U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE / Environmental Science Services Administration Environmental Data Service KEY TO METEOROLOGICAL RECORDS DOCUMENTATION NO. 5.310 Catalog of Meteorological Satellite Data TIROS X Television Cloud Photography Part 1 PURPOSE The Key To Meteorological Records Documentation Series has been established to provide guidance information to research personnel making use of climatological data. Frequently users of such data have found it necessary to spend a great deal of time establish- ing whether the criteria for observing or computing various elements have changed over the period of record or in what form the data are available. It is therefore hoped that the presentation of this series may not only conserve valuable time but may have a direct influence in improving the accuracy of research results. EARLIER TIROS AND ESSA DATA CATALOGUES Earlier catalogues of TIROS and ESSA Meteorological Satellite data are available in this series, as follows: No. 5.31 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS I Television Cloud Photography", published in 1961, price 70 cents. No. 5.32 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS II Television Cloud Photography", published in 1963, price 20 cents. No. 5.33 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS III Television Cloud Photography", published in 1962, price 70 cents. No. 5.34 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS IV Television Cloud Photography", published in 1963, price $1.00. No. 5.35 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS V Television Cloud Photography", published in 1964, price $1.75. No. 5.36 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VI Television Cloud Photography", published in 1964, price $2.00. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 1 June 19, 1963, to December 31, 1963", published in 1965, price $1.25. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 2 January 1, 1964, to June 30, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 3 July 1, 1964, to December 30, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 4 January 1, 1965, to December 31, 1965", published in 1966, price 45 cents. No. 5.38 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VIII Television Cloud Photography Part 1 December 21, 1963, to June 30, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.38 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VIII Television Cloud Photography Part 2 July 1, 1964, to December 31, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.38 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VIII Television Cloud Photography Part 3 January 1, 1965, to August 31, 1965", published in 1966, price 45 cents. No. 5.39 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS IX Television Cloud Photography Part 1 January 22, 1965, to April 30, 1965", published in 1966, price $1.75. (Continued on inside back cover) c % A* ^OF c Sr ATES O* h \ / U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Alexander B. Trowbridge, Acting Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE Woodrow C. Jacobs, Director KEY TO METEOROLOGICAL RECORDS DOCUMENTATION NO. 5.310 Catalog of Meteorological Satellite Data TIROS X Television Cloud Photography Part 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. 1967 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C, 20402 - Price $1.25 PREFACE This bulletin is number one in a series of catalogues describing the television cloud photo- graphs obtained by TIROS X meteorological satellite. Material in this issue covers the period of July, August and September of 1965. Similar material covering subsequent periods of this satellite's operation will be published in separate catalogues. The maps and listings generally follow the pattern established in the "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS I Television Cloud Photography," published as No. 5.31 in the Weather Bureau Series Key to Meteorological Records Documentation. However, emphasis is placed on the date and track number as a means of identifying the film. Also, because of the length of the picture taking area of TIROS X, there are three maps for each day: Northern Hemisphere, Equatorial, and Southern Hemisphere. The maps are arranged according to pass day. Documentation Section National Environmental Satellite Center ii CATALOGUE OF METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE DATA -- TIROS X TELEVISION CLOUD PHOTOGRAPHY PART 1 - July 2, 1965 to September 30, 1965 The TIROS X meteorological satellite was launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on July 2, 1965. Traveling in a polar orbit, it averaged about 424 nautical miles above the earth's surface, with a difference of 52 nautical miles between apogee and perigee. It has an orbital period of 100.59 minutes which corresponds to slightly more than 14 passes around the earth each day. The orbit was inclined at an angle of 98.6° to the earth's equatorial plane and thus virtually global picture coverage was obtained. The satellite was spinning at a rate that varied between 8 and 12 rpm. Being spin- stabilized, the spin axis orientation in space changed only gradually during its operational lifetime. Its two cameras were mounted with their optical axes parallel to the spin axis and were able to view the earth during less than half of each orbital pass. Usable picture cover- age was thus restricted to the portion of each orbital pass during which the underlying earth was both sunlit and within view of the cameras. Each of the two cameras on TIROS X had a wide-angle lens which covered about 750 miles square when the optical axis was normal to the earth's surface. At other times a larger area was viewed in oblique perspective. Camera action aboard TIROS X was controlled from two Command-and-Data-Acquisition (CDA) stations: one located at Wallops Station near Chincoteague, Va.; and the other at Gilmore Creek, Fairbanks, Alaska. The satellite came within radio range of one or both of these stations for a few minutes each on 13 of its 14 daily passes. During these radio contacts the station could: 1. if it was daytime, receive a series of television pictures directly as they were taken; 2. command the system to take pictures remote from the CDA station after a specified time delay and store them on tape aboard the satellite; 3. play back one previously commanded tape sequence from each camera. Tape pictures were obtained in sequences up to 32 frames each. Direct sequences were usually shorter and more variable in length. The time interval between frames was 30 seconds in most direct sequences and 60 seconds in tape sequences. The pictures are virtually square with some small distortion resulting from the partic- ular setting of the electronic readout equipment. "Fiducial marks" etched on the face of the vidicon tube appear in the