Detailed Spec, for Low and Medium Speed Stationary installation of Air Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries nominal Diameter) (1971) Rec. Pract. for s for Nuclear Power Generat/ Trial Use Std.: Criteria for ne Engin/ Stds. and Pract. for Design and Construction of Std. for Engine Rating Code Std. for Engine Test Code- Spark Ignition and lor of Low Colored Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Color ation Report) (1969) and Textile Fabric) (1972) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Std. on Television: Measurement of (1963) Structural Clay (1963) Structural Clay 972) general / and Ins/ nt (1972/ nd Gener/ ems (197/ ation (1/ std. (Diastatic Activity in Flour) Conversion (Cereal Chemist AACCH 22-17 Diastatic Activity of Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 22-11 Diastatic Activity of Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 22-14 Diastatic Activity of Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemis AACCH 22-15 Diastatic Activity of Flour with the Amylograph (Cereal AACCH 22-10 Diastatic Activity of Malt Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (19 AACCH 2216 Diatomite Type Filters for Swimming Pools (1971) NSF 9 Dicarboximide-Captafol (1973) /Est Control Chemical ANSI K62.146 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Fluorosarbon 12) (1974) ANSI Z37.38 Dichloromethane and Alcohol-Benzene Solubles in Wood TAPPI T5 Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoate Bifenox (1973) /D. F ANSI K62.138 Dichlozoline (Fungicide) (1971) ANSI K62.102 Dichromate Solution (1962) AACCH 70-45 Dictionary of Terms Used in the Safety Profession (1973 ASSFE «1 Die and Hand Forgings (1973) ANSI H38.8 ASTM B247 Die Buttons, Variable, Press Fit, Headless and Head Typ ANSI B94.43 Die Casting Alloys (1965) ANSI H38.23 ASTM B327 Die Casting Machine Stds. (1972) SDCE «1 Die Casting Machines (1973) Std. for ANSI B152.1 Die Castings (1952) ANSI H48.1 ASTM B102 Die Castings (1964) ANSI H47.2 ASTM B240 Die Castings (1966) ANSI H45.8 Std. Spec, for Ma ASTM B93 Die Castings (1970) ANSI H49.1 ASTM B176 Die Castings (1971) ANSI H47.1 ' ASTM B86 Die Castings (1972) ASTM B94 Die Castings (1972) ANSI H38.22 ASTM B85 Die Castings (1973) ANSI H38.1 Std. Spec, for a ASTM B179 Die Cavity and Cutoff Die Sizes for Cold Forging Equipm IF1 121 Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) ANSI H7. 10 ASTM B283 Die Sizes for Cold Forging Equipment (1972) IFI 121 Die Two Blow Cold Headers (1972) IFI 118 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Strength of Insulating ASTM D2477 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petr ASTM D1816 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petr ASTM D3300 Dielectric Capacitors for Power Semiconductor Applicati EIA RS401 Dielectric Capacitors (1971) ANSI C59. 26 /for Natural ASTM D748 Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor of Expanded ASTM D1673 Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) and Dissipation Fact ASTM D2149 Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) of Solid Electrical ASTM D150 (Dielectric Constant) of Solid Electrical Insulating Mat ASTM D2520 Dielectric Meter Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grain AACCH 44-11 Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV (Copper and IPCEA P-53-426 Dielectric Properties of Grain and Seeds (1972) ASAE D293 Dielectric Test Values for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circ ANSI C37.0781 Dielectric Tests (1973) Rec. Pract. for the Detec IEEE 454 Dielectric Transmission Lines (1972) EIA RS199A Dielectric) (1973) Loss Preventi FMS 6-3 Dielectrics at Frequencies to 10 MHz and Temperatures T ASTM D2149 Dies and Fixtures) (1973) ASTM A681 Dies (1973) Std. for Dimensional R IFI 109 Diesel and Gas Engine Air Intake and Exhaust Systems (1 DEMA *l-8 Diesel and Gas Engine Assembly and Equipment (1972) DEMA »l-5 Diesel and Gas Engine Cooling Water Systems (1972) DEMA * 1-10 Diesel and Gas Engine Erection and Installation (1972) DEMA * 1-21 Diesel and Gas Engine Factory and Field Testing (1972) DEMA *l-22 Diesel and Gas Engine Fuel Oil Characteristics (1972) DEMA * 1-14 Diesel and Gas Engine Gaseous Fuel Characteristics and DEMA * 1-15 Diesel and Gas Engine Gauge Borads, Protective Devices, DEMA *1-17 Diesel and Gas Engine Generators and Electrical Equipme DEMA * 1 - 18 Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Characteristics a DEMA * 1 -1 2 Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Systems (1972) DEMA * 1-1 1 Diesel and Gas Engine Operation and Maintenance (1972) DEMA *l-23 Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Buildings (1972) DEMA *l-20 Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel Ou and Gas Syst DEMA *1-13 Diesel and Gas Engine Ratings and Performance (1972) DEMA *l-4 Diesel and Gas Engine Speed Governing and Parallel Oper DEMA *l-6 Diesel and Gas Engine Starting Systems (1972) DEMA *l-9 Diesel and Gas Engine Vibration (1972) DEMA *l-7 Diesel and Gas Engine Waste Heat Recovery Systems (1972 DEMA • 1-16 Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) DEMA *1 Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) DEMA »1-1 Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) DEMA *l-3 Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) /Ct. for Selection of En DEMA *119 Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) /on of Invitations for B DEMA '1-24 (Diesel and Gasoline) (Boats) (1972) /Td. Covering the ABYC P10 Diesel Fuel Injection Nozzle and Holder Assembly (17Mm SAE J265 Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplie IEEE 387 Diesel (Compression Ignited) Inboard Liquid Cooled Mari ABYC P15 Diesel (1971) SAE J270 Diesel (1971) SAE J816B Difference Meter (1972T) Meth. for Measurement of Co ASTM E450 Differential and Manual Transmission Lubricants (Inform SAE J308A Differential Dyeing Behavior of Cotton (Raw Fiber, Yarn ASTM D1464 Differential Gain and Phase (1960) IEEE 206 Differential Movement (Cause and Effect) (Tech. Notes) BIA 18 Differential Movement (Expansion Joints) (Tech. Notes) BIA 18A Engineering and Product Standards Division 123 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) (1963) Std. Meth. d Gas Analysis / nbs HB111 2T) 4) Structural Clay for Calibration of Temperature Scale for Std. Rec. Pract. for Reporting Data from Std. for Radiation Safety for X-Ray Meth. for Measuring Brightness of Pulp Panels (1969) Std. Test Meth. for ining T/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial or ting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, Light Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of ate Surface Pho/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Minority Carrier in of Organic Finishes in Contact/ Std. Meth. of Test for eth. (1972) ANSI K90.12 Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal dent Hairs in Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962/ Fatting s Turbine Engine Steady State Performance Presentation for Rec. Pract. for Hardware Test, of cription Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric lids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Meth. of Test for Delta in Hours Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Citrate, for Photographic Grade Hydroquinone C, r H,(Oh) 2 (Para Tent. Test Meth. for Critical Deg.) of Margarine Oils, Shortenings, and Other Fats (1/ Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Measurement of the AD itaxial Layers of Silicon by Measurement of Stacking Fault in Line Type Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.95 Std. for nt Lamps (1972) Std. for 8 Preheat Start Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. t8 Preheat S^tart Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Preheat Start Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. s and Papers (1973) Std. Meth. for Determining the fabrics (Textile) (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Relaxation able (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit Text/ Test Meth. for textiles Except Wool (1972) ANSI L14.138,/ Test Meth. for ol Textiles (1972)/ Test Meth. for Relaxation and Felting d. Bore and Rod Size Combinations, Rod End Configurations, t Thread Rolling Dies (1973) Std. for Std. for tion and Industrial Machinery (1972) Std. for layouts and Ter/ Battery Replacement Data; Group Numbers, cp II (Compact Cassette) for Audio Recording An/ Std. for ) Std. for Std. for Chemical Compositions, Mechanical Property Limits and . Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices: lied Screw Conveyors (1972) Std. for Unit Load Sizes for hes (Radio, TV, and Instrumentation) (1/ Std. for Uniform bone Plates (1973) Std. Rec. Praet. for Std. Spec, for ards (1970) ANSI C83/ Std. Spec, for Printed Wiring Board dustrial Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.29 Std. Rec. for Hitch and Box d Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepowe/ Std. for s, Wagons and Blowers (1972) Std. ic, Wood or Metal) (1971) Std. otocomposing Devices, or Both (Photography) (19/ Std. for Std. Std. Groove Std. Groove Std. Groove Std. for 1973) Std. e Manufacturers in De/ Std. for Definition of and Maximum ilm (photography) (1973) Std. s (1973) Std. 2) Std. for Registered Screen g Instruments and Miscellaneous Uses (1973) Std. d) (Photography) (1972) Std. for ion Picture Prints (1972) Std. mm Motion Picture Film Perforated 1-4 (1971) Std. for Films (SI and U.S. Customary Units) (1973) Std. 1972) ANSI C83.9 Std. for optics (1972) Std. for amera, Copy and Image Cards) (1972) Std. for Film in Rolls, Including Leaders and Trailers,/ Std. for motor Vehicles (1971) Rec. Pract. for Average Vehicle Std. Spec, and er 8, (1-4) (1973) Std. ft. and 70 mm 100 Ft. Spools for Recording Instrume/ Std. Std. Std. er 8, 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) Std. figurations, Dimensional Identification Code, and Mounting Std. for Std. on luid Power Piston Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 s) (1972) ANSI B93.35 on Rings (1973) ANSI B93.32 Differential Movement (Flexible Anchorage) (Tech. Notes Differential Thermal Analysis (1973) Differential Thermal Analysis, Thermogravimetry, Evolve Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Equipment (1971) (Diffuse Illumination and Zero Deg. Observation) (1972) Diffuse Light Transmission Factor of Reinforced Plastic Diffused Layers in Silicon by the Angle Lapping and Sta Diffusers in Ceilings, Partitions. Exterior Veneer, Awn Diffusion Coating (1970) ANSI Z167.24 Diffusion Length in Silicon by Measurement of Steady St Diffusion Stain of Rubber and Contact and Migration Sta Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Pulse M Digestion Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Ro Digital Computer Programs (1970) Digital Process Computers (1971) (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape and Punch Digitonin Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Dried Egg So (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.8 Ga hydrate Na : ,C„H,0 7 : 2H 2 (1972) hydroxbenzene, Quinol, Hydroquinol) (1972) /D. Spec, lation of Concrete Specimens Subject to Freezing (197 latometric Meth. of Solid Fat Index (50 or Less at 10 lution Ventilation in Industrial Exhaust Systems (197 mension of Aerosol Valve Dip Tubes (1972) mension (1973) /D. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Ep mensional and Electrical Characteristic Defining Dual mensional and Electrical Characteristics of Fluoresce mensional and Electrical Characteristics of 15 Watt T mensional and Electrical Characteristics of 30 Watt, mensional and Electrical Characteristics of 8 Watt T5 mensional Change Characteristics of Photographic Film mensional Change (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Knit Wool mensional Changes in Automatic Home Laundering of Dur mensional Changes in Laundering of Woven and Knitted mensional Changes (Shrinkage) of Woven and Knitted Wo mensional Identification Code, and Mounting Dimension mensional Requirements for Duplex and Single Face Fla mensional Spec, for Sealed Beam Headlamp Units (1972) mensional Spec, for Sealed Lighting Unit for Construe mensional Spec, and Ratings; Assembly Numbers, Cell mensional Std. Coplanar Magnetic Tape Cartridge Type mensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Products (1973 mensional Tolerances for Industrial Wheels (1965) mensional Tolerances of SAE Wrought Aluminum Alloys ( mensioning and Tolerancing (1973) Std mensioning Std. and Terminology for Permanently Insta mensioning Transport Packages (1972) mensions and Meth. of Test, for Rotary Selector Switc mensions and Tolerances for Screw Holes and Slots in mensions and Tolerances of Plastic Bottles (1972) mensions and Tolerances Single and Two Sided Rigid Bo mensions for Accessories for Cataloged Square Head in mensions for Agricultural (Farm) Grain Wagons (1972) mensions for Alternating and Direct Current Motors an mensions for Compatible Operation of Forage Harvester mensions for Cores for Photographic Film Rolls (Plast mensions for Film in Rolls for Phototypesetting or pH mensions for Flareless Acorn Fitting End (1974) mensions for Floating Type Metallic and Nonmetallic F mensions for Fluid Power Exclusion Devices (In. Serie mensions for Fluid Power Radial Compression Type Pist mensions for Front Lens Mounts for Cameras (1972) mensions for Graphic Arts Sheet Films (photography) ( mensions for Grown Tires in Service for Use by Vehicl mensions for Industrial Radiographic Sheet and Roll F mensions for Medical Radiographic Sheet and Roll Film mensions for Monochrome Television Picture Tubes (197 mensions for Photographic Films in Rolls for Recordin mensions for Photographic Flashcubes (Battery Operate mensions for Photographic Sound Record on Super 8 Mot mensions for Printed Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8 mensions for Professional Photographic Sheet and Roll mensions for Racks, Panels and Associated Equipment ( mensions for Resolution Test Target for Photographic mensions for Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, C mensions for Imperforated and Perforated Photographic mensions for Use in Designing Docking Facilities for mensions for Wood Poles (1972) mensions for 16 mm Motion Picture Film Perforated Sup mensions for 16 mm 100 Ft., 16 mm 200 Ft., 35 mm 100 mensions for 32 mm Motion Picture Film, 2R (1974) mensions for 32 mm Motion Picture Film, 4R (1974) mensions for 35 mm Motion Picture Film Perforated Sup mensions for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Squa mensions of Aerial Film Spools (1972) mensions of Attachment Plugs and Receptacles (1973) BIA 18B ASTM E474 ASTM E472 ANSI N43.2 TAPPI T525SU ASTM D1494 ASTM F110 ICBO UBC*3-52 ASTM C664 ASTM F391 ASTM D925 ASTM C714 AACCH 28-70 SAE ARP681B ISA RP55.1 IPC D-350 AACCH 20-01 ASTM C624 ANSI PH4.179 ANSI PH4.126 ASTM C671 AACCH 31-50 ACGIH «I-2 ASTM D3089 AATM F143 EIA RS415 ANSI C78 ANSI C78.1201 ANSI C78.1202 ANSI C78.1200 ANSI PHI. 32 ASTM D1284 AATCC 135 AATCC 96 AATCC 99 NFLDP T3.6.11 IFI 109 SAE J571C SAE J572A BCI •1.56 EIA RS399 ANSI H35.2 CFTMA TOL SAE J457J ANSI Y14.5 ASAE S334T ANSI MH10.1 EIA RS315-A ASTM F367 ASTM D2911 IPC D300E NFLDP T3.6.8 ASAE R239 NEMA MG1-11 ASAE S328.1T ANSI PHI. 13 ANSI PH1.44 NSA 1760 NFLDP T3.19.ll NFLDP T3.19.7 NFLDP T3.19.18 ANSI PH3.14 ANSI PHI. 16 TRA 1-13 ANSI PHI. 15 ANSI PHI. 17 EIA RS266A ANSI PHI. 30 ANSI PH3.51 ANSI PH22.182 ANSI PH22.153 ANSI PHI. 18 EIA RS310-B ANSI PH3.50 ANSI PH5.8 ANSI PHI. 10 SAE J699A ANSI 05.1 ANSI PH22.168 ANSI PHI. 33 ANSI PH22.141 ANSI PH22.142 ANSI PH22.165 NFLDP T3.6.11 ANSI PH1.2 ANSI C73 124 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards trus Style (1974) Rec. Industry Std. (or Loose Metal End erial Photographic Film on Spools (1972) Std. for Std. for Face-To-Face and End-To-End ing) (1968) ANSI MH12/ Std. Meth. of Determining Interior ques for Television (1973) Std. Std. Meth. of Measuring Shrinkage from Mold tape (1964) Rec. Pract. for Std. Symbols for type. Specific Purpose, 277 Volts Ac, 15 Amperes, 2/ Std. olts, 15 Amperes. 2 Pole, 1 Wire (1973) Std. volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole. 2 Wire (1973) Std. e. Specific Purpose, 125 Volts, 15 Amperes. 2 Pole,/ Std. e. Specific Purpose, 125/250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 P/ Std. 20/208 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. 20/208 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. 25 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. for 25 Volts, 30 Amperes. 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. 25 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Croun/ Std. 25 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 25/250 Volts, 20 Amperes. 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, G/ Std. 25/250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, G/ Std. 20/208 Volts, 20 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. 20/208 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye. 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. 25/250 Volts, 20 Amperes. 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Ty/ Std. 25/250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire, Locking TV Std. 50 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. 77/480 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. 50 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) Std. 50 Volts. 15 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking. Groun/ Std. 50 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 50 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole. 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 77 Volts Ac, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Gr/ Std. 77 Volts Ac, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Gr/ Std. 50 Volts, 20 Amperes 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Lockin/ Std. 50 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ Std. 77/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 5 Wi/ Std. 77/480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. 50 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. 50 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase. 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. 47/600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. 47/600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. 47/600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wve, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. 47/600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. 80 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. 80 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. 80 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 80 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 80 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ Std. 80 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase. 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ Std. 00 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. 00 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 00 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. 00 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ Std. 77/480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. Motion Picture Film (2.35:1) Aspect Ratio (1971) Std. and 60 Amperes, 4 Wire (1966/ Standard Mounting and Face insulation (1972) ANSI C59.33 Std. Meth. of Measuring on 2 In. Video Magnetic Tape Quadruplex Recorded A/ Std. per (Photography) (1972) Std. for es (Photography) (1974) Std. rec. Pract. for Outboard Motor Boat Transom and Motor Well ery Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.53 Std. for Clearance Rec. Pract. for Outboard Motor Std. for Template Hinge Std. for Blower Pipe and Connecting Flange Std. for New Tire ter) (1973) Rec. Std. for Loose Metal End helical Spring and Carbon Steel Tooth Lock Wash/ Std. for hidathion (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0 • a/ Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0 Std. for 100 Deg. st Control Chemical N-(2Chloroethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6- ontrol Chemical N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6- Std. for 72) Std. for ol Chemical 0-1,3-Dioxolan -2-Ylphenyl Methylcarbamate - Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfur ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Continuous Analysis and Automatic Recording of the Sulfur droca/ Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Std. on Carbon Uniform Building Code Std. for Carbon Meth of Analysis for Residual Carbon Meth. of Analysis for Total (Gasometric) Carbon (Cereal Acetic Anhydride Meth. for Generation of Chlorine Dimensions of Composite Cans (211 (66 Mm) Diameter), Ci CCTI E211.1 Dimensions of Containers for Packaging and Storage of a ANSI PHI. 46 Dimensions of Ferrous Valves (1973) ANSI B16.10 Dimensions of Fiberboard Boxes (Box Gage Meth.) (Packag ASTM D2658 Dimensions of Image Areas and Mounts for Slides and Opa ANSI PH22.94 Dimensions of Molded Plastics (R1973) ANSI K66.3 ASTM D955 Dimensions of Patch Splices in Two Inch Video Magnetic SMPTE RP5 Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Fittings (1968) ANSI K65.57 ASTM D2749 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Grounding ANSI C73.43 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Type 125 V ANSI C73.31 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Type, 250 ANSI C73.32 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Midget Locking Typ ANSI C73.29 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Midget Locking Typ ANSI C73.30 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.104 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.105 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.69 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.70 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.72 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.73 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.83 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.84 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.90 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.91 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.96 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 1 ANSI C73.97 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.100 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.106 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.71 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.74 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.75 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.76 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.77 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.78 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.85 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.86 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.92 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.93 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.98 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.99 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 3 ANSI C73.108 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 3 ANSI C73.109 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 3 ANSI C73.94 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 3 ANSI C73.95 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 4 ANSI C73.101 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 4 ANSI C73.102 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 4 ANSI C73.79 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 4 ANSI C73.80 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 4 ANSI C73.87 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 4 ANSI C73.88 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 6 ANSI C73.103 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 6 ANSI C73.81 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 6 ANSI C73.82 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 6 ANSI C73.89 Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles? Specific Purpose 2 ANSI C73.107 Dimensions of Projectable Anamorphic Image Area on 5 mm ANSI PH22.106 Dimensions of Receptacles Off Center Boss Type, 30, 50, ANSI C73.67 Dimensions of Rigid Rods and Tubes Used for Electrical ASTM D668 Dimensions of Video, Audio and Tracking Control Records ANSI C98.6 Dimensions of 126 Size Cartridges, Film, and Backing Pa ANSI PHI. 40 Dimensions of 35 mm Motion Picture Camera Aperture Imag ANSI PH22.59 Dimensions on Boats (1974) ABYC S12 Dimensions on the Mating Plates (Patterns) Used in Batt EIA RS156-B Dimensions (Boats) (1972) ABYC Sll Dimensions (1972) ANSI A156.7 Dimensions (1972) ASAE S347T Dimensions (1974) TRA IX Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Citrus Cans 202 (52 Mm) Diame CCTI E202.1 Dimensions, Physical Properties and Meth. of Test, for ANSI B18.21.1 Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S-Ester with 4-(Mercapt ANSI K62.134 Dimethyl 0-(3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothio ANSI K62.130 Dimpled Washer (1974) NSA 1169 Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluidine-Fluchloralin (1973) /PE ANSI K62.140 DinitroN-Propyl-Ptoluidine-Profluralin (1973) /T C ANSI K62.152 Dinnerware Used in Food Service Establishments (1970) NSF 36 Dinoseb (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (19 ANSI K62.119 Dioxacarb (1973) Std. Common Name for the Pest Contr ANSI K62.147 Dioxide Content in Corn Starch (1956) CR B-58 Dioxide Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1961 CR F-54 Dioxide Content of Corn Syrup (1952) CR E-66 Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (1967) /D. Meth. for ASTM D1355 Dioxide Content (Qualitative) of Industnal Aromatic Hy ASTM D853 Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems (1972) NFPA 12 Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) ICBO UBCS38-2 Dioxide in Baking Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 1210 Dioxide in Baking Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 1220 Dioxide in Flour Bleaching Experiments in Laboratories AACCH 48-30 Engineering and Product Standards Division 125 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Tent. Meth. of Test for Manganese 1 Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Total Carbon Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Total Sulfur Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Free Sulfur r Chemical Analysis for Aluminum Oxide Content of Titanium Std. Spec, for Titanium Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Plutonium ric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium c, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium st Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed Textile Yarns to Sulfur Correction Factors for Gasometric Determination of Carbon ) Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0-1,3- spec. for Determination of Phosphate Coating Weight on Hot Rec. Pract. for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Lock Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot et of Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Culverts and Underdrains, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot ments for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot in Coils, and Cut Lengths, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot meth. of Measurement of the A-D Dimension of Aerosol Valve Std. Spec, for Zinc Coating (Hot Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece Test (Copper Sulfate Std. Spec, for Welded and Seamless Black and Hot Std. for Molded and el Pipe for Ordinary Uses (/ Std. Spec, for Black and Hot of Determining the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Hoe Determining the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Shovel 2— (Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis (Isopropylamino) Stria/ Std. for (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical O-Ethyl S,S - Std. Spec, for d Gamma Radiation (1972) Performance Spec, for Meth. of Test for Twist in Yarns t for Oxygen Content Using a 14 MeV Neutron Activation and hemical Analysis of Thermionic Nickel Alloys by the Powder Std. for Std. for Industrial and Other Std. Test Code for tegral Horsepowe/ Std. for Dimensions for Alternating and tegral Hor/ Std. for Application Data for Alternating and er) (1972) Std. for Ratings for Alternating Current and er) (1/ Std. for Tests and Performance of Alternating and Std. for Std. for Stabilized Power Supplies Std. for Electrical Bonding of (Inboard) Engine Mountings (Install tion and Replacement) equipment (1972) Std. for Residential Controls Safety Std. for Oil Fired Air and Safety Ventilation Requirements for Std. for Rec. Std. for Seismic Restraint matograph (1973) Tent. Rec. Pract. for 8 mm and Super 8 Reversal Color Camera Films Intended for er Meters (1972) Std. for onditions (1972) Std. Meth. of est for Disbonding Characteristics of Pipeline Coatings by Is Except Chocolate Products and Piecrust (Cereal Chemis/ Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Interfaces for 4 Way General Purpose Industrial Pneumatic 1972) Meth. for Cross to ANSI Z35. 1-1972, Accident / Spec, for Informational, Std. for Disfigurement of Paint Films by Fungal Growth or Soil and Test Meth. for ers, Splinters, etc. in St/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Std. for Meth. of Recording and Measuring the Off-The-Job ct Soil Burial (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Cathodic Rec. Pract. for Automotive Brake Uniform Laboratory Fatigue Test Procedures for Production in the Automotive Braking System of Vehicles Equipped with for Decoders (Type I) for Reproducing Matrix Quadraphonic . for Handling and Installation of Power Semiconductors in Std. Definitions for High Intensity Std. Meth. for the Designation of High Intensity Std. Designations for Rotation and Safety Std. Antenna ystems (1973/ Std. Meth. for Detection and Measurement of solid Electrical Insulating Materials Subjected to Partial Rec. Pract. for the Detection and Measurement of Partial 1972A) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Quick Radiographic Std. for Classification of Fusion Weld nd Dirt Accumu/ Tent. Meth. of Evaluating Deg. of Surface Dioxide in Manganese Ores (1972T) ASTM E465 Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and Self Rising Flours (Cerea AACCH 12-21 Dioxide in Wine (Enology) (1972) ASE *7 Dioxide in Wine (Enology) (1972) ASE *8 Dioxide Pigments (1973) Std. Meth. Fo ASTM D2701 Dioxide Pigments (1973) ANSI K45.1 ASTM D476 Dioxide Powder for Use in Nuclear Reactors (1973) ASTM C753 Dioxide Powder, Sinterable (1974) ASTM C757 Dioxide Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI N103 /Ectromet ASTM C696 Dioxide Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI N104 /Trometri ASTM C697 Dioxide Stoving (1972) ANSI L14.9 • Te AATCC 9 Dioxide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Th. of Analysis for AACCH 12-29 Dioxolan -2-Ylphenyl Methylcarbamate-Dioxacarb (1973 ANSI K62.147 Dip Galvanized and Electrogalvanized Steel (Coil) (1974 NCCA TB-II-3 Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure ASTM A 143 Dip Process for Roofing (1971) ANSI G8.21 Std. ASTM A361 Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.22 /Pec. for Steel Sheet of ASTM A527 Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.23 /Td. Spec, for Steel She ASTM A528 Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.28 /C. for Steel Sheets for ASTM A444 Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.25 /Ec. for General Require ASTM A525 Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.27 / of Structural Quality ASTM A446 Dip Process, Commercial Quality (1971) ANSI C8.24 /D. ASTM A526 Dip Tubes (1972) Std. ASTM D3089 Dip) on Assembled Steel Products (1973) ANSI G8. 18 ASTM A386 Dip) (1973) AASHO T66 / a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on ASTM A239 Dipped Galvanized Steel Pipe (1973) ANSI B125.1 ASTM A53 Dipped Mica Capacitors (Wire Lead Styles) (1972) EIA RS153B Dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Ste ASTM A120 Dipper (Backhoe Bucket) (1972) Std. for Uniform Meth. SAE J296 Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (Construction SAE , J67 Dipropetryn (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical ANSI K62.135 Dipropyl Phosphorodithioate) (1973) /Td. for Ethoprop ANSI K62.133 Dipropylene Glycol (1972) ASTM D2696 Direct and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X-An ANSI N13.5 (Direct Counting Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.234 ASTM D1423 Direct Counting Technique (1973) Std. Meth. of Tes ASTM E385 Direct Current Arc Technique (1961) ANSI Z128.2 /Ctroc ASTM E129 Direct Current Generators (Large Apparatus) (1972) NEMA MG1-24 Direct Current Integral Horsepower Generators (1972) NEMA MG1-15 Direct Current Machines (1973) IEEE 113 Direct Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and in NEMA MG1-11 Direct Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and in NEMA MG1-14 Direct Current Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepow NEMA MG1-10 Direct Current Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepow NEMA MG1-12 Direct Current Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) NEMA MG1-23 Direct Current Output (1972) NEMA PY 1 Direct Current Systems on Boats (1972) ABYC El Direct Drive Transmission (1971) /C. Pract. for Marine SAE J233 Direct Electric Ignition Control Systems for Gas Fired NEMA DC 21 Direct Fired Heaters (1973) UL 733 Direct Fired Powder Curing Ovens (1973) FMS 7-27S Direct Gas Fired Make Up Air Heaters (1972) ANSI Z83.4 Direct Hung Suspended Ceiling Assemblies (1972) CISCA *3 Direct Injection of Solvent Base Paints into a Gas Chro ASTM D3271 Direct Projection in Motion Picture Photography (1973) ANSI PH22.146 Direct Reading Remote Registration Systems for Cold Wat AWWA C706 Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained C ASTM D3080 Direct Soil Burial (1972) Std. Meth. of T ASTM G19 Direct Trapping Meth. of Analysis for All Baked Materia AACCH 28-33 Direct Vent Wall Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z21.44 Directional Control Valves (1973) ANSI B93.33 Std. NFLDP T3.21.1 Directional Internal Tearing Resistance of Paperboard ( TAPPI T496SU Directional, and Special Signs (Symbols) Complementary ANSI Z35.4 Directories of Libraries and Information Centers (1971) ANSI Z39. 10 Dirt Accumulation (1973) /F Evaluating Deg. of Surface ASTM D3274 Dirt Count of Wood Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-11 Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments, Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fib AACCH 28-75 Disabling Accidental Injury Experience of Employees (19 ANSI Z16.3 Disbonding Characteristics of Pipeline Coatings by Dire ASTM G19 Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings (1972) ASTM G8 Disc and Drum Thermocouple Installation (1972) SAE J79 Disc and Spoke Wheels, and Demountable Rims Intended Fo SAE J267 Disc Brakes (1972) /Nation of Brake Fluid Temperature SAE J291 Disc Records (1974) Stds. EIA RS418 Disc Type Packages (1973) Std EIA JED11 Discharge Lamp Ballasts and Transformers (1971) ANSI C82.9 Discharge Lamps (1972) ANSI C78.380 Discharge of Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2406 Discharge Units (1972) ANSI C33.39 UL 452 Discharge (Corona) Pulses in Evaluation of Insulation S ASTM D1868 Discharges (Corona) /of Test for Voltage Endurance of ASTM D2275 Discharges (Corona) During Dielectric Tests (1973) IEEE 454 Discoloration of Orthodichlorobenzene by Carbon Black ( ASTM D1618 Disconnect Devices for Use with Gas Fuel (1971) ANSI Z21.41 Discontinuities (1972) NSA 1514 Disfigurement of Paint Films by Fungal Growth or Soil a ASTM D3274 126 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Performance Requirements for Woven td. for Gas Counter Appliances (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food h, Filter Paper, Wide Field and Compound Microscope, Petri nd Test Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Std. for Safety for Commercial Electric Household Stds. for Tire Rim Inspection, and ereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) erties of Metal to Metal Adhesives by Compression Loading osity and Curing Characteristics of Rubber by the Shearing for Vacuum Treated Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotor Test Meth. for Specific Gravity of Wood td. Spec, for Cartridge Brass Sheet, Strip, Plate, Bar and quirements for Household Storage Type Electrical Hot Water 16.1 Safety Std. for Power Operated mpatibility of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with Fuel Rec. for Flammable Liquid Drum Storage, tilizer Grade) in Residential and Commerical Fuel Burning, dispersible Protein in Ground Soybeans, Whole Or/ Protein itrogen Solubility Index (NSI): Meth. for Determination of ein Dispersibility Index (PDI): Meth. for Determination of Rec. Guide for the Prediction of the 72) ANSI L14.117 Test Meth. for Fluidity of of Test, and Presenting Basic Performance Data for Positve Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Solid Pitch Asphalt Std. for Cold Water Meters Rec. Pract. for Accident Prevention Signs for ety for Implosion Protected Cathode Ray Tubes (Picture and ogeneous Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank ted Wall Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Rec. for Radioactive Waste Rec. for the ers (1951) Rec. for Waste a Technical Guide for Landfill Uniform Plumbing Code: Sewers and Private Sewage ec. for Uniform Terminology for Rural Waste Management and cedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Food Waste Std. for Performance Evaluation for Household Food Waste or Electr/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Constant and . Meth. of Test for Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) and ctrical Conductivity of Aviation Fuels Containing a Static Std. Meth. of Test for Radio Frequency R/ Minimum Performance Std. for Airborne cles. Buses, Trucks, and Combin/ Rec. Pract. for Stopping Equipped with Full Scale Tir/ Meth. of Test for Stopping Equipped with Fu/ Tent. Meth. of Measurement of Stopping Std. Meth. of Test for Stability of captan Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and meth. for Calculation of Liquid Heat Capacity of Petroleum Std. Meth. of Test for Wax Appearance Point of Std. Meth. for Validation of Results of Process Std. Spec, for ure in Grains (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) nsi A109.ll Std. Meth olumn) (1973) ANSI Z11.314 s (1973) AASHO T78, ANSI A37.45 Tent Std Std Rec of Test for Steam Std. Meth. for Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Pract. for Vacuum g Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Feeds and Feedstuffs by g Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Fats and Shortenings by Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture in Wool by std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Azeotropic std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Azeotropic std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Azeotropic std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Azeotropic Rec. for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Oils by the n-d-M Meth. / Tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Installation Pract. for Underground Electrical Power orting and Analyzing Outage of Electrical Transmission and std. for Series Capacitors for Electrical Transmission and Industry Std. for L14.91 Std. Meth. of Test for Length and Length oplastic Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and ethylene Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and ract for Analysis by Microscopical Meth. for Particle Size hy (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Boiling Range Meth. for Particle Size ss Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas and Oil Transmission and cs.) (1973) Aluminum Underground 972) Rec. for Single Phase Rural Dead Front td. for Small Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves in Gas Std. for Air Outlets and Inlets Used in Air Dish Towels (Institutional Textile) (1973) Dish Warmers, Hot Plates and Griddles, etc.) (1973) Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge Dishwashers (1971) ANSI A197.1, Asse 1006 Std. a Dishwashers (1973) ANSI C33.96 Dishwashers (1974) Disk and Flat Tapes (1974) Disk Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Products (C Disk Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Disk Shear) (1972) ANSI Z197.4 /Test for Strength Prop Disk Viscometer (1972) ANSI J7.7 /Th. of Test for Vise Disks and Wheels (1970) ANSI G55.15 Std. Spec. Disks (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Disks (1973) Dispensers (1973) Plumbing Re Dispensing Devices for Flammable Liquids (1974) ANSI Z2 Dispensing Facilities (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Veh Dispensing, and Classification (1972) Dispensing, and Handling Facilities (1974) ANSI B150.1 Dispersibility Index (PDI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Nitrogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Groun Dispersible Protein in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Dispersion of Airborne Effluents (1968) Dispersions of Cellulose Form Bleached Cotton Cloth (19 Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power Pumps and Motors (19 Displacement Meth.) (1972) ANSI A37.72 Std. (Displacement Type 5/8 In. Through 6 In.) (1971) Display on Tank Trailers and Containers (1972) Display) for Television Receiving Appliances and Other Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. Spec, for Horn Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.5 /. Spec, for Lamina Disposal in the Ocean (1954) Disposal of Carbon-14 Wastes (1953) Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for Medical Us Disposal of Solid Chemical Waste (1974) Disposal Systems (1973) Disposal (1973) Disposer Units (1971) ANSI A197.3, Asse 1008 /Test Pro Disposers (1973) Dissipation Factor of Expanded Cellular Plastics Used F Dissipation Factor of Solid Ceramic Dielectrics at Freq Dissipator Additive (1971) ANSI Z11.281 / Test for Ele Dissolved and Gaseous Hydrogen in Water (1960) Dis Dis Dis Disi Di Di Di Dl Di Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Di Di: Dis Dis Dis D Dis D Dis Di: Di Di Di: Dis Di: Di: Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis Dis /or Mer Std. ance Measuring Equipment (DME) Operating Within the ance of Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehi ance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile ance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile illate Fuel Oil (Accelerated Meth.) (1974) illate Fuels (Potentiometric Meth.) (1973) illate Fuels (1971) ANSI Z11.313 illate Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.325 illation Analyzers (1973) illation Equipment (1971) ANSI Z168.4 illation Meth. (Brown-Duvel) of Analysis of Moist illation of Bituminous Protective Coatings (1970) a illation of Crude Petroleum (15 Theoretical Plate C illation of Cut Back Asphaltic (Bituminous) Product illation of Road Tars (1972) illation of Solvents from Solvent Base Paints (1973 illation with Toluene (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /N illation with Toluene (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /N illation with Toluene (1972) ANSI L14.256 illation) Content in Corn Starch (1956) illation) Content in Corn (1955) illation) Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1956) illation) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1952) illed Spirits Storage (1974) ortion of Yarn in Woven Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.103 ribution and Marketing (1972) ribution and Structural Group Analysis of Petroleum ribution Cables (1973) ribution Facilities and Interruptions to Customer S ribution Line Compensation (Including Safety Requir ribution Microfiche of Documents (1972) ribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Meth.) (1972) ANSI ribution of Electrical Energy (1973) IPCEA S-61-402 ribution of Electrical Energy (1973) IPCEA S-66-524 ribution of Particulate Substances of Subsieve Size ribution of Petroleum Fractions by Gas Chromatograp ribution of Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ribution Piping Systems (1973) ANSI H38.13 /Seamle ribution Reference Book (Electrical Power Cable Spe ribution Service for Motors and Phase Converters (1 ribution Switchboards (1972) ribution Systems Whose Maximum Allowable Operating ribution Systems (1973) ANSI ANSI AACCH AHAM UL AHAM TRA AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASSE UL SAE FMS UL AACCH AACCH AACCH ASME AATCC NFLDP ASTM AWWA TTMA UL ASTM ASTM NCRPM NCRPM NCRPM MCA ICBO ASAE AHAM AHAM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM RTCA SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM CR CR CR CR FMS ASTM ANSI ASTM AA IEEE ANSI NMA ASTM NEMA NEMA ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM AA ASAE NEMA ANSI ARI L24.2.2 Z21.31 28-90 DW-2PR 921 HS-1 10 14-20 66-40 D2182 D1646 A471 UM-12 B19 1023 87 J398A 8-5 331 46-24 46-23 46-24 •1 82 T3.9.17 D71 C700 RP35 492.8 D2312 D2313 R16 R12 R9 SW-1 UPC*1-11 R292.1 FWD2PR FWD-1 D1673 D2149 D2624 D1588 DO-151 J299 E445 E503 D2274 D3227 D2890T D3117 D2891 E133 44-53 D255 D2892 D402 D20 D3272 44-50 44-51 D2462 B-34 A-12 G-14 E-40 8-8 D1336 Z94.4 D3238 52-2 346 C55.2 MS5 D1440 WC5 WC7 E20 D2887 50-10 B345 52 R329 PB2 B16.33 650 Engineering and Product Standards Division 127 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot Water Std. Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Oil Immersed Uniform Plumbing Code: Water duct Liner, Adhesives, and Fasteners Application Std. (Air onics) (1973) ANSI C57. 12.90 Std. Test Code for ANSI C57. 12.00 Std. General Requirements for kVA and Smaller (1971) Std. Requirements for Overhead breviations for States of the United States (Including the 971) Std. for Stability of New Mineral Insulating Oils Containing 2,6 • Meth. of Test for Lead in the Atmosphere by Colorimetric nger Automobiles, Commercial Vehicles, Golf Car, and Other Std. for Decade Transformer Walls, Floor-Ceiling Assemblies, Doors, and Other Space Std. for in dification of Data Derived from the Investigation of Scuba harges) (1974) Uniform Pract. for Fee Determination for cs. and Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints Deep DLJ and std. Specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints Deep erformance Std. for Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment terials Handling) (1973) Shipper-Motor Carrier pract. for Average Vehicle Dimensions for Use in Designing allation of Fittings and Equipment for Anchoring, Mooring, 1974) ANSI C83.88, Ipc C-405A Std. General cribing Information Interchange Formats (Computer Software (1973) Std. for Engineering Drawing and Related and Light True/ Std. for Engineering Drawing and Related 1973) Std. Engineering Drawing and Related for Std. Calibration and Format for Nuclear Logs (Record, s (1973) Std. for National Aerospace Std. National Aerospace Stds. Specifying Project Record Industry Std. for Distribution Microfiche of Industry Std. for Fascimile Transmission of Microfilmed chemical S-Ethyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4- he Pest Control Chemical Ethyl (E.E)3,7,ll-TrimethyI-2,4- Control Chemical 2-Propynyl (E,E)-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4- ne (Isopropyl (E,E)-1 l-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl -2,4- Spee. for Photographic Grade Trisodium Phosphate, ibution Systems Whose Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Baked Targ/ Shotgun Shooting Facility Plans: International and Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Accelerated Std. Performance Requirements for Oil Powered Forced Air Std. for Installation of Std. for Std. for motor Vehicle Type (Lead Acid) Storage Batteries (1/ Rec. embly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Terminals (For Foreign and Safety Std. for asuring Color of Paper and Paperboard in CIE Y; X, Y or Y, Std. Thermal Performance Test for Steel Std. Acoustical Performance Test for Steel roc. and Acceptance Criteria for Water Resistance on Steel eptance Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Steel t (1973) Spec, for 1 3/4 In. Thick Hollow Metal Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Tests of Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Std. for Safety for Fire Tests of Std. for Std. for Builders smoke and Heat Detectors: Electromagnetic Holders; Sliding Rec. Std. Steel strikes (1973) Spec, for Hollow Metal Rec. Erection Instructions for Steel Std. for Sliding and Folding s; Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key Control Systems; Std. for Safety for Elevator Quality Stds. for Wood Screens for Window and afety Std. for Panic (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Opening Std. for Safety for Burglary Resistant Electric Std. for Architectural Rec. Std. Safety Std. for Key Locks (Burglar Alarm, ors and Systems (1973) Safety Std. for Rec. Std. Steel dustry Std. for Douglas Fir. Western Hemlock, Sitka Spruce ion (1972) Std. Steel Rec. Spec, for Builders' Hardware on Std. Steel Rec. Spec, for Std. Steel Rec. Minimum Hardware Reinforcing Garages on Steel Rec. Spec, for Steel Bi-Fold Closet Rec. Std. Details for Steel Rec. Weatherstripping for Std. Steel Rec. Std. Minimum Acceptance Values for Steel Pract. /He Pest Control /or Common Name for T /Mon Name for the Pest Distribution Systems (1973) Std. Spec, for Distribution Transformers (1972) Distribution (1973) Distribution) (1971) Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers (Electr Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers (1973) Distribution, Transformers, 67,000 Volts and Below; 500 District of Columbia) for Information'Interchange (1972 Disugran (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1 Ditertiary-Butyl Para-Cresol by Rotating Bomb (1973 Dithizone Procedure (1972T) Diversified Off the Highway Applications (1972) /Passe Dividers (Voltage Type) (1972) Dividing Elements (1973) / Building Partitions Such as Dividual Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plants (1970) Diving Accidents) (1973) /Ort Form (Acquisition and Co Division Services (Individuals, Clubs, and Exhibition C DLH Series (1970) Std. Spe DLJ and DLH Series (1970) (DME) Operating Within the Radio Frequency Range of 960- Dock Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and Receiving-Ma Docking Facilities for Motor Vehicles (1971) Rec. Docking, Towing and Lifting Boats (1973) /Ion and Inst Document for Printed Wiring Board Electric Connectors ( Documentation and Terminology) (1972) FIPS 20 /for Des Documentation Pract. for Line Conventions and Lettering Documentation Practices: Chassis Frames-Passenger Car Documentation Practices: Dimensioning and Tolerancing ( Documentation) (1974) Rec. Documents Preparation and Maintenance in SI Metric Unit Documents Preparation and Maintenance (1974) Documents (1967) Documents (1972) Documents (1972) ANSI C 16.45 Dodecadienethioate— Triprene (1973) Dodecadienoate Hydroprene (1973) Dodecadienoate Kinoprene (1973) Dodecadienoate) (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemi Dodecahydrate (Na,Po 4 .12H,0)N. NaOH (1973) Does Not Exceed 60 or 125 Psig (1973) /Es in Gas Distr Dog Food (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Domestic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Domestic and Commercial Washing and Laundering (1972) a (Domestic and Light Commercial) Central Furnaces) (1972) Domestic Gas Conversion Burners (1971) Domestic Gas Fired Incinerators (1973) Domestic Gas Hot Plates and Laundry Stoves (1971) Domestic Marketing Std. Including Guarantee Policy for Domestic Passenger Cars, Trucks, Buses, Coaches, Tracto Domestic Type Incinerators (1973) Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity (1972) Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Std. Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) /. Test Proc. and Ace Door and Frame Preparation for Offset Intermediate Pivo Door Assemblies (1972). Door Assemblies (1973) Door Assemblies (1973) ANSI A2.2 Door Assemblies (1974) ANSI A2.2 Door Controls-Closers (1972) Door Controls (Closers) (1971) Door Equipment; Installation Aids (1969) /Ers, Stops, Door Frame Details (1972) Door Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Series Deadlock Door Frames (1972) Door Hardware (1971) Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Electrom Door Locking Devices and Contacts (1973) Door Openings (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Door Releasing Device) (1973) Door Strikes (1974) Door Trim (1972) Door Type Nomenclature (Coding) (1972) Door, Deposit and Collection Safes) (1973) Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Electric Operat Door, Frame and Hardware Schedule (1972) Doors and Blinds (1972) in Doors and Frames for Modular Masonry Building Construct Doors and Frames (Reinforcement-Application) (1972) Doors and Frames (1969) Doors and Frames (1972) Doors and Frames (1972) Doors and Frames (1972) Doors and Frames (1972) Doors and Frames (1972) /FMe Test P ASTM IEEE ICBO SMACN IEEE IEEE ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM BCI ANSI ICBO NSF ANSI PSA AISC AISC RTCA ANSI SAE ABYC EIA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI API NSA NSA CSI NMA NMA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI AACCH NRA AATCC ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI BCI BCI UL TAPPI STDI STDI STDI STDI ANSI NFPA ICBO ASTM UL ANSI BHMA NBHA STDI ANSI STDI BHMA NBHA UL AWI UL UL ANSI STDI UL UL STDI FHDA STDI STDI STDI NBHA STDI STDI STDI STDI D2846 345 UPC'1-10 •13 262 462 C57.1220 X3.38 K62.112 D2112 D3112 •1.48 C 100.1 UBCS35-1 40 Z86.2 11 S316-1 S316-1 DO-151 MH8.1 J699A A5 RS406 X10.1 Y14.2 Y14.32.1 Y14.5 RP33 10000 380 01730 MS5 MS3 K62.141 K62.136 K62.137 K62.132 PH4.234 B16.33 30-14 *17 61 Z91.1 Z21.8 Z21.6 Z21.9 ♦ 1.15 •1.56 791 T527SU 113 114 115 116 A115.12 252 UBCS43-2 E152 10B A156.4 301 8 111-A A115.5 105 401 8 104 •1-1100 305 1034 A156.6 106 437 325 111-D 4-72 110 107 100 •10 104 111 111-E 112 128 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Uniform Building Code Std. for Tin Clad Fire Uniform Building Code Std. for Installation of Fire Quality Stds. for Flush Solid and Hollow Core Quality Stds. for Stile and Rail Std. for Butts and Hinges for Std. for Ponderosa Pine Specs, for Aluminum Combination Storm Std. for Forced Entry Aluminum Sliding Glass ds. for Forced Entry' Resistant Aluminum Horizontal Sliding rec. Procedure for Processing Hardware for Custom Aluminum Rec. Selection and Usage Guide for Std. Steel Rec. Std. Details for Dutch Rec. Louver Details for Std. Steel Spec, for Aluminum Sliding Glass r Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File Storage Room Std. for Ponderosa Pine dwood Veneered Including Hardboard and Plastic Faced Flush Safety Std. for Swinging Hardware for Std. Tin Clad Fire Std. for Safety for Tin Clad Fire ding Hardware for Std., Horizontally Mounted Tin Clad Fire Std. for Exit Devices ding Partitions Such as Walls. Floor-Ceiling Assemblies, sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and Rail a2.7 Std. for Fire pulls, Push and Kick / Basic Builders' Hardware: Hands of h. of Test for Effective Fluorescent Lifetime of Neodymium nimum Facilities Required for School. Theater, Auditorium, for Rec. Antidotes, Supplies (Packaging), and References Std. Test Meth. for Absorbed Gamma Radiation Rays (1961) Rec. for Measurement of Absorbed d. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation d. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation of Quartz Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion ron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate Cupric Sulfate d Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfate test Meth. for Absorbed Gamma Radiation Dose in the Fricke d. for Interrelationship of Quartz Fiber Electrometer Type Performance Spec, for Direct and Indirect Reading Pocket Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight Head Universal Drums Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Tight Head Universal Drum . Spec, for 5 Gal. Tight Head Universal Pails (Container) std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drum esting Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, t Side Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) Gal. Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) Is (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260, . for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight Head Univeral Drum Std. Gravure Lateral Hard strative Guide for Obtaining Department of Transportation Std. for Pin. Quick Release, Positive Locking, transparent or Opaque Metal Oxide and Metallic Coatings by rs for Potable Water Supply/ Performance Requirements for controlled Low Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Bending. fting Manual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Std. for Nut-Self Locking, Extended Washer, . Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 9% Nickel particulate and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere rockets (1972) Std. for ters (1973) Std. for auxite. Calcine, Chrom/ Std. Classification of Single and Std. for Brazed erformance Requirements for Terry Cloth Towels (Single and F/ Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide in ad Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Straight General Extensigraph Meth. for Physical ural Relaxation Meth. of Extensigraph Analysis of Physical ensigraph Meth. for Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in Physical solids to Change Mixing Characteristics of Flour (Physical Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moist/ Meth. of Physical Farinograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour Mixograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour s Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis (Constant of Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sponge Pressuremeter Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Meth. of Analysis of Yeast Strength of Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of building Code Std. for Structural Glued Laminated Timbers: (Nor/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Laminations Before Gluing of Southern Pine, Pacific Coast water Cooling Towers (1971) Std. for red Cedar; White Fir; And/ Uniform Building Code Std. for inds (1972) Industry Std. for Doors and Shutters (1973) Doors and Windows (1973) Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Doors (Builders Hardware) (1970) Doors (1958) Doors (1971) Doors (1971) Doors (1971) St Doors (1972) Doors (1972) Doors (1972) Doors (1972) Doors (1972) ANSI A134.2 Doors (1972) ANSI A153. 1 Std. for Safety Fo Doors (1973) Doors (1973) Std. for Har Doors (1973) ANSI A 133.1 Doors (1973) ANSI A142.1 Doors (1973) ANSI A143. 1 Safety Std. for Sli (Doors) (1972) Doors, and Other Space Dividing Elements (1973) / Buil Doors, Factory Finishing, Rough and Finished Carpentry, Doors, Windows, Shutters, and Glass Blocks (1973) ANSI Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Doped Laser Materials (1973) Tent. Met Dormatory, Public or Office Building, Manufacturer, Res (Dosage) for Poison Control Centers (1972) Std. Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter (1972) Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma Dose with the Ceric Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.2 Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter Dosimeter Chargers (1971) Std. for Interrelationship Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.229 /Bsorbed Gamma and Elect Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.230 /Th. of Test for Absorbe Dosimeter (1972) Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1971) Dosimeters for X-And Gamma Radiation (1972) Dosimetry (1968) ANSI N105 (Dot-17E) (1974) (Dot-17E) (1974) (Dot-17E, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260, Dot-37B60) (Dot-17H) (1974) Dot-37Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260 (1974) Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 2 (Dot-37A80, Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 26 Dot-37B60) (1974) /R 5 Gal. Tight Head Universa (Dot-37C80) (1974) Std. St Pa, Std (Dot-37C80) (1974) Std. Spec, for (Dot-5B) (1974) Dot Screen (1973) (DOT) Special Permits for Radioactive Materials Shipment Double Acting (1973) Double Beam Interference Microscope Technique (1973) Double Check Valve Type Back Pressure Backflow Prevente Double Flaring, and Beading (1972) / for Welded Flash Double Helical and Rack) (1971) American Dra Double Hexagon, 220 KSI, 450 Deg. F (1973) Double Normalized and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.3 Std (Double Paper Tape Sampler Meth.) (1973) /Ollection of Double Pitch Conveyor Roller Chains, Attachments and Sp Double Race or Bi-Level Swivel and Rigid Industrial Cas Double Screened Ground Refractory Materials (Calcined B Double Wall Low Carbon Steel Tubing (1972) Double) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Std. P Dough Conditioners Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy Dough Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Wheat Bre Dough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Dough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Struct Dough Tests (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ext Dough Tests) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Nfat Dry Milk Dough Tests: Approximate Corrections for Changing as-is Dough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Dough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Dough Weight Meth. Only) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /-I Dough, Pound Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole Pine. Weste Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock by Pressure Processes ( Douglas Fir Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Coast Hemlock; Western Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Sitka Spruce Doors and Bl ICBO ICBO AWI AWI ANSI use AAMA AAMA AAMA NBHA STDI STDI STDI AAMA UL NWMA NWMA UL UL UL ANSI ICBO AWI NFPA NBHA ASTM ICBO AAPCC ASTM NCRPM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI GT ANSI NSA ASTM ASSE SAE ANSI NSA ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM SAE ANSI AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ICBO ICBO AWPA CTI ICBO FHDA Engineering and Product Standards Division UBCS43-3 UBCS435 •11300 •11400 A156.1 CS120 1102.5 1303.3 1302.3 •1 108 1 1 IB 111-C 402.8 155 I.S.5 I.S.I 14C 10A 14B A156.3 UBCS35-1 • 11 80 8 F380 UPC»1-C •1 D1671 R25 D3001 D2954 N42.6 D2954 D3001 D1671 N42.6 N13.5 E170 MH2.1 MH2.7 MH2.9 MH2.13 MH2.15 MH2.10 MH2.15 MH2.10 MH2.9 MH2.17 MH2.16 MH2.3 •3 N14.10.2 1353-66 B588 1015 J356A Y14.7.1 1758 A353 D3266 B29.4 MH11.1 C316 J527B L24.2.5 48-51 10-10 54-10 54-11 54-12 54-20 54-29 54-21 54-40 54-29 10-11 22-11 22-13 22-14 UBCS25-11 UBCS25-2 C28 114 UBCS25-3 4-72 129 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 10 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards .56 sugar, and Lodgepole Pine/ Uniform Building Code Std. for for Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Std. for Pin, Straight, Headless oils. Lag Screws. Plates, Nails and Spike9, Washers, Pins, on by Manual Meth. (197/ Std. Meth. for Sampling Cas Blow on by Automatic Particle/ Std. Meth. of Sampling Gas Blow ps (1972) Std. for Medium Prefocus Base ng Foundation Drain, Under Basement Floor, Sump Conductor, Std. for Hole Spacing for Scraper and Bulldozer Rec. Pract. for Hole Placement on Bulldozer thmoving, Mining and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, otective Structure for Weeled Front End Loaders and Weeled ehicles (Construction and Industrial Front End Loaders and Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front End Loaders, Wheeled Std. Flue Gas Densities for Forced and Induced ances (Regulators, Automatic Damper Cont/ Safety Std. for Std. for Std. Tolerances for Roller Heal, Double Helical and Rack) (1971) American ng and Struck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber Plastic Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Bituminized Fiber Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Storm Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic 11 Connections, Outboard Water Strainers, Water Scoops and Std. Spec, for Concrete Std. for Installation PVC Building Std. Spec, for Concrete Sewer, Storm Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm d. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm rainage (Land Reclamation, Curtain and Building Foundation Std. for Installation fur Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene property Stds. for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Plastic Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic pec. for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Std. Cast Iron Threaded Standard for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Solder Joint Std. Spec, for Perforated Concrete Under Uniform Plumbing Code: Battery Rec. for Design and Construction of Surface Std. for Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Solvent Uniform Plumbing Code: Meth. for Std. Spec, for Copper for Homogeneous Solid Wall and Perforated Pipe for General Std. Spec, for Concrete Pipe for Irrigation or bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Airport and Roadwork inous Fiber Pipe Systems for Highway, Airport, and Similar Fiber Perforated Pipe for Agricultural, Land, and General td. Meth. of Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Uniform Plumbing Code: Rainwater Systems, Roof Meth. of Test for Seam Strength of Curtains and Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber titutional Texti/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven d Systems (1973) Safety Std. for Door, Rec. Pract. for Rec. for ntions and Lettering (1973) Std. for Engineering ames-Passenger Car and Light True/ Std. for Engineering ng and Tolerancing (1973) Std. Engineering nd Strip (1973) ANSI G24.25 Std. Spec, for p Process (1971) ANSI G8.2/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of and Rack) (1971) American Drafting Manual (Gear Std. for Abbreviations for Use on Design Rules, Guidelines, and Data Formats for Fine Pitch Gear Std. Spec, for Hard Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Std. Spec, for Seamless Cold Std. for Welded and Cold Rec. Pract. for Special Quality High Tensile, Hard (1973) ANSI H38.6 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy A50.3 Std. Spec, for Cold Uniform Building Code Std. for Cold i H38.17 Std. Spec, for Aluminum-Alloy Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum Alloy d. Spec, for Flat Copper Products with Finished (Rolled or and Its Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forging Stock (Rolled or Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, High Tensile Strength, Hard Std. Meth. of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of no B/ m (1973) (1974) ANSI H23.8 Spec. nser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125/ flaring (1972) Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Dow Corning Leather Tester (1970) ALCA E55 /H. of Test (Dowel) (1973) Dowels, Joints, Split Rings and Framing Anchors) (1973) Down Systems and Components for Particulate Contaminati Down Systems and Components for Particulate Contaminati Down Type, Single Contact Motion Picture Projection Lam Downspout Runoff, Swimming Pool, etc.) (1973) ANSI A176 (Dozer) Cutting Edges (1972) (Dozer) End Bit Supports (1972) Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fork .Lift Trucks, Dozers (1972) /M Performance Criteria for Roll Over Pr Dozers) (1971) / Steering Frame Lock for Articulated V Dozers, Track Type Tractors, and Motor Grader9 (1971) Draft Centrifugal Fans (1966) Draft Equipment for Combustion Chamber in Heating Appli Draft Hoods for Gas Burning Appliances (1971) Drafted Yarns (1971) Drafting Guide for Microfilm (1971) Drafting Manual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, He Dragline Bucket (Construction and Industrial Machinery) Drain and Building Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) Drain and Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176.1 Drain and Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176.2 Drain Pipe (1973) Drain Pipe. Perforated (1974) Drain Plugs (Boats) (1972) /on of Seacocks, Through Hu Drain Tile (1972) Drain Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) Drain, and Culvert Pipe (1973) Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1971) Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1972) St Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) Drain, Under Basement Floor, Sump Conductor, Downspout Drain. Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) /S and Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65 Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B7 Drainage Fittings (1971) Drainage Fittings (1973) Drainage Pipe (1973) Drainage System (1973) Drainage Systems on Farms in Humid Areas (1973) Drainage Systems (1973) Drainage Systems (1973) Drainage Time of Pulp (1972) Drainage Tube (DWV) (1974) ANSI H23.6 Drainage (Land Reclamation, Curtain and Building Founda Drainage (1973) Drainage (1973) Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Drainage (1973) /Pec. for Homogeneous Perforated Bitum Drainage (1973) ANSI A176.6 /Aminated Wall Bituminized Drained Conditions (1972) Drains and Piping (1973) Draperies (Textile) (1973) Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F- Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Ins Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Electric Operators an Draw Bar for Forestry Tractors (1970) Drawbar for Forestry Tractors (1972) SAE J194 Drawing and Related Documentation Pract. for Line Conve Drawing and Related Documentation Practices: Chassis Fr Drawing and Related Documentation Practices: Dimensioni Drawing Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet a Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Di Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Double Helical Drawings and in Text (1972) Text (1972) Drawings for Copper Solvent Single Stack Plumbing Syste Drawings (1973) Drawn Copper Capillary Tube for Restrictor Applications Drawn for Mechanical Springs (1971) ANSI G54.1 Drawn for Prestressing Concrete Pipe (1973) Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Conde Drawn Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and Drawn Mechanical Spring Wire and Springs (1972) Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers Drawn Seamless Tubes (1974) ANSI H38.3 Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ANSI Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Drawn Tubes for General Purpose Applications (1973) Ans Drawn Tubing (1973) Drawn) Edges (Flatwire and Strip) (1973) St Drawn) (1973) Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum Drawn, for Mechanical Springs (1973) Dried Adhesive Solids (1969) ANSI Z197.9 ICBO UBCS25-4 ASTM D2098 NSA 607 WWPA ♦31-1 ASTM F308 ASTM F327 ANSI PH22.85 ASTM D2311 SAE J737B SAE J63 TRA 3 SAE J394A SAE J276 SAE J231 AMCA 2409 UL 378 ANSI Z21.12 ASTM D2645 NMA MS102 ANSI Y14.7.1 SAE J67 ASTM D2852 ASTM D1861 ASTM D1862 ASTM C663 ASTM D3298 ABYC H27 ASTM C412 IAPMO IS9 ASTM C14 ASTM C506 ASTM C507 ASTM C655 ASTM C76 ASTM D2311 IAPMO IS5 IAPMO PS17 ASTM D2665 ASTM D2661 ANSI B16.12 ANSI B16.29 ASTM C444 ICBO UPC*1-H ASAE R302.2 ANSI B16.32 ICBO UPC*l-4 TAPPI T221SU ASTM B306 ASTM D2311 ASTM C118 ASTM D2418 ASTM D2818 ASTM D2417 ASTM D3080 ICBO UPC*1-D ANSI L24T2 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI L24.1.5 UL 325 SAE J 194 ASAE R357 ANSI Y14.2 ANSI Y14.32.1 ANSI Y14.5 ASTM A507 ASTM A528 ANSI Y14.7.1 ANSI Yl.l CDA •1 AGMA 114.02 ASTM B360 ASTM A227 ASTM A648 ASTM A 199 SAE J525B SAE J271 ASTM B234 ASTM B210 ASTM A82 ICBO UBCS24-16 ASTM B483 SAE AMS2203G ASTM B272 SAE AMS2201J ASTM A679 ASTM D898 130 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Digitonin Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis for Total Phosphoric Acid in Meth. of Analysis of Lipoid Phosphoric Acid in Meth. for Preparation of Sample: th. of Analysis of Hydrocyanic Acid Residues in Grains and Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in istics/ Farinograph Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Roller nal Insect Infestation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, acroscopic Examination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, ent Hair Contamination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, t for Internal Insects in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Test Meth. for Fiber Bundles in Baled Flash Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Egg Yolk and Std. Meth. of Test for Extractable Matter in Oven Std. Meth. of Test for Determination of Cobalt in Paint Std. Meth. of Test for Determination of Lead in Paint Std. Meth. of Test for Manganese in Paint Std. Meth. of Test for Calcium or Zinc in Paint 971) Std. for Liquid Line Rating and Application of Suction Line Filters and Filter Rec. for Fire Safety and Protection of Yankee Std. Spec, for Liquid Paint Rec. for Airborne Pulp building Code Std. for Timber Connector and Bolted Joints, Std. for Std. and Nomenclature for Diamond Core Spec, for Casing, Tubing, and Spec, for High Strength Casing, Tubing, and al to Light Gage Steel Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel 4) Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for for Agricultural and Industrial Steering, Drive, Planter Std. for Full Threaded, 160 KSI Steel, Std. for Nut, Plain, Hexagon, e (1974T) Std. Meth. of Test for Length Change of Std. for Headed sisting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Ca/ Std. for Undrilled and ion Resisting Steel, UNJF-3A Thre/ Std. for Undrilled and Std. for Horizontal Boring, Std. for Numerically Controlled Horizontal Boring, Spec, for Petroleum Spec, for Rotary Std. for Numerically Controlled orms (1973) , Spec, for Petroleum or Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations at g Case Depth (1972) Std. for Steel Self Std. for Steel Self rilling Through, Multiple Completion, and Flowline Valves; ng Joint, Segmented, Production Check Flanges and Gaskets; Spec, for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum spec, for Grade C-75 and C-95 Casing and Tubing (Petroleum Spec, for Line Pipe (Petroleum Spec, for High Test Line Pipe (Petroleum c. Pract. for Care and Use of Casing and Tubing (Petroleum or High Strength Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum Thru Letter F (1973) Std. for rigerated Drinking Water Coolers (1973) ANSI Al/ Std. for Safety Std. for ng Fountains and Self Contained, Mechanically Refrigerated 973) Std. Meth. of Std. Std. Std. Motor Positions for Belt or Chain tractor and Farm Implement Power Takeoff (Universal Joint) tors (1972) SAE J955 Std. for Full Shielding of Power Std. for Std. for Wrenching Configuration, Spline Rec. Pract. for Liquid Ballast Table for Std. Liquid Ballast Table for rd) Engine Mountings (Installation and Replacement) Direct nd Protection for Maintenance and Inspection of Mechanical Apparatus) (Exclusive of Generator, for Hydraulic Turbine r Tires and Rims for Agricultural and Industrial Steering, Rec. for Steam Tubine Rec. for Steam Turbine umpe/ Std. for Installation of Vertical Hydraulic Turbine ing and Cleaning of Lubricating Systems of Various Turbine s Generator / Motor Uni/ Std. for Large Hydraulic Turbine Std. for 6) Tentative Manual for Rec. Pract. for Motor Vehicle Std. for Drill Std. for Design of Components: Enclosed Gear enetrating the Hull for Boats Equipped with Outdrives, Jet Std. Spec, for Lubrication of Industrial Enclosed Gear Thyristor Power Supplies for Metal Rolling Mill Auxiliary Dried Egg Solids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 2001 Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 0413 Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 20-02 Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 6215 Dried Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Me AACCH 60-20 Dried Geeg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 04-25 Dried Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Character AACCH 54-20 Dried Peas and and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Er AACCH 28-21 Dried Peas and Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Damage on AACCH 28-10 Dried Peas and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Nd Rod AACCH 28-20 Dried Peas and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /on Tes AACCH 28-22 Dried Pulp (1973) TAPPI UM-239 Dried Whole Egg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-18 Dried Wool (1973) ASTM D1574 Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) ASTM D2373 Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) ASTM D2374 Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) ASTM D2375 Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) ASTM D2613 Driers in Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Systems (1 ARI 710 Driers in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems (1 ARI 730 Driers (Paper Machine) (1973) FMS 12-29 Driers (1973) ASTM D600 Driers (1973) FMS 7-20 Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Metal Plate ICBO UBCS25-17 Drill Drivers. Split Sleeve, Collet Type (1972) ANSI B94.35 Drill Equipment (1973) ANSI B104.1 DCDMA 3 Drill Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) API 5A Drill Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) API 5AX Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Sheet Materi ASTM C646 Drill Stem Design and Operating Limits (Petroleum) (197 API 7G Drill Stern Test Report Form (1972) API RP48 (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, Implement, and L TRA 4 Drilled Head Bolt (1972) NSA 563-572 Drilled Jam, Thin (1972) NSA 1423 Drilled or Sawed Specimens of Cement Mortar and Concret ASTM C341 Drilled Pins for Farm Equipment and Machinery (1973) ASAE S226.2 Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy and Corrosion Re NSA 1352 Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy Steel and Corros NSA 1351 Drilling and Milling Machine (1974) NSA 910 Drilling and Milling Machine (1974) NSA 954 Drilling and Well Servicing Structures (1974) API 4E Drilling Equipment (petroleum) (1974) API 7 Drilling Machines (1974) NSA 960 Drilling Rig Packaging for Minimum Self Contained Platf API 2E Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Production Facilities on La API RP500B Drilling Tapping Screws and Rec. Technique for Measurin SAE J78 Drilling Tapping Screws (1972) IF1 113 Drilling Through Control, Screwed and Flanged Wellhead, API 6A Drilling Through, Multiple Completion, and Flowline Val API 6A DriUing) (1973) API 5A Drilling) (1973) API 5AC Drilling) (1973) API 5L Drilling) (1973) API 5LX Drilling) (1973) Re API 5C1 Drilling) (1973) ■ Spec. F API SAX Drills, High Speed Steel Threaded Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. NSA 965 Drinking Fountains and Self Contained, Mechanically Ref ARI 1010 Drinking Water Coolers (1972) ANSI C33. 82 UL 399 Drinking Water Coolers (1973) ANSI A112.ll. 1 /R Drinki ARI 1010 Drip Slag Test. Refractory Brick at High Temperature (1 ASTM C768 Drive Arrangements for Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2404 Drive Arrangements for Tubular Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2410 Drive Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2407 Drive Line Specs. (1972) Rec. for ASAE R331.2 Drive Lines for Agricultural (Farm) Implements and Trac ASAE S297T Drive Pin Blind Rivets (1973) IFI 123 Drive Threaded Fasteners (1971) SAE AS1159A Drive Tires of Agricultural Machines (1971) SAE J884B Drive Tires of Agricultural Machines (1972) ASAE S346 Drive Transmission (1971) /C. Pract. for Marine (Inboa SAE J233 Drive Turbines (1974) Fire Hazards a FMS 13-9 Drive) (1972) NEMA MG1-22 Drive, Planter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, TRA 4 Driven Generator Units (1972) FMS 13-3 Driven Generator Units (1974) FMS 5-12 Driven Generators and Reversible Generator/Motors for P NEMA MG5.2 Driven Pumps for Marine Service (1971) / for the Flush ASME LOS-2C1 Driven Synchronous Generators and Reversible Synchronou NEMA MG5.1 Driver Attended Loading of Anhydrous Ammonia (1972) FI P135 Driver Attended Loading of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (196 NGPA 8166 Driver's Eye Range (1972) SAE J941C Drivers, Split Sleeve, Collet Type (1972) ANSI B94.35 Drives-Bearings, Bolting Keys and Shafting (1974) AGMA 260.02 Drives and/or Bow Thrusters (1973) /Ansmission Units P ABYC P16 Drives (1972) AGMA 250.03 Drives (1972) NEMA PV 2 Engineering and Product Standards Division 131 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards c. for Agricultural (Farm) Tractor Auxiliary Power Takeoff D . Pract. for Agricultural Tractor Auxiliary Power Take Off D: cal and Herringbone Gear Units for Water Cooling Tower Fan D nt for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Gear D; pract. and Requirements for Thyristor Converters for Motor D: rtmental Regulations and Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, D Tent. Rec. Pract. Guidelines for D . for Wood Paving Blocks for Exposed Platforms, Pavements, D ectric Tools (1973) Std. for D: meth. of Test. Tires for Wet Traction in Cornering Without D Std. for Aluminum, Triplex, Neutral Supported, Service D; Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat D Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom D: ainers (1970) Std. Meth. of Test for D ptivity) (1973) Slant D Std. Meth. of D ished Carpentry, Flooring, Shingles, Exposed Roof Decking, D Std. Meth. of D g) (1950) ANSI MH12.7 Std. Meth. of D si MH12.2 Std. Meth. of D test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Limestone D Meth. of D s) (1973) Test Meth. for D 260.3 Tent. Meth. for D e Range (1972) ANSI Z11.207 Std. Meth. of Test for D Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal D r Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings: Base Mounted D Std. Meth. for Climbing D Rec. for Flammable Liquid D Rec. Pract. for Automotive Brake Disc and D Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Tight Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 55 Gal Tight Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal D st. Shipping Containers (Packaging) in Revolving Hexagonal D Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Tight Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 57 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal D Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal D spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable Head, Lug Cover LIniversal D 0) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for Seamless D Std. Test Meth. for Hydrogen Ion Concentration of D ) Std. Meth. of Test for High Voltage, Low Current, D Safety Std. for Electric D Rec. for Terminal Facilities for Pneumatic Transfer of D Spec, for D: Piping and Equipment for Use with D ty of Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics (Textile) After D Std. for Safety Requirements for Commercial Laundry and D Std. for Safety for Commercial D Uniform Building Code Std. for Class II and Class III D Std. Spec, for Hydrocarbon D vements. Driveways, and Interior Floors Exposed to Wet and D Std. Test Procedure for D ed Products -Film Thickne/ Best Meth. for Measurment of D Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to D nee of Paper, Paperboard, and Other Sheet Materials by the D Pract. for Instantizing Systems for D 19/ Carr-Price Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Nonfat D Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat D 62) Extensigraph Meth. for Quality of Nonfat D Meth. of Analysis for Ash in D Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in D Pract. for Instantizing Systems for Dry Milk and D nograph Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Nonfat D Meth. of Analysis for Titratable Acidity in Nonfat D Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Nonfat D Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Nonfat D Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Nonfat D of Analysis of Undenatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat D f Analysis of Vitamin A in Nonfat Dry Milk and Instantized D .99 Std. Spec, for Crushed Stone, Slag, and Gravel for D on and Maintenance of the Reliable Model B Accelerator for D Rec. for Operation of Grimes Ab D Operational Rec. for Globe D Rec. for Operation of Crowder D D tion Service (1970) Safety Std. for D (Fire Protec/ Rec. for Application of Plastic Polymers in D rophotometric) Content in Feedstuffs and All Other Natural D er Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for D st for Coefficient of Friction and Wear Characteristics of D us Sales and Service Industry (Rotating, Liquid Filled and D nsi C89.2 Std. for D ves (1972) Re ves (1972) Rec ves (1972) Info Sheet for Spiral Bevel, Heli ves (1973) Std. for Sound (Noise Measureme ves: Part 1-Converters for DC Motor Armature Suppl veway Clearance, Installation and Maintenance of Sys veway Design and Location (1972) veways, and Interior Floors Exposed to Wet and Dry C ving and Spindle Ends for Portable Hand, Air, and El ving Torque Application, Using Highway Vehicles (197 op and Secondary Cable (1966) IPCEA S-64-474 op Composite Cans (1974) op Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) op Impact Resistance of Polyethylene Blow Molded Cont op Penetration Test for Paperboard (Printing Ink Rece op Shatter Test for Coke (1972) ANSI K20.24 op Siding, Structural Roof Trusses and Rafters, Overhead op Test for Bags (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.6 op Test for Cylindrical Shipping Containers (Packagin op Test for Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1961) an op Test) (1972) Std. Meth. of op Test, of Glass Aerosol Bottles (1972) op Tests for Paper Shipping Sacks and Bags (Container op Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels (1971) ANSI Z opping Point of Lubricating Grease of Wide Temperatur urn (DOT-17H) (1968) urn Hoists (1971) Safety Code Fo urn Peel Test for Adhesives (1962) ANSI Z197.23 urn Storage, Dispensing, and Classification (1972) urn Thermocouple Installation (1972) urn (Dot-17E)(1974) urn (Dot-17H)(1974) urn (Dot-5B) (1974) urn (Dot-17C) (1974) urn (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) urn (1968) ANSI MH12.3, TAPPI T800 Std. Meth. of Te ums (Dot- 17E) (1974) urns (Dot-17E)(1974) ums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. ums. Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel Components (197 y Adhesive Films (1970) y Arc Resistance of Solid Electrical Insulation (1973 y Bath Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.75 y Bulk Chemicals and Plastics (1972) y Cells and Batteries (1972) y Chlorine (1971) y Cleaning and Laundering (1972) ANSI L14.269 /Pensi y Cleaning Equipment and Operations (1972) y Cleaning Machines (Class Iv) (1974) y Cleaning Plants or Systems (1973) y Cleaning Solvents (1971) ANSI Z11.42 y Conditions (1970) ANSI 09.1 /Exposed Platforms, Pa y Fertilizer Spreader (1972) y Film Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Relat y Heat (Excluding Pressing) (1973) ISO 105-4 y Indicator Meth. (1973) TAPPI T433 /R Water Resista y Milk and Dry Milk Products (1972) y Milk and Instantized Dry Milks (Cereal Chemistry) ( y Milk in Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk in Physical Dough Tests (Cereal Chemistry) (19 y Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk Products (1972) y Milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics of Flo y Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. y Milks (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) /R-Price Meth. y or Water Bound Macadam Base Courses (1971) ANSI A37 y Pipe Systems (Fire Protection) (1973) /for Operati y Pipe Valve Accelerator (1973) y Pipe Valves (Fire and Safety Equipment) (1973) y Pipe Valves, Model a (1973) y Pipe Valves; Rockwood Models C, D (1974) y Pipe, Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Fire Protec y Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed y Products Derived from Corn (1957) /Ng Color (Spect y Products (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Wat y Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum and Other Controlle y Transformers, Hand Power Tools, Hermatic Stators, T y Type Transformers for General Applications (1972) a ASAE R333.1 SAE J717C AGMA 490.02 AGMA 297.01 IEEE 444 ICBO UFC»2AR ITE »8 ASTM D52 ANSI B107.4 ASTM F376 EEI TDJ-180 CCTI C125 CCTI C125.1 ASTM D2463 TAPPI UM-536 ASTM D3038 AWI •1-1 ASTM D959 ASTM D997 ASTM D775 ASTM G13 ASTM D3071 TAPPI UM-806 ASTM E436 ASTM D2265 ANSI MH2.5 ANSI B30.7 ASTM D1781 FMS 8-5 SAE J79 ANSI MH2.7 ANSI MH2.13 ANSI MH2.3 ANSI MH2.4 ANSI MH2.2 ASTM D782 ANSI MH2.1 ANSI MH2.6 ANSI MH2.11 ANSI MH2.12 ANSI MH2.14 ANSI MH2.8 ASTM A336 ASTM D1583 ASTM D495 UL 875 MCA TC18 ANSI C18.1 CHI 6 ASTM D2724 ANSI Z8.1 UL 664 ICBO UBCS10-2 ASTM D484 ASTM D52 ASAE S341 NCCA TB-II-4 AATCC 117 ASTM D779 DFISA 60800 AACCH 86-02 AACCH 80-31 AACCH 54-12 AACCH 08-11 AACCH 30-16 DFISA 60800 AACCH 54-20 AACCH 02-31 AACCH 04-26 AACCH 10-85 AACCH 44-52 AACCH 46-20 AACCH 86-02 ASTM D694 FMS 2-55 FMS 2-56 FMS 2-14 FMS 2-13 FMS 2-27 UL 260 FMS 7-27 CR G-6 ASTM D3079 ASTM D2716 *1 ST20 tAoA NEMA 132 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWJC Index of Engineering Standards for Structural Laminated Products for Use Under Interior Ultraviolet Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Rec. Terms for Care Labeling Textile Products (Launder or 1 Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Fabrics, xiile) (1973) Std. Performance Requirements for Woven ustrial) Suiting/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven ar Round) Suitin/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven on Textiles and Other Materials (1973) Test Meth. for nish of Fabrics (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Effects of Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to d. for Electric Home Laundry Equipment (Clothes Washer and Operated and Commercial Clothes Drying Equipment (Laundry d. and Test Procedures for Home Laundry Equflment (washer, Std. for Volume I, Type.I. Gas Clothes Std. for Gas Clothes ories (1972) ANSI A111.25 Std. Meth. of Test for Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture, r Safety for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes or Construction, Installation, and Rating of Equipment for Std. Meth. of Test. Uniform Fire Code: Industrial Baking and nsi A37.51 Std. Meth. of Wetting and uites. Molasses, and Other Liquid and Semiliquid Products ordinary Commercial and Industrial Samples of Wool by Oven td. for Dimensional and Electrical Characteristic Defining Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast ning Systems (1972) Fibrous Glass terials Application for Thermoplastic (Polyvinyl Chloride) Electrical Wire and Cable (1/ Std. for Plastic Utilities Std. for Gas Fired oustical and Airflow Performance (19/ Std. Meth. of Test, air Distribution) (1971) Std. for Safety for Factory Made Air • Std. for Steel Underfloor ning, Heating, Exhaust. Ventilating, and Their Combination . for Smooth Wall Coilable Polyethylene Electrical Plastic ressure Sensitive Tape Performance Stds. for Fibrous Glass ressure Sensitive Tape Application Stds. for Fibrous Glass Spec, for Cabin ) Specifying 71) Std. Ree. Pract. for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and 972) ANSI / Std. for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Std. Spec, for and Other Liquids (1971) ANSI A2/ Std. for Cast Iron and r Sand Lined Molds for Gas (1971) Std. for .11 Std. for Rubber Gasket Joints for Cast and ctrical W/ Std. for Styrene Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Uniform Building Code: Elevators, Std. for Receptacle Std. for Dimensional Requirements for s-Definitions and Meth. for Determining Specific Weight, nsi Z197.30 Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining ion Loading (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining and Other Materials (1973) Test Meth. for Drycleaning Rec. for Materials and Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for t. for Signal Words, Letter Sizes, Color Combinations, and al Characteristics and Finishes of Institutional Textiles epeated Home Laundering/ Test Meth. for the Appearance of irements for Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics Other Than ics (Institutional Tex/ Std. Performance Requirements for Meth. of Test for Effects of Drycleaning on Permanence of h. for Dimensional Changes in Automatic Home Laundering of Batch Meth. of Experimental Milling for Std. Test Meth. for te/ Rec. Pract. for Air Cleaning Devices (Air Filters and flammable and Combustible Liquids and Solids and Potential Uniform Fire Code: Prevention of Dusts) (1973) Std. for Area Classification in Hazardous r Safe Installation of Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Safety Guide for Respiratory Protection Against Coal Mine n of Liquid Automatic Particle Counters Using AC Fine Test building Code Std. for Blower. Fan. and Exhaust System for td. for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Concrete/ Std. Spec, for Calcium Chloride to Be Used for us Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal us Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Rec. Std. Details for 973) Std. Spec, for Extra Heavy 973) ANSI C8.32 Std. Spec, for Heavy Nuclear Po/ Trial Use Guide for Type Tests of Continuous Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for High Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Super d Sprocket Teeth (1972) Std. for Heavy 73) Std. for Heavy (Dry Use) Exposure Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197.33 /Ives ASTM Dry Vitamin Mixes, Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions (Cerea AACCH Dryclean) (1973) Std. for Glossary of ANSI Drycleanable Only (1973) / Institutional and Industrie ANSI Drycleanable Overcoat Fabrics (Institutional Uniform Te ANSI Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Heavyweight (Ind ANSI Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Intermediate (Ye ANSI Drycleaning Durability of Applied Designs and Finishes AATCC Drycleaning on Permanence of Durable Water Repellent Fi ASTM Drycleaning (1973) ANSI L14.241 AATCC Dryer) (1972) ANSI C33. 13 Safety St UL Dryer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Electric Coin UL Dryer, Combination) (1971) ANSI A197.2, Asse 1007 St AHAM Dryers (1972) ANSI Dryers, Volume II, Type 2 (1974) ANSI Drying and Firing Shrinkage of Fireclay Plastic Refract ASTM Drying at 135 Deg. C (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH Drying Equipment (Laundry Dryer) (1974) Std. Fo UL Drying Farm Crops (1971) Std. F ASAE Drying Oils (1972) ASTM Drying Ovens (1973) ICBO Drying Tests of Compacted Soil Cement Mixtures (1971) a ASTM (Drying Upon Quartz Sand) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /EC AACCH Drying (1972) ANSI L14.202 /T for Moisture Present in ASTM Dual in Line Type Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.95 EIA Dual Metal Cylinders (1972) ASTM Duct Construction Std. for Ventilating and Air Conditio SMACN Duct Construction (1974) Stds., Guide Specs., and Ma SMACN Duct for Underground Installation for Communication and NEMA Duct Furnaces (1971) ANSI Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for AC ASTM Duct Liner, Adhesives, and Fasteners Application Std. ( SMACN Duct Materials and Connectors (1974) UL Duct Raceways (1972) NEMA Duct Systems (1973) ANSI B144.2 /Ation of Air Conditio NFPA Duct (1972) Std NEMA Duct (1973) SMACN Duct (1973) SMACN Duct, Air, Flexible and Semi Rigid (1972) NSA Duct, Sheet Metal, Low Pressure, Air Transmission (1967 CSI Ducted Electric Heat Guide for Air Handling Systems (19 SMACN Ductile Cast Iron Pipe for Water or Other Liquids (1972 ASTM Ductile Cast Iron Piping for Water and Other Liquids (1 AWWA Ductile Iron Castings (1972) ASTM Ductile Iron Fittings, 2 In. Through 48 In./S for Water AWWA Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds O ANSI Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A21 AWWA Ducts and Fittings for Underground Installations of Ele NEMA Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks (1973) ICBO Dummy Storage, Electrical Connector (1972) NSA Duplex and Single Face Flat Thread Rolling Dies (1973) IFI Durability and Moisture Content (1972) /Ts and Crumble ASAE Durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in Peel (1971) a ASTM Durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in Shear by Tens ASTM Durability of Applied Designs and Finishes on Textiles AATCC Durability of Concrete in Service (1959) ACI Durability of Fire Retardant Treatment of Wood (1972) ASTM Durability Requirements for Both Permanently and Tempor SAE (Durability, Spot, Stain, and Insect Resistance) (1973) ANSI Durable Press Textile Fabrics (Permanent Press) After R AATCC Durable Press (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Nee Requ ANSI Durable Press (No Iron) Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabr ANSI Durable Water Repellent Finish of Fabrics (1972) Std. ASTM Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit Textile Fabrics AATCC Durum Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH Dust and Fog Tracking and Erosion ANSI C59.133 ASTM Dust Collectors) for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Sys ACGIH Dust Explosion Conditions (1973) /T), and Handling of ICBO Dust Explosions (1973) ICBO Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal ISA Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal ISA Dust (1972) ANSI Dust (1972) ANSI B93.28 Std. Meth. for Calibratio NFLDP Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) Uniform ICBO Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal or Conveying (1973) ANSI NFPA Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, Acceleration of ASTM Dusts) (1973) Std. for Area Classification in Hazardo ISA Dusts) (1973) /on of Electrical Instruments in Hazardo ISA Dutch Doors (1972) STDI Duty Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1 ASTM Duty Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1 ASTM Duty Class I Motors Installed Inside the Containment of IEEE Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI A111.14 ASTM Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI A111.16 ASTM Duty Offset Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Chains an ANSI Duty Roller Type Conveyor Chains and Sprocket Teeth (19 ANSI D3024 86-01 A L28.1 L24.4.14 L24.3.4 L24.3.2 L24.3.1 86 D2721 132 560 1240 HLW-2PR Z21.5.1 Z21.5.2 C179 44-19 1240 S248.2 D555 UFC«2ART25 D559 44-60 D1576 RS415 A667 •6 •11 TC6 Z21.34 E477 •13 181 UD 1 90A TC 7 AFTS-100 AFTS-101 1369 15836 *12 A674 C105 A536 C110 A21.52 cm TCI UBC*3-51 1196 109 S269.2 D2918 D2919 86 59-57 D2898 J115 L24.7.1 124 L24.2.12 L24.2.13 D2721 135 26-30 D2132 •1-11 UFC*2ART34 UFC*2ART9 S12.10 S12.ll Z88.4 T2.9.6 UBCS10-3 91 D98 S12.10 S12.ll 111-B D2819 D752 334 C107 C122 B29.10 B29.15 Engineering and Product Standards Division 133 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards cilities (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Vehicles, and Light Buckle, Web Strap, Light Std. for Threaded Metal Insert-Heavy Std. Part Pins, Spring, Slotted and Coiled, Heavy or Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men and Women (Heavy try) (1962) Distillation Meth. (Brown - 1973) legal Requirements (Permit, Plans and Spec, Inspection)/ wall Framing and Weather Protection (1973) solid, Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Cavity / veneered Walls (1973) exits and Stairs (1973) plastering and Installation of Wallboard Lathing (1973) plastering (1973) wallboard (1973) softwood Plywood Paneling (1973) roof Coverings (1973) valley Flashing (Sheet Metal for Roof Waterproofing) (19/ location on Lot (1973) light. Ventilation, Sanitation, Fire Warning Detector (1/ private Garages and Carports (1973) foundations and Retaining Walls (1973) chimneys. Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) framing-General (1973) flooring (1973) roof Framing (1973) Southern Building Code for , Public or Office Building, Manufacturer, Restaurant, and Std. Spec, for Copper Drainage Tube , Oilseeds, Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy P/ Udy ract. for Determining Hermeticity of Electronic Devices by d Control Test (1969) Test Meth. for Colorfastness of 14.4 Test Meth. for i L14.9 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Test Meth. for Accelerated Aging of Sulfur 14.5 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Requirements for Table Napery Other Than Damask (White or fabric) (1972) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Differential Std. Performance Requirements for Deleterious Effects of Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Tumble Jar Std. for Guide for the Products (1973) ANSI J2.6 Std. Meth. of y of Transparent and Opaque Liquids and the Calculation of ow Corning Leather Tester (1970) / Std. Meth. of Test for aeser Water Penetration Tester (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test. Coated Steel Specimens Std. for Guide-Fastener, Low Form, Cowl, ate) (Common Name for Th/ Std. for Methoprene (Isopropyl Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Propynyl rdous Locations: Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Groups rdous Locations, Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Groups hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups AD, Class II, Groups ic Systems Based on the Composition and Crystal Lattice of Std. Meth. for Coupler Calibration of Rec. for Lined 1 and Mechanical Characteristics of Antennas for Satellite oader/ Std. for Tires and Rims for Off the Road Vehicles: lants (1974) Std. for Timber; Water; Ceiling; Partitions; Plaster; Roofing) and ion and Water Sprinkler System Design-Fire Protection / weights of Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch (North), uniform Building Code Std. for Eastern White and Red Pine, sam Fir; Northern Pine An/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Balsam Fir and Tamarack / Uniform Building Code Std. for s Fir-Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Wine (Enology) (1972) Tent. Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: ith Magnetic Saturation (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for Grader Cutting ted Electric Gardening Appliances (Lawn Mower, Cultivator, . for Flat Copper Products with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) for Hole Spacing for Scraper and Bulldozer (Dozer) Cutting 67) Meth. of Analysis of Cloud Point in All Meth. of Analysis of Iodine Number in All Meth. of Test for Tetrasodium Salt of Std. Meth. of Test for Manganese in Paint Driers by Std. Meth. of Test for Calcium or Zinc in Paint Driers by meth. of Test for Determination of Lead in Paint Driers by th. of Test for Determination of Cobalt in Paint Driers by enediaminetetraacetic (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic) Acid Containers (1972) Meth. of Test for Duty Trucks) (1971) /111 Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Fa SAE J398A Duty (1972) NSA 1284 Duty (1973) NSA 1395 Duty (1973) NSA 561 Duty) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /E Requirements F ANSI L24.3.6 Duvel) of Analysis of Moisture in Grains (Cereal Chemis AACCH 44-53 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code ( ICBO UBC*8 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-1 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC»8-10 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-11 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Bqilding Code: ICBO UBC»8-12 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-13 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC»8-14 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-15 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-16 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-17 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-18 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC«8-19 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC'8-2 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC»8-3 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC»8-4 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-5 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-6 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-7 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC'8-8 Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ICBO UBC*8-9 Dwelling House Construction (1973) SBCC *18 Dwelling or Appartment House (1973) /Torium, Dormatory ICBO UPC*1-C (DWV) (1974) ANSI H23.6 ASTM B306 Dye Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Cereal Grains AACCH 46-14 Dye Penetration (1972) Std. Rec. P ASTM F97 Dyed or Printed Textiles to Washing at 105 Deg. F: Rapi AATCC 68 Dyed Silk Yarn Colorfastness to Degumming (1972) ANSI L AATCC 7 Dyed Textile Yarns to Sulfur Dioxide Stoving (1972) Ans AATCC 9 Dyed Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.1 AATCC 26 Dyed Wool Fabric and Yarn to Mill Fulling (1972) ANSI L AATCC 2 Dyed Wool Textiles to Carbonizing (1972) ANSI L14.3 AATCC 11 Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /E ANSI L24.2.11 Dyeing Behavior of Cotton (Raw Fiber, Yarn and Textile ASTM D1464 Dyes, Finishes, and Finishings (Sublimation, Brittlenes ANSI L24.7.2 Dynamic Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, ASTM D583 AATCC 70 Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Transducers (1972) ANSI B88.1 Dynamic Test, for Ply Separation and Cracking of Rubber ASTM D430 Dynamic Viscosity (1972) ANSI Zll. 107 /Ematic Viscosit ASTM D445 Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the D ASTM D2098 Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the M ASTM D2099 Dynamically for Resistance to Corrosion (1972T) ASTM D2933 Dzus Type (1973) NSA 67 (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl -2,4-Dodecadieno ANSI K62.132 (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienethio ANSI K62.141 ;E,E)-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Kinoprene (1 ANSI K62.137 EG (1972) ANSI C33.29 /Rical Switches for Use in Haza UL 894 EG (1973) /It Breakers and Enclosures for Use in Haza UL 877 EG (1973) ANSI C33. 30 / Control Equipment for Use in UL 698 Each (1970) ANSI Z30.10 /Designations (Code) in MetaU ASTM E157 Early Strength of Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1969) BIA 35 Earphones (1973) ANSI S3. 7 Earth Reservoirs for Fire Protection (1972) FMS LPD3-6 Earth Stations (1973) Std. for Electrica EIA RS411 Earthmoving, Mining and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, L TRA 3 Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power P ANSI N18.5 Earthquake Recording Instrumentation (1973) /Ra Cotta; ICBO UBC*3-23 Earthquakes (General Characteristics Of, Rec. Construct FMS LPD 1-2 Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and ICBO UBC*3-23 Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine ICBO UBCS25-2 Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamarack Lum ICBO UBCS25-5 Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Bal ICBO UBCS25-8 Eastern White and Red Pine, Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, ICBO UBCS25-5 Eastern White Pine (North), Hem-Fir (North), Ponderos ICBO UBCS25-2 Ebulliometer Meth. for Analysis of Alcohol (Ethanol) in ASE *1 Economy (1972) ANSI Z94.5 Eddy Current Test, of Steel Tubular Products (Tubing) W ASTM E309 Edge (1972) SAE J739B Edger-Trimmer, Hedge Trimmer, etc.) (1974) /Ord Connec UL 82 Edges (Flatwire and Strip) (1973) Std. Spec ASTM B272 Edges (1972) Std. SAE J737B Edible Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (19 AACCH 56-10 Edible Fats and Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-30 Editorial Format for Voluntary Product Stds. (1973) USC PS0 EDTA in Water (1972T) ASTM D3113 EDTA Meth. (1973) ASTM D2375 EDTA Meth. (1973) ASTM D2613 EDTA Meth. (1973) Std. ASTM D2374 EDTA Meth. (1973) Std. Me ASTM D2373 (EDTA) and Its Salts (C„,H,„N 2 0„ (1973) / Ethyl ANSI PH4.185 Effective Crimping on Outside Crimped Valves of Aerosol ASTM D3076 134 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Materials (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for ) Std. Meth. of Test for 3) Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Slope 1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Magnetic Shield Std. Meth. of Test for Pickup ices for Removal of Particles (1972) Std. for Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their Sound Insulation Std. Meth. of Test for 70) ec. Guide for the Prediction of the Dispersion of Airborne 2) Meth. of Analysis of Digitonin Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Dried Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Egg Yolk and Dried Whole (1962) Iodine Meth. of Analysis for Insect Meth. of Analysis for Total Phosphoric Acid in Dried Meth. of Analysis of Lipoid Phosphoric Acid in Dried Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Dried Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium fined), S/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium rch Hydro/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium ession (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for of Extension Machines) (1972) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for ferably with Gravel or Slag Surf/ Loss Prevention Data on aterials (1972) Std. Index of Meth. for Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Change in Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Extrudability of Unvulcanized Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion and Cohesion of ons (1973) ANSI J8.15. SAE J20/ Classification System for spec, for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Std. Meth. of Test for Bubbling of 1 Part, Std. Meth. Test for Tack Free Time of Meth. of Test for Hydrolytic Stability of ains by / Std. Meth. of Test for Mechanical Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Density of t/ Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Load and Elongatoin of (1972) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Properties of Meth. of Test for Permanent Deformation of Std. Meth. Test for UV Cold Box Exposure of One Part, f Test for Low Temperature Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part, Meth. of Test for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and s (SBR) (1/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Synthetic Std. for Std. for Std. for Safety for d) 600 V or Less (1973) ANSI C33.95 Safety Std. for b56.3 Std. for Safety for ds Against Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Rec. Pract. for 104 Safety Std. for Std. Spec, for Std. for Safety for Household Std. for Safety for Household Std. for Safety for Std. for Safety for Std. Manual for Std. Test Proc. for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Std. General Document for Printed Wiring Board Safety Std. for Commercial Safety Std. for Std. for Consumable Std. for Safety for Commercial Std. for Safety for Burglary Resistant Safety Std. for Guide Spec, for Hydraulic and spection, and Testing Requirements for Instrumentation and s (/ Trial Use Std.: General Guide for Qualifying Class I s (1971) Ansi/ Guide for Seismic Qualification of Class I and Air Filtering Appliances Rated at 60/ Safety Std. for Std. for steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (/ Std. Spec, for enium-Copper-Columbium Stabilized AH/ Std. Spec, for ower Temperatures (1972) Std. Spec, for vice (1972A) ANSI B125.4 Std. Spec, for vice at Moderate Temperatures (1973) Spec, for edger-Trimmer, Hedge / Std. for Safety for Cord Connected ging Collaps/ Rec. for Protection Against Misc. Perils at Ducted tats For/ Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for , Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class II, G/ Safety Std. for ric Heater Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for ary 600 Volts or Less) (1972) C33.ll Safety Std. for Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Type Std. for Central Forced Air er) (1972) ANSI C33.13 Safety Std. for 2) ANSI C33.11.1 uipment (Laundry Dryer) (1974) quipment (Laundry Washer) (1974) consumption) (1974) rodes and Rods (1972) Effective Fluorescent Lifetime of Neodymium Doped Laser ASTM F380 Effective Pumping Speed of Vacuum Chamber Systems (1972 ASTM E294 Efficiency and Lasing Threshold of Ruby Laser Rods (197 ASTM F379 Efficiency in Attenuating Alternating Magnetic Fields ( ASTM A698 Efficiency of Residual Aerosol Insecticides (1972) ASTM D3093 Efficiency Test, of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Dev ANSI N101.1 Efficiency (1973) /of Fixed Partitions of Light Frame ASTM E497 Efflorescence of Interior Wall Paints (1973) ASTM D1736 Efflorescence, Prevention and Control (Tech. Notes) (19 BIA 23A Effluents (1968) ASME *] Egg Solids in Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (196 AACCH 2010 Egg Solids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 20-01 Egg Yolk and Dried Whole Egg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-18 Egg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-18 Eggs in White, Wheat, and Corn Flour (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 28-44 Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 04-13 Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 20-02 Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 62-15 (Egta-Titrimetric) Content in Corn Starch (1973) CR B-ll (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Re CR F-8 (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Syrup and Other Sta CR Ell Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compr ASTM D3148 Elastic Properties of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate ASTM D2731 Elastic Properties of Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.250 ASTM D1774 Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Pre FMS 1-47 Elastomeric and Plastomeric Roofing and Waterproofing M ASTM D3105 Elastomeric ANSI J2.7 ASTM D471 Elastomeric Compounds (1973) ASTM D2230 Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (1972) ASTM C719 Elastomeric Materials (Rubber) for Automotive Applicati ASTM D2000 Elastomeric Seals (1973) Std. ASTM D3139 Elastomeric Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) ASTM C712 Elastomeric Type Joint Sealants (1971) ASTM C679 Elastomeric Volcanizates (1972T) ASTM D3137 Elastomeric Vulcanizates Under Compressive or Shear Str ASTM D945 Elastomeric Yarn (1972) ASTM D2591 Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Extension Instrumen ASTM D2653 Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Extension Machines) ASTM D2731 Elastomeric Yarns (1972T) ASTM D3106 Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) ASTM C718 Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) /. ASTM C711 Elastomers by Impact (1973) Std. ASTM D746 Elastomers for Use on Solid Styrene Butadiene Copolymer ASTM D1416 Elbow Reducer, 90 Deg. Flareless Tube to Swivel (1973) NSA 1762 Elbow, Reducer, 45 Deg. Flareless Tube to Swivel (1973) NSA 1761 Electric Air Heaters (1973) UL 1025 Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment (Portable and Fixe UL 1042 Electric Battery Powered Industrial Trucks (1972) ANSI UL 583 Electric Blasting Caps (1971) ANSI C95.4 Safeguar IME 20 Electric Blower Motor Switch for Vehicles (1971) SAE J235 Electric Central Air Heating Equipment (1973) ANSI C33. UL 1096 Electric Chain Hoists (1971) HMI 400 Electric Clocks (1974) ANSI C33.47 UL 826 Electric Coffee Makers and Brewing Type Appliances (197 UL 1082 Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Drying Eq UL 1240 Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Washing E UL 1206 Electric Comfort Conditioning (Heat Loss, Gain, Energy NEMA HE1 Electric Connectors (1974) ANSI C83.63C EIA RS364-3 Electric Connectors (1974) ANSI C83.88, Ipc C-405A EIA RS406 Electric Cooking Appliances (1972) UL 197 Electric Cord Connected Indoor Signs (1971) ANSI C33.35 UL 48 Electric Covered Bare Straight and Coiled Welding Elect NEMA EW 2 Electric Dishwashers (1973) ANSI C33.96 UL 921 Electric Door Strikes (1974) UL 1034 Electric Dry Bath Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.75 UL 875 Electric Elevators (Freight and Passenger) (1971) CSI 14200 Electric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear P IEEE 336 Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Station IEEE 323 Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Station IEEE 344 Electric Fans (Blower, Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, UL 507 Electric Fuses (1973) ANSI CI 18.1 SAE J554A Electric Fusion Welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy ASTM A358 Electric Fusion Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron-Molyd ASTM B474 Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and L ASTM A671 Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Ser ASTM A 155 Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Ser ASTM A672 Electric Gardening Appliances (Lawn Mower, Cultivator, UL 82 Electric Generating Stations (Flood, Surface Water, Rig FMS 9-10 Electric Heat Guide for Air Handling Systems (1971) SMACN *12 Electric Heater Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermos NEMA DC 13 Electric Heaters for Use in Hazardous Locations Glass I UL 823 Electric Heaters (1973) /Mounted Thermostats for Elect NEMA DC 13 Electric Heating Appliances (Portable Fixed and Station UL 499 Electric Heating Elements (1973) /Ctrical Impedance of ASTM D3215 Electric Heating Equipment (1974) ARI 280 Electric Home Laundry Equipment (Clothes Washer and Dry UL 560 Engineering and Product Standards Division 135 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nt (1972) Std. for Residential Controls Direct e for Class Bulbs Intended for Use with Electron Tubes and ns (1972) ANSI C33.28 Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Class I, Groups C and D, A/ Std. for Safety for Portable ure for the Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Systems for Ac test Procedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating Rec. ations. Class II, Groups E, F, and G (19/ Safety Std. for ations, Class I, Groups C and D (197/ Std. for Safety for struction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Use of Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window veling Cranes (1971) Spec, for Std. for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Std. for the Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for s (1972) Std. for Std. Spec, for Wrought Steel Wheels for 974) Std. Household Std. for Household ps (1974) Std. for Household Std. for Safety for Household 1 Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for rheater Tubes for High Pressure Service (/ Std. Spec, for 973) ANSI B125.6 Std. Spec, for std. Spec, for Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Std. Spec, for i C33.11.2 Std. for Safety for Household Safety Std. for i G55.13 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Safety Std. for Household Std. for Household Automatic s (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Failure Under Safety Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Underground 1 Safety Code) (1973) Rules for the Operation of Rec. Pract. for . for Driving and Spindle Ends for Portable Hand, Air, and Safety Std. for Stationary and Fixed Std. for Safety for Portable nd Charging Storage Batteries in Motive Power Service (For Rec. for tations (1972) / Trial Use Guide for Type Test of Clas9 I industry (1971) ANSI B125.38 Std. Spec, for Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for , and Base Mounted Types (1971) Std. Spec, for 2) Wire Sizes 12 to 26 (1972) Std. for Splice, Std. for Requirements for Std. Test. Procedures for Relays for or Satellite Earth Stations (1973) Std. for . of Te9t. and Tolerances for Jute Rove and Plied Yarn for Std. Meth. of Te9t for Combustible Gases in ng, Liquid Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Po/ Std. for Std. for Magnetic Wire for Use in Std. for Safety for Thermal Cutoffs for Use in Test for Polymeric Enclosures for Portable Cord Connected Std. Meth. of Test. Vitrified Ceramic Materials for Spec, for Beryllia Ceramics for Electronic and Std. for Safety for 1972) Std. for Std. for Safety for Nonmetallic Sheathed ckets (1974) ANSI C83.95 Std. for Dimensional and ge Circuits (Electronics) (1974) Std. for the Std. for Dimensional and bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional and Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional and . Meth. for the Designation of Mercury Lamps: Physical and s (1972) Std. Physical and actericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensional and Rec. for Protective Grounding of (1973) Rec. and Comments on the National static Dissipator Additive (1971)/ Std. Meth. of Test for si Zl 1.322 Std. Meth of Test for D.C. Std. Meth. of Test for Resistivity of Code Words for Aluminum anded Copper Conductors Having Bunch Stranded Members, for std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Uninsulated Metallic ors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper Overhead 72) Rec. Pract. for 7 Conductor Std. for Receptacle Dummy Storage, Std. Test Procedures for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) ors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum -Copper Overhead Std. Spec, for Gold, Silver, Nickel Electric Ignition Control Systems for Gas Fired Equipme Electric Lamps (1971) Std. Nomenclatur Electric Lighting Fixtures for Use in Hazardous Locatio Electric Lighting Fixtures (1972) Electric Lighting Units for Use in Hazardous Locations, Electric Machinery Employing Form Wound Stator Coils (1 Electric Machinery (1973) • Std. for Electric Motor Starting Currents (1972) EEI 62-27 Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Loc Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Loc Electric Motors and Generators (1973) ANSI C51.1 / Con Electric Motors for Appliances and Equipment (1972) Electric Oil Heaters (1973) ANSI C33.44 Electric Operators and Systems (1973) Electric Overhead Bridge and Gantry Multiple Gerder Tra Electric Power Apparatus (1971) ANSI C37.90 Electric Power Connectors (1972) Electric Power Generation: Fossil Fueled Plants (1972) Electric Pressure Pumps for Use in Recreational Vehicle Electric Railway Service (1972) ANSI G57.13 Electric Range Pyrolytic Self Cleaning Ovens (Stove) (1 Electric Ranges (Stove and Ovens) (1972) ANSI C71.1 Electric Ranges (Stove) with Glass / Ceramic Cooking to Electric Ranges (Stoves) (1974) ANSI C33.53 Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Stee Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Supe Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes (1 Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Product Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe (1972A) Electric Skillets and Frying Type Appliances (1973) Ans Electric Space Heating Equipment (1972) ANSI C33.12 Electric Steel Forgings for Generator Rotors (1971) Ans Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.87 Electric Storage Type Water Heaters (1972) Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating Material Electric Supply and Communication Lines (1960) Electric Supply and Communications Lines (National Elec Electric Supply Lines and Equipment (National Electrica Electric Tachometer Spec, for on Road Vehicles (1972) Electric Tools (1973) Std Electric Tools (1973) ANSI C33.86 Electric Tools (1974) ANSI C33.49 Electric Trucks) (1972) /Nd Health Rec. for Changing a Electric Utility Generating Stations (1973) Electric Valve Operators for Nuclear Power Generating S Electric Welded Low Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical Electric Windshield Washer Switch (1971) Electric Windshield Wiper Switch (1971) Electric Wire Rope Hoists (Lug, Hook, Trolley Suspended Electric, Permanent, Crimp Style, Pre Insulated, (Class Electrical Analog Indicating Instruments (1972) Electrical and Electronic Equipment (1973) ANSI C83.25 Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Antennas F Electrical and Packing Purposes (1974) ANSI L14.44 /Th Electrical Apparatus in the Field (1973) Electrical Apparatus Sales and Service Industry (Rotati Electrical Apparatus (1973) ANSI C9.100 Electrical Appliances and Components (1972) ANSI C33.88 Electrical Appliances (1973) Std. for Safety for Electrical Applications (1969) ANSI C59.73 Electrical Applications (1972T) Electrical Attachment Plugs and Receptacles (1974) Electrical Bonding of Direct Current Systems on Boats ( Electrical Cables (1974) ANSI C33.56 Electrical Characteristic Defining Dual in Line Type So Electrical Characteristics of Class a Closure Interchan Electrical Characteristics of Fluorescent Lamps (1972) Electrical Characteristics of 15 Watt T8 Preheat Start Electrical Characteristics of 30 Watt, T8 Preheat Start Electrical Characteristics of 40 Watt, H45 (1972) Std Electrical Characteristics of 50 Watt, H46 Mercury Lamp Electrical Characteristics of 8 Watt T5 Preheat Start B Electrical Circuits and Equipment (1974) Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and Code Requirements by OSHA Electrical Conductivity of Aviation Fuels Containing a Electrical Conductivity of Hydrocarbons Fuels (1972) an Electrical Conductor Materials (1972A) ANSI C7.24 Electrical Conductor (1972) Electrical Conductors (1971) Spec, for Rope Lay Str Electrical Conductors (1972A) Electrical Conductors (1973) EEI TDJ-162 / for Connect Electrical Connector for Truck Trailer Jumper Cable (19 Electrical Connector (1972) Electrical Connectors (1971) ANSI C83.63B Electrical Connectors (1973) NEMA CC3 /Td. for Connect Electrical Contact Alloy (1972) NEMA DC 21 ANSI C79.1 UL 844 UL 57 UL 781 IEEE 429 IEEE 85 NEMA 151 UL 674A UL 674B NEMA MC2 UL 1004 UL 574 UL 325 CMAA 70 IEEE 313 NEMA CC 1 ASME TWDPS1 IAPMO TSC14 ASTM A25 AHAM ER-3 AHAM ER-1 AHAM ER-2 UL 858 ASTM A250 ASTM A226 ASTM A178 ASTM A520 ASTM A135 UL 1083 UL 573 ASTM A469 UL 174 ANSI C72.1 ASTM D3151 ANSI C2.2 ANSI C2.3 ANSI C2.4 SAE J196 ANSI B107.4 UL 987 UL 45 ITA 8K1 FMS 1314 IEEE 382 ASTM A587 SAE J234 SAE J112A HMI 100 NSA 1388 ANSI C39.1 EIA RS407 EIA RS411 ASTM D681 ASTM D3284 EASA *1 NEMA MW1000 UL 1020 UL 746.51 ASTM D116 ASTM F356 UL 498 ABYC El UL 719 EIA RS415 EIA RS410 ANSI C78 ANSI C78.1201 ANSI C78.1202 ANSI C78.1323 ANSI C78.1324 ANSI C 78. 1200 FMS 5-10 FMS 5-7S ASTM D2624 ASTM D3114 ASTM B193 AA •31 ASTM B172 ASTM B354 NEMA C33 TTMA RP40 NSA 1196 EIA RS364-2 EEI TDJ-162 ASTM B477 136 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ■» Std. Spec, for Gold Electrical Std. Spec, for Gold Copper Alloy Electrical Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Precious Metal Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Hardness of Electrical . Pract. for Designing a High Current Arc Erosion Test for Electrical rated on a Symmetrical and a Total/ Std. Requirements for Electrical Rec. for Computing Electrical ed Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical ed Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical ea/ Safety Std. for Temperature Indicating and Regulating Electrical C 106.1 Std. for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical (1973) Rec. for Fire Protection of Electrical dium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Generators and Electrical std. Spec, for Air as an Electrical Insulating Material in Electrical 1972) Std. for Electrical h. for Measurement of the Specific Electrical Impedance of Electrical rolled (1973) Std. for Electrical Plumbing Requirements for Household Storage Type Electrical e for Use in / Std. Meth. for Measurement of the Specific Electrical Std. for Electrical Production / Rec. Pract. for Classification of Areas for Electrical ociated Equipment (1972) Rec. Pract. for Electrical icultural Plast/ Std. Guidelines for Safe Installation of Electrical Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Jacket for Electrical lorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Capacitors (Electrical Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical (1973) Std. Spec, for Air as an Electrical h. for Complex Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Solid Electrical scharg/ Std. Meth. of Test for Voltage Endurance of Solid Electrical cteristics and Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) of Solid Electrical aluation and Establishment of Temperature Indexes of Solid Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Plastics and Electrical of Test for Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical ms (1972) ANSI C/ Std. Spec, for Continuity of Quality of Electrical s (1972) ANSI C5/ Std. Spec, for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Kraft Layer Type (1973) ANSI C59.50 Std. Spec, for Electrical Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical rature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Std. Spec, for Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Std. Spec, for Polyester Film Pressure Sensitive Electrical d. Spec, for Tetrafluoroethylene Backed Pressure Sensitive Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Aging Characteristics of Electrical h. (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Degradation of Electrical efin, Pigmented, Flexible, Heat Shrinkable (19/ Spec, for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Adhesives Relative to Their Use as Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Laminated Tubes Used for Electrical Meth. of Test. Varnished Cottonfabrics and Tapes Used for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Vulcanized Fiber Used for Electrical pec. for Crosslinked Polyolefin Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical d. Meth. of Test. Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Varnishes Used for Electrical . of Measuring Dimensions of Rigid Rods and Tubes Used for Electrical Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Solid Electrical for High Voltage, Low Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid Electrical meth. of Test. Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical rosslinked Polyvinyl Chloride) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Shellac Used for Electrical Dissipation Factor of Expanded Cellular Plastics Used for Electrical meth. of Test. Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical of Test. Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes Used for Electrical Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Untreated Paper Used for Electrical 973) Std. Guide for Electrical ion (1973) ANSI C33.98 Std. for Safety for Electrical oride Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Electrical n (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Electrical t for Corrosivity of Water in the Absence of Heat Transfer (Electrical Std. for Safety for Electrical ures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Statio/ Std. for Electrical Std. for Smooth Wall Coilable Polyethylene Electrical and Sleeve Type for Hazardous Locations (1973) Std. for Electrical Aluminum Underground Distribution Reference Book (Electrical er Insulation, 200/ Std. for Nonshielded Single Conductor Electrical Spec, for Tinned Copper Concentric Neutrals (Underground Electrical Ozone Resistant Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insu/ Std. for Electrical aving Ozone Resistant Ethylene-Propylene-Ru/ Std. for Electrical ber Insu/ Std. for Portable Single and Multiple Conductor Electrical vices and Assemblies (1973) Std. for Industrial Electrical Std. for Industrial Electrical rolling Devices (1973) Std. for Industrial Electrical Installation Pract. for Underground Electrical for Reporting and Analyzing Outage / Std. Definitions in Electrical Std. for Safety for Electrical Std. for Electrical m Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Electrical Std. Std. Rec Contact Alloy (1973) Contact Material (1973) Contact Materials (1972) Contact Materials (1972) ANSI Z155.12 Contact Materials (1973) Control of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Demands for Farms (1972) Energy (1973) IPCEA S-61-402 /Astic Insula! Energy (1973) IPCEA S-66-524 /Ylene Insulat Equipment for Control of Air Conditioning, H Equipment in Hazardous Locations (1972) ANSI Equipment (Single Phase and Related Faults) Equipment (1972) /Td. Pract. for Low and Me Equipment (1973) Feeder and Plug in Busways and Accessories ( Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Ty Harness Assembling Machine, Numerically Cont Hot Water Dispensers (1973) Impedance of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxid Indicating Instrument (Meter) Relays (1972) Installations at Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Installations on Packaging Machinery and Ass Instruments in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agr Insulated Wire and Cable (1972) Insulating Liquid) (1973) ANSI C59. 11 /R Ch Insulating Liquids and Gases (1974) Insulating Material in Electrical Equipment Insulating Materials at Microwave Frequencie Insulating Materials Subjected to Partial Di Insulating Materials (1970) /Ent Loss Chara Insulating Materials (1972) /the Thermal Ev Insulating Materials (1973) Insulating Materials (1973) Std. Meth. Insulating Oil for High Pressure Cable Syste Insulating Oil for Low Pressure Cable System Insulating Paper and Paperboard-Sulfate or Insulating Tape (1973) Insulating Tape (1973) /Spec, for Low Tempe Insulating Tape (1973) ANSI C59.91 Insulating Tape (1973) ANSI C59.96 Insulating Tape (1974) Insulating Varnishes Applied Over Film Insul Insulating Varnishes by the Helical Coil Met Insulation Plastic Tubing, Irradiated Polyol Insulation (1970) Insulation (1970) Insulation (1970) ANSI C59.31 Insulation (1971) ANSI C59.78 Insulation (1972) Insulation (1972) ANSI C59.13 Insulation (1972) ANSI C59.30 Insulation (1972) ANSI C59.33 Insulation (1973) Insulation (1973) Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test Insulation (1973) / Insulation (1973) Std. Insulation (1973) /for Crosslinked and None Insulation (1973) ANSI C59.18 Insulation (1973) ANSI C59.84 /Constant and Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. Coatin Insulation (1974) Insulation (1974) ANSI C59.136 Std. Meth. Insulation (1974) ANSI C59.77 Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps (light) (1 Metallic Tubing for Wire and Cable Installat Metallic Tubing (1974) /. for Polyvinyl Chi Meth. for Analysis of Moisture in Whole Grai Meth. (1972) Std. Meth. of Tes Outlet Boxes and Fittings (1974) Penetration Assemblies in Containment Struct Plastic Duct (1972) Plugs, Receptacles and Connectors of the Pin Power Cable Specs.) (1973) Power Cable with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubb Power Cable) (1973) Power Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts and Less and H Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rub Power Control Apparatus— Control Circuit De Power Control Apparatus-General (1973) Power Control Apparatus-Switching and Cont Power Distribution Cables (1973) Power Operations Terminology Including Terms Power Outlets (1972) ANSI C33.85 Power Switching Equipment (1974) Purposes (Bus Conductor) (1973) ANSI C7.45 St Std. Std. S St Std. Meth ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATM ANSI ASAE NEMA NEMA UL NFPA FMS DEMA ASTM NEMA ASTM NSA ASSE ASTM NEMA API IEEE ISA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI UL NEMA AACCH ASTM UL IEEE NEMA NEMA AA NEMA AA NEMA NEMA NEMA ANSI ANSI ANSI AA IEEE UL NEMA ASTM B541 B596 B476 B277 B576 C37.ll R294 WC5 WC7 873 496 14-15 •1-18 D3283 BUI D3215 974 1023 D3215 112 RP500B 333 S12.ll D2308 D2233 D2864 D3283 D2520 D2275 D150 98 D256 D3151 D1819 D1818 D1305 D3006 D3005 D2301 D2484 D2686 D3251 D3145 AMS3636D D1304 D348 D295 D619 D3149 D229 D115 D668 D1711 D374 D495 D3214 D3150 D411 D1673 D3214 D2671 D1000 D202 C78.375 797 RN1 44-10 D2776 514 317 TC 7 FB11 52 WC8/7 52-1 WC8 WC8/1 WC8/6 C19.6 C19.3 C19.5 52-2 346 231 SG6 B317 Engineering and Product Standards Division 137 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Aluminum Bar for Spec, for Lead and Lead Alloy Coated Soft Copper Wire for Std. Spec, for Woven Cotton Tape9 for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Wire, EC-H19, for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy 6201 T 81 Wire for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy 5005 Rolled Rods for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy 5005H19 Wire for Std. Spec, for EC Aluminum Redraw Rod for Std. Spec, for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Std. Spec, for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Copper Rods for cialized Service (1971) ANSI N14/ Std. Spec, for Sheathed (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for ite Articles at Room Temperatures/ Std. Meth. of Test for Textile Yarns (1973) ANSI L14.119 Test Meth. for brics (1972) ANSI L14.112 Test Meth. for Std. for Reference Std. Precision National Rules for the Radio Installations (National operation of Electric Supply Lines and Equipment (National rground Electric Supply and Communications Lines (National ion and Maintenance of Electrical Supply Static/ National Std. for Letter Symbols for Units Used in rs and Box Supports, and Cast Aluminum Covers (/ Std. for nsiC113.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for the Identification of Std. Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled Nonoriented Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled, Grain Oriented, Silicon Iron, Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled h. for Chemical Analysis of Carbon, Low Alloy, and Silicon Std. for Terminal Block ode, Part 1: Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of ss I, Groups AD, and Clas9 II, Groups E/ Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Special Use nery (1972) Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Grounded 830 V, 3 Phase quirements for Maintenance of Design Voltage in Snowmobile pers. Motor Homes): Installation of Plumbing, Heating, and on Requirements, and Installation of Plumbing, Heating and Spec, for High Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Std. for Pan Head Screw and Assembled Washer9 • Std. for logy Including Terms for Reporting and Analyzing Outage of ion (Including Safety Req/ Std. for Series Capacitors for Safety for Cellular Metal Floor Raceways and Fittings for es Duct for Underground Installation for Communication and Std. for Color Coding of loride Ducts and Fittings for Underground Installations of ure and Building Construction (/ Std. Graphic Symbols for and Construction Equipment (Machinery) (/ Rec. Pract. for 73) Requirements and Rec. Meth. of Identifying AC and Dc . for Safety for Grounding and Bonding Equipment (Internal td. for Safety for Surface Metal Raceways and Fittings for for Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters, and Associated Fittings Std. for Binding Post-Terminal Board, . for Safety for Access Control System Units (Electronic / Rec. Pract. for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Safety Std. for Class R Fuses Safety Std. for Plug Fuses nd/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of High Temperature, Std. for Safety for in Flammable Anesthetizing Location/ Std. for Safety for Rec. for Safety Rec. for 00 Volts or Less (1974) Std. for Safety for (1973) Safety Std. for ions, Class 1, Groups A, B, C, and D, An/ Safety Std. for Rec. Pract. for Reducing the Fire Hazard of Static Std. for Leakage Current ema Ei21 Std. for Instrument Transformers for 2 Test Meth. for Electrical Resistivity Te9t Meth. for Electrical Resistivity Textile of Std. for Procedures for Calibration of Underwater y Based on Physical Pr/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of i-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable 1.0Mo-0.09V (0.17-0.23C), Premium Quality, Consumable Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al) Consumable 1 Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumable base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumable 5Mo (0.38-0. 43C) (SAE 4340), Premium Quality, Consumable 07-0. 13C) (SAE 9310), Premium Quality, Vacuum Consumable s in Multip/ Std. for Numbering of Electrodes in Multiple Resistant, 14.8Cr-4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta), Consumable -1.2V (1.10-1.20C), Premium Bearing Quality, Consumable th. for Continuous Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion . Meth. of Test for pH of Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica (Electrica Electrica Electrica (Electrica (Electrica (Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrica Electrici (Electrici (Electrici Purposes (Bus Connector) (1973) ANSI C7.27 Purposes (19674 ANSI C7. 15 Std. Purposes (1972) Purposes (1972) ANSI C7.20 Purposes (1972) ANSI C7.51 Purposes (1972) ANSI C7.66 Purposes (1972A) ANSI C7.49 Purposes (1974) Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.1 Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.4 Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.7 Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Spe Resistance of Conductive Resilient Flooring Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graph Resistivity Textile of (Electro- Static) of Resistivity (Electro-Static) of Textile Fa Resistors (1969) ANSI C100.3 Safety Code (1973) Safety Code) (1940) Safety Code) (1973) Rules for the Safety Code) (1973) /Nd Maintenance of Unde Safety Code, Part 1: Rules for the Installat Science and Technology (1969) ANSI Y10.19 Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Cove Std. for Metalworking Machine Tools (1973) a Steel Grades in ASTM Specs. (1972) Steel, Fully Processed Type (1973) Steel, Fully Processed Types 27G053, 30G058, Steels for Magnetic Applications (1974) Steels, Ingot and Wrought Irons (1973) /Met Stud (1974) Supply Stations and Equipment (1971) /Ety C Switches for Use in Hazardous Locations: Cla Switches (1973) ANSI C33.40.1 System for Construction and Industrial Machi System for Oil Field Service (1973) Systems (1971) /C. Pract. Test Meth. and Re Systems (1972) ANSI A119.2 /Lers, Truck Cam Systems (1973) ANSI A119.1 / and Constructi Std. Tape (1973) Terminal Attachment (Preferred) (1974) Transformers, Regulators and Reactors (1974) Transmission and Distribution Facilities and Transmission and Distribution Line Compensat Wire and Cable Installation (1973) ANSI C33. Wire and Cable (1974) / for Plastic Utiliti Wires and Cables (1974) Wires and Cables (1974) /R and Polyvinyl Ch Wiring and Layout Diagrams Used in Architect Wiring Identification System for Industrial Wiring on Boats and Engines (Color Code) (19 Wiring Systems) (1972) ANSI C33.8 Std Wiring (1973) ANSI C33.50 Wiring) (1973) ANSI C33.45 Std. for Safety (1973) / Mechanical Security Surveillance System an ) Power Systems (1972) ANSI CI 14.1 ) (1973) )(1973) ' , Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, a ly Actuated Transmitters (1974) ly Conductive Equipment and Materials for Use ly Conductive Floors (1973) ly Heated Livestock Waterers (1971) ly Operated Photographic Equipment Rated at 3 ly Operated Valves for the Control of Fluids ly Operated Valves for Use in Hazardous Locat y (1973) y) for Appliances (1973) y) Metering Purposes, 15 kV and Less (1973) N (Electro-Static) of Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.ll (Electro-Static) of Textile Yarns (1973) ANSI L14.119 Electro Acoustic Transducers (1972) Electrode Material Used in Optical Emission Spectroscop Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated (1973) /-8.5N Electrode Melted, Annealed (1973) /R-9.0Ni-4.5Co- Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1825-1900 Deg. F ( Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079 Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079 Electrode Remelted (1973) /Ubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.2 Electrode Remelted (1973) /1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0. Electrode Semiconductor Devices and Designation of Unit Electrode Vacuum Arc Remelted (1973) /Plate, Corrosion Electrode Vacuum Melted (1973) /Stant, 14.5Cr-4.0Mo Electrode (1973) Std Me Electrode (1974) Ashto T200 Std ASTM B236 ASTM B189 ASTM D335 ASTM B230 ASTM B398 ASTM B531 ASTM B396 ASTM B233 ASTM B3 ASTM B33 ASTM B49 ASTM E420 ASTM F150 ASTM C611 AATCC 84 AATCC 76 IEEE 310 ANSI C2 ANSI C2.5 ANSI C2.4 ANSI C2.3 ANSI C2.1 IEEE 260 NEMA OS1 NFPA 79 ASTM A664 ASTM A677 ASTM A665 ASTM A345 ASTM E350 NSA 1002 ANSI C2.1 UL 894 UL 1054 SAE J821A API 11M SAE J277 NFPA 501C NFPA 501B ASTM D2754 NSA 720 NEMA TR1 IEEE 346 ANSI C55.2 UL 209 NEMA TC6 NEMA WC30 NEMA TCI ANSI Y32.9 SAE J210 ABYC E3 UL 467 UL 5 UL 870 NSA 192 UL 294 IEEE 142 UL 198.4 UL 198.5 ASTM E354 UL 632 UL 1067 FMS 5-9 ASAE R342 UL 122 UL 429 UL 1002 FMS 5-8N ANSI C101.1 EEI MSJ-11 AATCC 76 AATCC 84 ANSI SI. 20 ASTM E504 SAE AMS5617A SAE AMS6523A SAE AMS5707D SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS6414B SAE AMS6265D EIA RS321B SAE AMS5862 SAE AMS5749 ASTM D2791 ASTM E70 138 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards uniform Building Code Std. for Corrosion Resistant Metals (Elec on Steel and Ferrous Alloys (1970) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Elec late) (1973) Std. Meth. Test for Elec Std. Spec, for Elec ansi W3.17 Spec, for Bare Mild Steel Elec nsumable Electric Covered Bare Straight and Coiled Welding Elec Spec, for Mild Steel Elec Spec, for Mild Steel Elec Spec, for Welding Rods and Covered Elec and Designation of Units in Multip/ Std. for Numbering of Elec Spec, for Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Elec Spec, for Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Elec Spec, for Nickel and Its Alloy Covered Welding Elec Spec, for Tungsten Arc Welding Elec Spec, for Nickel and Its Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Elec Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Elec Spec, for Aluminum and Its Alloy Arc Welding Elec sting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Elec Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Elec Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Arc Welding Elec chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Elec Spec, for Surfacing Welding Rods and Elec Spec, for Titanium and Its Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Elec Spec, for Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Elec n Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Using Vde Elec red Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Elec Std. Spec, for Precision Elec tion of Phosphate Coating Weight on Hot Dip Galvanized and Elec or Cast and Wrought Galvanic Zinc Anodes for Use in Saline Elec ers and Electronic Instruments) (1/ Std. Requirements for Elec Std. Spec, for Elec g Manufacture) (1974) Rec. for Elec ) ANSI H23.ll Std. Spec, for Oxygen Free Elec ngots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.2 Std. Spec, for Elec Std. Spec, for Elec Std. for Fixed Elec Application in Relays and S/ General Spec. Applicable to Elec t. of Spacecraft Thermal Control Materials (Coatings) with Elec ol Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Elec Definitions of Relay Terms (Elec strumentation for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Elec mhz) (1972) ANSI C112.1 Std. for Measurement of Elec Rec. Pract. for External Elec argers (1971) Std. for Interrelationship of Quartz Fiber Elec ty (PH) in Flour and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Elec Std. Meth. of Test for Salt in Crude Oil (Elec th. of Test for Bromine Index of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Elec 2) ANSI C96.2 Std. Temperature - Elec Rec. for Shielding for High Energy Elec Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Hermeticity of Elec Std. Spec, for Brazing Filler Metals for Elec td. Spec, for Boron Deoxidized Copper in Wrought Forms for Elec r (1971) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Gamma and Elec Sulfate Dosim/ Std. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Gamma and Elec Std. Nomenclature for Glass Bulbs Intended for Use with Elec Tent. Spec, for Molybdenum Flattened Wire for Elec Against Betatron Synchrotron Radiations Up to 100 Million Elec Spec, for Beryllia Ceramics for Elec Spec, for Nickel Coated Copper Clad Steel Wire for Elec Std. Test Meth. for Passive Elec ) Std. for the Protection of Elec Rec. for Location, Construction and Protection of Elec Rec. for Fire, Heat, and Smoke Damage of Elec Std. for Safety for Elec Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Hermeticity of Elec termining Hydrolytic Stability of Plastic Encapsulants for Elec pilot. Depth Determination Devi/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for Elec e Components for Television Receiving Appliances and Other Elec Std. Definitions and Terminology for Relays for Elec Std. Test. Procedures for Relays for Electrical and Elec Std. for Iron-Core Power Filter Inductors for Elec es for Radio and Television Receiving Appliances and Other Elec and Display) for Television Receiving Appliances and Other Elec trolytic Capacitors (For Use Primarily in Transmitters and Elec Std. for Simulated Shipping Test (Packaging) for Consumer Elec nee Sys/ Std. for Safety for Access Control System Units (Elec Std. for Industrial Control Apparatus-Enclosures (Elec control Apparatus-Controllers and Controller Assemblies (Elec licon by Measurement of Steady State Surface Photovoltage (Elec Code for Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers (Elec Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (Two-State Devices) (Elec 1 Characteristics of Class a Closure Interchange Circuits (Elec Std. Meth. of Measurement of Microhardness of Elec automotive Ornamentation and Hardware (1970) Std. for Elec 973) ANSI G53.12 Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of and Elec Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of and Elec Spec, for Corrosion Resi / for Corrosion Resisting /or Dielectric Breakdow Spec, for Flux Co /. for Determina Std. F /Tes rodeposited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromium, rodeposited Coatings of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys rodeposited Coatings of Tin-Lead Alloy (Solder P rodeposited Coatings of Tin (1972) rodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding (1969) rodes and Rods (1972) Std. for Co rodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.20 rodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.18 rodes for Welding Cast Iron (1969) ANSI W3.15 rodes in Multiple Electrode Semiconductor Devices rodes (1969) ANSI A5.1 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.10 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.ll rodes (1969) ANSI W3.12 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.14 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.19 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.3 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.4 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.5 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.6 rodes (1969) ANSI W3.9 rodes (1970) ANSI W3.13 rodes (1970) ANSI W3.16 rodes (1970) ANSI W3.21 rodes (1972) ANSI C59.130 rodes (1974) roformed Sieves (1970) ANSI Z168.5 rogalvanized Steel (Coil) (1974) rolytes (1973) ANSI H44.1 rolytic Capacitors (For Use Primarily in Transmitt rolytic Cathode Copper (1972) ANSI H23.10 rolytic Chlorine Processes (Explosion Hazard Durin rolytic Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Cakes (1972 rolytic Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, I rolytic Manganese Metal (1969) ANSI G84.1 rolytic Tantalum Capacitors (1972) romagnet Iron (EMI) Cold Rolled Strip for Magnetic romagnetic and Particulate Radiation (1973) romagnetic Holders; Sliding Door Equipment; Instal romagnetic Instrumentation) (1972) romagnetic Radiation at Microwave Frequencies (197 romagnetic Radiation from Motor Vehicles (20-1000 romagnetic Radiation Suppressors (1969) rometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Ch rometric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activi rometric Meth.) (1973) rometric Titration (1972) ANSI Z11.248 Std. Me romotive Force (EMF) Tables for Thermocouples (197 ron Accelerator Installations (1964) ron Devices by a Bubble Test (1972) ron Devices (1972) ron Devices (1972) ron Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfate Dosimete ron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate Cupric ron Tubes and Electric Lamps (1971) ron Tubes (1973) ron Volts (1954) Rec. for Protection c and Electrical Applications (1972T) e Application (1972) c Component Parts (1972) c Computer and Data Processing Equipment (1972 c Computer Systems (1972) c Computer Systems (1973) c Data Processing Units and Systems (1972) c Devices by Dye Penetration (1972) c Devices (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for De c Equipment on Boats (Audio Device, Automatic c Equipment (Flyback Transformer, Multiplier, c Equipment (1971) c Equipment (1973) ANSI C83.25 c Equipment (1973) ANSI C83.92 c Equipment (1974) /or Safety for Special Fus c Equipment (1974) /Thode Ray Tubes (Picture c Instruments) (1958) ANSI C83.15 /S for Elec c Products (Radio, Television, Tape Recorder, c / Electrical / Mechanical Security Surveilla (1973) cs) (1973) Std. for Industrial cs) (1973) /Ty Carrier Diffusion Length in SI cs) (1973) ANSI C57. 12.90 Std. Test cs) (1973) ANSI Y32.14 Std. for cs) (1974) Std. for the Electrica roplated Coatings (1973) roplating of Nickel and Chromium on Metal Parts- roplating on Aluminum Alloys by Zincate Process (1 opiating on Stainless Steel (1970) ANSI G53.13 ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM AWS NEMA AWS AWS AWS EIA AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS ASTM AWS ASTM NCCA ASTM EIA ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA NARM ASTM NBHA NARM ANSI SAE SAE ANSI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM NCRPM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NCRPM ASTM ASTM EIA NFPA FMS FMS UL ASTM ASTM ABYC UL ANSI EIA EIA UL UL EIA EIA UL ANSI ANSI ASTM IEEE IEEE EIA ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division UBCS326 B200 B579 B545 A5.17 EW 2 A5.20 A5.18 A5.15 RS321B A5.1 A5.10 A5.ll A5.12 A5.14 A5.19 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.9 A5.13 A5.16 A5.21 D1816 A5.22 E161 TB-I1-3 B418 RS205 B115 7-34 B170 B5 A601 RS228B 121 E512 8 ♦2 C95.3 J551A J552A N42.6 02-52 D3230 D2710 E230 R31 F98 F106 F107 D3001 D2954 C79.1 F364 R14 F356 B559 RS186D 75 LPD5-32 5-32 478 F97 F74 A21 492.3 C83.16 RS407 RS197A 492.7 492.8 RS205 RS414 294 C19.4 C19.7 F391 262 91 RS410 B578 J207 B253 B254 139 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ials (1973) al Test) (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Cleaning Metals Prior to Std. Rec. Pract. for Image Evaluation of Tent. Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Test Meth. for hanical Propert/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Examination of Fuel for the Locking Ability Performance of Nonmetallic Locking td. End Load Test Meth. for a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter he Fabrication Integrity of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter e Material Compatibility of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Fatigue Characteristics of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter lapse / Burst Resistance of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter tration Performance of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Std. Meth. of Test for Noncombustibility of Uniform Building Code Std. for Noncombustible std. Symbols and Definitions for Mechanical and Acoustical Std. for Safety for Sheathed Heating loor-Ceiling Assemblies, Doors, and Other Space Dividing Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Type Electric Heating td. Spec, for Spray Applied Fibrous Thermal Insulation for gth Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at d Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Strength at old, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Strength at oy Steel Forgings and Forging Billets for High Strength at Std. Meth. of Test for Normal Spectral Emittance at ittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Moderate and obalt, and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for High Strength at Std. for Std. for Safety for Guide Spec, for Hydraulic and Electric 973) Uniform Building Code: al) (1973) Std. Pract. for the Inspection of Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking (1972) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Strength and est for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Glass by Fiber sion Instrument/ Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Load and ing Equipment for Use with Emergency Locator Transmitters Std. for Slow Moving Vehicle Identification Lamp (Light) and Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Identification warning Lamp and Slow Moving Vehicles (SMV) Identification Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen oducts and Procedur/ Rec. Pract. for Safeguarding Against ized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Rec. Pract. for Design Levels for Std. for Safety for Battery Powered Airborne Radio Homing and Alerting Equipment for Use with nalysis of Radioactivity (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Products • Safety Std. for Highway for Wall Installation (1972) ANSI B135./ Safety Std. for Rec. for Exposure to Radiation in an ice) (1973) Safety Std. for Panic terials by Comparison with a Secondary Standard of Similar n with a Secondary Standard of Sim/ Std. Meth. of Thermal Std. Temperature-Electromotive Force ys and S/ General Spec. Applicable to Electromagnet Iron 1 Trucks (1973) Rec. Pract. for Exhaust ithium Fluoride Carrier DC Arc Technique Using an Optical loy Steel by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical pract. for Selection of Electrode Material Used in Optical Std. Definitions of Terms and Symbols Relating to Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using Bubble nace Iron by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical t Tr/ Rec. Pract. for the Measurement of Fuel Evaporative t Tr/ Rec. Pract. for the Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Laboratory Instrumentation and Techniques for Exhaust Gas Std. Meth. of Test for Normal Spectral ter During/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Delayed Neutron suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are the Off-The-Job Disabling Accidental Injury Experience of ion of Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Std. Assessment of the Assumption of Normality face Between Numerical Control and Data Terminal Equipment Std. Spec, for Cationic Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. anks to Be Used as Panels in Weathering Tests of Latex and tos Tile Floors (1969) Spec, for Water Std. Rec. Pract. for Rating Water /D. Meth. 'for Determining T Std. Meth. of Verifying Th /Th. for Verifying the Flow /Eth. for Verifying the Col /Th. for Evaluating the Fil Electroplating (1968) ANSI G53.33 Electrostatic Business Copies (1972) Electrostatic Charge Mobility on Flexible Barrier Mater Electrostatic Charge (1973) Electrostatic Clinging of Textile Fabrics Fabric to Met Electrostatic Copying (1972B) Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets (1969) Element Cladding Including the Determination of the Mec Element Type Prevailing-Torque Lock Screws (1973) Element (1972) ANSI B93.21 Element (1972) ANSI B93.22 Element (1972) ANSI B93. 23 Element (1972) ANSI B93.24 Element (1972) ANSI B93.25 Element (1973) ANSI B93.31 Elementary Building Materials (1973) Elementary Materials Test. (1973) Elements as Used in Schematic Diagrams (1972) Elements for Appliances and Equipment (1973) Elements (1973) / Building Partitions Such as Walls, F Elements (1973) /Ctrical Impedance of Electrical Grade Elevated Temperature (1972) Elevated Temperatures (Metal to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197 Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81.23 /D Cold Worke Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81.24 /R Hot, Hot C Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81.27 /D Worked All Elevated Temperatures (1972) Elevated Temperatures (1973) ANSI G31.2 / for Piping F Elevated Temperatures (1973) ANSI G81.40 / for Iron, C Elevating Work Platforms (Lift) (1973) Elevator Door Locking Devices and Contacts (1973) Elevators (Freight and Passenger) (1971) Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks (1 Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (inspectors Manu Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1972) Elliptical Head Blind Nut (1974) Elongation of Cotton Textile Fibers (Flat Bundle Meth.) Elongation (1971) Std. Meth. of T Elongatoin of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Exten (ELT) (1973) /Sties for Airborne Radio Homing and Alert Emblem (1968) ANSI B114.1, SAE J943A Emblem (1972) /Ounting Brackets and Socket for Warning Emblem (1972) SAE J725 /Arm) and Industrial Equipment Embossed Depth of Resilient Floor Coverings (1973) Embrittlement of Copper (1973) Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Pr Embrittlement (1972) ANSI G8.13 /Ent of Hot Dip Galvan Emergency Air Brake Systems (1971) Emergency Lighting Equipment (Indoor) (1973) Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) (1973) /Sties for Emergency Monitoring (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) /. of a Emergency Signals (Flare, Lantern, Fusee) (1973) Emergency Std. Spec, for Automotive Gasoline (1974) Emergency Vault Ventilators and Vault Ventilating Ports Emergency (1962) (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Opening Door Releasing Dev EMF Temperature Properties (1972) /Le Thermoelement Ma EMF Test of Single Thermoelement Materials by Compariso (EMF) Tables for Thermocouples (1972) ANSI C96.2 (EMI) Cold Rolled Strip for Magnetic Application in Rela Emission Controls (Air Pollution) for Powered Industria Emission Spectrograph (1974) / the Silver Chloride-L Emission Spectrometer (1970) ANSI Z128.28 / and Low Al Emission Spectroscopy Based on Physical Properties (197 Emission Spectroscopy (1972A) ANSI Z128.7 Emission Techniques (1974) Emission Vacuum Spectrometer (1973) /Ysis of Blast Fur Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Ligh Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Ligh Emissions Measurement (Passenger Car and Light Truck) ( Emittance at Elevated Temperatures (1972) Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Wa Employed (1960) /Other Protein Bearing Materials When Employed (1962) /Other Protein Bearing Materials When Employed (1962) /Other Protein Bearing Materials When Employees (1973) /for Meth. of Recording and Measuring Employing Form Wound Stator Coils (1972) ANSI C50.26 (Employing Individual Observed Values) (1974) Employing Parallel Binary Data Interchange (1973) /Ter Employment Record (1973) Emulsified Asphalt (1973) Emulsified Asphalt (1973) ANSI A37.55 Emulsified Asphalts (1974) ANSI A37.42, Ashto T59 Emulsion Exterior Paints or Coatings (1973) /Hingle Bl Emulsion Floor Polish for Use on Asphalt or Vinyl Asbes Emulsion Floor Polishes (1972) ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM AATCC ASTM IFI NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP ASTM ICBO ANSI UL ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI UL CSI ICBO ANSI ASTM NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM RTCA ASAE SAE ASAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE UL RTCA AACCH UL ASTM UL NCRPM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM NARM ITA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM CR CR CR ANSI IEEE ANSI EIA AIOA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM RTI ASTM B322 F360 F365 D2679 115 F335 134 E453 124 T3. 10.8.2 T3. 10.8.4 T3. 10.8.6 T3. 10.8.7 T3. 10.8.5 T3.10.8.8 E136 UBCS4-1 Y32.18 1030 UBCS35-1 D3215 C720 D2295 A457 A458 A477 E307 A234 A567 A92.3 104 14200 UBC*3-51 A17.2 C507 1734 D1445 C336 D2653 DO-154 S276.2 J725D S277.2 F373 B577 A143 A 143 J263 924 DO-154 28-99A 912 ESI 680 R29 305 E207 E207 E230 121 6F1 E483 E403 E504 E135 E515 E485 J 170 A J171A J254 E307 D2470 F-44 G-22 J-56 Z16.3 429 N15.15 RS408 G811 D2397 D977 D244 D1911 •6 D3052 140 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards otal Solids) in Water Emulsion, Solvent Based, and Polymer Std. Meth. of Test for Water Spotting of Rec. Pract. for Qualitative Identification of Polymers in Std. Meth. of Test for Sediment in Water Std. Meth. of Test for Total Ash and Silica in Water Spec, for Vertical and Horizontal th. of Test for Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Water Std. Meth. of Test. Bituminous Base sis of Vitamin A in Dry Vitamin Mixes, Beadlets, Oils, and Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Porcelain alt Coatings (1972) Rec. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of Porcelain Std. Meth. of Test for Fusion Flow of Porcelain fly Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Liquids (Paint, Std. Meth. of Test for Spalling Resistance of Porcelain Std. for f Test for Reboiling Tendency of Sheet Steel for Porcelain uction and Preparation of Cray Iron Castings for Porcelain Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets for Porcelain Std. Meth. for Test. Magnetic Wire Std. Meth. of Test for Alkali Resistance of Porcelain ec. Pract. for Determining Hydrolytic Stability of Plastic r or Other Liquids (19/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Polyethylene ter and Other Liquids (1972) ANSI / Std. for Polyethylene ing (1974) Std. for Design of Components: Std. Spec, for Lubrication of Industrial ves (1973) Std. for Sound (Noise Measurement for ricultural Liquids and Slur/ Rec. for Improving Safety on gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Using the nd Performance Requirements) (1972) / Std. for Protective ons (1972) ANSI C106.1 Std. for Purged and Pressurized ' Rec. for ances (1973) Std. for Safety for Test for Polymeric ups AD, and Class / Safety Std. for Circuit Breakers and Quality Stds. for Casework: Cabinets, Cases, Counters and Std. for Industrial Control Apparatus - afety for Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker ocedures for Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in voltage Alternating Current Power Circuit Breakers Used in bove and Below Room Temperature (1966) An/ Std. Spec, for Std. for Magnetic Stripe Rec. Safety Sign for Front Rec. Pract. for Hole Placement on Bulldozer (Dozer) Std. for Break Mandrel Closed d Mounting Dime/ Std. Bore and Rod Size Combinations, Rod , Citrus Style (1974) Rec. Industry Std. for Loose Metal iameter) (1973) Rec. Std. for Loose Metal nsi 010.1 Std. Spec, for Creosoted element (1972) ANSI B93.21 Std. ing (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Car, Front or Articulated Vehicles (Construction and Industrial Front iteria for Roll Over Protective Structure for Weeled Front ver Protective Structure for Track Type Tractors and Front ture (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front Std. for High Speed Steel . Spec, for Compression Couplings for Vitrified Clay Plain Std. Spec, for Bell oards)/ Std. Spec, for Record Formats for Transmission of Std. for 450 Deg. F Closed (1972) Std. Test. Procedure for ) Std. Test. Procedure for (1974) Std. Test. Procedure for Axial Std. for Steel Butt Welding Std. Dimensions for Flareless Acorn Fitting Std. for Swaging Process-Tube to Rod Std. Test. Procedure for Axial (End to Spec, for Bearings, Ball and Roller, Rod Std. for Rod Std. for Face-To-Face and Std. for Driving and Spindle Std. for Buttwelding for Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Threaded Rod ssembly, Control Steel with Welded Clevis and Threaded Rod sembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded and Threaded Rod Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis and Threaded Rod ected to Partial Discharg/ Std. Meth. of Test for Voltage Std. Meth. Measuring Plasma Arc Gas Enthalpy by d. Test Procedure to Determine the Freezer Temperature and manual for Electric Comfort Conditioning (Heat Loss, Gain, Rec. for Shielding for High Std. Meth. of Test for Neutron Flux Density and Average ic Materials (1962)/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Effects of High Rec. Pract. for Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Std. Meth. of Estimating Stray Radiant Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Emulsion Floor Polishes (1972) / Nonvolatile Matter (T Emulsion Floor Polishes (1974) ANSI Z123.12 Emulsion Paints (1973) Std. Emulsion Polishes by Centrifuge (1972) ANSI Z123.3 Emulsion Polishes (1972) ANSIZ123.1 Emulsion Treaters (Petroleum Production) (1973) Emulsion, Solvent Based, and Polymer Emulsion Floor Pol Emulsions for Use as Protective Coatings (1973) Emulsions (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) /on Meth. of Analy Enamel and Ceramic Metal Systems (1973) ANSI Z167.1 Enamel Coating System Designations for Coal Tar or Asph Enamel Coatings (1973) Enamel Frits (Flow Button Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z167.10 Enamel, Lacquer, Varnish, and Related Products) by Seta Enameled Aluminum (1972) Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures (1973) Enameling (1969) ANSI Z167.21 Std. Meth. O Enameling (1970) ANSI Z167.23 /D. Rec. Pract. for Prod Enameling (1973) Enamels (1973) Enamels (1974) ANSI Z167.20 Encapsulants for Electronic Devices (1973) Std. R Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Pipe for Wate Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Piping for Wa Enclosed Gear Drives- Bearings, Bolting Keys and Shaft Enclosed Gear Drives (1972) Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Gear Dri Enclosed Mobile Tanks for Transporting and Spreading Ag Enclosure Technique (1972) /Vaporative Emissions from Enclosures for Agricultural Tractors (Test Procedures a Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Locati Enclosures for Motors (1973) Enclosures for Portable Cord Connected Electrical Appli Enclosures for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Gro Enclosures of All Kinds (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Enclosures (Electronic) (1973) Enclosures (1972) Std. for S Enclosures (1973) Std. for Test Pr Enclosures (1973) ANSI C37.13 Std. for Low Enclosures, Cold Chambers and Serving Units for Tests a Encoding (Code) for Credit Cards (1973) End Agricultural Loaders (1972) End Bit Supports (1972) End Blind Rivets (1973) End Configurations, Dimensional Identification Code, an End Dimensions of Composite Cans (211 (66 Mm) Diameter) End Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Citrus Cans 202 (52 Mm) D End Grain Wood Block Flooring for Interior Use (1970) a End Load Test Meth. for a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, and Shovel End Loaders and Dozers) (1971) / Steering Frame Lock F End Loaders and Weeled Dozers (1972) /M Performance Cr End Loaders (1972) /Um Performance Criteria for Roll O End Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Track Type Tractors, and M End Mills, .125 Thru 3.000 Diameter (1973) End Pipe (1973) Std End Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe (1973) ANSI B72.20 End Product Description Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring B End Self Locking Serrated Head Blind Nut (1974) End Supported Beam Deflection Composite Tubes and Cores End Supported Beam Strength Fibre Tubes and Cores (1972 (End to End) Compression Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores End Valves (1973) End (1974) End (1974) End) Compression Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) End, Anti Friction, Airframe (1974) End, Threaded, Alloy Steel, Flash Welding Type (1973) End-To-End Dimensions of Ferrous Valves (1973) Ends for Portable Hand, Air, and Electric Tools (1973) Ends (1972) Ends (1973) Std. Ends (1973) Std. for Tube a Ends (1973) Std. for Tube as Ends (1973) Std. for Tube Assembly, Endurance of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials Subj Energy Balance (1973) Energy Consumption of Household Refrigerators, Combinat Energy Consumption) (1974) Std. Energy Electron Accelerator Installations (1964) Energy from 3 H (D, N)^He Neutron Generators by Radio Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metall Energy Radiation (1970) ANSI N141 Energy (1972) Energy (1973) IPCEA S-61-402 /Astic Insulated Wire and Energy (1973) IPCEA S-66-524 /Ylene Insulated Wire and ASTM D2834 ASTM D1793 ASTM D3168 ASTM D1290 ASTM D1288 API 12L ASTM D2834 ASTM D2939 AACCH 86-01 A ASTM C286 NAPCA BUL 1 ASTM C743 ASTM C374 ASTM D3278 ASTM C703 ANSI A112.19.1 ASTM C632 ASTM C660 ASTM A424 ASTM D3288 ASTM C614 ASTM F74 ASTM A674 AWWA C105 AGMA 260.02 AGMA 250.03 AGMA 297.01 ASAE R317 SAE J171A ASAE S336. 1 NFPA 496 FMS 5-6 UL 746.51 UL 877 AWI * 1-400 ANSI C19.4 UL 489 ANSI C37.50 IEEE 20 ASTM E197 ANSI X4.16 ASAE R355 SAE J63 IFI 126 NFLDP T3.6.11 CCTI E211.1 CCTI E202.1 ASTM D1031 NFLDP T3. 10.8.2 TRA 3 SAE J276 SAE J394A SAE J395A SAE J231 NSA 986 ASTM C594 ASTM D2672 IPC D-350 NSA 1732 CCTI T-113 CCTI T114 CCTI CT107 ANSI B16.34 NSA 1760 NSA 582 CCTI CT107 NSA 661 NSA 5 ANSI B16.10 ANSI B107.4 ANSI B16.25 NSA 358 NSA 359 NSA 361 NSA 362 ASTM D2275 ASTM E341 AHAM HRF-2-ECFT NEMA HE1 NCRPM R31 ASTM E496 ASTM E184 ASTM D1879 ASTM E387 NEMA WC5 NEMA WC7 Engineering and Product Standards Division 141 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards eads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of Thread -Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines; onary Diesel and Gas Engine/ Std. Pract. for Selection of Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas hoi Base) by the Iodine/ Std. Meth. for Test for Water in dl4.2 Std. Meth. of Test for Reserve Alkalinity of std. Meth. for Sampling and Preparing Aqueous Solutions of 9 Std. Meth for Corrosion Test on Metal Specimens for Std. Meth. of Test for Boiling Point of Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Rec. Pract. for Automotive Std. for Clevis - Std. Meth. of Test for Foaming Tendencies of of Test. Anti Leak Antifreezes and Stop Leak Additives for td. Meth. of Test for Simulated Service Corrosion Test, of efractometer for Determining the Freezing Point of Aqueous Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Rec. Pract. for Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Std. for Service Time Coding of Propulsion Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Marine drive Transmission (197/ Rec. Pract. for Marine (Inboard) Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Rec. Pract. for Std. for Std. Pract. for Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas U.S. Model Rocket Sporting and Safety Code and 1 Computer Programs (1970) Gas Turbine Std. for Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Rec. Pract. for Spark Plug, Aircraft Reciprocating Std. Form of Agreement Between Architect and Guide Spec, for Rec. Pract. for h. Notes) (1966) coolers for Packaged Compressor Units (1974) r Line Conventions and Lettering (1973) Std. for : Chassis Frames-Passenger Car and Light True/ Std. for : Dimensioning and Tolerancing (1973) Std. Uniform Building Code Std. for Soils Classification for ent Between Architect and Consultant for Other Than Normal circuit Television) Camera Equipment (1974/ Rec. Std. for er and Waste Treatment) (1968/ Rec. for Concrete Sanitary Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial 972) Std. for Industrial 72) Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial Std. for Industrial ry (1972) Std. for Industrial 1 (1972) Std. for Industrial 72) Std. for Industrial Operation and Flow Process Charts and Symbols (Mechanical Diesel (Compression Ignited) Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine t. and Std. Covering the Installation of Air Cooled Marine struction of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, Liquid Cooled Marine ning and Stating the Horsepower Rating of Inboard Gasoline h. of Identifying AC and DC Electrical Wiring on Boats and a Ship's Cargo Hold During the Use of Internal Combustion Std. Pract. Definitions for Stationary Diesel and Gas . Pract. for Spark Arrester Test Procedure for Medium Size ract. for Spark Arresters Used on Multiposition Small Size actices for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Ga9 Scavenging and Supercharging of Stationary Diesel and Gas r Unit9 for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas d Spec, for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Rec. for Use of Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Iron in Wine Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Volatile Acid in Wine Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Brix (Balling) of Wine Official Meth. of Analysis for Total Acid in Wine Std. Std. Std. Meth. Pract. for Use of the R Std. Std. Std. Std. /Td. Std. Std. Std. /D. Std. Std. Std. Engagement (1973) Std. for Buttress Inch Screw Thr Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pi Engine-Generator Units for Low and Medium Speed Stati Engine Air Intake and Exhaust Systems (1972) Engine Antifreeze-Coolant Concentrate (Glycol or Alco Engine Antifreeze, Antirusts, and Coolants (1972) ANSI Engine Antifreezes or Antirusts for Test. Purposes (197 Engine Antifreezes Tested in Glassware (1970) ANSI D14. Engine Antifreezes (1972) ANSI D14.1 Engine Assembly and Equipment (1972) Engine Carburetor Airflow Reference Std. (1971) Engine Control Rod, Adjustable (1973) Engine Coolants in Glassware (1973) Engine Coolants (1972) Engine Coolants (1973) Engine Coolants (1974) /. Rec Engine Cooling Water Systems (1972) Engine Erection and Installation (1972) Engine Factory and Field Testing (1972) Engine Foot Mounting (Front and Rear) (1970) Engine Fuel Oil Characteristics (1972) Engine Gaseous Fuel Characteristics and General Spec. ( Engine Gauge Borads, Protective Devices, and Instrument Engine Generators and Electrical Equipment (1972) Engine Items (1971) ANSI B141.8 Engine Lubricating Oil Characteristics and General Spec Engine Lubricating Oil Systems (1972) Engine Mountings (Boats) (1971) Engine Mountings (Installation and Replacement) Direct Engine Operation and Maintenance (1972) Engine Power Plant Buildings (1972) Engine Power Plant Fuel Oil and Gas Systems (1972) Engine Preheaters (Coolant Heaters) (1971) Engine Rating Code Diesel (1971) Engine Ratings and Performance (1972) Engine Speed Governing and Parallel Operation (1972) Engine Starting Systems (1972) Engine Std. (1973) Engine Steady State Performance Presentation for Digita Engine Test Code-Spark Ignition and Diesel (1971) Engine Vibration (1972) Engine Waste Heat Recovery Systems (1972) Engine (1971) Engineer (1974) Engineered Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) Engineered Brick Masonry (1969) Engineered Design of the Contemporary Bearing Wall (Tec Engineering Data Sheets for the Design of Air Exchange Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Pract. Fo Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices Engineering Purposes (1973) Engineering Services (1972) Std. Form of Agreem Engineering Specs. Outline for Monochrome Cctv (Closed Engineering Structures (Tanks, Reservoirs, etc. for Wat Engineering Terminology: Applied Mathematics (1972) Engineering Terminology: Applied Psychology (1972) Engineering Terminology: Biomechanics (1972) Engineering Terminology: Cost (1972) Engineering Terminology: Data Processing and Systems (1 Engineering Terminology: Distribution and Marketing (19 Engineering Terminology: Economy (1972) Engineering Terminology: Facility Planning (1972) Engineering Terminology: Materials Processing (1972) Engineering Terminology: Organization Planning and Theo Engineering Terminology: Production Planning and Contro Engineering Terminology: Work Measurement and Meth. (19 Engineering) (1972) Std. for Engines and Auxiliaries (Boats) (1972) /Onstruction of Engines and Auxiliaries (Diesel and Gasoline) (Boats) ( Engines (Boats) and Auxiliaries (1972) /Design and Con Engines (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. for Determi Engines (Color Code) (1973) Requirements and Rec. Met Engines (1970) Guide for Supplementary Ventilation in Engines (1972) Engines (1972) Rec Engines (1972) Rec. P Engines (1972) Std. Pr Engines (1972) Std. Pract. for Engines (1972) /Ct. for Selection of Engine- Generato Engines (1972) /on of Invitations for Bids and Detaile English and Metric Units of Measurement (1973) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) ANSI ICBO DEMA DEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM DEMA SAE NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM DEMA DEMA DEMA SAE DEMA DEMA DEMA DEMA SAE DEMA DEMA ABYC SAE DEMA DEMA DEMA SAE SAE DEMA DEMA DEMA NAR SAE SAE DEMA DEMA SAE AIOA BIA BIA BIA API ANSI ANSI ANSI ICBO AIOA EIA ACI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASME ABYC ABYC ABYC ABYC ABYC SNAME DEMA SAE SAE DEMA DEMA DEMA DEMA ASAE ASE ASE ASE ASE B1.9 UBCS25-4 •1-19 •1-8 D1123 D1121 D1176 D1384 D1120 *l-5 J228 170 D1881 D3147 D2570 D3321 *1-10 •1-21 •1-22 J616B *1-14 • 1-15 *1-17 • 1-18 AS1105 •1-12 *1-11 P5 J233 *l-23 •1-20 •1-13 J226 J270 .14 • 1-6 • 1-9 *1 ARP681B J816B •1-7 *1-16 ARP590B C141 11C-11D •43 24B UK Y14.2 Y14.32.1 Y14.5 UBCS29-1 C431 RS312 68-50 Z94.8 Z94.ll Z94.1 Z94.2 Z94.3 Z94.4 Z94.5 Z94.6 Z94.7 Z94.9 Z94.10 Z94.12 101 P15 P10 P4 S6 E3 4-14 *1-1 J350A J335A •1 • 1-3 •1-19 •1-24 R285 •10 •11 *4 •5 142 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 000 (248) Modul/ 000 (248) Modul/ ishing (1973) Official Meth. of pH Determination in Wine Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Total Sulfur Dioxide in Wine Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Free Sulfur Dioxide in Wine Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Copper in Wine ydrometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine ycnometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine lliometer Meth. for Analysis of Alcohol (Ethanol) in Wine n in Enrichment (Vitamin and Mineral) Concentrates Used to 62) Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A and Carotene in Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in nrich Cereals (Cereal Che/ Meth. of Analysis of Niacin in Std. Meth. Measuring Plasma Arc Gas Std. Spec, for Air Std. for Air Containers for td. Rec. Pract. for Design and Construction of Nonmetallic Std. Meth. of Test for Sealability of craft Instrument Stds. (Wording, Terminology, Phraseology, eed and Water Requirements of Farm Liv/ Effect of Thermal Is (Coati/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Combined, Simulated Space f Carbon Steel (PI) Welds in Corrosive Petroleum Refining o Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an ) Std. Meth. for Analysis of tion of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in Marine Test Meth. for Assay of Bacterial Alpha-Amylase (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Resistivity of Silicon fault Dimension (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of ype by Infrared Refl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Tentative Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of Silicon pping and Staining T/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Std. Meth. of Test for for Woven Glass Fabrics, Cleaned, and After Finished with ies (Safety) (19/ Std. Guide for Classifying and Labeling Std. Spec, for Reinforced Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Cloth. Type E Class, B Stage Std. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Std. Meth. of Test for Epoxy Content of Std. Meth. of Test for Total Chlorine Content of Meth. of Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Content of Liquid act. Meth. for Lining Lease Production Tanks with Coal Tar d Moderate Heat Resistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Std. Control Valve Sizing Std. for Control Valve Sizing i-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Treated, Sub Zero Cooled, Trial Use Std. Criteria for Separation of Class Ie Hydraulic Std. for Industrial Rec. for Safety for Farmstead Std. for Headed Drilled Pins for Farm ing Location/ Std. for Safety for Electrically Conductive Std. for Start-Stop Signal Quality Between Data Terminal afety Requirements for Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaning pract. for Prefabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for ditioning System Rating Definitions, Test. Meth., and Test or Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Flammable Gas Processing . Pract. for Descaling and Cleaning Stainless Steel Parts, Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in and Testing Requirements for Instrumentation and Electric for Interface Between Numerical Control and Data Terminal Std. for Commercial Cooking ion. Design, Construction and Installation of Fittings and (Regulators, Automatic Damper Cont/ Safety Std. for Draft Std. for Temperature Indicating and Regulating Electrical Std. for Construction, Installation, and Rating of Std. for Power Output Ratings of Packaged Audio al Use Std.: General Guide for Qualifying Class I Electric ansi/ Guide for Seismic Qualification of Class I Electric .2 Std. Spec, for ps AD, Class II, Gro/ Safety Std. for Industrial Control Piping and sic Characteristics for Airborne Radio Homing and Alerting ction Criteria for Safety Related Systems, Structures, and Std. for Tire and Rim Std. for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Std. for Gas Utilization h Determination Devi/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for Electronic Std. for Lighting and Marking of Agricultural 2) Std. for Installation of Gas Piping and 108/ Minimum Performance Std. for Airborne VOR Receiving for Terminology for Pressure Relief Devices (Container and Std. for Safety for Electrically Operated Photographic measuring, Recording and Specifying Machinery Sound Within Air Conditioning Std. Format for NAS 900 Series (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) (Enology)(1972) Enrich Cereals (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Tent. H Tent. P Tent. Ebu /Sis of Niaci Enriched Cereals and Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Enriched Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Enrichment (Vitamin and Mineral) Concentrates Used to E Enthalpy by Energy Balance (1973) Entraining Admixtures for Concrete (1973) ANSI A37.132 Entranceways in Food Establishments (1970) Enveloped Gaskets for Corrosive Service (1971) ANSI Z26 Enveloped Gaskets (1970) ANSI Z261.1 Environment and Design Stds for (1972) Air Environment on Production, Heat and Moisture Loss and F Environment Test, of Spacecraft Thermal Control Materia Environment (1972) /S to Prevent in Service Cracking O Environmental Chamber (1973) /of Test for Resistance T Environmental Materials Polychlorinated Biphenyls (1974 Environments (Coil Coating) (1974) /Eration and Evalua Environments (1974) Std. Spec, for High Strength Enzymes Used in TextUe Desizing (1973) ANSI L14.147 Epitaxial Layers by the 3 Probe Voltage Breakdown Meth. Epitaxial Layers of Silicon by Measurement of Stacking Epitaxial Layers of Silicon on Substrates of the Same T Epitaxial Layers Using a Collinear 4 Probe Array (1974) Epitaxial or Diffused Layers in Silicon by the Angle La Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins (1973) Epoxy Functional SUane Type Finishes for Plastic Lamin Epoxy Products According to Their Hazardous Potentialit Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1973) Epoxy Resin Impregnated for Hand Layup (1973) Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36,000, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70,000 (483) Tensile, 36,000, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self Extingu Epoxy Resins and Related Components (1968) ANSI K65.183 Epoxy Resins (1973) Epoxy Resins (1973) Epoxy Resins (1973) Std. Epoxy (1972) Rec. Pr Equalized and Tempered (1973) / Forgings, Corrosion an Equations for Compressible Fluids (1973) Equations for Incompressible Fluids (1972) Equilized, and Over Tempered (1973) /Nt, 15.5Cr-4.5N Equipment and Circuits (1974) ANSI N41.14 Equipment and General Purpose Machine Tools (1973) Equipment and Machinery (1972) Equipment and Machinery (1973) Equipment and Materials for Use in Flammable Anesthetiz Equipment and Non-Synchronous Data Communication Equipm Equipment and Operations (1972) Std. for S Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambi Equipment ar >d Rating Meth. (1972) /Nal Vehicle Air Con Equipment and Supporting Structures (1973) /(Safety) F Equipment and Systems (1972) ANSI G81.16 Std. Rec Equipment as Received from Manufacturer (1969) ANSI C59 Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Gene Equipment Employing Parallel Binary Data Interchange (1 Equipment Exhaust Systems (1970) Equipment for Anchoring, Mooring, Docking, Towing and L Equipment for Combustion Chamber in Heating Appliances Equipment for Control of Air Conditioning, Heating, Coo Equipment for Drying Farm Crops (1971) Equipment for Home Use (1967) Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) Equipment for Sampling Water and Steam (1970) ANSI Zl 11 Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Grou Equipment for Use with Dry Chlorine (1971) Equipment for Use with Emergency Locator Transmitters ( Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Equipment for 1974 Passenger Cars (1974) Equipment in Hazardous Locations (1972) ANSI C106.1 Equipment in Large Boilers (1971) Equipment on Boats (Audio Device, Automatic Pilot, Dept Equipment on Highways (1971) Equipment on Industrial and Certain Other Premises (197 Equipment Operating Within the Radio Frequency Range of Equipment Protection) (1972) Std. Equipment Rated at 300 Volts or Less (1974) Equipment Rooms (Noise) (1973) Std. for Meth. of Equipment Selection and System Design Procedures (1973) Equipment Spec. (1973) ASE ASE ASE ASE ASE ASE ASE AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM NSF ASTM ASTM SAE ASAE ASTM NACE ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM AATCC ASTM AATM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE SAE ISA ISA SAE IEEE JIC ASAE ASAE UL EIA ANSI ASTM IMACA FMS ASTM IEEE IEEE EIA NSF ABYC UL UL ASAE EIA IEEE IEEE ASTM UL CHI RTCA ANS TRA NFPA ANSI ABYC SAE ANSI RTCA ANSI UL ARI NESCA NSA •6 •7 ♦8 *9 •2 •3 •1 86-49 86-05 86-03 86-49 E341 C260 37 F336 F112 AIR818B D249.2 E512 RP-04-72 D3273 D3304 TB-III-3 A690 103 F108 F143 F95 F374 F110 D1652 D3098 K68.1 D2517 AMS3894A AMS3894/8 AMS3894/9 AMS3821 D2393 D1652 D1847 D1726 RP-03-72 AMS5745A S39.3 S39.1 AMS5743D 384 HI R354 S226.2 1067 RS404 Z8.1 C667 400 7-14 A380 64 336 RS408 33 A5 378 873 S248.2 RS234-B 323 344 D1192 698 6 DO-154 N18.10 1-17 496 Z21.33 A21 J137A Z83.1 DO-153 B95.1 122 575 MAN K 983 Engineering and Product Standards Division 143 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Billiard Tournament Table and Accessory Equipmen Uniform Alignment Tests-NAS 900 Series Equipmen Concrete Plant Equipmen s / Minimum Operational Characteristics Vertical Guidance Equipmen r Single Frequency Output for Institutional Audio-Visual Equipmen brackets and Socket for Agricultural (Farm) and Industrial Equipmen Std. for Safety for Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipmen oldup (Criminology)/ Std. for Safety for Bullet Resisting Equipmen ree Climber) (1973) Spec, for Lineman's Climbing Equipmen ers, Gas Therapy and Suctio/ Std. for Respiratory Therapy Equipmen Safety Std. for Electric Home Laundry Equipmen Minimum Performance Std. for Airborne Distance Measuring Equipmen s for Television Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipmen Std. for Ground Support Equipmen Std. for Safety for Battery Powered Emergency Lighting Equipmen Loss Prevention Data on High Frequency Heating Equipmen nsi C33.8 Std. for Safety for Grounding and Bonding Equipmen y for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Drying Equipmen for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Washing Equipmen t Face Design and Location for Construction and Industrial Equipmen arily Affixed Safety Signs for Construction and Industrial Equipmen ring Identification System for Industrial and Construction Equipmen Rules for the Operation of Electric Supply Lines and Equipmen i C33.95 Safety Std. for Electric Baseboard Heating Equipmen oduction Check Flanges and Cask/ ^£ ec ' ^ or ^'" ^ ellnea( i Equipmen Rec. for Fire Protection of Electrical Equipmen s Prevention Data on Sight Glasses for Chemical Processing Equipmen heels for Industrial Trucks, Casters, Conveyors, and Other Equipmen std. Definitions and Terminology for Relays for Electronic Equipmen Std. Safety Requirements for Bakery Equipmen td. Meth. of Measurement for Audio Amplifiers Used in Home Equipmen . for Illumination Tests for Photographic Still Projection Equipmen f Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Equipmen ed Peak Flutter Content of Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipmen allation and Maintenance of Electrical Supply Stations and Equipmen f Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Equipmen Operator Controls on Agricultural Tractors, Machinery and Equipmen Std. Spec, for Distillation Equipmen ion Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Equipmen Safety Stds. for Conveyors and Related Equipmen Std. for Operator Controls on Agricultural Equipmen Rec. Safety Alert Symbol for Agricultural Equipmen Minimum Performance Stds. Airborne ATC Transponder Equipmen Rec. Pract. for Safety for Agricultural Equipmen Safety Std. for Electric Motors for Appliances and Equipmen Std. for Safety for Ground Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipmen Safety Std. for Medical and Dental Equipmen Minimum Requirements for School Bus Construction and Equipmen or T-Hook Slots for Securement in Shipment of Agricultural Equipmen the Protection of Electronic Computer and Data Processing Equipmen tions for Die Cavity and Cutoff Die Sizes for Cold Forging Equipmen trical Installations on Packaging Machinery and Associated Equipmen ng Lamp (Light) for Remote Mounting on Agricultural (Farm) Equipmen r Sound Rating Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Equipmen medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Assembly and Equipmen ols Direct Electric Ignition Control Systems for Gas Fired Equipmen f Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Equipmen sign, Installation and Performance of Sprinkler Irrigation Equipmen class Hi (High Impact) Shock Test. Machine for Lightweight Equipmen uctures (FOPS) of Construction and Industrial Vehicles and Equipmen stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Generators and Electrical Equipmen Safety Std. for Electric Space Heating Equipmen Std. for Dimensions for Racks, Panels and Associated Equipmen Std. for Safety for Agricultrual Auger Conveying Equipmen Rec. Safe Pract. for Thermal Spraying and Blasting Equipmen Uniform Fire Code: Oil Burning Equipmen Std. for Outdoor Floodlighting (Light) Equipmen Safety Std. for Commercial-Industrial Gas Heating Equipmen Safety Std. for Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipmen nimum Requirements for Type II School Bus Construction and Equipmen or Safety for Sheathed Heating Elements for Appliances and Equipmen for Air as an Electrical Insulating Material in Electrical Equipmen Terminal Equipment and Non-Synchronous Data Communication Equipmen Std. and Nomenclature for Diamond Core Drill Equipmen jStd. for Safety for Agricultural Equipmen Safety Std. for Electric Central Air Heating Equipmen Test. Procedures for Relays for Electrical and Electronic Equipmen std. for Iron-Core Power Filter Inductors for Electronic Equipmen and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway Lighting Equipmen f Socket Supports Used in Metal Heads for Roadway Lighting Equipmen and Reflector Interchangeabjlity Used in Roadway Lighting Equipmen t Supports for Use in Metal Heads Used in Roadway Lighting Equipmen Std. for Multiple Sockets Used in Roadway Lighting Equipmen tage Classification of Luminaires Used in Roadway Lighting Equipmen Std. for Unitary Air Conditioning Equipmen Std. for Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioning Equipmen Specs. (1971) Specs. (1972) Stds. (1973) Used in Airborne Volumetric Navigation System Used Primarily for Speech (1974) /O Amplifie Warning Lamp and Slow Moving Vehicles (SMV) I Audio /Visual Communication) (1974) Barrier) for Protection Against Robbery or H Body Belt, Safety Strap, Lanyard, Pole and T Breathing Devices, Room Humidifiers, Nebuliz Clothes Washer and Dryer) (1972>ANSI C33.13 DME) Operating Within the Radio Frequency Ra Flyback Transformer, Multiplier, Deflection Hand Knob) (1974) Indoor) (1973) Induction and Dielectric) (1973) Internal Electrical Wiring Systems) (1972) a Laundry Dryer) (1974) Std. for Safet Laundry Washer) (1974) Std. for Safety Machinery) (1971) /Ec. Pract. for Instrumen Machinery) (1971) /H Permanently and Tempor Machinery) (1971) /Pract. for Electrical Wi National Electrical Safety Code) (1973) Portable and Fixed) 600 V or Less (1973) Ans Production Valves, Ring Joint, Segmented, Pr Single Phase and Related Faults) (1973) Vessel) (1974) 144 Engineering and Product Standards Division 1966) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) Los Std. for Demountable Tired W Std Rec. Pract. for the Purification O Std. Meth. for Measurement of Weight /Ety Code, Part 1: Rules for the Inst /Ract for the Flushing and Cleaning 1971) ANSI B114.2, SAE J389 /or Symbols for 1971) ANSI Z168.4 1971) NBS HB111 Std. for Radiat 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) Std. F 1972) Std. for 1972) Std. Recommenda 1972) Rec. Pract. for Elec 1972) Std. for Flashing Warni 1972) Std. Meth. of Testing Fo 1972) Std. Pract. for Low and 1972) Std. for Residential Contr 1972) Rec. Pract. for the Design 1972) Minimum Requirements for the De 1972) /Ign, Construction, and Operation of 1972) IS) and Falling Object Protective Str 1972) /Td. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed 1972) ANSI C33.12 972) ANSI C83.9 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) Mi 973) Std. F 973) Std. Spec. 973) /Art-Stop Signal Quality Between Data 973) ANSI B 104.1 973) ANSI B114.3 973) ANSI C33.104 973) ANSI C83.25 973) ANSI C83.92 973) EEITDJ-140 973) EEI TDJ-143 973) NEMA SH10 973) NEMA SH13 973) NEMA SH17 973) NEMA SH3 974) 974) Std. Std. for Metal Head /Cal Interchangeability O Std. for Metal Head /Nterchangeability of Socke Std. for Vol BCA NSA NRMCA RTCA ANSI ASAE UL UL EEI NSF UL RTCA UL NSA UL FMS UL UL UL SAE SAE SAE ANSI UL API FMS FMS CFTMA ANSI ANSI EIA ANSI ASME IEEE ANSI ASME ASAE ASTM ANSI ANSI ASAE ASAE RTCA SAE UL UL UL VESC ASAE NFPA IFI IEEE ASAE ASHRA DEMA NEMA ASME ASAE ANSI SAE DEMA UL EIA ASAE AWS ICBO NEMA UL UL VESC UL ASTM EIA DCDMA ASAE UL EIA EIA NEMA NEMA EEI EEI EEI EEI ARI ARI •1 985 *1 DO-152 PH7.2 S277.2 1069 752 AP-2 48 560 DO-151 492.3 1553 924 6-3 467 1240 1206 J209 J115 J210 C2.4 1042 6A 14-15 7-3 W7 C83.16 Z50.1 RS234-C PH3.47 LOS-5P1 193 C2.1 LOS-5C1 S304.4 E133 N43.2 B20.1 R335.1 R350 DO 150 J208A 1004 1053 544 V-6 S356 75 121 333 S307.1 36 •1-5 DC 21 LOS-5D1 R264.1 S2.15 J397A •1-18 573 RS310-B S361T C2.1 UFC»2ART24 FA1 795 813 V-10 1030 D3283 RS404 3 S318.3 1096 RS407 RS197A SH10 SH13 TDJ-140 TDJ-143 TDJ-147 TDJ-133 210 250 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Central Forced Air Electric Heating Rec. for Protective Grounding of Electrical Circuits and Industrial Cost Trends for Buildings, Machinery and Std. for Electrical Power Switching Std. for Manual Gas Metal Arc (Gma) Welding Std. for Manual Gas Tungsten Arc (Gta) Fusion Welding pe Std., Variable Block Format, for Numerically Controlled ine for Monochrome Cctv (Closed Circuit Television) Camera o and Television Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic ) for Television Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Spec, for Resistance Seam and Roll Spot Welding Spec, for Rotary Drilling .2, Asse 1007 Std. and Test Procedures for Home Laundry Concrete Plant Mixer ner and Filler Identification (Construction and Industrial Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Prime Movers (Heavy perational Rec. for Globe Dry Pipe Valves (Fire and Safety Truck Mixer and Agitator Stds. (Concrete Plant of Water Formed Deposits (Chemical Cleaning of Industrial wire Cable Wrought Steel Heavy Thimble (For Ground Support n Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground Support vice Containers for Milk and Its Fluid Products (Packaging trucks. Buses, Coaches, Tractors, Industrial Road and Misc / Electrical / Mechanical Security Surveillance System and or Preparing Vulcan/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Materials, and Flammable Materials; Reporting and False Alarm; Use of Safety Std. for Oxygen Therapy ces, Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suction emistry) (19/ Meth. for Experimental Wheat Flour Milling: Std. for Resistance Spot Welding Flanged Wellhead, Underwater Wellhead, and Christmas Tree and Heat Detectors; Electromagnetic Holders; Sliding Door bile Construction Type Cranes Having Rope Supported Booms. d Temperature in the Automotive Braking System of Vehicles ng Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile ng Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile of Power Transmission Units Penetrating the Hull for Boats or Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Wheel Tractors ing Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors ing Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Welded Aluminum Alloy Field for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Rec. Rec. Scaffolding Rec. Steel Frame Shoring Rec. Horizontal Shoring Beam Std. for Safety Requirements for Steel tructural Steel (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for stry) (1962) Ether-Bicarbonate Meth. of Analysis of Chloroform-Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Std. Test Meth. for Dust and Fog Tracking and r Design, Layout, Construction and Maintenance of Terrace e Water Pumps with Coolan/ Std. Test Meth. for Cavitation f Test for Liquid Contaminant, Inclined Plane Tracking and id or Solid Partic/ Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to (1952) Rec. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Designing a High Current Arc Std. Meth. of Vibratory Cavitation order / Reproducers (1974) An/ Rec. Test Meth. for Timing Std. Pract. for the Inspection of Elevators, Uniform Building Code: Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Properties and ic Acid (1973) tic Soda (1974) roform (1974) formaldehyde (1974) vinyl Chloride (1972) Properties and Properties and Properties and Properties and Std. Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Tent. Test Meth. for Std. Spec, and Meth. for on of Foods and Beverages (1973) 70) truction Poles (1974) lm for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Cellulose Std. Meth. of Test for Phthalate Std. for Packing, Preformed O-Ring Phosphate Std. Meth. of Test for est Control Chemical 0,0-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S • st Control Chemical Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbanilate and Fatty Acids (Cereal / Meth. for Preparation of Methyl thyl Ether of Hydroquinone in Colorless Monomeric Acrylate ANSI Zl.l/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Choice of Sample Size to by the Causticaire Method (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (1974) Equipment (3 Phase) (1973) Equipment (petroleum) (1974) Equipment (washer, Dryer, Combination) (1971) ANSI A197 (Equipment) Stds. (1973) Interchangeable Perforated Ta /Ec. Std. for Engineering Specs. Outl /or Safety for Special Fuses for Radi /Thode Ray Tubes (Picture and Display Equipment) (1971) Equipment) (1972) Equipment) (1973) Equipment) (1973) Equipment) (1973) Equipment) (1974) Equipment) (1974) Equipment) (1974) Equipment) (1974) Equipment) (1974) /Aintenance Instructions, and Contai /Nimum Performance Criteria for Roll (1970) Cenco Fitch Apparatus (1970) Ale/ of Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.10 Std Std. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for /of Solvent Systems Used for Removal Std. for Std. for Forged Carbo /R Fillers and Sealers of Single Ser /Reign and Domestic Passenger Cars. /S Control System Units (Electronic Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Rubber Compounds F Equipment, Appliances, Devices and Vacant Buildings) (1 Equipment, Refrigerated (1973) Equipment, Room Air Purifiers, Filters, Compressors, Ar Equipment, Sample Preparation, and Tempering (Cereal Ch Equipment, 3 Phase (1973) Equipment; Flow Control Chokes; and Water Sampling Devi Equipment; Installation Aids (1969) /Ers, Stops, Smoke Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Grapple, or Equipped with Disc Brakes (1972) /Nation of Brake Flui Equipped with Full Scale Tires in the Diagonal Braking Equipped with Full Scale Tires (1971T) /Est for Stoppi Equipped with Outdrives, Jet Drives and/or Bow Thruster Equipped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Three Point F Equipped with 3 Point Hitch (1972) /Ocedure for Measur Equipped with 3 Point Hitch (1972) /Ocedure for Measur Erasability of Inked Ribbons (1972) Erected Storage Tanks (1973) Erection and Installation (1972) Std. Pract. Erection Instructions for Steel Door Frames (1972) Erection Procedure (1968) Erection Procedure (1969) Erection Procedure (1972) Erection (1972) Erection, Fabrication, Identification and Painting of S Ergot in Rye and Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemi Ergot in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Erosion ANSI C59.133 (Erosion Control and Water Conservation) (1972) /Ec. Fo Erosion Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminum Automotiv Erosion of Insulating Materials (1973) ANSI C59.135 /O Erosion of Solids by Cavitation and Impingement by Liqu Erosion Resistance of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures Erosion Test for Electrical Contact Materials (1973) Erosion Test (1972) Error Measurements of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape Rec Escalators and Moving Walks (inspectors Manual) (1973) Escalators, and Moving Walks (1973) Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of Acet Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of Caus Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of Chlo Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of Para Essential Information for the Safe Handling and Use of Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values (1973) Establishing Conditions for Laboratory Sensory Evaluati Establishing Design Stresses for Round Timber Piles (19 Establishing Rec. Design Stresses for Round Timber Cons Ester Base (1973) Spec, for Photographic Fi Ester Color of High Gravity Glycerin (1973) Ester Resistant (-65 Deg. F to +160 Deg. F) (1972) Ester Value of Lacquer Solvents and Thinners (1972) Ester with 4-(Mercaptomethyl)-2-Methyoxy-? 2 l,3,4- (Ester) Desmedipham (1973) / for Common Name for the PE Esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, Esters (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Me Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Process (1972) Estimating Maturity and Linear Density of Cotton Fibers Estimating Modular Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1971) Estimating Reinforcing Steel Bar Materials and Service Estimating Stray Radiant Energy (1972) Estimating the Thermal Conductivity of Leather with the Estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section AR1 FMS FMS NEMA NSA NSA NSA EIA UL UL NSA API AHAM NRMCA SAE SAE FMS NRMCA ASTM NSA NSA DFISA BCI UL ASTM ICBO UL NSF AACCH NSA API NBHA SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ABYC ASAE ASAE SAE ASTM ANSI DEMA STDI SSI SSI SSI ANSI ICBO AACCH AACCH ASTM ASAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ACI AATM ASTM EIA ANSI ICBO MCA MCA MCA MCA MCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NSA ASTM ANSI ANSI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM BIA CRSI ASTM ASTM ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division 280 510 9-3 SG6 959 961 955 RS312 492.7 492.8 991 7 HLW2PR •2 J223 J320B 2-14 •3 D2790 1045 1053 1704 •1.56 294 D3182 UFC«2ART27 416 48 26-10 967 6A 8 J220 J291 E503 E445 P16 S278.2 S349 J283 F362 B96.1 • 1-21 105 *] »6 *8 A10.13 UBCS27-2 42-56 42-55 D2132 R268.1 D2809 D2303 G40 52-18 B576 G32 RS413 A17.2 UBC*3-51 SD41 SD9 SD89 SD6 SD56 D2555 E480 D2899 D3200 PHI. 28 D1728 1611 D1617 K62.134 K62.139 58-17 D3125 E122 D2480 10 •1.5.1 E387 D2214 C626 145 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 11 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards biphenyls for C/ Std. Meth. for Rapid Gas Chromatographic nol by Cloud Point Dep/ Std. Test Meth. for Detection and 1972) ANSI Z197./ Std. Meth. of Analysis of Sulfochromate Std. Meth. for Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track r Crystallographic Perfection of Germanium by Preferential 973) Std. Spec, for Tent. Ebulliometer Meth. for Analysis of Alcohol Tent. Hydrometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol Tent. Pycnometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol nd Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) sters (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Methyl Spec, for Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Std. Spec, for Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl for Determining Hydroxyalkoxyl Content of Corn Starch and oxyalkoxyl Groups in Hydroxyethyl and Hydroxypropyl Starch Std. of Architectural hips (Quality Control) (1967) Rec. Pract. for 1972) Std. for Ethyl S,S-Dipropyl Phosphorodithioate) (1973/ Std. for Safe Handling and Use of am (1/ Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical or Ethoprop (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical O - enethi/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical S- rene / Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical he Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-Chloro-6- name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4- ine •/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- 68-516 Std. for Mine Power Cables with single and Multiple Conductor Electrical Power Cables with r Nonshielded Single Conductor Electrical Power Cable with ables Rated 2000 Volts and Less and Having Ozone Resistant Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for wer Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Resistant 72) Std. Spec, for General Purpose (1973) Spec, for Synthetic Rubber. Std. for Safe Handling and Use of Spec, for Photographic Grade c) Acid (EDTA) and Its/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade . Spec, for Photographic Grade Ethylenediaminetetraacetic dipropetryn (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- 973) Std. Rec. Pract. for d. Rec. Pract. for Use of Mattsson's Solution of pH 7.2 to 1 Lumber (1974) Std. Meth. for ing Color and Gloss Tolerances of Opaque Materials and for Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparing, Cleaning, and by Fungal Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumu/ Tent. Meth. of 68E) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for d Rubber Like Materials by a Tempera/ ile in Storage (1971) ANSI L14. S2 bber Like Materials (I960) ANSI J/ fill Pipes with / Rec. Pract. for Defining Conditions for al Clad Switchgear (1971) ANSI C37.24 Std. Guide for ic Fluid Power Filter Element / Std. Multi Pass Meth. for le Panel Materials (1972) ANSI 08.1 Std. Meth. of Rec. Pract. for tion (1971) ANSI L14.79 Test Meth. for s (1974) Std. Meth. of ide for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the Thermal Std. for Performance 1 Films for Still Ph/ Std. for Sensitometric Exposure and milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics/ Farinograph trile Rubbers (NBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for ural Rubber (Nr) (1973) Std. Meth. for rene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Rubbers (IIR) (1973) Std. Meth. for butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for oroprene Rubbers (CR) (1973) Std. Meth. for and Isoprene Rubber (IR) (1973) Std. Meth. for e-Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for adiene Rubbers (BR) (1973) Std. Meth. for ansi L14.144 Test Meth. for tile Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.106 Test Meth. for e Cylinders (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for e (1965) ANSI A 146.1 Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Image Pract. for Establishing Conditions for Laboratory Sensory es (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Sensory Detection and Measurement of Discharge (Corona) Pulses in Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.55 Test Meth. for the 972) Std. Test Procedure for Thermal corrosive Environments (Coil Co/ Meth. of Preperation and ctive Struc/ Rec. Pract. for Critical Zone for Laboratory Machinery Employing Form Wo/ Std. Test Procedure for the ting Wastewater (1970) Basic Criterial for Estimation of Higher Boiling Homologues of Chlorinated Estimation of Water Insoluble Impurities in Refined Phe Etch Solution Used in Surface Preparation of Aluminum ( Etch Technique (1973) Etch Techniques (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test Fo ETFE -Fluoroplastic Molding and Extrusion Materials (1 (Ethanol) in Wine (Enologv) (1972) (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) (Ethanol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) Ether-Bicarbonate Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye a Ether of Hydroquinone in Colorless Monomelic Acrylate E Ether (1972) Ether (1972) Ethers (1967) Std. Analytical Meth. Ethers (1973) /Lytical Meth. for Determination of Hydr Ethical Practice (1972) Ethics and Human Relations in Vendor- Vendee Relations Ethiolate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) ( Ethoprop (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical O- Ethyl Acetate (Chemical Safety) (1972) Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbanilate (Ester) Desmediph Ethyl S.S-Dipropyl Phosphorodithioate) (1973) /Td. F Ethyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadi Ethyl (E,E)3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Hydrop (Ethylamino)-S-Triazine-Terbuthylazine (1973) /for T (Ethylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Terbutryn (19 (Ethylamino)4-(Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triaz Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulation, 2001-5000 Vol Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Integral Insulation and J Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (1972) Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (1972) Ethylene Glycol (1972) Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-5 Ethylene Propylene Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable (19 Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer, General Purpose (45-55) Ethylene (1973) Ethylenediamine H 2 N.CH,.CH 2 .NH 2 (1973) Ethylenediaminetetraacetic (Ethylenedinitrilotetraaceti (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic) Acid (EDTA) and Its Salts (Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis (Isopropylamino) Striazine) (1973) Evacuated Reflective Insulation in Cryogenic Service (1 Evaluate the Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility O Evaluating Allowable Properties for Grades of Structura Evaluating Conformance (1972T) /or Selecting and Defin Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimens (1972) ANSI G80.1 Evaluating Deg. of Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films Evaluating Inhibitory Toxicity of Industrial Waters (19 Evaluating Low Temperature Characteristics of Rubber an Evaluating Oxidation of Wool Oils on Woolen Fabric Text Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Ru Evaluating the Compatibility of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Met Evaluating the Filtration Performance of a Fine Hydraul Evaluating the Properties of Wood Base Fiber and Partic Evaluating the Quality Control Program (1969) Evaluating Wetting Agents in Caustic Soda for Merceriza Evaluating Wood Preservatives by Field Tests with Stake Evaluation and Establishment of Temperature Indexes of Evaluation for Household Food Waste Disposers (1973) Evaluation Meth. for Determining Speed of Color Reversa Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Nonfat Dry Evaluation of and Test Formula for Butadiene-Acryloni Evaluation of and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in Nat Evaluation of and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in Sty Evaluation of and Test Formula for Isobutene-Isoprene Evaluation of and Test Formula for Pigmented Styrene- Evaluation of and Test Formulas for General Purpose Chi Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Natural Rubber (Nr) Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Nonpigmented Styren Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Solution Poly-But Evaluation of Antibacterial Finishes on Fabrics (1970) Evaluation of Commercial Rewetting Agents on Cotton Tex Evaluation of Compression Test Results in Field Concret Evaluation of Compression Test Results of Field Concret Evaluation of Electrostatic Business Copies (1972) Evaluation of Foods and Beverages (1973) Std. Rec. Evaluation of Industrial and Institutional Food Purchas Evaluation of Insulation Systems (1973) /Td. Meth. for Evaluation of Mildew and Rot (Fungicides) Resistance of Evaluation of Oil Immersed Distribution Transformers (1 Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Evaluation of Roll Over (ROPS) and Falling Object Prole Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Evaluation of Special Processes or Devices Used in Trea ASTM D3303 ASTM D2147 ASTM D2674 ASTM E418 ASTM F389 ASTM D3159 ASE *1 ASE •2 ASE *3 AACCH 42-56 ASTM D3125 ASTM D3128 ASTM D331 CR C-20 CR C-30 AIOA J330 ASQC RP1 ANSI K62.123 ANSI K62.133 MCA SD51 ANSI K62.139 ANSI K62.133 ANSI K62.141 ANSI K62.136 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.148 ANSI K62.142 NEMA WC8/5 NEMA WC8/6 NEMA WC8/7 NEMA WC8/1 ASTM D331 ASTM D3128 ASTM D2693 NEMA WC8 ASTM D2768 SAE AMS3260 MCA SD100 ANSI PH4.188 ANSI PH4.185 ANSI PH4.185 ANSI K62.135 ASTM C740 ASTM G37 ASTM D2915 ASTM D3134 ASTM Gl ASTM D3274 ASTM D2037 ASTM D1329 AATCC 62 ASTM D1081 SAE J398A IEEE 144 NFLDP T3. 10.8.8 ASTM D1037 ASQC RP3 AATCC 43 ASTM D1758 IEEE 98 AHAM FWD-1 ANSI PH2.21 AACCH 54-20 ASTM D3187 ASTM D3192 ASTM D3191 ASTM D3188 ASTM D3186 ASTM D3190 ASTM D3184 ASTM D3185 ASTM D3189 AATCC 100 AATCC 27 ICBO UBCS26-11 ACI 214 ASTM F360 ASTM E480 ASTM E461 ASTM D1868 AATCC 30 IEEE 345 NCCA TB-III-3 SAE J397A IEEE 429 NSF C-9 146 Engineering and Product Standards Division 1 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards n Housings 0/ Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for (Safety (1971) Rec. Pract. Test Procedure for rn Form (1971) ANSI L14.75 Test Meth. for Quick (1971) ANSI L14.ll Test Meth. for ion (1973) ANSI Z11.210 Std. Meth. for Means of Small Size Specimens/ Std. Meth. of Accelerated asher (1971) ANSI Z224.1 Std. Performance olor Chart / Textile Colorfastness) (1972) Rec. xtile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Rec. e Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Rec. Rec. Pract. for Bumper ites (1972) Std. Meth. for Laboratory Rec. Pract. for in Place Concrete Strength at 60/ Safety Std. for Electric Fans (Blower, Humidifier, ars and Light Tr/ Rec. Pract. for the Measurement of Fuel ars and Light Tr/ Rec. Pract. for the Measurement of Fuel vent Extract from Aerospace Components (Using Rotary Flash Std. and Rec. Pract. for Buoyancy in the lowering Trees; Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf r Color Change in Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): data from Differential Thermal Analysis, Thermogravimetry, rains, Unpopped Popcorn, Drie/ Meth. of Analysis of X-Ray her Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemis/ Ultraviolet Light nt of Metal and Oxide Coating Thicknesses by Microscopical limentary Pastes for Del Meth. of Analysis of Macroscopic eas and Beans for Roden/ Meth. of Analysis of Macroscopic rmination of the Mechanical Propert/ Std. Rec. Pract. for applications (19/ Std. Spec, for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Std. Meth. of Magnetic Particle ANSI / Std. Meth. and Spec, for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Std. Spec, for Ultrasonic, Angle Beam copy (1973) Std. Meth. for hase of Nuclear P/ Std. for Qualifications of Inspection, Contemporary Bearing Wall Uniform Building Code; Uniform Building Code: ystems Whose Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Does Not Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Straw, Spanish Moss, Maintenance Instructions for Chlorine Institute Std. test for Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Preventing Engineering Data Sheets for the Design of Air Std. Meth. of Test for Operating Performance of Anion Std. Meth. of Field Sampling of Ion h. of Test for Operating Performance of Particulate Cation st for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Industry Standard for Household Commercial and Portable Std. Spec, for U-Bend Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Heat pec. for Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Round Condenser and Heat spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat c. for Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat c and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat . 260 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and Light Gage for Heat pec. for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Seamless and Welded Titanium Tube for Condensers and Heat ondenser Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Condensers and Heat luminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Sanitary Std. for Scraped Surface Heat Std. for Tubular Heat nd Paperboard in CIE Y; X, Y or Y, Dominant Wavelength and Std. Criteria and Definitions for Std. Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power 972) Apparatus) tibility in 7XXX Series Copper Containing Aluminum Alloys Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent real Chemistry)/ Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Glass Plate Meth. of Analysis for Insect eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes for Detection of Rodent d Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Damage on Kernels, Rodent e Specs, for Brick and Tile Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part III std. for Industrial Computer System FORTRAN Procedures for per Containing Aluminum Alloys (E/ Std. Meth. of Test for ndustrial Trucks (1973) Rec. Pract. for for Uniform Laboratory Instrumentation and Techniques for (1974) Rec. Pract. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Blower, Fan, and Pract. for Nomenclature for Passenger Car and Light Truck onveying (1973) / Std. for the Installation of Blower and (Boats) (/ Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Safe Installation of Std. for Commercial Cooking Equipment r Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local dium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Air Intake and Rec. Pract. for Dilution Ventilation in Industrial rec. Pract. for Ventilation for Heat Control in Industrial Rec. Pract. for Fans for Industrial Rec. Pract. for Design Procedure for Industrial Evaluation of Suitability of Plastic Material for Use I Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Rear Underride Guard Evaluation of Wettability of Fabrics and Textiles in Ya Evaluation of Wetting Agents (Cotton Test Skein Meth.) Evaluation of White Mineral Oils by Ultraviolet Absorpt Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine Services by Evaluation Procedure for Household (laundry, Clothes) W Evaluation Procedure of Chromatic Transference Scale (C Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Color Change (Te Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Staining (Textil Evaluation Test Procedure (1971) Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Term Evaluation (1970) Evaporative Cooler, and Air Filtering Appliances Rated Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger C Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger C Evaporator) (1972) /Olatile Residue of Halogenated Sol Event of Swamping (Boat Flotation) (1973) Evergreens; Rose Grades; Vines and Ground Covers; Fruit Every Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (1970) /T Meth. Fo Evolved Gas Analysis and Detection (1973) / Reporting Examination for Internal Insect Infestation in Cereal G Examination for Presence of Rodent Urine on Bags and Ot Examination of a Cross Section (1973) ANSI G53.51 /Erne Examination of Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and a Examination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried P Examination of Fuel Element Cladding Including the Dete Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Examination of Steel Forgings (1971) ANSI G60.6 Examination of Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1973) Examination of Steel Plates (1973) ANSI G35.24 Examination of Water Formed Deposits by Chemical Micros Examination, and Test. Personnel for the Construction P Example of Shear Wall Design (Tech. Notes) (1964) Excavation and Grading (1973) Excavations, Foundations, and Retaining Walls (1973) Exceed 60 or 125 Psig (1973) /Es in Gas Distribution S Excelsior, etc.) (1973) /W, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Excess Flow Valves (1972) Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to the Alkali- Agg Exchange Coolers for Packaged Compressor Units (1974) Exchange Materials for Strong Acid Removal (1972) Exchange Materials (1972) Exchange Materials (1972) ANSI Z111.4 Std. Met Exchange Resins (1972) Std. Meth. of Te Exchange Water Softeners (1972) Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.8 /D. S Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins (1973) Std. Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins (1974) Std. Exchanger Tubes (1972) ANSI H34.42 Std. Spe Exchanger Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.22 / Seamless Ferriti Exchanger Tubing (1972) /Td. Spec, for Copper Alloy No Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.32 / S Exchangers (1965) ANSI H50.2 Std. Spec, for Exchangers (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy C Exchangers (1973) ANSI H38.6 Std. Spec, for a Exchanges for Use with Milk and Its Products (1973) Exchanges in Chemical Process Service (1971) Excitation Purity (1972) /F Measuring Color of Paper a Excitation Systems for Synchronous Machines (1972) Exclusion Devices (In. Series) (1972) ANSI B93.35 (Exclusive of Generator, for Hydraulic Turbine Drive) (1 (Exco Test) (1972) /St for Exfoliation Corrosion Suscep Excreta in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Excreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semolina (Ce Excreta in White, Wheat, and Com Flour (1962) Excreta, Insects, Webbing, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Excreta, Other Filth, and Extraneous Material (Cereal C Execution) (1972) Guid Executive Functions and Process Input-Output (1972) Exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX Series Cop Exhaust Emission Controls (Air Pollution) for Powered I Exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement (Passenger Car and Li Exhaust Hood Design for Industrial Ventilation Systems Exhaust System for Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) Exhaust System Parts (1972) Rec. Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal or C Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery Exhaust Systems (1970) Exhaust Systems (1971) Std. Fo Exhaust Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Me Exhaust Systems (1974) Exhaust Systems (1974) Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) SAE J29 SAE J260 AATCC 39 AATCC 17 ASTM D2269 ASTM D2481 AHAM HLW-1 AATCC EP3 AATCC EP1 AATCC EP2 SAE J980A AWPA M12-72 NRMCA •133 UL 507 SAE J 170 A SAE J171A ASTM F331 ABYC H8A ANSI Z60.1 AATCC 120 ASTM E472 AACCH 28-21 AACCH 28-85 ASTM B487 AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-10 ASTM E453 ASTM A578 ASTM A275 ASTM A435 ASTM A577 ASTM D1245 ANSI N45.2.6 BIA 24D ICBO UBC»3-70 ICBO UBC*3-29 ANSI B16.33 ICBO UFC*2ART7 CHI 42 ASTM C441 API 11K ASTM D3087 ASTM D2687 ASTM D1782 ASTM D2187 WCF S-100 ASTM B395 ASTM A 199 ASTM B404 ASTM B359 ASTM B163 ASTM A213 ASTM B569 ASTM A249 ASTM B338 ASTM B171 ASTM B234 DFISA 3100 ANSI B78.1 TAPPI T527SU IEEE 421 NFLDP T3.19.7 NEMA MG1-22 ASTM G34 AACCH 28-42 AACCH 28-50 AACCH 28-43 AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-10 CSI 11B ISA S61.1 ASTM G34 ITA 6F1 SAE J254 ACGIH •1-4 ICBO UBCS10-3 SAE J97 NFPA 91 ABYC PI NSF 33 ANSI Z9.2 DEMA *l-8 ACGIH *l-2 ACGIH *l-3 ACGIH •1-10 ACGIH •1-6 Engineering and Product Standards Division 147 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ec. Pract. for Make Up and Recirculated Air for Industrial Rec. Pract. for Construction Spec, for Local Industrial Rec. Pract. for Test, of Industrial g Devices (Air Filters and Dust Collectors) for Industrial itions. Abbreviations and General Principles of Industrial Std. for the Installation of Air Conditioning, Heating, termination for Division Services (Individuals, Clubs, and (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Floor-Ceiling Assemblies) in ons (1973) Uniform Building Code: Brick Veneer; New and Std. for ardware: Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Uniform Fire Code: Maintenance of and / Western Woods Use Book: Fire Protection and Safety bleachers, and Grandstand/ Uniform Building Code: Stairs, Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: (Plastic Compo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Time and Peak of Test for Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor of Std. Spec, for Sponge and Rec. Concerning Storage of or Making Reference Glass-Metal Butt Seals and Test, for making Reference Glass-Metal Sandwich Seal and Test, for Temperature, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Strength, Materials with (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Cyli/ Std. for Safety for Pigtail, ire Extinguishment) (1973) Rec. for High Uniform Building Code Std. for 1971) ANSI A37.101 Std. Spec, for Preformed ral Construction (Nonextruding / Std. Spec, for Preformed Structural Clay Differential Movement ffectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Preventing Excessive 07 Std. Meth. of Test for Autoclave ural Uses/ Std. Spec, for Rolled Copper Alloy Bearing and or Ceramic Tile (1973/ Recommendation for Installation of Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Low chemistry) (1962) Buhler Meth. of chemistry) (1962) Batch Meth. of (1962) Batch Meth. of Is for Surgical Implants (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for paration, and Tempering (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ Meth. for try) (1962) Meth. of eth. for Generation of Chlorine Dioxide in Flour Bleaching on of So/ Requirements for Safety to Life-Property from able and Combustible Liquids and Solids and Potential Dust Rec. for Electrolytic Chlorine Processes liquefied Flammable/ Rec. for Sprinkler, Water Spray, and nual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions (Incandescence, Fire, boiler Furnaces with One / Std. for Prevention of Furnace ler Furnaces (Fire Protec/ Rec. for Prevention of Furnace Std. for Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Rec. for Protection Against Molten Metal Fires and Uniform Fire Code: Prevention of Dust Rec. Code for Transportation, Storage and Use of s Under High Shear (1972) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Fire Code: e for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Use of Std. Spec, for Untreated Carbon Steel Railway Axles for color Reversal Films for Still Ph/ Std. for Sensitometric 1 Laminated Wood Products for Use Under Exterior (Wet Use) ctural Laminated Products for Use Under Interior (Dry Use) photography) (1973) Std. Photographic Film ) ANSI Z197.24 Std. Rec. Pract. for Atmospheric (1970) ANSI N141 Rec. Pract. for Sealants (1972) Std. Meth. Test for UV Cold Box Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Exterior in Still Picture Cameras (1972) Std. 72) ANSI L14.177 Test Meth. for Resistance of Textiles: 76 Test Meth. for Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Rec. for e of Textile Materials and Coated Fabrics: Carbon Arc Lamp Meth. for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Carbon Arc Lamp ions of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational tness of Textiles to Light and Washing: Alternate Sunlight rfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water and Light: Alternate tile Fabrics to Water (High Humidity) and Light: Alternate Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Natural Light / Std. Meth. of Test for Characteristic Groups in Rubber (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Structural Relaxation Meth. of ereal Chemistry) (1962) General ysical Dough Tests (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) load and Elongatoin of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Elastic Properties of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of nd (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for cs. Terminology,/ Handbook of Spring Design: Compression, d Specimen by / Std. Meth. of Test for Rate of Burning or Recommendation for Installation of Recommendation for Installation of Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) /T. for Air Cleanin Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) /. Pract. for Defin Exhaust, Ventilating, and Their Combination Duct System Exhibition Charges) (1974) Uniform Pract. for Fee De Existing Buildings (1973) /on Field Test of Partitions Existing Buildings; Minimum Safety Requirement Alterati Existing Frame Construction (Tech. Notes) (1966) Exit Devices (Doors) (1972) Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Close Exit Ways (1973) (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Building Construction Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildings, Reviewing Stands, Exits and Stairs (1973) Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Thermosetting Resins Expanded Cellular Plastics Used for Electrical Insulati Expanded Cellular Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J2.4 Expanded Rubber (1972) Expansion Characteristics by Polarimetric Meth. (1973) Expansion Characteristics by Polarimetric Meth. (1973) Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Steels Expansion Coil, and Flexible Connector Fittings for LP Expansion Foam Systems (Ratios from 100:1 to 1000:1) (F Expansion Index Test for Soil (1973) Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) ( Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structu (Expansion Joints) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Expansion of Concrete Due to the Alkali-Aggregate Rea Expansion of Portland Cement (1971) ANSI A1.8, Ashto Tl Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Struct Expansion, Control, Contraction, and Isolation Joints F Expansion, Glass Sealing, 53Fe-29Ni-17Co (1973) Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Wheats (Cereal Experimental Milling for Bread and Soft Wheats (Cereal Experimental Milling for Durum Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) Experimental Test, for Biological Compatibility of Meta Experimental Wheat Flour Milling: Equipment, Sample Pre Experimental Wheat Milling: Temper Table (Cereal Chemis Experiments in Laboratories (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) Explosion and Fire in Design, Construction, and Operati Explosion Conditions (1973) /T), and Handling of Flamm (Explosion Hazard During Manufacture) (1974) Explosion Protection (Safety) for Flammable Liquid and Explosion, and Detonation Protection) (1973) Ma Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natural Gas Fired Watertube Explosions in Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple Burner Boi Explosions (1971) ANSI Z12.12 Explosions (1973) Explosions (1973) Explosive Materials (Fire Protection) (1973) Explosive Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace Alloy Explosives and Blasting Agents (1973) Explosives and Blasting Agents (1973) ANSI Z271.1 /Cod Export and General Industrial Use (1971) ANSI G57.12 Exposure and Evaluation Meth. for Determining Speed of Exposure Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197.27 /for Structura Exposure Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197.33 /Ives for Stru Exposure Guide (Also Contains Suggested Techniques for Exposure of Adhesive Bonded Joints and Structures (1970 Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Energy Radiation Exposure of One Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type Exposure Tests of Paints on Wood (1973) Exposure Time Markings for Variable Speed Shutters Used Exposure to Natural Light and Weather Through Glass (19 Exposure to Natural Light and Weather (1968) ANSI L14.1 Exposure to Radiation in an Emergency (1962) Exposure with Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.224 /R Resistanc Exposure Without Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.225 Test Exposure (1959) /Ns and Maximum Permissible Concentrat Exposure (1965) ANSI L14.118 Test Meth. for Colorfas Exposure (1971) ANSI L14.227 Test Meth. for Colo Exposure (1972) ANSI L14.228 /for Colorfastness of Tex Exposures Under Glass (1973) Extender and Processing Oils by the Clay Gel Absorption Extensigraph Analysis of Physical Dough Tests of Flour Extensigraph Meth. for Physical Dough Tests of Flour (C Extensigraph Meth. for Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in pH Extension Instruments) (1972) ANSI L14.287 / Breaking Extension Machines) (1972) ANSI L14.288 /. of Test for Extension Recovery and Adhesion of Latex Sealing Compou Extension, Torsion, Flat, and Hot Wound (Materials, Spe Extent of Burning of Cellular Plastics Using a Supporte Exterior Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Exterior Ceramic Tile Walls (1973) ACGIH *l-7 ACGIH •1-8 ACGIH •1-9 ACGIH •1-11 ACGIH •1 NFPA 90A PSA 11 ICBO UBCS35-3 ICBO UBC»3-13 BIA 28 ANSI A156.3 NBHA 8 ICBO UFC»2ART10 WWPA ♦31-4 ICBO UBC»3-33 ICBO UBC«8-13 ASTM D2471 ASTM D1673 ASTM D1056 FMS LPD8-2 ASTM F140 ASTM F144 ASTM A453 UL 569 FMS 4-3N ICBO UBCS29-2 ASTM D994 ASTM D1751 BIA 18A ASTM C441 ASTM C151 ASTM B100 TCA 300 SAE AMS7728C AACCH 26-20 AACCH 26-21 AACCH 26-30 ASTM F361 AACCH 26-10 AACCH 26-95 AACCH 48-30 FMS 7-30N ICBO UFC»2ART34 FMS 7-34 FMS 7-14 FMS 7-21N NFPA 85 FMS 6-2 NFPA 655 FMS 10-8 ICBO UFC»2ART9 FMS 7-28 ASTM D3115 ICBO UFC*2ART11 NFPA 495 ASTM A383 ANSI PH2.21 ASTM D2559 ASTM D3024 ANSI PH2.7 ASTM D1828 ASTM D1879 ASTM C718 ASTM D1006 ANSI PH3.32 AATCC HID AATCC 111B NCRPM R29 AATCC 111A AATCC 111C NCRPM R22 AATCC 83 AATCC 125 AATCC 126 ASTM G24 ASTM D2007 AACCH 54-11 AACCH 54-10 AACCH 54-12 ASTM D2653 ASTM D2731 ASTM C736 SMI •3 ASTM D1692 TCA 107-109 TCA 209-210 148 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards d Plywood (1971) Test Meth. for Std. Meth. for Measuring Chalk Resistance of Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting shelving. Misc. Ornamental Items, Stairwork and Handrails, Quality Stds. for 3) Redwood Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. and Sawtooth / Uniform Building Code: Plastics (General, e Used as Panels in Weathering Tests of Latex and Emulsion ectural Aluminum (1971) Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Quality Stds. for Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for the Test Procedure for Std. for Supply Gas Connectors for y of Glue Joints in Structural Laminated Wood Products for d Sawtooth Roofs, Light Diffusers in Ceilings, Partitions, Ceramic Glazed Brick Facing for std. Spec, for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, nd Furring for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, sives for Structural Laminated Wood Products for Use Under ically Sliding or Horizontally Operating Storm Windows for Piping Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. for Control of Rec. Pract. for Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Pe/ Meth. of Analysis of Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical C/ Std. Requirements for ic Test Values for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker Std. for Handle, Latching Internal and ing) (1972/ Std. for Fastener (Blind Internally Threaded, Locking)/ Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, king) (1972) Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, 72) Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, ng) (1972/ Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, eking) (1/ Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, Spec, for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, Std. for Design Parameters for Bolts and Screws; Safety Std. for Fire Safety Std. for Foam Fire ety Std. for 2 1/2 Gal. Cartridge Operated Water Type Fire Safety Std. for Rating and Test, of Fire e, Installation and Maintenance of Systems and Appliances Rec. for Halogenated Fire Std. on Carbon Dioxide Fire Rec. for Foam Fire Uniform Building Code Std. for Carbon Dioxide Fire Uniform Building Code: Fire form Building Code Std. for Installation of Automatic Fire 1 F Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Flow Control of Fire s, B Stage Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self Stage Polyester Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self building Code Std. for Combination Standpipe Systems (Fire expansion Foam Systems (Ratios from 100:1 to 1000:1) (Fire th. of Test for Nonvolatile Residue of Halogenated Solvent Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent inished Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fat / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fat (Ccl 4 Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fat (Ccl 4 hemistry) (1962) Indophenol-Xylene 1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Quantitative and Fire in Design, Construction, and Operation of Solvent Std. Meth. of Test for Sediment in Crude and Fuel Oils by insect Damage on Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Other Filth, and efined Sugar and 0/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining (1962) Special Techniques for (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper,/ Apparatus or Materials for alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydr/ Reagents for Meth. for Measuring Hall Mobility and Hall Coefficient in 73) Std. Meth. of Test for mpounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for trical Purposes (Bus Condu/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Tolerances Applicable to Titanium and Its Base Alloy 5 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy si H45.6 Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy immersion) (1967) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test for Quality of tions (1973) ANSI H38.18 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Safety Std. for Distribution Pip/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural Shapes, Rolled or pec. for Reinforced and Filled Nylon Injection Molding and njection Molding of Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding and Std. Spec, for Polybutylene Plastics Molding and Std. Spec, for ETFE -Fluoroplastic Molding and std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Polyterephthalate Molding and Std. Spec, for Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Molding and Exterior Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarke Exterior Coil Coatings (1974) Exterior Exposure Tests of Paints on Wood (1973) Exterior Frames and Sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Exterior Frames (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Exterior Guide (Siding, Finish, Nails and Nailing) (197 Exterior Latex House Paints (1972) Exterior Light Transmitting Panels, Skylights, Monitors Exterior Paints or Coatings (1973) /Mingle Blanks to B Exterior Perimeter Sealing Compound for Use with Archit Exterior Plaster Liquid Bonding Agents (1973) Exterior Sash (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Exterior Sound Level for Heavy Trucks and Buses (1971) Exterior Sound Level for Snowmobiles (1972) ANSI S6.2 Exterior Use on Mobile Homes (1972) Exterior Use (1959) ANSI Z197.17 /of Test for Integrit Exterior Veneer, Awnings and Patio Covers, Greenhouses, Exterior Walls (Tech. Notes) (1962) Exterior (Stucco) and Interior (1971) Exterior (Stucco) and Interior (1971) /. for Lathing a Exterior (Wet Use) Exposure Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197 External Application (1972) ANSI A134.3 /Bination Vert External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic External Electromagnetic Radiation Suppressors (1969) External Insect and Rodent Hair Contamination of Cereal External Insulation for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit External Insulation Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (1972) External Release Components and Assembly (1972) External Sleeve, General Purpose, Flush Head, Self Lock External Sleeve, General Purpose, Protruding Head, Self External Sleeve. High Temperature, Flush Head, Self Loc External Sleeve, High Temperature, Protruding Head, (19 External Sleeve, Light Weight, Millable Head Self Locki External Sleeve, Light Weight, Protruding Head, Self Lo External Sleeve. Self Locking) (1972) External Wrenching, Unified Threaded In. Series (1971) Extinguisher and Apparatus Booster Hose (1973) Extinguishers (1973) Extinguishers (1973) Extinguishers (1973) ANSI Z211.1 (Extinguishers, Alarms, Sandpipes), Building Constructio Extinguishing Agent Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1972) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing (1973) Extinguishing (1973) Extinguishment) (1973) Extinguishment) (1973) Extract from Aerospace Components (Using Rotary Flash E Extractables in Petroleum Waxes (1973) Extractables) Content in Corn Starch, Gluten, Germand F Extractables) Content in Corn (1958) Extractables) Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) Extraction Meth. of Analysis of Ascorbic Acid (Cereal C Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving Mixtures ( Extraction Plants (1973) /E-Property from Explosion Extraction (1969) ANSI Z 11.58, API 2561 Extraneous Material (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /and/or Extraneous Materials Content of Corn Syrup, Crude and R Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis in Cereal Chemistry Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Extrinsic Semiconductor Single Crystals (1973) Extrudability of Unvulcanized Elastomeric Compounds (19 Extrudability, After Package Aging, of Latex Sealing Co Extruded Bar, Rod, Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Elec Extruded Bars, Rods, and Shapes (1973) Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes (1973) ANSI H38. Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and Wires (1970) an Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe by Acetone Extruded Round Coiled Tubes for General Purpose Applica Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube (1973) ANSI H38.16 Extruded Thermoplastic Insulating Tubing (1972) Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas and Oil Transmission and Extruded Tube (1973) ANSI H38.7 Extruded (1973) ANSI H38.10 Std. Extrusion Materials (1972) Std. S Extrusion Materials (1972) ANSI K65.78 /. Pract. for I Extrusion Materials (1973) Extrusion Materials (1973) Extrusion Materials (1973) Extrusion Materials (1973) Saf Uni Rec. for Star Mode Cloth, Type E Glas Cloth, Type E Glass, B Uniform Rec. for High Std. APA NCCA ASTM AWI AWI CRA ASTM ICBO ASTM AAMA ICBO AWI SAE SAE IAPMO ASTM ICBO BIA ANSI ANSI ASTM AAMA NACE SAE AACCH IEEE ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA SAE UL UL UL UL ICBO FMS NFPA FMS ICBO ICBO ICBO FMS SAE SAE ICBO FMS ASTM ASTM CR CR CR AACCH ASTM FMS ASTM AACCH CR AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM •4 TB-III-8 D1006 •1-1 •1900 3A4 D3129 UBC'3-52 D1911 808.2 UBCS47-1 •1-1000 J366A J192 TSC9 D1101 UBC'3-52 13 A42.2 A42.3 D2559 1002.8 RP-01-69 J552A 28-20 343 C37.0781 1637 1670 1669 1672 1671 1674 1673 1675 AS1132A 92 8 715 711 UFC*2ART13 4-8N 12 4-7N UBCS38-2 UBC»3-38 UBCS38-1 2-88 AMS3821 AMS3827 UBCS38-3 4-3N F331 D3235 B-18 A-6 G-10 86-10 D2172 7-30N D473 28-10 E-27 28-92 28-90 28-91 F76 D2230 C731 B317 AMS2245 B221 B107 D2152 B491 B429 224 B345 B241 B308 D2897 D1897 D2581 D3159 D3221 D3222 Engineering and Product Standards Division 149 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Reinforced Polyterphthalate Thermo-Plastie Molding and tfe-Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Resin Molding and Std. Spec, for Nylon Injection Molding and Powder Flow Measurement of TFE -Fluorocarbon Molding and Std. Spec, for Fep Fluorocarbon Molding and Std. Meth. of Measuring Flow Rate9 of Thermoplastics by spec, for Glass Reinforced Acetal Plastics for Molding and Std. Spec, for E-CTFE- Fluoroplastic Molding, 8 Std. Spec, for Zirconium Forgings and Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy Forgings and Std. Spec, for Copper Beryllium Alloy Forgings and Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Minimum Requirements for Motorcyclists Rec. Pract. for Motor Vehicle Driver's Std. for Forged Carbon Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed Wool h. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated for Permanent Wall and Ceilings / Spec, for Vinyl Coated Std. Spec, for Welded Steel Wire Std. Spec, for Welded Deformed Steel Wire building Code Std. for Welded Steel Wire and Deformed Wire 9a/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Metal, Wire and Wire Test Meth. for Oily Stain Release Meth. of Textile h. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated test Meth. for Evaluating Oxidation of Wool Oils on Woolen Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Yarn or Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarn and r Meth./ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Yarn and Test Meth. for Electrostatic Clinging of Textile Fabrics Welded Wire Std. Spec, for Aluminum Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Manual of Std. Pract. for Welded Wire Building test Meth for Reflectance, Blue, and Whiteness of Bleached Spec, for Galvanized Steel Chain Link Fence ile) (1973) Test Meth. to Determine Woven . for Reinforced Bituminous Concrete Overlays (Welded Wire ial Dyeing Behavior of Cotton (Raw Fiber, Yarn and Textile , Type E Glass, B Stage Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 181 Style pe E Glass, B Stage Polyester Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Std. Spec, for Tin Plate 2) Safety Code for hore Fixed Platforms (1972) Spec, for Rec. Health Safety Practices for Handling and Std. for Safety Requirements for Shops Element (1972) ANSI B93./ Std. Meth. for Determining the ice (1968) Std. Pract. for Plywood Lumber Beams Plywood Stressed Skin Panels steel (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Erection, Std. for the Test Meth. for Wicking of Automotive de Organic Base Fibers/ Std. Meth. of Testing Tire Cords, (1970) Test Meth. for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Test Meth. for Quick Evaluation of Wettability of of Tra/ Std. Meth. of Test for Tearing Strength of Woven Std. Meth. of Low Temperature Impact Test for extile Colorfastness) (19/ Test Meth. for Color Change in th. (Textile Colorfastnes/ Test Meth. for Color Change of Test Meth. for Electrostatic Clinging of Textile Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Lining 14.283 Std. Spec, and Meth. of Test for Heavy Cotton Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform td. Performance Requirements for Woven Gla9s Fiber Curtain mance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Drapery (Curtain) Std. Meth. of Test for Stretch Properties of Knitted 73) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Fineness of Mohair Top, Yarns and Std. Meth. of Test for Strap Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing or Permanent Labels, Detachable Tags, and Certification of d. Performance Requirements for Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Water/ Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Felted and Woven Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarns and (1972) ANSI L14/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Yarns and Meth. of Test for Colorfastness of Upholstery nsi L 14.227 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile xposure (1972) A/ Te9t Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Meth. of Test for Colorfastness of Upholstery Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarns and 973) ANSI A 109.26 Std. Spec, for Woven Glass Meth. of Test for Stretch Properties of Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Drapery (Curtain) Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Slipcover Std. Spec. Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. /Et Extrusion Materials (1973) Extrusion Materials (1973) Extrusion Materials (1973) ANSI K65.216 Extrusion Materials (1974) Extrusion Materials (1974) ANSI K65.201 Extrusion Plastometer (1973) Extrusion (1972) Extrusion, and Coating Materials (1973) Extrusions for Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z179. Extrusions for Nuclear Application (1967) ANSI N125 Extrusions (1972) Extrusions (1973) Eye Protection (1971) Eye Range (1972) Eyebolt (For Ground Support Equipment) (1974) Fabric and Yarn to Mill Fulling (1972) ANSI L14.5 Fabric by the Sealed Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.178 Fabric Coverings for Decorative and Protective Covering Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.1 Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.3 Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Uniform Fabric Laths, and Metal Accessories (Designed for Use a Fabric Soil During Home Laundering (1970) ANSI L14.239 Fabric Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.179 Test Met Fabric Textile in Storage (1971) ANSI L14. S2 Fabric to Acids and Alkalis (1972) ANSI L14.2 Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) by the AATCC Crockmeter Me Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) (Rotary Vertical Crockmete Fabric to Metal Test) (1973) Fabric (1970) Fabric (1971) ANSI G53.21 Fabric (1971A) ANSI G53.20 Fabric (1972) Fabric (1972) ANSI L14.175 Fabric (1973) Fabric's Resistance to Sagging or Stretch in Wear (Text Fabric) (1962) Rec. Pract Fabric) (1972) ANSI L14. 152 /Th. of Test for Different Fabric. Self Extinguishing (1973) Cloth Fabric, Self Extinguishing (1973) Cloth, Ty Fabricated Aerosol Cans (1972) Fabricated Stage and Scaffold Planks and Platforms (197 Fabricated Structural Steel Pipe for Use of Welded Offs Fabricating Asbestos Textile Products (1971) Fabricating Structural Steel and Plate (1973) Fabrication Integrity of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Fabrication of Reinforcing Steel Bar Materials and Serv Fabrication Spec, for Plywood Curved Panels (1971) Fabrication Spec, for Plywood Sandwich Panels (1971) Fabrication Spec. (1971) Fabrication Spec. (1971) Fabrication, Identification and Painting of Structural Fabrics and Fibrous Materials (1972) Fabrics and Industrial Filament Yarns. Made from Man Ma Fabrics and Other Flexible Materials: Accelerator Meth. Fabrics and Textiles in Yarn Form (1971) ANSI L14.75 Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate Fabrics Coated with Flexible Polymeric Materials (1973) Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Every Meth. (T Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Screen Wire Me Fabrics Fabric to Metal Test) (1973) Fabrics for Institutional Uniforms (Textile) (1973) Fabrics for Manufacture of Hose and Belts (1942) ANSI L Fabrics for Men and Women (Heavy Duty) (Institutional T Fabrics for Men and Women (Institutional Textile) (1973 Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Institu Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Institu Fabrics Having Low Power (1972) ANSI Z14.286 Fabrics of the Worsted Type and Assignment of Grade (19 Fabrics or Cords to Rubber (1971) Fabrics or Products (Institutional Textile) (1973) Fabrics Other Than Durable Press (Institutional Textile Fabrics Saturated with Bituminous Substances for Use in Fabrics to Chlorinated Pool Water (1972) ANSI L14.149 Fabrics to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under Low Humidities Fabrics to Sea Water (1972) ANSI L14.150 Fabrics to Solvent (Textile) (1973) Fabrics to Water and Light: Alternate Exposure (1971) a Fabrics to Water Spotting (1972) ANSI L14.148 Fabrics to Water (High Humidity) and Light: Alternate E Fabrics to Water (Textile) (1973) Fabrics to Water (1972) ANSI L14.151 Fabrics Treated for Use in Waterproofing and Roofing (1 Fabrics Woven from Stretch Yarns (1972T) Fabrics (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutional Textile Fabrics (Institutional Textile) (1973) IF ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE VESC SAE NSA AATCC AATCC CSI ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC CRSI ASTM ASTM WRI AATCC CLFMI ANSI WRI ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ALI API ATI ANSI NFLDP CRSI APA APA APA APA ICBO SAE ASTM AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM AATCC AATCC AATCC ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM AATCC AATCC AATCC ANSI AATCC AATCC AATCC ANSI AATCC ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI D3220 D1457 D789 D3292 D2116 D1238 D2948 D3275 B493 B356 B570 AMS2205L V-8 J941C 1053 2 112 09951 A 185 A497 UBCS26-6 UBCS47-4 130 113 62 6 8 116 115 •1.2.1 A491 A392 MP100 110 *5 L24T5 RB80 D1464 AMS3821 AMS3827 D3061 *1 2B »4 Z229.1 T3. 10.8.4 *1.5.3 CP-8 SP-61 BB-8 SS-8 UBCS27-2 J913A D885 93 39 D2262 D2137 120 119 115 L24.3.8 D181 L24.3.6 L24.3.5 L24.1.3 L24.1.9 D2594 D1381 D2630 L24.5.1 L24.2.12 D146 105 109 106 L24T7 125 104 126 L24T6 107 D1668 D3107 L24.1.5 L24.1.6 150 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nts for Durable Pre99 (No Iron) Woven Sheet and Pillowcase ents for Woven Decorative Bedspreads, Pillows, and Bolster . Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Overcoat g/ Test Meth. for the Appearance of Durable Press Textile Test Metn. for Water Resistance of Textile 1/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Window Curtain Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Upholstery , and Shrinkage Propensity of Bonded and Laminated Apparel garm/ Std. Performance Requirements for 100% Cotton Woven garments (Clothi/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven garments (Clothi/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven 14.243 Tent. Tolerances for Tire st for Light Transmittance of Woven Glass Fiber Decorative for Effect of Handwashing on Woven Glass Fiber Decorative ion Dimensional Change (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Knit Wool Std. Meth. of Test. Warp Knit Test Meth. for Fire Resistance of Textile Test Meth. for Evaluation of Antibacterial Finishes on Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Textile valuation of Commercial Rewetting Agents on Cotton Textile Test Meth. for Mercerization in Cotton Yarns and st Meth. for Bond Strength of Bonded and Laminated Textile leaning on Permanence of Durable Water Repellent Finish of Std. Meth. of Test for Distortion of Yarn in Woven . for Electrical Resistivity (Electro-Static) of Textile ng Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of Textile std. Spec, for Performance of Bonded and Laminated Apparel st for Measuring Soil Removal and Reflectance Retention of std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Permeance of Rubber Coated Std. Meth. of Test. Coated ent. Tolerances for Tire Fabrics (Textile) Other Than Cord ndering of Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit Textile Std. Meth. of Test. Nonwoven nal Silane Type Finishes for / Std. Spec, for Woven Glass industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Std. Meth. of Test. Tire Cords, Tire Cord mance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform mance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Std. Performance Requirements for Tailored Woven Uniform nee Requirements for Cotton Woven Tent, Awning, and Canopy irtments for Woven Man Made Fiber Tent, Awning, and Canopy or Determining Visual Color Matched to Master Specimen for Test Meth. for Detection of Antibacterial Activity of Test Meth. for Wrinkle Recovery of Textile th. for Weather Resistance of Textile Materials and Coated nsi L14.176 Test Meth. for Resistance of Textile 4 Test Meth. for Oil Repellency of Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile tm D583 Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile D1295 Test Meth. for Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Textile Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile m D583 Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile L14.87, ASTM/ Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile nditioning) (1966) Std. Coil 1 Equipment (Machinery) (1971/ Rec. Pract. for Instrument , 50, and 60 Amperes, 4 Wire (1966/ Standard Mounting and Std. for Dimensional Requirements for Duplex and Single Std. for System Design of Fine Pitch on Center Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Aging of Wood Sash able Anesthetizing Locations (Bonding Appliances, Casters, Std. for Adjustable s (1973) Std. for std. for Hardwood Veneered Including Hardboard and Plastic alyzing Outage of Electrical Transmission and Distribution or Average Vehicle Dimensions for Use in Designing Docking and Plastics (1972) Rec. for Terminal Cable Connectors for Audio al Installations at Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Production rmatory. Public or Office/ Uniform Plumbing Code: Minimum Std. for Nuclear Material Control Systems for Conversion for Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel Reprocessing of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Water Treatment Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Sewage Treatment Tile in Sanitation Structures, Industrial Waste Treatment ality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear tings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor Containment to Principal Design Criteria for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing tial and Commerical Fuel Burning, Dispensing, and Handling Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Targ/ Shotgun Shooting Ceramic Glazed Brick Structural Clay 3) Uniform Building Code Std. for Building, Fabrics (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Ance Requireme Fabrics (Institutional Textiles) (1973) /Ance Requirem Fabrics (Institutional Uniform Textile) (1973) Std Fabrics (Permanent Press) After Repeated Home Launderin Fabrics (Rain Test) (1971) ANSI L14.74, ASTM D583 Fabrics (Sash Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Insti Fabrics (Tacked On) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Fabrics (Textile) After Dry Cleaning and Laundering (19 Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Fabrics (Textile) Other Than Cord Fabrics (1973) ANSI L Meth. of Te Meth. of Test /D. Meth. of Test for Relaxat Test Meth. for E Test Meth /. Meth. of Test for Pilli Meth. of Te /Ges in Automatic Home La Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Fabrics (1964) ANSI L14.284 Fabrics (1969) Fabrics (1970) ANSI L14.144 Fabrics (1971) Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.106 Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.124 Fabrics (1972) Te Fabrics (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Effects of Dryc Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.103 Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.112 Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.198 Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.291 Fabrics (1972T) Fabrics (1973) Fabrics (1973) ANSI J2. 12 Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.243 Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.266 Fabrics (1974) ANSI L14.246 Fabrics, Cleaned, and After Finished with Epoxy Functio Fabrics, Commercial Wash-Whites (With Chlorine Bleach Fabrics, Drycleanable Only (1973) / Institutional and Fabrics, Filaments, and Strands Made from Steel (1974) Fabrics, Heavyweight (Industrial) Suiting (Institutiona Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Round) Suiting (Institution Fabrics, Lightweight (Tropical) Suiting (Institutional Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Coated (Institution Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Laminated (Institutional Texti Fabrics, Vinyls, Coated Fiberboards, and Other Automoti Fabrics: Agar Plate Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.125 Fabrics: Appearance Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.229 Fabrics: Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure with Wetting (1972) a Fabrics: Exposure to Natural Light and Weather (1968) a Fabrics: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test (1972) ANSI L14.21 Fabrics: Hydrostatic Pressure Test (1971) ANSI L14.265 Fabrics: Impact Penetration Test (1971) ANSI L14.71, as Fabrics: Recovery Angle Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.110, ASTM Fabrics: Spray Test (1971) ANSI L14.60, ASTM D583 Fabrics: Static Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.61, Ast Fabrics: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test (1972) ANSI Face Areas for Central Station Units (Air Moving and Co Face Design and Location for Construction and Industria Face Dimensions of Receptacles Off Center Boss Type, 30 Face Flat Thread Rolling Dies (1973) Face Gears for 20 Dee. Involute Spur Pinions (1973) Face Glazing and Bedding Compounds on Metal Sash (1974) Face Glazing Compound (1973) Face Masks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tub Face Vehicular Traffic Control Signal Heads (1970) Face-To-Face and End-To-End Dimensions of Ferrou9 Valve Faced Flush Doors (1973) Facilities and Interruptions to Customer Service (1973) Facilities for Motor Vehicles (1971) Rec. Facilities for Pneumatic Transfer of Dry Bulk Chemicals Facilities for Radio Broadcasting (1970) Facilities on Land and on Marine Fixed and Mobile Platf Facilities Required for School, Theater, Auditorium, Do Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1971) Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1974) Facilities (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Vehicles, and Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) Brick and Facilities (1972) Standard for Qu Facilities (1972) Std. Protective Coa Facilities (1973) Std. for Guide Facilities (1974) ANSI B150.1 /Lizer Grade) in Residen Facility Planning (1972) Facility Plans: International and Domestic -Trap, Clay Facing for Exterior Walls (Tech. Notes) (1962) Facing Tile (Tech. Notes) (1965) Facing, and Hollow Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (197 Pract. F Std. ANSI ANSI ANSI AATCC AATCC ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM AATCC AATCC ASTM AATCC AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI SAE AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AMCA SAE ANSI IFI AGMA ASTM ASTM UL ITE ANSI NWMA IEEE SAE MCA EIA API ICBO ANSI ANSI SAE BIA BIA BIA ANSI ANSI ANSI UL ANSI NRA BIA BIA ICBO L24.2.13 L24.1.2 L24.3.4 124 35 L24.1.4 L24.1.7 D2724 L24.4.12 L24.4.13 L24.4.14 D122 L24T4 L24T1 D1284 D1376 34 100 D1175 27 89 136 D2721 D1336 76 D1375 D3135 D3050 D815 D751 D122 135 D1117 D3098 L24.4.13 L24.4.14 D2969 L24.3.2 L24.3.1 L24.3.3 L24.1.1 L24.1.10 J36IA 90 128 111A 11 IB 118 127 42 66 22 21 70 1402 J209 C73.67 109 203.03 D2376 C741 1067 TR1 B16.10 I.S.I 346 J699A TC18 RS297-A RP500B UPC»1-C N15.4 N15.13 J398A 34 34A 34B N101.4 N101.2 N101.3 331 Z94.6 •17 13 22 UBCS24-1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 151 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nts (1972) ANSI C37.26 Std. Guide for Meth. of Power std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Std. Meth. of Test for Bulk Density and Packing Std. Test Meth. for Diffuse Light Transmission est for Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) and Dissipation (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) Meth. for Multiplication (Cereal Chemistry) (196/ Meth. of Analysis for Correction for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. for Particleboard Decking for nufacturing Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at PI/ Rec. for Quality Stds. for creens. Blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and Rail Doors, Std. for Safety for tings (1973) ANSI H38.19 Std. Spec, for ttings for Pressure Piping (1972) ANSI H3/ Std. Spec, for Std. rotect/ Trial Use Guide for the Application of the Single tance to Blistering, Wrinkling. Loss of Adhesion, or Other 4) ANSI B72.6 Std. Meth. of Test for Time to ating Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal rement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Fluid Lubricants wheat. Rye, Barley, Other Grains, A/ Meth. of Analysis of vers, W/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for cal Zone for Laboratory Evaluation of Roll Over (ROPS) and Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings ance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Means of a Tup Rec. for Design Values for Livestock Uniform Building Code: Regulations Governing urning. Combustible and Flammable Materials; Reporting and al.27 Std. Meth. of Test for (1971) Std. for Sound Rating of Room Safety Std. for Room Type helical and Herringbone Gear Units for Water Cooling Tower Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and al (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Blower, Std. Preparation of Centrifugal Rec. Pract. for Std. Sizes for Industrial Centrifugal iltering Appliances Rated at 60/ Safety Std. for Electric Std. Wheel Diameters and Outlet Areas for Centrifugal Std. Sizes for Industrial Centrifugal Std. Drive Arrangements for Centrifugal Std. Inlet Box Positions for Centrifugal td. Designations for Rotation and Discharge of Centrifugal Std. Motor Positions for Belt or Chain Drive Centrifugal Std. Drive Arrangements for Tubular Centrifugal lue Gas Densities for Forced and Induced Draft Centrifugal heating Appliances (Regulators, Automatic Damper Controls, Meth. of Analysis for Ash in counting Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles in vimetric Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Particles in ole Grain Products, Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, h. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Meal, Grits, eth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, le Grain Products, Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, peas, L/ Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour, al Dough Tests: Approximate Corrections for Changing As-Is Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics/ ough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) truction. Installation, and Rating of Equipment for Drying Std. for Headed Drilled Pins for Rec. Spec, for (Nonelectric) ) / Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel ne Specs. (1972) Rec. for Tractor and Heat and Moisture Loss and Feed and Water Requirements of Std. for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheel Tires Std. for Agricultural Planter Press Wheel Tires . for Rim Contours for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheels and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool Mountings Sanitary Std. for Stds. for Construction of Concrete Stave d. Test Proc. for Determining the Load Carrying Ability of Rec. for Design of Std. for Mounting Brackets and Socket for Agricultural Warning Lamp (Light) for Remote Mounting on Agricultural Rec. for Hitch and Box Dimensions for Agricultural for Full Shielding of Power Drive Lines for Agricultural draulic Motors to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Type s to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Type Agricultural Tire Selection Tables for Agricultural Rec. for Agricultural Std. for 540 Rpm Power Takeoff for Agricultural 1000 Rpm Power Takeoff for Agricultural Factor Measurement for Low Voltage Inductive Test Curre Factor of Expanded Cellular Plastics Used for Electrica Factor of Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Factor of Reinforced Plastic Panels (1969) Factor of Solid Ceramic Dielectrics at Frequencies to 1 Factors for Correcting Weights to a 14% Moisture Basis Factors for Gasometric Determination of Carbon Dioxide Factory and Field Testing (1972) Std. Pract. Factory Built Housing (1972) Factory Constructed Housing and Recreational Vehicle Ma Factory Finishing (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Factory Finishing, Rough and Finished Carpentry, Floori Factory Made Air Duct Materials and Connectors (1974) Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding Fit Factory Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Fi Factory Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings (1971) Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station P Failure of Paint. Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Organic Failure of Plastic Pipe Constant Internal Pressure (197 Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insul (Falex Meth.) (1973) Std. Meth. for Measu Falling Number Determination of Both Meal and Flour of Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) for Prime Mo Falling Object Protective Structures (FOPS) of Construe (Falling Weight Test) (1972) Std. (Falling Weight) (1972) /Eth. of Test for Impact Resist Fallout Shelters (1973) Fallout Shelters (1973) False Alarm; Use of Equipment, Appliances, Devices and False Set of Portland Cement (Paste Meth.) (1972) ANSI Fan Coil Air Conditioners Delivering Less Than 1500 cfm Fan Coil Units (Heating and Cooling) (1973) ANSI Z25.1 Fan Drives (1972) Info Sheet for Spiral Bevel, Fan Type Direct Vent Wall Furnaces (1973) Fan Type Floor Furnaces (1973) Fan Type Sealed Combustion System Wall Furnaces (1972) Fan Type Vented Wall Furnaces (1972) Fan, and Exhaust System for Dust, Stock and Vapor Remov Fans and Parts for Protective Coatings (1966) Fans for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Fans with Cast Housings (1966) Fans (Blower, Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, and Air F Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Fans (1966) Std. F Fans) (1973) /Aft Equipment for Combustion Chamber in Farina and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Gra Farina, and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Other Wh Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /on Met Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Tion M Farina, Bread, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / in Who Farina, Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis (Constan Farinograph Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Farinograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour D Farm Crops (1971) Std. for Cons Farm Equipment and Machinery (1973) Farm Fence Construction (1972) Farm Field and Railroad Right of Way Wire Fencing (1973 Farm Implement Power Takeoff (Universal Joint) Drive Li Farm Livestock (Poultry, Swine, Cattle, Sheep) (1968) (Farm Machinery) (1971) (Farm Machinery) (1971) (Farm Machinery) (1971) (Farm Machinery) (1973) Farm Milk Storage Tanks (1973) Farm Silos (1969) Farm Wagon Running Gear (1973) St Farm Waste Storage Tanks (1973) (Farm) and Industrial Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow Mo (Farm) Equipment (1972) Std. for Flashing (Farm) Grain Wagons (1972) (Farm) Implements and Tractors (1972) SAE J955 Std. (Farm) Implements (1971) Application of Remote Hy (Farm) Implements (1971) SAE J716 /Ote Control Cylinder (Farm) Machines of Future Design (1972) SAE J711 (Farm) Tractor Auxiliary Power Takeoff Drives (1972) (Farm) Tractors (1973) SAE J718 (Farm) Tractors (1973) SAE J719 Std Std. for Chisel Plow, Field IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH DEMA NPA FMS AWI AWI UL ASTM ASTM ANSI IEEE NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASAE ICBO ICBO ASTM ARI UL AGMA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ICBO AMCA ACGIH AMCA UL AMCA AMCA AMCA AMCA AMCA AMCA AMCA AMCA UL AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASAE ASAE ASAE ASTM ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE DFISA NSLO ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE 330 D1673 D3101 D1494 D2149 82-24 12-29 *l-22 2-70 7-90 * 1-1500 *1-1 181 B361 B366 B16.9 379 TB-III-1 D1598 D3151 D3233 56-8 IB J231 J397A G14 D3029 R282.1 UBC*3-57 UFC*2ART27 C451 443 883 490.02 Z21.44 Z21.48 Z21.44A Z21.49 UBCS10-3 2601 *1-10 2403 507 2401 2402 2404 2405 2406 2407 2410 2409 378 08-12 28-01 28-02 86-80 28-51 28-50 86-70 44-15A 54-29 54-20 54-21 S248.2 S226.2 R250.2 A116 R331.2 D249.2 S223 S224.1 S222 S225.1 3000 *1 S360T R345.1 S277.2 S307.1 R239 S297T S316T S201.4 R220.3 R333.1 S203.7 S204.6 152 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Lighting for Dairy for Design and Construction of Surface Drainage Systems on 972) Std. for Wood Used on Rec. for Computing Electrical Demands for Std. for Sprinkler Irrigation (For Rec. for Safety for ansi C16.45 y from Uranium -238 Fission (1972/ ANSIN114 i Nlll nsi N112 nsi N113 by Uranium 238 Fission (1973) (1973) Industry Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Std. for 5td. Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Spec. for 3) eneral Purpose, Flush Head. Self Locking) (1972/ general Purpose. Protruding Head, Self Locking)/ nigh Temperature, Protruding Head, (1972) high Temperature, Flush Head, Self Locking) (1972) light Weight, Protruding Head, Self Locking) (1/ light Weight, Millable Head Self Locking) (1972/ self Locking) (1972) Std. for Guide - Duct Liner, Adhesives, and Std. Meth. of Test. Metal echanical and Quality Requirements for Externally Threaded and Spikes, Washers, Pin/ Western Woods Use Book: Timber . for Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Std. Std. for Wrenching Configuration, Spline Drive Threaded Std. for Manufacturer Identification Symbols for Trial Std. for Screw Threads for Metric Series Mechanical Spec, for Spec, for Std. Procurement Spec, for 1972) Spec, for Std. for Std. Spec, for Adhesives for Uniform Building Code Std. for Adhesives for Safety Requirements for Powder Actuated servative / Uniform Building Code: Wood Members and Their National Design Spec, for Stress Grade Lumber and Its d Design, Span Allowances, Storage, Finishes and Nails and Test Meth. for Colorfastness to Light: Determination of Rapid Meth. of Analysis for ) General Meth. of Analysis for Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis for ybeans. Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full ybeans. Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Total Std. for Hotel and Restaurant Gas Deep Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Analysis of Crude Dilatometric Meth. of Solid (1962) aining Fruit (Cereal Chemistr/ eal Chemistry) (1962) ortenings, and Other Fats (1/ re Range / Meth. of Analysis of Congeal Point in Fats and persible Nitrogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full spersible Protein in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude rmand Finished Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude er Element (1972) Ansi/ Std. Meth. for Verifying the Flow Relating to Fatigue Test, and the Statistical Analysis of Std. Load Ratings and Std. Load Ratings and Std. Test Meth. for Shear Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. Pract. for Uniform Laboratory Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Bending Meth. of Analysis of Congeal Point in Meth. of Analysis of Iodine Number in All Edible Meth. of Analysis of Saponification Value of All Normal Meth.) Content in Corn, Grain Sorghum and Other Vegetable al C/ Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in coc/ Meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Meth. for Sampling of Meth. of Analysis of Free Fatty Acids in analysis of Cloud Point in All Edible Animal and Vegetable f Analysis of Melting Point of Normal Animal and Vegetable ding (Metal / Metal) (1973) heels, and Demountabl/ ata (1972) ANSI Z9/ temperature Range / Farms and the Poultry Industry (1971) ASAE R344 Farms in Humid Areas (1973) Rec. ASAE R302.2 Farms (Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes) (1 AWPA C16-72 Farms (1972) ASAE R294 Farms) Technical Data Sheet (1972) ASAE S262T Farmstead Equipment and Machinery (1972) ASAE R354 Fascimile Transmission of Microfilmed Documents (1972) NMA MS3 Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum -99 Activit ASTM E343 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum (1970) ASTM E266 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioa«ivation of Iron (1970) Ans ASTM E263 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) a ASTM E264 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfur (1970) a ASTM E265 Fast Neutron Flux for Analysis for Barium 140 Produced ASTM E393 Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track Etch Technique ASTM E418 Fastener-Taper Shank (1973) NSA 1730 Fastener Code (Aerospace Lockbolts, Rivets, Bolts) (197 NSA 523 Fastener (Blind Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, G NSA 1670 Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, NSA 1669 Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, NSA 1671 Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, NSA 1672 Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, NSA 1673 Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, NSA 1674 Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, NSA 1675 Fastener, Low Form, Cowl, Dzus Type (1973) NSA 67 Fasteners Application Std. (Air Distribution) (1971) SMACN »13 Fasteners in Wood (1974) ASTM D1761 Fasteners Used in Automotive and Related Industries (19 SAE J429F Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, Plates, Nails WWPA *31-1 Fasteners (1968) ANSI G38.5 Std. Spec ASTM A307 Fasteners (1971) SAE AS1159A Fasteners (1973) IFI 122 Fasteners (1974) IFI 500 Fasteners, Alloy Steel, Externally Threaded (1972) NSA 4002 Fasteners, A286 Cres, Externally Threaded (1971) NSA 4003 Fasteners, Titanium Alloy (1973) NSA 621 Fasteners, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Externally Threaded ( NSA 4004 Fastener; Rotary, Quick Operating, High Strength (1973) NSA 547 Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framing (1973) ASTM C557 Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framing (1973) ICBO UBCS47-2 Fastening Systems (1972) ANSI A10.3 Fastenings (Lumber, Plywood and Components, Timber, Pre ICBO UBC*3-25 Fastenings (1971) NFORP *4 Fastenings) (1973) / for Garden Grades, Application an CRA 3A5 Fastness Above L-7 (1971) ANSI L14.264 AATCC 16G Fat Acidity in Corn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 02-03 Fat Acidity in Grain and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 AACCH 02-01 Fat Acidity in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 02-02 Fat Acidity in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 02-04 Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal AACCH 46-23 Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal AACCH 46-24 Fat Content in Corn Starch (1955) CR B-20 Fat Fryers (1971) ANSI Z21.27 Fat in Baked Dog Food (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-14 Fat in Cocoa (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-12 Fat in Dry Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-16 Fat in Egg Yolk and Dried Whole Egg (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 30-18 Fat in Flour, Bread, and Baked Cereal Products Not Cont AACCH 30-10 Fat in Grain and Stock Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-20 Fat in Soy Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-26 Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, Feeds and Cooked Feeds (Cer AACCH 30-25 Fat Index (50 or Less at 10 Deg.) of Margarine Oils, Sh AACCH 31-50 Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or Solidify Within Temperatu AACCH 58-12A Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flou AACCH 46-23 Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flou AACCH 46-24 Fat (Cclj Extractables) Content in Corn (1958) CR A-6 Fat (Cclj Extractables) Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) CR G-10 Fat (Ccl, Products Such as Feeds and Meals (1955) /E CR B-18 Fatigue Characteristics of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filt NFLDP T3. 10.8.7 Fatigue Data (1972) ANSI Z92.2 /. Definitions of Terms ASTM E206 Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings (1972) ANSI B3. 15 AFBMA 9 Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings (1972) AFBMA 11 Fatigue of Sandwich Core Materials (1970) ASTM C394 Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loa ASTM D3166 Fatigue Test Procedures for Production Disc and Spoke W SAE J267 Fatigue Test, and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue D ASTM E206 Fatigue Tests for Copper Alloy Spring Materials (1973) ASTM B593 Fats and Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or Solidify Within AACCH S8-12A Fats and Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-30 Fats and Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-50 Fats and Oils (1966) / Determining Iodine Number (Wijs CR H-32 Fats and Shortenings by Distillation with Toluene (Cere AACCH 44-51 Fats and Shortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, High Acid AACCH 44-30 Fats and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 64-40 Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-16 Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of AACCH 56-10 Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Wiley Meth. O AACCH 58-41 Engineering and Product Standards Division 153 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards on, with Abbe Refractometer, in All Normal Oils and Liquid alysis of Melting Point of All Normal Animal and Vegetable corn Oil and to Other Vegetable and Marine Oils and Animal less at 10 Deg.) of Margarine Oils, Shortenings, and Other Meth. of Analysis of Monoglycerides and Free Glycerol in ation of Methyl Esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Oxygen-Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Stability in Meth. of Analysis of Stability (AOM) of s and Rodent Hairs in Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962/ emistry) (1973) Meth. for Determination of and Marine Oi/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Free al / Meth. for Preparation of Methyl Esters of Long Chain Meth. of Analysis of Free Std. Meth. of Testing esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Safety Std. for Ground of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon by Measurement of Stacking Std. for Safety for Ground otection of Electrical Equipment (Single Phase and Related meth. of Analysis for Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments, Hairs, (1962) Meth. of Analysis of lubs, and Exhibition Charges) (1974) Uniform Pract. for so Includes Terms and Defini/ Rec. Regulations for Animal rmal Environment on Production, Heat and Moisture Loss and Std. Spec, for Limestone for Animal s 1/ Meth. of Analysis of Nitrophenide in Poultry Mashes Std. for Electrical Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour, al C/ Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in th. for Sampling of Flour, Semolina, and Similar Products: al Nitrogen) (C/ Meth. of Calculation of Crude Protein in Meth. for Determination of Phenothiazine in Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Meth. of Analysis of Added Salt in Improved Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Meth. for Sampling of Solid Meth. of Analysis of Sucrose (Sugar) in th. of Analysis of Salt Calculated from Total Chlorides in rimetric Acetate Ashing Meth of Analysis of Phosphorus in 1 Meth. for Determining Crude Fat (Ccl, Products Such as c/ Meth. for Determination of Sulfaquinoxaline in Poultry Meth. for Determintion of Arsanilic Acid in Meth. for Determination of Nitrosal in Poultry Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Grain and Stock Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Mineral Meth. of Analysis of Iodine in Mineral Mixed Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Milk Sugar) in Mixed ysis of Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy Flour. Feeds and Cooked is of Vitamin A and Carotene in Enriched Cereals and Mixed residual Urease Activity in Soybean Meals, Soy Flour, Mill e Determination of Both Nitrophenide and Arsanilic Acid in Basic Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour. eth. for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in well-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Feeds and mpling of Flour, Semolina, and Similar Products: Feeds and n) (C/ Meth. of Calculation of Crude Protein in Feeds and Rapid (2 Hr., 600 Deg.) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Meth. for Determination of Phenothiazine in Feeds and Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Feeds and Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and Meth. of Analysis of Added Salt in Feeds and Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Feeds and Meth. for Sampling of Solid Feeds and Meth. of Analysis of Sucrose (Sugar) in Feeds and d Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Feeds and lysis of Salt Calculated from Total Chlorides in Feeds and stage Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains and cetate Ashing Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds and . Analytical Meth. for Determining Bulk Density Content in d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fiber Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Solubles Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Starch Content in for Determining Crude Fat (Cclj Extractables) Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in cal Meth. for Determining Acidity (Extractable) Content in Determining Moisture (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in eth. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content in Commercial . Analytical Meth. for Determining Xanthophylls Content in cal Meth. for Determining Lactic Acid and Salts Content in alytical Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Index of Refracti AACCH 58-20 Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Capillary Meth. of an AACCH 58-40 Fats (1965) / Determining Free Fatty Acids Content in CR H-22 Fats (1968) /Tometric Meth. of Solid Fat Index (50 or AACCH 31-50 Fats, Oils and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-45 Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) AACCH 58-17 Fats, Oils, and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 58-55 Fats, Oils, and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-54 Fatting Digestion Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragment AACCH 28-70 Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Chromatography (Cereal Ch AACCH 58-18 Fatty Acids Content in Corn Oil and to Other Vegetable CR H-22 Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cere AACCH 58-17 Fatty Acids in Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-16 Fatty Acids Used in Protective Coatings (1972) ASTM D1467 Fatty Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) /Tion of Methyl AACCH 58-17 Fault Circuit Interrupters (1972) UL 943 Fault Dimension (1973) /D. Meth. of Test for Thickness AATM F143 Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipment (1972) UL 1053 Faults) (1973) Rec. for Fire Pr FMS 14-15 Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in Starch (Cerea AACCH 28-75 Fecal Streptococci in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 42-35 Fee Determination for Division Services (Individuals, C PSA 11 Feed and Food Labelling, Ingredients and Containers (Al AAFCO »1 Feed and Water Requirements of Farm Livestock (Poultry, ASAE D249.2 Feed Use (1972) ASTM C706 (Feed) for Prevention of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosi AACCH 18-25 Feeder and Plug in Busways and Accessories (1972) NEMA BUI Feeds and Cooked Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-25 Feeds and Feedstuffs by Distillation with Toluene (Cere AACCH 44-50 Feeds and Feedstuffs in Sacks (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 64-60 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Calculated from Percentage of Tot AACCH 46-18 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 18-30 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 32-15 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-57 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-58 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-60 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 46-10 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 62-20 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 64-50 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 80-50 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Me AACCH 40-61 Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Colo AACCH 40-55 Feeds and Meals (1955) /Ermand Finished Std. Analytica CR B-18 Feeds and Premixes for Control of Cecal and Intestinal AACCH 18-35 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 18-20 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 18-27 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-20 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-26 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-35 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 80-30 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Anal AACCH 30-25 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analys AACCH 86-05 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of AACCH 22-90 Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Meth. of Quantitativ AACCH 18-26 Feeds, Feedstuffs, and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 08-01 Feedstuffs and All Other Natural Dry Products Derived F CR G-6 Feedstuffs by Distillation with Toluene (Cereal Chemist AACCH 44-50 Feedstuffs in Sacks (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / for Sa AACCH 64-60 Feedstuffs (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitroge AACCH 46-18 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 08-03 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 18-30 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 32-15 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-21 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-57 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-58 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-60 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 62-20 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 64-50 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 80-50 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Improve AACCH 46-10 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Ana AACCH 40-61 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified Two AACCH 44-18 Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric a AACCH 40-55 Feedstuffs (Corn) and Other Wet Milled Solid Products ( CR G-8 Feedstuffs (Corn) Containing Vegetable Material, Corn a CR G-12 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) CR G-26 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) CR G-28 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. CR G-10 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1955) CR G-20 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1955) CR G-4 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1955) Std. Analyti CR G-2 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for CR G-14 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1957) Std. Analytical M CR G-16 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1964) Std CR G-40 Feedstuffs (Corn) (1964) Std. Analyti CR G-13 Feedstuffs (Corn), Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other P CR G-22 154 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Basic Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour, Feeds, eth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Semolina; Bread; determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Steepwater, (Corn) Std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel d Protection Rec. for Low Water Fuel Cutoffs and Automatic loss Prevention Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multiply cial Purpose Roofs (Wood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Std. Meth. of Test. oal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt. Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos d Organic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Coverings: Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic tances for Use in Water/ Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. itted Wool Textiles (1972)/ Test Meth. for Relaxation and hot Mopped Asphalt. Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic mbranes; Aggregates, Saturated Felts, Saturated and Coated nd Plast/ Spec, for Roof Membranes; Aggregates, Saturated Std. for Coupling-Tubes, Flared Fitting, Rec. Spec, for (Nonelectric) Farm Std. Spec, for Aluminum Coated Steel Chain Link Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Steel Chain Link Spec, for Galvanized Steel Chain Link Std. for Preservative Treatment (For d) Iron or Steel Farm Field and Railroad Right of Way Wire ANSI K65.201 Std. Spec, for hydrolyzates (1957/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. of Analysis of Pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Std. for al Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of (1973) ANSI B125.24 Std. Spec, for Seamless (1973) Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast ) ANSI B/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Carbon, , and Heat Exchanger Tubes (1973/ Std. Spec, for Seamless ture Service (1972) ANSI C52.2 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Seamless 73) ANSI B125.14 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded uitable for Low Temperature Service (1974/ Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. for Drop Weight Tear Tests of Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Tent. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Anaylsis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Silicomanganese and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for osited Coatings of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys on Steel and reads (1971) Std. st for Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Std. for Face-To-Face and End-To-End Dimensions of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for pec. for Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and iner or Filter for Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia Std. for Capacity Designation for ia (1970) Std. for Storage and Handling of Nitrogen and c Std. Test Procedure for Dry Rec. for Safe Use of Mixed Std. Meth. of Evaluating the Properties of Wood Base ht Construction Buildings (1970) / Std. Spec, for Mineral rmination of the Thermal Resistance of Low Density Mineral Test Meth. for Measurement of Airborne Asbestos Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Oriented res and Cables (1972) ANSI C33.37 Std. for Safety for aining Veget/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Material, C/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Std. Meth. of Test for leach (Ins/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Glass Meth. of Test for Effect of Handwashing on Woven Glass Meth. of Test for Light Transmittance of Woven Glass Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Bituminized Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized . F— No B/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Glass ter Chargers (1971) Std. for Interrelationship of Quartz . of Test for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Glass by Std. Meth. of Sampling Asbestos g Cement (1964) ANSI Z98.33 Std. Spec, for Mineral (1973) Test Meth. for 973) Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Determination of Useful Feedstuffs, and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and Their Adjuncts (Cereal Ch Feedstuffs, Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Feedwater Heater Tubes (1973) Feedwater Regulators for Boilers (1974) /Re Hazards an Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Gravel or Slag Surface Felt or Gypsum Board Underlayment) (1973) /Td. for Spe Felt (1972) Felt. Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) / Pitch, C Felt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt, Asphalt-Coated G Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, Felted and Woven Fabrics Saturated with Bituminous Subs Felting Dimensional Changes (Shrinkage) of Woven and Kn Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber M Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Plastic Roll Materials (1 Felts, Saturated and Coated Felts, Prepared Roofings, a Female Thread (1973) Fence Construction (1972) Fence Fabric (1971) ANSI G53.21 Fence Fabric (1971A) ANSI G53.20 Fence Fabric (1973) Fence Posts) by Pressure Processes (1972) Fencing (1973) ANSI G8.9 /. for Zinc Coated (Galvanize Fep Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion Materials (1974) Fermentables Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, and Starch Fermentation Time Test) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ferric Sulfate (1964) Ferricyanide-Maltose-Sucrose Conversion Table (Cere Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1971 A Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, Superheater Ferritic and Austenitic Steel Castings for High Tempera Ferritic Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1972) Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service (19 Ferritic Steel Castings for Pressure Containing Parts S Ferritic Steels (1971) ANSI Z260.3 Ferroalloys for Determination of Size (1970) ANSI G85.1 Ferroalloys (1973) Ferroboron (1974) Ferrochrome-Silicon (1974) Ferrochromium and Chromium Metal (1971T) Ferrochromium (1973) ANSI G68.1 Ferrocolumbium (1973) ANSI G79.1 Ferrocolumbium (1974) Ferromanganese and Spiegeleisen (1974) Ferromolybdenum (1974) Ferrosilicon and Silicon Metal (1974) Ferrosilicon Manganese (1974) Ferrotitanium (1973) ANSI G74.1 Ferrotungsten (1973) ANSI G71.1 Ferrous Alloys (1970) ANSI G53.8 /Spec, for Electrodep Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Th Ferrous Sulfate Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K6 Ferrous Valves (1973) Ferrovanadium and Vanadium Alloying Additives (1974) Ferrovanadium (1973) ANSI G69.1 Ferrule Stock (1974) ANSI H23.14 Std. S (Fertilizer Grade) in Residential and Commerical Fuel Bu Fertilizer Hoppers and Containers (1972) Fertilizer Solutions Containing More Than 2% Free Ammon Fertilizer Spreader (1972) Fertilizers Containing Ammonium Nitrate (1972) Fiber and Particle Panel Materials (1972) ANSI 08.1 Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and Lig Fiber Blanket Type Building Insulation (1970) ANSI Z98. Fiber Bundles in Baled Flash Dried Pulp (1973) Fiber by the Membrane Filter Meth. (Textile) (1971) Fiber Composites (1972T) Fiber Conduit for Use as Raceway for Installation of Wi Fiber Content in Corn and Other Grains, Foodstuffs Cont Fiber Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) Containing Vegetable Fiber Content of Reinforced Resin Composites (1973) Fiber Curtain Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No B Fiber Decorative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Fiber Decorative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176.1 Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176.2 Fiber Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosime Fiber Elongation (1971) Std. Meth Fiber for Test. (1970) ANSI K91.2 Fiber Hydraulic Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishin Fiber Identification (Various Stains) (Pulp and Paper) Fiber Identification (Wilson Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1 Fiber in Bagasse (Pulp and Paper) (1973) AACCH 08-01 AACCH 44-40 CR J-56 ASTM A688 FMS 12-37 FMS 1-47 ICBO UBCS32-14 ASTM D461 UL 55A UL 55A UL 55A ASTM D146 AATCC 99 ICBO UBCS321 NRCA •2-IV NRCA •2-IV NSA 424 ASAE R250.2 ASTM A491 ASTM A392 CLFMI •5 AWPA C5-72 ASTM A116 ASTM D2116 CR E-28 AACCH 56-50 AWWA B406 AACCH 22-18 ASTM A335 ASTM A426 ASTM A450 ASTM A213 ASTM A351 ASTM A669 ASTM A268 ASTM A352 ASTM E436 ASTM A610 ASTM E31 ASTM E371 ASTM E364 ASTM E363 ASTM A101 ASTM A550 ASTM E367 ASTM E361 ASTM E368 ASTM E360 ASTM E362 ASTM A324 ASTM A144 ASTM B200 ANSI B16.14 ASTM D2954 ANSI B16.10 ASTM E365 ASTM A102 ASTM Bill UL 331 ASAE S281.1 FI P145 ASAE S341 FMS LPD7-9 ASTM D1037 ASTM C665 ASTM C653 TAPPI UM-239 ATI *5 ASTM D3039 UL 543 CR A-8 CR G-12 ASTM D3171 ANSI L24.1.3 ANSI L24T1 ANSI L24T4 ASTM D1861 ASTM D1862 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI N42.6 ASTM C336 ASTM D2590 ASTM C449 TAPPI UM-15 TAPPI UM-14 TAPPI UM-3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 155 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Meth. of Analysis of Crude oybeans, and Peanuts (Cereal / Meth. of Analysis of Crude Std. for Cellulosic Std. Spec, for Mineral elt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt, Asphalt-Coated Glass ed Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass al Drainage (1/ Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized (1973) Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized al76.4 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated Bituminized al7/ Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Perforated Bituminized ainage / Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated Bituminous of Test for Apparent Horizontal Shear Strength of Parallel 972) Std. for Glass Std. Spec, for Mineral Std. Spec, for Semidense Mineral hetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Rec. for Baled Textile layup (1973) Graphite (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for Craphite Lamina/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Man Made Std. Meth. of Test. Vulcanized Std. Spec, for Cellulosic of Test for Bauer-McNett Wet Classification of Asbestos commercial Weight of a Shipment of Yarn or Man Made Staple Std. Spec, for Insulating Board (Cellulosic Std. Meth. of Test. Insulating Board (Cellulosic h. of Test for Differential Dyeing Behavior of Cotton (Raw . Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Tape to si MH12/ Std. Meth. of Determining Interior Dimensions of Std. for Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement g Board (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for id Adhesives for Automatic Machine Sealing of Top Flaps of Std. for for Inefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid est Meth. for Ply Separation (Wet) of Solid and Corrugated Std. for Medium Density nts, Screws, Bolts, Connectors, Nails, Staples, Adhesives, 9t Meth. for Determining Stiffness (Modulus of Bending) of lor Matched to Master Specimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, Coated Guide Spec, for Specifying: Reinforced Guide Spec, for Flagpoles, Metal, Wood and . Meth. of Test for Length and Length Uniformity of Cotton Std. Meth. of Test for Diameter of Wool and Other Animal Test for Estimating Maturity and Linear Density of Cotton Strength, 70,000,000 (483) Tensile M/ Spec, for Graphite Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling Cotton t. Meth. of Test for Breaking Tenacity of Man Made Textile Std. Meth. for Identification of Test Meth. for Identification of of Test for Tensile Properties of Single Man Made Textile meth. of Test for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Density of Cotton est for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Cotton Textile . for Structural Insulating Formboard Made from Cellulosic Std. Tables of Classification of Man Made and Natural Meth. for Screen Analysis of Asbestos Std. Meth. of Test for Air Permeability of Asbestos industrial Filament Yarns, Made from Man Made Organic Base Std. Meth. of Test for Shrinkage of Textile Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Properties of eth. of Test for Cro9s Sectional Characteristics of Cotton Std. Meth. of Test. Twine Made from Bast and Leaf ments for Woven Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics (Excluding Glass en Window Curtain Fabrics (Sa9h Casement) (Excluding Glass s (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa is for Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments, Hairs, Feathers, Wood ymol Blue Test Paper for Analysis of Urea in Cloth or Sack ber Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Flax, Synthetic General Rules and Formulae for Rec. Std. for Loose Metal End Dimensions (6 Ounce Std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Beam Strength w/ Uniform Fire Code: Storage and Handling of Combustible Test for Length and Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers by Std. Meth. of Test for Identification of Metallic and d Air Conditioning Systems (1972) Pressure Sensitive Tape Performance Stds. for Pressure Sensitive Tape Application Stds. for . for the Test Meth. for Wicking of Automotive Fabrics and 72) Std. Spec, for Spray Applied Std. Rec. Pract. for Application of Spray Applied ysis (Cereal Chemistry) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Farm untings (Farm Machinery) (1973) Std. for Chisel Plow, Fiber in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Fiber in Soy Flour for Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, S Fiber Insulating Board (1973) ANSI A149.1 Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) Fiber Mat (1973) / Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic F Fiber Mat (1973) /Sphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturat Fiber Perforated Pipe for Agricultural, Land, and Gener Fiber Perforated Pipe for Airport and Roadwork Drainage Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI Fiber Pipe Systems for Highway, Airport, and Similar Dr Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Short Beam Meth.'(1972) Fiber Reinforced Polyester Structural Plastic Panels (1 Fiber Roof Insulation Board (1972) Fiber Siding (1972) Fiber Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Flax, Synt Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated for Hand Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 Fiber Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Fiber Used for Electrical Insulation (1971) ANSI C59.78 Fiber (Wood Base) Loose Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) Fiber (1970) ANSI K91.1 ■ Std. Meth. Fiber (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Fiber), Structural and Decorative (1972) Fiber), Structural and Decorative (1972) Fiber, Yarn and Textile Fabric) (1972) ANSI L14.152 /T Fiberboard at 90 Deg. Angle and Constant Stress (1972) Fiberboard Boxes (Box Gage Meth.) (Packaging) (1968) an Fiberboard Crease Bending Test (1972) Fiberboard Insulating Panels (1972) Fiberboard Nail Base Sheathing and Structural Insulatin Fiberboard Shipping Cases (1970) /Solvent Soluble Liqu Fiberboard Test Procedure (1972) Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1972) Meth. Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1973) /. of Test Fiberboard (Inclined Plane Meth.) (1973) /Th. of Test Fiberboard (1969) Std. T Fiberboard (1973) Fiberboard, Particleboard) (1973) /Spaced Columns, Joi Fiberboards (1972) Std. Te Fiberboards, and Other Automotive Trim Materials (1972) Fiberglass Polyester Tanks (1973) Fiberglass (1972) Fibers by Fibrograph Measurement (Textile) (1972) ANSI Fibers by Microprojection (1972) ANSI L14.143 Fibers by the Causticaire Method (1971) Std. Meth. of Fibers for Structural Composites (GF 220 (1517) Tensile Fibers for Test. (1972) Fibers in Loop or Knot Configurations (1973) Ten Fibers in Textiles (1972) Fibers in Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.131 Fibers Taken from Yarns and Tows (1972) ANSI L14.285 Fibers (Array Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.91 Std. Fibers (Array Sample) (1973) ANSI L14.136 Fibers (Flat Bundle Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.96 /H. of T Fibers (1966) Std. Spec Fibers (1971) ANSI L14.192 Fibers (1971T) Fibers (1972) Fibers (1972) /Th. of Testing Tire Cords, Fabrics and Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.142 Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.250 Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.95 Std. M Fibers (1973) Fibers) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Rmance Require Fibers) (Institutional Textiles) (1973) /Ments for Wov Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wa9tepaper, Kapok, Ha Fibers, Splinters, etc. in Starch (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Fibers, Whole or Ground Cereal Grains, Whole or Chopped Fibers, Wool) (1974) Rec. for Baled Textile Fi Fibre Cans (1973) Fibre Citrus Cans 202 (52 Mm) Diameter) (1973) Fibre Tubes and Cores (1972) Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jute9, Hemp, to Fibrograph Measurement (Textile) (1972) ANSI L14.98 /F Fibrous Contaminants in Aerospace Fluids (1970E) Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Std. for Ventilating an Fibrous Glass Duct (1973) Fibrous Glass Duct (1973) Fibrous Materials (1972) Std Fibrous Thermal Insulation for Elevated Temperature (19 Fibrous Thermal Insulation (1973) Field and Compound Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separ Field and Railroad Right of Way Wire Fencing (1973) Ans Field and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool Mo AACCH AACCH use ASTM UL ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM use ASTM ASTM FMS SAE SAE SAE ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ICBO ASTM SAE TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM NPA ICBO SAE SAE CSI CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ICBO AACCH AACCH FMS CCTI CCTI CCTI ICBO ASTM ASTM SMACN SMACN SMACN SAE ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASAE 32-15 32-17 PS57 C764 55A UBCS32-1 D2417 D2418 D2312 D2313 D2818 D2344 PS53 C726 C725 8-7 AMS3894A AMS3894/8 AMS3894/9 L24.1.10 D619 C739 D2589 D2494 C208 C209 D1464 D2860 D2658 J119A C551 UBCS2S-24 D1874 J315B T816SU D3247 D3248 D1028 4-73 UBC*3-25 J949A J361A 15177.1 10350 D1447 D2130 D2480 AMS3892/5 D1441 D3217 D276 20 D2101 D1440 D1769 D1445 C532 D2368 D2947 D2752 D885 D2102 D1774 D1444 D1233 L24.1.5 L24.1.4 UFC*2ART7 28-75 28-87 8-7 *] E202.1 T114 UFC«2ART7 D1447 F314 •6 AFTS-100 AFTS-101 J913A C720 C762 28-90 A116 S225.1 156 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Spec, for Oil ng Code Std. for Evaluation of Compression Test Results in Rec. Pract. for Evaluation of Compression Test Results of st for Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete Under Std. for Welded Aluminum Alloy Performance Spec, for Adhesives for Spec, for Indirect Type Oil Std. Meth. of Pract. on Application, Care, and Use of Wire Rope for Oil act. for Grounded 830 V, 3 Phase Electrical System for Oil eamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Uniform Building Code Std. for Airborne Sound Insulation Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Factory and Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Meth. of Evaluating Wood Preservatives by Test for Combustible Gases in Electrical Apparatus in the perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Disposal perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Disposal etic Shield Efficiency in Attenuating Alternating Magnetic 1973) Spec, for Composite Std. for Automated Machine Lay Up Composite Std. for Packaging of Std. Meth. of Testing Tire Cords, Fabrics and Industrial Std. Meth. of Test. Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, std. for Safety for Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and Std. for Flexible Non Pressure Water Std. Spec, for Perlite Loose Std. Spec, for Safe for Evaluating the Compatibility of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Std. Spec, for Cellulosic Fiber (Wood Base) Loose Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Loose cal Apparatus Sales and Service Industry (Rotating, Liquid c Circuit Reclosers, Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Oil 1974) Std. Test. Procedure for Std. Test. Procedure for (1972) Std. Spec, for Reinforced and Test Meth. for Top Side of Std. Spec, for t Mastic for Use in Waterproofing (Asphalt Cement, Mineral tative (Including Optical Microscopic) Analysis of Mineral sives (1970) Std. Test Meth. for 1 Std. Spec, for Mineral 01 Std. Spec, for Preformed Expansion Joint id Requirement Maintenance Instructions, and Container and Std. Spec, for Brazing Std. Spec, for Brazing Std. Meth. of Test for Sieve Analysis of Mineral Ik and Its Fluid Products (Packaging / Sanitary Stds. for (Nonextruding / Std. Spec, for Preformed Expansion Joint spec, for Preformed Cellular Plastic Pressure Relief Joint Std. Rec. Pract. for Safe Std. for Self Locking, Flat Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Test Meth. for Determination of Test Meth. for Determination of Test Meth. for Packaging h. of Test for Pneumatic Ball Impact Resistance of Plastic Std. for Criteria for Std. for Back Window Location for Roll Rec. Pract. for Determining Solderability of Thick ications (1973) Std. for Paper, Paper/Film, for Photography) (1973) Std. Photographic ulose Ester Base (1973) Spec, for Photographic ester Base (1973) Std. Spec, for Photographic vices, or Both (Photography) (19/ Std. for Dimensions for or Dimensions for Unperforated and Perforated Photographic eteristics of Electrical Insulating Varnishes Applied Over Std. Meth. for Test. meth. of Test for Measuring the Wear Life and Bonded Solid fficient of Friction and Wear Characteristics of Dry Solid separate) for Use in Photographic Contact Printing of Roll ontainers for Packaging and Storage of Aerial Photographic std. Practice for Storage of Processed Safety Photographic st for Effect of Heat and Air on Asphaltic Materials (Thin Std. Dimensions for 35 mm Motion Picture Std. Dimensions for 16 mm Motion Picture Printed Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm Motion Picture 3) ANSI C59.96 Std. Spec, for Polyester Std. Dimensions for Cores for Photographic Std. for Dimensions of Aerial Std. Picture Sizes for Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 Mm cellulose) (1973) Uniform Building Code: , Self-Locking and Nonlocki/ alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking/ teel, Self-Locking and Nonl/ 1974) ter Reverse Impacting (C/ Field Chain and Sprockets (1970) API 7F Field Concrete Cylinders (1973) Uniform BuUdi ICBO UBCS26-11 Field Concrete (1965) ANSI A146.1 ACI 214 Field Conditions (1974) Tentative Meth. of Te ASTM C683 Field Erected Storage Tanks (1973) ANSI B96.1 Field Gluing Plywood to Wood Framing (1971) APA AFG-01 Field Heaters Used in Producing OU and Gas (1972) API 12K Field Sampling of Ion Exchange Materials (1972) ASTM D2687 Field Service (1972) Rec. API 9B Field Service (1973) Rec. Pr API 11M Field Service (1974) ANSI H23.5 Std. Spec, for S ASTM B280 Field Test of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Flo ICBO UBCS35-3 Field Testing (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and DEMA »l-22 Field Tests for Grout and Mortar (1973) ICBO UBCS24-23 Field Tests with Stakes (1974) ASTM D1758 Field (1973) Std. Meth. of ASTM D3284 Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous ASTM D2312 Fields (1973) ANSI A176.5 /. Spec, for Laminated Wall ASTM D2313 Fields (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Magn ASTM A698 Filament Tape Laying Machine— Numerically Controlled ( NSA 990 Filament Tape Reel (1972) NSA 992 Filament Tape Reels (1973) NSA 3452 Filament Yarns, Made from Man Made Organic Base Fibers ASTM D885 Filaments, and Strands Made from Steel (1974) ASTM D2969 File Storage Room Doors (1972) ANSI A153.1 UL 155 Fill Hose for Recreational Vehicles (1971) IAPMO TSC19 Fill Insulation (1973) ASTM C549 Fill or Aerosol Containers (1972) ASTM D3068 Fill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Facilities (Passenger C SAE J398A Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C739 Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C764 Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Power Tools, Hermatic EASA *1 Filled Capacitor Switches for Alternating Current Syste NEMA SC13 Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Composite Motor Oil Cans ( CCTI C 125.1 Filled Cast Flat Drop Composite Cans (1974) CCTI C125 Filled Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Materials ASTM D2897 Filled Paper as Indicated by Silver Coin Test (1973) TAPPI UM-533 Filled Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe (1972) ASTM D2836 Filler and Aggregate) (1941) ANSI A109.17 / for Asphal ASTM D491 Filler and Coating of Paper (1973) /Fication and Quali TAPPI T421 Filler Content of Phenol, Resorcinol, and Melamine Adhe ASTM D1579 Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1970) ANSI A37.4 ASTM D242 Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) (1971) ANSI A37.1 ASTM D994 Filler Identification (Construction and Industrial Equi SAE J223 Filler Metal Comparison Charts (1971) AWS A5.0 Filler Metal (1969) ANSI W3.8 AWS A5.8 Filler Metals for Electron Devices (1972) ASTM F106 Filler (1972) AASHO T37, ANSI A37.14 ASTM D546 Fillers and Sealers of Single Service Containers for Mi DFISA 1704 Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction ASTM D175I Fillers (1973) Std. ASTM D3204 Filling of Low Pressure Pressurized Products (1972) ASTM D3091 Fillister Head, Full Thread Part Screw (1974) NSA 1191 Fillister Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) NSA 1101 Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres NSA 5400-06 Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium NSA 5500-06 Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy S NSA 5300-06 Film Adhesion by Cross Hatch Tape Test (Coil Coating) ( NCCA TB-II-5 Film Adhesion on All Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Test Af NCCA TB-II-16 Film and Construction Identity Tests (Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-537 Film and Sheeting (1972) Std. Met ASTM D3099 Film Badge Performance (Nuclear Radiation) (1972) ANSI N13.7 Film Cameras (1973) ANSI PH3.1 Film Conductors (1972T) ASTM F357 Film Dielectric Capacitors for Power Semiconductor Appl EIA RS401 Film Exposure Guide (Also Contains Suggested Techniques ANSI PH2.7 Film for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Cell ANSI PHI. 28 Film for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Poly ANSI PHI. 41 Film in Rolls for Phototypesetting or Photocomposing De ANSI PHI. 44 Film in Rolls, Including Leaders and Trailers, for Aeri ANSI PHI. 10 Film Insulated Magnet Wire (1973) /Thermal Aging Chara ASTM D3251 Film Insulated Magnet Wire (1974) ASTM D1676 Film Lubricants in Oscillating Motion (1971) ANSI Zl 1.3 ASTM D2981 Film Lubricants in Vacuum and Other Controlled Atmosphe ASTM D2716 Film Negatives (1972) Std. Spec, for Masks ( ANSI PH3.9 Film on Spools (1972) Std. for Dimensions of C ANSI PHI. 46 Film Other Than Microfilm (1971) ANSI PHI. 43 Film Oven Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Te ASTM D1754 Film Perforated Super 8, 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) ANSI PH22.165 Film Perforated Super 8, (1-4) (1973) ANSI PH22.168 Film Perforated 1-4(1971) Std. for Dimensions for ANSI PH22.153 Film Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (197 ASTM D2484 Film Rolls (Plastic, Wood or Metal) (1971) ANSI PHI. 13 Film Spools (1972) ANSI PHI. 2 Film Still Picture Cameras (1972) ANSI PH3.39 Film Storage and Handling (Photographic and X-Ray Nitro ICBO UBC*3-48 Engineering and Product Standards Division 157 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards on Nonferrous Substrate (Coil, Instrumentation/ Spec, for oil Coating) (1974) Test Meth. for Measurement of roducts —Film Thickne/ Best Meth. for Measurment of Dry Std. Meth. for Nondestructive Measurement of ickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products -- Std. for Nomenclature for Motion Picture . for Determination of Relative Pencil Hardness of a Paint st for the Determination of Deg. of Cure of a Backed Paint Std. Meth. for Determining the Curl of Photographic Std. for Intraoral Dental Radiographic Safety Std. for Tests for Flammability of Photographic std. Meth. for Determining the Brittleness of Photographic Std. Spec, for Projector Usage of 16 mm Motion Picture Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture rm Building Code Std. for Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture f Projectable Anamorphic Image Area on 5 mm Motion Picture std. Dimensions for Industrial Radiographic Sheet and Roll Std. for Dimensions of 126 Size Cartridges, Std. Picture Sizes for Roll, 35 Mm r Location of Super 8 Printed Area on 16 mm Motion Picture area in Optical Reduction Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture ical Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Std. Dimensions for 32 mm Motion Picture Std. Dimensions for 32 mm Motion Picture ing the Dimensional Change Characteristics of Photographic act. for the Density and Contrast Range of Black and White meth. of Evaluating Deg. of Surface Disfigurement of Paint d Evaluation Meth. for Determining Speed of Color Reversal ous Uses (1973) Std. Dimensions for Photographic ing Speed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Reversal Color Camera Spec, for Spot Test Solution for Detecting Chromate itors (1971) / Std. Spec, for Natural Block Mica and Mica . for Meth. for Determining the Resistance of Photographic Tent. Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of Thin Metallic d. Dimensions for Professional Photographic Sheet and Roll Test Meth. for Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Dry Adhesive f Test for Moisture Vapor Permeability of Organic Coatings Meth. of Test for Algal Resistance of Plastic td. Meth. of Test for Detergent Resistance of Floor Polish Std. Meth. of Test for Porosity of Paint rage and Handling of Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose Std. Dimensions for Graphic Arts Sheet Std. Dimensions for Medical Radiographic Sheet and Roll er Densitometric Meth. for Measuring Residual Chemicals in Spec, for Photographic td. for Resolving Power of Lenses for Projectors for 35 Mm Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven ate and Water Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere apacity Rating and Application of Suction Line Filters and Std. End Load Test Meth. for a Hydraulic Fluid Power ining the Fabrication Integrity of a Hydraulic Fluid Power ying the Material Compatibility of a Hydraulic Fluid Power he Flow Fatigue Characteristics of a Hydraulic Fluid Power the Collapse / Burst Resistance of a Hydraulic Fluid Power the Filtration Performance of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power ilizer Gr/ Std. for Safety for Self Contained Strainer or 83.92 Std. for Iron-Core Power Measurement of Airborne Asbestos Fiber by the Membrane re (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Glass Tube and a Particulate hed/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven alter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) (Bolting Cloth, Spec, for Photographic Optical ng. Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Mixing, trie Fans (Blower, Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, and Air Std. Gravel Sand and Anthrante tilation Syste/ Rec. Pract. for Air Cleaning Devices (Air . for Flow Capacity Rating and Application of Suction Line Std. for Sand Type Std. for Diatomite Type ning Water Quality for Subsurface Injection Using Membrane Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Flow Rate of Membrane Std. for Radio Interference Wideband Std. for Safety for Swimming Pool Pumps, rs. Gas Therapy and Suction Equipment, Room Air Purifiers, Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ary Past/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent istry)/ Flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent ent and/or Insect Damage on Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Other filter Element / Std. Multi Pass Meth. for Evaluating the vice, Automatic Pilot, Depth Determination Device and Fish n or Other Line of Position Device, Radar, Radio Detection Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of nsi A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Surface Moisture in Std. Meth. of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Film Thickness Determination of Nonconductive Coatings Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes on Mild Steel (C Film Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related P Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel (1972) Film Thickness of 0.3 MIL or Greater (Coil Coating) (19 Film Used in Studios and Processing Laboratories (1971) Film (Coil Coating) (1974) • Spec Film (Coil Coating) (1974) /Ting a Solvent Hand Rub Te Film (1971) Film (1972) Film (1972) Film (1973) Film (1973) Film (1973) Film (1973) Unifo Film (2.35:1) Aspect Ratio (1971) Std. Dimensions O Film (photography) (1973) Film, and Backing Paper (Photography) (1972) Film, and 126 mm Film Still Picture Cameras (1972) Std. Fo /Uper 8 Printed /Ea in Opt Meth. for Determin Rec. Pr Std St Std. Std. Meth. O Film, Perforated Super 8 (1-3) (1973) Film, Perforated 2R-1664 (1-0) (1973) Film, Perforated 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) Film, 2R (1974) Film, 4R (1974) Films and Papers (1973) Std Films and Slides for Television (1970) Films by Fungal Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumulation (1 Films for Still Photography (1972) /Metric Exposure an Films in Rolls for Recording Instruments and Miscellane Films Intended for Direct Projection in Motion Picture Films on Galvanized Sheet (Coil Coating) (1974) Films Suitable for Use in Fixed Mica-Dielectric Capac Films to Abrasion During Processing (1972) Films with a Collinear Four Probe Array (1973) Films (SI and U.S. Customary Units) (1973) Films (1970) Films (1972) Films (1972T) Films (1973) Films (1973) Films (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Sto Films (photography) (1973) Films (1973) Films, Plates, and Papers (1971) /Thiosulfate and Silv Filmstrip Projectors (1973) Filmstrips and Slides in 2 X 2 In. Mounts (1972) Filter Aid) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) (Filter and Impinger Meth.) (1973) /Lection of Particul Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sys Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.21 Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.22 /D. Meth. for Determ Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.23 Std. Meth. of Verif Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.24 /Th. for Verifying T Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.25 /Eth. for Verifying Filter Element (1973) ANSI B93.31 /Th. for Evaluating Filter for Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia (Fert Filter Inductors for Electronic Equipment (1973) ANSI C Filter Meth. (TextUe) (1971) Filter Meth.) (1973) /Aseous Fluorides in the Atmosphe Filter Paper) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Unbleac Filter Paper, Wide Field and Compound Microscope, Petri Filter Sizes (1972) Filter, Grit Chambers, and Flotation) (1973) Filtering Appliances Rated at 600 Volts or Less) (1972) Filtering Material (1972) Filters and Dust Collectors) for Industrial Exhaust Ven Filters and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Air Cond Filters for Swimming Pools (1971) Filters for Swimming Pools (1971) Filters (Petroleum Industry) (1973) /Meth. for Determi Filters (1972) Filters (1974) ANSI C83. 102 Filters, and Chlorinators (1972) Filters, Compressors, Artificial Airways, Appurtenances Filth and Insect Infestation Content in Corn (1954) Filth in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Aliment Filth in Meal, Grits, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chem Filth in Popped Popcorn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Filth, and Extraneous Material (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Filtration Performance of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power Finder, Loran or Other Line of Position Device, Radar, Finder, Radio Telephone) (1973) /and Fish Finder, Lora Fine Aggregate (1973) ANSI A37.6 Fine and Coarse Concrete Aggregates (1971) AASHO T27, a Fine Concrete Aggregate (1973) AASHO T142, ANSI A37.21 Fine Grained Graphite Materials (1973) /C, Holdi NCCA NCCA NCCA ASTM NCCA ANSI NCCA NCCA ANSI ANSI UL ANSI ANSI ICBO ICBO ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI SMPTE ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI NCCA ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI CR ASTM ARI NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP UL EIA ATI ASTM CR AACCH ANSI NSF UL AWWA ACGIH ARI NSF NSF NACE ASTM EIA UL NSF CR AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH NFLDP ABYC ABYC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TB-II-14 TB-II-15 TB-II-4 G12 TB-II-4 PH22.56 TB-II-12 TB-II-18 PHI. 29 PH8.1 105 PHI. 31 PH22.10 UFC»2ART5 UBCS48-2 PH22.106 PHI. 15 PHI. 40 PH3.39 PH22.181 PH22.179 PH22.180 PH22.141 PH22.142 PHI. 32 RP7 D3274 PH2.21 PHI. 30 PH22.146 TB-II-9 D748 PH4.35 F390 PHI. 18 D1583 D1653 G29 D3207 D3258 UBCS48-1 PHI. 16 PHI. 17 PH4.8 PH3.28 PH3.16 E-42 D3267 730 T3. 10.8.2 T3. 10.8.4 T3. 10.8.6 T3. 10.8.7 T3. 10.8.5 T3. 10.8.8 331 RS197A *5 D3268 E-44 28-90 PH3.17 41 507 B100 • 1-11 730 10 9 TM-01-73 F317 RS416 1081 48 A-10 28-31 28-51 28-80 28-10 T3.10.8.8 A21 A21 C128 C136 C70 C748 158 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Pass Meth. for Evaluating the Filtration Performance of A Spec. Data Formats for Design, Manufacture, Inspection and Assembly Manual for ur Pinions (1973) Std. for System Design of Std. for System Design of calibration of Liquid Automatic Particle Counters Using Ac Std. for 1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for d Type and Assignment of Grade (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for us (1973) AASHO T153, ANSI A1.19 Std. Meth. of Test for ansi A1.7 Std. Meth. of Test for 4.26 . Std. Spec, for i L14.29 ' Std. Spec, for . for Rubber Cushion Sleeper Construction with Nailers and mastic Cushioned Construction with Nailers, Subflooring or nailed Construction with Mastic Set Subflooring and Nailed st Meth. for Simulated Service Test, of Wood and Wood Base ts of Drycieaning on Permanence of Durable Water Repellent Uniform Building Code: Interior Walls and Ceiling leach) 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum, Press or Air Rec. for Wood Siding, Redwood Exterior Guide (Siding, el Bars and Shapes (1/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Std. Spec, for Cold space Std. Identification Marking Meths. on Finished, Semi arbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and Cold td. Spec, for General Requirements for Hot Rolled and Cold Std. Spec, for Std. Quality Cold flush. Stile, and Rail Doors, Factory Finishing, Rough and for Determining Sulfate Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and anganese Steel Bars 1/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold t / Extractables) Content in Corn Starch, Gluten, Germand h. for Determining Chloride Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, h. for Determining Chloride Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, nalytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn Syrup, . for Determining Copper Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and / Std. Spec, for Woven Glass Fabrics, Cleaned, and After r Nuclear Application/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold lions (1972) ANSI Z17/ Std. Spec, for Hot Worked and Cold 1973) Std. Spec, for Flat Copper Products with Aerospace Std. Identification Marking Meths. on t/ Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled and Cold Grades, Application and Design, Span Allowances, Storage, Redwood Interior Guide (Spec, for Installation, 1 Characteristics, Material Composition, Use, Application, aned, and After Finished with Epoxy Functional Silane Type stain of Rubber and Contact and Migration Stain of Organic Test Meth. for Identification of ce Requirements and Claims for Special Characteristics and Test Meth. for Evaluation of Antibacterial est Meth. for Measurement of Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic st Meth. for Drycieaning Durability of Applied Designs and Uniform Fire Code: Application of Flammable Std. Meth. of Test for Cleanability of Surface Std. Rec. Pract. for Detergent Resistance of Organic Performance Requirements for Deleterious Effects of Dyes, receive Wood Flooring (196/ Rec. for Correct Preparation, for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic Setting Thermal Insulating and , Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer,/ Std. for Safety for Floor Std. for Countersunk Type Quality Stds. for Factory Std. for Washer-Flush Type Public Works Spec, for Ceramic Veneer (Sampling, Test. blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and Rail Doors, Factory olors 160 Deg. F Maximum Hot Head Press (300-330 Deg. F) equirements for Deleterious Effects of Dyes, Finishes, and ess Round Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral s (Computer Software Documentation and Terminology) (1972) uniform Building Code Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas era_White a "d ^ e d Pine, Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam ions Before Gluing of Southern Pine, Pacific Coast Douglas oling Towers (1971) Std. for Douglas lock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hem - r; White Fir; And/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas d. for Structural Glued Laminated Timbers: Douglas and Hem north), Ponderosa and Western White Pines. Spruce-Pine - 72) Industry Std. for Douglas of Central Station Protective Signaling Systems for Guard, of Proprietary Protective Signalling Systems for Watchman, Safety Std. for Central Stations for Watchman, ically Operated Type for 1/ Safety Std. for Heat Actuated ance and Use of Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems for Uniform Building Code Std. for nd Use of Local Protective Signaling Systems for Watchman, ne Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1973) ANSI B ne Pitch Gear Drawings (1973) ne Pitch Gearing (1973) ne Pitch on Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. Involute Sp ne Pilch Wormgearing (1973) ne Test Dust (1972) ANSI B93.28 Std. Meth. for ne Threaded Stud (1973) neness of Hydraulic Cement by No. 325 (45-?M) Sieve ( neness of Mohair and Assignment of Grade (1973) neness of Mohair Top, Yarns and Fabrics of the Worste neness of Portland Cement by Air Permeability Apparat neness of Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter (1973) neness of Wool and Assignment of Grade (1973) ANSI LI neness of Wool Top and Assignment of Grade (1973) Ans sh Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Spec sh Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) /for sh Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) /Tic sh Flooring (1969) Std. Te sh of Fabrics (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Effec sh (1973) sh (1973) /Mmercial Wash-Whites (With Chlorine B sh. Nails and Nailing (1972) sh. Nails and Nailing) (1973) shed Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Ste shed Alloy Steel Bars (1964) ANSI G24.12 shed and Rough Items (1971) Aero shed Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed Concrete Reinforcing shed Carbon and Alloy Steel Bar (1973) ANSI G24.5 shed Carbon Steel Bars (1973) shed Carpentry, Flooring, Shingles, Exposed Roof De shed Corn Sugars (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. shed Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel M shed Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fa shed Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolyzates shed Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolzates ( shed Sugar and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1952) /a shed Sugars (1954) Std. Analytical Meth shed with Epoxy Functional Silane Type Finishes for shed Zirconium and Its Alloy Bars, Rod, and Wire Fo shed Zirconium Bars and Wire for Nonnuclear Applica shed (Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flatwire and Strip) ( shed. Semi Finished and Rough Items (1971) shed. Special Quality, for Pressure Piping Componen shes and Nails and Fastenings) (1973) / for Garden shes and Other Technical Data) (1973) shes and Other Technical Data) (1973) /Grade, Pane shes for Plastic Laminates (1972) /Ss Fabrics, Cle /Ion hes in Contact with Rubber (1973) ANSI J7.3 hes in Textiles (1973) ANSI L14.127 shes of Institutional Textiles (Durability, Spot, S shes on Fabrics (1970) ANSI L14.144 shes on Mild Steel (Coil Coating) (1974) shes on Textiles and Other Materials (1973) Te shes (Paint, Varnish. Lacquer, Stain, etc.) (1973) shes (1973) shes (1973) shes, and Finishings (Sublimation, Brittleness and shing and Testing of Concrete Subfloor Surfaces to shing Cement (1964) ANSI Z98.33 Std. Spec, shing Machines (Polisher, Scrubber. Sander, Scraper shing Washer (1973) shing (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) shing (1973) shing. Installation, and Definitions) (1961) shing, Rough and Finished Carpentry, Flooring, Shin shing, Shirt Unit, Pants Unit (1973) /90 Deg. F, C shings (Sublimation, Brittleness and Chlorine Reten ns (1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seaml ns (1974) Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy FIPS 20 /for Describing Information Interchange Format r-Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North) r and Tamarack Lumber (1973) /Ing Code Std. for East r and Western Hemlock by Pressure Processes (1973) r Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Co r (North), Ponderosa and Western White Pines, Spruce r. Coast Region; West Coast Hemlock; Western Red Ceda r. Southern and Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch, Califo r, Western Cedars (North) (Lumber) (1973) /M-Fir ( r. Western Hemlock, Sitka Spruce Doors and Blinds (19 re Alarm and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.2 re Alarm and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.6 re Alarm and Supervisory Services (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 re Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Station, Mechan re Alarm Service (1972) ANSI SE3.4 /Llation, Mainten re Alarm Systems for High-Rise Buildings (1973) re Alarm, and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.3 NFLDP AGMA ACMA AGMA ACMA NFLDP NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM WSFI WSFI WSFI ASTM ASTM ICBO ANSI WWPA CRA ASTM ASTM SAE AISI ASTM ASTM AWI CR ASTM CR CR CR CR CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM CRA CRA CRA ASTM ASTM AATCC ANSI AATCC NCCA AATCC ICBO ASTM ASTM ANSI WSFI ASTM UL NSA AWI NSA BIA AWI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ICBO ICBO AWPA CTI ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO FHDA NFPA NFPA UL UL NFPA ICBO NFPA T3. 10.8.8 114.02 370-01 203.03 374.04 T2.9.6 184 C430 D3109 D1381 C204 C115 D419 D472 •4 ♦8 »6 D2394 D2721 UBC*3-42 L24.4.13 •25 3A4 A564 A331 AS478D 1 A 29 A108 •1-1 E-64 A429 B-18 E-14 E-15 E-6 E-22 D3098 B351 B550 B272 AS478D A696 3A5 3A7 3A9 D3098 D925 94 L24.7.1 100 TB 11-15 86 UFC»2ART14 C756 D2248 L24.7.2 *1 C449 561 391 ♦1-1500 390 •28 •1-1 L24.4.12 L24.7.2 B404 B359 X10.1 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-5 C28 114 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-3 UBCS25-11 UBCS25-2 4-72 71 72D 827 539 72B UBCS18-1 72A Engineering and Product Standards Division 159 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Operational Rec. for Globe Dry Pipe Valves ted Housing and Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Plants ectrochmeical Analysis of Ores, Minerals, and Rocks by the Spec, for est for Size and Bulk Density of Refractory and Insulating Std. Classification of Insulating Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Uniform hangers (1973) rnish, Lacquer, Stain, etc.) (1973) material Handling Plants (1973) ) e, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypto/ ) (1973) (1973) tor and Open Burning, Combustible and Flammable / ) Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids A/ ds. Grandstands, Bleachers, etc.) (1973) ons and Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Drivew/ n from Corrosion for Underground Pipe. Fittings / Protection and Tanks Containing Flammable or Co/ cotton 1973) Sisal, Henequen, Ixlle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow/ tylene (1973) X1973) Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform llniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Building Code Std. for Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Uniform Building Code Std. for Tin Clad Uniform Building Code Std. for Installation of Safety Std. for Swinging Hardware for Std. Tin Clad Std. for Safety for Tin Clad r Sliding Hardware for Std., Horizontally Mounted Tin Clad ansi A2.7 Std. for ions (1973) ANSI A10.21 Std. for Safeguarding Against Safety Std. for Safety Std. for 2 1/2 Gal. Cartridge Operated Water Type Safety Std. for Foam Safety Std. for Rating and Test, of Rec. for Halogenated Std. on Carbon Dioxide Rec. for Foam Uniform Building Code Std. for Installation of Automatic Uniform Building Code Std. for Carbon Dioxide Uniform Building Code: Model F Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Flow Control of form Building Code Std. for Combination Standpipe Systems high Expansion Foam Systems (Ratios from 100:1 to 1000:1) Uniform Building Code Std. Test. Meth. for Rec. Pract. for Reducing the Volatile Solids (1973) Std. for ion of Mechanical Drive Turbines (1974) offs and Automatic Feedwater Regulators for Boilers (197/ 4) ammable and Combustible Materials (Fire Safety) (1974) roll Paper (1974) Safety Std. for Semiautomatic Std. for Care of Safety Std. for Unlined Code for Safety to Life from uirements for Safety to Life-Property from Explosion and i Zl 1.6 Std. Meth. of Test for Flash and Rec. for Local Protective Signalling Systems for and Safety Equipment) (1973) and Wind Hazards at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes Assay Preconcentration Spark Technique (1971) ANSI Barrier Gypsum Board Membrane (1972T) Brick (1970) ANSI A111.18 Std. Meth. of T Brick (1970) ANSI A111.22 Brick (1972) ANSI A111.28 Code (1973) Code: Airports, Heliports, Helistops and Aircraft Code: Application of Flammable Finishes (Paint, Va Code: Automobile Tire Rebuilding Plants (J.973) Code: Automobile Wrecking and Junk Yards or Waste Code: Bowling Alleys (1973) Code: Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film (1973) Code: Cellulose Nitrate Plastics (Pyroxylin) (1973 Code: Compressed Gases (1973) Code: Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxid Code: Explosives and Blasting Agents (1973) Code: Fireworks (1973) Code: Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1973) Code: Fruit Ripening Process (Banana, Citrus Fruit Code: Fumigation and Thermal Insecticidal Fogging Code: Garage (1973) Code: General Precautions for Prevention (Incinera Code: Hazardous Chemicals (1973) Code: High Piled Combustible Stock (Storage) (1973 Code: Industrial Baking and Drying Ovens (1973) Code: Liquefied Petroleum Gases (1973) Code: Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants (1973) Code: Magnesium (1973) Code: Maintenance of Exit Ways (1973) Code: Manufacture of Organic Coatings (Paint), and Code: Matches (1973) Code: Mechanical Refrigeration (1973) Code: Motion Picture Projection (1973) Code: Oil Burning Equipment (1973) Code: Places of Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing Stan Code: Prevention of Dust Explosions (1973) Code: Protection, Authority, Departmental Regulati Code: Recommended Guide to Safe Practice Protectio Code: Recommended Safeguards and Practices for the Code: Rifle Ranges (1973) Code: Smoking (1973) Code: Storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres ( Code: Suppression and Control of Hazardous Areas ( Code: Tents and Air Supported Structures (1973) Code: Welding and Cutting, Calcium Carbide and Ace Dampers (1973) Dampers (1973) ANSI Z233.1 Detection System (Grinnell Protomatic Release F100 Detection Thermostats (1974) ANSI Z220.1 Doors and Shutters (1973) Doors and Windows (1973) Doors (1973) ANSI A 133.1 Doors (1973) ANSI A 142.1 Doors (1973) ANSI A 143.1 Safety Std. Fo Doors, Windows, Shutters, and Glass Blocks (1973) During Building Construction and Demolition Operat Extinguisher and Apparatus Booster Hose (1973) Extinguishers (1973) Extinguishers (1973) Extinguishers (1973) ANSI Z211.1 Extinguishing Agent Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1972) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Extinguishing Systems (1973) Rec. for Star Extinguishment) (1973) Uni Extinguishment) (1973) Rec. for Hazard Classification of Building Materials (1973) Hazard of Static Electricity (1973) Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Hazards and Protection for Maintenance and Inspect Hazards and Protection Rec. for Low Water Fuel Cut Hazards and Protection Rec. for Textile Mills (197 Hazards and Protection Std. for Rack Storage of Fl Hazards Anf Protection Rec. for Indoor Storage of Hose Rack Assemblies (1972) Hose (Including Couplings and Nozzles (1972) Hose (1973) ANSI A152.1 in Buildings and Structures (1970) ANSI A9.1 in Design, Construction, and Operation of Solvent Points by Cleveland Open Cup (1972) AASHO T48, Ans Protection and Safety (Alarm) (1973) FMS 2-14 FMS 7-90 ASTM E400 ASTM C707 ASTM C134 ASTM C155 ASTM C182 ICBO UFC*2 ICBO UFC»2ART33 ICBO UFC*2ART14 ICBO UFC»2ART2 ICBO UFC*2ART3 ICBO UFC*2ART4 ICBO UFC*2ART5 ICBO UFC*2ART6 ICBO UFC»2ART8 ICBO UFC»2ART36 ICBO UFC»2ART11 ICBO UFC*2ART12 ICBO UFC«2ART15 ICBO UFC*2ART16 ICBO UFC*2ART17 ICBO UFC*2ART18 ICBO UFC*2ART27 ICBO UFC*2ART19 ICBO UFC*2ART35 ICBO UFC«2ART25 ICBO UFC*2ART20 ICBO UFC*2ART21 ICBO UFC*2ART22 ICBO UFC*2ART10 ICBO UFC*2ART34 ICBO UFC*2ART23 ICBO UFC*2ART28 ICBO UFC*2ART32 ICBO UFC*2ART24 ICBO UFC*2ART26 ICBO UFC*2ART9 ICBO UFC»2ART13 ICBO UFC*2B ICBO UFC»2A ICBO UFC*2C ICBO UFC»2ART29 ICBO UFC*2ART7 ICBO UFC»2E ICBO UFC*2ART30 ICBO UFC*2ART31 ICBO UBCS43-7 UL 555 FMS LPD 2-92 UL 521 ICBO UBCS43-3 ICBO UBCS43-5 UL 14C UL 10A UL 14B NFPA 80 NFPA 241 UL 92 UL 715 UL 8 UL 711 FMS 4-8N NFPA 12 FMS 4-7N ICBO UBCS38-1 ICBO UBCS38-2 ICBO UBC»3-38 FMS 2-88 ICBO UBCS38-3 FMS 4-3N ICBO UBCS42-1 FMS 5-8N FMS 7-19 FMS 13-9 FMS 12-37 FMS 7-1 FMS 8-33N FMS 8-21 UL 47 NFPA 198 UL 18 NFPA 101 FMS 7-30N ASTM D92 FMS 5-5N 160 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards idor. Building Construction and / Western Woods Use Book: h Temperature Molten Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc.) Rec. for Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems Rec. for Parking Structures (Garage ■ Rec. (or Liquefied Hydrogen Systems Rec. for Flammable Liquid Pumping and Piping Systems Rec. for Hazardous Chemicals Data Of, Rec. Construction and Water Sprinkler System Design ■ storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. High) ructures, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Mo/ Std. for Rec. for Rec. nd Related Faults) (1973) Rec. for Containers of Flammable Liquids (1973) Rec. for Rec. for afety Std. for Dry Pipe, Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Safety Std. for Hydrants for Safety Std. for Gate Valves for Safety Std. for Play Pipes for Water Supply Test, in for Alarm Valves for Use in Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems for Safety Std. for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Std. for Safety for Butterfly Valves for Std. for Safety for Automatic Water Sprinklers for Std. for Safety for Water Pumps for Rec. for Pipe Friction Loss Tables for Solving Rec. for Water Demand for Sprinkler System for Private Rec. for Lined Earth Reservoirs for Rec. for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Std. for the Installation of Water Sprinkler Systems for Rec. for Installation of Sprinkler Systems or Transportation, Storage and Use of Explosive Materials of the Reliable Model B Accelerator for Dry Pipe Systems in Dry Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed in Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces y Std. for Tests for Combustibility of Sweeping Compounds Std. for Safety for Control Units for Indoor Safety for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes for Use with Uniform Building Code Std. for Smoke Detectors for Underwriter Steam 72)ANSIH23.12 972) ANSI A153.1 wall Buildings (Tech. Notes) (1969) (1972) ANSI B93.5 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Safety Std. for Tests for Test Meth. for Std. for Safety for Tests for Std. Pract. for the Use of Uniform Building Code: Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Durability of Tent. Meth. of Test for Hygroscopic Properties of ine) (1973) Rec. for Rec. for rec. for Water Sprinkler and Hydrant System Demand Tables Spec, for Firecycle on -Off Multicycle Sprinkler System . for the Inspection and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems mperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ignition Furnace) . for Rack Storage of Flammable and Combustible Materials Std. for Practice for Respiratory Protection for the cement Pressure Pipe, Couplings, and Gaskets for Water and ) Std. Meth. of ) Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to ) Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Meth. of Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Meth. of Std. for Safety for Uniform Building Code Std. for the Uniform Building Code: Light, Ventilation, Sanitation, Std. for Safety of Household Uniform Building Code: Rec. for Centrifugal and Window Vents Designed to Open Automatically in Case of il and Gasoline (19/ Std. for Safety for Flame Arresters Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions (Incandescence, terns (1973) Rec. for Outdoor Pistol Range Plans Std. for Gas Fired Single alll.5 Std. Classification of Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for High Duty Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Super Duty Std. Meth. of Test for Reheat Change of Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Drying and Firing Shrinkage of iform Building Code Std. for Machine Made and High Alumina fety) (1973) Spec, for 73) Std. for Gas (Fi re Protection and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, Corr re Protection and Safety (1973) Rec. for Hig re Protection and Safety) (1973) re Protection and Safety) (1973) re Protection and Safety) (1973) re Protection and Safety) (1973) re Protection and Safety) (1973) re Protection and Safety) (1973) /Al Characteristics re Protection and Safety) (1973) /Tized and Bin Box re Protection Criteria for Safety Related Systems, St re Protection for Belt Conveyors (1972) re Protection for Sawmills and Lumber Yards (1973) re Protection of Electrical Equipment (Single Phase a re Protection of Small Nonpressurized and Pressurized re Protection of Synchronous Motors (1974) re Protection Service (1970) re Protection Service (1973) re Protection Service (1973) re Protection Service (1973) ANSI Blll.l re Protection Service (1973) ANSI B129.2 /or Safety re Protection Service (1973) ANSI B156.1 re Protection Service (1974) re Protection Service (1974) re Protection Service (1974) re Protection System Hydraulic Problems (1973) re Protection (Safety) (1973) re Protection (1972) re Protection (1973) re Protection (1973) ANSI A54.3 re Protection) (1973) re Protection) (1973) Rec. Code F re Protection) (1973) /for Operation and Maintenance re Protection) (1973) /Lication of Plastic Polymers re Protection) (1973) /Vention of Furnace Explosions re Protection) (1973) ANSI Z240.1 Safet re Protective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI C33.90 re Protective Signaling Systems (1974) Std. for re Protective Signalling Systems (1973) re Pumps (1973) re Refined Casting Copper (1972) ANSI H23.9 re Refined Copper for Wrought Products and Alloys (19 re Resistance of Roof Covering Material (1973) re Resistance of Textile Fabrics (1969) re Resistance of Vault and File Storage Room Doors (1 re Resistance Requirements Relating to Brick Bearing re Resistant Fluids for Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems re Resistive Std. (1973) re Retardant Roof Covering Materials (1973) re Retardant Treatment of Wood (1972) re Retardant Wood and Its Base Products (1973) re Safety and Protection of Yankee Driers (Paper Mach re Safety in High Rise Buildings (1973) re Safety) (1973) re Safety) (1973) re Safety) (1973) Rec re Safety) (1973) /and Flash Ignition Properties (Te re Safety) (1974) Fire Hazards and Protection Std re Service (1973) re Service (1973) Safety Std. for Asbestos re Tests of Building Construction and Materials (1972 re Tests of Building Construction and Materials (1973 re Tests of Building Construction and Materials (1973 re Te9ts of Door Assemblies (1972) re Tests of Door Assemblies (1973) re Tests of Door Assemblies (1973) ANSI A2.2 re Tests of Door Assemblies (1974) ANSI A2.2 re Tests of Window Assemblies (1973) re Warning Detector (1973) /Ling Construction Under re Warning System Units (1973) re Zone Requirements (1973) re (Water) Pumps (NFPA 20) (1974) re (1974) Approval Std. for Heat and Smoke Roof re) for Use on Vents of Storage Tanks for Petroleum re, Explosion, and Detonation Protection) (1973) re, Heat, and Smoke Damage of Electronic Computer Sys rearms) (1970) rebox Boilers (1971) reclay and High Alumina Refractory Brick (1970) ANSI reclay Brick (1970) ANSI A111.14 reclay Brick (1970) ANSI A111.16 reclay Nozzles and Sleeves (1972) reclay Plastic Refractories (1972) reclay Plastic Refractories (1972) ANSI A111.25 reclay Refractory Bricks (1973) Un recycle on -Off Multicycle Sprinkler System (Fire Sa red Absorption Summer Air Conditioning Appliances (19 WWPA •31-4 FMS LPD 7-33 FMS LPD 5-2N FMS LPD 7-15N FMS LPD 7-19N FMS LPD 7-32 FMS 7-23N FMS LPD 1-2 FMS 8-25N ANS N18.10 FMS 7-11 FMS 7-25 FMS 14-15 FMS 7-29 FMS 5-13 UL 260 UL 246 UL 262 UL 385 UL 193 UL 393 UL 1091 UL 199 UL 448 FMS 289 FMS 3-26 FMS LPD3-6 FMS 4-1N NFPA 13 FMS 2-8 FMS 7-28 FMS 2-55 FMS 7-27 FMS 6-2 UL 41 UL 864 UL 38 ICBO UBCS43-6 FMS LPD 3-9 ASTM B72 ASTM B216 UL 790 AATCC 34 UL 155 BIA 16A NFLDP T3.11.1 ICBO UBC*3-43 ICBO UBCS32-7 ASTM D2898 ASTM D3201 FMS 12-29 FMS 1-3 FMS 2-76 FMS 2-90 FMS 2-81 ICBO UBCS52-3 FMS 8-33 N ANSI Z88.5 UL 107 NFPA 251 ASTM E176 ICBO UBCS43-1 NFPA 252 ICBO UBCS43-2 ASTM E152 UL 10B ICBO UBCS43-4 ICBO UBC*8-3 UL 985 ICBO UBC*3-16 FMS 3-7N FMS 4430 UL 525 FMS 7-21N FMS 5-32 NRA •5 ANSI Z21.52 ASTM C27 ASTM C107 ASTM C122 ASTM C605 ASTM C180 ASTM C179 ICBO UBCS37-1 FMS 2-90 ANSI Z21.40.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 161 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 12 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Safety Std. for Oil Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Indoor Gas Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas Safety Std. for Oil Safety Std. for Oil Std. for Gas Controls Direct Electric Ignition Control Systems for Gas Std. for Safety for Oil 973) Std. for Gas Std. for Gas 1 Furnaces (1972) Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Safety Std. for Oil Fired Air and Direct Not Over 400,000 Btu Per Hr.) (1972) Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Domestic Gas Std. for Vented Gas Std. for Unvented Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Direct Gas c. for Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Pulverized Coal Safety Ventilation Requirements for Direct Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Gas Std. for Safety for Oil evention of Furnace Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natural Gas nsity. Apparent Porosity, and Apparent Specific Gravity of Residential . for Decorative Gas Appliances for Installation in Vented Uniform Building Code: Masonry or Concrete Chimneys, ng Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Chimneys, Std. for Chimneys, Specifying Sprayed Std. for Prevention of Sulfur Rec. for Protection Against Molten Metal Loss Prevention Data on Fundamental Defects in Uniform Fire Code: ) ANSI Al 11.25 Std. Meth. of Test for Drying and Rec. Pract. Inspection and Quality Control of Std. for Prescription Requirements for . Orientation Program for Personnel Going Offshore for the Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pine coast Region; West Coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White nd Lodgepole Pine/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem - Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl 6) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl io Device, Automatic Pilot. Depth Determination Device and st (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric Modified ic Meth.) (1969) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent th.) (1969) ANSI Nil/ Std. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent si N107 Std. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent g/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Delayed Neutron Emitting Tent. Meth. for Spectrophotometric Determination of x by Analysis of Molybdenum -99 Activity from Uranium -238 n Flux for Analysis for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium 238 Std. for Bushing-Flanged. Press Std. for Class 5 Interference Std. for Die Buttons, Variable, Press Std. for Bushing-Flanged, Press Std. for Bushing-Plain, Press Std. for Sleeve Bushing, Press imating the Thermal Conductivity of Leather with the Cenco Tapered Roller Bearings) Conform/ Std. Shaft jind Housing Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Std. Dimensions for Flareless Acorn std. for Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder- Joint Pressure Std. for Coupling-Tubes, Flared . for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Components (Flange, c. for Selection, Design, Construction and Installation of Safety Std. for Marine Through Hull e Practice Protection from Corrosion for Underground Pipe, Std. for Safety for Cellular Metal Floor Raceways and Std. for Safety for Surface Metal Raceways and ation Service, and Marine Use (1972/ Safety Std. for Tube std. Pract. for High Strength Carbon Steel Wrought Welding 73/ Fired Air and Direct Fired Heaters (1973) Fired Appliances (1971) Fired Appliances (1971) Fired Boiler Assemblies (1973) Fired Central Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z96.1 Fired Duct Furnaces (1971) Fired Equipment (1972) Std. for Residential Fired Floor Furnaces (1974) Fired Gravity and Fan Type Direct Vent Wall Furnaces (1 Fired Gravity and Fan Type Floor Furnaces (1973) Fired Gravity and Fan Type Sealed Combustion System Wal Fired Gravity and Fan Type Vented Wall Furnaces (1972) Fired Gravity and Forced Air Central Furnaces (1973) Fired Heaters (1973) Fired High Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (Inputs Fired Illuminating Appliances (1971) Fired Incinerators (1973) Fired Infrared Radiant Heaters (1971) Fired Infrared Radiant Heaters (1972) Fired Kettles, Steam Cookers and Generators (1971) Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (1972) Fired Make Up Air Heaters (1972) Fired Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protection) Fired Powder Curing Ovens (1973) Fired Room Heaters: Volume I, Vented (1974) Fired Room Heaters: Volume II, Unvented (1974) Fired Sauna Heaters (1973) Fired Single Firebox Boilers (1971) Fired Swimming Pool Heaters (1972) Fired Unit Heaters (1974) Fired Watertube Boiler Furnaces with One Burner (1972) Fired Whiteware Products (1972) /R Absorption, Bulk De Fireplace Design (Tech. Notes) (1963) Fireplaces (1973) Std Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Fireplaces, and Barbecues (1973) Dwelli Fireplaces, and Vents (1972) ANSI A52.1 Fireproofing (Guide Spec.) (1972) Fires and Explosions (1971) ANSI Z12.12 Fires and Explosions (1973) Fires Over 050,000 (1973) Fireworks (1973) Firing Shrinkage of Fireclay Plastic Refractories (1972 Firm Chloroprene Rubber Sponge (1973) First Generation Silver Habide Microfilm (1972) First Quality Contact Lenses (1972) First Time (Petroleum Production) (1974) Rec. Pract Fir; and Mountain Hemlock (Lumber) (1973) /Pole Pines; Fir; and Sitka Spruce (Lumber) (1973) /R Douglas Fir, Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, a Fir; Northern Pine and White Cedar Lumber (1973) /for Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines Fischer) Content in Corn Starch (Unmodified) (1961) Fischer) Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1966) Fischer) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (196 Fischer) Content of Corn Syrup (1966) Fish Finder, Loran or Other Line of Position Device, Ra Fiske-Subbarow Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Yea Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometr Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 Me Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Meth.) (1969) an Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water Durin Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973) Fission (1972) /Td. Meth. of Test for Fast Neutron Flu Fission (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutro Fit-Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) Fit Thread (1972) Fit, Headless and Head Type, Step Relief (1972) Fit, Steel and Bronze (1973) Fit, Steel (1973) Fit, Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) Fitch Apparatus (1970) ALCA E60 /Meth. of Test for Est Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring (197 Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, O-Ring (197 Fitting End (1974) Fitting for Use with Copper Water Tube (1973) Fitting, Female Thread (1973) Fitting, Valve, etc.) (1973) ANSI G17.3 Std. Spec Fittings and Equipment for Anchoring, Mooring, Docking, Fittings and Sea Valves (1973) ANSI Z254.1 Fittings and Tanks Containing Flammable Liquids (1973) Fittings for Electrical Wire and Cable Installation (19 Fittings for Electrical Wiring (1973) ANSI C33.50 Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refriger Fittings for High Pressure Service Piping (1969) UL 733 ANSI Z21.2 ANSI Z21.54 UL 726 UL 727 ANSI Z21.34 NEMA DC 21 UL 729 ANSI Z21.44 ANSI Z21.48 ANSI Z21.44A ANSI Z21.49 ANSI Z21.47 UL 733 ANSI Z21.59 ANSI Z21.42 ANSI Z21.6 ANSI Z21.51 ANSI Z21.43B ANSI Z21.46 ANSI Z21.13 ANSI Z83.4 FMS 6-2 FMS 7-27S ANSI Z21.11.1 ANSI Z21.11.2 ANSI Z21.55 ANSI Z21.52 ANSI Z21.56 UL 731 NFPA 85 ASTM C373 BIA 19 ANSI Z21.60 ICBO UBC*3-37 ICBO UBC*8-6 NFPA 211 CSI 09841 NFPA 655 FMS 10-8 FMS 10-9 ICBO UFC»2ART12 ASTM C179 SAE AMS3199H NMA MS104 ANSI Z80.2 API RPT-1 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-3 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-8 ICBO UBCS25-4 CR B-36 CR J-44 CR F-32 CR E-46 ABYC A21 AACCH 40-56 ASTM E244 ASTM E321 ASTM E219 ASTM D2470 ASTM E495 ASTM E343 ASTM E393 NSA 538 ANSI B1.12 ANSI B94.43 NSA 77 NSA 75 NSA 537 ASTM D2214 AFBMA 7 NSA 1595 NSA 1596 NSA 1760 ANSI B16.22 NSA 424 ASTM A 105 ABYC A5 UL 1121 ICBO UFC«2B UL 209 UL 5 UL 109 MSS SP63 162 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards lling Materials for Pressure Vessels, Valves, Flanges, and safety for Pigtail, Expansion Coil, and Flexible Connector ) Pipe and Fittings to Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Std. Spec, for Plastic Insert . for Factory Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Std. Spec, for Insert Type Polyethylene Fusion Std. for Cast Bronze Solder Joint Std. for Styrene Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Std. Spec, for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic erature Service (1973) ANSI G46.2 Std. Spec, for Piping and Elevated Temperatures (1973) / Std. Spec, for Piping for Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe and for Safety for Wireways. Auxiliary Cutters, and Associated Std. for Forged Steel Std. Cast Bronze Threaded Std. Cast Iron Threaded Std. Bronze Flanges and Flanged Std. for Malleable Iron Threaded Rec. Pract. for Heat Joining of Thermoplastic Pipe and Std. Symbols for Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Process Class Pipe and Std. Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Std. Factory Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Std. for Spherical Sleeve (Compression) Tube Std. for Automotive Tube or Installation PVC Building Drain Waste and Vent Pipe and lonitrile Butadiene Styrene Drain. Waste and Vent Pipe and e Butadiene Styrene Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and . Spec, for Seamless and Welded Unalloyed Titanium Welding Std. for Cast Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Std. Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Std. for Hydraulic Tube r Solvent Cements for Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Pipe and r Coding System for Identification of Tube, Pipe, and Hose Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Std. Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Gasket Joints for Cast and Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and rile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Plastic Utilities Conduit and Std. for Steel Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and td. Spec, for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Spec, for High Test Wrought Welding Safety Std. for Gasketed Joints for Cast Iron Pipe and ard for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Solder Joint Drainage spec, for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe ec. for Type PSP Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and ec. for Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and r Styrene Rubber Plastic Drain and Building Sewer Pipe and nt Cements for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and ne-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Std. Spec, for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping c. for Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and ent Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and nyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and nitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Sewer Pipe and Std. for Safety for Electrical Outlet Boxes and a for Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary System (Plumbing Pipe and pec. for Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged c. for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe ype Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe c. for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe ype Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe ded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe spec, for Threaded Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Spec, for Forged or Rolled 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, quids (1971) ANSI A2/ Std. for Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for and Petroleum Production Facilities on Land and on Marine Safety Std. for Electric Heating Appliances (Portable Spec, and Test Meth. for Std. for Safety Std. for Stationary and Std. for for Natural Block Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in Conserving Their / Tent. Rec. Pract. for Installation of abricated Structural Steel Pipe for Use of Welded Offshore Minimum Std. for Amateur Radio Antenna: Part 1-Base or Rec. for Water Spray td. for Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment (Portable and Fittings for Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G38.3 Fittings for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Cylinders (1973) Fittings for Nonpressure Applications (1972) /Ene (Abs Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (1973) Fittings for Pressure Piping (1972) ANSI H34.15 / Spec Fittings for SDR 11.0 Polyethylene Pipe (1973) Fittings for Solvent Drainage Systems (1973) Fittings for Underground Installations of Electrical Wi Fittings for (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1973) Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Low Temp Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Moderate Fittings to Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fitting Fittings (Electrical Wiring) (1973) ANSI C33.45 Std. Fittings (Pipe), Socket Welding and Threaded (1973) Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1971) Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1972) Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (1971) Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (1971) Fittings (1967) ANSI B72.17 Fittings (1968) ANSI K65.57 Fittings (1970) Fittings (1971) Fittings (1971) Fittings (1971) Fittings (1971) Fittings (1971) Std. F Fittings (1971) Std. for Installation for Aery Fittings (1971) /S and Property Stds. for Acrylonitril Fittings (1971) ANSI H50.1 Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) Fittings (1972) ANSI Al 12.5.1 Fittings (1972) ANSI A21.ll Fittings (1972) ANSI K65.57 Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.16 Fittings (1973) ANSI B72. 18 Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.23 Fittings (1973) ANSI G37.8 Fittings (1973) ANSI H38.19 Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.162 Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.55 Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.56 Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.59 Fittings (1974) Fittings) (1972) Std Std. Spec. Fo Rec. Pract. Fo Std. Spec, for Neoprene Std. for Rubber Std. Spec, for Acrylonit Stand Std. Std. Sp Std. Sp Std. Spec. Fo Std. Spec, for Solve /R Acrylonitrile-Butadie /. for Solvent Cement for Std. Spe /for Solvent Cements for /C. Pract. for Making Solv Std. Spec, for Poly(VI Std. Spec, for Acrylo Spec. Dat Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Temperature Ser Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) Std. Spe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.160 Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.164 /or Socket T Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Std. Spe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.159 Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.163 /or Socket T Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65. 165 /. for Threa Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65. 166 Std. Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low Temperature Service Fittings, 2 In. Through 48 In./S for Water and Other Li Five Degree Xylene (1971) Fixation Pins-Knowles and Hagie Types (1973) Fixation Pins and Wires (1973) Fixed and Mobile Platforms (1973) /Ns at Drilling Rigs Fixed and Stationary 600 Volts or Less) (1972) C33.ll Fixed and Variable Attenuators, DC to 40 GHz (1973) Fixed Composition Capacitors (1972) ANSI C83.89 Fixed Electric Tools (1973) ANSI C33.86 Fixed Electrolytic Tantalum Capacitors (1972) Fixed Mica-Dielectric Capacitors (1971) ANSI C59.26 Fixed Partitions of Light Frame Type for the Purpose of Fixed Platforms (1972) Spec, for F Fixed Station (1973) Fixed Systems for Fire Protection (1973) Fixed) 600 V or Less (1973) ANSI C33.95 Safety S ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI SAE SAE IAPMO IAPMO IAPMO ASTM ANSI ASTM CISPI SAE ASTM SAE CISPI ASTM AWWA ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM MSS UL ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL CISPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWWA ASTM ASTM ASTM API UL IEEE EIA UL EIA ASTM ASTM API EIA FMS UL A320 569 D3138 D2609 B366 D3197 B16.32 TCI D3261 A420 A234 D3138 870 B16.ll B16.15 B16.4 B16.24 B16.3 D2657 D2749 C599 B16.12 B16.9 J246 J512F IS9 IS5 PS17 B363 B16.18 D2729 HS J514E D3122 J846C HSN A74 CHI D2750 B16.5 D2513 D2517 SP75 194 B16.29 A126 D3033 D3034 D2852 D2564 D2661 D2235 A403 B361 D2560 D2855 D2665 D2751 514 301 A182 D2466 D2610 D2468 D2467 D2611 D2469 D2465 D2464 A522 C110 D845 F368 F366 RP500B 499 474 RS335A 987 RS228B D748 E497 2B RS409 4-1N 1042 Engineering and Product Standards Division 163 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Safety Std. for Underwater Lighting Spec, for Supports for Off the Floor Plumbing .28 Std. for Safety for Electric Lighting Std. for Stainless Steel Plumbing Std. for Vitreous China Plumbing Std. for Stainless Steel Plumbing Safety Std. for Electric Lighting Std. for Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Uniform Plumbing Code: for Wrought Alloy Tool Steel Products (Including Dies and Guide Spec, for alysis of Riboflavin in Whole Grain Products, Grits, Meal, in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted s for Petroleum Oil and Gasoline (19/ Std. for Safety for ering Materials (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. for ) (1974) a Spec, for Std. Meth. for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for izontal Test Meth. (1972) Rec. Pract. for ANSI L14.69, ASTM D1230 Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for nsi K65.28 Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Mist Spray Safety Std. for Tests for Comparative Safety Std. for Tests for and Appliances (1973) Std. for Safety Tests for 1974) ANSI K65.110 Std. Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for 5.21 Std. Meth. of Test for ds (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning Fluids, , and Marine Use (1972/ Safety Std. for Tube Fittings for : Manufacture of Organic Coatings (Paint), and Handling of Safety Std. for Aboveground Storage Tanks for Uniform Fire Code: Safety Std. for Steel Underground Tanks for ) Fire Hazards and Protection Std. for Rack Storage of electrically Conductive Equipment and Materials for Use in .) (1973) Uniform Fire Code: Application of Std. for Safety for Self Contained Strainer or Filter for ion Protection (Safety) for Flammable Liquid and Liquefied inkier, Water Spray, and Explosion Protection (Safety) for cation (1972) Rec. for quer, Printing Ink, Adhesive, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Rec. for Gaskets for ction and Safety) (1973) Rec. for Std. for Safety for Valves for 3) ANSI B167.1 Std. for Safety for Meters for ul 567 Safety Std. for Pipe Connectors for owage of Portable Fuel Systems and Portable Containers for ,/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Storage and Handling of Safety Std. for Liquid Level Gauges and Indicators for tion of Small Nonpressurized and Pressurized Containers of rosion for Underground Pipe, Fittings and Tanks Containing Rec. for General Safeguards for Safety Std. for Power Operated Dispensing Devices for Std. for Fire Hazard Properties of Prevention (Incinerator and Open Burning, Combustible and ards and Practices for the Protection and Tanks Containing installation. Operation and Mai/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for Std. for Blower Pipe and Connecting td. Spec, for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Components Std. Bronze Flanges and Std. Pract. for Ball Valves with m Industry (1969) ANSI B146.1 Std. for Std. for Steel Pipe Flanges, and Flowline Valves; Drilling Through Control, Screwed and Std. for Bushing - Std. for Bushing • Std. Bronze production Valves, Ring Joint, Segmented, Production Check Std. for Water Connection Hoy Steel Bolting Materials for Pressure Vessels, Valves, Std. Spec, for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, e / Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Std. for Steel Pipe Temper/ Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe uble Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Machine Sealing of Top Safety Std. for Highway Emergency Signals Std. for Coupling-Tubes, Std. Dimensions for Std. for Elbow, Reducer, 45 Deg. Std. for Elbow Reducer, 90 Deg. Std. for Tee, Reducer, Fixtures and Junction Boxes for Swimming Pools (1972) Fixtures for Public Use (1972) Fixtures for Use in Hazardous Locations (1972) ANSI C33 Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use) (1962) Fixtures (Lavatory, Water Closet Bowl, Urinal) (1973) Fixtures (1971) Fixtures (1972) Fixtures (1973) Fixtures (1973) Fixtures) (1973) Std. Spec. Flagpoles, Metal, Wood and Fiberglass (1972) , Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farina, Bread, etc. (Cereal Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Flame Arresters (Fire) for Use on Vents of Storage Tank Flame Propagation Classification Flooring and Floor Cov Flame Resistance Treated Paper and Paperboard (1972) Flame Resistant Materials Used in Camping Tentage (Tent Hame Sprayed Coatings (1969) ANSI Z167.22 Flammability of Aerosol Products (1972) Flammability of Automotive Interior Trim Materials: Hor Flammability of Clothing Textiles (1962) Flammability of Flexible Plastics (1974) Flammability of Flexible Thin Plastic Sheeting (1974) a Flammability of Hydraulic Fluids (1972T) Flammability of Liquids (1972) Flammability of Photographic Film (1972) Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices Flammability of Plastics Using the Oxygen Index Meth. ( Flammability of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1974) Flammability of Self Supporting Plastics (1974) ANSI K6 Flammable Aerosols, etc. with a Flash Point Below 200 D Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Solids and Potent Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (1972) Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1972) Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1973) Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1973) ANSI B137.1 Flammable and Combustible Materials (Fire Safety) (1974 Flammable Anesthetizing Locations (Bonding Appliances, Flammable Finishes (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, Stain, Etc Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia (Fertilizer Grad Flammable Gas Processing Equipment and Supporting Struc Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Flammable Gas Processing Flammable Liquid Drum Storage, Dispensing, and Classifi Flammable Liquid Mixing Operations (Paint, Varnish, Lac Flammable Liquid Piping Systems (1974) Flammable Liquid Pumping and Piping Systems (Fire Prote Flammable Liquids and Fuels (1974) Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (197 Flammable Liquids and LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas (1972) Flammable Liquids (Boats) (1972) / Construction and St Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol Flammable Liquids (1972) Flammable Liquids (1973) Rec. for Fire Protec Flammable Liquids (1973) /Practice Protection from Cor Flammable Liquids (1974) Flammable Liquids (1974) ANSI Z216.1 Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids (1973) Flammable Materials; Reporting and False Alarm; Use of Flammable or Combustible Liquids in Locations That May Flammable (Combustible) Gas Indicators Including Their Flange Dimensions (1972) (Flange, Fitting, Valve, etc.) (1973) ANSI G17.3 Flanged Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (1971) Flanged or Butt Welding for General Service (1972) Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valves Used in the Petroleu Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) Flanged Wellhead, Underwater Wellhead, and Christmas TR Flanged, Press Fit-Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) Flanged, Press Fit, Steel and Bronze (1973) Flanges and Flanged Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (1971) Flanges and Gaskets; Drilling Through, Multiple Complet Flanges (1971) Flanges, and Fittings for Low Temperature Service (1973 Flanges, and Pipe Fittings (1973) Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low Temperatur Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Flaps of Fiberboard Shipping Cases (1970) /Solvent Sol (Flare, Lantern, Fusee) (1973) Flared Fitting, Female Thread (1973) Flareless Acorn Fitting End (1974) Flareless Tube to Swivel (1973) Flareless Tube to Swivel (1973) Flareless Tube to Swivel, Swivel on Run (1973) UL 676 ANSI A112.6.1 UL 844 use CS243 ANSI A112.19.2 IAPMO TSC20 UL 57 ANSI A112.19.1 ICBO UPC* 1-9 ASTM A681 CSI 10350 AACCH 86-70 AACCH 46-23 AACCH 46-24 UL 525 UL 992 TAPPI T461 CPAI 84 ASTM C633 ASTM D3065 SAE J369A AATCC 33 ASTM D568 ASTM D1433 ASTM D3119 UL 340 UL 105 UL 94 ASTM D2863 ASTM D3014 ASTM D635 ICBO UBCS10-1 UL 109 ICBO UFC*2ART34 NFPA 30 UL 142 ICBO UFC*2ART15 UL 58 FMS 8-33N UL 1067 ICBO UFC*2ART14 UL 331 FMS 7-14 FMS 7-14 FMS 8-5 FMS 7-36 FMS 7-32S FMS LPD 7-32 UL 842 UL 25 ANSI B 148.1 ABYC H25 ICBO UBCS10-1 UL 180 FMS 7-29 ICBO UFC*2B FMS 7-35 UL 87 FMS 7-19 ICBO UFC»2ART27 ICBO UFC»2A ABYC A14 ASAE S347T ASTM A105 ANSI B16.24 MSS SP72 API 526 ANSI B16.5 API 6A NSA 538 NSA 77 ANSI B16.24 API 6A SAE J535A ASTM A320 ASTM A 126 ASTM A522 ANSI B16.5 ASTM A 182 ASTM D1874 UL 912 NSA 424 NSA 1760 NSA 1761 NSA 1762 NSA 1763 164 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Tee, Reducer, Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Seamless Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and old Drawn Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and led Low Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Bending, Double o T48. ANSI Z11.6 Std. Meth. of Test for Bending, Double Flaring, and Beading (1/ Std. for Welded Test Meth. for Fiber Bundles in Baled ed Solvent Extract from Aerospace Components (Using Rotary etter Gas Content, and Getter Sorption Capacity for Barium ing a Hot Air Ig/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Self and Alcohol. Cleaning Fluids, Flammable Aerosols, etc. with A si Z11.7 Std. Meth. of Test for 74) Rec. for ed Tester (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for tus (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for , and Related Products) by Setafl/ Std. Meth. of Test for es (1973) Std. for Std. for Tube Assembly, Control, Steel, with Std. for Tube Assembly, Control, Steel, with 4/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, Mechanical Tubing, and Std. for Rod End, Threaded, Alloy Steel, Std. for Dimensions for Photographic ) Std. for ricultural (Farm) Equipment (1972) Std. for lling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Valley und Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funnel, Trap tness) (19/ Test Meth. for Color Change in Fabrics Due to lorfastnes/ Test Meth. for Color Change of Fabrics Due to Design and Construction of Std. Spec, for Machined Std. Spec, for Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast breaking Strength and Elongation of Cotton Textile Fibers ges (Fla'wire and Strip) (1973) Std. Spec, for 1) ANSI P3.24 Meth. for Std. Test. Procedure for Filled Cast Std. for Self Locking, Std. for Screw, Machine, Std. for Machine Screw, Std. for Machine Screw, Std. for Machine Screw, Sid. for Screw, Machine, 100 Deg., Std. for Screw-100 Deg. Close Tolerance Std. for Rivet - Std. Spec, for Tantalum Ingots and Design Spec, for (1974) Std. Spec, for ed Type (1973) Std. Spec, for heet/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of teel. Fully Processed Types 27G053, 30G05/ Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Tension Test of Std. Meth. of Shear Test in Flatwise Plane of Std. Test Meth. for Edgewise Compressive Strength of Std. Meth. of Flexure Test of est Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Laboratory and Foo/ Meth. of Analysis of Thermophilic Spore Counts 72) Meth. for Measuring test for Thickness of Resilient Flooring, Materials Having Stds. for Tire Rim Inspection, and Disk and d. for Dimensional Requirements for Duplex and Single Face Std. for Self Locking, Std. for Screw, Machine, Std. for Machine Screw, rm Building Code Std. for Round. Hexagonal, Octagonal, and andbook of Spring Design: Compression, Extension, Torsion, 973) Std. for Bolt, KSI (1973) Std. for Bolt, (1974) Std. for Tent. Spec, for Molybdenum lat Copper Products with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Edges Meth. of Triangle Test Taste Panel for Food baled Textile Fiber Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed Meal Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed Oil , Quality, Description, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Std. for Liquid Resin oil Coatings and S/ Spec, for Measurement of Adhesion and rel Bend Test Meth. (1972T) Rec. Pract. for Weathering (1972/ Std. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature Std. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature Structural Clay Differential Movement Cres, Self-Locking and Nonlocki/ nium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking/ loy Steel, Self-Locking and Nonl, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Swivel on Side (1973) Flares and Tubing (1972) Flaring Polyolefin Pipe and Tubing (1972) Flaring (1972) Std. for Flaring (1972) Std. for Welded and C Flaring, and Beading (1972) / for Welded Flash Control Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup (1972) Aash Flash Controlled Low Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Flash Dried Pulp (1973) Flash Evaporator) (1972) /Olatile Residue of Halogenat Flash Getters (1972) ANSI Z173.50 /Ing Barium Yield, G Flash Ignition Properties (Temperatures) of Plasties Us Flash Point Below 200 Deg. F) (1973) /Rosene, Acetone, Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Tester (1973) an Flash Point Index of Trade Name Liquids (NFPA 325A) (19 Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Setaflash Clos Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Up Meth. (1973) Flash Point of Cutback Asphalt with Tag Open Cup Appara Flash Point of Liquids by Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Flash Point of Liquids (Paint, Enamel, Lacquer, Varnish Flash Points, Closed Cup, Aromatic Chemicals and Isolat Flash Welded and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Flash Welded Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Flash Welded Rings (1.3Mn-1.5SI -0.30Cr-1.8Ni-0. Flash Welding Type (1973) Flashcubes (Battery Operated) (Photography) (1972) Flashing and Steady Burn Barricade Warning Lights (1971 Flashing Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1962) Flashing Warning Lamp (Light) for Remote Mounting on Ag Flashing (Sheet Metal for Roof Waterproofing) (1973) Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, Rot Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Every Meth. (Textile Colorfas Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Screen Wire Meth. (Textile Co Flat and Sloped Brick Soffits (Tech. Notes) (1970) Flat and Square Tool Steel Bars (1973) Flat Asbestos Cement Sheets (1972) ANSI A124.1 Flat Bottom Drop Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) (Hat Bundle Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.96 /H. of Test for Flat Copper Products with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Ed Flat Crush Test of Corrugating Medium (Paperboard) (197 Flat Drop Composite Cans (1974) Hat Fillister Head, Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Flat Fillister Head. Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Tita Flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri Wing Recess. Al Flat Head Full Threaded, Alloy Steel (1973) Flat Head 160,000 psi (1973) Flat Head, Hi Shear, Close Tolerance Shank (1973) Flat Mill Products (1970) ANSI Z179.14 Flat Plywood Sandwich Panels (1970) Flat Rolled Electrical Steels for Magnetic Applications Flat Rolled Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Fully Process Flat Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Plate, S Flat Rolled, Grain Oriented, Silicon Iron, Electrical S Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise Plane (1970) Flat Sandwich Constructions or Cores (1970) Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) Flat Screen) (1973) (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products Flat Spring Test for Hot Tack of Wax Polymer Blends (19 Flat Surfaces (1973) Std. Meth. of Hat Tapes (1974) Flat Thread RoUing Dies (1973) St Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Flat 100 Deg. Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Flat (Rectangular and Square) Brass Wire (1973) Unifo Flat, and Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology, Gau Flat, 100 Deg. Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1 Flat, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 18 Flathead 100 Deg. Plain and Self Locking Machine Screw Flattened Wire for Electron Tubes (1973) (Flatwire and Strip) (1973) Std. Spec, for F Flavor Detection (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) Flax, Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Rec. for (Flaxseed) (1974) (Flaxseed) (1974) Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame, Safflower, Oleic, and Sunflow Flexes (1972) Flexibility by the Wedge Bend (Applicable to Solution C Flexibility Determination of Hot Melt Adhesives by Mand Flexibility of Latex Sealing Compounds After Artificial Flexibility of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1973) (Flexible Anchorage) (Tech. Notes) (1963) NSA 1764 SAE J533B ASTM D3140 SAE J524B SAE J525B SAE J356A ASTM D92 SAE J356A TAPPI UM-239 ASTM F331 ASTM Fill ICBO UBCS52-3 ICBO UBCS10-1 ASTM D93 FMS 7-42 N ASTM D3243 ASTM E502 ASTM D3143 ASTM D1310 ASTM D3278 EOA FP-1 NSA 361 NSA 362 SAE AMS6418E NSA 5 ANSI PH3.51 ITE •7 B1A 7A ASAE S307.1 ICBO UBC»819 AACCH 28-90 AATCC 120 AATCC 119 BIA 36A ASTM A685 ASTM C220 CCTI C125.1 ASTM D1445 ASTM B272 TAPPI T809 OS CCTI C125 NSA 1191 NSA 1101 NSA 5400-06 NSA 5500-06 NSA 5300-06 NSA 514 NSA 517 NSA 529 ASTM B364 APA *3PDS4 ASTM A345 ASTM A677 ASTM A480 ASTM A665 ASTM C297 ASTM C273 ASTM C364 ASTM C393 TAPPI UM-240 AACCH 42-40 TAPPI T683SU ASTM F386 TRA 10 IFI 109 NSA 1189 NSA 1102 NSA 1620-28 ICBO UBCS32-13 SMI *3 NSA 1972 NSA 1992 NSA 662 ASTM F364 ASTM B272 AACCH 33-50 FMS 8-7 NFP • 1 NFP •2 NIOP *1 EIA RS462 NCCA TB-II-10 ASTM D3111 ASTM C734 ASTM C765 BIA 18B Engineering and Product Standards Division 165 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Spec, (or Cabin Duct, Air, Std. Spec, for Annealed Aluminum Alloy Foil for Std. Meth. of Test for Residual Solvents in Tent. Rec. Pract. for Electrostatic Charge Mobility on as Cyli/ Std. for Safety for Pigtail, Expansion Coil, and n for Gas Appliances (1971) Std. for Std. for Std. Spec, for Joint9 for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Std. for Keys and Keyways for Industrial Std. for Balance Classification for Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of meth. for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics and Other Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Strip for Safety Std. for Std. Performance Spec, for vehicles (1971) Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks in Heat Sealed Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of th. of Low Temperature Impact Te9t for Fabrics Coated with , Canal, and Reservoir Lining (1972T) Spec, for etal Raceway for Wire and Cable Inst/ Std. for Safety for Test Meth. for Adhesion to Non Porou9 Std. Rec. Pract. for Underground Installation of Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Std. Meth. of Test. Molded sulation Plastic Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, lease Type Sealan/ Std. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature form Building Code Std. for Wood Members Subjected to Both Reinforced Brick Masonry meth. of Test for Deflection Temperature of Plasties Under Design Tables for Reinforced Brick Masonry es (1969) ANSI Z197.20 Std. Test Meth. for 974) Tentative Meth. of Test for Compressive and enter Point Loading) (1968) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for ates (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for Biaxial Std. Meth. of n of Modulus of Rupture) (1972) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Test. Plywood in draulic Cement Mortars (Using Portions of Prisms Broken in ng Within the Radio Frequency Range of 9601215 Megahertz Meth. of Test for Density of Gla99 by the Sink Std. for Retainer • Tent. Meth. of Test for on Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 Std. Groove Dimensions for lind Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, Light Weight Std. for Nut, Self Locking, Plate-Corner, Counterbored, td. for Nut, Self Aligning, Self Locking, Plate-Two Lug, Std. Rec. Pract. for Coagulation Prevention Data on tion Against Misc. Perils at Electric Generating Stations Flammable or Combustible Liquids in Locations That May Be Std. for Outdoor lation Field Test of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and smission Class (Stc) of Building Partitions Such as Walls, Uniform Building Code Std. for Span Tables for Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Rec. Pract. for Concrete Safety Requirements for of Test for Flame Propagation Classification Flooring and Std. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Caliper of Resilient Vinyl Asbestos/ Std. Nomenclature Relating to Resilient Test Meth. for Shampooing: Washing of Textile Std. Meth. of Test for Embossed Depth of Resilient craper. Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer,/ Std. for Safety for Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Std. for Safety for Oil Fired ments for Vented Decorative Appliances, and Wall Furnaces, Std. Meth. for ts Manual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Spec, for Supports for Off the (Procedure) for Products Classified as to Slip Resistant Std. Meth. of Test for Detergent Resistance of floors (1969) Spec, for Water Emulsion Std. Rec. Pract. for Rating Water Emulsion ds) in Water Emulsion, Solvent Based, and Polymer Emulsion Std. Meth. of Test for Soil Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Water Spotting of Emulsion le Installation (1973/ Std. for Safety for Cellular Metal Test Meth. for Rug Back ec. for Metal Oxide Waterproofing for Below Grade Wall and Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Self Adhering Vinyl Asbestos Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Clay Flexible and Semi Rigid (1972) NSA 1369 Flexible Barrier Applications (1973) ASTM B479 Flexible Barrier Materials (1972) ASTM F151 Flexible Barrier Materials (1973) ASTM F365 Flexible Connector Fittings for LP (Liquid Petroleum) G UL 569 Flexible Connectors of Other Than All Metal Constructio ANSI Z21.45 Flexible Copper Water Connectors (1971) IAPMO PS14 Flexible Elastomeric Seals (1973) ASTM D3139 Flexible Gear Couplings (1974) AGMA 512.03 Flexible Gear Couplings (1974) AGMA 515.01 Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Dry Products (1972) ASTM D3079 Flexible Materials: Accelerator Meth. (1970) Test AATCC 93 Flexible Metal Hose (1973) ASTM B508 Flexible Metallic Hose (1972) ANSI B140.1 UL 536 Flexible Multilayer Wiring (Printed Circuit) (1972) IPC ML-990 Flexible Non Pressure Water Fill Hose for Recreational IAPMO TSC19 Flexible Packages (1972) ASTM D3078 Flexible Plastics (1974) ASTM D568 Flexible Polymeric Materials (1973) Std. Me ASTM D2137 Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for Pond ASTM D3083 Flexible Steel and Aluminum Conduit for Safe Use as a M UL 1 Flexible Substrates (Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-541 Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe (1972) ANSI K65.171 ASTM D2321 Flexible Thin Plastic Sheeting (1974) ANSI K65.28 ASTM D1433 Flexible Urethane Foam (1973) ASTM D2406 Flexible, Heat Shrinkable (1973) /C. for Electrical in SAE AMS3636D Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Re ASTM C711 Flexural and Axial Loading Combined (1973) Uni ICBO UBCS25-16 (Flexural Design) (Tech Notes) (1964) BIA 17A Flexural Load (1972) ANSI K65.222 Std. ASTM D648 Flexural Members (Tech. Notes) (1967) BIA 17J Flexural Strength of Adhesive Bonded Laminated Assembli ASTM Dl 184 Flexural Strength of Concrete Under Field Conditions (1 ASTM C683 Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with C ASTM C293 Flexural Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (1972) ASTM C348 Flexure Creep of Sandwich Constructions (1970) ASTM C480 Flexure Strength (Modulus of Rupture) of Ceramic Substr ASTM F394 Flexure Test of Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) ASTM C393 Flexure Test, of Glass and Glass Ceramics (Determinatio ASTM C158 Flexure (1972) ASTM D2043 Flexure) (1972) ANSI Al. 30 /Compressive Strength of Hy ASTM C349 (Flight Control) (1972) /Suring Equipment (DME) Operati RTCA DO-151 Float Comparator (1972T) ASTM C729 Floating Barrel Nut (1973) NSA 578 Floating Roller Peel Resistance of Adhesives (1973) ASTM D3167 Floating Type Metallic and Nonmetallic Fluid Power Pist NFLDP T3.19.ll Floating, Sandwich Panel (1972) / Insert, Molded In, B NSA 1835 Floating, 125 KSI Ftu, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) NSA 1766 Floating, 125 KSI Ftu, 450 Deg. F and 800 Deg. F (1973) NSA 1765 Flocculation Jar Test of Water (1974) ASTM D2035 Rood Losses (1973) FMS 1010 (Flood, Surface Water, Rigging Collapse, Burglary, and R FMS 9-10 Flooded (1973) /or the Protection and Tanks Containing ICBO UFC*2A Floodlighting (Light) Equipment (1973) NEMA FA1 Floor-Ceiling Assemblies) in Existing Buildings (1973 ICBO UBCS35-3 Floor-Ceiling Assemblies, Doors, and Other Space Divi ICBO UBCS35-1 Floor and Ceiling Joists, and Rafters (1973) ICBO UBCS25-21 Floor and Roof Plank and Beam Framing (1973) ICBO UBCS25-22 Floor and Slab Construction (1969) ANSI A157.1 ACI 302 Floor and Wall Openings, Railings, and Toeboards (1973) ANSI A12.1 Floor Covering Materials (1971) Std. Meth. UL 992 Floor Covering with Foam Layer (1973) ASTM F387 Floor Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl ASTM F141 Floor Coverings (Rug, Carpet) (1972) AATCC 138 Floor Coverings (1973) ASTM F373 Floor Finishing Machines (Polisher, Scrubber, Sander, S UL 561 Floor Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z21.48 Floor Furnaces (1974) UL 729 Floor Furnaces, and Unit and Room Heaters (1973) /Uire ICBO UMC*7-1 Floor Measurement of Office Buildings (1972) ANSI Z65.1 Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1970) /El Produc AISI 2 Floor Plumbing Fixtures for Public Use (1972) ANSI A112.6.1 (Floor Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, CSMA Bui 308-7 CSMA BUL 12 Floor Polish Films (1973) ASTM , D3207 Floor Polish for Use on Asphalt or Vinyl Asbestos Tile RTI *6 Floor Polishes (1972) ASTM D3052 Floor Polishes (1972) / Nonvolatile Matter (Total Soli ASTM D2834 Floor Polishes (1973) ASTM D3206 Floor Polishes (1974) ANSI Z123. 12 ASTM D1793 Floor Raceways and Fitting9 for Electrical Wire and Cab UL 209 Floor Staining on Vinyl Tile (1973) AATCC 137 Floor Surfaces (1971) Sp CSI 07140 Floor Tile (1972) RTI *1 Floor Tile (1972) RTI *18 Floor Tile (1972) RTI *2 Floor Tile (1973) ICBO UBCS24-10 166 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer, Rug and Sound Insulation Field Te9t of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, r Sound Control (Acoustics) in Wood Building Construction ion. Curtain and Building Foundation Drain, Under Basement Std. Meth. of Test for Flame Propagation Classification n Properties and Design Loads, Timber, Plank and Laminated Std. Spec, for Creosoted End Grain Wood Block Spec, for Steel Splined Continuous Strip Mastic Set Maple ubber Cushion Sleeper Construction with Nailers and Finish cushioned Construction with Nailers, Subflooring or Finish construction with Mastic Set Subflooring and Nailed Finish floors (1962) Spec, for Mosaic Wood Parquet and Testing of Concrete Subfloor Surfaces to Receive Wood . for Simulated Service Test, of Wood and Wood Base Finish Std. for Laminated Hardwood Block of Test for Electrical Resistance of Conductive Resilient Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile n for Installation of Thresholds, Saddles for Ceramic Tile Std. Patterns for Wood Paneling, Decking, stress of Board, Timber, Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decking, Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Resilient il Doors, Factory- Finishing. Rough and Finished Carpentry, 1962) for Exposed Platforms, Pavements, Driveways, and Interior Id/ No Wax Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Rec. Pract. for Rating of Trailer Std. for Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Rec. for the Care and Preservation of Wood Rec. for Controlling Cupping of Wood tinuous Strip Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Concrete Slab uction with Nailers and Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab nailers, Subflooring or Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Subflooring and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Specifying Portland Cement Terrazzo, Cast in Place ion Floor Polish for Use on Asphalt or Vinyl Asbestos Tile c. for Cleaners for Use on Asphalt and Vinyl Asbestos Tile Std. Spec, for Asphalt Plank as Used for Bridge Rec. for Electrically Conductive Recommendation for Installation of Interior Ceramic Tile Recommendation for Installation of Exterior Ceramic Tile recommendation for Installation of Conductive Ceramic Tile recommendation for Installation of Waterproof Ceramic Tile dation for Installation Performance Levels of Ceramic Tile dation for Installation of Chemical Resistant Ceramic Tile e Book: Sound Control (Acoustics) in Buildings, Walls, and ommendation for Renovation of Interior Ceramic Tile Walls, in Meal, Grits, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry)/ in Popped Popcorn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. and Rec. Pract. for Level npopped Popcorn, Dried Pea/ Meth. of Analysis of Cracking Test Meth. for Sizing of Paperboard nd Rec. Pract. for Buoyancy in the Event of Swamping (Boat bers. Chemical Storage, Mixing, Filter, Grit Chambers, and Meth. of Analysis of Apparent Viscosity of Acidulated Pekar Color Test (Slick) Meth. of try) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of metric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Machine Washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in air Oven (Aluminum Plate) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Van Slyke Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Meth. of Analysis of Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars in fied Sorensen Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat -Bicarbonate Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye and Wheat rstrom-Lang Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Hand Washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in ereal Chemistry)/ Diastase Meth. of Analysis of Starch in corn. Rye, B/ Polarimetric Meth. of Analysis of Starch in d / Modified Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in etic Anhydride Meth. for Generation of Chlorine Dioxide in Farinograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Mixograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of peanuts (Cereal / Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Soy Meth. of Analysis of Phosphates in Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates in Qualitative Iodide Test Meth. for Ammonium Persulfate in Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Yeast Foods and Meth. of Analysis of Soy Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Wheat and ring (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ Meth. for Experimental Wheat Analysis of Falling NumbeT Determination of Both Meal and ydrolys/ Meth. of Analysis of Damaged Starch (Granules in White Pan Bread Summary of Meth. for Biscuit and Cracker stry) (1962) Meth. for Correction for Weight of Floor Washers, etc.) (1974) /Machines (Polisher, Scrub Floor, and Floor-Ceiling Assemblies) in Existing Buil (Floor, Ceiling, Wall) (1972) Rec. Fo Floor, Sump Conductor, Downspout Runoff, Swimming Pool, Flooring and Floor Covering Materials (1971) Flooring and Roofing (1973) /Es, Design Values, Sectio Flooring for Interior Use (1970) ANSI 010.1 Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for R Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) /for Mastic Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) /Tic Nailed Flooring Set in Adhesive Over Concrete Slab or Wood Sub Flooring (1962) /C. for Correct Preparation, Finishing Flooring (1969) Std. Test Meth Flooring (1971) Flooring (1972) Std. Meth. Flooring (1973) Flooring (1973) Flooring (1973) Recommendatio Flooring, and Siding (1970) Flooring, Ceiling, and Partition (1973) lies. Weight, Flooring, Materials Having Flat Surfaces (1973) Flooring, Shingles, Exposed Roof Decking, Drop Siding, Floors and Pavements of Structural Clay (Tech. Notes) ( Floors Exposed to Wet and Dry Conditions (1970) ANSI 09 Floors for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Bui Floors for Lift Truck Loading (1971) Floors in Institutional, Industrial and Commercial Buil Floors (1962) Floors (1962) Floors (1962) Spec, for Steel Splined Con Floors (1962) Spec, for Rubber Cushion Sleeper Constr Floors (1962) /for Mastic Cushioned Construction with Floors (1962) /Tic Nailed Construction with Mastic Set Floors (1967) Floors (1969) Spec, for Water Emuls Floors (1970) Spe Floors (1970) ANSI A37.48 Floors (1973) Floors (1973) Floors (1973) Floors (1973) Floors (1973) Floors (1973) Recommen Floors (1973) Recommen Floors (1973) Western Woods Us Floors, and Stairs (1973) Rec Flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth Flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth Flotation of Boats When Swamped (1973) Flotation Test for Internal Insects in Cereal Grains, U (Flotation) (1973) Flotation) (1973) Std. a Flotation) (1973) /C. Holding, Settling, Aeration Cham Flour-Water Suspensions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemis Flour and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Flour and Semolina (With Subsequent Acid Hydrolysis) (C Flour and Semolina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Flour and Semolina; Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains an Flour Bleaching Experiments in Laboratories (Cereal Che Flour Dough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Dough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour for Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, and Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Mill Products (Boric Acid Modification) (Cereal C Flour Milling: Equipment, Sample Preparation, and Tempe Flour of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and Malted C Flour or Starch Preparations Which Are Susceptible to H Flour Spec. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour Test. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flour to Give 100 Grams at 14.0% Moisture (Cereal Chemi Electro Modi Ether Linde UL ICBO WWPA ASTM UL WWPA ASTM WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI ASTM HPMA ASTM ICBO RTI TCA WWPA WWPA ASTM AWI BIA ASTM RTI TTMA RTI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI CSI RTI RTI ASTM FMS TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA WWPA TCA AACCH AACCH ABYC AACCH TAPPI ABYC NSF AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH 561 UBCS35-3 .27 D2311 992 •31 D1031 •5 •4 *8 •6 ♦7 •1 D2394 LF-71 F150 UBC'8-8 •8 306 •28 •24 F386 •1-1 14 D52 ♦ 16 RP37 •10 •2 *3 *5 *4 *8 *6 09410 *6 *5 D517 5-9 101-106 107- 109 112 114 *3-2 110-111.1 ♦31-5 400-600 28-51 28-80 H8B 28-22 UM-543 H8A 41 56-80 14-10 22-60 02-52 22-15 38-11 44-16 46-32 80-60 46-31 42-56 46-30 38-10 76-10 76-20 44-40 48-30 54-21 54-40 32-17 40-50 48-40 48-61 62-80 06-11 46-12 26-10 56-8 IB 76-30A 34-01 10-30 82-23 Engineering and Product Standards Division 167 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of ereal/ Meth. of Calculation of Crude Protein in Wheat and General Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain and Meth. of Analysis for Benzoic Acid in Rapid (Magnesium Acetate) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Soy eth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Self Rising Biscuit Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Cookie Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Pie Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Rye Bread Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Cake Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Malt Meth. of Analysis of Lipoxidase Activity of Semolina and Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in Bread and Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Added Iron in Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Iron in Chloroform-Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and lodates in Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Persulfate in Meth. for Particle Size Distribution of Wheat General Extensigraph Meth. for Physical Dough Tests of Meth. of Analysis of Sedimentation Test for Wheat . of Analysis for Acetic, Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Rye metric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in eth. of Analysis for Insect Eggs in White, Wheat, and Com Dough Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Wheat Bread , Pound Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Bread meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in of Analysis of Potassium Bromate in White and Whole Wheat . of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Rye Meth. of Extensigraph Analysis of Physical Dough Tests of r Original Ash in Phosphated and Freshly Mixed Self Rising oducts, Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and . of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Soy Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Enriched Semiquantitative Meth. of Analysis of Benzoyl Peroxide in nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics of . of Analysis for Insect Excreta in White, Wheat, and Corn Meth. of Thiosulfate-Maltose (Diastatic Activity in in Dough Conditioners Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy sis of Malathion Residues in Milled Wheat Products (Wheat, fruit (Cereal Chemistr/ Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in ation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Meal, Grits, beans, Peas, L/ Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Wheat and Soy (1962) Basic Meth. of Analysis for Ash in analysis of Residual Urease Activity in Soybean Meals. Soy uffs in Sacks (Cereal Chemistry) (/ Meth. for Sampling of Meth. of Analysis of Pigments in thermal Properties of Agricultural Grain and Its Products nd Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy nd Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy d Other Grains, Foodstuffs Containing Vegetable Materials, Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Soy Meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soy fructosan Meth. of Analysis for Admixture of Rye and Wheat for Total Carbon Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and Self Rising orn) Containing Vegetable Material, Corn and Other Grains, ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Oxidizing Agents in . Meth. of Test for Fusion Flow of Porcelain Enamel Frits Std. Meth. of Testing Iters and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Ai/ Std. for llhead. Underwater Wellhead, and Christmas Tree Equipment; Rec. for Star Model F Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Filter Element (1972) Ansi/ Std. Meth. for Verifying the usion Materials (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Powder Std. for Trapezoidal Flumes for Irrigation 973) Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Plastic Std. Meth. of Test for Sag 972) Std. Meth. of Measuring the Spiral 0) ANSI Z167.10 Std. Meth. of Test for Fusion ) (1972) Std. for Operation and Std. Test Meth. for ures (1973) Std. Meth. for Measurement of Test Meth. for Resin and Volatile Content, and pparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having Shear Rate Dependent Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid 1973) Std. Meth. of Measuring Std. Test Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Air dise W/ Rec. for Standardization of Forms and Information aintenance Instructions for Chlorine Institute Std. Excess pacity Test Procedure for Compressible Fluids in Turbulent prinkler Demand (1974) Rec. for Water ormation Processing) (1973) ANSI PH5.17 Std. for leaf Evergre/ Std. for Nursery Stock: Deciduous Shade and Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou FT Fl Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou (Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou Flou with the Amylograph (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Calculated from Percentage of Total Nitrogen) (C (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (196?) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ' (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) (Physical Dough Tests) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (1962) Glass Plate Meth ) Conversion (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) , and Other Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (19 , Bran, Shorts, etc.) to Determine Added Amounts O , Bread, and Baked Cereal Products Not Containing , Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) , Farina, Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, , Feeds and Cooked Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) , Feeds, Feedstuffs, and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) , Mill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of , Semolina, and Similar Products: Feeds and Feedst , Semolina, Macaroni and Wheat (1962) , Starch) (1972) s and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistry) ( s and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistry) ( s and Meals (1964) /Rude Fiber Content in Corn an s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth Colori Iodine M Straight Sponge Dough Acid Hydrolysis Quantitative Meth. Tween Versene Meth Structural Relaxation / Meth. of Analysis Fo / Other Whole Grain Pr /Atting Digestion Meth Tri Meth. of Analysis /Ber Content in Feedstuffs (C Std s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s, and Meals (1964) Reaction with Potassium Iodide (Cereal Chemistry (Flow Button Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z167.10 Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes (1972) Flow Capacity Rating and Application of Suction Line Fi Flow Control Chokes; and Water Sampling Devices) (1974) Flow Control of Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) Flow Fatigue Characteristics of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Flow Measurement of TFE -Fluorocarbon Molding and Extr Flow Measurement (1972) Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus (1 Flow of Highly Viscous Materials (1968) ANSI K65.180 Flow of Low Pressure Thermosetting Molding Compounds (1 Flow of Porcelain Enamel Frits (Flow Button Meth.) (197 Flow Process Charts and Symbols (Mechanical Engineering Flow Properties of Adhesives (1969) Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases at High Temperat Flow Properties of Treated Paper (1973) Flow Properties (1969) Std. Test Meth Flow Rate of Membrane Filters (1972) Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer ( Flow Through Closed Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (19 Flow Used in Ordering, Shipping, and Billing of Merchan Flow Valves (1972) Flow (1974) Std. for Control Valve Ca Flow / Pressure Requirements for Pipe Schedule System S Flowchart Symbols and Their Usage in Micrographics (Inf Flowering Trees; Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broad for AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASAE AACCH AACCH CR AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH CR AACCH ASTM ASHRA ARI API FMS NFLDP ASTM ASAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASME ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM STD I NWHA CHI ISA FMS NMA ANSI 22-10 46-19 02-01 04-21 08-02 08-16 10-31A 10-50B 10-60 10-70 10-90 22-16 22-40 28-42 40-20 40-40 40-41 42-55 48-41 48-62 50-10 54-10 56-60 04-20 02-51 28-44 10-10 10-11 28-41 48-42 28-60 54-11 08-15 86-80 28-70 86-03 48-07 54-20 28-43 22-17 48-51 60-30 30-10 28-50 44-15A 30-25 08-01 22-90 64-60 14-50 D243.1 46-23 46-24 A-8 30-26 44-31 06-10 12-21 G-12 48-02 C374 28 730 6A 2-88 T3.10.8.7 D3292 S359T D1559 D2730 D3123 C374 101 D2183 D3232 UM-539 D2556 F317 D1238 116 »1 42 S39.4 2-77 MS4 Z60.1 168 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards es and Gaskets; Drilling Through, Multiple Completion, and nd Rec. Pract. for Installation and Calibration of Turbine thyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluidine - ugal Fans (1966) Std. Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur Oxides in ) Std. for Motor Vehicle Brake Std. Test Meth. for Density of Adhesives in Std. Meth. of Test for Load Carrying Capacity of d. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of . for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled, Special Quality, for sions for Accessories for Cataloged Square Head Industrial 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Square Head Tie Rod Type Industrial b93.35 Std. Groove Dimensions for Std. End Load Test Meth. for a Hydraulic . for Determining the Fabrication Integrity of a Hydraulic th. of Verifying the Material Compatibility of a Hydraulic Verifying the Flow Fatigue Characteristics of a Hydraulic r Verifying the Collapse / Burst Resistance of a Hydraulic Evaluating the Filtration Performance of a Fine Hydraulic or Qualifying and Controlling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Std. for Nonintegral Industrial oove Dimensions for Floating Type Metallic and Nonmetallic Basic Performance Data for Positve Displacement Hydraulic ANSI B93.32 Std. Groove Dimensions for ing Fluid Samples from the Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Pract. for the Use of Fire Resistant Fluids for Hydraulic eth. of Reporting Contamination Analysis Data of Hydraulic and Sealers of Single Service Containers for Milk and Its Rec. Pract. for Symbols and Color Codes for Lubricant and g and Controlling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Fluid Power fluid Power System (For Particulate/ Meth. for Extracting tion Phase of Nuclear Power Plants / Std. for Cleaning of Std. Meth. for Open Bottle Tap Sampling of Noncryogenic ehicles Equipped / Rec. Pract. for Determination of Brake Std. for Motor Vehicle Brake on Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.117 Test Meth. for astic Polymers in Dry Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or safety for Self Contained Strainer or Filter for Flammable Std. Classification for Metal Working 3.5 Std. Pract. for the Use of Fire Resistant for Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Compressible e, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypto/ Uniform Fire Code: Cryogenic Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Rec. Pract. Tests for Central System fication of Metallic and Fibrous Contaminants in Aerospace std. for Control Valve Sizing Equations for Incompressible r Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Incompressible Meth. of Test for Mist Spray Flammability of Hydraulic Std. Control Valve Sizing Equations for Compressible y Std. for Electrically Operated Valves for the Control of le Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning afety Std. for Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Std. for Trapezoidal Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. for Radiation Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and of Test for Spectral Bandwidth and Wavelength Accuracy of t for Relative Radiance of Paper and Paperboard Containing Specs, for Std. Meth. of Measurement of Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. for Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics of Std. Guide for Electrical Measurements of (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Effective Spec, for Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys s of Nickel-Base Alloys by the Silver Chloride- Lithium anual Procedures) (1973) Tent. Meth. for Analysis for emiautomated Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Analysis for eparation and Collection of Particulate and Acidic Gaseous Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Polyvinylidene Std. Spec, for Poly(Vinylidene on and Collection of Particulate and Water Soluble Gaseous . for Separation and Collection of Particulate and Gaseous Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Std. Rec. Pract. for Powder Flow Measurement of TFE • i K65.201 Std. Spec, for Fep Std. Spec for TFE • Std. Spec, for TFE • Std. Acceptable Concentrations of Trichlorofluoromethane e Concentrations of l,l,2-Trichloro-l,2,2trifluoroethane std. Acceptable Concentrations of Dichlorodifluoromethane trusion Materials (1973) Std. Spec, for TFE ■ 208 Std. Spec, for TFE • Flowline Valves; Drilling Through Control, Screwed and Flowmeters (1972) Spec, a Fluchloralin (1973) /Pest Control Chemical N-(2Chloroe Flue Gas Densities for Forced and Induced Draft Centrif Flue Gases (Barium Chloranilate Controlled Condensation Fluid for Use Under Arctic Atmospheric Conditions (1972 Fluid Form (1969) Fluid Gear Lubricants (1973) ANSI Zl 1.161 Fluid Lubricants (Falex Meth.) (1973) St Fluid Power Applications (1974) Std. Spec Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.29 Std. Dimen Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.34 //4, 1 and 1 Fluid Power Exclusion Devices (In. Series) (1972) ANSI Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.21 Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.22 /D. Meth Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.23 Std. Me Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.24 /Th. for Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.25 /Eth. Fo Fluid Power Filter Element (1973) ANSI B93.31 /Th. for Fluid Power Fluid Sample Containers (1972) ANSI B93.20 Fluid Power Hydraulic Reservoirs (1969) ANSI B93.18 Fluid Power Piston Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 Std. Gr Fluid Power Pumps and Motors (1973) ANSI B93.27 /Nting Fluid Power Radial Compression Type Piston Rings (1973) Fluid Power System (For Particulate Contamination Analy Fluid Power Systems (1972) ANSI B93.5 Std. Fluid Power Systems (1973) ANSI B93.30 Std. M Fluid Products (Packaging Equipment) (1974) /R Fillers Fluid Requirement Maintenance Instructions, and Contain Fluid Sample Containers (1972) ANSI B93.20 / Qualifyin Fluid Samples from the Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Systems and Associated Components During Construe Fluid Systems (1972) Fluid Temperature in the Automotive Braking System of V Fluid (Used Under Nonarctic Conditions) (1972) Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose Form Bleached Cott Fluidized Bed (Fire Protection) (1973) /Lication of PI Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia (Fertibzer Grade) in Resi Fluids and Related Materials (1973) Fluids for Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems (1972) ANSI B9 Fluids in Turbulent Flow (1974) Std. Fluids (Air. Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorin Fluids (Four Ball Meth.) (1971) ANSI Z11.309 /Eth. for Fluids (Timken Meth.) (1972) ANSI Fl 1.308 /. Meth. for Fluids (1970) Fluids (1970E) Std. Meth. of Test for Identi Fluids (1972) Fluids (1972) Std. Fo Fluids (1972T) Fluids (1973) Fluids (1973) Safet Fluids, Flammable Aerosols, etc. with a Flash Point Bel Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use (1972) Flumes for Irrigation Flow Measurement (1972) Fluor Chrome Arsenate Phenol (1971) Fluor Chrome Arsenate Phenol (1971) ANSI O11.20 Fluorescence Analysis Equipment (1971) NBS HB111 Fluorescence Spectrometers (1972) Std. Meth. Fluorescent Brighteners (1973) /Spectrophotometric Tes Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts (1972) Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts (1972) Fluorescent Lamp Reference Ballasts (1972) Fluorescent Lamp Starters (1972) Fluorescent Lamps (1972) Fluorescent Lamps (light) (1973) Fluorescent Lifetime of Neodymium Doped Laser Materials (Fluoride-Phosphate Type) (1973) Fluoride Carrier DC Arc Technique Using an Optical Emi Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Tissues (M Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Tissues (S Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double Paper Tape Sampler M Fluoride Ion in Water (1972) Fluoride (PVDF) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Fluoride) Heat Shrinkable Tubing (1973) Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Filter and Impinger Meth.) Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, Neon, Nit Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion Materials (1974) Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion Materials (1974) Ans Fluorocarbon Resin Molded Basic Shapes (1974) Fluorocarbon Resin Sheet (1974) (Fluorocarbon 11) (1973) (Fluorocarbon 113) (1973) Std. Acceptabl (Fluorocarbon 12) (1974) Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Resin Molding and Ex Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Rod (1974) ANSI K65. API 6A ISA RP31.1 ANSI K62.140 AMCA 2409 ASTM D3226 SAE J1702D ASTM D1875 ASTM D1947 ASTM D3233 ASTM A695 NFLDP T3.6.8 NFLDP T3.6.11 NFLDP T3.19.7 NFLDP T3. 10.8.2 NFLDP T3. 10.8.4 NFLDP T3. 10.8.6 NFLDP T3. 10.8.7 NFLDP T3. 10.8.5 NFLDP T3. 10.8.8 NFLDP T2.9.2 NFLDP T3.16.2 NFLDP T3.19.ll NFLDP T3.9.17 NFLDP T3.19.18 NFLDP T2.9.1 NFLDP T3.11.1 NFLDP T2.9.3 DFISA 1704 SAE J223 NFLDP T2.9.2 NFLDP T2.9.1 ANSI N45.2.1 ASTM F301 SAE J291 SAE J1703B AATCC 82 FMS 7-27 UL 331 ASTM D2881 NFLDP T3.11.1 ISA S39.4 ICBO UFC*2ART36 ASTM D2783 ASTM D2782 SAE J72 ASTM F314 ISA S39.1 ISA S39.2 ASTM D3119 ISA S39.3 UL 429 ICBO UBCSI0-1 UL 109 ASAE S359T ASTM D1034 ASTM D1035 ANSI N43.2 ASTM E388 TAPPI UM-460 ANSI C82.1 ANSI C82.2 ANSI C82.3 ANSI C78.180 ANSI C78 ANSI C78.375 ASTM F380 SAE AMS2486 ASTM E483 ASTM D3269 ASTM D3270 ASTM D3266 ASTM D1179 ASTM D3222 ASTM D3144 ASTM D3267 ASTM D3268 ICBO UFC«2ART36 ASTM D3292 ASTM D2116 ASTM D3294 ASTM D3293 ANSI Z37.36 ANSI Z37.35 ANSI Z37.38 ASTM D1457 ASTM D1710 Engineering and Product Standards Division 169 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1972) Std. for rain Products, Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, F/ Std. Spec, for ETFE ■ (1973) Std. Spec, for E-CTFE- e, Fuel and Oil Resistant, 65-75 (1973/ Rings, Sealing, 1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Silica in pe 2A (1973) Std. for Structural Std. for Hi Shear 100 Deg. or Hardwood Veneered Including Hardboard and Plastic Faced Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Std. for Blind, 100 Deg. d. Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, ind Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose, el Rivet (1974) Std. for Solid 100 Deg. rk) (1973) Quality Stds. for Std. and Test Procedure for Water Closet psi (1973) Std. Part Bolt, 100 Deg. Std. for Washer • ) Quality Stds. for High Pressure Laminate Quality Stds. for s. Exterior Frames and Sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, ing Oil Systems (1971) Rec. Pract. for Turbine Driven Pumps for Marine Ser/ Rec. Pract. for the d Control of Hydroelectric Equipment / Rec. Pract for the pment (1971) Std. Meth. for Measurement of Weighted Peak corder / Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83/ Rec. Test Meth. for ns (1960) Rec. for Measurement of Neutron m -238 Fission (1972/ Std. Meth. of Test for Fast Neutron Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Std. Meth. for Measuring Neutron Std. Meth. for Measuring Thermal Neutron Spec, for Mild Steel Electrodes for ckel Steel Electrodes (1974) Spec, for utron Generators by Radio/ Std. Meth. of Test for Neutron 8 Fission (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Std. Meth. for Fast Neutron 972) ANSI S4.6 Std. Meth. of Measuring Recorded Spec, for Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Std. for Liquid Rosin n Portland Cement Concrete (1973) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for ision Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment f Aerosol and Pressurized Space Spray Insecticides Against Meth. of Test for Effect of Cyclic Immersion of Syntactic Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Plastic Safety Std. for Rec. for et. for Measuring Caliper of Resilient Floor Covering with Rec. Pract. for Latex uishment) (1973) Rec. for High Expansion Std. Spec, for Rigid Urethane of Test for Hydrostatic Compressive Strength of Syntactic Std. Meth. of Test. Molded Flexible Urethane Z11.78 Std. Meth. of Test for 3) Std. Meth. of Test for for Toluenediisocyanate for Use in Production of Urethane Std. for Std. Test Meth. for Dust and m B117 Std. Meth. of Salt Spray Std. Meth. of Salt Spray Std. Meth. of Acetic-Acid Salt Spray si Z265.1 Rec. Pract. Test Meth. for Determining Window Uniform Fire Code: Fumigation and Thermal Insecticidal Std. Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Annealed Aluminum Alloy Spec, for Tantalum Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Strip, Sheet, d. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Strip, Sheet, Std. for Sliding and Guide Spec, for Accordion Std. for Cam Std. Meth. of Test for Overrun of Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Effect of Packaging on ) Std. for Gas Counter Appliances (Coffee Pots and Urns, Std. for Air Containers for Entranceways in Meth. of Triangle Test Taste Panel for lat Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and es Terms and Defini/ Rec. Regulations for Animal Feed and chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Plate Count Meth. of Analysis of Total Bacteria in Meth. of Analysis of Coliform Bacteria in All Meth. of Analysis of Salmonella Bacteria in Meth. of Analysis of Food Poisoning Staphylococcus in Fluorodifen (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) Fluorometric Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin in Whole G Fluoroplastic Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Fluoroplastic Molding, Extrusion, and Coating Materials Fluorosilicone Rubber, General Purpose, High Temperatur Fluorspar by the Silico Molybdate (Photometric) Meth. ( Flush Break Pull Mandrel Self Plugging Blind Rivets, Ty Flush Close Tolerance Head Rivet (1972) Flush Doors (1973) Std. F Flush Head Blind Rivet (1974) Hush Head Blind Rivet (1974) Flush Head, Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) Flush Head, Self Locking) (1972) Fastener (Blin Flush Head, Self Locking) (1972) /Td. for Fastener (Bl Flush Shear Head A286 Corrosion Resistant Steel and Mon Flush Solid and Hollow Core Doors (Architectural Woodwo Flush Tank Ball Cocks (1968) Flush Tension Head Hi Torque Recess Alloy Steel, 160,00 Flush Type Finishing (1973) Flush Type Wall Paneling (Architectural Woodwork) (1973 Flush Wall Paneling (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Flush. Stile, and Rail Doors, Factory Finishing, Rough Flushing and Cleaning of Gas Turbine Generator Lubricat Flushing and Cleaning of Lubricating Systems of Various Flushing and Cleaning of Oil Systems for Lubrication an Flutter Content of Sound Recording and Reproducing Equi Flutter Measurement of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape Re Flux and Spectra for Physical and Biological Applicatio Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum -99 Activity from Uraniu Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum (1970) ANSI N114 Flux by Radioactivation of Iron (1970) ANSI Nlll Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) ANSI N112 Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfur (1970) ANSI N113 Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1970) ANSI N109 Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1970) ANSI N110 Flux Cored Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.20 Flux Cored Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium Ni Flux Density and Average Energy from >H (D, N),He Ne Flux for Analysis for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium 23 Flux Measurements by Track Etch Technique (1973) Flux of Magnetic Sound Records at Medium Wavelengths (1 Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.17 Fluxes Used for Soldering (1973) ANSI C83.91 Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use I (Flyback Transformer, Multiplier, Deflection Yoke, Pictu Flying Insects (1972) /Th. of Test for Effectiveness O Foam at Pressure (1972) Std. Foam Core Insulating Panels (1972) Foam Fire Extinguishers (1973) Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) Foam Layer (1973) Std. Rec. Pra Foam Rubbers (1971) Foam Systems (Ratios from 100:1 to 1000:1) (Fire Exting Foam (1972) Foam (1972A) Std. Meth. Foam (1973) Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils (1972) ANSI Foaming Tendencies of Engine Coolants in Glassware (197 Foams (1973) ANSI K65.125 Std. Spec. Fog Lamps (Light) (1970) Fog Tracking and Erosion ANSI C59.133 (Fog) Test, for Spec. Purposes (Coil Coating) (1974) Ast (Fog) Test. (1973) ANSI Z 118.1 (Fog) Test. (1974) ANSI Z 118.2 Fogging Resistance of Interior Trim Materials (1973) an Fogging (1973) Foil for Capacitors (1974) ANSI CI 16.1 Foil for Flexible Barrier Applications (1973) Foil (1973) Foil, and Plate (1964) ANSI Z179.20 Foil, and Plate (1974) St Folding Door Hardware (1971) Folding Partitions (1972) Follower, Needle Bearing, High Strength Stud (1973) Food Aerosols (1972) Food and Beverage Products During Storage (1972) Food Dish Warmers, Hot Plates and Griddles, etc.) (1973 Food Establishments (1970) Food Flavor Detection (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) Food Ingredients (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Counts (F Food Labelling, Ingredients and Containers (Also Includ Food Poisoning Staphylococcus in Food Products (Cereal Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ANSI K62.115 AACCH 86-70 ASTM D3159 ASTM D3275 SAE AMS7266 ASTM E463 IFI 119 NSA 1055 NWMA I.S.I NSA 1739 NSA 1769 NSA 1399 NSA 1672 NSA 1670 NSA 1200 AWI •1-1300 ASSE 1002 NSA 583 NSA 390 AWI •1-500B AWI •1-500 A AWI •1-1 ASME LOS-4C1 ASME LOS-2C1 ASME LOS-5C1 IEEE 193 EIA RS405 NCRPM R23 ASTM E343 ASTM E266 ASTM E263 ASTM E264 ASTM E265 ASTM E261 ASTM E262 AWS A5.20 AWS A5.22 ASTM E496 ASTM E393 ASTM E418 IEEE 347 AWS A5.17 EIA RS402 ASTM C618 UL 492.3 ASTM D3088 ASTM D2735 ASTM C659 UL 8 FMS 4-7N ASTM F387 SAE J17A FMS 4-3N ASTM D2341 ASTM D2736 ASTM D2406 ASTM D892 ASTM D1881 ASTM D1786 SAE J583C ASTM D2132 NCCA TB-III-2 ASTM B117 ASTM B287 SAE J275 ICBO UFC*2ART17 ASTM B373 ASTM B479 SAE AMS7849A ASTM B393 ASTM B386 BHMA 401 CSI 10623 NSA 562 ASTM D3075 ASTM E460 ANSI Z21.31 NSF 37 AACCH 33-50 AACCH 42-40 AAFCO •1 AACCH 42-30 AACCH 42-11 AACCH 42-15 AACCH 42-25 AACCH 42-30 170 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Meth. of Analysis of Fecal Streptococci in Meth. of Analysis of Mold and Yeast Counts in of Analysis of Thermophilic and Psychrophilic Bacteria in Meth. of Analysis of Pesticide Residues in ct. for Sensory Evaluation of Industrial and Institutional Std. for Dinnerware Used in nd Test Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Std. for Performance Evaluation for Household Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Baked Dog tablishing Conditions for Laboratory Sensory Evaluation of Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Yeast Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Yeast Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeast Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Low Blank Meth. of Analysis of Methoxychlor Residues in Analysis of Hydrocyanic Acid Residues in Grains and Dried ve Meth. of Analysis for Nature of Ammonium Salts in Yeast meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Yeast Crude Protein in Bread, Wheat and Other Grains, and Yeast Determining Crude Fiber Content in Corn and Other Grains, Rec. Pract. for Engine Concrete Construction Design Handbook (Beam, Slab, Suggested Design Procedures for Combined Concrete est for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread est for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread ding Appliances, Casters, Face Masks and Rebreathing Bags, formance Criteria for Falling Object Protective Structure roll Over (ROPS) and Falling Object Protective Structures Std. Dimensions for Compatible Operation of Friction Coefficients of Chopped Std. for Determination of Moisture Content of ysis of Crude Protein in Cereal Grains, Oilseeds, Legumes, Point / Std. Test Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Po/ Std. for Test Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Std. Temperature-Electromotive Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Std. for Central aces) (197/ Std. Performance Requirements for Oil Powered Std. Flue Gas Densities for 972) Std. for Std. for s (1971) Stds. for rick Masonry Curtain and Panel Walls (In Resisting Lateral ratings; Assembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Terminals (For criptions of Qualifications and Scopes of Work Relating to Rec. Pract. for Homes and Camps in Rec. Pract. for Draw Bar for Rec. for Drawbar for Ground Support Equipment) (1974) Std. for Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, ngs, and Valves and Parts for High Temper/ Std. Spec, for s. Valves, and Parts for Low Temperature / Std. Spec, for Steel Products Manual: Wrought Steel Wheels and ed (1973) Std. for Hot Cold Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and commendations for Die Cavity and Cutoff Die Sizes for Cold Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy r Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and itation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and tion Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and r Tolerances of Aluminum and Its Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, and u-l.ITi, Vacuum Induct/ Steel Bars, Wire, Forgings, and 2) ANSI Z179.8 Std. Spec, for Zirconium ansi N125 Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper Beryllium Alloy r Hot Worked, Hot Cold Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel 1 Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-/ Spec, for Alloy Bars, ng of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Wrought Products Except Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Electric Steel (1970) ANSI G55.6 Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel 2) ANSI G55.8 Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel etc.) (1973) ANSI G17.3 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel td. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Alloy Steel uenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel vessel Components (1970) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel G55.15 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Alloy Steel 14 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Die Spec, for Steel Bars and Std. Meth. of Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Std. Spec, for Nickel Alloy Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1969) Food Purchases (1972) Std. Rec. Pra Food Service Establishments (1970) Food Waste Disposer Units (1971) ANSI A197.3, Asse 1008 Food Waste Disposers (1973) Food (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods and Beverages (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Es Foods and Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Qualitati Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Vacuum Oven Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Mples for Analysis of Foodstuffs Containing Vegetable Materials, Flours and M Foot Mounting (Front and Rear) (1970) Footing, Column and Other Members) (1973) Footings and Mats (Foundation) (1963) Footings (1972) /Pread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of T Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing Capacity Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Mattresses and Pads, Sheetin (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front En (FOPS) of Construction and Industrial Vehicles and Equip Forage Harvesters, Wagons and Blowers (1972) Forages (Grass, Corn, Hay, Straw) (1968) Forages (1972) Forages, and Animal and Dairy Products (Cereal Chemistr Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Force (EMF) Tables for Thermocouples (1972) ANSI C96.2 Forced Air Central Furnaces (1973) Forced Air Electric Heating Equipment (1974) Forced Air (Domestic and Light Commercial) Central Furn Forced and Induced Draft Centrifugal Fans (1966) Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Air Heating Coils (1 Forced Entry Aluminum Sliding Glass Doors (1971) Forced Entry Resistant Aluminum Horizontal Sliding Door Forces) (Tech. Notes) (1968) 4 In. Reinforced B Foreign and Domestic Passenger Cars, Trucks, Buses, Coa Forensic Sciences (1972) Std. Des Forest Areas (1972) Forestry Tractors (1970) Foresfy Tractors (1972) SAE J194 Forged Carbon Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Temperat Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fitti Forged or Rolled 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fitting Forged Railway Axles (1973) Forged Steel Fittings (Pipe), Socket Welding and Thread Forging Billets for High Strength at Elevated Temperatu Forging Equipment (1972) Std. Re Forging Rod, Bar and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.1 Forging Stock for High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI Forging Stock for High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI Forging Stock for High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI Forging Stock (Rolled or Drawn) (1973) Spec. Fo Forging Stock, Corrosion Resistant, 12Cr— 8.5Ni— 2.0C Forgings and Extrusions for Nonnuclear Application (197 Forgings and Extrusions for Nuclear Application (1967) Forgings and Extrusions (1972) Forgings and Forging Billets for High Strength at Eleva Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nicke Forgings and Stock) (1973) /R Quality Assurance Sampli Forgings for Generator Rotors (1971) ANSI G55.13 Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for Generators Forgings for Pinions and Gears for Reduction Gears (197 Forgings for Piping Components (Flange, Fitting, Valve, Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components (1973) ANSI G35 Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974) ANSI G55.17 /or Q Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Forgings for Turbine Rotor Disks and Wheels (1970) ANSI Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts (1974) ANSI G55. Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) ANSI H7.10 Forgings (0.18-0.23C) (SAE 1022) (1973) Forgings (1971) ANSI G60.6 Forgings (1972) Forgings (1972) AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM NSF AHAM AHAM AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH CR SAE ACI ACI ASTM ASTM UL SAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE AACCH ASAE SAE ASTM ANSI ARI ANSI AMCA ARI AAMA AAMA BIA BCI ASTM NFPA SAE ASAE NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM AISI ANSI ASTM IFI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM 42-35 42-50 42-45 60-50 E461 36 FWD-2PR FWD-1 30-14 E480 62-80 08-18 40-16 40-18 40-32 40-33 40-65 40-66 60-40 60-20 40-17 44-32 46-11 A -8 J616B SP17 63-49 D1194 D1194 1067 J231 J397A S328.1T D251 S358 46-14 S349 J283 E230 Z21.47 280 Z91.1 2409 410 1303.3 1302.3 17L *1.56 E444 224 J194 R357 1053 A182 A182 A522 11 B16.ll A477 121 B124 A637 A638 A639 AMS2201J AMS5617A B493 B356 B570 A477 AMS5707D AMS2370A A469 A289 A291 A 105 A541 A508 A336 A471 A470 B283 AMS5070D A275 B564 B91 Engineering and Product Standards Division 171 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Die and Hand Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy 3) Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, ec. for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, -8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum Induct/ Steel Bars, Wire, O-0.12V (0.43-0.49Q) (1973) Spec, for Steel Bars, ni-0.40Mo-0.07V (0.41-0.46C)/ Spec, for Steel Bars, , 15./ Spec, for Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloy Bars, el Base-15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) Alloy Bars, el Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La / Alloy Bars, el Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution H/ Alloy Bars, -18.5Cr-l.lSI (1973) AUoy Bars, 55C)) (1973) Spec, for Steel Bars, mo-1.2V (1.10-1.20C), Premium Bearing Qu/ Steel Bars, -0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40-0.50C) V/ Spec, for Steel Bars, 0.17C) (SAE 8615) (1973) Steel Bars, -B (0.38-0.43C) (Modified 98Bv40) (1973) Steel Bars, 43C) (SAE 4340), Premium Quality. Consumabl/ Steel Bars, ,43C) (SAE 4340) (1973) Steel Bars, .13C) (SAE 9310), Premium Quality, Vacuum Co/ Steel Bars, .13C) (SAE 9310), Premium Quality (1973) Steel Bars, (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel 3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-1.6/ Alloy Bars and 9.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-1.4Al, C/ Alloy Bars and 5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Con/ Alloy Bars and Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free Machining / Steel Bars and -4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat T/ Steel Bars and -4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Heat Treated, 1/ Steel Bars and -4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Equalized and T/ Steel Bars and 3Mn-1.5SI -0.30Cr-1.8Ni-0.4/ Spec, for Steel Bars. cr-8.0Ni-4.0Co-0.48Mo-0.09/ Spec, for Steel Bars, nt (15Cr-26Ni-l.3Mo-2.lTi-/ Spec, for Steel Bars, t Resistant, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed (1973/ Steel Bars, 0.20V (0.32-0.38C), Special Grade (1973) Steel Bars, -0.33C) (1973) Steel Bars, solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (/ Aluminum Alloy d/ (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for 1973) Std. for Forks and , Utility and Recreational Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Std. for Forks and Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial aul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loader, r Regular Bicycles Including Tests for Static Load, Frame, Std. for Terminal-Tank Strap, t Trucks (1973) Std. for exture for Aerospace Gearing (Surface Roughness, Waviness, Test Meth. for Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose c/ Rec. for Application of Plastic Polymers in Dry Powder Std. Spec, for Zinc Alloys in Ingot ansi H45.8 Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot ansi H38.1 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloys in Ingot other Than Normal Engineering Services (1972) Std. Std. ior Design Services (1972) Std. Std. r (1973) Std. 11 Construction Contracts Where Basis of Payment Is/ Std. data (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digital) 1973) Std. for Buttress Inch Screw Threads (7/45 Deg. led Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing the Investigation of Sc/ Std. Underwater Accident Report Std. Test Meth. for Density of Adhesives in Fluid Evaluation of Wettability of Fabrics and Textiles in Yarn Rec. Pract. for Drill Stern Test Report Std. Spec, for Remelted Lithium Metal in Ingot 200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unified J (MIL S-8879) Thread Joint Venture Agreement 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unified (MIL S-7742) Thread Std. for Guide-Fastener, Low dge Bend Apparatus (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L/ Test Meth. for Determination of 1972) ANSI L14.179 Test Meth. for Determination of lcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydrate; Chloroform; Industry Quality Std. Std. for Interchangeable Perforated Tape Variable Block Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Calibration and Editorial , Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance Accelerome/ Std. Spec. Std. Page Interchangeable Perforated Tape Std., Variable Block Spec. Data a (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards)/ Std. Spec, for Record y) (19/ Guidelines for Describing Information Interchange Forgings (1973) ANSI G81.26 ASTM A473 Forgings (1973) ANSI H38.8 ASTM B247 Forgings (1974) ASTM B384 Forgings (5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T6) (197 SAE AMS4126 Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic ASTM A637 Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic ASTM A638 Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic ASTM A639 Forgings, and Forging Stock, Corrosion Resistant, 12Cr SAE AMS5617A Forgings, and Mechanical Tubing (1.05Cr-0.55Ni-1.0M SAE AMS6432A Forgings, and Mechanical Tubing (1.62SI -0.82Cr-1.82 SAE AMS6416A Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Base, Solution Heat Treated SAE AMS5750B Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nick SAE AMS5665H Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nick SAE AMS5711 Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nick SAE AMS5755B Forgings, and Rings, Heat Resistant, Iron Base-35.5Ni SAE AMS5716A Forgings, and Tubing (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.49-0 SAE AMS6424 Forgings, and Tubing, Corrosion Resistant, 14.5Cr-4.0 SAE AMS5749 Forgings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Heat Resistant (0.95Cr SAE AMS6305 Forgings, and Tubing, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.20Mo (0.11- SAE AMS6270J Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-0.85Ni-0.20Mo-0.04V SAE AMS6422 Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0 SAE AMS6414B Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0 SAE AMS6415H Forgings, and Tubing, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0 SAE AMS6265D Forgings, and Tubing, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0 SAE AMS6267B Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial Use ASTM A668 Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Iron Base- 13. SAE AMS5633A Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-1 SAE AMS5738C Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base 19. SAE AMS5709B Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr SAE AMS5610H Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr SAE AMS5743D Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr SAE AMS5744A Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 16.5Cr SAE AMS5745A Forgings, Mechanical Tubing, and Flash Welded Rings (1. SAE AMS6418E Forgings, Rings, and Mechanical Tubing (Annealed) (0.48 SAE AMS6540B Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resista SAE AMS5735H Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Moderate Hea SAE AMS5627B Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, 0.78Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo- SAE AMS6430B Forgings, Tubing, 0.88Cr-1.8Ni-0.42Mo-0.08V (0.28 SAE AMS6427E Forgings, 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T736) SAE AMS4131 Forging; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled AISI 1 Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial Fork Lift Trucks ( ANSI MH11.4 Fork Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type Trailer, M TRA 5 Fork Lift Trucks (1973) ANSI MH11.4 Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, and Shovel (1974) /T H TRA 3 Fork, Steering Assembly and Tire Blowout (1972) /Ts Fo BMA 6/4 Forked (1973) NSA 24 Forks and Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial Fork Lif ANSI MH11.4 Form and Lay) (1973) Std. for Gear Tooth Surface T AGMA 118.01 Form Bleached Cotton Cloth (1972) ANSI L14. 117 AATCC 82 Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed (Fire Prote FMS 7-27 Form for Die Castings (1964) ANSI H47.2 ASTM B240 Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Castings (1966) ASTM B93 Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Castings (1973) ASTM B179 Form of Agreement Between Architect and Consultant for AIOA C431 Form of Agreement Between Architect and Engineer (1974) AIOA C141 Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Inter AIOA B707 Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect (1974) AIOA B141 Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manage AIOA B801 Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor (For Sma AIOA A107 Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape and Punched Paper IPC D-350 Form with 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of Thread Engagement ( ANSI B1.9 Form Wound Stator Coils (1972) ANSI C50.26 /Ion of Sea IEEE 429 Form (Acquisition and Codification of Data Derived from ANSI Z86.2 Form (1969) ASTM D1875 Form (1971) ANSI L14.75 Test Meth. for Quick AATCC 39 Form (1972) API RP48 Form (1972) ANSI H43.1 ASTM B357 Form (1973) /Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1 SAE AMS7251B (Form) for Design Professionals (1972) AIOA C801 Form) (1973) / Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, SAE AMS7250C Form, Cowl, Dzus Type (1973) NSA 67 Formability of Attached Organic Coatings with Impact We ASTM D3281 Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated Fabric by the Sealed AATCC 112 Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated Fabric Steam Meth. ( AATCC 113 Formaldehyde; Gasoline; Herwig's, Pancreatin, Tween 80- AACCH 28-91 Format and Coding for Computer Output Microfilm (1971) NMA MS2 Format for Contouring and Contouring-Positioning Nume EIA RS274-B Format for NAS 900 Series Equipment Spec. (1973) NSA 983 Format for Nuclear Logs (Record, Documentation) (1974) API RP33 Format for Voluntary Product Stds. (1973) USC PS0 Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single Axis IEEE 337 Format of the Construction Message (1974) CSI MP-2E Format, for Numerically Controlled Equipment (1974) NSA 955 Formats for Fine Pitch Gear Drawings (1973) AGMA 114.02 Formats for Transmission of End Product Description Dat IPC D-350 Formats (Computer Software Documentation and Terminolog ANSI X10.1 172 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards to Be Used in Semiconductor Device Specs, and Registration Std. Spec, for Structural Insulating Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Meth. for Examination of Water . of Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water Std. Meth. of Test. Water Std. Meth. of Test for Iron Bacteria in Water and Water test for Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for Removing Water manual) (1969) Guide for the Design of Aluminum uilding Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Light Gauge Cold Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Cold ng in Rounds and Shapes (1973) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Cold ng (1973) ANSI G24.22 ctural Tubing (1973) and Lactic Acids (Cereal / 7 i A37.95 Std. Spec, for Hot Std. Spec, for Hot Manual of Cold Std. for Mat Uniform Building Code Std. for Mat Van Dame Meth. of Analysis for Std. Spec, for Liquid Membrane Tent. Spec, for Molds for Std. Meth. of Test for Deposit p Process (1971) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Lock and Billing of Merchandise W/ Rec. for Standardization of Rec. for Precast Concrete Units Used as Std. Spec, for Boron Deoxidized Copper in Wrought si N12.1 Std. Spec, for Zirconium Sponge and Other Std. Spec, for Primary Hafnium Metal Sponge and Other Architect's Accounting Mechanical Demand Registers (Cumulative and Pointer 73) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test (SBR) (1973) (1973) 1973) r) (1973) sbr) (1973) 73) ) ANSIZ1.5 Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test General Rules and Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Std. Definitions. Symbols, Rec. Safety Requirements for Shoring Concrete input-Output (1972/ Std. for Industrial Computer System 1971) Std. for mage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation: r General Drainage (Land Reclamation, Curtain and Building Suggested Design and Construction Procedures for Concrete the All Weather Wood (Pressure Treated Lumber and Plywood) design Procedures for Combined Concrete Footings and Mats Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Rec. Guide for Design of Uniform Building Code: Excavations, Safety Std. for Ice Cream Freezers and Soda Drinking Water Coolers (1973) ANSI Al/ Std. for Drinking si / Std. Meth. for Isolation of Representative Saturates Std. for Definite Purpose Motors and Generators ratings for Alternating Current and Direct Current Motors and Performance of Alternating and Direct Current Motors for Alternating and Direct Current Motors and Generators for Alternating and Direct Current Motors and Generators est Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Somerville Meth. of Test for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum h. of Test for Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Oil Aromatic Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Gas-Oil Saturate 60.2 Std. Test Meth. for Plane Strain nail-Jewett Type for Use by Surgeons in the Treatment of rap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, Rot (1962) Acid Hydrolysis Meth. of Analysis for Insect ry) (1962) Tween Versene Meth. of Analysis for Insect ry) (1962/ Fatting Digestion Meth. of Analysis for Insect . in St/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Dirt, Sand, Insect Rec. Std. Steel Door, pec. for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Std. Thermal Performance Test for Steel Door and Std. Acoustical Performance Test for Steel Door and acceptance Criteria for Water Resistance on Steel Door and riteria for Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Steel Door and rsepower Induction Motors (1972) Std. for Brick Veneer; New and Existing ation of Plumbing, Heati/ Std. for Mobile Homes: Body and Rec. Std. Steel Door rformance Requirements) (1972) SAE J/ Std. for Protective ndustrial Front End Loaders and Dozers/ Std. for Steering Spec, for 1 3/4 In. Thick Hollow Metal Door and es (1973) Spec, for Hollow Metal Door Rec. Steel Rec. Steel Formats (1974) Std. List of Values EIA RS419 Formboard Made from Cellulosic Fibers (1966) ASTM C532 Formed and Arc Welded Round Tube (1974) ANSI H38.20 ASTM B547 Formed Deposits by Chemical Microscopy (1973) ASTM D1245 Formed Deposits (Chemical Cleaning of Industrial Equipm ASTM D2790 Formed Deposits (1972) ASTM D2331 Formed Deposits (1972) ASTM D932 Formed Deposits (1973) Tent. Meth. of ASTM D3263 Formed Sheet Building Sheathing (Aluminum Construction AA «11 Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (1973) /Rm B ICBO UBCS27-10 Formed Steel Structural Members (1973) ICBO UBCS27-9 Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubi ASTM A500 Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubi ASTM A501 Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Stru ASTM A618 Formed Welded Structural Steel Tubing (1974) WSTI «1 Formed Wood Particleboard (1966) USC CS236 Formed Wood Particleboard (1973) ICBO UBCS25-25 Formic, Acetic, Propionic, Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, AACCH 04-23 Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete (1973) ANSI A37.8 ASTM C309 Forming Concrete Tests Cylinders Vertically (1973T) Ans ASTM C470 Forming Impurities in Steam (1971) ANSI Zl 11.5 ASTM D2186 Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Di ASTM A527 Forms and Information Flow Used in Ordering, Shipping, NWHA »1 Forms for Cast in Place Concrete (1966) ACI 66-66 Forms for Electron Devices (1972) ASTM F107 Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear Application (1973) an ASTM B349 Forms (1967) ANSI N134 ASTM B414 Forms (1972) AIOA F700 Forms) EEI MSJ-4 NEMA EI 14 Formula for Butadiene-Acrylonitrile Rubbers (NBR) (19 ASTM D3187 Formula for Carbon Blacks in Natural Rubber (Nr) (1973) ASTM D3192 Formula for Carbon Blacks in Styrene-Butadiene Rubber ASTM D3191 Formula for Isobutene-Isoprene Rubbers (IIR) (1973) ASTM D3188 Formula for Pigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) ASTM D3186 Formulae for Fibre Cans (1973) CCTI »1 Formulas for General Purpose Chloroprene Rubbers (CR) ( ASTM D3190 Formulas for Natural Rubber (Nr) and Isoprene Rubber (I ASTM D3184 Formulas for Nonpigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers ( ASTM D3185 Formulas for Solution Poly-Butadiene Rubbers (BR) (19 ASTM D3189 Formulas, and Tables for (Quality) Control Charts (1971 ASQC Al Formwork (1972) SSI »9 FORTRAN Procedures for Executive Functions and Process ISA S61.1 Fospirate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) ( ANSI K62.111 Fossil Fueled Plants (1972) /He Prevention of Water Da ASME TWDPS-1 Foundation Drain. Under Basement Floor, Sump Conductor, ASTM D2311 Foundation Piers (1969) ACI 69-42 Foundation System: House Design and Construction Meth. NFORP RP7 (Foundation) (1963) Suggested ACI 63-49 Foundations and Retaining Walls (1973) ICBO UBC*8-5 Foundations and Shoulders for Concrete Pavements (1965) ACI 65-43 Foundations, and Retaining Walls (1973) ICBO UBC»3-29 Fountain Units (1973) UL 621 Fountains and Self Contained, Mechanically Refrigerated ARI 1010 Fraction from Low Olefinic Petroleum Naphthas (1973) an ASTM D2002 (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) NEMA MG1-18 (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Std. for NEMA MG1-10 (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) / for Tests NEMA MG1-12 (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) /Ation Data NEMA MG1-14 (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) /Dimensions NEMA MG1-11 Fractionator) (1973) TAPPI UM-242 Fractions by Gas Chromatography (1973) Tent. ASTM D2887 Fractions by Mass Spectrometry (1973) Tent. Met ASTM D3239 Fractions (1971) ANSI Zl 1.310 /Meth. for High Ionizing ASTM D2786 Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials (1972) ANSI Z2 ASTM E399 Fractures of the Skeletal (Bone) System (1973) /R Hip ASTM F369 Fragment Counting Plate and Cover) (1962) /Y Funnel, T AACCH 28-90 Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 28-41 Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemist AACCH 28-60 Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Soy Flour (Cereal Chemist AACCH 28-70 Fragments, Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, Etc AACCH 28-75 Frame and Hardware Schedule (1972) STDI 111-D Frame and Light Construction Buildings (1970) ANSI Z98. ASTM C665 Frame Assemblies (1972) STDI 113 Frame Assemblies (1972) STDI 114 Frame Assemblies (1972) Std. Test Proc. and STDI 115 Frame Assemblies (1972) /. Test Proc. and Acceptance C STDI 116 Frame Assignments for Alternating-Current Integral Ho NEMA MG13 Frame Construction (Tech. Notes) (1966) BIA 28 Frame Design and Construction Requirements, and Install NFPA 501B Frame Details (1972) STDI 111-A Frame for Agricultural Tractors (Test Procedures and PE ASAE S306.3 Frame Lock for Articulated Vehicles (Construction and I SAE J276 Frame Preparation for Offset Intermediate Pivot (1973) ANSI A 115. 12 Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Series Deadlock Strik ANSI A 115.5 Frame Shoring Erection Procedure (1969) SSI *6 Frame Shoring Safety Rules (1972) SSI *3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 173 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Pract. for Installation of Fixed Partitions of Light n (Test Procedures and Performance R/ Std. for Protective ents for Regular Bicycles Including Tests for Static Load, ering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices: Chassis Misc. Ornamental Items, Stairwork and Handrails, Exterior Std. Steel Doors and Quality Stds. for Exterior Rec. Spec, for Builders' Hardware on Std. Steel Doors and Rec. Spec, for Std. Steel Doors and Std. Spec, for Photographic Printing Rec. Spec, for Steel Bi-Fold Closet Doors and Rec. Erection Instructions for Steel Door Rec. Std. Details for Steel Doors and Rec. Weatherstripping for Std. Steel Doors and Rec. Std. Minimum Acceptance Values for Steel Doors and c. Minimum Hardware Reinforcing Garages on Steel Doors and Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: and Spikes, Washers, Pins, Dowels, Joints, Split Rings and welling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Wall ard and Backing Board (1/ Spec, for Installation of Steel uct Use Manual: Grade Selection, Std. Size, Design Values, mance Spec, for Adhesives for Field Gluing Plywood to Wood welling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Roof spec, for Adhesives for Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood ing Code Std. for Structural Floor and Roof Plank and Beam Std. for Adhesives for Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood operties. Weight, Stress of Board, Timber, Lumber, Siding, Nitrogen and Fertilizer Solutions Containing More Than 2% w Machines (1972) Std. Spec, for (1972) ANSI H23.ll Std. Spec, for Oxygen able and Marine Oi/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. of Analysis of mistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Monoglycerides and tural Wheel Tractors (1972) SAE J715 Std. for 3 Point 1 Wheeled Tractors (1972) Std. for 3 Point tors Equipped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Three Point (1971) ANSI G81.42 Std. Spec, for d Moderate Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), s (Cereal Chemistry) (/ eat and Other Grains/ Refrigerators, Com/ Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Improved Kjeldahl Meth. for Nitrate Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Std. Meth. of Test for Tack Std. Meth. Test for Tack Rec. Pract. for Bus Stops for Std. Test Procedure to Determine the ion of Household Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator • Safety Std. for Ice Cream Std. for Safety for Household Refrigerators and old Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator-Freezers and c. Pract. for Use of the Refractometer for Determining the th. for Critical Dilation of Concrete Specimens Subject to Guide Spec, for Hydraulic and Electric Elevators Requirements for the Construction and Certification of Spec, for International (Iso) adruplex Video Magneti/ Rec. Pract. for Reference Carrier ant) of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Microwave ty) and Dissipation Factor of Solid Ceramic Dielectrics at tentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation at Microwave Itage and Strength of Insulating Gases at Commercial Power e Injury Statistics (1971) Std. for Meth. of Measuring (1973) Loss Prevention Data on High Std. for Operating Supply Voltage and ment Use/ Std. Meth. for Measuring Audio Amplifier Single ting Caps (1971) ANSI C95.4 Safeguards Against Radio irborne VOR Receiving Equipment Operating Within the Radio tance Measuring Equipment (DME) Operating Within the Radio Reproducers for Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadrup/ Std. i C83.63C Std. Test Proc. for Low nsi C83.63B Std. Test Procedures for Low eatment of Piles, Poles, and Timbers for Marine, Land, and si A37.70 Tent. Meth. of Test for Air Content of afson Meth. of Analysis for Original Ash in Phosphated and Std. Test Meth. for Absorbed Gamma Radiation Dose in the ricants in Vacuum / Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of hay. Straw) (1968) Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Kinetic Hydraulic Problems (1973) Rec. for Pipe Plane Meth/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Static Plane Meth.) (1972) Meth. for Inefficient of Static lane Meth.)/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Static Std. Meth. of Test for Kinetic Coefficients of rec. Pract. for SAE No. 2 (Automotive Transmission) Clutch Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber Spec, for Bearings, Ball and Roller, Rod End, Anti Meth. of Test for Coefficient of (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Measuring Surface Frame Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their Sound in Frame (For Agricultural Tractors for Overhead Protectio Frame, Fork, Steering Assembly and Tire Blowout (1972) Frames-Passenger Car and Light Truck-Ground Vehicle Frames and Sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Flush, S Frames for Modular Masonry Building Construction (1972) Frames (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Frames (Reinforcement-Application) (1972) Frames (1969) Frames (1972) Frames (1972) Frames (1972) Frames (1972) Frames (1972) Frames (1972) Frames (1972) Re Framing-General (1973) Framing Anchors) (1973) /S, Lag Screws, Plates, Nails Framing and Weather Protection (1973) Framing Members to Receive Screw Attached Gypsum Wallbo Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress of Board, Timb Framing (1971) Perfor Framing (1973) Framing (1973) Std. Framing (1973) Uniform Build Framing (1973) Uniform Building Code Framing, Decking, Flooring, Ceiling, and Partition (197 Free Ammonia (1970) Std. for Storage and Handling of Free Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in Sere Free Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Cakes Free Fatty Acids Content in Corn Oil and to Other Veget Free Fatty Acids in Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Free Glycerol in Fats, Oils and Shortenings (Cereal Che Free Link Attachment for Hitching Implements to Agricul Free Link Hitch Attachment of Implements to Agricultura Free Link Hitch (1971) SAE J909A /Icultural Wheel Trac Free Machining Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Wire Free Machining (1973) /Bars and Forgings, Corrosion an Free or Combined Tartaric Acid in Presence of Phosphate Free Samples for Analysis of Crude Protein in Bread, Wh Free Sulfur Dioxide in Wine (Enology) (1972) Free Time of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) Free Time of Elastomeric Type Joint Sealants (1971) Freeway Operations (1971) Freezer Temperature and Energy Consumption of Household Freezers and Freezers (1974) /Ture and Energy Consumpt Freezers and Soda Fountain Units (1973) Freezers (1973) ANSI B97.1 Freezers (1974) /Ture and Energy Consumption of Househ Freezing Point of Aqueous Engine Coolants (1974) /. Re Freezing (1972T) Tent. Test Me (Freight and Passenger) (1971) Freight Containers (1968) Freight Containers (1972) Frequencies and Deemphasis Characteristics for 2 In. Qu Frequencies and Temperatures to 1650 C (1970) ANSI C59. Frequencies to 10 MHz and Temperatures to 500 C (1968) Frequencies (1973) /Entation for the Measurement of Po Frequencies (1974) /F Test for Dielectric Breakdown Vo Frequency and Cost, and Recording Patron and Nonemploye Frequency Heating Equipment (Induction and Dielectric) Frequency of Office Machines (1973) Frequency Output for Institutional Audio-Visual Equip Frequency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Electric Bias Frequency Range of 108-1 18 Megahertz (1972) /Td. for a Frequency Range of 960-1215 Megahertz (Flight Control) Frequency Response and Operating Level of Recorders and Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electric Connectors (1974) Ans Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electrical Connectors (1971) a Fresh Water Use (1974) ANSI Oll.l /the Preservative TR Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Meth. (1972T) an Freshly Mixed Self Rising Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Fricke Dosimeter (1972) Friction and Wear Characteristics of Dry Solid Film Lub Friction Coefficients of Chopped Forages (Grass, Corn, Friction for Wax Coatings (1973) ANSI Z11.222 Friction Loss Tables for Solving Fire Protection System Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Inclined P Friction of Plastics (1972) Friction Test Machine Test Procedure (1972) (Friction Test) (1970) ANSI J3.1 Friction, Airframe (1974) Friction, Yarn to Metal (1972T) Frictional Properties Using the British Portable Tester ASTM E497 ASAE S310.2 BMA 6/4 ANSI Y14.32.1 AWI •1-1 STDI 110 AWI •1-900 STDI 107 STDI 100 ANSI PH3.15 STDI 104 STDI 105 STDI 111 STDI 111 E STDI 112 NBHA •10 ICBO UBC*8-7 WWPA •31-1 ICBO UBC'8-10 ANSI A97.2 WWPA •24 APA AFG-01 ICBO UBC»8-9 ASTM C557 ICBO UBCS25-22 ICBO UBCS47-2 WWPA •24 FI P145 ASTM B16 ASTM B170 CR H-22 AACCH 58-16 AACCH 58-45 ASAE S217.8 SAE J715D ASAE S278.2 ASTM A581 SAE AMS5610H AACCH 04-28 AACCH 46-11 ASE »8 ASTM D2377 ASTM C679 ITE »9 AHAM HRF-2-ECFT AHAM HRF-2-ECFT UL 621 UL 250 AHAM HRF-2-ECFT ASTM D3321 ASTM C671 CSI 14200 ABS *17 ANSI MH5.4 SMPTE RP6 ASTM D2520 ASTM D2149 ANSI C95.3 ASTM D2477 ANSI Z108.1 FMS 6-3 ANSI X4.ll ANSI PH7.2 IME 20 RTCA DO-153 RTCA DO-151 ANSI C98.3 EIA RS364-3 EIA RS364-2 ASTM D390 ASTM C231 AACCH 08-15 ASTM D1671 ASTM D2716 ASAE D251 ASTM D2534 FMS 2-89 ASTM D3247 TAPPI T816SU ASTM D3248 ASTM D3028 SAE J286 ASTM D413 NSA 661 ASTM D3108 ASTM E303 174 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Safety for Oil Std. Meth. of Te9t for Fusion Flow of Porcelain Enamel Rec. Pract. for Engine Foot Mounting Dead Rec. Safety Sign for d Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer. Mining Car, lock for Articulated Vehicles (Construction and Industrial nee Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure for Weeled roll Over Protective Structure for Track Type Tractors and Structure (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Std. for Dimensions for Safety Std. for Dead st Meth. for Color Change in Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion st Meth. for Color Change of Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Meth. of Analysis for Citric and Isocitric Acids in Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Fruit and Uniform Fire Code: roadleaf Evergreens: Rose Grades; Vines and Ground Covers; in Flour, Bread, and Baked Cereal Products Not Containing Uniform Fire Code: Fruit Ripening Process (Banana, Citrus Grades; Vines and Ground Covers; Fruit Tree Grades; Small Std. for Hotel and Restaurant Gas Deep Fat Std. for Safety for Household Electric Skillets and f Locking, Plate-Corner, Counterbored, Floating, 125 Ksi aligning. Self Locking, Plate-Two Lug, Floating, 125 Ksi Std. for Fluorosilicone Rubber, General Purpose, High Temperature, 972) Std. for ational Vehicles (1973) ANSI A 147/ Safety Std. for Liquid s Ammonia (Fertilizer Grade) in Residential and Commerical Std. Meth. of Test for Gross Calorific Value of Solid and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gaseous Mounting, Liquid Withdrawal Only/ Rec. Pract. for LP Gas al or Vertical Mounting), Liquid / Rec. Pract. for LP Gas lers (197/ Fire Hazards and Protection Rec. for Low Water he Compatibility of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with e Mechanical Propert/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Examination of ger Cars and Light Tr/ Rec. Pract. for the Measurement of ger Cars and Light Tr/ Rec. Pract. -for the Measurement of Uniform Plumbing Code: Safety Std. for Oxy Diameter) (1971) Rec. Pract. for Diesel Std. for Metric Thread Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant s with One / Std. for Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. Pract. for Combustion Chambers, Std. Meth. of Test for Stability of Distillate Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Sediment in Crude and Std. Spec, for Gas Turbine Tent. Meth. of Test for Pumpability of Industrial Rec. Pract. for 4) Std. for Nuclear Material Control Systems for Std. for Guide to Principal Design Criteria for Nuclear . for Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in Nuclear nd Pract. for Design, Construction and Stowage of Portable Is, Construction and Installation of Permanently Installed ing Conditions for Evaluating the Compatibility of Vehicle Safety Std. for Automotive of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Std. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Std. for Quick Disconnect Devices for Use with Gas Std. for Refrigerators Using Gas Tent. Meth. of Test for Total Acidity in Aviation Turbine Atmospheric Type Welded Steel Inside Tanks for Oil Burner ract. and Std. for the Design and Construction of Gasoline Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation: Fo9sil netration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Tent. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Aviation Turbine std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation to/ Std. Meth. of Test for Knock Characteristics of Motor se/ Std. Meth. of Test for Knock Characteristics of Motor Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine . Meth. of Test for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Turbine ur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and Distillate alculation of Liquid Heat Capacity of Petroleum Distillate Std. Meth. of Test for Smoke Point of Aviation Turbine d. Meth. of Test for Thermal Stability of Aviation Turbine t for Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Std. Meth. of Test for Lead and Vanadium in Gas Turbine h of Test for D.C. Electrical Conductivity of Hydrocarbons Std. Meth. of Test for Wax Appearance Point of Distillate Std. for Nut, Sel / for Nut, Self /Ings, Sealing, Lov Fried Water Heaters (1974) Frits (Flow Button Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z167.10 (Front and Rear) (1970) Front Distribution Switchboards (1972) Front End Agricultural Loaders (1972) Front End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, and S Front End Loaders and Dozers) (1971) / Steering Frame Front End Loaders and Weeled Dozers (1972) /M Performa Front End Loaders (1972) /Urn Performance Criteria for Front End Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Track Type Tractors, Front Lens Mounts for Cameras (1972) Front Switchboards (1972) (Frosting): Every Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (1970) (Frosting): Screen Wire Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (1 Fruit and Fruit Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Fruit and Its Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Fruit Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Fruit Ripening Process (Banana, Citrus Fruit) (1973) Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant, Grape, Fruit (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Analysis of Crude Fat Fruit) (1973) Fruits (Berry, Currant, Grape, Asparagus); Lining Out S Fryers (1971) Frying Type Appliances (1973) ANSI C33.11.2 Ftu, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) Ftu, 450 Deg. F and 800 Deg. F (1973) Fuel and Oil Hoses (1970) Fuel and Oil Resistant, 65-75 (1973) Fuel Assembly Identification in Nuclear Power Plants (1 Fuel Burning Heat Appliances for Mobile Homes and Recre Fuel Burning, Dispensing, and Handling Facilities (1974 Fuel by the Isothermal Jacket Bomb Calorimeter (1973) Fuel Characteristics and General Spec. (1972) /fo Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Type for Horizontal Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Universal (Horizont Fuel Cutoffs and Automatic Feedwater Regulators for Boi Fuel Dispensing Facilities (Passenger Cars, Multipurpos Fuel Element Cladding Including the Determination of Th Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passen Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passen Fuel Gas Piping (1973) Fuel Gas Torches (1973) Fuel Injection Nozzle and Holder Assembly (17Mm Nominal Fuel Injection Tubing Connections (1971) Fuel Oil and Gas Systems (1972) /D. Pract. for Low and Fuel Oil and Natural Gas Fired Watertube Boiler Furnace Fuel Oil Blends by Spot Test (1972) ANSI Zl 1.315 Fuel Oil Characteristics (1972) Std. Pract. Fuel Oil Injection, and Gas Admission Systems (1972) Fuel Oil (Accelerated Meth.) (1974) Fuel Oil (1973) ANSI Zl 1.203 Fuel Oils by Extraction (1969) ANSI Z11.58, API 2561 Fuel Oils (1971) ANSI Zl 1.312 Fuel Oils (1973) Fuel Pump Mountings for Diaphragm Type Pumps (1971) Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (197 Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (1973) Fuel Solutions (1970) ANSI N117 Std. Meth Fuel Systems and Portable Containers for Flammable Liqu Fuel Systems for Inboard and Outboard Powered Boats (19 Fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Faciliti Fuel Tanks (1973) Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Meth.) (1969) ANSI N108 /Eth. Fuel (Neodymium-148 Meth.) (1969) ANSI N118 /Td. Meth. Fuel (Radiochemical Meth.) (1969) ANSI N107 Fuel (1971) Fuel (1972) Fuel (1973) Fuel (1973) Safety Std. for Fueled Inboard, Liquid Cooled Marine Engines (Boats) an Fueled Plants (1972) /He Prevention of Water Damage to Fueled Power Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N45.3 /PE Fuels by Setaflash Closed Tester (1973) Fuels Containing a Static Dissipator Additive (1971) an Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Mo Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Re Fuels (Atomic Absorption Meth.) (1972) ANSI Z11.317 Fuels (JFTOT Proc.) (1973) Tent Fuels (Potentiometric Meth.) (1973) /or Mercaptan Sulf Fuels (1971) ANSI Z11.313 Std. Meth. for C Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.137 Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.148 St Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.301 Std. Meth. of Tes Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.316 Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.322 Std. Met Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.325 UL ASTM SAE NEMA ASAE TRA SAE SAE SAE SAE ANSI UL AATCC AATCC AACCH AACCH AACCH ICBO ANSI AACCH ICBO ANSI ANSI UL NSA NSA SAE SAE ANSI UL UL ASTM DEMA ITA ITA FMS SAE ASTM SAE SAE ICBO UL SAE SAE DEMA NFPA ASTM DEMA DEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ANSI ANSI ASTM ABYC ABYC SAE UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM UL ABYC ASME IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 732 C374 J616B PB2 R355 3 J276 J394A J395A J231 PH3.14 891 120 119 62-25 04-22 62-25 UFC'2ART16 Z60.1 30-10 UFC»2ART16 Z60.1 Z21.27 1083 1766 1765 J30A AMS7266 N18.3 307A 331 D3286 •1-15 6A1 6A2 12-37 J398A E453 J 170 A J171A UPC*1-12 123 J265 J242 *1-13 85 D2781 •1-14 • 1-2 D2274 D396 D473 D2880 D3245 J625A N15.13 N101.3 E320 H25 H24 J398A 395 E244 E321 E219 Z21.41 Z21.19A D3242 80 P4 TWDPS-1 317 D3243 D2624 D2723 D2722 D2788 D3241 D3227 D2890T D1322 D1660 D2550 D2787 D3114 D3117 Engineering and Product Standards Division 175 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Water Reaction of Aviation Guidance Material for Aviation Turbine t. Meth. of Test for Undissolved Water in Aviation Turbine c Determination of Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclear Std. Spec, for Aviation Turbine h. of Test for Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Turbine Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Gaseous Std. for Safety for Valves for Flammable Liquids and nd Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, nd Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, f Dispersible Nitrogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground of Dispersible Protein in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground estern Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber/ Std. for or Lodgepole Pine Wood Poles Preservative Treatment by the Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. -Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. c-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 57 Gal. c-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. c-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. ule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with ec. Pract. for Test. Pavement Polishing in the Laboratory arm) Implements and Tractors (1972) SAE J955 Std. for Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Std. for Self Locking, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Std. for Self Locking, Pan Head, Std. for Self Locking, Flat Fillister Head, for Screw, 100 Deg. Oval Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Std. for Hex Head Screw, Recessed, r Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Std. for Screw, Pan Head, Tri Wing Recess. A286 Cres, rew, 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, d. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Std. for Screw, Machine, Pan Head, Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat Fillister Head, Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips Recess Std. for Screw, Machine, 100 Deg., Flat Head Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Std. for Speeds of 7.5 In. 190./ Std. for Reproducer Test Tape: Std. for General Purpose Semi-Tubular, th. for Colorfastness of Dyed Wool Fabric and Yarn'to Mill (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for s of Textiles to Atmospheric Oxides of Nitrogen (Burnt Gas Uniform Fire Code: d. Meth. of Test for Stiffness Properties of Plastics as A oven Glass Fabrics, Cleaned, and After Finished with Epoxy ndustrial Computer System FORTRAN Procedures for Executive ration of Design Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Rec. Pract. for Automatic Transmission Loss Prevention Data on 1 Exhaust Systems (1971) Std. for evaluating Deg. of Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Dichlozoline Test Meth. for the Evaluation of Mildew and Rot eld and Compound Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory tertube Boiler Furnaces with One / Std. for Prevention of rner Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protec/ Rec. for Prevention of ptical / Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Blast tes (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast erties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ignition losions in Fuel Oil and Natural Gas Fired Watertube Boiler explosions in Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple Burner Boiler Std. for Gas Fired Duct Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Vented Wall s Fired Gravity and Fan Type Sealed Combustion System Wall Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Direct Vent Wall Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Forced Air Central Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Floor Safety Std. for Oil Fired Central Std. for Safety for Oil Fired Floor powered Forced Air (Domestic and Light Commercial) Central for Vented Decorative Appliances, and Wall Furnaces, Floor e: Requirements for Vented Decorative Appliances, and Wall Guide Spec, for oad (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track) and Rigid Exterior (Stucco) and Interi/ Std. Spec, for Lathing and Safety Std. for nd Nonlocki/ elf-Locking/ ng and Nonl/ Ten Tent. Meth. for Spectrophotometri Std. Met Std. F Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.82 Fuels (1973) Fuels (1973) Fuels (1973) Fuels (1973) ANSI Zl 1.204 Fuels (1973) ANSI Zl 1.264 Fuels ( 1973) ANSI Z77. 12 Fuels (1974) Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Full Length Thermal Process Preservative Treatment of W Full Length Thermal Process (1973) Full Removable Head Universal Drum (DOT-17H) (1968) Full Removable Head Universal Drum (Dot-17H) (1974) Full Removable Head Universal Drum (Ufc— Rule 40, Nmfc Full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmf Full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmf Full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmf Full Removable Head, Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-R Full Scale Tires in the Diagonal Braking Mode (1973) Full Scale Tires (1971T) /Est for Stopping Distance on (Full Scale Wheel Meth.) (1972) Std. R Full Shielding of Power Drive Lines for Agricultural (F Full Thread Nonlocking (1972) Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Full Thread Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Full Thread (1973) Full Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Full Thread, Nonlocking (1973) Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Full Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Self-Locking a Full Thread. Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, S Full Threaded, Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Full Threaded, Alloy Steel (1973) Full Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self-Locki Full Threaded, 160 KSI Steel, Drilled Head Bolt (1972) Full Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Reel (For Tape Full Tubular, Split Rivets and Caps (1972) Fulling (1972) ANSI L14.5 Fumaric, Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and Tartaric Acids Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 Test Meth. for Colorfastnes Fumigation and Thermal Insecticidal Fogging (1973) Function of Temperature by Means of a Torsion Test (197 Functional Silane Type Finishes for Plastic Laminates ( Functions and Process Input-Output (1972) /Td. for I Functions in Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1973) Functions Terminology (1969) Fundamental Defects in Fires Over 050,000 (1973) Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Loca Fungal Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumulation (1973) Fungicide Residues in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Fungicide) (1971) (Fungicides) Resistance of Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.55 Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardizatio Furnace Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natural Gas Fired Wa Furnace Explosions in Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple Bu Furnace Iron by the Point to Plane Technique Using an O Furnace Slag) (1973) /G Code Std. for Concrete Aggrega Std. Std. Fo /or Sc St Test Me /F /and Flash Ignition Prop /Ention of Furnace Exp /Vention of Furnace Std. for Ga Furnace) (Fire Safety) (1973) Furnaces with One Burner (1972) Furnaces (Fire Protection) (1973) Furnaces (1971) Furnaces (1972) Furnaces (1972) Furnaces (1973) Furnaces (1973) Furnaces (1973) Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z96.1 Furnaces (1974) Furnaces) (1972) /D. Performance Requirements for Oil Furnaces, and Unit and Room Heaters (1973) /Uirements Furnaces, Floor Furnaces, and Unit and Room Heaters (19 Furring and Lathing (1972) Furring Channels for Screw Application of Gypsum Board Furring for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Fused Power Circuit Devices (1973) ASTM IATA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AWPA AWPA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA EIA ANSI AATCC AACCH AATCC ICBO ASTM ASTM ISA ANS SAE FMS ANSI ASTM AACCH ANSI AATCC AACCH NFPA FMS ASTM ICBO ICBO NFPA FMS ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI UL UL ANSI ICBO ICBO CSI ASTM ANSI UL D1094 »1 D3240 E495 D1655 D2276 D1070 842 46-23 46-24 46-23 46-24 C8 C10 MH2.5 MH2.13 MH2.2 MH2.11 MH2.12 MH2.14 MH2.8 E503 E445 E451 S297T 6000-3 1189 1190 1191 6500-6 1096 6100-3 5900-03 5700-6 6900-06 5800-6 5600-06 1100 1101 1102 5400-06 5500-06 600 514 5300-06 563-572 RS400 B18.7 2 04-24 23 UFC«2ART17 D1043 D3098 S61.1 N18.8 J649B 10-9 Z9.2 D3274 60-01 K62.102 30 28-90 85 6-2 E485 UBCS26-2 UBCS52-3 85 6-2 Z21.34 Z21.49 Z21.44A Z21.44 Z21.47 Z21.48 727 729 Z91.1 UMC»7-1 UMC"7-1 09110 C645 A42.3 977 176 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards safety Std. for Highway Emergency Signals (Flare, Lantern, Std. Spec, for Amyl Acetate Made from Other Electronic Equipment / Std. for Safety for Special Safety Std. for Class R Safety Std. for Plug Std. for Low Voltage Cartridge Safety Std. for Class H Cartridge Safety Std. for Automotive Glass Tube Std. for Electric Std. for Low Voltage Cartridge Std. Spec, for Insert Type Polyethylene .) (1970) ANSI Z167.10 Std. Meth. of Test for tic Pipe and Tubing (1973) Std. Spec, for Butt Heat e 40 (1973) ANSI K65.160 Std. Spec, for Butt e 80 (1973) ANSI K65.159 Std. Spec, for Butt Radiographic Std. for Classification of e for High Temperature Service (/ Std. Spec, for Electric opper-Columbium Stabilized All/ Std. Spec, for Electric eratures (1972) Std. Spec, for Electric oderate Temperatures (1973) Spec, for Electric 2A) ANSI B125.4 Std. Spec, for Electric mium and Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Std. for Manual Gas Tungsten Arc (Gta) G37.2 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Tire Selection Tables for Agricultural (Farm) Machines of Std. for Precision In. opper Alloy No. 260 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and Light (1971) Std. Specs, and Tests for Strain f Determining Interior Dimensions of Fiberboard Boxes (Box rews for the Application of Gypsum Sheet Material to Light Std. for Agricultural Press and and Industrial Steering. Drive. Planter (Drill) Press, and Std. for Rim Contours for Agricultural Press and Std. for Std. for Std. Procedure for Bench Calibration of Tank Level ng. and Line Pipe Threads (1974) Spec, for Threading, Std. on Television: Measurement of Differential Calculation of Heat Std. Manual for Electric Comfort Conditioning (Heat Loss, t of Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, eak Photoluminescence and the Corresponding Composition of or Spectrochemical Analysis of Uranium Oxide (U,0„) by 73) ANSI H44.1 Std. for Cast and Wrought . for Determination of Phosphate Coating Weight on Hot Dip tubing (19/ Std. for Polyvinyl Chloride Externally Coated ec. for Spot Test Solution for Detecting Chromate Films on Spec, for Std. Spec, for Welded and Seamless Black and Hot Dipped Detection of Hexavalent Chromium Containing Treatments on Spec, for Detection of Mill Chemical Treatments on . Pract. for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip teel Core for Aluminum Condu/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated or Steel Sheets for Culverts and Underdrains. Zinc Coated structural Quality in Coils, and Cut Lengths. Zinc Coated nsi G8.21 Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated pec. for Steel Sheet of Lock Forming Quality, Zinc Coated td. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated ec. for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (1971) ANSI G8./ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated d. Meth. of Test for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc of Way Wire Fencing (1973) / Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated eel Reinforced (ACSR) (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Uses (/ Std. Spec, for Black and Hot Dipped Zinc Coated Running Spec, for e Dosimeter (1971) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Absorbed ate Cupric Sulfate Dosim/ Std. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Std. Test Meth. for Absorbed Performance Spec, for Portable X-Or r Direct and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X-And Std. Meth. for Measurement of absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtures of Neutrons and Std. Meth. of Test for 1 Chemistry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis of Radioactivity (Beta s (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine. Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Spec, for Electric Overhead Bridge and Rec. for Parking Structures Uniform Fire Code: ling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Private Rec. Minimum Hardware Reinforcing 221.1 Std. for Safety for Metal Waste (Trash, Storage, Finishes And/ Redwood Landscape Guide (Rec. for ular Sleeve Attachment for Hitching Implements to Lawn and t Truck, Boat. Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Mobile Home, Fusee) (1973) UL Fusel Oil (85 to 88% Grade) (1972) ASTM Fuses for Radio and Television Receiving Appliances and UL Fuses (Electrical) (1973) UL Fuses (Electrical) (1973) UL Fuses (1972) NEMA Fuses (1973) UL Fuses (1973) UL Fuses (1973) ANSI C118.1 SAE Fuses, 600 Volts or Less (1972) ANSI Fusion Fittings for SDR 1 1.0 Polyethylene Pipe (1973) ASTM Fusion Flow of Porcelain Enamel Frits (Flow Button Meth ASTM Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for (PE) Plas ASTM Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedul ASTM Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedul ASTM Fusion Weld Discontinuities (1972) NSA Fusion Welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pip ASTM Fusion Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron-Molydenium-C ASTM Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temp ASTM Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service at M ASTM Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service (197 ASTM Fusion Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels (1972B) ANSI G81 ASTM Fusion Welding Equipment (1974) NSA Fusion Welding for High Temperature Service (1974) ANSI ASTM Future Design (1972) SAE J711 ASAE Gage Blocks for Length Measurement (Thru 20 In.) (1973) ANSI Gage for Heat Exchanger Tubing (1972) /Td. Spec, for C ASTM Gage Linear Acceleration Transducers (Instrumentation) ISA Gage Meth.) (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH 12.19 /. Meth. O ASTM Gage Steel Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel Drill Sc ASTM Gage Wheel Tires (Farm Machinery) (1971) __ ASAE Gage Wheel, Tractor, Implement, and Log Skidder (1974) TRA Gage Wheels (Farm Machinery) (1971) ASAE Gages, Pins and Collar Inspection (1973) NSA Gaging Practice for Metric Screw Threads (1972) ANSI Gaging Tapes and Sounding Rules (1974) ANSI Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Petroleum Casing, Tubi API Gain and Phase (1960) IEEE Gain Through Opaque Walls (Tech. Notes) (1969) BIA Gain, Energy Consumption) (1974) NEMA Galactose, Dextrans, and Starch (Cereal Chemistry) (196 AACCH Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Wafers (1973) /Elength of P ASTM Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z12 ASTM Galvanic Zinc Anodes for I'se in Saline Electrolytes (19 ASTM Galvanized and Electrogalvanized Steel (Coil) (1974) NCCA Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Electrical Metallic NEMA Galvanized Sheet (Coil Coating) (1974) Sp NCCA Galvanized Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric (1973) CLFMI Galvanized Steel Pipe (1973) ANSI B125. 1 ASTM Galvanized Steel Prior to Conversion Coating (Coil) (19 NCCA Galvanized Steel Surfaces (Coil Coating) (1974) NCCA Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for ASTM (Galvanized) and Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Stranded S ASTM (Galvanized) bv Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.28 /C. F ASTM (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.27 / of ASTM (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process for Roofing (1971) a ASTM (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.22 ASTM (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.23 ASTM (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.25 ASTM (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, Commercial Quality ASTM (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles by the Pr ASTM (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Farm Field and Railroad Right ASTM (Galvanized) Steel Barbed Wire (1973) ANSI G8.10 ASTM (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, St ASTM (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Ordinary ASTM Game (Wildlife) Rifle Ranges (1971) NRA Gamma-Ray Brachytherapy Sources (1974) NCRPM Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfat ASTM Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulf ASTM Gamma Radiation Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter (1972) ASTM Gamma Radiation Survey Instruments (1971) ANSI Gamma Radiation (1972) Performance Spec. Fo ANSI Gamma Radioactivity of Water (1973) ANSI N150 ASTM Gamma Rays (1961) Rec. for Measurement of NCRPM Gamma Spectrometry of Water (1972) ASTM Gamma) in Cereal Products-Emergency Monitoring (Cerea AACCH Canister Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, Magnesite, Mullite) ( ASTM Gantry Multiple Gerder Traveling Cranes (1971) CMAA (Garage-Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) FMS Garage (1973) ICBO Garages and Carports (1973) Dwel ICBO Garages on Steel Doors and Frames (1972) NBHA Garbage) Cans (For Combustible Materials) (1974) ANSI Z UL Garden Grades, Application and Design, Span Allowances, CRA Garden Riding Tractors (1972) Std. for One Point Tub ASAE Garden Tractor, Industrial Truck and Trailer (1974) /F TRA Engineering and Product Standards Division 912 D554 492.7 198.4 198.5 FU 1 198.1 275B J554A C97.1 D3197 C374 D3261 D2610 D2611 1514 A358 B474 A671 A672 A155 A 240 961 A216 R220.3 B89.1.9 B569 S37.5 D2658 C646 S223 4 S222 1563 B1.16 B88.2 5B 206 4A HE1 80-10 F358 E402 B418 TB-II-3 RN1 TB-II-9 *5 A53 TB-II-7 TB-II-11 A143 B500 A444 A446 A361 A527 A528 A525 A526 A239 A116 A121 B498 A120 *12 R41 D3001 D2954 D1671 N13.4 N13.5 D1690 R25 D2459 28-99A C316 70 LPD 7-15N UFC*2ART1E UBC*8-4 •10 32 3A5 S348T 5 177 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 13 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ntamination by Manual Meth. (197/ ntamination by Automatic Particle/ Safety Spec, for Power Mower9, Lawn, and Brick in Landscape Architecture mmer. Hedge / Std. for Safety for Cord Connected Electric Std. Meth. of Test for Oil Absorption of Pigments by ven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use ven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use ven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Tent. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Wear Test on Textile . for High Ionizing Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of d. Pract. for Combustion Chambers, Fuel Oil Injection, and m Differential Thermal Analysis, Thermogravimetry, Evolved Std. Meth. for Sampling Pressurized Gas for eaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual ec. for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Extruded Tube and Pipe for Std. for Std. for 973) Std. for Decorative exible Connectors of Other Than All Metal Construction for Std. for Household Cooking Std. for Recreational Vehicle Cooking Std. for Outdoor Cooking Std. for Vented Decorative Std. for Automatic Valves for Std. for Metal Connectors for Std. for Std. for Commercial Std. Meth. for Sampling Std. Meth. of Sampling Std. for Draft Hoods for Std. Meth. of Test for Total Sulfur in Natural Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Pract. for Direct Injection of Solvent Base Paints into A Std. Meth. of Assay of Di-T-Butyl Peroxide by gues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for C/ Std. Meth. for Rapid Meth. for Determination of Fatty Acid Composition by Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by d. Meth. for Obtaining Natural Gas Samples for Analysis by omatic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by lysis of High Purity N-Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary . of Test for Purity and Benzene Content of Cyclohexane by est for Aromatic Traces in Light Saturated Hydrocarbons by of Test for Butadiene Purity and Hydrocarbon Impurities by for Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) by Process t for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Fractions by Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by st for C, Through C 3 Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere by Std. for Volume I, Type I, Std. for Southern Std. Std. for Supply ration of Precautionary Labeling and Marking of Compressed 1969) ANSI C59.23 Std. Meth. of Test for as/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Barium Yield, Getter Std. for Installation of Domestic Warmers, Hot Plates and Griddles, etc.) (1973) Std. for ates (Safety) (1973) Std. Color Marking of Compressed High Pressure Gas Manifolds for Industrial and Commercial and Flexible Connector Fittings for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Std. for Hotel and Restaurant fans (1966) Std. Flue Std. for Small Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves in form Laboratory Instrumentation and Techniques for Exhaust std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Std. Pract. for Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Std. Pract. Definitions for Stationary Diesel and . Practices for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and for Scavenging and Supercharging of Stationary Diesel and rator Units for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and ailed Spec, for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Garden Tractors (1972) ANSI B71 1 Garden Walls (Tech. Notes) (1968) BIA 29A Gardening Appliances (Lawn Mower, Cultivator, Edger-Tri UL 82 Gardner-Coleman Meth. (1968) ASTM D1483 Garments (Clothing), Commercial Wash- Whites 190 Deg. ANSI L24.4.12 Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Co ANSI L24.4.13 Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Dr ANSI L24.4 14 Garments (1973) • ASTM D3181 Gas-Oil Saturate Fractions (1971) ANSI Zll. 310 /Meth ASTM D2786 Gas Admission Systems (1972) St DEMA »l-2 Gas Analysis and Detection (1973) /.Reporting Data Fro ASTM E472 Gas Analysis (1973) ASTM F307 Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode (1973) /T. for L ASTM E498 Gas and Oil Transmission and Distribution Piping System ASTM B345 Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators (1973) ANSI Z21.18 Gas Appliance Thermostats (1971) ANSI Z21.23 Gas Appliances for Installation in Vented Fireplaces (1 ANSI Z21.60 Gas Appliances (1971) Std. for Fl ANSI Z21.45 Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.1 Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.57 Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.58 Gas Appliances (1973) ANSI Z21.50 Gas Appliances (1974) ANSI Z21.21 Gas Appliances (1967) ANSI Z21.24 Gas Atmosphere Generators (1971) ANSI Z83.2 Gas Baking and Roasting Ovens (1971) ANSI Z21.28 Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for Particulate Co ASTM F308 Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for Particulate Co ASTM F327 Gas Burning Appliances (1971) ANSI Z21.12 Gas by Hydrogenation (1972) ANSI Z77.ll ASTM D3031 Gas by Oxidation Microcoulometry (1973) ASTM D3246 Gas Chromatograph (1973) Tent. Rec. ASTM D3271 Gas Chromatographic Analysis (1973) ASTM E475 Gas Chromatographic Estimation of Higher Boiling Homolo ASTM D3303 Gas Chromatography (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) AACCH 58-18 Gas Chromatography (1968) NGPA 2165 Gas Chromatography (1968) St NGPA 2166 Gas Chromatography (1968) ANSI Z164.1 / Test for Nonar ASTM D2360 Gas Chromatography (1971) ANSI Zll. 262 / Meth. for Ana ASTM D2268 Gas Chromatography (1972) Std. Meth ASTM D3054 Gas Chromatography (1972) ANSI Zl 1.279, IP 262 /. of T ASTM D2600 Gas Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. ASTM D2593 Gas Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. ASTM D2888 Gas Chromatography (1973) Tent. Meth. of Tes ASTM D2887 Gas Chromatography (1973) ANSI Zll. 238 ASTM D2597 Gas Chromatography (1972) Std. Meth. of Te ASTM D2820 Gas Clothes Dryers (1972) ANSI Z21.5.1 Gas Clothes Dryers, Volume II, Type 2 (1974) ANSI Z21.5.2 Gas Code (1973) SBCC *1 Gas Connectors for Exterior Use on Mobile Homes (1972) IAPMO TSC9 Gas Containers (1971) Guide to the Prepa CGA C7 Gas Content of Cable and Capacitor (Insulating) Oils (R ASTM D831 Gas Content, and Getter Sorption Capacity for Barium Fl ASTM Fill Gas Conversion Burners (1971) ANSI Z21.8 Gas Counter Appliances (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food Dish ANSI Z21.31 Gas Cylinders Intended for Medical Use in the United St CGA C9 Gas Cylinders (1972) Safety Std. for UL 407 Gas Cylinders (1973) /Ety for Pigtail, Expansion Coil, UL 569 Gas Deep Fat Fryers (1971) ANSI Z21.27 Gas Densities for Forced and Induced Draft Centrifugal AMCA 2409 Gas Distribution Systems Whose Maximum Allowable Operat ANSI B16.33 Gas Emissions Measurement (Passenger Car and Light True SAE J254 Gas Engine Air Intake and Exhaust Systems (1972) DEMA *l-8 Gas Engine Assembly and Equipment (1972) DEMA *l-5 Gas Engine Cooling Water Systems (1972) DEMA *1-10 Gas Engine Erection and Installation (1972) DEMA * 1-21 Gas Engine Factory and Field Testing (1972) DEMA *l-22 Gas Engine Fuel Oil Characteristics (1972) DEMA *1-14 Gas Engine Gaseous Fuel Characteristics and General Spe DEMA *1-15 Gas Engine Gauge Borads, Protective Devices, and Instru DEMA *1-17 Gas Engine Generators and Electrical Equipment (1972) DEMA »1-18 Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Characteristics and General DEMA *1-12 Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Systems (1972) DEMA * 1-1 1 Gas Engine Operation and Maintenance (1972) DEMA »l-23 Gas Engine Power Plant Buddings (1972) DEMA *120 Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel Oil and Gas Systems (1972) DEMA *1-13 Gas Engine Ratings and Performance (1972) DEMA *l-4 Gas Engine Speed Governing and Parallel Operation (1972 DEMA *l-6 Gas Engine Starting Systems (1972) DEMA *l-9 Gas Engine Vibration (1972) DEMA »l-7 Gas Engine Waste Heat Recovery Systems (1972) DEMA *1-16 Gas Engines (1972) DEMA »1-1 Gas Engines (1972) Std DEMA »1 Gas Engines (1972) Std. Pract. DEMA »l-3 Gas Engines (1972) /Ct. for Selection of Engine-Gene DEMA *1-19 Gas Engines (1972) /on of Invitations for Bids and Det DEMA *l-24 178 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1973) Wall Furnaces (1972) 72) ) puts Not Over 400,000 Btu Per Hr.) (1972) 2) Std. Meth. Measuring Plasma Arc Std. for Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Indoor Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Std. for tial Controls Direct Electric Ignition Control Systems for s (1973) Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Domestic Std. for Vented Std. for Unvented Std. for Std. for Std. for Direct Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for r Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natural Std. Meth. for Sampling Pressurized Std. Meth. of Sampling ntal Mounting, Liquid Withdrawal Only/ Rec. Pract. for LP zontal or Vertical Mounting), Liquid / Rec. Pract. for LP Std. for Quick Disconnect Devices for Use with Std. for Refrigerators Using tness of Textiles to Atmospheric Oxides of Nitrogen (Burnt si Z270.1 Std. for Control of Safety Std. for Commercial-Industrial ances (1971) Std. for iances (1971) Std. for Safety Std. for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Std. for Domestic Std. for Automatic Rec. Pract. and Std. for Flammable (Combustible) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Safety Std. for High Pressure Spec, for Mild Steel Electrodes for Std. for Manual test for Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LP • Tent. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Types Analysis of r Premises (1972) Std. for Installation of Uniform Plumbing Code: Medium Pressure Uniform Plumbing Code: Fuel Std. Spec, for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Safety Std. for tion (Safety) for Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Flammable Std. for Hotel and Restaurant Std. Meth. for Obtaining Natural Spec, for Oil and Safety Std. for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Compressed Std. for Relief Valves and Automatic Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel Oil and quipment (Breathing Devices, Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, s (1973) ANSI Z250.1 Std. for Safety for LP Safety Std. for Oxy Fuel Std. for Manual n for Digital Computer Programs (1970) Std. Spec, for Zl 1.317 Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Metals in Std. Meth. of Test for Lead and Vanadium in Rec. Pract. for Flushing and Cleaning of Std. for Std. for Safety for Tear Std. for lowable Operat/ Std. for Small Manually Operated Metallic Std. Glossary of Terms Relating to Chimneys, Std. for Safety for with Inputs Less Than 75,000 Btu Per Hr.) (Vol/ Std. for taneous and Large Automatic Storage Type (1974) Std. for Spec, for Iron and Steel Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Manual for Driver Attended Loading of Liquefied Petroleum centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand Lined Molds for Indirect Type Oil Field Heaters Used in Producing Oil and r Pumps for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) and Mai/ , And/ h Mol/ 11.238 rs (1972) Gas Enthalpy by Energy Balance (1973) Ga9 Fired Absorption Summer Air Conditioning Appliances Ga9 Fired Appliances (1971) Gas Fired Appliances (1971) Gas Fired Duct Furnaces (1971) Gas Fired Equipment (1972) Std. for Residen Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Direct Vent Wall Furnace Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Floor Furnaces (1973) Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Sealed Combustion System Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Vented Wall Furnaces (19 Gas Fired Gravity and Forced Air Central Furnaces (1973 Gas Fired High Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (In Gas Fired Illuminating Appliances (1971) Gas Fired Incinerators (1973) Gas Fired Infrared Radiant Heaters (1971) Gas Fired Infrared Radiant Heaters (1972) Gas Fired Kettles, Steam Cookers and Generators (1971) Gas Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (197 Gas Fired Make Up Air Heaters (1972) Gas Fired Room Heaters: Volume I, Vented (1974) Gas Fired Room Heaters: Volume II, Unvented (1974) Gas Fired Sauna Heaters (1973) Gas Fired Single Firebox Boilers (1971) Gas Fired Swimming Pool Heaters (1972) Gas Fired Watertube Boiler Furnaces with One Burner (19 Gas for Gas Analysis (1973) Gas from a Transformer (1974) Gas Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Type for Horizo Gas Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Universal (Hori Gas Fuel (1971) Gas Fuel (1972) Gas Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 Test Meth. for Colorfas Gas Hazards on Vessels (Ships) to Be Repaired (1972) an Gas Heating Equipment (1973) Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Indoor Gas Fired Appli Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas Fired Appl Gas Hose (1973) Gas Hot Plates and Laundry Stoves (1971) Gas Ignition Systems and Components (1971) Gas Indicators Including Their Installation, Operation (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn Sugar, Stare Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography (1968) Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography (1973) ANSI Z Gas Manifolds for Industrial and Commercial Gas Cylinde Gas Metal Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.18 Gas Metal Arc (Gma) Welding Equipment (1974) Gas Meth.) (1973) ANSI Z11.92 Std. Meth. of Gas Oil Aromatic Fractions by Mass Spectrometry (1973) Gas Piping and Equipment on Industrial and Certain Othe Gas Piping Systems (1973) Gas Piping (1973) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1973) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings (1973) Gas Pressure Regulators (1973) Gas Processing Equipment and Supporting Structures (197 Gas Ranges (Stoves) and Unit Broilers (1973) Gas Samples for Analysis by Gas Chromatography (1968) Gas Separators (Petroleum Production) (1973) Gas Service (1973) Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems (1972) Gas Systems (1972) /D. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Gas Therapy and Suction Equipment, Room Air Purifiers, Gas Torches for Heating, Soldering, and Brazing Purpose Gas Torches (1973) Gas Tungsten Arc (Gta) Fusion Welding Equipment (1974) Gas Turbine Engine Steady State Performance Presentatio Gas Turbine Fuel Oils (1971) ANSI Z11.312 Gas Turbine Fuels (Atomic Absorption Meth.) (1972) ANSI Gas Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.316 Gas Turbine Generator Lubricating Oil Systems (1971) Gas Unit Heaters (1971) Gas Units and Systems (1974) Gas Utilization Equipment in Large Boilers (1971) Gas Valves in Gas Distribution Systems Whose Maximum Al Gas Vents and Heat Producing Appliances (1972) Gas Vents and Vent Roof Jacks (1973) ANSI A131.2 Gas Water Heaters (Automatic Storage Type Water Heaters Gas Water Heaters: Volume III, Circulating Tank, Instan Gas Welding Rods (1969) ANSI W3.2 Gas (Methylene Blue Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z77.10 Gas (Other Than Safety Relief) (1974) / for Safety for Gas (1966) Tentative Gas (1971) Std. for Ductile Iron Pipe, Gas (1972) Spec, for Gas (1972) Safety Std. Fo ASTM E341 ANSI Z21.40.1 ANSI Z21.2 ANSI Z21.54 ANSI Z21.34 NEMA DC 21 ANSI Z21.44 ANSI Z21.48 ANSI Z21.44A ANSI Z21.49 ANSI Z21.47 ANSI Z21.59 ANSI Z21.42 ANSI Z21.6 ANSI Z21.51 ANSI Z21.43B ANSI Z21.46 ANSI Z21.13 ANSI Z83.4 ANSI Z21.11.1 ANSI Z21.11.2 ANSI Z21.55 ANSI Z21.52 ANSI Z21.56 NFPA 85 ASTM F307 ASTM D3305 ITA 6A1 ITA 6A2 ANSI Z21.41 ANSI Z21.19A AATCC 23 NFPA 306 UL 795 ANSI Z21.2 ANSI Z21.54 UL 21 ANSI Z21.9 ANSI Z21.20 ABYC A14 CR E-63 CR F-50 NGPA 2165 ASTM D2597 UL 407 AWS A5.18 NSA 959 ASTM D1267 ASTM D3239 ANSI Z83.1 ICBO UPC*1F ICBO UPC*1-12 ASTM D2517 ASTM D2513 UL 252 FMS 7-14 ANSI Z21.3 NGPA 2166 API 12J UL 404 ANSI Z21.22A DEMA »1-13 NSF 48 UL 147 UL 123 NSA 961 SAE ARP681B ASTM D2880 ASTM D2788 ASTM D2787 ASME LOS-4C1 ANSI Z21.16 UL 600 ANSI Z21.33 ANSI B16.33 NFPA 97M UL 441 ANSI Z21.10.1 ANSI Z21.10.3 AWS A5.2 ASTM D2725 UL 125 NGPA 8166 ANSI A21.52 API 12K UL 51 Engineering and Product Standards Division 179 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards connectors for Flammable Liquids and LP (Liquid Petroleum) ief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP (Liquid Petroleum) icators for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Meters for Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Std. for Safety for Pressure Regulating Valves for LP omated Separation and Collection of Particulate and Acidic separation and Collection of Particulate and Water Soluble nt. Meth. for Separation and Collection of Particulate and for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Std. Meth. of Test for Dissolved and Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling Atmospheres for Analysis of or Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Strength of Insulating of Certain Physical Properties of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Rec. for Storage and Handling of Compressed Std. Meth. of Test for Combustible .) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur Oxides in Flue d. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum Std. Meth. for Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Std. for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Uniform Fire Code: Liquefied Petroleum Uniform Fire Code: Compressed ons of Terms Relating to Electrical Insulating Liquids and Std. for Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, nd Fittings (1972) ANSI A21.ll Std. for Rubber ec. for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe with Rubber Std. Meth. of Test for Creep Relaxation of A Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Nonmetallic Safety Std. for ract. for Design and Construction of Nonmetallic Enveloped Rec. for ings (1972) Std. Spec, for Neoprene Rubber ety Std. for Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe, Couplings, and Std. Spec, for Sheet Rubber Std. Meth. of Test for Scalability of Enveloped Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Lock Strip alves. Ring Joint, Segmented, Production Check Flanges and Std. Meth. of Test for Lead in Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrocarbon Types in Low Olefinic Std. Meth. of Test for Low Levels of Lead in r Determining and Stating the Horsepower Rating of Inboard Rec. Pract. and Std. for the Design and Construction of Rec. Pract. for Automotive ct. for the Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from ct. for the Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Amounts of Lead in Std. Meth. of Test for Phosphorus in Std. for Automotive Safety Std. for Hose for Conducting e) for Use on Vents of Storage Tanks for Petroleum Oil and Emergency Std. Spec, for Automotive n of Air Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Diesel and g Code Std. for Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids els (Potentio/ Std. Meth. of Test for Mercaptan Sulfur in Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydrate; Chloroform; Formaldehyde; dium Phosphate Solutions; Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with istry) (196/ Meth. of Analysis for Correction Factors for mistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Total Safety Std. for Guide Spec, for Specifying: (1973) Safety Std. for Door, Drapery, ne Valves (1974) Spec, for Steel for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Light rsion. Flat, and Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology, ed Petroleum (LP) Gas (/ Std. for Safety for Liquid Level Safety Std. for Liquid Level Safety Std. for Indicating Pressure Safety Std. for Indicating Pressure urment of Impact Resistance of Painted Aluminum, Steel and Rec. Pract. Meth. for Determining th. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity, by Beta Amylase Std. for Keys and Keyways for Industrial Flexible Std. for Balance Classification for Flexible ical and Rack) (1971) American Drafting Manual Spec. Data Formats for Fine Pitch ) Std. for Design of Components: Enclosed Std. Spec, for Lubrication of Industrial Enclosed urement for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Std. Meth. of Test for Load Carrying Capacity of Fluid ometer (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Std. Pract. for Spur, Helical and Herringbone ce Roughness, Waviness, Form and Lay) (1973) Std. for Info Sheet for Spiral Bevel, Helical and Herringbone Gas (1972) UL 567 Safety Std. for Pipe Gas (1973) Safety Std. for Safety Rel Gas (1973) /for Safety for Liquid Level Gauges and Ind Gas (1973) ANSI B167.1 Std. for Safety for Gas (1973) ANSI Z217.1 Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double Paper Tape S Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Filter and Impinge Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate Gaseous Fuel Characteristics and General Spec. (1972) Gaseous Fuels (1973) ANSI Z77.12 Gaseous Hydrogen in Water (1960) Cases and Vapors (1967) ANSI Z257.2 Gases at Commercial Power Frequencies (1974) /F Test F Gases from Compositional Analysis (1973) ANSI Zl 1.239 Gases in Cylinders (1974) Gases in Electrical Apparatus in the Field (1973) Gases (Barium Chloranilate Controlled Condensation Meth Gases (LP-Gas Meth.) (1973) ANSI Z11.92 St Gases (LPG) by Process Gas Chromatography (1973) Gases (1972) Gases (1973) Gases (1973) Gases (1974) Std. Definiti Gases, and Volatile Solids (1973) Gasket Joints for Cast and Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe a Gasket Joints (1973) Std. Sp Gasket Material (1971) Gasket Materials (1972) Gasketed Joints for Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings (1973) Gaskets for Corrosive Service (1971) ANSI Z261.2 /C. P Gaskets for Flammable Liquid Piping Systems (1974) Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fitt Gaskets for Water and Fire Service (1973) Saf Gaskets (1966) ANSI J7.2 Gaskets (1970) ANSI Z261.1 Gaskets (1972) Gaskets (1973) Gaskets: Drilling Through, Multiple Completion, and Flo Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (1973) Gasoline by Mass Spectrometry (1971) ANSI Zl 1.311 Gasoline by X-Ray Spectrometry (1973) Gasoline Engines (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. Fo Gasoline Fueled Inboard. Liquid Cooled Marine Engines ( Gasoline Performance and Information System (1971) Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Using Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (1972) Gasoline (1972) ANSI Zl 1.324 Gasoline (1973) Gasoline (1973) Gasoline (1973) Gasoline (1973) ANSI Z222.1 / for Flame Arresters (Fir Gasoline (1974) Gasoline) (Boats) (1972) /Td. Covering the Installatio (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning Fluids, Gasoline. Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and Distillate Fu Gasoline; Herwig's, Pancreatin, Tween 80-60% Alcohol, V Gasoline; Methyl Blue and Green; Mineral Oil; Urease Ta Gasometric Determination of Carbon Dioxide (Cereal Chem (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder (Cereal Che Gate Valves for Fire Protection Service (1973) Cate Valves (1973) Gate, Louver, and Window Electric Operators and Systems Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves for Petroleum Pipeli Gauge Borads, Protective Devices, and Instrumentation ( Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (1 Gauge, Metric Conversions) (1972) /Sion, Extension, to Gauges and Indicators for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefi Gauges and Indicators for Flammable Liquids (1972) Gauges for Compressed Gas Service (1973) Gauges for Fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI B 156.1 Gavanized Steel (Coil Coating) (1974) / Meth. for Meas GAWR and GVWR for Truck Trader Certification (1972) GBI (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Me Gear Couplings (1974) Gear Couplings (1974) (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Double Hel Gear Drawings (1973) Gear Drives-Bearings, Bolting Keys and Shafting (1974 Gear Drives (1972) Gear Drives (1973) Std. for Sound (Noise Meas Gear Lubricants (1973) ANSI Z11.161 Gear Materials Manual (1972) Gear Oils at Low Temperatures Using the Brookfield Vise Gear Shaft Mounted Speed Reducers (1974) Gear Tooth Surface Texture for Aerospace Gearing (Surfa Gear Units for Water Cooling Tower Fan Drives (1972) ANSI B148.1 UL 132 UL 565 UL 25 UL 144 ASTM D3266 ASTM D3267 ASTM D3268 DEMA •1-15 ASTM D1070 ASTM D1588 ASTM D1605 ASTM D2477 ASTM D2598 FMS 7-50 ASTM D3284 ASTM D3226 ASTM D1267 ASTM D2888 NFPA 58 ICBO UFC*2ART20 ICBO UFC'2ART8 ASTM D2864 FMS 7-19 AWWA cm ASTM C505 ASTM F38 ASTM F152 UL 194 ASTM F336 FMS 7-32S CISPI HSN UL 107 ASTM D1330 ASTM F112 ASTM Fl 18 ASTM C716 API 6A ASTM D3237 ASTM D2789 ASTM D3229 ABYC S6 ABYC P4 SAE J282 SAE J171A SAE J170A ASTM D3116 ASTM D3231 ASTM D439 UL 330 UL 525 ASTM ESI ABYC P10 ICBO UBCS10-1 ASTM D3227 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 12-29 AACCH 12-20 UL 262 CSI 15101 UL 325 API 6D DEMA *1-17 ICBO UBCS27-10 SMI »3 UL 565 UL 180 UL 404 UL 393 NCCA TB-II-6 TTMA RP39 AACCH 22-02 AGMA 512.03 AGMA 515.01 ANSI Y14.7.1 AGMA 114.02 AGMA 260.02 AGMA 250.03 AGMA 297.01 ASTM D1947 ACMA 240.01 ASTM D2983 AGMA 480.05 AGMA 118.01 AGMA 490.02 180 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards of Lateral Vibration on High Speed Helical and Herringbone etermining the Load Carrying Ability of Farm Wagon Running 73) Std. for Gear Tooth Surface Texture for Aerospace Glossary of Terms Used in manufacture. Inspection and Assembly Manual for Fine Pitch Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pinions and Std. for System Design of Fine Pitch on Center Face d Alloy Steel Forgings for Pinions and Gears for Reduction Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Dried Std. Test Procedure for Groups in Rubber Extender and Processing Oils by the Clay ermosetting Resins (Plastic Compo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Spec, for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver . Spec, for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver h. for Determining Acidity (Paste) Content in Corn Starch h. for Determination of pH (Paste) of Corn Starch Which Is and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power ial— Use Criteria for the Periodic Test, of Nuclear Power plication of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power neral Principles for Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Definitions of Terms Used in IEEE Nuclear Power aps/ Rec. for Protection Against Misc. Perils at Electric or Qualifying Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power lification of Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power i Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power test of Class I Electric Valve Operators for Nuclear Power emblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power Rec. for Electric Utility systems That Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Guide for Class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power iments in Laboratories (Cerea/ Acetic Anhydride Meth. for Rec. Pract. Inspection and Quality Control of First of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power lectric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Rec. Pract. for Flushing and Cleaning of Gas Turbine Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Electric Steel Forgings for uclear Power General/ Trial Use Std.: Criteria for Diesel sel and Gas Engine/ Std. Pract. for Selection of Engine - Rec. for Steam Tubine Driven Rec. for Steam Turbine Driven e Driven Synchronous Generators and Reversible Synchronous Apparatus) (Exclusive of for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine std. for Installation of vertical Hydraulic Turbine Driven Uni/ Std. for Large Hydraulic Turbine Driven Synchronous ux Density and Average Energy from 3 H (D, N) 4 He Neutron ups C and D (197/ Std. for Safety for Electric Motors and oups E, F, and G (19/ Safety Std. for Electric Motors and r Dimensions for Alternating and Direct Current Motors and ication Data for Alternating and Direct Current Motors and Std. for Definite Purpose Motors and Std. for Direct Current r Alloy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for Std. for Gas Fired Kettles, Steam Cookers and Std. for Gas Atmosphere Std. for Definitions for Motors and Std. for Synchronous Integral Horsepower Std. for Terminal Markings for Motors and or Industrial and Other Direct Current Integral Horsepower Guide for Operation and Maintenance of Turbine for Selection, Installation and Use of Electric Motors and Std. for Motors and Safety Std. for Acetylene ng) (1973) Safety Std. for Acetylene tting) (1973) Safety Std. for Acetylene ertical Hydraulic Turbine Driven Generators and Reversible Transmittance (1973) / Std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of a Policy on Std. for Preferred Numbers in . for Opacity of Paper, Using Reflectometer with 45-0 Deg. Spec, for Electric Overhead Bridge and Gantry Multiple crude Fat / Extractables) Content in Corn Starch, Gluten, Tent. Meth. of Test for Crystallographic Perfection of rium Flas/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Barium Yield, act. for Determining Barium Yield, Getter Gas Content, and gas Content, and Getter Sorption Capacity for Barium Flash nd Test Meth. for Fixed and Variable Attenuators, DC to 40 or Post Tensioned Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Tent. Rec. for Design of Concrete Composite Beams and Std. for Body Measurements for the Sizing of 52) Meth. for Correction for Weight of Flour to teristics by Polar/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference racteristics by Po/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Gear Units (1972) Std. Spec, for Measurement Gear (1973) Std. Test Proc. for D Gearing (Surface Roughness, Waviness, Form and Lay) (19 Gearing (1972) Gearing (1973) Design, Gears for Reduction Gears (1972) ANSI G55.8 Std. Gears for 20 Deg. Involute Spur Pinions (1973) Gears (1972) ANSI G55.8 Std. Spec, for Carbon an Geeg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Geiger Muller Counters (1970) ANSI N42.3 Gel Absorption Chromatographic Meth. (1973) ANSI Z11.18 Gel Time and Peak Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Th Gel Time of Solventless Varnishes (1972) Gel Time of Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z78.23 Gelatin Type, on Cellulose Ester Base (1973) Gelatin Type, on Polyester Base (1973) Std (Gelatinizable Products) (1955) Std. Analytical Met Gelatinized When Heated in a Boiling Water Bath (1973) Generating Plants (1973) ANSI N18.10 /Ms, Structures, Generating Station Protection Systems (1971) ANSI N41.3 Generating Station Protection Systems (1972) ANSI N41.2 Generating Station Protection Systems (1972) ANSI N41.4 Generating Station Stds. (1972) Generating Stations (Flood, Surface Water, Rigging Coll Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.5 /General Guide F Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.7 /for Seismic Qua Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.9 /Ous Duty Class Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N41.13 /Esel Generator Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N41.6 /Guide for Type Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N45.3 /Penetration Ass Generating Stations (1973) Generating Stations (1973) /Ation of Design Bases for Generating Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 IEEE Trial Use Generation of Chlorine Dioxide in Flour Bleaching Exper Generation Silver Habide Microfilm (1972) Generation: Fossil Fueled Plants (1972) /He Prevention Generative Stations (1971) / for Instrumentation and E Generator Lubricating Oil Systems (1971) Generator Rotors (1971) ANSI G55.13 Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for N Generator Units for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Die Generator Units (1972) Generator Units (1974) Generator / Motor Units for Pumped Storage Installation Generator, for Hydraulic Turbine Drive) (1972) Generators and Electrical Equipment (1972) /Td. Pract. Generators and Reversible Generator/Motors for Pumped S Generators and Reversible Synchronous Generator / Motor Generators by Radioactiv ation Techniques (1973) /on Fl Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Gro Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class II, Gr Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Generators (Large Apparatus) (1972) Generators (1970) ANSI G55.6 Std. Spec. Fo Generators (1971) Generators (1971) Generators (1972) Generators (1972) Generators (1972) Generators (1972) Generators (1972) ANSI C50.30 Generators (1973) ANSI C51.1 Generators (1973) ANSI C52.1 Generators, Portable, Medium Pressure (1973) Generators, Stationary, Low Pressure (Welding and Cutti Generators, Stationary, Medium Pressure (Welding and Cu Generator/Motors for Pumped Storage Installations (1972 Geometric Conditions for Measurement of Reflectance and Geometric Design of Rural Highways (1965) Geometric Series for Use in Standardization (1973) Geometry (1973) Test Meth Gerder Traveling Cranes (1971) Germand Finished Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Germanium by Preferential Etch Techniques (1973) Getter Gas Content, and Getter Sorption Capacity for Ba Getter Sorption Capacity for Barium Flash Getters (1972 Getters (1972) ANSI Z173.50 /Ing Barium Yield, Getter GHz (1973) Spec, a Girder Bridges Design and Construction) (1969) /Ecs. F Girders for Building (1957) Girls' Apparel (Clothing) (1972) Give 100 Grams at 14.0% Moisture (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Glass-Metal Butt Seals and Test, for Expansion Charac Glass-Metal Sandwich Seal and Test, for Expansion Cha Std. F / Construction and Guide AGMA ASAE AGMA AGMA AGMA ASTM ACMA ASTM AACCH IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI CR CR ANS IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE FMS IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE FMS ANS IEEE AACCH NMA ASME IEEE ASME ASTM IEEE DEMA FMS FMS NEMA NEMA DEMA NEMA NEMA ASTM UL UL NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA ASTM ANSI ANSI NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA IEEE NEMA NEMA UL UL UL NEMA ASTM ASHTO ANSI TAPPI CMAA CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE CRSI ACI use AACCH ASTM ASTM 426.01 S360T 118.01 116.01 370-01 A291 203.03 A291 04-25 309 D2007 D2471 D3056 D2870 PHI. 28 PHI. 41 B-4 C-42 N18.10 338 379 352 380 9-10 323 344 334 387 382 317 13-14 N18.8 420 48-30 MS104 TWDPS-1 336 LOS-4C1 A469 387 *1-19 13-3 5-12 MG5.1 MG1-22 ♦1-18 MG5.2 MG5.1 E496 674B 674A MG1-11 MG1-14 MG1-18 MG1-24 A289 Z21.46 Z83.2 MG1-1 MG1-16 MG1-2 MG1-15 67 MC2 MG1 297 409 408 MG5.2 E179 GD-2 Z17.1 UM-538 70 B-18 F389 Fill Fill Fill 474 *2 57-29 PS54 82-23 F140 F144 Engineering and Product Standards Division 181 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Pressure in Meth. of Drop Test, of Std. Rec. Pract. for Inspection of or Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio for upture) (1972) Std. Meth. of Flexure Test, of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Uniform Building Code: Std. Spec, for Cellular Std. for Fire Doors, Windows, Shutters, and ectric Lamps (1971) Std. Nomenclature for std. Meth. of Test for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Tentative Meth. of Test for Density of std. Meth. of Test for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Meth. of Test for Density of 75 Std. Spec, and Operating Instructions for Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio for Class and 972) Std. Meth. of Flexure Test, of Class and Std. Spec, for High Temperature Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock Test on Std. Meth. of Sampling nee of Ceramic Decorations on Returnable Beer and Beverage Std. for Forced Entry Aluminum Sliding Spec, for Aluminum Sliding nditioning Systems (1972) Fibrous Pressure Sensitive Tape Performance Stds. for Fibrous Pressure Sensitive Tape Application Stds. for Fibrous Std. Meth. of Test for pfi of Aqueous Solutions with the ing (1973) ANSI A109.26 Std. Spec, for Woven unctional Silane Type Finishes for / Std. Spec, for Woven -No Bleach (Ins/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Meth. of Test for Effect of Handwashing on Woven Meth. of Test for Light Transmittance of Woven 05 Deg. F-No B/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven anic Felt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt, Asphalt-Coated aturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated els (1972) Std. for equirements for Woven Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics (Excluding or Woven Window Curtain Fabrics (Sash Casement) (Excluding y Std. for Electric Heaters for Use in Hazardous Locations Std. Meth. of Test. Cellular Std. Spec, for Communication and Signal Pin Type Lime Std. Spec, for Polyester Std. Meth. of Test for Alkalinity of Hollow Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic Collapse Strength of Hollow eth. of Test for Bulk Density and Packing Factor of Hollow Std. Spec, for Process Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock Test on te. Wheat, and Corn Flour (1962) Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Glass and ion (1972) Std. Spec, for 70) ANSI K/ Rec. Pract. for Classifying Visual Defects in Std. Meths. for Chemical Analysis of Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Low Expansion, ing Material for Use Principally as a Substitute for Plate Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Std. Performance Requirements for ous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Safety Std. for Automotive Glazing Spec, for Sealed Insulating Spec, for Sealed Insulating Std. Meth. for Analyzing Stress in Std. Test Meth. for DC Volume Resistivity of of Textiles: Exposure to Natural Light and Weather Through Std. Spec, for Type 58 Borosilicate Sealing Meth. of Test for Knoop Indentation Hardness of id Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Architectural Type Std. Meth. of Test for Softening Point of . Rec. Pract. for Conducting Natural Light Exposures Under . of Test for Sulfide Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Std. for Household Electric Ranges (Stove) with Std. for R 40 Bulb (Hard c. Self Extinguishing (1973) Cloth, Type E abric, Self Extinguishing (1973) Cloth, Type E Rec. for High Temperature Molten Materials (Metals, Slag, Uniform Building Code Std. for 4) Loss Prevention Data on Sight n Test on Metal Specimens for Engine Antifreezes Tested in meth. of Test for Foaming Tendencies of Engine Coolants in of Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; 962) Ceramic Std. Meth. of Test for Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Face meth. of Test for Slump of an Oil Base Knife Grade Channel std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Aging of Wood Sash Face Std. Meth. of Test for DegTee of Set for Wood Sash Glass Aerosol Bottles (1972) ASTM Glass Aerosol Bottles (1972) ASTM Glass Aerosol Containers (1972) ASTM Glass and Glass Ceramics by Resonance (1971) /F Test F ASTM Glass and Glass Ceramics (Determination of Modulus of R ASTM Glass and Glass Products (1971) ASTM Glass and Glazing (1973) ICBO Glass Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM Glass Blocks (1973) ANSI A2.7 NFPA Glass Bulbs Intended for Use with Electron Tubes and El ANSI Glass by Beam Bending (1972) , ASTM Glass by Buoyancy (1971) ASTM Glass by Fiber Elongation (1971) ASTM Glass by the Sink Float Comparator (1972T) ASTM Glass Capillary Kinematic Viscometers (1972) ANSI Z11.2 ASTM Glass Ceramics by Resonance (1971) /F Test for Young's ASTM Glass Ceramics (Determination of Modulus of Rupture) (1 ASTM Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) ASTM Glass Containers to Chemical Attack (1973) ASTM Glass Containers (Bottle, Jar) (1971) ASTM Glass Containers (Bottle, Jar, etc.) (1956) ASTM Glass Containers (1972T) /Th. of Test for Acid Resista ASTM Glass Doors (1971) AAMA Glass Doors (1972) ANSI A134.2 AAMA Glass Duct Construction Std. for Ventilating and Air Co SMACN Glass Duct (1973) SMACN Glass Duct (1973) SMACN Glass Electrode (1974) Ashto T200 ASTM Glass Fabrics Treated for Use in Waterproofing and Roof ASTM Glass Fabrics, Cleaned, and After Finished with Epoxy F ASTM Glass Fiber Curtain Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F ANSI Glass Fiber Decorative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) ANSI Glass Fiber Decorative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) ANSI Glass Fiber Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 1 ANSI Glass Fiber Mat (1973) / Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Org UL Glass Fiber Mat (1973) /Sphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar S ICBO Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Structural Plastic Pan USC Glass Fibers) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Rmance R ANSI Glass Fibers) (Institutional Textiles) (1973) /Ments F ANSI Glass I, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class II, Groups E, UL Glass Insulating Block (1972) ASTM Glass Insulators (R1970) ASTM Glass Mat Sheet Laminate (1973) ASTM Glass Microspheres (1972) ASTM Glass Microspheres (1972) Std. ASTM Glass Microspheres (1972) Std. M ASTM Glass Pipe and Fittings (1970) ASTM Glass Pipe (1970) ASTM Glass Plate Meth. of Analysis for Insect Excreta in Whi AACCH Glass Products (1971) ASTM Glass Reinforced Acetal Plastics for Molding and Extrus ASTM Glass Reinforced Laminates and Parts Made Therefrom (19 ASTM Glass Sand (1972) . ASTM Glass Sealing, 53Fe-29Ni-17Co (1973) SAE Glass Show Window Panels (1972) /Rglary Resisting Glaz UL Glass Stress Optical Coefficient (1973) ASTM Glass Towels (Institutional Textile) (1973) ANSI Glass Tube and a Particulate Filter Meth.) (1973) /Ase ASTM Glass Tube Fuses (1973) UL Glass Units (1971) SIGMA Glass Units (1973) SIGMA Glass (1968) ASTM Glass (1972) ASTM Glass (1972) ANSI L14. 177 Test Meth. for Resistance AATCC Glass (1972) ANSI Z173.47 ASTM Glass (1972T) ASTM Glass (1972T) Meth. of Test for AC ASTM Glass (1973) ASTM Glass (1973) Std ASTM Glass (1974) Tentative Meth ASTM Glass / Ceramic Cooking Tops (1974) AHAM Glass) Mogul Screw Base Incandescent (1966) ANSI Glass, B Stage Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabri SAE Glass, B Stage Polyester Resin Impregnated, 181 Style F SAE Glass, etc.) Fire Protection and Safety (1973) FMS Glass, Its Defects and Safety Glazing (1973) ICBO Glasses for Chemical Processing Equipment (Vessel) (197 FMS Glassware (1970) ANSI D 14.9 Std. Meth for Corrosio ASTM Glassware (1973) Std. ASTM Glass; Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and Marble ICBO Glazed Brick Facing for Exterior Walls (Tech. Notes) (1 BIA Glazed Ceramic Surfaces (1972) ASTM Glazing and Bedding Compounds on Metal Sash (1974) ASTM Glazing Compound (1972) Std. ASTM Glazing Compound (1973) ASTM Glazing Compound (1973) ASTM D3063 D3071 D3073 C623 C158 C162 UBC»3-54 C552 80 C79.1 C598 C693 C336 C729 D2515 C623 C158 D2754 C225 C149 C224 C735 1303.3 402.8 *6 AFTS-100 AFTS-101 E70 D1668 D3098 L24.1.3 L24T1 L24T4 L24.1.9 55A UBCS32-1 PS53 L24.1.5 L24.1.4 823 C240 D879 D1532 D3100 D3102 D3101 C599 C600 28-43 C162 D2948 D2563 C146 AMS7728C 972 C770 L24.2.3 D3268 275B 70-7-1 65-7-2 F218 C657 HID F105 C730 C724 C338 G24 C777 ER-2 C78.255 AMS3821 AMS3827 LPD 7-33 UBCS54-1 7-3 D1384 D1881 UBC*3-23 13 C738 D2376 C713 C741 C742 182 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards or Volatility of Oil and Re9in Based, Knife Grade, Channel r Plate Glass Show Wi/ Safety Std. for Burglary Resisting performance Spec, and Meth. of Test for Transparent Safety Uniform Building Code: Glass and iform Building Code Std. for Glass, Its Defects and Safety ) Operational Rec. for 23 Meth. for Specular rage at 104 F (40C) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for rage at 140 Deg. (40 Deg. C.) (1972) Meth. for Confor/ Rec. Pract. for Selecting and Defining Color and Std. Meth. of Test for Specular Std. Un (1970) )ANSIZ1.7 ts (Launder or Dryclean) (1973) eat Producing Appliances (1972) (Tech. Notes) (1961) 1962) Std. Industry Std. Std. for Std. for Std. ends Appli/ alactose, Dextr/ and Lodgepole / Std. for Steel Shipping Container Industry Std. for Photo Instrumentation Rec. Pract. for Radial Seal Nomenclature and Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Glucose Oxidase Meth. for Measurement of ar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextr/ eth. of Conducting Shear Block Test for Quality Control of Uniform Building Code Std. for Test for xterior Use (1959) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Integrity of ed Panels, Bea/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Tests for Structural f Southern/ Std. for Preservative Treatment of Structural Rec. Architectural Spec, for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Std. for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Std. Spec, for Adhesives Used in Nonstructural Std. Meth. of Test. Veneer, Plywood, and Other Structural Glued Laminated Members and Laminations Before Performance Spec, for Adhesives for Field Machine Washing Meth. of Analysis of Hand Washing Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Vital Wheat rmining Crude Fat / Extractables) Content in Corn Starch, d. Meth. of Test for Phthalate Ester Color of High Gravity y) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Monoglycerides and Free Std. Meth. of Test for Detecting Std. Spec, for Ethylene Spec, for Ethylene test for Water in Engine Antifreeze-Coolant Concentrate Std. Spec, for Hexylene Std. Spec, for Ethylene Std. Spec, for Propylene Std. Spec, for Dipropylene Std. for Std. for Std. for Manual Gas Metal Arc Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. Orientation Program for Personnel Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Refined Std. Spec, for Starting) for Passenger Automobiles, Commercial Vehicles, Spec, for 1970) Rec. Pract. for Air Conditioning System) (1966) What Makes A Handbook for Library Binding (Rec. for Std. Pictorial Markings for Handling of Nondangerou9 del Meth. of Analysis of Macroscopic Examination of Baked ing Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Baked g Meth. of Analysis for Materials Hard to Hydrate in Baked Rec. Pract. for Air Carbon Arc ow and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Speed Uniform Building Code: Regulations tems (1971) Std. for Fundamentals Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric Lay Stranded Ec o (Potassium Alum) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic 72) Std. Spec, for Photographic (1973) Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Industrial Std. Spec, for Photographic (1972) (1972) ) (1974) M Glazing Compounds (1973) Std. Meth. of Test F Glazing Material for Use Principally as a Substitute Fo Glazing Material Used in Buildings (1971) Glazing Spec, for Sealed Insulating Glass Units (1971) Glazing (1973) Glazing(1973) Globe Dry Pipe Valves (Fire and Safety Equipment) (1973 Gloss of Paper and Paperboard at 76 Deg. (1972) ANSI P3 Glos9 Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard After Sto Gloss Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard After Sto Gloss Tolerances of Opaque Materials and for Evaluating Gloss (1967) ANSI Z131.1 Glossary of Architectural Metal Terms (1973) Glossary of Billiard Terms (1971) Glossary of Construction Industry Terms (Architecture) Glossary of General Terms Used in Quality Control (1971 Glossary of Micrographics (1971) Glossary of Rec. Terms for Care Labeling Textile Produc Glossary of Terms Concerning Letter Symbols (1972) Glossary of Terms Relating to Chimneys, Gas Vents and H Glossary of Terms Relating to Structural Clay Products Glossary of Terms Used in Baking and Cereal Chemistry ( Glossary of Terms Used in Gearing (1972) Glossary (Packaging, Vocabulary) (1973) Glossary (Terms, Definitions) (1969) Glossary (1972) Glossy Smooth Coatings of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Bl Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, G Glucose Oxidase Meth. for Measurement of Glucose in Sug Glue Bonds in Scarf Joints (1970) Std Glue Joints in Laminated Wood Products (1973) Glue Joints in Structural Laminated Wood Products for E Glued Built Up Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curv Glued Laminated Lumber (1973) Glued Laminated Members and Laminations Before Gluing O Glued Laminated Timber (1972) Glued Laminated Timber (1973) Glued Laminated Timber (1973) ANSI A190.1 Glued Laminated Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern Glued Lumber Products (1972) Glued Veneer Constructions (1972) ANSI 07.1 Gluing of Southern Pine, Pacific Coast Dougla9 Fir and Gluing Plywood to Wood Framing (1971) Gluten in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Gluten in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Gluten (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Gluten, Germand Finished Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete Glycerin (1973) Glycerol in Fat9, Oils and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistr Glycol Base Antifreeze in Used Lubricating Oils (1973) Glycol Monoethyl Ether (1972) Glycol Monomethyl Ether (1972) (Glycol or Alcohol Base) by the Iodine Reagent Meth. (19 Glycol (1972) Glycol (1972) Glycol (1972) Glycol (1972) Glyphosate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) G'yphosine (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (Gma) Welding Equipment (1974) Gogan Hardness of Brake Lining (1972) Going Offshore for the Fir9t Time (Petroleum Production Gold Copper Alloy Electrical Contact Material (1973) Gold Electrical Contact Alloy (1973) Gold (1973) Gold, Silver, Nickel Electrical Contact Alloy (1972) Golf Car, and Other Diversified Off the Highway Applica Golf Putting Green Construction (1972) Goniophotometry of Transmitting Objects and Materials ( Good Air Conditioning System (Information on Year Round Good Book Binding Practices) (1971) Goods (1972) Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes for Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes (Cer Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes (Cer Gouging and Cutting (1974) Governing and Parallel Operation (1972) / Pract. for L Governing Fallout Shelters (1973) Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Sys Grade Aluminum Chloride Solution AICI 3 (1972) Grade Aluminum Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.53 Grade Aluminum Potassium Sulfate A1K(S0 4 ) 2 : 12H 2 Grade Ammonium Hydroxide, Nh 4 0H (Aqueous Ammonia) (19 Grade Ammonium Thiosulfate Solution (NH^SriOa Grade Benzene (1971) ANSI Z78.3 Grade Benzotriazole, C„H 4 NHN:N (1,2,3) (1972) St ASTM C681 UL 972 ANSI Z97.1 SIGMA 70-7-1 ICBO UBC*3-54 ICBO UBCS54-1 FMS 2-14 TAPPI T480 ASTM D2895 TAPPI T682 ASTM D3134 ASTM D523 NAAMM •35 BCA •2 AIOA «1 ASQC A3 NMA MS100 ANSI L28.1 ANSI Y10.1 NFPA 97M BIA 2 AACCH 36-01 A ACMA 116.01 ANSI MH2.18 SMPTE •1 SAE J111A ASTM D3234 AACCH 80-10 AACCH 80-10 ASTM D1759 ICBO UBCS25-20 ASTM D1101 ICBO UBCS25-18 ICBO UBCS25-23 AWPA C28 AITC 6.5/AI ICBO UBCS25-10 use PS56 ICBO UBCS25-11 ASTM D3110 ASTM D805 AWPA C28 APA AFG-01 AACCH 38-11 AACCH 38-10 AACCH 38-20 CR B-18 ASTM D1728 AACCH 58-45 ASTM D2982 ASTM D331 ASTM D3128 ASTM D1123 ASTM D2636 ASTM D2693 ASTM D2695 ASTM D2696 ANSI K62.124 ANSI K62.117 NSA 959 SAE J379A API RPT-1 ASTM B596 ASTM B541 ASTM B562 ASTM B477 BCI •1.48 USGA • 1 ASTM E166 NESCA MAN C LBI *2 ANSI MH6.1 AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 28-32 AWS C5.3 DEMA *l-6 ICBO UBC*3-57 ANSI Z9.2 ANSI PH4.154 ASTM B400 ANSI PH4.150 ANSI PH4.232 ANSI PH4.252 ASTM D836 ANSI PH4.204 Engineering and Product Standards Division 183 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ng) (1973) o (Chrome Alum) (1972) aacetic) Acid (EDTA) and Its/ e, Quinol, Hydroquinol) (197/ roxylammonium Chloride) (197/ (Hydroxylammonium Sulfate) (/ Std. Spec, for Nuclear Tent. Spec, for Nuclear Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of an Oil Base Knife Std. Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic National Design Spec, for Stress urement of the Specific Electrical Impedance of Electrical ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear ucts Trading Rules (Performance, Quality, Description, and (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Rec. Pract. for New Motor Vehicle on Std. Spec, for Nuclear ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Std. Spec, for Nuclear rochemical, Nuclear and Radio Chemical Analysis of Nuclear rochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic , Properties, Weight, Stress of Bo/ a Product Use Manual: meth. for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Std. Spec, for Photographic 2)0 (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Photographic Crystalline (Na a S 2 3 .5H 2 / Spec, for Photographic Std. Spec, for Industrial Std. Spec, for Nitration st Meths. for Interior Panel Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Test Meth. for Exterior Coatings and Overlays on DFPA h 2 0)N. NaOH (1973) Spec, for Photographic ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spec, for Metal Oxide Waterproofing for Below Std. Spec, for Industrial Std. Spec, for Nitration cid Acceptance of Halogenated Organic Solvents, Degreasing Std. Spec, for Fineness of Mohair and Assignment of Std. Spec, for Once Refined Sunflower Oil, Technical e (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.33-0.38O) Special s, 0.78Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.32-0.38C), Special p. Yarns and Fabrics of the Worsted Type and Assignment of Std. Spec, for Fineness of Wool and Assignment of Std. Spec, for Fineness of Wool Top and Assignment of ter for Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia (Fertilizer Std. Spec, for Refined Benzene 485 (Nitration Std. Spec, for Normal Butyl Acetate (98% Std. Spec, for Normal Propyl Acetate (90 to 92% Spec, for Isopropyl Acetate (98% Std. Spec, for Acetone (99.5 std. Spec, for Amyl Acetate Made from Fusel Oil (85 to 88% meth. of Test for Volatility of Oil and Resin Based, Knife , Applicati/ Redwood Plywood Guide (Spec, for Texture and lear Reactors (1973) Std. Spec, for Nuclear Std. for ad Vehicles: Earthmoving. Mining and Logging (Short Haul); nd Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Track Type Tractors, and Motor ec. Pract. for the Identification of Std. Electrical Steel Std. Meth. for Evaluating Allowable Properties for Quality Stds. for Lumber Quality Stds. for Plywood and Particleboard e, Finishes And/ Redwood Landscape Guide (Rec. for Garden ergreens; Rose Grades; Vines and Ground Covers; Fruit Tree eciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens; Rose Tent. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for ing Code Std. for Classification, Definition, and Meth. of Std. Spec, for Std. sign Loads, Timber,/ Western Woods Use Book: Lumber Std., Tent. Meth. for . Rec. Pract. for Lighting Cotton Classing Rooms for Color Uniform Building Code: Excavation and Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Two Liter Meth. of Analysis of Inorganic Bromide Residues in std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Aluminum Oxide Abrasive td. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Silicon Carbide Abrasive Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972A) ASTM C708 Grade Boron Carbide Powder (1973) ASTM C750 Grade C-75 and C-95 Casing and Tubing (Petroleum Drilli API 5AC Grade Channel Glazing Compound (1972) ASTM C713 Grade Chromium Potassium Sulfate CrK(SO,) 2 : 12H 2 ANSI PH4.151 Grade Ethylenediamine H 2 N.CH 2 .CH 2 .NH 2 (1973) ANSI PH4.188 Grade Ethylenediaminetetraacetic (Ethylenedinitrilotetr ANSI PH4.185 Grade Hydrochloric Acid, HCI (1972) ANSI PH4.104 Grade Hydroquinone C„H 4 (Oh) 2 (Para Dihydroxbenzen ANSI PH4.126 Grade Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, (Nh 2 OH . Hci) (Hyd ANSI PH4.187 Grade Hydroxylamine Sulfate, (Nh 2 Oh) , . H 2 S0, ANSI PH4.186 Grade Lumber and Its Fastenings (1971) NFORP »4 Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Type Electric ASTM D3215 Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Pu)0 2 ) (1972) ANSI N139 /, M ASTM C698 Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame NIOP *1 Grade P-Aminophenol Hydrochloride HOC„H,Nh 2 HCI ANSI PH4.129 Grade Parking Performance Requirements (1972) SAE J293 Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powder, Sinterable (1974) ASTM C757 Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI ASTM C697 Grade Plutonium Metal (1972) ANSI N136 ASTM C701 Grade Plutonium Metal (1973) /Ass Spectrometric, Spect ASTM C758 Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) /Etric, Spect ASTM C759 Grade Potassium Chloride, KCI (1972) ANSI PH4.202 Grade Potassium Iodide, KI (1972) ANSI PH4.201 Grade Potassium Metabisulfite K 2 S,0, (1972) ANSI PH4.277 Grade Potassium Permanganate, Kmn0 4 (1972) ANSI PH4.301 Grade Selection, Std. Size, Design Values, Framing Rec. WWPA *24 Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) Std. ASTM C760 Grade Sodium Chloride, Nacl (1972) ANSI PH4.203 Grade Sodium Citrate, Dihydrate Na 1 C„H,0 7 : 2H( ANSI PH4.179 Grade Sodium Meta-Bisulfite Na 2 S,6-, (1972) ANSI PH4.276 Grade Sodium Sulfate, Anhydrous Na,SO, (1973) ANSI PH4.175 Grade Sodium Sulfite, Anhydrous, Na 2 SO, (1972) ANSI PH4.275 Grade Sodium Thiocyanate NaSCN (1972) ANSI PH4.177 Grade Sodium Thiosulfate, Anhydrous (Na 2 S,0,) and ANSI PH4.250 Grade Toluene (1971) ASTM D362 Grade Toluene (1971) ANSI Z78.7 ASTM D841 Grade Trademarked Plywood (1967) Te APA *5 Grade Trademarked Plywood (1971) APA *4 Grade Trisodium Phosphate, Dodecahydrate (Na.Po,. 12 ANSI PH4.234 Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI N ASTM C696 Grade Wall and Floor Surfaces (1971) CSI 07140 Grade Xylene (1971) ASTM D364 Grade Xylene (1971) ANSI Z78.8 ASTM D843 Grade (Nonreflux Meth.) (1974) /of Test for Nonamine a ASTM D2942 Grade (1973) ASTM D3109 Grade (1973) ASTM D3169 Grade (1973) Spec, for Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plat SAE AMS6433B Grade (1973) Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Ring SAE AMS6430B Grade (1973) ANSI L14. 160 /. for Fineness of Mohair to ASTM D1381 Grade (1973) ANSI L14.26 ASTM D419 Grade (1973) ANSI L14.29 ASTM D472 Grade) in Residential and Commerical Fuel Burning, Disp UL 331 Grade) (1971) ANSI Z78.2 ASTM D835 Grade) (1972) ASTM D3126 Grade) (1972) ASTM D3130 Grade) (1972) ASTM D3131 Grade) (1972) ASTM D329 Grade) (1972) ASTM D554 Grade, Channel Glazing Compounds (1973) Std. ASTM C681 Grade, Panel Characteristics, Material Composition, Use CRA 3A9 Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder for Use in Nuc ASTM C753 Grader Cutting Edge (1972) SAE J739B Grader. Loader. Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fo TRA 3 Graders (1971) /Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front E SAE J231 Grades in ASTM Specs. (1972) Std. R ASTM A664 Grades of Structural Lumber (1974) ASTM D2915 Grades (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) AWI * 1-100 Grades (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) AWI *l-200 Grades, Application and Design, Span Allowances, Storag CRA 3A5 Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant, Grape, Asparagus) ANSI Z60.1 Grades; Vines and Ground Covers; Fruit Tree Grades; Sma ANSI Z60. 1 Grading Cotton Card Webs for Appearance (1973) ASTM D3216 Grading Cotton Yarns for Appearance (1972) ANSI L14. 164 ASTM D2255 Grading for All Species of Lumber (1973) /Niform Build ICBO UBCS25-1 Grading of Abrasive Microgrits (1972) ANSI B74.10 Grading Rules for Std. Wood Mouldings (1967) WWPA *29 Grading Rules for Western Lumber (1972) WWPA «23 Grading Rules, Design Values, Section Properties and De WWPA *31 Grading Soybean Oil for Color (1973) NSPA *5 Grading (1971) Std ASTM D1684 Grading (1973) ICBO UBC*3-70 Graduate) (1973) TAPPI UM-10 Grain and Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 6010 Grain and Crude (1971) ANSI B74.14 Grain and Crude (1971) ANSI B74.15 184 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards General Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Thermal Properties of Agricultural avity, and Weight-Moisture Relationships of Agricultural Dielectric Properties of Std. Moisture Measurement Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Std. for Terminology for Combines and rocessed Types 27G053, 30G05/ Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled, aphic Illustration and Classification in Cereal Grains and nalysis of Thiamine in Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole F/ Fluorometric Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin in Whole Hopper Cars for Malt and or Determining Iodine Number (Wijs Meth.) Content in Corn. fined) and All Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from Corn or and Refined), Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from Corn and lso, with Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye, Barley, Rice, meth. for Determining Waxy and Nonwaxy Content in Corn and Agricultural Rec. for Hitch and Box Dimensions for Agricultural (Farm) 010.1 Std. Spec, for Creosoted End Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis, for, F,ai Acidity in Electrical Meth. for Analysis of Moistyre W Whole Meth. of Analysis of Fungicide Residues in Meth. of Analysis of Test Weight Per Bushel of Std. for Checking the Size of Diamond Abrasive of Analysis of Moisture in Flour, Farina, Semolina. Bread, Std. Meth. of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Fine Meth. of Analysis of Hydrocyanic Acid Residues in dified Two Stage Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in and Radiographic Illustration and Classification in Cereal h. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn, Other Moisture in Flour and Semolina; Bread: Feedstuffs, Ground Meth. for Sampling of Wheat and Other Whole tillation Meth. (Brown-Duvel) of Analysis of Moisture in Content (Radiographic Inspection) in Corn and Other Whole Moisture Relationships of Agricultural Std. Test Meth. for Bulk Density of Diamond Abrasive nation of Both Meal and Flour of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Other es for Analysis of Crude Protein in Bread, Wheat and Other es For/ Dielectric Meter Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in tuffs (Corn) Containing Vegetable Material, Corn and Other eth. for Determining Crude Fiber Content in Corn and Other y P/ ' UDy Dye Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Cereal -Ray Examination for Internal Insect Infestation in Cereal n/ Meth. of Analysis of Macroscopic Examination of Cereal of External Insect and Rodent Hair Contamination of Cereal of Cracking Flotation Test for Internal Insects in Cereal is of Urea in Cloth or Sack Fibers, Whole or Ground Cereal Meth. for Correction for Weight of Flour to Give 100 ccupant Loads (Buildings, Reviewing Stands, Bleachers, and fire Code: Places of Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing Stands, Std. Spec, for Structural st Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; erials (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; eptible to Hydrolys/ Meth. of Analysis of Damaged Starch Spec, for Asphalt Insulating Siding Surfaced with Mineral Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roll Roofing Surfaced with Mineral d Covers; Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant, Std. Dimensions for s for the Appraisal of Color Quality and Uniformity in the rican National Std. Code for Information Interc/ Std. for ms Used in Architecture and Building Construction (/ Std. ) (Electronics) (1973) ANSI Y32.14 Std. for (1972) Std. for test for Electrical Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and eth. of Test for Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and for Hand Layup (1973) G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36.000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for ) Tensile Strength, 70,000,000 (483) Tensile M/ Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Carbon Std. Meth. for Measurement of Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Carbon and Std. Meth. of Test for Ash in Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture in ng the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear tent. Meth. of Test for Compressive (Crushing) Strength of . Meth. of Test for Delta in Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Std. Rec. Pract. for Reporting Irradiation Results on . Definitions of Terms Relating to Manufactured Carbon and td. Meth. of Test for Tensile Stress Strain of Carbons and upported Booms, Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Guideline Spec, for Sodding and Soil Preparation Gra Gra Gra Grai (Gra: Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra; Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Grai Gi G: Gra G Gra Gra Gra Gra G G Gra G Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra G G n and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n and Its Products (Flour, Starch) (1972) n and Seed for Storage (1972) /Ensity, Specific Gr n and Seeds (1972) n and Seeds) (1972) n and Stock Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n Harvesting (1971) n Oriented, Silicon Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully P n Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / and Radiogr n Products, Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, n Products, Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, n Service (1964) n Sorghum and Other Vegetable Fats and Oils (1966) n Sorghum Starch Which Are Substantially Optically n Sorghum Starch (1960) /Tent of Corn Sugar (Crude n Sorghum, and Buckwheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n Sorghum, and Their Mixtures (1959) / Analytical n Storage Loads, Pressures, and Capacities (1968) n Wagons (1972) n Wood Block Flooring for Interior Use (1970) ANSI n (Cereal ChemUtry) (1962) n (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n (1971) n, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, ned Graphite Materials (1973) ns and Dried Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ns and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Mo ns and Grain Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / ns and Plant Materials of Comparable Content (1957) ns and Their Adjuncts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /F ns (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ns (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Dis /Eth. for Determining Insect Infestation ns (1958) ns (1968) ns (1973) ns, and Malted Cereals (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) ns, and Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Mpl ns. Beans, Peas, Lentils, Rice, and Other Commoditi ns. Flours, and Meals (1964) /Ber Content in Feeds ns. Foodstuffs Containing Vegetable Materials, Flou ns. Oilseeds. Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dair ns, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and and Beans (Cer ns, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans for Rode ns, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans (Cereal ns, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans (Cereal ns. Whole or Chopped Nuts, Spices, etc. (Cereal Che Grams at 14.0% Moisture (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Grandstands) (1973) /Uilding Code: Stairs, Exits and O Grandstands, Bleachers, etc.) (1973) Uniform Granite (1968) ANSI A91.1 Granite, Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; S Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and Marble Masonry (Granules in Flour or Starch Preparations Which Are Susc Granules (1970) ANSI A109.18 Std. Granules (1973) Grape, Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling Trees and Graphic Arts Sheet Films (photography) (1973) Graphic Arts (1972) Std. for Viewing Condition Graphic Representation of the Control Characters of Ame Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagra Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (Two-State Devices Graphical Symbols for Use on Railroad Maps and Profiles Graphite Articles at Room Temperatures (1969) ANSI K90. Graphite Articles by Physical Measurements (1969) ANSI Graphite by a Thermal Pulse Meth. (1972) ANSI K90.12 Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, Graphite Fibers for Structural Composites (GF 220 (1517 Graphite Materials (1973) Graphite Mechanical Materials (1971) ANSI K90.6 Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.1 Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.3 Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.4 Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.5 Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.10 Std. Meth. for Estimati Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.ll Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.8 Std Graphite (1972) Graphite (1972) Std Graphite ( 1973) Grapple, or Concrete Bucket Attachments (1971) /Rope S (Grass) (1972) AACCH ASAE ASAE ASAE ASAE AACCH ASAE ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH BAMI CR CR CR AACCH CR ASAE ASAE ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ANSI AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH CR AACCH AACCH AACCH CR ASAE ANSI AACCH AACCH AACCH CR CR AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ICBO ICBO ASTM ICBO ICBO AACCH ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASPA 02-01 D243.1 D241.1 D293 S352 30-20 S343 A665 28-95 86-80 86-70 •1 H-32 F-14 F-26 76-20 A-28 D240 R239 D1031 02-02 02-04 44-10 60-01 84-10 B74.16 44-15A C748 60-20 44-18 28-95 A-18 44-40 64-70 44-53 All D245.1 B74.17 56-8 IB 46-11 44-11 G-12 A-8 46-14 28-21 28-10 28-20 28-22 28-87 82-23 UBC*3-33 UFC»2ART26 C615 UBC»3-23 UBC*3-23 76-30A D1226 D249 Z60.1 PHI. 16 PH2.32 X3.32 Y32.9 91 Y32.7 C611 C559 C714 AMS3894A AMS3894/8 AMS3894/9 AMS3892/5 C748 C565 C558 C560 C561 C562 C626 C695 C624 C625 C709 C749 J220 •1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 185 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (or Gas Fired for Gas Fired for Gas Fired for Gas Fired 970) Friction Coefficients of Chopped Forages ng Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, 1) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec, for Crushed Stone, Slag, and Roof Coverings (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Std. rick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; ate of Sheet Materials (Paper) at High Te/ Std. Meth. for ead (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) les in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) d Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) a37.5 Std. Meth. of Test for Specific 7.6 Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Std. for Gas Fired Std aces (1972) Std Std Std Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Std. Volume and Specific Std. Meth. of Test for Phthalate Ester Color of High on. Bulk Density, Apparent Porosity, and Apparent Specific Std. Meth. of Test for Specific 33 Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Std. Meth. of Test for Specific or Api 1.96 Std. Meth. of Test for Density and Specific Std. Meth. of Test for Specific 2) ANSI A37.72 Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Std. Test Meth. for Specific Test Meth. for Specific for Apparent Porosity, Water Absorption, Apparent Specific tural Grain and Seed for Storage (1972/ Density, Specific ions (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis of Specific Std. Std. Positive Std. Std. Proofing Supplement Stock for Std. Pract. for Polyethylene Encasement for Std. for Polyethylene Encasement for Pract. for Production and Preparation of Std. Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Std. Spec, for Austenitic Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Std. Meth. of Test for Dropping Point of Lubricating Test Meth. for Continuous Scouring Wool Using Std. Raw d. Meth. for Measurement of Flow Properties of Lubricating . of Test for Water Washout Characteristics of Lubricating eth. of Test for Rust Preventive Properties of Lubricating Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Lubricating Spec, for Golf Putting h. for Chemical Analysis of Copper Phthalocyanine Blue and gs, Partitions, Exterior Veneer, Awnings and Patio Covers, isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl Blue and r Numerical Designation (Identification System) of Modular s (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food Dish Warmers, Hot Plates and Rec. for Operation of Std. for Tool and Cutter Fire Detection System ling. Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Mixing, Filter, Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and n Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products, Corn ion Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Meal, Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in Meal, c Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin in Whole Grain Products, ain. Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn , Calcine, Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Ganister Quarzite, allic Fluid Power Piston Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 Std. . Series) (1972) ANSI B93.35 Std. pe Piston Rings (1973) ANSI B93.32 Std. acket Bomb Calorimeter (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Collection of A per for Analysis of Urea in Cloth or Sack Fibers, Whole or oniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens; Rose Grades; Vines and Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for ation of Dispersible Nitrogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or nation of Dispersible Protein in Ground Soybeans, Whole or ysis of Moisture in Flour and Semolina; Bread; Feedstuffs, ed; Castor, Sesame, Safflower, Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Chrom/ Std. Classification of Single and Double Screened ids (19/ Std. Re iquids (1972) ANSI / zl67./ Std. Rec. gs (1973) 54) ISO 105-1 iso 1051 (Grass, Corn, Hay, Straw) (1968) ASAE D251 Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furnace Slag) (1973) ICBO UBCS26-2 Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Macadam Base Courses (197 ASTM D694 Gravel or Slag Surface) (1968) /Tion Data on Elastomer FMS 1-47 Gravel Sand and Anthrante Filtering Material (1972) AWWA B100 Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; ICBO UBC»3-23 Gravimetric Determination of Water Vapor Transmission R TAPPI T464 Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Ash of Br AACCH 40-30 Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Partic AACCH 28-02 Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Feeds an AACCH 40-57 Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Sulfates in Yeast Food AACCH 40-66 Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (1973) ANSI ASTM C127 Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate (1973) ANSI A3 ASTM C128 Gravity and Fan Type Direct Vent Wall Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z21.44 Gravity and Fan Type Floor Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z21.48 Gravity and Fan Type Sealed Combustion System Wall Furn ANSI Z21.44A Gravity and Fan Type Vented Wall Furnaces (1972) ANSI Z21.49 Gravity and Forced Air Central Furnaces (1973) ANSI Z21.47 Gravity and Porosity of Lump Coke (1973) ASTM D167 Gravity Correction Tables for Creosote and Coal Tar (Rl ASTM D347 Gravity Glycerin (1973) ASTM D1728 Gravity of Fired Whiteware Products (1972) /R Absorpti ASTM C373 Gravity of Gaseous Fuels (1973) ANSI Z77. 12 ASTM D1070 Gravity of Hydraulic Cement (1972) ANSI Al. 12, AshtoTl ASTM C188 Gravity of Liquid Asphalts by Hydrometer Meth. (1973) ASTM D3142 Gravity of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer (1968) ANSI Zl ASTM D1217 Gravity of Soils (1958 AASHOT100, ANSI A37. 146 ASTM D854 Gravity of Solid Pitch Asphalt Displacement Meth.) (197 ASTM D71 Gravity of Wood and Wood Base Materials (1969) ASTM D2395 Gravity of Wood Disks (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-12 Gravity, and Bulk Density of Burned Refractory Brick (1 ASTM C20 Gravity, and Weight-Moisture Relationships of Agricul ASAE D241.1 Gravity, Degrees Brix, and Degrees Baume of Sugar Solut AACCH 80-75 Gravure Color Bars (Printing) (1973) GT *1 Gravure Densities (Printing (1973) GT *2 Gravure Lateral Hard Dot Screen (1973) GT *3 Gravure Magazines (Printing) (1973) GT *5 Gravure Proofing Inks (Printing) (1973) GT *4 Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Pipe for Water or Other Liqu ASTM A674 Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Piping for Water and Other L AWWA C105 Gray Iron Castings for Porcelain Enameling (1970) ANSI ASTM C660 Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittin ASTM A126 Gray Iron Castings (1972) ASTM A159 Gray Iron Castings (1972A) ASTM A436 Gray Scale for Color Change (Textile Colorfastness) (19 AATCC EP1 Gray Scale for Staining (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) AATCC EP2 Grease of Wide Temperature Range (1972) ANSI Zll. 207 ASTM D2265 Grease Wool Yarn (1971) ANSI L14.84 AATCC 64 Greases at High Temperatures (1973) St ASTM D3232 Greases (1973) ANSI Zll. 124 Std. Meth ASTM D1264 Greases (1973) ANSI Zll. 152 Std. M ASTM D1743 Greases (1973) ANSI Zll. 72 ASTM D1092 Green Construction (1972) USGA *1 Green Pigments (1973) Std. Met ASTM D3256 Greenhouses, Canopies) (1973) /Ght Diffusers in Ceilin ICBO UBC»3-52 Green; Mineral Oil; Urease Tablets; Xanthyrol) (1962) AACCH 28-91 Grid Coordinates (1971) Std. Fo ANSI A62.8 Griddles, etc.) (1973) Std. for Gas Counter Appliance ANSI Z21.31 Grimes AB Dry Pipe Valve Accelerator (1973) FMS 2-56 Grinding Machine (1973) NSA 973 (Grinnell Protomatic Release F100) (1973) FMS LPD 2-92 Grit Chambers, and Flotation) (1973) /C, Holding, Sett NSF 41 (Grit Soap) Paste and Bar (1974) ASTM D2955 (Grit Soap) Powder (1974) ASTM D2957 Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Fat AACCH 46-23 Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Fat AACCH 46-24 Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and Flour (Ce AACCH 86-80 Grits, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 28-51 Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) ( AACCH 28-50 Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farina, Bread, AACCH 86-70 Grits, Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, Breakfast Cer AACCH 44-15A Grog, Kyanite, Magnesite, Mullite) (1970) ANSI A111.36 ASTM C316 Groove Dimensions for Floating Type Metallic and Nonmet NFLDP T3.19.ll Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Exclusion Devices (In NFLDP T3.19.7 Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Radial Compression Ty NFLDP T3.19.18 Gross Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Isothermal J ASTM D3286 Gross Sample of Coal (1972) ASTM D2234 Ground Cereal Grains, Whole or Chopped Nuts, Spices, Et AACCH 28-87 Ground Covers; Fruit Tree Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, ANSI Z60.1 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (1972) UL 943 Ground Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipment (1972) UL 1053 Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defat AACCH 46-23 Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defat AACCH 46-24 Ground Grains and Their Adjuncts (Cereal Chemistry) (19 AACCH 44-40 Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coconut, and Palm Oil NIOP »1 Ground Refractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine, ASTM C316 186 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (NSI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Nitrogen in x (PDI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Protein in Std. for Std. for Wire Cable Wrought Steel Heavy Thimble (For or Forged Carbon Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For for Chisel Plow, Field and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and radices: Chassis Frames-Passenger Car and Light Truck - Meth. of Analysis of Lipoxidase Activity of tion. Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Service (1973) Rec. Pract. for ring Systems) (1972) ANSI C33.8 Std. for Safety for Requirements, Terminology, and Test Procedure for Neutral Rec. for Protective er Systems (1972) ANSI C114.1 Rec. Pract. for fie Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, ose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, se 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, se 480 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, se 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, se 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, purpose 125/250 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 125 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 125 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes. 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking. fie Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, fie Purpose 600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, 08 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, 08 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, 80 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, 80 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking. 00 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, 00 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, res, 2/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Rec. for Lightning Arresters and tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Distribution and Structural s Locations. Class 1, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class 11, azardous Locations, Class I, Groups C and D, and Class II, Numbers, Cell Layouts and Ter/ Battery Replacement Data; Uniform Building Code Std. for Field Tests for Uniform Building Code Std. for Aggregates for High Lift nder the Uniform Building Code: Solid, Grouted, Reinforced lling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Solid, Definition and Recommendation for Materials for Rec. Pract. for Chemical Resistant Resin Tile Std. Spec, for Resin Chemical Resistant in Del Std. for Definition of and Maximum Dimensions for Std. for Manual Gas Tungsten Arc rage Batteries (1/ Rec. Domestic Marketing Std. Including Loss Prevention Data on Bonds and dure for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Rear Underride Std. for Pin Pulley nd Use of Central Station Protective Signaling Systems for on Systems / Minimum Operational Characteristics Vertical Std. for lous. Analog Torque Balance Accelerome/ Std. Spec. Format in Equipment as Received from Manufacturer (1969) ANSI C/ t Deck and for Reboarding from the Wa/ Stds. and Practice Ducted Electric Heat tage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmet/ Std. Application steam Propulsion Plant (1970) er Generating Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 IEEE Trial Use ding to Their Hazardous Potentialities (Safety) (19/ Std. ountings (1972) Std. for ete Pavements (1965) Rec. (light) (1973) Std. utdoor Metal Clad Switchgear (1971) ANSI C37.24 Std. Structural Design of Preferred Ratings, Manufacturing Spec, and Application reactor Vessels (1974) Std. Rec. 74) a Technical ice (1965) Rec. tage Inductive Test Currents (1972) ANSI C37.26 Std. Drafting special Permits for Radioactive / Std. for Administrative rs (1972) ANSI C50.30 als (Safety) (1973) Std. for Administrative Std. Rec. Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Ground Support Equipment (Hand Knob) (1974) Ground Support Equipment) (1974) Ground Support Equipment) (1974) Std. F Ground Tool Mountings (Farm Machinery) (1973) Std. Ground Vehicle Practices (1974) /Lated Documentation P Ground Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Groundbeds (1972) Rec. Pract. Design, Installa Grounded 830 V, 3 Phase Electrical System for Oil Field Grounding and Bonding Equipment (Internal Electrical Wi Grounding Devices (1972) Std. Grounding of Electrical Circuits and Equipment (1974) Grounding of Industrial and Commercial (Electrical) Pow Grounding Type 1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) / of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci / and Receptacles: Specific Purp /and Receptacles: Specific Purpo /and Receptacles: Specific Purpo /and Receptacles: Specific Purpo /and Receptacles: Specific Purpo /Lugs and Receptacles: Specific /Lugs and Receptacles: Specific /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /of Plugs and Receptacles: Spec /Plugs and Receptacles: Specific /Plugs and Receptacles: Specific /Ptacles: Specific Purpose 120/2 /Ptacles: Specific Purpose 120/2 /Ptacles: Specific Purpose 277/4 /Ptacles: Specific Purpose 277/4 /Ptacles: Specific Purpose 347/6 /Ptacles: Specific Purpose 347/6 Grounding Type, Specific Purpose, 277 Volts Ac, 15 Ampe Grounds (1974) Group Analysis of Petroleum Oils by the n-d-M Meth. (19 Group E, F, and G (1972) ANSI C33.83 / Use in Hazardou Group G (1972) ANSI C33.79 /Ighting Units for Use in H Group Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; Assembly Grout and Mortar (1973) Grout (1973) Grouted Reinforced Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) Grouted, Hollow Unit, Cavity Wall, and Stone Masonry (1 Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Cavity Wall, Grouting Ceramic Tile (1973) Grouts (1972T)(1972T) Grouts (1974) Grown Tires in Service for Use by Vehicle Manufacturers (Gta) Fusion Welding Equipment (1974) Guarantee Policy for Motor Vehicle Type (Lead Acid) Sto Guarantees for Roof Installations (1973) Guard (Safety (1971) Rec. Pract. Test Proce Guard (1972) Guard, Fire Alarm and Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI S Guidance Equipment Used in Airborne Volumetric Navigati Guidance Material for Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) Guide-Fastener, Low Form, Cowl, Dzus Type (1973) Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single Axis, Pendu Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil Guide for Aids to Security (Safety) of Personnel on Boa Guide for Air Handling Systems (1971) Guide for Capacitance Current Switching for AC High Vol Guide for Centralized Control and Automation of Ship's Guide for Ceramic Tile in Building Codes (1972) Guide for Class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Pow Guide for Classifying and Labeling Epoxy Products Accor Guide for Describing the Characteristics of Resilient M Guide for Design of Foundations and Shoulders for Concr Guide for Electrical Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on O Guide for Hardwood Plywood (1971) Guide for High Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Guide for Landfill Disposal of Solid Chemical Waste (19 Guide for Making a Condition Survey of Concrete in Serv Guide for Meth. of Power Factor Measurement for Low Vol Guide for Microfilm (1971) Guide for Obtaining Department of Transportation (DOT) Guide for Operation and Maintenance of Turbine Generato Guide for Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Materi Guide for Paint Inspectors (1973) AACCH 46-23 AACCH 46-24 NSA 1553 NSA 1045 NSA 1053 ASAE S225.1 ANSI Y14.32.1 AACCH 22-41 NACE RP-05-72 API 11M UL 467 IEEE 32 FMS 5-10 IEEE 142 ANSI C73.82 ANSI C73.85 ANSI C73.86 ANSI C73.87 ANSI C73.88 ANSI C73.89 ANSI C73.83 ANSI C73.84 ANSI C73.72 ANSI C73.73 ANSI C73.74 ANSI C73.75 ANSI C73.76 ANSI C73.79 ANSI C73.80 ANSI C73.81 ANSI C73.77 ANSI C73.78 ANSI C73.90 ANSI C73.91 ANSI C73.92 ANSI C73.93 ANSI C73.94 ANSI C73.95 ANSI C73.43 FMS 5-11 ASTM D3238 UL 1002 UL 781 BCI *1.56 ICBO UBCS24-23 ICBO UBCS24-24 BIA 17D ICBO UBC»8-11 ICBO UBC*8-I1 TCA *3-l ASTM C723 ASTM C658 TRA 1-13 NSA 961 BCI •1.15 FMS 1-47S SAE J260 NSA 427 NFPA 71 RTCA DO-152 IATA ♦ 1 NSA 67 IEEE 337 IEEE 64 ABYC A18 SMACN •12 IEEE 342 SNAME 3-23 TCA *4 IEEE 420 ANSI K68.1 ANSI S2.8 ACI 65-43 ANSI C78.375 IEEE 144 HPMA HP-SG-71 ANSI C37.32 ASTM E509 MCA SW-1 ACI 65-67 IEEE 330 NMA MS102 ANSI N14.10.2 IEEE 67 ANSI N14.10.1 ASTM D3276 Engineering and Product Standards Division 187 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1974) Std. Application Std. Rec. mers, with or Without Load Tap Changing (1971) Std. for erconnections (1973) lear Power Generating Stations (/ Trial Use Std.: General Plywood Construction (1972) Safety ipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) Ansi/ rials (1973) Std. otors and Generators (1/ Safety Std. for Construction and Coating Systems (Paint) a (1972) Rec. Selection and Usage 64) Rec. old During the Use of Internal Combustion Engines (1970) on to Nuclear Power Generating Station Protect/ Trial Use f Automatic Circuit Reclosers (1973) ANSI C37.61 Std. sheathing (Aluminum Construction Manual) (1969) rs (1972) Std. for effluents (1968) Rec. ermal Evaluation and Establishment of Temperature Indexe/ Z166.26 Std. Rec. e Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetric/ Std. Application for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) / Trial Use installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Po/ Trial Use Rec. Design Suggested t II-Characterization of Large Signal D/ Trial Use Std. (1972) 1972) ht and Passenger) (1971) d Hydropneumatic) for Lowering Personnel and Material (1/ 73) ster Tanks (1973) Specifying Sprayed Fireproofing unning Trim, Casework. Panelwork, Closet and Storage She/ art III Execution) (1972) II Products) (1972) ic (Polyvinyl Chloride) Duct Construction (1974) Stds., tallation of Propeller Shafting Sys/ Std. and Rec. Pract. lear Material Control Systems for Conversion Facilities (A terial Control Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (A rocessing Facilities (1973) Std. for derground Pipe, Fittings / Uniform Fire Code: Recommended Seals (1972) Rec. Pract. for marking of Compressed Gas Containers (1971) (1972) ANSI Z210.1 Std. Metric Pract. hy) (1973) Std. Photographic Film Exposure span Allowances, Storage, Finishes And/ Redwood Landscape Redwood Exterior ical Data) (1973) Redwood Interior cs, Material Composition, Use, Applicati/ Redwood Plywood Marine Deck Covering Reinforced Brick Masonry (Inspectors pe Wheels, Demountable Rims and Rim Spacers (Manufactures' ements Exposed to Rain During Construction (1974/ Interim service (1972) Std. X1972) try (1973) ts (Computer Software Documentation and Terminology) (19/ Tent. Rec. Pract. nts in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plast/ Std. for Use in Test. Organic Coating Systems (Coil) (1974) se (1974) Std. k Plumbing System (1973) Design Rules, ation of Power Transmission Units Penetrating the H/ Rec. uclear Power Generating Station Protection Sys/ Trial Use n of Plastic Polymers in Dry Powder Form by Means of Spray ted and Freshly Mixed Self Rising Flour (Cereal Chemistr/ Std. for Safety for Wireways, Auxiliary 973) ANSI C33.45 Std. for Safety for Wireways, Auxiliary ination Vehicles for Roadway Use Over 10,000 Lb. (4500 kg) Rec. Pract. Meth. for Determining GAWR and Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Guide for Porcelain Suspension (Power Line) Insulators NEMA HV2 Guide for Preparation of a Leak Test. Spec. (1973) ASTM E479 Guide for Preparation of Spec, for Large Power Transfor ANSI C57.97 Guide for Protective Relaying of Utility-Consumer Int IEEE 357 Guide for Qualifying Class I Electric Equipment for Nuc IEEE 323 Guide for Residential Building (1971) APA »2 Guide for Respiratory Protection Against Coal Mine Dust ANSI Z88.4 Guide for Seismic Qualification of Class I Electric Equ IEEE 344 Guide for Selection of Neutron Activation Detector Mate ASTM E419 Guide for Selection, Installation and Use of Electric M NEMA MG2 Guide for Ship Hull, Deck and Superstructure'(1973) SNAME 4-10 Guide for Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test Dat IEEE 101 Guide for Std. Steel Doors (1972) STDI 108 Guide for Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (19 ACI 64-39 Guide for Supplementary Ventilation in a Ship's Cargo H SNAME 4-14 Guide for Synchronous Motor Protection (1971) IEEE 329 Guide for the Application of the Single Failure Criteri IEEE 379 Guide for the Application, Operation, and Maintenance O IEEE 321 Guide for the Design of Aluminum Formed Sheet Building AA *11 Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Transduce ANSI B88.1 Guide for the Prediction of the Dispersion of Airborne ASME *1 Guide for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the Th IEEE 98 Guide for the Selection of Leak Test. Meth. (1971) ANSI ASTM E432 Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltag IEEE 328 Guide for Type Test of Class I Electric Valve Operators IEEE 382 Guide for Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class I Motors IEEE 334 Guide for Use of Admixtures in Concrete (1968) ACI 68-56 Guide for Wood Composition Board Wall Panels (1973) HPMA CB-SC-73 Guide Lines for Printed Wiring Board Repairs (1973) IPC R-700 Guide on Solid State Devices: Varactor Measurements Par IEEE 351 Guide Spec, for Accordion Folding Partitions (1972) CSI 10623 Guide Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Pipe (1972) CSI 15062.1 Guide Spec, for Clay Tile Roofing (1972) CSI 07350 Guide Spec, for Concrete Unit Masonry (1971) CSI 04220 Guide Spec, for Engineered Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) BIA 11C-11D Guide Spec, for Flagpoles, Metal, Wood and Fiberglass ( CSI 10350 Guide Spec, for Furring and Lathing (1972) CSI 09110 Guide Spec, for Hydraulic and Electric Elevators (Freig CSI 14200 Guide Spec, for Metal Toilet Partitions (1972) CSI 10182 Guide Spec, for Plastic Pipe (1972) CSI 15064.1 Guide Spec, for Platforms and Stage Lifts (Hydrualic an CSI 14430 Guide Spec, for Sheet Metal Roofing (1971) CSI 07610 Guide Spec, for Specifying: Gate Valves (1973) CSI 15101 Guide Spec, for Specifying: Precast Concrete Panels (19 CSI 03410 Guide Spec, for Specifying: Reinforced Fiberglass Polye CSI 15177.1 (Guide Spec.) (1972) CSI 09841 Guide Specs, for Architectural Woodwork: Standing and R AWI *1-1 Guide Specs, for Brick and Tile Masonry (Tech. Note) (P CSI 1 IB Guide Specs, for Brick Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part I and CSI 11A Guide Specs., and Materials Application for Thermoplast SMACN *11 Guide to Design, Construction, Materials, Size, and Ins ABYC P6 Guide to Practice) (1971) Std. for Nuc ANSI N15.4 Guide to Practice) (1974) Std. for Nuclear Ma ANSI N15.13 Guide to Principal Design Criteria for Nuclear Fuel Rep ANSI N101.3 Guide to Safe Practice Protection from Corrosion for Un ICBO UFC*2B Guide to the Application and Use of Radial Lip Type Oil SAE J946A Guide to the Preparation of Precautionary Labeling and CGA C7 Guide to the Use of SI (International System of Units) ASTM E380 Guide (Also Contains Suggested Techniques for Photograp ANSI PH2.7 Guide (Rec. for Garden Grades, Application and Design, CRA 3A5 Guide (Siding, Finish, Nails and Nailing) (1973) CRA 3A4 Guide (Spec, for Installation, Finishes and Other Techn CRA 3A7 Guide (Spec, for Texture and Grade, Panel Characteristi CRA 3A9 Guide (1969) SNAME 4-11 Guide) (Tech. Notes) (1963) BIA 17C Guide) (1963) /Cal Minimum Rec. Tolerances of Spoke Ty SAE J851 Guideline for Protection and Acceptance of Concrete Pav ACPA TB17 Guideline for the Physical Inspection of Wood Poles in AWPA M 13-72 Guideline Spec, for Sodding and Soil Preparation (Grass ASPA *1 Guidelines and Stds. for the Paperboard Packaging Indus PPC *1 Guidelines for Describing Information Interchange Forma ANSI X10.1 Guidelines for Driveway Design and Location (1972) ITE *8 Guidelines for Safe Installation of Electrical Instrume ISA S12.ll Guidelines for Selection and Preparation of Test Panels NCCA TB-HI-5 Guidelines for Thesaurus Structure, Construction, and U ANSI Z39.19 Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper Solvent Single Stac CDA *1 Guides for Design, Construction, Materials, and Install ABYC P16 Guide: General Principles for Reliability Analysis of N IEEE 352 Gun or Fluidized Bed (Fire Protection) (1973) /Licatio FMS 7-27 Gustafson Meth. of Analysis for Original Ash in Phospha AACCH 08-15 Gutters and Associated UL 370 Gutters, and Associated Fittings (Electrical Wiring) (1 UL 870 GVW (1972) /Test Procedure for Trucks, Buses, and Comb SAE J294 GVWR for Truck Trailer Certification (1972) TTMA RP39 Gypsum and Products (1972) ASTM C471 Gypsum Backing Board (1972) ASTM C442 188 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Uniform Building Code Std. for Water Resistant Uniform Building Code Std. for r (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, for Fire Barrier pose Roofs (Wood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt ni track) and Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Application 01 Std. Spec, for of Diaphragms / Uniform Building Code Std. for Reinforced Structural Deck (Roofing); Uniform Building Code Std. for Specifying Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, for Interior code Std. for Perlite, Vermiculite and Sand Aggregates for Std. Meth. for Physical Test, of Uniform Building Code Std. for Test. Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, for Dental r Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and Precast Slabs, and Poured Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Building Code Std. for Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster and Hation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw Attached Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Adhesives for Fastening Uniform Building Code Std. for Adhesives for Fastening Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for std. for Mortar for Unit and Reinforced Masonry Other Than (1974) Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Steel Inspection and Quality Control of First Generation Silver Std. Spec, for Primary Std. Spec, for Fixation Pins-Knowles and Rec. Against Roof Leakage of Buildings Not Due to .2 Std. for Safety for dried Pe/ Meth. of Analysis of External Insect and Rodent Std. Meth. of Test for Cashmere Coarse Std. Spec, for Maximum Cashmere Coarse g Applications (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Rubberized Curled in Cereal Grains and Grain Products (Cer/ Insects, Rodent drolysis Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Versene Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent igestion Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent ieving Meth. of Analysis for Dirt, Sand, Insect Fragments, mixtures (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble tals (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Hall Mobility and ductor Single Crystals (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Rec. for ) Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Halide Ion in ) Std. Meth. of Test for Acidity Alkalinity of ux Me/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonamine Acid Acceptance of using Rota/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonvolatile Residue of Spec, for Powdered Spec, for Powdered Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Die and Std. for Ground Support Equipment graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated for (1971) Std. Spec, for ce Industry (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Dry Transformers, a Backed Paint Film (Coil/ Spec, for Conducting a Solvent Test Meth. for Chip Classification Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Rec. Uniform Building Code Std. for emolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Std. for Driving and Spindle Ends for Portable g Practices) (1971) ion, Flat, and Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology,/ ) (1973) Concrete Construction Design is and Assembly (1972) Std. for ilders' Hardware: Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and 1) Rec. Health Safety Practices for sc Type Packages (1973) Std. for 1973) API Bui D15 Rec. Pract. for Properties and Essential Information for Safe Safe 973) Safe Safe Properties and Essential Information for Safe Properties and Essential Information for Safe 72) Safe Std. for Safe Properties and Essential Information for Safe Gypsum Backing Board (1973) ICBO UBCS47-13 Gypsum Backing Board (1973) ICBO UBCS47-6 Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster and Gypsum Veneer Plaste ICBO UBCS4714 Gypsum Board Membrane (1972T) ASTM C707 '"Vpsum Board Underlayment) (1973) /Td. for Special Pur ICBO UBCS32-14 Gypsum Board (1974) /L) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners ( ASTM C645 Gypsum Casting and Molding Plaster (1973) ANSI A49.4 ASTM C59 Gypsum Concrete and Precast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Ro ICBO UBCS24-I3 Gypsum Concrete (1973) NRCA *2-I13 Gypsum Lath (1973) ICBO UBCS47-7 Gypsum Masonry and Mortar (1967) CSI 04280 Gypsum Molding Plaster (1973) ICBO UBCS47-12 Gypsum Partition Tile or Block (1973) ICBO UBCS24-11 Gypsum Plaster (1972) CSI 09150 Gypsum Plaster (1973) Uniform Building ICBO UBCS47-3 Gypsum Plasters and Concrete (1973) ASTM C472 Gypsum Plasters and Concrete (1973) ICBO UBCS2426 Gypsum Plastics (1973) ICBO UBCS47-8 Gypsum Products (1971) ADA 25 Gypsum Roof Diaphragms (1973) /M Building Code Std. Fo ICBO UBCS2413 Gypsum Sheathing Board (1973) ICBO UBCS47-9 Gypsum Sheet Material to Light Gage Steel Studs (1972) ASTM C646 Gypsum Veneer Plaster (1973) Uniform ICBO UBCS4714 Gypsum Wallboard and Backing Board (1971) /. for Insta ANSI A97.2 Gypsum Wallboard Tape and Joint Compound (1973) ICBO UBCS47-5 Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framing (1973) ASTM C557 Gypsum WaUboard to Wood Framing (1973) ICBO UBCS47-2 Gypsum WaUboard (1973) ICBO UBCS47-10 Gypsum WaUboard (1973) ANSI A69.1 ASTM C36 Gypsum (1973) ICBO UBCS24-12 Gypsum (1973) Uniform Building Code ICBO UBCS24-21 H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in Marine Environments ASTM A690 Habide Microfilm (1972) Rec. Pract. NMA MS104 Hafnium Metal Sponge and Other Forms (1967) ANSI N134 ASTM B414 Hagie Types (1973) ASTM F368 Hail or Wind (1972) FMS LPD1-4 Hair Clipping and Shaving Appliances (1973) ANSI C33.36 UL 1028 Hair Contamination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, AACCH 28-20 Hair Content in Cashmere (1971) ASTM D2816 Hair Content in Cashmere (1971) ASTM D2817 Hair for Cushioning Materials for Upholstery and Beddin ASTM D2128 Hair, and Radiographic Illustration and Classification AACCH 28-95 Hairs in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid Hy AACCH 28-41 Hairs in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Tween AACCH 28-60 Hairs in Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Atting D AACCH 28-70 Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in Starch AACCH 28-75 Halide Ion in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Ad ASTM D2988 HaU Coefficient in Extrinsic Semiconductor Single Crys ASTM F76 HaU Mobility and HaU Coefficient in Extrinsic Semicon ASTM F76 Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Agent Systems (1973) FMS 4-8N Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974 ASTM D2988 Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974 ASTM D2989 Halogenated Organic Solvents, Degreasing Grade (Nonrefl ASTM D2942 Halogenated Solvent Extract from Aerospace Components ( ASTM F331 Hand Cleaner (Soap with Borax) (1972T) ASTM D3046 Hand Cleaner (Soap with Vegetable Scrubber) (1972T) ASTM D3047 Hand Forgings (1973) ANSI H38.8 ASTM B247 (Hand Knob) (1974) NSA 1553 Hand Layup (1973) SAE AMS3894A Hand Operated Chain Hoists for Industrial Applications HMI 200 Hand Power Tools, Hermatic Stators, Te9t. and Safety) ( EASA *1 Hand Rub Test for the Determination of Deg. of Cure of NCCA TB II 18 (Hand Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-13 Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) Paste and Bar (1974) ASTM D2955 Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) Powder (1974) ASTM D2957 Hand Signals for Use in Agriculture (1972) ASAE R351 Hand Split Shakes (1973) ICBO UBCS32-8 Hand Washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and S AACCH 38-10 Hand, Air, and Electric Tools (1973) ANSI B107.4 Handbook for Library Binding (Rec. for Good Book Bindin LBI *2 Handbook of Spring Design: Compression, Extension, Tors SMI *3 Handbook (Beam, Slab, Footing, Column and Other Members ACI SP17 Handle, Latching Internal and External Release Componen NSA 1637 Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick Plates; Bol NBHA 8 Handling and Fabricating Asbestos Textile Products (197 ATI *4 Handling and InstaUation of Power Semiconductors in Di EIA JED11 Handhng and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield Acids ( NACE RP-02-73 Handling and Use of Acetic Acid (1973) MCA SD41 Handling and Use of AcrylonitrUe (1974) MCA SD31 Handling and Use of AUyl Chloride (Chemical Safety) (1 MCA SD99 Handling and Use of Butadiene (1974) MCA SD55 Handling and Use of Caustic Soda (1974) MCA SD9 Handling and Use of Chloroform (1974) MCA SD89 Handling and Use of Ethyl Acetate (Chemical Safety) (19 MCA SD51 Handling and Use of Ethylene (1973) MCA SD100 Handling and Use of Paraformaldehyde (1974) MCA SD6 Engineering and Product Standards Division 189 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Properties, Safe Safe Properties and Essential Information for the Safe n Residential and Commerical Fuel Burning, Dispensing, and Safety Requirements for Storage and , Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow/ Uniform Fire Code: Storage and Rec. for Storage and rm Fire Code: Manufacture of Organic Coatings (Paint), and one. Alcohol,/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Storage and con/ Std. for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Std. for the Storage and g More Than 2% Free Ammonia (1970) Std. for Storage and Std. Pictorial Markings for (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Storage and Rec. for Safe code: Automobile Wrecking and Junk Yards or Waste Material tractors (1973) Air Std. for Load Ducted Electric Heat Guide for Air 74) Std. for Central Station Air Uniform Building Code: Film Storage and Std. for Screw Conveyors (Materials spec, for Cargo Unit Load Devices (Materials Transport and Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and Receiving-Materials Quality Stds. for Stairwork and nd Storage Shelving, Misc. Ornamental Items, Stairwork and devices, Pulls, Push and Kick / Basic Builders' Hardware: ormance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Curtain Fabrics quirements for Woven Glass Fiber Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics xtile) (1973) Meth. of Test for Effect of orm Fire Code: Airports, Heliports, Helistops and Aircraft Std. Gravure Lateral tions (1974) ANSI H23.8 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Rec. Pract. for Special Quality High Tensile, Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, High Tensile Strength, Std. for R-40 Bulb c/ Rec. Pract. for Surface Preparation of Steel and Other Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of nd Alimentary Pa/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Materials Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, or Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon, Strip, Cold Rolled Std. for Hardwood Veneered Including Std. for Prefinished Std. for Industry Std. for Std. for Basic Std. for Rec. Pract. for Bolts and Screws, Steel, Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Heat Resistant, 195,000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Std. Meth. of Test for Length Change of structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain ANSI H38.23 orging Stock for High Tempe/ ing Stock for High Temperat/ k Tor High Temperature Serv/ Temperature Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Precipitation Std. Spec, for Precipitation Std. Spec, for Precipitation Std. Spec, for Precipitation hapes (1/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age ec. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation ec. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Ordering, Shipping, and Billing of Merchandise Within the materials (1974) ANSI Z/ Std. Meths. of Test for Rockwell ween Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Rockwell Superf/ Std. Spec, for Determination of Relative Pencil Rec. Pract. for Gogan 55.12 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Rockwell Meth. of Test for Knoop Indentation Std. Meth. of Test for Vickers Std. Meth. of Test for Brinell hs. of Test for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Std. Rec. Pract. for Scleroscope ell, Vickers, Rockwell and Rockwell Superficial, and Knoop 1 Std. Spec, for Copper Zinc Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Rec. Procedure for Processing 1 oors (1973) ANSI A143.1 -Application) (1972) (1972) Safety Std. for Swinging Safety Std. for Sliding Rec. Spec, for Builders' Rec. Minimum Rec. Std. Steel Door, Frame and Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Builders Handling and Use of Phosphorus Trichloride (1972) MCA SD27 Handling and Use of Propylene (1974) MCA SD59 Handling and Use of Vinyl Chloride (1972) MCA SD56 Handling Chlorine in Tank Motor Vehicles (1973) CHI 49 Handling Facilities (1974) ANSI B150.1 /Lizer Grade) I UL 331 Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia (1972) FI P130 Handling of Combustible Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen ICBO UFC*2ART7 Handling of Compressed Gases in Cylinders (1974) FMS 7-50 Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Solid ICBO UFC*2ART34 Handling of Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acet ICBO UBCS10-1 Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the ANSI N45.2.2 Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (1972) NFPA 58 Handling of Nitrogen and Fertilizer Solutions Containin FI P145 Handling of Nondangerous Goods (1972) ANSI MH6.1 Handling of Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose Films ICBO UBCS48-1 Handling of Radioactive Materials (1964) NCRPM R30 Handling Plants (1973) Uniform Fire ICBO UFC«2ART3 Handling Spec, for Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Con SMACN »3 Handling Symbols for Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) ANSI MH11.3 Handling Systems (1971) SMACN *12 Handling Units (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) (19 ARI 430 Handling (Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose) (1973) ICBO UBC'3-48 Handling) (1971) ANSI MH4.7 CEMA 350 Handling) (1973) NSA 3610 Handling) (1973) Shipper-Motor Carrier Dock ANSI MH8.1 Handrails (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) AWI *l-800 Handrails, Exterior Frames and Sash, Screens, Blinds an AWI *1-1 Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit NBHA 8 Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Institutional T ANSI L24.1.3 Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Institutional T ANSI L24.1.9 Handwashing on Woven Glass Fiber Decorative Fabrics (Te ANSI L24T1 Hangers (1973) Unif ICBO UFC*2ART33 Hard Dot Screen (1973) GT *3 Hard Drawn Copper Capillary Tube for Restrictor Applica ASTM B360 Hard Drawn for Mechanical Springs (1971) ANSI G54.1 ASTM A227 Hard Drawn for Prestressing Concrete Pipe (1973) ASTM A648 Hard Drawn Mechanical Spring Wire and Springs (1972) SAE J271 Hard Drawn, for Mechanical Springs (1973) ASTM A679 (Hard Glass) Mogul Screw Base Incandescent (1966) ANSI C78.255 Hard Materials by Water Blasting Prior to Coating or Re NACE RP-01-72 Hard Rubber (1972) ASTM D2707 Hard to Hydrate in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, a AACCH 28-32 Hard, Medium Hard, or Soft (1972) ANSI C7.8 ASTM B8 Hard, or Soft (1972) ANSI C7.8 Std. Spec. F ASTM B8 Hard, Untempered Spring Quality (1973) ASTM A680 Hardboard and Plastic Faced Hush Doors (1973) NWMA I.S.I Hardboard Paneling (1973) ANSI A135.5 USC PS59 Hardboard Siding (1973) ANSI A135.6 USC PS60 Hardboard (1970) AHA IS 1-70 Hardboard (1973) USC PS58 Hardenability Bands for Alloy H Steels (1971) SAE J407C Hardenability Bands for Carbon H Steels (1971) SAE J776D Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threaded (1973) SAE AMS7455D Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threaded (1973) /D Screws, SAE AMS7459B Hardened Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974) ANSI A37. 78 ASTM C157 Hardened Washers (1971) ANSI G38.6 /H Steel Bolts for ASTM A325 Hardeners Used in Making Zinc Die Casting Alloys (1965) ASTM B327 Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and F ASTM A639 Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forg ASTM A638 Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stoc ASTM A637 Hardening Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High ASTM A670 Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and S ASTM A564 Hardening (Maraging), 12% Nickel (1972A) Std. Sp ASTM A590 Hardening (Maraging), 18% Nickel (1972A) ANSI G35. 17 ASTM A538 Hardgoods (Hardware) Industry (1972) /Ion Flow Used in NWHA *1 Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic ASTM E18 Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Bet ASTM E140 Hardness of a Paint Film (Coil Coating) (1974) NCCA TB-II-12 Hardness of Brake Lining (1972) SAE J379A Hardness of Electrical Contact Materials (1972) ANSI Zl ASTM B277 Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite Materials (1973) ASTM C748 Hardness of Glass (1972T) ASTM C730 Hardness of Metallic Materials (1972) ANSI Zl 15.7 ASTM E92 Hardness of Metallic Materials (1973) ANSI Z115.5 ASTM E10 Hardness of Metallic Materials (1974) ANSI Zl 15.6, Asht ASTM E18 Hardness Test, of Metallic Materials (1972) ASTM E448 Hardness) (1972) ANSI Z76.4 /Relationship Between Brin ASTM E140 Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars, and Shapes (1972) ANSI H33. ASTM B140 Hardware for Custom Aluminum Doors (1972) NBHA »1 Hardware for School Buildings (1957) NBHA *5 Hardware for Std. Tin Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A133. UL 14C Hardware for Std., Horizontally Mounted Tin Clad Fire D UL 14B Hardware on Std. Steel Doors and Frames (Reinforcement STDI 107 Hardware Reinforcing Garages on Steel Doors and Frames NBHA *10 Hardware Schedule (1972) STDI 11 ID Hardware Schedules and Specs. (1961) NBHA *3 190 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Procedure for Processing Rec. Pract. for Safety Std. for Panic (Emergency) Rec. Locations for Builders' and Chromium on Metal Parts-Automotive Ornamentation and Std. for Builders Cabinet Std. for Sliding and Folding Door shipping, and Billing of Merchandise Within the Hardgoods Std. for Butts and Hinges for Doors (Builders Std. for Auxiliary Locks les; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick / Basic Builders' Rules for the Measurement and Inspection of Std. for Laminated Structural Design Guide for and Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch, California Redwood and Flush Doors (1973) Std. for in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 3) Std. for Electrical Std. Dimensions for Compatible Operation of Forage Std. for Terminology for Combines and Grain for Determination of Film Adhesion on All Metals by Cross Test Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion by Cross the Road Vehicles: Earthmoving. Mining and Logging (Short Friction Coefficients of Chopped Forages (Grass, Corn, cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Uniform Building Code Std. Test. Meth. for Fire 1974) Tent. Rec. for Electrolytic Chlorine Processes (Explosion Rec. Pract. for Reducing the Fire tile Solids (1973) Std. for Fire Uniform Fire Code: Suppression and Control of osion, and Detonation Protection) (1973) Manual of 1973) Rec. for Uniform Fire Code: als. Metal Dusts) (1973) Std. for Area Classification in delines for Safe Installation of Electrical Instruments in ues and Instrumentation for the Measurement of Potentially Class II, G/ Safety Std. for Electric Heaters for Use in ged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Std. for Safety for Electric Lighting Fixtures for Use in Receptacles and Connectors of the Pin and Sleeve Type for Safety Std. for Receptacle-Plug Combinations for Use in safety Std. for Circuit Breakers and Enclosures for Use in Safety Std. for Industrial Control Equipment for Use in for Safety for Electric Motors and Generators for Use in for Safety for Portable Electric Lighting Units for Use in Safety Std. for Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Safety Std. for Electrically Operated Valves for Use in Groups E/ Safety Std. for Electrical Switches for Use in classifying and Labeling Epoxy Products According to Their f Mechanical Drive Turbines (1974) Fire and Automatic Feedwater Regulators for Boilers (197/ Fire Fire le and Combustible Materials (Fire Safety) (1974) Fire paper (1974) Fire d Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Plants (Fire and Wind i C95.4 Safeguards Against Radio Frequency Radiation 270.1 Std. for Control of Gas Std. Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Hydrochloric Acid, raphic Grade P-Aminophenol Hydrochloride HOC s H 4 Nh 2 photographic Grade Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, (Nh 2 OH . Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding ighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH10 Std. for Metal ighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-140 Std. for Metal rivet-100 Deg. Countersunk Head Hi Shear Close Tolerance Std. for 100 Deg. Close Tolerance t. for Instrument Panel Laboratory Impact Test Procedure • 74) Std. for Solid 100 Deg. Flush Shear Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Serrated Std. for 450 Deg. F Closed End Self Locking Serrated Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Elliptical Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Protruding std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Std. for Bulbed Spindle Mechanically Locked Protruding std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Std. for Full Threaded, 160 KSI Steel, Drilled Std. for Shear Hexagon Wire, Medium High Carbon Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon r Alloy Steel Wire, Alloy Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Std. for Screw, Machine, 100 Deg., Flat Std. for Rivet-100 Deg. Countersunk Std. Part Bolt, 100 Deg. Flush Tension 9 Std. Dimensions for Accessories for Cataloged Square Std. Slotted and Recessed Hardware Schedules and Templates (1971) Hardware Test, of Digital Process Computers (1971) Hardware (Outward Opening Door Releasing Device) (1973) Hardware (1964) Hardware (1970) Std. for Electroplating of Nickel Hardware (1971) Hardware (1971) (Hardware) Industry (1972) /Ion Flow Used in Ordering, Hardware) (1970) (Hardware) (1971) Hardware: Hands of Doors; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Hand Hardwood and Cypress Lumber (1971-75) Hardwood Block Flooring (1971) Hardwood Plywood (1971) Hardwood Timber (1973) / Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern Hardwood Veneered Including Hardboard and Plastic Faced Harland and Ashworth Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein Harness Assembling Machine, Numerically Controlled (197 Harvesters, Wagons and Blowers (1972) Harvesting (1971) Hatch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting (Coil Coating) Hatch Tape Test (Coil Coating) (1974) Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loa Hay, Straw) (1968) Hay, Straw, Spanish Moss, Excelsior, etc.) (1973) /W, Hazard Classification of Building Materials (1973) Hazard Classifications of Organic Peroxides (Plastic) ( Hazard During Manufacture) (1974) Hazard of Static Electricity (1973) Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Vola Hazardous Areas (1973) Hazardous Chemical Reactions (Incandescence, Fire, Expl Hazardous Chemicals Data (Fire Protection and Safety) ( Hazardous Chemicals (1973) Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemic Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemic Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation at Microwave Freque Hazardous Locations Glass I, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Hazardous Locations (1972) ANSI C 106.1 Std. for Pur Hazardous Locations (1972) ANSI C33.28 Hazardous Locations (1973) Std. for Electrical Plugs, Hazardous Locations (1973) ANSI C33.97 Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups AD, Class II, Gro Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups C and D (1973) Ans Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups C and D, and Class Hazardous Locations, Class II, Groups E, F, and G (1973 Hazardous Locations, Class 1, Groups A, B, C, and D, an Hazardous Locations: Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Hazardous Potentialities (Safety) (1972) /. Guide for Hazards and Protection for Maintenance and Inspection O Hazards and Protection Rec. for Low Water Fuel Cutoffs Hazards and Protection Rec. for Textile Mills (1974) Hazards and Protection Std. for Rack Storage of Flammab Hazards Anf Protection Rec. for Indoor Storage of Roll Hazards at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular Hous Hazards in the Use of Electric Blasting Caps (1971) Ans Hazards on Vessels (Ships) to Be Repaired (1972) ANSI Z Hazards (1971) HCI (1972) HCI (1972) Std. Spec, for Photog Hci) (Hydroxylammonium Chloride) (1973) /D. Spec, for Head-Oversize (1973) Head-Oversize (1973) Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway L Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway L Head and Shank (1973) Std. for Head and Shank, 160,000 psi Short Thread Bolt (1974) Head Area (1971) Rec. Prac Head A286 Corrosion Resistant Steel and Monel Rivet (19 Head Blind Nut (1974) Head Blind Nut (1974) Head Blind Nut (1974) Head Blind Rivet (1974) Head Blind Rivet (1974) Head Blind Rivet (1974) Head Blind Rivet (1974) Head Bolt (1972) Head Bolt (1973) Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.15 Std. Spec, for Steel Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.16 Std. Spec. Fo Head Full Threaded, Alloy Steel (1973) Head Hi Shear Close Tolerance Head and Shank (1973) Head Hi Torque Recess Alloy Steel, 160,000 psi (1973) Head Industrial Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.2 Head Machine Screws and Machine Screw Nuts (1972) NBHA •7 ISA RP55.1 UL 305 NBHA •9 SAE J207 BHMA 201 BHMA 401 NWHA •1 ANSI A156.1 BHMA 501 NBHA 8 NHLA •1 HPMA LF-71 HPMA HPSG-71 ICBO UBCS25-11 NWMA I.S.I AACCH 46-21 NSA 974 ASAE S328.1T ASAE S343 NCCA TBII-16 NCCA TB-II-5 TRA 3 ASAE D251 ICBO UFC»2ART7 ICBO UBCS42-1 FMS 7-81 FMS 7-34 FMS 5-8N FMS 7-19 ICBO UFC«2E FMS 7-21N FMS 7-23N ICBO UFC*2ART19 ISA S12.10 ISA S12.ll ANSI C95.3 UL 823 NFPA 496 UL 844 NEMA FB11 UL 1010 UL 877 UL 698 UL 674B UL 781 UL 674A UL 1002 UL 894 ANSI K68.1 FMS 13-9 FMS 12-37 FMS 7-1 FMS 8-33N FMS 8-21 FMS 7-90 IME 20 NFPA 306 ANSI Z53.1 ANSI PH4.104 ANSI PH4.129 ANSI PH4.187 NSA 1725 NSA 1729 EEI TDJ-140 NEMA SH10 NSA 525 NSA 1202 SAE J921B NSA 1200 NSA 1731 NSA 1732 NSA 1734 NSA 1738 NSA 1739 NSA 1768 NSA 1769 NSA 563-572 NSA 1303-20 ASTM A546 ASTM A547 NSA 514 NSA 525 NSA 583 NFLDP T3.6.8 ANSI B18.6.3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 191 National Bureau of Standards KWI..C Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Hexagon al Wash-Whites 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum Hot Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Low Std. for Hi Shear Protruding Std. for Hi Shear 100 Deg. Flush Close Tolerance attachment (Preferred) (1974) Std. for Pan Std. for Hex ternally Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weight, Millable Std. for Square Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type Protruding Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type 100 Deg. Std. for Self Locking, Hexagon Dimensions for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Square d. Self Locking and Nonlocking / Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Std. for Punches-Variable, Angle Std. for Punches-Basic, Combination Angle Std. for Punches: Basic Angle Std. for Punches-Basic, Cylindrical Std. for Die Buttons, Variable, Press Fit, Headless and Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Removable Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Tight Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Removable Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight 974) Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Removable Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Tight Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Tight 1974) Std. Spec, for 57 Cal. Full Removable 1974) Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Removable 1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable 40, Nmfc-Item 260, Dot-/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Tight Std. for Screw-100 Deg. Close Tolerance Flat alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286. 100 Deg for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Std. for Bolt-Tee Std. for Machine Bolt, Crowned Hexagon ocking and Nonlocking (1972) locking and Nonlocking (1972) eking and Nonlocking (1972) eking and Nonlocking (1972) crew (1972) itanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking An/ Hoy Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocki/ 286 Acres, Self Locking and Nonlocking (197/ Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. for Pan for Bolt. Pan for Bolt, Pan Std. for Pan Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. for Bolt, Hex Std. Std. ad. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972/ read. Self Locking and Nonlocking (19/ Std. for Self Locking, Flat 100 Deg. Std. for Self Locking, Pan Std. for Self Locking, Flat Fillister Std. for Screw, Machine, Pan Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat Fillister Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat 100 Deg. Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Std. for Rivet-Flat Std. for Protruding Std. for Blind, 100 Deg. Flush Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable Std. for Bolt-Machine, Hexagon e Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Pan steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Pan r Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension in, Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension n, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Shear ernally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, Flush rnally Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weight, Protruding lly Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose, Protruding ternally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose, Flush Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding king and Nonlocki/ -4V, Self-Locking/ -Locking and Nonl/ item 260) (1974) Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head •Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Head, Modified Short Thread Shear Bolt (1972) Press (300-330 Deg. F) Finishing, Shirt Unit, Pa Pressure Pipe (1973) Rivet (1972) Rivet (1972) Screw and Assembled Washers— Electrical Terminal Screw, Recessed, Full Thread (1973) Self Locking) (1972) /Td. for Fastener (Blind, in Setscrews (1969) Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Shear Bolt (1974) Tie Rod Type Industrial Fluid Power Cylinders (197 Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Threa Type and Related Quill Bushings (1972) Type and Related Quill Bushings (1972) Type and Related Quill Bushings (1972) Type and Related Quill Bushings (1972) Type, Step Relief (19721 Universal Drum (Dot-5B) (1974) Universal Drum (DOT-17H) (1968) Universal Drum (Dot-17E) (1974) Universal Drum (Dot-17H) (1974) Universal Drum (Dot-17C) (1974) Universal Drum (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1 Universal Drums (Dot-17E) (1974) Universal Drums (Dot-17E) (1974) Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) ( Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) ( Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) ( Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc-Rule 160,000 psi (1973) (MS20426), Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium (MS20426), Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type (1973) (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type (1973) (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. (MS20426), Tension, Stump Type (1973) (Ms20426, Tension, Stump Type (1973) (MS24694), Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) (MS24694), Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) (MS24694), Tension, Pull Type (1973) (MS24694), Tension, Pull Type (1973) (MS24694), Tension, Stump Type (1973) (MS24694), Tension, Stump Type (1973) (Ms2494), Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. (1973) (1973) (1973) Adjusting (1973) Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self L Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Threads, Self Lo Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Lo Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Torq Set Machine S Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Recess, T Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, a Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, a Close Tolerance, Titanium Alloy (1972) Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Thre Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy, Short Th Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Self-Loc Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy, 6A1 Full Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self Hi Shear, Close Tolerance Shank (1973) Locked Spindle Blind Rivet (1972) Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc- Nonmagnetic, and Heat Resistant (1973) Phillips Recess Full Threaded, Alloy Steel Machin Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 psi Alloy Pull Type (1973) Pull Type (1973) Pull Type (1973) Self Locking) (1972) Self Locking) (1972) Self Locking) (1972) Self Locking) (1972) Shear Stump Type (1973) Shear / Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. Fo Std. for P Std. for Pi Fastener (Blind, Int / for Fastener (Blind, Inte /R Fastener (Blind, Interna /Td. for Fastener (Blind in NSA 1103-20 ANSI L24.4.12 ASTM C361 NSA 1054 NSA 1055 NSA 720 NSA 1096 NSA 1674 SAE J 102 NSA 2605 NSA 2705 NSA 1223 NFLDP T3.6.11 NSA 5800-6 ANSI B94.38 ANSI B94.39 ANSI B94.41 ANSI B94.44 ANSI B94.43 ANSI MH2.3 ANSI MH2.5 ANSI MH2.7 ANSI MH2.13 ANSI MH2.4 ANSI MH2.2 ANSI MH2.1 ANSI MH2.6 ANSI MH2.11 ANSI MH2.12 ANSI MH2.14 ANSI MH2.9 NSA 517 NSA 2115 NSA 2315 NSA 1535 NSA 6955 NSA 1475 NSA 6925 NSA 6915 NSA 2105 NSA 2306 NSA 1516 NSA 6946 NSA 1486 NSA 1546 NSA 1456 NSA 1724 NSA 1728 NSA 28 NSA 428 NSA 6604-20 NSA 6203-20 NSA 6704-20 NSA 6303-20 NSA 1131-38 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5000-6 NSA 5100-6 NSA 1266-70 NSA 6804-20 NSA 6403-20 NSA 1189 NSA 1190 NSA 1191 NSA 1100 NSA 1101 NSA 1102 NSA 5400-06 NSA 5500-06 NSA 5300-06 NSA 529 NSA 1398 NSA 1399 ANSI MH2.8 NSA 1003 NSA 600 NSA 623 NSA 7004 NSA 7024 NSA 1436 NSA 1672 NSA 1673 NSA 1669 NSA 1670 NSA 1424 NSA 7014 192 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, Protruding r Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Std. for Machine Screw, Flat 100 Deg. Std. for Machine Screw, Pan 3) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding 3) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown 3) Std. for Bolt Lock, Shear, Protruding 3) Std. for Bolt Lock, Shear, 100 Deg. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Shear Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres. 100 Deg. Shear Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown std. for Pin, Swage Locking. Std. and Oversize, Protruding Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Crown Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Std. for Bolt-Close Tolerance, Hexagon Std. for Bolt, Flat, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt. Brazier Std. for Bolt, Flat. 100 Deg. Reduced king (1973) ocking and Nonlocking (1973) g (1972) ing and Nonlocking (1972) king and Nonlocking (1972) king and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Screw, Hex Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Std. for Screw, Hex Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Oval Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Std. for Screw, Pan Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. ng Thread, Self Locking and Nonl/ ort Thread. Self-Locking and Non/ ort Thread, Nonlocking (/ Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Reduced t Thread. Self Locking and Nonlo/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. t Thread, Nonlocking (19/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced ad. Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Screw. Hex Std. for Bolt, Shear, Hexagon ly Threaded. External Sleeve. High Temperature, Protruding rs (1972) Std. for Artificial 973) Std. for Spec, for Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Std. Tooling Nomenclature for Solid Die Two Blow Cold Std. Spec, for Protective 971) ANSI G54.14 Std. Spec, for Cold metal Screws (1971) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec, for Cold 15 Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Medium High Carbon Cold 16 Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Wire, Alloy Cold g54.18 Std. Spec, for Cold Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Rivet and Cold ear Testing of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Rivets and Cold Std. for Auxiliary Low Beam Lamp Std. for Dimensional Spec, for Sealed Beam Rec. Pract. for Semiautomatic Rec. Pract. for ract. for Service Performance Requirements for Sealed Beam Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Std. for Die Buttons, Variable, Press Fit, Std. for Slotted Std. for Pin, Straight, for Lighting for Regular Bicycles, Including Reflectivity, anical Interchangeability of Socket Supports Used in Metal cal Interchangeability of Socket Supports for Use in Metal Std. for Adjustable Face Vehicular Traffic Control Signal Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, alent Chromium Compounds (Air Contamination-Occupational in Motive Power Service (For Electric Trucks/ Safety and (Packaging) (1974) Std. for Minimum Safety and bestos Textile Products (1971) Rec. Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Steel and Cast, Open tation. Mechanically Operated Type for 1/ Safety Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Weight Loss After t) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of of Farm Liv/ Effect of Thermal Environment on Production, le, 75 Deg. C Operation / Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber utomatically in Case of Fire (1974) Approval Std. for les (1973) ANSI A 147/ Safety Std. for Liquid Fuel Burning Marine Steam Power Plant Z11.313 Std. Meth. for Calculation of Liquid Rec. Pract. for Ventilation for items; Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Std. Spec, for U-Bend Seamless Copper and Its Alloy td. Spec, for Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Round Condenser and std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser and Head, Shear / Tension, Pull Type (1973) Head, Shear, Pull Type (1973) Std. Fo Head, Shear, Stump Type (1973) Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (197 Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (197 Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (197 Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (197 Head, Stump Type (1973) Head, Stump Type (1973) Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Head, Tension, Stump Type (1973) Head, Tension, Stump Type, (1973) Head, Titanium, Short Thread (1973) Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Nonloc Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Self-L,_ Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres. Full Thread NonlocTSn Head. Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Self Lock Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Loc Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Loc Head. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance (1972) Head. Tri Wing Recess. Close Tolerance (1972) Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Lo Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Sh Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Sh Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Shor Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Shor Head, Tri Wing Recess. 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thre Head, 180 KSI (1973) Head, (1972) Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internal Headbone for the Calibration of Audiometer Bone Vibrato Headed Drilled Pins for Farm Equipment and Machinery (1 Headed, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Headers (1972) Headgear for Vehicular Users (1971) Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Machine Screws (1 Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or Sheet Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54. Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54. Heading Quality Steel Wire for Wood Screws (1971) ANSI Heading Wire and Rod (1973) ANSI H38.12 Heading Wire and Rods (1972) Std. Meth. of Sh (Headlamp-Light) (1973) Headlamp Units (1972) Headlamp (Light) Beam Switching Devices (1972) Headlamp (Light) Switch (1971) Headlamp (Light) Units for Motor Vehicles (1973) /C. P Headlamps (Light) (1972) Headlamps (1971) Headless and Head Type, Step Relief (1972) Headless Setscrews (Screws) (1971) Headless (Dowel) (1973) Headlights and Taillights (1972) Safety Std. Heads for Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-143 Heads Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA Sh Heads (1970) Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel Components (1970) ANSI Health and Safety) (1973) /N of Chromic Acid and Hexav Health Rec. for Changing and Charging Storage Batteries Health Requirements for Paper Bag and Sack Manufacture Health Safety Practices for Handling and Fabricating as Hearth, and Wrought Iron (1973) Heat Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple S Heat Aging of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) Heat and Air on Asphaltic Materials (Thin Film Oven Tes Heat and Moisture Loss and Feed and Water Requirements Heat and Moisture Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cab Heat and Smoke Roof and Window Vents Designed to Open a Heat Appliances for Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehic Heat Balance Practices (1972) Heat Capacity of Petroleum Distillate Fuels (1971) ANSI Heat Control in Industrial Exhaust Systems (1974) Heat Detectors; Electromagnetic Holders; Sliding Door E Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.8 Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins (1973) Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins (1974) NSA 7034 NSA 1446 NSA 6984 NSA 1620-58 NSA 1630-34 NSA 2005 NSA 2125 NSA 2406 NSA 2506 NSA 1414 NSA 6974 NSA 2206 NSA 2325 NSA 1465 NSA 1525 NSA 6935 NSA 6965 NSA 1555 NSA 14% NSA 653 NSA 1972 NSA 1982 NSA 1992 NSA 5900-03 NSA 5600-06 NSA 6000-3 NSA 6500-6 NSA 5700-6 NSA 6900-06 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 4400-16 NSA 4703-16 NSA 4500-16 NSA 4803-16 NSA 6100-3 NSA 1953 NSA 1671 ANSI S3. 13 ASAE S226.2 SAE AMS7461 1FI 118 ANSI Z90.1 ASTM A545 ASTM A548 ASTM A546 ASTM A547 ASTM A549 ASTM B316 ASTM B565 SAE J 582 A SAE J571C SAE J565C SAE 1253 SAE J32 SAE J280 SAE J584B ANSI B94.43 SAE J479A NSA 607 BMA 6/6 NEMA SH13 EEI TDJ-143 ITE TRI ASTM A336 ANSI Z37.7 ITA 8K1 ANSI Z259.1 ATI *4 ASTM E30 Ui 539 ASTM C771 ASTM D17S4 ASAE D249.2 ASTM D1679 FMS 4430 VL 307A SNAME 3-il ASTM D2890T ACGIH *l--3 NBHA 8 ASTM B395 ASTM AlW ASTM B404 ASTM B359 Engineering and Product Standards Division 193 565-533 O-T T - 75 - 14 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards . Spec, (or Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and rritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, Superheater, and oy No. 260 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and Light Gage for td. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, . for Seamless and Welded Titanium Tube for Condensers and loy Condenser Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Condensers and for Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and ) Sanitary Std. for Scraped Surface Std. for Tubular Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1973) Std. Spec, for Butt Calculation of Ducted Electric ansi B72.17 Rec. Pract. for Std. for Safety for Portable Sun / Std. Manual for Electric Comfort Conditioning Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Specific e (1974) ANSI C8.38 Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber std. Glossary of Terms Relating to Chimneys, Gas Vents and oling, Refrigeration Systems, Incinerators and Other Misc. ow and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Waste base. Solution Heat Treated, 15./ Spec, for Corrosion and 0Ni-3.0W) (1973) Spec, for Corrosion and Moderate v/ (1/ 973) 973) etal, 1/ etal, 1/ 5Cb-2.5Ti-1.6/ 73) 7.0Fe (1973) -O.OSLa / -0.05La (1/ 3.0Ti-1.4Al, ,5A1 (1973) olution H/ .0Ti-1.4Al, Con/ C/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forcings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, Corrosion and Moderate for Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, Corrosion and Std. for Bolt-Machine, Hexagon Head, Nonmagnetic, and Spec, for Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Bolts and Screws, Steel, Low Alloy Spec, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Spec, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings. Alloy Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Spec, for Alloy Bars, Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and i/ Spec, for Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and (135,000 psi (931 MPa) / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Studs, Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solu/ Studs, Steel, Corrosion and chining / Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate eated, 1/ Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate n Heat Tre/ Steel Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Moderate n Heat Treated (1973/ Steel Plate, Corrosion and Moderate n Heat T/ Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Steel Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Moderate ed and T/ Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Moderate h, Hardened / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, , Sheet, and Strip for Fusion Welded Unfi/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Stainless and 1972) ANSI G81.2 Std. Spec, for Stainless and Operation (1974) ANSI C8./ Std. Spec, for Natural Rubber and Other Pressure Vessels/ Std. Spec, for Stainless and r Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age Hardening Stainless and 1 Std. Spec, for Stainless and 72) ANSI G81.13 Std. Spec, for Stainless and Std. Spec, for Stainless and ral Requirements for Delivery of Flat Rolled Stainless and Std. Spec, for Stainless and Std. Spec, for Stainless and Std. Spec, for Free Machining Stainless and nickel-/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks in td. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Std. Spec, for Crosslinked Polyolefin c. for Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Polyfvinyl Chloride) Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Spec, for poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) lastic Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, Flexible, alorimeter (1972) Std. Meth. for Measuring or Design and Use of a Thin Skin Calorimeter for Measuring d. Meth. of Test for Corrosivity of Water in the Absence of (Tech. Notes) (1961) Rec. Pract. Meth. for Rating nsi G57.ll Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Axles, Non c. for Alloy Steel Turbine Type Bolting Material Specially High Temp/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Castings Specially Heat Exchanger Tubes (1972) ANSI H34.42 Std Heat Exchanger Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.22 / Seamless Fe Heat Exchanger Tubing (1972) /Td. Spec, for Copper All Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.32 Heat Exchangers (1965) ANSI H50.2 Std. Spec Heat Exchangers (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper Al Heat Exchangers (1973) ANSI H38.6 Std. Spec. Heat Exchanges for Use with Milk and Its Products (1973 Heat Exchanges in Chemical Process Service (1971) Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for (PE) Heat Gain Through Opaque Walls (Tech. Notes) (1969) Heat Guide for Air Handling Systems (1971) Heat Joining of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings (1967) Heat Lamps (1974) (Heat Loss, Gain, Energy Consumption) (1974) Heat of Ablation (1972) Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement (1973) ANSI ALIO Heat of Liquids and Solids (1971) ANSI Z11.307 Heat or Moisture Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cabl Heat Producing Appliances (1972) Heat Producing Appliances) (1973) /Ng, Ventilating, Co Heat Recovery Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for L Heat Resistant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Heat Resistant Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate (13Cr-2. Heat Resistant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40-0.50C) Heat Resistant (11.8Cr-2.8Ni-1.6Co-1.8Mo-0.32V) Heat Resistant (15Cr-26Ni-1.3Mo-2.1Ti-0.30V) 18 Heat Resistant (18Cr-llNi-(Cb+Ta) (1973) Heat Resistant (1973) Heat Resistant (25Cr-20Ni) (SAE 30310) (1973) Heat Resistant, Cobalt Base-25.5Cr-10.5Ni-7.5W (1 Heat Resistant, Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threaded (1 Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All M Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All M Heat Resistant, Iron Base-13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.8 Heat Resistant, Iron Base-35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l.lSI (19 Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.5Cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al- Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo- Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-19.5Cr-18Co-2.5Ti-l Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, S Heat Resistant, Nickel Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3 Heat Resistant, Nickel Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo- Heat Resistant, Nickel Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2T Heat Resistant, Normalized and Tempered, Roll Threaded Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded After Heat Treatment, 180 Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free Ma Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION, Heat TR Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solutio Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solutio Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solutio Heat Resistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.1N (1973) Heat Resistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Equaliz Heat Resistant, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed (1973) /Teel Heat Resistant, 195,000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strengt Heat Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Plate Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars Inc Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip ( Heat Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (1972) / Spec. Fo Heat Resisting Steel Bars, and Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.3 Heat Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for Reforging (19 Heat Resisting Steel Forgings (1973) ANSI G81.26 Heat Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) Ans Heat Resisting Steel Rope Wire (1972) ANSI G81.32 Heat Resisting Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G81.41 Heat Resisting Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G81.42 Heat Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium- Heat Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) Heat Sealed Packages for Dry Products (1972) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1972) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1973) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1974) Heat Shrinkable Tubing (1973) Heat Shrinkable (1973) /C. for Electrical Insulation P Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) C Heat Transfer Rate (1972) Std. Meth. F Heat Transfer (Electrical Meth. (1972) Heat Transmission Coefficients of Brick and Tile Walls Heat Transmission of Refrigrated Vehicles (1972) Heat Treated and Heat Treated, for Railway Use (1973) a Heat Treated for High Temperature Service (1971) ANSI G Heat Treated for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for St ASTM B163 ASTM A213 ASTM B569 ASTM A249 ASTM B338 ASTM B171 ASTM B234 DFISA 3100 ANSI B78.1 ASTM D3261 BIA 4A SMACN •12 ASTM D2657 UL 482 NEMA HE1 ASTM E458 ASTM C186 ASTM D2766 ASTM D1520 NFPA 97M ICBO UMC«7 DEMA •1-16 SAE AMS5750B SAE AMS5508B SAE AMS6305 SAE AMS5823 SAE AMS5735H SAE AMS5680D NSA 1003 SAE AMS5577C SAE AMS5789 SAE AMS7455D SAE AMS7250C SAE AMS7251B SAE AMS5633A SAE AMS5716A SAE AMS5541B SAE AMS5665H SAE AMS5711 SAE AMS5873 SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS5829 SAE AMS5755B SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5707D SAE AMS5872 SAE AMS7458C SAE AMS7482 SAE AMS5610H SAE AMS5744A SAE AMS5547C SAE AMS5549C SAE AMS5743D SAE AMS5774A SAE AMS5745A SAE AMS5627B SAE AMS7459B ASTM A240 ASTM A429 ASTM A176 ASTM D469 ASTM A479 ASTM A564 ASTM A276 ASTM A314 ASTM A473 ASTM A480 ASTM A492 ASTM A580 ASTM A581 ASTM E353 ASTM D3078 ASTM D3079 ASTM D3149 ASTM D3150 ASTM D2671 ASTM D3144 SAE AMS3636D ASTM E457 ASTM E459 ASTM D2776 BIA 4 TTMA RP38 ASTM A21 ASTM A437 ASTM A389 194 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Tent. Spec, for Ultra High Test Std. Spec, for -l.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T736) Solution and Precipitation Pressure Vessels Plates, 5% Nickel Alloy Steel, Specially induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution e Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution uum Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution nickel Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti-0.45Al Solution -38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-l.6Al-0.09B, Solution Resistant. Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution -1037.8 Deg. C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation e Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation 30V) 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution and Precipitation Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Axles, Non Heat Treated and Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Studs, Spec, for Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, for Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, e Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution ant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Base, Solution d Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Std. Rec. Pract. for After Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution , Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded After Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Dry 1973) Rec. for Fire, ion of pH (Paste) of Corn Starch Which Is Gelatinized When Safety Rec. for Electrically Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for Electric std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Safety Std. for Oil Burning Stoves (Room Uniform Plumbing Code: Water a, B, C, and D, and Class II, G/ Safety Std. for Electric Spec, for Indirect Type Oil Field Std. for Gas Water Heaters (Automatic Storage Type Water ts Less Than 75,000 Btu Per Hr.) (Vol/ Std. for Gas Water Installation and Maintenance of Steam and Hot Water Unit Std. for Gas Unit Std. for Vented Gas Fired Infrared Radiant Std. for Household Automatic Electric Storage Type Water Std. for Unvented Gas Fired Infrared Radiant Std. for Gas Fired Swimming Pool Std. for Direct Gas Fired Make Up Air std. for Meth. of Test, for Rating Nonresidential Warm Air Safety Std. for Electric Dry Bath Safety Std. for Household Electric Storage Tank Water Std. for Gas Fired Sauna Std. for Safety for Electric Air Safety Std. for Oil Fired Air and Direct Fired r Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for Electric nces, and Wall Furnaces, Floor Furnaces, and Unit and Room Std. for Safety for Electric Oil Std. for Safety for Oil Fired Unit Std. for Safety for Oil Fried Water Rec. Pract. for Engine Preheaters (Coolant ) ANSI N14/ Std. Spec, for Sheathed Electrical Resistance Std. for Gas Fired Room Std. for Gas Fired Room d Large Automatic Storage Type (1974) Std. for Gas Water Minimum Installation Stds. for Residential Std. for Installation of Central Warm Air Safety Std. for Room Type Fan Coil Units d Construction Requirements, and Installation of Plumbing, olts or Less) (1972) C33.ll Safety Std. for Electric Safety Std. for Draft Equipment for Combustion Chamber in Std. for Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Air Std. for Safety for Sheathed al Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Type Electric Loss Prevention Data on High Frequency 973) ANSI C33.95 Safety Std. for Electric Baseboard Safety Std. for Electric Space Safety Std. for Commercial-Industrial Gas Safety Std. for Electric Central Air Std. for Central Forced Air Electric Std. Test Meth. for Rec. for Standpipe and Hose Systems rs, Truck Campers, Motor Homes): Installation of Plumbing, ting Electrical Equipment for Control of Air Conditioning, ct System/ Std. for the Installation of Air Conditioning, 1972) Std. Meth. of Testing for Sound Rating 50.1 Std. for Safety for LP Gas Torches for Safety Std. for Limit Controls (Air Conditioning, irements for the Installation, Control, and Maintenance of Meth. for Measuring Blister Resistance of Coated Paper in Heat Treated Line Pipe (1972) API SPEC 5LU Heat Treated Steel Helical Springs (1973) ANSI G54.20 ASTM A125 Heat Treated (1972) /Num Alloy Forgings, 5.6Zn-2.5Mg SAE AMS4131 Heat Treated (1972A) Std. Spec, for ASTM A645 Heat Treated (1973) /-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum SAE AMS5617A Heat Treated (1973) / and Strip, Corrosion and Moderat SAE AMS5547C Heat Treated (1973) /.4A1, Consumable Electrode or Vac SAE AMS5738C Heat Treated (1973) /E, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, SAE AMS5872 Heat Treated (1973) /Eat Resistant, Iron Base- 13.3Cr SAE AMS5633A Heat Treated (1973) /Gs, and Rings', Corrosion and Heat SAE AMS5755B Heat Treated (1973) /on Melted 18251900 Deg. F (996.1 SAE AMS5707D Heat Treated (1973) /Teel Plate, Corrosion and Moderat SAE AMS5549C Heat Treated (1973) /Urn Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F SAE AMS5709B Heat Treated (1973) /(15Cr-26Ni-1.3Mo-2.1Ti-0. SAE AMS5735H Heat Treated, Carbon Manganese Silicon (1972A) ASTM A537 Heat Treated, for Railway Use (1973) ANSI G57.ll ASTM A21 Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) SAE AMS7452K Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) SAE AMS7456G Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) SAE AMS7460C Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Spec. SAE AMS7461B Heat Treated, Sub Zero Cooled, Equilized, and Over Temp SAE AMS5743D Heat Treated, 15.5Cr-16Mo-3.8W-5.5Fe) (1973) /St SAE AMS5750B Heat Treated, 170,000 psi (1172 MPa) Tensile Strength ( SAE AMS5744A Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys (1974) ASTM B597 Heat Treatment (1973) /D Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded SAE AMS7482 Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution Hea SAE AMS7482 Heat (Excluding Pressing) (1973) ISO 105-4 AATCC 117 Heat, and Smoke Damage of Electronic Computer Systems ( FMS 5-32 Heated in a Boiling Water Bath (1973) / for Determinat CR C-42 Heated Livestock Waterers (1971) ASAE R342 Heater Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for NEMA DC 13 Heater Tubes (1973) ASTM A688 Heaters and Ranges) (1973) UL 896 Heaters and Vents (1973) ICBO UPC*1-13 Heaters for Use in Hazardous Locations Glass I, Groups UL 823 Heaters Used in Producing Oil and Gas (1972) API 12K Heaters with Inputs Less Than 75,000 Btu Per Hr.) (Vol. ANSI Z21.10.1 Heaters (Automatic Storage Type Water Heaters with Inpu ANSI Z2 1.10.1 Heaters (1970) AMCA 16 Heaters (1971) ANSI Z21.16 Heaters (1971) ANSI Z21.51 Heaters (1972) ANSI C72.1 Heaters (1972) ANSI Z21.43B Heaters (1972) ANSI Z21.56 Heaters (1972) ANSI Z83.4 Heaters (1972) ASHRA 45 Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.75 UL 875 Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.87 UL 174 Heaters (1973) ANSI Z21.55 Heaters (1973) UL 1025 Heaters (1973) UL 733 Heaters (1973) /Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heate NEMA DC 13 Heaters (1973) /Uirements for Vented Decorative Applia ICBO UMC*7-1 Heaters (1973) ANSI C33.44 UL 574 Heaters (1974) UL 731 Heaters (1974) UL 732 Heaters) (1971) SAE J226 Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized Service (1971 ASTM E420 Heaters: Volume I, Vented (1974) ANSI Z21.11.1 Heaters: Volume II, Unvented (1974) ANSI Z21.11.2 Heaters: Volume III, Circulating Tank, Instantaneous an ANSI Z21.10.3 Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (1973) SMACN *10 Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (1973) ANSI B144.3 NFPA 90B (Heating and Cooling) (1973) ANSI Z25.1 UL 883 Heating and Electrical Systems (1973) ANSI Al 19.1 /an NFPA 501B Heating Appliances (Portable Fixed and Stationary 600 V UL 499 Heating Appliances (Regulators, Automatic Damper Contro UL 378 Heating Coils (1972) ARI 410 Heating Elements for Appliances and Equipment (1973) UL 1030 Heating Elements (1973) /Ctrical Impedance of Electric ASTM D3215 Heating Equipment (Induction and Dielectric) (1973) FMS 6-3 Heating Equipment (Portable and Fixed) 600 V or Less (1 UL 1042 Heating Equipment (1972) ANSI C33. 12 UL 573 Heating Equipment (1973) UL 795 Heating Equipment (1973) ANSI C33.104 UL 1096 Heating Equipment (1974) ARI 280 Heating Loss of Carbon Black (1972) ASTM D1509 (Heating) (1972) FMS 4-4 Heating, and Electrical Systems (1972) ANSI A119.2 /Le NFPA 501C Heating, Cooking, Refrigeration, and Humidity (Humidist UL 873 Heating, Exhaust, Ventilating, and Their Combination Du NFPA 90A Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Equipment ( ASHRA 36 Heating, Soldering, and Brazing Purposes (1973) ANSI Z2 UL 147 Heating, Ventilating and Processing Systems) (1972) UL 353 Heating, Ventilating, Cooling, Refrigeration Systems, I ICBO UMC*7 Heatset Printing (1972) TAPPI T526SU Engineering and Product Standards Division 195 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1942) ANSI L14.283 ble (1973) ble (1973) ANSI C8.32 ins and Sprocket Teeth (1972) th (1973) Std. Spec, and Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Extra Std. Spec, for Std. for Std. for Std. for Threaded Metal Insert - Std. Part Pins, Spring, Slotted and Coiled, ents for Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men and Women r Roll Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Prime Movers Syrups and Other / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ose (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility of Pentachlorophenol in Std. for Wire Cable Wrought Steel Rec. Pract. for Exterior Sound Level for ) Std. for Training of Automotive Mechanics for Buses, earn Turbines (1974) Std. Spec, for si Z166.19 Std. Reference Radiographs for 74) Std. Spec, for Steel Castings, uirernents for Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, rdening Appliances (Lawn Mower, Cultivator, Edger-Trimmer, for Abrasion Resistance of Rubber Compounds for Soles and rs (1974) Std. Pract. for Spur, wer Fan Drives (1972) Info Sheet for Spiral Bevel, . Spec, for Measurement of Lateral Vibration on High Speed anual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Double rmal Degradation of Electrical Insulating Varnishes by the for Dimensions, Physical Properties and Meth. of Test, for Std. Spec, for Heat Treated Steel rican Drafting Manual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, ) Std. for Sound (Noise Measurement for Enclosed for Tires, Tubes, Rims and Valves for Aircraft (Airplane, Uniform Fire Code: Airports, Uniform Fire Code: Airports, Heliports, Devices with A Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, rn Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Pine/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir; Larch; e Std. for Structural Glued Laminated Timbers: Douglas and r Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Eastern orm Building Code Std. for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and ng of Southern Pine, Pacific Coast Douglas Fir and Western Western Cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pine Fir; and Mountain de Std. for Eastern White and Red Pine, Eastern Spruce and Industry Std. for Douglas Fir, Western , and Lodgepole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and ilding Code Std. for Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Coast Rec. for Baled Textile Fiber Storage (Cotton, Jute, combustible Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle„ Jutes, storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, 1971) ANSI Zll/ Std. Meth. for Analysis of High Purity N- Std. for Methazole Std. for Acetochlor ing. Liquid Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Power Tools, Safety Std. for Sealed Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining 972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Std. for Sound (Noise Measurement for Enclosed Helical, Std. Pract. for Spur, Helical and es (1972) Info Sheet for Spiral Bevel, Helical and measurement of Lateral Vibration on High Speed Helical and ride; Chloral Hydrate; Chloroform; Formaldehyde; Gasoline; (1972) ANSI Zll./ Std. Meth. of Test for Yield Stress of Std. for If Locking and Nonlocking (1972) elf Locking and Nonlocking (1972) f Locking and Nonlocking (1972) f Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Screw, Std. for Screw, Std. for Screw, thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972/ t Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (19/ nlocking (1973) eking (1972) thread. Nonlocking (1972) rque Tension Requirements for Prevailing Torque Type Steel Std. for Packaging of Uranium d. for Analytical Procedures for Accountability of Uranium Std. for Shear or Steel Wire, Medium High Carbon Cold Heading Quality for spec, for Alloy Steel Wire, Alloy Cold Heading Quality for Std. for Std. for Self Locking, Std. for Machine Bolt, Crowned Std. for Bolt-Machine, Std. for Bolt-Close Tolerance, Std. for Bolt, Shear, Heavy Cotton Fabrics for Manufacture of Hose and Belts Heavy Duty Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Ca Heavy Duty Black Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Ca Heavy Duty Offset Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Cha Heavy Duty Roller Type Conveyor Chains and Sprocket TEE Heavy Duty (1973) Heavy Duty (1973) (Heavy Duty) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /E Requirem (Heavy Equipment) (1972) /Nimum Performance Criteria Fo Heavy Metals Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Heavy Metals Content of of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Dextr Heavy Metals in Paper and Paperboard (1973) Heavy Petroleum Solvents (1973) Heavy Thimble (For Ground Support Equipment) (1974) Heavy Trucks and Buses (1971) Heavy Trucks and Trailers (Course of Instruction) (1972 Heavy Walled Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings for St Heavy Walled (4 1/2 to 12 In.) Steel Castings (1972) an Heavy Walled, Carbon and Alloy for Pressure Vessels (19 Heavyweight (Industrial) Suiting (Institutional Textile Hedge Trimmer, etc.) (1974) /Ord Connected Electric Ga Heels (1968) ANSI J2.26 Std. Meth. of Test Helical and Herringbone Gear Shaft Mounted Speed Reduce Helical and Herringbone Gear Units for Water Cooling to Helical and Herringbone Gear Units (1972) Std Helical and Rack) (1971) American Drafting M Helical Coil Meth. (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for the Helical Spring and Carbon Steel Tooth Lock Washers (197 Helical Springs (1973) ANSI G54.20 Helical, Double Helical and Rack) (1971) Ame Helical, Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives (1973 Helicopter) (1974) Std. Heliports, Helistops and Aircraft Hangers (1973) Helistops and Aircraft Hangers (1973) Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector (1972T) Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, Neon, Nitric Oxide, Hem-Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western White Pines, S Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch, Ca Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine and White Hemlock by Pressure Processes (1973) /Ions Before Glui Hemlock (Lumber) (1973) /Pole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamarack Lumber (1973) /Ing Co Hemlock, Sitka Spruce Doors and Blinds (1972) Hemlock; Subal-Pine Fir; and Mountain Hemlock (Lumber Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; and Sitka Spruce Hemp and Sisal, Flax, Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wast Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary Gas Chromatography ( (Herbicide) (1971) (Herbicide) (1971) Hermatic Stators, Test, and Safety) (1973) /Try (Rotat (Hermetic Type) Motor Compressors (1972) ANSI B143.1 Hermeticity of Electron Devices by a Bubble Test (1972) Hermeticity of Electronic Devices by Dye Penetration (1 Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives (1973) Herringbone Gear Shaft Mounted Speed Reducers (1974) Herringbone Gear Units for Water Cooling Tower Fan Driv Herringbone Gear Units (1972) Std. Spec, for Herwig's, Pancreatin, Tween 80-60% Alcohol, Versene, an Heterogeneous Propellants by the Cone Penetration Meth. Hex Head Screw, Recessed, Full Thread (1973) Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Se Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, S Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Threads, Sel Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Sel Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Titanium Alloy (1972) Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy, Shor Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread, No Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Nonlo Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Hex Locknuts (1972) Std. for to Hexafluoride for Transport (1971) Hexafluoride (1972) St Hexagon Head Bolt (1973) Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.15 Std. Spec. F Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.16 Std. Hexagon Head Modified Short Thread Shear Bolt (1972) Hexagon Head Shear Bolt (1974) Hexagon Head, Adjusting (1973) Hexagon Head, Nonmagnetic, and Heat Resistant (1973) Hexagon Head, Titanium, Short Thread (1973) Hexagon Head, 180 KSI (1973) ASTM D181 ASTM D2819 ASTM D752 ANSI B29.10 ANSI B29.15 NSA 1395 NSA 561 ANSI L24.3.6 SAE J320B CR F-26 CR E-30 TAPPI UM-544 ASTM D2606 NSA 1045 SAE J366A ANSI D18.2 ASTM A356 ASTM E280 ASTM A643 ANSI L24.3.2 UL 82 ASTM D1630 AGMA 480.05 AGMA 490.02 AGMA 426.01 ANSI Y14.7.1 ASTM D3145 ANSI B18.21.1 ASTM A125 ANSI Y14.7.1 AGMA 297.01 TRA 9 1CBO UFC*2ART33 ICBO UFC»2ART33 ASTM F134 ICBO UFC*2ART36 ICBO UBCS25-2 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-11 ICBO UBCS25-2 ICBO UBCS25-8 AWPA C28 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-5 FHDA 4-72 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-3 FMS 8-7 ICBO UFC*2ART7 ICBO UFC»2ART7 ASTM D2268 ANSI K62.104 ANSI K62.108 EASA *1 UL 984 ASTM F98 ASTM F97 AGMA 297.01 AGMA 480.05 AGMA 490.02 AGMA 426.01 AACCH 28-91 ASTM D2884 NSA 1096 NSA 6604-20 NSA 6203-20 NSA 6704-20 NSA 6303-20 NSA 1266-70 NSA 6804-20 NSA 6403-20 NSA 5900-03 NSA 6000-3 NSA 6100-3 IFI 101 ANSI N14.1 ANSI N15.7 NSA 1303-20 ASTM A546 ASTM A547 NSA 1103-20 NSA 1223 NSA 428 NSA 1003 NSA 653 NSA 1953 196 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1972) ANSI G54.15 terials (1973) etallic Materials (1962)/ Std. for Low Height, Light Weight, Self Locking Std. for Low Height 80 K.S.I., Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, Std. for Low Height Std. for Nut, Plain, Std. for Nut-Self Locking, Extended Washer, Double eth. of Test. Shipping Containers (Packaging) in Revolving Brass Wire (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Round, ium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars Including Rounds, Squares, Std. for Sodium pa/ Std. for Acceptable Concentration of Chromic Acid and Steel Prior to Conversion C/ Test Meth. for Detection of Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen Content (Kjeldahl) and extinguishing Systems (1973) Rec. for Star Model F Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Alarm Systems for ile Matter in Fats and Shortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, mical Analysis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium and std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel Uniform Building Code Std. for Machine Made and Std. Classification of Fireclay and e Preservative Solutions Such as Pent/ Std. Spec, for for Contemporary Bearing Wall (For Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Medium Voluntary Safety Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Designing A Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Rec. for Shielding for Std. Rec. Pract. for Effects of Rec. Pract. for Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to 1) (Fire Extinguishment) (1973) Rec. for ric) (1973) Loss Prevention Data on Std. Meth. of Test for Phthalate Ester Color of colorfastness of Textiles to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water . for the Design. Construction, and Operation of Class Hi (1971) Std. Definitions for Std. Meth. for the Designation of s-Oil Saturate Fractions (1971) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. for ) (1972) ) Rec. Pract. for Uniform Fire Code: Safety Rules, Procedures For. and Construction of Std. for Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for al Gas Cylinders (1972) Safety Std. for ectural Woodwork) (1973) Quality Stds. for compounds (For Casing. Tubing and Line Pipe Connections in Std. Meth. for Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for or High Strength Carbon Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for tance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for ver 400,000 Btu Per Hr.) (1972) Std. for Gas Fired Std. Spec, for Metal Arc Welded Steel Pipe for 128.35 Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of hromatography (1971) ANSI Zll/ Std. Meth. for Analysis of Std. for Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, or Sheathed, Type K Thermocouples for Nuclear or for Other Rec. for Fire Safety in osive Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace Alloys Under Std. Spec, for Measurement of Lateral Vibration on 973) Std. for tter F (1973) Std. for Drills, d, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for c. for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for d Cold Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging Billets for spec, for Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for High Pressure Service Piping (1969) Std. Pract. for Drilling) (1973) Spec, for tings (1967) ANSI Z166.17 Std. Reference Radiographs for ructural Quality (1972) ANSI G41.6 Std. Spec, for for Use in Marine Environments (1974) Std. Spec, for teel (1970A) ANSI G41.4 Std. Spec, for 41.2 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Normalized Std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Sharp Notch Tension Test, of including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardene/ Std. Spec, for its (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for 973) ANSI G52.1 Std. Spec, for erate and Lower Temperature Service (1972/ Std. Spec, for Std. for Plating, Hexagon Nut (1972) NSA 1291 Hexagon Nut (1973) NSA 1757 Hexagon Self Locking Nut (1974) NSA 679 Hexagon, Drilled Jam, Thin (1972) NSA 1423 Hexagon, 220 KSI, 450 Deg. F (1973) NSA 1758 Hexagonal Drum (1968) ANSI MH12.3, TAPPI T800 Std. M ASTM D782 Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Flat (Rectangular and Square) ICBO UBCS32-13 Hexagons, and Shapes-Angles, TEES and Channels (1972) ASTM A429 Hexametaphosphate (1967) AWWA B502 Hexavalent Chromium Compounds (Air Contamination-Occu ANSI Z37.7 Hexavalent Chromium Containing Treatments on Galvanized NCCA TB-II-7 Hexylene Glycol (1972) ASTM D2636 Hide (Leather) Substance (1970) ALCA B5 ASTM D2868 Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Flow Control of Fire FMS 2-88 High-Rise Buildings (1973) ICBO UBCS181 High Acid Coconut Oil, etc.) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 44-30 High Alloy Steels (1973) Std. Meth. for Che ASTM E352 High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temp ASTM A608 High Alumina Fireclay Refractory Bricks (1973) ICBO UBCS37-1 High Alumina Refractory Brick (1970) ANSI Alll. 5 ASTM C27 High Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Oil Born ASTM D2604 High Buildings) (Tech. Notes) (1970) BIA 24 High Carbon Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts ASTM A546 High Chairs (Children's) (1972) JPMA *1 High Current Arc Erosion Test for Electrical Contact Ma AATM B576 High Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI Alll. 14 ASTM C107 High Energy Electron Accelerator Installations (1964) NCRPM R31 High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of M ASTM E184 High Energy Radiation (1970) ANSI N141 ASTM D1879 High Expansion Foam Systems (Ratios from 100:1 to 1000: FMS 4-3N High Frequency Heating Equipment (Induction and Dielect FMS 6-3 High Gravity Glycerin (1973) ASTM D1728 High Humidities (1972) ANSI L14.238 Test Meth. for AATCC 129 (High Humidity) and Light: Alternate Exposure (1972) Ans AATCC 126 (High Impact) Shock Test. Machine for Lightweight Equipm ANSI S2.15 High Intensity Discharge Lamp Ballasts and Transformers ANSI C82.9 High Intensity Discharge Lamps (1972) ANSI C78.380 High Ionizing Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Ga ASTM D2786 High Lift Grouted Reinforced Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes BIA 17D High Lift Industrial Truck Nameplates and Marking (1973 ITA 4F1 High Piled Combustible Stock (Storage) (1973) ICBO UFC»2ART35 High Power Rifle Ranges (1972) NRA *3 High Precision Laboratory Potentiometers (1972) ANSI C100.2 High Pressure and Temperature Service (1973) ANSI E38.1 ASTM A194 High Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.70 /Spec. ASTM D1819 High Pressure Gas Manifolds for Industrial and Commerci UL 407 High Pressure Laminate Flush Type Wall Paneling (Archit AWI *1-500B High Pressure Oil Well Service) (1972) Thread API BUL 5A2 High Pressure Pump Test, of Hydraulic Oils (1973) ASTM D2882 High Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures (1973) ASTM A672 High Pressure Service Piping (1969) Std. Pract. F MSS SP63 High Pressure Service (1972A) ANSI B125.4 ASTM A155 High Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125. 12 /Ctric Resis ASTM A226 High Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125.7 ASTM A192 High Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (Inputs Not O ANSI Z21.59 High Pressure Transmission Service (1971) ANSI G36.49 ASTM A381 High Purity Iron for Silicon and Aluminum (1971) ANSI Z ASTM E421 High Purity N-Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary Gas C ASTM D2268 High Quality Nuts (1973) NSA 3350 High Reliability Applications (1967) ANSI N142 /Pec. F ASTM E235 High Rise Buildings (1973) FMS 1-3 High Shear (1972) ANSI Zll. 323 /Meth. of Test for Expl ASTM D3115 High Speed Helical and Herringbone Gear Units (1972) AGMA 426.01 High Speed Steel End Mills, .125 Thru 3.000 Diameter (1 NSA 986 High Speed Steel Threaded Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. Thru Le NSA 965 High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81. ASTM A457 High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81. ASTM A458 High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81. ASTM A477 High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1973) ANSI G81. ASTM A567 High Strength Carbon Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for MSS SP63 High Strength Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum API 5AX High Strength Copper Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Cas ASTM E272 High Strength Low Alloy Columbium Vanadium Steels of St ASTM A572 High Strength Low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling ASTM A690 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium S ASTM A441 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G ASTM A242 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel (1973) ASTM A633 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Tubing (1973) ASTM A618 High Strength Manganese (1972A) ANSI G35.8 ASTM A455 High Strength Nonheaded Steel Bolts and Studs (1973) ASTM A687 High Strength Sheet Materials (1968) ANSI Z260.1 ASTM E338 High Strength Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, ASTM A325 High Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts, Washers, and Bolted Pa ICBO UBCS27-7 High Strength Steel Castings for Structural Purposes (1 ASTM A148 High Strength Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Mod ASTM A612 High Strength Steels, Cadmium (1973) NSA 672 Engineering and Product Standards Division 197 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Std. for Cam Follower, Needle Bearing, Std. for Bolt- 100 Deg. Close Tolerance, Std. for Fastener; Rotary, Quick Operating, std. Spec, for Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, Rec. Pract. for Spec, for Steel Self-Locking Nuts, Spec, for Self-Locking Corrosion Resistant Alloy Nuts, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, 1 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, ater Vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Materials (Paper) at 25.25 Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for cal Tape (1973) Std. Spec, for etc.) Fire Protection and Safety (1973) Rec. for ectric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for rdening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for alt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for 1 Turbine Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Treated for Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for itation Hardening Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip for sion Welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for stenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or td. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for el Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for Std. Spec, for Ferritic and Austenitic Steel Castings for Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for spec, for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for for Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for Steel Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy Castings (25-12 Class) for Spec, for Alloy and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for Std. for Strip - Std. Meth. of Drip Slag Test. Refractory Brick at ar Iron, Nickel, And/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Rings, Sealing, Fluorosilicone Rubber, General Purpose, for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Is with Expansion Coef/ Std. Spec, for Bolting Materials, Std. Meth. of Load Test, for Refractory Brick at ium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at r Measurement of Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases at ly Heat Treated for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for gs (1973) Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, ings (1972) Rec. Pract. for Special Quality Tent. Spec, for Ultra Spec, for Spec, for ed Ratings, Manufacturing Spec, and Application Guide for std. for Schedule of Dielectric Test Values for Outdoor Ac d a Total/ Std. Requirements for Electrical Control of Ac preferred Ratings for Capacitance Current Switching for Ac t for Switching Impulse Voltage Insulation Strength for Ac sis When Rated for Out of Phase / Std. Meth. for Test. Ac Std. Requirements for Transient Recovery Voltage for Ac d. Application Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage for Ac rrent/ Std. Requirements for Pressurized Components of Ac std. Requirements for Capacitance Current Switching for Ac application Guide for Capacitance Current Switching for Ac Std. Requirements for External Insulation for Outdoor Ac y Voltage Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for Ac nces and Other Electronic Equipment / Std. for Safety for itchge/ Safety Requirements for \. Radiation Limits for Ac electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for plate. Suitable for Welding (1970E) ANSI / Std. Spec, for in Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. Std. Meth. for Rapid Gas Chromatographic Estimation of r Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Plates for Intermediate and mmercial Vehicles, Golf Car, and Other Diversified Off the Rec. Pract. for Concrete Std. Specs, for Welding of Structural Steel Std. Spec, for Steel Castings for r Classification of Soils and Their Aggregate Mixtures for r Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Wood for Safety Std. for or Voltage Classification of Luminaires Lfsed in Street and Std. for Mining and Logging Tires Used in Intermittent n Disc and Spoke Wheels, and Demountable Rims Intended for Pract. for Collision Deformation (Damage) Classification ion in Cornering Without Driving Torque Application, Using r Homogeneous Perforated Bituminous Fiber Pipe Systems for a Policy on Geometric Design of Rural std. for Lighting and Marking of Agricultural Equipment on or Vehicles, Trailers, and Semitrailers Operated on Public c/ High Strength Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.3 High Strength Stud (1973) High Strength (1973) High Strength (1973) High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium (197 High Strength, Low Alloy Steel (1970) ANSI G88.3 High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973) High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973) High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. High Strength, Quenched tnd Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.1 High Temperature and Humidity (1973) /Termination of W High Temperature Central Station Service (1973) ANSI Bl High Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electri High Temperature Molten Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, High Temperature Service Conforming to ISO Recommendati High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.44 /Tation Ha High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.45 /Ardening High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.46 /Ening Cob High Temperature Service (1971) ANSI G55.12 /Lloy Stee High Temperature Service (1972) High Temperature Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Precip High Temperature Service (1972) /Spec, for Electric Fu /Meter Au / Alloy Ste Std. Std. Spec. / and Alloy /Spec, for Std. Std. High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B125.36 High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B125.39 High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G37.1 High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G52.2 High Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.30 High Temperature Service (1973) High Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B 125.24 High Temperature Service (1974) ANSI G37.2 High Temperature Service (1974) ANSI G37.3 High Temperature Service (1974) ANSI G81.19 High Temperature Services (1974) ANSI G38.4 High Temperature Terminal Block, Base Insulating (1973) High Temperature (1973) High Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Simil High Temperature, Flush Head, Self Locking) (1972) High Temperature, Fuel and Oil Resistant, 65-75 (1973 High Temperature, Protruding Head, (1972) High Temperature, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Strength, Materia High Temperatures (1970) ANSI Alll.l High Temperatures (1970) ASTM G82.1 /Cast Iron-Chrom High Temperatures (1973) Std. Meth. Fo High Temprature Service (1974) ANSI G38.ll /Gs Special High Tensile Strength, Hard Drawn, for Mechanical Sprin High Tensile, Hard Drawn Mechanical Spring Wire and Spr High Test Heat Treated Line Pipe (1972) High Test Line Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) High Test Wrought Welding Fittings (1973) High Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch Ace High Voltage Circuit Breaker External Insulation Rated High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical an High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Ba High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Ba High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Ba High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu High Voltage Circuit Breakers (1971) /Ransient Recover High Voltage Components for Television Receiving Applia High Voltage Power Vacuum Interrupters Used in Power Sw High Voltage, Low Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid High Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel High) (Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) /Tized and B Higher Boiling Homologues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for Higher Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G35.9 /Spec. Fo Highway Applications (1972) /Passenger Automobiles, Co Highway Bridge Deck Construction (1974) Highway Bridges (1974) Highway Bridges (1974) ANSI G52.3 Highway Construction Purposes (1973) AASHO M145 Highway Construction (1973) Highway Emergency Signals (Flare, Lantern, Fusee) (1973 Highway Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-133 Std. F Highway Service (1974) Highway Use on Trucks, Buses, Trailers, and Multipurpos (Highway Vehicle Accident) (1972) Rec. Highway Vehicles (1973) / of Test. Tires for Wet Tract Highway, Airport, and Similar Drainage (1973) /Pec. Fo Highways (1965) Highways (1971) Highways (1973) /Td. for Inspection Procedures for Mot II. Fo Std. Fo ASTM NSA NSA NSA ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM ASTM NSA SAE NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE API API MSS ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE ANSI UL ANSI ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM BCI ACI ASHTO ASTM ASTM AWPA UL NEMA TRA SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASHTO SAE ANSI A 440 562 333 547 A607 J410C AMS7252A AMS7253A AMS72S0C AMS7251B A517 T464 A376 D2754 LPD 7-33 A520 A637 A638 A639 A437 A 660 A670 A358 A409 A451 A182 A351 A106 A426 A335 A216 A217 A447 A 193 1063 C768 E354 1672 AMS7266 1671 A453 C16 A608 D3232 A389 A679 J271 SPEC 5LX SP75 C37.32 C37.0781 C37.ll C37.0732 339 417 327 328 340 341 342 343 C39.0722 492.3 C37.85 D495 A514 8-25N D3303 A515 •1.48 345 »6 A486 D3282 C14 912 SH3 2-29 J267 J224A F376 D2818 GD-2 J 137 A D7.1 198 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. (or Template Std. for Butts and push and Kick / Basic Builders' Hardware: Hands of Doors; ment of Fractures of the Skeletal (Bone) / Std. Spec, for wagons (1972) Rec. for tractors (1972) Std. for 3 Point Free Link ped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Three Point Free Link ce Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Point ce Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Point ional Type) Connecting Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling, Std. for Trailer Couplings and 2) SAE J715 Std. for 3 Point Free Link Attachment for (1972) Std. for One Point Tubular Sleeve Attachment for eth. of Determining the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for Std. Spec, for Hand Operated Chain 71) Std. Spec, for Manually Lever Operated Chain Std. for Safety Requirements for Personnel types (1971) Std. Spec, for Electric Wire Rope Std. Spec, for Electric Chain nes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings: Base Mounted Drum Std. for Overhead lar Cranes (1973) Safety Std. for Cranes, Derricks, 1) Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, 0) Guide for Supplementary Ventilation in a Ship's Cargo Rec. Pract. for Diesel Fuel Injection Nozzle and Std. for Precision Indexable Insert r Carbide Seats Used with Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type ide Chip Breakers Used in Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type osers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Electromagnetic e (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Sewage s (1971) Std. for Waste and Sewage Plastic Tanks for Water and Wastewater Treatment (Septic, Safety Std. for of Vehicle Alarm Systems and Units for Protection Against ting Equipment (Barrier) for Protection Against Robbery or 972) Rec. Pract. for edges (1972) Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Dimensions and Tolerances for Screw Uniform Building Code Std. for Building, Facing, and Quality Stds. for Flush Solid and Std. Meth. of Test for Alkalinity of Std. Meth. of Test for Bulk Density and Packing Factor of Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic Collapse Strength of a79.1 Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for rmediate Pivot (1973) Spec, for 1 3/4 In. Thick ies Deadlock Strikes (1973) Spec, for si A80.1 Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for uniform Building Code: Solid, Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Std. for Particleboard for Mobile Std. Meth. of Measurement for Audio Amplifiers Used in nit Text/ Test Meth. for Dimensional Changes in Automatic for Oily Stain Release Meth. of Textile Fabric Soil During of Seams in Wash and Wear Items (Textile / Clothing) After earance of Creases in Wash and Wear Items (Clothing) After ble Press Textile Fabrics (Permanent Press) After Repeated ) ANSI C33.13 Safety Std. for Electric 71) ANSI A197.2, Asse 1007 Std. and Test Procedures for Std. for Mobile X-Ray Protection Standards for . for Power Output Ratings of Packaged Audio Equipment for Uniform Plumbing Code: Mobile rk Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Mobile Rec. Pract. for Std. for Waste and Sewage Holding Tanks for Mobile ty Std. for Liquid Fuel Burning Heat Appliances for Mobile Std. for Supply Gas Connectors for Exterior Use on Mobile ehicles (Travel and Camping Trailers, Truck Campers, Motor mbling Mobile Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab Houses, Motor Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at Plants Assembling Mobile nts, and Installation of Plumbing, Heati/ Std. for Mobile cator Tran/ Rec. Basic Characteristics for Airborne Radio 3) ANSI A176.1 Std. Spec, for c Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. Spec, for r Highway, Airport, and Similar Drainage / Std. Spec, for drainage (Land Reclamation, Curtain and B/ Std. Spec, for for Rapid Gas Chromatographic Estimation of Higher Boiling Std. Test Meth. for Delamination Strength of Rec. Pract. for Exhaust Std. for Draft tion Type Cranes Having Rope Supported Booms, Equipped for Std. Spec, for Electric Wire Rope Hoists (Lug, es (1973) Safety Std. for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Std. Meth. of Test. Hinge Dimensions (1972) Hinges for Doors (Builders Hardware) (1970) Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Hip NaiJ-Jewett Type for Use by Surgeons in the Treat Hitch and Box Dimensions for Agricultural (Farm) Grain Hitch Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Wheeled Hitch (1971) SAE J909A /Icultural Wheel Tractors Equip Hitch (1972) /Ocedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift for Hitch (1972) /Ocedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift for Hitch, Safety Chain, Lighting) (1973) /Ehicle (Recreat Hitches: Automotive Type (1972) Hitching Implements to Agricultural Wheel Tractors (197 Hitching Implements to Lawn and Garden Riding Tractors Hoe Dipper (Backhoe Bucket) (1972) Std. for Uniform M Hoists for Industrial Applications (1971) Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and Load Brake Designs (19 Hoists (Construction and Demolition Operations) (1973) Hoists (Lug, Hook, Trolley Suspended, and Base Mounted Hoists (1971) Hoists (1971) Safety Code for Cra Hoists (1973) Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings: Portal, Tower and Pil Hoists, Jacks and Slings: Base Mounted Drum Hoists (197 Hold During the Use of Internal Combustion Engines (197 Holder Assembly (17Mm Nominal Diameter) (1971) Holders (1973) Holders (1973) Std. Fo Holders (1973) Std. for Carb Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Electromagnet Holders; Sliding Door Equipment; Installation Aids (196 Holding and/or Treatment Devices for Marine Toilet Wast Holding Tanks for Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehicle Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Holdup Alarm Units and Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.7 Holdup and Theft (1973) ANSI Se2.8 /N, and Maintenance Holdup (Criminology) (1974) ANSI Se4.6 /R Bullet Resis Hole Placement on Bulldozer (Dozer) End Bit Supports (1 Hole Spacing for Scraper and Bulldozer (Dozer) Cutting Holes and Slots in Bone Plates (1973) Hollow Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973) Hollow Core Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Hollow Metal Door and Frame Preparation for Offset Inte Hollow Metal Door Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Ser Hollow Nonload Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1971) an Hollow Nonload Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Hollow Unit. Cavity Wall, and Stone Masonry (1973) /E Home Decking (1973) Home Equipment (1971) Home Laundering of Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or K Home Laundering (1970) ANSI L14.239 Test Meth. Home Laundering (1973) ANSI L14. 172 /. for Appearance Home Laundering (1973) ANSI L14.173 /Est Meth. for App Home Launderings (1973) ANSI L14.226 /Pearance of Dura Home Laundry Equipment (Clothes Washer and Dryer) (1972 Home Laundry Equipment (washer, Dryer, Combination) (19 Home Parks (Trailer) (1972) ANSI A177.1 Home Television Receivers (1968) Home Use (1967) Std Home (Trailer) Parks (1973) Home, Garden Tractor, Industrial Truck and Trailer (197 Homes and Camps in Forest Areas (1972) Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1971) Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1973) ANSI A147.1 /Fe Homes (1972) Homes): Installation of Plumbing, Heating, and Electric Homes, and Camping Trailers) (1974) /Ds at Plants Asse Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab House9, Motor Homes, and Homes: Body and Frame Design and Construction Requireme Homing and Alerting Equipment for Use with Emergency Lo Homogeneous Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (197 Homogeneous Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septi Homogeneous Perforated Bituminous Fiber Pipe Systems Fo Homogeneous Solid Wall and Perforated Pipe for General Homologues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for Capacitor Askar Honeycomb Type Core Material (1970) Hood Design for Industrial Ventilation Systems (1974) Hoods for Gas Burning Appliances (1971) Hook Work, Clamshell, Magnet, Grapple, or Concrete Buck Hook, Trolley Suspended, and Base Mounted Types (1971) Hooks, Jacks, and Slings: Portal, Tower and Pillar Cran Hookup Wire Insulation (1974) ANSI A156.7 ANSI A156.1 NBHA 8 ASTM F369 ASAE R239 SAE J715D ASAE S278.2 ASAE S349 SAE J283 VESC V-5 SAE J684D ASAE S217.8 ASAE S348T SAE J296 HMI 200 HMI 300 ANSI A10.4 HMI 100 HMI 400 ANSI B30.7 ANSI B30.16 ANSI B30.4 ANSI B30.7 SNAME 414 SAE J265 ANSI B94.45 ANSI B94.46 ANSI B94.47 NBHA 8 NBHA 8 ABYC A8 IAPMO TSC2 NSF 41 UL 636 UL 904 UL 752 SAE J63 SAE J737B ASTM F367 ICBO UBCS24-1 AWI *11300 ASTM D3100 ASTM D3I01 ASTM D3102 ASTM C90 ICBO UBCS24-4 ANSI A115.12 ANSI A115.5 ASTM C129 ICBO UBCS24-6 ICBO UBC'8-11 NPA 1-71 EIA RS234-C AATCC 135 AATCC 130 AATCC 88 B AATCC 88C AATCC 124 UL 560 AHAM HLW2PR NFPA 501A NCRPM *1 EIA RS234-B ICBO UPC*1-E TRA 5 NFPA 224 IAPMO TSC2 UL 307A IAPMO TSC9 NFPA 501C FMS 7-90 FMS 7-90 NFPA 501B RTCA DO-154 ASTM D1861 ASTM D2312 ASTM D2818 ASTM D2311 ASTM D3303 ASTM C363 ACGIH •1-4 ANSI Z21.12 SAE J220 HMI 100 ANSI B30.4 ASTM D3032 Engineering and Product Standards Division 199 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Capacity Designation for Fertilizer Std. for Numerically Controlled Std. for Std. for Numerically Controlled Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of 73) Spec, for Vertical and t. for LP Gas Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Type for for LP Gas Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Universal ent of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard ent of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard rning of Cellular Plastics Using a Supported Specimen by A plastics by Short Beam M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Rec. Rec. Stds. for Forced Entry Resistant Aluminum t. for Flammability of Automotive Interior Trim Materials: 43.1 Safety Std. for Sliding Hardware for Std., cat/ Spec, for Aluminum Combination Vertically Sliding or Std. for Industrial and Other Direct Current Integral Std. for Synchronous Integral . for Frame Assignments for Alternating-Current Integral 1972) Rec. Pract. for Determining and Slating the ite Purpose Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral current and Direct Current Motors (Fractional and Integral mating and Direct Current Motors (Fractional and Integral ect Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral ect Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral pecial Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Meth. of Test for Heavy Cotton Fabrics for Manufacture of td. for Tests and Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic ances, Casters, Face Masks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, ests and Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose and Std. for s (1971) Std. for Gas es (1971) Std. for Gas t. for Coding System for Identification of Tube, Pipe, and Safety Std. for Std. for Flexible Non Pressure Water Fill Safety Std. for Semiautomatic Fire Rec. for Standpipe and Std. for Care of Fire Std. Meth. of Testing Automotive Air Conditioning Safety Std. for Flexible Metallic Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Hydraulic Brake Std. Meth. of Testing Rubber Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Strip for Flexible Metal Safety Std. for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Safety Std. for Fire Extinguisher and Apparatus .Booster Safety Std. for Unlined Fire Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Air Brake and Vacuum Brake Std. for Fuel and Oil Std. for Coolant System Test Meth. for Snag Resistance of Women's Nylon exit Devices. Pulls. Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; sual Communication) (1974) Std. for Safety for ash Ignition Properties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using A ansi G24.24 Std. Spec, for Regular Quality ansi G24.25 Std. Spec, for Drawing Quality and/or Vanadium (/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet and Strip, nd Forging Billets for High S/ Std. Spec, for Hot Worked, ength at Elevated Temperatures (1971/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Strip for High Strength at Elevated/ Std. Spec, for Hot, 1/ Spec, for Determination of Phosphate Coating Weight on ur/ Rec. Pract. for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of td. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the t of Lock Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Sheet of Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the for Culverts and Underdrains, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by uirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the ity in Coils, and Cut Lengths. Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by td. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Std. Spec, for Zinc Coating Std. Spec, for Welded and Seamless Black and Steel Pipe for Ordinary Uses (/ Std. Spec, for Black and tubing (1973) ANSI G24.22 Std. Spec, for structural Tubing (1973) Std. Spec, for ercial Wash-Whites 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum d. Spec, for Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot Mixed, , and Surface Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Rec. Pract. for Flexibility Determination of nsi A3/ Std. Spec, for Requirements for Mixing Plants for r, Leveling, and Surface Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for erials for Use in Construction of Built Up Roof Coverings: a/ Safety Std. for Materials for Built-Up Roof Coverings: Hopper Cars for Malt and Grain Service (1964) Hoppers and Containers (1972) Horizontal and Vertical Jig Boring Machines (1974) Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine (1974) Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine (1974) Horizontal Concrete Surfaces (1974) Horizontal Emulsion Treaters (Petroleum Production) (19 Horizontal Mounting, Liquid Withdrawal Only (1973) /AC (Horizontal or Vertical Mounting), Liquid Withdrawal (19 (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1972) Meth. for Ineffici (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1973) /. of Test for Coeffici Horizontal Screen (1974) ANSI K65.114 /or Extent of Bu Horizontal Shear Strength of Parallel Fiber Reinforced Horizontal Shoring Beam Erection Procedure (1972) Horizontal Shoring Beam Safety Rules (1972) Horizontal Sliding Doors (1971) Horizontal Test Meth. (1972) Rec. Prac Horizontally Mounted Tin Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI Al Horizontally Operating Storm Windows for External Appli Horsepower Generators (1972) Horsepower Generators (1972) Horsepower Induction Motors (1972) Std Horsepower Rating of Inboard Gasoline Engines (Boats) ( Horsepower) (1972) Std. for Defin Horsepower) (1972) Std. for Ratings for Alternating Horsepower) (1972) / for Tests and Performance of Alte Horsepower) (1972) /Ation Data for Alternating and Dir Horsepower) (1972) /Dimensions for Alternating and Dir Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) (1973) ANSI Z243.1 / Marine S Hose and Belts (1942) ANSI L14.283 Std. Spec, and Hose and Hose Assemblies (1970) Hose and Tubing, Mattresses and Pads, Sheeting, and Res Hose Assemblies (1970) Std. for T Hose Clamps (1971) Hose Connectors for Portable Indoor Gas Fired Appliance Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas Fired Applianc Hose Fittings (1972) Rec. Prac Hose for Conducting Gasoline (1973) Hose for Recreational Vehicles (1971) Hose Rack Assemblies (1972) Hose Systems (Heating) (1972) Hose (Including Couplings and Nozzles (1972) Hose (1968E) ANSI J2.27 Hose (1972) ANSI B140.1 Hose (1972) ANSI J2.9 Hose (1972A) ANSI J2.5 Hose (1973) Hose (1973) Hose (1973) Hose (1973) ANSI A152.1 Hose (1973) ANSI S2.10 Hoses (1970) Hoses (1971) Hosiery (1973) ANSI L14.85 Hospital and Misc. Items; Key Control Systems; Door Hoi Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment (Audio / VI Hot Air Ignition Furnace) (Fire Safety) (1973) /and Fl Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) Hot and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium Hot Cold Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Forgings a Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Str Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Hot Dip Galvanized and Electrogalvanized Steel (Coil) ( Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Proced Hot Dip Process for Roofing (1971) ANSI G8.21 Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.22 /Pec. for Steel Shee Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.23 /Td. Spec, for Steel Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.28 /C. for Steel Sheets Hot Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.25 /Ec. for General Req Hot Dip Process (1973) ANSI G8.27 / of Structural Qual Hot Dip Process, Commercial Quality (1971) ANSI G8.24 (Hot Dip) on Assembled Steel Products (1973) ANSI G8.18 Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel Pipe (1973) ANSI B125.1 Hot Dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Hot Head Press (300-330 Deg. F) Finishing, Shirt Unit Hot Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37.102 Hot Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, Leveling Hot Melt Adhesives and Coating Materials (1973) Hot Melt Adhesives by Mandrel Bend Test Meth. (1972T) Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1971) a Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binde Hot Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Orga Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Co BAMI *1 ASAE S281.1 NSA 963 NSA 910 NSA 954 ASTM C779 API 12L ITA 6A1 ITA 6A2 TAPPI T816SU ASTM D3247 ASTM D1692 ASTM D2344 SSI •8 SSI •7 AAMA 1302.3 SAE J369A UL 14B AAMA 1002.8 NEMA MGM5 NEMA NEMA MC1-16 MCI3 ABYC S6 NEMA MG1-18 NEMA MG1-10 NEMA MC1-12 NEMA MC1-14 NEMA MG1-11 UL 1123 ASTM D181 SAE J343A UL 1067 SAE J343A SAE J536B ANSI Z21.2 ANSI Z21.54 SAE J846C UL 330 IAPMO TSC19 UL 47 FMS 4.4 NFPA 198 ASTM D1680 UL 536 ASTM D571 ASTM D380 ASTM B508 UL 21 UL 92 UL 18 ASTM D622 SAE J30A SAE J20D AATCC 65 NBHA 8 UL 1069 ICBO UBCS52-3 ASTM A 506 ASTM A507 ASTM A607 ASTM A477 ASTM A458 ASTM A457 NCCA TB-I1-3 ASTM A 143 ASTM A361 ASTM A527 ASTM A528 ASTM A444 ASTM A525 ASTM A446 ASTM A526 ASTM A386 ASTM A53 ASTM A 120 ASTM A501 ASTM A618 ANSI L24.4.12 ASTM D995 ASTM D1753 ASTM D3236 ASTM D3111 ASTM D995 ASTM D1753 ICBO UBCS32-1 UL 55A 200 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards unter Appliances (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food Dish Warmers, Std. for Domestic Gas Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Die Forgings Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to d Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (1/ Std. Spec, for 1 Products Manual) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging; (1973) ANSI G24/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for ng Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars 1/ Std. Spec, for rs. Rod, and Wire for Nuclear Application/ Std. Spec, for sure Piping Component/ Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Carbon, erty Requirements (1972) Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality lity (1972) Std. Spec, for nd Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for nsi C7.7 Std. Spec, for mifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, ns (1974) Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Carbon, Meth. for Measuring Flat Spring Test for (1972) Std. for Gas Fired High Pressure Steam and Std. for Gas Fired Low Pressure Steam and lumbing Requirements for Household Storage Type Electrical Spec, for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic d. for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Installation and Maintenance of Steam and Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for r Nonnuclear Applications (1972) ANSI Z17/ Std. Spec, for 1 Forgings and Forging Billets for High S/ Std. Spec, for Spring Design: Compression, Extension, Torsion, Fiat, and h Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971/ Std. Spec, for , and Strip for High Strength at Elevated/ Std. Spec, for Std. for ers (1973) Std. for 8 Std. Meth. of Test for Delta in Southern Building Code for Dwelling d (Pressure Treated Lumber and Plywood) Foundation System: Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Exterior Latex ding. Manufactnrer, Restaurant, and Dwelling or Appartment (1972) Std. for Safety Std. for ers (1972) Industry Standard for Std. for Std. and Test Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for ances (1972) ANSI C33.11.1 (Stove) (1974) C71.1 cooking Tops (1974) (1973) ANSI C33.ll. 2 si C33.87 Std. for Safety for Std. for Safety for Std. Std. for Std. for Std. for Safety for Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Std. for Safety of / Std. and Test Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Std. for Performance Evaluation for Std. for Safety for etermine the Freezer Temperature and Energy Consumption of (1973) Plumbing Requirements for Safety Std. for Std. Performance Evaluation Procedure for ower Plants (1973) Std. for at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab fire and Wind Hazards at PI/ Rec. for Factory Constructed Uniform (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conform/ Std. Shaft and Std. for Particleboard Decking for Factory Built nd Wind Hazards at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular r Evaluation of Suitability of Plastic Material for Use in Std. Sizes for Industrial Centrifugal Fans with Cast Std. Spec, for Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for ttings) (1972) Spec. Data for Std. Performance Requirements for s and Drain P/ Std. for Installation of Seacocks, Through Safety Std. for Marine Through d Installation of Power Transmission Units Penetrating the Rec. Pract. for Boat Code for Shipboard Coating Systems (Paint) Guide for Ship ty Control) (1967) Rec. Pract. for Ethics and n and Construction of Surface Drainage Systems on Farms in Std. for Performance of Appliance ances Rated at 60/ ■_ Safety Std. for Electric Fans (Blower, Std. for Selection. Installation, and Servicing of Hot Plates and Griddles, etc.) (1973) Std. for Gas Co ANSI Z21.31 Hot Plates and Laundry Stoves (1971) ANSI Z21.9 (Hot Pressed) (1974) ANSI H7.10 ASTM B283 Hot Pressing (1973) AATCC 133 Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age Hardening Stainless an ASTM A564 Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed AISI 1 Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Carbon and Alloy Steel Bar ASTM A29 Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Stainless and Heat Resisti ASTM A429 Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Its Alloy Ba ASTM B351 Hot Rolled and Cold Finished, Special Quality, for Pres ASTM A696 Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Prop ASTM A663 Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars (1973) ASTM A575 Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Qua ASTM A570 Hot Rolled Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent) Steel Sheet a ASTM A569 Hot RoUed Copper Rods for Electrical Purposes (1974) a ASTM B49 Hot Rolled Deformed Concrete Reinforcing Bars (1972) AISI 1 Hot Rolled Sheet and Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) ASTM A659 Hot Rolled, Special Quality, for Fluid Power Applicatio ASTM A695 Hot Tack of Wax Polymer Blends (1972) TAPPI T683SU Hot Water Boilers (Inputs Not Over 400,000 Btu Per Hr.) ANSI Z21.59 Hot Water Boilers (1972) ANSI Z21.13 Hot Water Dispensers (1973) ASSE 1023 Hot Water Distribution Systems (1973) Std. ASTM D2846 Hot Water Supply Systems (1972) St ANSI Z21.22A Hot Water Unit Heaters (1970) AMCA 16 Hot Weather Concreting (Concrete) (1972) ANSI A170.1 ACI 305 Hot Weather Concreting (1959) ACI 605 Hot Weather Concreting (1972) ACI 305 ANSI A170. 1 Hot Worked and Cold Finished Zirconium Bars and Wire Fo ASTM B550 Hot Worked, Hot Cold Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Stee ASTM A477 Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology, Gauge, Metric SMI «3 Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for Hig ASTM A458 Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate. Sheet ASTM A457 Hot-Water Immersion Controls (1972) NEMA DC 12 Hotel and Restaurant Gas Deep Fat Fryers (1971) ANSI Z21.27 Hotel and Restaurant Gas Ranges (Stoves) and Unit Broil ANSI Z21.3 Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90. ASTM C624 House Construction (1973) SBCC *18 House Design and Construction Meth. (1972) /Eather Woo NFORP RP7 House Paints (1972) ASTM D3129 House (1973) /Torium, Dormatory, Public or Office Buil ICBO UPC*1-C Household Automatic Electric Storage Type Water Heaters ANSI C72. 1 Household Burglar Alarm System Units (1972) ANSI Se2.4 UL 1023 Household Commercial and Portable Exchange Water Soften WCF S-100 Household Cooking Gas Appliances (1972) ANSI Z21.1 Household Dishwashers (1971) ANSI A197.1, Asse 1006 AHAM DW-2PR Household Dishwashers (1974) AHAM HS-1 Household Electric Clocks (1974) ANSI C33.47 UL 826 Household Electric Coffee Makers and Brewing Type Appli UL 1082 Household Electric Range Pyrolytic Self Cleaning Ovens AHAM ER-3 Household Electric Ranges (Stove and Ovens) (1972) ANSI AHAM ER-1 Household Electric Ranges (Stove) with Glass / Ceramic AHAM ER-2 Household Electric Ranges (Stoves) (1974) ANSI C33.53 UL 858 Household Electric Skillets and Frying Type Appliances UL 1083 Household Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters (1972) an UL 174 Household Fire Warning System Units (1973) UL 985 Household Food Waste Disposer Units (1971) ANSI A197.3, AHAM FWD-2PR Household Food Waste Disposers (1973) AHAM FWD-1 Household Refrigerators and Freezers (1973) ANSI B97.1 UL 250 Household Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator-Fre AHAM HRF-2-ECFT Household Storage Type Electrical Hot Water Dispensers ASSE 1023 Household Type Pressjre Cookers (1973) UL 136 Household (laundry, Clothes) Washer (1971) ANSI Z224.1 AHAM HLW1 Housekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear P ANSI N45.2.3 Houses. Motor Homes, and Camping Trailers) (1974) /Ds FMS 7-90 Housing and Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Plants ( FMS 7-90 Housing Code (Residential Buildings) (1973) ICBO UBC*5 Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings AFBMA 7 Housing (1972) NPA 2-70 Housing, Prefab Houses, Motor Homes, and Camping Traile FMS 7-90 Housings of Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices Including Re SAE J29 Housings (1966) AMCA 2403 Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) CISPI HSN Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary System (Plumbing Pipe and Fi CISPI 301 Huck Towels (Institutional Textile) (1973) ANSI L24.2.4 Hull Connections, Outboard Water Strainers, Water Scoop ABYC H27 Hull Fittings and Sea Valves (1973) ANSI Z254.1 UL 1121 Hull for Boats Equipped with Outdrives, Jet Drives And/ ABYC P16 Hull Identification Numbers (1973) ABYC S10 Hull Vibration Measurements (1969) SNAME C-l Hull, Deck and Superstructure (1973) SNAME 4-10 Human Relations in Vendor- Vendee Relationships (Quali ASQC RP1 Humid Areas (1973) Rec. for Desig ASAE R302.2 Humidifier (1972) ANSI Z235.1 AHAM HU-1 Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, and Air Filtering Appli UL 507 Humidifiers (1972) ARI 630 Engineering and Product Standards Division 201 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards M1971) (1965) en in Fie/ imens) (1/ Std. for Central System Std. for Self Contained for Respiratory Therapy Equipment (Breathing Devices, Room nditioning. Heating, Cooking, Refrigeration, and Humidity ss of Textile Fabrics to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under Low fastness of Textiles to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under High (Coil) (1974) Std. Meth. for Condensation ■ of Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooking, Refrigeration, and on Rate of Sheet Materials (Paper) at High Temperature and Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water (High Rec. Std. for Seismic Restraint Direct eth. of Test for Color of Raw Cotton Using the Nickerson - Meth. for Measuring Color of Paper and Paper Board by easurement of Color of Low Colored Clear Liquids Using the eformation and Cohesion of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of Rec. for Water Sprinkler and ity, Departmental Regulations and Controls, Barrier, Road, Safety Std. for ntary Pa/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Materials Hard to Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Physical Test, of Quicklime and d. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Limestone, Quicklime, and (Cereal Chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral 1 Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1968/ Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Heat of Guide Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. Automotive Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Std. Meth. of Test for Flexural Strength of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Std. Meth. of Test for Normal Consistency of Std. Meth. of Test for Heat of Hydration of Std. Meth. of Sampling cabinets and (Specimen Storage) Rooms Used in the Test, of Std. Spec, for Blended uniform Building Code Std. for Portland Cement and Blended Rec. Pract. for Automotive Transmission Std. for Mobile Std. End Load Test Meth. for A Std. Meth. for Determining the Fabrication Integrity of A Std. Meth. of Verifying the Material Compatibility of A Meth. for Verifying the Flow Fatigue Characteristics. of A . Meth. for Verifying the Collapse / Burst Resistance of A Meth. for Evaluating the Filtration Performance of a Fine rocedure for Qualifying and Controlling Cleaning Meth. for presenting Basic Performance Data for Positve Displacement or Extracting Fluid Samples from the Lines of an Operating Std. Pract. for the Use of Fire Resistant Fluids for Std. Meth. of Reporting Contamination Analysis Data of Meth. of Test for Mist Spray Flammability of Std. for Tests and Procedures for SAE 100R Series equipped with 3 Point / Std. Test Procedure for Measuring equipped with 3 Po/ Std. for Test Procedure for Measuring type (Farm) Implements (1971) "Application of Remote Std. Meth. for High Pressure Pump Test, of pe Friction Loss Tables for Solving Fire Protection System tors and Trailing Type Agricultu/ Std. for Application of Std. for Nonintegral Industrial Fluid Power nt (1964) ANSI Z98.33 Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber pose Machine Tools (1973) Rec. for Erosion Resistance of Concrete in or Cast Iron Sealing Rings for Automotive Transmission and Std. for Apparatus) (Exclusive of Generator, for rator/Motors for Pumpe/ Std. for Installation of Vertical ersible Synchronous Generator / Motor Uni/ Std. for Large for the Construction, Care, and Use of Shears (Mechanical, Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Butadiene Purity and Test Meth. for Oil Repellency of Fabrics: Std. Spec, for Low Boiling e Solutions Such as Pent/ Std. Spec, for for High Boiling 1973) Std. for trometry (1971) ANSI Z11.311 Std. Meth. of Test for 5 Std. Meth. of Test for Bromine Index of Aromatic .248 Std. Meth. of Test for Bromine Index of Petroleum f Test for Nonaromatic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Aromatic Std. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Traces in Light Saturated t for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Std. Meth of Test for D.C. Electrical Conductivity of Std. Test Meth. for Polynuclear Aromatic Std. M Meth. for M /R Resistance to D St /Ec. for Moist Humidifiers (1974) Humidifiers (1974) Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suction Equipm (Humidistat, Thermostat) (1972) ANSI B131.1 / of Air Co Humidities (1972) ANSI L 14. 174 / Meth. for Colorfastne Humidities (1972) ANSI L 14.238 Test Meth. for Color Humidity Test, of Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces Humidity (Humidistat, Thermostat) (1972) ANSI B131.1 Humidity (1973) /Termination of Water Vapor Transmissi Humidity) and Light: Alternate Exposure (1972) ANSI L14 Hung Suspended Ceiling Assemblies (1972) Hunter Cotton Colorimeter (1971) Hunter L, A, B Colorimetry (1972) Hunterlab Color Difference Meter (1972T) Hveem Apparatus (1971) ANSI A37.137 Hydrant System Demand Tables (Fire Safety) (1973) Hydrant, Driveway Clearance, Installation and Maintenan Hydrants for Fire Protection Service (1973) Hydrate in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alime Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes (1973) Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes (1974) ANSI K67.13 Hydrated Lime (1971) ANSI K67.10 Hydrated Lime (1972) ANSI K67.3 Hydrate; Chloroform; Formaldehyde; Gasoline; Herwig's, Hydration Capacity of Pregelatinized Starches and Cerea Hydration of Hydraulic Cement (1973) ANSI ALIO Hydraulic and Electric Elevators (Freight and Passenger Hydraulic Brake Hose (1972) ANSI J2.9 Hydraulic Cement by No. 325 (45-?M) Sieve (1973) Hydraulic Cement Mortars in Chemical Resistant Masonry Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Portions of Prisms Brok Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 In. (50 Mm) Cube Spec Hydraulic Cement Mortars (1972) Hydraulic Cement (1971) ANSI A1.28 Hydraulic Cement (1972) ANSI A1.12, Ashto T133 Hydraulic Cement (1973) AASHO T129, ANSI ALU Hydraulic Cement (1973) ANSI ALIO Hydraulic Cement (1973) ANSI A1.2 Hydraulic Cements and Concretes (1973) Hydraulic Cements (1973) Hydraulic Cements (1973) Hydraulic Control System Terminology (1970) Hydraulic Cranes (1973) Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.21 Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.22 Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.23 Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.24 Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.25 Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1973) ANSI B93.31 Hydraulic Fluid Power Fluid Sample Containers (1972) an Hydraulic Fluid Power Pumps and Motors (1973) ANSI B93. Hydraulic Fluid Power System (For Particulate Contamina Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems (1972) ANSI B93.5 Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems (1973) ANSI B93.30 Hydraulic Fluids (1972T) Hydraulic Hose and Hose Assemblies (1970) Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Hydraulic Motors to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Hydraulic OUs (1973) Hydraulic Problems (1973) Rec. for Pi Hydraulic Remote Control Cylinders to Agricultural Trac Hydraulic Reservoirs (1969) ANSI B93.18 Hydraulic Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Ceme Hydraulic Std. for Industrial Equipment and General Pur Hydraulic Structures (1952) Hydraulic Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. Spec. F Hydraulic Tube Fittings (1972) Hydraulic Turbine Drive) (1972) Hydraulic Turbine Driven Generators and Reversible Gene Hydraulic Turbine Driven Synchronous Generators and Rev Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Semi and Automatic, and Manually Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvents (1971) ANSI Z11.42 Hydrocarbon Impurities by Gas Chromatography (1973) Hydrocarbon Resistance Test (1972) ANSI L14.214 Hydrocarbon Solvent for Oil Borne Preservatives (1973) Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Oil Borne Preservativ Hydrocarbon Solvents for Oil Borne Wood Preservatives ( Hydrocarbon Types in Low Olefinic Gasoline by Mass Spec Hydrocarbons by Coulometric Titration (1974) ANSI Z78.1 Hydrocarbons by Electrometric Titration (1972) ANSI Zll Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography (1968) ANSI Z164.1 Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography (1972) ANSI Zll. 279 Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulometry (1972T) Hydrocarbons Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll. 322 Hydrocarbons in Air Particulate Matter (1971) /Tes ARI ARI6 NSF UL AATCC AATCC NCCA UL TAPPI AATCC CISCA ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM FMS ICBO UL AACCH ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO SAE ANSI NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP ASTM SAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASTM FMS ASAE NFLDP ASTM JIC ACI SAE SAE NEMA NEMA NEMA ANSI ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM AWPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 610 20 48 873 109 129 TB-III-6 873 T464 126 *3 D2253 T524SU E450 D1560 2-76 UFC»2ART13 246 28-32 UBCS24-19 C207 C110 C25 28-91 56-20 C186 14200 D571 C430 C398 C349 C109 C348 C219 C188 C187 C186 C183 C511 C595 UBCS26-1 J648A B30.15 T3. 10.8.2 T3.10.8.4 T3. 10.8.6 T3. 10.8.7 T3. 10.8.5 T3. 10.8.8 T2.9.2 T3.9.17 T2.9.1 T3.11.1 T2.9.3 D3119 J343A S349 J283 S316T D2882 2-89 S201.4 T3.16.2 C449 HI 52-18 J281 J514E MG1-22 MG5.2 MG5.1 B11.4 D484 D2593 118 D3225 D2604 P9 D2789 D1492 D2710 D2360 D2600 D3120 D3114 D2682 202 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Chromatography (1968/ 1972) lating Liquid) (1973/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonaromatic Std. Meth. of Te9t for C, Through C s Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Aromatic Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Aromatic xylenes. Solvent Naphthas, and Similar Industrial Aromatic ulfur Dioxide Content (Qualitative) of Industrial Aromatic Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of Industrial Aromatic or Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade P-Aminophenol de) (197/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Hydroxylamine real Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of purification of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of and Cleaning of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of r the Design of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of antitites of Total Sulfur in Volatile Organic Liquids (Oxy Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Carbon and Std. Meth. of Test for Dissolved and Gaseous hemistry) (1962) Electrometric Meth. of Analysis for (1962) Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis for Std. Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing e) of Industrial Aromatic Hydroca/ Std. Meth. of Test for (1970) ANSI Z77.10 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of Rec. for Liquefied (Air, Argon, Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Std. Meth. of Test for Total Sulfur in Natural Gas by s in Flour or Starch Preparations Which Are Susceptible to odent Hairs in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Acid ysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina (With Subsequent Acid ) Meth. of Test for onic Devices (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining 973) Std. Meth. of Test for cal Meth. for Determining pH Content of Corn Syrup, Starch ron (Orthophenanthroline) Content of Corn Syrup and Starch ontent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other ometric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) and All n Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Starch . for Determining Acidity Content of Corn Syrup and Starch ash Content of Corn Syrup, Finished Sugar and Other Starch ing Fermentables Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, and Starch of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup, and Other Starch of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Determining Dextrose Content of Corn Syrup and All Starch d Chromatography) Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar, and Starch g Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn Syrup and All Starch ecific Rotation Content of Corn Syrup, Dextrose and Starch chromatography! Content of Corn Sugar, Starch Molasses and corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Dextrose, Syrup and Starch of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup and Other Starch egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Syrup and Other Starch alytical Meth. for Determining Iron Content in Corn Starch n Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Starch ine (Enology) (1972) Tent. of Test for Specific or API Gravity of Liquid Asphalts by Guide Spec, for Platforms and Stage Lifts (Hydrualic and Chemical Ethyl (E,E)3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate ydroquinone C,;H.,(Oh) 2 (Para Dihydroxbenzene, Quinol, nol, Hydroquinol) (197/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade 72) Std. Meth. of Test for Methyl Ether of res (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for 2A) Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: water (1967) Std. Meth. of Test for for Preparation and Standardization of Sodium or Potassium (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sodium Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Ammonium Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Starch Ether/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of ytical Meth. for Determination of Hydroxyalkoxyl Groups in mmonium Chloride) (197/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade xylammonium Sulfate) (/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade raphic Grade Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, (Nh 2 OH . Hci) ic Grade Hydroxylamine Sulfate, (NhjOh) 2 . H 2 S0 4 Std. Meth. of Test. determination of Hydroxyalkoxyl Groups in Hydroxyethyl and d Material (1/ Guide Spec, for Platforms and Stage Lifts ase Products (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Automatic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere by Gas Chromatrography ( Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Capacitors (Electrical Insu Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Transformers (1973) Hydrocarbons (1947) ANSI Z78.9 / of Benzene, Toluene, Hydrocarbons (1971) ANSI Z78.13 /Ydrogen Sulfide and S Hydrocarbons (1972) Std. Hydrocarbons (1973) ANSI Z106.1 Std. Meth. F Hydrochloric Acid Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Hydrochloric Acid, HCI (1972) Hydrochloride HOCHjNhj HCI (1972) Hydrochloride, (Nh 2 OH . Hci) (Hydroxylammonium Chlori Hydrocyanic Acid Residues in Grains and Dried Foods (Ce Hydroelectric Equipment (1971) Rec. Pract. for the Hydroelectric Equipment (1971) /Ract for the Flushing Hydroelectric Equipment (1972) Rec. Pract. Fo Hydrogen Combustion Meth.) (1972) /F Test for Trace Qu Hydrogen Embrittlement of Copper (1973) Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Hydrogen in Water (1960) Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and Bread (Cereal C Hydrogen Ion Activity (PH) in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Dry Adhesive Films (1970) Hydrogen Permeance of Rubber Coated Fabrics (1973) Hydrogen Peroxide in Bleach Baths (1972) ANSI L14.145 Hydrogen Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.129 Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide Content (Qualitativ Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas (Methylene Blue Meth.) Hydrogen Sulfide (1972) Hydrogen Systems (Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, Neon, Nitric Oxide, Nitroge Hydrogenation (1972) ANSI Z77. 11 Hydrolysis by Alpha Amylase) (Cereal Chemistry) (1969) Hydrolysis Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and R Hydrolysis) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /E Meth. of Anal Hydrolytic Stability of Elastomeric Volcanizates (1972T Hydrolytic Stability of Plastic Encapsulants for Electr Hydrolyzable Chlorine Content of Liquid Epoxy Resins (1 Hydrolyzates and a Variety of Other Materials (1952) Hydrolyzates and All Starches and Sugar9, and to Most O Hydrolyzates from Corn and Grain Sorghum Starch (1960) Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from Corn or Grain Sorgh Hydrolyzates (Potassium Chromate Indicator) (1954) Hydrolyzates (1952) Hydrolyzates (1952) Hydrolyzates (1957) Hydrolyzates (1961) Hydrolyzates (1961) Hydrolyzates (1962) Hydrolyzates (1967) Hydrolyzates (1967) Hydrolyzates (1968) Hydrolyzates (1971) Hydrolyzates (1971) Hydrolyzates (1971) Hydrolyzates (1973) Hydrolyzates (1973) /or Std. Analytical Meth /Analytical Meth. for Determining /Td. Analytical Meth. for Determin /. for Determining Copper Content /Meth. for Determining pH Content /for Determining Chloride Content Std. Analytical Meth. for /Etermining Saccharides (Gas Liqui /. Analytical Meth. for Determinin /Alytical Meth. for Determining Sp /Ermining Saccharides (Gas Liquid /Ing Specific Rotation Content of /Cium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content /L Meth. for Determining Calcium ( Hydrolzates Including Syrups and Sugars, and Most Wet M Hydrolzates (Silver-Silver Chloride Indicator) (1971) Hydrometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol) in W Hydrometer Meth. (1973) Std. Meth. Hydropneumatic) for Lowering Personnel and Material (19 Hydroprene (1973) /or Common Name for the Pest Control Hydroquinol) (1972) /D. Spec, for Photographic Grade H Hydroquinone C B H 4 (Oh) 2 (Para Dihydroxbenzene, Qui Hydroquinone in Colorless Monomeric Acrylate Esters (19 Hydrostatic Collapse Strength of Hollow Glass Microsphe Hydrostatic Compressive Strength of Syntactic Foam (197 Hydrostatic Pressure Test (1971) ANSI L14.265 Hydroxide Ion in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Hydroxide Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Hydroxide Solutions Content of Reagents and Indicators Hydroxide, Nh^OH (Aqueous Ammonia) (1972) Hydroxyalkoxyl Content of Corn Starch and Ethers (1967) Hydroxyalkoxyl Groups in Hydroxyethyl and Hydroxypropyl Hydroxyethyl and Hydroxypropyl Starch Ethers (1973) Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, (Nh 2 OH . Hci) (Hydroxyla Hydroxylamine Sulfate, (Nh,Oh) 2 . H 2 SO, (Hydro (Hydroxylammonium Chloride) (1973) /D. Spec, for Photog (Hydroxylammonium Sulfate) (Oxammonium Sulfate) (1973) Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (1972) Hydroxypropyl Starch Ethers (1973) /Lytical Meth. for (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic) for Lowering Personnel an Hygroscopic Properties of Fire Retardant Wood and Its B Ice Cream Freezers and Soda Fountain Units (1973) Ice Makers (600 Volts or Less Rating) (1974) Meth. /L ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ANSI ANSI ANSI AACCH ASME ASME ASME ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM ANSI FMS ICBO ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR ASE ASTM CSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM AACCH CR ANSI CR CR CR ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM CR CSI ASTM UL UL D2360 D2820 D2233 D2283 D847 D853 D2935 D1555 70-20 PH4.104 PH4.129 PH4.187 60-20 LOS-5P1 LOS-5C1 LOS-5D1 D2747 B577 D3178 D1588 02-52 02-51 D1583 D815 102 98 D853 D2725 Z37.2 LPD 7-19N UFC»2ART36 D3031 76-30A 28-41 76-10 D3137 F74 D1726 E48 E-32 F-26 F-14 E-14 E-2 E-6 E-28 F-18 F-42 F-10 E-24 E-63 E-26 E-58 F-50 F-52 F-8 Ell B-30 E-15 *2 D3142 14430 K62.136 PH4.126 PH4.126 D3125 D3102 D2736 127 D514 70-70 R-20 PH4.232 C-20 C-30 C-30 PH4.187 PH4.186 PH4.187 PH4.186 D2363 C-30 14430 D3201 621 563 Engineering and Product Standards Division 203 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards calcium Chloride to Be Used for Dustlaying, Stabilization, ermination of Specific Volume of Creams, Cake Batters, and ng Code Std. for Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Std. for Motion Picture Raw Stock Uniform Building Code Std. for Erection, Fabrication, scopic) Analysis of Mineral Filler and Co/ Std. Meth. for Rec. Pract. for Lighting Std. for Instrumentation Symbols and rod Size Combinations, Rod End Configurations. Dimensional e United States (Including the District of Colu/ Std. for Std. for Slow Moving Vehicle kel for Warning Lamp (Light) and Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) rial Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow Moving Vehicles (SMV) Std. for Fuel Assembly Meth. for Compression Wood Std. for Clearance, Side Marker and d and Rough Items (1971) Aerospace Std. Rec. Pract. for Vehicle Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car Vehicle Rec. Pract. for Boat Hull d Cartridges (1973) Std. for Rec. Pract. for Collection and Std. Meth. for 1 127 using the ASTM Punched Card Index (/ aerospace Fluids (1970E) ints (1972) specs. (1972) pecular Silicon Surface/ Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Code for Std. Rec. Pract. for Qualitative Std. Rec. Pract. for the Rec. Pract. and Nomenclature for Rec. Pract. for Coding System for Std. for Air Brake Reservoir Performance and Std. for Manufacturer quipment (Machinery) (/ Rec. Pract. for Electrical Wiring 1) Std. for Numerical Designation ates for Information Intercha/ Std. for Structure for the irement Maintenance Instructions, and Container and Filler Test Meth. for Fiber Test Meth. for Fiber Line Code System for Welding Wire Color Code System for Welding Wire gines (Color Code) (1973) Requirements and Rec. Meth. of Test Meth. for Packaging Film and Construction Definitions of Terms Used in for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 Pract. for Design and Construction of Diesel (Comprjsssion Std. for Engine Test Code-Spark Std. for Residential Controls Direct Electric tion Properties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air hot Air Ig/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Self and Flash Rec. Pract. for Vehicle Std. for Automatic Gas Battery Materials Spec. (Vehicular, iles, Commercial Vehic/ Storage Battery Spec. (Vehicular, tion of and Test Formula for Isobutene-Isoprene Rubbers Determining the Actinity or Photographic Effectiveness of Std. for Gas Fired Meth. for Measuring Brightness of Pulp (Diffuse uipment (1971) Std. fcr eth. for Determining Safety Times of Photographic Darkroom ain Products (Cer/ Insects, Rodent Hair, and Radiographic ratio (1971) Std. Dimensions of Protectable Anamorphic ision (1973) Std. Dimensions of or Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy and n Unitized Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and ) Std. Rec. Pract. for rms Relating to Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbon Products and Std. Dimensions of 35 mm Motion Picture Camera Aperture Std. Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Oil Hot- Water Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Vulcanizates Resulting from tative Meth. of Test for Weight Loss of Sheet Steel During Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Cyclic Loss of Adhesion, or Other Failure/ Std. Meth. for Water roxide (N 2 Oj) (1972) Std. Meth. of Static st Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chips (Presoak Before of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe by Acetone Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion After Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: und Pendulum (1972) ANSI J2.19 Std. Meth. of Test for ansi J2.31 Std. Meth. of Test for zed Steel (Coil Coating) (1/ Test Meth. for Measurment of Ice Removal, Acceleration of Concrete, Curing of Concre Icings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Del Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines; Engelmann Spru Identification and Labeling (1973) Identification and Painting of Structural Steel (1973) Identification and Qualitative (Including Optical Micro Identification Code (1971) Identification Code (1973) Identification Code, and Mounting Dimensions for 3/4, 1 Identification Codes and Abbreviations for States of Th Identification Emblem (1968) ANSI B114.1, SAE J943A Identification Emblem (1972) /Ounting Brackets and Soc Identification Emblem (1972) SAE J725 /Arm) and Indust Identification in Nuclear Power Plants (1972) Identification in Pulpwood (1972) Identification Lamps (Light) (1972) Identification Marking Meths. on Finished, Semi Finishe Identification Number Systems (1972) Identification Number Systems (1972) Identification Numbers (1973) Identification of Air Purifying Respirator Canisters an Identification of Corrosion Products (1973) Identification of Fibers in Textiles (1972) Identification of Fibers in Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.13 Identification of Finishes in Textiles (1973) ANSI L14. Identification of Lignin (Paper Chromatogram) (1973) Identification of Material by Absorption Spectroscopy, Identification of Metallic and Fibrous Contaminants in Identification of Oils and Oil Acids in Solvent Type Pa Identification of Piping Systems Content (1973) Identification of Polymers in Emulsion Paints (1973) Identification of Std. Electrical Steel Grades in ASTM Identification of Structures and Contaminants Seen on S Identification of Tube, Pipe, and Hose Fittings (1972) Identification Requirements (1972) Identification Symbols for Fasteners (1973) Identification System for Industrial and Construction E (Identification System) of Modular Grid Coordinates (197 Identification (Code) of the Countries of the United St Identification (Construction and Industrial Equipment) Identification (Various Stains) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Identification (Wilson Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Identification (1973) Identification (1973) Identifying AC and DC Electrical Wiring on Boats and En Identity Tests (Paper) (1973) IEEE Nuclear Power Generating Station Stds. (1972) IEEE Trial Use Guide for Class IE Control Switchboards Ignited) Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine Engines and Auxil Ignition and Diesel (1971) Ignition Control Systems for Gas Fired Equipment (1972) Ignition Furnace) (Fire Safety) (1973) /and Flash Igni Ignition Properties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Ignition Switch (1971) Ignition Systems and Components (1971) Ignition, Lighting and Starting) (1972) Ignition, Lighting, and Starting) for Passenger Automob (IIR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evalua IUuminants (1972) • Std. Meth. for Illuminating Appliances (1971) Illumination and Zero Deg. Observation) (1972) Illumination Tests for Photographic Still Projection Eq Illumination (1971) Std. M Illustration and Classification in Cereal Grains and Gr Image Area on 5 mm Motion Picture Film (2.35:1) Aspect Image Areas and Mounts for Slides and Opaques for Telev Image Cards) (1972) Std. for Dimensions F Image Cards) (1973) ANSI PH5.12 /Ess of Buildup Area Image Evaluation of Electrostatic Business Copies (1972 Images Made Therefrom (1972A) Std. Definitions of Te Images (Photography) (1974) Immersed Distribution Transformers (1972) Immersion Controls (1972) Immersion Corrosion Test, of Metals (1972) Immersion in Liquids (1972) Immersion in Sulfuric Acid Solution (1971) ANSI Z167.25 Immersion of Syntactic Foam at Pressure (1972) Immersion Test for Resistance to Blistering, Wrinkling, Immersion Test, of Unstressed Materials in Nitrogen Tet Immersion) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Te Immersion) (1967) ANSI B72.9 /Eth. of Test for Quality Impact of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1973) Impact Penetration Test (1971) ANSI L14.71, ASTM D583 Impact Residence and Penetration of Rubber by the Rebo Impact Resilience of Rubber by Vertical Rebound (1974) Impact Resistance of Painted Aluminum, Steel and Gavani ASTM D98 AACCH 72-10 ICBO UBCS25-4 ANSI PH22.184 ICBO UBCS27-2 TAPPI T421 SAE J759B ISA S5.1 NFLDP T3.6.11 ANSI X3.38 ASAE S276.2 SAE J725D ASAE S277.2 ANSI N18.3 TAPPI T20 SAE J592E SAE AS478D SAE J272 SAE J273 ABYC S10 ANSI K13.1 NACE RP-01-73 ASTM D276 AATCC 20 AATCC 94 TAPPI UM-19 ASTM E204 ASTM F314 ASTM D2245 FMS 9-9 ASTM D3168 ASTM A664 ASTM F154 SAE J846C SAE J10B IFI 122 SAE J210 ANSI A62.8 ANSI . X3.31 SAE ' J223 TAPPI UM-15 TAPPI UM-14 SAE AMS2815M SAE AMS2816K ABYC E3 TAPPI UM-537 IEEE 380 IEEE 420 ABYC P15 SAE J816B NEMA DC 21 ICBO UBCS52-3 ICBO UBCS52-3 SAE J259 ANSI Z21.20 BCI *1.41 BCI *1.48 ASTM D3188 ANSI PH2.3 ANSI Z21.42 TAPPI T525SU ANSI PH3.47 ANSI PH2.22 AACCH 28-95 ANSI PH22.106 ANSI PH22.94 ANSI PH5.8 NMA MS9 ASTM F360 ASTM F221 ANSI PH22.59 IEEE 345 NEMA DC 12 ASTM G31 ASTM D471 ASTM C694 ASTM D2735 NCCA TB-III-1 ASTM F359 TAPPI UM-16 ASTM D2152 ASTM C766 AATCC 42 ASTM D1054 ASTM D2632 NCCA TB-II-6 204 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards test) (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for test) (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Pneumatic Ball Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for s (1970) Std. Meth. of Te9t for Drop Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) / Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Test. Meth. for materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Low Temperature ansi MH12.4, TAPPI T801 Std. Meth. of Incline Rec. Pract. for Instrument Panel Laboratory Std. Meth. for Notched Bar Std. Meth. of t. for Instrumentation for Motor Vehicle and Its Component of Test for Formability of Attached Organic Coatings with for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by the Design, Construction, and Operation of Class Hi (High esion on All Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Test After Reverse n / Std. Meth. for Measurement of the Specific Electrical Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Surface s of Terms Relating to Erosion of Solids by Cavitation and er Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Filter and Test, for Biological Compatibility of Metals for Surgical rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of Bone Plates (Surgical rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of Nail Plates (Surgical ic Bend and Torsion Test, of Intramedullary Rods (Surgical ecs. (1972) Rec. for Tractor and Farm ng. Drive, Planter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, ull Shielding of Power Drive Lines for Agricultural (Farm) Quick Attaching Coupler for Thre/ Std. for Attachment of 15 Std. for 3 Point Free Link Attachment for Hitching Std. for 3 Point Free Link Hitch Attachment of Std. for One Point Tubular Sleeve Attachment for Hitching c Motors to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Type (Farm) gricultural Tractors and Trailing Type Agricultural (Farm) lay) for Television Receiving Applia/ Std. for Safety for porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Structural Parts and Oil Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Content of Oil Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Meth. for Wax in luble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Specimens Uniformly Std. Spec, for Iron Base Sintered Bearings (Oil Std. Spec, for Copper Base Sintered Bearings (Oil dul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin dul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet. Epoxy Resin ) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Epoxy Resin ) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Polyester Resin pract. Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of alysis of Crude Protein in Bread. Wheat and Other Grains/ Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) walls (1969) Std. Spec, for Structural Carbon Steel Plates of 72) ANSI G35.7 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Plates with Rec. Pract. for Vendor Product Meth. of Analysis of Phosphates in Flour Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Yeast Foods and Flour itative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates in Flour itative Iodide Test Meth. for Ammonium Persulfate in Flour ing and Spreading Agricultural Liquids and Slur/ Rec. for kdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Under Std. Techniques for Switching Circuit Breakers Rated 0/ Std. Requirement for Switching Std. Meth. of Test for Butadiene Purity and Hydrocarbon meth. of Test for Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by test Meth. for Detection and Estimation of Water Insoluble A37.19 Std. Meth. of Test for Organic h. of Test for Vegetable Matter and Other Alkali Insoluble Std. Meth. of Test for Deposit Forming and Installation of Permanently Installed Fuel Systems for ract. for Determining and Stating the Horsepower Rating of or Design and Construction of Diesel (Compression Ignited) ) Direct Drive Transmission (197/ Rec. Pract. for Marine nd Std. for the Design and Construction of Gasoline Fueled k65.117 Std. Meth. of Test for on) (1973) Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions Std. for R-40 Bulb (Hard Glass) Mogul Screw Base / Uniform Fire Code: General Precautions for Prevention Std. Spec, for Refractories for e of Heating, Ventilating, Cooling, Refrigeration Systems, Std. for Domestic Gas Fired Safety Std. for Domestic Type cedar. Northern White/ Std. for Preservative Treatment of (1968) ANSI MH12.4, TAPPI T801 __ Std. Meth. of ent of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard ials (1973) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Contaminant, Std. for Control Valve Sizing Equations for Rec. Prac Std. Meth. Std. Meth. of Test Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Falling Weight Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Limestone Drop Impact Resistance of Pla9tic Film and Sheeting (1972) Impact Resistance of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Impact Resistance of Polyethylene Blow Molded Container Impact Resistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Impact Sound Insulation (1973) Impact Strength of Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.14 Impact Test for Fabrics Coated with Flexible Polymeric Impact Test for Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1968) Impact Test Procedure-Head Area (1971) Impact Test, of Metallic Materials (1972) Impact Testing of Ca9t Irons (1972) Impact Tests (1971) Impact Wedge Bend Apparatus (1973) Impact (1973) Impact) Shock Test. Machine for Lightweight Equipment ( Impacting (Coil Coating) (1974) /Rmination of Film Adh Impedance of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use I Imperfections on Ceramics (1973) Impingement by Liquid or Solid Particles (1973) /Ition Impinger Meth.) (1973) /Lection of Particulate and Wat Implants (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Experimental Implants) (1973) Std. Implants) (1973) Std. Implants) (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Stat Implement Power Takeoff (Universal Joint) Drive Line Sp Implement, and Log Skidder (1974) /D Industrial Steeri Implements and Tractors (1972) SAE J955 Std. for F Implements to Agricultural Wheel Tractors Equipped with Implements to Agricultural Wheel Tractors (1972) SAE J7 Implements to Agricultural Wheeled Tractors (1972) Implements to Lawn and Garden Riding Tractors (1972) Implements (1971) Application of Remote Hydrauli Implements (1971) SAE J716 /Ote Control Cylinders to a Implosion Protected Cathode Ray Tubes (Picture and Disp Impregnated Bearings (1973) ANSI H9.14 /Nterconnected Impregnated Cellulosic Insulation (1973) Impregnated for Hand Layup (1973) Impregnated Papers (1972) Impregnated (1970) /by Using Wood Properties of Oil So Impregnated) (1970) ANSI G63.4 Impregnated) (1973) ANSI H9.27 Impregnated, G70,000 (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Mo Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Mo Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self Extinguishing (1973 Impregnated. 181 Style Fabric, Self Extinguishing (1973 Impressed Current Deep Groundbeds (1972) Improved Kjeldahl Meth. for Nitrate Free Samples for an Improved Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Improved Std. Designs for Pressure Treated Timber Crib Improved Toughness (1973) Improved Transition Properties for Pressure Vessels (19 Improvement Program for Quality Control (1969) Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Improving Safety on Enclosed Mobile Tanks for Transport Impulse Conditions (1974) /of Test for Dielectric Brea Impulse Testing (1972) ANSI C68.2 Impulse Voltage Insulation Strength for AC High Voltage Impurities by Gas Chromatography (1973) Impurities in Deuterium Oxide (1968) ANSI N154 Impurities in Refined Phenol by Cloud Point Depression Impurities in Sands for Concrete (1973) AASHO T21, ANSI Impurities in Scoured Wool (1972) ANSI L14.195 /D Impurities in Steam (1971) ANSI Z111.5 Inboard and Outboard Powered Boats (1973) /Nstruction Inboard Gasoline Engines (Boats) (1972) Rec. P Inboard Liquid Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (B (Inboard) Engine Mountings (Installation and Replacement Inboard, Liquid Cooled Marine Engines (Boats) and Auxil Incandescence Resistance of Rigid Plastics (1974) ANSI (Incandescence, Fire, Explosion, and Detonation Protecti Incandescent (1966) (Incinerator and Open Burning, Combustible and Flammable Incinerators and Boilers (1972) ANSI A111.8 Incinerators and Other Misc. Heat Producing Appliances) Incinerators (1973) Incinerators (1973) Incised Pole Butts by the Thermal Process (Western Red Incline Impact Test for Shipping Containers (Packaging) (Inclined Plane Meth.) (1973) /Th. of Test for Coeffici Inclined Plane Tracking and Erosion of Insulating Mater Incompressible Fluids (1972) Rec. Qual Qual Std. Met ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ANSI NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE TRA ASAE ASAE ASAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE UL ASTM ASTM SAE TAPPI NWMA ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE NACE AACCH AACCH AWPI ASTM ASTM ASQC AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASAE ASTM IEEE IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ABYC ABYC ABYC SAE ABYC ASTM FMS ANSI ICBO ASTM ICBO ANSI UL AWPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ISA G14 C13 D3099 D256 D2463 D3029 UBCS352 D950 D2137 D880 J921B E23 A327 J211A D3281 D746 S2.15 TB 11-16 D3215 F109 C40 D3267 F361 F382 F384 F383 R331.2 4 S297T S278.2 S217.8 J715D S348T S316T S201.4 492.8 B328 D3277 AMS3894A T405SU M-l-70 B439 B438 AMS3894/8 AMS3894/9 AMS3821 AMS3827 RP-05-72 4611 46-10 »4 A573 A442 RP8 40-50 62-80 48-40 48-61 R317 D3300 332 339 D2593 D2033 D2147 C40 D1113 D2186 H24 S6 P15 J233 P4 D757 7-21N C78.255 UFC*2ART27 C64 UMC»7 Z21.6 791 C7 D880 D3248 D2303 S39.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 205 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Meth. of Test for Knoop Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Refractive . Test Meth. for Flammability of Plastics Using the Oxygen (1974) ANSI Z78.15 Std. Meth. of Test for Bromine ofing and Waterproofing Materials (1972) Std. ion (1972) ANSI Z11.248 Std. Meth. of Test for Bromine rmal Oils and Liquid Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Rec. for Flash Point Uniform Building Code Std. for Expansion rogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or G/ Nitrogen Solubility tein in Ground Soybeans, Whole Or/ Protein Dispersibility Std. Meth. of Measuring Plasticity Retention al by Absorption Spectroscopy, Using the ASTM Punched Card Std. for Locking Device, Positive nings, and Other Fats (1/ Dilatometric Meth. of Solid Fat Std. for Precision Std. for Carbide Seats Used with Std. for Carbide Chip Breakers Used in or the Thermal Evaluation and Establishment of Temperature ue Materials (Color Measurement 0/ Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Top Side of Filled Paper as rol of Air Conditioning, Hea/ Safety Std. for Temperature Std. for Electrical Std. for Requirements for Electrical Analog 1973) Safety Std. for (1973) ANSI B156.1 Safety Std. for Rec. Pract. for Mobile Construction Type Crane Overload . Meth. of Calibration Instruments for Verifying Time Load of Paper, Paperboard, and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry Std. for Symbols for Machine Tool Meth. for Preparation of nd Other Clarified Starch Hydrolyzates (Potassium Chromate her Clarified Starch Hydrolzates (Silver-Silver Chloride 1) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Cresol Red 1) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Methyl Orange Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Bromophenol Blue Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Methylene Blue Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Phenolphthalein Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Starch m (LP) Gas (/ Std. for Safety for Liquid Level Gauges and Safety Std. for Liquid Level Gauges and mai/ Rec. Pract. and Std. for Flammable (Combustible) Gas h. for Determining Iodine Solution Content of Reagents and r Determining Starch Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and etermining Sulfuric Acid Solutions Content of Reagents and rmining Sodium Hydroxide Solutions Content of Reagents and rmining Cresol Red Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and mining Sodium Thiosulfate Solution Content of Reagents and ining Methylene Blue Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and ning Std. Arsenious Oxide Solution Content of Reagents and ning Methyl Orange Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and ning Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and ing Bromophenol Blue Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and ng Potassium Permanganate Solution Content of Reagents and (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) iation (1972) Performance Spec, for Direct and nd Gas (1972) Spec, for astes (1973) Uniform Plumbing Code: cal and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver - niform Pract. for Fee Determination for Division Services 3.90 Std. for Safety for Control Units for Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Portable torage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 / Rec. for Construction of Safety Std. for Electric Cord Connected Fire Hazards Anf Protection Rec. for ingle and Multiple Station, Mechanically Operated Type for r Safety for Battery Powered Emergency Lighting Equipment orbic Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Flue Gas Densities for Forced and Loss Prevention Data on High Frequency Heating Equipment co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al) Consumable Electrode or Vacuum co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Std. for Assignments for Alternating-Current Integral Horsepower Corrosion Resistant, 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum uide for Meth. of Power Factor Measurement for Low Voltage Std. for Iron-Core Power Filter road, Agricultural and Log Skidder, Truck, Bus, Bead Seat, Std. for Installation of Gas Piping and Equipment on f Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors in Institutional, Safety Std. for High Pressure Gas Manifolds for 972) ANSI C114.1 Rec. Pract. for Grounding of ec. Pract. for Electrical Wiring Identification System for Incompressible Fluids (1972) ISA S39.2 Indentation Hardness of Glass (1972T) ASTM C730 Index Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar and Dextrose (1956) CR E-54 Index Meth. (1974) ANSI K65. 110 Std ASTM D2863 Index of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Coulometric Titration ASTM D1492 Index of Meth. for Test. Elastomeric and Plastomeric Ro ASTM D3105 Index of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Electrometric Titrat ASTM D2710 Index of Refraction, with Abbe Refractometer, in All No AACCH 58-20 Index of Trade Name Liquids (NFPA 325A) (1974) FMS 7-42N Index Test for Soil (1973) ICBO UBCS29-2 Index (NSI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Nit AACCH 46-23 Index (PDI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Pro AACCH 46-24 Index (PRI) of Natural Rubber (1973) ASTM D3194 Index (1972) /Rec. Pract. for Identification of Materi ASTM E204 Index (1973) NSA 1193 Index (50 or Less at 10 Deg.) of Margarine Oils, Shorte AACCH 31-50 Indexable Insert Holders (1973) ANSI B94.45 Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type Holders (1973) ANSI B94.46 Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type Holders (1973) ANSI B94.47 Indexes of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1972) IEEE 98 Indexes of Whiteness and Yellowness of Near White, Opaq ASTM E313 Indicated by Silver Coin Test (1973) TAPPI UM-533 Indicating and Regulating Electrical Equipment for Cont UL 873 Indicating Instrument (Meter) Relays (1972) NEMA 112 Indicating Instruments (1972) ANSI C39.1 Indicating Pressure Gauges for Compressed Gas Service ( UL 404 Indicating Pressure Gauges for Fire Protection Service UL 393 Indicating System Test Procedure (1971) SAE J248 Indication of Machines (1974) ANSI Z115. 2 Std ASTM E74 Indicator Meth. (1973) TAPPI T433 /R Water Resistance ASTM D779 Indicator Plates or Control Buttons (1972) ANSI B5.46 Indicator Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 70-25 Indicator) (1954) /Orn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar a CR E-14 Indicator) (1971) /Yrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Ot CR E-15 Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (197 CR R-60 Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (197 CR R-70 Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) CR R-55 Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) CR R-65 Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) CR R-75 Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) CR R-80 Indicators for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleu UL 565 Indicators for Flammable Liquids (1972) UL 180 Indicators Including Their Installation, Operation and ABYC A14 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Met CR R-10 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. Fo CR R-80 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for D CR R-30 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete CR R-20 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete CR R-60 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Deter CR R-25 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determ CR R-65 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determi CR R-5 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determi CR R-70 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determi CR R-75 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determin CR R-55 Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determini CR R-15 Indices of Refraction of Sucrose Solutions at 20 Deg. C AACCH 68-61 Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X-And Gamma Rad ANSI N13.5 Indirect Type Oil Field Heaters Used in Producing Oil a API 12K Indirect Waste Piping, Wet Vented Systems and Special W ICBO UPC*l-6 Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) Std. Meth. for Chemi ASTM C760 (Individuals, Clubs, and Exhibition Charges) (1974) PSA 11 Indoor Fire Protective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI C3 UL 864 Indoor Gas Fired Appliances (1971) ANSI Z21.2 Indoor General Storage (Solid, Palletized and Bin Box S FMS 8-25N Indoor Rifle and Pistol Ranges and Bullet Stops (1973) NRA *1 Indoor Signs (1971) ANSI C33.35 UL 48 Indoor Storage of Roll Paper (1974) FMS 8-21 Indoor Use (1973) /Heat Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, S UL 539 (Indoor) (1973) Std. Fo UL 924 Indophenol-Xylene Extraction Meth. of Analysis of Asc AACCH 86-10 Induced Draft Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2409 (Induction and Dielectric) (1973) FMS 6-3 Induction Melted 1825-1900 Deg. F (996.1-1037.8 Deg. C) SAE AMS5707D Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution SAE AMS5738C Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution, SAE AMS5709B Induction Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) NEMA MG1-20 Induction Motors (1972) Std. for Frame NEMA MG13 Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solut SAE AMS5617A Inductive Test Currents (1972) ANSI C37.26 Std. G IEEE 330 Inductors for Electronic Equipment (1973) ANSI C83.92 EIA RS197A Industrial and Bicycle Tires (1974) /Senger Cars, Off TRA 7 Industrial and Certain Other Premises (1972) ANSI Z83.1 Industrial and Commercial Buildings (1971) /Ntenance O RTI *10 Industrial and Commercial Gas Cylinders (1972) UL 407 Industrial and Commercial (Electrical) Power Systems (1 IEEE 142 Industrial and Construction Equipment (Machinery) (1971 SAE J210 206 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Rec. Pract. for Sensory Evaluation of Spec, for Welding Generators (1972) Std. for Std. Spec, for Hand Operated Chain Hoists for s for Motor Vehicles, Motorboats, Tractors, Automotive and f Benzene, Toluene. Xylenes, Solvent Naphthas, and Similar drogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide Content (Qualitative) of Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of Std. Meth. for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Uniform Fire Code: Plywood Construction Systems (Specs.) for Commercial and and Asphalt Tile Floors for Commercial, Institutional and Std. for Double Race or Bi-Level Swivel and Rigid Std. Sizes for Std. Sizes for live Functions and Process Input-Output (1972/ Std. for er Assemblies (Electronics) (1973) Std. (1973) Std. Safety Std. for for for for for ions. Class I, Croups A-D, Class II, Gro/ ipment (1974) Circuit Devices and Assemblies (1973) Std. for (1973) Std. for ng and Controlling Devices (1973) Std. for Std. Spec, for Lubrication of (1972) Std. for (1972) Std. for Std. for Std. for Systems (1972) Std. for rketing (1972) Std. for Std. for 1972) Std g (1972) Std ng and Theory (1972) Std and Control (1972) Std d Meth. (1972) Std (1973) Hydraulic Std. for r Mounting Brackets and Socket for Agricultural (Farm) and r Instrument Face Design and Location for Construction and and Temporarily Affixed Safety Signs for Construction and and Container and Filler Identification (Construction and for Removal of Water Formed Deposits (Chemical Cleaning of Rec. Pract. for Dilution Ventilation in Rec. Pract. for Ventilation for Heat Control in Rec. Pract. for Fans for Rec. Pract. for Design Procedure for Rec. Pract. for Make Up and Recirculated Air for Rec. Pract. for Construction Spec, for Local Rec. Pract. for Test, of air Cleaning Devices (Air Filter* and Dust Collectors) for . for Definitions, Abbreviations and General Principles of ase Fibers/ Std. Meth. of Testing Tire Cords, Fabrics and Std. for Keys and Keyways for Std. Dimensions for Accessories for Cataloged Square Head 4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Square Head Tie Rod Type B93.18 Std. for Nonintegral Std. for Forks and Fork Carriers for Powered ring Frame Lock for Articulated Vehicles (Construction and Tent. Meth. of Test for Pumpability of Safety Std. for Commercial - Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Storage Batteries for Construction and Rec. Pract. for Lubrication Chart-Construction and Rec. Pract. for Electrical System for Construction and sional Spec, for Sealed Lighting Unit for Construction and dipper. Clam Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (Construction and Stds. for Series) (1972) Std. Spec, for Rec. Safe Pract. and Proc. ansi B93.33 Std. Interfaces for 4 Way General Purpose 1) Std. for y) (1973) Std. Dimensions for Perforated domestic Passenger Cars, Trucks, Buses, Coaches, Tractors, ractors Having at Le/ Rec. Pract. Safety Requirements for h. of Test for Moisture Present in Ordinary Commercial and Std. gage Wheel,/ Std. for Tires and Rims for Agricultural and 1974) Std. for Determination of Capacity of Lead Acid off Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural and Light aggage. Special Type Trailer, Mobile Home, Garden Tractor, Rec. Pract. for High Lift Std. for Safety for Electric Battery Powered Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus trial Indus trial Indus trial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus rial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus trial Indus rial Indus trial Indus trial Indus trial 1 and Institutional Food Purchases (1972) ASTM E461 1 and Mill Cranes (1970) AWS D14.1 1 and Other Direct Current Integral Horsepower NEMA MG1-15 1 Applications (1971) HMI 200 1 Applications (1973) / Type Storage Batterie SAE J537H 1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1947) ANSI Z78.9 / ASTM D847 1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1971) ANSI Z78. 13 /Y ASTM D853 1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1972) ASTM D2935 1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1973) ANSI Z106. 1 ASTM D1555 1 Baking and Drying Ovens (1973) ICBO UFC«2ART25 1 Buildings (1971) APA »1 1 Buildings (1973) /Tenance of Vinyl Asbestos RTI »16 1 Casters (1973) ANSI MH11.1 1 Centrifugal Fans with Cast Housings (1966) AMCA 2403 1 Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2402 1 Computer System FORTRAN Procedures for Execu ISA S61.1 1 Control Apparatus-Controllers and Controll ANSI C19.7 1 Control Apparatus-Enclosures (Electronic) ANSI C19.4 1 Control Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locat UL 698 1 Cost Trends for Buildings, Machinery and Equ FMS 9-3 1 Electrical Power Control Apparatus-Control ANSI C19.6 1 Electrical Power Control Apparatus-General ANSI C19.3 1 Electrical Power Control Apparatus-Switchi ANSI C19.5 1 Enclosed Gear Drives (1972) ACMA 250.03 1 Engineering Terminology: Applied Mathematics ANSI Z94.8 1 Engineering Terminology: Applied Psychology ANSI Z94.ll 1 Engineering Terminology: Biomechanics (1972) ANSI Z94. 1 1 Engineering Terminology: Cost (1972) ANSI Z94.2 1 Engineering Terminology: Data Processing and ANSI Z94.3 1 Engineering Terminology: Distribution and Ma ANSI Z94.4 1 Engineering Terminology: Economy (1972) ANSI Z94.5 1 Engineering Terminology: Facility Planning ( ANSI Z94.6 1 Engineering Terminology: Materials Processin ANSI Z94.7 1 Engineering Terminology: Organization Planni ANSI Z94.9 1 Engineering Terminology: Production Planning ANSI Z94.10 1 Engineering Terminology: Work Measurement an ANSI Z94.12 1 Equipment and General Purpose Machine Tools JIC HI 1 Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow Moving Vehic ASAE S277.2 1 Equipment (Machinery) (1971) /Ec. Pract. Fo SAE J209 1 Equipment (Machinery) (1971) /H Permanently SAE J 1 15 1 Equipment) (1971) /Aintenance Instructions, SAE J223 1 Equipment) (1973) /of Solvent Systems Used ASTM D2790 1 Exhaust Systems (1974) ACGIH *l-2 1 Exhaust Systems (1974) ACGIH «l-3 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) ACGIH *1-10 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) ACGIH »l-6 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) ACGIH *l-7 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) ACGIH *l-8 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) ACGIH *l-9 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) /T. for ACGIH *111 1 Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) /. Pract ACGIH »1 1 Filament Yarns, Made from Man Made Organic B ASTM D885 1 Flexible Gear Couplings (1974) AGMA 512.03 1 Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.29 NFLDP T3.6.8 1 Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93. 34 // NFLDP T3.6.11 1 Fluid Power Hydraulic Reservoirs (1969) ANSI NFLDP T3.16.2 1 Fork Lift Trucks (1973) ANSI MH11.4 1 Front End Loaders and Dozers) (1971) / Stee SAE J276 1 Fuel Oils (1973) ASTM D3245 1 Gas Heating Equipment (1973) UL 795 1 Grade Benzene (1971) ANSI Z78.3 ASTM D836 1 Grade Toluene (1971) ASTM D362 1 Grade Xylene (1971) ASTM D364 1 Lighting (1973) ANSI All.l IES RP7 1 Machinery (1970) SAE J930A I Machinery (1971) SAE J753A 1 Machinery (1972) SAE J821A 1 Machinery (1972) Std. for Dimen SAE J572A 1 Machinery) (1972) /Uck Capacity for Shovel SAE J67 1 Perforated Metal (1972) IPA »1 1 Perforated Plate and Screens (Square Opening ASTM E454 1 Plant Safety Checklists) (1973) MCA SG20 1 Pneumatic Directional Control Valves (1973) NFLDP T3.21.1 1 Power Take Offs for Overcenter Clutches (197 SAE J621C 1 Radiographic Sheet and Roll Film (photograph ANSI PHI. 15 1 Revolving Screen Stds. (1972) IPA «3 1 Road and Misc Equipment) (1974) /Reign and BCI '1.56 1 Rotary Mowers (Designed for Operation with T SAE J232 1 Samples of Wool by Oven Drying (1972) ANSI L ASTM D1576 1 Security for Nuclear Power Plants (1973) ANSI N18.17 1 Steering, Drive, Planter (Drill) Press, and TRA 4 1 Storage Batteries for Motive Power Service ( NEMA IB2 1 Tractors (1972) SAE J722 /D. for Power Take ASAE S205.2 1 Truck and Trailer (1974) /Ft Truck, Boat, B TRA 5 .1 Truck Nameplates and Marking (1973) ITA 4F1 1 Trucks (1972) ANSI B56.3 UL 583 Engineering and Product Standards Division 207 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Load Handling Symbols for Powered for Exhau9t Emission Controls (Air Pollution) for Powered test., Rating and Reporting of the Noise Levels of Powered ations, Areas of Use, Maintenance and Operation of Powered ent (1966) Std. for Demountable Tired Wheels for 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and irements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and irements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutional and ntreated Carbon Steel Railway Axles for Export and General d. Spec, for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General erials for Roofing, Waterproofing, and Related Building or Metal ng Object Protective Structures (FOPS) of Construction and Rec. Pract. for Exhaust Hood Design for Perforated 69) Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, ent of Beta Particle Radioactivity of Industrial Water and d. Meth. of Test for Hydroxide Ion in Industrial Water and analytical Meth. for Determining Chemical Oxygen Demand in of Test for Measurement of Beta Particle Radioactivity of Std. Meth. of Test for Hydroxide Ion in Std. for Redwood Lumber Spec, for Application in Std. for Douglas Fir Lumber Spec, for Application in Std. for Southern Pine Lumber Spec, for Application in d. Spec, for Pressure Preservative Treatment of Lumber for Std. Meth. of Test for Evaluating Inhibitory Toxicity of Std. Dimensional Tolerances for ng Code Std. for Softwood Plywood Lumber. Construction and Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Heavyweight and Construction of Masonry Chimneys (For Residential and nter Balanced Fork Lift True/ Std. for Tire9 and Rims for Rec. Pract. ternally Threaded Fasteners Used in Automotive and Related Safety Std. for Compressors for Process . for Laboratory Corrosion Test, of Metals for the Process ments for Machine Screws for Use in Automotive and Related Std. for Steel Shipping Container 71) tput Microfilm (1971) Exchange Water Softeners (1972) (1972) pruce Doors and Blinds (1972) Documents (1972) ANSI C16.45 te Cans (211 (66 Mm) Diameter), Citrus Style (1974) Rec. Glossary of Construction ce Safety Valves, Locks, and Landing Nipples for Petroleum operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems for Petroleum Hand Po/ Std. for Electrical Apparatus Sales and Service r Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valves Used in the Petroleum oise Measurement Techniques for the Machine Tool Builders' Rec. Lighting for Dairy Farms and the Poultry for Electric Welded Low Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical Std. Safety Requirements for the Textile and Billing of Merchandise Within the Hardgoods (Hardware) Guidelines and Stds. for the Paperboard Packaging to Streamline Supply Transactions Within the Air Transport for Subsurface Injection Using Membrane Filters (Petroleum fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1972) Meth. for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Filth and Insect nd Other Wh/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Insect meth. of Analysis of X-Ray Examination for Internal Insect Std. for Directories of Libraries and g of Merchandise W/ Rec. for Standardization of Forms and 973) Properties and Essential 1974) Properties and Essential 74) Properties and Essential de (1974) Properties and Essential ride (1972) Properties and Essential mentation and Terminology) (19/ Guidelines for Describing Std. for Recorded Magnetic Tape for Std. for Representation for Calendar and Ordinal Date for Std. for Interchange Rolls of Perforated Tape for the United States (Including the District of Columbia) for the Control Characters of American National Std. Code for ification (Code) of the Countries of the United States for Std. for Recorded Magnetic Tape for Std. for Recorded Magnetic Tape for i, and 1600 cpi, P/ Std. for Unrecorded Magnetic Tape for 6) What Makes a Good Air Conditioning System d. for Flowchart Symbols and Their Usage in Micrographics Contouring-Positioning Numerically Controlled Machines Differential and Manual Transmission Lubricants Rec. Pract. for Automotive Gasoline Performance and Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1-1972. Accident / Spec, for ndustrial Trucks (1973) ndustrial Trucks (1973) Rec. Pract. ndustrial Trucks (1973) /R Uniform Procedure for the ndustrial Trucks (1973) ANSI B56.2 /. for Type Design ndustrial Trucks, Caster9, Conveyors, and Other Equipm ndustrial Use Garments (Clothing), Commercial Wash-W ndustrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Bl ndustrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% Man Made or Bl ndustrial Use (1971) ANSI G57.12 Std. Spec, for U ndustrial Use (1972) St ndustrial Uses (1973) ANSI A109. 29 . /Other Organic Mat ndustrial V-Grooved Wheel Std. (1966) ndustrial Vehicles and Equipment (1972) /S) and Falli ndustrial Ventilation Systems (1974) ndustrial Vibrating Screens Stds. (1972) ndustrial Waste Treatment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (19 ndustrial Waste Water (1966) ANSI N151 / for Measurem ndustrial Waste Water (1967) St ndustrial Waste Waters and Most Organic Compounds (196 ndustrial Water and Industrial Waste Water (1966) ANSI ndustrial Water and Industrial Waste Water (1967) ndustrial Water Cooling Towers (1971) ndustrial Water Cooling Towers (1971) ndustrial Water Cooling Towers (1971) ndustrial Water Cooling Towers (1971) St ndustrial Waters (1968E) ndustrial Wheels (1965) ndustrial (1973) Uniform Buildi ndustrial) Suiting (Institutional Textile) (1973) /or ndustrial) (Tech. Notes) (1964) Design ndustrial. Utility and Recreational Type Vehicles, Cou ndustrical Truck Definitions (1972) ndustries (1971) /Cal and Quality Requirements for Ex ndustries (1972) ndustries (1972) Test Meth ndustries (1972) / for Mechanical and Quality Require ndustry Glossary (Packaging, Vocabulary) (1973) ndustry Quality Std. for Computer Output Microfilm (19 ndustry Quality Std. Format and Coding for Computer Ou ndustry Standard for Household Commercial and Portable ndustry Std. for Distribution Microfiche of Documents ndustry Std. for Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Sitka S ndustry Std. for Fascimile Transmission of Microfilmed ndustry Std. for Hardboard (1970) ndustry Std. for Loose Metal End Dimensions of Composi ndustry Std. Glossary of Micrographics (1971) ndustry Terms (Architecture) (1970) ndustry Use (1973) Spec, for Subsurfa ndustry Use (1973) /T. for Design, Installation, and ndustry (Rotating. Liquid Filled and Drv Transformers, ndustry (1969) ANSI B146.1 Std. Fo ndustry (1970) Suggested N ndustry (1971) ndustry (1971) ANSI B125.38 Std. Spec. ndustry (1972) ndustry (1972) /Ion Flow Used in Ordering, Shipping, ndustry (1973) ndustry (1974) /Ted Data Processing Systems Designed ndustry) (1973) /Meth. for Determining Water Quality nefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid nfestation Content in Corn (1954) nfestation Content (Radiographic Inspection) in Corn a nfestation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried P nformation Centers (1971) nformation Flow Used in Ordering, Shipping, and Billin nformation for Safe Handling and Use of Acetic Acid (1 nformation for Safe Handling and Use of Caustic Soda ( nformation for Safe Handling and Use of Chloroform (19 nformation for Safe Handling and Use of Paraformaldehy nformation for the Safe Handling and Use of Vinyl Chlo nformation Interchange Formats (Computer Software Docu nformation Interchange (1600 cpi, PE) (1973) nformation Interchange (1971) nformation Interchange (1972) nformation Interchange (1972) /Iations for States of nformation Interchange (1973) /Phic Representation of nformation Interchange (1973) /Tructure for the Ident nformation Interchange (200 cpi. NRZI) (1973) nformation Interchange (800 cpi, NRZI) (1973) nformation Interchange (9-Track 200 and 800 cpi, Nrz nformation on Year Round Air Conditioning System) (196 nformation Processing) (1973) ANSI PH5.17 St nformation Processing) (1974) /Mat for Contouring and nformation Report) (1969) nformation System (1971) nformational. Directional, and Special Signs (Symbols) ANSI ITA ITA NFPA CFTMA ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM CFTMA SAE ACCIH IPA BIA ASTM ASTM CR ASTM ASTM CTI CTI CTI CTI ASTM CFTMA ICBO ANSI BIA TRA ITA SAE ANSI NACE SAE ANSI NMA NMA WCF NMA FHDA NMA AHA CCTI NMA AIOA API API EASA API NMTBA ASAE ASTM ANSI NWHA PPC ATAA NACE TAPPI CR CR AACCH ANSI NWHA MCA MCA MCA MCA MCA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NESCA NMA EIA SAE SAE ANSI MH11.3 6F1 6G1 505 W7 L24.4.12 L24.4.13 L24.4.14 A383 A668 D1079 W8 J397A •1-4 •2 34B D1890 D514 K-24 D1890 D514 103 114 115 112 D2037 TOL UBCS259 L24.3.2 19B 5 IB2-19 J429F B19.3 TM -01-69 J82 MH2.18 MSI MS2 S-100 MS5 4-72 MS3 IS 1-70 E211.1 MS100 *1 14A RP14B *1 526 *1 R344 A587 Ll.l *1 *1 200 TM-01-73 T816SU A-10 A-ll 28-21 Z39.10 *1 SD41 SD9 SD89 SD6 SD56 X10.1 X3.39 X3.30 X3.34 X3.38 X3.32 X3.31 X3.14 X3.22 X3.40 MAN C MS4 RS274-B J308A J282 Z35.4 208 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Qualitative Classification of Surfactants by atings on Wood Products During the / Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for Vented Gas Fired Std. for Unvented Gas Fired taxial Layers of Silicon on Substrates of the Same Type by in the Atmosphere (Continuous Measurement by Nondispersive th. of Test for Vinylidene Unsaturation in Polyethylene by ve Determination of Cellulose Nitrate in Alkyd Lacquers by Std. Spec, for Magnesium lysis of Carbon, Low Alloy, and Silicon Electrical Steels, Lake Copper Wire Bars. Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and lytic Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and fined Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Std. Spec, for Zinc Alloys in 1973) ANSI H38.1 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloys in 1966) ANSI H45.8 Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloys in Std. Spec, for Remelted Lithium Metal in Std. Spec, for Tantalum Std. Spec, for Zirconium Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy d. Spec, for Lake Copper Wire Bars, Cakes. Slabs, Billets, for Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets. hemically B.efined Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Meth. of Test for Synthetic Anionic e (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Synthetic Anionic Active ini/ Rec. Regulations for Animal Feed and Food Labelling, our. Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and Food 1963) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Meth. of Test for Evaluating Std. Spec, for Reinforced and Filled Nylon 65.216 Std. Spec, for Nvlon and Extrusion Materials (1972) ANSI K65/ Rec. Pract. for eter) (1971) Rec. Pract. for Diesel Fuel ph (1973) Tent. Rec. Pract. for Direct Std. for Metric Thread Fuel Test Meth. for Determining Water Quality for Subsurface Std. Pract. for Combustion Chambers, Fuel Oil cording and Measuring the Off-The-Job Disabling Accidental g Frequency and Cost, and Recording Patron and Nonemployee Meth. for Std. for Print Spec, for Magnetic Slant Drop Penetration Test for Paperboard (Printing Optical Test Meth. for iquid Mixing Operations (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer. Printing Std. Meth. of Test for Wear Resistance of Std. Definitions of Teims Relating to Carbon Paper and Std. Meth. of Test for Erasability of Std. Gravure Proofing Std. Std. for Air Outlets and , Alarms, Sandpipes), Building Construction, Basement Pipe (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of tem FORTRAN Procedures for Executive Functions and Process s Water Heaters (Automatic Storage Type Water Heaters with . for Gas Fired High Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers reals, and Alimentary Past/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for olina (Cereal Chemistry)/ Flotation Meth. of Analysis for stry) (1962) Flotation Meth. of Analysis for unpopped Popcorn, Dried Pel Meth. of Analysis of External , Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans for Rodent and/or mistry) (1962) Iodine Meth. of Analysis for Glass Plate Meth. of Analysis for istry) (1962) Acid Hydrolysis Meth. of Analysis for chemistry) (1962) Tween Versene Meth. of Analysis for chemistry) (1962/ Fatting Digestion Meth. of Analysis for rs, etc. in St/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Dirt, Sand, Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Filth and Corn and Other Wh/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining drie/ Meth. of Analysis of X-Ray Examination for Internal Test Meth. for es of Institutional Textiles (Durability, Spot, Stain, and Uniform Fire Code: Fumigation and Thermal Std. for Chlorpyrifos Std. for Leptophos Std. Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Aerosol t for Effectiveness of Aerosol and Pressurized Space Spray d. Meth. of Test for Pickup Efficiency of Residual Aerosol Meth. of Analysis of Cracking Flotation Test for Internal Test Meth. for Resistance of Textiles to ol and Pressurized Space Spray Insecticides Against Flying Classification in Cereal Grains and Grain Products (Cer/ Is, and Alimentary Pastes for Detection of Rodent Excreta, Std. for Threaded Metal 3) Std. Spec, for Plastic Std. for Precision Indexable /Test for Thickness of Epi /St for Carbon Monoxide Std. Me /Th. for Quantitiati St Std. Spec. /Spec, for C nfrared Absorption (1974) nfrared Determination of the Temperature of Applied Co nfrared Radiant Heaters (1971) nfrared Radiant Heaters (1972) nfrared Reflectance (1973) nfrared Spectrometry) (1973) nfrared Spectrophotometry (1972) nfrared Spectrophotometry (1972) ngot and Stick for Remelting (1971A) ANSI H45.5 ngot and Wrought Irons (1973) /Meth. for Chemical Ana ngot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.1 Std. Spec, for .ngot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.2 Std. Spec, for Electro :ngot Bars (1973) ANSI H23.12 /Spec, for Chemically Re ngot Form for Die Castings (1964) ANSI H47.2 ngot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Castings ( ngot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Castings ( Ingot Form (1972) ANSI H43.1 ingots and Flat Mill Products (1970) ANSI Z179.14 ngots for Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z179.10 ngots for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI G53.28 ngots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.1 ngots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.2 ngots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H23.12 ngredient by Cationic Titration (1972T) ngredient in Detergents by Cationic Titration Procedur ngredients and Containers (Also Includes Terms and Def ngredients (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Counts (Flat S inherent Viscosity (One Point) Content in Corn Starch ( Inhibitory Toxicity of Industrial Waters (1968E) njection Molding and Extrusion Materials (1972) injection Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) ANSI K njection Molding of Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding njection Nozzle and Holder Assembly (17Mm Nominal Diam njection of Solvent Base Paints into a Gas Chromatogra .njection Tubing Connections (1971) njection Using Membrane Filters (Petroleum Industry) ( njection, and Gas Admission Systems (1972) njury Experience of Employees (1973) /for Meth. of Re njury Statistics (1971) Std. for Meth. of Measurin nk Absorbency of Blotting Paper (1972) nk Character Recognition (1970) nk Receptivity) (1973) nk Show Through (Paper) (1973) nk. Adhesive, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Flammable L nked Computer Ribbons (1972) nked Ribbon Products and Images Made Therefrom (1972A) nked Ribbons (1972) nks (Printing) (1973) nlet Box Positions for Centrifugal Fans (1966) inlets Used in Air Distribution Systems (1973) nlets (1973) /F Systems and Appliances (Extinguishers norganic Bromide Residues in Grain and Cereal Products norganic Mercury and Nonalkyl Organo Compounds (1972) nput-Output (1972) /Td. for Industrial Computer Sys nputs Less Than 75,000 Btu Per Hr.) (Vol. I) (1974) nputs Not Over 400,000 Btu Per Hr.) (1972) nsect and Rodent Filth in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Ce nsect and Rodent Filth in Meal, Grits, Farina, and Sem nsect and Rodent Filth in Popped Popcorn (Cereal Chemi nsect and Rodent Hair Contamination of Cereal Grains, insect Damage on Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Other Filth, insect Eggs in White, Wheat, and Corn Flour (Cereal Che insect Excreta in White, Wheat, and Corn Flour (1962) nsect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Flour (Cereal Chem nsect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Rye Flour (Cereal isect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Soy Flour (Cereal isect Fragments, Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinte .isect Infestation Content in Corn (1954) nsect Infestation Content (Radiographic Inspection) in nsect Infestation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, -sect Pest Deterrents on Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.65 ..sect Resistance) (1973) / Characteristics and Finish nsecticidal Fogging (1973) (Insecticide) (1971) (Insecticide) (1971) nsecticides Against Cockroaches (1972) nsecticides Against Flying Insects (1972) /Th. of Tes secticides (1972) St sects in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas nsects (1971) ANSI L14.64 nsects (1972) /Th. of Test for Effectiveness of Aeros nsects, Rodent Hair, and Radiographic Illustration and nsects. Webbing, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Erea lsert-Heavy Duty (1973) isert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (197 nsert Holders (1973) Std ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AAFCO AACCH CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM SAE NACE DEMA ANSI ANSI TAPPI ANSI TAPPI TAPPI FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM GT AMCA ARI ICBO AACCH ANSI ISA ANSI ANSI AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH CR CR AACCH AATCC ANSI ICBO ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AATCC ASTM AACCH AACCH NSA ASTM ANSI D2357 D3259 Z21.51 Z21.43B F95 D3162 D3124 D3133 B92 E350 B4 B5 B442 B240 B179 B93 B357 B364 B495 B350 B4 B5 B442 D3049 D1681 »1 42-40 B-61 D2037 D2897 D789 D1897 J265 D3271 J242 TM-01-73 *l-2 Z16.3 Z108.1 T431SU X3.2 UM-536 UM-54S 7-36 F153 F221 F362 *4 2405 650 UFC*2ART13 60-10 Z37.8 S61.1 Z21.10.1 Z21.59 28-31 28-51 28-80 28-20 28-10 28-44 28-43 28-41 28-60 28-70 28-75 A-10 All 28-21 28 L24.7.1 UFC*2ART17 K62.103 K62.105 D3095 D3088 D3093 28-22 24 D3088 28-95 28-30 1395 D2609 B94.45 Engineering and Product Standards Division 209 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 15 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards inspectors (1973) (1971) ANSI H38.21 pace Applications (1974) i (1974) ANSI Z166.8 )ANSIG52.7 Std nspectors Manual) (1973) olyethylene Pipe (1973) Std. Spec, for ht Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Molded in ht Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Molded in Std. for Threaded Metal f Locking, Light Weight Floating, Sandwich Pane/ Std. for Locking, Sandwich Panel (1972) Std. for rm Building Code Std. for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Std. for Carbide Seat9 Used with Indexable Std. for Carbide Chip Breakers Used in Indexable Std. Pract. for Socket Welding Reducer 11 Std. Meth. of Test for ep/ Std. Test Meth. for Detection and Estimation of Water Std. Meth. of Test for Vegetable Matter and Other Alkali ation of pH (Slurry) of Corn Starch Which Is Substantially mistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Acetone • .13 Std. Meth. of Test for Benzene Std. Meth. of Test for 1973) Design, Manufacture, afety) (1973) Rec. for the er Habide Microfilm (1972) Rec. Pract. ewound Trimming Potentiometers (1970) Std. for numinous Materials as Used in Cons/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Inspection of Laminators Quality Control by the Aitc Std. for Sampling Procedures and Tables for Std. for Lighting (National Board Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Std. Reference Radiographs for Spec, for Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic Std. Pract. for the Std. Rec. Pract. for Rules for the Measurement and spection Bureau (1962) Fire Hazards and Protection for Maintenance and dreads (1974) Spec, for Threading, Caging, and Thread 3) Std. for Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Contact Std. Guideline for the Physical Quality Steel Cleanliness Requirements (Magnetic Particle Semitrailers Operated on Public Highways (1973/ Std. for Std. for ) Manufacture and Std. for Gages, Pins and Collar Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant . for Determining Insect Infestation Content (Radiographic uilding Code: Legal Requirements (Permit, Plans and Spec, Stds. for Tire Rim n and Electric Equipment During the C/ Std. Installation, nstruction Phase of Nuclear P/ Std. for Qualifications of ty Control Monitoring of the Product (Receiving and Source shipments and Transfers of Soybean Oil (1973) Std. for Std. for Involute Splines and Uniform Building Code: Permits and Reinforced Brick Masonry Std. Rec. Guide for Paint ard Inspection Code) Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel ement Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal etectors; Electromagnetic Holders; Sliding Door Equipment: 2) Spec, and Rec. Pract. for munication Line9 (1960) Safety Rules for the o/ National Electrical Safety Code, Part 1: Rules for the t Heaters (1970) and Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Driveway Clearance, pply and Communications Lines (Nati/ Safety Rules for the uipment (1972) Minimum Requirements for the Design, (197/ Rec. Pract. for Marine (Inboard) Engine Mountings (1/ Safety Std. for Construction and Guide for Selection, onents of a Concrete Reinforcing Steel Material Supply and Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) Std. for cable (1/ Std. for Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground Std. for Decorative Gas Appliances for tilating, and Their Combination Duct System/ Std. for the es (Diesel and Gasolin/ Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering the 973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Rec. Pract. and Std. for the Design, Construction and ock, and Vapor Removal or Conveying (1973) / Std. for the ioning Systems (1973) ANSI B144.3 Std. for Recommendation for Recommendation for Recommendation for Recommendation for Recommendation for Recommendation for Insert Type Polyethylene Fusion Fittings for SDR 11.0 P Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel Lightweig Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel Lightweig Insert, Light Weight (1973) Insert, Molded In, Blind Threaded, Self Locking, Nonsel Insert, Molded In, Thru Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete Construe Inserts for Clamp Type Holders (1973) Inserts for Clamp Type Holders (1973) Inserts (1974) Insoluble Ash of Vegetable Tanned Leather (1970) ALCA B Insoluble Impurities in Refined Phenol by Cloud Point D Insoluble Impurities in Scoured Wool (1972) ANSI L14.19 Insoluble in Water at Room Temperature (1973) /Etermin Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and Corn Oils (Cereal Che Insoluble Matter in Creosote (1973) AASHO T81, ANSI Oil Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregates (1972) Inspection and Assembly Manual for Fine Pitch Gearing ( Inspection and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems (Fire S Inspection and Quality Control of First Generation Silv Inspection and Test Procedures for Wirewound and Nonwir Inspection and Test. Agencies for Concrete, Steel and B Inspection Bureau (1962) Inspection by Attributes (MIL Std. 105D) (1971) Inspection Code for Motor Vehicles (1973) Inspection Code) Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Plate for Pressure Vessels Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Wrought Products for Aeros Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings, Series I Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings (1970 Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (i Inspection of Glass Aerosol Containers (1972) Inspection of Hardwood and Cypress Lumber (1971-75) Inspection of Laminators Quality Control by the AITC in Inspection of Mechanical Drive Turbines (1974) Inspection of Petroleum Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe T Inspection of Preservative Treated Timber Products (197 Inspection of Weldments (1965) ANSI Z166.23 Inspection of Wood Poles in Service (1972) Inspection Procedure) (1973) /Ec. for Premium Aircraft Inspection Procedures for Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Inspection Procedures for School Buses (1972) Inspection Stds. for Preformed Packings (0-Rings) (1971 Inspection (1973) Inspection (1974) ANSI Z166.15 Inspection (1974) ANSI Z166.16 Inspection) in Corn and Other Whole Grains (1958) /Eth Inspection) (1973) /G Construction Under the Uniform B Inspection, and Disk and Flat Tapes (1974) Inspection, and Testing Requirements for Instrumentatio Inspection, Examination, and Test. Personnel for the Co Inspection, Product Audit) (1969) /C. Pract. for Quali Inspection, Sampling and Measuring Procedures for Bulk Inspections (1970) ANSI B92.1 Inspections (1973) (Inspectors Guide) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Inspectors (1973) Inspectors (1973) (National Bo Instability of Confined Condensed Phase Systems (Confin Installation Aids (1969) /Ers, Stops, Smoke and Heat D Installation and Calibration of Turbine Flowmeters (197 Installation and Maintenance of Electric Supply and Com Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Supply Stati Installation and Maintenance of Steam and Hot Water Uni Installation and Maintenance of Systems and Appliances Installation and Maintenance of Underground Electric Su Installation and Performance of Sprinkler Irrigation Eq (Installation and Replacement) Direct Drive Transmission Installation and Use of Electric Motors and Generators Installation Contract (1968) Suggested Comp Installation lor Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Drain. Installation for Communication and Electrical Wire and Installation for Non Metallic Building Sewers (1971) Installation in Vented Fireplaces (1973) Installation of Air Conditioning, Heating, Exhaust, Ven Installation of Air Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliari Installation of Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems (1 Installation of Battery Chargers on Boats (1973) Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, St Installation of Central Warm Air Heating and Air Condit Installation of Ceramic Tile Bathtub Walls (1973) Installation of Ceramic Tile Countertops (1973) Installation of Ceramic Tile Refrigerator Rooms (1973) Installation of Ceramic Tile Shower Receptors (1973) Installation of Ceramic Tile Steam Rooms (1973) Installation of Ceramic Tile Swimming Pools (1973) ASTM D3197 NSA 1832 NSA 1836 NSA 1394 NSA 1835 • NSA 1833 ICBO UBCS26-8 ANSI B94.46 ANSI B94.47 MSS SP-79 ASTM D2875 ASTM D2147 ASTM D1113 CR C-44 AACCH 58-35 ASTM D367 ASTM D3042 AGMA 370-01 FMS 2-81 NMA MS104 VRCI T215 ASTM E329 AITC 202 ANSI Z1.4 SAE J599C NBBPV *1 ASTM B548 ASTM B594 ASTM E155 ASTM A609 ANSI A17.2 ASTM D3073 NHLA »1 AITC 202 FMS 13-9 API 5B AWPA M2 ASTM E164 AWPA M13-72 SAE AMS2300B ANSI D7.1 ANSI D7.4 SAE AS871A NSA 1563 ASTM E269 ASTM E270 CR All ICBO UBC*8-1 TRA 10 IEEE 336 ANSI N45.2.6 ASQC RP5 NSPA *4 SAE J498C ICBO UBC*3-3 BIA 17C ASTM D3276 NBBPV *1 ASTM E476 NBHA 8 ISA RP31.1 ANSI C2.2 ANSI C2.1 AMCA 16 ICBO UFC»2ART13 ANSI C2.3 ASAE R264.1 SAE J233 NEMA MG2 CRSI *1.9.1 IAPMO IS5 NEMA TC6 IAPMO IS1 ANSI Z21.60 NFPA 90A ABYC P10 ICBO UBCS38-1 ABYC A20 NFPA 91 NFPA 90B TCA 150 TCA 307-308 TCA 310 TCA 309 TCA 311 TCA 302 210 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Recommendation for (1973) Recommendation for Recommendation for Std. for t Locations (Agricultural Plast/ Std. Guidelines for Safe liary Machinery (Boats) (/ Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Safe olation Joints for Ceramic Tile (1973/ Recommendation for Recommendation for Recommendation for Uniform Building Code Std. for d. and Pract. Rec. for Selection, Design. Construction and r the Purpose of Conserving Their / Tent. Rec. Pract. for ) ANSI K65.171 Std. Rec. Pract. for Underground and Certain Other Premises (1972) Std. for Recommendation for Recommendation for . for Requirements for Design, Materials, Construction and : Body and Frame Design and Construction Requirements, and (Travel and Camping Trailers, Truck Campers, Motor Homes): ges (1973) Std. for Handling and e H/ Rec. Guides for Design, Construction, Materials, and Pavements (1972) Std. Spec, for Lubricant for pract. Guide to Design, Construction, Materials, Size, and Spec, for board Water Strainers, Water Scoops and Drain P/ Std. for 73) Rec. for attached Gypsum Wallboard and Backing Board (1/ Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Underground ooring (1973) Recommendation for ators and Reversible Generator/Motors for Pumpe/ Std. for nstruction Under the Uniform Building Code: Plastering and tion (1973) ANSI A54.3 Std. for the Recommendation for Std. for Safety for Fiber Conduit for Use as Raceway for (1973) Recommendation for stribution Cables (1973) Fittings (1971) Std. for flooring (1973) Rec. vering (1973) Rec. er Service and Yard Piping (1971) itioning Systems (1973) Minimum ec. Pract. for Automotive Brake Disc and Drum Thermocouple medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Erection and ncy Vault Ventilators and Vault Ventilating Ports for Wall Floor Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wire and Cable conduit for Safe Use as a Metal Raceway for Wire and Cable r Safety for Electrical Metallic Tubing for Wire and Cable works Spec, for Ceramic Veneer (Sampling, Test. Finishing, systems for Petroleum Industry U/ Rec. Pract. for Design, rops (1971) StiLfor Const r uction . Std. for Selection, ilating, C/ Uniform Mechanical Code (Requirements for the Redwood Interior Guide (Spec, for instrumentation and Electric Equipment During the C/ Std. ve Signaling Systems for Fire Alarm Service (19/ Std. for otective Signaling Systems for Guard, Fire Alar/ ignaling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm, and / live Signalling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alar/ tective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI SE3.5 forTh Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Flammable (Combustible) Gas Indicators Including Their ments (1972) Std. for Preparation of Manuals for urrent Deep Groundbeds (1972) Rec. Pract. Design, Rec. for Suction Press Rolls and Their / Rec. Pract. for Classification of Areas for Electrical and Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Fittings for Underground ipment (1972) Rec. Pract. for Electrical Rules for the Radio Rec. for Shielding for High Energy Electron Accelerator erators and Reversible Generator/Motors for Pumped Storage Loss Prevention Data on Bonds and Guarantees for Roof ble Synchronous Generator / Motor Units for Pumped Storage n, Materials, Construction and Installation of Permanently use Guide for Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class I Motors Dimensioning Std. and Terminology for Permanently Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for Gas Water Heaters: Volume III, Circulating Tank, rice Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Nonfat Dry Milk and (1972) Pract. for Maintenance Instructions for Chlorine of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors for Commercial, e Requirements for 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics (Textile) for . Performance Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) for . Performance Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) for for Measuring Audio AmpUfier Single Frequency Output for Std. Rec. Pract. for Sensory Evaluation of Industrial and std. Performance Requirements for Woven Slipcover Fabrics Installation of Ceramic Tile Tubs (1973) Installation of Chemical Resistant Ceramic Tile Floors Installation of Conductive Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burners (1971) Installation of Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Dus Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxi Installation of Expansion, Control, Contraction, and Is Installation of Exterior Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Installation of Exterior Ceramic Tile Walls (1973) Installation of Fire Doors and Windows (1973) Installation of Fittings and Equipment for Anchoring, M Installation of Fixed Partitions of Light Frame Type Fo Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe (1972 Installation of Gas Piping and Equipment on Industrial Installation of Interior Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Installation of Interior Ceramic Tile Walls (1973) Installation of Permanently Installed Fuel Systems for Installation of Plumbing. Heating and Electrical System Installation of Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical Syste Installation of Power Semiconductors in Disc Type Packa Installation of Power Transmission Units Penetrating Th Installation of Preformed Compression Seals in Concrete Installation of Propeller Shafting Systems for Boats (1 Installation of Residential Aluminum Siding (1971) Installation of Seacocks, Through Hull Connections, Out Installation of Sprinkler Systems (Fire Protection) (19 Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping (1972) Installation of Thresholds, Saddles for Ceramic Tile Fl Installation of Vertical Hydraulic Turbine Driven Gener Installation of Wallboard Lathing (1973) Dwelling Co Installation of Water Sprinkler Systems for Fire Protec Installation of Waterproof Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Installation of Wires and Cables (1972) ANSI C33.37 Installation Performance Levels of Ceramic Tile Floors Installation Pract. for Underground Electrical Power Di Installation PVC Building Drain Waste and Vent Pipe and Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos Tile as a Wall Co Installation Std. for Solvent Cemented PVC Pipe for Wat Installation Stds. for Residential Heating and Air Cond Installation (1972) Installation (1972) Installation (1972) ANSI B 135.1 Installation (1973) ANSI C33.58 Installation (1973) ANSI C33.92 Installation (1973) ANSI C33.98 Installation, and Definitions) (1961) Installation, and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Installation, andJRating of Equipment for Drying Farm C Installation, and Servicing of Humidifiers (1972) Installation, Control, and Maintenance of Heating, Vent Installation, Finishes and Other Technical Data) (1973) Installation, Inspection, and Testing Requirements for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Auxiliary Protecti Installation, Maintenance and Use of Central Station Pr Installation, Maintenance and Use of Local Protective S Installation, Maintenance and Use of Proprietary Protec Installation, Maintenance and Use of Remote Station Pro Installation, Operation and Maintenance (On Boats) (197 Installation, Operation and Repair of Laboratory Instru Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed C Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (1973) Installations at Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Production Installations of Electrical Wires and Cables (1974) Installations on Packaging Machinery and Associated Equ Installations (National Electrical Safety Code) (1940) Installations (1964) Installations (1972) /Cal Hydraulic Turbine Driven Gen Installations (1973) Installations (1974) /Nchronous Generators and Reversi Installed Fuel Systems for Inboard and Outboard Powered Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Gener Installed Screw Conveyors (1972) Installing Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe (1972) ANSI A106.2 Instantaneous and Large Automatic Storage Type (1974) Instantized Dry Milks (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Instantizing Systems for Dry Milk and Dry Milk Products Institute Std. Excess Flow Valves (1972) Institutional and Industrial Buildings (1973) Institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), C Institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 1 Institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 1 Institutional Audio-Visual Equipment Used Primarily F Institutional Food Purchases (1972) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Std. Pract. for Low and /Afety Std. for Emerge /Ty for Cellular Metal /E Steel and Aluminum Std. Fo Public IE /R-P /Tenance TCA 304 TCA 110-111.1 TCA 112 ANSI Z21.8 ISA S12.ll ABYC PI TCA 300 TCA 107-109 TCA 209210 ICBO UBCS43-5 ABYC A5 ASTM E497 ASTM D2321 ANSI Z83.1 TCA 101-106 TCA 201-208. 1 ABYC H24 NFPA 501B NFPA 501C EIA JED11 ABYC P16 ASTM D2835 ABYC P6 AAMA 1403.1 ABYC H27 FMS 2-8 ANSI A97.2 ASTM D2774 TCA 306 NEMA MG5.2 ICBO UBC*8-14 NFPA 13 TCA 114 UL 543 TCA •3-2 AA 52-2 IAPMO IS9 RTI »8 RTI *17 IAPMO IS8 SMACN •10 SAE J79 DEMA *1-21 UL 680 UL 209 UL 1 UL 797 BIA *28 API RP14B ASAE S248.2 ARI 630 ICBO UMC'7 CRA 3A7 IEEE- 336 NFPA 72B NFPA 71 NFPA 72A NFPA 72D NFPA 72C ABYC A14 ANSI C105.2 NACE RP-05-72 FMS 12-60 API RP500B NEMA TCI IEEE 333 ANSI C2.5 NCRPM R31 NEMA MG5.2 FMS 1-47S NEMA MG5.1 ABYC H24 IEEE 334 ASAE S334T ASTM C12 ANSI Z21.10.3 AACCH 86-02 DFISA 60800 CHI 42 RTI •16 ANSI L24.4.12 ANSI L24.4.13 ANSI L24.4.14 ANSI PH7.2 ASTM E461 ANSI L24.1.6 Engineering and Product Standards Division 211 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Bath Mats ( Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Shower Curtains ( Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Dish Towels ( Std. Performance Requirements for Glass Towels ( Std. Performance Requirements for Huck Towels ( Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Bedspreads ( Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Blankets ( mance Requirements for Damask Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) ( nee Requirements for Woven Upholstery Fabrics (Tacked On) ( e Requirements for Terry Cloth Towels (Single and Double) ( equirements for Woven Printed Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) ( detachable Tags, and Certification of Fabrics or Products ( red Woven Uniform Fabrics, Lightweight (Tropical) Suiting ( urable Press (No Iron) Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics ( ents for Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men and Women ( ishings (Sublimation, Brittleness and Chlorine Retention) ( e Napery Other Than Damask (White or Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) ( n Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men and Women (Heavy Duty) ( ven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics Other Than Durable Press ( ailored Uniform Fabrics, Heavyweight (Industrial) Suiting ( ilored Uniform Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Round) Suiting ( Woven Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics (Excluding Glass Fibers) ( (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach ( nt. Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Laminated ( nts and Claims for Special Characteristics and Finishes of Std. Definitions of Textile Terms for woven Decorative Bedspreads, Pillows, and Bolster Fabrics ( Curtain Fabrics (Sash Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) ( ng, and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Coated ( er Curtain Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach ( ance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Overcoat Fabrics ( std. Performance Requirements for Woven Lining Fabrics for r Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors in e Mechanics for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Course of Mechanics for Buses, Heavy Trucks and Trailers (Course of Ives (1972) Maintenance (1972) ANSI Z11.275 Std. Spec, and Operating Rec. Erection olor Codes for Lubricant and Fluid Requirement Maintenance d Industrial Equipment (Machinery) (1971/ Rec. Pract. for Std. for Nut - d Area (1971) Rec. Pract. for vironment and Design Stds for (1972) Aircraft oses, 15 kV and Less (1973) NEMA Ei21 Std. for Std. for Electrical Indicating td. Installation, Inspection, and Testing Requirements for s Measurement (Passen/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform Laboratory ) Std. for Earthquake act Tests (1971) Rec. Pract. for rdous Electromagnetic Radiation / Std. for Techniques and Std. for Photo 972) ANSI C83/ Rec. Test Meth. for Flutter Measurement of 974) An/ Rec. Test Meth. for Timing Error Measurements of Std. for iesel and Gas Engine Gauge Borads, Protective Devices, and ng; Partitions; Plaster; Roofing) and Earthquake Recording ssures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Systems ( and Tests for Strain Gage Linear Acceleration Transducers ( Definitions of Relay Terms (Electromagnetic eth. of Test, for Rotary Selector Switches (Radio, TV, and n of Nonconductive Coatings on Nonferrous Substrate (Coil, Std. for AC -DC Transfer Ft., 35 mm 100 Ft. and 70 mm 100 Ft. Spools for Recording . Dimensions for Photographic Films in Rolls for Recording nes (1974) ANSI Z115.2 Std. Meth. of Calibration last/ Std. Guidelines for Safe Installation of Electrical Rec. for Radiological Monitoring Meths. and erformance Spec, for Portable X-Or Gamma Radiation Survey Std. for Requirements for Electrical Analog Indicating nuals for Installation, Operation and Repair of Laboratory pacitors (For Use Primarily in Transmitters and Electronic longatoin of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Extension Structural Clay s) (1966) Structural Clay (Properly Constructed Masonry) sties of Electrical Insulating Varnishes Applied Over Film Std. Meth. for Test. Film Rec. for ibution of Electrical Energy (197/ Std. for Thermoplastic ibuti/ Std. for Crossed Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Jacket for Electrical Safety Std. for Thermoplastic Std. for Splice, Electric, Permanent, Crimp Style, Pre Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic Setting Thermal Std. Meth. of Test. Cellular Glass orative (1972) Std. Spec, for itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) itutional Textile) (1973) Std. Perfor Std. Performa Std. Performanc ' Std. Performance R / for Permanent Labels. / Requirements for Tailo /Ance Requirements for D ID. Performance Requirem /Dyes, Finishes, and Fin /E Requirements for Tabl /E Requirements for Wove /Nee Requirements for Wo /or Woven Drycleanable T /R Woven Drycleanable Ta /Rmanee Requirements for /Ven Glass Fiber Drapery /Woven Man Made Fiber Te /Ance Requirements for /Ments for Woven Window /Otton Woven Tent, Awni /Ts for Woven Glass Fib Std. Perform itutional Textiles (Durability, Spot, Stain, and in itutional Textiles (1973) itutional Textiles) (1973) itutional Textiles) (1973) itutional Textiles) (1973) itutional Textiles) (1973) itutional Uniform Textile) (1973) itutional Uniforms (Textile) (1973) itutional. Industrial and Commercial Buildings (197 ruction) (1972) Std. for Training of Automotiv ruction) (1972) Std. for Training of Automotive ructions for Chlorine Institute Std. Excess Flow Va ructions for Glass Capillary Kinematic Viscometers ructions for Steel Door Frames (1972) ructions, and Container and Filler Identification ( rument Face Design and Location for Construction an rument Mount (1973) rument Panel Laboratory Impact Test Procedure-Hea rument Stds. (Wording, Terminology, Phraseology, En rument Transformers for (Electricity) Metering Purp rument (Meter) Relays (1972) rumentation and Electric Equipment During the Const rumentation and Techniques for Exhaust Gas Emission rumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants (1974 rumentation for Motor Vehicle and Its Component Imp rumentation for the Measurement of Potentially Haza rumentation Glossary (Terms, Definitions) (1969) rumentation Magnetic Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1 rumentation Magnetic Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1 rumentation Symbols and Identification Code (1973) rumentation (1972) / and Medium Speed Stationary D rumentation (1973) /Ra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceili rumentation) (1970) Std. for Air Pre rumentation) (1971) Std. Specs. rumentation) (1972) rumentation) (1973) ANSI C83.26 / Dimensions and M rumentation) (1974) /R Film Thickness Determinatio ruments and Converters (1973) ruments and for Microfilm and Still Picture Cameras ruments and Miscellaneous Uses (1973) ruments for Verifying Time Load Indication of Machi ruments in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural P ruments (1952) ruments (1971) ruments (1972) ruments (1972) ruments) (1958) ANSI C83.15 ruments) (1972) ANSI L14.287 nsulated Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1964) nsulated Cavity 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Note nsulated Magnet Wire (1973) /Thermal Aging Characteri nsulated Magnet Wire (1974) nsulated Steel Deck Roofing (1972) nsulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distr nsulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distr nsulated Wire and Cable (1972) nsulated Wire and Cable (1972) nsulated Wires (1971) ANSI C33.80 nsulated, (Class 2) Wire Sizes 12 to 26 (1972) nsulating and Finishing Cement (1964) ANSI Z98.33 nsulating Block (1972) nsulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Dec Std Std. for Preparation of Ma /S for Electrolytic Ca / Breaking Load and E ANSI L24.2.1 ANSI L24.2.10 ANSI L24.2.2 ANSI L24.2.3 ANSI L24.2.4 ANSI L24.2.8 ANSI L24.2.9 ANSI L24.2.7 ANSI L24.1.7 ANSI L24.2.5 ANSI L24.2.6 ANSI L24.5.1 ANSI L24.3.3 ANSI L24.2.13 ANSI L24.3.5 ANSI L24.7.2 ANSI L24.2.11 ANSI L24.3.6 ANSI L24.2.12 ANSI L24.3.2 ANSI L24.3.1 ANSI L24.1.5 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI L24.1.10 ANSI L24.7.1 ANSI L24.6.1 ANSI L24.1.2 ANSI L24.1.4 ANSI L24.1.1 ANSI L24.1.3 ANSI L24.3.4 ANSI L24.3.8 RTI •10 ANSI D18.1 ANSI D18.2 CHI 42 ASTM D2515 STDI 105 SAE J223 SAE J209 NSA 487 SAE J921B SAE AIR818B EEI MSJ-11 NEMA 112 IEEE 336 SAE J254 ANSI N18.5 SAE J211A ANSI C95.3 SMPTE *1 EIA RS405 EIA RS413 ISA S5.1 DEMA *1-17 ICBO UBC*3-23 ISA S7.4 ISA S37.5 NARM *2 EIA RS315-A NCCA TB-II-14 ANSI C100.4 ANSI PHI. 33 ANSI PHI. 30 ASTM E74 ISA S12.ll NCRPM R10 ANSI N13.4 ANSI C39.1 ANSI C105.2 EIA RS205 ASTM D2653 BIA 21 BIA •26 ASTM D3251 ASTM D1676 FMS 1-28 NEMA WC5 NEMA WC7 ASTM D1351 ASTM D2308 UL 83 NSA 1388 ASTM C449 ASTM C240 ASTM C208 212 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards orative (1972) Std. Meth. of Test. Insula ode Std. for Fiberboard Nail Base Sheathing and Structural Insula Std. for Cellulosic Fiber Insul Spec, for Perlite Insul Meth. of Test for Size and Bulk Density of Refractory and Insul Std. Classification of Insula Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Insula Std. Spec, for Structural Insula . of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Strength of Insula Glazing Spec, for Sealed Insula Spec, for Sealed Insula romatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Capacitors (Electrical Insula Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical Insula Std. Spec, for Air as an Electrical Insula lex Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Solid Electrical Insula d. Meth. of Test for Voltage Endurance of Solid Electrical Insula and Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) of Solid Electrical Insula d Establishment of Temperature Indexes of Solid Electrical Insula . of Test for Impact Resistance of Plastics and Electrical Insula Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insula liquid Contaminant. Inclined Plane Tracking and Erosion of Insula nsi C/ Std. Spec, for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insula si C5/ Std. Spec, for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insula it Breakers (1973) Std. Spec, for Uninhibited Mineral Insula breakers (197/ Std. Spec, for Oxidation Inhibited Mineral Insula er (1969) ANSI C/ Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insula Std. Meth. of Test for Oxidation Stability of New Mineral Insula' t/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insula s/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insula Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Fiberboard Insula Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Plastic Foam Core Insula r Type (1973) ANSI C59.50 Std. Spec, for Electrical Insula Std. Test Meth. for Structural Insula ANSI A109.18 Std. Spec, for Asphalt Insula ec. for Polyethylene Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insula stant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insul . for Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insula td. Spec, for Polyester Film Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insula r Tetrafluoroethylene Backed Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insula Safety Std. for Extruded Thermoplastic Insula h. of Test for Thermal Aging Characteristics of Electrical Insula Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Degradation of Electrical Insula Std. for Strip-High Temperature Terminal Block, Base Insula std. Meth. of Test for Gas Content of Cable and Capacitor (Insula . Meth. for Investigating the Compatibility of Transformer Insula ing Ozone Resistant Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Integral Insula Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Roof Insula Std. Spec, for Perlite Thermal Insula light Frame Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their Sound Insula or. and Fl/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Airborne Sound Insula Std. Spec, for Spray Applied Fibrous Thermal Insula Rated on a Symmetrical C/ Std. Requirements for External Insula Std. Spec, for Ozone Resisting Insula Std. Spec, for Ozone Resisting Butyl Rubber Insula std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Heat or Moisture Resisting Insula td. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Heat and Moisture Resisting Insula 4) ANSI C8./ Std. Spec, for Natural Rubber Heat Resisting Insula 4) ANSI C8.24 Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Insula 4) ANSI C8.40 Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Insula ngs (1970) / Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insula Std. Rec. Pract. for Evacuated Reflective Insula Std. for Voltage Values for Preferred Transient Insula Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Insula nted, Flexible, Heat Shrinkable (19/ Spec, for Electrical Insula alues for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker External Insul. s Rated 0/ Std. Requirement for Switching Impulse Voltage Insula form Wo/ Std. Test Procedure for the Evaluation of Sealed Insul, temperatur/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Prefabricated Reflective Insula Measurement of Discharge (Corona) Pulses in Evaluation of Insula Std. Meth. of Test. Laminated Tubes Used for Electrical Insula th. of Test. Adhesives Relative to Their Use as Electrical Insula est. Varnished Cottonfabrics and Tapes Used for Electrical Insula istance of Low Density Mineral Fiber Blanket Type Building Insula Std. Meth. of Test. Vulcanized Fiber Used for Electrical Insula termining the Maximum L^se Temperature of Preformed Thermal Insula osslinked Polyolefin Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insula Test. Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insula Std. Meth. of Test. Varnishes Used for Electrical Insula ing Dimensions of Rigid Rods and Tubes Used for Electrical Insula Std. Spec, for Perlite Loose Fill Insula Std. Spec, for Cellular Glass Block and Pipe Thermal Insula Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insula Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical Insula Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Solid Electrical Insul Uniform Building Code Std. for Impact Sound Insula Spec, for Cellulosic Fiber (Wood Base) Loose Fill Thermal Insul ing Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural and Dec Uniform Building C Std. ing Board (1973) ing Board (1973) ANSI A149.1 ing Concrete Roof Decks (1973) ing Fire Brick (1970) ANSI A111.18 ing Fire Brick (1970) ANSI A111.22 ing Fire Brick (1972) ANSI A111.28 ing Formboard Made from Cellulosic Fibers (1966) ing Gases at Commercial Power Frequencies (1974) ing Glass Units (1971) ing Glass Units (1973) ing Liquid) (1973) ANSI C59.ll /R Chlorinated a ing Liquids and Gases (1974) ing Material in Electrical Equipment (1973) ing Materials at Microwave Frequencies and Tempe ing Materials Subjected to Partial Discharges (C ing Materials (1970) /Ent Loss Characteristics ing Materials (1972) /the Thermal Evaluation an ing Materials (1973) Std. Meth ing Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for ing Materials (1973) ANSI C59.135 /of Test for ing Oil for High Pressure Cable Systems (1972) a ing Oil for Low Pressure Cable Systems (1972) an ing Oil for Use in Transformers and in Oil Circu ing Oil for Use in Transformers and Oil Circuit ing Oil in Equipment as Received from Manufactur ing Oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Par ing Oils of Petroleum Origin Under Impulse Condi ing Oils of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrode ing Panels (1972) ing Panels (1972) ing Paper and Paperboard-Sulfate or Kraft Laye ing Roof Deck (R1970) ing Siding Surfaced with Mineral Granules (1970) ing Tape (1973) Std. Sp ing Tape (1973) /Spec, for Low Temperature Resi ing Tape (1973) ANSI C59.91 Std. Spec ing Tape (1973) ANSI C59.96 ing Tape (1974) Std. Spec. Fo ing Tubing (1972) ing Varnishes Applied Over Film Insulated Magnet ing Varnishes by the Helical Coil Meth. (1973) ing (1973) ing) Oils (R1969) ANSI C59.23 ion and Construction Materials in Askarels (1973 ion and Jacket (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /Ss and Hav ion Board (1972) ion Board (1972) ion Efficiency (1973) / of Fixed Partitions of ion Field Test of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Flo ion for Elevated Temperature (1972) ion for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers ion for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8.29 ion for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8.37 ion for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8.38 ion for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation (197 ion for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation (197 ion for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation (197 ion for Wire and Cable, 90 Deg. C Operation (197 ion for Wood Frame and Light Construction Buildi ion in Cryogenic Service (1973) ion Levels (TIL) (1971) ion of Quality Packages (1972) ion Plastic Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigme ion Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (1972) ion Strength for AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker ion Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing ion Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at /Test V ion Systems (1973) ion (1970) ion (1970) ion (1970) ANSI C59.31 ion (1970) ANSI Z98.35 ion (1971) ANSI C59.78 ion (1971) ANSI Z98.28 ion (1972) ion (1972) ANSI C59.13 ion (1972) ANSI C59.30 ion (1972) ANSI C59.33 ion (1973) ion (1973) ion (1973) ion (1973) ion (1973) ion (1973) ion (1973) /Td. Meth. for Detection and Std. Me Std. Meth. of T /Tion of the Thermal Res Std. Meth. for De Std. Spec, for Cr Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Measur Std. ASTM ICBO use CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SIGMA SIGMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM ASTM NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM SAE ANSI IEEE IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM C209 UBCS25-24 PS57 03521 C134 C155 C182 C532 D2477 70-7-1 65-7-2 D2233 D2864 D3283 D2520 D2275 D150 98 D256 D3151 D2303 D1819 D1818 D1040 D3146 64 D2112 D3300 D1816 C551 C659 D1305 D2164 D1226 D3006 D3005 D2301 D2484 D2686 224 D3251 D3145 1063 D831 D3255 WC8/1 C726 C728 E497 UBCS35-3 C720 343 D574 D1352 D1520 D1679 D469 D754 D1523 C665 C740 C92.1 D3103 AMS3636D C37.0781 339 429 C667 D1868 D348 D1304 D295 C653 D619 C447 D3149 D229 D115 D668 C549 C552 C764 D1711 D374 UBCS35-2 C739 Engineering and Product Standards Division 213 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards c. Pract. for Application of Spray Applied Fibrous Thermal of Test for Moisture Content of Oil Impregnated Cellulosie ltage, Low Current, Dry Are Resistance of Solid Electrical st. Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical poly(Vinyl Chloride) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical e, Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Protection, or Std. Meth. of Test. Shellac Used for Electrical n Factor of Expanded Cellular Plastics Used for Electrical . for Mine Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber volts and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylene Propylene Rubber electrical Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber st. Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test. Hookup Wire essure Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes Used for Electrical of Sampling and Test. Untreated Paper Used for Electrical Electrical Power Cable with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber d. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Vapor Barriers for Thermal Std. Wet Process Porcelain Std. Wet Process Porcelain td. Spec, for Communication and Signal Pin Type Lime Glass Std. Wet Process Porcelain d. Application Guide for Porcelain Suspension (Power Line) Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Air loy Seamless Round Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with its Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Std. for Industrial and Other Direct Current Std. for Synchronous Std. for Frame Assignments for Alternating-Current for Definite Purpose Motors and Generators (Fractional and ernating Current and Direct Current Motors (Fractional and e of Alternating and Direct Current Motors (Fractional and g and Direct Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and g and Direct Current Motors and Generators (Fractional and s and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats For/ Line Voltage rally Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heater Line Voltage ne Supply Transactions Within the Air Tra/ Spec, for Std. rces (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for 72) ANSI B93./ Std. Meth. for Determining the Fabrication roducts for Exterior Use (1959) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. Pract. for Service Brake Structural tion Vehicles F/ Rec. Pract. for Service Brake Structural eed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Reversal Color Camera Films for Production Disc and Spoke Wheels, and Demountable Rims (1973) Std. Color Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders (1971) Std. Nomenclature for Glass Bulbs 1) Std. Definitions for High Std. Meth. for the Designation of High or Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Oxygen (Reaction Uniform Plumbing Code: Traps and std. for the Electrical Characteristics of Class a Closure d Terminology) (19/ Guidelines for Describing Information terchange (1972) Std. for Std. for Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information presentation for Calendar and Ordinal Date for Information . for Interchange Rolls of Perforated Tape for Information tates (Including the District of Columbia) for Information Characters of American National Std. Code for Information and Data Terminal Equipment Employing Parallel Binary Data ode) of the Countries of the United States for Information Std. for Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Std. for Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information cpi, P/ Std. for Unrecorded Magnetic Tape for Information heads Used in Roadway Lighting Equip/ Std. for Mechanical ds for Roadway Lighting Equipment (1/ Std. for Mechanical 1973) NEMA SH10 Std. for Metal Head and Reflector 1973) EEI TDJ-140 Std. for Metal Head and Reflector rmat, for Numerically Controlled Equipment (1974) or Contouring and Contouring-Positioning Nume/ Std. for ural Parts and Oil Im/ Std. Meth. of Test for Density and otective Signalling Systems (1969) ANSI SE3.7 Std. for Guide for Protective Relaying of Utility-Consumer quipment Employing Parallel Binary Data Interch/ Std. for ic Directional Control Valves (1973) ANSI B93.33 Std. Std. for Class 5 or Opaque Metal Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double Beam Std. for Radio ilicon Wafers and Metallization Thickness by Multiple Beam or Determining Surface Strength of Coated Papers Using the earing Alloys / Std. Meth. of Detecting Susceptibility to Recommendation for Installation of Recommendation for Installation of Recommendation for Renovation of of Test for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Std. Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for nsulation (1973) nsulation (1973) nsulation (1973) nsulation (1973) nsulation (1973) nsulation (1973) Std. Re Std. Meth. Std. Meth. of Test for High Vo / Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Te /for Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked /Veneer (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Til nsulation (1973) ANSI C59.18 nsulation (1973) ANSI C59.84 /Constant and Dissipatio nsulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 Std nsulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /Abies Rated 0-35,000 nsulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /D Multiple Conductor nsulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. Coating Powders a nsulation (1974) nsulation (1974) nsulation (1974) ANSI C59.136 Std. Meth. of Test. Pr nsulation (1974) ANSI C59.77 Std. Meth. nsulation, 2001-5000 Volts (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /Ctor nsulations (1973) St nsulators (Apparatus, Cap and Pin Type) (1971) nsulators (Apparatus, Post Type) (1971) nsulators (R1970) nsulators (Suspension Type) (1971) nsulators (1974) St ntake and Exhaust Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for ntegral Fins (1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Al ntegral Fins (1974) Std. Spec, for Copper and ntegral Horsepower Generators (1972) ntegral Horsepower Generators (1972) ntegral Horsepower Induction Motors (1972) ntegral Horsepower) (1972) Std. ntegral Horsepower) (1972) Std. for Ratings for Alt ntegral Horsepower) (1972) / for Tests and Performanc ntegral Horsepower) (1972) /Ation Data for Alternatin ntegral Horsepower) (1972) /Dimensions for Alternatin ntegral Insulation and Jacket (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /S ntegrally Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heater Line ntegrally Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heaters (19 ntegrated Data Processing Systems Designed to Streamli ntegrity and Test Spec, for Selected Brachytherapy Sou- ntegrity of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (19 ntegrity of Glue Joints in Structural Laminated Wood P ntegrity Test Procedure- Passenger Car (1971) ntegrity Test Procedure for Trucks, Buses, and Combina ntended for Direct Projection in Motion Picture Photog ntended for Highway Use on Trucks, Buses, Trailers, an ntended for Medical Use in the United States (Safety) ntended for Use with Electron Tubes and Electric Lamps ntensity Discharge Lamp Ballasts and Transformers (197 ntensity Discharge Lamps (1972) ntensity Meth.) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test F nterceptors (1973) nterchange Circuits (Electronics) (1974) nterchange Formats (Computer Software Documentation an nterchange Rolls of Perforated Tape for Information in nterchange (1600 cpi, PE) (1973) nterchange (1971) Std. for Re nterchange (1972) Std nterchange (1972) /Iations for States of the United S nterchange (1973) /Phic Representation of the Control nterchange (1973) /Terface Between Numerical Control nterchange (1973) /Tructure for the Identification (C nterchange (200 cpi, NRZI) (1973) nterchange (800 cpi, NRZI) (1973) nterchange (9-Track 200 and 800 cpi, NRZI, and 1600 nterchangeability of Socket Supports for Use in Metal nterchangeability of Socket Supports Used in Metal Hea nterchangeability Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment ( nterchangeability Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment ( nterchangeable Perforated Tape Std., Variable Block Fo nterchangeable Perforated Tape Variable Block Format F nterconnected Porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Struct nterconnection Circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Pr nterconnections (1973) nterface Between Numerical Control and Data Terminal E nterfaces for 4 Way General Purpose Industrial Pneumat nterference Fit Thread (1972) nterference Microscope Technique (1973) /Transparent nterference Wideband Filters (1974) ANSI C83.102 nterference (Tolansky Meth.) (1973) /E Thickness on S nterfiber Bond Tester (1973) /or Coating Pick Tests F ntergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel Rich, Chromium B nterior Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) nterior Ceramic Tile Walls (1973) nterior Ceramic Tile Walls, Floors, and Stairs (1973) nterior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber (1973) nterior Design Services (1972) ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM NEMA NEMA NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NEMA ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI NEMA DEMA ASTM ASTM NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA ATAA ANSI NFLDP ASTM SAE SAE ANSI SAE CGA ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ICBO EIA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI EIA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI EEI NEMA EEI NEMA NSA EIA ASTM NEMA IEEE EIA NFLDP ANSI ASTM EIA ASTM TAPPI ASTM TCA TCA TCA ASTM AIOA C762 D3277 D495 D3214 D3150 UBC*3-30 D411 D1673 WC8/5 WC8 WC8/6 D3214 D2671 D3032 D1000 D202 WC8/7 C755 C29.8 C29.9 D879 C29.2 HV2 •1-8 B404 B359 MC1-15 MC1-16 MC13 MG1-18 MG1-10 MG1-12 MG1-14 MC1-11 WC8/1 DC 13 DC 13 200 N44.1 T3. 10.8.4 D1101 J229 J294 PH22.146 J267 C9 C79.1 C82.9 C78.380 F371 UPC»l-7 RS410 X10.1 X3.34 X3.39 X3.30 X3.34 X3.38 X3.32 RS408 X3.31 X3.14 X3.22 X3.40 TDJ-143 SH13 TDJ-140 SH10 955 RS274-B B328 SB3 357 RS408 T3.21.1 B1.12 B588 RS416 F388 UM-534 C28 101-106 201-208.1 400-600 D3273 B707 214 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12/ Std. Meth. of Determining ng Blocks (or Exposed Platforms. Pavements, Driveways, and her Technical Data) (1973) Redwood Spec, for emarked Plywood (1967) Test Meths. for t. Test Meth. for Determining Window Fogging Resistance of Rec. Pract. for Flammability of Automotive std. Spec, for Creosoted End Grain Wood Block Flooring for Std. Meth. of Test for Efflorescence of Uniform Building Code: Rec. for Adhesives for Structural Laminated Products for Use Under d Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and d Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and ubes (1973) ANSI B125/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Cold Drawn ce (1972) ANSI B125.23 Std. Spec, for Seamless / Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Plates for rements for Backflow Preventers in Water Supply Lines with . Thick Hollow Metal Door and Frame Preparation for Offset ates for Machine Parts and Genera/ Std. Spec, for Low and ressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.2 Std. Spec, for Low and ructural Quality (1970) ANSI G24./ Std. Spec, for Low and uirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics. Std. for Mining and Logging Tires Used in 1972) Std. for Handle, Latching le) (1973) Test Meth. for Std. Test. Procedure for ntary Ventilation in a Ship's Cargo Hold During the Use of Std. for Safety for Grounding and Bonding Equipment popcorn, Drie/ Meth. of Analysis of X-Ray Examination for ied Pea/ Meth. of Analysis of Cracking Flotation Test for Rec. Pract. for Automatic Reset Bui. on Round Thread Casing Joint Strength with Combined Rec. Pract. for Calculating Stress in Plastic Pipe Under meth. of Test for Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Constant Meth. for Cross Directional (1968) Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for Bolt • Std. for Bolt • Std. for Bolt - Std. for Bolt - Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Externally and protruding Head, Self Locking)/ flush Head, Self Locking) (1972/ Protruding Head. (1972) Flush Head. Self Locking) (1972) lable Head Self Locking) (1972/ truding Head, Self Locking) (1/ 72) et: Ammunition and Targ/ Std. for Fastener (Blind, Std. for Fastener (Blind Std. for Fastener (Blind, Fastener (Blind, Std. for Fastener (Blind, Std. for Fastener (Blind, Spec, for Fastener (Blind, Shotgun Shooting Facility Plans: Std. Metric Pract. Guide to the Use of SI Spec, for imeters and Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1971) Std. for ts for X-Radiation Limits for AC High Voltage Power Vacuum Safety Std. for Ground Fault Circuit of Electrical Transmission and Distribution Facilities and enide in Poultry Mashes (Feed) for Prevention of Cecal and ine in Poultry Feeds and Premixes for Control of Cecal and Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend and Torsion Test, of Std. for Cold Weather Masonry Construction, ms (1969) ANSI C33.70 Safety Std. for Std. for Physical Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Candy Color and of Test for Pressure Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an on and Construction Materials in Askarels/ Std. Meth. for orm (Acquisition and Codification of Data Derived from the Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy 4330 Modified) (1973) Steel Castings, 4340 Modified) (1973) Low Alloy Steel Castings, Low Alloy Steel Castings, ium Speed Stationary Dies/ Std. Pract. for Preparation of Std. for stem Design of Fine Pitch on Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and overs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Qualitative ysis of Oxidizing Agents in Flour: Reaction with Potassium Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Potassium Std. Analytical Meth. Determining Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Radioactive t, and Corn Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) stry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of um and Other Veget/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining eeze-Coolant Concentrate (Glycol or Alcohol Base) by the nterior Dimensions of Fiberboard Boxes (Box Gage Meth. ASTM nterior Floors Exposed to Wet and Dry Conditions (1970 ASTM nterior Guide (Spec, for Installation, Finishes and Ot CRA nterior Gypsum Plaster (1972) CSI nterior Panel Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trad APA nterior Trim Materials (1973) ANSI Z265.1 Rec. Prac SAE nterior Trim Materials: Horizontal Test Meth. (1972) SAE nterior Use (1970) ANSI 010.1 ASTM nterior Wall Paints (1973) ASTM nterior Walls and Ceiling Finish (1973) ICBO nterior Wood Paneling (1972) WWPA nterior (Dry Use) Exposure Conditions (1972) ANSI Z197 ASTM nterior (1971) Std. Spec, for Portlan ANSI nterior (1971) /. for Lathing and Furring for Portlan ANSI ntermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser T ASTM ntermediate Alloy Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Servi ASTM ntermediate and Higher Temperature Service (1972) ANSI ASTM ntermediate Atmospheric Vent (1972) /Erformance Requi ASSE ntermediate Pivot (1973) Spec, for 1 3/4 in ANSI ntermediate Tensile Strength Carbon-Silicon Steel PI ASTM ntermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates for P ASTM ntermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of St ASTM ntermediate (Year Round) Suiting (Institutional Textil ANSI ntermittent Highway Service (1974) TRA nternal and External Release Components and Assembly ( NSA nternal Bond Strength of Paperboard (Z-Direction Tensi TAPPI nternal Bursting of Composite Tubes and Cores (1974) CCTI nternal Combustion Engines (1970) Guide for Suppleme SNAME nternal Electrical Wiring Systems) (1972) ANSI C33.8 UL nternal Insect Infestation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped AACCH nternal Insects in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dr AACCH nternal Mounted Circuit Breaker (1971) SAE nternal Pressure and Bending (1972) API nternal Pressure (1967) ANSI B72.10 ASTM nternal Pressure (1974) ANSI B72.6 Std. ASTM nternal Tearing Resistance of Paperboard (1972) TAPPI nternal Temperature Measurements in Ablative Materials ASTM nternal Wrenching. Steel 1/4-28 Thru 1-1/8-12 (1973) NSA nternal Wrenching, Steel, 1.2500-12 (1973) NSA nternal Wrenching, Steel, 1.3750-12 (1973) NSA nternal Wrenching, Steel, 1.5000-12 (1973) NSA nternally Threaded Std. Fasteners (1968) ANSI G38.5 ASTM nternally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose, NSA nternally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose, NSA nternally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, NSA nternally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, NSA nternally Threaded, External Sleeve. Light Weight, MIL NSA nternally Threaded. External Sleeve, Light Weight, Pro NSA nternally Threaded, External Sleeve, Self Locking) (19 NSA nternational and Domestic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Ske NRA nternational System of Units) (1972) ANSI Z210.1 ASTM nternational (Iso) Freight Containers (1972) ANSI nterrelationship of Quartz Fiber Electrometer Type Dos ANSI nterrupters Used in Power Switchgear (1972) /Quiremen ANSI nterrupters (1972) UL nterruptions to Customer Service (1973) /Zing Outage IEEE ntestinal Coccidiosis in Chickens (Cereal Chemistry) ( AACCH ntestinal Coccidiosis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Oxal AACCH ntramedullary Rods (Surgical Implants) (1973) ASTM ntraoral Dental Radiographic Film (1972) ANSI ntroduction (Tech. Notes) (1967) BIA ntrusion Detection Units for Burglary Protection Syste UL nventories of Nuclear Materials (1972) ANSI nversion Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1952) CR nverted Probe Machine (1971) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. ASTM nvestigating the Compatibility of Transformer Insulati ASTM nvestigation of Scuba Diving Accidents) (1973) /Ort F ANSI nvestment Castings (1972) ASTM nvestment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0.36C) (SAE SAE nvestment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.38-0.46C) (SAE SAE nvestment, 0.95Cr-0.20Mo (0.25-0.35C) (1973) SAE nvitations for Bids and Detailed Spec, for Low and Med DEMA nvolute Splines and Inspections (1970) ANSI B92.1 SAE nvolute Spur Pinions (1973) Std. for Sy AGMA odates in Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH odates in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH odide Test Meth. for Ammonium Persulfate in Flour Impr AACCH odide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Anal AACCH odide. KI (1972) ANSI odine Affinity of Corn Starch (1973) CR odine in Mineral Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH odine in Water (1973) ANSI N159 ASTM odine Meth. of Analysis for Insect Eggs in White, Whea AACCH odine Number in All Edible Fats and Oils (Cereal Chemi AACCH odine Number (Wijs Meth.) Content in Corn, Grain Sorgh CR odine Reagent Meth. (1973) /or Water in Engine Antifr ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division D2658 D52 3A7 09150 •5 J275 J369A D1031 D1736 UBC»3-42 •26 D3024 A42.2 A42.3 A199 A200 A515 1012 A115.12 A284 A285 A283 L24.3.1 2-29 1637 UM-528 T112 4-14 467 28-21 28-22 J258 BUL 5C4 D2153 D1598 T496SU E377 144 172 174 176 A307 1669 1670 1671 1672 1674 1673 1675 • 17 E380 MH5.4 N42.6 C37.85 943 346 18-25 18-35 F383 PH8.1 1 639 N15.3 E-12 D2979 D3255 Z86.2 B403 AMS5328A AMS5330A AMS5336B •1-24 J498C 203.03 48-40 48-41 48-61 48-02 PH4.201 B-28 40-35 D2334 28-44 58-30 H-32 D1123 215 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ]) Std. Analytical Meth. (or Determining Rec. for Waste Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and (1962) Electrometric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis for Hydrogen Std. Test Meth. for Hydrogen . Meth. for Continuous Determination of Sodium in Water by Std. Meth. of Field Sampling of f Test for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate s (]974) Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Halide 7) Std. Meth. of Test for Hydroxide Std. Meth. of Test for Fluoride Std. Meth. of Test for Sulfite . Test Procedure for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors for assification System for Polymeric Materials for Service in il Saturate Fractions (1971) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. for High inted Wiring Board Electric Connectors (1974) ANSI C83.88, Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Cast heet, and Strip (1973) Std. Spec, for Nickel • pe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.16 Std. Spec, for Nickel - Application at High T/ Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast si H34.40 Std. Spec, for Nickel - Std. Spec, for Nickel - 4.41 Std. Spec, for Nickel ■ ment (1973) ANSI C83.92 Std. for / Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromium-Nickel (1973) Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Chromium-Nickel service (1974) ANSI G/ Std. Spec, for Chromium-Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Std. Spec, for Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel— Molybdenum— Chromium - ical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium - resisting, Maraging. and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel - for Water and Other Liquids (1971) ANSI A2/ Std. for Cast Spec, for Std. Spec, for Aluminum for Use in Spec, for ract. for Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc Protection of Std. Meth. of Test for 6/ Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Alloy Bars. Forgings, and Rings, Heat Resistant, si G63.4 Std. Spec, for for High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening ete Aggregates (Sand, Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Blast Furnace Std. Rec. Pract. for Production and Preparation of Gray 973) Std. Spec, for Gray Std. Spec, for Pearlitic Malleable Spec, for Automotive Gray Std. Spec, for Ductile Std. Spec, for Austenitic Gray Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 Std. Spec, for Nickel ) ANSI H34.18 Std. Spec, for Nickel Gener/ Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resistant Iron Chromium, 972) Std. Spec, for Nickel oy Castings for Gener/ Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resistant and Tube (1972) ANSI H34./ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium s and Sugars, and / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 0) ANSI G63.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Malleable er Liquids (1971) ANSI A2/ Std. for Cast Iron and Ductile Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of High Purity Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Added Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Tent. Meth. of Analysis for (1973/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromium Nickel , Sheet, and Strip (1973)/ Std. Spec, for Chromium Nickel eating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Fencing (1973) / Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminium in Std. Meth. of Test for Calcium and Magnesium in Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminum Oxide in Safety Std. for Gasketed Joints for Cast act. for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast ined Molds for Gas (1971) Std. for Ductile std. for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Std. for Enameled Cast Std. for Rubber Gasket Joints for Cast and Ductile ) Spec. Data for Hubless Cast Iodine Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators (197 Iodine-131 for Medical Users (1951) Ion Activity (PH) in Flour and Bread (Cereal Chemistry) Ion Activity (PH) in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ion Concentration of Dry Adhesive Films (1970) Ion Electrode (1973) Std Ion Exchange Materials (1972) Ion Exchange Resins (1972) Std. Meth. O Ion in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Admixture Ion in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water (196 Ion in Water (1972) Ion in Water (1972) Ionizing Radiation (1969) ANSI N42.1 Std Ionizing Radiation (1971) ANSI N4.1 Std. CI Ionizing Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Gas-0 Ipc C-405A Std. General Document for Pr Iron-All Types (1974) Iron-Chromium-Manganese-Molybdenum Alloy Plate, S Iron — Chromium-Molybdenum— Copper Alloy Seamless Pi Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) an Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) ANSI H34.39 Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe Tube (1973) ANSI H3 Iron-Core Power Filter Inductors for Electronic Equip Iron-Molybdenum-Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Rod (1973) Iron-Molydenium-Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy Iron Alloy Castings (25-12 Class) for High Temperature Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.10 Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Iron Allov Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34.4 Iron Alloy Rod (1972) Iron Alloy Rod (1972) Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.3 Iron Alloy Sheet and Plate (1971) ANSI H34.44 Iron Alloys (1973) Std. Meth. for Chem Iron Alloys (1973) /Mical Analysis of Stainless, Heat Iron and Ductile Iron Fittings, 2 In. Through 48 In./S Iron and Steel Gas Welding Rods (1969) ANSI W3.2 Iron and Steel Manufacture (1960) ANSI H38.25 Iron and Steel Scrap (1971) Iron and Steel (1967) Rec. P Iron Bacteria in Water and Water Formed Deposits (1972) Iron Base-13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-l. Iron Base-35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l.lSI (1973) Iron Base Sintered Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1970) an Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock Iron Blast Furnace Slag) (1973) /G Code Std. for Concr Iron by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical E Iron Castings for Porcelain Enameling (1970) ANSI Z167. Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings (1 Iron Castings (1971) ANSI G48.2 Iron Castings (1972) Iron Castings (1972) Iron Castings (1972A) Iron Castings (1972A) Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Rod and Bar (1972 Iron Chromium Nickel and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for Iron Chromium Silicon Alloy Seamless and Welded Pipe (1 Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and Nickel Base All Iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Seamless Pipe Iron Content in Corn Starch Hydrolzates Including Syrup Iron Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1961) Iron Copper Sintered Metal Powder Structural Parts (197 Iron Detachable Link Chain and Attachments (1971) Iron Fittings, 2 In. Through 48 In./S for Water and Oth Iron for Silicon and Aluminum (1971) ANSI Z128.35 Iron in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Iron in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Iron in Wine (Enology) (1972) Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Plate Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece Test (Copper Sulfa Iron or Steel Farm Field and Railroad Right of Way Wire Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) Iron Ores (1972) Iron Pipe and Fittings (1973) Iron Pipe for Water or Other Liquids (1972) /. Rec. Pr Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand L Iron Piping for Water and Other Liquids (1972) ANSI A21 Iron Plumbing Fixtures (1973) Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A21.ll Iron Sanitary System (Plumbing Pipe and Fittings) (1972 CR R-10 NCRPM R9 AACCH 02-52 AACCH 02-51 ASTM D1583 ASTM D2791 ASTM D2687 ASTM D2187 ASTM D2988 ASTM D514 ASTM D1179 ASTM D1339 IEEE 300 ASTM D2953 ASTM D2786 EIA RS406 ASTM E351 ASTM B590 ASTM B423 ASTM A608 ASTM B409 ASTM B408 ASTM B407 EIA RS197A ASTM B468 ASTM B582 ASTM B581 ASTM B474 ASTM A447 ASTM B168 ASTM B465 ASTM B166 ASTM B572 ASTM B573 ASTM B167 ASTM B434 ASTM E38 ASTM E353 AWWA C110 AWS A5.2 ASTM B37 ISIS *1 AWS C2.2 ASTM D932 SAE AMS5633A SAE AMS5716A ASTM B439 ASTM A638 ICBO UBCS26-2 ASTM E485 ASTM C660 ASTM A126 ASTM A220 ASTM A159 ASTM A536 ASTM A436 ASTM A644 ASTM B424 ASTM B425 ASTM A296 ASTM B535 ASTM A296 ASTM B445 CR B-30 CR F-28 ASTM B222 ANSI B29.7 AWWA C110 ASTM E421 AACCH 40-40 AACCH 40-41 ASE *10 ASTM B464 ASTM B463 ASTM A239 ASTM A116 ASTM E507 ASTM E508 ASTM E464 UL 194 ASTM A674 ANSI A21.52 AWWA C105 ANSI A112.19.1 AWWA cm CISPI 301 216 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards aulic Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. Spec, for Cast Std. Spec, for Cast Spec, for Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Std. Spec, for Cast Guide Spec, for Cast Std. Cast Std. Cast Std. for Malleable n Relays and S/ General Spec. Applicable to Electromagnet arch Hydrolyzates / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ding Code Std. for Material Spec, for Structural Steel and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining for Welding Rods and Covered Electrodes for Welding Cast eth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Uniform Building Code: Steel and mical Analysis of Steel and Cast, Open Hearth, and Wrought Tex/ Std. Performance Requirements for Durable Press (No trength at Elevated Temperatures (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for 0GO5/ Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled, Grain Oriented, Silicon High Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Impact Testing of Cast ow Alloy, and Silicon Electrical Steels, Ingot and Wrought Uniform Building Code: Weights of Materials (Brick: Cast r Spectrophotometric Determination of Fission Zirconium in able (19/ Spec, for Electrical Insulation Plastic Tubing, Std. Rec. Pract. for Reporting for the Design, Installation and Performance of Sprinkler Std. for Trapezoidal Flumes for Std. Spec, for Concrete Pipe for Std. Spec, for Nonreinforced Concrete Minimum Std. for Design, Manufacture and Test of Aluminum nufacture and Placement of Reinforced Concrete Casings for Std. for Sprinkler Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Std. Spec, for Methyl Std. Spec, for Methyl stry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Citric and Std. for Flash Points, Closed Cup, Aromatic Chemicals and n for Installation of Expansion, Control, Contraction, and Safety Std. for Line Olefinic Petroleum Naphthas (1973) ANSI / Std. Meth. for 11/ Std. Meth. for Analysis of High Purity N-Heptane and Std. Meth. of Test for valuation of and Test Formulas for Natural Rubber (Nr) and . Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Isobuiene - Spec, for n 80-60% Alcohol, Versene, and Sodium Phosphate Solutions; Properties, etc. of Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical ) Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical dodecadienoate) (Common Name for Th/ Std. for Methoprene ommon Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Chloro-4,6bis me for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4— Bis mmon Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylamino)4- Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4- Bis th. of Test for Gross Calorific Va4ue of Solid Fuel by the Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and ntainer) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc • Full Removable Head Universal Drum (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc - full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc • full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc - full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc - ble Head, Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc - ontainer) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc - versal Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc • or Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Quality Stds. for Misc. Ornamental 17/ Test Meth. for Appearance of Creases in Wash and Wear Ans/ Test Meth. for Appearance of Seams in Wash and Wear cation Marking Meths. on Finished, Semi Finished and Rough Std. for Service Time Coding of Propulsion Engine , Panelwork, Closet and Storage Shelving, Misc. Ornamental , Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc. d Handling of Combustible Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, for Gross Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Isothermal Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Std. Spec, for General Purpose Ethylene Propylene Rubber Std. Spec, for Extra Heavy Duty Black Polychloroprene Std. Spec, for Natural Rubber td. Spec, for Styrene^Butadiene-Synthetic Rubber (SBR) Std. Spec, for General Purpose Polychloroprene Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Black Polychloroprene Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) tant Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Integral Insulation and Iron Sealing Rings for Automotive Transmission and Hydr SAE J281 Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) CISPI HS Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) Std. CISPI HSN Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI Al 12.5.1 ASTM A74 Iron Soil Pipe (1972) CSI 15062.1 Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings (1971) ANSI B16.12 Iron Threaded Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1972) ANSI B16.4 Iron Threaded Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (1971) ANSI B16.3 Iron (EMI) Cold Rolled Strip for Magnetic Application I NARM 121 Iron (Orthophenanthroline) Content of Corn Syrup and St CR E-32 Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connector, and Bar) ( ICBO UBCS27-1 Iron (TPTZ) Content of Corn Syrup (1970) CR E-33 Iron (1969) ANSI W3. 15 Spec AWS A5.15 Iron (1970) ANSI Nlll Std. M ASTM E263 Iron (1973) ICBO UBC»3-27 Iron (1973) Std. Meth. for Che ASTM E30 Iron) Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics (Institutional ANSI L24.2.13 Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for High S ASTM A567 Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed Types 27G053, 3 ASTM A665 Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Base Alloys (1973) /Alysis of ASTM E354 Iron-59 in Water (1969) ANSI N162 ASTM D2461 Irons (1972) ASTM A327 Irons (1973) /Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Carbon, L ASTM E350 Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; ICBO LBC*3-23 Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973) Tent. Meth. Fo ASTM E495 Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, Flexible, Heat Shrink SAE AMS3636D Irradiation Results on Graphite (1972) ASTM C625 Irrigation Equipment (1972) Minimum Requirements ASAE R264.1 Irrigation Flow Measurement (1972) ASAE S359T Irrigation or Drainage (1973) ASTM C118 Irrigation Pipe with Rubber Gasket Joints (1973) ASTM C505 Irrigation Tubing (1972) ASAE S263.2 Irrigation Wells (1972) Rec. for Ma ASAE R266 Irrigation (For Farms) Technical Data Sheet (1972) ASAE S262T Isobutene-Isoprene Rubbers (IIR) (1973) ASTM D3188 Isobutyl Carbinol(1972) ASTM D2635 Isobutyl Ketone (1972) ASTM D1153 Isocitric Acids in Fruit and Its Products (Cereal Chemi AACCH 04-22 Isolates (1973) EOA FP-1 Isolation Joints for Ceramic Tile (1973) /Ecommendatio TCA 300 Isolation Monitors (1973) UL 1022 Isolation of Representative Saturates Fraction from Low ASTM D2002 Isooctane by Capillary Gas Chromatography (1971) ANSI Z ASTM D2268 Isophthalic Acid in Alkyd and Polyester Resins (1973) ASTM D2690 Isoprene Rubber (IR) (1973) Std. Meth. for E ASTM D3184 Isoprene Rubbers (IIR) (1973) Std ASTM D3188 Isopropyl Acetate (98% Grade) (1972) ASTM D3131 Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl Blue AACCH 28-91 Isopropyl Alcohol (1972) MCA SD98 Isopropyl 4,4'dibromobenzilate-Bromopropylate (1973) ANSI K62.151 Isopropyl 4,4'dichlorobenzilate-Chloropropylate (1973 ANSI K62.150 (Isopropyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl -2,4- ANSI K62.132 (Isopropylamino) -S-Triazine-Propazine (1973) /Td. C ANSI K62.145 (Isopropylamino) Striazine) (1973) /Ropetryn (Common Na ANSI K62.135 (Isopropylamino)-6-Methoxy-S-Triazine-Prometon (1973 ANSI K62.144 (Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Ametryn ( ANSI K62.142 (Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Prometryn ANSI K62. 143 Isothermal Jacket Bomb Calorimeter (1973) Std. Me ASTM D3286 Isotopic Abundances (1970) ANSI N115 /Eth. of Test for ASTM E267 Item 260 (1974) /Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pails (Co ANSI MH2.15 Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. ANSI MH2.2 Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. ANSI MH2.14 Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. ANSI MH2.12 Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 57 Gal. ANSI MH2.11 Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Remova ANSI MH2.8 Item 260) (1974) /Ht Side Lug Cover Universal Pails (C ANSI MH2.10 Item 260, Dot-37B60) (1974) /R 5 Gal. Tight Head Uni ANSI MH2.9 Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction ANSI N45.2.2 Items (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) AWI »l-700 Items (Clothing) After Home Laundering (19i3) ANSI L14. AATCC 88C Items (Textile / Clothing) After Home Laundering (1973) AATCC 88B Items (1971) Aerospace Std. Identifi SAE AS478D Items (1971) ANSI B141. 8 SAE AS1105 Items, Stairwork and Handrails, Exterior Frames and Sas AWI *1-1 Items; Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke NBHA 8 Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Was ICBO UFC*2ART7 Jacket Bomb Calorimeter (1973) Std. Meth. of Test ASTM D3286 Jacket for Electrical Insulated Wire and Cable (1972) ASTM D2308 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1972) ASTM D2768 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ASTM D2819 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.25 ASTM D532 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.28 ASTM D866 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.31 ASTM D753 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.32 ASTM D752 Jacket for Wire and Cable (1974) ASTM D1047 Jacket (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /Ss and Having Ozone Resis NEMA WC8/1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 217 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards marine Special Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Devices (Vest, Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Std. for Safety for Gas Vents and Vent Roof 3) Safety Std. for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Std. for Nut, Plain, Hexagon, Drilled Std. for System for Romanization of test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Tumble of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated Fabric by the Sealed Std. Rec. Pract. for Coagulation Flocculation . Meth. of Thermal Shock Test on Glass Containers (Bottle, Std. Meth. of Sampling Glass Containers (Bottle, Std. for Chucks and Chuck ts Penetrating the Hull for Boats Equipped with Outdrives, ctures of the Skeletal (Bone) / Std. Spec, for Hip Nail - of Test for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Turbine Fuels Std. for Numerically Controlled Horizontal and Vertical Std. for Std. for Safety Requirements for Wood Model Specs, for Small Concrete Paving fittings to Poly(Viny/ Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for b72.17 ' Rec. Pract. for Heat tiffness Computations (1973) Rec. for Wood Beam, Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Wallboard Tape and Standard for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Solder A37.101 Std. Spec, for Preformed Expansion uction (Nonextruding / Std. Spec, for Preformed Expansion Std. Spec, for Preformed Cellular Plastic Pressure Relief Std. for Cast Bronze Solder 1973) Std. for Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder - Std. for Cast Bronze Solder td. Meth. of Test for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Std. Meth. Test for Tack Free Time of Elastomeric Type ing (1972) Bui. on Round Thread Casing (1972) c. for Tractor and Farm Implement Power Takeoff (Universal pec. for (Oil) Wellhead Equipment (Production Valves, Ring lead Wires, Terminals, and Other Terminations (Soft Solder Uniform Plumbing Code: d. Rec. Pract. for Atmospheric Exposure of Adhesive Bonded Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Steel ings (1972) ANSI A21.ll Std. for Rubber Gasket Safety Std. for Gasketed allation of Expansion, Control, Contraction, and Isolation meric Seals (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Compression Uniform Building Code Std. for Test for Glue Std. Test Meth. for Permanence of Adhesive Bonded the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear e Strength of Adhesively Bonded Plastic Lap Shear Sandwich or Use (1959) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Integrity of Glue Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Open Web Steel Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Steel Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Durability of Adhesive Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Durability of Adhesive Spec, for Structural Steel (1973) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Solvent Cemented hear Block Test for Quality Control of Glue Bonds in Scarf enched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Unhardened Steel and Alloy Silver Brazing Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe with Rubber Gasket oad Tables for Open Web, Longspan, and Deep Longspan Steel Structural Clay Differential Movement (Expansion uniform Building Code Std. for Timber Connector and Bolted . Spec, for High Strength Steel Bolts for Structural Steel ber. Preservative Treatment, Poles. Piles, Spaced Columns, g Screws, Plates, Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pins, Dowels, Uniform Building Code Std. for Open Web Steel Span Tables and Working Stresses for m Building Code Std. for Span Tables for Floor and Ceiling Spindle Meth. of Analysis of Solids in ct. for 7 Conductor Electrical Connector for Truck Trailer Safety Std. for Underwater Lighting Fixtures and Uniform Fire Code: Automobile Wrecking and poses (1974) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test, and Tolerances for 74) Rec. for Baled Textile Fiber Storage (Cotton, ing of Combustible Fibres (Cotton, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Std. for Low Height 80 , Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (1966) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Potassium Chloride, Uniform Building Code Std. for n. Dried Peas and Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Damage on . for Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Jacket, Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) (1973) ANSI Z243.1 / UL 1123 Jacks and Slings: Base Mounted Drum Hoists (1971) ANSI B30 7 Jacks (1973) ANSI A131. 2 UL 441 Jacks, and Slings: Portal, Tower and Pillar Cranes (197 ANSI B30 4 Jam, Thin (1972) NSA 1423 Japanese Written Language (Transliteration) (1972) ANSI Z39 11 Jar Dynamic Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, ASTM D5 AATCC 70 Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.178 /Eth. for Determination AATCC 112 Jar Test of Water (1974) ASTM D2035 Jar) (1971) Std ASTM C149 Jar, etc.) (1956) , ASTM C224 Jaws (1972) ANSI B5.8 Jet Drives and/or Bow Thrusters (1973) /Ansmission Uni ABYC P16 Jewett Type for Use by Surgeons in the Treatment of Fra ASTM F369 (JFTOTProc.)(1973) Tent. Meth. ASTM D3241 Jig Boring Machines (1974) NSA 963 Jig Bushings (1974) ANSI B94.33 Job Made Ladders (1973) ANSI A14 4 Jobs (1973) AI CL-2 Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe and ASTM D3138 Joining of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings (1967) ANSI ASTM D2657 Joint and Rafter Span, Load, Deflection, Strength and S WWPA «30 Joint Compound (1973) ICBO UBCS47-5 Joint Drainage Fittings (1973) ANSI B16.29 Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) (1971) ANSI ASTM D994 Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Constr ASTM D1751 Joint Fillers (1973) ASTM D3204 Joint Fittings for Solvent Drainage Systems (1973) ANSI B16.32 Joint Pressure Fitting for Use with Copper Water Tube ( ANSI B16.22 Joint Pressure Fittings (1972) ANSI B16.18 Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (1972) ASTM C719 Joint Sealants (1971) ASTM C679 Joint Strength with Combined Internal Pressure and Bend API BUL 5C4 Joint Venture Agreement (Form) for Design Professionals AIOA C801 Joint) Drive Line Specs. (1972) Re ASAE R331.2 Joint, Segmented, Production Check Flanges and Gaskets; API 6A Jointed) (1973) ANSI C83. 93 /F Solderability of Solid EIA RS178-B Joints and Connections (1973) ICBO UPC*l-8 Joints and Structures (1970) ANSI Z197.24 St ASTM D1828 Joints Deep DLJ and DLH Series (1970) AISC S316-1 Joints for Cast and Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fitt AWWA Oil Joints for Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings (1973) UL 194 Joints for Ceramic Tile (1973) /Ecommendation for Inst TCA 300 Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elasto ASTM D3139 Joints for Vitrified Clay Bell and Spigot Pipe (1972A) ASTM C425 Joints in Laminated Wood Products (1973) ICBO UBCS25-20 Joints in Plywood Under Mold Conditions (1970) ASTM D1877 Joints in Shear by Tension Loading (1973) /Determining ASTM D3163 Joints in Shear by Tension Loading (1973) /Ermining Th ASTM D3164 Joints in Structural Laminated Wood Products for Exteri ASTM D 1 101 Joints J Series and H Series (1970) AISC S316-3 Joints LJ and LH Series (1970) AISC S316-2 Joints Stressed in Peel (1971) ANSI Z197.30 ASTM D2918 Joints Stressed in Shear by Tension Loading (1971) ANSI ASTM D2919 Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts (1970) AISC S314 Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings ASTM D2855 Joints (1970) Std. Meth. of Conducting S ASTM D1759 Joints (1971) ANSI G24.19 Std. Spec, for Qu ASTM A490 Joints (1973) SAE AMS2664C Joints (1973) Std. Spec, for ASTM C505 Joints (1974) Std. Spec, and L SJI 5 Joints) (Tech. Notes) (1963) BIA 18A Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Met ICBO UBCS25-17 Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Wash ASTM A325 Joints, Screws. Bolts, Connectors, Nails, Staples, Adhe ICBO UBC*3-25 Joints, Split Rings and Framing Anchors) (1973) /S, La WWPA *311 Joist Design (1973) ICBO UBCS27-4 Joists and Rafters (Lumber) (1972) Use Ps20 NFORP »2 Joists, and Rafters (1973) Unifor ICBO UBCS25-21 Juices, Syrups, and Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 68-62 Jumper Cable (1972) Rec. Pra TTMA RP40 Junction Boxes for Swimming Pools (1972) UL 676 Junk Yards or Waste Material Handling Plants (1973) ICBO UFC»2ART3 Jute Rove and Plied Yarn for Electrical and Packing Pur ASTM D681 Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Flax, Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (19 FMS 8-7 Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Clot ICBO UFC*2ART7 K.S.I. , Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, Hexagon Nut (1973) NSA 1757 Kapok, Hay, Straw, Spanish Moss, Excelsior, etc.) (1973 ICBO UFC»2ART7 (Karl Fischer) Content in Com Starch (Unmodified) (1961 CR B-36 (Karl Fischer) Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1966) CR J-44 (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) CR F-32 (Karl Fischer) Content of Com Syrup (1966) CR E-46 KCI (1972) ANSI PH4.202 Keene's Cement (1973) ICBO UBCS47-11 Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Other Filth, and Extraneous Ma AACCH 28-10 Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning Fluids, Flammable ICBO UBCS10-1 218 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 110 Std. Meth. of Test for Mercaptan Sulfur in Gasoline, Std. Spec, for Methyl Isobutyl Std. for Gas Fired and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Safety Std. for safes) 11973) Safety Std. for Std. for Typewriter Std. for (1974) Std. for gn of Components: Enclosed Gear Drives-Bearings, Bolting Std. for Keys and s; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Casework; Cabinets, Cases, Counters and Enclosures of All Std. Spec, and Operating Instructions for Glass Capillary T201 Std. Meth. of Test for nd the Calculation of Dynamic Vis/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of al 2-Propynyl (E,E)-3.7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Rec. for Construction and Performance Std. for Std. for Test Crude Protein in Bread, Wheat and Other Grains/ Improved d Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Improved d Flour Mill Products (Boric Acid Modification) (Cereal / mistry)(1962) Micro of Test for Total Nitrogen in Lubricating Oils by Modified Tent. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen Content st Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of California luminous Mixture Beam Specimens by Means of the California Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of an Oil Base Std. Meth. of Test for Volatility of Oil and Resin Based. Std. Meth. of Test. Warp atic Home Laundering of Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or or Relaxation Dimensional Change (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Std. Meth. of Test for Stretch Properties of t Meth. for Dimensional Changes in Laundering of Woven and n and Felting Dimensional Changes (Shrinkage) of Woven and Std. for Ground Support Equipment (Hand Basic Builders' Hardware: Hands of Doors; Hinges: Locks; ion Ratio (CR) Technique for Rese/ Std. Meth. of Test for ion Ratio (CR) Technique for Moto/ Std. Meth. of Test for n Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Rockwell Superficial, and Meth. of Test for or Breaking Tenacity of Man Made Textile Fibers in Loop or Test Meth. for Rejects from Std. Spec, for Fixation Pins - or Electrical Insulating Paper and Paperboard-Sulfate or ) Uniform Building Code Std. for n. Carbon Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, ine. Chrome Ore. Clays, Diaspore, Canister Quarzite, Grog, Rec. Pract. for the Std. Rec. Pract. for Guide to the Preparation of Precautionary Std. Guide for Classifying and Std. for Glossary of Rec. Terms for Care Std. for Motion Picture Raw Stock Identification and rms and Defini/ Rec. Regulations for Animal Feed and Food rec. Pract. for Use of These Terms on Permanently Attached r Products (/ Std. Performance Requirements for Permanent tion of Chlorine Dioxide in Flour Bleaching Experiments in c. for Control and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in ure for Motion Picture Film Used in Studios and Processing Spec, for Simple Can Puncturing Device for Use in Aerosol Std. Test Meth. for Resistance of Adhesives to Cyclic Std. Test Meth. for dustries (1972) Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Conducted Controlled Velocity und Transmission Class (S/ Uniform Building Code Std. for bject Protective Struc/ Rec. Pract. for Critical Zone for ranean Termites (1972) Std. Meth. for and Spoke Wheels, and Demountabl/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform Test Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp Std. Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Instrument Panel as Emissions Measurement (Passen/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform ation of Manuals for Installation. Operation and Repair of oss of Building Partitions (1970) Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for High Precision 72) Std. Rec. Pract for Reporting )ANSIK18.1 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Test for Wool Content of Raw Wool - 973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Establishing Conditions for Std. Meth. of Test. Wood Preservatives by 970) Std. Meth. for Accelerated Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Pavement Polishing in the Meth. of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the gs (1968) ) tentialities (Safety) (19/ /Ges in Autom Meth. of Test F Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and Distillate Fuels (Poten Ketone (1972) Kettles, Steam Cookers and Generators (1971) Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Hea Key Locked Safes (Class KL) (1973) Key Locks (Burglar Alarm, Door, Deposit and Collection Keyboard Arrangement (1973) Keys-Square and Rectangular (1973) Keys and Keyways for Industrial Flexible Gear Couplings Keys and Shafting (1974) Std. for Desi Keyways for Industrial Flexible Gear Couplings (1974) Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Kinds (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) /Ality Stds. for Kinematic Viscometers (1972) ANSI 211.275 Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) (1974) AASHO Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids a Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastics (1972) Kinetic Friction for Wax Coatings (1973) ANSI Zl 1.222 Kinoprene (1973) /Mon Name for the Pest Control Chemic Kitchen and Vanity Cabinets (1973) Kits for Swimming Pool Water (1970) Kjeldahl Meth. for Nitrate Free Samples for Analysis of Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Feeds an Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Wheat an Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein (Cereal Che Kjeldahl Meth. (1973) Std. Meth. (Kjeldahl) and Hide (Leather) Substance (1970) ALCA B5 Kneading Compactor (1971) ANSI A37.138 /Paration of Te Kneading Compactor (1973) /Ract. for Preparation of Bi Knife Grade Channel Glazing Compound (1972) Knife Grade, Channel Glazing Compounds (1973) Knit Fabrics (1964) ANSI L14.284 Knit Textile Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.266 Knit Wool Fabrics (Textile) (1973) /D. Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power (1972) ANSI Z14.286 Knitted Textiles Except Wool (1972) ANSI L14.138, ASTM Knitted Wool Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.130, ASTM D1284 Knob) (1974) Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices. Pulls, Push and Kick P Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compress Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Lfsing the Compress Knoop Hardness) (1972) ANSI Z76.4 /Relationship Betwee Knoop Indentation Hardness of Glass (1972T) Knot Configurations (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test F Knotter Screens (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Knowles and Hagie Types (1973) Kraft Layer Type (1973) ANSI C59.50 Std. Spec. F Kraft Waterproof Building Paper (Weatherproofing) (1973 Krypton, Methane, Neon, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen) Kyanite, Magnesite, Mullite) (1970) ANSI A111.36 Label for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recordin Labeling Aerosol Cans (1972) Labeling and Marking of Compressed Gas Containers (1971 Labeling Epoxy Products According to Their Hazardous Po Labeling Textile Products (Launder or Dryclean) (1973) Labeling (1973) Labelling, Ingredients and Containers (Also Includes Te Labels (1972) / Care of Consumer Textile Products and Labels, Detachable Tags, and Certification of Fabrics O Laboratories (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Th. for Genera Laboratories (1951) Re Laboratories (1971) Std. for Nomenclat Laboratories (1972) Std. Laboratory Aging Conditions (1970) ANSI Z197.19 Laboratory Aging of Sandwich Constructions (1970) Laboratory Corrosion Test, of Metals for the Process in Laboratory Corrosion Tests (1972) Laboratory Determination and Measurement of Airborne So Laboratory Evaluation of Roll Over (ROPS) and Falling O Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subter Laboratory Fatigue Test Procedures for Production Disc (Laboratory Flat Screen) (1973) Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Test, of Metals (1972) Laboratory Impact Test Procedure-Head Area (1971) Laboratory Instrumentation and Techniques for Exhaust G Laboratory Instruments (1972) Std. for Prepar Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission L Laboratory Potentiometers (1972) Laboratory Results When Checking Aerosol Containers (19 Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Coke (1970 Laboratory Scale (1972) ANSI L14.490 Laboratory Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Beverages (1 Laboratory Soil Block Cultures (1970) Laboratory Test of Natural Decay Resistance of Woods (1 Laboratory (Full Scale Wheel Meth.) (1972) Laboratory (1969) ANSI A37.81 Std. /Calc ASTM ASTM ANSI NBHA UL UL ANSI NSA AGMA AGMA ACMA NBHA AWI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI NSF AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM AATCC AATCC NSA NBHA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM SMPTE ASTM CGA ANSI ANSI ANSI AAFCO ASTM ANSI AACCH NCRPM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE AWPA ICBO SAE AWPA SAE TAPPI ASTM SAE SAE ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D3227 D1153 Z21.46 8 786 437 X4.7 558 512.03 260.02 512.03 8 •1-400 D2515 D2170 D445 D3028 D2534 K62.137 A161.1 38 46-11 46-10 46-12 46-13 D3228 D2868 D1561 D3202 C713 C681 D1376 135 D1284 D2594 96 99 1553 8 D2722 D2723 E140 C730 D3217 UM-1 F368 D1305 UBCS17-1 UFC»2ART36 C316 RP26 D3066 C7 K68.1 L28.1 PH22.184 *1 D3136 L24.5.1 48-30 R8 PH22.56 D3058 D1183 C481 TM-01-69 M 14-72 UBCS35-1 J397A M 12-72 J267 UM-240 G31 J921B J254 C105.2 E90 C100.2 D3067 D271 D584 E480 D1413 D2017 E451 C192 Engineering and Product Standards Division 219 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards h. for Measurment of Dry Film Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Std. Meth. of Test for Ester Value of ing, Loss of Adhesion, or Other Failure of Paint, Varnish, Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Paint, Varnish, for Preparation of Steel Panels for Test. Paint, Varnish, c. for Flammable Liquid Mixing Operations (Paint, Varnish, e Code: Application of Flammable Finishes (Paint, Varnish, . Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Liquids (Paint, Enamel, Quantitiative Determination of Cellulose Nitrate in Alkyd Std. Meth. of Test. Clear and Pigmented or Oil for Use in Resins and Protective Coatings Including Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Barium 4) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 2) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. of Analysis for ) Meth. of Analysis for Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Meth. of Analysis for Acetic, Butyric, and formic. Acetic, Propionic. Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, and (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Fumaric, Pyruvic, (1962) Meth. of Analysis of emistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Manually Propelled Mobile Std for Safety Requirements for Wood Job Made Safety Std. for Portable Wood Std. for Safety for Portable Metal Std. for Permissible Variations from Specified stern Woods llse Book: Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts, ber Connector and Bolted Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wood and nd Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17.1 Std. Spec, for rk) (1973) Quality Stds. for High Pressure Std. Spec, for Polyester Glass Mat Sheet f Bond, Appearance, and Shrinkage Propensity of Bonded and Std. Spec, for Performance of Bonded and Std. Test Meth. for Flexural Strength of Adhesive Bonded gth Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading of es. Section Properties and Design Loads, Timber, Plank and Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Tests for Structural Glued hern/ Std. for Preservative Treatment of Structural Glued osu/ Std. Spec, for Protein Base Adhesives for Structural Test Meth. for Bond Strength of Bonded and Std. Spec, for Rec. Architectural Spec, for Structural Glued Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Glued Std. for Structural Glued Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Glued Std. Meth. of Test. 1973) ANSI A176.2 Std. Spec, for ricultural, Land, and General Drainage (1/ Std. Spec, for rport and Roadwork Drainage (1973) Std. Spec, for ptic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A17/ Std. Spec, for . Meth. of Test for Integrity of Glue Joints in Structural ) Exposure Condi/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Test for Glue Joints in de Fiber Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Pract. for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced hed with Epoxy Functional Silane Type Finishes for Plastic vative Treatment of Structural Glued Laminated Members and u (1962) Inspection of manual) (1962) t for Agricultural (Farm) and Industrial Equipment Warning Std. Definitions for High Intensity Discharge Specs, for Fluorescent Std. Meth. of Measurement of Fluorescent stance of Textile Materials and Coated Fabrics: Carbon Arc Test Meth. for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Carbon Arc Std. Spec, for Mercury Std. Spec, for Fluorescent Spec, for Fluorescent e (1971) Std. Spec, for Mercury Std. for Auxiliary Low Beam on Emb/ Std. for Mounting Brackets and Socket for Warning Equipment (1972) Std. for Flashing Warning Rec. Pract. for Mechanical Stop ec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Stop t Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Rear Position Tail al Characteristics of 8 Watt T5 Preheat Start Bactericidal 1 Characteristics of 15 Watt T8 Preheat Start Bactericidal Characteristics of 30 Watt, T8 Preheat Start Bactericidal . for Physical Characteristics of T-2 Telephone Slide Base t Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Carbon Arc colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc t Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light, Carbon Arc dgepole / Lacquer and Related Products -Film Thickness of 0.3 M Lacquer Solvents and Thinners (1972) Lacquer, and Related Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfa Lacquer, and Related Products (1973) Lacquer, and Related Products (1973) Std. Meth. Lacquer, Printing Ink, Adhesive, etc.) (1974) Re Lacquer, Stain, etc.) (1973) Uniform Fir Lacquer, Varnish, and Related Products) by Setaflash CI Lacquers by Infrared Spectrophotometry (1972) /Th. for Lacquers (1973) Lacquers (1973) # Std. Spec, for Cast Lactate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Lactic Acid and Salts Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (196 Lactic Acid and Salts Content in Steepwater (Corn) (196 Lactic Acid in Dried Geeg (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Lactic Acid in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Lactic Acid Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Lactic Acids in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Lactic Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Analysis for Lactic, Succinic, and Tartaric Acids (Cereal Chemistry) Lactose (Milk Sugar) in Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Milk in Bread (Cereal Ch Ladder Stands for Scaffolds (Towers, Safety) (1971) Ladders (1973) Ladders ( 1973) Ladders (1974) Ladle Chemical Ranges and Limits for Steels (1972) Lag Screws, Plate9, Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pins, Do Lag Screws; Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Desi Lake Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots, a Laminate Flush Type Wall Paneling (Architectural Woodwo Laminate (1973) Laminated Apparel Fabrics (Textile) After Dry Cleaning Laminated Apparel Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.291 Laminated Assemblies (1969) ANSI Z197.20 Laminated Assemblies (1973) /. Meth. of Test for Stren Laminated Flooring and Roofing (1973) /Es, Design Valu Laminated Hardwood Block Flooring (1971) Laminated Lumber (1973) Laminated Members and Laminations Before Gluing of Sout Laminated Products for Use Under Interior (Dry Use) Exp Laminated Textile Fabrics (1972) Laminated Thermosetting Materials (1972) Laminated Timber (1972) Laminated Timber (1973) Laminated Timber (1973) ANSI A190.1 Laminated Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lo Laminated Tubes Used for Electrical Insulation (1970) Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe ( Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Ag Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Ai Laminated Wall Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Se Laminated Wood Products for Exterior Use (1959) ANSI Zl Laminated Wood Products for Use Under Exterior (Wet Use Laminated Wood Products (1973) Laminated (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Woven Man Ma Laminates and Parts Made Therefrom (1970) ANSI K65.141 Laminates (1972) /Ss Fabrics, Cleaned, and After Finis Laminations Before Gluing of Southern Pine, Pacific Coa Laminators Quality Control by the AITC Inspection Burea Laminators Quality Control System (Timber Construction Lamp and Slow Moving Vehicles (SMV) Identification Embl Lamp Ballasts and Transformers (1971) Lamp Ballasts (1972) Lamp Ballasts (1972) Lamp Exposure with Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.224 /R Resi Lamp Exposure Without Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.225 Lamp Reference Ballasts (1971) Lamp Reference Ballasts (1972) Lamp Starters (1972) Lamp Transformers, Constant Current (Series) Supply Typ Lamp (Headlamp-Light) (1973) Lamp (Light) and Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Identificati Lamp (Light) for Remote Mounting on Agricultural (Farm) Lamp (Light) Switch (1972) Lamp (Light) (1971) Lamp (Light) (1972) Lamp (Light, Bulb) (1973) Lamp (1971) Lamp (1971) Lamp (1971) Lamp (1973) Rec. Pract. Tes Std. Dimensional and Electric Std. Dimensional and Electrica Std. Dimensional and Electrical Std Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14.169 Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14.171 Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.170 /Meth. for Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 Tes NCCA TB-II-4 ASTM D1617 NCCA TB-III-1 ASTM D16 ASTM D609 FMS 7-36 ICBO UFC'2ART14 ASTM D3278 ASTM D3133 ASTM D333 ASTM D960 AACCH 70-10 CR C-13 CR J-36 AACCH 04-25 AACCH 04-26 AACCH 70-30 AACCH 04-20 AACCH 04-23 AACCH 04-24 AACCH 80-30 AACCH 80-31 ANSI A92.1 ANSI A14.4 UL 112 UL 184 SAE J409C WWPA '31-1 ICBO UBCS25-17 ASTM B4 AWI ♦1-500B ASTM D1532 ASTM D2724 ASTM D3135 ASTM D1184 ASTM D3165 WWPA •31 HPMA LF-71 ICBO UBCS25-23 AWPA C28 ASTM D3024 AATCC 136 ASTM D709 AITC 6.5/AI ICBO UBCS25-10 use PS56 ICBO UBCS25-11 ASTM D348 ASTM D1862 ASTM D2417 ASTM D2418 ASTM D2313 ASTM D1101 ASTM D2559 ICBO UBCS25-20 ANSI L24.1.10 ASTM D2563 ASTM D3098 AWPA C28 AITC 202 AITC 201 ASAE S277.2 ANSI C82.9 ANSI C82.1 ANSI C82.2 AATCC 111A AATCC 111C ANSI C82.5 ANSI C82.3 ANSI C78.180 ANSI C82.7 SAE J582A SAE J725D ASAE S307.1 SAE J249 SAE J278 SAE J279 ANSI C79.255 ANSI C78.1200 ANSI C78.1201 ANSI C78.1202 ANSI C78.397 AATCC 16D AATCC 16F AATCC 16E AATCC 16A 220 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Pract. for Cornering Std. for Fog Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Turn Signal Std. for Clearance, Side Marker and Identification Std. for License Plate Std. for Spot ss Bulbs Intended for Use with Electron Tubes and Electric Std. for 75 Watt H43 Mercury std. Meth. for the Designation of High Intensity Discharge Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics of Fluorescent cal and Electrical Characteristics of 50 Watt, H46 Mercury s Base Down Type. Single Contact Motion Picture Projection Std. for Safety for Portable Sun / Heat Std. Guide for Electrical Measurements of Fluorescent tt, H45 (1972) Std. Meth. for the Designation of Mercury ar (1972) Minimum Std. for ns at Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Production Facilities on (1972) Minimum Stds. for MHz (1970) Minimum Std. for neous Solid Wall and Perforated Pipe for General Drainage rvative Treatment of Piles, Poles, and Timbers for Marine, d Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Agricultural, a Technical Guide for Spec, for Subsurface Safety Valves. Locks, and ) Brick in Notes) (1967) Brick in (1966) Brick in d Design, Span Allowances. Storage, Finishes And/ Redwood Rifle Range Location and and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Linderstrom - Std. for System for Romanization of Japanese Written Std. for System for Romanization of Arabic Written Safety Std. for Highway Emergency Signals (Flare, for Lineman's Climbing Equipment (Body Belt, Safety Strap, etermining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Rigid Plastic for Determining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Plastic ) ANSI Z197.21 Std. Meth. of Testing Cross ss of Epitaxial or Diffused Layers in Silicon by the Angle m Building Code Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir - Douglas and Hem Fir. Southern and Lodgepole Pine. Western dgepole Pine/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir; Std. for Induction Motors Std. for Synchronous Motors Std. for Direct Current Motors Std. for Direct Current Generators r Heaters: Volume III, Circulating Tank, Instantaneous and Std. for Gas Utilization Equipment in ipe for Corrosive or High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Welded nd Reversible Synchronous Generator / Motor Uni/ Std. for ging (1971) Std. for Guide for Preparation of Spec, for 2) Std. MH12.11 Std. Meth. of Test. vices: Varactor Measurements Part II-Characterization of Std. Large Rivets (1/2 In. Nominal Diameter and tective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe (4 In. and test for Effective Fluorescent Lifetime of Neodymium Doped or Measuring Slope Efficiency and Lasing Threshold of Ruby Std. for the Safe Use of Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Slope Efficiency and ssembly (1972) Std. for Handle, forced Brick Masonry Curtain and Panel Walls (In Resisting Std. Gravure Gear Units (1972) Std. Spec, for Measurement of Std. Spec, for shingle Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Weathering Tests of Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Exterior Std. Meth. of Test for Extension Recovery and Adhesion of 72/ Std. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature Flexibility of Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Shrinkage of . Meth. of Test for Extrudability, After Package Aging, of eth. of Test for Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuged Natural Rubber Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interi/ Std. Spec, for Guide Spec, for Furring and rm Building Code: Plastering and Installation of Wallboard uniform Building Code Std. for Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric Std. Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature for Rubbers and Rubber d. Meth. of Test for Polystyrene Blocks in Sbr Rubbers and Std. Meth. of Test. Synthetic Rubber ) in Metallic Systems Based on the Composition and Crystal Std. Meth. for Measurement of glossary of Rec. Terms for Care Labeling Textile Products Std. for ext/ Test Meth. for Dimensional Changes in Automatic Home Spec. /D /Ne Lamps (Light) for Automotive Vehicles (1965) Lamps (Light) (1970) Lamps (Light) (1971) Lamps (Light) (1972) Lamps (Light) (1973) Lamps (Light) (1973) Lamps (1971) Std. Nomenclature for Gla Lamps (1972) Lamps (1972) Lamps (1972) Std. for Lamps (1972) Std. Physi Lamps (1972) Std. for Medium Prefocu Lamps (1974) Lamps (light) (1973) Lamps: Physical and Electrical Characteristics of 40 Wa Land-Mobile Communication Antennas: Part II-Vehicul Land and on Marine Fixed and Mobile Platforms (1973) Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers 25-470MHz Land Mobile Communications FM or PM Transmitters 25-470 (Land Reclamation, Curtain and Building Foundation Drain Land, and Fresh Water Use (1974) ANSI Oll.l /the Prese Land, and General Drainage (1973) ANSI A176.6 /Aminate Landfill Disposal of Solid Chemical Waste (1974) Landing Nipples for Petroleum Industry Use (1973) Landscape Architecture Garden Walls (Tech. Notes) (1968 Landscape Architecture Miscellaneous Application (Tech. Landscape Architecture Terraces and Walks (Tech. Notes) Landscape Guide (Rec. for Garden Grades, Application an Landscaping (1970) Lang Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour Language (Transliteration) (1972) Language (Transliteration) (1972) Lantern, Fusee) (1973) Lanyard, Pole and Tree Climber) (1973) Lap Shear Joints in Shear by Tension Loading (1973) Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in Shear by Tension Loading ( Lap Specimens for Tensile Properties of Adhesives (1972 Lapping and Staining Technique (1972) ANSI Z173.49 Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North), East Larch, California Redwood and Hardwood Timber (1973) Larch; Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lo (Large Apparatus) (1972) (Large Apparatus) (1972) (Large Apparatus) (1972) (Large Apparatus) (1972) Large Automatic Storage Type (1974) Std. for Gas Wate Large Boilers (1971) Large Diameter Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel P Large Hydraulic Turbine Driven Synchronous Generators a Large Power Transformers, with or Without Load Tap Chan Large Rivets (1/2 In. Nominal Diameter and Larger) (197 Large Shipping Cases and Crates (Packaging) (1953) ANSI Large Signal Devices (1972) /. Guide on Solid State De Larger) (1972) Larger. Shop Applied) (1971) /D. for Cement Mortar Pro Laser Materials (1973) Tent. Meth. of Laser Rods (1973) Tent. Rec. Pract. F Lasers (1973) Lasing Threshold of Ruby Laser Rods (1973) Latching Internal and External Release Components and a Lateral Forces) (Tech. Notes) (1968) 4 In Lateral Hard Dot Screen (1973) Lateral Vibration on High Speed Helical and Herringbone Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (1973) ANSI A118.4 Latex and Emulsion Exterior Paints or Coatings (1973) Latex Foam Rubbers (1971) Latex House Paints (1972) Latex Sealing Compound (1972) Latex Sealing Compounds After Artificial Weathering (19 Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Std Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Std. M Latex (1972A) ANSI J8.12 Std. Spec, for Concentrated, Lath (1973) Lathing and Furring for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Lathing (1972) Lathing (1973) Dwelling Construction Under the Unifo Laths, and Metal Accessories (Designed for Use as a Pla Latices (1972A) ANSI J9. 1 Latices (1974) St Latices (1974) ANSI J2.34 Lattice of Each (1970) ANSI Z30.10 /Designations (Code Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.1 (Launder or Dryclean) (1973) Std. for Laundering of Cloth Toweling (1970) Laundering of Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit T Kv SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI UL ANSI ANSI EIA API EIA EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM MCA API BIA B1A BIA CRA NRA AACCH ANSI ANSI UL EEI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA ANSI ANSI ASTM NEMA ANSI ANSI ASTM IEEE ANSI AWWA ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NSA BIA GT AGMA TCA ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ANSI CSI ICBO ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI NSF AATCC J852B J583C J131A J592E J587E J591B C79.1 C78.1322 C 78. 380 C78 C78.1324 PH22.85 482 C78.375 C78.1323 RS329-1 RP500B RS204A RS152B D2311 D390 D2417 SW-1 14A 29A 29B 29 3A5 •11 46-30 Z39.ll Z39.12 912 AP-2 D3163 D3164 D1344 F110 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-11 UBCS25-4 MG1-20 MG1-21 MG1-23 MG1-24 Z21.10.3 Z21.33 A409 MG5.1 C57.97 B18.1.2 D1083 351 B18.1.2 C205 F380 F379 Z136.1 F379 1637 17L *3 426.01 9D D1911 J17A D3129 C736 C734 C733 C731 C732 D1076 UBCS47-7 A42.3 09110 UBC»8-14 UBCS47-4 D1418 D3314 D1417 E157 C558 L28.1 34 135 Engineering and Product Standards Division 221 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 972) ANSI L14.138,/ Test Meth. for Dimensional Changes in ily Stain Release Meth. of Textile Fabric Soil During Home laminated Apparel Fabrics (Textile) After Dry Cleaning and extiles to Accelerated Domestic and Commercial Washing and ams in Wash and Wear Items (Textile / Clothing) After Home ce of Creases in Wash and Wear Items (Clothing) After Home ress Textile Fabrics (Permanent Press) After Repeated Home ) Std. for Safety Requirements for Commercial ric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Drying Equipment i C33.13 Safety Std. for Electric Home nsi A197.2, Asse 1007 Std. and Test Procedures for Home Std. for Domestic Gas Hot Plates and ic Coin Operated and Commercial Clothes Washing Equipment cep/ Std. for Nonmetallic Shower Receptors, Stall Showers Std. for Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures point Tubular Sleeve Attachment for Hitching Implements to r Safety for Cord Connected Electric Gardening Appliances Safety Spec, for Power Mowers, . for Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for reed (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) An/ Std. Spec, for Concentric mbers, for Electrical Conductors (1971) Spec, for Rope oft (1972) ANSI C7.8 Std. Spec, for Concentric Std. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric 7.53 Std. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric 2 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Concentric ansi C7.50 Std. Spec, for Concentric ANSI C7.52 Std. Spec, for Concentric Std. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Std. for Automated Machine r Aerospace Gearing (Surface Roughness, Waviness, Form and Meth. for Use of ctrical Insulating Paper and Paperboard-Sulfate or Kraft or Measuring Caliper of Resilient Floor Covering with Foam Std. Meth. of Test for Resistivity of Silicon Epitaxial Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial or Diffused nsion (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial rared Refl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial ve Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of Silicon Epitaxial Spec, for Composite Filament Tape ruction (/ Std. Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and n Control and Water Conservation) (1972/ Rec. for Design, rs, Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; Assembly Numbers, Cell ite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated for Hand ts in Pigments by Measuring the Specific Resistance of the si / Std. Spec, for Electrodeposited Coatings of Lead and Service (1974) Std. for Determination of Capacity of torboats. Tractors, Automotive and Industrial A/ , Std. for ng Std. Including Guarantee Policy for Motor Vehicle Type ses (19674 ANSI C7.15 Std. Spec, for Lead and Std. Meth. Test for Electrodeposited Coatings of Tin • (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for (1970) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Electrodeposited Coatings of cal Purposes (19674 ANSI C7.15 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for 316 Std. Meth. of Test for 3) Std. Meth. of Te9t for Std. Meth. of Test for Low Levels of Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Amounts of Std. Meth." of Test for Determination of Std. Meth. for Determination of Low Concentration of ure (1972T) Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Tribasic Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of White Std. Spec, for Basic Std. for Molded and Dipped Mica Capacitors (Wire del Test Std. for Determination of Solderability of Solid nd Shapes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Std. Spec, for Copper Zinc Is (Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromium, Std. Spec, for pes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Std. Spec, for Copper Zinc Lead rated and Perforated Photographic Film in Rolls, Including Std. for Reel Packaging of Components with Axial Std. Meth. of Test. Twine Made from Bast and Std. Meth. of Test. Ami Leak Antifreezes and Stop lants (1972) Std. Meth. of Test. Ami Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Devices with a Helium Mass Spectrometer rs) (1973) Test Meth. for Water Std. Rec. Guide for the Selection of Std. for Std. Rec. Guide for Preparation of A Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. for Rec. Against Roof Laundering of Woven and Knitted Textiles Except Wool (1 Laundering (1970) ANSI L14.239 Test Meth. for O Laundering (1972) ANSI L14.269 /Pensity of Bonded and Laundering (1972) ANSI L 14.81 / for Colorfastness of T Laundering (1973) ANSI L 14. 172 /. for Appearance of Se Laundering (1973) ANSI L 14. 173 /Est Meth. for Appearan Launderings (1973) ANSI L 14.226 /Pearance of Durable P Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipment and Operations (1972 (Laundry Dryer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Elect Laundry Equipment (Clothes Washer and Dryer) (1972) An9 Laundry Equipment (washer, Dryer, Combination) (1971) a Laundry Stoves (1971) (Laundry Washer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Electr Lavatories, Bathtubs and Combination Tank and Shower Re (Lavatory, Water Clo9et Bowl, Urinal) (1973) Lawn and Garden Riding Tractors (1972) Std. for One (Lawn Mower, Cultivator, Edger-Trimmer, Hedge Trimmer, E Lawn, and Garden Tractors (1972) Lay in Panel Ceilings (1973) /Niform Building Code Std Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Alloy Reinfo Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch Stranded Me Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium Hard, or S Lay Stranded Copper Conouctors (1974) ANSI C7.59 Lay Stranded EC Grade Aluminum Conductors (1972) ANSI C Lay Stranded Steel Reinforced, (ACSR) (1972A) ANSI C7.2 Lay Stranded 5005-H19 Aluminum Alloy Conductors (1972) Lay Stranded 6201-T 81 Aluminum Alloy Conductors (1972) Lay Stranded (1972) Lay Up Composite Filament Tape Reel (1972) Lay) (1973) Std. for Gear Tooth Surface Texture Fo Layer Cake Measuring Template (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Layer Type (1973) ANSI C59.50 Std. Spec, for Ele Layer (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. F Layers by the 3 Probe Voltage Breakdown Meth. (1972) an Layers in Silicon by the Angle Lapping and Staining Tec Layers of Silicon by Measurement of Stacking Fault Dime Layers of Silicon on Substrates of the Same Type by Inf Layers Using a Collinear 4 Probe Array (1974) Tentati Laying Machine-Numerically Controlled (1973) Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Const Layout, Construction and Maintenance of Terrace (Erosio Layouts and Terminals (For Foreign and Domestic Passeng Layup (1973) Graph Leachate of the Pigment (1973) / for Water Soluble Sal Lead-Tin Alloys on Steel and Ferrous Alloys (1970) an Lead Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for Motive Power Lead Acid Type Storage Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Mo (Lead Acid) Storage Batteries (1972) / Domestic Marked Lead Alloy Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purpo Lead Alloy (Solder Plate) (1973) Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Surfaces Lead and Lead— Tin Alloys on Steel and Ferrou9 Alloys Lead and Lead Alloy Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electri Lead and Tin Alloy Die Castings (1952) ANSI H48.1 Lead and Vanadium in Gas Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll. Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (197 Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectrometry (1973) Lead in Gasoline (1972) ANSI Zll. 324 Lead in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) Lead in Paint (1973) Lead in the Atmosphere by Colorimetric Dithizone Proced Lead Phosphosilicate (1973) Lead Pigments (1973) Lead Silico Chromate (1974) Lead Styles) (1972) Lead Wires, Terminals, and Other Terminations (Soft Sol Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars, a Lead, Zinc, or Cadmium) (1973) /Rrosion Resistant Meta Leaded Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze' Rod, Bars, and Sha Leaders and Trailers, for Aerial and Related Uses (1973 Leads (1972) ANSI C83.55 Leaf Fibers (1973) Leak Additives for Engine Coolants (1972) Leak Antifreezes and Stop Leak Additives for Engine Coo Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode (1973) Leak Detector in the Inside Out Test. Mode (1973) Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Pr Leak Detector (1972T) Leak Test for Paper Shipping and Refuse Sacks (Containe Leak Test. Meth. (1971) ANSI Z166.26 Leak Test. Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (1973) Leak Test. Spec. (1973) Leak Test. (1971) ANSI Z166.25 Leakage Current (Electricity) for Appliances (1973) Leakage of Buildings Not Due to Hail or Wind (1972) AATCC 96 AATCC 130 ASTM D2724 AATCC 61 AATCC 88B AATCC 88C AATCC 124 ANSI Z8.1 UL 1240 UL 560 AHAM HLW-2PR ANSI Z21.9 UL 1206 IAPMO TSC11 ANSI A112.19.2 ASAE S348T UL 82 ANSI B71.1 ICBO UBCS47-16 ASTM B524 ASTM B172 ASTM B8 ASTM B496 ASTM B400 ASTM B232 ASTM B397 ASTM B399 ASTM B231 NSA 992 ACMA 118.01 AACCH 10-91 ASTM D1305 ASTM F387 ASTM F108 ASTM F110 AATM F143 ASTM F95 ASTM F374 NSA 990 ANSI Y32.9 ASAE R268.1 BCI •1.56 SAE AMS3894A ASTM D2448 ASTM B200 NEMA IB2 SAE J537H BCI *1.15 ASTM B189 ASTM B579 ASTM C738 ASTM B200 ASTM B189 ASTM B102 ASTM D2787 ASTM D3237 ASTM D3229 ASTM D3116 ASTM D2374 ASTM D2088 ASTM D3112 ASTM D2742 ASTM D1301 ASTM D1648 EIA RS153B EIA RS178-B ASTM B140 ICBO UBCS32-6 ASTM B121 ASTM B140 ANSI PHI. 10 EIA RS296C ASTM D1233 ASTM D3147 ASTM D3147 ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E498 ASTM F134 TAPPI UM-529 ASTM E432 ANSI N44.2 ASTM E479 ASTM E425 ANSI C101.1 FMS LPD1-4 222 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards r Reactors (1972) Practice and Test Requirements for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test, for inside Out Test. Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for detector Probe Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test, for dual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer / Std. Meth. of Test, for Rec. Pract. Meth. for Lining ary Mowers (Designed for Operation with Tractors Having at lea E/ Std. Meth. for Measuring the Relative Stiffness of . Meth. of Test for Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper . Meth. of Test for Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Std. Meth. for Sampling Std. Meth. of Measuring Area of Std. Meth. for Measuring Thickness of Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Dow Corning Std. Meth. for Measuring Thickness of . Meth. of Test for Estimating the Thermal Conductivity of Std. Meth. of Measuring Break Pattern of Meth. for Determining Chromic Oxide Content in Std. Meth. of Test for Chromic Oxide in Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of Std. Meth. of Test for Insoluble Ash of Vegetable Tanned meth. of Test for Water Soluble Matter of Vegetable Tanned Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption (Static) of Std. Meth. of Test for Compressibility of t. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen Content (Kjeldahl) and Hide Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Std. for Title 967) Meth. of Analysis of Acetone-Insoluble Soybean )/ Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: . of Analysis of Crude Protein in Cereal Grains, Oilseeds, Test Meth. for Chip Test Meth. for Chip meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.91 Std. Meth. of Test for raph Measurement (Textile) (1972)/ Std. Meth. of Test for ortar and Concrete (1974T) Std. Meth. of Test for 974) ANSI A37.78 Std. Meth. of Test for 2) ANSI L14.91 Std. Meth. of Test for Length and e Pho/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Minority Carrier Diffusion Std. for Precision In. Gage Blocks for Std. Meth. of Test for Yarn Number Based on Short n Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber/ Std. for Full dgepole Pine Wood Poles Preservative Treatment by the Full ement (Textile) (1972)/ Std. Meth. of Test for Length and Std. for Boat Load Capacity (Under 26 Ft. in (1974) Std. Test. Procedure for Measuring teel Products Manual for Carbon Sheet Steel (coils and Cut . for Steel Sheets of Structural Quality in Coils, and Cut Std. for Dimensions for Front est Meth. for the Selective Transmission of a Photographic Std. Nomenclature for Parts of a Photographic Objective n 2 X 2 In. Mounts (1972) Std. for Resolving Power of pertures and Related Quantities Pertaining to Photographic d. for Prescription Requirements for First Quality Contact Std. for Designation of Apertures of Photographic rina, Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, eter Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains, Beans, Peas, Std. for ills, High Speed Steel Threaded Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. Thru ements for Both Permanentl/ Rec. Pract. for Signal Words, Technology (1969) ANSI Y10. 19 Std. for Std. for Glossary of Terms Concerning and Related Documentation Pract. for Line Conventions and tions (1974) Std. for Suffix Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Low Magnetic Tape Recorders Operati/ Std. Spec, for an Audio Std. and Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Exterior Sound 6.3 Std. for Sound Rec. Pract. for the Test Procedure for Exterior Sound Std. Procedure for Bench Calibration of Tank iquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (/ Std. for Safety for Liquid ) Safety Std. for Liquid Std. Spec, for Sound ng a Sound Data Acquisition System for Vehicle Noise Sound for 2-In. Quadrup/ Std. Frequency Response and Operating Std. for Safety for Constant Std. on Subscriber Visual Carrier Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, Rec. Pract. for Design Std. Meth. for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Recommendation for Installation Performance Std. Meth. of Test for Low procedure for the Test., Rating and Reporting of the Noise Std. Ten Leakage Rate Test, of Containment Structures for Nuclea Leaks in Heat Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques (1974) Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Resi Lease Production Tanks with Coal Tar Epoxy (1972) Least 20 Hp) (1971) /Y Requirements for Industrial Rot Leather by Means of a Torsional Wire Apparatus (1972) a Leather by the Dow Corning Leather Tester (1970) ALCA E Leather by the Maeser Water Penetration Tester (1970) a Leather for Physical and Chemical Tests (1971) ALCA Jl Leather Test Specimens (1968) ALCA E2 Leather Test Specimens (1970) ALCA E4 Leather Tester (1970) ALCA E55 /H. of Test for Dynamic Leather Units (1970) ALCA E3 Leather with the Cenco Fitch Apparatus (1970) ALCA E60 Leather (Break Scale) (1973) ALCA E64 Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1969) ASTM D2807 Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1972) Leather (R1972) ALCA XI, ANSI Z109.3 Leather (1968) ALCA E62 Leather (1970) ALCA Bll Leather (1970) ALCA B8 Leather (1970) ALCA E30 Leather (1970) ALCA E45 (Leather) Substance (1970) ALCA B5 Leavening Agents (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Leaves of a Book (1971) Lecithin in Soybean and Corn Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Lecithin Spec. (1973) Legal Requirements (Permit, Plans and Spec, Inspection Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy Products (Cereal Length Analysis (Measurement) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Length Analysis (Two Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Length and Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers by Fibrog Length Change of Drilled or Sawed Specimens of Cement M Length Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Concrete (1 Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Meth.) (197 Length in Silicon by Measurement of Steady State Surfac Length Measurement (Thru 20 In.) (1973) Length Specimens (1972) ANSI L14.220 Length Thermal Process Preservative Treatment of Wester Length Thermal Process (1973) Std. for Lo Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers by Fibrograph Measur Length) (1973) Lengths or Heights of Composite Cans, Tubes, and Cores Lengths) (1974) Lengths, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Process (1 Lens Mounts for Cameras (1972) Lens (1969) Lens (1971) Lenses for Projectors for 35 mm Filmstrips and Slides I Lenses (1971) /D. Meth. of Designating and Measuring a Lenses (1972) St Lenses (1973) Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Ro Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities for Which Conversi Leptophos (Insecticide) (1971) Letter F( 1973) Std. for Dr Letter Sizes, Color Combinations, and Durability Requir Letter Symbols for Units Used in Electrical Science and Letter Symbols (1972) Lettering (1973) Std. for Engineering Drawing Letters Used in Tire Size Designations and Their Defini Level Activity in Water (1972T) Level and Multifrequency Test Tape for Quadruplex Video Level Flotation of Boats When Swamped (1973) Level for Heavy Trucks and Buses (1971) Level for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (1972) ANSI S Level for Snowmobiles (1972) ANSI S6.2 Level Gaging Tapes and Sounding Rules (1974) Level Gauges and Indicators for Anhydrous Ammonia and L Level Gauges and Indicators for Flammable Liquids (1972 Level Meters (1971) Level Meters (1972) ANSI S6.1 /Ec. Pract. for Qualifyi Level of Recorders and Reproducers for Audio Record One Level Oil Valves (1974) ANSI B127.1 Level (Cable Television) (1970) Leveling, and Surface Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Levels for Emergency Air Brake Systems (1971) Levels in Air (Acoustics) (1971) Levels of Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Levels of Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectrometry (1973) Levels of Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) /R Uniform ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ALCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ANSI AACCH NSPA ICBO AACCH TAPPI TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM AWPA AWPA ASTM ABYC CCTI AISI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI AACCH AACCH ANSI NSA SAE IEEE ANSI ANSI TRA ASTM ANSI ABYC SAE SAE SAE ANSI UL UL ANSI SAE ANSI UL NCTA ASTM SAE ANSI TCA ASTM ITA N45.4 D3078 E5I5 E493 E499 E498 RP-03-72 J232 D2821 D2098 D2099 D2813 D2347 D1813 D2098 D1814 D2214 D2941 D10 D2807 DI517 D2346 D2875 D2876 D1815 D2213 D2868 62-30 Z39.15 58-35 *3 UBC»8-1 46-14 UM-S UM-6 D1440 D1447 C341 C157 D1440 F391 B89.1.9 D1059 C8 C10 D1447 H5 CT104 5 A446 PH3.14 PH3.37 PH3.25 PH3.16 PH3.29 Z80.2 PH3.33 44-15A 44-11 K62.105 965 Jl 15 260 Y10.1 Y14.2 XIII D3085 C98.8 H8B J366A J986A J192 B88.2 565 180 S1.4 J184 C98.3 352 001B-0670 D1753 J263 SI. 13 •3-2 D3229 6G1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 223 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards a9.1 ith 3 Point / ith 3 Po/ 72) cs) / Std. for Meth. for the Determination of Sound Power std. for Voltage Values for Preferred Transient Insulation oad Brake Designs (1971) Std. Spec, for Manually Std. for Directories of (1971) Handbook for Rec. Pract. for Std. for truction, and Operation of So/ Requirements for Safety to tion (1971) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Measuring the Wear Std. Load Ratings and Fatigue Std. Load Ratings and Fatigue Code for Safety to Guide for Statistical Analysis of Thermal Rec. Pract. for Std. Tent. Meth. of Test for Effective Fluorescent Std. Test Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Std. for Test Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic High Rec. Pract. for High Rec. Pract. for Rating of Trailer Floors for lity and Recreational Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Fork d. for Forks and Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial Fork Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fork Std. for Elevating Work Platforms and Equipment for Anchoring, Mooring, Docking, Towing and ts for Aerial Passenger Tramways Including Ski and Surface nnel and Material (1/ Guide Spec, for Platforms and Stage rfaslness of Textiles to Light: Carbon Arc Lamp, Alternate Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Alternate nsi L 14. 118 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to test Meth. for Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Natural th. for Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Exposure to Natural ance Requirements for Oil Powered Forced Air (Domestic and ineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and ansmitting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, ing Facilities (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Vehicles, and Buckle. Web Strap, and Other Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemis/ Ultraviolet Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Natural Tent. Rec. Pract. for Installation of Fixed Partitions of for Copper Alloy No. 260 Brass Strip in Narrow Widths and ill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Sheet Material to ers (/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Spec, and Design of r Takeoff Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural and oulometr/ Meth. of Test for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in r and Bolted Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; 2) ANSI Z11.27/ Std. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Traces in (1969) Std. Test Meth. for- Diffuse rics (Textile) (1973) Meth. of Test for ooth / Uniform Building Code: Plastics (General, Exterior ocumentation Practices: Chassis Frames— Passenger Car and Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature for Passenger Car and Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and s for Exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement (Passenger Car and orative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and or Training of Automotive Mechanics for Passenger Cars and orative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Std. for Sound Level for Passenger Cars and Std. Protective Coatings (Paints) for Molded In, Blind Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, Std. for Threaded Metal Insert, for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Std. for Low Height, Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Continuous fastness of Textiles to Light, Carbon Arc Lamp, Continuous ment of Colored Textiles to Photochromism Colorfastness to Std. for Mounting Brackets and Socket for Warning Lamp Rec. Pract. for Semiautomatic Headlamp Std. for Outdoor Floodlighting Rec. Pract. for Cornering Lamps ment (1972) Std. for Flashing Warning Lamp Rec. Pract. for Headlamp Rec. Pract. for Mechanical Stop Lamp service Performance Requirements for Sealed Beam Headlamp Std. for Fog Lamps Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Turn Signal Lamps act. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Stop Lamp Std. for Clearance, Side Marker and Identification Lamps act. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Headlamps . and Requirements for Snowmobile Rear Position Tail Lamp Std. for Auxiliary Low Beam Lamp (Headlamp • 2) Levels of Small Sources in Reverberation Room9 (Acou9ti Levels (TIL) (1971) Lever Operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and L Libraries and Information Centers (1971) Library Binding (Rec. for Good Book Binding Practices) Library Lighting (1974) License Plate Lamps (Light) (1973) Life-Property from Explosion and Fire in Design, Cons Life and Bonded Solid Film Lubricants in Oscillating Mo Life for Ball Bearings (1972) ANSI B3.15 Life for Roller Bearings (1972) Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures (1970) ANSI Life Test Data (1972) Life Test for Automotive Storage Batteries (1972) Lifeboat Code (1968) Lifetime of Neodymium Doped Laser Materials (1973) Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped W Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped W Lift Grouted Reinforced Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (19 Lift Industrial Truck Nameplates and Marking (1973) Lift Truck Loading (1971) Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Mobile Lift Trucks (1973) St Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, and Shovel (1974) /T Haul); (Lift) (1973) Lifting Boats (1973) /Ion and Installation of Fittings Lifts and Tows (1973) Std. for Safety Requiremen Lifts (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic) for Lowering Perso Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14.169 /Meth. for Colo Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI L14.171 /Lorfastness of Light and Washing: Alternate Sunlight Exposure (1965) a Light and Weather Through Glass (1972) ANSI L14.177 Light and Weather (1968) ANSI L14.176 Test Me Light Commercial) Central Furnaces) (1972) /D. Perform Light Construction Buildings (1970) ANSI Z98.36 /for M Light Diffusers in Ceilings, Partitions, Exterior Venee Light Duty Trucks) (1971) /111 Pipes with Fuel Dispens Light Duty (1972) Light Examination for Presence of Rodent Urine on Bags Light Exposures Under Glass (1973) Light Frame Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their So Light Gage for Heat Exchanger Tubing (1972) /Td. Spec. Light Gage Steel Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel Dr Light Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Memb Light Industrial Tractors (1972) SAE J722 /D. for Powe Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microc Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Design; and Nail Light Saturated Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography (197 Light Transmission Factor of Reinforced Plastic Panels Light Transmittance of Woven Glass Fiber Decorative Fab Light Transmitting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawt Light Truck-Ground Vehicle Practices (1974) /Lated D Light Truck Exhaust System Parts (1972) Light Truck Muffler Parts Nomenclature (1971) Light Truck Resonator Parts Nomenclature (1971) Light Truck) (1971) /Ory Instrumentation and Technique Light Trucks Using the Enclosure Technique (1972) /Vap Light Trucks (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. F Light Trucks (1972) / for the Measurement of Fuel Evap Light Trucks (1972) ANSI S6.3 Light Water Nuclear Reactor Containment Facilities (197 Light Weight Floating, Sandwich Panel (1972) / Insert, Light Weight (1973) Light Weight, Millable Head Self Locking) (1972) /Td. Light Weight, Protruding Head, Self Locking) (1972) / Light Weight, Self Locking Hexagon Nut (1972) Light (Daylight) (1971) ANSI L14.168 Light (General Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.168 Light (1971) ANSI L14.170 /Meth. for Colorfastness of Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 Test Meth. for Color Light (1972) ANSI L14.271 /H. for Detection and Assess (Light) and Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Identification Emb (Light) Beam Switching Devices (1972) (Light) Equipment (1973) (Light) for Automotive Vehicles (1965) (Light) for Remote Mounting on Agricultural (Farm) Equip (Light) Switch (1971) (Light) Switch (1972) (Light) Units for Motor Vehicles (1973) /C. Pract. for (Light) (1970) (Light) (1971) (Light) (1971) Rec. Pr (Light) (1972) (Light) (1972) (Light) (1972) Light) (1973) Rec. Pr Rec. Pract. Test Meth ANSI SI. 21 ANSI C92.1 HM1 300 ANSI Z39.10 LBI •2 IES RP4 SAE J587E FMS 7-30N ASTM D2981 AFBMA 9 AFBMA 11 NFPA 101 IEEE 101 SAE J240A SNAME 4-2A ASTM F380 ASAE S349 SAE J283 BIA 17D ITA 4F1 TTMA RP37 TRA 5 ANSI MHI1.4 TRA 3 ANSI A92.3 ABYC A5 ANSI B77.1 CSI 14430 AATCC 16D AATCC 16F AATCC 83 AATCC HID AATCC 111B ANSI Z91.1 ASTM C665 ICBO UBC*3-52 SAE J398A NSA 1284 AACCH 28-85 ASTM G24 ASTM E497 ASTM B569 ASTM C646 ICBO UBCS27-10 ASAE S205.2 ASTM D3120 ICBO UBCS25-17 ASTM D2600 ASTM D1494 ANSI L24T4 ICBO UBC*3-52 ANSI Y14.32.1 SAE J97 SAE J261 SAE J262 SAE J254 SAE J171A ANSI D18.1 SAE J170A SAE J986A ANSI N101.2 NSA 1835 NSA 1394 NSA 1674 NSA 1673 NSA 1291 AATCC 16C AATCC 16 AATCC 16E AATCC 16A AATCC 139 SAE J725D SAE J565C NEMA FA1 SAE J852B ASAE S307.1 SAE J253 SAE J249 SAE J32 SAE J583C SAE J131A SAE J278 SAE J592E SAE J280 SAE J279 SAE J582A 224 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for License Plate Lamps Std. for Spot Lamps Lamp 4.53 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to 1/ Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ays (1971) Std. for Battery Materials Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Std. Rec. Pract. for ct. for Service Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle y of Plastic Material for Use in Housings of Motor Vehicle Std. for Safety for Battery Powered Emergency etal Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway ability of Socket Supports Used in Metal Heads for Roadway etal Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway of Socket Supports for Use in Metal Heads Used in Roadway Std. for Multiple Sockets Used in Roadway . for Voltage Classification of Luminaires Used in Roadway (1972) Safety Std. for Underwater ANSI C33.28 Std. for Safety for Electric Safety Std. for Electric ) Rec. headlights and Taillights (1972) Safety Std. for Rec. Pract. for Std. for (1972) Std. for Dimensional Spec, for Sealed Groups C and D, A/ Std. for Safety for Portable Electric Std. Pract. for Industrial Std. Pract. for Office ge Classification of Luminaires Used in Street and Highway Std. for Multiple Sockets Used in Roadway Rec. Pract. for Library g Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch, Safety Chain. ercial Vehic/ Storage Battery Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Rec. for uits (1972) ANSI C62.1 Std. for Surge pract. and Stds. for Location and Visibility of Navigation Std. for Flashing and Steady Burn Barricade Warning Rec. Guide for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Rec. Pract. for Selecting Proportions for Structural peration of Class Hi (High Impact) Shock Test. Machine for ed Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel ed Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel rformance Requirements for Tailored Woven Uniform Fabrics, st Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water and orfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water (High Humidity) and 971) ANSI LI/ 114.264 Darkness (1/ 971) ANSI LI/ i A1.38 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Test Meth. for Colorfastness to Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Test Meth. for Identification of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Uniform Building Code Std. for Sand • Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Building Code Std. for Hydrated Std. Spec, for Hydrated Std. Spec, for Communication and Signal Pin Type Std. Meth. of Test for Lime Content of Uncured Soil • Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Std. Spec, for Portland Cement and Cement ec. for Lathing and Furring for Portland Cement and Cement Std. Meth. of Physical Test, of Quicklime and Hydrated of Chemical Analysis of Limestone. Quicklime, and Hydrated Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Quicklime Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings Std. Spec, for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Lime and cinders; Concrete; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; Granite, .3 Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of and Processing Systems) (1972) Safety Std. for um A/ Std. for Chemical Compositions, Mechanical Property ed in Power Switchge/ Safety Requirements for X-Radiation ioning) (1966) Std. Operating ssible Variations from Specified Ladle Chemical Ranges and Rec. Pract. for Drill Stem Design and Operating in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Test for Research and Motor Meth. Octane Ratings Using on es Capacitors for Electrical Transmission and Distribution r Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Pract. for Requirements for Power Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic ms (1971) Std. for Liquid Std. for Flow Capacity Rating a~nd Application of Suction n Std. for M /Cal Interchange Std. for M /Nterchangeability Std Re (Light) (1973) (Light) (1973) (Light, Bulb) (1973) Light, Carbon Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI LI Light, Sunlight (1971) ANSI L14.168 Light, Ventilation, Sanitation, Fire Warning Detector ( Lighting and Marking of Agricultural Equipment on Highw Lighting and Starting) (1972) Lighting Cotton Classing Rooms for Color Grading (1971) Lighting Devices and Components (1972) Re Lighting Devices Including Reflex Reflectors (1973) Lighting Equipment (Indoor) (1973) Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-140 Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-143 Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH10 Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH13 Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH17 Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH3 Lighting Fixtures and Junction Boxes for Swimming Pools Lighting Fixtures for Use in Hazardous Locations (1972) Lighting Fixtures (1972) Lighting for Dairy Farms and the Poultry Industry (1971 Lighting for Regular Bicycles, Including Reflectivity, Lighting Identification Code (1971) Lighting Inspection Code for Motor Vehicles (1973) Lighting Unit for Construction and Industrial Machinery Lighting Units for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Lighting (1973) ANSI AIM Lighting (1973) ANSI A132.1 Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-133 Std. for Volta Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-147 Lighting (1974) Lighting) (1973) /Ehicle (Recreational Type) Connectin Lighting, and Starting) for Passenger Automobiles, Comm Lightning Arresters and Grounds (1974) (Lightning) Arresters for Alternating Current Power Circ Lights (Boats) (1972) Lights (1971) Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (1964) Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete (1973) Lightweight Concrete (1969) ANSI A164.1 Lightweight Equipment (1972) /Ign, Construction, and Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Thread Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Thread Lightweight (Tropical) Suiting (Institutional Textile) Light: Alternate Exposure (1971) ANSI L14.227 Te Light: Alternate Exposure (1972) ANSI L14.228 /for Col Light: Carbon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1 Light: Determination of Fastness Above L-7 (1971) ANSI Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1 Lignin (Paper Chromatogram) (1973) Lime and Limestone (1971) ANSI K67.8 Lime Building Brick (1973) Lime Content of Uncured Soil-Lime Mixtures (1973) Ans Lime for Masonry Purposes (1973) Lime for Masonry Purposes (1974) ANSI K67.13 Lime Glass Insulators (R1970) Lime Mixtures (1973) ANSI A1.38 Lime Mortar for Brick Masonry (1972) Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior (1971) Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior (1971) Lime (1971) ANSI K67.10 Lime (1972) ANSI K67.3 Std Lime (1973) (Lime) for Structural Purposes (1973) (Limestone Drop Test) (1972) Limestone for Animal Feed Use (1972) Limestone (1971) ANSI K67.8 Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Stee Limestone, Quicklime, and Hydrated Lime (1972) ANSI K67 Limit Controls (Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating Limits and Dimensional Tolerances of SAE Wrought Alumin Limits for AC High Voltage Power Vacuum Interrupters Us Limits for Central Station Units (Air Moving and Condit Limits for Steels (1972) Std. for Permi Limits (Petroleum) (1974) Linderstrom-Lang Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen Line Analyzers (1970T) Tent. Meth. of Line Code System for Welding Wire Identification (1973) Line Compensation (Including Safety Requirements) (1973 Line Conventions and Lettering (1973) Std. Fo Line Coupling Capacitors (1972) Line Couplings, Socket Type (1973) Line Driers in Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Syste Line Filters and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Air Meth. Std. SAE SAE ANSI AATCC AATCC ICBO SAE BCI ASTM SAE SAE UL NEMA NEMA EEI EEI EEI EEI UL UL UL ASAE BMA SAE SAE SAE UL IES IES NEMA NEMA IES VESC BCI FMS IEEE ABYC ITE ACI ICBO ACI ANSI NSA NSA ANSI AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC TAPPI ASTM ICBO ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM BIA ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM UL SAE ANSI AMCA SAE API AACCH ASTM SAE ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ARI ARI Engineering and Product Standards Division J587E J591B C79.255 16A 16B UBC'8-3 J137A •1.41 D1684 J256A J29 924 SH10 SH13 TDJ-140 TDJ-143 TDJ-147 TDJ 133 676 844 57 R344 6/6 J759B J599C J572A 781 RP7 RP1 SH3 SH17 RP4 V-5 *1.48 5-11 28 A16 *7 64-39 UBCS26-3 211.2 S2.15 1832 1836 L24.3.3 125 126 16D 16G 16F 16E UM-19 C51 UBCS24-2 D3155 UBCS24-19 C207 D879 D3155 Ml A42.2 A42.3 C110 C25 UBCS47-15 UBCS24-18 G13 C706 C51 UBC*3-23 C25 353 J457J C37.85 1401 J409C 7G 46-30 D2885 AMS2815M C55.2 Y14.2 C93.1 D3036 710 730 225 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 16 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Safety Std. for depth Determination Device and Fish Finder, Loran or Other ) (1972) Thread Compounds (For Casing, Tubing and ng, and Thread Inspection of Petroleum Casing, Tubing, and Spec, for Spec, for High Te9t Spec, for Spiral Weld Spec, for Thermoplastic Pract. for Care and Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Tent. Spec, for Ultra High Test Heat Treated Spec, for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Rec. Pract. for Railroad Transportation of or Alter/ Std. for Automatic Circuit Reclosers, Automatic r and Farm Implement Power Takeoff (Universal Joint) Drive dimensional and Electrical Characteristic Defining Dual in c Heater Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats For/ voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heater Std. Application Guide for Porcelain Suspension (Power ) Std. Specs, and Tests for Strain Gage od (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Estimating Maturity and n9i L14.136 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for g Cure (1969) ANSI K65.181 Std. Meth. of Test for ccelerome/ Std. Spec. Format Guide and Test Procedure for Rec. for tile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand lanyard, Pole and Tree Climber) (1973) Spec, for (1972) ANSI L14.57 Test Meth. for Cotton and Control Test/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Cotton and cal and Airflow Performance (19/ Std. Meth. of Test. Duct Std. Spec, for Vitrified Clay istribution) (1971) Duct asuring Water Vapor Transmission Through Screw Cap Closure 1973) Rules for the Operation of Electric Supply 1972) SAE J955 Std. for Full Shielding of Power Drive Suggested Guide Particulate/ Meth. for Extracting Fluid Samples from the mance Requirements for Backflow Preventers in Water Supply ntenance of Underground Electric Supply and Communications for Asphalt Type Protective Coatings for Underground Pipe ation and Maintenance of Electric Supply and Communication Std. for Solid and Semi Solid Dielectric Transmission back Pressure Backflow Preventers for Potable Water Supply er. Shop Applied) (197/ Std. for Cement Mortar Protective 73) Std. Performance Requirements for Woven ) Rec. Pract. Meth. for e Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant, Grape, Asparagus); Rec. Pract. for Gogan Hardness of Brake Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for Pond, Canal, and Reservoir Std. Spec, for ements and Uniform Test Procedures for Motor Vehicle Brake Wheel Tractors (1972) SAE J715 Std. for 3 Point Free Std. Malleable Iron Detachable Std. for Steel Detachable Std. Spec, for Aluminum Coated Steel Chain Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Steel Chain Spec, for Galvanized Steel Chain eled Tractors (1972) Std. for 3 Point Free equipped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Three Point Free Std. for ble for the Transmission and Distributi/ Std. for Crossed ture Relating to Resilient Floor Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Std. Spec, for Raw Reinforced Brick and Tile Structural Steel rec. Pract. for Guide to the Application and Use of Radial (1962) Meth. of Analysis of (1962) Meth. of Analysis of stry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of and Explosion Protection (Safety) for Flammable Liquid and (1973) Rec. for Tentative Manual for Driver Attended Loading of zl 1.92 Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of graphy (1973) Std. Meth. for Analysis of Std. for the Storage and Handling of Uniform Fire Code: (1/ Std. for Safety for Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and Safety Std. for Pumps for Anhydrous Ammonia and quid Level Gauges and Indicators for Anhydrous Ammonia and Std. for Safety for Meters for Flammable Liquids and d. Meth. for Calculation of Certain Physical Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of laps of Fiberboa/ Std. Spec, for Water or Solvent Soluble ter Spray, and Explosion Protection (Safety) for Flammable Line Isolation Monitors (1973) Line of Position Device, Radar, Radio Detection Finder, Line Pipe Connections in High Pressure Oil Well Service Line Pipe Threads (1974) Spec, for Threading, Gagi Line Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Line Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Line Pipe (Petroleum Production) (1973) Line Pipe (PVC and CPVC) (1972) Line Pipe (Rtrp) ( 1972) Rec. Line Pipe (1972) Line Pipe (1972) Line Pipe (1972) Line Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Capacitor Switches F Line Specs. (1972) Rec. for Tracto Line Type Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.95 Std. for Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for Electri Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for Electri Line) Insulators (1974) Linear Acceleration Transducers (Instrumentation) (1971 Linear Density of Cotton Fibers by the Causticaire Meth Linear Density of Cotton Fibers (Array Sample) (1973) a Linear Density of Elastomeric Yarn (1972) Linear Shrinkage of Thermosetting Casting Systems Durin Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance a Lined Earth Reservoirs for Fire Protection (1972) Lined Molds for Gas (1971) Std. for Due Lineman's Climbing Equipment (Body Belt, Safety Strap, Linen Textile Colorfastness to Bleaching with Chlorine Linen Textiles to Combined Washing and Shrinkage: Rapid Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Acousti Liner Plates (1972) Liner, Adhesives, and Fasteners Application Std. (Air D Liners (1973) Std. Meth. of Me Lines and Equipment (National Electrical Safety Code) ( Lines for Agricultural (Farm) Implements and Tractors ( Lines for Printed Wiring Board Repairs (1973) Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Power System (For Lines with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent (1972) /Erfor Lines (National Electrical Safety Code) (1973) ' /Nd Mai Lines (Wrapped Systems) (1972) Tent. Rec. Spec. Lines (1960) Safety Rules for the Install Lines (1972) Lines (1972) /Equirements for Double Check Valve Type Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe (4 In. and Larg Lining Fabrics for Institutional Uniforms (Textile) (19 Lining Lease Production Tanks with Coal Tar Epoxy (1972 Lining Out Stock; Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs, Cor Lining (1972) Lining (1972T) Spec, for Flexible PoIy(vinyl Linings for Asbestos Cement Pipe (1973) Linings (1966) Minimum Performance Requir Link Attachment for Hitching Implements to Agricultural Link Chain and Attachments (1971) Link Chains, Attachments, and Sprockets (1972) Link Fence Fabric (1971) ANSI G53.21 Link Fence Fabric (1971A) ANSI G53.20 Link Fence Fabric (1973) Link Hitch Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Whe Link Hitch (1971) SAE J909A /Icultural Wheel Tractors Link, Cable Take Up (1973) Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Ca Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos, Polymeric Pour Linseed Meal (Flaxseed) (1974) Linseed Oil (Flaxseed) (1974) Linseed Oil (1972) ANSI K34.1 Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1964) Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1969) Lip Type Oil Seals (1972) Lipoid Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) Lipoxidase Activity of Ground Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) Lipoxidase Activity of Semolina and Flour (Cereal Chemi Liquefied Flammable Gas Processing Equipment and Suppor Liquefied Hydrogen Systems (Fire Protection and Safety) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (1966) Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LP-Gas Meth.) (1973) ANSI Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) by Process Gas Chromato Liquefied Petroleum Gases (1972) Liquefied Petroleum Gases (1973) Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (Other Than Safety Relief) Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (1972) Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (1973) /for Safety for Li Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (1973) ANSI B167.1 Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases from Compositional Analy Liquid Adhesive (1951) ANSI Z197.10 Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Machine Sealing of Top F Liquid and Liquefied Flammable Gas Processing Equipment UL 1022 ABYC A21 API BUL 5A2 API 5B API 5L API 5LX API 5LS API 5LP API RP5L4 API SPEC API 5LR API 5L1 NEMA SG13 ASAE R331.2 EIA RS415 NEMA DC 13 NEMA DC 13 NEMA HV2 ISA S37.5 ASTM D2480 ASTM D1769 ASTM D2591 ASTM D2566 IEEE 337 FMS LPD3-6 ANSI A21.52 EEI AP-2 AATCC 3 AATCC 72 ASTM E477 ASTM C479 SMACN *13 ASTM D3199 ANSI C2.4 ASAE S297T IPC R-700 NFLDP T2.9.1 ASSE 1012 ANSI C2.3 NACE RS»1 ANSI C2.2 EIA RS199A ASSE 1015 AWWA C205 ANSI L24.3.8 NACE RP-03-72 ANSI Z60.1 SAE J379A ASTM D3083 ASTM C541 VESC V-3 ASAE S217.8 ANSI B29.7 ANSI B29.6 ASTM A491 ASTM A392 CLFMI '5 SAE J715D ASAE S278.2 NSA 511 NEMA WC7 ASTM F141 NFP *1 NFP *2 ASTM D234 BIA 17H BIA 31B SAE J946A AACCH 20-02 AACCH 22-41 AACCH 22-40 FMS 7-14 FMS LPD 7-19N NGPA 8166 ASTM D1267 ASTM D2888 NFPA 58 ICBO UFC»2ART2( UL 125 UL 51 UL 565 UL 25 ASTM D2598 ASTM D899 ASTM D1874 FMS 7-14 226 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 38 tr/ f Analysis of Moisture in Massecuites, Molasses, and Other L Std. Meth. of Test for Reaction Threshold Temperature of L Std. Spec, for L Std. Spec, for L Std. Spec, for L Std. Meth. of Test for Specific or API Gravity of L ust (1972) ANSI B93.28 Std. Meth. for Calibration of L chines (1972) Std. L chines (1971) Rec. Pract. for L Uniform Building Code Std. for Exterior Plaster L Std. Meth. of Test for Mercury in L for Analysis of Calcium and Barium Petroleum Sulfonates by d/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides (Cas 1/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Saccharides (Cas L of Insulating Materials (1973) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for L n and Construction of Diesel (Compression Ignited) Inboard L or the Design and Construction of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, L Std. Meth. of Testing for Rating L Std. Meth. of Test for L 72) Rec. for Flammable L Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Content of L efraction, with Abbe Refractometer, in All Normal Oils and L electrical Apparatus Sales and Service Industry (Rotating, L Std. Meth. of Test for L d Recreational Vehicles (1973) ANSI A147/ Safety Std. for L 1) ANSI Z11.313 Std. Meth. for Calculation of L a and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (/ Std. for Safety for L s (1972) Safety Std. for L g Systems (1971) Std. for L 1973) ANSI A37.87 Std. Spec, for L ting Ink, Adhesive, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Flammable L Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas L Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas L Std. Spec, for A L ting to Erosion of Solids by Cavitation and Impingement by L Std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Materials with L Std. Spec, for L Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to L Meth. of Test for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light L Std. Code for Pressure Piping: L 1. Expansion Coil, and Flexible Connector Fittings for LP (L Safety Std. for LP (L ety Std. for Pipe Connectors for Flammable Liquids and LP (L td. for Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP (L Rec. for Gaskets for Flammable L r Determining Acidity Content in Steepwater and Most Other L h. for Determining pH Content in Steepwater and Most Other L safety) (1973) Rec. for Flammable L Std. for L 91 Std. for L Std. Spec, for L ntainer, Quickly Demountable Type for Horizontal Mounting, L y Demountable Universal (Horizontal or Vertical Mounting), L: rocarbons (Askarels) for Capacitors (Electrical Insulating L Std. Meth. for Verification and Calibration of L Std. for Safety for Valves for Flammable L td. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electrical Insulating L 67.1 Std. for Safety for Meters for Flammable L Safety Std. for Pipe Connectors for Flammable L d Mobile Tanks for Transporting and Spreading Agricultural L oatings (Paint), and Handling of Flammable and Combustible L Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Heat of L of Test for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque L Std. Meth. of Test for Density and Specific Gravity of L Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of L Flammable and Combustible L e Protection and Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustible L si MH12.8 Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration of L 2T) Meth. for Measurement of Color of Low Colored Clear L ortable Fuel Systems and Portable Containers for Flammable L m Building Code Std. for Storage and Handling of Flammable L Rec. for Flash Point Index of Trade Name L for Trace Quantitites of Total Sulfur in Volatile Organic L roducts) by Setafl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of L Iron Fittings, 2 In. Through 48 In./S for Water and Other L Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of L Vulcanizates Resulting from Immersion in L std. for Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe for Water and Other L Safety Std. for Tests for Comparative Flammability of L Std. for Liquid Level Gauges and Indicators for Flammable L or Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable and Combustible L te Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type, for Water and Other L ent for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Pipe for Water or Other L for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Piping for Water and Other L Uniform Fire Code: Flammable and Combustible L all Nonpressurized and Pressurized Containers of Flammable L quid and Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Quartz Sand quid and Solid Materials (1972) ANSI Zl 1.318 quid Asphalt (Medium Curing Type) (1972) quid Asphalt (Rapid Curing Type) (1972) quid Asphalt (Slow Curing Type) (1972) quid Asphalts by Hydrometer Meth. (1973) quid Automatic Particle Counters Using AC Fine Test D quid Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Ma quid Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Ma quid Bonding Agents (1973) quid Chlorine (1973) quid Chromatography (1973) Std. Meth. quid Chromatography) Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar, an quid Ch romatog raphy) Content of CornSugar. Starch Mo quid Contaminant, Inclined Plane Tracking and Erosion quid Cooled Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Boats) (1 quid Cooled Marine Engines (Boats) and Auxiliaries (1 quid Coolers (1971) quid Densities of Pressurized Products (1972) quid Drum Storage, Dispensing, and Classification (19 quid Epoxy Resins (1973) quid Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Index of R quid Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Power Tools, H quid Flow Rate of Membrane Filters (1972) quid Fuel Burning Heat Appliances for Mobile Homes an quid Heat Capacity of Petroleum Distillate Fuels (197 quid Level Gauges and Indicators for Anhydrous Ammoni quid Level Gauges and Indicators for Flammable Liquid quid Line Driers in Refrigerating and Air Conditionin quid Membrane Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ( quid Mixing Operations (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, Prin quid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography (1968) quid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography (1973) ANSI Zl 1.2 quid Optical Adhesive (1970) quid or Solid Particles (1973) /Itions of Terms Rela quid Oxygen (Reaction Intensity Meth.) (1973) quid Paint Driers (1973) quid Penetrant Inspection (1974) ANSI Z166.16 quid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulome quid Petroleum Transportation Systems (1974) /Ety for Pigtai Saf Safety S quid Petroleum) Gas Cylinders (1973) quid Petroleum) Gas Hose (1973) quid Petroleum) Gas (1972) UL 567 quid Petroleum) Gas (1973) quid Piping Systems (1974) quid Products Obtained from Corn (1963) /Al Meth. Fo quid Products Obtained from Corn (1963) /Lytical Met quid Pumping and Piping Systems (Fire Protection and quid Resin Flexes (1972) quid Rosin Fluxes Used for Soldering (1973) ANSI C83. quid Toilet Soap (1974) ANSI K60.14 quid Withdrawal Only (1973) /Act. for LP Gas Fuel Co quid Withdrawal (1973) /P Gas Fuel Container, Quickl quid) (1973) ANSI C59.ll /R Chlorinated Aromatic Hyd quid-In-Glass Thermometers (1972) ANSI Z104.1 quids and Fuels (1974) quids and Gases (1974) quids and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (1973) ANSI Bl quids and LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas (1972) UL 567 quids and Slurry (1973) /Improving Safety on Enclose quids and Solids and Potential Dust Explosion Conditi quids and Solids (1971) ANSI Z11.307 quids and the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity (1972) quids by Bingham Pycnometer (1968) ANSI Z11.96 quids by Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) quids Code (1972) quids in Locations That May Be Flooded (1973) quids into Submerged Containers (Packaging) (1951) an quids Using the Hunterlab Color Difference Meter (197 quids (Boats) (1972) / Construction and Stowage of P quids (Gasoline, Kerosene, Acetone, Alcohol, Cleaning quids (NFPA 325AH1974) quids (Oxy Hydrogen Combustion Meth.) (1972) /F Test quids (Paint, Enamel, Lacquer, Varnish, and Related P quids (1971) ANSI A21. 10 / for Cast Iron and Ductile quids (1971) ANSI Z11.304 quids (1972) quids (1972) quids (1972) quids (1972) Safety quids (1972) Safety Std. F quids (1972) Std. for Prestressed Concre quids (1972) /. Rec. Pract. for Polyethylene Encasem quids (1972) ANSI A21.5 /for Polyethylene Encasement quids (1973) quids (1973) Rec. for Fire Protection of Sm /orTh AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NFLDP ASAE SAE ICBO ASTM ASTM CR CR ASTM ABYC ABYC ASHRA ASTM FMS ASTM AACCH EASA ASTM UL ASTM UL UL AR1 ASTM FMS NCPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI UL UL ANSI UL FMS CR CR FMS EIA EIA ASTM ITA ITA ASTM ASTM UL ASTM UL ANSI ASAE ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NFPA ICBO ASTM ASTM ABYC ICBO FMS ASTM ASTM AWWA ASTM ASTM AWWA UL UL UL AWWA ASTM AWWA ICBO FMS 44-60 D2883 D2027 D2028 D2026 D3142 T2.9.6 S346 J884B UBCS47-1 E506 D2894 E-63 F-50 D2303 P15 P4 24 D3096 8-5 D1726 58-20 •1 F317 307A D2890T 565 180 710 C309 7-36 2165 D2597 D2851 G40 F371 D600 E270 D3120 B31.4 569 21 B148.1 132 7-32S J-4 J-48 LPD 7-32 RS462 RS402 D799 6A1 6A2 D2233 E77 842 D2864 25 B 148.1 R317 UFC*2ART34 D2766 D445 D1217 D1310 30 UFC«2A D998 E450 H25 UBCS10-1 7-42N D2747 D3278 C110 D2717 D471 C400 340 180 142 C301 A674 C105 UFC'2ART15 7-29 Engineering and Product Standards Division 227 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) ansi ) Underground Pipe, Fittings and Tanks Containing Flammable for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Rec. for General Safeguards for Flammable y Std. for Power Operated Dispensing Devices for Flammable Std. for Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable 1(1969) Rec. . and Registration Formats (1974) Std. Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Two Analysis of Nickel-Base Alloy9 by the Silver Chloride • Std. Spec, for Remelted 2) Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Rec. for Design Values for Safety Rec. for Electrically Heated and Moisture Loss and Feed and Water Requirements of Farm Rec. Pract. for Radius of of Extension Instrument/ Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Std. Spec, for Hollow Std. Spec, for Solid Uniform Building Code Std. for Hollow Uniform Building Code Std. for Solid est. Stru/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Clay ally Lever Operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and Std. for Boat Std. Test Proc. for Determining the ansi Zll. 161 Std. Meth. of Te9t for on Manual Sect. 1) (1/ Spec, for Design of Aluminum Alloy Spec, for Cargo Unit Std. for Std. Meth. of Calibration Instruments for Verifying Time std. Meth. of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static std. Meth. of Te9t for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static B3.15 Std. Std. Std. for Unit Transport Package Sizes (Packaging) for ANSI MH10.1, Unit Std. Proposal for Solid State series (1970) Std. Specs, and (1970) Std. Specs, and ries (1970) Std. Specs, and teel Joints (1974) Std. Spec, and 3750 Through 30,000/40,000/50,000/ Std. Requirements for ion of Spec, for Large Power Transformers, with or Without ent (1972) ANSI B93.21 Std. End 970) ANSI Alll.l Std. Meth. of test for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural 1973) Rec. for Wood Beam, Joint and Rafter Span, quirements for Regular Bicycles Including Tests for Static Structural Design of Serpentine Walls, Non les: Earthmoving, Mining and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Car, Front End rticulated Vehicles (Construction and Industrial Front End ia for Roll Over Protective Structure for Weeled Front End Rec. Safety Sign for Front End Agricultural protective Structure for Track Type Tractors and Front End (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front End t for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension std. for Wood Members Subjected to Both Flexural ; nd Axial t for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Std. for Driver \ttended t for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear b> Tension Tentative Manual for Driver Attended ngth Properties of Metal to Metal Adhesive9 by Compression eth. for Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by! Tension for Creep Properties of Adhesive9 in Shear by Compression t for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension st for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension ength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compression adhesives in Plywood Type Construction in Shear by Tension adhesives in Two Ply Wood Construction in Shear by Tension Rec. Pract. for Rating of Trailer Floors for Lift Truck durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in Shear by Tension Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear Joints in Shear by Tension nded Pla9tic Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in Shear by Tension Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Center Point Std. for Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Spec, for Rated dstand/ Uniform Building Code: Stairs, Exits and Occupant Collapse of Buildings and Other Structures Caused by Snow Agricultural Grain Storage rading Rules, Design Values, Section Properties and Design r (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sponge Dough, Pound td. for Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Rec. Pract. for Construction Spec, for larm, and / Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of and Safety (Alarm) (1973) ' Rec. for ng on Iron or Steel Articles by T/ Std. Meth. of Test for Liquids (1973) /Practice Protection from Corrosion for Liquids (1973) ANSI B137.1 Safety Std. Liquids (1974) Liquids (1974) ANSI Z216.1 Safet Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids (1973) List of Terms and Definitions Related to Quality Contro List of Values to Be Used in Semiconductor Device Specs Liter Graduate) (1973) Lithium Fluoride Carrier D-C Arc Technique Using an Opt Lithium Metal in Ingot Form (1972) ANSI H43.1 Lithologic Classes and Physical Components of Coal (197 Livestock Fallout Shelters (1973) Livestock Waterers (1971) Livestock (Poultry, Swine, Cattle, Sheep) (1968) /Heat Load and Boom Angle Measuring System (1972) Load and Elongatoin of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A79.1 Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A81.1 Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Load Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and T Load Brake Designs (1971) Std. Spec, for Manu Load Capacity (Under 26 Ft. in Length) (1973) Load Carrying Ability of Farm Wagon Running Gear (1973) Load Carrying Capacity of Fluid Gear Lubricants (1973) Load Carrying (Members) Structures (Aluminum Constructi Load Devices (Materials Transport and Handling) (1973) Load Handling Symbols for Powered Industrial Trucks (19 Load Indication of Machines (1974) ANSI Z115.2 Load on Spread Footings (1972) /Pread Footings (1972) Load on Spread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for B Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings (1972) Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings (1972 Load Sizes for Dimensioning Transport Packages (1972) Load Sizes (1973) Std. for Load Switches for Traffic Control Systems (1973) Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints Deep DLJ and DLH Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints LJ and LH Series Load Tables for Open Web Steel Joints J Series and H Se Load Tables for Open Web, Longspan, and Deep Longspan S Load Tap Changing Transformers 138,000 Volts and Below, Load Tap Changing (1971) Std. for Guide for Preparat Load Test Meth. for a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Elem Load Test, for Refractory Brick at High Temperatures (1 Load (1972) ANSI K65.222 Std. Meth. of Load, Deflection, Strength and Stiffness Computations ( Load, Frame, Fork, Steering Assembly and Tire Blowout ( Loadbearing (Tech. Notes) (1968) Loader, Dozer. Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, and Shovel (197 Loaders and Dozers) (1971) / Steering Frame Lock for a Loaders and Weeled Dozers (1972) /M Performance Criter Loaders (1972) Loaders (1972) /Um Performance Criteria for Roll Over Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Track Type Tractors, and Motor Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal to Metal) (1972 Loading Combined (1973) Uniform Building Code Loading in the .Temperature Range from -267.8 to -55 C ( Loading of Anhydrous Ammonia (1972) Loading of Laminated Assemblies (1973) /. Meth. of Tes Loading of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (1966) Loading (Disk Shear) (1972) ANSI Z197.4 Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Loading (Metal to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197.15 Loading (Metal / Metal) (1973) Loading (1949) ANSI Z197.ll Loading (1964) ANSI Z197.12 /Test for Stre Std. Test M Std. Test Meth. /. of Tes Std. Meth. of Te /Td. Meth. of Test for Str /R Strength Properties of Loading (1970) /Test Meth. for Strength Properties of Loading (1971) Loading (1971) ANSI Z197.31 /. Pract. for Determining Loading (1973) /Determining the Strength of Adhesively Loading (1973) /Ermining the Strength of Adhesively Bo Loading) (1968) ANSI A37.84 /Eth. of Test for Flexural Loads in Buildings and Other Structures (1972) Loads Offshore Oil Cranes (1972) Loads (Buildings, Reviewing Stands, Bleachers, and Gran Loads (1973) Rec. for Prevention of Roof Loads, Pressures, and Capacities (1968) Loads, Timber, Plank and Laminated Flooring and Roofing Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Bread Flou Local Exhaust Systems (1971) Local Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) Local Protective Signaling Systems for Watchman, Fire a Local Protective Signalling Systems for Fire Protection Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coati ICBO UL FMS UL FMS ASQC EIA TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE ASAE ASAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO HMI ABYC ASAE ASTM AA NSA ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM AFBMA AFBMA ANSI ANSI NEMA AISC AISC AISC SJI ANSI ANSI NFLDP ASTM ASTM WWPA BMA BIA TRA TRA SAE SAE ASAE SAE SAE ASTM ICBO ASTM FI ASTM NGPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TTMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI API ICBO FMS ASAE WWPA AACCH ANSI ACGIH NFPA FMS ASTM UFC»2B 58 7-35 87 7-19 •1 RS419 UM-10 E483 B357 D2796 R282. 1 R342 D249.2 J375A D2653 C90 C145 UBCS24-4 UBCS24-S UBCS24-8 300 H5 S360T D1947 •10 3610 MH11.3 E74 D1194 D1194 9 11 MH10.1 MH10.2 TS2 S316-1 S3 16-2 S3 16-3 5 C57. 12.30 C57.97 T3. 10.8.2 C16 D648 *30 6/4 33 3 3 J276 J394A R355 J395A J231 D2295 UBCS25-16 D2557 P135 D3165 8166 D2182 D2294 D2293 D1002 D3166 D905 D906 D2339 RP37 D2919 D3163 D3164 C293 A58.1 2C UBC*3-33 1-54 D240 *31 10-11 Z9.2 •1-8 72A 5-5N A239 228 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rifle Range 972) Rec. Pract. and Stds. for hinery) (1971/ Rec. Praet. for Instrument Face Design and Std. for Back Window Rec. Pract. for Proper r Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film/ Std. for rinting on 35 mm Motion Picture Film, Perforate/ Std. for e Film. Perforated Super 8 (1-3) (1973) Std. for Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Tent. Rec. Pract. Guidelines for Driveway Design and puter Systems (1972) Rec. for Rec. G/ Safety Std. for Electric Heaters for U9e in Hazardous n and Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids in s) (1973) Std. for Area Classification in Hazardous Dust e Installation of Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Dust equipment and Materials for Use in Flammable Anesthetizing essurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous safety for Electric Lighting Fixtures for Use in Hazardous es and Connectors of the Pin and Sleeve Type for Hazardous d. for Receptacle-Plug Combinations for Use in Hazardous . for Circuit Breakers and Enclosures for Use in Hazardous std. for Industrial Control Equipment for Use in Hazardous ty for Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous for Portable Electric Lighting Units for Use in Hazardous d. for Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous std. for Electrically Operated Valves for Use in Hazardous Safety Std. for Electrical Switches for Use in Hazardous radio Homing and Alerting Equipment for Use with Emergency ial Front End Loaders and Dozers/ Std. for Steering Frame ot Dip Process (1971) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Std. for Cylinder oc. for the Locking Ability Performance of Chemical Coated ce of Nonmetallic Locking Element Type Prevailing-Torque Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Std. for Locks and Std. for Nonmagnetic Spring d Meth. of Test, for Helical Spring and Carbon Steel Tooth td. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type 100 Deg. Head Shear Bolt . for Titanium Alloy Stump Type Protruding Head Shear Bolt ype, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt e, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt loy (1973) Std. for Bolt pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt m Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt ze. Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt anium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt nium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt anium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt td. for Collar, Swage Locking for Pull Type and Stump Type Std. Fastener Code (Aerospace Std. for Bulbed Spindle Mechanically Safety Std. for Key Std. for Protruding Head, Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Std. for Blind, 100 Deg. Flush Head, Std. for Self Plugging, Mechanically Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Safety Std. for Tellers: ews (1973) Std. Test Proc. for the ent Type Prevailing-To/ Std. for Test Procedure for the A286 Cres, Long Thread, Self 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Thread, Self , Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self , Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Threads, Self w, Pan Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self g. Oval Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Self close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self ng Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self lose Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self olerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, A286 Acres, Self short Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, Self ing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Thread, Self Std. for Std. for Safety for Elevator Door ocedure for the Locking Ability Performance of Nonmetallic Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Location and Landscaping (1970) Location and Visibility of Navigation Lights (Boats) (1 Location for Construction and Industrial Equipment (Mac Location for Roll Film Cameras (1973) Location of Bus Stops (1967) Location of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction O Location of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction P Location of Super 8 Printed Area on 16 mm Motion Pictur Location on Lot (1973) Location (1972) Location, Construction and Protection of Electronic Com Locations for Builders' Hardware (1964) Locations Glass I, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class II, Locations That May Be Flooded (1973) /or the Protectio Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dust Locations (Bonding Appliances, Casters, Face Masks and Locations (1972) ANSI C106.1 Std. for Purged and Pr Locations (1972) ANSI C33.28 Std. for Locations (1973) Std. for Electrical Plugs, Receptacl Locations (1973) ANSI C33.97 Safety St Locations, Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Groups E- Locations, Class I, Groups AD, Class II, Groups EG (1 Locations, Class I, Groups C and D (1973) ANSI C33.72 Locations, Class I, Groups C and D, and Class II, Group Locations, Class II, Groups E, F, and G (1973) ANSI C33 Locations, Class 1, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class 11 Locations: Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Groups E- Locator Transmitters (ELT) (1973) /Sties for Airborne Lock for Articulated Vehicles (Construction and Industr Lock Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the H Lock Nut (1974) Std. Test Pr / for the Locking Ability Performan /Imensions, Physical Properties an Std Lock Screws (1973) Lock Screws (1973) Lock Strip Gaskets (1973) Lock Trim (1972) Lock Washer (1974) Lock Washers (1972) Lock (1974) Lock (1974) Lock, Shear, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull T Lock, Shear, 100 Deg. Read, Std. and Oversize, Pull Typ Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Stump Type, Titanium Al Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Std. and Oversize, Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Stump Type, Titaniu Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Std. and Oversi Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Stump Type, Tit Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Pull Type, Tita Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Stump Type, Tit Lockbolts (1973) Lockbolts, Rivets, Bolts) (1973) Locked Protruding Head Blind Rivet (1974) Locked Safes (Class KL) (1973) Locked Spindle Blind Rivet (1972) Locked Spindle Protruding Head Blind Rivet (1974) Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) Locked Spindle Self Plugging Blind Rivet (1974) Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind Rivet (1974) Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind Rivet (1974) Lockers (1973) Locking Ability Performance of Chemical Coated Lock Scr Locking Ability Performance of Nonmetallic Locking Elem Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Locking Device, Positive Index (1973) Locking Devices and Contacts (1973) Locking Element Type Prevailing-Torque Lock Screws (1 Locking Elliptical Head Blind Nut (1974) Std. for Bolt Std. for Bolt Std. for Sere Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. for Screw, 10 Std. for Screw, 100 De / Deg. Tri Wing Recess, /, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wi /. for Bolt, Hex Head, C /Bolt, Pan Head, Close T /D. for Pan Head, Close /Head, Close Tolerance, /or Screw, 100 Deg. Head /T, 100 Deg. Head, Tri W /Td. for Bolt, Hex Head, NRA •11 ABYC A16 SAE J209 ANSI PH3.1 ITE •10 ANSI PH22.180 ANSI PH22.179 ANSI PH22.181 ICBO UBC«8-2 ITE •8 FMS LPD5-32 NBHA *9 UL 823 ICBO UFC«2A ISA S12.10 ISA S12.ll UL 1067 NFPA 496 UL 844 NEMA FB11 UL 1010 UL 877 UL 698 UL 674B UL 781 UL 674A UL 1002 UL 894 RTCA D0154 SAE J276 ASTM A527 NSA 699 IFI 125 IFI 124 ASTM C716 ANSI A156.2 NSA 1640 ANSI B18.21.1 NSA 2705 NSA 2605 NSA 2406 NSA 2506 NSA 2005 NSA 2206 NSA 2125 NSA 2325 NSA 2115 NSA 2315 NSA 2105 NSA 2306 NSA 1080 NSA 523 NSA 1768 UL 786 NSA 1398 NSA 1738 NSA 1399 NSA 1400 NSA 1740 NSA 1739 NSA 1769 UL 901 IFI 125 IFI 124 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 6303-20 NSA 6704-20 NSA 6900-06 NSA 6604-20 NSA 6203-20 NSA 5700-6 NSA 6500-6 NSA 4600-16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 6403-20 NSA 5000-6 NSA 5100-6 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5800-6 NSA 4500-16 NSA 6804-20 NSA 1193 UL 104 IFI 124 NSA 1734 Engineering and Product Standards Division 229 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Collar, Swage 15 Amperes, 2/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Std. for Low Height, Light Weight, Self Std. for Flathead 100 Deg. Plain and Self Std. for Low Height Hexagon Self Std. for 450 Dee. F Self Std. for 450 Deg. F Closed End Self 3) Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, ose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire ose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire ose 120/208 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire ose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire ose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire ose 277/480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire fie Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire fie Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire fie Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire fie Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire fie Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire fie Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire peeific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire, 2 Pole,/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Midget es, 3 P/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Midget 73) Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Std. for Pins and Collars, Swage a9tener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Self eaded. External Sleeve, High Temperature, Flush Head, Self aded. External Sleeve, Light Weight, Protruding Head, Self d. External Sleeve, General Purpose, Protruding Head, Self readed, External Sleeve, General Purpose, Flush Head, Self hreaded. External Sleeve, Light Weight, Millable Head Self pull Type (1973) (1973) e (1973) pull Type (1973) 973) 1 Type (1973) type (1973) hread, Ca/ f-3A Thre/ Type (1973) p Type (1973) on, Pull Type (1973) n. Stump Type (1973) on. Pull Type (1973) on. Stump Type (1973) deg. F (1973) 974) 74) Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Std. for Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Positive Std. for Nut- Self Std. for Self Std. for Self es: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire ific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire fie Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire fie Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire fie Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire fie Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire es: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire es: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 30 Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire ose 120/208 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire ose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire ose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire ose 277/480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire ose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire ose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Std. for Self r Insert, Molded In, Blind Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself ch Pane/ Std. for Insert, Molded In, Blind Threaded, Self Std. for Insert, Molded In, Thru Threaded, Self Std. for Self i Ftu, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) Std. for Nut, Self g. F and 800 Deg. F (1/ Std. for Nut, Self Aligning, Self or Insert, Molded In, Thru Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Positive ull Type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage ) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking) Locking) Locking) Locking) Locking) Locking) Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking Locking for Pull Type and Stump Type Lockbolts (1973) Grounding Type, Specific Purpose, 277 Volts Ac, Hexagon Nut (1972] Machine Screw (1974) Nut (1974) Serrated Head Blind Nut (1974) Serrated Head Blind Nut (1974) Type 125 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 Pole, 1 Wire (197 Type (1972) /Gs and Receptacles: Specific Purp Type (1972) /Gs and Receptacles: Specific Purp Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles: Specific Purp Type (1973) /G9 and Receptacles: Specific Purp Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles: Specific Purp Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles? Specific Purp Type (1973) /Nsions of Plugs and Receptacles: Type (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci Type (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci Type (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci Type (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci Type (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci Type (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles: Speci Type (1973) /Sions of Plugs and Receptacles: S Type, Specific Purpose, 125 Volts, 15 Amperes, Type, Specific Purpose, 125/250 Volts, 15 Amper Type, 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (19 (1973) (1972) Spec, for F (1972) Fastener (Blind, Internally Thr (1972) / for Fastener (Blind, Internally Thre (1972) /R Fastener (Blind, Internally Threade (1972) /Td. for Fastener (Blind Internally Th (1972) /Td. for Fastener (Blind, Internally T A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear / Tension, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear, Stump Type A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Tension, Pull Typ A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Stump Type (1 A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension Head, Pul A-286, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Pull Alloy and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A T Alloy Steel and Corrosion Resisting Steel, Unj Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension, Pull Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension, Stum Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tensi Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20426, Tensio Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tensi Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tensi Double Acting (1973) Extended Washer, Double Hexagon, 220 KSI, 450 Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread Part Screw (1 Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Thread Part Screw (19 Grounding Type 1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) / of Plugs and Receptacl / and Receptacles: Spec /and Receptacles: Speci /and Receptacles: Speci /and Receptacles: Speci /and Receptacles: Speci /Lugs and Receptacles: /Lugs and Receptacles: /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /of Plugs and Receptacl /Plugs and Receptacles: /Plugs and Receptacles: /Ptacles: Specific Purp /Ptacles: Specific Purp /Ptacles: Specific Purp /Ptacles: Specific Purp /Ptacles: Specific Purp /Ptacles: Specific Purp Grounding Type (1973) Grounding Type (1973) Hexagon Head Shear Bolt (1974) Light Weight Floating, Sandwich Panel (1972) Nonself Locking, Light Weight Floating, Sandwi Nonself Locking, Sandwich Panel (1972) Pan Head, Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Plate-Corner, Counterbored, Floating, 125 Ks Plate-Two Lug, Floating, 125 KSI Ftu, 450 De Sandwich Panel (1972) Single Acting (1973) Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, Tension, P Steel, Protruding Head, Shear Stump Type (1973 Std. F NSA ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA 1080 C73.43 1291 662 679 1731 1732 C73.31 C73.108 C 73. 109 C 73. 104 C 73. 105 C73.106 C73.107 C 73.96 C73.100 C73.101 C73.102 C73.103 C73.98 C73.99 C73.97 C73.29 C73.30 C73.32 1413 1675 1672 1673 1669 1670 1674 7014 6984 6965 6946 6974 7004 6955 1352 1351 1525 1555 1535 6915 1516 1546 1353-66 1758 1191 1189 C73.82 C73.85 C73.86 C73.87 C73.88 C73.89 C73.83 C73.84 C73.72 C73.73 C73.74 C73.75 C73.76 C73.79 C73.80 C73.81 C73.77 C73.78 C73.90 C73.91 C73.92 C73.93 C73.94 C73.95 1223 1835 1835 1833 1190 1766 1765 1833 1333-46 1465 1424 230 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1973) ar. Pull Type (1973) 26), Tension, Pull Type (1973) 4). Tension, Pull Type (1973) Pull Type (1973) (1973) Type (1973) Type (1973) n. Pull Type (1973) pull Type (1973) s) (1973) 1973) Kick/ Std. for Pin, Swage Sid. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Low Height 80 K.S.I., Self Std. for Self Std. Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Tension Requirements for Prevailing Torque Type Steel Hex Std. for Safety Std. for Key Std. for Auxiliary Spec, for Subsurface Safety Valves, Basic Builders' Hardware: Hands of Doors; Hinges; Std. Spec, for Copper Rods for Std. Spec, for Structural Steel for Std. Spec, for Wrought Carbon Steel Wheels for Full Length Thermal Process (1973) Std. for glued Laminated Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and ter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, Implement, and or Motorcycles, Passenger Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and 4) Std. for Mining and nd Rims for Off the Road Vehicles: Earthmoving, Mining and 3) ANSI Y32.14 Std. for Graphic Symbols for Rec. Pract. for Std. Calibration and Format for Nuclear acids (Cereal / Meth. for Preparation of Methyl Esters of A286 Cres, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, or Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, ow Alloy Steel Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Std. Spec, for Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Std. Specs, and Load Tables for td. Spec, and Load Tables for Open Web, Longspan, and Deep Std. Spec, and Load Tables for Open Web, f Test for Breaking Tenacity of Man Made Textile Fibers in Std. for Computer Type (Square Std. Spec, for Perlite Std. Spec, for Cellulosic Fiber (Wood Base) Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber m) Diameter), Citrus Style (1974) Rec. Industry Std. for 02 (52 Mm) Diameter) (1973) Rec. Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Undersized tomatic Pilot, Depth Determination Device and Fish Finder, Std. Meth. of Test for Weight ct of Thermal Environment on Production, Heat and Moisture Test Meth. for Multiple Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Test Meth. for Single Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile ity) of Solid/ Std. Meth. of Test for Alternating Current er Immersion Test for Resistance to Blistering. Wrinkling, for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Std. Test Meth. for Heating olution (1971) ANSI Z/ Tentative Meth. of Test for Weight nstallations (1973) ply Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Gravel or Slag Surf/ er 050,000 (1973) t (Induction and Dielectric) (1973) essing Equipment (Vessel) (1974) c Problems (1973) Rec. for Pipe Friction Std. Manual for Electric Comfort Conditioning (Heat e 15 kV Through 35/ Std. Ampacities with Effect of Shield Prevention Data on Flood choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of A Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Location on Rec. ) Safety Std. for Door, Drapery, Gate, Specifying Metal steel Sheet and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, High Strength, ty (1972) ANSI G41.6 Std. Spec, for High Strength hreaded (1973) Bolts and Screws, Steel, Spec, for Tolerances of 00 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Hardened / Spec, for readed (1973) Spec, for td. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Std. Spec, for Heavy Walled Carbon and (1974) ANSI G52.5 Std. Spec, for for Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, Tension, Stump Type, ( NSA 1496 Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, She NSA 1446 Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (Ms204 NSA 1475 Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (Ms249 NSA 1456 Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Shear Head, NSA 1436 Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Tension, Pull Type NSA 6935 Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Stump NSA 6925 Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Stump NSA 1486 Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Stump Type (1973) NSA 1414 Locking, 108 KSI Steel, Protruding Head, Shear / Tensio NSA 7034 Locking, 108 KSI Steel, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension Head, NSA 7024 Locking, 450 Deg. F, Hexagon Nut (1973) NSA 1757 Locking, 450 Deg. F, High Quality Nuts (1973) NSA 3350 Locknuts with Pipe Threads (1971) ANSI B16.14 Locknuts (1972) Std. for Torque IFI 101 Locks and Lock Trim (1972) ANSI A156.2 Locks (Burglar Alarm, Door, Deposit and Collection Safe UL 437 Locks (Hardware) (1971) BHMA 501 Locks, and Landing Nipples for Petroleum Industry Use ( API 14A Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and NBHA 8 Locomotive Staybolts (1973) ANSI H7.2 ASTM B12 Locomotives and Cars (1970A) ANSI G39.1 ASTM A 113 Locomotives and Rail Cars (1971) ANSI G39.2 ASTM A504 Lodgepole Pine Wood Poles Preservative Treatment by the AWPA C10 Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch, California Redwood and H ICBO UBCS25-11 Lodgepole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and He ICBO UBCS25-4 Log Skidder (1974) /D Industrial Steering, Drive, Plan TRA 4 Log Skidder, Truck, Bus, Bead Seat, Industrial and Bicy TRA 7 Logging Tires Used in Intermittent Highway Service (197 TRA 2-29 Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Car TRA 3 Logic Diagrams (Two-State Devices) (Electronics) (197 IEEE 91 Logs (Record, Documentation) (1974) API RP33 Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty AACCH 58-17 Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) NSA 4204-16 Long Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) NSA 4304-16 Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) NSA 6604-20 Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /, 100 NSA 4104-16 Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /Td. F NSA 6804-20 Long Threads, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) NSA 6704-20 Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and L ASTM A609 Longspan Steel Joints Deep DLJ and DLH Series (1970) AISC S3 16-1 Longspan Steel Joints LJ and LH Series (1970) AISC S316-2 Longspan Steel Joints (1974) SJI 5 Longspan, and Deep Longspan Steel Joints (1974) SJI 5 Loop or Knot Configurations (1973) Tent. Meth. O ASTM D3217 Loop) Pulse Transformers (1970) IEEE 272 Loose Fill Insulation (1973) ASTM C549 Loose Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C739 Loose Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C764 Loose Metal End Dimensions of Composite Cans (211 (66 M CCT1 E211.1 Loose Metal End Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Citrus Cans 2 CCTI E202.1 Loose Muscovite Mica Splittings (1973) ASTM D3252 Loran or Other Line of Position Device, Radar, Radio De ABYC A21 Loss After Heat Aging of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) ASTM C771 Loss and Feed and Water Requirements of Farm Livestock ASAE D249.2 Loss by Retained Chlorine Bleaching (1971) ANSI L14. 180 AATCC 114 Loss by Retained Chlorine (1971) ANSI L 14. 126 AATCC 92 Loss Characteristics and Dielectric Constant (Permittiv ASTM D150 Loss of Adhesion, or Other Failure of Paint, Varnish, L NCCA TB-III-1 Loss of Building Partitions (1970) Std. Rec. Pract. ASTM E90 Loss of Carbon Black (1972) ASTM D1509 Loss of Sheet Steel During Immersion in Sulfuric Acid S ASTM C694 Loss Prevention Data on Bonds and Guarantees for Roof I FMS 1-47S Loss Prevention Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multi FMS 1-47 Loss Prevention Data on Fundamental Defects in Fires Ov FMS 10-9 Loss Prevention Data on High Frequency Heating Equipmen FMS 6-3 Loss Prevention Data on Sight Glasses for Chemical Proc FMS 7-3 Loss Tables for Solving Fire Protection System Hydrauli FMS 2-89 Loss, Gain, Energy Consumption) (1974) NEMA HE1 Losses for Single Conductor Solid Dielectric Power Cabl IPCEA P-53-426 Losses (1973) FMS 10-10 Lot or Process (1972) ANSI Zl.ll /Td. Rec. Pract. for ASTM E122 Lot (1973) Dwelling ICBO UBC*8-2 Louver Details for Std. Steel Doors (1972) STDI 111-C Louver, and Window Electric Operators and Systems (1973 UL 325 Louvers, Stationary (1967) CSI 15851 Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium (1970) ANSI G24.32 ASTM A607 Low Alloy Columbium Vanadium Steels of Structural Quali ASTM A572 Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Hardened and Tempered, Roll T SAE AMS7455D Low Alloy Steel Bars (1973) SAE AMS2251E Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, Heat Resistant. 195,0 SAE AMS7459B Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, Heat Treated, Roll Th SAE AMS7452K Low Alloy Steel by the Point to Plane Technique Using a ASTM E403 Low Alloy Steel Castings for Steam Turbines (1974) ASTM A356 Low Alloy Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service ASTM A487 Low Alloy Steel Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Std. Spec. ASTM A609 Engineering and Product Standards Division 231 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 35Mo (0.38-0.46C) (SAE 4340 Modified) (1973) 0.25-0.35C) (1973) nsi W3.5 Spec, for td. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and ine Environments (1974) Std. Spec, for High Strength empered, Roll Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) / Spec, for 3) Spec, for Z/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Carbon and Rec. Pract. for High Strength, stock/ Spec, for Quality Assurance Sampling of Carbon and nsi G41.4 Std. Spec, for High Strength Std. Spec, for High Strength Std. Spec, for Normalized High Strength td. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength ught Irons (/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Carbon, 0-0. 50C) VI Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Std Std Std Std Std Std. Spec, foi Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Pract Std. Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Std. Pract Std. Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Pract Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std steel Plates for Machine Parts and Genera/ es of Structural Quality (1970) ANSI G24./ es for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.2 ssembly and Equipment (1972) ir Intake and Exhaust Systems (1972) ooling Water Systems (1972) rection and Installation (1972) uel Oil Characteristics (1972) actory and Field Testing (1972) aseous Fuel Characteristics and General / auge Borads, Protective Devices, and Ins/ enerators and Electrical Equipment (1972/ ubricating Oil Systems (1972) ubricating Oil Characteristics and Gener/ peration and Maintenance (1972) ower Plant Fuel Oil and Gas Systems (197/ ower Plant Buildings (1972) peed Governing and Parallel Operation (1/ tarting Systems (1972) ibration (1972) aste Heat Recovery Systems (1972) Std. Pract. (1972) Std. Practices for Std. Pract. for Selection of Engine-Generator Units for preparation of Invitations for Bids and Detailed Spec, for Std. for Auxiliary Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ives (1973) Std. Spec, for refinery Service (1972) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Seamless t, and Strip (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ansi B125.38 Std. Spec, for Electric Welded g (1972) Std. for Seamless g (1972) Std. for Welded and Cold Drawn flaring, and Beading (1/ Std. for Welded Flash Controlled Std. for Welded Std. for Brazed Double Wall Rec. Pract. for Resistance Welding Coated nd Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr Std. Spec, for Steel Tubes, ference Meter (1972T) Meth. for Measurement of Color of Std. Meth. for Determination of ulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for High Voltage, Pract. for the Determination of the Thermal Resistance of Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate. Std. for Guide-Fastener, ANSI C83.63C Std. Test Proc. for 1) ANSI C83.63B Std. Test Procedures for Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Std. for Nut (1973) Std. for 2) Std. for stness of Textile Fabrics to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under Rec. Pract. for Measurement of 973) Std. Meth. of Test for zl 1.31 1 Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrocarbon Types in h. for Isolation of Representative Saturates Fraction from ower) (1971) Std. for . of Test for Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Std. Rec. Pract. for Safe Filling of Std. for Gas Fired Std. Meth. of Measuring the Spiral Flow of Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, Stationary. Specifying Duct, Sheet Metal, Std. Meth. of Test for ke Materials by a Tempera/ Std. Test Meth. for Evaluating after Artificial Weathering (1972/ Std. Meth. of Test for (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for eric. Solvent Release Type Sealan/ Std. Meth. of Test for xible Polymeric Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Low Alloy Steel Castings, Investment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0 Low Alloy Steel Castings, Investment, 0.95Cr-0.20Mo ( Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) a Low Alloy Steel for Boron by the Point to Plane Arc Tec Low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in Mar Low Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Resistant, Normalized and T Low Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (197 Low Alloy Steel Using a Vacuum Spectrometer (1971) ANSI Low Alloy Steel (1970) ANSI G88.3 Low Alloy Steels (Wrought Products Except Forgings and Low Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium St'eel (1970A) a Low Alloy Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.2 Low Alloy Structural Steel (1973) Low Alloy Structural Tubing (1973) Low Alloy, and Silicon Electrical Steels, Ingot and Wro Low Alloy, Heat Resistant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.4 Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon-Silicon Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plat Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plat Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine a Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine a Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine C Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine E Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine F Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine F Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine G Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine G Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine G Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine L Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine L Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine O Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine P Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine P Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine S Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine S Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine V Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine W Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines Low Beam Lamp (Headlamp-Light) (1973) Low Blank Meth. of Analysis of Methoxychlor Residues in Low Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Oil Borne Preservat Low Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Plate, Stiee Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Rod (1972) Low Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical Industry (1971) Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flarin Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flarin Low Carbon Steel Tubing Normalized for Bending, Double Low Carbon Steel Tubing (1972) Low Carbon Steel Tubing (1972) Low Carbon Steels (1970) Low Carbon (SAE 51416F). Free Machining (1973) /Bars a Low Carbon, Tapered for Structural Use (1973) Low Colored Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Color Dif Low Concentration of Lead in Paint (1973) Low Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid Electrical Ins Low Density Mineral Fiber Blanket Type Building Insulat Low Expansion, Glass Sealing, 53Fe-29Ni-17Co (1973) Low Form, Cowl, Tzus Type (1973) Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electric Connectors (1974) Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electrical Connectors (197 Low Head Pressure Pipe (1973) Low Height Hexagon Self Locking Nut (1974) Low Height 80 K.S.I., Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, Hexagon Low Height, Light Weight, Self Locking Hexagon Nut (197 Low Humidities (1972) ANSI L14.174 / Meth. for Colorfa Low Level Activity in Water (1972T) Low Levels of Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectrometry (1 Low Olefinic Gasoline by Mass Spectrometry (1971) ANSI Low Olefinic Petroleum Naphthas (1973) ANSI Zl 1.165 /T Low Power Wide Band Transformers (Less Than 100 Watts P Low Power (1972) ANSI Z 14.286 Std. Meth Low Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.69 / Spec. Low Pressure Pressurized Products (1972) Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (1972) Low Pressure Thermosetting Molding Compounds (1972) Low Pressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973) Low Pressure, Air Transmission (1967) Low Quantities of Mercury in Paint (1973) Low Temperature Characteristics of Rubber and Rubber Li Low Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealing Compounds Low Temperature Flexibility of Preformed Sealing Tapes Low Temperature Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part, Elastom Low Temperature Impact Test for Fabrics Coated with Fie SAE AMS5330A SAE AMS5336B AWS A5.5 ASTM E404 ASTM A690 SAE AMS7458C SAE AMS7456G ASTM E415 SAE J410C SAE AMS2370A ASTM A441 ASTM A242 ASTM A633 ASTM A618 ASTM E350 SAE AMS6305 ASTM A284 ASTM A283 ASTM A285 DEMA *l-5 DEMA *l-8 DEMA ♦1-10 DEMA •1-21 DEMA • 1-14 DEMA •1-22 DEMA •1-15 DEMA *1-17 DEMA •1-18 DEMA *1-11 DEMA *1-12 DEMA •1-23 DEMA *1-13 DEMA *l-20 DEMA •1-6 DEMA • 1-9 DEMA •1-7 DEMA •1-16 DEMA *1 DEMA *1-19 DEMA •1-24 SAE J582A AACCH 60-40 ASTM D3225 ASTM A161 ASTM B575 ASTM B574 ASTM A587 SAE J524B SAE J525B SAE J356A SAE J526B SAE J527B AWS C1.3 SAE AMS5610H ASTM A595 ASTM E450 ASTM D2088 ASTM D495 ASTM C653 SAE AMS7728C NSA 67 EIA RS364-3 EIA RS364-2 ASTM C361 NSA 679 NSA 1757 NSA 1291 AATCC 109 ASTM D3085 ASTM D3229 ASTM D2789 ASTM D2002 IEEE 111 ASTM D2594 ASTM D1818 ASTM D3091 ANSI Z21.13 ASTM D3123 UL 409 CSI 15836 ASTM D2206 ASTM D1329 ASTM C734 ASTM C765 ASTM C711 ASTM D2137 232 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards re Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (/ Std. Spec, for ickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for . for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Is for Pressure Vessels. Valves, Flanges, and Fittings for for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Steel Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for terials by Means of a Torsional / Std. Meth. of Measuring std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Motor Oils at Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Gear Oils at s (1973) Std. for Test Procedures for used in Enclosures (1973) ANSI C37.13 Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. Guide for Meth. of Power Factor Measurement for Application Recommendations, and Related Requirements for Std. for Residential Controls for rs for Boilers (197/ Fire Hazards and Protection Rec. for atforms and Stage Lifts (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic) for Std. Meth. for Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gases Tent. Spec, for Volatile Petroleum Solvent s, and Conta/ Rec. Pract. for Symbols and Color Codes for Is in Concrete Pavements (1972) Std. Spec, for om Woolen Yarns / Test Meth. for Scourability of Spinning of Test for Measuring the Wear Life and Bonded Solid Film ent of Friction and Wear Characteristics of Dry Solid Film Std. Meth. for Measurement of Volatilization Rates of ) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Explosive Reactivity of h. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Fluid Differential and Manual Transmission td. Meth. of Test for Load Carrying Capacity of Fluid Gear d. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of d. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of i Z11.207 Std. Meth. of Test for Dropping Point of Std. Meth. for Measurement of Flow Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Water Washout Characteristics of Std. Meth. of Test for Rust Preventive Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Pract. for Flushing and Cleaning of Gas Turbine Generator for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. Meth. of Test for Total Nitrogen in Std. Meth. of Test for Foaming Characteristics of meth. of Test for Detecting Glycol Base Antifreeze in Used Marine Ser/ Rec. Pract. for the Flushing and Cleaning of ec. Pract for the Flushing and Cleaning of Oil Systems for 2) Rec. Pract. for the Design of Oil Systems for 1) Rec. Pract. for the Purification of Oil Systems for ry (1971) Rec. Pract. for Std. Spec, for 60) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable Head, 4) Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side 4) Std. for 5 Gal. Nesting -37A60, Ufc-Rule/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side -37Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, / Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Nesting 1/ Std. for Nut, Self Aligning, Self Locking, Plate-Two 971) Std. Spec, for Electric Wire Rope Hoists National Design Spec, for Stress Grade Construction Met/ the All Weather Wood (Pressure Treated n Woods Use Book: Abbreviations, Symbols, and Terminology Plywood Std. Spec, for Pressure Preservative Treatment of Quality Stds. for Std. Spec, for Adhesives Used in Nonstructural Glued g Towers (1971) g Towers (1971) g Towers (1971) erties and Design Loads, Timber./ Std. for Redwood Std. for Douglas Fir Std. for Southern Pine Western Woods Use Book: Uniform Fire Code: Rec. Fire Protection for Sawmills and for the Measurement and Inspection of Hardwood and Cypress Std. Grading Rules for Western Uniform Building Code Std. for Southern Pine Uniform Building Code Std. for California Redwood uilding Code Std. for Tests for Structural Glued Laminated lock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine and White Cedar Pine, Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamarack ation, Definition, and Meth. of Grading for All Species of r Evaluating Allowable Properties for Grades of Structural Span Tables and Working Stresses for Joists and Rafters White Pines, Spruee-Pine-Fir, Western Cedars (North) cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pine Fir; and Mountain Hemlock t Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; and Sitka Spruce Uniform Building Code Std. for Softwood Plywood Uniform Building Code: Wood Members and Their Fastenings framing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress of Board, Timber, Low Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressu Low Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G38.13 /Oiled 9% N Low Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.18 /Td. Spec Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B125.17 Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G38.3 /Ing Materia Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G46.2 Std. Spec. Low Temperature Service (1974) ANSI G38.9 /or Ferritic Low Temperature Stiffening of Rubber and Rubber Like Ma Low Temperature Using the Cold Spanking Simulator (1972 Low Temperatures Using the Brookfield Viscometer (1972) Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosure Low Voltage Alternating Current Power Circuit Breakers Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses (1972) Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses, 600 Volts or Less (1972) Low Voltage Inductive Test Currents (1972) ANSI C37.26 Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit Low Voltage, Wall Mounted Room Thermostats (1972) Low Water Fuel Cutoffs and Automatic Feedwater Regulato Lowering Personnel and Material (1972) /E Spec, for PI (LPG) by Process Gas Chromatography (1973) (LPG) for Preparing Pentachlorophenol Solutions (1968) Lubricant and Fluid Requirement Maintenance Instruction Lubricant for Installation of Preformed Compression Sea Lubricant (To Test the Removability of Spinning Oils Fr Lubricants in Oscillating Motion (1971) ANSI Zl 1.300 Lubricants in Vacuum and Other Controlled Atmospheres ( Lubricants in Vacuum (1971) ANSI Z11.302 Lubricants with Aerospace Alloys Under High Shear (1972 Lubricants (Falex Meth.) (1973) Std. Met Lubricants (Information Report) (1969) Lubricants (1973) ANSI Z11.161 Lubricating Fluids (Four Ball Meth.) (1971) ANSI Z11.30 Lubricating Fluids (Timken Meth.) (1972) ANSI F11.308 Lubricating Grease of Wide Temperature Range (1972) Ans Lubricating Greases at High Temperatures (1973) Lubricating Greases (1973) ANSI Z11.124 Lubricating Greases (1973) ANSI Z11.152 Lubricating Greases (1973) ANSI Z11.72 Lubricating Oil Characteristics and General Spec. (1972 Lubricating Oil Systems (1971) Rec. Lubricating Oil Systems (1972) Std. Pract. Lubricating Oils by Modified Kjeldahl Meth. (1973) Lubricating Oils (1972) ANSI Z11.78 Lubricating Oils (1973) Std. Lubricating Systems of Various Turbine Driven Pumps for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Equipment (197 Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Equipment (197 Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Equipment (197 Lubrication Chart-Construction and Industrial Machine Lubrication of Industrial Enclosed Gear Drives (1972) Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 2 Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (197 Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (197 Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot Lug. Floating. 125 KSI Ftu, 450 Deg. F and 800 Deg. F ( (Lug, Hook, Trolley Suspended, and Base Mounted Types (1 Lumber and Its Fastenings (1971) Lumber and Plywood) Foundation System: House Design and (Lumber and Timber) (1973) Wester Lumber Beams Fabrication Spec. (1971) Lumber for Industrial Water Cooling Towers (1971) Lumber Grades (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Lumber Products (1972) Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Coolin Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Coolin Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Coolin Lumber Std., Grading Rules, Design Values, Section Prop Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants (1973) Lumber Yards (1973) Lumber (1971-75) Rules Lumber (1972) Lumber (1973) Lumber (1973) Lumber (1973) Uniform B Lumber (1973) /for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Hem Lumber (1973) /Ing Code Std. for Eastern White and Red Lumber (1973) /Niform Building Code Std. for Classific Lumber (1974) Std. Meth. Fo (Lumber) (1972) Use Ps20 (Lumber) (1973) /M-Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western (Lumber) (1973) /Pole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Western (Lumber) (1973) /R Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Coas Lumber, Construction and Industrial (1973) (Lumber, Plywood and Components, Timber, Preservative TR Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decking, Flooring, Ceiling, an ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI IEEE NEMA ANSI IEEE ANSI NEMA FMS CSI ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM DEMA ASME DEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASME ASME ASME ASME SAE AGMA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NSA HMI NFORP NFORP WWPA APA CTI AWI ASTM CTI CTI CTI WWPA ICBO FMS NHLA WWPA ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ASTM NFORP ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO WWPA D3005 A522 A334 A333 A320 A420 A352 D1053 D2602 D2983 C37.50 20 FU 1 C97.1 330 C37.16 DC 3 12-37 14430 D2888 D2605 J223 D2835 77 D2981 D2716 D2715 D3115 D3233 J308A D1947 D2783 D2782 D2265 D3232 D1264 D1743 D1092 *1-12 LOS-4C1 * 1-1 1 D3228 D892 D2982 LOS-2C1 LOS-5C1 LOS-5D1 LOS-5P1 J753A 250.03 MH2.8 MH2.16 MH2.17 MH2.10 MH2.15 1765 100 *4 RP7 ♦31-6 BB-8 112 ♦1-100 D3110 103 114 115 •31 UFC*2ART21 7-25 »1 *23 UBCS25-6 UBCS25 UBCS25 UBCS25 UBCS25 UBCS25 D2915 ♦2 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-4 UBCS25-3 UBCS25-9 UBC»3-25 •24 Engineering and Product Standards Division 233 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards reatment by Pressure Proc/ Uniform Building Code Std. for ment by Pressure Processes (1973) Std. for ma SH3 Std. for Voltage Classification of ei TDJ-133 Std. for Voltage Classification of Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and Porosity of Meth. of Analysis of Added for Crushed Stone, Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Meth. of Analysis of Cooking Characteristics of Meth. of Analysis of Pigments in Flour, Semolina, Disk Meth. of Analysis of Color of Spectrophotometric Meth. of Analysis of Color of Meth. of Analysis of Egg Solids in Meth. of Analysis of Unsaponifiable Matter in Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Meth. of Analysis of Soy Flour in Disk Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Micro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Meth. of Analysis of Cooking Characteristics of Spec, for Composite Filament Tape Laying vertical (1973) Std. for Milling Std. Spec, for Std. for Milling Std. for ction, and Operation of Class Hi (High Impact) Shock Test. Std. for Automated s (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Test Meth. for Density of Wood Chips (Sheet Std. Spec, for Noncarbonized, Single Ply, Adding mediate Tensile Strength Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Std. Slotted and Recessed Head Machine Screws and std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread. Torq Set Std. for Flathead 100 Deg. Plain and Self Locking raft. Pan Head, Phillips Recess Full Threaded, Alloy Steel ad, Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 psi Alloy Steel ng Recess, A286 Cres, Self-Locking and Nonlocki/ Std. for ng Recess, Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking/ Std. for wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self-Locking and Nonl/ Std. for et (1973) Std. for Std. for Std. Slotted and Recessed Head ries (1/ Std. for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Std. for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Steel or Water or Solvent Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Die Casting r SAE No. 2 (Automotive Transmission) Clutch Friction Test Suggested Noise Measurement Techniques for the Std. for Symbols for initions of Common Words Related to Numerically Controlled Spec, for Metal Cutting Safety Std. for All Thermoplastic Type MTW 600 Volt ydraulic Std. for Industrial Equipment and General Purpose Electrical Std. for Metalworking d Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) essure Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted Probe Std. for Tool and Cutter Grinding Std. for Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Milling or Numerically Controlled Profiling and Contouring Milling rically Controlled Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Milling single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Traverse Tensile Test. ec. for Fire Safety and Protection of Yankee Driers (Paper Std. for Screw, Std. for Screw, Std. for Bolt - Std. for Electrical Harness Assembling Std. for Screw, Std. for Screw, Std. Spec, for Rec. Pract. for Electrical Installations on Packaging or Symbols for Operator Controls on Agricultural Tractors, Industrial Cost Trends for Buildings, Agricultural he Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Std. for Meth. of Measuring, Recording and Specifying stallation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary act. for Storage Batteries for Construction and Industrial Std. Safety Requirements for Woodworking pract. for Lubrication Chart-Construction and Industrial Rec. for Safety for Farmstead Equipment and act. for Electrical System for Construction and Industrial . for Sealed Lighting Unit for Construction and Industrial Std. for Headed Drilled Pins for Farm Equipment and edure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating Electric ion, Care, and Use of Packaging and Its Related Converting Std. for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheel Tires (Farm Lumber, Timber, Plywood and Utility Pole Preservative T Lumber, Timbers, Bridge and Mine Tie Preservative Treat Luminaires Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) Ne Luminaires Used in Street and Highway Lighting (1973) E Lump Coke (1973) Lysine in Wheat and Bulgur (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) Macadam Base Courses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec. Macaroni- Borasio System (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 73) 3) (1973) (1973) Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Maca Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach Mach oni and Wheat (1962) oni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ' oni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) oni (1962) ne- Numerically Controlled (1973) ne-Tracer Controlled Profiling and Contouring- ne and Sprocket Coil Chain (1972) ANSI G61.5 ne Arbor Assemblies (1972) ne Bolt, Crowned Hexagon Head, Adjusting (1973) ne for Lightweight Equipment (1972) /Ign, Constru ne Lay Up Composite Filament Tape Reel (1972) ne Made and High Alumina Fireclay Refractory Brick ne Mold) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) ne Paper Rolls (1973) ne Parts and General Construction (1970) ANSI G24. ne Screw Nuts (1972) ne Screw (1972) ne Screw (1974) ne Screw (1974) Std. for Aire ne Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Pan He ne Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wi ne Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wi ne Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri ne Screw, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Short Thread, Torq S ne Screw, Pan Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) ne Screws and Machine Screw Nuts (1972) ne Screws for Use in Automotive and Related Indust ne Screws (1971) ANSI G54.14 ne Screws (1973) ne Sealing of Top Flaps of Fiberboard Shipping Cas ne Stds. (1972) ne Test Procedure (1972) Rec. Pract. Fo ne Tool Builders' Industry (1970) ne Tool Indicator Plates or Control Buttons (1972) ne Tool Software (1972) Def ne Tool Weldments (1971) ne Tool Wires and Cables (1972) ne Tools (1973) ne Tools (1973) ANSI C113.1 ne Washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour an ne (1971) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. of Test for Pr ne(1973) ne(1974) ne (1974) Std. F ne(1974) Std. for Nume ne) (1971) /Ngth of Woven Fabrics by the Tongue ( ne) (1973) ne. Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (19 ne, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (197 ne. Hexagon Head, Nonmagnetic, and Heat Resistant ne. Numerically Controlled (1973) ne, Pan Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) ne, 100 Deg., Flat Head Full Threaded, Alloy Steel ned Flat and Square Tool Steel Bars (1973) nery and Associated Equipment (1972) nery and Equipment (1971) ANSI B114.2, SAE J389 nery and Equipment (1974) nery Data and Management Practices (1971) nery Employing Form Wound Stator Coils (1972) ANSI nery Sound Within Equipment Rooms (Noise) (1973) nery (Boats) (1973) /Pract. and Stds. for Safe in nery (1970) Rec. Pr nery (1971) nery (1971) Rec. nery (1972) nery (1972) Rec. Pr nery (1972) Std. for Dimensional Spec nery (1973) nery (1973) Std. for Test Proc nery (1973) /Afety Requirements for the Construct nery) (1971) ICBO AWPA EEI NEMA ASTM AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH NSA NSA ASTM ANSI NSA ANSI NSA ICBO TAPPI ANSI ASTM ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI SAE ASTM IFI ASTM SDCE SAE NMTBA ANSI NMTBA AWS UL JIC NFPA AACCH ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM FMS NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM IEEE ASAE FMS ASAE IEEE ARI ABYC SAE ANSI SAE ASAE SAE SAE ASAE IEEE ANSI ASAE UBCS25-12 C2 TDJ-133 SH3 D167 46-40 D694 16-51 14-50 14-20 14-21 20-10 30-40 62-40 06-11 66-40 66-41 66-42 16-50 990 914 A467 B5.47 428 S2.15 992 UBCS37-1 UM-9 X4.8 A284 B18.6.3 1131-38 662 600 623 5400-06 5500-06 5300-06 1620-28 1630-34 B18.6.3 J82 A545 103 D1874 *1 J286 *1 B5.46 *2 D14.2 1063 HI 79 38-11 D2979 973 910 913 954 D2262 12-29 1101 1102 1003 974 1100 514 A685 333 S304.4 9-3 D230.2 429 575 PI J930A 01.1 J753A R354 J821A J572A S226.2 85 B155.1 S223 234 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Agricultural Planter Press Wheel Tires (Farm Rim Contours for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheels (Farm gn and Location for Construction and Industrial Equipment ed Safety Signs for Construction and Industrial Equipment fication System for Industrial and Construction Equipment m Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (Construction and Industrial row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool Mountings (Farm Safety Std. for Vacuum Cleaning tires (1972) Rec. Pract. for Test. Tire Selection Tables for Agricultural (Farm) Std. for Safety for Commercial Dry Cleaning curing and Contouring-Positioning Numerically Controlled over. Rug Shampooer,/ Std. for Safety for Floor Finishing d. for Pot, Pan, and Utensil Commercial Spray Type Washing . for Liquid Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Std. for Spindle Noses and Tool Shanks for Milling Std. for Milling Std. Liquid Ballast Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural ria and Definitions for Excitation Systems for Synchronous r Free Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Std. Meth. of Verification of Test. Safety Std. for Transformer Type Arc Welding Std. Meths. for Specifying the Performance of Shock Std. for Operating Supply Voltage and Frequency of Office Std. Test Code for Direct Current rements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Die Casting Std. for Numerically Controlled Drilling Std. for Safety for Refrigerated Vending Std. for Safety for Vending and Amusement Numerically Controlled Horizontal and Vertical Jig Boring ibration Instruments for Verifying Time Load Indication of roperties of Eiastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Extension ) ANSI G81.42 Std. Spec, for Free Std. Meth. of Conducting erate Heat Resistant, 12.5Cr Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free caroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Rec. Pract. for reals, and Alimentary Pastes for De/ Meth. of Analysis of orn, Dried Peas and Beans for Roden/ Meth. of Analysis of for Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Std. Proofing Supplement Stock for Gravure me Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Ganister Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rapid Std. Spec, for Wires (1970) ANSI H45.6 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for .2 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Tension Test. Wrought and Cast Aluminum and Std. Spec, for (Ze63-T6) Solution and Precipitation Treated (/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for ANSI W3. 19 Spec, for , and Die Castings (1966) ANSI H45.8 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Std. for Std. Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and or Performing Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests in a Boiling y (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Calcium and 5.5 Std. Spec, for t of the Specific Electrical Impedance of Electrical Grade Std. Meth. of Analysis of st for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Std. for Uniform Fire Code: lectrical Insulating Varnishes Applied Over Film Insulated Std. Meth. for Test. Film Insulated g Rope Supported Booms, Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell, 2) Std. Test Procedure for Toroidal plicable to Electromagnet Iron (EMI) Cold Rolled Strip for Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled Electrical Steels for for Magnetic Shield Efficiency in Attenuating Alternating Std. for Print Spec, for ansi G60.6 Std. Meth. of r Premium Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness Requirements Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to eddy Current Test, of Steel Tubular Products (Tubing) with agnetic Fields (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for i S4.6 Std. Meth. of Measuring Recorded Flux of Std. for wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, or Audio Recording An/ Std. for Dimensional Std. Coplanar ) (1973) ' Std. for Recorded i) (1973) Std. for Recorded i) (1973) Std. for Recorded Std. for /Ec. Pract. for Instrument Face Desi /H Permanently and Temporarily Affix /Pract. for Electrical Wiring Identi /Uck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Cla St Pract Std. for Safety Requi Std. for Std. Meth. of Cal of Test for Elastic P Machinery) (1971) Machinery) (1971) (Machinery) (1971) (Machinery) (1971) (Machinery) (1971) Machinery) (1972) /Uck Capacity tor Shovel LMpper, Machinery) (1973) Std. for Chisel Plow, Field and Machines and Blower Cleaners (1973) ANSI C33.36.1 Machines for Measuring the Uniformity of Passenger Car Machines of Future Design (1972) SAE J711 Machines (Class Iv) (1974) Machines (Information Processing) (1974) /Mat for Cont Machines (Polisher, Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Rem Machines (1970) Machines (1971) Rec Machines (1972) Machines (1972) Machines (1972) Machines (1972) Std. Crite Machines (1972) Std. Spec. Fo Machines (1972) AASHO T67, ANSI Z115.1 Machines (1972) ANSI C33.2 Machines (1973) Machines (1973) Machines (1973) Machines (1973) Machines (1974) Machines (1974) Machines (1974) Machines (1974) Machines (1974) ANSI Zl 15.2 Machines) (1972) ANSI L14.288 ^ /. Machining Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Wire (1971 Machining Tests of Wood and Wood Base Materials (1970) Machining (1973) /Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Mod Macro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Ma Macroetch Test, of Tool Steel Bars (1971) ANSI G60.9 Macroscopic Examination of Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Ce Macroscopic Examination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Pope Maeser Water Penetration Tester (1970) ALCA E56 / Test Magazines (Printing) (1973) Magnesite, Mullite) (1970) ANSI A111.36 /Calcine, Chro (Magnesium Acetate) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Flour ( Magnesium Alloy Die Castings (1972) Magnesium Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and Magnesium Alloy Forgings (1972) Magnesium AUby Investment Castings (1972) Magnesium Alloy Permanent Mold Castings (1972) ANSI H45 Magnesium Alloy Products (1973) ANSI H46.1 Magnesium Alloy Sand Castings (1972) ANSI H45.1 Magnesium Alloy Sand Castings (5.75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr Magnesium Alloy Sheet and Plate (1970) ANSI H45.3 Magnesium Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent Mold Magnesium Base Alloy Extrusions (1973) Magnesium Base Alloy Sheet and Plate (1973) Magnesium Casting Alloys (1971) Magnesium Castings, Series II (1974) ANSI Z166.8 Magnesium Chloride Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. F Magnesium in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscop Magnesium Ingot and Stick for Remelting (1971 A) ANSI H4 Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Type Electric Heati Magnesium Silicate Pigment (1973) Magnesium Sulfate (1973) AASHO T104, ANSI A37.23 /F Te Magnesium Wrought Alloys (1971) Magnesium (1973) Magnet Wire (1973) /Thermal Aging Characteristics of E Magnet Wire (1974) Magnet, Grapple, or Concrete Bucket Attr •hments (1971) Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet (Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet Magnet c Amplifier Cores (Including Material Data) (197 c Application in Relays and Solenoids (1972) /P c Applications (1974) c Fields (1974) Std. Meth. of Test c Ink Character Recognition (1970) c Particle Examination of Steel Forgings (1971) c Particle Inspection Procedure) (1973) /Ec. Fo c Particle Inspection (1974) ANSI Z166.15 c Saturation (1971) ANSI Z166.27 /. Pract. for c Shield Efficiency in Attenuating Alternating M c Sound Records at Medium Wavelengths (1972) Ans c Stripe Encoding (Code) for Credit Cards (1973) c Tape and Punched Paper Tape (1972) / Printed c Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact Cassette) F c Tape for Information Interchange (1600 cpi, PE c Tape for Information Interchange (200 cpi, Nrz c Tape for Information Interchange (800 cpi, Nrz ASAE ASAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASAE UL SAE ASAE UL EIA UL NSF SAE ANSI ANSI ASAE IEEE ASTM ASTM UL ANSI ANSI IEEE ANSI NSA UL UL NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM GT ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM AWS ASTM SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ICBO ASTM ASTM SAE IEEE NARM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ANSI IPC EIA ANSI ANSI ANSI S224.1 S222 J209 Jl 15 J210 J67 S225.1 1017 J332A R220.3 664 RS274-B 561 26 J884B B5.18 B5.45 S346 421 B16 E4 551 S2.14 X4.ll 113 B152.1 960 541 751 963 E74 D2731 A581 D1666 AMS5610H 66-41 A561 28-30 28-10 D2099 '5 C316 08-02 B94 B107 B91 B403 B199 B557 B80 AMS4425 B90 A5.19 B93 AMS2205L AMS2202K J465B E155 G36 E508 B92 D3215 D717 C88 J466B UFC»2ART22 D3251 D1676 J220 106 121 A345 A698 X3.2 A275 AMS2300B E269 E309 A698 347 X4.16 D-350 RS399 X3.39 X3.14 X3.22 Engineering and Product Standards Division 235 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards and 800 cpi, NRZI, and 1600 cpi, P/ Std. for Unrecorded eproducers for Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadruplex Video f Video, Audio and Tracking Control Records on 2 In. Video rec. Test Meth. for Flutter Measurement of Instrumentation est Meth. for Timing Error Measurements of Instrumentation io Level and Multifrequency Test Tape for Quadruplex Video and Deemphasis Characteristics for 2 In. Quadruplex Video t. for Video Alignment Signal Spec, for a Quadruplet Video Rec. Pract. for the Label for 2 In. Quadruplex Video pec. of Tracking Control Record for 2 In. Quadruplex Video . Pract. for Dimensions of Patch Splices in Two Inch Video Std. Meth. for Test. si C9.100 Std. for th. for Chemical Analysis of High Temperature, Electrical, (1974) Fire Hazards and Protection for (1973) ANSI B5/ Std. for Type Designations, Areas of Use, gular Bicycles Including Selection, Purchase, Preparation, ystems for Fire Alarm Service (19/ Std. for Installation, iing Systems for Guard, Fire Alar/ Std. for Installation, ms for Watchman, Fire Alarm, and / Std. for Installation, g Systems for Watchman, Fire Alar/ Std. for Installation, ing Systems (1972) ANSI SE3.5 Std. for Installation. std. for National Aerospace Std. Documents Preparation and cess Flow Valves (1972) ymbols and Color Codes for Lubricant and Fluid Requirement c37.61 Std. Guide for the Application, Operation, and systems (197/ Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for (1960) Safety Rules for the Installation and trical Safety Code, Part 1: Rules for the Installation and Uniform Fire Code: ical Code (Requirements for the Installation, Control, and Rec. Pract. Design. Installation, Operation, and from Manufacturer (1969) ANSI C/ Guide for Acceptance and Rec. Pract. for Operation and Rec. for the Inspection and Installation and Testing Procedures and rrier, Road, Hydrant, Driveway Clearance, Installation and rvation) (1972/ Rec. for Design, Layout, Construction and Pipe Systems (Fire Protection) (/ Rec. for Operation and Guide for Operation and ations Lines (Nati/ Safety Rules for the Installation and ection Agai/ Safety Std. for Construction, Operation, and or Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Build/ No Wax n Institutional, Industrial and Commercial Buil/ Std. for gas Indicators Including Their Installation, Operation and edium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Operation and suction Press Rolls and Their Installation, Operation, and National Aerospace Stds. Documents Preparation and Std. for Safety for Household Electric Coffee Std. for Safety for Automatic Ice ar Round Air Conditioning System) (1966) What Rec. Guide for Std. Meth. of Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Reference Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for tory (1969) ANSI A37.81 est Specimen (1973) (1972) zation Mea/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std Expansion Characteristics by Polar/ for Expansion Characteristics by Po/ (PVC) Pipe and Fittings (1973) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Hardeners Used in ession Test Specimens (1974) Std. Meth. of , Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc.) to Determine Added Amounts of ur. Bran, Shorts, etc./ Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Pearlitic 971) Std. 1) Std. for Hopper Cars for Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Meth. of Analysis of Alpha Amylase Activity of Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Meth. for Preparation of Sample: th Meal and Flour of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and 1962) Meth. of Ferricyanide • 1 Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Thiosulfate - xidase Meth. for Measurement of Glucose in Sugar Mixtures Std. Tables of Classification of coated or Lamina/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothing), 100% institutional and Industrial LIse Garments (Clothing), 100% re Cords, Fabrics and Industrial Filament Yarns, Made from th. of Test for Commercial Weight of a Shipment of Yarn or (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Breaking Tenacity of ) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Single Rec. for Uniform Terminology for Rural Waste /R Pract. S Rec for Re Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (9-Track 20 Magnetic Tape Operating at 15 and 7.5 In./S (1973) Magnetic Tape Quadruplex Recorded at 15 and 7.5 In./S ( Magnetic Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83.99 Magnetic Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1974) ANSI C83.94 Magnetic Tape Recorders Operating at 15 In./S (1973) Magnetic Tape Recording (1967) /Ce Carrier Frequencies Magnetic Tape Recording (1969) Rec. Prac Magnetic Tape Recordings (1968) Magnetic Tape Recordings (1970) t R Magnetic Tape (1964) Magnetic Wire Enamels (1973) Magnetic Wire for Use in Electrical Apparatus (1973) an Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Ba Maintenance and Inspection of Mechanical Drive Turbines Maintenance and Operation of Powered Industrial Trucks Maintenance and Rule9 of the Road (1972) / Std Maintenance and Use of Auxiliary Protective Signaling S Maintenance and Use of Central Station Protective Signa Maintenance and Use of Local Protective Signaling Syste Maintenance and Use of Proprietary Protective Signallin Maintenance and Use of Remote Station Protective Signal Maintenance in SI Metric Units (1973) Maintenance Instructions for Chlorine Institute Std. Ex Maintenance Instructions, and Container and Filler Iden Maintenance of Automatic Circuit Reclosers (1973) ANSI Maintenance of Design Voltage in Snowmobile Electrical Maintenance of Electric Supply and Communication Lines Maintenance of Electrical Supply Stations and Equipment Maintenance of Exit Ways (1973) Maintenance of Heating, Ventilating, Cooling, Refrigera Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Groundbeds (1972) Maintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipment as Received Maintenance of Offshore Cranes (1972) Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems (Fire Safety) (1973) Maintenance of Steam and Hot Water Unit Heaters (1970) Maintenance of Steam Safety Valves on Boilers (1972) Maintenance of Systems and Appliances (Extinguishers, a Maintenance of Terrace (Erosion Control and Water Conse Maintenance of the Reliable Model B Accelerator for Dry Maintenance of Turbine Generators (1972) ANSI C50.30 Maintenance of Underground Electric Supply and Communic Maintenance of Vehicle Alarm Systems and Units for Prot Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors F Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Tile Floors I Maintenance (On Boats) (1973) /Lammable (Combustible) Maintenance (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and M Maintenance (1973) Rec. for Maintenance (1974) Makers and Brewing Type Appliances (1972) ANSI C33.11.1 Makers (600 Volts or Less Rating) (1974) Makes a Good Air Conditioning System (Information on Ye Making a Condition Survey of Concrete in Service (1965) Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Labora Making and Using the C-Ring Stress Corrosion Cracking T Making and Using U-Bend Stress Corrosion Test Specimens Making Potentiostatic and Potentiodynamic Anodic Polari Making Reference Glass- Metal Butt Seals and Test, for Making Reference Glass- Metal Sandwich Seal and Test. Making Solvent Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride Making Zinc Die Casting Alloys (1965) ANSI H38.23 Making, Accelerated Curing, and Test, of Concrete Compr Malathion in Range of 0.2-2.0 p. p.m. (Cereal Chemistry) Malathion Residues in Milled Wheat Products (Wheat, Flo Malleable Iron Castings (1971) ANSI G48.2 Malleable Iron Detachable Link Chain and Attachments (1 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (197 Malt and Grain Service (1964) Malt Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Malted Cereals (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Nation of Bo Maltose-Sucrose Conversion Table (Cereal Chemistry) ( Maltose (Diastatic Activity in Flour) Conversion (Cerea (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextrans, and Sta Man Made and Natural Fibers (1971) ANSI L14.192 Man Made Fiber Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Commercial Wash-Whites (Wi Man Made or Blend Fabrics, Drycleanable Only (1973) / Man Made Organic Base Fibers (1972) /Th. of Testing Ti Man Made Staple Fiber (1971) Std. Me Man Made Textile Fibers in Loop or Knot Configurations Man Made Textile Fibers Taken from Yarns and Tows (1972 Management and Disposal (1973) ANSI ANSI ANSI EIA EIA ANSI SMPTE SMPTE SMPTE SMPTE SMPTE ASTM NEMA ASTM FMS NFPA BMA NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA NSA CHI SAE IEEE SAE ANSI ANSI ICBO ICBO NACE IEEE API FMS AMCA FMS ICBO ASAE FMS IEEE ANSI UL RTI RTI ABYC DEMA FMS NSA UL UL NESCA ACI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ANSI BAMI AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE X3.40 C98.3 C98.6 RS405 RS413 C98.8 RP6 RP10 RP26 RP16 RP5 D3288 MW1000 E354 13-9 505 6/7 72B 71 72A 72D 72C 10000 42 J223 321 J277 C2.2 C2.1 UFC*2ART10 UMC*7 RP-05-72 64 2D 2-81 16 LPD12-59 UFC»2ART13 R268.1 2-55 67 C2.3 904 '16 *10 A14 *l-23 12-60 380 1082 563 MAN C 65-67 C192 G38 G30 G5 F140 F144 D2855 B327 C684 60-30 60-30 A220 B29.7 B16.3 »1 22-16 22-01 22-61 44-20 62-50 56-8 IB 22-18 22-17 80-10 D2368 L24.1.10 L24.4.13 L24.4.14 D885 D2494 D3217 D2101 R292.1 236 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Agricultural Machinery Data and statistical Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materials Wells and Water Systems (Treatment, Quality and Std. Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction ct. for Flexibility Determination of Hot Melt Adhesives by Std. for Break Std. for Structural Flush Break Pull nd Tempered, F/ Std. Spec, for Manganese-Molybdenum and 973) Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium • kel Alloy Steel. Quenched and Tempered, F/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Radioactive Std. Spec, for Electrolytic for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.15 Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Manganese Dioxide in 72) ANSI G35.14 Std. Spec, for Carbon td. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated, Carbon d. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium cold Finished Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Std. Spec, for Austenitic els (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Structural Colorimeter or Spectrophotometer Analysis of Acid Soluble c. for Pressure Vessel Plates. Carbon Steel, High Strength for Chemical Analysis of Silicomanganese and Ferrosilicon 1972) Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon 0.1 Std. Spec, for Sewer and Std. Spec, for Precast Reinforced Concrete oncrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Std. Spec, for 1972) Safety Std. for High Pressure Gas easurement of Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Operational Safety (National Board Inspection Code) 1974) Steel Products um Gas (1966) Tentative in, Energy Consumption) (1974) Std. Design, Manufacture, Inspection and Assembly Std. for (1974) Std. for wn Systems and Components for Particulate Contamination by 974) fire. Explosion, and Detonation Protection) (1973) 4) Rec. for A and Terms (1965) 1972) for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Tissues Load Carrying (Members) Structures (Aluminum Construction 69) Differential and uble Helical and Rack) (1971) American Drafting ng) (1973) Shipper-Motor Carrier Dock Planning Principles of Clay Masonry Construction: Student's Gear Materials (Steel Products Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1/ (Steel Products led and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled D/ (Steel Products (Steel Products Laminators Quality Control System (Timber Construction num Formed Sheet Building Sheathing (Aluminum Construction tion of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (inspectors metal Work in Building Construction (Aluminum Construction tective Signaling Systems (1974) Std. for Safety for wl, and Load Brake Designs (1971) Std. Spec, for (1972) ANSI C33.40 Safety Std. for on Systems Whose Maximum Allowable Operat/ Std. for Small (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic. Semi and Automatic, and towers. Safety) (1971) Std. for atory Instruments (1972) Std. for Preparation of ing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress of Bo/ a Product Use Steel Products 1973) Steel Products (0-Rings) (1971) s for Irrigation Wells (1972) Rec. for 2) Minimum Std. for Design, Std. Spec, and Meth. of Test for Heavy Cotton Fabrics for f Flammable and Combustible Liquids A/ Uniform Fire Code: imum Safety and Health Requirements for Paper Bag and Sack Std. Spec, for Aluminum for Use in Iron and Steel h. for Analysis of Sulfuric Acid as Used in Pulp and Paper r Electrolytic Chlorine Processes (Explosion Hazard During tch Gearing (1973) Design, ives and Blasting Agents (1973) ANSI Z/ Std. Code for the ratures/ Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Resistivity of Std. for Rec. Pra St for C Management Practices (1971) Management (1972) Management) (1972) Manager (1973) Mandrel Bend Test Meth. (1972T) Mandrel Closed End Blind Rivets (1973) Mandrel Self Plugging Blind Rivets, Type 2A (1973) Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy Steel, Quenched a Manganese— Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1 Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nic Manganese Bronze Rod, Bar. and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.5 Manganese Dioxide in Manganese Ores (1972T) Manganese in Paint Driers Dy EDTA Meth. (1973) Manganese in Water (1971) ANSI N156 Manganese Metal (1969) ANSI G84.1 Manganese Molybdenum and Its Nickel Alloy Steel Plates Manganese Ores (1972T) Manganese Silicon Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (19 Manganese Silicon (1972A) Manganese Silicon (1972A) ANSI G32.1 Manganese Steel Bars Including Rounds, Squares, Hexagon Manganese Steel Castings (1973) ANSI G52.4 Manganese Vanadium Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vess Manganese Vanadium Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.4 Manganese (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Manganese (1972A)#NSI G35.8 Std. Spe Manganese (1974) * Std. Meth. Manganese, for Moderate and Lower Temperature Service ( Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973) ANSI A10 Manhole Sections (1973) Manholes (1973) ANSI A73.1 Std. Spec Manifold Papers for Permanent Records (1973) Manifolds for Industrial and Commercial Gas Cylinders ( Mannose, Galactose, Dextrans, and Starch (Cereal Chemis Manual for Anhydrous Ammonia (1973) Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (1973) Manual for Carbon Sheet Steel (coils and Cut Lengths) ( Manual for Driver Attended Loading of Liquefied Petrole Manual for Electric Comfort Conditioning (Heat Loss, Ga Manual for Fine Pitch Gearing (1973) Manual Gas Metal Arc (Gma) Welding Equipment (1974) Manual Gas Tungsten Arc (Gta) Fusion Welding Equipment Manual Meth. (1973) /D. Meth. for Sampling Gas Blow Do Manual of Cold Formed Welded Structural Steel Tubing (1 Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions (Incandescence, Manual of Practice: Multiple Contract Construction (197 Manual of Radioactivity Procedures (1961) Manual of Standardization for Masterkeying Nomenclature Manual of Std. Pract. for Welded Wire Building Fabric ( (Manual Procedures) (1973) Tent. Meth. for Analysis Manual Sect. 1) (1971) /. for Design of Aluminum Alloy Manual Transmission Lubricants (Information Report) (19 Manual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Do Manual (Truck Shipping and Receiving-Materials Handli Manual (1960) Manual (1972) Manual) Carbon Steel Strip (1971) Manual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Manual) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging; Hot Rol Manual) Steel Specialty Tubular Products (1972) Manual) (1962) Manual) (1969) Guide for the Design of Alumi Manual) (1973) Std. Pract. for the Insper Manual, Sect. 5) (1971) Spec, for Aluminum Sheet Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes for Use with Fire Pro Manually Lever Operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pa Manually Operable General and Special Use Snap Switches Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves in Gas Distributi Manually Powered) (1973) /On, Care, and Use of Shears Manually Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands for Scaffolds ( Manuals for Installation. Operation and Repair of Labor Manual: Grade Selection, Std. Size, Design Values, Fram Manual: Tin Mill Products (1973) Manual: Wrought Steel Wheels and Forged Railway Axles ( Manufacture and Inspection Stds. for Preformed Packings Manufacture and Placement of Reinforced Concrete Casing Manufacture and Test of Aluminum Irrigation Tubing (197 Manufacture of Hose and Belts (1942) ANSI L14.283 Manufacture of Organic Coatings (Paint), and Handling O Manufacture (Packaging) (1974) Std. for Min Manufacture (1960) ANSI H38.25 Manufacture (1973) Std. Met Manufacture) (1974) Rec. Fo Manufacture, Inspection and Assembly Manual for Fine Pi Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Use of Explos Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles at Room Tempe ASAE D230.2 ANSI N15.5 WSC •1 AIOA B801 ASTM D3111 IFI 126 IFI 119 ASTM A533 ASTM B590 ASTM A533 ASTM B138 ASTM E465 ASTM D2375 ASTM D2039 ASTM A601 ASTM A302 ASTM E465 ASTM A299 ASTM A537 ASTM A202 ASTM A429 ASTM A 128 ASTM A225 ASTM A44I AACCH 40-45 ASTM A455 ASTM E362 ASTM A662 ASTM C32 ASTM C478 ASTM C139 ASTM D3208 UL 407 AACCH 80-10 FI P110 NBBPV *1 AISI 5 NGPA 8166 NEMA HE1 AGMA 370-01 NSA 959 NSA 961 ASTM F308 WSTI *1 FMS 7-2 IN CSI MP-2A3 NCRPM R28 NBHA *4 WRI MP100 ASTM D3269 AA *10 SAE J308A ANSI Y14.7.1 ANSI MH8.1 BIA *44 AGMA 240.01 AISI 6 AISI 2 AISI 1 AISI 19 AITC 201 AA *11 ANSI A17.2 AA *12 UL 38 HMI 300 UL 20 ANSI B16.33 ANSI B11.4 ANSI A92.1 ANSI C105.2 WWPA *24 AISI 7 AISI 11 SAE AS871A ASAE R266 ASAE S263.2 ASTM D181 ICBO UFC*2ART34 ANSI Z259.1 ASTM B37 TAPPI T602 FMS 7-34 AGMA 370-01 NFPA 495 ASTM C611 Engineering and Product Standards Division 237 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards easurements (19/ Std. Meth. of Test for Density in Air of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to ) ' Std. for aintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipment as Received from theater. Auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Office Building, m Dimensions for Grown Tires in Service for Use by Vehicle es of Spoke Type Wheels, Demountable Rims and Rim Spacers . for Factory Constructed Housing and Recreational Vehicle tage Air Switch/ Std. for Schedules of Preferred Ratings, 3) . . Spec, for Steel Splined Continuous Strip Mastic Set Std. for Craphical Symbols for Use on Railroad ssure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening ssure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat Resisting, te; Earth; Glass; Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and metric Meth. of Solid Fat Index (50 or Less at 10 Deg.) of Std. for Pressure Treated Piles and Timbers in Rec. Pract. and Stds. for tion of Diesel (Compression Ignited) Inboard Liquid Cooled c. Pract. and Std. Covering the Installation of Air Cooled and Construction of Gasoline Fueled Inboard, Liquid Cooled rength Low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in ng Rigs and Petroleum Production Facilities on Land and on fatty Acids Content in Corn Oil and to Other Vegetable and of Lubricating Systems of Various Turbine Driven Pumps for Meth. of Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for st, Jacket, Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) (19/ Safety Std. for Std. for Safety Requirements for Z254.1 Safety Std. for Std. Covering Sewage Holding and/or Treatment Devices for ammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and lacement) Direct Drive Transmission (197/ Rec. Pract. for he Preservative Treatment of Piles, Poles, and Timbers for Std. for Clearance, Side icle Type (Lead Acid) Storage Batteries (1/ Rec. Domestic . for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Distribution and n Applied to Coil Co/ Test Meth. for Determining Pressure ms (1971) Aerospace Std. Identification Std. for Lighting and Guide to the Preparation of Precautionary Labeling and 1 Use in the United States (Safety) (1973) Std. Color Performance Spec, for the Purchase of Reflective Pavement Std. Safety Color Code for Rec. Pract. for High Lift Industrial Truck Nameplates and Std. Pictorial Std. for Terminal ure Cameras (1972) Std. Exposure Time or Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point by Pensky - sure Containing Parts Suitable for High T/ Std. Spec, for ccidiosis 1/ Meth. of Analysis of Nitrophenide in Poultry anesthetizing Locations (Bonding Appliances, Casters, Face ng of Roll Film Negatives (1972) Std. Spec, for Specifying Gypsum Structural Design of Semicircular Brick Structural Design of Brick Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Std. Steel Doors and Frames for Modular Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for . Notes) (1964) Design and Construction of Reinforced Brick Cold Weather Cold Weather Principles of Clay orces) (Tech. Notes) (1968) 4 In. Reinforced Brick Design Tables for Reinforced Brick Uniform Building Code Std. for Aggregate for (1973) Uniform Building Code: form Building Code Std. for Mortar for Unit and Reinforced Structural Clay Uniform Building Code Std. for Hydrated Lime for Std. Spec, for Hydrated Lime for Reinforced Brick Reinforced Brick oles (1973) ANSI A73.1 Std. Spec, for Concrete Std. Spec, for Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Concrete Std. Spec, for Hollow Nonload Bearing Concrete Std. Spec, for Solid Load Bearing Concrete Std. Spec, for Chemical Resistant Std. Spec, for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate niform Building Code Std. for Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by Physical M Manufactured Carbon and Graphite (1972) Manufacturer Identification Symbols for Fasteners (1973 Manufacturer (1969) ANSI C59.131 /for Acceptance and M Manufacturer, Restaurant, and Dwelling or Appartment Ho Manufacturers in Designing for Tire Clearances (1974) (Manufactures' Guide) (1963) /Cal Minimum Rec. Toleranc Manufacturing Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at Plants a Manufacturing Spec, and Application Guide for High Vol Manufacturing Std. and Spec, for Textbooks (Books) (197 Maple Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Maps and Profiles (1972) (Maraging), 12% Nickel (1972A) Std. Spec, for Pre (Maraging), 18% Nickel (1972A) ANSI G35.17 /Ec. for Pre Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-Iron Al Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; Margarine Oils, Shortenings, and Other Fats (1968) /to Marine Construction (1973) Marine Deck Covering Guide (1969) Marine Engine Mountings (Boats) (1971) Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Boats) (1972) /Onstruc Marine Engines and Auxiliaries (Diesel and Gasoline) (B Marine Engines (Boats) and Auxiliaries (1972) /Design Marine Environments (1974) Std. Spec, for High St Marine Fixed and Mobile Platforms (1973) /Ns at Drilli Marine Oils and Animal Fats (1965) / Determining Free Marine Service (1971) / for the Flushing and Cleaning Marine Services by Means of Small Size Specimens (1970) Marine Special Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Devices (Ve Marine Steam Power Plant Heat Balance Practices (1972) Marine Terminal Operations (1972) Marine Through Hull Fittings and Sea Valves (1973) ANSI Marine Toilet Waste (Boats)(1972) Rec. Pract. and Marine Use (1972) /Afety Std. for Tube Fittings for Fl Marine (Inboard) Engine Mountings (Installation and Rep Marine, Land, and Fresh Water Use (1974) ANSI 011.1 /T Marker and Identification Lamps (Light) (1972) Marketing Std. Including Guarantee Policy for Motor Veh Marketing (1972) Std Marking and Blocking Resistance of Organic Coatings Whe Marking Meths. on Finished, Semi Finished and Rough Ite Marking of Agricultural Equipment on Highways (1971) Marking of Compressed Gas Containers (1971) Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Intended for Medica Marking Paints (1972) -a Model Marking Physical Hazards (1971) Marking (1973) Markings for Handling of Nondangerous Goods (1972) Markings for Motors and Generators (1972) Markings for Variable Speed Shutters Used in Still Pict Marshall Apparatus (1973) Std. Meth. of Test F Martens Closed Tester (1973) ANSI Z11.7 Martensitic Stainless and Alloy Steel Castings for Pres Mashes (Feed) for Prevention of Cecal and Intestinal Co Masks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Masks (Separate) for Use in Photographic Contact Printi Masonry and Mortar (1967) Masonry Arches (Tech. Note) (1971) Masonry Arches (Tech. Notes) (1967) Masonry Assemblages (1972) Masonry Building Construction (1972) Masonry Cement for Use in Mortars (1973) Masonry Cement (1971) ANSI A1.3 Masonry Chimneys (For Residential and Industrial) (Tech Masonry Columns and Pilasters (Tech. Notes) (1965) Masonry Construction (Protection Rec.) (1968) Masonry Construction, Introduction (Tech. Notes) (1967) Masonry Construction: Student's Manual (1960) Masonry Curtain and Panel Walls (In Resisting Lateral F Masonry Flexural Members (Tech. Notes) (1967) Masonry Mortar (1973) Masonry or Concrete Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues Masonry Other Than Gypsum (1973) Uni Masonry Process (Tech. Notes) (1966) Masonry Purposes (1973) Masonry Purposes (1974) ANSI K67.13 Masonry Retaining Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Masonry Swimming Pools (Tech. Notes) (1967) Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manh Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A79.1 Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A84.1 Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A80.1 Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A81.1 Masonry Units (1972) ANSI A103.1 Masonry Units (1973) Masonry Units (1973) ASTM C559 ASTM C709 IFI 122 IEEE 64 ICBO UPC»1-C TRA 1-13 SAE J851 FMS 7-90 ANSI C37.32 BMI •1 WSFI *5 ANSI Y32.7 ASTM A590 ASTM A538 ASTM E353 ICBO UBC»3-23 AACCH 31-50 AWPA C18 SNAME 4-11 ABYC P5 ABYC P15 ABYC P10 ABYC P4 ASTM A690 API RP500B CR H-22 ASME LOS-2C1 ASTM D2481 UL 1123 SNAME 3-11 ANSI MH9.1 UL 1121 ABYC A8 UL 109 SAE J233 ASTM D390 SAE J592E BCI *1.15 ANSI Z94.4 NCCA TB-II-17 SAE AS478D SAE J137A CGA C7 CCA C9 ITE PS*1 ANSI Z53.1 ITA 4F1 ANSI MH6.1 NEMA MG1-2 ANSI PH3.32 ASTM D1559 ASTM D93 ASTM A217 AACCH 18-25 UL 1067 ANSI PH3.9 CSI 04280 BIA 31C BIA 31A ASTM E447 STDI 110 ICBO UBCS24-17 ASTM C91 BIA 19B BIA 171 BIA 1A BIA 1 BIA *44 BIA 17L BIA 17J ICBO UBCS24-22 ICBO UBC*3-37 ICBO UBCS24-21 BIA 27 ICBO UBCS24-19 ASTM C207 BIA 17E-G BIA 17K ASTM C139 ASTM C90 ASTM C140 ASTM C129 ASTM C145 ASTM C279 ASTM C744 ICBO UBCS24-4 238 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards uniform Building Code Std. for Solid Load Bearing Concrete Uniform Building Code Std. for Meth. of Test for Concrete orm Building Code Std. for Hollow Nonload Bearing Concrete Std. for and Meth. of Sampling and Test, of Unburned Clay Dampproofing and Waterproofing Reinforced Brick Reinforced Brick Reinforced Brick Guide Specs, for Brick Guide Specs, for Brick and Tile Radiation Protection with Clay Painting Clay Flashing Clay Modular Clay Cleaning Clay Products Early Strength of Brick Estimating Modular Brick Guide Spec, for Engineered Brick High Lift Grouted Reinforced Brick for Use of Hydraulic Cement Mortars in Chemical Resistant Rec. Pract. for Engineered Brick Guide Spec, for Concrete Unit Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Lime Mortar for Brick Std. Spec, for Mortar for Unit Uniform Building Code: d. Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Cavity Wall, and Stone Rec. Spec, for Prefabricated Brick ech. Notes) (1966) Structural Clay (Properly Constructed th; Glass; Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and Marble Rec. for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete for Structural and onding Thin Spectrochemical Samples and Stds. to a Greater ode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks Using the r in the Tracer / Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Devices with a Helium ions (1971) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. for High Ionizing Voltage st for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel lear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powd/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, lear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Po/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, lear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Pu/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, d Physical Tests On. Beryllium / Std. Meth. for Chemical, chemical Analysis of Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, chemical Analysis of Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, of Test for Hydrocarbon Types in Low Olefinic Gasoline by r Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Oil Aromatic Fractions by Std. Meth. of Test. Aerosol Products for Delivered products (Drying Upon Q/ Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in td. for Test Meth. for Determining Visual Color Matched to Manual of Standardization for or Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors / Spec, for 1 Filler and Aggregate) (1941) An/ Std. Spec, for Asphalt and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab / Spec, for 62) Spec, for Steel Splined Continuous Strip concrete Slab / Spec, for Mastic Nailed Construction witn erials for Setting Ceramic Tile with Mortar, Adhesive, and Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Polyester Glass sphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt, Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber anic Felts. Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Metallic Silhouette fiberbo/ Std. for Test Meth. for Determining Visual Color Uniform Fire Code: ched Card Index (/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Identification of r Element (1972) ANSI B93.23 Std. Meth. of Verifying the guide (Spec, for Texture and Grade, Panel Characteristics, uide to Practice) (1971) Std. for Nuclear es (A Guide to Practice) (1974) Std. for Nuclear procedure for Toroidal Magnetic Amplifier Cores (Including Guidance and Requirements for Evaluation of Suitability of Plastic glass Show Wi/ Safety Std. for Burglary Resisting Glazing orm Fire Code: Automobile Wrecking and Junk Yards or Waste Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent Extractable Std. Spec, for Air as an Electrical Insulating ate. Sheet, Strip, Connec/ Uniform Building Code Std. for rvice (1/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Turbine Type Bolting Suggested Components of a Concrete Reinforcing Steel for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Sheet nee Spec, and Meth. of Test for Transparent Safety Glazing Physical Pr/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Electrode ge on Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Other Filth, and Extraneous est Meth. for Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Type Core hin Spectrochemical Samples and Stds. to a Greater Mass of Std. Meth. of Test for Creep Relaxation of a Gasket f Test for Moisture Content and Moisture Regain of Textile Masonry Units (1973) Masonry Units (1973) Masonry Units (1973) Unit Masonry Units (1973) Uniform Building Code Masonry Walls (Tech. Notes) (1961) Masonry (Axial Design) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Masonry (Flexural Design) (Tech Notes) (1964) Masonry (Inspectors Guide) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part I and II Products) (1972) Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part III Execution) (1972) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1961) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1961) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1962) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1963) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1964) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1969) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1971) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) Masonry ( 1965) Std. Rec. Pract. Masonry (1969) Masonry (1971) Masonry (1972) Masonry (1973) Masonry (1973) Masonry (1973) /E Uniform Building Code: Solid, Groute Masonry (1974) Masonry) Insulated Cavity 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls (T Masonry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber Mass Concrete (1966) Mass of Material (1970) ANSI Z128.26 /Ec. Pract. for B Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe M Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside Out Test. Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyze Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector (1972T) Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Gas-Oil Saturate Fract (Mass Spectrometric Meth.) (1969) ANSI N108 /Eth. of Te Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, an Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radio Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radio Mass Spectrometry (1971) ANSI Z11.311 Std. Meth. Mass Spectrometry (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test Fo Mass (1972) Massecuites, Molasses, and Other Liquid and Semiliquid Master Specimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, Coated Fiberboards Masterkeying Nomenclature and Terms (1965) Mastic Cushioned Construction with Nailers, Subflooring Mastic for Use in Waterproofing (Asphalt Cement, Minera Mastic Nailed Construction with Mastic Set Subflooring Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (19 Mastic Set Subflooring and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Mastic (1973) Definition and Recommendation for Mat Mat Formed Wood Particleboard (1966) Mat Formed Wood Particleboard (1973) Mat Sheet Laminate (1973) Mat (1973) / Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, a Mat (1973) /Sphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Org Match Rifle Range Plans (1973) Matched to Master Specimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, Coated Matches (1973) Maten Mater; Mater: Mater Mater Mater Mater Mate Mate Mate Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mate Mater Mate Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater: Std. Test Unif al by Absorption Spectroscopy, Using the ASTM Pun al Compatibility of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filte al Composition, Use, Application, Finishes and Ot al Control Systems for Conversion Facilities (A G al Control Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Faciliti al Data) (1972) al for Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) al for Use in Housings of Motor Vehicle Lighting al for Use Principally as a Substitute for Plate al Handling Plants (1973) al in Black Pigments (1972) al in Electrical Equipment (1973) al Spec, for Structural Steel and Iron (Shape, PI al Specially Heat Treated for High Temperature Se al Supply and Installation Contract (1968) al to Light Gage Steel Studs (1972) Std. Spec. al Used in Buildings (1971) Std. Performa al Used in Optical Emission Spectroscopy Based on al (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /and/or Insect Dama al(1970) Std. T al (1970) ANSI Z128.26 /Ec. Pract. for Bonding T al (1971) al (1971) Std. Meth. O ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO BIA BIA BIA BIA CSI CSI BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA ASTM BIA CSI BIA ASTM ICBO ICBO BIA BIA ICBO ACI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH SAE NBHA WSFI ASTM WSFI WSFI WSFI TCA use ICBO ASTM UL ICBO NRA SAE ICBO ASTM NFLDP CRA ANSI ANSI IEEE IATA SAE UL ICBO ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM CRSI ASTM ANSI ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UBCS24-5 UBCS24-7 UBCS24-6 UBCS24-15 7 17B 17A 17C 11A 1 IB 3 6 7A 10A 20 35 10 11C 1 ID 17D C398 •43 04220 Ml C270 UBC'3-24 UBC'8-11 40A •26 UBC»3-23 66-65 E401 E499 E493 E498 F134 D2786 E244 C696 C697 C698 C699 C758 C759 D2789 D3239 D3097 44-60 J361A *4 *8 D491 *6 *5 »6 •3 CS236 UBCS25-25 D1532 55A UBCS32-I •18 J361A UFC*2ART23 E204 T3. 10.8.6 3A9 N15.4 N15.13 106 *] J29 972 UFC*2ART3 D305 D3283 UBCS27-1 A437 ♦1.9.1 C646 Z97.1 E504 28-10 C363 E401 F38 D2654 Engineering and Product Standards Division 239 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards and Accuracy as Applied to Measurement of a Property of A Std. Gravel Sand and Anthrante Filtering (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic) for Lowering Personnel and Std. Spec, for Gold Copper Alloy Electrical Contact safety Std. for Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering de Fiber Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) Containing Vegetable with Wettin/ Test Meth. for Weather Resistance of Textile Std. for Safety for Factory Made Air Duct . Std. Practices for Clinical Research Protocol for Dental electing and Defining Color and Gloss Tolerances of Opaque ce (1959) Rec. for d Airflow Performance (19/ Std. Meth. of Test. Duct Liner e Styrene Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fitting/ Std. Pract. for Fabrication of Reinforcing Steel Bar Std. Pract. for Estimating Reinforcing Steel Bar Std. Rec. Pract. for Stress Relaxation Tests for ride) Duct Construction (1974) Stds., Guide Specs., and tion and Test. Agencies for Concrete, Steel and Bituminous ivity (Dielectric Constant) of Solid Electrical Insulating Std. Meth. of Compression Test, of Metallic Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Low Temperature Characteristics of Rubber and Rubber Like m/ Std. Meth. of Thermal EMF Test of Single Thermoelement uring Low Temperature Stiffening of Rubber and Rubber Like for Water Resistance of Paper, Paperboard, and Other Sheet ec. Pract. for Surface Preparation of Steel and Other Hard r and 0/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Extraneous Std. for Record and Reporting Units for Nuclear 1 Chemis/ Direct Trapping Meth. of Analysis for All Baked Std. Meth. of Painting Ceiling alt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coa/ Safety Std. for 3 Std. Meth. of Test. Vitrified Ceramic al Chemistry) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper,/ Apparatus or Definition and Recommendation for .4 Std. Spec, for Alloy and Stainless Steel Bolting Std. for Safety Tests for Flammability of Plastic ttings for Low Temper/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Bolting Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to nitions of Terms Relating to Bituminous, and Other Organic Rec. for Crayons and Related Art N4.1 Std. Classification System for Polymeric e, and Mastic (1973) Definition and Recommendation for Meth. of Test for Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Std. Test Meth. for Density of Core Std. Test Meth. for Water Absorption of Core ) A/ Std. Spec, for Rubberized Curled Hair for Cushioning rings: Hot Mopped Asphalt/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. for Safety for Electrically Conductive Equipment and Std. for Screw Conveyors rrier Dock Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and Receiving - cereals, and Alimentary Pa/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Resilient Flooring, e Compatibility of Transformer Insulation and Construction Std. Meth. of Static Immersion Test, of Unstressed Std. for Statistical Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Gear g Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn, Other Grains and Plant Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of Acid Reacting Std. Meth. for Analysis of Environmental Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: nt of Transportation (DOT) Special Permits for Radioactive s Content of Corn Syrup, Crude and Refined Sugar and Other ting) (1972) Battery Std. for Auditing Nuclear Test for Voltage Endurance of Solid Electrical Insulating Uniform Building Code Std. for Noncombustible Elementary Spec, for Cargo Unit Load Devices 9.13 Std. Meth. of Test. Rigid Sheet and Plate a Spec, for Flame Resistant e and Refined), Syrups, Starches and Other Protein Bearing (Corn), Syrups, Sugars. Starches and Other Protein Bearing stuffs, Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing materials. High Temperature, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Strength, (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of glass; Granite; Gravel/ Uniform Building Code: Weights of sification of Single and Double Screened Ground Refractory n for Presence of Rodent Urine on Bags and Other Packaging est for Analysis of Urea in Cloth Bags and Other Packaging ated Space Environment Test of Spacecraft Thermal Control Indexes of Whiteness and Yellowness of Near White, Opaque rec. Code for Transportation. Storage and Use of Explosive tection Std. for Rack Storage of Flammable and Combustible nd Safety (1973) Rec. for High Temperature Molten Std. Meth. for Determining Speed qf Photographic Negative Std. Meth. of Test. Package Cushioning for Shock Absorbing Characteristics of Package Cushioning Material (1971) ANSI Zl. 13 /Use of the Terms Precision Material (1972) Material (1972) /E Spec, for Platforms and Stage Lifts Material (1973) Material (1973) Material, Corn and Other Grains, Flours, and Meals (196 Materials and Coated Fabrics: Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure Materials and Connectors (1974) Materials and Devices (1971) Rec Materials and for Evaluating Conformance (1972T) /or S Materials and Meth. for Durability of Concrete'in Servi Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical an Materials and Property Stds. for Acrylonitrile Butadien Materials and Service (1968) Materials and Service (1970) Materials and Structures (1972) Materials Application for Thermoplastic (Polyvinyl Chlo Materials as Used in Construction (1972) ANSI Z267.1 Materials at Microwave Frequencies and Temperatures to Materials at Room Temperature (R1973) Materials at Room Temperature (1972) Materials by a Temperature Retraction Procedure (TR Tes Materials by Comparison with a Secondary Standard of SI Materials by Means of a Torsional Wire Apparatus (1973) Materials by the Dry Indicator Meth. (1973) TAPPI T433 Materials by Water Blasting Prior to Coating or Recoati Materials Content of Corn Syrup, Crude and Refined Suga Materials Control (1971) Materials Except Chocolate Products and Piecrust (Cerea Materials for Acoustical Absorption Tests (1973) Materials for Built-Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopping Asph Materials for Electrical Applications (1969) ANSI C59.7 Materials for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cere Materials for Grouting Ceramic Tile (1973) Materials for High Temperature Services (1974) ANSI G38 Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances (1973) Materials for Pressure Vessels, Valves. Flanges, and Fi Materials for Roads and P aveme nts (1971 ) ANSI A 37.33 Materials for Roofing, Waterproofing, and Related Build Materials for School Use (1963) Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation (1971) ANSI Materials for Setting Ceramic Tile with Mortar, Adhesiv Materials for Strong Acid Removal (1972) Std. Materials for Structural Sandwich Constructions (1970) Materials for Structural Sandwich Constructions (1970) Materials for Upholstery and Bedding Applications (1973 Materials for Use in Construction of Built Up Roof Cove Materials for Use in Flammable Anesthetizing Locations (Materials Handling) (1971) ANSI MH4.7 Materials Handling) (1973) Shipper-Motor Ca Materials Hard to Hydrate in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Materials Having Flat Surfaces (1973) Materials in Askarels (1973) /Th. for Investigating Th Materials in Nitrogen Tetroxide (N,0,) (1972) Materials Management (1972) Materials Manual (1972) Materials of Comparable Content (1957) /for Determinin Materials Other Than Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Materials Polychlorinated Biphenyls (1974) Materials Processing (1972) Materials Shipments (1973) /Ide for Obtaining Departme Materials Soluble in Water (1966) /Extraneous Material Materials Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting and Star Materials Statements and Reports (Accounting) (1973) Materials Subjected to Partial Discharges (Corona) /of Materials Test. (1973) (Materials Transport and Handling) (1973) Materials Used for Electrical Insulation (1972) ANSI C5 Materials Used in Camping Tentage (Tent) (1974) Materials When Suitable Amounts of S .mple, Sulfuric ACI Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric ACI Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, Sulfuric ACI Materials with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Aus Materials with Liquid Oxygen (Reaction Intensity Meth.) Materials (Brick; Cast Iron; Cinders; Concrete; Earth; Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine, Chrome Ore, Clays Materials (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Light Examinatio Materials (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /. of Xanthydrol T Materials (Coatings) with Electromagnetic and Particula Materials (Color Measurement of Textiles, Paints, Plast Materials (Fire Protection) (1973) Materials (Fire Safety) (1974) Fire Hazards and Pro Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc.) Fire Protection a Materials (Monochrome, Continuous Tone) (1972) Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.13 Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.14 /Th. of Test ASTM AWWA CSI ASTM UL CR AATCC UL ADA ASTM ACI ASTM IAPMO CRSI CRSI ASTM SMACN ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE CR ANSI AACCH ASTM UL ASTM AACCH TCA ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM use ASTM TCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO UL CEMA ANSI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI AGMA CR AACCH ASTM ANSI ANSI CR BCI ANSI ASTM ICBO NSA ASTM CPAI CR CR CR ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM FMS FMS FMS ANSI ASTM ASTM E177 B100 14430 B596 790 G-12 111A 181 ♦1 D3134 59-57 E477 PS17 •1.5.3 •1.5.1 E328 •11 E329 D2520 E9 C704 D1329 E207 D1053 D779 RP-01-72 E-27 N15.2 28-33 C643 55A D116 28-90 •3-1 A 193 94 A320 D8 D1079 R192 D2953 •3 D3087 C271 C272 D2128 UBCS32-1 1067 350 MH8.1 28-32 F386 D3255 F359 N15.5 240.01 A-18 02-32 D3304 Z94.7 N14.10.2 E-27 •1.41 N15.ll D2275 UBCS4-1 3610 D229 84 F-44 G-22 J-56 A453 F371 UBC«3-23 C316 28-85 28-86 E512 E313 7-28 8-33N LPD 7-33 PH2.5 D1372 D1596 240 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ic Determination of Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Mater nsi J8.15. SAE J20/ Classification System for Elastomeric Mater istrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Materi nd Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated Biological Mater ven/ Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility of Bituminous Road Mater std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Heat and Air on Asphaltic Mater of Corn Syrup, Starch Hydrolyzates and a Variety of Other Mater of Corn Syrup. Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Mater t in Corn Starch, Sugars, Syrups and Other Protein Bearing Mater ting Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Rubber Like Mater Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Mater Rec. for Safe Handling of Radioactive Mater . Pract. for Internal Temperature Measurements in Ablative Mater Std. Meth. of Test for Sag Flow of Highly Viscous Mater std. Test Meth. ior Creep Properties of Package Cushioning Mater ract. for Sharp Notch Tension Test, of High Strength Sheet Mater std. Test Meth. for Specific Gravity of Wood and Wood Base Mater: Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Metallic Mater Std. Test Meth. for Shear Fatigue of Sandwich Core Mater ec. Pract. for Goniophotometry of Transmitting Objects and Mater Std. Pract. for Detailing Reinforcing Mater Meth. of Conducting Machining Tests of Wood and Wood Base Mater ric Constant (Permittivity) of Solid Electrical Insulating Mater Std. for Classification and Definitions of Bulk Mater Std. Pract. for Probability Sampling of Mater ame Propagation Classification Flooring and Floor Covering Mater Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Carbon Graphite Mechanical Mater Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Appearance of Mater Std. for Physical Inventories of Nuclear Mater Std. Meth. of Field Sampling of Ion Exchange Mater Std. Spec, for Laminated Thermosetting Mater Std. Meth. for Notched Bar Impact Test, of Metallic Mater td. Rec. Pract. for Scleroscope Hardness Test, of Metallic Mater Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Nonmetallic Gasket Mater Std. Meth. of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Mater Test Meth. of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Mater Std. Meth. of Test. Resistance to Scuffing of Trim Mater d. Meth. of Test for Residual Solvents in Flexible Barrier Mater e Test Meth. for Wicking of Automotive Fabrics and Fibrous Mater t. for Compression Molding Test Specimens of AUyl Molding Mater einforced and Filled Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Mater requirements for Wrought Precious Metal Electrical Contact Mater est. Elastomeric and Plastomeric Roofing and Waterproofing Mater ics. Vinyls, Coated Fiberboards, and Other Automotive Trim Mater tatements for ASTM Meth. Related to Rubber and Rubber-Like Mater sistance and Associated Characteristics of Automotive Trim Mater ment of Temperature Indexes of Solid Electrical Insulating Mater of Test for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Refractory Mate olding of Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding and Extrusion Mate td. Meth. of Test for Asbestos Content of Asbestos Textile Mater ating the Properties of Wood Base Fiber and Particle Panel Mater est for Reaction Threshold Temperature of Liquid and Solid Mater t for Operating Performance of Particulate Cation Exchange Mater Std. Meth. of Test for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Mater Std. Meth. of Test for Hardness of Electrical Contact Mater test Meth. for Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Mater std. Meth. of Test for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Mater Std. Meth. of Test for Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Mater std. Spec, for Polybutylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Mater: Std. Classification for Metal Working Fluids and Related Mater Std. Spec, for ETFE -Fluoroplastic Molding and Extrusion Mater Std. Meth. of Test for Microhardness of Mater Std. Guide for Selection of Neutron Activation Detector Mater Std. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Mater niform Building Code Std. for Fire Retardant Roof Covering Mater Uniform Building Code Std. for Plastic Mater d. Definitions of Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber Like Mater Definitions of Terms Relating to Wax Polishes and Related Mater meth. of Test for Noncombustibility of Elementary Building Mater th. of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite Mater . for Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Molding and Extrusion Mater for Thermoplastic Polyterephthalate Molding and Extrusion Mater for E-CTFE- Fluoroplastic Molding, Extrusion, and Coating Mater ding Code Std. for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Mater act. for Electrostatic Charge Mobility on Flexible Barrier Mater t for Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and Coating Mater Terms Relating to Fire Tests of Building Construction and Mater r Conducting Bending Fatigue Tests for Copper Alloy Spring Mater or Impact Resistance of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Mater reed Polyterphthalate Thermo-Plastic Molding and Extrusion Mater or Effective Fluorescent Lifetime of Neodymium Doped Laser Mater td. Test. Meth. for Fire Hazard Classification of Building Mater rocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Resin Molding and Extrusion Mater relating to Acoustical Tests of Building Constructions and Mater ure Impact Test for Fabrics Coated with Flexible Polymeric Mater ing a High Current Arc Erosion Test for Electrical Contact Mater als als als als als als ials ials als als als als als ials als ials als als als als ials als als als als als ials ials als Is als als ials als als ials als ials rials als als als als als als als als als als als als ials ials lis lis als als als als als ials als als ials als als als ials ials als als als ials als als als als Is ( Paper) at High Temperature and Humidity (197 Rubber) for Automotive Applications (1973) a Safety) (1973) Std. for Admin Safety) (1973) Std. for Packaging a Tar, Petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Sol Thin Film Oven Test) (1973) 1952) /Cal Meth. for Determining pH Content 1952) /Determining Protein Nitrogen Content 1956) / Determining Protein Nitrogen Conten 1960) ANSI J2.20 1962) ANSI N145 1964) 1968) 1968) ANSI K65.180 1968) ANSI MH12.15 1968) ANSI Z260. 1 1969) 1969) ANSI Z168.13 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) / Meth. of Test for Evalua /Pract. for Effects of High Std. Rec Std. Rec. P Std. 1970) 1970) ANSI MH4.8 1970) ANSI Z1.10 1971) 1971) ANSI K90.6 1971) ANSI Z138.1 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 972) 972) 972) 972) 972) /Ent Loss Characteristics and Dielect Std. Meth. of Test for Fl St Std. for Th Std. Rec. Prac Std. Spec, for R Std. Spec, for General Std. Index of Meth. for T / Matched to Master Specimen for Fabr /Ec. Pract. for Preparing Precision S /St Meth. for Determining Blocking Re /the Thermal Evaluation and Establish 972) ANSI Al 11.4 Std. Meth. 972) ANSI K65.78 /. Pract. for Injection M 972) ANSI L14.141 972) ANSI 08.1 972) ANSI Zl 1.318 972) ANSI Z111.4 972) ANSI Z115.7 972) ANSI Z155.12 972) ANSI Z260.2 972A) ANSI C7.24 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 1973) 973) 973) Std. Meth. of Evalu Std. Meth. of T Std. Meth. of Tes Std. St Std. Std. Std. Me Std. Spec Std. Spec. Std. Spec. Uniform Buil Tent. Rec. Pr Std. Meth. of Tes Std. Definitions of Std. Rec. Pract. Fo Std. Meth. of Test F Std. Spec, for Reinfo Tent. Meth. of Test F Uniform Building Code S Std. Spec, for TFE -Fluo Std. Definitions of Terms Std. Meth. of Low Temperat Std. Rec. Pract. for Design TAPPI T464 ASTM D2000 ANSI N14.I0.1 ANSI N14.3 ASTM D2042 ASTM D1754 CR E48 CR E-52 CR B-48 ASTM D1081 ASTM E184 NCRPM R30 ASTM E377 ASTM D2730 ASTM D2221 ASTM E338 ASTM D2395 ASTM E8 ASTM C394 ASTM E166 CRSI •1.6.1 ASTM D1666 ASTM D150 CEMA 550 ASTM E105 UL 992 ASTM C565 ASTM E284 ANSI N15.3 ASTM D2687 ASTM D709 ASTM E23 ASTM E448 ASTM F152 NFPA 251 NFPA 255 SAE J365A ASTM F151 SAE J913A ASTM D3027 ASTM D2897 ASTM B476 ASTM D3105 SAE J361A ASTM D3040 SAE J912A IEEE 98 ASTM C24 ASTM D1897 ASTM D1918 ASTM D1037 ASTM D2883 ASTM D1782 ASTM E92 ASTM B277 ASTM E399 ASTM B193 ASTM C522 ASTM D2581 ASTM D2881 ASTM D3159 ASTM E384 ASTM E419 ASTM E494 ICBO UBCS32-7 ICBO UBCS52-1 ASTM D1566 ASTM D2825 ASTM E136 ASTM C748 ASTM D3222 ASTM D3221 ASTM D3275 ICBO UBCS43-1 ASTM F365 ASTM D3236 ASTM E176 ASTM B593 ASTM D256 ASTM D3220 ASTM F380 ICBO UBCS42-1 ASTM D1457 ASTM C634 ASTM D2137 AATM B576 Engineering and Product Standards Division 241 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 17 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards high Acid Coc/ ilure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating lity of Applied Designs and Finishes on Textiles and Other sity of Smoke from the Burning or Decomposition of Plastic ated and Coated Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Plastic Roll . for Safety for Wind Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration of Bituminous aminant, Inclined Plane Tracking and Erosion of Insulating act. for Std. Test Temperatures for Rubber and Rubber Like Std. Spec, for Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Textile Std. Meth. of Test for Brinell Hardness of Metallic for Determining Window Fogging Resistance of Interior Trim ow Measurement of TFE -Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion Std. Spec, for Fep Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion ell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic ety for Metal Waste (Trash. Garbage) Cans (For Combustible Penetrating the H/ Rec. Guides for Design, Construction, Insta/ Std. and Rec. Pract. for Requirements for Design, compounds for Preparing Vulcan/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. in Corn and Other Grains, Foodstuffs Containing Vegetable th. Materials with Expansion Coef/ Std. Spec, for Bolting Sys/ Std. and Rec. Pract. Guide to Design, Construction. ign: Compression, Extension, Torsion, Flat, and Hot Wound Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics and Other Flexible Rec. Pract. for Flammability of Automotive Interior Trim n (Incinerator and Open Burning. Combustible and Flammable Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Applied ANSI C83.53 Std. for Clearance Dimensions on the Stds. for Decoders (Type I) for Reproducing ested Design Procedures for Combined Concrete Footings and Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Bath Uniform Building Code Std. for Steel Bar and Rod Wool (1972) ANSI L14.1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Vegetable Std. Test Meth. for Amylaceous Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Nonvolatile Std. Meth. of Test for Benzene Insoluble Meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Meth. of Analysis of Unsaponifiable Std. Meth. of Test for Extractable Meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile Vacuum Oven Meth of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Special Techniques for Extraneous rbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydr/ Reagents for Extraneous oth, Filter Paper,/ Apparatus or Materials for Extraneous Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Meth. of Analysis of Soluble Mineral ) Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile and Polymer Emulsion/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonvolatile . for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air Particulate Std. Meth. for Sampling Stacks for Particulate ace Masks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Std. Nomenclature for Bedding Sizes rrosion Cracking Susceptibil/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of sticaire Method (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Estimating K91.1 Std. Meth. of Test for Bauer Meth. of Analysis of Falling Number Determination of Both Meth. of Analysis of Pelshenke Test (Wheat meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Soy Flour for Cake and s, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean s. Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Soybean , Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn of Analysis of Riboflavin in Whole Grain Products, Grits, flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in try)/ Decantation Meth. of Analysis for Rodent Excreta in at. Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products, Corn Grits, Corn r Determining Crude Fat (Ccl 4 Products Such as Feeds and ing Vegetable Material, Corn and Other Grains, Flours, and ins. Foodstuffs Containing Vegetable Materials, Flours and Meth. of Analysis of Residual Urease Activity in Soybean Std. Meth. of Test for Stiffness of Plastics by ess Properties of Plastics as a Function of Temperature by . Meth. for Measuring the Relative Stiffness of Leather by perature Stiffening of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by or Impact Resistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Strength of Adhesives by or Preparation of Test Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures by ance to Deformation and Cohesion of Bituminous Mixtures by ed Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine Services by for Application of Plastic Polymers in Dry Powder Form by t. for Preparation of Bituminous Mixture Beam Specimens by ed Scientific and Technical Work / Rec. Pract. for Units er (1971-75) Rules for the Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Work Materials (1973) Materials (1973) Materials (1973) Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Fa Test Meth. for Drycleaning Durabi / Meth. of Test for Measuring the Den /; Aggregates, Saturated Felts, Satur Std /of Test for Liquid Cont Std. Rec. Pr Rec. Pract. Test Meth. Std. Rec. Pract. for Powder Fl Sugg Materials (1973) ANSI A195.1 Materials (1973) ANSI A37.1 Materials (1973) ANSI C59.135 Materials (1973) ANSI J1.3 Materials (1973) ANSI K65.216 Materials (1973) ANSI L14.12 Materials (1973) ANSI Z115.5 Materials (1973) ANSI Z265.1 Materials (1974) Materials (1974) ANSI K65.201 Materials (1974) ANSI Zl 15.6, Ashto T080 /St for Rockw Materials) (1974) ANSI Z221.1 Std. for Saf Materials, and Installation of Power Transmission Units Materials, Construction and Installation of Permanently Materials. Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Rubber Materials, Flours and Meals (1964) /Rude Fiber Content Materials, High Temperature, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Streng Materials, Size, and Installation of Propeller Shafting (Materials, Specs. Terminology, Gauge, Metric Conversion Materials: Accelerator Meth. (1970) Test Meth. for Materials: Horizontal Test Meth. (1972) Materials; Reporting and False Alarm; Use of Equipment, Mathematics (1972) Mating Plates (Patterns) Used in Battery Sockets (1974) Matrix Q ua rlraphonic Disc Records (1974) Mats (Foundation) (1963) Mats (Institutional Textile) (1973) Mats (Sheets) for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Matter and Other Alkali Insoluble Impurities in Scoured Matter in Adhesives (1970) Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings (1973) Matter in Creosote (1973) AASHO T81, ANSI 011.13 Matter in Fats and Shortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, Matter in Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Matter in Oven Dried Wool (1973) Matter in Soy Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Matter in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Matter Meth. of Analysis in Cereal Chemistry (1962) Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Alcohol; Ca Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) (Bolting CI Matter of Vegetable Tanned Leather (1970) ALCA B8 Matter (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Matter (Including Water) of Vinyl Chloride Resins (1972 Matter (Total Solids) in Water Emulsion, Solvent Based, Matter (1971) Std. Test Meth Matter (1971) ANSI Z257.3 Mattresses and Pads, Sheeting, and Restraint Straps) (1 (Mattresses and Sheets) (1971) Mattsson's Solution of pH 7.2 to Evaluate the Stress Co Maturity and Linear Density of Cotton Fibers by the Cau McNett Wet Classification of Asbestos Fiber (1970) ANSI Meal and Flour of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and Meal Fermentation Time Test) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, and Peanuts (Cereal Che Meal (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Fat or Extracted Flake Meal (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Fat or Extracted Flake Meal (Flaxseed) (1974) Meal (1973) Meal, Corn Grits, Rolled Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, Br Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farina, Bread, etc. (C Meal, Grits, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Meal, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semolina (Cereal Chemis Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina, and Flour (Cereal Chemist Meals (1955) /Ermand Finished Std. Analytical Meth. Fo Meals (1964) /Ber Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) Contain Meals (1964) /Rude Fiber Content in Corn and Other Gra Meals, Soy Hour, Mill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Means of a Cantilever Beam (1970) ANSI K65.13 Means of a Torsion Test (1972) ANSI D65.2 / for Stiffn Means of a Torsional Wire Apparatus (1972) ALCA E63 /D Means of a Torsional Wire Apparatus (1973) ANSI J2.2 Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) (1972) /Eth. of Test F Means of Bar and Rod Specimens (1972) ANSI Z197.3 Means of California Kneading Compactor (1971) ANSI A37. Means of Hveem Apparatus (1971) ANSI A37.137 /R Resist Means of Small Size Specimens (1970) /Th. of Accelerat Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed (Fire Protection) ( Means of the California Kneading Compactor (1973) /Rac (Measurement-Metric and British-American) in Publish Measurement and Inspection of Hardwood and Cypress Lumb Measurement and Meth. (1972) ASTM D3151 AATCC 86 ICBO UBCS52-2 NRCA *2-IV UL 997 ASTM D5 ASTM D2303 ASTM D1349 ASTM D789 ASTM D123 ASTM E10 SAE J275 ASTM D3292 ASTM D2116 ASTM E18 UL 32 ABYC P16 ABYC H24 ASTM D3182 CR A-8 ASTM A453 ABYC P6 SMI •3 AATCC 93 SAE J369A ICBO UFC*2ART27 ANSI Z94.8 EIA RS156-B EIA RS418 ACI 63-49 ANSI L24.2.1 ICBO UBCS26-5 ASTM D1113 ASTM D1488 ASTM D2697 ASTM D367 AACCH 44-30 AACCH 30-40 ASTM D1574 AACCH 44-31 ASTM D3175 AACCH 44-32 AACCH 28-92 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 28-90 ASTM D2876 AACCH 40-01 ASTM D3030 ASTM D2834 ASTM D2682 ASTM D2928 UL 1067 ANSI L27.1 ASTM G37 ASTM D2480 ASTM D2589 AACCH 56-8 IB AACCH 56-50 AACCH 32-17 AACCH 46-23 AACCH 46-24 NFP *1 NSPA *1 AACCH 44-15A AACCH 86-70 AACCH 28-51 AACCH 28-50 AACCH 86-80 CR B-18 CR G-12 CR A-8 AACCH 22-90 ASTM D747 ASTM D1043 ASTM D2821 ASTM D1053 ASTM D3029 ASTM D2095 ASTM D1561 ASTM D1560 ASTM D2481 FMS 7-27 ASTM D3202 IEEE 268 NHLA •1 ANSI Z94.12 242 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards of Test for Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Continuous (1971) Std. Meth. of 1 Bevel Gear Drives (1973) Std. for Sound (Noise 72) ANSI C37.26 Std. Cuide for Meth. of Power Factor for Use of the Terms Precision and Accuracy as Applied to es of Neutrons and Gamma Rays (1961) Rec. for nd (Applicable to Solution Coil Coatings and S/ Spec, for ilter Meth. (Textile) (1971) niform Building Code Std. for Laboratory Determination and ding Partitions (1970) Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory 966) ANSI N152 Std. Meth. for 1 Water and Industrial Waste Wate/ Std. Meth. of Test for the Hunterlab Color Difference Meter (1972T) Meth. for s in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During/ Std. Meth. for Std. on Television: of Insulation Systems (1973/ Std. Meth. for Detection and Meth. icles (20-1000 Mhz) (1972) ANSI C112.1 ricants (Falex Meth.) (1973) ng Fluids (Timken Meth.) (1972) ANSI Fll./ ng Fluids (Four Ball Meth.) (1971) ANSI Z/ n Mild Steel (Coil Coating) (1974) teel (1972) Std. t High Temperatures (1973) Powered Passenger Cars and Light Tr/ Powered Passenger Cars and Light Tr/ N150 ose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextr/ Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83/ and Herringbone Gear Units (1972) 9) ANSI K90.1 icroscopica! Examination of a Cross Secti/ (1973) d Biological Amplications (1960) Std. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Test Meth. for for Nondestructive Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Rec. Pract. for the Rec. Pract. for the Std. Meth. for Tent. Rec. Pract. for Glucose Oxidase Meth. for Rec. Test Meth. for Flutter Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Rec. for Std. Meth. for Floor Std. for Spec, and tallization Thickness by Multiple Beam 1/ Tent. Meth. for ctric Tests (1973) Rec. Pract. for the Detection and diation / Std. for Techniques and Instrumentation for the std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Geometric Conditions for 1972) Std. for (1971) Std. Meth. for the Std. Meth. for Spinning Tests on the Cotton System for h. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon by f Test for Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in Silicon by g a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Fu/ Tent. Meth. of ness and Yellowness of Near White. Opaque Materials (Color Materials (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Powder Flow ubes (1972) Std. Meth. of ctrical Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in / Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for Suggested Noise Std. Moisture Std. Moisture y Instrumentation and Techniques for Exhaust Gas Emissions ength and Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers by Fibrograph Std. for Precision In. Gage Blocks for Length Std. for Trapezoidal Flumes for Irrigation Flow Rec. for Use of English and Metric Units of Test Meth. for Chip Length Analysis Std. Meth. for Fast Neutron Flux ) (1972) Std. for Body Std. Rec. Pract. for Internal Temperature Std. Guide for Electrical / Reproducers (1974) An/ Rec. Test Meth. for Timing Error Std. for Test Procedure for Airborne Sound D/ Trial Use Std. Guide on Solid State Devices: Varactor radiology) (1973) Std. for Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Code for Shipboard Hull Vibration r of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by Physical ing Potentiostatic and Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization o Photographic Lenses (197/ Std. Meth. of Designating and osures (1973) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of nstitutional Audio-Visual Equipment Use/ Std. Meth. for Printing (1972) Meth. for ALCA E64 Std. Meth. of zero Deg. Observation) (1972) Meth. for Layer (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Steel Self Drilling Tapping Screws and Rec. Technique for 974) Std. Meth. for Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double Be/ cuum (1971) ANSI Z11.302 ecording and Reproducing Equipment (1971) ndustry (1970) Measurement by Nondispersive Infrared Spectrometry) (19 ASTM D3162 Measurement for Audio Amplifiers Used in Home Equipment EIA RS234-C Measurement for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and Spira AGMA 297.01 Measurement for Low Voltage Inductive Test Currents (19 IEEE 330 Measurement of a Property of a Material (1971) ANSI Zl. ASTM E177 Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtur NCRPM R25 Measurement of Adhesion and Flexibility by the Wedge Be NCCA TB-II-10 Measurement of Airbone Asbestos Fiber by the Membrane F ATI *5 Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (Stc) ICBO UBCS35-1 Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Buil ASTM E90 Measurement of Alpha Particle Radioactivity of Water (1 ASTM D1943 Measurement of Beta Particle Radioactivity of Industria ASTM D1890 Measurement of Color of Low Colored Clear Liquids Using ASTM E450 Measurement of Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Product ASTM D2470 Measurement of Differential Gain and Phase (1960) IEEE 206 Measurement of Discharge (Corona) Pulses in Evaluation ASTM D1868 Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation from Motor Veh SAE J551A Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Fluid Lub ASTM D3233 Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricati ASTM D2782 Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricati ASTM D2783 Measurement of Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes O NCCA TB-II-15 Measurement of Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on S ASTM G12 Measurement of Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases a ASTM D3232 Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts (1972) ANSI C82.2 Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline SAE J170A Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline SAE J171A Measurement of Gamma Radioactivity of Water (1973) ANSI ASTM D1690 Measurement of Glass Stress Optical Coefficient (1973) ASTM C770 Measurement of Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucr AACCH 8010 Measurement of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape Recorder / EIA RS405 Measurement of Lateral Vibration on High Speed Helical AGMA 426.01 Measurement of Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Graphite (196 ASTM C558 Measurement of Low Level Activity in Water (1972T) ASTM D3085 Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thicknesses by M ASTM B487 Measurement of Microhardness of Electroplated Coatings ASTM B578 Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical an NCRPM R23 Measurement of Office Buildings (1972) ANSI Z65.1 Measurement of Out of Roundness (1972) ANSI B89.3.1 Measurement of Oxide Thickness on Silicon Wafers and Me ASTM F388 Measurement of Partial Discharges (Corona) During Diele IEEE 454 Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Ra ANSI C95.3 Measurement of Reflectance and Transmittance (1973) Ans ASTM E179 Measurement of Smell Values of Transistor Capacitance ( EIA RS398 Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in Air (Acoustics) ANSI SI. 13 Measurement of Spinning Performance (1972) ANSI L14.289 ASTM D2811 Measurement of Stacking Fault Dimension (1973) /D. Met AATM F143 Measurement of Steady State Surface Photovoltage (Elect ASTM F391 Measurement of Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Usin ASTM E503 Measurement of Textiles, Paints. Plastics, etc.) (1973) ASTM E313 Measurement of TFE -Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion ASTM D3292 Measurement of the AD Dimension of Aerosol Valve Dip T ASTM D3089 Measurement of the Specific Electrical Impedance of Ele ASTM D3215 Measurement of Thickness of Sandwich Cores (1970) ASTM C366 Measurement of Thickness of Transparent or Opaque Meta! ASTM B588 Measurement of Volatilization Rates of Lubricants in Va ASTM D2715 Measurement of Weighted Peak Flutter Content of Sound R IEEE 193 Measurement Techniques for the Machine Tool Builders' I NMTBA *1 Measurement (Grain and Seeds) (1972) ASAE S352 Measurement (Meat and Its Products) (1972) ASAE S353 Measurement (Passenger Car and Light Truck) (1971) /or SAE J254 Measurement (Textile) (1972) ANSI L14.98 /F Test for L ASTM D1447 Measurement (Thru 20 In.) (1973) ANSI B89.1.9 Measurement (1972) ASAE S359T Measurement (1973) ASAE R285 (Measurement) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-5 Measurements by Track Etch Technique (1973) ASTM E418 Measurements for the Sizing of Girls' Apparel (Clothing USC PS54 Measurements in Ablative Materials (1968) ASTM E377 Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps (light) (1973) ANSI C78.375 Measurements of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape Recorder EIA RS413 Measurements on Rotating Electric Machinery (1973) IEEE 85 Measurements Part II-Characterization of Large Signal IEEE 351 Measurements Using a Neck Phantom (Medical Radiation- ANSI N44.3 Measurements (1969) SNAME C-l Measurements (1969) ANSI K90.2 /Test for Density in Ai ASTM C559 Measurements (1972) / for Std. Reference Meth. for Mak ASTM G5 Measuring Apertures and Related Quantities Pertaining T ANSI PH3.29 Measuring Application and Removal Torque of Threaded CI ASTM D3198 Measuring Area of Leather Test Specimens (1968) ALCA E2 ASTM D2347 Measuring Audio Amplifier Single Frequency Output for I ANSI PH7.2 Measuring Blister Resistance of Coated Paper in Heatset TAPPI T526SU Measuring Break Pattern of Leather (Break Scale) (1973) ASTM D2941 Measuring Brightness of Pulp (Diffuse Illumination and TAPPI T525SU Measuring Caliper of Resilient Floor Covering with Foam ASTM F387 Measuring Case Depth (1972) Std. for SAE J78 Measuring Chalk Resistance of Exterior Coil Coatings (1 NCCA TB-III-8 Engineering and Product Standards Division 243 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards , B Colorimetry (1972) Meth. for or Y, Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity/ Meth. of lectrical Insulation (1972) ANSI C59.33 Sid. Meth. of equency R/ Minimum Performance Std. for Airborne Distance num (1970) ANSI N114 Std. Meth. for (1970) ANSI Mil Std. Meth. for 1 (1970) ANSI N112 Std. Meth. for r (1970) ANSI N 1 13 Std. Meth. for Produced by Uranium 238 Fission (1973) Std. Meth. for blends (1972) Meth. for stometer (1973) Std. Meth. of nonemployee Injury Statistics (1971) Std. for Meth. of ic Semiconductor Single Crystals (1973) Std. Meth. for e (Slug) Calorimeter (1972) Std. Meth. for d. Meth. for Design and Use of a Thin Skin Calorimeter for Tractors Equipped with 3 Point / Std. Test Procedure for Tractors Equipped with 3 Po/ Std. for Test Procedure for Cores (1973) Std. Test. Proc. for and Cores (1974) Std. Test. Procedure for er Like Materials by Means of a Torsional / Std. Meth. of 970) ANSI N109 Std. Meth. for 73) Std. Meth. ubber (1973) Std. Meth. of f Soybean Oil (1973) Std. for Inspection, Sampling and dium Wavelengths (1972) ANSI S4.6 Std. Meth. of r Measuring Thiosulfate and Silver Densitometrie Meth. for r 4 Probe Array (1973) Std. Meth. for tics (R1973) ANSI K66.3 Std. Meth. of Laser Rods (1973) Tent. Rec. Pract. for rics (1972T) Meth. of Test for per or Paperboard (1973) Test Meth. for sh Portable Tester (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. Pract. for Radius of Load and Boom Angle Meth. for Use of Layer Cake Uniform Building Code Std. for Chamber Meth. of Test for xperience of Employees (/ Std. for Meth. of Recording and a Torsional Wire Apparatus (1972) ALCA E/ Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Salts in Pigments by Molding Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Rec. Pract. for Test. Machines for s in Oscillating Motion (1971) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for iques (1970) ANSI N110 Std. Meth. for lm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and / Std. Meth. for ca E4 Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. for r Measuring Residual C/ Std. for Methylene Blue Meth. for 971) Std. Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Cores (1974) Std. Test. Procedure for Std. Meth. for osure Liners (1973) Std. Meth. of 1973) Rec. Pract. for hin Equipment Rooms (Noise) (1973) Std. for Meth. of Std. Moisture Measurement Diagrams (1972) Std. Symbols and Definitions for aded Fasteners Used in Automotive and Related In/ Std. of for Use in Automotive and Related Industries (1/ Std. for crews (1973) Std. for 1) Std. for rth Stations (1973) Std. for Electrical and trol, and Maintenance of Heating, Ventilating, C/ Uniform liances, and Wall Furnaces, Floor Furnaces, and / Uniform ms) EEI MSJ-4 e Hazards and Protection for Maintenance and Inspection of Std. for Operation and Flow Process Charts and Symbols Trial Std. for Screw Threads for Metric Series e in Metal Heads Used in Roadway Lighting Equip/ Std. for n Metal Heads for Roadway Lighting Equipment (1/ Std. for Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Carbon Graphite ric Vulcanizates Under Compressive or Shear Strains by the Std. for Safety for Compressive or Shear Strains by / Std. Meth. of Test for d. Rec. Pract. for Effects of High Energy Radiation on the f Fuel Element Cladding Including the Determination of the f SAE Wrought Aluminum A/ Std. for Chemical Compositions, r Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Test Meth. for Shive Content of Test Meth. for Shive Content of Test Meth. for Shive Content of Uniform Fire Code: Safety Rec. for for Access Control System Units (Electronic / Electrical / Rec. Pract. for Special Quality High Tensile, Hard Drawn Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for Measur: Measur; Measur Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur Measur: Measur Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur Measur Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur: Measur Measur) Measur: Measun Measun Measu Measur: Measun Measur Measur: Measun Measun Measur: Measur Measur Measur Measur Measur Measur Measur Measur Measur Measur: Measur Measuri (Meat an Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan (Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Mechan Color of Paper and Paper Board by Hunter L, a TAPPI T524SU Color of Paper and Paperboard in CIE Y; X, Y TAPPI T527SU Dimensions of Rigid Rods and Tubes Used for E ASTM D668 Equipment (DME) Operating Within the Radio Fr RTCA DO-151 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Alumi ASTM E266 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron ASTM E263 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nicke ASTM E264 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfu ASTM E265 Fast Neutron Flux for Analysis for Barium 140 ASTM E393 Flat Spring Test for Hot Tack of Wax Polymer TAPPI T683SU Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Pla ASTM D1238 Frequency and Cost, and Recording Patron and ANSI Z108.1 Hall Mobility and Hall Coefficient in Extrins ASTM F76 Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Capacitanc ASTM E457 Heat Transfer Rate (1972) St ASTM E459 Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural ASAE S349 Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural SAE J283 Inside Diameters of Composite Cans, Tubes and CCTI CT102 Lengths or Heights of Composite Cans, Tubes, CCTI CT104 Low Temperature Stiffening of Rubber and Rubb ASTM D1053 Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1 ASTM E261 Plasma Arc Gas Enthalpy by Energy Balance (19 ASTM E341 Plasticity Retention Index (PRI) of Natural R ASTM D3194 Procedures for Bulk Shipments and Transfers O NSPA *4 Recorded Flux of Magnetic Sound Records at Me IEEE 347 Residual Chemicals in Films, Plates, and Pape ANSI PH4.8 Resistivity of Silicon Slices with a Collinea ASTM F84 Shrinkage from Mold Dimensions of Molded Plas ASTM D955 Slope Efficiency and Lasing Threshold of Ruby ASTM F379 Soil Removal and Reflectance Retention of Fab ASTM D3050 Squareness or Rectangularity of a Sheet of Pa TAPPI UM-530 Surface Frictional Properties Using the Briti ASTM E303 System (1972) SAE J375A Template (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 10-91 the Density of Smoke from the Burning or Deco ICBO UBCS52-2 the Off-The-Job Disabling Accidental Injury E ANSI Z16.3 the Relative Stiffness of Leather by Means of ASTM D2821 the Specific Resistance of the Leachate of Th ASTM D2448 the Spiral Flow of Low Pressure Thermosetting ASTM D3123 the Uniformity of Passenger Car Tires (1972) SAE J332A the Wear Life and Bonded Solid Film Lubricant ASTM D2981 Thermal Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techn ASTM E262 Thickness of Buildup Area on Unitized Microti NMA MS9 Thickness of Leather Test Specimens (1970) Al ASTM D1813 Thickness of Leather Units (1970) ALCA E3 ASTM D1814 Thiosulfate and Silver Densitometrie Meth. Fo ANSI PH4.8 Transmission Performance of Telephone Sets (1 IEEE 269 Ultrasonic Velocity in Materials (1973) ASTM E494 Wall Thicknesses of Composite Cans, Tubes and CCTI CT101 Warpage of Ceramic Tile (1973) ASTM C485 Water Vapor Transmission Through Screw Cap CI ASTM D3199 Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete ( ACI 304 Recording and Specifying Machinery Sound Wit ARI 575 ts Products) (1972) ASAE S353 and Acoustical Elements as Used in Schematic ANSI Y32.18 and Quality Requirements for Externally Thre SAE J429F and Quality Requirements for Machine Screws SAE J82 and Quality Requirements for Steel Machine S IFI 103 and Quality Requirements for Steel Nuts (197 SAE J995B Characteristics of Antennas for Satellite Ea EIA RS411 Code (Requirements for the Installation, Con ICBO UMC*7 Code: Requirements for Vented Decorative App ICBO UMC*7-1 Demand Registers (Cumulative and Pointer for NEMA EI 14 Drive Turbines (1974) Fir FMS 13-9 Engineering) (1972) ASME 101 Fasteners (1974) IFI 500 Interchangeability of Socket Supports for Us EEI TDJ-143 Interchangeability of Socket Supports Used I NEMA SH13 Materials (1971) ANSI K90.6 ASTM C565 Oscillograph (1972) ANSI J2. 17 /of Elastome ASTM D945 Power Transmission Apparatus (1972) ANSI B15.1 Properties of Elastomeric Vulcanizates Under ASTM D945 Properties of Metallic Materials (1962) ANSI ASTM E184 Properties (1972) ANSI N147 / Examination ASTM E453 Property Limits and Dimensional Tolerances O SAE J457J Property Requirements (1972) Std. Spec. Fo ASTM A663 Pulp (Laboratory Flat Screen) (1973) TAPPI UM-240 al Pulp (Somerville Fractionator) (1973) TAPPI UM-242 Pulp (Von Alfthan Shive Analyzer) (1973) TAPPI UM-241 Refrigeration (1973) ICBO UFC»2ART28 Refrigeration (1974) FMS 12-61 Security Surveillance System and Equipment) UL 294 Spring Wire and Springs (1972) SAE J271 Springs (1971) ANSI G54.1 ASTM A227 244 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ec. for Steel Wire, High Tensile Strength, Hard Drawn, for Rec. Pract. for 73) ANSI G60.1 Std. Meth. and Definitions for 0.48Mo-0.09/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, Rings, and 3-0. 49C)) (1973) Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, and 0.07V (0.41-0.460/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, and Std. Spec, for Seamless Stainless Steel Std. Spec, for Welded Stainless Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel i-0.30Cr-1.8Ni-0.4/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, equirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Shears Std. for Bulbed Spindle (1974) Std. for Bulbed Std. for Self Plugging, 1974) Std. for Bulbed ivet (1974) Std. for Bulbed ivet (1974) Std. for Bulbed Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Station, ANSI Al/ Std. for Drinking Fountains and Self Contained, of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Training of Automotive f Instruction) (1972) Std. for Training of Automotive Safety Std. for tegrity and Test Spec, for Selected Brachytherapy Sources roid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck Phantom Std. Dimensions for td. Color Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Intended for ec. for Waste Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for . Test Meth. for Filler Content of Phenol, Resorcinol. and t Meth. for Nonvolatile Content of Phenol. Resorcinol, and Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Hot Rec. Pract. for Flexibility Determination of Hot -l.ITi, Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode -3.0Ti-1.4Al) Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction ) Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, Vacuum 20C), Premium Bearing Quality, Consumable Electrode Vacuum .09V (0.17-0.23C), Premium Quality, Consumable Electrode -3.0Ti-1.4Al, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction -3.0Ti-1.4Al, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction cereal Chemistry) (1967) Capillary Meth. of Analysis of al Chemistry) (1967) Wiley Meth. of Analysis of td. Spec, for Primary Columbium Metal for Consolidation or Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Glued Built Up . for Preservative Treatment of Structural Glued Laminated nents. Timber, Preservative / Uniform Building Code: Wood Tent. Rec. for Concrete mbined (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Wood backing Board (1/ Spec, for Installation of Steel Framing Design Tables for Reinforced Brick Masonry Flexural Std. for Spec, and Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural ss Variation or Stress Reversal Design of Structural Steel sign of Light Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural 1) (1/ Spec, for Design of Aluminum Alloy Load Carrying ion Design Handbook (Beam, Slab, Footing, Column and Other Rope Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch Stranded for Capillary Moisture Relationships for Soils by Pressure Measurement of Airborne Asbestos Fiber by the r Determining Water Quality for Subsurface Injection Using Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Flow Rate of nsi A37.87 Std. Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Fire Barrier Gypsum Board oated Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Plast/ Spec, for Roof rmance Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for rmance Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for Safety Std. for Surveillance Cameras for Banks and e, and Distillate Fuels (Potentio/ Std. Meth. of Test for ical 0,0-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S-Ester with 4- 14.124 Test Meth. for st Meth. for Evaluating Wetting Agents in Caustic Soda for nformation Flow Used in Ordering, Shipping, and Billing of o Mechanical Property Requirements (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ANSI H39.3 Std. Meth. of Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of Inorganic Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Low Quantities of Std. Spec, for pply Type (1971) Std. Spec, for Std. for 75 Watt H43 d. Physical and Electrical Characteristics of 50 Watt, H46 of 40 Watt, H45 (1972) Std. Meth. for the Designation of Std. Page Format of the Construction Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Potassium lding Code Std. for Metal, Wire and Wire Fabric Laths, and Std. Meth. of Test for Cleavage Strength of Metal to Mechanical Springs (1973) Std. Sp ASTM A679 Mechanical Stop Lamp (Light) Switch (1972) SAE J249 Mechanical Test, of Wrought and Cast Steel Products (19 ASTM A370 Mechanical Tubing (Annealed) (0.48Cr-8.0Ni-4.0Co- SAE AMS6540B Mechanical Tubing (1.05Cr-0.55Ni-1.0Mo-0. 12V (0.4 SAE AMS6432A Mechanical Tubing (1.62SI -0.82Cr-1.82Ni-0.40Mo- SAE AMS6416A Mechanical Tubing (1971) ANSI G62.1 ASTM A511 Mechanical Tubing (1973) ASTM A554 Mechanical Tubing (1973) ANSI G62.4 ASTM A519 Mechanical Tubing, and Flash Welded Rings (1.3Mn-1.5S SAE AMS6418E (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Semi and Automatic, a ANSI B11.4 Mechanically Locked Protruding Head Blind Rivet (1974) NSA 1768 Mechanically Locked Spindle Protruding Head Blind Rivet NSA 1738 Mechanically Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) NSA 1400 Mechanically Locked Spindle Self Plugging Blind Rivet ( NSA 1740 Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind R NSA 1739 Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind R NSA 1769 Mechanically Operated Type for Indoor Use (1973) /Heat UL 539 Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking Water Coolers (1973) ARI 1010 Mechanics for Buses, Heavy Trucks and Trailers (Course ANSI D18.2 Mechanics for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Course O ANSI D18.1 Medical and Dental Equipment (1972) UL 544 (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for in ANSI N44.1 (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for Thy ANSI N44.3 Medical Radiographic Sheet and Roll Films (1973) ANSI PHI. 17 Medical Use in the United States (Safety) (1973) CGA C9 Medical Users (1951) NCRPM R9 Melamine Adhesives (1970) Std ASTM D1579 Melamine Adhesives (1970) Std. Tes ASTM D1582 Melt Adhesives and Coating Materials (1973) ASTM D3236 Melt Adhesives by Mandrel Bend Test Meth. (1972T) ASTM D3111 Melted Solution Heat Treated (1973) /-8.5Ni-2.0'':u SAE AMS5617A Melted 1825-1900 Deg. F (996.1-1037.8 Deg. C) Solution, SAE AMS5707D Melted (0.95Cr-0.20V (0.28-0.33C)) (SAE 6130) (1973 SAE AMS6461E Melted (1973) /Slant, 14.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.10- 1. SAE AMS5749 Melted, Annealed (1973) /R-9.0Ni-4.5Co-1.0Mo -0 SAE AMS6523A Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution Heat Treat SAE AMS5738C Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution, Stabiliza SAE AMS5709B Melting Point of All Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats ( AACCH 58-40 Melting Point of Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cere AACCH 58-41 Melting (1964) ANSI Z179. 17 ASTM B383 Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Beam ICBO UBCS25-18 Members and Laminations Before Gluing of Southern Pine, AWPA C28 Members and Their Fastenings (Lumber, Plywood and Compo ICBO UBC*3-25 Members Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons (1966) ACI 66-8 Members Subjected to Both Flexural and Axial Loading Co ICBO UBCS25-16 Members to Receive Screw Attached Gypsum Wallboard and ANSI A97.2 Members (Tech. Notes) (1967) BIA 17J Members (1973) Uniform Building Code ICBO UBCS27-9 Members (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Stre ICBO UBCS27-3 Members (1973) /Rm Building Code Std. for Spec, and De ICBO UBCS27-10 (Members) Structures (Aluminum Construction Manual Sect. AA *10 Members) (1973) Concrete Construct ACI SP17 Members, for Electrical Conductors (1971) Spec, for ASTM B172 Membrane Apparatus (1972) Std. Meth. of Test ASTM D3152 Membrane Filter Meth. (Textile) (1971) ATI *5 Membrane Filters (Petroleum Industry) (1973) /Me'.h Fo NACE TM-01-73 Membrane Filters (1972) ASTM F317 Membrane Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete (1973) a ASTM C309 Membrane (1972T) ASTM C707 Membranes; Aggregates, Saturated Felts, Saturated and C NRCA *2-IV Men and Women (Heavy Duty) (Institutional Textile) (197 ANSI L24.3.6 Men and Women (Institutional Textile) (1973) /D. Perfo ANSI L24.3.5 Mercantile and Bank Safes and Vaults (1971) ANSI Se 2.1 UL 609 Mercantile Premises (1973) ANSI Se2.5 UL 983 Mercaptan Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Turbin ASTM D3227 (Mercaptomethyl)-2-Methyoxy-? 2 -l,3,4-Thiabiazolin -5 ANSI K62.134 Mercerization in Cotton Yarns and Fabrics (1971) ANSI L AATCC 89 Mercerization (1971) ANSI L14.79 Te AATCC 43 Merchandise Within the Hardgoods (Hardware) Industry (1 NWHA *1 Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Subject T ASTM A663 Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars (1973) ASTM A575 Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper and Its Alloys (1973) ASTM B154 Mercury and Nonalkyl Organo Compounds (1972) ANSI Z37.8 Mercury in Liquid Chlorine (1973) ASTM E506 Mercury in Paint (1973) ASTM D2206 Mercury Lamp Reference Ballasts (1971) ANSI C82.5 Mercury Lamp Transformers, Constant Current (Series) Su ANSI C82.7 Mercury Lamps (1972) ANSI C78.1322 Mercury Lamps (1972) St ANSI C78.1324 Mercury Lamps: Physical and Electrical Characteristics ANSI C78.1323 Message ( 1974) CSI MP-2E Meta-Bisulfite Na 2 S-,0, (1972) ANSI PH4.276 Metabisulfite K. 2 S 2 5 (1972) ANSI PH4.277 Metal Accessories (Designed for Use as a Plaster Base) ICBO UBCS47-4 Metal Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197. 16 ASTM D1062 Engineering and Product Standards Division 245 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 7/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Metal to Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Creep Tests of Metal to Meth. of Test for Pressure in Air Handling Spec, for Sheet amination of a Cross Secti/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of ion Service (1971) ANSI G36.49 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Mild Steel Electrodes for Cas Std. for Manual Gas Std. Spec, for White s by Polar/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Glass • 73) Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Admiralty Std. Spec, for Composition Bronze or Ounce de for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Std. Filler Std. for Std. for Flexible Connectors of Other Than All Spec, for Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Dual e Pivot (1973) Spec, for 1 3/4 In. Thick Hollow dlock Strikes (1973) Spec, for Hollow azardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, azardous Dust Locations (Agricultural Plastics, Chemicals, Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought Precious meter), Citrus Style (1974) Mm) Diameter) (1973) nd Cable Installation (1973/ Rec. Industry Std. for Loose Rec. Std. for Loose Std. Meth. of Test. Rec. for Protection Against Molten Std. for Safety for Cellular Std. Spec, for Primary Columbium Std. Spec, for Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin on Under the Uniform Building Code: Valley Flashing (Sheet dway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH10 Std. for dway Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-140 Std. for r Mechanical Interchangeability of Socket Supports LIsed in echanical Interchangeability of Socket Supports for Use in Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Strip for Flexible Std. Spec, for Remelted Lithium Std. for Threaded Std. for Threaded Uniform Building Code Std. for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Std. for Safety for Portable Specifying Std. for Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, in eth. for Measurement of Thickness of Transparent or Opaque r Surfaces (1971) Spec, for 70) Std. for Electroplating of Nickel and Chromium on bolted Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Std. Spec, for Iron Copper Sintered Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of for Flexible Steel and Aluminum Conduit for Safe Use as A ) ANSI C33.50 Std. for Safety for Surface Thyristor Power Supplies for Guide Spec, for Sheet tics by Po/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Glass - of Test for Slump of Face Glazing and Bedding Compounds on old Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or Sheet Std. Spec, for Thermostat Architectural Sheet are (1970) ANSI D14.9 Std. Meth for Corrosion Test on eth. for Preparation and Use of Bent Beam Stress Corrosion Std. Spec, for Primary Hafnium act. for Meth. of Determining Plastic Deformation in Sheet for Density and Interconnected Porosity of Sintered Powder 8 Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of y in Panel Ceilings (1973/ Uniform Building Code Std. for initions of Terms Relating to Porcelain Enamel and Ceramic Glossary of Architectural h. for Electrostatic Clinging of Textile Fabrics Fabric to nsi N144 Std. Meth. for Calibration of Refractory Brick and Tile Std. Meth. of Test for Cleavage Strength of hear) (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Creep Tests of creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading p Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Compression Loading ength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading ives in Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures Guide Spec, for rials) (1974) ANSI Z221.1 Std. for Safety for ion Manual, Sect. 5) (1971) Spec, for Aluminum Sheet Std. Classification for Std. Spec, for Zinc Std. Spec, for Electrolytic Manganese Spec, for Brazing Filler Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrochromium and Chromium Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Met Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Met, Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta (Meta (Meta! (Meta (Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Met Meta Meta Meta Adhesives by Compression Loading (Disk Shear) (19 Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z197.22 Aerosol Containers (1972) and Air Conditioning Contractors (1973) and Oxide Coating Thicknesses by Microscopical Ex Arc Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Transmiss Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.18 Arc (Gma) Welding Equipment (1974) Bearing Alloys (1973) ANSI H39.1 Butt Seals and Test, for Expansion Characteristic by the Cast Pin and Point to Plane Techniques (19 Castings (1974) Clad Switchgear (1971) ANSI C37.24 Std. Gui Comparison Charts (1971) Connectors for Gas Appliances (1967) Construction for Gas Appliances (1971) Cutting Machine Tool Weldments (1971) Cylinders (1972) Door and Frame Preparation for Offset Intermedial Door Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Series Dea Dusts) (1973) Std. for Area Classification in H Dusts) (1973) /on of Electrical Instruments in H Electrical Contact Materials (1972) End Dimensions of Composite Cans (211 (66 Mm) Dia End Dimensions (6 Ounce Fibre Citrus Cans 202 (52 Fasteners in Wood (1974) Fires and Explosions (1973) Floor Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wire a for Consolidation or Melting (1964) ANSI Z179.17 for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI N12.1 for Roof Waterproofing) (1973) /Lling Construct! Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roa Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roa Heads for Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI T Heads Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) N Hose (1973) in Ingot Form (1972) ANSI H43.1 Industrial V-Grooved Wheel Std. (1966) Insert-Heavy Duty (1973) Insert, Light Weight (1973) Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete Co Ladders (1974) Louvers, Stationary (1967) Molds or Sand Lined Molds for Gas (1971) Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double Beam Interf Oxide Waterproofing for Below Grade Wall and Floo Parts-Automotive Ornamentation and Hardware (19 Plate Connected Wood Truss Design; and Nails and Powder Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63.1 Powders (1948) ANSI H9.1 Raceway for Wire and Cable Installation (1973) an Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wiring (1973 Rolling Mill Auxiliary Drives (1972) Roofing (1971) Sandwich Seal and Test, for Expansion Characteris Sash (1974) Std. Meth. Screws (1971) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec, for C Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI Z155.19 Spec. (1973) Specimens for Engine Antifreezes Tested in Glassw Specimens (1973) Std. M Sponge and Other Forms (1967) ANSI N134 Stampings (1972) Rec. Pr Structural Parts and Oil Impregnated Bearings (19 Surfaces for Adhesives Bonding (1967) ANSI Z197.2 Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for La Systems (1973) ANSI Z167.1 Std. Def Terms (1973) Test) (1973) Test Met Thermocouples Using an Optical Pyrom ter (1972) a Tied Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) to Metal Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.16 to Metal Adhesives by Compression Loading (Disk S to Metal Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z197.22 to Metal) (1969) Std. Test Meth. for to Metal) (1969) Std. Test Meth. for Cree to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197.15 /. of Test for Str to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197.5 /Roperties of Adhes Toilet Partitions (1972) Waste (Trash, Garbage) Cans (For Combustible Mate Work in Building Construction (Aluminum Construct Working Fluids and Related Materials (1973) (Slab-Zinc) (1970) ANSI H24.1 (1969) ANSI G84.1 (1969) ANSI W3.8 (1971T) Tent. ASTM D2182 ASTM D1780 ASTM D3074 SMACN »3 ASTM B487 ASTM A381 AWS A5.18 NSA 959 ASTM B23 ASTM F140 ASTM E486 ASTM B62 IEEE 144 AWS A5.0 ANSI Z21.24 ANSI Z21.45 AWS D14.2 ASTM A667 ANSI A115.12 ANSI A115.5 ISA S12.10 ISA S12.ll ASTM B476 CCTI E211.1 CCT1 E202.1 ASTM D1761 FMS 10-8 UL 209 ASTM B383 ASTM B349 ICBO UBC»8-1< EEI TDJ-140 NEMA SH10 NEMA SH13 EEI TDJ-143 ASTM B508 ASTM B357 CFTMA W8 NSA 1395 NSA 1394 ICBO UBCS26-8 UL 184 CSI 15851 ANSI A21.52 ASTM B588 CSI 07140 SAE J207 ICBO UBCS25-17 ASTM B222 ASTM B212 UL 1 UL 5 NEMA PV 2 CSI 07610 ASTM F144 ASTM D2376 ASTM A548 ASTM B388 SMACN ♦1 ASTM D1384 ASTM G39 ASTM B414 SAE J863C ASTM B328 ASTM D2651 ICBO UBCS47-16 ASTM C286 NAAMM *35 AATCC 115 ASTM E452 BIA 25 ASTM D1062 ASTM D2182 ASTM D1780 ASTM D2294 ASTM D2293 ASTM D1002 ASTM D2295 CSI 10182 UL 32 AA •12 ASTM D2881 ASTM B6 ASTM A601 AWS A5.8 ASTM E363 246 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Stds. for Industrial Perforated Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Plutonium Meth. of Test for Coefficient of Friction, Yarn to Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber to 1 Self-Locking Nuts, High Strength. Prevailing Torque, All esistant Alloy Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All ear and Radio Chemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Std. Spec, for Chromium Std. Meth. of Test for Plastic Strain Ratio R for Sheet d. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrosilicon and Silicon ract. for Test. Primers and Primer Surfaces Over Preformed resistance of Organic Coatings When Applied to Coil Coated Std. for Safety for Septic Tanks. Bituminous Coated tigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading perties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal to ies of Adhesives in Shear by Compression Loading (Metal to ns for Cores for Photographic Film Rolls (Plastic, Wood or perties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal to hear by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal to operties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal / Specifying Duct, Sheet iform Building Code: Veneer (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Tile, s (Designed for Use as a / Uniform Building Code Std. for Guide Spec, for Flagpoles, and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All 1970E) Std. Meth. of Test for Identification of ) ANSI B93.36 Std. Groove Dimensions for Floating Type Std. Spec, for Installation for Non ct. for Recording Data from Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of ment of Thickness of Transparent or Opaque Metal Oxide and Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Uninsulated Tent. Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of Thin aximum Allowable Operat/ Std. for Small Manually Operated Safety Std. for Flexible Std. Meth. of Compression Test, of s of High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Std. Meth. for Notched Bar Impact Test, of Std. Rec. Pract. for Scleroscope Hardness Test, of Std. Meth. of Test for Vickers Hardness of Std. Test Meth. for Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Std. Meth. of Test for Brinell Hardness of for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged . for Condensation-Humidity Test, of Organic Coatings on f Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Organic Coatings on td. Meth. for Assigning Alloy Phase Designations (Code) in ansi C33.98 Std. for Safety for Electrical nally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Electrical . for Measurement of Oxide Thickness on Silicon Wafers and nd Steel (1967) Rec. Pract. for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to eluding Recommended Practice for Photography as Applied to Std. Definitions of T erms Used in P owd er hotography As/ Std. Meth. of Preparation of Micrographs of Std. Rec. Pract. for Codification of Certain Nonferrous H/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of Refractory (C/ Test Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion on All s and Other / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Heavy 956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Heavy Std. Spec, for Brazing Filler ct. for Experimental Test, for Biological Compatibility of Test Meth. for Laboratory Corrosion Test, of 1972) ANSI Z11.317 Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Test Meth. for Heavy Std. Rec. Pract. for Cleaning romiu/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Corrosion Resistant and Rockwell Superf/ Std. Hardness Conversion Tables for d. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Test, of Uniform Building Code Std. for Sheet Reagents, and Safety Precautions for Chemical Analysis of 1973) Rec. for High Temperature Molten Materials Electrical Std. for eas. Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities For/ Dielectric colored Clear Liquids Using the Hunterlab Color Difference Std. for Electrical Indicating Instrument Std. for Instrument Transformers for (Electricity) p) Gas (1973) ANSI B 167.1 Std. for Safety for Std. for Cold Water Std. Spec, for Sound Level Direct Reading Remote Registration Systems for Cold Water ound Data Acquisition System for Vehicle Noise Sound Level Metal (1972) Metal (1972) ANSI N136 Metal (1972T) Metal (1973) Metal (1973) Spec, for Stee Metal (1973) Spec, for Self-Locking Corrosion R Metal (1973) /Ass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nucl Metal (1973) ANSI G75.1 Metal (1974) Metal (1974) St Metal (1974) Std. Rec. P Metal (1974) /Termining Pressure Marking and Blocking Metal (1974) ANSI A162.1 Std. Meth. of Test for Fa Std. Test Meth. for Creep Pro Std. Test Meth. for Creep Propert Std. Dimensio /. of Test for Strength Pro /Roperties of Adhesives in S Std. Meth. of Test for Fatigue Pr (Metal / Metal) (1973) Metal) (1969) Metal) (1969) Metal) (1971) Metal) (1972) ANSIZ197.15 Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197.5 Metal) (1973) Metal, Low Pressure, Air Transmission (1967) Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Protection, or Metal. Wire and Wire Fabric Laths, and Metal Accessorie Metal. Wood and Fiberglass (1972) Metal, 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unified J (MIL S-8 Metal, 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unified (MIL S-774 Metallic and Fibrous Contaminants in Aerospace Fluids ( Metallic and Nonmetallic Fluid Power Piston Rings (1972 Metallic Antimony (1972) ANSI H41.1 Metallic Building Sewers (1971) Metallic Coated Steel Specimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pra Metallic Coatings by Double Beam Interference Microscop Metallic Coatings (1972) Metallic Electrical Conductors (1972A) Metallic Films with a Collinear Four Probe Array (1973) Metallic Gas Valves in Gas Distribution Systems Whose M Metallic Hose (1972) ANSI B140.1 Metallic Materials at Room Temperature (R1973) Metallic Materials (1962) ANSI N145 /Pract. for Effect Metallic Materials (1969) ANSI Z168.13 Metallic Materials (1972) Metallic Materials (1972) Metallic Materials (1972) ANSI Z115.7 Metallic Materials (1972) ANSI Z260.2 Metallic Materials (1973) ANSI Z115.S Metallic Materials (1974) ANSI Z115.6, Ashto T080 /St Metallic Piping Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. for Metallic Silhouette Match Rifle Range Plans (1973) Metallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) Std. Meth Metallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) /N, or Other Failure O Metallic Systems Based on the Composition and Crystal L Metallic Tubing for Wire and Cable Installation (1973) Metallic Tubing (1974) /. for Polyvinyl Chloride Exter Metallization Tnickness by Multiple Beam Interference ( Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc Protection of Iron a Metallography (1973) ANSI Z30.4 Metallography) (1962) ANSI Z30.3 /Etals and Alloys (In Metallurgy (1972) ANSI H9.5 Metals and Alloys (Including Recommended Practice for P Metals and Alloys, Cast and Wrought (1973) Metals and Compounds by the Scott Volumeter (1970) ANSI Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting Metals Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup Metals Content of of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Dextrose (1 Metals for Electron Devices (1972) Metals for Surgical Implants (1972) Std. Rec. Pra Metals for the Process Industries (1972) Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels (Atomic Absorption Meth.) ( Metals in Paper and Paperboard (1973) Metals Prior to Electroplating (1968) ANSI G53.33 Metals (Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Ch Metals (Relationship Between Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell Metals (1972) St Metals (1973) Metals (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Apparatus. (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc.) Fire Protection and Safety ( Metalworking Machine Tools (1973) ANSI C113.1 Meter Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains, Beans, P Meter (1972T) Meth. for Measurement of Color of Low (Meter) Relays (1972) Metering Purposes, 15 kV and Less (1973) NEMA Ei21 Meters for Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum (L Meters (Displacement Type 5/8 In. Through 6 In.) (1971) Meters (1971) Meters (1972) Std. for Meters (1972) ANSI S6.1 /Ec. Pract. for Qualifying a S IPA •1 ASTM C701 ASTM D3108 ASTM D429 SAE AMS7252A SAE AMS7253A ASTM C758 ASTM A481 ASTM E517 ASTM E360 ASTM D3322 NCCA TB II 17 UL 70 ASTM D3166 ASTM D2294 ASTM D2293 ANSI PHI. 13 ASTM D1002 ASTM D2295 ASTM D3166 CSI 15836 ICBO UBC'330 ICBO UBCS47-4 CSI 10350 SAE AMS7251B SAE AMS7250C ASTM F314 NFLDP T3.19.ll ASTM B237 IAPMO IS1 ASTM G33 ASTM B588 ASTM B571 ASTM B354 ASTM F390 ANSI B16.33 UL 536 ASTM E9 ASTM E184 ASTM E8 ASTM E23 ASTM E448 ASTM E92 ASTM E399 ASTM E10 ASTM E18 NACE RP-0169 NRA •18 NCCA TB-III-6 NCCA TB III 1 ASTM E157 UL 797 NEMA RN1 ASTM F388 AWS C2.2 ASTM E7 ASTM E2 ASTM B243 ASTM E2 ASTM B275 ASTM B329 NCCA TB-II-16 CR F-26 CR E-30 ASTM F106 ASTM F361 NACE TM-01-69 ASTM D2788 TAPPI UM-544 ASTM B322 ICBO UBCS32-6 ASTM E140 ASTM G31 ICBO UBCS32-4 ASTM E50 FMS LPD 733 NFPA 79 AACCH 44-11 ASTM E450 NEMA 112 EEI MSJ-11 UL 25 AWWA C700 ANSI S1.4 AWWA C706 SAE J184 Engineering and Product Standards Division 247 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Std. Spec, for Methyl Alcohol Std. for 0,0-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S-Ester Wi/ Std. for ' ethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) (Common Name for Th/ Std. for mon Name for Th/ Std. for Methoprene (Isopropyl (E.E)-ll- for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6- mmon Name for the Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl (E.E)-ll- ) Low Blank Meth. of Analysis of Meth. for Std. Spec, for hate Solutions; Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cereal / Meth. for Preparation of ylate Esters (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ndicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining (197/ Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical ,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothioate Chlorpyrifos for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 4-Chloro5- for the Pest Control Chemical 0-1,3-Dioxolan -2-Ylphenyl Std. Meth. of Test. Hydroxypropyl Std. Meth. of Test. dicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining er Densitometric Meth. for Measuring Residual C/ Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas st Control Chemical 2-(Ethylamino)4-(Isopropylamino)-6- or the Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6- t Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-(Ethylamino)-6- Phosphorodithioate S-Ester with 4-(Mercaptomethyl)-2- and Technical Work / Rec. Pract. for Units (Measurement - flat, and Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology, Gauge, tem of Units) (1972) ANSI Z210. 1 Std. roller Bearings) Conform/ Std. Shaft and Housing Fits for Std. for In. and Std. for Gaging Practice for Trial Std. for Screw Threads for Std. for Rec. for Use of English and aerospace Std. Documents Preparation and Maintenance in Si Rec. Pract. for Rules for SAE Use of SI (1972) Std. for Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl atural Block Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in Fixed electric Capacitors (1971) / Std. Spec, for Natural Block 27 Std. Spec, for Natural Muscovite Block Std. for Molded and Dipped capacitors (1971) / Std. Spec, for Natural Block Mica and Std. Meth. of Test for Undersized Loose Muscovite al Chemistry) (1962) caroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 1968) Meth. of Analysis of mistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) 1 Chemistry) (1962) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance Characteristics of sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative nt. Meth. of Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidation Industry Std. for Distribution and 70 mm 100 Ft. Spools for Recording Instruments and for esion of Protection Sheet to Aperture Adhesive of Unitized rds) (1972) Std. for Dimensions for Unitized Meth. for Measuring Thickness of Buildup Area on Unitized Industry Quality Std. for Computer Output Drafting Guide for ndustry Quality Std. Format and Coding for Computer Output r Storage of Processed Safety Photographic Film Other Than tion and Quality Control of First Generation Silver Habide Industry Std. for Fascimile Transmission of 17 Std. for Flowchart Symbols and Their Usage in Industry StcL_Glossary of Practice for Photography As/ Std. Meth. of Preparation of Std. Spec, for Grading of Abrasive Std. Meth. of Measurement of Std. Meth. of Test for d. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products Std. Rec. Pract. for Description and Performance of the h. of Test for Diameter of Wool and Other Animal Fibers by al Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double Beam Interference try) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide Field and Compound cereal Chemistry) (1962) eth. for Identification and Qualitative (Including Optical rganic Components in a Polished Specimen / Std. Meth. for al Components of Coal (1972) Std. Meth. for Methane, Neon, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen) (1973) (Methanol (99.850 (1972) Methazole (Herbicide) (1971) Methidathion (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Methoprene (Isopropyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trim Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) (Com Methoxy-S-Triazine-Prometon (1973) /D. Common Name Methoxy-3 ,7,1 1 -Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienethioate-Tri Methoxychlor Residues in Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Methoxyl Content of Pulp and Wood (1972) Methyl Alcohol (Methanol (99.850 (1972) Methyl Blue and Green; Mineral Oil; Urease Tablets; Xan Methyl Esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Methyl Ether of Hydroquinone in Colorless Monomeric Acr Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol (1972) Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (1972) Methyl Orange Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and I Methyl 5(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoate Bifenox Methyl (1973) /Pest Control Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl 0(3 (Methylamino) -2-(a,a,a- Trifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 (2H)Pyri Methylcarbamate-Dioxacarb (1973) Std. Common Name Methylcellulose (1972) Methylcellulose (1972) ANSI K65.26 Methylene Blue Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and in Methylene Blue Meth. for Measuring Thiosulfate and Silv (Methylene Blue Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z77.10 (Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Ametryn (1973) /E for the PE (Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Prometryn (1973) /Mon Name F (Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Terbutryn (1973) /or the Pes Methyoxy-? 2 -l,3,4-Thiabiazolin -5-One) (1973) /Thyl Metric and British-American) in Published Scientific Metric Conversions) (1972) /Sion, Extension, Torsion, Metric Pract. Guide to the Use of SI (International Sys Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Metric Radial Needle Roller Bearings (1973) ANSI B3.18 Metric Screw Threads (1972) Metric Series Mechanical Fasteners (1974) Metric Thread Fuel Injection Tubing Connections (1971) Metric Units of Measurement (1973) Metric Units (1973) Std. for National (Metric) Units (1972) Mexacarbate (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbanilate (Ester) Desmedipham (19 Mica-Dielectric Capacitors (1971) ANSI C59.26 /for N Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in Fixed Mica-Di Mica and Thins Based on Visual Quality (1971) ANSI C59. Mica Capacitors (Wire Lead Styles) (1972) Mica Films Suitable for Use in Fixed Mica-Dielectric Mica Splittings (1973) Micro Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein (Cere Micro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Ma Micro Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) ( Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Niacin (Cereal Che Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin (Cereal Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B12 (Cerea Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin B6 Complex Microcontacts (1972) ANSI Z55.15 Microcoulometry (1972T) /Test for Trace Quantities of Microcoulometry (1973) Te Microfiche of Documents (1972) Microfilm and Still Picture Cameras (1972) /M 100 Ft. Microfilm Carrier (Aperture Card) (1973) ANSI PH5.14 Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy and Image Ca Microfilm Carriers (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and Image C Microfilm (1971) Microfilm (1971) Microfilm (1971) Microfilm (1971) Std. Practice Fo Microfilm (1972) Rec. Pract. Inspec Microfilmed Documents (1972) ANSI C16.45 Microfont Charts (1969) Micrographics (Information Processing) (1973) ANSI PH5. Micrographics (1971) Micrographs of Metals and Alloys (Including Recommended Microgrits (1972) Microhardness of Electroplated Coatings (1973) Microhardness of Materials (1973) (Micromethod) (1971) ANSI Z11.277 St Microphotometer (1971) ANSI Z128.31 Microprojection (1972) ANSI L14.143 Std. Met Microscope Technique (1973) /Transparent or Opaque Met Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funnel, Trap Microscopic Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat or Rye ( Microscopic) Analysis of Mineral Filler and Coating of Microscopical Determination of the Reflectance of the O Microscopical Determination of Volume Percent of Physic ICBO UFC*2ART36 ASTM D1152 ANSI K62.104 ANSI K62.134 ANSI K62.132 ANSI K62.132 ANSI K62.144 ANSI K62.141 AACCH 60-40 TAPPI T209SU ASTM D1152 AACCH 28-91 AACCH 58-17 ASTM D3125 ASTM D2635 ASTM D1153 CR R-70 ANSI K62.138 ANSI K62.130 ANSI K62.125 ANSI K62.147 ASTM D2363 ASTM D1347 CR R-65 ANSI PH4.8 ASTM D2725 ANSI K62.142 ANSI K62.143 ANSI K62.148 ANSI K62.134 IEEE 268 SMI *3 ASTM E380 AFBMA 7 AFBMA 18 ANSI B1.16 IFI 500 SAE J242 ASAE R285 NSA 10000 SAE J916A ANSI K62.118 ANSI K62.139 ASTM D748 ASTM D748 ASTM D351 EIA RS153B ASTM D748 ASTM D3252 AACCH 46-13 i AACCH 66-42 AACCH 56-63 AACCH 86-51 AACCH 86-72 AACCH 86-40 AACCH 86-31 ASTM B326 ASTM D3120 ASTM D3246 NMA MS5 ANSI PH1.33 NMA MS10 ANSI PH5.8 NMA MS9 NMA MSI NMA MS102 NMA MS2 ANSI PHI. 43 NMA MS104 NMA MS3 NMA MS101 NMA MS4 NMA MS 100 ASTM E2 ANSI B74.10 ASTM B578 ASTM E384 ASTM D2551 ASTM E409 ASTM D2130 ASTM B588 AACCH 28-90 AACCH 42-70 TAPPI T421 ASTM D2798 ASTM D2799 248 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thicknesses by articulate Substances Of/ Std. Rec. Pract for Analysis by Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to meth. for Examination of Water Formed Deposits by Chemical Std. Meth. of Test for Alkalinity of Hollow Glass of Test for Hydrostatic Collapse Strength of Hollow Glass f Test for Bulk Density and Packing Factor of Hollow Glass trie Constant) of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at ment of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation at Std. peres. 2 Pole,/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, 5 Amperes, 3 P/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Receptacles, Tapes (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Oil eth. of Test for Diffusion Stain of Rubber and Contact and 5.1 Spec, for ing (1969) ANSI W3.17 Spec, for Bare ANSI W3.20 Spec, for ansi W3.18 Spec, for r Measurement of Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes on al Application (1973) ANSI G50.1 Std. Spec, for 1) ANSI L14.55 Test Meth. for the Evaluation of Pract. for Instantizing Systems for Dry Carr-Price Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Nonfat Dry for Fillers and Sealers of Single Service Containers for Sanitary Stds. for Uninsulated Tanks for itary Std. for Scraped Surface Heat Exchanges for Use with Sanitary Std. for Storage Tanks for Sanitary Std. for Silo Type Storage Tanks for nitary Stds. for Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Pumps for Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Extensigraph Meth. for Quality of Nonfat Dry Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Dry Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Dry Pract. for Instantizing Systems for Dry Milk and Dry aph Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Nonfat Dry- Sanitary Std. for Farm Meth. of Analysis of Lactose Meth. of Analysis for Titratable Acidity in Nonfat Dry Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Nonfat Dry Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Nonfat Dry Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Nonfat Dry harland and Ashworth Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Rowland Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in nalysis of Undenatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat Dry alysis of Vitamin A in Nonfat Dry Milk and Instantized Dry Thyristor Power Supplies for Metal Rolling Std. for H Type coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for Detection of Spec, for Welding Industrial and s of Residual Urease Activity in Soybean Meals, Soy Flour, st Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed Wool Fabric and Yarn to dahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Std. Spec, for Tantalum Ingots and Flat Steel Products Manual: Tin Std. for Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Tin Std. for Numerically Controlled Spar blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weight, 962) Buhler Meth. of Experimental 962) Batch Meth. of Experimental Batch Meth. of Experimental uring- Vertical (1973) Std. for Std. for Std. for Horizontal Boring. Drilling and Std. for Numerically Controlled Profiling and Contouring for Numerically Controlled Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Std. for Spindle Noses and Tool Shanks for Std. for Meth. of Analysis of Acetone Peroxides in starches and Sugars, and to Most Other Products of the Wet in Corn Starch. Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Corn Wet cereal Chemistry) (19/ Meth. for Experimental Wheat Flour Meth. of Experimental Wheat otection Against Betatron Synchrotron Radiations Up to 100 Fire Hazards and Protection Rec. for Textile Std. for High Speed Steel End Safety Guide for Respiratory Protection Against Coal sulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 Std. for 1973) Std. for Lumber, Timbers, Bridge and Concrete Due To/ Std. Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of "Test Meth. for Amount of Coating on Meth. of Analysis of Calcium in and Light Construction Buildings (1970) / Std. Spec, for the Determination of the Thermal Resistance of Low Density finishing Cement (1964) ANSI Z98.33 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Microscopical Examination of a Cross Section (1973) Ans Microscopical Meth. for Particle Size Distribution of P Microscopy (1972) Microscopy (1973) Std. Microspheres (1972) Microspheres (1972) Std. Meth. Microspheres (1972) Std. Meth. O Microwave Frequencies and Temperatures to 1650 C (1970) Microwave Frequencies (1973) /Entation for the Measure Microwave Transmission Systems (1972) Midget Locking Type, Specific Purpose, 125 Volts, 15 Am Midget Locking Type, Specific Purpose, 125/250 Volts, 1 Migration or Plasticizer Bleed Out of Preformed Sealing Migration Stain of Organic Finishes in Contact with Rub Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI a Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Weld Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding (1969) Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding (1969) Mild Steel (Coil Coating) (1974) Test Meth. Fo Mild to Medium Strength Carbon Steel Castings for Gener Mildew and Rot (Fungicides) Resistance of Textiles (197 Milk and Dry Milk Products (1972) Milk and Instantized Dry Milks (Cereal Chemistry) (1971 Milk and Its Fluid Products (Packaging Equipment) (1974 Milk and Its Products (Mixing and Storage) (1974) Milk and Its Products (1973) San Milk and Its Products (1974) Milk and Its Products (1974) Milk and Its Products (1974) Sa Milk in Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk in Physical Dough Tests (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk Products (1972) Milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics of Flour ( Milk Storage Tanks (1973) (Milk Sugar) in Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistrv) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Milks (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Mill Auxiliary Drives (1972) Mill Chains-Attachments and Sprocket Teeth (1971) Mill Chemical Treatments on Galvanized Steel Surfaces ( Mill Cranes (1970) Mill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysi Mill Fulling (1972) ANSI L14.5 Te Mill Products (Boric Acid Modification) (Cereal Chemist Mill Products (1970) ANSI Z179.14 " Mill Products (1973) Mill Products (1973) Mill Products (1973) Mill (1973) MiUable Head Self Locking) (1972) /Td. for Fastener ( "" ng for Bread and Soft Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1 ng for Bread and Soft Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1 :ng for Durum Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ing Machine-Tracer Controlled Profiling and Conto ing Machine Arbor Assemblies (1972) ng Machine (1974) ng Machine (1974) ng Machine (1974) Std. ng Machines (1972) ng Machines (1972) mg Premixes (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) ng Process (1971) /D Starch Hydrolyzates and All ng Process (1973) /R Determination of Phosphorus ng: Equipment, Sample Preparation, and Tempering ( ing: Temper Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ion Electron Volts (1954) Rec. for Pr Mills (1974) Mills, .125 Thru 3.000 Diameter (1973) Mine Dust (1972) Mine Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber in Mine Tie Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes ( Mineral Admixtures in Preventing Excessive Expansion of Mineral Coated Paper (1973) Mineral Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame Mineral Fiber Blanket Type Building Insulation (1970) a Mineral Fiber Hydraulic Setting Thermal Insulating and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation (1973) Meth. of a /R-Price Meth. of an Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill Mill ASTM B487 ASTM E20 ASTM E175 ASTM D1245 ASTM D3100 ASTM D3102 ASTM D3101 ASTM D2520 ANSI C95.3 EIA RS252A ANSI C73.29 ANSI C73.30 ASTM C772 ASTM D925 AWS A5.1 AWS A5.17 AWS A5.20 AWS A5.18 NCCA TB-II-15 ASTM A27 AATCC 30 DFISA 60800 AACCH 86-02 DFISA 1704 DFISA 3200 DFISA 3100 DFISA 0106 DFISA 2203 DFISA 0206 AACCH 80-31 AACCH 54-12 AACCH 08-11 AACCH 30-16 DFISA 60800 AACCH 54-20 DFISA 3000 AACCH 80-30 AACCH 02-31 AACCH 04-26 AACCH 10-85 AACCH 44-52 AACCH 46-21 AACCH 46-22 AACCH 46-20 AACCH 86-02 NEMA PV 2 ANSI B29.14 NCCA TB-II-11 AWS D14.1 AACCH 22-90 AATCC 2 AACCH 46-12 ASTM B364 AISI 7 ANSI H35.2 ASTM A623 NSA 912 NSA 1674 AACCH 26-20 AACCH 26-21 AACCH 26-30 NSA 914 ANSI B5.47 NSA 910 NSA 913 NSA 954 ANSI B5.18 ANSI B5.45 AACCH 48-05 CR E-32 CR B-47 AACCH 26-10 AACCH 26-95 NCRPM R14 FMS 7-1 NSA 986 ANSI Z88.4 NEMA WC8/5 AWPA C2 ASTM C441 TAPPI UM-542 AACCH 40-26 ASTM C665 ASTM C653 ASTM C449 ASTM C764 Engineering and Product Standards Division 249 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Semiden9e r Asphalt Mastic for Use in Waterproofing (Asphalt Cement, nd Qualitative (Including Optical Microscopic) Analysis of si A37.41 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Sieve Analysis of Std. Spec, for Asphalt Insulating Siding Surfaced with Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roll Roofing Surfaced with il Circuit Breakers (1973) Std. Spec, for Uninhibited circuit Breakers (197/ Std. Spec, for Oxidation Inhibited utyl P/ Std. Meth. of Test for Oxidation Stability of New Meth. of Analysis of Soluble Meth. of Analysis of Iodine in 210 Std. Meth. for Evaluation of White yl Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl Blue and Green; Uniform Building Code Std. for e/ Meth. of Analysis of Niacin in Enrichment (Vitamin and spark T/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochmeical Analysis of Ores, Std. for Radiation Protection in Uranium Std. for Tires and Rims for Motorcycle, Side Car, ervice (1974) Std. for for Tires and Rims for Off the Road Vehicles: Earthmoving, g, Mining and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader. Dozer, ment of Steady State Surface Pho/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Rear View ars. Trucks, Buses. Coaches, Tractors, Industrial Road and ng. Cooling, Refrigeration Systems, Incinerators and Other Pulls, Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Quality Stds. for ng Trim, Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Storage Shelving, rface Water, Rigging Collaps/ Rec. for Protection Against Brick in Landscape Architecture Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Photographic Films in Rolls for Recording Instruments and Meth. of Test for Tent. Meth. of Test for Air Content of Freshly Uniform Building Code Std. for Ready Meth. of Analysis of Iodine in Mineral Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Milk Sugar) in analysis of Vitamin A and Carotene in Enriched Cereals and Rec. for Safe Use of ectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade th. of Analysis for Original Ash in Phosphated and Freshly a3/ Std. Spec, for Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot eveling, and Surface Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot 73) Truck Concrete Plant Meth. of Analysis for Total Carbon Dioxide in Prepared rl Meth. of Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Prepared Bakery ium Phosphate and/or Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared t Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Dry Vitamin ary Stds. for Uninsulated Tanks for Milk and Its Products f Ability of Roller Dried Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change k, Adhesive, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Flammable Liquid Mixtures (1971) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for Requirements for Pract. for Std. Materials, Equipment, and Procedures for xograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to nograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dough to c. for Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous c. Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Rec. Pract. for Measuring, gh to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ing Compa/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Bituminous est for Percent Air Voids in a Compacted Bituminous Paving Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas Liquid Std. Meth. for Analysis of Natural Gas Liquid std. Meth. for Preparation of Test Specimens of Bituminous t for Resistance to Deformation and Cohesion of Bituminous Std. Meth. of Test for Time of Setting of Concrete s (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Tar Paving ec. Pract. for Classification of Soils and Their Aggregate Rec. for Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and of meth. of Test for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous ange / Meth. of Analysis of Congeal Point in Fats and Fat Glucose Oxidase Meth. for Measurement of Glucose in Sugar y and Nonwaxy Content in Corn and Grain Sorghum, and Their Std. Spec, for Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving or Mixing Plants for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Bituminous Paving meth. of Wetting and Drying Tests of Compacted Soil Cement Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving std. Meth. of Test for Lime Content of Uncured Soil-Lime Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Bituminous Std. Meth. of Test for Cement Content of Soil Cement 2) Minimum Std. for Land - ) Minimum Stds. for Land (1970) Minimum Std. for Land neral Fiber Roof Insulation Board (1972) neral Fiber Siding (1972) neral Filler and Aggregate) (1941) ANSI A109.17 / Fo neral Filler and Coating of Paper (1973) /Fication a neral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1970) an neral Filler (1972) AASHO T37, ANSI A37.14 neral Granules (1970) ANSI A109.18 neral Granules (1973) neral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and in O neral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and Oil neral Insulating Oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiar'y _ B neral Matter (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) neral Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) neral Oils by Ultraviolet Absorption (1973) ANSI Zll. neral Oil; Urease Tablets; Xanthyrol) (1962) /Soprop neral Roofing Aggregates (1973) neral) Concentrates Used to Enrich Cereals (Cereal Ch nerals, and Rocks by the Fire Assay Preconcentration nes (Safety) (1973) ni Bike, and Bicycle (1974) ning and Logging Tires Used in Intermittent Highway S ning and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, ning Car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile nority Carrier Diffusion Length in Silicon by Measure rrors (1971) sc Equipment) (1974) /Reign and Domestic Passenger C sc. Heat Producing Appliances) (1973) /Ng, Ventilati sc. Items; Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, sc. Ornamental Items (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) sc. Ornamental Items, Stairwork and Handrails, Exteri sc. Perils at Electric Generating Stations (Flood, Su scellaneous Application (Tech. Notes) (1967) scellaneous Sanitary Structures (Tech. Notes) (1969) scellaneous Uses (1973) Std. Dimensions for st Spray Flammability of Hydraulic Fluids (1972T) xed Concrete by the Pressure Meth. (1972T) ANSI A37.7 xed Concrete (1973) xed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) xed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) xed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of xed Fertilizers Containing Ammonium Nitrate (1972) xed Oxides ((U, Pu)0„) (1972) ANSI N139 /, Mass Sp xed Self Rising Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Me xed. Hot Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures (1971) ANSI xed. Hot Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, L xer and Agitator Stds. (Concrete Plant Equipment) (19 xer (Equipment) Stds. (1973) xes and Self Rising Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) xes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Schoo xes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Analysis of Monocalc xes, Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions (Cereal Chemistry) xing and Storage) (1974) Sanit xing Characteristics of Flour (Physical Dough Tests) xing Operations (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, Printing in xing Plants for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Bituminous Paving xing Rubber Compounds for Preparing Vulcanized Test S xing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) xing (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Mi Fari Tent. Spe xing (1973) xing. Filter, Grit Chambers, and Flotation) (1973) xing. Transporting, and Placing Concrete (1973) xograph Meth. for Analysis of Resistance of Flour Dou xture Beam Specimens by Means of the California Knead xture(1973) Std. Meth. of T xtures by Gas Chromatography (1968) xtures by Gas Chromatography (1973) ANSI Zl 1.238 xtures by Means of California Kneading Compactor (197 xtures by Means of Hveem Apparatus (1971) ANSI A37.13 xtures by Penetration Resistance (1970) ANSI A37.134 xtures for Base, Binder, Leveling, and Surface Course xtures for Highway Construction Purposes (1973) AASHO xtures of Neutrons and Gamma Rays (1961) xtures Using Marshall Apparatus (1973) Std. xtures Which Congeal or Solidify Within Temperature R xtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextran xtures (1959) / Analytical Meth. for Determining Wax xtures (1970) ANSI A37.41 xtures (1971) ANSI A37.102 /Spec, for Requirements F xtures (1971) ANSI A37.51 Std. xtures (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for xtures (1973) ANSI A1.38 xtures (1974) ANSI A37.103, Ashto T167 xtures (1974) ANSI A37.58, Ashto T144 Mobile Communication Antennas: Part II— Vehicular (197 Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers 25-470MHz (1972 Mobile Communications FM or PM Transmitters 25-470 MHz ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM AACCH ICBO AACCH ASTM ANSI TRA TRA TRA TRA ASTM SAE BCI ICBO NBHA AWI AWI FMS BIA BIA ANSI ASTM ASTM ICBO AACCH AACCH AACCH FMS ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM NRMCA NRMCA AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH DFISA AACCH FMS ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM NSF ACI AACCH ASTM ASTM NGPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCRPM ASTM AACCH AACCH CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA EIA EIA C726 C725 D491 T421 D242 D546 D1226 D249 D1040 D3146 D2112 40-01 40-35 D2269 28-91 UBCS32-5 86-49 E400 N13.8 6 2-29 3 3 F391 J268 •1.56 UMC*7 8 •1-700 •1-1 9-10 29B 34C PHI. 30 D3119 C231 UBCS26-13 40-35 80-30 86-05 LPD7-9 C698 08-15 D995 D1753 *3 *2 12-21 80-68 40-51 86-01 A 3200 54-20 7-36 D995 D3182 54-40 54-21 C685 41 304 54-40 D3202 D3203 2165 D2597 D1561 D1560 C403 D1753 D3282 R25 D1559 58-12A 80-10 A -28 D242 D995 D559 D2172 D3155 D1074 D806 RS329-1 RS204A RS152-B 250 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards em Test Procedure (1971) Rec. Pract. for rec. Pract. for Performance Std. for Crane Boomstop of All er. Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Std. for Particleboard for Std. for Uniform Plumbing Code: need Fork Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Std. for Waste and Sewage Holding Tanks for Safety Std. for Liquid Fuel Burning Heat Appliances for Std. for Supply Gas Connectors for Exterior Use on during Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at Plants Assembling quirements, and Installation of Plumbing, Heati/ Std. for Std. for 71) Std. for Manually Propelled leum Production Facilities on Land and on Marine Fixed and ) 1 Liquids and Slur/ Rec. for Improving Safety on Enclosed or Pressurized and Non Pressurized Potable Water Tanks for r Single Crystals (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Hall Tent. Rec. Pract. for Electrostatic Charge Rec. for Operation of Crowder Dry Pipe Valves, on) (/ Rec. for Operation and Maintenance of the Reliable of Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) Rec. for Star pavement Marking Paints (1972) A 1973) U.S. Dry Pipe Valves; Rockwood ed Systems, Structures, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Std. Spec, for crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Products (Boric Acid nalysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina; Also, with Slight Std. Meth. of Test for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch us in Yeast (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric d. Meth. of Test for Total Nitrogen in Lubricating Oils by trophenide and Arsanilic Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemistry/ Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Starch, Dextrin, and Other ) (1968) Meth. of Analysis of Std. for Hexagon Head n Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) etermining Ash Content in Corn Starch, Dextrines and Other re in Grains and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) lour and Semolina; Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and / Std. Spec, for bing, 0.80Cr-0.85Ni-0.20Mo-0.04V-B (0.38-0.43C) nvestment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0.36C) (SAE 4330 astings (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0.36Q) (SAE 4330 nvestment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.38-0.46C) (SAE 4340 Estimating Std. for Numerical Designation (Identification System) of (Fire and Wind Hazards at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes, Std. Steel Doors and Frames for 1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Std. Test Meth. for Determining Stiffness Std. Meth. of Test for Shear (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for ) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test for Cold Crushing Strength and Tentative Meth. of Test for Biaxial Flexure Strength lexure Test, of Glass and Glass Ceramics (Determination of (GF 220 (1517) Tensile Strength, 70,000,000 (483) Tensile cs by Reso/ Std. Meth. of Test for Young's Modulus, Shear nd Glass Ceramics by Reso/ Std. Meth. of Test for Young's resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Std. for R-40 Bulb (Hard Glass) Std. Spec, for Fineness of ssignment of Grade (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Fineness of Test, of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes/ Std. Spec, for Test Meth. for Moisture in Chips Test Meth. for Quantitative Analysis of Textiles Std. Test Meth. for zl97.18 Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of utter, Oleomargarine, High Acid Coc/ Meth. of Analysis of istry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of mistry) (1962) Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analysis of Table for Converting Absorption to 14.0% Meth. for Correction of Analytical Values to 14.0% for Multiplication Factors for Correcting Weights to a 14% ections for Changing as-is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% 1 (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Determination of on (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for and Meth. for Determining Specific Weight, Durability and (1965) (Tech. Notes) (1965) Mobile Construction Type Crane Overload Indicating Syst Mobile Construction Type Cranes Having Rope Supported B Mobile Crane, and Shovel (1974) /T Haul); Grader, Load Mobile Home Decking (1973) Mobile Home Parks (Trailer) (1972) ANSI A177.I Mobile Home (Trailer) Parks (1973) Mobile Home, Garden Tractor, Industrial Truck and Trail Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1971) Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1973) ANSI A147 Mobile Homes (1972) Mobile Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab Houses, Motor Horn Mobile Homes: Body and Frame Design and Construction Re Mobile Hydraulic Cranes (1973) Mobile Ladder Stands for Scaffolds (Towers, Safety) (19 Mobile Platforms (1973) /Ns at Drilling Rigs and Petro Mobile Radio Telephone for Automotive Use (HS 27) (1968 Mobile Tanks for Transporting and Spreading Agricultura Mobilehomes and Recreational Vehicles (1971) Std. F Mobility and Hall Coefficient in Extrinsic Sf.miconducto Mobility on Flexible Barrier Materials (1973) Model a (1973) Model B Accelerator for Dry Pipe Systems (Fire Protecti Model F Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Flow Control Model Performance Spec, for the Purchase of Reflective Model Rocket Sporting and Safety Code and Engine Std. ( Model Specs, for Small Concrete Paving Jobs (1973) Models C, D(1974) Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants (1973) ANSI N Modern Pewter Alloys (1972) Modification) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Analysis of Modification, to Corn, Rye, Barley, Rice, Grain Sorghum (Modified Conradson) (1973) ANSI A149.12 Modified Fiske-Subbarow Meth. of Analysis of Phosphor Modified Kjeldahl Meth. (1973) St Modified Meth. of Quantitative Determination of Both Ni Modified Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry Modified Short Thread Shear Bolt (1972) Modified Sorensen Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen I Modified Starch Products (1955) /Nalytical Meth. for D Modified Two Stage Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moistu Modified Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in F Modified Wood (1970) ANSI 012.1 (Modified 98Bv40) (1973) Steel Bars, Forgings, and tu Modified) (1973) Steel Castings, I Modified) (1973) Spec, for Steel Sand C Modified) (1973) Low Alloy Steel Castings, I Modular Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1971) Modular Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1963) Modular Grid Coordinates (1971) Modular Housing, Prefab Houses, Motor Homes, and Campin Modular Masonry Building Construction (1972) Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression ( (Modulus of Bending) of Fiberboards (1972) Modulus of Plywood (1972) Modulus of Rupture of Air Setting Plastic Refractories Modulus of Rupture of Refractory Brick and Shapes (1972 (Modulus of Rupture) of Ceramic Substrates (1974) Modulus of Rupture) (1972) Std. Meth. of F Modulus (1973) /Phite Fibers for Structural Composites Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio for Glass and Glass Cerami Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio for Glass a Modulus, 180 B2 (1973) /Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Modulus, 350 (177) (1973) /Iber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Mogul Screw Base Incandescent (1966) Mohair and Assignment of Grade (1973) Mohair Top, Yarns and Fabrics of the Worsted Type and a Moist Cabinets and (Specimen Storage) Rooms Used in the (Moister Teller) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) (Moisture and Composition) (1971) ANSI L14.132 Moisture and Creosote Type Preservative in Wood (1970) Moisture and Temperature on Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Moisture and Volatile Matter in Fats and Shortenings (B Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soy Flours (Cereal Chem Moisture and Volatile Matter in Yeast Foods (Cereal Che Moisture Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Moisture Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Moisture Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) Meth. Moisture Basis (Constant Dough Weight Meth. Only) (Cere Moisture Content and Moisture Regain of Textile Materia Moisture Content of Forages (1972) Moisture Content of Oil Impregnated Cellulosic Insulati Moisture Content of Wood (1974) Moisture Content (1972) /Ts and Crumbles-Definitions Moisture Control in Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) Moisture Control in Brick and Tile Walls, Condensation SAE J248 SAE J220 TRA 3 NPA 1-71 NFPA 501A ICBO UPC'l-E TRA 5 IAPMO TSC2 UL 307A IAPMO TSC9 FMS 7-90 NFPA 501 B ANSI B30.15 ANSI A92.1 API RP500B SAE J797 ASAE R317 IAPMO TSC4 ASTM F76 ASTM F365 FMS 2-13 FMS 2-55 FMS 2-88 ITE PS'l NAR »1 AI CL-2 FMS 2-27 ANS N18.10 ASTM B560 AACCH 46-12 AACCH 76-20 ASTM D2416 AACCH 40-56 ASTM D3228 AACCH 18-26 AACCH 08-17 AACCH 56-62 NSA 1103-20 AACCH 46-31 CR B-8 AACCH 44-18 AACCH 44-40 ASTM D1324 SAE AMS6422 SAE AMS5328A SAE AMS5329B SAE AMS5330A BIA 10 BIA 10A ANSI A62.8 FMS 7-90 STDI 110 ASTM D3148 SAE J949A ASTM D3044 ASTM C491 ASTM C133 ASTM F394 ASTM C158 SAE AMS3892/5 ASTM C623 ASTM C623 SAE AMS3894/8 SAE AMS3894/9 ANSI C78.255 ASTM D3109 ASTM D1381 ASTM C511 TAPPI UM-8 AATCC 20A ASTM D1860 ASTM D1151 AACCH 44-30 AACCH 44-31 AACCH 44-32 AACCH 82-21 AACCH 82-22 AACCH 82-24 AACCH 54-29 ASTM D2654 ASAE S358 ASTM D3277 ASTM D2016 ASAE S269.2 BIA 7B BIA 7C Engineering and Product Standards Division 251 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Uniform Building Code Std. for 73) Test Meth. for oluene (Cereal C/ Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of oluene (Cereal C/ Bidwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of ansi A37.21 Std. Meth. of Test for Surface ) Air Oven (Aluminum Plate) Meth. of Analysis of nd Grains and / Modified Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analysis of eans. Rice, Beans, Peas, L/ Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of 962) Modified Two Stage Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Distillation Meth. (Brown-Duvel) of Analysis of er Commodities For/ Dielectric Meter Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Q/ Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Meth. for Analysis of 973) Test Meth. for Test Meth. for si L14.256 Std. Meth. of Test for iv/ Effect of Thermal Environment on Production, Heat and Std. Std. paper) (1973) Test Meth. for Density and s, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (19/ Test Meth. for Density and samples of Wool by Oven Drying (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Content and pparatiis (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Capillary or Storage (1972/ Density, Specific Gravity, and Weight ■ ANSI C8.38 Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Heat or g. C Operation / Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Heat and 1972) Std. Meth. of Test for ch (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 5) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining s (Corn) (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining p Unmixed (1952) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. of Calculation of Percent Correction for Weight of Flour to Give 100 Grams at 14.0% ied) (1961) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 966) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining d Refined) (1966) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining d (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining xed and Unbleached/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining (1957) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining d) (Crystalline) (/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ) Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn Sugar, Starch Refractometer Meth. of Analysis of Solids in Syrups and spindle Meth. of Analysis of Solids in Juices, Syrups, and Sugars Content of Corn Sugars (Crude and Refined), Starch ing Upon Q/ Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Massecuites, Meth. of Analysis for Ash in y) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Permanent Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Permanent for Permanence of Adhesive Bonded Joints in Plywood Under Std. Meth. of Measuring Shrinkage from ental Ch/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Growth of Test Meth. for Density of Wood Chips (Sheet Machine ec. for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent pec. for Aluminum Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Permanent 972) Std. for Std. Spec for TFE -Fluorocarbon Resin ures (1972) Std. for Safety for ode Std. for Determining the Splitting Tensile Strength of h. of Test for Drop Impact Resistance of Polyethylene Blow Std. Meth. of Test. Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Threaded g. Light Weight Floating, Sandwich Pane/ Std. for Insert, Sandwich Panel (1972) Std. for Insert, Std. Meth. of Measuring Shrinkage from Mold Dimensions of Std. Spec, for Reinforced and Filled Nylon Injection pract. for Injection Molding of Specimens of Thermoplastic Std. Spec, for Polybutylene Plastics Std. Spec, for ETFE -Fluoroplastic Std. Spec, for Reinforced Polyterphthalate Thermoplastic Std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Polyterephthalate Std. Spec, for Polyvinyjidene Fluoride (PVDF) Spec, for TFE -Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Resin Std. Spec, for Nylon Injection Pract. for Powder Flow Measurement of TFE -Fluorocarbon e Density Relations of Soils (1973) in Chips (Moister Teller) (Pulp and Paper) (19 in Fats and Shortenings by Distillation with T in Feeds and Feedstuffs by Distillation with T in Fine Concrete Aggregate (1973) AASHO T142, in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 in Flour and Semolina; Bread; Feedstuffs, Grou in Flour, Farina, Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soyb in Grains and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1 in Grains (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) in Grains, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Rice, "and Oth in Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.5 in Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) in Massecuites, Molasses, and Other Liquid and in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) in Pulp (Web) (1973) in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) in Whole Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) in Wood Chips (Steam Oven) (Pulp and Paper) (1 in Wood Chips (Two Liter Graduate) (1973) in Wool by Distillation with Toluene (1972) an e Loss and Feed and Water Requirements of Farm L e Measurement (Grain and Seeds) (1972) e Measurement (Meat and Its Products) (1972) e of Chips (Presoak Before Immersion) (Pulp and e of Chips (Submersion with Correction for Crack e Present in Ordinary Commercial and Industrial Regain of Textile Material (1971) e Relationships for Soils by Pressure Membrane a ■e Relationships of Agricultural Grain and Seed F re Relationships of Agricultural Grains (1968) e Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable (1974) e Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 De e Vapor Permeability of Organic Coatings Films ( e (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Corn Star e (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Corn (195 e (Azeotropic Distillation) Content in Feedstuff e (Azeotropic Distillation) Content of Corn Syru e (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) e (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for e (Karl Fischer) Content in Corn Starch (Unmodif e (Karl Fischer) Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1 e (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude an e (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn Syrup (1966) e (Oven Filter Aid) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixe e (Oven Filter Paper) Content of Corn Syrup Unmi e (Oven) Content in Commercial Feedstuffs (Corn) e (Oven) Content in Corn Starch (1956) e (Oven) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refine Drying at 135 Deg. C (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Molasses and Hydrolyzates (1971) /Ermining Saccharides Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Molasses (1972) /Nalytical Meth. for Determining Total Molasses, and Other Liquid and Semiliquid Products (Dry Molasses, Sugars, and Syrups (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Mold and Yeast Counts in Food Products (Cereal Chemistr Mold Castings (1972) ANSI H45.2 Mold Castings (1974) ANSI H38.26 Mold Conditions (1970) Std. Test Meth. Mold Dimensions of Molded Plastics (R1973) ANSI K66.3 Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environm Mold) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Mold, and Die Castings (1966) ANSI H45.8 Std. Sp Mold, and Die Castings (1973) ANSI H38.1 Std. S Molded and Dipped Mica Capacitors (Wire Lead Styles) (1 Molded Basic Shapes (1974) Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker Enclos Molded Concrete Cylinders (1973) Uniform Building C Molded Containers (1970) Std. Met Molded Flexible Urethane Foam (1973) Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel Molded In, Blind Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Lockin Molded In, Thru Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking Molded Plastics (R1973) ANSI K66.3 Molding and Extrusion Materials (1972) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1972) ANSI K65.78 /. Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Std Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) ANSI K65.216 Molding and Extrusion Materials (1974) Std. Rec Mois ur< Mois urt Mois ur< Mois un Mois un Mois ur< Mois ur< Mois ur< Mois uri Mois ur Mois un Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois ur Mois un Mois tur Mois ur Mois urt Mois ur< Mois un Mois ur< Mois ur< Mois un Mois ur Mois urt Mois un Mois ur< Mois ur< Mois un Mois ur< Mois un Mois un Mois ur< Mois urt Mois UK Mois ur< Mois un Mois ur< Mois un Mois un Mois un Mois urt Mois urt ICBO UBCS70-1 TAPPI UM-8 AACCH 44-51 AACCH 44-50 ASTM C70 AACCH 44-16 AACCH 44-40 AACCH 44-15A AACCH 44-18 AACCH 44-53 AACCH 44-11 ASTM C562 AACCH 44-20 AACCH 44-60 AACCH 44-52 TAPPI UM-237 ASTM D3173 AACCH 44-10 TAPPI UM-7 TAPPI UM-10 ASTM D2462 ASAE D249.2 ASAE S352 ASAE S353 TAPPI UM-16 TAPPI UM-20 ASTM D1576 ASTM D2654 ASTM D3152 ASAE D241.1 ASAE D245.1 ASTM D1520 ASTM D1679 ASTM D1653 CR B-34 CR A-12 CR G-14 CR E-40 AACCH 44-01 AACCH 82-23 CR B-36 CR J -44 CR F-32 CR E-46 CR E-42 CR E-44 CR G-16 CR B-38 CR F-34 AACCH 44-19 CR F-50 AACCH 68-60 AACCH 68-62 CR F-58 AACCH 44-60 AACCH 08-14 AACCH 42-50 ASTM B199 ASTM B108 ASTM D1877 ASTM D955 ASTM D3273 TAPPI UM-9 ASTM B93 ASTM B179 EIA RS153B ASTM D3294 UL 489 ICBO UBCS26-12 ASTM D2463 ASTM D2406 NSA 1832 NSA 1836 NSA 1835 NSA 1833 ASTM D955 ASTM D2897 ASTM D1897 ASTM D2581 ASTM D3159 ASTM D3220 ASTM D3221 ASTM D3222 ASTM D1457 ASTM D789 ASTM D3292 252 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Fep Fluorocarbon Std. Spec, for Glass Reinforced Acetal Plastics for of Measuring the Spiral Flow of Low Pressure Thermosetting ec. Pract. for Compression Molding Test Specimens of Allyl sion Materials (1972) ANSI K65/ Rec. Pract. for Injection Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Std. Spec, for Gypsum Casting and ) Std. Rec. Pract. for Compression Std. Spec, for E-CTFE- Fluoroplastic 1973T) ANSI A37.95 Tent. Spec, for ron Pipe. Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand Lined std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Temperatures of Std. ASTM Std. for Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, in Metal ction and Safety (1973) Rec. for High Temperature Rec. for Protection Against Meth. for Preparation of Ammonium Std. Meth. of Test for Silica in Fluorspar by the Silico 1) ANSI H34.44 Std. Spec, for Nickel H34.12 Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel ates. Alloy Steel. Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Cobalt Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron ANSI H34.16 Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium F/ Std. Spec, for Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese Std. Meth. of Test for Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis o! Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Std. Spec, for Nickel - Std. Spec, for Nickel— Iron— Chromium— Manganese - Std. Spec, for Nickel • 73) ANSI B125.9 Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon 73) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon 2) ANSI G34.1 Std. Spec, for 3) ANSI G35.4 Std. Spec, for Chromium or Pressure Vessels (1972/ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and re Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.15 Std. Spec, for Manganese eel, Quenched and Tempered, F/ Std. Spec, for Manganese • 4) Std. Spec, for 1974) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Plate (1974) Std. Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel ) ANSI H34.19 Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium 22 Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium ) ANSI H34.20 Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium ansi H34.17 Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromium Nickel Iron et, and Strip (1973)/ Std. Spec, for Chromium Nickel Iron Tent. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium lieved (1973) ) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Low Carbon and Carbon ANSI H34./ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Columbium for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel 5% Chromium, 0.5% hromium, for Pressure Vessels (1/ Std. Spec, for Chromium pec. for Electric Fusion Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron - Deg. Flush Shear Head A286 Corrosion Resistant Steel and onents for Particulate Contamination by Automatic Particle Rec. for Radiological ion. Product Audit) (196/ Rec. Pract. for Quality Control Rec. Pract. for Radioactivity (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Products-Emergency s (General, Exterior Light Transmitting Panels, Skylights, Safety Std. for Line Isolation in Prepared Mixes (/ Perchloric Acid Meth. of Analysis of 1 Chemistry)/ Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of pment (1974/ Rec. Std. for Engineering Specs. Outline for Std. for Registered Screen Dimensions for for Determining Speed of Photographic Negative Materials (1968/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonaromatic Hydrocarbons in Std. Spec, for Ethylene Glycol Tent. Spec, for Polyolefin lysis of Calcium Peroxide in Dough Conditioners Containing tenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of Monocalcium Phosphate: Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Unfired Spec, for Chemical Resistant Resin Std. Spec, for Styrene Std. Spec, for Styrene Molding and Extrusion Materials (1974) ANSI K65.201 ASTM D2116 Molding and Extrusion (1972) ASTM D2948 Molding Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. ASTM D3123 Molding Materials (1972) Std. R ASTM D3027 Molding of Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding and Extru ASTM D1897 Molding Plaster (1973) ICBO UBCS4712 Molding Plaster (1973) ANSI A49.4 ASTM C59 Molding Test Specimens of Allyl Molding Materials (1972 ASTM D3027 Molding, Extrusion, and Coating Materials (1973) ASTM D3275 Molds for Forming Concrete Tests Cylinders Vertically ( ASTM C470 Molds for Gas (1971) Std. for Ductile I ANSI A21.52 Molds for Test Specimens of Plastics (1967) ANSI K65.79 ASTM D958 Molds or Sand Lined Molds for Cas (1971) ANSI A21.52 Molten Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc.) Fire Prote FMS LPD 7-33 Molten Metal Fires and Explosions (1973) FMS 10-8 Molybdate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 70-35 Molybdate (Photometric) Meth. (1972) ASTM E463 Molybdenum-Chromium- Iron Alloy Sheet and Plate (197 ASTM B434 Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Plate and Sheet (1971) ANSI ASTM B334 Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H34.14 ASTM B336 Molybdenum-Chromium (1972) ANSI G35.26 /Re Vessel PI ASTM A605 Molybdenum— Copper— Columbium Stabilized Alloy Tubes ASTM B468 Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip (1973) ASTM B582 Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Rod (1973) ASTM B581 Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ASTM B423 Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, ASTM A533 Molybdenum -99 Activity from Uranium -238 Fission (1972 ASTM E343 Molybdenum Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire (1974) ASTM B387 Molybdenum Alloy Billets for Reforging ( 1974) ASTM B385 Molybdenum Alloy Forgings (1974) ASTM B384 Molybdenum Alloy Plate and Sheet (1971) ANSI H34.ll ASTM B333 Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) ASTM B590 Molybdenum Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H34. 13 ASTM B335 Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (19 ASTM A209 Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (19 ASTM A250 Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (197 ASTM A204 Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (197 ASTM A387 Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered, F ASTM A543 Molybdenum Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate (1974) ASTM B386 Molybdenum and Its Nickel Alloy Steel Plates for Pressu ASTM A302 Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy St ASTM A533 Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire (197 ASTM B387 Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Billets for Reforging ( ASTM B385 Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Forgings (1974) ASTM B384 Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and ASTM B386 Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972 ASTM B575 Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Rod (1972) ASTM B574 Molybdenum Chromium Iron Alloy Rod (1972) ASTM B573 Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip (1972 ASTM B443 Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34. ASTM B446 Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972 ASTM B444 Molybdenum Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ASTM B424 Molybdenum Copper Alloy Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34. 18 ASTM B425 Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1973 ASTM B464 Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Plate, She ASTM B463 Molybdenum Flattened Wire for Electron Tubes (1973) ASTM F364 Molybdenum Iron Alloy Rod (1972) ASTM B572 Molybdenum Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Arc Cast, Stress Re SAE AMS7801A Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972 ASTM A161 Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ASTM B445 Molybdenum (1972) ANSI G35.16 Std. Spec. ASTM A357 Molybdenum, Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered C ASTM A542 Molydenium-Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe ( ASTM B474 Monel Rivet (1974) Std. for Solid 10 NSA 1200 Monitor Meth. (1972) /G Gas Blow Down Systems and Comp ASTM F327 Monitoring Meths. and Instruments (1952) NCRPM RIO Monitoring of the Product (Receiving and Source Inspect ASQC RP5 Monitoring Special Process of Quality Control (1969) ASQC RP4 Monitoring (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) /. of Analysis of AACCH 28-99A Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, Light Diffusers in Ceiling ICBO UBC*3-52 Monitors (1973) UL 1022 Monocalcium Phosphate and/or Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate AACCH 40-51 Monocalcium Phosphate: Monohydrate and Anhydrous (Cerea AACCH 02-33 Monochrome Cctv (Closed Circuit Television) Camera Equi EIA RS312 Monochrome Television Picture Tubes (1972) EIA RS266A (Monochrome, Continuous Tone) (1972) Std. Meth. ANSI PH2.5 Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography ASTM D2360 Monoethyl Ether (1972) ASTM D331 Monofilaments (1973) ASTM D3218 Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy Flour, and Other Cereal Produ AACCH 48-51 Monoglycerides and Free Glycerol in Fats, Oils and Shor AACCH 58-45 Monohydrate and Anhydrous (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /F AACCH 02-33 Monolithic Refractories (1972) ASTM C417 Monolithic Surfacings (1972T) ASTM C722 Monomer 993 (1972) ASTM D2826 Monomer 9% (1971) ASTM D2827 Engineering and Product Standards Division 253 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Test Meth. for Polymer Content of Styrene eth. of Test for Methyl Ether of Hydroquinone in Colorless Spec, for Ethylene Glycol Std. for Spec, for Underhung Cranes and ondispersive Infrared Spe/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Uniform Fire Code: Cryogenic Fluids (Air, Argon, Carbon and Installation of Fittings and Equipment for Anchoring, Is for Use in Construction of Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot safety Std. for Materials for Built-Up Roof Coverings: Hot Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Length Change of Hardened Cement for Length Change of Drilled or Sawed Specimens of Cement Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Lime m (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for pe (4 In. and Larger, Shop Applied) (197/ Std. for Cement Std. Spec, for Reinforced Plastic f Test for Cold Bonding Strength of Air Setting Refractory Specifying Gypsum Masonry and Std. Meth. of Test for Refractoriness of Refractory Uniform Building Code Std. for Aggregate for Masonry Uniform Building Code Std. for Field Tests for Grout and Std. Spec, for Latex-Portland Cement recommendation for Materials for Setting Ceramic Tile with Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Hydraulic Cement meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement meth. of Test for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement d. Meth. of Test for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic Cement Uniform Building Code Std. for Masonry Cement for Use in Std. Spec, for Chemical Resistant Resin Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chemical Resistant Resin Chemically Setting Silicate and Silica Chemical Resistant Chemically Setting Chemical Resistant Silicate and Silica ; Granite; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and Marble Masonry; ete Slab or Wood Subfloors (1962) Spec, for Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Straw, Spanish 74) Std. Dimensions of 35 Mm 7-0) (1973) Std. Dimensions for 35 Mm Std. Dimensions for 16 Mm Dimensions for Printed Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm ratories (1971) Std. for Nomenclature for Std. Spec, for Projector Usage of 16 Mm Uniform Building Code Std. for Cellulose Nitrate Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Nitrate d. Dimensions of Protectable Anamorphic Image Area on 5 Mm Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed Area on 16 Mm uper 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction Printing on 35 Mm ted Area in Optical Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 Mm Std. Dimensions for 32 Mm Std. Dimensions for 32 Mm ersal Color Camera Films Intended for Direct Projection in Std. Dimensions for Photographic Sound Record on Super 8 Std. for Medium Prefocus Base Down Type, Single Contact LFniform Building Code: Uniform Fire Code: 973) Std. for Wear Life and Bonded Solid Film Lubricants in Oscillating health Rec. for Changing and Charging Storage Batteries in of Capacity of Lead Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for or Converters for Motor Drives: Part 1-Converters for Dc 1974) Rec. Pract. for Outboard receiving-Materials Handling) (1973) Shipper • Safety Std. for Sealed (Hermetic Type) Rec. Pract. for Outboard Std. Pract. and Requirements for Thyristor Converters for for Rese/ Std. Meth. of Test for Knock Characteristics of for Moto/ Std. Meth. of Test for Knock Characteristics of ront End Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Track Type Tractors, and onal Vehicles (Travel and Camping Trailers, Truck Campers, s Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab Houses, 0T) Tent. Meth. of Test for Research and motor Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Std. Test. Procedure for Oil Wicking of Composite test. Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Composite imulator (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Safety Std. for s (1966) Std. Guide for Synchronous Rec. Electric Rec. Pract. for Electric Blower chronous Generators and Reversible Synchronous Generator / Rec. Pract. for Instrumentation for ric Conditions (1972) Std. for ons) (1972) Std. for m Performance Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Monomer (1974) ANSI Z161.1 ASTM D2121 Monomeric Acrylate Esters (1972) Std. M ASTM D3125 Monomethyl Ether (1972) ASTM D3128 Monorail Systems and Underhung Cranes (1973) ANSI B30.ll Monorail Systems (1973) " MMA *2 Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Continuous Measurement by N ASTM D3162 Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypto ICBO UFC*2ART36 Mooring, Docking, Towing and Lifting Boats (1973) /Ion ABYC A5 Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic ICBO UBCS32-1 Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coal T UL 55A Morpholine in Water (1974) ASTM D1942 Mortar and Concrete (1974) ANSI A37.78 ASTM C157 Mortar and Concrete (1974T) Std. Meth. of Test ASTM C341 Mortar for Brick Masonry (1972) BIA Ml Mortar for Unit and Reinforced Masonry Other Than Gypsu ICBO UBCS24-21 Mortar for Unit Masonry (1973) ASTM C270 Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pi AWWA C205 Mortar Sewer Pipe (1973) ASTM D3262 Mortar (Wet Type) (1972) ANSI All 1.29 Std. Meth. O ASTM C198 Mortar (1967) CSI 04280 Mortar (1972) ANSI Alll. 30 ASTM C199 Mortar (1973) ICBO UBCS24-22 Mortar (1973) ICBO UBCS24-23 Mortar (1973) ANSI Al 18.4 TCA 9D Mortar, Adhesive, and Mastic (1973) Definition and TCA "3 Mortars in Chemical Resistant Masonry (1965) ASTM C398 Mortars (Using Portions of Prisms Broken in Flexure) (1 ASTM C349 Mortars (Using 2 In. (50 Mm) Cube Specimens) (1973) / ASTM C109 Mortars (1972) St ASTM C348 Mortars (1973) ICBO UBCS24-17 Mortars (1974) ASTM C395 Mortars (1974) ASTM C399 Mortars (1974) Std. Spec, for ASTM C466 Mortars (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of ASTM C397 Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; ICBO UBC*3-23 Mosaic Wood Parquet Flooring Set in Adhesive Over Concr WSFI *7 Moss, Excelsior, etc.) (1973) /W, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, ICBO UFC*2ART7 Motion Picture Camera Aperture Images (Photography) (19 ANSI PH22.59 Motion Picture Film Perforated Super 8, 5R-1667 (1-3-5- ANSI PH22.165 Motion Picture Film Perforated Super 8, (1-4) (1973) ANSI PH22.168 Motion Picture Film Perforated 1-4 (1971) Std. for ANSI PH22.153 Motion Picture Film Used in Studios and Processing Labo ANSI PH22.56 Motion Picture Film (1973) ANSI PH22.10 Motion Picture Film (1973) ICBO UBCS48-2 Motion Picture Film (1973) ICBO UFC»2ART5 Motion Picture Film (2.35:1) Aspect Ratio (1971) St ANSI PH22.106 Motion Picture Film, Perforated Super 8 (1-3) (1973) ANSI PH22.181 Motion Picture Film, Perforated 2R-1664 (1-0) (1973) ANSI PH22.179 Motion Picture Film, Perforated 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (19 ANSI PH22.180 Motion Picture Film, 2R (1974) ANSI PH22.141 Motion Picture Film, 4R (1974) ANSI PH22.142 Motion Picture Photography (1973) / mm and Super 8 Rev ANSI PH22.146 Motion Picture Prints (1972) ANSI PH22.182 Motion Picture Projection Lamps (1972) ANSI PH22.85 Motion Picture Projection Rooms (1973) ICBO UBC*3-40 Motion Picture Projection (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART32 Motion Picture Raw Stock Identification and Labeling (1 ANSI PH22.184 Motion (1971) ANSI Z11.300 / of Test for Measuring the ASTM D2981 Motive Power Service (For Electric Trucks) (1972) /Nd ITA 8K1 Motive Power Service (1974) Std. for Determination NEMA IB2 Motor Armature Supplies (1973) ANSI C34.3 /for Thyrist IEEE 444 Motor Boat Transom and Motor Well Dimensions on Boats ( ABYC S12 Motor Carrier Dock Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and ANSI MH8.1 Motor Compressors (1972) ANSI B143.1 UL 984 Motor Dimensions (Boats) (1972) ABYC Sll Motor Drives: Part 1-Converters for DC Motor Armature IEEE 444 Motor Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique ASTM D2722 Motor Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique ASTM D2723 Motor Graders (1971) /Movers, Wheeled and Track Type F SAE J231 Motor Homes): Installation of Plumbing, Heating, and El NFPA 501C Motor Homes, and Camping Trailers) (1974) /Ds at Plant FMS 7-90 Motor Meth. Octane Ratings Using on Line Analyzers (197 ASTM D2885 Motor Meth. Ratings (1971) ANSI Zll. 306 /Teristics of ASTM D2723 Motor Oil Cans (1974) CCTI C124 Motor Oil Cans (1974) Std. CCTI C125.1 Motor Oils at Low Temperature Using the Cold Spanking S ASTM D2602 Motor Operated Appliances (1972) ANSI C33.36 UL 73 Motor Positions for Belt or Chain Drive Centrifugal Fan AMCA 2407 Motor Protection (1971) IEEE 329 Motor Starting Currents (1972) EEI 62-27 NEMA 151 Motor Switch for Vehicles (1971) SAE J235 Motor Units for Pumped Storage Installations (1974) /N NEMA MG5.1 Motor Vehicle and Its Component Impact Tests (1971) SAE J211A Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid for Use Under Arctic Atmosphe SAE J1702D Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid (Used Under Nonarctic Conditi SAE J1703B Motor Vehicle Brake Linings (1966) Minimu VESC V-3 254 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Log Skidder, Truck, Bus, Bead S/ lass II, Groups E, F, and G (19/ lass I, Groups C and D (197/ el d. er) (1972) Rec. Pract. (or Rec. Pract. for Service Performance Requirements for of Suitability of Plastic Material for Use in Housings of (1972) Rec. Pract. for New ec. Domestic Marketing Std. Including Guarantee Policy for d Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch/ Minimum Requirements for cle Dimensions for Use in Designing Docking Facilities for Handling Chlorine in Tank Std. for Lighting Inspection Code for ce Requirements for Sealed Beam Headlamp (Light) Units for Std. for Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation from dustrial A/ Std. for Lead Acid Type Storage Batteries for public Highways (1973/ Std. for Inspection Procedures for Rec. Pract. for Outboard Motor Boat Transom and for Lead Acid Type Storage Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Std. for Tires and Rims for Rec. Pract. of Definitions for Rim and Wheel Stds. for Minimum Requirements for Safety Std. for Electric Std. for Safety for Electric Std. for Dimensions for Alternating and Direct Current for Application Data for Alternating and Direct Current Std. for Definite Purpose Std. for Definitions for Std. for Terminal Markings for and Guide for Selection, Installation and Use of Electric Std. for Rec. for Single Phase Rural Distribution Service for Safety Std. for Electric Trial Use Guide for Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class I ) Implements (1971) Application of Remote Hydraulic td. for Ratings for Alternating Current and Direct Current or Tests and Performance of Alternating and Direct Current Std. for Induction Std. for Synchronous Std. for Direct Current ts for Alternating-Current Integral Horsepower Induction Rec. for Enclosures for a for Positve Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power Pumps and Rec. for Fire Protection of Synchronous Grading Rules for Std. Wood Std. for Nut-Instrument n Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pine Fir; and Rec. Pract. for Automatic Reset Internal Code for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Slings; Base Std. for Residential Controls for Low Voltage, Wall Std. Pract. for Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Shaft tegrally Mounted Thermostats For/ Line Voltage Integrally ed Thermostats for Electric Heater Line Voltage Integrally Safety Std. for Sliding Hardware for Std., Horizontally c Wire Rope Hoists (Lug, Hook, Trolley Suspended, and Base boss Type, 30, 50, and 60 Amperes, 4 Wire (1966/ Standard d Industrial Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow Mo/ Std. for nd Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Identification Emb/ Std. for d End Configurations, Dimensional Identification Code, and Std. for Flashing Warning Lamp (Light) for Remote Rec. Pract. for Engine Foot ner. Quickly Demountable Universal (Horizontal or Vertical as Fuel Container, Quickly Demountable Type for Horizontal Rec. Pract. for Fuel Pump Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Marine Engine plow. Field and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool ransmission (197/ Rec. Pract. for Marine (Inboard) Engine for Guide for Describing the Characteristics of Resilient Std. for Dimensions for Front Lens Std. Dimensions of Image Areas and or Projectors for 35 mm Filmstrips and Slides in 2 X 2 In. Structural Clay Differential Structural Clay Differential Structural Clay Differential on and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic teria for Roll Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Prime a for Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) for Prime Std. Operating Limits for Central Station Units (Air Std. Coil Face Areas for Central Station Units (Air Std. for Certified Ratings Program Air Std. Test Code for Air , SAE J943A Std. for Slow ting Brackets and Socket for Warning Lamp (Light) and Slow ural (Farm) and Industrial Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow orm Building Code: Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and td. Pract. for the Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Motor Vehicle Driver's Eye Range (1972) Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and Components (1972) Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices Including Reflex Reflect Motor Vehicle on Grade Parking Performance Requirements Motor Vehicle Type (Lead Acid) Storage Batteries (1972) Motor Vehicle (Recreational Type) Connecting Devices an Motor Vehicles (1971) Rec. Pract. for Average Vehi Motor Vehicles (1973) Motor Vehicles (1973) Motor Vehicles (1973) /C. Pract. for Service Performan Motor Vehicles (201000 Mhz) (1972) ANSI C112.1 Motor Vehicles, Motorboats, Tractors, Automotive and in Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Semitrailers Operated on Motor Well Dimensions on Boats (1974) Motorboats, Tractors, Automotive and Industrial Applica Motorcycle Headlamps (1971) Motorcycle Rear View Mirrors (1971) Motorcycle Turn Signal Lamps (Light) (1971) Motorcycle, Side Car, Mini Bike, and Bicycle (1974) Motorcycles (1972) Motorcycles, Passenger Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and Motorcyclists Eye Protection (1971) Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations, C Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations, C Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepow Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepow Motors and Generators (Fractional and Integral Horsepow Motors and Generators (1972) Motors and Generators (1972) Motors and Generators (1973) ANSI C51.1 / Construction Motors and Generators (1973) ANSI C52.1 Motors and Phase Converters (1972) Motors for Appliances and Equipment (1972) Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Powe Motors to Agricultural Tractors and Trailing Type (Farm Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) / F Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) Motors (1972) Motors (1973) Motors (1973) ANSI B93.27 Motors (1974) Mouldings (1967) Mount (1973) Mountain Hemlock (Lumber) (1973) Mounted Circuit Breaker (1971) Mounted Drum Hoists (1971) Mounted Room Thermostats (1972) Mounted Speed Reducers (1974) Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heater Line Voltage in Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heaters (1973) /Mount Mounted Tin Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A143.1 Mounted Types (1971) Std. Spec, for Electri Mounting and Face Dimensions of Receptacles Off Center Mounting Brackets and Socket for Agricultural (Farm) an Mounting Brackets and Socket for Warning Lamp (Light) a Mounting Dimensions for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Catal Mounting on Agricultural (Farm) Equipment (1972) Mounting (Front and Rear) (1970) Mounting), Liquid Withdrawal (1973) /P Gas Fuel Contai Mounting, Liquid Withdrawal Only (1973) /Act. for LP G Mountings for Diaphragm Type Pumps (1971) Mountings (Boats) (1971) Mountings (Farm Machinery) (1973) Std. for Chisel Mountings (Installation and Replacement) Direct Drive T Mountings (1972) Std. Mounts for Cameras (1972) Mounts for Slides and Opaques for Television (1973) Mounts (1972) Std. for Resolving Power of Lenses F Movement (Cause and Effect) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Movement (Expansion Joints) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Movement (Flexible Anchorage) (Tech. Notes) (1963) Movement (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesi Movers (Heavy Equipment) (1972) /Nimum Performance Cri Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front End Loaders, Wheel Moving and Conditioning) (1966) Moving and Conditioning) (1966) Moving Devices (Performance) (1970) Moving Devices (1967) Moving Vehicle Identification Emblem (1968) ANSI B114.1 Moving Vehicle (SMV) Identification Emblem (1972) Moving Vehicles (SMV) Identification Emblem (1972) SAE Moving Walks (1973) Moving Walks (inspectors Manual) (1973) Std. for Frame Assignmen /Nting Basic Performance Dat /Pole Pines; Engelman Safety /Oun Unif SAE SAE SAE SAE BCI VESC SAE CHI SAE SAE SAE SAE ANSI ABYC SAE SAE SAE SAE TRA SAE TRA VESC UL UL NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA ASAE UL IEEE ASAE NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA FMS NFLDP FMS WWPA NSA ICBO SAE ANSI NEMA AGMA NEMA NEMA UL HMI ANSI ASAE SAE NFLDP ASAE SAE ITA ITA SAE ABYC ASAE SAE ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI BIA BIA BIA ASTM SAE SAE AMCA AMCA AMCA AMCA ASAE SAE ASAE ICBO ANSI J941C J256A J29 J293 •1.15 V-S J699A 49 J599C J32 J551A J537H D7.1 S12 J537H J584B J268 J131A 6 J213A 7 V-8 674A 674B MG1-11 MG1-14 MG1-18 MG1-1 MG1-2 MG2 MG1 R329 1004 334 S316T MG1-10 MG1-12 MG1-20 MG1-21 MG1-23 MG13 5-6 T3.9.17 5-13 *29 487 UBCS25-4 J258 B30.7 DC 3 480.05 DC 13 DC 13 14B 100 C73.67 S277.2 J725D T3.6.11 S307.1 J616B 6A2 6A1 J625A P5 S225.1 J233 S2.8 PH3.14 PH22.94 PH3.16 18 18A 18B C719 J320B J231 1401 1402 211 210 S276.2 J725D S277.2 UBC«3-51 A17.2 Engineering and Product Standards Division 255 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ety for Cord Connected Electric Gardening Appliances (Lawn le/ Rec. Pract. Safety Requirements for Industrial Rotary Safety Spec, for Power Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Truck Std. Test Procedure for Geiger Std. Classification of ys, Diaspore, Canister Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, Magnesite, nee of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element / Std. Spec, for Firecycle on -Off tape Recorders Operati/ Std. Spec, for an Audio Level and Std. Performance Spec, for Flexible thickness on Silicon Wafers and Metallization Thickness by Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Pulverized Coal Fired d. Production Check Flanges and Gaskets; Drilling Through, e-Propylene-Rubber Insu/ Std. for Portable Single and Manual of Practice: n of Units in Multip/ Std. for Numbering of Electrodes in Spec, for Electric Overhead Bridge and Gantry ed Chlorine Bleaching (1971) ANSI L14.180 Test Meth. for 73) NEMA SH17 Std. for j-147 Std. for fety Std. for Heat Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, Single and lectrode Semiconductor Devices and Designation of Units in moisture Basis (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) Meth. for ances and Other Electronic Equipment (Flyback Transformer, g Surf/ Loss Prevention Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings ols (1969) Std. for Rec. Pract. for Spark Arresters Used on lection of Tires (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer. s Intended for Highway Use on Trucks, Buses, Trailers, and ply Tires and Rims for Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, and bin/ Rec. Pract. for Stopping Distance of Passenger Cars, Std. for Tires and Rims for Truck, Bus, Trailer, and ill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Facilities (Passenger Cars, Std. Meth. of Specifying Color by the (1971) ANSI C59.27 Std. Spec, for Natural Std. Meth. of Test for Undersized Loose Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steel Spring Wire, Best Quality ion and Structural Group Analysis of Petroleum Oils by the of Fractures of the Skeletal (Bone) / Std. Spec, for Hip 73) Uniform Building Code Std. for Fiberboard Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of led Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab / Spec, for Mastic mastic Nailed Construction with Mastic Set Subflooring and 1962) Spec, for Rubber Cushion Sleeper Construction with lab Floors / Spec, for Mastic Cushioned Construction with Rec. for Wood Siding, Finish. Nails and Redwood Exterior Guide (Siding, Finish, Nails and ication and Design, Span Allowances, Storage, Finishes and Rec. for Wood Siding, Finish, Redwood Exterior Guide (Siding, Finish, : Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, Plates, screws; Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Design; and Piles, Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, Connectors. chloroethyl) Thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l,2-Dicar/ Std. Common ilate Carbanilate (Ester) Desmedipham (1/ Std. for Common rimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Hydroprene / obenzilate-Bromopropylate (1973) robenzilate-Chloropropylate (1973) rophenoxy)-2-Nitrobenzoate Bifenox (197/ , A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluid/ -A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Pto/ opyl Phosphorodithioate) (1973/ horodithioate S-Ester Wi/ Std. for Common Std. Common Std. Common Std. for Common Std. Common Std. Common Std. for Ethoprop (Common Std. for Methidathion (Common ylphenyl Methylcarbamate-Dioxacarb (1973) Std. Common ethoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienethi/ Std. Common 6-Trichloro-2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothioa/ Std. for Common mino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine-Prometry/ Std. Common mino)-6-Methoxy-S-Triazine-Prometon (197/ Std. Common opropylamino) -S-Triazine— Propazine (1973/ Std. Common 7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Kino/ Std. for Common sopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine -/ Std. Common bis (Isopropylamino) Stria/ Std. for Dipropetryn (Common 4-(Ethylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine / Std. Common 4-Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)-S-Triazine-Terb/ Std. Common mino) -2-(a.a,a- Trifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 / Std. for Common Std. for Bentazon (Common Std. for Tetramethrin (Common Std. for Fospirate (Common Std. for Disugran (Common Std. for Crufomate (Common Std. for Chlorbromuron (Common Std. for Chlordimeform (Common Std. for Fluorodifen (Common Std. for Prynachlor (Common Mower. Cultivator, Edger-Trimmer, Hedge Trimmer, etc.) Mowers (Designed for Operation with Tractors Having at Mowers, Lawn, and Garden Tractors (1972) Muffler Parts Nomenclature (1971) Muller Counters (1970) ANSI N42.3 Mullite Refractories (1972) Mullite) (1970) ANSI All 1.36 /Calcine, Chrome Ore, Cla Multi Pass Meth. for Evaluating the Filtration Performa Multicycle Sprinkler System (Fire Safety) (1973) Multifrequency Test Tape for Quadruplex Video Magnetic Multilayer Wiring (Printed Circuit) (1972) Multiple Beam Interference (Tolansky Meth.) (1973) /E Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protection) (1973 Multiple Completion, and Flowline Valves; Drilling Thro Multiple Conductor Electrical Power Cables with Ethylen Multiple Contract Construction (1974) Multiple Electrode Semiconductor Devices and Designatio Multiple Gerder Traveling Cranes (1971) Multiple Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Los9 by Retain Multiple Sockets Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment (19 Multiple Sockets Used in Roadway Lighting (1973) EEI Td Multiple Station, Mechanically Operated Type for Indoor Multiple Unit Semiconductor Devices (1972) /Multiple E Multiplication Factors for Correcting Weights to a 14% Multiplier, Deflection Yoke, Picture Tube Neck Componen (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Gravel or Sla Multiport Valves for Public and Residential Swimming Po Multiposition Small Size Engines (1972) Multipurpose Passenger and Recreational Vehicles) (1974 Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles (1972) /Emountable Rim Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles (1974) /as and Radial Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Buses, Trucks, and Com Multipurpose Vehicle (1974) Multipurpose Vehicles, and Light Duty Trucks) (1971) Munsell System (1968) Muscovite Block Mica and Thins Based on Visual Quality Muscovite Mica Splittings (1973) Music Spring Quality Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G54.2 Music (1973) n-d-M Meth. (1973) /Meth. of Test for Carbon Distribut Nail-Jewett Type for Use by Surgeons in the Treatment Nail Base Sheathing and Structural Insulating Board (19 Nail Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) Nailed Construction with Mastic Set Subflooring and Nai Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Nailers and Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors ( Nailers, Subflooring or Finish Flooring Over Concrete S Nailing (1972) Nailing) (1973) Nails and Fastenings) (1973) / for Garden Grades, Appl Nails and Nailing (1972) Nails and Nailing) (1973) Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pins, Dowels, Joints, Split Nails and Staples (1973) /Ift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Nails, Staples, Adhesives, Fiberboard, Particleboard) ( Name for the Pest Control Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetra Name for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl Mhydroxycarban Name for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl (E,E)3,7,11-T Name for the Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dibrom Name for the Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dichlo Name for the Pest Control Chemical Methyl 5(2,4-Dichlo Name for the Pest Control Chemical N-(2Chloroethyl)-A, a Name for the Pest Control Chemical N(Cyclopropylmethyl) Name for the Pest Control Chemical O-Ethyl S,S-Dipr Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0-Dimethyl Phosp Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0-1,3-Dioxolan -2- Name for the Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl (E.E)-ll-M Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl 0-(3,5, Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4- Bis (Isopropyla Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropyla Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Chloro-4,6bis (Is Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Propynyl (E,E)-3, Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylamino)4-(I Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylthio) -4,6- Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)- Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)- Name for the Pest Control Chemical 4-Chloro5-(Methyla Name for the Pest Control Chemical (1972) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1971) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1971) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1971) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) UL 82 SAE J232 ANSI B71.1 SAE J261 IEEE 309 ASTM C467 ASTM C316 NFLDP T3. 10.8.8 FMS 2-90 ANSI C98.8 IPC ML-990 ASTM F388 FMS 6-2 API 6A NEMA WC8/6 CSI MP-2A3 EIA RS321B CMAA 70 AATCC 114 EEI TDJ-147 NEMA SH17 UL 539 EIA RS321B AACCH 82-24 UL 492.3 FMS 1-47 NSF 27 SAE J335A TRA X-XI SAE J267 TRA 1 SAE J299 TRA 2 SAE J398A ASTM D1535 ASTM D351 ASTM D3252 ASTM A228 SAE AMS5112F ASTM D3238 ASTM F369 ICBO UBCS25-24 ASTM F384 WSFI »6 WSFI *6 WSFI *4 WSFI *8 WWPA *25 CRA 3A4 CRA 3A5 WWPA •25 CRA 3A4 WWPA •31-1 ICBO UBCS25-17 ICBO UBC*3-2S ANSI K62.146 ANSI K62.139 ANSI K62.136 ANSI K62.151 ANSI K62.150 ANSI K62.138 ANSI K62.140 ANSI K62.152 ANSI K62.133 ANSI K62.134 ANSI K62.147 ANSI K62.141 ANSI K62.130 ANSI K62.143 ANSI K62.144 ANSI K62.145 ANSI K62.137 ANSI K62.142 ANSI K62.135 ANSI K62.148 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.125 ANSI K62.129 ANSI K62.106 ANSI K62.111 ANSI K62.112 ANSI K62.110 ANSI K62.113 ANSI K62.114 ANSI K62.115 ANSI K62.116 256 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Glyphosine (Common Std. for Mexacarbate (Common Std. for Dinoseb (Common Std. for Acephate (Common Std. for Elhiolate (Common Std. for Glyphosate (Common Std. for Oxamyl (Common Std. for Picloram (Common Std. for Nitrapyin (Common •Tert-Butylphenoxy) Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite (Common methoxy- 3,7,11-Trimethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) (Common Rec. for Flash Point Index of Trade Rec. Pract. for High Lift Industrial Truck (Institutional / Std. Performance Requirements for Table Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Printed Table Std. Performance Requirements for Damask Table Std. Spec, for Refined Solvent resentative Saturates Fraction from Low Olefinic Petroleum of Test for Acidity of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Solvent reservative Solutions Such as Pentachlorophenol and Copper Std. Performance Requirements for Damask Table Napery Performance Requirements for Woven Printed Table Napery ements for Table Napery Other Than Damask (White or Dyed) (1972/ Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy No. 260 Brass Strip in Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Thiocyanate enance in SI Metric Units (1973) Std. for tenance (1974) ressure Vessel Inspectors (1973) astenings (1971) s by OSHA (1973) Rec. and Comments on the Rules for the Radio Installations for the Operation of Electric Supply Lines and Equipment e of Underground Electric Supply and Communications Lines installation and Maintenance of Electrical Supply Statio/ aphic Representation of the Control Characters of American 73) ixed Mica-Dielectric Capacitors (1971) / Std. Spec, for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Accelerated Laboratory Test of r (Spectrophotometric) Content in Feedstuffs and All Other Std. Tables of Classification of Man Made and Std. Meth. of Test for Total Sulfur in Std. for Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Fuel Oil and ) Std. Meth. for Analysis of ) ANSI Z11.238 Std. Meth. for Analysis of (1968) Std. Meth. for Obtaining Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide in .177 Test Meth. for Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Test Meth. for Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Exposure to Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting quality (1971) ANSI C59.27 Std. Spec, for 1973) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined able, 75 Deg. C Operation (1974) ANSI C8./ Std. Spec, for .25 Std. Spec, for r Concentrated, Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuged Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for h. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in td. Meth. of Measuring Plasticity Retention Index (PRI) of Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Definitions of Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Location and Visibility of cs Vertical Guidance Equipment Used in Airborne Volumetric of and Test Formula for Butadiene-Acrylonitrile Rubbers ry Therapy Equipment (Breathing Devices, Room Humidifiers, ack Transformer. Multiplier, Deflection Yoke, Picture Tube Std. for Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using A Std. for Cam Follower, Std. for In. and Metric Radial Std. Meth. for Determining Speed of Photographic ate) for Use in Photographic Contact Printing of Roll Film Tent. Meth. of Test for Effective Fluorescent Lifetime of st for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel , Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, il Pipe and Fittings (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Number of 80) (1974) Std. for 5 Gal. a80, Dot-37Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, / Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Minimum Requirements for Safety Std. Requirements, Terminology, and Test Procedure for 66) IPCEA S-64-474 Std. for Aluminum, Triplex, n Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis for e and Anhydrous (Cereal Chemistry)/ Meth. of Analysis for Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62. 117 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62. 1 18 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62.119 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62.120 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62. 123 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62.124 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62.126 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62.127 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1972) ANSI K62.128 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1973) /Rgite 2-(P ANSI K62.131 Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1973) /(E.E)-ll- ANSI K62.132 Name Liquids (NFPA 325A) (1974) FMS 7-42N Nameplates and Marking (1973) ITA 4F1 Napery Other Than Damask (White or Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) ANSI L24.2.11 Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) ANSI L24.2.6 Naperv (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) ANSI L24.2.7 Naphtha (1971) ANSI Z78. 4 ASTM D838 Naphthas (1973) ANSI Zl 1.165 /Th. for Isolation of Rep ASTM D2002 Naphthas, and Similar Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons ASTM D847 Naphthenate (1973) / Solvent for Preparing Oil Borne P ASTM D2604 (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) ANSI L24.2.7 (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Std ANSI L24.2.6 (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /E Requir ANSI L24.2.11 Narrow Widths and Light Gage for Heat Exchanger Tubing ASTM B569 NaSCN (1972) ANSI PH4.177 National Aerospace Std. Documents Preparation and Maint NSA 10000 National Aerospace Stds. Documents Preparation and Main NSA 380 (National Board Inspection Code) Manual for Boiler and P NBBPV »1 National Design Spec, for Stress Grade Lumber and Its F NFORP «4 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and Code Requirement FMS 5-7S National Electrical Safety Code (1973) ANSI C2 (National Electrical Safety Code) (1940) ANSI C2.5 (National Electrical Safety Code) (1973) Rules ANSI C2.4 (National Electrical Safety Code) (1973) /Nd Maintenanc ANSI C2.3 National Electrical Safety Code. Part 1: Rules for the ANSI C2.1 National Std. Code for Information Interchange (1973) ANSI X3.32 National Std. Plumbing Code (Including Definitions) (19 NAPHC *1 Natural Block Mica and Mica Films Suitable for Use in F ASTM D748 Natural Building Stones (1974) ASTM CI 19 Natural Cement (1973) ANSI Al. 18 ASTM C10 Natural Decay Resistance of Woods (1970) ASTM D20I7 Natural Dry Products Derived from Corn (1957) /Ng Colo CR G-6 Natural Fibers (1971) ANSI L14.192 ASTM D2368 Natural Gas by Hydrogenation (1972) ANSI Z77. 11 ASTM D3031 Natural Gas Fired Watertube Boiler Furnaces with One Bu NFPA 85 Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography (1968 NGPA 2165 Natural Gas Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography (1973 ASTM D2597 Natural Gas Samples for Analysis by Gas Chromatography NGPA 2166 Natural Gas (Methylene Blue Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z77. 10 ASTM D2725 Natural Light and Weather Through Glass (1972) ANSI L14 AATCC HID Natural Light and Weather (1968) ANSI L14.176 AATCC 1 1 IB Natural Light Exposures Under Glass (1973) ASTM G24 Natural Muscovite Block Mica and Thins Based on Visual ASTM D351 Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Concrete ( ASTM C618 Natural Rubber Heat Resisting Insulation for Wire and C ASTM D469 Natural Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8 ASTM D532 Natural Rubber Latex (1972A) ANSI J8. 12 Std. Spec. Fo ASTM D1076 Natural Rubber (Nr) and Isoprene Rubber (IR) (1973) ASTM D3184 Natural Rubber (Nr) (1973) Std. Met ASTM D3192 Natural Rubber (1973) ASTM D3194 Natural Slate Roof Shingles (1973) ICBO UBCS32-10 Naval Stores and Related Products (1972) ASTM D804 Navigation Aid Terms (1971) IEEE 172 Navigation Lights (Boats) (1972) ABYC A16 Navigation Systems (1972) /M Operational Characteristi RTCA DO-152 (NBRM1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation ASTM D3187 Nebulizers. Gas Therapy and Suction Equipment, Room Air NSF 48 Neck Components) (1974) /Er Electronic Equipment (Flyb UL 492.3 Neck Phantom (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) ANSI N44.3 Needle Bearing, High Strength Stud (1973) NSA 562 ' Needle Roller Bearings (1973) ANSI B3.18 AFBMA 18 Negative Materials (Monochrome, Continuous Tone) (1972) ANSI PH2.5 Negatives (1972) Std. Spec, for Masks (Separ ANSI PH3.9 Neodymium Doped Laser Materials (1973) ASTM F380 (Neodymium-148 Meth.) (1969) ANSI N118 /Td. Meth. of Te ASTM E321 Neon, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen) (1973) /Monoxide ICBO UFC*2ART36 Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Iron So CISPI HSN Neps in Cotton Samples (1971) ANSI L14.97 ASTM D1446 Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C ANSI MH2.17 Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37 ANSI MH2.15 Nets (1971) ANSI A10.ll Neutral Grounding Devices (1972) IEEE 32 Neutral Supported, Service Drop and Secondary Cable (19 EEI TDJ-180 Neutralizing Value of Acid Reacting Materials Other Tha AACCH 02-32 Neutralizing Value of Monocalcium Phosphate: Monohydrat AACCH 02-33 Neutralizing Value of Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (Cereal AACCH 02-34 Engineering and Product Standards Division 257 565-533 O-LT - 75 - IE National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Spec, for Tinned Copper Concentric 971) ANSI K90.10 Std. Meth. for Estimating the Thermal Std. Meth. of Test for Oxygen Content Using a 14 Mev Std. Guide for Selection of olant Water During/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Delayed plications (1960) m Uranium -238 Fission (1972/ N114 1 112 113 nl09 nllO Rec. for Measurement of Std. Meth. of Test for Fast Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Measuring Thermal 4 He Neutron Generators by Radio/ Std. Meth. of Test for anium 238 Fission (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast ) Std. Meth. for Fast utron Flux Density and Average Energy from ,H (D, N),He asurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtures of 961) Rec. for Measurement of Absorbed Dose of rmining the Susceptibility of Stainless Steels and Related istry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Used to Enrich Cereals (Cereal Che/ Meth. of Analysis of Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of 972) ANSI G33.3 Std. Spec, for Chromium-Copper • luoride Carri/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of ate. Sheet and Strip (1973) Std. Spec, for d (1973) Std. Spec, for (1970) ANSI H34.10 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and 1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered d. Reference Radiographs for High Strength Copper Base and Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) Std. Spec, for amless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.16 Std. Spec, for {1973) ANSI H34.40 Std. Spec, for h34.39 Std. Spec, for ) ANSI H34.41 Std. Spec, for zed Alloy / Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromium • zed All/ Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Chromium • perature Service (1974) ANSI G/ Std. Spec, for Chromium - 5s, Heat Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium - late (1971) ANSI H34.44 Std. Spec, for 971) ANSI H34.12 Std. Spec, for 4.14 Std. Spec, for 34.11 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Copper - Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and / Std. Spec, for Copper - Rod and Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper • Temperature Serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Std. Spec, for Chromium ansi H34.42 Std. Spec, for Seamless Nickel and Std. Spec, for ) ANSI H52.1 Std. Spec, for Copper re Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper - for Low Temperature / Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled 9% Std. Spec, for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Chromium Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Autenitic Chromium nsi G33.1 Std. Spec, for nsi G35.15 Std. Spec, for Manganese Molybdenum and Its c. for Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum - Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessels Plates, 5% ) ANSI H3/ Std. Spec, for Factory Made Wrought Nickel and e / Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Thermionic tation and Hardware (1970) Std. for Electroplating of 1969) ANSI W3.14 Spec, for ansi W3.ll Spec, for bes (1972) ANSI H34.42 Std. Spec, for Seamless iping (1972) ANSI H3/ Std. Spec, for Factory Made Wrought spec, for Corrosion Resistant Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Alloy Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, y Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, y Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, loy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, c/ Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, y Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, orrosion Resistant Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and d Temperatures (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Iron, Cobalt, and n/ Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, oy Bars, Forgings and Rings, Corrosion,and Heat Resistant, rosion and Heat Resistant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings loy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, 4 Std. Spec, for ) ANSI H34.3 Std. Spec, for Neutrals (Underground Electrical Power Cable) (1973) Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite (1 Neutron Activation and Direct Counting Technique (1973) Neutron Activation Detector Materials (1973) Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Co Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical and Biological Ap Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum -99 Activity Fro Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum (1970) ANSI Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron (1970) ANSI Nil Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) ANSI N Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfur (1970) ANSI N Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1970) ANSI Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1970) ANSI Neutron Flux Density and Average Energy from :I H (D, N) Neutron Flux for Analysis for Barium 140 Produced by Ur Neutron Flux Measurements by Track Etch Technique (1973 Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques (1973) Neutrons and Gamma Rays (1961) Rec. for Me Neutrons, and of Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma Rays (1 -Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Polythi acin and Nicotinamide in Cereal Products (Cereal Chem acin in Enrichment (Vitamin and Mineral) Concentrates acin (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ckel-Aluminum Alloy Steel Pressure Vessel Plates (1 ckel-Base Alloys by the Silver Chloride-Lithium F ckel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy PI ckel-Chromium-lron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Ro ckel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip ckel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (1973) ckel-Chromium and Niekel-Chromium-Iron Alloys ( kel-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium (1972) ANSI G35 ckel-Copper Alloy Castings (1967) ANSI Z166. 17 St kel-Iron-Chromium- Manganese-Molybdenum Alloy ckel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Se kel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip ckel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) ANSI kel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe Tube (1973 ckel-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper-Columbium Stabili ckel-Iron-Molydenium-Copper-Columbium Stabili ckel-Iron Alloy Castings (2512 Class) for High Tern ckel-Iron Alloys (1973) /Mical Analysis of Stainle ckel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy Sheet and P ckel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Plate and Sheet (1 ckel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H3 ckel-Molybdenum Alloy Plate and Sheet (1971) ANSI H ckel-Molybdenum Alloy Rod (1971) ANSI H34.13 ckel-Silicon Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) ckel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel ckel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel ckel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High kel Alloy Castings (1974) kel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes (1972) kel Alloy Forgings (1972) ckel Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels (1969 kel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Temperatu kel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) kel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts ckel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperatu kel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service (1 kel Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) a kel Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) a ckel Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure kel Alloy Steel, Specially Heat Treated (1972A) ckel Alloy Welding Fittings for Pressure Piping (1972 ckel Alloys by the Powder Direct Current Arc Techniqu ckel and Chromium on Metal Parts-Automotive Ornamen ckel and Its Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes ( ckel and Its Alloy Covered Welding Elec' r odes (1969) ckel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger tu ckel and Nickel Alloy Welding Fittings for Pressure P ckel and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for General Appli ckel Base-15.5Cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe (1973) ckel Base-15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) Alio ckel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1973) ckel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1973) ckel Base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al, ckel Base-19.5Cr-18Co-2.5Ti-l.5Al (1973) ckel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution Heat Tre ckel Base Alloy Castings for General Application (197 ckel Base Alloy Castings for High Strength at Elevate ckel Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-1.4Al, Co ckel Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti-l.4Al) C ckel Base, Solution Heat Treated, 15.5Cr-16Mo-3.8 ckel Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti-0.45Al Solut ckel Chromium Iron Alloy Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34. kel Chromium Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970 AA 52-1 ASTM C626 ASTM E385 ASTM E419 ASTM D2470 NCRPM R23 ASTM E343 ASTM E266 ASTM E263 ASTM E264 ASTM E265 ASTM E261 ASTM E262 ASTM E496 ASTM E393 ASTM E418 ASTM E496 NCRPM R25 NCRPM R25 ASTM G35 AACCH 86-50 AACCH 86-49 AACCH 86-51 ASTM A410 ASTM E483 ASTM B582 ASTM B581 ASTM B168 ASTM E38 ASTM E38 ASTM A605 ASTM E272 ASTM B590 ASTM B423 ASTM B409 ASTM B408 ASTM B407 ASTM B468 ASTM B474 ASTM A447 ASTM E353 ASTM B434 ASTM B334 ASTM B336 ASTM B333 ASTM B335 ASTM B411 ASTM B122 ASTM B151 ASTM A637 ASTM A560 ASTM B163 ASTM B564 ASTM B402 ASTM A670 ASTM B122 ASTM A522 ASTM A409 ASTM A358 ASTM A203 ASTM A302 ASTM A533 ASTM A645 ASTM B366 ASTM E129 SAE J207 AWS A5.14 AWS A5.ll ASTM B163 ASTM B366 ASTM A296 SAE AMS5541B SAE AMS5665H SAE AMS5711 SAE AMS5873 SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS5829 SAE AMS5755B ASTM A296 ASTM A567 SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5707D SAE AMS5750B SAE AMS5872 ASTM B166 ASTM B167 258 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards v Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34./ and Tempered, for Pressure Vessels (1972/ and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.19 (1972) ANSI H34.22 e and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.20 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for lication (1972) c7.48 H34.6 3 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 9% Std. Spec, for Cold, Silver, gh T/ Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium - et. and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 Std. Spec, for r (1972) ANSI H34.18 Std. Spec, for pipe (1972) Std. Spec, for y Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973)/ Std. Spec, for Chromium y Pipe (1973/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromium ed and Cold Finished Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium p (1972) Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Std. Spec, for Low Carbon Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Std. Spec, for etecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper - Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sintered strip, and / Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper- Nickel-Zinc Alloy 4 Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium • . for Flux Cored Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium unfi/ Std. Spec, for Heat Resisting Chromium and Chromium si B36.39 Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Chromium si/ Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium - eth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 36% ates. Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 12% ates. Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 18% vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered 8 and 9% temperature. Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, ion Resistant Metals (Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper, Std. Meth. of Test for Color of Raw Cotton Using the 7) Meth. of Analysis of Niacin and Spec, for Subsurface Safety Valves, Locks, and Landing 1972) Std. for read. Wheat and Other Grains/ Improved Kjeldahl Meth. for Std. Meth. for Quantitiative Determination of Cellulose Uniform Building Code Std. for Cellulose Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Meth. for Preparation of Silver ear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Std. Spec, for Plutonium 3 Std. Meth. of Mercurous rec. for Safe Use of Mixed Fertilizers Containing Ammonium Std. Spec, for Soluble Cellulose Definition and Test Procedures for Ammonia Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Refined Benzene 485 Wet Ashing with erium, Fluorine, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, Neon, he Pest Control Chemical Methyl 5(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2- de Std. for Storage and Handling of Photographic and X-Ray ng Code: Film Storage and Handling (Photographic and X-Ray 2% Free Ammonia (1970) Std. for Storage and Handling of er Protein/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Protein als of Com/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Protein starches A/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Protein Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ammonia ps, Sugars/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Protein ups. Stare/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Protein her Protei/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Protein e (1970) ALCA B5 Tent. Meth. of Test for bility Index (NSI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Total Meth. of Analysis of Undenatured Whey Protein Meth. for Organic Std. Meth. of Test for (1962) Linderstrom-Lang Meth. of Analysis of Amino (1962) Modified Sorensen Meth. of Analysis of Amino (1962) Van Slyke Meth. of Analysis of Amino n of Dispersible Nitrogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or G/ Chromium Iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alio Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Rod and Bar Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Seamless Pip Chromium Molybdenum Iron Alloy Rod (1972) Coated Copper Clad Steel Wire for Electronic App Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire (1974) ANSI Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI Double Normalized and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35. Electrical Contact Alloy (1972) High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at Hi Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Plate, She Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Rod and Ba Iron Chromium Silicon Alloy Seamless and Welded Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alio Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alio Manganese Steel Bars Including Rounds, Squares, Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Stri Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Rod (1972) Molybdenum Chromium Iron Alloy Rod (1972) on Steel by Photometric Analysis (1972) Oxide Sinter (1970) ANSI G86.1 Pipe and Tube (1973) ANSI H26.4 Plate. Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.8 Rich, Chromium Bearing Alloys (1972) ANSI G80.4 Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34.7 Rod and Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.1 Silver Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.28 Silver) and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Silver) and Copper-Nickel Rod and Bar (1973) Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3. Steel Electrodes (1974) Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion Welded Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) an Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) an (1970) ANSI N112 Spec Std. M (1972) (1972A) (1972A) ANSI G35.17 (1972A) ANSI G35.20 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel PI /Ec. for Pressure Vessel PI Std. Spec, for Pressure and Cobalt Base Alloys (1973) /Alysis of High Chromium, Lead, Zinc, or Cadmium) (1973) /Rros ckerson-Hunter Cotton Colorimeter (1971) cotinamide in Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (196 pples for Petroleum Industry Use (1973) trapyin (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) ( trate Free Samples for Analysis of Crude Protein in B trate in Alkyd Lacquers by Infrared Spectrophotometry trate Motion Picture Film (1973) trate Motion Picture Film (1973) trate Plastics (Pyroxylin) (1973) trate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) trate Solutions (1973) /Etric, Spectrochemical, Nucl trate Solutions (1973) ANSI N137 trate Test for Copper and Its Alloys (1973) ANSI H39. trate (1972) trate (1972) ANSI K65.22 trate (1973) tration Grade Toluene (1971) ANSI Z78.7 tration Grade Xylene (1971) ANSI Z78.8 tration Grade) (1971) ANSI Z78.2 trie and Perchloric Acids (Wood, Pulp, etc.) (1973) trie Oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen) (1973) /Monoxide, Deut trobenzoate Bifenox (1973) /D. for Common Name for T trocellulose Films (1973) Uniform Building Co trocellulose) (1973) Uniform Buildi trogen and Fertilizer Solutions Containing More Than trogen Content in Corn Starch, Sugars, Syrups and Oth trogen Content in Corn, Other Grains and Plant Materi trogen Content in Feedstuffs (Corn), Syrups, Sugars, trogen Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1962) trogen Content in Steepwater, (Corn) Feedstuffs, Syru trogen Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syr trogen Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, Starches and Qt trogen Content (Kjeldahl) and Hide (Leather) Substanc trogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat O trogen in Lubricating Oils by Modified Kjeldahl Meth. trogen in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) trogen in Paper and Paperboard (1972) trogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) trogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) trogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) trogen in Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) trogen Solubility Index (NSI): Meth. for Determinatio ASTM B445 ASTM A543 ASTM B443 ASTM B446 ASTM B444 ASTM B572 ASTM B559 ASTM B355 ASTM B127 ASTM A353 ASTM B477 ASTM A608 ASTM B424 ASTM B425 ASTM B535 ASTM B463 ASTM B464 ASTM A429 ASTM B575 ASTM B574 ASTM B573 ASTM C715 ASTM A636 ASTM B466 ASTM B162 ASTM G28 ASTM B160 ASTM B151 ASTM B161 ASTM B458 ASTM B122 ASTM B151 AWS A5.4 AWS A5.22 ASTM A 240 ASTM A271 AWS A5.9 ASTM E264 ASTM A658 ASTM A590 ASTM A538 ASTM A553 ASTM E354 ICBO UBCS326 ASTM D2253 AACCH 86-50 API 14A ANSI K62.128 AACCH 46-11 ASTM D3133 ICBO UBCS48-2 ICBO UFC*2ART5 ICBO UFC*2ART6 AACCH 70-60 ASTM C759 ASTM C710 ASTM B154 FMS LPD7-9 ASTM D301 FI P40 ASTM D841 ASTM D843 ASTM D835 TAPPI UM-243 ICBO UFC*2ART36 ANSI K62.138 ICBO UBCS48-1 ICBO UBC*3-48 FI P145 CR B-48 CR A-18 CR G-22 CR J-12 CR J-56 CR F-44 CR E-52 ASTM D2868 AACCH 46-23 ASTM D3228 AACCH 46-20 TAPPI T418SU ASTM D3179 AACCH 46-30 AACCH 46-31 AACCH 46-32 AACCH 46-23 Engineering and Product Standards Division 259 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards meth. of Static Immersion Test, of Unstressed Materials in th. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Atmospheric Oxides of Meth. of Analysis of Urea and Ammonical Feeds and Feedstuffs (Calculated from Percentage of Total in in Wheat and Flour (Calculated from Percentage of Total e, Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, Neon, Nitric Oxide, try/ Modified Meth. of Quantitative Determination of Both Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis 1/ Meth. of Analysis of Meth. for Determination of ils (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37Aa60, Ufc-Rule 40, 55 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drum (Ufc-Rule 40, 6 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, 7 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Removable Head, Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, ails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule 40. ead Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc-Rule 40, n of Commercial Weight and Yield of Scoured Wool, Top, and iform Procedure for the Test.. Rating and Reporting of the Spiral Bevel Gear Drives (1973) Std. for Sound ers' Industry (1970) Suggested for Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System for Vehicle ing and Specifying Machinery Sound Within Equipment Rooms Std. for Std. for Rec. Pract. for Radial Seal iners (1971) Rec. Pract. for Manual of Standardization for Masterkeying (1971) Std. si B104.1 Std. and tron Tubes and Electric Lamps (1971) Std. minants Seen on Specular Silicon Surface/ Rec. Pract. and d Processing Laboratories (1971) Std. for (1971) Std. system Parts (1972) Rec. Pract. for i J9.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Tooling n Shielding Concrete (1973) Std. Descriptive Std. Definitions of Terms and halt, Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos/ Std. Rec. Std. Door Type ec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Truck Muffler Parts Rec. Pract. for Automotive Brake Definitions and Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Truck Resonator Parts Std. Large Rivets (1/2 In. Std. Small Solid Rivets (7/16 In. for Diesel Fuel Injection Nozzle and Holder Assembly (17Mm Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering 3) ANSI G57.ll Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel- Axles, Structural Design of Serpentine Walls, Installation for Test Meth. for Adhesion to (1971) Std. for Flexible Recreational Vehicles (1971) Std. for Pressurized and rt-Stop Signal Quality Between Data Terminal Equipment and td. for Acceptable Concentrations of Inorganic Mercury and s, Degreasing Grade (Nonreflux Me/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid (Used Under rbons by Gas Chromatography (1968/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorptiveness of 1973) Std. Spec, for 1969) ANSI SE3.7 Std. for Interconnection Circuitry of 3) Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Building Code Std. for nstrumentation/ Spec, for Film Thickness Determination of si L14.128 Test Meth. for ing for Electrical Insula/ Std. Spec, for Crosslinked and Std. Meth. for Open Bottle Tap Sampling of Std. Pictorial Markings for Handling of e Coatings on Steel (1972) Std. Meth. for ipe (1974) Bulletin for rbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Continuous Measurement by Rec. Spec, for y for Refrigerant-Containing Components and Accessories, of Measuring Frequency and Cost, and Recording Patron and t Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction stry) (19/ Carr-Price Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A in Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Sugar) and ry) (1962) Extensigraph Meth. for Quality of Farinograph Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Meth. of Analysis for Titratable Acidity in Meth. of Analysis for Lactic Acid in Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Meth. of Analysis of Undenatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Std. Rec. Pract. for Codification of Certain Nitrogen Tetroxide (N 2 4 ) (1972) Std. ASTM F359 Nitrogen (Burnt Gas Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 Test Me AATCC 23 Nitrogen (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) AACCH 46-50 Nitrogen) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Crude Protein in AACCH 46-18 Nitrogen) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /on of Crude Prote AACCH 46-19 Nitrogen, Oxygen) (1973) /Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorin ICBO UFC*2ART36 Nitrophenide and Arsanilic Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemi9 AACCH 18-26 Nitrophenide in Poultry Mashes (Feed) for Prevention of AACCH 18-25 Nitrosal in Poultry Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 18-27 Nmfc-Item 260 (1974) /Nesting Lug Cover Universal Pa ANSI MH2.15 Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) • Std. Spec, for ANSI MH2.2 Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 1 ANSI MH2.14 Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 3 ANSI MH2.12 Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 5 ANSI MH2.11 Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Cal. Full ANSI MH2.8 Nmfc-Item 260X1974) /Ht Side Lug Cover Universal P ANSI MH2.10 Nmfc-Item 260, Dot-37B60)( 1974) /R 5 Gal. Tight H ANSI MH2.9 Noil for Various Commercial Compositions (1972) ANSI LI ASTM D2720 Noise Levels of Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) /R Un ITA 6GI (Noise Measurement for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and AGMA 297.01 Noise Measurement Techniques for the Machine Tool Build NMTBA *I Noise Sound Level Meters (1972) ANSI S6.1 /Ec. Pract. SAE J184 (Noise) (1973) Std. for Meth. of Measuring, Record ARI 575 Nomenclature-Scrapers (1971) SAE J728A Nomenclature-Truck, Bus, Trailer (1972) SAE J687C Nomenclature and Glossary (1972) SAE J111A Nomenclature and Terminology of Tank Trailers and Conta TTMA RP36 Nomenclature and Terms (1965) NBHA *4 Nomenclature for Bedding Sizes (Mattresses and Sheets) ANSI L27.1 Nomenclature for Diamond Core Drill Equipment (1973) an DCDMA 3 Nomenclature for Glass Bulbs Intended for Use with Elec ANSI C79.1 Nomenclature for Identification of Structures and Conta ASTM F154 Nomenclature for Motion Picture Film Used in Studios an ANSI PH22.56 Nomenclature for Parts of a Photographic Objective Lens ANSI PH3.25 Nomenclature for Passenger Car and Light Truck Exhaust SAE J97 Nomenclature for Rubbers and Rubber Latices (1972A) Ans ASTM D1418 Nomenclature for Solid Die Two Blow Cold Headers (1972) IFI 118 Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiatio ASTM C638 Nomenclature Relating to Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM D3064 Nomenclature Relating to Resilient Floor Coverings (Asp ASTM F141 Nomenclature (Coding) (1972) STDI 106 Nomenclature (1971) SAE J261 Nomenclature (1971) SAE J656F Nomenclature (1971) Rec SAE J262 Nominal Diameter and Larger) (1972) ANSI B18.1.2 Nominal Diameter and Smaller) (1972) ANSI B18.1.1 Nominal Diameter) (1971) Rec. Pract. SAE J265 Non Commercial Boat Trailer (1972) ABYC A15 Non Heat Treated and Heat Treated, for Railway Use (197 ASTM A21 Non Loadbearing (Tech. Notes) (1968) BIA 33 Non Metallic Building Sewers (1971) IAPMO IS1 Non Porous Flexible Substrates (Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-541 Non Pressure Water Fill Hose for Recreational Vehicles IAPMO TSC19 Non Pressurized Potable Water Tanks for Mobilehomes and IAPMO TSC4 Non-Synchronous Data Communication Equipment (1973) /a EIA RS404 Nonalkyl Organo Compounds (1972) ANSI Z37.8 Nonamine Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Organic Solvent ASTM D2942 Nonarctic Conditions) (1972) SAE J1703B Nonaromatic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Aromatic Hydroca ASTM D2360 Nonbibulous Paper and Paperboard (Cobb Test) (1973) ASTM D3285 Noncarbonized, Single Ply, Adding Machine Paper Rolls ( ANSI X4.8 Noncoded Remote Station Protective Signalling Systems ( NEMA SB3 Noncombustibility of Elementary Building Materials (197 ASTM E136 Noncombustible Elementary Materials Test. (1973) ICBO UBCS4-1 Nonconductive Coatings on Nonferrous Substrate (Coil, I NCCA TB-II-14 Noncotton Content of Bleached Cotton Textiles (1972) an AATCC 97 Noncrosslinked Polyvinyl Chloride) Heat Shrinkable Tub ASTM D3150 Noncryogenic Fluid Systems (1972) ASTM F301 Nondangerous Goods (1972) ANSI MH6.1 Nondestructive Measurement of Film Thickness of Pipelin ASTM G12 Nondestructive Test. Terminology for Defects in Steel P API BUL5T1 Nondispersive Infrared Spectrometry) (1973) /St for Ca ASTM D3162 (Nonelectric) Farm Fence Construction (1972) ASAE R250.2 Nonelectrical (1973) Std. for Safet UL 207 Nonemployee Injury Statistics (1971) Std. for Meth. ANSI Z108.1 (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) (1973) Ans ASTM D1751 Nonfat Dry Milk and Instantized Dry Milks (Cereal Chemi AACCH 86-02 Nonfat Dry Milk in Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 80-31 Nonfat Dry Milk in Physical Dough Tests (Cereal Chemist AACCH 54-12 Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics AACCH 54-20 Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 02-31 Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 04-26 Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 10-85 Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 44-52 Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 46-20 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys, Cast and Wrought (1973) ASTM B275 260 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Film Thickness Determination of Nonconductive Coatings on Std. Spec, for High Strength (1969) ANSI B93. 18 Std. for 1 Std. Spec, for Hollow Uniform Building Code Std. for Hollow Std. Spec, for Structural Clay Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Clay d Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Applic/ Std. Spec, for A286 Cres. Long Thread, Self Locking and 6A1-4Y Titanium Alloy. Long Thread, Self Locking and Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, r Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread head, Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking and close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Threads, Self Locking and Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Locking and lose Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking and ose Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self Locking and Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Locking and , Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Self Locking and nee, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short Thread. Self Locking and lose Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking and ce, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self Locking and tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, ort Thread, TWI Wing Recess. Alloy Steel, Self Locking and hort Thread, TWI Wing Recess. A286 Acres, Self Locking and , Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking and cess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy. Full Thread, Self Locking and close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking and ance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Thread. Self Locking and crew. Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess. Alloy Steel, Full Thread. ri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread. Self-Locking and ose Tolerance, Alloy Steel. Short Thread, Self-Locking and Tri Wing Recess. Titanium Alloy. 6A1-4V, Self-Locking and i Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel, Short Thread, 1 Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self-Locking and Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Self-Locking and ) Test Meth. for Measurement of Film Thickness of g55.6 Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for Std. for Std. for Bolt-Machine, Hexagon Head, Std. for Safety for Rigid 71) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Design and Construction of Std. Groove Dimensions for Floating Type Metallic and Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of for Test Procedure for the Locking Ability Performance of 56 Std. for Safety for Bathtubs and Combination Tank and Shower Recep/ Std. for Std. Spec, for Zirconium Ingots for Std. Spec, for Zirconium Forgings and Extrusions for Std. Spec, for Primary Zirconium for Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Zirconium Tubes for r Hot Worked and Cold Finished Zirconium Bars and Wire for 3) Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for ttings to Polyfvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings for Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement 4 Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement liquids (1973) Rec. for Fire Protection of Small try) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Reducing and eptance of Halogenated Organic Solvents, Degreasing Grade et Joints (1973) Std. Spec, for Rec. for Cast in Place Spec, for Cast in Place Std. for Meth. of Test, for Rating Std. for Insert, Molded In. Blind Threaded, Self Locking, Std. for Insert, Molded In. Thru Threaded, Self Locking, Std. for Sandwich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Std. for Sandwich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and h Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulation, 200/ Std. for Std. Spec, for Adhesives Used in Adhesives (1970) Std. Test Meth. for ) Std. Meth. of Test for Volume lvent Based, and Polymer Emulsion/ Std. Meth. of Test for Aerospace Components (Using Rota/ Std. Meth. of Test for xtures (1/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Waxy and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Waxy and Std. for Terms and Definitions for Wirewound and Std. for Inspection and Test Procedures for Wirewound and Std. Meth. of Test. lamino) -2-(a,a,a- Trifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 (2H)Pyridazinone 67) Capillary Meth. of Analysis of Melting Point of All 67) Wiley Meth. of Analysis of Melting Point of Std. Spec, for 9, ANSI Al. 11 Std. Meth. of Test for Agreement Between Architect and Consultant for Other Than Nonferrous Substrate (Coil, Instrumentation) (1974) Nonheaded Steel Bolts and Studs (1973) Nonintegral Industrial Fluid Power Hydraulic Reservoirs Nonload Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI A80. Nonload Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Nonload Bearing Tile (1971) ANSI A76.1 Nonload Bearing Wall Tile (1973) Nonload (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track) an Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1972) Nonlocking (1973) Nonlocking (1973) Nonlocking (1973) Nonlocking (1973) Nonlocking (1973) Nonlocking (1973) Nonlocking (1973) /R Std. Fo Std. for Screw, Hex Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Std. for Screw, Pan Head, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, C Std. for Bolt. Hex Head, CI Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Oval Head / Deg. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolera /, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, C /. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Toleran /. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, /Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Sh ID. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, S /Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread /or Screw, 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing Re II, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, /Td. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Toler Std. for S Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, T / 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, CI /, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, /for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, TR line Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Ful /Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Nonmagnetic Finishes on Mild Steel (Coil Coating) (1974 Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for Generators (1970) ANSI Nonmagnetic Spring Lock Washer (1974) Nonmagnetic, and Heat Resistant (1973) Nonmetallic Conduit (1972) ANSI C33.91 Nonmetallic Enveloped Gaskets for Corrosive Service (19 Nonmetallic Fluid Power Piston Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 Nonmetallic Gasket Materials (1972) Nonmetallic Locking Element Type Prevailing-Torque Lo Nonmetallic Sheathed Electrical Cables (1974) ANSI C33. Nonmetallic Shower Receptors, Stall Showers Lavatories, Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z179.10 Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z179.8 Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z179.9 Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z212.1 Nonnuclear Applications (1972) ANSI Z179.ll / Spec. Fo Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Fully Processed Type (197 Nonpigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Nonpressure Applications (1972) /Ene (ABS) Pipe and Fi Nonpressure Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.3 Nonpressure Small Diameter Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165. Nonpressurized and Pressurized Containers of Flammable Nonreducing Sugars in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemis (Nonreflux Meth.) (1974) /of Test for Nonamine Acid Ace Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe with Rubber Gask Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1966) Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1970) ANSI A171.1 Nonresidential Warm Air Heaters (1972) Nonself Locking, Light Weight Floating, Sandwich Panel Nonself Locking, Sandwich Panel (1972) Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Nonshielded Single Conductor Electrical Power Cable Wit Nonstructural Glued Lumber Products (1972) Nonvolatile Content of Phenol, Resorcinol, and Melamine Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings (1973 Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Water Emulsion, So Nonvolatile Residue of Halogenated Solvent Extract from Nonwaxy Content in Corn and Grain Sorghum, and Their Mi Nonwaxy Content in Corn Starch (1960) Nonwirewound Trimming Potentiometers (1970) Nonwirewound Trimming Potentiometers (1970) Nonwoven Fabrics (1974) ANSI L14.246 Norflurazon (1973) /Ontrol Chemical 4-Chloro5-(Methy Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Normal Butyl Acetate (98% Grade) (1972) Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement (1973) AASHO T12 Normal Engineering Services (1972) Std. Form of NCCA TB-1I-14 ASTM A687 NFLDP T3.16.2 ASTM C129 ICBO UBCS24-6 ASTM C56 ICBO UBCS24-9 ASTM C645 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4903- 16 NSA 6000-3 NSA 6100-3 NSA 6303-20 NSA 6704-20 NSA 6900-06 NSA 6604-20 NSA 620320 NSA 5700-6 NSA 6500-6 NSA 4600- 16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 6403-20 NSA 4803- 16 NSA 5000-6 NSA 51006 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5800-6 NSA 4500-16 NSA 6804-20 NSA 5900-03 NSA 5600-06 NSA 4400-16 NSA 5500-06 NSA 4703-16 NSA 5300-06 NSA 5400-06 NCCA TB 11-15 ASTM A289 NSA 1640 NSA 1003 UL 651 ASTM F336 NFLDP T3.19.ll ASTM F152 IFI 124 UL 719 IAPMO TSC11 ASTM B495 ASTM B493 ASTM B494 ASTM B523 ASTM B550 ASTM A677 ASTM D3185 ASTM D3138 ASTM C428 ASTM C644 FMS 7-29 AACCH 80-60 ASTM D2942 ASTM C505 ACI 66-22 ACI 346 ASHRA 45 NSA 1835 NSA 1833 NSA 1832 NSA 1836 NEMA WC8/7 ASTM D3110 ASTM D1582 ASTM D2697 ASTM D2834 ASTM F331 CR A-28 CR B-64 VRCI T110 VRCI T215 ASTM D1117 ANSI K62.125 AACCH 58-40 AACCH 58-41 ASTM D3126 ASTM C187 AIOA C431 Engineering and Product Standards Division 261 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Meth. of Analysis of Saponification Value of All Index of Refraction, with Abbe Refractometer, in All Std. Spec, for 2) Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. Pract. for Selecting Proportions for Std. Assessment of the Assumption of for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 9% Nickel Double 1 MPa) / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Resistant. Std. for Welded Flash Controlled Low Carbon Steel Tubing 73) Std. Spec, for Western White Pines, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Western Cedars ing Code Std. for Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch , Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack ), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine -Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hem-Fir rn Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; ised Pole Butts by the Thermal Process (Western Red Cedar, Std. for Spindle Std. for Preparation of Std. for Statistical Terminology and 968) ANSI Z260.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for Sharp Std. Meth. for 1) Rec. Pract. for Diesel Fuel Injection Std. Meth. of Test for Reheat Change of Fireclay Std. for Care of Fire Hose (Including Couplings and n Ground Soybeans, Whole or G/ Nitrogen Solubility Index Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, c. for Zirconium and Its Alloy Forgings and Extrusions for Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy Ingots for for Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for d Finished Zirconium and Its Alloy Bars, Rod, and Wire for c. for Zirconium and Its Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for d for Quality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Std. for Guide to Principal Design Criteria for td. Meth. for Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in rical Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for otometric Determination of Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for mical. Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of 4) Std. Spec, for mical. Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for c, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radio Chemical Analysis of c, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of mical. Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of e in Nuclear Reactors (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Measurement of Lattice Spacing of estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Std. Meth. of Test for Delta in Hours (DIH) Purity of Rec. Pract. for Std. Calibration and Format for ies (A Guide to Practice) (1971) Std. for facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1974) Std. for Std. for Record and Reporting Units for Std. for Statistical Terminology and Notation for 1973) Std. for Auditing Std. for Physical Inventories of th. of Test for Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by 7) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Sheathed, Type K Thermocouples for std. Spec, for Sheathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Structures, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Std. for Trial-Use Criteria for the Periodic Test, of Use Guide; General Principles for Reliability Analysis of ide for the Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Definitions of Terms Used in IEEE eneral Guide for Qualifying Class I Electric Equipment for or Seismic Qualification of Class I Electric Equipment for us Duty Class I Motors Installed Inside the Containment of esel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for uide for Type Test of Class I Electric Valve Operators for ign Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Functions in ieee Trial Use Guide for Class IE Control Switchboards for entation and Electric Equipment During the Construction of d. for Quality Assurance Practices for the Construction of ng. Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Std. for Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Std. for Fuel Assembly Identification in Std. for Administrative Controls for Std. Industrial Security for Std. for Housekeeping During the Construction Phase of ems and Associated Components During Construction Phase of ination, and Test. Personnel for the Construction Phase of Std. for Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Std. for Criteria for Film Badge Performance Normal Fats and Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Normal Oils and Liquid Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Normal Propyl Acetate (90 to 92% Grade) (1972) Normal Spectral Emittance at Elevated Temperatures (197 Normal Weight Concrete (1970) ANSI A167.1 Normality (Employing Individual Observed Values) (1974) Normalized and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.3 Std. Spec. Normalized and Tempered, Roll Threaded (135,000 psi (93 Normalized for Bending, Double Flaring, and Beading (19 Normalized High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel (19 (North) (Lumber) (1973) /M-Fir (North), Ponderosa and (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern Whi (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hem-Fir (North), (North). Hem-Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western White (North), Ponderosa and Western White Pines, Spruce-Pin Northern Pine and White Cedar Lumber (1973) /for Easte Northern White Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Pole9) (19 Noses and Tool Shanks for Milling Machines (1972) Notation for Concrete (1971) ANSI A188.1 Notation for Nuclear Materials Management (1972) Notch Tension Test, of High Strength Sheet Materials (1 Notched Bar Impact Test, of Metallic Materials (1972) Nozzle and Holder Assembly (17Mm Nominal Diameter) (197 Nozzles and Sleeves (1972) Nozzles (1972) (NSI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Nitrogen I Nuclear and Radio Chemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade PI Std. Spe Std. Spec /T Rolled and Col Std. Spe Standar Nuclear Application (1967) ANSI N125 Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI G53.28 Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI N12.1 Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI N122 Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI N123 Nuclear Facilities (1972) Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (1973) Nuclear Fuel Solutions (1970) ANSI N117 Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N4 Nuclear Fuels (1973) Tent. Meth. for Spectroph Nuclear Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972A) Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide Powder (1973) Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Pu)0,) (1972) ANSI Nl Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powder, Sinterable (197 Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (19 Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal (1972) ANSI N136 Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal (1973) /Ass Spectrometri Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) /Etri Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (1972 Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder for Us Nuclear Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.1 Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.10 Std. Meth. for Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.8 Nuclear Logs (Record, Documentation) (1974) Nuclear Material Control Systems for Conversion Facilit Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Nuclear Materials Control (1971) Nuclear Materials Management (1972) Nuclear Materials Statements and Reports (Accounting) ( Nuclear Materials (1972) Nuclear Meth. (1974) Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Applications (196 Nuclear or Other Specialized Service (1971) ANSI N143 Nuclear Power Containment Structures (1969) Nuclear Power Generating Plants (1973) ANSI N18.10 Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems (19 Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems (19 Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems (19 Nuclear Power Generating Station Stds. (1972) Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.5 Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.7 Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.9 Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N41.13 Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N41.6 Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1973) /Ation of Des Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 Nuclear Power Generative Stations (1971) / for Instrum Nuclear Power Plants-Terms and Definitions (1973) /T Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction Phase) (1 Nuclear Power Plants (1971) Nuclear Power Plants (1972) Nuclear Power Plants (1972) Nuclear Power Plants (1973) Nuclear Power Plants (1973) Nuclear Power Plants (1973) /or Cleaning of Fluid Syst Nuclear Power Plants (1973) /Tions of Inspection, Exam Nuclear Power Plants (1974) (Nuclear Radiation) (1972) Std. Me /Ms /G /F 10 /G AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ACI ANSI ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO AWPA ANSI ACI ANSI ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM NFPA AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ACI ANS IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE ANS IEEE IEEE ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI 58-50 58-20 D3130 E307 211.1 N15.15 A353 AMS7458C J356A A633 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-8 C7 B5.18 104 N15.5 E338 E23 J265 C605 198 46-23 C758 B356 B350 B349 B351 B352 N101.4 N101.3 E320 317 E495 C708 C750 C698 C757 C697 C701 C758 C759 C760 C696 C753 C558 C626 C624 RP33 N15.4 N15.13 N15.2 N15.5 N15.ll N15.3 D2950 E235 E420 69-2 N18.10 338 352 379 380 323 344 334 387 382 N18.8 420 336 N45.2.10 N45.2.2 N45.2 N18.3 N18.7 N18.17 N45.2.3 N45.2.1 N45.2.6 N18.5 N13.7 262 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water easurement of Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Std. for Program for Biological Shielding in Std. Rec. Pract. for Surveillance Tests for Std. Rec. Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled ments for Leakage Rate Test, of Containment Structures for uclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder for Use in essurized Water Reactor Plants (1973) Std. ught Zirconium and Its Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, 220 Std. Meth. of Test for Yarn ye. Barley, Other Grains, A/ Meth. of Analysis of Falling 1967) Meth. of Analysis of Iodine Std. Meth. of Test for ic Acid Titration (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Total Base 159.2 Std. Meth. of Test for Total Bromine Rec. Pract. for Vehicle Identification Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car Vehicle Identification other Veget/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iodine ctor Devices and Designation of Units in Multip/ Std. for Std. for Book (1973) Std. for Preferred Rec. Pract. for Boat Hull Identification a; Group Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; Assembly rs. Cell Layouts and Ter/ Battery Replacement Data; Group oduct Description Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Parallel Binary Data Interch/ Std. for Interface Between r Grid Coordinates (1971) Std. for Std. for hangeable Perforated Tape Std.. Variable Block Format, for ng Machines (1974) Std. for milling Machine (1974) Std. for Definitions of Common Words Related to e Block Format for Contouring and Contouring-Positioning Machine (1974) Std. for Std. for Std. for Electrical Harness Assembling Machine, Spec, for Composite Filament Tape Laying Machine 74) Std. for Safety for Hospital Signaling and iduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergre/ Std. for Std. for KSI, 450 Deg. F (1973) Std. for 74) Std. for Forged Carbon Steel, Shoulder Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Wire of Scrapless Std. for Std. for Std. for Low Height, Light Weight, Self Locking Hexagon Std. for Retainer-Floating Barrel or Low Height 80 K.S.I., Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, Hexagon Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Serrated Head Blind Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Elliptical Head Blind Std. for Low Height Hexagon Self Locking Std. for Cylinder Lock for 450 Deg. F Closed End Self Locking Serrated Head Blind 973) Std. for Std. for ting, 125 KSI Ftu. 450 Deg. F and 800 Deg. F (1/ Std. for ng. 125 KSI Ftu, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) Std. for Std. for teel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable e (1973) ANSI E38./ Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel tor. Sesame, Safflower. Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Ground Std. for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Steel slotted and Recessed Head Machine Screws and Machine Screw Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Std. for Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, High Quality ailing Torque, All Metal, 1/ Spec, for Self-Locking Steel ailing Torque, All Metal, 1/ Spec, for Self-Locking Steel ) Spec, for Steel Self-Locking ) Spec, for Self-Locking Corrosion Resistant Alloy ck Fibers, Whole or Ground Cereal Grains, Whole or Chopped Uniform Building Code Std. for High Strength Steel Bolts, Test Meth. for Snag Resistance of Women's Std. Spec, for Reinforced and Filled ansi K65.216 Std. Spec, for ropyl-Pto/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical or Methidathion (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical g. F) (1972) Std. for Packing. Preformed td. for Packing, Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, td. for Packing. Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, ht Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, ht Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, Std. Meth. for Test. Rubber n, Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers. Rice, Bean9, Peas, Lentils. Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Rolled Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for Falling Nuclear Reactor Containment Facilities (1972) Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation Nuclear Reactor Plants (1972) Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1973) Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) Nuclear Reactors (1972) Practice and Test Require Nuclear Reactors (1973) Std. Spec, for N Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pr Nuclear Service (1971) ANSI N124 Std. Spec, for Wro Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade PI Number Based on Short Length Specimens (1972) ANSI L14. Number Determination of Both Meal and Flour of Wheat, R Number in All Edible Fats and Oils (Cereal Chemistry) ( Number of Neps in Cotton Samples (1971) ANSI L14.97 Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Perchlor Number of Unsaturated Aliphatic Chemicals (1972) ANSI Z Number Systems (1972) Number Systems (1972) Number (Wijs Meth.) Content in Corn, Grain Sorghum and Numbering of Electrodes in Multiple Electrode Semicondu Numbering (1973) Numbers in Geometric Series for Use in Standardization Numbers (1973) Numbers, Cell Layouts and Terminals (For Foreign and Do Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and Ratings; Assembly Numbe Numeric (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape Numerical Control and Data Terminal Equipment Employing Numerical Designation (Identification System) of Modula Numerically Controlled Drilling Machines (1974) Numerically Controlled Equipment (1974) Interc Numerically Controlled Horizontal and Vertical Jig Bori Numerically Controlled Horizontal Boring, Drilling and Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Software (1972) Numerically Controlled Machines (Information Processing Numerically Controlled Profiling and Contouring Milling Numerically Controlled Spar Mill (1973) Numerically Controlled (1973) Numerically Controlled (1973) Nurse Call Equipment (Audio / Visual Communication) (19 Nursery Stock: Deciduous Shade and Flowering Trees; Dec Nut-Instrument Mount (1973) Nut-Self Locking, Extended Washer, Double Hexagon, 22 Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground Support Equipment) (19 Nut Quality (1972) ANSI K91.3 Nut Spacer, Plate-Countersunk (1973) Nut Spacer, Plate-Plain (1973) Nut (1972) Nut (1973) Nut (1973) Std. F Nut (1974) Nut (1974) Nut (1974) Nut (1974) Nut (1974) Std. Nut, Capitive Washer, Shear Type, 450 and 800 Deg. F (I Nut, Plain, Hexagon, Drilled Jam, Thin (1972) Nut, Self Aligning, Self Locking, Plate-Two Lug, Floa Nut, Self Locking, Plate-Corner, Counterbored, Floati Nut, Washer, Self Aligning, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers (1971) ANSI G38.6 /H S Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and Temperature Servic Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coconut, and Palm Oils) (197 Nuts (1971) Nuts (1972) Std. Nuts (1972) ANSI G24.30 Nuts (1973) Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength. Prev Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prev Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973 Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973 Nuts, Spices, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Th or Sa Nuts, Washers, and Bolted Parts (1973) Nylon Hosiery (1973) ANSI L14.85 Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Materials (1972) Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-P 0,0-Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate S-Ester with 4-(M O-Ring Phosphate Ester Resistant (-65 Deg. F to +160 De O-Ring (1973) O-Ring (1973) O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straig O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straig O-Rings (1972) Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Straw Oats, Bulgur, Rolled Wheat, Breakfast Cereals (Except T Object Protective Structure (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wh ANSI N101.2 ASTM D2470 ANSI N18.9 ASTM E185 ASTM E509 ANSI N45.4 ASTM C753 ANSI N18.2 ASTM B353 ASTM C759 ASTM D1059 AACCH 56-8 IB AACCH 58-30 ASTM D1446 ASTM D2896 ASTM E234 SAE J272 SAE J273 CR H-32 EIA RS321B ANSI Z39.21 ANSI Z17.1 ABYC S10 BCI •1.56 BCI •1.56 IPC D-350 EIA RS408 ANSI A62.8 NSA 960 NSA 955 NSA 963 NSA 954 NMTBA •2 EIA RS274-B NSA 913 NSA 912 NSA 974 NSA 990 UL 1069 ANSI Z60.1 NSA 487 NSA 1758 NSA 1053 ASTM A544 NSA 500 NSA 463 NSA 1291 NSA 578 NSA 1757 NSA 1731 NSA 1734 NSA 679 NSA 699 NSA 1732 NSA 1726 NSA 1423 NSA 1765 NSA 1766 NSA 1727 ASTM A325 ASTM A 194 NIOP •1 SAE J995B ANSI B18.6.3 ASTM A 563 NSA 3350 SAE AMS7250C SAE AMS7251B SAE AMS7252A SAE AMS7253A AACCH 28-87 ICBO UBCS27-7 AATCC 65 ASTM D2897 ASTM D789 ANSI K62.152 ANSI K62.134 NSA 1611 NSA 1593 NSA 1594 NSA 1595 NSA 1596 ASTM D1414 ICBO UFC»2ART7 AACCH 44-15A SAE J231 Engineering and Product Standards Division 263 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Laboratory Evaluation of Roll Over (ROPS) and Falling Std. Nomenclature for Parts of a Photographic Rec. Pract. for Goniophotometry of Transmitting ing Brightness of Pulp (Diffuse Illumination and Zero Deg. Significance/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Dealing with Outlying sment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual Uniform Building Code: Uniform Building Code: Permanent and Grandstand/ Uniform Building Code: Stairs, Exits and le Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for cid and Hexavalent Chromium Compounds (Air Contamination - Rec. for Radioactive Waste Disposal in the (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Round, Hexagonal, Tent. Meth. of Test for Research and Motor Meth. 972) ANSI L/ Test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde 4.179 Test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde mployees (/ Std. for Meth. of Recording and Measuring the ired for School, Theater, Auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Std. Meth. for Floor Measurement of Std. Pract. for Std. for Operating Supply Voltage and Frequency of ogy) (1972) 972) Std. for Industrial Power Take 3/4 In. Thick Hollow Metal Door and Frame Preparation for ocket Teeth (1972) Std. for Heavy Duty Rec. Pract. for Operation and Maintenance of ec. for Fabricated Structural Steel Pipe for Use of Welded 4) ' Rec. Pract. Orientation Program for Personnel Going Spec, for Rated Loads 1968) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Identification of Oils and Spec, for um Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel pec. for Indirect Type Oil Field Heaters Used in Producing ers (Fire) for Use on Vents of Storage Tanks for Petroleum h One / Std. for Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Fuel ruction (1972) Std. Spec, for unds (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Volatility of cal Meth. for Determining Free Fatty Acids Content in Corn Tent. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of an Std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Fuel ec. for for High Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Std. Spec, for Low Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Std. Meth. for Analysis of Std. for Hydrocarbon Solvents for ty Std. for Atmospheric Type Welded Steel Inside Tanks for Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Pumps for Uniform Fire Code: Safety Std. for Std. Test. Procedure for Oil Wicking of Composite Motor procedure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Composite Motor Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Fuel ited Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and in hibited Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in Transformers and Std. 791B, TAPPI T636 Std. Meth. of Test for Spec, for Rated Loads Offshore Spec, for Spec, for Indirect Type rec. Pract. on Application, Care, and Use of Wire Rope for . Pract. for Grounded 830 V, 3 Phase Electrical System for matic Circuit Reclosers, Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Std. for Safety for Tent. Meth. for Grading Soybean . Spec, for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating . Spec, for Continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Lacquers (1973) Std. Spec, for Castor (1973) Std. Spec, for Uninhibited Mineral Insulating 97/ Std. Spec, for Oxidation Inhibited Mineral Insulating Std. for Safety for Std. for Safety for Electric Std. for Fuel and Std. Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of ted Porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Structural Parts and Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Content of Std. Spec, for Iron Base Sintered Bearings Std. Spec, for Copper Base Sintered Bearings nsi C/ Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Std. Pract. for Combustion Chambers, Fuel for 1 Sp Object Protective Structures (FOPS) of Construction and Objective Lens (1971) Objects and Materials (1970) Observation) (1972) Meth. for Measur Observations in Samples and How to Test the Statistical Observed Values) (1974) Std. Asses Occupancy and General Requirement Classification (1973) Occupancy (1973) Occupant Loads (Buildings, Reviewing Stands, Bleachers, Occupational Exposure (1959) /Ns and Maximum Permissib Occupational Health and Safety) (1973) • /N of Chromic a Ocean (1954) Octagonal, and Flat (Rectangular and Square) Brass Wire Octane Ratings Using on Line Analyzers (1970T) Odor in Resin Treated Fabric by the Sealed Jar Meth. (1 Odor in Resin Treated Fabric Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI LI Off-The-Job Disabling Accidental Injury Experience of E Office Building, Manufacturer, Restaurant, and Dwelling Office Buildings (1972) Office Lighting (1973) ANSI A132.1 Office Machines (1973) Official Meth. of Analysis for Total Acid in Wine (Enol Official Meth. of pH Determination in Wine (Enology) (1 Offs for Overcenter Clutches (1971) Offset Intermediate Pivot (1973) Spec Offset Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Chains and Spr Offshore Cranes (1972) Offshore Fixed Platforms (1972) Offshore for the First Time (Petroleum Production) (197 Offshore Oil Cranes (1972) Oil Absorption of Pigments by Gardner-Coleman Meth. ( Oil Acids in Solvent Type Paints (1972) Oil and Gas Separators (Petroleum Production) (1973) Oil and Gas Systems (1972) /D. Pract. for Low and Medi Oil and Gas (1972) Oil and Gasoline (1973) ANSI Z222.1 / for Flame Arrest Oil and Natural Gas Fired Watertube Boiler Furnaces Wit Oil and Resin Base Caulking Compound for Building Const Oil and Resin Based, Knife Grade, Channel Glazing Compo Oil and to Other Vegetable and Marine Oils and Animal F Oil Aromatic Fractions by Mass Spectrometry (1973) Oil Base Knife Grade Channel Glazing Compound (1972) Oil Blends by Spot Test (1972) ANSI 211. 315 Oil Borne Preservative Solutions Such as Pentachlorophe Oil Borne Preservatives (1973) Oil Borne Wood Preservatives (1973) Oil Borne Wood Preservatives (1973) Oil Burner Fuel (1973) Oil Burners (1973) Oil Burning Appliances (1974) ANSI B130.1 Oil Burning Equipment (1973) Oil Burning Stoves (Room Heaters and Ranges) (1973) Oil Cans (1974) Oil Cans (1974) Oil Characteristics and General Spec. (1972) Oil Characteristics (1972) Std Oil Circuit Breakers (1973) Std. Spec, for Uninhib Oil Circuit Breakers (1973) /D. Spec, for Oxidation in Oil Content of Petroleum Waxes (1968E) ANSI 211.52, Fed Oil Cranes (1972) Oil Field Chain and Sprockets (1970) Oil Field Heaters Used in Producing Oil and Gas (1972) Oil Field Service (1972) Oil Field Service (1973) Oil Filled Capacitor Switches for Alternating Current S Oil Fired Air and Direct Fired Heater- (1973) Oil Fired Boiler Assemblies (1973) Oil Fired Central Furnaces (1973) ANSI 296.1 Oil Fired Floor Furnaces (1974) Oil Fired Unit Heaters (1974) Oil for Color (1973) Oil for High Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.70 Oil for Low Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.69 Oil for Use in Resins and Protective Coatings Including Oil for Use in Transformers and in Oil Circuit Breakers Oil for Use in Transformers and Oil Circuit Breakers (1 Oil Fried Water Heaters (1974) Oil Heaters (1973) ANSI C33.44 Oil Hoses (1970) Oil Immersed Distribution Transformers (1972) Oil Impregnated Bearings (1973) ANSI H9.14 Oil Impregnated Cellulosic Insulation (1973) (Oil Impregnated) (1970) ANSI G63.4 (Oil Impregnated) (1973) ANSI H9.27 Oil in Equipment as Received from Manufacturer (1969) a Oil Injection, and Gas Admission Systems (1972) Safe Std. Test. / Low and Pract. for Re /Nterconnec SAE ANSI ASTM TAPPI ASTM ANSI ICBO ICBO ICBO NCRPM ANSI NCRPM ICBO ASTM AATCC AATCC ANSI ICBO ANSI IES ANSI ASE ASE SAE ANSI ANSI API API API API ASTM ASTM API DEMA API UL NFPA ASTM ASTM CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWPA AWPA UL UL UL ICBO UL CCTI CCTI DEMA DEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM API API API API API NEMA UL UL UL UL UL NSPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL UL SAE IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE DEMA J397A PH3.25 E166 T525SU E178 N15.15 UBC»3-5 UBC*3-45 UBC«3-33 R22 237.7 R16 UBCS32-13 D2885 112 113 216.3 UPC»1-C 265.1 RP1 X4.ll •5 •6 J621C A115.12 B29.10 2D 2B RPT1 2C D1483 D2245 12J *1-13 12K 525 85 C570 C681 H-22 D3239 C713 D2781 D2604 D3225 A5 P9 80 296 343 UFC*2ART24 896 C124 C125.1 *1-12 *1-14 D1040 D3146 D721 2C 7F 12K 9B 11M SG13 733 726 727 729 731 *5 D1819 D1818 D960 D1040 D3146 732 574 J30A 345 B328 D3277 B439 B438 64 •1-2 264 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ling Tapes (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for 1.230 Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of Steam Turbine Test Meth. for Castor central Furnaces) (197/ Std. Performance Requirements for (1972) ANSI LH.214 Test Meth. for licone Rubber. General Purpose, High Temperature. Fuel and high Ionizing Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Gas - t. for Guide to the Application and Use of Radial Lip Type test: Std. Meths. for Test, the Preservative Properties of oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Properties of Test Meth. for 72) Rec. Pract. for Design Calculations for c Equipment / Rec. Pract for the Flushing and Cleaning of c Equipment (1972) Rec. Pract. for the Design of c Equipment (1971) Rec. Pract. for the Purification of flushing and Cleaning of Gas Turbine Generator Lubricating Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating 4.4 Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, aluminum Alloy Seamless Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas and Std. Meth. for Analysis of Creosote and Std. for Safety for Constant Level Spec, for Casing. Tubing and Line Pipe Connections in High Pressure 'Std. Test. Procedure for Std. Meth. of Test for Stability of Distillate Fuel Std. Meth. of Test for Salt in Crude Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn analytical Meth. for Determining Cold Test Content in Corn Rec. for Crude Std. Spec, for Raw Linseed Std. Spec, for Raw Tung Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Soybean ing Procedures for Bulk Shipments and Transfers of Soybean Std. Spec, for Fuel Std. Spec, for Amyl Acetate Made from Fusel Segmented. Production Check Flanges and Gask/ Spec, for and Shortenings (Butter. Oleomargarine, High Acid Coconut Std. Spec, for Once Refined Sunflower Std. Spec, for Properties of Unpunched Rec. Pract. for Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited cids Content in Corn Oil and to Other Vegetable and Marine Rec. for Cutting ndex of Refraction, with Abbe Refractometer, in All Normal Std. Meth. for Identification of . of Analysis of Monoglycerides and Free Glycerol in Fats. or (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Motor r (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Gear Std. Meth. of Test for Sediment in Crude and Fuel Std. Meth. of Test for Total Nitrogen in Lubricating or Characteristic Groups in Rubber Extender and Processing on Distribution and Structural Group Analysis of Petroleum Std. Meth. for Evaluation of White Mineral of Test for Oxidation Stability of New Mineral Insulating f Spinning Lubricant (To Test the Removability of Spinning th. of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating th. of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating 4. S2 Test Meth. for Evaluating Oxidation of Wool Meth. of Analysis of Iodine Number in All Edible Fats and of Analysis of Saponification Value of All Normal Fats and alysis of Acetone-Insoluble Lecithin in Soybean and Corn f Test for Gas Content of Cable and Capacitor (Insulating) ontent in Corn, Grain Sorghum and Other Vegetable Fats and Std. Spec, for Gas Turbine Fuel Std. Meth. of Test for Pour Point of Petroleum Std. Meth. of Test. Drying of Test for Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Pressure . Meth. of Test for Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Std. Meth. for High Pressure Pump Test, of Hydraulic Tent. Meth. of Test for Pumpability of Industrial Fuel t for Detecting Glycol Base Antifreeze in Used Lubricating Std. Meth. of Test for Water and Sediment in Crude seeds; Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coconut, and Palm . of Analysis of Vitamin A in Dry Vitamin Mixes, Beadlets, of Methyl Esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Common Fats, Oxygen-Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Stability in Fats, Meth. of Analysis of Stability (AOM) of Fats, h. of Solid Fat Index (50 or Less at 10 Deg.) of Margarine escription, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed;/ y Dye Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Cereal Grains, home Laundering (1970) ANSI L 14.239 Test Meth. for ol Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl Blue and Green; Mineral 311 Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrocarbon Types in Low or Isolation of Representative Saturates Fraction from Low palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame. Safflower, sture and Volatile Matter in Fats and Shortenings (Butter, Oil Migration or Plasticizer Bleed Out of Preformed Sea Oil Oxidation Stability by Rotating Bomb (1967) ANSI Zl Oil Penetration of Paper (1972) Oil Powered Forced Air (Domestic and Light Commercial) Oil Repellency of Fabrics: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test Resistant, 65-75 (1973) /Ings, Sealing, Fluorosi Saturate Fractions (1971) ANSI Z11.310 /Meth. for Seals (1972) Rec. Prac Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Properties Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Specimens Spots in Paper (1973) Sucker Rod Pumping Systems (Conventional Units) (19 Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectri Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectri Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectri Systems (1971) Rec. Pract. for Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Tempered Carbon Valve Spring Quality (1971) ANSI G5 Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (1973) Type Wood Preservatives (1973) Valves (1974) ANSI B127.1 Well Casing Centralizers (1973) Well Service) (1972) Thread Compounds (For Wicking of Composite Motor Oil Cans (1974) (Accelerated Meth.) (1974) (Electrometric Meth.) (1973) (Flaxseed) (1974) (1964) Std. Analytical Meth. (1965) Std. (1972) (1972) ANSI K34.1 (1973) (1973) (1973) ■ Std. for Inspection, Sampling and Measur (1973) ANSI Z11.203 (85 to 88% Grade) (1972) ) Wellhead Equipment (Production Valves, Ring Joint, /E Matter in Fats / Determining Free Fatty Meth , etc.) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) i. Technical Grade (1973) led Paper Perforated Tape (1971) ifield Acids (1973) API Bui D15 Is and Animal Fats (1965) Is and Compounds (1974) Is and Liquid Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Is and Oil Acids in Solvent Type Paints (1972) Is and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Is at Low Temperature Using the Cold Spanking Simulat ;s at Low Temperatures Using the Brookfield Viscomete Is by Extraction (1969) ANSI Z11.58, API 2561 Is by Modified Kjeldahl Meth. (1973) Is by the Clay Gel Absorption Chromatographic Meth. ( Is by the n-d-M Meth. (1973) /Meth. of Test for Carb Is by Ultraviolet Absorption (1973) ANSI Zl 1.210 Is Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para-Cresol Is from Woolen Yarns (1971) ANSI L14.113 /Rability O Is of Petroleum Origin Under Impulse Conditions (1974 Is of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes (1972) an Is on Woolen Fabric Textile in Storage (1971) ANSI LI Is (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Is (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. Is (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of an Is (R1969) ANSI C59.23 Std. Meth. O Is (1966) / Determining Iodine Number (Wijs Meth.) C Is (1971) ANSI Z11.312 Is (1971) ANSI Z11.5. Is (1972) Is (1972) ANSI Zll. 320 Std i (1972) ANSI Zll. 78 , (1973) , (1973) (1973) Std. Meth (1973) ANSI Zll. 8 .) (1974) /Sesame, Safflower, Ole , and Emulsions (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) i, and Fatty Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) i, and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) , and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) j. Shortenings, and Other Fats (1968) seed Products Trading Rules (Performance, Quality, D seeds, Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy Produc - Stain Release Meth. of Textile Fabric Soil During ii, Urease Tablets; Xanthyrol) (1962) /Sopropyl Alcoh Olefinic Gasoline by Mass Spectrometry (1971) ANSI Zll. Olefinic Petroleum Naphthas (1973) ANSI Zll. 165 /Th. F Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vege Oleomargarine, High Acid Coconut Oil, etc.) (Cereal Che Meth. Std of Te and Sunflower /on Meth /Tion /Tometrie Met ASTM ASTM TAPPI ANSI AATCC SAE ASTM SAE NWMA NWMA TAPPI API ASME ASME ASME ASME DEMA ASTM ASTM AWPA UL API API CCTI ASTM ASTM NFP CR CR FMS ASTM ASTM NSPA NSPA ASTM ASTM API AACCH ASTM ANSI NACE CR FMS AACCH ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM AATCC AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NIOP AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH NIOP AACCH AATCC AACCH ASTM ASTM NIOP AACCH Engineering and Product Standards Division C772 D2272 T462 Z91.1 118 AMS7266 D2786 J946A M-l-70 M-l-70 UM-458 11L LOS-5C1 LOS-5D1 LOS-5P1 LOS-4C1 •111 A 230 B345 Al 352 10D BUL 5A2 C124 D2274 D3230 *2 H-12 H-10 8-4 D234 D12 »2 *4 D396 D554 6A 44-30 D3169 X3.29 RP-02-7: H-22 7-37 58-20 D2245 58-45 D2602 D2983 D473 D3228 D2007 D3238 D2269 D2112 77 D3300 D1816 62 58-30 58-50 58-35 D831 H-32 D2880 D97 D555 D2893 D892 D2882 D3245 D2982 D96 »1 ■ 86-01A 58-17 58-55 58-54 31-50 ♦1 46- 14 130 28-91 D2789 D2002 *1 44-30 265 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Minimum Operational Characteristics Airborne VHF Std. Spec, (or ometry (1973) Test Meth. for . Meth. of Test for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and . for Selecting and Defining Color and Gloss Tolerances of est for Indexes of Whiteness and Yellowness of Near White, Std. Meth. for Measurement of Thickness of Transparent or Calculation of Heat Gain Through Std. Dimensions of Image Areas and Mounts for Slides and Std. for Heat and Smoke Roof and Window Vents Designed to (1972) Std. Meth. for Code: General Precautions for Prevention (Incinerator and Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Liquids by Tag Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Cutback Asphalt with Tag Std. Meth. of Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Steel and Cast, Reproducer Test Tape: Full Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Std. Ampacities Cables in Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Uniform Building Code Std. for 4) Std. Spec, and Load Tables for Safety Std. for Panic (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Spec, for Industrial Perforated Plate and Screens (Square Quality Stds. for Wood Screens for Window and Door Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall nsi C33.40 Safety Std. for Manually ry Dryer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Electric Coin dry Washer) (1974) Std. for Safety for Electric Coin Safety Std. for Motor ) Std. Spec, for Hand ake Designs (1971) Std. Spec, for Manually Lever )ANSIZ216.1 Safety Std. for Power s Whose Maximum Allowable Operat/ Std. for Small Manually Procedures for Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Semitrailers ess (1974) Std. for Safety for Electrically Safety Std. for Power e Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Station, Mechanically Safety Std. for Electrically , Groups A, B. C, and D, An/ Safety Std. for Electrically Safety Std. for 2 1/2 Gal. Cartridge Std. for Dimensions for Photographic Flashcubes (Battery cated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape ncy Test Tape for Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recorders h Requirements (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1971) Safe s (1973) Safe Meth. for Extracting Fluid Samples from the Lines of an scometers (1972) ANSI Z11.275 Std. Spec, and record One for 2-In. Quadrup/ Std. Frequency Response and and Conditioning) (1966) Std. Rec. Pract. for Drill Stem Design and trong Acid Removal (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for terials (1972) ANSI Z111.4 Std. Meth. of Test for valves in Gas Distribution Systems Whose Maximum Allowable or Aluminum Combination Vertically Sliding or Horizontally es (1973) Std. for imum Performance Std. for Airborne VOR Receiving Equipment mance Std. for Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Std. for Fastener; Rotary, Quick al Engineering) (1972) Std. for Rec. Pract. for erator for Dry Pipe Systems (Fire Protection) (/ Rec. for ansi C50.30 Guide for (Combustible) Gas Indicators Including Their Installation, for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. for Preparation of Manuals for Installation, for Lightweight/ Spec, for the Design, Construction, and Rec. for nal Electrical Safety Code) (1973) Rules for the 2) Std. Dimensions for Compatible ) Rec. for Std. for Fundamentals Governing the Design and Std. for Type Designations, Areas of Use, Maintenance and perty from Explosion and Fire in Design, Construction, and eum Industry U/ Rec. Pract. for Design, Installation, and ty Requirements for Industrial Rotary Mowers (Designed for n Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor tionary Diesel and Gas Engine Speed Governing and Parallel Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C er Heat Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 90 Deg. C oisture Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C rs (1973) ANSI C37.61 Std. Guide for the Application, oundbeds (1972) Rec. Pract. Design, Installation, Units for Protection Agai/ Safety Std. for Construction, Rec. for Suction Press Rolls and Their Installation, Omnirange (VOR) Systems (1972) RTCA DO-149 Once Refined Sunflower Oil, Technical Grade (1973) ASTM D3169 Opacity of Paper, Using Reflectometer with 45-0 Deg. Ge TAPPI UM-538 Opaque Liquids and the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity ASTM D445 Opaque Materials and for Evaluating Conformance (1972T) ASTM D3134 Opaque Materials (Color Measurement of Textiles, Paints ASTM E313 Opaque Metal Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double Beam ASTM B588 Opaque Walls (Tech. Notes) (1969) BIA 4A Opaques for Television (1973) ANSI PH22.94 Open Automatically in Case of Fire (1974) Approval FMS 4430 Open Bottle Tap Sampling of Noncryogenic Fluid Systems ASTM F301 Open Burning, Combustible and Flammable Materials; Repo ICBO UFC*2ART27 Open Cup Apparatus (1972) ASTM D1310 Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Std. ASTM D3143 Open Cup (1972) AASHO T48, ANSI Zl 1.6 ASTM D92 Open Hearth, and Wrought Iron (1973) ASTM E30 Open Reel (For Tape Speeds of 7.5 In. 190.5 Mm, and 3 EIA RS400 Open Top Cable Trays (1972) IPCEA P-54-440 Open Web Steel Joints J Series and H Series (1970) AISC S316-3 Open Web Steel Joist Design (1973) ICBO UBCS27-4 Open Web, Longspan, and Deep Longspan Steel Joints (197 SJI 5 Opening Door Releasing Device) (1973) UL 305 Opening Series) (1972) Std. ASTM E454 Openings (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) AWI *1-1100 Openings, Railings, and Toeboards (1973) ANSI A12.1 Operable General and Special Use Snap Switches (1972) a UL 20 Operated and Commercial Clothes Drying Equipment (Laund UL 1240 Operated and Commercial Clothes Washing Equipment (Laun UL 1206 Operated Appliances (1972) ANSI C33. 36 UL 73 Operated Chain Hoists for Industrial Applications (1971 HMI 200 Operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and Pawl, and Load Br HMI 300 Operated Dispensing Devices for Flammable Liquids (1974 UL 87 Operated Metallic Gas Valves in Gas Distribution System ANSI B16.33 Operated on Public Highways (1973) /Td. for Inspection ANSI D7.1 Operated Photographic Equipment Rated at 300 Volts or L UL 122 Operated Pumps for Petroleum Products (1973) UL 79 Operated Type for Indoor Use (1973) /Heat Actuated Fir UL 539 Operated Valves for the Control of Fluids (1973) UL 429 Operated Valves for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class 1 UL 1002 Operated Water Type Fire Extinguishers (1973) UL 715 Operated) (Photography) (1972) ANSI PH3.51 Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air (1972) /Ri ASTM C667 Operating at 15 and 7.5 In./S (1973) / Reproducers for ANSI C98.3 Operating at 15 In./S (1973) /Io Level and Multifreque ANSI C98.8 Operating Condition of Tires Including Tire Treads Dept VESC V-7 Operating Condition of Truck, Trailer and Bus Type Tire VESC V-9 Operating Hydraulic Fluid Power System (For Particulate NFLDP T2.9.1 Operating Instructions for Glass Capillary Kinematic VI ASTM D2515 Operating Level of Recorders and Reproducers for Audio ANSI C98.3 Operating Limits for Central Station Units (Air Moving AMCA 1401 Operating Limits (Petroleum) (1974) API 7G Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for S ASTM D3087 Operating Performance of Particulate Cation Exchange Ma ASTM D1782 Operating Pressure Does Not Exceed 60 or 125 Psig (1973 ANSI B16.33 Operating Storm Windows for External Application (1972) AAMA 1002.8 Operating Supply Voltage and Frequency of Office Machin ANSI X4.ll Operating Within the Radio Frequency Range of 108118 M RTCA DO-153 Operating Within the Radio Frequency Range of 960-1215 RTCA DO-151 Operating, High Strength (1973) NSA 547 Operation and Flow Process Charts and Symbols (Mechanic ASME 101 Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes (1972) API 2D Operation and Maintenance of the Reliable Model B Accel FMS 2-55 Operation and Maintenance of Turbine Generators (1972) IEEE 67 Operation and Maintenance (On Boats) (1973) /Lammable ABYC A14 Operation and Maintenance (1972) Std. Pract. DEMA *l-23 Operation and Repair of Laboratory Instruments (1972) ANSI C105.2 Operation of Class Hi (High Impact) Shock Test. Machine ANSI S2.15 Operation of Crowder Dry Pipe Valves, Model a (1973) FMS 2-13 Operation of Electric Supply Lines and Equipment (Natio ANSI C2.4 Operation of Forage Harvesters, Wagons and Blowers (197 ASAE S328.1T Operation of Grimes AB Dry Pipe Valve Accelerator (1973 FMS 2-56 Operation of Local Exhaust Systems (1971) ANSI Z9.2 Operation of Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) ANSI B56. NFPA 505 Operation of Solvent Extraction Plants (1973) /E-Pro FMS 7-30N Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems for Petrol API RP14B Operation with Tractors Having at Least 20 Hp) (1971) SAE J232 Operation (1970) ANSI N 163 /Ed Neutron Emitting Fissio ASTM D2470 Operation (1972) / Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Sta DEMA »l-6 Operation (1974) ANSI C8.24 Std. Spec, for ASTM D754 Operation (1974) ANSI C8.27 /D. Spec, for Natural Rubb ASTM D469 Operation (1974) ANSI C8.40 Std. Spec, for ASTM D1523 Operation (1974) ANSI J8.4 /Ynthetic Rubber Heat and M ASTM D1679 Operation, and Maintenance of Automatic Circuit Reclose IEEE 321 Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Gr NACE RP-05-72 Operation, and Maintenance of Vehicle Alarm Systems and UL 904 Operation, and Maintenance (1973) FMS 12-60 266 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) Systems (1972) Minimum Used in Airborne Volumetric Navigation Systems / Minimum fety Equipment) (1973) d Analyzing Outage / Std. Definitions in Electrical Power sive, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Flammable Liquid Mixing Rec. Pract. for Bus Stops for Freeway Std. for Safety Requirements for Marine Terminal ents for Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipment and g Against Fire During Building Construction and Demolition irements for Personnel Hoists (Construction and Demolition Std. for nd Equipment (1971) ANSI B114.2, Sa/ Std. for Symbols for s (1972) SAE J333 Std. for Std. for Door. Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Electric Trial Use Guide for Type Test of Class I Electric Valve Std. Spec, for a Liquid Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Glass Stress ride-Lithium Fluoride Carrier DC Arc Technique Using an d Low Alloy Steel by the Point to Plane Technique Using an d. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Electrode Material Used in last Furnace Iron by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Spec, for Photographic Std. Meth. for Identification and Qualitative (Including for Calibration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples LIsing an icture Film/ Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed Area in , Perforate/ Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed Area in from Corn or Grain Sorghum Starch Which Are Substantially for Dimensions for Resolution Test Target for Photographic r of Paper and Pulp (Using Spectrophotometer with Reserved ete Paving (1972) Rec. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Scientific Papers for Written or rs (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Methyl for Standardization of Forms and Information Flow Used in Std. for Representation for Calendar and ven Drying (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Present in inc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for ical Analysis of Chrome Containing Refractories and Chrome nd Refractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite. Calcine. Chrome Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminium in Iron Std. Meth. of Test for Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminum Oxide in Iron Tent. Meth. of Test for Manganese Dioxide in Manganese ation Spark T/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochmeical Analysis of Fabrics and Industrial Filament Yarns, Made from Man Made Selection and Preparation of Test Panels for Use in Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Vapor Permeability of Std. Meth. for Condensation-Humidity Test, of . or Other Failure of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related or Determining Pressure Marking and Blocking Resistance of ) Std. Meth. of Test for Formability of Attached Combustible Liquids A/ Uniform Fire Code: Manufacture of for Microscopical Determination of the Reflectance of the chemical Oxygen Demand in Industrial Waste Waters and Most saturated Organic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated -Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated erings: Hot Mopped Asphalt. Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated ffusion Stain of Rubber and Contact and Migration Stain of Std. Rec. Pract. for Detergent Resistance of 21, ANSI A37.19 Std. Meth. of Test for of Test for Trace Quantitites of Total Sulfur in Volatile td. Definitions of Terms Relating to Bituminous, and Other Meth. for Tent. Hazard Classifications of Recommended Safeguards for Std. Meth. of Test for Acidity Alkalinity of Halogenated Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Halide Ion in Halogenated ituminous Road Materials (Tar, Petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Meth. of Test for Nonamine Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: cceptable Concentrations of Inorganic Mercury and Nonalkyl Meth. of Test for bend (Applicable to Solution Coil Coatings and Single Coat e First Time (Petroleum Production) (1974) Rec. Pract. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of on Controlled Outside Diameter/ Std. Spec, for Biaxially ed Types 27G053, 30G05/ Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled, Grain g Flour (Cereal Chemistr/ Gustafson Meth. of Analysis for Quality Stds. for Misc. m, Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Storage Shelving, Misc. plating of Nickel and Chromium on Metal Parts-Automotive r (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Tile, Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Std. Meth. of Test for Discoloration of ydrolyzates / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron Operational Characteristics Airborne VHF Omnirange (VOR Operational Characteristics Vertical Guidance Equipment Operational Rec. for Globe Dry Pipe Valves (Fire and Sa Operational Safety Manual for Anhydrous Ammonia (1973) Operations Terminology Including Terms for Reporting an Operations (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, Printing Ink, Adne Operations (1971) Operations (1972) Operations (1972) Std. for Safety Requirem Operations (1973) ANSI A 10.21 Std. for Safeguardin Operations) (1973) Std. for Safety Requ Operator Controls on Agricultural Equipment (1972) Operator Controls on Agricultural Tractors, Machinery a Operator Protection for Wheel Type Agricultural Tractor Operators and Systems (1973) Safety Operators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) Optical Adhesive (1970) Optical Coefficient (1973) Optical Emission Spectrograph (1974) / the Silver Chlo Optical Emission Spectrometer (1970) ANSI Z128.28 / an Optical Emission Spectroscopy Based on Physical Propert Optical Emission Vacuum Spectrometer (1973) /Ysis of B Optical Filter Sizes (1972) Optical Microscopic) Analysis of Mineral Filler and Coa Optical Pyrometer (1972) ANSI N144 Std. Meth. Optical Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion P Optical Reduction Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film Optical Test Meth. for Ink Show Through (Paper) (1973) Optically Clear (1959) /Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived Optics (1972) Std. Optics (1972) /Al Reflectance, Transmittance, and Colo Optimum Size Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concr Optimum So3 in Portland Cement (1972) Oral Presentation (1972) Orange Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and Indicato Ordering, Shipping, and Billing of Merchandise Within T Ordinal Date for Information Interchange (1971) Ordinary Commercial and Industrial Samples of Wool by O Ordinary Uses (1973) ANSI B125.2 /Ack and Hot Dipped Z Ore (1970) ANSI A139.2 Std. Meth. for Chem Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Ganister Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (1973) Ores (1972) Ores (1972T) Ores, Minerals, and Rocks by the Fire Assay Preconcentr Organic Base Fibers (1972) /Th. of Testing Tire Cords, Organic Coating Systems (Coil) (1974) Guidelines for Organic Coatings Films (1972) Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces (Coil) (1974) /N Organic Coatings When Applied to Coil Coated Metal (197 Organic Coatings with Impact Wedge Bend Apparatus (1973 Organic Coatings (Paint), and Handling of Flammable and Organic Components in a Polished Specimen of Coal (1972 Organic Compounds (1966) /Tical Meth. for Determining Organic Felt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt, Asphalt- Organic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organi Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass Organic Finishes in Contact with Rubber (1973) ANSI J7. Organic Finishes (1973) Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete (1973) AASHO T Organic Liquids (Oxy Hydrogen Combustion Meth.) (1972) Organic Materials for Roofing, Waterproofing, and Relat Organic Nitrogen in Paper and Paperboard (1972) Organic Peroxides (Plastic) (1974) Organic Peroxides (1972) Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974) Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974) Std. Organic Solvents (1966) ANSI A37.12 /R Solubility of B Organic Solvents, Degreasing Grade (Nonreflux Meth.) (1 Organization Planning and Theory (1972) Organo Compounds (1972) Std. for a Organochlorine Pesticides in Water (1972T) Organosols Only) (1974) /and Flexibility by the Wedge Orientation Program for Personnel Going Offshore for Th Oriented Fiber Composites (1972T) Oriented Polyethylene (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based Oriented, Silicon Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Process Original Ash in Phosphated and Freshly Mixed Self Risin Ornamental Items (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Ornamental Items, Stairwork and Handrails, Exterior Fra Ornamentation and Hardware (1970) Std. for Electro Ornamentation, Protection, or Insulation (1973) /Venee Orthodichlorobenzene by Carbon Black (1972A) (Orthophenanthroline) Content of Corn Syrup and Starch H RTCA DO-149 RTCA DO-152 FMS 2-14 FI P110 IEEE 346 FMS 7-36 ITE *9 ANSI MH9.1 ANSI Z8.1 NFPA 241 ANSI A10.4 ASAE R335.1 ASAE S304.4 ASAE S305.3 UL 325 IEEE 382 ASTM D2851 ASTM C770 ASTM E483 ASTM E403 ASTM E504 ASTM E485 ANSI PH3.17 TAPPI T421 ASTM E452 ANSI PH22.180 ANSI PH22.179 TAPPI UM-545 CR F-14 ANSI PH3.50 TAPPI T442SU ACPA 15 ASTM C563 ANSI Z39.16 CR R-70 NWHA *1 ANSI X3.30 ASTM D1576 ASTM A120 ASTM C572 ASTM C316 ASTM E507 ASTM E508 ASTM E464 ASTM E465 ASTM E400 ASTM D885 NCCA TB-III-5 ASTM D1653 NCCA TBIII-6 NCCA TB III 1 NCCA TB-II-17 ASTM D3281 ICBO UFC*2ART34 ASTM D2798 CR K-24 UL 55A UL 55A ICBO UBCS32-1 ASTM D925 ASTM D2248 ASTM C40 ASTM D2747 ASTM D1079 TAPPI T418SU FMS 7-81 FMS 7-80 ASTM D2989 ASTM D2988 ASTM D2042 ASTM D2942 ANSI Z94.9 ANSI Z37.8 ASTM D3086 NCCA TB-II-10 API RPT-1 ASTM D3039 ASTM D3287 ASTM A665 AACCH 08-15 AWI •1-700 AWI •1-1 SAE J207 ICBO UBC*3-30 ASTM D1618 CR E-32 Engineering and Product Standards Division 267 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards d Cast Aluminum Covers (/ 73) Camera Equipment (1974/ atistical Significance/ easuring the Wear Life and Bonded Solid Film Lubricants in zates Under Compressive or Shear Strains by the Mechanical ational Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and Code Requirements by ns Terminology Including Terms for Reporting and Analyzing n Boats (1974) Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for tion of Permanently Installed Fuel Systems for Inboard and d. for Installation of Seacocks, Through Hull Connections, tion Rat/ Std. for Schedule of Dielectric Test Values for metrical C/ Std. Requirements for External Insulation for Std. for Std. for Std. for Cas Hose Connectors for Portable std. Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on rocedures (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Effects of mission Units Penetrating the Hull for Boats Equipped with Std. Wheel Diameters and Std. for Safety for Electrical Std. for Electrical Sheet Steel Std. for Air Std. for Safety for Electrical Power Rec. Std. for Engineering Specs. Std. Rec. Pract. for Dealing with Std. Meth. for Measuring Audio Amplifier Single Frequency Industry Quality Std. for Computer Industry Quality Std. Format and Coding for Computer U967) Std. for Power Std. for Stabilized Power Supplies Direct Current ran Procedures for Executive Functions and Process Input - Meth. of Test for Effective Crimping on spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on lyethylene (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled olyethelene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled lyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Based on Safety Std. for Panic (Emergency) Hardware Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Std. Meth. of Test for Extractable Matter in t in Ordinary Commercial and Industrial Samples of Wool by Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture bleached/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Vacuum a; Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and / Modified Vacuum molina. Bread. Grain, Soybeans. Rice, Beans, Peas, L/ Air uffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified Two Stage Air istry) (1962) Air c (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Air of Test for Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the r Effect of Heat and Air on Asphaltic Materials (Thin Film flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Air Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture lline) (/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Steam Std. Household Electric Range Pyrolytic Self Cleaning Std. for Commercial Gas Baking and Roasting Uniform Fire Code: Industrial Baking and Drying ty Ventilation Requirements for Direct Fired Powder Curing Std. for Household Electric Ranges (Stove and Std. for Industrial Power Take Offs for Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanablc anes (1971) Spec, for Electric elow; 500 kVA and Smaller (1971) Std. Requirements for r Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper r Connectors for Use Between Aluminum or Aluminum-Copper Std. for Std. for Protective Frame (For Agricultural Tractors for for Basis of Payment on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Test Meths. for Interior Panel Coatings and Test Meth. for Exterior Coatings and Rec. Pract. for Reinforced Bituminous Concrete Rec. Pract. for Mobile Construction Type Crane Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head - Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Head - Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Std. and Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Std. and std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Std. and Std. for Bolt Lock, Shear, Protruding Head, Std. and Std. for Bolt Lock, Shear, 100 Deg. Head, Std. and for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Std. and 1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and 973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oscillating Motion (1971) ANSI Z11.300 / of Test for M Oscillograph (1972) ANSI J2.17 /of Elastomeric Vulcani OSHA (1973) Rec. and Comments on the N Outage of Electrical Transmission and Distribution Faci Outboard Motor Boat Transom and Motor Well Dimensions O Outboard Motor Dimensions (Boats) (1972) Outboard Powered Boats (1973) /Nstruction and Installa Outboard Water Strainers, Water Scoops and Drain Plugs Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker External Insula Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Sym Outdoor Cooking Gas Appliances (1972) , Outdoor Floodlighting (Light) Equipment (1973) Outdoor Gas Fired Appliances (1971) Outdoor Metal Clad Switchgear (1971) ANSI C37.24 Outdoor Pistol Range Plans (Firearms) (1970) Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Range Plans: Safety Rules and P Outdoor Weathering on Pipeline Coatings (1972) Outdrives, Jet Drives and/or Bow Thrusters (1973) /Ans Outlet Areas for Centrifugal Fans (1966) Outlet Boxes and Fittings (1974) Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports, an Outlets and Inlets Used in Air Distribution Systems (19 Outlets (1972) ANSI C33.85 Outline for Monochrome Cctv (Closed Circuit Television) Outlying Observations in Samples and How to Test the St Output for Institutional Audio-Visual Equipment Used Output Microfilm (1971) Output Microfilm (1971) Output Ratings of Packaged Audio Equipment for Home Use Output (1972) Output (1972) /Td. for Industrial Computer System Fort Outside Crimped Valves of Aerosol Containers (1972) Outside Diameter (1973) Std. Outside Diameter (1973) /Ec. for Biaxially Oriented Po Outside Diameter (1974) Std. Spec, for P Outside Diameter (1974) Std. Spec, for Po (Outward Opening Door Releasing Device) (1973) Oval Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Self. Oven Dried Wool (1973) Oven Drying (1972) ANSI L14.202 /T for Moisture Presen (Oven Filter Aid) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) (Oven Filter Paper) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Un Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Semolin Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour, Farina, Se Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains and Feedst Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Malt (Cereal Chem Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture, Drying at 135 Deg. Oven Meth. (1967) ANSI J5.1 Std. Meth. Oven Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test Fo Oven (Aluminum Plate) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in (Oven) Content in Commercial Feedstuffs (Corn) (1957) (Oven) Content in Corn Starch (1956) (Oven) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (Crysta Oven) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Ovens (Stove) (1974) Ovens (1971) Ovens (1-973) Ovens (1973) Ovens) (1972) ANSI C71.1 Overcenter Clutches (1971) Overcoat Fabrics (Institutional Uniform Textile) (1973) Overhead Bridge and Gantry Multiple Gerder Traveling Cr Overhead Distribution, Transformers, 67,000 Volts and B Overhead Electrical Conductors (1973) EEI TDJ-162 Overhead Electrical Connectors (1973) NEMA CC3 Overhead Hoists (1973) Overhead Protection (Test Procedures and Performance Re Overlay Projects (1973) Recommendations Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood (1967) Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood (1971) Overlays (Welded Wire Fabric) (1962) Overload Indicating System Test Procedure (1971) Overrun of Food Aerosols (1972) Oversize ( 1973) Oversize (1973) Oversize, Protruding Head, Shear, Pull Type (1973) Oversize, Protruding Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Oversize, Pull Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type ( Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (Ms2494), Tension, Pull Type (1 Safe / Fo /Td. Fo ASTM ASTM FMS IEEE ABYC ABYC ABYC ABYC ANSI IEEE ANSI NEMA ANSI IEEE NRA NRA ASTM ABYC AMCA UL NEMA ARI UL EIA ASTM ANSI NMA NMA EIA NEMA ISA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL NSA ASTM ASTM CR CR AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM AACCH CR CR CR TAPPI AHAM ANSI ICBO FMS AHAM SAE ANSI CMAA ANSI NEMA EEI ANSI ASAE ACPA APA APA WRI SAE ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA D2981 D945 5-7S 346 S12 Sll H24 H27 C37.0781 343 Z21.58 FA1 Z21.54 144 *5 »4 Gil P16 2401 514 OS1 650 231 RS312 E178 PH7.2 MSI MS2 RS234-B PY 1 S61.1 D3076 D3000 D3287 D3035 D2447 305 6500-6 D1574 D1576 E-42 E-44 44-32 44-40 44-15A 44-18 44-20 44-19 D573 D1754 44-16 G-16 B-38 F-34 UM-7 ER-3 Z21.28 UFC*2ART25 7-27S ER-1 J621C L24.3.4 70 C57.1220 C33 TDJ-162 B30.16 S310.2 TM-6 *5 *4 RB80 J248 D3075 1725 1729 1446 1465 2005 2125 2406 2506 2115 1475 1456 268 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards where Basis of Pavment Is/ ate. (Nh.Oh) , 2) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Std. Form of Agreement Between Std. for Agreement Between Std. Form of Agreement Between Std. Form of Agreement Between Std. Form of Agreement Between H.SO, (Hvdroxvlammonium Sulfate) Std. for res (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextr/ Glucose 2) ANSI Z11.320 Std. Meth. of Test for ransformers and Oil Circuit Breakers (197/ Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by- age (1971) ANSI L14. S2 Test Meth. for Evaluating Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of Steam Turbine Oil aining 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl P/ Std. Meth. of Test for 3) Tent. Meth. of Test for Thermal ermining Chromic Oxide Content in Leather (Perchloric Acid eth. of Test for Chromic Oxide in Leather (Perchloric Acid tities of Sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Aluminum or Measurement of Thickness of Transparent or Opaque Metal rochemicai Analysis of Uranium Oxide (U :l O„) by Gallium of a Cross Secti/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Metal and ic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic 969) ASTM D2807 Meth. for Determining Chromic Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis for Aluminum pecific Electrical Impedance of Electrical Grade Magnesium Std. Meth. of Test for Aluminum Std. Meth. of Test for Chromic ctrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests On, Beryllium Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Beryllium Std. Spec, for Nickel ) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Arsenious ckness bv Multiple Beam 1/ Tent. Meth. for Measurement of Black aces (1971) Spec, for Metal ique / Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Uranium Std. Spec, for Deuterium ption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Std. Meth. of Test for Deuterium fluorine. Helium, Hydrogen, Krypton, Methane, Neon. Nitric ndensation Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Atmospheric etric. and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Mixed de (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Safety Std. for e Quantitites of Total Sulfur in Volatile Organic Liquids ils. and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) rect Counting Technique (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for ic Compou/ Std. Analvtical Meth. for Determining Chemical Cakes (1972) ANSI H23.ll ' Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for Flammability of Plastics Using the of Test for Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Safety Std. for . Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Hydrogen. Krypton, Methane, Neon, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen, si L14.238 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to i L14/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to ectrical Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts and Less and Having or Electrical Power Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having ble (1974) ANSI C8.37 Std. Spec, for si C8.29 Std. Spec, for ed Members and Laminations Before Gluing of Southern Pine, Std. Meth. of Test for Extrudabilitv. After 12.13 Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Shock Absorbing Characteristics of Std. Test Meth. for Creep Properties of zes (1973) Std. for Transport Std. for Power Output Ratings of ing Data Sheets for the Design of Air Exchange Coolers for Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Permeability of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Permeability of Std. for Centrifugal Water Chilling Std. for Unit Load Sizes for Dimensioning Transport Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks in Heat Sealed Flexible Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Insulation of Quality ling and Installation of Power Semiconductors in Disc Type safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of ools (1972) Std. for Dimensions of Containers for ted Biological Materials (Safety) (1973) Std. for y) (1973) Std. for Administrative Guide for single Service Containers for Milk and Its Fluid Products (1973) Test Meth. for Spec, for Petroleum Drilling Rig for Del Std. M /Test for Trace Quan Oversize. 100 Deg. Shear Head, Pull Type (1973) Owner and Architect for Interior Design Services (1972) Owner and Architect for Special Services (1972) Owner and Architect (1974) Owner and Construction Manager (1973) Owner and Contractor (For Small Construction Contracts (Oxammonium Sulfate) (1973) /C Grade Hydroxylamine Sulf Oxamyl (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (197 Oxidase Meth. for Measurement of Glucose in Sugar Mixtu Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Pressure Oils (197 Oxidation Inhibited Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in T Oxidation Microcoulometry (1973) Oxidation of Wool Oils on Woolen Fabric Textile in Stor Oxidation Stability by Rotating Bomb (1967) ANSI Z1I.23 Oxidation Stability of New Mineral Insulating OiU Cont Oxidation Stability of Turbine Fuels (JFTOT Proc.) (197 Oxidation) (1969) ASTM D2807 Meth Oxidation) (1972) Oxidative Microcoulometry (1972T) Oxide Abrasive Grain and Crude (1971) Oxide and Metallic Coatings by Double Beam Interference Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.27 /T Oxide Coating Thicknesses by Microscopical Examination Oxide Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anod Oxide Coatings on Aluminum (1973) Std. Spec, for Anodic Oxide Content in Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1 Oxide Content of Titanium Dioxide Pigments (1973) Oxide for Use in Sheathed Type Electric Heating Element Oxide in Iron Ores (1972) Oxide in Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1972) Oxide Powder (1972) ANSI N140 / Spectrometric, and Spe Oxide Powder (1972A) Oxide Sinter (1970) ANSI G86.1 Oxide Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971 Oxide Thickness on Silicon Wafers and Metallization Thi Oxide Treatment (Part Coating) (1973) Oxide Waterproofing for Below Grade Wall and Floor Surf Oxide (11,0m) by Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Techn Oxide (1968) ANSI N153 Oxide (1968) ANSI N154 Std. Meth. of Test for Consum Oxide (1972) Oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen) (1973) /Monoxide, Deuterium, Oxides in Flue Gases (Barium Chloranilate Controlled Co Oxides of Nitrogen (Burnt Gas Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 Oxides ((U, Pu)0 2 ) (1972) ANSI N139 /, Mass Spectrom Oxidizing Agents in Flour: Reaction with Potassium Iodi Oxy Fuel Gas Torches (1973) (Oxy Hydrogen Combustion Meth.) (1972) /F Test for Trac Oxygen-Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Stability in Fats, O Oxygen Content LIsing a 14 MeV Neutron Activation and Di Oxygen Demand in Industrial Waste Waters and Most Organ Oxygen Free Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Oxygen Index Meth. (1974) ANSI K65.110 Oxygen Pressure Meth. (1973) ANSI J4.1 Std. Meth. Oxygen Therapy Equipment, Refrigerated (1973) Oxygen (Reaction Intensity Meth.) (1973) Std Oxygen) (1973) /Monoxide, Deuterium, Fluorine, Helium, Ozone in the Atmosphere Under High Humidities (1972) an Ozone in the Atmosphere Under Low Humidities (1972) Ans Ozone Resistant Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Integral Ozone Resistant Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insulation (1 Ozone Resisting Butyl Rubber Insulation for Wire and Ca Ozone Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable (1974) an Pacific Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock by Pressu Package Aging, of Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Package Cushioning Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI Mh Package Cushioning Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI Mh Package Cushioning Materials (1968) ANSI MH12.15 Package Sizes (Packaging) for ANSI MH10.1, Unit Load SI Packaged Audio Equipment for Home llse (1967) Packaged Compressor Units (1974) Engineer Packages by Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.18 Packages for Dry Products (1972) Std. Meth. of Packages (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.17 Packages (Refrigeration) (1974) Packages (1972) Packages (1972) Packages (1972) Packages (1973) Std. for Hand Packaging and Its Related Converting Machinery (1973) Packaging and Storage of Aerial Photographic Film on Sp Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contamina Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Materials (Safet (Packaging Equipment) (1974) /R Fillers and Sealers of Packaging Film and Construction Identity Tests (Paper) Packaging for Minimum Self Contained Platforms (1973) NSA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA AIOA ANSI ANSI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ALCA ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ALCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CR ASTM SAE CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM AATCC ASTM AACCH UL ASTM AACCH ASTM CR ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ICBO AATCC AATCC NEMA NEMA ASTM ASTM AWPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI EIA API ASTM ASTM ASTM ARI ANSI ASTM ASTM EIA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI DFISA TAPPI API 1436 B707 B727 B141 B801 A107 PH4.186 K62.I26 80-10 D2893 D3146 D3246 62 D2272 D2112 D324I DI0 D2807 D3120 B74.14 B588 E402 B487 B580 B580 D10 D2701 D3215 E464 D2807 C699 C708 A636 R-5 F388 AMS2485F 07140 E402 D2032 D2033 D2184 UFC*2ART36 D3226 23 C698 48-02 123 D2747 58-55 E385 K-24 B170 D2863 D572 416 F371 UFC*2ART36 129 109 WC8/I WC8 D1352 D574 C28 C731 D1372 D1596 D2221 MH10.2 RS234-B UK D1251 D3079 D895 550 MH10.1 D3078 D3103 JED11 B155.1 PHI. 46 N14.3 N14.10.1 1704 UM-537 2E Engineering and Product Standards Division 269 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Guidelines and Std9. for the Paperboard Rec. Pract. for Electrical Installations on examination for Presence of Rodent Urine on Bags and Other nthydrol Test for Analysis of Urea in Cloth Bags and Other 3.55 Std. for Reel Std. for Std. for (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Effect of Std. Definitions of Trade Terms Commonly Used in Container Procedure for Chlorine Std. for Transport Package Sizes evision. Tape Recorder/ Std. for Simulated Shipping Test .3, TAPPI T800 Std. Meth. of Test. Shipping Containers Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Bags d. Meth. of Drop Test for Cylindrical Shipping Containers test for Penetration of Liquids into Submerged Containers Std. Meth. of Test. Large Shipping Cases and Crates Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Shipping Containers Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers Std. Meth. of Test. Package Cushioning Materials absorbing Characteristics of Package Cushioning Materials Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers by Cycle Meth. d. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Permeability of Packages t for Water Vapor Permeability of Packages by Cyrle Meth. Interior Dimensions of Fiberboard Boxes (Box Gage Meth.) std. Meth. of Incline Impact Test for Shipping Containers Std. Meth. of Vibration Test for Shipping Containers nd Health Requirements for Paper Bag and Sack Manufacture centers ,(1972) Std. for Rec. Antidotes, Supplies Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Con/ Std. for Std. for Steel Shipping Container Industry Glossary Std. Meth. of Test for Bulk Density and tolerances for Jute Rove and Plied Yarn for Electrical and Std. for ng (1973) Std. for ng (1973) Std. for 5 Deg. F to +160 Deg. F) (1972) Std. for mil-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for mil-R-25897 Rubber. 90 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Manufacture and Inspection Stds. for Preformed ebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Mattresses and Std. Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Std. for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug Cover Universal m 260, Dot-/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Tight Head Universal e 40, / Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Nesting Lug Cover Universal Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Std. Meth. of Test for Determination of Cobalt in Std. Meth. of Test for Determination of Lead in Std. Meth. of Test for Manganese in Std. Meth. of Test for Calcium or Zinc in Std. Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Determination of Relative Pencil Hardness of A rub Test for the Determination of Deg. of Cure of a Backed tent. Meth. of Evaluating Deg. of Surface Disfigurement of Std. Meth. of Test for Porosity of Std. Rec. Guide for Std. Meth. of Test for Low Quantities of Mercury in d. Meth. for Determination of Low Concentration of Lead in 73) Coating Systems ds A/ Uniform Fire Code: Manufacture of Organic Coatings by Setafl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Liquids ickne/ Best Meth. for Measurment of Dry Film Thickness of istering. Wrinkling, Loss of Adhesion, or Other Failure of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. for Preparation of Steel Panels for Test. (1974) Rec. for Flammable Liquid Mixing Operations Uniform Fire Code: Application of Flammable Finishes ng) (1/ Test Meth. for Measurment of Impact Resistance of ronments (Coil Co/ Meth. of Preperation and Evaluation of rements for Cotton Woven Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, sts(1973) Std. Meth. of ng Code Std. for Erection, Fabrication, Identification and Surface Preparation Spec, for Steel Structure Tent. Rec. Pract. for Direct Injection of Solvent Base std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Exterior Exposure Tests of Panels in Weathering Tests of Latex and Emulsion Exterior Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Exterior Latex House . for Identification of Oils and Oil Acids in Solvent Type ance Spec, for the Purchase of Reflective Pavement Marking eth. of Te9t for Coarse Particles in Pigments, Pastes, and Std. Meth. of Test for Efflorescence of Interior Wall Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile Content of Meth. of Test for Separation of Vehicle from Solvent Type ct. for Qualitative Identification of Polymers in Emulsion St Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Packaging Industry (1973) Packaging Machinery and Associated Equipment (1972) Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Light Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /. of Xa Packaging of Components with Axial Leads (1972) ANSI C8 Packaging of Filament Tape Reels (1973) Packaging of Uranium Hexafluoride for Transport (1971) Packaging on Food and Beverage Products During Storage Packaging (1972) Packaging (1973) (Packaging) for ANSI MH10.1, Unit Load Sizes (1973) (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Products (Radio, Tel (Packaging) in Revolving Hexagonal Drum (1968) ANSI MH12 (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.6 (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.7 (Packaging) (1951) ANSI MH12.8 (Packaging) (1953) ANSI MH12.11 (Packaging) (1961) ANSI MH12.2 (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.10 (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.13 (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.14 (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.12 (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.17 (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.18 (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.19 (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.4, TAPPI T801 (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.9 (Packaging) (1974) Std. for Minimum Safety a (Packaging), and References- (Do9age) for Poison Control Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of (Packaging, Vocabulary) (1973) Packing Factor of Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Packing Purposes (1974) ANSI L14.44 /Th. of Test Packing with Retainer (1974) Packing, Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ri Packing, Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, O-Ri Packing, Preformed O-Ring Phosphate Ester Resistant (-6 Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, Packings (0-Rings) (1971) Pads, Sheeting, and Restraint Straps) (1974) Page Format of the Construction Message (1974) Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (1974) Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) (1974) Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Ite Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37Aa60, Ufc-Rul /Th. of Test for Shock /Eth. of Test for Water St Std. Meth. of Tes /. Meth. of Determining nd /Ks and R s (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule nt Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) nt Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) nt Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) nt Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) nt Driers (1973) nt Film (Coil Coating) (1974) nt Film (Coil Coating) (1974) /Ting a Solvent Hand nt Films by Fungal Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumulat nt Films (1973) nt Inspectors (1973) nt (1973) nt (1973) St nt) Guide for Ship Hull, Deck and Superstructure (19 nt), and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liqui nt, Enamel, Lacquer, Varnish, and Related Products) nt. Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products — Film Th nt. Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Organic Coatings nt, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products (1973) nt, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products (1973) nt. Varnish, Lacquer, Printing Ink, Adhesive, etc.) nt, Varnish, Lacquer, Stain, etc.) (1973) nted Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Steel (Coil Coati nted or Coated Specimens Subjected ;., Corrosive Envi nted, Printed, or Vinyl Coated (Institutional Textil nting Ceiling Materials for Acoustical Absorption Te nting Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1961) nting of Structural Steel (1973) Uniform Buildi nting (1972) nts into a Gas Chromatograph (1973) nts on Wood (1973) nts or Coatings (1973) /Hingle Blanks to Be Used as nts (1972) nts (1972) Std. Meth nts (1972) a Model Perform nts (1972) ANSI K42.1 Std. M nts (1973) nts (1973) nts (1973) Std. nts (1973) Std. Rec. Pra PPC IEEE AACCH AACCH EIA NSA ANSI ASTM ANSI CHI ANSI EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI AAPCC ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA SAE UL CSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SNAME ICBO ASTM NCCA NCCA ASTM ASTM FMS ICBO NCCA NCCA ANSI ASTM BIA ICBO ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ITE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM •1 333 28-85 28-86 RS296C 3452 N14.1 E460 MH15.1 7 MH10.2 RS414 D782 D959 D997 D998 D1083 D775 D1008 D1372 D1596 D1276 D895 D1251 D2658 D880 D999 Z259.1 •1 N45.2.2 MH2.18 D3101 D681 1523 1593 1594 1611 1595 1596 AS871A 1067 MP-2E MH2.16 MH2.17 MH2.9 MH2.15 MH2.10 D2373 D2374 D2375 D2613 D600 TBII-12 TB-II-18 D3274 D3258 D3276 D2206 D2088 4-10 UFC*2ART34 D3278 TB-II-4 TB III 1 D16 D609 7-36 UFC*2ART14 TB-II-6 TB-III-3 L24.1.1 C643 6 UBCS27-2 A159.1 D3271 D1006 D1911 D3129 D2245 PS»1 D185 D1736 D2369 D2372 D3168 270 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards act. for Vacuum Distillation of Solvents from Solvent Base ilities (1972) Sid. Protective Coatings ar White. Opaque Materials (Color Measurement of Textiles, Std. Spec, for Refined Std. for torage Up to 15 / Rec. for Indoor General Storage (Solid, Rec. for Solid. Std. Meth. of Test. ower Seeds: Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coconut, and ing Rules (Performance, Quality, Description, and Grade of White nal Attachment (Preferred) (1974) Std. for ne Screw (1972) Std. for s. Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking An/ Std. for Bolt, s. Alloy Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocki/ Std. for Bolt, s, A286 Acres, Self Locking and Nonlocking (197/ Std. for Std. for Self Locking, Std. for Screw, Machine chine Screw (1974) loy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. Std. for Aircraft, Std. for Aircraft, for Machine Screw, Std. for Screw, Std. for Pot, Locking and Nonlocking (1972) (1970) ral Hydrate; Chloroform; Formaldehyde; Gasoline; Herwig's, etal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for Lay in cati/ Redwood Plywood Guide (Spec, for Texture and Grade, lywood (1967) 8) 1) threaded Molded in Insert (1974) threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Test Meths. for Interior Meth. of Triangle Test Taste Rec. Pract. for Instrument Std. for Sandwich Std. for Sandwich Evaluating the Properties of Wood Base Fiber and Particle 1972) Std. Meth. of ANSIA111.14 Std. Meth. of )ANSIA111.16 Std. Meth. of (1968) 4 In. Reinforced Brick Masonry Curtain and in, Thru Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, Sandwich Locking, Nonself Locking, Light Weight Floating, Sandwich Quality Stds. for Flush Wall Quality Stds. for High Pressure Laminate Flush Type Wall Rec. for Interior Wood Quality Stds. for Stile and Rail Wall truction Under the Uniform Building Code: Softwood Plywood Std. for Prefinished Hardboard Std. Patterns for Wood Std. for Dimensions for Racks, Plywood Stressed Skin Std. Spec, for Ceramic Tile roducts (1973) Std. Meth. for Preparation of Steel (1974) Guidelines for Selection and Preparation of Test td. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Shingle Blanks to Be Used as ornate Conversion Coatings on Aged or Backed Aluminum Alloy Design Spec, for Plywood Curved or Diffuse Light Transmission Factor of Reinforced Plastic Design Spec, for Flat Plywood Sandwich Fabrication Spec, for Plywood Curved Fabrication Spec, for Plywood Sandwich Design Spec, for Plywood Stressed Skin Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Fiberboard Insulating td. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Plastic Foam Core Insulating d. for Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Structural Plastic se Principally as a Substitute for Plate Glass Show Window Guide Spec, for Specifying: Precast Concrete Design Guide for Wood Composition Board Wall Glued Built Up Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved lding Code: Plastics (General, Exterior Light Transmitting chitectural Woodwork: Standing and Running Trim, Casework, ing Device) (1973) Safety Std. for Meth. of Analysis of m Hot Head Press (300-330 Deg. F) Finishing, Shirt Unit, om (1972A) Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Carbon Std. Meth. of Conditioning 72) Meth. for Measuring Color of 3) ANSI C59.50 Std. Spec, for Electrical Insulating ) Std. Meth. of Test for Gloss Retention of Waxed C.) (1972) Meth. for Gloss Retention of Waxed Meth. for Specular Gloss of meth. for Spectrophotometric Test for Relative Radiance of length and Excitation Purity/ Meth. of Measuring Color of Test Meth. for Smoothness of std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Meth. for Reducible Sulfur in Meth. for Organic Nitrogen in Meth. for Flame Resistance Treated Test Meth. for Heavy Metals in h Coatings of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Blends Applied to Paints (1973) Tent. Rec. Pr (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor Containment Fac Paints, Plastics, etc.) (1973) ANSI Z172.6 /Ness of Ne Palladium (1973) Pallet Definitions and Terminology (1972) Palletized and Bin Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf S Palletized, and Rack Storage of Plastics (1974) Pallets (1973) Palm Oils) (1974) /Sesame, Safflower, Oleic, and Sunfl Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame, Safflow Pan Bread Flour Spec. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Pan Head Screw and Assembled Washers-Electrical Termi Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Torq Set Machi Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Reces Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Reces Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Reces Pan Head, Full Thread Part Screw (1974) Pan Head, Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Pan Head, Phillips Recess Full Threaded, Alloy Steel Ma Pan Head, Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 psi Al Pan Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Pan Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Pan, and Utensil Commercial Spray Type Washing Machines Pancreatin, Tween 80-60% Alcohol, Versene, and Sodium P Panel Ceilings (1973) /Niform Building Code Std. for M Panel Characteristics, Material Composition, Use, Appli Panel Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked P Panel for Food Flavor Detection (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Panel Laboratory Impact Test Procedure-Head Area (197 Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Panel Materials (1972) ANSI 08.1 Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Fireclay Plastic Refractories ( Panel Spalling Test for High Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) Panel Spalling Test for Super Duty Fireclay Brick (1970 Panel Walls (In Resisting Lateral Forces) (Tech. Notes) Panel (1972) Std. for Insert, Molded Panel (1972) / Insert, Molded In, Blind Threaded, Self Paneling (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Paneling (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Paneling (1972) Paneling (1973) Paneling (1973) Paneling (1973) ANSI A135.5 Paneling, Decking, Flooring, and Siding (1970) Panels and Associated Equipment (1972) ANSI C83.9 Panels Fabrication Spec. (1971) Panels for Bath Tub Recess (1972) Panels for Test. Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related P Panels for Use in Test. Organic Coating Systems (Coil) Panels in Weathering Tests of Latex and Emulsion Exteri Panels (Coil) (1974) /Ing Weight Determination for Chr Panels (1968) Panels (1969) Std. Test Meth. F Panels (1970) Panels (1971) Panels (1971) Panels (1972) Panels (1972) Panels (1972) Panels (1972) Panels (1972) Panels (1973) Panels (1973) Panels, Beams, and Components (1973) /. for Structural Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, Light D Panelwork, Closet and Storage Shelving, Misc. Ornamenta Panic (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Opening Door Releas Pantothenic Acid (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Pants Unit (1973) /90 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximu Paper and Inked Ribbon Products and Images Made Therefr Paper and Its Products for Test. (1973) TAPPI T402 Paper and Paper Board by Hunter L, A, B Colorimetry (19 Paper and Paperboard-Sulfate or Kraft Layer Type (197 Paper and Paperboard After Storage at 104 F (40C) (1973 Paper and Paperboard After Storage at 140 Deg. (40 Deg. Paper and Paperboard at 75 Deg. (1972) ANSI P3.23 Paper and Paperboard Containing Fluorescent Brighteners Paper and Paperboard in CIE Y; X, Y or Y, Dominant Wave Paper and Paperboard (Bendtsen Tester) (1973) Paper and Paperboard (Cobb Test) (1973) Paper and Paperboard (1972) Paper and Paperboard (1972) Paper and Paperboard (1972) Paper and Paperboard (1973) Paper and Paperboard (1973) /Esistance of Glossy Smoot Dwelling Cons St /Rglary Resisting Glazing Material for U ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI FMS FMS ASTM NIOP NIOP AACCH NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSF AACCH ICBO CRA APA AACCH SAE NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM BIA NSA NSA AWI AWI WWPA AWI ICBO use WWPA EIA APA TCA ASTM NCCA ASTM NCCA APA ASTM APA APA APA APA ASTM ASTM use UL CSI HPMA ICBO ICBO AWI UL AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI ASTM TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI ASTM D3272 N101.2 E313 B589 MH1.1.2 8-25N 8-9 D1185 *1 •1 34-01 720 1131-38 5200-06 5000-6 5100-6 1190 1100 600 623 1630-34 6900-06 26 28-91 UBCS47-16 3A9 *5 33-50 J921B 1832 1836 D1037 C180 C107 . C122 17L 1833 1835 * 1-500 A ♦1-500B •26 •1-500C UBC*8-17 PS59 *28 RS310-B SS-8 8701 D609 TB-III-5 D1911 TB-II-2 *3PDS1 D1494 •3PDS4 CP-8 SP-61 •3PDS3 C551 C659 PS53 972 03410 CB-SG-73 UBCS25-18 UBC*3-52 •1-1 305 86-60 L24.4.12 F221 D685 T524SU D1305 D2895 T682 T480 UM-460 T527SU UM-535 D3285 T406SU T418SU T461 UM-544 D3234 Engineering and Product Standards Division 271 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards eth. for Spectral Reflectance, Transmittance, and Color of Test Meth. for Top Side of Filled Std. for Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for Meth. for Measuring Color of Paper and Test Meth. for Identification of Lignin le or Ground Cereal/ Meth. of Urease Bromthymol Blue Test Meth. for Measuring Blister Resistance of Coated Rec. for Fire Safety and Protection of Yankee Driers d. Meth. for Analysis of Sulfuric Acid as Used in Pulp and . for Measuring Squareness or Rectangularity of a Sheet of Std. Spec, for Properties of Unpunched Oiled Std. for Std. Spec, for Noncarbonized, Single Ply, Adding Machine Test Meth. for Water Leak Test for Test Meth. for Drop Tests for late and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape and Punched Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Untreated . for Dimensions of 126 Size Cartridges, Film, and Backing Test Meth. for Carbonates in Coated Test Meth. for Sulfides in Coated Test Meth. for Sizing of Uniform Building Code Std. for Kraft Waterproof Building Meth. for Ink Absorbency of Blotting Test Meth. for Castor Oil Penetration of Test Meth. for Oil Spots in Test Meth. for Amount of Coating on Mineral Coated resin and Volatile Content, and Flow Properties of Treated cal Microscopic) Analysis of Mineral Filler and Coating of ire Hazards Anf Protection Rec. for Indoor Storage of Roll ation of Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Materials td. Analytical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Test Meth. for Rejects from Knotter Screens (Pulp and Test Meth. for Dirt Count of Wood Chips (Pulp and Test Meth. for Specific Gravity of Wood Disks (Pulp and test Meth. for Chip Classification (Hand Screen) (Pulp and Test Meth. for Beating Control (Simons Stain) (Pulp and Test Meth. for Sieve Analysis of Pulpwood Chips (Pulp and est Meth. for Chip Length Analysis (Measurement) (Pulp and test Meth. for Adhesion to Non Porous Flexible Substrates Optical Test Meth. for Ink Show Through test Meth. for Chip Length Analysis (Two Screen) (Pulp and est Meth. for Moisture in Chips (Moister Teller) (Pulp and st Meth. for Fiber Identification (Wilson Stain) (Pulp and st Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Steam Oven) (Pulp and t Meth. for Sampling of Wood Chips from Conveyor (Pulp and Meth. for Fiber Identification (Various Stains) (Pulp and Meth. for Packaging Film and Construction Identity Tests th. for Determination of Useful Fiber in Bagasse (Pulp and . for Density of Wood Chips (Sheet Machine Mold) (Pulp and urn Determination by the Uranyl Zinc Acetate Meth. Pulp and sity or Volume of Small Specimen (Hg Pycnometer) (Pulp and and Moisture of Chips (Presoak Before Immersion) (Pulp and od (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and ps (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and h. for Adhesion to Porous Substrates (Subjective Ratings) Indicator Me/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water Resistance of Semiconductor Applications (1973) Std. for 3) Test Meth. for Opacity of eth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) (Bolting Cloth, Filter Std. Spec, for Electrical Insulating Paper and Std. Meth. of Test for Gloss Retention of Waxed Paper and Meth. for Gloss Retention of Waxed Paper and Meth. for Specular Gloss of Paper and 9.50 ) Exci 1V1CIII. I'M j^ctuidi umas "i i a pi i anu spectrophotometric Test for Relative Radiance of Paper and tation Purity/ Meth. of Measuring Color of Paper and Guidelines and Stds. for the Test Meth. for Smoothness of Paper and of Test for Water Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Paper and Test Meth. for Sizing of Slant Drop Penetration Test for Test Meth. for Internal Bond Strength of Meth. for Reducible Sulfur in Paper and Meth. for Organic Nitrogen in Paper and Meth. for Flame Resistance Treated Paper and meth. for Cross Directional Internal Tearing Resistance of Test Meth. for Heavy Metals in Paper and suring Squareness or Rectangularity of a Sheet of Paper or of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Blends Applied to Paper and Meth. for Flat Crush Test of Corrugating Medium tor Me/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water Resistance of Paper, Std. Spec, for Manifold Std. for Scientific ting Pick Tests for Determining Surface Strength of Coated th. for Measuring Residual Chemicals in Films, Plates, and Pape Pape Pape Pape (Pape Pape Pape (Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape (Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape (Pape (Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape (Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape (Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape (Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape Pape and Pulp (Using Spectrophotometer with Reserved O as Indicated by Silver Coin Test (1973) Bag and Sack Manufacture (Packaging) (1974) Board by Hunter L, A, B Colorimetry (1972) Chromatogram) (1973) for Analysis of Urea in Cloth or Sack Fibers, Who in Heatset Printing (1972) Machine) (1973) Manufacture (1973) St or Paperboard (1973) Test Meth Perforated Tape (1971) Refuse Sacks (1970) Rolls (1973) Shipping and Refuse Sacks (Containers) (1973) Shipping Sacks and Bags (Containers) (1973) Tape Sampler Meth.) (1973) /Ollection of Particu Tape (1972) / Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric to Passage of Air (1958) TAPPI T460 Used for Electrical Insulation (1974) ANSI C59.77 (Photography) (1972) Std (Qualitative) (1973) (Qualitative) (1973) (Reverse Curl) (1973) (Weatherproofing) (1973) (1972) (1972) (1973) (1973) (1973) Test Meth. for (1973) /Fication and Qualitative (Including Opti (1974) at High Temperature and Humidity (1973) /Termin Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Unbleached Cru (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) Te Te Tes Test Test Test Me Test Meth Std. for Sodi Test Meth. for Den Test Meth. for Density Test Meth. for Density of Pulpwo /T Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chi Board, Cloth, etc.) (1973) Test Met , Paperboard, and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry , Paper/Film, Film Dielectric Capacitors for Power , Using Reflectometer with 45-0 Deg. Geometry (197 , Wide Field and Compound Microscope, Petri Dish, board-Sulfate or Kraft Layer Type (1973) ANSI C5 board After Storage at 104 F (40C) (1973) board After Storage at 140 Deg. (40 Deg. C.) (1972 board at 75 Deg. (1972) ANSI P3.23 board Containing Fluorescent Brighteners (1973) board in CIE Y; X, Y or Y, Dominant Wavelength and board Packaging Industry (1973) board (Bendtsen Tester) (1973) board (Cobb Test) (1973) Std. Meth. board (Flotation) (1973) board (Printing Ink Receptivity) (1973) board (Z-Direction Tensile) (1973) board (1972) board (1972) board (1972) board (1972) board (1973) board (1973) Test Meth. for Mea board (1973) /Esistance of Glossy Smooth Coatings board) (1971) ANSI P3.24 board, and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry Indica s for Permanent Records (1973) s for Written or Oral Presentation (1972) s Using the Interfiber Bond Tester (1973) /or Coa s (1971) /Thiosulfate and Silver Densitometrie Me TAPPI TAPPI ANSI TAPPI TAPPI AACCH TAPPI FMS TAPPI TAPPI ANSI NSF ANSI TAPPI TAPPI ASTM IPC ASTM ASTM ANSI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI ICBO TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI FMS TAPPI CR TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI ASTM EIA TAPPI AACCH ASTM ASTM TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI PPC TAPPI ASTM TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ANSI TAPPI ANSI T442SU UM-533 Z259.1 T524SU UM-19 28-87 T526SU 12-29 T602 UM-530 X3.29 32 X4.8 UM-529 UM-806 D3266 D-350 D726 D202 PHI. 40 UM-531 UM-532 UM-459 UBCS17-1 T431SU T462 UM-458 UM-542 UM-539 T421 8-21 T464 E-44 UM- 11 12 13 17 (-21 [-5 1-541 (-545 -14 -15 [-537 -18 -16 [-20 :-540 UM- UM- UM- UM- UM- UM-. UM- UM- UM- UM- UM- UM- UM-< UM- UM- UM-, UM-9 T623 UM- UM- UM-: UM- UM- D779 RS401 UM-538 28-90 D1305 D2895 T682 T480 UM-460 T527SU *1 UM-535 D3285 UM-543 UM-536 UM-528 T406SU T418SU T461 T496SU UM-544 UM-530 D3234 T809 OS D779 D3208 Z39.16 UM-534 PH4.8 272 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) 93.28 6 strv) (1962) (1972) Bolts Meth. for Wax in Impregnated Procedure for Water Absorbency of Bibulous mensional Change Characteristics of Photographic Films and nductor Applications (1973) Std. for Paper, ineral Insulating Oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl spec, for Photographic Grade Hydroquinone C, ; H|(Oh) 2 Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Strength of ies and Essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of en Numerical Control and Data Terminal Equipment Employing d. Meth. of Test for Apparent Horizontal Shear Strength of speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Speed Governing and ified Threaded In. Series (1971) Std. for Design Rec. Pract. for New Motor Vehicle on Grade ) (1973) . Rec. for Std. for Mobile Home Uniform Plumbing Code: Mobile Home (Trailer) wood Subfloors (1962) Spec, for Mosaic Wood ance of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials Subjected to Rec. Pract. for the Detection and Measurement of Rec. Safeguards in Std. Meth. for Automatic Std. Meth. for Calibration of Liquid Automatic Std. Meth. of Magnetic Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness Requirements (Magnetic Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Magnetic and Components for Particulate Contamination by Automatic Meth. of Evaluating the Properties of Wood Base Fiber and al Waste Wate/ Std. Meth. of Test for Measurement of Beta Std. Meth. for Measurement of Alpha Std. Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract for Analysis by Microscopical Meth. for Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Average Std. for Std. for Quality Stds. for Plywood and Std. for Mat Formed Wood Uniform Building Code Std. for Mat Formed Wood Connectors, Nails, Staples, Adhesives, Fiberboard. Counting Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Sand 42.1 Std. Meth. of Test for Coarse of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of of Solids by Cavitation and Impingement by Liquid or Solid r/ Tent. Meth. for Automated Separation and Collection of dium Bicarb/ Tent. Meth. for Separation and Collection of Tent. Meth. for Continuous Separation and Collection of 4 Std. Meth. of Test for Operating Performance of ) ANSI Zl 1.264 Std. Meth. of Test for he Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Power System (For meth. of Sampling Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for eth. for Sampling Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Glass Tube and A std. Meth. of Test for Physical and Chemical Properties of d. Test Meth. for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air Std. Meth. for Sampling Stacks for rmal Control Materials (Coatings) with Electromagnetic and s by Microscopical Meth. for Particle Size Distribution of try) (1962) Xylene Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum , Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decking, Flooring, Ceiling, and rving Their / Tent. Rec. Pract. for Installation of Fixed ent of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (Stc) of Building ding Code Std. for Airborne Sound Insulation Field Test of easurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Guide Spec, for Metal Toilet Guide Spec, for Accordion Folding Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, Light Diffusers in Ceilings, r; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceiling; Std. for Electroplating of Nickel and Chromium on Metal tensile Strength Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Machine nterconnected Porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Structural of Test for Impact Resistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and oiled 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Std. Preparation of Centrifugal Fans and for Safety Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for assifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced Laminates and Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Truck Muffler Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Truck Resonator Std. Nomenclature for stainless and Alloy Steel Castings for Pressure Containing el Castings Specially Heat Treated for Pressure Containing Spec, for Ferritic Steel Castings for Pressure Containing Papers (1972) Papers (1972) Papers (1973) Std. Meth. for Determining the Di Paper/Film, Film Dielectric Capacitors for Power Semico Para-Cresol by Rotating Bomb (1973) ANSI C59.113 / M (Para Dihydroxbenzene, Quinol, Hydroquinol) (1972) /D. Para Red and Toluidine Red Pigments (Toners) (1973) Para Tertiary Butylphenol 98 (1972) ANSI Z78.24 Paraffin Wax (1973) ANSI Zl 1.206, TAPPI T644 Paraformaldehyde (1974) Propert Parallel Binary Data Interchange (1973) /Terface Betwe Parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Short Beam Meth. Parallel Operation (1972) / Pract. for Low and Medium Parameters for Bolts and Screws; External Wrenching, Un Parking Performance Requirements (1972) Parking Structures (Garage-Fire Protection and Safety Parks (Trailer) (1972) ANSI A177.1 Parks (1973) Parquet Flooring Set in Adhesive Over Concrete Slab or Partial Discharges (Corona) /of Test for Voltage Endur Partial Discharges (Corona) During Dielectric Tests (19 Particle Board Plants (1972) Particle Counter Size Setting (1972) Particle Counters Using AC Fine Test Dust (1972) ANSI B Particle Examination of Steel Forgings (1971) ANSI G60. Particle Inspection Procedure) (1973) /Ec. for Premium Particle Inspection (1974) ANSI Z166.15 Particle Monitor Meth. (1972) /G Gas Blow Down Systems Particle Panel Materials (1972) ANSI 08. 1 Std. Particle Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Industri Particle Radioactivity of Water (1966) ANSI N152 Particle Size Analysis of Whiteware Clays (1974) Particle Size Distribution of Particulate Substances of Particle Size Distribution of Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemi Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Air Permeability Particleboard Decking for Factory Built Housing (1972) Particleboard for Mobile Home Decking (1973) Particleboard Grades (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Particleboard (1966) Particleboard (1973) Particleboard) (1973) /Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, Particles in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Particles in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Particles in Pigments, Pastes, and Paints (1972) ANSI K Particles (1972) Std. for Efficiency Test. Particles (1973) /Itions of Terms Relating to Erosion Particulate and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphe Particulate and Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (So Particulate and Water Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the Particulate Cation Exchange Materials (1972) ANSI Zlll. Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973 Particulate Contamination Analysis) (1972) ANSI B93.19 Particulate Contamination by Automatic Particle Monitor Particulate Contamination by Manual Meth. (1973) /D. M Particulate Filter Meth.) (1973) /Aseous Fluorides in Particulate Ion Exchange Resins (1972) Particulate Matter (1971) St Particulate Matter (1971) ANSI Z257.3 Particulate Radiation (1973) / Test, of Spacecraft the Particulate Substances of Subsieve Sizes (1968) /Alysi Partition Meth. of Analysis of Pentosans (Cereal Chemis Partition Tile or Block (1973) Partition (1973) /Ies, Weight, Stress of Board, Timber Partitions of Light Frame Type for the Purpose of Conse Partitions Such as Walls, Floor-Ceiling Assemblies, D Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Floor-Ceiling a Partitions (1970) Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory M Partitions (1972) Partitions (1972) Partitions, Exterior Veneer, Awnings and Patio Covers, Partitions; Plaster; Roofing) and Earthquake Recording Parts-Automotive Ornamentation and Hardware (1970) Parts and General Construction (1970) ANSI G24.7 /Ate Parts and Oil Impregnated Bearings (1973) ANSI H9.14 Parts by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) (1972) /Eth. Parts for High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G37.1 Parts for Low Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G38.13 Parts for Protective Coatings (1966) Parts in Devices and Appliances (1973) Parts Made Therefrom (1970) ANSI K65.141 Parts Nomenclature (1971) Part9 Nomenclature (1971) Parts of a Photographic Objective Lens (1971) Parts Suitable for High Temperature Service (1974) ANSI Parts Suitable for High Temprature Service (1974) ANSI Parts Suitable for Low Temperature Service (1974) ANSI Std. /Ract. for CI TAPPI TAPPI ANSI EIA ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM MCA EIA ASTM DEMA SAE SAE FMS NFPA ICBO WSFI ASTM IEEE FMS ASTM NFLDP ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM NPA NPA AWI use ICBO ICBO AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NFLDP ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ICBO WWPA ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM CSI CSI ICBO ICBO SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AMCA UL ASTM SAE SAE ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division T405SU T432SU PHI. 32 RS401 D2112 PH4.126 D970 D2871 D1320 SD6 RS408 D2344 •1-6 AS1132A J293 LPD 7-15N 501A UPC' IE •7 D2275 454 LPD710 F321 T2.9.6 A275 AMS2300B E269 F327 D1037 D1890 D1943 C775 E20 50-10 C721 2-70 1-71 * 1-200 CS236 UBCS25-25 UBC*3-25 28-01 28-02 D185 N101.1 G40 D3266 D3268 D3267 D1782 D2276 T2.9.1 F327 F308 D3268 D2187 D2682 D2928 E512 E20 52-11 UBCS24-11 *24 E497 UBCS35-1 UBCS35-3 E90 10182 10623 UBC*3-52 UBC'3-23 J207 A284 B328 D3029 A182 A522 2601 94 D2563 J261 J262 PH3.25 A217 A389 A352 273 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 19 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Pracl. for chniques for Exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement or Test. Machines for Measuring the Uniformity of td. Spec, for Iron Copper Sintered Metal Powder Structural Std. Spec, for Sintered Copper Steel Structural Std. Spec, for Sintered Nickel Silver Structural Std. Spec, for Sintered Bronze Structural Std. Spec, for Sintered Brass Structural Std. Test Meth. for Passive Electronic Component enclature for Passenger Car and Light Truck Exhaust System Std. Spec, for Sintered Aluminum Structural for High Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts. Washers, and Bolted r Pressure Piping Components and Other Pressure Containing td. Rec. Pract. for Descaling and Cleaning Stainless Steel a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element / Std. Multi Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Paper to res (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose measurement of Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using A h. of Test for Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using A ry Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting, and Starting) for wing and Related Documentation Practices: Chassis Frames - 2) Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature for e (1971) Rec. Pract. for ure (1971) tion and T< Pract. for Test. ... ndition of Tires Including Tire Treads Depth Requirements 72) Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for t. for Service Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure - rement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered (1972) Std. for Training of Automotive Mechanics for rement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline Powered Std. for Sound Level for for New Tires for ements and Uniform Test Procedures for Retreaded Tires for Std. for Tire and Rim Equipment for 1974 Trucks, and Combin/ Rec. Pract. for Stopping Distance of fuel Tanks and Fill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Facilities Truck, Bus. Bead S/ Rim and Wheel Stds. for Motorcycles, ger Vehi/ Std. for Bias and Radial Ply Tires and Rims for bers. Cell Layouts and Terminals (For Foreign and Domestic tows (1973) Std. for Safety Requirements for Aerial r Highway Use on Trucks, Buses, Trailers, and Multipurpose Rims for Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, and Multipurpose act. for Stopping Distance of Passenger Cars, Multipurpose de Spec, for Hydraulic and Electric Elevators (Freight and Std. Test Meth. for Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) Std. Meth. of Test for False Set of Portland Cement (1955) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining-Acidity Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH in a Boil/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of pH ation of Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary drate in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary filth in Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Std. Meth. of Test for Coarse Particles in Pigments, Rec. Pract. for Dimensions of Uniform Building Code: sers in Ceilings, Partitions, Exterior Veneer, Awnings and for Meth. of Measuring Frequency and Cost, and Recording Std. Meth. of Measuring Break ng (1970) Std. Bonds and Std. Rec. Pract. for Comparison of Spray Std. for Clearance Dimensions on the Mating Plates th Full Scale Tir/ Meth. of Test for Stopping Distance on th Fu/ Tent. Meth. of Measurement of Stopping Distance on a Model Performance Spec, for the Purchase of Reflective endations for Basis of Payment on Portland Cement Concrete meth.) (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Std. Spec, for Std. Tire for Rec. Pract. for Construction of Concrete nterim Guideline for Protection and Acceptance of Concrete Floors and guide for Design of Foundations and Shoulders for Concrete relating to Materials for Roads and or Installation of Preformed Compression Seals in Concrete Std. Spec, for Wood Paving Blocks for Exposed Platforms, . Spec, for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete ys, and Interior Floors Exposed to W/ Std. Spec, for Wood Std. Spec, for Vitrified Clay Model Specs, for Small Concrete h. of Test for Percent Air Voids in a Compacted Bituminous Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Tar Std. Spec, for Mineral Filler for Bituminous ments for Mixing Plants for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Bituminous est for Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Parts (1970) ANSI G63.1 Parts (1970) ANSI G63.3 Parts (1970) ANSI H9.28 Parts (1970) ANSI H9.6 Parts (1970) ANSI H9.8 Parts (1972) Parts (1972) Rec. Pract. for Norn Parts (1973) Parts (1973) Uniform Building Code Std Parts (1974) /D and Cold Finished, Special Quality, Fo Parts. Equipment and Systems (1972) ANSI G81.16 Pass Meth. for Evaluating the Filtration Performance of Passage of Air (1958) TAPPI T460 Passenger and Recreational Vehicles) (1974) /Ion of Ti Passenger Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tires in Passenger Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tires (19 Passenger Automobiles, Commercial Vehicles, Golf Car, a Passenger Car and Light Truck-Ground Vehicle Practice Passenger Car and Light Truck Exhaust System Parts (197 Passenger Car and Light Truck Muffler Parts Nomenclatur Passenger Car and Light Truck Resonator Parts Nomenclat (Passenger Car and Light Truck) (1971) /Ory Instrumenta Passenger Car Tires (1972) Rec. (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1971) Safe Operating Co Passenger Car Vehicle Identification Number Systems (19 Passenger Car Windshield Defrosting Systems (1971) Passenger Car Windshield Washer Systems (1972) Passenger Car (1971) Rec. Prac Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Using the Enclosure Tec Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Course of Instruction) Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (1972) / for the Measu Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (1972) ANSI S6.3 Passenger Cars and Station Wagons (1965) Passenger Cars and Station Wagons (1966) /Mance Requir Passenger Cars (1974) Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Buses, (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Vehicles, and Light Duty T Passenger Cars. Off Road. Agricultural and Log Skidder,' Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, and Multipurpose Passen Passenger Cars, Trucks, Buses, Coaches, Tractors, Indus Passenger Tramways Including Ski and Surface Lifts and Passenger Vehicles (1972) /Emountable Rims Intended Fo Passenger Vehicles (1974) /as and Radial Ply Tires and Passenger Vehicles, Buses, Trucks, and Combination Vehi Passenger) (1971) Gui Passive Electronic Component Parts (1972) Paste and Bar (1974) (Paste Meth.) (1972) ANSI A1.27 (Paste) Content in Corn Starch (Gelatinizable Products) (Paste) Content in Corn Starch (1958) (Paste) of Corn Starch Which Is Gelatinized When Heated Pastes for Detection of Rodent Excreta, Insects, Webbin Pastes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Materials Hard to Hy Pastes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /R Insect and Rodent Pastes, and Paints (1972) ANSI K42.1 Patch Splices in Two Inch Video Magnetic Tape (1964) Patio Covers (1973) Patio Covers, Greenhouses. Canopies) (1973) /Ght Diffu Patron and Nonemployee Injury Statistics (1971) Std Pattern of Leather (Break Scale) (1973) ALCA E64 Patterns for Wood Paneling, Decking, Flooring, and Sidi Patterns in Brickwork (Tech. Notes) (1967) Patterns (1972) (Patterns) Used in Battery Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.53 Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped Wi Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped Wi Pavement Marking Paints (1972) Pavement Overlay Projects (1973) Recomm Pavement Polishing in the Laboratory (Full Scale Wheel Pavement Skid Resistance Tests (1973) Pavements and Bases (1974) Pavements Exposed to Rain During Construction (1974) Pavements of Structural Clay (Tech. Notes) (1962) Pavements (1965) Rec. Pavements (1971) ANSI A37.33 Std. Definitions of Terms Pavements (1972) Std. Spec, for Lubricant F Pavements, Driveways, and Interior Floors Exposed to We Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Re Paving Blocks for Exposed Platforms. Pavements, Drivewa Paving Brick (1972) ANSI A37.15 Paving Jobs (1973) Paving Mixture (1973) Std. Met Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, Leveling, and Surface Paving Mixtures (1970) ANSI A37.41 Paving Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37.102 /Spec, for Require Paving Mixtures (1972) Std. Meth. of T ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA SAE ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM NFLDP ASTM TRA ASTM ASTM BCI ANSI SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE VESC SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ANSI SAE SAE VESC VESC TRA SAE SAE TRA TRA BCI ANSI SAE TRA SAE CSI EIA ASTM ASTM CR CR CR AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM SMPTE ICBO ICBO ANSI ASTM WWPA BIA ASTM EIA ASTM ASTM ITE ACPA ASTM ASTM ACI ACPA BIA ACI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM Al ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM B222 B426 B458 B255 B282 RS186D J97 B595 UBCS27-7 A696 f A380 T3. 10.8.8 D726 XXI E503 E445 •1.48 Y14.32.1 J97 J261 J262 J254 J332A V-7 J273 J902B J942B J229 J171A D18.1 J170A J986A V-l V-2 1-17 J 299 J398A 7 1 *1.56 B77.1 J267 1 J299 14200 RS186D D2955 C451 B-4 B-42 C-42 28-30 28-32 28-31 D185 RP5 UBC*3-49 UBC*3-52 Z108.1 D2941 »28 30 D3077 RS156-B E445 E503 PS*1 TM-6 E451 E501 316 TB17 14 65-43 D8 D2835 D52 D1751 D52 C7 CL-2 D3203 D1753 D242 D995 D2172 274 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for optimum Size Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete . for Manually Lever Operated Chain Hoists for Ratchet and ontractor (For Small Construction Contracts Where Basis of ojects (1973) Recommendations for Basis of Std. Meth. of Test for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent Ground Soybeans. Whole Or/ Protein Dispersibility Index esins (Plastic Compo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Time and Equipment (1971) Std. Meth. for Measurement of Weighted n of Gallium Arseni/ Std. Meth. of Test for Wavelength of soy Flour for Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, and esame, Safflower, Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Ground Nuts Std. Spec, for sect Infestation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried opic Examination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried ir Contamination of Cereal Grains. Unpopped Popcorn, Dried internal Insects in Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried ur. Farina, Semolina, Bread, Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, trie Meter Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains, Beans, cles Including Wheel Assembly, Chainguards. Saddle Braces, se of Public Streets and Projections Over Public Property (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Strap zl97.2 Std. Meth. of Test for Tent. Meth. of Test for Floating Roller Std. Meth. for Climbing Drum for Determining Durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in 1 Chemistry) (1962) ining Specific Weight, Durability and M/ Std. for Wafers. ical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and al Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and eal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Spec, for Determination of Relative . Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single Axis, impact Resilience and Penetration of Rubber by the Rebound Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Liquid n, Materials, and Installation of Power Transmission Units clear Fueled Power Generating Statio/ Std. for Electrical Std. Meth. of Test for Water for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous Propellants by the Cone Std. Test Method for Std. Meth. of Test for ging) (1951) ANSI MH12.8 Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Castor Oil Meth. for Cone si J2.19 Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resilience and (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by ty) (1973) Slant Drop test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Impact water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Maeser Water for Determining Hermeticity of Electronic Devices by Dye Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point by ent for Preparing Oil Borne Preservative Solutions Such as Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility of . Spec, for Volatile Petroleum Solvent (LPG) for Preparing Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of L'niform Building Code: Test Meth. for Volumetric Bromine Meth. of Analysis of Xylene Partition Meth. of Analysis of diameter/ Std. Spec, for Biaxiallv Oriented Polyethylene y) (1962) Meth. of Sensory ate and/or Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes (/ Meth. for Determining Chromic Oxide Content in Leather Std. Meth. of Test for Chromic Oxide in Leather Total Base Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Wet Ashing with Nitric and (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Crystallographic sal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous sal Fields (1973) ANSI A17/ Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall irport, and Similar Drainage / Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Std. Spec, for Stds. for Industrial s and Trailers,/ Std. for Dimensions for Unperforated and inage (1/ Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber ) Std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Curtain and B/ Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Solid Wall and 972) Std. Spec, for Industrial zl68.12 Std. Spec, for tion of Super 8 Printed Area on 16 mm Motion Picture Film, Std. Dimensions for 35 mm Motion Picture Film Std. Dimensions for 16 mm Motion Picture Film Std. for Interchange Rolls of Paving Uses and Application Temperatures for Road Tars ASTM D2728 Paving (1972) Rec. Spec, for ACPA 15 Pawl, and Load Brake Designs (1971) Std. Spec HMI 300 Payment Is a Stipulated Sum) (1974) /Tween Owner and C AIOA A 107 Payment on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Overlay Pr ACPA TM-6 (PCE) of Refractory Materials (1972) ANSI Al 11. 4 ASTM C24 (PDI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Protein in AACCH 46-24 Peak Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Thermosetting R ASTM D2471 Peak Flutter Content of Sound Recording and Reproducing IEEE 193 Peak Photoluminescence and the Corresponding Compositio ASTM F358 Peanuts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / of Crude Fiber in AACCH 32-17 (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coconut, and Palm Oils) (1974) /S NIOP *1 Pearlitic Malleable Iron Castings (1971) ANSI G48.2 ASTM A220 Peas and and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ernal in AACCH 28-21 Peas and Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Damage on Kerne AACCH 28-10 Peas and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Nd Rodent Ha AACCH 28-20 Peas and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /on Test for AACCH 28-22 Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn Grits. Rolled Oats, Bulg AACCH 4415A Peas, Lentils, Rice, and Other Commodities for Which Co AACCH 44-11 Pedal Clearance, Steering Control, Brakes, Tires and Co BMA 6/5 (Pedestrian Protection During Construction or Demolition ICBO UBC*3-44 Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing Fabrics or Cords to Rubber ASTM D2630 Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test) (1972) ANSI ASTM D1876 Peel Resistance of Adhesives (1973) ASTM D3167 Peel Test for Adhesives (1962) ANSI Z197.23 ASTM D1781 Peel (1971) ANSI Z197.30 Std. Rec. Pract. ASTM D2918 Pekar Color Test (Slick) Meth. of Flour Analysis (Cerea AACCH 14-10 Pellets and Crumbles-Definitions and Meth. for Determ ASAE S269.2 Pellets (1972) ANSI N103 /Ectrometric, and Spectrochem ASTM C696 Pellets (1972) ANSI N104 /Trometric, and Spectrochemic ASTM C697 Pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation Time Test) (Cer AACCH 56-50 Pencil Hardness of a Paint Film (Coil Coating) (1974) NCCA TB-II-12 Pendulous. Analog Torque Balance Accelerometer (1972) IEEE 337 Pendulum (1972) ANSI J2.19 Std. Meth. of Test for ASTM D1054 Penetrant Inspection (1974) ANSI Z166. 16 ASTM E270 Penetrating the Hull for Boats Equipped with Outdrives, ABYC P16 Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nu IEEE 317 Penetration into Pipeline Coatings (1972) ASTM G9 Penetration Meth. (1972) ANSI Zl 1.319 /. Meth. of Test ASTM D2884 Penetration of Adhesives (1969) ASTM D1916 Penetration of Bituminous Materials (1973) ANSI A37.1 ASTM D5 Penetration of Liquids into Submerged Containers (Packa ASTM D998 Penetration of Paper (1972) TAPPI T462 Penetration of Petrolatum (1972) TAPPI T663 Penetration of Rubber by the Rebound Pendulum (1972) an ASTM D1054 Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Blunt Rod) ASTM G17 Penetration Resistance (1970) ANSI A37. 134 Std. ASTM C403 Penetration Test for Paperboard (Printing Ink Receptivi TAPPI UM-536 Penetration Test (1971) ANSI L14.71, ASTM D583 AATCC 42 Penetration Tester (1970) ALCA E56 / Test for Dynamic ASTM D2099 Penetration (1972) Std. Rec. Pract ASTM F97 Pensky-Martens Closed Tester (1973) ANSI Z11.7 ASTM D93 Pentachlorophenol and Copper Naphthenate (1973) / Solv ASTM D2604 Pentachlorophenol in Heavy Petroleum Solvents (1973) ASTM D2606 Pentachlorophenol Solutions (1968) Tent ASTM D2605 Pentachlorophenol (1970) ASTM D1272 Pentachlorophenol (1971) ANSI 011.22 ASTM D1274 Penthouses and Roof Structures (Tower, Spire) (1973) ICBO UBC*3-36 Pentosans in Pulp (1973) TAPPI UM-236 Pentosans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 52-10 Pentosans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 52-11 (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside ASTM D3287 Perception Test for Stateness of Bread (Cereal Chemistr AACCH 74-30 Perchloric Acid Meth. of Analysis of Monocalcium Phosph AACCH 40-51 (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1969) ASTM D2807 ALCA D10 (Perchloric Acid Oxidation) (1972) ASTM D2807 Perchloric Acid Titration (1973) /D. Meth. of Test for ASTM D2896 Perchloric Acids (Wood, Pulp, etc.) (1973) TAPPI UM-243 Perfection of Germanium by Preferential Etch Techniques ASTM F389 Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Dispo ASTM D2312 Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Tank Dispo ASTM D2313 Perforated Bituminous Fiber Pipe Systems for Highway, a ASTM D2818 Perforated Concrete I'nder Drainage Pipe (1973) ASTM C444 Perforated Industrial Revolving Screen Stds. (1972) IPA *3 Perforated Industrial Vibrating Screens Stds. (1972) IPA *2 Perforated Metal (1972) IPA *1 Perforated Photographic Film in Rolls, Including Leader ANSI PHI. 10 Perforated Pipe for Agricultural, Land, and General Dra ASTM D2417 Perforated Pipe for Airport and Roadwork Drainage (1973 ASTM D2418 Perforated Pipe for General Drainage (Land Reclamation, ASTM D2311 Perforated Plate and Screens (Square Opening Series) (1 ASTM E454 Perforated Plate Sieves for Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI ASTM E323 Perforated Super 8 (1-3) (1973) Std. for Loca ANSI PH22.181 Perforated Super 8, 5R- 1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) ANSI PH22.165 Perforated Super 8, (1-4) (1973) ANSI PH22.168 Perforated Tape for Information Interchange (1972) ANSI X3.34 Engineering and Product Standards Division 275 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards cally Controlled Equipment (1974) Interchangeable d Contouring-Positioning Nume/ Std. for Interchangeable Std. Spec, for Properties of Unpunched Oiled Paper Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement ted Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm Motion Picture Film n Optical Reduction Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film, eduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film, Criteria for Preparation of Design Bases for Systems That Std. for Air Brake Reservoir Rec. Pract. for Automotive Gasoline cture (FOPS) for Prime Movers, W/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum s (ROPS) for Prime Movers (Heavy/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum for Weeled Front End Loaders An/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum for Track Type Tractors and Fro/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum id Power Pumps / Std. Meth. of Test, and Presenting Basic rs (1973) Std. for , Clothes) Washer (1971) ANSI Z224.1 Std. Recommendation for Installation ent / Std. Multi Pass Meth. for Evaluating the Filtration ractional and Integral Horsepower) (1/ Std. for Tests and Removal (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Operating Std. for 72) ANSI L14.291 Std. Spec, for Std. Test Proc. for the Loekirg Ability ing-To/ Std. for Test Procedure for the Locking Ability 972) ANSI Z111.4 Std. Meth. of Test for Operating Std. Meths. for Specifying the Minimum Requirements for the Design, Installation and Std. Meth. for Measuring Transmission Std. Rec. Pract. for Description and (1970) Gas Turbine Engine Steady State eristics and Finishes of Institutional Textiles (Du/ Std. r Retreaded Tires for Passenger Cars and Station/ Minimum r Motor Vehicle Brake Linings (1966) Minimum er Supply Lines with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent (1972/ and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Coa/ Std. n, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Std. s. Finishes, and Finishings (Sublimation, Brittlene/ Std. ck Pressure Backflow Preventers for Potable Water Supply/ ven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics (Institutional Tex/ Std. 1 Textile) (1973) Std. Textile) (1973) Std. Water Shower Control Valves (1973) ices and Components (1972) Rec. Pract. for Service mestic and Light Commercial) Central Furnaces) (197/ Std. le Tags, and Certification of Fabrics or Products (/ Std. ype Vacuum Breakers (1970) t) Units for Motor Vehicles (197/ Rec. Pract. for Service nd Steering Stability for Regular Bicycl/ Safety Std. for mask (White or Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional / rics. Lightweight (Tropical) Suiting (Institutional/ and Double) (Institutional Textile) (1973) onal Textile) (1973) ional Textile) (1973) nal Textile) (1973) s. Pillows, and Bolster Fabrics (Institutional Text/ tional Textile) (1973) brics (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutienal Texti/ t Fabrics (Institutional Uniform Textile) (1973) d Uniform Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Round) Suitin/ d Uniform Fabrics, Heavyweight (Industrial) Suiting/ r Institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothi/ r Institutional and Industrial Use Garments (Clothi/ fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Ins/ (Curtain) Fabrics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No B/ nstitutional Uniforms (Textile) (1973) Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Lamina/ (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Fabrics Other Than Durable Press (Institutional Te/ titutional Textile) (1973) nstitutional Textile) (1973) tacked On) (Institutional Textile) (1973) rics for Men and Women (Institutional Textile) (197/ rics for Men and Women (Heavy Duty) (Institutional / cs (Sash Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Instit/ (Textile) for Institutional and Industrial Use Garm/ Rec. Pract. for New Motor Vehicle on Grade Parking ural Tractors for Overhead Protection (Test Procedures and Enclosures for Agricultural Tractors (Test Procedures and ctive Frame for Agricultural Tractors (Test Procedures and ety Glazing Material Used in Buildings (1971) Std. d to Wood Framing (1971) t Dosimeters for X-And Gamma Radiation (1972) ed Circuit) (1972) ' Std. rvey Instruments (1971) nt Marking Paints (1972) a Model Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Perforated Tape Std., Variable Block Format, for Numeri Perforated Tape Variable Block Format for Contouring an Perforated Tape (1971) Perforated Underdrain Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.2 Perforated 1-4 (1971) Std. for Dimensions for Prin Perforated 2R-1664 (1-0) (1973) /Uper 8 Printed Area I Perforated 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) /Ea in Optical R Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generatin Performance and Identification Requirements (1972) Performance and Information System (1971) Performance Criteria for Falling Object Protective Stru Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure Performance Data for Positve Displacement Hydraulic Flu Performance Evaluation for Household Food Waste Dispose Performance Evaluation Procedure for Household (laundry Performance Levels of Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) Performance of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Elem Performance of Alternating and Direct Current Motors (F Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Strong Acid Performance of Appliance Humidifier (1972) ANSI Z235.1 Performance of Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics (19 Performance of Chemical Coated Lock Screws (1973) Performance of Nonmetallic Locking Element Type Prevail Performance of Particulate Cation Exchange Materials (1 Performance of Shock Machines (1973) Performance of Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment (1972) Performance of Telephone Sets (1971) Performance of the Microphotometer (1971) ANSI Z128.31 Performance Presentation for Digital Computer Programs Performance Requirements and Claims for Special Charact Performance Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures Fo Performance Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures Fo Performance Requirements for Backflow Preventers in Wat Performance Requirements for Cotton Woven Tent, Awning, Performance Requirements for Damask Table Napery (Napki Performance Requirements for Deleterious Effects of Dye Performance Requirements for Double Check Valve Type Ba Performance Requirements for Durable Press (No Iron) Wo Performance Requirements for Glass Towels (Institutiona Performance Requirements for Huck Towels (Institutional Performance Requirements for Individual Anti Scald Type Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle Lighting Dev Performance Requirements for Oil Powered Forced Air (Do Performance Requirements for Permanent Labels, Detachab Performance Requirements for Pipe Applied Atmospheric T Performance Requirements for Sealed Beam Headlamp (Ligh Performance Requirements for Stopping Power, Traction a Performance Requirements for Table Napery Other Than Da Performance Requirements for Tailored Woven Uniform Fab Performance Requirements for Terry Cloth Towels (Single Performance Requirements for Woven Bath Mats (Instituti Performance Requirements for Woven Bedspreads (Institut Performance Requirements for Woven Blankets (Institutio Performance Requirements for Woven Decorative Bedspread Performance Requirements for Woven Dish Towels (Institu Performance Requirements for Woven Drapery (Curtain) Fa Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Overcoa Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailore Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailore Performance Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) Fo Performance Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) Fo Performance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Curtain Performance Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Drapery Performance Requirements for Woven Lining Fabrics for I Performance Requirements for Woven Man Made Fiber Tent, Performance Requirements for Woven Printed Table Napery Performance Requirements for Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Performance Requirements for Woven Shower Curtains (Ins Performance Requirements for Woven Slipcover Fabrics (I Performance Requirements for Woven Upholstery Fabrics ( Performance Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Fab Performance Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Fab Performance Requirements for Woven Window Curtain Fabri Performance Requirements for 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics Performance Requirements (1972) Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J 167 /or Agricult Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J 168 / Protective Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J334 /. for Prote Performance Spec, and Meth. of Test for Transparent Saf Performance Spec, for Adhe9ives for Field Gluing Plywoo Performance Spec, for Direct and Indirect Reading Pocke Performance Spec, for Flexible Multilayer Wiring (Print Performance Spec, for Portable X-Or Gamma Radiation Su Performance Spec, for the Purchase of Reflective Paveme NSA 955 EIA RS274-B ANSI X3.29 ASTM C508 ANSI PH22.153 ANSI PH22.179 ANSI PH22.180 ANS N18.8 SAE J10B SAE J282 SAE J231 SAE J320B SAE J394A SAE J395A NFLDP T3.9.17 AHAM FWD-1 AHAM HLW-1 TCA ♦3-2 NFLDP T3. 10.8.8 NEMA MC1-12 ASTM D3087 AHAM HU-1 ASTM D3135 IFI 125 IFI 124 ASTM D1782 ANSI S2.14 ASAE R264.1 IEEE 269 ASTM E409 SAE ARP681B ANSI L24.7.1 VESC V-2 VESC V-3 ASSE 1012 ANSI L24.1.1 ANSI L24.2.7 ANSI L24.7.2 ASSE 1015 ANSI L24.2.13 ANSI L24.2.3 ANSI L24.2.4 ASSE 1016 SAE J256A ANSI Z91.1 ANSI L24.5.1 ASSE 1001 SAE J32 BMA 6/3 ANSI L24.2.11 ANSI L24.3.3 ANSI L24.2.5 ANSI L24.2.1 ANSI L24.2.8 ANSI L24.2.9 ANSI L24.1.2 ANSI L24.2.2 ANSI L24.1.5 ANSI L24.3.4 ANSI L24.3.1 ANSI L24.3.2 ANSI L24.4.13 ANSI L24.4.14 ANSI L24.1.3 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI L24.3.8 ANSI L24.1.10 ANSI L24.2.6 ANSI L24.2.12 ANSI L24.2.10 ANSI L24.1.6 ANSI L24.1.7 ANSI L24.3.5 ANSI L24.3.6 ANSI L24.1.4 ANSI L24.4.12 SAE J293 ASAE S310.2 ASAE S336.1 ASAE S306.3 ANSI Z97.1 APA AFG-01 ANSI N13.5 IPC ML-990 ANSI N13.4 ITE PS»1 276 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ent (DME) Operating Within the Radio Frequency R/ Minimum perating Within the Radio Frequency Range of 108/ Minimum ruction Type Cranes Having Rope Supporte/ Rec. Pract. for Rec. for Construction and o-?2) Minimum Pressure Sensitive Tape 0,72) Std. Thermal 972) Std. Acoustical Std. for Criteria for Film Badge d. Pract. for Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Ratings and ing Tests on the Cotton System for Measurement of Spinning als and Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical and Airflow Std. for Certified Ratings Program Air Moving Devices nels: Babassu;_Flax9eed^/ Oilseed Products Trading Rules Magnesium Chloride Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for water. Rigging Collaps/ Rec. for Protection Against Misc. luminum (1971) Spec, for Exterior ection Systems (19/ Std. for Trial-Use Criteria for the Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ster (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for old Conditions (1970) Std. Test Meth. for (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Effects of Drycleaning on Meth. of Test for Fabrics or Products (/ Std. Performance Requirements for Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand, Uniform Building Code: meth. for the Appearance of Durable Press Textile Fabrics Std. Spec, for Manifold Papers for abric Coverings for Decorative and Protective Covering for mensional Changes in Automatic Home Laundering of Durable Construction Spec, for Rifle Bench Rest (Portable and izes 12 to 26 (1972) Std. for Splice, Electric, si N154 Std. Meth. of Test for Consumption of Potassium s (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Potassium Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Potassium Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Potassium Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Portland Cement by Air Std. Meth. of Test for Air Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Vapor 68) ANSI MH12.18 Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor 7 Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining est for Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Air Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen trations of Radionuclides in Air and In/ Rec. for Maximum in/ Rec. for Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum nges and Limits for Steels (1972) Std. for Uniform Building Code: e for Obtaining Department of Transportation (DOT) Special insulating Materials at Micr/ Std. Test Meth. for Complex ielectrics A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Constant ting Current Loss Characteristics and Dielectric Constant Std. Meth. of Assay of Di-T-Butyl Te9t Meth. for Hydrogen Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Semiquantitative Meth. of Analysis of Benzoyl Qualitative Meth. of Analsis of Benzoyl Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Test Meth. for Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Bleaching with Meth. of Analysis of Acetone Tent. Hazard Classifications of Organic Recommended Safeguards for Organic nd Stage Lifts (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic) for Lowering . for Qualifications of Inspection, Examination, and Test. G5/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Qualification of Procedures and production) (1974) Rec. Pract. Orientation Program for s) (1973) Std. for Safety Requirements for Stds. and Practice Guide for Aids to Security (Safety) of Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored Textiles to Qualitative Iodide Test Meth. for Ammonium Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l,2-Dicar/ Std. Common Name for the late (Ester) Desmedipham (1/ Std. for Common Name for the , Salts, Soy F/ 67) St Dodecadienoate Hydroprene / bromopropylate (1973) Chlo:opropylate (1973) Nitrobenzoate Bifenox (197/ -2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluid/ uoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Pto/ Std. for Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. for Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Performance Std. for Airborne Distance Measuring Equipm Performance Std. for Airborne VOR Receiving Equipment Performance Std. for Crane Boomstop of All Mobile Const Performance Std. for Kitchen and Vanity Cabinets (1973) Performance Stds. Airborne ATC Transponder Equipment (1 Performance Stds. for Fibrous Qlass Duct (1973) Performance Test for Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1 Performance Test for Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1 Performance (Nuclear Radiation) (1972) Performance (1972) Performance (1972) ANSI L14.289 Std. Meth. for Spinn Performance (1973) /. Meth. of Test. Duct Liner Materi (Performance) (1970) (Performance, Quality, Description, and Grade of Palrnker Performing Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests in a Boiling Perils at Electric Generating Stations (Flood, Surface Perimeter Sealing Compound for Use with Architectural a Periodic Test, of Nuclear Power Generating Station Prot Perlite Insulating Concrete Roof Decks (1973) Perlite Loose Fill Insulation (1973) Perlite Thermal Insulation Board (1972) Perlite, Vermiculite and Sand Aggregates for Gypsum Pla Permanence of Adhesive Bonded Joints in Plywood Under M Permanence of Durable Water Repellent Finish of Fabrics Permanent Deformation of Elastomeric Yarns (1972T) Permanent Labels. Detachable Tags, and Certification of Permanent Mold Castings (1972) ANSI H45.2 Permanent Mold Castings (1974) ANSI H38.26 Permanent Mold, and Die Castings (1966) ANSI H45.8 Permanent Mold, and Die Castings (1973) ANSI H38.1 Permanent Occupancy (1973) (Permanent Press) After Repeated Home Launderings (1973) Permanent Records (1973) Permanent Wall and Ceilings (1969) /for Vinyl Coated F (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit Textile Fabrics (1973) a Permanent) (1967) Permanent, Crimp Style, Pre Insulated, (Class 2) Wire S Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide (1968) an Permanganate Solution Content of Reagents and Indicator Permanganate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Permanganate. KmnOj (1972) Permeability Apparatus (1973) AASHO T153, ANSI A1.19 Permeability of Asbestos Fibers (1972) Permeability of Organic Coatings Films (1972) Permeability of Packages by Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (19 Permeability of Packages (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.1 Permeability of Thermoplastic Containers (1973) Permeability (1972) Std. Meth Permeance of Rubber Coated Fabrics (1973) Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concen Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and Permissible Variations from Specified Ladle Chemical Ra Permits and Inspections (1973) Permits for Radioactive Materials Shipments (1973) Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Solid Electrical (Permittivity) and Dissipation Factor of Solid Ceramic D (Permittivity) of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials Peroxide by Gas Chromatographic Analysis (1973) Peroxide in Bleach Baths (1972) ANSI L14.145 Peroxide in Dough Conditioners Containing Monoglyceride Peroxide in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) Peroxide with Diaminophenylamine (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Peroxide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.129 Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.146 Peroxides in Milling Premixes (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Peroxides (Plastic) (1974) Peroxides (1972) Personnel and Material (1972) /E Spec, for Platforms a Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power P Personnel for the Welding of Steel Castings (1972) ANSI Personnel Going Offshore for the First Time (Petroleum Personnel Hoists (Construction and Demolition Operation Personnel on Boat Deck and for Reboarding from the Wate Perspiration (1972) ANSI L14.56 Persulfate in Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Persulfate in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Pest Control Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetraehloroethyl) Pest Control Chemical Ethyl Mhydroxycarbanilate Carbani Pest Control Chemical Ethyl (E,E)3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4- Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dibromobenzilate- Pest Control Chemical Isopropyl 4,4'dichlorobenzilate- Pest Control Chemical Methyl 5(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2- Pest Control Chemical N(2Chloroethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro Pest Control Chemical N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A-Trifl of T /Id RTCA DO-151 RTCA DO-153 SAE J220 ANSI A161.1 RTCA DO-150 SMACN AFTS-100 STDI 113 STDI 114 ANSI N13.7 DEMA •1-4 ASTM D2811 ASTM E477 AMCA 211 NIOP »1 ASTM C36 FMS 9-10 AAMA 808.2 IEEE 338 CSI 03521 ASTM C549 ASTM C728 ICBO UBCS47-3 ASTM D1877 ASTM D2721 ASTM D3106 ANSI L24.5.1 ASTM B199 ASTM B108 ASTM B93 ASTM B179 ICBO UBC*3-45 AATCC 124 ASTM D3208 CSI 09951 AATCC 135 NRA *9 NSA 1388 ASTM D2033 CR R-15 AACCH 70-50 ANSI PH4.301 ASTM C204 ASTM D2752 ASTM D1653 ASTM D1251 ASTM D895 ASTM D2684 ASTM C721 ASTM D815 NCRPM R22 NCRPM R22 SAE J409C ICBO UBC*3-3 ANSI N14.10.2 ASTM D2520 ASTM D2149 ASTM D150 ASTM E475 AATCC 102 AACCH 48-51 AACCH 48-07 AACCH 48-06A AACCH 48-50 AATCC 98 AATCC 101 AACCH 48-05 FMS 7-81 FMS 7-80 CSI 14430 ANSI N45.2.6 ASTM A488 API RPT-1 ANSI A10.4 ABYC A18 AATCC 15 AACCH 48-61 AACCH 48-62 ANSI K62.146 ANSI K62.139 ANSI K62.136 ANSI K62.151 ANSI K62.150 ANSI K62.138 ANSI K62.140 ANSI K62.152 Engineering and Product Standards Division 277 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards odithioate) (1973/ S-Ester Wi/ ylcarbamate-Dioxacarb (1973) -Trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadienethi/ -2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothioa/ oxy-S-Triazine-Prometon (197/ hylthio)-S-Triazine-Prometry/ -S-Triazine-Propazine (1973/ yl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Kino/ )-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine -/ Std. for Ethoprop (Common Name for the Std. for Methidathion (Common Name for th Std. Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. for Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the Std. for Common Name for the Std. Common Name for the ylamino) Stria/ Std. for Dipropetryn (Common Name for the (Ethylamino)-S-Triazine-Terb/ Std. Common Name for the o)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine / Std. Common Name for the a, A-Trifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 / Std. for Common Name for the Std. for Bentazon (Common Name for the Std. for Tetramethrin (Common Name for the Std. for Fospirate (Common Name for the Std. for Disugran (Common Name for the * Std. for Crufomate (Common Name for the Std. for Chlorbromuron (Common Name for the Std. for Chlordimeform (Common Name for the Std. for Fluorodifen (Common Name for the Std. for Prynachlor (Common Name for the Std. for Glypho9ine (Common Name for the Std. for Mexacarbate (Common Name for the Std. for Dinoseb (Common Name for the Std. for Acephate (Common Name for the Std. for Ethiolate (Common Name for the Std. for Glyphosate (Common Name for the Std. for Oxamyl (Common Name for the Std. for Picloram (Common Name for the Std. for Nitrapyin (Common Name for the phenoxy) Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Sulfite (Common Name for the ,11-Trimethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) (Common Name for the Test Meth. for Insect (1969) Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Test for Organochlorine g Cloth, Filter Paper, Wide Field and Compound Microscope, of Test for Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Meth. for Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Meth. for Cone Penetration of of Test for Solubility of Bituminous Road Materials (Tar, Spec, for Threading, Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Std. Meth. for Calculation of Liquid Heat Capacity of Spec, for ined Platforms (1973) Spec, for Spec, for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe Spec, for Grade C-75 and C-95 Casing and Tubing Spec, for High Strength Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe Rec. Pract. for Care and Use of Casing and Tubing Spec, for Line Pipe Spec, for High Test Line Pipe Std. Spec, for Tent. Meth. of Test for Boiling Range Distribution of Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur in Tentative Manual for Driver Attended Loading of Liquefied Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Liquefied 73) Std. Meth. for Analysis of Liquefied Std. for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Uniform Fire Code: Liquefied ) ANSI Z11.248 Std. Meth. of Test for Bromine Index of th. of Test for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light Liquid r Subsurface Safety Valves. Locks, and Landing Nipples for tion, and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems for Std. for Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valves Used in the r Quality for Subsurface Injection Using Membrane Filters ion of Representative Saturates Fraction from Low Olefinic ame Arresters (Fire) for Use on Vents of Storage Tanks for t for Carbon Distribution and Structural Group Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Pour Point of est for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of est for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Spec, for Steel Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves for of Areas for Electrical Installations at Drilling Rigs and Spec, for Oil and Gas Separators Spec, for Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters Spec, for Spiral Weld Line Pipe n Program for Personnel Going Offshore for the First Time tration (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Total Base Number of Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Safety Std. for Power Operated Pumps for Std. Meth. of Test for Ash from Std. Code for Pressure Service Cracking of Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds in Corrosive Std. Spec, for Creosote /Rgite 2-(P-Tert-Butyl /(E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7 Pest Control Chemical O-Ethyl S,S-Dipropyl Phosphor Pest Control Chemical 0,0- Dimethyl Phosphorodithioate Pest Control Chemical 0-1,3-Dioxolan -2-Ylphenyl Meth Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl (E,E)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll Pest Control Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl 0(3,5,6— Trichloro Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-Meth Pest Control Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-(Met Pest Control Chemical 2-Chloro-4,6bis (Isopropylamino) Pest Control Chemical 2-Propynyl (E,E)-3,7, 11-Trimeth Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylamino)4-(Isopropylamino Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis,(Isoprop Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-Chloro-6- Pest Control Chemical 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-(Ethylamin Pest Control Chemical 4-Chloro5-(Methylamino) -2-(A, Pest Control Chemical (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1971) Pest Control Chemical) (1971) Pest Control Chemical) (1971) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1972) Pest Control Chemical) (1973) Pest Control Chemical) (1973) Pest Deterrents on Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.65 Pesticide Residues in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) Pesticides in Water (1972T) Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Petrolatum (1971) ANSI Z11.61 Std. Meth. Petrolatum (1972) Petrolatum (1972) Petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Solvents (1966) Ans Petroleum Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads (1974) Petroleum Distillate Fuels (1971) ANSI Z11.313 Petroleum Drilling and Well Servicing Structures (1974) Petroleum Drilling Rig Packaging for Minimum Self Conta (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) {Petroleum Drilling) (1973) (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Petroleum for Blending with Creosote (1971) Petroleum Fractions by Gas Chromatography (1973) Petroleum Gas by Oxidation Microcoulometry (1973) Petroleum Gas (1966) Petroleum Gases (LP-Gas Meth.) (1973) ANSI Z11.92 Petroleum Gases (LPG) by Process Gas Chromatography (19 Petroleum Gases (1972) Petroleum Gases (1973) Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Electrometric Titration (1972 Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulometry (19 Petroleum Industry Use (1973) Spec. Fo Petroleum Industry Use (1973) /T. for Design, Installa Petroleum Industry (1969) ANSI B146.1 (Petroleum Industry) (1973) /Meth. for Determining Wate Petroleum Naphthas (1973) ANSI Z11.165 /Th. for Isolat Petroleum Oil and Gasoline (1973) ANSI Z222.1 / for Fl Petroleum Oils by the n-d-M Meth. (1973) /Meth. of Tes Petroleum Oils (1971) ANSI Z11.5. Petroleum Origin Under Impulse Conditions (1974) /of T Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes (1972) ANSI C59.1 Petroleum Pipeline Valves (1974) Petroleum Production Facilities on Land and on Marine F (Petroleum Production) (1973) (Petroleum Production) (1973) (Petroleum Production) (1973) (Petroleum Production) (1974) Rec. Pract. Orientatio Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Perchloric Acid Ti Petroleum Products (Micromethod) (1971) ANSI Z11.277 Petroleum Products (Reid Meth.) (1972) ANSI Z11.44 Petroleum Products (1973) Petroleum Products (1973) ANSI Z11.54 Petroleum Refinery Piping (1973) Petroleum Refining Environment (1972) /S to Prevent in Petroleum Solution (1970) ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI AATCC AACCH ASTM AACCH ASTM TAPPI TAPPI ASTM API ASTM API API API API API API API API ASTM ASTM ASTM NGPA ASTM ASTM NFPA ICBO ASTM ASTM API API API NACE ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API API API API API API ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ANSI NACE ASTM K62.133 K62.134 K62.147 K62.141 K62.130 K62.144 K62.143 K62.145 K62.137 K62.142 K62.135 K62.149 K62.148 K62.125 K62.129 K62.106 K62.111 K62.112 K62.110 K62.113 K62.114 K62.115 K62.116 K62.117 K62.118 K62.119 K62.120 K62.123 K62.124 K62.126 K62.127 K62.128 K62.131 K62.132 28 60-50 D3086 28-90 D938 T662 T663 D2042 5B D2890T 4E 2E 5A 5AC 5AX 5C1 5L 5LX D1859 D2887 D3246 8166 D1267 D2888 58 UFO2ART20 D2710 D3120 14A RP14B 526 TM-01-73 D2002 525 D3238 D97 D3300 D1816 6D RP500B 12J 12L 5LS RPT-1 D2896 D2551 D323 79 D482 B31.3 RP-04-72 D1858 278 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Solutions (1968) Tent. Spec, for Volatile meth. of Test for Solubility of Pentachlorophenol in Heavy Std. Meth. for Analysis of Calcium and Barium Std. Code for Pressure Piping: Liquid Test for Abrasion Resistance of Glossy Smooth Coatings of Std. Meth. of Test for Congealing Point of Meth. for Congealing Point of pi T636 Std. Meth. of Test for Oil Content of Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent Extractables in for Safety for Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Safety Std. for Pumps for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Gauges and Indicators for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied for Safety for Meters for Flammable Liquids and Liquefied or Calculation of Certain Physical Properties of Liquefied .314 Std. Meth. for Distillation of Crude nsion Coil, and Flexible Connector Fittings for LP (Liquid Safety Std. for LP (Liquid . for Pipe Connectors for Flammable Liquids and LP (Liquid Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP (Liquid Spec, for Sucker Rods Rec. Pract. for Drill Stem Design and Operating Limits Std. Spec, for Modern . for Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck Rec. for Fire Protection of Electrical Equipment (Single for Single Phase Rural Distribution Service for Motors and the Composition and Cryst/ Std. Meth. for Assigning Alloy Rec. Pract. for Grounded 830 V, 3 Std. for Housekeeping During the Construction iuid Systems and Associated Components During Construction ion, Examination, and Test. Personnel for the Construction onverters (1972) Rec. for Single reakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis When Rated for Out of eth. of Test for Thermal Instability of Confined Condensed receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts. 20 Amperes. 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 receptacles& Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes. 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes. 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 Std. on Television: Measurement of Differential Gain and Volts and Below. 3750 Through 30.000/40.000/50,000 kVA 3 Std. for Resistance Spot Welding Equipment, 3 of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction ec. for Resistance Seam and Roll Spot Welding Equipment (3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 on and Estimation of Water Insoluble Impurities in Refined Std. Spec, for Fluor Chrome Arsenate Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Fluor Chrome Arsenate Std. Test Meth. for Filler Content of Std. Test Meth. for Nonvolatile Content of Std. Spec, for Refined ndicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ) (1962) Meth. for Determination of w (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, machine Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, mer Electronic Products (Radio, Television, Tape Recorder, mixes (/ Perchloric Acid Meth. of Analysis of Monocalcium trogalvanized Steel (Coil) (1/ Spec, for Determination of Spec, for Determination of 1972) Std. for Packing, Preformed O-Ring g's, Pancreatin, Tween 80-60% Alcohol, Versene, and Sodium pec. for Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys (Fluoride - 73) Spec, for Photographic Grade Trisodium chemistr/ Gustafson Meth. of Analysis for Original Ash in Meth. of Analysis of . of Analysis of Aluminum in Baking Powder, in Presence of r Neutralizing Value of Acid Reacting Materials Other Than analysis for Free or Combined Tartaric Acid in Presence of Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of Monocalcium ence and the Corresponding Composition of Gallium Arsenide Petroleum Solvent (LPG) for Preparing Pentachlorophenol Petroleum Solvents (1973) Std. Petroleum Sulfonates by Liquid Chromatography (1973) Petroleum Transportation Systems (1974) Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Blends Applied to Paper and Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatum (1971) ANSI Z11.61 Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatum (1972) Petroleum Waxes (1968E) ANSI Z11.52, Fed Std. 791B, Tap Petroleum Waxes (1973) Petroleum (LP) Gas (Other Than Safety Relief) (1974) Petroleum (LP) Gas (1972) Petroleum (LP) Gas (1973) /for Safety for Liquid Level Petroleum (LP) Gas (1973) ANSI B167.1 Std. Petroleum (LP) Gases from Compositional Analysis (1973) Petroleum (15 Theoretical Plate Column) (1973) ANSI Zll Petroleum) Gas Cylinders (1973) /Ety for Pigtail, Expa Petroleum) Gas Hose (1973) Petroleum) Gas (1972) UL 567 Safety Std Petroleum) Gas (1973) Safety Std. for (Petroleum) (1974) (Petroleum) (1974) Pewter Alloys (1972) Phantom (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std Phase and Related Faults) (1973) Phase Converters (1972) Rec. Phase Designations (Code) in Metallic Systems Based on Phase Electrical System for Oil Field Service (1973) Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) /or Cleaning of F Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) /Tions of Inspect Phase Rural Distribution Service for Motors and Phase C Phase Switching (1973) ANSI C37.079 /Voltage Circuit B Phase Systems (Confinement Test) (1973) Std. M Phase Wye. 4 Pole. 4 Wire Locking Type (1972) /Gs and Phase Wye. 