picture image as a central cross and four L-shaped corners, al- though they may show poorly or not at all against a dark background. Since the satellite was spinning, the earth's image rotates from frame to frame by an amount that depends on how much the satellite's spin rate departed from being an integral number of rotations during the picture-taking interval. The rotation rate may be considered constant during any one sequence. The center of rotation, which is the point where the optical and spin axes intersect the image plane, is not quite at the central fiducial cross mark. Cloud picture transmissions received at CDA stations were displayed on a television screen and simultaneously recorded on magnetic tape. A 35 mm. camera photographed the tele- vision screen, including also a lighted panel board mounted underneath. The panel board information provides a legend for each picture including camera number, mode (TAPE or DIRECT), frame number, orbital pass number, and station initial preceded by "X" for TIROS X. In the example of figure 1, the legend indicates the picture was received and taken on orbital pass number 353 and that it is a TAPE picture taken by camera 2. The letter "G" at right center following the number "X" indicates the picture was acquired at Fairbanks, Alaska. Figure 1 - Example of TIROS X Cloud Photography The panel board legend also contains a series of numerals whose sum indicates the frame number. In figure 1, the frame number is 12, representing the sum of 4 and 8. Within each sequence, the indicated frame numbers increase in the order that the pictures were received at the CDA station. For direct mode this is the time order in which the pictures were taken. But tape sequences were played back to the station in reverse time order. Pictures of both modes are arranged on the film in order of increasing frame number; therefore it is important to note that this arrangement is correct time order for direct sequences, but is reverse time order for tapes. The orderly time sequence of pictures is sometimes interrupted by spurious noise frames or complicated by skipped frames. In such cases the frame numbers are not a dependable indi- cator of real picture counts. For TIROS X the system of "TRACKS" is used to identify the general geographic areas over which picture sequences were taken. These tracks are shown on the locator map (fig. 2) and track table 7 which appear in this catalogue immediately following the tabulated listings. The track boundaries are parallel to the path followed by the sub-satellite point during the daylight portion of each orbital pass. The width of each track is exactly equal to the amount the earth rotates between consecutive passes. Thus, in general, the satellite sub-point will make one traverse along each track each day (from midnight to midnight, GMT). The track boundaries are fixed permanently for the life of TIROS X, and are arbitrarily referenced to the point latitude, longitude, with track numbers increasing westward. Since the TIROS X orbital period of 100.59 minutes is not an exact submultiple of 24 hours, the satellite starts 14 passes on most days and 15 on about every third day. This results in track 15 being much narrower than the others and, thus, it will not be traversed every day. There are also days on which one particular track is traversed just after GMT midnight, and again later the same day just before GMT midnight. On these occasions, the second traverse is designated by the track number followed by the letter A. For example, if the track traversed twice in a day were 6, the first traverse would be 6 and the second 6A. There would, in this case, be a corresponding day without a traverse of track 6. Assignment of track 6 to one day or another is determined by the GMT time at which the subsatellite point crossed the equator near the midpoint of the track. On the film reels, picture sequences are grouped together by track number and assembled in chronological order. Track numbers are stamped on the film immediately preceding the sequences to which they apply. The following pages of maps and tabulated listings give descriptive information about the pictures obtained by TIROS X. In the listings each picture sequence is described by one line, and the sequences are grouped together by date and track number. This is the order in which they appear on the film reel. The column headings and entries have the following meanings : REEL: Number of the film reel which contains the sequence. DATE: For tape (remote) sequences - Month and day of the daylight equator crossing of the satellite subpoint. For direct sequences - Month and day of the midpoint time of the sequence. TRACK: Defines the geographic area which contains the path of the subsatellite point. The entries refer to the numbered areas outlined on the first map in this catalogue. TIME: Approximate time in hours and minutes (a) For tape sequences - daylight equator crossing (b) For direct sequences - midpoint time of sequence FILM LEGEND: This section gives the information actually appearing on the film in the panel board legend accompanying each picture. PASS; M Orbital pass numbers on which the pictures were read out, as indicated in the upper right corner of the legend. Mode of transmission indicated in the legend. D = Direct T = Tape C: Camera number indicated in the legend. 1 = Camera number one 2 = Camera number two S: CDA station which received the sequence. W = Wallops Station, Va. F = Fairbanks, Alaska P/T PASS: Orbital pass number on which the pictures were taken. On the composite maps in this catalogue, this number appears beneath the nephanalysis for the picture sequence. FRAME: TI : Time interval, in seconds, between frames. V indicates time interval varies within the sequence. US: Number of usable frames in the sequence. METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES: EXTRATROPICAL CIRCULATIONS - TABLE (1) 0. CLOUD VORTEX (Well Defined) 1. CLOUD VORTEX (Poorly Defined) 2. CLOUD VORTEX (With Frontal Band or Other Associated Band(s)) 3. CLOUD VORTEX (WITH DOUBLE CENTER) 4. CIRCULATION CENTER 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CLOUD VORTEX (Unusual Appearance) TROPICAL DISTURBANCES - TABLE (2) 0. Hurricane or TYPHOON (Named) 1. Tropical STORM (Named) 2. CLOUD VORTEX (Well Defined) CLOUD VORTEX (Poorly Defined) DISTURBED AREA (2° or less in extent) DISTURBED AREA (2° to 4° in extent) DISTURBED AREA (Over 4 in extent) ASYMPTOTES OF CONVERGENCE 8. APPARENT ITC ZONE 9. METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES: (Continued) BANDS - TABLE (3) 0. PROBABLE FRONT (Well Defined) 1. PROBABLE FRONT (Poorly Defined) 2. APPARENT OCCLUDED FRONT 3. APPARENT STABLE OR OPEN WAVE A. PROBABLE FRONT (With Cloud Vortex) 5. BAND, LOW LATITUDE (Within 15° of the Equator) 6. BAND, HIGH THIN CLOUDS (Possible Jet Association) 7. PRESUMED NON-FRONTAL 8. 9. BAND OF UNUSUAL APPEARANCE CLOUD FEATURES - T ABLE (5) 0. CUMULONIMBUS (No Apparent Organization) 1. CB's or Other Evidence of Violent Weather Over the United States 2. CB's in Apparent Squall Lines 3. EDDY PATTERNS 4. VORTICAL PATTERN IN A CELLULAR FIELD 5. MOUNTAIN WAVE CLOUDS 6. APPARENT GRAVITY WAVES (Not Obviously Associated with Terrain) 7. 8. CLOUD FEATURES - TABLE (4) 0. SOLID CELLS (Random)* 1. SOLID CELLS (Organized Pattern)* 2. HOLLOW POLYGONAL OR CRESCENT PATTERN* VERMICULATED CLOUD PATTERN* COASTAL STRATUS INLAND STRATUS OR FOG (Including Pene- trating Coastal Stratus) UNUSUAL CLOUD CONFIGURATION 6. CLOUD STREETS (Extratropical ) 7. CLOUD STREETS (Tropical) 8. * 0, 1, 2 and 3 refer to homogeneous cloud field greater than 3 of great circle arc in diameter. MISCELLANEOUS - TABLE (6) 0. ICE OR SNOW (Glacial) 1. SNOW (Non-Mountainous) 2. SNOW (Mountain) 3. ICE ON SEAS 4. ICE ON LAKES OR RIVERS 5. SUN GLINT 6. HAZE OR SMOG 7. PROBABLE CONTRAILS 8. LANDMARK OF EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY 9. LANDMARK, DISCERNIBLE Following the listings is a series of maps which shows the area covered by each sequence having usable frames and for which picture taking time has been determined. Usually there are three maps (Northern Hemisphere, Equatorial and Southern Hemisphere) for each Greenwich day. Most of the picture sequences were analyzed for their cloud content during routine operations and these nephanalyses have been reproduced on the maps. Each nephanalysis is identified with the date and track number (preceded by a "T") and the equator crossing number that occurred during the nephanalysis. The track number and date should be utilized as the primary identification of the nephanalysis. Satellite attitude and exposure time are not always accurately known at the time the nephanalyses are con- structed. However, most of the nephanalyses are considered to be geographically accurate to about + 2° with a few ranging from + 1° to + 5°. Users are cautioned not to attribute any greater accuracy to the location of cloud patterns shown. TD The symbols used in the nephanalyses are defined by the following legend: CUMULOFORM CLOUD /// STRATIFORM CLOUD CIRROFORM CLOUD XvH APPARENT CUGG OR CB BOUNDARY OF MAJOR CLOUD SYSTEMS - FRONTS, VORTICES, OR OTHER SYSTEM DOMINATING THE SCENE VIEWED BY THE SATELLITE DEFINITE BOUNDARY OF MORE OR LESS UNORGANIZED CLOUD MASSES INDEFINITE BOUNDARIES OF MORE OR LESS UNORGANIZED CLOUD MASSES STRIATIONS STRIATIONS, TENUOUS CLOUD LINES r\\ ^vS CLOUD LINES, TENUOUS - CLOUD FORM ^-n '^jL TJ} ;»5 DENOTED BY DIRECTION OF SHEAR OF CIRRUS - FROM CB ANVIL OR OTHER SOURCE WAVE CLOUDS (MOUNTAIN OR TRANSVERSE) ESTIMATED LOCATION OF JET STREAM - SHAFT MAY BE BROKEN TO AVOID OBSCURING SYMBOLS INSIDE NEPH BOUNDARY VORTEX r HEAVY THIN CLOUD AMOUNT OPEN (0) MOSTLY OPEN (MOP) MOSTLY COVERED (MCO) COVERED (C) 807, coverage NOTE: STIPPLING WILL BE USED TO EMPHASIZE THE AREAS CONSIDERED BY THE ANALYST TO BE OF GREATEST SYNOPTIC SIGNIFICANCE. TIROS X master films will be deposited at the National Weather Records Center (NWRC) , Environmental Science Services Administration, Federal Building, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. Persons or institutions desiring copies may order them from NWRC in the form of 35 mm. positive transparencies for projection or 35 mm. duplication negatives from which opaque prints can be made. The pictures are stored chronologically on 100- foot reels, and should be ordered by track number and date. Orders must be placed for one or more complete reels, at a cost of $6.50 each, as it is not now possible to furnish copies of individual frames or to provide enlargements or other picture formats. The track numbers of the other tracks contained on the 100- foot reel can be obtained from the NWRC prior to ordering the film. All copies will be furnished with sprocket holes since the necessary film emulsion is available only in this form. Geographic locator grids, for overlay on the pictures, were computed in the routine preparation of TIROS X nephanalyses. Microfilm copies of these grids, which have latitude and longitude lines spaced at 5 intervals, are available from the NWRC. The individual neph- analyses will also be available on microfilm. The primary identification of the grids, as well as the pictures and nephanalyses , should be the track number and the date. Information as to satellite location, height, attitude, picture-taking time, etc., which may be useful in locating TIROS X pictures more precisely, may be obtained from the Documentation Section, National Environmental Satellite Center, Environmental Science Services Administration, Washington, D. C. 20233. REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP. BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (2) TABLE13) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6 1 TABLEW) TABLE(5) 1301 0734 7 2057 0043 T 2 w 0039 60 22 1001 0706 3 1507 0064 2 w 0064 30 22 2 02 1001 0706 4 1649 3065 D 2 w 0065 30 22 2 9 1001 0706 12 0631 0067 T 1 F 0059 60 32 1001 0736 6 2014 0067 D 1 F 0067 33 04 1001 0706 6 2020 0067 D 1 F 0067 33 27 1 1335 3163 T 1 F 0163 60 32 03 8 1 016 04 058 1006 0713 3 1445 0164 T 1 M 0164 60 16 1006 0713 6 1948 0167 T 1 F 0167 60 28 40 8 017 5 1006 0713 7 2129 0168 T 1 F 0168 60 27 4 8 07 59 1006 0714 10 3231 0171 T 1 W 0171 60 24 1006 0714 11 0412 0172 T 1 W 0172 60 31 1306 0714 13 3733 3174 T 1 F 0174 60 32 1006 0714 14 3175 T 1 F 0175 60 31 1306 0714 1 1054 0176 T 1 F 0176 60 32 1306 0714 2 1235 3177 T 1 F 0177 60 32 8 1 0467 339 1006 0714 3 1416 3178 T 1 W 0178 60 22 1306 0714 4 1557 0179 T 1 W 0179 60 17 1006 0714 5 1737 0181 T 1 F 0180 60 27 1007 0714 7 2059 0182 T 1 F 0182 60 27 1007 0715 13 0201 0186 T 1 H 0185 62 32 1007 0715 12 0522 0190 T 1 F 0187 60 32 1007 0715 13 0703 3190 T 2 F 0188 60 32 1007 0715 2 1358 3192 D 1 W 0192 33 06 1307 0715 1 1205 0193 T 1 W 0191 63 32 1007 0715 2 1346 0193 T 2 w 0192 60 14 1007 0715 4 1707 0195 T 1 F 0194 63 32 1307 0715 5 0195 T 2 F 0195 62 11 1007 0715 6 2329 0196 T 1 F 0196 63 28 1007 0716 9 0131 0200 T 1 W 0199 60 32 9 1007 0716 11 3452 0203 T 1 F 0201 60 32 1307 0716 14 0954 3204 T 1 F 0204 60 32 1007 0716 3 1456 0207 T 1 W 0207 60 17 9 1307 0716 4 1637 0208 T 1 M 0238 60 17 9 1007 0716 5 1818 0209 T 1 F 0239 63 32 1307 0716 6 1959 3210 T 1 N 0210 60 27 1008 0717 11 2422 3215 T 1 U 0215 62 32 1008 0223 T 1 F 60 32 1008 0717 3 1426 0221 T 1 W C221 62 18 1008 0717 3 1439 0221 D 1 W 0221 12 11 1008 0717 4 16P7 0222 T 1 w 0222 60 18 1008 0717 14 1607 3222 T 1 N 0222 60 21 1308 3223 T 1 F 60 32 1008 0717 7 2126 3225 D 1 F 0225 30 03 1008 0717 4 2250 3229 T 1 N 0226 60 31 1008 0717 8 2250 3229 T 1 W 3226 63 31 9 1308 0718 14 0854 0233 T 1 F 0232 60 32 1308 0718 1 1216 3234 T 1 F 0234 63 32 1008 0718 2 1356 0235 T 1 W 0235 60 23 1308 0718 8 1356 0235 T 1 N 0235 62 21 1008 0718 3 1537 023* T 1 N 0236 60 16 8 1308 0718 