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1972) /Gs and Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 5 Wire Locking. Grounding Type (1973 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973 Phase (1960) Phase (1971) /or Load Tap Changing Transformers 138,00 Phase (1973) Phase) (1972) /Pping, Receiving, Storage and Handling Phase) (1973) Sp Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /S of Plugs Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /S of Plugs Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /S of Plugs Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /S of Plugs Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /S of Plugs Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /S of Plugs Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) Phenol by Cloud Point Depression (1968) ANSI Z78.21 /I Phenol (1971) Phenol (1971) ANSI O11.20 Phenol, Resorcinol, and Melamine Adhesives (1970) Phenol, Resorcinol, and Melamine Adhesives (1970) Phenol-405 (1968) ANSI Z78.22 Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and I Phenothiazine in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry Phillips Recess Full Threaded, Alloy Steel Machine Sere Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 psi Alloy Steel Phonograph, etc.) (1973) /G Test (Packaging) for Consu Phosphate and/or Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Phosphate Coating Weight on Hot Dip Galvanized and Elec Phosphate Coating Weights on Steel (Coil) (1974) Phosphate Ester Resistant (-65 Deg. F to +160 Deg. F) ( Phosphate Solutions; Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with G Phosphate Type) (1973) Phosphate, Dodecahydrate (Na,Po 4 .12H,0)N. NaOH (19 Phosphated and Freshly Mixed Self Rising Flour (Cereal Phosphates in Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Qualitative Meth Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /. of Analysis Fo Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Tative Meth. of Phosphate: Monohydrate and Anhydrous (Cereal Chemistry) Phosphide Wafers (1973) /Elength of Peak Photoluminesc ASTM D2605 ASTM D2606 ASTM D2894 ANSI B31.4 ASTM D3234 ASTM D938 TAPPI T662 ASTM D721 ASTM D3235 UL 125 UL 51 UL 565 UL 25 ASTM D2598 ASTM D2892 UL 569 UL 21 ANSI B148.1 UL 132 API 11B API 7G ASTM B560 ANSI N44.3 FMS 1415 ASAE R329 ASTM E157 API 11M ANSI N45.2.3 ANSI N45.2.1 ANSI N45.2.6 ASAE R329 IEEE 417 ASTM E476 ANSI C73.108 ANSI C73.109 ANSI C73.104 ANSI C73.105 ANSI C73.106 ANSI C73.107 ANSI C73.90 ANSI C73.91 ANSI C73.92 ANSI C73.93 ANSI C73.94 ANSI C73.95 IEEE 206 ANSI C57. 12.30 NSA 967 ANSI N45.2.2 NSA 991 ANSI C73.100 ANSI C73.101 ANSI C73.102 ANSI C73.103 ANSI C73.98 ANSI C73.99 ANSI C73.85 ANSI C73.86 ANSI C73.87 ANSI C73.88 ANSI C73.89 ASTM D2147 ASTM D1034 ASTM D1035 ASTM D1579 ASTM D1582 ASTM D2439 CR R-75 AACCH 18-30 NSA 600 NSA 623 EIA RS414 AACCH 40-51 NCCA TB-II-3 NCCA TB-II-1 NSA 1611 AACCH 28-91 SAE AMS2486 ANSI PH4.234 AACCH 08-15 AACCH 40-50 AACCH 40-10 AACCH 02-32 AACCH 04-28 AACCH 02-33 ASTM F358 Engineering and Product Standards Division 279 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 972) Std. Spec, for oiled Bar (1973) Std. Spec, for Chemistry) (1962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Chemistry) (1962) Quantitative Meth. of Analysis for Meth. of Analysis for Total Meth. of Analysis of Lipoid (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0-Dimethyl ame for the Pest Control Chemical O-Ethyl S,S-Dipropyl rol Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl 0-(3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridyl) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining kes (1972) Std. Spec, for m the Corn We/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of 1962) Colorimetric Acetate Ashing Meth. of Analysis of 1962) Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of 1962) Volumetric Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for olorimetric Modified Fiske-Subbarow Meth. of Analysis of Properties, Safe Handling and Use of Rec. for Waste Disposal of Std. Meth. for Analysis of Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Tribasic Lead 69) Std. for Meth. for Detection and Assessment of Colored Textiles to . for Dimensions for Film in Rolls for Phototypesetting or Uniform Building Code Std. for Storage and Handling of Uniform Building Code: Film Storage and Handling Std. Meth. for Contact Uniformity Test for 972) Std. Spec, for Masks (Separate) for Use in Std. Meth. for Determining Safety Times of Std. Meth. for Determining the Actinity or ) Std. for Safety for Electrically Operated ed Techniques for Photography) (1973) Std. type, on Cellulose Ester Base (1973) Spec, for type, on Polyester Base (1973) Std. Spec, for ers,/ Std. for Dimensions for Unperforated and Perforated mensions of Containers for Packaging and Storage of Aerial Std. Practice for Storage of Processed Safety Std. Dimensions for Cores for Std. Meth. for Determining the Curl of Safety Std. for Tests for Flammability of Std. Meth. for Determining the Brittleness of for Determining the Dimensional Change Characteristics of nd Miscellaneous Uses (1973) Std. Dimensions for Std. for Meth. for Determining the Resistance of Spec, for ) (1972) Std. fo 1972) ) 2 : 12H,0 (Potassium Alum) (1972) Ammonia) (1972) ) 2 S 3 0, (1973) (1972) ) 2 : 12H..0 (Chrome Alum) (1972) i (1973) dinitrilotetraacetic) Acid (EDTA) and Its/ ihydroxbenzene, Quinol, Hydroquinol) (197/ h . Hci) (Hydroxylammonium Chloride) (197/ . H 2 S0 4 (Hydroxylammonium Sulfate) (/ h 4 Nh 2 HCI (1972) (1972) 2) 5 7 : 2H.0 (1972) ) (1972) (1973) 3) (1972) Dimensions for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sid. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for s 2 3 ) and Crystalline (Na,S,0,.5H,/ na.,Poj.l2H 2 0)N. NaOH (1973) Test Meth. for the Selective Transmission of A d Measuring Apertures and Related Quantities Pertaining to Std. for Designation of Apertures of Tone) (1972) Std. Meth. for Determining Speed of Std. Nomenclature for Parts of A Spec, for Std. for Dimensions for Resolution Test Target for Std. for Practice for Storage of Processed Std. Spec, for y Units) (1973) Std. Dimensions for Professional Std. Basic Construction Requirements for nts (1972) Std. Dimensions for Phosphor Bronze Wire for General and Spring Purposes (1 ASTM B159 Phosphor Bronze (Copper Tin) Plate, Sheet, Strip, and R ASTM B103 Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal AACCH 0410 Phosphoric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal AACCH 04-11 Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 04-13 Phosphoric Acid in Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 20-02 Phosphorodithioate S-Ester with 4-(Mercaptomethyl)- ANSI K62.134 Phosphorodithioate) (1973) /Td. for Ethoprop (Common N ANSI K62.133 Phosphorothioate Chlorpyrifos Methyl (1973) /Pest Cont ANSI K62.130 Phosphorus Content in Corn Starch (1957) CR B-46 Phosphorus Content of Corn Starch (1969) _ CR C-46 Phosphorus Content of Corn Syrup (1957) CR E-50 Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper Wire Bars, Billets, and Ca ASTM B379 Phosphorus in Corn Starch, Syrup and Sugar Obtained Fro CR B-47 Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) ( AACCH 40-55 Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) ( AACCH 40-57 Phosphorus in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) ( AACCH 40-58 Phosphorus in Gasoline (1973) ASTM D3231 Phosphorus in Water (1972) ASTM D515 Phosphorus in Yeast (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-56 Phosphorus Trichloride (1972) MCA SD27 Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for Medical Users (1951) NCRPM R9 Phosphorus-32 (1962) ANSI N149 ASTM E182 Phosphosilicate (1973) ASTM D2742 Photo Instrumentation Glossary (Terms, Definitions) (19 SMPTE *1 Photochromism Colorfastness to Light (1972) ANSI L14.27 AATCC 139 Photocom posing Devices, or Both (Photography) (1972) ANSI PHI. 44 Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose Films (1973) ICBO UBCS48-1 (Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose) ( 1973) ICBO UBC*3-48 Photographic Contact Printers (1971) ANSI PH3.45 Photographic Contact Printing of Roll Film Negatives (1 ANSI PH3.9 Photographic Darkroom Illumination (1971) ANSI PH2.22 Photographic Effectiveness of IUuminants (1972) ANSI PH2.3 Photographic Equipment Rated at 300 Volts or Less (1974 UL 122 Photographic Film Exposure Guide (Also Contains Suggest ANSI PH2.7 Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin ANSI PHI. 28 Photographic Film for Archival Records. Silver Gelatin ANSI PHI. 41 Photographic Film in Rolls, Including Leaders and Trail ANSI PHI. 10 Photographic Film on Spools (1972) Std. for Di ANSI PHI. 46 Photographic Film Other Than Microfilm (1971) ANSI PHI. 43 Photographic Film Rolls (Plastic, Wood or Metal) (1971) ANSI PHI. 13 Photographic Film (1971) ANSI PHI. 29 Photographic Film (1972) UL 105 Photographic Film (1973) ANSI PHI. 31 Photographic Films and Papers (1973) Std. Meth. ANSI PHI. 32 Photographic Films in Rolls for Recording Instruments a ANSI PHI. 30 Photographic Films to Abrasion During Processing (1972) ANSI PH4.35 Photographic Filmstrip Projectors (1973) ANSI PH3.28 Photographic Flashcubes (Battery Operated) (Photography ANSI PH3.51 Photographic Grade Aluminum Chloride Solution AICI 3 ( ANSI PH4.154 Photographic Grade Aluminum Potassium Sulfate A1K(S0 4 ANSI PH4.150 Photographic Grade Ammonium Hydroxide, Nh 4 0H (Aqueous ANSI PH4.232 Photographic Grade Ammonium Thiosulfate Solution (Nh 4 ANSI PH4.252 Photographic Grade Benzotriazole, C B H 4 NHN:N (1,2,3) ANSI PH4.204 Photographic Grade Chromium Potassium Sulfate CrK(S0 4 ANSI PH4.151 Photographic Grade Ethylenediamine H,N. CH,. CH 2 . NH ANSI PH4.188 Photographic Grade Ethylenediaminetetraacetic (Ethylene ANSI PH4.185 Photographic Grade Hydrochloric Acid, HCI (1972) ANSI PH4.104 Photographic Grade Hydroquinone C (i H 4 (Oh) 2 (Para D ANSI PH4.126 Photographic Grade Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, (Nh 2 ANSI PH4.187 Photographic Grade Hvdroxylamine Sulfate, (Nh,Oh) , ANSI PH4.186 Photographic Grade P-Aminophenol Hydrochloride HOC„ ANSI PH4.129 Photographic Grade Potassium Chloride, KCI (1972) ANSI PH4.202 Photographic Grade Potassium Iodide, KI (1972) ANSI PH4.201 Photographic Grade Potassium Metabisulfite K 2 S 2 s ANSI PH4.277 Photographic Grade Potassium Permanganate, Kmn0 4 (197 ANSI PH4.301 Photographic Grade Sodium Chloride, Nacl (1972) ANSI PH4.203 Photographic Grade Sodium Citrate, Dihydrate Na,C h H ANSI PH4.179 Photographic Grade Sodium Meta-Bisulfite Na 2 S 2 6(5 ANSI PH4.276 Photographic Grade Sodium Sulfate, Anhydrous Na,S0 4 ANSI PH4.175 Photographic Grade Sodium Sulfite, Anhydrous, Na, S0( ANSI PH4.275 Photographic Grade Sodium Thiocyanate NaSCN (1972) ANSI PH4.177 Photographic Grade Sodium Thiosulfate, Anhydrous (Na 2 ANSI PH4.250 Photographic Grade Trisodium Phosphate, Dodecahydrate ( ANSI PH4.234 Photographic Lens (1969) ANSI PH3.37 Photographic Lenses (1971) /D. Meth. of Designating an ANSI PH3.29 Photographic Lenses (1973) ANSI PH3.33 Photographic Negative Materials (Monochrome, Continuous ANSI PH2.5 Photographic Objective Lens (1971) ANSI PH3.25 Photographic Optical Filter Sizes (1972) ANSI PH3.17 Photographic Optics (1972) ANSI PH3.50 Photographic Plates (1972) ANSI PHI. 45 Photographic Printing Frames (1972) ANSI PH3.15 Photographic Sheet and Roll Films (SI and U.S. Customar ANSI PHI. 18 Photographic Slide Projectors (1973) ANSI PH3.65 Photographic Sound Record on Super 8 Motion Picture Pri ANSI PH22.182 280 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Illumination Tests for Specifying Construction Progress s of Metals and Alloys (Including Recommended Practice for h. for Determining Speed of Color Reversal Films for Still era Films Intended for Direct Projection in Motion Picture Std. for Shutter Tests for Still Picture Cameras dimensions for Photographic Flashcubes (Battery Operated) imensions of 126 Size Cartridges, Film, and Backing Paper s for Phototypesetting or Photocomposing Devices, or Both ilm Exposure Guide (Also Contains Suggested Techniques for dimensions of 35 mm Motion Picture Camera Aperture Images gallium Arseni/ Std. Meth. of Test for Wavelength of Peak . for Preparation of Specifications for the Procurement of Std. Meth. of Test for Nickel on Steel by opper Base Alloys (1972) Std. of Test for Silica in Fluorspar by the Silico Molybdate otography) (19/ Std. for Dimensions for Film in Rolls for n Length in Silicon by Measurement of Steady State Surface Aircraft Instrument Stds. (Wording, Terminology, Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Copper Rec. for Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for hange Resins (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Sampling Leather for (1972) Std. Meth. for the Designation of Mercury Lamps: Mercury Lamps (1972) Std. mp (1973) Std. for d. Definitions of Terms Relating to Lithologic Classes and meth. for Microscopical Determination of Volume Percent of General Extensigraph Meth. for Structural Relaxation Meth. of Extensigraph Analysis of Extensigraph Meth. for Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics of Flour ing as-is Farinograph Absorption to 14.0% Moist/ Meth. of Std. Safety Color Code for Marking Std. Guideline for the Std. for ity in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by ng and Carbon Steel Tooth Lock Wash/ Std. for Dimensions, rom Compositional / Std. Meth. for Calculation of Certain de Material Used in Optical Emission Spectroscopy Based on Std. Meth. for si K67.10 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Compound and Sample Preparation for , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and apers Using the Interfiber Bond T/ Test Meth. for Coating 2) Std. Meth. of Test for 972) Std. for 1972) Std. std. for Safety for Implosion Protected Cathode Ray Tubes Std. Dimensions of 35 mm Motion Std. for Shutter Tests for Still Picture Sizes for Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 mm Film Still re Time Markings for Variable Speed Shutters Used in Still ools for Recording Instruments and for Microfilm and Still 973) Std. Dimensions for 35 mm Motion Std. Dimensions for 16 mm Motion ions for Printed Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm Motion s (1971) Std. for Nomenclature for Motion Std. Spec, for Projector Usage of 16 mm Motion Uniform Building Code Std. for Cellulose Nitrate Motion Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Nitrate Motion nsions of Projectable Anamorphic Image Area on 5 mm Motion Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed Area on 16 mm Motion printed Area in Optical Reduction Printing on 35 mm Motion a in Optical Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion Std. Dimensions for 32 mm Motion Std. Dimensions for 32 mm Motion olor Camera Films Intended for Direct Projection in Motion dimensions for Photographic Sound Record on Super 8 Motion for Medium Prefocus Base Down Type, Single Contact Motion Uniform Building Code: Motion Uniform Fire Code: Motion Std. for Motion 11 Picture Cameras (1972) Std. uipment (Flyback Transformer, Multiplier, Deflection Yoke, for Registered Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Television Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of eets (1973) Std. Rec. Pract for Preparation of ysis for All Baked Materials Except Chocolate Products and design and Construction Procedures for Concrete Foundation Columns, Std. Classification of ng Facility Plans: International and Domestic-Trap, Clay Std. Meth. of Analysis of Magnesium Silicate Std. Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum Silicate Photographic Still Projection Equipment (1971) Photographs (1967) Photography as Applied to Metallography) (1962) ANSI Z3 Photography (1972) Photography (1973) (Photography) (1972) (Photography) (1972) (Photography) (1972) (Photography) (1972) Photography) (1973) (Photographv) (1974) /Metric Exposure and Evaluation Met / mm and Super 8 Reversal Color Cam Pract Meth St Std. /Nfat Std. for Std. for D /. for Dimensions for Film in Roll Std. Photographic F Std. Photoluminescence and the Corresponding Composition of Photomasks (1972) Std. Rec Photometric Analysis (1972) Photometric Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Copper and C (Photometric) Meth. (1972) Std Phototypesetting or Photocomposing Devices, or Both (Ph Photovoltage (Electronics) (1973) /Ty Carrier Diffusio Phraseology, Environment and Design Stds for (1972) Phthalate Ester Color of High Gravity Glycerin (1973) Phthalocyanine Blue and Green Pigments (1973) Physical and Biological Applications (1960) Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exc Physical and Chemical Tests (1971) ALCA Jl Physical and Electrical Characteristics of 40 Watt, H45 Physical and Electrical Characteristics of 50 Watt, H46 Physical Characteristics of T-2 Telephone Slide Base La Physical Components of Coal (1972) Physical Components of Coal (1972) Physical Dough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Physical Dough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Physical Dough Tests (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Physical Dough Tests) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Physical Dough Tests: Approximate Corrections for Chang Physical Hazards (1971) Physical Inspection of Wood Poles in Service (1972) Physical Inventories of Nuclear Materials (1972) Physical Measurements (1969) ANSI K90.2 /Test for Dens Physical Properties and Meth. of Test, for Helical Spri Physical Properties of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases F Physical Properties (1974) /. for Selection of Electro Physical Test, of Gypsum Plasters and Concrete (1973) Physical Test, of Quicklime and Hydrated Lime (1971) an Physical Test, of Rubber Products (1972) ANSI Jl. 1 Physical Tests On, Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972) ANSI N Pick Tests for Determining Surface Strength of Coated P Pickup Efficiency of Residual Aerosol Insecticides (197 Picloram (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (1 Pictorial Markings for Handling of Nondangerous Goods ( (Picture and Display) for Television Receiving Appliance Picture Camera Aperture Images (Photography) (1974) Picture Cameras (Photography) (1972) Picture Cameras (1972) Picture Cameras (1972) Std Picture Cameras (1972) /M 100 Ft. and 70 mm 100 Ft. Sp Picture Film Perforated Super 8, 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1 Picture Film Perforated Super 8, (1-4) (1973) Picture Film Perforated 1-4 (1971) Std. for Dimens Picture Film Used in Studios and Processing Laboratorie Picture Film (1973) Picture Film (1973) Picture Film (1973) Picture Film (2.35:1) Aspect Ratio (1971) Picture Film, Perforated Super 8 (1-3) (1973) Picture Film, Perforated 2R-1664 (1-0) (1973) Picture Film, Perforated 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) Picture Film, 2R (1974) Picture Film. 4R (1974) Picture Photography (1973) / mm and Super 8 Reversal C Picture Prints (1972) Std. Picture Projection Lamps (1972) Std. Picture Projection Rooms (1973) Picture Projection (1973) Picture Raw Stock Identification and Labeling (1973) Picture Sizes for Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 mm Film Sti Picture Tube Neck Components) (1974) /Er Electronic Eq Picture Tubes (1972) Std Pie Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Pieces from Rubber Vulcanizates Other Than Std. Test Sh Piecrust (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ping Meth. of Anal Piers (1969) Suggested Piers, Pilasters, and Buttresses (Tech. Notes) (1962) Pig Tin (1972) ANSI H42. 1 Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Target Spec. (1973) Pigment (1973) Pigment (1973) Std. Exposu Std. Dime /Uper 8 /E ANSI CSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM NCRPM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ANSI AWPA ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ANSI ANSI UL ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ICBO ICBO ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ICBO ICBO ANSI ANSI UL EIA AACCH ASTM AACCH ACI BIA ASTM NRA ASTM ASTM PH3.47 1018 E2 PH2.21 PH22.146 PH3.48 PH3.51 PHI. 40 PHI. 44 PH2.7 PH22.59 F358 F93 C715 E62 E463 PHI. 44 F391 AIR818B D1728 D3256 R23 D2187 D2813 C78.1323 C78.1324 C78.397 D2796 D2799 54-10 54-11 54-12 54-20 54-29 Z53.1 M13-72 N15.3 C559 B18.21.1 D2598 E504 C472 C110 D15 C699 UM-534 D3093 K62.127 MH6.1 492.8 PH22.59 PH3.48 PH3.39 PH3.32 PHI. 33 PH22.165 PH22.168 PH22.153 PH22.56 PH22.10 UBCS48-2 UFC*2ART5 PH22.106 PH22.181 PH22.179 PH22.180 PH22.141 PH22.142 PH22.146 PH22.182 PH22.85 UBC*3-40 UFC*2ART32 PH22.184 PH3.39 492.3 RS266A 10-60 D3183 28-33 69-42 12 B339 •17 D717 D718 Engineering and Product Standards Division 281 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards y Measuring the Specific Resistance of the Leachate of the d. Meth. of Test for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Std. Meth. of Test. Clear and Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for ectrical Insulation Plastic Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin, Std. Meth. of Test for Oil Absorption of achate of / Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Salts in Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test. Para Red and Toluidine Red d. Meth. of Test for Solvent Extractable Material in Black Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of White Lead Std. Meth. for Analysis of White Zinc Chemical Analysis of Copper Phthalocyanine Blue and Green al Analysis for Aluminum Oxide Content of Titanium Dioxide Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of White Std. Spec, for Titanium Dioxide Std. Meth. of Test for Coarse Particles in s for LP (Liquid Petroleum; Gas Cyli/ Std. for Safety for Reinforced Brick Masonry Columns and Columns, Piers, Uniform Fire Cod^: High Std. for Pressure Treated st Meth. for Establishing Design Stresses for Round Timber Std. Spec, for Round Timber Uniform Building Code Std. for Round Timber for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Timber c. for Coal Tar Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of ood and Components, Timber, Preservative Treatment, Poles, Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet s, Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor Plate9, and Steel Sheet rements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet ricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings: Portal, Tower and Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14./ Std. Meth. of Test for nal Te/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Sheet and e Requirements for Durable Press (No Iron) Woven Sheet and Performance Requirements for Woven Decorative Bedspreads, for Electronic Equipment on Boats (Audio Device, Automatic or Spectrochemical Analysis of Admiralty Metal by the Cast d. for Electrical Plugs, Receptacles and Connectors of the Std. for Drive Std. for Std. Spec, for Communication and Signal Std. Wet Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Cap and 73) Std. for Sid. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for / Tension, Pull Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) n. Pull Type (1973) , Tension, Pull Type (1973) ump Type (1973) n Head, Pull Type (1973) sion. Pull Type (1973) nsion, Pull Type (1973) nsion, Stump Type (1973) 426), Tension, Pull Type (1973) 426, Tension, Stump Type (1973) Std. for 694), Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. for 694), Tension, Stump Type (1973) Std. for Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. for Type (1973) Std. for ump Type, (1973) Std. for g Head, Shear, Pull Type (1973) Std. for shear Head, Pull Type (1973) Std. for head (Ms2494), Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. for head (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. for , Pull Type (1973) Std. for sion, Stump Type (1973) Std. for sion. Stump Type (1973) Std. for ype (1973) Std. for ar / Tension, Pull Type (1973) Std. for sion Head, Pull Type (1973) Std. for -Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western White Pines, Spruce • , White Pine, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Std. for Ponderosa Std. for Ponderosa ine9; Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; Subal - ooling Towers (1971) Std. for Southern Uniform Building Code Std. for Southern th Thermal Process (1973) Std. for Lodgepole (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White An/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Eastern Spruce, White ck / Uniform Building Code Std. for Eastern White and Red aminated Members and Laminations Before Gluing of Southern nated Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole ne (North), Hem-Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western White gment (1973) / for Water Soluble Salts in Pigments B St gmented Coatings (1973) gmented Lacquers (1973) gmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) gmented. Flexible, Heat Shrinkable (1973) /C. for El gments by Gardner-Coleman Meth. (1968) gments by Measuring the Specific Resistance of the Le gments in Flour, Semolina, Macaroni and Wheat (1962) gments (Toners) (1973) gments (1972) St gments (1973) gments (1973) gments (1973) Std. Meth. for gments (1973) Std. Meth. for Chemic gments (1973) ANSI K15.1 gments (1973) ANSI K45.1 gments. Pastes, and Paints (1972) ANSI K42.1 gtail. Expansion Coil, and Flexible Connector Fitting lasters (Tech. Notes) (1965) lasters, and Buttresses (Tech. Notes) (1962) led Combustible Stock (Storage) (1973) les and Timbers in Marine Construction (1973) les (1970) Tent. Te les (1973) les (1973) les (1973) Std. les, Poles, and Timbers for Marine, Land, and Fresh W les, Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, Connector ling for Use in Marine Environments (1974) Std. ling (1970) /El Products Manual) Carbon Steel' Plate ling, and Bars for Structural Use (1972) ANSI G24.4 liar Cranes (1973) Safety Std. for Cranes, Der Ming Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of llowcase Fabrics Other Than Durable Press (Institutio Uowcase Fabrics (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Anc Hows, and Bolster Fabrics (Institutional Textiles) ( lot, Depth Determination Device and Fish Finder, Lora n and Point to Plane Techniques (1973) Std. Meth. F n and Sleeve Type for Hazardous Locations (1973) St n Blind Rivets (1973) n Pulley Guard (1972) n Type Lime Glass Insulators (R1970) n Type) (1971) Quick Release, Positive Locking, Double Acting (19 Quick Release, Positive Locking, Single Acting (19 Straight, Headless (Dowel) (1973) Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Tensio Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694) Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear Head, St Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear / Tensio Swage Locking, A-286, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Ten Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Te Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Te Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20 Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20 Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms24 Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms24 Swage Locking, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, Shear Stump Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, Tension, St Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, Protrudin Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Crown head, Tension Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Ten Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Ten Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Stump T Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, Protruding Head, She Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, 100 Deg. Shear / Ten -Fir, Western Cedars (North) (Lumber) (1973) /M ne and White Cedar Lumber (1973) /for Eastern Spruce ne Doors (1958) ne Doors (1973) ne Fir; and Mountain Hemlock (Lumber) (1973) /Pole P ne Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water C ne Lumber (1973) ne Wood Poles Preservative Treatment by the Full Leng ne (North), Hem-Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western ne, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine ne. Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamara ne, Pacific Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock by ne. Western Larch, California Redwood and Hardwood Ti nes, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Western Cedars (North) (Lum ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL B1A BIA ICBO AWPA ASTM ASTM ICBO AWPA ASTM ICBO ASTM AISI ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ABYC ASTM NEMA IFI NSA ASTM ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ICBO ICBO use NWMA ICBO CTI ICBO AWPA ICBO ICBO ICBO AWPA ICBO ICBO D2448 D2697 D333 D3186 AMS3636D D1483 D2448 14-50 D970 D305 D1301 D3280 D3256 D2701 D34 D476 D18S 569 171 12 UFC*2ART35 C18 D2899 D25 UBCS25-14 C3 D390 UBC»3-25 A690 2 A6 B30.4 D1375 L24.2.12 L24.2.13 L24.1.2 A2I E486 FB11 123 427 D879 C29.8 1353-66 1333-46 607 7014 6984 6965 6946 6974 7004 6955 1525 1555 1535 6915 1516 1546 1465 1424 1496 1446 1436 1456 1475 6935 6925 1486 1414 7034 7024 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-8 CS120 I.S.5 UBCS25-4 115 UBCS2S-6 C10 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-8 UBCS25-5 C28 UBCS25-11 UBCS25-2 282 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards h: Hem-Fir; Ponderosa. Idaho White. Sugar, and Lodgepole Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Fine Pitch on Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. Involute Spur Std. Spec, for Fixation Std. for Gages, Std. for Std. Clevis Std. Spec, for Fixation Std. for Headed Drilled Std. for Cotter Std. Clevis Pins and Cotter Carbon Steel Tubular Spring ors. Bolts. Lag Screws. Plates, Nails and Spikes, Washers, Std. Part ransmission) (1972) Std. for 700 Class Std. for Blower rene (ABS! Pipe and Fittings to Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Cements for Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Rec. Pract. for Heat Joining of Thermoplastic Std. Spec, for Process Glass Std. for Installation PVC Building Drain Waste and Vent for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Drain. Waste and Vent ylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Std. Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Spec, for Solvent Cements for Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Std. Spec, for Cast Iron Soil or Rubber Gasket Joints for Cast and Ductile Iron Pressure Std. Spec, for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Std. Spec, for Type PSP Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Std. Spec, for Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Safety Std. for Gasketed Joints for Cast Iron Spec, for Styrene Rubber Plastic Drain and Building Sewer for Solvent Cements for Polytvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic -Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent ment for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic king Solvent Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) r Poly(vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent or Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Sewer spec. Data for Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary System (Plumbing Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Std. Spec, for Nickel Seamless Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy Seamless kel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Seamless c. for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Seamless chromium Iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Seamless Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Nickel Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Structural Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Bus Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Seamless Std. Rec. Pract. for Flaring Polyolefin Rec. for Coiling Polyethylene Plastic fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for (PE) Plastic Performance Requirements for test for Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Std. for Protective 72) Thread Compounds (For Casing, Tubing and Line troleum) Gas (1972) UL 567 Safety Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Time to Failure of Plastic Std. Symbols for Dimensions of Plastic std. Spec, for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and . Spec, for Socket Type Polylvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic ket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic . Spec, for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic ket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic threaded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic std. Spec, for Threaded Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Std. for Steel High Temper/ Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel lded Large Diameter Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Extruded Tube and d B/ Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Solid Wall and Perforated (1973) Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel G36.49 Std. Spec, for Metal Arc Welded Steel ) ANSI B125.25 Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Steel Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel ectric Fusion Welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel nes; Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; Sub nions and Gears for Reduction Gears (1972) ANSI G55.8 nions (1973) Std. for System Design of ns-Knowles and Hagie Types (1973) ns and Collar Inspection (1973) ns and Collars, Swage Locking (1973) ns and Cotter Pins (1972) ns and Wires (1973) ns for Farm Equipment and Machinery (1973) ns (Split) (1972) ns (1972) ns (1973) ns. Dowels, Joints, Split Rings and Framing Anchors) ns. Spring, Slotted and Coiled, Heavy Duty (1973) ntle Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth (Power T pe and Connecting Flange Dimensions (1972) pe and Fittings for Nonpressure Applications (1972) pe and Fittings to Polytvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe an pe and Fittings (1967) ANSI B72.17 pe and Fittings (1970) pe and Fittings (1971) pe and Fittings (1971) Std. for Installation pe and Fittings (1971) /S and Property Stds. for Acr pe and Fittings (1972) pe and Fittings (1972) pe and Fittings (1972) pe and Fittings (1972) pe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A112.5.1 pe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A21.ll pe and Fittings (1973) pe and Fittings (1973) pe and Fittings (1973) pe and Fittings (1973) pe and Fittings (1973) pe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.16 pe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.18 pe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.23 pe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.55 pe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.56 pe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.59 pe and Fittings) (1972) pe and Seamless Extruded Tube (1973) ANSI H38.7 pe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.1 pe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.3 pe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.16 pe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.20 pe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.21 pe and Tube (1973) ANSI H26.4 pe and Tube (1973) ANSI H38.16 pe and Tube (1974) ANSI C7.26 pe and Tube (1974) ANSI H26.3 pe and Tubing (1972) pe and Tubing (1972) pe and Tubing (1973) pe Applied Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers (1970) pe by Acetone Immersion) (1967) ANSI B72.9 /Eth. of pe Coatings (1971) pe Connections in High Pressure Oil Well Service) (19 pe Connectors for Flammable Liquids and LP (Liquid PE pe Constant Internal Pressure (1974) ANSI B72.6 Std. Std. Spec, for Std. F Std. Std. Spec. /R Acrylonitrile /. for Solvent Ce /C. Pract. for Ma Std. Spec. Fo Std. Spec. F Std. Spec, for Nic Std. Spe /D. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Butt Heat pe Fittings (1968) ANSI K65.57 pe Fittings (1973) pe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) Std pe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.160 pe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.164 /or Soc pe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Std pe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.159 pe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K6S.163 /or Soc pe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.165 /. for pe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.166 pe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) pe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for pe for Agricultural, Land, and General Drainage (1973 pe for Airport and Road work Drainage (1973) pe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures (1972) pe for Corrosive or High Temperature Service (1972) a pe for Gas and Oil Transmission and Distribution Pipi pe for General Drainage (Land Reclamation, Curtain an pe for High Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures pe for High Pressure Service (1972A) ANSI B125.4 pe for High Pressure Transmission Service (1971) ANSI pe for High Temperature Central Station Service (1973 pe for High Temperature Service (1972) pe for High Temperature Service (1972) /Spec, for El pe for High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B125.39 pe for High Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.30 ICBO ASTM AGMA ASTM NSA NSA ANSI ASTM ASAE SAE ANSI SAE WWPA NSA ANSI ASAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IAPMO IAPMO IAPMO ASTM CISPI ASTM CISPI ASTM AWWA ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CISPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SPI ASTM ASSE ASTM IAPMO API ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UBCS25-4 A291 203.03 F368 1563 1413 B18.8.1 F366 S226.2 J487A B18.8.1 AMS7205D •31-1 561 B29.13 S347T D3138 D3138 D2657 C599 IS9 IS5 PS17 D2729 HS D3122 HSN A74 cm D2517 D3033 D3034 194 D2852 D2564 D2661 D2235 D2855 D2665 D2751 301 B241 B161 B167 B 123 B444 B445 B466 B429 B188 B315 D3140 PPITN6 D3261 1001 D2152 PS22 BUL 5A2 B148.1 D1598 D2749 A126 D2466 D2610 D2468 D2467 D2611 D2469 D2465 D2464 B16.5 A182 D2417 D2418 A671 A409 B345 D2311 A672 A155 A381 A376 A660 A358 A451 A106 Engineering and Product Standards Division 283 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Concrete Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Steel Dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated Bituminized Fiber std. Spec, for Laminated Wall Perforated Bituminized Fiber Std. Spec, for Electric Welded Low Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Porous Concrete Spec, for Fabricated Structural Steel Std. for Asbestos Cement Pressure for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Installation Std. for Solvent Cemented PVC ystem Hydraulic Problems (1973) Rec. for shers, Alarms, Sandpipes), Building Construction, Basement spec, for Asphalt Type Protective Coatings for Underground fabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Std. Meth. of Test. Concrete 971) Std. Ferrous Rec. for Water Flow / Pressure Requirements for 3) ANSI / Std. for Safety for Alarm Valves for Use in Wet / Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated Bituminous Fiber nd Maintenance of the Reliable Model B Accelerator for Dry Std. Spec, for Cellular Glass Block and Std. Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with nd Thread Inspection of Petroleum Casing, Tubing, and Line Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Rec. Pract. for Calculating Stress in Plastic Rec. for Operation of Grimes AB Dry Operational Rec. for Globe Dry Rec. for Operation of Crowder Dry Dry Std. Spec, for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Spec, for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Spec, for High Strength Casing. Tubing, and Drill Spec, for Line Spec, for High Test Line Spec, for Spiral Weld Line Spec, for Thermoplastic Line t. for Care and I'se of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic 4) Std. Spec, for Polyethelene (PE) Plastic d. Spec, for Biaxially Oriented Polyethylene (PEO) Plastic Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Plastic pec. for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic e (1972) Safety Std. for Steel Rec. for Cast in Place Nonreinforced Concrete Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock Test on Glass Std. for Air Brake Tubing and Spec, for Cast in Place Nonreinforced Concrete r Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Tent. Spec, for Ultra High Test Heat Treated Line Spec, for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Rec. Pract. for Railroad Transportation of Line Std. Spec, for Filled Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Guide Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Guide Spec, for Plastic for Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Alloy Seamless and Welded forced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Std. Rec. Pract. for Installing Vitrified Clay Sewer Std. Meth. of Test. Clay eneral Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel r Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Steel std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Water Well for Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Bell and Spigot Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Std. Spec, for Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Low Head Pressure Std. Spec, for Perforated Concrete Under Drainage Std. Spec, for Linings for Asbestos Cement Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Storm Drain Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Transmission Std. Spec, for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Sewer Western Woods Use Book: Wood Tanks, Vats, and spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for Prestressing Concrete ec. for Compression Couplings for Vitrified Clay Plain End c. for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer for Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer ype Polyethylene Fusion Fittings for SDR 11.0 Polyethylene m Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy pe for High Temperature Service (1973) pe for High Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B125.24 pe for Irrigation or Drainage (1973) pe for Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B125.17 pe for Ordinary Uses (1973) ANSI B125.2 /Ack and Hot pe for Process Piping (1972A) pe for Septic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 pe for Septic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.5 pe for the Chemical Industry (1971) ANSI B125.38 pe for Use in Underdrains (1973) pe for Use of Welded Offshore Fixed Platforms (1972) pe for Water and Other Liquids (1972) pe for Water or Other Liquids (1972) /. Rec. Pract. pe for Water Service and Yard Piping (1971) pe Friction Loss Tables for Solving Fire Protection S pe Inlets (1973) /F Systems and Appliances (Extingui pe Lines (Wrapped Systems) (1972) Tent. Rec. pe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air (1972) pe or Tile (1973) pe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads (1 pe Schedule System Sprinkler Demand (1974) pe Sprinkler Systems for Fire Protection Service (197 pe Systems for Highway, Airport, and Similar Drainage pe Systems (Fire Protection) (1973) /for Operation a pe Thermal Insulation (1973) pe Threads (1971) pe Threads (1974) Spec, for Threading, Gaging, a pe Tube (1973) ANSI H34.41 pe Under Internal Pressure (1967) ANSI B72.10 pe Valve Accelerator (1973) pe Valves (Fire and Safety Equipment) (1973) pe Valves, Model a (1973) pe Valves; Rockwood Models C, D (1974) pe with Rubber Gasket Joints (1973) pe pe DP pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pp pp pe pe pe pp ( pe( pp ( pe I pe ( pe ( pe ( pe ( pp ( pe ( pp ( pp ( pp ( pe ( pp ( pe ( pe ( pe ( pp ( pe ( pp ( pp ( Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Petroleum Production) (1973) PVC and CPVC) (1972) Rtrp) (1972) Rec. Pr SDR-PR) and Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.12 SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter (197 SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter (197 SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter (1973) SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.19 SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.2 SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.3 Std. SDR-PR) (1974) ANSI B72.1 Welded and Seamless) for Underground Water Servic 1966) 1970) 1970) 1970) ANSI A171.1 1971) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 972) ANSI A106.2 972) ANSI A106.5 972) ANSI B125.20 972) ANSI K65.171 972A) 972A) 972A) 972A) ANSI B125.16 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) Std. Spec. Fo Std. Spec. Std. Spec, for Rein Std. Spec, for G Std. Rec. Pract. Fo Std. Spec. Std 973) Std. Std. Sp Std. Spe Std. Spec. Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Insert T /Td. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Chromiu ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API AWWA ASTM IAPMO FMS ICBO NACE ASTM ASTM ANSI FMS UL ASTM FMS ASTM ANSI API ASTM ASTM FMS FMS FMS FMS ASTM API API API API API API API ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ACI ASTM SAE ACI ASTM API API API ASTM CSI CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM WWPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM A426 A335 C118 A333 A120 A524 D2312 D2313 A587 C654 2B C400 A674 IS8 2-89 UFC*2ART13 RS*1 C667 C497 B16.14 2-77 193 D2818 2-55 C552 B16.14 5B B407 D2153 2-56 2-14 2-13 2-27 C505 5A 5AX 5L 5LX 5LS 5LP RP5L4 D2446 D3035 D3287 D3000 D2662 D2241 D2282 D2239 888 66-22 C600 J844C 346 C506 SPEC 5LU 5LR 5L1 D2836 15062.1 15064.1 B535 C507 C12 C301 A530 D2321 ABS A589 C425 A312 C14 C361 C444 C541 C663 C668 D3262 *31-2 A648 C594 C76 D2609 C655 D3197 B464 284 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Te9t. Asbestos Cement P Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Perforated Underdrain P Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Sewer P spec, for Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Small Diameter Sewer P Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Pressure P d. Spec, for Homogeneous Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer P spec, for Laminated Wall Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer P Welded and Seamless Black and Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel P Std. Spec, for Bell End Poly(vinyl Chloride) (PVC) P for Nondestructive Test. Terminology for Defects in Steel P -Iron-Molydenium-Copper— Columbium Stabilized Alloy P Std. Spec, for Threadless Copper P ement Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water P Std. for Forged Steel Fittings (P Rec. Pract. for Coding System for Identification of Tube, P s Condu/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Allov Extruded Bar, Rod, P molds for Gas (1971) Std. for Ductile Iron P (1973) Safety Std. for Asbestos Cement Pressure P Service (1970) Safety Std. for Dry P to Safe Practice Protection from Corrosion for Underground P Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Drain P Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic P Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic P 74) Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic P pec. for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic P Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic P Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper P Std. Spec, for Seamless Red Brass P (1972) Std. for Prestressed Concrete Pressure P Std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure P lvent Cements for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic P: Std. Meth. of Test for Disbonding Characteristics of P Meth. for Nondestructive Measurement of Film Thickness of P Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration Resistance of P Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of P Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of P Std. Meth. of Test for Bendability of P Std. Meth. of Test for Effects of Outdoor Weathering on P Std. Test Meth. for Chemical Resistance of P Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of P Std. Meth. of Test for Cathodic Disbonding of P Std. Meth. of Test for Water Penetration into P for Steel Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves for Petroleum P (1973) ANSI Blll.l Safety Std. for Play P Std. Spec, for Joints for Plastic Pressure P valuating the Compatibility of Vehicle Fuel Tanks and Fill P P emises (1972) Std. for Installation of Gas P ot Rolled and Cold Finished, Special Quality, for Pressure P ANSI G17.3 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Forgings for P ow Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G46.2 Std. Spec, for P oderate and Elevated Temperatures (1973) / Std. Spec, for P: Std. Spec, for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel P 2) Rec. for Thermoplastic P for Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron P Code for Identification of P Rec. for Flammable Liquid Pumping and P Rec. for Thermoplastic Water P of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic P Uniform Plumbing Code: Medium Pressure Gas P ube and Pipe for Gas and Oil Transmission and Distribution P Rec. for Gaskets for Flammable Liquid P n Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for High Pressure Service P for Solvent Cemented PVC Pipe for Water Service and Yard P ct. for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure P ught Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Fittings for Pressure P Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Process P Std. for Code for Power P Std. Code for Pressure Petroleum Refinery P Uniform Plumbing Code: Rainwater Systems, Roof Drains and P Uniform Plumbing Code: Fuel Ga9 P Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Composite Sewer P: Uniform Plumbing Code: Indirect Waste P Std. Code for Pressure P Outdoor P Construction of Indoor Rifle and P on9 for Floating Type Metallic and Nonmetallic Fluid Power P Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Radial Compression Type P: Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Solid P . for Buttress Inch Screw Threads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 P (1972) Std. for Double P Spec. Data Formats for Fine P sign, Manufacture, Inspection and Assembly Manual for Fine P nions (1973) Std. for System Design of Fine P Std. for System Design of Fine P: Std. Meth. of Test for Coking Value of Tar and Pi Std. St Std. Std. Spec, for Std. S /for So Std. pe (1973) ANSI A165.1 pe (1973) ANSI A165.2 pe (1973) ANSI A165.3 pe (1973) ANSI A165.4 pe(1973) ANSI A165.5 pe (1973) ANSI A176.1 pe (1973) ANSI A176.2 pe (1973) ANSI B125.1 pe (1973) ANSI B72.20 pe (1974) Bulletin pe (1974) / Electric Fusion Welded Chromium-Nickel pe (1974) ANSI H26.2 pe (4 In. and Larger, Shop Applied) (1971) /D. for C pe). Socket Welding and Threaded (1973) pe, and Hose Fittings (1972) pe. and Structural Shapes for Electrical Purposes (Bu pe, Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand Lined pe. Couplings, and Gaskets for Water and Fire Service pe. Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Fire Protection pe. Fittings and Tanks Containing Flammable Liquids ( pe. Perforated (1974) pe. Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI B72.4 pe. Schedule 40 (1974) pe. Schedules 40 and 80 Based on Outside Diameter (19 pe. Schedules 40 and 80 (1973) pe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120 (1973) ANSI B72.7 pe, Std. Sizes (1972) pe, Std. Sizes (1972) pe. Steel Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids pe, Tubing and Fittings (1973) pe. Tubing, and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.162 peline Coatings by Direct Soil Burial (1972) peline Coatings on Steel (1972) peline Coatings (Blunt Rod) (1972) peline Coatings (Falling Weight Test) (1972) peline Coatings (Limestone Drop Test) (1972) peline Coatings (1972) peline Coatings (1972) peline Coatings (1972) peline Coatings (1972) peline Coatings (1972) peline Coatings (1972) peline Valves (1974) pes for Water Supply Test, in Fire Protection Service pes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals (1973) pes with Fuel Dispensing Facilities (Passenger Cars, ping and Equipment for Use with Dry Chlorine (1971) ping and Equipment on Industrial and Certain Other Pr ping Components and Other Pressure Containing Parts ( ping Components (Flange, Fitting, Valve, etc.) (1973) ping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for L ping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for M ping Fittings (1973) ANSI G37.8 ping for Swimming Pool Water Circulation Systems (197 ping for Water and Other Liquids (1972) ANSI A21.5 ping Systems Content (1973) ping Systems (Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) ping Systems (1972) ping Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. for Control ping Systems (1973) ping Systems (1973) ANSI H38.13 /Seamless Extruded T ping Systems (1974) ping (1969) Std. Pract. for High Strength Carbo ping (1971) Installation Std ping (1972) ■ Std. Rec. Pra ping (1972) ANSI H34.15 / Spec, for Factory Made Wro ping (1972A) ping (1973) ping (1973) ping (1973) ping (1973) ping (1974) Std. Spec, for ping. Wet Vented Systems and Special Wastes (1973) ping: Liquid Petroleum Transportation Systems (1974) stol Range Plans (Firearms) (1970) stol Ranges and Bullet Stops (1973) ston Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 Std. Grooi ston Rings (1973) ANSI B93.32 tch Asphalt Displacement Meth.) (1972) ANSI A37.72 tch Basic Height of Thread Engagement (1973) tch Conveyor Roller Chains, Attachments and Sprockets tch Gear Drawings (1973) tch Gearing (1973) tch on Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. Involute Spur Pi tch "'ormgearing (1973) tch (Modified Conradson) (1973) ANSI A149.12 Spec. Dimensi Std. Std De ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API ASTM ASTM AWWA ANSI SAE ASTM ANSI UL UL ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWWA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API UL ASTM SAE CHI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SPI AWWA FMS FMS SPI NACE ICBO ASTM FMS MSS IAPMO ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ICBO ICBO ASTM ICBO ANSI NRA NRA NFLDP NFLDP ASTM ANSI ANSI AGMA AGMA AGMA AGMA ASTM C500 C508 C428 C644 C296 D1861 D1862 A53 D2672 BUL5T1 B474 B302 C205 B16.ll J846C B317 A21.52 107 260 UFC-2B D3298 D1503 D2104 D2447 D1527 D1785 B42 B43 C301 D2513 D2560 G19 G12 G17 G14 G13 G10 Gil G20 G6 G8 G9 6D 385 D3139 J398A 6 Z83.1 A696 A105 A420 A234 A403 PPI TR17 C105 9-9 LPD 7-32 PPITR16 RP-01-69 UPC* IF B345 7-32S SP63 IS8 D2774 B366 A524 B31.1 B31.3 UPC*1-D UPC*1-12 D2680 UPC»l-6 B31.4 *5 »1 T3.19.ll T3.19.18 D71 B1.9 B29.4 114.02 370-01 203.03 374.04 D2416 Engineering and Product Standards Division 285 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards It, Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coal Tar w Metal Door and Frame Preparation for Offset Intermediate Std. Meth. of Te9t for Density of Bituminous Concrete in Rec. Pract. for in onstruction (1965) Rec. for Deep, Cast in Rec. for Precast Concrete Units Used as Forms for Cast in Uniform Building Code Std. for in Specifying Portland Cement Terrazzo, Cast in Rec. for Cast in Spec, for Cast in Wells (1972) Rec. for Manufacture and Rec. Pract. for Hole ands. Bleachers, etc.) (1973) Uniform Fire Code: Rec. Pract. for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and truction (1970) Spec, for 9/ Std. Spec, for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Std. for Washer, Std. for Flathead 100 Deg. teel, UNJC-3A Thread, Ca/ Std. for UndrUled and Drilled, ting Steel, UNJF-3A Thre/ Std. for Undrilled and Drilled, Std. Spec, for Axle Steel Deformed and 2) Std. Spec, for Deformed and technique Usi/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of to Plane Arc/ Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Std. for Building Code Requirements for Structural Std. for Building Code Requirements for Structural Std. Spec, for Compression Couplings for Vitrified Clay s for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Std. for Terminal-Tank Strap, Std. for Nut Spacer, Plate - Std. for Nut, Std. for Bushing • plain ^r 1,r " and Low Alloy Steel for Boron by the Point to it Fric.luii or Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal ic Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal atic Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Inclined Std. Meth. of Shear Test in Flatwise Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Rolling Shear (Shear in 1972) ANSI Z260.2 Std. Test Meth. for r Warpage of Refractory Brick and Tile or Deviation from A alysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the Point to trochemical Analysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the Point to 1 Analysis of Admiralty Metal by the Cast Pin and Point to 3) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Contaminant, Inclined of Tension Test of Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Floor and Roof esign Values, Section Properties and Design Loads, Timber, Std. Spec, for Asphalt Safety Code for Fabricated Stage and Scaffold Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Production Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Organization Is Handling) (1973) Shipper-Motor Carrier Dock 7.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Facility der the Uniform Building Code: Legal Requirements (Permit, Outdoor Pistol Range 50 Ft. Summer Camp Rifle Range cept Tapered Roller Bearings) Conforming to Basic Boundary Metallic Silhouette Match Rifle Range and Skeet: Ammunition and Targ/ Shotgun Shooting Facility Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Range ow and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Concrete Truck Mixer and Agitator Stds. (Concrete ow and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Std. for Ancymidol Marine Steam Power rmining Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn, Other Grains and Concrete Rec. Safe Pract. and Proc. (Industrial h. for Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and th. of Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and tralized Control and Automation of Ship's Steam Propulsion Std. for Agricultural and Rims for Agricultural and Industrial Steering, Drive, Assurance Practices for the Construction of Nuclear Power nal Vehicle Manufacturing Plants (Fire and Wind Hazards at es (1971) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for Requirements for Mixing building Code Std. for Class II and Class III Dry Cleaning receiving. Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power constructed Housing and Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Std. for in Dividual Aerobic Wastewater Treatment r Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Std. for Fuel Assembly Identification in Nuclear Power Std. for Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) /Spha Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, Asphalt-Saturat Pivot (1973) Spec, for 1 3/4 In. Thick Hollo Place by Nuclear Meth. (1974) Place Concrete Strength Evaluation (1970) Place Concrete (Storage) Bin and Silo Wall Design and C Place Concrete (1966) Place Density of Soils (1973) Place Floors (1967) Place Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1966) , Place Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1970) ANSI A171.1 Placement of Reinforced Concrete Casings for Irrigation Placement on Bulldozer (Dozer) End Bit Supports (1972) Places of Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing Stands, Grandst Placing Concrete (1973) Placing Reinforcing Steel Bar Supports in Concrete Cons PL PI PI, PI, PI, PL PI, PI; I'la n pi pi pi pi pi pi Pla /H Steel Bolt n and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications (1 n and CSK, 1200 Deg. F (1973) n and Self Locking Machine Screw (1974) n and Self Locking, Alloy and Corrosion Resisting S n and Self Locking, Alloy Steel and Corrosion Resis n Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) n Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (197 n Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the Point to Plane n Carbon and Low Alloy Steel for Boron by the Point n Concrete (1972) ACI 322 n Concrete (1972) ANSI A169.1 n End Pipe (1973) n Hardened Washers (1971) ANSI G38.6 n (1973) n (1973) n. Hexagon, Drilled Jam, Thin (1972) n. Press Fit, Steel (1973) Plane Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.29 / Analysis of Plane Meth.) (1972) Meth. for Inefficient of Stat Plane Meth.) (1973) /. of Test for Coefficient of Stat Plane Meth.) (1973) /Th. of Test for Coefficient of St Plane of Flat Sandwich Constructions or Cores (1970) Plane of Plies) (1969) Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials ( Plane Surface (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Fo Plane Technique Using an Optical Emission Spectrometer Plane Technique Using an Optical Emission Vacuum Spectr Plane Techniques (1973) Std. Meth. for Spectrochemica Plane Tracking and Erosion of Insulating Materials (197 Plane (1970) Std. Meth. Plank and Beam Framing (1973) Plank and Laminated Flooring and Roofing (1973) /Es, D Plank as Used for Bridge Floors (1970) ANSI A37.48 Planks and Platforms (1972) Planning and Control (1972) Planning and Theory (1972) Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and Receiving-Materia Planning the Sampling of the Atmosphere (1957) ANSI Z25 Planning (1972) Plans and Spec, Inspection) (1973) /G Construction Un Plans (Firearms) (1970) Plans (1972) ■ Plans (1972) ANSI B3.17 / Ball and Roller Bearings (Ex Plans (1973) Plans: International and Domestic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, Plans: Safety Rules and Procedures (1972) Plan PI PL Plan (Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Std. Pract. for L /D. Pract. for L /for Dete Tent. Met Tent. Me Guide for Cen Buildings (1972) Equipment Stds. (1973) Equipment) (1973) Fuel Oil and Gas Systems (1972) Growth Regulator) (1971) Heat Balance Practices (1972) Materials of Comparable Content (1957) Mixer (Equipment) Stds. (1973) Safety Checklists) (1973) Tissues (Manual Procedures) (1973) Tissues (Semiautomated Meth.) (1973) (1970) er Press Wheel Tires (Farm Machinery) (1971) er (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, Impleme Terms and Definitions (1973) /Td. for Quality s Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular Housing, Prefab s for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtur s or Systems (1973) Uniform s (During the Construction Phase) (1972) /Pping, s (Fire and Wind Hazards at Plants Assembling Mobi s (1970) s (1971) Std. Fo s (1972) s (1972) ICBO UL ANSI ASTM NRMCA ACI ACI ICBO CSI ACI ACI ASAE SAE ICBO ACI CRSI ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ACI ASTM ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO WWPA ASTM ALI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ICBO NRA NRA AFBMA NRA NRA NRA DEMA NRMCA NRMCA DEMA ANSI SNAME CR NRMCA MCA ASTM ASTM SNAME ASAE TRA ANSI FMS ASTM ICBO ANSI FMS NSF ANSI ANSI ANSI UBCS32-1 55A A115.12 D2950 •133 65-37 66-66 UBCS70-2 09410 66-22 346 R266 J63 UFC»2ART26 304 *1.3.5 A578 1587 662 1352 1351 A617 A615 E403 E404 A 169.1 322 C594 A325 23 463 1423 75 E404 T816SU D3247 D3248 C273 D2718 E399 C154 E403 E485 E486 D2303 C297 UBCS25-22 •31 D517 *1 Z94.10 Z94.9 MH8.1 D1357 Z94.6 UBC»8-1 *5 »16 7 »18 •17 *4 ♦1-20 »1 »3 *1-13 K62.109 3-11 A-18 *2 SG20 D3269 D3270 3-23 S224.1 4 N45.2.10 7-90 D995 UBCS10-2 N45.2.2 7-90 40 N45.2 N18.3 N18.7 286 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Safeguards in Particle Board Rec. for Protection of Plywood d. for Program for Biological Shielding in Nuclear Reactor turbines Used for Electric Power Generation: Fossil Fueled Std. Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Uniform Fire Code: Automobile Tire Rebuilding Uniform Fire Code: Lumber Yards and Woodworking ousekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power omobile Wrecking and Junk Yards or Waste Material Handling ria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Design. Construction, and Operation of Solvent Extraction ated Components During Construction Phase of Nuclear Power est. Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power nt for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Rec. for Chemical for Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. Measuring Rec. Pract. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Base for Veneer fabric Laths, and Metal Accessories (Designed for Use as A Uniform Building Code Std. for Exterior Spec, for Interior Gypsum Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Molding Std. for Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster and Gypsum Veneer d. for Perlite. Vermiculite and Sand Aggregates for Gypsum Std. Spec, for Gypsum Casting and Molding Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Dwelling Construction Under the l r niform Building Code: Std. Spec, for Portland Cement and Cement Lime or Lathing and Furring for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Std. Meth. for Physical Test, of Gypsum Uniform Building Code Std. for Test. Gypsum g; Steel: Terra Cotta: Timber: Water: Ceiling; Partitions; Std. Spec, for Dimensions and Tolerances of k Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Thermosetting Resins Specifying Tests. Rec. Pract. for Meth. of Determining 3) Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber (SR) als and Property Stds. for Acrvlonitrile Butadiene Stvrene ansi K65.56 Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Std. for Smooth Wall Coilable Polyethylene Electrical Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Hydrolytic Stability of Std. for Hardwood Veneered Including Hardboard and std. Meth. of Test for Pneumatic Ball Impact Resistance of Meth. of Test for Algal Resistance of ) Std. Spec, for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) ratus (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) (CPVC) ipe (1973) Std. Spec, for er Finished with Epoxy Functional Silane Type Finishes for t. for Determining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Rigid . Pract. for Determining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) st Meth. and Requirements for Evaluation of Suitability of 1973) Std. for Safety Tests for Flammability of Uniform Building Code Std. for the Density of Smoke from the Burning or Decomposition of Std. Spec, for Reinforced Meth. for Diffuse Light Transmission Factor of Reinforced Std. for Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Structural Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Styrene Rubber (SR) . Spec, for Solvent Cements for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Went Cement for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Rec. for Coiling Polyethylene tt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for (PE) eth. of Test for Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) .6 Std. Meth. of Test for Time to Failure of Std. Symbols for Dimensions of Std. Spec, for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) for Socket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Std. Spec, for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) for Socket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) ec. for Threaded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Std. Spec, for Threaded Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Rec. Pract. for Calculating Stress in Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) ter (1974) Std. Spec, for Polyethelene (PE) ter/ Std. Spec, for Biaxially Oriented Polyethylene (PEO) Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) St /He Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Std. for H Uniform Fire Code: Aut Std. Nuclear Safety Crite /E-Property from Explosion and Fire in /or Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associ /Tions of Inspection, Examination, and T /Ms, Structures, and Equipme 1973) ANSI N18.10 1974) 1974) Std. Plasma Arc Cutting (1973) Plasma Arc Gas Enthalpy bv Energy Balance (1973) Plasma Arc Welding (1973) Plaster and Gvpsum Veneer Plaster (1973) Plaster Base) (1973) /E Std. for Metal, Wire and Wire Plaster Liquid Bonding Agents (1973) Plaster (1972) Plaster (1973) Plaster (1973) Uniform Building Code Plaster (1973) Uniform Building Code St Plaster (1973) ANSI A49.4 Plastering and Installation of Wallboard Lathing (1973) Plastering (1973) Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior (1971) Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior (1971) /. F Plasters and Concrete (1973) Plasters and Concrete (1973) Plaster; Roofing) and Earthquake Recording Instrumental Plastic Bottles (1972) (Plastic Composition) (1971) ANSI K65.182 /Time and Pea Plastic Concrete (1967) Plastic Deformation in Sheet Metal Stampings (1972) Plastic Drain and Building Sewer Pipe and Fittings (197 Plastic Drain Pipe. Perforated 11974) Plastic Drain. Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1973) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1973) Plastic Duct (1972) Plastic Encapsulants for Electronic Devices (1973) Plastic Faced Flush Doors (1973) Plastic Film and Sheeting (1972) Plastic Films (1972T) Plastic Fittings for (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1973 Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Appa Plastic Foam Core Insulating Panels (1972) Plastic Hot Water Distribution Systems (1973) Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic P Plastic Laminates (1972) /Ss Fabrics, Cleaned, and Aft Plastic Lap Shear Joints in fhear by Tension Loading (1 Plastic Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in Shear by Tension L Plastic Line Couplings, Socket Type (1973) Plastic Material for Lfse in Housings of Motor Vehicle L Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances ( Plastic Materials (1973) Plastic Materials (1973) / Meth. of Test for Measuring Plastic Mortar Sewer Pipe (1973) Plastic Panels (1969) Std. Test Plastic Panels (1972) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1972) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.16 Std Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.23 /. for So Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1972) Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1973) Std. Spec, for Bu Plastic Pipe by Acetone Immersion) (1967) ANSI B72.9 Plastic Pipe Constant Internal Pressure (1974) ANSI B72 Plastic Pipe Fittings (1968) ANSI K65.57 Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) Plastic Pipe Fittings. Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.160 Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.164 Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.159 Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.163 Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.165 Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.166 Plastic Pipe Under Internal Pressure (1967) ANSI B72.10 Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) and Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.12 Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diame Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diame Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter (1973) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.19 FMS LPD710 FMS 7-12 ANSI N18.9 ASME TWDPS 1 ANSI N18.17 ICBO UFC'2ART2 ICBO UFC-2ART21 ANSI N45.2.3 ICBO UFC-2ART3 ANSI N18.2 FMS 7-30N ANSI N45.2.1 ANSI N45.2.6 ANS N18.10 FMS 7-43 ANSI N18.5 AWS C5.2 ASTM E341 AWS C5.1 ICBO UBCS47-14 ICBO UBCS47-4 ICBO UBCS47-1 CSI 09150 ICBO UBCS47-12 ICBO UBCS47-14 ICBO UBCS47-3 ASTM C59 ICBO UBC*8-14 ICBO UBC*8-15 ANSI A42.2 ANSI A42.3 ASTM C472 ICBO UBCS24-26 ICBO UBC»3-23 ASTM D2911 ASTM D2471 CSI 03303 SAE J863C ASTM D2852 ASTM D3298 1APMO PS17 ASTM D2665 ASTM D2661 NEMA TC 7 ASTM F74 NWMA I.S.I ASTM D3099 ASTM G29 ASTM D3261 ASTM D1559 ASTM C659 ASTM D2846 ASTM D2609 ASTM D3098 ASTM D3163 ASTM D3164 ASTM D3036 SAE J29 UL 94 ICBO UBCS52-1 ICBO UBCS52-2 ASTM D3262 ASTM D1494 use PS53 ASTM D3122 ASTM D2564 ASTM D2235 SPI PPI TN6 ASTM D3261 ASTM D2152 ASTM D1598 ASTM D2749 ASTM D2466 ASTM D2610 ASTM D2468 ASTM D2467 ASTM D2611 ASTM D2469 ASTM D2465 ASTM D2464 ASTM D2153 ASTM D2446 ASTM D3035 ASTM D3287 ASTM D3000 ASTM D2662 Engineering and Product Standards Division 287 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Guide Spec, for d. Spec, for Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Std. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) eter (1974) Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) 7 Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) . for Solvent Cements for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) un or Fluidized Bed (Fire Protec/ Rec. for Application of (1973) Std. Spec, for Joints for Std. Spec, for Preformed Cellular 1973) ANSI C59.91 Std. Spec, for Vinyl Chloride Std. Spec, for Low Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride 1973) Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Surfaces of Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Fireclay Std. Meth. of Test for Modulus of Rupture of Air Setting Meth. of Test for Drying and Firing Shrinkage of Fireclay Felts, Saturated and Coated Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) (1972T) Spec, for Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride) ight) / Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Rigid Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Thin Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Flexible Thin Std. Meth. of Test for c, Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambe/ Std. for Thermoset Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) ble, Heat Shrinkable (19/ Spec, for Electrical Insulation 57 Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Communication and Electrical Wire and Cable (1/ Std. for Std. for Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Tent. Hazard Classifications of Organic Peroxides uilding Code: Veneer (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Tile, Metal, Std. Dimensions for Cores for Photographic Film Rolls 3) Std. Meth. of Measuring Std. Meth. of Test for Oil Migration or Std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Std. Meth. of Test for Brittleness Temperature of Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Stiffness Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Stiffness of ent Horizontal Shear Strength of Parallel Fiber Reinforced Std. Spec, for Glass Reinforced Acetal Std. Spec, for Polybutylene Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Transparent f Test for Compatibility of Plasticizers in Vinyl Chloride Std. Meth. of Test for Deflection Temperature of ctric Constant and Dissipation Factor of Expanded Cellular . for Self and Flash Ignition Properties (Temperatures) of Test for Rate of Burning or Extent of Burning of Cellular Std. Test Meth. for Flammability of skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth / Uniform Building Code: Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Nitrate eth. of Measuring Shrinkage from Mold Dimensions of Molded ning Temperatures of Std. ASTM Molds for Test Specimens of Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption of Rigid Cellular std. Meth. of Test for Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of acilities for Pneumatic Transfer of Dry Bulk Chemicals and td. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Rigid Cellular Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Spec, for Rigid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) meth. of Test for Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Rigid Cellular Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Flexible Rec. for Solid, Palletized, and Rack Storage of Std. Meth. of Test for Incandescence Resistance of Rigid Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Self Supporting a Classification in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural ical Instruments in Hazardous Dust Locations (Agricultural , Opaque Materials (Color Measurement of Textiles, Paints, Std. Index of Meth. for Test. Elastomeric and th. of Measuring Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion and 800 Deg. F (1973) Std. for Nut, Self Locking. Std. for Nut Spacer, Std. for Nut Spacer, 800 Deg. F (1/ Std. for Nut, Self Aligning, Self Locking, dge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, Rot Fragment Counting Std. Spec, for Copper Sheet, Strip, Std. Spec, for Industrial Perforated on (1974) sion Test/ 13 10 Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.2 Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.3 Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1974) ANSI B72.1 Plastic Pipe (1972) Plastic Pipe (1973) St Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI B72.4 Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (1974) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Based on Outside Diam Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 (1973) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120 (1973) ANSI B72. Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.162 Plastic Polymers in Dry Powder Form by Means of Spray G Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals Plastic Pressure Relief Joint Fillers (1973) Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape ( Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape ( Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape ( Plastic Prior to Adhesive Bonding (1969) ANSI Z197.25 Plastic Refractories (1972) Plastic Refractories (1972) Plastic Refractories (1972) ANSI A111.25 Std. Plastic Roll Materials (1973) /; Aggregates, Saturated Plastic Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.59 Plastic Sheeting for Pond, Canal, and Reservoir Lining Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Means of a Tup (Falling We Plastic Sheeting (1973) ANSI K65.76 Plastic Sheeting (1974) ANSI K65 28 Plastic Strain Ratio R for Sheet Metal (1974) Plastic Tanks for Water and Wastewater Treatment (Septi Plastic Tubing (1973) Plastic Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.22 Plastic Tubing (1974) Plastic Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, Flexi Plastic Utilities Conduit and Fittings (1972) ANSI K65. Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground Installation for Plastic Wall Siding (1972) (Plastic) (1974) Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Protection, or Insula (Plastic, Wood or Metal) (1971) Plasticity Retention Index (PRI) of Natural Rubber (197 Plasticizer Bleed Out of Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) Plasticizers in Vinyl Chloride Plastics Under Compressi Plastics and Elastomers by Impact (1973) Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) Plastics as a Function of Temperature by Means of a Tor Plastics by Means of a Cantilever Beam (1970) ANSI K65. Plastics by Short Beam Meth. (1972) /of Test for Appar Plastics for Molding and Extrusion (1972) Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Plastics to Surface Abrasion (1973) ANSI K65.72 Plastics Under Compression (1974) Std. Meth. Plastics Under Flexural Load (1972) ANSI K65.222 Plastics Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) ANSI C59 Plastics Using a Hot Air Ignition Furnace) (Fire Safety Plastics Using a Supported Specimen by a Horizontal Scr Plastics Using the Oxygen Index Meth. (1974) ANSI K65.1 Plastics (General, Exterior Light Transmitting Panels, Plastics (Pyroxylin) (1973) Std. M Rec. Pract. for Determi Rec. for Terminal F Std. Std. Plastics (R1973) ANSI K66.3 Plastics (1967) ANSI K65.79 /. Plastics (1969E) ANSI K65.122 Plastics (1972) Plastics (1972) Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.32 Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.60 Plastics (1973) Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.205 Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.31 Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.51 Plastics (1974) Plastics (1974) Plastics (1974) Plastics (1974) ANSI K65.117 Plastics (1974) ANSI K65.21 Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dusts) (1973) Std. for Are Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Dusts) (1973) /on of Electr Plastics, etc.) (1973) ANSI Z172.6 /Ness of Near White Plastomeric Roofing and Waterproofing Materials (1972) Plastometer (1973) Std. Me Plate-Corner, Counterbored, Floating, 125 KSI Flu, 45 Plate-Countersunk (1973) Plate-Plain (1973) Plate-Two Lug, Floating, 125 KSI Ftu, 450 Deg. F and Plate and Cover) (1962) /Y Funnel, Trap Flask, Step We Plate and Rolled Bar (1973) ANSI H7.9 Plate and Screens (Square Opening Series) (1972) ASTM ASTM ASTM CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NRCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSF ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM NEMA use FMS ICBO ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM MCA ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM ISA ISA ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA AACCH ASTM ASTM D2241 D2282 D2239 15064.1 D2609 D1503 D2104 D2447 D1527 D1785 D2560 7-27 D3139 D3204 D2301 D3005 D3006 D2093 C180 C491 C179 •2-IV D2751 D3083 D3029 D882 D1433 E517 41 D2666 D2740 D2737 AMS3636D D2750 TC6 PS55 7-81 UBC»3-30 PHI. 13 D3194 C772 D3291 D746 D256 D1043 D747 D2344 D2948 D2581 D1044 D3291 D648 D1673 UBCS523 D1692 D2863 UBC»3-52 UFC*2ART6 D955 D958 D2842 D3028 TC18 D1623 D638 UBCS47-8 D1788 D1621 D883 D3014 D568 8-9 D757 D635 S12.10 S12.ll E313 D3105 D1238 1766 500 463 1765 28-90 B152 E454 288 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Copper Nickel Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Pla Meth. for Distillation of Crude Petroleum (15 Theoretical Pla Joints. Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Metal Pla Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. PI, Std. Spec, for Tin Pla Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy Sheet, Strip, and PI Std. Meth. for Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum Alloy PL g Glazing Material for Use Principally as a Substitute for Pla Std. for License PI nsi C59.13 Std. Meth. of Test. Rigid Sheet and PL eat, and Corn Flour (1962) Glass Pla . for Detection of Antibacterial Activity of Fabrics: Agar Pla Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Pla Std. Spec, for Perforated Pla tent. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Asphalt with Cone and Pla Spec, for Base Pla Spec, for Steel Sheet, Strip, and Pla special Grade (1973) Spec, for Steel Sheet, Strip, and Pla rosion and Moderate Heat Resistant Steel Sheet, Strip, and Pla Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Strip. Sheet, Foil, and Pla Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Sheet and Pla for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy Sheet and Pla Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and PI Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Clad Steel PI Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Sheet and PL ty Requirements for Shops Fabricating Structural Steel and PL Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sheet and PL or Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Pla ina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Air Oven (Aluminum PL for Electrodeposited Coatings of Tin- Lead Alloy (Solder PL Molybdenum Sheet, Strip, and Pla Std. Spec, for Cartridge Brass Sheet, Strip, PL cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1/ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Pla -20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti/ Spec, for Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Pla 4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION. Solution Heat Treated (1973/ Steel Pla b + Ta), Consumable Electrode Va/ Steel Sheet, Strip, and Pla (1973) Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Pla Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Pla . for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Pla pec. for Heat Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Pla Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Pla 972) Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Nickel Copper Alloy Pla std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Pla std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel PI delivery of Flat Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel PI td. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy PL Std. Spec, for Nickel PI or Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Manganese-Molybdenum Alloy PL m Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy PL Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy PL Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy (Copper Alloy No. 175), Pla Spec, for Tantalum Pla Std. Spec, for Phosphor Bronze (Copper Tin) Pla Std. Spec, for Leaded Brass Pla Std. Spec, for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Brass Pla Std. Spec, for Copper Iron Alloy Pla Std. Spec, for Copper— Zinc-Tin Alloys Pla Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc-Aluminum-Cobalt Alloy Pla kel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel Alloy Pla r General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Pla . for Material Spec, for Structural Steel and Iron (Shape, Pla for High Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel PL 0) (1973) Steel Sheet, Strip, and Pla .23C), Premium Quality, Consumab/ Steel Sheet, Strip, and PL Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and PI Std. for Bushing-Clamp Up, Steel, Cadmium PL r Appliances (Coffee Pots and Urns, Food Dish Warmers, Hot PL Std. for Domestic Gas Hot Pla Std. Spec, for Rolled Copper Alloy Bearing and Expansion Pla (1972) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Pla w and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon— Silicon Steel Pla )ANSIG35.1/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Pla erature Service (1972/ Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Pla Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of Steel Pla Std. Spec, for Manganese Vanadium Alloy Steel Pla d. Spec, for Charpy V-Notch Testing Requirements for Steel Pla Std. Spec, for Nickel Alloy Steel PL Std. Spec, for Molybdenum Alloy Steel Pla Std. Spec, for Carbon Manganese Silicon Steel Pla Spec, for Manganese Molybdenum and Its Nickel Alloy Steel PL e and Sheet for Pressure Vessels (1969) ANSI H52.1 e and Sheet for Pressure Vessels (1973) e and Sheet (1971) ANSI H34.ll e and Sheet (1971) ANSI H34.12 e Column) (1973) ANSI Zll. 314 Std. e Connected Wood Truss Design; and Nails and Staple e Count Meth. of Analysis of Total Bacteria in Food e Fabricated Aerosol Cans (1972) e for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI N123 e for Pressure Vessels (1971) ANSI H38.21 e Glass Show Window Panels (1972) /Rglary Resistin e Lamps (Light) (1973) e Materials Used for Electrical Insulation (1972) a e Meth. of Analysis for Insect Excreta in White, Wh e Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.125 Test Meth e Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.6 e Sieves for Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI Z168.12 e Viscometer (1973) e (Artificial Dentures) Wax (1971) e (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.49-0.55O) (1973) e (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.33-0.38Q) e (13Cr-2.0Ni-3.0W) (1973) Spec, for Cor e(1964) ANSI Z179.20 Std. e (1970) ANSI H45.3 e (1971) ANSI H34.44 Std. Spec. e (1972) ANSI Z179.1 e (1973) e (1973) Spec, for e(1973) Std. for Safe e (1973) ANSI H38.2 e (1974) Std. Spec. F e) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Semol e)(1973) Std. Meth. Test e. Arc Cast, Stress Relieved (1973) e, Bar and Disks (1973) e. Corrosion and Heat Resistant. Nickel Base-15.8 e. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base, 20Cr e. Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr- e. Corrosion Resistant. 14.8Cr-4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(C e. Low Expansion, Glass Sealing, 53Fe-29Ni-17Co e. Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.19 e. Sheet and Strip (1973) Std. Spec e. Sheet, and Strip for Fusion Welded Unfired Press e. Sheet, and Strip for High Strength at Elevated T e. Sheet, and Strip for High Temperature Service (1 e. Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.10 Sheet, and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.6 e. Sheet, and Strip (1972) e, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.2 e, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.30 e, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 e. Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.8 e. Sheet, and Strip (1973) e, Sheet, and Strip (1973) ANSI H34.37 e. Sheet, and Strip (1973) ANSI H34.40 e, Sheet. Strip and Rolled Bar (1973) e, Sheet, Strip, and Foil (1973) e. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) e. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1974) Sheet, Strip, Connector, and Bar) (1973) e. Suitable for Welding (1970E) ANSI G24.26 e, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE 874 e, 0.75Cr-9.0Ni-4.5Co-1.0Mo-0.09V (0.17-0 e, 6A1-4V Annealed (1973) ed (1973) es and Griddles, etc.) (1973) Std. for Gas Counte es and Laundry Stoves (1971) es and Sheets for Bridge and Other Structural Uses es for Intermediate and Higher Temperature Service es for Machine Parts and General Construction (1970 es for Moderate and Lower Temperature Service (1973 es for Pressure Vessels for Moderate and Lower Temp es for Pressure Vessels (1972) es for Pressure Vessels (1972) es for Pressure Vessels (1972) es for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G33.1 es for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G34.1 es for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.14 es for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.15 Std /Ments for Std. Spec. F /or Chromiu /. Spec, for /Pper-Nic /. Spec. Fo /EStd /Pec. St ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM UL SAE ASTM AACCH AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ADA SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ANSI ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM SAE ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM SAE SAE SAE NSA ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division B402 B96 B333 B334 D2892 UBCS2517 42-11 D3061 B352 B548 972 J587E D229 28-43 90 A263 E323 D3205 24 AMS6396 AMS6433B AMS5508B B393 B90 B434 B265 B432 AMS2202K Z229. 1 B209 B386 44-16 B579 AMS7801A B19 AMS5873 AMS5872 AMS5549C AMS5862 AMS7728C B443 B582 A240 A457 A670 B168 B127 B575 A176 A480 B424 B162 B590 B463 B409 B534 AMS7849A B103 B121 B194 B36 B465 B591 B592 B122 B248 UBCS271 A514 AMS6358D AMS6523A AMS4911C 73 Z21.31 Z21.9 B100 A515 A284 A516 A612 A20 A225 A593 A203 A204 A299 A302 289 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 20 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ec. for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel nd Spec, for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel raight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Carbon Steel Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Condenser Rolled Tube Std. Spec, for Structural Carbon Steel ec. for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Std. for Symbols for Machine Tool Indicator Vessels (1972) ANSI C35.7 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel 83.53 Std. for Clearance Dimensions on the Mating Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of Bone Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of Nail Std. for Practice for Storage of Processed Photographic Std. Spec, for Vitrified Clay Liner m— Copper-Nickel-Aluminum Alloy Steel Pressure Vessel th. of Test for Tensile Strength Properties of Steel Truss imensions and Tolerances for Screw Holes and Slots in Bone el Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel std. Spec, for L'ltrasonic, Angle Beam Examination of Steel ANSI G35.16 ANSI G32.1 ed (1972A) ANSI G35.ll , 18% Nickel (1972A) Ansi/ , 12% Nickel (1972A) alt-Molybdenum-Chromi/ !:el(1972A) ANSI G35.20 mpered (1972A) ANSI G35.3 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel itometric Meth. for Measuring Residual Chemicals in Films, ual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor ature Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel nsi G35.8 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel use Book: Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, ssels (1/ Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum, Alloy Steel 72/ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel pec. for General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel el Sheet Piling (1/ (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Steel' 1972A) Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessels cks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Push and Kick ) for Lowering Personnel and Material (1/ Guide Spec, for Std. for Elevating Work Safety Code for Fabricated Stage and Scaffold Planks and ted Structural Steel Pipe for Use of Welded Offshore Fixed Uniform Building Code: Stages and etroleum Drilling Rig Packaging for Minimum Self Contained oduction Facilities on Land and on Marine Fixed and Mobile posed to W/ Std. Spec, for Wood Paving Blocks for Exposed Std. for Std. Spec, for Refined rvice (1973) ANSI Bl 11.1 Safety Std. for . Meth. of Test for Shock Absorbing Properties of (Sports) Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Steam nsi/ Std. Meth. of Test, and Tolerances for Jute Rove and meth. of Test. Plywood in Rolling Shear (Shear in Plane of ool Mountings (Farm Machinery) (1973) Std. for Chisel ANSI C33.97 Safety Std. for Receptacle - Safety Std. for Std. for Electrical Feeder and Rec. Pract. for Spark ves (1974) Spec, for Steel Gate, Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Self Std. for Structural Flush Break Pull Mandrel Self Std. for Self Std. on Dimensions of Attachment Std. for Safety for Electrical Attachment Purpose, 277 Volts Ac, 15 Amperes, 2/ es, 2 Pole, 1 Wire (1973) res, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) rpose, 125 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 Pole,/ rpose, 125/250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 P/ 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ mperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) mperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ mperes, 2 Pole, 2 Wire (1973) mperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ 20 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, G/ 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, G/ 20 Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locking Ty/ 30 Amperes, 3 Pole, 3 Wire, Locking T/ mperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ mperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. for Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Std. Dimensions of Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.2 Std. Sp Plates for Pressure Vessels (1973) ANSI G35.4 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1973) ANSI G60.2 /Meth. a Plates for Special Applications (1971) ANSI G35.25 /St Plates for Structural Applications (1973) Plates in Surface Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1973) Plates of Improved Toughness (1973) Plates of Structural Quality (1970) ANSI G24.2 /Td. Sp Plates or Control Buttons (1972) Plates with Improved Transition Properties for Pressure Plates (Patterns) Used in Battery Sockets (1974) ANSI C Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) Plates (1972) Plates (1972) Plates (1972) ANSI G33.3 Std. Spec, for Chromiu Plates (1973) Std. Me Plates (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for D Plates (1973) ANSI G35.22 /Nganese-Molybdenum-Nick Plates (1973) ANSI G35.24 Plates, Alloy Steel 5% Chromium, 0.5% Molybdenum (1972) Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium Manganese Silicon (1972A) Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Temper Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening (Maraging) Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hardening (Maraging) Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Cob Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered 8 and 9% Nic Plates, Alloy Steel, 36% Nickel (1972) Plates, Alloy Steel, 9% Nickel Double Normalized and Te Plates, and Papers (1971) /Thiosulfate and Silver Dens Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1970) /El Products Man Plates, Carbon Manganese, for Moderate and Lower Temper Plates, Carbon Steel. High Strength Manganese (1972 A) a Plates, Heat Treated, Carbon Manganese Silicon (1972A) Plates, Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pins, Dowels, Joints Plates, Quenched and Tempered Chromium, for Pressure Ve Plates, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessels (19 Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural U Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor Plates, and Ste Plates, 5% Nickel Alloy Steel, Specially Heat Treated ( Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key C Platforms and Stage Lifts (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic Platforms (Lift) (1973) Platforms (1972) Platforms (1972) Spec, for Fabrica Platforms (1973) Platforms (1973) Spec, for P Platforms (1973) /Ns at Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Pr Platforms, Pavements, Driveways, and Interior Floors Ex Plating, High Strength Steels, Cadmium (1973) Platinum (1973) Play Pipes for Water Supply Test, in Fire Protection Se Playing Surface Systems (1972) Std Pleating (1971) ANSI L14.240, ISO 105-4 Plied Yarn for Electrical and Packing Purposes (1974) a Plies) (1969) Tent. Plow, Field and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground T Plug Combinations for L'se in Hazardous Locations (1973) Plug Fuses (Electrical) (1973) Plug in Busways and Accessories (1972) Plug. Aircraft Reciprocating Engine (1971) Plug, Ball, and Check Valves for Petroleum Pipeline Val Plugging Blind Rivet (1974) Plugging Blind Rivets, Type 2A (1973) Plugging, Mechanically Locked Spindle Rivet (1972) Plugs and Receptacles (1973) Plugs and Receptacles (1974) Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Grounding Type, Specific Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Type 125 Volts, 15 Amper Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Type, 250 Volts, 20 Ampe Plugs and Receptacles, Midget Locking Type, Specific Pu Plugs and Receptacles, Midget Locking Type, Specific Pu Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 a ASTM A285 ASTM A387 ASTM A435 ASTM A578 ASTM A678 ASTM B171 ASTM A573 ASTM A283 ANSI B5.46 ASTM A442 EIA RS156-B ASTM F382 ASTM F384 ANSI PHI. 45 ASTM C479 ASTM A410 ASTM E489 ASTM F367 ASTM A533 ASTM A577 ASTM A357 ASTM A202 ASTM A517 ASTM A538 ASTM A590 ASTM A605 ASTM A553 ASTM A658 ASTM A353 ANSI PH4.8 AISI 2 ASTM A662 ASTM A455 ASTM A537 WWPA •31-1 ASTM A542 ASTM A543 ASTM A6 AISI 2 ASTM A645 NBHA 8 CSI 14430 ANSI A92.3 ALI *1 API 2B ICBO UBC*3-39 API 2E API RP500B ASTM D52 NSA 672 ASTM B561 UL 385 ASTM F355 AATCC 131 ASTM D681 ASTM D2718 ASAE S225.1 UL 1010 UL 198.5 NEMA BUI SAE ARP590B API 6D NSA 1740 IF1 119 NSA 1400 ANSI C73 UL 498 ANSI C73.43 ANSI C73.31 ANSI C73.32 ANSI C73.29 ANSI C73.30 ANSI C73.104 ANSI C73.105 ANSI C73.90 ANSI C73.91 ANSI C73.69 ANSI C73.72 ANSI C73.70 ANSI C73.73 ANSI C73.83 ANSI C73.84 ANSI C73.96 ANSI C73.97 ANSI C73.74 ANSI C73.98 290 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards s and Special Wastes (1973) mperes. 2 Pole. 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimensions of mperes, 2 Pole. 3 Wire Locking. Groun/ Std. Dimensions of mperes 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Lockin/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes. 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. Dimensions of mperes. 3 Phase. 3 Pole. 4 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of Amperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Gr/ Std. Dimensions of Amperes. 2 Pole. 3 Wire Locking, Gr/ Std. Dimensions of 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye. 4 Pole. 4 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 5 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of 30 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of 20 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 5 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes. 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 3 Phase. 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole. 3 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 2 Pole. 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. Dimensions of mperes. 3 Phase, 3 Fole, 3 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ Std. Dimensions of mperes, 3 Phase, 3 Pole. 4 Wire Locki/ Std. Dimensions of 30 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of neetions. Outboard Water Strainers, Water Scoops and Drain Rec. Pract. for Preignition Rating of Spark Std. Ferrous Pipe Type for Hazardous Locations (1973) Std. for Electrical National Std. Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Spec, for Supports for Off the Floor Std. for Stainless Steel Std. for Vitreous China Std. for Stainless Steel Std. for Enameled Cast Iron Spec. Data for Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary System ansi A197.1, Asse 1006 Std. and Test Procedures for Units (1971) ANSI A197.3. / Std. and Test Procedures for ical Hot Water Dispensers (1973) , Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper Solvent Single Stack Design and Construction Requirements, and Installation of ing Trailers. Truck Campers, Motor Homes): Installation of Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Determination of Uranium and Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade ectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade std. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and std. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade ical. Nuclear and Radio Chemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade ical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Std. Spec, for Std. for Classification of Unirradiated nsi J2.6 Std. Meth. of Dynamic Test, for (1969) Std. Test Meth. for and Multipurpose Passenger Vehi/ Std. for Bias and Radial td. Test Meth. for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Two Std. Spec, for Noncarbonized, Single Building Code: Wood Members and Their Fastenings (Lumber, k) (1973) Quality Stds. for sure Proc/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Lumber. Timber. Design Spec, for 71) d Industrial Buildings (1971) Design Spec, for Fabrication Spec, for theater. Auditorium. Dormatory. Public or Office/ g (1973) vstem (1973) ms (1973) (1973) Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 2 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 3 Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volt9, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 20 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 a Plugs and Receptacles? Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, Plugs (Boats) (1972) /on of Seacocks, Through Hull Con Plugs (1970) Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads (1971) Plugs, Receptacles and Connectors of the Pin and Sleeve Plumbing Code (Including Definitions) (1973) Plumbing Code (1973) Plumbing Code: Battery Drainage System (1973) Plumbing Code: Drainage Systems (1973) Plumbing Code: Fixtures (1973) Plumbing Code: Fuel Gas Piping (1973) Plumbing Code: Indirect Waste Piping, Wet Vented System Plumbing Code: Joints and Connections (1973) Plumbing Code: Medium Pressure Gas Piping Systems (1973 Plumbing Code: Minimum Facilities Required for School, Plumbing Code: Mobile Home (Trailer) Parks (1973) Plumbing Code: Rainwater Systems, Roof Drains and Pipin Plumbing Code: Rec. Rules for Sizing the Water Supply S Plumbing Code: Sewers and Private Sewage Disposal Syste Plumbing Code: Swimming Pools (1973) Plumbing Code: Traps and Interceptors (1973) Plumbing Code: Vents and Venting (1973) Plumbing Code: Water Distribution (1973) Plumbing Code: Water Heaters and Vents (1973) Plumbing Fixtures for Public Use (1972) Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use) (1962) Plumbing Fixtures (Lavatory, Water Closet Bowl, Urinal) Plumbing Fixtures (1971) Plumbing Fixtures (1973) (Plumbing Pipe and Fittings) (1972) Plumbing Requirements for Household Dishwashers (1971) Plumbing Requirements for Household Food Waste Disposer Plumbing Requirements for Household Storage Type Electr Plumbing System (1973) Design Rules Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Systems (1973) ANSI Al Plumbing. Heating, and Electrical Systems (1972) ANSI a Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances (1970) Plutonium Dioxide Powder, Sinterable (1974) Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI N104 Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Meth.) (1969) ANSI N Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 Meth.) (1969) ANSI N113 Plutonium Metal (1972) ANSI N136 Plutonium Metal (1973) /Ass Spectrometric, Spectrochem Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) /Etric, Spectrochem Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) ANSI N137 Plutonium Scrap (1972) Ply Separation and Cracking of Rubber Products (1973) a Ply Separation (Wet) of Solid and Corrugated Fiberboard Ply Tires and Rims for Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, Ply Wood Construction in Shear by Tension Loading (1970 Ply, Adding Machine Paper Rolls (1973) Plywood and Components, Timber, Preservative Treatment, Plywood and Particleboard Grades (Architectural Woodwor Plywood and Utility Pole Preservative Treatment by Pres Plywood Beams (1972) Plywood Construction Guide for Residential Building (19 Plywood Construction Systems (Specs.) for Commercial an Plywood Curved Panels (1968) Plywood Curved Panels (1971) Plywood Design Spec. (1966) ANSI C73.71 ANSI C73.75 ANSI C73.85 ANSI C73.99 ANSI C73.100 ANSI C73.76 ANSI C73.86 ANSI C73.77 ANSI C73.78 ANSI C73.106 ANSI C73.92 ANSI C73.93 ANSI C73.108 ANSI C73.109 ANSI C73.94 ANSI C73.95 ANSI C73.101 ANSI C73.79 ANSI C73.87 ANSI C73.102 ANSI C73.80 ANSI C73.88 ANSI C73.81 ANSI C73.103 ANSI C73.82 ANSI C73.89 ANSI C73.107 ABYC H27 SAE J549A ANSI B16.14 NEMA FB11 NAPHC »1 ICBO UPC*1 ICBO UPC*1-H ICBO UPC*1 4 ICBO UPC*1 9 ICBO UPC*1 12 ICBO UPC*1 6 ICBO UPC*1 8 ICBO UPC*1 F ICBO UPC*1 C ICBO UPC*1 E ICBO UPC*1 I) ICBO UPC*1 A ICBO UPC*1 11 ICBO UPC*1 G ICBO UPC*1 7 ICBO UPC*1 5 ICBO UPC*1 10 ICBO UPC*1 13 ANSI A112.6 1 use CS243 ANSI A112.19.2 IAPMO TSC20 ANSI A112.19.1 CISPI 301 AHAM DW-2PR AHAM FWD-2PR ASSE 1023 CDA *1 NFPA 501B NFPA 501C ASTM E267 ASTM C757 ASTM C697 ASTM E244 ASTM E321 ASTM C701 ASTM C758 ASTM C759 ASTM C710 ANSI N15.10 ASTM D430 ASTM D1028 TRA 1 ASTM D2339 ANSI X4.8 ICBO UBC*3-25 AWI •1-200 ICBO UBCS25-12 APA •3PDS2 APA *2 APA *1 APA •3PDS1 APA CP-8 APA •3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 291 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards cteristics, Material Composition, Use, Applicati/ Redwood Std. Meth. of Test. 9) Tent. Meth. of Test. Tent. Meth. of Test. Uniform Building Code Std. for Softwood ing Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Softwood Rec. for Protection of Design Spec, for Flat Fabrication Spec, for building Code Std. for Structural Glued Built Up Members - Design Spec, for Performance Spec, for Adhesives for Field Cluing std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in td. Test Meth. for Permanence of Adhesive Bonded Joints in rior Panel Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Veneer and Structural Design Guide for Hardwood r Exterior Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade Trademarked Std. Meth. of Test for Shear Modulus of on Met/ the All Weather Wood (Pressure Treated Lumber and si 07.1 Std. Meth. of Test. Veneer, eeting (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for entation) (1970) Std. for Air Pressures for Std. for Air Pressures for Std. Interfaces for 4 Way General Purpose Industrial 1972) Rec. for Terminal Facilities for struction. Care, and Use of Shears (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Performance Spec, for Direct and Indirect Reading Std. Meth. of Test for Annealing 71) Std. Meth. of Test for Annealing ol. Cleaning Fluids, Flammable Aerosols, etc. with a Flash .7 Std. Meth. of Test for Flash ii of Water Insoluble Impurities in Refined Phenol by Cloud gricultural Wheel Tractors (1972) SAE J715 Std. for 3 ultural Wheeled Tractors (1972) Std. for 3 1 Tractors Equipped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Three ft Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 ft Force Capacity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 hemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of Cloud y Within Temperature Range / Meth. of Analysis of Congeal Rec. for Flash exural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Center hemistry) (1967) Capillary Meth. of Analysis of Melting for Use of the Refractometer for Determining the Freezing ter (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Flash Std. Meth. of Test for Smoke Std. Meth. of Test forFlash 972) Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Std. Meth. of Test for Wax Appearance Std. Meth. of Test for Boiling Std. Meth. of Test for Annealing Point and Strain Std. Meth. of Test for Annealing Point and Strain Std. Meth. of Test for Softening Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Std. Meth. of Test for Dropping Wiley Meth. of Analysis of Melting Std. Meth. of Test for Pour Std. Meth. of Test for Congealing Meth. for Congealing lysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel for Boron by the emical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the for Spectrochemical Analysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the rochemical Analysis of Admiralty Metal by the Cast Pin and to Lawn and Garden Riding Tractors (1972) Std. for One r Structural Steel with 42,000 psi (290 MPa) Minimum Yield . Analytical Meth. for Determining Inherent Viscosity (One Std. for Carbide Blanks and Cutting Tools, Single Mechanical Demand Registers (Cumulative and .6 Std. Meth. of Test for Flash and Fire Stds. for Staples with Rolled or Slash 73) Std. for Flash tidotes. Supplies (Packaging), and References (Dosage) for stry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Food std. Meth. of Test for Young's Modulus. Shear Modulus, and emolina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye, B/ etal Butt Seals and Test, for Expansion Characteristics by 1 Sandwich Seal and Test, for Expansion Characteristics by meth. for Making Potentiostatic and Potentiodynamic Anodic an's Climbing Equipment (Body Belt, Safety Strap, Lanyard, orthern White/ Std. for Preservative Treatment of Incised building Code Std. for Lumber, Timber, Plywood and Utility unding Type, Specific Purpose, 277 Volts Ac, 15 Amperes, 2 ugs and Receptacles, Locking Type 125 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 related Products) bv Setafl/ 1972) ANSI Zl 1.207 stry) (1967) si Z11.61 Plywood Guide (Spec, for Texture and Grade, Panel Chara Plywood in Flexure (1972) Plywood in Rolling Shear (Shear in Plane of Plies) (196 Plywood in Shear Through the Thickness (1969) Plywood Lumber Beams Fabrication Spec. (1971) Plywood Lumber, Construction and Industrial (1973) Plywood Paneling (1973) Dwell Plywood Plants (1972) Plywood Sandwich Panels (1970) Plywood Sandwich Panels (1971) Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Beams, and Com Plywood Stressed Skin Panels Fabrication Spec. (1971) Plywood Stressed Skin Panels (1972) Plywood to Wood Framing (1971) Plywood Type Construction in Shear by Tension Loading ( Plywood Under Mold Conditions (1970) Plywood (1967) Test Meths. for Inte Plywood (1970) ANSI 07.2 Plywood (1971) Plywood (1971) Test Meth. Fo Plywood (1972) Plywood) Foundation System: House Design and Constructi Plywood, and Other Glued Veneer Constructions (1972) an Pneumatic Ball Impact Resistance of Plastic Film and Sh Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Systems (Instrum Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Systems (1967) Pneumatic Directional Control Valves (1973) ANSI B93.33 Pneumatic Transfer of Dry Bulk Chemicals and Plastics ( Pneumatic, Semi and Automatic, and Manually Powered) (1 Pocket Dosimeters for X-And Gamma Radiation (1972) Point and Strain Point of Glass by Beam Bending (1972) Point and Strain Point of Glass by Fiber Elongation (19 Point Below 200 Deg. F) (1973) /Rosene, Acetone, Alcoh Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Tester (1973) ANSI Zll Point Depression (1968) ANSI Z78.21 /Ion and Estimatio Point Free Link Attachment for Hitching Implements to a Point Free Link Hitch Attachment of Implements to Agric Point Free Link Hitch (1971) SAE J909A /Icultural Whee Point Hitch (1972) /Ocedure for Measuring Hydraulic Li Point Hitch (1972) /Ocedure for Measuring Hydraulic Li Point in All Edible Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal C Point in Fats and Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or Solidif Point Index of Trade Name Liquids (NFPA 325A) (1974) Point Loading) (1968) ANSI A37. 84 /Eth. of Test for Fl Point of All Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal 'C Point of Aqueous Engine Coolants (1974) /. Rec. Pract. Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Setaflash Closed Tes Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll. 137 Point of Chemicals by Closed Up Meth. (1973) Point of Cutback Asphalt with Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1 Point of Distillate Fuels (1972) ANSI Zl 1.325 Point of Engine Antifreezes (1972) ANSI D14.1 Point of Glass by Beam Bending (1972) Point of Glass by Fiber Elongation (1971) Point of Glass (1973) Point of Liquids by Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Point of Liquids (Paint, Enamel, Lacquer, Varnish, and Point of Lubricating Grease of Wide Temperature Range ( Point of Normal Animal and Vegetable Fats (Cereal Chemi Point of Petroleum Oils (1971) ANSI Zll. 5. Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatum (1971) an Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatum (1972) Point to Plane Arc Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.29 / Ana Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical Emission Spec Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical Emission Vacu Point to Plane Techniques (1973) Std. Meth. for Spect Point Tubular Sleeve Attachment for Hitching Implements Point (1/2 In. (12.7 Mm) Maximum Thickness) (1972) ANSI Point) Content in Corn Starch (1963) Std Point, Carbide Tipped. Roller Turner Type (1972) Pointer Forms) EEI MSJ-4 Points by Cleveland Open Cup (1972) AASHO T48, ANSI Zll Points (1971) EEI TDJ-14 Points, Closed Cup, Aromatic Chemicals and Isolates (19 Poison Control Centers (1972) Std. for Rec. an Poisoning Staphylococcus in Food Products (Cereal Chemi Poisson's Ratio for Glass and Glass Ceramics by Resonan Polarimetric Meth. of Analysis of Starch in Flour and S Polarimetric Meth. (1973) / Making Reference Glass-M Polarimetric Meth. (1973) /King Reference Glass-Meta Polarization Measurements (1972) / for Std. Reference Pole and Tree Climber) (1973) Spec, for Linem Pole Butts by the Thermal Process (Western Red Cedar, N Pole Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes and Q Pole 3 Wire (1973) /Plugs and Receptacles, Locking Gro Pole, 1 Wire (1973) Std. Dimensions of PI CRA 3A9 ASTM D2043 ASTM D2718 ASTM D2719 APA BB-8 ICBO UBCS2S-9 ICBO UBC*8-17 FMS 7-12 APA ♦3PDS4 APA SP-61 ICBO UBCS25-1J APA SS-8 APA ♦3PDS3 APA AFC-01 ASTM D906 ASTM D1877 APA *5 ASTM D1038 HPMA HP-SG-71 APA *4 ASTM D3044 NFORP RP7 ASTM D805 ASTM D3099 ISA S7.4 SAMA PMC2-5 NFLDP T3.21.1 MCA TC18 ANSI B11.4 ANSI N13.5 ASTM C598 ASTM C336 ICBO UBCS10-1 ASTM D93 ASTM D2147 ASAE S217.8 SAE J715D ASAE S278.2 ASAE S349 SAE J283 AACCH 56-10 AACCH 58-12A FMS 7-42N ASTM C293 AACCH 58-40 ASTM D3321 ASTM D3243 ASTM D1322 ASTM E502 ASTM D3143 ASTM D3117 ASTM D1120 ASTM C598 ASTM C336 ASTM C338 ASTM D1310 ASTM D3278 ASTM D2265 AACCH 58-41 ASTM D97 ASTM D938 TAPPI T662 ASTM E404 ASTM E403 ASTM E485 ASTM E486 ASAE S348T ASTM A529 CR B-61 ANSI B94.37 NEMA EI 14 ASTM D92 NEMA PH 14 EOA FP-1 AAPCC ♦1 AACCH 42-30 ASTM C623 AACCH 76-20 ASTM F140 ASTM F144 ASTM G5 EEI AP-2 AWPA C7 ICBO UBCS25-12 ANSI C73.43 ANSI C73.31 292 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards gs and Receptacles, Locking Type, 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 t Locking Type. Specific Purpose, 125 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Ampere9, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts. 20 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 and Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac. 20 Amperes, 2 Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 30 Amperes. 2 eking Type, Specific Purpose. 125/250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 120/208 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye. 4 specific Purpose 277/480 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 ptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts. 20 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts. 30 Amperes. 3 Phase. 3 tacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts. 30 Amperes, 3 Phase, 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts. 20 Amperes. 3 receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye. 4 specific Purpose 277/480 Volts. 30 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye. 4 specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes. 3 Phase Wye, 4 specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 Phase Wye, 4 tive Treatment by Pressure Processes) (19/ Std. for Round Std. Guideline for the Physical Inspection of Wood Process (1973) Std. for Lodgepole Pine Wood 73) Uniform Building Code Std. for Wood Std. Spec, and Dimensions for Wood for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Timber atment of Western Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber bshing Rec. Design Stresses for Round Timber Construction rn Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar coal Tar Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of Piles, r. Plywood and Components, Timber, Preservative Treatment, ries (1/ Rec. Domestic Marketing Std. Including Guarantee A edure) for Products Classified as to Slip Resistant (Floor Std. Meth. of Test for Detergent Resistance of Floor (1969) Spec, for Water Emulsion Floor mination of the Reflectance of the Organic Components in A shampooer,/ Std. for Safety for Floor Finishing Machines Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Wax Std. Meth. of Test for Sediment in Water Emulsion Std. Rec. Pract. for Rating Water Emulsion Floor Water Emulsion. Solvent Based, and Polymer Emulsion Floor . Meth. of Test for Total Ash and Silica in Water Emulsion Std. Meth. of Test for Soil Resistance of Floor Std. Meth. of Test for Water Spotting of Emulsion Floor 972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Pavement Rec. for Scrubbers for Rec. Pract. for Exhaust Emission Controls (Air td. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Solution ) (1967) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test for Quality of Extruded Std. Spec, for Filled 1973) Std. Spec, for e Diameter (1973) Std. Spec, for .19 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Analysis of Environmental Materials Std. Spec, for Extra Heavy Duty Black 8.32 Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Black 8.31 Std. Spec, for General Purpose graphic Film for Archival Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Tape (1973) ANSI C59.96 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole Pole 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimensions of Plu 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimensions of Plugs 2 Wire (1973) Std. Dimensions of Plugs 2 Wire (1973) Std. for Dimensions of Plugs 2 Wire (1973) /S of Plugs and Receptacles, Midge 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) 3 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Nsions of Plugs and /S of Plugs and Recep /S of Plugs and Recep /S of Plugs and Recep /S of Plugs and Recep /S of Plugs and Recep /S of Plugs and Recep 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type 1973) / of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /of Plugs 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Plugs and 3 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Plugs and 3 Wire (1973) / Plugs and Receptacles, Midget Lo 3 Wire, Locking Type (1973) /Sions of Plugs and 4 Wire Locking Type (1972) /Gs and Receptacles: 4 Wire Locking Type (1972) /Gs and Receptacles: 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles: 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles: 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles: 4 Wire Locking Type (1973) /Gs and Receptacles? 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) / and Rece 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /and Recep 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /and Recep 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /and Recep 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /and Recep 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Lugs and 4 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Lugs and 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Ptacles: 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Ptacles: 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Ptacles: 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Ptacles: 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Ptacles: 5 Wire Locking, Grounding Type (1973) /Ptacles: Poles and Posts Used in Building Construction (Preserva Poles in Service (1972) Poles Preservative Treatment by the Full Length Thermal Poles That Are to Be Given a Preservative Treatment (19 Poles (1972) Poles (1973) Std. Poles (1973) / Length Thermal Process Preservative Tre Poles (1974) Std. Spec, and Meth. for Estab Poles) (1973) /Ole Butts by the Thermal Process (Weste Poles, and Timbers for Marine, Land, and Fresh Water Us Poles. Piles, Spaced Columns. Joints. Screws, Bolts, Co Policy for Motor Vehicle Type (Lead Acid) Storage Batte Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways (1965) Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, CSMA Bui 308-70 /Oc Polish Films (1973) Polish for Use on Asphalt or Vinyl Asbestos Tile Floors Polished Specimen of Coal (1972) / Microscopical Deter (Polisher, Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug Polishes and Related Materials (1973) Polishes by Centrifuge (1972) ANSI Z123.3 Polishes (1972) Polishes (1972) / Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Polishes (1972) ANSI Z123.1 Std Polishes (1973) Polishes (1974) ANSI Z123.12 Polishing in the Laboratory (Full Scale Wheel Meth.) (1 Pollution Control (1974) Pollution) for Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) Poly-Butadiene Rubbers (BR) (1973) Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe by Acetone Immersion Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe (1972) Polybutylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials ( Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outsid Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72 Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Tubing (1973) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (1974) Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C Polychloroprene Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C Polyester Base (1973) Std. Spec, for Photo Polyester Film Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Polyester Glass Mat Sheet Laminate (1973) ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI AWPA AWPA AWPA ICBO ANSI AWPA AWPA ASTM AWPA ASTM ICBO BCI ASHTO CSMA ASTM RTI ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ITA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM C73.32 C73.70 C73.71 C73.69 C73.29 C73.96 C73.100 C73.101 C73.102 C73.103 C73.98 C73.99 C73.82 C73.72 C73.73 C73.74 C73.75 C73.76 C73.79 C73.80 C73.81 C73.77 C73.78 C73.30 C73.97 C73.108 C73.109 C73.104 C73.105 C 73. 106 C73.107 C73.85 C73.86 C73.87 C73.88 C73.89 C73.83 C73.84 C73.90 C73.91 C73.92 C73.93 C73.94 C73.95 C23-72 M 13-72 C10 UBCS25-13 05.1 C4 C8 D3200 C7 D390 UBC»3-25 *1.15 GD-2 BUL 12 D3207 *6 D2798 561 D2825 D1290 D3052 D2834 D1288 D3206 D1793 E451 10-11 6F1 D3189 D2152 D2836 D2581 D3000 D2662 D2666 D3304 D2819 D752 D753 PH1.41 D2484 D1532 Engineering and Product Standards Division 293 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards inguishing (1973) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Std. Meth. of Test for Isophthalic Acid in Alkyd and Std. for Glass Fiber Reinforced Guide Spec, for Specifying: Reinforced Fiberglass lied Outside Diameter (1974) Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Drop Impact Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Vinylidene Unsaturation in Std. for Smooth Wall Coilable pipe for Water or Other Liquids (19/ Std. Rec. Pract. for piping for Water and Other Liquids (1972) ANSI / Std. for pipe (1973) Std. Spec, for Insert Type ion and Distributi/ Std. for Crossed Linked Thermosetting Std. Spec, for able (1972) Std. Spec, for for Insert Type Polyethylene Fusion Fittings for SDR 11.0 Rec. for Coiling lating Tape (1973) Std. Spec, for e and Tubing (1973) Std. Spec, for Butt Heat Fusion 973) ANSI K65.160 Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion 973) ANSI K65.159 Std. Spec, for Butt Fusion .1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Plastic Insert Fittings for Std. Spec, for ed on Outside Diameter (1974) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for oiled Outside Diameter/ Std. Spec, for Biaxially Oriented Meth. for Measuring Flat Spring Test for Hot Tack of Wax Std. Test Meth. for alter (Total Solids) in Water Emulsion. Solvent Based, and ical Appliances (1973) Std. for Safety for Test for 1971) ANSI N4.1 Std. Classification System for w Temperature Impact Test for Fabrics Coated with Flexible s (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos, uidized Bed (Fire Protec/ Rec. for Application of Pla9tic Std. Rec. Pract. for Qualitative Identification of Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility Range of Resins and tter (1971) Std. Test Meth. for tion (1972) Std. Spec, for Crosslinked Tent. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Flaring spec, for Electrical Insulation Plastic Tubing, Irradiated Std. Meth. of Test for ) Std. Spec, for Thermoplastic aterials (1973) Std. Spec, for Reinforced nd Related Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress Corrosion Cracking in nstallations of Electrical W/ Std. for Styrene Rubber and teel Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing (19/ Std. for 4) Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Solvent Cemented Joint9 with guide Specs., and Materials Application for Thermoplastic Std. for Rigid terials (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Alcohol, cal Insula/ Std. Spec, for Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked b72.2 Std. Spec, for and Reservoir Lining (1972T) Spec, for Flexible Std. Spec, for ion Systems (1973) . Std. Spec, for Chlorinated acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe and Fittings to Std. Spec, for Bell End t Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.56 Std. Spec, for et Type (1973) Std. Spec, for 973) ANSI B72.16 Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for ule 80(1973) ANSI K65.166 ule 40 (1973) ule 80 (1973) 80 and 120 (1973) ANSI B72.7 72.22 Std. Spec, for Threaded Std. Spec, for Socket Type Std. Spec, for Socket Type Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for 2) Std. Spec, for 3) Std. Spec, for Type Psp 3) Std. Spec, for Type Psm Std. Spec, for ec. for Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for ck (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hem-Fir (North), Std. for Std. for form Building Code Std. for Dougla9 Fir; Larch; Hem-Fir; Uniform Swimming Std. for Gas Fired Swimming Std. for Safety for Swimming Rec. for Thermoplastic Piping for Swimming Std. for Test Kits for Swimming stness of Colored Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Chlorinated basement Floor, Sump Conductor, Downspout Runoff, Swimming Reinforced Brick Masonry Swimming Suggested Minimum Stds. for Public Swimming Polyester Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self Ext Polyester Resins (1973) Polyester Structural Plastic Panels (1972) Polyester Tanks (1973) Polyethelene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Contro Polyethylene Blow Molded Containers (1970) Polyethylene by Infrared Spectrophotometry (1972) Polyethylene Electrical Plastic Duct (1972) Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Polyethylene Fusion Fittings for SDR 11.0 Polyethylene Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmiss Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cable (1972) Polyethylene Jacket for Electrical Insulated Wire and C Polyethylene Pipe (1973) Std. Spec. Polyethylene Plastic Pipe and Tubing (1972) Polyethylene Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insu Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for (PE) Plastic Pip Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1 Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fitting9, Schedule 80 (1 Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1974) ANSI B72 Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (1973) Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (1974) Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Bas Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing (1974) Polyethylene (PEO) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Contr Polymer Blends (1972) Polymer Content of Styrene Monomer (1974) ANSI Z161.1 Polymer Emulsion Floor Polishes (1972) / Nonvolatile M Polymeric Enclosures for Portable Cord Connected Electr Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation ( Polymeric Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Lo Polymeric Poured Seamless, etc.) (1973) /Loor Covering Polymers in Dry Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fl Polymers in Emulsion Paints (1973) Polymers (1972) Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air Particulate Ma Polyolefin Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insula Polyolefin Monofilaments (1973) Polyolefin Pipe and Tubing (1972) Polyolefin, Pigmented, Flexible, Heat Shrinkable (1973) Polystyrene Blocks in Sbr Rubbers and Latices (1974) Polyterephthalate Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973 Polyterphthalate Thermo- Plastic Molding and Extrusion M Polythionic Acids (1973) /Bility of Stainless Steels a Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Fittings for Underground I Polyvinyl Chloride Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid S Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Jacket for Wire and Cable (197 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI (Polyvinyl Chloride) Duct Construction (1974) Stds., Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Wall Siding (1972) Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Molding and Extrusion Ma Polyvinyl Butyral) (1973) Polyvinyl Chloride) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electri Polyvinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI Polyvinyl Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for Pond, Canal, Polyvinyl Chloride) Resins (1972) ANSI K65.207 Polyvinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot Water Distribut Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings for Nonpre Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe (1973) ANSI B72.20 Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste and Ven Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Line Couplings, Sock Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1 Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Sched Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Sched Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Sched Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Tubing (1973) ANSI B Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (197 Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe a.id Fittings (197 Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (197 poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Heat Shrinkable Tubing (1973) Pond, Canal, and Reservoir Lining (1972T) Sp Ponderosa and Western White Pines, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Ponderosa Pine Doors (1958) Ponderosa Pine Doors (1973) Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines; Eng Pool Code (1973) Pool Heaters (1972) Pool Pumps, Filters, and Chlorinators (1972) Pool Water Circulation Systems (1972) Pool Water (1970) Pool Water (1972) ANSI L 14. 149 Test Meth. for Colorfa Pool, etc.) (1973) ANSI A176.3 /Undation Drain, Under Pools (Tech. Notes) (1967) Pools (1969) SAE AMS3827 ASTM D2690 use PS53 CSI 15177.1 ASTM D3035 ASTM D2463 ASTM D3124 NEMA TC 7 ASTM A674 AWWA C105 ASTM D3197 NEMA WC7 ASTM D1351 ASTM D2308 ASTM D3197 SPI PPI TN6 ASTM D3006 ASTM D3261 ASTM D2610 ASTM D2611 ASTM D2239 ASTM D2609 ASTM D2104 ASTM D2447 ASTM D2737 ASTM D3287 TAPPI T683SU ASTM D2I21 ASTM D2834 UL 746.51 ASTM D2953 ASTM D2137 ASTM F141 FMS 7-27 ASTM D3168 ASTM D3132 ASTM D2682 ASTM D3149 ASTM D3218 ASTM D3140 SAE AMS3636D ASTM D3314 ASTM D3221 ASTM D3220 ASTM G35 NEMA TCI NEMA RN1 ASTM D1047 ASTM D2855 SMACN ♦11 use PS55 ASTM D3222 ASTM D1396 ASTM D3150 ASTM D2241 ASTM D3083 ASTM D1755 ASTM D2846 ASTM D3138 ASTM D2672 ASTM D2665 ASTM D3036 ASTM D2S64 ASTM D2464 ASTM D2466 ASTM D2467 ASTM D1785 ASTM D2740 ASTM D2729 ASTM D3033 ASTM D3034 ASTM D3144 ASTM D3083 ICBO UBCS25-2 use CS120 NWMA I.S.5 ICBO UBCS25-4 IAPMO *1 ANSI Z21.56 UL 1081 SPI PPI TR17 NSF 38 AATCC 105 ASTM D2311 BIA 17K NSPI •1 294 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards . for Multiport Valves for Public and Residential Swimming Std. for Sand Type Filters for Swimming Std. for Diatomite Type Filters for Swimming Suggested Minimum Stds. for Residential Swimming derwater Lighting Fixtures and Junction Boxes for Swimming Uniform Plumbing Code: Swimming Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Swimming on Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Popped for Internal Insect Infestation in Cereal Grains, Unpopped ysis of Macroscopic Examination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped t and Rodent Hair Contamination of Cereal Grains, Unpopped ation Test for Internal Insects in Cereal Grains, Unpopped flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in zl67.1 Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of zl67.10 Std. Meth. of Test for Fusion Flow of Std. Meth. of Test for Spalling Resistance of d. Meth. of Test for Reboiling Tendency of Sheet Steel for . for Production and Preparation of Gray Iron Castings for Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets for Std. Meth. of Test for Alkali Resistance of 1) Std. Wet Process Std. Wet Process Std. Wet Process Std. Application Guide for Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity and Std. Meth. of Test for oil Im/ Std. Meth. of Test for Density and Interconnected meth. of Test for Water Absorption, Bulk Density, Apparent and Bulk Density of Burn/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Std. Spec, for Test Meth. for Adhesion to Non loth, etc.) (1973) Test Meth. for Adhesion to Safety Std. for Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment Construction Spec, for Rifle Bench Rest ign. Construction and Stowage of Portable Fuel Systems and Std. for Safety for Test for Polymeric Enclosures for ocations. Class I, Groups C and D, A/ Std. for Safety for Std. for Safety for Industry Standard for Household Commercial and C33.ll Safety Std. for Electric Heating Appliances Stds. and Pract. for Design. Construction and Stowage of Std. for Driving and Spindle Ends for Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Std. for Safety for Std. for Gas Hose Connectors for Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insu/ Std. for Std. for Safety for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for ) Performance Spec, for Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, d. for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings: or Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Uniform Building Code Std. for tucco) and Interior (1971) Std. Spec, for tucco) and Interi/ Std. Spec, for Lathing and Furring for sho T153, ANSI A1.19 Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of 3) Recommendations for Basis of Payment on Rec. Spec, for Optimum Size Coarse Aggregate for r Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Latex - Specifying Std. Meth. of Test for False Set of Std. Meth. of Test for Autoclave Expansion of Std. Meth. of Test for Optimum So3 in Std. Spec, for std. for Emergency Vault Ventilators and Vault Ventilating termination Device and Fish Finder, Loran or Other Line of Spec. Steel Wire Bar Supports Used to ec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Rear tape Variable Block Format for Contouring and Contouring - 6) Std. Motor Std. Inlet Box Std. Std. for Locking Device, Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Sanitary Stds. for Centrifugal and istry) (1973) Meth. of Analysis of Coagulase . Meth. of Test, and Presenting Basic Performance Data for Std. for Binding Rec. for Single Pools (1969) Std NSF 27 Pools (1971) NSF 10 Pools (1971) NSF 9 Pools (1972) NSPI »2 Pools (1972) Safety Std. for Un UL 676 Pools (1973) ICBO UPC-l-C Pools (1973) TCA 302 Popcorn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Flotati AACCH 28-80 Popcorn, Dried Peas and and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1 AACCH 28-21 Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans for Rodent and/or Insect AACCH 28-10 Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 28-20 Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 28-22 Popped Popcorn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 28-80 Porcelain Enamel and Ceramic Metal Systems (1973) ANSI ASTM C286 Porcelain Enamel Coatings (1973) ASTM C743 Porcelain Enamel Frits (Flow Button Meth.) (1970) ANSI ASTM C374 Porcelain Enameled Aluminum (1972) ASTM C703 Porcelain Enameling (1969) ANSI Z167.21 St ASTM C632 Porcelain Enameling (1970) ANSI Z167.23 /D. Rec. Pract ASTM C660 Porcelain Enameling (1973) ASTM A424 Porcelain Enamels (1974) ANSI Z167.20 ASTM C614 Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Cap and Pin Type) (197 ANSI C29.8 Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Post Type) (1971) ANSI C29.9 Porcelain Insulators (Suspension Type) (1971) ANSI C29.2 Porcelain Suspension (Power Line) Insulators (1974) NEMA HV2 Porosity of Lump Coke (1973) ASTM D167 Porosity of Paint Films (1973) ASTM D3258 Porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Structural Parts and ASTM B328 Porosity, and Apparent Specific Gravity of Fired Whitew ASTM C373 Porosity, Water Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity, ASTM C20 Porous Concrete Pipe for Use in Underdrains (1973) ASTM C654 Porous Flexible Substrates (Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-541 Porous Substrates (Subjective Ratings) (Paper, Board, C TAPPI UM-540 (Portable and Fixed) 600 V or Less (1973) ANSI C33.95 UL 1042 (Portable and Permanent) (1967) NRA *9 Portable Containers for Flammable Liquids (Boats) (1972 ABYC H25 Portable Cord Connected Electrical Appliances (1973) UL 746.51 Portable Electric Lighting Units for Use in Hazardous L UL 781 Portable Electric Tools (1974) ANSI C33.49 UL 45 Portable Exchange Water Softeners (1972) WCF S-100 (Portable Fixed and Stationary 600 Volts or Less) (1972) UL 499 Portable Fuel Systems and Portable Containers for Flamm ABYC H25 Portable Hand, Air. and Electric Tools (1973) ANSI B107.4 Portable Indoor Gas Fired Appliances (1971) ANSI Z21.2 Portable Metal Ladders (1974) UL 184 Portable Outdoor Gas Fired Appliances (1971) ANSI Z21.54 Portable Single and Multiple Conductor Electrical Power NEMA WC8/6 Portable Sun / Heat Lamps (1974) UL 482 Portable Tester (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for ASTM E303 Portable Toy Transformers (1973) UL 697 Portable Wood Ladders (1973) UL 112 Portable X-Or Gamma Radiation Survey Instruments (1971 ANSI N13.4 Portable, Medium Pressure (1973) UL 297 Portal, Tower and Pillar Cranes (1973) Safety St ANSI B30.4 Portions of Prisms Broken in Flexure) (1972) ANSI Al. 30 ASTM C349 Portland Cement and Blended Hydraulic Cements (1973) ICBO UBCS26-1 Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (S ANSI A42.2 Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior (S ANSI A42.3 Por.land Cement by Air Permeability Apparatus (1973) Aa ASTM C204 Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter (1973) ANSI Al. 7 ASTM C115 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Overlay Projects (197 ACPA TM-6 Portland Cement Concrete Paving (1972) ACPA 15 Portland Cement Concrete (1973) ANSI A37. 122 /Spec. Fo ASTM C618 Portland Cement Lime Mortar for Brick Masonry (1972) BIA Ml Portland Cement Mortar (1973) ANSI Al 18.4 TCA 9D Portland Cement Terrazzo, Cast in Place Floors (1967) CSI 09410 Portland Cement (Paste Meth.) (1972) ANSI Al. 27 ASTM C451 Portland Cement (1971) ANSI Al. 8, Ashto T107 ASTM C151 Portland Cement (1972) ASTM C563 Portland Cement (1973) ASTM C150 Ports for Wall Installation (1972) ANSI B135.1 /Afety UL 680 Position Device, Radar, Radio Detection Finder, Radio T ABYC A21 Position Reinforcement in Concrete (1970) CRSI *1.3.1 Position Tail Lamp (Light) (1972) SAE J279 Positioning Numerically Controlled Machines (Informatio EIA RS274-B Positions for Belt or Chain Drive Centrifugal Fans (196 AMCA 2407 Positions for Centrifugal Fans (1966) AMCA 2405 Positive Gravure Densities (Printing (1973) GT «2 Positive Index (1973) NSA 1193 Positive Locking, Double Acting (1973) NSA 1353-66 Positive Locking, Single Acting (1973) NSA 1333-46 Positive Rotary Pumps for Milk and Its Products (1974) DFISA 0206 Positive Staphylococcus in Cereal Products (Cereal Chem AACCH 42-30A Positve Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power Pumps and Mo NFLDP T3.9.17 Post-Terminal Board, Electrical (1973) NSA 192 Post Shore Safety Rules (1972) SSI *4 Engineering and Product Standards Division 295 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards on)/ Std. Specs, for Post Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges Design and Construction)/ Std. Specs, for Std. Wet Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, ment by Pressure Processes) (19/ Std. for Round Poles and Std. for Preservative Treatment (For Fence hines (1970) Std. for ble Check Valve Type Back Pressure Backflow Preventers for hides (1971) Std. for Pressurized and Non Pressurized Grade Aluminum Potassium Sulfate A1K(S0,)., : 12H-..0 1 Chemistry) (1962) Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade d, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolyzates Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Sodium or h. of Analysis of Oxidizing Agents in Flour: Reaction with Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade (1968) ANSI N154 Std. Meth. of Test for Consumption of Indicators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining 2) Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade um) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Aluminum (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Chromium ) Meth. for Preparation of Std. Meth. of Test for Uranium by Controlled ndling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Solids and 71) ANSI A37.133 Std. Meth. of Test for g and Labeling Epoxy Products According to Their Hazardous for Techniques and Instrumentation for the Measurement of ct. for Std. Reference Meth. for Making Potentiostatic and ms and Definitions for Wirewound and Nonwirewound Trimming nd Test Procedures for Wirewound and Nonwirewound Trimming Std. for High Precision Laboratory asoline, Kerosine. Aviation Turbine, and Distillate Fuels th. of Test for Total Base Number of Petroleum Products by mea/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Reference Meth. for Making es, etc.) (1973) Std. for Gas Counter Appliances (Coffee estinal C/ Meth. for Determination of Sulfaquinoxaline in Meth. for Determination of Nitrosal in Rec. Lighting for Dairy Farms and the tinal Coccidiosis 1/ Meth. of Analysis of Nitrophenide in re Loss and Feed and Water Requirements of Farm Livestock Std. Meth. of Test for std. for Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and Precast Slabs, and , Cork, Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos, Polymeric Safety Requirements for Safety Ventilation Requirements for Direct Fired pectrochemical Analysis of Thermionic Nickel Alloys by the nd Extrusion Materials (1974) Std. Rec. Pra"ct. for Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide e Protec/ Rec. for Application of Plastic Polymers in Dry f Test for Density and Interconnected Porosity of Sintered Std. Definitions of Terms Used in Std. Spec, for Iron Copper Sintered Metal Meth of Analysis for Residual Carbon Dioxide in Baking f Analysis for Total (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in Baking emical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests On, Beryllium Oxide Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Beryllium Oxide Tent. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) 962) Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum in Baking Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Spec, for 972T) Spec, for Std. Spec, for ualitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Meth. of Analysis for Sulfuric Acid in Baking Meth. of Analysis for Tartaric Acid in Baking Meth. of Analysis of Ammonia in Baking antitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Baking Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide pectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide r Electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test. Coating on (1973) Std. Meth. of Test/ Std. Meth. of Test. Coating Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of Metal ansi C57. 12.90 Std. Test Code for Distribution, std. for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled, Special Quality, for Fluid uminum Underground Distribution Reference Book (Electrical on, 200/ Std. for Nonshielded Single Conductor Electrical ect of Shield Losses for Single Conductor Solid Dielectric Tinned Copper Concentric Neutrals (Underground Electrical stant Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insu/ Std. for Electrical Resistant Ethylene-Propylene- Ru/ Std. for Electrical ion (1973) IPCEA S68-516 Std. for Mine std. for Portable Single and Multiple Conductor Electrical (Post Tensioned Box Girder Bridges Design and Constructi Post Tensioned Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Post Type) (1971) Posts Used in Building Construction (Preservative Treat Posts) by Pressure Processes (1972) Pot, Pan, and Utensil Commercial Spray Type Washing Mac Potable Water Supply Lines (1972) /Equirements for Dou Potable Water Tanks for Mobilehomes and Recreational Ve (Potassium Alum) (1972) Std. Spec, for Photographic Potassium Bromate in White and Whole Wheat Flour (Cerea Potassium Chloride, KCI (1972) (Potassium Chromate Indicator) (1954) /Orn Syrup Unmixe Potassium Dichromate Solution (1962) Potassium Hydroxide Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Potassium Iodide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Met Potassium Iodide, KI (1972) Potassium Metabisulfite K 2 S 2 0-, (1972) Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide Potassium Permanganate Solution Content of Reagents and Potassium Permanganate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Potassium Permanganate, Kmn0 4 (1972) Potassium Sulfate AlK(SO,), : 12H,0 (Potassium Al Potassium Sulfate CrK(SO,) 2 : 12H 2 (Chrome Alum) Potassium Thiocyanate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Potential Coulometry (1970) ANSI N106 Potential Dust Explosion Conditions (1973) /T), and Ha Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Meth.) (19 Potentialities (Safety) (1972) /. Guide for Classifyin Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation at Micr Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Measurements (1972) Potentiometers (1970) Std. for Ter Potentiometers (1970) Std. for Inspection a Potentiometers (1972) (Potentiometric Meth.) (1973) /or Mercaptan Sulfur in G Potentiometric Perchloric Acid Titration (1973) /D. Me Potentiostatic and Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Pots and Urns, Food Dish Warmers, Hot Plates and Griddl Poultry Feeds and Premixes for Control of Cecal and Int Poultry Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Poultry Industry (1971) Poultry Mashes (Feed) for Prevention of Cecal and Intes (Poultry, Swine, Cattle, Sheep) (1968) /Heat and Moistu Pour Point of Petroleum Oils (1971) ANSI Z11.5. Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms (1973) /M Building Code Poured Seamless, etc.) (1973) /Loor Coverings (Asphalt Powder Actuated Fastening Systems (1972) Powder Curing Ovens (1973) Powder Direct Current Arc Technique (1961) ANSI Z128.2 Powder Flow Measurement of TFE -Fluorocarbon Molding a Powder for Use in Nuclear Reactors (1973) Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed (Fir Powder Metal Structural Parts and Oil Impregnated Beari Powder Metallurgy (1972) ANSI H9.5 Powder Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63.1 Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Powder (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. O Powder (1972) ANSI N140 / Spectrometry, and Spectroch Powder (1972A) Powder (1973) Powder (1974) Powder, in Presence of Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Powder, Sinterable (1974) Powdered Hand Cleaner (Soap with Borax) (1972T) Powdered Hand Cleaner (Soap with Vegetable Scrubber) (1 Powdered Toilet Soap (1974) Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Qu Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI N103 /Ectrometric, and Powders and Pellets (1972) ANSI N104 /Trometric, and S Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical Insulati Powders and Their Coatings Used for Electrical Insulati Powders (1948) ANSI H9.1 Power and Regulating Transformers (Electronics) (1973) Power Apparatus (1971) ANSI C37.90 Power Applications (1974) Std. Spec, for Power Cable Specs.) (1973) Al Power Cable with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulati Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV (Copper and Aluminum Co Power Cable) (1973) Spec, for Power Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Resi Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts and Less and Having Ozone Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulat Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulat CRSI *2 CRSI *2 ANSI C29.9 AWPA C23-72 AWPA C5-72 NSF 26 ASSE 1015 IAPMO TSC4 ANSI PH4.150 AACCH 48-42 ANSI PH4.202 CR E-14 AACCH 70-45 AACCH 70-70 AACCH 48-02 ANSI PH4.201 ANSI PH4.277 ASTM D2033 CR R-15 AACCH 70-50 ANSI PH4.301 ANSI PH4.150 ANSI PH4.151 AACCH 70-55 ASTM E217 ICBO UFC»2ART34 ASTM C289 ANSI K68.1 ANSI C95.3 ASTM G5 VRCI T110 VRCI T215 ANSI C100.2 ASTM D3227 ASTM D2896 ASTM G5 ANSI Z21.31 AACCH 18-35 AACCH 18-27 ASAE R344 AACCH 18-25 ASAE D249.2 ASTM D97 ICBO UBCS24-13 ASTM F141 ANSI A10.3 FMS 7-27S ASTM E129 ASTM D3292 ASTM C753 FMS 7-27 ASTM B328 ASTM B243 ASTM B222 AACCH 1210 AACCH 12-20 ASTM C699 ASTM C708 ASTM C750 ASTM D2957 AACCH 40-10 ASTM C757 ASTM D3046 ASTM D3047 ASTM D2958 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 04-14 AACCH 04-27 AACCH 40-15 AACCH 04-11 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM D3214 ASTM D3214 ASTM B212 IEEE 262 IEEE 313 ASTM A695 AA 52 NEMA WC8/7 IPCEA P-53-426 AA 521 NEMA WC8 NEMA WC8/1 NEMA WC8/5 NEMA WC8/6 296 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Recommendations, and Related Requirements for Low Voltage Power Std. for Test Procedures for Low Voltage Ac Power 37.13 Std. for Low Voltage Alternating Current Power Safety Std. for Fused Power requirements for Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and Ac Power d. for Surge (Lightning) Arresters for Alternating Current Power Std. for Electric Power Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Power ssemblies (1973) Std. for Industrial Electrical Power Std. for Industrial Electrical Power ices (1973) Std. for Industrial Electrical Power Safety Code for Semiconductor Power for Accessories for Cataloged Square Head Industrial Fluid Power Bore Cataloged Square Head Tie Rod Type Industrial Fluid Power Installation Pract. for Underground Electrical Power d Tractors (1972) SAE J955 Std. for Full Shielding of Power Std. Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Currents (1972) ANSI C37.26 Std. Guide for Meth. of Power Std. End Load Test Meth. for a Hydraulic Fluid Power determining the Fabrication Integrity of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Verifying the Material Compatibility of a Hydraulic Fluid Power ying the Flow Fatigue Characteristics of a Hydraulic Fluid Power fying the Collapse / Burst Resistance of a Hydraulic Fluid Power ating the Filtration Performance of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power ansi C83.92 Std. for Iron-Core Power lifying and Controlling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Fluid Power own Voltage and Strength of Insulating Gases at Commercial Power ures, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power for Trial-Use Criteria for the Periodic Test, of Nuclear Power de: General Principles for Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power the Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Definitions of Terms Used in IEEE Nuclear Power uide for Qualifying Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power ic Qualification of Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power class I Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power erator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Type Test of Class I Electric Valve Operators for Nuclear Power on Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power s for Systems That Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power al Use Guide for Class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power ention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power and Electric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Std. for Nonintegral Industrial Fluid Power coustics) / Std. for Meth. for the Determination of Sound Power Requirements for Power Std. Application Guide for Porcelain Suspension (Power Safety Spec, for Power Slides in 2 X 2 In. Mounts (1972) Std. for Resolving Power tractors (1972) Rec. Pract. for Power (1974) ANSI Z216.1 Safety Std. for Power Safety Std. for Power ing and Analyzing Outage / Std. Definitions in Electrical Power Std. for Safety for Electrical Power me Use (1967) Std. for Power Std. for Code for Power imensions for Floating Type Metallic and Nonmetallic Fluid Power for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Marine Steam Power uality Assurance Practices for the Construction of Nuclear Power ping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power td. for Quality Assurance BrogTam Requirements for Nuclear Power Std. for Fuel Assembly Identification in Nuclear Power Std. for Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Std. Industrial Security for Nuclear Power for Housekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power associated Components During Construction Phase of Nuclear Power and Test. Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Std. for Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power for Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use of Power Performance Data for Positve Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power b93.32 Std. Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Safety Rules. Procedures For, and Construction of High Power Std. for Safety for Power std. for Paper, Paper/Film, Film Dielectric Capacitors for Power Std. for Handling and Installation of Power rec. for Changing and Charging Storage Batteries in Motive Power acity of Lead Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for Motive Power Std. for Stabilized Power (1972) Thyristor Power d.: Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Safety Std. for Cord Sets and Power Std. Definitions for Power mits for AC High Voltage Power Vacuum Interrupters Used in Power Std. for Electrical Power uid Samples from the Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit Protectors Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973) Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (1973) ANSI C Circuit Devices (1973) Circuit Protectors (1973) /Dations, and Related Circuits (1972) ANSI C62.1 St Connectors (1972) Containment Structures (1969) Control Apparatus-Control Circuit Devices and a Control Apparatus-General (1973) Control Apparatus-Switching and Controlling Dev Converters (1973) Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.29 Std. Dimensions Cylinders (1972) ANSI B93.34 //4, 1 and 1 1/8 in Distribution Cables (1973) Drive Lines for Agricultural (Farm) Implements an Exclusion Devices (In. Series) (1972) ANSI B93.35 Factor Measurement for Low Voltage Inductive Test Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.21 Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.22 /D. Meth. for Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.23 Std. Meth. of Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.24 /Th. for Verif Filter Element (1972) ANSI B93.25 /Eth. for Veri Filter Element (1973) ANSI B93.31 /Th. for Evalu Filter Inductors for Electronic Equipment (1973) Fluid Sample Containers (1972) ANSI B93.20 / Qua Frequencies (1974) /F Test for Dielectric Breakd Generating Plants (1973) ANSI N18.10 /Ms, Struct Generating Station Protection Systems (1971) ANSI Generating Station Protection Systems (1972) ANSI Generating Station Protection Systems (1972) ANSI Generating Station Stds. (1972) Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.5 /General G Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.7 /for Seism Generating Stations (1971) ANSI N41.9 /Ous Duty Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N41.13 /Esel Gen Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N41.6 /Guide for Generating Stations (1972) ANSI N45.3 /Penetrati Generating Stations (1973) /Ation of Design Base Generating Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 IEEE Tri Generation: Fossil Fueled Plants (1972) /He Prev Generative Stations (1971) / for Instrumentation Hydraulic Reservoirs (1969) ANSI B93.18 Levels of Small Sources in Reverberation Rooms (A Line Coupling Capacitors (1972) Line) Insulators (1974) Mowers, Lawn, and Garden Tractors (1972) of Lenses for Projectors for 35 mm Filmstrips and Off Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural Operated Dispensing Devices for Flammable Liquids Operated Pumps for Petroleum Products (1973) Operations Terminology Including Terms for Report Outlets (1972) ANSI C33.85 Output Ratings of Packaged Audio Equipment for Ho Piping (1973) Piston Rings (1972) ANSI B93.36 Plant Buildings (1972) Plant Fuel Oil and Gas Systems (1972) Plant Heat Balance Practices (1972) Plants-Terms and Definitions (1973) Plants (During the Construction Phase) (1972) Plants (1971) Plants (1972) Plants (1972) Plants (1973) Plants (1973) Plants (1973) /or Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Plants (1973) /Tions of Inspection, Examination, Plants (1974) Press Brakes (1973) Std. Pumps and Motors (1973) ANSI B93.27 /Nting Basic Radial Compression Type Piston Rings (1973) ANSI Rifle Ranges (1972) Roof Ventilators (1972) ANSI C33.89 Semiconductor Applications (1973) Semiconductors in Disc Type Packages (1973) Service (For Electric Trucks) (1972) /Nd Health Service (1974) Std. for Determination of Cap Supplies Direct Current Output (1972) Supplies for Metal Rolling Mill Auxiliary Drives Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1 Supply Cords (1972) ANSI C33.3 Switchgear (1972) Switchgear (1972) /Quirements for X-Radiation Li Switching Equipment (1974) System (For Particulate Contamination Analysis) ( Std. Groove D Std. Pract. ID. Pract. /Td. for Q /P Std. ANSI ANSI IEEE UL ANSI IEEE NEMA ACI ANSI ANSI ANSI NEMA NFLDP NFLDP AA ASAE NFLDP IEEE NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP NFLDP EIA NFLDP ASTM ANS IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE ANS IEEE ASME IEEE NFLDP ANSI ANSI NEMA ANSI ANSI REC. UL UL IEEE UL EIA ANSI NFLDP DEMA DEMA SNAME ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NFLDP NFLDP NRA UL EIA EIA ITA NEMA NEMA NEMA IEEE UL ANSI ANSI NEMA NFLDP C37.16 C37.50 20 977 C37.16 28 CC 1 69-2 » C19.6 C19.3 C19.5 PV3 T3.6.8 T3.6.11 52-2 S297T T3.19.7 330 T3. 10.8.2 T3. 10.8.4 T3. 10.8.6 T3. 10.8.7 T3. 10.8.5 T3. 10.8.8 RS197A T2.9.2 D2477 N18.10 338 352 379 380 323 344 334 387 382 317 M8.8 420 TWDPS-1 336 T3.I6.2 SI. 21 C93.1 HV2 B71.1 PH3.16 J722B 87 79 346 231 RS234-B B31.1 T3.19.ll *l-20 *1-13 3-11 N45.2.10 N45.2.2 N45.2 N18.3 N18.7 N18.17 N45.2.3 N45.2.1 N45.2.6 N18.5 B11.3 T3.9.17 T3.19.18 »3 705 RS401 JED11 8K1 IB2 PY 1 PV 2 387 817 C37.100 C37.85 SG6 T2.9.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 297 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards . (or the Use of Fire Resistant Fluids for Hydraulic Fluid t. for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial (Electrical) f Reporting Contamination Analysis Data of Hydraulic Fluid Rec. Pract. for Agricultural Tractor Auxiliary Std. for Industrial ral and Light Industrial Tractors (1972) SAE J7/ Std. for Rec. for Agricultural (Farm) Tractor Auxiliary ae J718 Std. for 540 Rpm ae J719 1000 Rpm ) Rec. for Tractor and Farm Implement dustry (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand 1971) Std. for Guide for Preparation of Spec, for Large Std. for Safety for Mechanical 72) Std. for Heavy Duty Offset Sidebar s for Design, Construction, Materials, and Installation of 700 Class Pintle Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth ty Requirements for X-Radiation Limits for AC High Voltage M1971) Std. for Low Test for Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low for Low Power Wide Band Transformers (Less Than 100 Watts Std. General Requirements for Distribution, cl/ Safety Std. for Performance Requirements for Stopping ermanently Installed Fuel Systems for Inboard and Outboard Std. for Safety for Battery ral Furnaces) (197/ Std. Performance Requirements for Oil Std. for Forks and Fork Carriers for Std. for Safety for Electric Battery Std. for Load Handling Symbols for . Pract. for Exhaust Emission Controls (Air Pollution) for for the Test., Rating and Reporting of the Noise Levels of e Designations, Areas of LUe, Maintenance and Operation of he Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline he Measurement of Fuel Evaporative Emissions from Gasoline al. Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Semi and Automatic, and Manually Rec. for Stopping si A3/ Std. Spec, for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Demountable Rims and Rim Spacers (M/ Rec. Pract. for for c/ Std. for Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Std. Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Manual of Safety Std. for Dry Pipe, Deluge, and Std. for Splice. Electric, Permanent, Crimp Style, 69) ANSI N42.2 Std. Test Procedure for Amplifiers and Guide Spec, for Specifying: concrete (1966) Rec. for Std. Spec, for form Building Code Std. for Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and ntainers (1971) Guide to the Preparation of Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought orgings, and Forging Stock for High Tempe/ Std. Spec, for ings, and Forging Stock for High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for d Forging Stock for High Temperature Serv/ Std. Spec, for strip for High Temperature Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T736) Solution and Deg. F (996.1-1037.8 Deg. C) Solution, Stabilization, and , 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution, Stabilization, and o-2.1Ti-0.30V) 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution and d Castings (5.75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr (Ze63-T6) Solution and roperty of a Mater/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of the Terms ) Application (75 Ohms) (1973) Std. for Std. for Reference Std. Std. Spec, for Std. for Std. for Std. for High Std. Rec. Pract. for Stating the Std. Rec. Pract. for Determination of nd Rubber-Like Materials / Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparing al Analysis of Ores, Minerals, and Rocks by the Fire Assay 8) Rec. Guide for the zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles by the azards at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes, Modular Housing. Rec. Spec, for Uniform Building Code: nt and Pipe Operating at Temperatur/ Std. Rec. Pract. for ormance (19/ Std. Meth. of Test. Duct Liner Materials and 973) Std. Spec, for ata on Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multiply Felt and Asphalt h. of Test for Crystallographic Perfection of Germanium by rdization (1973) Std. for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers R/ Std. for Schedule of ated Requirements for Low Voltage Power Circuit/ Std. for Guide for High Voltage Air Switch/ Std. for Schedules of Std. for Voltage Values for ansi/ 20 In.) (1973) 972) Power Systems (1972) ANSI B93.5 Std. Pract NFLDP T3.11.1 Power Systems (1972) ANSI C114.1 Rec. Prac IEEE 142 Power Systems (1973) ANSI B93.30 Std. Meth. NFLDP T2.9.3 Power Take Off Drives (1972) SAE J717C Power Take Offs for Overcenter Clutches (1971) SAE J621C Power Tr. keoff Definitions and Terminology for Agricultu ASAE S205.2 Power Takeoff Drives (1972) ASAE R333.1 Power Takeoff for Agricultural (Farm) Tractors (1973) S ASAE S203.7 Power Takeoff for Agricultural (Farm) Tractors (1973) S ASAE S204.6 Power Takeoff (Universal Joint) Drive Line Specs. (1972 ASAE R331.2 Power Tools, Hermatic Stators, Test, and Safety) (1973) EASA *1 Power Transformers, with or Without Load Tap Changing ( ANSI C57.97 Power Transmission Apparatus (1972) ANSI B15.1 Power Transmission Roller Chains and Sprocket Teeth (19 ANSI B29. 10 Power Transmission Units Penetrating the Hull for Boats ABYC P16 (Power Transmission) (1972) Std. for ANSI B29.13 Power Vacuum Interrupters Used in Power Switchgear (197 ANSI C37.85 Power Wide Band Transformers (Less Than 100 Watts Power IEEE 111 Power (1972) ANSI Z14.286 Std. Meth. of ASTM D2594 Power) (1971) Std. IEEE 111 Power, and Regulating Transformers (1973) ANSI C57.12.0 IEEE 462 Power, Traction and Steering Stability for Regular Bicy BMA 6/3 Powered Boats (1973) /Nstruction and Installation of P ABYC H24 Powered Emergency Lighting Equipment (Indoor) (1973) UL 924 Powered Forced Air (Domestic and Light Commercial) Cent ANSI Z91.1 Powered Industrial Fork Lift Trucks (1973) ANSI MH11.4 Powered Industrial Trucks (1972) ANSI B56.3 UL 583 Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) ANSI MH11.3 Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) Rec ITA 6F1 Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) /R Uniform Procedure ITA 6G1 Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) ANSI B56.2 /. for Typ NFPA 505 Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Using the Enclo SAE J171A Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (1972) / for T SAE J170A Powered) (1973) /On, Care, and Use of Shears (Mechanic ANSI B11.4 Powers for Use with Cavity Chambers (1961) NCRPM R27 Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Concrete (1973) an ASTM C618 Practical Minimum Rec. Tolerances of Spoke Type Wheels, SAE J851 Practices: Chassis Frames-Passenger Car and Light Tru ANSI Y 14.32.1 Practices: Dimensioning and Tolerancing (1973) ANSI Y14.5 Practice: Multiple Contract Construction (1974) CSI MP-2A3 Pre Action Valves for Fire Protection Service (1970) UL 260 Pre Insulated, (Class 2) Wire Sizes 12 to 26 (1972) NSA 1388 Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors (19 IEEE 301 Precast Concrete Panels (1973) CSI 03410 Precast Concrete Units Used as Forms for Cast in Place ACI 66-66 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections (1973) ASTM C478 Precast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms (1973) ICBO UBCS24-13 Precautionary Labeling and Marking of Compressed Gas Co CGA C7 Precious Metal Electrical Contact Materials (1972) ASTM B476 Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, F ASTM A639 Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forg ASTM A638 Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, an ASTM A637 Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and ASTM A670 Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 12% Nickel (1972A) ASTM A590 Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 18% Nickel (1972A) ASTM A538 Precipitation Heat Treated (1972) /Num Alloy Forgings, SAE AMS4131 Precipitation Heat Treated (1973) /on Melted 1825-1900 SAE AMS5707D Precipitation Heat Treated (1973) /Urn Induction Melted SAE AMS5709B Precipitation Heat Treated (1973) /(15Cr-26Ni-1.3M SAE AMS5735H Precipitation Treated (1973) / for Magnesium Alloy San SAE AMS4425 Precision and Accuracy as Applied to Measurement of a P ASTM E177 Precision Coaxial Connectors for CATV (Cable Television EIA RS403 Precision Electrical Resistors (1969) ANSI C100.3 IEEE 310 Precision Electroformed Sieves (1970) ANSI Z168.5 ASTM E161 Precision In. Gage Blocks for Length Measurement (Thru ANSI B89.1.9 Precision Indexable Insert Holders (1973) ANSI B94.45 Precision Laboratory Potentiometers (1972) ANSI C100.2 Precision of ASTM Test Meth. Related to Carbon Black (1 ASTM D3051 Precision of Meth. of Committee D-19 on Water (1972) ASTM D2777 Precision Statements for ASTM Meth. Related to Rubber a ASTM D3040 Preconcentration Spark Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.25 ASTM E400 Prediction of the Dispersion of Airborne Effluents (196 ASME *1 Preece Test (Copper Sulfate Dip) (1973) AASHO T66 / a ASTM A239 Prefab Houses, Motor Homes, and Camping Trailers) (1974 FMS 7-90 Prefabricated Brick Masonry (1974) BIA 40A Prefabricated Construction (1973) ICBO UBC*3-50 Prefabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipme ASTM C667 Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical and Airflow Perf ASTM E477 Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units (1 ASTM C744 Preferably with Gravel or Slag Surface) (1968) /Tion D FMS 1-47 Preferential Etch Techniques (1973) Tent. Met ASTM F389 Preferred Numbers in Geometric Series for Use in Standa ANSI Z17.1 Preferred Ratings for Capacitance Current Switching for ANSI C37.0732 Preferred Ratings, Application Recommendations, and Rel ANSI C37.16 Preferred Ratings, Manufacturing Spec, and Application ANSI C37.32 Preferred Transient Insulation Levels (TIL) (1971) ANSI C92.1 298 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards d Required Capabilities for AC High Voltage/ Schedules of ew and Assembled Washers-Electrical Terminal Attachment Std. for projection Lamps (1972) Std. for Medium Std. for Packing, Std. for Packing, s (1973) Std. Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Lubricant for Installation of us Type) (1971) ANSI A37.101 Std. Spec, for nd Structural Construction (Nonexlruding / Std. Spec, for td. Rec. Pract. for Test. Primers and Primer Surfaces Over to +160 Deg. F) (1972) Std. for Packing. Manufacture and Inspection Stds. for Std. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature Flexibility of Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion After Impact of Std. Meth. of Test for Weight Loss After Heat Aging of eth. of Test for Oil Migration or Plasticizer Bleed Out of 97 Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing. 97 Rubber, 90 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing. mistry) (1968/ Meth. of Analysis of Hydration Capacity of d. Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics of 8 Watt T5 . Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics of 15 Watt T8 Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics of 30 Watt. T8 Rec. Pract. for Engine Rec. Pract. for f Gas Piping and Equipment on Industrial and Certain Other ety Std. for Surveillance Cameras for Banks and Mercantile or Determination of Azodicarbonamide Content in Commercial for Determination of Sulfaquinoxaline in Poultry Feeds and Meth. of Analysis of Acetone Peroxides in Milling Std. for National Aerospace Std. Documents National Aerospace Stds. Documents ion (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for real Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for lution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for te Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for hydroxide Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for olution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for on (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Specimens (1973) Std. Meth. for Spec, for 1 3/4 In. Thick Hollow Metal Door and Frame ) ANSI Jl.l Std. Meth. of Compound and Sample 73) Spec, for Hollow Metal Door Frame Std. Rec. Guide for of Analysis of Sulfochromate Etch Solution Used in Surface istry) (1962, Zincate Process (1973) ANSI G53.12 970) ANSI G53.13 (1969) ns of the California Kneading Compa/ e Coatings (1966) otective Functions in Nuclear Power Ge/ ng (1970) ANSI Z167./ 1962) Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Std. Criteria for Std. Rec. Pract. for Production and Meth. for Std. for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Dies/ repair of Laboratory Instruments (1972) 67) ANSI Z197.28 Std. Rec in Common Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids (Cereal / Pract. for Std. for Pract. for Meth. for Std. for Std. Rec. Pract for Meth. for Meth. for Guide to the Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Meth. for Std. Meth. for Sampling and Sample or Without Load Tap Changing (1971) Std. for Guide for otomasks (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for blasting Prior to Coating or Rec/ Rec. Pract. for Surface acquer, and Related Products (1973) Std. Meth. for nding (1969) ANSI Z197.25 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. for ting Systems (Coil) (1974) Guidelines for Selection and on and Establishment of Temperature Indexe/ Guide for the Means of California Kneading Compactor (/ Std. Meth. for an Std. Test Sheets (1973) hemistry) (1962) mpressed Gas Containers (1971) 962) mistrv) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) ry) (1962) try) (1962) 2) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) y) (1962) Std. M St Std Std. Std. for Installation O Saf Meth. F Preferred Transient Recovery Voltage Ratings and Relate (Preferred) (1974) Std. for Pan Head Scr Prefinished Hardboard Paneling (1973) ANSI AI35.5 Prefocus Base Down Type. Single Contact Motion Picture Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Preformed-MlL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Preformed Cellular Plastic Pressure Relief Joint Filler Preformed Compression Seals in Concrete Pavements (1972 Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bitumino Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving a Preformed Metal (1974) Preformed O-Ring Phosphate Ester Resistant (-65 Deg. F Preformed Packings (0-Rings) (1971) Preformed Sealing Tapes (1973) Preformed Sealing Tapes (1973) Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) Preformed Sealing Tapes (1974) Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-258 Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-258 Pregelatinized Starches and Cereal Products (Cereal Che Preheat Start Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Preheat Start Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Preheat Start Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Preheaters (Coolant Heaters) (1971) Preignition Rating of Spark Plugs (1970) Premises (1972) Premises (1973) ANSI Se2.5 Premix (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Premixes for Control of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosi Premixes (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) Preparation and Maintenance in SI Metric Units (1973) Preparation and Maintenance (1974) Preparation and Standardization of Barium Lactate Solut Preparation and Standardization of Buffer Solutions (Ce Preparation and Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid So Preparation and Standardization of Lactic Acid Solution Preparation and Standardization of Potassium Permangana Preparation and Standardization of Sodium or Potassium Preparation and Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate S Preparation and Standardization of Sulfuric Acid Soluti Preparation and Use of Bent Beam Stress Corrosion Metal Preparation for Offset Intermediate Pivot (1973) Preparation for Physical Test, of Rubber Products (1972 Preparation for 181 and 190 Series Deadlock Strikes (19 Preparation of a Leak Test. Spec. (1973) Preparation of Aluminum (1972) ANSI Z197.29 /D. Meth. Preparation of Ammonium Molybdate Solution (Cereal Chem Preparation of and Electroplating on Aluminum Alloys by Preparation of and Electroplating on Stainless Steel (1 Preparation of Bar and Rod Specimens for Adhesion Tests Preparation of Bituminous Mixture Beam Specimens by Mea Preparation of Centrifugal Fans and Parts for Protectiv Preparation of Design Bases for Systems That Perform Pr Preparation of Gray Iron Castings for Porcelain Enameli Preparation of Indicator Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) ( Preparation of Invitations for Bids and Detailed Spec. Preparation of Manuals for Installation. Operation and Preparation of Metal Surfaces for Adhesives Bonding (19 Preparation of Methyl Esters of Long Chain Fatty Acids Preparation of Notation for Concrete (1971) ANSI A188.1 Preparation of Pieces from Rubber Vulcanizates Other Th Preparation of Potassium Dichromate Solution (1962) Preparation of Potassium Thiocyanate Solution (Cereal C Preparation of Precautionary Labeling and Marking of Co Preparation of Sample: Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Preparation of Sample: Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Preparation of Sample: Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Che Preparation of Sample: Fruit and Fruit Products (Cereal Preparation of Sample: Leavening Agents (Cereal Chemist Preparation of Sample: Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemis Preparation of Sample: Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Preparation of Sample: Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Preparation of Sample: Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Preparation of Sample: Yeast Foods and Flour Improvers Preparation of Silver Nitrate Solution (Cereal Chemistr Preparation of Solid Raw Rubbers (1973) Preparation of Spec, for Large Power Transformers, with Preparation of Specifications for the Procurement of pH Preparation of Steel and Other Hard Materials by Water Preparation of Steel Panels for Test. Paint, Varnish, L Preparation of Surfaces of Plastic Prior to Adhesive Bo Preparation of TAPPI Stds. and Suggested Meth. (1972) Preparation of Test Panels for L'se in Test. Organic Coa Preparation of Test Procedures for the Thermal Evaluati Preparation of Test Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures by ANSI NSA use ANSI NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA NSA AACCH ANSI ANSI ANSI SAE SAE ANSI UL AACCH AACCH AACCH NSA NSA AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AMCA ANS ASTM AACCH DEMA ANSI ASTM AACCH ACI ASTM AACCH AACCH CGA AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ASTM NACE ASTM ASTM TAFPI NCCA IEEE ASTM C39.0722 720 PS59 PH22.85 1593 1594 D3204 D2835 D994 D1751 D3322 1611 AS871A C765 C766 C771 C772 1595 1596 56-20 C78.1200 C78.1201 C 78. 1202 J226 J549A Z83.1 983 48-71A 18-35 48-05 10000 380 70-10 70-15 70-20 70-30 70-50 70-70 70-75 70-80 G39 A11S. 12 D15 A115.5 E479 D2674 70-35 B253 B254 D2094 D3202 2601 N18.8 C660 70-25 *l-24 C105.2 D2651 58-17 104 D3183 70-45 70-55 C7 62-05 62-15 62-20 62-25 62-30 62-40 62-50 62-60 62-70 62-80 70-60 D1485 C57.97 F93 RP-01-72 D609 D2093 T1207 TB-III-5 98 D1561 Engineering and Product Standards Division 299 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Surface Guideline Spec, for Sodding and Soil h. for Experimental Wheat Flour Milling: Equipment, Sample Surfaces to Receive Wood Flooring (196/ Rec. for Correct y Std. for Regular Bicycles Including Selection, Purchase, ions for Chemical Analysis (1972) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. for of Analysis of Damaged Starch (Granules in Flour or Starch sis of Proteolytic Activity of Flour and Active Proteinase . of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase . of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase tirusts for Test. Purposes (/ Std. Meth. for Sampling and Std. Meth. of Std. Spec, for for High Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Tent. Spec, for Volatile Petroleum Solvent (LPG) for o Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials / Std. Rec. Pract. for Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Rubber Compounds for imens (1972) ANSI G80.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for ns Subjected to Corrosive Environments (Coil Co/ Meth. of ncrete (1966) Rec. for ng Recommended Practice for Photography As/ Std. Meth. of ses (1972) Std. for Gas Turbine Engine Steady State Performance Std. for Scientific Papers for Written or Oral Rec. for the Care and Western Woods Use Book: Wood Std. Test Meth. for Moisture and Creosote Type es by Using W/ Soil Block Test: Std. Meths. for Test, the r High Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Oil Borne Std. for Inspection of ing Code Std. for Lumber, Timber, Plywood and Utility Pole mber Products (1973) Std. piles (1973) Std. for poles (1973) Std. for r Highway Construction (1973) Std. for Std. for Lumber, Timbers, Bridge and Mine Tie Std. for Wood Used on Farms . for Round Poles and Posts Used in Building Construction ss (1973) Std. for Lodgepole Pine Wood Poles mal Process (Western Red Cedar, Northern White/ Std. for oo'ing Towers (1971) Std. Spec, for Pressure Marine, Land, / Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Creosote for the mbers and Laminations Before Gluing of Southern/ Std. for yellow Cedar Timber/ Std. for Full Length Thermal Process ocesses (1972) Std. for m Building Code Std. for Wood Poles That Are to Be^Given A Their Fastenings (Lumber, Plywood and Components, Timber, Western Woods Use Book: Wood Preservation Std. Meth. of Evaluating Wood Std. Meth. of Test. Wood for Test, the Preservative Properties of Oil Soluble Wood preservatives by Using Wood Properties of Oil Soluble Wood e Specimens/ Std. Meth. of Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Std. Meth. for Analysis of Creosote and Oil Type Wood Std. Meth. for Analysis of Oil Borne Wood Std. for Hydrocarbon Solvents for Oil Borne Wood d. Spec, for Low Boiling Hydrocarbon Solvent for Oil Borne (1972A) ANSI J8.12 Std. Spec, for Concentrated, Ammonia Test Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chips Std. for Agricultural Std. for Rim Contours for Agricultural fety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use of Power Std. for Bushing-Flanged, Std. for Die Buttons, Variable, Std. for Bushing— Flanged, Std. for Bushing-Plain, Std. for Sleeve Bushing, th Chlorine Bleach) 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum, tenance (1973) Rec. for Suction home Laundering/ Test Meth. for the Appearance of Durable Std. for Agricultural Planter hanges in Automatic Home Laundering of Durable (Permanent) for Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics Other Than Durable titutional Tex/ Std. Performance Requirements for Durable sh-Whites 190 Deg. F, Colors 160 Deg. F Maximum Hot Head the Appearance of Durable Press Textile Fabrics (Permanent ricultural and Industrial Steering, Drive, Planter (Drill) Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Die Forgings (Hot ec. for Safety Controls and Signaling Devices for Printing Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Hot meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Dry Heat (Excluding Round Thread Casing Joint Strength with Combined Internal . Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High ugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Tubes for Performance Requirements for Double Check Valve Type Back continuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Low Preparation Spec, for Steel Structure Painting (1972) Preparation (Grass) (1972) Preparation, and Tempering (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Preparation, Finishing and Testing of Concrete Subfloor Preparation, Maintenance and Rules of the Road (1972) Preparation, Standardization, and Storage of Std. Solut Preparations Which Are Susceptible to Hydrolysis by Alp Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analy Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Otometric Meth Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Orimetric Meth Preparing Aqueous Solutions of Engine Antifreezes or an Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis (1972) ANSI K20.17 Preparing Oil Borne Preservative Solutions Such as Pent Preparing Pentachlorophenol Solutions (1968) Preparing Precision Statements for ASTM Meth. Related T Preparing Vulcanized Test Sheets (1973) /D. Materials, Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Spec Preperation and Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specime Preplaced Aggregate Concrete for Structural and Mass Co Preparation of Micrographs of Metals and Alloys (Includi Prescription Requirements for First Quality Contact Len Presentation for Digital Computer Programs (1970) Presentation (1972) Preservation of Wood Floors (1962) Preservation (Preservative) (1973) Preservative in Wood (1970) Preservative Properties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservativ Preservative Solutions Such as Pentachlorophenol and Co Preservative Treated Timber Products (1973) Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes and Qualit Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes for All Ti Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Timber Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Timber Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Wood Fo Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes (1973) (Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes) (1972) (Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes) (1972) Preservative Treatment by the Full Length Thermal Proce Preservative Treatment of Incised Pole Butts by the the Preservative Treatment of Lumber for Industrial Water C Preservative Treatment of Piles, Poles, and Timbers for Preservative Treatment of Structural Glued Laminated Me Preservative Treatment of Western Red Cedar and Alaska Preservative Treatment (For Fence Posts) by Pressure Pr Preservative Treatment (1973) Unifor Preservative Treatment, Poles, Piles, Spaced Columns, J (Preservative) (1973) Preservatives by Field Tests with Stakes (1974) Preservatives by Laboratory Soil Block Cultures (1970) Preservatives by Using Wood Properties of Oil Soluble W Preservatives by Using Wood Specimens Uniformly Impregn Preservatives for Marine Services by Means of Small Siz Preservatives (1973) Preservatives (1973) Preservatives (1973) Preservatives (1973) St Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuged Natural Rubber Latex (Presoak Before Immersion) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Press and Gage Wheel Tires (Farm Machinery) (1971) Press and Gage Wheels (Farm Machinery) (1971) Press Brakes (1973) Std. for Sa Press Fit— Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) Press Fit, Headless and Head Type, Step Relief (1972) Press Fit, Steel and Bronze (1973) Press Fit, Steel (1973) Press Fit, Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) Press or Air Finish (1973) /Mmercial Wash-Whites (Wi Press Rolls and Their Installation, Operation, and Main Press Textile Fabrics (Permanent Press) After Repeated Press Wheel Tires (Farm Machinery) (1971) Press Woven or Knit Textile Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.266 Press (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Nee Requirements Press (No Iron) Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics (Ins Press (300-330 Deg. F) Finishing, Shirt Unit, Pants U Press) After Repeated Home Launderings (1973) ANSI L14. Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, Implement, and Log Skid Pressed) (1974) ANSI H7. 10 Presses (1972) Sp Pressing (1973) Pressing) (1973) ISO 105-4 Test Pressure and Bending (1972) Bui. on Pressure and Temperature Service (1973) ANSI E38.1 /Td Pressure Application at High Temperatures (1970) ASTM G Pressure Applications (1972) Pressure Backflow Preventers for Potable Water Supply L Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.69 / Spec, for ANSI A159.1 ASPA *1 AACCH 26-10 WSFI • 1 BMA 6/7 ASTM E200 AACCH 76-30A AACCH 22-60 AACCH 22-62 AACCH 22-63 ASTM D1176 ASTM D2013 ASTM D2604 ASTM D2605 ASTM D3040 ASTM D3182 ASTM Gl NCCA TB-III-3 ACI 66-65 ASTM E2 ANSI Z80.2 SAE ARP681B ANSI Z39.16 WSFI '2 WWPA •31-3 ASTM D1860 NWMA M-l-70 ASTM D2604 AWPA M2 ICBO UBCS25-12 AWPA CI AWPA C3 AWPA C4 AWPA C14 AWPA C2 AWPA C16-72 AWPA C23-72 AWPA C10 AWPA C7 CTI 112 ASTM D390 AWPA C28 AWPA C8 AWPA C5-72 ICBO UBCS25-13 ICBO UBC*3-25 WWPA •31-3 ASTM D1758 ASTM D1413 NWMA M-l-70 NWMA M-l-70 ASTM D2481 AWPA Al AWPA A5 AWPA P9 ASTM D3225 ASTM D1076 TAPPI UM-16 ASAE S223 ASAE S222 ANSI B11.3 NSA 538 ANSI B94.43 NSA 77 NSA 75 NSA 537 ANSI L24.4.13 FMS 12-60 AATCC 124 ASAE S224.1 AATCC 135 ANSI L24.2.12 ANSI L24.2.13 ANSI L24.4.12 AATCC TD A 124 4 B283 I KA ASTM ANSI B65.1 AATCC 133 AATCC 117 API BUL 5C4 ASTM A194 ASTM A608 ASTM B469 ASSE 1015 ASTM D1818 300 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ontinuity of Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for High Std. Test. Proc. for ec. for Martensitic Stainless and Alloy Steel Castings for Spec, for Alloy Steel Castings Specially Heat Treated for service (1974/ Std. Spec. For Ferritic Steel Castings for Special Quality, for Pressure Piping Components and Other Safety Std. for Household Type Std. Meth. of Rapid gas Distribution Systems Whose Maximum Allowable Operating Std. for Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder-Joint Std. for Cast Bronze Solder Joint s Cylinders (1972) Safety Std. for High Uniform Plumbing Code: Medium Safety Std. for Indicating B156.1 Safety Std. for Indicating Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for al Woodwork) (1973) Quality Stds. for High Std. Meth. for the Measurement of Sound tings When Applied to Coil Co/ Test Meth. for Determining of Test for Capillary Moisture Relationships for Soils by . of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the t for Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Oxygen Std. Test. Procedure for the Blow Off (1973) ANSI Z11.92 Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor i Z11.277 Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Z11.44 Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor unds (For Casing. Tubing and Line Pipe Connections in High td. Meth. of Test for Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Std. Code for Std. for Rubber Casket Joints for Cast and Ductile Iron Std. Spec, for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Std. for Asbestos Cement Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Low Head Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement e Service (1973) Safety Std. for Asbestos Cement Liquids (1972) Std. for Prestressed Concrete Std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Gas Std. Spec, for Joints for Plastic carbon. Hot Rolled and Cold Finished. Special Quality, for Rec. Pract. for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Fittings for s (1974) Std. Code for 1 Water Cooling Towers (1971) Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Safe Filling of Low timber. Plywood and Utility Pole Preservative Treatment by Std. Preservative Treatment by Std. for Preservative Treatment by Std. for Preservative Treatment by 73) Std. for Preservative Treatment by Std. for Preservative Treatment (For Fence Posts) by er. Timbers, Bridge and Mine Tie Preservative Treatment by ern Pine, Pacific Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock by Std. for Wood Used on Farms (Preservative Treatment by s Used in Building Construction (Preservative Treatment by 1973) Std. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme th.) (1971) ANSI Z/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme ) (1972) ANSI Fll./ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Std. Meth. for High Std. for Electric 1 Std. for Safety for Std. for Gas Appliance Safety Std. for Gas Std. for Terminology for Std. Spec, for Preformed Cellular Plastic r Demand (1974) Rec. for Water Flow / aterials (1960) ANSI J/ Std. Meth. of Test for Evaluating rical Insulation (1974) ANSI C59.136 Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Tack and for Low Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Plastic Std. Spec, for Vinyl Chloride Plastic Std. Spec, for Polyester Film Std. Spec, for Tetrafluoroethylene Backed Std. Spec, for High Temperature Glass Cloth probe Machine (1971) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. of Test for lass Duct (1973) lass Duct (1973) and Constant Stress (/ Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of eth. (1970) Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High gh Strength Carbon Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for High Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High tion) (1972) spec. si C59.91 si C59.96 Pressure Cable Systems (1972) ANSI C59.70 /Spec, for C ASTM Pressure Collapse Test of Composite Cans (1973) CCTI Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High Temperature ASTM Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High Temprature ASTM Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Low Temperature ASTM Pressure Containing Parts (1974) /D and Cold Finished, ASTM Pressure Cookers (1973) ■ UL Pressure Determination of Pressurized Products (1972) ASTM Pressure Does Not Exceed 60 or 125 Psig (1973) /Es in ANSI Pressure Fitting for Use with Copper Water Tube (1973) ANSI Pressure Fittings (1972) ANSI Pressure Gas Manifolds for Industrial and Commercial Ga UL Pressure Gas Piping Systems (1973) ICBO Pressure Gauges for Compressed Gas Service (1973) UL Pressure Gauges for Fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI UL Pressure in Glass Aerosol Bottles (1972) ASTM Pressure in Metal Aerosol Containers (1972) ASTM Pressure Laminate Flush Type Wall Paneling (Architectur AWI Pressure Levels in Air (Acoustics) (1971) ANSI Pressure Marking and Blocking Resistance of Organic Coa NCCA Pressure Membrane Apparatus (1972) Std. Meth. ASTM Pressure Meth. (1972T) ANSI A37.70 Tent. Meth ASTM Pressure Meth. (1973) ANSI J4.1 Std. Meth. of Tes ASTM Pressure of Composite Cans (1973) CCTI Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LP-Gas Meth.) ASTM Pressure of Petroleum Products (Micromethod) (1971) Ans ASTM Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Meth.) (1972) ANSI ASTM Pressure Oil Well Service) (1972) Thread Compo API Pressure Oils (1972) ANSI Zl 1.320 ASTM Pressure Petroleum Refinery Piping (1973) ANSI Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A21.ll AWWA Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1973) ASTM Pressure Pipe for Water and Other Liquids (1972) AWWA Pressure Pipe (1973) ASTM Pressure Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.5 ASTM Pressure Pipe, Couplings, and Gaskets for Water and Fir UL Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type, for Water and Other AWWA Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings (1973) ASTM Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals (1973) ASTM Pressure Piping Components and Other Pressure Containin ASTM Pressure Piping (1972) Std. ASTM Pressure Piping (1972) ANSI H34.15 / Spec, for Factory ASTM Pressure Piping: Liquid Petroleum Transportation System ANSI Pressure Preservative Treatment of Lumber for Industria CTI Pressure Pressurized Products (1972) ASTM Pressure Processes and Quality Control Std. (1973) /, ICBO Pressure Processes for AU Timber Products (1973) AWPA Pressure Processes of Timber Piles (1973) AWPA Pressure Processes of Timber Poles (1973) AWPA Pressure Processes of Wood for Highway Construction (19 AWPA Pressure Processes (1972) AWPA Pressure Processes (1973) Std. for Lumb AWPA Pressure Processes (1973) /Ions Before Gluing of South AWPA Pressure Processes) (1972) AWPA Pressure Processes) (1972) /. for Round Poles and Post AWPA Pressure Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Falex Meth.) ( ASTM Pressure Properties of Lubricating Fluids (Four Ball Me ASTM Pressure Properties of Lubricating Fluids (Timken Meth. ASTM Pressure Pump Test, of Hydraulic Oils (1973) ASTM Pressure Pumps for Use in Recreational Vehicles (1972) IAPMO Pressure Rating Std. for Y Type Strainers (1973) FCI Pressure Regulating Valves for LP Gas (1973) ANSI Z217. UL Pressure Regulators (1973) ANSI Pressure Regulators (1973) UL Pressure Relief Devices (Container and Equipment Protec ANSI Pressure Relief Joint Fillers (1973) ASTM Pressure Requirements for Pipe Schedule System Sprinkle FMS Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Rubber Like M ASTM Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes Used for Elect ASTM Pressure Sensitive Adhesives by Rolling Ball (1973) ASTM Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) ASTM Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) ASTM Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) an ASTM Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) an ASTM Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1974) ASTM Pressure Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) ASTM Pressure Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted ASTM Pressure Sensitive Tape Application Stds. for Fibrous G SMACN Pressure Sensitive Tape Performance Stds. for Fibrous G SMACN Pressure Sensitive Tape to Fiberboard at 90 Deg. Angle ASTM Pressure Sensitive Tape Water Vapor Transmission Test M PSTC Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures (1973) ASTM Pressure Service Piping (1969) Std. Pract. for Hi MSS Pressure Service (1972A) ANSI B125.4 ASTM Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125.12 /Ctric Resistance ASTM Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125.7 ASTM Engineering and Product Standards Division D1819 C133 A217 A389 A352 A696 136 D3070 B16.33 B16.22 B16.18 407 UPC'IF 404 393 D3063 D3074 •l-SOOB SI. 13 TB-II-17 D3152 C231 D572 C110 D1267 D2551 D323 BUL 5A2 D2893 B31.3 cm D2517 C400 C361 C296 107 C301 D2513 D3139 A696 D2774 B366 B31.4 112 D3091 UBCS25-12 CI C3 C4 C14 C5-72 C2 C28 C16-72 C23-72 D3233 D2783 D2782 D2882 TSC14 73-1 144 Z21.18 252 B95.1 D3204 2-77 D1081 D1000 D3121 D3005 D3006 D2301 D2484 D2686 D2754 D2979 AFTS-101 AFTS-100 D2860 34 A672 SP63 A155 A226 A 192 301 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Castings Suitable for 00,000 Btu Per Hr.) (1972) Std. for Gas Fired High Std. for Gas Fired Low meth. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Hydrostatic Std. Meth. of Measuring the Spiral Flow of Low Std. for Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Std. Spec, for Metal Arc Welded Steel Pipe for High House Design and Construction Met/ the All Weather Wood on (1973) Std. for Improved Std. Designs for Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for (National Board Inspection Code) Manual for Boiler and erature Service (1972) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel re Service (1973) ANSI G35.1/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel pec. for Chromium-Copper-Nickel- Aluminum Alloy Steel olybdenum-Nickel Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, fo! olybdenum (1972) ANSI G35.16 Silicon (1972A) ANSI G32.1 nched and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.ll ening (Maraging), 18% Nickel (1972A) Ansi/ ening (Maraging), 12% Nickel (1972A) red 8 and 9% Nickel (1972A) ANSI G35.20 red Nickel-Cobalt- Molybdenum -Chromi/ Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo ormalized and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.3 and Lower Temperature Service (1972) ganese (1972A) ANSI G35.8 silicon (1972A) vice (1972/ Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Plates fo ly Heat Treated (1972A) Std. Spec, fo Std. Spec, for Copper Nickel Alloy Plate and Sheet fo Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Sheets fo eth. for Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Plate fo Std. Spec, for Manganese Vanadium Alloy Steel Plates fo for General Requirements for Delivery of Steel Plates fo r Charpy V-Notch Testing Requirements for Steel Plates fo Std. Spec, for Nickel Alloy Steel Plates fo Std. Spec, for Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates fo Std. Spec, for Carbon Manganese Silicon Steel Plates fo manganese Molybdenum and Its Nickel Alloy Steel Plates fo m, Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered Chromium, fo and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates fo arbon Steel Plates with Improved Transition Properties fo sisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Othe Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered, fo el Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion Welded Unfired Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Plate and Sheet fo Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates fo r Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates fo ec. for Steel Castings, Heavy Walled, Carbon and Alloy fo empered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings fo Temper/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Bolting Materials foi 1) Std. for Flexible Non Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, Stationary, Medium Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, Stationary, Low act. for Calculating Stress in Plastic Pipe Under Internal f Test for Effect of Cyclic Immersion of Syntactic Foam at Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, Portable, Medium test for Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Constant Internal Specifying Duct, Sheet Metal, Low f Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) stems (Instrumentation) (1970) Std. for Air stems (1967) Std. for Air Agricultural Grain Storage Loads, Mobilehomes and Recreational Vehicles (1971) Std. for ers Rated on a Symmetrical Current/ Std. Requirements for Rec. for Fire Protection of Small Nonpressurized and rdous Locations (1972) ANSI C106.1 Std. for Purged and Std. Meth. for Sampling reational Vehicles (1971) Std. for Pressurized and Non Std. Meth. of Rapid Pressure Determination of Std. Rec. Pract. for Safe Filling of Low Pressure Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Densities of ects/ Std. Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Aerosol and Std. Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary , for Water and Other Liquids (1972) Std. for Design and Construction of Circular Design and Construction)/ Std. Specs, for Post Tensioned tion (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Tent. Rec. for Concrete Members Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for in Corrosive Petroleu/ Rec. Pract. Meth. and Controls to rements for Double Check Valve Type Back Pressure Backflow spheric Vent (1972/ Performance Requirements for Backflow Pressure Service (1974) ANSI G52.5 Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (Inputs Not Over 4 Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (1972) Pressure Test (1971) ANSI L14.265 Pressure Thermosetting Molding Compounds (1972) Pressure Transducers (1972) Pressure Transmission Service (1971) ANSI G36.49 (Pressure Treated Lumber and Plywood) Foundation System: Pressure Treated Piles and Timbers in Marine Constructi Pressure Treated Timber Crib Walls (1969) Pressure Treatment of Timber Products (1969) ' Test Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Pressure Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Vesse Components (1970) ANSI G38.7 /Pec. for Components (1973) ANSI G35.21 /Ec. for Inspectors (1973) Plates for Intermediate and Higher Temp Plates for Moderate and Lower Temperatu Plates (1972) ANSI G33.3 Std. S Plates (1973) ANSI G35.22 /Nganese-M Plates, Alloy Steel 5% Chromium, 0.5% M Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium Manganese Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, Que Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hard Plates, Alloy Steel, Precipitation Hard Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempe Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempe Plates. Alloy Steel, 36% Nickel (1972) Plates, Alloy Steel, 9% Nickel Double N Plates, Carbon Manganese, for Moderate Plates. Carbon Steel, High Strength Man Plates, Heat Treated, Carbon Manganese s for Moderate and Lower Temperature Ser s Plates, 5% Nickel Alloy Steel, Special s (1969) ANSI H52.1 Std. M Std. Spec. Std. Spec. Fo Std. Spec, for /Hromium Molybdenu Std. Spec, for Low Std. Spec, for C /Nless and Heat Re Rec. Pr Meth. O Is (1971) ANSI G33.4 Is (1971) ANSI H38.21 Is (1972) Is (1972) Is (1972) Is (1972) ANSI G33.1 Is (1972) ANSI G34.1 Is (1972) ANSI G35.14 Is (1972) ANSI G35.15 Is (1972) ANSI G35.18 Is (1972) ANSI G35.2 Is (1972) ANSI G35.7 Is (1972) ANSI G81.29 Is (1972A) /D. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Is (1972B) ANSI G81.4 /and Chromium Nick Is (1973) Is (1973) ANSI G35.4 Is (1973) ANSI G60.2 /Meth. and Spec. Fo Is (1974) Std. Sp Is (1974) ANSI G55. 17 /or Quenched and T Is, Valves, Flanges, and Fittings for Low Pressure Water Fill Hose for Recreational Vehicles (197 Pressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973) Pressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973) Pressure (1967) ANSI B72.10 Pressure (1972) Std Pressure (1973) Pressure (1974) ANSI B72.6 Std. Meth. of Pressure, Air Transmission (1967) Pressuremeter Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Sy Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Sy Pressures, and Capacities (1968) Pressurized and Non Pressurized Potable Water Tanks for Pressurized Components of AC High Voltage Circuit Break Pressurized Containers of Flammable Liquids (1973) Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Haza Pressurized Gas for Gas Analysis (1973) Pressurized Potable Water Tanks for Mobilehomes and Rec Pressurized Products (1972) Pressurized Products (1972) Pressurized Products (1972) Pressurized Space Spray Insecticides Against Flying Ins Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (1973) Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type Prestressed Concrete Structures (1967) Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Girder Bridges Prestressed Steel Strand and Wire for Concrete Construe Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons (1966) Prestressing Concrete Pipe (1973) Prevent in Service Cracking of Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds Preventers for Potable Water Supply Lines (1972) Preventers in Water Supply Lines with Intermediate Atmo /Equi ASTM ANSI ANSI AATCC ASTM ANSI ASTM NFORP AWPA AWPI ASTM ASTM ASTM NBBPV ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IAPMO UL UL ASTM ASTM UL ASTM CSI AACCH ISA SAMA ASAE IAPMO IEEE FMS NFPA ASTM IAPMO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI AWWA ACI CRSI ICBO ACI ASTM NACE ASSE ASSE A487 Z21.59 Z21.13 127 D3123 B88.1 A381 RP7 C18 •4 D1760 A336 A541 •1 A515 A516 A410 A533 A357 A202 A517 A538 A590 A553 A605 A658 A353 A662 A455 A537 A612 A645 B402 A414 B548 A225 A20 A593 A203 A 204 A299 A302 A542 A285 A442 A479 A543 A240 B96 A387 A435 A643 A508 A320 TSC19 408 409 D2153 D2735 297 D1598 15836 2211 S7.4 PMC2-5 D240 TSC4 340 7-29 496 F307 TSC4 D3070 D3091 D3096 D3088 N18.2 C301 67-40 »2 UBCS26-7 66-8 A648 RP-04-72 1015 1012 302 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards cars and Trailer Coaches (1970) Std. for (Backflow . Meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Efflorescence, lations (1973) Loss elt and Asphalt Preferably with Gravel or Slag Surf/ Loss 0.000 (1973) Loss duction and Dielectric) (1973) Loss g Equipment (Vessel) (1974) Loss . of Analysis of Nitrophenide in Poultry Mashes (Feed) for ign of Buildings and Other Structures (1973) Rec. for 73) Rec. for Uniform Fire Code: 1 Gas Fired Watertube Boiler Furnaces with One / ed Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces (Fire Protec/ ctures Caused by Snow Loads (1973) 12.12 lectric Power Generation: Fossil Fue/ Re iners (1972) Std. for Rec. for Rec. for Std. for Pract. for the Rec. Pract. for Accident Std. Spec, for Accident gns (Symbols) Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1-1972, Accident nd Flammable / Uniform Fire Code: General Precautions for iZll.152 Std. Meth. of Test for Rust Std. Meth. of Measuring Plasticity Retention Index ce Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for riteria for Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) for Spec, for Aluminum oofing (1973) AASHO M116, ANSI A109.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. 'or Test. Primers and Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. afety Std. for Burglary Resisting Glazing Material for Use eth. of Test for Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter nerating Station Protection Sys/ Trial Use Guide: General al (1960) 9/ Rec. Pract. for Definitions, Abbreviations and General 0) Std. for n 35 mm Motion Picture Film/ Std. for Location of Super 8 ion Picture Film, Perforate/ Std. for Location of Super 8 re Film Perforated 1-4 (1971) Std. for Dimensions for uper 8 (1-3) (1973) Std. for Location of Super 8 Std. Performance Spec, for Flexible Multilayer Wiring Rec. Pract. for Automotive ile) (1973) Std. Performance Requirements for Woven 1 Test (1969) Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed or nd Two Sided Rigid Boards (1970) ANSI C83/ Std. Spec, for 3.88, Ipc C-405A Std. General Document for Suggested Guide Lines for Std. for Safety for for Transmission of End Product Description Data (Tooling, or Cotton Woven Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, meth. for Contact Uniformity Test for Photographic Contact Std. Spec, for Photographic Slant Drop Penetration Test for Paperboard ammable Liquid Mixing Operations (Paint. Varnish, Lacquer, spec, for Masks (Separate) for Use in Photographic Contact 1971) Std. for Dimensions for Printed Area in Super 8 for Location of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction on of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction or Contact Spec, for Safety Controls and Signaling Devices for or Measuring Blister Resistance of Coated Paper in Heatset Std. Positive Gravure Densities Std. Gravure Color Bars Std. Gravure Proofing Inks Std. Proofing Supplement Stock for Gravure Magazines ns for Photographic Sound Record on Super 8 Motion Picture ve Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Portions of Rec. for Water Demand for Sprinkler System for Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Uniform Plumbing Code: Sewers and Std. Pract. for Pract. for Acceptance of Evidence Based on the Results of measuring Resistivity of Silicon Slices with a Collinear 4 et Resistance of Thin Metallic Films with a Collinear Four resistance of Silicon Epitaxial Layers Using a Collinear 4 for Pressure Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector meter Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Test for Resistivity of Silicon Epitaxial Layers by the 3 y Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization n Loss Tables for Solving Fire Protection System Hydraulic ugh Closed Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (19/ Std. Test teel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Std. Test Wagon Running Gear (1973) Std. Test ors (1974) ANSI C83.63C Std. Test Tubes and Cores (1973) Std. Test. 3) Std. Test. Preventers) and Relief Valves in Travel Trailers, Camp Preventing Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to the a Prevention and Control (Tech. Notes) (1970) Prevention Data on Bonds and Guarantees for Roof Instal Prevention Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings (Multiply F Prevention Data on Flood Losses (1973) Prevention Data on Fundamental Defects in Fires Over 05 Prevention Data on High Frequency Heating Equipment (In Prevention Data on Sight Glasses for Chemical Processin Prevention of Cecal and Intestinal Coccidiosis in Chick Prevention of Collapse Due to Weak Construction and Des Prevention of Damage to Property from Surface Water (19 Prevention of Dust Explosions (1973) Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natura Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Pulverized Coal Fir Prevention of Roof Collapse of Buildings and Other Stru Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Explosions (1971) ANSI Z Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for E Prevention Signs for Display on Tank Trailers and Conta Prevention Signs (1972) Prevention Signs (1973) /, Directional, and Special SI Prevention (Incinerator and Open Burning, Combustible a Preventive Properties of Lubricating Greases (1973) Ans (PRI) of Natural Rubber (1973) Prime Movers (Heavy Equipment) (1972) /Nimum Performan Prime Movers, Wheeled and Track Type Front End Loaders, Prime Windows (1972) ANSI A134.1 Primer for Use with Asphalt in Dampproofing and Waterpr Primer Surfaces Over Preformed Metal (1974) Primers and Primer Surfaces Over Preformed Metal (1974) Principally as a Substitute for Plate Glass Show Window Principle (1972) Std. M Principles for Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Ge Principles of Clay Masonry Construction: Student's Manu Principles of Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1 Print Spec, for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (197 Printed Area in Optical Reduction or Contact Printing O Printed Area in Optical Reduction Printing on 35 mm Mot Printed Area in Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm Motion Pictu Printed Area on 16 mm Motion Picture Film, Perforated S (Printed Circuit) (1972) Printed Circuits (1967) Printed Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Text Printed Textiles to Washing at 105 Deg. F: Rapid Contro Printed Wiring Board Dimensions and Tolerances Single a Printed Wiring Board Electric Connectors (1974) ANSI C8 Printed Wiring Board Repairs (1973) Printed Wiring Boards (1973) ANSI C33.46 Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digital) Form on Pun Printed, or Vinyl Coated (Institutional Textiles) (1973 Printers (1971) Std. Printing Frames (1972) (Printing Ink Receptivity) (1973) Printing Ink, Adhesive, etc.) (1974) Rec. for Fl Printing of Roll Film Negatives (1972) Std. Printing on 16/8Mm Motion Picture Film Perforated 1-4 ( Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film, Perforated 2R-16 Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film, Perforated 5R-16 Printing Presses (1972) Printing (1972) Meth. F (Printing (1973) (Printing) (1973) (Printing) (1973) (Printing) (1973) Prints (1972) Std. Dimensio Prisms Broken in Flexure) (1972) ANSI A 1.30 /Compressi Private Fire Protection (Safety) (1973) Private Garages and Carports (1973) Private Sewage Disposal Systems (1973) Probability Sampling of Materials (1970) ANSI Z1.10 Probabilitv Sampling (1969) ANSI Z1.12 Std. Rec. Probe Array (1973) Std. Meth. for Probe Array (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for She Probe Array (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for Sheet Probe Machine (1971) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. of Test Probe Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Probe Mode (1973) /T. for Leaks Using the Mass Spectro Probe Voltage Breakdown Meth. (1972) ANSI Z173.47 / of Probe, Rot Fragment Counting Plate and Cover) (1962) Problems (1973) Rec. for Pipe Frictio Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Thro Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Water Resistance on S Proc. for Determining the Load Carrying Ability of Farm Proc. for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electric Connect Proc. for Measuring Inside Diameters of Composite Cans, Proc. for Pressure Collapse Test of Composite Cans (197 IAPMO TSC8 ASTM C441 BIA 23A FMS 1-47S FMS 1-47 FMS 10-10 FMS 10-9 FMS 6-3 FMS 7-3 AACCH 18-25 FMS 1-55 FMS 9-2 ICBO UFC»2ART9 NFPA 85 FMS 6-2 FMS 1-54 NFPA 655 ASME TWDPS-1 TTK.A RP35 ANSI Z3S.1 ANSI Z35.4 ICBO UFC»2ART27 ASTM D1743 ASTM D3194 SAE J320B SAE J231 AAMA 302.8 ASTM D41 ASTM D3322 ASTM D3322 UL 972 ASTM B567 IEEE 352 BIA ,44 ACGIH *1 ANSI X3.2 ANSI PH22.180 ANSI PH22.179 ANSI PH22.153 ANSI PH22.181 IPC ML-990 SAE J771A ANSI L24.2.6 AATCC 68 IPC D300E EIA RS406 IPC R-700 UL 796 IPC D-350 ANSI L24.1.1 ANSI PH3.45 ANSI PH3.15 TAPPI UM-536 FMS 7-36 ANSI PH3.9 ANSI PH22.153 ANSI PH22.179 ANSI PH22.180 ANSI B65.1 TAPPI T526SU GT *2 GT •1 GT *l GT *5 ANSI PH22.182 ASTM C349 FMS 3-26 ICBO UBC»8-4 ICBO UPC'1-11 ASTM E105 ASTM E141 ASTM F84 ASTM F390 ASTM F374 ASTM D2979 ASTM E499 ASTM E498 ASTM F108 AACCH 28-90 FMS 2-89 STDI 116 STDI 115 ASAE S360T EIA RS364-3 CCTI CT102 CCTI C133 Engineering and Product Standards Division 303 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1973) oated Lock Screws (1973) Std. Test. Std. Test Std. Test Rec. Safe Pract. and st for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Turbine Fuels (JFTOT Rec. Pract. for Instrument Panel Laboratory Impact Test Rec. Pract. for Service Brake Structural Integrity Test lectric Machinery (1973) Std. for Test uctor Radiation Detectors (1969) ANSI N42.2 Std. Test 1962) Sampling cans. Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Test. pes and Sounding Rules (1974) Std. Container 74) Std. for Control Valve Capacity Test es (1967) Rec. lement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Std. Test ubes and Cores (1972) nd Cores (1972) nderride Cuard (Safety (1971) 2) ANSI S6.2 tor Oil Cans (1974) 4) ) ANSI Z224.1 Std. Test. Std. Test. Rec. Pract. Test Rec. Pract. for the Test Std. Test. Std. Test. Std. lest Std. Performance Evaluation Std. for Control Valve Capacity Test 974) Rec. Pract. for Design cores (1974) Std. Test, rque Balance Accelerome/ Std. Spec. Format Guide and Test n Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Point / Std. Test n Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Po/ Std. for Test Cans. Tubes, and Cores (1974) Std. Test, ans. Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Test. Rec. Pract. for Spark Arrester Test Std. Requirements, Terminology, and Test 1974) Std. Test, oors (1972) Rec. es(1971) Rec. for Hydraulic Fluid Power Fluid Sample Containers / Std. izing Radiation (1969) ANSI N42.1 Std. Test 1973) Std. Test. ms for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form Wo/ Std. Test allic Locking Element Type Prevailing-To/ Std. for Test ise Levels of Powered Industrial/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform bution Transformers (1972) Std. Test ing Material Data) (1972) Std. Test res (1974) Std. Test. Rec. Pract. for Service Brake Structural Integrity Test ) Std. and Test / Textile Colorfastness) (1972) Rec. Evaluation fastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Rec. Evaluation ness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Rec. Evaluation gy Consumption of Household Refrigerators, Com/ Std. Test bber and Rubber Like Materials by a Temperature Retraction Rec. Scaffolding Erection Rec. Steel Frame Shoring Erection Rec. Pract. for Bumper Evaluation Test le Construction Type Crane Overload Indicating System Test Std. for Fiberboard Test Rec. Horizontal Shoring Beam Erection automotive Transmission) Clutch Friction Test Machine Test Test for Lead in the Atmosphere by Colorimetric Dithizone onic Active Ingredient in Detergents by Cationic Titration (Floor Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, C/ Test. Std. eel Cleanliness Requirements (Magnetic Particle Inspection ilers (1972) Testing e (For Agricultural Tractors for Overhead Protection (Test for Protective Enclosures for Agricultural Tractors (Test Std. for Protective Frame for Agricultural Tractors (Test ngs (1972) ANSI G5/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Qualification of Std. 105D) (1971) Std. for Sampling 1972) Std. for Analytical (1972) Std. for Analytical Definition and Test oil (1973) Std. for Inspection, Sampling and Measuring ic Transducers (1972) Std. for ndation) (1963) Suggested Design Suggested Design and Construction output (1972/ Std. for Industrial Computer System FORTRAN ombination) (1971) ANSI A197.2, Asse 1007 Std. and Test connectors (1971) ANSI C83.63B ^ Std. Test ed in Enclosures (1973) Std. for Test lean/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Materials, Equipment, and Minimum Performance Requirements and Uniform Test rs Operated on Public Highways (1973/ Std. for Inspection Proc. for Side to Side Crush Composite Tubes and Cores Proc. for Storage Batteries (1972) Proc. for the Locking Ability Performance of Chemical C Proc. (Industrial Plant Safety Checklists) (1973) Proc.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Te Procedure-Head Area (1971) Procedure-Passenger Car (1971) Procedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating E Procedure for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semicond Procedure for Analysis of Bacteria (Cereal Chemistry) ( Procedure for Axial (End to End) Compression -Composite Procedure for Bench Calibration of Tank Level Gaging Ta Procedure for Chlorine Packaging (1973) Procedure for Compressible Fluids in Turbulent Flow (19 Procedure for Compression Testing of Scaffolds and Shor Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement (1972) ANSI G8.13 Procedure for Dry Fertilizer Spreader (1972) Procedure for End Supported Beam Deflection Composite T Procedure for End Supported Beam Strength Fibre Tubes a Procedure for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Rear U Procedure for Exterior Sound Level for Snowmobiles (197 Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Composite Mo Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Drop Composite Cans (197 Procedure for Geiger Muller Counters (1970) ANSI N42.3 Procedure for Household (laundry, Clothes) Washer (1971 Procedure for Incompressible Fluids (1972) Procedure for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1 Procedure for Internal Bursting of Composite Tubes and Procedure for Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, Analog to Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity O Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity O Procedure for Measuring Lengths or Heights of Composite Procedure for Measuring Wall Thicknesses of Composite C Procedure for Medium Size Engines (1972) Procedure for Neutral Grounding Devices (1972) Procedure for Oil Wicking of Composite Motor Oil Cans ( Procedure for Processing Hardware for Custom Aluminum D Procedure for Processing Hardware Schedules and Templat Procedure for Qualifying and Controlling Cleaning Meth. Procedure for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors for Ion Procedure for the Blow Off Pressure of Composite Cans ( Procedure for the Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Syste Procedure for the Locking Ability Performance of Nonmet Procedure for the Test.. Rating and Reporting of the No Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Oil Immersed Distri Procedure for Toroidal Magnetic Amplifier Cores (Includ Procedure for Torque Strength of Composite Tubes and Co Procedure for Trucks, Buses, and Combination Vehicles F Procedure for Water Absorbency of Bibulous Papers (1972 Procedure for Water Closet Flush Tank Ball Cocks (1968) Procedure of Chromatic Transference Scale (Color Chart Procedure of Gray Scale for Color Change (Textile Color Procedure of Gray Scale for Staining (Textile Colorfast Procedure to Determine the Freezer Temperature and Ener Procedure (TR Test) (R1972) ANSI J2.22 /Eristics of Ru Procedure (1968) Procedure (1969) Procedure (1971) Procedure (1971) Procedure (1972) Procedure (1972) Procedure (1972) R Procedure (1972T) Procedure (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Synthetic Ani (Procedure) for Products Classified as to Slip Resistant Procedure) (1973) /Ec. for Premium Aircraft Quality St Procedures and Maintenance of Steam Safety Valves on Bo Procedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J16 Procedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J16 Procedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J33 Procedures and Personnel for the Welding of Steel Casti Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes (MIL Procedures for Accountability of Uranium Hexafluoride ( Procedures for Accountability of Uranium Tetrafluoride Procedures for Ammonia Nitrate (1973) Procedures for Bulk Shipments and Transfers of Soybean Procedures for Calibration of Underwater Electro Acoust Procedures for Combined Concrete Footings and Mats (Fou Procedures for Concrete Foundation Piers (1969) Procedures for Executive Functions and Process Input- Procedures for Home Laundry Equipment (washer, Dryer, C Procedures for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electrical Procedures for Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Us Procedures for Mixing Rubber Compounds for Preparing Vu Procedures for Motor Vehicle Brake Linings (1966) Procedures for Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Semitraile Rec. Pract. for Mobi Pract. for SAE No. 2 ( Meth. of CCTI BCI IFI MCA ASTM SAE SAE IEEE IEEE AACCH CCTI ANSI CHI ISA SSI ASTM ASAE CCTI CCTI SAE SAE CCTI CCTI IEEE AHAM ISA ACGIH CCTI IEEE ASAE SAE CCTI CCTI SAE IEEE CCTI NBHA NBHA NFLDP IEEE CCTI IEEE IFI ITA IEEE IEEE CCTI SAE TAPPI ASSE AATCC AATCC AATCC AHAM ASTM SSI SSI SAE SAE SAE SSI SAE ASTM ASTM CSMA SAE FMS ASAE ASAE ASAE ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI FI NSPA ANSI ACI ACI ISA AHAM EIA ANSI ASTM VESC ANSI T108 '1-66 125 SC20 D3241 J921B J229 85 301 42-10 CT107 B88.2 7 S39.4 •10 A 143 S341 T-113 Tl 14 J260 J192 C125.1 C125 309 HLW-1 S39.2 •1-6 T112 337 S349 J283 CT104 CT101 J350A 32 C124 *1 *7 T2.9.2 300 C110 429 124 6G1 345 106 T116 J294 T432SU 1002 EP3 EP1 EP2 HRF-2-ECFT D1329 *1 *6 J980A J248 J315B »8 J286 D3112 D1681 BUL 12 AMS2300B LPD12-59 S310.2 S336.1 S306.3 A488 Z1.4 N15.7 N15.6 P40 *4 SI. 20 63-49 69-42 S61.1 HLW-2PR RS364-2 C37.50 D3182 V-3 D7.L 304 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards washers (1971) ANSI A197.1, Asse 1006 Std. and Test Waste Disposer Units (1971) ANSI A197.3. / Std. and Test mountabl/ Rec. Praet. for Uniform Laboratory Fatigue Test Test ipment (1973) ANSI C83.25 Std. Test, tation/ Minimum Performance Requirements and Uniform Test assemblies (1970) Std. for Tests and Std. for Inspection 72) Test of Temperature Indexe/ Guide for the Preparation of Test r Tools, Crimping. Solderless Wiring Devices-Recommended ntiometers (1970) Std. for Inspection and Test nges (1972) Safety Rules. Rec. for a Manual of Radioactivity Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Range Plans: Safety Rules and Air Conditioning Equipment Selection and System Design uoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Tissues (Manual Std. for Swaging 72) Std. for Operation and Flow Rec. Pract. for Hardware Test, of Digital Std. Meth. for Validation of Results of . for Steel Sheet. Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip . Meth. for Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) by Std. Spec, for Safety Std. for Compressors for est Meth. for Laboratory Corrosion Test, of Metals for the uter System FORTRAN Procedures for Executive Functions and Rec. Pract. for Monitoring Special Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for pe) (1971) Std. Wet 71) Std. Wet Std. Wet Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber/ Std. for Full Length Thermal Std. for Tubular Heat Exchanges in Chemical Uniform Fire Code: Fruit Ripening Structural Clay Masonry reservative Treatment of Incised Pole Butts by the Thermal and Sugars, and to Most Other Products of the Wet Milling k Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip f Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip verts and Underdrains, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Std. Terms Used in the Sulfite Pulping of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or od Poles Preservative Treatment by the Full Length Thermal starch. Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Corn Wet Milling ration of and Electroplating on Aluminum Alloys by Zincate s for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip oils, and Cut Lengths, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Dip . for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Std. for Practice for Storage of Uniform Building Code Std. for (1971) Std. Practice for Storage of Spec, for Flat Rolled Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Fully led. Grain Oriented, Silicon Iron. Electrical Steel, Fully lywood and Utility Pole Preservative Treatment by Pressure Std. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Std. for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Std. for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Std. for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Basic Criterial for Evaluation of Special Rec. for Electrolytic Chlorine . for Preservative Treatment (For Fence Posts) by Pressure rs, Bridge and Mine Tie Preservative Treatment by Pressure Pacific Coast Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock by Pressure for Wood Used on Farms (Preservative Treatment by Pressure Building Construction (Preservative Treatment by Pressure Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Data (Safety) for Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Flammable Gas Loss Prevention Data on Sight Glasses for Chemical Std. for the Protection of Electronic Computer and Data Rec. Procedure for Rec. Procedure for r Nomenclature for Motion Picture Film Used in Studios and . of Test for Characteristic Groups in Rubber Extender and ctions Within the Air Tra/ Spec, for Std. Integrated Data limit Controls (Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating and Std. for Safety for Electronic Data Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Materials ng the Resistance of Photographic Films to Abrasion During hart Symbols and Their Usage in Micrographics (Information -Positioning Numerically Controlled Machines (Information std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Specifications for the Rec. Pract. for Std. or Measuring Fast Neutron Flux for Analysis for Barium 140 glossary of Terms Relating to Chimneys. Gas Vents and Heat Std. Spec Std /Td. for Industrial Comp Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Dish Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Food Procedures for Production Disc and Spoke Wheels, and De Procedures for Regular Bicycles (1972) Procedures for Relays for Electrical and Electronic Equ Procedures for Retreaded Tires for Passenger Cars and S Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose and Hose Procedures for School Buses (1972) Procedures for the Safety Std. for Regular Bicycles (19 Procedures for the Thermal Evaluation and Establishment Procedures for User Certification of (1962) ANSI C83.79 Procedures for Wirewound and Nonwirewound Trimming Pote Procedures For, and Construction of High Power Rifle Ra Procedures (1961) Procedures (1972) Procedures (1973) Procedures) (1973) Tent. Meth. for Analysis for Fl Process-Tube to Rod End (1974) Process Charts and Symbols (Mechanical Engineering) (19 Process Computers (1971) Process Distillation Analyzers (1973) Process for Roofing (1971) ANSI G8.21 Process Gas Chromatography (1973) Process Glass Pipe and Fittings (1970) Process Industries (1972) Process Industries (1972) Process Input-Output (1972) Process of Quality Control (1969) Process Piping (1972A) Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Cap and Pin Ty Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Post Type) (19 Process Porcelain Insulators (Suspension Type) (1971) Process Preservative Treatment of Western Red Cedar and Process Service (1971) Process (Banana, Citrus Fruit) (1973) Process (Tech. Notes) (1966) Process (Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Al Process (1971) /D Starch Hydrolyzates and All Starches Process (1971) ANSI G8.22 /Pec. for Steel Sheet of Loc Process (1971) ANSI G8.23 /Td. Spec, for Steel Sheet O Process (1971) ANSI G8.28 /C. for Steel Sheets for Cul Process (1972) Process (1972) ANSI Zl.ll /Td. Rec. Pract. for Choice Process (1973) Std. for Lodgepole Pine Wo Process (1973) /R Determination of Phosphorus in Corn Process (1973) ANSI G53.12 Std. Rec. Pract. for Prepa Process (1973) ANSI G8.25 /Ec. for General Requirement Process (1973) ANSI G8.27 / of Structural Quality in C Process, Commercial Quality (1971) ANSI G8.24 /D. Spec Processed Photographic Plates (1972) Processed Pulverized Quicklime (1973) Processed Safety Photographic Film Other Than Microfilm Processed Type (1973) Std. Processed Types 27G053, 30G058, and 35G066 (1972) /Rol Processes and Quality Control Std. (1973) /, Timber, P Processes for All Timber Products (1973) Processes of Timber Piles (1973) Processes of Timber Poles (1973) Processes of Wood for Highway Construction (1973) Processes or Devices Used in Treating Wastewater (1970) Processes (Explosion Hazard During Manufacture) (1974) Processes (1972) Std Processes (1973) Std. for Lumber, Timbe Processes (1973) /Ions Before Gluing of Southern Pine, Processes) (1972) Std. Processes) (1972) /. for Round Poles and Posts Used in Processing and Systems (1972) Processing Equipment and Supporting Structures (1973) Processing Equipment (Vessel) (1974) Processing Equipment (1972) Processing Hardware for Custom Aluminum Doors (1972) Processing Hardware Schedules and Templates (1971) Processing Laboratories (1971) Std. Fo Processing Oils by the Clay Gel Absorption Chromatograp Processing Systems Designed to Streamline Supply Transa Processing Systems) (1972) Safety Std. for Processing Units and Systems (1972) Processing (1972) Processing (1972) Std. for Meth. for Determini Processing) (1973) ANSI PH5.17 Std. for Flowc Processing) (1974) /Mat for Contouring and Contouring Procurement of Photomasks (1972) Procurement Quality Std. and Spec. (1969) Procurement Spec, for Fasteners, Titanium Alloy (1973) Produced by Uranium 238 Fission (1973) Std. Meth. F Producing Appliances (1972) Std. AHAM AHAM SAE BMA EIA VESC SAE ANSI BMA IEEE EIA VRCI NRA NCRPM NRA NESCA ASTM NSA ASME ISA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI NACE ISA ASQC ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI AWPA ANSI ICBO BIA AWPA CR ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM AWPA CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ICBO ANSI ASTM ASTM ICBO AWPA AWPA AWPA AWPA NSF FMS AWPA AWPA AWPA AWPA AWPA ANSI FMS FMS NFPA NBHA NBHA ANSI ASTM ATA A UL UL ANSI ANSI NMA EIA ASTM ASQC NSA ASTM NFPA DW-2PR FWD-2PR J267 6T RS407 V-2 J343A D7.4 6/6T 98 RS270 T215 •3 R28 •4 MAN K D3269 582 101 RP55.1 D2891 A361 D2888 C599 B19.3 TM-01-69 S61.1 RP4 A524 C29.8 C29.9 C29.2 C8 B78.1 UFC»2ART16 27 C7 E-32 A527 A528 A444 T1201 E122 C10 B-47 B253 A525 A446 A 526 PHI. 45 UBCS24-20 PHI. 43 A677 A665 UBCS25-12 CI C3 C4 C14 C-9 7-34 C5-72 C2 C28 C16-72 C23-72 Z94.3 7-14 7-3 75 -1 *7 PH22.56 D2007 200 353 478 Z94.7 PH4.35 MS4 RS274-B F93 RP2 621 E393 97M Engineering and Product Standards Division 305 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 21 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards , Refrigeration Systems, Incinerators and Other Misc. Heat Produc Spec, for Indirect Type Oil Field Heaters Used in Produc onitoring of the Product (Receiving and Source Inspection, Produc 9 )/ Std. Spec, for Record Formats for Transmission of End Produc Rec. Pract. for Vendor Produc Editorial Format for Voluntary Produc values. Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress of Bo/ A Produc ) (196/ Rec. Pract. for Quality Control Monitoring of the Produc rcelain Enameling (1970) ANSI Z167./ Std. Rec. Pract. for Produc lhead Equipment (Production Valves, Ring Joint, Segmented, Produc Pract. for Uniform Laboratory Fatigue Test Procedures for Produc or Electrical Installations at Drilling Rigs and Petroleum Produc Std. Spec, for Toluenediisocyanate for Use in Produc Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Produc Rec. Pract. Meth. for Lining Lease Produc eck Flanges and Cask/ Spec, for (Oil) Wellhead Equipment (Produc Spec, for Oil and Gas Separators (Petroleum Produc Spec, for Spiral Weld Line Pipe (Petroleum Produc . for Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters (Petroleum Produc for Personnel Going Offshore for the First Time (Petroleum Produc equirements of Farm Liv/ Effect of Thermal Environment on Produc Meth. of Analysis of Radioactivity (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Produc Dry Film Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Produc afety) (19/ Std. Guide for Classifying and Labeling Epoxy Produc Std. Spec, for Fire Refined Copper for Wrought Produc ore Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Produc nitions of Terms Relating to Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbon Produc meth. of Analysis for All Baked Materials Except Chocolate Produc ainst Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Produc Definitions of Terms Relating to Care of Consumer Textile Produc 97/ Std. Meth. of Test for Total Base Number of Petroleum Produc and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, C/ Test. Std. (Procedure) for Produc otometric) Content in Feedstuffs and All Other Natural Dry Produc . for Determining Effect of Packaging on Food and Beverage Produc termination of the Temperature of Applied Coatings on Wood Produc assurance Sampling of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Wrought Produc Meth. for Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Wrought Produc Std. Meth. of Test. Aerosol Produc for Integrity of Glue Joints in Structural Laminated Wood Produc amless and Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Produc Std. Meth. of Conditioning Paper and Its Produc Std. Rec. Pract. for Conditioning Textiles and Textile Produc i/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives for Structural Laminated Wood Produc Spec, for Protein Base Adhesives for Structural Laminated Produc Meth. for Measurement of Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Produc engths) (1974) Steel Produc (Steel Produc s, Rolled Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1/ (Steel Produc ; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled D/ ' (Steel Produc ) (Steel Produc Steel Produc y Axles (1973) Steel Produc Cleaning Clay Produc of Analysis of Crude Fat in Flour, Bread, and Baked Cereal Produc mining Acidity Content in Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Produc determining pH Content in Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Produc ydrolyzates and All Starches and Sugars, and to Most Other Produc Std. Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys (Wrought Produc ed Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Crude Fat (Ccl 4 Produc on, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed;/ Oilseed Produc e and Strip) (1973) Std. Spec, for Flat Copper Produc meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Produc Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Cacao Produc Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Dry Milk Produc eth. of Analysis for Baking Test (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Produc Disk Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Produc Spectrophotometric Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaroni Produc Meth. of Analysis of Egg Solids in Macaroni Produc Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Dry Milk Produc Meth. of Analysis of Unsaponifiable Matter in Macaroni Produc Meth. of Analysis of Coliform Bacteria in All Food Produc Meth. of Analysis of Rope Spore Count in Cereal Produc Meth. of Analysis of Salmonella Bacteria in Food Produc meth. of Analysis of Food Poisoning Staphylococcus in Food Produc Meth. of Analysis of Fecal Strep;ococci in Food Produc Meth. of Analysis of Mold and Yeast Counts in Food Produc Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Fruit and Fruit Produc Meth. for Preparation of Sample: Macaroni Produc d. Plate Count Meth. of Analysis of Total Bacteria in Food Produc of Analysis for Ash in Starch, Dextrin, and Other Modified Produc f Analysis for Citric and Isocitric Acids in Fruit and Its Produc analysis of Inorganic Bromide Residues in Grain and Cereal Produc nalysis of Thermophilic and Psychrophilfc Bacteria in Food Produc illustration and Classification in Cereal Grains and Grain Produc ntaining Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy Flour, and Other Cereal Produc Meth. of Analysis of Niacin and Nicotinamide in Cereal Produc ng Appliances) (1973) /Ng, Ventilating, Cooling ng Oil and Gas (1972) Audit) (1969) /C. Pract. for Quality Control M Description Data (Tooling, Printed Wiring Board Improvement Program for Quality Control (1969) Stds. (1973) Use Manual: Grade Selection, Std. Size, Design (Receiving and Source Inspection, Product Audit ion and Preparation of Gray Iron Castings for Po ion Check Flanges and Gaskets; Drilling Through, ion Disc and Spoke Wheels, and Demountable Rims ion Facilities on Land and on Marine Fixed and M ion of Urethane Foams (1973) ANSI K65.125 ion Planning and Control (1972) ion Tanks with Coal Tar Epoxy (1972) ion Valves, Ring Joint, Segmented, Production Ch ion) (1973) ion) (1973) ion) (1973) Spec ion) (1974) Rec. Pract. Orientation Program ion. Heat and Moisture Loss and Feed and Water R s- Emergency Monitoring (Cereal Chemistry) (197 s -Film Thickness of 0.3 MIL or Greater (Coil s According to Their Hazardous Potentialities (S s and Alloys (1972) ANSI H23.12 s and Food Ingredients (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s and Images Made Therefrom (1972A) Std. Defi s and Piecrust (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ping s and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement (197 s and Rec. Pract. for Use of These Terms on Perm s by Potentiometric Perchloric Acid Titration (1 s Classified as to Slip Resistant (Floor Polish s Derived from Corn (1957) /Ng Color (Spectroph s During Storage (1972) Std. Rec. Pract s During the Curing Cycle (1973) /R Infrared De s Except Forgings and Stock) (1973) /R Quality s for Aerospace Applications (1974) Std. s for Delivered Mass (1972) s for Exterior Use (1959) ANSI Z197. 17 /of Test s for High Temperature Service Conforming to ISO s for Test. (1973) TAPPI T402 s for Test. (1974) ANSI L14.205 s for Use Under Exterior (Wet Use) Exposure Cond s for Use Under Interior (Dry Use) Exposure Cond s in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reacto s Manual for Carbon Sheet Steel (coils and Cut L s Manual) Carbon Steel Strip (1971) s Manual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Shape s Manual) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging s Manual) Steel Specialty Tubular Products (1972 s Manual: Tin Mill Products (1973) s Manual: Wrought Steel Wheels and Forged Railwa s Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1964) s Not Containing Fruit (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) s Obtained from Corn (1963) /Al Meth. for Deter s Obtained from Corn (1963) /Lytical Meth. for s of the Wet Milling Process (1971) /D Starch H s Only); Application Data Sheet (1972) s Such as Feeds and Meals (1955) /Ermand Finish s Trading Rules (Performance, Quality, Descripti s with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flatwir Boric Acid Modification) (Cereal Chemistry) ( Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Cereal Chemistry) (1967) St Meth. Meth. Meth. of Meth. of a / and Radiographic /Gh Conditioners Co ICBO API ASQC IPC ASQC use WWPA ASQC ASTM API SAE API ASTM ANSI NACE API API API API API ASAE AACCH NCCA ANSI ASTM AACCH ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM CSMA CR ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AISI AISI AISI AISI AISI AISI AISI BIA AACCH CR CR CR CDA CR NIOP ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH UMC»7 12K RP5 D-350 RP8 PSO *24 RP5 C660 6A J267 RP500B D1786 Z94.10 RP-03-72 6A 12J 5LS 12L RPT-1 D249.2 28-99A TB-II-4 K68.1 B216 42-40 F221 2833 A143 D3136 D2896 BUL 12 G-6 E460 D3259 AMS2370A B594 D3097 D1101 A520 D685 D1776 D2559 D3024 D2470 5 6 2 1 19 7 11 20 30-10 J-4 J-48 E-32 108/2 B-18 *1 B272 46-12 08-10 08-11 10-20 14-20 14-21 20-10 30-16 30-40 42-15 42-20 42-25 42-30 42-35 42-50 62-25 62-40 42-11 08-17 04-22 60-10 42-45 28-95 48-51 86-50 306 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards I Grains, Oilseeds, Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy f Hydration Capacity of Pregelatinized Starches and Cereal Meth. of Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Food of Analysis of Coagulase Positive Staphylococcus in Cereal in Massecuites, Molasses, and Other Liquid and Semiliquid Thermal Properties of Agricultural Grain and Its Std. Spec, for Wrought Alloy Tool Steel t Labels, Detachable Tags, and Certification of Fabrics or Std. for Glossary of Rec. Terms for Care Labeling Textile Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Sanitary Stds. for Uninsulated Tanks for Milk and Its ealers of Single Service Containers for Milk and Its Fluid imulated Shipping Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Std. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Glossary of Terms Relating to Structural Clay Std. Rec. Pract. for Eddy Current Test, of Steel Tubular ic Meth. of Analysis of Malathion Residues in Milled Wheat ontent in Corn Starch. Dextrines and Other Modified Starch drolzates Including Syrups and Sugars, and Most Wet Milled ty Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) and Other Wet Milled Solid Std. Spec, for Pressure Treatment of Timber Std. Spec, for Tantalum Ingots and Flat Mill Spec, for Dental Gypsum Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Glass and Glass ty Practices for Handling and Fabricating Asbestos Textile for Determining Borax Content in Dextrin and Corn Starch (Steel Products Manual) Steel Specialty Tubular Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Gypsum and Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Aerosol Std. Meth. of Test for Delivery Rate of Aerosol Std. Meth. of Rapid Pressure Determination of Pressurized Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile Content of Aerosol Std. Rec. Pract. for Storage of Aerosol Std. Meth. of Test for Seepage Rate of Aerosol Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Densities of Pressurized td. Spec, for Adhesives Used in Nonstructural Glued Lumber Pract. for Instantizing Systems for Dry Milk and Dry Milk . Rec. Pract. for Safe Filling of Low Pressure Pressurized Definitions of Terms and Nomenclature Relating to Aerosol Definitions of Terms Relating to Naval Stores and Related apor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Dry porosity, and Apparent Specific Gravity of Fired Whiteware finitions of Terms Relating to Asbestos Cement and Related mpound and Sample Preparation for Physical Test, of Rubber Std. Meth of Chemical Analysis of Rubber Steel Products Manual: Tin Mill Std. for Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Tin Mill Std. for Inspection of Preservative Treated Timber rec. Pract. for Collection and Identification of Corrosion Safety Std. for Power Operated Pumps for Petroleum reservative Treatment by Pressure Processes for All Timber lding Code Std. for Test for Glue Joints in Laminated Wood r Scraped Surface Heat Exchanges for Use with Milk and Its of Terms Relating to Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related hygroscopic Properties of Fire Retardant Wood and Its Base teel Panels for Test. Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related f Test for Distillation of Cut Back Asphaltic (Bituminous) definitions for Mechanical Test, of Wrought and Cast Steel Std. Spec, for Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Assembled Steel ension Test. Wrought and Cast Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Std. Spec, for Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber of Dynamic Test, for Ply Separation and Cracking of Rubber td. Classification System for Carbon Blacks Used in Rubber Std. Meth. of Test for Ash from Petroleum Sanitary Std. for Storage Tanks for Milk and Its sanitary Std. for Silo Type Storage Tanks for Milk and Its for Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Pumps for Milk and Its t of Liquids (Paint, Enamel, Lacquer, Varnish, and Related ning Acidity (Paste) Content in Corn Starch (Gelatinizable Std Moisture Measurement (Meat and Its guide Specs, for Brier. Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part I and II s of Thiamine in Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole Grain luorometric Meth. of Analysis of Riboflavin in Whole Grain ry) (/ Meth. for Sampling of Flour, Semolina, and Similar Dictionary of Terms Used in the Safety u. S. Customary Units) (1973) Std. Dimensions for Joint Venture Agreement (Form) for Design Std. for Graphical Symbols for Use on Railroad Maps and Std. for Milling Machine-Tracer Controlled - Std. for Numerically Controlled thyl)A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluidine ■ Std. for Certified Ratings Ms (1972) Std. for (Petroleum Production) (1974) Rec. Pract. Orientation Rec. Pract. for Vendor Product Improvement Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Produc Profess Profess Profess /E Protein in Cerea /Eth. of Analysis Meth. / for Permanen /R Fillers and S s (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1969) s (Cereal Chemistry) (1973) s (Drying Upon Quartz Sand) (Cereal Chemistry) ( s (Flour, Starch) (1972) s (Including Dies and Fixtures) (1973) s (Institutional Textile) (1973) s (Launder or Dryclean) (1973) s (Micromethod) (1971) ANSI Zl 1.277 s (Mixing and Storage) (1974) s (Packaging Equipment) (1974) s (Radio, Television, Tape Recorder, Phonograph, s (Reid Meth.) (1972) ANSI Z11.44 s (Tech. Notes) (1961) s (Tubing) with Magnetic Saturation (1971) ANSI s (Wheat, Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc.) to Determin s (1955) /Nalytical Meth. for Determining Ash C s (1961) /Mining Iron Content in Corn Starch Hy s (1963) /leal Meth. for Determining Bulk Densi s (1969) s (1970) ANSI Z179.14 s (1971) s (1971) s (1971) s (1971) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) s (1972) Rec. Health Safe Std. Analytical Meth Std Std. Std. Std. Meth. of Test for Water V /R Absorption, Bulk Density, Apparent :s (1972) ANSI A130.1 Std. De :s (1972) ANSI Jl.l Std. Meth. of Co ts (1972A) ANSI J10.1 :s (1973) ts (1973) :s (1973) :s (1973) ts (1973) ts (1973) ts (1973) Std. P ts (1973) Uniform Bui ts (1973) Sanitary Std. Fo ts (1973) Std. Definitions ts (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for ts (1973) Std. Meth. for Preparation of S ts (1973) AASHO T78, ANSI A37.45 Std. Meth. ts (1973) ANSI G60.1 Std. Meth. and :s (1973) ANSI G8.18 ts (1973) ANSI H46.1 Std. Meth. of T :s (1973) ANSI J2.4 ts (1973) ANSI J2.6 Std. Meth. :s (1973) ANSI J8.6 ts (1973) ANSI Z11.54 ts (1974) :s (1974) :s (1974) Sanitary Stds. by Setaflash Closed Tester (1973) /Lash Poin :s) (1955) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determi :s) (1972) :s) (1972) Corn Grits, Corn Meal, Puffed Cereals, Farina :s. Grits, Meal, Flaked and Puffed Cereals, Farin Feeds and Feedstuffs in Sacks (Cereal Chemist ion (1973) ional Photographic Sheet and Roll Films (SI and ionals (1972) Profiles (1972) Profiling and Contouring- Vertical (1973) Profiling and Contouring Milling Machine (1974) Profluralin (1973) /T Control Chemical N(Cyclopropylme Program Air Moving Devices (Performance) (1970) Program for Biological Shielding in Nuclear Reactor Pla Program for Personnel Going Offshore for the First Time Program for Quality Control (1969) AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASAE ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM DFISA DFISA EIA ASTM B1A ASTM AACCH CR CR CR ASTM ASTM ADA ASTM ATI CR AIS1 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM DFISA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AISI ANSI ASTM AWPA NACE UL AWPA ICBO DFISA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM DFISA DFISA DFISA ASTM CR ASAE CSI AACCH AACCH AACCH ASSFE ANSI AIOA ANSI NSA NSA ANSI AMCA ANSI API ASQC Engineering and Product Standards Division 46- 14 56-20 60-50 42-30A 44-60 D243.1 A681 L24.5.1 L28.1 D2551 3200 1704 RS414 D323 2 E309 60-30 B-8 B-30 G-8 D1760 B364 25 C162 *4 D-10 19 C471 D3065 D3069 D3070 D3072 D3090 D3094 D3096 D3110 60800 D3091 D3064 D804 D3079 C373 C460 D15 D297 7 H35.2 A623 M2 RP-01-73 79 CI UBCS25-20 3100 D16 D3201 D609 D402 A370 A 386 B557 D1056 D430 D1765 D482 0106 2203 0206 D3278 B-4 S353 11A 86-80 86-70 64-60 ♦1 PHI. 18 C801 Y32.7 914 913 K62.152 211 N18.9 RPT-1 RP8 307 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Pract. for A Std. for Quality Assurance Spec, for General Requirements for a Quality Rec. Pract. for Evaluating the Quality Control steady State Performance Presentation for Digital Computer Specifying e Film (2.35:1) Aspect Ratio (1971) Std. Dimensions of Std. for Illumination Tests for Photographic Still nd Super 8 Reversal Color Camera Films Intended for Direct ium Prefocus Base Down Type, Single Contact Motion Picture Uniform Building Code: Motion Picture Std. Pract. for Slide and Slidefilm Uniform Fire Code: Motion Picture m Building Code: Regulations for Use of Public Streets and Std. Spec, for Mounts (1972) Std. for Resolving Power of Lenses for Spec, for Photographic Filmstrip td. Basic Construction Requirements for Photographic Slide is of Payment on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Overlay hemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-Methoxy-S-Triazine - al 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Triazine - Std. Gravure ng) (1973) Std. materials (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Flame yl Sulfite (Common Name for the Pest Control Ch/ Std. for Chemical 2— Chloro-4,6bis (Isopropylamino) -S-Triazine - 11./ Std. Meth. of Test for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous afety) (1971) Std. for Manually design. Construction, Materials. Size, and Installation of Delamination, Strength of Bond, Appearance, and Shrinkage Test Meth. for Electrostatic e Book: Lumber Std., Grading Rules, Design Values, Section and Use of Acetic Acid (1973) and Use of Paraformaldehyde (1974) and Use of Chloroform (1974) and Use of Caustic Soda (1974) ing and Use of Vinyl Chloride (1972) rbon Steel Tooth Lock Wash/ Std. for Dimensions, Physical Std. Meth. for Evaluating Allowable td. Spec, for Carbon Steel Plates with Improved Transition ading(1949) ANSI Z197.1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Std. Test Meth. for Tensile Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Std. Test Meth. for Creep Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Std. Meth. of Test for Strength Std. Test Meth. for Creep Std. Meth. of Test for Fatigue Std. Test Meth. for Strength Std. Test Meth. for Flow Std. Meth. of Testing Cross Lap Specimens for Tensile Shear by Tension Loadin/ (Metal to Metal) (1969) elevated Temperatures (M/ the Temperature Range Fr/ laminated Assemblies (19/ tal to Metal) (1972) Ans/ tal to Metal) (1969) tal / Metal) (1973) Shear by Tension Loading (/ r. Starch) (1972) e or Shear Strains by / sion Machines) (1972) Ans/ (1973) lids (1973) nsi Z14.286 sitional / 1) ANSI Z/ ansi Fll./ (1973) Thermal Std. Meth. of Test for Change in Std. Meth. of Test for Mechanical Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Meth. of Test for Stretch Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Tent. Meth. of Test for Hygroscopic Std. for Fire Hazard Std. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Dielectric Std. Meth. of Test for Stretch Std. Meth. for Calculation of Certain Physical Std. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Std. Meth. for Measurement of Extreme Pressure Std. Meth. for Measurement of Flow Std. Meth. of Test for Rust Preventive oading (Disk Shear) (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Strength ct. for Effects of High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Soil Block Test: Std. Meths. for Test, the Preservative properties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Meth. of Test for Tensile mhl2.15 Std. Test Meth. for Creep Std. Meth. of Test for Physical and Chemical means of a Torsion Test/ Std. Meth. of Test for Stiffness Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile 2 Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile 1 Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive nsi SI Std. Meth. of Test for Evaluating Pressure Sealing Yarns and Tows (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Strength Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Test Meth. for Resin and Volatile Content, and Flow 71) Std. Spec, for Program for School Crossing Protection (1973) Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants (1971) Program (1968) ANSI Z1.8 Program (1969) Programs (1970) Gas Turbine Engine Project Record Documents (1967) Projectable Anamorphic Image Area on 5 mm Motion Pictur Projection Equipment (1971) Projection in Motion Picture Photography (1973) / mm a Projection Lamps (1972) Std. for Med Projection Rooms (1973) Projection (1972) Projection (1973) Projections Over Public Property (Pedestrian Protection Projector Usage of 16 mm Motion Picture Film (1973) Projectors for 35 mm Filmstrips and Slides in 2 X 2 In. Projectors (1973) Projectors (1973) Projects (1973) Recommendations for Bas Prometon (1973) /D. Common Name for the Pest Control C Prometryn (1973) /Mon Name for the Pest Control Chemic Proofing Inks (Printing) (1973) Proofing Supplement Stock for Gravure Magazines (Printi Propagation Classification Flooring and Floor Covering Propargite 2-(P-Tert-Butylphenoxy) Cyclohexyl 2Propyn Propazine (1973) /Td. Common Name for the Pest Control Propellants by the Cone Penetration Meth. (1972) ANSI Z Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands for Scaffolds (Towers, S Propeller Shafting Systems for Boats (1973) /Guide to Propensity of Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics (Tex Propensity of Carpets (1969) Properties and Design Loads, Timber, Plank and Laminate Properties and Essential Information for Safe Handling Properties and Essential Information for Safe Handling Properties and Essential Information for Safe Handling Properties and Essential Information for Safe Handling Properties and Essential Information for the Safe Handl Properties and Meth. of Test, for Helical Spring and Ca Properties for Grades of Structural Lumber (1974) Properties for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.7 Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compression Lo Properties of Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.8 Properties of Adhesives in Plywood Type Construction in Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Compression Loading Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading in Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading of Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Me Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Me Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Me Properties of Adhesives in Two Ply Wood Construction in Properties of Adhesives (1969) Properties of Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z197.21 Properties of Agricultural Grain and Its Products (Flou Properties of Elastomeric ANSI J2.7 Properties of Elastomeric Vulcanizates Under Compressiv Properties of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Rate of Exten Properties of Fabrics Woven from Stretch Yarns (1972T) Properties of Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.250 Properties of Fire Retardant Wood and Its Base Products Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile So Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Falex Meth.) (1973) Properties of Grain and Seeds (1972) Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power (1972) a Properties of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases from Compo Properties of Lubricating Fluids (Four Ball Meth.) (197 Properties of Lubricating Fluids (Timken Meth.) (1972) Properties of Lubricating Greases at High Temperatures Properties of Lubricating Greases (1973) ANSI Z11.152 Properties of Metal to Metal Adhesives by Compression L Properties of Metallic Materials (1962) ANSI N145 /Pra Properties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using W Properties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using W Properties of Oriented Fiber Composites (1972T) Properties of Package Cushioning Materials (1968) ANSI Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Resins (1972) Properties of Plastics as a Function of Temperature by Properties of Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.60 Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.3 Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.3 Properties of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (1960) a Properties of Single Man Made Textile Fibers Taken from Properties of Steel Truss Plates (1973) Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting (1973) ANSI K65.76 Properties of Treated Paper (1973) Properties of Unpunched Oiled Paper Perforated Tape (19 ITE ANSI ASQC ASQC SAE CSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ICBO ANSI ICBO ICBO ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ACPA ANSI ANSI GT GT UL ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ABYC ASTM AATCC WWPA MCA MCA MCA MCA MCA ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM ASAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NWMA NWMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ANSI RP3 N45.2 CI RP3 ARP681B 01730 PH22.106 PH3.47 PH22.146 PH22.85 UBC*3-40 PH3.41 UFC*2ART32 UBC*3-44 PH22.10 PH3.16 PH3.28 PH3.65 TM-6 K62.144 K62.143 »4 ♦5 992 K62.131 K62.145 D2884 A92.1 P6 D2724 134 *31 SD41 SD6 SD89 SD9 SD56 B18.21.1 D2915 A 442 D905 D897 D906 D2293 D2295 D2557 D3165 D1002 D2294 D3166 D2339 D2183 D1344 D243.1 D471 D945 D2731 D3107 D1774 D3201 7-19 D3233 D293 D2594 D2598 D2783 D2782 D3232 D1743 D2182 E184 M-l-70 M-l-70 D3039 D2221 D2187 D1043 D638 D1623 D1621 D1081 D2101 E489 D882 UM-539 X3.29 308 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards als (1972) ANSI 08.1 Std. Meth. of Evaluating the Std. Meth. of Test for Shock Absorbing Std. Meth. of Test for Measuring Surface Frictional Contemporary Bearing Wall Types and g/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Self and Flash Ignition nt Viscosity of Adhesives Having Shear Rate Dependent Flow rison with a Secondary Standard of Similar EMF Temperature ent Cladding Including the Determination of the Mechanical al Used in Optical Emission Spectroscopy Based on Physical ride (1972) : Grade Selection. Std. Size, Design Values, Framing Rec, n, and Operation of So/ Requirements for Safety to Life ■ Rec. for Prevention of Damage to ht Aluminum A/ Std. for Chemical Compositions, Mechanical erms Precision and Accuracy as Applied to Measurement of A quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical tic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fitting/ Materials and ions for Use of Public Streets and Projections Over Public Std. Meth. of Test. Cellulose Acetate (Cereal / Van Dame Meth. of Analysis for Formic, Acetic, Std. Rec. Pract. for Selecting .1 Rec. Pract. for Selecting ansi A164.1 Rec. Pract. for Selecting 9 Std. for Safety for on and Safety) (1973) Rec. for Fire Alar/ Std. for Installation. Maintenance and Use of ct. and Stds. for Safe Installation of Exhaust Systems for Std. for Service Time Coding of ide for Centralized Control and Automation of Ship's Steam Std. Spec, for Normal chemical N-(2Chloroethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N- ical N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A-Trifluoro-2.6-Dinitro-N- Std. for Mine Power Cables with Ethylene - multiple Conductor Electrical Power Cables with Ethylene • ed Single Conductor Electrical Power Cable with Ethylene - 2000 Volts and Less and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylene • Std. Spec, for s Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylene Std. Spec, for General Purpose Ethylene Spec, for Synthetic Rubber. Ethylene Safe Handling and Use of no/ Std. for Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- Uniform Building Code Std. for Meth. of Assay for Alkaline elevision Receiving Applia/ Std. for Safety for Implosion o 100 Million Electron Volts (1954) Rec. for Safety Guide for Respiratory on. and Maintenance of Vehicle Alarm Systems and Units for stations (Flood. Surface Water. Rigging Collaps/ Rec. for 973) Rec. for (1972) Rec. for d. for Safety for Bullet Resisting Equipment (Barrier) for to Rain During Construction (1974/ Interim Guideline for Rec. for Local Protective Signalling Systems for Fire Building Construction and / Western Woods Use Book: Fire perature Molten Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc.) Fire Rec. for Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems (Fire Rec. for Parking Structures (Garage-Fire Rec. for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems (Fire rec. for Flammable Liquid Pumping and Piping Systems (Fire Rec. for Hazardous Chemicals Data (Fire rec. Construction and Water Sprinkler System Design-Fire ge Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. High) (Fire rm Fire Code: Recommended Safeguards and Practices for the res, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Mo/ Std. for Fire c Streets and Projections Over Public Property (Pedestrian Rec. for Fire Drive Turbines (1974) Fire Hazards and Rec. Fire Std. for Practice for Respiratory sae J333 Std. for Operator s / Uniform Fire Code: Recommended Guide to Safe Practice Std. for Radiation lated Faults) (1973) Rec. for Fire quipment (1972) Std. for the Rec. for Location, Construction and Rec. Pract. for Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc Rec. for ainers of Flammable Liquids (1973) Rec. for Fire Rec. for Fire Rec. for Fire Safety and Fire Hazards Anf Fire Hazards and Fire Hazards and Cold Weather Masonry Construction c Feedwater Regulators for Boilers (197/ Properties of Wood Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materi Properties of (Sports) Playing Surface Systems (1972) Properties Using the British Portable Tester (1974) Properties (Tech. Notes) (1969) Properties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air I Properties (1969) Std. Test Meth. for Appare Properties (1972) /Le Thermoelement Materials by Compa Properties (1972) ANSI N147 / Examination of Fuel Elem Properties (1974) /. for Selection of Electrode Materi Properties, etc. of Isopropyl Alcohol (1972) Properties, Safe Handling and Use of Phosphorus Trichlo Properties, Weight, Stress of Board, Timber, Lumber, SI Property from Explosion and Fire in Design, Constructio Property from Surface Water (1973) Property Limits and Dimensional Tolerances of SAE Wroug Property of a Material (1971) ANSI Z1.13 /Use of the T Property Requirements (1972) Std. Spec, for Merchant Property Stds. for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Plas Property (Pedestrian Protection During Construction or Propionate and Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (1972) Propionic, Butyric, Valeric, Succinic, and Lactic Acids Proportions for No Slump Concrete (1965) Proportions for Normal Weight Concrete (1970) ANSI A167 Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete (1969) Proprietary Burglar Alarm System Units (1974) ANSI Se2. Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems (Fire Protecti Proprietary Protective Signalling Systems for Watchman, Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery (Boats) (1973) /Pra Propulsion Engine Items (1971) ANSI B141.8 Propulsion Plant (1970) Gu Propyl Acetate (90 to 92% Grade) (1972) Propyl-Ptoluidine-Fluchloralin (1973) /Pest Control Propyl-Ptoluidine-Profluralin (1973) /T Control Chem Propvlene-Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 Propylene-Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /D Propylene-Rubber Insulation, 2001-5000 Volts (1973) I Propylene-Rubber Integral Insulation and Jacket (1973 Propylene Glycol (1972) Propylene Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /Able Propylene Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable (1972) Propylene Terpolymer, General Purpose (45-55) (1973) Propylene (1974) Propynyl (E,E)-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2,4-Dodeeadienoate KI Proscenium Curtains (1973) Protease (1972T) Protected Cathode Ray Tubes (Picture and Display) for T Protection Against Betatron Synchrotron Radiations Up T Protection Against Coal Mine Dust (1972) Protection Against Holdup and Theft (1973) ANSI Se2.8 Protection Against Misc. Perils at Electric Generating Protection Against Molten Metal Fires and Explosions (1 Protection Against Radiation from Brachytherapy Sources Protection Against Robbery or Holdup (Criminology) (197 Protection and Acceptance of Concrete Pavements Exposed Protection and Safety (Alarm) (1973) Protection and Safety (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Protection and Safety (1973) Rec. for High Tern Protection and Safety) (1973) Protection and Safety) (1973) Protection and Safety) (1973) Protection and Safety) (1973) Protection and Safety) (1973) Protection and Safety) (1973) /Al Characteristics Of, Protection and Safety) (1973) /Tized and Bin Box Stora Protection and Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustibl Protection Criteria for Safety Related Systems, Structu Protection During Construction or Demolition) (1973) Protection for Belt Conveyors (1972) Protection for Maintenance and Inspection of Mechanical Protection for Sawmills and Lumber Yards (1973) Protection for the Fire Service (1973) Protection for Wheel Type Agricultural Tractors (1972) Protection from Corrosion for Underground Pipe, Fitting Protection in Uranium Mines (Safety) (1973) Protection of Electrical Equipment (Single Phase and Re Protection of Electronic Computer and Data Processing E Protection of Electronic Computer Systems (1972) Protection of Iron and Steel (1967) Protection of Plywood Plants (1972) Protection of Small Nonpressurized and Pressurized Cont Protection of Synchronous Motors (1974) Protection of Yankee Driers (Paper Machine) (1973) Protection Rec. for Indoor Storage of Roll Paper (1974) Protection Rec. for Low Water Fuel Cutoffs and Automati Protection Rec. for Textile Mills (1974) (Protection Rec.) (1968) ASTM ASTM ASTM BIA ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM MCA MCA WWPA FMS FMS SAE ASTM ASTM IAPMO ICBO ASTM AACCH ACI ACI ACI UL FMS NFPA ABYC SAE SNAME ASTM ANSI ANSI NEMA NEMA NEMA NEMA ASTM NEMA ASTM SAE MCA ANSI ICBO ASTM UL NCRPM ANSI UL FMS FMS NCRPM UL ACPA FMS WWPA FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS ICBO ANS ICBO FMS FMS FMS ANSI ASAE ICBO ANSI FMS NFPA FMS AWS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS BIA D1037 F355 E303 24H UBCS52-3 D2556 E207 E453 E504 SD98 SD27 •24 7-30N 92 J457J E177 A663 PS17 UBC<3-44 D817 0423 211 211.1 211.2 1076 LPD 5-2N 72D PI AS1105 3-23 D3130 K62.140 K62.152 WC8/5 WC8/6 WC8/7 WC8/1 D2695 WC8 D2768 AMS3260 SD59 K62.137 UBCS6-1 D3048 492.8 R14 Z88.4 904 9-10 10-8 R40 752 TB17 5-5N *31-4 LPD 7 LPD 5 LPD 7 LPD 7 LPD 7 7-23N LPD 1-2 8-25N UFC»2A N18.10 UBC*3-44 7-11 13-9 7-25 Z88.5 S305.3 UFC»2B N13.8 14-15 75 LPD5-32 C2.2 7-12 7-29 5-13 12-29 8-21 12-37 7-1 1A -33 -2N -I5N -19N -32 Engineering and Product Standards Division 309 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Dry Pipe, Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Fire Safety Std. for Hydrants for Fire Safety Std. for Gate Valves for Fire Safety Std. for Play Pipes for Water Supply Test, in Fire larm Valves for Use in Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems for Fire Safety Std. for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Fire Std. for Safety for Butterfly Valves for Fire Std. for Safely for Automatic Water Sprinklers for Fire Std. for Safety for Water Pumps for Fire film Carrier (Ape/ Std. Meth. for Determining Adhesion of 8) X-Ray stible Materials (Fire Safety) (1974) Fire Hazards and Rec. for Pipe Friction Loss Tables for Solving Fire Rec. Pract. and Std. for Cathodic Safety Std. for Intrusion Detection Units for Burglary for the Periodic Test, of Nuclear Power Generating Station ngle Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station r Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Radiation flammable/ Rec. for Sprinkler, Water Spray, and Explosion ec. for Water Demand for Sprinkler System for Private Fire r Protective Frame (For Agricultural Tractors for Overhead Guide for Synchronous Motor Minimum Requirements for Motorcyclists Eye Rec. for Lined Earth Reservoirs for Fire Rec. for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Rec. Pract. for a Program for School Crossing Under the Uniform Building Code: Wall Framing and Weather . for the Installation of Water Sprinkler Systems for Fire ology for Pressure Relief Devices (Container and Equipment Rec. for Installation of Sprinkler Systems (Fire ansportation, Storage and Use of Explosive Materials (Fire Reactions (Incandescence, Fire, Explosion, and Detonation he Reliable Model B Accelerator for Dry Pipe Systems (Fire y Powder Form by Means of Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed (Fire ulverized Coal Fired Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces (Fire for Tests for Combustibility of Sweeping Compounds (Fire std. for Safety for Antitheft Alarms and Devices (Burglary trols. Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Drivew/ Uniform Fire Code: ete. Stone, Tile, Metal. Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Standard for Quality Assurance for Safety /or Safety for a ) Systems) (1972) Tent. Rec. Spec, for Asphalt Type Std. Spec, for Castor Oil for Use in Resins and actor Containment Facilities (1972) Std. Std. Preparation of Centrifugal Fans and Parts for Std. Meth. of Test for Steam Distillation of Bituminous Std. Meth. of Testing Fatty Acids Used in Std. Meth. of Test. Bituminous Base Emulsions for Use as Structural Clay spec, for Vinyl Coated Fabric Coverings for Decorative and edium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gauge Borads, rocedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) / Std. for ures and Performance Requirements) (1972) SAE J/ Std. for d Protection (Test Procedures and Performance R/ Std. for a for Preparation of Design Bases for Systems That Perform nt (1974) Rec. for Std. Spec, for n. and Larger, Shop Applied) (197/ Std. for Cement Mortar Std. for ons (1973) Guide for Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Auxiliary . for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Central Station and / Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Local y) (1973) Rec. for Proprietary Std. for Safety for Control Units for Indoor Fire d. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Remote Station ty for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes for Use with Fire afety (Alarm) (1973) Rec. for Local Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Proprietary . for Interconnection Circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Uniform Building Code Std. for Smoke Detectors for Fire rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for Roll Over rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for Roll Over pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for Falling Object boratory Evaluation of Roll Over (ROPS) and Falling Object rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for Roll Over or Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit s for Use Under Interior (Dry Use) Exposu/ Std. Spec, for corn Sugar (Crude and Refined). Syrups, Starches and Other t in Feedstuffs (Corn), Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other ter, (Corn) Feedstuffs, Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other nitrogen Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, Starches and Other Nitrogen Content in Corn Starch, Sugars, Syrups and Other tion of Dispersible Protein in Ground Soybeans. Whole Or/ ldahl Meth. for Nitrate Free Samples for Analysis of Crude nd Animal and Dairy P/ UDy Dye Meth. of Analysis of Crude /-Use Criteria /Cation of the SI /Al Principles Fo Cone Protection Service (1970) Protection Service (1973) Protection Service (1973) Protection Service (1973) ANSI Blll.l Protection Service (1973) ANSI B129.2 Protection Service (1973) ANSI B156.1 Protection Service (1974) Protection Service (1974) Protection Service (1974) Protection Sheet to Aperture Adhesive of Unitized Micro Protection Standards for Home Television Receivers (196 Protection Std. for Rack Storage of Flammable and Combu Protection System Hydraulic Problems (1973) Protection Systems on Boats (1972) Protection Systems (1969) ANSI C33.70 Protection Systems (1971) ANSI N41.3 Protection Systems (1972) ANSI N41.2 Protection Systems (1972) ANSI N41.4 Protection with Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1961) Protection (Safety) for Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Protection (Safety) (1973) Protection (Test Procedures and Performance Requirement Protection (1971) Protection (1971) Protection (1972) Protection (1973) Protection (1973) Protection (1973) Dwelling Construction Protection (1973) ANSI A54.3 Std Protection) (1972) Std. for Termin Protection) (1973) Protection) (1973) Rec. Code for TR Protection) (1973) Manual of Hazardous Chemical Protection) (1973) /for Operation and Maintenance of T Protection) (1973) /Lication of Plastic Polymers in Dr Protection) (1973) /Vention of Furnace Explosions in P Protection) (1973) ANSI Z240. 1 Safety Std Protection) (1974) Protection, Authority, Departmental Regulations and Cort Protection, or Insulation (1973) /Veneer (Brick Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear Facilities (1972 Protective Coatings for Underground Pipe Lines (Wrapped Protective Coatings Including Lacquers (1973) Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Re Protective Coatings (1966) Protective Coatings (1970) ANSI A109.ll Protective Coatings (1972) Protective Coatings (1973) Protective Construction (Tech. Notes) (1962) Protective Covering for Permanent Wall and Ceilings (19 Protective Devices, and Instrumentation (1972) Protective Enclosures for Agricultural Tractors (Test P Protective Frame for Agricultural Tractors (Test Proced Protective Frame (For Agricultural Tractors for Overhea Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generating Statio Protective Grounding of Electrical Circuits and Equipme Protective Headgear for Vehicular Users (1971) Proteclive Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe (4 I Protective Pipe Coatings (1971) Protective Relaying of Utility— Consumer Interconnect! Protective Signaling Systems for Fire Alarm Service (19 Protective Signaling Systems for Guard, Fire Alarm and Protective Signaling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm, Protective Signaling Systems (Fire Protection and Safet Protective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI C33.90 Protective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI SE3.5 Protective Signaling Systems (1974) Std. Protective Signalling Systems for Fire Protection and S Protective Signalling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm Protective Signalling Systems (1969) ANSI SE3.7 Protective Signalling Systems (1973) Protective Structure for Track Type Tractors and Front Protective Structure for Weeled Front End Loaders and W Protective Structure (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled a Protective Structures (FOPS) of Construction and Indust Protective Structures (ROPS) for Prime Movers (Heavy Eq Protectors (1973) /Dations, and Related Requirements F Protein Base Adhesives for Structural Laminated Product Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Samp Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Samp Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Samp Protein Bearing Materials (1952) /Determining Protein Protein Bearing Materials (1956) / Determining Protein Protein Dispersibility Index (PDI): Meth. for Determina Protein in Bread, Wheat and Other Grains, and Yeast Foo Protein in Cereal Grains, Oilseeds, Legumes, Forages, a / and M , St for Safe Std UL UL UL UL UL UL UL UL UL NMA NCRPM FMS FMS ABYC UL IEEE IEEE IEEE BIA FMS FMS ASAE IEEE VESC FMS FMS ITE ICBO NFPA ANSI FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS UL UL ICBO ICBO ANSI NACE ASTM ANSI AMCA ASTM ASTM ASTM BIA CSI DEMA ASAE ASAE ASAE ANS FMS ANSI AWWA IAPMO IEEE NFPA NFPA NFPA FMS UL NFPA UL FMS NFPA NEMA ICBO SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ANSI ASTM CR CR CR CR CR AACCH AACCH AACCH 260 246 262 385 193 393 1091 199 448 MS10 *1 8-33N 2-89 E2 639 338 379 352 3 7-14 3-26 S310.2 329 V-8 LPD3-6 4-1N RP3 UBC*8-10 13 B95.1 2-8 7-28 7-21N 2-55 7-27 6-2 41 1037 UFC*2ART13 UBC*3-30 N101.4 RS*1 D960 N101.2 2601 D255 D1467 D2939 3A 09951 *1-17 S336.1 S306.3 S310.2 N18.8 5-10 Z90.1 C205 PS22 357 72B 71 72A LPD 5-2N 864 72C 38 5-5N 72D » SB3 UBCS43-6 J395A J394A J231 J397A J320B C37.16 D3024 F-44 G-22 J-56 E-52 B-48 46-24 46-11 46-14 310 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards dification) (Cereal / of Tolal Nitrogen) (Cereal/ and Other Protein/ t Materials of Com/ sugars. Starches A/ fs. Syrups. Sugars/ ed). Syrups. Stare/ s and Other Protei/ (1962) AUov (1973) Alloy (1973) tage of Total Nitrogen) (C/ Meth. of Calculation of Crude 2) Improved Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude bility Index (PDI): Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Harland and Ashworth Meth. of Analysis of Serum Rowland Meth. of Analysis of Serum Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude Meth. of Calculation of Crude Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. of Analysis of I ndenatured Whey Micro Kjeldahl Meth. of Analysis of Crude h. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity of Flour and Active metric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Active metric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Activity in Active (Cereal Chemistr/ Spectrophotometric Meth. of Analysis of (Cereal Chemistry) (19/ Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis of parations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Rec. Std. Practices for Clinical Research Fire Detection System (Grinnell Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank. Shear Type, Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Std. for Bulbed Spindle Mechanically Locked Std. for Hi Shear Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type Std. for Bolt. Taper Shank. Shear Type. Std. for blind. Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weight, nd. Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. Steel, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, Std. for Pin. Swage Locking. Steel, Std. and Oversize. Std. for Pin. Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension. Std. for Bolt Lock. Shear, Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Std. and Oversize, Std. for Pin. Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy. Std. for Pin. Swage Locking. Steel. d, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Safety Requirements for Tree (1972) Std. for mum Allowable Operating Pressure Does Not Exceed 60 or 125 (1973) Std. Spec, for Type (1973) Std. Spec, for Type 973) Std. for Std. for Industrial Engineering Terminology: Applied Meth. of Analysis of Thermophilic and Std. for Multiport Valves for for Motor Vehicles. Trailers, and Semitrailers Operated on ities Required for School. Theater. Auditorium, Dormatory, regulations for I'se of Public Streets and Projections Over dest'rian P/ L'niform Building Code: Regulations for Use of Suggested Minimum Stds. for spec, for Supports for Off the Floor Plumbing Fixtures for finishing, Installation, and Definitions) (1961) for Units (Measurement-Metric and British-American) in ce, and Other Whole Grain Products, Corn Grits, Corn Meal. iboflavin in Whole Grain Products, Grits, Meal, Flaked and Std. for Pin Agricultural Tractor Belt Speed and of Doors: Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Std. Meth. for Analysis of Sulfuric Acid as Used in Test Meth. for Rejects from Knotter Screens Test Meth. for Dirt Count of Wood Chips Test Meth. for Specific Gravity of Wood Disks Test Meth. for Chip Classification (Hand Screen) Test Meth. for Fiber Identification (Wilson Stain) Test Meth. for Fiber Identification (Various Stains) Test Meth. for Beating Control (Simons Stain) Test Meth. for Sieve Analysis of Pulpwood Chips Test Meth. for Determination of Useful Fiber in Bagasse Test Meth. for Sampling of Wood Chips from Conveyor Test Meth. for Chip Length Analysis (Measurement) Test Meth. for Chip Length Analysis (Two Screen) Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Steam Oven) Test Meth. for Moisture in Chips (Moister Teller) te9t Meth. for Density of Wood Chips (Sheet Machine Mold) ry) (1962) Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Calculated from Percen AACCH 46-18 Protein in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (196 AACCH 46-10 Protein in Ground Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or AACCH 46-24 Protein in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 46-21 Protein in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 46-22 Protein in Wheat and Flour Mill Products (Boric Acid Mo AACCH 46-12 Protein in Wheat and Flour (Calculated from Percentage AACCH 46-19 Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn Starch, Sugar9, Syrups CR B-48 Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn, Other Grains and Plan CR A-18 Protein Nitrogen Content in Feedstuffs (Corn), Syrups, CR G-22 Protein Nitrogen Content in Steepwater, (Corn) Feedstuf CR J-56 Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refin CR F-44 Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars. Starche CR E-52 Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat Drv Milk (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 46-20 Protein (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 46-13 Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Met AACCH 22-60 Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Oto AACCH 22-62 Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Ori AACCH 22-63 Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations AACCH 22-62 Proteolytic Activity in Active Proteinase Preparations AACCH 22-63 Proteolytic Activity of Flour and Active Proteinase Pre AACCH 22-60 Proteolytic Activity of Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 22-61 Protocol for Dental Materials and Devices (1971) ADA '1 Protomatic Release F100) (1973) FMS LPD 2-92 Protruding Head-Oversize (1973) NSA 1729 Protruding Head Blind Rivet (1974) NSA 1738 Protruding Head Blind Rivet (1974) NSA 1768 Protruding Head Rivet (1972) NSA 1054 Protruding Head Shear Bolt Lock (1974) NSA 2605 Protruding Head (1973) NSA 1728 Protruding Head, Locked Spindle Blind Rivet (1972) NSA 1398 Protruding Head, Self Locking) (1972) / for Fastener ( NSA 1673 Protruding Head, Self Locking) (1972) /R Fastener (Bli NSA 1669 Protruding Head, Shear Stump Type (1973) NSA 1424 Protruding Head, Shear / Tension, Pull Type (1973) NSA 7014 Protruding Head. Shear / Tension. Pull Type (1973) NSA 7034 Protruding Head, Shear. Pull Tvpe (1973) NSA 1446 Protruding Head, Shear, Stump Type (1973) NSA 6984 Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize. Pull Type. Titanium NSA 2005 Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize. Pull Type, Titanium NSA 2406 Protruding Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) NSA 2206 Protruding Head. Tension, Pull Type (1973) NSA 1465 Protruding Head, Tension. Pull Type (1973) NSA 1525 Protruding Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) NSA 6965 Protruding Head, Tension, Stump Type (1973) NSA 1555 Protruding Head. Tension, Stump Type, (1973) NSA 1496 Protruding Head, (1972) Std. for Fastener (Blin NSA 1671 Proximate Analysis of Coal and Coke (1973) ASTM D3172 Pruning. Trimming, Repairing, or Removal (1972) ANSI Z133.1 Prynachlor (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) ANSI K62.116 Psig (1973) /Es in Gas Distribution Systems Whose Maxi ANSI B16.33 PSM Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D3034 PSP Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D3033 Psychoacoustical Terminology (Acoustics, Audiometry) (1 ANSI S3. 20 Psychology (1972) ANSI Z94.ll Psychrophilic Bacteria in Food Products (Cereal Chemist AACCH 42-45 Public and Residential Swimming Pools (1969) NSF 27 Public Highways (1973) /Td. for Inspection Procedures ANSI D7.1 Public or Office Building. Manufacturer, Restaurant, an ICBO UPC*1-C Public Property (Pedestrian Protection During Construct ICBO UBC*3-44 Public Streets and Projections Over Public Property (PE ICBO UBC*3-44 Public Swimming Pools (1969) NSPI '1 Public Use (1972) ANSI A112.6.1 Public Works Spec, for Ceramic Veneer (Sampling, Test. BIA *28 Published Scientific and Technical Work (1973) /Ract. IEEE 268 Puffed Cereals. Farina, and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1 AACCH 86-80 Puffed Cereals, Farina, Bread, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 86-70 Pulley Guard (1972) NSA 427 PuUev Width (1971) SAE J720 ASAE S210.2 Pulls. Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital a NBHA 8 Pulp and Paper Manufacture (1973) TAPPI T602 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-1 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-11 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-12 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-13 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-14 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-15 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-17 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-21 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-3 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-4 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-5 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-6 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-7 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-8 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-9 Engineering and Product Standards Division 311 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Sodium Determination by the Uranyl Zinc Acetate Meth. . for Density or Volume of Small Specimen (Hg Pycnometer) Density and Moisture of Chips (Presoak Before Immersion) of Pulpwood (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) re of Chips (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) Meth. for Methoxyl Content of Rec. for Airborne Test Meth. for Shrinkage Test of 1972) Meth. for Measuring Brightness of Test Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Test Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical pectral Reflectance, Transmittance, and Color of Paper and Test Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Test Meth. for Moisture in Meth. for Drainage Time of Test Meth. for Pentosans in Test Meth. for Fiber Bundles in Baled Flash Dried Wet Ashing with Nitric and Perchloric Acids (Wood, Std. Terms Used in the Sulfite Test Meth. for Sieve Analysis of (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Test Meth. for Density of Meth. for Compression Wood Identification in or Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Std. for Computer Type (Square Loop) Meth. for Detection and Measurement of Discharge (Corona) fire Protec/ Rec. for Prevention of Furnace Explosions in Uniform Building Code Std. for Processed Rec. Pract. for Fuel Std. Meth. for High Pressure Tent. Meth. of Test for bine Driven Generators and Reversible Generator/Motors for ors and Reversible Synchronous Generator / Motor Units for (1973) Rec. for Flammable Liquid Std. Meth. of Test for Effective Rec. Pract. for Design Calculations for Oil Sucker Rod rmance Data for Positve Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power ) Gas (1972) Safety Std. for Std. for Safety for Water Cleaning of Lubricating Systems of Various Turhine Driven Sanitary Stds. for Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Power Operated Std. for Electric Pressure ion Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminum Automotive Water Rec. for Centrifugal Fire (Water) Rec. Pract. for Fuel Pump Mountings for Diaphragm Type llnderwriter Steam Fire Std. for Safety for Swimming Pool ion of Material by Absorption Spectroscopy, Using the ASTM oling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digital) Form on numeric (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape and d Quill Bushings (1972) Std. for I Bushings (1972) Std. for ushings (1972) Std. for Std. for gs (1972) Std. for ) Std. Spec, for Simple Can Trading Rules for the Trading Rules for the Trading Rules for the Trading Rules for the a Model Performance Spec, for the d / Safety Std. for Regular Bicycles Including Selection, or Sensory Evaluation of Industrial and Institutional Food ent in Hazardous Locations (1972) ANSI C106.1 Std. for of Hydroelectric Equipment (1971) Rec. Pract. for the s. Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suction Equipment, Room Air Std. for Identification of Air tography (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Butadiene 5 Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of High tography (1971) ANSI Zll/ Std. Meth. for Analysis of High Std. Meth. of Test for Delta in Hours (DIH) rd in CIE Y; X, Y or Y, Dominant Wavelength and Excitation rs; Hinges; Locks; Knobs and Handles; Exit Devices, Pulls, Spec, for Golf Spec, for Thermoplastic Line Pipe 71) Std. for Installation Installation Std. for Solvent Cemented Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride e Styrene (ABS) Pipe and Fittings to Polyvinyl Chloride) or Making Solvent Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride Std. Spec, for Bell End Polyvinyl Chloride) 973) ANSI K65.56 Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Test Meth Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Density /T Meth. for Density and Moistu Pulp and Paper) (1973) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Pulp and Wood (1972) Pulp Driers (1973) Pulp Sheets (1973) Pulp (Diffuse Illumination and Zero Deg. Observation) ( Pulp (Laboratory Flat Screen) (1973) Pulp (Somerville Fractionator) (1973) Pulp (Using Spectrophotometer with Reserved Optics (197 Pulp (Von Alfthan Shive Analyzer) (1973) Pulp (Web) (1973) Pulp (1972) Pulp (1973) Pulp (1973) Pulp, etc.) (1973) Pulping Process (1972) Pulpwood Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Pulpwood (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) Pulpwood (1972) Pulse Meth. (1972) ANSI K90.12 Std. Meth. of Test F Pulse Transformers (1970) Pulses in Evaluation of Insulation Systems (1973) /Td. Pulverized Coal Fired Multiple Burner Boiler Furnaces ( Pulverized Quicklime (1973) Pump Mountings for Diaphragm Type Pumps (1971) Pump Test, of Hydraulic Oils (1973) Pumpability of Industrial Fuel Oils (1973) Pumped Storage Installations (1972) /Cal Hydraulic Tur Pumped Storage Installations (1974) /Nchronous Generat Pumping and Piping Systems (Fire Protection and Safety) Pumping Speed of Vacuum Chamber Systems (1972) Pumping Systems (Conventional Units) (1972) Pumps and Motors (1973) ANSI B93.27 /Nting Basic Perfo Pumps for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP Pumps for Fire Protection Service (1974) Pumps for Marine Service (1971) / for the Flushing and Pumps for Milk and Its Products (1974) Pumps for Oil Burning Appliances (1974) ANSI B130.1 Pumps for Petroleum Products (1973) Pumps for Use in Recreational Vehicles (1972) Pumps with Coolants (1972) / Meth. for Cavitation Eros Pumps (NFPA 20X1974) Pumps (1971) Pumps (1973) Pumps, Filters, and Chlorinators (1972) Punched Card Index (1972) /Rec. Pract. for Identificat Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape and Punched Paper Tape (19 Punched Paper Tape (1972) / Printed Wiring Boards) in Punches-Basic, Combination Angle Head Type and Relate Punches-Basic, Cylindrical Head Type and Related Quil Punches- Variable, Angle Head Type and Related Quill B Punches- Wire Type (1972) Punches: Basic Angle Head Type and Related Quill Bushin Puncturing Device for Use in Aerosol Laboratories (1972 Purchase and Sale of Linseed Meal (Flaxseed) (1974) Purchase and Sale of Linseed Oil (Flaxseed) (1974) Purchase and Sale of Soybean Meal (1973) Purchase and Sale of Soybean Oil (1973) Purchase of Reflective Pavement Marking Paints (1972) Purchase, Preparation, Maintenance and Rules of the Roa Purchases (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. F Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipm Purification of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control Purifiers, Filters, Compressors, Artificial Airways, Ap Purifying Respirator Canisters and Cartridges (1973) Purity and Benzene Content of Cyclohexane by Gas Chroma Purity and Hydrocarbon Impurities by Gas Chromatography Purity Iron for Silicon and Aluminum (1971) ANSI Z128.3 Purity N— Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary Gas Chroma Purity of Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.8 Purity (1972) /F Measuring Color of Paper and Paperboa Push and Kick Plates; Bolts; Closers; Hospital and Misc Putting Green Construction (1972) (PVC and CPVC) (1972) PVC Building Drain Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (19 PVC Pipe for Water Service and Yard Piping (1971) (PVC) Jacket for Wire and Cable (1974) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings for Nonpressure Applications (19 (PVC) Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.55 /C. Pract. F (PVC) Pipe (1973) ANSI B72.20 (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1 (PVC) Plastic Line Couplings, Socket Type (1973) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.16 TAPPI T623 TAPPI UM-18 TAPPI UM-16 TAPPI UM-2 TAPPI UM-20 TAPPI T209SU FMS 7-20 TAPPI UM-238 TAPPI T525SU TAPPI UM-240 TAPPI UM-242 TAPPI T442SU TAPPI UM-241 TAPPI UM-237 TAPPI T221SU TAPPI UM-236 TAPPI UM-239 TAPPI UM-243 TAPPI T1201 TAPPI UM-21 TAPPI UM-2 TAPPI T20 ASTM C714 IEEE 272 ASTM D1868 FMS 6-2 ICBO UBCS24-20 SAE J625A ASTM D2882 ASTM D3245 NEMA MG5.2 NEMA MG5.1 FMS LPD 7-32 ASTM E294 API 11L NFLDP T3.9.17 UL 51 UL 448 ASME LOS-2C1 DFISA 0206 UL 343 UL 79 IAPMO TSC14 ASTM D2809 FMS 3-7N SAE J625A FMS LPD 3-9 UL 1081 ASTM E204 IPC D-350 IPC D-350 ANSI B94.39 ANSI B94.44 ANSI B94.38 ANSI B94.40 ANSI B94.41 ASTM D3058 NFP *1 NFP *2 NSPA *1 NSPA *2 ITE PS*1 BMA 6/7 ASTM E461 NFPA 496 ASME LOS-5P1 NSF 48 ANSI K13.1 ASTM D3054 ASTM D2593 ASTM E421 ASTM D2268 ASTM C624 TAPPI T527SU NBHA 8 USGA *1 API 5LP IAPMO IS9 IAPMO IS8 ASTM D1047 ASTM D3138 ASTM D2855 ASTM D2672 ASTM D2665 ASTM D3036 ASTM D2564 312 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) .166 Std. Spec, for Threaded Polyvinyl Chloride) B72.7 Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Polyfvinyl Chloride) Std. for Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Polv(vinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Type PSP Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Type PSM Polv(vinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Filled Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Std. Spec, for Polyvinylidene Fluoride ine (Enology) (1972) Tent. est for Density and Specific Gravity of Liquids by Bingham Test Meth. for Densitv or Volume of Small Specimen (Hg si Z 107.4 Std. Meth. of Test for pest Control Chemical 0.0 Dimethyl 0-(3,5,6-Trichloro-2- Std. Household Electric Range bration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an Optical s (1972) ANSI A111.4 Std. Meth. of Test for h. of Analysis of Monocalcium Phosphate and/or Sodium Acid k60.20 Std. Spec, for Tetrasodium Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of Sodium Acid Uniform Fire Code: Cellulose Nitrate Plastics hemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Fumaric, Stds. for Decoders (Type I) for Reproducing Matrix Rec. Pract. for Video Alignment Signal Spec, for A and Tracking Control Records on 2 In. Video Magnetic Tape f Recorders and Reproducers for Audio Record One for 2-In. Spec, for an Audio Level and Multifrequency Test Tape for rrier Frequencies and Deemphasis Characteristics for 2 In. Rec. Pract. for the Label for 2 In. Rec. Pract. Spec, of Tracking Control Record for 2 In. Power Generating Stations (1971) Ansi/ Guide for Seismic ng of Steel Castings (1972) ANSI G5/ Std. Rec. Pract. for sciences (1972) Std. Descriptions of rsonnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear P/ Std. for noise Sound Level Meters (1972) ANSI S6./ Rec. Pract. for Fluid Power Fluid Sample Containers / Std. Procedure for Generating Stations (/ Trial Use Std.: General Guide for bsorption (1974) Std. ts (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for n Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) iaminophenylamine (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) aric Acid in Presence of Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (/ Its in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) king Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ereal Chemistry) (1962) der, in Presence of Phosphates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) t Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) al Chemistry) (1962) ds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Mineral Filler and Co/ Std. Meth. for Identification and . of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide Content Test Meth. for Carbonates in Coated Paper Test Meth. for Sulfides in Coated Paper Wells and Water Systems (Treatment, Std. for Viewing Conditions for the Appraisal of Color clear Facilities (1972) Standard for lear Power Plants-Terms and Definitions (1973/ Std. for r Plants (1971) Std. for Is (Wrought Products Except Forgings and Stock/ Spec, for nous Data Communication Equip/ Std. for Start-Stop Signal i G54.14 Std. Spec, for Cold Heading rews (1971) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Std. Spec, for Std. Std. for Prescription Requirements for First Inspection of Laminators d Source Inspection, Product Audit) (196/ Rec. Pract. for film (1972) Rec. Pract. Inspection and Std. Meth. of Conducting Shear Block Test for Rec. Pract. for Evaluating the Rec. Pract. for lity Pole Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes and 62) Laminators Rec. Pract. for Monitoring Special Process of Rec. Pract. for Vendor Rating System for Rec. Pract. for Vendor Product Improvement Program for Rec. List of Terms and Definitions Related to Std. Glossary of General Terms Used in hies and Human Relations in Vendor- Vendee Relationships std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Medium High Carbon Cold Heading Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Wire, Alloy Cold Heading (Petroleum Industry) (/ Test Meth. for Determining Water and Springs (1972) Rec. Pract. for Special (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65 (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120 (1973) ANSI (PVC) Plastic Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.22 (PVC) Plastic Wall Siding (1972) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1972) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) (PVC) Sewer Pipe (1972) (PVDF) Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Pycnometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol) in W Pycnometer (1968) ANSI Z11.96 Std. Meth. of T Pycnometer) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Pyridine Bases in Crude and Refined Tar Acids (1972) an Pyridyl) Phosphorothioate Chlorpyrifos Methyl (1973) Pyrolytic Self Cleaning Ovens (Stove) (1974) Pyrometer (1972) ANSI N144 Std. Meth. for Cali Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Refractory Material Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Pyrophosphate (Anhydrous) (Cleaning Agent) (1970) ANSI Pyrophosphate (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Pyroxylin) (1973) Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and Tartaric Acids (Cereal C Quadraphonic Disc Records (1974) Quadruplet Video Magnetic Tape Recording (1969) Quadruplex Recorded at 15 and 7.5 In./S (1973) / Audio Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Operating at 15 and 7.5 Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recorders Operating at 1 Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recording (1967) /Ce Ca Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recordings (1968) Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recordings (1970) Qualification of Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Qualification of Procedures and Personnel for the Weldi Qualifications and Scopes of Work Relating to Forensic Qualifications of Inspection, Examination, and Test. PE Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System for Vehicle Qualifying and Controlling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Qualifying Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Qualitative Classification of Surfactants by Infrared a Qualitative Identification of Polymers in Emulsion Pain Qualitative Iodide Test Meth. for Ammonium Persulfate I Qualitative Meth. of Analsis of Benzoyl Peroxide with D Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Free or Combined Tart Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Nature of Ammonium Sa Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in Ba Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Added Iron in Flour (C Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum in Baking Pow Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yeas Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates I Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Bromates and Iodates I Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide (Cere Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Foo Qualitative (Including Optical Microscopic) Analysis of (Qualitative) of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1971) (Qualitative) (1973) (Qualitative) (1973) Quality and Management) (1972) Quality and Uniformity in the Graphic Arts (1972) Quality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Nu Quality Assurance Practices for the Construction of Nuc Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Powe Quality Assurance Sampling of Carbon and Low Alloy Stee Quality Between Data Terminal Equipment and Non-Synchro Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Machine Screws (1971) Ans Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or Sheet Metal Sc Quality Cold Finished Carbon Steel Bars (1973) Quality Contact Lenses (1972) Quality Control by the AITC Inspection Bureau (1962) Quality Control Monitoring of the Product (Receiving an Quality Control of First Generation Silver Habide Micro Quality Control of Glue Bonds in Scarf Joints (1970) Quality Control Program (1969) Quality Control Records System (1969) Quality Control Std. (1973) /, Timber, Plywood and Uti Quality Control System (Timber Construction Manual) (19 Quality Control (1969) Quality Control (1969) Quality Control (1969) Quality Control (1969) Quality Control (1971) ANSI Z1.7 (Quality Control) (1967) R ec . Pract. for Et Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.15 Quality for Hexagon Head Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.16 Quality for Subsurface Injection Using Membrane Filters Quality High Tensile, Hard Drawn Mechanical Spring Wire ASTM D2466 ASTM D2467 ASTM D2464 ASTM D1785 ASTM D2740 use PS55 ASTM D2729 ASTM D3033 ASTM D3034 ASTM D2836 ASTM D3222 ASE *3 ASTM D1217 TAPPI UM-18 ASTM D2748 ANSI K62.130 AHAM ER-3 ASTM E452 ASTM C24 AACCH 40-51 ASTM D595 AACCH 02-34 ICBO UFC»2ART6 AACCH 04-24 EIA RS418 SMPTE RP10 ANSI C98.6 ANSI C98.3 ANSI C98.8 SMPTE RP6 SMPTE RP26 SMPTE RP16 IEEE 344 ASTM A488 ASTM E444 ANSI N45.2.6 SAE J184 NFLDP T2.9.2 IEEE 323 ASTM D2357 ASTM D3168 AACCH 48-61 AACCH 48-06A AACCH 04-28 AACCH 40-17 AACCH 04-10 AACCH 40-40 AACCH 40-10 AACCH 40-16 AACCH 48-40 AACCH 48-41 AACCH 48-50 AACCH 40-32 TAPPI T421 ASTM D853 TAPPI UM-531 TAPPI UM-532 WSC *1 ANSI PH2.32 ANSI N101.4 ANSI N45.2.10 ANSI N45.2 SAE AMS2370A EIA RS404 ASTM A545 ASTM A548 ASTM A108 ANSI Z80.2 AI-TC 202 ASQC RP5 NMA MS104 ASTM D1759 ASQC RP3 ASQC RP6 ICBO UBCS25-12 AITC 201 ASQC RP4 ASQC RP7 ASQC RP8 ASQC *1 ASQC A3 ASQC RP1 ASTM A546 ASTM A547 NACE TM-01-73 SAE J271 Engineering and Product Standards Division 313 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1973) ANSI G24.24 (1973) ANSI G24.25 cal Property Requirements (1972) zed) by Hot Di/ Std. Spec, (or Regular Std. Spec, for Drawing Std. Spec, for Merchant Std. Spec, for Merchant Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets of Structural Disk Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Macro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Micro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Spec, for Steel Spring Wire, Best Std. for Self Locking, 450 Deg. F, High Pract. for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Sponge Dough, Pound Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Meth. of Analysis for Baking Meth. of Analysis for Baking Std. Spec, for Continuity of Std. Spec, for Continuity of Std. Meth. of Test for Extensigraph Meth. for Meth. of Analysis for Baking Meth. of Analysis for Baking Std. Meth. for Controlling Meth. of Analysis for Baking Meth. of Analysis for Baking Straight Dough Meth. of Analysis for Baking Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Insulation of Spec, for General Requirements for A used in Automotive and Related In/ Std. of Mechanical and cable Systems (1972) ANSI C/ able Systems (1972) ANSI C5/ by Acetone Immersion) (1967) Ansi/ eal Chemistry) (1962) (1962) motive and Related Industries (1/ Std. for Mechanical and Std. for Mechanical and Std. for Mechanical and Rec. Pract. for Procurement Industry Industry ofilm (1971) ail Construction (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) nd Enclosures of All Kinds (Architectural Woodwork) (197/ rk) (1973) ) (1973) work) (1973) chitectural Woodwork) (1973) odwork) (1973) 1 Paneling (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) ) (1973) Woodwork) (1973) hitectural Woodwork) (1973) 1 Woodwork) (1973) ral Woodwork) (1973) oodwork)(1973) ings (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) le Inspection Procedure) (197/ Spec, for Premium Aircraft Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Std. Spec, for Music Spring mediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural for Natural Muscovite Block Mica and Thins Based on Visual td. Spec, for Steel Wire, Oil Tempered Carbon Valve Spring inc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, Commercial c. for Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural (0.15 Maximum, Percent) Steel Sheet and Strip, Commercial to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Rolled Sheet and Strip, Commercial strength Low Alloy Columbium Vanadium Steels of Structural Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Wire of Scrapless Nut Steel, Carbon, Strip, Cold Rolled Hard, Untempered Spring 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0. 13C) (SAE 9310). Premium Std. Definitions, Symbols, Formulas, and Tables for 962) Meth. of Analysis for Baking Test cr-9.0Ni-4.5Co-l.0Mo-0.09V (0.17-0.23C), Premium 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE 4340), Premium ant, 14.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.10-1.20C), Premium Bearing ; Flaxseed;/ Oilseed Products Trading Rules (Performance, Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled, Special Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled and Cold Finished, Special 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0. 13C) (SAE 9310), Premium s (1971) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Lock Forming s (1971) ANSI G8.2/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet of Drawing tion) (1971) ANSI L14.132 Test Meth. for aatcc 20A Std. Meth. for anilic Acid in Feeds (Cereal Chemistry/ Modified Meth. of ng Mixtures (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for aking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) st Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ough Conditioners Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, Soy F/ ods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chemistry) (1962) white and Whole Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechani Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars (1973) Quality in Coils, and Cut Lengths, Zinc Coated (Galvani Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Qualitv in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality Music (1973) Quality Nuts (1973) Quality of a Lot or Process (1972) ANSI Zl.ll /Td. Rec Quality of Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality of Cake Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality of Cookie Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for High Pressure Quality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Low Pressure C Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe Qualitv of Nonfat Dry Milk in Physical Dough Tests (Cer Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality of Pie Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality of Radiographic Test. (1972) ANSI Z166.7 Quality of Rye Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality of Self Rising Biscuit Flour (Cereal Chemistry) Quality of Wheat Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Quality Packages (1972) Quality Program (1968) ANSI Z1.8 Quality Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners Quality Requirements for Machine Screws for Use in Auto Quality Requirements for Steel Machine Screws (1973) Quality Requirements for Steel Nuts (1971) Quality Std. and Spec. (1969) Quality Std. for Computer Output Microfilm (1971) Quality Std. Format and Coding for Computer Output Micr Quality Stds. for Blinds and Shutters Using Stile and R Quality Stds. for Casework: Cabinets, Cases, Counters a Quality Stds. for Closet and Storage Shelving (1973) Quality Stds. for Exterior Frames (Architectural Woodwo Quality Stds. for Exterior Sash (Architectural Woodwork Quality Stds. for Factory Finishing (Architectural Wood Quality Stds. for Flush Solid and Hollow Core Doors (Ar Quality Stds. for Flush Wall Paneling (Architectural Wo Quality Stds. for High Pressure Laminate Flush Type Wal Quality Stds. for Lumber Grades (Architectural Woodwork Quality Stds. for Misc. Ornamental Items (Architectural Quality Stds. for Plywood and Particleboard Grades (Arc Quality Stds. for Stairwork and Handrails (Architectura Quality Stds. for Standing and Running Trim (Architectu Quality Stds. for Stile and Rail Doors (Architectural W Quality Stds. for Stile and Rail Wal] Paneling (1973) Quality Stds. for Wood Screens for Window and Door Open Quality Steel Cleanliness Requirements (Magnetic Partic Quality Steel Wire for Wood Screws (1971) ANSI G54.18 Quality Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G54.2 Quality (1970) ANSI G24.2 Quality (1971) ANSI C59.27 Quality (1971) ANSI G54.4 Quality (1971) ANSI C8.24 Quality (1972) Quality (1972) Quality (1972) Quality (1972) ANSI G41. 6 Quality (1972) ANSI K91.3 Quality (1973) Quality (1973) /Td. Spec, for Low and Inter Std. Spec. /D. Spec, for Steel Sheet, Z Std. Spe Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon (0.16 Std. Spec, for High Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings. and Tubing, (Quality) Control Charts (1971) ANSI Z1.5 (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Quality, Consumable Electrode Melted, Annealed (1973) Quality, Consumable Electrode Remelted (1973) Quality, Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted (1973) Quality, Description, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu Quality, for Fluid Power Applications (1974) Quality, for Pressure Piping Components and Other Press Quality, Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted (1973) Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Proces Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Proces Quantitative Analysis of Textiles (Moisture and Composi Quantitative Analysis of Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.132, Quantitative Determination of Both Nitrophenide and Ars Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Pavi Quantitative Meth. of Analysis for Phosphoric Acid in B Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Persulfate I Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Salts in Yea Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Calcium Peroxide in D Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Chlorides in Yeast Fo Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Iron in Flour (Cereal Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Potassium Bromate in /Ubing, /St ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH SAE NSA ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASQC SAE SAE IFI SAE ASQC NMA NMA AWI AW1 AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI AWI SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASQC AACCH SAE SAE SAE NIOP ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH A506 A507 A663 A575 A446 66-40 66-41 66-42 AMS5112F 3350 E122 10-11 10-90 10-50B D1819 D1818 D2152 54-12 10-85 10-60 E142 10-70 10-31 A 10-10 D3103 CI J429F J82 103 J995B RP2 MSI MS2 ♦1-1200 '1-400 ♦ 1-600 ♦1-900 ♦ 1-1000 ♦1-1500 ♦1-1300 ♦1-500A ♦1-500B ♦1-100 ♦1-700 ♦1-200 ♦1-800 ♦1-300 ♦1-1400 ♦1-500C ♦1-1100 AMS2300B A549 A228 A283 D351 A230 A526 A570 A569 A659 A572 A544 A680 AMS6267B Al 10-20 AMS6523A AMS6414B AMS5749 ♦1 A695 A696 AMS6265D A527 A528 20A D629 18-26 D2172 04-11 48-62 40-18 48-51 40-33 40-41 48-42 314 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards yd Lacquers by Infrared Spectrophotometry/ Std. Meth. for Std. Me&h. of Test for Low bons by Oxidative Microcoulometr/ Meth. of Test for Trace Meth. of Designating and Measuring Apertures and Related (Oxy Hydrogen Combustion M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Dosimeter Chargers (1971) Std. for Interrelationship of ses. and Other Liquid and Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon ed Bauxite. Calcine, Chrome Ore, Clays, Diaspore, Canister steel Joints (1971) ANSI G24.19 Std. Spec, for elding (1970E) ANSI / Std. Spec, for High Yield Strength, or Pressure Vessel Components (1973) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for 1 Applications (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum, AUoy Steel Plates, romi/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, teel Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974)/ Std. Spec, for 20 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, c. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, olybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy Steel, . Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates, Std. Meth. of Physical Test, of Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Processed Pulverized Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Limestone, Std. for Punches-Variable, Angle Head Type and Related Std. for Punches: Basic Angle Head Type and Related td. for Punches-Basic, Cylindrical Head Type and Related r Punches-Basic. Combination Angle Head Type and Related Grade Hydroquinone C„H,(Oh)., (Para Dihvdroxbenzene. 973) Std. for Double i C33.37 Std. for Safety for Fiber Conduit for Use as lexible Steel and Aluminum Conduit for Safe Use as a Metal tallation (1973/ Std. for Safety for Cellular Metal Floor C33.50 Std. for Safety for Surface Metal Std. for Steel Underfloor Duct Safety Std. for Semiautomatic Fire Hose re Safety) (1974) Fire Hazards and Protection Std. for Rec. for Solid, Palletized, and drawing Stds. Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Double Helical and Rec. Safeguards for Arrangement of Carpet Storage 9 Std. for Dimensions for e and Fish Finder, Loran or Other Line of Position Device. bearings) Conform/ Std. Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Std. Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Rec. Pract. for Guide to the Application and Use of Std. for In. and Metric agons, and Multipurpose Passenger Vehi/ Std. for Bias and Rec. Pract. for Bri/ Test Meth. for Spectrophotometric Test for Relative Std. Meth. of Estimating Stray Std. for Vented Gas Fired Infrared Std. for Unvented Gas Fired Infrared and Test Spec, for Selected Brachytherapy Sources (Medical ioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck Phantom (Medical r the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic n42.1 Std. Test Procedure for Semiconductor ocedure for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Std. Test Meth. for Absorbed Gamma ansi / Std. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Gamma and Electron dosim/ Std. Meth. of Test for Absorbed Gamma and Electron Rec. for Protection Against C 1 12. 1 Std. for Measurement of Electromagnetic (1971) ANSI C95.4 Safeguards Against Radio Frequency Rec. for Exposure to c37.24 Std. Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar rials (1962)/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Effects of High Energy Std. for 961) Analysis Equipment (1971) NBS HB111 Std. for Std. Spec, for Aggregates for descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Std. for Concrete Rec. Pract. for External Electromagnetic Performance Spec, for Portable X-Or Gamma ocedure for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors for Ionizing Pract. for Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Energy ion System for Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing ct and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X-And Gamma Materials (Coatings) with Electromagnetic and Particulate Std. for Criteria for Film Badge Performance (Nuclear Rec. for Protection Against Betatron Synchrotron ctronic Equipment / Std. for Safety for Special Fuses for Minimum Std. for Amateur Cable Connectors for Audio Facilities for chemical, Mass Speetrometric. Spectrochemical, Nuclear and ish Finder, Loran or Other Line of Position Device, Radar, c Blasting Caps (1971) ANSI C95.4 Safeguards Against Quantitative Determination of Cellulose Nitrate in Alk Quantities of Mercury in Paint (1973) Quantities of Sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocar Quantities Pertaining to Photographic Lenses (1971) /D Quantitites of Total Sulfur in Volatile Organic Liquids Quartz Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Quartz Sand) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ecuites, Molas Quarzite, Grog, Kyanite, Magnesite, Mullite) (1970) Ans Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for W Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings F Quenched and Tempered Carbon Steel Plates for Structura Quenched and Tempered Chromium, for Pressure Vessels (1 Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Ch Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy S Quenched and Tempered 8 and 9% Nickel (1972A) ANSI G35. Quenched and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.ll Std. Spe Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Plates (1973 Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessels (1972A) /D Quicklime and Hydrated Lime (1971) ANSI K67.10 Quicklime (Lime) for Structural Purposes (1973) Quicklime (1973) Quicklime, and Hydrated Lime (1972) ANSI K67.3 Quill Bushings (1972) Quill Bushings (1972) Quill Bushings (1972) Quill Bushings (1972) Std. Fo Quinol, Hydroquinol) (1972) /D. Spec, for Photographic Race or Bi-Level Swivel and Rigid Industrial Casters (1 Raceway for Installation of Wires and Cables (1972) Ans Raceway for Wire and Cable Installation (1973) ANSI C33 Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wire and Cable Ins Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wiring (1973) ANSI Raceways (1972) Rack Assemblies (1972) Rack Storage of Flammable and Combustible Materials (Fi Rack Storage of Plastics (1974) Rack) (1971) American Drafting Manual (Gear Racks (1972) Racks. Panels and Associated Equipment (1972) ANSI C83. Radar, Radio Detection Finder, Radio Telephone) (1973) Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad al Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Roller al Compression Type Piston Rings (1973) ANSI B93.32 al Lip Type Oil Seals (1972) al Needle Roller Bearings (1973) ANSI B3.18 I al Ply Tires and Rims for Passenger Cars, Station W al Seal Nomenclature and Glossary (1972) ance of Paper and Paperboard Containing Fluorescent ant Energy (1972) ant Heaters (1971) ant Heaters (1972) ation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for Integrity ation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for Thyroid Rad ation at Microwave Frequencies (1973) /Entation Fo ation Detectors for Ionizing Radiation (1969) ANSI ation Detectors (1969) ANSI N42.2 Std. Test Pr ation Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter (1972) ation Dose with the Ceric Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate Cupric Sulfate ation from Brachytherapy Sources (1972) ation from Motor Vehicles (20-1000 Mhz) (1972) ANSI ation Hazards in the Use of Electric Blasting Caps ation in an Emergency (1962) ation on Outdoor Metal Clad Switchgear (1971) ANSI ation on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Mate ation Protection in Uranium Mines (Safety) (1973) ation Protection with Clay Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1 ation Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence ation Shielding Concrete (1973) ation Shielding Concrete (1973) ation Shields (1972) ation Suppressors (1969) ation Survey Instruments (1971) ation (1969) ANSI N42.1 Std ation (1970) ANSI N141 ation (1971) ANSI N4.1 Std. Classificat ation (1972) Performance Spec, for Dire ation (1973) / Test, of Spacecraft Thermal Control ation) (1972) ations Up to 100 Million Electron Volts (1954) o and Television Receiving Appliances and Other Ele o Antenna: Part 1-Base or Fixed Station (1973) o Broadcasting (1970) o Chemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Met o Detection Finder, Radio Telephone) (1973) o Frequency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Electri Std. Test Pr Rec /and F ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI UL UL UL UL NEMA UL FMS FMS ANSI FMS EIA ABYC AFBMA NFLDP SAE AFBMA TRA SAE TAPPI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM NCRPM SAE IME NCRPM IEEE ASTM ANSI BIA ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI SAE ANSI IEEE ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI NCRPM UL EIA EIA ASTM ABYC IME D3133 D2206 D3120 PH3.29 D2747 N42.6 44-60 C316 A490 A514 A54I A678 A542 A605 A508 A 553 AS17 A533 A543 C110 UBCS24-18 UBCS2420 C25 B94.38 B94.41 B94.44 B94.39 PH4.126 MH11.1 543 1 209 UD 1 47 8-33N 8-9 Y14.7.1 LPD8-30 RS310-B A21 7 T3. 19.18 J946A 18 1 J111A UM-460 E387 * Z21.51 Z21.43B N44.1 N44.3 C95.3 300 301 D1671 D3001 D2954 R40 J551A 20 R29 144 E184 N13.8 3 N43.2 C637 C638 N101.6 J552A N13.4 300 D1879 D2953 N13.5 E512 N13.7 R14 492.7 RS409 RS297-A C758 A21 20 Engineering and Product Standards Division 315 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Airborne VOR Receiving Equipment Operating Within the ne Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Operating Within the ncy Locator Tran/ Rec. Basic Characteristics for Airborne 1940) Rules for the Std. for Mobile er Line of Position Device, Radar, Radio Detection Finder, Rec. Std. for hipping Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Products imensions and Meth. of Test, for Rotary Selector Switches Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Std. Meth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Std. Meth. for Measuring Neutron Flux by Std. Meth. for Measuring Thermal Neutron Flux by- Average Energy from ,H (D, N),He Neutron Generators by Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Leak Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. for Control and Removal of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for ing Department of Transportation (DOT) Special Permits for d. for Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting Rec. for Safe Handling of Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. for Tentative Meth. of Test for ) (1973) Std. for Packaging and Transportation of wate/ Std. Meth. of Test for Measurement of Beta Particle Std. Meth. for Measurement of Alpha Particle Std. Meth. for Measurement of Gamma • Rec. for a Manual of cy Monitoring (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ Meth. of Analysis of hemical. Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and el Solutions (1970) ANSI Nl 17 Std. Meth. for d. Meth. of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel Std. for Intraoral Dental grains and Grain Products (Cer/ Insects, Rodent Hair, and alytical Meth. for Determining Insect Infestation Content Std. Dimensions for Industrial Std. Dimensions for Medical continuities (1972) Std. Meth. for Controlling Quality of stings (1972) ANSI Z166.19 Std. Reference copper Alloy Castings (1967) ANSI Z166.17 Std. Reference stings, Series II (1974) ANSI Z166.8 Std. Reference (1972) ANSI Z166.28 Std. Reference edical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for Thyroid Std. General Meth. for Analysis of Rec. for c. for Selected Brachytherapy Sources (Medical Radiation - ake Measurements Using a Neck Phantom (Medical Radiation - ble Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Radionuclides of Rec. Pract. for omputations (1973) Rec. for Wood Beam, Joint and Span Tables and Working Stresses for Joists and ode Std. for Span Tables for Floor and Ceiling Joists, and sed Roof Decking, Drop Siding. Structural Roof Trusses and 1, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Spec, for Wrought Carbon Steel Wheels for Locomotives and Quality Stds. for Blinds and Shutters Using Stile and Quality Stds. for Stile and and Sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and 72) Std. Spec, for Quality Stds. for Stile and Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings. Std. for Graphical Symbols for Use on for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Farm Field and Rec. Pract. for 71) ANSI G57.12 Std. Spec, for Untreated Carbon Steel Steel Products Manual: Wrought Steel Wheels and Forged Std. Spec, for Wrought Steel Wheels for Electric Std. Spec, for Cast Steel Wheels for carbon Steel Axles, Non Heat Treated and Heat Treated, for protection and Acceptance of Concrete Pavements Exposed to Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics Uniform Plumbing Code: Rifle tography (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Boiling f Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading in the Temperature Rifle n (1970) Rec. Pract. for the Density and Contrast Radio Frequency Range of 108-118 Megahertz (1972) /Td. Radio Frequency Range of 960-1215 Megahertz (Flight Con Radio Homing and Alerting Equipment for Use with Emerge Radio Installations (National Electrical Safety Code) ( Radio Interference Wideband Filters (1974) ANSI C83.102 Radio Telephone for Automotive Use (HS 27) (1968) Radio Telephone) (1973) /and Fish Finder, Loran or Oth Radio Tube Wire (1970) (Radio. Television, Tape Recorder, Phonograph, etc.) (19 (Radio, TV, and Instrumentation) (1973) ANSI C83.26 / D Radioactivation of Aluminum (1970) ANSI NH4 Radioactivation of Iron (1970) ANSI Nlll Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) ANSI N112 Radioactivation of Sulfur (1970) ANSI N113 Radioactivation Techniques (1970) ANSI N109 Radioactivation Techniques (1970) ANSI N110 Radioactivation Techniques (1973) /on Flux Density and Radioactive Barium in Water (1973) ANSI N155 Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (1973) Radioactive Cesium in Water (1972) Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories (1951) Radioactive Iodine in Water (1973) ANSI N159 Radioactive Manganese in Water (1971) ANSI N156 Radioactive Materials Shipments (1973) /Ide for Obtain Radioactive Materials (Safety) (1973) St Radioactive Materials (1964) Radioactive Tritium in Water (1970) ANSI N164 Radioactive Waste Disposal in the Ocean (1954) Radioactive Zirconium in Water (1973) Radioactively Contaminated Biological Materials (Safety Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Radioactivity of Water (1966) ANSI N152 Radioactivity of Water (1973) ANSI N150 Radioactivity Procedures (1961) Radioactivity (Beta Gamma) in Cereal Products-Emergen Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitra Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in Nuclear Fu (Radiochemical Meth.) (1969) ANSI N107 St Radiographic Film (1972) Radiographic Illustration and Classification in Cereal (Radiographic Inspection) in Corn and Other Whole Grains Radiographic Sheet and Roll Film (photography) (1973) Radiographic Sheet and Roll Films (1973) Radiographic Std. for Classification of Fusion Weld Dis Radiographic Test. (1972) ANSI Z166.7 Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4 1/2 to 12 In.) Steel Ca Radiographs for High Strength Copper Base and Nickel- Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Ca Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 In. in Thickness Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck Phantom (M Radioisotopes (1968) ANSI N148 Radiological Monitoring Meths. and Instruments (1952) Radiology) (1973) Std. for Integrity and Test Spe Radiology) (1973) Std. for Thyroid Radioiodine Upt Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational Expo Radionuclides of Radium in Water (1970) ANSI N161 Radium in Water (1970) ANSI N161 Radius o/ Load and Boom Angle Measuring System (1972) Rafter Span, Load, Deflection, Strength and Stiffness C Rafters (Lumber) (1972) Use Ps20 Rafters (1973) Uniform Building C Rafters. Overhead /Ished Carpentry, Flooring, Shingles, Expo Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Straw, Spani Rail Cars (1971) ANSI G39.2 Std. Rail Construction (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Rail Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Rail Doors, Factory Finishing, Rough and Finished Carpe Rail Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (19 Rail Wall Paneling (1973) Railings, and Toeboards (1973) Railroad Maps and Profiles (1972) Railroad Right of Way Wire Fencing (1973) ANSI G8.9 /. Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe (1972) Railway Axles for Export and General Industrial Use (19 Railway Axles (1973) Railway Service (1972) ANSI G57.13 Railway Service (1973) Railway Use (1973) ANSI G57.ll Std. Spec, for Rain During Construction (1974) /Nterim Guideline for (Rain Test) (1971) ANSI L14.74, ASTM D583 Rainwater Systems, Roof Drains and Piping (1973) Range Construction (Part Time and Special) (1971) Range Distribution of Petroleum Fractions by Gas Chroma Range from -267.8 to -55 C (-450 to -67 F) (1972) ANSI Range Location and Landscaping (1970) Range of Black and White Films and Slides for Televisio RTCA RTCA RTCA ANSI EIA SAE ABYC SWA EIA EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NCRPM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI NCRPM ASTM NCRPM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NCRPM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI AACCH CR ANSI ANSI NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NCRPM ANSI ANSI NCRPM ASTM ASTM SAE WWPA NFORP ICBO AWI ICBO ASTM AWI AWI AWI ASTM AWI ANSI ANSI ASTM API ASTM AISI ASTM ASTM ASTM ACPA AATCC ICBO NRA ASTM ASTM NRA SMPTE DO-153 DO-151 DO-154 C2.5 RS416 J797 A21 *72 RS414 RS315-A E266 E263 E264 E265 E261 E262 E496 D2038 N44.2 D2577 R8 D2334 D2039 N14.10.2 N14.10.1 R30 D2476 R16 D3315 N14.3 D1890 D1943 D1690 R28 28-99A C759 E320 E219 PH8.1 28-95 A-ll PHI. 15 PHI. 17 1514 E142 E280 E272 E155 E446 N44.3 E181 RIO N44.1 N44.3 R22 D2460 D2460 J375A *30 *2 UBCS25-21 '1-1 UFC»2ART7 A 504 ♦1-1200 *1-1400 •1-1 A616 •1-500C A12.1 Y32.7 A116 5L1 A 383 11 A25 A583 A21 TB17 35 UPC< •10 D2887 D2557 •11 RP7 •ID 316 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility , Shorts, etc.) to Determine Added Amounts of Malathion in r Receiving Equipment Operating Within the Radio Frequency Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or Solidify Within Temperature uring Equipment (DME) Operating Within the Radio Frequency- Outdoor Pistol 50 Ft. Summer Camp Rifle Metallic Silhouette Match Rifle Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Std. Household Electric Rec. Pract. for Motor Vehicle Driver's Eye r Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease of Wide Temperature Construction of Indoor Rifle and Pistol . for Permissible Variations from Specified Ladle Chemical Std. for Household Electric Std. for Household Electric Std. for Hotel and Restaurant Gas Std. for Safety for Household Electric Running Game (Wildlife) Rifle ules. Procedures For, and Construction of High Power Rifle Uniform Fire Code: Rifle Safety Std. for Oil Burning Stoves (Room Heaters and ness of Dyed or Printed Textiles to Washing at 105 Deg. F: tton and Linen Textiles to Combined Washing and Shrinkage: Std. Spec, for Liquid Asphalt homologues of Chlorinated Biphenyls for C/ Std. Meth. for Chemistry) (1962) 1 Chemistry) (1962) 972) Std. Meth. of flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) edstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Spec, for Manually Lever Operated Chain Hoists for est Meth. for Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having Shear Std. Meth. of Test for Delivery Std. Meth. of Test for Seepage semblies (19/ Std. Test Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for cs Using a Supported Specimen by / Std. Meth. of Test for reaking Load and Elongatoin of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant test for Elastic Properties of Elastomeric Yarns (Constant Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Flow for Gravimetric Determination of Water Vapor Transmission f Woven Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant rs (1972) Practice and Test Requirements for Leakage 72) Std. Meth. for Measuring Heat Transfer use of a Thin Skin Calorimeter for Measuring Heat Transfer or Safety for Electrically Operated Photographic Equipment midifier. Evaporative Cooler, and Air Filtering Appliances voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis When Spec, for for Electrical Control of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers e / Std. Meth. for Test. AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers nee Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers utdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker External Insulation e Insulation Strength for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers ient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers ient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers pressurized Components of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers nee Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers al Insulation for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers nee Current Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers e Propylene Rubber Insu/ Std. for Electrical Power Cables hylene-Propylene-Ru/ Std. for Electrical Power Cables Std. Synchronous Signaling Std. Meth. for Measurement of Volatilization Std. Meth. of Measuring Flow er Driers in Refrigeration and Ai/ Std. for Flow Capacity ustrial/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform Procedure for the Test., et) (1972) Std. for Uniform Meth. of Determining the Sae et. and Dr/ Std. for Uniform Meth. of Determining the Sae .1 Safety Std. for Std. for Engine R/ Std. for Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioning System Rec. Pract. Meth. for pment (1972) Std. Meth. of Testing for Sound Std. Meth. of Testing for 5 Test Meth. for Visual em Rating Definitions, Test. Meth., and Test Equipment and Std. for Meth. of Test, for Std. for Construction, Installation, and Rec. Pract. for Determining and Stating the Horsepower s Than 1500 cfm (1971) Std. for Sound Rec. Pract. for Preignition Rec. Pract. for Pressure Rec. Pract. for Vendor Std. Meth. of Testing for Std. T /B /.of Range of Resins and Polymers (1972) Range of 0.2-2.0 p. p.m. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ran Range of 1081 18 Megahertz (1972) /Td. for Airborne Vo Range of 25 to 45 Deg. (Cereal Chemistry) (1971) / and Range of 960-1215 Megahertz (Flight Control) (1972) /S Range Plans (Firearms) (1970) Range Plans (1972) Range Plans (1973) Range Plans: Safety Rules and Procedures (1972) Range Pvrolytic Self Cleaning Ovens (Stove) (1974) Range (1972) Range (1972) ANSI Z11.207 Std. Meth. of Test Fo Ranges and Bullet Stops (1973) Ranges and Limits for Steels (1972) Std Ranges (Stove and Ovens) (1972) ANSI C71.1 Ranges (Stove) with Glass / Ceramic Cooking Tops (1974) Ranges (Stoves) and Unit Broilers (1973) Ranges (Stoves) (1974) ANSI C33.53 Ranges (1971) Ranges (1972) Safety R Ranges (1973) Ranges) (1973) Rapid Control Test (1969) Test Meth. for Colorfast Rapid Control Test (1969) /Th. for Colorfastness of Co (Rapid Curing Type) (1972) Rapid Gas Chromatographic Estimation of Higher Boiling Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Corn (Cereal Rapid Meth. of Analysis for Fat Acidity in Grain (Cerea Rapid Pressure Determination of Pressurized Products (1 Rapid (Magnesium Acetate) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Rapid (2 Hr., 600 Deg.) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Fe Ratchet and Pawl, and Load Brake Designs (1971) Rate Dependent Flow Properties (1969) Rate of Aerosol Products (1972) Rate of Aerosol Products (1972) Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Steel Door and Frame as Rate of Burning or Extent of Burning of Cellular Plasti Rate of Extension Instruments) (1972) ANSI L14.287 Rate of Extension Machines) (1972) ANSI L14.288 Rate of Membrane Filters (1972) Rate of Sheet Materials (Paper) at High Temperature and Rate of Traverse Tensile Test. Machine) (1971) /Ngth O Rate Test, of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reacto Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) Calorimeter (19 Rate (1972) Std. Meth. for Design and Rated at 300 Volts or Less (1974) Std. F Rated at 600 Volts or Less) (1972) ANSI C33.54 /Er, Hu Rated for Out of Phase Switching (1973) ANSI C37.079 Rated Loads Offshore Oil Cranes (1972) Rated on a Symmetrical and a Total Current Basis (1972) Rated on a Symmetrical Basis When Rated for Out of Phas Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (1972) /Ings for Capacita Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (1972) /Test Values for Rated on a Symmetrical Basis (362 kV and Above) (1972) Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1971) ANSI C37.07 Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1971) ANSI C37.07 Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.07 Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.07 Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.07 Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1973) ANSI C37.07 Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylen Rated 2000 Volts and Less and Having Ozone Resistant Et Rates for Data Transmission (1969) Rates of Lubricants in Vacuum (1971) ANSI Z11.302 Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer (1973) Rating and Application of Suction Line Filters and Filt Rating and Reporting of the Noise Levels of Powered Ind Rating and Struck Capacity for Hoe Dipper (Backhoe Buck Rating and Struck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Clam Buck Rating and Test, of Fire Extinguishers (1973) ANSI Z211 Rating Code Diesel (1971) Rating Definitions, Test. Meth., and Test Equipment and Rating Heat Transmission of Refrigrated Vehicles (1972) Rating Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Equi Rating Liquid Coolers (1971) Rating Meth. of Carpet (Rug) Soiling (1973) ANSI L14.21 Rating Meth. (1972) /Nal Vehicle Air Conditioning Syst Rating Nonresidential Warm Air Heaters (1972) Rating of Equipment for Drying Farm Crops (1971) Rating of Inboard Gasoline Engines (Boats) (1972) Rating of Room Fan Coil Air Conditioners Delivering Les Rating of Spark Plugs (1970) Rating of Trailer Floors for Lift Truck Loading (1971) Rating Std. for Y Type Strainers (1973) Rating System for Quality Control (1969) Rating Water Cooled Refrigerant Condensers (1971) ASTM AACCH RTCA AACCH RTCA NRA NRA NRA NRA AHAM SAE ASTM NRA SAE AHAM AHAM ANSI UL NRA NRA ICBO UL AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM AACCH AACCH HMI ASTM ASTM ASTM STDI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM UL UL IEEE API ANSI IEEE ANSI ANSI IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE NEMA NEMA ANSI ASTM ASTM ARI ITA SAE SAE UL SAE IMACA TTMA ASHRA ASHRA AATCC IMACA ASHRA ASAE ABYC ARI SAE TTMA FCI ASQC ASHRA Engineering and Product Standards Division D3132 60-30 DO-I53 58-12A DO-151 *5 •16 •18 *4 ER-3 J941C D2265 •1 J409C ER-1 ER-2 Z21.3 858 •12 •3 UFC«2C 896 68 72 D2028 D3303 02-03 02-02 D3070 08-02 08-03 300 D2556 D3069 D3094 116 D1692 D2653 D2731 F317 T464 D2262 N45.4 E457 E459 122 507 417 2C C37.ll 417 C37.0732 C37.0781 339 327 328 340 341 343 342 WC8 WC8/1 X3.1 D2715 D1238 730 6G1 J296 J67 711 J270 400 RP38 36 24 121 400 45 S248.2 S6 443 J549A RP37 73-1 RP7 22 317 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Rec. Pract. for ng the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Research Meth. td. for Safety for Automatic Ice Makers (600 Volts or Less b3.15 Std. Load Std. Load Std. Pract. for Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine oltage/ Schedules of Preferred Transient Recovery Voltage rs (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1972) Std. for oltage Circuit Breakers R/ Std. for Schedule of Preferred Std. for Power Output Std. for Certified Tent. Meth. of Test for Research and Motor Meth. Octane using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Motor Meth. Test Meth. for Adhesion to Porous Substrates (Subjective rements for Low Voltage Power Circuit/ Std. for Preferred High Voltage Air Switch/ Std. for Schedules of Preferred ry Replacement Data; Group Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and of Test for Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Std. Meth. of Test for Plastic Strain knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compression knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compression hie Image Area on 5 mm Motion Picture Film (2.35:1) Aspect Std. Air Density 3) Rec. for High Expansion Foam Systems ter (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Color of Meth. of Test for Differential Dyeing Behavior of Cotton Test Meth. for Continuous Scouring Wool Using Std. Std. Spec, for ement Concrete (1973) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for Fly Ash and Std. Meth. for Sampling and Sample Preparation of Solid Std. for Motion Picture Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Wool Content of Std. Meth. of Test for Wool Content of Spec, for Gamma • g Applia/ Std. for Safety for Implosion Protected Cathode ed Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma try) (1/ Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Value of Acid h. of Test for Gel Time and Peak Exothermic Temperature of of Test for Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Oxygen Std. Meth. of Test for Water rials (1972) ANSI Z11.318 Std. Meth. of Test for ) Meth. of Analysis of Oxidizing Agents in Flour: essive Expansion of Concrete Due to the Alkali-Aggregate on Protection) (1973) Manual of Hazardous Chemical 37.133 Std. Meth. of Test for Potential gh Shear (1972) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. of Test for Explosive Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear nt of Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear g Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Std. for Program for Biological Shielding in Nuclear ty Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Std. Rec. Pract. for Surveillance Tests for Nuclear ec. Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear r Leakage Rate Test, of Containment Structures for Nuclear rade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder for Use in Nuclear Std. for Electrical Transformers, Regulators and 972) Performance Spec, for Direct and Indirect rs (1972) Std. for Direct Temperature Corrections for Refractometer Temperature Corrections for Saccharimeter Uniform Building Code Std. for th. of Analysis of Macroscopic Examination of Baked Goods, h. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth in Baked Goods, of Analysis for Materials Hard to Hydrate in Baked Goods, coolant Concentrate (Glycol or Alcohol Base) by the Iodine Std. Spec, for nalytical Meth. for Determining Iodine Solution Content of ical Meth. for Determining Starch Indicator, 1% Content of I Meth. for Determining Sulfuric Acid Solutions Content of eth. for Determining Sodium Hydroxide Solutions Content of eth. for Determining Cresol Red Indicator, 0.1% Content of th. for Determining Sodium Thiosulfate Solution Content of h. for Determining Methylene Blue Indicator, 1% Content of . for Determining Std. Arsenious Oxide Solution Content of . for Determining Methyl Orange Indicator, 0.1% Content of . for Determining Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% Content of for Determining Bromophenol Blue Indicator, 1% Content of for Determining Potassium Permanganate Solution Content of 1 Chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydr/ meth. of Test for Resistance of Adhesive Bonds to Chemical of Metals (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Apparatus, Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile act. Test Procedure for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Rating Water Emulsion Floor Polishes (1972) Rating (1971) ANSI Z11.305 /Ristics of Motor Fuels Usi Rating) (1974) Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings (1972) ANSI Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings (1972) Ratings and Performance (1972) Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for AC High V Ratings for Alternating Current and Direct Current Moto Ratings for Capacitance Current Switching for AC High V Ratings of Packaged Audio Equipment for Home Use (1967) Ratings Program Air Moving Devices (Performance) (1970) Ratings Using on Line Analyzers (1970T) Ratings (1971) ANSI Z11.306 /Teristics of Motor Fuels Ratings) (Paper, Board, Cloth, etc.) (1973) Ratings. Application Recommendations, and Related Requi Ratings, Manufacturing Spec, and Application Guide for Ratings; Assembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Terminals ( Ratio for Glass and Glass Ceramics by Resonance (1971) Ratio R for Sheet Metal (1974) Ratio (CR) Technique for Motor Meth. Ratings (1971) Ans Ratio (CR) Technique for Research Meth. Rating (1971) a Ratio (1971) Std. Dimensions of Protectable Anamorp Ratios-At Various Altitudes and Temperatures (1966) (Ratios from 100:1 to 1000:1) (Fire Extinguishment) (197 Raw Cotton Using the Nickerson-Hunter Cotton Colorime (Raw Fiber, Yarn and Textile Fabric) (1972) ANSI L14.152 Raw Grease Wool Yarn (1971) ANSI L14.84 Raw Linseed Oil (1972) ANSI K34.1 Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland C Raw Rubbers (1973) Raw Stock Identification and Labeling (1973) Raw Tung Oil (1973) Raw Wool-Commercial Scale (1972) Raw Wool-Laboratory Scale (1972) ANSI L14.490 Ray Brachytherapy Sources (1974) Ray Tubes (Picture and Display) for Television Receivin Rays (1961) Rec for Measurement of Absorb Reacting Materials Other Than Phosphates (Cereal Chemis Reacting Thermosetting Resins (Plastic Composition) (19 (Reaction Intensity Meth.) (1973) Std. Meth. Reaction of Aviation Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.82 Reaction Threshold Temperature of Liquid and Solid Mate Reaction with Potassium Iodide (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Reaction (1969) ANSI A37.119 /Xtures in Preventing Exc Reactions (Incandescence, Fire, Explosion, and Detonati Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Meth.) (1971) ANSI a Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace Alloys Under Hi Reactor and Commercial Columbium (1968) ANSI Z258.1 Reactor Containment Facilities (1972) Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation (1970) a Reactor Operation (1970) ANSI N163 /Ed Neutron Emittin Reactor Plants (1972) Reactor Plants (1973) Std. Nuclear Safe Reactor Vessels (1973) Reactor Vessels (1974) Std. R Reactors (1972) Practice and Test Requirements Fo Reactors (1973) Std. Spec, for Nuclear G Reactors (1974) Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X-And Gamma Radiation (1 Reading Remote Registration Systems for Cold Water Mete Readings (Sugar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Readings (Sugar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ready Mixed Concrete (1973) Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes for Detecti Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes (Cereal Che Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes (Cereal Che Reagent Meth. (1973) /or Water in Engine Antifreeze- Reagent Water (1972) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents and Indicators (1971) Reagents for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis (Cerea Reagents (1966) ANSI Z197.7 Reagents, and Safety Precautions for Chemical Analysis Rear Position Tail Lamp (Light) (1972) Rear Underride Guard (Safety (1971) R Rear View Mirrors (1971) Std. a Std. Analyt Std. Analytica Std. Analytical M Std. Analytical M Std. Analytical Me Std. Analytical Met Std. Analytical Meth Std. Analytical Meth Std. Analytical Meth Std. Analytical Meth. Std. Analytical Meth. Std. ASTM D3052 ASTM D2722 UL 563 AFBMA 9 AFBMA 11 DEMA •1-4 ANSI C39.0722 NEMA MG1-10 ANSI C37.0732 EIA RS234-B AMCA 211 ASTM D2885 ASTM D2723 TAPPI UM-540 ANSI C37.16 ANSI C37.32 BCI •1.56 ASTM C623 ASTM E517 ASTM D2723 ASTM D2722 ANSI PH22.106 AMCA 402 FMS 4-3N ASTM D2253 ASTM D1464 AATCC 64 ASTM D234 ASTM C618 ASTM D1485 ANSI PH22.184 ASTM D12 ASTM D1334 ASTM D584 NCRPM R41 UL 492.8 NCRPM R25 AACCH 02-32 ASTM D2471 ASTM F371 ASTM D1094 ASTM D2883 AACCH 48-02 ASTM C441 FMS 7-21N ASTM C289 ASTM D3115 ASTM E195 ANSI N10I.2 ASTM D2470 ASTM D2470 ANSI N18.9 ANSI N18.2 ASTM E185 ASTM E509 ANSI N45.4 ASTM C753 NEMA TR1 ANSI N13.5 AWWA C706 AACCH 80-20 AACCH 80-21 ICBO UBCS26-13 AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 28-32 ASTM D1123 ASTM D1193 CR R-10 CR R-80 CR R-30 CR R-20 CR R-60 CR R-25 CR R-65 CR R-5 CR R-70 CR R-75 CR R-55 CR R-15 AACCH 28-91 ASTM D896 ASTM E50 SAE J279 SAE J260 SAE J268 318 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Pract. for Engine Foot Mounting (Front and ids to Security (Safety) of Personnel on Boat Deck and for ng (1969) ANSI Z167.21 Std. Meth. of Test for ing Locations (Bonding Appliances, Casters, Face Masks and Uniform Fire Code: Automobile Tire Cold Weather Masonry Construction (Protection manual: Grade Selection, Std. Size, Design Values, Framing ) Component Std. for Minimum Stds. for Land Mobile Communication FM or Pm X-Ray Protection Standards for Home Television r-Motor Carrier Dock Planning Manual (Truck Shipping and rec. Pract. for Quality Control Monitoring of the Product std. for Safety for High Voltage Components for Television std. for Safety for Special Fuses for Radio and Television ted Cathode Ray Tubes (Picture and Display) for Television y Range of 108/ Minimum Performance Std. for Airborne Vor wer Plants (During the Con/ Std. for Packaging, Shipping, ations (1973) ANSI C33.97 Safety Std. for Std. for or Hazardous Locations (1973) Std. for Electrical Plugs, s, 4 Wire (1966/ Standard Mounting and Face Dimensions of Std. on Dimensions of Attachment Plugs and Std. for Safety for Electrical Attachment Plugs and 277 Volts Ac, 15 Amperes, 2/ , 1 Wire (1973) e, 2 Wire (1973) Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 Pole,/ /250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 P/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye. 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 5 Wi/ pole, 2 Wire (1973) pole, 3 Wire Locking. Groun/ pole. 2 Wire (1973) pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ ,'3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, G/ , 3 Pole. 3 Wire Locking Ty/ , 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locking, G/ , 3 Pole, 3 Wire, Locking T/ pole. 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ hase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Lockin/ pole, 2 Wire (1973) pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking, Gr/ 2 Pole, 3 Wire Locking. Gr/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 5 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole. 4 Wi/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 5 Wi/ pole. 