3 1537 3236 T 1 M 0236 60 19 1008 0718 6 2039 0243 T 1 M 3239 62 32 9 1308 0718 6 2039 0243 T 1 N 0239 60 32 1008 0719 11 3 5J33 0246 T 1 F 0244 60 32 1008 0719 1 1146 0248 T 1 F 0248 60 32 1308 0719 2 1341 3249 D 2 W 0249 V 02 1008 0719 2 1341 0249 D 2 N 0249 30 02 1008 0719 3 1537 0253 T 1 N 0253 60 19 1008 0719 3 1507 0253 T 1 M 0253 60 19 9 1308 0719 6 2009 0254 T 1 F 0253 60 32 1009 0723 10 3252 0257 T 1 N 0257 60 32 1009 0720 10 0252 3257 T 1 W 3257 60 32 9 1009 0723 11 0433 3258 T 1 N 3258 60 32 1009 0723 11 0433 0258 T 1 w 0258 60 32 1009 0723 13 3754 3260 T 1 F 0263 60 32 1 2 8 1009 0720 14 3935 0261 T 1 F 0261 60 32 1 8 267 09 9 1009 0720 2 1256 3 264 T 1 N 0263 60 32 1009 0720 3 1447 0264 D 2 N 0264 30 03 1009 3723 3 1448 3264 D 2 W 0264 30 03 1009 0723 4 1618 3265 T 2 W 3265 60 19 9 1009 0720 4 1618 0265 T 2 N 0265 60 19 1009 0723 4 1628 0265 D 2 N 0265 30 04 1009 0720 4 1631 0265 D 2 W 0265 30 04 1009 0720 5 1758 0266 T 2 H 0266 60 30 1009 0723 7 2120 0268 T 2 F 0268 63 29 1009 0721 13 3222 0272 T 2 W 0271 60 29 1009 3721 10 3222 3272 T 2 N 0271 60 29 1009 0721 12 0543 0274 T 2 F 0273 60 32 1009 0721 1 1226 0278 T 2 M 0277 60 27 1009 0721 1 1226 0278 T 2 N 0277 60 30 1309 0721 2 1418 0278 D 2 N 0278 30 i,b REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGENO P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP BANDS TABLE (3) CLOUD MISCEL- PASS H C S PASS Tt US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (2) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLE14) TABLEB) 1009 0721 2 1419 3278 D 2 w 0278 33 06 1009 3721 3 1548 279 T 2 N 0279 63 18 1009 0721 3 1548 0279 T 2 W 0379 60 18 1309 C721 3 1559 0279 D 2 N 0279 33 06 1309 3721 3 1559 0279 D 2 W 0279 30 06 1309 3721 4 1728 3283 T 2 N 0283 63 28 1309 3721 5 1909 0281 T 2 F 0281 63 29 1009 3721 a 0286 T 2 N 0284 60 04 1010 0722 c 1337 0292 T 2 W 0292 60 23 9 1310 0722 2 1337 3292 T 2 N 0292 60 23 1310 0722 3 1518 3293 T 2 w 0293 60 25 1310 0722 3 1518 3293 T 2 N 0293 60 28 1310 0722 4 1658 3294 T 2 N 0294 60 30 8 9 1010 0722 13 0835 299 T 2 F 0289 60 32 1310 0722 7 2201 3332 T 2 W 0297 60 30 1010 3723 11 3443 3301 T 2 M 0301 60 32 1313 3723 14 3946 3304 .T 2 F 0304 60 32 1310 3723 1 1126 0305 T 2 F 3335 60 32 1313 0723 12 1448 3307 T 2 W 0307 63 18 1010 0723 12 1459 3 307 2 W 3307 30 10 1010 0723 4 1628 3308 T 2 N 0308 60 14 8 9 1310 0723 7 2130 3311 T 2 F 0311 63 31 1010 0724 13 0233 0314 T 2 M 0314 60 32 4 8 1 67 2 9 1310 37 24 11 3413 3315 T 2 W 0315 60 32 1010 0724 12 3554 3317 T 2 F 0316 60 24 1310 3724 14 3915 3318 T 2 F 0318 60 32 40 8 1 47 028 1010 0724 1 1056 3319 T 2 N 0319 60 32 4 8 7 4 04 9 10X1 0724 2 1237 3323 T 2 N 0320 60 32 8 9 1311 0724 3 1418 3321 T 2 N 0321 60 22 7 31 9 1311 0724 4 1558 0322 T 2 N 0322 63 24 45 92 1011 0724 6 192 3 324 T 2 N 3324 60 32 1011 0724 7 2130 0325 T 2 N 0325 60 30 8 67 1011 0725 9 0322 3329 T 1 U 0327 60 32 1 8 130 067 95 1311 0725 10 3203 0329 T 2 W 032 8 62 32 1 06 17 17 9 1011 0725 12 3524 0331 T 2 F 0330 60 32 67 02 28 1311 0725 14 3845 0332 T 2 F 0332 60 32 68 1 567 28 1311 3725 15 1026 3333 T 2 F 0333 60 32 8 1 0146 04 08 1011 0725 1 1207 3334 T 2 N 0334 60 32 8 06 01 03 80 1011 0725 2 1348 0335 T 2 N 0335 60 22 8 9 ltsll 0725 3 1528 3336 T 2 N 0336 60 32 9 1011 0725 4 1709 0337 T 2 N 0337 60 31 8 4 9314 1311 0725 5 1850 0338 T 2 N 0333 60 28 40 8 10 10 9 1011 0725 6 2930 3339 T 2 N 0339 60 27 8 01 376 9 1312 0725 8 2352 3343 T 1 M 0341 60 32 2 02 13 9 1312 0726 9 3133 0343 T 2 H 3342 60 32 1 9 1012 0726 14 3956 3 34 7 T 2 F 0347 60 32 8 1 46 8 1312 0726 1 1137 3348 T 2 N 0348 60 32 8 06 46 03 28 1012 0726 2 1318 0350 T 1 N 0349 60 32 8 1 80 1312 0726 3 1453 3350 T 2 N 0353 60 19 85 1 07 8 1312 0726 4 1639 3352 T 2 N 0351 63 27 7 45 01 259 1312 0726 6 2300 0353 T 2 N 0353 60 26 1012 0726 7 2141 3354 T 2 N 0354 63 27 9 1312 0727 9 0103 0357 T 1 W 0356 62 32 6 9 1012 0727 13 3243 3357 T 2 W 0357 60 32 26 7 9 1312 0727 11 3424 0358 T 2 w 0358 60 32 6 9 1312 0727 12 0605 3363 T 1 F 0359 60 31 6 02 26 8 1312 0727 13 3745 3360 T 2 F 0363 60 32 8 1 2756 3 1012 0727 14 3926 3361 T 2 F 0361 60 12 1 8 1 2 28 1012 0727 1 1107 3362 T 2 N 0362 60 32 8 1 07 80 1313 0727 2 1248 0363 T 1 N 0363 60 32 8 17 56 90 1013 3727 3 1428 364 T 2 N 0364 63 22 5 7 8 1013 0727 3 1428 3366 T 1 N 0364 60 14 1013 0727 4 1609 365 T 2 N 0365 60 32 4 65 07 457 01 0239 1313 0727 5 1750 0366 T 2 N 0366 60 32 8 7 37 01 9 1013 3727 6 1930 3367 T 2 N 0367 60 30 8 07 24 1013 0727 7 2111 0368 T 2 N 0368 63 26 1013 0728 9 0033 3372 T 2 W 0373 62 32 8 7 1313 0728 13 3213 3 372 T 1 W 0371 60 32 1 1013 3728 12 0535 0374 T 1 F 0373 60 32 4 8 01 067 28 1313 0728 14 0856 0375 T 1 F 0375 60 02 1013 0728 15 1337 3376 T 2 N 0376 60 32 8 1313 0723 15 1337 0377 T 1 N 0376 60 16 8 1313 0728 1 1217 3377 T 2 N 0377 63 32 8 1013 0728 2 1358 0378 T 2 N C378 60 27 9 1013 0728 5 1900 0381 T y N 0381 60 31 38 2 456 9 1014 0728 6 2341 0382 T 2 N 0382 60 26 1 8 76 71 04 1314 0729 8 0002 0386 T 1 W 0384 60 32 02 9 1014 0729 11 0505 0388 T 1 F 0387 60 32 86 067 29 1014 e729 12 3645 0388 T 2 F 0388 60 09 06 8 1014 0729 1 1147 0391 T 2 N 0391 60 32 1314 0729 2 1328 0394 T 2 N 0392 60 32 10 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP. BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (2) TABLE(3) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLEM) TAB LEO 1014 3729 3 3393 T 1 N 0393 62 05 1214 3729 3 1529 3393 T 1 W 0393 60 P5 10X4 3729 3 1517 0393 D 1 N 39 3 02 1314 3729 3 1518 3393 D 1 W 0393 26 02 1914 2729 5 1830 3395 T 2 N 3395 60 25 1014 0729 6 2311 396 T 2 N 3396 60 29 1SU4 0729 7 2152 3397 T 2 N 0397 60 2 8 1314 3730 9 3113 3403 T 1 W 2399 60 32 1314 07 33 13 2254 3 403 T 2 w 2433 60 32 1314 3730 11 3435 3401 T 2 W 3401 63 32 4 8 71 2 92 1314 0733 12 3615 3433 T 1 F 0432 6 32 85 7 1672 02 28 1014 3733 13 3756 3433 T 2 F 0403 6e 32 8 2 3671 8 1015 37 33 14 3937 3434 T 2 F 3434 60 32 04 8 01 6 054 28 1315 0733 1 1117 3435 T 2 N 0405 63 32 8 431 2 80 1315 3733 2 1258 3407 T 1 N 0436 60 32 4 8 7 21 90 1315 0733 3 1439 3438 T 2 N 0437 62 3" 4 8 06 31 9 1 1 5 0733 5 1833 3439 T 2 N 0439 63 27 1315 0730 6 1941 3413 T 2 N 0413 63 29 1315 0733 7 2122 0411 T 2 N 0411 63 28 8 7 31 03 1315 0731 9 3343 3414 T 1 w 0413 6 3 32 1315 3731 13 3224 0414 T 2 w 0414 63 32 1015 3731 11 3435 3415 T 1 w 0415 62 32 1315 0731 12 3545 3417 T 1 F 3416 63 32 3 28 17 237 03 29 1315 37 31 13 3726 0417 T 2 F 0417 63 16 2 6 3 28 1015 3731 14 3937 0418 T 2 F 0418 60 29 8 17 26 28 1315 3731 1 1347 3419 T 2 N 2419 63 32 8 7 401 80 1315 3731 2 1228 3421 T 1 N 042 3 62 32 32 8 03 01 03 90 1315 3731 3 1439 0422 T 2 N 0421 60 32 02 8 006 0126 90 1315 3731 4 1553 3422 T 1 N 3422 62 13 1316 3731 4 1553 3423 T 1 N C422 60 22 1316 0731 5 1733 0423 T 2 N 0423 63 32 8 01 1316 3731 6 1911 3424 T 2 N 0424 6 3 32 4 8 71 45 4 2 1316 3731 7 2352 042 5 T 2 N 3425 63 28 24 8 7 76 1316 0731 9 3313 3429 T 1 N 3427 6 3 32 06 29 1316 0831 IB 3154 0429 T 2 N 042 8 60 31 7 58 1316 0831 12 3515 3431 T 1 N 0433 60 31 67 5 1016 0831 13 0432 T 2 N 0431 63 31 1316 0801 14 3837 3432 T 1 N 3432 6e 32 8 1316 3831 15 1017 0433 T 2 N 0433 63 ?2 8 03 4531 8 1016 38 31 1 1158 3434 T 2 N 0434 62 32 224 8 04 4 92 1316 0831 2 1339 0436 T 1 N 0435 62 32 8 06 4 93 1316 3831 3 1519 3437 T 2 N 0436 62 32 06 7 01 9 1316 3831 4 1703 3437 T 1 N 0437 63 32 8 47 9 1316 0831 5 1841 3438 T 2 N 343 8 60 32 9 1316 38 n 6 2022 3439 T 2 H 0439 62 29 8 47 9 1017 0831 a 2343 0443 T 1 H 0441 60 32 02 6 7 145 04 9 1317 3832 9 3124 0443 T 2 N 0442 63 32 36 7 67 9 1017 0832 11 3445 3444 T 1 N 2444 62 32 68 7 04 9 1317 0832 12 3626 3446 T 1 M C445 60 32 1 6 03 7 8 1317 3832 13 3837 3446 T 2 N 0446 62 32 2 8 4 3 82 1317 3832 14 3947 3447 T 1 N 3447 63 32 2 8 4 2 82 1317 3832 1 1128 0448 T 2 N 0448 60 30 9 1017 3832 3 1449 0451 T 2 N 0453 63 28 1317 0832 4 1630 3451 T 1 N 0451 63 28 1317 3832 5 1811 3452 T 1 N 0452 63 28 1317 3832 6 1952 0453 T 1 N 0453 63 26 1317 3832 7 2132 3454 T 1 N 0454 63 30 9 1317 3833 9 3354 3457 T 2 N 0456 63 29 01 9 1317 3833 13 3234 3457 T 1 N 0457 63 28 2 31 09 9 1317 0833 11 3415 0458 T 1 N 045 8 60 29 7 9 1317 0833 12 3556 0463 T 1 N 3459 63 28 32 7 3167 92 1018 0833 13 3737 3463 T 2 N 0463 60 28 4 1 74 83 1018 0803 14 3917 3461 T 1 N 3461 60 29 4 4 036 8 1318 0833 1 1358 3462 T 1 N 0462 60 29 8 6 476 8 1318 3833 2 1239 3464 T 1 N 0463 60 29 4 8 1 6 835 1318 3803 3 1419 3465 T 2 N 3464 62 ?9 8 i) 9 1018 0833 4 1630 3465 T 1 N 0465 60 28 8 1318 3833 5 1741 3466 T 1 N 0466 60 28 8 7 67 9 1318 3833 6 1922 3467 T 1 N 0467 60 26 4 8 6 925 1318 3833 7 2132 3468 T 1 M 3468 63 25 8 17 9 1318 38 34 9 332 3 3472 T 1 N 0473 63 32 1018 08 34 10 3234 0472 T 2 N 3471 62 32 1018 3834 12 3526 3474 T 1 N 2473 62 29 1318 3834 12 3526 0475 T 1 N 347 3 60 03 1018 0804 13 3707 3474 T 2 N 0474 60 32 1018 3814 15 1028 3476 T 1 N 0476 63 29 1018 3834 1 1239 3478 T 1 N 0477 63 28 1318 0834 2 1349 0478 T 2 N 0478 63 19 1019 38 34 3 1533 3480 T 1 N 0479 63 31 1319 0834 4 1711 3483 T 2 N 0483 63 29 1 1319 3834 5 1852 0481 T 1 N 0481 60 29 11 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND l/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP. BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (2) TABLE (3) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLE14) TABLEI5) 1019 0834 6 2332 3482 T 1 N 0482 60 25 1019 08 04 8 2354 3486 T 1 N 0484 60 32 8 7 670 9 1019 0805 9 0134 0486 T 2 N 0485 60 31 18 9 1019 0835 11 3456 3487 T 1 N 0487 60 32 1 06 1019 0835 12 0637 0489 T 2 N 0488 60 32 67 9 1019 3835 13 3817 3489 T 1 N C489 60 32 02 01 027 9 1019 0835 14 3958 0493 T 2 N 3493 60 32 8 07 6 9 1019 0805 1 1139 0491 T 2 N 0491 60 30 8 1 1467 06 8 1019 3825 2 1319 0493 T 2 N 0492 60 28 4 8 07 67 02 9 1019 0835 3 1500 0494 T 1 N 0493 60 23 8 13 7 e 8 1019 3835 3 1500 0495 T 1 N 0493 63 09 9 1019 3835 4 1641 0494 T 2 N 0494 60 07 1019 0825 5 1821 0495 T 2 N 0495 60 29 8 45 92 1019 0835 6 2002 0496 T 2 N 0496 60 27 2 8 47 6 259 1019 0835 8 2324 0503 T 1 N 0493 60 32 8 672 8 1019 38C6 9 0104 0533 T 2 N 3499 60 32 18 17 9 1020 3836 11 0426 0501 T 1 N 0501 60 32 7 67 9 1020 0836 12 0606 3503 T 1 N 0532 60 32 1 67 9 1020 0836 13 0747 0503 T 2 N 0503 60 32 17 67 9 1020 08 36 14 3928 3504 T 1 N 0534 60 32 8 067 9 1020 8 36 1 1109 0505 T 1 N 0505 60 28 8 06 1457 04 9 1020 0836 2 1249 3507 T 1 N 0536 60 28 8 067 17 9 1020 8 36 3 1433 538 T 1 M 0507 60 31 4 6 3 1 85 1020 0836 4 1611 0508 T 2 N 0508 60 28 06 5 295 1020 8 36 5 1751 0509 T 1 N 0539 60 27 6 06 1 9 1020 0836 6 1932 3510 T 1 N 0513 60 28 8 06 1 1020 3 8 36 7 2113 3511 T 1 N 0511 60 25 2 5 9 1020 0807 9 3034 0514 T 1 N 0513 60 32 18 1 2 1020 0837 13 3215 0515 T 2 N 0514 60 32 00 06 9 1020 0837 11 3356 0515 T 1 N 0515 63 32 06 9 1020 8 07 12 3536 0517 T 1 N 0516 60 32 00 8 36 9 1021 0837 13 3717 0517 T 2 N 3517 62 32 8 67 9 1021 0837 14 3858 0519 T 1 N 0518 60 28 14 8 567 8 1321 0837 15 1039 3519 T 2 N 519 60 26 8 1 9 1021 0807 2 1400 0522 T 2 N 0521 60 28 28 036 9 1021 0837 3 1541 0523 T 1 N 0522 60 29 6 9 1021 0837 4 1721 0523 T 2 N 0523 63 28 9 1021 08 37 5 1902 0525 T 1 H 0524 63 27 6 07 01 9 1021 0837 6 2243 52 5 T 2 N 0525 60 26 07 01 1021 3888 8 0334 3529 T 2 N 0527 60 32 85 1 9 1021 0838 9 2145 3 529 T i M 0528 63 32 04 8 3 9 1021 0808 11 0506 0530 T 1 N 0533 60 32 8 7 2 1321 0838 12 3647 0532 T 2 N 0531 60 32 1321 0808 13 3828 0532 T 1 N 0532 62 32 8 3 9 1321 3838 14 1009 3534 T 1 N 0533 60 29 58 1 45 8 1021 0838 1 1149 3534 T 2 N 0534 62 27 4 8 31 67 03 8 1022 3838 2 1330 3536 T 2 N 0535 60 31 2 8 45 6 059 1322 0838 3 1511 3537 T 2 N 0536 60 32 1022 3808 4 1651 0537 T 1 N 0537 60 29 2 41 01 95 1322 3808 6 2C13 0539 T 2 M 0539 60 27 8 7 01 04 2 1322 0838 8 2334 0543 T 1 N 0541 60 32 8 67 1022 0839 9 3115 3543 T 2 N 0542 60 32 8 67 9 1022 8 39 11 3436 0544 T 1 N 0544 60 32 9 1322 0839 12 3617 3546 T 1 M 0545 60 32 9 1022 8 09 13 07*5 8 3546 T 2 N 0546 60 32 4 9 1322 8 39 14 0939 0547 T 1 N 0547 60 28 5 07 92 1322 0809 1 1119 0548 T 1 N 0548 60 30 2 41 4 39 1322 0839 2 1300 0553 T 1 N 0549 60 30 4 90 1022 38 09 3 1441 0551 T 2 N C553 60 30 06 4 9 1322 0809 4 1621 0551 T 1 N 0551 60 32 6 4 9 1022 0839 5 1802 0552 T 1 N 0552 60 28 1 56 9 1022 0839 6 1943 0553 T 1 N 0553 6E 29 8 7 4 2 1323 0839 7 2123 0554 T 1 H 0554 60 26 06 9 1023 0809 8' 2304 0557 T 1 M 0555 60 29 2 48 07 0136 1323 0813 9 2045 0558 T 1 N 0556 60 29 04 8 07 76 5 1023 0813 11 3406 3558 T 2 N 0558 60 29 8 1 67 9 1023 0810 12 3547 0560 T 1 N 3559 60 29 2 8 074 67 92 1023 0813 13 3728 3560 T 2 N 0560 60 28 8 07 67 8 1023 0813 14 0908 0561 T 1 N 0561 63 28 8 8 1023 0813 1 1049 0562 T 1 N 0562 60 30 58 67 80 1023 0813 2 1230 0564 T 1 N 0563 60 30 4 01 6 08 1323 3810 3 1411 0565 T 2 N 0564 63 23 7 9 1023 3813 4 1551 3566 T 1 N 0565 60 32 01 932 1023 0810 6 1913 0567 T 1 N 0567 60 28 58 7 4 04 9 1323 0811 7 2053 0568 T 1 N 0568 60 27 8 17 01 4 1023 0811 9 3015 0572 T 1 N 0570 60 29 09 58 17 67 1323 3811 10 3156 0572 T 2 N 3571 60 28 8 7 6 95 1023 0811 12 3517 0574 T 1 N 0573 60 12 1323 0811 12 3517 0575 T 1 N 0573 60 19 2 1023 0811 13 0658 0575 T 2 N 0574 60 22 9 9 1324 0811 15 1019 0576 T 1 N 0576 60 28 8 7 8 12 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND f/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP BANDS CLOUD V1ISCEL- PASS M C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB. TABLE (2) TABLEO) FEATURES LANEOUS 1"ABLE(6) TABLEI4) TABLE15) 1024 0811 1 1200 0577 T 1 N 0577 60 30 6 07 7 06 80 1324 0811 2 1341 £579 T 1 N 0578 60 29 17 67 90 1024 0811 3 1521 0580 T 2 N 0579 60 29 7 9 1024 0811 4 1702 3580 T 1 N 0580 60 28 16 01 9 1024 0811 5 1843 0581 T 1 N 0581 60 28 1024 0811 6 2023 0582 T 1 N 0582 60 27 14 8 17 01 04 1024 0811 8 2345 0586 T 1 N 0584 60 28 68 017 6 1024 0812 9 0126 0586 T 2 N 0585 60 27 68 17 6 58 1024 0812 11 0447 0587 T 1 N 0587 60 32 17 067 8 1024 0812 12 0628 0589 T 1 H 3588 60 28 28 8 1024 0812 13 3838 3589 T 2 N 0589 60 