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ pole, 3 Wire Locking, Groun/ phase, 3 Pole, 3 Wire Locki/ phase, 3 Pole, 4 Wire Locki/ , 3 Phase Wye, 4 Pole, 4 Wi/ Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. for Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Std. Dimensions of Plugs and Slant Drop Penetration Test for Paperboard (Printing Ink owers Lavatories, Bathtubs and Combination Tank and Shower Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Shower nation Tank and Shower Recep/ Std. for Nonmetallic Shower Std. Part Bolt, 100 Deg. Flush Tension Head Hi Torque Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips Std. Part Bit, Screwdriver, Tri Wing Std. Spec, for Ceramic Tile Panels for Bath Tub Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing ocking (1973) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing or Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing achine Screw. Flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri Wing std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing ing (1972) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Oval Head, Tri Wing king (1972) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing king (1972) Std. for Screw, Pan Head, Tri Wing Rear) (1970) SAE Reboarding from the Water (1973) /Practice Guide for a ABYC Reboiling Tendency of Sheet Steel for Porcelain Enameli ASTM Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Mattresses ■ UL Rebuilding Plants (1973) ICBO Rec.) (1968) BIA Rec. Properties. Weight, Stress of Board, Timber, Lumb WWPA Receiver Dehydrators for Vehicle Air Conditioners (1967 IMACA Receivers 25-470MHz (1972) EIA Receivers (1968) NCRPM Receiving-Materials Handling) (1973) Shippe ANSI (Receiving and Source Inspection, Product Audit) (1969) ASQC Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment (Fl UL Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment (19 UL Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment (19 UL Receiving Equipment Operating Within the Radio Frequenc RTCA Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Po ANSI Receptacle-Plug Combinations for Use in Hazardous Loc UL Receptacle Dummy Storage, Electrical Connector (1972) NSA Receptacles and Connectors of the Pin and Sleeve Type F NEMA Receptacles Off Center Boss Type, 30, 50, and 60 Ampere ANSI Receptacles (1973) ANSI Receptacles (1974) UL Receptacles, Locking Grounding Type, Specific Purpose, ANSI Receptacles, Locking Type 125 Vohs, 15 Amperes, 2 Pole ANSI Receptacles, Locking Type, 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 Pol ANSI Receptacles, Midget Locking Type, Specific Purpose, 125 ANSI Receptacles, Midget Locking Type, Specific Purpose, 125 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 120/208 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 125/250 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 15 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes 3 P ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 250 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 20 Amperes, ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277 Volts Ac, 30 Amperes, ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 20 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 347/600 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 20 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 480 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 20 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 2 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles: Specific Purpose 600 Volts, 30 Amperes, 3 ANSI Receptacles? Specific Purpose 277/480 Volts, 30 Amperes ANSI Receptivity) (1973) TAPPI Receptor Units (1972) /Llic Shower Receptors, Stall Sh IAPMO Receptors (1973) TCA Receptors, Stall Showers Lavatories, Bathtubs and Combi IAPMO Recess Alloy Steel, 160,000 psi (1973) NSA Recess Full Threaded, Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) NSA Recess (1972) NSA Recess (1972) TCA Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Nonlocking (1973) NSA Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Self-Locking and Nonl NSA Recess, Alloy Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) NSA Recess, Alloy Steel, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) NSA Recess, A286 Acres, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) NSA Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Nonlocking (1972) NSA Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Self Locking and Nonlock NSA Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonloc NSA Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonloc NSA Engineering and Product Standards Division J6I6B A18 C632 1067 UFC«2ART2 1A *24 309 RS204A •1 MH8.1 RP5 492.3 492.7 492.8 DO-153 N45.2.2 1010 1196 FB11 C73.67 C73 498 C73.43 C73.31 C73.32 C73.29 C73.30 C73.104 C73.90 C73.105 C73.91 C73.69 C73.72 C73.70 C73.73 C73.83 C73.96 C73.84 C73.97 C73.74 C73.98 C73.85 C73.71 C73.75 C73.99 C73.76 C73.100 C73.86 C73.77 C73.78 C73.106 C73.92 C73.93 C73.108 C73.94 C73.109 C73.95 C73.79 C73.101 C73.87 C73.80 C73.102 C73.88 C73.81 C73.82 C73.103 C73.89 C73.107 UM-536 TSC11 309 TSC11 583 600 4005 8701 5900-03 5600-06 5000-6 5300-06 5100-6 6000-3 6500-6 5700-6 6900-06 319 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Locking and Nonl/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing locking (/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing f-Locking and Non/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing eking (19/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing locking and Nonlo/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing hread, Self Locking and Nonlocki/ Bolt, 100 Deg. Tri Wing crew (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips or Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing (1972) Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing g and Nonlocking / Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing 72) Std. Slotted and Std. for Hex Head Screw, Rec. Pract. for Spark Plug, Aircraft terns (1974) Rec. Pract. for Make Up and Solid Wall and Perforated Pipe for General Drainage (Land plication. Operation, and Maintenance of Automatic Circuit Capacitor Switches for Alter/ Std. for Automatic Circuit other Hard Materials by Water Blasting Prior to Coating or Std. for Print Spec, for Magnetic Ink Character Walls (1973) tops (1973) rator Rooms (1973) receptors (1973) ooms (1973) g Pools (1973) 973) eramic Tile Floors (1973) ile Floors (1973) contraction, and Isolation Joints for Ceramic Tile (1973/ e Floors (1973) e Walls (1973) e Floors (1973) e Walls (1973) for Ceramic Tile Flooring (1973) ile Floors (1973) eramic Tile Floors (1973) (1973) Definition and ith Mortar, Adhesive, and Mastic (1973) Definition and walls. Floors, and Stairs (1973) Concrete Pavement Overlay Projects (1973) ar Products for High Temperature Service Conforming to Iso Cold Forging Equipment (1972) Std. ge Power Circuit/ Std. for Preferred Ratings, Application 1 (1971) Std. for Specifying Project ngs (1970) Rec. Pract. Spec, of Tracking Control ion Data (Tooling. Printed Wiring Boards)/ Std. Spec, for Std. Dimensions for Photographic Sound and Operating Level of Recorders and Reproducers for Audio Employment . Pract. for Std. Calibration and Format for Nuclear Logs ng Control Records on 2 In. Video Magnetic Tape Quadruplex engths (1972) ANSI S4.6 Std. Meth. of Measuring cpi, PE) (1973) Std. for cpi. NRZI) (1973) Std. for cpi, NRZI) (1973) Std. for . for Flutter Measurement of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape timing Error Measurements of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape for Consumer Electronic Products (Radio, Television, Tape Quadrup/ Std. Frequency Response and Operating Level of ultifrequency Test Tape for Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape ental Injury Experience of Employees (/ Std. for Meth. of for Measurement of Weighted Peak Flutter Content of Sound Safety Std. for Sound tic Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact Cassette) for Audio nt Rooms (Noise) (1973) Std. for Meth. of Measuring, llic Coated Steel Specimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for ter; Ceiling; Partitions; Plaster; Roofing) and Earthquake 16 mm 200 Ft., 35 mm 100 Ft. and 70 mm 100 Ft. Spools for Std. Dimensions for Photographic Films in Rolls for re (196/ Std. Meth. for Continuous Analysis and Automatic 1) Std. for Meth. of Measuring Frequency and Cost, and s Characteristics for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape lignment Signal Spec, for a Quadruplet Video Magnetic Tape ct. for the Label for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape ng Control Record for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Std. Meth. of Measuring Recorded Flux of Magnetic Sound d A/ Std. Dimensions of Video, Audio and Tracking Control Rec. Pract. for Quality Control Std. Spec, for Manifold Papers for Permanent decoders (Type I) for Reproducing Matrix Quadraphonic Disc 1973) Spec, for Photographic Film for Archival Recess, A286 Cres, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) Recess. Close Tolerance (1972) Recess, Close Tolerance (19721 Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Non Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Sel Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Nonlo Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Recess, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short T Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 psi Alloy Steel Machine S Recess, Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking and Nonlock Recess, Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking and Nonloc Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, Nonlocking Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, Self Lockin Recessed Head Machine Screws and Machine Screw Nuts (19 Recessed, Full Thread (1973) Reciprocating Engine (1971) Recirculated Air for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Sys Reclamation, Curtain and Building Foundation Drain, Und Reclosers (1973) ANSI C37.61 Std. Guide for the Ap Reclosers, Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Recoating (1972 /for Surface Preparation of Steel and Recognition (1970) Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Bathtub Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Counter Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Refrige Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Shower Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Steam R Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Swimmin Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Tubs (1 Recommendation for Installation of Chemical Resistant C Recommendation for Installation of Conductive Ceramic T Recommendation for Installation of Expansion, Control, Recommendation for Installation of Exterior Ceramic Til Recommendation for Installation of Exterior Ceramic Til Recommendation for Installation of Interior Ceramic Til Recommendation for Installation of Interior Ceramic Til Recommendation for Installation of Thresholds, Saddles Recommendation for Installation of Waterproof Ceramic T Recommendation for Installation Performance Levels of C Recommendation for Materials for Grouting Ceramic Tile Recommendation for Materials for Setting Ceramic Tile W Recommendation for Renovation of Interior Ceramic Tile Recommendations for Basis of Payment on Portland Cement Recommendations for Boiler Construction (1972) / Tubul Recommendations for Die Cavity and Cutoff Die Sizes for Recommendations, and Related Requirements for Low Volta Record and Reporting Units for Nuclear Materials Contro Record Documents (1967) Record for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recordi Record Formats for Transmission of End Product Descript Record on Super 8 Motion Picture Prints (1972) Record One for 2-In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Ope Record (1973) (Record, Documentation) (1974) Rec Recorded at 15 and 7.5 In./S (1973) / Audio and Tracki Recorded Flux of Magnetic Sound Records at Medium Wavel Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (160 Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (200 Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (800 Recorder / Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83.99 /. Test Meth Recorder / Reproducers (1974) ANSI C83.94 / Meth. for Recorder, Phonograph, etc.) (1973) /G Test (Packaging) Recorders and Reproducers for Audio Record One for 2-in Recorders Operating at 15 In./S (1973) /Io Level and M Recording and Measuring the Off-The-Job Disabling Accid Recording and Reproducing Equipment (1971) Std. Meth. Recording and Reproducing Equipment (1973) Recording and Reproducing (1974) / Std. Coplanar Magne Recording and Specifying Machinery Sound Within Equipme Recording Data from Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of Meta Recording Instrumentation (1973) /Ra Cotta; Timber; Wa Recording Instruments and for Microfilm and Still Pictu Recording Instruments and Miscellaneous Uses (1973) Recording of the Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphe Recording Patron and Nonemployee Injury Statistics (197 Recording (1967) /Ce Carrier Frequencies and Deemphasi Recording (1969) Rec. Pract. for Video a Recordings (1968) Rec. Pra Recordings (1970) Rec. Pract. Spec, of Tracki Records at Medium Wavelengths (1972) ANSI S4.6 Records on 2 In. Video Magnetic Tape Quadruplex Recorde Records System (1969) Records (1973) Records (1974) Stds. for Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Cellulose Ester Base ( NSA 5400-06 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 4703-16 NSA 4400-16 NSA 4803-16 NSA 4500-16 NSA 4600-16 NSA 623 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5500-06 NSA 6100-3 NSA 5800-6 ANSI B18.6.3 NSA 1096 SAE ARP590B ACGIH •1-7 ASTM D2311 IEEE 321 NEMA SG13 NACE RP-01-72 ANSI X3.2 TCA 150 TCA 307-308 TCA 310 TCA 309 TCA 311 TCA 302 TCA 304 TCA 110-111.1 TCA 112 TCA 300 TCA 107-109 TCA 209-210 TCA 101-106 TCA 201-208.1 TCA 306 TCA 114 TCA *3-2 TCA *3-l TCA *3 TCA 400-600 ACPA TM-6 ASTM A520 IFI 121 ANSI C37.16 ANSI N15.2 CSI 01730 SMPTE RP16 IPC D-350 ANSI PH22.182 ANSI C98.3 AIOA G811 API RP33 ANSI C98.6 IEEE 347 ANSI X3.39 ANSI X3.14 ANSI X3.22 EIA RS405 EIA RS413 EIA RS414 ANSI C98.3 ANSI C98.8 ANSI Z16.3 IEEE 193 UL 813 EIA RS399 ARI 575 ASTM G33 ICBO UBC'3-23 ANSI PHI. 33 ANSI PHI. 30 ASTM D1355 ANSI Z 108.1 SMPTE RP6 SMPTE RP10 SMPTE RP26 SMPTE RP16 IEEE 347 ANSI C98.6 ASQC RP6 ASTM D3208 EIA RS418 ANSI PHI. 28 320 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Photographic Film for Archival Std. Meth. of Test for Extension Test Meth. for Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Textile Fabrics: si L14 229 Test Meth. for Wrinkle (1972) ANSI L14.110. ASTM D1295 Test Meth. for Wrinkle d Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Waste Heat ated on a Symmetrical Cu/ Std. Requirements for Transient ated on a Symmetric/ Std. Application Guide for Transient ies for AC High Voltage/ Schedules of Preferred Transient true/ Std. for Tires and Rims for Industrial. Utility and (Coupling. Hitch/ Minimum Requirements for Motor Vehicle Std. for initions. Test. Meth., and Test Equipment and R/ Std. for Std. for d Hazards at PI/ Rec. for Factory Constructed Housing and ck Campers, Motor Homes): Installation of Plumb/ Std. for Std. for Flexible Non Pressure Water Fill Hose for d. for Waste and Sewage Holding Tanks for Mobile Homes and nd Non Pressurized Potable Water Tanks for Mobilehomes and Std. for Electric Pressure Pumps for Use in r Liquid Fuel Burning Heat Appliances for Mobile Homes and ion Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose Passenger and lding Code Std. for Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Flat Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Std. for Keys-Square and Test Meth. for Measuring Squareness or Std. Meth. of Test. Para 72) ANSI H33.1 Std. Spec, for Copper Zinc Lead (Leaded Std. Spec, for Seamless 1 Length Thermal Process Preservative Treatment of Western ment of Incised Pole Butts by the Thermal Process (Western for Douglas Fir, Coast Region; West Coast Hemlock; Western (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Cresol Std. Meth. of Test. Para Red and Toluidine marack / Uniform Building Code Std. for Eastern White and Std. Spec, for EC Aluminum Std. for Bolt. Flat, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Std. Pract. for Socket Welding Std. for Tee. Std. for Tee. Std. for Elbow, Std. for Elbow for Spur. Helical and Herringbone Gear Shaft Mounted Speed Meth. for Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis for Total Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Schoorl Meth. of Analysis of Rec. Pract. for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pinions and Gears for ction Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Volumetric Copper ilm/ Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical ate/ Std. for Location of Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Copper Reduction Meth. for Sugar Determination: Schoorl's ir, Southern and Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch. California ng)(1973) s and Other Technical Data) (1973) ation and Design, Span Allowances, Storage, Finishes And/ r Cooling Towers (1971) Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for California el Characteristics, Material Composition, Use, Applicati/ si C83.55 Std. for oducer Test Tape: Full Track. 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Std. for Automated Machine Lay Up Composite Filament Tape Std. for Packaging of Filament Tape Std. for Safety for Cord Std. Spec, for Mercury Lamp Std. Spec, for Fluorescent Lamp Aluminum Underground Distribution sties for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magneti/ Rec. Pract. for ion Characteristics by Polar/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making ansion Characteristics by Po/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making ynamic Anodic Polarization Mea/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. ) Steel Castings (1972) ANSI Z166.19 Std. Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings (1967) ANSI Z166.17 Std. gnesium Castings, Series II (1974) ANSI Z166.8 Std. Thickness (1972) ANSI Z166.28 Std. si C100.3 Std. for Rec. Pract. for Automotive Engine Carburetor Airflow Spec, Std., and Test Meth. Std. for Rec. Antidotes, Supplies (Packaging), and th. for Determining Apparent Starch Content of Corn Syrup, Records, Silver Gelatin Type, on Polyester Base (1973) Recovery and Adhesion of Latex Sealing Compound (1972) Recovery Angle Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.110, ASTM D1295 Recovery of Textile Fabrics: Appearance Meth. (1970) an Recovery of Woven Textile Fabrics: Recovery Angle Meth. Recovery Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for Lov Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers R Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers R Recovery Voltage Ratings and Related Required Capabilit Recreational Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Fork Lift (Recreational Type) Connecting Devices and Towing Meth. Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioning Equipment (1974) Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioning System Rating Def Recreational Vehicle Cooking Gas Appliances (1972) Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Plants (Fire and Win Recreational Vehicles (Travel and Camping Trailers, Tru Recreational Vehicles (1971) Recreational Vehicles (1971) teel. Short Thread, Nonlocking (/ es. Short Thread, Nonlocking (19/ cereal Chemistry) (1962) d) (1972) try) (1962) St Recreational Vehicles (1971) Std. for Pressurized a Recreational Vehicles (1972) Recreational Vehicles (1973) ANSI A147.1 /Fety Std. Fo Recreational Vehicles) (1974) /Ion of Tires (Car, Stat (Rectangular and Square) Brass Wire (1973) Uniform Bui Rectangular Waveguide Tube (1974) ANSI H37.1 Rectangular (1973) Rectangularity of a Sheet of Paper or Paperboard (1973) Red and Toluidine Red Pigments (Toners) (1973) Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars, and Shapes (19 Red Brass Pipe, Std. Sizes (1972) Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber Poles (1973) Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Red Cedar; White Fir; and Sitka Spruce (Lumber) (1973) Red Indicator, 0.1% Content of Reagents and Indicators Red Pigments (Toners) (1973) Red Pine, Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Ta Redraw Rod for Electrical Purposes (1974) Reduced Head, Torq Set and Hi Torque. 180 KSI (1973) Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy S Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. A286 Cr Reducer Inserts (1974) Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Swivel on Run (1973) Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Swivel on Side (1973 Reducer, 45 Deg. Flareless Tube to Swivel (1973) Reducer, 90 Deg. Flareless Tube to Swivel (1973) Reducers (1974) Std. Pract. Reducible Sulfur in Paper and Paperboard (1972) Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars in Flour and Semolina ( Reducing Substances (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Reducing Sugars Content in Dextrin (1970) Reducing Sugars Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1964) Reducing Sugars Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refine Reducing Sugars in Prepared Bakery Mixes (Cereal Chemis Reducing the Fire Hazard of Static Electricity (1973) Reduction Gears (1972) ANSI G55.8 Std. Spec, for Reduction Meth. for Sugar Determination: Schoorl's Redu Reduction or Contact Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture F Reduction Printing on 35 mm Motion Picture Film, Perfor Reduction Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Volumetric Redwood and Hardwood Timber (1973) / Douglas and Hem F Redwood Exterior Guide (Siding, Finish, Nails and Naili Redwood Interior Guide (Spec, for Installation, Finishe Redwood Landscape Guide (Rec. for Garden Grades. Applic Redwood Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Wate Redwood Lumber (1973) Redwood Plywood Guide (Spec, for Texture and Grade, Pan Reel Packaging of Components with Axial Leads (1972) an Reel (For Tape Speeds of 7.5 In. 190.5 Mm, and 3.75 I Reel (1972) Reels (1973) Reels (1973) ANSI C33.18 Reference Ballasts (1971) Reference Ballasts (1972) Reference Book (Electrical Power Cable Specs.) (1973) Reference Carrier Frequencies and Deemphasis Characteri Reference Glass-Metal Butt Seals and Test, for Expans Reference Glass-Metal Sandwich Seal and Test, for Exp Reference Meth. for Making Potentiostatic and Potentiod Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4 1/2 to 12 In. Reference Radiographs for High Strength Copper Base and Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Ma Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 In. in Reference Std. Precision Electrical Resistors (1969) an Reference Std. (1971) Referenced by SAE (1973) References (Dosage) for Poison Control Centers (1972) Refined and Crude Sugar (1967) Std. Analytical Me ANSI PHI. 41 ASTM C736 AATCC 66 AATCC 128 AATCC 66 DEMA •116 IEEE 327 IEEE 328 ANSI C39.0722 TRA 5 VESC V-5 ARI 250 IMACA 400 ANSI Z21.57 FMS 7-90 NFPA 501C IAPMO TSC19 IAPMO TSC2 IAPMO TSC4 IAPMO TSC14 UL 307A TRA XXI ICBO UBCS32-13 ASTM B372 NSA 558 TAPPI UM-530 ASTM D970 ASTM B140 ASTM B43 AWPA C8 AWPA C7 ICBO UBCS25-3 CR R-60 ASTM D970 ICBO UBCS2S-5 ASTM B233 NSA 1992 NSA 4703-16 NSA 4803- 16 MSS SP-79 NSA 1763 NSA 1764 NSA 1761 NSA 1762 AGMA 480.05 TAPPI T406SU AACCH 80-60 AACCH 10-01 CR D-52 CR J 58 CR F-48 AACCH 80-68 FMS 5-8N ASTM A291 AACCH 80-69 ANSI PH22.180 ANSI PH22.179 AACCH 80-69 ICBO UBCS25-11 CRA 3A4 CRA 3A7 CRA 3A5 CTI 103 ICBO UBCS25-7 CRA 3A9 EIA RS296C EIA RS400 NSA 992 NSA 3452 UL 355 ANSI C82.5 ANSI C82.3 AA 52 SMPTE RP6 ASTM F140 ASTM F144 ASTM G5 ASTM E280 ASTM E272 ASTM E155 ASTM E446 IEEE 310 SAE J228 SAE AMS2350X AAPCC •1 CR E-60 Engineering and Product Standards Division 321 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 22 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nsiH23.12 , and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Fire Std. Spec, for Fire Std. Spec, for Chemically Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Detection and Estimation of Water Insoluble Impurities in Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ning Extraneous Materials Content of Corn Syrup, Crude and Std. Spec, for Once Std. Meth. of Test for Pyridine Bases in Crude and ions (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and termining Moisture (Oven) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and meth. for Determining A9h Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and . for Determining Acidity Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and . for Determining Arsenic Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and eth. for Determining Iron Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and etermining Sulfur Dioxide Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and ance (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and g Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and termining Reducing Sugars Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and ining Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and rmining Specific Rotation Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and determining Total Sugars Content of Corn Sugars (Crude and cium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and h. for Determining Copper Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Determining Heavy Metals Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Meth. for Determining pH Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and for Determining Chloride Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and ermining Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Std. Code for Pressure Petroleum pec. for Seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Still Tubes for ess Low Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes for Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes for racking of Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds in Corrosive Petroleum . for Selection of Geometric Conditions for Measurement of cimen / Std. Meth. for Microscopical Determination of the Meth. of Test for Measuring Soil Removal and Std. Meth. for Absolute Calibration of (Crude and / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color. yers of Silicon on Substrates of the Same Type by Infrared 72) ANSI L14. 175 Test Meth for (I'sing Spectrophotometer with Reserv/ Meth. for Spectral Std. Rec. Pract. for Evacuated erating at Temperatur/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Prefabricated a Model Performance Spec, for the Purchase of Safety Std. for Lighting for Regular Bicycles, Including Test Meth. for Opacity of Paper, Using quipment (1973) NEMA SH10 Std. for Metal Head and quipment (1973) EEI TDJ-140 Std. for Metal Head and ousings of Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices Including Reflex se in Housings of Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices Including or Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Billets for emistry) (1962) Indices of and Liquid Fats (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Index of ose (1956) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining eous Engine Coolants (19/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of the Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ) Temperature Corrections for al Chemistry) (1967) Index of Refraction, with Abbe Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Chrome Containing Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Silica Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Fireclay Plastic Std. Classification of Mullite Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Zirconia eth. of Test for Modulus of Rupture of Air Setting Plastic th. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of I'nfired Monolithic f Test for Drying and Firing Shrinkage of Fireclay Plastic Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for 8 Std. Meth. of Test for Size and Bulk Density of Test for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of face (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Warpage of Std. Meth. of Drip Slag Test. 1 Std. Meth. of Load Test, for Std. Classification of Fireclay and High Alumina Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of ion, Apparent Specific Gravity, and Bulk Density of Burned Iding Code Std. for Machine Made and High Alumina Fireclay Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Std. Classification of Single and Double Screened Ground 111, Refined Benzene 485 (Nitration Grade) (1971) ANSI Z78.2 Refined Casting Copper (1972) ANSI H23.9 Refined Copper for Wrought Products and Alloys (1972) a Refined Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, Slabs, Billets, Ingots Refined Gold (1973) Refined Palladium (1973) Refined Phenol by Cloud Point Depression (1968) ANSI Z7 Refined Phenol-405 (1968) ANSI Z78.22 Refined Platinum (1973) Refined Solvent Naphtha (1971) ANSI Z78.4 Refined Sugar and Other Materials Soluble in Water (196 Refined Sunflower Oil, Technical Grade (197'3) Refined Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z107.4 Refined) and All Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from Co Refined) (Crystalline) (1959) /Analytical Meth. for De Refined) (1958) Std. Analytical Refined) (1958) Std. Analytical Meth Refined) (1958) Std. Analytical Meth Refined) (1961) Std. Analytical M Refined) (1961) Std. Analytical Meth. for D Refined) (1963) / Meth. for Determining Color, Reflect Refined) (1966) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determinin Refined) (1972) Std. Analytical Meth. for De Refined) (1972) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determ Refined), Dextrose, Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates (1971 Refined), Starch Molasses (1972) /Nalytical Meth. for Refined), Syrup and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1973) Refined), Syrup, and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1961) Refined), Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from Corn and G Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1961) Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1962) Refined), Syrups, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Ma Refinery Piping (1973) Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125.23 Std. S Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125.5 /. Spec, for Seaml Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B36.39 Std. Spec, for Refining Environment (1972) /S to Prevent in Service C Reflectance and Transmittance (1973) ANSI Z138.3 /Ract Reflectance of the Organic Components in a Polished Spe' Reflectance Retention of Fabrics (1972T) Reflectance Std. (1971) ANSI Z172.4 Reflectance (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar Reflectance (1973) /Test for Thickness of Epitaxial La Reflectance, Blue, and Whiteness of Bleached Fabric (19 Reflectance. Transmittance, and Color of Paper and Pulp • Reflective Insulation in Cryogenic Service (1973) Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Op Reflective Pavement Marking Paints (1972) Reflectivity. Headlights and Taillights (1972) Reflectometer with 45-0 Deg. Geometry (1973) Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway Lighting E Reflector Interchangeability Used in Roadway Lighting E Reflectors (1973) /Ty of Plastic Material for Use in H Reflex Reflectors (1973) /Ty of Plastic Material for U Reforging (1972) ANSI G81.13 Std. Spec. F Reforging (1974) Refraction of Sucrose Solutions at 20 Deg. C (Cereal Ch Refraction, with Abbe Refractometer, in All Normal Oils Refractive Index Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar and Dextr Refractometer for Determining the Freezing Point of Aqu Refractometer Meth. of Analysis of Solids in Syrups and Refractometer Readings (Sugar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Refractometer, in All Normal Oils and Liquid Fats (Cere Refractories and Chrome Ore (1970) ANSI A139.2 Refractories for Incinerators and Boilers (1972) ANSI a Refractories (1970) ANSI A139.5 Refractories (1972) Refractories (1972) Refractories (1972) Refractories (1972) Std. M Refractories (1972) Std. Me Refractories (1972) ANSI A111.25 Std. Meth. O Refractories (1973) Refractories (1973) ANSI A111.9 Refractoriness of Refractory Mortar (1972) ANSI All 1.30 Refractory and Insulating Fire Brick (1970) ANSI Alll.l Refractory Brick and Shapes (1972) ANSI A111.17 /H. of Refractory Brick and Tile or Deviation from a Plane Sur Refractory Brick at High Temperature (1973) Refractory Brick at High Temperatures (1970) ANSI Alll. Refractory Brick (1970) ANSI Alll. 5 Refractory Brick (1971) ANSI Alll. 32 Refractory Brick (1973) ANSI Alll. 3 /Ty, Water Absorpt Refractory Bricks (1973) Uniform Bui Refractory Materials at Room Temperature (1972) Refractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine, Chrome ASTM D835 ASTM B72 ASTM B216 ASTM B442 ASTM B562 ASTM B589 ASTM D2147 ASTM D2439 ASTM B561 ASTM D838 CR E-27 ASTM D3169 ASTM D2748 CR F-14 CR F-34 CR F-6 CR F-2 CR F-4 CR F-28 CR F-54 CR F-16 CR F-32 CR F-48 CR F-22 CR F-52 CR F-58 CR F-8 CR F-18 CR F-26 CR F-42 CR F-10 CR F-44 ANSI B31.3 ASTM A200 ASTM A161 ASTM A271 NACE RP-0472 ASTM E179 ASTM D2798 ASTM D3050 ASTM E306 CR F-16 ASTM F95 AATCC 110 TAPPI T442SU ASTM C740 ASTM C667 ITE PS*1 BMA 6/6 TAPPI UM-538 EEI TDJ-140 NEMA SH10 SAE J29 SAE J29 ASTM A314 ASTM B385 AACCH 68-61 AACCH 58-20 CR E-54 ASTM D3321 AACCH 68-60 AACCH 80-20 AACCH 58-20 ASTM C572 ASTM C64 ASTM C575 ASTM C180 ASTM C467 ASTM C705 ASTM C491 ASTM C417 ASTM C179 ASTM C767 ASTM C71 ASTM C199 ASTM C134 ASTM C133 ASTM C154 ASTM C768 ASTM C16 ASTM C27 ASTM C202 ASTM C20 ICBO UBCS37-1 ASTM C704 ASTM C316 322 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards std. Meth. of Test for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of er (1972) ANSI N144 Std. Meth. for Calibration of (1970) ANSI H/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Density of td. Meth. of Test for Cold Bonding Strength of Air Setting Std. Meth. of Test for Refractoriness of neleetrical (1973) Std. for Safety for Std. Meth. of Testing Flow Capacity of Std. Meth. of Testing for Rating Water Cooled d. for Drinking Fountains and Self Contained. Mechanically Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Oxygen Therapy Equipment. Std. Meth. of Testing for Sound Rating Heating, Std. for Liquid Line Driers in essor Units (1973) Std. for Safety for d Application of Suction Line Filters and Filter Driers in d. Spec, for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and d. for Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, control, and Maintenance of Heating, Ventilating, Cooling, Uniform Tire Code: Mechanical Safety Rec. for Mechanical Std. for Centrifugal Water Chilling Packages r Central Station Air Handling Units (Air Conditioning and uipment for Control of Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooking, energy Consumption of Household Refrigerators, Combination Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Std. for Safety for Household Std. for Safety Std. for Commercial he Freezer Temperature and Energy Consumption of Household Rec. Pract. Meth. for Rating Heat Transmission of Test Meth. for Water Leak Test for Paper Shipping and Std. for Paper Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture Content and Moisture r; And/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Douglas Fir, Coast picture Tubes (1972) Std. for Mechanical Demand st of Values to Be Used in Semiconductor Device Specs, and Std. for Direct Reading Remote tion. Maintenance and Rules of the Road / Safety Std. for , Fork. Stee/ Safety Std. for Structural Requirements for Saddle Braces,/ Safety Std. for General Requirements for Test Procedures for Safety Std. Definitions for Test Procedures for the Safety Std. for ts for Stopping Power, Traction and Steering Stability for d Taillights (1972) Safety Std. for Lighting for nd Strip (1973) ANSI G24.24 Std. Spec, for itioning, Hea/ Safety Std. for Temperature Indicating and 2.90 Std. Test Code for Distribution. Power and Std. General Requirements for Distribution, Power, and Std. for Safety for Pressure w/ Uniform Fire Code: Protection, Authority, Departmental ents and Containers (Also Includes Terms and Defini/ Rec. ver Public Property (Pedestrian P/ Uniform Building Code: Uniform Building Code: Std. for Ancymidol (Plant Growth Std. for Electrical Transformers, on Rec. for Low Water Fuel Cutoffs and Automatic Feedwater Std. for Gas Appliance Pressure Safety Std. for Gas Pressure ft Equipment for Combustion Chamber in Heating Appliances for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Repair, Vacate, Std. Meth. of Test for d. Meth. of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products 972) Std. Spec, for Glass sion Materials (1972) Std. Spec, for brie) (1962) Rec. Pract. for otes) (1965) sisting Lateral Forces) (Tech. Notes) (1968) 4 In. (1967) Design Tables for (1965) 1967) 1963) (1964) s) (1963) High Lift Grouted r Pipe (1971) Std. Spec, for Rec. for Manufacture and Placement of Spec, for the Design and Construction of elding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in e (1973) Std. Spec, for wer Pipe (1973) Std. Spec, for d Sewer Pipe (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Precast Refractory Materials (1972) ANSI A111.4 ASTM C24 Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an Optical Pyromet ASTM E452 Refractory Metals and Compounds by the Scott Volumeter ASTM B329 Refractory Mortar (Wet Type) (1972) ANSI Alll. 29 ASTM C198 Refractory Mortar (1972) ANSI Alll. 30 ASTM C199 Refrigerant-Containing Components and Accessories, No UL 207 Refrigerant Capillary Tubes (1972) ASHRA 28 Refrigerant Condensers (1971) ASHRA 22 Refrigerated Drinking Water Coolers (1973) ANSI A1I2.11 ARI 1010 Refrigerated Vending Machines (1974) UL 541 Refrigerated (1973) UL 416 Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Equipment (1972) ASHRA 36 Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Systems (1971) ARI 710 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Condensing and Compr UL 303 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems (1974) / an ARI 730 Refrigeration Field Service (1974) ANSI H23.5 St ASTM B280 Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use (1972) /Afety St UL 109 Refrigeration Systems, Incinerators and Other Misc. Hea ICBO UMC*7 Refrigeration (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART28 Refrigeration (1974) FMS 12-61 (Refrigeration) (1974) ARI 550 Refrigeration) (1974) Std. Fo ARI 430 Refrigeration, and Humidity (Humidistat, Thermostat) (1 UL 873 Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers (1974) /Ture and AHAM HRF-2-ECFT Refrigerator Rooms (1973) TCA 310 Refrigerators and Freezers (1973) ANSI B97.1 UL 250 Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel (1972) ANSI Z2I.19A Refrigerators (1973) UL 471 Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator- Freezers and AHAM HRF-2-ECFT Refrigrated Vehicles (1972) TTMA RP38 Refuse Sacks (Containers) (1973) TAPPI UM-529 Refuse Sacks (1970) NSF 32 Regain of Textile Material (1971) ASTM D2654 Region; West Coast Hemlock: Western Red Cedar; White Fi ICBO UBCS25-3 Registered Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Television E1A RS266A Registers (Cumulative and Pointer Forms) EEI MSJ-4 NEMA EI 14 Registration Formats (1974) Std. Li EIA RS419 Registration Systems for Cold Water Meters (1972) AWWA C706 Regular Bicycles Including Selection, Purchase, Prepara BMA 6/7 Regular Bicycles Including Tests for Static Load, Frame BMA 6/4 Regular Bicycles Including Wheel Assembly. Chainguards, BMA 6/5 Regular Bicycles (1972) BMA 6T Regular Bicycles (1972) BMA 6/2 Regular Bicycles (1972) BMA 6/6T Regular Bicycles (1972) /D. for Performance Requiremen BMA 6/3 Regular Bicycles, Including Reflectivity, Headlights an BMA 6/6 Regular Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet a ASTM A506 Regulating Electrical Equipment for Control of Air Cond UL 873 Regulating Transformers (Electronics) (1973) ANSI C57.1 IEEE 262 Regulating Transformers (1973) ANSI C57. 12.00 IEEE 462 Regulating Valves for LP Gas (1973) ANSI Z217. 1 UL 144 Regulations and Controls, Barrier, Road, Hydrant, Drive ICBO UFC*2ART13 Regulations for Animal Feed and Food Labelling, Ingredi AAFCO *1 Regulations for Use of Public Streets and Projections O ICBO UBC*3-44 Regulations Governing Fallout Shelters (1973) ICBO UBC*3-57 Regulator) (1971) ANSI K62.109 Regulators and Reactors (1974) NEMA TR1 Regulators for Boilers (1974) /Re Hazards and Protecti FMS 12-37 Regulators (1973) ANSI Z21.18 Regulators (1973) UL 252 (Regulators, Automatic Damper Controls, Fans) (1973) /a UL 378 Rehabilitate, Demolish) (1973) Uniform Code ICBO UBC*6 Reheat Change of Fireclay Nozzles and Sleeves (1972) ASTM C605 (Reid Meth.) (1972) ANSI Z11.44 St ASTM D323 Reinforced Acetal Plastics for Molding and Extrusion (1 ASTM D2948 Reinforced and Filled Nylon Injection Molding and Extru ASTM D2897 Reinforced Bituminous Concrete Overlays (Welded Wire Fa WRI RB80 Reinforced Brick and Tile Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1964) BIA 17H Reinforced Brick Masonry Columns and Pilasters (Tech. N BIA 171 Reinforced Brick Masonry Curtain and Panel Walls (In Re BIA 17L Reinforced Brick Masonry Flexural Members (Tech. Notes) BIA 17J Reinforced Brick Masonry Retaining Walls (Tech. Notes) BIA 17E-G Reinforced Brick Masonry Swimming Pools (Tech. Notes) ( BIA 17K Reinforced Brick Masonry (Axial Design) (Tech. Notes) ( BIA 17B Reinforced Brick Masonry (Flexural Design) (Tech Notes) BIA 17A Reinforced Brick Masonry (Inspectors Guide) (Tech. Note BIA 17C Reinforced Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1972) BIA 17D Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewe ASTM C506 Reinforced Concrete Casings for Irrigation Wells (1972) ASAE R266 Reinforced Concrete Chimneys (1969) ANSI A158.1 ACI 307 Reinforced Concrete Construction (1973) /De Std. for W ICBO UBCS26-8 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pip ASTM C76 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Se ASTM C655 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, an ASTM C507 Reinforced Concrete Low Head Pressure Pipe (1973) ASTM C361 Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections (1973) ASTM C478 Engineering and Product Standards Division 323 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 9 (1969) Design Criteria for Std. Building Code Requirements for 1973) Std. Spec, for Guide Spec, for Specifying: struction Under the Uniform Building Code: Solid, Grouted, d Gypsum Roof Diaphragms / Uniform Building Code Std. for si K/ Rec. Pract. for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Uniform Building Code Std. for Mortar for Unit and Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for Diffuse Light Transmission Factor of t for Apparent Horizontal Shear Strength of Parallel Fiber Std. for Glass Fiber extrusion Materials (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Fiber Content of Rec. Pract. for Care and Use of Spec, for oncentric Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Alloy aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel inized) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors. Steel galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel ec. for Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded Steel ec. for Builders' Hardware on Std. Steel Doors and Frames Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Spec. Steel Wire Bar Supports Used to Position Std. Spec, for Rail Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Spec, for Axle Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete pec. for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Std. Spec, for Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Std. Spec, for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete td. Spec, for Cold Worked Deformed Steel Wire for Concrete . Spec, for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Building Code Std. for Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete code Std. for Steel Bar and Rod Mats (Sheets) for Concrete or Welded Steel Wire and Deformed Wire Fabric for Concrete Rec. for Concrete oiled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed Concrete Std. Meth. of Test for Strap Peel Adhesion of Rec. Minimum Hardware Std. Pract. for Detailing Std. Pract. for Fabrication of Std. Pract. for Estimating (1970) Spec, for Placing ract (1968) Suggested Components of a Concrete nforced Concrete / Uniform Building Code Std. for Welding Test Meth. for trol) (1967) Rec. Pract. for Ethics and Human Uniform Building Code Std. for Moisture Density kwell Superf/ Std. Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Capillary Moisture e (1972/ Density, Specific Gravity, and Weight-Moisture Moisture . Pract. for Ethics and Human Relations in Vendor- Vendee terminology and Definitions for Soil Tillage and Soil Tool 3) Std. Meth. of Test for (1974) Spec, for Determination of uorescent Bri/ Test Meth. for Spectrophotometric Test for ire Apparatus (1972) ALCA E/ Std. Meth. for Measuring the Std. Meth. of Test. Adhesives of Woven and Knitted Wool Textiles (1972)/ Test Meth. for Knit Wool Fabrics (Textile) (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for ough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Structural Std. Meth. of Test for Creep Std. Rec. Pract. for Stress (1971) ANSI C37.90 Std. for Relays and Definitions of Std. for Safety for Ground Fault Sensing and Guide for Protective Apparatus (1971) ANSI C37.90 Std. for t Iron (EMI) Cold Rolled Strip for Magnetic Application in nsi C83.25 Std. Test. Procedures for Std. Definitions and Terminology for Std. for Electrical Indicating Instrument (Meter) Std. for Handle, Latching Internal and External Fire Detection System (Grinnell Protomatic ring (1970) ANSI L14.239 Test Meth. for Oily Stain Meth. of Test for Bubbling of 1 Part, Elastomeric Solvent for UV Cold Box Exposure of One Part, Elastomeric, Solvent ature Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Std. for Pin, Quick Std. for Pin, Quick Std. for Panic (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Opening Door n Protection Sys/ Trial Use Guide: General Principles for eathed. Type K Thermocouples for Nuclear or for Other High Protection) (/ Rec. for Operation and Maintenance of the 72) Std. for Terminology for Pressure Std. Spec, for Preformed Cellular Plastic Pressure Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Power Containment Structure Reinforced Concrete (1971) ANSI A89.1 Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings ( Reinforced Fiberglass Polyester Tanks (1973) Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit, Cavity Wall, and Stone Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and Precast Slabs, and Poure Reinforced Laminates and Parts Made Therefrom (1970) an Reinforced Masonry Other Than Gypsum (1973) Reinforced Plastic Mortar Sewer Pipe (1973) Reinforced Plastic Panels (1969) Reinforced Plastics by Short Beam Meth. (1972) /of Tes Reinforced Polyester Structural Plastic Panels (1972) Reinforced Polyterphthalate Thermo-Plastic Molding and Reinforced Resin Composites (1973) Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe (Rtrp) (1972) Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe (1972) Reinforced (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) ANSI C7.65 /C. for C /Aluminum Coated ( /Inum Coated (Alum /for Zinc Coated ( Std. Sp Rec. Sp Std. Std. S Std Uniform Uniform Building Uniform Building Code Std. F /Mifinished for Forging; Hot R Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.47 Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.61 Reinforced (ACSR) (1974) ANSI C7.60 Reinforced, (ACSR) (1972A) ANSI C7.22 (Reinforcement -Application) (1972) Reinforcement Bars (1973) Reinforcement in Concrete (1970) Reinforcement (1972) Reinforcement (1972) Reinforcement (1972) Reinforcement (1972) ANSI A50.3 Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.1 Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.2 Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.3 Reinforcement (1973) Reinforcement (1973) Reinforcement (1973) Reinforcing Bar Splices (1971) Reinforcing Bars (1972) Reinforcing Fabrics or Cords to Rubber (1971) Reinforcing Garages on Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Reinforcing Materials (1970) Reinforcing Steel Bar Materials and Service (1968) Reinforcing Steel Bar Materials and Service (1970) Reinforcing Steel Bar Supports in Concrete Construction Reinforcing Steel Material Supply and Installation Cont Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Rei Rejects from Knotter Screens (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Relations in Vendor-Vendee Relationships (Quality Con Relations of SoUs (1973) (Relationship Between Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Roc Relationships for Soils by Pressure Membrane Apparatus Relationships of Agricultural Grain and Seed for Storag Relationships of Agricultural Grains (1968) Relationships (Quality Control) (1967) Relationships (1972) R Relative Density of Black Smoke (Ringelmann Meth.) (197 Relative Pencil Hardness of a Paint Film (Coil Coating) Relative Radiance of Paper and Paperboard Containing Fl Relative Stiffness of Leather by Means of a Torsional W Relative to Their Use as Electrical Insulation (1970) Relaxation and Felting Dimensional Changes (Shrinkage) Relaxation Dimensional Change (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Relaxation Meth. of Extensigraph Analysis of Physical D Relaxation of a Gasket Material (1971) Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures (1972) Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus Relay Terms (Electromagnetic Instrumentation) (1972) Relaying Equipment (1972) Relaying of Utility— Consumer Interconnections (1973) Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Relays and Solenoids (1972) /Pplicable to Electromagne Relays for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (1973) a Relays for Electronic Equipment (1971) Relays (1972) Release Components and Assembly (1972) Release F 100) (1973) Release Meth. of Textile Fabric Soil During Home Launde Release Type Sealants (1972) Std. Release Type Sealants (1972) Std. Meth. Test Release Type Sealants (1972) /. of Test for Low Temper Release, Positive Locking, Double Acting (1973) Release, Positive Locking, Single Acting (1973) Releasing Device) (1973) Safety Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Statio Reliability Applications (1967) ANSI N142 /Pec. for Sh Reliable Model B Accelerator for Dry Pipe Systems (Fire ReUef Devices (Container and Equipment Protection) (19 Relief Joint Fillers (1973) Re for AC1 ACI ASTM CSI ICBO ICBO ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM use ASTM ASTM API API ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM STDI ICBO CRS1 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO CRSI AISI ASTM NBHA CRSI CRSI CRSI CRSI CRSI ICBO TAPPI ASQC ICBO ASTM ASTM ASAE ASAE ASQC ASAE ASTM NCCA TAPPI ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM IEEE NARM UL IEEE IEEE NARM EIA ANSI NEMA NSA FMS AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA NSA UL IEEE ASTM FMS ANSI ASTM 69-2 318 D2517 15177.1 UBC«8-11 UBCS24-13 D2563 UBCS24-21 D3262 D1494 D2344 PS53 D3220 D3171 RP5L4 5LR B524 B341 B500 B498 B232 107 UBCS26-4 •1.3.1 A616 A617 A615 A82 A185 A496 A497 UBCS24-16 UBCS26-5 UBCS26-6 »3 1 D2630 •10 ♦1.6.1 •1.5.3 •1.5.1 •1.3.5 •1.9.1 UBCS26-8 UM-1 RP1 UBCS70-1 E140 D3152 D241.1 D245.1 RP1 R291.1 D3211 TB-II-12 UM-460 D2821 D1304 99 D1284 54-11 F38 E328 313 •2 1053 357 313 121 RS407 C83.16 112 1637 LPD 2-92 130 C712 C718 C711 1353-66 1333-46 305 352 E235 2-55 B95.1 D3204 324 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Water Supplv Systems (1972) Std. for oleum) Gas (1973) Safety Std. for Safety Coaches (1970) Std. for (Backflow Preventers) and ;B 146.1 Std. for Flanged Steel Safety buttons. Variable, Press Fit, Headless and Head Type, Step mmonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (Other Than Safety Molybdenum Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Arc Cast. Stress Safety Std. for Std. Spec, for sistant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40-0. 50C) Vacuum Arc 4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta), Consumable Electrode Vacuum Arc -0.43C) (SAE 4340), Premium Quality, Consumable Electrode ) (SAE 9310), Premium Quality. Vacuum Consumable Electrode Std. Spec, for Magnesium Ingot and Stick for railing Type Agricultu/ Std. for Application of Hydraulic ailing Type (Farm) Implements (1971) Application of Std. for Flashing Warning Lamp (Light) for ) Std. for Direct Reading SE3.5 Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of i SE3.7 Std. for Interconnection Circuitry of Noncoded Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full em 260) (1974) tern 260) (1974) tern 260) (1974) tem 260) (1974) 0, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Std. Spec, for 57 Gal. Full Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Meth. of Test for Measuring Soil ien'cy Test, of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for 951) Rec. for Control and indus/ Std. Meth. of Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for n of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor Std. Meth. of Measuring Application and ety Requirements for Tree Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, or ng Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Strong Acid Blower, Fan. and Exhaust System for Dust, Stock and Vapor ium Chloride to Be Used for Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice ishing Machines (Polisher, Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile tent. Meth. of Test for Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for stairs (1973) Recommendation for for Preparation of Manuals for Installation, Operation and Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Std. for Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels (Ships) to Be Std. for Safety Requirements for Tree Pruning, Trimming, Suggested Guide Lines for Printed Wiring Board 2) ANSI L14.214 Test Meth. -for Oil 14.60, ASTM D583 Test Meth. for Water 1972) ANSI L14.61, ASTM D583 Test Meth. for Water ption Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, ASTM/ Test Meth. for Water Swellograph Method for Test, the Water for Effects of Drycleaning on Permanence of Durable Water Ratings: Assembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and Ter/ Battery t. for Marine (Inboard) Engine Mountings (Installation and ed from the Investigation of Sc/ Std. Underwater Accident Rec. Pract. for Drill Stern Test fferential and Manual Transmission Lubricants (Information lectrical Power Operations Terminology Including Terms for tor and Open Burning, Combustible and Flammable Materials; d Power Systems (1973) ANSI B93.30 Std. Meth. of mogravimetry. Evolved Gas Analysis / Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for ainers (1972) Std. Rec. Pract for ec. Pract. for Uniform Procedure for the Test., Rating and Std. Meth. of Std. for Record and Std. for Auditing Nuclear Materials Statements and roleum Naphthas (1973) ANSI / Std. Meth. for Isolation of Std. for Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel d. for Guide to Principal Design Criteria for Nuclear Fuel h, Open Reel (For Tape Speeds of 7.5 In. 190./ Std. for d. Frequency Response and Operating Level of Recorders and er Measurement of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape Recorder / r Measurements of Instrumentation Magnetic Tape Recorder / nt of Weighted Peak Flutter Content of Sound Recording and Safety Std. for Sound Recording and Stds. for Decoders (Type I) for idge Type Cp II (Compact Cassette) for Audio Recording and Uniform Building Code: Existing Buildings: Minimum Safety Uniform Building Code: Occupancy and General rength for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated 0/ Std. pract. for Symbols and Color Codes for Lubricant and Fluid Finishes of Institutional Textiles (Du/ Std. Performance ectrical Wiring on Boats and Engines (Color Code) (1973) Std. cle Brake Linings (1966) Minimum Performance tires for Passenger Cars and Station/ Minimum Performance Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP (Liquid Petr Relief Valves in Travel Trailers, Camp Cars and Trailer Relief Valves Used in the Petroleum Industry (1969) Ans Relief (1972) Std. for Die Relief) (1974) / for Safety for Valves for Anhydrous a Relieved (1973) Relocking Devices (1972) Remelted Lithium Metal in Ingot Form (1972) ANSI H43.1 Remelted (1973) /Gings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Heat Re Remelted (1973) /Plate, Corrosion Resistant, 14.8Cr- Remelted (1973) /Ubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38 Remelted (1973) /1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C Remelting (1971A) ANSI H45.5 Remote Control Cylinders to Agricultural Tractors and T Remote Hydraulic Motors to Agricultural Tractors and TR Remote Mounting on Agricultural (Farm) Equipment (1972) Remote Registration Systems for Cold Water Meters (1972 Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI Remote Station Protective Signalling Systems (1969) Ans Removable Head Universal Drum (DOT-17HM1968) Removable Head Universal Drum (Dot-17H) (1974) Removable Head Universal Drum (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-It Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-I Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-I Removable Head Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-I Removable Head, Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc-Rule 4 Removal and Reflectance Retention of Fabrics (1972T) Removal of Particles (1972) Std. for Effic Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories (1 Removal of Water Formed Deposits (Chemical Cleaning of Removal or Conveying (1973) ANSI Z33.1 /He Installatio Removal Torque of Threaded Closures (1973) Removal (1972) Std. for Saf Removal (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Operati Removal (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Removal, Acceleration of Concrete, Curing of Concrete, Remover, Rug Shampooer, Rug and Floor Washers, etc.) (1 Removing Water Formed Deposits (1973) Renovation of Interior Ceramic Tile Walls, Floors, and Repair of Laboratory Instruments (1972) Std. (Repair, Vacate, Rehabilitate, Demolish) (1973) Repaired (1972) ANSI Z270.1 Repairing, or Removal (1972) Repairs (1973) Repellency of Fabrics: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test (197 Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Spray Test (1971) ANSI L Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Static Absorption Test ( Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absor Repellent Effectiveness Df Treating Solutions (1970) Repellent Finish of Fabrics (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Replacement Data; Group Numbers, Dimensional Spec, and Replacement) Direct Drive Transmission (1971) /C. Prac Report Form (Acquisition and Codification of Data Deriv Report Form (1972) Report) (1969) Di Reporting and Analyzing Outage of Electrical Transmissi Reporting and False Alarm; Use of Equipment, Appliances Reporting Contamination Analysis Data of Hydraulic Flui Reporting Data from Differential Thermal Analysis, Ther Reporting Irradiation Results on Graphite (1972) Reporting Laboratory Results When Checking Aerosol Cont Reporting of the Noise Levels of Powered Industrial Tru Reporting Results of Analysis of Water (1969E) Reporting Units for Nuclear Materials Control (1971) Reports (Accounting) (1973) Representative Saturates Fraction from Low Olefinic Pet Reprocessing Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1974) Reprocessing Facilities (1973) St Reproducer Test Tape: Full Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Widt Reproducers for Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadruplex V Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83.99 /. Test Meth. for Flutt Reproducers (1974) ANSI C83.94 / Meth. for Timing Erro Reproducing Equipment (1971) Std. Meth. for Measureme Reproducing Equipment (1973) Reproducing Matrix Quadraphonic Disc Pecords (1974) Reproducing (1974) / Std. Coplanar Magnetic Tape Cartr Requirement Alterations (1973) Requirement Classification (1973) Requirement for Switching Impulse Voltage Insulation St Requirement Maintenance Instructions, and Container and Requirements and Claims for Special Characteristics and Requirements and Rec. Meth. of Identifying AC and DC El Requirements and Terminology for Specialty Transformers Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Motor Vehi Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Retreaded ANSI Z21.22A UL 132 IAPMO TSC8 API 526 ANSI B94.43 UL 125 SAE AMS7801A UL 140 ASTM B357 SAE AMS6305 SAE AMS5862 SAE AMS6414B SAE AMS6265D ASTM B92 ASAE S201.4 ASAE S316T ASAE S307.1 AWWA C706 NFPA 72C NEMA SB3 ANSI MH2.5 ANSI MH2.13 ANSI MH2.2 ANSI MH2.11 ANSI MH2.12 ANSI MH2.14 ANSI MH2.8 ASTM D3050 ANSI N101.1 NCRPM R8 ASTM D2790 NFPA 91 ASTM D3198 ANSI Z133.1 ASTM D3087 ICBO UBCS10-3 ASTM D98 UL 561 ASTM D3263 TCA 400-600 ANSI C105.2 ICBO UBC»6 NFPA 306 ANSI Z133.1 IPC R-700 AATCC 118 AATCC 22 AATCC 21 AATCC 70 NWMA M-2-70 ASTM D2721 BCI *1.S6 SAE J233 ANSI Z86.2 API RP48 SAE J308A IEEE 346 ICBO UFC*2ART27 NFLDP T2.9.3 ASTM E472 ASTM C625 ASTM D3067 ITA 6G1 ASTM D596 ANSI N15.2 ANSI N15.ll ASTM D20O2 ANSI N15.13 ANSI N101.3 EIA RS400 ANSI C98.3 EIA RS405 EIA RS413 IEEE 193 UL 813 EIA RS418 EIA RS399 ICBO UBC«3-13 ICBO UBC»3-5 IEEE 339 SAE J223 ANSI L24.7.1 ABYC E3 NEMA ST1 VESC V-3 VESC V-2 Engineering and Product Standards Division 325 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards omments on the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and Code Spec, for General i and Surface Lifts and Tows (1973) Std. for Safety nes with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent (1972/ Performance Std. Safety al Words, Letter Sizes, Color Combinations, and Durability igh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical/ Std. arse Round Wire (1971) ANSI C54.1/ AUoy Steel Tubes (1971A) ANSI B/ uipment and Operations (1972) ress Brakes (1973) fabrics. Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Coa/ stitutional Textile) (1973) and Finishings (Sublimation, Brittlene/ heat Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet/ s, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Str/ vessels (1972) stallation of Permanently Insta/ ) Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. for Basic Std. for Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. and Rec. Pract. for Safety Ventilation ansformers (1973) ANSI C57. 12.00 Std. General backflow Preventers for Potable Water Supply/ Performance ling Dies (1973) Std. for Dimensional d Pillowcase Fabrics (Institutional Tex/ Std. Performance ts (1972) Std. for circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical and a Total/ Std. rily in Transmitters and Electronic Instruments) (1/ Std. aterial for Use in Housings 0/ Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and h Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical C/ Std. automotive and Related In/ Std. of Mechanical and Quality Std. for Prescription Toeboards (1973) Safety 1973) Std. Performance d Alloy Steel Bar (1973) ANSI G24/ Std. Spec, for General .1, Asse 1006 Std. and Test Procedures for Plumbing 971) ANSI A197.3, / Std. and Test Procedures for Plumbing water Dispensers (1973) Plumbing 973) Std. Performance r Control Valves (1973) Performance Operation with Tractors Having at Le/ Rec. Pract. Safety During the C/ Std. Installation, Inspection, and Testing ctures for Nuclear Reactors (1972) Practice and Test Volts and Below, 3750 Through 30,000/40,000/50,000/ Std. referred Ratings, Application Recommendations, and Related nd Related Industries (1/ Std. for Mechanical and Quality obile Electrical Systems (197/ Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Std. for Safety other Structures (1972) Std. for Building Code bituminous Paving Mixtures (1971) ANSI A3/ Std. Spec, for ponents (1972) Rec. Pract. for Service Performance ecting Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling. Hitch/ Minimum Minimum Std. for Quality Assurance Program ight Commercial) Central Furnaces) (197/ Std. Performance 7,000 Volts and Below; 500 kVA and Smaller (1971) Std. ing) (1974) Std. for Minimum Safety and Health Certification of Fabrics or Products (/ Std. Performance olition Operations) (1973) Std. for Safety Std. Basic Construction reakers (1970) Performance (1974) Rec. for Water Flow / Pressure 2) Safety age Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current/ Std. uts (1972) Std. for Torque Tension tatic Load, Frame. Fork, Stee/ Safety Std. for Structural bly, Chainguards, Saddle Braces,/ Safety Std. for General Std. Building Code Minimum on and Fire in Design, Construction, and Operation of So/ (1972) Minimum Motor Vehicles (197/ Rec. Pract. for Service Performance d Carbon Steel Tubular Prod/ Std. Spec, for Supplementary Plate (1973) Std. for Safety Rec. Safety Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and ght) (1972) Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and e (1972) ANSI B125.20 Std. Spec, for General Std. for Safety Std. for Mechanical and Quality Std. for Mechanical and Quality 2) Std. Spec, for Charpy V-Notch Testing by the Hot Dip Process (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for General stability for Regular Bicycl/ Safety Std. for Performance Requirements by OSHA (1973) Rec. and C Requirements for a Quality Program (1968) ANSI Z1.8 Requirements for Aerial Passenger Tramways Including Sk Requirements for Backflow Preventers in Water Supply Li Requirements for Bakery Equipment (1971) Requirements for Both Permanently and Temporarily Affix Requirements for Capacitance Current Switching for AC H Requirements for Carbon Steel Wire Rods and Uncoated Co Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Requirements for Cargo Containers (1971) Requirements for Closed Van Type Cargo Containers (1971 Requirements for Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaning Eq Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use of Power P Requirements for Cotion Woven Tent, Awning, and Canopy Requirements for Damask Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (In Requirements for Deleterious Effects of Dyes, Finishes, Requirements for Delivery of Flat Rolled Stainless and Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shape Requirements for Delivery of Steel Plates for Pressure Requirements for Design, Materials, Construction and in Requirements for Direct Fired Powder Curing Ovens (1973 Requirements for Distribution, Power, and Regulating TR Requirements for Double Check Valve Type Back Pressure Requirements for Duplex and Single Face Flat Thread Rol Requirements for Durable Press (No Iron) Woven Sheet an Requirements for Electrical Analog Indicating Instrumen Requirements for Electrical Control of AC High Voltage Requirements for Electrolytic Capacitors (For Use Prima Requirements for Evaluation of Suitability of Plastic M Requirements for External Insulation for Outdoor AC Hig Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners Used in Requirements for First Quality Contact Lenses (1972) Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings, and Requirements for Glass Towels (Institutional Textile) ( Requirements for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Carbon an Requirements for Household Dishwashers (1971) ANSI A 197 Requirements for Household Food Waste Disposer Units (1 Requirements for Household Storage Type Electrical Hot Requirements for Huck Towels (Institutional Textile) (1 Requirements for Individual Anti Scald Type Water Showe Requirements for Industrial Rotary Mowers (Designed for Requirements for Instrumentation and Electric Equipment Requirements for Leakage Rate Test, of Containment Stru Requirements for Load Tap Changing Transformers 138,000 Requirements for Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and Requirements for Machine Screws for LIse in Automotive a Requirements for Maintenance of Design Voltage in Snowm Requirements for Marine Terminal Operations (1972) Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid Requirements for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and Com Requirements for Motor Vehicle (Recreational Type) Conn Requirements for Motorcyclists Eye Protection (1971) Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants (1971) Requirements for Oil Powered Forced Air (Domestic and L Requirements for Overhead Distribution, Transformers, 6 Requirements for Paper Bag and Sack Manufacture (Packag Requirements for Permanent Labels, Detachable Tags, and Requirements for Personnel Hoists (Construction and Dem Requirements for Photographic Slide Projectors (1973) Requirements for Pipe Applied Atmospheric Type Vacuum B Requirements for Pipe Schedule System Sprinkler Demand Requirements for Powder Actuated Fastening Systems (197 Requirements for Power Line Coupling Capacitors (1972) Requirements for Pressurized Components of AC High Volt Requirements for Prevailing Torque Type Steel Hex Lockn Requirements for Regular Bicycles Including Tests for S Requirements for Regular Bicycles Including Wheel Assem Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (1971) ANSI A89.1 Requirements for Safety Nets (1971) Requirements for Safety to Life— Property from Explosi Requirements for School Bus Construction and Equipment Requirements for Sealed Beam Headlamp (Light) Units for Requirements for Seamless and Electric Resistance Welde Requirements for Shops Fabricating Structural Steel and Requirements for Shoring Concrete Formwork (1972) Requirements for Snowmobile Headlamps (Light) (1972) Requirements for Snowmobile Rear Position Tail Lamp (Li Requirements for Snowmobile Stop Lamp (Light) (1971) Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pip Requirements for Steel Erection (1972) Requirements for Steel Machine Screws (1973) Requirements for Steel Nuts (1971) Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (197 Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Requirements for Stopping Power, Traction and Steering FMS 5-7S ASQC CI ANSI B77.1 ASSE 1012 ANSI Z50.1 SAE J115 IEEE 341 ASTM A510 ASTM A450 ANSI MH5.1 ANSI MH5.1.1 ANSI Z8.1 ANSI B11.3 ANSI L24.1.1 ANSI L24.2.7 ANSI L24.7.2 ASTM A480 ASTM A6 ASTM A20 ABYC H24 FMS 7-27S IEEE 462 ASSE 1015 IFI 109 ANSI L24.2.13 ANSI C39.1 ANSI C37.ll EIA RS205 SAE J29 IEEE 343 SAE J429F ANSI Z80.2 ANSI A12.1 ANSI L24.2.3 ASTM A29 AHAM DW-2PR AHAM FWD-2PR ASSE 1023 ANSI L24.2.4 ASSE 1016 SAE J232 IEEE 336 ANSI N45.4 ANSI C57. 12.30 ANSI C37.16 SAE J82 SAE J277 ANSI MH9.1 ANSI A58.1 ASTM D995 SAE J256A VESC V-5 VESC V-8 ANSI N45.2 ANSI Z91.1 ANSI C57.1220 ANSI Z259. 1 ANSI L24.5.1 ANSI A10.4 ANSI PH3.65 ASSE 1001 FMS 2-77 ANSI A10.3 ANSI C93.1 IEEE 340 IFI 101 BMA 6/4 BMA 6/5 ACI 318 ANSI A10.ll FMS 7-30N VESC V-6 SAE J32 ASTM A520 ANSI Z229.1 SSI *9 SAE J280 SAE J279 SAE J278 ASTM A530 ANSI A10.13 IFI 103 SAE J995B ASTM A593 ASTM A525 BMA 6/3 326 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nia (1972) 22 a 169.1 or Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional / eight (Tropical) Suiting (Institutional/ (Institutional Textile) (1973) freight Containers (1968) Casting Machines (1973) kaging and Its Related Converting Machin/ ars (Mechanical. Hydraulic. Pneumatic, Semi / ce of Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment (1972) ance of Heating. Ventilating. C/ Safety Std. for Building Code Std. for Building Code Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. Safety Minimum Uniform Mechanical Code Std. Safety Part 1-Converters for DC M otor Armatu/ Std. Pract. and Std. Spec, for Ceneral Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu/ Std. removal (1972) Std. for Safety uipment (1973) Minimum Furnaces, Floor Furnaces, and / Uniform Mechanical Code: Std. for Safety Std. Safety Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Performance Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. Spec, for General Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. ) (1973) e) (1973) (1973) and Bolster Fabrics (Institutional Text/ le) (1973) ding Glass Fibers) (Institutional Texti/ nstitutional Uniform Textile) (1973) brics. Intermediate (Year Round) Suitin/ brics. Heavyweight (Industrial) Suiting/ nal and Industrial Use Garments (Clothi/ nal and Industrial Use Garments (Clothi/ washable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Ins/ brics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No B/ Uniforms (Textile) (1973) Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Lamina/ c.) (Institutional Textile) (1973) er Than Durable Press (Institutional Te/ extile) (1973) Textile) (1973) institutional Textile) (1973) and Women (Institutional Textile) (197/ and Women (Heavy Duty) (Institutional / ement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Instit/ h30.2 Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (19/ and Shapes (1973) act Materials (1972) oy Tube (1974) ANSI H23.4 Power Vacuum Interrupters Used in Power Switchge/ Safety r Institutional and Industrial Use Garm/ Std. Performance t on Production. Heat and Moisture Loss and Feed and Water tech. Notes) (1969) Fire Resistance 197/ Spec, for Premium Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness e Operating Condition of Tires Including Tire Treads Depth elling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Legal td. for Air Brake Reservoir Performance and Identification Pract. for New Motor Vehicle on Grade Parking Performance ot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Property Uniform Building Code: Fire Zone s for Overhead Protection (Test Procedures and Performance for Agricultural Tractors (Test Procedures and Performance for Agricultural Tractors (Test Procedures and Performance ssion and Distribution Line Compensation (Including Safety . for Mobile Homes: Body and Frame Design and Construction al Grounding Devices (1972) Std. nalyzers (1970T) Tent. Meth. of Test for motor Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for 1) Rec. Std. Practices for Clinical Coolants (1972) ANSI D14.2 Std. Meth. of Test for and Color of Paper and Pulp (Using Spectrophotometer with poly(Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Sheeting for Pond, Canal, and 1972) Std. for Air Brake Rec. for Lined Earth Std. for Nonintegral Industrial Fluid Power Hydraulic Rec. for Concrete Sanitary Engineering Structures (Tanks, Rec. Pract. for Automatic Spec, for Installation of ammable Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia (Fertilizer Grade) in Design and Construction of Masonry Chimneys (For Plywood Construction Guide for Uniform Housing Code Std. for ystems for Gas Fired Equipment (1972) Std. for Thermostats (1972) Std. for Requirements for Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammo Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete (1972) ACI 3 Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete (1972) ANSI Requirements for Table Napery Other Than Damask (White Requirements for Tailored Woven Uniform Fabrics, Lightw Requirements for Terry Cloth Towels (Single and Double) Requirements for the Construction and Certification of Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Die Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Pac Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of She Requirements for the Design. Installation and Performan (Requirements for the Installation. Control, and Mainten Requirements for the Textile Industry (1972) Requirements for Thyristor Converters for Motor Drives: Requirements for Tin Mill Products (1973) Requirements for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Requirements for Tree Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, or Requirements for Type II School Bus Construction and Eq Requirements for Vented Decorative Appliances, and Wall Requirements for Wood Job Made Ladders (1973) Requirements for Woodworking Machinery (1971) Requirements for Woven Bath Mats (Institutional Textile Requirements for Woven Bedspreads (Institutional Textil Requirements for Woven Blankets (Institutional Textile) Requirements for Woven Decorative Bedspreads. Pillows, Requirements for Woven Dish Towels (Institutional Texti Requirements for Woven Drapery (Curtain) Fabrics (Exclu Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Overcoat Fabrics (I Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fa Requirements for Woven Drycleanable Tailored Ifniform Fa Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutio Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Textile) for Institutio Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Curtain Fabrics Hand Requirements for Woven Glass Fiber Drapery (Curtain) Fa Requirements for Woven Lining Fabrics for Institutional Requirements for Woven Man Made Fiber Tent, Awning, and Requirements for Woven Printed Table Napery (Napkin, Et Requirements for Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics Oth Requirements for Woven Shower Curtains (Institutional T Requirements for Woven Slipcover Fabrics (Institutional Requirements for Woven Upholstery Fabrics (Tacked On) ( Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men Requirements for Woven Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men Requirements for Woven Window Curtain Fabrics (Sash Cas Requirements for Wrought Copper Alloy Wire (1974) ANSI Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Plate, Requirements for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Rod, Bar, Requirements for Wrought Precious Metal Electrical Cont Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper All Requirements for X-Radiation Limits for AC High Voltage Requirements for 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics (Textile) Fo Requirements of Farm Livestock (Poultry, Swine, Cattle, Requirements Relating to Brick Bearing Wall Buildings ( Requirements (Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure) { Requirements (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1971) Saf Requirements (Permit, Plans and Spec, Inspection) (197 Requirements (1972) Requirements (1972) Rec. Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality H /or Agricultural Tractor / Protective Enclosures /. for Protective Frame /Apacitors for Electrical Transmi Requirements (1972) Requirements (1973) Requirements) (1972) SAE J167 Requirements) (1972) SAE J168 Requirements) (1972) SAE J334 Requirements) (1973) Requirements, and Installation of Plumbing, Heating and Requirements, Terminology, and Test Procedure for Neutr Research and Motor Meth. Octane Ratings Using on Line a Research Meth. Rating (1971) ANSI Z11.305 /Ristics of Research Protocol for Dental Materials and Devices (197 Reserve Alkalinity of Engine Antifreeze, Antirusts, and Reserved Optics (1972) /Al Reflectance, Transmittance, Reservoir Lining (1972T) Spec, for Flexible Reservoir Performance and Identification Requirements ( Reservoirs for Fire Protection (1972) Reservoirs (1969) ANSI B93.18 Reservoirs, etc. for Water and Waste Treatment) (1968) Reset Internal Mounted Circuit Breaker (1971) Residential Aluminum Siding (1971) Residential and Commerieal Fuel Burning, Dispensing, an Residential and Industrial) (Tech. Notes) (1964) Residential Building (1971) (Residential Buildings) (1973) Residential Controls-Class 2 Transformers (1973) Residential Controls Direct Electric Ignition Control S Residential Controls for Low Voltage, Wall Mounted Room Residential Fireplace Design (Tech. Notes) (1963) FI P130 ANSI A169.1 ACI 322 ANSI L24.2.11 ANSI L24.3.3 ANSI L24.2.5 ABS •17 ANSI B152.1 ANSI B155.1 ANSI Bl 1.4 ASAE R264.1 ICBO UMC«7 ANSI Ll.l IEEE 444 ASTM A623 IEEE 327 ANSI Z133.1 VESC V-10 ICBO UMC«7-1 ANSI A14.4 ANSI 01.1 ANSI L24.2.1 ANSI L24.2.8 ANSI L24.2.9 ANSI L24.1.2 ANSI L24.2.2 ANSI L24.1.5 ANSI L24.3.4 ANSI L24.3.1 ANSI L24.3.2 ANSI L24.4.13 ANSI L24.4.14 ANSI L24.1.3 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI L24.3.8 ANSI L24.1.10 ANSI L24.2.6 ANSI L24.2.12 ANSI L24.2.10 ANSI L24.1.6 ANSI L24.1.7 ANSI L24.3.5 ANSI L24.3.6 ANSI L24.1.4 ASTM B250 ASTM B248 ASTM B249 ASTM B476 ASTM B251 ANSI C37.85 ANSI L24.4.12 ASAE D249.2 BIA 16A SAE AMS2300B VESC V-7 ICBO UBC»8-1 SAE J10B SAE J293 ASTM A663 ICBO UBC*3-16 ASAE S310.2 ASAE S336.1 ASAE S306.3 ANSI C55.2 NFPA 501B IEEE 32 ASTM D2885 ASTM D2722 ADA *1 ASTM Dim TAPPI T442SU ASTM D3083 SAE J10B FMS LPD3-6 NFLDP T3.16.2 ACI 68-50 SAE J258 AAMA 1403.1 UL 331 BIA 19B APA ♦2 ICBO UBC»5 NEMA ST2 NEMA DC 21 NEMA DC 3 BIA 19 Engineering and Product Standards Division 327 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Minimum Installation Stds. for Std. for Multiport Valves for Public and Suggested Minimum Stds. for Std. for Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Std. Meth. of Test for Pickup Efficiency of try) (1962) Meth of Analysis for g Thio9ulfate and Silver Densitometric Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. of Test for st. for Leaks Using the Mas9 Spectrometer Leak Detectc or Std. Meth. of Test for ill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Insoluble omponents (Using Rota/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonvolatile Meth. of Analysis of Pesticide Low Blank Meth. of Analysis of Methoxychlor ) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Inorganic Bromide Meth. of Analysis of Fungicide 1962) Meth. of Analysis of Hydrocyanic Acid shorts, etc./ Colorimetric Meth. of Analysis of Malathion dulum (1972) ANSI J2.19 Std. Meth. of Test for Impact .31 Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Meth. of Test for crete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Std. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Caliper of ber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos/ Std. Nomenclature Relating to Std. Meth. of Test for Embossed Depth of std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Resistance of Conductive 3) Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Std. for Guide for Describing the Characteristics of ted Paper (1973) Test Meth. for (1972) Std. Spec, for Oil and 73) Std. Meth. of Test for Volatility of Oil and Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Fiber Content of Reinforced Std. for Liquid Std. Spec, for Reinforced Epoxy Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy 48) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy 48) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy (1973) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Epoxy (1973) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Stage Polyester Rec. Pract. for Care and Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Spec, for Reinforced Thermosetting Std. Spec for TFE — Fluorocarbon Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Spec, for Chemical Resistant Std. Spec, for Chemical Resistant Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chemical Resistant Std. Spec, for TFE -Fluorocarbon Rec. Pract. for Chemical Resistant i L/ Test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility Range of ) Std. Spec, for Castor Oil for Use in Std. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Epoxy and Peak Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Thermosetting st for Volatile Matter (Including Water) of Vinyl Chloride ysical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent Tolerance of Amine Std. Meth. of Test for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Std. Meth. of Test for Total Chlorine Content of Epoxy Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Alkyd Meth. of Test for Isophthalic Acid in Alkyd and Polyester of Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Content of Liquid Epoxy Trim Materials/ Std. Test Meth. for Determining Blocking Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14./ Std. Meth. of Test for Pilling Z55.15 Std. Meth. of Test for rvice (1971) ANSI N14/ Std. Spec, for Sheathed Electrical 972) ANSI / Std. Meth. for Verifying the Collapse / Burst Std. Meth. of Test for Airflow 1ANSIZ197.7 Std. Meth. of Test for itions (1970) ANSI Z197.19 Std. Test Meth. for 2 Std. Meth. of Test for Peel Tent. Meth. of Test for Floating Roller Peel Std. Meth. of Test for Stain Tent. Meth. of Test for Wind Meth. of Test for Acid Tentative Meth. of Test for Sulfide Tent. Meth. of Test for Acid Std. Test Meth. for Meth. for Measuring Blister Std. Meth. of Test for Chip Rec. for Erosion Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical Std. Meth. for Measuring Chalk Std. Spec, for TFE 53.30 Glass (1972T) d Beverage Glass Containers/ ) ANSI A174.1 Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (1973) Residential Swimming Pools (1969) Residential Swimming Pools (1972) Residential Use) (1962) Residual Aerosol Insecticides (1972) Residual Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder (Cereal Chemis Residual Chemicals in Films, Plates, and Papers (1971) Residual Chlorine in Water (1968) Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode (1973) Residual Solvents in Flexible Barrier Materials (1972) Residual Urease Activity in Soybean Meals, Soy Flour, M Residue in Carbonate Aggregates (1972) Residue of Halogenated Solvent Extract from Aerospace C Residues in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1969) Residues in Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Residues in Grain and Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry Residues in Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Residues in Grains and Dried Foods (Cereal Chemistry) ( Residues in Milled Wheat Products (Wheat, Flour, Bran, Resilience and Penetration of Rubber by the Rebound Pen Resilience of Rubber by Vertical Rebound (1974) ANSI J2 Resiliency and Thickness of Blankets (Textile) (1973) Resilient Bituminous Types) (1973) ANSI A37.113 /R Con Resilient Floor Covering with Foam Layer (1973) Resilient Floor Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Rub Resilient Floor Coverings (1973) Resilient Flooring (1972) Resilient Flooring, Materials Having Flat Surfaces (197 Resilient Mountings (1972) Resin and Volatile Content, and Flow Properties of Trea Resin Base Caulking Compound for Building Construction Resin Based, Knife Grade. Channel Glazing Compounds (19 Resin Chemical Resistant Grouts (1974) Resin Composites (1973) Resin Flexes (1972) Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings (1973) Resin Impregnated for Hand Layup (1973) Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, 36,000,000 (2 Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile. 36,000,000 (2 . Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self Extinguishing Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self Extinguishing Resin Line Pipe (Rtrp) (1972) Resin Line Pipe (1972) Resin Molded Basic Shapes (1974) Resin Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) Resin Monolithic Surfacings (1972T) Resin Mortars (1974) Resin Mortars (1974) Resin Sheet (1974) Resin Tile Grouts (1972T) (1972T) Resin Treated Fabric by the Sealed Jar Meth. (1972) Ans Resin Treated Fabric Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.179 Resins and Polymers (1972) Resins and Protective Coatings Including Lacquers (1973 Resins and Related Components (1968) ANSI K65.183 Resins (Plastic Composition) (1971) ANSI K65.182 /Time Resins (1972) Std. Meth. of Te Resins (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for pH Resins (1972) ANSI K65.207 Resins (1973) Resins (1973) Resins (1973) Resins (1973) Resins (1973) Std. Resins (1973) Std. Meth. Resistance and Associated Characteristics of Automotive Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of Textile Resistance Characteristics of Microcontacts (1972) ANSI Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized Se Resistance of a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element (1 Resistance of Acoustical Materials (1973) Resistance of Adhesive Bonds to Chemical Reagents (1966 Resistance of Adhesives to Cyclic Laboratory Aging Cond Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test) (1972) ANSI Z197. Resistance of Adhesives (1973) Resistance of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum (1972) ANSI G Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (1972T) Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Architectural Type Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Glass (1974) Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Returnable Beer an Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Chemical Substances (1971 Resistance of Coated Paper in Heatset Printing (1972) Resistance of Coatings (1973) Resistance of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures (1952) Resistance of Conductive Resilient Flooring (1972) Resistance of Exterior Coil Coatings (1974) SMACN •10 NSF 27 NSPI •2 use CS243 ASTM D3093 AACCH 12-10 ANSI PH4.8 ASTM D1253 ASTM E498 ASTM F151 AACCH 22-90 ASTM D3042 ASTM F331 AACCH 60-50 AACCH 60-40 AACCH 60-10 AACCH 60-01 AACCH 60-20 AACCH 60-30 ASTM D1054 ASTM D2632 ANSI L24T3 ASTM D1751 ASTM F387 ASTM F141 ASTM F373 ASTM F150 ASTM F386 ANSI S2.8 TAPPI UM-539 ASTM C570 ASTM C681 ASTM C658 ASTM D3171 EIA RS462 ASTM D2517 SAE AMS3894A SAE AMS3894/8 SAE AMS3894/9 SAE AMS3821 SAE AMS3827 API RP5L4 API SLR ASTM D3294 ASTM D1457 ASTM C722 ASTM C395 ASTM C399 ASTM D3293 ASTM C723 AATCC 112 AATCC 113 ASTM D3132 ASTM D960 ASTM D2393 ASTM D2471 ASTM D3030 ASTM D2187 ASTM D1755 ASTM D1198 ASTM D1652 ASTM D1847 ASTM D2689 ASTM D2690 ASTM D1726 SAE J912A ASTM D1375 ASTM B326 ASTM E420 NFLDP T3. 10.8.5 ASTM C522 ASTM D896 ASTM D1183 ASTM D1876 ASTM D3167 ASTM B136 ASTM D3161 ASTM C724 ASTM C777 ASTM C735 ASTM C650 TAPPI T526SU ASTM D3170 ACI 52-18 ASTM F150 NCCA TB-III-8 328 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1962) (1962) Wax Based Blends Appli/ 8) ANSI J2.26 ther Tester (1970) / netration Tester (1/ r 4 Probe Array (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Detergent Std. Meth. of Test for Soil Farinograph Meth. for Analysis of Mixograph Meth. for Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Std. Meth. of Test for Wear 1 Rec. Pract. Test Meth. for Determining Window Fogging il/ Std. Rec. Pract. for the Determination of the Thermal Test Meth. for Determining Pressure Marking and Blocking Std. Rec. Pract. for Detergent el (Coil Coating) (1/ Test Meth. for Measurment of Impact als by the Dry Indicator Me/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water Meth. for Cross Directional Internal Tearing cessing (1972) Std. for Meth. for Determining the Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration 1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Impact 1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Std. Test Meth. for Chemical Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Std. Meth. of Test for Pneumatic Ball Impact Meth. of Test for Algal als (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Impact ) Std. Meth. of Test for Drop Impact Std. Meth. of Test for Spalling Std. Meth. of Test for Alkali nsi A195.1 Std. for Safety for Wind (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion of a Tup (Falling Weight) / Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Std. Meth. of Test for Incandescence Safety Std. for Tests for Fire Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Std. Meth. of Test for Dynamic Water Std. Meth. of Test for Dynamic Water Tentative Meth. of Test for Sheet Std. Meth. of Test for High Voltage, Low Current, Dry Arc als: Accelerator Meth. (1970) Test Meth. for Abrasion 14.74, ASTM D583 Test Meth. for Water Test Meth. for Fire Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion t and Weather (1968) ANSI L14.176 Test Meth. for t (1971) ANSI L14.265 Test Meth. for Water (1971) ANSI L14.71, ASTM D583 Test Meth. for Water bon Arc Lamp Exposure with Wettin/ Test Meth. for Weather Test Meth. for st Meth. for the Evaluation of Mildew and Rot (Fungicides) t Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.225 Test Meth. for Weather eather Through Glass (1972) ANSI L14.177 Test Meth. for Water Soluble Salts in Pigments by Measuring the Specific Probe Array (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sheet (1973) ANSI K65.72 Std. Meth. of Test for ansi A153.1 Std. for Safety for Tests for Fire Std. Meth. of Test for Tear Test Meth. for Snag td. Meth. for Accelerated Laboratory Test of Natural Decay Std. Test Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Water buildings (Tech. Notes) (1969) Fire e) (1973) Spec, for Std. for Test Meth. for Oil Repellency of Fabrics: Hydrocarbon Std. Spec, for Std. Tire for Pavement Skid or Other Failure/ Std. Meth. for Water Immersion Test for Meth. of Test. Coated Steel Specimens Dynamically for xtures by Means of Hveem Apparatu/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coatings in an Environmental Ch/ Tent. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Marshall Apparatus (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for 3) Test Meth. to Determine Woven Fabric's Std. Meth. of Test. loth (1972) Std. Test Meth. for Determining Std. Meth. for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Meth. for Flame and Superheater Tubes (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Electric ubes for High Pressure Service (/ Std. Spec, for Electric B125.6 Std. Spec, for Electric . for Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Electric Std. Spec, for Electric Rec. Pract. for Std. for st for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration nstitutional Textiles (Durability, Spot, Stain, and Insect Solution Heat Treated, 15./ Spec, for Corrosion and Heat All Metal (1973) Spec, for Self-Locking Corrosion Stds. for Forced Entry Recommendation for Installation of Chemical Resistance of Floor Polish Films (1973) Resistance of Floor Polishes (1973) Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) Resistance of Flour Dough to Mixing (Cereal Chemistry) Resistance of Glass Containers to Chemical Attack (1973 Resistance of Glossy Smooth Coatings of Petroleum Wax O Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces (1974) Resistance of Inked Computer Ribbons (1972) Resistance of Interior Trim Materials (1973) ANSI Z265. Resistance of Low Density Mineral Fiber Blanket Type Bu Resistance of Organic Coatings When Applied to Coil Coa Resistance of Organic Finishes (1973) Resistance of Painted Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Ste Resistance of Paper, Paperboard, and Other Sheet Materi Resistance of Paperboard (1972) Resistance of Photographic Films to Abrasion During Pro Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Blunt Rod) (1972) Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Falling Weight Test) ( Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Limestone Drop Test) ( Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (1972) Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (1972) Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting (1972) Resistance of Plastic Films (1972T) Resistance of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi Resistance of Polyethylene Blow Molded Containers (1970 Resistance of Porcelain Enameled Aluminum (1972) Resistance of Porcelain Enamels (1974) ANSI Z167.20 Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials (1973) a Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Temperature Resistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Means Resistance of Rigid Plastics (1974) ANSI K65.117 Resistance of Roof Covering Material (1973) Resistance of Rubber Compounds for Soles and Heels (196 Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Dow Corning Lea Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Maeser Water PE Resistance of Silicon Epitaxial Layers Using a Collinea Resistance of Solid Electrical Insulation (1973) Resistance of Textile Fabrics and Other Flexible Materi Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rain Test) (1971) ANSI L Resistance of Textile Fabrics (1969) Resistance of Textile Fabrics (1971) Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Exposure to Natural Ligh Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Hydrostatic Pressure Tes Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Impact Penetration Test Resistance of Textile Materials and Coated Fabrics: Car Resistance of Textiles to Insects (1971) ANSI L14.64 Resistance of Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.55 Te Resistance of Textiles: Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure Withou Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Natural Light and W Resistance of the Leachate of the Pigment (1973) / for Resistance of Thin Metallic Films with a Collinear Four Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion Resistance of Vault and File Storage Room Doors (1972) Resistance of Vulcanized Rubber (1973) Resistance of Women's Nylon Hosiery (1973) ANSI L14.85 Resistance of Woods (1970) Resistance on Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Resistance Requirements Relating to Brick Bearing Wall Resistance Seam and Roll Spot Welding Equipment (3 Phas Resistance Spot Welding Equipment, 3 Phase (1973) Resistance Test (1972) ANSI L14.214 Resistance Tests (1973) Resistance to Blistering, Wrinkling, Loss of Adhesion, Resistance to Corrosion (1972T) Resistance to Deformation and Cohesion of Bituminous Mi Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Resistance to Paper to Passage of Air (1958) TAPPI T460 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Resistance to Sagging or Stretch in Wear (Textile) (197 Resistance to Scuffing of Trim Materials (1972) Resistance to Snagging and Abrasion of Automotive Bodyc Resistance to Subterranean Termites (1972) Resistance Treated Paper and Paperboard (1972) Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater T Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes (1973) ANSI Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for Hig Resistance Welded Steel Pipe (1972A) Resistance Welding Coated Low Carbon Steels (1970) Resistance Welding Control (1974) Resistance (1970) ANSI A37.134 Std. Meth. of Te Resistance) (1973) / Characteristics and Finishes of I Resistant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Base, Resistant Alloy Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, Resistant Aluminum Horizontal Sliding Doors (1971) Resistant Ceramic Tile Floors (1973) ASTM D3207 ASTM D3206 AACCH 54-21 AACCH 54-40 ASTM C225 ASTM D3234 ASTM C779 ASTM F153 SAE J275 ASTM C653 NCCA TB-II-17 ASTM D2248 NCCA TB-II-6 ASTM D779 TAPPI T496SU ANSI PH4.35 ASTM G17 ASTM G14 ASTM G13 ASTM C20 ASTM G6 ASTM D3099 ASTM G29 ASTM D256 ASTM D2463 ASTM C703 ASTM C614 UL 997 ASTM C704 ASTM D3029 ASTM D757 UL 790 ASTM D1630 ASTM D2098 ASTM D2099 ASTM F374 ASTM D495 AATCC 93 AATCC 35 AATCC 34 ASTM D1175 AATCC 1 1 IB AATCC 127 AATCC 42 AATCC 111A AATCC 24 AATCC 30 AATCC 111C AATCC hid ASTM D2448 ASTM F390 ASTM D1044 UL 155 ASTM D624 AATCC 65 ASTM D2017 STDI 115 BIA 16A NSA 991 NSA 967 AATCC 118 ASTM E501 NCCA TB III 1 ASTM D2933 ASTM D1560 ASTM D3273 ASTM D726 ASTM D1559 ANSI L24T5 SAE J365A SAE J948A AWPA M12-72 TAPPI T461 ASTM A250 ASTM A226 ASTM A178 ASTM A520 ASTM A135 AWS C1.3 NEMA IS5 ASTM C403 ANSI L24.7.1 SAE AMS5750B SAE AMS7253A AAMA 1302.3 TCA 110-111.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 329 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Classifications for Spark Res Std. for Safety for Burglary Res al Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts and Less and Having Ozone Res ctrical Power Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Res 2) ANSI B93.S Std. Pract. for the Use of Fire Res Std. Spec, for Resin Chemical Res Uniform Building Code Std. for Water Res 1 Base Alloy Castings for Cener/ Std. Spec, for Corrosion Res Std. Spec, for Chemical Res ec. Pract. for Use of Hydraulic Cement Mortars in Chemical Res 4) a Spec, for Flame Res nickel, Chromiu/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Corrosion Res Spec, for Chemically Setting Silicate and Silica Chemical Res Spec, for Chemical Res Std. Spec, for Chemical Res Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chemical R< Rec. Pract. for Chemical R< Safety Std. Burglary Res Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chemically Setting Chemical Re Std. for Solid 100 Deg. Flush Shear Head A286 Corrosion Res 3.0W) (1973) Spec, for Corrosion and Moderate Heat Re ctrical Insulating Tape (/ Std. Spec, for Low Temperature Re Std. for Packing, Preformed O-Ring Phosphate Ester Res Test. Std. (Procedure) for Products Classified as to Slip Res pec. for Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Heat Res Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res teel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res Spec, for Steel Welding Wire, Corrosion and Heat Res d. for Bolt-Machine, Hexagon Head, Nonmagnetic, and Heat Res Spec, for Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Res Bolts and Screws, Steel, Low Alloy Heat Res 1/ Spec, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Res 1/ Spec, for Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Res 2.5Ti— 1 .6/ Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Heat Res e (1973) Alloy Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res 5La / Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res 5La (1/ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Res i— 1.4A1, C/ Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Res (1973) Alloy Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Heat Res on H/ Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res -1.4A1, Con/ Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Res: ec. for Alloy Bars, Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res pec. for Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Res 000 psi (931 MPa) / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Res . F (982.2 Deg. C) Solu/ Studs, Steel, Corrosion and Heal Res ng / Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res Steel Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Forging Stock, Corrosion Res m Bearing Qu/ Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Corrosion Res le Electrode Va/ Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion Res , 1/ Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res t Tre/ Steel Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res t Treated (1973/ Steel Plate, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res t T/ Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res Steel Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res d T/ Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res , Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Res rdened / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, Heat Res ne Rubber, General Purpose, High Temperature, Fuel and Oil Res 974) ANSI C8.37 Std. Spec, for Ozone Res welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.4 Spec, for Corrosion Res rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) Ansi/ Spec, for Corrosion Res: (1974) Spec, for Flux Cored Corrosion Res et, and Strip for Fusion Welded Unfi/ Std. Spec, for Heat Res Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Stainless and Heat Res 72) ANSI G81.6 Std. Spec, for Corrosion Res: ANSI G81.2 Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Res: bbery or Holdup (Criminology)/ Std. for Safety for Bullet Res: stitute for Plate Glass Show Wi/ Safety Std. for Burglary Res: 38 Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Heat or Moisture Res 29 Std. Spec, for Ozone Res ation / Std. Spec, for Synthetic Rubber Heat and Moisture Res: ation (1974) ANSI C8./ Std. Spec, for Natural Rubber Heat Res 4 In. Reinforced Brick Masonry Curtain and Panel Walls (In R< other Pressure Vessels/ Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Res: Rolled and Cold Finished Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Res: Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat R nsi G81.13 Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat R. Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Res equirements for Delivery of Flat Rolled Stainless and Heat Res: Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat R Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Res Std. Spec, for Free Machining Stainless and Heat R d and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy and Corrosion Res: tant Construction (1966) stant Electric Door Strikes (1974) stant Ethylene-Propylene— Rubber Integral Insula stant Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insulation (1973) I stant Fluids for Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems (197 stant Grouts (1974) stant Gypsum Backing Board (1973) stant Iron Chromium, Iron Chromium Nickel and Nicke stant Masonry Units (1972) ANSI A103.1 stant Masonry (1965) Std. R stant Materials Used in Camping Tentage (Tent) (197 stant Metals (Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper, stant Mortars (1974) Std. stant Resin Monolithic Surfacings (1972T) stant Resin Mortars (1974) stant Resin Mortars (1974) stant Resin Tile Grouts (1972T) (1972T) stant Safes (1972) ANSI Se 4.1 stant Silicate and Silica Mortars (1974) stant Steel and Monel Rivet (1974) stant Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate (13Cr-2.0Ni- stant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Ele stant (-65 Deg. F to +160 Deg. F) (1972) stant (Floor Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, Csm stant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40-0. 50C) Vacuu stant (11.8Cr-2.8Ni-1.6Co-1.8Mo-0.32V) (197 stant (15Cr-26Ni-1.3Mo-2.1Ti-0.30V) 1800 De stant (18Cr-llNi-(Cb+Ta) (1973) stant (1973) St stant (25Cr-20Ni) (SAE 30310) (1973) stant. Cobalt Base-25.5Cr-10.5Ni-7.5W (1973) stant. Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threaded (1973) stant. High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, stant, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, stant. Iron Base-13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb- stant. Iron Base-35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l.lSI (1973) stant. Nickel Base-15.5Cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al-7.0F stant, Nickel Base-15.5Cr-8.0Fe (1973) stant. Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.0 stant, Nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.0 stant. Nickel Base-19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0T stant. Nickel Base-19.5Cr-18Co-2.5Ti-l.5Al stant. Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Soluti stant. Nickel Base 19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti stant, Nickel Base (19.5Cr-13.5Co-4.3Mo-3.0Ti stant, Nickel Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti-0 stant, Normalized and Tempered, Roll Threaded (135, stant, Roll Threaded After Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg stant, 12.5Cr Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free Machini stant, 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum Inducti stant, 14.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.10-1.20C), Premiu stant, 14.8Cr-4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta), Consumab stant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Heat Treated stant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Hea stant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Hea stant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Hea stant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.1N (1973) stant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Equalized an stant, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed (1973) /Teel Bars stant, 195,000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Ha stant, 65-75 (1973) /Ings, Sealing, Fluorosilico sting Butyl Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable (1 sting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered sting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding sting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Electrodes sting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, She sting Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars Includin sting Chromium Steel Clad Plate Sheet and Strip (19 sting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) sting Equipment (Barrier) for Protection Against Ro sting Glazing Material for Use Principally as a Sub sting Insulation for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8. sting Insulation for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8. sting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Oper sting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Oper sting Lateral Forces) (Tech. Notes) (1968) sting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and sting Steel Bars and Shapes (1972) / Spec, for Hot sting Steel Bars, and Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.31 sting Steel Billets and Bars for Reforging (1972) a sting Steel Forgings (1973) ANSI G81.26 sting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81 sting Steel Rope Wire (1972) ANSI G81.32 sting Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G81.41 sting Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G81.42 sting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Cap Screw (1972) /Lie AMCA 401 UL 1034 NEMA WC8/1 NEMA WC8 NFLDP T3.11.1 ASTM C658 ICBO UBCS47-13 ASTM A296 ASTM C279 ASTM C398 CPAI 84 ICBO UBCS32-6 ASTM C466 ASTM C722 ASTM C395 ASTM C399 ASTM C723 UL 687 ASTM C397 NSA 1200 SAE AMS5508B ASTM D3005 NSA 1611 CSMA BUL 12 SAE AMS6305 SAE AMS5823 SAE AMS5735H SAE AMS5680D NSA 1003 SAE AMS5577C SAE AMS5789 SAE AMS7455D SAE AMS7250C SAE AMS7251B SAE AMS5633A SAE AMS5716A SAE AMS5541B SAE AMS5665H SAE AMS5711 SAE AMS5873 SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS5829 SAE AMS5755B SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5707D SAE AMS5872 SAE AMS7458C SAE AMS7482 SAE AMS5610H SAE AMS5617A SAE AMS5749 SAE AMS5862 SAE AMS5744A SAE AMS5547C SAE AMS5549C SAE AMS5743D SAE AMS5774A SAE AMS5745A SAE AMS5627B SAE AMS7459B SAE AMS7266 ASTM D1352 AWS A5.4 AWS A5.9 AWS A5.22 ASTM A240 ASTM A429 ASTM A263 ASTM A 176 UL 752 UL 972 ASTM D1520 ASTM D574 ASTM D1679 ASTM D469 BIA 17L ASTM A479 ASTM A564 ASTM A276 ASTM A314 ASTM A473 ASTM A480 ASTM A492 ASTM A580 ASTM A581 NSA 1352 330 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards drilled. Plain and Self Locking, Alloy Steel and Corrosion 1-/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat Uniform Building Code: Fire Std. Meth. of Test for Volume nsi C7.24 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for DC Volume s at Room Temperatures/ Std. Meth. of Test for Electrical voltage Breakdown Meth. (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for array (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring rns (1973) ANSI L14.119 Test Meth. for Electrical ) ANSI L14.112 Test Meth. for Electrical Std. for Reference Std. Precision Electrical Std. for Dimensions for strips and Slides in 2 X 2 In. Mounts (1972) Std. for dulus. and Poisson's Ratio for Glass and Glass Ceramics by Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Truck Std. Test Meth. for Filler Content of Phenol, Std. Test Meth. for Nonvolatile Content of Phenol, Std. for Identification of Air Purifying Safety Guide for Std. for Practice for humidifiers. Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suctio/ Std. for rs for Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadrup/ Std. Frequency Construction Spec, for Rifle Bench Std. for Hotel and Std. for Hotel and orium, Dormatory, Public or Office Building. Manufacturer, 2) Rec. Std. for Seismic twear. Hose and Tubing. Mattresses and Pads, Sheeting, and Std. Spec, for Hard Drawn Copper Capillary Tube for Vulcanizates Std. for Std. for Packing with Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Std. for General Purpose Uniform Cross Section Spiral Reinforced Brick Masonry Uniform Building Code: Excavations, Foundations, and struction Under the Uniform Building Code: Foundations and Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Std. Meth. of Test for Durability of Fire Tent. Meth. of Test for Hygroscopic Properties of Fire Std. Meth. of Measuring Plasticity Meth. of Test for Measuring Soil Removal and Reflectance t 104 F (40C) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Closs t 140 Deg. (40 Deg. C.) (1972) Meth. for Gloss hes. and Finishings (Sublimation, Brittleness and Chlorine sties of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by a Temperature m Performance Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for eth. of Test for Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on he Determination of Sound Power Levels of Small Sources in td. Meth. for Determining Speed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Uniform Building Code Std. for Stress Variation or Stress posure and Evaluation Meth. for Determining Speed of Color Test Meth. for Sizing of Paper film Adhesion on All Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Test After lation of Vertical Hydraulic Turbine Driven Generators and Large Hydraulic Turbine Driven Synchronous Generators and uilding Code: Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildings, Uniform Fire Code: Places of Assembly (Theaters, Std. Meth. of Test. Shipping Containers (Packaging) in Perforated Industrial 114.106 Test Meth. for Evaluation of Commercial d. Definitions of Terms Relating to Carbon Paper and Inked Std. Meth. of Test for Wear Resistance of Inked Computer Std. Meth. of Test for Erasability of Inked and Puffed Cereals, F/ Fluorometric Meth. of Analysis of Microbiological Meth. of Analysis of . of Analysis of Moisture in Grains, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Thiochrome Meth. of Analysis of Thiamine in Bread, Wheat. isture in Flour, Farina, Semolina, Bread. Grain, Soybeans, ina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye, Barley, g Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel eeve Attachment for Hitching Implements to Lawn and Garden Construction of Indoor Construction Spec, for 50 Ft. Summer Camp Metallic Silhouette Match Outdoor Smallbore Running Game (Wildlife) fety Rules, Procedures For, and Construction of High Power Uniform Fire Code: Spec, for Petroleum Drilling Us at Electric Generating Stations (Flood, Surface Water, Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Farm Field and Railroad Resisting Steel, UNJF-3A Thread, Cap Screw (1972) /Nd Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium-Nicke Resistive Std. (1973) Resistivity of Conductive Adhesives (1972) Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials (1972A) a Resistivity of Glass (1972) Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Article Resistivity of Silicon Epitaxial Layers by the 3 Probe Resistivity of Silicon Slices with a Collinear 4 Probe Resistivity Textile of (Electro-Static) of Textile Ya Resistivity (Electro-Static) of Textile Fabrics (1972 Resistors (1969) ANSI C100.3 Resolution Test Target for Photographic Optics (1972) Resolving Power of Lenses for Projectors for 35 mm Film Resonance (1971) /F Test for Young's Modulus, Shear Mo Resonator Parts Nomenclature (1971) Resorcinol, and Melamine Adhesives (1970) Resorcinol. and Melamine Adhesives (1970) Respirator Canisters and Cartridges (1973) Respiratory Protection Against Coal Mine Dust (1972) Respiratory Protection for the Fire Service (1973) Respiratory Therapy Equipment (Breathing Devices, Room Response and Operating Level of Recorders and Reproduce Rest (Portable and Permanent) (1967) Restaurant Gas Deep Fat Fryers (1971) Restaurant Gas Ranges (Stoves) and Unit Broilers (1973) Restaurant, and Dwelling or Appartment House (1973) /T Restraint Direct Hung Suspended Ceiling Assemblies (197 Restraint Straps) (1974) /Ks and Rebreathing Bags, Foo Restrictor Applications (1974) ANSI H23.8 Resulting from Immersion in Liquids (1972) Retainer-Floating Barrel Nut (1973) Retainer (1974) Retaining Rings for Generators (1970) ANSI G55.6 Retaining Rings (1972) Retaining Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Retaining Walls (1973) Retaining Walls (1973) Dwelling Con Retardant Roof Covering Materials (1973) Retardant Treatment of Wood (1972) Retardant Wood and Its Base Products (1973) Retention Index (PRI) of Natural Rubber (1973) Retention of Fabrics (1972T) Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard After Storage a Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard After Storage a Retention) (Institutional Textile) (1973) /Dyes, Finis Retraction Procedure (TR Test) (R1972) ANSI J2.22 /Eri Retreaded Tires for Passenger Cars and Station Wagons ( Returnable Beer and Beverage Glass Containers (1972T) Reverberation Rooms (Acoustics) (1972) /or Meth. for T Reversal Color Camera Films Intended for Direct Project Reversal Design of Structural Steel Members (1973) Reversal Films for Still Photography (1972) /Metric Ex (Reverse Curl) (1973) Reverse Impacting (Coil Coating) (1974) /Rmination of Reversible Generator/Motors for Pumped Storage Installa Reversible Synchronous Generator / Motor Units for Pump Reviewing Stands, Bleachers, and Grandstands) (1973) Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, Bleachers, etc.) (1973) Revolving Hexagonal Drum (1968) ANSI MH12.3, TAPPI T800 Revolving Screen Stds. (1972) Rewetting Agents on Cotton Textile Fabrics (1971) ANSI Ribbon Products and Images Made Therefrom (1972A) St Ribbons (1972) Ribbons (1972) Riboflavin in Whole Grain Products. Grits, Meal, Flaked Riboflavin (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rice, and Other Commodities for Which Conversion Charts Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products. Corn Grits, Corn Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Roll Rice, Grain Sorghum, and Buckwheat (Cereal Chemistry) ( Rich, Chromium Bearing Alloys (1972) ANSI G80.4 /Ectin Riding Tractors (1972) Std. for One Point Tubular SI Rifle and Pistol Ranges and Bullet Stops (1973) Rifle Bench Rest (Portable and Permanent) (1967) Rifle Range Construction (Part Time and Special) (1971) Rifle Range Location and Landscaping (1970) Rifle Range Plans (1972) Rifle Range Plans (1973) Rifle Range Plans: Safety Rules and Procedures (1972) Rifle Ranges (1971) Rifle Ranges (1972) Sa Rifle Ranges (1973) Rig Packaging for Minimum Self Contained Platforms (197 Rigging Collapse, Burglary, and Roof Collapse) (1974) Right of Way Wire Fencing (1973) ANSI G8.9 /. for Zinc NSA 1351 ASTM E353 ICBO UBC»3-43 ASTM D2739 ASTM B193 ASTM C657 ASTM C611 ASTM F108 ASTM F84 AATCC 84 AATCC 76 IEEE 310 ANSI PH3.50 ANSI PH3.16 ASTM C623 SAE J262 ASTM D1579 ASTM D1582 ANSI K13.1 ANSI Z88.4 ANSI Z88.5 NSF 48 ANSI C98.3 NRA *9 ANSI Z21.27 ANSI Z21.3 ICBO UPC*1C CISCA *3 UL 1067 ASTM B360 ASTM D471 NSA 578 NSA 1523 ASTM A 289 ANSI B27.6 BIA 17E-G ICBO UBC»3-29 ICBO UBC*8-5 ICBO UBCS32-7 ASTM D2898 ASTM D3201 ASTM D3194 ASTM D3050 ASTM D2895 TAPPI T682 ANSI L24.7.2 ASTM D1329 VESC V-2 ASTM C735 ANSI SI. 21 ANSI PH22.146 ICBO UBCS27-3 ANSI PH2.21 TAPPI UM-459 NCCA TB-II-16 NEMA MG5.2 NEMA MG5.1 ICBO UBC*3-33 ICBO UFC*2ART26 ASTM D782 IPA *3 AATCC 27 ASTM F221 ASTM F153 ASTM F362 AACCH 86-70 AACCH 86-72 AACCH 44-11 AACCH 86-80 AACCH 44-15A AACCH 76-20 ASTM C28 ASAE S348T NRA *1 NRA •9 NRA •10 NRA *11 NRA •16 NRA •18 NRA •4 NRA •12 NRA »3 ICBO UFC2C API 2E FMS 9-10 ASTM A116 Engineering and Product Standards Division 331 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards s (1973) ANSI K65.205 Std. Spec, for R iring Board Dimensions and Tolerances Single and Two Sided R Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption of R Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of R Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Properties of R Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of R r Nonload (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs. Runners (Track) and R Std. for Double Race or Bi-Level Swivel and R Std. for Safety for R . Pract. for Determining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded R ing Weight) / Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of R Std. Meth. of Test for Incandescence Resistance of R 72) Std. for R 72) ANSI CS9.33 Std. Meth. of Measuring Dimensions of R ulation (1972) ANSI C59. 13 Std. Meth. of Test. R Std. for Polyvinyl Chloride Externally Coated Calvanized R Std. Spec, for R Spec, for Cabin Duct, Air. Flexible and Semi R fication of Areas for Electrical Installations at Drilling R f Road. Agricultural and Log Skidder. Truck, Bus, Bead S/ R rm Machinery) (1971) Std. for R Std. for Tire and R Stds. for Tire R Std. for Tire R rec. Tolerances of Spoke Type Wheels, Demountable Rims and R Minimum Rec. Tolerances of Spoke Type Wheels, Demountable R 74) Std. for Tires, Tubes, R lanter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel,/ Std. for Tires and R cles. Counter Balanced Fork Lift True/ Std. for Tires and R 1974) Std. for Tires and R Logging (Short Haul); Grader. Loader/ Std. for Tires and R se Passenger Vehi/ Std. for Bias and Radial Plv Tires and R (1974) Std. for Tires and R ures for Production Disc and Spoke Wheels, and Demountable R Water Safety Buoyant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Horseshoe and R k/ Spec, for (Oil) Wellhead Equipment (Production Valves, R Std. Meth. of Test for Relative Density of Black Smoke (R es, Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pins. Dowels, Joints, Split R (1972) Rec. Pract. Spec, for Cast Iron Sealing R . Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining R for Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloy Bars, Forgings, and R 3) Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Bars and R ) Spec, for Aluminum Base Alloy Bars and R Steel Bars, Forgings, Mechanical Tubing, and Flash Welded R for General Purpose Uniform Cross Section Spiral Retaining R Floating Type Metallic and Nonmetallic Fluid Power Piston R Dimensions for Fluid Power Radial Compression Type Piston R -4.0Co-0.48Mo-0.09/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings, R 0-2. ITi-/ Spec, for Steel Bars. Forgings, Tubing, and R cr-8.0Fe (1973) Alloy Bars, Forgings, and R cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La / Alloy Bars, Forgings, and R r-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution H/ Alloy Bars, Forgings, and R r-13.5Co-4.3Mo-/ Spec, for Alloy Bars, Forgings and R 51430) Annealed (1973/ Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and R 1SI (1973) Alloy Bars, Forgings, and R High Temperature, Fuel and Oil Resistant, 65-75 (1973/ R special Grade (1973) Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and R or Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by ihe Tongue (Single R Uniform Fire Code: Fruit R Rec. for Fire Safety in High R iform Building Code Std. for Fire Alarm Systems for High ■ R Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Self R ysis for Original Ash in Phosphated and Freshly Mixed Self R alysis for Total Carbon Dioxide in Prepared Mixes and Self R 3) Std. for R nee Head and Shank (1973) Std. for R: Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy R Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural R Std. for Hi Shear Protruding Head R Std. for Hi Shear 100 Deg. Flush Close Tolerance Head R Std. for Protruding Head, Locked Spindle Blind R Std. for Blind, 100 Deg. Flush Head, Locked Spindle R Std. for Self Plugging, Mechanically Locked Spindle R for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Self Plugging Blind R r Bulbed Mechanically Locked Spindle Protruding Head Blind R r Bulbed Spindle Mechanically Locked Protruding Head Blind R lbed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind R Ibed Mechanically Locked Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind R Flush Shear Head A286 Corrosion Resistant Steel and Monel R std. for General Purpose Semi-Tubular, Full Tubular, Split R std. Meth. of Shear Testing of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy R Std. for Drive Pin Blind R Std. for Break Mandrel Closed End Blind R Std. Large R Std. Small Solid R Std. Fastener Code (Aerospace Loekbolts, R gid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic gid Boards (1970) ANSI C83.98 /. Spec, for Printed W gid Cellular Plastics (1969E) ANSI K65.122 gid Cellular Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.32 gid Cellular Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.31 gid Cellular Plastics (1974) gid Furring Channels for Screw Application of Gypsum gid Industrial Casters (1973) gid Nonmetallic Conduit (1972) ANSI C33.91 gid Plastic Lap Shear Joints in Shear by Tension Load gid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Means of a Tup (Fall gid Plastics (1974) ANSI K65.117 gid Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Wall Siding (19 gid Rods and Tubes Used for Electrical Insulation (19 gid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Ins gid Steel Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing (197 gid Urethane Foam (1972) gid (1972) gs and Petroleum Production Facilities on Land and on m and Wheel Stds. for Motorcycles, Passenger Cars, of m Contours for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheels (Fa m Equipment for 1974 Passenger Cars (1974) m Inspection, and Disk and Flat Tapes (1974) m Selection (1974) m Spacers (Manufactures' Guide) (1963) /Cal Minimum ms and Rim Spacers (Manufactures' Guide) (1963) /Cal ms and Valves for Aircraft (Airplane, Helicopter) (19 ms for Agricultural and Industrial Steering, Drive, P ms for Industrial, Utility and Recreational Type Vehi ms for Motorcycle, Side Car, Mini Bike, and Bicycle ( ms for Off the Road Vehicles: Earthmoving, Mining and ms for Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, and Multipurpo ms for Truck, Bus, Trailer, and Multipurpose Vehicle ms Intended for Highway Use on Trucks, Buses, Trailer ng Buoy) (1973) ANSI Z243.1 / Marine Special Purpose ng Joint, Segmented, Production Check Flanges and Gas ngelmann Meth.) (1973) ngs and Framing Anchors) (1973) /S, Lag Screws, Plat ngs for Automotive Transmission and Hydraulic Systems ngs for Generators (1970) ANSI G55.6 Std ngs (Nickel Base. Solution Heat Treated, 15.5Cr-16M ngs (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061-T6)) (197 ngs (1.0Mg-0.60SI -0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061-0)) (1973 ngs (1.3Mn-1.5SI -0.30Cr-1.8Ni-0.40Mo (0.23- ngs (1972) Std. ngs (1972) ANSI B93.36 Std. Groove Dimensions for ngs (1973) ANSI B93.32 Std. Groove ngs, and Mechanical Tubing (Annealed) (0.48Cr-8.0Ni ngs. Corrosion and Heat Resistant (15Cr-26Ni-1.3M ngs. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.5 ngs. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base- 15.8 ngs, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-5.0C ngs. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base (19. 5C ngs. Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 17Cr (SAE ngs, Heat Resistant, Iron Base-35.5Ni-18.5Cr-l. ngs. Sealing. Fluorosilicone Rubber, General Purpose, ngs, 0.78Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.32-0.38C), p) Meth. (Constant Rate of Traverse Tensile Test. Mac pening Process (Banana, Citrus Fruit) (1973) se Buildings (1973) se Buildings (1973) Un sing Biscuit Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) sing Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / Meth. of Anal sing Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of an -Flat Head, Hi Shear, Close Tolerance Shank (197 -100 Deg. Countersunk Head Hi Shear Close Tolera and Cold Heading Wire and Rod (1973) ANSI H38.12 Steel (1973) (1972) (1972) (1972) (1972) (1972) (1974) Std. (1974) Std. Fo (1974) Std. Fo (1974) Std. for Bu (1974) Std. for Bu (1974) Std. for Solid 100 Deg. s and Caps (1972) s and Cold Heading Wire and Rods (1972) s (1973) s (1973) s (1/2 In. Nominal Diameter and Larger) (1972) s (7/16 In. Nominal Diameter and Smaller) (1972) s. Bolts) (1973) ASTM IPC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI UL ASTM ASTM ASTM use ASTM ASTM NEMA ASTM NSA API TRA ASAE TRA TRA TRA SAE SAE TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA SAE UL API ASTM WWPA SAE ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE ANSI NFLDP NFLDP SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ICBO FMS ICBO AACCH AACCH AACCH NSA NSA ASTM ICBO NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI ASTM IFI IFI ANSI ANSI NSA D1788 D300E D2842 D1623 D1621 D3014 C645 MH11.1 651 D3163 D3029 D757 PS55 D668 D229 RN1 D2341 1369 RP500B 7 S222 1-17 10 XII J851 J851 9 4 5 6 3 1 2 J267 1123 6A D3211 •31-1 J281 A 289 AMS5750B AMS4117D AMS4115C AMS6418E B27.6 T3.19.ll T3.19.18 AMS6540B AMS5735H AMS5665H AMS5711 AMS5755B AMS5707D AMS5627B AMS5716A AMS7266 AMS6430B D2262 UFC*2ART16 1-3 UBCS18-1 10-31A 08-15 12-21 529 525 B316 UBCS27-5 1054 1055 1398 1399 1400 1740 1738 1768 1739 1769 1200 B18.7 B565 123 126 B18.1.2 B18.1.1 523 332 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards or Structural Flush Break Pull Mandrel Self Plugging Blind ssenger Cars. Trucks, Buses. Coaches. Tractors. Industrial 1. Acceleration of Concrete, Curing of Concrete, and Other c Solven/ Std. Meth. of Test for Solubility of Bituminous Std. Meth. of Test for Distillation of c. Pract. for Paving Uses and Application Temperatures for Rec. Pract. for Electric Tachometer Spec, for on aull; Grader, Loader/ Std. for Tires and Rims for Off the ction. Purchase. Preparation. Maintenance and Rules of the Rim and Wheel Stds. for Motorcycles, Passenger Cars. Off authority. Departmental Regulations and Controls. Barrier, a37.33 Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Materials for d. for Metal Head and Reflector Interchangeability Used in erchangeability of Socket Supports Used in Metal Heads for d. for Metal Head and Reflector Interchangeability Lsed in eability of Socket Supports for Use in Metal Heads Lsed in Std. for Multiple Sockets Used in Std. for Voltage Classification of Luminaires Used in Std. for Multiple Sockets Used in Procedure for Trucks. Buses, and Combination Vehicles for ted Wall Bituminized Fiber Perforated Pipe for Airport and Std. for Commercial Gas Baking and ullet Resisting Equipment (Barrier) for Protection Against Specifying Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Moduli of U.S. Model Meth. for Spectrochmeical Analysis of Ores, Minerals, and Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brinell, Vickers. metallic Materials (1974) ANSI Z/ Std. Meths. of Test for 973) Std. Meth. of Test for 74) ANSI Z/ Std. Meths. of Test for Rockwell Hardness and etals (Relationship Between Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Dry Pipe Valves: Std. for Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Copper Beryllium Alloy td. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Silicon Alloy -Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Std. Spec, for Tantalum , and Mounting Dime/ Std. Bore and Rod Size Combinations, Std. for Swaging Process-Tube to Spec, for Bearings. Ball and Roller. 3) Std. for std. for Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Threaded be Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Clevis and Threaded e Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded and Threaded bly. Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis and Threaded Std. Spec, for EC Aluminum Redraw Uniform Building Code Std. for Steel Bar and Rec. Pract. for Design Calculations for Oil Sucker nal Identification Code, and Mounting Dime/ Std. Bore and Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Bar and test for Tensile Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar and ns for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Square Head Tie Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Iron Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Iron Alloy std. Spec, for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy . for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Rivet and Cold Heading Wire and Std. Spec, for TFE -Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) est for Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Blunt Std. for Clevis-Engine Control Std. Spec, for Copper Bus Bar. hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Its Alloy Bars. Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Bar, Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Bar, Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Forging Std. Spec, for Free Cutting Brass for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Manganese Bronze Std. Spec, for Aluminum Bronze for Copper Zinc Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) s (Bus Condu/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bar, Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Its Alloy Bar, Cereal Grains, Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Peas and Beans for Decantation Meth. of Analysis for ina (Cereal Chemistry)/ Decantation Meth. of Analysis for St /Cal Int St /Nterchang /R B Std. Spec, for Copper Rivets. Carbon Steel (1973) Rivets. Type 2A (1973) Std. F Road and Misc Equipment) (1974) /Reign and Domestic Pa Road Conditioning Purposes (1974) ANSI A37.37, Ashto Ml Road Materials (Tar, Petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Organi Road Tars (1972) Road Tars (1972) Std. Re Road Vehicles (1972) Road Vehicles: Earthmoving, Mining and Logging (Short H Road (1972) / Std. for Regular Bicycles Including Sele Road. Agricultural and Log Skidder, Truck. Bus, Bead Se Road. Hvdrant. Driveway Clearance, Installation and Mai Roads and Pavements (1971) ANSI Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-140 Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) EEI TDJ-143 Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH10 Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH13 Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH17 Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA SH3 Roadway Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-147 Roadway Use Over 10,000 Lb. (4500 kg) GVW (1972) /Test Roadwork Drainage (1973) Std. Spec, for Lamina Roasting Ovens (1971) Robbery or Holdup (Criminology) (1974) ANSI Se4.6 Rock Bolts (1966) Rock Core Specimens in L'niaxial Compression (1972) Rocket Sporting and Safety Code and Engine Std. (1973) Rocks by the Fire Assay Preconcentration Spark Techniqu Rockwell and Rockwell Superficial, and Knoop Hardness) Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite Materials (1 Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials (19 Rockwell Superficial, and Knoop Hardness) (1972) ANSI Z Rockwood Models C. D (1974) Rod-Control. Solid Steel (1973) Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34.4 Rod and Bar (1970) ANSI H34.7 Rod and Bar (1971A) ANSI H7.7 Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34.18 Rod and Bar (1972) ANSI H34.22 Rod and Bar (1973) Rod and Bar (1973) Rod and Bar (1973) ANSI H34.39 Rod and Wire (1970) ANSI Z179.15 Rod End Configurations, Dimensional Identification Code Rod End (1974) Rod End. Anti Friction, Airframe (1974) Rod End, Threaded. Alloy Steel. Flash Welding Type (197 Rod Ends (1973) Rod Ends (1973) Std. for tu Rod Ends (1973) Std. for Tub Rod Ends (1973) Std. for Tube Assem Rod for Electrical Purposes (1974) Rod Mats (Sheets) for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Rod Pumping Systems (Conventional Units) (1972) Rod Size Combinations, Rod End Configurations, Dimensio Rod Specimens for Adhesion Tests (1969) Rod Specimens (1972) ANSI Z197.3 Std. Meth. of Rod Tvpe Industrial Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) ANSI B Rod (1971) ANSI H34.13 Rod (1971) ANSI H34.14 Rod (1972) Rod (1972) Rod (1972) Rod (1973) Std. Spec Rod (1973) ANSI H38. 12 Std Rod (1974) ANSI K65.208 Rod) (1972) Std. Meth. of T Rod. Adjustable (1973) Rod. and Shapes (1974) ANSI C7.25 Rod, and Wire for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI N122 Rod, and Wire (1964) ANSI Z179.19 Rod, and Wire (1974) Rod. Bar and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.1 Rod, Bar, and Shapes for L'se in Screw Machines (1972) Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) Std. Spec. Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.3 Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.4 Rod. Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.5 Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.6 Rod, Bars, and Shapes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Std. Spec. Rod, Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Electrical Purpose Rod, Wire, and Forging Stock (Rolled or Drawn) (1973) Rodent and/or Insect Damage on Kernels, Rodent Excreta, Rodent Excreta in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rodent Excreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Semol SAE IFI BCI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE TRA BMA TRA ICBO ASTM NEMA NEMA EEI EEI EEI EEI NEMA SAE ASTM ANSI L'L CS1 ASTM NAR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NFLDP NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ICBO API NFLDP ASTM ASTM NFLDP ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE AACCH AACCH AACCH AMS7225D 119 •1.56 D98 D2042 D20 D2728 J196 3 6/7 UFC*2ART13 D8 SH10 SH13 TDJ-140 TDJ-143 TDJ-147 TDJ-133 SHI7 J294 D2418 Z21.28 752 02980 D3148 *1 E400 E140 E18 C748 E18 E140 2-27 354 B166 B160 B196 B425 B446 B411 B151 B408 B365 T3.6.11 582 661 5 358 359 361 362 B233 UBCS26-5 11L T3.6.11 D2094 D2095 T3.6.11 B335 B336 B572 B573 B574 B581 B316 D1710 G17 170 B187 B351 B392 B387 B124 B16 B249 B98 B133 B138 B150 B140 B317 AMS2201J 28-10 23- " -' 28-50 Engineering and Product Standards Division 333 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ady-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes for Detection of peas and Beans for Rodent and/or Insect Damage on Kernels, alimentary Past/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Insect and al Chemistry)/ Flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and ) Flotation Meth. of Analysis for Insect and pcorn. Dried Pel Meth. of Analysis of External Insect and cation in Cereal Grains and Grain Products (Cer/ Insects. acid Hydrolysis Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Tween Versene Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and tting Digestion Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and eal Chemis/ Ultraviolet Light Examination for Presence of Spec, for Aluminum and Its Alloy Welding Spec, for Magnesium AUoy Welding ion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding ) ANSI W3.15 Spec, for Welding Spec, for Nickel and Its Alloy Bare Welding Spec, for Surfacing Welding Spec, for Titanium and Its Alloy Bare Welding Spec, for Composite Surfacing Welding si C59.33 Std. Meth. of Measuring Dimensions of Rigid Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Carbon Steel Wire Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Bars, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy 5005 Rolled Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Copper Std. Spec, for Copper Spec, for Sucker pract. for Static Bend and Torsion Test, of Intramedullary Spec, for Iron and Steel Gas Welding Spec, for Copper and Its AUoy Welding ic Covered Bare Straight and Coiled Welding Electrodes and uminum and Aluminum Alloy Rivets and Cold Heading Wire and suring Slope Efficiency and Lasing Threshold of Ruby Laser s Applicable to Titanium and Its Base Alloy Extruded Bars, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars. Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Extruded Bars. Std. for Back Window Location for sks (Separate) for L'se in Photographic Contact Printing of Std. Dimensions for Industrial Radiographic Sheet and Std. Dimensions for Professional Photographic Sheet and Std. Dimensions for Medical Radiographic Sheet and saturated and Coated Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Plastic and Fro/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for ders An/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for (Heavy/ Rec. Pract. for Minimum Performance Criteria for rec. Pract. for Critical Zone for Laboratory Evaluation of Fire Hazards Anf Protection Rec. for Indoor Storage of Std. Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Resistance Seam and deg. C) Solu/ Studs, Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Hoy Steel Studs, Heat Resistant, Normalized and Tempered, Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws. Heat Treated, Spec, for Low AUoy Steel Studs. Heat Treated. for Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V. Heat Treated, s. Steel. Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Hardened and Tempered, Hoy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, Heat Treated, psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Hardened and Tempered, building Code Std. for Composition Roofing (Class C Sheet (1972) Std. Picture Sizes for alves and Parts for High Temper/ Std. Spec, for Forged or Std. Spec, for Regular Quality Hot and Cold Std. Spec, for Drawing Quality Hot and Cold at Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (1/ Std. Spec, for Hot oducts Manual) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for Forging; Hot 73) ANSI G24/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Hot hromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars 1/ Std. Spec, for Hot rod, and Wire for Nuclear Application/ Std. Spec, for Hot Piping Component/ Std. Spec, for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Std. Spec, for Leaded Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Std. Spec, for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Std. Spec, for Copper Iron AUoy Plate. Sheet. Strip, and pec. for Copper-Beryllium AUoy Plate. Sheet, Strip, and c. for Copper-Zinc-Tin Alloys Plate, Sheet, Strip, and for Phosphor Bronze (Copper Tin) Plate, Sheet, Strip, and -Zinc-Aluminum-Cobalt AUoy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and lium AUoy (Copper Alloy No. 175). Plate, Sheet, Strip and silver) and Copper-Nickel AUoy Plate, Sheet. Strip, and Std. Spec, for Copper Sheet. Strip, Plate and r Wrought Copper and Copper AUoy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Requirements (1972) Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot (1972) trip. Commercial Quality (1972) eets for Bridge and Other Structural Uses/ c7.7 Std. Spec, for Hot Std. Spec, for Cold Std. Spec, for Hot Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hot /a Rodent Excreta. Insects, Webbing, etc. (Cereal Chemistr Rodent Excreta. Other FUth. and Extraneous Material (C Rodent Filth in Baked Goods. Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Rodent Filth in Meal. Grits. Farina, and Semolina (Cere Rodent Filth in Popped Popcorn (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Rodent Hair Contamination of Cereal Grains. Unpopped Po Rodent Hair, and Radiographic Illustration and Classifi Rodent Hairs in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rodent Hairs in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rodent Hairs in Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rodent Urine on Bags and Other Packaging Materials (Cer Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.10 Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.19 Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.9 / for Corros Rods and Covered Electrodes for Welding Cast Iron (1969 Rods and Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.14 Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.13 Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.16 Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.21 Rods and Tubes L sed for Electrical Insulation (1972) an Rods and Uncoated Coarse Round Wire (1971) ANSI G54.12 Rods and Wires (1974) ANSI H38.4 Rods for Electrical Purposes (1972) ANSI C7.66 Rods for Electrical Purposes (1974) ANSI C7.7 Rods for Locomotive Stavbolts (1973) ANSI H7.2 Rods (Petroleum) (1974) Rods (Surgical Implants) (1973) Std. Rec. Rods (1969) ANSI W3. 2 Rods (1969) ANSI W3.7 Rods (1972) Std. for Consumable Electr Rods (1972) Std. Meth. of Shear Testing of Al Rods (1973) Tent. Rec. Pract. for Mea Rods, and Shapes (1973) Tolerance Rods, Shapes, and Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.5 Rods. Shapes, Tubes, and Wires (1970) ANSI H45.6 RoU Film Cameras (1973) RoU Film Negatives (1972) Std. Spec, for Ma RoU Film (photography) (1973) RoU Films (SI and U.S. Customary Units) (1973) Roll Films (1973) RoU Materials (1973) /: Aggregates. Saturated Felts. RoU Over Protective Structure for Track Type Tractors Roll Over Protective Structure for Weeled Front End Loa RoU Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Prime Movers RoU Over (ROPS) and Falling Object Protective Structiir RoU Paper (1974) RoU Roofing Surfaced with Mineral Granules (1973) Roll Spot Welding Equipment (3 Phase) (1973) RoU Threaded After Heat Treatment. 1800 Deg. F (982.2 RoU Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) Tensile Strength) RoU Threaded (1973) Roll Threaded (1973) RoU Threaded (1973) RoU Threaded (1973) Roll Threaded (1973) RoU Threaded (1973) (RoU) and Shingles) (1973) Spec. Bolts and Screw Spec, for Titanium a /D Screws, Heat Resistant, 195,00 Uniform IIUU) dllU OlllllglCSI U7I J/ Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 mm Film StiU Picture Cameras RoUed AUoy Steel Pipe Flanges. Forged Fittings, and V RoUed AUoy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.24 Rolled AUoy Steel Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.25 RoUed and Cold Finished Age Hardening Stainless and He RoUed and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled Deformed Cone RoUed and Cold Finished Carbon and Alloy Steel Bar (19 RoUed and Cold Finished Stainless and Heat Resisting C RoUed and Cold Finished Zirconium and Its AUoy Bars, RoUed and Cold Finished, Special Quality, for Pressure RoUed Bar (1973) RoUed Bar (1973) RoUed Bar (1973) Rolled Bar (1973) Std. S RoUed Bar (1973) Std. Spe RoUed Bar (1973) Std. Spec. Std. Spec, for Copper /. Spec, for Copper-Cobalt-Beryl /Pper-Nickel-Zinc AUoy (Nickel nished for Forging; Hot RoUed and Cold Finished Bars; Hot RoUed Bar (1973) RoUed Bar (1973) RoUed Bar (1973) RoUed Bar (1973) ANSI H7.9 RoUed Bar (1974) /. Spec, for General Requirements Fo RoUed Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Property RoUed Carbon Steel Bars (1973) RoUed Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality RoUed Carbon Steel Strip (1972A) ANSI G47.1 RoUed Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent) Steel Sheet and S RoUed Copper AUoy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sh RoUed Copper Rods for Electrical Purposes (1974) ANSI RoUed Deformed Concrete Reinforcing Bars (1972) /Mifi AACCH 28-30 AACCH 28-10 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 28-51 AACCH 28-80 AACCH 28-20 AACCH 28-95 AACCH 28-41 AACCH 28-60 AACCH 28-70 AACCH 28-85 AWS A5.10 AWS A5.19 AWS A5.9 AWS A5.15 AWS A5.14 AWS A5.13 AWS A5.16 AWS A5.21 ASTM D668 ASTM A510 ASTM B211 ASTM B531 ASTM B49 ASTM B12 API 11B ASTM F383 AWS A5.2 AWS A5.7 NEMA EW 2 ASTM B565 ASTM F379 SAE AMS2245 ASTM B221 ASTM B107 ANSI PH3.1 ANSI PH3.9 ANSI PHI. 15 ANSI PHI. 18 ANSI PHI. 17 NRCA *2-IV SAE J395A SAE J394A SAE J320B SAE J397A FMS 8-21 ASTM D249 NSA 991 SAE AMS7482 SAE AMS7458C SAE AMS7452K SAE AMS7456G SAE AMS7460C SAE AMS7455D SAE AMS7461B SAE AMS7459B ICBO UBCS32-3 ANSI PH3.39 ASTM A182 ASTM A506 ASTM A507 ASTM A564 AISI 1 ASTM A29 ASTM A429 ASTM B351 ASTM A696 ASTM B121 ASTM B36 ASTM B465 ASTM B194 ASTM B591 ASTM B103 ASTM B592 ASTM B534 ASTM B122 ASTM B152 ASTM B248 ASTM A663 ASTM A575 ASTM A570 ASTM A 109 ASTM A569 ASTM B100 ASTM B49 AISI 1 334 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 4) Std. Spec, for Flat Products Manual! Carbon Steel Plates. Structural Shapes. Std. Spec, for Steel. Carbon. Strip. Cold pe (19731 Std. Spec, for Flat ybeans. Rice. Beans. Peas. Lentils. Corn Meal. Corn Grits. Std. Spec, for Flat Copper Products with Finished Aluminum and Its Alloy Bar. Rod. Wire, and Forging Stock Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural Shapes. Stds. for Staples with Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy 5005 Std. Spec, for Steel. Carbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Std. Spec, for Steel. Cold Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of Flat Sir/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of General Spec. Applicable to Electromagnet Iron (EMI) Cold ngers (1973) Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Condenser peas. Lentils. Corn Meal. Corn Grits. Rolled Oats. Bulgur. and Parts for Low Temperature / Std. Spec, for Forged or Fully Processed Types 27G053. 30G05/ Md. Spec, for Flat ium (/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet and Strip. Hot and Cold 1974) Std. Spec, for Steel Bars. Carbon. Hot Std. Spec, for Carbon-Chromium Ball and m/ Std. Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Std. Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Std. for In. and Metric Radial Needle for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Std. for Heavy Duty Offset Sidebar Power Transmission Std. for Double Pitch Conveyor Std. Tolerances for aracteristics/ Farinograph Evaluation Meth. of Ability of Tent. Meth. of Test for Floating de Blanks and Cutting Tools. Single Point. Carbide Tipped. Std. for Heavy Duty Spec, for Bearings. Ball and meth. of Test for Tack and Pressure Sensitive Adhesives by sional Requirements for Duplex and Single Face Flat Thread Thyristor Power Supplies for Metal Std. for Thread Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in e (1973) Rec. for Suction Press r Both (Photography) (19/ Std. for Dimensions for Film in (1973) Std. Dimensions for Photographic Films in 972) Std. for Interchange Std. Dimensions for Cores for Photographic Film Spec, for Noncarbonized. Single Ply. Adding Machine Paper sions for Imperforated and Perforated Photographic Film in n) (1972) Std. for System for ion) (1972) Std. for System for Case of Fire (1974) Approval Std. for Heat and Smoke by Snow Loads (1973) Rec. for Prevention of ons (Flood. Surface Water. Rigging Collapse. Burglary, and Uniform Building Code: Safetv Std. for Tests for Fire Resistance of Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Retardant Std. for Safety for Wind Resistance of Prepared th Gravel or Slag Surf/ Loss Prevention Data on Elastomer Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Use in Constructing Built I'p Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: ode Std. for Materials for I se in Construction of Built Up organic Felt. Coa/ Safety Std. for Materials for Built-lp Std. Test Meth. for Structural Insulating Rough and Finished Carpentry. Flooring. Shingles. Exposed Spec, for Perlite Insulating Concrete orced Gypsum Concrete and Precast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Uniform Plumbing Code: Rainwater Systems. Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: Loss Prevention Data on Bonds and Guarantees for Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Std. for Safety for Gas Vents and Vent ) Rec. Against and Coated Felts. Prepared Roofings, and Plast/ Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Floor and Uniform Building Code Std. for Natural Slate Uniform Building Code: Penthouses and g. Shingles. Exposed Roof Decking. Drop Siding. Structural Std. for Safety for Power he Uniform Building Code: Valley Flashing (Sheet Metal for Uniform Building Code Std. for Mineral Std. Index of Meth. for Test. Elastomeric and Plastomeric Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Asbestos Cement Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roll l r niform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Composition Guide Spec, for Sheet Metal sheet. Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process for /El Rolled Electrical Steels for Magnetic Applications (19 Rolled Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1970) Rolled Hard. Untempered Spring Quality (1973) Rolled Nonoriented Electrical Steel. Fully Processed Ty Rolled Oats. Bulgur. Rolled Wheat. Breakfast Cereals (E (Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flatwire and Strip) (1973) (Rolled or Drawn) (1973) Spec, for Tolerances of Rolled or Extruded (1973) ANSI H38.10 Rolled or Slash Points (1971) EEI TDJ 14 Rolled Rods for Electrical Purposes (1972) ANSI C7.66 Rolled Sheet and Strip. Commercial Quality (1972) Rolled Sheet. Carbon. Structural (1972) Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Plate. Sheet. Rolled Steel Plates. Shapes. Sheet Piling, and Bars for Rolled Strip for Magnetic Application in Relays and Sol Rolled Tube Plates in Surface Condensers and Heat Excha Rolled Wheat. Breakfast Cereals (Except Those Which Are Rolled 9°i Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges. Fittings. Valves. Rolled. Grain Oriented. Silicon Iron. Electrical Steel. Rolled. High Strength. Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanad Rolled. Special Quality. lor Fluid Power Applications ( Roller Bearing Steel (1970) ASTM G56.2 Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Confor Roller Bearings (1972) Roller Bearings (1973) ANSI B3.18 Roller Bearings) Conforming to Basic Boundary Plans (19 Roller Chains and Sprocket Teeth (1972) Roller Chains. Attachments and Sprockets (1972) Roller Drafted Yarns (1971) Roller Dried Nonfat Dry Milk Solids to Change Mixing Ch Roller Peel Resistance of Adhesives (1973) Roller Turner Tvpe (1972) Std. for Carbi Roller Type Conveyor Chains and Sprocket Teeth (1973) Roller. Rod End. Anti Friction. Airframe (1974) Rolling Ball (1973) Std. Rolling Dies (1973) Std. for Dimen Rolling Mill Auxiliary Drives (1972) Rolling Screws (1972) Rolling Shear (Shear in Plane of Plies) (1969) Rolls and Their Installation. Operation, and Maintenanc Rolls for Phototypesetting or Photocomposing Devices. O Rolls for Recording Instruments and Miscellaneous Uses Rolls of Perforated Tape for Information Interchange (1 Rolls (Plastic. Wood or Metal) (1971) Rolls (1973) Rolls. Including Leaders and Trailers, for Aerial and R Romanization of Arabic Written Language (Transliteratio Romanization of Japanese Written Language (Transliterat Roof and Window \ ents Designed to Open Automatically in Roof Collapse of Buildings and Other Structures Caused Roof Collapse) (1974) /Ls at Electric Generating Stati Roof Construction and Covering (1973) Roof Covering Material (1973) Roof Covering Materials (1973) Roof Covering Materials (1973) ANSI A 195.1 Roof Coverings (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Preferably Wi Roof Coverings (1971) ANSI A109.24 Roof Coverings (1973) Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt. Asphalt and Coal Ta Roof Coverings: Hot Mopping Asphalt. Asphalt-Saturated Roof Deck (R1970) Roof Decking. Drop Siding. Structural Roof Trusses and Roof Decks (1973) Roof Diaphragms (1973) /M Building Code Std. for Reinf Roof Drains and Piping (1973) Roof Framing (1973) Roof Installations (1973) Roof Insulation Board (1972) Roof Jacks (1973) ANSI A131.2 Roof Leakage of Buildings Not Due to Hail or Wind (1972 Roof Membranes; Aggregates. Saturated Felts. Saturated Roof Plank and Beam Framing (1973) Roof Shingles (1973) Roof Structures (Tower, Spire) (1973) Roof IYusses and Rafters. Overhead /Ished Carpentry. Floorin Roof Ventilators (1972) ANSI C33.89 Roof Waterproofing) (1973) Roofing Aggregates (1973) Roofing and Waterproofing Materials (1972) Roofing Asphalt (1973) Roofing Shingles (1973) Roofing Surfaced with Mineral Granules (1973) Roofing Tile (1973) Roofing (Class C Sheet (Roll) and Shingles) (1973) Roofing (1971) Roofing (1971) ANSI G8.21 Std. Spec, for Steel Std. /Lling Construction Under T ASTM A345 AISI 2 ASTM A680 ASTM A677 AACCH 44-15A ASTM B272 SAE AMS2201J ASTM B308 NEMA PH 14 ASTM B531 ASTM A659 ASTM A611 ASTM A 480 ASTM A6 NARM 121 ASTM B171 AACCH 44-15A ASTM A522 ASTM A665 ASTM A607 ASTM A 695 ASTM A 295 AFBMA 7 AFBMA 11 AFBMA 18 AFBMA 7 ANSI B29.10 ANSI B29 4 ASTM D2645 AACCH 54-20 ASTM D3167 ANSI B94.37 ANSI B29.15 NSA h61 ASTM D3121 IFI 109 NEMA PV 2 SAE J81 ASTM D2718 FMS 12-60 ANSI PHI. 44 ANSI PHI. 30 ANSI X3.34 ANSI PHI. 13 ANSI X4.8 ANSI PHI. 10 ANSI Z39.12 ANSI Z39.ll FMS 4430 FMS 1-54 FMS 9-10 ICBO UBC»3-32 UL 790 ICBO UBCS32-7 UL 997 FMS 1-47 ASTM D312 ICBO UBC'8-18 ICBO UBCS321 UL 55A ASTM D2164 AWI •1-1 CSI 03521 ICBO UBCS24 13 ICBO I'POl-D ICBO UBC*8-9 FMS 1-47S ASTM C726 UL 441 FMS LPD1 4 NRCA ♦2 IV ICBO UBCS25-22 ICBO UBCS32-10 ICBO UBC'3-36 AWI •1-1 UL 705 ICBO UBC*8-19 ICBO UBCS32-5 ASTM D3105 ICBO UBCS322 ICBO UBCS32-9 ASTM D249 ICBO UBCS32-12 ICBO UBCS32-3 CSI 07610 ASTM A361 Engineering and Product Standards Division 335 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Guide Spec, for Clay Tile Rec. for Insulated Steel Deck ed with Bituminous Substances for U9e in Waterproofing and and Design Load9, Timber, Plank and Laminated Flooring and r Woven Glass Fabrics Treated for Use in Waterproofing and Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceiling; Partitions; Plaster; Structural Deck ms Relating to Bituminous, and Other Organic Materials for tes, Saturated Felts, Saturated and Coated Felts, Prepared ypsum Boa/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Special Purpose Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling and Analysis of Built Up ight Transmitting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth Std. for Safety Std. for umidifiers. Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suction Equipment, ty for Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File Storage cfm (1971) Std. for Sound Rating of Safety Std. for Oil Burning Stoves ppliances, and Wall Furnaces, Floor Furnaces, and Unit and Std. for Gas Fired Std. for Gas Fired std. for Respiratory Therapy Equipment (Breathing Devices, Std. Meth. of Compression Test, of Metallic Materials at Cold Chambers and Serving Units for Tests Above and Below of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at f Corn Starch Which Is Substantially Insoluble in Water at esistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles at td. for Residential Controls for Low Voltage, Wall Mounted nsi Z2S.1 Safety Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Lighting Cotton Classing tes/ Std. Spec, for Moist Cabinets and (Specimen Storage) on of Sound Power Levels of Small Sources in Reverberation Recording and Specifying Machinery Sound Within Equipment Uniform Building Code: Motion Picture Projection Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Steam commendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Refrigerator Rec. Pract. on Application, Care, and Use of Wire nted Types (1971) Std. Spec, for Electric Wire ed Members, for Electrical Conductors (1971) Spec, for (1962) Meth. of Analysis of ane Boomstop of All Mobile Construction Type Cranes Having Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Spec, for Wire for Critical Zone for Laboratory Evaluation-of Roll Over Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structures es; Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens; Std. Meth. of Test for Total Std. for Liquid 1, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, .55 Test Meth. for the Evaluation of Mildew and Std. Rec. Pract. for Spec, for logenated Solvent Extract from Aerospace Components (Using ing at Le/ Rec. Pract. Safety Requirements for Industrial Sanitary Stds. for Centrifugal and Positive n) (1/ Std. for Uniform Dimensions and Meth. of Test, for fastness of Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) Std. for Fastener; for Continuity of Steam Turbine Oil Oxidation Stability by Oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para-Cresol by std. for Test Procedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Std. for Electrical Apparatus Sales and Service Industry Std. Designations for trose, Sy/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Specific rolyzates/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Specific Spec, for Vacuum Treated Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine . for Vacuum Treated Electric Steel Forgings for Generator shutters. Flush, Stile, and Rail Doors, Factory Finishing, entification Marking Meths. on Finished, Semi Finished and Gear Tooth Surface Texture for Aerospace Gearing (Surface Makes a Good Air Conditioning System (Information on Year 73) ANSI H38.18 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded ansi C7.59 Std. Spec, for Compact ors (1972) ANSI C7.53 Std. Spec, for Compact fins (1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless eservative Treatment by Pressure Processes) (19/ Std. for al Pressure and Bending (1972) Bui. on Spec, and Meth. for Establishing Rec. Design Stresses for Tent. Test Meth. for Establishing Design Stresses for Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Formed and Arc Welded Std. Spec for Aluminum Alloy equirements for Carbon Steel Wire Rods and Uncoated Coarse Drycleanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Roofing (1972) Roofing (1972) Roofing (1972) ANSI A109.10 /and Woven Fabrics Saturat Roofing (1973) /Es, Design Values, Section Properties Roofing (1973) ANSI A109.26 Std. Spec. Fo Roofing) and Earthquake Recording Instrumentation (1973 (Roofing); Gypsum Concrete (1973) Roofing, Waterproofing, and Related Building or Industr Roofings, and Plastic Roll Materials (1973) /; Aggrega Roofs (Wood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt or G Roofs (1972) Roofs, Light Diffusers in Ceilings, Partitions, Exterio Room Air Conditioners (1972) ANSI Z234.1 Room Air Conditioners (1973) ANSI C33.14 Room Air Purifiers, Filters, Compressors, Artificial Ai Room Doors (1972) ANSI A153.1 Std. for Safe Room Fan Coil Air Conditioners Delivering Less Than 150 (Room Heaters and Ranges) (1973) Room Heaters (1973) /Uirements for Vented Decorative a Room Heaters: Volume I, Vented (1974) Room Heaters: Volume II, Unvented (1974) Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suction E Room Temperature (R1973) Room Temperature (1966) ANSI C59.49 /. for Enclosures, Room Temperature (1972) Std. Meth. Room Temperature (1973) /Etermination of pH (Slurry) Room Temperatures (1969) ANSI K90.7 / for Electrical R Room Thermostats (1972) Room Type Fan Coil Units (Heating and Cooling) (1973) a Rooms for Color Grading (1971) Rooms Used in the Test, of Hydraulic Cements and Concre Rooms (Acoustics) (1972) /or Meth. for the Determinati Rooms (Noise) (1973) Std. for Meth. of Measuring, Rooms (1973) Rooms (1973) Rooms (1973) Re Rope for Oil Field Service (1972) Rope Hoists (Lug, Hook, Trolley Suspended, and Base Mou Rope Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch Strand Rope Spore Count in Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) Rope Supported Booms, Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell Rope Wire (1972) ANSI G81.32 Rope (1972) (ROPS) and Falling Object Protective Structures (FOPS) (ROPS) for Prime Movers (Heavy Equipment) (1972) /Nimum Rose Grades; Vines and Ground Covers; Fruit Tree Grades Rosin Acids Content of Coating Vehicles (1973) Rosin Fluxes Used for Soldering (1973) ANSI C83.91 Rot Fragment Counting Plate and Cover) (1962) /Y Funne Rot (Fungicides) Resistance of Textiles (1971) ANSI L14 Rotameter Calibration (1973) Rotary Drilling Equipment (petroleum) (1974) Rotary Flash Evaporator) (1972) /Olatile Residue of Ha Rotary Mowers (Designed for Operation with Tractors Hav Rotary Pumps for Milk and Its Products (1974) Rotary Selector Switches (Radio, TV, and Instrumentatio (Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.212 Rotary, Quick Operating, High Strength (1973) Rotating Bomb (1967) ANSI Z11.230 Std. Meth. of Test Rotating Bomb (1973) ANSI C59.113 / Mineral Insulating Rotating Electric Machinery (1973) (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Powe Rotation and Discharge of Centrifugal Fans (1966) Rotation Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Dex Rotation Content of Corn Syrup, Dextrose and Starch Hyd Rotor Disks and Wheels (1970) ANSI G55.15 Std. Rotors and Shafts (1974) ANSI G55.1'* Std. Spec, for Rotors (1971) ANSI G55.13 Std. Spec Rough and Finished Carpentry, Flooring, Shingles, Expos Rough Items (1971) Aerospace Std. Id Roughness, Waviness, Form and Lay) (1973) Std. for Round Air Conditioning System) (1966) What Round Coiled Tubes for General Purpose Applications (19 Round Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conouctors (1974) Round Concentric Lay Stranded EC Grade Aluminum Conduct Round Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Round Poles and Posts Used in Building Construction (Pr Round Thread Casing Joint Strength with Combined Intern Round Timber Construction Poles (1974) Std. Round Timber Piles (1970) Round Timber Piles (1973) Round Timber Piles (1973) Round Tube (1974) ANSI H38.20 Round Welded Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.ll Round Wire (1971) ANSI G54.12 /Td. Spec, for General R Round) Suiting (Institutional Textile) (1973) /R Woven CSI 07350 FMS 1-28 ASTM D146 WWPA »31 ASTM D1668 ICBO UBC*3-23 NRCA •2-113 ASTM D1079 NRCA ♦2-IV ICBO UBCS32-14 ASTM D2829 ICBO UBC*3-52 AHAM RAC-1 UL 484 NSF 48 UL 155 ARI 443 UL 896 ICBO UMC«7-1 ANSI Z21.11.1 ANSI Z21.11.2 NSF 48 ASTM E9 ASTM E197 ASTM C704 CR C-44 ASTM C611 NEMA DC 3 UL 883 ASTM D1684 ASTM C511 ANSI SI. 21 ARI 575 ICBO UBC*3-40 TCA 311 TCA 310 API 9B HMI 100 ASTM B172 AACCH 42-20 SAE J220 ASTM A492 API 9A SAE J397A SAE J320B ANSI Z60.1 ASTM D1469 EIA RS402 AACCH 28-90 AATCC 30 ASTM D3195 API 7 ASTM F331 SAE J232 DFISA 0206 EIA RS315-A AATCC 116 NSA 547 ASTM D2272 ASTM D2112 IEEE 85 EASA *1 AMCA 2406 CR F-52 CR E-58 ASTM A471 ASTM A470 ASTM A469 AWI *1-1 SAE AS478D AGMA 118.01 NESCA MAN C ASTM B491 ASTM B496 ASTM B400 ASTM B404 AWPA C23-72 API BUL 5C4 ASTM D3200 ASTM D2899 ASTM D25 ICBO UBCS25-14 ASTM B547 ASTM B313 ASTM A510 ANSI L24.3.1 336 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards square! Brass Wire (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. for Spec, and Measurement of Out of rmed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in t Resisting Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars Including (1974) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test, and Tolerances for Jute arm Machinerv) (1973) Std. for Chisel Plow, Field and eal Chemistry) (1962) Care and Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe ked Paint Film (Coil/ Spec, for Conducting a Solvent Hand hes in Contact/ Std. Meth. of Test for Diffusion Stain of derground Installations of Electrical W/ Std. for Styrene st Meth. for Evaluating Low Temperature Characteristics of 1 / Std. Meth. of Measuring Low Temperature Stiffening of eth. of Test for Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Test Temperatures for r Preparing Precision Statements for ASTM Meth. Related to Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized td. Meth. of Test for Impact Resilience and Penetration of Meth. of Test for Viscosity and Curing Characteristics of Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resilience of Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Permeance of . for Std. Materials. Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of nish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Spec for and Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation / nd Cable (1974) ANSI C8.38 Deg. C Operation (1974) ANSI C8./ orption / Std. Meth. of Test for Characteristic Groups in Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A21.ll Std. for std. Spec, for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe with nd Fittings (1972) Std. Spec, for Neoprene Std. Spec, for Sheet Std. Spec, for Synthetic Std. Spec, for Synthetic Std. Spec, for Natural Std. Meth. of Testing Std. Spec, for Ozone Resisting Butyl on (1974) ANSI C8.24 Std. Spec, for Synthetic on (1974) ANSI C8.40 Std. Spec, for Synthetic Std. for Mine Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene - 35,000 Volts and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylene Propylene ductor Electrical Power Cables with Ethylene-Propylene ■ nductor Electrical Power Cable with Ethylene— Propylene - and Less and Having Ozone Resistant Ethylene-Propylene - Std. Spec, for General Purpose Ethylene Propylene Std. Spec, for Natural trated. Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuged Natural Std. Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature for Rubbers and Std. Meth. of Test. Synthetic r Evaluating Low Temperature Characteristics of Rubber and eth. of Measuring Low Temperature Stiffening of Rubber and t for Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Rubber and std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Test Temperatures for Rubber and Std. Meth. for Test. gs (1973) Std. Spec, for Styrene . of Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Test, of Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Sponge and Expanded Cellular Meth. of Dynamic Test, for Ply Separation and Cracking of Std. Classification System for Carbon Blacks Used in Soft Chloroprene - Medium Chloroprene ■ Firm Chloroprene Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Std. Rec. Pract for Preparation of Pieces from Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized of and Test Formulas for Natural Rubber (Nr) and Isoprene std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Natural valuation of and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in Natural 8 Std. Spec, for Styrene-Butadiene-Synthetic and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in Styrene-Butadiene Std. Spec, for Styrene Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Styrene for Strap Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing Fabrics or Cords to Std. Meth. of Tension Test, of Hard Rec. Concerning Storage of Expanded Std. Meth. of Test for Tear Resistance of Vulcanized . of Measuring Plasticity Retention Index (PRI) of Natural ct and Migration Stain of Organic Finishes in Contact with sae J20/ Classification System for Elastomeric Materials (45-55) (1973) Spec, for Synthetic- Resistant, 65-75 (1973/ Rings, Sealing, Fluorosilicone ing to Resilient Floor Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, Linoleum, Std. for Packing, Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Flat (Rectangular and Roundness (1972) Rounds and Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.21 /Pec. for Cold Fo Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, and Shapes-Angles, TEES an Rove and Plied Yarn for Electrical and Packing Purposes Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground Tool Mountings (F Rowland Meth. of Analysis of Serum Protein in Milk (Cer (Rtrp) (1972) Rec. Pract. for Rub Test for the Determination of Deg. of Cure of a Bac Rubber and Contact and Migration Stain of Organic Finis Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Fittings for Un Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by a Temperature Retra Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by Means of a Torsiona Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (1960) ANSI J2.20 / M Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (1973) Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (1973) ANSI J1.3 Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials (1972) /Ec. Pract. Fo Rubber by the Oven Meth. (1967) ANSI JS.l Rubber by the Oxygen Pressure Meth. (1973) ANSI J4.1 Rubber by the Rebound Pendulum (1972) ANSI J2.19 Rubber by the Shearing Disk Viscometer (1972) ANSI J7.7 Rubber by Vertical Rebound (1974) ANSI J2.31 Rubber Coated Fabrics (1973) Rubber Compounds for Preparing Vulcanized Test Sheets ( Rubber Compounds for Soles and Heels (1968) ANSI J2.26 Rubber Cushion Sleeper Construction with Nailers and Fi Rubber Extender and Processing Oils by the Clay Gel Abs Rubber Gasket Joints for Cast and Ductile Iron Pressure Rubber Gasket Joints (1973) Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe a Rubber Gaskets (1966) ANSI J7.2 Rubber Heat and Moisture Resisting Insulation for Wire Rubber Heat or Moisture Resisting Insulation for Wire a Rubber Heat Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Rubber Hose (1972A) ANSI J2.5 Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8.37 Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Operati Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 90 Deg. C Operati Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /Abies Rated 0- Rubber Insulation (1973) IPCEA S68-516 /D Multiple Con Rubber Insulation, 2001-5000 Volts (1973) IPCEA S68-516 Rubber Integral Insulation and Jacket (1973) IPCEA S68- Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable (1972) Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.25 Rubber Latex (1972A) ANSI J8.12 Std. Spec, for Concen Rubber Latices (1972A) ANSI J9.1 Rubber Latices (1974) ANSI J2.34 Rubber Like Materials by a Temperature Retraction Proce Rubber Like Materials by Means of a Torsional Wire Appa Rubber Like Materials (1960) ANSI J2.20 / Meth. of Tes Rubber Like Materials (1973) Rubber Like Materials (1973) ANSI J1.3 Rubber O-Rings (1972) Rubber Plastic Drain and Building Sewer Pipe and Fittin Rubber Products (1972) ANSI Jl.l Std. Meth Rubber Products (1972A) ANSI J10.1 Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J2.4 Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J2.6 Std. Rubber Products (1973) ANSI J8.6 Rubber Sponge (1973) Rubber Sponge (1973) Rubber Sponge (1973) Rubber to Metal (1973) Rubber to Steel Cord (1973) Rubber Vulcanizates Other Than Std. Test Sheets (1973) Rubber (Friction Test) (1970) ANSI J3.1 Rubber (IR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation Rubber (Nr) and Isoprene Rubber (IR) (1973) Rubber (Nr) (1973) Std. Meth. for E Rubber (SBR) Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.2 Rubber (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of Rubber ISR) Plastic Drain Pipe. Perforated (1974) Rubber (SR) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1972) Rubber (1971) Std. Meth. of Test Rubber (1972) Rubber (1972) Rubber (1973) Rubber (1973) Std. Meth Rubber (1973) ANSI J7.3 /Ion Stain of Rubber and Conta (Rubber) for Automotive Applications (1973) ANSI J8.15, Rubber, Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer, General Purpose Rubber, General Purpose, High Temperature, Fuel and Oil Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos, Polymeric Poured Seamles Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, 1CBO UBCS32-13 ANSI B89.3.1 ASTM A 500 ASTM A429 ASTM D681 ASAE S225.1 AACCH 46-22 API RP5L4 NCCA TB-II-18 ASTM D925 NEMA TCI ASTM D1329 ASTM D1053 ASTM D1081 ASTM D1566 ASTM D1349 ASTM D3040 ASTM D573 ASTM D572 ASTM D1054 ASTM D1646 ASTM D2632 ASTM D815 ASTM D3182 ASTM D1630 WSFI *4 ASTM D2007 AWWA CI 1 1 ASTM C505 CISPI HSN ASTM D1330 ASTM D1679 ASTM D1520 ASTM D469 ASTM D380 ASTM D1352 ASTM D754 ASTM D1523 NEMA WC8/5 NEMA WC8 NEMA WC8/6 NEMA WC8/7 NEMA WC8/1 ASTM D2768 ASTM D532 ASTM D1076 ASTM D1418 ASTM D1417 ASTM D1329 ASTM D1053 ASTM D1081 ASTM D1566 ASTM D1349 ASTM D1414 ASTM D2852 ASTM D15 ASTM D297 ASTM D1056 ASTM D430 ASTM D1765 SAE AMS3197H SAE AMS3198H SAE AMS3199H ASTM D429 ASTM D2229 ASTM D3183 ASTM D413 ASTM D3184 ASTM D3184 ASTM D3192 ASTM D866 ASTM D3191 ASTM D3298 ASTM D3122 ASTM D2630 ASTM D2707 FMS LPD8-2 ASTM D624 ASTM D3194 ASTM D925 ASTM D2000 SAE AMS3260 SAE AMS7266 ASTM F141 NSA 1593 NSA 1595 Engineering and Product Standards Division 337 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 23 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Packing, Preformed-MlL-R-25897 Preformed. Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MlL-R-25897 Precision Statements for ASTM Meth. Related to Rubber and olstery and Bedding Applications (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Polystyrene Blocks in Sbr Std. Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature for luation of and Test Formulas for Solution Poly-Butadiene ation of and Test Formulas for General Purpose Chloroprene or Evaluation of and Test Formula for Isobutcne-Isoprene aluation of and Test Formula for Butadiene-Acrylonitrile tion of and Test Formula for Pigmented Styrene-Butadiene of and Test Formulas for Nonpigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rec. Pract. for Latex Foam td. Meth. for Sampling and Sample Preparation of Solid Raw Tent. Meth. of Tension Test, of Solid Urethane and Other orfastness of Colored Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking for Colorfastness of Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking ct. for Measuring Slope Efficiency and Lasing Threshold of r. Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer, Test Meth. for chines (Polisher, Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover. Test Meth. for Visual Rating Meth. of Carpet Test Meth. for Carpet Test Meth. for Carpet Meth. for Shampooing: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings versal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80. Dol-37Aa60. life pec. for 55 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drum (Ufc ec. for 57 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums (I'fc ec. for 30 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums (I'fc ec. for 16 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums (life gal. Full Removable Head, Lug Cover Universal Drums (Ufc iversal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37A60, Ufc Tight Head Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc General Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Range Plans: Safety Rec. Pract. for Uniform Plumbing Code: Rec. Grading supply and Communication Lines (1960) Safety 1 Supply Statio/ National Electrical Safety Code, Part 1: nd Electric Supply and Communications Lines (Nati/ d Cypress Lumber (1971-75) uipment (National Electrical Safety Code) (1973) ed)(1974) d) (1974) Safety Trading Trading Trading Trading safety Code) (1940) Std. Grading ncluding Selection, Purchase, Preparation, Maintenance and palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed;/ Oilseed Products Trading Rec. Steel Frame Shoring Safety Rec. for Single Post Shore Safety Rec. Scaffolding Safety Rec. Horizontal Shoring Beam Safety Bench Calibration of Tank Level Gaging Tapes and Sounding ds. Timber,/ Western Woods Use Book: Lumber Std.. Grading le Stack Plumbing System (1973) Design ifle Ranges (1972) Safety std. for Tee. Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Swivel on plic/ Std. Spec, for Nonload (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs, c. for Determining the Load Carrying Ability of Farm Wagon Quality Stds. for Standing and he/ Guide Specs, for Architectural Woodwork: Standing and ion Drain, Under Basement Floor, Sump Conductor, Downspout Std. Meth. of Test for Modulus of d. Meth. of Test for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Std. Meth. of Test for Transverse ive Meth. of Test for Biaxial Flexure Strength (Modulus of . of Glass and Glass Ceramics (Determination of Modulus of ers (1972) Rec. for Single Phase a Policy on Geometric Design of Rec. for Uniform Terminology for ) ANSI ZI 1.152 Std. Meth. of Test for 62) Ether-Bicarbonate Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Trifructosan Meth. of Analysis for Admixture of Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of meth. of Analysis for Acetic. Butyric, and Lactic Acids in Chloroform-Alcohol Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in Microscopic Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat or Sedimentation Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat and ling Number Determination of Both Meal and Flour of Wheat. Rubber, 90 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Rubber. 90 Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Rubber-Like Materials (1972) /Ec. Pract. for Preparing Rubberized Curled Hair for Cushioning Materials for Uph Rubbers and Latices (1974) Rubbers and Rubber Latices (1972A) ANSI J9. 1 Rubbers (BR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Eva Rubbers (CR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evalu Rubbers (IIR) (1973) Std. Meth. F Rubbers (NBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Ev Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evalua Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation Rubbers (1971) Rubbers (1973) Rubbers (1973) (Rubbing) by the AATCC Crockmeter Meth. (1972) ANSI Lit. (Rubbing) (Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Meth.) (1972) ANSI Ruby Laser Rods (1973) Tent. Rec. Pra Rug and Floor Washers, etc.) (1974) /Machines (Polishe Rug Back Floor Staining on Vinyl Tile (1973) Rug Shampooer. Rug and Floor Washers, etc.) (1974) /Ma (Rug) Soiling (1973) ANSI L14.215 (Rug) Soiling; Accerated Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.217 (Rug) Soiling: Service Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.216 (Rug. Carpet) (1972) Test Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260 (1974) /Nesting Lug Cover Uni Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. S Rule 40. Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Sp Rule 40. Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Sp Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Sp Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec, for 16 Rule 40. Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) /Ht Side Lug Cover I'n Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260. Dot-37B60) (1974) /R 5 Gal Rules and Formulae for Fibre Cans (1973) Rules and Procedures (1972) Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (1972) Rules for SAE Use of SI (Metric) Units (1972) Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System (1973) Rules for Std. Wood Mouldings (1967) Rules for Testing Seeds (1970) Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Electric Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Electrics Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Undergrou Rules for the Measurement and Inspection of Hardwood an Rules for the Operation of Electric Supply Lines and Eq Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed Meal (Flaxse Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed Oil (Flaxsee Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Soybean Meal (1973) Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Soybean Oil (1973) Rules for the Radio Installations (National Electrical Rules for Western Lumber (1972) Rules of the Road (1972) / Std. for Regular Bicycles I Rules (Performance. Quality, Description, and Grade of Rules (1972) Rules (1972) Rules (1972) Rules (1972) Rules (1974) Std. Procedure for Rules. Design Values, Section Properties and Design Loa Rules, Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper Solvent Sing Rules, Procedures For, and Construction of High Power R Run (1973) Runners (Track) and Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Ap Running Game (Wildlife) Rifle Ranges (1971) Running Gear (1973) Std. Test Pro Running Trim (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Running Trim, Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Storage S Runoff, Swimming Pool, etc.) (1973) ANSI A176.3 /Undat Rupture of Air Setting Plastic Refractories (1972) Rupture of Refractory Brick and Shapes (1972) ANSI Alll Rupture Strength of Cemented Carbides (1973) ANSI H9.23 Rupture) of Ceramic Substrates (1974) Tentat Rupture) (1972) Std. Meth. of Flexure Test Rural Distribution Service for Motors and Phase Convert Rural Highways (1965) Rural Waste Management and Disposal (1973) Rust Preventive Properties of Lubricating Greases (1973 Rye and Wheat Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Rye and Wheat Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rye Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Tween Versene Rye (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rye (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rye, Barley, Other Grains, and Malted Cereals (Cereal C NSA 1594 NSA 1596 ASTM D3040 ASTM D2128 ASTM D3314 ASTM D1418 ASTM D3189 ASTM D3190 ASTM D3188 ASTM D3187 ASTM D3186 ASTM D3185 SAE J17A ASTM D148S ASTM D3196 AATCC 8 AATCC 116 ASTM F379 UL 561 AATCC 137 UL 561 AATCC 121 AATCC 123 AATCC 122 AATCC 138 ANSI MH2.15 ANSI MH2.2 ANSI MH2.1I ANSI MH2.I2 ANSI MH2.I4 ANSI MH2.8 ANSI MH2.10 ANSI MH2.9 CCTI ♦1 NRA ♦4 ABS •5 SAE J916A ICBO UPC*1- WWPA .29 AOSA 60-2 ANSI C2.2 ANSI C2.1 ANSI C2.3 NHLA *1 ANSI C2.4 NFP ♦1 NFP ♦2 NSPA •1 NSPA ♦2 ANSI C2.5 WWPA ♦23 BMA 6/7 NIOP •1 SSI •3 SSI ♦4 SSI •5 SSI •7 ANSI B88.2 WWPA •31 CDA •1 NRA •3 NSA 1763 ASTM C645 NRA *12 ASAE S360T AW1 ♦ 1-300 AWI •11 ASTM D2311 ASTM C491 ASTM C133 ASTM B406 ASTM F394 ASTM CI 58 ASAE R329 ASHTO GD-2 ASAE R292.1 ASTM D1743 AACCH 42-56 AACCH 06- 10 AACCH 10-70 AACCH 04-20 AACCH 42-55 AACCH 28-60 AACCH 42-70 AACCH 42-71 AACCH 56-8 IB 338 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ) (1972) our and Semolina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Corn, oprop (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical O-Ethyl 57) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Syrup, Sugar. And/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sugar. Starch Mol/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ) Temperature Corrections for romthymol Blue Test Paper for Analysis of Urea in Cloth or r Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for Paper Bag and Test Meth. for Drop Tests for Paper Shipping r. Semolina, and Similar Products: Feeds and Peedstuffs in st Meth. for Water Leak Test for Paper Shipping and Refuse Std. for Paper Refuse or Regular Bicycles Including Wheel Assembly. Chainguards, Recommendation for Installation of Thresholds. (1968) Rec. Pract. for the Std. Spec, for ) Std. Rec. Pract. for Properties and Essential Information for y) (1973) Properties and Essential Information for Properties and Essential Information for Std. for Properties and Essential Information for Properties. Properties and Essential Information for the Rec. for s Dust Locations (Agricultural Plast/ Std. Guidelines for Auxiliary Machinery (Boats) (/ Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Depth Requirements (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1971) Tires (1973) ts)(1973) Rec. (1973) Rec. Pipe, Fittings / Uniform Fire Code: Recommended Guide to td. for Safety for Flexible Steel and Aluminum Conduit for Std. for the te (1972) Rec. for d Structural Steel Products and Procedur/ Rec. Pract. for and Demolition Operations (1973) ANSI A10.21 Std. for the Use of Electric Blasting Caps (1971) ANSI C95.4 ontaining Flammable or Co/ Uniform Fire Code: Recommended 2) Rec. Rec. for General Recommended Rec. Mercantile and Bank Safety Std. for Key Locked Safety Std. Burglary Resistant for Kev Locks (Burglar Alarm, Door, Deposit and Collection Rec. e Batteries in Motive Power Service (For Electric Trucks/ anufacture (Packaging) (1974) Std. for Minimum (1973) Rec. for Fire g Buoy) (19/ Safety Std. for Marine Special Purpose Water ype) Connecting Devices and Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch, Rec. Safe Pract. and Proc. (Industrial Plant U.S. Model Rocket Sporting and ngs: Base Mounted Drum Hoists (1971) d Platforms (1972) National Rules for the Radio Installations (National f Electric Supply Lines and Equipment (National ctric Supply and Communications Lines (National ntenance of Electrical Supply Statio/ National ses (1972) d Water Reactor Plants (1973) Std Operational Rec. for Globe Dry Pipe Valves ectrical / Mechanical Security Surveillance Sys/ ) Re ystems for Fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI / ction) (1974) ng) (1974) on Service (1974) (Indoor) (1973) tection Against Robberv or Holdup (Criminology)/ 74) (1974) or Electrical Wire and Cable Installation (1973/ Rec. Std. Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Std. Spec, for . Nuclear (Fire and Std. for Std. for Pract. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for e Action and Title Areas for Television Transmission Fill or Aerosol Containers (1972) e Filling of Low Pressure Pressurized Products (1972 e Handling and Use of Acetic Acid (1973) e Handling and Use of Acrylonitrile (1974) e Handling and I'se of AUyl Chloride (Chemical Safet e Handling and Use of Butadiene (1974) e Handling and Use of Caustic Soda (1974) e Handling and Use of Chloroform (1974) e Handling and Use of Ethyl Acetate (Chemical Safety e Handling and llse of Ethylene (1973) e Handling and Use of Paraformaldehyde (1974) e Handling and Use of Phosphorus Trichloride (1972) e Handling and Use of Propylene (1974) e Handling and I'se of Vinyl Chloride (1972) e Handling of Radioactive Materials (1964) e Installation of Electrical Instruments in Hazardou e Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and e Operating Condition of Tires Including Tire Treads e Operating Condition of Truck. Trailer and Bus Type e Pract. and Proc. (Industrial Plant Safety Checklis e Pract. for Thermal Spraying and Blasting Equipment e Practice Protection from Corrosion for Underground e Use as a Metal Raceway for Wire and Cable Installa Use of Lasers (1973) e Llse of Mixed Fertilizers Containing Ammonium Nitra eguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanize eguarding Against Fire During Building Construction eguards Against Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in eguards and Practices for the Protection and Tanks C eguards for Arrangement of Carpet Storage Racks (197 eguards for Flammable Liquids (1974) eguards for Organic Peroxides (1972) eguards in Particle Board Plants (1972) es and Vaults (1971) ANSI Se 2.1 es (Class KL) (1973) es (1972) ANSI Se 4.1 s)(1973) Safety Std. ety Alert Symbol for Agricultural Equipment (1972) ety and Health Rec. for Changing and Charging Storag ety and Health Requirements for Paper Bag and Sack M ety and Protection of Yankee Driers (Paper Machine) ety Buoyant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Horseshoe and Rin ety Chain, Lighting) (1973) /Ehicle (Recreational T ety Checklists) (1973) ety Code and Engine Std. (1973) ety Code for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and Sli ety Code for Fabricated Stage and Scaffold Planks an ety Code for Semiconductor Power Converters (1973) ety Code for Vertical Shoring (1968) ety Code (1973) ety Code) (1940) ety Code) (1973) Rules for the Operation O ety Code) (1973) /Nd Maintenance of Underground Ele ety Code, Part 1: Rules for the Installation and Mai ety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards (1971) ety Controls and Signaling Devices for Printing Pres ety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurize ety Equipment) (1973) ety for Access Control System Units (Electronic / El ety for Agricultrual Auger Conveying Equipment (1973 ety for Agricultural Equipment (1972) ety for Agricultural Equipment (1973) ANSI B114.3 ety for Alarm Valves for Use in Wet Pipe Sprinkler S ety for Antitheft Alarms and Devices (Burglary Prote ety for Automatic Ice Makers (600 Volts or Less Rati ety for Automatic Water Sprinklers for Fire Protecti ety for Battery Powered Emergency Lighting Equipment ety for Bullet Resisting Equipment (Barrier) for Pro ety for Burglary Resistant Electric Door Strikes (19 ety for Butterfly Valves for Fire Protection Service ety for Cellular Metal Floor Raceways and Fittings F AACCH 76-20 ANSI K62.133 CR E-62 CR E-63 CR F-50 AACCH 80-21 AACCH 28-87 ANSI Z259.1 TAPPI UM-806 AACCH 64-60 TAPPI UM-529 NSF 32 BMA 6/5 TCA 306 SMPTE RP8 ASTM D3068 ASTM D309I MCA SD41 MCA SD31 MCA SD99 MCA SD55 MCA SD9 MCA SD89 MCA SD51 MCA SD100 MCA SD6 MCA SD27 MCA SD59 MCA SD56 NCRPM R30 ISA S12.ll ABYC PI VESC V-7 VESC V-9 MCA SG20 AWS C2.1 ICBO UFC*2B UL 1 ANSI Z136.1 FMS LPD79 ASTM A 143 NFPA 241 IME 20 ICBO UFC»2A FMS LPD8-30 FMS 7-35 FMS 7-80 FMS LPD710 UL 609 UL 786 UL 687 UL 437 ASAE R350 ITA 8K1 ANSI Z259.1 FMS 12-29 UL 1123 VESC V-5 MCA SG20 NAR »] ANSI B30.7 ALI *1 NEMA PV 3 SSI »2 ANSI C2 ANSI C2.5 ANSI C2.4 ANSI C2.3 ANSI C2.1 ANSI Z53.1 ANSI B65.1 ANSI N18.2 FMS 2-14 UL 294 ASAE S361T SAE J208A ASAE S318.3 UL 193 UL 1037 UL 563 UL 199 UL 924 UL 752 UL 1034 UL 1091 UL 209 Engineering and Product Standards Division 339 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1974) c33.96 Alarm Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.6 naling Systems (1972) ANSI C33.90 (Lawn Mower. Cultivator. Edger-Trimmer. Hedge / 1972) ANSI B56.3 s Washing Equipment (Laundry Washer) (1974) s Drving Equipment (Laundry Dryer) (1974) ous Locations (1972) ANSI C33.28 zardous Locations, Class I, Groups C and D (197/ (1974) e Installation (1973) ANSI C33.98 als for Use in Flammable Anesthetizing Location/ Rated at 300 Volts or Less (1974) (1972) 1973) rs (1974) ation of Wires and Cables (1972) ANSI C33.37 1 .2 torage Tanks for Petroleum Oil and Gasoline (19/ Use as a Metal Raceway for Wire and Cable Inst/ , Sander. Scraper. Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer,/ 31.2 (1972) ectrical Wiring Systems) (1972) ANSI C33.8 ansi C33.36.2 ving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment / (Audio / Visual Communication) (1974) Type Appliances (1972) ANSI C33.11.1 si C33.53 appliances (1973) ANSI C33.ll. 2 ansi B97.1 re and Display) for Television Receiving Applia/ rous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (/ razing Purposes (1973) ANSI Z250.1 th Fire Protective Signaling Systems (1974) 2) stible Materials) (1974) ANSI Z221.1 etroleum (LP) Gas (1973) ANSI B167.1 aker Enclosures (1972) ) ANSI C33.56 tor Fittings for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Cyli/ hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups C and D, A/ ANSI Z217.1 ) ANSI Se2.9 B130.1 ssories. Nonelectrical (1973) g and Compressor Units (1973) ble Fluids and Anhvdrous Ammonia (Fertilizer Gr/ ANSI A162.1 Equipment (1973) ving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment / c33.40.1 trieal Wiring (1973) ANSI C33.50 rs (1972) ord Connected Electrical Appliances (1973) storage Room Doors (1972) ANSI A153.1 nces and Components (1972) ANSI C33.88 etroleum (LP) Gas (Other Than Safety Relief) (1/ ) Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Rec for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std for Safety Std. for Safety Std for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety- Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Safety for Commercial Dry Cleaning Machines (Class Iv) for Commercial Electric Dishwashers (1973) ANSI for Connectors and Switches for Use with Burglar for Constant Level Oil Valves (1974) ANSI B127.1 for Control Units for Indoor Fire Protective Sig for Cord Connected Electric Gardening Appliances for Cord Reels (1973) ANSI C33.18 for Dehumidifiers (1973) ANSI Z253.1 for Electric Air Heaters (1973) for Electric Battery Powered Industrial Trucks ( for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothe for Electric Coin Operated and Commercial Clothe for Electric Lighting Fixtures for Use in Hazard for Electric Motors and Generators for L'se in Ha for Electric Oil Heaters (1973) ANSI C33.44 for Electrical Attachment Plugs and Receptacles for Electrical Metallic Tubing for Wire and Cabl for Electrical Outlet Boxes and Fittings (1974) for Electrical Power Outlets (1972) ANSI C33.85 for Electrically Actuated Transmitters (1974) for Electrically Conductive Equipment and Materi for Electrically Operated Photographic Equipment for Electronic Data Processing Units and Systems for Elevator Door Locking Devices and Contacts ( for Factory Made Air Duct Materials and Connecto for Farmstead Equipment and Machinery (1972) for Fiber Conduit for Use as Raceway for Install for Fire Detection Thermostats (1974) ANSI Z220. for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies (1974) ANSI A2 for Flame Arresters (Fire) for Use on Vents of S for Flexible Steel and Aluminum Conduit for Safe for Floor Finishing Machines (Polisher. Scrubber for Gas Vents and Vent Roof Jacks (1973) ANSI Al for Ground Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipment for Grounding and Bonding Equipment (Internal El for Hair Clipping and Shaving Appliances (1973) for High Voltage Components for Television Recei for Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment for Household Electric Clocks (1974) ANSI C33.47 for Household Electric Coffee Makers and Brewing for Household Electric Ranges (Stoves) (1974) an for Household Electric Skillets and Frying Type for Household Refrigerators and Freezers (1973) for Implosion Protected Cathode Ray Tubes (Pictu for Liquid Level Gauges and Indicators for Anhyd for LP Gas Torches for Heating. Soldering, and B for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes for L T se Wi for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus (197 for Metal Waste (Trash, Garbage) Cans (For Combu for Meters for Flammable Liquids and Liquefied P for Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit Bre for Nonmetallic Sheathed Electrical Cables (1974 for Oil Fired Floor Furnaces (1974) for Oil Fired Unit Heaters (1974) for Oil Fried Water Heaters (1974) for Pigtail, Expansion Coil, and Flexible Connec for Portable Electric Lighting Units for Use in for Portable Electric Tools (1974) ANSI C33.49 for Portable Metal Ladders (1974) for Portable Sun / Heat Lamps (1974) for Portable Toy Transformers (1973) for Power Roof Ventilators (1972) ANSI C33.89 for Pressure Regulating Valves for LP Gas (1973) for Printed Wiring Boards (1973) ANSI C33.46 for Proprietary Burglar Alarm System Units (1974 for Pumps for Oil Burning Appliances (1974) ANSI for Refrigerant-Containing Components and Acce for Refrigerated Vending Machines (1974) for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Condensin for Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (1972) ANSI C33.91 for Self Contained Strainer or Filter for Flamma for Septic Tanks. Bituminous Coated Metal (1974) for Sheathed Heating Elements for Appliances and for Special Fuses for Radio and Television Recei for Special Use Electrical Switches (1973) ANSI for Surface Metal Raceways and Fittings for Elec for Swimming Pool Pumps, Filters, and Chlorinato for Tear Gas LInits and Systems (1974) for Test for Polymeric Enclosures for Portable C for Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File for Thermal Cutoffs for Use in Electrical Applia for Tin Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A142.1 for Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefied P for Valves for Flammable Liquids and Fuels (1974 for Vending and Amusement Machines (1974) for Water Pumps for Fire Protection Service (197 UL 664 UL 921 UL 634 UL 352 UL 864 UL 82 UL 355 UL 474 UL 1025 UL 583 UL 1206 UL 1240 UL 844 UL 674B UL 574 UL 498 UL 797 UL 514 UL 231 UL 632 UL 1067 UL 122 UL 478 UL 104 UL 181 ASAE R354 UL 543 UL 521 UL 10B UL 525 UL 1 UL 561 UL 441 UL 1053 UL 467 UL 1028 UL 492.3 UL 1069 UL 826 UL 1082 UL 858 UL 1083 UL 250 UL 492.8 UL 565 UL 147 UL 38 ANSI B15.1 UL 32 UL 25 UL 489 UL 719 UL 729 UL 731 UL 732 UL 569 UL 781 UL 45 UL 184 UL 482 UL 697 UL 705 UL 144 UL 796 UL 1076 UL 343 UL 207 UL 541 UL 303 UL 651 UL 331 UL 70 UL 1030 UL 492.7 UL 1054 UL 5 UL 1081 UL 600 UL 746.51 UL 155 UL 1020 UL 10A UL 125 UL 842 UL 751 UL 448 340 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards terials (1973) ANSI A195.1 fittings (Electrical Wiring) (1973) ANSI C33.45 Std. for Std. for Std. for equipment (1971) NBS HB111 Std. for Radiation Std. Performance Spec, and Meth. of Test for Transparent Uniform Building Code Std. for Class, Its Defects and ne Dust (1972) Rec. for Fire Std. for Operational Minimum Requirements for Std. for reading Agricultural Liquids and Slur/ Rec. for Improving Std. Practice for Storage of Processed textile Products (1971) Rec. Health 3) Std. Rec. Pract. for Apparatus. Reagents, and Dictionary of Terms Used in the (1971) ater Cooled and Mo/ Std. for Fire Protection Criteria for id Petroleum) Gas (1973) Safety Std. for 69) ANSI B146. 1 Std. for Flanged Steel drous Ammonia and Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas (Other Than L'niform Building Code: Existing Buildings; Minimum ding Ski and Surface Lifts and Tows (1973) Std. for ning Equipment and Operations (1972) power Press Brakes (1973) gs, and Toeboards (1973) ned for Operation with Tractors Having at Le/ 2) and Demolition Operations) (1973) ms (1972) eel and Plate (1973) us Ammonia (1972) of Shears (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Semi / of Die Casting Machines (1973) of Packaging and Its Related Converting Machin/ ng. or Removal (1972) Std. Std. for Std. for c. Pract. Std. for Std. for Std. for Rec. Std. for Std. Std. for Std. for Std. Std. for Std. for Std. voltage Power Vacuum Interrupters Used in Power Switchge/ transmission and Distribution Line Compensation (Including Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Range Plans: ectric Supply and Communication Lines (1960) derground Electric Supply and Communications Lines (Nati/ Rec. Steel Frame Shoring Rec. for Single Post Shore Rec. Scaffolding Rec. Horizontal Shoring Beam power Rifle Ranges (1972) Rec. Requirements for Both Permanently and Temporarily Affixed mpoline (1974) Std. Consumer s (1972) and Combustible Liquids (1972) pressure (1973) ressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973) m Pressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973) ) ANSI B 144.1 hine Tool Wires and Cables (1972) s. and Gaskets for Water and Fire Service (1973) nks for Oil Burner Fuel (1973) Use Principally as a Substitute for Plate Glass Show Wi/ rm and Supervisory Services (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups A-D, and Class / ipment (1973) (1972) 2) n-ta 11a lion and Use of Electric Motors and Generators (1/ e of Vehicle Alarm Systems and Units for Protection Agai/ ANSI C33.3 Safety for Wind Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Ma Safety for Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters and Associated Safety for Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters, and Associated Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Safety Glazing Material Used in Buildings (1971) Safety Glazing (1973) Safetv Guide for Respiratory Protection Against Coal Mi Safety in High Rise Buildings (1973) Safety in Welding and Cutting (1973) Safetv Manual for Anhydrous Ammonia (1973) Safety Nets (1971) Safety of Household Fire Warning System Units (1973) Safety on Enclosed Mobile Tanks for Transporting and Sp Safety Photographic Film Other Than Microfilm (1971) Safety Practices for Handling and Fabricating Asbestos Safety Precautions for Chemical Analysis of Metals (197 Safety Profession (1973) Safety Rec. for Electrically Heated Livestock Waterers Safety Rec. for Mechanical Refrigeration (1974) Safety Related Systems, Structures, and Equipment for W Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP (Liqu Safety Relief Valves Used in the Petroleum Industry (19 Safety Relief) (1974) / for Safety for Valves for Anhy Safety Requirement Alterations (1973) Safety Requirements for Aerial Passenger Tramways Inclu Safety Requirements for Bakery Equipment (1971) Safety Requirements for Commercial Laundry and Dry Clea Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use of Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railin Safety Requirements for Industrial Rotary Mowers (Desig Safety Requirements for Marine Terminal Operations (197 Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists (Construction Safety Requirements for Powder Actuated Fastening Syste Safety Requirements for Shops Fabricating Structural St Safety Requirements for Shoring Concrete Formwork (1972 Safety Requirements for Steel Erection (1972) Safety Requirements for Storage and Handling of Anhydro Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use Safety Requirements for the Textile Industry (1972) Safety Requirements for Tree Pruning, Trimming, Repaid Safety Requirements for Wood Job Made Ladders (1973) Safety Requirements for Woodworking Machinery (1971) Safety Requirements for X Radiation Limits for AC High Safety Requirements) (1973) /Apacitors for Electrical Safety Rules and Procedures (1972) Safety Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of El Safetv Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Un Safetv Rules (1972) Safety Rules (1972) Safety Rules (1972) Safety Rules (1972) Safety Rules, Procedures For. and Construction of High Safety Sign for Front End Agricultural Loaders (1972) Safety Signs for Construction and Industrial Equipment Safety Spec, for Components, Assembly, and Use of a Tra Safety Spec, for Power Mowers, Lawn, and Garden Tractor Safety Std. Antenna Discharge Units (1972) ANSI C33.39 Safety Std. Burglary Resistant Safes (1972) ANSI Se 4.1 Safety Std. Definitions for Regular Bicycles (1972) Safety Std. for Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, Portable, Medium Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, Stationary, Low P Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators. Stationary, Mediu Safety Std. for Air Conditioners, Central Cooling (1972 Safety Std. for All Thermoplastic Type MTW 600 Volt Mac Safety Std. for Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe, Coupling Safety Std. for Atmospheric Type Welded Steel Inside Ta Safety Std. for Automatic Transfer Switches (1972) Safety Std. for Automotive Fuel Tanks (1973) Safety Std. for Automotive Glass Tube Fuses (1973) Safety Std. for Battery Chargers (1972) Safety Std. for Burglary Resisting Glazing Material for Safety Std. for Capacitors (1973) Safety Std. for Central Stations for Watchman, Fire Ala Safety Std. for Circuit Breakers and Enclosures for Use Safety Std. for Class H Cartridge Fuses (1973) Safety Std. for Class R Fuses (Electrical) (1973) Safety Std. for Commercial-Industrial Gas Heating Equ Safety Std. for Commercial Electric Cooking Appliances Safety Std. for Commercial Refrigerators (1973) Safety Std. for Compressors for Process Industries (197 Safety Std. for Construction and Guide for Selection, I Safety Std. for Construction, Operation, and Maintenanc Safety Std. for Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords (1972) UL 997 UL 370 UL 870 ANSI N43.2 ANSI Z97.1 ICBO UBCS541 ANSI Z88.4 FMS 1-3 ANSI Z49.1 FI P110 ANSI A10.ll UL 985 ASAE R317 ANSI PHI. 43 ATI ♦4 ASTM E50 ASSFE ♦1 ASAE R342 FMS 12-61 ANS N18.10 UL 132 API 526 UL 125 ICBO UBC»313 ANSI B77.1 ANSI Z50. 1 ANSI Z8.1 ANSI Bl 1.3 ANSI A12.1 SAE J232 ANSI MH9.1 ANSI A10.4 ANSI A 10.3 ANSI Z229.1 SSI «9 ANSI A10.13 FI P130 ANSI Bl 1 4 ANSI B152.1 ANSI B155.1 ANSI Ll.l ANSI Z133.1 ANSI A14.4 ANSI 01.1 ANSI C37.85 ANSI C55.2 NRA *4 ANSI C2.2 ANSI C2.3 SSI »3 SSI *4 SSI *S SSI *7 NRA *3 ASAE R355 SAE Jl 15 ASTM F381 ANSI B71.1 UL 452 UL 687 BMA 6/2 UL 142 UL 297 UL 409 UL 408 UL 465 UL 1063 UL 107 UL 80 UL 1008 UL 395 UL 275B UL 1236 UL 972 UL 810 UL 827 UL 877 UL 198.1 UL 198.4 UL 795 UL 197 UL 471 ANSI B19.3 NEMA MG2 UL 904 UL 817 Engineering and Product Standards Division 341 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards and Slings: Portal, Tower and Pillar Cranes (1973) Electric Operators and Systems (1973) in Heating Appliances (Regulators, Automatic Damper Cont/ 82 for Fire Protection Service (1970) ortable and Fixed) 600 V or Less (1973) ANSI C33.95 (1973) ANSI C33.104 971) ANSI C33.35 33.75 orative Cooler, and Air Filtering Appliances Rated at 60/ ocations Glass I, Groups A, B, C, and D. and Class II. G/ ixed and Stationary 600 Volts or Less) (1972) C33.ll s Washer and Dryer) (1972) ANSI C33.13 in Hazardous Locations, Class II, Groups E, F, and G (19/ pment (1972) ANSI C33.12 s Locations: Class I, Groups AD, and Class II, Groups E/ ntrol of Fluids (1973) Hazardous Locations, Class 1, Groups A, B, C, and D, An/ entilating Ports for Wall Installation (1972) ANSI B135./ g (1972) Hose (1973) .1 fittings (1973) (1973) es Including Wheel Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle Braces,/ ) e and Multiple Station, Mechanically Operated Type for 1/ Voluntary ial and Commercial Gas Cylinders (1972) rn, Fusee) (1973) nsi Se2.7 972) ANSI Se2.4 eaters (1972) ANSI C33.87 973) its (1973) ed Gas Service (1973) tection Service (1973) ANSI B156.1 Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups A-D. Class II, Gro/ protection Systems (1969) ANSI C33.70 and Collection Safes) (1973) g Reflectivity, Headlights and Taillights (1972) ng. Ventilating and Processing Systems) (1972) Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1973) ANSI A147/ flammable Liquids (1972) p owiilmcs yiyitl rvnoi ljo.w yant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) (19/ Ives (1973) ANSI Z254.1 se Snap Switches (1972) ANSI C33.40 yant Devices (Vest, Jacket, Ho 1973) ANSI Z254.1 hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coa/ 33.36 nges) (1973) (1973) z96.1 (1973) ning Door Releasing Device) (1973) ower, Traction and Steering Stability for Regular Bicycl/ nd LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas (1972) UL 567 re Protection Service (1973) ANSI Bill. I lammable Liquids (1974) ANSI Z216.1 ucts (1973) ed Petroleum (LP) Gas (1972) (1973) ANSI Z211.1 in Hazardous Locations (1973) ANSI C33.97 urchase. Preparation, Maintenance and Rules of the Road / Test Procedures for the Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. Safety Std. fety Std. fety Std. tety Std. fety Std. fety Std. fety Std. fety Std. fety Std. fety Std. fety Std. fety Std. ety Std. ety Std. fety Std. fety Std. ty Std. :y Std. y Std. ty Std. ty Std. ty Std. :y Std. y Std. y Std. y Std. y Std. yStd. ty Std. ty Std. ty Std. ty Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. ooling) (1973) ANSI Z25.1 342 S Sl Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Safe Safe Safe Safe Sa Sal Safe Sa Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, for Dead Front Switchboards (1972) for Domestic Type Incinerators (1973) for Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window for Draft Equipment for Combustion Chamber for Drinking Water Coolers (1972) ANSI C33. for Dry Pipe, Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment (P for Electric Central Air Heating Equipment for Electric Cord Connected Indoor Signs (1 for Electric Dry Bath Heaters (1972) ANSI C for Electric Fans (Blower, Humidifier, Evap for Electric Heater9 for Use in Hazardous L for Electric Heating Appliances (Portable F for Electric Home Laundry Equipment (Clothe for Electric Lighting Fixtures (1972) for Electric Motors and Generators for Use for Electric Motors for Appliances and Equi for Electric Space Heating Equipment (1972) for Electrical Switches for Use in Hazardou for Electrically Operated Valves for the Co for Electrically Operated Valves for Use in for Emergency Vault Ventilators and Vault V for Extruded Thermoplastic Insulating Tubin for Fire Dampers (1973) ANSI Z233.1 for Fire Extinguisher and Apparatus Booster for Flexible Metallic Hose (1972) ANSI B140 for Foam Fire Extinguishers (1973) for Fused Power Circuit Devices (1973) for Gas Pressure Regulators (1973) for Gasketed Joints for Cast Iron Pipe and for Gate Valves for Fire Protection Service for General Requirements for Regular Bicycl for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (1972 for Heat Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, Singl for High Chairs (Children's) (1972) for High Pressure Gas Manifolds for Industr for Highway Emergency Signals (Flare, Lante for Holdup Alarm Units and Systems (1973) a for Hose for Conducting Gasoline (1973) for Household Burglar Alarm System Units (1 for Household Electric Storage Tank Water H for Household Type Pressure Cookers (1973) for Hydrants for Fire Protection Service (1 for Ice Cream Freezers and Soda Fountain Un for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Compress for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Fire Pro for Industrial Control Equipment for Use in for Intrusion Detection Units for Burglary for Key Locked Safes (Class KL) (1973) for Key Locks (Burglar Alarm, Door, Deposit for Lighting for Regular Bicycles, Includin for Limit Controls (Air Conditioning, Heati for Line Isolation Monitors (1973) for Liquid Fuel Burning Heat Appliances for for Liquid Level Gauges and Indicators for for LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas Hose (1973) for Manually Operable General and Special U for Marine Special Purpose Water Safety Buo for Marine Through Hull Fittings and Sea Va for Materials for Built-Up Roof Coverings: for Medical and Dental Equipment (1972) for Motor Operated Appliances (1972) ANSI C for Oil Burners (1973) for Oil Burning Stoves (Room Heaters and Ra for Oil Fired Air and Direct Fired Heaters for Oil Fired Boiler Assemblies (1973) for Oil Fired Central Furnaces (1973) ANSI for Oxy Fuel Gas Torches (Wl) for Oxygen Therapy Equipment, Refrigerated for Panic (Emergency) Hardware (Outward Ope for Performance Requirements for Stopping P for Pipe Connectors for Flammable Liquids a for Play Pipes for Water Supply Test, in Fi for Plug Fuses (Electrical) (1973) for Portable Wood Ladders (1973) for Power Operated Dispensing Devices for F for Power Operated Pumps for Petroleum Prod for Pumps for Anhydrous Ammonia and Liquefi for Rating and Test, of Fire Extinguishers for Receptacle-Plug Combinations for Use for Regular Bicycles Including Selection, P for Regular Bicycles (1972) for Relocking Devices (1972) for Room Air Conditioners (1973) ANSI C33.1 for Room Type Fan Coil Units (Heating and C ANSI B30.4 UL 891 UL 791 UL 325 UL 378 UL 399 UL 260 UL 1042 UL 1096 UL 48 UL 875 UL 507 UL 823 UL 499 UL 560 UL 57 UL 674A UL 1004 UL 573 UL 894 UL 429 UL 1002 UL 680 UL 224 UL 555 UL 92 UL 536 UL 8 UL 977 UL 252 UL 194 UL 262 BMA 6/5 UL 943 UL 539 JPMA *1 UL 407 UL 912 UL 636 UL 330 UL 1023 UL 174 UL 136 UL 246 UL 621 UL 404 UL 393 UL 698 UL 639 UL 786 UL 437 BMA 6/6 UL 353 UL 1022 UL 307A UL 180 UL 21 UL 20 UL 1123 UL 1121 UL 55A UL 544 UL 73 UL 296 UL 896 UL 733 UL 726 UL 727 UL 123 UL 416 UL 305 BMA 6/3 ANSI B148.1 UL 385 UL 198.5 UL 112 UL 87 UL 79 UL 51 UL 711 UL 1010 BMA 6/7 BMA 6/6T UL 140 UL 484 UL 883 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nia and LP (Liquid Petroleum) Gas (1973) s (1972) ANSI B143.1 (1972) Mounted Tin Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A143.1 nt (1973) 4 73) ANSI C33.86 derground Water Service (1972) nd Combustible Liquids (1973) ANSI B137.1 ycles Including Tests for Static Load, Frame, Fork. Stee/ antile Premises (1973) ANSI Se2.5 e Doors (1973) ANSI A133.1 lectrical Equipment for Control of Air Conditioning. Hea/ mpounds (Fire Protection) (1973) ANSI Z240.1 iquids (1972) ing Material (1973) film (1972) si C33.80 1972) ANSI C33.2 ible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use (1972/ on Boxes for Swimming Pools (1972) aners (1973) ANSI C33.36.1 ANSI C33.73 e Fire Extinguishers (1973) Spec, for Lineman's Climbing Equipment (Body Belt, parts in Devices and Appliances (1973) Std. for 1) Std. Meth. for Determining sign. Construction, and Operation of So/ Requirements for 970) ANSI A9.1 Code for act. for Design. Installation, and Operation of Subsurface Testing Procedures and Maintenance of Steam Industry Use (1973) Spec, for Subsurface Curing Ovens (1973) ocal Protective Signalling Systems for Fire Protection and ruction and / Western Woods Use Book: Fire Protection and r Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Rear Underride Guard Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc.) Fire Protection and rec. for Sprinkler. Water Spray, and Explosion Protection om the Wa/ Stds. and Practice Guide for Aids to Security ally Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands for Scaffolds (Towers. Safe Handling and Use of Ethyl Acetate (Chemical poxy Products According to Their Hazardous Potentialities Std. for Radiation Protection in Uranium Mines Rec. for Parking Structures (Garage-Fire Protection and Rec. for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems (Fire Protection and Rec. for Hazardous Chemicals Data (Fire Protection and Safe Handling and Lse of Allyl Chloride (Chemical . for Firecycle on -Off Multicycle Sprinkler System (Fire for Water Sprinkler and Hydrant System Demand Tables (Fire the Inspection and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems (Fire prietary Protective Signaling Systems (Fire Protection and r Demand for Sprinkler System for Private Fire Protection ble Liquid Pumping and Piping Systems (Fire Protection and uide for Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Materials tation of Radioactively Contaminated Biological Materials s Cylinders Intended for Medical Use in the United States on and Water Sprinkler System Design-Fire Protection and tures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ignition Furnace) (Fire ium Compounds (Air Contamination-Occupational Health and and Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. High) (Fire Protection and ransformers. Hand Power Tools, Hermatic Stators, Test, and Rack Storage of Flammable and Combustible Materials (Fire d Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame, Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. to Determine Woven Fabric's Resistance to Trading Rules for the Purchase and Trading Rules for the Purchase and Trading Rules for the Purchase and Trading Rules for the Purchase and Dry Transformers, Hand Po/ Std. for Electrical Apparatus Std. for Cast and Wrought Galvanic Zinc Anodes for Use in (1962) tuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) i(1974) ASTM B117 Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe (Safe Safe (Safe (Safe Safe Safe (Safe (Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe (Safe Safe (Safe (Safe (Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe y Std. for Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammo y Std. for Sealed (Hermetic Type) Motor Compressor y Std. for Semiautomatic Fire Hose Rack Assemblies y Std. for Sliding Hardware for Std., Horizontally y Std. for Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipme y Std. for Specialty Transformers (1973) ANSI C33. y Std. for Stationary and Fixed Electric Tools (19 y Std. for Steel Pipe (Welded and Seamless) for Un y Std. for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable a y Std. for Structural Requirements for Regular Bic y Std. for Surveillance Cameras for Banks and Merc y Std. for Swinging Hardware for Std. Tin Clad Fir y Std. for Tellers: Lockers (1973) y Std. for Temperature Indicating and Regulating E y Std. for Tests for Combustibility of Sweeping Co y Std. for Tests for Comparative Flammability of L y Std. for Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Cover y Std. for Tests for Flammability of Photographic y Std. for Thermoplastic Insulated Wires (1971) an y Std. for Transformer Type Arc Welding Machines ( y Std. for Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combust v Std. for Underwater Lighting Fixtures and Juncti y Std. for Unlined Fire Hose (1973) ANSI A152.1 y Std. for Vacuum Cleaning Machines and Blower Cle y Std. for Varnished Cloth Wires and Cables (1971) y Std. for 2 1/2 Gal. Cartridge Operated Water Typ y Stds. for Conveyors and Related Equipment (1972) y Strap. Lanyard, Pole and Tree Climber) (1973) y Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for y Times of Photographic Darkroom Illumination (197 y to Life-Property from Explosion and Fire in De y to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures (1 y Valve Systems for Petroleum Industry Use (1973) y Valves on Boilers (1972) y Valves, Locks, and Landing Nipples for Petroleum y Ventilation Requirements for Direct Fired Powder y (Alarm) (1973) Rec. for L y (Exit, Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Building Const y (1971) Rec. Pract. Test Procedure Fo y (1973) Rec. for High Temperature Molten y) for Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Flammable Ga y) of Personnel on Boat Deck and for Reboarding Fr y) (1971) y)(1972) (1972) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1974) Std. for Manu /. Guide for Classifying and Labeling E Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Analysis of Added Meth. of Test for Tetrasodium Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Acetic-Acid Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Lactic Acid and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Lactic Acid and of the Leachate of / Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Qualitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium Spec Rec. Rec. for Rec. for Pro Rec. for Wate Rec. for Flamma Std. for Administrative G Std. for Packaging and Transpor Std. Color Marking of Compressed Ga /Al Characteristics Of, Rec. Constructi /and Flash Ignition Properties (Tempera /N of Chromic Acid and Hexavalent Chrom /Tized and Bin Box Storage Up to 30 Ft /Try (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Dry T Fire Hazards and Protection Std. for Safflower, Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Ground Nuts (Pea Sag Flow of Highly Viscous Materials (1968) ANSI K65.18 Sagging or Stretch in Wear (Textile) (1973) Sale of Linseed Meal (Flaxseed) (1974) Sale of Linseed Oil (Flaxseed) (1974) Sale of Soybean Meal (1973) Sale of Soybean Oil (1973) Sales and Service Industry (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Saline Electrolytes (1973) ANSI H44.1 Salmonella Bacteria in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) Salt Calculated from Total Chlorides in Feeds and Feeds Salt in Crude Oil (Electro metric Meth.) (1973) Salt in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Salt of EDTA in Water (1972T) Salt Spray (Fog) Test, for Spec. Purposes (Coil Caoting Salt Spray (Fog) Test. (1973) ANSI Z118.1 Salt Spray (Fog) Test. (1974) ANSI Z118.2 Salts Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1964) Salts Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1962) Salts in Pigments by Measuring the Specific Resistance Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) UL 132 UL 984 UL 47 UL 14B UL 813 UL 506 UL 987 UL 888 UL 58 BMA 6/4 UL 983 UL 14C UL 901 UL 873 UL 41 UL 340 UL 790 UL 105 UL 83 UL 551 UL 109 UL 676 UL 18 UL 1017 UL 133 UL 715 ANSI B20.1 EEI AP-2 UL 94 ANSI PH2.22 FMS 7-30N NFPA 101 API RP14B FMS LPD12-59 API 14A FMS 7-27S FMS 5-5N WW PA •31-4 SAE J260 FMS LPD 7-33 FMS 7-14 ABYC A18 ANSI A92.1 MCA SD51 ANSI K68.1 ANSI N13.8 FMS LPD 7-15N FMS LPD 7-19N FMS 7-23N MCA SD99 FMS 2-90 FMS 2-76 FMS 2-81 FMS LPD 5-2N FMS 3-26 FMS LPD 7-32 ANSI N14.10.1 ANSI N14.3 CGA C9 FMS LPD 1-2 ICBO UBCS52-3 ANSI Z37.7 FMS 8-25N EASA »1 FMS 8-33N NIOP *1 ASTM D2730 ANSI L24T5 NFP •1 NFP •2 NSPA *1 NSPA •2 EASA •1 ASTM B418 AACCH 42-25 AACCH 40-61 ASTM D3230 AACCH 40-60 ASTM D3113 NCCA TB III 2 ASTM B117 ASTM B287 CR G-13 CR J-36 ASTM D2448 AACCH 40-16 Engineering and Product Standards Division 343 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Nature of Ammonium Quantitative Meth. of Analysis of Ammonium aacetic (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic) Acid (EDTA) and Its m Peroxide in Dough Conditioners Containing Monoglyeeride, controlling Cleaning Meth. for Hydraulic Fluid Power Fluid ne Bleaching (1971) ANSI L14.180 Test Meth. for Multiple ne (1971) ANSI L14.126 Test Meth. for Single Std. Meth. of Test for Moisture in the Analysis Std. Meth. of Test for Ash in the Analysis Std. Meth. of Test for Volatile Matter in the Analysis std. Meth. of Test for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Std. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen in the Analysis Std. Meth. of Test for Total Sulfur in the Analysis Std. Meth. for Collection of a Gross s (1972) ANSI J 1.1 Std. Meth. of Compound and Std. Meth. for Sampling and 9/ Meth. for Experimental Wheat Flour Milling: Equipment. Process (1972) ANSI Zl.l/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Choice of . Meth. of Test for Linear Density of Cotton Fibers (Array d Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of d Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of d Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of idic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double Paper Tape std. Rec. Pract. for Dealing with Outlying Observations in ansi Z/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Bonding Thin Spectrochemical Std. Meth. for Obtaining Natural Gas nd Other Grains/ Improved Kjeldahl Meth. for Nitrate Free Std. Meth. of Preparing Coal power System (For Particulate/ Meth. for Extracting Fluid for Moisture Present in Ordinary Commercial and Industrial Std. Meth. of Test for Number of Neps in Cotton Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of 62) Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of Meth. for Preparation of ry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation of Std. Rec. Pract. for 1 Std. Meth. of Laboratory Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Atmospheric d Transfers of Soybean Oil (1973) Std. for Inspection, freezes or Antirusts for Test. Purposes (/ Std. Meth. for 973) Std. Meth. for ) Std. Meth. of Uniform Building Code Std. for 84.1 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ith Bituminous Substances for Use in Water/ Std. Meth. of e (1970) ANSI G85.1 Std. Meth. of ) Uniform Building Code Std. for and Meth. of r Structural Clay Load Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of insulation (1974) ANSI C59.77 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of 1967) ANSI Z257.2 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Definitions and Symbols for Acceptance Std. Rec. Pract. for d Christmas Tree Equipment; Flow Control Chokes; and Water culate Contamination by Manual Meth. (197/ Std. Meth. for culate Contamination by Automatic Particle/ Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ALCA Jl Std. Meth. for ts Except Forgings and Stock/ Spec, for Quality Assurance 62) Meth. for s and Feedstuffs in Sacks (Cereal Chemistry) (/ Meth. for Std. Meth. of Field Std. Pract. for Probability Std. Meth. for Open Bottle Tap Std. Meth. for Thin Walled Tube y) (1962) Meth. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Planning the try) (1962) Meth. for 1973) Test Meth. for Std. Meth. for mistry) (1962) utes (MIL Std. 105D) (1971) Std. for Std. Meth. of .3 Std. Meth. for Rec. Pract. for Meth. of Std. Spec, for Equipment for Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Salts in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Salts (C„,H,JN,0„ (1973) / Ethylenediaminetetr Salts, Soy Flour, and Other Cereal Products (Cereal Che Salvaged Brick (Tech. Notes) (1962) Sample Containers (1972) ANSI B93.20 / Qualifying and Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Loss by Retained Chlori Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Loss by Retained Chlori Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Sample of Coal and Coke (1973) Sample of Coal and Std. Meth. Coke (1973) Sample of Coal (1972) Sample Preparation for Physical Test, of Rubber Product Sample Preparation of Solid Raw Rubbers (1973) Sample Preparation, and Tempering (Cereal Chemistry) (1 Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Sample) (1973) ANSI L14.136 Std Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1960) Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1962) Sample, Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1962) Sampler Meth.) (1973) /Ollection of Particulate and AC Samples and How to Test the Statistical Significance of Samples and Stds. to a Greater Mass of Material (1970) Samples for Analysis by Gas Chromatography (1968) Samples for Analysis of Crude Protein in Bread, Wheat a Samples for Analysis (1972) ANSI K20.17 Samples from the Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Samples of Wool by Oven Drying (1972) ANSI L14.202 /T Samples (1971) ANSI L14.97 Sample: Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Dried Eggs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Fruit and Fruit Products (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Sample: Leavening Agents (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Malt (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sample: Yeast Foods and Flour Improvers (Cereal Chemist Sampling and Analysis of Built Up Roofs (1972) Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Coke (1970) ANSI K18. Sampling and Analysis (1973) Sampling and Measuring Procedures for Bulk Shipments an Sampling and Preparing Aqueous Solutions of Engine Anti Sampling and Sample Preparation of Solid Raw Rubbers (1 Sampling and Test. Brick and Structural Clay Tile (1973 Sampling and Test. Brick (1973) Sampling and Test. Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI a Sampling and Test. Creosote (1970) ANSI 011.9 Sampling and Test. Felted and Woven Fabrics Saturated W Sampling and Test. Ferroalloys for Determination of Siz Sampling and Test, of Unburned Clay Masonry Units (1973 Sampling and Test. Structural Clay Tile (1973) /Td. Fo Sampling and Test. Untreated Paper Used for Electrical Sampling Asbestos Fiber for Test. (1970) ANSI K91.2 Sampling Atmospheres for Analysis of Gases and Vapors ( Sampling by Attributes (1971) ANSI Z1.6 Sampling Cotton Fibers for Test. (1972) Sampling Devices) (1974) /Ead, Underwater Wellhead, an Sampling Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for Parti Sampling Gas Blow Down Systems and Components for Parti Sampling Gas from a Transformer (1974) Sampling Glass Containers (Bottle, Jar, etc.) (1956) Sampling Hydraulic Cement (1973) ANSI A1.2 Sampling Leather for Physical and Chemical Tests (1971) Sampling of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Wrought Produc Sampling of Fats and Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (19 Sampling of Flour, Semolina, and Similar Products: Feed Sampling of Ion Exchange Materials (1972) Sampling of Materials (1970) ANSI Z1.10 Sampling of Noncryogenic Fluid Systems (1972) Sampling of Soils (1974) Sampling of Solid Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistr Sampling of the Atmosphere (1957) ANSI Z257.1 Sampling of Wheat and Other Whole Grains (Cereal Chemis Sampling of Wood Chips from Conveyor (Pulp and Paper) ( Sampling Pressurized Gas for Gas Analysis (1973) Sampling Procedure for Analysis of Bacteria (Cereal Che Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attrib Sampling Saturated and Superheated Steam (1969) Sampling Stacks for Particulate Matter (1971) ANSI Z257 Sampling Steel for Chemical Analysis (1971) Sampling Water and Steam (1970) ANSI Z111.2 AACCH 40-17 AACCH 40-18 ANSI PH4.185 AACCH 48-51 BIA 15 NFLDP T2.9.2 AATCC 114 AATCC 92 ASTM D3173 ASTM D3174 ASTM D3175 ASTM D3178 ASTM D3179 ASTM D3177 ASTM D2234 ASTM D15 ASTM D1485 AACCH 26-10 ASTM E122 ASTM D1769 CR F-44 CR G-22 CR J-56 ASTM D3266 ASTM E178 ASTM E401 NCPA 2166 AACCH 46-11 ASTM D2013 NFLDP T2.9.1 ASTM D1576 ASTM D1446 AACCH 62-05 AACCH 62-15 AACCH 62-20 AACCH 62-25 AACCH 62-30 AACCH 62-40 AACCH 62-50 AACCH 62-60 AACCH 62-70 AACCH 62-80 ASTM D2829 ASTM D271 ASTM D1356 NSPA *4 ASTM D1176 ASTM D1485 ASTM C67 ICBO UBCS24-25 ASTM C140 ASTM D38 ASTM D146 ASTM A610 ICBO UBCS24-15 ICBO UBCS24-8 ASTM D202 ASTM D2590 ASTM D1605 ASQC A2 ASTM D1441 API 6A ASTM F308 ASTM F327 ASTM D3305 ASTM C224 ASTM C183 ASTM D2813 SAE AMS2370A AACCH 64-40 AACCH 64-60 ASTM D2687 ASTM E105 ASTM F301 ASTM D1587 AACCH 64-50 ASTM D1357 AACCH 64-70 TAPPI UM-4 ASTM F307 AACCH 42-10 ANSI Z1.4 ASTM D1066 ASTM D2928 SAE J408C ASTM D1192 344 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards acceptance of Evidence Based on the Results of Probability pies and How to Test the Statistical Significance of Them s) (1961) Public Works Spec, for Ceramic Veneer Uniform Building Code Std. for isual Std. for Surfaces of New Steel Airblast Cleaned with Uniform Building Code Std. for Perlite, Vermiculite and Std. Gravel Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy (SAE 4330 Modified) (1973) Spec, for Steel Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy on and Precipitation Treated (/ Spec, for Magnesium Alloy r Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Counting Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of Cinder and Std. for Std. Meths. for Chemical Analysis of Glass d Other Liquid and Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Quartz urna/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates plinters. etc. in St/ Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Dirt. 8 Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for 1 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloys in Ingot Form for r Safety for Floor Finishing Machines (Polisher. Scrubber. ntenance of Systems and Appliances (Extinguishers, Alarms, Std. Meth. of Test for Organic Impurities in Standard Specification for Building Std. Meth. of Tension Test of Flat Std. Meth. of Shear Test in Flatwise Plane of Flat Std. Test Meth. for Edgewise Compressive Strength of Flat Std. Meth. of Flexure Test of Flat Std. Test Meth. for Flexure Creep of Std. Test Meth. for Laboratory Aging of d. Test Meth. for Density of Core Materials for Structural eth. for Water Absorption of Core Materials for Structural Std. Test Meth. for Shear Fatigue of Std. Test Meth. for Flatwise Compressive Strength of Std. Meth. for Measurement of Thickness of mining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Plastic Lap Shear ng Blind Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for ng Blind Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Std. for Molded In, Thru Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, ded. Self Locking. Nonself Locking, Light Weight Floating, Design Spec, for Flat Plywood Fabrication Spec, for Plywood y Po/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Glass-Metal e; Gravel; Granite, Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; for Water and Waste Treatment) (1968/ Rec. for Concrete e with Milk and Its Products (1973) its Products (1974) ts (1974) s for Milk and Its Products (1974) e Containers for Milk and Its Fluid Products (Packaging / roducts (Mixing and Storage) (1974) Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Miscellaneous Spec. Data for Hubless Cast Iron . Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel ities (Tech. Notes) (1969) Brick and Tile in s (Tech. Notes) (1969) Brick and Tile in h. Notes) (1969) Brick and Tile in . Notes) (1969) Brick and Tile in ction Under the Uniform Building Code: Light, Ventilation, 1 Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of performance Requirements for Woven Window Curtain Fabrics Std. Meth. of Test for Accelerated Aging of Wood Std. Meth. of Test for Degree of Set for Wood Quality Stds. for Exterior t for Slump of Face Glazing and Bedding Compounds on Metal mental Items. Stairwork and Handrails. Exterior Frames and Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Antennas for Ionizing Voltage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Gas-Oil t/ Spec, for Roof Membranes; Aggregates, Saturated Felts, Std. Meth. of Sampling oofings, and Plast/ Spec, for Roof Membranes; Aggregates, i Zl 1 .27/ Std. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Traces in Light , Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar p Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Tar Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Felted and Woven Fabrics versene, and Sodium Phosphate Solutions; Isopropyl Alcohol (1973) ANSI / Std. Meth. for Isolation of Representative ent Test, of Steel Tubular Products (Tubing) with Magnetic Std. for Gas Fired Std. Meth. of Test for Length Change of Drilled or Rec. Fire Protection for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. for Carbide Blanks for Tipping Circular St Test M /Er Sampling (1969) ANSI Z1.12 Std. Rec. Pract. for (Sampling) (1968) ANSI Z1.14 /Lying Observations in Sam (Sampling, Test. Finishing, Installation, and Definition Sand-Lime Building Brick (1973) Sand Abrasive (1970) Test Meth. V Sand Aggregates for Gypsum Plaster (1973) Sand and Anthrante Filtering Material (1972) Sand Castings for General Applications (1973) Sand Castings (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0.36C)) Sand Castings (1972) ANSI H45.1 Sand Castings (1974) ANSI H38.24 Sand Castings (5.75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr (Ze63-T6) Soluti Sand Lined Molds for Cas (1971) Std. Fo Sand Particles in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sand Particles in Farina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sand Type Filters for Swimming Pools (1971) Sand (1972) Sand) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Ecuites, Molasses, an (Sand. Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast F Sand. Insect Fragments, Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, S Sand. Permanent Mold, and Die Castings (1966) ANSI H45. Sand, Permanent Mold, and Die Castings (1973) ANSI H38. Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer, Rug and F Sandpipes), Building Construction, Basement Pipe Inlets Sands for Concrete (1973) AASHO T21, ANSI A37.19 Sandstone (1968) ANSI A 192.1 Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise Plane (1970) Sandwich Constructions or Cores (1970) Sandwich Constructions (1970) Sandwich Constructions (1970) Sandwich Constructions (1970) Sandwich Constructions (1970) Sandwich Constructions (1970) Sandwich Constructions (1970) Std. Sandwich Core Materials (1970) Sandwich Cores (1970) Sandwich Cores (1970) Sandwich Joints in Shear by Tension Loading (1973) Sandwich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocki Sandwich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocki Sandwich Panel (1972) Std. for Insert Sandwich Panel (1972) / Insert, Molded In. Blind Threa Sandwich Panels (1970) Sandwich Panels (1971) Sandwich Seal and Test, for Expansion Characteristics B Sand; Slag: Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceiling; Sanitary Engineering Structures (Tanks, Reservoirs, Etc Sanitary Std. for Farm Milk Storage Tanks (1973) Sanitary Std. for Scraped Surface Heat Exchanges for Us Sanitary Std. for Silo Type Storage Tanks for Milk and Sanitary Std. for Storage Tanks for Milk and Its Produc Sanitary Stds. for Centrifugal and Positive Rotary Pump Sanitary Stds. for Fillers and Sealers of Single Servic Sanitary Stds. for Uninsulated Tanks for Milk and Its P Sanitary Structures (Tech. Notes) (1969) Sanitary System (Plumbing Pipe and Fittings) (1972) Sanitary Tubing (1973) ANSI B36.38 Std Sanitation Structures, Industrial Waste Treatment Facil Sanitation Structures, Miscellaneous Sanitary Structure Sanitation Structures, Sewage Treatment Facilities (Tec Sanitation Structures, Water Treatment Facilities (Tech Sanitation, Fire Warning Detector (1973) /Ling Constru Saponification Value of All Normal Fats and Oils (Cerea (Sash Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutional Sash Face Glazing Compound (1973) Sash Glazing Compound (1973) Sash (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Sash (1974) Std. Meth. of Tes Sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and R Satellite Earth Stations (1973) Std. for Saturate Fractions (1971) ANSI 211.310 /Meth. for High Saturated and Coated Felts, Prepared Roofings, and Plas Saturated and Superheated Steam (1969) Saturated Felts, Saturated and Coated Felts, Prepared R Saturated Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography (1972) Ans Saturated Organic Felt, Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Co Saturated with Bituminous Substances for Use in Waterpr Saturated with Gasoline; Methyl Blue and Green; Mineral Saturates Fraction from Low Olefinic Petroleum Naphthas Saturation (1971) ANSI Z166.27 /. Pract. for Eddy Curr Sauna Heaters (1973) Sawed Specimens of Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974T) Sawmills and Lumber Yards (1973) Sawn Wood Shingles (1973) Saws (1972) ASTM ASTM BIA ICBO NACE ICBO AWWA ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM SAE ANSI AACCH AACCH NSF ASTM AACCH ICBO AACCH ASTM ASTM UL ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA APA APA ASTM ICBO ACI DFISA DFISA DFISA DFISA DFISA DFISA DFISA BIA CISPI ASTM BIA BIA BIA BIA ICBO AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM AWI ASTM AWI E1A ASTM NRCA ASTM NRCA ASTM UL ICBO ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM FMS ICBO ANSI E141 E178 •28 UBCS24-2 TM-01-70 UBCS47-3 B100 B584 AMS5329B B80 B26 AMS4425 A21.52 28-01 28-02 10 C146 44-60 UBCS262 28-75 B93 B179 561 UFC*2ART13 C40 C616 C297 C273 C364 C393 C480 C481 C271 C272 C394 C365 C366 D3164 1832 1836 1833 1835 ♦3PDS4 SP-61 F144 UBC*3-23 68-50 3000 3100 2203 0106 0206 1704 3200 34C 301 A270 34B 34C 34A 34 UBC*8-3 58-50 L24.1.4 C741 C742 •1-1000 D2376 •1-1 RS411 D2786 •2-IV D1066 •2-IV D2600 55A UBCS32-1 D146 28-91 D2002 E309 Z21.55 C341 7-25 UBCS32-U B94.42 Engineering and Product Standards Division 345 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards xterior Light Transmitting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Std. Meth. of Test for Polystyrene Blocks in Std. Spec, for Styrene-Butadiene-Synthetic Rubber Elastomers for Use on Solid Styrene Butadiene Copolymers nd Test Formula for Pigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers est Formulas for Nonpigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers t Formula for Carbon Blacks in Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Safety Code for Fabricated Stage and Rec. Rec. Rec. Procedure for Compression Testing of Std. for Manually Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands for Performance Requirements for Individual Anti so 105-1 Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Gray Std. Meth. for Calibration of Temperature 05-1 Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Cray (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Macro (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Micro d Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Full d Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Full ract. for Test. Pavement Polishing in the Laboratory (Full Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Chromatic Transference d. Meth. of Test for Wool Content of Raw Wool— Commercial d. Meth. of Test for Wool Content of Raw Wool-Laboratory Std. Meth. of Measuring Break Pattern of Leather (Break ting Shear Block Test for Quality Control of Glue Bonds in as Engines (1972) Std. Pract. for voltage Circuit Breaker External Insulation Rat/ Std. for witching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers R/ Std. for Rec. for Water Flow / Pressure Requirements for Pipe ket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings, nitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, ket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Fittings. nitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings. nitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings. threaded Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. Rec. Std. Steel Door. Frame and Hardware Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Builders Hardware Rec. Procedure for Processing Hardware d Application Guide for High Voltage Air Switch/ Std. for gs and Related Required Capabilities for AC High Voltage/ Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, or Acrvlonitrile-Butadiene-Stvrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe. initions for Mechanical and Acoustical Elements as Used in Hardwire for Minimum Requirements for Minimum Requirements for Type II Rec. Minimum Stds. for Std. for Inspection Procedures for Rec. Pract. for a Program for Rec. for Crayons and Related Art Materials for e/ Uniform Plumbing Code: Minimum Facilities Required for d Bakery Mixes (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) volumetric Copper Reduction Meth. for Sugar Determination: Std. for Letter Symbols for Units Used in Electrical of Qualifications and Scopes of Work Relating to Forensic (Measurement-Metric and British-American) in Published 2) Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Through Hull Connections. Outboard Water Strainers. Water Std. Descriptions of Qualifications and apparent Density of Refractory Metals and Compounds by the ility of Spinning Oils from Woolen Yarns / Test Meth. for Vegetable Matter and Other Alkali Insoluble Impurities in . Pract. for Calculation of Commercial Weight and Yield of si L14.84 Test Meth. for Continuous Spec, for Iron and Steel Std. for Classification of Unirradiated Plutonium s Products (1973) Sanitary Std. for Std. for Hole Spacing for for Floor Finishing Machines (Polisher. Scrubber. Sander, Std. for Nomenclature - Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Wire of Meth. for (1971) AASHO T27, ANSI A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Sieve or es (1972) Std. for Registered Perforated Industrial Revolving r Color Change of Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Std. Gravure Lateral Hard Dot llular Plastics Using a Supported Specimen by a Horizontal Test Meth. for Chip Classification (Hand Sawtooth Roofs, Light Diffu9ers in Ceilings, Partitions Sbr Rubbers and Latices (1974) (SBR) Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.28 (SBR) (1972) / Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Synthetic (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of a (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and T (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Tes Scaffold Planks and Platforms (1972) Scaffolding Erection Procedure (1968) Scaffolding Safety Rules (1972) Scaffolds and Shores (1967) Scaffolds (Towers, Safety) (1971) Scald Type Water Shower Control Valves (1973) Scale for Color Change (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) I Scale for Differential Thermal Analysis (1973) Scale for Staining (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 1 Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni Scale Meth. of Analysis of Semolina Quality in Macaroni Scale Tires in the Diagonal Braking Mode (1973) / Pave Scale Tires (1971T) /Est for Stopping Distance on Pave Scale Wheel Meth.) (1972) Std. Rec. P Scale (Color Chart / Textile Colorfastness) (1972) Scale (1972) St Scale (1972) ANSI L14.490 St Scale) (1973) ALCA E64 Scarf Joints (1970) Std. Meth. of Conduc Scavenging and Supercharging of Stationary Diesel and G Schedule of Dielectric Test Values for Outdoor AC High Schedule of Preferred Ratings for Capacitance Current S Schedule System Sprinkler Demand (1974) Std. Spec, for Soc Std Std. Spec /or Socket Type Acrylo Std. Spec, for Soc Std. Spec /or Socket Type Acrylo /. for Threaded Acrylo Std. Spec, for Schedule 40 (1973) Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI B72.4 Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.160 Schedule 40 (1973) ANSI K65.164 Schedule 40 (1974) Schedule 80(1973) Schedule 80(1973) ANSI K65.159 Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.163 Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.165 Schedule 80(1973) ANSI K65.166 Schedule (1972) Schedules and Specs. (1961) Schedules and Templates (1971) Schedules of Preferred Ratings. Manufacturing Spec, an Schedules of Preferred Transient Recovery Voltage Ratin . Schedules 40 and 80 Based on Outside Diameter (1974) Schedules 40 and 80 (1973) Std. Spec. F Schedules 40. 80 and 120 (1973) ANSI B72.7 Schematic Diagrams (1972) Std. Symbols and Def School Buildings (1957) School Bus Construction and Equipment (1972) School Bus Construction and Equipment (1973) School Buses (1970) School Buses (1972) School Crossing Protection (1973) School Use (1963) School. Theater. Auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Offic Schoorl Meth. of Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Prepare Schoorl's Reduction Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Science and Technology (1969) ANSI Y10.19 Sciences (1972) Std. Descriptions Scientific and Technical Work (1973) /Ract. for Units Scientific Papers for Written or Oral Presentation (197 Scleroscope Hardness Test, of Metallic Materials (1972) Scoops and Drain Plugs (Boats) (1972) /on of Seacocks, Scopes of Work Relating to Forensic Sciences (1972) Scott Volumeter (1970) ANSI H9.15 / Meth. of Test for Scourability of Spinning Lubricant (To Test the Removab Scoured Wool (1972) ANSI L14.195 /D. Meth. of Test for Scoured Wool. Top, and Noil for Various Commercial Comp Scouring Wool Using Std. Raw Grease Wool Yarn (1971) an Scrap (1971) Scrap (1972) Scraped Surface Heat Exchanges for Use with Milk and It Scraper and Bulldozer (Dozer) Cutting Edges (1972) Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer, Rug and Floor Was Scrapers (1971) Scrapless Nut Quality (1972) ANSI K91.3 Screen Analysis of Asbestos Fibers (1971T) Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Concrete Aggregates Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Television Picture Tub Screen Stds. (1972) Screen Wire Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (1970) /. Fo Screen (1973) Screen (1974) ANSI K65.114 /or Extent of Burning of Ce Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ALI SSI SSI SSI ANSI ASSE AATCC ASTM AATCC AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM DEMA ANSI ANSI FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM STDI NBHA NBHA ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI NBHA VESC VESC NEA ANSI ITE use ICBO AACCH AACCH IEEE ASTM IEEE ANSI ASTM ABYC ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM AATCC ISIS ANSI DFISA SAE UL SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA IPA AATCC GT ASTM TAPPI UBC*3-52 D3314 D866 D1416 D3186 D3185 D3191 *1 *1 *5 ♦10 A92.1 1016 EP1 E474 EP2 66-41 66-42 E503 E445 E451 EP3 D1334 D584 D2941 D1759 *l-3 C37.0781 C37.0732 2-77 D2466 D1503 D2610 D2468 D2104 D2467 D2611 D2469 D2465 D2464 111-D •3 *7 C37.32 C39.0722 D2447 D1527 D1785 Y32.18 *S V-6 V-10 *1 D7.4 RP3 R192 UPC*1-C 80-68 80-69 260 E444 268 Z39.16 E448 H27 E444 B329 77 D1113 D2720 64 »1 N15.10 3100 J737B 561 J728A A544 D2947 C136 RS266A *3 119 »3 D1692 UM-13 346 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Test Meth. for Chip Length Analysis (Two eth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Laboratory Flat Calcine, Chrom/ Std. Classification of Single and Double dwork) (1973) Quality Stds. for Wood Perforated Industrial Vibrating Test Meth. for Rejects from Knotter Std. Spec, for Industrial Perforated Plate and Items. Stairwork and Handrails. Exterior Frames and Sash, (1973) Std. for hment (Preferred) (1974) Std. for Pan Head teel Studs, Runners (Track) and Rigid Furring Channels for spec, for Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Std. for R-40 Bulb (Hard Glass) Mogul Std. Meth. of Measuring Water Vapor Transmission Through Std. for Std. for imensioning Std. and Terminology for Permanently Installed Std. Rec. Pract. for Dimensions and Tolerances for ec. for Free Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in Std. Slotted and Recessed Head Machine Screws and Machine 974) Trial Std. for Std. for Gaging Practice for Metric Std. for Acme Std. for Stub Acme ht of Thread Engagement (1973) Std. for Buttress Inch Pan Head, Close Tolerance. Short Thread, Torq Set Machine , Alloy and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Cap v Steel and Corrosion Resisting Steel. UNJF-3A Thread. Cap td. for Self Locking. Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Thread Part Std. for Self Locking. Pan Head. Full Thread Part Std. for Flathead 100 Deg. Plain and Self Locking Machine d. for Self Locking, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread Part n Head, Phillips Recess Full Threaded. Alloy Steel Machine lips Recess, Short Thread. 160,000 psi Alloy Steel Machine s. A286 Cres. Self-Locking and Nonlocki/ Std. for Machine s. Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking/ Std. for Machine ess. Alloy Steel. Self-Locking and Nonl/ Std. for Machine ) Std. for Machine Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Machine Std. for Std. for Hex Head Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. for Std. Part Bit. Bit, completion, and Flowline Valves: Drilling Through Control, Std. Slotted and Recessed Head Machine 2) Std. for Steel Self Drilling Tapping light Gage Steel Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel Drill Std. for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Machine ec. for Cold Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Machine ading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or Sheet Metal Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality Steel Wire for Wood Std. for Steel Self Drilling Tapping Std. for Thread Rolling for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Steel Machine or the Locking Ability Performance of Chemical Coated Lock Nonmetallic Locking Element Type Prevailing-Torque Lock Std. for Slotted Headless Setscrews servative Treatment. Poles, Piles, Spaced Columns. Joints, Strength, Hardened / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and n Woods Use Book: Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts. Lag empered. Roll Threaded (1973) Bolts and Spec, for Titanium Alloy Bolts and ed (1973) Spec for Titanium Alloy Bolts and (1971) Std. for Design Parameters for Bolts and connector and Bolted Joints. Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Spec, for Powdered Hand Cleaner (Soap with Vegetable Std. for Safety for Floor Finishing Machines (Polisher, Rec. for Std. Spec, for Hand Std. Spec, for Hand and Codification of Data Derived from the Investigation of Std. Meth. of Test. Resistance to and Std. Covering Design and Construction of Cockpits and Spec, for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe ead. Nonlocking (1973) d Nonlocking (1972) , Full Thread. Nonlocking (1972) set (1973) et (1973) y Steel (1973) d. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Hoy, Full Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking / 1 Thread. Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) full Thread Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) H eig Std. for Screen) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Screen) (1973) Test M Screened Ground Refractory Materials (Calcined Bauxite, Screens for Window and Door Openings (Architectural Woo Screens Stds. (1972) Screens (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Screens (Square Opening Series) (1972) Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Flush, Stile, and Rail Do Screw- 100 Deg. Close Tolerance Flat Head 160,000 psi Screw and Assembled Washers-Electrical Terminal Attac Screw Application of Gypsum Board (1974) /L) Bearing S Screw Attached Gypsum Wallboard and Backing Board (1971 Screw Base Incandescent (1966) Screw Cap Closure Liners (1973) Screw Conveyors (Materials Handling) (1971) ANSI MH4.7 Screw Conveyors (1971) ANSI MH4.7.1 Screw Conveyors (1972) Screw Holes and Slots in Bone Plates (1973) Screw Machines 0972) Std. Sp Screw Nuts (1972) Screw Threads for Metric Series Mechanical Fasteners (1 Screw Threads (1972) Screw Threads (1973) Screw Threads (1973) Screw Threads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 Pitch Basi Screw (1972) Screw (1972) /Lied and Drilled. Plain and Self Locking Screw (1972) /Nd Drilled. Plain and Self Locking, Alio Screw (1974) Screw (1974) Screw (1974) Screw (1974) St Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft. Pa Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft. Pan Head. Phil Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread. Tri Wing Reces Screw, Flat Fillister Head. Full Thread. Tri Wing Reces Screw. Flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri Wing Rec Screw. Flat 100 Deg. Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973 Screw. Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thr Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess. A286 Cres, Full Threa Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy Screw, Machine, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Torq Screw, Machine, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Thread, Torq S Screw, Machine, Pan Head. Full Thread, Torq Set (1973) Screw. Machine. 100 Deg., Flat Head Full Threaded, Alio Screw, Pan Head, Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Screw, Pan Head. Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Threa Screw, Recessed, Full Thread (1973) Screw, 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium a Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel. Ful Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess. A286 Cres, Full Screw, 100 Deg. Oval Head. Tri Wing Recess. A286 Cres. Screwdriver, Tri Wing Recess (1972) Screwdriver, Tri Wing, Spec, for (1972) Screwed and Flanged Wellhead, Underwater Wellhead, and Screws and Machine Screw Nuts (1972) Screws and Rec. Technique for Measuring Case Depth (197 Screws for the Application of Gypsum Sheet Material to Screws for Use in Automotive and Related Industries (19 Screws (1971) ANSI G54. 14 Std. Sp Screws (1971) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec, for Cold He Screws (1971) ANSI G54. 18 Screws (1972) Screws (1972) Screws (1973) Screws (1973) Screws (1973) (Screws) (1971) Screws, Bolts, Connectors, Nails, Staples, Adhesives, F Screws, Heat Resistant, 195,000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Screws. Heat Treated, RoU Threaded (1973) Screws. Plates, Nails and Spikes. Washers, Pins. Dowels Screws, Steel, Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Hardened and T Screws, 6A1-4V, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Screws, 6A1-4V. Upset Headed, Heal Treated, Roll Thread Screws: External Wrenching. Unified Threaded In. Series Screws: Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Design; Scrubber) (1972T) Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer, Scrubbers for Pollution Control (1974) Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) Paste and Bar (1974) Scrubbing Soap (Grit Soap) Powder (1974) Scuba Diving Accidents) (1973) /Ort Form (Acquisition Scuffing of Trim Materials (1972) Scuppers (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. (SDR-PR) and Tubing (1973) ANSI B72.12 Std Std. Std. Test Proc. F / for the Locking Ability Performance of TAPPI UM-6 TAPPI I'M -240 ASTM C316 AWI •11100 IPA •2 TAPPI UM-1 ASTM E454 AWI ♦1-1 NSA 517 NSA 720 ASTM C645 ANSI A97.2 ANSI C78.255 ASTM D3199 CEMA 350 CEMA 300 ASAE S334T ASTM F367 ASTM B16 ANSI B18.6.3 IFI 500 ANSI Bl 16 ANSI BI.5 ANSI B1.8 ANSI B1.9 NSA 1131-38 NSA 1352 NSA 1351 NSA 1189 NSA 1190 NSA 662 NSA 1191 NSA 600 NSA 623 NSA 5400-06 NSA 5500-06 NSA 5300-06 NSA 1620-28 NSA 5900-03 NSA 6000-3 NSA 6100-3 NSA 1101 NSA 1102 NSA 1100 NSA 514 NSA 1630-34 NSA 6900-06 NSA 1096 NSA 5800-6 NSA 5600-06 NSA 5700-6 NSA 6500-6 NSA 4005 NSA 4001 API 6A ANSI B18.6.3 SAE J78 ASTM C646 SAE J82 ASTM A 545 ASTM A548 ASTM A549 IFI 113 SAE J81 IFI 103 IFI 125 IFI 124 SAE J479A ICBO UBC*3-25 SAE AMS7459B SAE AMS7452K WWPA *31-1 SAE AMS7455D SAE AMS7460C SAE AMS7461B SAE AS1132A ICBO UBCS25-17 ASTM D3047 UL 561 FMS 10-11 ASTM D2955 ASTM D2957 ANSI Z86.2 SAE J365A ABYC H4 ASTM D2446 Engineering and Product Standards Division 347 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards c. for Biaxially Oriented Polyethylene (PEO) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Polyethelene (PE) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe or Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Safety Std. for Marine Through Hull Fittings and st Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Yarns and Fabrics to iners, Water Scoops and Drain P/ Std. for Installation of d. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Glas9-Metal Sandwich Rec. Pract. for Radial Std. Meth. of Test for th. of Test for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint d. Meth. Test for Tack Free Time of Elastomeric Type Joint t for Bubbling of 1 Part, Elastomeric Solvent Release Type ox Exposure of One Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type ity and Tenacity 1 Part. Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type Std. Meth. of Test for Slump of Caulking Compounds and Std. Meth. of Test for Staining of Caulking Compounds and meth. of Test for Tack Free Time of Caulking Compounds and Std. for Dimensional Spec, for 197/ Rec. Pract. for Service Performance Requirements for Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks in Heat Glazing Spec, for Spec, for loying Form Wo/ Std. Test Procedure for the Evaluation of nation of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated Fabric by the chinery (1972) Std. for Dimensional Spec, for eth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat 43.1 Safety Std. for luid Products (Packaging / Sanitary Stds. for Fillers and Rec. Pract. Meth. of Tests for Automotive Type 971) Spec, for Exterior Perimeter meth. of Test for Extension Recovery and Adhesion of Latex td. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature Flexibility of Latex Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Shrinkage of Latex . of Test for Extrudability, After Package Aging, of Latex f Test for Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Latex Std. Spec, for Type 58 Borosilicate or Solvent Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Machine (1960) ANSI J/ Std. Meth. of Test for Evaluating Pressure Systems (1972) Rec. Pract. Spec, for Cast Iron Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion After Impact of Preformed meth. of Test for Low Temperature Flexibility of Preformed eth. of Test for Weight Loss After Heat Aging of Preformed st for Oil Migration or Plasticizer Bleed Out of Preformed Std. for emperature. Fuel and Oil Resistant. 65-75 (1973/ Rings, Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Low Expansion, Glass Std. Rec. Pract. for Making Reference Glass-Metal Butt c. for Lubricant for Installation of Preformed Compression or Guide to the Application and Use of Radial Lip Type Oil Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Building ints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Spec, for Resistance ) Meth. of Test for bular Prod/ Std. Spec, for Supplementary Requirements for 72A) ANSI B125.16 Tubing (1973) ANSI B36.38 or General Service (1973) ANSI B125.15 w Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.1/ Std. Spec Std. Spec Std. Spec Std. Spec Std. Spec Std. Spec Std. Spec Std. Spec um-Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy / per Columbium Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1973/ General Service (1973) ANSI B125.14 Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Alloy ice (1973) ANSI B125.17 Std. Spec, for at Exchangers (1965) ANSI H50.2 Std. Spec, for si N124 Std. Spec, for Wrought Zirconium and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy (1971) ANSI H50.1 Std. Spec, for ication (1972) ANSI Z212.1 Std. Spec, for or Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B36.39 Std. Spec, for tral Station Service (1973) ANSI B125.25 Std. Spec, for 73) ANSI B125.1 Std. Spec, for Welded and Std. Spec, for ) ANSI G62.4 Std. Spec, for heater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.9 Std. Spec, for rvice (1973) ANSI B125.7 Std. Spec, for (1972A) ANSI B125.30 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for hapes (1973) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Ctfld Formed Welded and .22 Std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and nger and Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI B125/ Std. Spec, for (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter (1973) /E ASTM D3287 (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter (1974) ASTM D3035 (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter (1973) ASTM D3000 (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72. 19 ASTM D2662 (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.2 ASTM D2241 (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.3 Std. Spec. F ASTM D2282 (SDR-PR) (1974) ANSI B72.1 ASTM D2239 Sea Valves (1973) ANSI Z254.1 UL 1121 Sea Water (1972) ANSI L14. 150 TeAATCC 106 Seacocks, Through Hull Connections, Outboard Water Stra ABYC H27 Seal and Test, for Expansion Characteristics by Polarim ASTM F144 Seal Nomenclature and Glossary (1972) SAE J111A Sealability of Enveloped Gaskets (1970) ANSI Z261.1 ASTM F112 Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (1972) Std. Me ASTM C719 Sealants (1971) St ASTM C679 Sealants (1972) Std. Meth. of Tes ASTM C712 Sealants (1972) Std. Meth. Test for UV Cold B ASTM C718 Sealants (1972) /. of Test for Low Temperature Flexibl ASTM C711 Sealants (1973) ASTM D2202 Sealants (1973) ASTM D2203 Sealants (1973) Std. ASTM D2377 Sealed Beam Headlamp Units (1972) SAE J571C Sealed Beam Headlamp (Light) Units for Motor Vehicles ( SAE J32 Sealed Combustion System Wall Furnaces (1972) ANSI Z21.44A Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) ASTM D3078 Sealed Insulating Glass Units (1971) SIGMA 70-7-1 Sealed Insulating Glass Units (1973) SIGMA 65-7-2 Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Emp IEEE 429 Sealed Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.178 /Eth. for Determi AATCC 112 Sealed Lighting Unit for Construction and Industrial Ma SAE J572A Sealed Packages for Dry Products (1972) Std. M ASTM D3079 Sealed (Hermetic Type) Motor Compressors (1972) ANSI Bl UL 984 Sealers of Single Service Containers for Milk and Its F DFISA 1704 Sealers, Adhesives, and Deadeners (1971) SAE J243 Sealing Compound for Use with Architectural Aluminum (1 AAMA 808.2 Sealing Compound (1972) Std. ASTM C736 Sealing Compounds After Artificial Weathering (1972) ASTM C734 Sealing Compounds (1972) ASTM C733 Sealing Compounds (1972) Std. Meth ASTM C731 Sealing Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. O ASTM C732 Sealing Glass (1972) ANSI Z173.47 ASTM F105 Sealing of Top Flaps of Fiberboard Shipping Cases (1970 ASTM D1874 Sealing Properties of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials ASTM D1081 Sealing Rings for Automotive Transmission and Hydraulic SAE J281 Sealing Tapes (1973) ASTM C766 Sealing Tapes (1973) Std. ASTM C765 Sealing Tapes (1974) Std. M ASTM C771 Sealing Tapes (1974) Std. Meth. of Te ASTM C772 Sealing Washer (1974) NSA 1598 Sealing, Fluorosilicone Rubber, General Purpose, High T SAE AMS7266 Sealing, 53Fe-29Ni-17Co (1973) SAE AMS7728C Seals and Test, for Expansion Characteristics by Polari ASTM F140 Seals in Concrete Pavements (1972) Std. Spe ASTM D2835 Seals (1972) Rec. Pract. F SAE J946A Seals (1973) ASTM C717 Seals (1973) Std. Spec, for Jo ASTM D3139 Seam and Roll Spot Welding Equipment (3 Phase) (1973) NSA 991 Seam Strength of Curtains and Draperies (Textile) (1973 ANSI L24T2 Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel tu ASTM A520 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe (19 ASTM A312 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary ASTM A270 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing F ASTM A269 Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Lo ASTM A334 Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Water Well Pipe (1972A ASTM A589 Seamless and Welded Chromium-Niekel-Iron-Molybden ASTM B468 Seamless and Welded Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Cop ASTM B464 Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubing for ASTM A268 Seamless and Welded Pipe (1972) ASTM B535 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature Serv ASTM A333 Seamless and Welded Titanium Tube fo Condensers and He ASTM B338 Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service (1971) an ASTM B353 Seamless and Welded Tubes (1970) ANSI H53.1 ASTM B394 Seamless and Welded Unalloyed Titanium Welding Fittings ASTM B363 Seamless and Welded Zirconium Tubes for Nonnuclear Appl ASTM B523 Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes F ASTM A271 Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Cen ASTM A376 Seamless Black and Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel Pipe (19 ASTM A53 Seamless Brass Tube (1971) ANSI H36.1 ASTM B135 Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing (1973 ASTM A519 Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Super ASTM A209 Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High Pressure Se ASTM A192 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service ASTM A106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Process Piping (1972A) ASTM A524 Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and S ASTM A500 Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing (1973) ANSI G24 ASTM A501 Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Excha ASTM A199 , 348 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards al Fins (1974) Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy h23.14 Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Wrought ser Tubes (1973) Std. Spec, for U-Bend e (1974) ANSI H37.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ents (1970) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Forgings for ssion and Distribution Pip/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Pipe and tion Field Service (1974) ANSI H23.5 Service (1973) ANSI B125.24 perheater. and Heat Exchanger Tubes (1973/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for 3) Std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and erv Service (1972) ANSI B125.23 Std. Spec, for ubes for Refinerv Service (1972) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for nd Flaring (1972) Std. for es (1973) ANSI B12S.10 Std. Spec, for hanger Tubes (1972) ANSI H34.42 Std. Spec, for 8.7 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy . for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy r Nickel Chromium Iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Std. Spec, for integral Fins (1973) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy g62.1 Std. Spec, for r Black and Hot Dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and ) ANSI H38.6 Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Drawn Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Drawn Safety Std. for Steel Pipe (Welded and Linoleum, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl Asbestos. Polymeric Poured Home Laundering (1973) Ans/ Test Meth. for Appearance of . Off Road, Agricultural and Log Skidder, Truck. Bus. Bead s (1973) Std. for Carbide for Aluminum. Triplex. Neutral Supported. Service Drop and est of Single Thermoelement Materials by Comparison with A arrving (Members) Structures (Aluminum Construction Manual rk in Building Construction (Aluminum Construction Manual. Meth. for Estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross woods Use Book: Lumber Std.. Grading Rules. Design Values, Std. for General Purpose Uniform Cross oating Thicknesses by Microscopical Examination of a Cross 114.95 Std. Meth. of Test for Cross ter/ Std. for Automatic Circuit Reclosers, Automatic Line Std. Spec, for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Std. for T-Hook Slots for Std. Industrial control System Units (Electronic / Electrical / Mechanical oarding from the Wa/ Stds. and Practice Guide for_Aids to si Z11.58, API 2561 ) ANSI Z123.3 e (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 1962) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Water and Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Modified Meth. of Analysis of Micro Meth. of Analysis of Weight-Moisture Relationships of Agricultural Grain and uits (Berry. Currant, Grape. Asparagus): Lining Out Stock; Rules for Testing Dielectric Properties of Grain and Std. Moisture Measurement (Grain and Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame, Safflower, Oleic, and Sunflower nclature for Identification of Structures and Contaminants Std. Meth. of Test for r (Oil) Wellhead Equipment (Production Valves, Ring Joint, Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) Ansi/ Guide for ies (1972) Rec. Std. for iology) (1973) Std. for Integrity and Test Spec, for aque Materials and for Evaluating Confor/ Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for ANSI A167.1 Rec. Pract. for te (1969) ANSI A 164.1 Rec. Pract. for t. Organic Coating Systems (Coil) (1974) Guidelines for Air Conditioning Equipment Rec. Rec. for Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integr ASTM Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock (1974) ANSI ASTM Seamless Copper and Copper Alloy Tube (1974) ANSI H23.4 ASTM Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Heat Exchanger and Conden ASTM Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Rectangular Waveguide Tub ASTM Seamless Copper Bus Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI C7.26 ASTM Seamless Copper Nickel Pipe and Tube (1973) ANSI H26.4 ASTM Seamless Copper Pipe. Std. Sizes (1972) ASTM Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigera ASTM Seamless Copper Tube (1975) ANSI H23.3 ASTM Seamless Copper Tube, Bright Annealed (1973) ANSI H23.2 ASTM Seamless Copper Water Tube (1972) ANSI H23.1 ASTM Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Ve§sel Compon ASTM Seamless Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas and Oil Transmi ASTM Seamless Extruded Tube (1973) ANSI H38.7 ASTM Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature ASTM Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, Su ASTM Seamless Ferritic Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1972) ASTM Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Structural Tubing (197 ASTM Seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Still Tubes for Refin ASTM Seamless Low Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still T ASTM Seamless Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed for Bending a SAE Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tub ASTM Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exc ASTM Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (1973) ANSI H3 ASTM Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.1 ASTM Seamless Pipe and Tube (1970) ANSI H34.3 ASTM Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34. 16 Std. Spec ASTM Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.20 ASTM Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.21 /D. Spec. Fo ASTM Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI H26.3 ASTM Seamless Pipe Tube (1973) ANSI H34.41 ASTM Seamless Red Brass Pipe. Std. Sizes (1972) ASTM Seamless Round Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes with ASTM Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing (1971) ANSI ASTM Seamless Steel Pipe for Ordinary Uses (1973) ANSI B125. ASTM Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1973 ASTM Seamless Tubes (1974) ANSI H38.3 ASTM Seamless) for I'nderground Water Service (1972) UL Seamless, etc.) (1973) /Loor Coverings (Asphalt, Cork, ASTM Seams in Wash and Wear Items (Textile / Clothing) After AATCC Seat. Industrial and Bicycle Tires (1974) /Senger Cars TRA Seats Used with Indexable Inserts for Clamp Type Holder ANSI Secondary Cable (1966) IPCEA S-64-474 Std. EEI Secondary Standard of Similar EMF Temperature Propertie ASTM Sect. 1) (1971) /. for Design of Aluminum Alloy Load C AA Sect. 5) (1971) Spec, for Aluminum Sheet Metal Wo AA Section of Nuclear Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.10 Std. ASTM Section Properties and Design Loads, Timber, Plank and WWPA Section Spiral Retaining Rings (1972) ANSI Section (1973) ANSI G53.51 /Ement of Metal and Oxide C ASTM Sectional Characteristics of Cotton Fibers (1972) ANSI ASTM Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Capacitor Switches for Al NEMA Sections (1973) ASTM Securement in Shipment of Agricultural Equipment (1972) ASAE Security for Nuclear Power Plants (1973) ANSI Security Surveillance System and Equipment) (1974) /S UL Security (Safety) of Personnel on Boat Deck and for Reb ABYC Sediment in Crude and Fuel Oils by Extraction (1969) an ASTM Sediment in Crude Oils (1973) ANSI Z11.8 ASTM Sediment in Water Emulsion Polishes by Centrifuge (1972 ASTM Sedimentation Meth. of Analysis of Smut in Wheat and Ry AACCH Sedimentation Test for Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemistry) ( AACCH Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) AACCH Sedimentation Test for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) AACCH Sedimentatoon Test for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) AACCH Seed for Storage (1972) /Ensity, Specific Gravity, and ASAE Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers; Ch ANSI Seeds (1970) AOSA Seeds (1972) ASAE Seeds) (1972) ASAE Seeds; Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coconut, and P NIOP Seen on Specular Silicon Surfaces (1972T) /T. and Nome ASTM Seepage Rate of Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM Segmented, Production Check Flanges and Gaskets; Drilli API Seismic Qualification of Class I Electric Equipment for IEEE Seismic Restraint Direct Hung Suspended Ceiling Assembl CISCA Selected Brachytherapy Sources (Medical Radiation-Rad ANSI Selecting and Defining Color and Gloss Tolerances of Op ASTM Selecting Proportions for No Slump Concrete (1965) ACI Selecting Proportions for Normal Weight Concrete (1970) ACI Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concre ACI Selection and Preparation of Test Panels for Use in Tes NCCA Selection and System Design Procedures (1973) NESCA Selection and Usage Guide for Std. Steel Doors (1972) STDI Selection and Use of Aggregates for Concrete (1958) ACI Engineering and Product Standards Division B359 Bill B251 B395 B372 B188 B466 B42 B280 B75 B68 B88 A 336 B345 B241 A335 A213 A669 A618 A200 A161 J524B A210 B163 B241 B161 B167 B423 B444 B445 B315 B407 B43 B404 A511 A120 B234 B210 888 F141 88B 7 B94.46 TDJ-180 E207 •10 •12 C626 *31 B27.6 B487 D1444 SG13 C478 S356 N18.17 294 A18 D473 D96 D1290 42-71 56-60 56-62 56-63 56-61 A D241.1 Z60.1 60-2 D293 S352 *1 F154 D3094 6A 344 ♦3 N44.1 D3134 211 211.1 211.2 TB-III-5 MAN K 108 58-24 349 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards n Spectroscopy Based on Physical Pr/ Std. Rec. Pract. for m Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine/ Std. Pract. for flectance and Transmittance (1973) / Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Guide for the 3) Std. Guide for iler. Multipurpose Pas/ Definitions and Terms Used in the 73) Std. Rec. Pract. for ture Design (1972) SAEJ711 Tire Std. for Tire Rim tings and Equipment for Anchori/ Std. and Pract. Rec. for generators (1/ Safety Std. for Construction and Guide for Std. for of the Road / Safety Std. for Regular Bicycles Including erties. Weight, Stress of Bo/ a Product Use Manual: Grade Test Meth. for the Std. for Uniform Dimensions and Meth. of Test, for Rotary Meth. of Test for 100 Dee. Head. Tri Wine Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread. i Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel. Short Thread. ead, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess. Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Mister Head, Full Threaded. Tri Wing Recess. Alloy Steel. t Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, gth. Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973) Spec, for 1 Metal (1973) Spec, for Steel high Strength. Prevailing Torque. All Metal. 1/ Spec, for high Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1/ Spec, for Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel Lightweight Insert (1974) Std. for Sandwich Panel Lightweight Std. for Setscrew, care, and Use of Shears (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic. Aerospace Std. Identification Marking Meths. on Finished, Spec, for Cabin Duct. Air. Flexible and Std. for Solid and Std. for General Purpose for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Tissues Safety Std. for 1972) Rec. Pract. for Structural Design of or Paper, Paper/Film, Film Dielectric Capacitors for Power 974) Std. List of Values to Be Used in p/ Std. for Numbering of Electrodes in Multiple Electrode onductor Devices and Designation of L'nits in Multiple Unit Safety Code for n (1969) ANSI N42.1 Std. Test Procedure for Std. Test Procedure for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Measuring Hall Mobility and Hall Coefficient in Extrinsic Std. for Handling and Installation of Power Std. Spec, for bars; Hot Rolled D/ (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Steel: of Moisture in Massecuites, Molasses, and Other Liquid and in Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) or Inspection Procedures for Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Meth. of Analysis of Lipoxidase Activity of Disk Meth. of Analysis of Macro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Micro Scale Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Farina and Meth. of Analysis of Diastatic Activity of Flour and Machine Washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and Meth. for Preparation of Sample: yke Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and f Analysis of Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars in Flour and aluminum Plate) Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and sen Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and nate Meth. of Analysis of Ergot in Rye and Wheat Flour and ang Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flour and is for Insect and Rodent Filth in Meal. Grits. Farina, and ysis for Rodent Excreta in Meal, Grits, Flour, Farina, and Hand Washing Meth. of Analysis of Gluten in Flour and istry)/ Diastase Meth. of Analysis of Starch in Flour and Sacks (Cereal Chemistry) (/ Meth. for Sampling of Flour, Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour. Farina, Meth. of Analysis of Pigments in Flour, B/ Polarimetric Meth. of Analysis of Starch in Flour and ied Vacuum Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Flour and Std. for Safety for Ground Fault ulation (1974) ANSI C59.136 Std. Meth. of Test. Pressure Std. Meth. of Test for Tack and Pressure Std. Spec, for Polyethylene Plastic Pressure Low Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Std. Spec, for Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure Std. Spec, for Polyester Film Pressure Std. Spec, for Tetrafluoroethylene Backed Pressure Std. Spec, for High Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure hine (1971) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. of Test for Pressure (1973) Pressure Selection of Electrode Material Used in Optical Emissio ASTM E504 Selection of Engine-Generator Units for Low and Mediu DEMA *1-19 Selection of Geometric Conditions for Measurement of Re ASTM E179 Selection of Leak Test. Meth. (1971) ANSI Z166.26 ASTM E432 Selection of Neutron Activation Detector Materials (197 ASTM E419 Selection of Tires (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Tra TRA X-XI Selection of Vapor Barriers for Thermal Insulations (19 ASTM C755 Selection Tables for Agricultural (Farm) Machines of Fu ASAE R220 3 Selection (1974) TRA XII Selection, Design, Construction and Installation of Fit ABYC A5 Selection. Installation and Use of Electric Motors and NEMA MG2 Selection. Installation, and Servicing of Humidifiers (1972) ARI 630 Selection, Purchase, Preparation, Maintenance and Rules BMA 6/7 Selection, Std. Size, Design Values, Framing Rec, Prop WWPA »24 Selective Transmission of a Photographic Lens (1969) ANSI PH3.37 Selector Switches (Radio, TV. and Instrumentation) (197 EIA RS315-A Selenium in Water (1972T) ASTM D3081 Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) Std. for Screw, NSA 5600-06 Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) / 100 Deg. Head. TR NSA 4400-16 Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) /, Flat Fillister H NSA 5500-06 Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) /Ine Screw, Flat Fi NSA 5300-06 Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) /Machine Screw, Fla NSA 5400-06 Self-Locking Corrosion Resistant Alloy Nuts, High Stren SAE AMS7253A Self-Locking Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torque, Al SAE AMS7252A Self-Locking Steel Nuts. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, SAE AMS7250C Self-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, SAE AMS7251B Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Molded in NSA 1832 Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind Threaded Molded in NSA 1836 Selflocking (1972) NSA 1081 Semi and Automatic, and Manually Powered) (1973) /On, ANSI Bl 1.4 Semi Finished and Rough Items (1971) SAE AS478D Semi Rigid (1972) NSA 1369 Semi Solid Dielectric Transmission Lines (1972) EIA RS199A Semi-Tubular, Full Tubular. Split Rivets and Caps (1972 ANSI B18.7 (Semiautomated Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Analysis ASTM D3270 Semiautomatic Fire Hose Rack Assemblies (1972) UL 47 Semiautomatic Headlamp (Light) Beam Switching Devices ( SAE J565C Semicircular Brick Masonry Arches (Tech. Note) (1971) BIA 31C Semiconductor Applications (1973) Std. F EIA RS401 Semiconductor Device Specs, and Registration Formats (1 EIA RS419 Semiconductor Devices and Designation of Units in Multi EIA RS321B Semiconductor Devices (1972) /Multiple Electrode Semic EIA RS321B Semiconductor Power Converters (1973) NEMA PV 3 Semiconductor Radiation Detectors for Ionizing Radiatio IEEE 300 Semiconductor Radiation Detectors (1969) ANSI N42.2 IEEE 301 Semiconductor Single Crystals (1973) Std. Meth. for ASTM F76 Semiconductors in Disc Tvpe Packages (1973) EIA JED11 Semidense Mineral Fiber Siding (1972) ASTM C725 Semifinished for Forging: Hot Rolled and Cold Finished AISI 1 Semiliquid Products (Drying Upon Quartz Sand) (Cereal C AACCH 44-60 Semiquantitative Meth. of Analysis of Benzoyl Peroxide AACCH 48-07 Semitrailers Operated on Public Highways (1973) /Td. F ANSI D7.1 Semolina and Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 22-40 Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 66-40 Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 66-41 Semolina Quality in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 66-42 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 08-12 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 22-15 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 38-11 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 62-60 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Van SI AACCH 46-32 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. O AACCH 80-60 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Air Oven ( AACCH 44-16 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified Soren AACCH 46-31 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Ether-Bicarbo AACCH 42-56 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Linderstrom-L AACCH 46-30 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /on Meth. of Analys AACCH 28-51 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Tion Meth. of Anal AACCH 28-50 Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 38-10 Semolina (With Subsequent Acid Hydrolysis) (Cereal Chem AACCH 76-10 Semolina, and Similar Products: Feeds and Feedstuffs in AACCH 64-60 Semolina. Bread. Grain, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Le AACCH 44-15A Semolina, Macaroni and Wheat (1962) AACCH 14-50 Semolina; Also, with Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye. AACCH 76-20 Semolina; Bread; Feedstuffs, Ground Grains and Their Ad AACCH 44-40 Sensing and Relaying Equipment (1972) UL 1053 Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes Used for Electrical Ins ASTM D1000 Sensitive Adhesives by Rolling Ball (1973) ASTM D3121 Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) ASTM D3006 Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) /Spec, for ASTM D3005 Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) ANSI C59.91 ASTM D2301 Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1973) ANSI C59.96 ASTM D2484 Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (1974) ASTM D2686 Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) ASTM D2754 Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted Probe Mac ASTM D2979 Sensitive Tape Application Stds. for Fibrous Glass Duct SMACN AFTS-101 350 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 69) (1973) Pressure ant Stress (/ Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Pressure 0) Pressure ning Speed of Color Reversal Films for Still Ph/ Std. for td. Rec. Praet. for Establishing Conditions for Laboratory Purchases (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for chemistry) (1962) Meth. of oil Film Negatives (1972) Std. Spec, for Masks eous Fluoride in the Atmospher/ Tent. Meth. for Automated uorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarb/ Tent. Meth. for ble Caseous Fluorides in the / Tent. Meth. for Continuous j2 6 Std. Meth. of Dynamic Test, for Ply 972) ANSI Z11.301 Std. Meth. of Test for Water si N41.14 Trial Use Std. Criteria for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for Ply Spec, for Oil and Cas er. Wide Field and Compound Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, pec. for Homogeneous Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for . for Laminated Wall Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for 1 Std. for Safety for hermoset Plastic Tanks for Water and Wastewater Treatment Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Open Web Steel Joints J ibution Line Compensation (Including Safety Req/ Std. for . of Test for Exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX c. for Hollow Metal Door Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Std. Format for NAS 900 Uniform Alignment Tests-NAS 900 Std. for Preferred Numbers in Geometric Std. for Tests and Procedures for SAE 100R ographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings, Trial Std. for Screw Threads for Metric specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints LJ and LH . and Load Tables for Open Web Steel Joints J Series and H and Load Tables for Longspan Steel Joints Deep DLJ and DLH bolts and Screws: External Wrenching. Unified Threaded In. td. Spec, for Mercury Lamp Transformers, Constant Current or Industrial Perforated Plate and Screens (Square Opening Groove Dimensions for Fluid Power Exclusion Devices (In. Structural Design of Std. for 450 Deg. F Self Locking Std. for 450 Deg. F Closed End Self Locking Harland and Ashworth Meth. of Analysis of Rowland Meth. of Analysis of Installation Std. for Solvent Cemented PVC Pipe for Water Is (1974) Std. Rec. Guide for in c. for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure senger Car (1971) Rec. Pract. for rucks. Buses, and Combination Vehicles F/ Rec. Pract. for Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for High Temperature Sanitary Stds. for Fillers and Sealers of Single Std. Meth. of Test for Simulated Rec. Pract. Meth. and Controls to Prevent in Std. for Aluminum, Triplex, Neutral Supported, Std. for Dinnerware Used in Food Rec. for Single Phase Rural Distribution or Definition of and Maximum Dimensions for Grown Tires in Std. Classification System for Polymeric Materials for formers. Hand Po/ Std. for Electrical Apparatus Sales and Test Meth. for Carpet (Rug) Soiling; ting Devices and Components (1972) Rec. Pract. for mp (Light) Units for Motor Vehicles (197/ Rec. Pract. for th Carbon Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for High Pressure Std. Test Meth. for Simulated B141.8 Std. for or Changing and Charging Storage Batteries in Motive Power rec. for Materials and Meth. for Durability of Concrete in Hopper Cars for Malt and Grain Rec. Guide for Making a Condition Survey of Concrete in ct. for Fabrication of Reinforcing Steel Bar Materials and Pract. for Estimating Reinforcing Steel Bar Materials and ry Pipe, Deluge, and Pre Action Valves for Fire Protection loy Bars. Forgings. and Forging Stock for High Temperature loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Std. for Tubular Heat Exchanges in Chemical Process icating Systems of Various Turbine Driven Pumps for Marine metal Are Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Transmission king Material Specially Heat Treated for High Temperature conium and Its Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear rical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized onstruction of Nonmetallic Enveloped Gaskets for Corrosive td. Guideline for the Physical Inspection of Wood Poles in . on Application, Care, and Use of Wire Rope for Oil Field . for Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt Welding for General for Steel Pipe (Welded and Seamless) for Underground Water Sensitive Tape Performance Stds. for Fibrous Glass Duct Sensitive Tape to Fiberboard at 90 Deg. Angle and Const Sensitive Tape Water Vapor Transmission Test Meth. (197 Sensitometrie Exposure and Evaluation Meth. for Determi Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Beverages (1973) Sensory Evaluation of Industrial and Institutional Food Sensory Perception Test for Stateness of Bread (Cereal (Separate) for Use in Photographic Contact Printing of R Separation and Collection of Particulate and Acidic Gas Separation and Collection of Particulate and Gaseou9 Fl Separation and Collection of Particulate and Water Solu Separation and Cracking of Rubber Products (1973) ANSI Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1 Separation of Class Ie Equipment and Circuits (1974) an Separation of Vehicle from Solvent Type Paints (1973) Separation (Wet) of Solid and Corrugated Fiberboard (19 Separators (Petroleum Production) (1973) Separatorv Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Sta Septic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. S Septic Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.5 /. Spec Septic Tanks, Bituminous Coated Metal (1974) ANSI A162. (Septic, Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chemical Series and H Series (1970) Series Capacitors for Electrical Transmission and Distr Series Copper Containing Aluminum Alloys (Exco Test) (1 Series Deadlock Strikes (1973) Spe Series Equipment Spec. (1973) Series Equipment Specs. (1972) Series for Use in Standardization (1973) Series Hydraulic Hose and Hose Assemblies (1970) Series II (1974) ANSI Z166.8 Std. Reference Radi Series Mechanical Fasteners (1974) Series (1970) Std. Series (1970) Std. Specs Series (1970) Std. Specs. Series (1971) Std. for Design Parameters for (Series) Supply Type (1971) Series) (1972) Std. Spec. F kaging / ve Petroleu/ 69) DSl Series) (1972) ANSI B93.35 Serpentine Walls, Non Loadbearing (Tech. Notes) (1968) Serrated Head Blind Nut (1974) Serrated Head Blind Nut (1974) Serum Protein in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Serum Protein in Milk (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv: Serv Serv Serv Serv: Serv Serv Serv: Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv Serv ce and Yard Piping (1971) ce Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vesse ce at Moderate Temperatures (1973) Spe ce Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure-Pas ce Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure for T ce Conforming to ISO Recommendations for Boiler Co ce Containers for Milk and Its Fluid Products (Pac ce Corrosion Test, of Engine Coolants (1973) ce Cracking of Carbon Steel (P-l) Welds in Corrosi ce Drop and Secondary Cable (1966) IPCEA S-64-474 ce Establishments (1970) ce for Motors and Phase Converters (1972) ce for Use by Vehicle Manufacturers in Designing F ce in Ionizing Radiation (1971) ANSI N4.1 ce Industry (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Dry Trans ce Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.216 ce Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle Ligh ce Performance Requirements for Sealed Beam Headla ce Piping (1969) Std. Pract. for High Streng ce Test, of Wood and Wood Base Finish Flooring (19 ce Time Coding of Propulsion Engine Items (1971) a ce (For Electric Trucks) (1972) /Nd Health Rec. F ce (1959) ce (1964) ce (1965) ce (1968) ce (1970) ce (1970) ce (1970) ANSI G81.44 ce (1970) ANSI G81.45 ce (1970) ANSI G81.46 ce (1971) Std. Pra Std. Safety Std. for D /Tation Hardening Nickel Al /Ardening Iron Base Superal /Ening Cobalt Containing Al ce (1971) ce (1971) ANSI G36.49 ce (1971) ANSI G55.12 ce (1971) ANSI N124 ce (1971) ANSI N143 ce (1971) ANSI Z261.2 ce (1972) ce (1972) ce (1972) ce (1972) / for the Flushing and Cleaning of Lubr Std. Spec, for /Lloy Steel Turbine Type Bo Std. Spec, for Wrought Zir /Td. Spec, for Sheathed Elect /C. Pract. for Design and C Rec. Pract Std. Pract Safety Std. SMACN ASTM PSTC ANSI ASTM ASTM AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM API AACCH ASTM ASTM UL NSF AISC ANSI ASTM ANSI NSA NSA ANSI SAE ASTM IFI AISC AISC AISC SAE ANSI ASTM NFLDP BIA NSA NSA AACCH AACCH IAPMO ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM DFISA ASTM NACE EEI NSF ASAE TRA ASTM EASA AATCC SAE SAE MSS ASTM SAE ITA ACI BAMI ACI CRSI CRSI UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASME ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWPA API MSS UL AFTS-100 D2860 34 PH2.21 E480 E461 74-30 PH3.9 D3266 D3268 D3267 D430 D2550 384 D2372 D1028 12J 28-90 D2312 D2313 70 41 S316-3 C55.2 G34 A115.5 983 985 Z17.1 J343A E155 500 S316-2 S316-3 S316-1 AS1132A C82.7 E454 T3.19.7 33 1731 1732 46-21 46-22 IS8 E509 A672 J229 J294 A520 1704 D2570 RP-04-72 TDJ-180 36 R329 1-13 D2953 «1 122 J256A J32 SP63 D2394 AS1105 8K1 59-57 *1 65-67 •1.5.3 •1.5.1 260 A637 A638 A639 B78.1 LOS-2C1 A381 A437 B353 E420 F336 M13-72 9B SP72 Engineering and Product Standards Division 351 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature ates. Carbon Manganese, for Moderate and Lower Temperature Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Temperature itic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature trifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature arbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes for Refinery sure Vessel Plates for Intermediate and Higher Temperature forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Temperature 1 Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low Temperature erritic and Austenitic Steel Castings for High Temperature Std. Spec, for Wrought Steel Wheels for Electric Railway ve Signaling Systems for Guard. Fire Alarm and Supervisory ignaling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm, and Supervisory e of Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems for Fire Alarm ignalling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm and Supervisory es for Pressure Vessels for Moderate and Lower Temperature nd Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature c. for Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Std. for Practice for Respiratory Protection for the Fire Std. Spec, for Cast Steel Wheels for Railway- Safety Std. for Hydrants for Fire Protection Safety Std. for Gate Valves for Fire Protection ety Std. for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Compressed Gas c. Pract. for Evacuated Reflective Insulation in Cryogenic or Grounded 830 V, 3 Phase Electrical System for Oil Field ugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature t Pressure Pipe, Couplings, and Gaskets for Water and Fire and Distribution Facilities and Interruptions to Customer . for Play Pipes for Water Supply Test, in Fire Protection arbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High Pressure ess and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubing for General s and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ec. for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature or Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central Station for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High Pressure for I se in Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems for Fire Protection ty Std. for Indicating Pressure Gauges for Fire Protection loy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and Temperature Pressure Vessel Plates for Moderate and Lower Temperature vessels, Valves, Flanges, and Fittings for Low Temperature ings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Std. for Safety for Butterfly Valves for Fire Protection Std. for Safety for Water Pumps for Fire Protection for Mining and Logging Tires L'sed in Intermittent Highway Safety for Automatic Water Sprinklers for Fire Protection of Lead Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for Motive Power Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Temperature or Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High Temperature for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High Temprature for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Low Temperature . Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure 1-Iron Alloy Castings (25-12 Class) for High Temperature s Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field tubing and Line Pipe Connections in High Pressure Oil Well ttings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration of Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine 1974) Uniform Pract. for Fee Determination for Division std. for Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Special Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Interior Design architect and Consultant for Other Than Normal Engineering Central Stations for Watchman, Fire Alarm and Supervisory and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Std. for Selection, Installation, and Spec, for Petroleum Drilling and Well e (1966) An/ Std. Spec, for Enclosures, Cold Chambers and tion, and Grade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor. Std. for Bolt, Flat, 100 Deg. Head, Torq Std. for Bolt. Brazier Head, Torq Std. for Bolt, Flat, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Torq Std. Meth. of Test for Degree of 962) Spec, for Mosaic Wood Parquet Flooring Std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread. Torq Spec, for Steel Splined Continuous Strip Mastic Std. Meth. of Test for False e Slab / Spec, for Mastic Nailed Construction with Mastic Std. for Screw. Machine. Pan Head. Full Thread, Torq Std. for Machine Screw, Pan Head, Short Thread. Torq for Screw, Machine. Flat 100 Deg. Head. Full Thread, Torq for Machine Screw, Flat 100 Deg. Head. Short Thread, Torq for Screw, Machine, Flat Fillister Head. Full Thread, Torq meth of Test for Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Service (1972) Service (1972) Service (1972) Service (1972) Service (1972) ANSI B125.23 Service (1972) ANSI B125.36 Service (1972) ANSI B125.39 Service (1972) ANSI B125.5 Service (1972) ANSI B36.39 Service (1972) ANSI G35.9 Service (1972) ANSI G37. 1 Service (1972) ANSI C38.13 Service (1972) ANSI G52.2 Service (1972) ANSI G57. 13 Service (1972) ANSI SE3.2 Service (1972) ANSI SE3.3 Service (1972) ANSI SE3.4 Service (1972) ANSI SE3.6 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel PI Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening /Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Auten Std. Spec, for /Meter Austenitic Chromium Std. Spec, for Cen /. Spec, for Seamless Low C Std. Spec, for Seamless /Spec, for Carbon Steel Pres / Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, /Oiled 9% Nickel Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for F /of Central Station Protecti /D Use of Local Protective S /Llation, Maintenance and Us /of Proprietary Protective S Service (1972A) ID. Spec, for High Strength Steel Plat Service (1972A) ANSI B125.18 /Td. Spec, for Seamless a Service (1972A) ANSI B125.30 Std. Service (1972A) ANSI B125.4 Std. Spe Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Service (1973) Saf Std. Re Rec. Pract. F Std. Spec, for Centrif Safety Std. for Asbestos Cemen Service (1973) ANSI Bill .1 Service (1973) ANSI B125.12 Service (1973) ANSI B125.14 Service (1973) ANSI B125.15 Service (1973) ANSI B125.17 Service (1973) ANSI B125.24 Service (1973) ANSI B125.25 Service (1973) ANSI B125.7 Service (1973) ANSI B129.2 Service (1973) ANSI B156.1 Service (1973) ANSI E38. 1 Service (1973) ANSI G35. 10 Service (1973) ANSI G38.3 Service (1973) ANSI G46.2 Service (1974) Service (1974) Service (1974) Service (1974) Service (1974) Service (1974) ANSI G37.2 Service (1974) ANSI G37.3 Service (1974) ANSI G38.ll Service (1974) ANSI G38.9 Service .(1974) ANSI G52.5 Service (1974) ANSI C81.19 Service (1974) ANSI H23.5 Service) (1972) Service, and Marine Use (1972) /Zing Outage of Electrical Transmission Safety Std /Ctric Resistance Welded C Std. Spec, for Seaml Std. Spec, for Seamles 'Std. Sp Std. Spec. F Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec /or Safety for Alarm Valves Safe /Td. Spec, for Carbon and Al /Td. Spec, for Carbon Steel /Ing Materials for Pressure Std. Spec, for Piping Fitt Std. Std. for Std. for Determination of Capacity Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel / and Alloy Steel Castings F /Gs Specially Heat Treated /or Ferritic Steel Castings Std /Spec, for Chromium-Nicke Std. Spec, for Seamles Thread Compounds (For Casing, /Afety Std. for Tube Fi /Th. Std. Form of Std. Form of Agreement Between Safety Std. for Std. Spec, for Alloy Services by Means of Small Size Specimens (1970) Services (Individuals. Clubs, and Exhibition Charges) ( Services (1972) Services (1972) Services (1972) Services (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 Services (1974) ANSI G38.4 Servicing of Humidifiers (1972) Servicing Structures (1974) Serving Units for Tests Above and Below Room Temperatur Sesame. Safflower. Oleic, and Sunflower Seeds; Ground N Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Set and Hi Torque. 180 KSI (1973) Set and Hi Torque. 180 KSI (1973) Set for Wood Sash Glazing Compound (1973) Set in Adhesive Over Concrete Slab or Wood Subfloors (1 Set Machine Screw (1972) Set Maple Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Set of Portland Cement (Paste Meth.) (1972) ANSI A1.27 Set Subflooring and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concret Set (1973) Set (1973) Set (1973) Set (1973) Set (1973) Setaflash Closed Tester (1973) Std. Std. Std. Tent. ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM UL UL UL ASTM API ASTM UL IEEE UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL UL TRA UL NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API UL ASTM PSA AIOA AIOA AIOA UL ASTM ARI API ASTM NIOP NSA NSA NSA ASTM WSFI NSA WSFI ASTM WSFI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM A660 A662 A670 A358 A200 A409 A451 A161 A271 A515 A182 A522 A351 A25 71 72A 72B 72D A612 A334 A 106 A155 Z88.5 A583 246 262 404 C740 11M A426 107 346 385 A226 A268 A 269 A333 A335 A376 A192 193 393 AI94 A516 A320 A420 1091 448 2-29 199 IB2 A216 A217 A389 A352 A487 A447 B280 BUL 5A2 109 D2481 11 B727 B707 C431 827 A 193 630 4E E197 *] 1972 1982 1992 C742 *7 1131-38 *5 C451 ♦6 1100 1630-34 1102 1620-28 1101 D3243 352 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (Paint. Enamel. Lacquer, Varnish, and Related Products) by Safety Std. for Cord Meth. for Measuring Transmission Performance of Telephone Std. for Std. for Slotted Headless Std. for Square Head (1973) Definition and Recommendation for Materials for (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Chemically (1970) ANSI A37.134 Std. Meth. of Test for Time of Std. Meth. of Test for Modulus of Rupture of Air 9 Std. Meth. of Test for Cold Bonding Strength of Air 1 1974) Std. Spec, for Chemically ansi Z98.33 Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic Std. Meth. for Automatic Particle Counter Size tanks for Water and Wastewater Treatment (Septic. Holding, Uniform Plumbing Code: Sewers and Private et Waste (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering vehicles (1971) Std. for Waste and Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, ) ANSI A100.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Polylvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Std. Spec, for Styrene Rubber Plastic Drain and Building Std. Spec, for Type PSP Polylvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Std. Spec, for Type PSM Polylvinyl Chloride) (PVC) pec. for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic ec. for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert. Storm Drain, and Std. Spec, for Filled Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) r Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain, and Std. Rec. Pract. for Installing Vitrified Clay ct. for Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Std. Spec, for Reinforced Plastic Mortar d. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and . for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Nonpressure Small Diameter Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Bituminized Fiber Drain and Std. Spec, for Laminated ^ all Bituminized Fiber Drain and c. for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Composite Std. Spec, for Concrete Uniform Plumbing Code: Installation for Non Metallic Building Std. Meth. of Test. and Broadleaf Evergre/ Std. for Nursery Stock: Deciduous r Bearings (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conform/ Std. Std. Pract. for Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear nstruction. Materials. Size, and Installation of Propeller ponents: Enclosed Gear Drives-Bearings. Bolting Keys and Std. for Chisel Plow. Field and Row Crop Cultivator ted Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and uniform Building Code Std. for Special Purpose Roofs (Wood Uniform Building Code Std. for Hand Split for Building. Facing, and Hollow Brick (Made from Clay or Std. Spec, for Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or es (Polisher, Scrubber, Sander, Scraper, Tile Remover, Rug rpet) (1972) Test Meth. for Std. for Fastener-Taper Std. for Rivet-Flat Head, Hi Shear, Close Tolerance 00 Deg. Countersunk Head Hi Shear Close Tolerance Head and Std. for Bolt, Taper Std. for Bolt. Taper Std. for Bolt. Taper Std. for Bolt, Taper Std. for Drills. High Speed Steel Threaded Std. for 100 Deg. Close Tolerance Head and Std. for Spindle Noses and Tool ode Std. for Material Spec, for Structural Steel and Iron ganese Steel Bars Including Rounds. Squares, Hexagons, and for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bar. Rod. Pipe, and Structural std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Std. Spec, for Free Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Std. Structural Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and ng Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Refractory Brick and Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars, and Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural le to Titanium and Its Base Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, and equirements for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy Rod, Bar, and and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and td. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars, and Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Std. Spec, for Copper Rod. Bar, and Std. Spec for TFE -Fluorocarbon Resin Molded Basic Std. Spec, for Copper Bus Bar, Rod, and Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Forging Rod. Bar and Std. Spec, for Manganese Bronze Rod, Bar, and Std. Spec, for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and Setaflash Closed Tester (1973) /Lash Point of Liquids Sets and Power Supply Cords (1972) ANSI C33.3 Sets (1971) Std. Setscrew, Selflocking (1972) Setscrews (Screws) (1971) Setscrews (1969) Setting Ceramic Tile with Mortar, Adhesive, and Mastic Setting Chemical Resistant Silicate and Silica Mortars Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance Setting Plastic Refractories (1972) Setting Refractory Mortar (Wet Type) (1972) ANSI Al 11.2 Setting Silicate and Silica Chemical Resistant Mortars Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement (1964) Setting (1972) Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chemical Storage, Mixing, Sewage Disposal Systems (1973) Sewage Holding and/or Treatment Devices for Marine Toil Sewage Holding Tanks for Mobile Homes and Recreational Sewage Treatment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973 Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1972) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.59 Std. S Sewer Pipe (1971) Std. Sp Sewer Pipe (1972) Sewer Pipe (1972) Std. Spec. Fo Sewer Pipe (1972) ANSI A106.2 Sewer Pipe (1972) ANSI K65.171 Std. Rec. Pra Sewer Pipe (1973) Sewer Pipe (1973) St Sewer Pipe (1973) Std. Spec Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.3 Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.4 Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176.1 Sewer Pipe (1973) ANSI A176.2 Sewer Piping (1974) Std. Spe Sewer. Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (1973) Sewers and Private Sewage Disposal Systems (1973) Sewers (1971) Sewing Threads (1971) ANSI L14.14 Shade and Flowering Trees; Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Rolle Shaft Mounted Speed Reducers (1974) Shafting Systems for Boats (1973) /Guide to Design, Co Shafting (1974) Std. for Design of Com Shafts and Ground Tool Mountings (Farm Machinery) (1973 Shafts (1974) ANSI G55.14 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Trea Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Board Shakes (1973) Shale) (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Shale) (1973) ANSI A100. 1 Shampooer, Rug and Floor Washers, etc.) (1974) /Machin Shampooing: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings (Rug. Ca Shank (1973) Shank (1973) Shank (1973) Std. for Rivet-1 Shank. Shear Type. Protruding Head-Oversize (1973) Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Head (1973) Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head-Oversize (1973) Shank, Shear Type. 100 Deg. Head (1973) Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. Thru Letter F (1973) Shank, 160,000 psi Short Thread Bolt (1974) Shanks for Milling Machines (1972) (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connector, and Bar) (1973) Shapes-Angles, TEES and Channels (1972) ANSI G81.18 Shapes for Electrical Purposes (Bus Conductor) (1973) a Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels (1 Shapes for Use in Screw Machines (1972) Shapes (1972) Shapes (1972) / Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Shapes (1972) ANSI A111.17 Shapes (1972) ANSI H33.1 Shapes (1973) Shapes (1973) Shapes (1973) Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.21 Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.31 Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.3 Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.4 Shapes (1974) Shapes (1974) ANSI C7.25 Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.1 Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.5 Shapes (1974) ANSI H7.6 /H. of Test for Cold Crushi Std. Spec, for Copper Zinc Tolerances Applicab Std. Spec, for General R /Pec. for Cold Formed Welded ASTM UL IEEE NSA SAE SAE TCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSF ICBO ABYC IAPMO BIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO IAPMO ASTM ANSI AFBMA AGMA ABYC AGMA ASAE ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO ASTM UL AATCC NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AA ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM "1-11 ►1-11 D3278 817 269 1081 J479A J102 •3 C397 C403 C491 C198 C466 C449 F321 41 UPC* A8 TSC2 34A C32 D2729 D2852 D3033 D3034 D2751 C506 D2836 C507 C12 D2321 D3262 C76 C655 C428 C644 D1861 D1862 D2680 C14 UPC* IS1 D204 Z60.1 7 480.05 P6 260.02 S225.1 A470 UBCS32-14 UBCS32-8 UBCS24-1 C32 561 138 1730 529 525 1729 1728 1725 1724 965 1202 B5.18 UBCS27-1 A429 B317 A479 B16 *5 A 564 C133 B140 AMS2204D AMS2245 B249 A500 A276 B98 B133 D3294 B187 B124 B138 B150 Engineering and Product Standards Division 353 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 24 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, als (1968) ANSI Z260.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Drop Std. for Safety for Hair Clipping and carf Joints (1970) Std. Meth. of Conducting Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type Protruding Head Std. for Titanium Alloy Stump Type 100 Deg. Head Std. for Hexagon Head Modified Short Thread Std. for Self Locking, Hexagon Head Std. Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Adhesives in meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Std. Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Adhesives in std. Meth. of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Std. Meth. of Test for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in th Properties of Adhesives in Plywood Type Construction in th Properties of Adhesives in Two Ply Wood Construction in for Determining Durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in gth of Adhesively Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear Joints in of Adhesively Bonded Plastic Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in Std. for Rivet-100 Deg. Countersunk Head Hi on (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Test Meth. for et (1974) Std. for Solid 100 Deg. Flush for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Std. for Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Rolling Shear mining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Std. Meth. of Test for ceramics by Reso/ Std. Meth. of Test for Young's Modulus, Std. for Hi std. Test Meth. for Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having Determining the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Plastic Lap roperties of Elastomeric Vulcanizates Under Compressive or Short Beam M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Horizontal Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, ions or Cores (1970) Std. Meth. of ns (1972) Std. Meth. of -Direct Cold Heading Wire and Rods (1972) Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Std. for Bolt, Taper Shank, Std. for Nut, Capitive Washer, Contemporary Bearing Wall Example of Std. for Hi Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Rolling Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace Alloys Under High Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. 108 KSI Steel, 100 Deg. Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, d. for Pin, Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, Protruding Head, s of Metal to Metal Adhesives by Compression Loading (Disk Std. for Rivet-Flat Head, Hi Std. for Bolt - Std. for Bolt, itanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, anium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, for Viscosity and Curing Characteristics of Rubber by the safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of Std. for Safety for Nonmetallic other Specialized Service (1971) ANSI N14/ Std. Spec, for (1973) Std. for Safety for 1 Impedance of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in High Reliability Applications (1967) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Fiberboard Nail Base Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Guide for the Design of Aluminum Formed Sheet Building er Requirements of Farm Livestock (Poultry, Swine, Cattle. institutional Te/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven performance Requirements for Durable Press (No Iron) Woven n (1972) ANSI C59.13 Std. M^th. of Test. Rigid Std. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Shapes, and Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.5 Shapes, Rolled Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (19 Shapes, Rolled or Extruded (1973) ANSI H38.10 Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use (1972 Shapes, Tubes, and Wires (1970) ANSI H45.6 Sharp Notch Tension Test, of High Strength Sheet Materi Shatter Test for Coke (1972) ANSI K20.24 Shaving Appliances (1973) ANSI C33.36.2 Shear Block Test for Quality Control of Glue Bonds in S Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Shear Bolt (1972) Shear Bolt (1974) Shear by Compression Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Shear by Compression Loading (1949) ANSI Z197.ll /Td. Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Meta Shear by Tension Loading in the Temperature Range from Shear by Tension Loading of Laminated Assemblies (1973) Shear by Tension Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Shear by Tension Loading (Metal to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z Shear by Tension Loading (Metal / Metal) (1973) Shear by Tension Loading (1964) ANSI Z197.12 /R Streng Shear by Tension Loading (1970) /Test Meth. for Streng Shear by Tension Loading (1971) ANSI Z197.31 /. Pract. Shear by Tension Loading (1973) /Determining the Stren Shear by Tension Loading (1973) /Ermining the Strength Shear Close Tolerance Head and Shank (1973) Shear Connectors (Steel Studs) for Composite Constructi Shear Fatigue of Sandwich Core Materials (1970) Shear Head A286 Corrosion Resistant Steel and Monel Riv Shear Head, Pull Type (1973) Std. Shear Head. Stump Type (1973) Shear Head, Stump Type (1973) Shear Hexagon Head Bolt (1973) (Shear in Plane of Plies) (1969) Shear Joints in Shear by Tension Loading (1973) /Deter Shear Modulus of Plywood (1972) Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio for Glass and Glass Shear Protruding Head Rivet (1972) Shear Rate Dependent Flow Properties (1969) Shear Sandwich Joints in Shear by Tension Loading (1973 Shear Strains by the Mechanical Oscillograph (1972) Ans Shear Strength of Parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Shear Stump Type (1973) Shear Test in Flatwise Plane of Flat Sandwich Construct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditio Shear Testing of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Rivets and Shear Through the Thickness (1969) Shear Type, Protruding Head-Oversize (1973) Shear Type, Protruding Head (1973) Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head-Oversize (1973) Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head (1973) Shear Type, 450 and 800 Deg. F (1973) Shear Wall Design (Tech. Notes) (1964) Shear 100 Deg. Flush Close Tolerance Head Rivet (1972) Shear (Shear in Plane of Plies) (1969) Shear (1972) ANSI Z11.323 /Meth. of Test for Explosive Shear / Tension Head, Pull Type (1973) Shear / Tension Head, Pull Type (1973) Shear / Tension, Pull Type (1973) Shear / Tension, Pull Type (1973) St Shear) (1972) ANSI Z197.4 /Test for Strength Propertie Shear, Close Tolerance Shank (1973) Shear, Close Tolerance (1973) Shear, Hexagon Head, 180 KSI (1973) Shear, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, T Shear, Pull Type (1973) Std. for Pin, Shear, Stump Type (1973) Shear, 100 Deg. Head, Std. and Oversize, P 11 Type, Tit Shearing Disk Viscometer (1972) ANSI J7.7 /Th. of Test Shears (Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Semi and Auto Sheathed Electrical Cables (1974) ANSI C33.56 Sheathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Sheathed Heating Elements for Appliances and Equipment Sheathed Type Electric Heating Elements (1973) /Ctrica Sheathed, Type K Thermocouples for Nuclear or for Other Sheathing and Structural Insulating Board (1973) Sheathing Board (1973) Sheathing (Aluminum Construction Manual) (1969) Sheep) (1968) /Heat and Moisture Loss and Feed and Wat Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics Other Than Durable Press ( Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics (Institutional Textile) (1 Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insulatio Sheet and Plate (1970) ANSI H45.3 Sheet and Plate (1971) ANSI H34.44 Sheet and Plate (1973) ASTM B221 AISI 2 ASTM B308 ASTM A6 ASTM B107 ASTM E338 ASTM D3038 UL 1028 ASTM D1759 NSA 2605 NSA 2705 NSA 1103-20 NSA 1223 ASTM D2293 ASTM D905 ASTM D2295 ASTM D2557 ASTM D3165 ASTM D2294 ASTM D1002 ASTM D3166 ASTM D906 ASTM D2339 ASTM D2919 ASTM D3163 ASTM D3164 NSA 525 ICBO UBCS27-8 ASTM C394 NSA 1200 NSA 1436 NSA 1414 NSA 6974 NSA 1303-20 ASTM D2718 ASTM D3163 ASTM D3044 ASTM C623 NSA 1054 ASTM D2556 ASTM D3164 ASTM D945 ASTM D2344 NSA 1424 ASTM C273 ASTM D3080 ASTM B565 ASTM D2719 NSA 1729 NSA 1728 NSA 1725 NSA 1724 NSA 1726 BIA 24D NSA 1055 ASTM D2718 ASTM D3115 NSA 7004 NSA 7024 NSA 7014 NSA 7034 ASTM D2182 NSA 529 NSA 464 NSA 1953 NSA 2406 NSA 1446 NSA 6984 NSA 2506 ASTM D1646 ANSI B11.4 UL 719 ASTM E420 UL 1030 ASTM D3215 ASTM E235 ICBO UBCS25-24 ICBO UBCS47-9 AA *11 ASAE D249.2 ANSI L24.2.12 ANSI L24.2.13 ASTM D229 ASTM B90 ASTM B434 SAE AMS2202K 354 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Shee Std. Dimensions for Industrial Radiographic Shee 3) Std. Dimensions for Professional Photographic Shee Std. Dimensions for Medical Radiographic Shee d. Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate Shee pec. for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Plate, Shee ickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Plate. Shee Spec, for Regular Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Shee Spec, for Drawing Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Shee Std. Spec, for Thermostat Metal Shee Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon (0.15 Maximum. Percent) Steel Shee pec. for Steel. Carbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Rolled Shee ase-15.5Cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe (1973) Alloy Shee 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION. Solution Heat Tre/ Steel Sh w Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium (/ Std. Spec, for Steel Shee Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Shee (1969) Guide for the Design of Aluminum Formed Shee Std. Dimensions for Graphic Arts Shee Std. Spec, for Copper Nickel Alloy Plate and Shee Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Plate and Shee its for Water Cooling Tower Fan Drives (1972) Info Sh Std. Spec, for Polyester Glass Mat Shee Test Meth. for Density of Wood Chips (Shee spec, for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Shee Test for Water Resistance of Paper. Paperboard. and Other Shee vimetric Determination of Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Shee rec. Pract. for Sharp Notch Tension Test, of High Strength Shee Air Handling Spec, for Shee truction Under the Uniform Building Code: Valley Flashing (Shee Guide Spec, for Shee for Cold Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for Tapping or Shee Architectural Shee ec. Pract. for Meth. of Determining Plastic Deformation in Shee struction Manual. Sect. 5) (1971) Spec, for Aluminum Shee Std. Meth. of Test for Plastic Strain Ratio R for Shee Specifying Duct, Shee Uniform Building Code Std. for Shee he Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.2/ Std. Spec, for Steel Shee by the Hot Dip Process (1971) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Steel Shee test Meth. for Measuring Squareness or Rectangularity of A Shee Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Shee Plates. Structural Shapes. Rolled Floor Plates, and Steel Shee Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes. Shee llinear 4 Probe Array (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for Shee r Four Probe Array (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Shee Std. Spec, for Shee (1971) ANSI Z/ Tentative Meth. of Test for Weight Loss of Shee Std. Meth. of Test for Reboiling Tendency of Shee supports, and Cast Aluminum Covers (/ Std. for Electrical Shee Steel Products Manual for Carbon Shee r (Ape/ Std. Meth. for Determining Adhesion of Protection Shee t Test Solution for Detecting Chromate Films on Galvanized Shee niform Building Code Std. for Composition Roofing (Class C Shee Std. Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy Plate and Shee Spec, for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Plate and Shee Std. for Sprinkler Irrigation (For Farms) Technical Data Shee nd Copper Alloys (Wrought Products Only); Application Data Shee Std. Spec, for TFE -Fluorocarbon Resin Sh Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Shi r Heat Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Shee pec. for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sh std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Plate, Shee Std. Spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate. Shee Std. Spec, for Nickel Copper Alloy Plate, Shee ec. for Low Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Plate, Shee ec. for Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Shee y of Flat Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Plate, Shee c. for Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Plate, Shee Std. Spec, for Nickel Plate. Shee el-Iron-Chromium-Manganese-Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Shee 1 Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Plate, Shee Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Shee Std. Spec, for Steel, Cold Rolled Shee Graphite Fiber Tape and Shee 36,000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Shee 36,000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Tape and Shee Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Strip, Shee Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Strip, Shee -Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy (Copper Alloy No. 175), Plate, Shee Spec, for Tantalum Plate, Shee ansi N123 Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy Shee -0.55C)) (1973) Spec, for Steel Shee v (0.33-0.38O) Special Grade (1973) Spec, for Steel Shee Spec, for Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant Steel Shee 3) Molybdenum Shee nickel Base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti/ Spec, for Alloy Shee St Std. S Std. Spec, for N Std. Std. Std. Std. S Std. Std. and Plate (1973) ANSI H38.2 and Roll Film (photography) (1973) and Roll Films (SI and U.S. Customary Units) (197 and Roll Films (1973) and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.6 and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.19 and Strip (1973) and Strip (1973) ANSI C24.24 and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.25 and Strip (1973) ANSI Z155.19 and Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) and Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) and Strip, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel B and Strip, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Lo and Strip, Structural Quality (1972) Building Sheathing (Aluminum Construction Manual Films (photography) (1973) for Pressure Vessels (1969) ANSI H52.1 for Pressure Vessels (1973) for Spiral Bevel, Helical and Herringbone Gear Un Laminate (1973) Machine Mold) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Material to Light Gage Steel Studs (1972) Materials by the Dry Indicator Meth. (1973) TAPPI Materials (Paper) at High Temperature and Humidit Materials (1968) ANSI Z260.1 Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors (1973) Metal for Roof Waterproofing) (1973) /Lling Cons Metal Roofing (1971) Metal Screws (1971) ANSI G54.17 Std. Spec. Metal Spec. (1973) Metal Stampings (1972) Metal Work in Building Construction (Aluminum Con Metal (1974) Metal, Low Pressure, Air Transmission (1967) Metals (1973) of Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by T of Lock Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) of Paper or Paperboard (1973) Piling for Use in Marine Environments (1974) Piling (1970) /El Products Manual) Carbon Steel' Piling, and Bars for Structural Use (1972) ANSI G Resistance of Silicon Epitaxial Layers Using a Co Resistance of Thin Metallic Films with a Collinea Rubber Gaskets (1966) ANSI J7.2 Steel During Immersion in Sulfuric Acid Solution Steel for Porcelain Enameling (1969) ANSI Z167.21 Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Steel (coils and Cut Lengths) (1974) to Aperture Adhesive of Unitized Microfilm Carrie (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for Spo (Roll) and Shingles) (1973) (1971) ANSI H34.ll (1971) ANSI H34.12 Std (1972) (1972) Std. Designations for Copper a (1974) , and Plate (1972) ANSI Z179.1 , and Strip for Fusion Welded Unfired Pressure Ves , and Strip for High Strength at Elevated Temperat , and Strip for High Temperature Service (1972) , and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.10 . and Strip (1970) ANSI H34.6 , and Strip (1972) , and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.2 , and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.30 , and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 , and Strip (1972) ANSI H34.8 , and Strip (1973) , and Strip (1973) ANSI H34.37 , and Strip (1973) ANSI H34.40 , Carbon, Structural (1972) , Epoxy Resin Impregnated for Hand Layup (1973) , Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, , Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tensile, , Foil, and Plate (1964) ANSI Z179.20 , Foil, and Plate (1974) , Strip and Rolled Bar (1973) /. Spe . Strip, and Foil (1973) , Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application (1973) , Strip, and Plate (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.49 , Strip, and Plate (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20 , Strip, and Plate (13Cr-2.0Ni-3.0W) (1973) . Strip, and Plate, Arc Cast, Stress Relieved (197 , Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Std. Sp Std. Sp /Ments for Deliver Std. Spe Std. Spec, for Nick /or Chromium Nicke for Copper ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM AA ANSI ASTM ASTM AGMA ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM SMACN ICBO CSI ASTM SMACN SAE AA ASTM CSI ICBO ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM AISI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NEMA AISI NMA NCCA ICBO ASTM ASTM ASAE CDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE B209 PHI. 15 PHI. 18 PHI. 17 A263 B443 B582 A506 A507 B388 A569 A659 AMS5541B AMS5547C A607 A570 •11 PHI. 16 B402 B96 490.02 D1532 UM-9 C646 D779 T464 E338 *3 UBC*8-19 07610 A 548 •1 J863C '12 E517 15836 UBCS32-4 A528 A527 UM-530 A690 2 A6 F374 F390 D1330 C694 C632 OS1 5 MS10 TB-II-9 UBCS32-3 B333 B334 S262T 108/2 D3293 B265 A240 A457 A670 B168 B127 B575 A176 A480 B424 B162 B590 B463 B409 A611 AMS3894A AMS3894/8 AMS3894/9 B393 B386 B534 AMS7849A B352 AMS6396 AMS6433B AMS5508B AMS7801A AMS5872 Engineering and Product Standards Division 355 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nickel Base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1/ Alloy 4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta), Consumable Electrode Va/ Steel 53Fe-29Ni-17Co(1973) Alloy -0.43C) (SAE 8740) (1973) Steel -0.09V (0.17-0.23C), Premium Quality, Consumab/ Steel Titanium Alloy Std. Spec, for Phosphor Bronze (Copper Tin) Plate, Std. Spec, for Leaded Brass Plate, Std. Spec, for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Std. Spec, for Brass Plate, Std. Spec, for Copper Iron Alloy Plate, Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc-Tin Alloys Plate, . Spec, for Copper-Zinc-Aluminum-Cobalt Alloy Plate, inc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate, al Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Plate, aterial Spec, for Structural Steel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Cartridge Brass for Roofing (1971) ANSI G8.21 Std. Spec, for Steel (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Ceneral Requirements for Steel Commercial Quality (1971) ANSI G8./ Std. Spec, for Steel Spec, for Flexible Polylvinyl Chloride) Plastic Std. Meth. of Test for Impact Resistance of Rigid Plastic t for Pneumatic Ball Impact Resistance of Plastic Film and Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic d. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Flexible Thin Plastic hing Bags, Footwear, Hose and Tubing, Mattresses and Pads, . for Rolled Copper Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Std. Spec, for Corrugated Asbestos Cement nized) by Hot Dip Process (1971) An/ Std. Spec, for Steel Std. Spec, for Steel Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel ged Compressor Units (1974) Engineering Data Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Di/ Std. Spec, for Steel Std. Spec, for Flat Asbestos Cement Test Meth. for Shrinkage Test of Pulp on of Pieces from Rubber Vulcanizates Other Than Std. Test for Mixing Rubber Compounds for Preparing Vulcanized Test Std. Spec, for Corrugated Asbestos Cement Uniform Building Code Std. for Steel Bar and Rod Mats Std. Nomenclature for Bedding Sizes (Mattresses and ge (Solid, Palletized and Bin Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Rec. for Concrete 18 Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Spec, for Rec. for Design Values for Livestock Fallout Uniform Building Code: Regulations Governing Fallout Quality Stds. for Closet and Storage and Running Trim, Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Storage ields (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Magnetic er Cable 15 kV Through 35/ Std. Ampacities with Effect of Std. Spec, for Aggregates for Radiation e Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation tions (1964) Rec. for Std. for Program for Biological implements and Tractors (1972) SAE J955 Std. for Full Std. for Concrete Radiation of Latex and Emulsion Ex/ Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Iding Code Std. for Special Purpose Roofs (Wood Shakes and Tent. Meth. of Test for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Uniform Building Code Std. for Natural Slate Roof Uniform Building Code Std. for Sawn Wood Uniform Building Code Std. for Asbestos Cement Roofing ode Std. for Composition Roofing (Class C Sheet (Roll) and factory Finishing, Rough and Finished Carpentry, Flooring, Coating Systems (Paint) Guide for Engines (1970) Guide for Supplementary Ventilation in A Guide for Centralized Control and Automation of Code for Std. for T-Hook Slots for Securement in Std. Meth. of Test for Commercial Weight of A for Inspection, Sampling and Measuring Procedures for Bulk sportation (DOT) Special Permits for Radioactive Materials pping and Receiving-Materials Handling) (1973) Shipper-Motor Carrier Dock Planning Manual (Truck Test Meth. for Water Leak Test for Paper 11 Std. Meth. of Test. Large s for Automatic Machine Sealing of Top Flaps of Fiberboard lary) (1973) Std. for Steel nsi M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of drum (1968) ANSI MHI2.3, TAPPI T800 Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Cylindrical Std. Meth. of Drop Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Transmission of pi T801 Std. Meth. of Incline Impact Test for Std. Meth. of Vibration Test for Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion Resistant, 14.8Cr- Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Low Expansion, Glass Sealing Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.25Mo (0.38 Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 0.75Cr-9.0Ni-4.5Co-1.0Mo Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 6A1-4V Annealed (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1974) Sheet, Strip, Connector, and Bar) (1973) Sheet, Strip, Plate and Rolled Bar (1973) ANSI H7.9 Sheet, Strip, Plate. Bar and Disks (1973) Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, Sheeting for Pond, Canal, and Reservoir Lining (1972T) Sheeting or Parts by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) (1 Sheeting (1972) Std. Meth Sheeting (1973) ANSI K65.76 Sheeting (1974) ANSI K65.28 Sheeting, and Restraint Straps) (1974) /Ks and Rebreat Sheets for Bridge and Other Structural Uses (1972) ANSI Sheets for Bulkheading (1974) Sheets for Culverts and Underdrains, Zinc Coated (Galva Sheets for Porcelain Enameling (1973) Sheets for Pressure Vessels (1971) ANSI G33.4 Sheets for the Design of Air Exchange Coolers for Packa Sheets of Structural Quality in Coils, and Cut Lengths, Sheets (1972) ANSI A124.1 Sheets (1973) Sheets (1973) Std. Rec. Pract for Preparati Sheets (1973) /D. Materials, Equipment, and Procedures Sheets (1974) ANSI A125.1 (Sheets) for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Sheets) (1971) Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. High) (Fire Protection and S Shell Structures (1973) Shellac Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) ANSI C59. Shellac Varnishes (1973) Shelters (1973) Shelters (1973) Shelving (1973) Shelving, Misc. Ornamental Items, Stairwork and Handrai Std /Pper-Nickel-Z /. Spec, for Gener /E Std. for M of Tes St eld Efficiency in Attenuating Alternating Magnetic F eld Losses for Single Conductor Solid Dielectric Pow elding Concrete (1973) elding Concrete (1973) Std. Descriptiv elding for High Energy Electron Accelerator Installa elding in Nuclear Reactor Plants (1972) elding of Power Drive Lines for Agricultural (Farm) elds (1972) ngle Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Weathering Tests ngles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Board Underlaymen ngles (1972T) ngles (1973) ngles (1973) ngles (1973) ngles) (1973) Uniform Building C ngles. Exposed Roof Decking, Drop Siding, Structural p Hull, Deck and Superstructure (1973) p's Cargo Hold During the Use of Internal Combustion p's Steam Propulsion Plant (1970) pboard Hull Vibration Measurements (1969) pment of Agricultural Equipment (1972) pment of Yarn or Man Made Staple Fiber (1971) pments and Transfers of Soybean Oil (1973) Std. pments (1973) /Ide for Obtaining Department of Tran pper-Motor Carrier Dock Planning Manual (Truck Shi pping and Receiving- Materials Handling) (1973) pping and Refuse Sacks (Containers) (1973) pping Cases and Crates (Packaging) (1953) ANSI MH12. pping Cases (1970) /Solvent Soluble Liquid Adhesive pping Container Industry Glossary (Packaging, Vocabu pping Containers by Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (1968) a pping Containers (Packaging) in Revolving Hexagonal pping Containers (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.7 pping Containers (Packaging) (1961) ANSI MH12.2 pping Containers (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.10 pping Containers (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.4, Tap pping Containers (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.9 SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API ASTM ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ANSI FMS ACI ASTM ASTM ASAE ICBO AWI AWI ASTM IPCEA ASTM ASTM NCRPM ANSI ASAE ANSI ASTM ICBO ASTM ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO AWI SNAME SNAME SNAME SNAME ASAE ASTM NSPA ANSI ANSI ANSI TAPPI ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AMS5873 AMS5862 AMS7728C AMS6358D AMS6523A AMS4911C B103 B121 B194 B36 B465 B591 B592 B122 B248 UBCS27-1 B152 B19 A361 A525 A526 D3083 D3029 D3099 D882 D1433 1067 B100 C746 A444 A424 A414 11K A446 C220 UM-238 D3183 D3182 C221 UBCS26-5 L27.1 8-25N 334 D411 D360 R282.1 UBC*3-57 * 1-600 • 1-1 A698 P-53-426 C637 C638 R31 N18.9 S297T N101.6 D1911 UBCS32-14 D3161 UBCS32-10 UBCS32-11 UBCS32-9 UBCS32-3 *1-1 4-10 4-14 3-23 C-l S356 D2494 *4 N14.10.2 MH8.1 MH8.1 UM-529 D1083 D1874 MH2.18 D1276 D782 D997 D775 D1008 D880 D999 356 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Test Meth. (or Drop Tests for Paper cts (Radio. Television. Tape Recorder/ Std. for Simulated ardizalion of Forms and Information Flow Used in Ordering, nuclear Power Plants (During the Con/ Std. for Packaging, Std. Spec, for Structural Steel for Std. for Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels eg. F Maximum Hot Head Press (300-330 Deg. F) Finishing, st Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Von Alfthan n) (1973) Test Meth. for or) (1973) Test Meth. for lvzer) (1973) Test Meth. for aterials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for systems (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meths. for Specifying the Performance of Std. Meth. of Thermal Std. Meth. of Thermal ign. Construction, and Operation of Class Hi (High Impact) 970) / Std. Meth. of Test for Dynamic Water Resistance of er (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Dynamic Water Resistance of rap. Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Targ/ Shotgun lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe (4 In. and Larger. Std. for Safety Requirements for Rec. for Single Post Std. for Packing. Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Std. for Packing. Preformed-MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Rec. Procedure for Compression Testing of Scaffolds and Rec. Horizontal Rec. Horizontal Rec. Safety Requirements for Rec. Steel Frame Rec. Steel Frame Rec. Std. Safety Code for Vertical al Shear Strength of Parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics by or Off the Road Vehicles: Earthmoving. Mining and Logging Std. Meth. of Test for Yarn Number Based on for 100 Deg. Close Tolerance Head and Shank, 160,000 Psi Std. for Hexagon Head Modified Std. for Bolt-Close Tolerance. Hexagon Head. Titanium, Tolerance. 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, duced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Std. for Bolt. Hex Head. Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Std. for Bolt. Hex Head. Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Tri Wing Recess. Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, r Bolt, Hex Head. Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V. Titanium Alloy, 00 Deg. Head. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Std. for Pan Head. Close Tolerance, Std. for Machine Screw, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Std. for Machine Screw, Pan Head, elf Locking An/ Std. for Bolt. Pan Head. Close Tolerance, g and Nonlocki/ Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, and Nonlocking (197/ 74) Std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance. Std. for Aircraft. Pan Head. Phillips Recess, dwell-Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Fats and h. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Fats and Meth. for Sampling of Fats and n-Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Stability in Fats. Oils, and Meth. of Analysis of Stability (AOM) of Fats. Oils, and ysis of Monoglycerides and Free Glycerol in Fats, Oils and solid Fat Index (50 or Less at 10 Deg.) of Margarine Oils, ion Residues in Milled Wheat Products (Wheat, Flour, Bran, stic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Targ/ ment) (1974) Std. for Forged Carbon Steel, Rec. Guide for Design of Foundations and eth. of Determining the SAE Rating and Struck Capacity for car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Trucks, Mobile Crane, and Optical Test Meth. for Ink terial for L'se Principally as a Substitute for Plate Glass formance Requirements for Individual Anti Scald Type Water Std. Performance Requirements for Woven tall Showers Lavatories. Bathtubs and Combination Tank and Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile d Combination Tank and Shower Recep/ Std. for Nonmetallic hower Recep/ Std. for Nonmetallic Shower Receptors, Stall Std. Spec, for Crosslinked Polyolefin Heat r Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Polyvinyl Chloride) Heat Std. Meth. of Test. Heat Std. Spec, for poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Heat c Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, Flexible, Heat 3) ANSI K66.3 Std. Meth. of Measuring alll.25 Std. Meth. of Test for Drying and Firing Std. Meth. of Test for Volume Std. Meth. of Test for Shipping Sacks and Bags (Containers) (1973) Shipping Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Produ Shipping, and Billing of Merchandise Within the Hardgoo Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Ships (1973) (Ships) to Be Repaired (1972) ANSI Z270.1 Shirt Unit, Pants Unit (1973) /90 Deg. F, Colors 160 D Shive Analyzer) (1973) Te Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Laboratory Flat Scree Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Somerville Fractionat Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Von Alfthan Shive Ana Shock Absorbing Characteristics of Package Cushioning M Shock Absorbing Properties of (Sports) Playing Surface Shock Machines (1973) Shock Test on Glass Containers (Bottle, Jar) (1971) Shock Test on Glass Pipe (1970) Shock Test. Machine for Lightweight Equipment (1972) Shoe Upper Leather by the Dow Corning Leather Tester (1 Shoe Upper Leather by the Maeser Water Penetration Test Shooting Facility Plans: International and Domestic-T Shop Applied) ( 197 1 ) ID. for Cement Mortar Protective Shops Fabricating Structural Steel and Plate (1973) Shore Safety Rules (1972) Shore. O-Ring (1973) Shore, O-Ring (1973) Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed, Shore, O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed. Shores (1967) Shoring Beam Erection Procedure (1972) Shoring Beam Safety Rules (1972) Shoring Concrete Formwork (1972) Shoring Erection Procedure (1969) Shoring Safety Rules (1972) Shoring (1968) Short Beam Meth. (1972) /of Test for Apparent Horizont (Short Haul); Grader. Loader, Dozer, Mining Car. Front E Short Length Specimens (1972) ANSI L14.220 Short Thread Bolt (1974) Std Short Thread Shear Bolt (1972) Short Thread (1973) Short Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Short Thread, Nonlocking (1972) /. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Short Thread, Nonlocking (1973) /for Bolt, 100 Deg. Re Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Short Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Short Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) / Deg Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /. Fo Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /T, 1 Short Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) / 100 Short Thread. Torq Set Machine Screw (1972) Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Short Thread, Torq Set (1973) Short Thread. Tri Wing Recess. Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, S Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self Lockin Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, A286 Acres, Self Locking Short Thread, 160.000 psi Alloy Steel Machine Screw (19 Shortenings by Distillation with Toluene (Cereal Chemis Shortenings (Butter, Oleomargarine, High Acid Coconut O Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Oxyge Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Shortenings (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Anal Shortenings, and Other Fats (1968) /Tometric Meth. of Shorts, etc.) to Determine Added Amounts of Malathion I Shotgun Shooting Facility Plans: International and Dome Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground Support Equip Shoulders for Concrete Pavements (1965) Shovel Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Dragline Bucket (Constr Shovel (1974) /T Haul); Grader, Loader, Dozer, Mining Show Through (Paper) (1973) Show Window Panels (1972) /Rglary Resisting Glazing Ma Showe,- Control Valves (1973) Per Shower Curtains (Institutional Textile) (1973) Shower Receptor Units (1972) /Llic Shower Receptors, S Shower Receptors (1973) Shower Receptors, Stall Showers Lavatories, Bathtubs an Showers Lavatories, Bathtubs and Combination Tank and S Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1972) Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1973) /Fo Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1974) Shrinkable Tubing (1973) Shrinkable (1973) /C. for Electrical Insulation Plasti Shrinkage from Mold Dimensions of Molded Plastics (R197 Shrinkage of Fireclay Plastic Refractories (1972) ANSI Shrinkage of Latex Sealing Compounds (1972) Shrinkage of Textile Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.142 TAPPI EIA NWHA ANSI ASTM NFPA ANSI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI TAPPI ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM NRA AWWA ANSI SSI NSA NSA NSA NSA SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI ASTM TRA ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH NRA NSA ACI SAE TRA TAPPI UL ASSE ANSI IAPMO TCA IAPMO IAPMO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UM-806 RS414 •1 N45.2.2 A131 306 L24.4.12 241 240 242 241 I'M- UM-: UM-. UM-: DI596 F355 S2.14 C149 C600 S2.15 D2098 D2099 •17 C205 Z229.1 •4 1593 1594 1595 1596 •10 •8 •7 •9 •6 •3 »2 D2344 3 D1059 1202 1103-20 653 4903-16 4803-16 4703-16 6203-20 6303-20 4600-16 6403-20 4500-16 4400-16 1131-38 1620-28 1630-34 5200-06 5000-6 5100-6 623 44-51 44-30 64-40 58-55 58-54 58-45 31-50 60-30 •17 1053 65-43 J67 3 UM-545 972 1016 L24.2.10 TSC11 309 TSC11 TSC11 D3149 D3150 D2671 D3144 AMS3636D D955 C179 C733 D2102 Engineering and Product Standards Division 357 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards (1969) ANSI K65.181 Std. Meth. of Test for Linear . of Test. Delamination, Strength of Bond, Appearance, and Test Meth. for 97/ Std. Meth. of Test for Relaxation Dimensional Change test Meth. for Relaxation and Felting Dimensional Changes tness of Cotton and Linen Textiles to Combined Washing and t. Grape, Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling Trees and sery Stock: Deciduous Shade and Flowering Trees; Deciduous Std. for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas 1972) Std. for Std. Exposure Time Markings for Variable Speed al Woodwork) (1973) Quality Stds. for Blinds and Uniform Building Code Std. for Tin Clad Fire Doors and Std. for Fire Doors, Windows. d Handrails, Exterior Frames and Sash, Screens, Blinds and Std. for Tires and Rims for Motorcycle, Std. Test. Proc. for Side to (1974) Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight , Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Straight Std. for Clearance. 1973) Test Meth. for Top Std. Test. Proc. for std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Swivel on eeth (1972) Std. for Heavy Duty Offset nted Wiring Board Dimensions and Tolerances Single and Two 18 Std. Spec, for Asphalt Insulating Spec, for Aluminum Std. Patterns for Wood Paneling, Decking, Flooring, and Spec, for Installation of Residential Aluminum Std. Spec, for Semidense Mineral Fiber Std. for Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Wall Std. for Hardboard Rec. for Wood Redwood Exterior Guide rec. Properties, Weight, Stress of Board, Timber. Lumber, Carpentry, Flooring. Shingles, Exposed Roof Decking, Drop A37.14 Std. Meth. of Test for ) Test Meth. for gregates (1971) AASHO T27. ANSI A/ Std. Meth. of Test for f Test for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by No. 325 (45-?M) ter Paper, Wide Field and Compound Microscope, Petri Dish, Std. Spec, for Perforated Plate Std. Spec, for Wire Cloth Std. Spec, for Precision Electroformed nts. Hairs. Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in St/ n Baked Goods, Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Past/ in Baked Goods. Ready-To-Eat Cereals, and Alimentary Pa/ ) (1974) Loss Prevention Data on Uniform Rec. Safety Varactor Measurements Part II-Characterization of Large Std. for Adjustable Face Vehicular Traffic Control Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Turn Std. Spec, for Communication and synchronous Data Communication Equip/ Std. for Start-Stop ding (1969) Rec. Pract. for Video Alignment ability Requirements for Both Permanentl/ Rec. Pract. for unication) (1974) Std. for Safety for Hospital systems (1974) Std. for Safety for Manually Actuated Spec, for Safety Controls and Std. Synchronous Installation. Maintenance and Use of Auxiliary Protective llation. Maintenance and Use of Central Station Protective for Installation. Maintenance and Use of Local Protective Rec. for Proprietary Protective d. for Safety for Control Units for Indoor Fire Protective allation. Maintenance and Use of Remote Station Protective ally Actuated Signaling Boxes for Use with Fire Protective m) (1973) Rec. for Local Protective nstallation. Maintenance and Use of Proprietary Protective connection Circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Protective building Code Std. for Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Rec. Hand Safety Std. for Highway Emergency ng Observations in Samples and How to Test the Statistical ements for Both Permanently and Temporarily Affixed Safety ) Rec. Pract. for Accident Prevention ident / Spec, for Informational, Directional, and Special Safety Std. for Electric Cord Connected Indoor Std. Spec, for Accident Prevention s) Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1-1972, Accident Prevention Tower Silos: Unit Weight of fabrics. Cleaned, and After Finished with Epoxy Functional std. Meth. of Test. Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Metallic td. Meth. of Test for Average Particle Size of Alumina and Shrinkage of Thermosetting Casting Systems During Cure Shrinkage Propensity of Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fa Shrinkage Test of Pulp Sheets (1973) (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Knit Wool Fabrics (Textile) (1 (Shrinkage) of Woven and Knitted Wool Textiles (1972) an Shrinkage: Rapid Control Test (1969) /Th. for Colorfas Shrubs; Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers; Christmas Tree Std. ( Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens; Rose Grade Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems (1972) Shutter Tests for Still Picture Cameras (Photography) ( Shutters Used in Still Picture Cameras (1972) Shutters Using Stile and Rail Construction (Architectur Shutters (1973) Shutters, and Glass Blocks (1973) ANSI A2.7 Shutters, Flush, Stile, and Rail Doors, Factory Finishi Side Car, Mini Bike, and Bicycle (1974) Side Crush Composite Tubes and Cores (1973) Side Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot-37C80) Side Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80 Side Marker and Identification Lamps (Light) (1972) Side of Filled Paper as Indicated by Silver Coin Test ( Side to Side Crush Composite Tubes and Cores (1973) Side (1973) Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Chains and Sprocket T Sided Rigid Boards (1970) ANSI C83.98 /. Spec, for Pri Siding Surfaced with Mineral Granules (1970) ANSI A109. Siding (1970) Siding (1970) Siding (1971) Siding (1972) Siding (1972) Siding (1973) ANSI A135.6 Siding, Finish, Nails and Nailing (1972) (Siding, Finish, Nails and Nailing) (1973) Siding. Framing. Decking. Flooring, Ceiling, and Partit Siding, Structural Roof Trusses and Rafters, Overhead /Ished Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler (1972) AASHO T37, ANSI Sieve Analysis of Pulpwood Chips (Pulp and Paper) (1973 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Concrete Ag Sieve (1973) Std. Meth. Sieve. Separatory Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X- Sieves for Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI Z168.12 Sieves for Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI Z23.1 Sieves (1970) ANSI Z168.5 Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Dirt. Sand. Insect Fragme Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Insect and Rodent Filth I Sieving Meth. of Analysis for Materials Hard to Hydrate Sight Glasses for Chemical Processing Equipment (Vessel Sign Code (1973) Sign for Front End Agricultural Loaders (1972) Signal Devices (1972) /. Guide on Solid State Devices: Signal Heads (1970) Signal Lamps (Light) (1971) Signal Pin Type Lime Glass Insulators (R1970) Signal Quality Between Data Terminal Equipment and Non- Signal Spec, for a Quadruplet Video Magnetic Tape Recor Signal Words. Letter Sizes, Color Combinations, and Dur Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment (Audio / Visual Comm Signaling Boxes for Use with Fire Protective Signaling Signaling Devices for Printing Presses (1972) Signaling Rates for Data Transmission (1969) Signaling Systems for Fire Alarm Service (1972) ANSI Se Signaling Systems for Guard. Fire Alarm and Supervisory Signaling Systems for Watchman. Fire Alarm, and Supervi Signaling Systems (Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI C33.90 St Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI SE3.5 Std. for Inst Signaling Systems (1974) Std. for Safety for Manu Signalling Systems for Fire Protection and Safety (Alar Signalling Systems for Watchman. Fire Alarm and Supervi Signalling Systems (1969) ANSI SE3.7 Std. for Inter Signalling Systems (1973) Uniform Signals for Use in Agriculture (1972) Signals (Flare. Lantern, Fusee) (1973) Significance of Them (Sampling) (1968) ANSI Z1.14 /Lyi Signs for Construction and Industrial Equipment (Machin Signs for Display on Tank Trailers and Containers (1972 Signs (Symbols) Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1-1972, Ace Signs (1971) ANSI C33.35 Signs (1972) Signs (1973) /, Directional, and Special Signs (Symbol Silage and Silo Capacities (1972) Silane Type Finishes for Plastic Laminates (1972) /Ss Silencers for Acoustical and Airflow Performance (1973) Silhouette Match Rifle Range Plans (1973) Silica by Air Permeability (1972) ASTM D2566 ASTM D2724 TAPPI UM-238 ASTM D1284 AATCC 99 AATCC 72 ANSI Z60.1 ANSI Z60.1 ANSI Z21.22A ANSI PH3.48 ANSI PH3.32 AWI •1-1200 ICBO UBCS43-3 NFPA 80 AWI •1-1 TRA 6 CCTI T108 ANSI MH2.16 ANSI MH2.10 SAE J592E TAPPI UM-533 CCTI T108 NSA 1764 ANSI B29.10 IPC D300E ASTM D1226 AAMA 1402.1 WWPA ♦28 AAMA 1403.1 ASTM C725 use PS55 use PS60 WWPA •25 CRA 3A4 WWPA •24 AWI *1-1 ASTM D546 TAPPI UM-21 ASTM C136 ASTM C430 AACCH 28-90 ASTM E323 ASTM Ell ASTM E161 AACCH 28-75 AACCH 28-31 AACCH 28-32 FMS 7-3 ICBO UBC*4 ASAE R355 IEEE 351 ITE TR1 SAE J131A ASTM D879 EIA RS404 SMPTE RP10 SAE J115 UL 1069 UL 38 ANSI B65.1 ANSI X3.1 NFPA 72B NFPA 71 NFPA 72A FMS LPD 5-2N UL 864 NFPA 72C UL 38 FMS 5-5N NFPA 72D NEMA SB3 ICBO UBCS43-6 ASAE R351 UL 912 ASTM E178 SAE JUS TTMA RP35 ANSI Z35.4 UL 48 ANSI Z35.1 ANSI Z35.4 ASAE D252 ASTM D3098 ASTM E477 NRA •18 ASTM C721 358 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Chemically Setting Silicate and c) Meth. (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std: Meth. of Test for Total Ash and Use of Chemically Setting Chemical Resistant Silicate and Std. M^eth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Chemically Setting c. Pract. for Use of Chemically Setting Chemical Resistant Std. Spec, for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Std. Meth. of Analysis of Magnesium Std. Meth. of Analysis of Aluminum Std. Spec, for Basic Lead Std. Meth. of Test for Silica in Fluorspar by the Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of 3) Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel - Std. Spec, for Copper Std. Spec, for Nickel Iron Chromium Std. Spec, for Copper .1 Std. Spec, for Copper meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of High Purity Iron for Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of nt. Meth. of Test for Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial or Diffused Layers in Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Carbon, Low Alloy, and wn Meth. (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Resistivity of y (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of 7C053. 30G05/ Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled. Grain Oriented, Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrosilicon and Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Std. Meth. for Measuring Resistivity of . Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon - 35.14 Std. Spec, for Carbon Manganese tification of Structures and Contaminants Seen on Specular beam 1/ Tent. Meth. for Measurement of Oxide Thickness on for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated, Carbon Manganese or Pressure Vessel Plates. Alloy Steel, Chromium Manganese Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrochrome • Test Meth. for Dyed Tower Silos: Unit Weight of Silage and Sanitary Std. for Rec. for Deep, Cast in Place Concrete (Storage) Bin and Stds. for Construction of Concrete Stave Farm Tower for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade ed. Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolzates Unhardened Steel and Alloy or Spectrochemical Analysis of Nickel-Base Alloys by the hed Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolzates (Silver - c7.38 Std. Spec, for Test Meth. for Top Side of Filled Paper as Indicated by td. for Methylene Blue Meth. for Measuring Thiosulfate and Spec, for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Std. Spec, for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Pract. Inspection and Quality Control of First Generation Meth. for Preparation of Std. Spec, for Sintered Nickel and / Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Std. Spec, for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Std. Spec, for Gold, Test Meth. for Beating Control td. Meth. of Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using ories (1972) Std. Spec, for 973) Std. Meth. of Test for ooring (1969) Std. Test Meth. for onic Products (Radio, Television, Tape Recorder/ Std. for Control Materials (Coati/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Combined, 3) Std. Rec. Pract. for Solar Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Space y of Motor Oils at Low Temperature Using the Cold Spanking Std. for Pin, Quick Release, Positive Locking, (Calcined Bauxite, Calcine. Chrom/ Std. Classification of Std. Performance Requirements for Terry Cloth Towels ith Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insu/ Std. for Portable for 1/ Safety Std. for Heat Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, . Spec, for Printed Wiring Board Dimensions and Tolerances e/ Std. Spec. Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, y the Wedge Bend (Applicable to Solution Coil Coatings and Propylene-Rubber Insulation, 200/ Std. for Nonshielded ough 35/ Std. Ampacities with Effect of Shield Losses for Std. for Medium Prefocus Base Down Type, 1 Mobility and Hall Coefficient in Extrinsic Semiconductor Std. for Dimensional Requirements for Duplex and ation Protect/ Trial Use Guide for the Application of the Std. for Gas Fired 1 Equipment Use/ Std. Meth. for Measuring Audio Amplifier Silica Chemical Resistant Mortars (1974) Silica in Fluorspar by the Silico Molybdate (Photometri Silica in Water Emulsion Polishes (1972) ANSI Z123.1 Silica Mortars (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Silica Refractories (1970) ANSI A 139.5 Silicate and Silica Chemical Resistant Mortars (1974) Silicate and Silica Mortars (1974) Std. Re Silicate Masonry Units (1973) Silicate Pigment (1973) Silicate Pigment (1973) Silico Chromate (1974) Silico Molybdate (Photometric) Meth. (1972) Silicomanganese and Ferrosilicon Manganese (1974) Silicon Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels (197 Silicon Alloy Rod and Bar (1973) Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1973) ANSI H7.3 Silicon Alloy Seamless and Welded Pipe (1972) Silicon Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) ANSI H26.3 Silicon Alloy Wire for General Purposes (1973) ANSI H30 Silicon and Aluminum (1971) ANSI Z128.35 Std. Silicon by Measurement of Stacking Fault Dimension (197 Silicon by Measurement of Steady State Surface Photovol Silicon by the Angle Lapping and Staining Technique (19 Silicon Carbide Abrasive Grain and Crude (1971) Silicon Electrical Steels, Ingot and Wrought Irons (197 Silicon Epitaxial Layers by the 3 Probe Voltage Breakdo Silicon Epitaxial Layers L'sing a Collinear 4 Probe Arra Silicon Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed Types 2 Silicon Metal (1974) Silicon on Substrates of the Same Type by Infrared Red Silicon Slices with a Collinear 4 Probe Array (1973) Silicon Steel Plates for Machine Parts and General Cons Silicon Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G Silicon Surfaces (1972T) /T. and Nomenclature for Iden Silicon Wafers and Metallization Thickness by Multiple Silicon (1972A) Std. Spec. Silicon (1972A) ANSI G32.1 Std. Spec. F Silicon (1974) Silk Yarn Colorfastness to Degumming (1972) ANSI L14.4 Silo Capacities (1972) Silo Type Storage Tanks for Milk and Its Products (1974 Silo Wall Design and Construction (1965) Silos (1969) Silos: L'nit Weight of Silage and Silo Capacities (1972) Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) Std. Meth. (Silver-Silver Chloride Indicator) (1971) /Yrup Unmix Silver Brazing Joints (1973) Silver Chloride-Lithium Fluoride Carrier D-C Arc Tech Silver Chloride Indicator) (1971) /Yrup Unmixed, Finis Silver Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire (1974) ANSI Silver Coin Test (1973) Silver Densitometric Meth. for Measuring Residual Chemi Silver Gelatin Type, on Cellulose Ester Base (1973) Silver Gelatin Type, on Polyester Base (1973) Silver Habide Microfilm (1972) Rec. Silver Nitrate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Silver Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.28 Silver) and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, Silver) and Copper-Nickel Rod and Bar (1973) Silver, Nickel Electrical Contact Alloy (1972) (Simons Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Simple Beam with Center Point Loading) (1968) ANSI A37. Simple Can Puncturing Device for Use in Aerosol Laborat Simulated Service Corrosion Test, of Engine Coolants (1 Simulated Service Test, of Wood and Wood Base Finish Fl Simulated Shipping Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electr Simulated Space Environment Test, of Spacecraft Thermal Simulation for Thermal Balance Test, of Spacecraft (197 Simulation (1972) Simulator (1972) ANSI Zl 1.280 /T for Apparent Viscosit Single Acting (1973) Single and Double Screened Ground Refractory Materials (Single and Double) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Single and Multiple Conductor Electrical Power Cables W Single and Multiple Station, Mechanically Operated Type Single and Two Sided Rigid Boards (1970) ANSI C83.98 Single Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance Accelerom Single Coat Organosols Only) (1974) /and Flexibility B Single Conductor Electrical Power Cable with Ethylene- Single Conductor Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Thr Single Contact Motion Picture Projection Lamps (1972) Single Crystals (1973) Std. Meth. for Measuring Hal Single Face Flat Thread Rolling Dies (1973) Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating St Single Firebox Boilers (1971) Single Frequency Output for Institutional Audio-Visua ASTM C466 ASTM E463 ASTM D1288 ASTM C397 ASTM C575 ASTM C466 ASTM C397 ASTM C744 ASTM D717 ASTM D718 ASTM D1648 ASTM E463 ASTM E362 ASTM B96 ASTM B411 ASTM B98 ASTM B535 ASTM B315 ASTM B99 ASTM E421 AATM F143 ASTM F391 ASTM Fl 10 ANSI B74.15 ASTM E350 ASTM F108 ASTM F374 ASTM A665 ASTM E360 ASTM F95 ASTM F84 ASTM A284 ASTM A299 ASTM F154 ASTM F388 ASTM A537 ASTM A202 ASTM E364 AATCC 7 ASAE D252 DFISA 2203 ACI 65-37 NSLO *1 ASAE D252 ASTM C760 CR E-15 SAE AMS2664C ASTM E483 CR E-15 ASTM B298 TAPPI UM-533 ANSI PH4.8 ANSI PHI. 28 ANSI PHI. 41 NMA MS104 AACCH 70-60 ASTM B458 ASTM B122 ASTM B151 ASTM B477 TAPPI UM-17 ASTM C293 ASTM D3058 ASTM D2570 ASTM D2394 EIA RS414 ASTM E512 ASTM E491 ASTM E349 ASTM D2602 NSA 1333-46 ASTM C316 ANSI L24.2.S NEMA WC8/6 UL 539 IPC D300E IEEE 337 NCCA TB-II-10 NEMA WC8/7 IPCEA P-53-426 ANSI PH22.85 ASTM F76 IFI 109 IEEE 379 ANSI Z21.52 ANSI PH7.2 Engineering and Product Standards Division 359 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards s (1972) An/ Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Rec. for Fire Protection of Electrical Equipment phase Converters (1972) Rec. for Std. Spec, for Noncarbonized, Std. for Carbide Blanks and Cutting Tools, Rec. for Test for Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by the Tongue Chlorine (1971) ANSI L14.126 Test Meth. for ts (Packaging / Sanitary Stds. for Fillers and Sealers of Design Rules, Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper Solvent ondary Standard of Sim/ Std. Meth. of Thermal EMF Test of Meth. of Test for Density of Class by the Std. Spec, for Nickel Oxide actors (1973) Std. Spec, for Nuclear Crade, Std. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powder, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Iron Base Std. Spec, for Copper Base Std. bpec. for Std. Spec, for 3 Std. Spec, for 1 Std. Spec, for Iron Copper 28 Std. Spec, for . Meth. of Test for Density and Interconnected Porosity of c. for Baled Textile Fiber Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Code: Storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres (Cotton, Industry Std. for Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, ion; West Coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; and ock-Tamarack (Nor/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Coast Std. Meth. for Particle Brick (1970) ANSI All 1.18 Std. Meth. of Test for (1972) Std. for Dimensions of 126 ng (1972) Rec. Spec, for Optimum identification Code, and Mounting Dime/ Std. Bore and Rod Std. for Suffix Letters Used in Tire ec. Pract for Analysis by Microscopical Meth. for Particle 62) Meth. for Particle ec. Pract. for Spark Arresters Used on Multiposition Small Rec. Pract. for Spark Arrester Test Procedure for Medium Std. Meth. of Test for Average Particle Std. for Checking the Std. Meth. for Automatic Particle Counter f Wood Preservatives for Marine Services by Means of Small s (1972) ANSI Zl.l/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Choice of Sample th. of Sampling and Test. Ferroalloys for Determination of and Rec. Pract. Guide to Design, Construction, Materials, stress of Bo/ a Product Use Manual: Grade Selection, Std. Std. Recommendations for Die Cavity and Cutoff Die Std. for Unit Load s (1966) . Std. Std. re Cameras (1972) Std. Picture Std. Spec, for ric, Permanent, Crimp Style, Pre Insulated, (Class 2) Wire Std. for Drills, High Speed Steel Threaded Shank, Std. Nomenclature for Bedding 3) Std. for Transport Package std. Meth. of Static Tests of Timbers (Wood) in Structural le Size Distribution of Particulate Substances of Subsieve Spec, for Photographic Optical Filter Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Pipe, Std. Std. Spec, for Seamless Red Brass Pipe, Std. sport Package Sizes (Packaging) for ANSI MH10.1, Unit Load for Both Permanentl/ Rec. Pract. for Signal Words, Letter Std. Control Valve Std. for Control Valve Std. for Body Measurements for the Test Meth. for Test Meth. for Uniform Plumbing Code: Rec. Rules for plans: International and Domestic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Test Meth. for Evaluation of Wetting Agents (Cotton Test e for Use by Surgeons in the Treatment of Fractures of the afety Requirements for Aerial Passenger Tramways Including Std. Spec, for Std. Tire for Pavement (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Tractor, Implement, and Log otorcycles, Passenger Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and Log 2 Std. for Safety for Household Electric for Structural Glued Built Up Members-Plywood Stressed ) Std. Meth. for Design and Use of a Thin Plywood Stressed Design Spec, /for Plywood Stressed Uniform Building Code: de: Plastics (General, Exterior Light Transmitting Panels, Rec. Pract. for Concrete Floor and d Continuous Strip Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Concrete ngle Man Made Textile Fibers Taken from Yarns and Tow ngle Phase and Related Faults) (1973) ngle Phase Rural Distribution Service for Motors and ngle Ply, Adding Machine Paper Rolls (1973) ngle Point, Carbide Tipped, Roller Turner Type (1972) ngle Post Shore Safety Rules (1972) ngle Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Traverse Tensile Te ngle Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile Loss by Retained ngle Service Containers for Milk and Its Fluid Produc ngle Stack Plumbing System (1973) ngle Thermoelement Materials by Comparison with a Sec nk Float Comparator (1972T) nter (1970) ANSI G86.1 nterable Uranium Dioxide Powder for Use in Nuclear Re nterable (1974) ntered Aluminum Structural Parts (1973) ntered Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1970) ANSI G63.4 ntered Bearings (Oil Impregnated) (1973) ANSI H9.27 ntered Brass Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.8 ntered Bronze Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.6 ntered Copper Steel Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63. ntered Metal Powder Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63. ntered Nickel Silver Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9. ntered Powder Metal Structural Parts and Oil Impregna sal. Flax, Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Re sal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes, Hemp, Tow, Cocoa Fibers, tka Spruce Doors and Blinds (1972) tka Spruce (Lumber) (1973) /R Douglas Fir, Coast Reg tka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Eastern Heml ze Analysis of Whiteware Clays (1974) ze and Bulk Density of Refractory and Insulating Fire ze Cartridges, Film, and Backing Paper (Photography) ze Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Pavi ze Combinations. Rod End Configurations, Dimensional ze Designations and Their Definitions (1974) ze Distribution of Particulate Substances of Subsieve ze Distribution of Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (19 ze Engines (1972) ze Engines (1972) ze of Alumina and Silica by Air Permeability (1972) ze of Diamond Abrasive Grain (1971) ze Setting (1972) ze Specimens (1970) /Th. of Accelerated Evaluation O ze to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Proces ze (1970) ANSI G85.1 Std. Me ze, and Installation of Propeller Shafting Systems Fo ze. Design Values, Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, zes for Cold Forging Equipment (1972) zes for Dimensioning Transport Packages (1972) zes for Industrial Centrifugal Fans with Cast Housing zes for Industrial Centrifugal Fans (1966) zes for Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 mm Film Still Pictu zes for Threaded Caster Stems (1965) zes 12 to 26 (1972) Std. for Splice, Elect zes 1/16 In. Thru Letter F (1973) zes (Mattresses and Sheets) (1971) zes (Packaging) for ANSI MH10.1, Unit Load Sizes (197 zes (1967) ANSI Q4.2 zes (1968) /Alysis by Microscopical Meth. for Panic zes (1972) zes (1972) zes (1972) zes (1973) Std. for Tran zes. Color Combinations, and Durability Requirements zing Equations for Compressible Fluids (1973) zing Equations for Incompressible Fluids (1972) zing of Girls' Apparel (Clothing) (1972) zing of Paper (Reverse Curl) (1973) zing of Paperboard (Flotation) (1973) zing the Water Supply System (1973) Skeet: Ammunition and Target Spec. (1973) /G Facility Skein Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.ll Skeletal (Bone) System (1973) /R Hip Nail-Jewett Typ Ski and Surface Lifts and Tows (1973) Std. for S Skid Resistance Tests (1973) Skidder (1974) /D Industrial Steering, Drive, Planter Skidder, Truck, Bus, Bead Seat, Industrial and Bicycle Skillets and Frying Type Appliances (1973) ANSI C33.ll. Skin and Curved Panels, Beams, and Components (1973) Skin Calorimeter for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate (1972 Skin Panels Fabrication Spec. (1971) Skin Panels (1972) Skylights (1973) Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs, Light Diffusers Slab Construction (1969) ANSI A157.1 Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Steel Spline ASTM FMS ASAE ANSI ANSI SSI ASTM AATCC DFISA CDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS ICBO FHDA ICBO ICBO ASTM ASTM ANSI ACPA NFLDP TRA ASTM AACCH SAE SAE ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ABYC WWPA IFI ANSI AMCA AMCA ANSI CFTMA NSA NSA ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI SAE ISA ISA use TAPPI TAPPI ICBO NRA AATCC ASTM ANSI ASTM TRA TRA UL ICBO ASTM APA APA ICBO ICBO AC I WSFI D2101 14-15 R329 X4.8 B94.37 *4 D2262 92 1704 *1 E207 C729 A636 C753 C757 B595 B439 B438 B282 B255 B426 B222 B458 B328 8-7 UFC*2ART7 4-72 UBCS25-3 UBCS25-2 C775 C134 PHI. 40 15 T3.6.11 XIII E20 50-10 J335A J350A C721 B74.I6 F321 D2481 E122 A610 P6 *24 121 MH10.1 2403 2402 PH3.39 STEM 1388 965 L27.1 MH10.2 D198 E20 PH3.17 B42 B43 MH10.2 JUS S39.3 S39.1 PS54 UM-459 UM-543 UPC*1A •17 17 F369 B77.1 E501 4 7 1083 UBCS25-18 E459 SS-8 ♦3PDS3 UBC«3-34 UBC'3-52 302 •5 360 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards onstruction with Nailers and Finish Flooring Over Concrete with Nailers. Subflooring or Finish Flooring Over Concrete c Set Subflooring and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concrete mosaic Wood Parquet Flooring Set in Adhesive Over Concrete Concrete Construction Design Handbook (Beam, Std. Spec, for Zinc Metal Clay Tile and Concrete lding Code Std. for Reinforced Gypsum Concrete and Precast 1 Std. Spec, for Lake Copper Wire Bars. Cakes. 2 Std. Spec, for Electrolytic Copper Wire Bars, Cakes, std. Spec, for Chemically Refined Copper Wire Bars. Cakes. rings (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Cravel or Std. Meth. of Drip d. Crushed Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furnace urses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec, for Crushed Stone, Rec. for High Temperature Molten Materials (Metals. vel: Granite. Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; k Receptivity) (1973) Stds. for Staples with Rolled or Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Natural Std. Spec, for Structural ver Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for Rubber Cushion arden Riding Tractors (1972) Std. for One Point Tubular 973) Std. for lectrical Plugs. Receptacles and Connectors of the Pin and Std. for Spherical Std. for Drill Drivers, Split 2/ Std. for Fastener (Blind Internally Threaded. External Std. for Fastener (Blind. Internally Threaded, External 72) Fastener (Blind. Internally Threaded, External Std. for Fastener (Blind. Internally Threaded, External Std. for Fastener (Blind. Internally Threaded, External Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Spec, for Fastener (Blind, Internally Threaded. External d. Meth. of Test for Reheat Change of Fireclay Nozzles and Std. Meth. for Measuring Resistivity of Silicon ) Pekar Color Test Std. Pract. for Std. for Physical Characteristics of T-2 Telephone Std. Basic Construction Requirements for Photographic Std. Pract. for Slide and Std. Dimensions of Image Areas and Mounts for he Density and Contrast Range of Black and White Films and ng Power of Lenses for Projectors for 35 mm Filmstrips and Std. for Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Electromagnetic Holders; Stds. for Forced Entry Resistant Aluminum Horizontal Std. for Forced Entry Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum d Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A143. 1 Safety Std. for ernal Applicat/ Spec, for Aluminum Combination Vertically h. of Analysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina; Also, with Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Jacks and afety Std. for Cranes. Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and , C/ Test. Std. (Procedure) for Products Classified as to Std. Performance Requirements for Woven s (1973) Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Design and Construction of Flat and ent (1972) Std. for T-Hook . Pract. for Dimensions and Tolerances for Screw Holes and Std. Part Pins, Spring, rew Nuts (1972) Std. Std. for Std. Spec, for Liquid Asphalt 114.1. SAE J943A Std. for Mounting Brackets and Socket for Warning Lamp (Light) and icultural (Farm) and Industrial Equipment Warning Lamp and Measuring Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance Std. Rec. Pract. for Selecting Proportions for No nd (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for sh (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. for Viscosity of Coating Clay ks for Transporting and Spreading Agricultural Liquids and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH in Water/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determination of pH r and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Van s (1972) Outdoor Std. for Measurement of and Misc. Items; Key Control Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Rec. for Fire, Heat, and (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for td. for Chamber Meth. of Test for Measuring the Density of 37 Std. Meth. of Test for Uy in Case of Fire (1974) Approval Std. for Heat and Spec, for Rubber Cushion Sleeper C /for Mastic Cushioned Construction /Tic Nailed Construction with Masti Spec, for Slab Floors (1962) Slab Floors (1962) Slab Floors (1962) Slab or Wood Subfloors (1962) Slab, Footing, Column and Other Members) (1973) (Slab-Zinc) (1970) ANSI H24.1 Slabs (Tech. Notes) (1962) Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms (1973) /M Bui Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17. Slabs. Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H17. Slabs, Billets, Ingots, and Ingot Bars (1973) ANSI H23. Slag Surface) (1968) /Tion Data on Elastomer Roof Cove Slag Test. Refractory Brick at High Temperature (1973) Slag) (1973) /G Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates (San Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Macadam Base Co Slag, Glass, etc.) Fire Protection and Safety (1973) Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceiling; Parti Slant Drop Penetration Test for Paperboard (Printing in Slash Points (1971) EEI TDJ-14 Slate Blackboards (1967) Slate Roof Shingles (1973) Slate (1968) ANSI A193.1 Sleeper Construction with Nailers and Finish Flooring Sleeve Attachment for Hitching Implements to Lawn and G Sleeve Bushing. Press Fit, Undersize Inside Diameter (1 Sleeve Type for Hazardous Locations (1973) Std. for E Sleeve (Compression) Tube Fittings (1971) Sleeve, Collet Type (1972) Sleeve, General Purpose, Flush Head, Self Locking) (197 Sleeve. General Purpose. Protruding Head, Self Locking) Sleeve, High Temperature, Flush Head, Self Locking) (19 Sleeve, High Temperature, Protruding Head, (1972) Sleeve, Light Weight, Millable Head Self Locking) (1972 Sleeve, Light Weight, Protruding Head, Self Locking) (1 Sleeve, Self Locking) (1972) Sleeves (1972) Slices with a Collinear 4 Probe Array (1973) (Slick) Meth. of Flour Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Slide and Slidefilm Projection (1972) Slide Base Lamp (1973) Slide Projectors (1973) Slidefilm Projection (1972) Slides and Opaques for Television (1973) Slides for Television (1970) Slides in 2 X 2 In. Mounts (1972) Sliding and Folding Door Hardware (1971) Sliding Door Equipment; Installation Aids (1969) /Ers, Sliding Doors (1971) Sliding Glass Doors (1971) Sliding Glass Doors (1972) ANSI A134.2 Sliding Hardware for Std., Horizontally Mounted Tin Cla Sliding or Horizontally Operating Storm Windows for Ext Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye, Barley, Rice, Grain Slings: Base Mounted Drum Hoists (1971) Slings: Portal, Tower and Pillar Cranes (1973) Slip Resistant (Floor Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047 Slipcover Fabrics (Institutional Textile) (1973) Slope Efficiency and Lasing Threshold of Ruby Laser Rod Sloped Brick Soffits (Tech. Notes) (1970) Slots for Securement in Shipment of Agricultural Equipm Slots in Bone Plates (1973) Std. Rec Slotted and Coiled, Heavy Duty (1973) Slotted and Recessed Head Machine Screws and Machine Sc Slotted Headless Setscrews (Screws) (1971) (Slow Curing Type) (1972) Slow Moving Vehicle Identification Emblem (1968) ANSI B Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Identification Emblem (1972) Slow Moving Vehicles (SMV) Identification Emblem (1972) (Slug) Calorimeter (1972) Std. Meth. for Slump Concrete (1965) Slump of an Oil Base Knife Grade Channel Glazing Compou Slump of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) Slump of Face Glazing and Bedding Compounds on Metal Sa Slurry (1972) Slurry (1973) /Improving Safety on Enclosed Mobile Tan (Slurry) Content in Corn Starch (1956) (Slurry) of Corn Starch Which Is Substantially Insoluble Slyke Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat Flou Smallbore Rifle Range Plans: Safety Rules and Procedure Smell Values of Transistor Capacitance (1972) Smoke and Heat Detectors; Electromagnetic Holders; Slid Smoke Damage of Electronic Computer Systems (1973) Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signalling Systems Smoke from the Burning or Decomposition of Plastic Mate Smoke Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll.l Smoke Roof and Window Vents Designed to Open Automatica Si Rec. Pract. for T Std. for Resolvi WSFI •4 WSFI »8 WSFI *6 WSFI •7 ACI SP17 ASTM B6 BIA 14A ICBO UBCS24-13 ASTM B4 ASTM B5 ASTM B442 FMS 1-47 ASTM C768 ICBO UBCS26-2 ASTM D694 FMS LPD 733 ICBO UBC»3-23 TAPPI UM-536 NEMA PH 14 ASTM C543 ICBO UBCS32-10 ASTM C629 WSFI »4 ASAE S348T NSA 537 NEMA FB11 SAE J246 ANSI B94.35 NSA 1670 NSA 1669 NSA 1672 NSA 1671 NSA 1674 NSA 1673 NSA 1675 ASTM C605 ASTM F84 AACCH 14-10 ANSI PH3.41 ANSI C78.397 ANSI PH3.65 ANSI PH3.41 ANSI PH22.94 SMPTE RP7 ANSI PH3.16 BHMA 401 NBHA 8 AAMA 1302.3 AAMA 1303.3 AAMA 402.8 UL 14B AAMA 1002.8 AACCH 76-20 ANSI B30.7 ANSI B30.4 CSMA BUL 12 ANSI L24.1.6 ASTM F379 BIA 36A ASAE S356 ASTM F367 NSA 561 ANSI B18.6.3 SAE J479A ASTM D2026 ASAE S276.2 SAE J725D ASAE S277.2 ASTM E457 ACI 211 ASTM C713 ASTM D2202 ASTM D2376 TAPPI T648SU ASAE R317 CR B-44 CR C-44 AACCH 46-32 NRA »4 EIA RS398 NBHA 8 FMS 5-32 ICBO UBCS43-6 ICBO UBCS52-2 ASTM D1322 FMS 4430 Engineering and Product Standards Division 361 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards pli/ ct (1972) 973) sh!7 Std. Meth. of Test for Relative Density of Black Uniform Fire Code: Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Glossy Std. for Test Meth. for Sedimentation Meth. of Analysis of Microscopic Meth. of Analysis of d Socket for Warning Lamp (Light) and Slow Moving Vehicle ndustrial Equipment Warning Lamp and Slow Moving Vehicles 4.85 Test Meth. for Std. Test Meth. for Determining Resistance to Safety Std. for Manually Operable General and Special Use Roof Collapse of Buildings and Other Structures Caused by eth. and Requirements for Maintenance of Design Voltage in Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for pract. for the Test Procedure for Exterior Sound Level for Spec, for Powdered Hand Cleaner Spec, for Powdered Hand Cleaner Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Std. Spec, for Powdered Toilet Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Std. Spec, for Hand Scrubbing Soap (Grit Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Warning Lamp and Slow Mo/ Std. for Mounting Brackets and (SMV) Identification Emb/ Std. for Mounting Brackets and lighting Equip/ Std. for Mechanical Interchangeability of g Equipment (1/ Std. for Mechanical Interchangeability of lastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) / Std. Spec, for lastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) / Std. Spec, for tings. Schedule 40 (1973) Std. Spec, for tings, Schedule 80 (1973) Std. Spec, for ec. for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Line Couplings, Std. for Forged Steel Fittings (Pipe), Std. Pract. for Std. for Multiple Std. for Multiple dimensions on the Mating Plates (Patterns) Used in Battery 1 and Electrical Characteristic Defining Dual in Line Type Std. for Analysis of Test Meth. for Evaluating Wetting Agents in Caustic Safety Std. for Ice Cream Freezers and essential Information for Safe Handling and Use of Caustic Guideline Spec, for ric Acid Meth. of Analysis of Monocalcium Phosphate and/or Meth. of Analysis for Neutralizing Va'lue of on of Particulate and Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. for Std. for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Meth. for Continuous Determination of Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade y) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of ; Herwig's, Pancreatin, Tween 80-60% Alcohol, Versene, and Std. Meth. of Test for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade icators (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of alline (Na 2 S 2 0,.5H 2 / Spec, for Photographic Grade Design and Construction of Flat and Sloped Brick .15 Std. Spec, for Lead and Lead Alloy Coated 974) ANSI C7.1 Std. Spec, for 974) ANSI C7.4 Std. Spec, for Tinned Std. Spec, for Silver Coated Std. Spec, for Nickel Coated ty of Solid Lead Wires. Terminals, and Other Terminations Buhler Meth. of Experimental Milling for Bread and Batch Meth. of Experimental Milling for Bread and trie Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium Hard, or ndard for Household Commercial and Portable Exchange Water Std. Meth. of Test for s for Describing Information Interchange Formats (Computer ommon Words Related to Numerically Controlled Machine Tool 973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code: 972) ulp and Paper) (1973) cators (1971) Smoke (Ringelmann Meth.) (1973) Smoking (1973) Smooth Coatings of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Blends Ap Smooth Wall Coilable Polyethylene Electrical Plastic Du Smoothness of Paper and Paperboard (Bendtsen Tester) (1 Smut in Wheat and Rye (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Smut in Wheat or Rye (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (SMV) Identification Emblem (1972) /Ounting Brackets an (SMV) Identification Emblem (1972) SAE J725 /Arm) and I Snag Resistance of Women's Nylon Hosiery (1973) ANSI LI Snagging and Abrasion of Automotive Bodycloth (1972) Snap Switches (1972) ANSI C33.40 Snow Loads (1973) Rec. for Prevention of Snowmobile Electrical Systems (1971) /C. Pract. Test M Snowmobile Headlamps (Light) (1972) Snowmobile Rear Position Tail Lamp (Light) (1972) Snowmobile Stop Lamp (Light) (1971) Snowmobiles (1972) ANSI S6.2 Rec. (Soap with Borax) (1972T) (Soap with Vegetable Scrubber) (1972T) Soap (Grit Soap) Paste and Bar (1974) Soap (Grit Soap) Powder (1974) Soap (1974) Soap (1974) ANSI K60.14 Soap) Paste and Bar (1974) Soap) Powder (1974) Soaps and Other Detergents (1974) Soaps Containing Synthetic Detergents (1973) Socket for Agricultural (Farm) and Industrial Equipment Socket for Warning Lamp (Light) and Slow Moving Vehicle Socket Supports for Use in Metal Heads Used in Roadway Socket Supports Used in Metal Heads for Roadway Lightin Socket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene— Styrene (ABS) P Socket Type Acrylonitrile— Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) P Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fit Socket Type Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fit Socket Type (1973) Std. Sp Socket Welding and Threaded (1973) Socket Welding Reducer Inserts (1974) Sockets Used in Roadway Lighting Equipment (1973) NEMA Sockets Used in Roadway Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-147 Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.53 Std. for Clearance Sockets (1974) ANSI C83.95 Std. for Dimensiona Soda Ash (1972) Soda for Mercerization (1971) ANSI L14.79 Soda Fountain Units (1973) Soda (1974) Properties and Sodding and Soil Preparation (Grass) (1972) Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in Prepared Mixes (Cereal Che Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Glass Tube and a Particulate Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (1972) ANSI K65.30 Sodium Chloride (1972) ANSI A37.56 Sodium Chloride, Nacl (1972) Sodium Citrate, Dihydrate Na,C„H : ,0 7 : 2H 2 (1 Sodium Determination by the Uranyl Zinc Acetate Meth. P Sodium Hexametaphosphate (1967) Sodium Hydroxide Solutions Content of Reagents and Indi Sodium in Water by Ion Electrode (1973) Sodium Meta-Bisulfite Na 2 S,0, (1972) Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide Solution (Cereal Chemistr Sodium Phosphate Solutions; Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate (1973) AASHO T104, Sodium Sulfate, Anhydrous Na 2 S0 4 (1973) Sodium Sulfite, Anhydrous, Na 2 SO, (1972) Sodium Thiocyanate NaSCN (1972) Sodium Thiosulfate Solution Content of Reagents and Ind Sodium Thiosulfate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sodium Thiosulfate, Anhydrous (Na.,S 2 0,) and Cryst Soffits (Tech. Notes) (1970) Soft Chloroprene— Rubber Sponge (1973) Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (19674 ANSI C7 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (1 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes (1 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire (1974) ANSI C7.38 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire (1974) ANSI C7.48 (Soft Solder Jointed) (1973) ANSI C83.93 /F Solderabili Soft Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Soft Wheats (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Soft (1972) ANSI C7.8 Std. Spec, for Concen Softeners (1972) Industry Sta Softening Point of Glass (1973) Software Documentation and Terminology) (1972) FIPS 20 Software (1972) Definitions of C Softwood Plywood Lumber, Construction and Industrial (1 Softwood Plywood Paneling (1973) ASTM ICBO ASTM NEMA TAPPI AACCH AACCH SAE ASAE AATCC SAE UL FMS SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASAE SAE EEI NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI MSS EEI NEMA EIA EIA TAPPI AATCC UL MCA ASPA AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI TAPPI AWWA CR ASTM ANSI AACCH AACCH ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI CR AACCH ANSI BIA SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA AACCH AACCH ASTM WCF ASTM ANSI NMTBA ICBO ICBO D3211 UFC»2ART29 D3234 TC 7 UM-S35 42-71 42-70 J725D S277.2 65 J948A 20 1-54 J277 J280 J279 J278 J 192 D3046 D3047 D2955 D2957 D2958 D799 D2955 D2957 D459 D820 S277.2 J725D TDJ-143 SH13 D2468 D2469 D2466 D2467 D3036 B16.ll SP-79 TDJ-147 SH17 RS156-B RS415 T612 43 621 SD9 *1 40-51 02-34 D3268 D1439 D632 PH4.203 PH4.179 T623 B502 R-20 D2791 PH4.276 70-70 28-91 C88 PH4.175 PH4.275 PH4.177 R-25 70-75 PH4.250 36A AMS3197H B189 B3 B33 B298 B355 RS178-B 26-20 26-21 B8 S-100 C338 X10.1 •2 UBCS25-9 UBC«8-17 362 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for Lime Content of Uncured f Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Fungal Growth or Std. Meth. of Test. Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Properties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using W/ Disbonding Characteristics of Pipeline Coatings by Direct Std. Meth. of Wetting and Drying Tests of Compacted Std. Meth. of Test for Cement Content of Test Meth. for Oily Stain Release Meth. of Textile Fabric footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing Capacity of h. of Test Fo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing Capacity of Std. Spec, for Cast Iron . for Neoprene Rubber Caskets for Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Std. Spec, for Cast Iron Guide Spec, for Cast Iron Guideline Spec, for Sodding and t) Meth. of Test for Measuring Std. Meth. of Test for Rec. for Terminology and Definitions for Rec. for Terminology and Definitions for Soil Tillage and L^niform Building Code Std. for Expansion Index Test for Test Meth. for Visual Rating Meth. of Carpet (Rug) Test Meth. for Carpet (Rug) Test Meth. for Carpet (Rug) lion Purposes (19/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Classification of td. Meth. of Test for Capillary Moisture Relationships for L^niform Building Code Std. for Std. Meth. of Direct Shear Test of Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Uniform Building Code Std. for in Place Density of iform Building Code Std. for Moisture Density Relations of Std. Meth. for Thin Walled Tube Sampling of ANSI C37.24 Std. Guide for Evaluating the Effect of t (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for er Tube (1973) Std. for Wrought Copper and Bronze Standard for Wrought Copper and Its Alloy 3) Std. for Cast Bronze Std. for Cast Bronze Solid Lead Wires, Terminals, and Other Terminations (Soft h. Test for Electrodeposited Coatings of Tin-Lead Alloy Terminations (Soft Solde/ Test Std. for Determination of Rec. Pract. for Determining Std. for Liquid Rosin Fluxes Used for Std. for Safety for LP Gas Torches for Heating, user Certification of (1962) A/ Std. for Tools, Crimping, ) Cold Rolled Strip for Magnetic Application in Relays and h. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Rubber Compounds for Std. Test Meth. for Plv Separation (Wet) of 973) Quality Stds. for Flush 2) Std. for electric Constant (Permittivity) and Dissipation Factor of a Technical Guide for Landfill Disposal of Std. Tooling Nomenclature for pacities with Effect of Shield Losses for Single Conductor Std. for Solid and Semi st Meth. for Complex Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of ial Discharg/ Std. Meth. of Test for Voltage Endurance of Characteristics and Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) of mal Evaluation and Establishment of Temperature Indexes of meth. of Test for Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Std. Meth. of Test for Thickness of Test for High Voltage, Low Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Is, Shortenings, and Other Fats (1/ Dilatometric Meth. of Meth. for Sampling of meth. for Inefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Std. Meth. of Test for Measuring the Wear Life and Bonded or Coefficient of Friction and Wear Characteristics of Dry 973) Std. Meth. of Test for Gross Calorific Value of ft Solde/ Test Std. for Determination of Solderability of 81.1 Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for . of Test for Reaction Threshold Temperature of Liquid and osion of Solids by Cavitation and Impingement by Liquid or .72 Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Gravity of Density Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) and Other Wet Milled Std. Meth. for Sampling and Sample Preparation of 972) Std. Small aracterization of Large Signal D/ Trial Use Std. Guide on 1973) Std. Proposal for Std. for Rod— Control, for Chemical Analysis of Synthetic Elastomers for LIse on Tent. Meth. of Tension Test, of nd Reclamation, Curtain and B/ Std. Spec, for Homogeneous t Steel and Monel Rivet (1974) Std. for / Dwelling Construction L'nder the Uniform Building Code: /F Evaluating Deg. /Pread Std. Spec Un Soil-Lime Mixtures (1973) ANSI A1.38 Soil and Dirt Accumulation (1973) Sod Block Cultures (1970) Soil Block Test: Std. Meths. for Test, the Preservative Soil Burial (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Soil Cement Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37.51 Soil Cement Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37.58, Ashto T144 Soil During Home Laundering (1970) ANSI L14.239 Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings (1972) Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings (1972) Std. Met Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) ANSI A112.5.1 Soil Pipe (1972) Soil Preparation (Grass) (1972) Soil Removal and Reflectance Retention of Fabrics (1972 Soil Resistance of Floor Polishes (1973) Soil Tillage and Soil Tool Relationships (1972) Soil Tool Relationships (1972) Soil (1973) Soiling (1973) ANSI L14.215 Soiling; Accerated Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.217 Soiling; Service Meth. (1973) ANSI L14.216 Soils and Their Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construe Soils by Pressure Membrane Apparatus (1972) Sods Classification for Engineering Purposes (1973) Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions (1972) Soils (1958 AASHO T100, ANSI A37.146 Sods (1973) Soils (1973) Soils (1974) Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal Clad Switchgear (1971) Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Test, of Spacecraf Solder-Joint Pressure Fitting for LIse with Copper Wat Solder Joint Drainage Fittings (1973) Solder Joint Fittings for Solvent Drainage Systems (197 Solder Joint Pressure Fittings (1972) Solder Jointed) (1973) ANSI C83.93 /F Solderability of (Solder Plate) (1973) Std. Met Solderability of Solid Lead Wires, Terminals, and Other Solderability of Thick Film Conductors (1972T) Soldering (1973) ANSI C83.91 Soldering, and Brazing Purposes (1973) ANSI Z250.1 Solderless Wiring Devices-Recommended Procedures for Solenoids (1972) /Pplicable to Electromagnet Iron (Emi Soles and Heels (1968) ANSI J2.26 Std. Met Solid and Corrugated Fiberboard (1969) Solid and Hollow Core Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1 Solid and Semi Solid Dielectric Transmission Lines (197 Solid Ceramic Dielectrics at Frequencies to 10 MHz and Solid Chemical Waste (1974) Solid Die Two Blow Cold Headers (1972) Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV Through 35 kV (Coppe Solid Dielectric Transmission Lines (1972) Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Microwave Freq Solid Electrical Insulating Materials Subjected to Part Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1970) /Ent Loss Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1972) /the Ther Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) Solid Electrical Insulation (1973) Solid Electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Solid Fat Index (50 or Less at 10 Deg.) of Margarine Oi Solid Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1972) Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth.) (1973) Solid Fiberboard (Inclined Plane Meth.) (1973) Solid Film Lubricants in Oscillating Motion (1971) ANSI Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum and Other Controlled at Solid Fuel by the Isothermal Jacket Bomb Calorimeter (1 Solid Lead Wires, Terminals, and Other Terminations (So Solid Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1971) ANSI a Solid Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (1973) Solid Materials (1972) ANSI Z11.318 Std. Meth Solid Particles (1973) /Itions of Terms Relating to Er Solid Pitch Asphalt Displacement Meth.) (1972) ANSI A37 Solid Products (1963) /leal Meth. for Determining Bulk Solid Raw Rubbers (1973) Solid Rivets (7/16 In. Nominal Diameter and Smaller) (1 Solid State Devices: Varactor Measurements Part II— Ch Solid State Load Switches for Traffic Control Systems ( Solid Steel (1973) Solid Styrene Butadiene Copolymers (SBR) (1972) Solid Urethane and Other Rubbers (1973) Solid Wall and Perforated Pipe for General Drainage (La Solid 100 Deg. Flush Shear Head A286 Corrosion Resistan Solid, Grouted, Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit. Cavity Std. Meth. of /. /Th. / Meth ASTM ASTM ASTM NWMA ASTM ASTM ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM CISPI CISPI ASTM CSI ASPA ASTM ASTM ASAE ASAE ICBO AATCC AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO ASTM IEEE ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI EIA ASTM EIA ASTM EIA UL EIA NARM ASTM ASTM AWI EIA ASTM MCA IFI IPCEA EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM CR ASTM ANSI IEEE NEMA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA ICBO D3155 D3274 D1413 M-l-70 C19 D559 D806 130 D1194 D1194 HS HSN A74 15062.1 ♦1 D3050 D3206 R291.1 R291.1 UBCS29-2 121 123 122 D3282 D3152 UBCS29-1 D3080 D854 UBCS70-2 UBCS70-1 D1587 144 E491 B16.22 B16.29 B16.32 B16.18 RS178-B B579 RS178-B F357 RS402 147 RS270 121 D1630 D1028 *M300 RS199A D2149 SW-1 118 P-53-426 RS199A D2520 D2275 D150 98 D3151 D374 D495 31-50 64-50 T816SU D3247 D3248 D2981 D2716 D3286 RS178-B C145 UBCS24-5 D2883 G40 D71 G-8 D1485 B18.1.1 351 TS2 354 D1416 D3196 D2311 1200 UBC*8-11 Engineering and Product Standards Division 363 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards shelf Storage Up to 15 / Rec. for Indoor General Storage Rec. for of Congeal Point in Fats and Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or nt), and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Partic/ Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Erosion of Std. Meth. of Test for y) (1962) Spindle Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis of Egg Refractometer Meth. of Analysis of valuation Meth. of Ability of Roller Dried Nonfat Dry Milk Digitonin Cholesterol Meth. of Analysis of Dried Egg of Test for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of Dried Adhesive Std. Meth. of Test for Specific Heat of Liquids and azard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile mulsion/ Std. Meth. of Test for Nonvolatile Matter (Total ersible Nitrogen in Ground Soybeans, Whole or G/ Nitrogen Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Solven/ Std. Meth. of Test for ents (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for tinuous Separation and Collection of Particulate and Water their Admixtures (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Water of Corn Syrup, Crude and Refined Sugar and Other Materials of Top Flaps of Fiberboa/ Std. Spec, for Water or Solvent eth. for Colorimeter or Spectrophotometer Analysis of Acid b8 Std. Meth. of Test for Water Meth. of Analysis of istance of the Leachate of / Std. Meth. of Test for Water : Std. Meths. for Test, the Preservative Properties of Oil soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Properties of Oil Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining for Determination of Dichloromethane and Alcohol-Benzene Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Aluminum Chloride loy Forgings, 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T736) -26Ni-1.3Mo-2.1Ti-0.30V) 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) ium Alloy Sand Castings (5.75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr (Ze63-T6) Adhesion and Flexibility by the Wedge Bend (Applicable to Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iodine Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sodium Thiosulfate std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Arsenious Oxide d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Potassium Permanganate et (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for Spot Test , Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted d Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, de or Vacuum Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) sistant. Nickel Base. 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti-0.45Al -13.3Cr-38Ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-l.6Al-0.09B, and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe. d Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, d Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, at Resistant Allov Bars, Forgings. and Rings (Nickel Base, Threaded After Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) eking Susceptibil/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Mattsson's Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for ANSI Z197./ Std. Meth. of Analysis of Sulfochromate Etch eth. for Preparation and Standardization of Barium Lactate Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Lactic Acid Meth. for Preparation of Ammonium Molybdate Meth. for Preparation of Potassium Thiocyanate Meth. for Preparation of Silver Nitrate meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Sulfuric Acid . for Preparation and Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid for Preparation and Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate Preparation and Standardization of Potassium Permanganate ation and Standardization of Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide Spec, for Photographic Grade Ammonium Thiosulfate Meth. for Preparation of Potassium Dichromate Std. Spec, for Creosote Petroleum ight Loss of Sheet Steel During Immersion in Sulfuric Acid s Corrosion Cracking Tests in a Boiling Magnesium Chloride Std. Spec, for Creosote Coal Tar urn Induction Melted 1825-1900 Deg. F (996.1-1037.8 Deg. C) de or Vacuum Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Std. Meth. of Analysis of CCA Treating Indices of Refraction of Sucrose Std. for Storage and Handling of Nitrogen and Fertilizer Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sodium Hydroxide Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfuric Acid ent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) and All Hydrolyzates eth. for Preparation, Standardization, and Storage of Std. purposes (/ Std. Meth. for Sampling and Preparing Aqueous g Hydrocarbon Solvent for Preparing Oil Borne Preservative Std. Meth. of Test for pH of Aqueous Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Buffer (Solid. Palletized and Bin Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Solid, Palletized, and Rack Storage of Plastics (1974) Solidify Within Temperature Range of 25 to 45 Deg. (Cer Solids and Potential Dust Explosion Conditions (1973) Solids by Cavitation and Impingement by Liquid or Solid Solids Content of Aerosol Coatings (1972) Solids in Juices, Syrups, and Molasses (Cereal Chemistr Solids in Macaroni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solids in Syrups and Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solids to Change Mixing Characteristics of Flour (Physi Solids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solids (1969) ANSI Z197.9 , Std. Meth. Solids (1971) ANSI Z11.307 Solids (1973) Std. for Fire H Solids) in Water Emulsion, Solvent Based, and Polymer E Solubility Index (NSI): Meth. for Determination of Disp Solubility of Bituminous Road Materials (Tar, Petroleum Solubility of Pentachlorophenol in Heavy Petroleum Solv Solubility Range of Resins and Polymers (1972) Soluble Cellulose Nitrate (1972) ANSI K65.22 Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Filter and Soluble Halide Ion in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Soluble in Water (1966) /Extraneous Materials Content Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Machine Sealing Soluble Manganese (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Soluble Matter of Vegetable Tanned Leather (1970) ALCA Soluble Mineral Matter (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Soluble Salts in Pigments by Measuring the Specific Res Soluble Wood Preservatives by Losing Wood Properties of Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Specimens Unif Solubles Content in Corn Starch (1956) Solubles Content in Dextrin (1970) Solubles Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) Solubles in Wood (1973) Std. Meth. Solution AICL, (1972) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (1972) /Num Al Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (1973) /(15Cr Solution and Precipitation Treated (1973) / for Magnes Solution Coil Coatings and Single Coat Organosols Only) Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) St Solution for Detecting Chromate Films on Galvanized She Solution Heat Treated (1973) /-8.5Ni-2.0Cu'-l.lTi Solution Heat Treated (1973) / and Strip, Corrosion an Solution Heat Treated (1973) /.4A1, Consumable Electro Solution Heat Treated (1973) /E, Corrosion and Heat Re Solution Heat Treated (1973) /Eat Resistant, Iron Base Solution Heat Treated (1973) /Gs, and Rings. Corrosion Solution Heat Treated (1973) /Teel Plate, Corrosion an Solution Heat Treated. Sub Zero Cooled. Equilized. and Solution Heat Treated, 15.5Cr-16Mo-3.8W-5.5Fe) (1 Solution Heat Treatment (1973) /D Heat Resistant. Roll Solution of pH 7.2 to Evaluate the Stress Corrosion Cra Solution Poly-Butadiene Rubbers (BR) (1973) Solution Used in Surface Preparation of Aluminum (1972) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Prepar Solution (NH,),S,0,, (1973) Solution (1962) Solution (1970) Solution (1971) ANSI Z167.25 live Meth. of Test for We Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Performing Stres Solution (1974) ANSI 011.2 Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated Solutions and CCA Treated Wood by Colorimetry (1972) Solutions at 20 Deg. C (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solutions Containing More Than 2% Free Ammonia (1970) Solutions Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Solutions Content of Reagents and Indicators (1971) Solutions Derived from Corn or Grain Sorghum Starch Whi Solutions for Chemical Analysis (1972) ANSI Z159.1 / M Solutions of Engine Antifreezes or Antirusts for Test. Solutions Such as Pentachlorophenol and Copper Naphthen Solutions with the Glass Electrode (1974) Ashto T200 Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) FMS FMS AACCH ICBO ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CR ASTM AACCH ASTM AACCH ASTM NWMA NWMA CR CR CR TAPPI ANSI SAE SAE SAE NCCA CR CR CR CR NCCA SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH AACCH ANSI AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE AWPA AACCH FI CR CR CR ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH 8-25N 8-9 58-12A UFC*2ART34 G40 D3062 68-62 20-10 68-60 54-20 20-01 D898 D2766 7-19 D2834 46-23 D2042 D2606 D3132 D301 D3267 D2988 E-27 D1874 40-45 D2876 40-01 D2448 M-l-70 M-l-70 B-56 D-56 G-26 T5 PH4.154 AMS4131 AMS5735H AMS4425 TB-II-10 R-10 R-25 R-5 R-15 TB-II-9 AMS5617A AMS5547C AMS5738C AMS5872 AMS5633A AMS5755B AMS5549C AMS5743D AMS5750B AMS7482 G37 D3189 D2674 70-10 70-30 70-35 70-55 70-60 70-80 70-20 70-75 70-50 70-70 PH4.252 70-45 D1858 C694 G36 D391 AMS5707D AMS5709B A10-72 68-61 P145 R-20 R-30 F-14 E200 D1176 D2604 E70 70-15 364 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Meth. for Preparation of Indicator specific Gravity, Degreec Brix, and Degrees Baume of Sugar rude and Re/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color, le Petroleum Solvent (LPG) for Preparing Pentachlorophenol meth. for Colorimetric Determination of Cranium in Aqueous od for Test, the Water Repellent Effectiveness Df Treating Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in Nuclear Fuel Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Std. Spec, for Plutonium Nitrate eatin, Tween 80-60 Alcohol. Versene. and Sodium Phosphate Tent. Rec. Pract. for Direct Injection of tent. Rec. Pract. for Vacuum Distillation of Solvents from t for Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Water Emulsion, (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) An/ Std. Spec, for ipe and Fittings (1973) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Making ping (1971) Installation Std. for astic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings (1973) A/ Std. Spec, for rene (ABS) Pipe ami Fittings to PolvlViny/ Std. Spec, for pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72.16 Std. Spec, for d Fittings (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. for Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Std. Meth. of Test for Nonvolatile Residue of Halogenated Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for plosion and Fire in Design, Construction, and Operation of Std. Spec, for Low Boiling Hydrocarbon such as Pent/ Std. Spec, for for High Boiling Hydrocarbon cure of a Backed Paint Film (Coil/ Spec, for Conducting A Std. Spec, for Refined d. Meth. of Test for Acidity of Benzene. Toluene. Xylenes, Std. Meth. of Test for Bubbling of 1 Part, Elastomeric h. Test for UV Cold Box Exposure of One Part, Elastomeric, w Temperature Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part, Elastomeric, Design Rules. Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper sealing of Top Flaps of Fiberboa/ Std. Spec, for Water or 3) Tent. Meth. of Test for Corrosivity of ts (Chemical Cleaning of Indus/ Std. Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Identification of Oils and Oil Acids in Std. Meth. of Test for Separation of Vehicle from (1968) Tent. Spec, for Volatile Petroleum Meth. of Test for Colorfastness of Upholstery Fabrics to Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Time of eth. of Test for Acidity Alkalinity of Halogenated Organic f Test for Water Soluble Halide Ion in Halogenated Organic Std. Meth. of Test for Ester Value of Lacquer Std. for Hydrocarbon Tent. Rec. Pract. for Vacuum Distillation of Std. Meth. of Test for Residual s Road Materials (Tar, Petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Std. Spec, for Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning est for Solubility of Pentachlorophenol in Heavy Petroleum f Test for Nonamine Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Organic ) Rec. for Pipe Friction Loss Tables for Test Meth. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp lour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified ermining Iodine Number (Wijs Meth.) Content in Corn, Grain and All Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from Corn or Grain efined). Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from Corn and Grain ith Slight Modification, to Corn, Rye, Barley. Rice, Grain for Determining Waxy and Nonwaxy Content in Corn and Grain r Determining Barium Yield. Getter Gas Content, and Getter rs (1973) Western Woods Use Book: (Floor. Ceiling, Wall) (1972) Rec. for evel Meters (1972) ANSI S6./ Rec. Pract. for Qualifying A ns of Light Frame Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their g. Floor, and Fl/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Airborne Uniform Building Code Std. for Impact Rec. Pract. for Exterior ansi S6.3 Std. for Rec. Pract. for the Test Procedure for Exterior Std. Spec, for alifying a Sound Data Acquisition System for Vehicle Noise ) Std. for Test Procedure for Airborne oms (Acoustics) / Std. for Meth. for the Determination of Std. Meth. for the Measurement of g Equipment (1972) Std. Meth. of Testing for ng Less Than 1500 cfm (1971) Std. for Std. Dimensions for Photographic Meth. for Measurement of Weighted Peak Flutter Content of Safety Std. for Std. Meth. of Measuring Recorded Flux of Magnetic Construction) / Std. Classification for Determination of . for Laboratory Determination and Measurement of Airborne Uniform Building Code: Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /. of Analysis of Solutions (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar (C Solutions (1968) Tent. Spec, for Volati Solutions (1969) ANSI N116 Std. Solutions (1970) Swellograph Meth Solutions (1970) ANSI N117 Std. Meth. for Solutions (1973) /Etric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Solutions (1973) ANSI N137 Solutions; Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated with Gasoline; M Solvent Base Paints into a Gas Chromatograph (1973) Solvent Base Paints (1973) Solvent Based, and Polymer Emulsion Floor Polishes (197 Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Solvent Cemented Joints with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) P Solvent Cemented PVC Pipe for Water Service and Yard Pi Solvent Cements for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) PI Solvent Cements for Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene Sty Solvent Cements for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Solvent Cements for Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Pipe an Solvent Drainage Systems (1973) Solvent Extract from Aerospace Components (Using Rotary Solvent Extractable Material in Black Pigments (1972) Solvent Extractables in Petroleum Waxes (1973) Solvent Extraction Plants (1973) /E-Property from Ex Solvent for Oil Borne Preservatives (1973) Solvent for Preparing Oil Borne Preservative Solutions Solvent Hand Rub Test for the Determination of Deg. of Solvent Naphtha (1971) ANSI Z78.4 Solvent Naphthas, and Similar Industrial Aromatic Hydro Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) Std. Met Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) /. of Test for Lo Solvent Single Stack Plumbing System (1973) Solvent Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Machine Solvent Systems for Removing Water Formed Deposits (197 Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water Formed Deposi Solvent Tolerance of Amine Resins (1973) Solvent Type Paints (1972) Solvent Type Paints (1973) Solvent (LPG) for Preparing Pentachlorophenol Solutions Solvent (Textile) (1973) Solventless Varnishes (1972) Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974) Std. M Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974) Std. Meth. Solvents and Thinners (1972) Solvents for Oil Borne Wood Preservatives (1973) Solvents from Solvent Base Paints (1973) Solvents in Flexible Barrier Materials (1972) Solvents (1966) ANSI A37.12 /R Solubility of Bituminou Solvents (1971) ANSI Z11.42 Solvents (1973) Std. Meth. of T Solvents, Decreasing Grade (Nonreflux Meth.) (1974) /0 Solving Fire Protection System Hydraulic Problems (1973 (Somerville Fractionator) ( 1973) Sorensen Meth. of Analysis of Amino Nitrogen in Wheat F Sorghum and Other Vegetable Fats and Oils (1966) / Det Sorghum Starch Which Are Substantially Optically Clear Sorghum Starch (1960) /Tent of Corn Sugar (Crude and R Sorghum, and Buckwheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /O, W Sorghum, and Their Mixtures (1959) / Analytical Meth. Sorption Capacity for Barium Flash Getters (1972) ANSI Sound Control (Acoustics) in Buildings, Walls, and Floo Sound Control (Acoustics) in Wood Building Construction Sound Data Acquisition System for Vehicle Noise Sound L Sound Insulation Efficiency (1973) / of Fixed Partitio Sound Insulation Field Test of Partitions (Wall, Ceilin Sound Insulation (1973) Sound Level for Heavy Trucks and Buses (1971) Sound Level for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (1972) Sound Level for Snowmobiles (1972) ANSI S6.2 Sound Level Meters (1971) Sound Level Meters (1972) ANSI S6.1 /Ec. Pract. for Qu Sound Measurements on Rotating Electric Machinery (1973 Sound Power Levels of Small Sources in Reverberation Ro Sound Pressure Levels in Air (Acoustics) (1971) Sound Rating Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditionin Sound Rating of Room Fan Coil Air Conditioners Deliveri Sound Record on Super 8 Motion Picture Prints (1972) Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipment (1971) Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipment (1973) Sound Records at Medium Wavelengths (1972) ANSI S4.6 Sound Transmission Class (Building Acoustics Design and Sound Transmission Class (Stc) of Building Partitions S Sound Transmission Control (Acoustics) (1973) Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions (1970) Std. AACCH 70-25 AACCH 8075 CR F-14 ASTM D2605 ASTM E318 NWMA M-2-70 ASTM E320 ASTM C759 ASTM C710 AACCH 28-91 ASTM D3271 ASTM D3272 ASTM D2834 ASTM D2235 ASTM D2855 IAPMO IS8 ASTM D2560 ASTM D3138 ASTM D2564 ASTM D3122 ANSI B16.32 ASTM F331 ASTM D305 ASTM D3235 FMS 7-30N ASTM D3225 ASTM D2604 NCCA TB II 18 ASTM D838 ASTM D847 ASTM C712 ASTM C718 ASTM C7U CDA •1 ASTM disc; ASTM D3263 ASTM D2790 ASTM Dl 198 ASTM D2245 ASTM D2372 ASTM D2605 ANSI L24T7 ASTM D3056 ASTM D2989 ASTM D2988 ASTM D1617 AWPA P9 ASTM D3272 ASTM F151 ASTM D2042 ASTM D484 ASTM D2606 ASTM D2942 FMS 2-89 TAPPI UM-242 AACCH 46-31 CR H-32 CR F-14 CR F-26 AACCH 76-20 CR A-28 ASTM Fill WWPA *31-5 WWPA *27 SAE J 184 ASTM E497 ICBO UBCS35-3 ICBO UBCS35-2 SAE J366A SAE J986A SAE J192 ANSI SI. 4 SAE J 184 IEEE 85 ANSI SI. 21 ANSI SI. 13 ASHRA 36 ARI 443 ANSI PH22.182 IEEE 193 UL 813 IEEE 347 ASTM E413 ICBO UBCS35-1 ICBO UBC»3-35 ASTM E90 Engineering and Product Standards Division 365 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Meth. of Measuring, Recording and Specifying Machinery one and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives (1973) Std. for edure for Bench Calibration of Tank Level Caging Tapes and nesium Sulfate (1973) AASHO T104,/ Std. Meth. of Test for foo/ Meth. of Analysis of Thermophilic Spore Counts (Flat r Quality Control Monitoring of the Product (Receiving and meth. for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of Small d. for Integrity and Test Spec, for Selected Brachytherapy Rec. for Protection Against Radiation from Brachytherapy Std. for Leak Test. Radioactive Brachytherapy Spec, for Gamma-Ray Brachytherapy r Structural Glued Laminated Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir. (1973) 1 Water Cooling Towers (1971) Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for 1 Clued Laminated Members and Laminations Before Gluing of and Peanuts (Cereal / Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fiber in Meth. of Analysis of Meth. of Analysis for Ash in meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments and Rodent Hairs in ide in Dough Conditioners Containing Monoglyceride, Salts, 962) Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Wheat and of Analysis of Residual Urease Activity in Soybean Meals, ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Meth. of Analysis of Moisture and Volatile Matter in Meth. of Analysis of Acetone-Insoluble Lecithin in ed Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and ed Flakes, Full Fat and Defatted Soy Flours and Grits, and Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Residual Urease Activity in Tent. Meth. for Grading Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of d Measuring Procedures for Bulk Shipments and Transfers of TLC Meth. of Analysis of Aflatoxins in Corn and rude Fiber in Soy Flour for Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, ysis of Moisture in Flour, Farina, Semolina, Bread. Grain, Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Nitrogen in Ground : Meth. for Determination of Dispersible Protein in Ground uch as Walls, Floor-Ceiling Assemblies, Doors, and Other aterials (Coati/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Combined, Simulated Safety Std. for Electric Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to meth. of Test for Effectiveness of Aerosol and Pressurized Pract. for Combined, Simulated Space Environment Test, of . Pract. for Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Test, of Uniform Building Code Std. for Components, Timber, Preservative Treatment, Poles, Piles, Std. for Nut Std. for Nut Tolerances of Spoke Type Wheels, Demountable Rims and Rim (1972) Std. for Hole Std. Meth. for Measurement of Lattice 2) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Panel alll.14 Std. Meth. of Panel All 1.16 Std. Meth. of Panel ape Guide (Rec. for Garden Grades, Application and Design, (Lumber) (1972) Use Ps20 1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for ions (1973) Rec. for Wood Beam, Joint and Rafter Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Straw, Viscosity of Motor Oils at Low Temperature Using the Cold Std. for Numerically Controlled 1972) Rec. Pract. for s (1972) Rec. Pract. for Std. for Engine Test Code • Rec. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Preignition Rating of Std. Classifications for es. Minerals, and Rocks by the Fire Assay Preconcentration Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for extiles (Du/ Std. Performance Requirements and Claims for nces and Other Electronic Equipment / Std. for Safety for and Plate <0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.33-0.38C)) and Rings, 0.78Cr-I.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.32-0.38C), ive Guide for Obtaining Department of Transportation (DOT) Rec. Pract. for Monitoring r (1970) Basic Criterial for Evaluation of bestos Felt or Gypsum Boa/ Uniform 7 Building Code Std. for ket. Horseshoe and Ring Buoy) (19/ Safety Std. for Marine ing Wire and Springs (1972) Rec. Pract. for Sound Within Equipment Rooms (Noise) (1973) Std. ARI 575 Sound (Noise Measurement for Enclosed Helical, Herringb AGMA 297.01 Sounding Rules (1974) Std. Proc ANSI B88.2 Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Mag ASTM C88 Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in Cereal Products and AACCH 42-40 Source Inspection. Product Audit) (1969) /C. Pract. Fo ASQC RP5 Sources in Reverberation Rooms (Acoustics) (1972) /or ANSI SI. 21 Sources (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) St ANSI N44.1 Sources (1972) NCRPM R40 Sources (1973) ANSI N44.2 Sources (1974) • NCRPM R41 Southern and Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch, California ICBO UBCS25-11 Southern Building Code for Dwelling House Construction SBCC *18 Southern Pine Lumber Spec, for Application in Industria CTI 115 Southern Pine Lumber (1973) ICBO UBCS25-6 Southern Pine, Pacific Coast Douglas Fir and Western He AWPA C28 Southern Std. Building Code (1973) SBCC »6 Southern Std. Gas Code (1973) SBCC *1 Soy Flour for Cake and Meal from Cottonseed, Soybeans, AACCH 32-17 Soy Flour in Macaroni (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 06-11 Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 08-16 Soy Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Atting Digestion AACCH 28-70 Soy Flour, and Other Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 48-51 Soy Flour, Feeds and Cooked Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1 AACCH 30-25 Soy Flour, Mill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. AACCH 22-90 Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistr AACCH 46-23 Soy Flours and Grits, and Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistr AACCH 46-24 Soy Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-26 Soy Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 44-31 Soybean and Corn Oils (Cereal Chemistry) (1967) AACCH 58-35 Soybean Lecithin Spec. (1973) NSPA *3 Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Fat or Extract AACCH 46-23 Soybean Meal (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Fat or Extract AACCH 46-24 Soybean Meal (1973) NSPA »1 Soybean Meals, Soy Flour. Mill Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) AACCH 22-90 Soybean Oil for Color (1973) NSPA *5 Soybean Oil (1973) NSPA *2 Soybean Oil (1973) Std. for Inspection, Sampling an NSPA *4 Soybeans (Cereal Chemistry) (1972) AACCH 45-05 Soybeans, and Peanuts (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) / of C AACCH 32-17 Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Peas, Lentils, Corn Meal, Corn G AACCH 44-15A Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, AACCH 46-23 Soybeans, Whole or Ground Full Fat or Extracted Flakes, AACCH 46-24 Space Dividing Elements (1973) / Building Partitions S ICBO UBCS35-1 Space Environment Test, of Spacecraft Thermal Control M ASTM E512 Space Heating Equipment (1972) ANSI C33.12 UL 573 Space Simulation (1972) ASTM E349 Space Spray Insecticides Against Flying Insects (1972) ASTM D3088 Spacecraft Thermal Control Materials (Coatings) with El ASTM E512 Spacecraft (1973) Std. Rec ASTM E491 Spaced Column Design (1973) ICBO UBCS25-15 Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, Connectors, Nail ICBO UBC*3-25 Spacer, Plate-Countersunk (1973) NSA 500 Spacer, Plate-Plain (1973) NSA 463 Spacers (Manufactures' Guide) (1963) /Cal Minimum Rec. SAE J851 Spacing for Scraper and Bulldozer (Dozer) Cutting Edges SAE J737B Spacing of Nuclear Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.1 ASTM C558 Spalling Resistance of Porcelain Enameled Aluminum (197 ASTM C703 Spalling Test for Fireclay Plastic Refractories (1972) ASTM C180 Spalling Test for High Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI ASTM C107 Spalling Test for Super Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI ASTM C122 Span Allowances, Storage, Finishes and Nails and Fasten CRA 3A5 Span Tables and Working Stresses for Joists and Rafters NFORP *2 Span Tables for Floor and Ceiling Joists, and Rafters ( ICBO UBCS25-21 Span, Load, Deflection, Strength and Stiffness Computat WWPA *30 Spanish Moss, Excelsior, etc.) (1973) /W, Cocoa Fibers ICBO UFC*2ART7 Spanking Simulator (1972) ANSI Z11.280 /T for Apparent ASTM D2602 Spar Mill (1973) NSA 912 Spark Arrester Test Procedure for Medium Size Engines ( SAE J350A Spark Arresters Used on Multiposition Small Size Engine SAE J335A Spark Ignition and Diesel (1971) SAE J816B Spark Plug, Aircraft Reciprocating Engine (1971) SAE ARP590B Spark Plugs (1970) SAE J549A Spark Resistant Construction (1966) AMCA 401 Spark Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.25 /Al Analysis of or ASTM E400 Special Applications (1971) ANSI G35.25 /Straight Beam ASTM A578 Special Characteristics and Finishes of Institutional T ANSI L24.7.1 Special Fuses for Radio and Television Receiving Applia UL 492.7 Special Grade (1973) Spec, for Steel Sheet, Strip, SAE AMS6433B Special Grade (1973) Steel Bars, Forgings, Tubing, SAE AMS6430B Special Permits for Radioactive Materials Shipments (19 ANSI N14.10.2 Special Process of Quality Control (1969) ASQC RP4 Special Processes or Devices Used in Treating Wastewate NSF C-9 Special Purpose Roofs (Wood Shakes and Shingles with as ICBO UBCS32-14 Special Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Devices (Vest, Jac UL 1123 Special Quality High Tensile, Hard Drawn Mechanical Spr SAE J271 366 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Steel Bars. Carbon. Hot Rolled, pec. for Steel Bars. Carbon, Hot Rolled and Cold Finished, Std. for Agreement Between Owner and Architect for 972, Accident / Spec, for Informational, Directional, and sis in Cereal Chemistry (1962) vehicles. Counter Balanced Fork Lift Truck, Boat. Baggage. Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for Manually Operable General and umbing Code: Indirect Waste Piping, Wet Vented Systems and Rifle Range Construction (Part Time and 5.20 Std. Spec, for General Requirements for eathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Std. Requirements and Terminology for Safety Std. for (Steel Products Manual) Steel r Classification, Definition, and Meth. of Grading for All Std. Meth. of ssion (1967 e) (1973) rs (1967) Std. for Meth. of Measuring, Recording and Std. Meths. for Guide Spec, for Guide Spec, for ) Guide Spec, for r Extent of Burning of Cellular Plastics Using a Supported Test Meth. for Determining Visual Color Matched to Master of the Reflectance of the Organic Components in a Polished cements and Concretes/ Std. Spec, for Moist Cabinets and Test Meth. for Density or Volume of Small making and Using the C-Ring Stress Corrosion Cracking Test td. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Bituminous Mixture Beam t) Meth. of Test. Coated Steel Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Bar and Rod 970) ANSI D14.9 Std. Meth for Corrosion Test on Metal si Z197.21 Std. Meth. of Testing Cross Lap Std. Meth. of Making and Curing Concrete Test Std. Meth. of Test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Std. Rec. Pract. for Compression Molding Test Kneading Compactor (/ Std. Meth. for Preparation of Test Std. Meth. of Test for Length Change of Drilled or Sawed . for Determining Temperatures of Std. ASTM Molds for Test als (1972) ANSI K65/ Rec. Pract. for Injection Molding of Tent. Test Meth. for Critical Dilation of Concrete Meth. of Preperation and Evaluation of Painted or Coated Rec. Pract. for Exposure of Adhesive properties of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using Wood Std. Meth. of Measuring Area of Leather Test d Preservatives for Marine Services by Means of Small Size Std. Meth. for Measuring Thickness of Leather Test est for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete . Pract. for Making and Using U-Bend Stress Corrosion Test from Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of Metallic Coated Steel . of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete ct. for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Std. Meth. of Test for Yarn Number Based on Short Length for Tensile Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar and Rod Std. Meth. of Capping Cylindrical Concrete or Preparation and Use of Bent Beam Stress Corrosion Metal accelerated Curing, and Test, of Concrete Compression Test ngth of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 In. (50 Mm) Cube Rec. for Measurement of Neutron Flux and nee Spectrometers (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Normal and Pulp (Using Spectrophotometer with Reserv/ Meth. for Pin and Point to Plane Techniques (1973) Std. Meth. for oint to Plane Technique Using an Optical / Std. Meth. for using a Vacuum Spectrometer (1971) ANSI Z/ Std. Meth. for re Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.32 Std. Meth. for n and Aluminum (1971) ANSI Z128.35 Std. Meth. for Silver Chloride-Lithium Fluoride Carri/ Std. Meth. for ((U, Pu/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and xide Po/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and urn-Cadmium Alloys (1974) Std. Meth. for Chemical and de Powd/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and steel by the Point to Plane Technique Usi/ Std. Meth. for steel for Boron by the Point to Plane Arc/ Std. Meth. for the Powder Direct Current Arc Technique / Std. Meth. for Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique / Std. Meth. for yllium / Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Special Quality, for Fluid Power Applications (1974) Special Quality, for Pressure Piping Components and Oth Special Services (1972) Special Signs (Symbols) Complementary to ANSI Z35.1-1 Special Techniques for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analy Special Type Trailer. Mobile Home, Garden Tractor, Indu Special Use Electrical Switches (1973) ANSI C33.40.1 Special Use Snap Switches (1972) ANSI C33.40 Special Wastes (1973) Uniform PI Special) (1971) Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe (1972) ANSI B12 Specialized Service (1971) ANSI N143 /Td. Spec, for Sh Specialty Transformers Specialty Transformers (1973) ANSI C33.4 Specialty Tubular Products (1972) Species of Lumber (1973) /Niform Building Code Std. Fo Specifying Color by the Munsell System (1968) Specifying Construction Progress Photographs (1967) Specifying Duct, Sheet Metal, Low Pressure, Air Transmi Specifying Gypsum Masonry and Mortar (1967) Specifying Machinery Sound Within Equipment Rooms (Nois Specifying Metal Louvers, Stationary (1967) Specifying Portland Cement Terrazzo, Cast in Place Floo Specifying Project Record Documents (1967) Specifying Rock Bolts (1966) Specifying Sprayed Fireproofing (Guide Spec.) (1972) Specifying Tests, Plastic Concrete (1967) Specifying the Performance of Shock Machines (1973) Specifying: Gate Valves (1973) Specifying: Precast Concrete Panels (1973) Specifying: Reinforced Fiberglass Polyester Tanks (1973 Specimen by a Horizontal Screen (1974) ANSI K65.114 /O Specimen for Fabrics, Vinyls, Coated Fiberboards, and Specimen of Coal (1972) / Microscopical Determination (Specimen Storage) Rooms Used in the Test, of Hydraulic Specimen (Hg Pycnometer) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Specimen (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Specimens by Means of the California Kneading Compactor Specimens Dynamically for Resistance to Corrosion (1972 Specimens for Adhesion Tests (1969) Specimens for Engine Antifreezes Tested in Glassware (1 Specimens for Tensile Properties of Adhesives (1972) an Specimens in the Laboratory (1969) ANSI A37.81 Specimens in Uniaxial Compression (1972) Specimens of Allyl Molding Materials (1972) Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of California Specimens of Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974T) Specimens of Plastics (1967) ANSI K65.79 /. Rec. Pract Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding and Extrusion Materi Specimens Subject to Freezing (1972T) Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments (Coil Coa Specimens to High Energy Radiation (1970) ANSI N141 Specimens Uniformly Impregnated (1970) /by Using Wood Specimens (1968) ALCA E2 Specimens (1970) /Th. of Accelerated Evaluation of Woo Specimens (1970) ALCA E4 Specimens (1971) ANSI A37.121 Std. Meth. of T Specimens (1972) Std. Rec Specimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Recording Data Specimens (1972) AASHO T22, ANSI A37.18 Std. Meth Specimens (1972) ANSI G80.1 Std. Rec. Pra Specimens (1972) ANSI L 14.220 Specimens (1972) ANSI Z197.3 Std. Meth. of Test Specimens (1973) Specimens (1973) Std. Meth. F Specimens (1974) Std. Meth. of Making, Specimens) (1973) / Meth. of Test for Compressive Stre Spectra for Physical and Biological Applications (1960) Spectral Bandwidth and Wavelength Accuracy of Fluoresce Spectral Emittance at Elevated Temperatures (1972) Spectral Reflectance, Transmittance, and Color of Paper Spectrochemical Analysis of Admiralty Metal by the Cast Spectrochemical Analysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the P Spectrochemical Analysis of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Spectrochemical Analysis of Copper by the Briquet DC a Spectrochemical Analysis of High Purity Iron for Silico Spectrochemical Analysis of Nickel-Base Alloys by the Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dio Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indi Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxi Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Spectrochemical Analysis of Thermionic Nickel Alloys by Spectrochemical Analysis of Uranium Oxide (U:,0,,) by Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests On, Ber ASTM A695 ASTM A696 AIOA B727 ANSI Z35.4 AACCH 2892 TRA 5 UL 1054 UL 20 ICBO UPC* 1-6 NRA •10 ASTM A530 ASTM E420 NEMA ST1 UL 506 AISI 19 ICBO UBCS25-1 ASTM D1535 CSI 1018 CSI 15836 CSI 04280 ARI 575 CSI 15851 CSI 09410 CSI 01730 CSI 02980 CSI 09841 CSI 03303 ANSI S2.14 CSI 15101 CSI 03410 CSI 15177.1 ASTM D1692 SAE J361A ASTM D2798 ASTM C511 TAPPI UM-I8 ASTM G38 ASTM D3202 ASTM D2933 ASTM D2094 ASTM D1384 ASTM D1344 ASTM C192 ASTM D3148 ASTM D3027 ASTM D1561 ASTM C341 ASTM D958 ASTM D1897 ASTM C671 NCCA TB-III-3 ASTM D1879 NWMA M-l-70 ASTM D2347 ASTM D2481 ASTM D1813 ASTM C496 ASTM G30 ASTM G33 ASTM C39 ASTM Gl ASTM D1059 ASTM D2095 ASTM C617 ASTM G39 ASTM C684 ASTM C109 NCRPM R23 ASTM E388 ASTM E307 TAPPI T442SU ASTM E486 ASTM E485 ASTM E415 ASTM E414 ASTM E421 ASTM E483 ASTM C698 ASTM C697 ASTM C760 ASTM C696 ASTM E403 ASTM E404 ASTM E129 ASTM E402 ASTM C699 Engineering and Product Standards Division 367 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Rec. Pract. for Using Controlled Atmospheres in material (1970) ANSI Z/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Bonding Thin Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, y the Fire Assay Preconcentration Spark TV Std. Meth. for uoride Carrier DC Arc Technique Using an Optical Emission 1973) Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using the Mass (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Leak9 Using the Mass the Tracer / Std. Meth. of Te9t. for Leaks Using the Mass Devices with a Helium Mass by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical Emission ical Analysis of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Using a Vacuum Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical Emission Vacuum spectral Bandwidth and Wavelength Accuracy of Fluorescence (1971) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. for High Ionizing Voltage Mass r Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass grade Uranium Dioxide Powd/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass grade Plutonium Dioxide Po/ grade Mixed Oxides ((U. Pu/ sical Tests On, Beryllium / cal Analysis of Nuclear Gr/ cal Analysis of Nuclear Gr/ Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Std. Meth. for Chemical, Mass Std. Meth. for Chemical. Mass Std. Meth. of Test for Gamma Rec. Pract. for Alpha est for Hydrocarbon Types in Low Olefinic Gasoline by Mass Std. Meth. of Test for Coating Thickness by X-Ray d. Meth. of Test for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Meth. of Test for Low Levels of Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray matic Types Analysis of Gas Oil Aromatic Fractions by Mass mosphere (Continuous Measurement by Nondispersive Infrared ereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Colorimeter or ectance, Transmittance, and Color of Paper and Pulp (Using n Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973) Tent. Meth. for ni Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ivity in Active Proteinase Preparations (Cereal Chemistr/ and Paperboard Containing Fluorescent Bri/ Test Meth. for Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color Natural Dr/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color, Solutions Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color, Reflectance Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color st for Vinylidene Unsaturation in Polyethylene by Infrared ination of Cellulose Nitrate in Alkyd Lacquers by Infrared r Selection of Electrode Material Used in Optical Emission std. Definitions of Terms and Symbols Relating to Emission h. of Test for Aluminium in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption or Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption . Rec. Pract. for Identification of Material by Absorption ) ANSI P3.23 Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for for Identification of Structures and Contaminants Seen on Institutional Audio-Visual Equipment Used Primarily for Agricultural Tractor Belt for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Std. Spec, for Measurement of Lateral Vibration on High ensitometric Exposure and Evaluation Meth. for Determining ontinuous Tone) (1972) Std. Meth. for Determining Std. Meth. of Test for Effective Pumping films Intended for Direct Pro/ Std. Meth. for Determining ract. for Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Shaft Mounted Std. Exposure Time Markings for Variable Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Std. Practices for Low and Medium r Selection of Engine-Generator Units for Low and Medium invitations for Bids and Detailed Spec, for Low and Medium Std. for High f (1973) Std. for Drills, High e: Full Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Reel (For Tape xhaust Systems (1972) ipment (1972) stems (1972) tallation (1972) d Testing (1972) eristics (1972) racteristics and General / otective Devices, and Ins/ Iectrical Equipment (1972/ systems (1972) characteristics and Gener/ intenance (1972) dings (1972) Oil and Gas Systems (197/ and Parallel Operation (1/ (1972) ery Systems (1972) Spectrochemical Analysis (1970) ANSI Z128.30 Spectrochemical Samples and Stds. to a Greater Mass of Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radio Chemical Analysis of Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Spectrochmeical Analysis of Ores, Minerals, and Rocks B Spectrograph (1974) / the Silver Chloride-Lithium Fl Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode ( Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside Out Test. Mode Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in Spectrometer Leak Detector (1972T) Spectrometer (1970) ANSI Z128.28 / and Low Alloy Steel Spectrometer (1971) ANSI Z128.33 /Eth. for Spectrochem Spectrometer (1973) /Ysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the Spectrometers (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Spectrometric Analysis of Gas-Oil Saturate Fractions Spectrometric Meth.) (1969) ANSI N108 /Eth. of Test Fo Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Phy Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radio Chemi Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemi Spectrometry of Water (1972) Spectrometry of Water (1972T) Spectrometry (1971) ANSI Zl 1.31 1 Std. Meth. of T Spectrometry (1972) Spectrometry (1973) St Spectrometry (1973) Std. Spectrometry (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Aro Spectrometry) (1973) /St for Carbon Monoxide in the at Spectrophotometer Analysis of Acid Soluble Manganese (C Spectrophotometer with Reserved Optics (1972) /Al Red Spectrophotometric Determination of Fission Zirconium I Spectrophotometric Meth. of Analysis of Color of Macaro Spectrophotometric Meth. of Analysis of Proteolytic Act Spectrophotometric Test for Relative Radiance of Paper (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn Oil (1964) (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn Starch (1957) (Spectrophotometric) Content in Feedstuffs and All Other (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Re (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Re (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Syrup (1957) Spectrophotometry (1972) Std. Meth. of Te Spectrophotometry (1972) /Th. for Quantitiative Determ Spectroscopy Based on Physical Properties (1974) /. Fo Spectroscopy (1972A) ANSI Z128.7 . Spectroscopy (1973) Std. Met Spectroscopy (1973) Std. Meth. of Test F Spectroscopy. Using the ASTM Punched Card Index (1972) Specular Gloss of Paper and Paperboard at 75 Deg. (1972 Specular Gloss (1967) ANSI Z131.1 Specular Silicon Surfaces (1972T) IT. and Nomenclature Speech (1974) /O Amplifier Single Frequency Output for Speed and Pulley Width (1971) SAE J720 Speed Governing and Parallel Operation (1972) / Pract. Speed Helical and Herringbone Gear Units (1972) Speed of Color Reversal Films for Still Photography (19 Speed of Photographic Negative Materials (Monochrome, C Speed of Vacuum Chamber Systems (1972) Speed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Reversal Color Camera Speed Reducers (1974) Std. P Speed Shutters Used in Still Picture Cameras (1972) Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Air Intake and E Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Assembly and Equ Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Cooling Water Sy Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Erection and Ins Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Factory and Fiel Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Fuel Oil Charact Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gaseous Fuel Cha Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gauge Borads, Pr Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Generators and E Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Operation and Ma Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Buil Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Speed Governing Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Starting Systems Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Vibration (1972) Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Waste Heat Recov Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) /Ct. Fo Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) /on of Speed Steel End Mills, .125 Thru 3.000 Diameter (1973) Speed Steel Threaded Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. Thru Letter Speeds of 7.5 In. 190.5 Mm, and 3.75 In. 95.3 Mm) ( ASTM E406 ASTM E401 ASTM C758 ASTM C759 ASTM E400 ASTM E483 ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E498 ASTM F134 ASTM E403 ASTM E415 ASTM E485 ASTM E388 ASTM D2786 ASTM E244 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C698 ASTM C699 ASTM C758 ASTM C759 ASTM D2459 ASTM D3084 ASTM D2789 ASTM B568 ASTM D3237 ASTM D3229 ASTM D3239 ASTM D3162 AACCH 40-45 TAPPI T442SU ASTM E495 AACCH 14-21 AACCH 22-62 TAPPI UM-460 CR H-12 CR B 14 CR G-6 CR F-14 CR F-16 CR E-16 ASTM D3124 ASTM D3133 ASTM E504 ASTM E135 ASTM E507 ASTM E508 ASTM E204 TAPPI T480 ASTM D523 ASTM F154 ANSI PH7.2 ASAE S210.2 DEMA *l-6 AGMA 426.01 ANSI PH2.2I ANSI PH2.5 ASTM E294 ANSI PH22.146 AGMA 480.05 ANSI PH3.32 DEMA •1-8 DEMA • 1-5 DEMA •1-10 DEMA *1-21 DEMA *l-22 DEMA •1-14 DEMA •1-15 DEMA •1-17 DEMA •1-18 DEMA •1-11 DEMA '1-12 DEMA •1-23 DEMA •1-20 DEMA *1-13 DEMA •1-6 DEMA •1-9 DEMA •1-7 DEMA •1-16 DEMA •1 DEMA •1-19 DEMA •1-24 NSA 986 NSA 965 EIA RS400 368 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Std. for ers. Whole or Ground Cereal Grains, Whole or Chopped Nuts, Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferromanganese and Std. Spec, for Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for Hub and Spec, for Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Bell and asteners (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, Plates, Nails and Std. for Protruding Head, Locked (1973) Std. for Driving and (1974) Std. for Bulbed and Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) 2) Std. for Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Std. for Blind. 100 Deg. Flush Head, Locked Std. for Self Plugging, Mechanically Locked Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked Std. for Bulbed Mechanically Locked g Oils from Woolen Yarns / Test Meth. for Scourability of ability of Spinning Lubricant (To Test the Removability of for Spinning Tests on the Cotton System for Measurement of spinning Performance (1972) ANSI L14.289 Std. Meth. for d (Noise Measurement for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and ter Cooling Tower Fan Drives (1972) Info Sheet for unds (1972) Std. Meth. of Measuring the Std. for General Purpose L'niform Cross Section Spec, for form Building Code: Penthouses and Roof Structures (Tower. Rec. for Distilled (Class 2) Wire Sizes 12 to 26 (1972) Std. for Rec. Pract. for Dimensions of Patch Rec. for Concrete Reinforcing Bar Std. for Wrenching Configuration, Spec, for Steel Std. for Involute irt, Sand, Insect Fragments. Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, , Plates. Nails and Spikes, Washers, Pins. Dowels, Joints. Std. for General Purpose Semi-Tubular, Full Tubular, Uniform Building Code Std. for Hand Std. for Drill Drivers, Std. for Cotter Pins imens (1971) ANSI A37.121 Std. Meth. of Test for (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Determining the Std. Meth. of Test for Undersized Loose Muscovite Mica Rec. Pract. for for Practical Minimum Rec. Tolerances of laboratory Fatigue Test Procedures for Production Disc and i J2.4 Std. Spec, for ication (1973) ANSI N12.1 Std. Spec, for Zirconium Std. Spec, for Primary Hafnium Metal uality of Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Spec, for Titanium Soft Chloroprene-Rubber Medium Chloroprene-Rubber Firm Chloroprene Rubber mm 100 Ft., 16 mm 200 Ft., 35 mm 100 Ft. and 70 mm 100 Ft. Std. for Dimensions of Aerial Film s for Packaging and Storage of Aerial Photographic Film on ) Meth. of Analysis of Rope ereal Products and Foo/ Meth. of Analysis of Thermophilic U.S. Model Rocket Std. Meth. of Test for Shock Absorbing Properties of tides by T/ Std. Meth. of Test for Locating the Thinnest Std. for anized Sheet (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for std. Meth. of Test for Compatibility of Fuel Oil Blends by Spec, for Resistance Seam and Roll Std. for Resistance istics and Finishes of Institutional Textiles (Durability, Test Meth. for Oil Std. Meth. of Test for Water Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Water emperature (1972) Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Application of Rec. for Water Meth. of Test for Mist ication of Plastic Polymers in Dry Powder Form by Means of of Test for Effectiveness of Aerosol and Pressurized Space Std. Rec. Pract. for Comparison of Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Std. for Pot, Pan, and Utensil Commercial 74) ASTM B117 Std. Meth. of Salt Std. Meth. of Salt Std. Meth. of Acetic-Acid Salt liquid and Liquefied Flammable/ Rec. for Sprinkler, Water Std. Meth. for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Flame Specifying Rec. Safe Pract. for Thermal Sack Fib Std /R Meth. Uni Spherical Sleeve (Compression) Tube Fittings (1971) Spices, etc. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Th Spiegeleisen (1974) Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (1972) Spigot Pipe(1972A) Spikes, Washers, Pins, Dowels, Joints, Split Rings and Spindle Blind Rivet (1972) Spindle Ends for Portable Hand, Air, and Electric Tools Spindle Mechanically Locked Protruding Head Blind Rivet Spindle Meth. of Analysis of Solids in Juices, Syrups, Spindle Noses and Tool Shanks for Milling Machines (197 Spindle Protruding Head Blind Rivet (1974) Spindle Rivet (1972) Spindle Rivet (1972) Spindle Self Plugging Blind Rivet (1974) Spindle 100 Deg. Flush Head Blind Rivet (1974) Spindle 100 Deg. Hush Head Blind Rivet (1974) Spinning Lubricant (To Test the Removability of Spinnin Spinning Oils from Woolen Yarns (1971) ANSI L14.113 Spinning Performance (1972) ANSI L14.289 Std Spinning Tests on the Cotton System for Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gear Drives (1973) Std. for Soun Spiral Bevel, Helical and Herringbone Gear Units for Wa Spiral Flow of Low Pressure Thermosetting Molding Compo Spiral Retaining Rings (1972) Spiral Weld Line Pipe (Petroleum Production) (1973) Spire) (1973) Spirits Storage (1974) Splice, Electric, Permanent, Crimp Style, Pre Insulated Splices in Two Inch Video Magnetic Tape (1964) Splices (1971) Spline Drive Threaded Fasteners (1971) Splined Continuous Strip Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Splines and Inspections (1970) ANSI B92.1 Splinters, etc. in Starch (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /D Split Rings and Framing Anchors) (1973) /S, Lag Screws Split Rivets and Caps (1972) Split Shakes (1973) Split Sleeve, Collet Type (1972) (Split) (1972) Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Spec Splitting Tensile Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders Splittings (1973) Spoke Type Wheels. Demountable Rims and Rim Spacers (Ma Spoke Wheels, and Demountable Rims Intended for Highway Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber Products (1973) Ans Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear Appl Sponge and Other Forms (1967) ANSI N134 Sponge Dough, Pound Loaf Meth. of Analysis for Baking Q Sponge (1969) ANSI Z179.13 Sponge (1973) Sponge (1973) Sponge (1973) Spools for Recording Instruments and for Microfilm and Spools (1972) Spools (1972) Std. for Dimensions of Container Spore Count in Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Spore Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, Anaerobic) in C Sporting and Safety Code and Engine Std. (1973) (Sports) Playing Surface Systems (1972) Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Ar Spot Lamps (Light) (1973) Spot Test Solution for Detecting Chromate Films on Galv Spot Test (1972) ANSI Zl 1.315 Spot Welding Equipment (3 Phase) (1973) Spot Welding Equipment, 3 Phase (1973) Spot, Stain, and Insect Resistance) (1973) / Character Spots in Paper (1973) Spotting of Emulsion Floor Polishes (1974) ANSI Z123.12 Spotting (1972) ANSI L14.148 Spray Applied Fibrous Thermal Insulation for Elevated T Spray Applied Fibrous Thermal Insulation (1973) Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection (1973) Spray Flammability of Hydraulic Fluids (1972T) Spray Gun or Fluidized Bed (Fire Protection) (1973) /L Spray Insecticides Against Flying Insects (1972) /Th. Spray Patterns (1972) Spray Test (1971) ANSI L14.60, ASTM D583 Spray Type Washing Machines (1970) Spray (Fog) Test, for Spec. Purposes (Coil Caoting) (19 Spray (Fog) Test. (1973) ANSI Z118.1 Spray (Fog) Test. (1974) ANSI Z118.2 Spray, and Explosion Protection (Safety) for Flammable Sprayed Coatings (1969) ANSI Z167.22 Sprayed Fireproofing (Guide Spec.) (1972) Spraying and Blasting Equipment (1973) SAE AACCH ASTM CISPI ASTM WWPA NSA ANSI NSA AACCH ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA AATCC AATCC ASTM ASTM AGMA AGMA ASTM ANSI API ICBO FMS NSA SMPTE CRSI SAE WSFI SAE AACCH WWPA ANSI ICBO ANSI SAE ASTM ICBO ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM SAE SAE SAE ANSI ANSI ANSI AACCH AACCH NAR ASTM ASTM SAE NCCA ASTM NSA NSA ANSI TAPPI ASTM AATCC ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM AATCC NSF NCCA ASTM ASTM FMS ASTM CSI AWS J246 28-87 E361 HSN C425 •31-1 1398 B107.4 1768 68-62 B5.18 1738 1399 1400 1740 1739 1769 77 77 D2811 D2811 297.01 490.02 D3123 B27.6 5LS UBC»3-36 8-8 1388 RP5 '3 AS1159A *5 J498C 28-75 '31-1 B18.7 UBCS32-8 B94.35 J487A C496 UBCS26-12 D3252 J851 J267 D1056 B349 B414 10-11 B299 AMS3197H AMS3198H AMS3199H PHI. 33 PHI. 2 PHI. 46 42-20 42-40 *] F355 A239 J591B TB-II-9 D2781 991 967 L24.7.1 I'M -458 D1793 104 C720 C762 4-1N D3119 7-27 D3088 D3077 22 26 TB-III-2 B117 B287 7-14 C633 09841 C2.1 Engineering and Product Standards Division 369 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 25 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Thermal h. of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on h. of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Std. Test Procedure for Dry Fertilizer oving Safety on Enclosed Mobile Tanks for Transporting and nsions, Physical Properties and Meth. of Test, for Helical nd Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Terminology,/ Handbook of Std. for Nonmagnetic act. for Conducting Bending Fatigue Tests for Copper Alloy Carbon Steel Tubular Std. Spec, for Phosphor Bronze Wire for General and Std. Spec, for Music Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Oil Tempered Carbon Valve ec. for Steel, Carbon, Strip, Cold Rolled Hard. Untempered Meth. for Measuring Flat Rec. Pract. for Stainless Steel 17-7 Ph Rec. Pract. for Stainless Steel, SAE 30302, t. for Special Quality High Tensile, Hard Drawn Mechanical (1973) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Std. Part Pin9, Rec. Pract. for Stainless Steel 17-7 pH Spring Wire and ec. Pract. for Stainless Steel, SAE 30302. Spring Wire and Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for Mechanical uality High Tensile, Hard Drawn Mechanical Spring Wire and el Wire, High Tensile Strength, Hard Drawn, for Mechanical Std. Spec, for Heat Treated Steel Helical Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for ) (1973) Rec. for Water ater Flow / Pressure Requirements for Pipe Schedule System quirements for the Design, Installation and Performance of 1972) Std. for s (Ceneral Characteristics Of. Rec. Construction and Water 1973) Rec. for Water Demand for Spec, for Firecycle on -Off Multicycle si / Std. for Safety for Alarm Valves for Use in Wet Pipe Std. for the Installation of Water Rec. for Installation of Rec. for the Inspection and Maintenance of y) for Flammable Liquid and Liquefied Flammable/ Rec. for Std. for Safety for Automatic Water Std. Spec, for Machine and Std. for 700 Class Pintle Chains, Attachments, and Std. for H Type Mill Chains-Attachments and y Duty Offset Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Chains and Std. for Heavy Duty Roller Type Conveyor Chains and Spec, for Oil Field Chain and Std. for Steel Detachable Link Chains, Attachments, and . for Double Pitch Conveyor Roller Chains, Attachments and Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Viability th), Hem-Fir (North), Ponderosa and Western White Pines, building Code Std. for Eastern White and Red Pine, Eastern Industry Std. for Douglas Fir. Western Hemlock. Sitka est Coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar; White Fir; and Sitka tamarack (Nor/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Coast Sitka Northern Pine An/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Eastern derosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines; Engelmann Std. Tolerances for Woolen gn of Fine Pitch on Center Face Gears for 20 Deg. Involute reducers (1974) Std. Pract. for American Drafting Manual (Gear Drawing Stds. Part 1 for Std. for Keys - i B93.29 Std. Dimensions for Accessories for Cataloged Std. for ounting Dimensions for 3/4. 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Std. for Computer Type Std. Spec, for Industrial Perforated Plate and Screens Std. Spec, for Machined Flat and for Round, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Flat (Rectangular and erboard (1973) Test Meth. for Measuring ing Chromium Nickel Manganese Steel Bars Including Rounds. eth. of Test for Continuity of Steam Turbine Oil Oxidation Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Color nee Requirements for Stopping Power, Traction and Steering try) (1962) Oxygen-Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Std. Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Hydrolytic Std. Meth. of Test for Oxidation Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Hydrolytic Tent. Meth. of Test for Thermal Oxidation chemistry) (1967) Meth. of Analysis of on Melted 18251900 Deg. F (996.11037.8 Deg. C) Solution, urn Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution, std. Spec, for Calcium Chloride to Be Used for Dustlaying, nd Welded Chromium Nickel Iron MolybdentioiiAicbipoi /Impr /Ime 974) -Ditertiary-Butyl P/ s (1973) Spraying Terms and Definitions (1970) Spread Footings (1972) /Pread Footings (1972) Std. Met Spread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing C Spreader (1972) Spreading Agricultural Liquids and Slurry (1973) Spring and Carbon Steel Tooth Lock Washers (1972) Spring Design: Compression, Extension, Torsion, Flat, a Spring Lock Washer (1974) Spring Materials (1973) Std. Rec. Pr Spring Pins (1973) Spring Purposes (1972) Spring Quality Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G54.2 Spring Quality (1971) ANSI G54.4 Spring Quality (1973) Std. Sp Spring Test for Hot Tack of Wax Polymer Blends (1972) Spring Wire and Springs (1970) Spring Wire and Springs (1971) Spring Wire and Springs (1972) Rec. Prac Spring Wire (0.95Cr-0.22V (0.48-0.53C)) (SAE 6150) Spring Wire, Best Quality Music (1973) Spring. Slotted and Coiled, Heavy Duty (1973) Springs (1970) Springs (1971) Springs (1971) ANSI G54. 1 Springs (1972) Rec. Pract. for Special Q Springs (1973) Std. Spec, for Ste Springs (1973) ANSI G54.20 Springs (1974) Sprinkler and Hydrant System Demand Tables (Fire Safety Sprinkler Demand (1974) Rec. for W Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment (1972) Minimum Re Sprinkler Irrigation (For Farms) Technical Data Sheet ( Sprinkler System Design— Fire Protection and Safety) ( Sprinkler System for Private Fire Protection (Safety) ( Sprinkler System (Fire Safety) (1973) Sprinkler Systems for Fire Protection Service (1973) an Sprinkler Systems for Fire Protection (1973) ANSI A54.3 Sprinkler Systems (Fire Protection) (1973) Sprinkler Systems (Fire Safety) (1973) Sprinkler, Water Spray, and Explosion Protection (Safet Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service (1974) Sprocket Coil Chain (1972) ANSI G61.5 Sprocket Teeth (Power Transmission) (1972) Sprocket Teeth (1971) Sprocket Teeth (1972) Sprocket Teeth (1973) Sprockets (1970) Sprockets (1972) Sprockets (1972) (Sprouting) Content in Corn (1959) Spruce-Pine-Fir, Western Cedars (North) (Lumber) (1 Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamarack Lumber (197 Spruce Doors and Blinds (1972) Spruce (Lumber) (1973) /R Douglas Fir, Coast Region; W Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock- Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; Subal-Pine Fir; an Spun on the Woolen System Yarns (1971) Spur Pinions (1973) Std. for System Desi Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Shaft Mounted Speed Spur, Helical, Double Helical and Rack) (1971) Square and Rectangular (1973) Square Head Industrial Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) Ans Square Head Setscrews (1969) Square Head Tie Rod Type Industrial Fluid Power Cylinde (Square Loop) Pulse Transformers (1970) (Square Opening Series) (1972) Square Tool Steel Bars (1973) Square) Brass Wire (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Squareness or Rectangularity of a Sheet of Paper or Pap Squares, Hexagons, and Shapes-Angles, TEES and Channe Stability by Rotating Bomb (1967) ANSI Z11.230 Std. M Stability Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed (1954) Stability for Regular Bicycles (1972) /D. for Performa Stability in Fats, Oils, and Shortenings (Cereal Chemis Stability of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.148 Stability of Distillate Fuel Oil (Accelerated Meth.) (1 Stability of Elastomeric Volcanizates (1972T) Stability of New Mineral Insulating Oils Containing 2,6 Stability of Plastic Encapsulants for Electronic Device Stability of Turbine Fuels (JFTOT Proc.) (1973) Stability (AOM) of Fats, Oils, and Shortenings (Cereal Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated (1973) Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated (1973) Stabilization, Ice Removal, Acceleration of Concrete, C Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1973) /Td. Spec, for Seamless a Std. for Heav Std AWS ASTM ASTM ASAE ASAE ANSI SMI NSA ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE NSA SAE SAE ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM FMS FMS ASAE ASAE FMS FMS FMS UL NFPA FMS FMS FMS UL ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI API ANSI ANSI CR ICBO ICBO FHDA ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO ASTM AGMA AGMA ANSI NSA NFLDP SAE NFLDP IEEE ASTM ASTM ICBO TAPPI ASTM ASTM CR BMA AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH SAE SAE ASTM ASTM C2.9 D1194 D1194 S341 R317 B18.21.1 *3 1640 B593 AMS7205D B159 A228 A230 A680 T683SU J217 J230 J271 AMS6450D AMS5112F 561 J217 J230 A227 J271 A679 A125 A689 2-76 2-77 R264.1 S262T LPD 1-2 3-26 2-90 193 13 2-8 2-81 7-14 199 A467 B29.13 B29.14 B29.10 B29.15 7F B29.6 B29.4 A-24 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-5 4-72 UBCS25-3 UBCS25-2 UBCS25-8 UBCS25-4 D2644 203.03 480.05 Y14.7.1 558 T3.6.8 J 102 T3.6.11 272 E454 A685 UBCS32-13 UM-530 A429 D2272 E-20 6/3 58-55 D1660 D2274 D3137 D2112 F74 D3241 58-54 AMS5707D AMS5709B D98 B464 370 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards chromium -Nickel- Iron- Molydenium-Copper-Columbium spec, for Chromium Nickel Iron Molybdenum Copper Columbium chromium -Nickel-Iron- Molybdenum -Copper-Columbium of Test for Relaxation Dimensional Change (Shrinkage) of Std. for Rules. Guidelines, and Drawings for Copper Solvent Single thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon by Measurement of Std. Meth. for Sampling and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Modified Two Safety Code for Fabricated xtinguishing (1973) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Personnel and Material (1/ Guide Spec, for Platforms and If Extinguishing (1973) Cloth, Type E Glass, B Uniform Building Code: st for Diffusion Stain of Rubber and Contact and Migration nic Finishes in Contact/ Std. Meth. of Test for Diffusion laundering (1970) ANSI L14.239 Test Meth. for Oily ansi G53.30 Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Fiber Identification (Wilson Test Meth. for Beating Control (Simons and Finishes of Institutional Textiles (Durability, Spot, pplication of Flammable Finishes (Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. for Rug Back Floor ial or Diffused Layers in Silicon by the Angle Lapping and Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for ing Parts Suitable for High T/ Std. Spec, for Martensitic steel Bars 1/ Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished t, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.2 Std. Spec, for use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age Hardening 73) ANSI G24.31 Std. Spec, for Reforging (1972) ANSI G81.13 Std. Spec, for G81.26 Std. Spec, for spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of Flat Rolled i G81.32 Std. Spec, for .41 Std. Spec, for .42 Std. Spec, for Free Machining services (1974) ANSI G38.4 Std. Spec, for Alloy and Std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Std. Spec, for Seamless Std. Spec, for Welded i G81.16 Std. Rec. Pract. for Descaling and Cleaning Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Std. Spec, for Wrought Austenitic tialUse) (1962) Std. for Std. for Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Light Gauge Cold Formed bl25.14 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Ferritic bl25.15 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Rec. Pract. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of and Electroplating on 71) Rec. Pract. for c/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Susceptibility of chromium-Nickel-/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Test Meth. for Fiber Identification (Various ng Construction Lender the Uniform Building Code: Exits and for Renovation of Interior Ceramic Tile Walls, Floors, and stands. Bleachers, and Grandstand/ Uniform Building Code: Western Woods Use Book: Fire Protection and Safety (Exit, Quality Stds. for work. Closet and Storage Shelving, Misc. Ornamental Items, meth. of Evaluating Wood Preservatives by Field Tests with Meth. of Compression Test with Baker Compressimeter for Meth. of Sensory Perception Test for and Shower Recep/ Std. for Nonmetallic Shower Receptors, or Meth. of Determining Plastic Deformation in Sheet Metal (1965) Manual of istry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and (1962) Meth. for Preparation and rdering, Shipping, and Billing of Merchandise W/ Rec. for hemistry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and ry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and eal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and on (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and chemistry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and stry) (1962) Meth. for Preparation and sieve, Separatory Funnel, Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Std. for Preferred Numbers in Geometric Series for Use in ical Analysis (1972) ANSI Zl/ Std. Meth. for Preparation, 1 Use Std.: Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as 3) Quality Stds. for and Storage She/ Guide Specs, for Architectural Woodwork: Rec. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Combination Stabilized Alloy Pipe (1974) / Electric Fusion Welded Stabilized Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1973) ANSI H3 Stabilized Alloy Tubes (1973) /or Seamless and Welded Stabilized Knit Wool Fabrics (Textile) (1973) /D. Meth Stabilized Power Supplies Direct Current Output (1972) Stack Plumbing System (1973) Design Stacking Fault Dimension (1973) /D. Meth. of Test for Stacks for Particulate Matter (1971) ANSI Z257.3 Stage Air Oven Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Grains Stage and Scaffold Planks and Platforms (1972) Stage Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Self E Stage Lifts (Hydrualic and Hydropneumatic) for Lowering Stage Polyester Resin Impregnated, 181 Style Fabric, Se Stages and Platforms (1973) Stain of Organic Finishes in Contact with Rubber (1973) Stain of Rubber and Contact and Migration Stain of Orga Stain Release Meth. of Textile Fabric Soil During Home Stain Resistance of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum (1972) Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Stain) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Stain, and Insect Resistance) (1973) / Characteristics Stain, etc.) (1973) Uniform Fire Code: a Staining of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) Staining on Vinyl Tile (1973) Staining Technique (1972) ANSI Z173.49 /Ness of Epitax Staining (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 Stainless and Alloy Steel Castings for Pressure Contain Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Manganese Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Shee Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (197 Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars, and Shapes (19 Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Forgings (1973) ANSI Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and St Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Rope Wire (1972) Ans Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G81 Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Wire (1971) ANSI G81 Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes (1973) Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing (1971) ANSI G62.1 Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing (1973) Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems (1972) Ans Stainless Steel Pipe (1972A) ANSI B125.16 Stainless Steel Piping Fittings (1973) ANSI G37.8 Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residen Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (1971) Stainless Steel Sanitary Tubing (1973) ANSI B36.38 Stainless Steel Structural Members (1973) /Rm Building Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service (1973) ANSI Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service (1973) ANSI Stainless Steel 17-7 pH Spring Wire and Springs (1970) Stainless Steel (1970) ANSI G53.13 Stainless Steel, SAE 30302, Spring Wire and Springs (19 Stainless Steels and Related Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress Stainless, Heat Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Stains) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Stairs (1973) Dwelli Stairs (1973) Recommendation Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildings, Reviewing Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Building Construction and Te Stairwork and Handrails (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Stairwork and Handrails, Exterior Frames and Sash, Sere Stakes (1974) Std. Staleness of Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Stateness of Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Stall Showers Lavatories, Bathtubs and Combination Tank Stampings (1972) Rec. Pract. F Standardization for Masterkeying Nomenclature and Terms Standardization of Barium Lactate Solution (Cereal Chem Standardization of Buffer Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) Standardization of Forms and Information Flow Ljsed in O Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid Solution (Cereal C Standardization of Lactic Acid Solution (Cereal Chemist Standardization of Potassium Permanganate Solution (Cer Standardization of Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide Soluti Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate Solution (Cereal Standardization of Sulfuric Acid Solution (Cereal Chemi Standardization Probe, Rot Fragment Counting Plate and Standardization (1973) Standardization, and Storage of Std. Solutions for Chem Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Sta Standing and Running Trim (Architectural Woodwork) (197 Standing and Running Trim, Casework, Panelwork, Closet Standpipe and Hose Systems (Heating) (1972) Standpipe Systems (Fire Extinguishment) (1973) ASTM B474 ASTM B463 ASTM B468 ASTM D1284 NEMA PY 1 CDA •1 AATM F143 ASTM D2928 AACCH 44-18 ALI •1 SAE AMS3821 CSI 14430 SAE AMS3827 ICBO UBC*3-39 ASTM D925 ASTM D925 AATCC 130 ASTM B136 TAPPI UM-14 TAPPI UM-17 ANSI L24.7.1 ICBO UFC'2ART14 ASTM D2203 AATCC 137 ASTM F110 AATCC EP2 ASTM A217 ASTM A 429 ASTM A176 ASTM A479 ASTM A564 ASTM A276 ASTM A314 ASTM A473 ASTM A480 ASTM A492 ASTM A 580 ASTM A581 ASTM A193 ASTM A688 ASTM A511 ASTM A554 ASTM A380 ASTM A312 ASTM A403 use CS243 IAPMO TSC20 ASTM A270 ICBO UBCS27-10 ASTM A268 ASTM A 269 SAE J217 ASTM B254 SAE J230 ASTM G35 ASTM E353 TAPPI UM-15 ICBO UBC*8-13 TCA 400-600 ICBO UBC*3-33 WWPA ♦31-4 AWI "1-800 AWI •1-1 ASTM D1758 AACCH 74-10 AACCH 74-30 IAPMO TSC11 SAE J863C NBHA *4 AACCH 70-10 AACCH 70-15 NWHA *1 AACCH 70-20 AACCH 70-30 AACCH 70-50 AACCH 70-70 AACCH 70-75 AACCH 70-80 AACCH 28-90 ANSI Z17.1 ASTM E200 IEEE 387 AWI '1-300 AWI •1-1 FMS 4-4 ICBO UBCS38-3 Engineering and Product Standards Division 371 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Manually Propelled Mobile Ladder S de: Stair9, Exits and Occupant Loads (Buildings, Reviewing S uniform Fire Code: Places of Assembly (Theaters, Reviewing S 973) Meth. of Analysis of Coagulase Positive S 2) Meth. of Analysis of rood Poisoning S st for Commercial Weight of a Shipment of Yarn or Man Made S Stds. for S ght Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Design; and Nails and S Spaced Columns, Joints, Screws, Bolts, Connectors, Nails, S trol of Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) Rec. for S tical Meth. for Determining Hydroxyalkoxyl Content of Corn S Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining S Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining S 1967) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Apparent S of Hydroxyalkoxyl Groups in Hydroxyethyl and Hydroxypropyl S analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content of Corn Syrup, S ining Iron (Orthophenanthroline) Content of Corn Syrup and S of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified S al Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Corn Syrup and S mining Ash Content of Corn Syrup, Finished Sugar and Other S etermining Fermentables Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, and S ontent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup, and Other S ontent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other S ontent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other S th. for Determining Dextrose Content of Corn Syrup and All S s Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn Syrup, Sugar, and S ermining Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn Syrup and All S ning .Specific Rotation Content of Corn Syrup, Dextrose and S ent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Dextrose, Syrup and S content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup and Other S lcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn Syrup and Other S std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron Content in Corn S of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified S olysis) (Cereal Chemistry)/ Diastase Meth. of Analysis of S ation, to Corn, Rye, B/ Polarimetric Meth. of Analysis of S (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining S harides (Cas Liquid Chromatohraphy) Content of Corn Sugar, S g Total Sugars Content of Corn Sugars (Crude and Refined), S Meth. of Analysis of Damaged Starch (Granules in Flour or S g Ash Content in Corn Starch, Dextrines and Other Modified S al Meth. for Determining Borax Content in Dextrin and Corn S Hydrolyzates Solutions Derived from Corn or Grain Sorghum S Analytical Meth. for Determination of pH (Paste) of Corn S Analytical Meth. for Determination of pH (Slurry) of Corn S ragments. Hairs, Feathers, Wood Fibers, Splinters, etc. in S tures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextrans, and S ical Meth. for Determining Acidity (Paste) Content in Corn S are Susceptible to Hydrolys/ Meth. of Analysis of Damaged S h. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content in Corn S analytical Meth. for Determining Total Fat Content in Corn S eth. for Determining Acidity (Extractable) Content in Corn S Analytical Meth. for Determining Solubles Content in Corn S alytical Meth. for Determining pH (Slurry) Content in Corn S tical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content in Corn S ical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content in Corn S rmining Moisture (Azeolropic Distillation) Content in Corn S nalytical Meth. for Determining Phosphorus Content in Corn S for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content in Corn S nalytical Meth. for Determining pH (Paste) Content in Corn S . Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium Content in Corn S cal Meth. for Determining Waxy and Nonwaxy Content in Corn S Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from Corn and Grain Sorghum S lytical Meth. for Determining Bulk Density Content in Corn S determining Inherent Viscosity (One Point) Content in Corn S Analytical Meth. for Determining Carboxyl Content of Corn S d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Acetyl Content of Corn S Meth. for Determining Brabender Viscosity Content in Corn S nalytical Meth. for Determining Phosphorus Content of Corn S Std. Analytical Meth. Determining Iodine Affinity of Corn S r Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content in Corn S Properties of Agricultural Grain and Its Products (Flour. S emistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Ash in S Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in Corn S for Determining Crude Fat / Extractables) Content in Corn S cal Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn S Analytical Meth. for Determination of Phosphorus in Corn S Meth. of Analysis of Hydration Capacity of Pregelatinized S itrogen Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups, S: ein Nitrogen Content in Feedstuffs (Corn), Syrups, Sugars, S Content in Steepwater, (Corn) Feedstuffs, Syrups, Sugars, S etermining Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Syrup, Sugars, S ine) Content of Corn Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates and All S sional and Electrical Characteristics of 8'Watt T5 Preheat S ional and Electrical Characteristics of 15 Watt T8 Preheat S onal and Electrical Characteristics of 30 Watt, T8 Preheat Si nt and Non-Synchronous Data Communication Equip/ Std. for S ands for Scaffolds (Towers, Safety) (1971) ands. Bleachers, and Grandstands) (1973) /Uilding Co ands. Grandstands, Bleachers, etc.) (1973) aphylococcus in Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1 aphylococcus in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (196 aple Fiber (1971) Std. Meth. of Te aples with Rolled or Slash Points (1971) EEI TDJ-14 aples (1973) /Ift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws; Li aples, Adhesives, Fiberboard, Particleboard) (1973) Model F Hidromatic Deluge Valve for Water Flow Con ch and Ethers (1967) Std. Analy ch Content in Corn (1964) ch Content in Feedstuffs (Corn) (1954) ch Content of Corn Syrup, Refined and Crude Sugar ( ch Ethers (1973) /Lytical Meth. for Determination ch Hydrolyzates and a Variety of Other Materials (1 ch Hydrolyzates and All Starches and Sugars, and to ch Hydrolyzates (Potassium Chromate Indicator) (195 ch Hydrolyzates (1952) ch Hydrolyzates (1952) ch Hydrolyzates (1957) ch Hydrolyzates (1961) ch Hydrolyzates (1961) ch Hydrolyzates (1962) ch Hydrolyzates (1967) ch Hydrolyzates (1967) ch Hydrolyzates (1968) ch Hydrolyzates (1971) ch Hydrolyzates (1971) ch Hydrolyzates (1973) ch Hydrolyzates (1973) Std. Analytic /Analytical Meth. for Deter /Td. Analytical Meth. for D /. for Determining Copper C /Meth. for Determining pH C /for Determining Chloride C Std. Analytical Me /Etermining Saccharides (Ga /. Analytical Meth. for Det /Alytical Meth. for Determi /Ing Specific Rotation Com /Cium (Egta-Titrimetric) /L Meth. for Determining Ca ch Hydrolzates Including Syrups and Sugars, and Mos ch Hydrolzates (Silver-Silver Chloride Indicator) ch in Flour and Semolina (With Subsequent Acid Hydr ch in Flour and Semolina; Also, with Slight Modific ch Indicator, 1% Content of Reagents and Indicators ch Molasses and Hydrolyzates (1971) /Ermining Sacc ch Molasses (1972) /Nalytical Meth. for Determinin ch Preparations Which Are Susceptible to Hydrolysis ch Products (1955) /Nalytical Meth. for Determinin ch Products (1971) Std. Analytic ch Which Are Substantially Optically Clear (1959) ch Which Is Gelatinized When Heated in a Boiling Wa ch Which Is Substantially Insoluble in Water at Roo ch (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Dirt, Sand, Insect F ch (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) /Glucose in Sugar Mix ch (Gelatinizable Products) (1955) Std. Analyt ch (Granules in Flour or Starch Preparations Which ch (Unmodified) (1961) Std. Analytical Met ch (1955) ch (1955) ch (1956) ch (1956) ch (1956) ch (1956) ch (1956) ch (1957) ch (1957) ch (1958) ch (1960) ch (1960) ch (1960) ch (1963) ch (1963) ch (1966) ch (1968) h (1968) ch (1969) ch (1973) ch (1973) ch)(1972) Std. Std. Analytical M Std. Std. an Std. Analy Std. Analyt Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete Std. a Std. Analytical Meth. Std. a Std Std. Analyti /Tent of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Std. Ana Std. Analytical Meth. for Std. St Std. Analytical Std. a Std. Analytical Meth. Fo Thermal ch. Dextrin, and Other Modified Products (Cereal Ch ch, Dextrines and Other Modified Starch Products (1 ch. Gluten, Germand Finished Std. Analytical Meth. ch. Sugars, Syrups and Other Protein Bearing Materi ch. Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Corn Wet Mill ches and Cereal Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) ches and Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suita ches and Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suita ches and Other Protein Bearing Materials When Suita ches and Other Protein Bearing Materials (1952) /D ches and Sugars, and to Most Other Products of the t Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimen t Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimens t Bactericidal Lamp (1971) Std. Dimensi t-Stop Signal Quality Between Data Terminal Equipme ANSI ICBO ICBO AACCH AACCH ASTM NEMA ICBO ICBO FMS CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR AACCH AACCH CR CR CR AACCH CR CR CR CR CR AACCH AACCH CR AACCH CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR ASAE AACCH CR CR CR CR AACCH CR CR CR CR CR ANSI ANSI ANSI EIA A92.1 UBC*3-33 UFC»2ART26 42-30A 42-30 D2494 PH 14 UBCS25-17 UBC*3-25 2-88 C-20 A-20 G-28 E-60 C-30 E48 E-32 E-14 E-2 E-6 E-28 F-18 F-42 F-10 E-24 E-63 E-26 E-58 F-52 F-8 Ell B-30 E-15 76-10 76-20 R-80 F-50 F-58 76-30A B-8 D-10 F-14 C-42 C-44 28-75 80-10 B-4 76-30A B-36 B-20 B-2 B-56 B-44 B-58 B-38 B-34 B-46 B-14 B-42 B-10 B-64 F-26 B-16 B-61 C-22 C-2 B-9 C-46 B-28 B-ll D243.1 08-17 B-8 B-18 B-48 B-47 56-20 F-44 G-22 J-56 E-52 E-32 C78.1200 C78.1201 C78.1202 RS404 372 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Spec, for Fluorescent Lamp Rec. Electric Motor for Low and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Storage Battery Spec. (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting, and battery Materials Spec. (Vehicular. Ignition, Lighting and Std. for Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (Two • rization of Large Signal D/ Trial Use Std. Guide on Solid Std. Proposal for Solid grams (1970) Gas Turbine Engine Steady rrier Diffusion Length in Silicon by Measurement of Steady Std. for Auditing Nuclear Materials like Materials / Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparing Precision r the Identification (Code) of the Countries of the United colu/ Std. for Identification Codes and Abbreviations for ification Codes and Abbreviations for States of the United essed Gas Cylinders Intended for Medical Use in the United Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: urgical Implants) (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for 973) Std. Rec. Pract. for 973) Std. Rec. Pract. for for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation Fuels Containing A Rec. Pract. for Reducing the Fire Hazard of izontal Plane Meth/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of izontal Plane Meth.) (1972) Meth. for Inefficient of lined Plane Meth.)/ Std. Meth. of Test for Coefficient of gen Tetroxide (N,0 4 ) (1972) Std. Meth. of (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for t Fo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for ural Requirements for Regular Bicycles Including Tests for 7) ANSI Q4.2 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Test for Water Absorption Test Meth. for Electrical Resistivity (Electro - est Meth. for Electrical Resistivity Textile of (Electro • es (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. for Determining and bon Black (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for eration) (1974) Std. for Central riteria for the Periodic Test, of Nuclear Power Generating f the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating iples for Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating ar/ Std. for Installation, Maintenance and Use of Central Std. for Installation. Maintenance and Use of Remote Std. for Interconnection Circuitry of Noncoded Remote eamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central definitions of Terms Used in IEEE Nuclear Power Generating Std. Operating Limits for Central Std. Coil Face Areas for Central definitions and Terms Used in the Selection of Tires (Car, for New Tires for Passenger Cars and test Procedures for Retreaded Tires for Passenger Cars and for Bias and Radial Ply Tires and Rims for Passenger Cars, mum Std. for Amateur Radio Antenna: Part 1-Base or Fixed for Heat Actuated Fire Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Safety Std. for Systems (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed ion (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed ing (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed cs (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed istics and General / Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed ve Devices, and Ins/ Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed cal Equipment (1972/ Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed teristics and Gener/ Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed s (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed nee (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed nd Gas Systems (197/ Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed e (1972) Std. Pract. for rallel Operation (1/ Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed ) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed stems (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Std. Practices for Low and Medium Speed Std. Pract. Definitions for Std. Pract. for Scavenging and Supercharging of ction of Engine-Generator Units for Low and Medium Speed tions for Bids and Detailed Spec, for Low and Medium Speed Std. Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of y Std. for Electric Heating Appliances (Portable Fixed and Specifying Metal Louvers, Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, ) Safety Std. for Acetylene Generators, for the Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Supply ces (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 Safety Std. for Central for Protection Against Misc. Perils at Electric Generating ipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Generative /TyCa / Test Starters (1972) Starting Currents (1972) EEI 62-27 Starting Systems (1972) Std. Pract. Starting) for Passenger Automobiles, Commercial Vehicle Starting) (1972) State Devices) (Electronics) (1973) ANSI Y32.14 State Devices: Varactor Measurements Part II-Characte State Load Switches for Traffic Control Systems (1973) State Performance Presentation for Digital Computer Pro State Surface Photovoltage (Electronics) (1973) Statements and Reports (Accounting) (1973) Statements for ASTM Meth. Related to Rubber and Rubber- States for Information Interchange (1973) /Tructure Fo States of the United States (Including the District of States (Including the District of Columbia) for Informa States (Safety) (1973) Std. Color Marking of Compr Static Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.61, ASTM D583 Static Bend and Torsion Test, of Intramedullary Rods (S Static Bend Test, of Bone Plates (Surgical Implants) (1 Static Bend Test, of Nail Plates (Surgical Implants) (1 Static Dissipator Additive (1971) ANSI Zl 1.281 Static Electricity (1973) Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Hor Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Hor Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Inc Static Immersion Test, of Unstressed Materials in Nitro Static Load on Spread Footings (1972) /Pread Footings Static Load on Spread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Tes Static Load, Frame, Fork, Steering Assembly and Tire Bl Static Tests of Timbers (Wood) in Structural Sizes (196 (Static) of Leather (1970) ALCA E30 Static) of Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.112 Static) of Textile Yarns (1973) ANSI L14.119 Stating the Horsepower Rating of Inboard Gasoline Engin Stating the Precision of ASTM Test Meth. Related to Car Station Air Handling Units (Air Conditioning and Refrig Station Protection Systems (1971) ANSI N41.3 /-Use C Station Protection Systems (1972) ANSI N41.2 /Cation O Station Protection Systems (1972) ANSI N41.4 /Al Princ Station Protective Signaling Systems for Guard, Fire Al Station Protective Signaling Systems (1972) ANSI SE3.5 Station Protective Signalling Systems (1969) ANSI SE3.7 Station Service (1973) ANSI B125.25 Std. Spec, for S Station Stds. (1972) Station Units (Air Moving and Conditioning) (1966) Station Units (Air Moving and Conditioning) (1966) Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose Passen Station Wagons (1965) Station Wagons (1966) /Mance Requirements and L'niform Station Wagons, and Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles (19 Station (1973) Station, Mechanically Operated Type for Indoor Use (197 Stationary and Fixed Electric Tools (1973) ANSI C33.86 Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Air Intake and Exhaust Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Assembly and Equipment Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Cooling Water Systems Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Erection and Installat Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Factory and Field Test Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Fuel Oil Characteristi Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gaseous Fuel Character Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Gauge Borads, Protecti Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Generators and Electri Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Charac Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil System Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Operation and Maintena Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Buildings Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel Oil a Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Ratings and Performanc Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Speed Governing and Pa Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Starting Systems (1972 Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Vibration (1972) Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Waste Heat Recovery Sy Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) /Ct. for Sele Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (1972) /on of Invita Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (1973) Stationary 600 Volts or Less) (1972) C33. 11 Stationary (1967) Stationary, Low Pressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973) Stationary, Medium Pressure (Welding and Cutting) (1973 Stations and Equipment (1971) /Ety Code, Part 1: Stations for Watchman, Fire Alarm and Supervisory Servi Stations (Flood, Surface Water, Rigging Collapse, Burgl Stations (1971) / for Instrumentation and Electric Equ Mini Safet Rul ANSI C 78. 180 NEMA 151 DEMA •1-9 BCI •1.48 BCI •1.41 IEEE 91 IEEE 351 NEMA TS2 SAE ARP681B ASTM F391 ANSI N15.ll ASTM D3040 ANSI X3.31 ANSI X3.38 ANSI X3.38 CCA C9 AATCC 21 ASTM F383 ASTM F382 ASTM F384 ASTM D2624 FMS 5-8N ASTM D3247 TAPPI T8I6SU ASTM D3248 ASTM F359 ASTM Dl 194 ASTM Dl 194 BMA 6/4 ASTM D198 ASTM D1815 AATCC 76 AATCC 84 ABYC S6 ASTM D3051 ARI 430 IEEE 338 IEEE 379 IEEE 352 NFPA 71 NFPA 72C NEMA SB3 ASTM A376 IEEE 380 AMCA 1401 AMCA 1402 TRA XXI VESC V-l VESC V-2 TRA 1 EIA RS409 UL 539 UL 987 DEMA •1-8 DEMA •1-5 DEMA •1-10 DEMA •1-21 DEMA •1-22 DEMA ♦1-14 DEMA •1-15 DEMA •1-17 DEMA •1-18 DEMA •1-12 DEMA •1-11 DEMA •1-23 DEMA •1-20 DEMA •1-13 DEMA •1-4 DEMA •1-6 DEMA •1-9 DEMA •1-7 DEMA •1-16 DEMA •1 DEMA • 1-1 DEMA •1-3 DEMA •1-19 DEMA •1-24 ANSI N18.2 UL 499 CSI 15851 UL 409 UL 408 ANSI C2.1 UL 827 FMS 9-10 IEEE 336 Engineering and Product Standards Division 373 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ng Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating of Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating stalled Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Generating ied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating ss I Electric Valve Operators for Nuclear Power Generating containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Rec. for Electric Utility Generating mechanical Characteristics of Antennas for Satellite Earth t Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generating class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating td. Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Test, and the Guide for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to with Outlying Observations in Samples and How to Test the als Management (1972) Std. for Definitions of 0.3 Std. Rec. Pract. for Applying ency and Co9t, and Recording Patron and Nonemployee Injury ion Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form Wound id Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Power Tools, Hermatic Stds. for Construction of Concrete Std. Spec, for Copper Rods for Locomotive tion and Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Class Std. for Flashing and ter Programs (1970) Gas Turbine Engine rity Carrier Diffusion Length in Silicon by Measurement of u Per Hr.) (1972) Std. for Gas Fired High Pressure Std. for Gas Fired Low Pressure Installation and Maintenance of Std. for Gas Fired Kettles, 970) ANSI A109.ll Std. Meth. of Test for Underwriter determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin Treated Fabric Std. Spec, for Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Marine Guide for Centralized Control and Automation of Ship's Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Testing Procedures and Maintenance of Rec. for Rec. for (1967) ANSI Zl 1.230 Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of il Fue/ Rec. Pract. for the Prevention of Water Damage to for Heavy Walled Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings for Std. Meth. of Sampling Saturated and Superheated Std. Spec, for Equipment for Sampling Water and Std. Meth. of Test for Deposit Forming Impurities in Test Meth. Visual Std. for Surfaces of New Unhardened way for Wire and Cable Inst/ Std. for Safety for Flexible ec. Pract. for Inspection and Test. Agencies for Concrete, Std. for Bushing-Flanged, Press Fit, Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of . for Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy electrodeposited Coatings of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys on for Measurment of Impact Resistance of Painted Aluminum, iform Building Code Std. for Material Spec, for Structural Uniform Building Code: r Solid 100 Deg. Flush Shear Head A286 Corrosion Resistant to Coating or Rec/ Rec. Pract. for Surface Preparation of for Safety Requirements for Shops Fabricating Structural Structural Std. for he Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or lway Use (1973) ANSI G57.ll Std. Spec, for Carbon ent (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Pract. for Fabrication of Reinforcing Std. Pract. for Estimating Reinforcing Spec, for Placing Reinforcing irements for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Carbon and Alloy Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Spec, for sistant, 12.5Cr Low Carbon (SAE 51416F), Free Machining / sistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat T/ sistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N. Heat Treated, 1/ sistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION, Equalized and T/ sure Vessels/ Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting d Cold Finished Age Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Std. Spec, for Deformed and Plain Billet 1971/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy hed Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Manganese (1972) Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon 1973) 973) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cold Finished Alloy /General Guide for Qualifyi /for Seismic Qualification /Ous Duty Class I Motors in /Esel Generator Units Appl /Guide for Type Test of Cla /Penetration Assemblies in Stations (1971) ANSI N41.5 Stations (1971) ANSI N41.7 Stations (1971) ANSI N41.9 Stations (1972) ANSI N41.13 Stations (1972) ANSI N41.6 Stations (1972) ANSI N45.3 Stations (1973) Stations (1973) Std. for Electrical and Stations (1973) /Ation of Design Bases for Systems Tha Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 IEEE Trial Use Guide for Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data (1972) ANSI Z92.2 Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test Data (1972) Statistical Meth. (1972) Statistical Significance of Them (Sampling) (1968) ANSI Statistical Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materi Statistical Terms Used in Cereal Chemistry (1967) Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion Data (1971) ANSI G8 Statistics (1971) Std. for Meth. of Measuring Frequ Stator Coils (1972) ANSI C50.26 /Ion of Sealed Insulat Stators, Test, and Safety) (1973) /Try (Rotating, Liqu Stave Farm Silos (1969) Staybolts (1973) ANSI H7.2 (Stc) of Building Partitions Such as Walls, Floor-Ceil Steady Burn Barricade Warning Lights (1971) Steady State Performance Presentation for Digital Compu Steady State Surface Photovoltage (Electronics) (1973) Steam and Hot Water Boilers (Inputs Not Over 400,000 Bt Steam and Hot Water Boilers (1972) Steam and Hot Water Unit Heaters (1970) Steam Cookers and Generators (1971) Steam Distillation of Bituminous Protective Coatings (1 Steam Fire Pumps (1973) Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.179 Test Meth. for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings (1974) (Steam Oven) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Steam Pleating (1971) ANSI L14.240, ISO 105-4 Steam Power Plant Heat Balance Practices (1972) Steam Propulsion Plant (1970) Steam Rooms (1973) Steam Safety Valves on Boilers (1972) Steam Tubine Driven Generator Units (1972) Steam Turbine Driven Generator Units (1974) Steam Turbine Oil Oxidation Stability by Rotating Bomb Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation: Foss Steam Turbines (1974) Std. Spec Steam (1969) Steam (1970) ANSI Zl 1 1.2 Steam (1971) ANSI Z111.5 St Stee St Stee St Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Airblast Cleaned with Sand Abrasive (1970) and Alloy Silver Brazing Joints (1973) and Aluminum Conduit for Safe Use as a Metal Race and Bituminous Materials as I'sed in Construction and Bronze (1973) and Cast, Open Hearth, and Wrought Iron (1973) and Corrosion Resisting Steel. UNJF-3A Thread, Ca and Ferrous Alloys (1970) ANSI G53.8 /Spec, for and Gavanized Steel (Coil Coating) (1974) / Meth and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connector, and Iron (1973) and Monel Rivet (1974) Std. Fo and Other Hard Materials by Water Blasting Prior and Plate (1973) Std Antenna Towers and Supporting Structures (1972) Articles by the Preece Test (Copper Sulfate Dip) Axles, Non Heat Treated and Heat Treated, for Rai Bar and Rod Mats (Sheets) for Concrete Reinforcem Bar Materials and Service (1968) Bar Materials and Service (1970) Bar Supports in Concrete Construction (1970) Bar (1973) ANSI G24.5 /D. Spec, for General Requ Barbed Wire (1973) ANSI G8.10 Bars and Forgings (0.18-0.23C) (SAE 1022) (1973 Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Re Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Re Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Re Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Re Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pres Bars and Shapes (1972) / Spec, for Hot Rolled an Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Bars for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures ( Bars for Springs (1974) Bars Including Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, and Sha Bars Subject to Mechanical Property Requirements Bars (0.95Cr-0.20Mo-0.05Te (0.38-0.45C) ) ( Bars (0.95Cr-0.20Mo-0.05Te (0.40-0.53C)) (1 Bars (1964) ANSI G24.12 IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE FMS EIA ANS IEEE ASTM IEEE ASTM ASTM ANSI AACCH ASTM ANSI IEEE EASA NSLO ASTM ICBO ITE SAE ASTM ANSI ANSI AMCA ANSI ASTM FMS AATCC ASTM TAPPI AATCC SNAME SNAME TCA FMS FMS FMS ASTM ASME ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NACE SAE UL ASTM NSA ASTM NSA ASTM NCCA ICBO ICBO NSA NACE ANSI EIA ASTM ASTM ICBO CRSI CRSI CRSI ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM 323 344 334 387 382 317 13-14 RS411 N18.8 420 E206 101 E456 E178 N15.5 78-40 G16 Z108.1 429 •1 •1 B12 UBCS35 1 •7 ARP681B F391 Z21.59 Z21.13 16 Z21.46 D255 LPD 3-9 113 B61 UM-7 131 3-11 3-23 311 LPD12-59 13-3 5-12 D2272 TWDPS-1 A356 D1066 D1192 D2186 TM-01-70 AMS2664C 1 E329 77 E30 1351 B200 TB-II6 UBCS27-1 UBC*3-27 1200 RP-01-72 Z229.1 RS222-B A239 A21 UBCS26-5 *1.5.3 ♦1.5.1 •1.3.5 A29 A121 AMS5070D AMS5610H AMS5743D AMS5744A AMS5745A A479 A564 A615 A458 A689 A429 A663 AMS6378A AMS6379A A331 374 Engineering and Product Standards Division Mli National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Rec. Pract. for Macroetch Test, of Tool Std. Spec, for Std. Quality Cold Finished Carbon Std. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Std. Spec, for Machined Flat and Square Tool Spec, for Tolerances of Low Alloy Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting al Quality, for Pressure Piping Component/ Std. Spec, for uid Power Applications (1974) Std. Spec, for .55Ni-l.0Mo-0.12V (0.43-0.49O) (1973) Spec, for .82Cr-l.82Ni-0.40Mo-0.07V (0.41-0.460/ Spec, for no (0.49-0.550)11973) Spec for 14.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.10-1.20O. Premium Bearing Qui tant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0.30V (0.40-0.50C) V/ Spec, for OMo (0.11-0.17O (SAE 8615) (1973) 0Mo-0.04V-B (0.38-0.43C) (Modified 98Bv40) (1973) mo (0.38-0.43O (SAE 4340). Premium Quality. Consumabl/ mo (0.38-0. 43C) (SAE 4340) (1973) mo (0.07-0.13O (SAE 9310), Premium Quality. Vacuum Co/ mo (0.07-0. 13C) (SAE 9310). Premium Quality (1973) ed Rings (1.3Mn-1.5SI -0.30Cr-1.8Ni-0.4/ Spec, for ealed) (0.48Cr-8.0Ni-4.0Co-0.48Mo-0.09/ Spec, for moderate Heat Resistant, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed (1973/ heat Resistant (15Cr-26Ni-l.3Mo-2.lTi-/ Spec, for -0.35Mo-0.20V (0.32-0.38O. Special Grade (1973) 0.08V (0.28-0.330(1973) n Resistant, 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum Induct/ Rec. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting rvice (/ Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Std. Spec, for Seamless Medium Carbon ec. for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy i B125.7 Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon 73/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy r Tubes (1973) ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic 1974) ANSI G38.4 Std. Spec, for Alloy and Stainless langes. and Fittings for Low Temper/ Std. Spec, for Alloy 345 MPa) Tensile Strength. Hardened / Spec, for Low Alloy 73) Spec, for Low Alloy Std. Spec, for High Strength Nonheaded .19 Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Alloy able Nuts and Plain Hardene/ Std. Spec, for High Strength Uniform Building Code Std. for High Strength Std. for Std. Factory Made Wrought Std. Meth. of Test for Nickel on for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy 1 Std. Spec, for Mild to Medium Strength Carbon G52.2 Std. Spec, for Ferritic and Austenitic Std. Spec, for or High T/ Std. Spec, for Martensitic Stainless and Alloy or Low Temperature Service (1974/ Std. Spec, for Ferritic Std. Spec, for Heavy Walled Carbon and Low Alloy 1 Std. Spec, for High Strength aining Parts Suitable for High Temp/ Std. Spec, for Alloy perature Service (1974) ANSI G37.2 Std. Spec, for Carbon i G52.5 Std. Spec, for Low Alloy 6.28 Std. Reference Radiographs for tudinal Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy alification of Procedures and Personnel for the Welding of Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4 1/2 to 12 In.) Std. Spec, for Austenitic Manganese sure Vessels (1974) Std. Spec, for 8-0.36C) (SAE 4330 Modified) (1973) 8-0.46C) (SAE 4340 Modified) (1973) Low Alloy 5C) (1973) Low Alloy Std. Spec, for Aluminum Coated Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Spec, for Galvanized Std. Spec, for Carbon Std. Spec, for Weldless Carbon Std. Spec, for Corrosion Resisting Chromium ction Procedure) (197/ Spec, for Premium Aircraft Quality for Polyvinyl Chloride Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber to ted (Galvanized) and Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Stranded ed (ACSR) (1972) / Spec, for Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) ed (ACSR) (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Spec, for Mild Spec, for Low Alloy ec. for Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Std. for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Rec. for Insulated t (1972) Std. Spec, for Axle Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee St Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee St: Stee St St St St Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Stee Bars (1971) ANSI C60.9 Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars (1973) Bars, and Shapes (1973) ANSI G24.31 Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled and Cold Finished, Speci Bars, Carbon, Hot Rolled, Special Quality, for Fl Bars. Forgings, and Mechanical Tubing (1.05Cr-0 Bars, Forgings, and Mechanical Tubing (1.62SI -0 Bars, Forgings, and Tubing (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25 Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Corrosion Resistant, Bars. Forgings, and Tubing, Low Alloy, Heat Resis Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.2 Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-0.85Ni-0.2 Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25 Bars, Forgings. and Tubing, 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.2S Bars. Forgings, and Tubing, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12 Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12 Bars, Forgings, Mechanical Tubing, and Flash Weld Bars. Forgings, Rings, and Mechanical Tubing (Ann Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion and Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, 0.78Cr-1.8Ni Bars, Forgings, Tubing, 088Cr-l.8Ni-0.42Mo- Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Forging Stock, Corrosio Bi-Fold Closet Doors and Frames (1972) Billets and Bars for Reforging (1972) ANSI G81.13 Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High Pressure Se Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.10 Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.13 Boiler and Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.9 Boiler Tubes for High Pressure Service (1973) Ans Boiler Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.6 Boiler, Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes (19 Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condense Bolting Materials for High Temperature Services ( Bolting Materials for Pressure Vessels, Valves, F Bolts and Screws, Heat Resistant, 195.000 psi (1, Bolts and Screws, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (19 Bolts and Studs (1973) Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (1971) ANSI G24 Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suit Bolts, Nuts. Washers, and Bolted Parts (1973) Butt Welding End Valves (1973) Buttwelding Fittings (1971) by Photometric Analysis (1972) by the Point to Plane Technique Using an Optical Castings for General Application (1973) ANSI G50. Castings for High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI Castings for Highway Bridges (1974) ANSI G52.3 Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable F Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable F Castings for Steam Turbines (1974) Castings for Structural Purposes (1973) ANSI G52. Castings Specially Heat Treated for Pressure Cont Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Tern Castings Suitable for Pressure Service (1974) Ans Castings Up to 2 In. in Thickness (1972) ANSI Z16 Castings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Std. Spec, for Long; Castings (1972) ANSI G52.6 /. Rec. Pract. for Qu Castings (1972) ANSI Z166.19 Std Castings (1973) ANSI G52.4 Castings, Heavy Walled, Carbon and Alloy for Pres Castings, Investment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.2 Castings, Investment 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.3 Castings. Investment, 0.95Cr-0.20Mo (0.25-0.3 Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971) ANSI G53.21 Chain Link Fence Fabric (1971A) ANSI G53.20 Chain Link Fence Fabric (1973) Chain (1972) ANSI G61.2 Chain (1973) ANSI G61.4 Clad Plate Sheet and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.6 Cleanliness Requirements (Magnetic Particle Inspe Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing (1974) /. Conveyor Chain (1972) ANSI G61.3 Cord (1973) Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (A Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforc Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforc Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI A5.1 Covered Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.5 Covered Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.4 Sp Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids (1972) Deck Roofing (1972) Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcemen ASTM A561 ASTM A108 ASTM A575 ASTM A685 SAE AMS2251E ASTM A276 ASTM A696 ASTM A695 SAE AMS6432A SAE AMS6416A SAE AMS6424 SAE AMS5749 SAE AMS6305 SAE AMS6270J SAE AMS6422 SAE AMS6414B SAE AMS6415H SAE AMS6265D SAE AMS6267B SAE AMS6418E SAE AMS6540B SAE AMS5627B SAE AMS5735H SAE AMS6430B SAE AMS6427E SAE AMS5617A STDI 104 ASTM A314 ASTM A226 ASTM A210 ASTM A250 ASTM A209 ASTM A192 ASTM A178 ASTM A213 ASTM A249 ASTM A193 ASTM A320 SAE AMS7459B SAE AMS7452K ASTM A687 ASTM A490 ASTM A325 ICBO UBCS27-7 ANSI B16.34 ANSI B16.9 ASTM C715 ASTM E403 ASTM A27 ASTM A351 ASTM A486 ASTM A217 ASTM A352 ASTM A356 ASTM A 148 ASTM A389 ASTM A216 ASTM A487 ASTM E446 ASTM A609 ASTM A488 ASTM E280 ASTM A128 ASTM A643 SAE AMS5328A SAE AMS5330A SAE AMS5336B ASTM A491 ASTM A392 CLFMI '5 ASTM A413 ASTM A466 ASTM A263 SAE AMS2300B NEMA RN1 ASTM A454 ASTM D2229 ASTM B500 ASTM B341 ASTM B498 AWS A5.1 AWS A5.5 AWS A5.4 AWWA C301 FMS 1-28 ASTM A617 Engineering and Product Standards Division 375 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Rail s (1972) Std. for Std. Thermal Performance Test for Std. Acoustical Performance Test for test Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Water Resistance on nd Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Through Closed Rec. Std. Rec. Erection Instructions for Rec. Std. struction (1972) Std. 972) Rec. Spec, for Builders' Hardware on Std. Rec. Spec, for Std. Rec. Minimum Hardware Reinforcing Garages on Rec. Std. Details for Rec. Weatherstripping for Std. Rec. Std. Minimum Acceptance Values for Rec. Selection and Usage Guide for Std. Rec. Louver Details for Std. material to Light Gage Steel Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for ANSI Z/ Tentative Meth. of Test for Weight Loss of Sheet 1969) ANSI W3. 17 Spec, for Bare Mild W3.20 Spec, for Mild w3.18 Spec, for Mild lux Cored Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Std. for High Speed Std. for Safety Requirements for (1968) ANSI G38.5 Std. Spec, for Carbon (1973) / Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Stainless 3) Std. for Forged erature / Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled 9% Nickel Alloy for Spectrochemical Analysis of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Rec. Pract. for Meth. of Sampling Std. Spec, for Structural std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Std. Meth. of Test for Reboiling Tendency of Sheet Std. Spec, for Structural ec. for Hot Worked. Hot Cold Worked, and Cold Worked Alloy Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Electric rators (1970) ANSI G55.6 Std. Spec, for Alloy s (1972) ANSI G55.8 Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy valve, etc.) (1973) ANSI G17.3 Std. Spec, for Carbon si/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Alloy for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy ssure Vessel Components (1970) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Alloy ) ANSI G55.15 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Alloy i G55.14 Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Std. Meth. of Magnetic Particle Examination of Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting 1 Use (1972) Std. Spec, for Rec. Rec. wallboard and Backing Board (1/ Spec, for Installation of Spec, for Iron and pipeline Valves (1974) std. nments (1974) Rec Spec, for Pract. for the Identification of Std. Electrical Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy 25/ Std. Spec, for Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate Allov 4) Std. for Wire Cable Wrought Std. Spec, for Heat Treated for Torque Tension Requirements for Prevailing Torque Type Std. Specs, for Welding of Structural Safety Std. for Atmospheric Type Welded Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Open Web Std. Specs, and Load Tables for Longspan Spec, for Structural for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural and Load Tables for Open Web, Longspan, and Deep Longspan Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Bolts for Structural Uniform Building Code Std. for Open Web Structural r Aircraft. Pan Head. Phillips Recess Full Threaded, Alloy pan Head, Phillips Recess, Short Thread, 160,000 psi Alloy Std. for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Std. Spec, for Aluminum for L'se in Iron and Suggested Components of a Concrete Reinforcing Std. Spec, for Seamless Stainless Std. Spec, for Welded Stainless Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon and Alloy r Stress Variation or Stress Reversal Design of Structural service (1973) ANSI E38./ Std. Spec, for Carbon and Alloy Std. for Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Std. Spec, for Carbon Prevailing Torque, All Metal. 1/ Spec, for Self-Locking Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Steel Detachable Link Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Std. Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) /. Test Proc. a Steel Door Frame Details (1972) Steel Door Frames (1972) Steel Door, Frame and Hardware Schedule (1972) Steel Doors and Frames for Modular Masonry Building Con Steel Doors and Frames (Reinforcement- Application) (1 Steel Doors and Frames (1969) Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Steel Doors and Frames (1972) Steel Doors (1972) Steel Doors (1972) Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Sheet Steel During Immersion in Sulfuric Acid Solution (1971) Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding ( Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding (1969) ANSI Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding (1969) ANSI Steel Electrodes (1974) Spec, for F Steel End Mills, .125 Thru 3.000 Diameter (1973) Steel Erection (1972) Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Std. Fasteners Steel Farm Field and Railroad Right of Way Wire Fencing Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes (1973) Steel Fittings (Pipe), Socket Welding and Threaded (197 Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low Temp Steel for Boron by the Point to Plane Arc Technique (19 Steel for Chemical Analysis (1971) Steel for Locomotives and Cars (1970A) ANSI G39.1 Steel for Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI G46.2 Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures (1973) Ans Steel for Porcelain Enameling (1969) ANSI Z167.21 Steel for Ships (1973) Steel Forgings and Forging Billets for High Strength at Steel Forgings for Generator Rotors (1971) ANSI G55.13 Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for Gene Steel Forgings for Pinions and Gears for Reduction Gear Steel Forgings for Piping Components (Flange. Fitting, Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components (1973) an Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974) ANSI G55.17 Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pre Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotor Disks and Wheels (1970 Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts (1974) Ans Steel Forgings (1971) ANSI G60.6 Steel Forgings (1973) ANSI G81.26 Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General Industria Steel Frame Shoring Erection Procedure (1969) Steel Frame Shoring Safety Rules (1972) Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw Attached Gypsum Steel Gas Welding Rods (1969) ANSI W3.2 Steel Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves for Petroleum Steel Grades in ASTM Specs. (1972) Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in Marine Enviro Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes (1973) ANSI Bl Steel Heavy Thimble (For Ground Support Equipment) (197 Steel Helical Springs (1973) ANSI G54.20 Steel Hex Locknuts (1972) Std. Steel Highway Bridges (1974) Steel Inside Tanks for Oil Burner Fuel (1973) Steel Joints Deep DLJ and DLH Series (1970) Steel Joints J Series and H Series (1970) Steel Joints LJ and LH Series (1970) Steel Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts (1970) Steel Joints (1971) ANSI G24.19 Std. Spec. Steel Joints (1974) Std. Spec. Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardene Steel Joist Design (1973) Steel Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1969) Steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. Fo Steel Machine Screw (1974) Std. for Aircraft, Steel Machine Screws (1973) Steel Manufacture (1960) ANSI H38.25 Steel Material Supply and Installation Contract (1968) Steel Mechanical Tubing (1971) ANSI G62.1 Steel Mechanical Tubing (1973) Steel Mechanical Tubing (1973) ANSI G62.4 Steel Members (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Fo Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and Temperature Steel Nuts (1971) Steel Nuts (1972) ANSI G24.30 Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength ASTM A616 ANSI B29.6 STDI 113 STDI 114 STDI 115 STDI 116 STDI 111-A STDI 105 STDI 111-D STDI 110 STDI 107 STDI 100 NBHA • 10 STDI 111 STDI 111-E STDI 112 STDI 108 STDI 111-C ASTM C646 ASTM C694 AWS A5.17 AWS A5.20 AWS A5.18 AWS A5.22 NSA 986 ANSI A10.13 ASTM A307 ASTM Al 16 ASTM A688 ANSI B16.ll ASTM A522 ASTM E404 SAE J408C ASTM A113 ASTM A420 ASTM A234 ASTM C632 ASTM A131 ASTM A477 ASTM A469 ASTM A 289 ASTM A291 ASTM A105 ASTM A541 ASTM A508 ASTM A336 ASTM A471 ASTM A470 ASTM A275 ASTM A473 ASTM A668 SSI *6 SSI *3 ANSI A97.2 AWS A5.2 API 6D ASTM A664 ASTM A690 ASTM A 199 NSA 1045 ASTM A125 IFI 101 ASHTO »6 UL 80 AISC S316-1 AISC S3 16-3 AISC S3 16-2 AISC S314 ASTM A490 SJI 5 ASTM A325 ICBO UBCS27-4 BIA 31B NSA 600 NSA 623 IFI 103 ASTM B37 CRSI •1.9.1 ASTM A511 ASTM A554 ASTM A519 ICBO UBCS27-3 ASTM A 194 SAE J995B ASTM A563 SAE AMS7250C 376 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards , Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1/ Spec, for Self-Locking Stee ts, and Cast Aluminum Covers (/ Std. for Electrical Sheet Stee ated Products (1973) Std. Meth. for Preparation of Stee Std. Rec. Pract. for Descaling and Cleaning Stainless Stee Std. for Stee ts for High Temper/ Std. Spec, for Forged or Rolled Alloy Stee ) Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Stee for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Stee atures (1973) Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Stee 4 Std. Spec, for Electric Fusion Welded Stee ) ANSI G36.49 Std. Spec, for Metal Arc Welded Stee (1973) ANSI B125.25 Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Stee Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Carbon Stee for Electric Fusion Welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Stee 5.39 Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Stee 25.30 Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Stee 5.24 Std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Alloy Stee .17 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Stee nd Hot Dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Stee Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Stee 8 Std. Spec, for Electric Welded Low Carbon Stee 1972) Spec, for Fabricated Structural Stee service (1972) Safety Std. for Stee for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Stee Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Stee c. for Welded and Seamless Black and Hot Dipped Galvanized Stee Uetin for Nondestructive Test. Terminology for Defects in Stee Std. Spec, for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Stee Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Clad Stee 5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Treated (1973/ Stee std. Spec, for Heat Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel St ated/ Std. Spec, for Hot, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium St s for Delivery of Flat Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting Stee spec, for High Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Stee for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon-Silicon Stee r Temperature Service (1972/ Std. Spec, for High Strength Stee Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of Stee Std. Spec, for Manganese Vanadium Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Charpy V-Notch Testing Requirements for Stee Std. Spec, for Nickel Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Molybdenum Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Carbon Manganese Silicon Stee Std. Spec, for Manganese Molybdenum and Its Nickel Alloy Stee td. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Stee eth. and Spec, for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Stee for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Stee Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for Structural Carbon Stee td. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Stee essure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.7 Std. Spec, for Carbon Stee: Std. Spec, for Ultrasonic, Angle Beam Examination of Stee ure Vessels (1/ Std. Spec, for Chromium Molybdenum, Alloy Stee Is (1972/ Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Stee std. Spec, for General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Stee (1962) Std. for Stainless Stee Std. for Stainless Stee r Temperature Service (1972) ANSI / Std. Spec, for Carbon Stee perature Service (1973) ANSI G35.1/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Stee std. Spec, for Chromium -Copper-Nickel- Aluminum Alloy Stee of Hexavalent Chromium Containing Treatments on Galvanized Stee ing Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Stee Cut Lengths) (1974) St (Stee Shapes, Rolled Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Piling (1/ (Stee orging; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars; Hot Rolled D/ (Stee (1972) (Stee Stee railway Axles (1973) Stee Std. Spec, for Wrought Alloy Tool Stee and Definitions for Mechanical Test, of Wrought and Cast Stee Std. Spec, for Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Assembled Stee se (1971) ANSI G57.12 Std. Spec, for Untreated Carbon Stee ated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Stee (Aluminized) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Stee ated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Stee td. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Lay Stranded Stee Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Stee ry (1969) ANSI B146.1 Std. for Flanged Stee 36C)) (SAE 4330 Modified) (1973) Spec, for Stee Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Stee Spec, for Iron and Stee or Measuring Case Depth (1972) Std. for Stee Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Suppor Panels for Test. Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Rel Parts, Equipment and Systems (1972) ANSI G81.16 Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Par Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures (1972 Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature Service (1 Pipe for High Pressure Service at Moderate Temper Pipe for High Pressure Service (1972A) ANSI B125. Pipe for High Pressure Transmission Service (1971 Pipe for High Temperature Central Station Service Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972) Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972) Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B12 Pipe for High Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI Bl Pipe for High Temperature Service (1973) Pipe for High Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B12 Pipe for Low Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B125 Pipe for Ordinary Uses (1973) ANSI B125.2 Pipe for Process Piping (1972A) Pipe for the Chemical Industry (1971) ANSI B125.3 Pipe for Use of Welded Offshore Fixed Platforms ( Pipe (Welded and Seamless) for Underground Water Pipe (1972) ANSI B125. 20 Std. Pipe (1972A) Pipe (1972A) ANSI B125.16 Pipe (1973) ANSI B125.1 Pipe (1974) /Spec. /Ack a Spec. Std. Spe Bu Piping Fittings (1973) ANSI G37.8 Plate (1973) Plate, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15. Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion Welded Unfired Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Strength at Elev Plate, Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.2 Plate. Sheet, and Strip (1972) ANSI G81.30 /Ment Plate, Suitable for Welding (1970E) ANSI G24.26 Plates for Machine Parts and General Construction Plates for Pressure Vessels for Moderate and Lowe Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G33.1 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G34.1 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.14 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.15 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35.2 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1973) ANSI G35.4 Plates for Pressure Vessels (1973) ANSI G60.2 /M Plates for Special Applications (1971) ANSI G35.2 Plates for Structural Applications (1973) Plates of Improved Toughness (1973) Plates of Structural Quality (1970) ANSI G24.2 Plates with Improved Transition Properties for Pr Plates (1973) ANSI G35.24 Plates, Quenched and Tempered Chromium, for Press Plates, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vesse Plates, Shapes. Sheet Piling, and Bars for Struct Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use) Plumbing Fixtures (1971) Pressure Vessel Plates for Intermediate and Highe Pressure Vessel Plates for Moderate and Lower Tern Pressure Vessel Plates (1972) ANSI G33.3 Prior to Conversion Coating (Coil) (1974) /Tion Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlemen Products Manual for Carbon Sheet Steel (coils and Products Manual) Carbon Steel Strip (1971) Products Manual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Structural Products Manual) Carbon Steel: Semifinished for F Products Manual) Steel Specialty Tubular Products Products Manual: Tin Mill Products (1973) Products Manual: Wrought Steel Wheels and Forged Products (Including Dies and Fixtures) (1973) Products (1973) ANSI G60.1 Std. Meth Products (1973) ANSI G8.18 Railway Axles for Export and General Industrial U Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.47 /Aluminum Co Reinforced (ACSR) (1972) ANSI C7.61 /Inum Coated Reinforced (ACSR) (1974) ANSI C7.60 /for Zinc Co Reinforced, (ACSR) (1972A) ANSI C7.22 Rope Wire (1972) ANSI G81.32 Safety Relief Valves Used in the Petroleum Indus! Sand Castings (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo (0.28-0. Sanitary Tubing (1973) ANSI B36.38 Scrap (1971) Self Drilling Tapping Screws and Rec. Technique F SAE NEMA ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API UL ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API ASTM ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM use IAPMO ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM AISI AISI AISI AISI AISI AISI AISI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM API SAE ASTM ISIS SAE AMS7251B OS1 D609 A380 B16.5 A 182 A671 A409 A672 A 155 A381 A376 A660 A358 A45I A 106 A426 A335 A333 A120 A524 A587 2B 888 A 530 A135 A312 A53 BULST1 A403 B432 AMS5549C A240 A457 A176 A480 A514 A 284 A612 A20 A225 A593 A203 A 204 A 299 A302 A285 A387 A435 A578 A678 A573 A283 A442 A577 A542 A543 A6 CS243 TSC20 A515 A516 A410 TB-II-7 A143 5 6 2 1 19 7 11 A681 A370 A386 A383 B341 B500 B498 B232 A492 526 AMS5329B A270 •1 J78 Engineering and Product Standards Division 377 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for ue, AU Metal (1973) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Regular Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Std. Spec, for Drawing Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent) slant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Tre/ th. Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium (/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon ) by the Hot Dip Process (1971) ANSI G8.2/ Std. Spec, for nized) by the Hot Dip Process (1971) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for steel' Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor Plates, and (0.49-0.5SC)) (1973) Spec, for -0.20V (0.33-0.38C)) Special Grade (1973) Spec, for 73) Spec, for Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant 8Cr-4.5Ni-3.SCu-(Cb + Ta), Consumable Electrode Va/ (0.38-0. 43C) (SAE 8740) (1973) 1.0Mo-0.09V (0.17-0.23C). Premium Quality, Consumab/ ocess for Roofing (1971) ANSI G8.21 Std. Spec, for ocess (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for General Requirements for ocess. Commercial Quality (1971) ANSI G8./ Std. Spec, for (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Process (1971) An/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Carbon ngths, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Di/ Std. Spec, for vocabulary) (1973) Std. for (Steel Products Manual) (1972T) Meth. of Test. Coated g Data from Atmospheric Corrosion Tests of Metallic Coated g Over Concrete Slab Floors (1962) Spec, for 6150) (1973) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Seamless Low Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum .23 Std. Spec, for Seamless Intermediate Alloy 39 Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Uniform Building Code Std. for Prestressed Carbon Carbon (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Std. Spec, for Cold Rolled Carbon orm Building Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Cold Formed for Spec, and Design of Light Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Std. Spec, for Sintered Copper i / Std. Spec, for Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Surface Preparation Spec, for for the Application of Gypsum Sheet Material to Light Gage Uniform Building Code Std. for Shear Connectors oil Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) / Spec, for Low Alloy Spec, for Low Alloy for Screw Applic/ Std. Spec, for Nonload (Axial) Bearing c. for Detection of Mill Chemical Treatments on Galvanized 3) Std. for Drills, High Speed roperties and Meth. of Test, for Helical Spring and Carbon Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Strength Properties of 25.1/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy uirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Austenitic Alloy 73) Std. Spec, for Std. for Seamless Low Carbon Std. for Welded and Cold Drawn Low Carbon Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless d Beading (1/ Std. for Welded Flash Controlled Low Carbon Std. Spec, for Copper Brazed Std. for Welded Low Carbon Std. for Brazed Double Wall Low Carbon Manual of Cold Formed Welded Structural r-20Ni) (SAE 30310) (1973) Spec, for rements for Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Carbon n (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Eddy Current Test, of Carbon ted for High Temperature Service (1/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Std. for iquids (1973) ANSI B137.1 Safety Std. for meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Carbon and Low Alloy Rules for Building and Classing Std. for Cement Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Carbon ec. for Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel 6130) (1973) Spec, for -HNi-(Cb+Ta) (1973) Spec, for nt (11.8Cr-2.8JVi-1.6Co-1.8Mo-0.32V)(l/ Spec, for -0.33C)) (SAE 6130) (1973) Spec, for Steel Products Manual: Wrought 57.13 Std. Spec, for Wrought g39.2 Std. Spec, for Wrought Carbon s teel s eel s teel s eel s eel s eel s eel s teel s eel s eel s eel s eel S eel s eel s eel S eel s eel s eel s eel s eel S eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel S eel s eel s eel s eel s eel S eel s eel s eel s eel (S eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel S eel s eel s eel St eel Si eel Si eel s eel s eel s eel s eel s eel 1 Self Drilling Tapping Screws (1972) 1 Self-Locking Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing Torq 1 Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.24 1 Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI G24.25 1 Sheet and Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) 1 Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resi 1 Sheet and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, High Streng 1 Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality (1972) 1 Sheet of Drawing Quality, Zinc Coated (Galvanized 1 Sheet of Lock Forming Quality, Zinc Coated (Galva 1 Sheet Piling (1970) /El Products Manual) Carbon 1 Sheet, Strip, and Plate (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-CL25Mo 1 Sheet, Strip, and Plate (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo 1 Sheet, Strip, and Plate (13Cr-2.0Ni-3.0W) (19 1 Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion Resistant, 14. 1 Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.25Mo 1 Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 0.75Cr-9.0Ni-4.5Co- 1 Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Pr 1 Sheet. Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Pr 1 Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Pr 1 Sheets for Culverts and Underdrains, Zinc Coated 1 Sheets for Porcelain Enameling (1973) 1 Sheets for Pressure Vessels (1971) ANSI G33.4 1 Sheets of Structural Quality in Coils, and Cut Le 1 Shipping Container Industry Glossary (Packaging, 1 Specialty Tubular Products (1972) 1 Specimens Dynamically for Resistance to Corrosion 1 Specimens (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Recordin 1 Splined Continuous Strip Mastic Set Maple Floorin 1 Spring Wire (0.95Cr-0.22V (0.48-0. 53C)) (SAE 1 Spring Wire, Best Quality Music (1973) 1 Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125 1 Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125 1 Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B36. 1 Strand and Wire for Concrete Construction (1973) 1 Strip (0.68-0.80C) (SAE 1074) (1973) 1 Strip (0.90-1.04C) (SAE 1095) (1973) 1 Strip (1971) 1 Strip (1972A) ANSI G47.1 1 Structural Members (1973) Unif 1 Structural Members (1973) /Rm Building Code Std. 1 Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63.3 1 Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes (1973) Ans 1 Structural Tubing (1973) ANSI G24.22 1 Structure Painting (1972) 1 Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel Drill Screws 1 Studs) for Composite Construction (1973) 1 Studs, Heat Resistant, Normalized and Tempered, R 1 Studs, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) 1 Studs, Runners (Track) and Rigid Furring Channels 1 Surfaces (Coil Coating) (1974) Spe 1 Threaded Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. Thru Letter F (197 1 Tooth Lock Washers (1972) /Intensions, Physical P 1 Truss Plates (1973) 1 Tubes for Low Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI Bl 1 Tubes (1971A) ANSI B125.34 /Pec. for General Req 1 Tubes (1972) 1 Tubes, Low Carbon, Tapered for Structural Use (19 I Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flaring (1972) 1 Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flaring (1972) 1 Tubing for General Service (1973) ANSI B125.14 1 Tubing for General Service (1973) ANSI B125.15 1 Tubing Normalized for Bending, Double Flaring, an 1 Tubing (1970) ANSI B125.33 1 Tubing (1972) 1 Tubing (1972) 1 Tubing (1974) 1 Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (25C 1 Tubular Products for High Temperature Service Con 1 Tubular Products (Tubing) with Magnetic Saturatio 1 Tubular Spring Pins (1973) 1 Turbine Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Trea 1 Underfloor Duct Raceways (1972) 1 Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible L 1 Using a Vacuum Spectrometer (1971) ANSI Z128.33 1 Vessels (1972) 1 Water Pipe (4 In. and Larger, Shop Applied) (1971 1 Water Well Pipe (1972A) 1 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.9 1 Welding Wire (0.95Cr-0.20V (0.28-0.33C)) (SAE 1 Welding Wire, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (18Cr 1 Welding Wire, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resista 1 Welding Wire, Vacuum Melted (0.95Cr-0.20V (0.28 1 Wheels and Forged Railway Axles (1973) 1 Wheels for Electric Railway Service (1972) ANSI G 1 Wheels for Locomotives and Rail Cars (1971) ANSI IFI 113 SAE AMS7252A ASTM A506 ASTM A507 ASTM A569 SAE AMS5547C ASTM A607 ASTM A570 ASTM A528 ASTM A527 AISI 2 SAE AMS6396 SAE AMS6433B SAE AMS5508B , SAE AMS5862 SAE AMS6358D SAE AMS6523A ASTM A361 ASTM A525 ASTM A526 ASTM A444 ASTM A424 ASTM A414 ASTM A446 ANSI MH2.18 AISI 19 ASTM D2933 ASTM G33 WSFI *5 SAE AMS6450D SAE AMS5112F ASTM A161 ASTM A200 ASTM A271 ICBO UBCS26-7 SAE AMS5120G SAE AMS5121D AISI 6 ASTM A109 ICBO UBCS279 ICBO UBCS27-10 ASTM B426 ASTM A500 ASTM A501 ANSI A159.1 ASTM C646 ICBO UBCS278 SAE AMS7458C SAE AMS7456G ASTM C645 NCCA TB-II-11 NSA 965 ANSI B18.21.1 ASTM E489 ASTM A334 ASTM A450 ASTM A669 ASTM A595 SAE J524B SAE J525B ASTM A268 ASTM A269 SAE J356A ASTM A254 SAE J526B SAE J527B WSTI •1 SAE AMS5577C ASTM A520 ASTM E309 SAE AMS7205D ASTM A437 NEMA UD 1 UL 58 ASTM E415 ABS •5 AWWA C205 ASTM A589 AWS A5.9 SAE AMS6462D SAE AMS5680D SAE AMS5823 SAE AMS6461E AISI 11 ASTM A25 ASTM A504 378 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards rcement (1973) in Concrete (1970) iG45.1 iG45.3 i G54.17 nsi G54.1/ Std. Spec, for Cast Stee Rec. Spec, for Stee Uniform Building Code Std. for Welded Stee Spec. Stee Std. Spec, for Welded Stee Std. Spec, for Welded Deformed Stee Std. Spec, for Cold Drawn Stee Std. Spec, for Cold Worked Deformed Stee Uniform Building Code Std. for Cold Drawn Stee Spec, for Nickel Coated Copper Clad Stee Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality Stee Std. Spec, for Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Carbon Stee Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Stee Std. Spec, for Music Spring Quality Stee Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Stee std. Spec, for Free Machining Stainless and Heat Resisting Stee Bolts (1972) ANSI G54.16 Std. Spec, for Alloy Stee si G54.1 Std. Spec, for Stee 1973) Std. Spec, for Stee anical Springs (1973) Std. Spec, for Stee Hexagon Head Bolls (1972) ANSI G54.15 Std. Spec, for Stee 971) ANSI G54.4 Std. Spec, for Stee ant. 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.1N (1973) Stee Std. for Tube Assembly. Control Stee Std. for Tube Assembly, Control Stee 2 In. (12.7 Mm) Maximum Thickn/ Std. Spec, for Structural Stee e Piping (1969) Std. Pract. for High Strength Carbon St. Rec. Pract. for Stainless St Std. for Bolt-Internal Wrenching, St Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Stc surement of Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes on Mild Stee impact Resistance of Painted Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Stee Spec, for Determination of Phosphate Coating Weights on Stee ination for Conversion Coating on Aged or Baked Aluminized Stee coating Weight on Hot Dip Galvanized and Electrogalvanized Stee eth. and Controls to Prevent in Service Cracking of Carbon Stee Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc Protection of Iron and Stee Pract. for Preparation of and Electroplating on Stainless Stee Rec. Pract. for High Strength, Low Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Carbon-Chromium Ball and Roller Bearing Stee Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Structural Stee Std. Spec, for High Strength Structural Stee for High Strength Low Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium Stee Std. for Welding Zinc Coated Stee tive Measurement of Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Stee Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Rivet Stee Std. for Rod-Control, Solid Stee Std. for Bushing-Plain, Press Fit, Stee Rivets, Carbon Stee d. Spec, for Normalized High Strength Low Alloy Structural Stee r Screw, Machine, 100 Deg., Flat Head Full Threaded, Alloy Stee on. Fabrication, Identification and Painting of Structural Stee cords. Tire Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Strands Made from Stee Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Inclusion Content of Stee Steel Products Manual for Carbon Sheet Stee and Steel Sheet Piling (1/ (Steel Products Manual) Carbon St Std. for Bushing-Clamp Up, Stee and Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for St ng Quality (1973) Std. Spec, for Stee Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Sti Std. Spec, for St r Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solu/ Studs, St. Std. for Full Threaded, 160 Ksi St. Spec, for Fasteners, Alloy Stee Std. for Rod End, Threaded, Alloy Stee Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Stee Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled Nonoriented Electrical Stee for Flat Rolled, Grain Oriented, Silicon Iron, Electrical Stee Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Stee i G35.ll Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Stee It, 100 Deg. Head. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Stee Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Stee Roll Threaded (1973) Bolts and Screws, St rete / Uniform Building Code Std. for Welding Reinforcing St 1972A) Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Stee 1972A) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Stee Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Stee 3) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, 108 Ksi Stee Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Stee um-Chromi/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy St si G35.20 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy St ese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy St Wheels for Railway Service (1973) Windows (1973) Wire and Deformed Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinfo Wire Bar Supports Used to Position Reinforcement Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Ans Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) Ans Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ANSI A50.3 Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1972) ANSI G45.2 Wire for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) Wire for Electronic Application (1972) Wire for Machine Screws (1971) ANSI G54.14 Wire for Tapping or Sheet Metal Screws (1971) Ans Wire for Wood Screws (1971) ANSI G54.18 Wire of Scrapless Nut Quality (1972) ANSI K91.3 Wire Rods and Uncoated Coarse Round Wire (1971) a Wire Strand (1972A) ANSI C7.46 Wire (1971) ANSI G54.2 Wire (1971) ANSI G81.41 Wire (1971) ANSI G81.42 Wire, Alloy Cold Heading Quality for Hexagon Head Wire, Hard Drawn for Mechanical Springs (1971) an Wire, Hard Drawn for Prestressing Concrete Pipe ( Wire, High Tensile Strength, Hard Drawn, for Mech Wire, Medium High Carbon Cold Heading Quality for Wire, Oil Tempered Carbon Valve Spring Quality (1 Wire, Welding, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resist with Welded Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) with Welded Threaded Rod Ends (1973) with 42,000 psi (290 MPa) Minimum Yield Point (1/ Wrought Welding Fittings for High Pressure Servic 17-7 pH Spring Wire and Springs (1970) 1/4-28 Thru 1-1/8-12 (1973) 5% Chromium, 0.5% Molybdenum (1972) ANSI G35.16 (Coil Coating) (1974) Test Meth. for Mea (Coil Coating) (1974) / Meth. for Measurment of (Coil) (1974) (Coil) (1974) Spec, for Coating Weight Determ (Coil) (1974) /. for Determination of Phosphate (P-l) Welds in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Envir (1967) Rec. Pract. for (1970) ANSI G53.13 Std. Rec. (1970) ANSI G88.3 (1970) ASTM G56.2 (1970A) ANSI G41.2 (1970A) ANSI G41.3 (1970A) ANSI G41.4 Std. Spec. (1972) (1972) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1973) (1974) (1974) ANSI Z30.5 (coils and Cut Lengths) (1974) Plates, Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor Plates, , Cadmium Plated (1973) , Carbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Rolled Sheet , Carbon, Strip, Cold Rolled Hard, Untempered Spri , Chromium Manganese Silicon (1972A) ANSI G32.1 , Cold Rolled Sheet, Carbon, Structural (1972) , Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded Afte , Drilled Head Bolt (1972) , Externally Threaded (1972) , Flash Welding Type (1973) , Full Thread, Nonlocking (1973) , Full Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) , Fully Processed Type (1973) , Fully Processed Types 27G053, 30G058, and 35G066 , High Strength Manganese (1972A) ANSI G35.8 , High Strength, Quenched and Tempered (1972A) Ans , Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) , Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) , Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Hardened and Tempered, , Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Cone , Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 12% Nickel ( , Precipitation Hardening (Maraging), 18% Nickel ( , Protruding Head, Shear Stump Type (1973) , Protruding Head, Shear / Tension, Pull Type (197 , Protruding Head, Tension, Stump Type, (1973) , Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Cobalt-Molybden , Quenched and Tempered 8 and 9% Nickel (1972A) an , Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Plate Std. Meth. for Nondestruc St Std. Fo Uniform Building Code Std. for Erecti Std. Meth. of Test. Tire ASTM SWI ICBO CRSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE NSA NSA ASTM MSS SAE NSA ASTM NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NCCA NACE AWS ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWS ASTM ICBO NSA NSA SAE ASTM NSA ICBO ASTM ASTM AISI AISI NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA NSA SAE ICBO ASTM ASTM NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM A583 «1 UBCS26-6 •1.3.1 A185 A497 A82 A496 UBCS24-16 B559 A 545 A548 A549 A544 A510 A475 A228 A580 A581 A547 A227 A648 A679 A546 A230 AMS5774A 359 358 A529 SP63 J217 144 A357 TB-II-15 TB-II-6 TB-II-1 TB-II-8 TB-II-3 RP-04-72 C2.2 B254 J410C A295 A 242 A 440 A441 D19.0 G12 UBCS27-5 354 75 AMS7225D A633 514 UBCS27-2 D2969 E45 5 2 73 A659 A680 A202 A611 AMS7482 563-572 4002 5 5900-03 5600-06 A677 A665 A455 A517 4104-16 6604-20 AMS7455D UBCS26-8 A590 A538 1424 7034 1496 A605 A553 A533 Engineering and Product Standards Division 379 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1973) 73) 73) Rec. Pract. for Stainless ead, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, Alloy flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy It, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy t Equipment) (1974) Std. for Forged Carbon Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessels Plates, 5% Nickel Alloy type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, ion, Pull Type (1973) Std. for Pin. Swage Locking, on. Pull Type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, e (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, led. Plain and Self Locking, Alloy and Corrosion Resisting lain and Self Locking, Alloy Steel and Corrosion Resisting Std. for Tube Assembly, Control, Std. for Tube Assembly, Control, Std. for Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Std. for Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Std. for Bolt-Internal Wrenching, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Std. for Pin. Swage Locking, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. 108 Ksi t Bolt, 100 Deg. Flush Tension Head Hi Torque Recess Alloy Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy ANSI G35.3 Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy 1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Tool ec. Pract. for Determining the Susceptibility of Stainless Std. Spec, for Flat Rolled Electrical Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Columbium Vanadium ec. for Quality Assurance Sampling of Carbon and Low Alloy Rec. Pract. for Resistance Welding Coated Low Carbon rials with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Std. for Chemical Compositions of SAE Carbon Std. for Chemical Compositions of SAE Alloy Std. for Hardenability Bands for Alloy H Rec. Pract. for Hardenability Bands for Carbon H Tent. Meth. for Drop Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic ations from Specified Ladle Chemical Ranges and Limits for Std. Spec, for Carbon Tool sis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium and High Alloy Std. for Plating, High Strength ical Analysis of Carbon, Low Alloy, and Silicon Electrical nished Bars; Hot Rolled D/ (Steel Products Manual) Carbon ranite. Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Acidity Content in Cor/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content in alytical Meth. for Determining Ammonia Nitrogen Content in cal Meth. for Determining Lactic Acid and Salts Content in Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content in nalytical Meth. for Determining Reducing Sugars Content in 1 Meth. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content in alytical Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in lar Bicycles Including Tests for Static Load, Frame, Fork, eel Assembly, Chainguards, Saddle Braces, Pedal Clearance, ion and Industrial Front End Loaders and Dozers/ Std. for Performance Requirements for Stopping Power, Traction and Std. for Tires and Rims for Agricultural and Industrial Rec. Pract. for Drill Std. Spec, for Sizes for Threaded Caster Die Buttons, Variable, Press Fit, Headless and Head Type, roscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funnel, Trap Flask, tenings by Distillation with Toluene (Cereal C/ Bidwell - dstuffs by Distillation with Toluene (Cereal C/ Bidwell - Rec. Pract. for Drill Std. Spec, for Magnesium Ingot and of a Torsional / Std. Meth. of Measuring Low Temperature earn. Joint and Rafter Span, Load, Deflection, Strength and atus (1972) ALCA E/ Std. Meth. for Measuring the Relative 70) ANSI K65.13 Std. Meth. of Test for rature by Means of a Torsion Test/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for Determining 973) Quality Stds. for Blinds and Shutters Using Quality Stds. for Quality Stds. for rior Frames and Sash, Screens, Blinds and Shutters, Flush, on Meth. for Determining Speed of Color Reversal Films for Std. for Shutter Tests for Std. Picture Sizes for Roll, 35 mm Film, and 126 mm Film exposure Time Markings for Variable Speed Shutters Used in ft. Spools for Recording Instruments and for Microfilm and Std. for Illumination Tests for Photographic Std. Spec, for Seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Spec, for Seamless Low Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Std. for Permissible Vari Std. Meth. for Chemical Analy Steel, SAE 30302, Spring Wire and Springs (1971) Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) /Bolt, Pan H Steel, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) /Ine Screw, Steel, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1973) /for Bolt, 100 Steel, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Steel, Short Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground Suppor Steel, Specially Heat Treated (1972A) Steel, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, Shear, Pull Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tens Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (Ms2494), Tensi Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Pull Typ Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Cap Screw (1972) . /Lied and Dril Steel, UNJF-3A Thread, Cap Screw (1972) /Nd Drilled, P Steel, with Flash Welded and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends ( Steel, 1.2500-12 (1973) Steel, 1.3750-12 (1973) Steel, 1.5000-12 (1973) Steel. 100 Deg. Crown Head, Tension, Pull Type (1973) Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Stump Type (19 Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Stump Type (19 Steel, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Stump Type (1973) Steel, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension Head, Pull Type (1973) Steel, 160,000 psi (1973) Std. Par Steel, 36% Nickel (1972) Steel. 9% Nickel Double Normalized and Tempered (1972A) Steels and Other Similar Medium and High Alloy Steels ( Steels and Related Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys to Stress Corrosion Steels for Magnetic Applications (1974) Steels of Structural Quality (1972) ANSI G41.6 Steels (Wrought Products Except Forgings and Stock) (19 Steels (1970) Steels (1970) ANSI G38.12 /20 KSI Yield Strength. Mate Steels (1970) ANSI G88.1 Steels (1970) ANSI G88.2 Steels (1971) Steels (1971) Steels (1971) ANSI Z260.3 Steels (1972) Steels (1973) Steels (1973) Steels, Cadmium (1973) Steels, Ingot and Wrought Irons (1973) /Meth. for Chem Steel: Semifinished for Forging; Hot Rolled and Cold Fi Steel; Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceiling: Partitions; Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Products Obtained from Steepwater and Most Other Liquid Products Obtained from Steepwater (Corn) (1962) Std. an Steepwater (Corn) (1962) Std. Analyti Steepwater (Corn) (1964) Steepwater (Corn) (1964) Std. a Steepwater (Corn) (1966) Std. Analytica Steepwater, (Corn) Feedstuffs, Syrups, Sugars, Starches Steering Assembly and Tire Blowout (1972) /Ts for Regu Steering Control, Brakes, Tires and Controls (1972) Steering Frame Lock for Articulated Vehicles (Construct Steering Stability for Regular Bicycles (1972) Steering, Drive, Planter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, Stem Design and Operating Limits (Petroleum) (1974) Stems (1965) Step Relief (1972) Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, Rot Fragmen Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Fats and Shor Sterling Meth. of Analysis of Moisture in Feeds and Fee Stern Test Report Form (1972) Stick for Remelting (1971A) ANSI H45.5 Stiffening of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by Means Stiffness Computations (1973) Rec. for Wood B Stiffness of Leather by Means of a Torsional Wire Appar Stiffness of Plastics by Means of a Cantilever Beam (19 Stiffness Properties of Plastics as a Function of Tempe Stiffness (Modulus of Bending) of Fiberboards (1972) Stile and Rail Construction (Architectural Woodwork) (1 Stile and Rail Doors (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) Stile and Rail Wall Paneling (1973) Stile, and Rail Doors, Factory Finishing, Rough and Fin Still Photography (1972) /Metric Exposure and Evaluati Still Picture Cameras (Photography) (1972) Still Picture Cameras (1972) Still Picture Cameras (1972) Std. Still Picture Cameras (1972) /M 100 Ft. and 70 mm 100 Still Projection Equipment (1971) Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125.23 Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125.5 /. Still Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B36.39 /H /D. for Std. for SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE AWS ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM SAE ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM AISI ICBO CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR BMA BMA SAE BMA TRA API CFTMA ANSI AACCH AACCH AACCH API ASTM ASTM WWPA ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE AWI AWI AWI AWI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM J230 5000-6 5300-06 4703-16 6203-20 4400-16 1053 A645 1446 1475 1456 1436 1352 1351 361 362 172 174 176 6935 6925 1486 1414 7024 583 A658 A353 E352 G35 A345 A572 AMS2370A CI. 3 A453 J403F J404G J407C J776D E436 J409C A686 E352 672 E350 1 UBC»3-23 J-4 J-48 J-12 J-36 J-14 J -58 J -44 J-56 6/4 6/5 J276 6/3 4 7G STEM B94.43 28-90 44-51 44-50 RP48 B92 D1053 •30 D2821 D747 D1043 J949A •1-1200 •1-1400 •1-500C •1-1 PH2.21 PH3.48 PH3.39 PH3.32 PHI. 33 PH3.47 A200 A161 A271 380 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards r Small Construction Contracts Where Basis of Payment Is A ng Code Std. for Blower, Fan, and Exhaust System for Dust, Meth. of Analysis of Crude Fat in Grain and Std. Proofing Supplement itation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging dening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Std. for Motion Picture Raw nces of Aluminum and Its Alloy Bar, Rod. Wire, and Forging Uniform Fire Code: High Piled Combustible Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule and Low Alloy Steels (Wrought Products Except Forgings and r the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, i. Vacuum Induct/ Steel Bars. Wire, Forgings, and Forging hrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergre/ Std. for Nursery mall Fruits (Berry. Currant. Grape. Asparagus); Lining Out grouted. Reinforced Grouted, Hollow Unit. Cavity Wall, and Uniform Building Code Std. for Cast Building Building Code Std. for Concrete Aggregates (Sand. Crushed base Courses (1971) ANSI A37.99 Std. Spec, for Crushed rotectio/ Uniform Building Code: Veneer (Brick. Concrete. Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Natural Building Rec. Pract. for Mechanical Rec. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Std. Meth. of Test. Anti Leak Antifreezes and nger Vehicles, Buses. Trucks, and Combin/ Rec. Pract. for utomobile Equipped with Full Scale Tir/ Meth. of Test for utomobile Equipped with Fu/ Tent. Meth. of Measurement of ular Bicycl/ Safety Std. for Performance Requirements for Rec. for Rec. Pract. for Bus Rec. Pract. for Proper Location of Bus Construction of Indoor Rifle and Pistol Ranges and Bullet spital and Misc. Items; Key Control Systems; Door Holders. Safety Requirements for al. Henequen. Ixtle. Jutes. Hemp, Tow/ Uniform Fire Code: 1974) Rec. for rosene. Acetone. Alcohol,/ I'niform Building Code Std. for (During the Con/ Std. for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, ) Std. for the ns Containing More Than 2 c f Free Ammonia (1970) Std. for lulose Films (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for lose) (1973) Uniform Building Code: Film ) (1973) Rec. Code for Transportation. st for Gloss Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard After h. for Gloss Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard After nery (1970) Rec. Pract. for std. for Determination of Capacity of Lead Acid Industrial ors. Automotive and Industrial A/ Std. for Lead Acid Type Trucks/ Safety and Health Rec. for Changing and Charging Std. Test Proc. for Rec. Pract. for Life Test for Automotive luding Guarantee Policy for Motor Vehicle Type (Lead Acid) nd Starting) for Passenger Automobiles. Commercial Vehic/ iven Generators and Reversible Generator/Motors for Pumped Reversible Synchronous Generator / Motor Units for Pumped Agricultural Grain Std. for Dimensions of Containers for Packaging and Std. Rec. Pract. for Rec. Concerning fety) (1974) Fire Hazards and Protection Std. for Rack Rec. for Solid. Palletized, and Rack Std. for Practice for n Microfilm (1971) Std. Practice for Fire Hazards Anf Protection Rec. for Indoor ansi Zl/ Std. Meth. for Preparation. Standardization, and Rec. Safeguards for Arrangement of Carpet for Safety for Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File Quality Stds. for Closet and standing and Running Trim. Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Safety Std. for Household Electric 72) Safety Std. for Aboveground Sanitary Std. for Sanitary Std. for Silo Type for Safety for Flame Arresters (Fire) for Use on Vents of Std. for Welded Aluminum Alloy Field Erected Rec. for Design of Farm Waste Sanitary Std. for Farm Milk Plumbing Requirements for Household Btu Per Hr.) (Vol/ Std. for Gas Water Heaters (Automatic Std. for Household Automatic Electric e III, Circulating Tank, Instantaneous and Large Automatic lid. Palletized and Bin Box Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf for Indoor General Storage (Solid, Palletized and Bin Box fibers. Wool) (1974) Rec. for Baled Textile Fiber Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 / Rec. for Indoor General Stipulated Sum) (1974) /Tween Owner and Contractor (Fo AIOA A 107 Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) Uniform Buildi ICBO UBCS10-3 Stock Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 30-20 Stock for Gravure Magazines (Printing) (1973) GT »5 Stock for High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81. 44 ASTM A637 Stock for High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.45 ASTM A638 Stock for High Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81. 46 ASTM A639 Stock Identification and Labeling (1973) ANSI PH22.184 Stock (Rolled or Drawn) (1973) Spec, for Tolera SAE AMS2201J Stock (Storage) (1973) ICBO UFC'2ART35 Stock (1974) ANSI H23. 14 Std. Spec, for ASTM Bill Stock) (1973) /R Quality Assurance Sampling of Carbon SAE AMS2370A Stock, and Vapor Removal or Conveying (1973) ANSI Z33.1 NFPA 91 Stock, Corrosion Resistant, 12Cr-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l. IT SAE AMS5617A Stock: Deciduous Shade and Flowering Trees; Deciduous S ANSI Z60.1 Stock: Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs. Corms, and Tub ANSI Z60.1 Stone Masonry (1973) /E Uniform Building Code: Solid, ICBO UBC«8-11 Stone (1973) ICBO UBCS24-14 Stone, Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furnace Slag) ( ICBO UBCS26-2 Stone, Slag, and Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Macadam ASTM D694 Stone, Tile, Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, P ICBO UBC*3-30 Stones (1974) ASTM C119 Stop Lamp (Light) Switch (1972) SAE J249 Stop Lamp (Light) (1971) SAE J278 Stop Leak Additives for Engine Coolants (1972) ASTM D3147 Stopping Distance of Passenger Cars. Multipurpose Passe SAE J299 Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Losing a Passenger a ASTM E445 Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger a ASTM E503 Stopping Power. Traction and Steering Stability for Reg BMA 6/3 Stopping Powers for Use with Cavity Chambers (1961) NCRPM R27 Stops for Freeway Operations (1971) ITE *9 Stops (1967) ITE *10 Stops (1973) NRA »1 Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; Electromagnetic Holder NBHA 8 Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia (1972) FI P130 Storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres (Cotton. Sis ICBO L FC»2ART7 Storage and Handling of Compressed Gases in Cylinders ( FMS 7-50 Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Ke ICBO UBCS10-1 Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants ANSI N45.2.2 Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (1972 NFPA 58 Storage and Handling of Nitrogen and Fertilizer Solutio FI P145 Storage and Handling of Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocel ICBO UBCS48-1 Storage and Handling (Photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellu ICBO UBC*3-48 Storage and Use of Explosive Materials (Fire Protection FMS 7-28 Storage at 104 F (400(1973) Std. Meth. of Te ASTM D2895 Storage at 140 Deg. (40 Deg. C.) (1972) Met TAPPI T682 Storage Batteries for Construction and Industrial Machi SAE J930A Storage Batteries for Motive Power Service (1974) NEMA IB2 Storage Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Motorboats, Tract SAE J537H Storage Batteries in Motive Power Service (For Electric ITA 8K1 Storage Batteries (1972) BCI *l-66 Storage Batteries (1972) SAE J240A Storage Batteries (1972) / Domestic Marketing Std. Inc BCI * 1 . 15 Storage Battery Spec. (Vehicular. Ignition. Lighting, a BCI *1.48 Storage Installations (1972) /Cal Hydraulic Turbine Dr NEMA MG5.2 Storage Installations (1974) /Nchronous Generators and NEMA MG5.1 Storage Loads. Pressures, and Capacities (1968) ASAE D240 Storage of Aerial Photographic Film on Spools (1972) ANSI PHI. 46 Storage of Aerosol Products (1972) ASTM D3090 Storage of Expanded Rubber (1972) FMS LPD8-2 Storage of Flammable and Combustible Materials (Fire Sa FMS 8-33N Storage of Plastics (1974) FMS 8-9 Storage of Processed Photographic Plates (1972) ANSI PHI. 45 Storage of Processed Safety Photographic Film Other Tha ANSI PHI. 43 Storage of Roll Paper (1974) FMS 8-21 Storage of Std. Solutions for Chemical Analysis (1972) ASTM E200 Storage Racks (1972) FMS LPD8-30 Storage Room Doors (1972) ANSI A153.1 Std. UL 155 Storage Shelving (1973) AWI *l-600 Storage Shelving, Misc. Ornamental Items, Stairwork and AWI *1-1 Storage Tank Water Heaters (1972) ANSI C33. 87 UL 174 Storage Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (19 UL 142 Storage Tanks for Milk and Its Products (1974) DFISA 0106 Storage Tanks for Milk and Its Products (1974) DFISA 2203 Storage Tanks for Petroleum Oil and Gasoline (1973) Ans UL 525 Storage Tanks (1973) ANSI B96.1 Storage Tanks (1973) ASAE R345.1 Storage Tanks (1973) DFISA 3000 Storage Type Electrical Hot Water Dispensers (1973) ASSE 1023 Storage Type Water Heaters with Inputs Less Than 75,000 ANSI Z21.10.1 Storage Type Water Heaters (1972) ANSI C72 1 Storage Type (1974) Std. for Gas Water Heaters: Volum ANSI Z21.10.3 Storage Up to 15 Ft. High) (Fire Protection and Safety) FMS 8-25N Storage Up to 30 Ft. and Shelf Storage Up to 15 Ft. Hig FMS 8-25N Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sisal. Flax, Synthetic FMS 8-7 Storage (Solid. Palletized and Bin Box Storage Up to 30 FMS 8-25N Engineering and Product Standards Division 381 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards luating Oxidation of Wool Oils on Woolen Fabric Textile in g Effect of Packaging on Food and Beverage Products During Moisture Relationships of Agricultural Grain and Seed for Rec. for Distilled Spirits 5) Rec. for Deep, Cast in Place Concrete nd Concretes/ Std. Spec, for Moist Cabinets and (Specimen Uniform Fire Code: High Piled Combustible Stock or Uninsulated Tanks for Milk and Its Products (Mixing and 3) ANSI Z/ Std. Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Rec. for Flammable Liquid Drum Std. for Receptacle Dummy or Garden Grades, Application and Design. Span Allowances, nt (Septic. Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambers, Chemical Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Naval Specs, for Aluminum Combination Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Std. Spec, for Concrete Sewer, Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Std. Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, m Combination Vertically Sliding or Horizontally Operating Construction Details. 6 In Brick and Tile Walls for 1 Std. for Household Electric Ranges Std. for Household Electric Ranges d. Household Electric Range Pyrolytic Self Cleaning Ovens Safety Std. for Oil Burning Std. for Domestic Gas Hot Plates and Laundry Std. for Hotel and Restaurant Gas Ranges Std. for Safety for Household Electric Ranges for Colorfastness of Dyed Textile Yarns to Sulfur Dioxide s for Flam/ Stds. and Pract. for Design, Construction and Std. for Consumable Electric Covered Bare steel Plates for Special Applications (19/ Std. Spec, for r Pressure Vessels (1973) ANSI / Std. Meth. and Spec, for wheat Bread Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) -37C80) (1974) -37A80, Dot-37A60, Ufc-Rule/ 75 Shore, O-Ring (1973) 90 Shore. O-Ring (1973) ansi Z260.2 ation)(1971) Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Std. for Packing, Preformed, Std. for Packing, Preformed, Std. for Pin, Std. Test Meth. for Plane Std. Specs, and Tests for Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Stress Std. Meth. of Test for Annealing Point and Std. Meth. of Test for Annealing Point and Std. Meth. of Test for Plastic mmonia (Fertilizer Gr/ Std. for Safety for Self Contained Pressure Rating Std. for Y Type tion of Seacocks, Through Hull Connections. Outboard Water ies of Elastomeric Vulcanizates Under Compressive or .Shear Uniform Building Code Std. for Prestressed Steel Std. Spec, for Zinc Coated Steel Wire (Acar, EC/6201) (1972) An/ Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay s, for Electrical Conductors (1971) Spec, for Rope Lay (1972) ANSI C7.8 Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Std. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric Lay Std. Spec, for Compact Round Concentric Lay- spec, for Rope Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch Zinc Coated (Galvanized) and Aluminum Coated (Aluminized) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Lay C7.50 Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay i C7.52 Std. Spec, for Concentric Lay Std. Spec, for Aluminum Conductors, Concentric Lay th. of Test. Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Std. for rubber (1971) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Turnbuckle-Tank Std. for Terminal-Tank Spec, for Lineman's Climbing Equipment (Body Belt, Safety Buckle. Web Std. for Terminal-Tank Std. for Trunnion — Tank Std. for Trunnion-Tank e and Tubing, Mattresses and Pads, Sheeting, and Restraint riction Coefficients of Chopped Forages (Grass, Corn. Hay, Fibers. Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth. Wastepaper, Kapok, Hay, Std. Meth. of Estimating Std. for c. for Std. Integrated Data Processing Systems Designed to Std. for Voltage Classification of Luminaires Used in n P/ Uniform Building Code: Regulations for I'se of Public bundle Meth.) (1972) Ans/ Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Shapes (1972) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Test for Cold Crushing c. for Wood Beam, Joint and Rafter Span, Load, Deflection, d Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Storage (1971) ANSI L14. S2 Test Meth. for Eva Storage (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Determinin Storage (1972) /Ensity, Specific Gravity, and Weight- Storage (1974) (Storage) Bin and Silo Wall Design and Construction (196 Storage) Rooms Used in the Test, of Hydraulic Cements a (Storage) (1973) Storage) (1974) Sanitary Stds. F Storage, and Use of Explosives and Blasting Agents (197 Storage, Dispensing, and Classification (1972) Storage, Electrical Connector (1972) Storage, Finishes and Nails and Fastenings) (1973) / F Storage, Mixing, Filter, Grit Chambers, and Flotation) Stores and Related Products (1972) Storm Doors (1971) Storm Drain Pipe (1973) Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (1973) Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1971) Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1972) Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (1973) Storm Windows for External Application (1972) ANSI A134 Story Buildings (Tech. Notes) (1966) (Stove and Ovens) (1972) ANSI C71.1 (Stove) with Glass / Ceramic Cooking Tops (1974) (Stove) (1974) St Stoves (Room Heaters and Ranges) (1973) Stoves (1971) (Stoves) and Unit Broilers (1973) (Stoves) (1974) ANSI C33.53 Stoving (1972) ANSI L14.9 Test Meth. Stowage of Portable Fuel Systems and Portable Container Straight and Coiled Welding Electrodes and Rods (1972) Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates Fo Straight Dough Meth. of Analysis for Baking Quality of Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Pail (Container) (Dot Straight Side Lug Cover Universal Pails (Container) (Do Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, Straight Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MILR-25897 Rubber, Straight, Headless (Dowel) (1973) Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials (1972) Strain Gage Linear Acceleration Transducers (Instrument Strain of Carbons and Graphite (1973) Strain Point of Glass by Beam Bending (1972) Strain Point of Glass by Fiber Elongation (1971) Strain Ratio R for Sheet Metal (1974) Strainer or Filter for Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous a Strainers (1973) Strainers, Water Scoops and Drain Plugs (Boats) (1972) Strains by the Mechanical Oscillograph (1972) ANSI J2.1 Strand and Wire for Concrete Construction (1973) Strand (1972A) ANSI C7.46 Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Alloy Reinforced Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch Stranded Member Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium Hard, or Soft Stranded Copper Conouctors (1974) ANSI C7.59 Stranded EC Grade Aluminum Conductors (1972) ANSI C7.53 Stranded Members, for Electrical Conductors (1971) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Rein Stranded Steel Reinforced, (ACSR) (1972A) ANSI C7.22 Stranded 5005-H19 Aluminum Alloy Conductors (1972) ANSI Stranded 6201-T 81 Aluminum Alloy Conductors (1972) Ans Stranded (1972) Strands Made from Steel (1974) Std. Me Strap Assembly-Tank (1973) Strap Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing Fabrics or Cords to Strap (1973) Strap, Forked (1973) Strap, Lanyard, Pole and Tree Climber) (1973) Strap, Light Duty (1972) Strap, Plain (1973) Strap, Threaded (1973) Strap, Unthreaded (1973) Straps) (1974) /Ks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hos Straw) (1968) Straw, Spanish Moss, Excelsior, etc.) (1973) /W, Cocoa Stray Radiant Energy (1972) Streamer Assembly, Warning (1972) Streamline Supply Transactions Within the Air Transport Street and Highway Lighting (1973) EEI TDJ-133 Streets and Projections Over Public Property (Pedestria Strength and Elongation of Cotton Textile Fibers (Flat Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Refractory Brick and Strength and Stiffness Computations (1973) Re Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81.23 AATCC 62 ASTM E460 ASAE D241.1 FMS 8-8 ACI 65-37 ASTM C511 ICBO UFC*2ART3S DFISA 3200 NFPA 495 FMS 8-5 NSA 1196 CRA 3A5 NSF 41 ASTM D804 AAMA 1102.5 ASTM C663 ASTM C14 ASTM C506 ASTM C507 ASTM C655 ASTM C76 AAMA 1002.8 BIA 26A AHAM ER-1 AHAM ER-2 AHAM ER-3 UL 896 ANSI Z21.9 ANSI Z21.3 UL 858 AATCC 9 ABYC H25 NEMA EW 2 ASTM A578 ASTM A435 AACCH 10-10 ANSI MH2.16 ANSI MH2.10 NSA 1595 NSA 1596 NSA 607 ASTM E399 ISA S37.5 ASTM C749 ASTM C598 ASTM C336 ASTM E517 UL 331 FCI 73-1 ABYC H27 ASTM D945 ICBO UBCS26-7 ASTM A475 ASTM B524 ASTM B172 ASTM B8 ASTM B496 ASTM B400 ASTM B172 ASTM B500 ASTM B232 ASTM B397 ASTM B399 ASTM B231 ASTM D2969 NSA 29 ASTM D2630 NSA 27 NSA 24 EEI AP-2 NSA 1284 NSA 23 NSA 25 NSA 26 UL 1067 ASAE D251 ICBO UFC»2ART7 ASTM E387 NSA 1091 ATAA 200 NEMA SH3 ICBO UBC*3-44 ASTM D1445 ASTM C133 WWPA *30 ASTM A457 382 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards r Hot. Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High d Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging Billets for High for Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for High s and Genera/ (1973) ANSI G50.1 ) ANSI G35.2 Std. Spec. 0) ANSI G24./ Std. Spec. Pressure Service Piping (1969) ling) (1973) (1967) ANSI Z166.17 ANSI Z197.20 h Joints in Shear B/ oints in Shear bv T/ (1972) ANSI Zl'97.3 972) ANSI A11I.29 hto T167 of Bonded and Laminate/ Std. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tensile Std. Spec, for Mild to Medium for Low and Intermediate Tensile for Low and Intermediate Tensile Std. Pract. for High Spec, for High Std. Reference Radiographs for High Rec. Pract. for in Place Concrete Std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Beam Std. Requirement for Switching Impulse Voltage Insulation ral Quality (1972) ANSI G41.6 Std. Spec, for High se in Marine Environments (1974) Std. Spec, for High (1970A) ANSI G41.4 Std. Spec, for High Std. Spec, for High Std. Spec, for Normalized High Std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates. Carbon Steel. High Std. Spec, for High Std. Test Meth. for Flexural Std. Test. Meth. for Impact Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Std. Meth. of Test for Cold Bonding Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Std. Meth. of Test. Delamination, Test Meth. for Bond Early Std. Meth. of Test for Tint Std. Meth. of Test for Transverse Rupture Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Test Meth. for Coating Pick Tests for Determining Surface Std. Test. Procedure for Torque Tentative Meth. of Test for Compressive and Flexural nt Loading) (1968) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Test for Flexural Meth. of Test for Seam Std. Meth. of Test for Splitting Tensile Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Meth. of Analysis of Yeast Std. Meth. for Adhesion or Cohesive Std. Test Meth. for Edgewise Compressive Tent. Meth. of Test for Compressive (Crushing) Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic Collapse Std. Test Meth. for Delamination Prisms Broken in Fie/ Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive m) Cube Specimens) (1/ Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive Std. Meth. of Test for Flexural Std. Meth. of Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Std. Meth. of Test for Compressive 197.16 Std. Meth. of Test for Cleavage m Building Code Std. for Determining the Splitting Tensile Test Meth. for Internal Bond 4 Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Beam M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Apparent Horizontal Shear Std. Test Meth. for Flatwise Compressive Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic Compressive th. (Constant Rate of Tra/ Std. Meth. of Test for Tearing a37.121 T22. ANSI A37 Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for ession Loading (1949) ANSI Z197.1/ uction in Shear bv Tension Loadin/ ading (Metal to Metal) (1972) Ans/ ading at Elevated Temperatures (M/ ading in the Temperature Range Fr/ ading of Laminated Assemblies (19/ uction in Shear by Tension Loading (/ ression Loading (Disk Shear) (197/ Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Std. Rec. Pract. for Sharp Notch Tension Test, of High ding Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardene/ Std. Spec, for High 1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for High ansi G52.1 Std. Spec, for High and Lower Temperature Service (1972/ Std. Spec, for High Std. for Plating. High Std. Spec, for High Std. for Cam Follower, Needle Bearing, High Std. Meth. for Establishing Clear Wood 972) Bui. on Round Thread Casing Joint 74) Tentative Meth. of Test for Biaxial Flexure Std. for Bolt-100 Deg. Close Tolerance, High Std. for Fastener: Rotary. Quick Operating, High .9Mo-0.10N, Heat Treated, 170.000 psi (1172 MPa) Tensile and Tempered. Roll Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) Tensile Std. Spec, for Steel Wire, High Tensile nd Screws, Heat Resistant, 195.000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81.24 Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) ANSI G81.27 Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1973) ANSI G81.40 Strength Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Machine Part Strength Carbon Steel Castings for General Application Strength Carbon Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels (1972 Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality (197 Strength Carbon Steel Wrought Welding Fittings for High Strength Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum Dril Strength Copper Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings Strength Evaluation (1970) Strength Fibre Tubes and Cores (1972) Strength for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on Strength Low Alloy Columbium Vanadium Steels of Structu Strength Low Alloy Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for U Strength Low Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium Steel Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.2 Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel (1973) Strength Low Alloy Structural Tubing (1973) Strength Manganese (1972A) ANSI G35.8 Strength Nonheaded Steel Bolts and Studs (1973) Strength of Adhesive Bonded Laminated Assemblies (1969) Strength of Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.14 Strength of Adhesively Bonded Plastic Lap Shear Sandwic Strength of Adhesively Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear J Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar and Rod Specimens Strength of Air Setting Refractory Mortar (Wet Type) (1 Strength of Bituminous Mixtures (1974) ANSI A37.103, as Strength of Bond. Appearance, and Shrinkage Propensity Strength of Bonded and Laminated Textile Fabrics (1972) Strength of Brick Masonry (Tech. Notes) (1969) Strength of Carbon Black (1973) Strength of Cemented Carbides (1973) ANSI H9.23 Strength of Ceramic Tile (1971) ANSI A173.1 Strength of Coated Papers Using the Interfiber Bond Tes Strength of Composite Tubes and Cores (1974) Strength of Concrete Under Field Conditions (1974) Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Center Poi Strength of Curtains and Draperies (Textile) (1973) Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (1971) ANSI Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (1972) AASHO Strength of Doughs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Strength of Flame Sprayed Coatings (1969) ANSI Z167.22 Strength of Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) Strength of Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.ll Strength of Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) Strength of Honeycomb Type Core Material (1970) Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Portions of Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (L'sing 2 In. (50 M Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (1972) Strength of Insulating Gases at Commercial Power Freque Strength of Masonry Assemblages (1972) Strength of Metal to Metal Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders (1973) LInifor Strength of Paperboard (Z-Direction Tensile) (1973) Strength of Paraffin Wax (1973) ANSI Zl 1.206, TAPPI T64 Strength of Parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Short Strength of Sandwich Cores (1970) Strength of Syntactic Foam (1972A) Strength of Woven Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rip) Me Strength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compr Strength Properties of Adhesives in Plywood Type Constr Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Lo Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Lo Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Lo Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Lo Strength Properties of Adhesives in Two Ply Wood Constr Strength Properties of Metal to Metal Adhesives by Comp Strength Properties of Steel Truss Plates (1973) Strength Sheet Materials (1968) ANSI Z260.1 Strength Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Inclu Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts, Washers, and Bolted Parts ( Strength Steel Castings for Structural Purposes (1973) Strength Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Moderate Strength Steels, Cadmium (1973) Strength Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.3 Strength Stud (1973) Strength Values (1973) Strength with Combined Internal Pressure and Bending (1 Strength (Modulus of Rupture) of Ceramic Substrates (19 Strength (1973) Strength (1973) Strength (1973) /Te Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2 Strength) (1973) /L Studs, Heat Resistant, Normalized Strength, Hard Drawn, for Mechanical Springs (1973) Strength. Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threaded (1973) ASTM A458 ASTM A477 ASTM A567 ASTM A 284 ASTM A27 ASTM A 285 ASTM A283 MSS SP63 API 5AX ASTM E272 NRMO •133 CCTI Tl 14 IEEE 339 ASTM A572 ASTM A690 ASTM A441 ASTM A242 ASTM A633 ASTM A618 ASTM A455 ASTM A687 ASTM D1184 ASTM D950 ASTM D3164 ASTM D3163 ASTM D2095 ASTM C198 ASTM D1074 ASTM D2724 AATCC 136 BIA 35 ASTM D3265 ASTM B406 ASTM C648 TAPPI UM-534 CCTI T116 ASTM C683 ASTM C293 ANSI L24T2 ASTM C496 ASTM C39 AACCH 22-13 ASTM C633 ASTM C364 ASTM C695 ASTM D3102 ASTM C363 ASTM C349 ASTM C109 ASTM C348 ASTM D2477 ASTM E447 ASTM D1062 ICBO UBCS26-12 TAPPI UM-528 ASTM D1320 ASTM D2344 ASTM C365 ASTM D2736 ASTM D2262 ASTM D905 ASTM D906 ASTM D1002 ASTM D2295 ASTM D2557 ASTM D3165 ASTM D2339 ASTM D2182 ASTM E489 ASTM E338 ASTM A325 ICBO UBCS27-7 ASTM A148 ASTM A612 NSA 672 ASTM A440 NSA 562 ASTM D2555 API BUL 5C4 ASTM F394 NSA 333 NSA 547 SAE AMS5744A SAE AMS7458C ASTM A679 SAE AMS7459B Engineering and Product Standards Division 383 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 9pec. for Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot and Cold Rolled, High Rec. Pract. for High r Bolting Materials, High Temperature, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Spec, for Steel Self-Locking Nuts, High pec. for Self-Locking Corrosion Resistant Alloy Nuts, High elf-Locking Steel Nut9, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High elf-Locking Steel Nuts, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High able for Welding (1970E) ANSI / Std. Spec, for High Yield Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High te Fibers for Structural Composites (GF 220 (1517) Tensile Meth. of Analysis of Fecal ibility of Stainless Steels and Related NiCr-Fe Alloys to for Use of Mattsson's Solution of pH 7.2 to Evaluate the Std. Rec. Pract. for Making and Using the C-Ring chloride Solution (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Performing Std. Meth. for Preparation and Use of Bent Beam Std. Rec. Pract. for Making and Using U-Bend National Design Spec, for Std. Meth. for Analyzing nsi B72.10 Rec. Pract. for Calculating td. Size, Design Values, Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, tion Meth. (1972) ANSI Zll./ Std. Meth. of Test for Yield Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Failure Under Electric Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Glass 972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Molybdenum Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Arc Cast, 3) Uniform Building Code Std. for Stress Variation or Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile 1 Steel Members (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. for sensitive Tape to Fiberboard at 90 Deg. Angle and Constant Rec. Pract. for Determining Durability of Adhesive Joints Rec. Pract. for Determining Durability of Adhesive Joints Code Std. for Structural Glued Built Up Members-Plywood Plywood Design Spec, for Plywood Span Tables and Working Std. Spec, and Meth. for Establishing Rec. Design Tent. Test Meth. for Establishing Design meth. to Determine Woven Fabric's Resistance to Sagging or (1972T) Meth. of Test for (1972) ANSI Z14.286 Std. Meth. of Test for meth. of Test for Stretch Properties of Fabrics Woven from control Chemical 2— (Ethylthio) -4,6-Bis (Isopropylamino) tal Door Frame Preparation for 181 and 190 Series Deadlock Std. for Safety for Burglary Resistant Electric Door g (1973) Std. for It-Beryllium Alloy (Copper Alloy No. 175), Plate, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy sting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and t, Hot Cold, and Cold Worked Alloy Steel Plate, Sheet, and for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and 1 Spec. Applicable to Electromagnet Iron (EMI) Cold Rolled Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of Lock r Tubing (1972/ Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy No. 260 Brass rs (1962) Spec, for Steel Splined Continuous Carbon Steel Carbon Steel spec, for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Std. Spec, for Nickel Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Steel Carbon Nickel Molybdenum Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and inless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and oiled Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and or Corrosion Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate Sheet and el Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and ickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet and Std. Spec, for Nickel Plate, Sheet, and Std. Spec, for Cold Rolled Carbon Steel romium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet and Chromium-Manganese-Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Regular Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and Drawing Quality Hot and Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Sheet and bdenum Copper Columbium Stabilized Alloy Plate, Sheet, and spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Std. Spec, for Thermostat Metal Sheet and oducts with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flatwire and Spec, for Tantalum Plate, Sheet, 23 Std. Spec, for Zirconium and Its Alloy Sheet, )) (1973) Spec, for Steel Sheet. -0.38O) Special Grade (1973) Spec, for Steel Sheet, ec. for Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant Steel Sheet, Molybdenum Sheet, base, 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti/ Spec, for AUoy Sheet, base-15.8Cr-15.2Mo-0.30Al-0.05La (1/ AUoy Sheet, 3.5Cu-(Cb + Ta), Consumable Electrode Va/ Steel Sheet, 29Ni-17Co (1973) AUoy Sheet, Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium (1970) an Strength, Low AUoy Steel (1970) ANSI G88.3 Strength, Materials with Expansion Coefficients Compara Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973) Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal (1973) Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. F (64 Strength, Prevailing Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. F (64 Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suit Strength, Quenched and Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.ll Strength, 70,000,000 (483) Tensile Modulus (1973) /Phi Streptococci in Food Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Stress Corrosion Cracking in Polythionic Acids (1973) Stress Corrosion Cracking SusceptibUity of Cu-Zn AUoy Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Specimen (1973) Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests in a Boiling Magnesium Stress Corrosion Metal Specimens (1973) Stress Corrosion Test Specimens (1972) Stress Grade Lumber and Its Fastenings (1971) Stress in Glass (1968) Stress in Plastic Pipe Under Internal Pressure (1967) a Stress of Board, Timber, Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decki Stress of Heterogeneous PropeUants by the Cone Penetra Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) Stress Optical Coefficient (1973) Stress Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures (1 Stress Relieved (1973) Stress Reversal Design of Structural Steel Members (197 Stress Strain of Carbons and Graphite (1973) Stress Variation or Stress Reversal Design of Structura Stress (1972) /Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Pressure Stressed in Peel (1971) ANSI Z197.30 Std. Stressed in Shear by Tension Loading (1971) ANSI Z197.3 Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Beams, and Components Stressed Skin Panels Fabrication Spec. (1971) Stressed Skin Panels (1972) Stresses for Joists and Rafters (Lumber) (1972) Use Ps2 Stresses for Round Timber Construction Poles (1974) Stresses for Round Timber Piles (1970) Stretch in Wear (Textile) (1973) Test Stretch Properties of Fabrics Woven from Stretch Yarns Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power Stretch Yarns (1972T) Striazine) (1973) /Ropetryn (Common Name for the Pest Strikes (1973) Spec, for Hollow Me Strikes (1974) Strip-High Temperature Terminal Block, Base Insulatin Strip and Rolled Bar (1973) /. Spec, for Copper-Coba Strip for Flexible Metal Hose (1973) Strip for Fusion Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels (1972B Strip for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures (1971) Strip for High Temperature Service (1972) Std. Spec. Strip for Magnetic Application in Relays and Solenoids Strip Gaskets (1973) Strip in Narrow Widths and Light Gage for Heat Exchange Strip Mastic Set Maple Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floo Strip (0.68-0.80C) (SAE 1074) (1973) Strip (0.90-1.04C) (SAE 1095) (1973) Strip (1970) ANSI H34.10 Strip (1970) ANSI H34.6 Strip (1971) Strip (1972) Strip (1972) ANSI G81.2 Strip (1972) ANSI G81.30 Strip (1972) ANSI G81.6 Strip (1972) ANSI H34.17 Strip (1972) ANSI H34.19 Strip (1972) ANSI H34.8 Strip (1972A) ANSI G47.1 Strip (1973) Strip (1973) Strip (1973) ANSI G24.24 Strip (1973) ANSI G24.25 Strip (1973) ANSI H34.37 Strip (1973) ANSI H34.40 Strip (1973) ANSI Z155.19 Strip) (1973) Strip, and Foil (1973) Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application (1973) ANSI Nl Strip, and Plate (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.49-0.55C Strip, and Plate (0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.33 Strip, and Plate (13Cr-2.0Ni-3.0W) (1973) Strip, and Plate, Arc Cast, Stress Relieved (1973) Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Strip, and Plate, Corrosion Resistant, 14.8Cr-4.5Ni- Strip, and Plate, Low Expansion, Glass Sealing, 53Fe- Std. Std. Spec, for Low Std. Spec, for Sta /Ments for Delivery of Flat R Std. Spec. F Std. Spec, for Nick Std. Spec, for N Std. Spec, for Nickel-Ch Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iron- Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for /or Chromium Nickel Iron Moly Std. Std. Spec, for Flat Copper Pr Sp ASTM A607 SAE J410C ASTM A453 SAE AMS7252A SAE AMS7253A SAE AMS7250C SAE AMS7251B ASTM A514 ASTM A517 SAE AMS3892/5 AACCH 42-35 ASTM G35 ASTM G37 ASTM G38 ASTM G36 ASTM G39 ASTM G30 NFORP *4 ASTM F218 ASTM D2153 WWPA •24 ASTM D2884 ASTM D3151 ASTM C770 ASTM E328 SAE AMS7801A ICBO UBCS27-3 ASTM C749 ICBO UBCS27-3 ASTM D2860 ASTM D2918 ASTM D2919 ICBO UBCS25-18 APA SS-8 APA *3PDS3 NFORP *2 ASTM D3200 ASTM D2899 ANSI L24T5 ASTM D3107 ASTM D2594 ASTM D3107 ANSI K62.135 ANSI A115.5 VI 1034 NSA 1063 ASTM B534 ASTM B508 ASTM A240 ASTM A457 ASTM A670 NARM 121 ASTM C7I6 ASTM B569 WSFI *5 SAE AMS5120G SAE AMS5121D ASTM B168 ASTM B127 AISI 6 ASTM B575 ASTM A176 ASTM A480 ASTM A263 ASTM B424 ASTM B443 ASTM B162 ASTM A109 ASTM B582 ASTM B590 ASTM A506 ASTM A507 ASTM B463 ASTM B409 ASTM B388 ASTM B272 SAE AMS7849A ASTM B352 SAE AMS6396 SAE AMS6433B SAE AMS5508B SAE AMS7801A SAE AMS5872 SAE AMS5873 SAE AMS5862 SAE AMS7728C 384 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards c) (SAE 8740) (1973) Steel Sheet, v (0.17-0.23O, Premium Quality, Consumab/ Steel Sheet, Titanium Alloy Sheet, Std. Spec, for Phosphor Bronze (Copper Tin) Plate, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Leaded Brass Plate, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Brass Plate, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Copper Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc-Tin Alloys Plate, Sheet, for Copper-Zinc-Aluminum-Cobalt Alloy Plate, Sheet, oy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, irements for Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, 3) Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon. Hot Rolled Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent) Steel Sheet and teel. Carbon (0.16 to 0.25 Maximum %, Hot Rolled Sheet and Spec, for Structural Steel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, cr-2.4Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe (1973) Alloy Sheet and 4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION, Solution Heat Tre/ Steel Sheet and lumbium and/or Vanadium (/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheet and Std. Spec, for Copper Sheet. Std. Spec, for Cartridge Brass Sheet, Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Std. for Magnetic for Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Std. for Uniform Meth. of Determining the SAE Rating and Std. for Uniform Meth. of Determining the SAE Rating and Std. Spec, for Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Std. Meth. of Test. Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Rec. for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete for d. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Carbon Steel Plates for 973) Std. Spec, for ) (Tech. Notes) (1963) ) (Tech. Notes) (1963) ge) (Tech. Notes) (1963) 964) f Sampling and Test. Stru/ 1962) Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Glossary of Terms Relating to Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Brick and oad Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. d Cavity 6 In. Brick and Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Floors and Pavements of 70.000,000 (483) Tensile M/ Spec, for Graphite Fibers for Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Lightweight Aggregates for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and (1967) (Tech. Note) (1971) (Tech. Notes) (1968) Uniform Building Code Std. for Rivets, Type 2A (1973) Std. for in and Curved Panels, Bea/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for Tests for re Gluing of Southern/ Std. for Preservative Treatment of Rec. Architectural Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. for , Southern and Lodgepole / Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Spec, for m Meth. / Tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Distribution and Building Code Std. for Fiberboard Nail Base Sheathing and bers (1966) Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for 71) Rec. Pract. for Service Brake and Combination Vehicles F/ Rec. Pract. for Service Brake ry Use) Exposu/ Std. Spec, for Protein Base Adhesives for 59) A/ Std. Meth. of Test for Integrity of Glue Joints in or (Wet Use) Exposure Condi/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives for Rec. Guide for Rec. Pract. for Selecting Proportions for d. Meth. for Evaluating Allowable Properties for Grades of Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy ilding Code Std. for Spec, and Design of Cold Formed Steel pec. and Design of Light Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Steel Strip, and Plate, 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43 Strip, and Plate, 0.75Cr-9.0Ni-4.5Co-1.0Mo-0.09 Strip, and Plate, 6A1-4V Annealed (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) Std. Spec. Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) /Pper-Nickel-Zinc All Strip, and Rolled Bar (1974) /. Spec, for General Requ Strip, Cold Rolled Hard, Untempered Spring Quality (197 Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for Strip, Commercial Quality (1972) Std. Spec, for S Strip, Connector, and Bar) (1973) /E Std. for Material Strip, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nickel Base-15.5 Strip, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr- Strip. Hot and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Co Strip. Plate and Rolled Bar (1973) ANSI H7.9 Strip, Plate, Bar and Disks (1973) Strip, Sheet, and Plate (1972) ANSI Z179.1 Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate (1964) ANSI Z179.20 Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate (1974) Strip, Structural Quality (1972) Stripe Encoding (Code) for Credit Cards (1973) Strong Acid Removal (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Struck Capacity for Hoe Dipper (Backhoe Bucket) (1972) Struck Capacity for Shovel Dipper, Clam Bucket, and Dra Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura Structura and Decorative (1972) and Decorative (1972) and Mass Concrete (1966) Applications (1973) St Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness (1 Clay Acoustile (Tech Notes) (1961) Clay Differential Movement (Cause and Effect Clay Differential Movement (Expansion Joints Clay Differential Movement (Flexible Anchora Clay Facing Tile (Tech. Notes) (1965) Clay Floor Tile (1973) Clay Insulated Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1 Clay Load Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. O Clay Masonry Process (Tech. Notes) (1966) Clay Nonload Bearing Tile (1971) ANSI A76.1 Clay Nonload Bearing Wall Tile (1973) Clay Products (Tech. Notes) (1961) Clay Protective Construction (Tech. Notes) ( Clay Tile (1973) Clay Tile (1973) /Td. for Structural Clay L Clay Wall Tile (Tech. Notes) (1966) Clay (Properly Constructed Masonry) Insulate Clay (Tech. Notes) (1962) Composites (GF 220 (1517) Tensile Strength, Concrete for Buildings (1973) ANSI A138.1 Concrete (1973) Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bit Deck (Roofing); Gypsum Concrete (1973) Design Guide for Hardwood Plywood (1971) Design of Brick Masonry Arches (Tech. Notes) Design of Semicircular Brick Masonry Arches Design of Serpentine Walls, Non Loadbearing Floor and Roof Plank and Beam Framing (1973) Flush Break Pull Mandrel Self Plugging Blind Glued Built Up Members-Plywood Stressed Sk Glued Laminated Lumber (1973) Glued Laminated Members and Laminations Befo Glued Laminated Timber (1972) Glued Laminated Timber (1973) Glued Laminated Timber (1973) ANSI A190.1 Glued Laminated Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir Granite (1968) ANSI A91.1 Group Analysis of Petroleum Oils by the N-D- Insulating Board (1973) Uniform Insulating Formboard Made from Cellulosic Fi Insulating Roof Deck (R1970) Integrity Test Procedure-Passenger Car (19 Integrity Test Procedure for Trucks, Buses, Laminated Products for Use Under Interior (D Laminated Wood Products for Exterior Use (19 Laminated Wood Products for Use Under Exteri Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (1964) Lightweight Concrete (1969) ANSI A164.1 Lumber (1974) St Manganese Vanadium Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.4 Members (1973) Uniform Bu Members (1973) /Rm Budding Code Std. for S SAE AMS6358D SAE AMS6523A SAE AMS4911C ASTM B103 ASTM B121 ASTM B194 ASTM B36 ASTM B465 ASTM B591 ASTM B592 ASTM B122 ASTM B248 ASTM A680 ASTM A569 ASTM A659 ICBO UBCS27-1 SAE AMS5541B SAE AMS5547C ASTM A607 ASTM B152 ASTM B19 ASTM B265 ASTM B393 ASTM B386 ASTM A570 ANSI X4.16 ASTM D3087 SAE J296 SAE J67 ASTM C208 ASTM C209 ACI 66-65 ASTM A678 ASTM A573 BIA 5 BIA 18 BIA 18A BIA 18B BIA 22 ICBO UBCS24-10 BIA 21 ICBO UBCS24-8 BIA 27 ASTM C56 ICBO UBCS24-9 BIA 2 BIA 3A ASTM C67 ICBO UBCS248 BIA 22A BIA *26 BIA 14 SAE AMS3892/5 ACI 301 ICBO UBCS26-3 ASTM D1751 NRCA *2-I13 HPMA HP-SC-71 BIA 31A BIA 31C BIA 33 ICBO UBCS25-22 IFI 119 ICBO UBCS25-18 ICBO UBCS25-23 AWPA C28 AITC 6.5/AI ICBO UBCS25-10 use PS56 ICBO UBCS25-11 ASTM C615 ASTM D3238 ICBO UBCS25-24 ASTM C532 ASTM D2164 SAE J229 SAE J294 ASTM D3024 ASTM D1101 ASTM D2559 ACI 64-39 ACI 211.2 ASTM D2915 ASTM A441 ICBO UBCS27-9 ICBO UBCS27-10 Engineering and Product Standards Division 385 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 26 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards nsity and Interconnected Porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Std. Spec, for Iron Copper Sintered Metal Powder Std. Spec, for Sintered Copper Steel Std. Spec, for Sintered Nickel Silver Std. Spec, for Sintered Bronze Std. Spec, for Sintered Brass Std. Spec, for Sintered Aluminum Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Std. for Building Code Requirements for Std. for Building Code Requirements for Std. for Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Uniform Building Code Std. for Quicklime (Lime) for Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Castings for ed (Galvanized) by Hot Di/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets of w and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Std. Spec, for Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, for High Strength Low Alloy Columbium Vanadium Steels of Physical Dough Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) tests for Static Load, Frame, Fork, Stee/ Safety Std. for Uniform Building Code Std. for ry, Flooring, Shingles, Exposed Roof Decking, Drop Siding, Std. Test Meth. for Density of Core Materials for std. Test Meth. for Water Absorption of Core Materials for std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Pipe, and Std. Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum, Alloy Std. Piling (1/ (Steel Products Manual) Carbon Steel' Plates, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Std. Std. Meth. of Static Tests of Timbers (Wood) in Std. Spec, for Structures (1972) connec/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Material Spec, for Std. for Safetv Requirements for Shops Fabricating g39.1 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Specs, for Welding of 1970) Spec, for std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for ain Hardene/ Std. Spec, for High Strength Steel Bolts for ode Std. for Stress Variation or Stress Reversal Design of platforms (1972) Spec, for Fabricated r Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Manual of Cold Formed Welded d Point (1/2 In. (12.7 Mm) Maximum Thickn/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for High Strength Low Alloy Std. Spec, for High Strength Std. Spec, for Normalized High Strength Low Alloy for Erection, Fabrication, Identification and Painting of td. Spec, for Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy std. Spec, for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Std. Spec, for Steel Tubes, Low Carbon, Tapered for aring and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Std. Spec, for Steel, Cold Rolled Sheet, Carbon, s of the United States for Information Intercha/ Std. for for Minimum Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective for Minimum Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Surface Preparation Spec, for Steel minimum Performance Criteria for Falling Object Protective Std. Guidelines for Thesaurus rface/ Rec. Pract. and Nomenclature for Identification of ec. for Prevention of Roof Collapse of Buildings and Other Std. for Electrical Penetration Assemblies in Containment nd Test Requirements for Leakage Rate Test, of Containment spec, for Design of Aluminum Alloy Load Carrying (Members) aluation of Roll Over (ROPS) and Falling Object Protective Rec. for Parking for Minimum Performance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Treatment) (1968/ Rec. for Concrete Sanitary Engineering and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Miscellaneous Sanitary Uniform Building Code: Penthouses and Roof Rec. for Erosion Resistance of Concrete in Hydraulic Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete criteria for Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Power Containment Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and ct. for Atmospheric Exposure of Adhesive Bonded Joints and Structural Std. for Steel Antenna Towers and Supporting Rec. Pract. for Stress Relaxation Tests for Materials and quirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Rec. for Concrete Shell Uniform Building Code Std. for Aluminum Uniform Fire Code: Tents and Air Supported due to Weak Construction and Design of Buildings and Other Structural Parts and Oil Impregnated Bearings (1973) an Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63.1 Structural Parts (1970) ANSI G63.3 Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.28 Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.6 Structural Parts (1970) ANSI H9.8 Structural Parts (1973) Structural Pipe and Tube (1973) ANSI H38.16 Structural Plain Concrete (1972) ACI 322 Structural Plain Concrete (1972) ANSI A 169.1 Structural Plastic Panels (1972) Structural Purposes (1973) Structural Purposes (1973) ANSI G52.1 Structural Quality in Coils, and Cut Lengths, Zinc Coat Structural Quality (1970) ANSI G24.2 /Td. Spec, for Lo Structural Quality (1972) Structural Quality (1972) ANSI G41.6 Std. Spec Structural Relaxation Meth. of Extensigraph Analysis of Structural Requirements for Regular Bicycles Including Structural Rivet Steel (1973) Structural Roof Trusses and Rafters, Overhead /Ished Carpent Structural Sandwich Constructions (1970) Structural Sandwich Constructions (1970) Structural Shapes for Electrical Purposes (Bus Conducto Structural Shapes (1972) Structural Shapes (1973) Structural Shapes, Rolled Floor Plates, and Steel Sheet Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extruded (1973) ANSI H38.1 Structural Sizes (1967) ANSI Q4.2 Structural Slate (1968) ANSI A193.1 Structural Std. for Steel Antenna Towers and Supporting Structural Steel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Structural Steel and Plate (1973) Structural Steel for Locomotives and Cars (1970A) ANSI Structural Steel for Ships (1973) Structural Steel Highway Bridges (1974) Structural Steel Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts ( Structural Steel Joints (1971) ANSI G24.19 Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and PI Structural Steel Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1969) Structural Steel Members (1973) Uniform Building C Structural Steel Pipe for Use of Welded Offshore Fixed Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting E Structural Steel Tubing (1974) Structural Steel with 42,000 psi (290 MPa) Minimum Yiel Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.2 Structural Steel (1970A) ANSI G41.3 Structural Steel (1973) Structural Steel (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes (1973) ANSI G24. Structural Tubing (1973) Std. Spec. Structural Tubing (1973) ANSI G24.22 Structural Use (1972) ANSI G24.4 /Ements for Delivery Structural Use (1973) Structural Uses (1972) ANSI H31.1 /Led Copper Alloy Be Structural Welding Code (1972) Structural (1972) Structure for the Identification (Code) of the Countrie Structure for Track Type Tractors and Front End Loaders Structure for Weeled Front End Loaders and Weeled Dozer Structure Painting (1972) Structure (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled and Track Ty Structure, Construction, and Use (1974) Structures and Contaminants Seen on Specular Silicon Su Structures Caused by Snow Loads (1973) Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Stations Structures for Nuclear Reactors (1972) Practice a Structures (Aluminum Construction Manual Sect. 1) (1971 Structures (FOPS) of Construction and Industrial Vehicl Structures (Garage-Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) Structures (ROPS) for Prime Movers (Heavy Equipment) (1 Structures (Tanks, Reservoirs, etc. for Water and Waste Structures (Tech. Notes) (1969) Structures (Tower, Spire) (1973) Structures (1952) Structures (1967) Structures (1969) Structures (1970) ANSI A9.1 Structures (1970) ANSI Z197.24 Structures (1972) Structures (1972) Structures (1972) Structures (1973) Structures (1973) Structures (1973) Structures (1973) Std. Brick Design Rec. Pra Std. Std. for Building Code Re Rec. for Prevention of Collapse ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ACI use ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH BMA ICBO AWI ASTM ASTM ASTM AA SAE AISI ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA ICBO ANSI ASTM ASTM ASHTO AISC ASTM ASTM BIA ICBO API ASTM WSTI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWS ASTM ANSI SAE SAE ANSI SAE ANSI ASTM FMS IEEE ANSI AA SAE FMS SAE ACI BIA ICBO ACI ACI ACI NFPA ASTM EIA ASTM ANSI ACI ICBO ICBO FMS B328 B222 B426 B458 B255 B282 B595 B429 A169.1 322 PS53 UBCS24-18 A148 A446 A283 A570 A572 54-11 6/4 UBCS27-5 *1-1 C271 C272 B317 *5 AMS2204D 2 B308 D198 C629 RS222-B UBCS27-1 Z229.1 A113 A131 *6 S314 A490 A325 31B UBCS27-3 2B A143 *1 A529 A242 A440 A633 UBCS27-2 A 500 A618 A501 A6 A595 B100 Dl.l A6I1 X3.31 J395A J394A A159.1 J231 Z39.19 F154 1-54 317 N45.4 •10 J397A LPD 7-15N J320B 68-50 34C UBC»3-36 52-18 67-40 69-2 101 D1828 RS222-B E328 A58.1 334 UBCS28-1 UFC»2ART30 1-55 386 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards iquefied Flammable Gas Processing Equipment and Supporting Spec, for Petroleum Drilling and Well Servicing . for Fire Protection Criteria for Safety Related Systems, Notes) (1969) Brick and Tile in Sanitation tes) (1969) Brick and Tile in Sanitation 1969) Brick and Tile in Sanitation 969) Brick and Tile in Sanitation Std. for for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior for Portland Cement and Cement Lime Plastering, Exterior Std. for Coarse Threaded Std. for Fine Threaded Std. for Cam Follower, Needle Bearing, High Strength Std. for Terminal Block Electrical Principles of Clay Masonry Construction: Std. for Nomenclature for Motion Picture Film Used in e Application of Gypsum Sheet Material to Light Gage Steel Std. Spec, for High Strength Nonheaded Steel Bolts and Uniform Building Code Std. for Shear Connectors (Steel readed (135,000 psi (931 MPa) / Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Spec, for Low Alloy Steel crew Applic/ Std. Spec, for Nonload (Axial) Bearing Steel ed After Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solu/ Std. for Collar. Swage Locking for Pull Type and Std. for Titanium Alloy Std. for Titanium Alloy Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Shear Head, std. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, Shear . for Pin, Swage Locking. A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear Head, or Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear, n. Swage Locking. Steel. 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, n. Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, , Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head. Tension, Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20426, Tension, locking. Aluminum Alloy. 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension. Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension. 100 Deg. Head (MS20426). Std. for Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Crown Head. . for Pin, Swage Locking. Steel. Protruding Head, Tension, Wire and Cable (1973) ANSI C8.28 Std. Spec, for h. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Carbon Blacks in td. Meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formula for Pigmented meth. for Evaluation of and Test Formulas for Nonpigmented chemical Analysis of Synthetic Elastomers for Use on Solid Std. for Installation for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Test Meth. for Polymer Content of Materials and Property Stds. for Acrylonitrile Butadiene s for Underground Installations of Electrical W/ Std. for d Fittings (1973) Std. Spec, for 4) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Solvent Cements for Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene • c. for Solvent Cements for Joining Acrylonitrile Butadiene ittings (1973/ Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene - Spec, for Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene - Std. Spec, for Socket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene - Std. Spec, for Threaded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene ■ Std. Spec, for Socket Type Acrylonitrile-Butadiene - Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene • Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene - Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene - 972) ANSI K65.57 Std. Spec, for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Std. Spec, for Rigid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene • nt, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Heat Treated, gepole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Western Cedar and Hemlock; al Chemistry) (1962) Colorimetric Modified Fiske - for Correct Preparation, Finishing and Testing of Concrete Spec, for Mastic Nailed Construction with Mastic Set Spec, for Mastic Cushioned Construction with Nailers, arquet Flooring Set in Adhesive Over Concrete Slab or Wood nt. Test Meth. for Critical Dilation of Concrete Specimens d. Spec, for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars Test Meth. for Adhesion to Porous Substrates for Deleterious Effects of Dyes, Finishes, and Finishings Spec, for Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Std. Meth. of Test for Penetration of Liquids into pract. for Control of External Corrosion on Underground or paper) (1973) Test Meth. for Density of Pulpwood paper) (19/ Test Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chips 0) Std. on se Meth. of Analysis of Starch in Flour and Semolina (With or Particle Size Distribution of Particulate Substances of of Test for Nitrogen Content (Kjeldahl) and Hide (Leather) / Ans/ / si K65.59 ab / s/ Structures (1973) /(Safety) for Flammable Liquid and L Structures (1974) Structures, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderate Structures, Industrial Waste Treatment Facilities (Tech Structures, Miscellaneous Sanitary Structures (Tech. No Structures, Sewage Treatment Facilities (Tech. Notes) ( Structures, Water Treatment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1 Stub ACME Screw Threads (1973) (Stucco) and Interior (1971) Std. Spec. (Stucco) and Interior (1971) /. for Lathing and Furring Stud (1973) Stud (1973) Stud (1973) Stud (1974) Student's Manual (1960) Studios and Processing Laboratories (1971) Studs (1972) Std. Spec, for Steel Drill Screws for Th Studs (1973) Studs) for Composite Construction (1973) Studs. Heat Resistant, Normalized and Tempered, Roll Th Studs, Heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Studs, Runners (Track) and Rigid Furring Channels for S Studs, Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Roll Thread Stump Type Lockbolts (1973) Stump Tvpe Protruding Head Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Stump Type 100 Deg. Head Shear Bolt Lock (1974) Stump Tvpe (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Stump Type. Titanium Alloy (1973) Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1973) Stump Tvpe, Titanium Alloy (1973) Stump Type, (1973) Stvrene-Butadiene-Synthetic Rubber (SBR) Jacket for Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) (1973) Std Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers (SBR) (1973) Styrene Butadiene Copolymers (SBR) (1972) / Meth. for Styrene Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings (1971) Styrene Monomer 993 (1972) Styrene Monomer 996 (1971) Styrene Monomer (1974) ANSI Z161.1 Styrene Plastic Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings Styrene Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Fitting Styrene Rubber Plastic Drain and Building Sewer Pipe an Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Drain Pipe, Perforated (197 Styrene Rubber (SR) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1972) Styrene (ABS) Composite Sewer Piping (1974) Styrene (ABS) Pipe and Fittings to Polyvinyl Chloride) Styrene (ABS) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and F Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings (1973) ANSI B72 Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 (1973) Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) (1973) ANSI B72.3 Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 (1973) Styrene (ABS) Plastic Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1973) an Styrene (ABS) Plastic Utilities Conduit and Fittings (1 Styrene (ABS) Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.205 Sub Zero Cooled, Equilized, and Over Tempered (1973) Subal-Pine Fir; and Mountain Hemlock (Lumber) (1973) Subbarow Meth. of Analysis of Phosphorus in Yeast (Cere Subfloor Surfaces to Receive Wood Flooring (1962) Subflooring and Nailed Finish Flooring Over Concrete SI Subflooring or Finish Flooring Over Concrete Slab Floor Subfloors (1962) Spec, for Mosai< Subject to Freezing (1972T) Subject to Mechanical Property Requirements (1972) (Subjective Ratings) (Paper, Board, Cloth, etc.) (1973) (Sublimation, Brittleness and Chlorine Retention) (Insti Submerged Arc Welding (1969) ANSI W3.17 Submerged Containers (Packaging) (1951) ANSI MH12.8 Submerged Metallic Piping Systems (1972) (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and (Submersion with Correction for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Subscriber Visual Carrier Level (Cable Television) (197 Subsequent Acid Hydrolysis) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Subsieve Sizes (1968) /Alysis by Microscopical Meth. F Substance (1970) ALCA B5 Tent. Meth. Std Std. F Std. for Pi Std. for Pi Std. for Pin Std. for Pin, Swage Std. for Pin, Swage Std Met Std. Wo /c. ,d p Te St Re FMS API ANS BIA BIA BIA BIA ANSI ANSI ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA BIA ANSI ASTM ASTM ICBO SAE SAE ASTM SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IAPMO ASTM ASTM ASTM IAPMO NEMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ICBO AACCH WSFI WSFI WSFI WSFI ASTM ASTM TAPPI ANSI AWS ASTM NACE TAPPI TAPPI NCTA AACCH ASTM ASTM 7-14 4E N18.10 34B 34C 34A 34 B1.8 A42.2 A42.3 183 184 562 1002 •44 PH22.56 C646 A687 UBCS27-8 AMS7458C AMS7456C C645 AMS7482 1080 2605 2705 1414 1424 6974 6984 1486 6925 1555 6915 1546 2206 2306 2315 2325 1496 D866 D3191 D3186 D3185 D1416 IS5 D2826 D2827 D2121 PS17 TCI D2852 D3298 D3122 D2680 D3138 D2661 D2235 D2468 D2465 D2469 D2282 D1527 D2751 D2750 D1788 AMS5743D UBCS25-4 40-56 *1 »6 *8 *7 C671 A663 UM-540 L24.7.2 A5.17 D998 RP-01-69 UM-2 UM-20 001B-0670 76-10 E20 D2868 Engineering and Product Standards Division 387 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards d Test. Felted and Woven Fabrics Saturated with Bituminous opical Meth. for Particle Size Distribution of Particulate Meth. of Analysis for Total Reducing std. Test Meth. for Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Chemical . for Determination of pH (Slurry) of Corn Starch Which Is utions Derived from Corn or Grain Sorghum Starch Which Are rglary Resisting Glazing Material for Use Principally as A ness Determination of Nonconductive Coatings on Nonferrous h. of Test for Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon on Test Meth. for Adhesion to Non Porous Flexible tc.) (1973) Test Meth. for Adhesion to Porous r Biaxial Flexure Strength (Modulus of Rupture) of Ceramic industry) (/ Test Meth. for Determining Water Quality for u/ Rec. Pract. for Design, Installation, and Operation of r Petroleum Industry Use (1973) Spec, for meth. for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Analysis for Formic, Acetic, Propionic, Butyric, Valeric, Meth. of Analysis for Fumaric, Pyruvic, Lactic, Rec. Pract. for Design Calculations for Oil Spec, for Meth. of Ferricyanide-Maltose ■ ) Indices of Refraction of ry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of th. for Measurement of Glucose in Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, ing Devices, Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and and Ai/ Std. for Flow Capacity Rating and Application of and Maintenance (1973) Rec. for Definitions (1974) Std. for h. for Determining Refractive Index Content of Corn Syrup, tical Meth. for Determining Calcium Content of Corn Syrup, termining Chloride Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished termining Chloride Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed, Finished raneous Materials Content of Corn Syrup, Crude and Refined Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn Syrup, Finished r. Rolled Wheat, Breakfast Cereals (Except Those Which Are chemistry) (1962) Volumetric Copper Reduction Meth. for extr/ Glucose Oxidase Meth. for Measurement of Glucose in for Determination of Phosphorus in Corn Starch, Syrup and is of Specific Gravity, Degrees Brix, and Degrees Baume of ning Color, Solutions (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn ical Meth. for Determining Moisture (Oven) Content of Corn Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn . Analytical Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Corn . Analytical Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of Corn std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron Content of Corn tical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content of Corn ng Color, Reflectance (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn h. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn ical Meth. for Determining Reducing Sugars Content of Corn Meth. for Determining Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn al Meth. for Determining Specific Rotation Content of" Corn r Determining Calcium (Egta-Titrimetric) Content of Corn d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Copper Content of Corn lytical Meth. for Determining Heavy Metals Content of Corn Analytical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Corn Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content of Corn cal Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn determining Arsenic Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Corn r) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Unbleached Crude Corn g Apparent Starch Content of Corn Syrup, Refined and Crude (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Lactose ) Meth. of Analysis of Sucrose Meth. of Analysis of Lactose (Milk Temperature Corrections for Refractometer Readings Temperature Corrections for Saccharimeter Readings for Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem — Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, harides (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn Syrup, ng Saccharides (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Reducing Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Reducing Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Reducing ch Molasses / Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Total Meth. of Analysis of Reducing and Nonreducing 2) Schoorl Meth. of Analysis of Reducing lytical Meth. for Determining Total Sugars Content of Corn ermining Copper Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished ng Sulfate Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished Corn on Content in Corn Starch flydrolzates Including Syrups and Meth. for Determining Fermentables Content of Corn Syrup, Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Molasses, of Corn Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates and All Starches and ing Protein Nitrogen Content in Feedstuffs (Corn), Syrups, nitrogen Content in Steepwater, (Corn) Feedstuffs, Syrups, h. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Syrup, . for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn Starch, for Tailored Woven Uniform Fabrics, Lightweight (Tropical) Substances for Use in Waterproofing and Roofing (1972) Substances of Subsieve Sizes (1968) /Alysis by Microsc Substances (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Substances (1971) ANSI A174.1 Substantially Insoluble in Water at Room Temperature (1 Substantially Optically Clear (1959) /Hydrolyzates Sol Substitute for Plate Glass Show Window Panels (1972) Substrate (Coil, Instrumentation) (1974) /R Film Thick Substrates of the Same Type by Infrared Reflectance (19 Substrates (Paper) (1973) Substrates (Subjective Ratings) (Paper, Board, Cloth, E Substrates (1974) Tentative Meth. of Test Fo Subsurface Injection Using Membrane Filters (Petroleum Subsurface Safety Valve Systems for Petroleum Industry Subsurface Safety Valves, Locks, and Landing Nipples Fo Subterranean Termites (1972) Std. Succinic, and Lactic Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Succinic, and Tartaric Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sucker Rod Pumping Systems (Conventional Units) (1972) Sucker Rods (Petroleum) (1974) Sucrose Conversion Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sucrose Solutions at 20 Deg. C (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Sucrose (Sugar) in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemist Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, Dextrans, and Starch (Cere Suction Equipment, Room Air Purifiers, Filters, Compres Suction Line Filters and Filter Driers in Refrigeration Suction Press Rolls and Their Installation, Operation, Suffix Letters Lfsed in Tire Size Designations and Their Sugar and Dextrose (1956) Std. Analytical Met Sugar and Other Carbohydrates (1957) Std. Analy Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolyzates (Potassiu Sugar and Other Clarified Starch Hydrolzates (Silver- Sugar and Other Materials Soluble in Water (1966) /Ext Sugar and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1952) /Analytical Sugar Coated) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /D Oats, Bulgu Sugar Determination; Schoorl's Reduction Table (Cereal Sugar Mixtures (Maltose, Sucrose, Mannose, Galactose, D Sugar Obtained from the Corn Wet Milling Process (1973) Sugar Solutions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /.' of Analys Sugar (Crude and Refined) and All Hydrolyzates Solution Sugar (Crude and Refined) (Crystalline) (1959) /Analyt Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) Std Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1958) Std Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1961) Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1961) Std. Analy Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1963) / Meth. for Determini Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1966) Std. Analytical Met Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. Analyt Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1972) Std. Analytical Sugar (Crude and Refined), Dextrose, Syrup and Starch H Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup and Other Starch Hydro Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrup, and Other Starch Hydr Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Hydrolyzate Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Hydr Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups and Other Starch Hydr Sugar (Crude and Refined), Syrups, Starches and Other P Sugar (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Sugar (1956) /R Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Pape Sugar (1967) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determinin (Sugar) and Nonfat Dry Milk in Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (Sugar) in Feeds and Feedstuffs (Cereal Chemistry) (1962 Sugar) in Mixed Feeds (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Sugar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) (Sugar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sugar, and Lodgepole Pines; Engelmann Spruce; Western C Sugar, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1967) /Etermining Sacc Sugar, Starch Molasses and Hydrolyzates (1971) /Ermini Sugars Content in Dextrin (1970) Sugars Content in Steepwater (Corn) (1964) Sugars Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined) (1972) Sugars Content of Corn Sugars (Crude and Refined), Star Sugars in Flour and Semolina (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sugars in Prepared Bakery Mixes (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Sugars (Crude and Refined), Starch Molasses (1972) /Na Sugars (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Det Sugars (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determini Sugars, and Most Wet Milled Products (1961) /Mining Ir Sugars, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1957) /Td. Analytical Sugars, and Syrups (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Sugars, and to Most Other Products of the Wet Milling P Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials Wh Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials Wh Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials (1 Sugars, Syrups and Other Protein Bearing Materials (195 Suiting (Institutional Textile) (1973) / Requirements ASTM D146 ASTM E20 AACCH 10-01 ASTM C650 CR C-44 CR F-14 UL 972 NCCA TB-II-14 ASTM F95 TAPPI UM-541 TAPPI UM-540 ASTM F394 NACE TM -01-73 API RP14B API 14A AWPA M12-72 AACCH 04-23 AACCH 04-24 API 11L API 11B AACCH 22-18 AACCH 68-61 AACCH 80-50 AACCH 80-10 NSF 48 ARI 730 FMS 12-60 TRA XIII CR E-54 CR E-10 CR E-14 CR E-15 CR E-27 CR E-6 AACCH 44-15A AACCH 80-69 AACCH 80-10 CR B-47 AACCH 80-75 CR F-14 CR F-34 CR F-6 CR F-2 CR F-4 CR F-28 CR F-54 CR F-16 CR F-32 CR F-48 CR F-22 CR F-52 CR F-8 CR F-18 CR F-26 CR F-10 CR F-42 CR F-44 CR E-4 CR E-44 CR E-60 AACCH 80-31 AACCH 80-50 AACCH 80-30 AACCH 80-20 AACCH 80-21 ICBO UBCS25-4 CR E-63 CR F-50 CR D-52 CR J-58 CR F-48 CR F-58 AACCH 80-60 AACCH 80-68 CR F-58 CR E-22 CR E-64 CR B-30 CR E-28 AACCH 08-14 CR E-32 CR G-22 CR J-56 CR E-52 CR B-48 ANSI L24.3.3 388 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards eanable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Heavyweight (Industrial) anable Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Round) rol of Cecal and Intestinal C/ Meth. for Determination of Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Aluminum Potassium Sugars (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Chromium Potassium bsorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous ating on Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece Test (Copper nd Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate Cupric Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric td. Spec, for Electrical Insulating Paper and Paperboard - meth. of Test for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Std. for Ferric ndness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium amine Sulfate, (Nh 2 0h) ■■ . HoSO, (Hydroxylammonium oh) 2 . HoSO, (Hydroxylammonium Sulfate) (Oxammonium Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium lfate) (/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Hydroxylamine Bomb Meth. of Analysis of Gravimetric Meth. of Analysis of ustrial Aromatic Hydroca/ Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen si Z77.10 Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen 4) Tentative Meth. of Test for Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of Hydrogen Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Terms Used in the Propargite 2-(P-Tert-Butylphenoxy) Cyclohexyl 2Propynyl Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium of Aluminum (1972) ANSI Z197./ Std. Meth. of Analysis of Std. Meth. of Test for Alkyl Benzene Std. Meth. for Analysis of Calcium and Barium Petroleum Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining ) (1961) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining th. for Continuous Analysis and Automatic Recording of the atic Hydroca/ Std. Meth. of Test for Hydrogen Sulfide and Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Total Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Free Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed Textile Yarns to Test Meth. for Accelerated Aging of Std. for Prevention of Std. Meth. of Test for Mercaptan Meth. of Test for Trace Quantities of Std. Meth. of Test for Total Meth. for Reducible 973) Tent. Meth. of Test for ke (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Total tion M/ Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Quantities of Total lied Condensation Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for eth. for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, protein Bearing Materials When Suitable Amounts of Sample, 73) Std. Meth. for Analysis of hemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of of Test for Weight Loss of Sheet Steel During Immersion in ors (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining struction Contracts Where Basis of Pavment Is a Stipulated ereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. for Gas Fired Absorption 50 Ft. rtain and Building Foundation Drain, Under Basement Floor, Std. for Safety for Portable Std. Spec, for Once Refined ; Babassu; Flaxseed; Castor, Sesame. Safflower. Oleic, and Colorfastness of Textiles to Light and Washing: Alternate Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Textiles to Light. Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Test for Std. Dimensions for Photographic Sound Record on inting on 35 mm Motion Picture Film/ Std. for Location of 5 mm Motion Picture Film. Perforate/ Std. for Location of orated Super 8 (1-3) (1973) Std. for Location of ed 1-4 (1971) Std. for Dimensions for Printed Area in Pro/ Std. Meth. for Determining Speed of 16 Mm, 8 mm and er 8 Printed Area on 16 mm Motion Picture Film, Perforated Std. Dimensions for 35 mm Motion Picture Film Perforated Std. Dimensions for 16 mm Motion Picture Film Perforated emperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base 2) Std. Pract. for Scavenging and z/ Std. Meths. of Test for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell lationship Between Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Rockwell Std. Meth. of Sampling Saturated and ec. for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Std. Spec, for Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and tillate Fuels (Potentio/ ive Microcoulometr/ 11 Suiting (Institutional Textile) (1973) /or Woven Drycl ANSI L24.3.2 Suiting (Institutional Textile) (1973) /R Woven Drycle ANSI L24.3.1 Sulfaquinoxaline in Poultry Feeds and Premixes for Cont AACCH 18-35 Sulfate A1K(S0,), : 12H,0 (Potassium Alum) (1972) ANSI PH4.150 Sulfate Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Finished Corn CR E-64 Sulfate CrK(SO,)., : 12H,0 (Chrome Alum) (1972) ANSI PH4.151 Sulfate Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.229 ASTM D2954 Sulfate Dip) (1973) AASHO T66 / a Zinc (Galvanized) Co ASTM A2.39 Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.229 /Bsorbed Gamma a ASTM D2954 Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI K65.230 /Th. of Test for ASTM D3001 Sulfate or Kraft Layer Type (1973) ANSI C59.50 ASTM D1305 Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate (1973) AASHO T104, ANSI A3 ASTM C88 Sulfate (1964) AWWA B406 Sulfate (1973) AASHO T104, ANSI A37.23 /F Test for Sou ASTM C88 Sulfate) (Oxammonium Sulfate) (1973) /C Grade Hydroxyl ANSI PH4.186 Sulfate) (1973) /C Grade Hydroxylamine Sulfate, (Nh, ANSI PH4.186 Sulfate. Anhydrous Na.,SO, (1973) ANSI PH4.175 Sulfate, (Nh.Oh) ., . H.SO, (Hydroxylammonium Su ANSI PH4.186 Sulfates in Yeast Food's (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-65 Sulfates in Yeast Foods (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) AACCH 40-66 Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide Content (Qualitative) of Ind ASTM D853 Sulfide in Natural Gas (Methylene Blue Meth.) (1970) an ASTM D2725 Sulfide Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Glass (197 ASTM C777 Sulfide (1972) ANSI Z37.2 Sulfides in Coated Paper (Qualitative) (1973) TAPPI UM-532 Sulfite Ion in Water (1972) ASTM D1339 Sulfite Pulping Process (1972) TAPPI T1201 Sulfite (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical) (19 ANSI K62.131 Sulfite, Anhydrous, Na 2 SO, (1972) ANSI PH4.275 Sulfochromate Etch Solution Used in Surface Preparation ASTM D2674 Sulfonate in Water (1968) ASTM D2330 Sulfonates by Liquid Chromatography (1973) ASTM D2894 Sulfur Dioxide Content in Corn Starch (1956) CR B-58 Sulfur Dioxide Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined CR F-54 Sulfur Dioxide Content of Corn Syrup (1952) CR E-66 Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (1967) ID. Me ASTM D1355 Sulfur Dioxide Content (Qualitative) of Industrial Arom ASTM D853 Sulfur Dioxide in Wine (Enologv) (1972) ASE *7 Sulfur Dioxide in Wine (Enology) (1972) ASE *8 Sulfur Dioxide Stoving (1972) ANSI L14.9 AATCC 9 Sulfur Dyed Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.1 AATCC 26 Sulfur Fires and Explosions (1971) ANSI Z12.12 NFPA 655 Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and Dis ASTM D3227 Sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidat ASTM D3120 Sulfur in Natural Gas by Hvdrogenation (1972) ANSI Z77. ASTM D3031 Sulfur in Paper and Paperboard (1972) TAPPI T406SU Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidation Microcoulometry (1 ASTM D3246 Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Std. Meth. Co ASTM D3177 Sulfur in Volatile Organic Liquids (Oxy Hydrogen Combus ASTM D2747 Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases (Barium Chloranilate Contro ASTM D3226 Sulfur (1970) ANSI N113 Std. M ASTM E265 Sulfuric Acid and Catalvst Are Employed (1960) /Other CR F-44 Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1962) /Other CR G-22 Sulfuric Acid and Catalyst Are Employed (1962) /Other CR J-56 Sulfuric Acid as Used in Pulp and Paper Manufacture (19 TAPPI T602 Sulfuric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal C AACCH 04-14 Sulfuric Acid Solution (Cereal Chemistrv) (1962) AACCH 70-80 Sulfuric Acid Solution (1971) ANSI Z167.25 /Ive Meth. ASTM C694 Sulfuric Acid Solutions Content of Reagents and Indicat CR R-30 Sum) (1974) /Tween Owner and Contractor (For Small Con AIOA A107 Summary of Meth. for Biscuit and Cracker Flour Test. (C AACCH 10-30 Summer Air Conditioning Appliances (1973) ANSI Z21.40.1 Summer Camp Rifle Range Plans (1972) NRA »16 Sump Conductor, Downspout Runoff, Swimming Pool, etc.) ASTM D2311 Sun / Heat Lamps (1974) UL 482 Sunflower Oil, Technical Grade (1973) ASTM D3169 Sunflower Seeds; Ground Nuts (Peanuts); Vegetable, Coco NIOP *1 Sunlight Exposure (1965) ANSI L14.118 Test Meth. for AATCC 83 Sunlight (1971) ANSI L14. 168 AATCC 16B Super Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI Alll. 16 ASTM C122 Super 8 Motion Picture Prints (1972) ANSI PH22.182 Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction or Contact Pr ANSI PH22.180 Super 8 Printed Area in Optical Reduction Printing on 3 ANSI PH22.179 Super 8 Printed Area on 16 mm Motion Picture Film. Perf ANSI PH22.181 Super 8 Printing on 16/8Mm Motion Picture Film Perforat ANSI PH22.153 Super 8 Reversal Color Camera Films Intended for Direct ANSI PH22.146 Super 8 (1-3) (1973) Std. for Location of Sup ANSI PH22.181 Super 8, 5R-1667 (1-3-5-7-0) (1973) ANSI PH22.165 Super 8, (1-4) (1973) ANSI PH22.168 Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High T ASTM A638 Supercharging of Stationary Diesel and Gas Engines (197 DEMA »l-3 Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials (1974) ANSI ASTM E18 Superficial, and Knoop Hardness) (1972) ANSI Z76.4 /Re ASTM E140 Superheated Steam (1969) ASTM D1066 Superheater Tubes for High Pressure Service (1973) ANSI ASTM A226 Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.10 ASTM A210 Engineering and Product Standards Division 389 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1.1 72) resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and pec. for Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and . for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, ANSI B12/ Std. Spec, for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Coating Systems (Paint) Guide for Ship Hull, Deck and ion Protective Signaling Systems for Guard, Fire Alarm and protective Signaling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm, and protective Signalling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm and ety Std. for Central Stations for Watchman, Fire Alarm and sistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Prod/ Std. Spec, for the Use of Internal Combustion Engines (1970) Guide for Std. for Stabilized Power Thyristor Power iteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power n Control Centers (1972) Std. for Rec. Antidotes, or Motor Drives: Part 1-Converters for DC Motor Armature ety Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Electric r the Installation and Maintenance of Underground Electric gested Components of a Concrete Reinforcing Steel Material Safety Std. for Cord Sets and Power (1972) Std. for code) (1973) Rules for the Operation of Electric Performance Requirements for Backflow Preventers in Water e Type Back Pressure Backflow Preventers for Potable Water : Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Uniform Plumbing Code: Rec. Rules for Sizing the Water ief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Safety Std. for Play Pipes for Water Integrated Data Processing Systems Designed to Streamline for Mercury Lamp Transformers, Constant Current (Series) Std. for Operating Std. for Ground td. for Wire Cable Wrought Steel Heavy Thimble (For Ground ed Carbon Steel, Shoulder Nut Assembly Eyebolt (For Ground Std. Test. Procedure for End Std. Test. Procedure for End oomstop of All Mobile Construction Type Cranes Having Rope Burning or Extent of Burning of Cellular Plastics Using A Uniform Fire Code: Tents and Air a S-64-474 Std. for Aluminum, Triplex, Neutral Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Self Structural Std. for Steel Antenna Towers and iquid and Liquefied Flammable Gas Processing Equipment and Use (1972) Spec, for g Equip/ Std. for Mechanical Interchangeability of Socket Spec, for Placing Reinforcing- Steel Bar ment (1/ Std. for Mechanical Interchangeability of Socket 70) Spec. Steel Wire Bar ec. Pract. for Hole Placement on Bulldozer (Dozer) End Bit cal Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box and Application Guide for High Voltage Air Switches, Bus Uniform Fire Code: Rec. Pract. for External Electromagnetic Radiation d. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Std. Meth. of Test for Test Meth. of td. Meth. of Test for Pilling Resistance and Other Related td. Spec, for Copper Alloy Condenser Rolled Tube Plates in t Laid Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, Leveling, and r Soil and Dirt Accumu/ Tent. Meth. of Evaluating Deg. of Rec. for Design and Construction of Std. Meth. of Test for Cleanability of e Tester (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Measuring ts (1973) Sanitary Std. for Scraped Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to quirements for Aerial Passenger Tramways Including Ski and ng (1973) ANSI C33.50 Std. for Safety for o T142, ANSI A37.21 Std. Meth. of Test for ent. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the diffusion Length in Silicon by Measurement of Steady State . Meth. of Analysis of Sulfochromate Etch Solution Used in y Water Blasting Prior to Coating or Rec/ Rec. Pract. for (1972) std. for Gear Tooth Surface Texture for Aerospace Gearing bond T/ Test Meth. for Coating Pick Tests for Determining of Test for Shock Absorbing Properties of (Sports) Playing s, Waviness, Form and Lay) (1973) Std. for Gear Tooth Rec. for Prevention of Damage to Property from ainst Misc. Perils at Electric Generating Stations (Flood, age of Refractory Brick and Tile or Deviation from a Plane (Multiply Felt and Asphalt Preferably with Gravel or Slag Std. Spec, for Asphalt Insulating Siding Std. Spec. Jor Asphalt Roll Roofing Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of Metal ve (1970) Test Meth. Visual Std. for si Z197.25 Std. Rec. Pract. for Preparation of 1972) Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.13 /. for Electric ASTM A250 Superheater Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.9 Std. S ASTM A209 Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes (1973) ANSI B125. ASTM A213 Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes (1973) ASTM A249 Superstructure (1973) SNAME 4-10 Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.2 /of Central Stat NFPA 71 Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.3 /D Use of Local NFPA 72A Supervisory Service (1972) ANSI SE3.6 /of Proprietary NFPA 72D Supervisory Services (1972) ANSI Se 3.1 Saf UL 827 Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Electric Re ASTM A520 Supplementary Ventilation in a Ship's Cargo Hold During SNAME 4-14 Supplies Direct Current Output (1972) NEMA PY 1 Supplies for Metal Rolling Mill Auxiliary Drives (1972) NEMA PV 2 Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) a IEEE 387 Supplies (Packaging), and References (Dosage) for Poiso AAPCC *1 Supplies (1973) ANSI C34. 3 /for Thyristor Converters F IEEE 444 Supply and Communication Lines (1960) Saf ANSI C2.2 Supply and Communications Lines (National Electrical Sa ANSI C2.3 Supply and Installation Contract (1968) Sug CRSI *1.9.1 Supply Cords (1972) ANSI C33.3 UL 817 Supply Gas Connectors for Exterior Use on Mobile Homes IAPMO TSC9 Supply Lines and Equipment (National Electrical Safety ANSI C2.4 Supply Lines with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent (1972) ASSE 1012 Supply Lines (1972) /Equipments for Double Check Valv ASSE 1015 Supply Stations and Equipment (1971) /Ety Code, Part 1 ANSI C2.1 Supply System (1973) ICBO UPC*1-A Supply Systems (1972) Std. for Rel ANSI Z21.22A Supply Test, in Fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI Bll UL 385 Supply Transactions Within the Air Transport Industry ( ATAA 200 Supply Type (1971) Std. Spec ANSI C82.7 Supply Voltage and Frequency of Office Machines (1973) ANSI X4.ll Support Equipment (Hand Knob) (1974) NSA 1553 Support Equipment) (1974) NSA 1045 Support Equipment) (1974) Std. -for Forg NSA 1053 Supported Beam Deflection Composite Tubes and Cores (19 CCTI T-113 Supported Beam Strength Fibre Tubes and Cores (1972) CCTI Tl 14 Supported Booms, Equipped for Hook Work, Clamshell, Mag SAE J220 Supported Specimen by a Horizontal Screen (1974) ANSI K ASTM D1692 Supported Structures (1973) ICBO UFC*2ART30 Supported, Service Drop and Secondary Cable (1966) Ipce EEI TDJ-180 Supporting Plastics (1974) ANSI K65.21 ASTM D635 Supporting Structures (1972) EIA RS222-B Supporting Structures (1973) /(Safety) for Flammable L FMS 7-14 Supports for Off the Floor Plumbing Fixtures for Public ANSI Al 12.6.1 Supports for Use in Metal Heads Used in Roadway Lightin EEI TDJ-143 Supports in Concrete Construction (1970) CRSI * 1 .3.5 Supports Used in Metal Heads for Roadway Lighting Equip NEMA SH13 Supports Used to Position Reinforcement in Concrete (19 CRSI * 1.3. 1 Supports (1972) SAE J63 Supports, and Cast Aluminum Covers (1973) /for Electri NEMA OS1 Supports, and Switch Accessories (1972) /Cturing Spec. ANSI C37.32 Suppression and Control of Hazardous Areas (1973) ICBO UFC*2E Suppressors (1969) SAE J552A Surface Abrasion (1973) ANSI K65.72 St ASTM D1044 Surface Area of Carbon Black (1973) ASTM D3037 Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ( NFPA 255 Surface Changes of Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.198 ASTM D1375 Surface Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1973) ASTM B171 Surface Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Ho ASTM D1753 Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Fungal Growth O ASTM D3274 Surface Drainage Systems on Farms in Humid Areas (1973) ASAE R302.2 Surface Finishes (1973) ASTM C756 Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Portabl ASTM E303 Surface Heat Exchanges for Use with Milk and Its Produc DFISA 3100 Surface Imperfections on Ceramics (1973) ASTM F109 Surface Lifts and Tows (1973) Std. for Safety Re ANSI B77.1 Surface Metal Raceways and Fittings for Electrical Wiri UL 5 Surface Moisture in Fine Concrete Aggregate (1973) Aash ASTM C70 Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chambe ASTM D3273 Surface Photovoltage (Electronics) (1973; /Ty Carrier ASTM F391 Surface Preparation of Aluminum (1972) ANSI Z197.29 /D ASTM D2674 Surface Preparation of Steel and Other Hard Materials B NACE RP-01-72 Surface Preparation Spec, for Steel Structure Painting ANSI A159.1 (Surface Roughness, Waviness, Form and Lay) (1973) AGMA 118.01 Surface Strength of Coated Papers Using the Interfiber TAPPI UM-534 Surface Systems (1972) Std. Meth. ASTM F355 Surface Texture for Aerospace Gearing (Surface Roughnes AGMA 118.01 Surface Water (1973) FMS 9-2 Surface Water, Rigging Collapse, Burglary, and Roof Col FMS 9-10 Surface (1972) Std. Meth. of Test for Warp ASTM C154 Surface) (1968) /Tion Data on Elastomer Roof Coverings FMS 1-47 Surfaced with Mineral Granules (1970) ANSI A109.18 ASTM D1226 Surfaced with Mineral Cranules (1973) ASTM D249 Surfaces for Adhesives Bonding (1967) ANSI Z197.28 ASTM D2651 Surfaces of New Steel Airblast Cleaned with Sand Abrasi NACE TM-01-70 Surfaces of Plastic Prior to Adhesive Bonding (1969) an ASTM D2093 ! 390 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Primers and Primer ct Preparation, Finishing and Testing of Concrete Subfloor 1 Scale Tir/ Meth. of Test for Stopping Distance on Paved Tent. Meth. of Measurement of Stopping Distance on Paved Detection of Mill Chemical Treatments on Galvanized Steel densation-Humidity Test, of Organic Coatings on Metallic varnish. Lacquer, and Related Organic Coatings on Metallic r Metal Oxide Waterproofing for Below Grade Wall and Floor of Test for Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic on of Structures and Contaminants Seen on Specular Silicon for Thickness of Resilient Flooring, Materials Having Flat th. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Spec, for Spec, for Composite Spec, for Chemical Resistant Resin Monolithic Std. Qualitative Classification of er Circuits (1972) ANSI C62.1 Std. for (Bone) / Std. Spec, for Hip Nail-Jewett Type for Use by erimental Test, for Biological Compatibility of Metals for Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of Bone Plates Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test, of Nail Plates for Static Bend and Torsion Test, of Intramedullary Rods (1973) ANSI Se2.5 Safety Std. for ystem Units (Electronic / Electrical / Mechanical Security Std. Rec. Pract. for Performance Spec, for Portable X-Or Gamma Radiation Rec. Guide for Making a Condition m Alloys (E/ Std. Meth. of Test for Exfoliation Corrosion lution of pH 7.2 to Evaluate the Stress Corrosion Cracking Alloys to Stress C/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining the 1 Rich, Chromium Bearing Alloys / Std. Meth. of Detecting starch (Granules in Flour or Starch Preparations Which Are Rec. Std. for Seismic Restraint Direct Hung d. Spec, for Electric Wire Rope Hoists (Lug, Hook, Trolley anel Ceilings (1973/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Metal Std. Wet Process Porcelain Insulators Std. Application Guide for Porcelain analysis of Apparent Viscosity of Acidulated Flour-Water 973) Std. for Collar. Std. for Pins and Collars, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, Std. for Pin, sion. Pull Type (1973) p Tvpe (1973) 11 Tvpe (1973) sion. Pull Tvpe (1973) ype(1973) d. Pull Type (1973) Pull Type (1973) Pull Tvpe (1973) Stump Tvpe (1973) Tension, Pull Type (1973) tension. Stump Type (1973) Tension, Pull Type (1973) Tension, Stump Type (1973) ion, Pull Type (1973) (1973) ype, (1973) d. Shear, Pull Type (1973) (Ms2494), Tension. Pull Type (1973) (MS20426), Tension, Pull Type (1973) Head, Pull Type (1973) 1 Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) Stump Type (1973) 1973) tension. Pull Type (1973) head. Pull Type (1973) Std. for Std. and Rec. Pract. for Level Flotation of Boats When Std. and Rec. Pract. for Buoyancy in the Event of Safety Std. for Tests for Combustibility of Meth. of Analysis for Baking Test (Quality) for iveness Df Treating Solutions (1970) Uniform Std. for Gas Fired Std. for Safety for Rec. for Thermoplastic Piping for Std. for Test Kits for n. Under Basement Floor, Sump Conductor, Downspout Runoff, Reinforced Brick Masonry Std. for Multiport Valves for Public and Residential Suggested Minimum Stds. for Public Std. for Sand Type Filters for Std. for Diatomite Type Filters for Suggested Minimum Stds. for Residential d. for Underwater Lighting Fixtures and Junction Boxes for Surfaces Over Preformed Metal (1974) Surfaces to Receive Wood Flooring (1962) /C. for Corre Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Ful Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Ful Surfaces (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for Surfaces (Coil) (1974) Std. Meth. for Con Surfaces (Coil) (1974) /N, or Other Failure of Paint, Surfaces (1971) Spec. Fo Surfaces (1972) Std. Meth. Surfaces (1972T) IT. and Nomenclature for Identificati Surfaces (1973) Std. Meth. of Test Surfaces (1974) Std. Me Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.13 Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) ANSI W3.21 Surfacings(1972T) Surfactants by Infrared Absorption (1974) Surge Arresters (1972) Surge (Lightning) Arresters for Alternating Current Pow Surgeons in the Treatment of Fractures of the Skeletal Surgical Implants (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Exp (Surgical Implants) (1973) (Surgical Implants) (1973) (Surgical Implants) (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. Surveillance Cameras for Banks and Mercantile Premises Surveillance System and Equipment) (1974) /S Control S Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1973) Survey Instruments (1971) Survey of Concrete in Service (1965) Susceptibility in 7XXX Series Copper Containing Aluminu Susceptibility of Cu-Zn Alloys (1973) /F Mattsson's So Susceptibility of Stainless Steels and Related Ni-Cr-Fe Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nicke Susceptible to Hydrolysis by Alpha Amylase) (Cereal Che Suspended Ceiling Assemblies (1972) Suspended, and Base Mounted Types (1971) St Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for Lay in P (Suspension Type) (1971) Suspension (Power Line) Insulators (1974) Suspensions (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Swage Locking for Pull Type and Stump Type Lockbolts (1 Swage Locking (1973) Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear / Ten Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Shear, Stum Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, Protruding Head, Tension, Pu Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Ten Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Stump T Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension Hea Swage Locking, A-286, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tension Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (Ms20426, Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Swage Locking, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, Tens Swage Locking, Steel. Protruding Head, Shear Stump Type Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, Tension, Stump T Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, Protruding Hea Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head Swage Locking, Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Shear Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Tension, Pul Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tension, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tension, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Shear Head, Stump Type ( Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, Protruding Head, Shear / Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, 100 Deg. Shear / Tension Swaging Process-Tube to Rod End (1974) Swamped (1973) Swamping (Boat Flotation) (1973) Sweeping Compounds (Fire Protection) (1973) ANSI Z240.1 Sweet Yeast Products (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Swellograph Method for Test, the Water Repellent Effect Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw mming Pool Code (1973) mming Pool Heaters (1972) mming Pool Pumps, Filters, and Chlorinators (1972) mming Pool Water Circulation Systems (1972) mming Pool Water (1970) mming Pool, etc.) (1973) ANSI A176.3 /Undation Drai mming Pools (Tech. Notes) (1967) mming Pools (1969) mming Pools (1969) mming Pools (1971) mming Pools (1971) mming Pools (1972) mming Pools (1972) Safety St ASTM WSFI ASTM ASTM NCCA NCCA NCCA CSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWS AWS ASTM ASTM NEMA IEEE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL UL ASTM ANSI ACI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH CISCA HMI ICBO ANSI NEMA AACCH NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ABYC ABYC UL AACCH NWMA IAPMO ANSI UL SPI NSF ASTM BIA NSF NSPI NSF NSF NSPI UL D3322 •1 E445 E503 TB-II-11 TB-III-6 TB-1II-1 07140 C738 F154 F386 C779 A5.13 A5.21 C722 D2357 LA 1 28 F369 F361 F382 F384 F383 983 294 E185 N13.4 65-67 G34 G37 G35 G28 76-30A »3 100 UBCS47-16 C29.2 HV2 56-80 1080 1413 7014 6984 6965 6946 6974 7004 6955 1525 1555 1535 6915 1516 1546 1465 1424 1496 1446 1456 1475 1436 6935 6925 1486 1414 7034 7024 582 H8B H8A 41 10-20 M-2-70 *1 Z21.56 1081 PPITR17 38 D2311 17K 27 •1 10 9 •2 676 Engineering and Product Standards Division 391 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Uniform Plumbing Code: Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile nd Feed and Water Requirements of Farm Livestock (Poultry, nsi A133.1 Safety Std. for ion Guide for High Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Rec. Pract. for Electric Blower Motor Rec. Pract. for Electric Windshield Wiper Rec. Pract. for Electric Windshield Washer Rec. Pract. for Headlamp (Light) Rec. Pract. for Vehicle Ignition Rec. Pract. for Mechanical Stop Lamp (Light) 3) ANSI N41.17 IEEE Trial Use Guide for Class IE Control Dead Front Distribution Safety Std. for Dead Front rs, Automatic Line Sectionalizers and Oil Filled Capacitor Std. Proposal for Solid State Load s AD, and Class II, Groups E/ Safety Std. for Electrical Se2.6 Std. for Safety for Connectors and Uniform Dimensions and Meth. of Test, for Rotary Selector Safety Std. for Automatic Transfer ty Std. for Manually Operable General and Special Use Snap Std. for Safety for Special Use Electrical acturing Spec, and Application Guide for High Voltage Air uating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal Clad Std. Definitions for Power or AC High Voltage Power Vacuum Interrupters Used in Power Std. for Industrial Electrical Power Control Apparatus - Rec. Pract. for Semiautomatic Headlamp (Light) Beam Std. for Electrical Power for Schedule of Preferred Ratings for Capacitance Current a Symmetrical/ Std. Requirements for Capacitance Current a Symmet/ Std. Application Guide for Capacitance Current Std. Techniques for gh Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated 0/ Std. Requirement for s Rated on a Symmetrical Basis When Rated for Out of Phase Std. for Double Race or Bi-Level Std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, Std. for Elbow, Reducer, 45 Deg. Flareless Tube to Std. for Elbow Reducer, 90 Deg. Flareless Tube to Std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Rec. Safety Alert ment Maintenance Instructions, and Conta/ Rec. Pract. for lements as Used in Schematic Diagrams (1972) Std. Std. for Instrumentation rocessing) (1973) ANSI PH5.17 Std. for Flowchart si Z1.6 Std. Definitions and ansi K65.57 Std. in Architecture and Building Construction (/ Std. Graphic Std. for Manufacturer Identification ronics) (1973) ANSI Y32.14 Std. for Graphic ttons (1972) Std. for Machinery and Equipment (1971) ANSI B114.2, Sa/ Std. for Std. for Load Handling logy (1969) ANSI Y10.19 Std. for Letter Std. for Graphical zl28.7 Std. Definitions of Terms and (1961) Abbreviations and Std. for Operation and Flow Process Charts and Std. for Glossary of Terms Concerning Letter Spec, for Informational, Directional, and Special Signs Western Woods Use Book: Abbreviations, rts (1971) ANSI Z1.5 Std. Definitions, cal Control of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A eth. for Test. AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A igh Voltage Circuit Breaker External Insulation Rated on A n Strength for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A ry Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A ry Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A Components of AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A on for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A aulic Turbine Driven Synchronous Generators and Reversible ator / Motor Uni/ Std. for Large Hydraulic Turbine Driven Std. for Std. Criteria and Definitions for Excitation Systems for Guide for Std. for Rec. for Fire Protection of ) Std. (1954) Rec. for Protection Against Betatron Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Cyclic Immersion of std. Meth. of Test for Hydrostatic Compressive Strength of Swimming Pools (1973) Swimming Pools (1973) Swine, Cattle, Sheep) (1968) /Heat and Moisture Loss a Swinging Hardware for Std. Tin Clad Fire Doors (1973) a Switch Accessories (1972) /Cturing Spec, and Applicat Switch for Vehicles (1971) Switch (1971) Switch (1971) Switch (1971) Switch (1971) Switch (1972) Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (197 Switchboards (1972) Switchboards (1972) Switches for Alternating Current Systems (1972) /Close Switches for Traffic Control Systems (1973) Switches for Use in Hazardous Locations: Class I, Group Switches for Use with Burglar Alarm Systems (1973) ANSI Switches (Radio, TV, and Instrumentation) (1973) ANSI C Switches (1972) Switches (1972) ANSI C33.40 Safe Switches (1973) ANSI C33.40.1 Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch Accessories (1972) Switchgear (1971) ANSI C37.24 Std. Guide for Eval Switchgear (1972) Switchgear (1972) /Quirements for X-Radiation Limits F Switching and Controlling Devices (1973) Switching Devices (1972) Switching Equipment (1974) Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on Switching for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on Switching Impulse Testing (1972) ANSI C68.2 Switching Impulse Voltage Insulation Strength for AC Hi Switching (1973) ANSI C37.079 /Voltage Circuit Breaker Swivel and Rigid Industrial Casters (1973) Swivel on Run (1973) Swivel on Side (1973) Swivel (1973) Swivel (1973) Swivel, Swivel on Run (1973) Swivel, Swivel on Side (1973) Symbol for Agricultural Equipment (1972) Symbols and Color Codes for Lubricant and Fluid Require Symbols and Definitions for Mechanical and Acoustical E Symbols and Identification Code (1973) Symbols and Their Usage in Micrographics (Information P Symbols for Acceptance Sampling by Attributes (1971) an Symbols for Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Fittings (1968) Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagrams Used Symbols for Fasteners (1973) Symbols for Logic Diagrams (Two-State Devices) (Elect Symbols for Machine Tool Indicator Plates or Control Bu Symbols for Operator Controls on Agricultural Tractors, Symbols for Powered Industrial Trucks (1973) Symbols for Units Used in Electrical Science and Techno Symbols for Use on Railroad Maps and Profiles (1972) Symbols Relating to Emission Spectroscopy (1972A) ANSI Symbols Used in Builders Hardware Schedules and Specs. Symbols (Mechanical Engineering) (1972) Symbols (1972) (Symbols) Complementary to ANSI Z35. 1-1972, Accident P Symbols, and Terminology (Lumber and Timber) (1973) Symbols, Formulas, and Tables for (Quality) Control Cha Symmetrical and a Total Current Basis (1972) / Electri Symmetrical Basis When Rated for Out of Phase Switching Symmetrical Basis (1972) /Ings for Capacitance Current Symmetrical Basis (1972) /Test Values for Outdoor AC H Symmetrical Basis (362 kV and Above) (1972) ANSI C37.07 Symmetrical Current Basis (1971) ANSI C37.072 / Recove Symmetrical Current Basis (1971) ANSI C37.0721 /Recove Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.073 /Current Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.076 /Surized Symmetrical Current Basis (1972) ANSI C37.078 /Nsulati Symmetrical Current Basis (1973) ANSI C37.0731 /Urrent Synchronous Generator / Motor Units for Pumped Storage Synchronous Generators and Reversible Synchronous Gener Synchronous Integral Horsepower Generators (1972) Synchronous Machines (1972) Synchronous Motor Protection (1971) Synchronous Motors (Large Apparatus) (1972) Synchronous Motors (1974) Synchronous Signaling Rates for Data Transmission (1969 Synchrotron Radiations Up to 100 Million Electron Volts Syntactic Foam at Pressure (1972) Syntactic Foam (1972A) ICBO UPC-l-G TCA 302 ASAE D249.2 UL 14C ANSI C37.32 SAE J235 SAE J112A SAE J234 SAE J253 SAE J259 SAE J249 IEEE 420 NEMA PB2 UL 891 NEMA SG13 NEMA TS2 UL 894 UL 634 EIA RS315-A UL 1008 UL 20 UL 1054 ANSI C37.32 IEEE 144 ANSI C37.100 ANSI C37.85 ANSI C19.5 SAE J565C NEMA SG6 ANSI C37.0732 IEEE 341 IEEE 342 IEEE 332 IEEE 339 IEEE 417 ANSI MH11.1 NSA 1763 NSA 1764 NSA 1761 NSA 1762 NSA 1763 NSA 1764 ASAE R350 SAE J223 ANSI Y32.18 ISA S5.1 NMA MS4 ASQC A2 ASTM D2749 ANSI Y32.9 IFI 122 IEEE 91 ANSI B5.46 ASAE S304.4 ANSI MH11.3 IEEE 260 ANSI Y32.7 ASTM E135 NBHA '3 ASME 101 ANSI Y10.1 ANSI Z35.4 WWPA *31-6 ASQC Al ANSI C37.U IEEE 417 ANSI C37.0732 ANSI C37.0781 IEEE 339 IEEE 327 IEEE 328 IEEE 341 IEEE 340 IEEE 343 IEEE 342 NEMA MG5.1 NEMA MG5.1 NEMA MG1-16 IEEE 421 IEEE 329 NEMA MG1-21 FMS 5-13 ANSI X3.1 NCRPM R14 ASTM D2735 ASTM D2736 392 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards tionic Titration Procedure (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for 2T) Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Chemical Analysis of Soaps Containing Copolymers (SBR) (1/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of textile Fiber Storage (Cotton, Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Flax, for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. C Operation / Std. Spec, for for Wire and Cable (1974) ANSI C8.38 Std. Spec, for C Operation (1974) ANSI C8.24 Std. Spec, for C Operation (1974) ANSI C8.40 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. ANSI C8.28 Std. Spec, for Styrene-Butadiene - 1 Purpose (45-55) (1973) Spec, for Analytical Meth. for Determining Dextrose Content of Corn Meth. for Determining Dextrose Equivalent Content of Corn -Titrimetric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), r Determining Calcium (Egta— Titrimetric) Content of Corn for Determining Iron (Orthophenanthroline) Content of Corn . Analytical Meth. for Determining Acidity Content of Corn ation Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Dextrose, ical Meth. for Determination of Phosphorus in Corn Starch. . Analytical Meth. for Determining Arsenic Content of Corn ical Meth. for Determining Heavy Metals Content of of Corn . Analytical Meth. for Determining Sulfate Content of Corn d. Analytical Meth. for Determining Copper Content of Corn td. Analytical Meth. for Determining Baume Content of Corn r Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Paper) Content of Corn for Determining Candy Color and Inversion Content of Corn rmining Moisture (Azeotropic Distillation) Content of Corn ical Meth. for Determining Color Stability Content of Corn for Determining Moisture (Oven Filter Aid) Content of Corn Analytical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Corn Analytical Meth. for Determining Chloride Content of Corn tical Meth. for Determining Sulfur Dioxide Content of Corn for Determining Color (Visual Comparison) Content of Corn nalytical Meth. for Determining Phosphorus Content of Corn for Determining Color (Spectrophotometric) Content of Corn Determining Saccharides (Chromatographic) Content of Corn h. for Determining Moisture (Karl Fischer) Content of Corn ah tical Meth. for Determining Iron (TPTZ) Content of Corn ermining Copper Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), meth. for Determining Extraneous Materials Content of Corn al Meth. for Determining Specific Rotation Content of Corn Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Ash Content of Corn ical Meth. for Determining Apparent Starch Content of Corn Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining pH Content of Corn cal Meth. for Determining Refractive Index Content of Corn . Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium Content of Corn ng Saccharides (Gas Liquid Chromatography) Content of Corn lytical Meth. for Determining Fermentables Content of Corn cal Meth. for Determining Protein Nitrogen Content of Corn Refractometer Meth. of Analysis of Solids in ng Heavy Metals Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), termining Protein Nitrogen Content in Corn Starch, Sugars, Determining pH Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), mining Chloride Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), ermining Iron Content in Corn Starch Hydrolzates Including Meth. of Analysis for Ash in Molasses. Sugars, and or Determining Baume Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Its Spindle Meth. of Analysis of Solids in Juices, rotein Nitrogen Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), determining Protein Nitrogen Content in Feedstuffs (Corn), protein Nitrogen Content in Steepwater, (Corn) Feedstuffs, electronic / Electrical / Mechanical Security Surveillance Rec. for Water Sprinkler and Hydrant Characteristics Of, Rec. Construction and Water Sprinkler Deg. Involute Spur Pinions (1973) Std. for Std. for Air Conditioning Equipment Selection and 972) Rec. Spec, for Enamel Coating Rec. Pract. Tests for Central ANSI J8.6 Std. Classification Rec. Pract. for Electrical Uniform Building Code Std. for Blower, Fan, and Exhaust e Applications (1973) ANSI J8.15, SAE J20/ Classification ngs (1972) Rec. Pract. for Coding nery) (/ Rec. Pract. for Electrical Wiring Identification nsi L14.289 Std. Meth. for Spinning Tests on the Cotton Rec. Pract. for Grounded 830 V, 3 Phase Electrical radiation (1971) ANSI N4.1 Std. Classification Rec. for Water Demand for Sprinkler Rec. Pract. for Vendor Rating nsliteration) (1972) Std. for ransliteration) (1972) Std. for S6./ Rec. Pract. for Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition Line Code Color Code Synthetic Anionic Active Ingredient in Detergents by Ca Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by Cationic Titration (197 Synthetic Detergents (1973) Synthetic Elastomers for Use on Solid Styrene Butadiene Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Rec. for Baled Synthetic Rubber Heat and Moisture Resisting Insulation Synthetic Rubber Heat or Moisture Resisting Insulation Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75 Deg. Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 90 Deg. Synthetic Rubber Latices (1974) ANSI J2.34 Synthetic Rubber (SBR) Jacket for Wire and Cable (1973) Synthetic Rubber. Ethylene Propylene Terpolyraer, Cenera Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyzates (1967) Std. Syrup and All Starch Hydrolyzates (1968) /. Analytical Syrup and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1973) /Cium (Egta Syrup and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1973) /L Meth. Fo Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates and All Starches and Suga Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates (1952) Std Syrup and Starch Hydrolyzates (1971) /Ing Specific Rot Syrup and Sugar Obtained from the Corn Wet Milling Proc Syrup Unmixed and Corn Sugar (1954) Std Syrup Unmixed and Dextrose (1956) Std. Analyt Syrup Unmixed and Finished Corn Sugars (1954) Std Syrup Unmixed and Finished Sugars (1954) St Syrup Unmixed and Its Syrups (1959) Syrup Unmixed and Unbleached Crude Corn Sugar (1956) Syrup Unmixed (1952) Std. Analytical Meth. Syrup Unmixed (1952) Std. Analytical Meth. for Dete Syrup Unmixed (1954) Std. Analyt Syrup Unmixed (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Stare Syrup Unmixed, Finished Sugar and Other Clarified Stare Syrup (1952) Std. Analy Syrup (1954) Std. Analytical Meth. Syrup (1957) Std. a Syrup (1957) Std. Analytical Meth. Syrup (1957) Std. Analytical Meth. for Syrup (1966) Std. Analytical Met Syrup (1970) Std. an Syrup, and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1961) /. for Det Syrup, Crude and Refined Sugar and Other Materials Solu Syrup, Dextrose and Starch Hydrolyzates (1971) /Alytic Syrup, Finished Sugar and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (19 Syrup, Refined and Crude Sugar (1967) Std. Analyt Syrup, Starch Hydrolyzates and a Variety of Other Mater Syrup, Sugar and Dextrose (1956) Std. Analyti Syrup, Sugar and Other Carbohydrates (1957) Std Syrup, Sugar, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1967) /Etermini Syrup. Sugars, and Starch Hydrolyzates (1957) /Td. Ana Syrup, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Mater Syrups and Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Syrups and Other Hydrolyzates from Corn and Grain Sorgh Syrups and Other Protein Bearing Materials (1956) / De Syrups and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1961) /Meth. for Syrups and Other Starch Hydrolyzates (1962) /for Deter Syrups and Sugars, and Most Wet Milled Products (1961) Syrups (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Syrups (1959) Std. Analytical Meth. F Syrups, and Molasses (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Syrups, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Materials Wh Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Mate Syrups, Sugars, Starches and Other Protein Bearing Mate System and Equipment) (1974) /S Control System Units ( System Demand Tables (Fire Safety) (1973) System Design-Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) System Design of Fine Pitch on Center Face Gears for 20 System Design of Fine Pitch Wormgearing (1973) System Design Procedures (1973) System Designations for Coal Tar or Asphalt Coatings (1 System Fluids (1970) System for Carbon Blacks Used in Rubber Products (1973) System for Construction and Industrial Machinery (1972) System for Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) System for Elastomeric Materials (Rubber) for Automotiv System for Identification of Tube, Pipe, and Hose Fitti System for Industrial and Construction Equipment (Machi System for Measurement of Spinning Performance (1972) a System for Oil Field Service (1973) System for Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing System for Private Fire Protection (Safety) (1973) System for Quality Control (1969) System for Romanization of Arabic Written Language (Tra System for Romanization of Japanese Written Language (T System for Vehicle Noise Sound Level Meters (1972) ANSI System for Welding Wire Identification (1973) System for Welding Wire Identification (1973) /Al ASTM D1681 ASTM D3049 ASTM D820 ASTM D1416 FMS 8-7 ASTM D1679 ASTM D1520 ASTM D754 ASTM D1523 ASTM D1417 ASTM D866 SAE AMS3260 CR E-24 CR E-26 CR F-8 CR Ell CR E-32 CR E-2 CR F-52 CR B-47 CR E-4 CR E-30 CR E-64 CR E-22 CR E-8 CR E-44 CR E-12 CR E-40 CR E-20 CR E-42 CR E-14 CR E-15 CR E-66 CR E-18 CR E-50 CR E-16 CR E-62 CR E-46 CR E-33 CR F-18 CR E-27 CR E-58 CR E-6 CR E-60 CR E48 CR E-54 CR E-10 CR E-63 CR E-28 CR E-52 AACCH 68-60 CR F-26 CR B-48 CR F-42 CR F-10 CR B-30 AACCH 08-14 CR E-8 AACCH 68-62 CR F-44 CR G-22 CR J-56 UL 294 FMS 2-76 FMS LPD 1-2 AGMA 203.03 AGMA 374.04 NESCA MAN K NAPCA BUL 1 SAE J72 ASTM D1765 SAE J821A ICBO UBCS10-3 ASTM D2000 SAE J846C SAE J210 ASTM D28I1 API 11M ASTM D2953 FMS 3-26 ASQC RP7 ANSI Z39.12 ANSI Z39.ll SAE J 184 SAE AMS2815M SAE AMS2816K Engineering and Product Standards Division 393 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards rocess Input-Output (1972/ Std. for Industrial Computer Std. for Coolant Std. for Central for Pipe Friction Loss Tables for Solving Fire Protection Std. Metric Pract. Guide to the Use of SI (International ation of Brake Fluid Temperature in the Automotive Braking for Nomenclature for Passenger Car and Light Truck Exhaust ent and R/ Std. for Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioning . for Water Flow / Pressure Requirements for Pipe Schedule Rec. Pract. for Automotive Transmission Hydraulic Control ct. for Mobile Construction Type Crane Overload Indicating rity Surveillance Sys/ Std. for Safety for Access Control Safety Std. for Household Burglar Alarm Std. for Safety of Household Fire Warning Std. for Safety for Proprietary Burglar Alarm Std. for Gas Fired Gravity and Fan Type Sealed Combustion Std. Tolerances for Woolen Spun on the Woolen Analysis of Cooking Characteristics of Macaroni-Borasio Spec, for Firecycle on -Off Multicycle Sprinkler mples from the Lines of an Operating Hydraulic Fluid Power Fire Detection em) (1966) What Makes a Good Air Conditioning Spec. Data for Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary Laminators Quality Control Std. Meth. of Specifying Color by the Munsell Rec. Pract. for Quality Control Records pract. for Automotive Gasoline Performance and Information Rec. Pract. for Radius of Load and Boom Angle Measuring s, Trucks, and Combination Vehicles with Any Type of Brake Uniform Plumbing Code: Battery Drainage form Plumbing Code: Rec. Rules for Sizing the Water Supply nes, and Drawings for Copper Solvent Single Stack Plumbing geons in the Treatment of Fractures of the Skeletal (Bone) Std. for Numerical Designation (Identification tioning System (Information on Year Round Air Conditioning drant, Driveway Clearance, Installation and Maintenance of hase of Nuclear Power Plants / Std. for Cleaning of Fluid Manual Meth. (197/ Std. Meth. for Sampling Gas Blow Down Automatic Particle/ Std. Meth. of Sampling Gas Blow Down Std. for Automatic Gas Ignition act. for Design, Construction and Stowage of Portable Fuel Uniform Plumbing Code: Indirect Waste Piping, Wet Vented Std. for Monorail Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Vehicle Alarm ANSI C37.90 Std. for Relays and Relay for Assigning Alloy Phase Designations (Code) in Metallic 72) Std. for Efficiency Test, of Air Cleaning Code for Identification of Piping in the Air Tra/ Spec, for Std. Integrated Data Processing eth. of Test for Linear Shrinkage of Thermosetting Casting td. Test Procedure for the Evaluation of Sealed Insulation gs (1973/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Metal Suspension Std. for Alloy and Temper Designation Std. for Alloy and Temper Designation n. Materials, Size, and Installation of Propeller Shafting Std. for Direct Reading Remote Registration (1971) Std. for Nuclear Material Control Pract. for Instantizing (1973) / Std. for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Std. Rec. Pract. for Prefabricated Reflective Insulation ion. Maintenance and Use of Auxiliary Protective Signaling Rec. for Local Protective Signalling for Safety for Alarm Valves for Use in Wet Pipe Sprinkler Rec. for Water Spray Fixed Std. for the Installation of Water Sprinkler actice) (1974) Std. for Nuclear Material Control for Residential Controls Direct Electric Ignition Control aintenance and Use of Central Station Protective Signaling Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Alarm td. Spec, for Homogeneous Perforated Bituminous Fiber Pipe onstruction and Installation of Permanently Installed Fuel uipment / Rec. Pract for the Flushing and Cleaning of Oil uipment (1972) Rec. Pract. for the Design of Oil uipment (1971) Rec. Pract. for the Purification of Oil gn, Installation, and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve (/ Rec. Pract. and Stds. for Safe Installation of Exhaust Tent. Meth. of Test for Corrosivity of Solvent Std. Criteria and Definitions for Excitation , Maintenance and Use of Proprietary Protective Signalling Uation, Maintenance and Use of Local Protective Signaling Rec. Pract. for the Flushing and Cleaning of Lubricating Std. for Electrical Bonding of Direct Current Rec. Pract. and Std. for Cathodic Protection Rec. for Design and Construction of Surface Drainage wer Gel Std. Criteria for Preparation of Design Bases for ical Cleaning of Indus/ Std. Meth. of Analysis of Solvent Meth. of /, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles Re< Bus System FORTRAN Procedures for Executive Functions and P System Hoses (1971) System Humidifiers (1974) System Hydraulic Problems (1973) Rec. System of Units) (1972) ANSI Z210.1 System of Vehicles Equipped with Disc Brakes (1972) /N System Parts (1972) Rec. Pract. System Rating Definitions, Test. Meth., and Test Equipm System Sprinkler Demand (1974) Rec System Terminology (1970) System Test Procedure (1971) Rec. Pra System Units (Electronic / Electrical / Mechanical Secu System Units (1972) ANSI Se2.4 System Units (1973) System Units (1974) ANSI Se2.9 System Wall Furnaces (1972) System Yarns (1971) System (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) System (Fire Safety) (1973) System (For Particulate Contamination Analysis) (1972) System (Grinnell Protomatic Release F100) (1973) System (Information on Year Round Air Conditioning Syst System (Plumbing Pipe and Fittings) (1972) System (Timber Construction Manual) (1962) System (1968) System (1969) System (1971) System (1972) System (1972) System (1973) System (1973) Uni System (1973) Design Rules. Guideli System (1973) /R Hip Nail-Jewett Type for Use by Sur System) of Modular Grid Coordinates (1971) System) (1966) What Makes a Good Air Condi Systems and Appliances (Extinguishers, Alarms, Sandpipe Systems and Associated Components During Construction P Systems and Components for Particulate Contamination by Systems and Components for Particulate Contamination by' Systems and Components (1971) Systems and Portable Containers for Flammable Liquids ( Systems and Special Wastes (1973) Systems and Underhung Cranes (1973) Systems and Units for Protection Against Holdup and the Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus (1971) Systems Based on the Composition and Crystal Lattice of Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Particles (19 Systems Content (1973) Systems Designed to Streamline Supply Transactions with Systems During Cure (1969) ANSI K65.181 Std. M Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form Wound Systems for Acoustical Tile and for Lay in Panel Ceilin Systems for Aluminum (1972) Systems for Aluminum (1972) Systems for Boats (1973) /Guide to Design, Constructio Systems for Cold Water Meters (1972) Systems for Conversion Facilities (A Guide to Practice) Systemsfor Dry Milk and Dry Milk Products (1972) Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal or Conveying Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperature Systems for Fire Alarm Service (1972) ANSI SE3.4 Systems for Fire Protection and Safety (Alarm) (1973) Systems for Fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI B129.2 Systems for Fire Protection (1973) Systems for Fire Protection (1973) ANSI A54.3 Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (A Guide to Pr Systems for Gas Fired Equipment (1972) Systems for Guard. Fire Alarm and Supervisory Service ( Systems for High-Rise Buildings (1973) Systems for Highway, Airport, and Similar Drainage (197 Systems for Inboard and Outboard Powered Boats (1973) Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Eq Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Eq Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydroelectric Eq Systems for Petroleum Industry Use (1973) /T. for Desi Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery (Boats) Systems for Removing Water Formed Deposits (1973) Systems for Synchronous Machines (1972) Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm and Supervisory Servic Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm, and Supervisory Servi Systems of Various Turbine Driven Pumps for Marine Serv Systems on Boats (1972) Systems on Boats (1972) Systems on Farms in Humid Areas (1973) Systems That Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Po Systems Used for Removal of Water Formed Deposits (Chem /Llat Std. ISA SAE ARI FMS ASTM SAE SAE IMACA FMS SAE SAE UL UL UL UL ANSI ASTM AACCH FMS NFLDP FMS NESCA CISPI AITC ASTM ASQC SAE SAE SAE ICBO ICBO CDA ASTM ANSI NESCA ICBO ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ABYC ICBO ANSI UL IEEE ASTM ANSI FMS ATAA ASTM IEEE ICBO ANSI SAE ABYC AWWA ANSI DFISA NFPA ASTM NFPA FMS UL FMS NFPA ANSI NEMA NFPA ICBO ASTM ABYC ASME ASME ASME API ABYC ASTM IEEE NFPA NFPA ASME ABYC ABYC ASAE ANS ASTM S61.1 J20D 610 2-89 E380 J291 J97 400 2-77 J648A J248 294 1023 985 1076 Z21.44A D2644 16-51 2-90 T2.9.1 LPD 2-92 MAN C 301 201 D1535 RP6 J282 J375A J299 UPC'1-H UPC*1-A *1 F369 A62.8 MAN C UFC*2ART13 N45.2.1 F308 F327 Z21.20 H25 UPC*l-6 B30.ll 904 313 E157 N101.1 9-9 200 D2566 429 UBCS47-16 H35.1 J993 P6 C706 N15.4 60800 91 C667 72B 5-5N 193 4-1 N 13 N15.13 DC 21 71 UBCS18-1 D2818 H24 LOS-5C1 LOS-5D1 LOS-5P1 RP14B PI D3263 421 72D 72A LOS-2C1 El E2 R302.2 N18.8 D2790 394 Engineering and Product Standards Division MHM National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves in Gas Distribution Systems reparation of Test Panels for Use in Test. Organic Coating Systems f Test for Thermal Instability of Confined Condensed Phase Systems Pract. for Design Calculations for Oil Sucker Rod Pumping Systems Uniform Building Code Std. for Combination Standpipe Systems Rec. for Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems Rec. for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems Rec. for Flammable Liquid Pumping and Piping Systems Rec. for Installation of Sprinkler Systems intenance of the Reliable Model B Accelerator for Dry Pipe Systems Rec. for the Inspection and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems Rec. for Standpipe and Hose Systems r Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Systems cture (1973) Coating Systems ent) (1973) Rec. for High Expansion Foam Systems s (1971) Plywood Construction Systems Wells and Water Systems r Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Systems std. for Intrusion Detection Units for Burglary Protection Systems circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Protective Signalling Systems Std. for Commercial Cooking Equipment Exhaust Systems Rec. Pract. for Design Levels for Emergency Air Brake Systems Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car Windshield Defrosting Systems Ducted Electric Heat Guide for Air Handling Systems r Liquid Line Driers in Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Systems entals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems hing and Cleaning of Gas Turbine Generator Lubricating Oil Systems for Maintenance of Design Voltage in Snowmobile Electrical Systems iodic Test, of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems Safety Requirements for Powder Actuated Fastening Systems Spec, for Acoustical Ceiling Systems Std. Microwave Transmission Systems Std. on Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems Rec. Pract. for Vehicle Identification Number Systems ec. Pract. for Passenger Car Vehicle Identification Number Systems Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car Windshield Washer Systems Rec. for Thermoplastic Water Piping Systems Std. for Safety for Electronic Data Processing Units and Systems . Meth. for Open Bottle Tap Sampling of Noncryogenic Fluid Systems m Operational Characteristics Airborne VHF Omnirange (VOR) Systems or Industrial Engineering Terminology: Data Processing and Systems eth. of Test for Effective Pumping Speed of Vacuum Chamber Systems r Thermoplastic Piping for Swimming Pool Water Circulation Systems cation. Construction and Protection of Electronic Computer Systems uct Construction Std. for Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems combustion Chambers, Fuel Oil Injection, and Gas Admission Systems ves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems for Shock Absorbing Properties of (Sports) Playing Surface Systems and Medium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Starting Systems edium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Cooling Water Systems ium Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Lubricating Oil Systems on Sealing Rings for Automotive Transmission and Hydraulic Systems rnal Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Waste Heat Recovery Systems ed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Air Intake and Exhaust Systems and Oil Filled Capacitor Switches for Alternating Current Systems tionary Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plant Fuel Oil and Gas Systems Guidance Equipment Used in Airborne Volumetric Navigation Systems Homes): Installation of Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical Systems the Use of Fire Resistant Fluids for Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems Grounding of Industrial and Commercial (Electrical) Power Systems ety for Control Units for Indoor Fire Protective Signaling Systems uality of Electrical Insulating Oil for Low Pressure Cable Systems ality of Electrical Insulating Oil for High Pressure Cable Systems escaling and Cleaning Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems e Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems ty Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems and Bank Burglar Alarm Systems maintenance and Use of Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems Std. for Air Outlets and Inlets Used in Air Distribution Systems Rec. for Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems Rec. for Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Agent Systems Uniform Building Code: Fire Extinguishing Systems Uniform Plumbing Code: Medium Pressure Gas Piping Systems Uniform Plumbing Code: Sewers and Private Sewage Disposal Systems Uniform Plumbing Code: Drainage Systems Spec, for Underhung Cranes and Monorail Systems c. for Fire, Heat, and Smoke Damage of Electronic Computer Systems for Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Solvent Drainage Systems proposal for Solid State Load Switches for Traffic Control Systems m Building Code Std. for Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems Uation Stds. for Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Systems code Std. for Installation of Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems ode Std. for Class II and Class III Dry Cleaning Plants or Systems de Std. for Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signalling Systems Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Electric Operators and Systems Std. Fo Std. Fo Safety for Interconnection Std. Fo Std. for Fundam Rec. Pract. for Flus Whose Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Does Coil) (1974) Guidelines for Selection and P Confinement Test) (1973) Std. Meth. Conventional Units) (1972) Rec. Fire Extinguishment) (1973) Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) Fire Protection and Safety) (1973) Fire Protection) (1973) Fire Protection) (1973) /for Operation and Ma Fire Safety) (1973) Heating) (1972) Instrumentation) (1970) Paint) Guide for Ship Hull. Deck and Superstru Ratios from 100:1 to 1000:1) (Fire Extinguishm Specs.) for Commercial and Industrial Building Treatment, Quality and Management) (1972) 1967) 1969) ANSI C33.70 1969) ANSI SE3.7 Std 1970) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971 1971) /C. Pract. Test Meth. and Requirements 1971) ANSI N41.3 /-Use Criteria for the Per 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) 1972) Std 1972) Minimu 1972) Std. F 1972) Std. M 1972) Rec. Fo 1972) Rec. for Lo 1972) Fibrous Glass D 1972) Std. Pract. for 1972) Std. for Relief Val 1972) Std. Meth. of Test 1972) Std. Pract. for Low 1972) Std. Pract. for Low and M 1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Med 1972) Rec. Pract. Spec, for Cast Ir 1972) Rec. Pract. for Control of Exte 1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium 1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Medium Spe 1972) /Closers, Automatic Line Sectionalizers 1972) /D. Pract. for Low and Medium Speed Sta 1972) /M Operational Characteristics Vertical 1972) ANSI A119.2 1972) ANSI B93.5 1972) ANSI C114.1 1972) ANSI C33.90 1972) ANSI C59.69 1972) ANSI C59.70 1972) ANSI G81.16 1972) ANSI N41.2 1972) ANSI N41.4 1972) ANSI Se2.3 1972) ANSI SE3.5 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) /Lers, Truck Campers, Motor Std. Pract. for Rec. Pract. for Std. for Saf / Spec, for Continuity of Q /Spec, for Continuity of Qu Std. Rec. Pract. for D /Cation of the Single Failur /Al Principles for Reliabili Std. for Installation. Re Std. Std. I' n if or Minimum Insta Uniform Building Uniform Building C Uniform Building Co Safety Std. for Door ANSI NCCA ASTM API ICBO FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS FMS ISA SNAME FMS A PA WSC SAMA UL NEMA NSF SAE SAE SMACN AR1 ANSI ASME SAE IEEE ANSI CSI E1A NFPA SAE SAE SAE SPI UL ASTM RTCA ANSI ASTM SPI FMS SMACN DEMA ANSI ASTM DEMA DEMA DEMA SAE NACE DEMA DEMA NEMA DEMA RTCA NFPA NFLDP IEEE UL ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE IEEE UL NFPA ARI FMS FMS ICBO ICBO ICBO ICBO MMA FMS ANSI NEMA ICBO SMACN ICBO ICBO ICBO UL BI6.33 TB III 5 E476 11L UBCS38-3 LPD 5-2N LPD 7-19N LPD 7-32 2-8 2-55 2-81 4-4 S7.4 4-10 4-3 N »1 *1 PMC25 639 SB3 33 J 263 J902B •12 710 Z9.2 LOS-4C1 J277 338 A10.3 09530 RS252A 12 J272 J273 J942B PP1 TR16 478 F301 DO-149 Z94.3 E294 PP1 TR17 LPD5-32 *6 »l-2 Z21.22A F355 •1-9 •1-10 '111 J281 RP-01-69 •1-16 »l-8 SG13 * 1-13 DO-152 501C T3.11.1 142 864 D1818 D1819 A380 379 352 681 72C 650 4-7N 4-8N UBC«3-38 UPC»1-F UPC»1-11 UPC'I-4 »2 5-32 B16.32 TS2 UBCS38-2 •10 UBCS38-1 UBCS10-2 UBCS43-6 325 Engineering and Product Standards Division 395 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards polyvinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot Water Distribution Deluge Valve for Water Flow Control of Fire Extinguishing t of Discharge (Corona) Pulses in Evaluation of Insulation ents, and Installation of Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Heating, Exhaust, Ventilating, and Their Combination Duct tallation of Central Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning rting Contamination Analysis Data of Hydraulic Fluid Power Pipe for Gas and Oil Transmission and Distribution Piping ety for Connectors and Switches for Use with Burglar Alarm Safety Std. for Holdup Alarm Units and ns of Terms Relating to Porcelain Enamel and Ceramic Metal Rec. Pract. for Fans for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation rec. Pract. for Dilution Ventilation in Industrial Exhaust Rec. Pract. for Test, of Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Rec. for Gaskets for Flammable Liquid Piping Std. for Safety for Tear Gas Units and Pract. for Exhaust Hood Design for Industrial Ventilation ct. for Ventilation for Heat Control in Industrial Exhaust t. for Design Procedure for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation onstruction Spec, for Local Industrial Exhaust Ventilation up and Recirculated Air for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation ted Signaling Boxes for Use with Fire Protective Signaling rs and Filter Driers in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning rs and Dust Collectors) for Industrial Exhaust Ventilation s and General Principles of Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Code for Pressure Piping: Liquid Petroleum Transportation ols (Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating and Processing pe Protective Coatings for Underground Pipe Lines (Wrapped rounding and Bonding Equipment (Internal Electrical Wiring aintenance of Heating, Ventilating, Cooling, Refrigeration Uniform Plumbing Code: Rainwater Mo/ Std. for Fire Protection Criteria for Safety Related tes; Bolts: Closers; Hospital and Misc. Items; Key Control ther Wood (Pressure Treated Lumber and Plywood) Foundation Equipment (1972) Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Peel Resistance of Adhesives plate. Corrosion Resistant, 14.8Cr-4.5Ni-3.5Cu-(Cb + Std. for Billiard Tournament (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Rec. Pract. for Liquid Ballast Std. Liquid Ballast etc.) (Institutional / Std. Performance Requirements for 73) Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Printed 73) Std. Performance Requirements for Damask Meth. of Ferricyanide-Maltose-Sucrose Conversion Meth. of Experimental Wheat Milling: Temper duction Meth. for Sugar Determination: Schoorl's Reduction ber) (1972) Use Ps20 Span n (1972) SAE J711 Tire Selection Std. Volume and Specific Gravity Correction Uniform Building Code Std. for Span 71) Std. for Sampling Procedures and Systems (1973) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Systems (1973) Rec. for Star Model F Hidromatic Systems (1973) /Td. Meth. for Detection and Measuremen s (1970) ) s, Rockwell and Rockwell Superf/ (1970) joints (1974) ech. Notes) (1967) blems (1973) Std. Specs, and Load Std. Specs, and Load Std. Hardness Conversion Std. Specs, and Load Std. Spec, and Load Design Rec. for Pipe Friction Loss Std. Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Std. Definitions, Symbols, Formulas, and (1971) ANSI L14.192 Std. Rec. for Water Sprinkler and Hydrant System Demand with Gasoline; Methyl Blue and Green; Mineral Oil; Urease Rec. Pract. for Electric 1973) Std. Meth. of Test for ) Std. Meth. of Test for ) Std. Meth. Test for ) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. of Test for Pressure Sensitive Meth. for Measuring Flat Spring Test for Hot td. Performance Requirements for Woven Upholstery Fabrics Std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Liquids by std. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Cutback Asphalt with Performance Requirements for Permanent Labels, Detachable . Test Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Rear Position r Regular Bicycles, Including Reflectivity, Headlights and ing/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable tin/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Drycleanable suiting (Institutional/ Std. Performance Requirements for Rec. Pract. for Agricultural Tractor Auxiliary Power Std. for Industrial Power z Std. for Link, Cable d Light Industrial Tractors (1972) SAE J7/ Std. for Power Rec. for Agricultural (Farm) Tractor Auxiliary Power 8 Std. for 540 Rpm Power Systems (1973) ANSI A119.1 Systems (1973) ANSI B144.2 Systems (1973) ANSI B144.3 Systems (1973) ANSI B93.30 Systems (1973) ANSI H38.13 Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.6 Systems (1973) ANSI Se2.7 Systems (1973) ANSI Z167.1 Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Svstems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Systems (1974) Svstems (1974) Systems) (1972) Systems) (1972) / and Construction Requirem /Ation of Air Conditioning, Std. for Ins Std. Meth. of Repo /Seamless Extruded Tube and Std. for Saf Std. Definitio Rec. Rec. Pra Rec. Prac Rec. Pract. for C Rec. Pract. for Make Std. for Safety for Manually Actua / and Application of Suction Line Filte /T. for Air Cleaning Devices (Air Filte /. Pract. for Definitions, Abbreviation Std. Safety Std. for Limit Contr Tent. Rec. Spec, for Asphalt Ty Systems) (1972) ANSI C33.8 Std. for Safety for G Systems. Incinerators and Other Misc. Heat Producing Ap Systems. Roof Drains and Piping (1973) Systems, Structures, and Equipment for Water Cooled and Systems; Door Holders, Stops, Smoke and Heat Detectors; System: House Design and Construction Meth. (1972) /Ea T-Hook Slots for Securement in Shipment of Agricultural (T-Peel Test) (1972) ANSI Z197.2 Ta), Consumable Electrode Vacuum Arc Remelted (1973) Tab Type Washer (1973) Table and Accessory Equipment Specs. (1971) Table for Converting Absorption to 14.0% Moisture Basis Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Machines (1971) Table for Drive Tires of Agricultural Machines (1972) Table Napery Other Than Damask (White or Dyed) (Napkin, Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (19 Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional Textile) (19 Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Volumetric Copper Re Tables and Working Stresses for Joists and Rafters (Lum Tables for Agricultural (Farm) Machines of Future Desig Tables for Creosote and Coal Tar (R1970) Tables for Floor and Ceiling Joists, and Rafters (1973) Tables for Inspection by Attributes (MIL Std. 105D) (19 Tables for Longspan Steel Joints Deep DLJ and DLH Serie Tables for Longspan Steel Joints LJ and LH Series (1970 Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brinell, Vicker Tables for Open Web Steel Joints J Series and H Series Tables for Open Web, Longspan, and Deep Longspan Steel Tables for Reinforced Brick Masonry Flexural Members (T Tables for Solving Fire Protection System Hydraulic Pro Tables for Thermocouples (1972) ANSI C96.2 Tables for (Quality) Control Charts (1971) ANSI Z1.5 Tables of Classification of Man Made and Natural Fibers Tables (Fire Safety) (1973) Tablets; Xanthyrol) (1962) /Sopropyl Alcohol Saturated Tachometer Spec, for on Road Vehicles (1972) Tack and Pressure Sensitive Adhesives by Rolling Ball ( Tack Free Time of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973 Tack Free Time of Elastomeric Type Joir" Sealants (1971 Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted Probe Machine (1971 Tack of Wax Polymer Blends (1972) (Tacked On) (Institutional Textile) (1973) Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Tag Open Cup Apparatus (1972) Tags, and Certification of Fabrics or Products (Institu Tail Lamp (Light) (1972) Rec. Pract Taillights (1972) Safety Std. for Lighting Fo Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Heavyweight (Industrial) Suit Tailored Uniform Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Round) Sui Tailored Woven Uniform Fabrics, Lightweight (Tropical) Take Off Drives (1972) Take Offs for Overcenter Clutches (1971) Take Up (1973) Takeoff Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural an Takeoff Drives (1972) Takeoff for Agricultural (Farm) Tractors (1973) SAE J71 ASTM FMS ASTM NFPA NFPA NFPA NFLDP ASTM UL UL ASTM ACGIH ACGIH ACGIH FMS UL ACCIH ACGIH ACGIH ACGIH ACGIH UL ARI ACGIH ACGIH ANSI UL NACE UL ICBO ICBO ANS NBHA NFORP ASAE ASTM SAE NSA BCA AACCH SAE ASAE ANSI ANSI ANSI AACCH AACCH AACCH NFORP ASAE ASTM ICBO ANSI AISC AISC ASTM AISC SJI BIA FMS ASTM ASQC ASTM FMS AACCH SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM TAPPI ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI SAE BMA ANSI ANSI ANSI SAE SAE NSA ASAE ASAE ASAE D2846 2-88 D1868 501B 90A 90B T2.9.3 B345 634 636 C286 •1-10 •1-2 •1-9 7-32S 600 *l-4 •1-3 ♦ 1-6 • 1-8 •1-7 38 730 •1-11 •1 B31.4 353 RS*1 467 UMC»7 UPC*1-D N18.10 8 RP7 S356 D1876 AMS5862 460 *1 82-21 J884B S346 L24.2.11 L24.2.6 L24.2.7 22-18 26-95 80-69 *2 R220.3 D347 UBCS25-21 Z1.4 S316-1 S316-2 E140 S316-3 5 17J 2-89 E230 Al D2368 2-76 28-91 J196 D3121 D2377 C679 D2979 T683SU L24.1.7 D1310 D3143 L24.5.1 J279 6/6 L24.3.2 L24.3.1 L24.3.3 J717C J621C 511 S205.2 R333.1 S203.7 396 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 9 1000 Rpm Power Rec. for Tractor and Farm Implement Power e and Red Pine, Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and tka Spruce, Douglas Fir- Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock - ng Code Std. for Eastern Spruce, White Pine, and Hemlock - eptors. Stall Showers Lavatories, Bathtubs and Combination Std. and Test Procedure for Water Closet Flush r Homogeneous Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic aminated Wall Perforated Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Septic Std. Procedure for Bench Calibration of Handling Chlorine in Std. for Turnbuckle - Std. for Terminal - Std. for Terminal - Std. for Trunnion - Std. for Trunnion ■ Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature and Terminology of Rec. Pract. for Accident Prevention Signs for Display on Safety Std. for Household Electric Storage Std. for Strap Assembly - 974) Std. for Gas Water Heaters: Volume III, Circulating onditions for Evaluating the Compatibility of Vehicle Fuel otection from Corrosion for Underground Pipe, Fittings and ecommended Safeguards and Practices for the Protection and Safety Std. for Aboveground Storage B 137.1 Safety Std. for Steel Underground 974) Sanitary Stds. for Uninsulated Sanitary Std. for Storage Sanitary Std. for Silo Type Storage Std. for Waste and Sewage Holding Std. for Pressurized and Non Pressurized Potable Water Safety Std. for Atmospheric Type Welded Steel Inside ety for Flame Arresters (Fire) for Use on Vents of Storage ds and Slur/ Rec. for Improving Safety on Enclosed Mobile ng, Settling, Aeration Chambe/ Std. for Thermoset Plastic Rec. Pract. Meth. for Lining Lease Production Std. for Welded Aluminum Alloy Field Erected Storage Rec. for Design of Farm Waste Storage uide Spec, for Specifying: Reinforced Fiberglass Polyester Sanitary Std. for Farm Milk Storage Safety Std. for Automotive Fuel Std. for Safety for Septic (1968/ Rec. for Concrete Sanitary Engineering Structures Western Woods Use Book: Wood Std. Meth. of Test for Insoluble Ash of Vegetable Std. Meth. of Test for Water Soluble Matter of Vegetable Std. Spec, for Std. for Fixed Electrolytic .14 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Wallboard ards) in Numeric (Digital) Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic (1973) Graphite Fiber tensile, 36,000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber tensile, 36.000,000 (248) Modul/ Spec, for Graphite Fiber Pressure Sensitive recording An/ Std. for Dimensional Std. Coplanar Magnetic Std. for Recorded Magnetic Std. for Interchange Rolls of Perforated Std. for Recorded Magnetic Std. for Recorded Magnetic cpi, NRZI, and 1600 cpi, P/ Std. for Unrecorded Magnetic ti/ Std. Spec, for an Audio Level and Multifrequency Test Spec, for Composite Filament s for Audio Record One for 2-In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Pressure Sensitive audio and Tracking Control Records on 2 In. Video Magnetic Meth. for Flutter Measurement of Instrumentation Magnetic for Timing Error Measurements of Instrumentation Magnetic ging) for Consumer Electronic Products (Radio, Television, and Multifrequency Test Tape for Quadruplex Video Magnetic phasis Characteristics for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic deo Alignment Signal Spec, for a Quadruplet Video Magnetic . Pract. for the Label for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic racking Control Record for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magnetic Std. for Automated Machine Lay Up Composite Filament Std. for Packaging of Filament nd Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double Paper t Tape: Full Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Reel (For oiled Equipment (1974) Interchangeable Perforated etermination of Film Adhesion on All Metals by Cross Hatch st Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion by Cross Hatch (/ Std. Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive g-Positioning Nume/ Std. for Interchangeable Perforated Pressure Sensitive Takeoff for Agricultural (Farm) Tractors (1973) SAE J71 Takeoff (Universal Joint) Drive Line Specs. (1972) Tamarack Lumber (1973) /Ing Code Std. for Eastern Whit Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hem-Fir Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine and White Cedar Lum Tank and Shower Receptor Units (1972) /Llic Shower Rec Tank Ball Cocks (1968) Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.4 Std. Spec. Fo Tank Disposal Fields (1973) ANSI A176.5 /. Spec, for L Tank Level Gaging Tapes and Sounding Rules (1974) Tank Motor Vehicles (1973) Tank Strap (1973) Tank Strap, Forked (1973) Tank Strap, Plain (1973) Tank Strap, Threaded (1973) Tank Strap. Unthreaded (1973) Tank Trailers and Containers (1971) Tank Trailers and Containers (1972) Tank Water Heaters (1972) ANSI C33.87 Tank (1973) Tank, Instantaneous and Large Automatic Storage Type (1 Tanks and Fill Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Facilities (P Tanks Containing Flammable Liquids (1973) /Practice Pr Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids in Lo Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1972) Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (1973) ANSI Tanks for Milk and Its Products (Mixing and Storage) (1 Tanks for Milk and Its Products (1974) Tanks for Milk and Its Products (1974) Tanks for Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1971) Tanks for Mobilehomes and Recreational Vehicles (1971) Tanks for Oil Burner Fuel (1973) Tanks for Petroleum Oil and Gasoline (1973) ANSI Z222.1 Tanks for Transporting and Spreading Agricultural Liqui Tanks for Water and Wastewater Treatment (Septic, Holdi Tanks with Coal Tar Epoxy (1972) Tanks (1973) Tanks (1973) Tanks (1973) Tanks (1973) Tanks (1973) Tanks, Bituminous Coated Metal (1974) ANSI A162.1 (Tanks, Reservoirs, etc. for Water and Waste Treatment) Tanks, Vats, and Pipe (1973) Tanned Leather (1970) ALCA Bll Tanned Leather (1970) ALCA B8 Tantalum and Its Alloy Tubing (1972) ANSI H54.1 Tantalum Capacitors (1972) Tantalum Ingots and Flat Mill Products (1970) ANSI Z179 Tantalum Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Foil (1973) Tantalum Rod and Wire (1970) ANSI Z179.15 Tape and Joint Compound (1973) Tape and Punched Paper Tape (1972) / Printed Wiring Bo Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated for Hand Layup Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tape Application Stds. for Fibrous Glass Duct (1973) Tape Cartridge Type Cp II (Compact Cassette) for Audio Tape for Information Interchange (1600 cpi, PE) (1973) Tape for Information Interchange (1972) Tape for Information Interchange (200 cpi, NRZI) (1973) Tape for Information Interchange (800 cpi, NRZI) (1973) Tape for Information Interchange (9-Track 200 and 800 Tape for Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recorders Opera Tape Laying Machine— Numerically Controlled (1973) Tape Operating at 15 and 7.5 In./S (1973) / Reproducer Tape Performance Stds. for Fibrous Glass Duct (1973) Tape Quadruplex Recorded at 15 and 7.5 In./S (1973) / Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83.99 /. Test Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1974) ANSI C83.94 / Meth. Tape Recorder, Phonograph, etc.) (1973) /G Test (Packa Tape Recorders Operating at 15 In./S (1973) /lo Level Tape Recording (1967) /Ce Carrier Frequencies and Deem Tape Recording (1969) Rec. Pract. for VI Tape Recordings (1968) Rec Tape Recordings (1970) Rec. Pract. Spec, of T Tape Reel (1972) Tape Reels (1973) Tape Sampler Meth.) (1973) /Ollection of Paniculate a Tape Speeds of 7.5 In. 190.5 Mm, and 3.75 In. 95.3 Tape Std., Variable Block Format, for Numericall) Contr Tape Test After Reverse Impacting (Coil Coating) (1974) Tape Test (Coil Coating) (1974) Te Tape to Fiberboard at 90 Deg. Angle and Constant Stress Tape Variable Block Format for Contouring and Contourin Tape Water Vapor Transmission Test Meth. (1970) ASAE S204.6 ASAE R331.2 ICBO UBCS25-5 ICBO UBCS2S-2 ICBO UBCS25-8 IAPMO TSC11 ASSE 1002 ASTM D2312 ASTM D2313 ANSI B88.2 CHI 49 NSA 27 NSA 24 NSA 23 NSA 25 NSA 26 TTMA RP36 TTMA RP35 UL 174 NSA 29 ANSI Z21.10.3 SAE J398A ICBO UFC»2B ICBO UFC*2A UL 142 UL 58 DFISA 3200 DFISA 0106 DFISA 2203 IAPMO TSC2 IAPMO TSC4 UL 80 UL 525 ASAE R317 NSF 41 NACE RP-03-72 ANSI B96.1 ASAE R345. 1 CSI 15177.1 DFISA 3000 UL 395 UL 70 ACI 68-50 WWPA •31-2 ASTM D2875 ASTM D2876 ASTM B521 EIA RS228B ASTM B364 SAE AMS7849A ASTM B365 ICBO UBCS47-5 IPC D-350 SAE AMS3894A SAE AMS3894/8 SAE AMS3894/9 SMACN AFTS-101 EIA RS399 ANSI X3.39 ANSI X3.34 ANSI X3.14 ANSI X3.22 ANSI X3.40 ANSI C98.8 NSA 990 ANSI C98.3 SMACN AFTS-100 ANSI C98.6 EIA RS405 EIA RS413 EIA RS414 ANSI C98.8 SMPTE RP6 SMPTE RP10 SMPTE RP26 SMPTE RP16 NSA 992 NSA 3452 ASTM D3266 EIA RS400 NSA 955 NCCA TB-II-16 NCCA TBII-5 ASTM D2860 EIA RS274-B PSTC 34 Engineering and Product Standards Division 397 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards for Dimensions of Patch Splices in Two Inch Video Magnetic . Spec, for Properties of Unpunched Oiled Paper Perforated al) Form on Punched Cards, Magnetic Tape and Punched Paper high Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical yethylene Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Chloride Plastic Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating or Polyester Film Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating roethylene Backed Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Std. for Fastener - 73) Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, ) Std. for Bolt, Std. for Bolt, Std. Spec, for Steel Tubes, Low Carbon, ng Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Std. Procedure for Bench Calibration of Tank Level Gaging Std. Spec, for Woven Cotton Std. Meth. of Test. Varnished Cottonfabrics and 6 Std. Meth. of Test. Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Coated th. of Test for Adhesion After Impact of Preformed Sealing Test for Low Temperature Flexibility of Preformed Sealing Stds. for Tire Rim Inspection, and Disk and Flat test for Weight Loss After Heat Aging of Preformed Sealing il Migration or Plasticizer Bleed Out of Preformed Sealing r Tape Speeds of 7.5 In. 190./ Std. for Reproducer Test Std. Spec, for Cold Heading Quality Carbon Steel Wire for pth (1972) ' Std. for Steel Self Drilling Std. for Steel Self Drilling std. Meth. of Test for Pyridine Bases in Crude and Refined Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Time of Std. Meth. of Test for Coking Value of oles, and Timbers for Marine, Land, / Std. Spec, for Coal . Pract. Meth. for Lining Lease Production Tanks with Coal rec. Spec, for Enamel Coating System Designations for Coal face Courses (1967) Std. Spec, for Hot Mixed, Hot Laid sphalt. Asphalt and Coal Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Hot Mopping Asphalt, Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt, Coal It Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt, Asphalt and Coal Std. Spec, for Creosote Coal d Specific Gravity Correction Tables for Creosote and Coal meth. of Test for Solubility of Bituminous Road Materials Std. for Dimensions for Resolution Test nd Domestic-Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Std. Meth. of Test for Distillation of Road act. for Paving Uses and Application Temperatures for Road hemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for ry) (/ Qualitative Meth. of Analysis for Free or Combined h. of Analysis for Fumaric, Pyruvic, Lactic, Succinic, and ) (1968) Meth. of Triangle Test Std. for Safety for Std. Meth. of Test for Tent. Meth. for Drop Weight Meth. for Cross Directional Internal Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Tra/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. for Sprinkler Irrigation (For Farms) interior Guide (Spec, for Installation, Finishes and Other material Composition, Use, Application, Finishes and Other Std. Spec, for Once Refined Sunflower Oil, Waste (1974) A metric and British-American) in Published Scientific and Std. for Steel Self Drilling Tapping Screws and Rec. cteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) cteristics of Motor Fuels Using the Compression Ratio (CR) by the Silver Chloride- Lithium Fluoride Carrier DC Arc of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the Point to Plane mical Analysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the Point to Plane Thermionic Nickel Alloys by the Powder Direct Current Arc Uranium Oxide (U 3 0„) by Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc on and Low Alloy Steel for Boron by the Point to Plane Arc nerals, and Rocks by the Fire Assay Preconcentration Spark Spectrochemical Analysis of Copper by the Briquet D-C Arc owered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Using the Enclosure ffused Layers in Silicon by the Angle Lapping and Staining td. Meth. for Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track Etch tent Using a 14 MeV Neutron Activation and Direct Counting d Metallic Coatings by Double Beam Interference Microscope otentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation / Std. for n/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform Laboratory Instrumentation and ereal Chemistry (1962) Special Photographic Film Exposure Guide (Also Contains Suggested 8.2 Std. 0) Suggested Noise Measurement Std. Meth. for Measuring Neutron Flux by Radioactivation eth. for Measuring Thermal Neutron Flux by Radioactivation stallographic Perfection of Germanium by Preferential Etch Tape (1964) Rec. Pract. Tape (1971) Std Tape (1972) / Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digit Tape (1973) Std. Spec, for Tape (1973) Std. Spec, for Pol Tape (1973) /Spec, for Low Temperature Resistant Vinyl Std. Spec, for Vinyl Std. Spec. F Std. Spec, for Tetrafluo Tape (1973) ANSI C59.91 Tape (1973) ANSI C59.96 Tape (1974) Taper Shank (1973) Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Head-Oversize (19 Taper Shank, Shear Type, Protruding Head (1973) Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head-Oversize (1973 Taper Shank, Shear Type, 100 Deg. Head (1973) Tapered for Structural Use (1973) Tapered Roller Bearings) Conforming to Basic Boundary P Tapes and Sounding Rules (1974) Tapes for Electrical Purposes (1972) Tapes Used for Electrical Insulation (1970) ANSI C59.31 Tapes Used for Electrical Insulation (1974) ANSI C59.13 Tapes (1973) Std. Me Tapes (1973) Std. Meth. of Tapes (1974) Tapes (1974) Std. Meth. of Tapes (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for O Tape: Full Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Reel (Fo Tapping or Sheet Metal Screws (1971) ANSI G54.17 Tapping Screws and Rec. Technique for Measuring Case De Tapping Screws (1972) Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z107.4 Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z78.23 Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) (1973) ANSI A149.12 Tar Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of Piles, P Tar Epoxy (1972) Rec Tar or Asphalt Coatings (1972) Tar Paving Mixtures for Base, Binder, Leveling, and Sur Tar Pitch, and Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Mat (1973) Tar Pitch, Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt, Asphalt-Sat Tar Saturated Organic Felts, Coal Tar Pitch, and Asphal Tar Solution (1974) ANSI OI1.2 Tar(R1970) Std. Volume an (Tar, Petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Solvents (1966 Target for Photographic Optics (1972) Target Spec. (1973) /G Facility Plans: International a Tars (1972) Tars (1972) Std. Rec. Pr Tartaric Acid in Baking Powders and Chemicals (Cereal C Tartaric Acid in Presence of Phosphates (Cereal Chemist Tartaric Acids (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Taste Panel for Food Flavor Detection (Cereal Chemistry Tear Gas Units and Systems (1974) Tear Resistance of Vulcanized Rubber (1973) Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels (1971) ANSI Z260.3 Tearing Resistance of Paperboard (1972) Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Technical Data Sheet (1972) Technical Data) (1973) Redwood Technical Data) (1973) /Grade, Panel Characteristics, Technical Grade (1973) Technical Guide for Landfill Disposal of Solid Chemical Technical Work (1973) /Ract. for Units (Measurement- Technique for Measuring Case Depth (1972) Technique for Motor Meth. Ratings (1971) ANSI Zl 1.306 Technique for Research Meth. Rating (1971) ANSI Z11.305 Technique Using an Optical Emission Spectrograph (1974) Technique Using an Optical Emission Spectrometer (1970) Technique Using an Optical Emission Vacuum Spectrometer Technique (1961) ANSI Z128.2 /Ctrochemical Analysis of Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.27 /Trochemical Analysis of Technique (1970) ANSI Z128.29 / Analysis of Plain Carb Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.25 /Al Analysis of Ores, Mi Technique (1971) ANSI Z128.32 Std. Meth. for Technique (1972) /Vaporative Emissions from Gasoline P Technique (1972) ANSI Z173.49 /Ness of Epitaxial or Di Technique (1973) Technique (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Oxygen Con Technique (1973) /Transparent or Opaque Metal Oxide an Techniques and Instrumentation for the Measurement of P Techniques for Exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement (Passe Techniques for Extraneous Matter Meth. of Analysis in C Techniques for Photography) (1973) Techniques for Switching Impulse Testing (1972) ANSI C6 Techniques for the Machine Tool Builders' Industry (197 Techniques (1970) ANSI N109 Techniques (1970) ANSI N110 Std. M Techniques (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Cry Met Std. SMPTE RP5 ANSI X3.29 IPC D-350 ASTM D2754 ASTM D3006 ASTM D3005 ASTM D2301 ASTM D2484 ASTM D2686 NSA 1730 NSA 1729 NSA 1728 NSA 1725 NSA 1724 ASTM A595 AFBMA 7 ANSI B88.2 ASTM D335 ASTM D295 ASTM D1000 ASTM C766 ASTM C765 TRA 10 ASTM C771 ASTM C772 EIA RS400 ASTM A548 SAE J78 IFI 113 ASTM D2748 ASTM D2870 ASTM D2416 ASTM D390 NACE RP-03-72 NAPCA BUL 1 ASTM D1753 ICBO UBCS32-1 UL 55A ICBO UBCS32-1 ASTM D391 ASTM D347 ASTM D2042 ANSI PH3.50 NRA *17 ASTM D20 ASTM D2728 AACCH 04-27 AACCH 04-28 AACCH 04-24 AACCH 33-50 UL 600 ASTM D624 ASTM E436 TAPPI T496SU ASTM D2262 ASAE S262T CRA 3A7 CRA 3A9 ASTM D3169 MCA SW-1 IEEE 268 SAE J78 ASTM D2723 ASTM D2722 ASTM E483 ASTM E403 ASTM E485 ASTM E129 ASTM E402 ASTM E404 ASTM E400 ASTM E414 SAE J171A ASTM F110 ASTM E418 ASTM E385 ASTM B588 ANSI C95.3 SAE J254 AACCH 28-92 ANSI PH2.7 IEEE 332 NMTBA '1 ASTM E261 ASTM E262 ASTM F389 398 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ysis of Admiralty Metal by the Cast Pin and Point to Plane from 3 H (D, N),Hc Neutron Generators by Radioaetivation Std. Meth. of Test, for Leaks Using Bubble Emission or Letter Symbols for Units Used in Electrical Science and Std. for Bolt - 1973) Std. for (1973) Std. for Including Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, and Shapes-Angles, td. for 700 Class Pintle Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Std. for H Type Mill Chains-Attachments and Sprocket fset Sidebar Power Transmission Roller Chains and Sprocket d. for Heavy Duty Roller Type Conveyor Chains and Sprocket Mobile Radio Std. Meth. for Measuring Transmission Performance of Std. for Physical Characteristics of T-2 e of Position Device, Radar, Radio Detection Finder, Radio Std. for Registered Screen Dimensions for Monochrome X-Ray Protection Standards for Home uipment / Std. for Safety for High Voltage Components for uipment / Std. for Safety for Special Fuses for Radio and sion Protected Cathode Ray Tubes (Picture and Display) for Rec. Pract. for the Safe Action and Title Areas for and Contrast Range of Black and White Films and Slides for sions of Image Areas and Mounts for Slides and Opaques for Std. for Precision Coaxial Connectors for CATV (Cable neering Specs. Outline for Monochrome Cctv (Closed Circuit Std. on Subscriber Visual Carrier Level (Cable Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Products (Radio, (1960) Std. on Test Meth. for Moisture in Chips (Moister Safety Std. for Std. for Alloy and Std. for Alloy and Meth. of Experimental Wheat Milling: mocouples (1972) ANSI C96.2 Std. rators. Com/ Std. Test Procedure to Determine the Freezer vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Materials (Paper) at High test for Stiffness Properties of Plastics as a Function of Std. Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Anal /on Flux Density and Average Energy aterials bv a Tempera/ ar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) ar) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) r Artificial Weathering (1972/ 3) . Solvent Release Tvpe Sealan/ ape (1973) e Polymeric Materials (1973) Std. Test Meth. for Evaluating Low Std. Meth. of Test for Low Std. Meth. of Test for Low Std. Meth. of Test for Low Std. Spec, for High Std. Meth. of Low s Equipped / Rec. Pract. for Determination of Brake Fluid procedures for the Thermal Evaluation and Establishment of ent for Control of Air Conditioning, Hea/ Safety Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Internal Fire Protection and Safety (1973) Rec. for High the / 11.318 Z98.28 K65.222 ompo/ 73) Std. Rec. Pract. for Infrared Determination of the Std. Meth. of Test for Reaction Threshold Std. Meth. for Determining the Maximum Use Std. Meth. of Test for Brittleness Std. Meth. of Test for Deflection Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Time and Peak Exothermic Std. Meth. of Test for Effect of Moisture and als by Comparison with a Secondary Standard of Similar Emf properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading in the in Fats and Fat Mixtures Which Congeal or Solidify Within . of Test for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease of Wide ensitive Electrical Insulating Tape (/ Std. Spec, for Low e Characteristics of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by A Std. Meth. for Calibration of c Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for High ng Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High ontaining Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High bine Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Treated for High d. Spec, for Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High re Vessel Plates, Carbon Manganese, for Moderate and Lower on Hardening Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High welded Autenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High tic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High pec. for Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High n Steel Pressure Vessel Plates for Intermediate and Higher pe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High 1 Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low Spec, for Ferritic and Austenitic Steel Castings for High h Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Moderate and Lower r Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Std. F vel on Run ( vel on Side /Anese Steel Bars Std. for Heavy Duty of St /G Techniques (1973) Techniques (1973) Techniques (1974) Technology (1969) ANSI Y10.19 TEE Head (1973) Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, S Tee, Reducer, Flareless Tube to Swivel, S TEES and Channels (1972) ANSI G81.18 Teeth (Power Transmission) (1972) Teeth (1971) Teeth (1972) Teeth (1973) Telephone for Automotive Use (HS 27) (1968) Telephone Sets (1971) Telephone Slide Base Lamp (1973) Telephone) (1973) /and Fish Finder, Loran or Other Lin Television Picture Tubes (1972) Television Receivers (1968) Television Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Eq Television Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Eq Television Receiving Appliances and Other Electronic Eq Television Transmission (1968) Television (1970) Rec. Pract. for the Density Television (1973) Std. Dimen Television) Application (75 Ohms) (1973) Television) Camera Equipment (1974) /Ec. Std. for Engi Television) (1970) Television, Tape Recorder, Phonograph, etc.) (1973) Television: Measurement of Differential Gain and Phase Teller) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) Tellers: Lockers (1973) Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum (1972) Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum (1972) Temper Table (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Ther Temperature and Energy Consumption of Household Refrige Temperature and Humidity (1973) /Termination of Water Temperature by Means of a Torsion Test (1972) ANSI D65. Temperature Central Station Service (1973) ANSI B125.25 Temperature Characteristics of Rubber and Rubber Like M Temperature Corrections for Refractometer Readings (Sug Temperature Corrections for Saccharimeter Readings (Sug Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealing Compounds Afte Temperature Flexibility of Preformed Sealing Tapes (197 Temperature Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part, Elastomeric Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical T Temperature Impact Test for Fabrics Coated with Flexibl Temperature in the Automotive Braking System of Vehicle Temperature Indexes of Solid Electrical Insulating Mate Temperature Indicating and Regulating Electrical Equipm Temperature Measurements in Ablative Materials (1968) Temperature Molten Materials (Metals, Slag, Glass, etc. Temperature of Applied Coatings on Wood Products During Temperature of Liquid and Solid Materials (1972) ANSI Z Temperature of Preformed Thermal Insulation (1971) ANSI Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact (1973) Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load (1972) ANSI Temperature of Reacting Thermosetting Resins (Plastic C Temperature on Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.18 Temperature Properties (1972) /Le Thermoelement Materi Temperature Range from -267.8 to -55 C (-450 to -67 F) Temperature Range of 25 to 45 Deg. (Cereal Chemistry) ( Temperature Range (1972) ANSI Z11.207 Std. Meth Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure S Temperature Retraction Procedure (TR Test) (R1972) ANSI Temperature Scale for Differential Thermal Analysis (19 Temperature Service Conforming to ISO Recommendations F Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.44 /Tation Hardeni Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.45 /Ardening Iron Temperature Service (1970) ANSI G81.46 /Ening Cobalt C Temperature Service (1971) ANSI G55.12 /Lloy Steel Tur Temperature Service (1972) St Temperature Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Pressu Temperature Service (1972) Std. Spec, for Precipitati Temperature Service (1972) /Spec, for Electric Fusion Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B125.36 /Meter Austeni Temperature Service (1972) ANSI B125.39 Std. S Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G35.9 /Spec, for Carbo Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G37.1 / Alloy Steel Pi Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G38.13 /Oiled 9% Nicke Temperature Service (1972) ANSI G52.2 Std. Temperature Service (1972A) /D. Spec, for High Strengt Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.18 /Td. Spec. Fo Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.30 Temperature Service (1973) Std. Spec. Temperature Service (1973) ANSI B125.17 ASTM ASTM ASTM IEEE NSA NSA NSA ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI SAE IEEE ANSI ABYC EIA NCRPM UL UL UL SMPTE SMPTE ANSI EIA EIA NCTA EIA IEEE TAPPI UL ANSI SAE AACCH ASTM AHAM TAPPI ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE IEEE UL ASTM FMS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM E486 E496 E515 260 28 1763 1764 A429 B29.13 B29.14 B29.10 B29.15 J 797 269 C78.397 A21 RS266A ♦1 492.3 492.7 492.8 RP8 RP7 PH22.94 RS403 RS312 001B-0670 RS414 206 UM-8 901 H35.1 J993 26-95 E230 HRF-2-ECFT T464 D1043 A376 D1329 80-20 80-21 C734 C765 C711 D2754 D2137 J291 98 873 E377 LPD 7-33 D3259 D2883 C447 D746 D648 D2471 D1151 E207 D2557 58-12A D2265 D3005 D1329 E474 A520 A637 A638 A639 A437 A660 A662 A670 A358 A409 A451 A515 A182 A522 A351 A612 A334 A106 A426 A333 Engineering and Product Standards Division 399 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards std. Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High arbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and carbon Steel Pressure Vessel Plates for Moderate and Lower or Pressure Vessels, Valves, Flanges, and Fittings for Low Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Low carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High 1 Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High el Castings for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Low mium-Nickel-lron Alloy Castings (25-12 Class) for High . for Alloy and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High als by Means of a Torsional / Std. Meth. of Measuring Low Std. for Strip-High Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Motor Oils at Low . Meth. of Compression Test, of Metallic Materials at Room Chambers and Serving Units for Tests Above and Below Room for Spray Applied Fibrous Thermal Insulation for Elevated st for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Std. Meth. of Drip Slag Test. Refractory Brick at High n Starch Which Is Substantially Insoluble in Water at Room on. Nickel, And/ Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of High astener (Blind. Internally Threaded, External Sleeve. High ngs. Sealing, Fluorosilicone Rubber. General Purpose. High astener (Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve. High th Expansion Coef/ Std. Spec, for Bolting Materials, High ive Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Std. Rec. Pract. for Paving Uses and Application ) ANSI J1.3 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Test lastics (1967) ANSI K65/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining ectrical Insulating Materials at Microwave Frequencies and of Solid Ceramic Dielectrics at Frequencies to 10 MHz and . Meth. of Test for Apparent Viscosity of Gear Oils at Low rties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Std. Air Density Ratios-At Various Altitudes and ivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles at Room Std. Meth. of Load Test, for Refractory Brick at High Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High teel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High Strength at Elevated cold Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Strength at Elevated forgings and Forging Billets for High Strength at Elevated d. Meth. of Test for Normal Spectral Emittance at Elevated lectric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower surement of Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases at High on Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service at Moderate f Wrought Carbon and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated d Nickel Base Alloy Castings for High Strength at Elevated building Code Std. for Self and Flash Ignition Properties (1971) ANSI G24.19 Std. Spec, for Quenched and ) ANSI / Std. Spec, for High Yield Strength, Quenched and essel Conponents (1973) Ansi/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and s (1973) Std. Spec, for Quenched and Std. Spec, for Steel Wir-e, Oil for Chromium Molybdenum. Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and pec. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and for Pressure Vessels (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and pec. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel. Quenched and re Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength. Quenched and essel Plates, Alloy Steel, 9% Nickel Double Normalized and t Resistant, 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION, Equalized and olution Heat Treated, Sub Zero Cooled, Equilized, and Over Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy Steel. Quenched and ickel Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates. Quenched and for Low Alloy Steel Studs. Heat Resistant, Normalized and and Screws, Steel. Low Alloy Heat Resistant. Hardened and nt, 195.000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Hardened and al Wheat Flour Milling: Equipment. Sample Preparation, and Std. for Meth. for Use of Layer Cake Measuring Rec. Procedure for Processing Hardware Schedules and ions, and Durability Requirements for Both Permanently and at Treated for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High Std. Spec, for figurations (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Breaking an/ Std. Meth. of Test for Low Temperature Flexiblity and ansi Z167.21 Std. Meth. of Test for Reboiling Tent. Rec. for Concrete Members Prestressed with Unbonded L14.180 Test Meth. for Multiple Sample Meth. of Textile Test Meth. for Single Sample Meth. of Textile mposites (GF 220 (1517) Tensile Strength. 70,000,000 (483) Std. Test Meth. for Std. Meth. of Testing Cross Lap Specimens for Meth. of Test for Std. si K65.32 Std. ken from Yarns and Tows (1972) An/ Std. K65.76 Std. Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera Tempera (Tempera ure Service (1973) ANSI B125.24 ure Service (1973) ANSI E38.1 /Td. Spec, for C ure Service (1973) ANSI G35.10 /Td. Spec, for ure Service (1973) ANSI G38.3 /Ing Materials F ure Service (1973) ANSI G46.2 Std. Spec, for ure Service (1974) ANSI G37.2 Std. Spec, for ure Service (1974) ANSI G37.3 / and Alloy Stee ure Service (1974) ANSI G38.9 /or Ferritic Ste ure Service (1974) ANSI G81.19 /Spec, for Chro ure Services (1974) ANSI G38.4 Std. Spec ure Stiffening of Rubber and Rubber Like Materi ure Terminal Block, Base Insulating (1973) ure Using the Cold Spanking Simulator (1972) an ure (R1973) Std ure (1966) ANSI C59.49 /. for Enclosures, Cold ure (1972) Std. Spec. ure (1972) Std. Meth. of Te ure (1973) ure (1973) /Etermination of pH (Slurry) of Cor ure. Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Ir ure. Flush Head. Self Locking) (1972) ure. Fuel and Oil Resistant, 65-75 (1973) /I ure. Protruding Head, (1972) Std. for F ure, 50 to 120 KSI Yield Strength, Materials Wi ures Above Ambient Air (1972) /Ricated Reflect ures for Road Tars (1972) ures for Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (1973 ures of Std. ASTM Molds for Test Specimens of P ures to 1650 C (1970) ANSI C59.127 /F Solid El ures to 500 C (1968) ANSI C59.134 /Tion Factor ures Using the Brookfield Viscometer (1972) Ans ures (Metal to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197.5 /Rope ures (1966) / for Flectrical Resist /Cast Iron-Chromium- /D Cold Worked Alloy S /R Hot, Hot Cold, and /D Worked Alloy Steel St Std. Spec, for E Std. Meth. for Mea Spec, for Electric Fusi / for Piping Fittings O / for Iron, Cobalt, an ures (1969) ANSI K90.7 ures (1970) ANSI Alll.l ures (1970) ASTM G82.1 ures (1971) ANSI G81.23 ures (1971) ANSI G81.24 ures (1971) ANSI G81.27 ures (1972) ures (1972) ures (1973) ures (1973) ures (1973) ANSI G31.2 ures (1973) ANSI G81.40 ures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ignition Furn Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding (1970E Tempered Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure V Tempered Carbon Steel Plates for Structural Application Tempered Carbon Valve Spring Quality (1971) ANSI G54.4 Tempered Chromium, for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI G35 Tempered Nickel-Cobalt— Molybdenum-Chromium (1972) Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings Tempered 8 and 9% Nickel (1972A) ANSI G35.20 Std. S Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.ll Std. Spec, for Pressu Tempered (1972A) ANSI G35.3 Std. Spec, for Pressure V Tempered (1973) / Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Hea Tempered (1973) /Nt, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, S Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Plates (1973) ANSI G35.22 Tempered, for Pressure Vessels (1972A) /D. Spec, for N Tempered. Roll Threaded (135.000 psi (931 MPa) Tensile Bolts /D Screws, Heat Resista /H. for Experiment ine Parts and Genera/ Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Meth. of Test for Std. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tempered, Roll Threaded (1973) Tempered. Roll Threaded (1973) Tempering (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Template Hinge Dimensions (1972) Template (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Templates (1971) Temporarily Affixed Safety Signs for Construction and I Temprature Service (1974) ANSI G38.ll /Gs Specially He Ten Degree Xylene (1971) Tenacity of Man Made Textile Fibers in Loop or Knot Con Tenacity 1 Part, Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type Seal Tendency of Sheet Steel for Porcelain Enameling (1969) Tendons (1966) Tensile Loss by Retained Chlorine Bleaching (1971) ANSI Tensile Loss by Retained Chlorine (1971) ANSI L14.126 Tensile Modulus (1973) /Phite Fibers for Structural Co Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.8 Tensile Properties of Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z197.21 Tensile Properties of Oriented Fiber Composites (1972T) Tensile Properties of Plastics (1972) ANSI K65.60 Tensile Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1972) an Tensile Properties of Single Man Made Textile Fibers Ta Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting (1973) ANSI Tensile Strength Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Mach ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CR ASTM NSA SAE NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AMCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE AACCH ANSI AACCH NBHA SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ACI AATCC AATCC SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM A335 A194 A516 A320 A420 A216 A217 A352 A447 A193 D1053 1063 D2602 E9 E197 C720 C704 C768 C-44 E354 1672 AMS7266 1671 A453 C667 D2728 D1349 D958 D2520 D2149 D2983 D2295 402 C611 C16 A608 A457 A458 A477 E307 A671 D3232 A672 A234 A567 UBCS52-3 A490 ASH A541 A678 A230 A542 A605 A508 A553 A517 A353 AMS5745A AMS5743D A533 A543 AMS7458C AMS7455D AMS7459B 26-10 A156.7 10-91 *7 J115 A389 D846 D3217 C711 C632 66-8 114 92 AMS3892/5 D897 D1344 D3039 D638 D1623 D2101 D882 A284 400 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Is (1972) ANSI C35.2 Std. Spec, (or Low and Intermediate Tens itv (1970) ANSI G24./ Std. Spec, for Low and Intermediate Tens pecimens (1972) ANSI Z197.3 Std. Meth. of Test for Tens 1) ANSI A37. 121 Std. Meth. of Test for Splitting Tens I'niform Building Code Std. for Determining the Splitting Tens appi T644 Std. Meth. of Test for Tens ) Std. Meth. of Test for Tens .5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N. Heat Treated. 170.000 psi (1172 MPa) Tens malized and Tempered, Roll Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) Tens 973) Std. Spec, for Steel Wire. High Tens Bolts and Screws, Heat Resistant, 195.000 psi (1,345 MPa) Tens r Graphite Fibers for Structural Composites (GF 220 (1517) Tens Std. Meth. of Test for Tens y the Tongue (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Traverse Tens eth. for Internal Bond Strength of Paperboard (Z-Direction Tens (1972) Rec. Pract. for Special Quality High Tens ber Tape and Sheet. Epoxy Resin Impregnated. G70.000 (483) Tens ber Tape and Sheet. Epoxv Resin Impregnated, G70.000 (483) Tens (1973) Std. Part Bolt. 100 Deg. Flush Tens Std. for Pin, Swage Locking, A-286 Cres, 100 Deg. Shear / Tens d. for Pin, Swage Locking, 108 KSI Steel, 100 Deg. Shear / Tens . of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tens . of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tens . of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tens . Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tens . of Test for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tens h. of Test for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tens ties of Adhesives in Plywood Type Construction in Shear by Tens ties of Adhesives in Two Ply Wood Construction in Shear by Tens rmining Durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in Shear by Tens hesively Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap Shear Joints in Shear by Tens ively Bonded Plastic Lap Shear Sandwich Joints in Shear by Tens ex Locknuts (1972) Std. for Torque Tens Plane (1970) Std. Meth. of Tens 1971) ANSI K90.6 Std. Meth. of Tens Std. Meth. of Tens nsi Z260.1 Std. Rec. Pract. for Sharp Notch Tens Std. Meth. of Tens Std. Meth. of Tens ) Tent. Meth. of Ten Ilov Products (1973) ANSI H46.1 Std. Meth. of Tens Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tens 973) Std. for Bolt Lock. Tens Std. for Pin. Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Tens Std. for Pin, Swage Locking. A-286 Cres. Protruding Head, Tens d. for Pin. Swage Locking, A-286. 100 Deg. Head (MS20426). Tens . for Pin. Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tens or Pin. Swage Locking. Std. and Oversize, Protruding Head, Tens r Pin. Swage Locking. A-286 Cres. 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tens r Pin. Swage Locking. A-286 Cres. Protruding Head. Shear / Tens in. Swage Locking. 108 KSI Steel. Protruding Head, Shear / Tens n. Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy. 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tens n. Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426).' Tens locking. Steel. Std. and Oversize. 100 Deg. Head (Ms2494), Tens ocking. Steel, Std. and Oversize, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426). Tens d. for Pin, Swage Locking. Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS246941. Tens d. for Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Tens . for Pin. Swage Locking. Aluminum Alloy, Protruding Head, Tens in. Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy. 100 Deg. Head (Ms20426, Tens n. Swage Locking, Aluminum Alloy, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Tens Std. for Pin. Swage Locking, Steel, Protruding Head, Tens ype. Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock. Tens v (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tens il Tvpe. Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tens alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tens: Hoy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock. Tens alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock. Ten Std. Specs, for Post Tensioned Prestressed Concrete (Post Tens er Bridges Design and Construction)/ Std. Specs, for Post Tens ec. for Flame Resistant Materials Used in Camping Tentage vinyl Coa/ Std. Performance Requirements for Cotton Woven a/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Man Made Fiber ol) in Wine (Enology) (1972) tic) (1974) ) in Wine (Enology) (1972) mosphere and Plant Tissues (Manual Procedures) (1973) particulate and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmospher/ chromium Metal (1971T) Particulate and Water Soluble Gaseous Fluorides in the / Is (1971) ANSI Z260.3 on Wafers and Metallization Thickness by Multiple Beam 1/ e and Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarb/ sion Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973) St le Strength Carbon Steel Plates for Pressure Ves9e le Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Qual le Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar and Rod S le Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (197 le Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders (1973) le Strength of Paraffin Wax (1973) ANSI Zl 1.206, T le Strength Properties of Steel Truss Plates (1973 le Strength (1973) /Te Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4 le Strength) (1973) /L Studs, Heat Resistant, Nor le Strength, Hard Drawn, for Mechanical Springs (1 le Strength. Hardened and Tempered, Roll Threaded le Strength, 70,000,000 (483) Tensile Modulus (197 le Stress Strain of Carbons and Graphite (1973) le Test. Machine) (1971) /Ngth of Woven Fabrics B le)(1973) Test M le. Hard Drawn Mechanical Spring Wire and Springs le, 36,000.000 (248) Modulus, 180 „.. (1973) /Fi le, 36.000,000 (248) Modulus, 350 (177) (1973) /I on Head Hi Torque Recess Alloy Steel. 160,000 psi on Head, Pull Type (1973) on Head, Pull Type (1973) on Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal to Mela on Loading in the Temperature Range from -267.8 to on Loading of Laminated Assemblies (1973) / on Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) on Loading (Metal to Metal) (1972) ANSI Z197.15 on Loading (Metal / Metal) (1973) Std. Met on Loading (1964) ANSI Z197.12 /R Strength Proper on Loading (1970) /Test Meth. for Strength Proper on Loading (1971) ANSI Z197.31 /. Pract. for Dete on Loading (1973) /Determining the Strength of Ad on Loading (1973) /Ermining the Strength of Adhes on Requirements for Prevailing Torque Type Steel H on Test of Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise on Test, of Carbon Graphite Mechanical Materials ( on Test, of Hard Rubber (1972) on Test, of High Strength Sheet Materials (1968) a Test, of Metallic Materials (1969) ANSI Z168.13 on Test, of Nonmetallic Gasket Materials (1972) on Test, of Solid Lrethane and Other Rubbers (1973 on Test. Wrought and Cast Aluminum and Magnesium a on. Protruding Head. Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, on. Protruding Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alloy (1 on. Pull Type (1973) Meth Std logy) (1972) 972) on. Pull Type (1973) on. Pul! Tvpe (1973) St on. Pull Type (1973) Std on. Pull Tvpe (1973) Std. F on. Pull Type (1973) Std. Fo on. Pull Type (1973) Std. Fo on. Pull Type (1973) Std. for P on. Pull Type (1973) Std. for Pi on, Pull Tvpe (1973) Std. for Pi on. Pull Type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage on. Pull Type (1973) Std. for Pin, Swage L on. Stump Type (1973) St on, Stump Type (1973) St on. Stump Type (1973) Std on, Stump Type (1973) Std. for P on. Stump Type (1973) Std. for Pi on, Stump Type, (1973) on, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull T on, 100 Deg. Crown Head, Stump Type, Titanium Alio on, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Std. and Oversize, Pu on. 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Stump Type, Titanium on, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Pull Type, Titanium a on, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Stump Type, Titanium oned Box Girder Bridges Design and Construction) ( oned Prestressed Concrete (Post Tensioned Box Gird (Tent) (1974) a Sp Tent. Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Tent, Awning, and Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Lamin Tent. Ebulliometer Meth. for Analysis of Alcohol (Ethan Tent. Hazard Classifications of Organic Peroxides (Plas Tent. Hydrometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol Tent. Meth. for Analysis for Fluoride Content of the at Tent. Meth. for Automated Separation and Collection of Tent. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Ferrochromium and Tent. Meth. for Continuous Separation and Collection of Tent. Meth. for Drop Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic Stee Tent. Meth. for Grading Soybean Oil for Color (1973) Tent. Meth. for Measurement of Oxide Thickness on Silic Tent. Meth. for Separation and Collection of Particulat Tent. Meth. for Spectrophotometric Determination of Fis Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Brix (Balling) of Wine (Eno Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Copper in Wine (Enology) (1 Engineering and Product Standards Division ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM SAE SAE ASTM SAE SAE ASTM ASTM TAPPI SAE SAE SAE NSA NSA NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM IFI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA CRSI CRSI CPAI ANSI ANSI ASE FMS ASE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASE ASE A 285 A 283 D2095 C496 l'BCS26-12 D1320 E489 AMS5744A AMS7458C A679 AMS7459B AMS3892/5 C749 D2262 UM-528 J271 AMS3894/8 AMS3894/9 583 7004 7024 D2295 D2557 D3165 D2294 D1002 D3166 D906 D2339 D2919 D3163 D3164 10] C297 C565 D2707 E338 E8 F152 D3196 B557 2005 2206 6935 6965 6955 1525 1465 6946 7014 7034 1516 1535 1456 1475 1486 6925 1555 6915 1546 1496 2125 2325 2115 2315 2105 2306 '2 •2 84 L24.1.1 L24.1.10 «1 7-81 *2 D3269 D3266 E363 D3267 E436 •5 F388 D3268 E495 »4 •9 401 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 27 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards osphere and Plant Tissues (Semiautomated Meth.) (1973) (Enology) (1972) 2) e (Enology) (1972) ogy) (1972) of Paint Films by Fungal Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumu/ d Surfaces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Fu/ r Rubbers (1973) rations on Returnable Beer and Beverage Glass Containers/ ncrete by the Pressure Meth. (1972T) ANSI A37.70 oil Aromatic Fractions by Mass Spectrometry (1973) etroleum Fractions by Gas Chromatography (1973) extile Fibers in Loop or Knot Configurations (1973) ral Group Analysis of Petroleum Oils by the n-d-M Meth. / re (Continuous Measurement by Nondispersive Infrared Spe/ of Graphite (1971) ANSI K90.ll for Removing Water Formed Deposits (1973) germanium by Preferential Etch Techniques (1973) of Neodymium Doped Laser Materials (1973) Fuels by Setaflash Closed Tester (1973) of Adhesives (1973) pearance (1973) retardant Wood and Its Base Products (1973) ores (1972T) th in Silicon by Measurement of Steady State Surface Pho/ Hide (Leather) Substance (1970) ALCA B5 oils (1973) Ratings Using on Line Analyzers (1970T) the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Ch/ ic Films with a Collinear Four Probe Array (1973) ation Microcoulometry (1973) rium Chloranilate Controlled Condensation Meth.) (1973) turbine Fuels (JFTOT Proc.) (1973) ne Fuel (1973) urbine Fuels (1973) and Plate Viscometer (1973) gles (1972T) Plane of Plies) (1969) ness (1969) )in Wine (Enology) (1972) ed Tendons (1966) irders for Building (1957) arments (1973) paints into a Gas Chromatograph (1973) flexible Barrier Materials (1973) of Light Frame Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their / al Coefficient (1973) sing Threshold of Ruby Laser Rods (1973) rom Solvent Base Paints (1973) cation (1972) or Underground Pipe Lines (Wrapped Systems) (1972) d Continuous Mixing (1973) ers Vertically (1973T) ANSI A37.95 tubes (1973) 3) (1972) eparing Pentachlorophenol Solutions (1968) imens Subject to Freezing (1972T) ound Timber Piles (1970) cord Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.243 a Spec, for Flame Resistant Materials Used in Camping Uniform Fire Code: -(Tertbutylamino)-4-Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)-S-Triazine - tbutylamino)-4-(Ethylamino)-6-(Methyllhio)-S-Triazine • Std. Definition of the Std. for Std. for std. for Pan Head Screw and Assembled Washers-Electrical Std. for Std. for Strip-High Temperature Std. for Binding Post - on Equip/ Std. for Start-Stop Signal Quality Between Data ch/ Std. for Interface Between Numerical Control and Data chemicals and Plastics (1972) Rec. for Std. for Std. for Safety Requirements for Marine nal Spec, and Ratings; Assembly Numbers, Cell Layouts and d. for Determination of Solderability of Solid Lead Wires, of Solderability of Solid Lead Wires, Terminals, and Other ool Relationships (1972) Rec. for nt (1972) Std. for Statistical ors (1972) SAE J7/ Std. for Power Takeoff Definitions and Rec. Pract. for Power Off Definitions and Std. for Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Atm Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Free Sulfur Dioxide in Wine Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Iron in Wine (Enology) (197 Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Total Sulfur Dioxide in Win Tent. Meth. of Analysis for Volatile Acid in Wine (Enol Tent. Meth. of Evaluating Deg. of Surface Disfigurement Tent. Meth. of Measurement of Stopping Distance on Pave Tent. Meth. of Tension Test, of Solid Urethane and Othe Tent. Meth. of Test for Acid Resistance of Ceramic Deco Tent. Meth. of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Co Tent. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Tent. Meth. of Test for Boiling Range Distribution of P Tent. Meth. of Test for Breaking Tenacity of Man Made T Tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Distribution and Structu Tent. Meth. of Test for Carbon Monoxide in the Atmo9phe Tent. Meth. of Test for Compressive (Crushing) Strength Tent. Meth. of Test for Corrosivity of Solvent Systems Tent. Meth. of Test for Crystallographic Perfection of Tent. Meth. of Test for Effective Fluorescent Lifetime Tent. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Tent. Meth. of Test for Floating Roller Peel Resistance Tent. Meth. of Test for Grading Cotton Card Webs for Ap Tent. Meth. of Test for Hygroscopic Properties of Fire Tent. Meth. of Test for Manganese Dioxide in Manganese Tent. Meth. of Test for Minority Carrier Diffusion Leng Tent. Meth. of Test for Nitrogen Content (Kjeldahl) and Tent. Meth. of Test for Pumpability of Industrial Fuel Tent. Meth. of Test for Research and Motor Meth. Octane Tent. Meth. of Test for Resistance to Growth of Mold on Tent. Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of Thin Metall Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxid Tent. Meth. of Test for Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases (Ba Tent. Meth. of Test for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Tent. Meth. of Test for Total Acidity in Aviation Turbi Tent. Meth. of Test for Undissolved Water in Aviation T Tent. Meth. of Test for Viscosity of Asphalt with Cone Tent. Meth. of Test for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shin Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Rolling Shear (Shear in Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Shear Through the Thick Tent. Pycnometer Meth. of Analysis for Alcohol (Ethanol Tent. Rec. for Concrete Members Prestressed with Unbond Tent. Rec. for Design of Concrete Composite Beams and G Tent. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Wear Test on Textile G Tent. Rec. Pract. for Direct Injection of Solvent Base Tent. Rec. Pract. for Electrostatic Charge Mobility on Tent. Rec. Pract. for Installation of Fixed Partitions Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measurement of Glass Stress Optic Tent. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Slope Efficiency and La Tent. Rec. Pract. for Vacuum Distillation of Solvents F Tent. Rec. Pract. Guidelines for Driveway Design and Lo Tent. Rec. Spec, for Asphalt Type Protective Coatings F Tent. Spec, for Aniline-62 (1973) Tent. Spec, for Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching an Tent. Spec, for Molds for Forming Concrete Tests Cylind Tent. Spec, for Molybdenum Flattened Wire for Electron Tent. Spec, for Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide Powder (197 Tent. Spec, for Polyolefin Monofilaments (1973) Tent. Spec, for Ultra High Test Heat Treated Line Pipe Tent. Spec, for Volatile Petroleum Solvent (LPG) for Pr Tent. Test Meth. for Critical Dilation of Concrete Spec Tent. Test Meth. for Establishing Design Stresses for R Tent. Tolerances for Tire Fabrics (Textile) Other Than Tentage (Tent) (1974) Tents and Air Supported Structures (1973) Terbuthylazine (1973) /for the Pest Control Chemical 2 Terbutryn (1973) /or the Pest Control Chemical 2-(Ter Term Vacuum Cleaner (1974) Terminal-Tank Strap, Forked (1973) Terminal-Tank Strap, Plain (1973) Terminal Attachment (Preferred) (1974) Terminal Block Electrical Stud (1974) Terminal Block, Base Insulating (1973) Terminal Board, Electrical (1973) Terminal Equipment and Non-Synchronous Data Communicati Terminal Equipment Employing Parallel Binary Data Inter Terminal Facilities for Pneumatic Transfer of Dry Bulk Terminal Markings for Motors and Generators (1972) Terminal Operations (1972) Terminals (For Foreign and Domestic Passenger Cars, Tru Terminals, and Other Terminations (Soft Solder Jointed) Terminations (Soft Solder Jointed) (1973) ANSI C83.93 Terminology and Definitions for Soil Tillage and Soil T Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materials Manageme Terminology for Agricultural and Light Industrial Tract Terminology for Agricultural Tractors (1972) Terminology for Combines and Grain Harvesting (1971) ASTM D3270 ASE •8 :! ASE •10 ASE •7 ASE •11 ASTM D3274 ASTM E503 ASTM D3196 ASTM C735 ASTM C231 ASTM D3239 ASTM D2887 ASTM D3217 ASTM D3238 ASTM D3162 ASTM C695 ASTM D3263 ASTM F389 ASTM F380 ASTM D3243 ASTM D3167 ASTM D3216 ASTM D320I ASTM E465 ASTM F391 ASTM D2868 ASTM D3245 ASTM D2885 ASTM D3273 ASTM F390 ASTM D3246 ASTM D3226 ASTM D3241 ASTM D3242 ASTM D3240 ASTM D3205 ASTM D3161 ASTM D2718 ASTM D2719 ASE *3 ACI 66-8 ACI 57-29 ASTM D3181 ASTM D3271 ASTM F365 ASTM E497 ASTM C770 ASTM F379 ASTM D3272 ITE *8 NACE RS*1 ASTM D3264 ASTM C685 ASTM C470 ASTM F364 ASTM C750 ASTM D3218 API SPEC 5LU ASTM D2605 ASTM C671 ASTM D2899 ASTM D122 CPAI 84 ICBO UFC*2ART30 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.148 ASTM F395 NSA 24 NSA 23 NSA 720 NSA 1002 NSA 1063 NSA 192 EIA RS404 EIA RS408 MCA TC18 NEMA MCI -2 ANSI MH9.1 BCI •1.56 EIA RS178-B EIA RS178-B ASAE R291.1 ANSI N15.5 ASAE S205.2 REC. J722B ASAE S343 402 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1972) equipment Protection) (1972) 73) Outage / Bulletin for Nondestructive Test. Dimensioning Std. and Std. for Std. Definitions and Rec. for Uniform Std. Requirements and Std. Definitions in Electrical Power Operations Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature and Std. for Psychoacoustical Western Woods Use Book: Abbreviations. Symbols, and Rec. Pract. for Automotive Transmission Rec. Pract. for Automatic Transmission Functions ract. for Automotive Transmission Hydraulic Control System Std. for Pallet Definitions and n Interchange Formats (Computer Software Documentation and evices (1972) Std. Requirements, extension. Torsion. Flat, and Hot Wound (Materials. Specs. or (1972) Aircraft Instrument Stds. (Wording. Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering Std. for Industrial Engineering oratorv Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Std. imming Potentiometers (1970) Std. for Rec. List of Std. Thermal Spraying e Practices for the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants • Food Labelling. Ingredients and Containers (Also Includes 72) Std. Definitions of 72A) ANSI Z128.7 Std. Definitions of Std. Definitions of Trade Std. for Glossary of Std. Definitions of yclean) (1973) Std. for Glossary of Rec. Std. Definitions of Textile tions in Electrical Power Operations Terminology Including consumer Textile Products and Rec. Pract. for Use of These of a Property of a Mater/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Use of the tions and Materials (1973) 138.1 (1972) ANSI A130.1 73) Is for Roofing. Waterproofing, and R/ s and Images Made Therefrom (1972A) Rec. Pract. for Use of These Terms / 1972) ANSI K64.6 g Appliances (1972) si A37.76 es (1974) mpingement by Liquid or Solid Panic/ lysis of Fatigue Data (1972) ANSI Z9/ nd Materials (1973) si Z166.16 nents of Coal (1972) nsi Z166.15 2) A37.33 72) products (1973) Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o: Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o: Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Glossary o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o: Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions oi Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions oi Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o! Terminology for Defects in Steel Pipe (1974) API BUL5T1 Terminology for Permanently Installed Screw Conveyors ( ASAE S334T Terminology for Pressure Relief Devices (Container and ANSI B95.1 Terminology for Relays for Electronic Equipment (1971) ANSI C83.16 Terminology for Rural Waste Management and Disposal (19 ASAE R292.1 Terminology for Specialty Transformers NEMA ST1 Terminology Including Terms for Reporting and Analyzing IEEE 346 Terminology of Tank Trailers and Containers (1971) TTMA RP36 Terminology (Acoustics, Audiometry) (1973) ANSI S3. 20 Terminology (Lumber and Timber) (1973) WWPA *31-6 Terminology (1969) SAE J645B Terminology (1969) SAE J649B Terminology (1970) Rec. P SAE J648A Terminology (1972) ANSI MH1.1.2 Terminology) (1972) FIPS 20 /for Describing Informatio ANSI XI0.1 Terminology, and Test Procedure for Neutral Grounding D IEEE 32 Terminology, Gauge, Metric Conversions) (1972) /Sion, SMI *3 Terminology, Phraseology, Environment and Design Stds F SAE AIR818B Terminology: Applied Mathematics (1972) ANSI Z94.8 Terminology: Applied Psychology (1972) ANSI Z94.ll Terminology: Biomechanics (1972) ANSI Z94. 1 Terminology: Cost (1972) ANSI Z94.2 Terminology: Data Processing and Systems (1972) ANSI Z94.3 Terminology: Distribution and Marketing (1972) ANSI Z94.4 Terminology: Economy (1972) ANSI Z94.5 Terminology: Facility Planning (1972) ANSI Z94.6 Terminology: Materials Processing (1972) ANSI Z94.7 Terminology: Organization Planning and Theory (1972) ANSI Z94.9 Terminology: Production Planning and Control (1972) ANSI Z94. 10 Terminology: Work Measurement and Meth. (1972) ANSI Z94. 12 Termites (1972) Std. Meth. for Lab AWPA M 12-72 Terms and Definitions for Welding and Cutting (1969) AWS A3.0 Terms and Definitions for Wirewound and Nonwirewound TR VRCI Tl 10 Terms and Definitions Related to Quality Control (1969) ASQC *1 Terms and Definitions (1970) AWS C2.9 Terms and Definitions (1973) /Td. for Quality Assuranc ANSI N45.2.10 Terms and Definitions) (1974) /Ons for Animal Feed and AAFCO *1 Terms and Nomenclature Relating to Aerosol Products (19 ASTM D3064 Terms and Symbols Relating to Emission Spectroscopy (19 ASTM E135 Terms Commonly Used in Packaging (1972) ANSI MH15.1 Terms Concerning Letter Symbols (1972) ANSI Y10.1 Terms for Antennas (1973) IEEE 145 Terms for Care Labeling Textile Products (Launder or Dr ANSI L28.1 Terms for Institutional Textiles (1973) ANSI L24.6.1 Terms for Reporting and Analyzing Outage of Electrical IEEE 346 Terms on Permanently Attached Labels (1972) / Care of ASTM D3136 Terms Precision and Accuracy as Applied to Measurement ASTM E177 Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Building Construe ASTM C634 Terms Relating to Activated Carbon (1974) ASTM D2652 Terms Relating to Adhesives (1973) ASTM D907 Terms Relating to Appearance of Materials (1971) ANSI Z ASTM E284 Terms Relating to Asbestos Cement and Related Products ASTM C460 Terms Relating to Atmospheric Sampling and Analysis (19 ASTM D1356 Terms Relating to Bituminous, and Other Organic Materia ASTM D1079 Terms Relating to Building Seals (1973) ASTM C717 Terms Relating to Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbon Product ASTM F221 Terms Relating to Care of Consumer Textile Products and ASTM D3136 Terms Relating to Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives ( ASTM D1695 Terms Relating to Chimneys, Gas Vents and Heat Producin NFPA 97M Terms Relating to Coal and Coke (1972) ANSI K20.6 ASTM D121 Terms Relating to Concrete and Its Aggregates (1968) an ASTM C125 Terms Relating to Dosimetry (1968) ANSI N105 ASTM E170 Terms Relating to Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gas ASTM D2864 Terms Relating to Electrical Insulation (1973) ASTM D1711 Terms Relating to Electrostatic Copying (1972B) ASTM F335 Terms Relating to Erosion of Solids by Cavitation and I ASTM G40 Terms Relating to Fatigue Test, and the Statistical Ana ASTM E206 Terms Relating to Fire Tests of Building Construction a ASTM El 76 Terms Relating to Gaskets (1972) ASTM Fl 18 Terms Relating to Glass and Glass Products (1971) ASTM C162 Terms Relating to Hydraulic Cement (1971) ANSI A1.28 ASTM C219 Terms Relating to Iron Castings (1972A) ASTM A644 Terms Relating to Leak Test. (1971) ANSI Z166.25 ASTM E425 Terms Relating to Leather (R1972) ALCA XI, ANSI Z109.3 ASTM D1517 Terms Relating to Lime and Limestone (1971) ANSI K67.8 ASTM C51 Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant Inspection (1974) an ASTM E270 Terms Relating to Lithologic Classes and Physical Compo ASTM D2796 Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Inspection (1974) a ASTM E269 Terms Relating to Manufactured Carbon and Graphite (197 ASTM C709 Terms Relating to Materials for Roads and Pavements (1971) ANSI ASTM D8 Terms Relating to Metallography (1973) ANSI Z30.4 ASTM E7 Terms Relating to Microscopy (1972) ASTM E175 Terms Relating to Natural Building Stones (1974) ASTM CI 19 Terms Relating to Naval Stores and Related Products (19 ASTM D804 Terms Relating to Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related ASTM D16 Terms Relating to Plastics (1973) ANSI K65.51 ASTM D883 Engineering and Product Standards Division 403 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards stems (1973) ANSI Z167.1 3) ) (1961) 73) ctors (1972A) 973) (1972) Std. Definitions ol Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o! Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Glossary oi Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o' Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o Std. Definitions o' Glossary o Definitions of Statistica Glossary o Definitions o: Std. Definitions o Std. Glossary of Genera Dictionary o n. Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose Pas/ Definitions and Std. Glossary of Construction Industry Definitions of Relay anual of Standardization for Masterkeying Nomenclature and Glossary of Billiard Std. Definitions of Navigation Aid Glossary of Architectural Metal Std. for PhotoJnstrumentatiorLGlossary Spec, for Synthetic Rubber, Ethylene Propylene Limestone, and Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Rec. for Design, Layout, Construction and Maintenance of Brick in Landscape Architecture Specifying Portland Cement extile) (1973) Std. Performance Requirements for Terb/ Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- zine / Std. Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical 2- Std. Spec, for Para ination of Film Adhesion on All Metals by Cross Hatch Tape Std. for Engine Std. Std. ormers (Electronics) (1973) ANSI C57. 12.90 Std. Std. for Agricultural Tractor Agricultural Tractor Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Cold eth. of Power Factor Measurement for Low Voltage Inductive Guide for Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life ration of Liquid Automatic Particle Counters Using AC Fine r Conditioning System Rating Definitions, Test. Meth., and of Petroleum Wax or Wax Based Blends Appli/ Std. Meth. of faces (1974) Std. Meth. o: ) Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Meth. o Tent. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. for Climbing Drum Pee x Sealing Compounds (1972) Std. Meth ressure Meth. (1972T) ANSI A37.70 Tent. Meth Std. Meth 73) Std. Meth Meth ansi Z167.20 Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth ielectric Constant (Permittivity) of Solid/ Std. Meth ectroscopy (1973) Std. Meth. ol Room Temperature (1972) les and Heels (1968) ANSI J2.26 h the Ferrous Sulfate Cupric Sulfate Dosim/ h the Ceric Sulfate Dosimeter (1971) ANSI / oxygen Pressure Meth. (1973) ANSI J4.1 oven Meth. (1967) ANSI J5.1 mpound (1973) itectural Type Glass (1972T) rnable Beer and Beverage Glass Containers/ ents and Their Admixtures (1974) naphthas, and Similar Industrial Aromatic / es (1973) lants Under Cyclic Movement (1972) ard at 90 Deg. Angle and Constant Stress (/ 973) (1970) ANSI J3.1 Terms Relating to Porcelain Enamel and Ceramic Metal Sy Terms Relating to Refractories (1973) ANSI A111.9 Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (197 Terms Relating to Soaps and Other Detergents (1974) Terms Relating to Space Simulation (1972) Terms Relating to Statistical Meth. (1972) Terms Relating to Structural Clay Products (Tech. Notes Terms Relating to Surface Imperfections on Ceramics (19 Terms Relating to Textile Materials (1973) ANSI L14.12 Terms Relating to Thermal Analysis (1973) Terms Relating to Ultrasonic Test. (1974) Terms Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Electrical Condu Terms Relating to Veneer and Plywood (1970.) ANSI 07.2 Terms Relating to Water (1972) Terms Relating to Wax Polishes and Related Materials (1 Terms Used in Baking and Cereal Chemistry (1962) Terms Used in Cereal Chemistry (1967) Terms I'sed in Gearing (1972) Terms Used in IEEE Nuclear Power Generating Station Std Terms Used in Powder Metallurgy (1972) ANSI H9.5 Terms Used in Quality Control (1971) ANSI Z1.7 Terms Used in the Safety Profession (1973) Terms Used in the Selection of Tires (Car, Station Wago Terms Used in the Sulfite Pulping Process (1972) Terms (Architecture) (1970) Terms (Electromagnetic Instrumentation) (1972) Terms (1965) Terms (1971) Terms (1971) Terms (1973) (Terms, Definitions) (1969) Terpolymer, General Purpose (45-55) (1973) Terra Cotta; Timber; Water; Ceiling; Partitions; Plaste Terrace (Erosion Control and Water Conservation) (1972) Terraces and Walks (Tech. Notes) (1966) Terrazzo, Cast in Place Floors (1967) Terry Cloth Towels (Single and Double) (Institutional T (Tertbutylamino)-4— Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)-S-Triazine- (Tertbutylamino)-4— (Ethvlamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S-Tria Tertiary Butylphenol 98 (1972) ANSI Z78.24 Test After Reverse Impacting (Coil Coating) (1974) /Rm Test Code-Spark Ignition and Diesel (1971) Test Code for Air Moving Devices (1967) Test Code for Direct Current Machines (1973) Test Code for Distribution, Power and Regulating Transf Test Code (1972) Test Code (1972) SAE J708C Test Content in Corn Oil (1965) Test Currents (1972) ANSI C37.26 Std. Guide for M Test Data (1972) Test Dust (1972) ANSI B93.28 Std. Meth. for Calib Test Equipment and Rating Meth. (1972) /Nal Vehicle Ai Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test or Abrasion Resistance of Glossy Smooth Coatings or Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Sur or Abrasion Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (1972 or Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at or Abrasion Resistance of Rubber Compounds for So or Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (1971) or Absolute Viscosity of Asphalts (1966) or Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose Wit or Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose Wit or Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the or Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the or Accelerated Aging of Wood Sash Face Glazing Co or Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Arch or Acid Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on Retu or Acidity Alkalinity of Halogenated Organic Solv or Acidity of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Solvent or Adhesion After Impact of Preformed Sealing Tap or Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sea or Adhesion of Metallic Coatings (1972) or Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Tape to Fiberbo or Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber to Metal (1973) or Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber to Steel Cord (1 or Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber (Friction Test) or Adfiesives (1962) ANSI Z197.23 or Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Late or Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the P Air Permeability of Asbestos Fibers (1972) or Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials (19 or Algal Resistance of Plastic Films (1972T) or Alkali Resistance of Porcelain Enamels (1974) or Alkalinity of Hollow Glass Microspheres (1972) or Alky 1 Benzene Sulfonate in Water (1968) or Alternating Current Loss Characteristics and D or Aluminium in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption Sp ASTM C286 ASTM C71 ASTM D1566 ASTM D459 ASTM E349 ASTM E456 BIA 2 ASTM F109 ASTM D123 ASTM E473 ASTM E500 ASTM B354 ASTM D1038 ASTM D1129 ASTM D2825 AACCH 36-01 A AACCH 78-40 AGMA 116.01 IEEE 380 ASTM B243 ASQC A3 ASSFE •1 TRA XXI TAPPI T1201 AIOA *1 NARM *2 NBHA »4 BCA *2 IEEE 172 NAAMM •35 SMPTE *1 SAE AMS3260 ICBO UBC*3-23 ASAE R268.1 BIA 29 CSI 09410 ANSI L24.2.5 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.148 ASTM D2871 NCCA TB II 16 SAE J816B AMCA 210 IEEE 113 IEEE 262 SAE J708C ASAE S209.4 CR H-10 IEEE 330 IEEE 101 NFLDP T2.9.6 IMACA 400 ASTM D3234 ASTM C779 ASTM G6 ASTM C704 ASTM D1630 ASTM D1175 ASTM D2171 ASTM D2954 ASTM D300I ASTM D572 ASTM D573 ASTM C741 ASTM C724 ASTM C735 ASTM D2989 ASTM D847 ASTM C766 ASTM C719 ASTM B571 ASTM D2860 ASTM D429 ASTM D2229 ASTM D413 ASTM D1781 ASTM C732 ASTM C231 ASTM D2752 ASTM C522 ASTM G29 ASTM C614 ASTM D3100 ASTM D2330 ASTM D150 ASTM E507 404 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ging Materials (Cereal Chemistry) (1/ earn Bending (1972) iber Elongation (1971) arbons (1972) h9.1 ounds by the Seott Volumeter (1970) ANSI H/ Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Short Beam M/ specific Gravity, and Bulk Density of Burn/ tures Using the Brookfield Viscometer (197/ oating Materials (1973) 3) ANSI Z11.72 ature Using the Cold Spanking Simulator (1/ Solids (1969) ANSI Z197.9 e (1951) ANSI Z197.10 s by Gas Chromatography (1972) ANSI Z11.27/ actions bv Mass Spectrometry (1973) (1972) ANSI L14.141 973) fuel (Mass Spectrometric Meth.) (1969) Ans/ fuel (Neodvmium-148 Meth.) (1969) ANSI Nil/ mical Meth.) (1969) ANSI N107 ansi A1.8. Ashto T107 Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Meth. of Xanthyd Std. Meth Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Air Permeability (1972) Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Rec. Pract. for Lifi Std. Meth Std. Meth. of Dro fiber (1970) ANSI K91.1 Std. Meth. o il for Static Load on Spread Footings (1972) Std. Meth. o read Footings (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Fo/ shoT81. ANSI 011.13 of Ceramic Substrates (1974) i D14.1 ons by Gas Chromatography (1973) rns (Constant Rate of Extension Instrument/ tile Fibers (Flat Bundle Meth.) (1972) Ans/ al73.1 n Loop or Knot Configurations (1973) ansi Z115.5 mers by Impact (1973) ometric Titration (1974) ANSI Z78.15 ctrometric Titration (1972) ANSI Z11.248 e Type Sealants (1972) s Microspheres (1972) Gas Chromatography (1973) bsorption Spectroscopy (1973) (1973) pressure Membrane Apparatus (1972) coal and Coke (1973) sis of Petroleum Oils by the n-d-M Meth. / measurement by Nondispersive Infrared Spe/ ) ) ansi A37.58, Ashto T144 rocessing Oils by the Clay Gel Absorption / ation) (1972) onds (1972) ANSI Z197.16 ts (1972) ANSI K42.1 ciple (1972) cs of Dry Solid Film Lubricants in Vacuum / gs (1973) ANSI Z11.222 nd Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Meth/ nd Solid Fiberboard (Inclined Plane Meth.)/ Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Tentative Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Tent. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o son) (1973) ANSI A149.12 y Mortar (Wet Type) (1972) ANSI All 1.29 of Refractory Brick and Shapes (1972) Ansi/ er Cotton Colorimeter (1971) (Textile) (1973) textUe) (1973) he Field (1973) Made Staple Fiber (1971) (1972) ANSI Z11.315 (Reaction Intensity Meth.) (1973) e Plastics Under Compression (1974) Std. Meth. of Drop Shatter Std. Meth. o" Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Meth Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Std. Std. Te Te Tei Tei Te: Te: Te! Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Tes Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te: Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Te Te Te Te: Te Te: Te Te: Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te for Aluminum in Water (1969E) for Aluminum Oxide in Iron Ores (1972) for Analysis of Urea in Cloth Bags and Other Packa for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Glass by B for Annealing Point and Strain Point of Glass by F for Apparent Density of Industrial Aromatic Hydroc for Apparent Density of Leather (1968) ALCA E62 for Apparent Density of Metal Powders (1948) ANSI for Apparent Density of Refractory Metals and Comp for Apparent Horizontal Shear Strength of Parallel for Apparent Porosity, Water Absorption. Apparent for Apparent Viscosity of Gear Oils at Low Tempera for Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and C for Apparent Viscosity of Lubricating Greases (197 for Apparent Viscosity of Motor Oils at Low Temper for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of Dried Adhesive for Applied Weight Per Unit Area of Liquid Adhesiv for Aromatic Traces in Light Saturated Hydrocarbon for Aromatic Types Analysis of Gas Oil Aromatic Fr for Asbestos Content of Asbestos Textile Materials for Ash from Petroleum Products (1973) ANSI Z11.54 for Ash in Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.4 for Ash in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke (1 for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radioche for Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement (1971) for Automotive Storage Batteries (1972) for Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica bv for Bags (Packaging) (1950) ANSI MH12.6 for Bauer-McNett Wet Classification of Asbestos for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Sp for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Sp for Bendability of Pipeline Coatings (1972) for Benzene Insoluble Matter in Creosote (1973) Aa for Biaxial Flexure Strength (Modulus of Rupture) for Bitumen (1970) ANSI A37.3 for Boiling Point of Engine Antifreezes (1972) Ans for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Fracti for Boron in Water (1972T) for Breaking Load and Elongatoin of Elastomeric Ya for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Cotton Tex for Breaking Strength of Ceramic Tile (1971) ANSI for Breaking Tenacity of Man Made Textile Fibers I for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials (1973) for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elasto for Bromine Index of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Coul for Bromine Index of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Ele for Bubbling of 1 Part, Elastomeric Solvent Releas for Bulk Density and Packing Factor of Hollow Glas for Butadiene Purity and Hydrocarbon Impurities by for Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Ores by Atomic a for Calcium or Zinc in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. for Capillary Moisture Relationships for Soils by for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of for Carbon Distribution and Structural Group Analy for Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Continuous for Cashmere Coarse Hair Content in Cashmere (1971 for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings (1972 for Cement Content of Soil Cement Mixtures (1974) for Change in Properties of Elastomeric ANSI J2.7 for Characteristic Groups in Rubber Extender and P for Chip Resistance of Coatings (1973) for Chromic Oxide in Leather (Perchloric Acid Oxid for Cleanability of Surface Finishes (1973) for Cleavage Strength of Metal to Metal Adhesive B for Coarse Particles in Pigments. Pastes, and Pain for Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Prin for Coating Thickness by X-Ray Spectrometry (1972) for Coefficient of Friction and Wear Characteristi for Coefficient of Friction, Yarn to Metal (1972T) for Coefficient of Kinetic Friction for Wax Coatin for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated a for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated a for Coke (1972) ANSI K20.24 for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conrad for Cold Bonding Strength of Air Setting Refractor for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture for Color of Raw Cotton Using the Nickerson-Hunt for Colorfastness of Upholstery Fabrics to Solvent for Colorfastness of Upholstery Fabrics to Water ( for Combustible Gases in Electrical Apparatus in T for Commercial Weight of a Shipment of Yarn or Man for Compatibility of Fuel Oil Blends by Spot Test for Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Oxygen for Compatibility of Plasticizers in Vinyl Chlorid ASTM D857 ASTM E464 AACCH 28-86 ASTM C598 ASTM C336 ASTM D2935 ASTM D2346 ASTM B212 ASTM B329 ASTM D2344 ASTM C20 ASTM D2983 ASTM D3236 ASTM D1092 ASTM D2602 ASTM D898 ASTM D899 ASTM D2600 ASTM D3239 ASTM D1918 ASTM D482 ASTM C561 ASTM D3174 ASTM E244 ASTM E321 ASTM E219 ASTM C151 SAE J240A ASTM C721 ASTM D959 ASTM D2589 ASTM D1194 ASTM D1194 ASTM G10 ASTM D367 ASTM F394 ASTM D4 ASTM Dl 120 ASTM D2887 ASTM D3082 ASTM D2653 ASTM D1445 ASTM C648 ASTM D.3217 ASTM E10 ASTM D746 ASTM D1492 ASTM D2710 ASTM C712 ASTM D3101 ASTM D2593 ASTM E508 ASTM D2613 ASTM D3152 ASTM D3178 ASTM D3238 ASTM D3162 ASTM D2816 ASTM G8 ASTM D806 ASTM D471 ASTM D2007 ASTM D3170 ASTM D2807 ASTM C756 ASTM D1062 ASTM D185 ASTM B567 ASTM B568 ASTM D2716 ASTM D3108 ASTM D2534 ASTM D3247 ASTM D3248 ASTM D3038 ASTM D2416 ASTM C198 ASTM C133 ASTM D2253 ANSI L24T7 ANSI L24T6 ASTM D3284 ASTM D2494 ASTM D2781 ASTM F371 ASTM D3291 Engineering and Product Standards Division 405 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards under Field Conditions (1974) ics (1973) ANSI K65.31 974) ANSI A37.103, Ashto T167 pecimens (1972) AASHO T22, ANSI A37.18 rs (Using 2 In. (50 Mm) Cube Specimens) (1/ rs (Using Portions of Prisms Broken in Fie/ 972) 971) ANSI K90.ll Uniform Building Code Std. for Meth. of petrolatum (1971) ANSI Z11.61 Std. Meth. of ities in Deuterium Oxide (1968) ANSI N154 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ility by Rotating Bomb (1967) ANSI Zl 1.230 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Mereurous Nitrate Std. Meth. of Tentative Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of ter Formed Deposits (1973) nsfer (Electrical Meth. (1972) rs (1972) ANSI L14.95 eferential Etch Techniques (1973) 950) ANSI MH12.7 re by Gas Chromatrography (1972) uels (1972) ANSI Z11.322 ral Load (1972) ANSI K65.222 1973) e (1971) ANSI K90.8 d Powder Metal Structural Parts and Oil Im/ gham Pycnometer (1968) ANSI Z11.96 hite Articles by Physical Measurements (19/ tear Meth. (1974) (1972T) i Z111.5 eating Oils (1973) 73) a Meth. (1973) meth. (1973) rations and Isotopic Abundances (1970) Ans/ croprojection (1972) ANSI L14.143 nsulating Gases at Commercial Power Freque/ s of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes/ s of Petroleum Origin Under Impulse Condit/ expanded Cellular Plastics Used for Eiectr/ tion Factor of Solid Ceramic Dielectrics A/ ber. Yarn and Textile Fabric) (1972) ANSI / ation Stain of Organic Finishes in Contact/ s by Direct Soil Burial (1972) n Black (1972 A) ) Products (1973) AASHO T78, ANSI A37.45 i L14.103 Ided Containers (1970) emperature Range (1972) ANSI ZI 1.207 c Refractories (1972) ANSI All 1.25 (1972) by the Dow Corning Leather Tester (1970) / by the Maeser Water Penetration Tester (1/ t Pressure (1972) orative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) (Thin Film Oven Test) (1973) Bonds (1972) ANSI Z197.18 f Aerosol Containers (1972) ped Laser Materials (1973) ems (1972) Spray Insecticides Against Flying Insects/ cockroaches (1972) ing Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due To/ e Water Repellent Finish of Fabrics (1972) ings (1972) Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Drop Std. Meth. of Std. Meth of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tentative Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ial Compression (1972) ant Rate of Extension Machines) (1972) Ans/ 50 aining a Static Dissipator Additive (1971)/ - Std. Rec. Pract. for Designing a High Current Arc Erosion flooring (1972) Std. Meth. of and Graphite Articles at Room Temperatures/ Std. Meth. of (Solder Plate) (1973) Std. Meth. Std. Meth. of 973) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test or Compressibility of Leather (1970) ALCA E45 or Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete or Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plast or Compressive Strength of Bituminous Mixtures (1 or Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete S or Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Morta or Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Morta or Compressive Strength of Masonry Assemblages (1 or Compressive (Crushing) Strength of Graphite (1 or Concrete Masonry Units (1973) or Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes Including or Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impur or Continuity of Porcelain Enamel Coatings (1973) or Continuity of Steam Turbine Oil Oxidation Stab or Copper and Its Alloys (1973) ANSI H39.3 or Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for Removing Wa or Corrosivty of Water in the Absence of Heat Tra or Creep Relaxation of a Gasket Material (1971) or Cross Sectional Characteristics of Cotton Fibe or Crystallographic Perfection of Germanium by Pr or Cyanides in Water (1972) or Cyclohexylamine in Water (1974) or Cylindrical Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1 or C, Through C-, Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphe or D.C. Electrical Conductivity of Hydrocarbons F Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexu or Degree of Set for Wood Sash Glazing Compound ( or Delivery Rate of Aerosol Products (1972) or Delta in Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphit or Density and Interconnected Porosity of Sintere or Density and Specific Gravity of Liquids by Bin or Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Grap or Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuc or Density of Glass by Buoyancy (1971) or Density of Glass by the Sink Float Comparator or Deposit Forming Impurities in Steam (1971) Ans or Detecting Glycol Base Antifreeze in Used Lubri or Detergent Resistance of Floor Polish Films (19 or Determination of Cobalt in Paint Driers by Edt or Determination of Lead in Paint Driers by EDTA or Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Concent or Deuterium Oxide (1972) or Diameter of Wool and Other Animal Fibers by Mi or Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Strength of I or Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oil or Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oil or Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor of or Dielectric Constant (Permittivity) and Dissipa or Differential Dyeing Behavior of Cotton (Raw Fi or Diffusion Stain of Rubber and Contact and Migr or Disbonding Characteristics of Pipeline Coating or Discoloration of Orthodichlorobenzene by Carbo or Dissolved and Gaseous Hydrogen in Water (I960) or Distillation of Cut Back Asphaltic (Bituminous or Distillation of Road Tars (1972) or Distortion of Yarn in Woven Fabrics (1972) Ans or Drop Impact Resistance of Polyethylene Blow Mo or Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease of Wide T or Drying and Firing Shrinkage of Fireclay Plasti or Durability of Fire Retardant Treatment of Wood or Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather or Dynamic Water Resistance of Shoe Upper Leather or Effect of Cyclic Immersion of Syntactic Foam a or Effect of Handwashing on Woven Glass Fiber Dec or Effect of Heat and Air on Asphaltic Materials or Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Adhesive or Effective Crimping on Outside Crimped Valves O or Effective Fluorescent Lifetime of Neodymium Do or Effective Pumping Speed of Vacuum Chamber Syst or Effectiveness of Aerosol and Pressurized Space or Effectiveness of Aerosol Insecticides Against or Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Prevent or Effects of Drycleaning on Permanence of Durabl or Effects of Outdoor Weathering on Pipeline Coat or Efflorescence of Interior Wall Paints (1973) or Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniax or Elastic Properties of Elastomeric Yarns (Const or Elastic Properties of Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.2 or Electrical Conductivity of Aviation Fuels Cont or Electrical Contact Materials (1973) or Electrical Resistance of Conductive Resilient or Electrical Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon or Electrodeposited Coatings of Tin-Lead Alloy or Electrostatic Charge (1973) or Embossed Depth of Resilient Floor Coverings (1 or Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins (1973) ASTM D2213 ASTM C683 ASTM D1621 ASTM D1074 :| ASTM C39 ASTM C109 ASTM C349 ASTM E447 ASTM C695 ICBO UBCS24-7 ASTM D938 ASTM D2033 I ASTM C743 ASTM D2272 ASTM B154 1 ASTM D3263 ASTM D2776 ASTM F38 ASTM D1444 ASTM F389 ASTM D2036 ASTM D2909 ASTM D997 ASTM D2820 ASTM D3114 ASTM D648 ASTM C742 ASTM D3069 ASTM C624 ASTM B328 ASTM D1217 ASTM C559 ASTM D2950 ASTM C693 ASTM C729 ASTM D2186 ASTM D2982 ASTM D3207 ASTM D2373 ASTM D2374 ASTM E267 ASTM D2184 ASTM D2130 ASTM D2477 ASTM D1816 ASTM D3300 ASTM D1673 ASTM D2149 ASTM D1464 ASTM D925 ASTM G19 ASTM D1618 ASTM D1588 ASTM D402 ASTM D20 ASTM D1336 ASTM D2463 ASTM D2265 ASTM C179 ASTM D2898 ASTM D2098 ASTM D2099 ASTM D2735 ANSI L24T1 ASTM D1754 ASTM D1151 ASTM D3076 ASTM F380 ASTM E294 ASTM D3088 ASTM D3095 ASTM C441 ASTM D2721 ASTM Gil ASTM D1736 ASTM D3148 ASTM D2731 ASTM D1774 ASTM D2624 AATM B576 ASTM F150 ASTM C611 ASTM B579 ASTM D2679 ASTM F373 ASTM D1652 406 Engineering and Product Standards Division ■■ National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1972) on Fibers by the Causticaire Method (1971) with the Cenco Fiteh Apparatus (1970) Ale/ aters (1968E) er and Rubber Like Materials (1960) ANSI J/ eries Copper Containing Aluminum Allovs (E/ ace Alloys Under High Shear (1972) ANSI Zl/ ng Compound (1972) Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. of of of of of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ounds (1973) Std. Meth. of ealing Compounds (1972) Std. Meth. of Is (1973) Std. Meth. of Low Temperature Impact 72) ANSI A1.27 Std. Meth. of 9 Activity from Uranium -238 Fission (1972/ Std. Meth. of nsion Loading (Metal / Metal) (1973) Std. Meth. of 1973) Std. Meth. of ) Sieve (1973) Std. Meth. of v Apparatus (1973) AASHO T153, ANSI A1.19 Std. Meth. of r (1973) ANSI Al. 7 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Std. Tent. Std. Std. Std. Std. floor Covering Materials (1971) (1974) ANSI K65.28 ) ANSI K65.21 972) AASHO T48. ANSI Z11.6 (1973) ANSI Z11.7 lash Closed Tester (1973) 973) up Apparatus (1972) us (1972) . Varnish, and Related Products) by Setafl/ am with Center Point Loading) (1968) ANSI / (1972) 1973) 972) ANSI Z11.78 ware (1973) impact Wedge Bend Apparatus (1973) tton Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z167.10 ) Oils (R1969) ANSI C59.23 acting Thermosetting Resins (Plastic Compo/ Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of after Storage at 104 F (40C) (1973) Std. Meth. of L niform Building Code Std. for Tent. Meth. of thermal Jacket Bomb Calorimeter (1973) Std. Meth. of ) ANSI Z155.12 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of nsi ALIO Std. Meth. of nd Belts (1942) ANSI L14.283 Std. Spec, and Meth. of Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling of Solid Electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Meth. for Measuring Flat Spring mass Spectrometry (1971) ANSI Zl 1.31 1 973) ualitative) of Industrial Aromatic Hvdroca/ e Meth.) (1970) ANSI Z77.10 es (1972T) resins (1973) microspheres (1972) foam (1972A) al Waste Water (1967) and Its Base Products (1973) nants in Aerospace Fluids (1970E) the Rebound Pendulum (1972) ANSI J2.19 d (1974) ANSI J2.31 g Weight Test) (1972) one Drop Test) (1972) nsulating Materials (1973) Parts by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) / 74) ANSI K65.117 ite. Opaque Materials (Color Measurement 0/ 0) ALCA B1I 2) ed Wood Products for Exterior Use (1959) A/ pcorn. Dried Pea/ ts (1972) Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. Tent. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. (1973) 74) AASHO T201 Meth. of Analysis of Cracking Flotation Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Test for Erasability of Inked Ribbons (1972) Test for Ester Value of Lacquer Solvents and Thinners ( Test for Estimating Maturity and Linear Density of Cott Test for Estimating the Thermal Conductivity of Leather Test for Evaluating Inhibitory Toxicity of Industrial W Test for Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubb Test for Exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibility in 7XXX S Test for Explosive Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerosp Test for Extension Recovery and Adhesion of Latex Seali Test for Extractable Matter in Oven Dried Wool (1973) Test for Extrudability of Unvulcanized Elastomeric Comp Test for Extrudability, After Package Aging, of Latex S Test for Fabrics Coated with Flexible Polymeric Materia Test for False Set of Portland Cement (Paste Meth.) (19 Test for Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum -9 Test for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Te Test for Fiber Content of Reinforced Resin Composites ( Test for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by No. 325 (45-?M Test for Fineness of Portland Cement by Air Permeabilit Test for Fineness of Portland Cement by the Turbidimete Test for Fireclay Plastic Refractories (1972) Test for Flame Propagation Classification Flooring and Test for Flammability of Aerosol Products (1972) Test for Flammability of Flexible Plastics (1974) Test for Flammability of Flexible Thin Plastic Sheeting Test for Flammability of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1974) Test for Flammability of Self Supporting Plastics (1974 Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup (1 Test for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Tester Test for Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Setaf Test for Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Up Meth. (1 Test for Flash Point of Cutback Asphalt with Tag Open C Test for Flash Point of Liquids by Tag Open Cup Apparat Test for Flash Point of Liquids (Paint, Enamel, Lacquer Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Be Test for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Test for Floating Roller Peel Resistance of Adhesives < Test for Fluoride Ion in Water (1972) Test for Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils (1 Test for Foaming Tendencies of Engine Coolants in Glass Test for Formability of Attached Organic Coatings with Test for Fusion Flow of Porcelain Enamel Frits (Flow Bu Test for Gamma Spectrometry of Water (1972) Test for Gas Content of Cable and Capacitor (Insulating Test for Gel Time and Peak Exothermic Temperature of Re Test for Gel Time of Solventless Varnishes (1972) Test for Gel Time of Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z78.23 Test for Gloss Retention of Waxed Paper and Paperboard Test for Glue Joints in Laminated Wood Products (1973) Test for Grading Cotton Card Webs for Appearance (1973) Test for Gross Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the ISO Test for Hardness of Electrical Contact Materials (1972 Test for Heat of Ablation (1972) Test for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement (1973) a Test for Heavy Cotton Fabrics for Manufacture of Hose a Test for High Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI A111.14 Test for High Voltage, Low Current, Drv Arc Resistance Test for Hot Tack of Wax Polymer Blends (1972) Test for Hydrocarbon Types in Low Olefinic Gasoline by Test for Hydrogen Embrittlement of Copper (1973) Test for Hydrogen Permeance of Rubber Coated Fabrics (1 Test for Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide Content (Q Test for Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas (Methylene Blu Test for Hydrolytic Stability of Elastomeric Volcanizat Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Content of Liquid Epoxy Test for Hydrostatic Collapse Strength of Hollow Glass Test for Hydrostatic Compressive Strength of Syntactic Test for Hydroxide Ion in Industrial Water and Industri Test for Hygroscopic Properties of Fire Retardant Wood Test for Identification of Metallic and Fibrous Contami Test for Impact Resilience and Penetration of Rubber by Test for Impact Resilience of Rubber by Vertical Reboun Test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Fallin Test for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Limest Test for Impact Resistance of Plastics and Electrical I Test for Impact Resistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Test for Incandescence Resistance of Rigid Plastics (19 Test for Indexes of Whiteness and Yellowness of Near Wh Test for Insoluble Ash of Vegetable Tanned Leather (197 Test for Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregates (197 Test for Integrity of Glue Joints in Structural Laminat Test for Internal Insects in Cereal Grains. Unpopped Po Test for Iron Bacteria in Water and Water Formed Deposi Test for Iron-59 in Water (1969) ANSI N162 Test for Isophthalic Acid in Alkyd and Polyester Resins Test for Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) (19 ASTM F362 ASTM D1617 ASTM D2480 ASTM D2214 ASTM D2037 ASTM D1081 ASTM G34 ASTM D3115 ASTM C736 ASTM D1574 ASTM D2230 ASTM C731 ASTM D2137 ASTM C451 ASTM E343 ASTM D3166 ASTM D3171 ASTM C430 ASTM C204 ASTM C115 ASTM C180 UL 992 ASTM D3065 ASTM D568 ASTM D1433 ASTM D3014 ASTM D635 ASTM D92 ASTM D93 ASTM D3243 ASTM E502 ASTM D3143 ASTM D1310 ASTM D3278 ASTM C293 ASTM C348 ASTM D3167 ASTM DM79 ASTM D892 ASTM D1881 ASTM D3281 ASTM C374 ASTM D2459 ASTM D831 ASTM D2471 ASTM D3056 ASTM D2870 ASTM D2895 ICBO UBCS25-20 ASTM D3216 ASTM D3286 ASTM B277 ASTM E458 ASTM C186 ASTM D181 ASTM C107 ASTM D495 TAPPI T683SU ASTM D2789 ASTM B577 ASTM D815 ASTM D853 ASTM D2725 ASTM D3137 ASTM D1726 ASTM D3102 ASTM D2736 ASTM D514 ASTM D3201 ASTM F314 ASTM D1054 ASTM D2632 ASTM G14 ASTM G13 ASTM D256 ASTM D3029 ASTM D757 ASTM E313 ASTM D2875 ASTM D3042 ASTM Dl 101 AACCH 28-22 ASTM D932 ASTM D2461 ASTM D2690 ASTM D2170 Engineering and Product Standards Division 407 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards liquids and the Calculation of Dynamic Vis/ 1972) Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Rese/ Compression Ratio (CR) Technique for Moto/ Surfaces (1972) ansi Zl 1 .316 etry (1973) ne Procedure (1972T) r in the Inside Out Test. Mode (1973) s (Array Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.91 by Fibrograph Measurement (Textile) (1972)/ Cement Mortar and Concrete (1974T) ncrete (1974) ANSI A37.78 ative Fabrics (Textile) (1973) 1973) ANSI A1.38 (1973) ANSI L14.136 ems During Cure (1969) ANSI K65.181 d Erosion of Insulating Materials (1973) A/ ) s (1973) ANSI Z11.161 ed) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles by T/ ometry (1973) ompounds After Artificial Weathering (1972/ ng Tapes (1973) , Elastomeric, Solvent Release Type Sealan/ mating Magnetic Fields (1974) Std. Me Std Std Std M Me M Me Std. M Std. Me Std. M M Std Std Std Std Std. Me Std. Me Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Tent. Me Std. Me Std. Me Me Std. Me Uniform Building Code Std. for Chamber Me industrial Water and Industrial Waste Wate/ on of Fabrics (1972T) the British Portable Tester (1974) g or Dec/ lubricants in Oscillating Motion (1971) An/ tes Under Compressive or Shear Strains by / on Turbine, and Distillate Fuels (Potentio/ meric Acrylate Esters (1972) y Measurement of Steady State Surface Pho/ 972T) actories (1972) e Material (1971) Insulation (1973) ke (1973) (1972) ANSI L14.256 dustrial Samples of Wool by Oven Drying (1/ s Films (1972) 3)H (D, N) 4 He Neutron Generators by Radio/ Substance (1970) ALCA B5 ke (1973) c Solvents, Degreasing Grade (Nonreflux Me/ c Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography (1968/ ials (1973) lsion. Solvent Based, and Polymer Emulsion/ ract from Aerospace Components (Using Rota/ aasho T129, ANSI Al.ll ures (1972) 14.97 n Meth. (1968) 1.52, Fed Std. 791B, TAPPI T636 ormed Sealing Tapes (1974) als for Strong Acid Removal (1972) change Materials (1972) ANSI Z11I.4 ) AASHO T21, ANSI A37.19 oils (1972) ANSI Z11.320 oils Containing 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl P/ on and Direct Counting Technique (1973) 1973) els (1973) ANSI Zl 1.264 72) ANSI Z197.2 i A37.1 rs (Packaging) (1951) ANSI MH12.8 lunt Rod) (1972) Std. M Std. M. Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Tent. Me Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Tent. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. M Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. M Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Tes t Meth for W ater Slant )rop Penetr Std. Me Std. Me Std. Me Std. Mel Std. Me h. o h h h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. O! h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. o h h. o h h h. o h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. o: h h h h. 01 h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h. o h h. o h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. o! Leak ation h. ol h h h h Tesi Tes> Tes' Tes T Tes Te Te Te Tes Te Tes Tes T T. Tes T Tes T T. Tes Te Te Te Te Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T. Tes Tes T Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Te Te Te Te Te Tes Te Tes Te Te Tes Te Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes >r Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque >r Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastics ( >r Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the >r Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels Using the >r Knoop Indentation Hardness of Glass (1972T) >r Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic >r Lead and Vanadium in Gas Turbine Fuels (1972) >r Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectrom >r Lead in the Atmosphere by Colorimetric Dithizo >r Leaks in Heat Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) )r Leaks Losing the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detecto >r Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fiber >r Length and Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers >r Length Change of Drilled or Sawed Specimens of >r Length Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Co >r Light Transmittance of Woven Glass Fiber Decor >r Lime Content of Uncured Soil-Lime Mixtures ( >r Linear Density of Cotton Fibers (Array Sample) >r Linear Density of Elastomeric Yarn (1972) >r Linear Shrinkage of Thermosetting Casting Syst >r Liquid Contaminant, Inclined Plane Tracking an >r Liquid Densities of Pressurized Products (1972 >r Liquid Flow Rate of Membrane Filters (1972) >r Load Carrying Capacity of Fluid Gear Lubricant >r Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvaniz >r Low Levels of Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectr ir Low Quantities of Mercury in Paint (1973) >r Low Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealing C >r Low Temperature Flexibility of Preformed Seali >r Low Temperature Flexiblity and Tenacity 1 Part >r Magnetic Shield Efficiency in Attenuating Alte >r Manganese Dioxide in Manganese Ores (1972T) >r Manganese in Paint Driers by EDTA Meth. (1973) >r Measurement of Beta Particle Radioactivity of ir Measuring Soil Removal and Reflectance Retenti tr Measuring Surface Frictional Properties llsing ir Measuring the Density of Smoke from the Burnin ir Measuring the Wear Life and Bonded Solid Film ir Mechanical Properties of Elastomeric Vulcaniza ir Mercaptan Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviati >r Mercury in Liquid Chlorine (1973) ir Methyl Ether of Hydroquinone in Colorless Mono >r Microhardness of Materials (1973) ir Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in Silicon B ir Mist Spray Flammability of Hydraulic Fluids (1 ir Modulus of Rupture of Air Setting Plastic Refr >r Moisture Content and Moisture Regain of Textil »r Moisture Content of Oil Impregnated Cellulosic >r Moisture Content of Wood (1974) >r Moisture in Graphite (1969) ANSI K90.5 ir Moisture in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Co ir Moisture in Wool by Distillation with Toluene ir Moisture Present in Ordinary Commercial and in ir Moisture Vapor Permeability of Organic Coating ir Morpholine in Water (1974) ir Neutron Flux Density and Average Energy from ( ir Nickel on Steel by Photometric Analysis (1972) ir Nitrogen Content (Kjeldahl) and Hide (Leather) ir Nitrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Co ir Nonamine Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Organi ir Nonaromatic Hydrocarbons in Monocyclic Aromati ir Noncombustibility of Elementary Building Mater ir Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Water Emu ir Nonvolatile Residue of Halogenated Solvent Ext ir Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement (1973) ir Normal Spectral Emittance at Elevated Temperat it Number of Neps in Cotton Samples (1971) ANSI L ir Oil Absorption of Pigments by Cardner-Colema a Oil Content of Petroleum Waxes (1968E) ANSI Zl ir Oil Migration or Plasticizer Bleed Out of Pref ir Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Materi ir Operating Performance of Particulate Cation Ex ir Optimum So3 in Portland Cement (1972) ir Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete (1973 ir Organochlorine Pesticides in Water (1972T) ir Overrun of Food Aerosols (1972) ir Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Pressure ir Oxidation Stability of New Mineral Insulating ir Oxygen Content Using a 14 MeV Neutron Activati .r Paper Shipping and Refuse Sacks (Containers) ( ir Paperboard (Printing Ink Receptivity) (1973) ir Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Turbine Fu ir Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test) (19 ir Penetration of Bituminous Materials (1973) Ans >r Penetration of Liquids into Submerged Containe >r Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (B ASTM D445 ASTM D3028 ASTM D2722 ASTM D2723 ASTM C730 ASTM C738 ASTM D2787 ASTM D3237 ASTM D3112 ASTM D3078 ASTM E493 ASTM D1440 ASTM D1447 ASTM C341 ASTM C157 ANSI L24T4 ASTM D3155 ASTM D1769 ASTM D2591 ASTM D2566 ASTM D2303 ASTM D3096 ASTM F317 ASTM D1947 ASTM A239 ASTM D3229 ASTM D2206 ASTM C734 ASTM C765 ASTM C711 ASTM A698 ASTM E465 ASTM D2375 ASTM D1890 ASTM D3050 ASTM E303 ICBO UBCS52-2 ASTM D2981 ASTM D945 ASTM D3227 ASTM E506 ASTM D3125 ASTM E384 ASTM F391 ASTM D3119 ASTM C491 ASTM D2654 ASTM D3277 ASTM D2016 ASTM C562 ASTM D3173 ASTM D2462 ASTM D1576 ASTM D1653 ASTM D1942 ASTM E496 ASTM C715 ASTM D2868 ASTM D3179 ASTM D2942 ASTM D2360 ASTM E136 ASTM D2834 ASTM F331 ASTM C187 ASTM E307 ASTM D1446 ASTM D1483 ASTM D721 ASTM C772 ASTM D3087 ASTM D1782 ASTM C563 ASTM C40 ASTM D3086 ASTM D3075 ASTM D2893 ASTM D2112 ASTM E385 TAPPI UM-529 TAPPI UM-536 ASTM D2276 ASTM D1876 ASTM D5 ASTM D998 ASTM G17 408 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ving Mixture (1973) 72T) de (1974) Ashto T200 (1973) e Ion Exchange Resins (1972) ides (1972) hanges of Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14./ lm and Sheeting (1972) ed Electrical Appliances (1973) (1974) eth.) (1971) ANSI A37.133 Std. Meth. o Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. for Contact Uniformity Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. inverted Probe Machine (1971) ANSI Z197.32 Std. Meth. o Std. for Safety fo Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Tent. Meth as Chromatography (1972) Std. Meth (1972) ANSI Z107.4 Std. Meth. o Materials (1972) ANSI A111.4 Std. Meth. oi (1970) Std. Meth. of Conducting Shear Block tic Pipe by Acetone Immersion) (1967) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of nous Paving Mixtures (1972) Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Std. Meth. 6 Std. Meth. Std. Meth. Tentative Meth. Std. Meth. 161 ar Plastics Using a Supported Specimen by / olid Materials (1972) ANSI Z11.318 n Enameling (1969) ANSI Z167.21 i A111.30 (1972) th.) (1973) aining Fluorescent Bri/ tabilized Knit Wool Fabrics (Textile) (197/ on Line Analyzers (1970T) usts. and Coolants (1972) ANSI D14.2 Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. oi Test Meth. for Spectrophotometric Std. Meth. o: Tent. Meth. o: Std. Meth. oi Meth Meth Meth Meth Meth Meth Meth Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. s (1972) (1973) 972) ANSI Z55.15 nts (1966) ANSI Z197.7 ack (1973) abrasion (1973) ANSI K65.72 dhesion. or Other Failure/ Std. Meth. for Water Immersion minous Mixtures by Means of Hveem Apparatu/ Std. Meth Interior Coatings in an Environmental Ch/ appi T460 res Using Marshall Apparatus (1973) (1972A) ANSI C7.24 3 Probe Voltage Breakdown Meth. (1972) An/ dness of Metallic Materials (1974) ANSI Z/ erials (1973) ses (1973) ANSI Z11.152 si K65.180 261.1 le) (1973) (1969) ANSI Z11.58, API 2561 uge (1972) ANSI Z123.3 Tent. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meth Std. Meths Std. Meth. o Std. Meth. o Std. Meth Meth Meth Meth Meth. o Std. Meth Std. Meth Meth Std. Meth. o: Std. Meth Tentative Meth Tent. Meth. oi Std. Meth. of Drop Std. Meth. of Incline Impact Std. Meth. of Vibration Std. Std. Std. (1973) sing a Collinear 4 Probe Array (1974) Collinear Four Probe Array (1973) 12.2 12.4, TAPPI T801 12.9 hioning Materials (Packaging) (1964) ANSI / Std. Meth. of Surface Systems (1972) Std. Meth. of 2 Std. Meth. of t37, ANSI A37.14 Std. Meth. of ncrete Aggregates (1971) AASHO T27, ANSI A/ Std. Meth. of hotometric) Meth. (1972) Std. Meth. of olants (1973) Std. Meth. of ting Fire Brick (1970) ANSI All 1.18 Std. Meth. of ng Compound (1972) Std. Meth. of Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes X Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes< Te Te Tes Te Tes Te Tes X T X Tes X T T X Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes X X X X Tes X Tes Tes or Percent Air Voids in a Compacted Bituminous Pa or Permanent Deformation of Elastomeric Yarns (19 or pH of Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electro or Phosphorus in Gasoline (1973) or Phosphorus in Water (1972) or Photographic Contact Printers (1971) or Phthalate Ester Color of High Gravity Glycerin or Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulat Pickup Efficiency of Residual Aerosol Insectic or Pilling Resistance and Other Related Surface C Plastic Strain Ratio R for Sheet Metal (1974) Pneumatic Ball Impact Resistance of Plastic Fi or Polymeric Enclosures for Portable Cord Connect or Polystyrene Blocks in Sbr Rubbers and Latices or Porosity of Paint Films (1973) or Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical M r Pour Point of Petroleum Oils (1971) ANSI Z11.5 or Pressure in Glass Aerosol Bottles (1972) or Pressure in Metal Aerosol Containers (1972) or Pressure Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an or Proximate Analysis of Coal and Coke (1973) or Pumpability of Industrial Fuel Oils (1973) or Purity and Benzene Content of Cyclohexane by G or Pyridine Bases in Crude and Refined Tar Acids or Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Refractory or Quality Control of Glue Bonds in Scarf Joints or Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plas or Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bitumi or Radioactive Barium in Water (1973) ANSI N155 or Radioactive Cesium in Water (1972) or Radioactive Iodine in Water (1973) ANSI N159 or Radioactive Manganese in Water (1971) ANSI N15 or Radioactive Tritium in Water (1970) ANSI N164 or Radioactive Zirconium in Water (1973) or Radionuclides of Radium in Water (1970) ANSI N or Rate of Burning or Extent of Burning of Cellul or Reaction Threshold Temperature of Liquid and S or Reboiling Tendency of Sheet Steel for Poreelai or Refractoriness of Refractory Mortar (1972) Ans or Reheat Change of Fireclay Nozzles and Sleeves or Relative Density of Black Smoke (Ringelmann Me or Relative Radiance of Paper and Paperboard Cont or Relaxation Dimensional Change (Shrinkage) of S or Research and Motor Meth. Octane Ratings Using or Reserve Alkalinity of Engine Antifreeze, Antir or Residual Chlorine in Water (1968) or Residual Solvents in Flexible Barrier Material or Resiliency and Thickness of Blankets (Textile) or Resistance Characteristics of Microcontacts (1 or Resistance of Adhesive Bonds to Chemical Reage or Resistance of Glass Containers to Chemical Att or Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface or Resistance to Blistering, Wrinkling, Loss of a or Resistance to Deformation and Cohesion of Bitu or Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of or Resistance to Paper to Passage of Air (1958) T or Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtu or Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials or Resistivity of Silicon Epitaxial Layers by the or Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Har or Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite Mat or Rust Preventive Properties of Lubricating Grea or Sag Flow of Highly Viscous Materials (1968) an or Salt in Crude Oil (Electrometric Meth.) (1973) or Sealability of Enveloped Gaskets (1970) ANSI Z or Seam Strength of Curtains and Draperies (Texti or Sediment in Crude and Fuel Oils by Extraction or Sediment in Water Emulsion Polishes by Centrif or Seepage Rate of Aerosol Products (1972) or Selenium in Water (1972T) or Separation of Vehicle from Solvent Type Paints or Shear Modulus of Plywood (1972) or Sheet Resistance of Silicon Epitaxial Layers U or Sheet Resistance of Thin Metallic Films with a or Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1961) ANSI Mh or Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1968) ANSI Mh or Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1968) ANSI Mh or Shock Absorbing Characteristics of Package Cus or Shock Absorbing Properties of (Sports) Playing or Shrinkage of Textile Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.14 or Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler (1972) AASHO or Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Co or Silica in Fluorspar by the Silico Molybdate (P or Simulated Service Corrosion Test, of Engine Co or Size and Bulk Density of Refractory and Insula or Slump of an Oil Base Knife Grade Channel Glazi Engineering and Product Standards Division ASTM D3203 ASTM D3106 ASTM E70 ASTM D3231 ASTM D515 ANSI PH3.45 ASTM D1728 ASTM D2187 ASTM D3093 ASTM D1375 ASTM E517 ASTM D3099 UL 746.51 ASTM D3314 ASTM D3258 ASTM C289 ASTM D97 ASTM D3063 ASTM D3074 ASTM D2979 ASTM D3172 ASTM D3245 ASTM D3054 ASTM D2748 ASTM C24 ASTM D1759 ASTM D2152 ASTM D2172 ASTM D2038 ASTM D2577 ASTM D2334 ASTM D2039 ASTM D2476 ASTM D3315 ASTM D2460 ASTM D1692 ASTM D2883 ASTM C632 ASTM C199 ASTM C605 ASTM D3211 TAPPI UM-460 ASTM D1284 ASTM D2885 ASTM Dl 121 ASTM D1253 ASTM F151 ANSI L24T3 ASTM B326 ASTM D896 ASTM C225 ASTM D1044 NCCA TB III 1 ASTM D1560 ASTM D3273 ASTM D726 ASTM D1559 ASTM B193 ASTM F108 ASTM E18 ASTM C748 ASTM D1743 ASTM D2730 ASTM D3230 ASTM F112 ANSI L24T2 ASTM D473 ASTM D1290 ASTM D3094 ASTM D3081 ASTM D2372 ASTM D3044 ASTM F374 ASTM F390 ASTM D775 ASTM D880 ASTM D999 ASTM D1596 ASTM F355 ASTM D2102 ASTM D546 ASTM C136 ASTM E463 ASTM D2570 ASTM C134 ASTM C713 409 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Metal Sash (1974) nsiZll.137 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Uniform Building Code Std. for Expansion Index Std. Meth. of petroleum Asphalt, etc.) in Organic Solven/ leum Solvents (1973) (1972) te or Magnesium Sulfate (1973) AASHO T104,/ inum (1972) egate (1973) ANSI A37.5 ate (1973) ANSI A37.6 73) z77.12 si A1.12, Ashto T133 si A37.146 cement Meth.) (1972) ANSI A37.72 i Z11.307 hydrometer Meth. (1973) fluorescence Spectrometers (1972) rete Specimens (1971) ANSI A37.121 meth.) (1974) m (1972) ANSI G53.30 973) atings (1970) ANSI A109.ll Beam (1970) ANSI K65.13 of Temperature by Means of a Torsion Test/ ssenger Automobile Equipped with Full Scale Tir/ cords to Rubber (1971) by Compression Loading (1949) ANSI Z197.1/ pe Construction in Shear by Tension Loadin/ ension Loading (Metal to Metal) (1972) Ans/ ension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (M/ ension Loading in the Temperature Range Fr/ ension Loading of Laminated Assemblies (19/ s by Compression Loading (Disk Shear) (197/ ch Yarns (1972T) ow Power (1972) ANSI Z14.286 lass (1974) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Sensory Perception Std. Meth. of Std. Thermal Performance Std. Acoustical Performance Std. Meth. of ometry (1973) te Controlled Condensation Meth.) (1973) Std. Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tentative Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Panel Spalling Std. Meth. of 973) AASHO T142, ANSI A37.21 nts by Cationic Titration Procedure (1974) tion (1972T) ng Ball (1973) nts (1973) nts (1971) e (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Tra/ s (1972T) .60 (1972) ANSI K65.32 fibers Taken from Yarns and Tows (1972) An/ 973) ANSI K65.76 and Rod Specimens (1972) ANSI Z197.3 11.206, TAPPI T644 tes (1973) (1973) paint Film (Coil/ sulating Varnishes Applied Over Film Insul/ 973) (1972) ANSI A111.28 1.304 ) ANSI A111.32 ractories (1972) arnishes by the Helical Coil Meth. (1973) a Thermal Pulse Meth. (1972) ANSI K90.12 Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) e Systems (Confinement Test) (1973) jftot Proc.) (1973) 972) ANSI Zl 1.148 7.24 410 Std. Std. Std. Std. Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Spec, for Conducting a Solvent Hand Rub Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Meth. of Std Std Tent Std Std Tesi Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Tes Te Tes Te: Te Te Tei Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Te: Tes Tes T. T. Tes Tes Tes Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Tes Tes Ti T Tes Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T. Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Te Te: Tes T, or Slump of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973 or Slump of Face Glazing and Bedding Compounds on or Smoke Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) a or Softening Point of Glass (1973) or Soil Resistance of Floor Polishes (1973) or Soil (1973) or Solids Content of Aerosol Coating9 (1972) or Solubility of Bituminous Road Materials (Tar, or Solubility of Pentachlorophenol in Heavy Petro or Solubility Range of Resins and Polymers (1972) or Solvent Extractable Material in Black Pigments or Solvent Extractables in Petroleum Waxes (1973) or Solvent Tolerance of Amine Resins (1973) or Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfa or Spalling Resistance of Porcelain Enameled Alum or Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggr or Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggreg or Specific Gravity and Porosity of Lump Coke (19 or Specific Gravity of Gaseous Fuels (1973) ANSI or Specific Gravity of Hydraulic Cement (1972) an or Specific Gravity of Soils (1958 AASHO T100, an or Specific Gravity of Solid Pitch Asphalt Displa or Specific Heat of Liquids and Solids (1971) Ans or Specific or API Gravity of Liquid Asphalts by or Spectral Bandwidth and Wavelength Accuracy of or Specular Gloss (1967) ANSI Z131.1 or Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Cone or Stability of Distillate Fuel Oil (Accelerated or Stain Resistance of Anodic Coatings on Aluminu or Staining of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1 or Staleness of Bread (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) or Steam Distillation of Bituminous Protective Co or Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) or Stiffness of Plastics by Means of a Cantilever or Stiffness Properties of Plastics as a Function or Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Pa or Strap Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing Fabrics or or Strength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear or Strength Properties of Adhesives in Plywood Ty or Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by T or Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by T or Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by T or Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by T or Strength Properties of Metal to Metal Adhesive or Stretch Properties of Fabrics Woven from Stret or Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having L or Sulfide Resistance of Ceramic Decorations on G or Sulfite Ion in Water (1972) or Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidation Microcoul Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases (Barium Chloranila or Super Duty Fireclay Brick (1970) ANSI A111.16 or Surface Area of Carbon Black (1973) or Surface Moisture in Fine Concrete Aggregate (1 or Synthetic Anionic Active Ingredient in Deterge or Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by Cationic Titra or Tack and Pressure Sensitive Adhesives by Rolli or Tack Free Time of Caulking Compounds and Seala or Tack Free Time of Elastomeric Type Joint Seala or Tear Resistance of Vulcanized Rubber (1973) or Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by the Tongu or Tensile Properties of Oriented Fiber Composite or Tensile Properties of Plastics (1972) ANSI K65 or Tensile Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics or Tensile Properties of Single Man Made Textile or Tensile Properties of Thin Pla9tic Sheeting (1 or Tensile Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar or Tensile Strength of Paraffin Wax (1973) ANSI Z or Tensile Strength Properties of Steel Tru99 Pla or Tensile Stress Strain of Carbons and Graphite or Tetrasodium Salt of EDTA in Water (1972T) or the Determination of Deg. of Cure of a Backed or Thermal Aging Characteristics of Electrical in or Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Refractories (1 or Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Fire Brick or Thermal Conductivity of Liquids (1971) ANSI Zl or Thermal Conductivity of Refractory Brick (1971 or Thermal Conductivity of Unfired Monolithic Ref or Thermal Degradation of Electrical Insulating V or Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by or Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid or Thermal Instability of Confined Condensed Phas or Thermal Insulation of Quality Packages (1972) or Thermal Oxidation Stability of Turbine Fuels ( or Thermal Stability of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1 or Thickness of Diffusion Coating (1970) ANSI Z16 ASTM D2202 ASTM D2376 ASTM D1322 ASTM C338 ASTM D3206 ICBO UBCS29-2 ASTM D3062 ASTM D2042 ASTM D2606 ASTM D3132 ASTM D305 ASTM D3235 ASTM D1198 ASTM C88 ASTM C703 ASTM C127 ASTM C128 ASTM D167 ASTM D1070 ASTM C188 ASTM D854 ASTM D71 ASTM D2766 ASTM D3142 ASTM E388 ASTM D523 ASTM C496 ASTM D2274 ASTM B136 ASTM D2203 AACCH 74-30 ASTM D255 STDI 113 STDI 114 ASTM D747 ASTM D1043 ASTM E445 ASTM D2630 ASTM D905 ASTM D906 ASTM D1002 ASTM D2295 ASTM D2557 ASTM D3165 ASTM D2182 ASTM D3107 ASTM D2594 ASTM C777 ASTM D1339 ASTM D3246 ASTM D3226 ASTM C122 ASTM D3037 ASTM C70 ASTM D1681 ASTM D3049 ASTM D3121 ASTM D2377 ASTM C679 ASTM D624 ASTM D2262 ASTM D3039 ASTM D638 ASTM D1623 ASTM D2101 ASTM D882 ASTM D2095 ASTM D1320 ASTM E489 ASTM C749 ASTM D3113 NCCA TBII-18 ASTM D3251 ASTM C767 ASTM C182 ASTM D27I7 ASTM C202 ASTM C417 ASTM D3145 ASTM C714 ASTM D3151 ASTM E476 ASTM D3103 ASTM D3241 ASTM D1660 ASTM C664 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards asurement of Stacking Fault Dimension (197/ bstrates of the Same Type by Infrared Refl/ ilicon by the Angle Lapping and Staining 17 ing Flat Surfaces (1973) ) 158 ation Resistance (1970) ANSI A37.134 nal Pressure (1974) ANSI B72.6 s (1972) ANSI Z123.1 entiometric Perchloric Acid Titration (197/ chemicals (1972) ANSI Z159.2 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Meth. of Std. Meth. of Kjeldahl Meth. (1973) (1973) 1972) ANSI Z77.ll d Std. Meth. Coke (1973) zll.324 rption Meth.) (1972) ANSI Zl 1.317 roleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulometr/ organic Liquids (Oxy Hydrogen Combustion M/ ildings (1971) Std. Performance Spec, and Meth. of es (1973) ANSI H9.23 Std. Meth. of ansi L14.234 73) 973) 70) ANSI N106 Solvent Release Type Sealants (1972) p-Gas Meth.) (1973) ANSI Z11.92 hod) (1971) ANSI Z11.277 h. 1(1972) ANSI 211.44 purities in Scoured Wool (1972) ANSI L14.1/ ansi Zl 15.7 rared Spectrophotometry (1972) bv the Shearing Disk Viscometer (1972) An/ meter (1973) ts (1968) ANSI K65.183 and Coke (1973) oride Resins (1972) . Channel Glazing Compounds (1973) ng Materials Subjected to Partial Discharg/ d Coatings (1973) 72) 972) ion from a Plane Surface (1972) 969E) ANSI K65.122 ca E30 ity. and Apparent Specific Gravity of Fire/ paperboard (Cobb Test) (1973) 11.8 te (Glycol or Alcohol Base) by the Iodine/ ) 11.82 er Sheet Materials bv the Dry Indicator Me/ urbine Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.301 c Solvents and Their Admixtures (1974) er (1970) ALCA B8 he Specific Resistance of the Leachate of / 4) ANSI Z123.12 meth. (Packaging) (1968) ANSI MH12.18 g)(1968) ANSI MH12.17 ed Packages for Dry Products (1972) s (Packaging) (1964) ANSI MH12.10 s bv Cycle Meth. (Packaging) (1968) ANSI M/ reases (1973) ANSI Z11.124 orresponding Composition of Gallium Arseni/ ) ANSI Zl 1.325 2) ing Tapes (1974) Sulfuric Acid Solution (1971) ANSI II Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tent. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Tentative Meth Meth. of Analysis of Sedimentation Meth. of Analysis of Sedimentatoon Meth. of Analysis of Modified Sedimentation Meth. of Analysis of Micro Sedimentation Tent. Meth. of 972) 972) ANSI L14.490 972) ANSI L14.220 he Cone Penetration Meth. (1972) ANSI Zll./ ratio for Glass and Glass Ceramics by Reso/ ) (1973) 1973) ubber(SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Tes Tes Tes T, T T. T. T. Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Tes Tes Te: Te Te: Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te: Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Te Te Te: Tes Te Te Te Te Te Te for Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon by Me for Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon on Su for Thickness of Epitaxial or Diffused Layers in S for Thickness of Resilient Flooring, Materials Hav for Thickness of Solid Electrical Insulation (1973 for Thorium in Water and Waste Water (1968) ANSI N for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetr for Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Constant Inter for Tint Strength of Carbon Black (1973) for Total Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel (1973) for Total Ash and Silica in Water Emulsion Polishe for Total Base Number of Petroleum Products by Pot for Total Bromine Number of Unsaturated Aliphatic for Total Chlorine Content of Epoxy Resins (1973) for Total Nitrogen in Lubricating Oils by Modified for Total Rosin Acids Content of Coating Vehicles for Total Sulfur in Natural Cas by Hydrogenation ( for Total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal an for Trace Amounts of Lead in Gasoline (1972) ANSI for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels (Atomic Abso for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light Liquid Pet for Trace Quantitites of Total Sulfur in Volatile for Transparent Safety Glazing Material Used in Bu for Transverse Rupture Strength of Cemented Carbid for Twist in Yarns (Direct Counting Meth.) (1971) for Undersized Loose Muscovite Mica Splittings (19 for Undissolved Water in Aviation Turbine Fuels (1 for Uranium by Controlled Potential Coulometry (19 for UV Cold Box Exposure of One Part. Elastomeric, for Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (L for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Micromet for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Met for Vegetable Matter and Other Alkali Insoluble Im for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials (1972) for Vinylidene Unsaturation in Polyethylene by Inf for Viscosity and Curing Characteristics of Rubber for Viscosity of Asphalt with Cone and Plate Visco for Viscosity of Epoxy Resins and Related Componen for Volatile Content of Aerosol Products (1972) for Volatile Content of Paints (1973) for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal for Volatile Matter (Including Water) of Vinyl Chi for Volatility of Oil and Resin Based, Knife Grade for Voltage Endurance of Solid Electrical Insulati for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmente for Volume Resistivity of Conductive Adhesives (19 for Volume Shrinkage of Latex Sealing Compounds (1 for Warpage of Refractory Brick and Tile or Deviat for Water Absorption of Rigid Cellular Plastics (1 for Water Absorption (Static) of Leather (1970) Al for Water Absorption, Bulk Density. Apparent Poros for Water Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Paper and for Water and Sediment in Crude Oils (1973) ANSI Z for Water in Engine Antifreeze-Coolant Concentra for Water Penetration into Pipeline Coatings (1972 for Water Reaction of Aviation Fuels (1972) ANSI Z for Water Resistance of Paper, Paperboard, and Oth for Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation T for Water Soluble Halide Ion in Halogenated Organi for Water Soluble Matter of Vegetable Tanned Leath for Water Soluble Salts in Pigments by Measuring T for Water Spotting of Emulsion Floor Polishes (197 for Water Vapor Permeability of Packages by Cycle for Water Vapor Permeability of Packages (Packagin for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Seal for Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Container for Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Container for Water Washout Characteristics of Lubricating G for Wavelength of Peak Photoluminescence and the C for Wax Appearance Point of Distillate Fuels (1972 for Wear Resistance of Inked Computer Ribbons (197 for Weight Loss After Heat Aging of Preformed Seal for Weight Loss of Sheet Steel During Immersion in for Wheat Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1965) for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) for Wheat (Cereal Chemistry) (1968) for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (1972T) for Wool Content of Raw Wool-Commercial Scale (1 for Wool Content of Raw Wool-Laboratory Scale (1 for Yarn Number Based on Short Length Specimens (1 for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous Propellants by T for Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Formula for Butadiene-Acrylonitrile Rubbers (Nbr Formula for Carbon Blacks in Natural Rubber (Nr) ( Formula for Carbon Blacks in Styrene-Butadiene R AATM F143 ASTM F95 ASTM Fl 10 ASTM F386 ASTM D374 ASTM D2333 ASTM C403 ASTM D1598 ASTM D3265 ASTM D3242 ASTM D1288 ASTM D2896 ASTM E234 ASTM D1847 ASTM D3228 ASTM D1469 ASTM D3031 ASTM D3177 ASTM D3116 ASTM D2788 ASTM D3120 ASTM D2747 ANSI Z97.1 ASTM B406 ASTM D1423 ASTM D3252 ASTM D3240 ASTM E217 ASTM C718 ASTM D1267 ASTM D2551 ASTM D323 ASTM D1113 ASTM E92 ASTM D3124 ASTM D1646 ASTM D3205 ASTM D2393 ASTM D3072 ASTM D2369 ASTM D3175 ASTM D3030 ASTM C681 ASTM D2275 ASTM D2697 ASTM D2739 ASTM C733 ASTM C154 ASTM D2842 ASTM D1815 ASTM C373 ASTM D3285 ASTM D96 ASTM Dl 123 ASTM G9 ASTM D1094 ASTM D779 ASTM D2550 ASTM D2988 ASTM D2876 ASTM D2448 ASTM D1793 ASTM D1251 ASTM D895 ASTM D3079 ASTM D1008 ASTM D1276 ASTM D1264 ASTM F358 ASTM D3117 ASTM F153 ASTM C771 ASTM C694 AACCH 56-60 AACCH 56-61 A AACCH 56-62 AACCH 56-63 ASTM D3161 ASTM D1334 ASTM D584 ASTM D1059 ASTM D2884 ASTM C623 ASTM D3187 ASTM D3192 ASTM D3191 Engineering and Product Standards Division 411 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and cr) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and er (IR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and ers (SBR) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and ) (1973) Std. Meth. for Evaluation of and Tent. Spec, for Ultra High r Cores (1970) Std. Meth. of Shear Std. for Spec, for High t. for SAE No. 2 (Automotive Transmission) Clutch Friction hed Fabric (1972) ANSI L14.175 ty of Plastic Material for Use in Housings 0/ oltage in Snowmobile Electrical Systems (197/ ight) (1972) n Tail Lamp (Light) (1972) ight) (1971) 1972) ANSI B93.21 nd Other Flexible Materials: Accelerator Meth. (1970) eke Dosimeter (1972) ) ANSI L14.115 s (1972) ANSI L14.1 es (Paper) (1973) e Ratings) (Paper, Board, Cloth, etc.) (1973) en Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.129 cereal Chemistry) (1962) r (1973) Rec. Pract. Rec. Pract. Rec. Pract. Rec. Pract. Rec. Pract. Std. End Load Std. Qualitative Iodide Std. hear Rate Dependent Flow Properties (1969) Std. terns (Clothing) After Home Laundering (1973) ANSI L14.17/ ms (Textile / Clothing) After Home Laundering (1973) Ans/ les (1971) ANSI L14.114 es Used in Textile Desizing (1973) ANSI L14.147 Paper) (1973) xtile Fabrics (1972) (1973) Std. (1973) 973) ANSI L14.217 3) ANSI L14.216 tics of Aluminum Automotive Water Pumps with Coolan/ Std. (1972) Std. and Paper) (1973) and Paper) (1973) and Paper) (1973) ce Strength of Coated Papers Using the Interfiber Bond T/ sion (Frosting): Every Meth. (Textile Colorfastness) (19/ sion (Frosting): Screen Wire Meth. (Textile Colorfastnes/ d Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) by the AATCC Crockmeter M/ nd Fabrics to Chlorinated Pool Water (1972) ANSI L14.149 nd Fabrics to Water (1972) ANSI L14.151 spiration (1972) ANSI L14.56 es to Combined Washing and Shrinkage: Rapid Control Test/ s to Washing at 105 Deg. F: Rapid Control Test (1969) ulfur Dioxide Stoving (1972) ANSI L14.9 rn to Mill Fulling (1972) ANSI L14.5 arbonizing (1972) ANSI L14.3 e in the Atmosphere Under Low Humidities (1972) ANSI L14/ r Spotting (1972) ANSI L14.148 r and Light: Alternate Exposure (1971) ANSI L14.227 r (High Humidity) and Light: Alternate Exposure (1972) A/ to Crocking (Rubbing) (Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Meth./ cs to Sea Water (1972) ANSI L14.150 Domestic and Commercial Washing and Laundering (1972) A/ Oxides of Nitrogen (Burnt Cas Fumes) (1972) ANSI L14.54 ith Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.146 xcluding Pressing) (1973) ISO 105-4 (1973) ANSI L14.241 g(1973) ashing: Alternate Sunlight Exposure (1965) ANSI L14.118 ight) (1971) ANSI L14.168 ral Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.168 on Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI L14.53 ight (1971) ANSI L14.168 on Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1971) ANSI LI/ r Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1971) ANSI LI/ r Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Darkness (1/ e Atmosphere Under High Humidities (1972) ANSI L14.238 ing (1971) ANSI L14.240. ISO 105-4 and Alkalis (1972) ANSI L14.2 Fastness Above L-7 (1971) ANSI L14.264 on of Textile Colorants (1972) t) of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Micr/ Std. grease Wool Yarn (1971) ANSI L14.84 o Bleaching with Chlorine (1972) ANSI L14.57 y Compression Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) Std. Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T, T T T. Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T, T. Formula for Isobutene-Isoprene Rubbers (IIR) (19 Formula for Pigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers Formulas for General Purpose Chloroprene Rubbers ( Formulas for Natural Rubber (Nr) and Isoprene Rubb Formulas for Nonpigmented Styrene-Butadiene Rubb Formulas for Solution Poly-Butadiene Rubbers (Br Heat Treated Line Pipe (1972) in Flatwise Plane of Flat Sandwich Constructions O Kits for Swimming Pool Water (1970) Line Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Machine Test Procedure (1972) Ree. Meth for Reflectance, Blue, and Whiteness of Bleac Meth. and Requirements for Evaluation of Suitabili Meth. and Requirements for Maintenance of Design V Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Headlamps (L Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Rear Positio Meth. and Requirements for Snowmobile Stop Lamp (L Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. or a Hydraulic Fluid Power Filter Element ( or Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics a or Absorbed Camma Radiation Dose in the Fri or Absorbency of Bleached Woven Cloth (1972 or Accelerated Aging of Sulfur Dyed Textile or Adhesion to Non Porous Flexible Substrat or Adhesion to Porous Substrates (Subjectiv or Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrog or Ammonium Persulfate in Flour Improvers ( or Amount of Coating on Mineral Coated Pape or Amylaceous Matter in Adhesives (1970) or Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having S or Appearance of Creases in Wash and Wear I or Appearance of Seams in Wash and Wear he or Ash Content of Bleached Cellulosic Texti or Assay of Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzym or Beating Control (Simons Stain) (Pulp and or Bond Strength of Bonded and Laminated Te or Bulk Density of Diamond Abrasive Grains or Carbonates in Coated Paper (Qualitative) or Carpet (Rug) Soiling: Accerated Meth. (1 or Carpet (Rug) Soiling; Service Meth. (197 or Castor Oil Penetration of Paper (1972) Cavitation Erosion Corrosion Characteris or Chemical Resistance of Pipeline Coatings or Chip Classification (Hand Screen) (Pulp or Chip Length Analysis (Measurement) (Pulp or Chip Length Analysis (Two Screen) (Pulp or Coating Pick Tests for Determining Surfa or Color Change in Fabrics Due to Flat Abra or Color Change of Fabrics Due to Flat Abra or Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarn an or Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarns a or Colorfastness of Colored Textile Yarns a or Colorfastness of Colored Textiles to Per Colorfastness of Cotton and Linen Textil or Colorfastness of Dyed or Printed Textile or Colorfastness of Dyed Textile Yarns to S or Colorfastness of Dyed Wool Fabric and Ya or Colorfastness of Dyed Wool Textiles to C or Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Ozon or Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Wate or Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Wate or Colorfastness of Textile Fabrics to Wate or Colorfastness of Textile Yarn and Fabric or Colorfastness of Textile Yarns and Fabri or Colorfastness of Textiles to Accelerated or Colorfastness of Textiles to Atmospheric or Colorfastness of Textiles to Bleaching W or Colorfastness of Textiles to Dry Heat (E or Colorfastness of Textiles to Drycleaning or Colorfastness of Textiles to Hot Pressin or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light and W or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light (Dayl or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light (Gene or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light, Carb or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light, Sunl or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Carb or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Wate or Colorfastness of Textiles to Light: Wate or Colorfastness of Textiles to Ozone in Th or Colorfastness of Textiles to Steam Pleat or Colorfastness of Yarn or Fabric to Acids or Colorfastness to Light: Determination of or Colorfastness to Washing: Characterizati or Complex Permittivity (Dielectric Constan or Continuous Scouring Wool Using Std. Raw or Cotton and Linen Textile Colorfastness T or Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear B ASTM D3188 ASTM D3186 ASTM D3190 ASTM D3184 ASTM D3185 ASTM D3189 API SPEC 5LU ASTM C273 NSF 38 API 5LX SAE J286 AATCC 110 SAE J29 SAE J277 SAE J280 SAE J279 SAE J278 NFLDP T3. 10.8.2 AATCC 93 ASTM D1671 AATCC 79 AATCC 26 TAPPI UM-541 TAPPI UM-540 AATCC 98 AACCH 48-61 TAPPI UM-542 ASTM D1488 ASTM D2556 AATCC 88C AATCC 88B AATCC 78 AATCC 103 TAPPI UM-17 AATCC 136 ANSI B74.17 TAPPI UM-531 AATCC 123 AATCC 122 TAPPI T462 ASTM D2809 ASTM G20 TAPPI UM-13 TAPPI UM-5 TAPPI UM-6 TAPPI UM-534 AATCC 120 AATCC 119 AATCC 8 AATCC 105 AATCC 107 AATCC 15 AATCC 72 AATCC 68 AATCC 9 AATCC 2 AATCC 11 AATCC 109 AATCC 104 AATCC 125 AATCC 126 AATCC 116 AATCC 106 AATCC 61 AATCC 23 AATCC 101 AATCC 117 AATCC 132 AATCC 133 AATCC 83 AATCC 16C AATCC 16 AATCC 16A AATCC 16B AATCC 16D AATCC 16E AATCC 16F AATCC 129 AATCC 131 AATCC 6 AATCC 16G AATCC 36 ASTM D2520 AATCC 64 AATCC 3 ASTM D2293 412 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards y Tension Loading (Metal to Metal) (1969) aterials (1968) ANSI MH12.15 subject to Freezing (1972T) core Material (1970) efore Immersion) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) n with Correction for Cracks, etc. Std. Std. Tent. Std. Std. (Pulp and Paper) (19/ Std. Std. Sandwich Constructions (1970) rection for Cracks, etc.) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) dMPulp and Paper) (1973) pycnometer) (Pulp and Paper) (1973) iles to Photochromism Colorfastness to Light (1972) Ansi/ ble Impurities in Refined Phenol bv Cloud Point Dep/ Std. abrics: Agar Plate Meth. (1970) ANSI L 14. 125 ing Treatments on Galvanized Steel Prior to Conversion C/ hatch Tape Test (Coil Coating) (1974) tals bv Cross Hatch Tape Test After Reverse Impacting (C/ sin Treated Fabric bv the Sealed Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L/ sin Treated Fabric Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.179 (Pulp and Paper) (1973) ciated Characteristics of Automotive Trim Materials/ Std. g Resistance of Organic Coatings When Applied to Coil Co/ brasion of Automotive Bodvcloth (1972) Std. g) of Fiberboards (1972) Std. er Specimen for Fabrics. Vinyls, Coated Fiberbo/ Std. for Injection Using Membrane Filters (Petroleum Industry) (/ Interior Trim Materials (1973) ANSI Z265.1 Rec. Pract. nforced Plastic Panels (1969) Std. undering of Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit Text/ en and Knitted Textiles Except Wool (1972) ANSI L14.138,/ ) (1973) bags (Containers) (1973) s and Finishes on Textiles and Other Materials (1973) 59.133 g (1972) ANSI L14.4 ndwich Constructions (1970) ro-Static) of Textile Yarns (1973) ANSI L14.119 ) of Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.112 s Fabric to Metal Test) (1973) 9) imber Piles (1970) cs of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by a Tempera/ len Fabric Textile in Storage (1971) ANSI L14. S2 a for Mercerization (1971) ANSI L14.79 fabrics (1970) ANSI L14.144 s on Cotton Textile Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.106 t Skein Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.ll rade Trademarked Plywood (1971) (1973) ulp and Paper) (1973) p and Paper) (1973) d Melamine Adhesives (1970) Std. Std. Tent. Std. Std. ) GHz (1973) Spec, and ANSI LI 4.69, ASTM D1230 Std. n Index Meth. (1974) ANSI K65.110 h Cores (1970) inated Assemblies (1969) ANSI Z197.20 (1970) m Bleached Cotton Cloth (1972) ANSI L14.117 agnetic Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1972) ANSI C83/ 73) ve Films (1970) ANSI L14.145 72) ANSI L14.131 1973) ANSI L14.127 gram) (1973) Std. Std. Std. Std. Rec. Std. Std. Optical (ANSI L14.65 direction Tensile) (1973) ns (1970) Std. the Process Industries (1972) etic Finishes on Mild Steel (Coil Coating) (1974) f a Sheet of Paper or Paperboard (1973) ed Aluminum, Steel and Gavanized Steel (Coil Coating) (1/ s (1971) ANSI L14.124 in Wood (1970) Std. and Paper) (1973) p and Paper) (1973) te) (1973) Loss by Retained Chlorine Bleaching (1971) ANSI L14.180 tiles (1972) ANSI L14.128 Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear B ASTM D2294 Test Meth. for Creep Properties of Package Cushioning M ASTM D2221 Test Meth. for Critical Dilation of Concrete Specimens ASTM C671 Test Meth. for DC Volume Resistivity of Glass (1972) ASTM C657 Test Meth. for Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Type ASTM C363 Test Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chips (Presoak B TAPPI L'M-16 Test Meth. for Density and Moisture of Chips (Submersio TAPPI UM-20 Test Meth. for Density of Adhesives in Fluid Form (1969 ASTM D1875 Test Meth. for Density of Core Materials for Structural ASTM C271 Test Meth. for Density of Pulpwood (Submersion with Cor TAPPI UM-2 Test Meth. for Density of Wood Chips (Sheet Machine Mol TAPPI UM-9 Test Meth. for Density or Volume of Small Specimen (Hg TAPPI L'M-18 Test Meth. for Detection and Assessment of Colored Text AATCC 139 Test Meth. for Detection and Estimation of Water Insolu ASTM D2147 Test Meth. for Detection of Antibacterial Activity of F AATCC 90 Test Meth. for Detection of Hexavalent Chromium Contain NCCA TB-II-7 Test Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion by Cross NCCA TB-II-.j Test Meth. for Determination of Film Adhesion on All Me NCCA TBII16 Test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Re AATCC 112 Test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Re AATCC 113 Test Meth. for Determination of L'seful Fiber in Bagasse TAPPI l'M-3 Test Meth. for Determining Blocking Resistance and Asso SAE J912A Test Meth. for Determining Pressure Marking and Blockin NCCA TB-II-17 Test Meth. for Determining Resistance to Snagging and a SAE J948A Test Meth. for Determining Stiffness (Modulus of Bendin SAE J949A Test Meth. for Determining Visual Color Matched to Mast SAE J361A Test Meth. for Determining Water Quality for Subsurface NACE TM-01-73 Test Meth. for Determining Window Fogging Resistance of SAE J275 Test Meth. for Diffuse Light Transmission Factor of Rei ASTM D1494 Test Meth. for Dimensional Changes in Automatic Home La AATCC 135 Test Meth. for Dimensional Changes in Laundering of Wov AATCC 96 Test Meth. for Dirt Count of Wood Chips (Pulp and Paper TAPPI l'M-1 1 Test Meth. for Drop Tests for Paper Shipping Sacks and TAPPI UM-806 Test Meth. for Drycleaning Durability of Applied Design AATCC 86 Test Meth. for Dust and Fog Tracking and Erosion ANSI C ASTM D2132 Test Meth. for Dyed Silk Yarn Colorfastness to Degummin AATCC 7 Test Meth. for Edgewise Compressive Strength of Flat Sa ASTM C364 Test Meth. for Electrical Resistivity Textile of (Elect AATCC 84 Test Meth. for Electrical Resistivity (Electro-Static AATCC 76 Test Meth. for Electrostatic Clinging of Textile Fabric AATCC 115 Test Meth. for Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets (196 AATCC 134 Test Meth. for Establishing Design Stresses for Round T ASTM D2899 Test Meth. for Evaluating Low Temperature Characteristi ASTM D1329 Test Meth. for Evaluating Oxidation of Wool Oils on Woo AATCC 62 Test Meth. for Evaluating Wetting Agents in Caustic Sod AATCC 43 Test Meth. for Evaluation of Antibacterial Finishes on AATCC 100 Test Meth. for Evaluation of Commercial Rewetting Agent AATCC 27 Test Meth. for Evaluation of Wetting Agents (Cotton Tes AATCC 17 Test Meth. for Exterior Coatings and Overlays on DFPA G APA *4 Test Meth. for Fiber Bundles in Baled Flash Dried Pulp TAPPI UM-239 Test Meth. for Fiber Identification (Various Stains) (P TAPPI l'M-15 Test Meth. for Fiber Identification (Wilson Stain) (Pul TAPPI UM-14 Test Meth. for Filler Content of Phenol. Resorcinol, an ASTM D1579 Test Meth. for Fire Resistance of Textile Fabrics (1969 AATCC 34 Test Meth. for Fixed and Variable Attenuators, DC to 40 IEEE 474 Test Meth. for Flammability of Clothing Textiles (1962) AATCC 33 Test Meth. for Flammability of Plastics Using the Oxyge ASTM D2863 Test Meth. for Flatwise Compressive Strength of Sandwic ASTM C365 Test Meth. for Flexural Strength of Adhesive Bonded Lam ASTM D 1 184 Test Meth. for Flexure Creep of Sandwich Constructions ASTM C480 Test Meth. for Flow Properties of Adhesives (1969) ASTM D2183 Test Meth. for Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose for AATCC 82 Test Meth. for Flutter Measurement of Instrumentation M EIA RS405 Test Meth. for Heating Loss of Carbon Black (1972) ASTM D1509 Test Meth. for Heavy Metals in Paper and Paperboard (19 TAPPI UM-544 Test Meth. for Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Dry Adhesi ASTM D1583 Test Meth. for Hydrogen Peroxide in Bleach Baths (1972) AATCC 102 Test Meth. for Identification of Fibers in Textiles (19 AATCC 20 Test Meth. for Identification of Finishes in Textiles ( AATCC 94 Test Meth. for Identification of Lignin (Paper Chromato TAPPI UM-19 Test Meth. for Ink Show Through (Paper) (1973) TAPPI UM-545 Test Meth. for Insect Pest Deterrents on Textiles (1971 AATCC 28 Test Meth. for Internal Bond Strength of Paperboard (Z- TAPPI UM-528 Test Meth. for Laboratory Aging of Sandwich Constructio ASTM C481 Test Meth. for Laboratory Corrosion Test, of Metals for NACE TM-01-65 Test Meth. for Measurement of Film Thickness of Nonmagn NCCA TB-II-15 Test Meth. for Measuring Squareness or Rectangularity O TAPPI UM-530 Test Meth. for Measurment of Impact Resistance of Paint NCCA TB-II-6 Test Meth. for Mercerization in Cotton Yarns and Fabric AATCC 89 Test Meth. for Moisture and Creosote Type Preservative ASTM D1860 Test Meth. for Moisture in Chips (Moister Teller) (Pulp TAPPI UM-8 Test Meth. for Moisture in Pulp (Web) (1973) TAPPI UM-237 Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Steam Oven) (Pul TAPPI UM-7 Test Meth. for Moisture in Wood Chips (Two Liter Gradua TAPPI UM-10 Test Meth. for Multiple Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile AATCC 114 Test Meth. for Noncotton Content of Bleached Cotton Tex AATCC 97 Engineering and Product Standards Division 413 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 1, and Melamine Adhesives (1970) esistance Test (1972) ANSI L14.214 ic Soil During Home Laundering (1970) ANSI L14.239 th 45-0 Deg. Geometry (1973) Tests (Paper) (1973) ) Std. Std. Std. plywood Under Mold Conditions (1970) textiles (1969) ANSI L14.116 lie Materials (1972) ANSI Z260.2 ated Fiberboard (1969) ) ANSI Z161.1 Partieulate Matter (1971) ure and Composition) (1971) ANSI L14.132 es and Textiles in Yarn Form (1971) ANSI L14.75 aper) (1973) es (Shrinkage) of Woven and Knitted Wool Textiles (1972)/ perties of Treated Paper (1973) tory Aging Conditions (1970) ANSI Z197.19 ubstances (1971) ANSI A174.1 to Natural Light and Weather (1968) ANSI L14.176 ANSI L14.64 ral Light and Weather Through Glass (1972) ANSI L14.177 973) lp and Paper) (1973) est the Removability of Spinning Oils from Woolen Yarns / erings (Rug, Carpet) (1972) (1970) Std. tory Flat Screen) (1973) ille Fractionator) (1973) fthan Shive Analyzer) (1973) Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. nd Paper) (1973) Base Finish Flooring (1969) oss by Retained Chlorine (1971) ANSI L14.126 Std. tsen Tester) (1973) (1973) ANSI L14.85 aterials (1969) Std. Paper) (1973) iance of Paper and Paperboard Containing Fluorescent Bri/ ply Wood Construction in Shear by Tension Loading (/ Std. Std. 1973) 72) ANSI Z197.8 Std. fabrics (Permanent Press) After Repeated Home Laundering/ ides) Resistance of Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.55 phic Lens (1969) tion Magnetic Tape Recorder / Reproducers (1974) An/ Silver Coin Test (1973) Rec. Std. Std. ing (1973) ANSI L14.215 tructural Sandwich Constructions (1970) efuse Sacks (Containers) (1973) ay Test (1971) ANSI L14.60, ASTM D583 tic Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.61, ASTM D583 ble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, ASTM/ n Test) (1971) ANSI L14.74, ASTM D583 rostatic Pressure Test (1971) ANSI L14.265 act Penetration Test (1971) ANSI L14.71, ASTM D583 and Coated Fabrics: Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure with Wettin/ re Lamp Exposure Without Wetting (1972) ANSI L14.225 s Materials (1972) Std. for the earance Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.229 s: Recovery Angle Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.110, ASTM D1295 ng Materials (1972) Spec, Std., and Std. Rec. Pract. for Stating the Precision of ASTM gging or Stretch in Wear (Textile) (1973) st Cleaned with Sand Abrasive (1970) Pressure Sensitive Tape Water Vapor Transmission mability of Automotive Interior Trim Materials: Horizontal bility Determination of Hot Melt Adhesives by Mandrel Bend Std. DFPA Grade Trademarked Plywood (1967) Minimum Std. for Design, Manufacture and wer Generating Stations (1972) / Trial Use Guide for Type Std. Test. Proc. for Pressure Collapse 24 Meth. for Flat Crush 1970) Std. Meth. of Tension Std. Meth. of Flexure Std. Meth. for Accelerated Laboratory orm Building Code Std. for Airborne Sound Insulation Field Test Meth. for Shrinkage Tes T Tes T. T Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te Tes T. Tes T. Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T< T T T T Tes Te Tes Te Te Te Te Te Tes Tes Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te; Te: Tes T. Tes Tes T. h. for Nonvolatile Content of Phenol, Resorcino h. for Oil Repellency of Fabrics: Hydrocarbon R h. for Oil Spots in Paper (1973) h. for Oily Stain Release Meth. of Textile Fabr h. for Opacity of Paper, Using Reflectometer Wi h. for Packaging Film and Construction Identity h. for Passive Electronic Component Parts (1972 h. for Pentosans in Pulp (1973) h. for Permanence of Adhesive Bonded Joints in h. for pH of the Water Extracted from Bleached h. for Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Metal h. for Ply Separation (Wet) of Solid and Corrug h. for Polymer Content of Styrene Monomer (1974 h. for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air h. for Quantitative Analysis of Textiles (Moist h. for Quick Evaluation of Wettability of Fabri h. for Rejects from Knotter Screens (Pulp and P h. for Relaxation and Felting Dimensional Chang h. for Resin and Volatile Content, and Flow Pro h. for Resistance of Adhesives to Cyclic Labora h. for Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Chemical S h. for Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Exposure h. for Resistance of Textiles to Insects (1971) h. for Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Natu h. for Rug Back Floor Staining on Vinyl Tile (1 h. for Sampling of Wood Chips from Conveyor (Pu h. for Scourability of Spinning Lubricant (To T h. for Shampooing: Washing of Textile Floor Cov h. for Shear Fatigue of Sandwich Core Materials h. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Labora h. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Somerv h. for Shive Content of Mechanical Pulp (Von Al h. for Shrinkage Test of Pulp Sheets (1973) h. for Sieve Analysis of Pulpwood Chips (Pulp a h. for Simulated Service Test, of Wood and Wood h. for Single Sample Meth. of Textile Tensile L h. for Sizing of Paper (Reverse Curl) (1973) h. for Sizing of Paperboard (Flotation) (1973) h. for Smoothness of Paper and Paperboard (Bend h. for Snag Resistance of Women's Nylon Hosiery h. for Specific Gravity of Wood and Wood Base M h. for Specific Gravity of Wood Disks (Pulp and h. for Spectrophotometric Test for Relative Rad h. for Strength Properties of Adhesives in Two h. for Structural Insulating Roof Deck (R1970) h. for Sulfides in Coated Paper (Qualitative) ( h. for Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds (19 h. for the Appearance of Durable Press Textile h. for the Evaluation of Mildew and Rot (Fungic h. for the Selective Transmission of a Photogra h. for Timing Error Measurements of Instrumenta h. for Top Side of Filled Paper as Indicated by h. for Viscosity of Adhesives (R1970) h. for Visual Rating Meth. of Carpet (Rug) Soil h. for Water Absorption of Core Materials for S h. for Water Leak Test for Paper Shipping and R h. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Spr h. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Sta h. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Turn h. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rai h. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Hyd for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Imp for Weather Resistance of Textile Materials for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Carbon a for Wicking of Automotive Fabrics and Fibrou for Wrinkle Recovery of Textile Fabrics: App for Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Textile Fabric of Surface Burning Characteristics of Buildi Referenced by SAE (1973) h. Related to Carbon Black (197^ h. to Determine Woven Fabric's Resistance to Sa h. Visual Std. for Surfaces of New Steel Airbla h. (1970) h. (1972) Rec. Pract. for Flam h. (1972T) Rec. Pract. for Flexi hod for Penetration of Adhesives (1969) hs. for Interior Panel Coatings and Overlays on of Aluminum Irrigation Tubing (1972) of Class I Electric Valve Operators for Nuclear Po of Composite Cans (1973) of Corrugating Medium (Paperboard) (1971) ANSI P3. of Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise Plane ( of Flat Sandwich Constructions (1970) of Natural Decay Resistance of Woods (1970) of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Floor-C of Pulp Sheets (1973) ASTM D1582 AATCC 118 TAPPI UM-458 AATCC 130 TAPPI UM-538 TAPPI UM-537 EIA RS186D TAPPI UM-236 ASTM D1877 AATCC 81 ASTM E399 ASTM D1028 ASTM D2121 ASTM D2682 AATCC 20A AATCC 39 TAPPI UM-1 AATCC 99 TAPPI UM-539 ASTM DU83 ASTM C650 AATCC 1 1 IB AATCC 24 AATCC hid AATCC 137 TAPPI UM-4 AATCC 77 AATCC 138 ASTM C394 TAPPI UM-240 TAPPI UM-242 TAPPI UM-241 TAPPI UM-238 TAPPI UM-21 ASTM D2394 AATCC 92 TAPPI UM-459 TAPPI UM-543 TAPPI UM-535 AATCC 65 ASTM D2395 TAPPI UM-12 TAPPI UM-460 ASTM D2339 ASTM D2164 TAPPI UM-532 ASTM D897 AATCC 124 AATCC 30 ANSI PH3.37 EIA RS413 TAPPI UM-533 ASTM D1084 AATCC 121 ASTM C272 TAPPI UM-529 AATCC 22 AATCC 21 AATCC 70 AATCC 35 AATCC 127 AATCC 42 AATCC 111A AATCC 111C SAE J913A AATCC 128 AATCC 66 NFPA 255 SAE AMS2350X ASTM D3051 ANSI L24T5 NACE TM-01-70 PSTC 34 SAE J369A ASTM D3111 ASTM D1916 APA *5 ASAE S263.2 IEEE 382 CCTI C133 TAPPI T809 OS ASTM C297 ASTM C393 ASTM D2017 ICBO UBCS35-3 TAPPI UM-238 414 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards th a Secondary Standard of Sim/ Std. Meth. of Thermal Emf 72) Std. Meth. of Direct Shear Std. Rec. Pract. for Coagulation Flocculation Jar Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock Std. Meth. of Thermal Shock n Glassware (1970) ANSI D14.9 Std. Meth for Corrosion Tent. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Wear oil) (1974) Guidelines for Selection and Preparation of . Whole or Ground Cereal/ Meth. of Urease Bromthymol Blue Through Closed Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (19/ on Steel Door and Frame Assemblies (1972) Farm Wagon Running Gear (1973) nnectors (1974) ANSI C83.63C Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. cal Coated Lock Screws (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Instrument Panel Laboratory Impact Rec. Pract. for Service Brake Structural Integrity ing Electric Machinery (1973) Std. for iconductor Radiation Detectors (1969) ANSI N42.2 Std. w (1974) Std. for Control Valve Capacity Std. ear Underride Guard (Safety (1971) Rec. Pract. (1972) ANSI S6.2 Rec. Pract. for the 42.3 Std. Std. for Control Valve Capacity og Torque Balance Accelerome/ Std. Spec. Format Guide and ity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Point / Std. ity on Agricultural Tractors Equipped with 3 Po/ Std. for Rec. Pract. for Spark Arrester Std. Requirements, Terminology, and r Ionizing Radiation (1969) ANSI N42.1 Std. systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form Wo/ Std. onmetallic Locking Element Type Prevailing-To/ Std. for istribution Transformers (1972) Std. ncluding Material Data) (1972) Std. les F/ Rec. Pract. for Service Brake Structural Integrity 1968) Std. and Energy Consumption of Household Refrigerators, Com/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Bumper Evaluation Mobile Construction Type Crane Overload Indicating System Std. for Fiberboard . 2 (Automotive Transmission) Clutch Friction Test Machine e J/ Std. for Protective Frame for Agricultural Tractors Frame (For Agricultural Tractors for Overhead Protection Std. for Protective Enclosures for Agricultural Tractors Definition and er Combination) (1971) ANSI A197.2, Asse 1007 Std. and ical Connectors (1971) ANSI C83.63B Std. rs Used in Enclosures (1973) Std. for Minimum Performance Requirements and Uniform Dishwashers (1971) ANSI A197.1, Asse 1006 Std. and Food Waste Disposer Units (1971) ANSI A197.3, / Std. and nd Demountabl/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform Laboratory Fatigue and Station/ Minimum Performance Requirements and Uniform s (1972) hment of Temperature Indexe/ Guide for the Preparation of Potentiometers (1970) Std. for Inspection and Rec. Pract. for Drill Stern Structures for Nuclear Reactors (1972) Practice and Uniform Building Code Std. for Evaluation of Compression Rec. Pract. for Evaluation of Compression aration of Pieces from Rubber Vulcanizates Other Than Std. dures for Mixing Rubber Compounds for Preparing Vulcanized Test Meth. for Evaluation of Wetting Agents (Cotton d Sheet (Coil Coating) (1974) Spec, for Spot radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for Integrity and for Making and Using the C-Ring Stress Corrosion Cracking Std. Meth. of Making and Curing Concrete Std. Rec. Pract. for Compression Molding omia Kneading Compactor (/ Std. Meth. for Preparation of pract. for Determining Temperatures of Std. ASTM Molds for Std. Meth. of Measuring Area of Leather Std. Meth. for Measuring Thickness of Leather Rec. Pract. for Making and Using U-Bend Stress Corrosion Pract. for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion ing. Accelerated Curing, and Test, of Concrete Compression ead Wires, Terminals, and Other Terminations (Soft Solde/ operati/ Std. Spec, for an Audio Level and Multifrequency 1 (For Tape Speeds of 7.5 In. 190./ Std. for Reproducer Std. for Dimensions for Resolution istry) (1968) Meth. of Triangle (1973) ANSI J1.3 Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. s / Test Meth. for Scourability of Spinning Lubricant (To r Dealing with Outlying Observations in Samples and How to External Insulation Rat/ Std. for Schedule of Dielectric Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te: Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T. Tes T Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Te Te Te Te Tes Te (Tes (Te (Te Tes Tes Te Te Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes T. T Tes Tes Tes Tes Tes' of Single Thermoelement Materials by Comparison Wi of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions (19 of Water (1974) on Glass Containers (Bottle, Jar) (1971) on Glass Pipe (1970) on Metal Specimens for Engine Antifreezes Tested I on Textile Garments (1973) Panels for Use in Test. Organic Coating Systems (C Paper for Analysis of Urea in Cloth or Sack Fibers Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Rate of Air Flow Proc. and Acceptance Criteria for Water Resistance Proc. for Determining the Load Carrying Ability of Proc. for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electric Co Proc. for Storage Batteries (1972) Proc. for the Locking Ability Performance of Chemi Procedure-Head Area (1971) Procedure-Passenger Car (1971) Procedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotat Procedure for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Sem Procedure for Compressible Fluids in Turbulent Flo Procedure for Dry Fertilizer Spreader (1972) Procedure for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of R Procedure for Exterior Sound Level for Snowmobiles Procedure for Geiger Muller Counters (1970) ANSI N Procedure for Incompressible Fluids (1972) Procedure for Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, Anal Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capac Procedure for Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capac Procedure for Medium Size Engines (1972) Procedure for Neutral Grounding Devices (1972) Procedure for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Fo Procedure for the Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Procedure for the Locking Ability Performance of N Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Oil Immersed D Procedure for Toroidal Magnetic Amplifier Cores (I Procedure for Trucks, Buses, and Combination Vehic Procedure for Water Closet Flush Tank Ball Cocks ( Procedure to Determine the Freezer Temperature and Procedure (1971) Procedure (1971) Rec. Pract. for Procedure (1972) Procedure (1972) Rec. Pract. for SAE No Procedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) Sa Procedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) Sa Procedures and Performance Requirements) (1972) Sa Procedures for Ammonia Nitrate (1973) Procedures for Home Laundry Equipment (washer. Dry Procedures for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz.) Electr Procedures for Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breake Procedures for Motor Vehicle Brake Linings (1966) Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Procedures for Plumbing Requirements for Household Procedures for Production Disc and Spoke Wheels, a Procedures for Regular Bicycles (1972) Procedures for Retreaded Tires for Passenger Cars Procedures for the Safety Std. for Regular Bicycle Procedures for the Thermal Evaluation and Establis Procedures for Wirewound and Nonwirewound Trimming Report Form (1972) Requirements for Leakage Rate Test, of Containment Results in Field Concrete Cylinders (1973) Results of Field Concrete (1965) ANSI A146.1 Sheets (1973) Std. Rec. Pract for Prep Sheets (1973) /D. Materials, Equipment, and Proce Skein Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.ll Solution for Detecting Chromate Films on Galvanize Spec, for Selected Brachytherapy Sources (Medical Specimen (1973) Std. Re Specimens in the Laboratory (1969) ANSI A37.81 Specimens of AUyl Molding Materials (1972) Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of Calif Specimens of Plastics (1967) ANSI K65.79 Specimens (1968) ALCA E2 Specimens (1970) ALCA E4 Specimens (1972) Specimens (1972) ANSI G80.1 Std. Specimens (1974) Std. Meth. of Mak Std. for Determination of Solderability of Solid L Tape for Quadruplex Video Magnetic Tape Recorders Tape: FuU Track, 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Ree Target for Photographic Optics (1972) Taste Panel for Food Flavor Detection (Cereal Chem Temperatures for Rubber and Rubber Like Materials the Removability of Spinning Oils from Woolen Yarn the Statistical Significance of Them (Sampling) (1 Values for Outdoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker Pract. /. Re Std Rec ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA AACCH STDI STDI ASAE EIA BCI IFI SAE SAE IEEE IEEE ISA ASAE SAE SAE IEEE ISA IEEE ASAE SAE SAE IEEE IEEE IEEE IFI IEEE IEEE SAE ASSE AHAM SAE SAE SAE SAE ASAE ASAE ASAE FI AHAM EIA ANSI VESC AHAM AHAM SAE BMA VESC BMA IEEE VRCI API ANSI ICBO ACI ASTM ASTM AATCC NCCA ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM EIA ANSI EIA ANSI AACCH ASTM AATCC ASTM ANSI E207 D3080 D2035 C149 C600 D1384 D3181 TB-III-5 28-87 116 115 S360T RS364-3 •1-66 125 J921B J229 85 301 S39.4 S341 J 260 J192 309 S39.2 337 S349 J283 J350A 32 300 429 124 345 106 J294 1002 HRF-2ECFT J980A J 248 J315B J286 S306.3 S310.2 S336.1 P40 HLW2PR RS364-2 C37.50 V-3 DW-2PR FWD-2PR J267 6T V-2 6/6T 98 T215 RP48 N45.4 UBCS26-11 214 D3183 D3182 17 TB-II-9 N44.1 G38 C192 D3027 D1561 D958 D2347 D1813 G30 Gl C684 RS178-B C98.8 RS400 PH3.50 33-50 D1349 77 E178 C37.0781 Engineering and Product Standards Division 415 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 2) Meth. of Analysis of cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Compression Spec, for High th. for Determination of Film Adhesion by Cross Hatch Tape alvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece o. Television, Tape Recorder/ Std. for Simulated Shipping ry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis for Baking (1962) Pekar Color try) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Pelshenke r Printed Textiles to Washing at 105 Deg. F: Rapid Control Textiles to Combined Washing and Shrinkage: Rapid Control Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Hydrostatic Pressure Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Spray or Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics: Impact Penetration Std. Meth. of Vibratory Cavitation Erosion Std. for Fiberboard Crease Bending or Determining Hermetieity of Electron Devices by a Bubble lastics as a Function of Temperature by Means of a Torsion eth. for Oil Repellency of Fabrics: Hydrocarbon Resistance for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Static Absorption pellency of Textile Fabrics: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption meth. of Test for Compatibility of Fuel Oil Blends by Spot for Top Side of Filled Paper as Indicated by Silver Coin f Analysis of Pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation Time r Like Materials by a Temperature Retraction Procedure (Tr Meth. of Test for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber (Friction Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rain for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Limestone Drop for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Falling Weight ity in 7XXX Series Copper Containing Aluminum Alloys (Exco td. Meth. of Test for Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Electrostatic Clinging of Textile Fabrics Fabric to Metal ect of Heat and Air on Asphaltic Materials (Thin Film Oven r Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Paper and Paperboard (Cobb stability of Confined Condensed Phase Systems (Confinement trical Basis When Rated for Out of Phase / Std. Meth. for ulation (1970) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ials as Used in Cons/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Inspection and Std. Rec. Pract. for Displacement Hydraulic Fluid Power Pumps / Std. Meth. of and Dry Transformers. Hand Power Tools, Hermatic Stators. 2) ANSI Z9/ Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue lectrical and Packing Purposes (1974) Ansi/ Std. Meth. of Engine Coolants (1972) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of ANSI S2.10 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of oatings (1973) Std.- Meth. of Std. Meth. of Sampling and Uniform Building Code Std. for Sampling and Std. Meth. of e Butyrate (1972) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of to Corrosion (1972T) Meth. of atings Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of rical Insulation (1973) Std. Meth. of Test/ Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Sampling and Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Sampling and hrinkage Propensity of Bonded and Laminate/ Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of for Acoustical and Airflow Performance (19/ Std. Meth. of fing Materials (1972) s Substances for Use in Water/ G85.1 Std. Index of Meth. for Std. Meth. of Std. Rec. Pract. for Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Sampling and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Std. Meth. for Public Works Spec, for Ceramic Veneer (Sampling, al Implants (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Experimental Pract. for Making Reference Glass-Metal Butt Seals and ract. for Making Reference Glass-Metal Sandwich Seal and sh/ Std. for Dimensions, Physical Properties and Meth. of Std. Meth. of or or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer / Std. Meth. of or in the Detector Probe Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of s (1973) ANSI J2.6 Std. Meth. of Dynamic Std. for Meth. of ansi A 11 1 . 1 Std. Meth. of Load rumentation) (1/ Std. for Uniform Dimensions and Meth. of Test Weight Per Bushel of Grain (Cereal Chemistry) (196 Test with Baker Compressimeter for Staleness of Bread ( Test Wrought Welding Fittings (1973) Test (Coil Coating) (1974) Test Me Test (Copper Sulfate Dip) (1973) AASHO T66 / a Zinc (G Test (Packaging) for Consumer Electronic Products (Radi Test (Quality) for Sweet Yeast Products (Cereal Chemist Test (Slick) Meth. of Flour Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation Time Test) (Cereal Chemis Test (1969) Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed O Test (1969) /Th. for Colorfastness of Cotton and Linen Test (1971) ANSI L14.265 • Test Meth. for Test (1971) ANSI L14.60, ASTM D583 Test (1971) ANSI L14.71, ASTM D583 Test Meth. F Test (1972) Test (1972) Test (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. F Test (1972) ANSI D65.2 / for Stiffness Properties of P Test (1972) ANSI L14.214 Test M Test (1972) ANSI L14.61, ASTM D583 Test Meth. Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, ASTM D583 /Meth. for Water Re Test (1972) ANSI Zll. 315 Std. Test (1973) Test Meth Test) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. O Test) (R1972) ANSI J2.22 /Eristics of Rubber and Rubbe Test) (1970) ANSI J3.1 Std. Test) (1971) ANSI L14.74, ASTM D583 Test) (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Test) (1972) Std. Meth. of Test Test) (1972) /St for Exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibil Test) (1972) ANSI Z197.2 Test) (1973) Test Meth. for Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Eff Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Wate Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal in Test. AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symme Test. Adhesives Relative to Their Use as Electrical Ins Test. Aerosol Products for Delivered Mass (1972) Test. Agencies for Concrete, Steel and Bituminous Mater Test. Alkyd Resins (1973) Test, and Presenting Basic Performance Data for Positve Test, and Safety) (1973) /Try (Rotating, Liquid Filled Test, and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data (197 Test, and Tolerances for Jute Rove and Plied Yarn for E Test. Anti Leak Antifreezes and Stop Leak Additives for Test. Asbestos Cement Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.1 Test. Askarels (1973) ANSI C59.62 Test. Automotive Air Brake and Vacuum Brake Hose (1973) Test. Automotive Hydraulic Brake Hose (1972) ANSI J2.9 Test. Bituminous Base Emulsions for Use as Protective C Test. Brick and Structural Clav Tile (1973) Test. Brick (1973) Test. Cellular Glass Insulating Block (1972) Test. Cellulose Acetate Propionate and Cellulose Acetat Test. Cellulose Acetate (1972) ANSI K65.24 Test. Clay Pipe (1972) ANSI A106.5 Test. Clear and Pigmented Lacquers (1973) Test. Coated Fabrics (1973) ANSI J2.12 Test. Coated Steel Specimens Dynamically for Resistance Test. Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Elect Test. Coating Powders and Their Coatings Used for Elect Test. Concrete Masonry Units (1970) ANSI A84.I Test. Concrete Pipe or Tile (1973) Test. Creosote (1970) ANSI 011.9 Test. Delamination, Strength of Bond, Appearance, and S Test. Drying Oils (1972) Test. Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers Test. Elastomeric and Plastomeric Roofing and Waterproo Test. Emulsified Asphalts (1974) ANSI A37.42, Ashto T59 Test. Exterior Latex House Paints (1972) Test. Felt (1972) Test. Felted and Woven Fabrics Saturated with Bituminou Test. Ferroalloys for Determination of Size (1970) ANSI Test. Film Insulated Magnet Wire (1974) Test. Finishing, Installation, and Definitions) (1961) Test, for Biological Compatibility of Metals for Surgic Test, for Expansion Characteristics by Polarimetric Met Test, for Expansion Characteristics by Polarimetric Met Test, for Helical Spring and Carbon Steel Tooth Lock Wa Test, for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques (1974) Test, for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detect Test, for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detect Test, for Ply Separation and Cracking of Rubber Product Test, for Rating Nonresidential Warm Air Heaters (1972) Test, for Refractory Brick at High Temperatures (1970) Test, for Rotary Selector Switches (Radio, TV, and Inst AACCH 84-10 AACCH 74-10 MSS SP75 NCCA TB-II-5 ASTM A239 EIA RS414 AACCH 10-20 AACCH 14-10 AACCH 56-50 AATCC 68 AATCC 72 AATCC 127 AATCC 22 AATCC 42 ASTM G32 SAE J119A ASTM F98 ASTM D1043 AATCC 118 AATCC 21 AATCC 70 ASTM D2781 TAPPI UM-533 AACCH 56-50 ASTM D1329 ASTM D413 AATCC 35 ASTM G13 ASTM G14 ASTM G34 ASTM D1876 AATCC 115 ASTM D1754 ASTM D3285 ASTM E476 IEEE 417 ASTM D1304 ASTM D3097 ASTM E329 ASTM D2689 NFLDP T3.9.17 EASA *1 ASTM E206 ASTM D681 ASTM D3147 ASTM C500 ASTM D901 ASTM D622 ASTM D571 ASTM D2939 ASTM C67 ICBO UBCS24-25 ASTM C240 ASTM D817 ASTM D871 ASTM C301 ASTM D333 ASTM D751 ASTM D2933 ASTM D3214 ASTM D3214 ASTM C140 ASTM C497 ASTM D38 ASTM D2724 ASTM D555 ASTM E477 ASTM D3105 ASTM D244 ASTM D3129 ASTM D461 ASTM D146 ASTM A610 ASTM D1676 BIA •28 ASTM F361 ASTM F140 ASTM F144 ANSI B18.21.1 ASTM E515 ASTM E498 ASTM E499 ASTM D430 ASHRA 45 ASTM C16 EIA RS315-A 416 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 7 si K90.6 972) Std. Meth. of Salt Spray (Fog) Test. Uniform Building Code Std. for Test. Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Test. Safety Std. for Play Pipes for Water Supply Test. nd Decorative (1972) Std. Meth. of Test. 9701 Std. Meth. of Test. ) ANSI MH12.il Std. Meth. of Test. onstruction. and Operation of Class Hi (High Impact) Shock Test. ngue (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Traverse Tensile Test. r Car Tires (1972) Rec. Pract. for Test. Std. Meth. of Verification of Test. Std. Meth. for Test. Std. Meth. of Test. materials (1973) Uniform Building Code Std. Test. >ANSIZ197.14 Std. Test. Std. Rec. Guide for the Selection of Leak Test. tional Vehicle Air Conditioning System Rating Definitions, Test. Std. Meth. of Test, sing the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside Out Test. Std. Meth. of Test. Std. Meth. of Test. moval of Particles (1972) Std. for Efficiency Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test. Std. Meth. of Tension Test. Std. Meth. of Making, Accelerated Curing, and Test. Practice and Test Requirements for Leakage Rate Test. Rec. Pract. for Hardware Test. Std. Meth. of Test for Simulated Service Corrosion Test. Safety Std. for Rating and Test. Meth. of Drop Test. ulus of Rupture) (1972) Std. Meth. of Flexure Test. Std. Meth. for Physical Test. Std. Meth. of Tension Test. .1 Std. Rec. Pract. for Sharp Notch Tension Test. or Moist Cabinets and (Specimen Storage) Rooms Used in the Test. Std. Meth. for High Pressure Pump Test. Rec. Pract. for Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend and Torsion Test. Std. Meth. of Compression Test. Std. Meth. of Tension Test. Std. Meth. for Notched Bar Impact Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Scleroscope Hardness Test. Test Meth. for Laboratory Corrosion Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend Test. Std. Meth. of Tension Test. stems (19/ Std. for Trial-Use Criteria for the Periodic Test. 1974) Std. Meth. for Condensation-Humidity Test. Std. Meth. of Physical Test, std. Meth. of Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Test. Tent. Meth. of Tension Test. std. Rec. Pract. for Combined. Simulated Space Environment Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Test. saturation (1971) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Eddy Current Test. Std. Rec. Pract. for Macroetch Test. Uniform Building Code Std. for and Meth. of Sampling and Test. 2)Oj) (1972) Std. Meth. of Static Immersion Test. Std. Test Meth. for Simulated Service Test. 0.1 Std. Meth. and Definitions for Mechanical Test. es for Selection and Preparation of Test Panels for Use in Test. nsi.MH12.13 Std. Meth. of Test. 73) Std. Meth. for Preparation of Steel Panels for Test. Std. Meth. of Test. 3) Std. Meth. of Test. wheel Meth.) (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Std. for Qualifications of Inspection, Examination, and Test. Std. Meth. of Test. ) (1969) Tent. Meth. of Test. Tent. Meth. of Test. Electrical Insulation (1974) ANSI C59.136 Std. Meth. of Test. (1974) Std. Rec. Pract. for Test. Cans. Tubes and Cores (1973) Std. Test, s (1973) Std. Test, cores (1973) Std. Test, osite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Test, site Tubes and Cores (1972) Std. Test, ubes and Cores (1972) Std. Test, he Motor Oil Cans (1974) Std. Test, s (1974) Std. Test. s and Cores (1974) Std. Test, posite Cans, Tubes, and Cores (1974) Std. Test, site Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Test, cans (1974) Std. Test, cans (1973) Std. Test. of Spec. Purposes (Coil Coating) ( 1974) ASTM Bl 1 Gypsum Plasters and Concrete (1973) Heat Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation Hookup Wire Insulation (1974) Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (1972) in Fire Protection Service (1973) ANSI Bl 11. 1 Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber), Structural a Laminated Tubes Used for Electrical Insulation (1 Large Shipping Cases and Crates (Packaging) (1953 Machine for Lightweight Equipment (1972) /Ign, C Machine) (1971) /Ngth of Woven Fabrics by the to Machines for Measuring the Uniformity of Passenge Machines (1972) AASHO T67, ANSI Z115.1 Magnetic Wire Enamels (1973) Metal Fasteners in Wood (1974) Meth. for Fire Hazard Classification of Building Meth. for Impact Strength of Adhesive Bonds (1972 Meth. (1971) ANSI Z166.26 Meth., and Test Equipment and Rating Meth. (1972) Methvlcellulose (1972) ANSI K65.26 Mode (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Leaks U Molded Flexible Urethane Foam (1973) Nonwoven Fabrics (1974) ANSI L14.246 of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Re of Bone Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) of Carbon Graphite Mechanical Materials (1971) an of Concrete Compression Test Specimens (1974) of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors (1 of Digital Process Computers (1971) of Engine Coolants (1973) of Fire Extinguishers (1973) ANSI Z211.1 of Glass Aerosol Bottles (1972) of Glass and Glass Ceramics (Determination of Mod of Gvpsum Plasters and Concrete (1973) of Hard Rubber (1972) of High Strength Sheet Materials (1968) ANSI Z260 of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes (1973) /Ec. F of Hydraulic Oils (1973) of Industrial Exhaust Ventilation Systems (1974) of Intramedullary Rods (Surgical Implants) (1973) of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature (R1973) of Metallic Materials (1969) ANSI Z168.13 of Metallic Materials (1972) of Metallic Materials (1972) of Metals for the Process Industries (1972) of Metals (1972) of Nail Plates (Surgical Implants) (1973) of Nonmetallic Gasket Materials (1972) of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Sy of Organic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces (Coil) ( of Quicklime and Hydrated Lime (1971) ANSI K67.10 of Rubber Products (1972) ANSI Jl.l of Solid Urethane and Other Rubbers (1973) of Spacecraft Thermal Control Materials (Coatings of Spacecraft (1973) of Steel Tubular Products (Tubing) with Magnetic of Tool Steel Bars (1971) ANSI G60.9 of Unburned Clay Masonry Units (1973) of Unstressed Materials in Nitrogen Tetroxide (N( of Wood and Wood Base Finish Flooring (1969) of Wrought and Cast Steel Products (1973) ANSI G6 Organic Coating Systems (Coil) (1974) Guidelin Package Cushioning Materials (Packaging) (1964) a Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products (19 Pallets (1973) Para Red and Toluidine Red Pigments (Toners) (197 Pavement Polishing in the Laboratory (Full Scale Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear P Plywood in Flexure (1972) Plywood in Rolling Shear (Shear in Plane of Plies Plywood in Shear Through the Thickness (1969) Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes Used for Primers and Primer Surfaces Over Preformed Metal Proc. for Measuring Inside Diameters of Composite Proc. for Pressure Collapse Test of Composite Can Proc. for Side to Side Crush Composite Tubes and Procedure for Axial (End to End) Compression Comp Procedure for End Supported Beam Deflection Compo Procedure for End Supported Beam Strength Fibre T Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Bottom Drop Compos Procedure for Filled Cast Flat Drop Composite Can Procedure for Internal Bursting of Composite Tube Procedure for Measuring Lengths or Heights of Com Procedure for Measuring Wall Thicknesses of Compo Procedure for Oil Wicking of Composite Motor Oil Procedure for the Blow Off Pressure of Composite NCCA TB-III-2 ICBO UBCS24-26 ASTM D2671 ASTM D3032 ASTM D2363 UL 385 ASTM C209 ASTM D348 ASTM D1083 ANSI S2.15 ASTM D2262 SAE J332A ASTM E4 ASTM D3288 ASTM D1761 ICBO UBCS42-1 ASTM D950 ASTM E432 IMACA 400 ASTM D1347 ASTM E493 ASTM D2406 ASTM D1117 ANSI N101.1 ASTM F382 ASTM C565 ASTM C684 ANSI N45.4 ISA RP55.1 ASTM D2570 UL 711 ASTM D3071 ASTM C158 ASTM C472 ASTM D2707 ASTM E338 ASTM C511 ASTM D2882 ACGIH *l-9 ASTM F383 ASTM E9 ASTM E8 ASTM E23 ASTM E448 NACE TM-01-69 ASTM G31 ASTM F384 ASTM F152 IEEE 338 NCCA TB-III-6 ASTM C110 ASTM D15 ASTM D3196 ASTM E512 ASTM E491 ASTM E309 ASTM A561 ICBO UBCS24-15 ASTM F359 ASTM D2394 ASTM A370 NCCA TB-III-5 ASTM D1372 ASTM D609 ASTM D1185 ASTM D970 ASTM E451 ANSI N45.2.6 ASTM D2043 ASTM D2718 ASTM D2719 ASTM D1000 ASTM D3322 CCTI CT102 CCTI C133 CCTI T108 CCTI CT107 CCTI T-113 CCTI T114 CCTI C125.1 CCTI C125 CCTI T112 CCTI CT104 CCTI CT101 CCTI C124 CCTI C110 Engineering and Product Standards Division 417 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 28 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards i C59.18 gonal Drum (1968) ANSI MH12.3, TAPPI T800 and Cores (1974) Std. ic Equipment (1973) ANSI C83.25 Std. Std. Spec, for Perforated Plate Sieves for Std. Spec, for Wire Cloth Sieves for g Aqueous Solutions of Engine Antifreezes or Antirusts for Std. for Leak Std. Meth. of Drip Slag Std. Meth. of al Insulation (1972) ANSI C59.13 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. for Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Rec. Guide for Preparation of a Leak ip Resistant (Floor Polish and Wax) (1971) ASTM D2047, C/ clay Load Bearing Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Std. Meth. of Bulletin for Nondestructive reservatives by Using W/ Soil Block Test: Std. Meths. for utions (1970) Swellograph Method for ands Made from Steel (1974) Std. Meth. of ng Torque Application, Using Highway Vehic/ Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of 974) ANSI C59.77 Std. Meth. of Sampling and ical Insulation (1970) ANSI C59.31 Std. Meth. of nsi C59.30 Std. Meth. of ions (1972) ANSI 07.1 Std. Meth. of ations (1969) ANSI C59.73 Std. Meth. of 1971) ANSI C59.78 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of res (1970) Std. Meth. of ducts (1973) ANSI H46.1 Std. Meth. of Tension Summary of Meth. for Biscuit and Cracker Flour Std. Meth. of Sampling Asbestos Fiber for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Leak Std. Rec. Pract. for Sampling Cotton Fibers for Std. Meth. for Controlling Quality of Radiographic building Code Std. for Noncombustible Elementary Materials exit. Stairway, Aisle, Corridor, Building Construction and Std. Meth. of Salt Spray (Fog) Std. Meth. of Conditioning Paper and Its Products for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Ultrasonic Pract. for Conditioning Textiles and Textile Products for Std. Meth. of Acetic-Acid Salt Spray (Fog) red Industrial/ Rec. Pract. for Uniform Procedure for the r Corrosion Test on Metal Specimens for Engine Antifreezes esistance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Dow Corning Leather ance of Shoe Upper Leather by the Maeser Water Penetration Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Setaflash Closed acquer. Varnish, and Related Products) by Setaflash Closed urface Strength of Coated Papers Using the Interfiber Bond Meth. of Test for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed g Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Portable est Meth. for Smoothness of Paper and Paperboard (Bendtsen 2.27 Std. Meth. of dhesives (1972) ANSI Z197.21 Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of 972) Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of (1971) Std. Meth. of Conditioning Equipment (1972) Std. Meth. of heading Wire and Rods (1972) Std. Meth. of Shear Std. Meth. of Impact looring (196/ Rec. for Correct Preparation, Finishing and Rec. Procedure for Compression es on Boilers (1972) quipment During the C/ Std. Installation, Inspection, and els (1972) Std. Spec, for Charpy V-Notch Std. Meth. of Rules for ns, Made from Man Made Organic Base Fibers/ Std. Meth. of m Speed Stationary Diesel and Gas Engine Factory and Field Std. Techniques for Switching Impulse Uniform Alignment Spec, for Enclosures, Cold Chambers and Serving Units for Motors (Fractional and Integral Horsepower) (1/ Std. for and Hose Assemblies (1970) Std. for Tent. Spec, for Molds for Forming Concrete ners (1971) Rec. Pract. Meth. of Rec. Pract. otection) (1973) ANSI Z240.1 Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Bending Fatigue Using the Interfiber Bond T/ Test Meth. for Coating Pick Test. Procedure for Torque Strength of Composite Tubes Test. Procedures for Relays for Electrical and Electron Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI Z168.12 Test. Purposes (1970) ANSI Z23.1 Test. Purposes (1971) ANSI D14.4 /Ampling and Preparin Test. Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (1973) Test. Refractory Brick at High Temperature (1973) Test. Resistance to Scuffing of Trim Materials (1972) Test. Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electric Test. Rubber O-Rings (1972) . Test. Sewing Threads (1971) ANSI L14.14 Test. Shellac Used for Electrical Insulation (1973) Ans Test. Shipping Containers (Packaging) in Revolving Hexa Test. Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (1972) ANSI K65.30 Test. Spec. (1973) Test. Std. (Procedure) for Products Classified as to SI Test. Structural Clay Tile (1973) /Td. for Structural Test. Synthetic Rubber Latices (1974) ANSI J2.34 Test. Terminology for Defects in Steel Pipe (1974) Test, the Preservative Properties of Oil Soluble Wood P Test, the Water Repellent Effectiveness Df Treating Sol Test. Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Str Test. Tires for Wet Traction in Cornering Without Drivi Test. Twine Made from Bast and Leaf Fibers (1973) Test. Untreated Paper Used for Electrical Insulation (1 Test. Varnished Cottonfabrics and Tapes Used for Electr Test. Varnishes Used for Electrical Insulation (1972) a Test. Veneer, Plywood, and Other Glued Veneer Construct Test. Vitrified Ceramic Materials for Electrical Applic Test. Vulcanized Fiber Llsed for Electrical Insulation ( Test. Warp Knit Fabrics (1964) ANSI L14.284 Test. Water Formed Deposits (1972) Test. Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soil Block Cultu Test. Wrought and Cast Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Pro Test. (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Test. (1970) ANSI K91.2 Test. (1971) ANSI Z166.25 Test. (1972) Test. (1972) ANSI Z166.7 Test. (1973) Uniform Test. (1973) /S Use Book: Fire Protection and Safety ( Test. (1973) ANSI Zl 18. 1 Test. (1973) TAPPI T402 Test. (1974) Test. (1974) ANSI L14.205 Std. Rec. Test. (1974) ANSI Z118.2 Test., Rating and Reporting of the Noise Levels of Powe Tested in Glassware (1970) ANSI D14.9 Std. Meth Fo Tester (1970) ALCA ESS /H. of Test for Dynamic Water R Tester (1970) ALCA ES6 / Test for Dynamic Water Resist Tester (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Tester (1973) /Lash Point of Liquids (Paint. Enamel, L Tester (1973) /or Coating Pick Tests for Determining S Tester (1973) ANSI Zll. 7 Std Tester (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Measurin Tester) (1973) Testing Automotive Air Conditioning Hose (1968E) ANSI J Testing Cross Lap Specimens for Tensile Properties of a Testing Fatty Acids Used in Protective Coatings (1972) Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes (1 Testing for Rating Liquid Coolers (1971) Testing for Rating Water Cooled Refrigerant Condensers Testing for Sound Rating Heating, Refrigerating and Air Testing of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Rivets and Cold Testing of Cast Irons (1972) Testing of Concrete Subfloor Surfaces to Receive Wood F Testing of Scaffolds and Shores (1967) Testing Procedures and Maintenance of Steam Safety Valv Testing Requirements for Instrumentation and Electric E Testing Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vess Testing Rubber Hose (1972A) ANSI J2.5 Testing Seeds (1970) Testing Tire Cords, Fabrics and Industrial Filament Yar Testing (1972) Std. Pract. for Low and Mediu Testing (1972) ANSI C68.2 Tests-NAS 900 Series Equipment Specs. (1972) Tests Above and Below Room Temperature (1966) ANSI C59. Tests and Performance of Alternating and Direct Current Tests and Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose Tests Cylinders Vertically (1973T) ANSI A37.95 Tests for Automotive Type Sealers. Adhesives, and Deade Tests for Central System Fluids (1970) Tests for Combustibility of Sweeping Compounds (Fire Pr Tests for Comparative Flammability of Liquids (1972) Tests for Copper Alloy Spring Materials (1973) Tests for Determining Surface Strength of Coated Papers CCTI TU6 EIA RS407 ASTM E323 ASTM Ell ASTM D1176 ANSI N44.2 ASTM C768 SAE J365A ASTM D229 ASTM D1414 ASTM D204 ASTM D411 ASTM D782 ASTM D1439 ASTM E479 CSMA BUL 12 ICBO UBCS24-! ASTM D1417 API BUL5T1 NWMA M-l-70 NWMA M-2-70 ASTM D2969 ASTM F376 ASTM D1233 ASTM D202 ASTM D295 ASTM D115 ASTM D805 ASTM D116 ASTM D619 ASTM D1376 ASTM D2331 ASTM D1413 ASTM B557 AACCH 10-30 ASTM D2590 ASTM E42S ASTM D1441 ASTM E142 ICBO UBCS4-1 WWPA *31-4 ASTM Bl 17 ASTM D68S ASTM E500 ASTM D1776 ASTM B287 ITA 6G1 ASTM D1384 ASTM D2098 ASTM D2099 ASTM D3243 ASTM D3278 TAPPI UM-534 ASTM D93 ASTM E303 TAPPI UM-535 ASTM D1680 ASTM D1344 ASTM D1467 ASHRA 28 ASHRA 24 ASHRA 22 ASHRA 36 ASTM B565 ASTM A327 WSFI *1 SSI '10 FMS LPD1259 IEEE 336 ASTM AS93 ASTM D380 AOSA 60-2 ASTM D885 DEMA *l-22 IEEE 332 NSA 985 ASTM E197 NEMA MC1-12 SAE J343A ASTM C470 SAE J243 SAE J72 UL 41 UL 340 ASTM B593 TAPPI UM-534 418 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 73) Safety Std. for m Doors (1972) ANSI A 153.1 Std. for Safety for Safety Std. for n Devices and Appliances (1973) Std. for Safety Uniform Building Code Std. for Field Std. Rec. Pract. for Stress Relaxation Std. Rec. Pract. for Surveillance 973) Test Meth. for Drop ) Std. for Illumination for Structural Requirements for Regular Bicycles Including Std. for Shutter instrumentation) (1971) Std. Specs, and Uniform Building Code Std. for Std. Rec. Pract. for Performing Stress Corrosion Cracking Std. Meth. of Fire Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Fire Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Acoustical .51 Std. Meth. of Wetting and Drying e the Containment of Nuclear Po/ Trial Use Guide for Type Std. Meth. of Fire Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Std. Meth. of Fire Std. for Safety for Fire Tent. Meth. for Drop Weight Tear General Extensigraph Meth. for Physical Dough elaxation Meth. of Extensigraph Analysis of Physical Dough s Cement Shingle Blanks to Be Used as Panels in Weathering Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Creep Rec. Pract. for Recording Data from Atmospheric Corrosion Std. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Exterior Exposure Q4.2 Std. Meth. of Static Uniform Building Code Std. for Fire Std. Meth. of Conducting Machining performance (1972) ANSI L14.289 Std. Meth. for Spinning ectrometric. and Spectrochemical Analysis Of. and Physical Std. Meth. of Evaluating Wood Preservatives by Field aph Meth. for Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in Physical Dough Test Meth. for Packaging Film and Construction Identity act. for Preparation of Bar and Rod Specimens for Adhesion instrumentation for Motor Vehicle and Its Component Impact Std. Meth. for Sampling Leather for Physical and Chemical eth. of Conducted Controlled Velocity Laboratory Corrosion Std. Spec, for Std. Tire for Pavement Skid Resistance Uniform Building Code Std. for Concrete h. of Painting Ceiling Materials for Acoustical Absorption asurement of Partial Discharges (Corona) During Dielectric to Change Mixing Characteristics of Flour (Physical Dough Specifying ograph Absorption to 14.0^ Moist/ Meth. of Physical Dough of Oil Soluble Wood Preservatives by Using W/ Soil Block atter Meth. of Analysis (Cereal Chemistry) Alcohol; Carbon d. for Analytical Procedures for Accountability of Uranium 1 Insulating Tape (1974) Std. Spec, for als (1973) Std. Spec, for TFE -Fluorocarbon Std. Spec, for TFE -Fluorocarbon )(1971) Std. for (1970) ANSI K60.20 Std. Spec, for Meth. of Test for static Immersion Test, of Unstressed Materials in Nitrogen for Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Text (1972) Std. for Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Manufacturing Std. and Spec, for st Meth. for Colorfastness to Washing: Characterization of ANSI L14.57 Test Meth. for Cotton and Linen Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Color Change Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Gray Scale for Staining abrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Screen Wire Meth. e in Fabrics Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Every Meth. n Procedure of Chromatic Transference Scale (Color Chart / th. for Assay of Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes Used in 114.239 Test Meth. for Oily Stain Release Meth. of ifferential Dyeing Behavior of Cotton (Raw Fiber, Yarn and or Meth. (1970) Test Meth. for Abrasion Resistance of Test Meth. for Electrostatic Clinging of midities (1972) ANSI L14/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of (1971) ANSI L14.227 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Test Meth. for Colorfastness of ernate Exposure (1972) A/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of aundering/ Test Meth. for the Appearance of Durable Press 83 Test Meth. for Water Resistance of Test Meth. for Fire Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Abrasion Resistance of h. for Evaluation of Commercial Rewetting Agents on Cotton Test Meth. for Bond Strength of Bonded and Laminated est Meth. for Electrical Resistivity (Electro-Static) of Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Material (19 Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File Storage Roo Tests for Flammability of Photographic Film (1972) Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts I Tests for Grout and Mortar (1973) Tests for Materials and Structures (1972) Tests for Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1973) Tests for Paper Shipping Sacks and Bags (Containers) (1 Tests for Photographic Still Projection Equipment (1971 Tests for Static Load, Frame, Fork, Steering Assembly a Tests for Still Picture Cameras (Photography) (1972) Tests for Strain Gage Linear Acceleration Transducers ( Tests for Structural Glued Laminated Lumber (1973) Tests in a Boiling Magnesium Chloride Solution (1973) Tests of Building Construction and Materials (1972) Tests of Building Construction and Materials (1973) Tests of Building Construction and Materials (1973) Tests of Building Constructions and Materials (1973) Tests of Compacted Soil Cement Mixtures (1971) ANSI A37 Tests of Continuous Duty Class 1 Motors Installed Insid Tests of Door Assemblies (1972) Tests of Door Assemblies (1973) Tests of Door Assemblies (1973) ANSI A2.2 Tests of Door Assemblies (1974) ANSI A2.2 Tests of Ferritic Steels (1971) ANSI Z260.3 Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Tests of Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Structural R Tests of Latex and Emulsion Exterior Paints or Coatings Tests of Metal to Metal Adhesives (1972) ANSI Z197.22 Tests of Metallic Coated Steel Specimens (1972) Std. Tests of Paints on Wood (1973) Tests of Timbers (Wood) in Structural Sizes (1967) ANSI Tests of Window Assemblies (1973) Tests of Wood and Wood Base Materials (1970) Tests on the Cotton System for Measurement of Spinning Tests On, Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972) ANSI N140 / Sp Tests with Stakes (1974) Tests (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Extensigr Tests (Paper) (1973) Tests (1969) Rec. Pr Tests (1971) Rec. Pract. for Tests (1971) ALCA Jl Tests (1972) Std. M Tests (1973) Tests (1973) Tests (1973) Std. Met Tests (1973) Rec. Pract. for the Detection and Me Tests) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) /Mat Dry Milk Solids Tests, Plastic Concrete (1967) Tests: Approximate Corrections for Changing as-is Farin Test: Std. Meths. for Test, the Preservative Properties Tetrachloride; Chloral Hydrate; Chloroform; Formaldehyd Tetrafluoride (1972) St Tetrafluoroethylene Backed Pressure Sensitive Electrica (Tetrafluoroethylene) Resin Molding and Extrusion Materi (Tetrafluoroethylene) Rod (1974) ANSI K65.208 Tetramethrin (Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Anhydrous) (Cleaning Agent) Tetrasodium Salt of EDTA in Water (1972T) Tetroxide (N,0,) (1972) Std. Meth. of Text (1972) Std Text (1972) Text (1972) Textbooks (Books) (1973) Textile Colorants (1972) Te Textile Colorfastness to Bleaching with Chlorine (1972) (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 (Textile Colorfastness) (1954) ISO 105-1 (Textile Colorfastness) (1970) /. for Color Change of F (Textile Colorfastness) (1970) /T Meth. for Color Chang Textile Colorfastness) (1972) Rec. Evaluatio Textile Desizing (1973) ANSI L14.147 Test Me Textile Fabric Soil During Home Laundering (1970) ANSI Textile Fabric) (1972) ANSI L14.152 /Th. of Test for D Textile Fabrics and Other Flexible Materials: Accelerat Textile Fabrics Fabric to Metal Test) (1973) Textile Fabrics to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under Low Hu Textile Fabrics to Water and Light: Alternate Exposure Textile Fabrics to Water Spotting (1972) ANSI L14.148 Textile Fabrics to Water (High Humidity) and Light: Alt Textile Fabrics (Permanent Press) After Repeated Home L Textile Fabrics (Rain Test) (1971) ANSI L 14.74, ASTM D5 Textile Fabrics (1969) Textile Fabrics (1971) Textile Fabrics (1971) ANSI L14.106 Test Met Textile Fabrics (1972) Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.112 UL UL UL UL ICBO ASTM ASTM TAPPI ANSI BMA ANSI ISA ICBO ASTM NFPA ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM IEEE NFPA ICBO ASTM UL ASTM AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AACCH TAPPI ASTM SAE ASTM AWPA ASTM ICBO ASTM IEEE AACCH CSI AACCH NWMA AACCH ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI BMI AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC ASTM AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC AATCC ASTM AATCC AATCC AATCC 790 155 105 94 UBCS24-23 E328 E185 UM-806 PH3.47 6/4 PH3.48 S37.5 UBCS25-23 G36 251 E176 UBCS43-1 C634 D559 334 252 UBCS43-2 E152 10B E436 54-10 54-11 D1911 D1780 G33 D1006 D198 UBCS43-4 D1666 D2811 C699 D1758 54-12 UM-537 D2094 J211A D2813 M14-72 E501 UBCS26-10 C643 454 54-20 03303 54-29 M-l-70 28-91 N15.6 D2686 D1457 D1710 K62.106 D595 D3113 F359 Yl.l Yl.l »1 36 3 EP1 EP2 119 120 EP3 103 130 D1464 93 115 109 125 104 126 124 35 34 D1175 27 136 76 Engineering and Product Standards Division 419 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards or Pilling Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of home Laundering of Durable (Permanent) Press Woven or Knit Test Meth. for Wrinkle Recovery of (1968) ANSI L14.176 Test Meth. for Resistance of 114.265 Test Meth. for Water Resistance of 4.71, ASTM D583 Test Meth. for Water Resistance of 10, ASTM D1295 Test Meth. for Wrinkle Recovery of Woven 83 Test Meth. for Water Repellency of .61, ASTM D583 Test Meth. for Water Repellency of 72) ANSI L14.87, ASTM/ Test Meth. for Water Repellency of ax. Synthetic Fibers, Wool) (1974) Rec. for Baled Tent. Meth. of Test for Breaking Tenacity of Man Made d. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Single Man Made th. of Test for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Cotton Std. Meth. of Test for Shrinkage of Test Meth. for Shampooing: Washing of Tent. Rec. Pract. for Conducting Wear Test on th. for Evaluating Oxidation of Wool Oils on Woolen Fabric Std. Safety Requirements for the Meth. of Test for Moisture Content and Moisture Regain of xposure with Wettin/ Test Meth. for Weather Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Asbestos Content of Asbestos Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Fire Hazards and Protection Rec. for nsi L14.119 Test Meth. for Electrical Resistivity / Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Care of Consumer Std. Rec. Pract. for Conditioning Textiles and Std. for Glossary of Rec. Terms for Care Labeling lth Safety Practices for Handling and Fabricating Asbestos 71) ANSI L14.180 Test Meth. for Multiple Sample Meth. of 14.126 Test Meth. for Single Sample Meth. of Std. Definitions of tec Crockmeter M/ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored ertical Crockmeter Meth./ Test Meth. for Colorfastness of 72) ANSI L14.149 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored 150 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored .9 Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed or Electrical Resistivity Textile of (Electro-Static) of test Meth. for Appearance of Seams in Wash and Wear Items inkage Propensity of Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics d. Performance Requirements for 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics (Clothi/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Fabrics (Clothi/ Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Fabrics Tent. Tolerances for Tire Fabrics nt of Airborne Asbestos Fiber by the Membrane Filter Meth. gth Uniformity of Cotton Fibers by Fibrograph Measurement meth. of Test for Seam Strength of Curtains and Draperies Meth. of Test for Resiliency and Thickness of Blankets d. Performance Requirements for Huck Towels (Institutional . Performance Requirements for Class Towels (Institutional of Test for Colorfastness of Upholstery Fabrics to Water performance Requirements for Woven Blankets (Institutional erformance Requirements for Woven Bath Mats (Institutional f Test for Colorfastness of Upholstery Fabrics to Solvent rformance Requirements for Woven Bedspreads (Institutional formance Requirements for Woven Dish Towels (Institutional ance Requirements for Woven Shower Curtains (Institutional ce Requirements for Woven Slipcover Fabrics (Institutional ght Transmittance of Woven Glass Fiber Decorative Fabrics ct of Handwashing on Woven Glass Fiber Decorative Fabrics e Woven Fabric's Resistance to Sagging or Stretch in Wear ments for Woven Lining Fabrics for Institutional Uniforms ents for Damask Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional ts for Woven Upholstery Fabrics (Tacked On) (Institutional for Terry Cloth Towels (Single and Double) (Institutional r Woven Printed Table Napery (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional woven Drycleanable Overcoat Eabrics (Institutional Uniform s, and Certification of Fabrics or Products (Institutional orm Fabrics, Lightweight (Tropical) Suiting (Institutional no Iron) Woven Sheet and Pillowcase Fabrics (Institutional sional Change (Shrinkage) of Stabilized Knit Wool Fabrics Washable Uniform Fabrics for Men and Women (Institutional mation. Brittleness and Chlorine Retention) (Institutional Than Damask (White or Dyed) (Napkin, etc.) (Institutional form Fabrics for Men and Women (Heavy Duty) (Institutional pillowcase Fabrics Other Than Durable Press (Institutional m Fabrics, Heavyweight (Industrial) Suiting (Institutional Fabrics, Intermediate (Year Round) Suiting (Institutional (Curtain) Fabrics (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutional rics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Institutional d Canopy Fabrics, Vinyl Coated or Laminated (Institutional Drycleaning Durability of Applied Designs and Finishes on .205 Std. Rec. Pract. for Conditioning for Dimensional Changes in Laundering of Woven and Knitted t Meth. for Quick Evaluation of Wettability of Fabrics and Textile Fabrics (1972) ANSI L14.198 /. Meth. of Test F Textile Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.266 /Ges in Automatic Textile Fabrics: Appearance Meth. (1970) ANSI L14.229 Textile Fabrics: Exposure to Natural Light and Weather Textile Fabrics: Hydrostatic Pressure Test (1971) ANSI Textile Fabrics: Impact Penetration Test (1971) ANSI LI Textile Fabrics: Recovery Angle Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.1 Textile Fabrics: Spray Test (1971) ANSI L14.60, ASTM D5 Textile Fabrics: Static Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14 Textile Fabrics: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test (19 Textile Fiber Storage (Cotton. Jute, Hemp and Sisal, Fl Textile Fibers in Loop or Knot Configurations (1973) Textile Fibers Taken from Yarns and Tows (1972) ANSI LI Textile Fibers (Flat Bundle Meth.) (1972) ANSI L14.96 Textile Fibers (1972) ANSI L14.142 Textile Floor Coverings (Rug, Carpet) (1972) Textile Garments (1973) Textile in Storage (1971) ANSI L14. S2 Test Me Textile Industry (1972) Textile Material (1971) Std. Textile Materials and Coated Fabrics: Carbon Arc Lamp E Textile Materials (1972) ANSI L14.141 Textile Materials (1973) ANSI L14.12 Textile Mills (1974) Textile of (Electro-Static) of Textile Yarns (1973) a Textile Products and Rec. Pract. for Use of These Terms Textile Products for Test. (1974) ANSI L14.205 Textile Products (Launder or Dryclean) (1973) Textile Products (1971) Rec. Hea Textile Tensile Loss by Retained Chlorine Bleaching (19 Textile Tensile Loss by Retained Chlorine (1971) ANSI L Textile Terms for Institutional Textiles (1973) Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) by the Aa Textile Yarn and Fabric to Crocking (Rubbing) (Rotary V Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Chlorinated Pool Water (19 Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Sea Water (1972) ANSI L14. Textile Yarns and Fabrics to Water (1972) ANSI L14.151 Textile Yarns to Sulfur Dioxide Stoving (1972) ANSI L14 Textile Yarns (1973) ANSI L14.119 Test Meth. F (Textile / Clothing) After Home Laundering (1973) ANSI L (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile Textile Textile (Textile Textile Textile (Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile (Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile (Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile Textile After Dry Cleaning and Laundering (1972) ANSI Institutional and Industrial Use Garments or Institutional and Industrial Use Garments or Institutional and Industrial Use Garments Other Than Cord Fabrics (1973) ANSI L14.243 1971) Measureme 1972) ANSI L14.98 /F Test for Length and Len 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) 1973) St Std Meth. Std. Std. P Meth. Std. PE Std. Per Std. Perform Std. Performan Meth. of Test for Li Meth. of Test for Effe Test Meth. to Determin Std. Performance Require Std. Performance Requirem Std. Performance Requiremen Std. Performance Requirements Std. Performance Requirements Fo Std. Performance Requirements for / for Permanent Labels, Detachable Tag / Requirements for Tailored Woven Unif /Ance Requirements for Durable Press ( /D. Meth. of Test for Relaxation Dimen /D. Performance Requirements for Woven /Dyes, Finishes, and Finishings (Subli /E Requirements for Table Napery Other /E Requirements for Woven Washable Uni /Nee Requirements for Woven Sheet and /or Woven Drycleanable Tailored Unifor /R Woven Drycleanable Tailored Uniform /Rmance Requirements for Woven Drapery /Ven Glass Fiber Drapery (Curtain) Fab /Woven Man Made Fiber Tent, Awning, an Textiles and Other Materials (1973) Test Meth. for Textiles and Textile Products for Test. (1974) ANSI L14 Textiles Except Wool (1972) ANSI L14.138, ASTM D1905 Textiles in Yarn Form (1971) ANSI L14.75 Tes ASTM D1375 AATCC 135 AATCC 128 AATCC 11 IB AATCC 127 AATCC 42 AATCC 66 AATCC 22 AATCC 21 AATCC 70 FMS 8-7 ASTM D3217 ASTM D2101 ASTM D1445 ASTM D2102 AATCC 138 ASTM D3181 AATCC 62 ANSI Ll.l ASTM D2654 AATCC 111A ASTM D1918 ASTM D123 FMS 7-1 AATCC 84 ASTM D3136 ASTM D1776 ANSI L28.1 ATI «4 AATCC 114 AATCC 92 ANSI L24.6.1 AATCC 8 AATCC 116 AATCC 105 AATCC 106 AATCC 107 AATCC 9 AATCC 84 AATCC 88B ASTM D2724 ANSI L24.4.12 ANSI L24.4.13 ANSI L24.4.14 ASTM D122 ATI *5 ASTM D1447 ANSI L24T2 ANSI L24T3 ANSI L24.2.4 ANSI L24.2.3 ANSI L24T6 ANSI L24.2.9 ANSI L24.2.1 ANSI L24T7 ANSI L24.2.8 ANSI L24.2.2 ANSI L24.2.10 ANSI L24.1.6 ANSI L24T4 ANSI L24T1 ANSI L24T5 ANSI L24.3.8 ANSI L24.2.7 ANSI L24.1.7 ANSI L24.2.5 ANSI L24.2.6 ANSI L24.3.4 ANSI L24.5.1 ANSI L24.3.3 ANSI L24.2.13 ASTM D1284 ANSI L24.3.5 ANSI L24.7.2 ANSI L24.2.11 ANSI L24.3.6 ANSI L24.2.12 ANSI L24.3.2 ANSI L24.3.1 ANSI L24.1.5 ANSI L24.1.9 ANSI L24.1.10 AATCC 86 ASTM D1776 AATCC 96 AATCC 39 420 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards and Laundering (1972] A/ umes>0972) ANSI L14.54 ol Test/ 5-4 ure(1965) ANSI L14.118 971) ANSI L14.53 Darkness (1971) ANSI LI/ te Light and Darkness (1/ ous Light (1971) ANSI LI/ es (1972) ANSI L14.238 Ansi/ -4 1969) Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness ol Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed Wool Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Cotton and Linen Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Resistance o: Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o: Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o Test Meth. for Colorfastness o: Test Meth. for Colorfastness o: Test Meth. for Colorfastness ol Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Colored Test Meth. for Detection and Assessment of Colored Test Meth. for Colorfastness ol Test Meth. for Colorfastness of Dyed or Printed for Special Characteristics and Finishes of Inr-titutiona Test Meth. for Quantitative Analysis ol 114.69, ASTM D1230 Test Meth. for Flammability of Clothing Test Meth. for pH of the Water Extracted from Bleached Test Meth. for Ash Content of Bleached Cellulosic he Evaluation of Mildew and Rot (Fungicides) Resistance of Test Meth. for Insect Pest Deterrents on Std. Meth. for Identification of Fibers in Test Meth. for Accelerated Aging of Sulfur Dyed Test Meth. for Noncotton Content of Bleached Cotton Dimensional Changes (Shrinkage) of Woven and Knitted Wool Test Meth. for Identification of Fibers in Std. Meth. for Quantitative Analysis of Std. Definitions of Textile Terms for Institutional Test Meth. for Identification of Finishes in ve Bedspreads, Pillows, and Bolster Fabrics (Institutional cs (Sash Casement) (Excluding Glass Fibers) (Institutional Fabrics, Painted, Printed, or Vinyl Coated (Institutional rics Handwashable at 105 Deg. F-No Bleach (Institutional ness of Near White, Opaque Materials (Color Measurement of 2) ANSI L14.225 Test Meth. for Weather Resistance of Glass (1972) ANSI L14.177 Test Meth. for Resistance of osition. Use, Applicati/ Redwood Plywood Guide (Sjjec. for ess. Form and Lay) (1973) Std. for Gear Tooth Surface 4) Std. Rec. Pract. for Powder Flov Measurement of Std. Spec for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for and Extrusion Materials (1973) i K65.208 orm Plumbing Code: Minimum Facilities Required for School, .) (1973) Uniform Fire Code: Places of Assembly Alarm Systems and Units for Protection Against Holdup and Std. Meth. for Distillation of Crude Petroleum (15 ustrial Engineering Terminology: Organization Planning and ment (Breathing Devices, Room Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Gas Nebulizers, Gas Therapy and Suctio/ Std. for Respiratory Safety Std. for Oxygen varnishes Applied Over Film Insul/ Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to eth. for Calibration of Temperature Scale for Differential Std. Rec. Pract. for Reporting Data from Differential Std. Rec. Pract. for Solar Simulation for Std. Meth. for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate Using A Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Estimating the Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Combined, Simulated Space Environment Test, of Spacecraft mponents (1972) ANSI C33.88 Std. for Safety for by the Helical Coil Meth. (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Pulse Meth. (1972) ANSI K90.12 Std. Meth. of Test for omparison with a Secondary Standard of Sim/ Std. Meth. of ss and Feed and Water Requirements of Farm Liv/ Effect of exel Guide for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the rmers (1972) Std. Test Procedure for al Insulating Materials (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Uniform Fire Code: Fumigation and (Confinement Test) (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for .33 Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic Setting Std. Spec, for Perlite Std. Spec, for Spray Applied Fibrous n Buildings (1970) / Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Blanket s/ si A111.28 paratus (1970) Ale/ 11.32 (1972) Textiles to Accelerated Domestic and Commercial Washing Textiles to Atmospheric Oxides of Nitrogen (Burnt Gas F Textiles to Bleaching with Peroxide (1972) ANSI L14.146 Textiles to Carbonizing (1972) ANSI L14.3 Textiles to Combined Washing and Shrinkage: Rapid Contr Textiles to Dry Heat (Excluding Pressing) (1973) ISO 10 Textiles to Drycleaning (1973) ANSI L14.241 Textiles to Hot Pressing (1973) Textiles to Insects (1971) ANSI L14.64 Textiles to Light and Washing: Alternate Sunlight Expos Textiles to Light (Daylight) (1971) ANSI L14.168 Textiles to Light (General Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14.168 Textiles to Light. Carbon Arc Lamp, Continuous Light (1 Textiles to Light, Sunlight (1971) ANSI L14.168 Textiles to Light: Carbon Arc Lamp, Alternate Light and Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Alterna Textiles to Light: Water Cooled Xenon Arc Lamp, Continu Textiles to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under High Humiditi Textiles to Perspiration (1972) ANSI L14.56 Textiles to Photochromism Colorfastness to Light (1972) Textiles to Steam Pleating (1971) ANSI L14.240, ISO 105 Textiles to Washing at 105 Deg. F: Rapid Control Test ( Textiles (Durability, Spot, Stain, and Insect Resistanc Textiles (Moisture and Composition) (1971) ANSI L14.132 Textiles (1962) ANSI Textiles (1969) ANSI L14.116 Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.114 Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.55 Test Meth. for T Textiles (1971) ANSI L14.65 Textiles (1972) Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.1 Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.128 Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.130, ASTM D1284 / and Felting Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.131 Textiles (1972) ANSI L14.132, AATCC 20A Textiles (1973) Textiles (1973) ANSI L14.127 Textiles) (1973) /Ance Requirements for Woven Decorati Textiles) (1973) /Ments for Woven Window Curtain Fabri Textiles) (1973) /Otton Woven Tent, Awning, and Canopy Textiles) (1973) /Ts for Woven Glass Fiber Curtain Fab Textiles. Paints. Plastics, etc.) (1973) ANSI Z172.6 Textiles: Carbon Arc Lamp Exposure Without Wetting (197 Textiles: Exposure to Natural Light and Weather Through Texture and Grade. Panel Characteristics, Material Comp Texture for Aerospace Gearing (Surface Roughness, Wavin TFE -Fluorocarbon Molding and Extrusion Materials (197 TFE -Fluorocarbon Resin Molded Basic Shapes (1974) TFE -Fluorocarbon Resin Sheet (1974) TFE -Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Resin Molding TFE -Fluorocarbon (Tetrafluoroethylene) Rod (1974) Ans Theater, Auditorium, Dormatory, Public or Office Buildi (Theaters, Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, Bleachers, Etc Theft (1973) ANSI Se2.8 /N, and Maintenance of Vehicle Theoretical Plate Column) (1973) ANSI Z11.314 Theory (1972) Std. for Ind Therapy and Suction Equipment. Room Air Purifiers, Fill Therapy Equipment (Breathing Devices, Room Humidifiers, Therapy Equipment, Refrigerated (1973) Thermal Aging Characteristics of Electrical Insulating Thermal Analysis (1973) Thermal Analysis (1973) Std. M Thermal Analysis, Thermogravimetry, Evolved Gas Analysi Thermal Balance Test, of Spacecraft (1973) Thermal Capacitance (Slug) Calorimeter (1972) Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Refractories (1973) Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Fire Brick (1972) an Thermal Conductivity of Leather with the Cenco Fitch Ap Thermal Conductivity of Liquids (1971) ANSI Z11.304 Thermal Conductivity of Refractory Brick (1971) ANSI Al Thermal Conductivity of Unfired Monolithic Refractories Thermal Control Materials (Coatings) with Electromagnet Thermal Cutoffs for Use in Electrical Appliances and Co Thermal Degradation of Electrical Insulating Varnishes Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Thermal EMF Test of Single Thermoelement Materials by C Thermal Environment on Production, Heat and Moisture Lo Thermal Evaluation and Establishment of Temperature Ind Thermal Evaluation of Oil Immersed Distribution Transfo Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electric Thermal Insecticidal Fogging (1973) Thermal Instability of Confined Condensed Phase Systems Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement (1964) ANSI Z98 Thermal Insulation Board (1972) Thermal Insulation for Elevated Temperature (1972) Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and Light Constructio AATCC 61 AATCC 23 AATCC 101 AATCC 11 AATCC 72 AATCC 117 AATCC 132 AATCC 133 AATCC 24 AATCC 83 AATCC 16C AATCC 16 AATCC 16A AATCC 16B AATCC 16D AATCC 16F AATCC 16E AATCC 129 AATCC 15 AATCC 139 AATCC 131 AATCC 68 ANSI L24.7.1 AATCC 20A AATCC 33 AATCC 81 AATCC 78 AATCC 30 AATCC 28 ASTM D276 AATCC 26 AATCC 97 AATCC 99 AATCC 20 ASTM D629 ANSI L24.6.1 AATCC 94 ANSI L24.1.2 ANSI L24.1.4 ANSI L24.1.1 ANSI L24.1.3 ASTM E313 AATCC 111C AATCC hid CRA 3A9 AGMA 118.01 ASTM D3292 ASTM D3294 ASTM D3293 ASTM D1457 ASTM D1710 ICBO UPC*1-C ICBO UFC*2ART26 UL 904 ASTM D2892 ANSI Z94.9 NSF 48 NSF 48 UL 416 ASTM D3251 ASTM E473 ASTM E474 ASTM E472 ASTM E491 ASTM E457 ASTM C767 ASTM C182 ASTM D2214 ASTM D2717 ASTM C202 ASTM C417 ASTM E512 UL 1020 ASTM D3145 ASTM C714 ASTM E207 ASAE D249.2 IEEE 98 IEEE 345 ASTM D3151 ICBO UFC*2ART17 ASTM E476 ASTM C449 ASTM C728 ASTM C720 ASTM C665 Engineering and Product Standards Division 421 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Meth. of Test for for Determining the Maximum Use Temperature of Preformed Std. Spec, for Cellular Glass Block and Pipe Std. Spec, for Cellulosic Fiber (Wood Base) Loose Fill Std. Rec. Pract. for Application of Spray Applied Fibrous Std. Spec, for Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Std. Rec. Pract. for Selection of Vapor Barriers for Guide for Statistical Analysis of phite (1971) ANSI K90.10 Std. Meth. for Estimating the 0) ANSI Nl 10 Std. Meth. for Measuring c.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for biies (1972) Std. edar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Timber/ Std. for Full Length d. for Preservative Treatment of Incised Pole Butts by the Pine Wood Poles Preservative Treatment by the Full Length ts (Flour, Starch) (1972) f Test for Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by A Type Buil/ 971) Z11.148 re Technique / si K65/ n Systems (1972) aterials (1973) Std. Rec Std. Rec. Pract. for the Determination of th« Std. Meth. of Std. Meth. of Rec. Safe Pract. for Std. Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Spectrochemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Reinforced Polyterphthalate Rec. Pract. for Automotive Brake Disc and Drum Applications (1967) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Sheathed, Type K 44 Std. Meth. for Calibration of Refractory Metal Std. Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for standard of Sim/ Std. Meth. of Thermal EMF Test of Single ct. for Reporting Data from Differential Thermal Analysis, Std. Spec, for ASTM Meth. for Verification and Calibration of Liquid-In-Glass s (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of aerobic) in Cereal Products and Foo/ Meth. of Analysis of Std. Rec. Pract. for Determining Permeability of 973) Std. Spec, for sion and Distribution of Electrical Energy (197/ Std. for Safety Std. for Safety Std. for Extruded Spec, for Rec. Pract. for Injection Molding of Specimens of Rec. Pract. for Heat Joining of Rec. for Std. Spec, for Pract. for Underground Installation of Std. Rec. Pract. for Underground Installation of Flexible cables (1972) Safety Std. for All Rec. for 974) Stds., Guide Specs., and Materials Application for Std. Meth. of Measuring Flow Rates of ent (Septic, Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambe/ Std. for 65.181 Std. Meth. of Test for Linear Shrinkage of Std. Spec, for Laminated Std. Meth. of Measuring the Spiral Flow of Low Pressure the Transmission and Distributi/ Std. for Crossed Linked Rec. Pract. for Care and Use of Reinforced Spec, for Reinforced t for Gel Time and Peak Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Std. Spec, for heating. Cooking, Refrigeration, and Humidity (Humidistat, Mounted Thermostats For/ Line Voltage Integrally Mounted ostats for Electric Heater Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Std. for Gas Appliance or Residential Controls for Low Voltage, Wall Mounted Room Std. for Safety for Fire Detection Std. Guidelines for -Ester with 4-(Mereaptomethyl)-2-Methyoxy-0 r l,3,4- roducts. Corn Grits, Cor/ Thiochrome Meth. of Analysis of Rec. Pract. for Determining Solderability of t Intermediate Pivot (1973) Spec, for 1 3/4 In. ent of Oxide Thickness on Silicon Wafers and Metallization Std. Meth. of Test for Coating Std. Meth. of Test for Coating nferrous Substrate (Coil, Instrumentation/ Spec, for Film Meth. of Test for Resiliency and s (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and / Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Meth. for Measuring oating) (1974) Test Meth. for Measurement of Film ts —Film Thickne/ Best Meth. for Measurment of Dry Film Std. Meth. for Nondestructive Measurement of Film of Stacking Fault Dimension (197/ of the Same Type by Infrared Refl/ the Angle Lapping and Staining T/ Thermal Insulation of Quality Packages (1972) ASTM D3103 Thermal Insulation (1971) ANSI Z98.28 Std. Meth ASTM C447 Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C552 Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C739 Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C762 Thermal Insulation (1973) ASTM C764 Thermal Insulations (1973) ASTM C755 Thermal Life Test Data (1972) IEEE 101 Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Gra ASTM C626 Thermal Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (197 ASTM E262 Thermal Oxidation Stability of Turbine Fuels (JFTOT Pro ASTM D3241 Thermal Performance Test for Steel Door and Frame Assem STDI 113 Thermal Process Preservative Treatment of, Western Red C AWPA C8 Thermal Process (Western Red Cedar, Northern White Ceda AWPA C7 Thermal Process (1973) Std. for Lodgepole AWPA CIO Thermal Properties of Agricultural Grain and Its Produc ASAE D243.1 Thermal Pulse Meth. (1972) ANSI K90. 12 Std. Meth. O ASTM C714 Thermal Resistance of Low Density Mineral Fiber Blanket ASTM C653 Thermal Shock Test on Glass Containers (Bottle, Jar) (1 ASTM C149 Thermal Shock Test on Glass Pipe (1970) ASTM C600 Thermal Spraying and Blasting Equipment (1973) AWS C2.1 Thermal Spraying Terms and Definitions (1970) AWS C2.9 Thermal Stability of Aviation Turbine Fuels (1972) ANSI ASTM D1660 Thermionic Nickel Alloys by the Powder Direct Current a ASTM E129 Thermo-Plastic Molding and Extrusion Materials (1973) ASTM D3220 Thermocouple Installation (1972) SAE J79 Thermocouples for Nuclear or for Other High Reliability ASTM E235 Thermocouples Using an Optical Pyrometer (1972) ANSI Nl ASTM E452 Thermocouples (1972) ANSI C96.2 ASTM E230 Thermoelement Materials by Comparison with a Secondary ASTM E207 Thermogravimetry, Evolved Gas Analysis and Detection (1 ASTM E472 Thermometers (1971) ANSI Z71.1 ASTM El Thermometers (1972) ANSI Z104.1 Std. ASTM E77 Thermophilic and Psychrophilic Bacteria in Food Product AACCH 42-45 Thermophilic Spore Counts (Flat Sour, Total Aerobic, an AACCH 42-40 Thermoplastic Containers (1973) ASTM D2684 Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings (1 ASTM D2513 Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmis NEMA WC5 Thermoplastic Insulated Wires (1971) ANSI C33.80 UL 83 Thermoplastic Insulating Tubing (1972) UL 224 Thermoplastic Line Pipe (PVC and CPVC) (1972) API 5LP Thermoplastic Molding and Extrusion Materials (1972) an ASTM D1897 Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings (1967) ANSI B72.17 ASTM D2657 Thermoplastic Piping for Swimming Pool Water Circulatio SPI PPI TR17 Thermoplastic Polyterephthalate Molding and Extrusion M ASTM D3221 Thermoplastic Pressure Piping (1972) ASTM D2774 Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe (1972) ANSI K65.171 ASTM D2321 Thermoplastic Type MTW 600 Volt Machine Tool Wires and UL 1063 Thermoplastic Water Piping Systems (1972) SPI PPI TR16 Thermoplastic (Polyvinyl Chloride) Duct Construction (1 SMACN *11 Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer (1973) ASTM D1238 Thermoset Plastic Tanks for Water and Wastewater Treatm NSF 41 Thermosetting Casting Systems During Cure (1969) ANSI K ASTM D2566 Thermosetting Materials (1972) ASTM D709 Thermosetting Molding Compounds (1972) ASTM D3123 Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cable for NEMA WC7 Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe (Rtrp) (1972) API RP5L4 Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe (1972) API 5LR Thermosetting Resins (Plastic Composition) (1971) ANSI ASTM D2471 Thermostat Metal Sheet and Strip (1973) ANSI Z155. 19 ASTM B388 Thermostat) (1972) ANSI B131.1 / of Air Conditioning, UL 873 Thermostats for Electric Heater Line Voltage Integrally NEMA DC 13 Thermostats for Electric Heaters (1973) /Mounted Therm NEMA DC 13 Thermostats (1971) ANSI Z21.23 Thermostats (1972) Std. F NEMA DC 3 Thermostats (1974) ANSI Z220.1 UL 521 Thesaurus Structure, Construction, and Use (1974) ANSI Z39.19 Thiabiazolin -5-One) (1973) /Thyl Phosphorodithioate S ANSI K62.134 Thiamine in Bread, Wheat, Rice, and Other Whole Grain P AACCH 86-80 Thick Film Conductors (1972T) ASTM F357 Thick Hollow Metal Door and Frame Preparation for Offse ANSI A115.12 Thickness by Multiple Beam Interference (Tolansky Meth. ASTM F388 Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Principle (1972) ASTM B567 Thickness by X-Ray Spectrometry (1972) ASTM B568 Thickness Determination of Nonconductive Coatings on No NCCA TB-II-14 Thickness of Blankets (Textile) (1973) ANSI L24T3 Thickness of Buildup Area on Unitized Microfilm Carrier NMA MS9 Thickness of Diffusion Coating (1970) ANSI Z167.24 ASTM C664 Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon by Measurement AATM F143 Thickness of Epitaxial Layers of Silicon on Substrates ASTM F95 Thickness of Epitaxial or Diffused Layers in Silicon by ASTM Fl 10 Thickness of Leather Test Specimens (1970) ALCA E4 ASTM D1813 Thickness of Leather Units (1970) ALCA E3 ASTM D1814 Thickness of Nonmagnetic Finishes on Mild Steel (Coil C NCCA TB-II-15 Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Produc NCCA TB-II-4 Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel (1972) ASTM G12 422 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards surfaces (1973) Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. for Measurement of Std. Meth. of Test for llic Coatings by Double Be/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of ss of Paint. Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products -Film by Multiple Beam 1/ Tent. Meth. for Measurement of Oxide Tent. Meth. of Test. Plywood in Shear Through the d. Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 In. in i (290 MPa) Minimum Yield Point (1/2 In. (12.7 Mm) Maximum ti/ Std. Meth. for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Std. Test. Procedure for Measuring Wall Std. for Wire Cable Wrought Steel Heavy of Test for Effect of Heat and Air on Asphaltic Materials 1973) Tent. Meth. of Test for Sheet Resistance of Std. Meth. of Test for Tensile Properties of Std. Meth. of Test for Flammability of Flexible (1972) Std. Meth. for Design and Use of A s of Material (1970) ANSI Z/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Bonding Std. Meth. for Std. for Nut. Plain, Hexagon, Drilled Jam, std. Meth. of Test for Ester Value of Lacquer Solvents and Steel Articles by T/ Std. Meth. of Test for Locating the Std. Spec, for Natural Muscovite Block Mica and the Pest Control Chemical cis-N-((l,l,2,2tetrachloroethyl) t. Rice, and Other Whole Grain Products. Corn Grits, Cor/ Std. Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Meth. for Preparation of Potassium version (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of g Residual C/ Std. for Methylene Blue Meth. for Measuring (1971) Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Sodium Meth. for Preparation and Standardization of Sodium Spec, for Photographic Grade Ammonium (Na : S 2 0].5H 2 y Spec, for Photographic Grade Sodium Std. Meth. of Test for 100 Deg. Close Tolerance Head and Shank, 160.000 psi Short ssure and Bending 11972) Bui. on Round ections in High Pressure Oil Well Service) (1972) rew Threads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of etal. 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use. Unified J (MIL S-8879) Metal, 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unified (MIL S-7742) Std. for Metric Pipe Threads (1974) Spec, for Threading, Gaging, and std. for Screw. Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres. Full Std. for Self Locking, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Std. for Self Locking. Pan Head, Full Std. for Self Locking. Flat Fillister Head, Full r Dimensional Requirements for Duplex and Single Face Flat Std. for crew. 100 Deg. Oval Head. Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Std. for Hexagon Head Modified Short O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight O-Ring (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight Std. for Class 5 Interference Fit Std. for Hex Head Screw. Recessed, Full Std. for Coupling-Tubes, Flared Fitting, Female for Bolt-Close Tolerance, Hexagon Head, Titanium, Short self Locking. Alloy and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A ocking. Alloy Steel and Corrosion Resisting Steel. UNJF-3A Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short ew. Hex Head. Tri Wing Recess. 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy. Full d Head. Tri Wing Recess. Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short d. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess. Alloy Steel. Full head. Tri ^ ing Recess, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel, Short A286 Cres, Long 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance. A286 Cres, Short td. for Bolt. Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel. Long std. for Screw, Pan Head, Tri Wing Recess. A286 Cres. Full d. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel. Short for Screw, 100 Deg. Head. Tri Wing Recess. A286 Cres, Full wing Recess, Close Tolerance. 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy. Short Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel, Long , Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V. Titanium Alloy, Short 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing Recess. 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full . Head, Tri Wing Recess. Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short It, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Long r Screw, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full head, Tri Wing Recess. Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Std. for Screw, Machine, Pan Head, Full Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat Fillister Head. Full Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Full Std. for Machine Screw, Flat 100 Deg. Head, Short Std. for Machine Screw, Pan Head, Short nlocki/ Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full eking An/ Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thickness of Resilient Flooring, Materials Having Flat Thickness of Sandwich Cores (1970) Thickness of Solid Electrical Insulation (1973) Thickness of Transparent or Opaque Metal Oxide and Meta Thickness of 0.3 MIL or Greater (Coil Coating) (1974) Thickness on Silicon Wafers and Metallization Thickness Thickness (1969) Thickness (1972) ANSI Z166.28 St Thickness) (1972) ANSI G24.27 /Al Steel with 42,000 Ps Thicknesses by Microscopical Examination of a Cross Sec Thicknesses of Composite Cans, Tubes and Cores (1974) Thimble (For Ground Support Equipment) (1974) (Thin Film Oven Test) (1973) Std. Meth. Thin Metallic Films with a Collinear Four Probe Array ( Thin Plastic Sheeting (1973) ANSI K65.76 Thin Plastic Sheeting (1974) ANSI K65.28 Thin Skin Calorimeter for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate Thin Spectrochemical Samples and Stds. to a Greater Mas Thin Walled Tube Sampling of Soils (1974) Thin (1972) Thinners (1972) Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Thins Based on Visual Quality (1971) ANSI C59.27 Thio)-4-Cyclohexene-l,2-Dicarboximide-Captafol (197 Thiochrome Meth. of Analysis of Thiamine in Bread, Whea Thiocyanate NaSCN (1972) Thiocyanate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Thiosulfate-Maltose (Diastatic Activity in Flour) Con Thiosulfate and Silver Densitometric Meth. for Measurin Thiosulfate Solution Content of Reagents and Indicators Thiosulfate Solution (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Thiosulfate Solution (NH.^S.O, (1973) Thiosulfate. Anhydrous (Na.S.O,) and Crystalline Thorium in Water and Waste Water (1968) ANSI N158 Thread Bolt (1974) Std. for Thread Casing Joint Strength with Combined Internal Pre Thread Compounds (For Casing. Tubing and Line Pipe Conn Thread Engagement (1973) Std. for Buttress Inch Sc Thread Form (1973) /Strength. Prevailing Torque, All M Thread Form) (1973) / Strength. Prevailing Torque, All Thread Fuel Injection Tubing Connections (1971) Thread Inspection of Petroleum Casing. Tubing, and Line Thread Nonlocking (1972) Thread Part Screw (1974) Thread Part Screw (1974) Thread Part Screw (1974) Thread Rolling Dies (1973) Std. Fo Thread Rolling Screws (1972) Thread Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Std. for S Thread Shear Bolt (1972) Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, Thread Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, Thread (1972) Thread (1973) Thread (1973) Thread (1973) Thread, Cap Screw (1972) Thread. Cap Screw (1972) Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Nonlocking (1973) Thread, Nonlocking (1973) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) Thread, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (1973) Thread, Torq Set Machine Screw (1972) Thread, Torq Set (1973) Thread, Torq Set (1973) Thread, Torq Set (1973) Thread, Torq Set (1973) Thread, Torq Set 0973) Thread, Tri Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Self-Locking and No Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Lo Std. /Lied and Drilled, Plain and /Nd Drilled, Plain and Self L Std. for Scr /. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduce St /for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced St Std. / Deg. Tri /, 100 Deg. /. for Bolt /or Screw, /T, 100 Deg /Td. for Bo Std. Fo / 100 Deg. ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NCCA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CCTI NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NSA ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI AACCH ANSI AACCH AACCH ANSI CR AACCH ANSI ANSI ASTM NSA API API ANSI SAE SAE SAE API NSA NSA NSA NSA IFI SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA ANSI NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA F386 C366 D374 B588 TB-II-4 F388 D2719 E446 A529 B487 CT101 1045 D1754 F390 D882 D1433 E459 E401 D1587 1423 D1617 A239 D351 K62.146 86-80 PH4.177 70-55 22-17 PH4.8 R-25 70-75 PH4.252 PH4.250 D2333 1202 BUL 5C4 BUL 5A2 B1.9 AMS7251B AMS7250C J242 SB 6000-3 1189 1190 1191 109 J81 6500-6 1103-20 1595 1596 B1.12 1096 424 653 1352 1351 4903-16 6100-3 4803-16 5900-03 4703-16 4204-16 4304-16 6303-20 6604-20 6900-06 6203-20 5700-6 4600-16 4104-16 6403-20 5800-6 4500-16 6804-20 5600-06 4400-16 1131-38 1100 1101 1102 1620-28 1630-34 5400-06 5200-06 Engineering and Product Standards Division 423 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards tic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 (1973) Ans/ c) Solu/ ocking/ Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full nonlocki/ Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short onlocking (197/ Std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance. Short Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips Recess, Short Std. Spec, for Studs, Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Roll Std. Spec, for Sizes for Std. Meth. of Measuring Application and Removal Torque of Std. Cast Iron std. of Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Externally Std. for Wrenching Configuration, Spline Drive Std. Cast Bronze Std. Cast Iron Std. for Malleable Iron rameters for Bolts and Screws; External Wrenching, Unified Std. for Std. for ich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind ich Panel Lightweight Selflocking and Nonselflocking Blind gs, Schedule 80 (1973) ANSI K65.166 Std. Spec, for Std. for Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded d. for Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Clevis and . for Tube Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded and ube Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis and Std. for Drills, High Speed Steel Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Std. for Coarse Std. for Fine steel Studs, Heat Resistant, Normalized and Tempered, Roll Spec, for Fasteners. A286 Cres, Externally Spec, for Fasteners, Alloy Steel, Externally Spec, for Fasteners, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Externally Std. for Forged Steel Fittings (Pipe), Socket Welding and Std. for Trunnion-Tank Strap. Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Studs, Heat Treated, Roll . for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, Heat Treated, Roll itanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V. Heat Treated, Roll eel. Low Alloy Heat Resistant, Hardened and Tempered, Roll bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, Heat Treated, Roll (1,345 MPa) Tensile Strength, Hardened and Tempered, Roll Std. for Aircraft, Pan Head, Phillips Recess Full Std. for Screw, Machine, 100 Deg.. Flat Head Full Std. for Rod End, Std. for Fastener (Blind Internally Std. for Fastener (Blind. Internally Fastener (Blind. Internally Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Std. for Fastener (Blind. Internally Std. for Fastener (Blind, Internally Spec, for Fastener (Blind. Internally Std. for Insert. Molded In, Blind Std. for Insert, Molded In, Thru Std. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head. Full Std. for Full asing. Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads (1974) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Trial Std. for Screw Std. Ferrous Pipe Plugs. Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Std. Meth. of Test. Sewing Std. for Gaging Practice for Metric Screw Std. for ACME Screw Std. for Stub ACME Screw thread Engagement (1973) Std. for Buttress Inch Screw read Inspection of Petroleum Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long ent. Rec. Pract. for Measuring Slope Efficiency and Lasing 72) ANSI Zl 1.318 Std. Meth. of Test for Reaction Recommendation for Installation of 1 for Boats Equipped with Outdrives, Jet Drives and/or Bow ers for DC Motor Armatu/ Std. Pract. and Requirements for ry Drives (1972) Std. for antom (Medical Radiation-Radiology) (1973) Std. for Std. for Lumber. Timbers, Bridge and Mine nsions for 3/4, 1 and 1 1/8 In. Bore Cataloged Square Head Brick and Tile Metal Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Std. Spec, for 16 Gal. Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Std. Spec, for 30 Gal. -Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260, Dot-/ Std. Spec, for 5 Gal. Voltage Values for Preferred Transient Insulation Levels Clay ding Code Std. for Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical m Building Code Std. for Structural Clay Load Bearing Wall Self Locking) (1972/ head. Self Locking)/ . Self Locking) (1972) Head. (1972) self Locking) (1972/ d, Self Locking) (1/ loating. Sandwich Pane/ (1972) d Nonl/ Std. for Design Pa Std. for Sandw Std. for Sandw Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-L Thread, TWI Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self Locking and Thread, TWI Wing Recess, A286 Acres, Self Locking and N Thread, 160,000 psi Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Threaded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plas Threaded After Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. Threaded Caster Stems (1965) Threaded Closures (1973) Threaded Drainage Fittings (1971) Threaded Fasteners Used in Automotive and Related Indus Threaded Fasteners (1971) Threaded Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1971) Threaded Fittings (125 and 250 Lb.) (1972). Threaded Fittings (150 and 300 Lb.) (1971) Threaded In. Series (1971) Threaded Metal Insert-Heavy Duty (1973) Threaded Metal Insert, Light Weight (1973) Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Threaded Molded in Insert (1974) Threaded Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittin Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Threaded Rod Ends (1973) St Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Std Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Std. for T Threaded Shank, Sizes 1/16 In. Thru Letter F (1973) Threaded Std. Fasteners (1968) ANSI G38.5 Threaded Stud (1973) Threaded Stud (1973) Threaded (135,000 psi (931 MPa) Tensile Strength) (1973 Threaded (1971) Threaded (1972) Threaded (1972) Threaded (1973) Threaded (1973) Threaded (1973) Threaded (1973) Spec Threaded (1973) Spec, for T Threaded (1973) Bolts and Screws, St Threaded (1973) Spec, for Titanium Alloy Threaded (1973) /D Screws, Heat Resistant, 195,000 psi Threaded, Alloy Steel Machine Screw (1974) Threaded, Alloy Steel (1973) Threaded, Alloy Steel. Flash Welding Type (1973) Threaded, External Sleeve, General Purpose, Flush Head, Threaded. External Sleeve, General Purpose, Protruding Threaded, External Sleeve. High Temperature, Flush Head Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, Protruding Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weight, Millable Head Threaded, External Sleeve, Light Weight, Protruding Hea Threaded, External Sleeve, Self Locking) (1972) Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, Light Weight F Threaded, Self Locking, Nonself Locking, Sandwich Panel Threaded, Tri Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self-Locking an Threaded, 160 KSI Steel. Drilled Head Bolt (1972) Threading, Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Petroleum C Threadless Copper Pipe (1974) ANSI H26.2 Threads for Metric Series Mechanical Fasteners (1974) Threads (1971) Threads (1971) ANSI L14.14 Threads (1972) Threads (1973) Threads (1973) Threads (7/45 Deg. Form with 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of Threads (1974) Spec, for Threading, Gaging, and Th Threads, Self Locking and Nonlocking (1972) Threshold of Ruby Laser Rods (1973) Threshold Temperature of Liquid and Solid Materials (19 Thresholds, Saddles for Ceramic Tile Flooring (1973) Thrusters (1973) /Ansmission Units Penetrating the Hul Thyristor Converters for Motor Drives: Part 1-Convert Thyristor Power Supplies for Metal Rolling Mill Auxilia Thyristors (1972) NEMA SK516 Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck pH Tie Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes (1973) Tie Rod Type Industrial Fluid Power Cylinders (1972) an Tied Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Tight Head Universal Drum (D.it-SB) (1974) Tight Head Universal Drum (Dot-I7E) (1974) Tight Head Universal Drum (Dot-17C) (1974) Tight Head Universal Drums (Dot-17E) (1974) Tight Head Universal Drums (Dot-17E) (1974) Tight Head Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Ufc (TIL) (1971) Std. for Tile and Concrete Slabs (Tech. Notes) (1962) Tile and for Lay in Panel Ceilings (1973) /Niform Buil Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Structural CI NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM SAE CFTMA ASTM ANSI SAE SAE ANSI ANSI ANSI SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM NSA NSA SAE NSA NSA NSA ANSI NSA SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA API ASTM IFI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI API NSA ASTM ASTM TCA ABYC IEEE NEMA EIA ANSI AWPA NFLDP BIA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI BIA ICBO ICBO 5500-06 5000-6 5100-6 623 D2465 AMS7482 STEM D3198 B16.12 J429F AS1159A B16.15 B16.4 B16.3 AS1132A 1395 1394 1832 1836 D2464 358 359 361 362 965 A307 183 184 AMS7458C 4003 4002 4004 B16.ll 25 AMS7456G AMS7452K AMS7460C AMS7455D AMS7461B AMS7459B 600 514 5 1670 1669 1672 1671 1674 1673 1675 1835 1833 5300-06 563-572 5B B302 500 B16.14 D204 B1.16 B1.5 B1.8 B1.9 5B 6704-20 F379 D2883 306 P16 444 PV2 RS397 N44.3 C2 T3.6.11 25 MH2.3 MH2.7 MH2.4 MH2.1 MH2.6 MH2.9 C92.1 14A UBCS47-16 UBCS24-8 424 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Rec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Brick and Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Rec. Installation Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt dation for Installation of Thresholds. Saddles for Ceramic 1 Build/ No Wax Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt Bull/ Std. for Maintenance of Vinyl Asbestos and Asphalt emulsion Floor Polish for Use on Asphalt or Vinyl Asbestos Spec, for Cleaners for Use on Asphalt and Vinyl Asbestos Recommendation for Installation of Interior Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Exterior Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Conductive Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Waterproof Ceramic ommendation for Installation Performance Levels of Ceramic ommendation for Installation of Chemical Resistant Ceramic Rec. Pract. for Chemical Resistant Resin Guide for Ceramic nt Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) tructures (Tech. Notes) (1969) ies (Tech. Notes) (1969) es (Tech. Notes) (1969) Brick and Brick and Brick and Brick and Reinforced Brick and Guide Specs, for Brick and Brick and Uniform Building Code Std. for Gypsum Partition Std. Meth. of Test for Warpage of Refractory Brick and Std. Spec, for Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic r Finishing Machines (Polisher. Scrubber. Sander, Scraper, Guide Spec, for Clay Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Std. Test Meth. for Resistance of Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Construction Details, 6 In. Brick and Heat Transmission Coefficients of Brick and Moisture Control in Brick and erly Constructed Masonry) Insulated Cavity 6 In. Brick and Recommendation for Installation of Interior Ceramic Recommendation for Installation of Exterior Ceramic Moisture Control in Brick and Recommendation for Renovation of Interior Ceramic ition and Recommendation for Materials for Setting Ceramic Structural Clay Facing Structural Clay Wall Std. Meth. of Test for Breaking Strength of Ceramic Std. Spec, for Structural Clay Nonload Bearing Std. Spec, for Concrete Drain Spec, for Asphalt Floor Spec, for Self Adhering Vinyl Asbestos Floor Spec, for Vinyl Asbestos Floor Test Meth. for Rug Back Floor Staining on Vinyl Std. Meth. for Measuring Warpage of Ceramic Std. Meth. of Test. Concrete Pipe or std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Brick and Structural Clay Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Clay Floor Uniform Building Code Std. for Roofing tion and Recommendation for Materials for Grouting Ceramic uilding Code Std. for Structural Clay Nonload Bearing Wall on. Control, Contraction, and Isolation Joints for Ceramic Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Structural Clay Uniform Building Code: Veneer (Brick, Concrete, Stone, Rec. for Terminology and Definitions for Soil od and Lag Screws; Light / Uniform Building Code Std. for Laminators Quality Control System and Meth. for Establishing Rec. Design Stresses for Round Improved Std. Designs for Pressure Treated . Nails and Spikes. Washers, Pin/ Western Woods Use Book: ent. Test Meth. for Establishing Design Stresses for Round Std. Spec, for Round Std. for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of Uniform Building Code Std. for Round Std. for Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes of ive Treatment of Western Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar Std. Spec, for Pressure Treatment of Std. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes for All Std. for Inspection of Preservative Treated Rec. Architectural Spec, for Structural Glued Laminated Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Glued Laminated epole Pine, Western Larch. California Redwood and Hardwood Std.. for Structural Glued Laminated Book: Abbreviations, Symbols, and Terminology (Lumber and values. Framing Rec, Properties, Weight, Stress of Board, rules. Design Values. Section Properties and Design Loads, o/ Tile as a Wall Covering (1973) Tile Bathtub Walls (1973) Tile Cavity Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Tile Countertops (1973) Tile Flooring (1973) Tile Flooring (1973) Recommen Tile Floors for Commercial, Institutional and Industria Tile Floors in Institutional, Industrial and Commercial Tile Floors (1969) Spec, for Water Tile Floors (1970) Tile Floors (1973) Tile Floors (1973) Tile Floors (1973) Tile Floors (1973) Tile Floors (1973) Rec Tile Floors (1973) Rec Tile Grouts (1972TX1972T) Tile in Building Codes (1972) Tile in Sanitation Structures, Industrial Waste Treatme Tile in Sanitation Structures, Miscellaneous Sanitary S Tile in Sanitation Structures. Sewage Treatment Facilit Tile in Sanitation Structures, Water Treatment Faciliti Tile Lintels (Tech. Notes) (1964) Tile Masonry (Tech. Note) (Part III Execution) (1972) Tile Metal Tied Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Tile or Block (1973) Tile or Deviation from a Plane Surface (1972) Tile Panels for Bath Tub Recess (1972) Tile Refrigerator Rooms (1973) Tile Remover, Rug Shampooer. Rug and Floor Washers, Etc Tile Roofing (1972) Tile Shower Receptors (1973) Tile Steam Rooms (1973) Tile Swimming Pools (1973) Tile to Chemical Substances (1971) ANSI A174.1 Tile Tubs (1973) Tile Walls for 1 Story Buildings (Tech. Notes) (1966) Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1961) Structural Clay (Prop Defin Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1965) Tile Walls (Tech. Notes) (1966) Tile Walls (1973) Tile Walls (1973) Tile Walls, Condensation (Tech. Notes) (1965) Tile Walls, Floors, and Stairs (1973) Tile with Mortar. Adhesive, and Mastic (1973) Tile (Tech. Notes) (1965) Tile (Tech. Notes) (1966) Tile (1971) ANSI A173.1 Tile (1971) ANSI A76.1 Tile (1972) Tile (1972) Tile (1972) Tile (1972) Tile (1973) Tile (1973) Tile (1973) Tile (1973) Tile (1973) Tile (1973) Tile (1973) Defini Tile (1973) Uniform B Tile (1973) /Ecommendation for Installation of Expansi Tile (1973) /Td. for Structural Clay Load Bearing Wall Tile, Metal, Plastic, etc.) for Ornamentation, Protecti Tillage and Soil Tool Relationships (1972) Timber Connector and Bolted Joints, Drift Bolts, and Wo (Timber Construction Manual) (1962) Timber Construction Poles (1974) Std. Spec. Timber Crib WaUs (1969) Timber Fasteners (Connectors, Bolts, Lag Screws, Plates Timber Piles (1970) Timber Piles (1973) Timber Piles (1973) Timber Piles (1973) Timber Poles (1973) Timber Poles (1973) Timber Products (1969) Timber Products (1973) Timber Products (1973) Timber (1972) Timber (1973) Timber (1973) / Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodg Timber (1973) ANSI A190.1 Timber) (1973) Western Woods Use Timber. Lumber, Siding, Framing, Decking, Flooring, Cei Timber, Plank and Laminated Flooring and Roofing (1973) / Length Thermal Process Preservat RTI TCA BIA TCA RTI TCA RTI RTI RTI RTI TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA ASTM TCA BIA BIA BIA BIA BIA CSI BIA ICBO ASTM TCA TCA UL CSI TCA TCA TCA ASTM TCA BIA BIA BIA BIA TCA TCA BIA TCA TCA BIA BIA ASTM ASTM ASTM RTI RTI RTI AATCC ASTM ASTM ASTM ICBO ICBO TCA ICBO TCA ICBO ICBO ASAE ICBO AITC ASTM AWPI WWPA ASTM ASTM AWPA ICBO AWPA AWPA ASTM AWPA AWPA AITC ICBO ICBO USC WWPA WWPA WWPA Engineering and Product Standards Division •17 150 21A 307308 •8 306 •16 •10 •6 *5 101106 107- 109 112 114 •3-2 110-111 1 C723 •4 34B 34C 34A 34 17H 1 IB 25 UBCS241I C154 8701 310 561 07350 309 311 302 C650 304 26A 4 7B •26 201-208.1 209-210 7C 400-600 •3 22 22A C648 C56 C412 •1 •18 •2 137 C485 C497 C67 UBCS24-10 UBCS32-12 •3-1 UBCS24-9 300 UBCS24-8 UBC»3-30 R291.1 UBCS25-17 201 D3200 •4 •31-1 D2899 D25 C3 UBCS25-14 C4 C8 D1760 CI M2 6.5/AI UBCS2510 UBCS25-11 PS56 *31-6 •24 •31 425 565-533 O-LT - 75 - 29 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards istance (1970) ANSI A37.134 by Pressure Proc/ Uniform Building Code Std. for Lumber, bers and Their Fastenings (Lumber, Plywood and Components, eosote for the Preservative Treatment of Piles, Poles, and Std. for Pressure Treated Piles and Std. Meth. of Static Tests of pressure Processes (1973) Std. for Lumber, Uniform Building Code Std. for Structural Glued Laminated nd Marble Masonry; Mortar; Sand; Slag; Steel; Terra Cotta; setting Resins (Plastic Compo/ Std. Meth. of Test for Cel Rifle Range Construction (Part .8 Std. for Service Std. Meth. of Calibration Instruments for Verifying Picture Cameras (1972) Std. Exposure Std. Meth. of Test for Tack Free Std. Meth. Test for Tack Free Meth. for Drainage Std. Meth. of Test for Std. Meth. of Test for Gel Std. Meth. of Test for Gel th. of Analysis of Pelshenke Test (Wheat Meal Fermentation ure (1974) ANSI B72.6 Std. Meth. of Test for ntation Program for Personnel Going Offshore for the First Std. Meth. for Determin : ng Safety ape Recorder / Reproducers (1974) An/ Rec. Test Meth. for ment of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Fluids Std. Meth. Test for Electrodeposited Coatings of Std. Spec, for Lead and td. Spec, for Electrodeposited Coatings of Lead and Lead - Std. Spec, for Copper-Zinc - Uniform Building Code Std. for Safety Std. for Swinging Hardware for Std. Std. for Safety for y Std. for Sliding Hardware for Std., Horizontally Mounted Steel Products Manual: Std. Spec, for General Requirements for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Electrodeposited Coatings of Std. Classification of Pig Std. Spec, for Phosphor Bronze (Copper al Power Cable) (1973) Spec, for oses (1974) ANSI C7.4 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test for or Carbide Blanks and Cutting Tools, Single Point. Carbide Std. for Carbide Blanks for Std. for Tests for Static Load. Frame, Fork, Steering Assembly and Service for Use by Vehicle Manufacturers in Designing for el (1974) Std. Meth. of Test. Tire Cords, from Man Made Organic Base Fibers/ Std. Meth. of Testing ade from Steel (1974) nsi L14.243 of Future Design (1972) SAE J711 s) (1971) Std. Meth. of Test. Std. for New Tent. Tolerances for Std. Spec, for Std. Uniform Fire Code: Automobile Stds. for Std. for Std. for Suffix Letters Used in Safe Operating Condition of Tires Including Std. for and Other Equipment (1966) Std. for Demountable Saddle Braces, Pedal Clearance, Steering Control, Brakes, , Drive, Planter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel,/ Std. for Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Fork Lift True/ Std. for Bicycle (1974) Std. for mining and Logging (Short Haul); Grader, Loader/ Std. for multipurpose Passenger Vehi/ Std. for Bias and Radial Ply e Vehicle (1974) Std. for for New nee Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Retreaded que Application, Using Highway Vehic/ Std. Meth. of Test. Std. for Definition of and Maximum Dimensions for Grown aces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Full Scale er Car Type Tires) (1971) Safe Operating Condition of Rec. Pract. for Liquid Ballast Table for Drive Std. Liquid Ballast Table for Drive Std. for Mining and Logging rpose Pas/ Definitions and Terms Used in the Selection of Std. for Agricultural Press and Gage Wheel Std. for Agricultural Planter Press Wheel aces Using a Passenger Automobile Equipped with Full Scale st. Machines for Measuring the Uniformity of Passenger Car Safe Operating Condition of Truck, Trailer and Bus Type log Skidder, Truck, Bus, Bead Seat, Industrial and Bicycle eluding Tire Treads Depth Requirements (Passenger Car Type elicopter) (1974) Std. for mber. Plywood and Utility Pole Preservative Treatment mber. Preservative Treatment, Poles. Piles, Spaced Co imbers for Marine, Land, and Fresh Water Use (1974) an imbers in Marine Construction (1973) imbers (Wood) in Structural Sizes (1967) ANSI Q4.2 mbers. Bridge and Mine Tie Preservative Treatment by imbers: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole Pi imber; Water; Ceiling; Partitions; Plaster; Roofing) a me and Peak Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Thermo me and Special) (1971) me Coding of Propulsion Engine Items (1971) ANSI B141 me Load Indication of Machines (1974) ANSI Z115.2 me Markings for Variable Speed Shutters Used in Still me of Caulking Compounds and Sealants (1973) me of Elastomeric Type Joint Sealants (1971) ime of Pulp (1972) me of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Res me of Solventless Varnishes (1972) ,me of Tar Acids (1972) ANSI Z78.23 me Test) (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Me me to Failure of Plastic Pipe Constant Internal Press me (Petroleum Production) (1974) Rec. Pract. Orie mes of Photographic Darkroom Illumination (1971) ming Error Measurements of Instrumentation Magnetic T mken Meth.) (1972) ANSI F11.308 /. Meth. for Measure n-Lead Alloy (Solder Plate) (1973) in Alloy Die Castings (1952) ANSI H48.1 in Alloys on Steel and Ferrous Alloys (1970) ANSI G53. in Alloys Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) n Clad Fire Doors and Shutters (1973) n Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A133.1 n Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A142.1 n Clad Fire Doors (1973) ANSI A143.1 Safe! n Mill Products (1973) n Mill Products (1973) n Plate Fabricated Aerosol Cans (1972) n (1972) n (1972) ANSI H42.1 n) Plate. Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar (1973) nned Copper Concentric Neutrals (Underground Electric nned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purp nt Strength of Carbon Black (1973) pped. Roller Turner Type (1972) Std. F pping Circular Saws (1972) re and Rim Equipment for 1974 Passenger Cars (1974) re Blowout (1972) /Ts for Regular Bicycles Including re Clearances (1974) / Dimensions for Grown Tires in re Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Strands Made from Ste re Cords, Fabrics and Industrial Filament Yarns, Made re Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, Filaments, and Strands M .re Dimensions (1974) re Fabrics (Textile) Other Than Cord Fabrics (1973) a tre for Pavement Skid Resistance Tests (1973) re Rebuilding Plants (1973) re Rim Inspection, and Disk and Flat Tapes (1974) ■re Rim Selection (1974) ire Selection Tables for Agricultural (Farm) Machines ire Size Designations and Their Definitions (1974) re Treads Depth Requirements (Passenger Car Type Tire ire Valves for All Vehicles Except Aircraft (1974) ired Wheels for Industrial Trucks, Casters, Conveyors, ires and Controls (1972) /Heel Assembly, Chainguards, res and Rims for Agricultural and Industrial Steering ires and Rims for Industrial, Utility and Recreational ires and Rims for Motorcycle, Side Car, Mini Bike, and ires and Rims for Off the Road Vehicles: Earthmoving, res and Rims for Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, and res and Rims for Truck, Bus, Trailer, and Multipurpos ires for Passenger Cars and Station Wagons (1965) res for Passenger Cars and Station Wagons (1966) /Ma res for Wet Traction in Cornering Without Driving Tor ires in Service for Use by Vehicle Manufacturers in De ires in the Diagonal Braking Mode (1973) / Paved Surf ires Including Tire Treads Depth Requirements (Passeng res of Agricultural Machines (1971) res of Agricultural Machines (1972) res Lised in Intermittent Highway Service (1974) res (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipu res (Farm Machinery) (1971) ires (Farm Machinery) (1971) ires (1971T) /Est for Stopping Distance on Paved Surf ires (1972) Rec. Pract. for Te res (1973) res (1974) /Senger Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and res) (1971) Safe Operating Condition of Tires in res, Tubes, Rims and Valves for Aircraft (Airplane, H ICBO UBCS25-12 ICBO UB03-25 ASTM D390 AWPA C18 ASTM D198 AWPA C2 ICBO UBCS25-1] ICBO UBC*3-23 ASTM D2471 NRA ♦10 SAE AS1105 ASTM E74 ANSI PH3.32 ASTM D2377 ASTM C679 TAPPI T221SU ASTM C403 ASTM D3056 ASTM D2870 AACCH 56-50 ASTM D1598 API RPT-1 ANSI PH2.22 EIA RS413 ASTM D2782 ASTM B579 ASTM B102 ASTM B200 ASTM B591 ICBO UBCS43-3 UL 14C UL 10A UL 14B AISI 7 ASTM A623 ASTM D3061 ASTM B545 ASTM B339 ASTM B103 AA 52-1 ASTM B33 ASTM D3265 ANSI B94.37 ANSI B94.42 TRA 1-17 BMA 6/4 TRA 1-13 ASTM D2969 ASTM D885 ASTM D2969 TRA IX ASTM D122 ASTM E501 ICBO UFC»2ART2 TRA 10 TRA XII ASAE R220.3 TRA XIII VESC V-7 TRA 8 CFTMA W7 BMA 6/5 TRA 4 TRA 5 TRA 6 TRA 3 TRA 1 TRA 2 VESC V-l VESC V-2 ASTM F376 TRA 1-13 ASTM E503 VESC V-7 SAE J884B ASAE S346 TRA 2-29 TRA XXI ASAE S223 ASAE S224.1 ASTM E445 SAE J332A VESC V-9 TRA 7 VESC V-7 TRA 9 426 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards .1 ck (1974) (1974) Pan el g (1972) g (1972/ ng(19/ Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant Std. Spec, for Titanium and roll Threaded (1973) Spec, for heat Treated, Roll Threaded (1973) Spec, for (1973) Spec, for Titanium and Std. for Std. for Head. Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, Std. for Bolt Lock. Tension. Protruding Head, Stump Type, Std. Procurement Spec, for Fasteners, for Bolt Lock, Tension. 100 Deg. Crown Head, Stump Type, or Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694), Pull Type, r Bolt Lock. Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS24694). Stump Tvpe, r Bolt Lock, Tension, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Stump Type, Lock. Shear. 100 Deg. Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, ock. Shear, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, k. Tension, Protruding Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, ension. 100 Deg. Crown Head, Std. and Oversize, Pull Tvpe, on, 100 Deg. Head (MS20426), Std. and Oversize, Pull Type, Spec, for Fasteners, 6A1-4V Std. for Screw, Hex Head, Tri Wing Recess. 6A1-4V Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head Tri Wing Recess, 6A1-4V 6A1-4V Std. for Bolt. Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Tolerance, 6A1-4V Bolt, 100 Deg. Tri Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Spec, for Conversion Coating of (1970) ANSI W3.16 Spec, for Std. Spec, for apes (1973) Tolerances Applicable to i Z179.2 Std. Spec, for 72) ANSI Z179.1 Spec, for Meth. for Chemical Analysis for Aluminum Oxide Content of Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Unalloyed Std. for Bolt-Close Tolerance, Hexagon Head, Rec. Pract. for the Safe Action and Std. for Meth. of Analysis for thetic Anionic Active Ingredient in Detergents by Cationic r Bromine Index of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Electrometric meth. of Test for Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by Cationic er of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Perchloric Acid for Bromine Index of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Coulometric Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium (Egta - S/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium (Egta - ro/ Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Calcium (Egta • s (Cereal Chemistry) (1972) ty Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings, and Guide Spec, for Metal Std. Spec, for Powdered Std. Spec, for Liquid overing Sewage Holding and/or Treatment Devices for Marine and Metallization Thickness by Multiple Beam Interference Std. for Screw- 100 Deg. Close Std. for Rivet-100 Deg. Countersunk Head Hi Shear Close (1974) Std. for 100 Deg. Close Std. for Hi Shear 100 Deg. Flush Close Std. Meth. of Test for Solvent Std. for Rivet-Flat Head, Hi Shear, Close Std. for Bolt-Shear, Close Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head. Tri Wing Recess, Close Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close onl/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close onlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close d. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close nonlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt. Hex Head, Close non/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close nlocking (1972) Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close d. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close nlo/ Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Tri Wing Recess, Close ANSI H50.2 ) (1962) nlocking (1972) y 6A1-4V, Self Locking An/ self Locking and Nonlocki/ elf Locking and Nonlocking (197/ Std. for Bolt. Hex Head, Close Std. for Bolt-Close Std. for Bolt-100 Deg. Close Std. for Pan Head, Close Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Close Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Close Std. for Pan Head, Close Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tissues (Manual Procedures) (1973) Tent. Meth. for Tissues (Semiautomated Meth.) (1973) Tent. Meth. of Titanium Alloy Bars and Billets (1972) ANSI Z179.2 Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Heat Treated, Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 6A1-4V Annealed Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate (1972) ANSI Z179 Titanium Alloy Stump Type Protruding Head Shear Bolt Lo Titanium Alloy Stump Type 100 Deg. Head Shear Bolt Lock Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking and Nonlocking (197 Titanium Alloy (1972) Titanium Alloy (1973) Titanium Alloy (1973) Titanium Alloy (1973) Std Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. F Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. Fo Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. Fo Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt L Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Loc Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, T Titanium Alloy (1973) Std. for Bolt Lock, Tensi Titanium Alloy, Externally Threaded (1972) Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, Self Locking and Nonlockin Titanium Alloy, Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlockin Titanium Alloy, Long Thread, Self Locking and Nonlockin Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocki Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self Locking and Nonlocki Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking and Nonlocking (19 Titanium Alloys (Fluoride-Phosphate Type) (1973) Titanium and Its Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes Titanium and Its Alloy Castings (1969) ANSI Z179.16 Titanium and Its Base Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, and Sh Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bars and Billets (1972) Ans Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate (19 Titanium Dioxide Pigments (1973) Std. Titanium Dioxide Pigments (1973) ANSI K45.1 Titanium Sponge (1969) ANSI Z179.13 Titanium Tube for Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1965) Titanium Welding Fittings (1971) ANSI H50.1 Titanium. Short Thread (1973) Title Areas for Television Transmission (1968) Title Leaves of a Book (1971) Titratable Acidity in Nonfat Dry Milk (Cereal Chemistry Titration Procedure (1974) Std. Meth. of Test for Syn Titration (1972) ANSI Z11.248 Std. Meth. of Test Fo Titration (1972T) Titration (1973) ID. Meth. of Test for Total Base Numb Titration (1974) ANSI Z78.15 Std. Meth. of Test Titrimetric) Content in Corn Starch (1973) Titrimetric) Content of Corn Sugar (Crude and Refined), Titrimetric) Content of Corn Syrup and Other Starch Hyd TLC Meth. of Analysis of Anatoxins in Corn and Soybean Toeboards (1973) Safe Toilet Partitions (1972) Toilet Soap (1974) Toilet Soap (1974) ANSI K60.14 Toilet Waste (Boats) (1972) Rec. Pract. and Std. C (Tolansky Meth.) (1973) /E Thickness on Silicon Wafers Tolerance Flat Head 160,000 psi (1973) Tolerance Head and Shank (1973) Tolerance Head and Shank, 160,000 psi Short Thread Bolt Tolerance Head Rivet (1972) Tolerance of Amine Resins (1973) Tolerance Shank (1973) Tolerance (1973) Tolerance (1972) Tolerance (1972) Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking and N Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thread, Self Locking and N Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1973) Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self Locking and Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Short Thread, Self-Locking and Tolerance, A286 Cres, Long Threads, Self Locking and No Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Nonlocking (1972) Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking and No Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thread, Self Locking and No Tolerance, Hexagon Head, Titanium, Short Thread (1973) Tolerance, High Strength (1973) Tolerance, Short Thread, Torq Set Machine Screw (1972) Tolerance, Short Thread, Tri Wing Recess, Titanium Alio Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Tolerance, Short Thread, TWI Wing Recess, A286 Acres, S Tolerance, Titanium Alloy (1972) ASTM D3269 ASTM D3270 ASTM B348 SAE AMS7460C SAE AMS7461B SAE AMS4911C ASTM B265 NSA 2605 NSA 2705 NSA 5200-06 NSA 1266-70 NSA 2206 NSA 621 NSA 2325 NSA 2105 NSA 2306 NSA 2315 NSA 2506 NSA 2406 NSA 2005 NSA 2125 NSA 2115 NSA 4004 NSA 6100-3 NSA 5800-6 NSA 4304-16 NSA 6804-20 NSA 4903-16 NSA 4600-16 NSA 6403-20 NSA 5500-06 SAE AMS2486 AWS A5.16 ASTM B367 SAE AMS2245 ASTM B348 ASTM B265 ASTM D2701 ASTM D476 ASTM B299 ASTM B338 ASTM B363 NSA 653 SMPTE RP8 ANSI Z39.15 AACCH 02-31 ASTM D1681 ASTM D2710 ASTM D3049 ASTM D2896 ASTM D1492 CR B-ll CR F-8 CR Ell AACCH 45-05 ANSI A12.1 CSI 10182 ASTM D2958 ASTM D799 ABYC A8 ASTM F388 NSA 517 NSA 525 NSA 1202 NSA 1055 ASTM D1198 NSA 529 NSA 464 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 6604-20 NSA 4703-16 NSA 6203-20 NSA 4400-16 NSA 6704-20 NSA 4803-16 NSA 4500-16 NSA 6303-20 NSA 653 NSA 333 NSA 1131-38 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5000-6 NSA 5100-6 NSA 1266-70 Engineering and Product Standards Division 42 7 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards king and Nonlocking (1972/ Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close ing (1972) eking and Nonlocki/ Bolt, 100 Deg. Tri Wing Recess, Close ocking and Nonlocking (19/ Std. for Bolt, Hex Head, Close truded Bars, Rods, and Shapes (1973) Std. for Dimensional Std. Dimensional Std. Meth. of Test, and Std. Std. Rec. Pract. for Dimensions and Tent. Std. Spec, for Spec, for and Packing Purposes (1974) Ansi/ 73) abrics (1973) ANSI LH.243 1971) 73) d Forging Stock (Rolled or Drawn) (1973) ons (1973) nd Plate (1973) for Spec, fo: Spec, foi Spec, for r/ Rec. Pract. for Selecting and Defining Color and Gloss Std. Spec, for Dimensions and 1 Compositions, Mechanical Property Limits and Dimensional im Spacers (M/ Rec. Pract. for for Practical Minimum Rec. i C83/ Std. Spec, for Printed Wiring Board Dimensions and wing and Related Documentation Practices'. Dimensioning and Std. for Acceptable Concentrations of s of Moisture in Feeds and Feedstuffs by Distillation with s of Moisture in Fats and Shortenings by Distillation with Std. Spec, for Industrial Grade Std. Spec, for Nitration Grade d. Meth. of Test for Moisture in Wool by Distillation with ial Aromatic / Std. Meth. of Test for Acidity of Benzene, oams (1973) ANSI K65.125 Std. Spec, for Std. Meth. of Test. Para Red and of Photographic Negative Materials (Monochrome, Continuous Std. Meth. of Test. Para Red and Toluidine Red Pigments meth. of Test for Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by the Std. for Suggested Noise Measurement Techniques for the Machine Std. for Symbols for Machine isel Plow, Field and Row Crop Cultivator Shafts and Ground for Terminology and Definitions for Soil Tillage and Soil Std. for Spindle Noses and of Common Words Related to Numerically Controlled Machine Std. Rec. Pract. for Macroetch Test, of Std. Spec, for Machined Flat and Square ) Std. Spec, for Wrought Alloy els (1973) Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Std. Spec, for Carbon Spec, for Metal Cutting Machine afety Std. for All Thermoplastic Type MTW 600 Volt Machine s (1972) Std. Formats for Transmission of End Product Description Data Std. for Industrial Equipment and General Purpose Machine ving and Spindle Ends for Portable Hand, Air, and Electric Electrical Std. for Metalworking Machine Safety Std. for Stationary and Fixed Electric Std. for Safety for Portable Electric d Procedures for User Certification of (1962) A/ Std. for (Rotating, Liquid Filled and Dry Transformers, Hand Power (1972) Std. for Carbide Blanks and Cutting ies and Meth. of Test, for Helical Spring and Carbon Steel ughness, Waviness, Form and Lay) (1973) Std. for Gear Std. Spec, for Fineness of Wool Std. Ampacities Cables in Open Soluble Liquid Adhesives for Automatic Machine Sealing of st (1973) Test Meth. for alculation of Commercial Weight and Yield of Scoured Wool, nt of Grade (1973) Ans/ Std. Spec, for Fineness of Mohair ehold Electric Ranges (Stove) with Glass / Ceramic Cooking 973) ANSI Z250.1 Std. for Safety for LP Gas Safety Std. for Oxy Fuel Gas ata) (1972) Std. Test Procedure for Std. for Bolt, Flat, 100 Deg. Head, Std. for Bolt, Brazier Head, Std. for Bolt. Flat, 100 Deg. Reduced Head, Std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Std. for Screw, Machine, Pan Head, Full Thread, std. for Screw, Machine, Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Std. for Screw, Machine, Flat 100 Deg. Head. Full Thread, Std. for Machine Screw, Flat 100 Deg. Head. Short Thread, Std. for Machine Screw, Pan Head, Short Thread, Test. Tires for Wet Traction in Cornering Without Driving Test Procedure for Linear, Single Axis, Pendulous, Analog rformance of Nonmetallic Locking Element Type Prevailing - Std. Meth. of Measuring Application and Removal Std. Part Bolt, 100 Deg. Flush Tension Head Hi /Ng Meth. of Analysi /Ng Meth. of Analysi St Tolerance, 6AI-4V Titanium Alloy, Long Thread, Self Loc Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Nonlock Tolerance, 6AI-4V Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self Lo Tolerance, 6A1-4V, Titanium Alloy, Short Thread, Self L Tolerances Applicable to Titanium and Its Base Alloy Ex Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Products (1973) Tolerances for Industrial Wheels (1965) Tolerances for Jute Rove and Plied Yarn for Electrical Tolerances for Roller Drafted Yarns (1971) Tolerances for Screw Holes and Slots in Bone Plates (19 Tolerances for Tire Fabrics (Textile) Other Than Cord F Tolerances for Woolen Spun on the Woolen System Yarns ( Tolerances of Aluminum Alloy Drawn Tubing (1973) Tolerances of Aluminum Alloy Std. Structural Shapes (19 Tolerances of Aluminum and Its Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, an Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Extrusi Tolerances of Aluminum and Magnesium Base Alloy Sheet a Tolerances of Low Alloy Steel Bars (1973) Tolerances of Opaque Materials and for Evaluating Confo Tolerances of Plastic Bottles (1972) Tolerances of SAE Wrought Aluminum Alloys (1972) /Mica Tolerances of Spoke Type Wheels, Demountable Rims and R Tolerances Single and Two Sided Rigid Boards (1970) Ans Tolerancing (1973) Std. Engineering Dra Toluene in the Air of Workplaces (1974) Toluene (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Toluene (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Toluene (1971) Toluene (1971) ANSI Z78.7 Toluene (1972) ANSI L14.256 Toluene, Xylenes, Solvent Naphthas, and Similar Industr Toluenediisocyanate for Use in Production of Urethane F Toluidine Red Pigments (Toners) (1973) Tone) (1972) Std. Meth. for Determining Speed (Toners) (1973) Tongue (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Traverse Te Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine (1973) Tool Builders' Industry (1970) Tool Indicator Plates or Control Buttons (1972) Tool Mountings (Farm Machinery) (1973) Tool Relationships (1972) Tool Shanks for Milling Machines (1972) Tool Software (1972) Tool Steel Bars (1971) ANSI G60.9 Tool Steel Bars (1973) Tool Steel Products (Including Dies and Fixtures) (1973 Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium and High Alloy Ste Too! Steels (1973) Tool Weldments (1971) Tool Wires and Cables (1972) Tooling Nomenclature for Solid Die Two Blow Cold Header (Tooling, Printed Wiring Boards) in Numeric (Digital) Fo Tools (1973) Hydraulic Tools (1973) Std. for Dri Tools (1973) ANSI C113.1 Tools (1973) ANSI C33.86 Tools (1974) ANSI C33.49 Tools, Crimping, Solderless Wiring Devices-Recommende Tools, Hermatic Stators, Test, and Safety) (1973) Tools, Single Point, Carbide Tipped, Roller Turner Type Tooth Lock Washers (1972) /Intensions, Physical Propert Tooth Surface Texture for Aerospace Gearing (Surface Ro Top and Assignment of Grade (1973) ANSI L14.29 Top Cable Trays (1972) Top Flaps of Fiberboard Shipping Cases (1970) /Solvent Top Side of Filled Paper as Indicated by Silver Coin Te Top, and Noil for Various Commercial Compositions (1972 Top, Yarns and Fabrics of the Worsted Type and Assignme Tops (1974) Std. for Hous Torches for Heating, Soldering, and Brazing Purposes (1 Torches (1973) Toroidal Magnetic Amplifier Cores (Including Material D Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Torq Set and Hi Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Torq Set Machine Screw (1972) Torq Set (1973) Torq Set (1973) Torq Set (1973) Torq Set (1973) Torq Set (1973) Torque Application, Using Highway Vehicles (1973) / of Torque Balance Accelerometer (1972) / Format Guide and Torque Lock Screws (1973) / for the Locking Ability PE Torque of Threaded Closures (1973) Torque Recess Alloy Steel, 160,000 psi (1973) Std. for Ch Rec. Definitions /Try NSA NSA NSA NSA SAE ANSI CFTMA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM SAE SAE IPC ANSI ANSI AACCH AACCH ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM NSA NMTBA ANSI ASAE ASAE ANSI NMTBA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM AWS UL IFI IPC JIC ANSI NFPA UL UL EIA EASA ANSI ANSI AGMA ASTM IPCEA ASTM TAPPI ASTM ASTM AHAM UL UL IEEE NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA ASTM IEEE IFI ASTM NSA 6804-20 4903-16 4600-16 6403-20 AMS2245 H35.2 I TOL D681 D2645 F367 D122 D2644 ! AMS2203G AMS2204D AMS2201J AMS2205L AMS2202K AMS2251E D3134 D2911 J457J J851 D300E Y14.5 Z37.12 44-50 44-51 D362 D841 D2462 D847 D1786 D970 PH2.5 D970 D2262 973 *1 B5.46 S225.1 R291.1 B5.18 *2 A561 A685 A681 E352 A686 D14.2 1063 118 D-350 HI B107.4 79 987 45 RS270 *1 B94.37 B18.21.1 118.01 D472 P-54-440 D1874 UM-533 D2720 D1381 ER-2 147 123 106 1972 1982 1992 1131-38 1100 1101 1102 1620-28 1630-34 F376 337 124 D3198 583 428 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Test. Procedure for steel Hex Locknuts (1972) Std. for Std. for Torque Tension Requirements for Prevailing ec. for Steel Self-Locking Nuts. High Strength, Prevailing Corrosion Resistant Alloy Nuts, High Strength, Prevailing s. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing s. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, High Strength, Prevailing Std. for Bolt, Flat. 100 Deg. Head, Torq Set and Hi Std. for Bolt. Brazier Head. Torq Set and Hi td. for Bolt. Flat, 100 Deg. Reduced Head. Torq Set and Hi ies of Plastics as a Function of Temperature by Means of A ) (1973) Std. Rec. Pract. for Static Bend and logy,/ Handbook of Spring Design: Compression. Extension, Measuring the Relative Stiffness of Leather by Means of A iffening of Rubber and Rubber Like Materials by Means of A Std. Test Meth. for Plane Strain Fracture Std. Spec, for Structural Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Billiard tible Fibres (Cotton. Sisal, Henequen, Ixtle, Jutes. Hemp, Std. for Laundering of Cloth Std. Performance Requirements for Woven Dish Std. Performance Requirements for Glass Std. Performance Requirements for Huck 3) Std. Performance Requirements for Terry Cloth ranes. Derricks, Hoists. Hocks, Jacks, and Slings: Portal. evel. Helical and Herringbone Cear I nits for Water Cooling (19721 Uniform Building Code: Penthouses and Roof Structures Structural Std. for Steel Antenna d Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Cooling r Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Cooling e Lumber Spec, for Application in Industrial Water Cooling servative Treatment of Lumber for Industrial Water Cooling for Manually Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands for Scaffolds of Fittings and Equipment for Anchoring, Mooring, Docking. r Motor Vehicle (Recreational Type) Connecting Devices and ies of Single Man Made Textile Fibers Taken from Yarns and ial Passenger Tramways Including Ski and Surface Lifts and Std. Meth. of Test for Evaluating Inhibitory Std. for Safety for Portable Std. Analytical Meth. for Determining Iron Std. Meth. of Test for th.) (1972) ANSI Z11.317 Std. Meth. of Test for drocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulometr/ Meth. of Test for iquids (Oxy Hydrogen Combustion M/ Std. Meth. of Test for 1973) Std. for Milling Machine - spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the raphy (1972) ANSI Zl 1.27/ Std. Meth. of Test for Aromatic Std. Meth. for Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Protective Structure (FOPS) for Prime Movers, Wheeled and erformance Criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure for Wheeled and Track Type Front End Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Unrecorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange (9 • d. Spec, for Nonload (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs. Runners ds of 7.5 In. 190./ Std. for Reproducer Test Tape: Full Std. Test Meth. for Dust and Fog Std. Meth. of Test for Liquid Contaminant. Inclined Plane etic Tape Recordings (1970) Rec. Pract. Spec, of uadruplex Recorded A/ Std. Dimensions of Video, Audio and Rec. Pract. for Turning Ability and Off fety Std. for Performance Requirements for Stopping Power, n, I sing Highway Vehic/ Std. Meth. of Test. Tires for Wet nt) Drive Line Specs. (1972) Rec. for Rec. Pract. for Agricultural Rec. for Agricultural (Farm) Agricultural Std. for Agricultural Agricultural al Steering, Drive, Planter (Drill) Press, and Gage Wheel, . Boat, Baggage. Special Type Trailer, Mobile Home. Garden criteria for Roll Over Protective Structure for Track Type tion of Hydraulic Remote Control Cylinders to Agricultural Application of Remote Hydraulic Motors to Agricultural Std. for Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Wheel or Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capacity on Agricultural or Measuring Hydraulic Lift Force Capacitv on Agricultural erformance R/ Std. for Protective Frame (For Agricultural for Industrial Rotary Mowers (Designed for Operation with (1972) SAE J/ Std. for Protective Frame for Agricultural (1972) / Std. for Protective Enclosures for Agricultural Rec. Pract. for Draw Bar for Forestry Safety Spec, for Power Mowers, Lawn, and Garden for Power Off Definitions and Terminology for Agricultural ink Hitch Attachment of Implements to Agricultural Wheeled tachment for Hitching Implements to Lawn and Garden Riding Rec. for Drawbar for Forestry Torque Strength of Composite Tubes and Cores (1974) Torque Tension Requirements for Prevailing Torque Type Torque Type Steel Hex Locknuts (1972) Torque, All Metal (1973) Sp Torque, Al] Metal (1973) Spec, for Self-Locking Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unifie Torque, All Metal. 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, Unifie Torque, 180 KSI (1973) Torque. 180 KSI (1973) Torque. 180 KSI (1973) Torsion Test (1972) ANSI D65.2 / for Stiffness Proper! Torsion Test, of Intramedullary Rods (Surgical Implants Torsion. Flat, and Hot Wound (Materials, Specs. Termino Torsional Wire Apparatus (1972) ALCA E63 ID. Meth. for Torsional Wire Apparatus (1973) ANSI J2.2 /Perature St Toughness of Metallic Materials (1972) ANSI Z260.2 Toughness (1973) Tournament Table and Accessory Equipment Specs. (1971) Tow, Cocoa Fibers, Oakum, Rags, Waste Cloth, Wastepaper Toweling (1970) Towels (Institutional Textile) (1973) Towels (Institutional Textile) (1973) Towels (Institutional Textile) (1973) Towels (Single and Double) (Institutional Textile) (197 Tower and Pillar Cranes (1973) Safety Std. for C Tower Fan Drives (1972) Info Sheet for Spiral B Tower Silos: Unit Weight of Silage and Silo Capacities (Tower, Spire) (1973) Towers and Supporting Structures (1972) Towers (1971) Std. for Redwoo Towers (1971) Std. for Douglas Fi Towers (1971) Std. for Southern Pin Towers (1971) Std. Spec, for Pressure Pre (Towers, Safety) (1971) Std. Towing and Lifting Boats (1973) /Ion and Installation Towing Meth. (Coupling, Hitch. Safety Chain. Lighting) Tows (1972) ANSI L14.285 / of Test for Tensile Proper! Tows (1973) Std. for Safety Requirements for Aer Toxicity of Industrial Waters (1968E) Toy Transformers (1973) (TPTZ) Content of Corn Syrup (1970) Trace Amounts of Lead in Gasoline (1972) ANSI Z11.324 Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels (Atomic Absorption Me Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Hy Trace Quantities of Total Sulfur in Volatile Organic L Tracer Controlled Profiling and Contouring- Vertical ( Tracer Probe Mode (1973) /T. for Leaks Using the Mass Traces in Light Saturated Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatog Track Etch Technique (1973) Track Type Front End Loaders, Wheeled Dozers. Track Typ Track Type Tractors and Front End Loaders (1972) /I'm P Track Type Tractors, and Motor Graders (1971) /Movers, Track 200 and 800 cpi, NRZI, and 1600 cpi, PE) (1973) (Track) and Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Application Track. 1/4 In. (6.3 Mm) Width, Open Reel (For Tape Spee Tracking and Erosion ANSI C59.133 Tracking and Erosion of Insulating Materials (1973) Ans Tracking Control Record for 2 In. Quadruplex Video Magn Tracking Control Records on 2 In. Video Magnetic Tape Q Tracking of Vehicles (1971) Traction and Steering Stability for Regular Bicycles (1 Traction in Cornering Without Driving Torque Applicatio Tractor and Farm Implement Power Takeoff (Universal Joi Tractor Auxiliary Power Take Off Drives (1972) Tractor Auxiliary Power Takeoff Drives (1972) Tractor Belt Speed and Pulley Width (1971) SAE J720 Tractor Test Code (1972) Tractor Test Code (1972) SAE J708C Tractor. Implement, and Log Skidder (1974) /D Industri Tractor, Industrial Truck and Trailer (1974) /Ft Truck Tractors and Front End Loaders (1972) /Urn Performance Tractors and Trailing Type Agricultural (Farm) Implemen Tractors and Trailing Type (Farm) Implements (1971) Tractors Equipped with Quick Attaching Coupler for Thre Tractors Equipped with 3 Point Hitch (1972) /Ocedure F Tractors Equipped with 3 Point Hitch (1972) /Ocedure F Tractors tor Overhead Protection (Test Procedures and P Tractors Having at Least 20 Hp) (1971) /Y Requirements Tractors (Test Procedures and Performance Requirements) Tractors (Test Procedures and Performance Requirements) Tractors (1970) Tractors (1972) Tractors (1972) Rec. Pract. Tractors (1972) Std. for 3 Point Free L Tractors (1972) Std. for One Point Tubular Sleeve at Tractors (1972) SAE J194 CCTI T116 IFI 101 IFI 101 SAE AMS7252A SAE AMS7253A SAE AMS7250C SAE AMS7251B NSA 1972 NSA 1982 NSA 1992 ASTM D1043 ASTM F383 SMI *3 ASTM D2821 ASTM D1053 ASTM E399 ASTM A573 BCA *1 ICBO UFC*2ART7 NSF 34 ANSI L24.2.2 ANSI L24.2.3 ANSI L24.2.4 ANSI L24.2.5 ANSI B30.4 AGMA 490.02 ASAE D252 ICBO UBC»3-36 EIA RS222-B CTI 103 CTI 114 CTI 115 CTI 112 ANSI A92.1 ABYC A5 VESC V-5 ASTM D2101 ANSI B77.1 ASTM D2037 UL 697 CR E-33 ASTM D3116 ASTM D2788 ASTM D3120 ASTM D2747 NSA 914 ASTM E498 ASTM D2600 ASTM E418 SAE J231 SAE J395A SAE J231 ANSI X3.40 ASTM C645 EIA RS400 ASTM D2132 ASTM D2303 SMPTE RP16 ANSI C98.6 SAE J695A BMA 6/3 ASTM F376 ASAE R331.2 SAE J717C ASAE R 333.1 ASAE S210.2 SAE J708C ASAE S209.4 TRA 4 TRA 5 SAE J395A ASAE S201.4 ASAE S316T ASAE S278.2 ASAE S349 SAE J283 ASAE S310.2 SAE J232 ASAE S306.3 ASAE S336.1 SAE J 194 ANSI B71.1 REC. J722B SAE J715D ASAE S348T ASAE R357 Engineering and Product Standards Division 429 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. for Operator Protection for Wheel Type Agricultural k Attachment for Hitching Implements to Agricultural Wheel ions and Terminology for Agricultural and Light Industrial f Power Drive Lines for Agricultural (Farm) Implements and Std. for 540 Rpm Power Takeoff for Agricultural (Farm) 1000 Rpm Power Takeoff for Agricultural (Farm) d Track Type Front End Loaders, Wheeled Dozers, Track Type cid Type Storage Batteries for Motor Vehicles, Motorboats, reign and Domestic Passenger Cars, Trucks, Buses, Coaches, a/ Std. for Symbols for Operator Controls on Agricultural Rec. for Flash Point Index of Std. Definitions of hs. for Interior Panel Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade est Meth. for Exterior Coatings and Overlays on DFPA Grade (Flaxseed) (1974) (Flaxseed) (1974) (1973) (1973) rade of Palmkernels; Babassu; Flaxseed;/ Oilseed Products Std. for Adjustable Face Vehicular Std. Proposal for Solid State Load Switches for Safe Operating Condition of Truck, Rec. Pract. Meth. for Determining GAWR and GVWR for Truck nters) and Relief Valves in Travel Trailers, Camp Cars and Std. for Rec. Pract. for Rating of rec. Pract. for 7 Conductor Electrical Connector for Truck Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Non Commercial Boat Std. for Nomenclature-Truck, Bus. trailer. Mobile Home. Garden Tractor, Industrial Truck and Uniform Plumbing Code: Mobile Home Std. for Mobile Home Parks Std. for Tires and Rims for Truck, Bus. nter Balanced Fork Lift Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type in the Selection of Tires (Car, Station Wagon, Truck, Bus, Rec. Pract. for Nomenclature and Terminology of Tank Pract. for Accident Prevention Signs for Display on Tank aining of Automotive Mechanics for Buses, Heavy Trucks and . Modular Housing, Prefab Houses, Motor Homes, and Camping emountable Rims Intended for Highway Use on Trucks. Buses, (1973/ Std. for Inspection Procedures for Motor Vehicles. std. for (Backflow Preventers) and Relief Valves in Travel rforated Photographic Film in Rolls, Including Leaders and plumb/ Std. for Recreational Vehicles (Travel and Camping ulic Remote Control Cylinders to Agricultural Tractors and on of Remote Hydraulic Motors to Agricultural Tractors and s and Trailers (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Light Trucks (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for nsumer Safety Spec, for Components. Assembly, and Use of A ) Std. for Safety Requirements for Aerial Passenger ated Data Processing Systems Designed to Streamline Supply Std. Specs, and Tests for Strain Gage Linear Acceleration Std. for Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Procedures for Calibration of Underwater Electro Acoustic Std. for AC -De Rec. for Terminal Facilities for Pneumatic meter (1972) Std. Meth. for Measuring Heat sign and Use of a Thin Skin Calorimeter for Measuring Heat Safety Std. for Automatic th. uf Test for Corrosivity of Water in the Absence of Heat ) (1972) Rec. Evaluation Procedure of Chromatic , Sampling and Measuring Procedures for Bulk Shipments and Std. for Decade karels/ Std. Meth. for Investigating the Compatibility of Safety Std. for Std. Meth. of Sampling Gas from A ceiving Appliances and Other Electronic Equipment (Flyback Std. Requirements and Terminology for Specialty d. Spec, for Uninhibited Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in for Oxidation Inhibited Mineral Insulating Oil for Use in Std. for Dry Type and Less (1973) NEMA Ei21 Std. for Instrument 00/40.000/50,000/ Std. Requirements for Load Tap Changing Std. Test Code for Distribution, Power and Regulating Std. for Low Power Wide Band Std. for Computer Type (Square Loop) Pulse definitions for High Intensity Discharge Lamp Ballasts and Rec. for cedure for Thermal Evaluation of Oil Immersed Distribution Std. for Residential Controls-Class 2 Std. for Safety for Portable Toy spec, for Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) for Safety Std. for Specialty neral Requirements for Distribution, Power, and Regulating 71) Std. Spec, for Mercury Lamp ales and Service Industry (Rotating. Liquid Filled and Dry Std. for 3 Point Free Lin ID. for Power Takeoff Definil Std. for Full Shielding O Tractors ( 1972) SAE J333 Tractors (1972) SAEJ715 Tractors (1972) SAE J722 Tractors (1972) SAE J955 Tractors (1973) SAE J718 Tractors (1973) SAE J719 Tractors, and Motor Graders (1971) /Movers, Wheeled an Tractors, Automotive and Industrial Applications (1973) Tractors, Industrial Road and Misc Equipment) (1974) Tractors, Machinery and Equipment (1971) ANSI B114.2, S Trade Name Liquids (NFPA 325A) (1974) Trade Terms Commonly Used in Packaging (1972) Trademarked Plywood (1967) Test Met Trademarked Plywood (1971) Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale qf Linseed Meal Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Linseed Oil Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Soybean Meal Trading Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Soybean Oil Trading Rules (Performance, Quality, Description, and G Traffic Control Signal Heads (1970) Traffic Control Systems (1973) Trailer and Bus Type Tires (1973) Trailer Certification (1972) Trailer Coaches (1970) Std. for (Backflow Preve Trailer Couplings and Hitches: Automotive Type (1972) Trailer Floors for Lift Truck Loading (1971) Trailer Jumper Cable (1972) Trailer (1972) Trailer (1972) Trailer (1974) /Ft Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type (Trailer) Parks (1973) (Trailer) (1972) ANSI A177.1 Trailer, and Multipurpose Vehicle (1974) Trailer. Mobile Home, Garden Tractor. Industrial Truck Trailer, Multipurpose Passenger and Recreational Vehicl Trailers and Containers (1971) Trailers and Containers (1972) Rec Trailers (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for TR Trailers) (1974) /Ds at Plants Assembling Mobile Homes Trailers, and Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles (1972) Trailers, and Semitrailers Operated on Public Highways Trailers, Camp Cars and Trailer Coaches (1970) Trailers, for Aerial and Related Uses (1973) /D and PE Trailers, Truck Campers, Motor Homes): Installation of Trailing Type Agricultural (Farm) Implements (1971) SAE Trailing Type (Farm) Implements (1971) Applicati Training of Automotive Mechanics for Buses, Heavy Truck Training of Automotive Mechanics for Passenger Cars and Trampoline (1974) Std. Co Tramways Including Ski and Surface Lifts and Tows (1973 Transactions Within the Air Transport Industry (1974) Transducers (Instrumentation) (1971) Transducers (1972) Transducers (1972) Std. for Transfer Instruments and Converters (1973) Transfer of Dry Bulk Chemicals and Plastics (1972) Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) Calori Transfer Rate (1972) Std. Meth. for De Transfer Switches (1972) Transfer (Electrical Meth. (1972) Std. Me Transference Scale (Color Chart / Textile Colorfastness Transfers of Soybean Oil (1973) Std. for Inspection Transformer Dividers (Voltage Type) (1972) Transformer Insulation and Construction Materials in as Transformer Type Arc Welding Machines (1972) ANSI C33.2 Transformer (1974) Transformer. Multiplier. Deflection Yoke, Picture Tube Transformers Transformers and in Oil Circuit Breakers (1973) St Transformers and Oil Circuit Breakers (1973) /D. Spet. Transformers for General Applications (1972) ANSI C89.2 Transformers for (Electricity) Metering Purposes, 15 kV Transformers 138,000 Volts and Below, 3750 Through 30,0 Transformers (Electronics) (1973) ANSI C57. 12.90 Transformers (Less Than 100 Watts Power) (1971) Transformers (1970) Transformers (1971) Transformers (1972) Transformers (1972) Std. Test Pro Transformers (1973) Transformers (1973) Transformers (1973) Std. Transformers (1973) ANSI C33.4 Transformers (1973) ANSI C57. 12.00 Std. Ge Transformers, Constant Current (Series) Supply Type (19 Transformers, Hand Power Tools, Hermatic Stators, Test. Std. ASAE S305.3 ASAE S217.8 ASAE S205.2 ASAE S297T ASAE S203.7 ASAE S204.6 SAE J231 SAE J537H BCI •1.56 ASAE S304.4 FMS 7-42N ANSI MH15.1 APA •5 APA *4 NFP *1 NFP *2 NSPA *1 NSPA »2 NIOP »1 ITE TR1 NEMA TS2 VESC V-9 TTMA RP39 IAPMO TSC8 SAE J684D TTMA RP37 TTMA RP40 ABYC A15 SAE J687C TRA 5 ICBO UPC* IE NFPA 501A TRA 2 TRA 5 TRA XXI TTMA RP36 TTMA RP35 ANSI D18.2 FMS 7-90 SAE J267 ANSI D7.1 IAPMO TSC8 ANSI PHI. 10 NFPA 501C ASAE S201.4 ASAE S316T ANSI D18.2 ANSI D18.1 ASTM F381 ANSI B77.1 ATAA 200 ISA S37.5 ANSI B88.1 ANSI SI. 20 ANSI C100.4 MCA TC18 ASTM E457 ASTM E459 UL 1008 ASTM D2776 AATCC EP3 NSPA *4 ANSI C100.1 ASTM D3255 UL 551 ASTM D3305 UL 492.3 NEMA ST1 ASTM D1040 ASTM D3146 NEMA ST20 EEI MSJ-11 ANSI C57. 12.30 IEEE 262 IEEE 111 IEEE 272 ANSI C82.9 FMS 5-4 IEEE 345 NEMA ST2 UL 697 ASTM D2283 UL 506 IEEE 462 ANSI C82.7 EASA •1 430 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards g35. printed Wiring Boards)/ roducts (1972) 5 kaging) (1968) ANSI M/ ansi MH12.10 Std. for Electrical Std. for Guide for Preparation of Spec, for Large Power er (1971) Std. Requirements for Overhead Distribution, Std. for Voltage Values for Preferred breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Cu/ Std. Requirements for breakers Rated on a Symmetric/ Std. Application Cuide for Capabilities for AC High Voltage/ Schedules of Preferred Std. for Measurement of Smell Values of Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Plates with Improved d. for System for Romanization of Arabic Written Language for System for Romanization of Japanese Written Language ing Terms for Reporting and Analyzing Outage of Electrical ing Safety Req/ Std. for Series Capacitors for Electrical Std. for Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cable for the hermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cable for the inum Alloy Seamless Extruded Tube and Pipe for Gas and Oil c. Pract. Spec, for Cast Iron Sealing Rings for Automotive Std. for Safety for Mechanical Power ruction) / Std. Classification for Determination of Sound laboratorv Determination and Measurement of Airborne Sound . Notes) (1961) Heat Uniform Building Code: Sound Std. Test Meth. for Diffuse Light Rec. Pract. for Automatic ) Rec. Pract. for Automotive Std. for Solid and Semi Solid Dielectric . Rec. Pract. for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Differential and Manual Test Meth. for the Selective Std. Spec, for Record Formats for Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Industry Std. for Fascimile Rec. Pract. Meth. for Rating Heat Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Std. Meth. of Test for Water Vapor Std. Meth. for Measuring Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Std. Meth. for Gravimetric Determination of Water Vapor Std. for Heavy Duty Offset Sidebar Power Spec, for Metal Arc Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Std. for Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Std. for Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Std. Microwave Rec. Pract. for Automotive Pressure Sensitive Tape Water Vapor Std. Meth. of Measuring Water Vapor Construction. Materials, and Installation of Power Specifying Duct. Sheet Metal, Low Pressure, Air for the Safe Action and Title Areas for Television Std. Synchronous Signaling Rates for Data gine Mountings (Installation and Replacement) Direct Drive re (1972) Rec. Pract. for SAE No. 2 (Automotive lass Pintle Chains. Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth (Power textile) (1973) Meth. of Test for Light of Geometric Conditions for Measurement of Reflectance and rophotometer with Reserv/ Meth. for Spectral Reflectance, irements for Electrolytic Capacitors (For Use Primarily in Minimum Std. for Land Mobile Communications FM or Pm ming and Alerting Equipment for Use with Emergency Locator Std. for Safety for Electrically Actuated Rec. Pract. for Goniophotometry of Uniform Building Code: Plastics (General. Exterior Light Rec. Pract. for Outboard Motor Boat Std. Meth. of Test for Kinematic Viscosity of Std. Meth. for Measurement of Thickness of Std. Meth. of Test for Resistance of Std. Performance Spec, and Meth. of Test for Minimum Performance Stds. Airborne Ate Spec, for Cargo Unit Load Devices (Materials Designed to Streamline Supplv Transactions Within the Air it Load Sizes (1973) Std. for Std. for Unit Load Sizes for Dimensioning Std. for Packaging of Uranium Hexafluoride for Rec. Pract. for Railroad Materials (Safety) (1973) Std. for Packaging and Std. Code for Pressure Piping: Liquid Petroleum Std. for Administrative Guide for Obtaining Department of (Fire Protection) (1973) Rec. Code for ting Agents (1973) ANSI 2/ Std. Code for the Manufacture, r/ Rec. for Improving Safety on Enclosed Mobile Tanks for Std. for Administrative Guide for Packaging and Rec. Pract. for Measuring, Mixing, ANSI H9.23 Std. Meth. of Test for compound Microscope, Petri Dish, Sieve, Separatory Funnel, tgun Shooting Facilitv Plans: International and Domestic • 2) Std. for design, Pract. vnamic Vis/ by Double Be/ 5.72 1971) St Std. Re Std St Transformers, Regulators and Reactors (1974) Transformers, with or Without Load Tap Changing (1971) Transformers, 67,000 Volts and Below; 500 kVA and Small Transient Insulation Levels (TIL) (1971) Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage Circuit Transient Recovery Voltage Ratings and Related Required Transistor Capacitance (1972) Transition Properties for Pressure Vessels (1972) ANSI (Transliteration) (1972) (Transliteration) (1972) Transmission and Distribution Facilities and Interrupti Transmission and Distribution Line Compensation (Includ Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (197 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (197 Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (1973) Ans Transmission and Hydraulic Systems (1972) Transmission Apparatus (1972) Transmission Class (Building Acoustics Design and Const Transmission Class (Stc) of Building Partitions Such as Transmission Coefficients of Brick and Tile Walls (Tech Transmission Control (Acoustics) (1973) Transmission Factor of Reinforced Plastic Panels (1969) Transmission Functions Terminology (1969) Transmission Hydraulic Control System Terminology (1970 Transmission Lines (1972) Transmission Loss of Building Partitions (1970) Transmission Lubricants (Information Report) (1969) Transmission of a Photographic Lens (1969) Transmission of End Product Description Data (Tooling, Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Dry P Transmission of Microfilmed Documents (1972) ANSI C16.4 Transmission of Refrigrated Vehicles (1972) Transmission of Shipping Containers by Cycle Meth. (Pac Transmission of Shipping Containers (Packaging) (1964) Transmission Performance of Telephone Sets (1971) Transmission Pipe (1973) Transmission Rate of Sheet Materials (Paper) at High Te Transmission Roller Chains and Sprocket Teeth (1972) Transmission Service (1971) ANSI G36.49 Transmission Systems (Instrumentation) (1970) Transmission Systems (1967) Transmission Systems (1972) Transmission Terminology (1969) Transmission Test Meth. (1970) Transmission Through Screw Cap Closure Liners (1973) Transmission Units Penetrating the Hull for Boats Equip Transmission (1967) Transmission (1968) Transmission (1969) Transmission (1971) /C. Pract. for Marine (Inboa Transmission) Clutch Friction Test Machine Test Procedu Transmission) (1972) Std. for 700 C Transmittance of Woven Glass Fiber Decorative Fabrics ( Transmittance (1973) ANSI Z138.3 /Ract. for Selection Transmittance, and Color of Paper and Pulp (Losing Spect Transmitters and Electronic Instruments) (1958) ANSI C8 Transmitters 25-470 MHz (1970) Transmitters (ELT) (1973) /Sties for Airborne Radio Ho Transmitters (1974) Transmitting Objects and Materials (1970) Transmitting Panels, Skylights, Monitors and Sawtooth R Transom and Motor Well Dimensions on Boats (1974) Transparent and Opaque Liquids and the Calculation of D Transparent or Opaque Metal Oxide and Metallic Coatings Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion (1973) ANSI K6 Transparent Safety Glazing Material Used in Buildings ( Transponder Equipment (1972) Transport and Handling) (1973) Transport Industry (1974) /Ted Data Processing Systems Transport Package Sizes (Packaging) for ANSI MH10.1, Un Transport Packages (1972) Transport (1971) Transportation of Line Pipe (1972) Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated Biological Transportation Systems (1974) Transportation (DOT) Special Permits for Radioactive Ma Transportation, Storage and Use of Explosive Materials Transportation, Storage, and Use of Explosives and Bias Transporting and Spreading Agricultural Liquids and Slu Transporting Radioactive Materials (Safety) (1973) Transporting, and Placing Concrete (1973) Transverse Rupture Strength of Cemented Carbides (1973) Trap Flask, Step Wedge for X-Ray Standardization Probe, Trap, Clay Pigeon, and Skeet: Ammunition and Target Spe Trapezoidal Flumes for Irrigation Flow Measurement (197 Rec. d) En NEMA ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE IEEE ANSI EIA ASTM ANSI ANSI IEEE ANSI NEMA NEMA ASTM SAE ANSI ASTM ICBO BIA ICBO ASTM SAE SAE EIA ASTM SAE ANSI IPC ASTM NMA TTMA ASTM ASTM IEEE ASTM TAPPI ANSI ASTM ISA SAMA EIA SAE PSTC ASTM ABYC CSI SMPTE ANSI SAE SAE ANSI ANSI ASTM TAPPI EIA EIA RTCA UL ASTM ICBO ABYC ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI RTCA NSA ATAA ANSI ANSI ANSI API ANSI ANSI ANSI FMS NFPA ASAE ANSI ACI ASTM AACCH NRA ASAE TR1 C57.97 C57.1220 C92.1 327 328 C39.0722 RS398 A442 Z39.12 239.11 346 C55.2 WC5 WC7 B345 J281 B15.1 E413 UBCS35-1 4 UBC*3-35 D1494 J649B J648A RS199A E90 J308A PH3.37 D-350 D3079 MS3 RP38 D1276 D1008 269 C668 T464 B29.10 A381 S7.4 PMC2-5 RS252A J645B 34 D3199 P16 15836 RP8 X3.1 J233 J286 B29.13 L24T4 E179 T442SU RS205 RS152-B DO-154 632 E166 UBC*3-52 S12 D445 B588 D1044 Z97.1 DO-150 3610 200 MH10.2 MH10.1 N14.1 5L1 N14.3 B31.4 N14.10.2 7-28 495 R317 N14.10.1 304 B406 28-90 ♦17 S359T Engineering and Product Standards Division 431 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards pt Chocolate Products and Piecrust (Cereal Chemis/ Direct Uniform Plumbing Code: ANSI Z221.1 Std. for Safety for Metal Waste ): Installation of Plumb/ Std. for Recreational Vehicles Std. for (Backflow Preventers) and Relief Valves in c. for Electric Overhead Bridge and Gantry Multiple Gerder fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rip) Meth. (Constant Rate of Std. Ampacities Cables in Open Top Cable 971) Safe Operating Condition of Tires Including Tire d Wheels (1970) ANSI G55.15 Std. Spec, for Vacuum 57.11 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Axles. Non Heat ssels (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum ors and Shafts (1974) ANSI G55.14 Std. Spec, for Vacuum 971) ANSI G55.13 Std. Spec, for Vacuum test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin test Meth. for Determination of Formaldehyde Odor in Resin r Alloy Steel Turbine Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Temp/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Castings Specially Heat i A109.26 Std. Spec, for Woven Glass Fabrics Tent. Spec, for Ultra High Test Heat sign and Construction Met/ the All Weather Wood (Pressure Meth. for Flame Resistance th. for Resin and Volatile Content, and Flow Properties of Std. for Pressure Std. Spec, for Heat Improved Std. Designs for Pressure Std. for Inspection of Preservative Std. Meth. of Analysis of CCA Treating Solutions and Cca , 6Cu-0.26Cr (7075-T736) Solution and Precipitation Hea sure Vessels Plates, 5% Nickel Alloy Steel, Specially Hea tion Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Hea t Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION, Solution Hea 75Zn-2.5Re-0.70Zr (Ze63-T6) Solution and Precipitation nduction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079.4 Deg. C) Solution Hea 1 Base. 20Cr-20Co-5.9Mo-2.2Ti-0.45Al Solution Hea ni-5.5Mo-0.85Cb-2.5Ti-l.6Al-0.09B, Solution Hea stant. Nickel Base-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe, Solution Hea .8 Deg. C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Hea t Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Solution Hea .4 Deg. C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Hea 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution and Precipitation Hea Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Hea 1 d. Spec, for Carbon Steel Axles, Non Heat Treated and Hea Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Bolts and Screws, Hea Spec, for Low Alloy Steel Studs, Hea Spec, for Titanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Hea itanium Alloy Bolts and Screws, 6A1-4V, Upset Headed, Hea t Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0. ION, Solution Hea llov Bars, Forgings, and Rings (Nickel Base, Solution Hea erate Heat Resistant, 15.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N, Hea Spec, for Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion (1972) Std. Meth. of Analysis of Cca raph Method for Test, the Water Repellent Effectiveness Df ial for Evaluation of Special Processes or Devices Used in for Lumber, Timber, Plywood and Utility Pole Preservative (1973) Std. Preservative Std. for Preservative Std. for Preservative struction (1973) Std. for Preservative std. for Lumber. Timbers, Bridge and Mine Tie Preservative Std. for Wood Used on Farms (Preservative oles and Posts Used in Building Construction (Preservative Std. for Lodgepole Pine Wood Poles Preservative ) Rec. Pract. and Std. Covering Sewage Holding and/or Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Water Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Sewage Brick and Tile in Sanitation Structures, Industrial Waste Std. Rec. Pract. for Heat pec. for Hip Nail-Jewett Type for Use by Surgeons in the (Western Red Cedar, Northern White/ Std. for Preservative (1971) Std. Spec, for Pressure Preservative , / Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Creosote for the Preservative inations Before Gluing of Southern/ Std. for Preservative Std. Spec, for Pressure timber/ Std. for Full Length Thermal Process Preservative Std. Meth. of Test for Durability of Fire Retardant Std. for in Dividual Aerobic Wastewater ) Std. for Preservative Black Oxide Std. for Thermoset Plastic Tanks for Water and Wastewater de Std. for Wood Poles That Are to Be Given a Preservative r Heat Treatment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution Heat ng Structures (Tanks, Reservoirs, etc. for Water and Waste ings (Lumber, Plywood and Components* Timber, Preservative Wells and Water Systems el. Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded After Heat Trapping Meth. of Analysis for All Baked Materials Exce Traps and Interceptors (1973) (Trash, Garbage) Cans (F"or Combustible Materials) (1974) (Travel and Camping Trailers. Truck Campers, Motor Homes Travel Trailers, Camp Cars and Trailer Coaches (1970) Traveling Cranes (1971) Spe Traverse Tensile Test. Machine) (1971) /Ngth of Woven Trays (1972) Treads Depth Requirements (Passenger Car Type Tires) (1 Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea Trea (Trea Trea ed Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotor Disks an ed and Heat Treated, for Railway Use (1973) ANSI G ed Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Ve ed Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rot ed Electric Steel Forgings for Generator Rotors (1 ed Fabric by the Sealed Jar Meth. (1972) ANSI L14. ed Fabric Steam Meth. (1972) ANSI L14.179 ed for High Temperature Service (1971) ANSI G55.12 ed for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High ed for Use in Waterproofing and Roofing (1973) Ans ed Line Pipe (1972) ed Lumber and Plywood) Foundation System: House De ed Paper and Paperboard (1972) ed Paper (1973) Test Me ed Piles and Timbers in Marine Construction (1973) ed Steel Helical Springs (1973) ANSI G54.20 ed Timber Crib Walls (1969) ed Timber Products (1973) ed Wood by Colorimetry (1972) ed (1972) /Num Alloy Forgings, 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-l. ed (1972A) Std. Spec, for Pres ed (1973) /-8.5Ni-2.0Cu-l.lTi, Vacuum Indue ed (1973) / and Strip, Corrosion and Moderate Hea ed (1973) / for Magnesium Alloy Sand Castings (5. ed (1973) /.4A1, Consumable Electrode or Vacuum I ed (1973) /E, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Nicke ed (1973) /Eat Resistant, Iron Base-13.3Cr-38 ed (1973) /Gs, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resi ed (1973) /on Melted 1825-1900 Deg. F (996.1-1037 ed (1973) /Teel Plate, Corrosion and Moderate Hea ed (1973) /Urn Induction Melted, 1975 Deg. F (1079 ed (1973) /(15Cr-26Ni-1.3Mo-2.1Ti-0.30V) ed, Carbon Manganese Silicon (1972A) ed, for Railway Use (1973) ANSI G57.ll St ed. Roll Threaded (1973) ed. Roll Threaded (1973) ed. Roll Threaded (1973) ed. Roll Threaded (1973) Spec, for T ed, Sub Zero Cooled, Equilized, and Over Tempered ed, 15.5Cr-16Mo-3.8W-5.5Fe) (1973) /Stant a ed, 170,000 psi (1172 MPa) Tensile Strength (1973) ers (Petroleum Production) (1973) ing Solutions and CCA Treated Wood by Colorimetry ing Solutions (1970) Swellog ing Wastewater (1970) Basic Criter ment by Pressure Processes and Quality Control Std ment by Pressure Processes for All Timber Products ment by Pressure Processes of Timber Piles (1973) ment by Pressure Processes of Timber Poles (1973) ment by Pressure Processes of Wood for Highway Con ment by Pressure Processes (1973) ment by Pressure Processes) (1972) ment by Pressure Processes) (1972) /. for Round P ment by the Full Length Thermal Process (1973) ment Devices for Marine Toilet Waste (Boats) (1972 ment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) ment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) ment Facilities (Tech. Notes) (1969) ment of Aluminum Alloys (1974) ment of Fractures of the Skeletal (Bone) System (1 ment of Incised Pole Butts by the Thermal Process ment of Lumber for Industrial Water Cooling Towers ment of Piles, Poles, and Timbers for Marine, Land ment of Structural Glued Laminated Members and Lam ment of Timber Products (1969) ment of Western Red Cedar and Alaska Yellow Cedar ment of Wood (1972) ment Plants (1970) ment (For Fence Posts) by Pressure Processes (1972 ment (Part Coating) (1973) ment (Septic, Holding, Settling, Aeration Chambers ment (1973) Uniform Building Co ment (1973) /D Heat Resistant, Roll Threaded Afte ment) (1968) /Ec. for Concrete Sanitary Engineeri ment, Poles, Piles, Spaced Columns. Joints, Screws ment. Quality and Management) (1972) ment, 1800 Deg. F (982.2 Deg. C) Solution Heat Tre AACCH 28-33 ICBO UPC»17 UL 32 NFPA 501C IAPMO TSC8 CMAA 70 ASTM D2262 IPCEA P-54-440 VESC V-7 ASTM A471 ASTM A21 ASTM A508 ASTM A470 ASTM A469 AATCC 112 AATCC 113 ASTM A437 ASTM A389 ASTM D1668 API SPEC 5LU NFORP RP7 TAPPI T461 TAPPI UM-539 AWPA C18 ASTM A125 AWPI *4 AWPA M2 AWPA A10-72 SAE AMS4131 ASTM A645 SAE AMS5617A SAE AMS5547C SAE AMS4425 SAE AMS5738C SAE AMS5872 SAE AMS5633A SAE AMS5755B SAE - AMS5707D SAE AMS5549C SAE AMS5709B SAE AMS5735H ASTM A537 ASTM A21 SAE AMS7452K SAE AMS7456G SAE AMS7460C SAE AMS7461B SAE AMS5743D SAE AMS5750B SAE AMS5744A API 12L AWPA A10-72 NWMA M-2-70 NSF C-9 ICBO UBCS25-12 AWPA CI AWPA C3 AWPA C4 AWPA C14 AWPA C2 AWPA C16-72 AWPA C23-72 AWPA C10 ABYC A8 BIA 34 BIA 34A BIA 34B ASTM B597 ASTM F369 AWPA C7 CTI 112 ASTM D390 AWPA C28 ASTM D1760 AWPA C8 ASTM D2898 NSF 40 AWPA C5-72 SAE AMS2485F NSF 41 ICBO UBCS25-13 SAE AMS7482 ACI 68-50 ICBO UBC«3-25 WSC • 1 SAE AMS7482 432 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards test Meth. for Detection of Hexavalent Chromium Containing (]974) Spec, for Detection of Mill Chemical bing Equipment (Body Belt. Safety Strap, Lanyard, Pole and d and Flanged Wellhead. Underwater Wellhead, and Christmas af Evergreens: Rose Grades; Vines and Cround Covers; Fruit Std. for Safety Requirements for ling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers; Christmas ry. Currant. Grape, Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seedling re / Std. for Nursery Stock: Deciduous Shade and Flowering Industrial Cost Std. Part Bit. Screwdriver, 1973) Std. for Screw, Hex Head, and Nonlocking (1973) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Head, td. for Machine Screw, Flat Fillister Head, Full Threaded. 2) Std. for Screw, Hex Head. d Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Screw, 100 Deg. Oval Head. nd Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Screw. 100 Deg. Head. nd Nonlocking (1972) Std. for Screw. Pan Head, Std. for Machine Screw. Flat Fillister Head, Full Thread, Std. for Bolt, 100 Deg. Head, Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Head, ead. Self Locking and Nonl/ Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Head. read. Self-Locking and Non/ Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Head. read. Nonlocking (/ Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Reduced Head, ad. Self Locking and Nonlo/ Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Head, ad. Nonlocking (19/ Std. for Bolt. 100 Deg. Reduced Head, , Short Thread. Self Locking and Nonlocki/ Bolt. 100 Deg. Std. for Bolt. Pan Head. Close Tolerance. Short Thread. Std. for Machine Screw. Flat Fillister Head. Full Thread. nlocking (1972) Std. for Screw, Hex Head. If Locking and Nonlocking / Std. for Screw. 100 Deg. Head Bit, Screwdriver, power Generating Station Protection Systems (19/ Std. for al Fasteners (1974) uclear Power Generating Stations (1973) ANSI N41.17 IEEE re Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Protect/ Operators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) / I Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Po/ lysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Sys/ pment and Circuits (1974) ANSI N41.14 easurements Part II-Characterization of Large Signal D/ lied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generat/ ectric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (/ real Chemistry) (1968) Meth. of ical 2-(Ethylamino)4-(Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S- t Control Chemical 2.4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-Methoxy-S- trol Chemical 2,4-Bis (Isopropylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S- est Control Chemical 2-Chloro-4.6bis (Isopropylamino) -S- Chemieal 2-(Tertbutylamino)-4-Chloro-6-(Ethylamino)-S- cal 2-(Tertbutylaminoi-4-(Ethylamino)-6-(Methylthio)-S- Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of Properties. Safe Handling and Use of Phosphorus ) Std. Acceptable Concentrations of 1,1,2- name for the Pest Control Chemical 0,0 Dimethyl 0-(3,5,6 - Std. Acceptable Concentrations of est Control Chemical 4-Chloro5-(Methylamino) -2-(a,a,a- name for the Pest Control Chemical N-(2Chloroethyl)-A, A, A- for the Pest Control Chemical N(Cyclopropylmethyl)-A, A, A- Wheat Flours (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Std. Meth. of Test. Resistance to Scuffing of Fabrics. Vinyls, Coated Fiberboards. and Other Automotive ng Resistance and Associated Characteristics of Automotive eth. for Determining Window Fogging Resistance of Interior Rec. Pract. for Flammability of Automotive Interior Quality Stds. for Standing and Running Std. for Locks and Lock Std. for Architectural Door de Specs, for Architectural Woodwork: Standing and Running td. for Methoprene (Isopropyl (E.E)-l l-Methoxy-3,7, 11 - e Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl (E.E)-l l-Methoxy-3,7, 11- mmon Name for the Pest Control Chemical Ethyl (E,E)3, 7, li- me for the Pest Control Chemical 2-Propynyl (E.E)-3,7,11- g Appliances (Lawn Mower, Cultivator, Edger-Trimmer, Hedge . for Terms and Definitions for Wirewound and Nonwirewound pection and Test Procedures for Wirewound and Nonwirewound Std. for Safety Requirements for Tree Pruning, cable (1966) IPCEA S-64-474 Std. for Aluminum, e)-ll-Methoxy-3,7,ll-Trimethyl-2.4-Dodecadienethioate - n. NaOH (1973) Spec, for Photographic Grade Std. Meth. of Test for Radioactive Std. Spec, for Electric Wire Rope Hoists (Lug, Hook, Std, Spec, for Bronze uirements for Tailored Woven Uniform Fabrics, Lightweight tation Practices: Chassis Frames— Passenger Car and Light cial Type Trailer. Mobile Home, Garden Tractor, Industrial d. for Recreational Vehicles (Travel and Camping Trailers, Tr Tr eatments on Galvanized Steel Prior to Conversion Coat eatments on Galvanized Steel Surfaces (Coil Coating) ■ee Climber) (1973) Spec, for Lineman's Clim ee Equipment; Flow Control Chokes; and Water Sampling ee Grades; Small Fruits (Berry, Currant, Grape, Aspar ee Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, or Removal (1972) ee Std. (1973) /, Asparagus); Lining Out Stock; Seed ees and Shrubs; Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers; Christmas T ees; Deciduous Shrubs; Coniferous and Broadleaf Everg nds for Buildings, Machinery and Equipment (1974) Wing Recess (1972) Wing Recess. Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Nonlocking ( Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Full Thread, Self-Locking Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self-Locking and Nonlocki Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread Nonlocking (197 Wing Recess. A286 Cres, Full Thread Self Locking an Wing Recess. A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Locking a Wing Recess, A286 Cres, Full Thread, Self Locking a Wing Recess. A286 Cres, Self-Locking and Nonlocking Wing Recess. Close Tolerance (1972) Wing Recess, Close Tolerance (19721 Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, Alloy Steel, Long Thr Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel, Short Th Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. Alloy Steel, Short Th Wing Recess, Close Tolerance. A286 Cres, Short Thre Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, A286 Cres, Short Thre Wing Recess, Close Tolerance, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy 6A1-4V, Self Locking an Wing Recess, Titanium Alloy, 6A1-4V, Self-Locking a Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, No Wing Recess, 6A1-4V Titanium Alloy, Full Thread, Se , Wing, Spec, for (1972) ■al— Use Criteria for the Periodic Test, of Nuclear al Std. for Screw Threads for Metric Series Mechanic ial Use Guide for Class IE Control Switchboards for N ial Use Guide for the Application of the Single Failu Ial Ujse Guide for Type Test of Class I Electric Valve al Use Guide for Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class ial Use Guide: General Principles for Reliability Ana ial Use Std. Criteria for Separation of Class Ie Equi ial Use Std. Guide on Solid State Devices: Varactor M al Use Std.: Criteria for Diesel Generator Units App ial Use Std.: General Guide for Qualifying Class I El iangle Test Taste Panel for Food Flavor Detection (Ce Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr T Troll T (Trop T T /E for the Pest Control Chem ID. Common Name for the Pes /Mon Name for the Pest Con /Td. Common Name for the P /for the Pest Control /or the Pest Control Chemi azine-Ametryn (1973) azine-Prometon (1973) lazine-Prometryn (1973) iazine-Propazine (1973) iazine-Terbuthylazine (1973) azine-Terbutryn (1973) [basic Lead Phosphosilicate (1973) ichloride (1972) ichloro-l,2,2trifluoroethane (Fluorocarbon 113) (1973 ichIoro-2-Pyridyl) Phosphorothioate Chlorpyrifos Met iehlorofluoromethane (Fluorocarbon 11) (1973) ifluoro-m-tolyl) -3 (2H)Pyridazinone Norflurazon (197 ifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluidine-Fluchlora ifluoro-2,6-Dinitro-N-Propyl-Ptoluidine-Proflural fructosan Meth. of Analysis for Admixture of Rye and im Materials (1972) m Materials (1972) / Matched to Master Specimen for m Materials (1972) /St Meth. for Determining Blocki m Materials (1973) ANSI Z265.1 Rec. Pract. Test M m Materials: Horizontal Test Meth. (1972) m (Architectural Woodwork) (1973) m (1972) ■m (1972) im. Casework, Panelwork, Closet and Storage Shelving, imethyl -2,4-Dodecadienoate) (Common Name for the PE methyl-2,4-Dodecadienethioate-Triprene (1973) /H imethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Hydroprene (1973) /or Co imethyl-2,4-Dodecadienoate Kinoprene (1973) /Mon Na immer, etc.) (1974) /Ord Connected Electric Gardenin ming Potentiometers (1970) Std ming Potentiometers (1970) Std. for Ins ming, Repairing, or Removal (1972) lex. Neutral Supported, Service Drop and Secondary , F rene (1973) /He Pest Control Chemical S-Ethyl (E, isodium Phosphate, Dodecahydrate (Na,Po,.12H,0) • : um in Water (1970) ANSI N164 ley Suspended, and Base Mounted Types (1971) ey Wire (1974) ANSI C7.5 ical) Suiting (Institutional Textile) (1973) / Req k-Ground Vehicle Practices (1974) /Lated Documen i.u^k and Trailer (1974) /Ft Truck, Boat, Baggage, Spe Truck Campers, Motor Homes): Installation of Plumbing. pie NCCA TB-II-7 NCCA TB III 1 EEI AP-2 API 6A ANSI Z60.1 ANSI Z133.1 ANSI Z60.1 ANSI Z60.1 ANSI Z60.1 FMS 9-3 NSA 4005 NSA 5900-03 NSA 5600-06 NSA 5300-06 NSA 6000-3 NSA 6500-6 NSA 5700-6 NSA 6900-06 NSA 5400-06 NSA 4204-16 NSA 4304-16 NSA 4104-16 NSA 4400-16 NSA 4703-16 NSA 4500-16 NSA 4803-16 NSA 4600-16 NSA 5200-06 NSA 5500-06 NSA 6100-3 NSA 5800-6 NSA 4001 IEEE 338 IFI 500 IEEE 420 IEEE 379 IEEE 382 IEEE 334 IEEE 352 IEEE 384 IEEE 351 IEEE 387 IEEE 323 AACCH 33-50 ANSI K62.142 ANSI K62.144 ANSI K62.143 ANSI K62.145 ANSI K62.149 ANSI K62.148 ASTM D2742 MCA SD27 ANSI Z37.35 ANSI K62.130 ANSI Z37.36 ANSI K62.125 ANSI K62.140 ANSI K62.152 AACCH 06-10 SAE J365A SAE J361A SAE J912A SAE J275 SAE J369A AWI ♦1-300 ANSI A156.2 ANSI A156.6 AWI •1-1 ANSI K62.132 ANSI K62.141 ANSI K62.136 ANSI K62.137 UL 82 VRCI T110 VRCI T215 ANSI Z133.1 EEI TDJ-180 ANSI K62.141 ANSI PH4.234 ASTM D2476 HMI 100 ASTM B9 ANSI L24.3.3 ANSI Y14.32.1 TRA 5 NFPA 501C Engineering and Product Standards Division 433 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards t) (1973) Rec. Pract. Industrical Pract. for Nomenclature for Passenger Car and Light Rec. Pract. for Rating of Trailer Floors for Lift Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light Rec. Pract. for High Lift Industrial Rec. Pract. for Passenger Car and Light 3) Shipper-Motor Carrier Dock Planning Manual Rec. Pract. Meth. for Determining GAWR and CVWR for Rec. Pract. for 7 Conductor Electrical Connector for exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement (Passenger Car and Light and Recreational Type Vehicles, Counter Balanced Fork Lift s, Passenger Cars, Off Road, Agricultural and Log Skidder, Std. for Nomenclature ■ Std. for Tires and Rims for Terms Used in the Selection of Tires (Car, Station Wagon, Safe Operating Condition of Rec. Pract. for Exterior Sound Level for Heavy std. for Training of Automotive Mechanics for Buses, Heavy e Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Light ining of Automotive Mechanics for Passenger Cars and Light e Emissions from Gasoline Powered Passenger Cars and Light Std. for Safety for Electric Battery Powered Industrial Std. for Sound Level for Passenger Cars and Light Std. for Load Handling Symbols for Powered Industrial r Forks and Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial Fork Lift t Emission Controls (Air Pollution) for Powered Industrial ng and Reporting of the Noise Levels of Powered Industrial as of Use, Maintenance and Operation of Powered Industrial ies (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Vehicles, and Light Duty ng Storage Batteries in Motive Power Service (For Electric of Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles. Buses, for Service Brake Structural Integrity Test Procedure for ts and Terminals (For Foreign and Domestic Passenger Cars, e Wheels, and Demountable Rims Intended for Highway Use on Std. for Demountable Tired Wheels for Industrial er. Loader, Dozer, Mining Car, Front End Loader, Fork Lift Std. for Std. for and Wood and Lag Screws; Light Metal Plate Connected Wood td. Meth. of Test for Tensile Strength Properties of Steel ingles. Exposed Roof Decking, Drop Siding, Structural Roof Std. Spec, for Ceramic Tile Panels for Bath uorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate Coated Glass tion Pip/ Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Extruded eaded Rod Ends (1973) Std. for nds (1973) Std. for readed Rod Ends (1973) Std. for and Threaded Rod Ends (1973) Std. for (1973) Std. for Packing. Preformed, Straight Thread (1973) Std. for Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread rigeration Service, and Marine Use (1972/ Safety Std. for Std. for Spherical Sleeve (Compression) Std. for Automotive Std. for Hydraulic ce (1974) ANSI H23.5 Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper .2 Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Titanium Std. Spec, for Hard Drawn Copper Capillary Safety Std. for Automotive Glass (Flyback Transformer, Multiplier, Deflection Yoke, Picture 1973) Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Condenser Rolled Std. Meth. for Thin Walled Std. for Swaging Process - Std. for Elbow, Reducer, 45 Deg. Flareless Std. for Elbow Reducer, 90 Deg. Flareless Std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Std. for Tee, Reducer, Flareless Rec. Std. for Radio Std. Spec, for Copper Drainage Std. Spec, for Nickel Seamless Pipe and td. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Std. Spec, for Seamless Brass Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Water n-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Seamless Pipe and ckel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy Seamless Papd iron Columbium Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Seamless Pipe and Std. Spec, for Welded Copper and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Welded Copper Alloy Water Std. Spec, for Welded Brass Solder- Joint Pressure Fitting for Use with Copper Water Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Nickel Pipe and td. Spec, for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and ec. for Aluminum Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Std. Spec, for Welded Copper Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Bus Pipe and Truck Definitions (1972) Truck Exhaust System Parts (1972) Truck Loading (1971) Truck Mixer and Agitator Stds. (Concrete Plant Equipmen Truck Muffler Parts Nomenclature (1971) Truck Nameplates and Marking (1973) Truck Resonator Parts Nomenclature (1971) (Truck Shipping and Receiving-Materials Handling) (197 Truck Trailer Certification (1972) Truck Trailer Jumper Cable (1972) Truck) (1971) /Ory Instrumentation and Techniques for Truck, Boat, Baggage, Special Type Trailer, Mobile Home Truck, Bus, Bead Seat, Industrial and Bicycle Tires (19 Truck, Bus, Trailer (1972) Truck, Bus, Trailer, and Multipurpose Vehicje (1974) Truck, Bus, Trailer, Multipurpose Passenger and Recreat Truck, Trailer and Bus Type Tires (1973) Trucks and Buses (1971) Trucks and Trailers (Course of Instruction) (1972) Trucks L'sing the Enclosure Technique (1972) /Vaporativ Trucks (Course of Instruction) (1972) Std. for Tra Trucks (1972) / for the Measurement of Fuel Evaporativ Trucks (1972) ANSI B56.3 Trucks (1972) ANSI S6.3 Trucks (1973) Trucks (1973) Std. Fo Trucks (1973) Rec. Pract. for Exhaus Trucks (1973) /R Uniform Procedure for the Test., Rati Trucks (1973) ANSI B56.2 /. for Type Designations, Are Trucks) (1971) /111 Pipes with Fuel Dispensing Facilit Trucks) (1972) /Nd Health Rec. for Changing and Chargi Trucks, and Combination Vehicles with Any Type of Brake Trucks, Buses, and Combination Vehicles for Roadway Use Trucks, Buses, Coaches, Tractors, Industrial Road and M Trucks, Buses, Trailers, and Multipurpose Passenger Veh Trucks, Casters, Conveyors, and Other Equipment (1966) Trucks, Mobile Crane, and Shovel (1974) /T Haul); Grad Trunnion-Tank Strap, Threaded (1973) Trunnion-Tank Strap, Unthreaded (1973) Truss Design; and Nails and Staples (1973) /If t Bolts, Truss Plates (1973) Trusses and Rafters, Overhead /Ished Carpentry, Flooring, Sh Tub Recess (1972) Tube and a Particulate Filter Meth.) (1973) /Aseous Fl Tube and Pipe for Gas and Oil Transmission and Distribu Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Clevis and Thr Tube Assembly, Control Steel with Welded Threaded Rod E Tube Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded and Th Tube Assembly, Control, Steel, with Flash Welded Clevis Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 75 Shore, O-Ring Tube Fitting Boss, MIL-R-25897 Rubber, 90 Shore, O-Ring Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Ref Tube Fittings (1971) Tube Fittings (1971) Tube Fittings (1972) Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Servi Tube for Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1965) ANSI H50 Tube for Restrictor Applications (1974) ANSI H23.8 Tube Fuses (1973) Tube Neck Components) (1974) /Er Electronic Equipment Tube Plates in Surface Condensers and Heat Exchangers ( Tube Sampling of Soils (1974) Tube to Rod End (1974) Tube to Swivel (1973) Tube to Swivel (1973) Tube to Swivel, Swivel on Run (1973) Tube to Swivel, Swivel on Side (1973) Tube Wire (1970) Tube (DWV) (1974) ANSI H23.6 Tube (1970) ANSI H34.1 Tube (1970) ANSI H34.3 Tube (1971) ANSI H36.1 Tube (1972) ANSI H23.1 Tube (1972) ANSI H34.16 Tube (1972) ANSI H34.20 Tube (1972) ANSI H34.21 Tube (1973) Tube (1973) Tube (1973) Tube (1973) Tube (1973) ANSI H26.4 Tube (1973) ANSI H34.41 Tube (1973) ANSI H38.16 Tube (1973) ANSI H38.7 Tube (1974) Tube (1974) ANSI C7.26 Std. Spec, for Nickel-Iro Std. Spec, for Ni /D. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Std. for Wrought Copper and Bronze Std. Sp ITA IB2-19 SAE J97 TTMA RP37 NRMCA *3 SAE J261 ITA 4F1 SAE J262 ANSI MH8.1 TTMA RP39 TTMA RP40 SAE J254 TRA 5 TRA 7 SAE J687C TRA 2 TRA XXI VESC V-9 SAE J366A ANSI D18.2 SAE J171A ANSI D18.1 SAE J170A UL 583 SAE J986A ANSI MH11.3 ANSI MH11.4 ITA 6F1 ITA 6G1 NFPA 505 SAE J398A ITA 8K1 SAE J299 SAE J294 BCI *1.56 SAE J267 CFTMA W7 TRA 3 NSA 25 NSA 26 ICBO UBCS25-17 ASTM E489 AWI •1-1 TCA 8701 ASTM D3268 ASTM B345 NSA 359 NSA 358 NSA 361 NSA 362 NSA 1595 NSA 1596 UL 109 SAE J246 SAE J512F SAE J514E ASTM B280 ASTM B338 ASTM B360 UL 275B UL 492.3 ASTM B171 ASTM D1587 NSA 582 NSA 1761 NSA 1762 NSA 1763 NSA 1764 SWA •72 ASTM B306 ASTM B161 ASTM B167 ASTM B135 ASTM B88 ASTM B423 ASTM B444 ASTM B445 ASTM B543 ASTM B586 ASTM B587 ANSI B16.22 ASTM B466 ASTM B407 ASTM B429 ASTM B241 ASTM B447 ASTM B188 434 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards 8.6 17 18 Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper Silicon Alloy Seamless Pipe and c. for Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Rectangular Waveguide Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Formed and Arc Welded Round Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Std. Spec, for Seamless Copper Rec. Pract. for Coding System for Identification of ng Out Stock: Seedling Trees and Shrubs; Bulbs. Corms. and std. Test. Procedure for End Supported Beam Strength Fibre est. Procedure for End Supported Beam Deflection Composite Std. Test. Proc. for Side to Side Crush Composite t. Proc. for Measuring Inside Diameters of Composite Cans, Composite Cans. Std. Test. Procedure for Internal Bursting of Composite Std. Test. Procedure for Torque Strength of Composite rocedure for Measuring Wall Thicknesses of Composite Cans, ocedure for Axial (End to End) Compression Composite Cans, omenclature for Glass Bulbs Intended for I se with Electron Std. Spec, for Copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Std. Spec, for Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Round Coiled trie Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Zirconium c. for Wrought Zirconium and Its Alloy Seamless and Welded Std. Spec, for Copper Alloy Std. Spec, for Seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Still for Seamless Low Carbon and Carbon Molybdenum Steel Still Spec, for Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Std. Meth. of Test. Laminated Std. Meth. of Measuring Dimensions of Rigid Rods and aluminum Alloy Seamless Round Condenser and Heat Exchanger copper and Its Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger plia/ Std. for Safety for Implosion Protected Cathode Ray std. Spec, for Columbium and Its Alloy Seamless and Welded Std. for Base for GM Counter nts for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Spec, for Seamless Ferritic Austenitic Alloy Steel d. Meth. of Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary . of Measurement of the A-D Dimension of Aerosol Valve Dip stered Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Television Picture mless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tent. Spec, for Molybdenum Flattened Wire for Electron ec. for Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater seamless Copper and Its Alloy Heat Exchanger and Condenser -Iron-Molybdenum-Copper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy c. for Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater elded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater enitic Alloy Steel Boiler. Superheater, and Heat Exchanger c Steel Boiler. Superheater. Heat Exchanger, and Condenser . Spec, for Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler rawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser mless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater Std. Spec for Aluminum Alloy Round Welded Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars. Rods. Shapes, and Std. Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless cedure for Measuring Lengths or Heights of Composite Cans, id. Spec, for Magnesium Alloy Extruded Bars. Rods. Shapes, Std. for Coupling • Std. Spec, for Steel Std. for Tires, Rec. for Steam Std. Spec, for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, (1972) Thread Compounds (For Casing, Std. for Air Brake Std. for Seamless Low Carbon Steel Std. for Welded and Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Std. for Metric Thread Fuel Injection Std. Spec, for Crosslinked Polyolefin Heat Shrinkable ed and Noncrosslinked Polylvinyl Chloride) Heat Shrinkable Std. Meth. of Test. Heat Shrinkable td. Spec, for Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel . Spec, for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel for Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Std. for Safety for Electrical Metallic or Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural er)(1974) ellSe 98 Tube (1974) ANSI H23.4 Std. Spec, for General Tube (1974) ANSI H26.3 Tube (1974) ANSI H37.1 Std. Spe Tube (1974) ANSI H38.20 Tube (1975) ANSI H23.3 Tube, Bright Annealed (1973) ANSI H23.2 Tube, Pipe, and Hose Fittings (1972) Tubers; Christmas Tree Std. (1973) /, Asparagus); Lini Tubes and Cores (1972) Tubes and Cores (1972) Std. T Tubes and Cores (1973) Tubes and Cores (1973) Std. Tes Tubes and Cores (1974) Tubes and Cores (1974) Tubes and Cores (1974) Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Test. P Tubes and Cores (1974) Std. Test. Pr Tubes and Electric Lamps (1971) Std. N Tubes and Ferrule Stock (1974) ANSI H23.14 Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers (1973) ANSI H3 Tubes for General Purpose Applications (1973) ANSI H38. Tubes for General Purpose Applications (1973) ANSI H38. Tubes for High Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125.I2 /C Tubes for High Pressure Service (1973) ANSI B125.7 Tubes for Low Temperature Service (1972A) ANSI B125.18 Tubes for Nonnuclear Application (1972) ANSI Z212.1 Tubes for Nuclear Service (1971) ANSI N124 Std. Spe Tubes for Pressure Applications (1972) Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B 125.23 Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B125.5 /. Spec. Tubes for Refinery Service (1972) ANSI B36.39 Std. Tubes Used for Electrical Insulation (1970) Tubes Used for Electrical Insulation (1972) ANSI C59.33 Tubes with Integral Fins (1973) Std. Spec, for Tubes with Integral Fins (1974) Std. Spec, for Tubes (Picture and Display) for Television Receiving Ap Tubes (1970) ANSI H53.1 ' Tubes (1971) Tubes (1971 A) ANSI B125.34 /Pec. for General Requireme Tubes (1972) Tubes (1972) St Tubes (1972) Std. Meth Tubes (1972) Std. for Regi Tubes (1972) ANSI H34.42 Std. Spec, for Sea Tubes (1973) Tubes (1973) Std. Sp Tubes (1973) Std. Spec, for U-Bend Tubes (1973) /or Seamless and Welded Chromium-Nickel Std. Spe /. for Electric Resistance W / Seamless Ferritic and Aust / Spec, for Welded Austeniti Std /D. Spec, for Seamless Cold D Std. Spec, for Sea Std. Std. Test. Pro ing(l/ 09/ (1973) -0.46C)/ Std. for Welded Flash Controlled Low Carbon Steel Spec, for Steel Bars. Forgings, Rings, and Mechanical Spec, for Grade C-75 and C-95 Casing and Rec. Pract. for Care and Use of Casing and Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings. and Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings. and Mechanical Spec, for Steel Bars. Forgings, and Mechanical Std. Spec, for Copper Brazed Steel Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.10 Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.13 Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.22 Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.32 Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.6 Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.8 Tubes (1973) ANSI B125.9 Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.ll Tubes (1973) ANSI H38.5 Tubes (1974) ANSI H38.3 Tubes, and Cores (1974) Tubes, and Wires (1970) ANSI H45.6 Tubes, Flared Fitting. Female Thread (1973) Tubes, Low Carbon, Tapered for Structural Use (1973) Tubes, Rims and Valves for Aircraft (Airplane, Helicopt Tubine Driven Generator Units (1972) Tubing and Fittings (1973) Tubing and Line Pipe Connections in High Pressure Oil W Tubing and Pipe (1970) Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flaring (1972) Tubing Annealed for Bending and Flaring (1972) Tubing Connections (1971) Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1972) Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1973) Tubing for Electrical Insulation (1974) Tubing for General Service (1973) ANSI B125.14 Tubing for General Service (1973) ANSI B125.15 Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temperatures (1 Tubing for Wire and Cable Installation (1973) ANSI C33. Tubing in Rounds and Shapes (1973) ANSI C24.21 /Pec Tubing Normalized for Bending. Double Flaring, and Bead Tubing (Annealed) (0.48Cr-8.0Ni-4.0Co-0.48Mo-0. Tubing (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Tubing (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) Tubing (0.80Cr-1.8N'i-0.25Mo (0.49-0.55C)) (1973) Tubing (1.05Cr-0.55Ni-1.0Mo-0.12V (0.43-0.49C)) Tubing (1.62SI -0.82Cr-1.82Ni-0.40Mo-0.07V (0.41 Tubing (1970) ANSI B125.33 /for Crosslink Std ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM SAE ANSI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI CCTI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM \STM UL ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASHRA ASTM EIA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM CCTI ASTM NSA ASTM TRA FMS ASTM API SAE SAE SAE SAE ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM UL ASTM SAE SAE API API SAE SAE SAE ASTM B251 B315 B372 B547 B75 B68 J846C Z60.1 T114 T-113 T108 CT102 CT111 T112 T116 CT101 CT107 C79.1 Bill B234 B483 B491 A226 A192 A334 B523 B353 B469 A 200 A161 A271 D348 D668 B404 B3.S9 492.8 B394 N42.5 A450 A669 28 D3089 RS266A B163 F364 A688 B395 B468 A210 A250 A213 A249 A178 A199 A209 B313 B221 B210 CT104 B107 424 A595 9 13-3 D2513 BUL 5A2 J844C J524B J525B J242 D3149 D3150 D2671 A 268 A269 A608 797 A500 J356A AMS6540B 5AC 5C1 AMS6424 AMS6432A AMS6416A A254 Engineering and Product Standards Division 435 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards Std. Spec, for Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Std. Rec. Pract. for Flaring Polyolefin Pipe and Std. for Welded Low Carbon Steel Std. for Brazed Double Wall Low Carbon Steel Std. for Flares and Rec. for Coiling Polyethylene Plastic Pipe and Safety Std. for Extruded Thermoplastic Insulating d. for Design, Manufacture and Test of Aluminum Irrigation s Strip in Narrow Widths and Light Gage for Heat Exchanger Std. Spec, for Tantalum and Its Alloy Std. Spec, for Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Std. Spec, for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Std. Spec, for polylVinylidene Fluoride) Heat Shrinkable Spec, for Tolerances of Aluminum Alloy Drawn med Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Structural lyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for (PE) Plastic Pipe and or Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) and Std. Spec, for Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Std. Spec, for Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Std. Spec, for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic- Manual of Cold Formed Welded Structural Steel ted Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Electrical Metallic . Pract. for Eddy Current Test, of Steel Tubular Products Spec, for Casing. Spec, for High Strength Casing, cements for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Plastic Pipe. — 1.8Ni— 0.4/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings. Mechanical eading. Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Petroleum Casing. 26Ni-l.3Mo-2.lTi-/ Spec, for Steel Bars, Forgings. t, 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed (1973/ Steel Bars, Forgings. 2-0. 38C), Special Grade (1973) Steel Bars, Forgings, 0-1. 20C), Premium Bearing Qu/ Steel Bars, Forgings, and t Shrinkable (19/ Spec, for Electrical Insulation Plastic 30V (0.40-0.50C) V/ Spec, for Steel Bars. Forgings, and sters, Face Masks and Rebreathing Bags, Footwear, Hose and niMSAE 30310) (1973) 15)11973) 43C) (Modified 98Bv40) (1973) 0), Premium Quality, Consumabl/ 0)(1973) (1973) 0). Premium Quality. Vacuum Co/ 0), Premium Quality (1973) Spec, for Steel Steel Bars, Forgings, and Steel Bars, Forgings, and Steel Bars, Forgings. and Steel Bars. Forgings, and Steel Bars, Forgings. Steel Bars. Forgings, and Steel Bars, Forgings. and Recommendation for Installation of Ceramic Tile Std. Drive Arrangements for 1) Std. for s for Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel 1) Ansi/ Std. Rec. Pract. for Eddy Current Test, of Steel (Steel Products Manual) Steel Specialty wn and Garden Riding Tractors (1972) Std. for One Point Carbon Steel Std. for General Purpose Semi-Tubular, Full astm/ Test Meth. for Water Repellency of Textile Fabrics: Std. Spec, for Raw Std. Spec, for Nickel Chromium Iron Columbium Molybdenum Spec, for Std. for Manual Gas Std. Meth. for Chemical Analysis of esistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Means of A Std. Meth. of Test for Fineness of Portland Cement by the Apparatus) (Exclusive of Generator, for Hydraulic Rec. for Steam rs for Pumpe/ Std. for Installation of Vertical Hydraulic he Flushing and Cleaning of Lubricating Systems of Various nchronous Generator / Motor L'ni/ Std. for Large Hydraulic r Digital Computer Programs (1970) Gas Spec, and Rec. Pract. for Installation and Calibration of Std. Spec, for Gas Tent. Meth. of Test for Total Acidity in Aviation Tent. Meth. of Test for Flash Point of Aviation Std. Meth. of Test for Trace Metals in Gas Meth. of Test for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Std. Meth. of Test for Smoke Point of Aviation Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Stability of Aviation . of Test for Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Std. Meth. of Test for Lead and Vanadium in Gas Tent. Meth. of Test for Undissolved Water in Aviation Guidance Material for Aviation Std. Spec, for Aviation std. Meth. of Test for Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Rec. Pract. for Flushing and Cleaning of Gas Guide for Operation and Maintenance of ANSI Zll. 230 Std. Meth. of Test for Continuity of Steam Std. Spec, for Vacuum Treated Alloy Steel Forgings for .317 Tent. Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub (Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub 971) ANSI G62.1 972) 972) 972) 972) 972) 972) 972) Minimum St 972) /Td. Spec, for Copper Alloy No. 260 Bras 972) ANSI H54.1 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) 973) ANSI B36.38 973) ANSI B72.12 973) ANSI B72.22 973) ANSI G24.22 973) ANSI G62.4 974) 974) ,Std. Spec, for Hot for Std. Spec, for Butt Heat Fusion Po Std. Spec. F Std. Spec, for Std. Spec. 974) /. for Polyvinyl Chloride Externally Coa ng) with Magnetic Saturation (1971) ANSI Z166.27 ng, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) ng, and Drill Pipe (Petroleum Drilling) (1973) ng, and Fittings (1973) ANSI K65.162 /for Solvent ng, and Flash Welded Rings (1.3Mn-1.5SI -0.30Cr ng, and Line Pipe Threads (1974) Spec, for Thr ng, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (15Cr- ng, and Rings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistan ng, and Rings, 0.78Cr-1.8Ni-0.35Mo-0.20V (0.3 ng. Corrosion Resistant, 14.5Cr-4.0Mo-1.2V (1.1 ng. Irradiated Polyolefin. Pigmented, Flexible, Hea ng. Low Alloy, Heat Resistant (0.95Cr-0.55Mo-0. ng. Mattresses and Pads. Sheeting, and Restraint St ng, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (25Cr-20 ng. 0.50Cr-0.55Ni-0.20Mo (0.11-0.17C) (SAE 86 ng, 0.80Cr-0.85Ni-0.20Mo-0.04V-B (0.38-0. ng. 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE 434 ng. 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE 434 ng. 0.88Cr-1.8Ni-0.42Mo-0.08V (0.28-0.33C) ng, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C) (SAE 931 ng, 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0. 13C) (SAE 931 Tubs (1973) Tubular Centrifugal Fans (1966) Tubular Heat Exchanges in Chemical Process Service (197 Tubular Products for High Temperature Service Conformin Tubular Products (Tubing) with Magnetic Saturation (197 Tubular Products (1972) Tubular Sleeve Attachment for Hitching Implements to La Tubular Spring Pins (1973) Tubular, Split Rivets and Caps (1972) Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test (1972) ANSI L14.87, Tung Oil (1973) Tungsten Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1972) ANSI H34.2 Tungsten Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) ANSI W3.12 Tungsten Arc (Gta) Fusion Welding Equipment (1974) Tungsten (1973) Tup (Falling Weight) (1972) /Eth. of Test for Impact R Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb Turb dimeter (1973) ANSI A1.7 ne Drive) (1972) ne Driven Generator Units (1974) ne Driven Generators and Reversible Generator/Moto ne Driven Pumps for Marine Service (1971) / for T ne Driven Synchronous Generators and Reversible Sy ne Engine Steady State Performance Presentation Fo ne Flowmeters (1972) ne Fuel Oils (1971) ANSI Z11.312 ne Fuel (1973) ne Fuels by Setaflash Closed Tester (1973) ne Fuels (Atomic Absorption Meth.) (1972) ANSI Zll ne Fuels (JFTOT Proc.) (1973) ne Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll. 137 ne Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll. 148 ne Fuels (1972) ANSI Z11.301 Std. Meth ne Fuels (1972) ANSI Zll. 316 ne Fuels (1973) ne Fuels (1973) ne Fuels (1973) ANSI Zll. 204 ne Fuels (1973) ANSI Zll. 264 ne Generator Lubricating Oil Systems (1971) ne Generators (1972) ANSI C50.30 ne Oil Oxidation Stability by Rotating Bomb (1967) ne Rotor Disks and Wheels (1970) ANSI G55.15 ASTM A511 ASTM D3140 SAE J526B SAE J527B SAE J533B SPI PPI TN6 UL 224 ASAE S263.2 ASTM B569 ASTM B521 ASTM A554 ASTM D2666 ASTM D3144 SAE AMS2203G ASTM A618 ASTM D3261 ASTM A270 ASTM D2446 ASTM D2740 ASTM A501 ASTM A519 ASTM D2737 WSTI •1 NEMA RN1 ASTM E309 API 5A API 5AX ASTM D2560 SAE AMS6418E API 5B SAE AMS5735H SAE AMS5627B SAE AMS6430B SAE AMS5749 SAE AMS3636D SAE AMS6305 UL 1067 SAE AMS5577C SAE AMS6270J SAE AMS6422 SAE AMS6414B SAE AMS6415H SAE AMS6427E SAE AMS6265D SAE AMS6267B TCA 304 AMCA 2410 ANSI B78.1 ASTM A520 ASTM E309 AISI 19 ASAE S348T SAE AMS7205D ANSI B18.7 AATCC 70 ASTM D12 ASTM B445 AWS A5.12 NSA 961 ASTM E397 ASTM D3029 ASTM CI 15 NEMA MG1-22 FMS 5-12 NEMA MG5.2 ASME LOS-2C1 NEMA MG5.1 SAE ARP681B ISA RP31.1 ASTM D2880 ASTM D3242 ASTM D3243 ASTM D2788 ASTM D3241 ASTM D1322 ASTM D1660 ASTM D2550 ASTM D2787 ASTM D3240 IATA *1 ASTM D1655 ASTM D2276 ASME LOS-4C1 IEEE 67 ASTM D2272 ASTM A471 436 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ec. for Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for r High Temperature Service (1/ Std. Spec, for Alloy Steel Test for Mercaptan Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Rec. Pract. for the Prevention of Water Damage to Steam heavy Walled Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings for Steam tection for Maintenance and Inspection of Mechanical Drive 1 Valve Capacity Test Procedure for Compressible Fluids in Rec. Pract. for Motorcycle Std. for ks and Cutting Tools, Single Point, Carbide Tipped, Roller Rec. Pract. for d Rodent Hairs in Rye Flour (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) Chloroform; Formaldehyde; Gasoline; Herwig's, Pancreatin, Std. for Bolt, Pan Head, Close Tolerance. Short Thread, g (197/ Std. for Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Short Thread, Std. Meth. of Test. 234 Meth. of Test for Std. for for Professional Photographic Sheet and Roll Films (SI and td. (1973) Condenser Tubes (1973) Std. Spec, for Std. Rec. Pract. for Making and Using ains. Oilseeds. Legumes, Forages, and Animal and Dairy P/ er Universal Pads (Container) (Dot-37A80. Dot-37Aa60. td. Spec, for 57 Gal. Full Removable Head I'niversal Drums td. Spec, for 30 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums td. Spec, for 16 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drums std. Spec, for 55 Gal. Full Removable Head Universal Drum or 16 Gal. Full Removable Head, Lug Cover Universal Drums ver Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-37A80, Dot-37A60, 5 Gal. Tight Head Universal Pails (Container) (Dot-17E, Std. Meth. for Tent. Spec, for zl66.23 Std. Meth. for or Special Applications (19/ Std. Spec, for Straight Beam sels (1973) ANSI / Std. Meth. and Spec, for Straight Beam ure Vessels (1971) ANSI H38.21 Std. Meth. for s for Aerospace Applications (1974) Std. Meth. for tings (1970) ANSI G52.7 Std. Spec, for Longitudinal Beam Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Std. Rec. Pract. for Measuring 3) ANSI G35.24 Std. Spec, for n Concentrates (Cereal Chemistry) (1962) n Dry Vitamin Mixes, Beadlets, Oils, and Emulsions (Cere/ Std. Meth. for Evaluation of White Mineral Oils by ine on Bags and Other Packaging Materials (Cereal Chemis/ Std. Spec, for Seamless and Welded ture (Oven Filter Paper) Content of Corn Syrup Unmixed and Tent. Rec. for Concrete Members Prestressed with Building Code Std. for and Meth. of Sampling and Test, of c. for General Requirements for Carbon Steel Wire Rods and Std. Meth. of Test for Lime Content of ereal Chemistry) (1962) Meth. of Analysis of Std. Spec, for Asbestos Cement Perforated Std. Spec, for Porous Concrete Pipe for Use in s (1971) An/ Std. Spec, for Steel Sheets for Culverts and Std. for Steel er Cable Specs.) (1973) Aluminum ati/ Safety Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Spec, for Tinned Copper Concentric Neutrals Installation Pract. for al Wire and Cable (1/ Std. for Plastic Utilities Duct for r Pipe (1972) ANSI K65.171 Std. Rec. Pract. for ng (1972) Std. Rec. Pract. for yrene Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Ducts and Fittings for Rec. Pract. for Control of External Corrosion on Tent. Rec. Spec, for Asphalt Type Protective Coatings for ended Guide to Safe Practice Protection from Corrosion for (1973) ANSI B137.1 Safety Std. for Steel Safety Std. for Steel Pipe (Welded and Seamless) for Spec, for Std. for Monorail Systems and ood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Board test Procedure for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Rear Std. for Sleeve Bushing, Press Fit, Std. for Bushing-Flanged, Press Fit • Std. Meth. of Test for cation of Data Derived from the Investigation of Sc/ Std. Std. for Procedures for Calibration of mming Pools (1972) Safety Std. for s; Drilling Through Control, Screwed and Flanged Wellhead, Tent. Meth. of Test for d Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJC-3A Thread, Ca/ Std. for eel and Corrosion Resisting Steel, UNJF-3A Thre/ Std. for Std. Meth. of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Turbine Rotors and Shafts (1974) ANSI G55. 14 Std. Sp ASTM A470 Turbine Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Treated Fo ASTM A437 Turbine, and Distillate Fuels (Potentiometric Meth.) (1 ASTM D3227 Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation; Fossil Fue ASME TWDPS-1 Turbines (1974) Std. Spec, for ASTM A356 Turbines (1974) Fire Hazards and Pro FMS 13-9 Turbulent Flow (1974) Std. for Contro ISA S39.4 Turn Signal Lamps (Light) (1971) SAE J131A Turnbuckle-Tank Strap (1973) NSA 27 Turner Type (1972) Std. for Carbide Blan ANSI B94.37 Turning Ability and Off Tracking of Vehicles (1971) SAE J695A Tween Versene Meth. of Analysis for Insect Fragments an AACCH 28-60 Tween 80-60% Alcohol, Versene, and Sodium Phosphate Sol AACCH 28-91 TWI Wing Recess, Alloy Steel, Self Locking and Nonlocki NSA 5000-6 TWI Wing Recess, A286 Acres, Self Locking and Nonlockin NSA 5100-6 Twine Made from Bast and Leaf Fibers (1973) ASTM D1233 Twist in Yarns (Direct Counting Meth.) (1971) ANSI L14. ASTM D1423 Typewriter Keyboard Arrangement (1973) ANSI X4.7 U.S. Customary Units) (1973) Std. Dimensions ANSI PHI. 18 U.S. Model Rocket Sporting and Safety Code and Engine S NAR *1 L'-Bend Seamless Copper and Its Alloy Heat Exchanger and ASTM B395 U-Bend Stress Corrosion Test Specimens (1972) ASTM G30 UDy Dye Meth. of Analysis of Crude Protein in Cereal Gr AACCH 46-14 life-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260(1974) /Nesting Lug Cov ANSI MH2.15 (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ANSI MH2.11 (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ANSI MH2.12 (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ANSI MH2.14 (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) ANSI MH2.2 (Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260) (1974) Std. Spec. F ANSI MH2.8 Ufc-Rule 40. Nmfc-Item 260)(1974) /Ht Side Lug Co ANSI MH2.10 Ufc-Rule 40, Nmfc-Item 260, Dot-37B60) (1974) /R ANSI MH2.9 Ultimate Anaylsis of Coal and Coke (1974) ASTM D3176 Ultra High Test Heat Treated Line Pipe (1972) API SPEC 5LU Ultrasonic Contact Inspection of Weldments (1965) ANSI ASTM E164 Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates F ASTM A578 Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates for Pressure Ves ASTM A435 Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Plate for Press ASTM B548 Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum Alloy Wrought Product ASTM B594 Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Cas ASTM A609 Ultrasonic Test. (1974) ASTM E500 Ultrasonic Velocity in Materials (1973) ASTM E494 Ultrasonic, Angle Beam Examination of Steel Plates (197 ASTM A577 Ultraviolet Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A I AACCH 86-01 Ultraviolet Absorption Meth. of Analysis of Vitamin A I AACCH 86-01A Ultraviolet Absorption (1973) ANSI Zll. 210 ASTM D2269 Ultraviolet Light Examination for Presence of Rodent Ur AACCH 28-85 Unalloyed Titanium Welding Fittings (1971) ANSI H50.1 ASTM B363 Unbleached Crude Corn Sugar (1956) /R Determining Mois CR E-44 Unbonded Tendons (1966) ACI 66-8 Unburned Clay Masonry Units (1973) Uniform ICBO UBCS24-15 Uncoated Coarse Round Wire (1971) ANSI G54.12 /Td. Spe ASTM A510 Uncured Soil-Lime Mixtures (1973) ANSI A1.38 ASTM D3155 Undenatured Whey Protein Nitrogen in Nonfat Dry Milk (C AACCH 46-20 Underdrain Pipe (1973) ANSI A165.2 ASTM C508 Underdrains (1973) ASTM C654 Underdrains, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by Hot Dip Proces ASTM A444 Underfloor Duct Raceways (1972) NEMA UD 1 Underground Distribution Reference Book (Electrical Pow AA 52 Underground Electric Supply and Communications Lines (N ANSI C2.3 (Underground Electrical Power Cable) (1973) AA 52-1 Lnderground Electrical Power Distribution Cables (1973) AA 52-2 Underground Installation for Communication and Electric NEMA TC6 Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewe ASTM D2321 Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Pipi ASTM D2774 Underground Installations of Electrical Wires and Cable NEMA TCI Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems (1972) NACE RP-01-69 Underground Pipe Lines (Wrapped Systems) (1972) NACE RS*1 Underground Pipe, Fittings and Tanks Containing Flammab ICBO UFC*2B Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids UL 58 Underground Water Service (1972) UL 888 Underhung Cranes and Monorail Systems (1973) MMA *2 Underhung Cranes (1973) ANSI B30.ll Underlayment) (1973) /Td. for Special Purpose Roofs (W ICBO UBCS32-14 Underride Guard (Safety (1971) Rec. Pract. SAE J260 Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) NSA 537 Undersize Inside Diameter (1973) NSA 538 Undersized Loose Muscovite Mica Splittings (1973) ASTM D3252 Underwater Accident Report Form (Acquisition and Codifi ANSI Z86.2 Underwater Electro Acoustic Transducers (1972) ANSI SI. 20 Underwater Lighting Fixtures and Junction Boxes for Swi UL 676 Underwater Wellhead, and Christmas Tree Equipment; Flow API 6A Underwriter Steam Fire Pumps (1973) FMS LPD 3-9 Undissolved Water in Aviation Turbine Fuels (1973) ASTM D3240 Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy an NSA 1352 Undrilled and Drilled, Plain and Self Locking, Alloy St NSA 1351 Unfired Monolithic Refractories (1972) ASTM C417 Engineering and Product Standards Division 437 National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion Welded meth. of Test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in revailing Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, esign Parameters for Bolts and Screws; External Wrenching, revailing Torque, All Metal, 1200 Deg. F (649 Deg. C) Use, s. (1972) gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framing (1973) (1973) rtar (1973) 73) 3) n Field Test of Partitions (Wall, Ceiling, Floor, and Fl/ d Test, of Unburned Clay Masonry Units (1973) shingles (1973) System for Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal (1973) How Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) (1973) r (1973) nguishing Systems (1973) 3) Picture Film (1973) r Measuring the Density of Smoke from the Burning or Dec/ ry Cleaning Plants or Systems (1973) on, and Meth. of Grading for All Species of Lumber (1973/ las Fir-Larch (North), Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (Nor/ r Concrete Reinforcement (1973) stems (Fire Extinguishment) (1973) ss C Sheet (Roll) and Shingles) (1973) d, Crushed Stone. Gravel and Air Cooled Iron Blast Furna/ (1973) ars (1973) Is (Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper, Nickel, Chromiu/ g Tensile Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders (1973) n; West Coast Hemlock; Western Red Cedar: White Fir; And/ -Fir; Ponderosa, Idaho White, Sugar, and Lodgepole Pine/ ne, and Hemlock-Tamarack; Balsam Fir; Northern Pine An/ ne. Eastern Spruce and Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Tamarack / dentification and Painting of Structural Steel (1973) n Test Results in Field Concrete Cylinders (1973) Soil (1973) bonding Agents (1973) athing and Structural Insulating Board (1973) d Mortar (1973) igh-Rise Buildings (1973) ring Materials (1973) onstruction and Materials (1973) blies (1973) emblies (1973) afety Glazing (1973) 73) laster and Gypsum Veneer Plaster (1973) 1973) Block (1973) 1973) d Joint Compound (1973) s, Nuts, Washers, and Bolted Parts (1973) rete Masonry Units (1973) oncrete Masonry Units (1973) y Purposes (1973) (1973) s (1973) c Fire Extinguishing Systems (1973) rs and Windows (1973) g Paper (Weatherproofing) (1973) and Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (S/ or Structural Concrete (1973) and Utility Pole Preservative Treatment by Pressure Proc/ umina Fireclay Refractory Bricks (1973) n Mortars (1973) board (1973) tural Steel and Iron (Shape, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Connec/ struction of Built Up Roof Coverings: Hot Mopped Asphalt/ for Acoustical Tile and for Lay in Panel Ceilings (1973/ ric Laths, and Metal Accessories (Designed for Use as a / te Masonry Units (1973) es (1973) fired Pressure Vessels (1972B) ANSI C81.4 /and Chrom hardened Steel and Alloy Silver Brazing Joints (1973) axial Compression (1972) Std. fied J (MIL S-8879) Thread Form (1973) /Strength, P fied Threaded In. Series (1971) Std. for D fied (MIL S-7742) Thread Form) (1973) / Strength, P form Alignment Tests-NAS 900 Series Equipment Spec form Bui ldn form Bu 1.1 i form Bui ldn form Bui ld:i form Bui ldn form Bui klu form Bui Mil form Bui klu form Bui ldii form Bui Idii form Bu. klu form Bui ldii form Bui ldii form Bm ldii form Bui ldii form Bui Id. i form Bui kin form Bui Id. form Bui Id. form Bui Id. form Bui Id. form Bui kin form Bui kli form Bui Idi form Bui kli lform Bu Idi form Bui kli form Bui kl. form Bui ldii form Bui kl. form Bui kl. form Bui kl. form Bui ldii form Bui ldii form Bui klu form Bu. ldii form Bui ldii form Bu. ldii form Bui kl, lform Bu ldii form Bui kli form Bui ldii form Bui kli. form Bui ldii form Bui ldii form Bui klu form Bui ldii lform Bui kli form Bu kin form Bui kli. form Bu ldii form Bui klu form Bui kli. lform Bui kli form Bui kl. form Bui Id. form Bui kl. form Bui kli form Bui kl.. form Bu kli, form Bui kli form Bui kli form Bu kl. form Bui kl, lform Bui kli form Bu kli form Bui ldii form Bui kli lform Bu Idi form Bu kli form Bu ldii form Bu. kl, form Bu kli form Bu ldii form Bui ldii form Bu Idi form Bu kli form Bu Idi form Bu kli ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S ng Code S Adhesives for Fastening or Adhesives (1973) or Admixtures for Concrete or Aggregate for Masonry Mo or Aggregates for Grout (19 or Airborne Sound Insulatio or Aluminum Structures (197 or and Meth. of t Sampling an or Asbestos Cement Roofing or Blower, Fan. and Exhaust or Building, Facing, and Ho or California Redwood Lumbe or Carbon Dioxide Fire Exti or Cast Building Stone (197 or Cellulose Nitrate Motion or Chamber Meth. of Test Fo or Class II and Class III D or Classification, Definiti or Coast Sitka Spruce, Doug or Cold Drawn Steel Wire Fo or Combination Standpipe Sy or Composition Roofing (Cla or Concrete Aggregates (San or Concrete Building Brick or Concrete Reinforcement B or Concrete Tests (1973) or Corrosion Resistant Meta or Determining the Splittin or Douglas Fir, Coast Regio or Douglas Fir; Larch; Hem Eastern Spruce, White Pi or Eastern White and Red Pi or Erection, Fabrication, I Evaluation of Compressio or Expansion Index Test for or Exterior Plaster Liquid Fiberboard Nail Base She or Field Tests for Grout an or Fire Alarm Systems for H or Fire Dampers (1973) or Fire Retardant Roof Cove or Fire Tests of Building C or Fire Tests of Door Assem or Fire Tests of Window Ass or Glass, Its Defects and S or Gypsum Backing Board (19 or Gypsum Base for Veneer P or Gypsum Lath (1973) or Gypsum Molding Plaster ( or Gypsum Partition Tile or or Gypsum Plastics (1973) or Gypsum Sheathing Board ( or Gypsum Wallboard Tape an or Gypsum Wallboard (1973) or Gvpsum (1973) or Hand Split Shakes (1973) or High Strength Steel Bolt or Hollow Load Bearing Cone Hollow Nonload Bearing C or Hydrated Lime for Masonr or Impact Sound Insulation or in Place Density of Soil or Installation of Automati Installation of Fire Doo or Keene's Cement (1973) or Kraft Waterproof Buildin or Laboratory Determination or Lightweight Aggregates F or Lime (1973) or Lumber, Timber, Plywood or Machine Made and High Al or Masonry Cement for Use I or Mat Formed Wood Particle or Material Spec, for Struc or Materials for Use in Con or Metal Suspension Systems or Metal, Wire and Wire Fab or Meth. of Test for Concre or Mineral Roofing Aggregat ASTM A240 SAE AMS2664C ASTM D3148 SAE AMS7251B SAE AS1132A SAE AMS7250C NSA 985 ICBO UBCS47-2 ICBO UBCS25-19 ICBO UBCS26-9 ICBO UBCS24-22 ICBO UBCS24-24 ICBO UBCS35-3 ICBO UBCS28-1 ICBO UBCS24-15 ICBO UBCS32-9 ICBO UBCS10-3 ICBO UBCS24-1 ICBO UBCS25-7 ICBO UBCS38-2 ICBO UBCS24-14 ICBO UBCS48-2 ICBO UBCS52-2 ICBO UBCS10-2 ICBO UBCS25-1 ICBO UBCS25-2 ICBO UBCS24-16 ICBO UBCS38-3 ICBO UBCS32-3 ICBO UBCS26-2 ICBO UBCS24-3 ICBO UBCS26-4 ICBO UBCS26-10 ICBO UBCS32-6 ICBO UBCS26-12 ICBO UBCS25-3 ICBO UBCS25-4 ICBO UBCS25-8 ICBO UBCS25-5 ICBO UBCS27-2 ICBO UBCS26-11 ICBO UBCS29-2 ICBO UBCS47-1 ICBO UBCS25-24 ICBO UBCS24-23 ICBO UBCS18-1 ICBO UBCS43-7 ICBO UBCS32-7 ICBO UBCS43-1 ICBO UBCS43-2 ICBO UBCS43-4 ICBO UBCS54-1 ICBO UBCS47-6 ICBO UBCS47-14 ICBO UBCS47-7 ICBO UBCS47-12 ICBO UBCS24-11 ICBO UBCS47-8 ICBO UBCS47-9 ICBO UBCS47-5 ICBO UBCS47-10 ICBO UBCS24-12 ICBO UBCS32-8 ICBO UBCS27-7 ICBO UBCS24-4 ICBO UBCS24-6 ICBO UBCS24-19 ICBO UBCS35-2 ICBO UBCS70-2 ICBO UBCS381 ICBO UBCS43-5 ICBO UBCS47-11 ICBO UBCS17-1 ICBO UBCS35-1 ICBO UBCS26-3 ICBO UBCS47-15 ICBO UBCS2S-12 ICBO UBCS37-1 ICBO UBCS24-17 ICBO UBCS25-25 ICBO UBCS27-1 ICBO UBCS32-1 ICBO UBCS47-16 ICBO UBCS47-4 ICBO UBCS24-7 ICBO UBCS32-S 438 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards KWIC Index of Engineering Standards ns of Soils (1973) forced Masonry Other Than Gvpsum (1973) les(1973) v Materials Test. (1973) ign (1973) Sand Aggregates for Gypsum Plaster (1973) ded Hydraulic Cements (1973) and Wire for Concrete Construction (1973) cklime (1973) 3) uctural Purposes (1973) 73) te and Precast Slabs, and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms / nal. and Flat (Rectangular and Square) Brass Wire (1973) (1973) ck (1973) ) properties (Temperatures) of Plastics Using a Hot Air Ig/ studs) for Composite Construction (1973) Protective Signalling Systems (1973) Construction and Industrial (1973) Engineering Purposes (1973) ete Masonry Units (1973) 73) 73) d Ceiling Joists, and Rafters (1973) Formed Steel Structural Members (1973) t Gauge Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (/ ood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt or Gypsum Boa/ sheets) for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) flammable Liquids (Gasoline, Kerosene. Acetone, Alcohol,/ photographic and X-Ray Nitrocellulose Films (1973) ss Reversal Design of Structural Steel Members (1973) le (1973) ring Wall Tile and Std. Meth. of Sampling and Test. Stru/ bearing Wall Tile (1973) f Plank and Beam Framing (1973) p Members-Plywood Stressed Skin and Curved Panels, Bea/ ed Timber (1973) ed Timbers: Douglas and Hem Fir, Southern and Lodgepole / 1973) laminated Wood Products (1973) d Concrete (1973) ed Laminated Lumber (1973) ted Joints. Drift Bolts, and Wood and Lag Screws: Light / shutters (1973) rs (1973) acking Board (1973) formed Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1973) 1, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete / o Both Flexural and Axial Loading Combined (1973) e Given a Preservative Treatment (1973) classification of Building Materials (1973) Dwelling Construction Under the ues (1973) 973) rs, and Moving Walks (1973) Dwelling Construction Under the taining Walls (1973) ty Requirement Alterations (1973) Dwelling Construction Under the graphic and X-Rav Nitrocellulose) (1973) ) (1973) h (1973) s and Spec. Inspection)/ fire Warning Detector (1/ replaces, and Barbecues (1973) (1973) Dwelling Construction Under the Dwelling Construction Under the Dwelling Construction Under the Dwelling Construction Under the Dwelling Construction I'nder the Dwelling Construction Under the Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form form Bu Bu Id Id 1 O- 1 T - ?6?-f>JJ