28 8 1024 0812 14 0949 0593 T 2 N 0590 60 32 6 1 6 28 1324 3812 1 1130 0591 T 2 N 0591 60 31 6 017 46 08 1024 0812 2 1311 0593 T 7. N 0592 60 31 1025 0812 3 1451 3 594 T 1 N 0593 60 32 8 4 9 1025 0812 4 1632 3594 T 2 N 594 60 32 4 8 1 92 1025 0812 4 1652 3594 D 2 M 0594 01 1025 0812 5 1813 3595 T 2 N 0595 60 31 1025 0812 6 1953 0596 T 2 N 0596 60 32 1025 0812 7 2134 0597 T 2 N 0597 60 32 1025 0813 q 0356 0600 T 1 N 0599 60 30 8 17 67 935 1025 0813 10 3236 0600 T 2 N 0603 60 29 8 170 6 93 1025 0813 11 3417 3601 T 2 N 0631 60 26 1 8 17 367 05 932 1025 0813 12 0558 0603 T 1 N 0602 60 29 28 017 67 239 1025 0813 3 1421 3607 T 2 N 0607 60 04 1025 0813 3 1421 0608 T 1 N 0607 60 30 8 1 Id 35 1025 3813 4 1632 3608 T 2 N 0638 60 04 1025 3813 4 1613 3608 D 2 N 0608 22 02 1025 0813 5 1743 3609 T 1 N 0609 60 32 8 9 1025 0813 6 1923 3613 T 1 N 0613 63 32 4 8 3 9 1025 0813 7 2104 0611 T 1 N 0611 60 32 4 8 3 9 1025 0614 9 32 5 0615 T 1 N 0613 60 32 4 8 17 62 53 1025 0814 12 0528 3617 T 1 N 0616 63 32 4 85 3760 67 £ 93 1026 0814 14 3849 0618 T 1 N 0618 60 28 8 1026 0814 15 1030 3619 T 1 N 0619 60 29 8 7 52 07 8 1026 3814 1 1210 0620 T 1 N 062 3 60 30 4 8 03 42 90 1026 0814 2 1351 3622 T 1 N 0621 60 29 072 90 1026 0814 3 1542 0622 D 1 N 62 2 30 12 1026 0814 4 1713 623 T 1 N 0823 60 29 24 4 01 9 1026 3814 5 1853 0624 T 1 N 0624 60 32 a 3 3 9 1026 0814 6 2 334 3625 T 1 N 0625 60 32 3 36 1026 0815 9 0136 0629 T 1 N 0628 60 30 02 28 017 6 359 1026 0815 11 3458 0630 T 1 N 0633 60 30 1026 0815 12 0638 3632 T 1 N 0631 60 11 1026 0815 14 1000 0633 T 1 N 0633 60 29 7 45 8 1026 0815 1 1140 0634 T 1 N 0634 60 30 04 8 472 8 1026 0815 2 1321 0636 T 1 N 0635 60 29 14 8 01 06 90 1026 0815 3 1512 3636 1 N 0636 30 12 1026 0815 4 1643 3637 T 1 N 0637 60 29 8 67 47 82 1026 0815 5 1823 3638 T 1 N 0638 60 32 28 3154 9 28 1027 0815 6 2004 0639 T 1 N 0639 6 32 1 1 01 5 1327 0815 7 2145 0640 T 1 N 0640 60 29 4 8 09 2467 1027 0816 10 0247 0643 T 1 N 0643 60 32 8 1027 0816 11 0428 3644 T 1 N 0644 60 32 9 1027 0816 12 ■3638 3646 T 1 N 0645 60 32 8 1027 0816 14 0930 3647 T 1 N 0647 60 32 1 6 92 1027 0816 1 1110 0648 T 1 N 0648 60 29 47 02 8 1027 0816 2 1251 3650 T 1 N 3649 60 29 4 68 10 90 1027 0816 3 1442 3653 D 1 N 0650 30 10 6 4 9 1027 0816 4 1613 0651 T 1 N 0651 60 33 1 8 67 4 01 82 1027 0816 5 1753 0652 T 1 N 0652 60 30 5 7 21 59 1027 0816 6 1934 3653 T 1 N 0653 60 33 1 4 1 0347 25 1027 0816 7 2115 0654 T 1 N 0654 60 28 1 04 1 59 1027 0817 10 3217 0657 T 1 N 0657 60 32 9 1027 0817 11 0357 0658 T 1 N 0658 60 29 9 1027 0817 13 0719 3663 T 1 N 0663 60 30 2 2 9 1028 0817 14 0900 0661 T 1 N 3661 60 32 07 9 1028 0817 15 1040 0662 T 1 N 0662 63 30 8 7 4 8 1028 0817 1 1221 3663 T 1 N 0663 63 30 1 8 90 1028 0817 2 1402 0664 T 1 N 0664 60 20 8 9 1028 0817 2 1413 3664 D 1 N 0664 30 02 1028 0817 3 1542 0665 T 1 N 0665 60 29 40 8 01 9 1028 0817 4 1723 0666 T 1 N 3666 60 31 58 12 1 925 1028 0817 5 1904 3667 T 1 N 0667 60 32 407 2 1028 3817 6 2045 3668 T 1 N 0668 60 32 87 03 126 5 1028 0818 9 0147 0672 T 1 N 671 63 32 1328 0818 12 0649 0674 T 1 N 0674 60 32 1028 0818 13 3830 0675 T 1 N 0675 60 32 8 1028 0818 14 1010 0676 T 1 N 0676 60 30 8 4 8 1028 0818 1 1151 0677 T 1 N 0677 60 30 8 4 8 1028 0818 3 1512 0679 T 1 N 0679 60 23 13 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGENO F/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP. BANDS TABLE (3) CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB. TABLE (2) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLEM) TABLE(5) 1028 0818 4 0683 T L N 0683 60 03 1028 0818 5 1834 0681 T I N 0681 60 30 8 3457 8 1029 0818 6 2015 0682 T L N 06>82 60 29 8 067 67 8 1029 0819 9 0117 0686 T L N 0685 60 30 08 70 8 1029 0819 11 3438 0687 T L N 0687 60 32 5 07 8 1029 0819 13 0800 0689 T L N 0689 60 29 4 5 9 1029 0819 14 0940 0690 T L N 3690 60 32 8 1329 0819 1 1121 3691 T L N 0691 60 30 8 4 8 1029 0819 2 13C2 0692 T L N 0692 63 29 1 8 7 450 80 1029 0819 3 1442 0693 T L N C693 63 23 4 8 1029 0819 4 1623 0694 T L N 0694 60 30 8 01 82 1029 0819 5 1804 3695 T L N 0695 63 30 28 7 7 8 1029 0819 6 1945 0696 T L N 0696 60 29 8 47 467 06 3 1029 0819 7 2125 0697 T L N 3697 60 28 04 8 167 167 83 1029 0823 10 0227 0700 T L N 0700 60 16 2 6 46 1 1029 0823 11 0428 0701 T L N 0701 60 30 8 9 1029 0820 13 3733 0703 T L N 0733 60 29 5 07 8 1029 0820 14 0910 0704 T L N 0734 63 17 a 1030 0820 1 1051 3705 T L N 0705 60 31 4 3 04 1030 0820 2 1232 0706 T L N 0706 60 29 023 9 1030 0820 3 1412 0707 T L N 0737 60 22 1 7 9 1030 0823 4 1553 0708 T L N 0708 60 32 7 95 1030 0820 5 1734 0709 T L N 0739 60 30 68 073 37 9 1030 0820 7 2055 0711 T L N 0711 63 28 1030 0821 10 0157 0715 T L N 0714 63 29 7 85 1030 0821 13 0659 0717 T L N 0717 60 33 8 16 17 62 8 1330 0821 14 0840 3718 T I N 0718 60 14 8 1030 3821 15 1021 0719 T t N 0719 60 29 2 9 1030 0821 1 1202 0720 T I N 0723 60 32 8 3 67 9 1030 0821 3 1523 0723 T L N 0722 63 22 2 8 1 7 851 1030 0821 5 1844 0724 T L N 0724 60 32 2 95 1030 0821 6 2025 0725 T L N 0725 60 28 68 5 7 1030 0822 9 0127 0732 T L N C728 60 29 06 1 9 1030 0822 14 3951 0733 T L N 0733 60 29 8 4 8 1031 0822 1 1132 0734 T 1 N 0734 60 30 8 71 2 9 1031 0822 3 1453 0736 T I N 0736 60 24 1 1 3 9 1031 0822 4 1634 3737 T L N 0737 60 31 2 8 0167 9 1031 0822 5 1814 0738 T L N 0738 60 31 28 7 347 01 95 1031 0822 6 1955 0739 T L N 0739 63 29 9 1031 0822 7 2136 3740 T I N 0740 60 27 9 1031 0823 10 3238 0743 T L N 0743 60 29 86 7 9 1031 0823 11 3419 0744 T L N 0744 60 32 1 8 70 9 1031 0823 12 3559 0746 T , N 0745 60 29 4 7 7 017 03 8 1031 0823 14 0921 0747 T i N 0747 60 32 4 8 1 8 1031 0823 1 1102 0748 T t M 0748 60 30 1031 0823 2 1242 0749 T , N 0749 63 32 4 8 1 9 1031 0823 3 1423 0753 T , N 0753 60 26 07 9 1031 0823 4 1634 3751 T L N 0751 60 32 5 07 9 1031 0823 5 1744 0752 T I N 0752 60 32 8 07 37 9 1032 0823 6 1925 0753 T L N 0753 60 29 18 07 0365 95 1032 0823 7 2106 0754 T , N 3754 60 26 8 01 23 95 1332 0824 10 0208 0758 T , N 0757 60 30 4 7 9 1032 0824 12 0529 0760 T L N 3759 60 28 8 670 31 92 1032 0824 14 0761 T ] t N 0761 60 06 1032 0824 15 1331 0762 t ; I N 0762 60 30 8 9 1032 0824 1 1212 0763 T ] L N 0763 60 31 8 067 23 9 1332 0824 2 1353 3764 T . N 0764 60 25 08 67 9 1032 0824 3 1534 0765 T 1 L N 0765 60 23 1 8 67 3 9 1032 0824 4 1714 0766 t ; I N 0766 60 32 8 3 9 1032 0824 5 1855 0767 T j I H 0767 60 32 1 238 07 2 8 1032 0824 6 2036 0768 T ! I N 0768 60 29 58 1 07 1332 0825 9 0138 3772 t ; t N 0771 60 32 1 8 17 9 1032 0825 11 0459 0773 t : , N 0773 60 29 07 01 92 1032 0825 12 0640 0775 T t N 0774 60 31 2 17 1033 0825 14 1001 0776 T ] t N 0776 60 29 4 8 30 05 04 8 1333 0825 1 1142 0777 T ] I N 0777 60 30 8 3 80 1033 0825 3 1504 0779 T ] N 0779 60 24 84 17 8 1033 0825 4 1644 0783 T ] N 0780 60 31 02 8 1 9 1033 0825 5 1825 3781 T 1 N 0781 60 31 9 1033 0825 6 2006 0782 T ! I N 3782 60 29 14 128 016 7 4 1033 3826 9 0108 0786 T ] i N 0785 60 29 6 1 674 9 1033 0826 11 0429 0787 T ] N 0787 60 28 6 9 1033 0826 12 0613 3789 T ] , N 0788 60 31 17 8 1033 0826 14 0931 0793 T : N 0790 60 28 8 017 8 1033 0826 1 1112 0791 T ] N 0791 60 32 2 8 4740 3 853 1033 0826 3 1433 3793 T ! N 0793 60 22 5 7 9 1033 0826 4 1614 0794 T ] t H 0794 60 30 58 107 Id 329 1033 0826 5 1755 0795 T ] I N 0795 60 31 1033 0826 6 1936 0796 T ] N 0796 60 29 4 18 6 6 1033 0826 7 2116 0797 T ] N 0797 60 29 8 1034 0827 11 0359 0801 T ] . N | 0801 60 31 3 4 9 14 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL ANC OTHER FEATURES EXTROP TROP BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M c s PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (21 TABLED) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLE(I) TABLE(S) 1334 0827 12 3545; 3803 T I N 0802 60 31 41 26 07 7 9 1134 0827 14 0901 0804 T , N 0804 60 31 8 e 67 04 8 1234 0827 15 1042 0805 T , N 3805 60 33 8 17 4 9 1334 0827 1 1223 0806 T I N 0806 60 32 3 8 07 3 9 12134 3827 2 1433 3807 T L N 0837 60 25 4 2 017 9 1(534 0827 3 1544 0808 T N 0808 60 23 2 8 017 45 9 1034 3827 4 1725 0809 T L N 0809 62 30 1 8 7 3 1 9 1034 0827 5 1906 0810 T N 0813 60 30 358 06 1334 0827 6 2046 0811 T L M 0811 60 29 28 01 7 1.334 0828 9 3815 T L N 0814 60 IX 1334 0828 11 0510 0817 T N 0816 60 32 12 5 04 07 92 1334 3828 13 0831 3818 T N 0818 60 32 1334 0828 14 1012 0819 T ] 1 N 0819 60 31 2 8 40 4 a 8 1034 0828 1 1153 0823 T I M 0823 62 31 19 8 017 0346 9 1034 0828 3 1514 3822 T . L M 0822 60 24 4 1 1 127 04 9 1335 0828 4 1655 0823 T L N 0823 60 30 31 84 4 2 1035 0828 5 1836 0824 T L N e824 62 29 38 37 9 1335 0828 6 2316 0825 T ] N 0825 60 30 8 1 06 1035 0829 9 3118 3 829 T I N 0828 60 32 28 06 9 1035 0829 11 3440 0830 T ' L N 0830 60 32 9 1035 0829 12 0621 3832 T 1 t M 0831 60 32 750 9 1035 3829 14 0942 0833 T ] I N 0833 60 32 ■* 9 1035 0829 1 1123 3834 T , N 0834 60 32 1 8 7 3452 90 1035 0829 3 1444 0836 T ] I N 0836 60 24 1 027 02 8 1335 0829 4 1625 3 837 T ] I N 0837 60 25 8 1 145 82 1035 0829 5 1805 3838 T ' N 0838 63 31 24 61 1245 28 1035 0829 6 1946 0839 T ] N 0839 60 31 1 13 28 1035 0829 7 2127 0840 T - N 0843 60 29 38 7 1035 0830 13 0843 t : N 0843 60 32 1035 0833 11 0410 0844 T " N 0844 60 32 20 4 3 9 1035 0830 12 3553 3846 T 3 N 0845 60 32 02 9 1036 0830 14 0912 0847 t ; N 0847 60 32 4 8 9 1036 0830 1 1053 3848 T . N 0848 63 30 41 8 0167 345 82 1036 0830 2 1233 3 849 T ] N 0849 60 30 1 8 710 21 07 80 1336 8 3,0 3 1414 0850 T I N 3853 60 24 8 0137 7 e 8 1036 0833 4 1555 0851 t : N 0851 60 21 48 17 045 92 1336 2830 5 1735 3852 T - t N 0852 60 31 1 8 e 05 9 1036 0830 6 1916 0853 t : I N 0853 60 29 2 06 4 9 1036 0830 7 2057 0854 T L N 0854 62 29 4 8 076 7 9 1036 0831 10 3858 T ' I N 0857 60 31 1336 0831 12 0520 0860 T J I N £859 60 32 8 9 1036 0831 14 3842 0861 t : I N 0861 62 32 4 8 C 9 1036 0831 15 1023 0862 t ; N 862 60 31 04 8 016 53 046 9 1336 3831 i 1203 0863 t : I M 0863 60 31 8 017 3 80 1036 0831 2 1344 0865 T j N 0864 60 20 4 8 367 9 1036 3831 2 1356 0864 D I N 3864 01 1036 0831 3 1535 0865 D j I N 0865 30 02 1036 0831 4 1705 0866 t : N C866 60 27 8 0167 347 015 59 1037 0831 5 1846 0867 T 1 IM 0867 60 30 80 e 401 9 1337 0831 6 2027 3868 t : N 0868 60 29 4 8 01 C 1037 0901 9 0129 3872 T I N 3871 60 32 9 1037 0931 11 3450 3873 T ] I N 0873 60 32 70 £ 9 1337 0901 12 3631 3875 T ] M C874 62 32 70 ii 1037 3901 14 09.52 0876 t : N 0876 60 32 8 1 9 1037 0901 1 1133 877 T ] I N C877 60 30 8 07 1037 0901 3 1455 0879 T ] N 0879 60 26 08 1 07 9 1037 0931 4 1635 880 T ] N 3880 60 32 48 47 1 9 1037 0901 5 1816 3881 T 1 I N £.881 6 31 1 8 1037 0901 6 1957 0882 T j M 0882 63 29 7 01 1037 0901 7 2137 0883 T ] rg 0883 60 27 8 06 01 1037 0902 13 0240 0886 T i N 0886 60 32 07 9 1337 0902 11 3420 3887 T : N 0887 60 32 0673 9 1037 0932 12 2601 0889 t : N 0888 62 25 8 7 9 1037 0902 14 0922 0893 t : I N 0890 60 32 9 1038 0932 1 1103 0891 T 3 N 0891 62 30 8 06 9 1038 0932 3 1425 0893 t : I M 0893 60 25 71 9 1338 0932 4 1605 3894 T ' I N 0894 60 28 08 1 50 9 1038 0902 5 1746 0895 t : N 0895 60 30 8 9 1038 0932 6 1927 3 896 T ! N 0896 60 29 8 07 014 2 1038 0902 7 2107 0897 t : H 0897 60 31 1338 0933 10 3210 0901 T ! N 0903 60 32 8 06 9 1038 0903 12 0531 0903 T . L N 0902 62 32 8 67 05 92 1038 0933 14 0852 0904 t : I N 0904 60 32 24 38 164 5 8 1038 0903 15 1033 0905 T ! N 0905 62 32 8 34 5 8 1038 0903 1 1214 0906 T N 0906 60 31 8 7 8 1038 0933 2 1355 3907 T ' L N 0907 62 24 4 7 7 1038 0903 3 1535 0908 t ; N 0908 60 25 08 9 1038 0933 4 1716 3909 T I N 0909 60 31 8 67 9 1038 0933 5 1857 0910 T I N 0913 63 29 18 4 9 1039 0933 6 2037 0911 T ' . N 0911 60 29 04 01 01 1339 0904 9 0140 3915 T . I N 0914 60 32 4 3 07 256 B 8 15 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL ANC OTHER FEATURES EXTROP TROP. BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M c s PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (2) TABLE (3) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLEI6) TABLEM) TABLE (5) 1339 0934 11 0501 3916 T I N 0916 60 32 5 7 2 50 92 1039 0904 12 3642 0918 T I N 0917 60 30 8 1339 0934 14 1033 3919 T L N 0919 60 32 8 1 8 1039 09 34 1 1144 0920 T I N 092 60 31 4 8 1 6 80 1039 09 04 2 1324 922 T I N 0921 60 32 8 1 7 9 1039 0934 3 1515 0922 D 1 N C922 30 10 1 8 1239 0934 * 1646 3 92 3 T I N C923 60 32 4 8 01 92 1339 0934 5 1827 0924 T L N 3924 60 29 82 60 014 a 9 1039 0904 6 2037 92 5 T L N 0925 60 30 4 01 1039 3905 10 3109 0929 T L N 3928 60 31 28 06 67 9 1039 0905 11 0431 0933 T L N 093 3 60 32 2 8 4 72 92 1039 0905 12 3612 0932 T I M 0931 60 32 27 06 82 1039 0905 14 0933 933 T t N 0933 60 32 1 4 1 67 28 1039 3905 1 1112 0934 T t N 0934 60 32 8 17 67 08 1040 0905 2 1254 0936 T L N 0935 63 31 58 1 7 9 1040 0935 3 1445 0936 D L N 0936 30 08 1040 0905 4 1616 0937 T I N 0937 60 25 1040 39 05 5 1757 0938 T L N 0938 60 30 7 34 9 1040 0905 6 1937 3939 T L N 0939 60 32 7 3 1040 3935 7 2118 0943 T N 0940 60 32 8 00 SS 1343 "1906 10 3220 0943 T I N 3943 60 32 8 06 2 02 9 1040 0936 11 0401 0944 T . I N 3944 60 32 8 67 2 06 8 1040 0906 12 0542 0946 T I N 0945 60 32 7 7 bZ 82 1040 0936 14 3903 0947 T I N 0947 60 31 2 47 02 8 1040 3936 15 1044 0948 T L N 0948 60 32 2 8 1 7 08 1040 0936 1 1224 3949 T I N P949 60 32 2 8 1 09 1040 3936 2 1405 0950 T N 3953 60 24 8 1 9 1040 0935 3 1546 0951 T L H 0951 63 22 4 5 9 1040 0936 4 1727 3952 T I L Nl 0952 60 31 8 17 07 9 1040 3936 5 1907 0953 T I N 0953 60 32 8 07 4 9 1041 0936 6 2348 0954 T L N 0954 60 29 8 317 6 2 1041 3937 9 0153 0958 T - , N 3957 60 26 08 1 6 9 IJ41 0907 11 3511 3960 t : N 0959 60 32 7 27 05 92 1041 0907 13 0833 0961 T I N 0961 60 32 8 1041 0937 14 1014 3962 T ] I N 0962 60 32 04 7 31 8 1041 0907 1 1154 0963 T 3 N 0963 60 30 8 01 80 1041 0937 2 1335 0965 T : , N 0964 60 31 8 01 9 1041 0907 3 1526 0965 d : L N 0965 30 10 9 1041 0937 4 1656 0966 T ] i N 0966 60 31 06 014 9 1041 0907 5 1837 3967 T I N 0967 60 28 1041 0907 6 2018 0968 T ] , N 0968 60 32 87 1341 093 8 9 3120 0972 T N 0971 60 32 8 SI 9 1341 0938 11 0441 0973 T N 0973 60 32 2 2 92 1041 3938 12 0622 0975 T t N 0974 60 32 21 82 1041 0938 14 3944 0976 T ] N 0976 63 32 4 8 7 8 1041 0908 1 1124 3977 T ] M 0977 63 31 4 8 01 80 1042 0908 2 1305 0978 T j N 0978 60 33 014 80 1042 0908 3 1446 0979 t ; N 0979 60 20 5 7 06 9 1342 0908 3 1460 0979 d : N D979 63 02 1042 3908 4 1626 0983 T ] H 0983 60 31 08 06 04 9 1042 0938 5 1807 39R1 T ] N 0981 60 30 28 017 2 8 1042 0918 6 1948 0982 t : N 0982 60 30 8 03 7 1042 0908 7 2129 0983 t : N 0983 60 29 04 8 07 1 1042 3909 10 0231 0986 T ] N 0986 60 32 15 8 1342 0939 11 0411 0987 T ] N 0987 63 27 8 9 1042 0909 12 0552 0989 t : N 0988 60 32 8 1042 3909 14 0914 3993 t : N 0990 60 32 7 4 06 8 1042 0939 3 1416 0993 t : M 0993 60 21 8 9 1042 0909 4 1556 0994 T ] H 0994 60 21 4 9 1042 0909 5 1737 0995 T 1 N 0995 60 32 6 1 9 1042 0909 6 1918 0996 T 1 N 0996 60 33 8 17 3 1042 09 09 7 2058 3997 T ] N 0997 60 28 04 8 07 61 1043 0910 10 0201 1001 T ] N 1003 60 31 24 08 01 9 1043 0913 12 0522 1003 T ] N 1002 60 30 12 7 9 1043 0913 14 384 3 1004 T 1 M 1004 60 30 8 1043 0910 15 1024 1005 T 1 N 1005 60 30 8 1043 0910 1 1205 1006 T 1 N 1336 60 29 4 8 06 01 03 8 1043 0910 2 1346 1007 T ] N 1037 60 21 7 9 1043 0910 3 1526 1008 T ] N 1038 60 21 1 67 9 1043 0910 4 1707 1009 T ] N 1009 60 29 18 4 9 1343 0910 5 1848 1010 T ] N 1010 60 32 18 30 7 9 1043 0910 8 2350 1015 T ] N 1013 60 30 7 94 1043 0911 11 0452 1016 T ] N 1016 60 30 1 8 1 29 1043 0911 12 3633 1018 T ] N 1017 60 29 5 01 7 8 1043 3911 14 0954 1019 T ] N 1019 60 29 4 8 16 8 1343 3911 1 1135 1020 T ] N 1023 60 30 7 04 03 8 1043 0911 3 1456 1022 T ] N 1322 60 23 70 2 9 1044 0911 4 1637 1323 T ] N 1023 60 29 1 8 7 a 82 1044 0911 5 1818 1024 T ] N 1024 60 30 8 7 8 1044 0911 6 1958 1025 T ] N 1025 60 28 8 7 4 1044 0911 7 2139 1026 T ] Nl 1026 60 28 ! 02 7 046 27 04 16 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL AND OTHER FEATURES EXTROP TROP. BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS H C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB TABLE (2) TABLEI3) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLEM) TABLEI5) 1244 3912 10 0241 1329 T I N 1029 60 30 4 1 7 8 1044 0912 11 0422 1030 T ] L N 1030 63 30 8 29 1044 0912 12 3603 1032 T I N 11331 60 30 15 7 8 1044 0912 14 0924 1033 T ] I N 1033 60 30 8 8 1044 0912 1 1105 1034 T I N 1034 63 30 8 50 8 1344 3912 2 1245 1035 T ] I N 1035 60 32 8 2 80 1044 0912 3 1426 1036 T ] I N 1036 60 21 8 9 1044 0912 4 1637 1037 T L N 1037 60 30 456 25 82 1044 3912 5 1748 1038 t ; L N 1038 60 31 8 2 92 1044 0912 6 1928 1039 T i N 1039 60 30 85 4 2 2 1044 0912 7 2109 1040 T J L N 1040 60 29 1 00 2 1045 0913 13 0211 1043 T I N 1043 60 25 7 8 1045 0913 11 0352 1044 T ] , N 1044 60 30 8 01 7 8 1345 3913 12 0533 1046 T ] I N 1045 60 30 4 07 3 7 28 1045 0913 14 0854 1347 T i t N 1047 60 29 8 6 8 1045 0913 15 1035 1048 T ] t N 1048 60 22 04 07 4 9 1045 0913 1 1215 1349 T j I N 1049 60 29 14 8 07 224 9 1045 0913 2 1356 1350 T ] N 1053 60 24 8 9 1045 0913 3 1537 1351 T ] I N 1051 60 22 8 01 9 1045 0913 4 1718 1352 t : N 1052 60 30 8 70 02 2 9 1345 0913 5 1858 1053 t ; L N 1053 60 29 13 7 5 20 1045 0913 8 3303 1358 t ; L N 1056 63 31 58 67 Id 9 1045 0914 11 0503 1059 t : I N 1059 60 30 8 1 28 1045 0914 14 1305 1065 T ! t N 1062 60 30 4 8 2 9 1045 0914 4 1647 1066 T ] L N 1066 60 30 17 47 9 1345 0914 5 1828 1067 T ] I N 1067 60 30 04 1 1 47 9 1346 0915 9 0111 1072 t : N 1071 60 30 268 067 4 9 1346 0915 11 0432 1373 T ] N 1073 63 25 8 9 1046 0915 12 0613 1075 t : N 1074 60 29 07 8 1046 0915 14 3935 1076 T L N 1076 60 29 8 1 8 1046 3915 1 1115 1077 T ] , N 1077 60 29 8 17 75 22 709 1046 0915 2 1256 1078 T ] I N 1078 60 29 8 17 7 2 90 1046 0915 3 1437 1080 T ] H 1079 63 31 70 90 1046 0915 4 1629 1080 D 2 N 1080 30 09 1046 3915 5 1758 1081 T ] I N 1081 60 29 47 50 9 1346 3915 6 1939 1082 T ] I N 1082 62 30 1 18 06 42 1046 0915 7 2120 1083 T 1 , N 1083 60 28 1046 0916 13 3222 1086 T ] N 1386 60 30 07 9 1046 0916 11 3402 1087 T ] N 1087 60 28 4 9 1046 3916 12 0543 1089 T 1 , N 1388 60 33 7 92 1346 0916 14 0905 1090 T ] N 1093 60 30 70 4 8 1047 0916 15 1045 1091 T ] I N 1091 60 31 4 8 106 2 3 1047 0916 1 1226 1092 T ] i N 1092 60 33 38 17 37 8 1047 0916 2 1407 1093 T 1 N 1093 60 20 2 8 47 06 8 1347 0916 3 1547 1094 T ] N 1094 60 30 85 7 8 1347 0916 3 1557 1094 D ] N 1094 02 1347 0916 4 1728 1095 T ] L N U)95 60 32 8 172 82 1047 0916 5 1909 1096 T : I N 1096 60 31 18 7124 2 1047 0916 6 2050 1397 T 1 L N 1097 60 29 8 427 1047 0917 9 0152 1101 T : N 1103 60 31 1 07 b 9 1047 0917 11 0513 1103 T 1 L N 1102 60 31 1 9 1047 0917 13 3834 1104 t : N 1104 60 30 8 1047 0917 14 1015 1105 T ] N 1105 60 31 8 016 2 92 1047 0917 1 1156 1106 t : I N 1106 60 32 02 8 04 067 2 80 1347 0917 2 1337 1108 T ] I N 1107 60 32 2 38 1 67 38 1047 0917 3 1527 1108 o : I N 1108 30 10 1347 0917 4 1658 1109 T ] N 1109 60 32 4 8 1 047 23 80 1047 0917 5 1838 1110 t : I N 1110 60 30 8 29 1048 0917 6 2019 1111 t i N 1111 60 29 8 6 1048 0918 9 0122 1115 T J N 1114 63 31 3 017 21 9 1048 0918 11 3443 1116 T ] L N 1116 63 32 4 6 01 9 1048 0918 12 0624 1118 T ] I N 1117 63 30 6 014 09 8 1048 0918 14 0945 1119 T ] L N 1119 63 33 01 8 1048 0918 1 1126 1122 T ] N 1120 60 30 8 1 83 1048 3918 4 1628 1124 T ] t N 1123 63 30 8 1 4 82 1048 0918 6 1949 1125 T ] , N 1125 60 33 1 1 7 1048 3918 7 2130 1126 t : L N 1126 60 27 8 1 7 1048 3919 10 0232 1129 t : L N 1129 60 19 4 6 7 9 1048 0919 12 0554 1132 T ] L N 1131 60 30 07 9 1048 0919 14 0915 1133 T ] N 1133 63 32 4 160 8 1348 0919 1 1056 1134 T ] N 1134 60 31 124 8 1048 0919 2 1237 1136 T 1 I N 1135 60 32 2 4 2 90 1048 0919 4 1558 1137 T ] N 1137 63 31 7 13 047 82 1049 0919 5 1739 1138 T L N 1138 60 31 8 01 1672 05 92 1349 0919 6 1919 1139 T t N 1139 60 30 1 18 1 7 1049 0919 7 2100 1140 t : L N 1140 60 28 8 1 9 1349 0920 10 2202 1144 T ] N 1143 60 31 4 1 76 9 1049 0920 12 3524 1146 T ] I N 1145 60 30 067 01 92 1049 3923 14 3845 1147 T 1 I N 1147 60 30 4 07 014 8 1049 0923 15 1026 1148 T J I N 1148 60 31 1 457 8 1049 0923 1 | 1206 1149 T I N 1149 63 32 5 716 42 90 17 REEL DATE TRACK TIME FILM LEGEND P/T FRAME METEOROLOGICAL ANC OTHER FEATURES EXTROP. TROP. BANDS CLOUD MISCEL- PASS M C S PASS Tl US CIRC. TABLE (1) DISTURB. TABLE (2) TABLE13) FEATURES LANEOUS TABLE (6) TABLEI4) TABLE(5) 1049 0923 2 1347 1150 T J N 1150 60 24 1 073 76 9 1049 0923 3 1528 1151 T ] N 1151 60 23 76 9 1049 0920 3 1543 1151 D 1 N lt51 10 12 1049 0923 4 17B9 1152 T ] t N 1152 6£ 32 01 4260 9 1049 0923 5 1849 1153 T ] N 1153 60 30 8 14 9 1049 0920 6 2030 1154 T ] N 1154 60 29 8 16 1 1049 0921 9 0132 1158 T ] N 1157 60 31 3 9 1049 0921 11 3454 1159 T ] N 1159 60 16 2 4 92 1050 0921 12 0634 1161 T ] N 1160 60 32 8 016 70 2 9 1050 0921 14 3956 1162 T ] N 1162 60 31 76 9 1350 0921 1 1136 1163 T 1 L N 1163 63 32 12 8 04 1245 fc3 90 1050 39 21 2 1317 1165 T ] L N 1164 60 30 07 247 90 1350 0921 3 1533 1165 D I N 1165 30 10 1050 0921 4 1639 1166 T I N 1166 60 31 7 0136 1467 01 92 1350 3921 5 1819 1167 T : i N 1167 60 29 68